3oYD'S BATTERY. For all diseases, wear the Battery around the neck as represented in this cut. "The Blood is the Life!" AN ASTONISHING DISCOVERY! ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST! THE EFFICACY OF i-LEWMYl Nearly all Diseases Effectually Cured by BOYD'S MINIATURE GALVANIC BATTERY I Copyright, 1879, by J. C. BOYD. BOYD'S MINIATURE GALVANIC BATTERY. Professor Boyd is now offering to the public Bat- teries which are made on his newly discovered principle, and of metals, amalgamated in accordance with well-known scientific principles and propor- tions, which, by their galvanic action upon each other, produce results not less startling than salutary. A galvanic action (i. e., electricity produced without friction') can be obtained by the union of two or more metals, as was proved more than a century ago, by Galvani, the discoverer of Galvanism. 'This union of metals is characterized by a soft and gentle action, which, when applied to the body, is perceptible only in its ultimate results. For tele- graphic purposes, it is necessary to intensify the galvanic action, and accordingly one of the metals is plunged into sulphuric acid, which, by corrosion, decomposes the parts exposed to it, thus facilitating their union with the other metal destined to form the amalgam. When, however, it is desired to apply the beneficial results of a current of electricity to the human body, no such intensity is required, as the simple action of the natural humidity of the skin is sufficient to set the chemical operations of nature in motion, and cause a constant but gentle flow of electricity to pass, from what we may term the Battery into the system. There has been for many years back various apparatus manufactured, which produce a gal- vanic action, the inventors thereof applied for patents, and in many cases secured them, and a number of the leading physicians of this country and Europe endorsed what they then supposed to be meritorious inventions, and it has been only within the last year, that Professor Boyd convinced them without a shadow of. doubt, that there could be no electricity whatever passed into the system 8 BOYD'S BATTERY. by the use of what is called Electric Belts, Bands, Chains, Plasters, etc., etc. Professor Boyd called a meeting of the leading physicians in order to demonstrate what he claimed, which was done-to the satisfaction of every one present. The Professor covered his entire body with Electric Bands, Pads, Chains, Plasters, Gar- ters, and Belts, then stood in an upright position with his feeton a peculiarly constructed copper and zinc plate, then the Galvanometer test was applied, which showed that all of the electricity contained in those appliances had passed off over the surface at the Professor's feet. This demonstrated the fallacy of such contrivances. Many of the physicians present had endorsed some of the Chains, Bands, and Belts used for this wonderful experiment, supposing that the current did enter the system, but now they are willing to ac- knowledge that they were mistaken in their views. Then Professor Boyd produced his now famous Battery for the purpose of demonstrating to the profession his important discovery and his won- derful Miniature Battery invention. The Professor, taking one of his small Batteries between his fingers, said: " Gentlemen, I will now convince you tliatl can pass more electricity into the system, with this little invention than can be done with all this costly rubbish," pointing at the bands, belts, and chains, etc., that he had just taken off. The Professor stated that his Battery was constructed of metals amalgamated in such a way and in such proportions that a strong galvanic action was produced by metals that have not heretofore been used for electric purposes. The construction of the Battery was now explained, which was to this effect: That the various blocks of metal were so placed that when the electricity was formed it would be formed in gimlet shape, and he said it would enter the system in that form and pass on twisting until it spent its force. It is claimed that electricity formed by a Battery constructed in any other way, would pass off on the surface tho same as lightning when it strikes a tree or a light- ning rod. The Professor now took eight Batteries, held them on his chest, and within five minutes it was noticed, by the beating of the heart and pulse and the expression of the eyes, that the entire system was electrified to such an extent, that it was with difficulty that the Professor could keep from danc- ing. This concluded the experiment, which was satisfactory to ali present. A Battery was then BOYD'S BATTERY. 9 presented by the Professor to each person who wit- nessed the experiments. When the great Dr. La Favels, of Paris, received his and examined its con- struction, he remarked that he was satisfied, after seeing what he had and from the wonderful inge- nuity in constructing the Battery, that by putting- it into general use, it would revolutionize the entire medical treatment, and added, that he had long been aware that nearly all diseases could be cured by electricity, if it could be passed through the blood. He also said that a large majority of ailments were brought on by an impoverished, poisonous and vitiated state of the blood, and those diseases could only be cured by the purification of that fluid ; and it seems to me, he said, that by the use this little Battery, it w ill be decidedly the quickest, cheapest and most desirable way to accomplish that result. Professor Boyd, in answer, stated that it was his intention to give the public the benefit of his discovery and invention, and that he had put the price of his Battery so low' that it would bring it within the reach of all suffering humanity, and that it was his desire to save neither labor nor expense in placing it properly before the American people in all parts of the United States. The Professor said that he was glad to see, of late years, that there had been a radical change in the method adopted by the medical profession for the treatment and cure of nearly all diseases. He said it has been ascertained, beyond a doubt, that nine- tenths of all the distressing maladies originate in a vit iated state of the blood, caused by the absence of a proper proportion of electricity in that fluid, and the remedies now used are generally applied with a view of supplying the blood with its requisite quan- tity of electricity, and thus restoring it to its normal condition. The celebrated Harvey, who discovered the cir- culation of the blood, stated that this fluid was expelled from the heart, completed its circuit of the body, and returned to the fountain head in the space of about three minutes, and this theory has been confirmed by subsequent investigations. Thus, then, there is a constant flow of the blood, passing any given part of the body ; and if, by taking advantage of this fact, ice can infuse into it, on its passage, the necebsary electricity, the object is accomplished with- out the aid of medicine or other remedies. My Battery effectually performs this function, constantly though imperceptibly impregnating the nerves and the blood with new electric life. 10 BOYD'S BATTERY. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."-By its impure and impoverished condition nearly all ailments are caused, and only through its purification can thos diseases be eured. Knowing these facts, I have arrived at the con- clusion that, by electrifying the blood, it stimulates the entire system, so that it enables nature to throw off nearly all diseases, and causes the blood to become youthful and vigorous in its action. The success that has hitherto attended this beau- tiful little invention is fully proved by numerous Testimonials, and the unanimous opinion of Medical Men throughout the United States. This Galvanic Action, though a new doctrine to the mass, has been long known to scientific men, who, however, have been unable to discover the means of applying it, in a Miniature Form, to the body; but now the difficulty has been overcome by my Battery. It is true that the blood is the life; and it is also true that corrupt, poisoned, diseased, impoverished, and vitiated blood means death. I claim, by the use of my Miniature Battery, that the blood can be so electrified as to make it as healthful and vigorous in its action as that of a child. Whoever is subject to any of the following symp- toms should wear the Battery:-Restless Nights, Nightmare, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Con- fidence, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Loss of Memory, Fullness of Blood, Fits of Melancholy, Debilitated, Lack the Power of Will and Action, Disordered Condition of the Liver, Blood, Kidneys, or Urinary Organs-these troubles arise mostly from relaxation and debility, for the relief of which electricity is eminently adapted. By its application the affected organs are reached, vitalized and strengthened, the troubles arrested, and, wherever there is a basis for reaction, the functions can be restored to their normal health. Why neglect your health and destroy your happi- ness, and recklessly throw aside all that makes life a pleasure? How many drag out year after year of a miserable existence, simply for the want of knowledge in procuring a remedy with efficacy and virtue, which would be adapted to their ailments ? I say to those that procrastination is dangerous. It will not do, if you wish to live, to trifle with the human system. Then why delay, when an article is at hand that has science and common sense in its use ? and in no possible way can it do you an in- jury, if you are not restored to health by its use. Did you, when young, draw unnaturally on the BOYD'S BATTERY. 11 fountain of life and strength, one drop of which fluid is equal to thirty drops of the heart's blood? If you were so indiscreet in youth as to allow your passions to lead you to self-abuse, and it has left you with no vital power, and carried away from you your manhood, causing you to have an aversion to society and unfitted you for business, leaving your brain to run on thoughts that can be of no possible or practical use; from the above dis- obedience to the laws of nature, the eyes are left dim, the mind wandering, the memory lost; with difficulty you stand erect; every step taken draws on you for an effort, which makes your daily em- ployment a burden instead of a pleasure; there is a of sight, spasmodic pains in the head, a discontented feeling without knowing the cause, and the system is left in a nervous and a general debilitated condition. For the resto- ration of such shattered constitutions, there is no remedy that will relieve all the ailments caused from self-abuse with such magic as Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Battery. The Miniature Battery will cure the following diseases, which are nearly all caused from the effects of impure blood : Rheumatism, Gout, Swollen Joints, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, Aches and Pains, Pain in the Bones, Sciatica, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers and Sores, Tumors, Boils, Carbuncles, Chills, Vertigo, Nervous and General Debility, Loss of Manhood, Impotency, Seminal Weakness, Female Complaints, Barrenness, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, Bright's Disease, Kidney Disease, Diabetes, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Asthma, Jaundice, Pleurisy, Diphtheria, Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, Constipa- tion, Hysteria or Fits, Heartburn, Weak Stomach, Flatulence, Quinsy, Pustula Affections, Piles, Hypo- chondriasis, Deafness, Disease of the Heart, Dropsy, Gravel, Spinal Diseases, Paralysis, Weak Back, Wasting, Decay, etc., etc- Diseases that the Battery will not cure: Yellow Fever, Cholera, Dysentery, Croup, Con- gestion of the Brain, Diarrhoea, Sterility, Leucor- rhcea, Gleet, Bloody Urine, Inflammation of the Bowels, Gastralgia, Influenza, Pneumonia, Spasms, Worms, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. 12 BOYD'S BATTERY. DIRECTIONS FOR WEARING THE BATTERY. Each Battery is attached to a silk cord, which should be tied around the neck, so as to allow the battery to hang as represented in the cut, and to lay on the skin. They should be worn day and night, and for at least a month after the patient is cured. Children under six years of age may wear them at night only. In extreme cases, or Chronic Rheuma- tism, with old age combined, or the entire loss of manhood, two Batteries may be used, one to hang on the chest and the other between the shoulder blades. But in no other cases will it be necessary to electrify the blood to such a degree. When it is necessary to wear two, it can be done without the slightest inconvenience, as the battery is only the size and thickness of a silver half dollar. A Battery will last a lifetime without losing any of its power. Hut in no case and under no circum- stances should the same Battery be used by two different persons, as the disease from one would be conveyed to the other. They should be washed with warm water and soap every week. Many inquire the length of time it takes to cure certain diseases. I have known some severe chronic diseases to be cured in twenty- four hours, and others it has taken weeks and months to cure. Some persons' systems and blood are affected by electricity much quicker than others, therefore the length of time required for a cure of the same disease differs. The Batteries can be had at nearly all druggists in large cities, and will be supplied by my agents in small places, or sent from me by mail on receipt of price. Address all communications to J. C. BOYD, 203 West 49th St., New York, N. Y. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OF BOYjD'S battery. There are two persons at present in this city who have copied the wording of my circulars and my illustration of the Battery and electricity. One of the parties calls his the Elias Medal; the other person calls his imitation the Sagendorph Battery. I have taken steps to prosecute these brainless sneaks, and will do so to the full extent of the law, as soon as they can be found and the proper papers served on them. I will be thankful to any one that will forward to me any circulars or letters that they receive from either Elias or Sagendorph, with their name, so that I can use them as evidence against these persons in their prosecution. I understand that they claim that their Batteries will effect the same wonderful cures that my Battery does. Of course the public will not be deceived by such fraudulent circulars, especially wheu they have no evidence to substantiate what they claim. I offer hundreds of testimonials in this little book, and have thousands of letters irimy studio of a sim- ilar character, from all parts of the United States and Europe, showing beyond all question the won- derful cures made by my little Battery. I have re- ceived several letters from my agents, enclosing a letter received from Elias and from Sagendorph, saying if they would discontinue the sale of Boyd's Battery and sell theirs, they would put the price of their Batteries a little lower than mine, and that the public would not know the difference. I can assure them that my agents will not take any part in defrauding the public with any such worthless imitations. In Europe my patent is protected from all in- fringements by the strong arm of the law, and at the expense of the Government, but in this country I am compelled to prosecute all such parties, and secure evidence for their conviction at my own ex- pense. This Book contains Testimonials from all parts of the U.S. and.Canada. Thousands of persons cured of distressing maladies by wearing Professor Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Battery. It will be seen from the hundreds of letters in this book, what wonderful cures have been made even in the last few weeks, by Boyd's Battery. There have been thousands of others cured or ben- efited, of which there is no mention made here, for the reason that there are but few persons that will consent to having their names appear in print. I have all of the original letters made mention of here, and will be pleased to.exhibit the same on ap- plication, or will forward any one of them by mail. Parties wishing to communicate with any of the writers of the following letters, will no doubt re- ceive an answer, especially if they enclose a stamp. TESTIMONIALS. 15 ALABAMA. Pintlala, Montgomery County, Ala., ? 17th August, 1879. J J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I write for some information in regard to sending on for some of your batteries. I have been suffering greatly for the past ten years with neuralgia in my head. and eyes. I bought one of your batteries about six weeks ago, and find that it has greatly Sieved me; in fact 1 have not had a bad attack since I put it on. I got the battery from Mrs. Gilchrist. Write me word what I can get a dozen, also a half dozen at, as several of my neigh- bors wish to procure one. I wrote to my cousin at Notasulga, in this State, and gave him your address to send for one and try it for asthma, from which he is a great sufferer. If my certificate will do you any good, as I see you only have one from Ala., you can use it. Very respectfully, Mrs. Matt Shackelford. Plantersville, Ala., Sept. 23, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York: Dear Sir-In answer to yours of the 11th inst. I will add that I have been so engaged that I could not make many sales of your battery, but two of my agents have done very well for the season, not being much money in circulation. I will in a month bo so that I can travel with your battery, and the money will be more in circulation, the sale will be a great deal better for them. 1 have not got but few names yet, but will send you what I have. Mr. J. H. McGee, Plantersville, Ala., rheumatism, heart disease and risings cured. Mrs. L. M. McDonald, Plantersville, Ala., long standing of chills cured, not a chill since first pu t it on. Miss J. Harris, Plantersville, Ala., cured of long standing neuralgia. John Scumore, Plantersville, Ala., cured of heart disease. . W. D. Tyus, Mulberry P. O., Ala., cured of rheuma- tism. D. B. McDonald, Plantersville, Ala., cured of scrof- ula and chills. I will send you more names as soon as I can get them. Yours respectfully, C. B. McDonald. 16 TESTIMONIALS. Echo, Dale Co., Ala., October 21, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Please send me one dozen (12) Batteries, for I think they are the best thing that 1 ever tried for my disease. I let my mother try one, she is improv- ing fast. Please allow no agency at Echo but myself, and I will do a great deal for you. J. W. Riley, Agent. Verbena, Ala., October 22, 1879. Sir-I have sold the half-dozen Batteries. I have been wearing one ever since 1 got them, and they are helping me wonderfully. Within please find $3, for which send me batteries and circulars. Yours respectfully, J. D. Terry. Hillian's Store, Ala., Oct. 25, 1979. Dr. J. C. Boyd : The battery I purchased of your agent, R. T. Mc- Cormack, has greatly benefited my wife iu case of general debility, ami we heartily recommend them to all suffering with weakness and broken down system. Respectfully yours, W. T. Pool. Hillian's Store, Ala., Oct. 26, 1879. J. C. Boyd : I take pleasure in saying that I purchased one of your batteries of your agent, R. T. McCormack, of this place, and my little boy used it and it cured him of chills. I had given him medicine until I thought his case incurable. M. W. Kirly. J. C. Boyd : I take pleasure in saying to you that I purchased your battery from your agent, R. T. McCormack, which entirely cured me of aching in bones. I would cheerfully recommend the use of your batte- ries to all sufferers. F. M. Firry. Dr. J. C. Boyd: Your battery that I purchased from your agent, R. T. McCormack, has acted like a charm on me. I have suffered for many years with asthma, the use of your battery has almost cured me. lam to-day in better health than I have been for years. Wm. F. McCormack. TESTIMONIALS. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I for many years have suffered with a complicated disease, and using one of your batteries, I find my- self greatly benefited. Yours truly, E. Woods. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I am greatly benefited by the use of your battery, and think it will finally cure me of asthma, which I have been a sufferer of for many years, and would cheerfully recommend the use of it to sufferers. Wm. Johnson. Hillian's Store, Ala., Oct. 28, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : If I had the time to see the parties I have sold your batteries to, I am satisfied they, all of them, would cheerfully recommend the use of your batte- ries. If these are not recommendations enough to enable you to print a large circular, please inform me of the fact and I will have other parties make their reports. I send you a five dollar bill in this letter for a box of batteries. Please forward them as this comes to hand. R. T. McCormack. Palo, Ala., Nov. 28th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will accept your proposal as agent, and will send for one dozen of your Batteries to be- gin with. You know your proposition. 1 sold two of those and kept one for my wife. She has been wearing it for pain in the back, and has been much relieved. I remain, yours respectfully, 1'. M. Couch. P. S. Please enclose my package, in order that it may not be abused. Guntersville, Ala., Dec. 11, 1879. Sir. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find postal money order for $6, for which please send Batteries. Please send me some more circulars. I send herein a certificate from Kcv. J. Y. Bain. There are several others say they are benefited. Yours truly, P. Henr y Lusk. 18 TESTIMONIALS. Guntersville, Ala., Dec. 4th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been afflicted for 20 years with rheumatic pains and neuralgia. I procured one of your celebrated Batteries from your agent, P. H. Lusk, and must say that I feel benefited beyond the price of money. Truly, Rev. J. Y. Bain. Mooresville, Ala., Dec. 23d, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your battery excels any remedy known in the South. It cured Mrs. M. A. Peebles. Mrs. Charlotte Breden, rheumatism. Chas. Frelds, aching in the back and hand. Mrs. Melissa Smith, headache. Myself, heart disease. Geo. Smith, rheumatism. Always send batteries in haste. My name is Major Thach, not Schuchs. Send more papers. Major Thach. Garleysville, Ala., Dec. 29,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your bat- teries for one month for liver complaint and loss of manhood, and it has nearly cured me. I am in better health than I have been for two years. I think they are altogether as good as they are represented to be. May God bless and enable you to send them to all suffering humanity the world over. Yours truly, II. B. Block. Marion, Ala., Jan. 13,1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am very proud to say that all the people I have sold your batteries to are well pleased with them. All have been benefited by wearing them and a great many have been cured. The bat- teries are very highly prized by all who are wearing them. I have been wearing one nearly a month for the bronchitis, and I am glad, to say it has relieved me entirely. The batteries sell well here, and if nothing happens I can sell several thousand. Please send me all the instructions to agents, and oblige by forwarding immediately. Yours truly, J. F. Washington. testimonials. 19 Hackneyville, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., > ir T n Jau> 17th> 1880. ' S Mr. J. C. Boyd : ' ' Dear Sir-Your battery has given full satisfaction s° far. It relieved me of piles and rheumatism, and iny wife of pains in her-back and arms; it relieved Mrs. Hooton's headache and Mrs. Horton of pains in the breast; Mr. McKinenan was relieved of head- ache; my father was relieved of pains in the back ot his neck; Mrs. Harkins is improving in strength and Miss A. Wright's rheumatism is entirely gone. Yours, as ever, J. C. Goza, Agent. Ladiga, Ala., Feb. 2d, 1880. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have given the batteries a fair test. My wife has suffered eighteen months with heart disease and a pain in her side. She put on a battery about three months ago, and I am happy to inform you that she is now as well and healthy as she ever was. I had the chills and fever all last summer, and had suffered a great deal with a pain in my left side and around my heart for the last two years. I put on one of your batteries last September, and I have never had a chill since or suffered any with the pain in my side; I am enjoying better health now than I have for ten years. Mrs. Sarah Elliott bought a battery about three months ago, and put it on for a tumor and female complaint of three years standing. She had three doctors waiting on her, but they did not do her any good; she says your galvanic battery has cured her. Mrs. Lucy Delk put on a battery for a cancer. She had the cancer cut out one year ago, and the doctors could not heal it up. She put on one of your batteries, and the cancer began to heal in a week after she put it on ; it is now perfectly well. I will send you a few names of those who are willing to speak aloud in their praise: James Nahor, rheumatism; cured. Perry Sustherren, cured of rheumatism of five years standing. Berry Knight, neuralgia; cured. Barnick Yarhrye, cured of neuralgic pains in back. I will send you more names at some other time. Respectfully yours, F. G. Becknell. 20 TESTIMONIALS. Linden, Ala., Jan. 6th, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Received the three batteries sent mo November last. Have worn one ever since, and felt a relief after wearing it three days, and now I con- sider myself a cured man'after seven years of in- tense suffering with rheumatism. Have let other parties use the battery, and they are now well-as they assure me. I am compelled to believe that there is virtue in it. I send post-office order for one dozen batteries and circulars. Think I can sell a good many. Yours truly, S. C. POELLNITZ. Mooresville, Ala., Jan. 28, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the four dozen batteries. The battery is the greatest thing out. I received your book this morning; glad to see the name of the agent. Send me a great number of printed circulars. I expect to be an agent as 16ng as I can sell one. Miss Laura Thach, Mrs. Julia Thach and Mrs. Rutha Kimble, cured of sick headache. Mrs. Francis Saudefur, Mrs. Ann Mitchell and Mrs. Martha Peebles, cured of female complaint. Mrs. Mary Woodroof, Mrs. Sarah Woodroof and Mrs. Silla Woodroof, cured of rheumatism. Mr. Frank Woodroof, cured of backache. Mrs. Ann Woodroof, cured of pain in the side. My mother, Adeline Thach, cured of neuralgia. Mrs. Mary Thach, cured of pains. Mrs. Tulip Tisdale, cured of sick headache. Mr. William Cager, cured of piles. Mrs. Ellen Smith, cured of female complaint. Mr. Moses Ward, cured of loss of manhood. Mr. George Galaway, cured of backache. Mr. Crumbier Hundly and Mr. Felix Hundly, cured of chills and fever. Mr. Preston Jones and wife, cured of rheumatism. Mrs. Cassandria Donald, cured of phthisic. Mrs. Caroline Tisdale. I have been suffering with the backache and rheumatism for twenty years, and my son did meet with you in town and purchased one of Boyd's Gal- vanic Batteries, and it cured me in forty-eight hours. I am perfectly cured, and several others. I expect to sell as I can. Send plenty circulars. Send envelopes with your name and address printed on. Write soon to M. J. Thach. TESTIMONIALS. 21 Knoxville, Ala., Jan. 5th, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The sample battery came safely to hand. I find them as you recommended them to be. My father applied his according to directions; he says he has not rested as well at night in twenty years as after wearing the battery, and has helped his cough very much. I showed the battery to R. D. Lucius, M.D., he pronounced it a great discovery and in vention. I have showed the battery to my neighbors, and have handed them the circulars. I have had callers already. I, myself, was troubled with nightmare very much. I have used the bat- tery have not had any since. Some of my neighbors are insisting to send immediately for them, so I here enclose three dollars for batteries. Send immediately by return mail. I think I can sell a great many here. Send me some more circu- lars for distribution. Think I will order again soon for a larger lot of batteries. Send the batteries to J, M. Phillips. 22 TESTIMONIALS. ARKANSAS. Mr. J. C. Boyd : ■ ' Dear Sir-These names that I have taken here are all near Durham Post Office. They all get their mail there. I wish you would send me some more of the circulars after you get these testimonies in print. Yours, truly, Thomas Stuart. Durham, Ark., Oct. 3, 1879. Dear Sir-I have been wearing your battery, as directed, for pain in my shoulders. I have been greatly benefited. Celmia Clark. Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries as directed; it has relieved me of bad headache. I have not had a bad spell since I commenced wearing it; it has cured me of heart disease. I have great faith in your batteries. Yours, respectfully, N. E. Young. Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries for nervous sick headache and it has cured me, for which I am very thankful. Yours, truly, John Ballard. Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your bat- teries for rheumatism, it was a very bad case, from which it has cured me in two weeks. Yours, truly, * • Mrs. L. A. King. Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries for neuralgia, it has cured me right away. Yours, truly, Mrs. M. Loran. Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries for sick headache and heart disease, from which I am benefited. Yours, truly, Mrs. Lusinda Riley. Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries for a hurt in my breast, it has cured me well, for which I am well pleased. Yours, truly, J. M. CORRIGIN. TESTIMONIALS. 23 Fulton, Ark., Oct. 4,1879. J. C. Boyd. Dear Sir-I received yours of the 3d inst., in which you ask me to accept the agency to sell your batteries. I accept it. Enclosed please find $3.00. Please send me your batteries. The battery you sent me has benefited me wonderfully; I am wear- ing it for rheumatism; I have worn it eight days; I think I will be well in eight days longer. Send everything to Fulton, Hempstead Co., Arkansas. I will write you more fully how my rheumatism is when the battery has time to cure or not cure. • I am, respectfully yours, J. T. Price. Station, Ark., Oct. 28,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the sample batteries, and in one hour I had them all strung on; they act like a charm. You will find here enclosed for six more, and if they do as well as the others, I will double every time until I fill this section. I have been af- flicted for more than thirty years, and during that time I think I have set up one-tliird of that time, when I ought to have been asleep. I received the battery about 3 o'clock in the evening. I put it on, and at bed time I lay down as usual; next morning I found myself in bed, the first time all night in months, and I have not had to set up a night since. I feel under many obligations to you. Yours, truly, G. P. Rogers. Paris, Arkansas, Nov. 3,1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-In reply to yours of Oct. 11, 1879, sev- eral state that they are considerably benefited by them. People are becoming convinced of their vir- tue, and the demand for the battery is' increasing. I have sent you $6.00 for batteries. I will give in the following some information on the effect your battery is having here: M. Hart, piles and rheumatism benefited. L. Grady, bronchitis benefited. Mrs. E. Farbanks, bronchitis benefited. Also others that are not mentioned here. Some have taken them off. I will give a more precise statement in my next letter. Yours, as ever, J. J. Colton. 24 TESTIMONIALS, Judsonia, White County, Ark., Oct. 2, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I this morning write you a few lines to let you see that I am trying to do something for your battery. I have sold seven of your batteries ; sold one to Mr. John Blancton, one to Mrs. E. A. Lane, one to A. A. Lane, one to B. Laue. These three have heard from. Mr. Blancton, cured of chills and fever; he says there is nothing like the battery, for he would not take a large cotton crop for his. They all speak well of them. Mrs. E. A. Laue greatly benefited of neuralgia of twenty-five years standing. A. A. Lane cured of billions fever in two days. B. Lane relieved of rheumatism which he has suffered with for thirty-five years. I am wearing one of them myself. I think I am entirely cured of heart disease. I think it is the quickest and best remedy yet. I will write again soon. I have never traveled any yet, my crop is keeping me at home. There is a good many will take one soon. Yours, truly, R. L. Lane. Smithland, Ark., Oct. 26,1879. W. B. Morgan, benefited kidney. Mrs. Marks, benefited. Mr. Lark Barton, neuralgia cured. Mrs. F. W. Morgan, rheumatism cured. Richard Henderson, disease of the back benefited. Respectfully, II. J. Morgan. Dardanelle, Ark., Nov. 13, 1879. Professor J. 0. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find money order for twelve miniature batteries. As soon as I received the half dozen I ordered a few weeks ago, I put one on for a pain and stiffness which I had suffered with for more than a month, and it relieved the {>ain and stiffness in less than fifteen minutes, and I lave felt very little pain since. All who have tried them speak highly of them. Please send them im- mediately as several are wanting them, and oblige, Yours truly, J. IT, Parsons. TESTIMONIALS. 25 Conway, Ark., Nov. 7, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-The young man who sold those I sent „ for before has not had any chills since he com- menced wearing your batteries. My mother has had rheumatism, and has improved considerably since she commenced wearing a bat- tery. Airs. Joslin, who has been wearing a battery, has improved lately in health. Yours, Henry W. Reeves. Holly Springs, Ark., Nov. 13, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $12.00, for which you will send batteries. I am improving under the battery. Air. J. A. Jorden, of our vicinity, has been bed- ridden for three years with rheumatism, not able to raise his hand to his head ; he has been wearing your batteries for three weeks, and has greatly im- proved, so much so that he has perfect use of his arms; and I am sure that soon he will be on his feet. The popularity of your batteries is increasing rapidly. Yours very respectfully, J. C. SlNQUEFIELD. Cabbin Creek, Ark., Nov. 17th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The sample battery received. I have worn it near three weeks, which has proved a success in relieving me of kidney disease. Yon will find enclosed the money, for which send eight more with circulars bearing my name as agent. I am ■willing to engage in the sale of your batteries as agent, so long as you prove to he the man that I think you to be. I will simply say that I will guar- antee the safe arrival of the money, and you do the same in the safe delivery of the batteries. Yours truly, Wm. Mobley. 26 TESTIMONIALS. • Pleasant Plains, Ark., Nov. 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $3, for which send more of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries. The demand is increasing and many wonderful cures effected. H. C. Nuckles was cured of rheumatism, after seven years of suffering. R. F. McKinney was also cured of rhe imatism, and says he would not take $5 for his battery. Very respectfully, L. W. Yosbrough. West Point, Ark., Nov. 20, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please find enclosed $12 for the Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Please send half dozen to Mrs. .J, A. Boatwright, Garner Sta., White Co., Ark., and the rest to me ; she is my sister. I received the three batteries you sent me; I am wearing one for pain in my right shoulder and back of my neck, and have felt but two slight pains since; have been wearing it three days, I accept an agency. Yours truly, C. K. Williams. Star of the West P. O., Pike Co., Ark., ? November 16th, 1879. ( J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of testimonials of per- sons who have been cured and benefited by your Batteries. First was myself, with torpor of the liver. My wife, with pains in her right shoulder and arm. Robert Young, with heart disease. Wm. Bush, with rheumatism. Silas Meeks, with torpor of liver. A. J. Mitchel, with torpor of liver. The other parties that I sold to live at a distance, and I have not heard from them yet. Send me one dozen more, and find the money for the same; for I am out of them, and men have come 15 miles to get one. Yours truly, W. C. Whatley, Agent for Boyd's Battery. TESTIMONIALS. 27 Buena Vista, Ark., Nov. 23d, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : There is a continual call for the Battery. They are curing the chills, and giving new life to the old. So I send $3 for more. In haste, Annie J. Biles. Broctown, Ark., Dec.- 5th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the six miniature Batteries in due time, as ordered. When they came I was in the third revise of chills since October 1st. I put on two batteries, one before and one behind ; have worn them now one week. I have had no chills nor fever since, but I am gaining steadily in health and strength. I have a complication of diseases which I hope the Batteries will cure, viz.: palpitation of the heart, which has ceased since wearing the Batteries; nervousness has not ceased yet. I have strong faith in the utility of your Minia- ture Batteries, and the people seem anxious to try them. So please find enclosed five dollars in regis- tered letter, and forward immediately to my address the value in Batteries. I think they'll go here like hot cakes. Yours, very respectfully, L. M. Covington. Centre Hill, Ark., Jan. 7th, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find $3.50, for which please send me your miniature batteries. Address Dr. H. C. Jones. P. S.-I have tried the one you sent me, and it has cured me of chronic bronchitis and skin disease. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 8th, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Please send me one dozen of your batteries. I have worn one for the past two weeks. I am very much relieved of rheumatism. Mrs. Nancy P. Williams, pain cured in the back. Mr. G. B. Williams, bad blood and circulation of the blood. Mrs. N. C. Cott, pain in the back and neck. Mrs. W. Brasele, weak eyes, strong as ever. This is all. Oblige me. H. C. Anderson. 28 TESTIMONIALS. Osceola, Ark., Jan. 3d, 1880. Dear Sir-I have been waiting to see what good your batteries would prove to do, and I have found in my own case of rheumatism (of more than fifteen years) I am much relieved. There are several others stated to me of their improved condition. Some cured of bleeding at the nose; but I will say nothing more until their cures are effectual, then, if you wish, I will give several invalids' certificates, &c. Enclosed you will find $6.00. Send more batteries. Yours very respectfully, William C. Dillehay. Dardanelle, Ark., Jan. 8, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed post-office order for twenty- four more batteries. We have sold all that we have received except three. I am wearing one myself for pain in the breast. I haven't had any pain since wearing it. My husband is wearing one for rheumatism; he thinks it has relieved him. Our little boy is wearing the other one; he has been sickly all of his life, having chills, spasms and night-sweats, but has not been sick since wearing the battery. I think that is'what is helping him, as we have had several doctors and they failed to cure him. I think they will prove to bo a great blessing to suffering humanity. Please send them right away as there are several wanting them. Respectfully, Mrs. M. D. Nunneley. Crowley. Ark., Jan. 12th, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-You will find enclosed $3.00 for more of your batteries, for I think that they are a good thing. I have sold two to one lady, for fits, and she is get ting better; one for pain in the breast, and he is re- lieved, and my mother-in-law had palpitation of the heart and she is well. I have worn one for kid- ney disease and am about well. I think if I had four more in a short time I would want about twenty- four. The people are getting their eyes opened, and if they cure what I have told, I think they are about the best thing I ever saw. One lady got one for the erysipelas and is well. She had been sick for several years and is now able to do all of her work. Mrs. Cooper is her name; lives in Green County. Respectfully, Martin W. Boyd. TESTIMONIALS. 29 Hackett City, Ark., Jan. 23d, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have just received the dozen batteries I last ordered, and they were all sold before their arrival. I am glad to know that they are curing those who have suffered for years, and am glad that I can increase my orders. You will find enclosed six dollars ($3.00), for which send me the amount of Prof. J. C. Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Please don't allow any agents around Hackett City, as I intend to travel with them shortly. I will give you some names to whom I have sold your batteries, all of whom get their mail at this place. M. S. Stetzel, paiu in-hip and shoulder, cured. Vina pain in shoulders and palpitation of heart, cured. James Williams, rheumatism, cured. S. T. Irvin, pain in hip, cured. J. Gilbert, pain in back, cured. These are all the names that I have heard from, but I will just say that they are giving satisfaction and are selfing like hot cakes. I have received three parcels of circulars. I was glad to receive them. I have plenty at present. I also received your book. Please forward immedi- ately, as there are some that will be waiting for them, and believe me to be your active agent, C. W. Dunn. 30 TESTIMONIALS. CALIFORNIA Vallejo, Oct. 12, 1879. J. C. Uoyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I enclose herewith money order, for which please send me the twelve batteries and the 500 circulars with my name printed thereon as Agent, "Office, 186 Georgia street, Vallejo, Cal." I have been troubled considerable for the past two years with rheumatism, and I am free to say I think your battery has done me good service. I have given the other two to a friend who is badly crippled with the same disease, and he thinks they have benefited him already, though he has worn them but a few days. Yours, very truly, etc., Wm. R. Cox, Jr. Compton, Cal., Oct. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed please find $6.00, for which you will please forward batteries for the amount. I sold one to Mr. Flood; he called three days afterwards and wanted four more. I am wearing one myself, and find much relief; also my husband, who thinks your batteries are of great virtue. • Yours, respectfully, N. J. Stevens. Colfax, Cal., Oct. 24, 1879. Wm. Treasurer, Colfax, Cal., rheumatism cured. L. A. Davenport, " " " relieved. G. W. Niekell, " " pain in shoulders axd arms. Charles Combs, " " pain in head relieved. Mrs. Cross, " " pain in head cured. P. B. Clark, * " neuralgia relieved. John Young, Iowa Hill, " rheumatism relieved. Mr. Myreck, " " " pain in back, arms and shoulders relieved. Yours, N. D. R. Trapiiagen. TESTIMONIALS. 31 Cole ax, Placer Co., Cal., Aug. 23,1879. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Enclosed find Postal Order for four dollars and a half, and send by return mail Miniature Bat- teries to pay for it. I am trying to give them a home reputation, by getting some of our most promi- nent citizens to give them a trial. If convenient send me some of your circulars, with the following additional names as reference, to wit: John A. Davenport, Colfax, Cal., William Treasurer, Colfax, Cal., Both old rheumatics, who claim great relief and confidence, in a permanent cure, and known through- out the eastern part of this State as men of truth and veracitj. Their names will be a jjower, and I am authorized to use them. Respectfully, N. R. D. Traphagan, Agent. Grass Valley, Cal., Nov. 9, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find post office order, for which please send me six batteries. I have been wearing the battery since I received it, and must say that I now sleep as sound as I ever did in my life. Before I bad the battery I did not rest one night in a month, and my rheumatic pains are pass- ing away. I think the one-half dozen will adver- tise them; they will if they do for others as for me. I will write you again when I receive the batteries, and report results. I remain respectfully yours, Wm. H. Stephens. Watsonville, Cal., Nov. 17th, 1879 Mr. Boyd: The three batteries arrived two days ago. I am very much pleased with the trial on my children afflicted with rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. I send for two dozen for which I forward postal order. Hoping to get them as seon as possible, I am very respectfully, "Mrs. Sarah B. Davis. 32 TESTIMONIALS. Healdsburg, Cal., Nov. 4th, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have sold near four dozen of your Batte- ries. They have given general satisfaction. Three persons have been cured by wearing the Batteries. Mrs. Nosier, Healdsburg, Cal., cured of nervous debility and palpitation of the heart. Mrs. E. J. Giles, Healdsburg, of nervous debility and herpes, nearly covering one arm, and of thir- teen years standing. The Battery cured her in three weeks. Mr. A. Shrontz, Healdsburg, a paralyzed arm. Respectfully, Mrs. H. M. Porter. Middletown, Cal., Jan. 3, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I have sold that half dozen batteries that I bought of you some time ago, and now send for one dozen more, for which I enclose the money. In re- gard to the batteries I can only speak for myself. I have been troubled with costiveness for several years, and your battery has done me good, although I have only worn it for one week. Yours truly, John Reinike. Gas Point, Cal., Jan. 24, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed please find $6 for miniature gal- vanic batteries. The half-dozen you sent me I dis- tributed among my neighbors, and all pronounce them good. My partner, Bartlett Shaw, has been troubled with rheumatism for eight years, and the use of two of your batteries for three weeks has effectually cured him. Respectfully yours, Wm. Boatright Chico, Cal., Jan. 30, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I received the last two dozen batteries which yea sent me. They are all sold but two, and I want yon to send me one dozen more as soon as you get this letter. Your batteries are doing much good. I. Cimble, cured of rheumatism ; my wife, nearly cured of saltrheum; myself, of chills and fever; and they are helping every one that I have sold to yet. Yours truly, John Vickers, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 33 COLORADO. Boulder City, Col., Sept. 23, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have had rheumatism, liver complaint, and neuralgia, with heart disease for years, and since I have been using your battery for two months, now I am in better health than for years. I am satisfied your battery is a great discovery. John J. Ritchey, Boulder City, Colorado. Manitou, Col., Oct. 6, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your last circulars an<l letter came when I was away in the mountains, the reason that I have not answered sooner. I am a poor man with poor health ; have peddled groceries between here and Leadville to make a living; had my horses stolen some four weeks ago, have just got them back; it has cost me $160 to get them, after run- ning day and night, and all worn out and sick, so you will excuse me for not answering sooner. I have not had time to see many that I have sold to, but I have some very prominent persons with much influence to report, that will help me all they can. They are wealthy people. I have not had the time to give it as much atten- tion as I would, as it nearly broke me up losing my team, and then I have some good mines, but fear I shall lose them for want of funds to open them. Yours very respectfully, L. B. Hammond. LIST. W. H. Champ, Poncho Springs, Chaffee Co., Col., cured of lung complaint or consumption, was very bad. Mrs. F. E. Hayden, Granite, Lake Co., Col., cured of inflammation of the womb, and two or three other complaints. L. B. Hammond, Manitou, Col.: Had a pain in my breast and rheumatism for many years. Very much relieved, think it will make a permanent cure. My wife Las been helped also 34 TESTIMONIALS. Orodelfan, Boulder Co., Col., ? Sept. 20, 1879. $ Professor Boyd : Dear Sir-When I received your circulars last Spring, my wife was suffering very much from neu- ralgia, and had been at times for ten years past. It was located in one side of her tongue and jaw bone, and she had all of her teeth taken out to see if that would cure her; and it did for a while,but it would return, and she got so reduced this Spring that she could hardly get around when she applied the bat- tery, and in two weeks time I saw a marked im- provement, and now she is quite smart. I would not take $25 for it if I could not get another. Yours truly, P. Martin. Canon City, Col., Dec. 9th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please find enclosed a money order for one dozen Batteries. Those that I received have helped my wife and me very much. My wife has not been troubled with the piles since she com- menced to wear hers, and mine has cured me of diz- ziness, which I have been troubled with for a num- ber of years. I think I can sell several of them. Please notice how my name is spelled; but few persons get it spelled right. I received a roll of cir- culars from you last week, and have circulated them. Several seem to think they would like to have one or more of them. I would have sent an order sooner, but have been waiting to give our Bat- teries a fair trial. Yours truly, Wm. F. Chemberlin, Agent. Trinidad, Col., Dec. 8, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find money for 12 Batteries. I have thoroughly tested the three I got from you, and they have proved good for rheumatism. When I got them the people said it was a humbug, and I could not sell them, but gave one to a lady friend who was afflicted with rheumatism, and wore two myself, which has cured the lady, and has helped me more than anything I ever tried. There are sev- eral persons requesting to send for more, after see- ing the result. I think I can sell a good many now if I had them. Please send them right away. I am, very respectfully, J. F. Sullivan. TESTIMONIALS. 35 CONNECTICUT. Killingly, Conn., Sept. 11, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I send yon a short list of persons who have worn your battery besides myself. Many who made fun of the simple means of cure, since wearing it call it the same as I do, an actual renewal of the life lease. It is a charm that cures without harm; many call it the Lord's charm. Mrs. J. Day, Killingly, Conn., asthma cured. Mrs. J. Williams, Killingly, Conn., neuralgia cured. Mrs. A. SWjipee, Killingly, Conn., rheumatism and numbness cured. Mrs. Abby A. Bates, Killingly, Conn., liver com- plaint cured. Mrs. T. Pope, Killingly, Conn., headache cured. Mrs. W. Parker, Killingly, Conn., pain in stomach cured. William Goodell, Killingly, Conn.,lame back cured. Mrs. Doty, Killingly, Conn., spinal complaint cured. Mrs. J. Dexter, Killingly, Conn., cold extremities cured. Mrs. Ira Shippee, Killingly, Conn., headache cured. Mrs. Allshaw, Killingly, Conn., rheumatism cured. Elias Gordon, Killingly, Conn., cramps cured. Mrs. J. Eddy, Killingly, Conn., numbness cured. Miss Kate McCabe, Killingly, Conn., lame knees cured. Joseph Draggon, Killingly, Conn., lame side cured. Mrs. J. P. Wilcox,' Killingly, Conn., headache cured. Geo. Chaffee, Killingly, Conn., palpitation of heart relieved. Dan A. Daniels, Killingly, Conn., heart disease re- lieved. Mrs. Lucinda Adams, Killingly, Conn., rheumatism and restless nights relieved. Mrs. Sarah Barber, Killingly, Conn., rheumatism cured. Mrs. W. Miller, Danielsonville, Conn , sciatic rheu- matism cured and crutches laid aside. Rowlan Bishop, Danielsonville, Conn., lame back cured. Wm. C. Martin, Danielsonville, Conn., cramps cured. Mrs. Marinda Young, Danielsonville, Conn., dizzi- ness cured. 36 TESTIMONIALS. Mrs. Avis Ross, Danielsonville, Conn., cramps in the stomach cured. Miss Laura Wood, Danielsonville, Conn., cough cured. Miss Ida Wood, Danielsonville, Conn., headache cured. A>drew Healey, Danielsonville, Conn., rheumatism cured. C. L. Fillmore, Danielsonville, Conn., lame shoulder cured. Mrs. R. W. C. Farnsworth, Danielsonville, Conn., sick headache cured. Mrs. Mary Wilcox, Danielsonville, Conn., rheuma- tism relieved. Jeremiah Young, Danielsonville, Conn., rheumatism relieved. Byron Shippee, Danielsonville, Conn., rheumatism relieved. Nelson Bates, East Killingly, Conn., crick in hack cured. Mrs. A. E. Himes, East Killingly, Conn., rheumatism cured. Dea. S. Seamans, East Killingly, Conn., bad circula- tion cured. Mrs. W. W. White, Putnam, Conn., rheumatism cured. Mrs. C. Plummer, Putnam, Conn., tumor and lame- ness cured. Sampson B. Covell, Putnam, Coun., cramps in neck cured. Mrs. J. M. Lyon, Putnam, Conn., rheumatism re- lieved. Jas. Copeland, Brooklyn, Conn., rheumatism cured. Mrs. Weaver, Brooklyn, Conn., restless nights cured. Mrs. H. Johnson, Wauregan, Conn., headache cured and nerves strengthened. Francis F. Young, Killingly, Conn., lame hip and diabetes cured. I am still trying to do good to others, to repay what your Miniature Galvanic Battery has done for me. I enclose Post Office money order for twelve dozen more batteries. Send per express, Dayville, Conn. Cords, etc., if you please, as before. When you send, if room in box, tell price per dozen or hundred for extra cords when needed. Yours respectfully, H. H. Adams. TESTIMONIALS. 37 New Milford, Conn., Sept. 18, 1879. J. C. Boyd: I have used one of your batteries for rheumatism, and find much relief. Miss Clem Bennitt. New Milford, Conn., Oct. 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Sir-After wearing your battery, and receiving much benefit, I recommended it to several of my friends-one for disease of the kidneys, the others for dyspepsia-who say there is nothing equal to it in overcoming these ailments. Yours truly, P. Petersen. Marion, Conn., Oct. 6,1879. J. C. Boyd : Send me by return mail one dozen batteries, for the payment of which find enclosed the money. The half dozen I received last week I purchased just to try on several persons afflicted with disease. One I let go to a man with sluggish blood, torpid liver, rheumatism and heart disease. The effect after his having the battery on twenty minutes he said he plainly felt. Just so with the others; all are feel- ingin better spirits at present writing than before for years. This man has told his friends about the battery, are induced to try the batteries to insure my selling one dozen. Edwin N. Beecher. Westchester, Conn., Oct. 20, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd Dear Sir-I enclose three dollars for more bat- teries. Yours of the 10th came to me in season. I did not know what to say then in regard to the bat- teries, but now I am satisfied they are what they are recommended to be. The first battery I had I gave to Mrs. S. B. Rogers, who has suffered ever since last winter with rheumatism. She says it has helped her very much ; thinks if she had one at the beginning of her trouble, it would have saved her a great deal of pain, and she believes now that in a short time she will be cured. I would like you to send me a few of the new circulars if you please. Respectfully yours, S. N. Brainard. 38 TESTIMONIALS. New Milford, Conn., Sept. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have been wearing one of your batteries for weakness of the kidneys, and have been greatly benefited. Miles Bennitt. Bristol, Conn., Oct. 20,1879. Mr. J, C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Received yours of the 9th all right, and in accordance with your request I send you the fol- lowing. I was troubled with pain in breast and rheumatism in different parts of the body; put on a battery over a mouth ago, and have not had any trouble since. David Matthews, over seventy, was troubled with pain in chest; bought a battery, and is entirely cured. Mrs. S. M. Thomas had chills and fever; has not had a chill since she put on the bat- tery. Mrs. Wm. Treganqwan was troubled with salt rheum, loss of appetite, and general ill health; has worn a battery a few days, and the salt rheum is better, she has a good appetite, and is working up into better conditions of health. I know of no case where the battery has not proved of benefit. I en- close a Post Office Money Order for more batteries; please send them at your earliest convenience, and oblige Yours truly, Henry R. Skinner. East Windsor Hill, Conn., Oqt. 27, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $3 for which send by re- turn mail more Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Yours &c., Chas. Bartlett. P. S.-The batteries are benefiting all who have used them as far as I know, and in a number of cases of chronic rheumatism, crick in the back and neck, chills and fever, nervous debility, etc., the patients, without exception, speak well of the bat- tery, and some who were nearly helpless are now at work and calling themselves well. C. B. Fair Haven, Conn., Oct. 28, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am wearing one of your batteries, ant feel greatly benefited; my rheumatism has almost left me. Please find enclosed order for twelve batteries; send as soon as possible. Respectfully, Mrs. J. V. Wilson. TESTIMONIALS. 39 Cromwell, Conn., Nov. 11, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $3, for which please send me batteries. I have worn one myself, and it has cured me of pains in the back. I will take an agency. Yours respectfully, J. B. Taylor. New London, Conn., Nov. 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The three batteries that I received from you have given good satisfaction. I have one on for the catarrh and gravel, and my wrife is wearing one for female complaint, and the other one I sold to a man for kidney disease; and we are relieved. I think they are the best thing out. Chas. H. Hubbard. West Meriden, Conn., Dec. 16,1879. Mr. Boyd : I have sold all the batteries you sent, and I assure you it gives me pleasure to say that in every case they have given universal satisfaction in curing a great many different diseases, such as rheumatism, pains in the bones, etc. And I find that it is an ar- ticle long needed by suffering humanity. If I could devote all my time to it I know I would sell them by the hundred. But as I am working ten hours a day, I have only a few hours in the evening to sell them in. But if orders come in the way they have, I will devote my whole time to it. Enclosed you will find money order for twelve more, which please send as soon as possible. Hop- ing to be able to sell many more, I remain, Yours truly, Wm. R. Clark. Weston, Conn., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I bought one of your miniature galvanic batteries of Charles A. Whitlock, your agent, about five weeks ago, as I had the rheumatism very bad. I put it on, and am very much relieved by its use, and expect to be cured. Yours with respect, Bradley Hull 40 TESTIMONIALS. Weston, Conn., Jun. 1,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : My son gave me one of your batteries. I had the rheumatism in my left knee for three days. I put it on at night, and the next morning the pain had gone and have not felt any since. Y'ours, etc., Chas. G. Whitlock. Weston, Conn., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I have been troubled with sick headache for about fifty years. My son gave me one of your miniature batteries five weeks ago. I put it on, and I have not had the sick headache since. I have had the headache once since, but was not sick. I expect to be entirely cured by its use. Yours truly, Fanny W. Whitlock. Weston, Conn., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I bought one of your batteries from Charles A. Whitlock, your agent, about four weeks ago, as I was troubled with the headache for a long time. I put it on, and have not had the headache since. Yours truly, S. H. Benedict. North Westchester, Conn., Jan. 27,1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your book and circular in due time, and am going to act as agent, for I think the batteries will sell well, as myself and several others are wearing them, and they help us. I wear mine for what 1 believe to be a heart trouble, a sense of suffocation or smothering which some doc- tors have termed nervousness, others bad circula- tion, but I have had only one spell since wearing the battery (about six weeks) aud they were of fre- quent occurrence before, sometimes occurring every night and always very frequently. Enclosed please find money order for one dozen batteries. Send them as soon as possible as I am anxious to begin. I think 1 can sell a good many. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Chas. Park. TESTIMONIALS. 41 Weston, Conn., Jan. 5, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed please find registered letter for fif- teen dollars ($15.00). Please send batteries and circulars as soon as possible. P. S.