. ■ AND . ' U • ELECTROPATHY AND Homceopathy Combined. A New and Complete System of Therapeutics of MEDICAL ELECTRICITY, BY PHILANDER SHEDD, M.D., 'M and; CLARK OTIS, M. D. This new system of practice involves ne\j| ^njcil^fc A new system of Diagnpsis^a^CE23iliib&ipn of Disease aptfsis CHICAGO: Halsey Bros., Kt Publishers. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1882, by CL A RK O TIS, M. D., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, PRESS OF THE YATES COUNTY CHRONfcLE, PENN YAN, N.Y/ PREFACE. Having been obliged so write out the principles of Electro-Therapeutics, as herein given, in a num- ber of instances much less complete, however, than the present work for individual practitioners, who were desirous of me to put it in book form, as well as many others of the profession having made the same request, I have thought best to comply, knowing that it is not as exhaustive as other works on electricty; it was not my purpose to make it such. The idea of condensing as much as possi- ble, and more to the point in subject, with refer- ence to its being carried in the pocket; Simplicity of language ; Omitting the more technical phraseo- logy of medical terms, has been the authors' ob- ject from first tJ last; To meet the wants of the busy practitioner, while out on his. circuit of visit- ing ; In short, a ready reference at the sick room has been the sole object in this little book The Electro-Therapeutic principles herein given, has 6 PREFACE. been an unvaried source of success in my practice in the treatment of disease. With Dr. Shedd, who was the originator of the principles of Electro- Therapeutics, as herein given, over thirty years since, those who knew him, and of his exten- sive practice in the treatment of chronic diseases, during all these past years, cannot fail to admit that he has gone far beyond the average practition- er, in the successful cure of disease. With the fact that the Electro-Theraputics, as herein given, hav- ing been verified so long by him, as well as my- self-fifteen years, I present this book to the pro- fession, hoping the study of its contents will be of as much benefit to the reader as it has been to us. Clark Otis, M. D. EDICAL MEN AND Electricians have for ages, been aware of the virtues of Electricity as a Thera- peutic agent and have, from their own random experiments, produced cures, the most astonishing cures that have set at defiance, the philosophy of the medical world for a solution. But, on further investigation of the subject, they have suffered dis- appointment, as the same success seldom attended their efforts ; and from this fact the application of Electricity has been looked upon as doubtful and unworthy of confidence, and if relief came from its application, it was a matter of chance, rather than that of certainty. Great evil as well as good has re- sulted from the reckless and indiscriminate use of Electricity. It has been applied by the learned and unlearned, haphazard, without any assurance of accomplishing the desired object, and when suc- cessful was looked upon as the result of good luck rather than the effect of an immutable law. When 8 its operations are thoroughly understood, the case properly judged, and the application scientifically made, there can be no uncertainty or doubt about the result. It sooths nervous iritation, equalizes the circulation, restores a healthy balance to the disordered functions, and imparts a vigorous tone to the body. It is well known that disease com- mences in the most subtile element of the body ; How obsurd then, that medicines taken into the stomach can equalize or regulate the nervous sys- tem or the vital fined when disturbed Health we consider to be an equilibrium of the electric condition of the human system and the more per' feet the equilibrium, the more perfect the health. Disease, on the contrary, is either a plus or minus of the whole or a portion, making one part plus and the other minus, and thereby causing obstruc- tion and stagnation of the vital flued. Electricity is the natural element of the nervous system, the connecting link between mind and matter-the most subtile substance known. It circulates the blood, is the cause of volantary and involantary motion, produces all the chemical changes in the system, the decomposition and recomposition, and REMARKS. always co-operates with vitality in imparting health and strength to the human system. If Electricity is the generating agent of animal life, how import- ant then it must be in the continuance of that life as also in the preservation of health. POLARITIES. 9 POLARITIES. Electricity has two polarities and currents : the positive and the negative. The positive pole from the battery gives off the negative current. The negative pole brings out the positive current. The negative current is acid-cooiing and con- tracting ; The positive current is alkaline-relax- ing and heating. All negative currents are inward; all positive currents are outward. THERAPEUTICS. To relax a muscle or nerve, run the current with the muscle or nerve by placing negative pole un- der foot or in hand, and manipulating over effect- ed part with positive pole. To contract a muscle or nerve, run against the muscle or nerve by plac- ing positive pole under foot or in hand and manipu- late over effected part with negative pole. In all cases, commence with light current and treat from ten to fifteen minutes, increasing the currents from treatment to treatment, as the pa- tient can bear with benefit. DISEASE is either positive or negative. Positive disease is where an organ is over acted, the result of which is congestion or inflamation, and is attended with acute pain and extreme soreness. Negative dis- ease is a want of normal action, and is attended DISEASE. 11 sometimes with bruised like feelings and a heavy dull pain. In some cases, there is a positive con- dition of some one or more organs, and others are negative. In such cases, run the currents from the positive to the negative condition, as the con- dition may require. TO DIAGNOSE DISEASE. First-The operator should have for his con- venience a stool, the top of which should be cov- ered with tin or zinc, the tin, however, is best with screw attachment on one of the legs connect- ed to the metalic covering of stool for connecting either cord from the battery. This is an article of convenience in the treatment of general disease. As a substitute when the the patient is being treated at home, the operator can use a large sponge, dampened in warm water, squeezed by the hand as dry as possible, putting the electrode in the chair, the sponge covering it, and the patient sit on that. The operator should advise the pa- tient to know that there is not any clothing be- tween the sponge and person, as it would act as 12 an insulator. The parts to receive treatment would not get the current. The same observation should not be forgotten when using the metalic stool. The use of the sponge, as above described will be frequently used when visiting patients. I may say here, for the benefit of the operator in the diagnosis of disease, to get more familiar with the different sensations of current, it would be well to set the battery running and amuse some friend with a moderate current, for the practice, at first, in noting the distinction between positive and negative conditions. Place the patient on metalic stool with negative pole attached, then take posi- tive pole in the left hand and pass the right over the different organs. If there is a positive condi- tion of the organ, the finger will be attached to the person. If there be a negative condition, the finger will be slightly repulsed. It may be neces- sary to place the finger on a healthy condition first in order to judge correctly of the condition of the organ. Thus, as the operator becomes famili- ar with the positive and negative sensations of disease, he will be able to trace from cause to effect on unerring principles. DISEASE. For the treatment of disease in general, the opperator should be supplied with the necessary instruments to aid him in locating the currents, to any portion of the body. The old adage, which I regard a very true one, and should ever be in the mind of the practitioner of both medicine and electricity, " Let well enough alone," It is not necessury to treat a healthy or normal condition; prescribe for the symptoms present; locate the currents to the parts or organs effected. The following named instruments are those most essen- tial in the treatment of general disease. DISEASE. 13 ist.-Ordinary Sponge Electrode. 14 INSTRUMENTS. 2d.-Improved Sponge Holder. INSTRUMENTS. 15 3d.-Side Sponge Holder to use under a loose gown. 4th.-Tongue Electrode. 5th.-Glass Eye Cup to be filled with water. 6th.-Rectal Electrode. 7th.-Uterine Electrode. 16 APPARATUS. 8th.-Vaginal Electrode. 9th.-Ear Electrode with holes at point to sew on small sponge. This when the sponge is attach- ed, may be used in the treatment of elongated velum, by holding the sponge surface in contact. My experience in the use of the different Elec- tro-Medical Apparatus, for the past fifteen years, has lead me to favor the instruments manufactured by Jerome Kidder Manufacturing Company, 820 Broadway, New York, who has kindly furnished the illustrations of instruments and general appli- ances, in this work, which are kept by most of the Homoeopathic Pharmacies throughout the United States, and can be procured at the regular retail list prices, etc., etc. ELECTRO-MEDICAL APPARATUS. APPARATUS. 17 No. i Physicians' Office Electro-Medical Ap- paratus, large size, having four coils and ten cur- rents. By means of a switch the second coil can also be thrown into the primary circuit at option. By moving the lever six to the right or left, the currents are momentarily reversed in their direc- tion. 18 APPARATUS. 2. Physicians' Visiting Machine. This is real- ly a very convenient machine for the practitioner. It has ten qualities of current, being compact in form, with upright stopper battery, constantly ready for use. By springs underneath the hinges that fasten the coil box to the case, the battery is connected to operate the coils when turned down to a horizontal position, as seen in cut. This machine is about six inches long, three and one- half wide and six inches deep, with metalic han- dle on top of lid for carrying. APPARATUS. 19 4. Shown without lid. Office and Family Ma 20 chine. Six qualities of current is operated by one open battery, which is operated a long time with- out changing fluid in bottle which accompanies. This machine is often used for visiting. APPARATUS. 5. Same as No. 4, with the exceptions of the Hydrostat Tip Battery, which is of much conveni- ence in the office. To lift the elements out of the liquid by turning the batterv on its axis to the left. 21 GENERAL TREATMENT. Sit the patient on metalic stool with negative pole attached, then manipulate the person with positive pole, treat for ten minutes with light current. If the patient feels dozy, or sick at the stomach, the treatment should be discontinued till those symptoms pass away. The above treatment is mostly necessary in cases of nervous excitement, sleeplessness, dull headache, tendency to rush of blood to the head, coldJ extremities, mild form of inflammatory symptoms. FEMALE DISEASES.-ANTI-VERSJ ON is when the body of the uterus is thrown down- ward and forward causing heavy bearing down pain across the lower portion of the abdomen. Frequent desire to evacuate, the bladder scalding and burning during urination, etc. 22 RETROVERSION is where the uterus is thrown downward and back- ward causing heavy pain in the back and loins, constipation, headache, pain under and between scapulas, etc. LATERAL VERSION is where the uterus is thrown downward and to either side, causing many of the above symptoms mentioned as well as heavy pains in the side, cor- responding to the version, there may be also sharp pains in the region of the ovaries, bloatedness, □bliging the clothes to be loosened. Eating lit- le, feeling as if much had been eaten. TREATMENT. ist. Attach uterine instrument to positive pole pass instrument up in front of the uterus, through vagina and manipulate over upper portion of ab- domen with negative pole. The above is for anti-version. For retroversion, pass uterine in- strument up and back of uterus, and manipulate over back just below scapulas down to sacrum. SIMPLE PROLAPSUS 23 SIMPLE PROLAPSUS. Place uterine instrument against osuteri attached to positive pole, manipulating over back and epigastrum with negative pole. 2d.-Place sponge electrode attached to posi- tive pole just above pubes, and manipulate over back with negative pole, passing current up be- tween scapulas, using strong current as patient can bear, commencing light at first. LEUCHORRCEA. Uterine leuchorrcea is generally caused by pro- lapsus in its different forms, and is generally cured when the cause is removed. Not unfrequently, however, it is of such acrid character it produces 24 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. ulceration of both osuteri and the adjacent sur- faces of the vagina, causing extreme suffering to the patient and if left to run its course results in far more serious difficulties. I do not recommend electricity alone in the treatment of this loathsome malady. Homoeopathic medicine must be resorted to in combination with Electropathic treatment. The vaginal walls may be so extremely sensitive that the patient cannot tolerate the inserting of the instrument necessary in the Electrical treatment, thus necessitating the use, also, of some local medical application to over- come the sensitive condition. The Homoeopathical indicated remedies are as essential as the Electro-Vitalization in the treat- ment of this class of disease as well as in those I shall speak of hereafter. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. Attach Vaginal Electrode to positive pole manipulate over lower portion of abdomen, then sacrum with negative pole, using strong current. The following local medication has proved of great value in my practice as a vaginal injection, just af- ter the patient has retired. To facilitate the use of it better, instruct the patient to lie with head the lowest while using it, that it may remain in contact and not pass away. Fid Ext. Calendula, dr i; Fid. Ext. Hydrastic, dr i ; Simple Syrup, oz i ; Aqua Dist., oz i. Mix. One tablespoonful an injection ; to be repeated nightly or less frequent, as the condition may require. SURPASSED MENSTURATION. 25 SUPPRESSED MENSTRATION. Suppressed Menstration consists in the absence of the monthly period in women, between the ages of puberity and climaxes, accepting in cases of pregnacy and nursing. The non-appearance of the menses at the age of puberity, is caused chiefly in chlorosis, which condition is a want of electrical vitality in the system. The whole sys- tem may be in a negative condition, the constitu- tion may be so impared that nature has nothing to act upon, thus giving away to a long train of 26 symptoms, that are most dangerous in character, if not fatal. Hectic Fever, Cough, Impaired Appetite, Constipation, Headache, Spitting of Blood, Impared Circulation, Cold Extremities, and an indisposition to see company, or do anything, Catarrhal Conditions of the Womb, Inactivity of the Ovaries, Imperformation of the Hymen, are other causes. The last calling for mechanical treatment. There are many other concomitant symptoms not necessary, however, for me to mention, as they all originate from the same cause. Medicines, Homoeopathically prescribed, are in- variably necessary, but not always sufficient. The electrical forces must be balanced up, and kept so, and when this is done, the action of the appropri- ate drug will be ten fold to that without it. I will first consider the electrical treatment of suppressed menstration, after which chlorosis proper, will be considered, under its proper heading. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Place uterine electrode attached to positive pole against Osuteri, and manipulate over abdo- men and back with negative pole. If there be in- activity of the electrical forces, impaired circula- tion, cold extremities, sit the patient on sponge or metalic stool with positive pole attached and manipulate over both ovarian regions the whole length of spinal column, then over epigastrum with negative pole. CHLOROSIS 27 CHLOROSIS Is mostly without exception, a want of electrical force to carry on or usher in the life of puberty, and consequently calls for plus treatment to the whole system, which is as follows : Sit the patient on metalic stool with positive pole attached, ma- nipulate over the organs of generation; If there is torpid condition of other organs, manipulate over them with negative pole ; If there is general nervous excitement, headache and extreme sens- itiveness, at great nervous center, place negative pole under foot and treat over spinal column with light current for five minutes, after which place negative pole in hand, Dampen the hair, and 28 AGUE IN THE BREAST. manipulate the head with very light current, for three to five minutes, with positive pole. Con- tinue this treatment, with the carefully prescribed homoeopathic drug, daily, until nature becomes self supporting, when discontinue the frequency. AGUE IN THE BREAST. Treatment.-Place the patient on metalic stool or place feet in warm water with negative pole, and manipulate over breast with positive pole, using light current for twenty minutes. DYSPEPSIA.-INDIGESTION Is the result of many causes, anatomcial changes in the digestive apparatus, such as catarrh, inflam- mation, thickening ulceration of the membranes of the stomach, abnormal conditions of the ner- vous system, in consequence of mental excite- ment, over mental exertions. The uses of irritat- ing or stimulating food or drink, sympathetic irri- tations from the womb, liver, torpidity of the bowels, etc. For all the above causes, electricity ranks first in the great catalogue of remedies, as well as the true medium of diagnosis, pointing out and locating to the practitioner, the undoubtful seat of the difficulty. If no further use of the currents, than this one advantage alone, to aid in diagnosti- cating disease, it would then be an invaluable agent. In all conditions of disease, we find an unbalanced state of electrical force. By equaliz- ing these forces, convalesence must naturally take place. By homoeopathic medication, combined with electropathic treatment, we have a two fold agent in the cure. TREATMENT. 29 TREATMENT. After general treatment. First.-Place tongue electrode with positive pole attached, on tongue, and manipulate over the stomach with negative pole. Second.-Place sponge electrode with posi- tive pole attached to back, just below scapulas, and manipulate over stomach and liver with nega- 30 five pole. If the stomach is sore, finish treatment by placing patient on metalic stool with negative pole attached, and manipulate stomach with posi- tive pole. Continue this treatment daily, as in other conditions, when nature becomes self sup- porting, discontinue the frequency. NASAL CATARRH. NASAL CATARRH Is an inflammation or the result of an inflammatory affection of the mucous surfaces of the nasal cavities. It frequently spreads over the entire continuation of membranous lining, upwards in- to the frontal sinuses, sideways, complicating the highmorian cavities, or it may reach downward and backward into the posterior nares, the fauces, and so on down the larnyx, trachea and bronchial tubes. Its primary symptoms are sneez- ing, owing to great irritation of mucous membrane, often causing hardness of hearing from inflamma- tion and swelling of the eustaclian tube. This, too, is accompanied with hard, dry cough, conse- quently complicating larnyx, trachea and bronchial tubes. THERAPEUTIC HINTS. 31 THERAPEUTIC HINTS. My own experience has taught me that electri- city can do much more for this malady than medi- cine, however, I recommend the application of both. I may say also the local applications, which I know has been very successful in the cure of those offensive copious discharges peculiar to some individuals. The nasal cavity of this par- ticular class is brim full of the most offensive greenish yellow mucous and is generally running over, so to speak. In this class of cases, I have derived great benefit in the use of the catarrhal syringe, with this, keeping the nasal mucous sur- faces clean by repeated injections of the following prescription : Fid. Ext. Hydrastis, dr |; Fid. Ext. Calendula, dr i ; Dist. Aqua, ozn. Mix. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole TREATMENT. 32 on the back of neck, and treat through Sinus' process and antrum with positive pole; treat lightly first, for ten minutes, and then put negative in hands and treat over forehead with positive pole. This is for acute catarrh. If there is a chronic condition, the mucous sur- faces are negative, and do not secrete. The smell is consequently impared. There is want of action, a plus current is called for. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode with positive pole attach- ed at back of neck and treat over frontal linns and whole length of septum, the latter with strong current as patient can conveniently bear, with negative pole. If, after repeated treatments, there is a too active condition of the mucous surfaces, place negative pole in hands and treat over fore- head and septum with positive pole, using light current for five minutes. Use the same discretion in this, as in the treatment of other diseases. If there is ulceration in the cavities, streaks of blood mixed with the mucous blown from the nose, I have found the following local injection of mucn value at first, daily then less frequent : Fid. Ext. Calendula, dr i ; Hydrastis Gtts., to; Carbol Acid Gtts., 5 ; Dist. Aqua, oz i. Mix. The medicinal remedies which I would cafl your attention to, are the following : Aurum, Arsenicum, Arsenicum Jod., Argentum Nit., Graph., Hydrastis, Kali., Bich., Nitric Ac , Nux Vom., Pulsatilia, Sanguinaria, Silicia, Sticta Pulm, Sulphur. The indications for some of these remedies may be of interest to the reader, which are most frequently used. Aurum is indicated in caries of the bones of the nose with fetid discharge of greenish or yellow pus, salty tasting, watery discharge, through the posterior nares, the nostrils may be closed from ulceration, loss of smell, discharges of blood from the nose, swelling of the nose from walking in the open air, bones of the nose are painful to touch. Arsenicum. Burning, acrid, watery discharge, excoriating soreness of the nose, fluent coryza, frequent stoppage of the nasal passages, worse in open air and at night, thirst or desire to drink often but little at a time, the eyes discharge ex- THERAPEUTIC HINTS. 33 34 coriating tears. This is all the more indicated with those who are subject to malarial influences. Arsenicum Jod. Persons with pale, delicate skin, enlarged tonsils, defective assimilation, cedema- tous, puffiness of the eyelids, tuberculous diathesis, nasal and laryngeal, catarrh discharges, copious and thin, or scanty or thick, with some tenacious and frothy, very irritating and corrosive, watery mucous discharge, burning nostrils and lips, epidemic influenza. Argentum Nit. Violent itching of the ulcers in the nose which become covered with yellow crusts, bleeding from detached scabs of the nose, purulent bloody mucous discharges, impaired sense of smell, stupifying headache, sneezing and coryza with lachrymation. Hydrastis Canadensis.-Dropping down of mu- cous from the posterior nares into the throat, raw excoriating sensation in both nares, continually inclined to blow the nose, thickening of the mu- cous membrane of the nostrils, raw and inflamed fauces, hawking up of tough, yellow or whitish mucous, tenacious stringy discharge, ulceration of mucous membrane of nose, profuse lachrymation. THERAPEUTIC HINTS. RHEUMATISM. 35 Nux Vom.-Coryza and sneezing through the day with stoppage of the nose at night, acute symptoms of catarrh, inflammation in the frontal cavities, with severe headache, bloody mucous from the nose, itching of the nose, infantile coryza, Sulphur.-Chronic conditions: The formation of hard, dry scabs in the nasal passages, bloody dis- charge when blowing the nose, profuse catarrhal dis- charge of burning water, fluent burning coryza out doors, nose stopped up in doors, chronic stop- page of nose or of one nostril, swelling and in- flammation of nose, smell before the nose as from an old catarrh. RHEUMATISM Is a name denoting inflammation in the fibrous tissue of the large joints and may be of an acute or chronic character. This inflammatory condi- tion is a disarrangement of the electrical forces. It may originate in a muscle, the sheaths of the tendons, the neurilemma or the periosteum. When in the joints, the synovial membrane is the seat of 36 TREATMENT. difficulty, characterizing acute inflammation with much swelling and or a thickening of the same. The latter condition occurs most frequent in chronic form. Muscular Rheumatism is seated in the muscles, attacks any portion of the muscular system and is the most prevailing. The locality of this disease has lead to a rotine of names des- ignating the location as follows : Cephalalgia Rheumatism-That form which at- tacks the frontalis occipitalis temporalis, the galea aponeurotica or periosteum of the skull. Torticollis Rheumatism-" Stiff neck " or " wry neck." Pleurodynia Rheumatism-Attacks the pector- alis major and entercostal muscles, lumbago, the lumbar muscles, etc. In treating Rheumatism, the currents must be located to the parts effected. TREATMENT. First. Treat through and through effected parts or joints, after which place feet or hands in warm water with negative pole and manipulate over effected parts with positive pole. NEURALGIA. 37 Second. Treat liver and kidneys by placing sponge electrode with positive pole attached on left side and manipulate over right side with nega- tive pole. In the chronic form, where there is a relaxed condition, a want of contractile power in the muscular fibre, the plus current must be used. Sciatic Rheumatism-Is pain of the ischiadicus nerve. It may extend the whole length from the sacrum to the extremity of the foot. It may at- tack both limbs at the same time. Its most fre- quent occurrence is in only a part of the nerve and generally only one side. The pain extending from the nates down the posterior part of the thigh to the popliteal space. Crural Neuralgia-Is seated in the crural nerve. The pain is felt on the inner and lower portion of the thigh, the inner side of knee, ankle and foot to the big toe. There are still other forms of neuralgia, as Cephalalgia Neuralgia-'sick headache, is most frequently met with in women who are predispos- ed to hysteric, chlorotic, and anaemic conditions, with weak, nervous constitution, married women who have no children, young widows, men of weak 38 NEURALGIA. constitution from reading and studying at night, together with the abuse of coffee and tea drinking. Neuralgia of the Trigeminus or Tic Doutou- reaux. Facial Neuralgia.-The nerves supplying the face -dental nerves. The sensory and motory may both be effected at one time. The pain in this form of neuralgia is most excrutiating, caus- ing jerking of different muscles of the face, spas- modic closing of the eyes, etc. Cervico-occipital Neuralgia is seated in sensory fibres of first four spinal nerves, generally only on one side, extending over the upper part of nape of neck and occiput. The side of the head and front towards the lower jaw. Cervico Trachial Neuralgia is seated over the whole trachial plexus, through the shoulder, shoul- der blades, and down the arm. Intercostal Neuralgia involves the intercostal nerves, sometimes effecting both sides of the chest, more frequently, however, the left side, between the fifth and ninth intercostal spaces. The causes of this vast amount of pain, is largely owing to atmospherical influences. TREATMENT OF SCIATIC NEURALGIA. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole at upper portion of inside of thigh, manipu- late over sacrum nates and down outside of limb with positive pole. Treat through and through all the way there is pain. Then place foot in warm water, with negative pole manipulate from sacrum down outside of thigh and leg as far as the pain extends. Treat for fifteen minutes daily until im- provement, then less frequent. TREATMENT OF CRURAL NEURALGIA. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole at upper portion of outside of thigh, manipu- late inside from upper portion down the limb with positive pole. Treat through and through as far as pain extends, placing foot in warm water, with negative pole manipulate whole inside portion of thigh from above downward as in sciatica. TREATMENT FOR CEPHALALGIA, NERVOUS SICK HEADACHE. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole at back of neck, manipulate great nervous center and forehead with positive pole. Then manipulate epigastrum, after which place negative pole in both hands and treat over occiput, neck and shoulders with positive pole. Treat with light current, creating no pain from the current, duration, fifteen minutes. T IC DOULOUREUX, FACIAL NEURALGIA TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole at back of neck, manipulate the face with positive pole. Then place sponge electrode at- tached to negative pole in hands, manipulate face with positive as before, treating fifteen minutes. CERVICO-OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA, TREATMENT. Place the patient on metalic stool with negative TREATMENT. 41 pole attached, dampen the hair thoroughly and manipulate over occiput and back of neck, also lateral regions of head and in front, towards and below temples with positive pole. Much care should be observed in using very light current, not to be, in the least, painful. The treatment should be of fifteen or twenty minutes duration. CERVICO-TRACHIAL NEURALGIA, TREATMENT. Treat through and through with light current, the neck, shoulders, shoulder blades and down the arms. Then place hand in warm water, with nega- tive pole manipulate over effected parts with posi- tive pole. Treat fifteen minutes. INTERCOSTAL NEURALGIA, TREATMENT. Sit patient on metalic stool with negative pole attached, manipulating either side with positive pole. In the incipient stage of pleurisy, the above treatment will, in nearly every case, break up the 42 attack at once, saving the patient from going through the usual course of disease. VARICOSE VEINS. VARICOSE VEINS. Varices dilatation of the veins, with thickening of their coats, is termed Varix Varices or Vari- cose Veins. This enlargement is believed to oc- cur first in the sub-muscular, then in the sub-cu- taneous or superficial veins, and this statement of its rise and progress, explains the insufficiency of the ordinary surgical method of treating this dis- order, and shows the reason of the frequent re- lapses which follow its apparent cure, by compres- sion. Varicose Veins often appear in pregnancy, in the latter months of utero-gestation, and are commonly supposed to be caused by the pressure of the gravid uterus upon the iliac vessels and in- ferior cava. But this local pressure can be but a single one of the exciting causes. Since varices occur with those who are not pregnant and the larger proportion of those who are, this does not occur. Men as well as women are subject to varices. The constitutional condition of the sys- tem in general, and perhaps of the organs of ven- ous circulation in particular, which gives rise to varices, under the influence of existing causes, is no doubt similar to those which produce hemor- rhoids. Men and women inclined to obesity, lax muscular fiber, are most subject to varicose con- ditions. TREATMENT. 43 TREATMENT. Place the foot on sponge attached to positive pole and manipulate effected part with negative pole. The manipulation in this condition should be from the extremity upwards. Duration twenty minutes. In extreme cases, after the treatment, I apply the cotton bandage after also applying the following simple cerate, formula: Fluid Extract Hamamelis, dr 4, Lard oz 2. Mix. To be rubbed in once each day. The bandages should not be worn at night, but should be put on imme- diately after rising. In cases of varicose ulcer, where the tendency is for the ulcer to grow larger, hemorrhage, etc., the electrical treatment will not be HEMORRHOIDES OR PILES. 