-I live in Weston, Conn., which is eight miles north of Westport. Westport, Conn., is my P. O. address. Chas. A. Whitlock. East Windsor Hill, Conn., Jan. 6, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-For several years I have had palpitation of the heart, so that I could not sleep lying on my left side ; also pain and lameness in the hack of my neck and shoulders, with other difficulties,'which, together, caused me much suffering. I began using the in October last, and now call my- self well. I am gaining in weight and strength, with my general health nearly perfect. I am selling the batteries in this vicinity (as you know), and I have yet to hear of the first instance in which they have not either cured or greatly benefi ted the p itieuts. Had the battery not relieved my suf- ferings, I should never have offered it to my neigh- bors and frieffds. I will give yon the names of a few persons who have been helped by using the bat- tery (to use as you think proper). G. M. Bartlett, confirmed crick in the back, cured. Marcus Hamilton, piles and palpitation, cured. Mrs. D. S. Allen, lame and swollen limb (cripple), cured. William Wall, chills and fever, cured. John Cox, chills and fever, cured. Wife and two children of A. A. Sage, chills and fever, cured. Sou of G. H. Sloan, rheumatism, cured. Son of J. O. Ellsworth, extreme nervousness and restlessness, cured. Mrs. E. M. Granger, chronic pleurisy, greatly benefited. Edward Rockwell, hands and arms paralyzed, rap- idly improving. Miss Isabel Allen, general debility and partial loss of sight, cured. Mrs. E. Watson, rheumatism, cured. Mrs. M. Doane, neuralgia, cured. George Sloan (76 years old), cramps and cold feet, cured. Yours, etc., Charles Bartlett, Agent. 42 TESTIMONIALS. DAKOTA. Pakkee. Dakota, Jan. 30,1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received Certificate Book yesterday. I am wearing one of those batteries that I received from yon for rheumatism, and I am happy to tell you that I have not felt any pain for a week-a thing I have not experienced for the last two years. En- closed please find $3 formore batteries. Please send me more circulars, and oblige yours, Ed. M. Winslow. TESTIMONIALS. 43 DELAWARE. Georgetown, Del., Nov. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order; please send me half-dozen batteries, as I have sold all of theni and have call for more. The people have great faith in them. One lady came to me, who said she had rheu- matism in her arm. I handed her one of the batteries ; she held it in her hand a short time-not more than one hour-and then said she had no more pain in her arm. I told her she had better buy one, if she could get free of pain that soon. I have great success with the batteries so far, and. hope it will continue. Please seud them as soon as possible, so I can have them on Saturday next, if you can. Yours respectfully, Lavinia Torbert. 411 Lambert Street, > Wilmington, Del./ Jan. 5, 1850. ( Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold the batteries you sent, and enclose $3.00. Please send me more aumediately, as I have just got them started here. 1 think they will work wonders here. Send circulars also to 411 Lambert street, Wilmington, Delaware. My wife has been suffering with rush of blood to the head, would fall, and did not know anything for two hours. She has suffered so for six years, until her nerves were so upset that she could not write her name as it ought to be, and was bled several times, and bought medicine after medicine all to no avail. She suffered for the last six months with stoppage of breath or seemed to be smothering. She has worn one of the batteries four weeks and seems to be entirely well, and has not had an attack since she has had it on. This she will testify, and also will the physician that has seen her with one of those attacks. Hoping to hear from you, I remain • Yours truly, S. T. Hazzard. 44 TESTIMONIALS. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Georgetown, D. C., Jan. 26, 1880. Dear Sir-Please send me six more of your bat- teries, as I have sold the last and have some more engaged. I wrote to you about my brother being in such a bad condition ever since the war from ex- posure, and he has been wearing one of your bat- teries and has become almost a new made man. The doctors here and elsewhere gave him up and told him they could do him no good. Address, John E. Simmons, 360 High street. TESTIMONIALS. 45 FLORIDA. Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 27, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-I enclose P. O. order for $2.50, for Minia- ture Batteries. I have been afflicted for two years with inflammatory rheumatism; the battery has nearly effected a cure. I hope to be able to send larger orders before long. Have been unable to distribute the circular pro- perly. respectfully, B. F- Millard. Rixford, Fla., Oct. 2, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am happy to say that I have sold all but three of the batteries up until the present time, and I think that there will be a great prospect down here for them. They are doing wonderful work in this vicinity. They have begun to arouse the people's mind to think that there is virtue in them, for they are proving themselves. They have raised a man of the dropsy, who had not walked before in six months. Dear sir, now you will find enclosed here the sum of three dollars; please send me more of your Galvanic Batteries. Yours truly, Augustus Bryant. Key West, Fla., Nov. 28th, 1879.. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will please find P. O. order, twenty-four dollars, for batteries. There has been a great number of persons relieved of various complaints. I have gathered a few that have been relieved and cured. Nearly all that have worn them have more or less been benefited. I find they have a decided effect in relieving constipation. Persons who have suffered for years, and who always had to keep a box of pills on hand, rejoice in the great in- vention. Since selling the batteries I find a very dull sale for my medicine. It has benefited me a little on the one hand, and I expect will injure me otherwise. They are taking the place of medicines. 46 TESTIMONIALS. That is the reason I feel it more, as I expected to make a few hundred dollars by entering into it. In- stead of recommending certain medicine for any sickness, I recommend the Batteries. You will please let me have a few more circulars. I have not as yet received the extra circular you wrote to say you would send me. These are a few testimo- nials I received, viz.: Mr. Samuel Roberts, pains in chest and stiff joints. Mrs. S. Demeritt, rheumatism relieved. Mrs. C. Lowe, pains in chest. Miss Georgiana Lowe, general debility. Mr. Win. Sawyer, pains in chest. Mrs. M. J. Sawyer, pains in stomach. Mr. Thos. Russell, headache. Mrs. M. Roberts, asthma relieved. I could mention numbers who have been relieved. One great thing has been discovered in several, that it has rapidly increased their appetite for food. In a short time there will be many testimonials if re- quired. The named are all of Key West. Yours truly, Joseph C. Saunders. P. .S. I have just received circulars that you sent. Marianna, Florida, Jan. 18th, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been suffering with rheumatism and neuralgia for nearly thirty years, and for the last eight or ten years I have been compelled to use my crutches frequently. I put one of your bat- teries on, I think in October last, and have had no use for crutches since wearing your battery. My general health is greatly improved. My case has established the merits of your battery in this vicin- ity. I received three dozen batteries last week and they are all sold but two. I send you nine dollars. Please send me the amount in batteries as soon as possible. Yours respectfully, Wm. E. Fulgham, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 47 GEORGIA. Calvary, Ga., Aug. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the battery in due time, and being diseased with heart affection, I put on one as soon as they came to hand. Have realized great benefit. My wife was troubled with same affection- is benefited. The other four have been worn by other persons, all satisfied so far as I know. You will please find $3 enclosed for which I hope to receive by the return mail twelve batteries, and oblige Yours truly, Asa Alderman, Calvary, Ga. You can use my name if you wish. La Grange, Ga., Oct. 21, 1879. Dear Sir-Enclosed'find check for $1.50, for which please send me six batteries. The three received are doing finely so far. I gave one of them to a neighbor who has been afflicted with rheumatism for more than a year ; he has worn it a little over a week, and says he is well; during the time he has been exposed in one of the worst spells of weather we have had in months-I might say years. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am Very respectfully yours, Wm. C. Yancey. Dawsox, Ga., Nov. 1,1879. Dear Sir-I have sold the twelve batteries that 1 received, indue time. Two are satisfied; some of them had very bad diseases, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, heart disease, chills and fever, etc., they are perfectly satisfied, and great relief is given. You will find enclosed $12.00; please send me more of your batteries; I have them now engaged; I cannot supply the people as fast as they want them; send them as quick as you can, I want them now; I have constant calls for them. Yours truly, John W. Berry. 48 TESTIMONIALS. Windsor, Walton Co., Ga., ? Sept. 29, 1879. J J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please forward by mail some fifty of your illustrated circulars preparatory to an exten- sive distribution and increased sales. Your letter asking for names and addresses of patients, and diseases cured, is given below : Maj. George M. Paine, Windsor, Walton Co., cured of cancer on nose. His wife, Mrs. Paine, Windsor, cured of rheumatism in arms and legs. Mrs. Mary Odom, Ing Faren, Walton Co., cured of female disability. John Peary, Windsor, Walton Co., Ga., cured of pain in shoulder and chest. Henry Friend, Windsor, cured of same. And many others benefited more or less. Respectfully, J. J. Bennefield, M.D, Calvary, Geo., October 21, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 11th inst. at hand. There are many who have been benefited by the use of your battery. I have worn one since the first lot came to hand, and am free to say that I am benefited of rheumatism and pains in the chest. My wife also thinks she is benefited of fluttering at the heart. Mrs. C. C. White greatly benefited heart disease and general weakness, gained 12 lbs. in four weeks. Also he told me that he got Mr. G. Truluckoue; thinks he is benefited of asthma by the use of your battery. The above-named persons' addresses are Concord, Fla. Should anycures be ef- fected by the use of your battery in my knowledge, I will be free to let you hear from me. You can do as you think best with this or any part of it. I have three batteries on hand yet of the last lot. The above-named persons are all responsible for what they say, and will speak what they think. Yours, truly, A. Alderman, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 49 Stark, Geo., Oct. 21, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Send me half-dozen more batteries; enclosed you will find money to pay for same. In answer to your testimonials, I will give you a few names and complaints. A. J. Levernett, Mechanicsville, Jasper Co., greatly benefited, rheumatism. Thos. J. McMichael, Stark, Butts Co., Ga., greatly benefited, asthma. Thos. J. Hazlip, Stark, Butts Co., Ga., greatly bene- fited, heart disease. McLoughling, greatly benefited, pains in side and joints. Ned Goddard (colored), greatly benefited, rheuma- tism. "* • Yours, respectfully, J. M. T. Mayo. Ben Hill, Ga., Sept. 17, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand, request- ing me to send you the names of those who have been benefited by your batteries, which I take pleasure in doing. The names of those who have told me they have been cured by the batteries, are: Wm. Holbrook, who has suffered with cramp in his limbs some time. Mrs. Strickling, cured of pain in limbs aud side. Phillip Dunlap, cured of lingering disease. Andy Campbell, " " " " And others speak very highly of the effect of the battery. Please send me one or two dozen more of your batteries, and oblige Yours very respectfully, J. N. Defoor. Holland's Mills, Ga., Jan. 7, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Enclosed find $5, for which please forward bat- teries. I have been testing two of them for over a month. I have been suffering with heart disease for two years ; I had got so that •! was unable to work, and a good part of my time not able to go around. 1 am in better health now than I have been in two years. From the fact of their having done me so much good, M. C. Crawley has turned over his agency to me at my request; yon will therefore forward to J. S. Holland. 50 TESTIMONIALS. Dawson, Ga., Nov. 29th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will find enclosed in this letter six dollars ($6) for more batteries. I received the last ones all right, and are sold. I will increase my orders soon. They are taking the day. I have sold one of your batteries to a man named Andrew John- son. He says he w ould not take $25 for it, if he knew he cmrld not get another one. I sold one to Mrs. Brim; she was having chills, and has not had one since, without taking any med- icine, gives it a good name, and a great many others with different complaints. I can send you a great many names, I think, soon. They are all well pleased with your batteries that have tried them. Respectfully, J. W. Berry. Thomson, Ga., Jan. 16, 1880. Dear Sir-I still find a ready sale for your bat- teries. I enclose P. O. money order for five dollars ; please send me batteries. I would be glad to be supplied with circulars, and have them on hand at all times. I find they are a great benefit: in circu- lating them the public becomes acquainted with your new and grand invention. As soon as I received the first dozen, mother, who is affected with nervous debility, pains and aches, put one on, and is now nearly well. Father, being in a debilitated state of health, took one to try it, not having much confidence in it, and he has greatly improved. There are others of whom I could speak, but it would add nothing to your victorious disease antag- onist. Respectfully, C. V. Weathers. Columbus, Ga., Jan. 23, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.! Dear Sir-I bought of-H. R. Cheek one of your miniature galvanic batteries. I have been diseased for twenty-five or thirty years, and the doctors have tried to cure me-, but to no effect. I have pains all over me, or I had before I used your battery ; they have been almost removed-rheumatism, kidney and liver complaint, and heart disease-and I am better off in health than I have been in a great many, years. I have gained in flesh five pounds in six weeks. I can cheerfully say I am mending in health, and I am going towear two of your batteries as soon as I can got another one. I think two will cure me sound and well. Yours truly, H. Jones. TESTIMONIALS. 51 Ellijay, Ga., Jan. 23, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please find enclosed seventeen dollars for batteries. You will please send them to Ellijay, Ga. Prof. Boyd, I have sold forty-two of your batteries, and I haven't heard any grumbling; they are all pleased with them. They all say they would not take $5 apiece. I sold Mr. Perry Sutton two; he was down with rheumatism, and hadn't walked any for one mouth, and in two weeks he was up and going about. Yours truly, J. L. Tankersley. Columbus, Ga., Jan. 23, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear received from you, Nov. 23, 1879, three of your immature galvanic batteries. I thought they were a humbug, but I have worn one of them six weeks, and have tested its merits for pains in back, liver complaint and heart disease-in fact, for pains all over. Well, I can say I find great relief, and I now feel younger than I did at forty, and I am now more than sixty years old. My daughter has one of your galvanic batteries, and she wore it for a constant pain in her back ; she is now well. I also sold one of your batteries to Mr. H. Jones, who has been afflicted with four or five diseases; he has been wearing it six weeks, and he says he is better. He told me this morning he had gained five pounds in flesh in six weeks. He will give you his own letter. Yours truly, H. K. Cheek. Nebo, Ga., Jan. 29, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Find enclosed $9 for more batteries. I sold all I had but seven, and these will be gone before I get any more. My brother went around in the settlement and sold eleven in a half-day. Here are some testimonials: Mrs. Armiuda Wood, cured of headache; before she put on the battery she had a bad headache nearly every day. Mrs. Jane Meek, cured of neuralgia. Mrs. Harriet Meek, so much benefited she says she would not take fifty dollars for hers and be without it. Mrs. Martha Baker, cured of pain in neck and shoulder. Mrs. Austin, relieved of weakness in back. Miss Nellie Gray, benefited. Send batteries immediately to your agent, Thirsa Wood. 52 TESTIMONIALS. IDAHO. Boise City, Idaho, Sept. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Estp: Sir-Your kind letter of September 12th came duly to hand, aud in reply I can tell you of the case of Mrs. Daly, who was cured of neuralgia, by the use of one of your batteries. She lives near Middleton, Ada County, Idaho Territory. Also of W. N. Mont- gomery, of the same neighborhood, who was cured of a very bad case of rheumatism by wearing one of them for a few weeks. Also of William Fox, who was cured of rheumatism by wearing one about three weeks, and who lives south of Middleton, the afore- named village. Also the case of Mrs. Lard, who had not raised her hand to her head for the space of about three years, who, after wearing the battery four days, could throw her arm around in every direction. Also the case of Benjamin Parish, who was cured of heart disease that had nearly proved fatal. He lives near Middleton, Ada County, Idaho Territory; Mrs. Lard lives in Horse Bend, Boise County, Idaho Territory. Also the case of Mrs. McQuade, who lives on Lower Squaw Creek, Boise County, Idaho Territory, who was cured of a case of chronic heart disease. Time would fail me of the many cases of diseases that have been thoroughly cured, or otherwise greatly benefited by the use of this little appliance. I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, Caleb North. TESTIMONIALS. 53 ILLINOIS. Pontiac, Ills., Aug. 31, 1879. J, C. Boyd, 203 West 49th St., New York : Dear Sir-I have suffered for nine years with kid- ney complaint; have worn one of your batteries for about ten days, and am feeling better than I have for five years. I have confidence to think it is going to cure me. Have you got any agents for this part of Illinois ? Please send me a circular and all of the papers that agents need, that is if you would like to have me act as agent. My brother is agent in the State of Vermont, and he sent me one. Yours with respect, Marshall P. Fillmore, P. O. Box 14. Normal, Ills., Oct. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Yours of 7th inst. received; contents noted ; in answer will say this : since wearing the Miniature Galvanic Battery my hands have been relieved from rheumatism; I attribute the cure to the effect of said battery. I have no other positive cures to re- port now. My daughter has been much benefited by its use (heart disease); she is now advancing rapidly in her studies in school. I think the bat- teries will makq sale for themselves; they must rise on their own merits. I am, as local agent, moving as fast as I can in introducing and selling batteries. Quite a number are now waiting for results in cases of those who are now wearing them. You know that it requires labor and patience to make any en- terprise go when there is much opposition. I am yours truly, Rev. J. C. Winter. Lomax, III., Sept. 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received your letter and your batteries, and have worn one of them, and it has helped me so that I am satisfied that it will do good. You want me to act as your agent; I accept that offer and send you three dollars for more of them. Yours truly, Israel Stoops. 54 TESTIMONIALS. Breese, III., Sept. 12, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have tried one of those three batteries I received of you for the rheumatism and symptoms of ague, and I am better. I think it has done me good. The other two are doing good on two of our boys, but they don't want to own that they done it. I will accept the agency. Please send me twelve batteries and the 5.00 circu- lars with my name printed on them as your agent, as you stated in your letter. Enclosed please find post office order. And oblige, yours, etc., John Hubbs. Normal, Ills., Sept. 25, 1879. Mr. Boyd: Your letter is received, and contents noted. I do not know that I know of any one who has been per- manently cured of any disease by wearing the bat- tery, unless Mrs. P. M. Daniels is cured of dizziness in the head. She left Normal last spring, and I have not heard from her with regard to that since. I have been greatly benefited by wearing the bat- tery. I am better of palpitation of the heart and rheumatism also, but not cured. If I leave off tho battery a while they return. I still have two or three batteries that I have not sold. I will be sixty years old if I live till next Monday, and cannot go around to canvass. What I have sold has been to people whom I have chanced to meet at home, or friends where I have visited. The last were sold twenty-five miles from here, and I don't know the result of wearing them. Respectfully, H. F. Laughlin. Centralia, III., Sept. 26, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Mrs. G. V. Johnson received yonr letter and battery, and we have concluded to accept your offer for agency, therefore you may send us one dozen batteries. You will find enclosed the money. We will do all we can to make the batteries suc- cessful. I have worn the battery, and the dumb chills which I had for several weeks are checked already. Please let us hear from you immediately. Yours truly, Mrs. C. C. Jones. TESTIMONIALS. 55 Metropolis, III., Sept. 30, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find Post Office Order for ($12.00) twelve dollars, please send the amount in batteries. I think your name is an ad- vantage on the circular, it shows that I get them from headquarters. I will now give you a few names of those who have.been cured by the miniature battery : John Walland, lung disease with very bad cough and pain in side. H. Kurtz, diabetes and rheumatism. F. Reck, headache. Mrs. Reck, pain in the bones, headache, and neu- ralgia. Wm. Conner, eighty-four years old, bad cough, headache, pain iu the breast, and fluttering at the heart. Mrs. Thomas Kid, liver complaint and general debility. Allen Grace, heart disease, with pain in the breast and smothering. Porter Boles, headache, night sweats, and chills. Sam Leadbetter, asthma. Jo Grace, pain in the breast, swimming in the head, and chills. II. Force, chills and fever. J. M. Jacobs, pain in the breast. Mrs. Levi Shoat, pain in the side. John Holiday, debility. Mrs. A. E. McCamoron, smothering. John M. Turner, palpitation of the heart and chills. Mrs. Turner, nervous debility. Mrs. Doil, chronic diarrhoea and nervous debility. J. H. Fardel, lung disease, with pain in the breast. Rev. Wm. Scanthon, headache. J. Redden, pain in the shoulders and breast. M. W. Harris, chills. Mrs. Alfred, pain iu the head and smothering. H. Shelton, benefited. L. H. Johnson, benefited. G. McDounel, pain in the side. H. T. Harris, benefited. I. Elrod, chills. J. P. Shoat, pain in the head and shoulder. Mrs. J. P. Shoat, relieved. Peter Crideuden, benefited. Mrs. C. Arnold, smothering with pain in side. Miss Mattie Davis, headache and chilly sensation. Burton Sexton, chills. Yours truly, Dr. John Rawley. 56 TESTIMONIALS. Aledo, Mercer Co., Ills. Sir-I have but two cases benefited as yet. Florence Russell, coldness iu extremities, Little York. O. A. Walter, neurasthemia, Duck Creek. Yours truly, T. H. Walter. Effingham, III., Oct. 7, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries on Monday, and my papa put one on, and before evening he said that he felt relieved of a pain he had in his side, and he says that he believes it will cure him. I can't tell you how glad I am to think that I have found some- thing to cure my papa, for he has been afflicted with the liver complaint for thirty-five years, and has never found anything in all that time that has helped him as much as your battery has in the two weeks he has been wearing it. Then there was a neighbor of ours that was afflicted with the very worst kind of sore eyes. But he heard of the bat- tery and sent for one, and I let nim have one and he has not worn it a week yet, and was able to go down town yesterday; that was something he had not been able to do for two mouths. Him and papa both speak greatly in favor of your battery. I have no doubt in the world but what I can sell a great number of them here for you, for everybody that has heard of them wants them. So I will take the agency, Mr. Boyd, and sell all I can for you. So please send me one dozen and the agency. Yours respectfully, Mollie Vicory. Lomax, III., Oct. 29, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The prospect looks good for selling, so I send you. $6 for some more batteries. I sold one to a young man who had fits. The doctors had given up, saying that he couldn't be cured, and he has not had a fit since. His name is Nathan A. B. Brown, and his P. O. address is Dallas City, Han- cock Co., Hl. He is the proudest fellow that you ever saw, and I don't blame him; I would be proud too. Good-by for this time; I hope soon to receive the batteries. Yours truly, Israel Stoops. TESTIMONIALS. 57 Greenville, Bond Co., Ills., Oct. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold a great many of your gal- vanic batteries throughout Bond and Madison coun- ties, and find they have cured many of various dis- eases, and given great satisfaction to all others that have bought of me. Yours, etc., J. B. McMichael, Agent for Boyd's Galvanic Batteries. P. S.-I have just mailed post office order for four dozen more. Me. Chicago, III., Oct. 20, 1879., Prof. J. C, Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have used Boyd's Galvanic Battery. Eight out of twelve so far. John Doerr, No. 321 22d street, chills, cured. John Smith, No. 460 27th street, rheumatism, cured. Mrs. John Smith, No. 460 27th street, rheumatism, relieved. Michael Jeuiges, No. 176 McGregor street, rhema- tism, cured. Oscar Dall, No. 1475 Wentworth avenue, pain in back, cured. Fred. Slater, Chicago, Ill., rheumatism, relieved. Peter Urbanus, No. 143 McGregor street, rheuma- tism, chills, and lame back, cured. Yours respectfully, J. J. Smith, 1475 Wentworth Av. Ashton, Lee Co., III., Nov. 3, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-The battery was duly received, and a lady nearby is using it. She has had rheumatism iu one hand for months, nothing would do any good; so I told her to try the battery. In a few minutes the pain was gone. She has used it nearly two days, and her hand gives her no trouble; she says it seems like a new hand. I have faith in your bat- tery as a remedial agent; I have scattered a few Circulars, and several friends are waiting for bat- teries. I have concluded to act as your agent in this place. Very respectfully, A. L. Ferguson. 58 TESTIMONIALS. O'Fallon, III., Oct. 22, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Received 100 batteries all right. Report two bad cases of the piles cured, and sev- eral cases of rheumatism much relieved, and will finally make a cure. The batteries are going off lively. I find many who need them. With respect, I remain yours, W. G. Schofield. Texas City, Saline Co., III., Oct. 28, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I made an order the 18th inst., but ha ve not received the batteries yet. Will you please for- ward them on, as there is a great demand for them. Your batteries have effected some cures. My wife has been troubled with neuralgia for two or three years; has tried various remedies without perma- nent success. She has worn a battery about five weeks, and has-not felt any symptoms of a return of the disease since. I have sold all the batteries you sent me. All seemed to be well satisfied with them. Some had very bad cases, such as asthma, diabetes, seminal weakness-they are not cured entirely, but are greatly relieved and think they will be entirely cured. Yours truly, W. T. Gregg. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I hav e had the third day chills for over a year, and have tried various remedies but could not get them stopped for more than a week or two at a time. I have worn one of your batteries about four weeks and have not had a chill since. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tansdale. Rossville, III., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your batteries forepart of last week. I put one on and gave the other two to my friends. It helps them, I think ; I know it has helped me. I had the neuralgia very bad, and since I put it on I haven't had it; I think they are very good things. I wish you would send me six bat- teries as soon as you get this letter; I send you a P. O. order in this letter.. Yours truly, Wm. I. Evans. TESTIMONIALS. 59 Oakwood, III., Oct. 20, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have been wearing one of your miniature batteries for about four weeks for the rheumatism, and I am greatly benefited by its use. Send me your terms to agents, for I want an agency, and direct your letters to Robert Taylor. Eureka, III., Oct. 30, Mr. Boyd-I have been suffering with catarrh for several years, have tried every remedy I could hear of, and received but 1 ttle relief for a short time. This summer I was worse than ever; I had the asthma so I could not lie down but a short time for weeks. Could get no relief, until I tried j our battery, and I have felt nothing of catarrh cr asthma since. R. P. Meek. Metropolis, III., Nov. 3, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find a P. 0. order for $24; please send the amount in batteries. I will now give you a few more names of those who have been cured or benefited by the miniature galvanic battery, whose post office is Metropolis. MTs. C. McCammon, flatulency. H. Berganda, headache. T. Richardson, pain in head and breast. 'I. Houseman, chills. D. N. Davis, catarrh. John Smith, sick headache. C. H. Cable, pain in the breast. I. I. Cridensen, pain in the side. Mrs. I. H. Bigley, heart disease. R. Bauman, benefited. I. Wilson, pain in the breast. Dr. I. Williams, benefited. I. Smith, sick headache. Solomon Grace, debility. Eliza Reams, palpitation of the heart and fainting. S. Dickerson, rheumatism. Mrs. Stewart, chills. T. M. Richmond, rheumatism. A. Grace, diabetes and bleeding at the nose. Yours truly, Dr. John Rawley, Agent. 60 TESTIMONIALS. Sullivan, III., Nov. 9, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-I received those six batteries on the 4th of November, and sold them all that day save one, I put it on myself for rheumatism, and it has done mo so much good I send you a Post Office Order of $5.00 for more of your batteries. Please send them by re- turn mail. Please send me some more of your circu- lars and I will get up a good trade. Yours truly, D. Patterson. Paris, Edgar Co., III., Nov. 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I will accept of the agency for your batteries. I think I can do well here with them. I will send you a money order of $6.00. I have found a great deal of relief from wearing it. I was afflicted with asthma, every cold I would take I was wheezing, it has left me and I have not wheezed any since I began to wear it. I was afflicted with pains in my limbs, but they have left me, and it has been a great benefit to me. Yours respectfully, Mary Vance, Sr. Heyworth, Ills., Nov. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Find enclosed $12.00 for more of your batteries, they go like hot cakes and are curing the afflicted. You or the printer has made a mistake, as your batteries will cure inflammation of the bowels, as I have had it very bad for more than a year, and was getting worse all the time, and your battery cured me of it and four other ailments in forty-eight hours. Yours truly, li. F. Hornisf Agent. Alton, III., Nov. 13, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I had a bad cold, and the battery I re- ceived of you I put on the same night I received it, and the next morning I was very much relieved. I accept the agency, and enclose a post office money order for six batteries. Please send immediately. Yours, truly, J. C Freark. TESTIMONIALS. 61 Pleasant Plains, III., Nov. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find draft. Please send me half dozen batteries. I have been testing three of them for several months, and to my surprise and satisfaction they prove what you recommend them to be. I will accept the agency. Respectfully, I. Y. Valentine. Waverly, Morgan Co., III., Nov. 16, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please find P. 0. money order for one dozen more batteries, for I have sold all I have; and they help every one that wears them. I let a boy have one that had the rheumatism so he could not walk, and in three days he W'as able to walk. Yours truly, J. H. S. Miller. / Paris, III., Nov. 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Good Sir-I have sold all the batteries you sent me, and could sell more if I had them. I find ready sale for tnem. I am wearing two myself, and I feel much better and weigh more than I ever did in my life before. This I find is a great recommendation to them, as every one can see the change in me. You may send me batteries for the amount you receive, and if possible five hundred circulars. I did not have half as many as I could have disposed of. Please send as soon as possible. Respectfully, Chas. Tucker. Lovington, III., Dec. 11th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please send 20 more of your Miniature Elec- tric Batteries. I received the others I sent for. I put on two of them the first night for nervous affec- tion, and found great relief the next day ; had to let two of them go to other parties. So please find post, office order. Send the Batteries without delay, for I can sell them like hot cakes. When you receive this order do not stop to get your breath before send- ing the Batteries. Also, please send me some circu- lars. Yours respectfully, Andrew Porter, J. P. 62 TESTIMONIALS. Metropolis, III., Nov. 21st, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find P. O. order for $12. Send the amount in batteries. I will give you a few more names of those who have been cured by the miniature galvanic battery. Joseph Groe, chills, torpid liver, pain in back and head; says the battery has restored him to perfect health; says he would not take $100 for it and be back in the same state of health if he could not get another. J. J. Crittenden had a fall on the end of a plank; had severe pain in head till he put on the battery; is restored to health. Mary Haynes, palpitation of heart. Mrs. R. Bauman, pain in breast. Charles Shelton, sick headache. J. R. Persei bdught a battery about two weeks ago, for debility and pain in the back and side; said his constitution was broke down under the use of medicine; came back rast evening restored to as good health as he ever was in his life ; said he would not take $500 for what it had done for him, and bought one for his wife. Mrs. Nancy Curtis, pain in breast. W. S. Brashear, heart disease. David Stewart, pain in bones. Mrs. A. Duglas, lieart disease. W, S. Shelton, rheumatism. Mrs. Fanny Joiner, smothering. John Norman, torpid liver, enlarged spleen and debility; not able to work ; put on the battery ; in a few days went to work in good health. H. F. Starks, breast disease. Wm. Walker, chills. Lewis Marlman, pain in back. John Wantlaud, bad cough, with severe pain in breast. These names have all been restored to health. Their post office is Metropolis, Masse county, 111. I could give a great many more names if neces- sary. I have sold to some whose post office would be elsewhere, but I have not heard from them. Yours truly, Dr. John Rawley. TESTIMONIALS. 63 Mahomet, Champaign Co., III., ) November 24, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : My Dear Sir-Those batteries came duly to hand. They have done me and my wife some good, and several that have them are well pleased with their effects. Enclosed please find $3. Send to me to above address. I am agent at above place. Should have some more of those circulars to distribute. Respectfully, John S. Hahvey. Oswego, III., Nov. 25th, 1879. Dear Sir-Batteries received to-day, for which I had sent $1 as per agency. I cannot do anything, as I am foreman in a flouring mill, and for anything else I have no time. The Battery is a good common- sense thing, and will do all you say, I believe. One of my men in the mill has been wearing one for the last month for rheumatism and cramp, and has neither of them now. Yours respectfully,. J. C. McConnell. Majority Point, III., Nov. 27th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-The sample battery has arrived. I have been wearing it for nervousness, with pain in my head and limbs, till I could not sleep at night. It has cured me I think. I have worn it about one week. Send me six more batteries. I will accept the agency. N. B. Send as soon as you receive this. The bat- teries are wanted now. John W. Grissom. December 3d, 1879. Mr. J. £. Boyd: Dear Sir-Father visited me last Sunday evening, and he has been wearing one of your Batteries for cramps, and says he has not been troubled since wearing it. Enclosed I send postal order for half a dozen Batteries. Please send the same to father. Address Daniel Miller, Sr., Marshall, Clark County, Ill. 64 TESTIMONIALS. Gilman, III., Dec. 6th, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find post office order for six Batteries. I have been wearing one of your Batte- ries since the 10th of September, and am feeling bet- ter than I have for some time. I think they are a good thing to have. I will try to act as your agent to sell them. Seud me some circulars with my name printed on them as your agent, and I will try to do the best I can for you. Send them by return mail. Yours truly, B. S. Drake. Compton, III. , Dec. 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your battery received, and I am more than pleased with it. For six years I had a stiff neck, and in less than 24 hours my neck was as lim- ber as ever. Enclosed find $6, fur which please send me batteries and circulars. Moses Dumas. Cerro Gordo, III., Dec. 10th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed had F. O. order. Please send me one dozen and a half Batteries. I am wearing one for rheumatism and find great relief. They are do- ing good so far as I can hear of them. Direct as be- fore. Yours respectfully, W. S. Clyman. Otto, Fulton Co., III., Dec. 11th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the three batteries you sent me two weeks ago. I have been wearing one of them ever since. I am almost well of the rheuma- tism. My wife has had the headache for several years. She put on one at night. In the looming she got up without having the headache, and has not had it since. I have enclosed six dollars. Please send me batteries for it. 1 think I can dispose of a good many this winter. Yours truly, Jacob Lockard. TESTIMONIALS. 65 Pinckneyville, III., Jan. 3, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received that last dozen of batteries, and have sold them already. Enclosed you will find order for another dozen, which please send as soon as possible. I am very glad that you sent that Book of Testimonials to me, as I think it will help the sale of the batteries very much. Following, you will see the names of the parties I sold your bat- teries to. The first three that I sold I gave my mother oue to try. She had palpitation of the heart and numbness in the hands for the last twelve years, and she was relieved in forty-eight hours. I sold oue to James Brown for his wife, for rheumatism, which she has had for the last twenty-one years; she is a feeling a great deal better, and expects to be cured of it. G. Trefftz and wife, pains in the body and swollen limbs, relieved. B. Cunningham, pains from his neck to his hip, cured. S. Brown, rheumatism, relieved. E. Koontz, rheumatism, cured. J. Brown, rheumatism, relieved. T. Brown, rheumatism, relieved. J. Young; rheumatism, relieved. E. Mesler, rheumatism, relieved. Mrs. Cunningham, unknown, relieved. J. Lambert, unknown, relieved. J. Glockner, unknown, relieved. I could give you the names of many more, but I ha\ e not been able to see them; I am a grain buyer at Conant's Station, and I never had time to go among the people, except as they come to sell their wheat. After I had sold the first half-dozen, the people found out what the battery could do, and then they came to me folk them; so you see that the batteries I sold were sold on their own merit. I have sold two to one man, A. Denninger, which he wants to send to Germany. Please send the bat- teries as soon as you can, and you will oblige P. Hamm, Agent. Pomona, III., Jan. 9, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boy® : Please send me one dozen miniature galvanic bat- teries, for which you will hud enclosed the pay. Of the six you sent me I have sold four, and broke the chills on one person. I sold three to-day. Yours, with great respect, A. R. Silvey. 66 TESTIMONIALS. Clifton, III., Jan. 18, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please find enclosed P. O. order for $12, for which you will send me more batteries. I have just sent for two dozen, and they will be sold before 1 get them. Send them as soon as you get this. Your batteries work splendidly. One of my neigh- bors lost the use of one of her arms, and I cured her in twenty-four hours. A girl who was paralyzed all on one side, is getting well. I could tell you of a dozen more that I have cured, but you know all about that. They are just the thing. Yours truly, D.G. Rock will. Colchester, III., Jan. 24, 1880. J. C. Boyd : I shall not attempt to give you a general history of what your batteries are doing in this section; I have not got the cheek to stand up ami argue their good qualities. In fact, it is not necessary to say much when an agent can sell them faster than he can get them. All they want to insure success is a fair trial. All that I have sold have given satisfac- tion. One man, Ebenezer Roads, bought two for himself, for a disease of cold feet; he says he would not take fifty dollars for them, if he could not get more. H. P. Tandy, tLe postmaster at Colchester, bought one for his wife; he says no money woilld jmy it, if she could not get another one. Enclosed find money for two dozen more batteries, and send as soon as convenient. Yours, with respect, T. L. Stevens. Benson, III., Feb. 2, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Bear Sir-The two dozen batteries came to hand. I went out last week three days, and sold one dozen. Now, if the weather stays good so I can travel, I can sell all this week. I believe your batteries are all you claim ; if once known, they sell readily in every house; as far as I hear, where I sold they are all satisfied, and say they are benefited. I put one on for cramp and pain in shoulder; cramp and pain are all gone, and I was benefited otherwise. I will give you a list of names when 1 know more about them, wha t they have done, and the complaints. We have had a bad winter to travel, so far. You w ill find enclosed money order for $10; please send the bat- teries as soon as you possibly can, for I wish to travel with them. Yours truly, J. B. Brubaker. TESTIMONIALS. 67 Sycamore, III., Jan. 26, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find a post-oflice money order for $1.50, for which send me batteries. I received those you sent me and the circulars. I am wearing a battery for heart disease, which 1 put on the same day I got them, and am feeling better than I have felt for a long time. I think the batteries will take well here. Please send them as quick as possible, for they are waiting for them. I think you may depend upon a larger order in a short time. Yours truly, P. Stephenson. Geneseo, III., Feb. 7, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find money for twelve of your batteries, to be sent to J. P. Tufts, Lost Nation, Clinton Co., Iowa. ' I sent my son, J. P. Tufts, who has been suffering severely with the rheumatism, one of your bat teries, hoping it might relieve him. He writes he is well, and that some of his neighbors want to try the same thing. I think he will sell a good many, if you will make him your agent, there being none where he lives. • Respectfully yours, John Tufts. Patoka, III., Dec. 22, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your battery, and also your letter and circulars, in due time, and beg your pardon for being so slow; I have been waiting to give the battery a fair test. I let a young lady wear it for catarrh in the head, and she says she has been feeling better ever since she began to wear it, and she says she could not do without one. Enclosed in this letter I send $3 for batteries, and thank you for the privilege of selling them for you. Yours truly, Joseph Gray Bradford, III., Feb. 9, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed P. O. order for twelve batteries more. I have had no circulars with the last two dozen, and I need them much. Send plenty, as I have only eight left; would send for more to-day if I had change. I will send in one week again. Your batteries are doing good, and have done me much good; I am nearly well of erysipelas. Yours truly, Oscar F. Andrews. 68 TESTIMONIALS. Millbrook, III., Feb. 10, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I was over in Michigan this winter on a visit. Being subject to headache, and hearing that your batteries are good for the headache, I bought one from one of your agents in Benton Harbor, Mich., Mr. Johnson. I put it on, and have not had the headache since. Some of my friends would like to have the battery. I will adcept of the agency. Please send me one half-dozen of your batteries ; I will make a small order to commence on. Enclosed you will find P. O. order. Respectfully yours, A. Gilson. TESTIMONIALS. 69 INDIANA. Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind., April 9; 1879. J. C. Boyd : Respected Sir-Please find enclosed a nine dollar draft for the Miniature Galvanic Batteries. I think the people are now more convinced of the good they are doing for those that wear them; they have cured me of numbness that had troubled me ever since I was sixteen. I have lived here thirty years. Your friend, Lois Abbott. Amo, Hendricks Co., Ind., Aug. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Having worn one of your miniature galvanic batteries for a mouth, can testify to its goodness by saying I have not had cramps in my limbs since wearing, and do not have headache as much, and some others who are wearing them have found relief. I obtained mine of Mr. Fred Jones, and now there are several here who want them, and as I am a poor widow, would like to know what you would let me have a dozen for to sell. Think I can sell some, please let me know and greatly oblige, Mrs. P. A. Wilson. Romney, Tippecanoe Co., Ind., Aug. 26, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Please send me $5.00 (five dollars) worth of your batteries, they take well, and will relieve, the pain in my chest is relieved and I have only worn one three weeks; my sister-in-law suffers very much with headache and one has quite relieved her. But I really fear it takes more brass or confidence than I have to be a good agent, as I have never come much in contact with the outer world, but if I find I can't succeed I will try and get those who can, so you will, I trust, lose nothing by me. Crawfordsville, I understand, has been canvassed; enclosed find the sum above named? Send batteries to Romney, Ind. Respectfully, Mary M. Hall. 70 TESTIMONIALS. King Station, Gibson Co., Ind. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I was troubled with nervous headache and pain in the breast. I purchased one of your batteries of D. Brown, your agent, and from its use am entirely cured. Disa A. Brown. Newark, Greene Co., Ind., Aug. 28, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Find enclosed $9.00. Send the batteries by mail soon, for I cannot supply the demand fast enough. Your truly, J. A. Steel. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 8,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I was troubled with rheumatism in my left shoulder, I bought one of your batteries from your agent, Mr. Brown, and I feel that I am perma- nently cured by its use. S. F. Gilmore, Dentist. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 11, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I had been troubled a great deal with rheumatism in the feet, and experienced great relief from the use of one of your batteries which I pur- chased from your agent, Mr. David Brown. Newton Skelton. Mt. Prospect, Crawford Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I take the opportunity of writing you few lines to inform you about that galvanic battery which I received from you some time ago, and you wanted me to act as your I did not reply on the account I was not acquainted with it, and I could not recommend it, therefore I did not ask of you to be an agent. I gave that battery to a gen- tleman who was very badly alllicted with the heart disease, and he said that he is getting better from wearing the galvanic batteries. I think if you acknowledge me as one of your agents, I think I can sell several batteries. I will act as one of your agents if you want me to act. Yours truly, Robert M. King. TESTIMONIALS. 71 Princeton, Ind., September 8, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am again out of your batteries, please send me two dozen more. There is considerable ex- citement about your batteries here at this time, they have worked like magic in many cases, some of which I will name. One oldgentleman when I hand- ed him a circular and showed him a battery laughed at me and said its all a humbug, but soon after I sold one to his daughter-in-law for nervous head- ache; three days after I saw her and she .told me she was cured of headache. A week aftCi that she saw her father-in-law, said to him I am cured of my terrible headache; well in a few days he came and got two batteries to cure his wife of rheumatism, and sure enough it did relieve her so much in one week that she persuaded him to get one for himself for dyspepsia, he had what is called by some people heartburn ; I saw him in about ten days after, and he told me this burning in my stomach is cured, and he said ten dollars would not buy these batteries if I could get no more. -Also a widow lady living in town four squares from me had rheumatism so bad in her shoulders and arms that she could neither work or sleep, but fortunately for her she sent for me for one of your batteries, and she is now sound and w ell. Still another case of much interest, a dentist that has his office up over a doctor's office; the doctor gave the dentist prescription after pre- scription for rheumatism in his shoulders and breast so bad that it was with much difficulty that ho could attend to the duties of his office, the result was the doctor done no good ; I met with the den- tist perhaps a month past, and he said Mr. Brown I hear you pretend to curd rheumatism; oh, no, said I, I do not pretend to cure rheumatism but I positively do cure it; well, please send for one of the batteries for me as soon as you can. All right, said I, sending my hand inmy pocket, and handing him one he put it qji and he told me a few days after that he was as well as ever ; he also said that the batteries are the best remedy for rheumatism he ever heard of. There are many others cured and benefited. I must close ; please send the batteries soon ; our county fair is from the 15th to the 19th, a chance to sell batteries. D. Brown. 72 TESTIMONIALS. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 15, 1879. Mr. J. 0. Boyd : Dear Sir - I had rheumatism in one of my shoulders for several months. After using one of your batteries about three weeks all traces of the disease left me, and I believe I am entirely cured. J. C. Kimball. Newberry, Ind., Sept. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received the batteries and circulars you sent me. Have sold all except one ; kept it for my- self. It has cured one of the headache. One little girl cured of bleeding at the nose, one cured of chills. Others claim the batteries have helped them, some of one thing, some of another. Enclos- ed find the money for which send me one dozen more by return mail. Yours truly, W. M. Wesner. De Kalb, De Kalb Co., Ind., Sept. 18, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have received the sixteen batteries on the 16th of this month, and yesterday I took a half day and went to Garrett City and to Auburn, I have no batteries left; to-day I look for the twenty bat- teries I last sent for; I could have sold all the bat- teries at Garrett City but I had given circulars at Auburn, and the people were anxious there to try them, and I sold all without any trouble to some of the leading lawyers, county treasurer, sheriff, etc. Now I have a large field open, I have got them in- troduced in Kendleville, and still they go ; I now could sell thousands of them. Please find nve dol- lars inclosed for which send batteries, and supply me with circulars; there is, as I said before, a large field open, and am willing to work for you. I come down to the solid truth and say that those batteries are working almost wonders. The firstl received from you were put in hands of some bad cases, one on the person of John Kitchen, has been afflicted with dizziness for one year and bronchitis that he was worth nothing, now he is able to do a fair day's work, has done nothing but wear Boyd's battery, has doctored with doctors with no relief, and others ■with heart disease, numbness, neuralgia, etc. They recommend themselves. I could write a host if I had a mind to do so, but stop here for this time. Yours truly, J. P. WlANT. TESTIMONIALS. 73 Hardinburg, Ind., Sept. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed please find $3.00, for which please send me Miniature Batteries. They are tried here and give satisfaction. If you desire I can send you some astonishing cures. Yours, D. H. Jackson, Agent. Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind., Sept. 16, 1879. J. C. Beyd : Sir-Your battery has done more good in this com- munity than I can enumerate, but will give a few specimens, thereby acknowledging that your battery is held in high esteem: Mr. J. B. Slaughter, cured of rheumatism. Mrs. Lydia Wiland, cured of liver complaint and catarrh. Mr. J. D. Hibbert, cured of chills and rheumatism. Rebecca Wisong, cured of female weakness. Mr. Dennis, cured of severe rheumatism in arm and shoulder. Anna Dornell, cured of tumor in the bowels. Louisa Dunning, cured of rheumatism. Mr. E. Crowel, cured of pain in the stomach. Milton Mercer, cured of a cough. Miss Lu Cornell, cured of hoarseness and sore throat. Julia Yeakle, cured of nervous debility. Mrs. Headrick's child, cured of chills, fever and fits. Mrs. Mollie Farrier, cured of constipation and head- ache. William Dowdy, cured of rheumatic fever. Mrs. W. F. Albright, much benefited. Mrs. Mehetable Koontz, cured of female complaint. Mrs. Elizabeth Motto, cured of female weakness and sick headache. She says ten dollars would be no inducement for her to be without one of your batteries. Mrs. Mary James, cured of pain in the side. Says ten dollars could not buy hers unless she could obtain another of your batteries. Mrs. J. Beck, cured of nervous debility. D. D. Fitch, cured of chills, fever and sick headache. Mr. David Parker, cured of a lame arm. Mrs. D. Parker, much relieved. Miss A. Abbott, cured of boils. There are other cases of cures and benefits from the use of your batteries in this city, but we will add no more at present. Yours with respect, Lois Abbott. 74 TESTIMONIALS. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 13,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I had rheumatism in my neck and shoulder for ten years; after wearing one of your batteries for six weeks, which I bought of your agent, David Brown, I feel that I am entirely cured. Mrs. S. P. Dorsey. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 19, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have at last succeeded in getting a few written certificates from some of the persons cured by the use of your batteries, there is yet a number that I have not been able to see recently, but I have a memorandum book in which I keep a record of all that buy batteries of me, with the name of the disease, and some time after the pur- chase inquire of them whether benefited or not, and if cured or benefited I write next to the names the result. I now give you the names of such as I have talked with on the subject a few days past. Mrs. Samuel, nervous headache, permanently cured. Andrew Hamon, rheumatism, benefited. Mrs. Sarah Apenfield, rheumatism, benefited. Win. Lemmon, rheumatism, benefited. John Braselton, dyspepsia, cured. Mrs. John Braselton, rheumatism, greatly bene- fited. Calvin How, rheumatism, cured. The above is a true statement made by those per- sons named ; the address of all is Princeton, Ind. Yours as ever, David Brown. Brookville, Ind., September 20, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the one dozen batteries and circulars, and I sold the other two dozen; some are cured, and others have been benefited. My father has been a doctor for twenty-five years, he has cured cases that the oldest doctor in our vicinity has given up. He has had the piles for three years, his kidneys were affected, and he had a pain in the small of "his back, he could not do anything for these complaints until he got Boyd's Batteries, which cured him. He saya he feels better now than he has for ten years. Others have been ctujd with pains in the breast. Respectfully, yours, O. B. Halstead, Agent fur Boyd's Batteries. TESTIMONIALS. 75 Princeton, Ind., Sept. 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd : I bought two of your Galvanic Batteries from David Brown, your agent, one for my daughter afflicted with tonsilitis and headache, and the other for my son who had catarrh. I am convinced that both derived benefit therefrom, as they have been free from those ailments for several months past. A. J. Calkins, P.M. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been troubled with rheumatism in my shoulders and left hip for near twenty years. Lucky for me I found in box at the post office a cir- cular asking some one to take an agency. I thought I would purchase one half dozen of your batteries. I wore two of them about two months and was en- tirely cured. 1 am over seventy years old and now well. Yours truly, D. Brown, Agent. Waterloo, Ind., Oct. 3, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Please send me one dozen batteries in haste, as I stand in ueed of them. Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Waterloo, says she was troubled with rheumatism for years, your battery has done everything for her. I have not, she says, been as well for ten years. Mrs. O. C. Fosset says she put a battery on about two months ago for general weakness, she says she is well and hearty. Sarah Hughes, cured of dropsy. G. W. Hughes. La. Grange, Ind., Oct. 7, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Please find enclosed a $3.00 draft for the Minia- ture Galvanic Batteries. Please send to Mrs. Kate Clark, Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., Iowa, she is my aunt. I let Mrs. Clark have one of your batteries, it has cured her of lame arm and numbness, and is regular. Has had the battery only a few dayS. Yours, with respect, E. C. Grimes. 76 TESTIMONIALS. Mooresville, Ind., Oct. 4, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Yours of recent date at hand, desiring that I should act as agent for the sale of your batteries. I would say I have been wearing one of your bat- teries for six or seven weeks for sick headache from which I suffered a great deal; I have not had an attack since putting the battery ou, and think it will cure me entirely. I have concluded to accept an agency for selling them and herewith enclose an order for one dozen. Send at earliest convenience, as there are some wanting. You can use my name on circulars if you like. I was induced to try your batteries by Airs. P. A. Wilson, and she wanted me to act as agent, which I have concluded to do. Respectfully, Mrs. J. M. Cook. Francisco, Gibson Co., Ind., Oct. 7,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I received the batteries after a long delay. I sent the money September 16, and got them on the 7th of this month; if I had had them, I could have sold one hundred of them in that time, for I never did hear such a cry after any thing in my life. I have promised all of what I got this time a week before they came, all I have to do is to deliver them. If I had the money by me now I would send for 24 more, but I will send in a few days; you must hurry them up, no delay, for if I had 500 I really think I could sell them all in two weeks ; I wish I was able to send for 100 at a time, but I am not. The battery you sent me has helped me of the rheumatism very much. I think they are a great thing. I will send you the names of a few that I have sold to. Sharp Wilson, benefited pain in limbs. Hard Besley. % Wm. McClellan, helped pain in breast. Miss Hanan. Reman Williams. Thomas Hereuton. That is all I have heard from, they are all at Francisco. I think by the next time I write to you I will be able to give you full history of what your batteries have done. If I make you safe in getting the money, you must make me safe in getting the batteries. The box was bursted this time but they were all in the box. From J. T. Martin. TESTIMONIALS. 