44 of service, till such times as the ulcer may have mostly healed. To further consummate the cure, the electrical treatment will be indicated. For the healing of varicose ulcer, I have had most gratifying results from the following formula and application: First-The ulcerated condition should be cleans- ed as thoroughly as possible by the application of castile soap suds. Then apply with care the fol- lowing : Fluid Extract Hamamelis, dr 2, Fid. Ext. Hydrastis dr 1, Fid. Ext. Calendula dr 1, Cosmoline oz 2. Mix thoroughly. After which the bandage, not rubber, but cotton, should commence at foot and extend to above the calf only to be removed for re-dressing. The next subject which I call attention to is one which necessarily should follow after the condition just considered. HEMORRHOIDES OR PILES, which condition is an enlargement of the hemor- rhoidal veins, situated in the mucous membrane inside and outside of the sphincter ani. Here TREATMENT. the muscular tissue of the vein has become weak and dilated and filled with venous blood. They may be situated internally or externally, not un- frequently bleed profusely. The pain is often ex- crutiating, and parts are sensitive to the extreme. This is virtually, a varicose condition of the hem- orrhoidal veins. The valves of the veins which, in the return of blood toward the vena porta, have become weakened and overpowered, consequently, there is want of electrical vitality. The causes I will not enumerate here, as they are fully spoken of in other works, but will proceed to the treat- ment. 45 TREATMENT. The rectum electrode attached to positive pole insert into anus, manipulate back epigastrum, right and left lumbar regions, also over sacrum and pubes with negative pole. Much care should be exercised in the application of the currents, not to cause pain. The homoeopathically indicated reme- dies should be resorted to in combination with^the electrical treatment. If the hemorrhoidal tumors 46 PARALYSIS. protrude to the extent that the mucous surfaces are exposed, compression should be applied after the tumors are anointed with the following formu- la, which has promptly relieved in cases of seem- ingly worst type: Fluid Extract Hamamelis dr 2, Fid. Ext. Hydrastis dr 1, Olive Oil oz 1^. Mix. If of the internal character, inject one tea spoon- ful after each evacuation of the bowels with small glass syringe. PARALYSIS is a loss of muscular contractility and the power of motion. There is also a paralysis of sensation, which may be conjoined with that of motion, but the latter often happens alone, and in this place is the morbid state alluded to. Paralysis may be general or partial ; it may effect quite the whole system or limited to only one muscle ; it may be confined to one side, or only exist in lower half of body ; it may come on rapidly or creep on slowly, but under any circumstances, it is not a disease, but a symptom. We must in individual cases, PARALYSIS. 47 therefore, aim at determining as far as possible, the causes before we attempt to remedy the palsy. Here is where electricity has the advantage over other sources, in searching out the hidden cause and locality. By closely observing the article on diagnosis, with a familiar sensation of the currents in passing over the body, we can trace the difficulty to its origin. The causes which give rise to paralysis are due, generally, to a loss of nerve vitality, and are various. Paralysis due to a lesion or any morbid condition of the nervous center, softening of the central nervous textures or any process which materially alters them, occasions loss of power in the part over which their influ- ence in health extends. But besides these palsies of organic origin, there are functional palsies, de- pendent upon seemingly simple functional derang- ment of the great center of innervation. Hysteri- cal palsy and that occuring after over work, or ex- cess and evidently from nervous exhaustion, are much benefited by electrical treatment. Paralysis due to a lesion in the course of a nerve-for in- stance, if a nerve be wounded or compressed, paralysis of the muscle which it supplies takes 48 AMAUROSIS. place, and there is no help for it. This also, is wholly local, and apt to show marked nutritive changes in the effected part. The skin will ap- pear glossy, joints swollen with pain of the fingers. The latter may be benefited only partially by mitigating pain, possibly reduce the swelling. Le- sional palsies are those conditions of palsy which are beyond the aid of human devise to remedy. Deducting the latter from the general list of pal- sies, and we have those, which if supplied with sufficient amount of constitutional vitality to get an action on, electricity will be most important in the treatment. Also too, this condition, whether general or local, being a loss of the whole or a part in vitality, whichever the case may be, calls for plus treatment, directing the currents over the seat of parts involved. I will now call attention to the several different forms of palsies, giving the treatment of each respectively. AMAUROSIS. By this, we mean a paralytic condition of the optic nerve. The symptoms are as follows : The patient can see better after refreshing sleep in the morning than any other time. The pupil of the eye is immovable, not quite round and dilated. The iris moves slowly, does not reach against the light as before, its color changes becoming either lighter or darker. PARALYSIS. 49 TREATMENT. Use sponge electrode attached to negative pole. If it is the right eye you wish to treat, place sponge at left occipito-survical region, manipulate the eye with positive pole, using very light current for ten to fifteen minutes daily for a time, after which less frequent. If for the left eye, place sponge elec- trode on right side, etc. PARALYSIS OF THE AUDITORY NERVE. There are many morbid conditions which cause deafness, and this is only one of the many. Deaf- ness is not always produced by the above condi- tion alone. The nerve may be perfectly sound, without a fault, and still there be loss of hearing. If there are morbid processes, such as involve the 50 tympani, as in inflammation, and consequently, ulceration, thickening, degeneration and destruction of this membrane, there is no help for it. Any destruction of a part causing deafness, is in my opinion, past cure. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to positive pole opposite to the nerve or ear you wish to treat, just under and also above ear, manipulating the side to be treated with negative pole. The manipulation should be conducted through the fingers, insinuat- ing the end of the finger into the ear, in order to bring the currents to bear on all portions of nerve, as much as may be. Then place tongue electrode attached to positive pole on tongue, and manipu- late as before with the fingers. Due attention re- garding mild and suitable current should be ob- served, as well as length of time in giving the treatment, which should not be longer than fifteen minutes, and often not more than ten minutes, repeating the treatments as often as the condition will make beneficial use of it, always accompany- ing the treatment with the most clearly indicated medicinal remedies. The following remedies might be considered in this place: Arn., Bell., Caust., Hyosc,, Nux V., Petr., Phos., Ph os. ac., Puls. Silic. PARALYSIS. 51 GLOSSO-LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS. The first symptoms of this kind of paralysis, most likely to be observed : The tongue is less supple, the utterances become thick, there is difficul- ty in mastication, the food getting between the teeth and cheek, the saliva dribbles from the lips and corners of the mouth, as this condition progresses, articulation of speech is gradually lost, the shape of the tongue is altered, and lips quite motionless. It however reacts to the electrical currents. The patient can no longer close the posterior nares, having lost the use of the velum and muscles of the posterior palatine arch. It is with difficulty that deglutition is performed, often terminating in paroxysms of strangling. The same difficulty is manifest in the attempt of drinking fluids. The patient is often tormented with hunger, fearing 52 the consequences of partaking food. Thus gen- eral debility becomes extreme. This curious malady may have an acute beginning. Sometimes it is complicated with weakness of the muscles of one side. " The seat of lesion is in the medulla in the motor elements of its gray constituents." De Costa. GENERAL TREATMENT. TREATMENT. In treating this malady a determination of per- severence should prevail, as the improvement is slow. The patient at times will be discouraged, still by continued treatment improvement will be observed. The predisposition for paralysis to show itself in other localities may occur, and in some cases cannot be avoided, particularly in people of advanced age. I may say this of paraly- sis generally, as you will find debilitated vitality in nearly every case. GENERAL TREATMENT should be first, in the treatment of this condition, by sitting patient on metalic stool, with positive pole attached, manipulating the full length of the spine with negative pole, using medium current for ten minutes, after which place the tongue elec- trode with positive pole attached on tongue, man- ipulating epigastrum dorsal portion of back, both submaxillary localities and survical portion of neck. This should be repeated daily for a long period of time as the improvement may suggest, when continue less frequent. Much may be done also to relieve by judicial medication. The fol- lowing remedies are those which have been of great benefit in my practice : Avena Sat., Baryta C,, Lach., Nux V. CLINICAL HISTORY. 53 Clinical history of case treated from my case book: Mr. S., aged 65 years, nervous temperament; occupation farmer ; earlier days inclined to occa- sional spells of alcoholic intoxication, under me- dium size. Had been suffering fifteen months when I was called to see him, in November, 1880, which time could not talk ; the saliva dribbled from the mouth quite all the time. Eating al 54 PARALYSIS. ways produced strangulation. The tongue could not be extended beyond the lips. Could not close the mouth, the underlip inclined to hang d:>wn and outward. Was liable to choice from drink. Want of sleep at night. Could only make a hideous noise with the mouth. This case made more of a recovery than was thought possi- ble. The treatment lasted for about six months. He improved to that extent that he could eat and drink with comfort. Resumed the labor of chor- ing on his farm when he went from my notice. PARALYSIS OF THE FACE generally attacks only one side, and is caused by either diseases of the brain, apoplexy, absesses, soft- ening or pseudo-formations. When it is mostly com- bined with paralysis of the tongue and extremi- ties, central irritation, or by diseases of the pe- trous portion of the temporal bone, caries or ex- ternal injuries or tumefactions or scirrhous swelling of the parotid gland, peripheric irritations. The paralytic side of the face appears flatter, longer, drawn down, motionless. When both sides are paralyzed, the whole face is smooth and motion- less. When paralysis occurs, caused from local diseases from corresponding nerves, then we have ready remedial recourses through the electrical currents. PARALYSIS. 55 TREATMENT. Place the sponge electrode attached to negative pole back of the neck, manipulate the parts effect- ed with positive pole, full ten minutes. Then place the sponge electrode attached to positive pole, under jaw, manipulating effected muscles with negative, ten minutes; continue the treatment daily until manifest improvement, then less fre- quent. Medicinal treatment, consider Bell., Caust., Cocculus., Graph., Nux V., Opium. PARALYSIS predisposed to wander over different portions of the system. This is a condition I have had to treat more or less during past twelve years. The patient will have an attack, not instantly, but will 56 TONSILLITIS QUINSY. be near a week in making its appearance, effecting one arm. With diligent treatment improvement will take place, when again one of the inferior extremities will be effected in same way, opposite to the arm. This, too, will improve by careful treatment, as did the first, when the arm of same side will show the paralysis is invading it to be routed, thence, to the last inferior extremity, which will also improve by treatment. Such cases can only be made more comfortable. The whole sys- tem seems inclined to become paralyzed, and calls for both medicine and electricity to hold it in check. Without one, the other seems inadequate. For further remedial recourses I am inclined to favor alcohol baths, morning and night. Sulph. Cinchondia, Avena Sativa. The following acute and inflammatory conditions are those which may be considered in the treat- ment of electricity. TONSILLITIS QUINSY. Symptoms.-Inflammation of the throat, ac- companied with difficulty of swallowing, impeded respiration, alteration of the voice, and fever. In the incipient stage of this affection, there is a sense of constriction of the throat, with a feeling of soreness, and at times the act of swallowing is obstructed; if it runs its course there is an increased difficulty of swallowing and breathing, swelling of the tongue, tissues become foul, the tonsils assume a redder hue. The patient becomes thirsty and the pulse high, frequent and strong. As the local affection progresses the majority of symptoms be- come aggravated with tumefaction of the tonsils. Suppuration takes place. Electricity is wonder- fully effectual in the incipient stage. TREATMENT. 57 TREATMENT. Place the negative electrode in both hands, manipulate the throat, up beneath the ears, also behind the ears with positive pole. Then place tongue electrode, attached to negative pole, on tongue, manipulate throat, and beneath the ears, back of neck with positive pole ; treat fifteen minutes. Medicinal hints. Consider Ammon. Mur., 58 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Apis. Mell., Baryt. C., Bell., Hepar., Lach., Silic., Sulphur. For the repeated attacks, of which the patient is liable to, the electricity alone is adequate. RELAXATION OF UVULA and consequent elongation, generally the result of protracted colds which have been neglected. In- flammation of the uvula causes a swelling and elongation of this little body sometimes to such a degree that it lies like a little finger upon the tongue, causing a constant hacking and hemming, except when lying on the back. Some call this falling of the palate. The constant sensation of a globule of mucous causing the patient to frequently swallow and rasp the throat by hemming to clear it is quite as frequent an index of the presence of this condition as any of the symptoms narrated. The clipping of the uvula with a knife or scissors is not a favorable procedure. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Place the sponge electrode attached to the nega- tive pole, at back of neck, using the ear electrode attached to positive pole, to repeatedly touch the extreme end of uvula, thereby causing mild shocks -treatment fifteen minutes daily. Medicinal hints. Consider Aeon., Bell., Coffea, Crot. Tigl., Lach., Merc., Nux V., Phos. After the inflammatory stage, recourse may be had to a mild gargle of Tanic Acid and Calendula, in solution. CORYZA. 59 CORYZA. Cold in the head, an inflammatory affection of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities, ush- ered in with an undue dryness of the surfaces, fol- lowed by a copius watery or mucous discharge. It frequently spreads over the entire membrane, up- wards into the frontal sinuses, latterly into the highmorian cavities, or backward and downward into the posterior nares. Its first appearance is generally accompanied with sneezing, owing to undue irritation of mucous membrane. In some instances, it causes hardness of hearing from the inflamed and swollen condition of the eustachian tubes. At first, there is a dry cough followed by 60 TREATMENT. loose cough. Where this condition has gone no further, electricity will generally cut it short at this point. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to negative pole at back of neck and manipulate the roots of nose and nostrils with strong current as patient can bear. Then manipulate frontal sinuses with light- er current. Treat ten minutes, and if severe, re- peat twice daily, till improvement, then less fre- quent. In addition, consider the following medi- cal remedies : Alleum. Cepa., Aconit., Arsen., Nux. V. I will add the following local application to further facilitate the expediency of treatment, where the nasal passages may be profusely clogged. Fluid Ext. Calendula, Gtts. 20; Fid. Ext. Hy- drasts, Gtts. 10 ; Aqua. Dist., oz. 1. Mix. In- ject with catarrhal syringe, once daily. By this means, the mucous surfaces will be kept clear and free. One application is often sufficient. In the present work it has been my object and 61 aim to class together those diseases particularly adapted to electro-medical treatment. The larger part of course, come under the head, " Chronic." Some, however, are of the acute and inflamma- tory type. There is still another class which is not really chronic or acute. Those who suffer in this respect, are neither sick nor well. They are able to be about and attend to their usual duties, out of doors as well as in the house. They doctor most of the time, more or less, and I may say with all candor, that they are far from the enjoyment of good health, and, if such were in possession of good health, they would discontinue dosing. They desire to get well, have doctored for a great many complaints, but without improvement. The con- ditions under which these patients suffer, are from the following causes, viz : i st. Over application of their respective vo- cations. 2d. General debility and nervous prostration, (not disease.) 3d. Over dosing and absence of rest. If there be appearance of disease, it may be safely considered that of over-drudging. Every REMARKS. 62 CLINICAL HISTORY. field of practice has this kind of patients. They are more apt to try the new doctor, and these are the class of patients the recently located physician generally has, to build his first professional founda- tion Women are more likely to this condition, and the prognosis may generally be considered fa- vorable. A somewhat protracted treatment is necessary in which electro-galvanism is most es- sential, beginning with very light current at first. Much care should be observed not to faint the pa- tient, as after the second treatment the system will then have become familiar enough with the cur- rents, that the danger will be passed when a good tonic current can be used and repeated daily, till the system becomes more self-supporting, when the treatments should be less frequent. The following medical remedies should be con- sidered : Aletris., Avena. Sat., Bell., Lill., Lacto- peptin, Ingluvine, Nux. V., Puls., Scuttill. Clinical history of cases and their treatment from the author's case book. Mrs. B., aged 52, three years past the climaxis, CLINICAL HISTORY. 63 delicate habits, nervous temperament. Has had three children, first two in early married life, the third is some eleven years of age, from which time she dates the commencment of her decline. After delivery, had pain of dull character and dull sore- ness a little above the left of umbilical, when in bed, was obliged to lie on left side in order to be at ease. When lying on right side, a heavy draw- ing sensation was experienced, causing pain in breathing and prevented sleep. After nearly two years, could feel in left side, locality of former pain, a hard, flat-like bunch or tumor, size of bottom of sauce plate. It was very hard to the feel and movable, as when lying on right side, it would fluctuate to the right. Up to September ist, 1881, it had enlarged to about the size of a saucer bot- tom, slightly sensitive to touch. About four years since, her eldest son died of tetanus, at which time her watching and care over the sick room was a serious draw back to her general health. The result was nervous prostration in rapid form of de- cline, confined to her bed, absence of appetite, sleeplessness, peristaltic motion of bowels quite gone, bowels only moved by the aid of annemas, 64 CLINICAL HISTORY. once each week, bleeding hemorrhoides. This was the condition noted when I was called to see her in September last. Here was a negative con- dition of whole system. Medicinal action could not be realized December 5th. Placed sponge at- tached to positive pole at coccyx, manipulated epigastrum five minutes, then servical region five minutes, then concentrated current to the indurat- ed swelling with negative pole five minutes. Medi- cinal, Nux V., 3rd., Graph., 3rd., in alternation. December 6th, 2 p. m. Patient slept well, had exhaustive sweat after part of night, the swell- ing much more sensitive. Continued Nux V. and Graph., alcoholic bath at 9 p. m., repeated electri- cal treatment same as first. December 7 th, 2 p. m. The appetite returning, called for some dinner, beef tea cup and oat meal pudding which relished, the swelling less sen- sitive, less induration, slept well, no night sweat, Nux V. and Graph.,' alcoholic bath at 9 p. m., as usual, with the electrical treatment December 8th, 2 p. m. Slept fair, no sweat, ap- petite not so good but felt stronger, the swelling still more soft and not sensitive. Graph, four CLINICAL HISTORY. 65 times each day, Lactopeptine, 2 grs. three times each day before eating, alcoholic bath at 9 p. m. with same electrical treatment. December 9th, 2 p. m. Slept well, appetite bet- ter, beef tea £ cup and oat meal, the swelling less in size and softer, bowels moved three hard balls by annema of warm water and olive oil, hemorrhoides very painful and bleeding. Nux V. and Graph, alternate every three hours, lactopeptine. As an ex- ternal application, the formula given in treat- ment of hemorrhoides, one teaspoonful injected per rectum once per day and repeated, electrical treatment as usual. December 10th, 2 p. m. Much more comforta- ble, slept well, appetite still better, swelling more pliable, can he on right side partly, less soreness of hemorrhoides. She feels much encouraged in her improvement and thinks she is going to recover. Nux V. and Graph., of each two doses per day in alternation, Avena Sat., mother tinct., Gtts. 10, morning and night, alcoholic bath at 9 p. m., usual electrical treatment, manipulating lumbar region with negative pole additional. December nth, 2 p. m. Found my patient sit- 66 CLINICAL HISTORY, ting up, the bowels had moved of their own ac- cord, no bleeding of hemorrhoides which are less sensitive, had small piece broiled steak for dinner, slept well, the swelling can hardly be found, when standing she feels very weak in limbs. Nux. V. and Graph, as usual. Avena Sat., mother tinct., Gtts. io as usual, electrical treatment, placed posi- tive pole under feet with the usual manipulation. December 12th, 2 p. m. Much better in every particular, continued same prescription in every particular. December 13th, 2 p. m. Still convalescing fine- ly, while standing there is prolapsus which she has had for a number of years. I applied one of Shannon's elastic supporters, giving immediate re- lief with the electrical treatment as usual, and Aletris, mother tincture, Gtts. 1 three times each day, Avena Sat., mother tinct. Gtts. 10, morning and night. December 14th, 2 p. m. Gave the electrical treatment as usual. As my patient is now con- valescing so rapidly, I discontinued electrical treat- ments and visits to twice each week. At the ex- piration of this one week, dismissed her in better CLINICAL HISTORY. 67 health than she had enjoyed in nearly all the time since her last confinement. The reader will notice my patient was visited soon after the noon meal for the reason that it is better to treat on rather a full stomach. The tonic effects of the currents gave opportunity for a more speedy action from medicine. The indurated swelling was probably of left ovary. CASE No. 2. Mrs. W., aged 45, nervous temperament, emaci- ated form, could not sit up, owing to loss of bal- ance. On attempting to do so would incline either right or left or forward to a recumbent po- sition, when in bed, could not turn either way with- out assistance, in fact, could not move at all, but fore arm of right side, very delicate appetite, a want of sleep, constipation, had been confined to the bed nearly one year. Her physician was of the opinion that her condition was one of nervous consumption. I was called in council, January 6th, 1878, finding the above condition. Upon further diagnosis, found prolapsus uteri, the survix and uterine walls extremely sensitive, excoriating leu- 68 CLINICAL HISTORY. corrhoea, upper portion of sacrum painful and sen- sitive, in short, an impoverished condition of the whole system. This was a clear case of nervous prostration with prolapsus and loss of motor pow- er. Her physician wished me to treat her for a time, which I did for twelve days, giving an elec- tric treatment daily as follows :-Placed uterine electrode attached to positive pole, at osuteri, ma- nipulating lumbar region, epigastrum, both ovarian localities. The most clearly indicated remedies were prescribed and perceptible improvement took place after the third treatment, which continued till she resumed her household duties. Her phy- sician, after noting the manifest benefit of this theory of medical electricity, gave me $25 for the within therapeutics written out with pen. There was this fact clearly proven in this case, she had the most clearly indicated remedies pres- cribed in both high and low potinces, the action of which was not perceptible before the applica- tion of the currents, while after, marked improve- ment was noted from the medicine, clearly show- ing the advantage with the use of it, when without it, in some cases, medicine is inert. After my CLINICAL HISTORY. 69 twelfth visit, her physician resumed the case and she made a good recovery. CASE No. 3. Miss F., aged 22, nervous temperament, pulse weak, 100 per minute, dysmenorrhcea, profuse menstrual periods, very sensitive over whole abdo- man, profuse leuchorrhoeal discharges, excoriating, severe aching and soreness of lower lumbar region, severe headache, quite all the time, has suffered more or less, all the time, for past three years, has been in the habit of frequently attending dances, as well as keeping late hours, in short, a society goer, imprudent to the extreme in the way of amusements, often getting wet feet, etc., till oblig- ed to take her bed from exhaustion, had been treated allopathically for peritonitis and consump- tion, with the encouragement from her physician, that she might live two or three years at longest, but doubtful. There was prolapsus with anti-ver- sion, consequently chronic congestion and enlarge- ment of the uterus. Having come during past summer to visit friends residing in my field of prac- tice, and while here, had an attack of diphtheria, 70 for which I was called to treat, September 4th, 1881. In connection with this, found the system in the above condition. After prescribing for the latter symptoms two days, when they subsided, I then advised her to take a course of treatment, that if she would, and follow my directions, she would, without doubt, recover fully, which advise she concluded to accept. I placed her on sponge attached to positive pole, manipulated whole abdo- man, whole length of spine and epigastrum. Pres- cription, Nux V. 3rd., Bell. 3rd, in alternation every two hours. After third day's treatment, which was a repetition of those before it, decided improve- ment was present, continued daily treatment for six days, Nux V. and Bell, in alternation four times daily, with rapid improvement, after which suspended the treatments to twice each week for three weeks. During this time, patient gained in weight ten pounds. As a local application, she used the vaginal wash with best of results, which formula is given under leucorrhcea in this work. CLINICAL HISTORY. CASE No. 4. Man, aged 40, bilious constitution, occupation. CLINICAL HISTORY. 71 engineer, had been running on Western Railroad, his time on duty was so near incessant-averaged only two full nights sleep in a week, consequently cold meals, and loss of sleep and the continued strain of duty, the nervous system became ex- hausted, indigestion and sleeplessness, followed with emaciation and general prostration, then fol- lowed an attack of fever and ague, tertian type, which was treated by allopathic quinine process, lasting three weeks. He was obliged to leave the road, came east to Western New York to visit and recuperate, felt better, thought he would rake and bind in the harvest field, but could not put in more than half a day at best. Indigestion and sleeplessness had continued all this while. This last fall he went to work at stationary engineering, twelve hours on duty-from noon till midnight, which was too mnch for him. During past sum- mer he had taken various simple tonics, which he thought of benefit only while under their influence. His ambition was so nearly used up, he was about discouraged. Through the advise of friends to try electricity, he called on me, September 25 th, 1881, for consultation. In diagnosticating his 72 condition, could find no diseased condition about him, but an extreme lack of nervous force of whole system. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Place patient on metalic stool with positive pole attached, manipulating spinal column and epigas- trum ten minutes with negative pole. Then place sponge electrode attached to positive pole at upper lumbar region, manipulating epigastrum five minutes, strong current. Prescription, Nux V. 3rd, four times each day, Scutellarian, mother tinct., Gtts. 10, at bed time. September 26th, 9 a. m. Stomach feels better, the heavy load, like a stone, had ceased, had slept all night, which had not occurred in a long time before. The treatment was continued in every respect for five days, with decided improve- ment. His wife made the remark that he did not act like the same man. Continued three treat- ments more, at intervals of two, then three days, when the patient was dismissed, feeling, as he claimed, as well as he ever did in his life. It is now nearly three months since, and he continues to enjoy the best of health. CLINICAL HISTORY. 73 CASE No. 5. Nervous Dyspepsia with Atrophy of the Stomach, treated by Dr. Shedd. Woman, aged 35, nervous temperament, medium bight, dark hair, blue eyes, mother of four children, weight with winter clothing on 64 pounds, much emaciated, could not eat to exceed the amount of a table spoonful of food, when she would feel as if she had eaten much larger quantity, did not wish to live or care for her children, had traveled to different cities to consult eminent physicians and receive treatment, at great expense, and all to no purpose. She was utterly discouraged, and felt the sooner she could die and be out of the way of those around her, the better, she was certainly in a most deplorable and critical condition. Dr. Shedd gave her fourteen treatments as follows, without the aid of medicine. Place tongue elec- trode attached to positive pole on tongue, manipu- lating epigastrum with negative pole, fifteen min- utes daily, for a time, after which discontinue to 74 less frequent, till he had given in all, fourteen treatments, when she was dismissed. The Atrophy was undoubtedly due to a loss of vitality of the pneumo-gastric nerve. She gained rapidly both in strength and flesh, resuming her household duties, and has since, and at the present time is enjoying good health. The capacity of the stomach at the commencement of treatment, in this case, could not have been larger than the size of a hen's egg. ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM is that kind of rheumatism which chiefly comes on in the acute form, in which consists a chronic in- flammation of the joints. Post-mortem examin- ations reveal the synovial capsuls and ligaments thickened and the cartilages of the bones spongy form, also the synovial fluid turbid. Two forms may be distinguished-one, when single joints fre- quently for months or years, are very painful to contact and motion, and have paroxysms of agra- vation, principally in the night, when the hand is applied to the diseased part, crackling and crepitus is often observed within, on moving the limb, the joint may be attended with much swelling, as also it may be absent; at times, there may appear to be swelling, owing to an atrophied condition of the adjacent muscles, their use being discontin- ued on account of severe pain. This may result in a false anchylosis of the joint. The second form consists in repeated attacks of acute, articu- lar Rheumatism. Persons who are subject to it are compared to barometers, as they feel in their bones the fluctuations in the weather immediately. This, too, is often complicated with muscular rheumatism as well as neuralgia and paralytic af- fections, which are called rheumatic. Under this head, I will record the following clinical case : CLINICAL HISTORY. 75 CASE No. 6. Boy, aged 12, not hardened to labor, walked twelve miles to get home on account of being homesick, it rained most of the time while on his trip, and on his arrival home was much fatigued, as well as being extremely sore and lame from the tramp. He retired early for rest, after which the 76 rain came with more force and violence, causing the house to leak profusely, and just over his bed, drenching the clothing just across the locality of the knees, which he did not discover until near morning, when he awoke with much pain and sore- ness of both knee joints. Upon examination, thay were found to be much inflamed, .and begin- ning to swell, a high state of fever was setting in, to attempt to move, was attended with severe pain of both knee joints. The above symptoms were noted on my firs, call in the morning, I reduced the fever and other concomitant symptoms with clearly indicated homoeopathic medication, which yielded rapidly, but did not succeed in reducing the swelling and inflammation of the knee joints. The currents being so strongly indicated, I at once resorted to them, placing warm sponge electrode attached to negative pole under feet, manipulating joints with warm sponge attached to positive pole, which had the effect to lessen the swelling of the knees, driving it into the feet. This treatment was continued one week, which did not reduce wholly the swelling, neither could he move nor articulate the joints. I was still confident that CLINICAL HISTORY. CLINICAL HISTORY. 77 the currents were the only source through which to overcome the condition, and therefore prepared two metalic bands, placing them around the limb above and below the knee of one limb at a time, the upper,band attached to positive pole and the lower band to negative pole, and set the battery running till I called again in eighteen hours, after which time, I found the swelling reduced, and he could bend the knee slowly without pain, but crepitus could be felt and heard when doing so. I repeated the same operation on the other limb, with like results, when I resumed the former elec- trical treatment of twenty minutes daily, till he fully recovered. Crepitus could be observed for some two months. CASE No. 7. Muscular Rheumatism and its after effects. Mrs. L., aged 40, lymphetic constitution, farm- er's wife, had inflammatory muscular rheumatism of inferior extremities, for which allopathic treat- ment was summoned. She continued it nearly one year, when I was called to see her, finding her in the following critical condition : The above in- 78 IRE ATM ENT. flammatory symptoms had disappeared, the patient could sit in her chair, was not in any pain when sitting or lying ; to stand or walk was impossible. Owing to inertia of the muscles of both limbs, paralysis was fast creeping on, sensation normal, appetite good, slept well. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to positive pole under foot, manipulating the limb upwards to the hip and sacrum, fifteen minutes daily, each limb respectively, directing both limbs to be rubbed once daily with undiluted alcohol. This treat- ment was continued daily for six weeks, when she could walk across the room, after which I suspend- ed the electrical treatments to two each week, for six weeks longer, followed by such improvement as to admit of her resuming some of the house- hold duties. This was a case of my own treat- ment, early in the year 1872. In the fall she had taken full charge of her duties as housekeeper, doing the general part of the work. I now call attention to a condition originating from mental and nervous exhaustion, by some called brain and nerve fag, extreme mental appli- cation of professional men and women are those more subject to it, than those of other occupations. Mild forms of this kind recuperate often by rest alone. The more severe forms of mental prostra- tion demand judicious and active treatment as will be seen in the following : CLINICAL HISTORY. 79 CASE No. 8. A minister, Rev. G., of Indianapolis, Ind., spring of 1875, held in his church a series of re- vival meetings of three months duration, preach- ing every day during the time. At the close of the meetings, and the letting down, as it were, of mental strain, was much prostrated, both physical- ly and mentally. When applying himself in the preparation of sermon for coming Sabbath, could not concentrate his thoughts, the harder effort he made, the more confused he became, till he finally was obliged to abandon the effort entirely, and called for his family physician (allopathic,) who made the following prescription : Entite rest from pulpit, a good nourishing diet and to seek the 80 country for a time, which he did for six weeks, and on returning home, was no better. His phy- sician prescribed some simple tonics, all however, to no purpose. Some of his church members suggested to him to try homoeopathic and electro- pathic treatment, which he claimed to have no confidence in. At the sxpiration of two months, had made no improvement. A number of the official members of his church called on him in a body to pass a social hour, when they remarked to him that he did not seem in any way to be im- proving, that they though a change in treatment advisable, and as he was in their service, was rath- er under some obligation to try at least, a change of treatment, recommending electricity, which, if it proved of no purpose, he could call who he thought best. His reply was : " Well, brethren, if you feel like that, I will try it at once." On the following Monday morning he came to my office for treatment. In the diagnosis the following con- dition was observed: The spinal cord was negative to the extreme, consequently the whole system as well as the brain, so that when applying the mental faculties, the brain forces being inade- CLINICAL HISTORY. TREATMENT. 81 quate, the body lacked the support due the brain, thus causing the confusion which was aggravated by persisting in study. He could sleep quite all the time, which might terminate in lethargy. TREATMENT. Place patient on metalic stool attached to posi- tive pole, manipulate whole length of spine up- wards to cerebrum, then epigastrum with negative pole, moderate current for ten minutes. There was dull pain with sensation of fullness over eyes and through forehead, for which I placed sponge electrode attached to negative pole at cerebrum, manipulating forehead with positive pole, very light current, five minutes. This relieved the head very much, and on the whole, he felt better in all respects. Prescription, Nux V, 3rd., four times daily. I remarked to him that I thought he would preach in two weeks ; his reply was, " I guess not." The foregoing treatment was continued daily for five days, suspending it to three times the follow- ing week, when he was dismissed. He resumed 82 CLINICAL HISTORY. his pastorial labors the coming Sabbath, as I had remarked to him. There are a class of diseases of which electri- city is particularly called for, in the treatment of, and which also prevail to an alarming extent, and many go uncured, that might and should be other- wise. Our insane asylums are more or less filled with this class of diseases, there to ebb out a life of the worst pictured horror. I refer to female insanity, taking the whole female portion of insane I venture the opinion that three-forths of them are such that could be cured by homoeopathic and electropathic treatment. So far as I have been able to observe, I find the greater portion of female insanities are but the objective symptoms of uterine difficulties and sympathetic nervous irritation. As a characteristic of this form of disease, I will record the following cases : CASE No. 9. Miss B., aged 30, black hair and eyes, nervous constitution, medium hight and form, would walk the floor with lamentation and mourning over the past, was afraid to sleep alone, sleeplessness with inclination to walk the floor nights, complained of pressure from within outward in the top of head, much pain and soreness across upper portion of sacrum, soreness in right epigastric region, griev- ing over the idea she had committed the unpar- donable sin, etc. Further examination revealed the fact that there was latteral version to the left and backwards of the uterus, some sexual irrita- tion, voluptuous desires, for this rotine of symp- toms. The following was the TREATMENT. 83 TREATMENT. Placed the uterine electrode attached to posi- tive pole at osuteri, manipulating epigastrum and servical region with negative pole. Then placed sponge electrode attached to negative pole at cer- vical region, manipulating forehead and vertex with positive pole,-the latter treatment light cur- rent during the whole, fifteen minutes. Prescrip- tion Ig. 3rd, Hyos. 3rd, Origanum V. 3rd, as in- dicated. Patient recovered in five weeks. 84 CLINICAL HISTORY. Twelve years since, this same patient came to us with the following symptoms, had then been teach- ing school, this, with over application of the mind in composition of poetry, as well as late hours and much company, became delirious by spells, would answer questions only by yes and no, look- ed suspicious of those around her, had practiced masturbation to some extent, when in a paroxysm of delirium, complained of heavy pressure in ver- tex, pupils dilated, the eyes would roll upwards in the head with lacrimation, impared digestion, would grasp her hair, pulling it out if not prevented, at other times attempted her life with the axe, etc., irregular masturation, retroversion was present. Prescription, Bell. 3rd, Ignitia 3rd, relieved the head and prevented further paroxysms at this time, electrical treatment the same as given in last treat- ment, recovered in six weeks. CASE No. 10. Miss 1)., aged 23, was robust, had enjoyed the best of health, medium hight and form, light hair, blue eyes, nervous temperament, had just lost her twin sister by death of whom she was much at- CLINICAL HISTORY. 85 tached her grief was seemingly more than she could bear, and immediately showed symptoms of deranged mind, her parents tried to persuade her to go out into company, hoping to divert her mind, which she refused to do ; fearing they would in- sist on her going, she omitted dressing her feet, passing the day with bare feet, when a small child would happen to be passing by under her notice, she claimed to be the mother of it, also at the ap- proach of the menses, she was about to be confin- ed, her parents talked of calling a doctor, when she declared she would not see him ; fearing they would, she kept her bed for nearly a week, not even getting up to attend the calls of nature, when they dropped the matter of calling a physician en- tirely, leaving her to do much as she pleased for a few days, when she left her bed, dressed and went about the house in her stocking feet Her father being a dealer in bank safes, decided to use a little strategy, called on Dr. Shedd, gave him her history and wished him to call and make a sham purchase of a safe, thus enabling him to see his daughter, note her actions, etc. In the evening he did so, bought a safe, had an introduction to the daughter 86 CLINICAL HISTORY. and passed a few remarks with her while making his purchase, and came away. As soon as he took his leave, she remarked, 11 That man is a Doctor, he does not wish any safe." Prescription, Ignatia 3rd, Hyos. 3rd, were all the remedies used. TREATMENT. Place sponge electrode attached to positive pole at feet, manipulating spinal column, with negative pole for fifteen minutes daily, for two weeks, during the time, occasional treatments were given by plac- ing sponge electrode attached to negative pole at servical region, manipulating forehead and vertex with positive pole for five minutes. The cure was a very pleasing one, as she came out of it all at once, becoming very gay and fond of society. CASE No. 11. Mr. M., aged 38, dark hair, blue eyes, vigorous health, sanguineous constitution, farmer, was walk- ing behind his father from the barn to the house, when his father fell backwards to the ground dead from supposed heart disease. He lifted him in 87 his arms and carried him in the house, after which soon became nervously prostrated from the sud- den shock. The stomach would not retain any nourishment, could not sleep, was immediately in a very critical condition, and taken to Clifton Springs, and there received electro-thermo baths with gradual improvement till it was supposed he had recovered and returned home, had not been home but a few days when returning symptoms of indigestion and sleeplessness occurred. During his absence, I had located in my present field of practice, when the above symptoms returned. He thought he would try the new doctor, before going back to Clifton Springs, so he immediately called on me, saying his stomach was in much distress, and worse after partaking of food, the epigastrum was very sensitive to the touch, sleeplessness, even light exercise agrivated his whole symptoms, a clear case of nervous dyspepsia. Prescription, Nux. V. 3rd, three times daily before meals. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Placed patient on metalic stool attached to posi- 88 CLINICAL HISTORY. tive pole, manipulating epigastrum with negative pole five minutes, then place positive pole with sponge at lower dorsal region and manipulating epi- gastrum five minutes ; lastly, place tongue elec- trode attached to positive pole on tongue, manipu- lating epigastrum,, five minutes more.' Continued this treatment daily for ten days, after which twice each week for one month. One of the finest cures I ever made. CASE No. 12. Mrs. M., aged 44, sanguineous constitution, medium hight, dark gray hair, blue eyes, usual weight 170, mother of three children, the young- est being twelve, nervous temperament, sleepless- ness, much inclined to melancholy, little efforts look like a mountain, hot flashes, mind much con- fused, pain in vertex and under both scapulas, ex- treme soreness across upper portion of sacrum, obliged to abstain from walking, even a short dis- tance, sharp pain in left side under false ribs, leu- corrhea, constipation, cold extremeties, chills up and down the back, feels much discouraged, has been suffering nearly one year, during past fall of 89 1881, called physician who prescribed for the liver. He continued his visits about two months, but failed to benefit her. Upon his leaving town to locate elsewhere, December 4th, I received a tele- gram to come to her house at once, which I did, and found the above condition. Electrical diagno- sis revealed the presence of prolapsus and retro- version. She remarked that the menstrual periods were much more profuse of late than usual, dur- ing which time the limbs would often become numb, as some are heard to say, going to sleep, obliging her to, as often, rub them freely, as she said, to get up circulation. The climacteric change is evidently taking place. Prescription, Nux V. 3rd, Acid S. 3d, in alternation four times daily. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Place patient on metalic stool with positive pole attached, manipulated sacro-lumbar region ex- tending to either crests of ilium, then epigastrum, and to the left with negative pole fifteen minutes daily for five days with decided improvement, ex- cepting constipation. Prescription, Avena. Sat., 90 CLINICAL HISTORY. mother tinct., Gtts. 10, morning and night ; Bell. 3rd, Aced. S., 3d., alternate four times each day. Electrical treatment every other day, constipation much better, sleeps well, no back ache, the head symptoms quite entirely subsided, followed by her more natural disposition to be quite lively, gave here three more treatments, making nine in all, at intervals of one, two and three days, when she was dismissed. CASE No. 13. Mrs. P., aged 45, light hair, blue eyes, phlegma- tic temperament, feeble and lax constitution, moth- er of four children, the youngest about fourteen. To give you her own words, " Never has enjoyed good health, but has managed to keep up and be about the house, and oversee the servants in house- hold duties." Past the clemacteric change four years, back so very lame and sore, is obliged to keep her couch most of the day, five years since had ulceration of the cervex, which was treated by old school and nitrate of silver process, much leucorrhcea of exhaustive but not excorritive char- acter, weak circulation, cold extremities, prolapsus CLINICAL HISTORY. 91 uteri, sharp needle pains in left ovarian region, says she has had prolapsus all her married life, en- largement and chronic congestion of uterus, the whole inner pelvic muscles relaxed and negatively sore, the left epigastric region very sensitive with sharp pain in left side, much inclined to sheading of tears. Prescription, Cim. 2nd., Puls. 3rd., in alternation, four times daily. Placed uterine electrode attached to positive pole at osuteri, manipulated sacro-lumbar region, and right and left, the epigastrum, and left ovarian region with negative pole for fifteen minutes daily for five days, attended with very marked improvement. Three more treatments at intervals of one, three and five days, when the pa- tient remarked that she could not tell when she had felt so well before. General treatment, how- ever, was necessary to be repeated occasionally for some time after. TREATMENT. Nervous Dyspepsia, treated by Dr. Shedd. Mr. J. F., aged 45, billions temperament, occu- CASE No. 14. 92 pation Superintendent of Railroad, over average hight, much emaciated, haggard appearance of the face, the distress of stomach from taking nourish- ment was so severe, was obliged to require the amount weighed, for fear of taking too much- only four ounces in twenty-four hours could be taken with impunity-constipation, sallow complex- ion, sleeplessness, over mental application, togeth- er with the sedentary habit of life, were the causes of this condition. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. Placed patient on metalic stool attached to pos- itive pole, manipulating epigastrum five minutes with negative pole ; then place sponge electrode attached to positive pole at lower dorsal region, manipulating epigastrum five minutes with nega- tive po!e, then again, placing sponge attached to positive pole at servical region, manipulating epi- gastrum with negative pole as before. The latter was alternated by placing tongue electrode attach- ed to positive pole on tongue and manipulate epi- gastrum as before with negative pole daily for five days, which was followed with marked improve- ment, allowing patient to eat one and one-half pounds food in the twenty-four hours. Seven ad- ditional treatments were given at longer intervals, when the patient was dismissed cured. No medi- cine was prescribed in the treatment of this case. SPERMATORRHOEA. 93 SPERMATORRHOEA which means an involuntary flow of semen, is al- together different from such catarrhal effections of the seminal vesicles, although it also may have its cause at least, in part, in some morbid affection of these vesicles. It is, however, more the conse- quence of a general disorder of the sexual system. Among the causes of spermatorrhoea especially to be mentioned are : excess in venere, masturbation and sexual excitement, even by imagination, irrita- tion of the penis by diseases of that organ, itching eruptions on the penis, scrotom, perinaeum and anus, worms, habitual costiveness, syphilis, etc. Such continuous irritation at first stimulates the 94 testicles to perform over duty ; it causes a hypere- mia swelling, and excessive sensibility of the testes, spermatic cord, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts and the prostrate gland. Reaction soon follows with great exhaustion, atrophy and paralytic state of the muscular apparatus of the organs. " The seminal ejaculations which at first are voluntarily induced become oftener repeated until they finally occur involuntarily."-Raue. One so unfortunate, looses the muscular and sexual abilities, his character and intellect. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Place sponge electrode attached to positive pole at perinseum, manipulatimg sacro-lumbar region, epigastrum and pubes fifteen minutes daily, till improvement is observed, when treat less fre- quent. If the case is one of long standing, great nervous excitement and prostration, the current should be very light at first. Medicinal therapeu- tice where there is nocturnal erections with seminal emissions, cold water, showering of the genitials, just before retiring. This may be repeated during the night. Dioscorea 3rd and 200th. If there is irritation of the stomach, Bromide Pottas., Arsen., Alb., Nux. V. If there be nocturnal emissions, back ache, weak legs, organs relaxed, face sunken, abashed look, great prostration, Staphisagra. If the sexual organs are weak, irritable, involuntary emissions without erections, spermatorrhoea, emis- sions of semen during stool, cold, relaxed genitals, Gelsemium. There are many other remedies which may be considered in individual cases, as the following: Canth., Cann., Clematis., China. Con., Camph., Collinson, Digit, Iris., Phos. Acid., Phos , Sulph. IMPOTENCE. 95 IMPOTENCE is want of virile power, may be a mere trancient inability or it may be a total want of virile power. The first may be caused by a weakened state of the sexual organs, spermatorrhoea, certain mental conditions, such as bashfulness, a fear of not be- ing able to succeed, there may be either no erec- tion of the penis at the proper time or it may be insufficient, or it may relax during or in the midst 96 of the act, or the semen may be discharged before the introduction of the penis can be effected. Complete impotence has its cause in a functional weakness of the genital organs when erections do not occur at any time. It may be complicated with diabetes, and again in other cases, no cause can be ascertained. CLINICAL HISTORY. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Place the penis in glass tube for that purpose, attached to positive pole, manipulating sacrum and pubes with negative pole fifteen minutes daily, till the observation of improvement. Medicinal therapeutics : Consider Agar., Agn. C., Baryta., Calad., Lycopod., Nat. Mur., Nitric Ac., Magn. C. Pottass. B. I will record the following clinical cases and treatment of spermatorrhoea : CASE No. 15. Mr. W., aged 25, black hair and eyes, nervous temperament, medium hight, much amatiated, wild staring look, dark rings under the eyes, very sensi- tive to noise. A short time after dinner, generally TREATMENT. 97 regurgitations up much of what had been eaten, which was extremely sour, extreme burning in the stomach, eructations of sour gas, nocturnal erec- tions, followed with emissions, causing nervous ex- citement, pale face, sunken eyes, depression of spirits, pain in the head, and back, cold hands and feet, was afraid to sleep alone, owing to the sexual excitement and consequent erections followed with emissions. His father took to sleeping with him, and as a further precaution, patient would tie a string around the penis in a way to bind it to the leg, thereby causing him to awake, when an erec- tion was coming on. In this way, some nights would be passed without an emission. It was claimed, by his former physician, the water was highly saturated with the semen, which I could not discover. Music would set him into a com- plete frenzy of excitement, there was also a ten- dency to constipation, in his younger days, he had practiced masturbation to an alarming degree, claiming not to know it was hurtful until told by his father, when he stopped. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. Placed sponge electrode attached to positive 98 TREATMENT. pole against perinseum, manipulating sacro-lumbar portion of spine, epigastrum and pubes fifteen minutes with negative pole, then placed sponge electrode attached to positive pole at lower dorsal region, manipulating epigastrum with negative pole, five minutes. Medicinal prescription, Carbo. V., 3rd, Pottas. B., Grs. 2., in alternation every two hours. Dioscoria 3rd, four times daily, independ- ent. To sleep on hard bed and shower the geni- tals with cold water, before retiring. This was continued eight days, when he had nocturnal erec- tion followed with an emission which excited him much. The regurgitation of food had subsided, but burning in the stomach still continued. Still persisting in electrical treatment with Carbo. V. 3rd, and Arsen. Alb., 3rd, alternating every two hours ; occasional doses Pottas. B., continuing four days, when the burning had entirely ceased. His strength had improved to that extent that he decided to sleep alone, and took ride of one mile. The electrical treatments were continued less and less frequent for two months. During the time, occasional doses of medicine, when he resumed his work of overseeing his father's farm. MILK LEG. 99 CASE No. 16. Mr. H., aged 50, impotent loss of virile power, when about to perform the sexual act, erections were wholly wanting, had indulged the sexual ap- petite freely during his married life, and having be- come a widower, still indulged to excess, till he could not depend upon an erection. Enjoyed good health otherwise. TREATMENT. Placed penis in glass receptacle containing water attached to positive pole, manipulating sacrum and pubes with negative pole, fifteen minutes, strong current. Prescription, Helonas 3rd, morn- ing and night for one week, which was followed with improvement. Continued electrical treatment to three each week. Prescription, Lycopod 3rd, morning and night, when he remarked he thought it would do for him to get married again. PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS, OR MILK LEG. This is not a disease of itself but a frequent 100 complication of the puerperal state, a metastatic inflammation of one or more large veins of the thigh, causing the whole limb to swell with extreme pain, becoming white and shining in appearance. In extreme conditions of this character, the swel- ling has been so great as to cause the skin to burst in various places on the limb, with more or less watery discharge, when the extreme pain may sub- side, leaving the limb in a weak, chronic condition. The enlargement may continue for years, necessi- tating the use of a crutch in walking, accompanied with general debilitated state of whole system. Of the present number of cases, many occur through neglect of either the patient, the nurse or the physician, and could and should have such particu- lar attention of the nurse and physician, holding this one objeet in view, till such time as the period of its setting in has passed. TREATMENT. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. In the acute and inflammatory forms, place the sponge electrode attached to negative pole under foot, manipulating the limb with the positive pole CLINICAL HISTORY. downward; in extreme cases, a treatment of ten minutes duration, morning and night, when only once each day, fifteen minutes, when the inflam- matory condition is wholly subdued, and there re- mains extreme weakness and languor of the limb, the currents should be reversed, using light current and manipulate upwards. Medicinal therapeu- tics, Hamamilis ist. Externally apply, as hot as patient can bear, Hamamilis, mother tinct, i oz. to water i pt. The following clinical case may be of interest to the reader: 101 CASE No. 17. Mrs. O., aged 20, medium hight and form, firm constitution, whose confinement was very tedious, lasting thirty-six hours, in regular labor when de- livery was accomplished, on the fourteenth day of lying in she felt pain in left inguinal region, streak- ing down the limb, each succeeding hour, growing worse, accompanied with much swelling, the pain was really excrutiating, severe headache, with flushed face. Bell. 3rd and Hamamilis, 3d, 102 alternated every hour internally, with the external application of Hamamilis, mother tinct., i oz. to water one pint, as hot as patient can bear, for twelve hours, when the pain subsided, leaving the limb much swollen, which she could not move, for some four months, she could only sit in her rock- ing chair in which she was drawn about the house from room to room, etc., when Dr. Shedd began giving her a course of electrical TREATMENT. TREATMENT by placing sponge electrode attached to negative pole under foot, manipulating limb downward with positive pole, reducing the swelling and inflamma- tion so that the limb was only slightly larger than the well one, after which the currents were revers- ed, giving tone and strength till she could walk about with comfort. Fifteen treatments were giv- en and could the whole treatment have been given at the outset, much suffering and time would have been saved. As a word of caution, do not mistake the above condition for rheumatism, as I have known ABORTION. such circumstances to occur, at the expense of the patient's life. 103 ABORTION. The application of electricity during the period of pregnancy, is not admissible, owing to the tendency to excite abortion, and should, in all cases where pregnancy is present, be strictly prohibited. It is often the case, when the menstrual periods have become surpressed, and the first months of preg- nancy are very similar. A thorough discrimina- tion should be made before treating this class of symptoms. I now call the attention of the reader to the fol- lowing clinical cases treated, each of which have their respective peculiarities of symptoms, and also showing where electricity has been instrumental in opening the way to improvement and ultimate re- covery. There are too many instances in general 104 CLINICAL HISTORY. practice where electricity does not take the lead in treatment, neither does medicine seem sufficient to meet the demands expected of it, however well it may cover the totality of symptoms. The usual drugs may have been prescribed to arouse the latent forces, all of which has been to no pur- pose, when the application of electricity would set the wheel rolling with great satisfaction to the physician and final recovery of the patient. CASE No. 18. Mr. W., aged 18, tall, slim, very much emaciat- ed, had been confined to his bed one year, extreme pain in bowels, knees drawn up over abdomen and chest, could not lay straight on account of the ex- cessive pain, bowels sunken in like wooden bowl, skin rough, of black-and-blue color, great prostra- tion, frequent slimy, yellowish brown and watery stools with tenesmus oedema of the feet, cold ex- tremities, pulse weak, quick, 120 per minute, af- ter midnight, vomiting of greenish-white substance, extreme restlessness, sleepless nights, tongue dry, reddish streak in center, pale, sunken face, nose pinched, blue rings around eyes, stomach would not tolerate a bit of nourishment of any kind, was told by his former physician, he could not live more than two weeks longer, when I was called to see if I could help him, and found the above symptoms. A case of typhoid dysentery, with much doubt of recovery. The treatment was as follows: Placed sponge electrode attached to negative pole at feet, manipulating abdomen with positive pole. The effect was surprising ; in ten minutes he could straighten out his limbs with much less pain and soreness of abdominal mus- cles. Medicinal prescription, Arsen. Alb., 3rd, and Bap. 2d, in alternation every two hours. The next morning, I was much surprised to see the manifest improvement over the day before. The same treatment and prescription was repeated, fol- lowed with like results, the vomiting had subsided, the bowels did not move for forty-eight hours, when a movement occurred without teensmus, the character of which was much better, the pa- tient called for beef tea. Prescription, Arsen. Alb. 3rd, and China 3rd, alternate every three hours, with alcoholic baths at night. I made this patient CLINICAL HISTORY. 105 106 CLINICAL HISTORY. five visits, followed with rapid convalescence, and I do not believe he could have lived another week. I record the case to show the great benefit of elec- tricity as an inter current remedy. CASE No. 19. Treated by Dr. Shedd. Miss T., New York City, aged 32, sanguinous constitution, full habit, was suffering with severe gastric fever, the usual homoeopathic indicated remedies were presevering- ly precribed for three days without benefit, when electricity was applied by placing tongue electrode attached to positive pole on tongue, manipulating over stomach thoroughly with negative pole. This treatment was repeated for two days, when the fever, in a great measure, subsided, and a return to the closely indicated homceopathie medication, completed the cure in forty-eight hours. CASE No. 20. Treated by Dr. Shedd. Mr. K., aged 35, san- guinous constitution, had had frequent attacks of kidney difficulties for which he had gone through CLINICAL HISTORY. the allopathic blistering process in region of kid- neys, till the lumbar muscles had lost all flexibility, causing the spine to remain stiff and immovable. The act of stooping could not take place only by dropping on the knees, in which way he was oblig- ed to work his garden, and attend all duties re- quiring one to stoop. 107 TREATMENT. Placed feet in water attached to positive pole, manipulating back and lumbar muscles with nega- tive pole ten minutes, then placed positive pole in both hands, manipulating lumbar muscles of both sides and back ten minutes longer. The treat- ments were continued daily for one week, the re- sult of which was, he could sit in a chair and touch his toes with his fingers. Two treatments each week were continued for five weeks, resulting in a complete cure. CASE No. 21. Treated by Dr. Shedd. Mr. A., aged 19, ner- 108 vous temperament, had enjoyed general good health. While practicing a gymnasium exercise received a severe fall, resulting in paraplegia of left side. Three days after the fall, the side was com- pletely paralyzed, for three weeks the patient suf- fered extreme pain, for which his physician pres- cribed all the different anodynes, (allopathic) with- out relief, during the time, too, he was obliged to have watchers nightly. One of his friends pro- posed to him to go to Dr. Shedd, then in Dundee, N. Y., for treatment, and if he did not get help, it should not cost him anything, if he was helped he might pay his own way. He accordingly went to Dr. Shedd, who, upon diagnosticating the case, found his left side in a complete negative state and treated him accordingly, as follows : Placed posi- tive electrode in right hand and manipulated left side, arm and leg with negative pole five minutes, then placed positive electrode under right foot and manipulated left side, arm and leg with negative pole five minutes, lastly, placed positive electrode on right side and manipulated left side up and down whole length of spine. These treatments were continued daily for fourteen days, when the TREATMENT. STATICAL ELECTRICITY. 109 patient was dismissed, cured. I may add there was no medicine prescribed in the treatment. CASE No. 22. Treated by Dr. Shedd. Mr. C., aged 70, ner- vous constitution, had sciatic rheumatism, very se- vere for one week. TREATMENT. Placed sponge electrode attached to negative pole under foot, manipulating thigh down to knee with positive pole ten minutes, then placed sponge attached to positive pole against upper portion of thigh and sciatic nerve and manipulated inside of leg with negative pole, rubbing downward with both poles for ten minutes daily, for five days, re- sulting in complete cure and no medicine. STATICAL ELECTRICITY, IN THE TREATMENT OF PROGRESSIVE ANAEMIA. I wish to call the attention of the reader to a 110 class of symptoms almost entirely limited to the female sex, between the fifteenth and thirty-fifth years of life. There is a want of blood in the system, what circulation there is, being poor in quality, and insufficient in quantity. Some of the symptoms of chlorosis may also be considered here. The want of electrical force in the age of female puberty which may be from a hereditary disposi- tion with some, others, no assignable cause may be observed. Other symptoms are, gradual growing pale of the skin and mucous membrane increasing to that, similar to anaemia from hemorrhage. There is wasting of tissues with irritable weakness, great prostration with fits of fainting from slight exertion, dyspnoea, with some hardly able to speak above a breath, hemorrhage from different parts of the body, there may be fever of irregular type, with temporary exacerbations with those. Where the menstrural function have been established, they may have become suspended for want of function- al vitality, dark rings around the eyes, the pulse is frequently small and thread-like, easily excited by trifling causes, cold extremities, want of appe- tite, slow digestion with foul eructations and strong STATICAL ELECTRICITY. desire for sour things, etc., with all of this, a phy- sical diagnosis does not show any particular organ- ic disease. There does not seem to be vitality on which to realize medicinal action. The gal- vano currents are too exciting, and consequently tend to prostration rather than stimulation. For such conditions the statical electricity is best adapt- ed to begin treatment by placing patient on insul- ated stool and charging the system till the patient's hair will stand erect. This should be repeat- ed when the hair begins to fall, keeping the system charged from twenty to thirty minutes daily, should there be functional disturbance in any part of the system, such as weak eyes, imperfect hearing or others similar, light shocks over these localities by placing the operator's finger in close proximity to the locality, sparks will fly off from patient to fin- ger, causing a mild and pleasant shock which may be repeated in the treatment by keeping the sys- tem well charged. This treatment may be con- tinued with best of results till the vital forces have come up to that point, when resort to the currents may be had with favorable results. The remedies which may be considered are Arsen., Avena. Sat., STATICAL ELECTRICITY. 111 112 USE OF CURRENTS. Aletris., Calc, carb., Carb. Veg., China, Cuprum., Ferrum., Helon., Hydrast., Kali. Carb., Natr. Mur., Nux. V., Sulphur, Verat., etc. THE USE OF THE CURRENTS. In the use of the different currents of the bat- tery in the treatment of disease, with the Kidder battery, there are six different qualities of currents, viz: the A. B., A. C., A. D., B. C., B. D. and C. D. There are but few cases calling for electro- medical treatment, in which the above currents are not adapted in treatment. The uninterrupted current, multiplied cell batteries might, in a very few cases be preferable, not however, to warrant the practitioner in supplying himself with such, unless he were making a specialty of electricity. The crank batteries I consider of so little impor- tance in the treatment of disease, that further com- ment regarding them is unnecessary, while any of the to and fro current electro-medical apparatus is adapted to this work, for which the profession USE OF CURRENTS. 113 will select batteries best suited to their paiticular desires. In the treatment of paralytic and muscu- lar rheumatic difficulties, as well as those relaxed conditions peculiar to prolapsus, the A. D. quality of current is more frequently adapted. In the more sensitive forms of nervous conditions, I use the A. C. quality of current ; should the sys- tem be over sensitive to the A. C.„ the A. B. cur- rent may be modified to the most delicate condi- tions, till such time the condition will admit and take on the A. C. current with benefit. With dis- eases of the braiii and eye, the operator should be extremely careful in the application, using the A. C. current When using other forms of batteries, where the volume of current is controlled by the plunge rod wholly, the operator should test the cur- rent on himself in order to be sure in knowing he is not going to shock the patient unnecessarily. In adjusting the interruption of currents, I may add, the finer the vibration in nervous conditions, the better; while in those of muscular origin, the coarser vibrations are more desirable, and stimula- ting or relaxing, as the case may require. This should not be forgotten. 114 SOPOR FROM OPIUM AND MORPIA. There is hardly a practitioner who has not been called to overcome the mechanical efforts of opium or morphia, either where it has been taken by mis- take or otherwise, while the antidotes are indis- pensible and effectual, when administered in sea- son, there are times when they have proved in- effectual. When the use of the currents might have proved a saving boon 'The author has in mind a case of recent date, of which he was called in council, where all the antidotes, frections spatting, etc., proved insufficient. Placing the negative pole under foot with strong A. 1). current, and touch ing either side of the face and neck with positive pole, the patient would beg and plead to be left alone ; not hovever, till she was thoroughly aroused to a sense of conversation, was it suspended. This was the effect of taking two grains of morphine. 115 SYMPATHETIC IRRITATIONS OF NERVE CENTERS AND SPINAL CORD. Under this head, I refer more particularly to the female economy, than the male, from the fact that the female portion are more subject to maladies producing sympathetic irritation. There are many conditions of this character that are classed " spinal disease, " and the same may be said of heart disease ; further, when such terms are used as the latter, 1 regard them to mean nothing. What may be considered still more absurd, is to meet a patient who has suffered untold misery, with severe pain in the cervical region, sharp pains between and under the scapulae, dull, heavy pain and soreness across upper portion of sacrum, head ache, etc., is the treatment they have undergone of blistering applications of mustard paste, the insert- ing of seatons, cupping and the like. It has been my experience quite invariably, to find uterine dis- placement, the prime cause of the above narrated symptoms, generally prolapsus with retroversion, constipation, dysmenorrhoea, etc., may be added. Another class of symptoms are confusion and pres- 116 SYMPATHETIC IRRITATIONS sure in the vertex, noise is unbearable, indigestion, at times nausea, eating little, feels as if much had been eaten causing epigastric distress, eructations, vesical temsmus, stranguary, bearing down across lower pubic region, sharp pain in right and left side, leucorrhoea, etc. This is an allopathic dys- pepsia. It has been my experience to find pro- lapus with anti-version most frequently the cause and seat of difficulties. Another class of symp- toms are, frequent fainting spells, palpitation, the pulse weak and intermitting amenorrhoea, impaired appetite, sharp needle-pains in one or both ovarian regions, leucorrhoea, cold extremities. This has been termed heart d'sease. With this routine of symptoms, I have observed uterine flexions, ulcera- tion of the cervex, excorriating surfaces of various degrees of severity, as prime causes. There are still other groups of sympathetic irritations which may be found under the head of progressive anaemia, which I have referred to and considered under that head in one of the previous chapters. It is not my purpose to give, in a work like this, the anatomical avenues of which sympathetic irritations are conducted. The size and capacity would not admit of it, neither could anything like justice be done the subject. Nearly all of the ab- normal conditions here referred to are of the chronic form, and are of obscure origin. Thorough digital examinations should be carefully made to note the full extent of lessional changes, as well as the electrical diagnosis to locate the origin of the malady, thus giving the practitioner a full recogni- tion as to the peculiar character of the difficulty of each individual case in which he is called to treat and when this is properly and scientifically made, success follows the treatment ultimating in the cure of the patient. CEREBRAL ANAEMIA. 117 C E REBRAL A NM1A is a state in which the supply of blood in the brain is diminished and frequently altered ; when occur- ing suddenly, it produces unconsciousness or diz- ziness or stupor. Should it be general, and par- ticularly if associated with venous congestion, is apt to cause convulsions. When coming on more 118 CEREBRAL AN7EMIA. gradually, it manifests itself by drowsiness, dis- tressing headache, frequently of the vertex, with pale face, rather prominent eye and large pupils, derangement of special senses,-vertigo. The other symptoms of cerebral disorder, being reliev- ed in the recumbent position ; also by the feeble pulse and cool forehead ; then, in tracing its his- tory, you are apt to find to occur in those who have been exhausted by debilitating diseases, and by frequent hemorrhages. The distinction from softening, lies in the history of the case, the ap- pearance of the patient, as well as the absence of palsies, or their passing nature must be considered. It must not be forgotten that if such morbid con- dition be long entertained, the poorly nourished brain will soften. Causes.-Frequent and profuse uterine hemor-' rhages are common causes, quickly following mis- carriages or abortions, also pernicious practice of which not a few women indulge in, taking forcing drugs each month, to regulate the period, long continued leucorrhoea, excessive nursing, day and night, diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding hemorrhoides, epistaxis, long continued fevers, particularly, the CEREBRAL ANAEMIA. 119 persistent malarial fever, prevelant in the West- ern country, over mental application, night-work and night-watching, excessive study of all kinds, constant duty of the brain, the body compara- tively nothing. In following this course tends, first to hyperaemia of the cerebral substance, then ex- haustion, which is anaemia, the abuse of chloral bromide of potash, morphia, etc , have with some, been the means through which this condition of the brain has been the lesult. Insufficient nour- ishment, excessive use of tobacco with some peo- ple, and want of fresh a r and sunshine. As prin- ciple causes of partial cerebral anaemia, may be mentioned, tumors of the brain, aneurisms of cere bral vessels, old age, condition of the vessels of the brain, favoring thrombosis, a rheumatic diath- esis, organic d.sease of the heart, fatty degenera- tion of the heart, and aneurisms of the aorta or other large vessels favoring embolism. Diagnosis.-With a strict observation of the foregoing article on electrical diagnosis, and also a close observation of the objective symptoms as well as those subjective, will clearly indicate the character and seriousness of cases of this malady, 120 and thus prevent a misconception as to the true nature of the complaint. Prognosis.-Many cases of cerebral anaemia are regarded favorable to recovery, providing the cause be removed. The prognosis may be regarded unfavorable in cases due to sudden and extreme hemorrhage. 