77 La Grange, Ind., Sept. 27, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : You have sent circulars to parties here in La Grange asking them to act as agents for your bat- teries ; I have sold all that I have ordered of you, which is six dozen, and they are doing great won- ders here, and I think that since I have got the trado worked up and a fair show for selling your batteries, it is not using me fair to send circulars to other parties right here to act as agent, that is sowing the seed on ground that I have prepared. Now please don't send for any more agents, for I can sell fast since I am getting them introduced. Here I wiil send you the names of some parties that have been cured of different diseases. Mr. Reams, La Grange, Ind., cured of rheumatism. Melvin Crowl, cured of sick headache. Mrs. M. Noras, cured of sick headache. Mrs. J. B. Binehurt, cured of female weakness. Mrs. E. C. Grimes, agent, cured entirely of sick head- ache. Mr. J. C. Grimes, cured of palpitation of the heart, sick headache,, rheumatism and nervousness, and-a new man. And a great many that I have heard of that are benefited and cured that I haven't seen. I will get their names and send yon a number in a short time. I am bound to sell your batteries if you get all in La Grange city to sell for you. I have got the ex- citement with your batteries up, now please don't give others the advantage of my labor. Here is one important case, Mrs. Jane Woodward, of La Grange, cured entirely of White disease and heart disease, she says it is the only thing that ever helped her; it is worth more, she says, to her than hundreds of other medicines that she has taken. This is Mrs. Jane Woodward, she is fifty years old. Yours with respect, E. C. Grimes. Laud, Ind., Nov. 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The sample battery was duly received. My mother put it on as soon as she got it, and in course of two days was relieved of pain in back, and is well satisfied with it. Please send me the amount of $4 you find enclosed in this. From your agent, S. A. Ratchart. 78 TESTDIONIALS. La Fayette, Ixd., Oct. 13, 1879. Mrs. William Medicus, cured piles and rheumatism, 18 years. Mrs. John Loyd, cured rheumatism, 10 years. Mrs. J. D. Gaddis, cured chills. Mrs. Judge Haggard, cured chills. Willie Brochenbrough, cured cough and headache, 5 years. J. K. Snyder, relieved rheumatism, 8 years. Mrs. A. Stockton, relieved sciatica rheumatism. Mrs. J. M. Phillips, cured asthma. Mrs. Joseph Dampbell, relieved asthma. Mrs. Katie'Stockton, cured female complaint. Mrs. Sat. Carstairs, relieved female complaint Minerva Favinte, cured headache. Mr. R. Cramer, cured dyspepsia. Mr. J. L. Miller, relieved dyspepsia. Mrs. M. Platte, cured nervousness. Mrs. Isaac Parsens, relieved dyspepsia. /Splendid names, reliable. Respectfully, Mrs. O'. H. Gadgecomb. These parties are from La Fayette, Ind. Covingtox, Ixd., Oct. 7, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq., New York: Dear Sir-Your favor of the 4th inst. at hand this a.m., and in reply I have only to say: I have not sold many batteries yet, but can say that most of those who have purchased report that they are feel- ing better than before wearing the battery. Mrs. Kelly, of this place, says it broke the chills on her. I cannot give as decided a report from any one else. Wish you would send me the balance of the circu- lars you agreed to when 1 took the. agency. Yours truly, W. M. Segar. West Lebaxox, Warrex Co., Ixd., Oct. 21,1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order; send two dozen more batteries, the people have a great deal of faith in them, even one of the physicians of this place has spoken for two. They have cured several bad cases. 1 will send you a few names with the next order. Please send more circulars. Yours as ever, Wm. Routzahx. TESTIMONIALS. 79 Larwill, Ind., Oct. 10, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 4th received; will say that the sale of batteries has been slow so far, have sold but five, yet all for rheumatism, and neither of those parties have reported yet as to a cure. I am wear- ing one myself for rheumatism and feel that I have been greatly benefited; will report others as soon as I hear from them. Respectfully A. B. Shuder. North Vernon, Ind., Nov. 3, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-The last lot of batteries came to hand, for which I enclose the price, $3.. I have a few on hand yet. I was traveling considerable this sum- mer, and had quite a demand for them, as I had taken considerable pains to advertise them. I had parties come over twenty miles for them. I will state some of the beneficial effects produced by your batteries: Mrs. S. A. Stribling, nervous debil- ity, palpitation of heart, rheumatism, and occasion- ally chills, cured, health better than for many years. Mrs. Matilda Rolland, sciatic rheumatism and a gen- eral prostration of the nervous system; when all remedies had failed, by three of our best physicians for five or six months, the wearing of two batteries has overcome the disease, and she is now able to at- tend to the "duties of her house. Mrs. Frances A. King, Mrs. Almira Holesclaw, Miss Mary Stott - all report great benefit; all of North Vernon and vicinity. Also Miss Lizzie Yauger, of Madison, Ind., greatly benefited by the wearing of two. Iler's is a case of asthma of fifteen or twenty years stand- ing, and a very bad case; also very much afflicted with rheumatism. Very respectfully, S. S. Stribling. Worthington Crossing, Ind., Nov. 7, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Find enclosed $1 for batteries. I am meeting with ready sale. Please semi by return mail, as I have but four on hand. The batteries are effecting a wonderful change, and helping all that wear them, and cure many. Your active agent, Mart J. Latamore. 80 TESTIMONIALS. Dekalb, Dekalb Co., Ind., Oct. 5, 1879. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of Sept. 20, 1879, is at hand, after so long a time. It has been delayed by some means, or I should have written sooner ; but, as it is, I avail myself of writing at this time, and am happy to in- form you that the batteries are giving general sat- isfaction. There are not many cases that claim a perfect cure. Adda Ketchum, a perfect cure of sup- pression of the menses and heart disease; says she is as well as ever she was; Dekalb, Dekalb County. John Noel, of ague of long standing; Charles H. Wiand, of ague; both of Dekalb. John Kitchen is not entirely cured of dizziness and bronchitis, but wrore one of the batteries for three months with good results. I persuaded him about a week ago to wear another, and the result is almost miraculous, taking the pain out of his shoulder in fifteen minutes; it has not returned. Others with heart disease, rheu- matism, headache, neuralgia, stiffness of the joints, and in fact almost any derangement of the system. Now some few of these cases I have induced to put on the second one, and find a big difference; I think the climate of Indiana requires more than one for adults, from the fact that all boys who are wearing them seem to get along with one without trouble, and where I have persuaded adults to wear two it is the same. We have a mighty bilious country here; physicians that have practiced in the Eastern States, and practice here, say they have'to give the patient here about a double dose to effect the same results in the same disease. Some of our best phy- sicians here indorse tiie batteries. If matters go on so a little while longer, I am persuaded that I can give you a host of sound cures. I have handled the battery with great caution; for instance, the bat- tery when put on according to directions can't stay to the skin without some other means than the ona string in people that labor, and often in a stooping posture much of their time; I recommend them to tie a string in the sides of the battery, and tie it around the body ; this keeps it to the skin when in any posture. Yours truly, • J. P. WlANT. TESTIMONIALS. 81 La Grange, Ind., Oct. 14, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You want me to give you the cures ; as I have sold but few it is a hard matter to give many, my first order being only six batteries, I sold four and keep two myself; two batteries went west. Mrs. Libbie Garimire, cured of a nervous headache. Mr. George Roy, cured of ague. Now as my other orders came in both together, I can't report. I received the two dozen Order Mon- day, hoping that I will receive the six dozen order to-night. As I have been an invalid for the past three years, I feel like selfing Boyd's batteries, as La Grange is but a small village I can furnish all orders for that and surrounding country. Respectfully, Thomas Page, Agent for Boyd's Batteries. Cicero, Ind., Nov. 14th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Inclosed please find the money for one dozen of your batteries. I wore one and it cured me of the fever and ague; also, my grandson was cured of the chills. Yours truly, George Kreag. La Otto, Ind., Dec. 9, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I purchased one of your batteries with the hope that it might cure the piles on my wife, and to my great surprise and satisfaction it has entirely cured her. It proves what you recommend it to be. I enclose in this letter three dollars. I be- lieve that will get twelve batteries. Send me as many batteries as you can for three dollars. Send them as quick as you can, I have part of them en- gaged. And the circulars you sent me are nearly all goue. I wish you would send me more of them with my name printed on them as agent. Send them as quick as you get this letter. I will order §8 worth, and if they go olf nicely, I will send in a larger order next time. I believe you say you send a silk cord with each battery. Frank Rosenberger. 82 TESTIMONIALS. Roann, Ind., Nov. 2,1879. Prof. Bqyd: Sir-Enclosed you will find $12, and I want you to send me some more batteries. Those received three weeks ago were all sold in one day, and some of them are doing well, and some have not taken any effect yet. I would like to know from you what to do with those that don't operate. One old man told me that he would not take $5 in gold for his battery, if he could not get another one. Please send immediately. Direct as above. Yours, With respect, Thos. Lavengood. December 15, 1879. In regard to the batteries, the one I received from you I have worn, and it has entirely cured me of rheumatism, which I suffered from since 1868, and when I first put it on.I had a spell of rheumatism in my right arm, and under my shoulder-blade ; I could scarcely raise my arm up, and now I am, with re- gard to rheumatism, as sound as the day I was born, and wouldn't be without one for a nice farm. Yours, most respectfully, Geo. W. Stoner, Jr., Stonersville, Carroll County, Ind. Apalona, Perry Co., Ind., Dec. 11,1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $4.20 for batte- ries. The sale of them is on the increase here. There has been several in my neighborhood cured of different diseases. I will give you a few names, and you can use them if you think it will help the cause in any way. There is virtue in them. Daniel B. Lasper, of heart disease. William ILLanman, of sick headache. Mary Lanman, sick headache. Louisa V. Lanman, weakness n the back. I could give you a good many more that have been cured and benefited by the use of the battery. Geo. W. Lanman, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 83 Amo, Ind., Aug. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Have worn one of your miniature gal- vanic batteries for a month, and f have not had a cramp in my limbs since wearing it; nor do I have such headaches. Others here are wearing them, and have found relief. Several persons want them.- Please send me the price of one dozen. Respectfully, Mrs. P. A.* Wilson. Liberty Centre, Ind., Dec. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I seat myself to drop you a list of af- flicted persons that we have sold your miniature batteries to, and their diseases, and those who have had them long enough to give them a fair trial. I put two of your batteries on my girl, and they are helping her fast. She is getting good use of her limbs and nerves. She had the St. Vitus dance. I think she is a'most cured. I had been doctoring with the doctors about three years, and they never have done her a bit of good; and she has not taken, any medicine, and had the chills, and she has never had but one chill since she put on the batteries. William Jemison I sold one for the heart disease, and it has cured him, and he has taken his battery off. C. Osbern, restlessness and fits ; he had his rest which was good ever since he put them on. He is wearing two. He has not had auy fits since he put them on. Jesse Pace I sold two for fits. He has had but one fit since he put them on, and it was very light. We have sold a good many for the rheumatism and are curing and giving good satisfaction, so far as they have tried them long enough for relief Daniel Ramseyer bought one for lame back and is cured. J. Jemison, cured of heart disease and feels great relief. I never saw anything give as great satisfaction in my life. We have not sold a battery but what has given entire satisfaction, and my customers can give them a bigger recommendation than I can, for they get the service of them, and I have no occasion to use one. So I will close by requesting you to write and send me some more of your circulars, for we are nearly out, and they are needed to go with the bat- teries. Yours truly, George M. Ramseyer, Agent. 84 TESTIMONIALS. * Martinsville, Ind., Jan. 26, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I can tell you that I received the two dozen batteries on the 17th, and they are all sold but five. I have not lost any time from my work, they have recommended themselves. I am now about through with my work, and will turn my attention toward the batteries. I now send $3 for more bat- teries; send them through with haste, as I want to fill ray section of the country full of them. They have proved to be the best thing out. I will now give you the names of a few who are wearing them: Miss Dicy Jones, rheumatism, better. Mrs. M. Baker, sick headache, cured. Mr. Robert Asher, rheumatism, cured. Mr. Robert, heart disease, getting better. Mr. E. Griffin, pains through the body, relieved. Mr. A. I. Ellis, dyspepsia and heartburn, very much relieved. I consider myself cured of the sick headache. That is all at present. Yours truly, I. W. Echols. Francisco, Ind., Jan. 9, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold seventy-six of your batteries, and have none left now. I could give yon the names of fifty that I have heard from, if I knew that you wanted them. They are all benefited. There is one singular case cured here, that of a boy who had had fits for eight years, and who came and bought a battery of me. He put it on, and that day he had eight fits; and he has not had any more since he got it, two months ago. His name is John Hutchison. Yours truly, J. T. Martin. Westfield, Ind., Jan. 12, 1880. Friend J. C. Boyd : Enclosed please find money order, for which send me one dozen galvanic batteries, ami oblige thy friend. I have not got any recommendation to send, only 1 heard that one man said his had done him $50.00 worth of good; another had the worth of his in thirty-six hours ; ray wife cured of cramp in her feet and legs; myself very much relieved of heart complaint. I am in hopes I will have some recom- mendations to send next time I send for batteries. Thine truly, J. H. Newby. TESTIMONIALS. 85 La Otto, Ind., Jan. 12, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have worn the battery and have been cured or relieved. Mr. C. Rosenberger, cured of rheumatism in back. Mrs. Ott, cured of cramp in stomach. Mrs. E. Rosenberger, cured of bloody piles. Mr. C. Shouts, cured of pain in the breast. Mr. Preston, cured of asthma and rheumatism. Mr. Rhoades, cured of rheumatism in shoulder. Mrs. Rhoades, relieved of dropsy. I could give you a great many more that have been cured and relieved by the wearing of J. C. Boyd's Battery. Yours respectfully, F. Rosenberger, Agent. Brightwood, Ind., Jan. 22, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am meeting with success with your batteries. I sold thirteen of them this morning in but three hours, and could have sold more, but have no more at present. I send you a list of some who have worn them: Joseph Winn, resting better at night. Mrs. Mollie Winn, benefited. Mrs. Shaft', cured. Mrs. Person, benefited. Mrs. Ferrill, benefited. And I think I am cured. I enclose $10 for more batteries. Please send them at once. Yours truly, W. M. King, Agent. Trafalgar, Ind., Jan. 25, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I have tried your batteries, and to my satisfaction and surprise I am compelled to give them the great- est of praise. I have been troubled with the itching piles, and it is doing me much good. I think in a few weeks more I will be entirely cured. My wife has also worn one, and it has done her more good than all the doctors in the land could do. She was troubled with many female complaints, cold feet, etc.; it has warmed up her feet so that she can sleep with her feet out from under the cover pirt of the time now. My little boy is wearing one for rheu- matism. It has set him up so that he is able now to go to school. An old Lady friend of ours is wearing one since we have for heart trouble, a fluttering around the heart, and it entirely cured her. So, great praise, to the battery. Now I will send for six more, as there are others here wanting them. Yours truly, J. M. Cook. 86 TESTIMONIALS. Glen Hall, Ind., Jan. 12, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed find money for one dozen more batteries. R. N. Goans, telegraph operator and postmaster at Glen Hall, curqd of pain in side of fifteen years standing. Two of my sisters cured of headache. Henry Hall, Jr. Union City, Ind., Jan. 22, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries you sent me on the 20th, and yesterday and to-day I sold five of them. It has been so short a time that I have not heard from them, but I think they are all right. I put one of them on my wife for the backache, and she says she has no pain now. She had been com- plaining for twelve years. Please send me one dozen at once, for there are several who say they want them. Yours truly, W. II. Grim. Whitestown, Ind., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have tried three of your batteries, which I find to be very useful. I tried one on my wife for rheumatism. She has only worn your bat- tery two weeks, and is improving. I have tried one on my sister-in-law for the heart disease. She is better, and I think it will prove a cure on her. Susana Marsh is wearing one of your batteries, which I sent for. She has had a pain in the left shoulder and arm for about fifteen years, so that she could not lie on her side, and she has worn your battery two weeks, and can now lie on her side and rest easy. Yon will find enclosed three dollars ($3.00), as I will accept the agency on the terms you offer. I hope you will forward them as soon as you can, as there are batteries now wanting. Yours respectfully, E. N. Dyson.' Sitka, Ind., Jan. 27, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have tried your battery on my wife, and it works like a charin, so much so, she says, she would not take five hundred dollars for it, for she has suffered with neuralgia for sixteen years, and is now almost well. Please send me more batteries; I will send you the money ($3.00) in this letter. Respectfully, A. J. Kitchen. TESTIMONIALS 87 Dow, Ind., Jan. 30, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your batteries all right which you sent me. I gave my father one to wear for rheumatism, with which he has been troubled for twenty years through the winter, that he could not do anything. He is perfectly cured, and the rest speak well of them. Some are waiting for them now. Please find enclosed, and send me five dollars' worth as quick as possible. Send them so I can get them Saturday week for sure, for there are persons waiting for them. I will write and send you the persons' names that I have sold to the next time I write. • Yours respectfully, J. F. Gaumer, Agent. Wole Lake, Ind., Feb. 2, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been afflicted with rheumatism for forty years, and was still getting worse. This fall I could not lift my right hand upon my head or do any work.at all, and on New Year's Day my son gave me one of your miniature galvanic batteries, and I have worn it and am now entirely well, and my neighbors saw what it had done for me ; so I was requested to send for some. I sent to Mr. Weldy, your agent, and he sent me five, and they were gone in less than one day. I will now enclose six dollars; please send me the worth of that in batteries immediately, for I think I can sell a great many. Please grant me the agency. • Respectfully yours, J. W. Deerduff. Winchester, Ind., Feb. 6, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Your batteries have done more good in this community than I can enumerate, but will give you the names of several persons who have been wearing your battery for the past six months. W. R. Champ, cured of heart disease. Dan Willes, cured of pain in the eyes and head after ten years doctoring. Nat Kerne, cured of rheumatism. Charles Kizer, cured of fever. Miss Warde, cured of rheumatism after five years of suffering. There are other cases of cures and benefits from wearing your battery in this town, but I will not add any more now. Yours truly, Charles H. Colgrove. 88 TESTIMONIALS. IOWA. Pella, Iowa, Oct. 1,1879. Dear Sir-I have been wearing the battery as directed, and for headache, for six months, and am greatly benefited ; also had catarrh, which is much benefited. Catharine Aikins. Pella, Iowa, Oct. 1,1879. This is to certify that I have been wearing your miniature battery for six months for neuralgia, and I have not been bothered since, and have been bene- fited of liver Complaint very much. R. M. Aikins. Pella, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Enclosed please find Post Office Order for two dozen batteries; also find certificates. I could get more certificates if I had time to go around for them. I can assure you that I am helped by wearing the battery. I was afflicted with the rheumatism; I have not had an attack since I wore the battery. Respectfully, Jonas Liter. I have sold one hundred batteries. Pella, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1879. Sir-I have been wearing your battery two months for rheumatism, and been benefited very much. My daughter Mary has been wearing your battery for headache, and it cured her; she has not had any headache for seven weeks. J. G. Van Steen Wyk. Albion, Marshall Co., Iowa, Oct. 20,1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have worn one of your batteries one week, and now bid good-bye to rheumatism. Please send me one dozen batteries. I enclose the money. J. M. Heacock. TESTIMONIALS. 89 Denmark, Lee Co., Ia., Oct. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Your favor is received. My mother was eighty-two last January; she has been troubled with catarrh for many years at times, but for nine months it had been very bad, so that it took away most all of her strength; and when she.did any little thing she would have such pain in the back of her head and neck, that she could not hold them up and would have to go to bed many times a day. She })ut on a battery, and it has cured the pain«in her lead and neck, and the catarrh ; also a lame shoul- der that had been very painful for more than two years. I had a fall that broke the lower part of the spine, and another down a flight of stairs against a door, and jammed my body all up. It was seven years ago, and I was badly bent over, and could not go about only very slow, and I had such a dreadful tired feeling. I would do a little and have to lie down, or drag around feeling that my body was all cramped with pain. But since I have worn the battery I am relieved of that dreadful tired feeling, I can move about with ease quite fast, and work hard all day. I think it has done wonders for me. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Sarah S. Alsop. Eddyville, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-For enclosed order please forward six of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries. If I can dispose of them readily, will order more shortly. My son three years of age ■was troubled so with Diabetes that it was impossible to keep dry cloth- ing on him, but since he has been wearing one of your batteries, he is not troubled at all, and is rapidly gaining his wonted vigor and health. Respectfully, yours, L. A. Rowe. Wiota, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1879. J. C. Boyd : I will send yon 3 dollars more; I want yon to send me more of the batteries. I got all safe, and they are all gone but one and a lot more engaged, and I want you tp send them in a hurry, for I will want them. I am wearing mine and I have had no headache nor sideaehe nor backache since. This is all at present. Please forward them as soon as you cgn, and the next time I will send for more, for I have to go on a small scale. Anna Tasha. 90 TESTIMONIALS. Primghar, Iowa, Oct. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear 3ir-Your batteries came all right and also the circulars. I have sold most all of them. My mother I gave her one, and she has not been bothered with the rheumatism nor a pain in the hips since, and I think they are all right as long as you manufacture the right material. There is one Doctor here that wants one. Enclosed you will find $3.00; please send me more batteries and more circulars. Yours truly, L. C. Gaskill. Fairview, Iowa, Oct. 26, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received my circulars last night. En- closed you will find five dollars, for which you will send me more batteries, as mine are all spoke for already. I have not been out to peddle only at home. I put one on me for a severe lame back that has been past curing by the doctors, and am all right. I would not take five dollars for mine and do with- out one. My brother has been able to follow the plow every day since, and before he was hardly able to do his chores on account of rheumatism in his leg. This I can certify to be a fact. Respectfully yours, John H. Keller, Agent. Medora, Iowa, Nov. 2, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the three Miniature Batter- ies sent to me in due time, and my wife has worn one four weeks, and I think she has been benefited by it-at least she is better in health than she was four weeks ago, aud she has used no other remedy. !• have used one also, and I think that I have been benefited to some extent. My son-in-law has had the chills every few days all summer; he has been wearing one the same length of time, and has not had a chill since he has been wearing it. I have been troubled with piles for twenty-five years, but I will not expect it to cure them in a short time; if it cures them in six months I will think they have done well. Enclosed find $3.00 for more, as there are two persons that are wanting them now. Yours, truly, Samuel Gregg. TESTIMONIALS. 91 Troy Mills, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I received three batteries last September. I placed one around my neck. I could hardly use my right arm when I received them; the third day after I put it on 1 could straighten my arm; the pain was not near as hard. Now I am so that I do my work. 'I plaster and lay stone as well as ever I did, with the exception that the muscles of my arm are some- what sore yet. I have a little granddaughter who had catarrh in her head. She was so we could not sleep one half the night with her. My wife wanted me to put' one on her, and I did so. After three days she stopped discharging bloody matter from her nose, and is now as well and hearty as any child. She had the chills and fever; she has not had them since she put on your battery. I can recommend your battery to cure catarrh in the head. I sent the third one to an old man that is bedfast with the rheumatisnij and he had a cancer which was taken out some five or six years ago. The doctor says it is all through his system. I will tell you what effect it has the next time I write. Mr. Boyd, I will accept the agency of your bat- tery this fall and winter. I enclose $3. Address J. C. Dudley. Marshalltown, Iowa, Nov. 18, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd, N. Y.: Sir-After wearing one of your batteries, I find myself much benefited by it, and send you the mou- ey for one dozen. • Enclosed please find postal order for same. Direct to S. L. Loveland. Mediapolis, Iowa, Nov. 18th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the Miniature Batteries on the 15th of this month, and sold all but one that I haye on in less time than two hours. I will send for eight more this time, by the time I sell them they will be more fully tested ; the parties that got six of them stand high in this section, a notary public that does as much business as any lawyer in Burlington bought three of them, two for bis wife and one for himself, say they have helped them both. I think with my next order I can send you some valuable certificates. Respectfully, 'Box 57. B. F. Stahl. 92 TESTIMONIALS. Wiota, Iqwa, Nov. 5th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir.-I will write you a few lines to let you know that I received those last batteries all right, and they were all engaged before they were here. They have done for some persons what no doctor ever did. They have cured me of the pleurisy and headache. They go faster than I can get them. I will send you six dollars in this letter and register it. Please send them as soon as you can, for I will be waiting on them, and I am going to sell all I can for you; .and if anyone writes for an agency in this county don't let it go, for I am not going to stop yet; and if you please send me no more circulars at pres- ent, for I have plenty, but I would like to have you send me some of your envelopes in place of the cir- culars, with your name on. They are handier for me, for I am not a good writer. This is all at pres- ent. I remain your friend, Mrs. Anna Dasher. Griffinsvillf., Appanoose Cq., Iowa, > November 24th, 1879. } Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the three batteries that you sent me all right. I put one of them on myself, and it has nearly entirely relieved me of a weak back and rheumatism in my hip in one week. My wife put one on at the same time for rheumatism, and she is greatly benefited, and it will in a short time effect a perfect cure, and we unite in giving our tes- timony to the relieving virtue of your miniature bat- teries. C. N. Teater. Marshalltown, Iowa, Nov. 28th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I wish to state that I was in a bad con- dition with kidney complaint. I could neither de- fend myself nor run. A little excitement or exertion would prostrate me. I can work as hard now as ever I could. I have worn the battery six weeks. It works like a charm. All that have worn it are being helped, and praise its power. Please find enclosed post office money order for $5 for batteries. A. H. Newcomb. P. S. Please send me a few circulars. TESTIMONIALS. 93 Point Pleasant, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1879. J. C. Boyd : I received the batteries in due time, and also your letter. I have been wearing two of them myself. I find I am getting better of my troubles. The other one is worn by another person for rheumatism, with good success. Please send me 12 batteries. Yours truly, Luke Stage. . Irving, Iowa, Dec. 10, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed you will find a money order for half a dozen batteries. I sold two of those I received from you, and wore one myself, and my wife wears one. They are doing wonders in curing catarrh and rheumatism. I lost the box with the others, so I send for six more, and expect next time to send for more. D. A. Collum. Sidney, Iowa, Dec. 18th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed you will find a P. O. order for $12, and you will please send me the amount in batteries. I still think your batteries are an excellent thing. I feel like a new man myself since wearing one, and it has helped my wife wonderfully. I can sell them with success. As my means are limited, I can only send for a few at a time. Yours truly, Wm. II. Irwin. Hickory, Van Buren Co., Iowa, ? December 18, 1879. 5 J. C. Boyd : Sir-After a silence of some time I will endeavor to answer your letter in regard to the galvanic bat- tery. I sold several of them; can give but one person's name that it gave satisfaction to up to the present time ; others think it probably helped them to some extent; will get more satisfaction some future time. Mr. John Sphon got one. His case was bronchitis of two years standing; was unable to do anything; since wearing the battery he has become able to get about again pretty well. He is confident it helped him a great deal. You may use his name in your circular. Yours very truly, Franklin Beitel. 94 TESTIMONIALS. Lowell, Iowa, December 30th, 1879. Professor Boyd: Dear Sir-Your book and circular received with thanks. Your batteries are doing all you are claim- ing for them. I have them scattered over a large territory; introduced in London, Qanter aud West Point. They gave satisfaction in every case that I have heard from. So I have them introduced and will soon have to have a large supply. People have been humbugged so much it takes time and evi- dence to convince them, and that we have from their results. Enclosed find five dollars. Send them as soon as you can, for I am about out. The'next order will be larger. I would just say that I am a walk- ing certificate of their effect, myself being badly affected with sunstroke, rheumatism, piles and general debility, not having done a day's work for a year. I recei ved a battery on Wednesday, put it on, and on Monday following I went to work and have been at it ever since. Was immediately relieved from my suffering, so you may not think it strange if I am grateful to you for your grand discovery. I am 67 years of age, so you see I am a walking certi- ficate. The result on my wife has been as good. G. B. Shedler. Camanche, Iowa, Jan. 18, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Find enclosed $5.00, for which send me batteries. I am not quite ready to scud on a large order, but will be soon. Your batteries have done some remarkable cures here, one in particular, a case of scrofula. The head was one entire scab, and partly over the body. The best Doctor in this country said she could not be. cured in less time than one year. Your battery has cured her already. Respectfully, J. H. Mudgett. Troy, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please enclosed find three dollars. Please send me your batteries. I find them all O. K. Please send me a lot of your circulars. Yours, Jas. B. Boyd. TESTIMONIALS. 95 Blairstown, Iqwa, Jan. 12, 1880. Sir-To-day I will make out an order for your Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Batteries. They are new, aud some people have a slight idea of them. I have disposed ot what I had, but I will take twenty-four batteries more. I know I can dispose of twelve dozen if they know what they are. I have sold two to a woman who could not walk any more on account of rheumatism, and in two weeks I saw her, and she said she would not take fifty dollars for them. I have disposed of all the circulars. Send me twenty-four batteries by return mail, as I need them now. Find enclosed post-office order. Return, in haste. I remain yours for ever, Isaac Killian, Ageut. Osceola, Iowa, Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed P. O. money order for $3.00 for more galvanic batteries. Your book aud circulars came all right. I am wearing one of your batteries for pain in the breast for about three weeks. It has about cured me. Address Henry E. Ritter. Marshalltown, Iowa, Jan. 23,1880. Dr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed three dollars. Send me the batteries; they are doing great good in many cases. My father has been so afflicted that he could not put his pants ou for two years or more with any satisfaction. He has been wearing your little bat- tery about three weeks, and cau now stand and put them ou as quick as a boy. Yours truly, D. Crosby, Agent. Troy, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I got one of these on trial of Mr. Jas. Boyd last evening. My wife tried it last night, and this morning is free from all pain in her back and shoulders. This she has been troubled with for some two mouths. Thanks for your battery. Yours, Geo. R. Bishop. 96 TESTIMONIALS. Toddville, Iowa, July 15, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Mr. Geo. Kausier was afflicted with rheumatism for eighteen years, so bad that he could not comb his hair nor put ou his coat, cured inside of forty-eight hours-this I can certify to, for I have been personally acquainted with the man for twenty-five years. He came in the office one day after his mail, crippling around on his cane. I said to him, " George, let me sell you something to cure you of your rheumatism ?" He said, " If you will cure me I will pay you well for it." I showed him the battery, and told him to take two of them and wear them according to instructions, and if he was not cured or benefited, he need not pay for them. He wore them, and inside of forty-eight hours he laid aside his cane, went into the corn-field and lent his hand, nor has he had any rheumatism since. An old lady near by suffered with pains and aches so much that she could not sleep nights, and I per- suaded her husband, Mr. T. G. Hill, to buy a bat- tery for her. She put it on and her husband went off to church, and when he returned found her sound asleep, something she had not done for months be- fore 11 or 12 o'clock at night. She has rested well nights ever since; that was last December. Another is the case of an old man by the name of Varner, afflicted with rheumatism and several other complaints. He was so bad that he could scarcely walk out in the yard without the assistance of his cane, and in a very short time I heard that he could go a quarter of a mile to his son's without his cane. I have not seen him, but I know him well. I hear of this from his neighbors. Julia Brockman, whom I have known from a child, and I know that for several years back she was afflicted, wore a battery, and she told me it cured her so that she could go out to work. Viola Brown was the same and she is now well. The case of my wife is one of the most critical ones. She has been wearing two batteries since November last, and the result has been very good thus far. When she is cured will give you the facts. She had a very large tumor, and it has diminished over one half since she wore the batteries. Yours, J. F. Cumberland. 97 TESTIMONIALS. Jefferson, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for more batteries. They are giving good satisfaction ; they cured me of the rheumatism. The last order came through all right. Send this order as quick as possible. Respectfully, N. W. Van Eman. Chase, Iowa, June 16, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-My daughter that I wrote you was using one of your batteries has now discontinued its use; says she is enjoying as good health as ever she did in her life. Respectfully, O. G. Babcock. 98 TESTIMONIALS. KANSAS. Strawn, Kansas, Sept. 18,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I wish you would send me another dozen batteries, I here enclose the money ; your batteries have done a heap of good in this neighborhood, especially for the women. There is a man named Ward, he put one on for rheumatism and wore it nine days without any benefit, then he said he har- nessed it, and in one day he felt the effect .of it; and from what I can learn it cured him. There is a woman by the name of Mrs. Willcocks who got one, and I heard it cured her of female weakness; I heard that she said that little thing did her more good than all the doctors could do for her in years. D. W. Fletcher. Cottonwood, Kansas, Oct. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The following are the names of the parties who have taken batteries, and what they say : R. Willener, agent of J. C. Boyd's Battery ; the 16th of August, 1879, I sent for six batteries, and as soon as I got them I put one on myself for an ulcer on my left leg, and Mrs. A. Willener did also take one for pain in the back and side; we are now much better with good hope to get cured of our pains. Yours truly/ R. Willener and Mrs. A. Willener. Mrs. Walters, sick headache, better. Mr. Kelly, fever and ague, cured. Mrs. Charles Shutt, sick headache, better. Mr. Charles Aran, pain in back, better. August Whillhalm, sore leg, better. Mr. N. W. Robeson, liver complaint, better. I am ready to secure the written certificate of the above named persons for you. R. Willener, Constable of Falls Township, Chase Co., Kansas. Agent of J. C. Boyd's Battery. . TESTIMONIALS. 99 Prospect, Republic Co., Kansas, ) July 20, 1879. 5 Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $5.00. Please send me more Galvanic Batteries ; I have received everything you have sent to me. I have sold all the batteries you sent to me. I sell at nearly every house where they can raise the cash, some places I sell two at one house. The batteries give general satisfaction as far as I can learn. I have a little grandson that has been sore for three years. That mends faster than anything the people ever saw. The doctors could do but little or nothing for him, there has been hundreds of pieces of bone come out of his leg since ho commenced to use the battery, the place of his leg has. healed except one, and it will soon be well. The little fellow is wonderfully pleased to think his leg is getting well so fast without taking the nasty doctor stuff. The little boy has only been using the battery about a month. Yours truly, N. S. Pilcher. Beloit, Kansas, Nov. 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find six dollars, or a money order for six dollars, for which I wish you to send me your Miniature Galvanic Batteries for the amount, and if you wish me to act as your agent for the same, please say so and give me your terms. And now I will give you a little of my experience with your battery. I was back in Chautauqua County visiting friends, and I had the asthma very bad, and so I happened to hear of your battery that had done wonders there or at Sinclairville, N. Y., sold by Hannah Briggs, and I sent and got two of them, one<for myself and one for my wife. She was troubled with a heart difficulty, and we both put them on and wore them, and both improved. I wore mine about two weeks and lost it, and I never had anything that seemed to do me so much good in my lifetime for the asthma, and from day to day I could see a difference until I lost it. I felt as though I was nearly cured, but'I do not wish to be without one , and almost every one that I have talked with about them seems to want one of them. I presume I have a dozen ordered already, and some of them don't know how to wait for them. Please send as soon as you can conveniently. Very truly yours, G. W. Elliott. 100 TESTIMONIALS. Columbus, Kansas, Sept. 2S, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries Tuesday, 23d, and have been wearing one myself since then for pains and soreness across my back, and at times in my breast. It has relieved me of them. I have tested one for chills, on a little boy that has had them for over a ye;y, and he has had no chills since he has used the battery. I find them to bo a good thing. I will accept the agency ; you may please send me one dozen more, I have a half dozen spoke for now. Yours respectfully, I. W. Schock. Plum Grove, Kansas, Nov. 11, 1879. Sir-I will here enclose money for you to send me one dozen of your Galvanic Batteries. I received the sample battery and see it is a good thing. I have worn it and it has done me more good than all the medicine I have taken for a pain in my side. I think I can sell a large number of them ftfr you. Yours respectfully, George Strasser, Agent. Vinland, Kansas, Nov. 18, 1879. Dear Sir-I have sold, the first dozen, and now enclose an order for two dozen more ; also be sure and send me some circulars, as I did not receive that 500 you promised me with last dozen. Please send me some envelopes with your address. I am perfectly satisfied with those batteries I purchased of you. My wife has suffered for the last eight months from rheumatism and female complaints, and was so crippled that she could not raise her arm to her head, and in forty-eight hours after putting on the battery she could comb her hair, and is still improving rapidly. Yours truly, G. Rodell. TESTIMONIALS. 101 Minneapolis, Kan., Nov. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: ' Sir-I will accept your offer, and take the agency to sell your batteries, and do the best I can. I will enclose $1.50 P. O. Order. I was troubled with the rheumatism in my hip, which induced me to send for those batteries, and it has helped me; and my daughter was troubled in her arm, and she put one on her, and it helped her. Please answer this as soon as you can conveniently do so, and oblige Yours truly, Rich. Puckrin. Grenola, Kan., Nov. 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have used and tested your batteries, and find that they are helping roe. I have been af- flicted with the heart disease for several years, and could not rest on my left side until using your Bat- tery. Please find enclosed the money for twelve more. C. E. Funk, Agent, Grenola, Elk Co., Kan. Humboldt, Kan., Dec. 3,1879. Prof. Boyd, New York City : Dear Sir-My brother-in-law, Mr. G. W. Elliott, of Beloit, Kan., was at my house this fall and recom- mended your Miniature Galvanic Battery for my little boy, who is troubled with rheumatism a good deal, and since he (Mr. Elliott) returned to Beloit, sent one of the Batteries to us, we put it on the boy, and in two days we think n e can see that it is help- ing him. Now I will send you a Post Office money order for $2.50, for which please send Batteries, and some circulars, and give me your terms to agents, and I will act as agent for you in this vicinity if you so desire. Please send Batteries -without delay, as one of my neighbors wants one. If I act as agent for you I will do the best for you that I can. Hop- ing to hear from you soon, I am, as ever, yours truly, N. B. Rouse. 102 TESTIMONIALS. Grenola, Kan., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $3 for some of your batteries. My wife has been bothered for about nine years with rheumatism and pains in her shoul- ders, and numbness in her arms. She has been wear- ing one for three weeks and is now well, and has more life than she has had for ten years. She says she never felt so supple in her life. She is the mother of nine children. There are many wishing to get them. Please send soon to Wm. T. Fuson. Osborn City, Kan., Jan. 12, 1830. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have sold twenty-seven of your bat- teries, and I here mention a few of their names that have been cured by them. It is their wish that their testimonials should be printed on the Kansas list of testimonials in the next book you get printed. Mrs. Mills, Osborn City, Kansas, having worn two of Boyd's Batteries for over a month: I have gained my eyesight, not having been able to see for five years without the use of glasses, and now I can see and read the smallest print with the naked eye. John Mills, Contractor, Osborn City, Kansas: Having worn two of Boyd's Batteries for a month, I have been greatly relieved by them, as I have fallen off several stone buildings and bruised so that I could not work, but by wearing two of them I am able to work again. Ira Morton, Osborn City, Kansas : Having been troubled with pains in his side I sold him two of your batteries; worn them about a month; the pains have left him altogether. Tom Hays, Osborn City, Kansas, having had bad health for a considerable time, I sold him two of your batteries; worn them about a month, and he says he would not t ake $25 for them if he could not get any more of them, as he lias been greatly bene- fited by them. Mr. Clark, Osborn City, Kansas, having been troubled with a pain in his side, I sold him six of your batteries; he has worn two for ovex' a month and the pains are all gono. There is not one that I have sold to but that they speak highly of them. Respectfully yours. Cjiiarles Greig, Agent for Boyd's Battery, TESTIMONIALS. 103 Prospect, Kan., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find five dollars. Please send more batteries. I have sold all you sent me. They are doing much good. Eri Guthrie said he would not take $50.00 for his unless he cou]d get another one. His disease was heart disease. Ha is now well, and is getting fleshy. Respectfully, N. S. Pilcher. Hartford, Kan., Jan. 23, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-The half dozen batteries were duly received, and were all sold in two days. 1 also re- ceived circulars from you last evening, with my name stamped thereon as agent. Think I can sell several more batteries. Enclosed is money order for $3.00, for which please send me by return mail more. Every one I have sold to is highly pleased with them. I have been wearing one myself since receiving them, and know it has cured me of the cramp and piles, as I have been bothered with neither since wearing it. Wishing you all success, I am truly yours, S. E. Bear. Atchison, Kan., Jan. 26, 18§0. J. €. Boyd : Dear Sir-Having used one of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries for six mouths, I have therefore become satisfied of its benefit to me. My trouble was liver oomplaint and kidney affection, which have troubled me for fifteen years; but now I am entirely free from both. I obtained it from Mr. Tolbert, of St. Joseph, Mo., not knowing of any agent here; and being requested by several parties to send for some, I take this opportunity of asking your terms to an agent. Address J. E. Long. 104 TESTIMONIALS. KENTUCKY. Birdsville, Ky., May 14, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-You plense find enclosed $4.00 for bat- teries, as I am nearly out and the people are be- ginning to find out the merits of them. I trust I can sell a good many of them, as they have cured some very bad cases of Chills and Fever and other cases. Yours respectfully, R. M. Nelson. Covington, Ky., July 14, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have given the battery a fair test. My wife has suffered nervous sick headache and vomit- ing for thirty years. After she wore the battery between her shoulders for one week she has not had the least symptoms of her old complaints. It has also cured her of a disease that is very weakening to females. A great many ladies have ordered them. My son fell from the Government Building and in- jured his kidneys, he wore porous plasters for months and one of your batteries cured him. I would rather own your battery thau the largest wholesale drug house in the world. Respectfully yours, E. R. Seely. Dallams Creek, Logan Co., Ky., ? August 9, 1879. 5 Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-You will please find $12.00 in the enclosed letter for batteries. Please do not employ other agents in my section. I think I will do a good work here as soon I get started ; I have only five batteries on hand. I have been sick with palpita- tion of the heart, I am wearing one of the batteries, have not taken any medicine, I am getting well fast. Yours truly, A. C. W. Smith. TESTIMONIALS. 105 Murray's Landing, Ry., Aug. 21, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 5th inst. at hand. Your Miniature Galvanic Battery came up all right, and I am a thousand times thankful for it. I have only worn it two days and it gave me much relief of asthma of the lungs. I have been doing all for you I could, believing it the greatest invention ever put before the public. I had not worn it one hour be- fore I realized a benefit from it. I will act as your agent in this county, and will be true and honest with you. Yours respectfully, * C. Brim. Havilandsville, Harrison Co., Ry., ? October 8, 1879. $ Dear Sir-Your sample battery came to hand all right. I put it on that night, I feel like another person since. I think it is just what the people want. I have been doctoring for over fifteen years for pains in my side, back, breast, and throat. With those diseases, I, iu the last two years, have not been able to work. I have lost two crops. I say with a clear conscience that I have felt better since I put your, great invention on. Please send me six more to try on my neighbors and friends. My wife has got a large lump on her arm below the shoulder, it is the size of a goose egg solid on the bone, it pains her very much nights, the best doc- tors have looked atit, audsay they can't do anything for her. It is still getting larger, some say it is a tumor. If your little instrument will drive it away it will be worth a fortune. You may put what it hiis done for me, as a testimonial on your circular. Please send six batteries and the agency for them. I will ask the question, if in very bad cases, there is any medicine required to keep the bowels regu- lar? Some say that there is danger in wearing them when it is lightning. I have been suffering with pain in my back, side, breast, and with heart disease for over fifteen years. I have worn your battery about twelve days, and feel very much benefited. Yours, very truly, A. M. Spencer. Lewisburg, Ry., Oct. 26, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I am cured of chills by wearing your battery. Mrs. Birrit Short. 106 TESTIMONIALS. Salem, Livingston Co., Ky., Sept. 29, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have worn the miniature batteries, and have been cured. It benefited every person that I have sold to. R. W. Davis, neuralgia cured. William Davis, benefited. Mrs. Harriet Davis, headache cured. John Gray, chills cured. Frank Robinson, chills cured. Bird Harris, chills cured. Mrs. Mollie Dunn, benefited. Elsy Ross, rheumatism relieved. A. J. Phillips, benefited. George Davis, chills cured. R. K. Foster, catarrh relieved. Mrs. Foster, benefited. Mrs. Radcliff, headache cured. Mrs. Mattie Donnakie, benefited. Gabriel Davis, relieved. Mrs. Jamison, neuralgia cured. Mrs. Dora Jamison, chills. Respectfully yours, R. J. Riddle, Agent for Boyd's Battery. P. S.-I think the above testimonials printed in your circulars will be a great help to me. Will be able to order a large supply in a short time. Yours respectfully, R. J. Riddle. East Point, Ky., Oct. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : My wife has worn one of your batteries for a week and is greatly relieved, I send you five dollars more, you will send me more batteries and circulars; nearly everybody wants them, please haste them on. Thomas Blackburn; Lewisburg, Ky., Oct. 26,1879. Mr. Boyd : Deal-Sir-I have been laboring under great pain with lumbago for many years. When I got the first battery I put one of them on ; I am nearly cured, in a few weeks I will be entirely cured. Yours truly, T. J. Mayes. TESTIMONIALS. 107 Louisa, Ky., Oct. 29, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-After compliments I send you a few names of persons that have been using your Gal- vanic Battery, that have been cured or greatly ben- efited : Ellen Meeks, dyspepsia and general debility ; could scarcely leave her room ; is now entirely well. B. S. Stratton, neuralgia. Nancy Jane Stratton, cramps; feels better now than she has for ten years. Jane Wooten, pain in back and side cured. Solomon Ward, shoulders out of place and badly bruised by the falling of a tree, benefited by wearing the Galvanic Battery. Mrs. Ward, neuralgia. William Wellmau, liver complaint, almost entirely well. Mrs. Hughs, a very old lady, afflicted with rheuma- tism and a broken down constitution, says sb© has been greatly benefited by one of your batte- ries. The above named persons can be consulted by letter. Their post office is Louisa, Lawrence Co., Ky. W. F. Patton, Agent. Holly Hill, P.O., Whitley Co., Ky., ? Oct. 14, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find money for one dozen batteries, I received half dozen last mail and sold them in little time, they give large satisfaction to every one that has worn them, my wife has worn one five days and is greatly relieved of neuralgia and rheu- matism ; I have worn the sample four weeks and cured me of nasal catarrh, also of dyspepsia . If you ea,n send them in a registered package it will b© much safer if you send this way. Yours truly, B. F. Ball, Agent. Lewisburg; Ky., Oct. 26, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been wearing your battery for heart disease. I have never found anything. that gave me such relief as your battery has. Jessie McFercon. 108 TESTIMONIALS. Great Crossing, Scott Co., Ky., r October 14, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : I received your letter in time, as I was going to write you a note for a few blanks to have signed by those who have used your batteries, w hich have gained their respect and indorsement. I for one can honestly say that the one I wear has done me more good than anything in the medical line-than all the medicine that could be used in my case. I have had the chills for three years, and had taken so much arsenic, quinine, and patent stuff that my sys- tem was broken dowm ; nervous weakness, dizziness, flow of blood to the brain, and hard epileptic fits followed. I could not do anything. I can now labor without the symptoms of fits; no more chills, no more pains in side and breast. The following persons who indorse them are responsible : Mr. John Rower, kidney disease, cold and numb feet, and rheumatic pains, 20 years' standing, cured. Mrs. Sarah Rower, wife, piles and rheumatism cured. William Cettern, greatly relieved from fits and chronic rheumatism. Isaac Kerel, cramp, pains in back and side, fainting, sick spells. Miss Maggie Cross White, heart disease cured. Yours truly 0. D. Sames. Glasgow, Ky., Aug. 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I was over at Tompkinsville about two or three weeks ago, and heard of Mr. Harlin who was agent for your Galvanic Battery and was recommend- ed very highly ; I being a great sufferer of headache and had been for years, I decided to get one and put it on, came home from Tompkinsville twenty- seven miles, and on Saturday I went out in the country twelve miles on horseback, and back Tues- day through the hot sun. Haven't had the head- ache yet, and believe that they are a good thing, and I want the agency for this town and county. I don't know your terms nor anything, only I know they retail at one dollar each. You will please answer this immediately. I live in Glasgow, Barren Co., keep a millinery store, have a good chance to sell many, and have four spoken for now if I get the agency, and I would enclose some money this morning for one dozen if I knew your terms, and if no one has the agency for this town or county you might send me some on the receipt of this letter, or if you think best to write first don't delay. Hoping to hear from you soon, Rcsnectfully. S. M. Bradford. TESTIMONIALS. 109 Louisville, Ky., Oct. 6, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd Dear Sir-Having obtained one of your batteries from B. F. Millard, while in Florida, it cured me of the Chills and have been improving greatly in health, therefore I will send you Post Office Order for which you will please send me half a dozen batteries, as I have promised some friends to get them. Would like to act as agent if you have none here. I think I can sell a good many after once introducing them. F. C. Spanger, 225 Jackson street. Dallams Creek, Ky., Nov. 4,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received your letter of October 10. You stated that you wanted the names of persons cured. I send you the following names, though I am not prepared at present to send all the names. The fol- lowing is correct: Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, cured of neuralgia. Post office address, Dallams Creek. M. C. Adkins, cOred of palpitation of the heart. Berrys Lick, Butler Co., Ky. Sam Rush, cured of chills. Berrys Lick, Butler Co., Ky. Hannah C. Smith, cured of sore throat. Dallams Creek, Logan Co., Ky. G. B. Smith, cured of pain in the stomach and head- ache. Dallams Creek, Logan Co., Ky. F. S. Anderson, cured of pain in the breast. Dallams Creek, Logan Co., Ky. Nergal Adkins's child, cured of chills. Berrys Lick, Butler Co., Ky. S. Nick's child, cured of chills. Homer, Logan Co., Ky. W. Felts, benefited. Homer, Logan Co., Ky. Mary Cole, benefited. Homer, Logan Co., Ky. Rachel Turner, rheumatism benefited. Berrys Lick, Butler Co., Ky. C. Mosier, cured of chills. Homer, Logan Co., Ky. Alice Willhelm, benefited. Russellville, Logan Co., Ky. George Beller, cured of chills. Berrys Lick, Butler Co., Ky. I remain yours, A. C. W. Smith. 110 TESTIMONIALS. Great Crossing, Ky., Nov. 10, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your battery is fast gaining the ap- proval of all, and, 1 believe, will take the lead. The names which I send you are reliable. The names of persons cured and benefited : John Rhoare, aged 78-kidney disease, cold feet, numbness, pains in side and back, 20 years' standing, cured. Mrs. Sarah Rhoare, rheumatism, swollen joints, piles, cured. Mr. William Cettern, chronic rheumatism, weak- ness, nervousness, spasms, epileptic fits, greatly relieved, if not cured. Miss Maggie Crosswhite, cramps in stomach, pains in breast and heal, cured. Mrs. Martha Sarnes cured from swimming in head and constant roaring noise in the head. I also myself testify that the little battery cured me of pains in back and kidney affection that has troubled me for nine years, and the chills that I have had for five years. 1 will stop now by saying I hope that you will get this. Yours, with regards, • 0. D. Sames. East Point, Ky., Nov. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please send me twenty more batteries. I have sold all the rest, and a cry for more. There was an old lady that was paralyzed for ten years, and your battery has cured her. Tho. Blackburn. Boxvllle, Union Co., Ky., Nov. 17, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-You will find enclosed $6, for which you will forward your Batteries. The one that you sent me has done well. It has relieved me of my pains. I think they will sell very fast. My neighbor, Mr. Fenwick, has one of them, and it has cured him. Please let me kuow whether we will have to pay any license or not to sell them in this county. Send as soon as you receive this. Yours, G. W. Aton. TESTIMONIALS. 111 Covington, Ky., Dec. 7,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I am going on the road in a few days, and feel it my duty to comply with your request to send names of parties relieved from your Battery : Mrs. S. Jack, Covington, Ky., greatly relieved of nervousness. Mrs. Reynolds, also relieved of nervousness. John Singer, Jr., barber, cured of nervous sick headache. Mr. Lord, cured of nervous headache. And many others. I have answered a hundred inquiries concerning your invention. Yours, . E. R. Seely. Paris, Ky., Dec. 15th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find post office order for one dozen of your batteries. I should have sent for more before now, but I have been off visiting in Illi- nois and Indiana ; have just returned, aud have or- ders for more of the batteries. All that I have sold have had the desired effect in relieving pains and afflictions of various kinds. Those that are using them say they are feeling better than they have for years-in fact doing more for them than all the medicine they ha're taken. There are some cases I intend sending you a statement of as soon as I caq see them that you can publish in your circular if you choose. I think they ought to be reported for the sake of suffering humanity. Perhaps ere this reaches you you will have heard from my brother- in-law, Dr. A. W. Newton, of Grandview, Ill. His son William will write for the agency, and probably will give you a statement of what one little battery has done for his father. As to my own case, I am feeling better than I have for years ; am still wearing two batteries, with the hope that I will be cured entirely. I feel al- most entirely relieved of rheumatism, but I have suffered so long with the other complaints thatthey have become constitutional. My husband aud daughter have been cured of ner- vous headache. Please send the batteries immediately. Mrs. M. A. Vanhook. 112 TESTIMONIALS Covington, Ky., Dec. 28th, 1879. Dr. Seely: Dear Sir-After suffering from headache for the last eight or ten years, of both nervous and sick nature, and trying nearly every remedy that was re- commended, I was at last, as the last resort, induced to try your Boyd's Galvanic Battery. I, of course, had no faith in it, but I thought I would have another remedy to laugh at, and tried to make my informant believe that the idea was a very foolish one, but was given no rest until I gave it a trial, and after a long and thorough trial I confess the laugh was on the wrong side, for I cannot tell since my boyhood when I have been free of the headache before until I tried the battery; it has from all known symptoms and appearances cured me en- tirely. There is no humbug or talk in this, but the plain truth, which I will take oath to. It is a very cheap and a very pleasant safe cure. No money could repay me the benefit I have received from it. My sister has also suffered for a long time with neuralgia, and it has done her a great deal of good, if not cured her, and we both shall at all'times take pleasure in giving it a high recommendation to all suffering from the terrible disease. Yon are at liberty to use this in any manner you please, hop- ing it will benefit you in some way. Yours,, in health, Gilbert Lord Columbia, Ky., Jan. 3, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : ' Dear Sir -This is to inform you that I have sold all the last batteries you sent to me, and that they have given general satisfaction. I used one of the first you sent me. I was suffering with neuralgia in my head, breast and shoulders, and rheumatic pains in my limbs. Had a sore on my neck for the last three years, which the doctors pronounced to be a cancer. Have been troubled with liver com- plaint for the last thirty years. Since using your miniature battery about five or six weeks I feel en- tirely cured from every appearance. My wife has been wearing one about the same length of time for what we supposed to be bronchitis, rheumatic pains, and occasional spitting gp blood. Since wearing the battery she has been greatly relieved of all her 'troubles. The next time I send for batteries I will send cer- tificates from others who have worn your battery. I here enclose for which you will please send miniature galvanic batteries. Respectfully yours, Wm. Hardwick, TESTIMONIALS. 113 Woodburx, Ky., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I write you to inform you that I am out of batteries. I also say to you that I have made arrangements to give all my time to the business of selling your batteries. I know from what experi- ence I have in the business that I can sell fifty bat- teries a week by traveling all the time, which is my intention. Your batteries are curing diseases here: Miss Amanda Wood, cured of female complaints. Cissy Henson, cured of neuralgia. James Pritchett, cured of catarrh. Many others relieved, who will give their certifi- cates in my next report. Yours thankfully, J. F. Conatser. Willard, Ky., Jan. 5, 1880. Professor J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please find enclosed $5.00 for miniature bat- teries. The one I lately ordered was duly received, and one which I purchased from one of your agents was worn by me for the cure of scrofula. I have been seriously afflicted for three years, and after wearing the battery about two Weeks, to my sur- prise I was increased in flesh twelve pounds, and I now feel better than I have since I have been af- flicted, and I am now wearing both of the batteries with great confidence of being entirely restored to health. I will now accept the agency. I expect to order them in larger numbers henceforward. Respectfully yours, Houstox Stephexs. Beaver Dam., Ky., Jan. 23, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed find money for six of your miniature gal- vanic batteries. The three batteries you sent me have done all you claimed for them. I wore one for three months; my general health has improved. My daughter has improved in health, has not had an attack of epilepsy since she commenced using one of your batteries. People are slow to take hold of a patent, as they have been humbugged so often in Kentucky. There is a lady here in the neighbor- hood that has been sick for some time. She is very low and weak. I want her to try one. She had several teeth pulled, and bled almost to death at her gums. She has lingered for two months; has an in- ward fever, doctors say rheumatics of the heart or something of the kind. Send them at once. Respectfully yours, Daxiel J. Rhoads. 114 TESTIMONIALS. Trenton, Ky., Jan. 10, 1880. Professor J. C. Boyd : It gives me great pleasure to state that my wife, who has long been a great sufferer from asthma, and for the last year also from rheumatism, is now almost entirely free from rheumatic pains, and suf- fers comparatively little 'with asthma. Her case has baffled the skill of our best physicians, and I had made preparation to send her from home in search of relief about the first of October last, when I concluded to send for your miniature battery. When received, late in the month, I applied two as directed in your circular, and the effect was most gratifying, for though she had not been able to sleep comfortably for six months or more, she slept well that night. In a few days her sufferings were greatly mitigated, and now she seldom complains of either of those distressing maladies. With much gratitude and respect, I am, Yours truly, H. S. Lowry. Independence, Ky., Jan. 16th, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd- Enclosed find money order for three dollars for batteries. The half dozen received and part sold. I am trying one myself for asthma, and find relief. My daughter is wearing one for heart disease-says she sleeps better. Have not heard much from the others, but believe I will sell a great many as soon as their merits are found out. If any remarkable cures shall let you know. Yours truly, W. J. Stephens Monroe, Hart Co., Ky., Jan. 17, 1880. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir- The dozen batteries ordered are all sold before they have arrived, and more ordered of me. They are giving relief in many almost hopeless cases. I am wearing two for rheumatism and stiff- ness. I have not been able to put my hands over my shoulders for several years until now. I can put them over or under with but little pain. A lady has been under the doctor's care for mouths with heart disease, suffering with constant headache and nervous debility; headache and nervousness ceased on that day and has had no symptoms since, now about four weeks. Others speak in like flattering terms. Enclosed please find $5.00, and send me its worth by return mail to this office, and oblige, yours, &c. If you have not sent circulars with my last order please send some with this lot. My age is 65 years. Philip Maxey. TESTIMONIALS. 115 Moscow, Ky., Jan. 14th, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the last lot of batteries I ordered and they are all going. I soon will be out. Enclosed find six dollars, for which send on more batteries. I will say to you that your batteries are working almost miracles here. I tried them first ou old standing cases. First on W. W. Griffy, for asthma of long standing, age between fifty and sixty, has worn them but a few weeks; nearly well Mr. W. Hall was past doing anything; after wear, ing them a few days he could cut wood, make fires, and now getting well; also Mr. John Moore, neu- ralgia at the heart, cured of that in a few days; also he has liver complaint, he improved of that every day; also Mr. Steven Mangrum, old standing case, he says he would not be deprived of his for $100; all of Moscow, Ky. Also Mr. John Batts, cured in fifteen days of rheumatic pain in shoulder, and all I have heard from have received general satisfaction. So it is too tedious for me to write and you to read the wonders your batteries are performing here, so I will close. Please fill my order and send by return mail. Yours very truly, Daniel Coleman. 116 TESTIMONIALS. LOUISIANA. St. Gabriel P. O., Iberville, La., ? November 1, 1879. j Prof. J. C. Boyd Dear Sir-Yours of October 15th at hand. En- closed find money for two dozen batteries, as I have disposed of the ones ordered. I am sorry that I cannot at present send you the names of persons cured, or partially cured, by the use of your bat- teries, as I am at present busily occupied at the sugar house grinding, taking off the present crop of sugar cane, and so far have only seen one or two persons using the battery. Mr. D. Mixe, cured of sick headache. Mrs. Celestin Le Blanc, swimming of the head and general nervousness, has received great benefit. Myself, inflammatory rheumatism, nearly cured. The others I have not heard from, but will com- ply with your request as soon as this busy season, the most important in a planter's life, is over. Respectfully, James A. Pritchard. Clinton, La., Dec. 7, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Six weeks ago I visited my father-in- law, Mr. Eli White, who is now past 72 years of age. I found him very bad off. He told me if there was not something done for him that he was not loug for this world. The doctor told him that he had inflam- mation of the bladder. He has been troubled with it for about three years, gradually growing worse. I put one Battery on him, and helped him on his horse. Two days after I sent him another ; he put it on, and he says he has not had a pain since. His urinary organs are greatly improved; he has been out fox-hunting two or three times with the boys; he can mount his horse without help ; he wheeled fifteen large wheelbarrows of manure into his garden from his horse lot, which is a distance of at least seventy-five yards, in one day. To-day he sent me $5 to send for Batteries tbrthwith for his friends. Very respectfully yours, W. B. Rourk. TESTIMONIALS. 117 Cheneyville, La., Nov. 29, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd, 203 West 49th St., New York: Dear Sir-I have been wearing your Battery, which I received a few days since. After three days' wearing I feel entirely relieved of my rheuma- tic affection, which I had been suffering with for many years of my life. Enclosed you will please find $6, for Batteries, which you will please send to me by mail immediately. Many of my friends request me to get them as soon as possible. I have made up my mind to act as your agent, and I think wiil be able to sell a great many of your Batteries. Yours very truly, G. B. Makshall. Natchitoches, La., Feb. 16th, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I this morning write you these few lines to let you know that I am going to do something for you in selling your battery. I have sold the half dozen you sent me in two days, and I could sell a dozen since if I only had them. I tell you they are the best thing out. I sold one to Julius Grappe for heart disease, and he says he has not felt a symp- tom of the old disease since he put it on; that was three days ago; the other five I sold I have not seen the parties since I let them have them. I think they are a gretit blessing to this country. Enclosed you will find three dollars, for which you will send batteries, and also please send me a few circulars with my name on them as your agent, so as I can scatter them all over the country, as I want all suf- fering humanity to have one of your batteries, as it is a sure cure I think. Please make no delay, as the people are waiting to hear from you. You will hear from me again soon, I hope. Yours truly, T. J. Welch. 118 TESTIMONIALS. MAINE. Carver's Harbor, Me., Aug. 4, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I send you a list of cures. They can- not speak too highly of the battery : William Dyer, Vinal Haven, Me., rheumatism and neuralgia cured. Edward Russell, Vinal Haven, Me., rheumatism and headache cured. Annie Russell, Vinal Haven, Me., pain in side and back cured. Mrs. E. Russell, Vinal Haven, Me., chills cured. Maggie Russell. Vinal Haven, Me., neuralgia cured. Miunie Dunn, Vinal Haven, Me., pain in side and back cured. E. Myrick, Vinal Haven, Me., bleeding at the nose cured. Ada Roberts, Vinal Haven, Me., pains in head and arms relieved. Edward Avery, Vinal Haven, Me., neuralgia re- lieved. Elliot Tolman, Vinal Haven, Me., rheumatism re- lieved. Sophia A. Morithew, Vinal Haven, Me., chills and bad circulation cured. Respectfully, . • H. H. Healey, Agent for Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Battery. Belmont, Maine, Oct. 20, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I was troubled with the gravel and sore feet, and I think I have been benefited. Please to send me two dollars worth of batteries. J. G. Rich. Sir-I have been for the last ten years so that I have had to go round with crutches, and still have to, but feel that I have been benefited. E. Knight. Sir-I was so that I could not stoop down with- out being dizzy and my sight go from me, and your battery has cured me. Mary H. Grover. Sir-I was troubled with pains in my side, and your battery has cured me. Mrs. T. Storer. TESTIMONIALS. 119 Pea Cove, Me., Sept. 13, 1879. I send these testimonies : Miss Emma D. Oakes says: • I had a bronchial trouble for two years ; tried three doctors and over thirty different kinds of medicine, all to no purpose. I am happy to say I am well now. I have worn your battery about two months, and can safely say I owe my good health to this beautiful little inven- tion alone. I had a dreadful feeling in my stom- ach, pain in my side, and the cure is surprising. Emma D. Oaks, Milford, Me. Dora Perry says : I have been all run down with liver complaint, had pain through my shoulders and in my side for fifteen years, and was in a dreadful condition. Almost all those bad feelings females are subject to. Everything failed to give relief un- til I tried your little battery. Oh, how I prize it. I have worn it about two months, and have gained in weight 10| lbs. in about six weeks. I received ♦ be battery of your agent, E. J. Orr, and feel very thankful to you for being the means of sending out such a valuable cure. Dora E. Perry, Alton, Maine, Penobscot Co. Dear Sir-I have been wearing your battery about three weeks, and can truly say I am cured of many bad feelings, one of them distressing piles. I think every one should try them, as they are so cheap. Edward M. Libby, Milford, Maine. Dear Sir-Please send lots more of those circu- lars to give around, send them by return mail. I am going into a new place, Arguile, and want to get them. 1 enclose $6.00 for batteries; please send them soon. E. J. Orr. Swanville, Maine, Oct. 18,1879. Mr. J. 0. Boyd: Sir-Please send the value you find enclosed, six dollars. You may put my name in the advertise- ment. About ten years ago I had the rheumatic' complaint, and it made my left arm lame so I could not get on my coat without help. Since I wore one of your batteries the lameness has left me. Also Janies Ellis, of Searsport, of headache and pains through the system. Respectfully, J. F. Robbins. 120 TESTIMONIALS. Hanover, Maine, Sept. 14,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received a battery of you Septembei 6th, and was suffering with as much pain as out can well imagine, shooting all through my limbs and back. I nut the battery on, and after wearing it twenty-four hours I have not felt a pain, or even been lame at all. My right shoulder and arm was so bad that 1 could not take my overcoat off' alone. It is so now I can. It does not hurt me. My arm is weak, but does not pain me. I received a letter from you asking me to take an agency for you. I will tell you how I am situated. I am a blacksmith, and to sell the battery successfully I should have to quit my business at smithing. I can sell a few per- haps at home, and I will put one on each of my own family, and recommend them to every one. If it will do for others what it has for me, I will quit my business and sell the battery. Enclosed is two dol- lars. Please send me what this will pay for, and oblige Yours truly, J. W. Brown. Milltown, Maine, Oct. 23, 1879. Professor Boyd : Sir-I have delayed answering yours of the 10th, waiting for the returns of some who had bought your battery, and was being benefited by it. As far as I can learn, the battery is relieving many and giving satisfaction, but not many entire cures. Miss Julia E. Smith says: I was troubled very badly with palpitation of heart, headache, sleepless nights, and weakness; am greatly relieved ami do think that the battery will cure me. I would not part with it for any thing, if I could not get another. Mr. Joseph Wood says: When I commenced wear- ing the battery I had the heart complaint so bad that I could not sleep any other way than on my face, and but very little any way, but now I can sleep and eat as well as any man. Sir-I have worn one of your batteries four months, and T consider myself cured of neuralgia, palpitation of heart, pain and weakness in my right arm. I am now strong and healthy. Mrs. Lucy C. Smith. TESTIMONIALS. 121 Mt. Vernon, Me., Sept. 29, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Sir-The batteries I received from you are giving good satisfaction. I am wearing one of them, and must admit it is the best remedy for rheumatism and sciatica I have ever used, and I have used many remedies during the last thirty years. Enclosed find money; send me six of the batteries immedi- ately. Yours, etc., C. C. Gilman. Monroe, Me, , Nov. 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have not been so well for five years since I got hurt, as I have since I have been wear- ing your battery. Yours respectfully, H. E. Haley. Washington, Me., Nov. 24th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the three batteries you sent me all right, and also a letter at the same time, say- ing you would like to have me act as your agent. At the time I sent for the batteries I was prostrated with the asthma. I think they have done me a great deal of good. I put on the battery I had not laid down on a bed for over three weeks. Now I can lay down and sleep as well as an infant child. I will now see if I can sell some of them. I will give you aii order for 12 batteries to start with. I will send by registered letter. Xours truly, Wm. L. McDowell. Ellsworth Falls, Me., Dec. 9th, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will please find money ordeufor20 batteries. They are creating quite a ripple in this section. One young man is wearing one for the asthma. He has been troubled with it for ten years, so bad at times that he has been laid up fora week to a time, common way of speaking. Since wearing your battery has worked every day, and has not had a touch of the asthma since. Respectfully yours, " Chas. F. Rollins. 122 TESTIMONIALS. Rockland, Me., Dec. 13th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of those that have used your batteries, and they all speak highly of it. It has relieved all of them. S. Schick, rheumatism cured. Mrs. McCormick, lame shoulder cured. Mrs. Ackerman, sick headache cured. F. Ackerman, lame back cured. Mrs Witchem, sick headache cured. Mr. Witchem, lame back cured. Have sold some more that not been heard from as yet, but will soon send you the list of them. Yours respectfully, William J. Allen. Washington, Me., Dec. 27, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Since your circulars came to hand I have obtained orders for ten of your miniature gal- vanic batteries, and there are several others that I think will take them when called on. I have con- cluded to send for twenty-four batteries, for which I remit. You will notice that the handwriting in this letter does not correspond with that of the first; I will explain : My son read one of your circulars, and wanted a battery; I gave him permit to write in my name, as I was going away at the time, and as I have been a great suflWrer for many years with catarrh, and my wife with restless nights and nerv- ousness, with pain in the bones, I told him to send for three; and they have proved satisfactory. My wife is entirely cured, my catarrh is better than it has been for some time, and I feel quite like a now man. Please fill my order as soon as convenient, as they, are anxious to have them. Yours truly, • E. W. Lessner. Milltown, Me., July 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-When I sent for one of your batteries, I was prostrated by neuralgia, pains around the heart, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleepless nights, etc. I commenced to wear it as soon as I received it, and have been benefited by it, and am expecting to be made whole. I will accept the agency. Respectfully, Mrs. Lucy C. Smith. TESTIMONIALS. 123 Solon, Me., Jan. 5, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $6 for more bat- teries. I have had the rheumatism for more than twenty-five years, and since 1 put on your battery I have not had a touch of it, and have worked all the time. All that I have heard from are helped, and I p.'ill give you their names, if you wish. I wish to supply all in this town who will buy a battery. Yours respectfully, Sewall Jewett. Orland, Me., Jan. 12, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons cured or benefited by your galvanic battery: Joshua Gray, of West Surrey, rheumatism and cramps; cured. Augusta Carter, nervousness ; cured. Parker Lufkin, rheumatism ; benefited. Thos. Mitchell, Penobscot, rheumatism, benefited. Mrs. Sabine Hutchings, rheumatism, benefited. Myself and wife, Orland, lame back; cured. Joseph Gross, asthma, benefited. Hannah Kenney; saltrheum and scrofula, bad; much benefited. My daughter, general debility; much benefited. Please find enclosed P. O. money order tor $12 for galvanic batteries. Truly yours, John Carter, Agent. Waldoboro, Me., Feb. 6, 1880. Dear Sir-I received your book and circulars all right. My oldest boy has been wearing one of the batteries six weeks. He was always troubled with saltrheum. It drove it out all over his face and hands; he was an awful-looking sight. He is almost healed up now, and feels real smart. My husband is wearing one for a lame shoulder; he fell on the ice and hurt it four years ago; could not lie on it but a few minutes at a time. He is entirely cured, and says he would not part with his for a cow, if he could not get another. I have sold all the batteries, and have got some more contracted for. I here en- close $3 for batteries, hoping to receive them as soon as possible, as I have many calls for them. Will send for more as soon as I can. Respectfully yours, Mrs. Emeline Mathews. 124 TESTIMONIALS. St. Albans, Me., Jan. 23, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the twelve batteries five days ago, and they are all gone. I tried one for myself the night that I got them, and the next morning, for the first time in three months, I could raise my hand to my he'ad. Last night there was a traveler stopping with me, he put one on, and it had such an effect on him that he bought one in the morning to take to his wife. I would like to say more, but there is not time. I send $5 by registered letter this evening; please send the batteries as soon as you can, as they are awaiting. Please excuse, for I am in a hurry. A. J. Bonney. Ashland, Me., Feb. 1, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your batteries, and have re- ceived much relief. I am an old man about seventy; I wear two. I have been suffering with rheuma- tism for several years, and have never found anything that has given me much relief before. I gave the third one to my grandson, twelve years old, who has always been troubled with saltrheum, and we all think him about cured. I will accept your agency. I will send you $2, and you may send me the worth of it in your bat- teries. R. McCann. Orland, Me., Feb. 2, 1880. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-The four dozen batteries nearly gone; good success in selling. Sold seven batteries one day. My sub-agent is doing a good business in the same line. They all say they have been much benefited, or cured. One lady relieved of a very bad case of salt rheum and scrofula. A man, afflicted with asthma for ten years, can now sleep like a babe in his bed ; he would not take $50 for his battery, if he could not get another. One woman cured of numbness in her right hand. Another relieved of sick headache, sore eyes, and catarrh. Two men relieved of cramps ; others, too numer- ous to mention. I keep on selling to some and back over the same ground, selling more than at first. Enclosed please find P. O. money order for $15, for batteries. When I sell a battery my customers ask for a circular; please send some more, they help me much. Very truly yours, John Carter. TESTIMONIALS. 125 MARYLAND. Taneytown, Carroll Co., Md., > September 16, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have disposed of the half-dozen bat- teries you sent me, and they have given such general satisfaction, I must have more of them. I have been subject to nervous and sick headache for many years, and since 1 am wearing your gal- vapic battery, I have not had one attack. Enclosed please find $2, for which send me bat- teries. Yours respectfully, Rev. P. A. Long. Mt. Savage, Md., Oct. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have worn the Battery and have been benefited by it: John P. Aldridge, pain iu breast. Geo. E. Aldridge, pain in the breast. Mrs. Catharine Aldridge, headache. Mrs. Jane Wills, headache. Mrs. H. Butt, rheumatism. But, if the works had not shut down, I would have had a great many more to semi to you. I remain yours, Geo. W. Burall. Oxford, Md., October 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have not introduced your Batteries as thoroughly as I wish to do, but will give you the names of those beuefited by them. I think they will be a great success throughout the community. I have been cured of restless nights. S. Bilker, Easton, Md., biliousness. S. Ritenhouse, Easton, Md., biliousness. N. Ritenhouse, Easton, Md., biliousness. Mrs. T. G. Raynold, Oxford, Md., pain in the back. Bor Gray, heart disease. Yours, J. D. Wingard. 126 TESTIMONIALS. Williamsport, Md., July 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received the testimonials of A. M. Utley and others, Friday, and returned them on the day I received them. In .their letters they speak very highly of your batteries, which they have a right to do. I have been wearing the battery I purchased from you about two weeks, and I am free to, say, it is the best thing "out."- I have been affected with Nervous Debility, and I feel greatly relieved since the short time I have been wearing it, and in about four or five weeks I think I shall be entirely cured. I am under many obligations to you for sending me A, M. Utley's and other letters. Very respectfully, Harry E. Rickard. P.S.-Please send me 50 or 75 of your and oblige, H. E. R. Baltimore, October 6, 1879. John R. Dove, Esq., Agent for Prof. Boyd's Miniature Battery: Dear Sir-I have tested the battery, and can safely recommend it to my friends and to the public. It has cured me of palpitation of the heart and shortness of the breath. Respectfully yours, H. R. Champagne, 84 German st. Westminster, Md., October 29, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your favors received all right. I have been wearing one of the batteries myself since the 27th, and am happy to say I have not had the head- ache since, but did suffer with it before. I hav sold the other two batteries to.a couple of my neigh- bors, and if they prove beneficial, my success as agent will be flattering. I am also impressed with the idea that I shall succeed pretty well, from the fact that I have been talking to some of my acquaintances about them, and they all seem pleased with them. You stated iu your letter you would be pleased to have me act as agent for your batteries. In reply I would say I cheerfully accept the agency, and shall put forth every effort in that direction if my battery continues to prove beneficial to me. I remain your# very respectfully, Peter Shipley. TESTIMONIALS. 127 Rohrersville, Md., Sept. 15,1879. Professor Boyd : Dear Sir-I have quite a number of names that I haven't heard from yet, but 1 think the names I am giving you will give satisfaction to the people. I have ordered eight dozen batteries already, and I expect to send an order shortly for more. If you would trust, they would go like hot cakes. These names are all from Maryland: John B. Stine, nervous, benefited. Geo. M. Bealer, not heard from. Samuel Bealer, not heard from. John E. Crampton, itching in the skin, benefited. Mary Ann Rohrer, sick headache, cured. Magdalene Bealer, humor in the limbs, cured. • Josh More, palpitation of the heart, cured. Danuel Rice, sick headache, cured. Geo. B. Stine, pains in the shoulders, cured. Josiah Rohrer, disease not mentioned, but wouldn't take $20. Mrs. Rohrer, sick headache, cured. (She wouldn't take $5.) John V Rohrer, piles, benefited. Danuel Grim, piles, benefited. David F. Smith, pain in the side, cured. D. A. Rohrer, headache, benefited. Mrs. Morgan, pain in the side, cured. David Rohrer, paiu in the hip, cured. $10 wouldn't buy. Joseph O. Norris, cured. James Jamieson, gout, cured. Thomas Gray, vitus dance, benefited. Benjamin Mathews, heart disease, cured. Joseph M. Bealer, nervous, benefited. Samuel Myers, disease not mentioned, cured. Mrs. Lewis, sick headache, cured. Mr. Rulet, chills, cured. John More, disease not mentioned, benefited. Mrs. More, sick headache, cured. Martha Bealer, pfiin in the shoulder, cured. Geo. W. Rice, chronic dysentery, cured. Respectfully, Geo. W. Rice. Baltimore, Oct. 29, 1879. Dear Sir-Your battery was recommended to me by my brother, Samuel Harman, Proprietor Mary- land Tract House. I used it for chills, and I have not had the chills since wearing it. Respectfully yours, Edwin Harman, Mt. Winans, Baltimore Co., Md. 128 TESTIMONIALS. Queenstown, Md., Sept. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons (all of this place but one) who have worn the Miniature Gal- vanic Battery, and have nearly all been cured. It has benefited every person I have sold it to. Miss Sofia Boyles, heart disease, cured. Mrs. E. F. Voshell, Farlee P. O., Kent Co., asthma, relieved. Mr. J. T. Toulson, sick headache, cured. James Washington, rheumatism, cured. Mariah Conyer, dropsy, cured. Richard Harden, cramps, cured. Tom Harden, pain in side, cured. George Washington, benefited. Bill Conyer, scrofula, benefited. Susan Wright, female complaint. I could send you a score more of names, if it was necessary, that have been benefited. Mr. Boyd, I would like to have a few envelopes with your name printed on them-; please send me the price. Respectfully, Anna E. Toulson. Taneytown, Md., Oct. 1G, 1879. Mr. J C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I was troubled with Asthma for about a month, when I commenced wearing your Minia- ture Galvanic Battery, aud I have only had one paroxysm since. I also used to suffer very much from sick headache, but have not had an attack since I wore your battery. I feel very grateful to you for the discovery. Yours respectfully, Mrs. L. A. Long. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 21, 1879. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery : Dear Sir-I take great pleasure in recommending your battery to any person. I tried one of them through the recommendation of the clerks in the Bank of Commerce, and found great relief inside of twenty-four hours. I want another for my father. Respectfully yours, B. R. Yoe, Wholesale and Retail Importer of Wines and Gro- ceries, 88 West Baltimore st. TESTIMONIALS. 129 - Baltimore, Md., Oct. 25,1879. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery : Dear Sir-I used, your battery for restless nights and nightmare, and to my surprise and gratification it has cured me, and I take great pleasure in rec- ommending it to anybody and everybody. Geo. W.'Butterworth, 17 Callender Street. . Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1879. JdiiN R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery: Dear Sir-I have had pains in my body for some time. Medicine failed, and I concluded to try one of your batteries, and I rejoice that I can say it cured me. I am recommending it to all my friends, and I recommend it to the public iu general. Respectfully yours, Edward Keyser, Florist, 208 Mulberry st., near Pine st., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1879. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery; Dear Sir-I have had the rheumatism for a long time, and a numbness of one of my limbs. Tried several doctors and various remedies without suc- cess, and thought I would try one of your M. G. Batteries, and find it gives me great relief, and, in fact, I feel like another person. I take great pleas- ure iu recommending it, and giving you letter. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Louisa Meeks, 91 Scott Street. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 29,1879. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery: Dear Sir-I have been practicing medicine for the last eighteen years in Baltimore, and I say that your battery is the best thing that I have seen. I have been afflicted with the liver disease myself for years, as that is what I bought it for. It has not cured me, but it has given great relief, and hope to be iured by it. The others I bought are for members of family. You can use my name if it is any benefit to you. Respectfully yours, Dr. Calvin Black, 668 West Fayette st. 130 TESTIMONIALS. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27, 1879. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery: Having heard of your batteries and its magic power, I concluded to try one, and I find that it is everything that people say about it, and don't think they can say too much. I sent my clerk to your office for five. I want them for my friends. I recom- mend it to my friends and the public. Respectfully yours, R. Campbell, Wood and Coal Dealer, 42 St. Paul st. » « Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27, I can refer the public to the following named gentlemen and well-known citizens of Baltimore, to the curative and relief powers of your batteries : William Cochran, Naval Officer, Port of Baltimore. Mr. Keefer, Clerk Custom House. Mr. Martin, Paying Teller Bank of Commerce. Mr. Price, Clerk Bank of Commerce. Dr. P. P. Clemens, 27 Lexington st. Mr. Stubbs, at Moro Phillip's, 95 South st. Mrs. William Stewart, Lanvale st. and Carrollton av. Chas. Ehrmau, Adams Express Office. Jas. Murphy, Jr., Book Publisher, 184 West Balti- more st. B. F. Dove, Watchman, Camden Station, B. O. R. R. Alexa Wilson, with Hurst, Purnell & Co. Jas. Hart, Commission Merchant, Pratt and Cheap- side sts. Mr. Ellenger, Special Officer Custom House. D. M. Howell, Wholesale and Retail Paper Hang- ings, etc., 268 West Baltimore st., and many others. John R. Dove, Agent Boyd's M. G. Battery. Please drop me a postal. 548 West Pratt st., Baltimore. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27, 1879. Dear Sir-Please send me two gross more of your batteries, on receipt of this letter, also some circu- lars. Please put on my circulars, Jno. R. Dove, 548 West Pratt street, by sending postal card it will be delivered also. Please put on about 75 circulars, for sale by Coleman & Rogers, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 176 West Baltimore street. This is the retail house of our city, and is considered to be the best. You will find the testimonials enclosed to be some of the best people here. Respectfully yours, John R. Dove. TESTIMONIALS. 131 Church Hill, Md., Jan. 20,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will send you a few names of persons the batteries have cured. George Kene, rheumatism cured. John Lockman, pain in left side cured. Myself, weak back cured. Alfred Leverage, dyspepsia benefited. Salis R. Sewell, neuralgia cured, long standing. Alfred Fairel, rheumatism benefited. Good many I have not heard from ; but all I have heard from are cured and benefited. They think they will be well soon. Mr. Boyd, I will inclose six dollars this time for your batteries. All these names are from Church Hill, Queen Anns Co., Md. Yours respectfully, Wm. F. Leverage. Ridge, Md., Jan. 27, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 20th at hand. I take pleasure iu sending you the list of persons cured or benefited by your battery. Mrs. S. McKy, chills cured. Miss Emma Welch, misery in back and side, that had followed her for years, cured. Mrs. M. King, misery in back and side cured. Mr. S. Yeatman, misery in breast cured. He told me he would not take $5.00 for it if he could not get another. Mr. S. Clark, misery in back cured. Mary Thomas, heart disease benefited. M. Barns, misery in breast cured. Mrs. A. E. Wheeler, of Baltimore City, obtained one from me for piles. She wrote : " The battery worked like a charm. I have not been bothered with the piles since I have been wearing it." Mrs. M. A. Clocker, misery in hip cured. Mr. J. R. Clocker, pain in shoulder cured. Four years ago 1 was poisoned with a poisonous vine, which breaks out every year. When it broke out this winter I put on one of your batteries, ami in three days' time the bumps had all disappeared. This is not half of the batteries I have sold. All that get them I tell them if the battery does them no good in thirty days' time, I give them their money back. None have ever come for it. Respectfully, J. E. Clocker, Agent. 132 TESTIMONIALS. Oakland, Garrett Co., Md., ? Feb. 12, 1880. $ Dr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I feel it my duty to inform you, as well as the public at large, of the wonderful effect of your valuable little battery. I have been for the last two years severely afflicted with dyspepsia, with severe pain in my back and kidneys, not being able to take any rest or sleep at night nor get around my farm by day; consequently was induced to try one of your batteries, which you sent me six weeks since, and am glad to say has made a perfect cure of the above diseases. In consequence of get- ting very wet from the cold rain, three weeks ago, was very hard attacked with rheumatism in my left arm and shoulder; not able to lift my hand to my head for a week; then put on the second battery, which thoroughly relieved me of pain in six hours, not feeling the least symptoms of it since. My wife was very hard attacked with inflammatory rheuma- tism in her left leg, twelve months since, and been a great sufferer. Have paid over fifty dollars for medical attendance, but of no account or benefit. She is also using one of your precious little bat- teries, which is, I am glad to say; making a com- plete cure. Have disposed of all the batteries you sent me, and shall thank you to forward another package immediately, as the people are anxiously waiting for them. Enclosed please find P. O. order as payment for same, and beg, dear sir, with gratitude for your won- derful discovery, to thank you for the honor you have conferred on me, hoping to remain your faith- ful ageut, Thomas Warry. Williamsport, Md., July 25, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The people speak very highly of your battery, which they have a right to do. I have been wearing the battery I purchased from you about two weeks, and I am free to say it is the best thing out. I have been afflicted with nervous de- bility. The first two or three days I wore it, it made me a little sick; but as you told me to lay it aside for two or three days, I did so, and it soon wore off; and I feel greatly relieved since the short time I wore it. In about four or five weeks, I think, I shall be entirely cured. Very respectfully, Harry E. Rickard. TESTIMONIALS. 133 Oakland, Garrett Co,, Md., ? Jan. 27, 1880. 5 Mr. Boyd : I want you to send me eighty of your batteries. They seem to do good. It lias cured me of heart disease and the piles, and all that have got one have been relieved. Please send'them by next mail. Thomas J. Moreland. 134 TESTIMONIALS. MASSACHUSETTS. Lunenburg, Mass., Aug. 4,1879. J. C. Boyd : Deaf Sir-Enclosed you will find $6.00. Please send me more batteries as soon as you can send them by mail. The six that you sent me I have been testing, and I believe them to be a good thing. I sold one to one Jerome Davis, that keeps a hotel in Lunenburg, and he says if he could not get an- other, he would not take twenty-five dollars for it. Mrs. E. G. Bailey has tried one for numbness and has not been troubled with it since. They all speak of it in about the same way. Yours truly, E. G. Bailey. Lunenburg, Mass., Aug. 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Sir - Enclosed you will find $3.00. Send me more batteries as soon as you can. All that I have sold to speak of them iu the highest terms. Direct them to • Ezekiel G. Bailey. Salem, Mass., Oct. 27,1879. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I will write a few lines concerning your batteries. I have taken some time to inquire of those persons that I sold them to, and all of them that I have seen say they have done them good, but all have not been asked yet. But for one I can say that I have been cured of the nightmare, which I have been subject to -for more than twenty years. Mrs. E. \V. Rollins, of Salem, says that she has not had the rheumatism nor the neuralgia since she wore one of the batteries, which she is subject to. I have but four left out of the two dozen. There is one man in Marblehead says that he will give five hundred dollars if they cure him. He Wears two of them. Your servant, John Rollins. TESTIMONIALS. 135 Great Barrington, Mass., Aug. 27, 1879. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been cured of a lame back by using one of your batteries, and should like to act as your agent to sell them. Think I could sell a good many. If you will send me a few I will pay for them as soon as I can sell them, and work at the business. Respectfully, Mary E. Hugins. East Woburn, Mass., Oct. 18, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have for many years been a great sufferer from general debility, liver disease, heart disease, spasmo .<c circulation of the blood, restless and sleepless nights, numbness, and cramps almost daily, could not walk but a short distance without shortness of breath and faintness. I now am so greatly benefited I can walk over a mile with ease. Have not had cramps or numbness. My general health has been improving daily. I have worn the battery but three weeks, .would not part with it for twenty dollars if I could not get another. You are at liberty to publish my testimony, and abbre- viate it to your liking. Mrs. Jenkins, greatly relieved of nervousness. Mrs. J. McCarthey, helped of numbness in arms. A friend cured of nightmare. Many friends not seen, as yet, hope to see them soon, and have pleasing reports to make. Please send a few more circulars, as I have friends living in distant cities who may not have heard of them. Respectfully, yours, Mrs. S. Stevens. P. S.-Since writing the above, other orders are coming in. Please send me one dozen batteries, and find enclosed the money. S. S. North Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 16, 1879. Sarah M. Worthington, 51 Washington st., North Attleboro, pain in the breast. Seth Pierce, 51 Washington st., pain in the breast. Charles Generous, 146 Elm st, heavy headache. Respectfully, Otto Vahland, Box 94. 136 TESTIMONIALS. Paxton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1879. Names of persons who have worn the Miniature Galvanic Battery, and hate been helped. Mrs. William D. Smith, nervousness. Mrs. Leni Smith, sleepless nights. Mrs. Lavinia H. Pierce, nervousness, dyspepsia. Mrs. A. M. Newell, kidney disease. Mrs. Amos Peirce, dizziness and pain in back. Mrs. Luke Stratton, nervousness. Mrs. Dwight Estabrook, kidney disease. Miss P. M. Lakins, heart disease. Respectfully, Mrs. C. N. Smith. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Yours was duly received. I have been looking around among those to whom I have sold batteries, and find that nearly all have found re- lief. Allow me to refer to them. N. E. Leonard, pain in side and shoulder cured. John Tyndal, rheumatism very much helped. In my own case, the battery has done wonders for my wife, who suffered with diseases peculiar to females, and one of them has put new life into me. Very truly, T. R. Bearse. West Boylston, Mass., Nov. 22d, 1879. Prof J. C. Boyd : Enclosed you will find six dollars, for which send me batteries as soon as you can. One man has been cured of the bleeding piles which had troubled him for eight years. All the rest that have tried them have been benefited in the disease of dyspepsia. If you would like the names of those parties, let me know, and I will send them to you. Yours, L. L. Hosmer, P. O. Box 63. Sheffield, Mass., Dec. 11, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please to send me one dozen of yonr batteries. I have sold the half dozen that I had from you, and they all say that they help them; have sold them for the rheumatism mostly; have used one myself for salt rheum, and it did me good. Find enclosed money order for the dozen. Send as soon as you can. I have three or four engaged now. Yours truly, Frank Kline. TESTIMONIALS. 137 Ashley Falls, Mass., Jan. 2, 1880. S. Mars:- • Dear Sir-Having been troubled with piles fora long time, I got one of your batteries, and it has helped me. Procured one for my wife for sick headache, and she has not had an attack since wearing it. I would not be willing to part with it for $500 if I could not get another. Yours truly, John F. Haman. Ashley Falls, Mass., Jan. 13,1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been troubled with the rheuma- tism for a number of years, and by times I am laid up so I am not able to leave my house. I had the attack come on, and I was persuaded by your agent to try one of your batteries, and I bought one, and it is greatly helping me. I know if I had not worn one I should have been as bad as I had been, and, perhaps, worse. But I am able to walk around and see to my business and work. I would re- commend those batteries to be good, as they helped me. My little boy is wearing one for a pain in chest. I have not heard him complain since he has worn it, and before then he had a very bad pain in his chest, which seemed to be like a cramp. They are a good thing. Respectfully yours," Frederick Real. Ayer, Mass., Jan. 24, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear sir-The last of the batteries I sold this evening, and hasten to renew another order. The batteries are giving a good account of themselves, and I can say from actual experience they do cure the rheumatism. I have had the rheumatism in my shoulders for the last 10 years; have worn the bat- teries two weeks ; ha ve not felt a single symptom since the "first day. As I have written a long letter last evening, I will make this short, hoping, you will send this and my ten dollar order as soon as you can. Others have claims as well as myself. Do the best you can and I will not complain. Please find enclosed P. O. money order for six dollars. I think I have circulars enough for both these oiders. In haste. P. O. Box 77. H. M. Gaut. 138 TESTIMONIALS. New England Village, Mass., Jan. 2G, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear sir-I received your Book of Testimonials, also circulars, all right. One of the batteries I put to myself for nervousness and sleepless nights, also numbness. I am very much relieved; would not do without one for ten times the amount. I put one on my wife. She says she don't know as it is doing her auy good, but I know it is, for I can see she is a great deal smarter than she has been for a long time. Please send one dozen of batteries by first mail, and oblige Yours truly, Wm. S. Pratt. Gloucester, Mass., Feb. 3d, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Sir-Herewith I enclose a few names of persons that have been benefited by your batteries, which you will oblige me by putting in your book and sending to me. Captain James Seaver, cured of dyspepsia and numbness of hands and arms. Captain Joseph Bearse and wife; cured wife of lame side of eighteen months' standing. Mrs. Samuel Thurston, cured of general debility of ten years standing. Mrs. Ross, cured of headache and rheumatism. Captain George Sarnes, cured of pain in side. Benjamin Blatchford, cured of lameness, and wife of pains in arms and back. James Gardner, cured of lame back and stomach. S. A. Bray, cured of cramps, and wife cured of lame arms and back. Charles Anderson, cured of pains in arms and back. Mrs. Grimes, cured of general debility. Henry C. Robinson, cured of deafness. Mr. John Hadley, cured of rheumatism in arms and back. Mrs. George Smith, cured of general debility. Mrs. Hannah, cured of catarrh. I have many others, but will think of them after a while. At present those are all I can think of. Yours, etc., etc., Henry C. Robinson. TESTIMONIALS. 139 Lunenburg, Mass., Aug. 4,1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I send the money for 12 more batteries. The six that you sent I have been testing, and I believe them to be a good thing I sold one to Jerome Davis, who keeps a hotel in this place, and he says that if he could not get another, he would not take $25 for it. Mrs. E. G. Bailey has tried one for numbness, and has not been troubled with it since. They all speak of it about the same way. Yours truly, Ezekiel G. Bailey, Agent for Boyd's Battery. Ashley Falls, Mass., Jan. 13, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear sir-My wife has been troubled with a pain in her breast, and by times very bad. I saw your agent, J. S. Mars ; he told me that he thought that one of your galvanic batteries would help her. I procured one of him and took it home. My wife put it on, and since that time she has not had any of those pains. I would recommend them to all that are afflicted like her to get one ; they will do you good. Yours with respect, Willard Curtis. 140 TESTIMONIALS. MICHIGAN. Marquette, Mich., May 29, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I herewith send you a number of names, and if you send me any more circulars please attach following names. Truly yours, Jno. E. Sullivan. Samuel Schoch, Gen. Mgr. M. -H. & O. R.R., Mar- quette, complaint not stated. Mr. Morgan, Pres't Republic Iron Co., Marquette, rheumatism relieved. A. Kidder, Agt. Champion Iron Co., Marquette, pain in bones. Mr. McConnell, Condr. M. H. & 0. R.R., rheumatism cured. Wm. A. Mahan, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Richard Gribble, Marquette, rheumatism cured. J. W. Gribble, Marquette, pain in bones. Mrs. J. W. Gribble, Marquette, headache. Mrs. J. Gribble, Haughton, Mich., rheumatism cured. Wm. Edwards, Haughton, Mich., rheumatism re- lieved. Richard Hoar, Haughton, Mich., rheumatism re- lieved. O. W. Doolittle, Ishpeming, Mich., inflammation of the bowels relieved. Mrs. Bending, Marquette, Mich., rheumatism cured. Antonie Pings,.Marquette, Mich., rheumatism cured. J. D. Scott, Marquette, Mich., rheumatism cured. Frank Merritt, Marquette, Mich., rheumatism cured. Mrs. D. H. Merritt, Marquette, complaint not stated. Mrs. S. W. Bailey, Marquette, rheumatism relieved. B. P. Robbins, Marquette, pain in bones cured. B. Gebeau, Greenwood, Mich., rheumatism cured. L. Murray, Greenwood, Mich., rheumatism cured. O. Gauthier, Greenwood, Mich., rheumatism cured. Jas. Plemier, Denver, Col., rheumatism cured. Andrew Noonan, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Wm. McIntosh, Marquette, rheumatism relieved. Rev. Father J. C. Kenney, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Rev. Father Rossi, Marquette, heart disease relieved. Rev. Bishop Vertin, Negaunne, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Vorse, Marquette, rheumatism cured. A. P. Swineford, complaint not stated. TESTIMONIALS. 141 Daniel Rankin, Marquette, rheumatism cured. O. M. Wheeler, Marquette, complaint not stated. Jno. James, L'Auce, rheumatism cured. Samuel Lloyd, L'Auce, headache cured. Mrs. Samuel Lloyd, L'Ance, heart disease cured. Michael Zelson, L'Ance, rheumatism cured. Josiah Osgood, L'Auce, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Samuel Byrne, Marquette, rheumatism relieved. James Freeman, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mrs. James Freeman, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Miss Earl, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Jas. McRae, Marquette, dyspepsia relieved. Alex. Grant, Marquette, pain in bones relieved. Mr. Austin, Ishpeming, rheumatism cured. Mr. Bradey, Haughton, rheumatism cured. Samuel Kauffman, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Daniel Sullivan, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Rackensack, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mrs. P. Cherry, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mr. Denomie, Republic, rheumatism cured. Capt. Mills, Ishpeming, rheumatism cured. Frank Mills, Ishpeming, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Gleason, Ishpeming, rheumatism cured. Con Sullivan, Red Jacket, rheumatism cured. Eugene Sullivan, Virginia City, Nev., rheumatism cured. James Welch, L'Ance, rheumatism cured. Mrs. James Welch, L'Ance, heart disease cured. Mrs. Beau, , Baraga Co., rheumatism cured. George Black, Michigamme, rheumatism cured. Mrs. George Black, Michigamme, rheqmatism cured. J. E. Sullivan, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Sampson Bice, Marquette, rheumatism cured. Mrs. L. S. Glasier, Marquette, rheumatism relieved. Mrs. C. H. V, Cavis, Marquette, rheumatism relieved. Sheridan, Mich., July 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-You will find five dollars enclosed for Batteries sold ; also names of persons cured by them. Your illustrated Catalogue is just the thing, please send more copies of it. G. W. Stanton, cured of rheumatism. George Markee's little girl, cured of scrofula. O. D. Clark, pain in the side. M. J. Sweet, heart disease. A. B. Conner, cured of bilious fever. All of Sheridan, Mich. Wm. Ladow, Kondricksville, cured of rheumatism. Respectfully, J. E. Sweet. 142 TESTIMONIALS. Adrian, Mich., August 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd, New York: . Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your Gal- vanic Batteries for the dyspepsia, and I think it has helped me very much. I would like to get the agency for this place, Adrian, Lenawee Co., Mich. Please write me your terms and rules. If you give me the agency I will send for the goods imme- diately. Yours truly, S. F. Kellogg. Rockford, Mich., September 17, 1879. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed M. O. for half-dozen Batteries. I prefer your name and number off from the circulars you send me. Every one that has bought a Battery has received a benefit. Mrs. J. M. Spore has had the asthma for thirty years; since she has worn a Battery, she has not been troubled with the asthma. G. A. Sage, sick headache for twelve years, bene- fited. And the rest I have sold have done the same good work. Respectfully yours, Johnnie Buckley. Greenville, Mich., Sept. 2G, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-After seeing your Miniature Galvanic Batteries tested a few months, I am perfectly satis- fied that they are a good thing, the very best I have ever seen for the price. They give universal satis- faction to all that try them, as far as I know. Ona case I will mention: J. F. Hewitt had the jaundice very bad, with distressing pain in his side. There seemed to be something caked in the pit of the stomach. He had tried different physicians, and doctored for two years, but seemed to be growing worse. The doctors called it an extremely bard case. He commenced to wear one of your batteries and laid aside all medicine, and to all appearance he is getting well. I have seen it tried for sick headache, nervous debility, etc., with good success. Very respectfully, N. S. Brigham, Agent for Boyd's Battery. TESTIMONIALS. 143 Pierport, Mien., Oct. 25, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Sir-In pursuance with your request I send the names of some persons that have been cured and benefited: Margaret! A. Fowler, rheumatism cured. Samuel II. Fowler, neuralgia aud rheumatism, cured. A. H. Stockman, rheumatism benefited. Mrs. G. K. Estes, sick headache cured. Mrs. D. A. Hull, benefited. Mrs. C. W. Kiley, catarrh benefited. Geo. W. Boss, rheumatism cured. I see the country is getting full of agents. Please don't send any of these names to the other agents. How large an order will you require of me to give the exclusive right to Benzie County, Mich., or if that is taken, one of the adjoining Counties, Trav- erse or Leelanaw ? Enclosed please find money for twelve batteries. Respectfuly, A. B. Brink. Mason, Mich., October 26, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I should have answered your letter sooner, only I have had a slight shock of paralysis on one limb, caused by neuralgia. I am improving a great deal, can walk around by being led. Do you think that two Batteries would be any benefit to me ?-I wear one now. Wherever I have sold them they have given satisfaction, so far. Martha Stewart, of Mason, says, " I would not take fifty dollars for mine, if I could not get another.'' Her disease was dizziness of the head, sickness at the stomach, and cold feet. She is entirely cured, feels better than she has for years. Clara Dyer, of Mason, has worn hers about one week. She had a goitrous swelled neck; has not seen the cords in her throat for ten years until now. She is not .ntirely cured, but thinks that she will be. They are so afraid of displeasing the doctors, that I cannot tell about as many as I would like to. It is coming cold weather, and I think that I shall sell mote. Now I have three left, and as soon as I sell them shall send for more. S. H. WORDEN- 144 TESTIMONIALS. Wood's Corners, Ionia Co., Mich., > October 21, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold most of the Batteries I had ordered while on a visit at some distance from home. When I commenced wearing your Battery I had scarcely strength or ambition to keep about: my blood was cold and inactive, and I had frequent spells of such distress and hard beating of the heart that I'could hardly endure it. Now my blood has a warm and free circulation, my lungs are better, I have scarcely a sign or intimation of heart disease. I would not have thought that such a change could have been effected in my health and feelings now, at the age of sixty-six, and I am very thankful that I came across your Circular and obtained a Battery. Of general debility I can safely say, cured. I have made what inquiry I could. One, who was troubled with swollen feet, says they are much better. One, who was troubled badly with lame- ness, and pain in and between the shoulders, says they are almost well. Another, who is considerably deaf, thinks she can hear much better. Another says he would not part with the Battery for twice the price, if he could not obtain another. Another says she would not take five dollars for hers. I am now at Mr. A. Smith's, and will send in this Mrs. Smith's testimony. Yours, with respect, Lucinda Adams. October 23, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I must give in a small testimonial con- cerning your Miniature Battery. I have been troubled for several years with pains in my shoul- ders, and for the last year quite severely, accom- panied with palpitation of the heart. I obtained of your agent here (Mrs. Adams) one of the Batteries, having no faith in it whatever, but thought I would try it. I have worn it about six weeks, and can- didly say I have no more trouble with my heart or shoulders, nor have h'ad a nervous headache, of which I am a great sufferer. I will close, wishing you godrspeed, hoping many others will be benefited as I have been. With well wishes I will close. Mrs. A. G. Smith. P. O. address, Wood's Corners, Ionia Co., Mich. TESTIMONIALS. 