1 n cases of partial cerebral anaemia, may be considered unfavorable, however, should such cases linger four to six days, succeeding the shock, resulting from embolism, they may possibly recover, strong probabilities of softening in such cases may be entertained, particularly those due to obstruction of large vessels, when the anaemic condition beyond the seat of lesion is great. TREATMENT. TREATMENT. In the treatment of this malady, as in other dis- eased conditions, the cause should first, if possible, be removed. Uterine hemorrhages, hemorrhoidal bleeding, leucorrhoea, excessive nursing, dysentery and diarrhoea and such conditions should receive immediate attention. The large number of such patients need rest and nature is, in the majority of cases, forcing them to this, which is often observ- ed in the difficulty of breathing, the tendency to become exhausted, as well as the drowsiness which overcomes them so readily at all times. Some of these patients need almost constant rest by lying down, others should take more or less exercise, some should discontinue business pursuits, while still others may be benefited by being engaged in their occupations, traveling may be beneficial in some instances, still others would be far better to stay at home. The more severe cases should be placed in bed and kept there. The recumbent position, good nourishment with suitable stimulants if necessary; lastly, but not least, electricity is ap- plicable in some cases and conditions of prostra- tion. All should be considered in the treatment of this malady. Electricity is, however, the most important remedy, and is generally required in nearly all such cases. Dr. Butler is said to have treated these conditions with electricity, which means was all that could be devised. The same treatment is adapted to partial cerebral anaemia, due to embolism, thrombus, or any growth, tumor or other substances obstructing the cerebral circu- TREATMENT. 121 122 TREATMENT. lation. 'rhe remedies for medicinal treatment, which should not be discarded nor forgotten, but combined in treatment generally, are the following : Argentum Nit. Extreme mental depression, apathy and influence, loss of memory, extreme idiocy in some cases, deep seated, constant head- ache, and there is an utter inability to do mental work, disturbed sleep with dreams, physical pros- tration, muscular trembling, a highly esteemed remedy in chronic forms, etc. Zincum. There is rapid loss of memory, the patient becomes silly in the manner of talking, cold skin and earthy colored, emaciation of mus- cular tissues and spinal sensitiveness, there is coated tongue, constipation, the lower extremites are restless and fidgety, being in constant motion, cases with depressed anterior fontanel are said to improve by the use of zincum, also cases of cere- bral atrophy and mental depression. Phosphorus Is recommended for old cases of long standing, those advanced in years with symp- toms of arterial degeneration, cerebral softening, due to anaemia, insufficient blood supply of par- ticular portions of cerebral substance, neuralgia of TREATMENT. 123 fifth pair, left side, cerebral anaemia, associated with sexual debility from long continued excess, tendencies to tuberculoses, watery diarrhoea early in morning. Phosphoric Acid, May be thought of and con- sidered in extreme debility, also sexual weakness, debilitated night sweats, chronic diarrhoea of whitish gray stools. Symptoms due to prolonged sexual excess, particularly masturbation, low spirit- ed, continued, dull, heavy headache, effecting the vertex. The patient is not able to think. Arsenicum Album. Ext:eme prostration, anx- iety and fear of death, chronic diarrhoea, discharg- es of burning character, skin cold and glossy, ex- treme restlessness, incessant thirst, much worse at night, nausea, vomiting with purging, immediately after drinking, malarial fevers and cinchonism. China. Debilitating, exhaustive, acute diseases, anaemic conditions after the patient seems to have got well, long continued nursing, uterine hemorrh- ages, sexual excesses, emissions, masturbations,etc., dizziness and amaurosis, particularly malarial poisoning. 124 Nux. Vom. Sedentary habits, extreme mental work, very little physical exercise, great loss of sleep, long continued stimulating from coffee, tea, tobacco and liquors, constipation and hemorrhoids, gastric conditions, vesical irritations, back ache, dull frontal headache. Aurum. Melancholic patients, inclined to sui- cide, cases in which syphilis and the abuse of mer- cury have been the means of cerebral anaemia. Sulphur. Old chronic cases, indisposed to mental application, persons stoop in walking and standing, vertigo, constipation and hemorrhoids, diarrhoea, driving one out of bed in the morning, burning of the vertex and feet, spinal tenderness. CHANGE (JE LIKE. THE CHANGE OF LIFE This is a term used, which means the cessation of the functions of ovulation and menstruation. This period does not usually occur all at once, nor does it occur with all alike, or at a particular stat- ed time. With some it may embrace a period of CHANGE OF LIFE. 125 several months, or extend to as many years. Some women cease menstruation as early in life as thirty, while others continue on to the advanced age of sixty. Such extreme cases, however, are rare eith- er way. The average duration of menstruation is usually observed to be about thirty to thirty-five years. With many women, the change of life is so gradual in its appearance and progress, the sys- tem seems to conform to the approaching new or- der of things, the nervous and circulatory systems are but slightly disturbed, the most frequent and favorable symptoms being an irregular return of the period, less frequent, a less quantity of the flow, till it ceases entirely. Those who are inclin- ed to profuse hemorrhages, particularly those of plethoric and nervous make up, or those who have indulged in sexual excesses or those who are sub- ject to hemorrhages, alternating with whitish leu- corrhoea, which has a feted odor is acrid and very copius, which may continue long after the mens- trual discharges has ceased, to appear with colic, uterine cramps, pains in the sides, dull pains and weight in sacro-lumbar region, uncontrolable itch- ing of the parts, bloating of the abdomen, ex- 126 treme nervousness, sleeplessness, etc., such re- quire treatment. With some, the cessation of the menstrual functions are sudden. Dr. Eaton says " generally, as a first effect of the menstrual cessa- tion, the uterus may be felt congested and enlarg- ed, and it is likely the ovaries and entire pelvic viscera are, in a measure, congested also. This congestion and over-fullness of the blood vessels in the pelvis, especially in the uterus, causes irrita- tion of the nerves of those parts which is com- municated to the spinal cord and sympathetic ganglia, which explains somewhat, the manifesta- tions of diseases, particularly common at this epoch. The mind, with some, is very decidedly effected, very changable, manifestations of mental derangement are present." I might add many more symptoms peculiar to the change of life, pre- suming however, this is sufficient, will call the attention of the reader to the TREATMENT. TREATMENT. The conditions which call for treatment, may be classed under three heads, viz: First, Sympathet- ic nervous symptoms, negative condition ; Second, Muscular sympathy, negative relaxation ; Conges- tion, positive and contractive. Under first heading we have mental derange- ment, dull, confused pressing pains in vertex and forehead, vertigo, nausea, neuralgia, pains in vari- ous parts of the body, defective circulation, prick- ling sensations of the extremities with numbness, cold feet and hands, sleeplessness, etc. All of these symptoms call for plus electricity. Second. Muscular sympathy is due to want of nervous forces, chronic uterine congestion, prolap- sus, dull, heavy, sacro-lumbar region pains, heavy bearing down in hypogastrum, general muscular relaxation, plus electricity. Third. The congestive conditions are hot flashes congestion to the head, uterine congestion and heat of whole pelvic viscera, etc., which call for minus electricity. The nearer balanced the nervo-electrical forces in the system, the nearer we are to good health. The medicinal treatment that combines well with electricity, may be selected from the following group of remedies: Lachesis, Cocculus, Pulsa- TREATMENT. 127 128 tilla, Sulphur, Crocus, Conium, Sepia, Ignitia, Sanguinaria, Nux Void., Ipecac, Bell., Trillium, Nit. Ac., China, Viburnum, Prun., Verat. Vir. and Acid Sulph. Out of the group of remedies giv- en, the following may be more especially particu- larized : Cocculus. Is indicated by the sensation of nausea, the occasional bilious vomiting which sometimes occurs, also violent, spasmodic cramp- like pains in the bowels which are apt to occur up- on the cessation of the menstrual discharge. Nux. Vom. May be considered in the treat- ment of persons of nervous or bilious make up, dark complexion and spare frame who are subject to piles, and in those whom the sufferings are agra- vated or present upon rising in the morning, par- ticularly if there be distention of the epigastrum and region of false ribs, restlessness, irritability, disposition to outbursts of temper, constant incli- nation to lie down, etc. Pulsatilla. Is particularly adapted to those of habituality, mild, and sensitive disposition, round, full and soft frame, phlegmatic temperament and TREATMENT. TREATMENT. lymphatic constitution. The sufferings are greater towards night. Lachesis. Is more particularly indicated at critical age, when excessive nervous irritations exist, with tendency to vertigo, throbbing headache, spasms of the stomach, constipation, there may be sudden attacks of looseness of the bowels. Belladona. Heavy, pressive bearing down pains, dull aching pains and weight in the small of the back, bloated red face, strong pulsations of the arteries of the neck and temples, there may be constant feeling of weight and pressure and also oppression without aching pain in the chest and region of the stomach. Sulphuric Acid. Flushes of heat and sudden and excessive or profuse sweats, diminishing on movement, may be considered the key note of this remedy, in this abnormal condition, as well as dry tongue, thirst, weakness in the back and legs, general languor and feelings of tremulousness, still do not tremble. Diet and Regimen. The diet should be plain and unstimulating, regular hours and exercise, change of air and of scenery, avoid all stimulat- 129 130 ing drinks as well as every source of emotion and excitement. The free use of cold water followed with brisk friction are some of the best rules to be observed by those of whom the climax of life is attended with more or less suffering and incon- venience. MISCELLANEOUS. The following clinical cases may be of interest to the reader, owing to the fact they were treated wholly electrically, without the aid of medicine, by Dr. Shedd. Case masturbation, aged 19, had masturbation since a small boy, till he was bordering on idiocy. Things which happened yesterday, seemed to him a year ago, nocturnal emissions without erections occur nightly. He was cured in two weeks by electricity. Another case. A sailor was made impotant from the fall of a barrel and contents on the cer- vical region of spine, crushing him to the floor. From that time, for two years, he was unabie to stand erect, as well as impotent. After three weeks of electrical treatment, the impotency was cured, and he could straighten up five and one- half inches taller, and by electricity alone. Still another case. Bleeding hemorrhoides, was obliged to wear glazed silk drawers, to conduct the hemorrhages into his boots, frequently when walking from his house to the store the hemorrh- age would be so free as to partly fill his boots. TREATMENT. 131 TREATMENT. Placed rectum electrode attached to positive pole in rectum, manipulating sacrum and across epigastrum with negative pole, daily for one week, after which less frequent. The patient was dismiss- ed cured in four weeks. INDEX. Abortion 103 Ague in the Breast 28 Anti version 21 Amaurosis 48 Amaurosis, treatment of 49 Articular Rheumatism 74 Auditory Nerve, Paralysis of 49 Cephalalgia Rheumatica 36 Cephalalgia Rheumatica, treatment of 40 Cervico-occipital neuralgia 38 Cervico-occipital neuralgia, treatment of 40 Crural neuralgia 37 Crural neuralgia, treatment 39 Cerebral Anaemia 117 Change of Life 124 Coryza Coryza, treatment of 60 Chlorosis 27 Currents, use of the different 112 Disease IO Diagnosis of Disease 11 Dyspepsia 28 Diseases adapted to Electricity 60 INDEX. II Electricity, its polarities 9 Facial neuralgia 38 Female Diseases 21 Female insanity 82 General treatment 21 Glosso-Laryngeal Paralysis 51 Glosso-Laryngeal Paralysis, treatment 52 Hemorrhoides 44 Hemorrhoides, treatment 45 Introductory 7 Intercostal neuralgia 38 Intercostal neuralgia, treatment 41 Impotence 95 Lateral Version 22 Leucorrhoea Uterine 23 Mental and Nervous Exhaustion 60 Menstruation Suppressed 25 Nasal Catarrh 30 Neuralgia of the Trigeminus 38 Neuralgia of the Trigeminus, treatment 40 Nervous Dyspepsia, treated by Dr. Shedd.... 73 Paralysis 46 Paralysis of the Auditory Nerve 49 Paralysis of the Auditory Nerve, treatment.... 50 INDEX. III Paralysis of the Face 54 Paralysis of the Face, treatment 55 Paralysis, pre-disposed to wander 55 Phlegmasia Alba Bolens (milk leg) 99 Phlegmasia Alba Dolens, treatment 100 Pleurodynia Rheumatica- 36 Pleurisy 41 Relaxation of Uvula 58 Relaxation of Uvula, treatment 58 Retroversion 22 Rheumatism 35 Simple Prolapsus ' 23 Sciatica ; 27 Sciatica, treatment 39 Sopor from Opium and Morphia 114 Statical Electricity 109 Sympathetic Irritation 115 Spermatorrhoea 93 Suppressed Menstruation 25 Therapeutics 10 The Use of the Different Currents. . 112 Toncillitis Quinsy 56 Toncillitis, treatment 57 Torticollis Rheumatica 36 Uterine Leucorrhcea 23 Varicose Veins 42 DR. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO-MEDICAL APPARATUS. . pF I I .30 - laMaliMM '1? ■ । For which he has received Letters Patent for improvements, ren- dering them superior to all others, as verified by awards of First Premium at Centenntal; also First Premium by American In- stitute from 1872 to 1881 inclusive and, in 1875, Gold Medal. Also Two Silver Medals at Cincinnati Industral Exposition, in fall of 1881. Please note the following, for which the GO1LD MEDAL was awarded by American Institute in 1875. to distinguish the ap- paratus as of THE FIRST ORDER OF IMPORTANCE; Dr. JEROME KIDDER'S IMPROVED No. 1. Physician's Electro-Medical Apparatus. IMPROVED No. 2. Physi- cian's Visiting Machine, with turn down helix. (See cut.) IMPROVED NO. 3. Physician's Visiting Machine. (An- other form.) IMPROVED No. 4. Office and Family Ma- chine. IMPROVED No. 5. Tip Battery Ten Current Ma- chine,a most perfect and convenient apparatus, the invention of Dr. Kidder. We also manufacture superior Galvanic Batteries, from 6 to 36 cells ; also Pocket Induction Apparatus, also Cautery Batteries of most approved style and power. Send for circular. Address, JEROME KIDDER, 820 Broadway, New York. THE CHICAGO Homeopathic Pharm/cy. Halsey Bros. Specialties. Carbon Crackers. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, etc. Price 75 cents per box. Free by mail on receipt of price. LACTEAL Syrup. To increase the flow of milk in nursing. Price $1 per bottle. AESCULUS CERATE for Piles. Price 25 cents per bottle. AESCULUS Suppositories for Piles. Price 50 cents per box of one dozen. HAMAMELIS Extract distilled by Halsey Bros. OUR SOAP. The finest toilet soap in the world, manufactured from vegetable oils ; no animal fats in its composition. It is like no other soap. It does not crack nor split when partly used. It makes the skin soft and eradicates the dirt perfectly. Persons hav- ing- real estate on their hands that they can't get rid of should buy this soap. It makes a delightful foam immediately. IT IS DIRT CHEAP, being only 75 cents per box of 6 large cakes. THE Stepping Stone is a book for every household. One can understand it, and the Medicines intelligently. Can be ordered through any book store or druggist or of Halsey Bros. Price $1. Free on receipt of price by mail. All the goods can be ordered from any Pharmacy or of HALSEY BROS., No. 27 Washington Street, Chicago, Ills.