145 Adrian, Mich., Nov. 1, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Please find $3.00 for one dozen of your batteries, and send the bills, as'you stated in yotfr letter. If you have to wait to get the bills up, send the bat- teries as soon as you receive this and the bills after. The battery you sent me I put on. I had a stiff neck for six weeks, and have doctored for it under two doctors, and done me no good. After I put on your battery in twenty-four hours I could furn my head, and now it is completely gone. D. Downie. Morenci, Mich., Nov. 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-After having suffered for weeks and spending about $20.00 to remove the torments of rheumatism, I procured one of your batteries from your agent, C. H. Rowley, and am now, after a few weeks trial, almost entirely well. Yours, respectfully, George Gillus. Morenci, Mich., Nov-. 10, 1879. Professor J.'C. Boyd : Dear Sir-As I received a circular from you to act" as agent for your batteries, and being afflicted with a severe pain in my shoulder, so that it was with much.difficulty to get my coat on, I sent for your batteries, and was soon relieved after wearing one a few days, and I felt that I could recommend them for the rheumatism, and did so. The result has been many sales, and all, as far as I have heard, have received great benefit from them. Last Sat- urday morning I received six from you, and before night all were gone and more wanted. So enclosed please find order for another lot. Send soon as pos- sible. Yours, • C. H. Rowley. I have used one of your batteries for about three weeks, being afflicted with neuralgia in different parts of my body, and sometimes so severe that I was unable t<> attend to my business. Will say I have been perfectly free from pain since the second day after putting on the battery. Yous, truly, Mrs. F. A. Rowley. 146 TESTIMONIALS. Baltimore, Mich., Nov. 7, 1879. Professor Boyd : Dear Sir-I have worn one of your Miniature Bat- teries a week ; have found great relief from heart disease, numbness, deafness, rheumatism, and ex- pect to get cured. I feel great confidence in your batteries, and can truthfully recommend them to my friends. I enclose money for six more batteries. Yours, Mrs. M. N. Ferris, Agent. Carson City, Mich., Nov. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I used one of your batteries and it helps me, so I want to help others ; you will please send me six batteries and some of your bills. Yours respectfully, W. A. Palmer. Buchanan, Mich., Nov. 10,1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of 5th inst. at hand, and in reply would say that I think the large circular you speak of will be a good thing. Those cured are : Mrs. Miranda Badgley, rheumatism in the blood. Mrs. Judge Ballengee, rheumatism. Mrs. Churchill, rheumatism. Mrs. Elizabeth Spere, salt rheum. J. Chittenden, rheumatism. All of Buchanan. Mr. Long of Bertrand, lame back. I cannot call to my mind others at present, but there are a great number who have been benefited by their use. You may send me another dozen bat- teries. I have two on hand only. Respectfully, J. Chittenden. North Lansing, Mich., Dec. 9, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please send me at your earliest con- venience one dozen of your batteries. I have been sick myself. I think that your bat- tery is helping my catarrh very much. I remain, yours, etc., Laurence Hendrick. TESTIMONIALS. 147 Howell, Livingston Co., Mich., ) November 27, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I am thankful for the dozen of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries you sent me. I tried one for the asthma of fifteen years' standing, used it only three days, and think I am about well. Now I would like to take the agency to sell your Battery, if you are willing to accept the offer. If so, please send me all the papers necessary for an agent. I would like to sell where I could do the best; if you can't do that, confine me to Livingston, Ingham, and Eaton, but the three if you can. What I had sold like hot cakes. Please send me three dozen, if you are willing I should sell. I send the mortey; if you do not accept it, please send the money back. Pay all expenses out of it. Send by Post Order. Please send them forthwith, and no delay, if possible. Yours truly, with respect, J. Carl. December 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed I send you the money for one dozen more batteries. My wife is cured of her rheuma- tism. She has been troubled for over two months, without any relief from medicine. Yours hastily, R. A. Calvin, Eau Clair, Berrien Co., Mich. Allegan City, Mich., Nov. 30, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries received, and so far give satisfaction. One my mother has, she said she would not do without for twice what it cost. The other was for an old lady that had an attack or slight stroke of palsy, and her tongue was so that she could not talk; you could hardly understand her. Now she can talk as well as ever. You shall hear from her as she improves. Please enclosed find money for six batteries. I will accept the agency, and send for more as soon as I can sell the six. I have three engaged already. If I can get ready sale you may expect to hear from me soon. Yours respectfully, Charles W. Laport. 148 TESTIMONIALS. • Lansing, Mich., Nov. 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Find enclosed draft for five dozen more of your batteries, as I send them into the country, and almost every one fetches me a customer, and sometimes two or three. As I do .not canvass for them it is very convenient to have them call at my house for the battery. You have three ladies in sight of my house selling the batteries, so you see I do not stand much of a chance, but think I will sell some. Batteries all sold. I am in my sixty- sixth year; have been sick for the last ten years. This summer there was no one that thought I would live the summer out. I could not go to the Post Office witlTont sitting down and resting two or three times on the way. I have worn your battery not quite three weeks, and I can now walk off three or four miles with perfect ease. I had the piles, catarrh, rheumatism, and liver complaint; I am now feeling as well as I ever did. I think your battery a per- fect success-a godsend to the poor. There is not one that I have sold to but what speaks in the high- est praise of the battery. Yours, B. I. Williams. Baltimore, Berry Co., Mich., ? November 24, 1879. 5 Professor Boyd : Sir-I received the six batteries in due time, and enclose money for twelve more. Please forward as soon as convenient. I am having very good suc- cess. Business increases. Yours, Mrs. M. N. Ferris, Agent. McBrides, Mich., Dec. 6, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $6.00 for which you can send galvanic batteries by return of mail. I find them quick sale and "give entire satisfaction in every case, I am sure they have cured me of my rheumatism, as I feel no more pain. I should like to be able to order more largely, but my cir- cumstances will not allow of it at present. Send as soon as convenient, and oblige. C. R. Eggleston, Agent, Box 12. TESTIMONIALS. 149 Moline, Mich., Dec. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the three batteries you sent me this evening, and in twenty minutes I sold every one of them, not keeping one for myself. You will find enclosed money for which you may send me twelve batteries. 1 will act as your agent. I think I can recommend them. My father has been bothered with rheumatism for some years, was so that he could not work but little the last year. He has worn one of your batteries for two or three months, and I never saw him looking better than he does now. I will try twelve, and if I have good luck, I will send for a larger number next time. Yours truly, Henry C. Cackler, Box 42. Watson, Mich., Nov. 24, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Yours of the 7th October came to hand in due time. I sold two of the batteries aud kept one my- self. I have not got the testimonials of the two that bought them, but can safely say of mine that, if I could not get another, I would not take five dollars for it, from the fact that it has helped me more than anything I have ever tried for my lame- ness in my right limb in the joint below the hip, which has troubled me for over five years, so much so that I could not walk half a mile without great difficulty, and three weeks ago I walked four miles after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I walked one mile to church and' back twice between that and bed- time, and never felt my lameness. I have also been troubled with liver chills, but have not had one since I put on the.battery. I give the battery al the credit, for I have not used any other remedy since I put on the battery. Knowing this to be true, I freely accept the agency, and you can insert my name, for I am not ashamed to have my name on your circular. I here enclose three dollars ($3.0(1) for batteries, and as soon as I can sell I will send for more; but I do not expect to sell them very fast, for I am a farmer's wife and mother of six children, the youngest five years old; so you see my time will be very limited, but 1 will do the very best I can under these circumstances. Yours truly, Martha L. Pike. 150 TESTIMONIALS. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 24, 1879. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I purchased one of your batteries about four weeks back. I have been wearing it ever since, and think I have received much benefit from it. I have recommended it very highly to my friends, and induced them to purchase them. I now enclose money for eight of them, hoping to receive them as quick as possible. Yours respectfully, E. H. Ockford, 557 Seventh St. Baltimore, Berry Co., Mich., ? November 24, 1879. $ I have been suffering for nine years by injuries received by a log rolling over me. Nine weeks ago I put on one of your batteries, and to-day I feel as well as I did when I was fifteen years old. I would not do without the battery for fifty dollars. W. R. Herrington. North Lansing, Mich., Dec. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Four days ago I was persuaded to try your Miniature Galvanic Battery for rheumatism in my neck and shoulder, from which I have suffered much for several years at times. I am now happy to say for the last twenty-four hours I have been almost entirely free from pain notwithstanding the rainy weather. I feel to-night that I could recom- mend cheerfully your battery to suffering humanity, and would act as an agent for the same, if you wish me to do so. As you have an agent in Lansing (and one is sufficient in a place), I would like the city of Grand Kapids, if you have not given that city to some one else. If you have, I will take Graud Ledge, Eaton County, or Sand Lake, Kent County. I would prefer the general agency of Kent County, and employ sub-agents. Please send me your terms, as I would engage in the business in about three weeks. Yours respectfully, * Mrs. C. L. Carter. TESTIMONIALS. 151 South Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 2d, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have given your galvanic battery a fair trial, and find that it has helped me. I have reported, and am circulating your circulars that you sent me, to my neighbors, and lind that I can sell them. I can do better with them, as my wife and I have tried them, and find them as reported to be. Respectfully yours, Geo. W. Earnest. Fenton, Mich., Dec. 31, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for one dozen batteries; send more as soon as you get this for I am out. They are making some marvelous cures in rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, and kidney disease. Yon can send them fast; send more as soon as you get this. Yours respectfully, James M. King. Ferry, Mich., Jan. 1, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have just received a book from you with testimonials of the merits of your miniature battery, which you will receive my thanks for. I will send you a list of a few of the many per- sons that your battery has helped or cured, that I have sold to since I have acted as agent: Helped of rheumatism :- Lovisa Robinson, Ferry, Mich. David Cutler's son, Mrs. 0. W. Riley, Mrs. Wm. Colburn, Shelby, Mich. Cured of pain in head and back :- A. Eberts, Ferry, Mich. Cured of nervousness :- Mrs. S. Bowers, Miss N. Cummings, Ferry, Mich. Helped of heart disease :- Mrs. M. Cummings, Ferry, Mich. Helped of pain in back :- • Joseph Miller, Ferry, Mich. Helped of pain in breast:- John Heim, Ferry, Mich. There is hardly a case that your battery does not help or cure. I sent for more circulars some time since, but have not received any for a long time. I am entirely out of circulars. Please send me some as soon as you get this, and oblige George Robinson, Agent. Shall send for more batteries soon. 152 TESTIMONIALS. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Jan. 9, 1880. J. C. BoYd : Dear Sir-My mother has worn one of your bat- teries for two mouths, and is feeling well from all the diseases she has been afflicted with for years, as cramps and neuralgia, and pain in the head and back ; and all that are wearing them find relief. I enclose in this, P. O. order for one dozen bat- teries. Please send them as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, Aaron Phelps, Agent for Boyd's Batteries. Benton Harbor, Mich., Jan. 9th, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the Book of Testimonials all safe, and many have read it with interest, and I will say that while I am writing, a Mr. Terwilligar is re- commending your batteries. I sold him one this last fall, and he has been troubled with headache ever since he has been in Michigan, but since he has worn one of your batteries he has not had any of the headache; and another, a lady, has had the sick headache for years, and since she has worn one of your batteries, she has it no more ; her name is Mrs. Mary Adams. Enclosed you will please find money order for $10, for which send me-batteries as soon as you re- ceive this, as they are all spoken for as soon as they arrive. I do not travel-I can't; but there are others here that travel from house to house, and then the par- ties they have seen will come and get them of me. R. E. Johnson. Moline, Mich., Jan. 31, 1880. Mr. J.'C. Boyd: I received your twelve batteries, in three days all gone ; I then sent for twenty-four more and receiv- ed them all Monday, Friday all gone. Hurry them along. I received a book from you, and was glad to get it and to know by that there is a counterfeit on your batteries that have cured a great many here. My husband put on one of the three I got first; has not felt any of the rheumatism since ; can work all day now, but had not done a day's work for a year, but could work some of the time, and last winter I had to dress his feet a long while. I now send $6 for more. Please send right away, as I have none. Yours truly, Mrs. R. J. Rogers. TESTIMONIALS. 153 Adrian, Mich., Jan. 10, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have received the batteries, and have sold them, and bought some of D. Downie at cost, to fill orders. They give good satisfaction. Enclosed please find post office order for six dol- lars, for batteries. Your agent, Payne, thinks they are too cheap. If they were three dollars a battery, he could sell them to rich people-so he told me. The battery is a success-a triumph. I would like to tell you how I succeeded in selling one to an obstinate old man-a particular friend of mine ; he was just full of debility and disease from his crown to his sole, and yet would not be healed. I labored with him, failed, and renewed the attack, and at last succeeded, and then laughed at him. I read cure after cure, but he persisted in stubborn unbe- lief, until I read the letter of William Johnson, of St. Paul, Minn. The old man of seventy-five-both being English-caved, and we were both happy, he on the way to health. Respectfully, Wm. V. D. Williams. Saginaw City, Mich., Jan. 14, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Sir-The batteries have proved themselves in every way perfect. We have been testing them for one month and they act like magic. In three cases the patients had been in constant pain every night, and have not felt.it even once since. Please send one dozen immediately. .Albert N. Gary. Eastmanville, Mien., Feb. 12, 1880. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find six dollars for batteries. As. soon as you can, send as before to Eastmanville, and I wish to say something to you of the cures. Mr. E. Thare, of Eastmanville, cured of sick headache, ard Mr. De Voe, of the rheumatism, and he says he would not take one hundred dollars for his if he could not get another; and for myself, I was not able to move when I commenced to wear mine, and now I am able to do my chores and to travel the most of my time. I am in the book busi- ness, and have a chance to sell many of your bat- teries. Those that I sent for before were for per- sons that, if the batteries help them, it will set your batteries up big, and 1 will send you the re- sult. Yours respectfully, E. PlERSON. 154 TESTIMONIALS. Dundee, Mich., Jan. 28, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold all of the batteries. Please send me one dozen more; they give good satisfac- tion so far. One man came into my shop with the rheumatism so bad he could scarcely go with two crutches. I put a battery on him, and now he walks one-half mile without the aid of crutch or cane. Others say they have not felt so well in years. Enclosed find post office order. Respectfully yours, John McBride. Charlevoix, Mich., Jan. 29, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd ; Dear Sir-I send you the following names of per- sons in this vicinity who have been cured or relieved by wearing your batteries, all in Charlevoix County: Mrs. Talouse, relieved of headache. Mrs. A. Martin, cured of rheumatism. Mrs. J. Smith, relieved of headache. Mrs. L. Hamlin, relieved of headache. Mr. John Bell,cured of pain in the side andheadache. Mr. Leroy Hamlin, paiu in the side and headache cured. Mrs. George Nowland, cured of heart disease. Mr. Win. S. Johnson, cured of headache. Louis McLawbay, cured of headache and relieved of pain in hip. I have also been cured myself of a chronic head- ache that has afflicted me for thirty years, and re- lieved of a severe pain over the eye. Yours very truly, James Martin. P. S.-Please find enclosed P. O. order for $3 for batteries. Lincoln, Mich., Feb. 5, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Having been a sufferer from paralysis and painful hands, every joint enlarged by pain (called by physicians dropsy of the joints), for fifteen years standing, I was told by a friend to wear one of your miniature batteries. I have worn one most of the time since last November. My hands are free from pain at present. I have been so deaf that I could hear nothing at times. I now hear distinctly a short distance, and am gaining fast, and hope that God will bless the means that you have prepared to my restoration. I received the six batteries on the 3d, have sold five, and want more as soon as I can get them-if possible, by the 14th of February. Mrs. Lydia E. Eddy. TESTIMONIALS. 155 Saginaw City, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been cured of sciatic rheuma- tism by wearing one of your batteries four weeks. My wife has received great benefit in wearing a battery for nervous dyspepsia. She thinks it will soon make her well. Yours truly, S. Derby. 156 TESTIMONIALS. MINNESOTA. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 16, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-A short time since I received two of your batteries from the East, and have worn them ac- cording to your printed, directions in the circular, and have experienced such remarkable beneficial results that I hardly can find words to express my thankfulness that the advent of so great and valu- able discovery is taking place of the thousand and one patent and worse than worthless nostrums and drugs which are for sale and are administered by the various classes of the medical profession, oftener than otherwise resulting in death followed up by an excessive bill. I am 75 years old, have suffered for quite a number of years with the chronic rheuma- tism and other afflictions less painful, together with old age, had lost my ambition and courage to that extent I considered myself a mere cipher in this world, and now, thank heaven, I am almost well and feel that I am somebody yet and have a duty to perform first, if possible, to encourage you on in the work of relieving suffering humanity. I would not take one thousand dollars for my batteries if I could not get any more. Every person in the land should possess one or more of them, and I venture to say that all will have them before long if you are able to supply the demand. In one or two weeks I shall start on my journey to London, England, the place of my nativity. When in New York will call on you and purchase a few to take home with me, and no doubt you will hear from me over the water. Why do you not hire men to take them into every house and sell them; almost every one can buy them they are so cheap. Pardon me for writing you so long a letter; I think it will trouble you to read it. Very respectfully yours, William Johnson. TESTIMONIALS. 157 Howard Lake, Wright Co., Minn., ? November 5, 1879. J Dr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-A friend gave me two of your batteries about two months since. 1 was given up to die by two of the best physicians in this place. I put the two on as directed by my friend; in about two weeks I began to gain rapidly, and now I am able to work. My friend sent me sixteen more, I have • sold all of them, and there is a number more called for. If you have no agency in this place, I would like to get it, and I would like some of your Circu- lars with my name printed on them. My friend ex- pects to go East and gave your address, so I could send on and get them. Enclosed please find P. 0. order, for which send me one dozen. J. B. Marshall. Fairpoint, Minn., Jan. 1, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Of all the medicines I have used, none has done much good to me; but when I tried your battery, I must say it has wonderfully worked on me, and I am at present, after wearing the battery for a few months, another being altogether, and think myself cured of many of the effects of youth. I didn't have any headache from the time 1 first wore your battery, and I would advise every one who may be sick with any kind of disease to try your battery, and get happy and well again ; for it is a wonderful remedy, this is sure; and 1 also think of being an agent for the battery when I get enough money to do it. I am yours respectfully, George Jahn. Verndale, Minn., Jan. 2, 1880. J. C. Boyd : I have been wearing one of your batteries a little over three weeks, and now my back is well, and my chills have left me. Mrs. E. Binns. 158 TESTIMONIALS. MISSISSIPPI. Canton, Miss., July 12,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The battery sent and also letter re- ceived. Aly wife has been wearing the battery as directed, and for rheumatism has been greatly benefited. Having told of its merits to others suffering with same complaint, and wishing to try its efficacy, has induced me to write again ; and if these suit will only prove as efficacious as the first.. I shall then order enough to start my agency on. Yours, J. K. Kearney. Water Valley, Miss., July 15, 1879. This is to certify that I have been bothered for a considerable length of time with rheumatic neu- ralgia. About one month since I bought one of Boyd's Galvanic Batteries, and have been wearing it constantly since, and, in my opinion, have ex- perienced considerable relief. I take pleasure in. recommending them to suffering humanity. H. L. Chance. Canton, Miss., Sept. 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order. You will please send me one dozen batteries; have sold three dozen in the short time I have acted as agent, and, when the battery has been tried long enough, have not heard a complaint. All acknowledge that they are free of their old complaint,"or greatly benefited by using them. Inquiry as to their merits still increases. I send you a short list of some of the persons who have tried your Galvanic Battery, and can fully re- commend them: J. A. Matlock, rheumatism and general debility. John Hamblin, long standing case of rheumatism. A. Wallace, neuralgia. Mrs. H. S. Kearney, rheumatism. R. G. Leater, rheumatism. Other names could be added for different com- plaints, but dhem these sufficient. Respectfully, J. K. Kearney. TESTIMONIALS. 159 Water Valley, Miss., Sept. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq., New York : Dear Sir-Yours of 4th inst. to hand; contents noted. Below you will please find list of names cured and benefited by the use of the batteries, viz.: J. A. Kirkwood, sick headache. D. R. Wagner, chills. R. V. Pearson, " Vernon Schillinger, general debility. Mrs. M. C. Long, sick headache. Mrs. Ora Paxtou, chills. Mrs. Fannie McClain, chills. Sam Shoemaqte, " Wash Wilson, general debility. J. Wells, paiu in side. Mrs. David Brown, pain in side, benefited. J. Levert, dyspepsia. H. L. Chance, rheumatism. Samuel Hill and lady, bronchitis and general de- bility. Peter Johnson, neuralgia. W. H. Walker, chills and rheumatism. And many others too numerous to mention. Please find enclosed P. O. order for $12.00 for more, and oblige W. F. Johnson. Ruckersville, Miss., Oct. 20, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find ten dollars, for which send me your Miniature Batteries. In reply to your request to send names of parties who have been cured by the' use of your batteries, we send the following : Thos. Jones, Esq., rheumatism, 30 years. Rev. A. H. Wilson, " 15 " William Studer, malarial, 2 years. S. M. Chatwood, general debility and chronic chills. J. D. Cross, hemorrhoids - greatest relief in 18 years. The address of all the above is Ruckersville, Tippah Co., Miss. Should you want particulars of any of these, or other cases, we will cheerfully send all the infor- mation desired. We are truly, etc., Faltt & Rucker. 160 TESTIMONIALS. Greenwood, Miss., July 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for $9.00. Please send me more batteries. The dozen received are all sold, and I have two dozen more engaged. Persons who have known me for years, seeing how much I have improved lately in health and flesh, on learning the cause, are anxious to obtain a battery. My little girl who has been suffering with chills and fever, has not had a chill or fever since I put one on her, and she has become healthy, and fattened up. I think they are the very thing for this climate. Before I wrore one I suffered very much with headache, lumbago, and palpitation of the heart. Since wearing it I have felt neither. Yours truly, L. Upshur, P. M. Biloxi, Harrison Co., Miss., Oct. 4, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The 12 batteries that you sent me were received last Sunday, but no circulars have come yet. All are anxious to have one. Please send me some as soon as possible. I have two batteries on myself, and two on my wife. They are doing wonders for so short a time. I have sold four to my neighbors-one in the last stage of con- sumption. ■ She was unable to sit up, and was ex- pecting her death daily. She was so far gone that no one expected that she could ever recover. I put two batteries on, and in 24 hours she was up and about the house, and is doing well. It is a won- derful case, and will make a great demand for the batteries. Yours respectfully, Uriah Cousins. Wesson, Miss., Oct. 19,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I have been troubled, with rheumatism for sixteen years. After wearing your battery for six weeks, I consider myself cured. They are the best patent I ever saw offered to the public. When I put the battery on, I was unable to work; now I am as sound as a dollar. My wife has been troubled with pain in the side and headache for years; cured by the use of one battery six weeks. Everybody. I sold batteries to is well pleased with them. George Brassfield, Wesson, Miss., cured of neuralgia by wearing one battery six weeks. Major Hamilton's wife, Beaugeaurd, Miss., cured of rheumatism by the use 0$" one battery. Yours truly, J. R. Cable, Agent for Boyd's Batteries. TESTIMONIALS. 161 Hazlehurst, Miss., Nov. 3, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : You will find enclosed $3, for which you will send me your miniature galvanic batteries. I got one from Mr. Fontane, of Mass., and it cured my wife of pains she has been suffering from for forty years. The Circular I got from Mr. Fontane was burned in a dwelling house, and I forgot where- about in Massachusetts I got the circular. Wm. Belding. Garner, Miss., Nov. 3, 1879. J. C. Boyd, New York: Dear Sir-I now enclose you twelve dollars for batteries; send them forthwith. There is a great demand for them. I expect to send you certificates soon. Miss Margaret Calhoun has been wearing one about two weeks, and has greatly improved in health. Has been for years a great sufferer with nervous headache and otherwise bad health. Has had no headache since she put it on. Very respectfully, Jas. N. Harper. Temperance Hill, Miss., Nov. 11, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. Order. Please send me two dozen batteries. I am wearing one of your batteries for dizzy head and pains in the side. I have been much relieved ; I feel better than I have for some time. Send them as quick as possible. Yours very truly, J. E. Hollingsworth. Oxford, Miss., Nov. 13, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received a letter from you sometime since, wanting testimonials to publish in your circular of the cures performed by the batteries. I have not time to go to see the individuals to get them or get their permission to send their names, but will in- form you that they have cured chills, relieved rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, asthma, heart disease, sick headache, kidney disease, etc. I don't think I could buy back what I have sold for $1,000.00 if they could not be bought again for less in place of them. You can publish as much of this letter as you wish. One lady told me she did not think she would take $10.00 for hers; another said (Who has been relieved of sick headache), that if it did not return she would not part with hers for any price. Yours, Mrs. W. L. Archibald. 162 TESTIMONIALS. Temperance Hill, Monroe Co., Miss. ? Nov. 13, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Herewith transmitted please find six dollars order for more batteries, out-fit for selling, etc. I am greatly pleased with the apparent good which the batteries I ordered and received a few weeks ago, are doing for my father. He has been alllicted with rheumatism of the most chronic form for more than twenty years, which has long since rendered his joints inflexible, besides for a long time subjected to cramps and general restlessness at nights, unable to lie upon either side. But since he has been using the batteries, can sleep quietly upou either side all the night, and his joints are be- coming, or have become more flexible, cau bend them without experiencing half the excruciating pain. Upon these facts becoming known to our afflicted neighbors, I received an application for six batteries. Yours most truly, , J. M. Mosley, Jr. * Water Valley, Miss., Nov. 20, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I received your circular. Please find enclosed money order for which you will send me six bat- teries. When I dispose of them I will order more. I purchased one of your batteries for my wife, who was suffering with palpitation of the heart. She has been wearing it some two months and finds her- self greatly benefited. M. Gorton. Dry Run, Prentiss Co., Miss., > December 4,1879. 5 Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir - When my husband sent for three of your batteries, I had neuralgia and rheumatism very bad. I put one on, have worn it five days, aud I am a great deal better. Also my mother and sister- in-law. We are satisfied they are a good thing. I enclose eight dollars in this letter. Please send me the batteries. I will accept the agency for this section. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Mary E. Robinson. TESTIMONIALS. 163 Mashulaville, Knox Co., Miss., ) November 28, 1879. J Dr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries you sent me, and sold them very readily. All who are using them are helping them. One lady says, she has not had the headache since she put hers on, and before she began to wear the battery she had head- ache every day. Enclosed you will find money for half a dozen more. Please forward them as soon as possible. Respectfully, W. W. Richards. McNutt, Miss., Dec. 12th, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq. : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $12, for which you will send me batteries. Please send envelopes ad- dressed to you. e I send you a list of cures : J. W. Day, paralysis. Gus Shaderick, pain in the hack. M. Williams, sick headache. B. Hopson, paralysis. Thousands of others speak well of it. Yours truly, John A. Gqre. Water Valley, Miss., July 19, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I purchased one of your batteries with the hope that it might cure the chills, and, to my surprise and satisfaction, it proves what you re- commend it to be. Respectfully, R. V. Pearson, City Marshal. Natchez, Miss., Jan.-21, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find money order for three dollars. Please send me the amount in batteries. I have not been able to get any testimonials, as the parties live out of the city; but I can speak for myself. I was slightly affected with heart disease; but since I commenced to wear the battery, I don't feel the pain that I used to suffer with. . ■ Respectfully yours, etc. Robt. W. Fitzhugh. 164 TESTIMONIALS. , Lodi, Miss., Jan. 2, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Please send me two dozen more batteries, as I am out. The people are beginning to find out the merit of them. I think I can sell a great many of them. I tried one on my mother for rheumatism, and she is now able to walk without the least pain, and before she could hardly go up and down the steps without holding to something; also tried one on father for severe pain in his side. He had not slept all night for six weeks. He said he rested better the first night than he had during the six weeks. He is now nearly well. Pa and mother have had them one week. Respectfully, J. W. Morris. TESTIMONIALS. 165 MISSOURI. Lorraine, Mo., June 24, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have received and tested your bat- teries, and find they are helping me and my son. I have been subject to cramps and received immedi- ate relief. My son has been afflicted with chills, wore the battery and has had none since. Yours, &c., John Landes. Prospect Grove, Scotland Co., Mo., ? August 18, 1879. 5 Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $5.00 to pay for batteries. Please send as soon as you can, as the people are anxious to get them. I have received batteries and circulars very promptly from you; your batteries are giving good satisfaction in this section of the country. Yours truly, Perlee Rowland. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 27, 1879. Dear Sir-I sent you an order for six batteries on the 25th inst., and hope you will send them as soon as possible. I have sold four of them already. I did not give out many circulars yet, because I did not have any battery, and not funds enough to send for more than half a dozen; but I get paid off the first of the month, and then I will order 1 or 2 dozen. I would like to have your advice on a case here to whom I have sold a battery-it is a lady. She is 42 years old, and had terribly bad lungs and other causes which the doctors give her medicine for, and it costs her $1.00 to $4.00 a week now. Since she has worn the battery she feels much better, and does not need the medicine, which saves her a great deal of money. The medicine which she took was just to keep her from her bed. She is able to walk around first-rate. Now, what medi- cine do you think she ought to take ? She takes Cod Liver Oil of Phosphate. This is as much as I know of the case. I have worn my battery three weeks for rheumatism, and it has entirely cured me. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, O. W. Ditsch, Agent for Boyd's Galvanic Battery. 166 TESTIMONIALS. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 16,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Yours of 12th received. You said nothing about the batteries ordered on 8th inst., though I was calculating to receive them to-day. I will give you some names below, nearly all of St. Joseph and Buchanan Co., Mo.: J. W. Weekerly, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Suckerly, general debility relieved. Mrs. E. A. Burner, rheumatism cured. Mr. Englemire, " • " Samuel Leonard, " " Charley Burne, " " Mrs. Vegley, general debility relieved. Mr. Winters, rheumatism and general debility re- lieved. Samuel Wallers, rheumatism and general debility lieved. Joseph Mott, rheumatism cured. Joseph Rost, " " George Shelly, neuralgia " C. II. Hines, " " Sol Tony, rheumatism in shoulder relieved. Mat Aiderman, neuralgia and general debility cured. Mrs. Hettinger, rheumatism relieved. Jo Mathers, neuralgia relieved. Gideon Miles, rheumatism cured. H. C. Waller, nervousness " A. L. Sumers, rheumatism in shoulder relieved. Sam Hatebau, " cured. Mr. Fransway, t( " Pat Kelly, catarrh, cured. Richard Pales, rheumatism cured. James Ringo, ' " relieved. Sam Wilsons, chills cured. Jacob Goodliff, rheumatism relieved. Geo. Strop. " " Charley Buck, debility 11 Peter Budly, rheumatism cured. Jas. H. Lewis, " relieved. John Pogue, " cured. All of city and county, and many others of this city and county. But this will do fcr the present. Respectfully, L. D. Talbot. I have not a ba'ttery on hand TESTIMONIALS. 167 Syracuse, Mo., Oct. 13, 1879, I will give you the names of persons benefited by your batteries, viz.: Mrs. Lynch, rheumatism. Mrs. Hull, liver complaint. Mr. Keiss, rheumatism., Mrs. Keiss, pain in stomach. All of these persons are benefited. John Keiss, • Syracuse, Morgan Co., Mo. Rolling Home, Randolph Co., Mo., ? Oct. 17, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received your letter yesterday; was glad to hear from you; have distributed most of your circulars; can recommend the batteries for all pain, nervousness, and heart disease as far as I have tried them. My little daughter has worn the sample battery ever since I got it, and has had but few nervous spells and they were caused by neglecting to put it on, and she was relieved by putting it on. I cured rheumatism in my left arm, week before last, by holding it in my hand, then placing it on my arm, then back in my hand, changing to the other hand, and after about an hour or so I felt real sick, I then took it off, used it in this way four nights and my arm was well. I wish to recommend them to all sufferers. I will do all I can for you; have sold one, but have not heard from it since; gave one to a little girl, she used it for misery in her back; said last time I saw her she was better. I have been unable to get out from home to sell; I think I will sell them yet, and that people will soon find there is virtue in them. All they have to do is to try them and be convinced. Yours truly, Susan J. Harlan. St. James, Mo., Oct. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find $12.00. Send batteries promptly. The other lot of fonr dozen came to hand in good order, and I am pleased to report that your batteries are doing more than you claim for them. I will send you some testimonials from good citizens, as soon as I can have time to get them together. Your batteries sell well and please all. Yours truly, J. H. Morrison. 168 TESTIMONIALS. Rolla, Mo., Oct. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 15th inst., came to hand in due time, and contents noted. The following are the names of persons cured : .Mr. R. Rudd, weak breast. Mrs. H. Rudd, pain in side. Miss S. Robertson, rheumatism. Mrs. E. Buck, rheumatism. Mr. E. Buck, of kidney disease. Miss J. Bishop, pain in side. Mrs. J. Johuson, of kidney disease and pain in shoulder. As the weather is getting cooler, I think it will make business look up. Yours truly, D. W. J. Boxley. Point Pleasant, Mo., Oct. 17, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will send yon a list of those benefited or cured by the use of your galvanic batteries. My wife has been suffering with neuralgia and rheuma- tism and palpitation of the heart for the past six years, and I must say she is cured. Captain Lechenet, cured of rheumatism. Mrs. D. McCollum, palpitation of the .heart bene- fited. Mrs. M. Parks, neuralgia benefited. Mr. Jonas Byons, rheumatism benefited. Mr. Wm. H. Cooper, pain in side benefited. Mrs. Robinson, rheumatism in shoulder cured. Thos. Hectar, rheumatism benefited. Perry McClayea, neuralgia in stomach benefited. Mrs. Tavisa Stephens, pain iu back benefited. And myself, I have had the piles for forty years, and I find by wearing your batteries I have been benefited more by their use than any thing else I have ever tried. In some of the foregoing instances they believe that they will be finally cured, because they have not worn them long enough to certify that they are cured at present. I must now con- clude. hoping to receive the two dozen Batteries I sent for about 11th October, as I am in need of them. Several others that I have not seen, but heard that they are benefited. Respectfully, Wm. D. Swindle. TESTIMONIALS. 169 Farmington, Mo., Oct. 16, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $6.00, for which send me (by mail) Miniature Batteries. I want an agency and circulars. I will do my best for you. I have been benefited by the use of them myself, and I wish to sell them to others. You must send them to me at Chestnut Bridge, St. Genevieve County, Mo. Yours truly, Wesley Clay. Carthage, Mo., Oct. 3, 1879. Professor Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the battery, also your letter. I have been wearing the battery and I feel much better; I feel like a different person, and it has not been a week since I received it. You will find en- closed P. O. Order for half dozen batteries ; please send them early as possible. The judge is suffering terribly from rheumatism ; I would like for him to try one of those batteries. Respectfully, Carrie Crow. P. S.-I accept the agency; we have buggy and team, when I want to I can go in the country and introduce the battery. Cassville, Mo., Dec. 8th, 1879. J. C.Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $1.50, for which please send to my address by mail more of your batteries. Those that you sent me have all proved good. I used one myself for deafness and am cured. Mother used one for pains in back and side, and is well. The others are used in very bad cases, where the doctors failed to cure, but they are getting well very fast since using the batteries. I would not be willing to take five dollars for the good it has done me. Yours truly, Mrs. P. J. Tuttle. 170 TESTIMONIALS. Glenwood, Mo., Dec. 12th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your letter and batteries received. I think they are a good thing. My wife has had pal- pitation of the heart and numbness in the left hand for several years; has not been troubled much since wearing the battery. Some of the physicians hero are recommending them. I will accept the agency, and enclosed please find payment for twelve batte- ries. Yours truly, Melvin Sweet. Tipton, Mo., Jan. 4, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries are received, and all sold out. Please send me twelve more batteries as soon as possible. I can sell them as fast as can get them. The following are the names of some of the persons that are benefited by the use of your galvanic bat- teries :- Miss Nancy Carpenter, asthma. Mrs. M. J. Todd, nervous disease, heart disease, and liver complaint. Mr. J. P. Todd, deafness, and nervous colic. W. L. Todd, nightmare. P. J. Todd, heart-burn. M. M. Clark, chills, cured. M. D. Clark, chills, cured. J: B. Todd, catarrh. Charles Galliger,. catarrh. Francis Kelby, heart-disease. And I myself have been wearing one of your bat- teries for four weeks for weak eyes, and I find great relief. All the above-named persons are benefited by the use of your galvanic batteries, and many more of whom I have heard, but have not seen. Send the twelve batteries by return mail. Yours respectfully, Nancy T. Clark. Hendrickson Station, Mo., Jan. 12, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $3.00, for which please send more batteries. The three I ordered are all in nse. I am using one on myself, and I can safely say that I have been greatly relieved of heart disease. I believe it will effect a permanent cure. The other two patients have experienced a considerable im- provement. Yours truly, C. V. Harwell, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 171 New Haven, Mo., Jan. 16, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York: Dear Sir-Your book, called the Battery, has come to hand; accept my thanks. The last batteries you sent me are sold out, and I must order again. They seem to give general satisfaction. A lady right m my neighborhood was troubled with fainting spells, and palpitation of the heart. When I first began to sell the batteries, I spoke to her about them, but neither she nor her friends had any faith in them. The doctors said they could not help her. I gave them a circular, and told them to read it carefully. About three weeks afterwards, Mr. Seafken came to me and said they would try a battery anyhow, and now she is entirely cured. I could tell you of many similar cases if it were necessary. Enclosed you will find $5.00, for which you will please send me batteries as soon as possible. Yours, John H. Hockemeyer. Lutisville, Mo., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please send me twelve batteries. I have been testing six of them for about twenty days: one on myself and five on other persons. It has freed me of rheumatism, and the other patients say they are helping and curing them. Enclosed find P. 0. order for $6.00. Please send by return mail to Berthold Schrock. Independence, Mo., Jan. 23, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: We, the undersigned, have used your minature batteries with great success, and tound them to act promptly and with desired effect: John Hayes, backache and kidneys. Denis McCarthy, pains in chest and breast. Pat. McCarthy, pains in chest and breast. Thomas Mghan, piles. David Hartman, saddler. Hugh Maxwell, chronic disease of long standing, Mrs. Maxwell, chronic disease. Mrs. Moran, chronic disease. Pat. Moran, lump in stomach. Allen McCoy, colored, pain in breast. Eliza Ervin, chronic disease. I could mention several others who have been benefited by your minature battery John Hayes. 172 TESTIMONIALS. Jonesburg, Mo., Jan. 21, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $5.00. The last I got are almost gone. They were a long time on the way, and some were waiting for them. Please send them as soon as possible. People are beginning to find out the value of them. One man cured of rheuma- tism, and others relieved. My wife has not had a bilious spell since she wore hers, and sleeps sound at night. I am trying to get you more agents. Yours respectfully, Geo. Godfrey. Hopkins, Mo., Jan. 27, 1880. J. C. Boyd, N. Y. City: Dear Sir-The last batteries ordered received yes- terday. All sold and others wanted. They sell at sight. If I had capital I could coin money. Every one that I have sold gives satisfaction. One man took four. I have not received the circulars for the last order. Please be sure and send them, for that is all that is necessary to sell the batteries. In future I shall send larger orders, if they continue to sell as well as heretofore. Enclosed find $3.00 for batteries, and send 500 circulars. I could get plenty of certificates here if it would be of any benefit to you. Please forward the batteries as soon as possible, as I have nothing to do until they come. I am an old woman, 70 years old, and have been hardly able to walk around the house for over one year from rheumatism, until I commenced wearing one of your batteries in December last. I now walk all over the city selling them. Sarah M. Shearer. Box 262. Schell City, Mo., Jan. 29, 1880. Dr. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $6.00, for which please send me batteries without delay, and much oblige. 1 have tried them and find them to be good, and can do well with them. My daughter has been troubled with spinal affection, and in six days, it seems, it has cured her. The other two I got for my neighbor, and they work like a charm. I am now called on in different other cases of disease, and think I can recommend them. W. E. Keeling. TESTIMONIALS. 173 Lorraine, Mo., June 24, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have used and tested your batteries, and find that they are helping me and my son. I have been subject to cramps, and received imme- diate relief. My son has been affected with chills, wore the battery, and has had none since. Enclosed find the money for six more. Yours, John Landes. 174 TESTIMONIALS. MONTANA. Argenta, Montana, Dec. 2d, 1879. J. C, Boyd : Enclosed please find $6 for batteries. I received mine. Have only ■worn it a week and feel a great deal better. I have had a very severe cold. It left me with a very bad pain in my chest and lungs. Since wearing the battery the pain has all left me. Very respectfully, T. French. TESTIMONIALS. 175 NEBRASKA. Blair, Neb., Oct. 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-Your letter received to-day. The bat- tery was received last week. I have worn it for one week. I feel like a new man. I would not be without your battery for my farm. The people here are going crazy over it. They are finding out the goodness that it is doing m6. I will accept your agency. I have a dozen that wants them immediately; they are waiting anxious- ly upon me to send for batteries. Enclosed P. O. order for $6.00. Send them imme- diately. I expect to order a larger number next time. Yours truly, Orvill Hill. Cowles, Webster Co., Neb., ? November 17,1879. ( Mr. J. C. Boyd . Dear Sir-I put the battery you sent me on a neighbor lady whom we were expecting to die. The doctors gave her up the day before the battery ar- rived, and instead of wearing it myself, as I ex- pected to do, I put it on her as soon as I received it. She is getting well; is. now sitting up. I want to try one on myself for rheumatism. Please send me a new price list, as I have lost mine, and oblige, Yours respectfully, D. T. Thomas. Dannebrog, Neb., Dec. 10th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $9, for which you will please send me your Miniature Galvanic Batteries and 500 circulars as soon as possible. I think I Can sell a great many here. It has already cured a man named Wm. Thomas of rheumatism, and he says he would not take $5 for it if he could not get another. Yours truly, John Mark, Agent. 176 TESTIMONIALS. NEVADA. Virginia City, Nev., Oct. 24, 1879. J. C. Boyd : My dear Sir-Please accept these testimonials from a grateful public and have them inserted in your circulars, heading them Virginia City, Nevada. I sent you order yesterday for seventy-five more and '¥111 do better as soon as I receive circulars with these names on them. Those that have tried them here think I will be able to sell them to every one. Yours respectfully, R. M. Van Loan. Tom Hammill, engineer, Belcher, benefited. Mr. Shields, benefited. Dave Crosby, rheumatism. Capt. S. T. Curtice, Justice Mine, heart disease. A. J. Augstine, Justice Mine, nervous. M. T. Bray, Justice Mine, rheumatism. A. J. Blair, water collector, nervous. S. G. Whitney, Derby's stable, nervous. John Steel, lame shoulder. A. J. Chapman, Deputy Recorder, debility. L. P. Drexler, broker, benefited. Geo. Dana, broker, benefited. Ogden Higels, lawyer, benefited. N. M. Stone, lawyer, benefited. Titus Jepson, neuralgia. Mrs. Jepson, heart disease. John Kerns, engineer, Curry Mine, cold feet. Mrs. H. M. Beck, weakness. A. Johnson, Post Office, cold feet. A. Kent, Post Office, nervous debility. H. Swift, Post Office, general debility. Jim Ondoff, kidney complaint. Jack Magee, benefited. R. M. Van Loan, benefited. Fred Lunt, Sierra Nev. Mine, neuralgia. M. Fredman, cigar store, bad circulation. Mrs. H. Worstell, nervous debility. S. V. Mooney, Hale Norcross Mine, benefited. Mr. Craney, Hale Norcross Mine, benefited. A. Fraser, chief engineer, Hale Norcross Mine, rheu- matism. Hach, of Hach Bros., rheumatism. Bob Packer, musician, rheumatism. Thorp Clerk, clerk, Savage Mine, benefited. TESTIMONIALS. 177 A. Sanches, watchman, Savage Mine, rheumatism. A. J. McCoau, Fulton Foundry, benefited. Bill Bird, barber, heart disease. George Cain, Ophir Mine, general debility. J. Kinsel, enterprise carrier, benefited. Price, barber, C street, heart disease. Noltemyer, shoe store, nervous debility. Mrs. Harding, spinal disease. Mrs. Giles, rheumatism. M. Shonoman, gunsmith, benefited. Garrom, fireman, Jacket, pains in chest. Mrs. Dr. Deforrest Brown, benefited. Mrs. Thomas Adams, benefited. Mr. MeCaffery, engineer, Jacket, benefited. Jack Stodded, machinist, Fulton Foundry, piles. Frank McCulloch, Empire, benefited. Bill Pattridge, millman, benefited. Mrs. Baker, female complaint. Mrs. Whatson, heart disease. Shubert, dancing teacher, benefited. Diterhammer, superintendent, Hale Norcross Mine, benefited. Pat Long, Con. Vir. Mine, pains in chest. Mrs. W. E. Squires, catarrh. Mrs. Gourd, female complaint. Mrs. Sathey, nervous debility. Ramsey, engineer, Combination Shaft, rheumatism. Mrs. James Lonahan, dyspepsia. Mrs. Livingston, benefited. Messenger, engineer, Scopion Mine, benefited. Morrison, engineer, Savage Mine, benefited. Mrs. Salkell, benefited. Rob King, Savage, rheumatism. Mr. Coup, benefited. Miss Bork, benefited. Worm Spring, Bath House, ) Lincoln County, Nevada, Nov. 12th, 1879. < J. C. Boyd : 7 Dear Sir-I hope you will pardon me for not writing sooner. I have been away from home on a journey since I first wrote to you and haven't had an opportunity to write sooner. I received your battery, aud must say I have received much benefit from it. My complaint is chronic affection of the liver, rheumatic pains in my breast, dizziness, bad dreams and sleepless nights. I haven't been so long without taking some kind of medicine for fifteen years as I have been since I wore your battery. I will accept of the agency. I think I can sell a good many in this part of the country. Respectfully, L. H. Callaway- 178 TESTIMONIALS. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lebanon, N. H., June 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The sample battery ordered by me was duly received. I have worn it three weeks, and have been less troubled with rheumatism than for a long time previous. Please send me six of the bat- teries for my friends to try them, as this is quite a rheumatic section. If they do well there will be a large sale for them here. Please find enclosed money to pay for the same. Yours, truly, P. O. Box 352. Geo. H. Miller. Amherst, N. H., Oct. 9,1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : My sister purchased One of your batteries of H. A. Fletcher, of Milford, N. H., three months ago, in hopes it might cure the sick headache which has troubled her (the severest kind) upward of twenty years, with spells of vomiting, and since the first four weeks of her wearing it has not had an attack. Every one that she tells of its powers is anxious for one. Please send me two dozen by express, C. O. D., with circulars to distribute. I accept the agency. Austin R. Merrill. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 22, 1879. Henry A. Fletcher : Dear Sir-In response to your inquiry in regard to J. C. Boyd's Galvanic Battery, I would truly, say it is a wonderful invention. For twenty-five years I have been troubled with the sick headache, generally with spells of vomiting. I purchased one of you, and have used it by direction, and strange to say have Jiot had one symptom after wearing the battery two months, and, furthermore, I enjoy better health. I ibel it worthy of recom- mendation to the public for pains and aches. Any one doubting my statement, will be convinced by writing me. Julia Merrill, Stark st.. No. 12. TESTIMONIALS. 179 Milford, N. H., Oct. 28, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I enclose a P. O. Order, for which please send twelve batteries by return mail, and put them up very strong. Please send a lot of circulars. I have not been on the road for some eight weeks, but expect to be very soon. The batteries I think will sell. I send a statement from a lady I sold one to awhile ago, which you can publish if you wish. Truly yours, Henry A. Fletcher. Derry Depot, N. H., Nov. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been suffering with rheumatism in my shoulders and hips for many years, and at times I could not touch my foot to the floor without great pain; so I bought two of your batteries of your agent, and put them .on three weeks ago. I have not been troubled with that great pain since. I think it is a great thing. Yours most truly, Eliza M. Brown. ' Derry Depot, N. H., Nov. 17, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Sir-I bought one of your batteries of one of your agents, and commenced wearing it for neuralgia in my head, and it has cured me in twenty-four hours after 1 put it on. Yours truly, Mrs. S. H. Stearns. Lancaster, N. H., Jan. 16, 1880. Dear Sir-Enclosed I send you a money order for $6; please send me that amount- of your batteries and some more bills. I am beginning to have quite a sale for them. Those who have bought the bat- teries of me say they are greatly benefited by wear- ing them. I am wearing one, and am very much better of a spinal trouble that has plagued me for seven or eight years. I would not take $25 for the one I wear, if I could not get another. I am in hopes to do a good business soon. Please forward the batteries as soon as possible, as I sold the last one yesterday, and you will oblige Mrs. E. J. Shores. 180 TESTIMONIALS. Exeter, N. H., Nov. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Your batteries are selling very readily. Have sold the last to-day, and there are more that wants them. Please send four dozen, as soon as you get this. Will send P. O. order. Your batteries have relieved a number. One lady has had headache for years; has not been free from it one day for the past six months ; has not been able to sit up. She put on two; in one hour she was entirely relieved. To-day she is doing her work. Has worn them one week. Another case is of a man I am personally acquainted with, he is an engineer on the Boston & Maine R.R. He has the asthma. He has worn one four days, and was relieved the first day. There is a lady that has had the rheumatic fever; it is set- tled in her right limb; she has no use of it. She took one of the first ones I got; she has found no relief. Where the batteries have done great good I will get their names and particulars and send you for publication, if you would like. I received those circulars this week, and the batteries have sold more rapidly. Yours respectfully, Jqhn Hade, Box 4G9. TESTIMONIALS. 181 NEW JERSEY. Toms River, N. J., Oct. 11,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Before hearing of your galvanic battery I was subject to sick headache, would get up every morning with it, sometimes it would leave me before noon, and many times would be laid up with it all day. I procured one of your batteries and have never had the headache but once, and that came from a cold. I send you the names and address of some that have been cured and relieved. G. J. Griffith, rheumatism. Benj. F. Aumack, rheumatism. A. W. Irons, nervous and sick headache. Miss Laura V. Bennett, headache. Miss Ida Grant, neuralgia. Mrs. B. F. Aumack, headache. Mrs. Clayton Robins, headache. Mrs. James Brewer, headache. Mrs. Sarah I. Irons, dyspepsia. Joseph Duby, nervousness. And many others that I cannot think of now. Yours, etc., Benjamin L. Irons, Agent for Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Battery, Toms River, N. J. Greenwich, N. J., Oct. 14, 1879. J. C. Boyd : You must excuse me for not answering your letter stating that you would like me to act as agent for the sale of your batteries. It is really impossible for me to act as an agent for you. This is also a very poor place to sell anything of that kind in. I suffered dreadfully from backache, and could not rest nights, but I think it has entirely cured me. I was having a dreadful time with my ears, and it has entirely cured them. Yours truly, M. E. Seeds. 182 TESTIMONIALS. Bricksburg, N. J., Oct. 14, 1879. Friend Boyd: Dear Sir-Your note of the 9th instant duly came to hand. I have not sold all of the last dozen yet. I have been around the neighborhood only. It is hard getting rid of anything here, money is so hard and no business to fetch it in. Have not heard from what I have sold. The best case I have heard is that of Mr. Ashley's wife, and I told him he had better report it to you. All I can say to-day is I think it a good thing, as I stated to you in my last order. I was so run down and debilitated that I was not.able to do any work. I sent for a sample and put it on, and commenced gaining in twenty-four hours, and in one week's time I was able to do a day's work, and 1 went on the road to work and spread 120 loads of gravel in one day, enough for any well man to do, I expect to order more soon and start out. I some expect to go to West Virginia, and will try them there, so don't send any other agent there. Truly yours, A. M. Everett. Bricksburg, N. J., Oct. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries which I purchased of you some four weeks since are giving satisfaction. My wife, who had been suffering with rheumatism in one of her feet for several months most severe- ly, also neuralgia in the face and enlarged blood veins on one of her limbs, so that the veins were fairly knotted and so sore that she could not bear the pressure of a stocking upon it. She is cured of all. The rheumatis n and neuralgia was cured in twelve hours, and it has not returned; the enlarged veins in about three weeks. Others have been cured of complaints which they have been troubled with for a long time. I feel confident that I can recom- mend them to the public as one of the best scienti- fic remedies of the age. I enclose herewith $3.00 for more, and I expect to order a hundred as-soon as I can give it my whole attention. I am engaged in another business at present, and could not devote much time to it. Expect to go to the city in a few weeks, and shall call upon you. With much respect, I remain yours, truly, John C. Ashley, TESTIMONIALS. 183 Vineland, N. J., Nov. 7, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyb : Enclosed find P. O. order for two dozen batteries, and one dozen to C. P. Stoughton, a friend of mine who wishes to canvass Millville, N. J., and would like circulars with his address printed as agent for that place. His batteries you will address to him at Vineland, also the circulars. Please forward without unnecessary delay, as parties are waiting. Have sold all you sent me be- fore, and think I may sell many bf them the coming winter. I have worn one of your batteries about four weeks for an affection of the heart of twenty-five years' standing, and congestion of the lungs conse- quent on the heart difficulty, all of which has been very distressing for years, and it has worked like a charm. Yours very respectfully, H. H. Ladd. New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 10, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find six dollars for bat- teries received on the 6th of November. Circulars have arrived all right. Please send me two dozen more as soon as possible. Al 1 my patients are improving, and speak well of them. Yours respectfully, W. B. Ayres, Agent. New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 26, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Thinking you would be glad to hear how I am getting along as agent for your batteries, I will tell you what I have done thus far. I have sold over three hundred (300) in two months, and no bad reports from any. Some patients cured; one badly of fits, one child cured of nose-bleeding, several of pain in the back, and others of headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc., etc., cures too numerous to mention. Three doctors indorsed them. People say your batteries are worth their weight in gold. For references of those cured, apply to Yours truly, Wm, B. Ayres, General Agent. 184 TESTIMONIALS. Fairmount, N. J., Dec. 3, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received your sample battery, and put it on my father, as he had rheumatism in his should- ers so that he could not sleep or work, aud from the very day he put it on he has felt no rheumatism; this has been about two and a half weeks ago. Yours very respectfully, Marcus L. Glazer. TESTIMONIALS. 185 NEW MEXICO. Fort Union, New Mexico, Oct. 31, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries and your letter came to hand in due time. I have been wearing one of the batteries since, and have felt no pains since, which before was of daily occurrence. I enclose money for six more batteries with circulars, as per your letter. Very respectfully, M. S. Bunker. 186 TESTIMONIALS. NEW YORK. Fullerville Iron Works, N. Y., ) May 2, 1879. $ Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send yon list of persons who have worn the Miniature Galvanic Battery and have been cured. It has benefited every person that I have sold to. Mrs. Martha Holmes, Fullerville, N. Y., abscess cured. W. W. Collins, Fullerville, N. Y., rheumatism cured Leman Fuller, Fullerville, N. Y., rheumatism cured. Mrs. Sally Fredenburg, Fullerville, N. Y., cramps cured. Mrs. Jane Rowden, Fullerville, N. Y., pain in back cured. Mrs. Z. Hyde, Fullerville, N. Y., female complaint relieved. Mrs. S. Bennett, Fullerville, N. Y., pain in back cured. Mrs. Catherine Woodcock, N. Y., asthma cured. Squire Swan, Fullerville, N. Y., palpitation cured. Mrs. Mellissy Swan, Fullerville, N. Y., female com- plaint cured. Miss Winnie Bennett, Fullerville, N. Y., pain in side cured. Miss C. Sprague, Fullerville, N. Y., bleeding at nose cured. Respectfully yours, William Terry, Agent for Boyd's Battery. Fosterville, N. Y., July 14, 1879. Mr*. Boyd : Sir-I received, yours of the fifth, and would say in reply that you need not go to any expense for to fix any circulars any different'for me than you do for the rest. I have worn one of your batteries since last fall. My right arm was so that I could not raise it to my head, and now it is as well as the other. I would not be willing to part with it for ten dollars if I could not get another. • Yours truly, John H. Williams. TESTIMONIALS. 187 Penn Yan, N.Y , July 15, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The Miniature Galvanic Batteries I lately ordered received, and being for my personal use, to relieve a severe lumbago of long standing, I applied two of them, according to directions, on the 12th inst., and have worn them continually since $hen. The first twenty-four hours I experienced a marked improvement and relief, and the improve- ment is still progressing so manifestly, that I confi- dently anticipate a speedy cure. I have so much confidence in their efficient action in nervous diffi- culties, at least, that I wish to recommend them to my friends. Enclosed I send you the money for one dozen. Yours, respectfully, 'C. G. Judd. Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please find Postal Order for one dozen batteries; those that have worn them pronounce them to be of great service : I can say, myself, that I was troubled with a bad pain in my right side, and troubled greatly with cramps, and now I neither feel any more pain in the side nor troubled with cramps. I remain yours respectfully, Robert Lyddon, 912 Magee street. Moffits ville, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1879. Dear Sir-I have received all the batteries I ordered all right so far, and every battery I have sold has giveu perfect satisfaction ; they cannot speak too well of your batteries. I have woru one since last June, and I think I am entirely cured of rheumatism in my limbs; I feel uo more pain what- ever. Respectfully yours, Eufus Robinson. Utica, N. Y., Sept. 1G, 1879. I have been troubled with asthma for thirty years. I have tried one of Boyd's Galvanic Bat- teries and find it has done me a great deal of good. P. MqMorrart, Merchant, Genesee street. 188 TESTIMONIALS. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 26th ult. came duly to hand on 28th ult. with battery, didn't answer 'till now, wished to test and see the result of your battery on a patient troubled with nervous debility and head- ache. The patient thinks, and I am confident from appearance, he is much better, especially in the head, and seems to move about with more firmness, and from what I have seen of its effect on the pa- tient, it is worthy of a trial. Enclosed please find $6.00, for which you can send me your batteries. Respectfully yours, Jno. Banckfr, 163 East Main st. South Greece, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Please find $6.00; send the batteries as soon as possible. All that I have sold have proved very successful, and accomplished more than I agreed they would. One case was a lady that had been perfectly helpless for two years past with paralysis, and after wearing a battery three weeks she is now able to use her hands to feed herself, which she had not done before for more than a year, and is getting better every day, and there is now no doubt but that in time she will fully recover. Another case was a young lady that has been for the last nine years an invalid with syncope perfectly every nine days; she put on a battery three weeks ago and has had none of those fainting spells since. Another was Sam Brown, the detective, who was laid up with rheumatism, and put on one and said that he felt the pain leave his back and go into the calves of his legs and out at his toes, and he would not part with the one he has if he could not get an- other for $10,000; and I can get good certificates from various others. All the fault I find is that you put the price fifty cents on the bills. I could sell them for $1.00, and could sell more of them at $3.00 or $5.00 if you had started, them so. One lady who had witnessed the effect of the one on Miss Wilder (but did not know the price), asked me what they cost, I told her one dollar, she said, Oh ! is that all, I thought they cost at least $10.00. Send as soon as possible. Dr. A- S. Buell. TESTIMONIALS. 189 I have sold them in New York State, Illinois and Michigan, and always heard a good report from them wherever I have sold them-but if I cannot get them I cannot sell them.-I sent last Monday eight days ago, and you receipted the letter the 2d October, and this is the 6th at night. Samuel Brown, Detective, of Rochester, N. Y., rheu- matism. H. Ellsworth, Rochester, N. Y., rheumatism. Deacon Murray, of Greece, daughter paralyzed, much better. J. Widler, Englewood, Illinois, daughter cured of heart disease. Samuel Buell, Englewood, relieved and getting better of dropsy. Mrs. Cummings, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, cured partial paralysis. John Foley, of Parma, cured of rheumatism, a bad case. Mrs. Auchter, Greece, lame back cured. When I sell one, it makes sale of two or three more. Send them along. Yours faithfully, A. S. Buell. South Greece, Monroe Co., N. Y. Utica, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1879. . Dear Sir-I send you a few names of those that have been cured and relieved of diseases: Denis McLaughlin, 76 Spring street, relieved of asthma and cured of kidney and several other diseases. Mrs. Mary Sheriden, 14 Saratoga street, relieved of asthma. Kate Torpy, 7 Cross street, relieved of pain in the side. John Donahoe, 25 Green street, rheumatism, pain in. his bones, dyspepsia, nearly cured. Ann Waldron, 32 Hick street, asthma, helped very much. Mrs. Shank, 131 Schuyler street, rheumatism, erysi- pelas, nearly cured. Catherine McCann, Spring street, cured of heart disease and nervous debility. Your batteries are helping and curing nearly every one that is using them. Please send me one dozen and a half batteries. ypurs respectfully, D. McLaughlin, 76 Spring street. 190 TESTIMONIALS. Cooper Plains, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Will you please send me one half dozen batteries, for which I enclose money. Every one gives good satisfaction, and almost every one sells another and sometimes more. The circulars came all right; I think them a great improvement, it gives a mueli better explanation of the action of the metal in contact with the body to produce the electric current. It acts like a charm, they all get well. Yours truly, G. E. Dunkler. Lockpoet, N. Y., Sept. 14,1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Yours of the 4th came to hand. I have been too busy to answer it before with Grand Army business, but now I will apply more of my time to the batteries. Some time ago I sent you a few names of parties that had been helped with the use of the battery. I will repeat them, for I think they will help the sale of the battery. Then I can refer to them right here. . John Darison & Son, rheumatism. John Hossimer, rheumatism. John M'Mahan, rheumatism. James Harrington, rheumatism. Elenor Harrington, asthma. John Hankey, asthma. Eliza Genthre, asthma. Miss J. Nobles, not stated. Lewis Parish, asthma. Mrs. N. M. Holden, night cramps. Mrs. M. J. Holden, pains in back. H. T. Holden, rheumatism. I have distributed the bills in the country and in the city, iu a careful manner, and people are be- ginning to come to me to find out about them, an to come is to buy. All of the names that I send yon are living here in Lockport. Yours, etc., H. T. Holden. Van Ettenville, N. Y., Oct. 14,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : My child was very bad off with the liver com- plaint and scrofula; she was getting all out of shape. She has been under the treatment of four different doctors; they said there was no help for her. Your batteries were recommended to me; I got one, and it has cured her. Lovisa Cook. TESTIMONIALS. 191 Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 13,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will find some recommends that I have for your batteries, and have a great many more that I could send, but think those sufficient. I have been very much helped by the batteries, they have done me more good than all the medicine I have taken in seventeen years. My health was very poor, I never could stand what I do now. I walk some days from six to seven miles. They have cured my throat of bronchitis, also of nervous debility and rheumatism. All my neighbors know how poorly I was. You spoke of having my name on the circu- lars. I think it would be best, and the number of the street I live on, and that will save them the trouble of inquiring. I live between 4th and 5th streets, on Perry st. Yours, with respect, Mrs. M. J. Pettingill. P. S.-Suppose you have received my letter by this time, and order. For many months I was a great sufferer with neu- ralgia. Physicians could afford me no relief. In my despair, I commenced wearing a galvanic metal sold by Mrs. Pettingill. It speedily effected an entire and permanent cure. Very respectfully, Mrs. M. A. Birdsall. I have been very much benefited by wearing the battery in kidney disease and numbness in the side. 1 would not part with it for five times what I gave for it, if I could not get another one Mrs. R. P. Cooley. Two years ago I had the diphtheria; it left me with the rheumatism. I could not get relief till I got one of the batteries; I found great relief from it; could not do without it. My mother was so af- flicted with the rheumatism that she could hardly use her left arm. She got a battery, and now she has the use of it the same as the other. Says she would not part with it for anything. • ' Mrs. R. Baldwin. 192 TESTIMONIALS. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 15,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have found your battery has done some very great cures here and vicinity. I send you a list of persons that have been cured, and it has benefited nearly every one I have sold to. Mrs. A. Lawton, Troy, N. Y., heart disease cured. Mrs. L. Houseman, Troy, N. Y., neuralgia cured. In Cohoes: Mr. C. C. Dodge has been cured of rheumatism and swollen joints. He says he would not do with- out the battery for twenty-five dollars, if he could not get another. Mr. Edward Monk, cured of bronchitis. Mrs. Van Alstine, cured of general debility. Miss E. Clark, cured of salt rheum. Mrs. Warner has used two batteries on her children, and they have been very much benefited of dif- ferent diseases. Mrs. Mary M. Clark, cured of female complaints. W. B. Patterson, 444 River st., Agent for Boyd's Galvanic Battery. East Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold your batteries for several months in this, and the adjoining county, and many parties speak of the benefit they have been to them. I will send you a few names of those who are willing to speak aloud in their praise: Mrs. J. Stickles, Chatham, N. Y., stomach. Mrs. A. Latmer, Chatham, N. Y., headache. Mrs. J. Bary, Chatham, N. Y., rheumatism. Miss R. Ransford, Chatham, N. Y., headache. Van Slyck, Chatham, N. Y., liver. Mrs. Hulbert, Chatham, N. Y., head. Mr. P. Boice, Chatham Village, N. Y., heart. Mrs. Birge, Chatham Village, N. Y., liver. Mr. D. Doty, Concord, rheumatism. Mrs. A. Harris, Chatham Centre, N. Y., indigestion. Mrs. Harris, Canaan, debility. E. Budlong, New Lebanon, N. Y. rheumatism. Mrs. Knapp, East Chatham, N. Y., liver trouble. J. Willetts, East Chatham, N. Y., asthma. F. Denis, Spencertown, N. Y., kidney trouble. And many more whom I could send you. The most skeptical are becoming convinced, and nearly all are about to " Throw physic to the dogs, 1'11 none of it." Yours, G. H. White. TESTIMONIALS. 193 Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd : » Dear Sir-The following have been cured by the battery: Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Buffalo, pain in the side. Geo. Jones, Buffalo, nervous debility. Mrs. Jane Jackson, Buffalo, rheumatism. Miss Hattie Finnegan, Buffalo, asthma. Miss Kate Lewis, Buffalo, rheumatism. Chas. Young, Buffalo, neuralgia. Miss Jane Crawford, Buffalo, rheumatism. Miss Maggie Hallon, Buffalo, pain in the side. Thus. Robinson, Buffalo, salt rheum. Mrs. Maggie Fitzpatrick, Grand Island, N. Y., pleurisy. Mrs. Robert Higley, Buffalo, general debility. Capt. O. Donnell, Cleveland, O., rheumatism. Hugh Renwick, Buffalo, neuralgia. M. F. Hottinger, Buffalo, neuralgia. Mrs. Nancy Wells, Buff alo, rheumatism. Mrs. Hatty McCann, Buffalo, heart disease. Mrs. Wm. Whittaker, Buffalo, neuralgia. Alex. McQuinn, Buffale, general debility. Mrs. Alex. McQuinn, Buffalo, heart disease. Harry Baker, Buffalo, sick headache. Wm. Zimmer, Buffalo, asthma. Chas. Gateze, Buffalo, rheumatism. Mrs. Mary A. Fitzpatrick, Grand Island, N. Y., asthma Mrs. Lyman Smith, Buffalo, pain in the side. Mrs. Anna Hottinger, Buffalo, pain iu the side. Sebastian Doll, Buffalo, rheumatism. This is all that I can think of. I will send for some batteries soon. Yours, truly, Ed. Lewis, 18 State st., Buffalo, N. Y. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 12,1879. This is to certify that I have been troubled with female weakness and falling of the womb for some time past, have been unable to be on my feet most of the time for the last few months until since wear- ing the battery. Have worn one about a month and a half. Am now able to do my own work and that of several others. I write this for the benefit of others in like trouble. Mary A. Calvert. 194 TESTIMONIALS. Remsen, N. Y., Oct. G, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I sold ten of the batteries, and they are all doing well. There is one man by the name of David Jones, of Remsen, had such a pain in his left side he couldn't lay down or work, and he told me to use his name, and tell every one about him. And now I want you to send more of the circulars to jne on return of the mail. Yours truly, John J. Jones. Spencer, Tioga Co., N. Y.', Oct. 10, 1879. J. C. Boyd:- Dear Sir-I have psed one of your batteries; it has helped me very much. I have more strength, sleep better, but I have so many complaints I hardly know what they are. I recommend your batteries to all. Mrs. Rachel Philo. Spencer, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1879, I am troubled with liver complaint, heart disease, neuralgia, and every affliction that goes with a dis- ordered liver. I have worn a battery since the last of June up to the present time, and it has helped me very much. Any one suffering with the above com- plaint will find relief by using the battery. A. Vorhis. Seneca F/jxs, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have thought of a few names you- batteries have cured: Joseph Gaylor, Fayette, N. Y., sick headache. , Mrs. J. Gaylor, Seneca Falls, N. Y., rheumatism benefited. Mrs. P. C. Pontius, Seneca Falls, N. Y., sick head* ache. Mrs. Wilson, Seneca Falls, N. Y., sick headache. Mrs. Sunderlin, Seneca Falls, N. Y., sick headache. Miss Cora Pontius, Fayette, N. Y., weak eyes. Miss Sally Pontius, Fayette, N. Y., salt rheum. H. W. Pontius, Fayette, N. Y., rheumatism. Yours, truly, H. W. Pontius. TESTIMONIALS. 195 Binghamton, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1879. Mr. Boyd : I received the two batteries and the one dozen. I sent $6.00, the last order, and have received one dozen, so there is one dozen yet my due. There has been some mistake again, I hope it won't occur again. 1 will get some certificates from the people as Soon as I can. I, for one, was cured of the rheuma- tism in my knees, had pained me for six weeks, and after I had worn your battery one day it left me ; I could not sleep before, the pain was so bad; thanks for the little battery. And my husband was cured of the neuralgia in his chest and back. Mrs. West was all run down, could not work nor walk far; she had almost given up in despair when she put on one of your batteries, and now, after wearing it three weeks, is well as ever. Mrs. E. Sherwood. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-You reguested me to write you of the cases that have been cured. Those that have put the batteries on here are mostly cured, but they are all being benefited, and of my own case I am en- tirely cured. I have worn your battery four months, and "when I put it on I was a perfect wreck. I had sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, swollen joints, catarrh and dyspepsia, and now I feel as young as I did when I was twenty years old. Now I will give you the names of those I know have been cured. Mrs. R. P. Pessey, nervous debility. Caleb C'larek, sciatica, rheumatism. C. E. Greenfield, pains in the bottom of his feet. And there are hundreds that are benefited. There are several cases of tumors and some of inflamma- tory rheumatism that have not walked in five years, but are being benefited very much. I think in about two months from now I can give you a good many names. The batteries have not come I ordered last week. I am in a hurry for them, as I am entirely out. Will write you again in a few days, and give you some more names. I am respectfully yours, Mrs. E. M. Gillette. P. S.-The batteries have come all right. 196 TESTIMONIALS. Freeport, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : One lady in Greenwich Point, Long Island, by the name of Agnes Rhodes, bought a miniature battery of me, and she says it has helped her of general weakness or nearly cured her. One man in Merrick, Long Island, by the name of Emery Post, bought a miniature battery of me, and he says he has been better of his great weakness and heart disease, as it is called, than he has been in a great while, and he has done a good deal more work, etc., but he says lie does not know whether the bat- tery has helped him, or something else. He says he has done nothing else to help him. I myself, Jacob Raynor, Freeport, Long Island, have got help of weakness by wearing one of the miniature batteries.' All the rest of the people that I sold batteries to said they do not know or can't say that wearing the batteries has done them any good. I myself. Jacob Raynor, mean to always keep two of the batteries for my own use, and never part with them. One man in Merrick, Long Island, by the name of Mr. Hight, bought one of the miniature batteries of another man, and I talked with him, and he says it has done him a great deal of good in weakness and rheumatic pains like, and been able to do much more work this summer than the summer before. Very respectfully, Jacob Raynor. Penn Yan, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-In answer to yours of late, I will send yon a few names of those using your galvanic bat- teries. S. Mosher, Penn Yan, N. Y., pain in shoulder. Jane Mosher, numbness in arm benefited. S. B. Mosher, rheumatism cured. Mrs. Maggie Osborn, neuralgia cured. L. Osborn, rheumatism relieved. . George Butler, neuralgia benefited.- Mrs. O. Ainsworth, pains in back. John Bigelow, asthma relieved. Mrs. A. C. Raudell, rheumatism benefited. All of these persons are of Penn Yan, N. Y. I can't think of any more names at present that I have heard from. I have a few batteries on hand yet. They give satisfaction to all. I shall order more batteries be- fore I get out, so as not to have any one waiting for them. T' uly yours, S. Rhoads. TESTIMONIALS. 197 Spencer, Tioga Co., N. Y., Oct. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have used and tested one of your bat- teries ; it is worth eighty times its weight in gold. It has cured my case-general debility. I was pros- trated last January. I had two doctors; they done me no good. One of them told me to go visiting. I went last May. I picked up one of your papers and read it. My friend said, one of them will be good for you. She said the agent will be here to- morrow. He did not come. The lady in the next room had one; I got it. I thought I had thrown my money away, it looked so simple; but it was a mis- take, for it did certainly cure me. I have become agent, and sell a good many; they all speak very highly of them. Mrs. Amy Butler. I have sold my batteries to people so far off it is hard to get their names and diseases. They are get- ting in better demand every day; if I was young I would travel with them. I am over sixty. I can walk five miles in four hours; 1 could not walk one rod until I wore the battery. You have to place our words to suit yourself; wo are all scholars of old times. A. B. Conklingville, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Yours of the first inst. is at hand. The batteries are doing a fine thing in this place; it has cured some and some it has relieved. I will send a few names which you may publish if you will. Mrs. Alvina Ellithorp, disease of the heart cured. Mrs. Gusto Scovil, headache cured. Mrs. Sarah, headache relieved. All of Conklingville, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Others that I have not seen since I sold to them perhaps may be cured. Publish this if you wish. Yours truly, L. J. Ovitt, Agent. Penn Yan, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-On receipt of price please send one half- dozen galvanic batteries. Yonr galvanic battery has restored my son, E. U. Rhoads, to perfect health from general debility. Yours truly, S. Rhoads. 198 TESTIMONIALS. Sauquoit, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear S'.r-The dozen batteries received last week are all gone. Please send me two dozen batteries by return of mail. Please don't wait, but send them right off, as 1 have some of them engaged already. Enclosed find pay for the same. I am beginning to run around some without my cane; people are wondering how it is, and what has done me so much good. I tell them it's no medicine to take, that Boyd's Electric Battery has done it all. Others are receiving benefit, and batteries are getting in demand. George H. Butcher. Cortland, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I received the batteries in due time; have tried it on since. The pain ceased in twenty- four hours. I had it almost constantly since June between my shoulder blades and in my side. I will take the agency and do what I can for you. En- closed find money for twelve batteries; as soon as convenient and oblige Yours, etc., O. V. Eldridge. P. O. Box 868. P. S.-Please send me circulars that I may distri- bute them freely, as that helps to a large degree. Pine Woqds, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received those three you sent me all safe, and the reason I have not sent for more was because I have been very busy, and because I wished to try those I had. They were for father ; he has been troubled with rheumatism for a number of years, and he says that if he could not get anymore he would not take $100 for the two he has got. He says he thinks if they will help him they will help most any body. Although he is not entirely cured as yet, they have certainly been a great help to him. Hoping to get my batteries soon as possible. I re- main, Your obedient servant, Libbie Fields. TESTIMONIALS. 199 Catskill Station, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-The battery you sent works like a charm. I can sleep all night without pain, and can get around with my work without any trouble or pain. I would not take $50 for it, knowing what I do, and be without one. I will cheerfully recom- mend it. Yours, Theo. Brandow. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1879. Dr. Boyd : I am wearing one of your batteries, and would not part with it at any price, if I could not get another. It has cured me of headache, kidney dis- ease, pleurisy, and rheumatism. Yours respectfully, . Jay Collyer. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1879. Dr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I want to thank you for the benefit I have received from your battery. It has cured me of several diseases of which 1 have suffered for yeans. I am fleshy aud feel perfectly well. 1 have only worn the battery four weeks. Yours respectfully, Mrs. John Collyer. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1879. Dr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am truly grateful to you for your battery. It has cured me of rheumatism and neu- ralgia and pain over my heart. . Very respectfully yours, Miss Emma E. Collyer. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 1,1879. Dr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been a great sufferer for years with the asthma. At times I would be almost suf- focated, and was troubled with pains in my limb and numbness. Since June I have been wearing one of your batteries, and am enjoying better health • and looking better. Indeed, I feel and look like another man. I am satisfied itwill do all you claim, aud cheerfully recommend it to all. Yours, Wm. II. Lawton. 200 TESTIMONIALS. Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I enclose check, for which send me another dozen of Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Bat- tery. Yours, etc., Mrs. Elizabeth Bogardus. P. S. Your favor of the 3d instant is just received, in which you ask for names of persons who have been cured. I have not been selling long enough. You may, however, add my name to your list as having been cured of weak stomach. Respectfully, E. B. Albion, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for one dozen more batteries. I just received one dozen batteries by mail. When you send batteries send circulars with them, for I can't sell without them. In regard to cures by using the battery, you see I am a new beginner in the business. I have all the names of parties using them. I sell them in two or three counties, so I don't like to go out of them. As soon as you get an order from me send them as quick as you can. I have no circulars to work with to-day, so you see I have got to wait until they come. Here are the names of parties sold to in Middle- port, Niagara county. If you wish to use them you can: J. Price, rheumatism. Ida Price, " R. Dawson, " A. Clemyues, " C. Hall, " J. Lunen, salt rheum. J. Fisher, rheumatism. F. Warren, gout. C. Quigley, neuralgia. T. Brown, " J. Cary, ague. G. H., rheumatism. R. Fetlierspoon, " M. L. Jones, a F. L. Babcock, P O. Box 690. TESTIMONIALS. 201 Remsen, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Following is a list of the names under treatment, and they are all doing well: David J ones Cummings, Remsen, pain in the head. John Root, Forest Port, rheumatism. William Lane, Forest Port, rheumatism. Hezekiah Owens, Forest Port, rheumatism. Evan Owens, Forest Port, gravel. John J. Jones, rheumatism and gravel, and I con- sider myself cured. You will have more names next time. Respectfully, J. J. Jones. Penn Yan, N. Y., July 15, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your esteemed favor of the 10th Inst, was duly received and contents noted. The Minia- ture Galvanic Batteries I ordered.of you came duly to hand, and, being for my personal use, to relieve a severe lumbago of long standing, I applied two of them, according to directions, on the 12th inst., and have worn them continually since then. In the first twenty-four hours I experienced a marked improve- ment ; is still progressing so manifestly that I anti- cipate a speedy cure. I have so much confidence in their efficient action in nervous difficulties at least that I wish to recommend them to friends who may be requiring their remedial action. Enclosed I send the money for twelve of those batteries, with the circulars and authorized agency, so that I may pot be infringing your patent rights in selling them as I may find opportunity. All as you propose in your letter of the 10th inst. I may not prove a very active or efficient agent in canvassing, but I hope to make a fair trial of them in various cases. I send the money in a P. O. money order. Yours respectfully, Ch. G. Judd. Little France, N. Y., Nov. 19th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your letter asking me to act as agent for you. I will accept your offer, and I eend for six batteries for the first trial. I sent for one of your batteries a while ago, and I let father wear it. He has had the rheumatism for a good many years and was suffering at the time. The result was he went to bed and slept better than he has for years. Will Rill. 202 TESTIMONIALS. Elmira, N. Y., June 17, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have found your battery to be of great good, and it has removed a pain I have had in my right side for this last four or five months, which has caused me to lose considerable work. So I think I can sell some of your batteries in this place. Enclosed you will find a postal order for one dozen. Please forward them as soon as possible. Yours respectfully, Robert Lyddon, 912 Magee street. North Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1878. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been troubled with spinal and kidney difficulty for fifteen years; have paid out a great deal for medicines, but was still a great sufferer until I bought one of your batteries about a month ago, and' I can truly say that I have not been so free from pain in ten years as I have been since I began wearing it. Thankfully yours, Mrs. Almira McAuley. Penn Yan, N. Y., July 15, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-The Miniature Galvanic Batteries I lately ordered received, and being for my personal use, to relieve a severe lumbago of long standing, I applied two of them, according to directions, on the 12th inst., and have worn them continually since then. The first 24 hours I experienced a marked improvement and and the improvement is still progressing so manifestly, that I confidently anticipate a speedy cure. I have so much con- fidence in their efficient action in nervous diffi- culties, at least, that I wish to recommend them to my friends. Enclosed I send you the money for one dozen, Yours respectfully, C. G. Judd. Highland, Ulster Co., N. Y.,Noy. 16,1879./. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have used one of your batteries for about three weeks, and it has done for me what all other remedies have failed to do. I was troubled with neuralgia in my stomach, and since I have put it on I have pot felt any symptoms, and feel willing to recommend to the public. Yours truly, Charles D. Mackey. TESTIMONIALS. 203 Monterey, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1879. Dear Sir-As I have had some of your batteries and disposed of them, I can truly and safely say that they are the best thing that ever was in this country. I sold one to a man that has had the dys- pepsia for 30 years, and he had got so bad that he was confined to his bed. He put it on, and in three days he was outdoors, and said that he felt better than he had in three months, and is getting better all the while. His name is Daniel Chapman. I will tell you some other time of many others who have been helped. Please send me one dozen more as soon as possible. Yours truly, . S. F. Lockwood. Geneseo, N. Y,, Jan. 6, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the battery, but delayed replying in order to test it. It has entirely cured me of dizziness and headache. I want no further testimony, and if 1 did it is in that little book, as I am acquainted with several of the persons who give their testimony in it. Enclosed please find money for one dozen batteries; also please let me have one hundred circulars with name, &c., stamped on them. Yours truly, Fred. Bailey. West Danby, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please.find money, for which please send me one dozen batteries and oblige. P. S.-I have had catarrh for fifteen years, and for seven or eight my sense of smell has not been more than half as acute as it is now, after wearing one of your batteries for three weeks. Yours, &c., T. Hutchings. Coventry, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed pleas® find $6.00 for batteries. My mother has been frequently subject to the night- mare, but your battery has entirely cured her. She has had it but once since she has worn it, and that was the first night after she put it on. Respectfully yours, G. P. Cary. 204 TESTIMONIALS. Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Jan. 12, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I send you a few names from Locke: Mrs. Jane Green, headache, benefited. Mrs. Jane Thomas, headache, benefited. Mrs. Fidelia Steward, headache, benefited. Peter Miner, headache, benefited. Mr. Perry Demmon, heart disease, and by wearing your batteries has been benefited more than any- thing else. W. H. Smith, Auburn, pain in shoulders and hip, benefited. 1 could send more if I had time to go around. I can't get around much this winter, but in the spring I shall start out and do what I can. Yours truly, John H.. Williams. Oswego City, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1880. Professor Boyd : Sir-You will find enclosed $3.00 for batteries, send them forthwith. Mrs. Myron Allen is wearing one of your batteries for dyspepsia, greatly relieved, expects a cure. H. M. Carson has worn one almost constantly for one month for dizziness and numbness, entirely cured; also greatly helped in walking, can walk the entire circuinfrence of the city (of 25,000 inhabitants) in a few hours, wherein, before it was a task greatly dreaded of going down street, a walk of eleven streets. Respectfully, Helen M. Carson, 72 West Utica st. Bergen, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1380. Mr. Boyd : Sir-I have been wearing one of yonr batteries since I received them for rheumatism, one of my sides was so bad I could not get about my work without great difficulty. I have received great benefit from the battery. My mother, an old lady, also has been greatly relieved. Enclosed you will find two dollars. Please send batteries as soon as possible. Respectfully, Mrs. Jas. Weldon. TESTIMONIALS. 205 North Barton, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1880. This is to certify that I have been afflicted with asthma for ten .years or more; a good share of the time had to sleep in a sitting position; had tried various remedies without receiving any mater- ial benefit. I had come to the conclusion that it was of no use to try anything more. The step- mother of my son's wife ( Mrs. Amy Buttles, of Van Nettenville, Tioga Co., N. Y-)> had been failing for several years; was so feeble that she had to have help to get from the wagon to the house when she rode out. While visiting she found one of Boyd's galvanic batteries, and was persuaded to try one. She commenced using one last spring, and was soon restored to health; she used no other remedies. Last summer she did all her own house work, took care of the milk of three cows, helped her daughter do her work, and wove considerably besides. Knowing these circumstances, I was induced to try one of the batteries myself, not expecting, however, to cure the asthma, for I thought that was past cure, but thought perhaps it might remedy my general health. At the time I put on my bat- tery I was having a severe time with the asthma ; had to have help to dress and undress myself. I had a very bad cold, and the next day caught another heavy cold; but notwithstanding all this, I soon began to improve, and in a few days was able to begin to work, and have not had any trouble with asthma since; and my general health is greatly improved also. I recommended them to a neigh- bor, Mr. Wells Cortright, of North Barton, Tioga Co., N. Y. He had not been able to sleep without a window open in his room for several years; has been afflicted with the asthma ever since he was a child. He is about 30 years of age. He put on one of the batteries, and now he can lie down and sleep good. He says no money would buy his battery if he could not get another one of them, for he has no asthma now. I feel it my duty to help the afflicted as much as possible, and for that reason I recommend them to use Boyd's galvanic batteries, knowing the virtue they contain, although they seem so simple. Sarah E. Van Marter. Selden, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I received the six batteries I sent for. I have one that I have on for about five days for rheumatism. The battery has done me #ood. Matilda J. Ovebton. 206 TESTIMONIALS. Essex, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will give you the names of a few of my neighbors that it has cured. Mrs. Isaac Reynolds was so bad with the rheuma- tism that she has had to use a cane for four or five years. She says she is as young as ever. Arty Bober, cured of deafness and rheumatism, says, he would not take a farm for his battery if he could not get another. Mrs. Malvina Brittel, of fits. And a great many others cured of different dis- eases. I will give you a list of persons next time I write. Enclosed you will find the money for twelve more batteries. Please send them as soon as you can, as I have but four left, and oblige Your humble servant, Squire R. French. Middlesex, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-As the last dozen batteries that I last ordered are all bespoken before I get them, I have to send for another dozen immediately. My motto is, to " strike while the iron is hot." I have worked up quite a sensation in this place with your bat- teries. Enclosed you will find money for another dozen of your batteries. Truly yours, S. B. Chrysler. P. S.-Permit me to inform you of a cure your battery made on H. Prichard, of Crystal Springs, of this county. In the month of August he became very cold, in so much he had to wear t'vo woolen shirts, a woolen vest and coat, and then he was cold, working in the blacksmith shop at the time, and in a short time he called a good physician to treat his case, and continued his treatment ' for one week, at which time he informed Pritchard that he must die. Palpitation of the heart, catarrh, and general nervous debility seemed to be his trouble. (is wife told me she did not expect him to live one hour from another. Then an agent canie along and Prichard bought a battery, and in two weeks he went to work, better in health than he had been in fifteen years. S B. C\ TESTIMONIALS. 207 Waterport, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Those batteries that I have sold give good satisfaction, so far as I can learn. For me it has stopped that pain in my chest and shoulders. Mr. Spencer says, that he has not had any pain in his right side since he wore one, and is well pleased with it. Mr. Wickham says, he has not had any pain of rheumatism since he wore his, one week ago to-day. I will try and inform you further in a few days. I have got a sore finger, and it bothers me about writing this time. Please find enclosed three dollars, for which send me more of your batteries. Your truly, William Liter, North Winfield, N. Y., Jan., 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The three batteries received from you about six weeks ago are well worth the money I paid forthem. I sold two of them and kept one for myself. The two I sold were for ladies, one of which is cured of sick headache, and I can say that mine has helped me of rheumatism and other diseases. There are four or five persons around here that want one; they all seem to be very anxious to have me get them one ; some want two. I let them look at that book of testimonials you sent me, for which I thank you very much. Please send me one dozen batteries, for which you will find the money enclosed. Respectfully, Fred. H. Knapp. Williamstown, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please send me one dozen more bat- teries as soon as you can and some more bills with them. I have worn one of the first that I got from you. I had the rheumatism ever since I came from the army, and had to w'alk with the use of a cane. 1 have worn the battery about ten days, and can now walk without the cane. Some may not believe this; those that don't, can write to me, and I will prove it by the whole village of Williamstown. The other two are doing great good to those that wear them. Yours truly, ' J. M. Barber. 208 TESTIMONIALS. Wiscoy, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find money for six of your batteries. 1 have sold the other six and they have given entire satisfaction ; one cured of long standing cough, another cure of pains in the neck and shoulders, the balance I have'nt seen since I sold to them. Please forward by return mail. One cured me of lameness in the knee. From your obedient servant, Horace L. Dodge. Pratt's Hollow, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your favor of batteries received on the 22d. I have sold them all but one. I enclose $6.00 for batteries. One of the batteries that I received first, my mother has tried, and has been benefited of pain in right arm, chills and rush of blood to the head. I will send names of others as fast as I hear they are helped. Send some more circulars with my name on as agent. Yours respectfully, A. T. Whitman, Agent. Cold Spuing, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $4.00, for which send more batteries. All the batteries that I have sold have given good satisfaction. I have not heard of one complaint. Mr. Charles Odell has been cured of numbness in his foot and leg, and neuralgia. Mrs. M. Wiltsey, of the same complaint. Mr. Monroe has been cured of dizziness and rush of blood to the head. Mr. C. B. Warren has been benefited very much of kidney complaint. Mrs. Harriet Odell has been benefited of a great- many complaints, such as old people are subject to, 80 years of age. Money could not buy it. Mrs. Robt. Wiltsey, cured of neuralgia ; felt the pain when it left the body ; has had no return of it since. Mr. John Lawrence very much better of rheu- matism of several years standing. Mrs. P. Hall has been relieved very much of female complaints; think in a short time she will be entirely cured. And a great many others that I could mention. Respectfully, Mrs. C. Barrett. TESTIMONIALS. 209 South Ballston, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries were received in good order. I distributed them around, but at first people did not have much faith in them. But they have done so much good, that they are now beginning to see the worth of them. They begin to enquire for them. I think I will get a good demand for them in a short time. They have relieved me of the rheu- matism and a fluttering at the heart, and those I sold to say they are helping very fast, if not already cured. I have given the people a good chance to try them, and they find that I am not trying to humbug them. You will soon hear from me again. Yours truly, T. N. Alberts, Agent. Middle Granville, N. Y., Feb. 11, 18S0. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find post-office order for $6.00, Please send me by return mail batteries. Those I received from yon less than two weeks since are all disposed of. I wrote you that I wished to test one upon myself. I have done so, having been deaf for over two years in my right ear. I was re- lieved in less than one week after applying the battery. I will accept of the agency. Yours truly, S. G. Guilford. 210 TESTIMONIALS. NORTH CAROLINA. Lenox Castle, N. C., Sept. 19, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I send the money for twelve more batteries. The eighteen you sent I have been testing, and I believe them to be a good thing. I sold two to Mrs. Pholler, who has been struck with palsy for three years, so that she could not stand on her feet. About six or eight days after getting them, she could stand on her feet. -The battery is sure cure for piles. I tried ten cases of chills, and there is none failed to cure. Yours truly, G. M. Ingold. Stony Ridge, Surrey Co., N. C., ? October 22, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 4th not received till the 21st; I do not know how it'was delayed so long. You recollect the first three batteries I ordered were for my own use-one for myself, one for my wife, and one for a little boy seven years old. I am fifty-eight years old, have been suffering for several years with chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, and kidney and bladder affection, so that I have been in a suffering condition. I commenced wearing one of your batteries as soon as I received them, which was about the last of June, I think. Now I can say I am well of rheumatism, dyspepsia and palpitation of the heart, and if I am cured the battery has done it, for I used no other remedy. I am suffering yet from the kidneys and bladder, and on yesterday, the 21st, I put on another battery, to see if two will reach that. My wife is fifty-two; she- has been very seriously afflicted with nervous neuralgia, palpitation of the heart, and other female weaknesses. She thinks herself cured, and says she would not take five dollars for her battery, if she could not get another. Our little boy has been puny and weakly, and occasionally having severe fits, for three or four years ; he seems to be consider- ably improved, and has not had a bad fit since he has had his battery; and he thinks so much of it, he won't let it be taken off if he can help it. Yours respectfully, Samuel Scott. TESTIMONIALS. 211 Walkertown, Forsyth Co., N. C. ? Sept. 26, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-The following persons have been cured or benefited-by wearing your Galvanic Battery : J. H. Morris, Walkertown, N. C., pain in the side. Isaac Morris, " " dyspepsia. Mrs. Eliza A. Mustin, White Road, N. C., neuralgia. Mrs. Paulina Tally, White Road, N.C., female weak- ness. S. J. Jones, White Road, N.C., sick headache. Jas. M. Tally, " " " piles and gravel. M.L. Whicker, " 11 a benefited, rheuma- tism. Mrs. Diannah Whicker, .White Road, N.C., benefit- ed, syncope. V. W. Perry, Kernersville, N.C., piles. Mrs. Mahala Dean, Kernersville, N.C., headache. David Linville, Belews Creek Mills, N.C., beadache. Elijah Hester, Winston, N.C., palpitation of the heart and neuralgia. Received your illustrated circulars in due time. Respectfully yours, 8. F. Morris. Swift Creek Bridge, N. C., Sept. 27,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have worn the battery and have been cured or relieved : Mrs. Caroline Willis, general debility. Miss E. Gaskens, torpid liver. Mr. M. Bryon, torpid liver. Miss Finer D. Williams, torpid liver. .Mrs. Frances Cleve, pain in breast. Mr. P. Broom, heart disease. Mr. W. C. Brewer, heart disease. Mr. B. Page, vertigo. Mr. Jesse A. Hartly, asthma. There-are several others who have been benefited by the battery. Please find the money for eight more batteries. Thos. Buck. Wilson's Mills, N. C., Oet. 19, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will give you the names of some who have been cured by using the battery : Francis Nun, rheumatism. Cathron Lackhant, pains. Jacob Babbitt, liver complaint. Mary Hall, heart disease. I will write soon. Yours, etc., Martin Halt, Agent. 212 TESTIMONIALS. Lenox Castle, N. C., October 20, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I see that you want me to send you all the names of persons that have been cured by the batteries. 1 send all that I have at this time. Liberty Store, Guilford Co. Mr. G. M. Ingold: Dear Sir-After trying all the doctors and all other remedies without success, that little battery I bought from you has cured my wife of the chills. She has not had any more chills since. I would not take five dollars for it. Yours truly, S. G. Sumners. Lenox Castle. Dear Sir-My wife has been made able to stand on her feet alone by wearing the two batteries I bought from you. This she had not done since she was paralyzed, three years ago. Yours respectfully, John Pholler. Gibsonville. Dear Sir-My wife has not had. any more chills since she put on the battery I bought from you. My little brother has not had any chills since. Yours truly, J. Summers. Lenox Castle. Dear Sir-That battery I bought from you knocked the chills out of me the first day. Truly yours, P. R. Ingold. Lenox Castle. My little baby has been a poor little thing and did not grow, till I put a battery on it. It is fat and a-growing now. I wear one myself, as I have been plagued with the chills; but I can say they have left me. My wife wears one for pain in breast j I have not heard her complain in some time. G. M. Ingold. Lenox Castle. Dear Sir-I would not take five dollars for the battery I bought from you. I missed the chills the first time. Truly yours, N. Slade. Hartshorn. Dear Sir-I have got well of the bilious fever, and I believe the battery you sent me cured me. Yours truly until death, E. Holt. This is about all that I have at this time. I get letters every few days, from persons who are about to take upon themselves to be agents for your bat- tery, for a recommendation from me. G. M. Ingold. TESTIMONIALS. 213 Toisnot, N. C., October 27, 1870. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-These are the names and diseases : Mrs. Sarah Weaver, breast and heart disease. Miss S. Williams, disease not stated. Mrs. Sarah Pitman, disease not stated. L. L. Lancaster, weakness in the back, cured. Levia Lancaster, chills, cured. Theophilus Parker, paralysis for years, doing well. Mrs. Delphy Edwards, disease not stated. Jac Moore, heart disease, doing well. S. B. Moore, heart and liver complaint, doing well. M. V. Thorn, palpitation of the heart, doing well. Mrs. Suzan Winstead, palpitation of the heart and rheumatism, not heard from. W. B. Butts, heart disease and loss of manhood, doing well. Mrs. Martha Balls, disease not stated. Miss Williams, fits, doing well. Mr. E. Conyers, palpitation of the heart, doing well. Henry Dixon, cough and loss of manhood, doing well. W. H. Dixon, deafness, doing well. J. T. Sharp, disease not stated. Mrs. Harriet Williams, heart disease, doing well. Mrs. Purity Williams, heart disease and rheumatism, doing well. Billy Balls, heart disease ar.d giddy head, doing well. Laar Poltos, heart disease and shortness of breath, doing well. Hannah Barny, female complaint, doing well. Henry Lonsey, disease not stated. Ann Barry, heart and female diseases, doing well. Kitty Cooper, female complaint, doing well. The balance of the names I have not heard from. Yours, W. G. Dixon, Agent. New Berne, N. C., Oct. 31, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I have received the thirty batteries that you sent and was glad to get them. Enclosed you will find a Post Office order, which will pay for three dozen batteries; please send them right away, for what 1 have got will all be sold be- fore I got any more. Please send me some more circulars. My wife has been wearing one of your batteries for two months. She is very much relieved of neu- ralgia and nervous debility. Yours respectfully, Joseph Tilghman. 214 TESTIMONIALS. Saratoga, N. C., Oct. 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have obtained one of your batteries through your agent, Miss Jennie Barnes. I was so nervous that 1 could not hardly write. I had also pains in the side. I think ifrhas finally cured me. I feel just as if nothing had ever been the matter with me, that is I mean never been sick. Your battery was the cause of it. Yours, etc., Jas. B. Barnes. Saratoga, N. C., Oct. 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Bqyd : I have several names of persons that have been benefited; their disease was mostly weak back and rheumatism. Mrs. Prudy Ellis. Newett Webb. Tully Pitt. Sophia Barnes. Harriet Hines. James Forbes. Mary Hines. Ferley Ellis. Mrs. Betsy Robins. Mrs. Lettice Bynum. Yours * etc., Miss Jennie Barnes. Patterson's Store, N. C., Oct. 29, 1879. Sir-I received the battery which you sent mo about a week ago. I was given to cholic and head- ache every day of my life before I received it. I can now say that I have had neither one since the first day I wore your battery. I feel truly thankful for such relief. M. C. McBane. Ship Yard, N. C., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Bqyd : Enclosed you will find money for two dozen of your batteries and oblige. They seem to do much good and are taking well. As for my own experience I know that they have done my wife good. She had the dyspepsia very bad, and now she is well and hearty, aud I hear of others being benefited by them. Yours truly, T. F. Midgett, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 215 North Point, N. C., Nov. 11, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Sir-I now hasten to send you the names and addresses of some who have been cured by the bat- teries. When at one of my appointments, I sold one to Mr. James Crim, of Mt. Tabor, Forsyth Co. He had been suffering of rheumatism for several years; next mouth, when I returned to his place, he was sound and well. I saw him two days ago, and he said he had not felt so well for many years. A brother minister bought one from me in hope it might relieve him of heart disease ; we were agree- ably surprised to learn it did so in two days. That minister is Rev. T. P. Hampton, Chandler's Grove, Montgomery Co. Last week I expected a dozen batteries I had ordered to take off on my work; as they did not come in time, I had to leave without them. While I was gone I took neuralgia ; I tried everything my friends could think of, but all to no purpose. Last night I received your batteries and put one on ; now 1 have risen from my bed well, and am writing you this letter. I expect to sell hundreds of batteries, if you will just act on the square, as you have done. John Bradshaw, a member of the Southern Central Conference of M. E. Church. ' . Heathsville, N. C., Dec. 5th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: I have used the three batteries which I received of you. One my wife used for pain in the side and heart and back (she is cured); another was used for neuralgia and pain around the heart; another for pain in the head and rheumatism, and were greatly from it-what you may say cured. The people are well pleased with them. So I am well pleased my- self, and 1 will accept the agency. And hoping to hear from you, I will now send for six batteries; and please "send them as soon as possible, for I do need them now. 1 hope when I write to you again I can tell you all about how the batteries are acting. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly, John Bird. 216 TESTIMONIALS. Cerro Gordo, N. C., Dec. 12th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The last twenty-one batteries you sent me came all right; they are mostly sold out. I therefore enclose you the money for twenty-four more. The batteries are getting circulated very fast. An old man named Richard Stricklin is using one, and he says he would not take twenty-five dol- lars for it if he could not get another; and an old woman is using one. She says she would not take ten dollars for it. My mother-that I got a sample battery for-I feel that it has made a cure of her. Most every one speaks well of them. I think I will send you a larger order very soon. Yours, D. E. Godwin. Ridgeway, N. C., Dec. 4th, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-A friend of mine is wanting to take out an agency for the sale of your galvanic batteries. Enclosed find $3.00, for whisii please send them to J. Newton, Rock Bridge (near Hicksford), Virginia. Please scud him some of your circulars. 1 sold a battery to a colored woman by the name of Ann Rogers, and she said she would not take ten dollars for it if she could not get another. Please send th® batteries as soon as possible, and oblige Yours truly, W. J. Townsend. Cerro Gordo, N. C., Jan. 13, 1880. Dear Sir-I will send you a list of persons that have been cured or benefited by the use of your bat- teries. I feel that it has helped my mother very much. I have heard of some considering themselves cured. S. A. McColeskey, neuralgia relieved. B. Smith, pains relieved. Alice Walters, asthma relieved. T. W. Barden, neuralgia relieved. Richard Strickleas, pains relieved. R. Rahen, relieved. The people are beginning to believe in your bat- teries very much. Some say they would not take $5, $10, $15 and $25 for them, if they could not get another. I shall soon send you another order, so I will close. Truly, D. E. Godwin. TESTIMONIALS. 217 Lexington, N. C., Dec. 29, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been suffering with rheumatism and cramps for many years. I sent for one of your batteries and wore it one week, and am greatly ben- efited. When I wrote for the battery I was on crutches, and now I can do a tolerable good day's work. I have not had a cranip since. Enclosed find P. O. order for one dozen batteries. Please send by return mail. I accept the agency. Yours with respect, Jacob Hedrick. Lumberton, N. C., Jan. 12, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please find $6 enclosed and you will please send me more of your batteries. I have sold all of the last ones but three, and I will give you the names of some here : Miss Mollie Sampson bought one, and was cured of pain in the side, says she would not be without one for $50; also Quin Godwin cured of rheumatism in the arm. Send more circulars. I hope yon will send them as soon as you receive this, and oblige Yours truly, Eliza Smith, Agent. Macon, N. C., Jan. 19, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find $7, for which send us the worth of it in your "Miniature Galvanic Bat- teries. The people just begin to find out the merits of them. Eighteen doctors endorse them now, where they have seen them. We sold one to a man by the name of Sterling Thrower, who has had the scrofula for twenty-six years. There was no doctor who could help him. lie wore the battery and is now well. One man by the name of Lindsey Sledges, who has had rheumatism for years, I sold him one of your batteries, and he is now well. Send some circulars, you know how many to send. Yours truly, ' H. M. Milam & Son, Agents for Boyd's Batteries. Marion, N. C., Feb. 2, 1880. J. C. Bqyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed order for $3 for more batteries, as the one dozen I ordered before are out. I think they are a success. They cured mo of a severe chronic sore throat, and I can heart- ily recommend them to all sufferers from chronic disorders. Please forward at once, and oblige Yours, etc., John C. Brown. 218 TESTIMONIALS. Polkton, N. C., Jan. 14, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your bat- teiics about ten weeks. I was suffering dreadfully from indigestion, heartburn, pain iii back and side, headache, and nervousness. I now feel myself nearly well. If I could not get another I would not take $1000 for it. The following is a list of those who have been helped and cured by wearing your batteries: Mr. J. H. Benton, rheumatism greatly relieved. Mr. B. S. Boyd, numbness in toes and fingers nearly cured. Mr. Horne, a young man who was confined to his bed from rheumatism, after wearing one of your batteries about two weeks, came over to our village, a distance of about four miles. Mrs. Candle, eyesight greatly benefited. Mrs. William Hubbard, weakness and nervousness helped. Says she is perfectly delighted with the battery, thinks there is nothing like it. A celorerl man, neuralgia cured. Mrs. R. L. Ledbetter, who has had paralysis about two years, and who was unable to remove her feet from the footstool without assistance, after wearing two of your batteries about ten weeks, can take her feet from the stool without any help. She says, without a doubt, the batteries have done her good. There are a great many more that I could give you, but have not time now. Yours very respectfully, J. P. Boyd, Agent for Boyd's Batteries. Mt. Pleasant, N. C., Feb. 2, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : I received the twelve batteries you sent me, and they are all gone. You will find enclosed $4, for which send me as many batteries as you can. Please send them at once so that I get them soon; please send me a few more circulars. Mr. Wiley Cress, heart-disease relieved. Mr. Daniel Hoppings, rheumatism relieved. Mr. Nickles Hoppings, pain iu the back relieved. Mr. Tobies Goodman, headache cured. Mrs. Watts, female complaint relieved. Mrs. Nealey Goodman, pain in the back getting better. Jackson Bost, rheumatism relieved. Mrs. S. Bost, female disease getting bette-r. I have not heard from the balance that got bat- teries yet. Address as before. Aaron Ritchey, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 219 Windsor, N. C., Feb. 11, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq. : Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for $3, for which please send me batteries. Your batteries give general satisfaction. I ordered one-half dozen last mail, but find that they will be insufficient. Please £cnd immediately and oblige Yours &c., T. P. Gurly, Agent. P. S.- J. M. Capeheart, pain in heart cured. W. F. Asken, choking sensation at night cured. T. P. Guriy, palpitation of heart nearly relieved. The others I have not heard, from. 220 TESTIMONIALS. OHIO. Delphos, O., Aug. 12, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I received some time ago a letter from you con- cerning your battery. I let a neighbor have the advertisement to send and get him one, as he was afflicted with neuralgia. He has tried it and says it is'helping him. I want one myself aud a few others want it that I know of, and please send me six. I send the money. Send immediately, and oblige T. J. Whirrett. Franklin Station, O., Aug. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the batteries and circulars in due time, and have distributed a good many of the circulars. They are beginning to come for bat- teries. I have just sold the last one this morning. I sent some of the circulars to my daughter, in Illinois, and she said she has written to you for some of the batteries. My son was getting better fast; but he went to work in the hot weather, and he is not feeling so well now. I have had the piles for a long time, aud I put one on, and have not been troubled with them since. Enclosed you will please find three dollars, for which send batteries right away. Yours truly, Israel Jones. Harlem Springs, Carroll Co., Ohio, ? Aug. 28, 1879. J J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have been doctoring for bronchitis and lung disease for two years, and got no relief. Your agent, A. G. Fryer, persuaded me to try one of your batte- ries. It has done me more good than anything I ever found yet, I believe it will cure me. Yours truly, Mrs. Emma A. Hammas. TESTIMONIALS. 221 Piqua, O., Aug. 11, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find P. O. money order for $18.00 (eighteen dollars), for which you will please send your Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Your battery takes well and sells rapidly, and are pronounced by all who use them to be a first- class article. You will please send a number of circulars also. Yours, H,. A. Hamilton, Piqua, Miami Co., O. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 14, 1879. Dr. J. M. Lewis, Agent: Dear Sir-I have been intending to write to you for several days in regard to the wonderful effects of the Boyd Battery that you recommended and sold to me. I have been a great sufferer with pain in the head from neuralgia for twelve years. It has now beeu two months since I put the battery on, and I am most grateful to you when I think of the many hours of pain I have escaped in those two months, for I was seldom clear of pain in all that twelve years more than six days at one time, and I am happy to say I have not had the slightest symp- toms now for two months. I consider the inventor a great benefactor to the human race, and I shall do all I can to make its merits known, and you may expect to hear from several of my friends in the way of orders for batteries. The small sum of one dollar places it in the reach of all, and I have no doubt but you will sell thousands here in the city. Wishing you great success in your humane calling, I am yours, With respect, J. P. Simpson. Malvern, 0., Sept. 25, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Sir-I have worn one of your batteries for three months. I have had the sick headache for twenty years, and have tried all medical aid, but got no re- lief. The battery has done a good work for me as I have not been sick since I have been wearing it. I have female disease that I know the battery has cured. Yours with respect, Mrs. C. A. Fbyee. 222 TESTIMONIALS Delphos, O., Oct. 16,1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your letter on the 11th. I have been too busy to do anything in the battery line since I received the last order. Therefore I can not give you many names who have been cured, and some object to having their names on a circular, even if they were cured. L. F. Werner, rheumatism. W. T. McCracken, pleurisy. H. W. Conklin, catarrh. H. W. Conklin. Sherman, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Yours of the 15th came to hand yester- day. As I have been sick so long and can not get around, I can not furnish you with many testimo- nials, but I will give you what I know. Coventry Township, Summit Co., Ohio, Wm. Warner neuralgia cured. Samuel Warner, pain in breast and shoulders bene- fited. Charles Baughman, weak back cured. Adam Greenawalt, weak back benefited. The address of these is Akron, Ohio. Isaac Tinsman, Denison, Sherman post office, Sum- mit Co., Ohio, neuralgia and pain in shoulders cured. Isaac Boyer, lame back cured. Eugene Caty, rheumatism of over a year's standing cured. • I can say best what good it done me. I have been unable to work for fourteen months with consump- tion, and have been racked all to pieces with cough- ing. I had the headache all the time, and my back and kidneys were so bad that I could scarcely get up or down until I got one of your batteries. Now I am entirely free from pain in back or head. Respectfully, C. A. Moore. Malvern, Carroll Co., Ohio, > Sopt. 26, 1879. 5 Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been doctoring for heart disease for some time, but got no relief. I got one of your batteries, and it has relieved me more than any thing I ever got. Yours with respect, Mrs. M. C. Tatan. TESTIMONIALS. 223 Delphos, 0., Sept. 20,1879. I have been a sufferer from neuralgia since the year 1851 to a great extent, aud have consulted with and treated by a number of physicians, with little or no relief, and resorting to any and almost everything recommended. Met with Mr. G. A. Web- ster, a respectable colored man, who was selling Boyd's Galvanic Battery; bought one, and have been wearing the same for a mouth, from which I have had great relief. C. €. Marshall, Mayor. I hereby certify that I have been afflicted for a number of years with a weak stomach, which troubled me very much. I purchased one of Boyd's Galvanic Batteries of G. A. Webster; have worn it three weeks, aud derived great benefit. • G. W. Hall, Pres't Delphos Stave Co. I have been suffering with neuralgia on the brain and spinal disease for the past six months. Since the 1st of April I have been treated by every physi- cian in the city, and found no relief. I have worn a battery for five weeks, and I am now well and able to work and support myself and family. G. A. Webster, Delphos, O. I have worn a battery two weeks for deafness, and I can now hear as well as ever. Mrs. Peters, Delphos, O. I ha e worn a battery about a month for palpita- tion of the heart, and I would not do without it for $100. D. L. Hanes, Lima, O. Mrs. A. Davis, of Delphos, cured of neuralgia in t¥e head. Mrs. S. N. Hibbets, of Delphos, cured of nervous debility and pain in the back. Mrs. Stallkamp, of Delphos, cured of pain in the back and rheumatism. Mrs. Phebe R. Lockhead, of Delphos, cured of stomach troubles and many other complaints that females are subject to. Mrs. Mary A. Whetstone, of Delphos, cured of paiu in the stomach aud breast, after trying every- thing else. John Pepsico, of Delphos, cured of asthma. Over 201) have been sold in Delphos by G. A. Webster, Agent. 224 TESTIMONIALS. Buckland, O., Sept. 30,1879. J. C. Bqyd, 203 W. 49th Street, N. Y.: Dear Sir-I hereby send you a few testimonials. I could get a good quantity if I had not so little time to get them looked up. Mrs. Hoofengamer, Buckland, Ohio, has tested the medical quality of the Boyd Battery. She says she is cured of rheumatism and neuralgia and would not take a five dollar bill for her battery if she could not get another one. Elize McConnal, Buckland, purchased eight bat- teries for chills and fever for her children and family use. Mrs. Maria Bordsher, Buckland, Ohio, heart trou- ble and nervous debility cured, and says she would not take a thousand dollars for her battery if she could not .get another one. Mrs. Bell Drezsback, Kossuth, Ohio, a doctor's lady and a very good practical female M.D., bought and tested one for headache and pain in her side, and it cured her, and now is recommending their general use. You may sign my name as agent to all the above, and I could get plenty more testimonials; but those are the best ones I got. You will modify and arrange those in the style you most desire, so that the substance is just about the same. (All the above are in Auglaize Co., Ohio.) I will give you one more. Mrs. Lydia Adams, of Kossuth, Ohio, purchased one of your batteries, and it cured her of rheuma- tism and neuralgia. She thinks they are the best thing out. I have been out close in my own neighborhood to- day and sold six. I have some more contracted ahead. I fear I will run out of batteries before I Set any more, as I am a distance from a money or- er office. Send me two dozen as soon as you ca»i, and I will send you Post Office order on Friday or Saturday of this week. I would like to make ar- rangements with you, that, if I am likely to run out of batteries and cannot get to a money order office, to send the order, and the first opportunity I have afterward of sending a Post Office order to you to do so. It will many times save me a little time and a little money. I beg of you to keep your bat- teries up to the best quality of galvanic power that you can, as I expect to work in the agency of some- thing the balance of my lifetime, and can handle the batteries pretty well. Yours, Wm. T. Blackburn, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 225 New Harrisburgh, Carroll Co., Ohio, ? Sept. 24,1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have worn one of your Galvanic Batteries since last June. I am greatly benefited. My should- ers have hurt me for several years, the Doctors pro- nounced them a pair of worn out shoulders, but now they are as sound as ever they were. I have had a trouble at my heart; it had got so bad that I could hardly take a drink of water, it would make my heart beat so, and I was very nervous. Now I have no more trouble with that, since I have worn your batteries. These arc facts. Yours truly, William Moore. Lima, O.- September 13, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Yours was received, requesting some testimo- nials from persons who have used the batteries and have received benefit from them. Among many I shall speak of three. The first of a little girl named Mary Roark, ageu fifteen. She had suffered long from headache, chills, and bad cough, spitting up matter. She had used several bottles of Cod Liver Oil and other medicines, but received no permanent benefit from them. She got one of the first you sent; has worn it ever since ; took no other medicine. Her mother tells me that she is cured of all her ail- ments ; wishes me to tell all I meet., who are afflicted, to use the Miniature Galvanic Battery. The second case is of a man that was suffering with rheumatism. He had been for some months suffering with pains all over his body ; had almost lost the use of his arms and legs ; could not raise his arms to his head. He bought one of the batteries; put it on; told* me he felt that it was helping him. I got him to put another one be- tween his shoulders. He says he is almost well; has the use of his limbs; is getting better every day. The third of a man by the name of Joseph Chip- man. He is Justice of the Peace for Shawnee Township, Allen Co. He had been afflicted for some years with general debility, liver complaint, and palpitation of the heart; he has worn one of the batteries for about forty days; tells me lie is well of his ailments. About the 9th I sent you a postal order to the amount $1.50, with an order for two dozen bat- 226 TESTIMONIALS. teries. I send yon in this letter cash order for $l.o0. Please forward the batteries as soon as possible, as I have many calls for them. They just suit me, as I am selling a medicine that cures all the diseases that the batteries will not cure, and cures many that the batteries will cure. I have agency for the sale of these medicines in all the county. No other person can sell them. They do not go into drug stores; hence the necessity of traveling all the time. I have sold of these medi- cines some three thousand bottles; but when I have the batteries, I will sell as many of them as I do of the bottle medicines. Please inform me if the bat- tery has been used for fits. The medicine I am selling has cured a bad case of 'fits, and is fast curing another one. Could the battery be used to help the medicine ? But I must close. Excuse my long letter. lam aware that it may be a trespass time. I remain your friend on behalf of the afflicted, Lancelot Junkin. New Dover, Union Co., O., Sept. 25, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-In reply to yours of the 13th inst., I would say, the most of the batteries I have sold I have not heard from yet. I could give the names of a good many that are benefited-they say they would not take ten dollars for their battery, if they could not get another. I think I will have to send for more soon. I will now give you names of those that appear to be cured, as far as I have learned, John Gibson, cured rheumatism. Miss Burkebile, cured rheumatism. Mrs. L. C. Bnrkebile, cured of female weakness. Ida Bnrkebile, nine years old, has been afflicted all her life with something like the heart dis- ease, aud chills and <ever, which appeared to come from her liver-she is entirely cured. One Mr. Hubbert, cured of the rheumatism Yours, . J. D. BurkebILe. New Harrisburgh, O., Sept. 25, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of yonr minia- ture batteries since the first of July, for heart disease. 1 w ould not take $500 for it, could I another one. Yours truly, George W. Peery. I got the battery from your agent, A. G. Fryer. TESTIMONIALS. 227 Harmar, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1879. Dear Sir-Please find three dollars for batteries. The one you sent me I gave to an old lady that had a paralytic stroke over a year ago, and she is getting better. Please send me a good lot of cir- culars, and oblige, Yours, Jas. Whit. Liverpool, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-The batteries I ordered are received. I have worn two of them two weeks, and find myself im- proving. A young friend of mine had a stroke of paralysis, and was not able to feed himself. I let him have the other one. I saw him after wearing it four days. He .could put his hands to his head with ease; he thought the battery was helping him. I now send the pay for six more. I think I can sell them readily. Send circulars as proposed in your letter. . Address as before, to L. D. Frisbie. Should the batteries prove what I hope they will, you will hear from me again. Yours, etc., L. D. Frisbie. Norwalk, Ohio, Oct. 21,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your batte- ries for two weeks, and find them all they are rec- ommended to be. I have suffered almost everything with a lame back caused by a fall last February, which seemed to hurt the whole length of the spine, and since wearing the battery I have been so much better, I am able to do my own house work, and am quite well. Please send me the agency immedi- ately, for there is quite a number here that want one. There is about nine thousand inhabitants in Norwalk, and I think I can do well with them here. I purchased the one I wear of my sister, Mrs. E. Cummings, of Milan. Please send me the agency at once. Respectfully, Mrs. R. S. Humiston, Box 612. Norwhlk, Huron Co., Ohio. 228 TESTIMONIALS. OlIvesbukg, O., Oct. 11, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your letter come to hand, and in reply I will say that I have seen some of the parties, and they all say that the batteries are helping them. Fanny McMillen, lame back and restless at night, cured. Margaret Light, catarrh, benefited. George Walters, rheumatism, helped. Sophia Smith, heart disease and kidney troubles, helped a great deal. My wife has worn one for catarrh and heart dis- ease and rheumatism, and it has done her more good than all the doctoring she ever done; and I am wearing two now for rheumatism and lame back and headache, and I claim it has benefited me more than all the medicine I ever took. I wouldn't be without one for five dollars if I couldn't get another one. I think you may look for an order for more batteries in a short time. You made a mistake in the first letter of my name; you have it: L. W. Rice; that is not right; it is "G. W. Rice," or "George Washington Rice." You can certainly make no mistake now. The circulars you sent are all L. W.; they ought to be G. W. All'the parties that are benefited by the batteries, their address is Olivesburg, Richland Co., Ohio. As soon as I get my little fall work done, then I am going to see what I can do with the batteries. The last dozen you sent me are most of them sold. Yours truly, G. W. Rice. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 16, 1879. Dr. J. M. Lewis, Agent: Dear Sir-I wish for the benefit of the suffering to say, that the little Boyd galvanic battery is a great wonder in the cure of disease. I have been a great sufferer with pain in my head ever since the close of the war. It has now been some two months and I have been clear of the pain ever since I first commenced wearing it; but the most wonderful part of it is, it has cured me of constipation of the bowels. I have always had to take medicine to operate, but I find by wearing the battery near my stomach it operates as a physic. They ought to sell by the millions. The price is as much of a wonder as the efficacy of its properties. When will wonders cease I Yours most respectfully, James Weaver. TESTIMONIALS. 229 Aluance, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1879. Dear Sir-Your letter received. Thanks for the envelopes. I have a better account to give of the utility of your batteries than those cases you printed in the new circular. There are many per- sons using the batteries here. I have good news from nearly all, especially from those that have been using them five or six weeks, and over that time. Some receive benefit in two or three weeks. A minister in our place bought two-one for his wife for rush of blood to her head ; the other for a man of his congregation that had the most severe pain in his limbs. It was like the jumping tooth- ache. Both are better now-pain all gone. Another man here that his blood had been poisoned with paint. In his younger days he was a painter, but lost his health entirely in that way; has been a great sufferer for many years; his feet were cold as clay above his ankles ; blood did not circulate right in them; his general health gave way, almost lost his voice ; he seemed to give up in despair of even being benefited; had tried every thiug he could hear of that was couuted f;ood for such cases, but after reading your circular le bought two; put them on according to direc- tions ; has worn them over two months; his feet are now comfortably warm; his voice is much better; feels better every way; feels hopeful of being entirely restored to health. Another, a great sufferer from piles was unable to attend to busi- ness for a good •while before using one of the batteries ; in a few weeks he was able to go to work, and remains well, now nearly three months; no remedy ever helped him but little, and that but a short time, until he tried the Miniature Battery. A lady cured of hay fever of over twenty years standing. She had tried almost every known remedy, but found no relief until she bought one of the batteries ; just thought she would try elec- tricity ; she used it three months, and escaped it this year for the first time since she was afflicted with it. Another entirely cured of cramps in her limbs, which had been very severe at times for several years. Another lady, eighty-five years of age, is greatly relieved of several ailments; she is especially thankful for sweet refreshing sleep being restored to her. Another relieved of long standing neuralgia. In my own case I feel as- tonished when I think of it how my general health has been renewed. I think most of my trouble came from heart disease ; that is now re- 230 TESTIMONIALS. lieved, and with it went sick headache, dizziness, pains in my limbs, and, to my surprise, was cured of a very annoying bronchitis, cough, and nervous- ness-all disappeared; had been wearing a battc,ry about three months; my husband is also much benefited in health by wearing a battery; rheu- matic pains in one limb, his foot on that side was quite numb, but now is as well as the other. Now you can select what you wish to print, and put it in proper shape if you please. Oh yes, I must speak of a lady in this place, who has been wearing a battery over two months ; she has a tumor growing inwardly ; her general health was very poor; could not do her work without great suffering, but now does her own washing and other work with ease and pleasure; is in hopes of being entirely cured; some of the doctors endorse the batteries, and some do not. One doctor bought; two ; put one on himself, and one on a patient. Several ministers are wearing them, that I am well acquainted with ; one entirely cured of asthma; he had worn it five months. * Enclosed I send an order for four dozen more batteries. Please forward them as soon as possible. Respectfully, Mrs. M. A. Baker. Galion, Crawford Co., O., ? October 20, 1879. \ Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York: Dear Sir-I received six batteries this day by mail which you sent me, which are all sold. You will please send me one dozen more by return of mail, as I am making it a special business to introduce them and sell them. You will please send me the amount of circulars which you agreed to me in your letter, so that I can circulate them through the country as an advertisement. I think that I can work up a large trade on them. I am wearing two of them, one on my breast, and one between my shoulders : they act on my system like magic, removing all pains, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years; so I can recommend them cheerfully to my neighbors to remove pain. Enclosed find Post Office order calling for threedol- lars, which you will please be prompt in sending the amount of batteries and circulars by return of mail. I received a few circulars this morning with the batteries. You will please be prompt and send me one dozen batteries by return of mail, and oblige Yours, Jacob McGlenen. TESTIMONIALS. 231 Archibald,-Ohio, Oct. 13, 1879. Dear Sir-I received your letter, and will do my best. I would like to send your money if I could gather it together, but will send it soon as possible, if it is only fifty cents at a time. I have some bat- teries ou hand yet but will uot sell on trust auy more if I can help it. It will be keeping you out of your money too long, as I am a widow alone in the world with three small children to support, and my •means are very limited, or I should send you the money at once and wait for the pay for the batteries myself. I am now recovering my health, and soon as I am able to travel, will order more batteries, that is if you will send them. I will now give you the names and addresses of a few persons who have been benefited by your battery: John Deck, Archibald, Ohio, of a rash on his breast. Anthony Moinej Archibald, Ohio, benefited. Mrs. Rebecca Deppeller, Archibald, Ohio, benefited. Mrs. Northime, Pettisville, Ohio, of swelling in both ankles. Mrs. Susie Deppeller, Archibald, Ohio, of dyspepsia and paiu iu the hips. Mrs. Phoebe Liuiuger, Archibald, Ohio, of female complaint. I remain yours respectfully, Mrs. Susie Deppeller, Archibald, Ohio. Canton, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Yours of late at hand. In reply would state that I, as yet, did not receive any testimonials of cure made by your battery, with the exception of my own case, heart disease. I was cured by the use of your battery of heart disease, and will soon be cured of piles. I have all prospects of such to be the case. I would cheerfully recommend, your bat- tery to all who are afflicted, as they will do more good to the suffering humanity than one hundred times its cost iu medicine. Yours &c., G. S. Dippry, Box 177, Canton, Ohio. Delphos, O., October 20, 1879. I wore it one month ; I have been suffering from catarrh in the head for five years. I bought a bat. tery of G. A, Webster, and it gave me great relief. Mrs. J. Muctey. 232 TESTIMONIALS. Pancoastburg, Fayette Co., O., ? October 18, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Beceived the batteries and circulars sent. Have disposed of most all the batteries which have given general satisfaction so far. Wish you to send me another dozen for which you will find the required amount enclosed. Eespectfully yours, J. B. Killey. Piqua, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I will give you the names of some persons that have been cured: Mrs. Mollie Wolcott, Conover, Miami Co., inflam- matory rheumatism. Mrs. Kessler, St. Paris, Champaign Co., disability. Mrs. Noe, St. Paris, pain in the breast. Mrs. Barbara Zimmerman, general disability. Mrs. Mineer, nervous headache. Mrs. Buchanan, stiff joints. Mrs. Applegate, dropsy. Mrs. Bretsford. All of Platteville, Shelby Co., O. Mrs. Oax, Darke Co., O., consumption, much re- lieved. Mrs. Young, Darke Co., O., spasms. Mrs. A. Brubaker, Gettysburg Co., liver complaint. Mrs. J. Hamilton, rheumatism and heart disease. S. J. Hamilton, Piqua, O., painters' colic cured in one week. Maggie Beddenbom, much relieved of pain of the side. Jos. Beddenbom, relieved of palpitation of the heart. Please send two dozen batteries. Enclosed find the money. Yours, II. A. Hamilton. Felicity, Clermont Co., O., ? October 20, 1879. • J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Within find Post Office order for $3.00. Send me your Miniature Galvanic Battery if you please. My wife has worn one of them since the 10th of July for the sick headache and has not had it since. Some others want to try them. Yours, etc., Joseph Jones. TESTIMONIALS. 233 Delphos, O., Oct. 20, 1879. I have bought a battery of G. A. Webster, and have worn it for two weeks for a lame back, and the pain has completely left me. Mrs. Alice Wokline. Sciotoville, O., Oct. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have had scro- fula and liver complaint for seven years, and have doctored with three different doctors. The more I doctored the worse I got. For the last three years nothing ever has done me any good until I got one of your batteries of your agent at Sciotoville. When I got the battery I weighed 139 pounds, and now I weigh 153 pounds. My eyesight was also affected, but now I cau see as well as anybody. I believe your batteries to be what you recommend them to be. Yours truly, G. W. Dean. Sciotoville, O., Oct. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have had rheu- matism of the heart for six years and have tried everything and doctored with five or six doctors, and nothing gave me relief until I purchased one of your batteries from your agent in Sciotoville. I don't feel the rheumatism any more, and I feel as well as I ever did in my life, and have gained 15 pounds in weight. Yours truly, J. P. Mills, Wait's Post Office, Scioto Co., O., ? October 24, 1879 $ Mr. J, C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have had rheu- matism for the last twenty-five years, and that I had tried everything that was recommended for the disease, and received no permanent relief until I purchased one of your batteries from G. W. Sallady, your agent at Sciotoville. I feel now almost young again, although my age is 63 years. If I knew I could not get another one I would uot take 50 dol- lars for the one I wear. 1 believe them to be all they are recommended to be. Yours respectfully, J. J. McKlnesty. 234 TESTIMONIALS. Wait's Post Office, O., ? October 24, 1879. ( Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have had dis- pepsia for the last fifteen years, and I have doctored with several doctors, all of which done me no good, and I procured one of your galvanic batteries of G. W. Sallady, agent at Sciotoville, which relieved me in three days' time, and am better than I have been in the last fifteen years. Gained 10 pounds in three weeks ; age 58 years. Mrs. Mary Coriell. Ravenna, Portage Co., O., ? October 27, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find Post Office order for s$3,00. Please send by first return of mail more of your batteries and more circulars, if you have them to spare. Think I will get a good sale for them after a while. I think it is a good thing ; have used one myself for rheumatism; think it has nearly cured me of it. I expect to hear from those that have purchased of me; will let you know when I send some other time. Yours respectfully, H. Y. Woodruff. Middle Point, Van Wert Co., 0., ? October 27, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received' the batteries you sent me yesterday by mail, two dozen, all correct. I will have them all sold and distributed to-morrow. I had them about all engaged, as I have been showing the battery that I have been wearing for some time and different persons say they can see and are con- vinced that it has greatly improved my health. For several years I have bad agencies in different kinds of business, and in canvassing through Ohio and Indiana I have become well acquainted in almost every county, and now I would like to engage steady in the sale of these batteries. I feel confi- dent that I can meet with good success in selling them, if I can get them ffist enough. Please send me five dozen C. O. D. by Adams Express Co. Vours respectfully, S. W. Murphy. TESTIMONIALS. 235 Sciotoville, O., Oct. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I am G4 years old and have the rheumatism for twenty years, and have tried everything that could be thought of, and all of no avail until I purchased a battery of your agent at Sciotoville, and it seemed to work like magic on me. I felt it in 20 minutes after I put it on, and I would not be without one for no money. Miss Murcy McKinestry. Upper Sandusky, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have tried one of your miniature gal- vanic batteries, and I will not tell you how much good it has done me, but I would not take ten dol- lars for it if I could not get another one. All that I sold give good satisfaction, and more are wanted. Please find enclosed the money for one dozen more z of your Miniature Galvanic batteries, and address all communications to John Pickerel. Saint Mary's, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-As one of my neighbors bought one of your Miniature Batte:ies from a traveler who came through town, and it had done his little girl so much good and has cured her of piles, and he has paid $20.00 and more to the doctors of this town, and to no purpose, and in three days they were all gone, then he wrote to your agent at Alliance, Ohio, for six batteries. Mrs. M. A. Baker, I think, is the name, and as I am an old man and cannot do hard work any more, and am traveling with chromos and frames, I will quit them and act as agent for your Galvanic Battery if your terms suit me. Enclosed please find a money order for two dollars in this letter. Send me all the batteries you can sell, and if you wish me to be your agent, send circulars with my name on and your terms to agents, and I shall have it published in the Saint Mary's paper, for I mean business and will send more money for more when I get your answer. Yours truly, G. L. Sear. 236 TESTIMONIALS. Canton, O., Nov. 22, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Having received the six batteries you sent me a week ago, I have sold them, and the people seem to be satisfied with them. Please send me one dozen Galvanic Batteries, as most of them are engaged now. Find enclosed P. O. money order. Yours truly, Adaline Hershey. Bluffton, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed find P. O. order for $6 for more of your batteries, the lot I received is all sold. I have been asking the parties that wore your sample batteries for four weeks, and they have handed me the fol- lowing letters. J. D. Huber. J. C. Boyd, Esq. : I was troubled with pains in the back and around the heart, rheumatism, pain in the arms, etc., from which I have been relieved to a great extent; it was impossible for me to do any work at all without complaining about it the next day. Yours truly, Jacob Huber. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I am cured from weak stomach, aches and pains, weakness, dizziness, restless nights, etc. Respectfully yours, A. Huber. Liverpool, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Sir-The last six batteries were sold without leav- ing the house to do it, they arc giving good satis- faction so far. I will send you five dollars formore; if you have not sent the circulars I wrote for, please send them now. Yours, L. D. Frisbie. P. S.-Since writing, the circulars have come. TESTIMONIALS. 237 Lima, Onio, Nov. 24,1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Find within, postal order for batteries. Please send immediately two dozen more. I have five only left. I went into the country one day last •week, sold ten batteries. The more I sell the more calls I have for them. The batteries are doing some .vonderful cures; if you can please send me some of the small circulars. I would like to have a few of the large ones ; sometimes I could send away one to some friend abroad and make an agency. Two ladies are being cured of the heart disease, and two others of the 'sick headache. Two old ladies have been cured of rheumatism, one of them, very bad, was cured within twelve hours, after putting it on. One man who has been troubled for a long time with a pain in his back was cured in ten days. I remain your friend in behalf of suffering humanity. Lancelot Junkin. Andover, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-1 have sold all the batteries you sent. Some seem to find immediate relief. One man told me ho would not take ten dollars for his, for it had done him more good than ten dollars worth of medi- cine had done him. Please send me two dozen more very soon. Mrs. H. C. Laughlin. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find inclosed, P. O. order for one dozen batteries. The six which I received were used for fever and ague, aches and pains, in which they find relief. Respectfully yours, Philip Brown, 38 Henry St. Magnolia, Carl Co., Ohio, Nov. 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been afflicted with a pain in my side, and with kidney disease, for several years, and your battery now has cured me, and nothing else done it but that. I would not take any money for my battery if I could not get another one. I got it from your agent, A. G. Fryer. Kiley Newhouse. 238 TESTIMONIALS. Gallipolis, Ohio, Nov. 14, 1879. J. 0. Boyd: Sir-I have received your batteries and have tried one of them myself and have been greatly benefited by it. I trie ! it for liver complaint and know there is virtue in them. You may send me half dozen batteries. I will act as agent for the batteries because I think they are good. Yours, J. R. FULTON. Akron, Ohio, Nov. 29,1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find order for two dozen batteries. I still sell. I send you a list of persons benefited by your batteries, which please put on circulars. Mrs. J. Rhodes, cured inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. G. W. Brewster, cured headache. C. Fields, rheumatism. J. Robinson, " L. C. Parker, neuralgia. J. A. Kilgore, pain in the breast. G. W. Smith, cured rheumatism.' Mrs. F. Danforth, cured neuralgia. Geo. Pallard, cured rheumatism. P. II. Miller, cured neuralgia. Please send circulars. G. S. Dales, 102 Mill St. Bedford, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries are at hand, and circulars also. 1 here enclose stamps for six more. Please send them, for there are several wants for them. I put one on last night, and was much relieved from pain. I would like to deal with you right along for the batteries. Yours respectfully, N. W. Barnes, Magnolia, Carl Co., Ohio, Nov. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I find your batteries the greatest thing in the world. I have been having a weak back and a pain in my back for ten years, and tried plasters and liniments and carbon oil, and nothing helped me till I wore your battery, and that has cured me, that I am now as well as ever I was in my life. I would not take any money for my battery if I could not get another one. I got it from your agent, A. G. Fryer. Mrs. H. Newhouse. TESTIMONIALS. 239 Waynesburg, Ohio, Dec. 4,1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries received. My neighbor and self have been entirely clear of the rheumatism since. The circular is received, and will be cir- culated. Will give them some attention. Have had no time yet. Will circulate those circulars. Will try and take orders for batteries. The four got are all in use. Wife and self and two neigh- bors wear them, and think we have received our pay already. Expect to order more soon. Your sincerely, A. B. Silver. Milton Center, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The twenty Miniature Batteries I re- ceived from you about two weeks ago are all sold, giving mostly good satisfaction. There is ou'e case of indigestion accompanied with pains in the shoulders and back. Put on two of the batteries, and she said that she seemed to be almost well in forty-eight hours. She said that $10 would not deprive her from the use of them. I will here send you $10, hoping that you will send me, according to your circulars, more Miniature Batteries soou. Respectfully, Wm. C. Lathrop. Great Bend, O., July 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Bott) : Dear Sir-The three batteries which I received were used for rheumatism and toipidity of the liver. The one used for the liver gradually helped the patient, and one for rheumatism appeared to relieve as if by magic. Yours truly, J. R. Smith. Paris, Ohio, Dec. 25th, 1879. Find enclosed $3 for batteries, which send im- mediately. My sample, which I wanted for myself, came and I met one of my neighbors so bad with rheumatism that he could hardly walk at all, and he wore your battery five days and feels like a different man. Your servant, . Chas. F. Sell. 240 TESTIMONIALS. Cor. Broadway and Fifth Street, ? Alliance, 0., June 29, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir - Three dozen batteries received last week ; send me three dozen more. Many are very much helped-some cured of pains and aches of dif- ferent kinds. I am entirely relieved of dizzy head and palpitation of the heart, also of pains in my limbs. My husband is much better of rheumatism. People begin to have faith. Two Doctors endorse them; but all of them cannot help but see how people are benefited; some have taken off liver pads and put on the batteries ; one lady said she would not take $5.00 for hers if she could not get another; she is cured of piles and pains in her limbs. Respectfully, Mrs. M. A. Baker. Agent for Boyd's Battery. Van Buren, O., Dec. 29, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I was troubled with neuralgia in my head, with rheumatism in my legs, aud with a cold sensation in my flesh when I was sitting at a hot stove. I was stupid and drowsy in my head for over two years, aud I thought it was something like dumb ague. I traveled last summer, thinking that it would help me; but after I came home it was the old thing. I have been taking medicine all fhe time, but it didn't do me any good. Last fall a cir- cular fell in my hands of your miniature galvanic battery ; I sent for three, and I thought I would try one of them. I put one on as soon as they came to hand, and have worn it about three weeks ; now I feel like a new man. I was hard of hearing, and' that is wonderfully improved ; I can hear almost as well as ever, and I think I will be as good as ever before spring. My wife was troubled with palpitation of the heart and a weak back ; she put one on right off when I got them, and she never felt it since she wore the miniature battery. Wo have only worn them about three weeks, and we feel almost like young folks, and we are over sixty-five years old. I know it is the cheapest medicine that I ever had in the house, and I think I can sell a good many here. I will serve as agent for your batteries. You will find the money to send mo one dozen of the galvanic batteries and a lot of circulars right off, for I can attend to them now and can recommend them by my own experience. I think they are just what they are recommended for. Respectfully yours, John Zorbauch. j TESTIMONIALS. 241 Middleport, Ohio, Jan. 6,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-The last lot of batteries I ordered are re- ceived, and half of them are already sold. I uow send an order for as many more (18). Please send me some circulars. I received the book, for which I am much obliged. But everyone wants a circu- lar, and some call for a circular to take and show their friends, and as I never received any but twice I have been out for some time. I think when the battery is tested a little longer here, it will have witnesses at home without any further proof. I have worn oue of your batteries awhile and feel relieved of rheumatism, almost entirely cured. I could give you other cases but I do not know that it is now necessary. I am doing all I can to recom- mend and sell your batteries. Please don't forget to send the circulars. Respectfully, Mrs. Philena Donnelly, Agent for Boyd's Galvanic Battery, P. O. Box 378. Ashland, 0., Jan. 7, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Euclosed find $4 for more batteries. I have but three- left. Please send some more cir- culars; I want to distribute them through the country. I received your Book of Testimonials, and I thank you for it. My wife is wearing one of the batteries for headache; she has had very little since she has been wearing it. I am wearing one for rheumatism, and have not felt any siuce wearing it. The others that I sold I will report hereafter. Please send as soon as you can, for I will be out of bat- teries. Yours truly, Joshua Reynolds. West Carlisle, O., Jan. 8, 1889. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please find enclosed fortlie miniature galvanic batteries. The people speak very highly of them. Mrs. E. J. White says she is cured of a numbness that has troubled her for many years, and that she would not take $25 for hers, if she could'not get another. The same with N. Host, E. Burch, aud M. Yonker. Please send a few bills. Yours truly, B. B. White. 242 TESTIMONIALS. Christianburgh, 0., Jan. 12, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I have been testing your batteries on father and mother; they are working a miraculous cure on them. Father has been bothered with rheumatism and cramps in his limbs ever since he was a boy; now he is seventy-four. He has not bedh bothered with either since he put on the battery. Mother has not been able to thread her needle for several years. She can do it with ease now. I have let out all your batteries, and they are having good effect. Some persons of this vicinity are thinking of sending to you for batteries, think- ing of getting them cheaper. If yon wish me to act as your agent, you must charge them the retail price. Please send me by return mail twenty-four of your batteries. If they prove as good as the others, I can be of good service to you. Yours* truly, Wm. Edminson. Lancaster, O., Jan. 13, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have user! one of yonr batteries ever since November, and I have been cured of the bron- chitis, catarrh, night sweats, and backache. My wife also has been cured of neuralgia, catarrh, nerv- ousness, and night sweats. I am greatly pleased with your batteries. I enclose $4.50, for which you will send batteries, in haste, and oblige C. L. Belt. Houston, O., Jan. 14, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-While I and my partner, J. A. Buchanan, of Covington, Miami Co., O., were working together in Shelby Co., O., his back became so lame that he could not work. Having seen some time before your advertisement of batteries, he sent for one, and soon fouud great relief. I was down to see him yes- terday, and he is sound and Well. Now, I live in Shelby Co., and will take the agency. There is a carpenter living near me who has had the rheumatism in his shoulder so bad that he can- not raise his arm. Now I want you to send me one dozen of your batteries, and give me full directions how to use them on this gentleman that I speak of. If I can cTire him with them, I can sell a great many of them here. Send them as soon as this comes to hand. Send also a lot of circulars with my name printed ou them. Enclosed find money for one dozen batteries by mail to David J. Snow. TESTIMONIALS. 243 Kenton, O., Jan. 24, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Enclosed you will find P. O. money order for $3 for more batteries. I received the last order all right. I am wearing one of them myself for ague, and have not hail a shake since I put it on. I do think thefia to be a good thing. Respectfully yours, W. J. Lang. Medina, O., Jan. 26, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Having received all the batteries sent for by me, and having disposed of them all, I herewith remit $6 for more of the same, hoping they may reach me in safety this week, as some people ate waiting for them. The batteries now in use are giving good satisfac- tion in almost every case. Mrs. N., having been greatly troubled with kidney disease for several years, was using medicine for alleviation or cure to very little effect; she dropped all curatives, applied one of the batteries, and has had no further trouble from her complaint for the last seven weeks. Previous to using it, she could walk but quite short distances; but now she can go long distances with- out inconvenience. I have worn one myself for cramps and rheumatism, and have not been troubled from these causes since using it. One lady, troubled with diseased liver, can use her battery but a few days at a time, because it causes her so much pain ; she thinks she will ultimately be able to wear it constantly. Others report being relieved of their aches and pains. Yours, etc., N. S. Nettleton. Forest P. 0., O., Jan. 26, 1830. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please send me twelve batteries more. I have been testing three of them ever since New Year's day, one on myself, one on my sister, and the other one on my mother. It has helped them more than anything they had tried yet. I have not had any of my spasms since I wear it, and feel quite like a different person. Enclosed please find P. O. money order. I received that package on S:Jturday; the whole six of them have been sold, and a lot more engaged. Please send them as soon as you Can, and oblige a friend. Very respectfully, D. S. Baker, Agent. 244 TESTIMONIALS. Appleton, O., Jan. 15, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-In October last I sent to you for three of your galvanic batteries, which came all safe with your letter requesting me to become your agent for the sale of them. I thought I would try what virtue there was in them. I have had the rheumatism in my right shoulder for three years very bad, and now I am well and can recommend them. I let one of my neighbors have one who was as lame as I was; he is well pleased, and says it exceeds anything he ever tried. Now I feel I can become your agent, for I can recommend them. Please find enclosed pay for twelve of them. There are four of the batteries asked for now, and I think they will sell fast; for my neighbors knowing how bad I was in my shoulder and back and how I am now, it has given them the reputation of something superior to any- thing they have heard of. Yours respectfully, John Denty. Troy, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have received the batteries in good order, and have them all sold. I want you to send me one dozen more. I am wearing one of the bat- teries, and can say it has helped me very much of pain in my.side. John A. Thompson. Ashland, Ohio, Jan. 31, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received batteries all right this morning, aitil now s.end post-office order for $5.00, for which please send more batteries. People are very anxious about them. I give you below a few names of persons who have been greatly helped, and of those who have been cured: Myself for rheumatism; my wife for sick head- ache, both cured. Mike Thomas, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Poleck and wife, all for rheumatism and headache-all very much helped. Mrs. Maria Coffman, cured of rheumatism. All of Ashland. • I will send you more names as soon as cured. Yours truly, Joshua Reynolds. TESTIMONIALS. 245 Bellevue, O., Jan. 31, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries came all right and also the circulars. I gave my mother one of them, and she has not had the headache since she commenced wearing it. I send you six dollars ($6.00), please send me more batteries in haste and oblige, Yours, W. H. Hagaman. Strasburg, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been troubled with the heart disease for six years, and have taken gallons of medicines from many physicians, but all failed. I have tried one of your batteries four weeks, and I am now almost cured. J. Lintner. Strasburg, Ohio, Feb. 4,1880. I have been in a miserable position for quite a while; I could not lay on my left side; had to sit up in the bed to draw breath. Since I wear one of your batteries I feel well, and can now sleep from eve till morn without awaking once. Peter Renner.. Kent, O., Feb. 4, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-The,eight batteries received this morning, being the rest of my last order. Please send by re- turn of mail one dozen batteries. Enclosed is Post Office order for pay. I am happy to inform you that three persons are cured of rheumatism, many are relieved of other complaints, such as pains in the heart and headache, and one old gentleman of 66 years of age of chills of twelve mouths standing. Respectfully, John T. King, Agent. Forest. O., Feb. 5, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries came all right and also the circulars. I have sold most aH of them. My mother I gave her one, and she has not been bother- ed with the neuralgia nor a pain in the neck and shoulders since, and I think they are all right so far. Enclosed you will find an order for $6.00 (six dol- lars). Please send me more batteries by return of mall, and oblige Yours truly, D. S. Baker. 246 TESTIMONIALS. Strasburg, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1880. I have been troubled with rheumatism for quite a while. I tried a battery, and have not had it since. C. C. Huth. Eagle Mills, O., Feb. C>, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The three batteries I sent for came to hand last Saturday. My wife is wearing one for pains in the shoulders and neck. She put it on last Saturday. The pain left her inside of forty-eight hours and she has not felt it since. She'says she would not take $10.00 for it, if she could not get another. Her mother put one on last Sunday evening. She has been most helpless for several years. She is troubled with the rheumatism. She rested better the first night. I have not seen her since she put it on. I hear it is helping her. She is about seventy years of age. I will let you know more about her in my next. Please find enclosed money for sixteen batteries, eight or nine of them are bespoke. I think I can sell a good many. Your truly, James Stocks. Seville, O., Feb. 9, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $3.00, for which please send me y.mr batteries. I received the circulars about a week ago and the book to-day, .which I think is a nice one for agents. If you have plenty of circulars, please send me about 50 or 75. The battery has cured me of catarrh and headache. Please send as quick as possible, and oblige Yours, Ned McDowell. South Charleston, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1880. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear sir-I set myself to write to you to inform you of my gratitude for your galvanic battery; have been wearing one for a month for the following diseases, pains and loss of sleep, and piles. I have slept well and had no pains wearing the battery, and am better of my piles than for ten years. I ex- pect to be cured. Enclosed you will find Post Office money order for two dollars. Please send me the worth of it in batteries. . Yours truly, James A. Nicely. TESTIMONIALS. 247 OREGON. Toledo, Benton County, Oregon, ? November 6, 1879. ) Dr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-1 take this opportunity to write you this with pleasure. I have been troubled with palpita- tion of the heart for over two years, and I tried all of the remedies that I could find without any ap- parent relief, until I tried your battery, through the advice of your agent, Mr. Jro. Card. I have worn it about two weeks, and I find it has done me lots of good, and I think it will make a well man of me. I would recommend one to all who are similarly affected. Yours, truly, W1LLLAM DUNDON. Toledo, Oregon, Nov. 13,1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been troubled for the last five years with neuralgia in my system, numbness of the limbs, and palpitation of tlie heart. 1 have not found anything to help me uutil, some three weeks ago, I bought one of Boyd's batteries. Although I had but little faith in them, I thought I would try one. 1 was better in twenty-four hours, and my health has been improving ever since. The neu- ralgia, numbness and palpitation are all gone. I can safely lay the credit of this to the battery I have been wearing, as I have not used any medicine since putting it on. I hope that all who are Butter- ing with this most distressing complaint will pur- chase one of Boyd's Galvanic Batteries. I will also state that my husband is wearing one, for an affec- tion of the heart, and his health is very much improved. Mrs. M. V. Thompson. Toledo, Oregon,. Nov. G, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I have had the cramp in my legs for five years. I sent and got one of your batteries; have been wearing it about'four months; it has cured me of the cramp. Yours truly, Jonathan Card. 248 TESTIMONIALS. Kilchis, Oregon, Dec. 25, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Three batteries came safely to hand. I put one on as soon as received, and it has relieved my headache. A Mr. Fairbairn, an old gentleman living near me, has been afflicted for many years with rheumatism in his legs and shoulders. We let him have one, and it has helped him very much. He can now walk round with all ease. 1 enclose money for six batteries, and accept the agency for them. Please direct to Mrs. Harriet Vaughn. TESTIMONIALS. 249 PENNSYLVANIA. Stokesdale, Pa., July 3, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your favor for my acceptance as agent. I shall be glad to accept and do all for your benefit and those afflicted. I will send you $3.00, and you can forward batteries and circulars, also send some of those letters, they might be of some benefit. I have thought of several caseswhich I will try them on. It's working well on me so far; felt it as soon as applied. Feel an itching sensation in my ears and prickling in my face. My eye is bet- ter; had to wear goggles before using battery, have not worn them since. It will help my face if I don't get so I can hear, without doubt. The doctor thought the drum of my ear was bursted, but hope not. I will report the success when I send again for more batteries. Yours, with respect, Willis E. Button. Freeport, Armstrong Co.. Pa., July 8, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I send you an order on the Postmaster in New York for twelve of your Miniature Galvanic Batter- ies. I have been testing three of them for some- thing over a month; one on myself and the others on different other ones. I had not been one day rid of the rheumatism in both haunches and cross the small of the back for a couple of years, and on the day the other batteries arrived I put one on me in the evening, and got up without feeling any pains next morning, and have not felt any since. I am fifty-two years of age, and since wearing the bat- tery feel as young as I did when I was twenty, and accomplish the same day's work with half the ease, and both of the other cases the batteries proved a success and made cures. From your well wisher, William Howe. 250 TESTIMONIALS. Scottdale, Westmoreland Co., Pa., ? August 30, 1879. $ Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find $ 1.50 for batteries. Your batteries have given general satisfaction for heart disease. One man says he has not had the Iialpitation of the heart since he wore the battery. ' expect to have six good certificates in about a week, and then the batteries will sell better. Could you not give me a limited territory; please let me know. Please send me some circulars, and the next order will be a bigger one. I remain, your humble servant, J. S. Weaver. Leraysville, Bradford Co., Pa., Sept. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I purchased one of your Miniature Gal- vanic Batteries of Mr. C. O. Cole, of Meshoppen, Pa., Agent, only a few weeks ago, and have worn the same day and night; since feel more like a young man, as I once was, than I have felt for many years. I am entirely relieved of neuralgia and piles, both of which I had been severely troubled with for many years. I am now past 69 years of ago, and was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., and raised and educated in Yates Co., a miller and Burr stone dresser, which occupation I have followed all my manhood life till quite recently, having met with a serious injury; engaged in turning over a mill stone, I received a breach, which is much to my disadvantage in taking charge of flouring mills. I travel some, and am called to many places. To dress, balance and put new and old mill-stones in order, 1 can sit and do such work without wearing a truss; trust that it may by and by heal up. I write to you to ask that you send me a few of your circulars and a few batteries. Several men here wish one on my recommendation; and I think can- didly that, if you are a mind to make me one of your agents to sell those useful little realities, and not a humbug, I can recommend the same ; for I have honestly already been relieved by the short using of the same, and do believe that it w ill per- manently cure me from those troublesome and dis- tressing complaints brought on me by inhaling burr stone and flour dust, etc., in the milling busi- ness. Send me a few if you are not afraid of my honor, and I will forward to yon the money as fast as I cau sell them. Answer me, and tell me the TESTDIONIALS. 251 percentage you are willing to allow me for so doing. My oldest daughter is living here, with whom I anticipate making it my future earthly stay and home. Shall, as 1 have for several years past, be in New York State. Elmira has been my last residence. My wife 1 lost in that city. She lies on my lot in Woodlawn Cemetery, and I am id't alone, only as I do as I have already said. I am just from the job in dressing three run of burr stones south of here, where your agent came into the mill and sold me this battery. I could send you references satisfactory. But 1 am not afraid of you, and I hope you are not of me. I do by you as I have agreed. Address J. E. Hodge, Leraysville, Bradford Co., Pa., and you soon may expect returns ; for, I think, I know how to sell patent rights of that kind, as well as those I have so long been engaged in selling, pertaining to the milling business. Now if you send me a few batteries and circulars-if I don't sell the same within the time you may require, I will ship or send them back in order, un- handled by any one, at my own expense. Try me once; ajid I do as you direct. Respectfully yours, J. E. Hodge. Lackawanna, Pa., July 14, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I sold those six batteries, and would have sold a dozen more, but we were waiting to see what good they would do ; so after a fair trial they did great good, and I am going to send for one more dozen. Every one I sold the batteries to is perfectly satisfied. Some of them had very bad diseases, such as heart disease, asthma, etc. They are not perfectly cured, but greatly relieved, and expect that it will cure them. Send one dozen, and I expect to order a larger number next time. Martin Williams. Titusville, Pa., Oct. 3, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have put one of your batteries on for rheumatism, and 1 felt the effects of it in the short space of twenty-four hours. Please send me three dozen. I will accept the agency. Yours, Casper Hummel. 252 TESTIMONIALS. Bradenville P. O., Westmoreland Co., Pa., ? September 1st, 1879. J Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I am an ex-soldier of the war of 1861; fifty-six years old ; served during the war in the 18th Regiment U. S. Infantry; was wounded, a flank wound, at battle of Chickamauga, a large round ball, with three buckshot tied together, pass- ed through the calf of my leg. That was Sept. 20, 1863. SLce that time I walked thirteen years by resting my knee on a patent crutch (to this hun- dreds of persons can testify). Over two years ago 1 providentially became acquainted with your elec- tric battery. I wore one a week, I then put it off a week, and put it on again, wore it three months, when my limb begat more strength, and by putting one ami a half inch extension on my boot heel, when I could walk a little with a cane. So I have been walking on it for about two years, a blessing I never expected to enjoy. The wound had so shat- tered my leg, arteries, veins, and nerves, and the two largest muscles, that it was with difficulty I re- strained the army surgeons from amputation. I do not make a business of walking, and the contraction caused by so large a wound will always cause a shortness of my limb, but that I can walk upright by the extension on my heel, and that I first recov- ered the strength by using Prof. Boyd's electric bat- tery, is truly miraculous. I expect to sell hundreds of them, as I am a strong living witness of their effi- cacy. For rheumatism, neuralgia, diseases of the heart, nervous and general debility (in fact for all diseases named in your circular), no other known remedy is equal. I can furnish hundreds of certifi- cates of cures and benefits. Your humble servant, • 1). S. Weaver. Erie, Pa., September 15, 1879. J, C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Your favor at hand and contents noted. I received battery all right; have worn it six days, and I will say I have not felt so well for years. I do not experience my weekly headache, and for some reason I attribute the relief to the use of your battery. I will wear it one week longer, and if no other parties here are authorized as agents by you, I will confer with you. I am dollars better in feeling, and have only worn battery one week. Respectfully, James J. Bassett, 133 West 11th st. TESTIMONIALS. 253 Leraysville, Bradford Co., Pa., ? September 12, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $5 for more bat- teries ; the six I had already ordered were contracted for as soon as the people read the new Circular, which I received this morning. Please forward them on return mail. I am seeing to this business myself. You probably will soon hear from me again, for I am right in the midst of such people as are afflicted with the same complaints that your beautiful little battery is recommended to relieve. Suffice to say, I have great confidence that I shall sell one or two to all thus afflicted. I myself am feeling better and better every day; my neuralgia and piles have taken their electrical flight from me, no more to return, I humbly trust. My recognition and well-wishes to you, for placing before me and in my possession that which has already relieved me of such suffering, will follow me to the end. I will spare no pains to sell to all in this and surrounding places, and as I first said to you, the money shall come to you from my hand for batteries to meet the demands or wants of the people here. Yours truly, J. E. Hodge. New Lebanon, Mercer Co., Sept. 16, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please send me a few of your new Circulars. I have not sold all the batteries yet, but hope to do so in a short time, and then I will send for more. If I was on my feet I know I would do better. They are helping me of rheumatism, and I hear of others being benefited by tnem. Yours truly, Martha De France. Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 3,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I wish you would send me half a dozen batteries; I am wearing oue for heart disease, and am feeling better. I have been troubled very much for years, but since making use of your battery I am a changed man; and several of my neighbors testify highly as to the beneficial qualities of your batteries. Enclosed you will find P. O. order. Yours truly, Wm. W. Jones. 254 TESTIMONIALS. Meshoppen, Pa., September 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq. Dear Sir-Yours of 10th inst. is at hand; contents noticed. The next Circulars, if you please, print with my name at bottom only. I have not got through with the papers concerning my soldier's in- terest, consequently I can devote only part of my time to the batteries; but hope I will soon get in shape so that I can give them my whole attention. I will give the names of a few that I have sold Bat- teries to, that I have either seen or heard from: Elias Treible, who lives on the Neck, Wyoming Co., bought one for his boy for headache and nerv- ousness ; he improved at once under its influence. Mr. Isaac Smith, of Russel Hill, bought one for his daughter, for sick headache, on Mr. Treible's re- commendation. I saw Mr. Smith since; he told me he had heard nothing of her headache since wearing the Battery. I sold Mrs. Robert Cook, of Meshoppen, one for heart disease and nervousness; I was informed, by one of her neighbors, she had received so much benefit fr»m it she would not part with it for a great deal of money, if she could not get another. Mrs. Elizabeth Faucet, of Golden Hill, told me she put one on for heart disease, cold hands and feet; she wore it two weeks, had no attacks of heart diffi- culty ; laid it off one week to see if it was the Bat- tery that kept them off. She then had another fit of heart difficulty; she put it on again, and had none since. All of the above are of Wyoming Co. Mrs. Charles Sumner, of Lime Hill, Bradford Co., put on one for sick headache and lameness all over her, she wore it three months without any head- ache, and her lameness disappeared entirely. She laid it off one month, when symptoms of headache returning, she put on the battery again. Mrs. Abraham Carter, of Grangerville, bought one for cramps. She told me since it broke them up. Old Mrs. Gay, of South Auburn, bought one for asthma and rheumatism; I was informed since she would not take five dollars for hers, if she could not get another. The two last names are in Susque- hanna Co. Yours respectfully, C. O. Cole. TESTIMONIALS. 255 Stokesdale, Pa., Sept. 23, 1879. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your letter came to hand this morning. Found me improving in strength and flesh ; gained fifteen pounds since wearing your battery, and can always speak highly in their favor for the good already done me. I think in time my face will get over being paralyzed; my eye is getting better. If the drum of my ears is not bursted, I think the bat- tery will restore me to my hearing again. I shall send again in a few days for some more batteries, as I have sold quite a good many of them, and relieved many of different aches and pains. I can give you the names of a few who Lave been bene- fited : In Stokesdale- Mrs. Electy Button, headache. Mrs. Asa Smith, heart disease and headache. Mr. Asa Smith, pain in back, benefited. Mr. Thomas Sanders, rheumatic headache, benefited. Mr. R. Hunt, numbness, pain in breast and liver troubles. Mrs. John Dougherdy, sore throat, benefited. In Keeneysville- Mrs. Emily Button, rheumatism, helped. Mr. Ralph Button, pain in breast, benefited. They all expect cures. I will send you more names as fast as cures are made of those wearing your battery. I have some batteries on hand; will sell a few more, and then send again. I have not traveled so much lately, but am getting more strength and can travel more now. I received some of those Circulars from you, showing the size and how worn, and giving instructions for care of battery. A good many would never think of water and soap, unless it was spoken of. I think those Circulars you spoke of will be a help. I found it a help to take down the names of most of them and show to some people. Respectfully yours, " W. E. Button, Agent. Graiiamton, Pa., Oct. 6, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your goods were received and I gave the battery a trial which has relieved my complaint of pain right side, left side, and breast, and cramped legs. I enclose $2 for batteries. Please forward goods by mail, and oblige, Respectfully your servant, David B. Welker. 256 TESTIMONIALS. Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 23,1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-1 received yours of the 20th, and would say in reply that, of the 125 batteries received from ?ou recently, I have sold all but three up to this ime. When I first received them I sold five dozen in a few days, and then concluded to tarry a while and hear the results therefrom. After hearing and seeing a sufficiency of proofs, I commenced selling again on Tuesday, the 10th of this month, and sold nearly all the balance in three days. As. you desire the names and addresses of any that have been cured, as regards the entirely cured, as far as heard from, they are not yet as numerous as those that are relieved and benefited. I will mention a few that handed their names to me to-day when called upon, as follows: Daniel S. Conty, entirely cured, in a short time, of long-standing headache. Frederick Hofman, cured of rheumatism of long standing. Fidie Hitesbew, cured of neuralgia. M. E. French, cured of pain in the breast and weak lungs. Jacob Adams, cured of pain in breast and back. All of Waynesboro, Pa. And, as for myself, I can truly say I am cured of rheumatism and lumbago. Please send me a few of those large Circulars as soon as they are printed, and then I may order bat- teries soon. A. S. Adams. Muncy Sta., Pa., Oct. 18, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-In reply to yours, would state that there have been several persons cured or benefited by your batteries. One gentleman particularly, Mr. A. R. Miller, says that he thinks the battery has cured him of rheumatism. An old lady named Phil- lips, has been materially relieved of the same com- plaint; a lady has been cured of salt rheum, and others have been more or less benefited by the ap- plication of the battery. My wife and I have been benefited by its use, although I don't know as there was anything severely wrong with me, yet I feel much better. My weight is 178 pounds, yet I wear the battery. I hope to order more. I am sincerely yours, W. R. Bridgens. TESTIMONIALS, 257 Rouseville, Pa., October 1, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you some testimonials: Mr. D. McFadden, Rouseville, rheumatism thirty years' standing, cured entirely and general health improved. Mr. John Eisenhice, near Oil City, rheumatism much benefited. Fainted twice from effects of bat- tery too strong. Aged 77 years. Mr. H. Monkam, Siverlyville, rheumatism very much benefited, pain in side entirely cured. Mrs. J. N. Marten, Siverlyville, pain in head and eyes benefited. ' Mrs. Kent, Siverlyville, heart disease and general debility benefited. Mrs. Carter, Clapp Farm, dry asthma, much benefited. Mrs. G. W. Snider, Clapp Farm, Oil Creek, Venan- go Co., rheumatism and pain in head and eyes, much improved in both or all. Mr. Jonathan Cooper, Rouseville, dropsy and rheumatism, benefited, wearing two. Mrs. McKissick, Dale Fann, Corn Planter Tp., rheumatism and pains, benefited. Mrs. C. C. Dale, Dale Farm, C. P. Tp., general debility or nervous debility for many years, much improved. H. B. Hixon, agent, piles and gravel; cured of piles and benefited of the gravel. Health generally improved. All through this oil-producing country, wherever I have sold your batteries, they are com- ing into favor and are doing much good for suffering humanity. Very many say no money could buy their battery, if it could not be replaced or another one got. In my own case it has proven quite salu- tary ; I consider your battery a grand success. You will please observe that the foregoing names are all of Venango Co. I will send certificates occasionally. Yours very truly, H. B. Hixon. Pottsville, Pa., October 9, 1879. Dear Str-I received your letter on Monday. I have only heard of one person being cured with your batteries, and that was P. A. II. Salanch, of No. Manheim, cured of rheumatism. I am out every day with your batteries; the sales are increasing every day, Yours truly, Perry N. Gross. 258 TESTIMONIALS. Youngsville, Pa., October 2, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Those six batteries came to hand all right. I used three in my own family, and sold three for nervous debility, and they are giving good satisfaction. I send you five dollars more for bat- tertes, and hope I shall be able to send a larger order soon. I think they are a godsend to the millions of suffering human beings. Yours in haste, Wm. Morley. Clearfield, Clearfield Co., Pa., ? October 4, 1879. J Dear Sir-I hope you will excuse me for not writing. I have been from home five weeks on business, and on my return got the circular and an envelope with your address. I have sold the ones you sent, and can only give the result of two persons. A friend of mine, Mrs. Hannah Thorp, had an attack of pleurisy, severe cough, spitting blood, rheumatism in the back, loss of smell and taste. I put a half-pint dry cup on her shoulder five minutes, then rubbed with my hands five min- utes, and gave her a Dovers powder at night and put on a battery next morning; pain nearly gone; in four days the sense of taste and smell returned; six days, free from rheumatism. I made a cough mixture, and in ten days she was well and free from all pain. Second case, Miss Mary McCracken, 12 years old, very delicate and weak and small for her age -diseased spine; could not walk 50 rods without resting ; has a hump on her back nearly as big as my hat. I gave a battery and ordered her spine to be rubbed daily for a week with the hand dipped in strong warm salt water; in twelve days she was so much improved in strength as to walk a mile and a half without fatigue. I consider it a decided success. I hope I shall be able to send for several dozen at a time after selling the next dozen, for which I enclose the money. I am at home at pre- sent, and very busy With apples, cider, potatoes, threshing grain, etc., but will soon bo at leisure, and then I will do all I can with it. Yours, with respect, • A. T. SCHRIVER, M.D. TESTIMONIALS. 259 East Branch, Pa., October 18, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The six batteries have come to hand. All sold. Please find enclosed money for two dozen more. They go off like hot cakes. The doctor in this place bought one apiece for himself and wife. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Sarah S. Smith. Brookdale, Susquehanna Co., Pa., ? October 25, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Yours of 8th inst. was duly received; should have answered sooner, but have waited to hear something definite in regard to your batteries. For me one of them, which I have worn ever since I first received them-I forget the date-has done wonders. I had suffered with what is commonly called dyspepsia for years, till I was a complete wreck, and nothing kept me up but an indomitable will. My digestion was improved in twelve hours, my dreadful headaches all gone, and I have been gaining strength and flesh ever since. I am so hungry now, and everything that is cooked well tastes good, whereas before I could eat nothing with impunity or relish. My sleep is refreshing, and my gratitude to you, through Divine Providence, is beyond expression. W. D. Gorton, who had sciatic rheumatism so that he suffered intensely at times, and all the time more or less, is so much improved that he forgets there is anything the matter with his limb. He says he would not have undone what the battery has done for him,if he could not get another, not for $500. He wants another, for it is helping him in different * . ays aside from the rheumatism, and all the doctor- ing he has done did not reach his case. Mrs. Tingley, an old lady, is much improved in her digestion and rheumatism. Miss Minnie Bartie, of very severe neuralgia in the back of her head. All say they are benefited, and are still improving. Altogether, I consider your little Battery a marvel of science. Enclosed please find check for one dozen more, which please forward at your earliest convenience. The former ones have come all right, thanks to a well-organized mail service and honest postmasters, as well as your own promptness and integrity. Yours very respectfully, M. I. Beeman, Postmistress. 260 TESTIMONIALS. Norristown, Pa., October 7, 1879. Dear Sir-After using your battery for about four weeks, I am happy to state that it has entirely re- lieved a severe rheumatism I had been suffering with in my right shoulder for a long time, often preventing me from resting at night, and giving me great pain in the daytime. I cheerfully recommend it to the public, as I felt interested in the instrument and procured a number for some friends of mine, all of whom speak highly of its powers for curing, the purposes for which it was used. Respectfully yours, A. S. Hallman. Linesville Station, Crawford Co., Pa., ? October 9, 1879. 5 Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I got my back hurt a-logging 35 years ago, and have suffered all my life with rheu- matic pains and cramps in my feet and legs. I have worn one of your batteries for 25 days, and my back is well-all cured. A. W. Bunnell, Agent for Prof. J. C. Boyd's Miniature Batteries. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 14, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : My Dear Sir-In reply to your letter of the Gth, I would respectfully state, that I have had a very successful sale of your Miniature Batteries during the few weeks past, and with results almost re- markable. I have scarcely been obliged to canvass to secure sale, and much of the time my customers have been compelled to wait until I could get a new supply. The battery has been endorsed and recommended by one of our best physicians; and without specifying particular cases,.its success has been, beyond all doubts, in many instances of neu- ralgic, asthmatic, and rheumatic troubles, and also of some complicated diseases of a very severe character. My wife has been a great sufferer from rheu- matism in very painful form, completely prostrating her, and depriving of sleep. A single week's use of the battery afforded her relief; and she is now able to be upon her feet for the first in six months. Very respectfully, James Harris, P. O. Bo$ 517. TESTIMONIALS. 261 Linesville, Pa., Oct. 10, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have worn two of your batteries for three weeks for heart disease, liver complaint, and sick headache; heart disease and liver complaint better, and headache cured. S. A. Bunnell. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear. Sir-Below will be found all the names I am able to furnish pt present, and if in time, you will please publish in new circular and forward me when ready. Henry Gormley, No. 1108 Somerset street, Philadel- phia, Pa., dyspepsia cured; had rheumatism for eight years; after wearing battery for six weeks, greatly relieved. Mrs. J. E. Spurr, No. 833 E. Huntingdon street, Phil- adelphia, neuralgia of the heart cured. P. S.-Miss Lizzie Bannon, No. 1141 Somerset street, Philadelphia, suffered for several years with dyspepsia, was unable to retain any food on her stomach, and could scarcely eat at all. After wear- ing a battery for about four weeks, could eat any- thing, could retain it after eating, and gaining in flesh. She has given me permission to use her name in connection with the above facts. Respectfully yours, J. E. Spurr, 833 E. Huntingdon street; Mahanoy City, Pa., Oct. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your letter dated the 4th, but not untilnow, as I have beeu away, and am sorry, as I should like to have some circulars with the names of these parts, as it would favor me a great deal. I will now give you a few uames that state truly to be cured : Isaac Scheliten, sick headache, aud lias never since had any trouble, cured. Isaac Conaway, sick headache aud pains in the breast, aud bad cough, cured. David Close, cured, disease not stated. All of Mahanoy City, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Yours respectfully, David Hillibush. 262 TESTIMONIALS. Petrolia, Pa., October 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir Enclosed please find one dollar and fifty cents, for more batteries. I have worn your bat- tery since last July, and have received benefit from it; I am not yet cured, but intend to wear it until I am. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, Yours respectfully, Mrs. S. Stamm. Address, Petrolia (Box 118), Butler Co., Pa. Denny, Pa., October 25, 1879. Dear Sir-I received your battery, and you may depend that I feel like another man since I have put it on. I have got no pain, and my wife, it has re- moved all the soreness from her breast. I gave one to mother, who is seventy-six years of age, and she says that she has not had so good health for three years, and it is restoring her eyesight. She can sit down and read without glasses. Sir, I will accept the agency. You will please find enclosed $6 for batteries. Yours, John Snyder. Franklin City, Pa., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a few names : Phil Crosman and wife, relieved rheumatics. Nicklen Probst, pain in shoulders. Mr. Smith, relieved general debility. Joel Tate, pain in joints. I sold twenty-eight the first day I was out, and heard from none that did not give good satisfaction. I have worn one for five or six weeks, and it has done me more good than any thing I ever tried be- fore. I have been troubled with pain jn my chest and back for several years, and could only get tem- porary relief until I put on one of your batteries; that gave me relief in twenty-four hours, and I have had no pain in my back or chest since, so I can ful- ly recommend them. They will cure what they ad- vertise. Enclosed find P. O. order. Please forward soon. Respectfully yours, H. F. Gordon. TESTIMONIALS. 263 Clay Lick, Pa., Oct. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please find enclosed four dollars, for which please send me Miniature Galvanic Batteries to that amount, at terms specified in circular. I think of putting another one on. I am a good deal better of my lameness; mine I guess is harder to move than rheumatism, as I had a regular smash when I was wounded, and taking cold into it right taway. My left leg still has an aching hinting in it down about my ankles. My legs are, or were af- fected with partial paralysis. I have got to walk- ing a good deal without my cane. People t ike notice how 1 walk so briskly, too. Yours, truly, Daniel Colklesser. Stauefer's Station, Pa., Oct. 31, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd, New York : Dear Sir-You will find enclosed six dollars for more of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Please send them as soon as you get this order, for 1 a in all out, and they begin to sell well. I sold one to an old man ; he had to walk with a cane. He wore it two weeks, and now he runs like a boy. Also send the batteries as soon as you get this letter, and some more pamphlets. Yours, truly, John M. Henck. Myerstown, Lebanon Co., Pa., > Nov. 10, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find money for six of your batteries, which I will sell and try myself, and in short, go to work as agent for the same. A few lines to you about your batteries. Henry Woomer has bought one of your batteries, and is cured of rheumatism and nightmare. I see him daily. Also D. Perpher cured. Pcrpher recom- mended to Woomer, and now I will try my luck as agent, and expect to do a good business for you and myself. I would order more, but I am otherwise engaged for a short time yet. I have been agent for different firms for the last eight years. Your batteries prove a success wherever in use, and peo- ple are inquiring about them. I said to many already I would take the agency, and they promise to buy. Very truly yours, J. H. Faust. 264 TESTIMONIALS. Stauffer's Station, Pa., Nov. 12,1879. The batteries give good satisfaction. Mrs. Kooff- mau had the rheumatism, and neuralgia, and she wore the Miniature Galvauic Battery for two weeks, and she is well now and able to do her housework. I saw her yesterday, and she says she is very thank- ful that I ever came around with the batteries, and several other cases. Send me the twelve Miniature Galvanic Batteries as soon as you get this order, because I have some promised, and a few more of your printed envelopes and pamphlets. Yours, truly, John M. Henck. Elizabethtown, Pa., Nov. 13, 1879. Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $G.OO for bat- teries. References: Mrs. Ebersole, rheumatism. Mrs. D. Rull, benefited. Mr. Harry Gish, nervousness. Mrs. M. Nissby, benefited. Mrs. Mumna, neuralgia. Mrs. E. Kurtz, liver complaint. Miss E. Gish, pain in back and side. Mr. H. Long, rheumatism. Mrs. A. Gish, relieved. Mrs. Redsecker, headache. Respectfully, Jacob B. Gish. Marion, Pa., Nov. 24, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : I received that battery. I had a pain in my side for two months or more and the battery stopped it in three days; I was glad to receive it. I gave a few of the slip bills out, and almost every one said they want one of the batteries. I have three or four very bad cases of rheumatism; they would like to try the battery. If you please, Mr. J. C. Boyd, send me half a dozen of the batteries as soon as you can, for the patients would like to have them as soon as possible. Yours truly, S. T. Buckholder. TESTIMONIALS. 265 Dillingersville, Lehigh Co., Pa., ) November 24, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I should like to have another dozen of your batteries. I sold all the others; and I have the names of some persons cured by your batteries, but not all the persons to whom I sold are cured yet: D. F. Schell, Dillingersville, sick headache. C. F. Schell, Dillingersville, rheumatism, head- ache. Miss Angelina F. Schell, Dillingersville, head- ache. A. D. Carl, Dillingersville, rheumatism. Miss Sarah A. Schell, Dillingersville, headache. Miss Maria C. Schell, Dillingersville, pain in the back. Miss Annie Eck, Allentown, rheumatism. I think I will get the names of the persons'not cured yet, after awhile. A. D. Carl. Blairsville, Pa., Oct. 23, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find order, for which you will send twelve batteries and some more descriptive circulars. Two of my customers claim to be benefited. 1st. S. McWilliams, sore back. 2d. S. Crawford. He is a delicate man, and I did not hear him describe in what way, only he claims great relief. Both of Blairsville. Yours, etc., S. L. Stilt, Box 3. Allegany Bridge, Pa., Dec. 13, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been afflicted with a lame hip, weak and lame back twenty-five years, and have been wearing two of your batteries about two months. The results are very satisfactory, as I feel that I am comparatively cured. There are several others also claiming the same results. Truly yours, G. T. Dennis. 266 TESTIMONIALS. Watsontown, Pa., Doc. 15th, 1879. Friend J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will have to get another dozen batte- ries. I wish I could go into it stronger, as it is very annoying to you to be sending out such small or- ders. They are certainly a grand discovery and in- vention. I have been wearing one of them since I received the first half dozen, and have been benefited a great deal. Our town barber, John J. Bair, has been wearing one of the same lot. He tells the world publicly he would not take three times its weight in gold for it, and says he would not do without one of J. C. Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Batteries. Yesterday I was at a reunion of the 131st Regi- ment P. V. I., and in distributing some of your bills I sold 5 batteries I had in my pocket without any trouble. They took time to read it on the ground. Send me lots of bills. I shall circulate them in such a way that they will not be wasted and will benefit somebody if it don't me. I am anxious people should have the batteries. S. R. Averill. Buck Horn, Columbia Co., Pa., ( December 8, 1879. 5 J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I enclose P. O. money order for one dozen of your batteries. Please send +bem right away. My father has been troubled with rheuma- tism for many years, and he got one of your bat- teries last week, and he feels like another man now. Some of the neighbors want some of them now. Yours truly, Wm. H. Walter. McKeesport, Pa., Dec. 15th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have received your battery. Miss Lizzie Bahm was afflicted with rheumatism since she was a young girl, iu her arms and back. I gave her the battery to try ; she is 63 years of age; she wore the battery two nights and a day, and now she can raise her arms up over her head and is gaining strength in her back, and is much pleased with the battery. Respectfully yours, Philip H. Ulrich. TESTIMONIALS. 267 Potter Brook, Pa., Dec. 12th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the six batteries I sent for from you. They are all sold. My wife has suffered with a pain in her shoulders for twenty years. It hss been a number of years since she could lay on her left side; it has helped her so that she can lay on her left side nearly as well as the other. She has only worn it five days. As far as I can learn they are all doing well. Please note this. I enclose the money for eight more of your batteries. Please send a few more circulars. A. M. Richardson. Freeport, Pa., July 8, 1879. J. P. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please send me twelve batteries. I have been testing three of them for over a month, one on myself and two on others. I had not been one day free of rheumatism for a couple of years. I put one on in the evening and the next morning got up without feeling any pains, and have not felt any since. I am 52 years of age, and since wearing the battery feel as young as I did when I was 20, and accomplish the same day's work with half the ease, and in both of the other cases the batteries proved a success and made cures. From your well-wisher, William Howe. Media, Pa., Dec. 22, 1379. Having suffered fearfully for some three years from periodical attacks of neuralgia in my head, and tried everything I could hear of without any benefi- cial results, I was induced by E. E. Bowden to try a pair of Prof. Boyd's Electric Batteries. I have worn them since the 14th of November, since which time I have experienced no symptoms of the dreaded malady. I most cheerfully recommend them to all similarly afflicted, feeling confident that if applied as directed they will effect a speedy cure. Most respectfully yours, Capt. John W. Russell. West Fairview, Pa., Dec. 23, 1879, J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $6.00, for which send me batteries. The ones received from yon several weeks ago are doing good service. Two in use in my family, malarial fever in both cases; another patient had not had warm feet or hands for the last six years, says tlmy are nice and warm; also re- lieved. a bad case < f catarrh. r '-tS.4 J. Q. JiAY. 268 TESTIMONIALS. Watsontown, Pa., Dec. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-We are getting better pleased with the miniature galvanic batteries every day. Myself and most other people passed our opinions on the batteries in this wise : that the patient and the bat- tery would become used to one another after a short space of'time, and that the battery would cease to have any influence on the blood; but we have found to our utter astonishment that it is just the reverse, for the longer we wear the batteries the more we feel the charge of electricity. In several instances patients could only wear them part of the time, and none of us have been wearing them longer than about seven weeks. I have not heard any one of the 31 persons say otherwise than that the batteries were doing for them much more than they could have hoped for. Some say they would not take $50 for their batteries; others wouId not give them for twice their weight in gold. Some say Boyd is an angel on earth. It is only a matter of time till every family will have one or more batteries. I have three in use in my family. I wear one for a weak back. I put two batteries on for a few' days, just for an experiment, but could only wear the two about four days-too much electricity. Nothing like them. I am satisfied that they are everything desirable. I feel like a new man. My back feels strong, and is just as it feels. It had been weak since the war, my horse having fallen on me in a charge, May, 1863. S. R. Averill. Lincoln, Pa., Dec. 25, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd: I am very well satisfied with your batteries. I have them all sold, and the patients say they are helping them wonderfully. I am trying them on cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, pains around the heart, nervousness, sick headache, and fits, and all who use them speak well of them. Enclosed find $3.00, and please send me more batteries imme- diately. AH sold out. Respectfully, William Harrison. Upper Lehigh, Pa., Dec. 30, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Sir-Find enclosed $3.50 for more batteries. I have worn one myself, and it has cured me of pains in the back. Yours truly, Richard R. Griffiths. TESTIMONIALS 269 Pettis, Pa., Dec. 25, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $4.00, for which send by return mail more of your miniature batteries. My last order came to hand all right, and have given satisfaction. I have been trying one on my- self, and it has relieved me of a pain under my right shoulder blade. I think the batteries are all they are recommended to be. Please send me some more circulars, as all you sent me are distributed about the neighborhood. Yours with respect, Wm. Titcs. Direct to Pettis, Crawford Co., Pa. Franklin, Pa., Jan. 1,1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send the money for 12 more batteries. I received the others and they are all sold, and as tar as 1 have heard from them they are well pleased with them, and the people are getting waked up about them here. My mother is wearing one of the first ones I received, and she is greatly benefited, and if she could not get another, money could not buy it, and I am also wearing one myself for back- ache and pain in my shoulders, but have not been troubled with either since I wore your battery. I have not had time to tend to the business as I ought, but mean to try to do more at it. Yours with respect, Addison Rockweld. East Branch, Pa., Jan. 1, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your book on Christmas Eve, for which accept thanks. I think your batter- ies are doing a great deal of good in the world. I have been wearing one since the 1st of October; have been greatly benefited. Almost every one that I have sold one to has been helped. My hus- band had no faith at all in them, but after a great deal of persuasion I induced him to try one for catarrh, and was more than pleased to find it re- lieved him in less than two hours. He has not been troubled with it since, for which he is very grateful. I sold the last of the two dozen this morning. En- closed please find order for one dozen more batteries and some more circulars. Yours respectfully, Sarah S. Smith. 270 TESTIMONIALS. Mason & Dixon, Pa., Jan. 2, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd: Three years ago I fell from a barn a distance of thirty feet, and hurt my back. Nothing would help it until I wore one of your batteries, which has given me the greatest relief. I would not do with- out it as I am young, only twenty, and thought I was crippled for life. Respectfully yours, Thomas G. Stickell, Agent for Boyd's Battery. Mechanicsburg, Pa,, Jan. 3, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I enclose another order for twenty-four more batteries. I want to try and have some on hand. Four weeks ago I sold' a battery to Mrs. Myers, at Goldsboro, York Co., Pa., whose joints were stiff from rheumatism for about two years. She is now able to do her housework. Hoping to get a return soon, I remain, &c., D. W. Boss. Linesville Station, Pa., Jan. 5, I860. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find a money order for two dozen more of your miniature batteries. I send you a list of persons who have worn the miniature galvanic batteries, and have been benefited or cured. It has been of service to every person that I have sold to: Wm. Mirier, Kingsville, Ohio, rheumatism, cured. Ira H. Woodard, Pen Line, Ohio, rheumatism. Almira Miller, general debility, helped. Ora Crater, rheumatism, cured. D. Spalding, rheumatism, helped. David Cobb, rheumatism, helped; and wife, general debility, helped. Mrs. Rufus Bishop, heart disease and dropsy, helped. P. O'Donnell, paralysis, helped. John Gilleliland, asthma, helped. Eliza Gilleliland, heart disease and dropsy, helped. John Ladner, kidney and liver complaints, and rheumatism, helped. Martha Ann Ladner, bronchitis, cold and numb- ness, helped. Mrs. Hendric, Josep Thomas, Samuel Gerr, all of rheumatism, helped. All of Linesville. I could give many more names of persons benefited, but space will not permit. • Yours truly, A. W. Bunnell. TESTIMONIALS. 271 Knox, Pa., Jan. 5, 1880. J. C. Boyd: My Dear Sir-The half dozen batteries that I or- dered are all disposed of, and enclosed please find Post-office money order' for one dozen, as I have a few orders, and expect to sell a great many as soon as people get to know about their good qualities. My wife and daughter are better by using them, and an old neighbor, James Shannon, who has had rheumatism for a great many years, says, since wearing one, he has not felt an ache or pain, although he has been wet; and the changes in the weather don't affect him as formerly. He says money could not buy it from him if he could not get another. Yours, &c., S. D. Strock. Coudersport, Pa., Jan. 7, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir--I have been wearing one of your bat- teries about three weeks, and when I put it on I was very lame with the rheumatism and had much pain in my head. The pain in my head has left me, and I think my rheumatism is about cured. I can walk very smart; the fifth of this month I traveled sixteen miles in one day, and before I got it I had to get around with two staves. 1 feel thankful to the Lord aud you for the help that I have received in wearing the battery. This from yours, Orange W. Strong. Sugar Notch, Pa., Jan. 12, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I have disposed of the one dozen batteries you sent me, and they have given such general sat- isfaction that I want one dozen more. I have been subject to the asthma for several years, aud have spent a good many dollars without any good effect, but by wearing one of your batteries I am perfectly cured, and have left off using it. My wife has been afflicted for five or six years with general debility, and has doctored with several physicians without any good effect. By using one of your batteries is greatly relieved, and I believe will be cured. Mrs. Nethertoon has been greatly benefited with one of your batteries, of dropsy ; others havo been benefited, but don't wish to have their names pub- lished. Please find enclosed money for more batteries. Yours, Tiros. Bennetto. 272 TESTIMONIALS. Elk City, Pa., Jan. 10,1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed post office order for $3. Please send me galvanic batteries by return of mail, and please do not delay. The parties that got the bat- teries seem delighted with them. I gave one to a man that had rheumatism it) the shoulder four days ago. I was passing by the house to-day he sent a girl after me to say he wanted another. I told him as quick as I would get them I would give him an- other. He said the one ho got cured the arm. Please send them to Elk City P. O. Respectfully yours, A. C. Best. Keelersburg, Pa., Jan. 11, 1880. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I write yon again for some more bat- teries, as I am out again. What I have sold have given universal satisfaction in all cases. One sold to Charles Tripp for dyspepsia cured him at once, and he gained seven pounds in nine days. If you wish for testimonials I can send you a number. En- closed please find $6 for more batteries, which please send by return mail, and you will oblige Yours truly, G. W. Sutton. Lehighton, Pa., Jan. 13, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Sir-Your battery, I am glad to say, has entirely cured me of rheumatism. Yours respectfully, W. G. Roth. Wampum, Pa., Jan. 13, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: I will accept an agency of your galvanic battery. I enclose $3 within ; please send as soon as you get this. I think they are a good article. My father and mother are both wearing them at this present time, one for numbness in the limbs, and the other for pain in the arm, and have both received benefit. Please send me circulars for distribution. Mrs. C. M. IIagey. Waterford, Pa., Jan. 14, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Having given yonr battery a good trial, I find that it has given good satisfaction. It has cured me of a pain in the back. Please send me six batteries- I will act as agent for this place. Respectfully yours, O. J. Hitchcock. TESTIMONIALS. 273 Altoona, Pa., Jan. 14, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed P. O. money order for 50 cents, and send me one of your galvanic bat- teries. The one I got of you for myself has cured me of a severe attack of ague. My brother-in-law has also been cured of ague, after his physician had failed, by wearing one of your batteries. I have still another friend suffering with ague, whom I have induced to try one also. Please send immediately and oblige Yours truly, J. A. Wilt. Lehighton, Pa., Jan. 16, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I have worn one of your batteries one month. My right arm was so that I could hardly use it. Now it is as well as the other one. Respectfully, Mrs. W. H. Bachman. Centre, Pa., Jan. 16, 18S0. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I intend acting as agent for the sale of your batteries. I have tried one of your batteries for some time, and can recommend them to all my fellow sufferers. You can use my name, if you wish, as a recommendation for the cure of rheumatism, as it has cured me in a short time. Please send as soon as you can, and oblige me by so doing. Yours respectfuliy, J. C. Hull. West Decatur, Pa., Jan. 17, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received three batteries you sent me. I have been wearing one this week for liver com- plaint, and believe it is helping me. My wife is wearing one. She says the pains and numbness have left her breast and arms, and feels better in many other respects. I want you to send me one dozen more as soon as convenient. You will find enclosed post-office order for the amount ordered. Yours respeetfully, Levi Goss. 274 TESTIMONIALS. Marion, Pa., Jan. 19,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: I received those batteries, and they were quickly sold. I hardly had time to go around to sell. Now I have time to satisfy the folks around here. Now Mr. Boyd, if you please, send me one dozen of those batteries for this time, and the next time I think I can order two or three dozen. Please send them! as soon as you can. The folks I sold the other batteries to are all very well pleased. Their uamcs are as follows : , Mrs. M. Etter, Marion, Franklin Co., Pa., rheuma- tism. Mrs. McCleary, Marion, Franklin Co., Pa., rheuma- tism very bad. Mr. J. McCleary, Marion, Franklin Co., Pa., rheu- matism bad. Mrs. W. Small, Marion, Franklin Co., Pa., rheuma- tism in the arms. . Mr. E. Burkholder, Marion, Franklin Co., Pa., rheumatism and heart disease. S. T. Burkholder. White Hall, Pa., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Send me twelve batteries for this check, and oblige. The batteries sell well here and are doing well. I have an old gentleman here seventy-eight years old ; when I got the first batteries from you I sold him one; he was entirely lame with rheuma- tism, he could not raise his arm, and now he is well and can do any kind of work; ho says if any person would give twenty-five dollars to him for his battery, and he should have none, he would not give it; so with all the rest I sold to, all doing well. The book you sent me is a nice one, I ought to have a few more, I have a few agents out. Have you no larger bills to hang up in my store ? I will now have to get a dozen each week to supply my demand for them. Send right off, and oblige Wm. A. McSherry. Packerton, Pa., Jan. 21, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I can testify to the value of your bat- tery, for it has cured me of rheumatism of four years standing. My case had baffled the ablest physicians. They all pronounced it incurable. Yours truly, M. L. Johnson. TESTIMONIALS. 275 Neshannock, Pa., Box 5G, Jan. 19, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Nearly three months ago I wrote for one of your miniature batteries for the purpose of fully testing its merits upon myself, being a good subject for that purpose, inasmuch as I have suf- fered from rheumatism and nervous diseases and liver complaint, more or less for the past eight or nine years, but more especially for the last years. At times my sufferings have been so acute that life has been a burden, and although I have been able to get around and attend to my business, generally, notwithstanding, it has been a burden to me almost intolerable. Upon receiving one of your circulars and carefully reading the contents, I at once concluded to try one of your batteries. The effects of their operation being based upon scientific principles, I felt assured they would give me relief. Assured also if they did not benefit me they would not do me barm, which cannot be said of any patent medicine. And now after two months trial, I am happy to state that I have better health, free from any aches and pains which I have been so long accustomed to at the stomach and between the shoulders. I can now sleep well and get up re- freshed in the morning, which is something I have been a stranger to for years. Tam not as susceptible of taking cold as formerly. I can endure fatigue much better, and on the whole my business occupa- tion is becoming a pleasure instead of a burden to perform, and am fully convinced that I owe this great change to the results of wearing one of your batteries, and can confidently recommend them to all suffering from disease arising from a debilitated nervous system ; its action is gentle, imperceptible, but powerful in its effects. I shall therefore accept an agency for the sale of them in accordance with your request. Enclosed you will find the money for one dozen, which you will oblige, by sending me per return mail at once to the above address. I am respectfully yours, John W. Mason. Lehighton, Pa., Jan. 22, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have been suffering with rheumatism and pain in my back for many years. I have been wearing two of your batteries about two months. I consider myself cured. I think I can sell a great many, as they have cured some people in Carbon County. I will keep on selling your batteries. Yours truly, W. H. Bachman. 276 TESTIMONIALS. Rutan, Pa., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd Dear Sir-I take my pen to write you a line about that battery. My wife had been afflicted with pain in breast, and shoulder, and arms, for a long time, and headache almost every day, and could not rest at night. She put it on as soon as I got it, which was on the 24th day of December. She got up the next morning without any headache, and has not been troubled with it since, and all pain has left her breast, and shoulders, and arms. She would not take five dollars for it, if she could not get another one. I have given out a good many of those circu- lars, and there is some wanting the batteries. I think they will sell fast when I get them introduced. Enclosed you will find three dollars, for which yon will please send me six of your batteries by re- turn mail, as I want them as soon as ever I can get them. Yours very respectfully, N. Ketcham. Elk City, Clarion Co., Pa., Jan. 21, 1880. Dear Sir-I received the batteries on Friday last all right. Enclosed is five dollars. Please send me the amount in batteries in haste. The first I got I gave one to a Mrs. Dale, of Dale farm; she was afflicted with pain in the right hip and pains in her shoulder, so as she could not stoop to lift any- thing. I saw her last Saturday, she said it cured them all. Her husband had another to put on his back; they go fast, I have only two now, so please send them as soon as you can, and oblige yours Respectfully, Ab. Best. Broadford, Pa., Jan. 21, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Inclosed is $12, for which you will please forward me more batteries as soon as possi- ble, for I have part of them sold, and they want them as soon as 1 can get them. I received your batteries that you sent me last week, and sold them all the next day. Those that have been wearing taem say they are good. I have not had one to say that they were of no account. I have been wearing one for about six weeks. I am now twenty-six years of age, and have had the phthisic ever since I was small, and always had a very bad cough, more particularly this time of the year, and now to <ny great surprise, and those that have known me for a Tong time, it is all gone, and I never felt better, nor looked healthier in my life. Yours truly, J. W. Halley. TESTIMONIALS. 277 Pottstown, Pa., Jan. 2Q, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been wearing your battery as directed for pain in my shoulder. I have been en- tirely cured. Frederick Emery. The wife of Mr. Emery, rheumatism cured. The wife of Henry Miller, rheumatism benefited. The wife of Jacob Kepner, pain in shoulders bene- fited. All near New Hanover P. O., Montgomery County, Pa. Edward Feagetry, Douglass P. O., same county- I have been wearing your battery as directed for pain in my shoulder. I have been entirely cured. Frederick, P. O. - Catharine Boyer, rheumatism cured. Maryann Dengler, P. O. Pottstown, itching in the skin benefited. Caroline Fronheiser, female complaint cured. Aaron Fryer, pain in side cured. Reuben Fryer, heart disease benefited. The wife of Frederick Weise, sick headache cured in 24 hours. Respectfully yours, Daniel Palsegrove. Glenwood, Pa., Jan. 23, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please send me by return mail six batteries, also 150 circulars. Enclosed please find pay for the same. I wish to say that the four batteries you sent me came to hand all right, that I have tested the merits of them and they proved to be most potent, radical, and efficacious remedial agents for the .cure of rheumatism, ever introduced into this part of the country. I will accept the agency and push the sale of the batteries through sub-agents. Below I report two certificates of cures of a very bad case: Mrs. M. Roland, cured of chronic rheumatic swol- len shoulders. Mr. F. Rutland, cured of a long standing and obstinate case of rheumatic pains in the back, chest and shoulders. You are at liberty to publish the above certificates should you wish. Respectfully, F. Ruland. 278 TESTIMONIALS. McClellandtown, Pa., Jan. 23, 1880. Dear Sir:-I received your last dozen of bat- teries, and forgot to send for circulars. Two for scrofula are getting well. Two for asthma are getting well. One for fits, the worst in the county, is getting well. One for rheumatism, getting well. One for diabetes, who is almost well. One for catarrh, who is better. All of these persons are getting better. I don't think I will ha ve any more trouble in either county in selling all that I wish to. I have got one good man in each county to help mo sell them. Please send me two more of your books if you have got them. This book does mo a great deal of good. I have just got back from Carmichael's. I sold a few. Yours truly, A. Clawson. Remington, Pa., Jan. 24, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I received by to-day's mail a lot of your posters, appointing me as your agent. I received your batteries by mail on the morning of the 19th of January, 1880, and the day before they came to hand, could scarcely get through the house, and about ten o'clock on Monday, I put them on, and am thankful to say that, in those five days I have been free from rheumatic pains longer than I have been free from them at one time in the last fifteen months. Samuel Phillips, Agent. Dundore, Pa., Feb. 12, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find money for twenty bat- teries more. I received your sample batteries on the 9th of this month, and my wife put one on the same day, and slept that night without pain. Ever since she has had no rheumatic pains either in her arms, shoulders, or back ; and this morning she said she would not give it for $5.00 if she could not get any more. Send them soon, for my neighbors want them ; six of them are already engaged, and if they give relief as quick as the sanjple batteries did, you will soon hear from me again. It affords me great pleasure to be able to recommend them. Please send some circulars. Respectfully, D. M. Stauffer. TESTIMONIALS. 279 Remington, Pa., Jan. 26, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $3.00, for which please send your miniature galvanic batteries. P. S.-I have had your batteries on just a week to-day, and have not felt a rheumatic pain since I have put them on. Respectfully, Samuel Phillips. Pittston, Pa., Jan. 27, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Sir-I have to announce to you that I have noticed with pleasure a uniform action of your bat- teries, positive in affording relief, while on others its power is magical, more especially in the cure of rheumatism and neuralgia, which complaints, we know from long experience, obstinately refuse re- sist all other medical treatment. I have also noticed its effect in a case of an inveterate cutane- ous disease, probably herpes. All who are suffering from such tormenting complaints I confidently and candidly recommend the use of your galvanic bat- tery, as being, without a doubt, the safest, the speediest and most reliable cure without a shadow of doubt. With their permission I herewith append the names and cures of a few: Mrs. Morris, aged 80 years, rheumatism of several years standing, cured. Mrs. Howe, bad dyspepsia, cured. Mrs. Gilooley Olyphant, neuralgia, cured. J. McNulty, cured of rheumatism of several years standing. Several others benefited. I could send you many more names, but shall deem the present number sufficient. You will please find enclosed $6.00 for more bat- teries, Send at once with circulars. Respectfully yours, Thos. G. Barrett. Smiths Ferry, Pa., Jan. 31, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed find $2, for which send me more batteries. All persons I have sold your bat- teries to are benefited more or less by wearing them. The telegraph operator of this place has been cured of dizziness iu the head by wearing one of them. Yours truly, Geo. W. McCormick. 280 TESTIMONIALS. Watsonton, Pa., Jan. 28, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Mr. James Burrows handed me one of your bat- teries, which I have been wearing for five or six mouths, and have received great benefit from it, for I have been an invalid for twrenty years, and am better since I have been wearing one of your bat- teries than I have beeu for years, and as some of my friends are thinking to try them, I thought of writing for the agency. I will enclose money for one dozen. Please send them as soon as possible, for there is a number of my friends waiting for them, as they want to procure them from me. Yours, in haste, Lillie D. Irvin. Wyoming, Pa., Jan. 28, 1880. Dear Sir-Having received your medals, I am glad to say that I have no more pains in my back. Also my mother says that she has been benefited by your medal. I am sorry to say that I cannot act as agent for you at present; but my mother says that she will try them, if you will send the circulars with her name upon them, Mrs. Mary Tigue. You will find enclosed the pay for twelve batteries. You will please send as soon as possible. Yours truly, W. E. Tigue. Pittston, Pa., Jan. 28,1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons who have worn the miniature gal van ie battery. It has cured every person that I have sold to : Michael Tigg, pains in the chest and rheumatism. Joseph Larrick, rheumatism. Mrs. Larrick, abscess. Lucius Larrick, abscess. • Sarah Clifford, pains around the heart. Thomas Ciifford, asthma. Patrick Cooney, pains in the chest. Jane James, pains in the heart. Mrs. James, pains around the heart. Mr. Harding, rheumatism. David Powell, rheumatism. My step-daughter, who has been bleeding from the mouth and nose for the last seven years, which no doctor here could cure, and every person I sell to it is doing them great good. Respectfully yours, John Ryan, Agent for Boyd's Battery. TESTIMONIALS. 281 Long Run, Pa., Feb. 11,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold out what I had, they are giving general satisfaction so far; they have cured several here of bad complaints. 1 sold one to a man by the name of George Deemer; it cured him of rheumatism in twenty-four hours. I think I can give you the names of several cured in my next let- ter. Send them as soon as possible. Address John White. Saxton, Pa., Jan. 24, 1880. Mr. J. 0. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries you sent me on Monday last, and I have been wearing one since and I feel relieved of the rheumatism. I got the circulars you sent me. I will send for ten more; you will find five dollars enclosed in the letter. Yours truly, D. B. Gibboney. 282 TESTIMONIALS. RHODE ISLAND. Hope Valley, R. I., Nov. 2G, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries and they are all in use and giving the best of satisfaction. I have one sou and my wife, who are both wearing one and hink they arc helping them. You will find enclosed O. order, for which please send me one dozen bat- ■ cries at once, and oblige, Yours respectfully, John G. Wood. Westerly, R. I., Dec. 15th, 1879. Prof. J. 0. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your three batteries in due time. I am wearing one myself and I have not had any pain in the head since I commenced to wear the battery, something that 1 have not been free from so long in fifty years. My daughter is wearing one, and the other one of my neighbors is wearing. I dis- tributed a part of the circulars, and yesterday I had a call for three batteries. I want you to send me 12 batteries, for which I enclose a money order. Very truly yours, P. H. Gallup. I will take the agency for them if you think I had better. TESTIMONIALS. 283 SOUTH CAROLINA. Liberty Township, Orangeburg, S. C., > November 2, 1879. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been wearing one of your bat- teries ever since the 1st of February, and it lias cured me of the rheumatism, neuralgia, spasmodic cramps; but I consider myself cured. I am now thankful to say that my health is good; I have been afflicted 30 odd years, and as soon as I put on the battery, in a short time it relieved me. My daughter is cured of nervousness and sick head- ache. My son is cured of chill and fever and headache. W. Davis is cured of chill and fever, he has not had the chill and fever since he put on the battery. M. Nettles, cured of neuralgia and female com- plaint. J. Nettles, cured of boils and benefited other ways. Rev. W. H. Joiner, dizziness, dyspepsia, and palpi- tation of the heart greatly relieved, and believe it will cure him. Mr. Boyd, pains in the hips and legs, cured in a short time. K. Livingston, a freedman, rheumatism of long standing, cured in a short time. E. Bats, cured of sick headache. Hiller Township : L. Hebard, rheumatism, headache, female weak- ness greatly benefited. Sarah Segrest, greatly benefited. Orange Township: J. T. Bloodwerth, palpitation of the heart cured. T. A. Bloodwerth, loss of health. J. H. Bloodwerth, benefited. Sallie Bloodwerth, benefited of old age. . Maria Bloodwerth, relieved of pains in the side and sleep too much. Maria Allen, cured of rheumatism and whites of long standing. George IL Allen, cured of river fever as soon as he put it on, and rheumatism. Aken County: Mr. Williamson, greatly relieved of tumor. Ren Chaplen, greatly relieved, so much that he recommends them. Please send me twenty-four more batteries, you will find the amount enclosed. L. C. Sheppard. 284 TESTIMONIALS. Hart's Store, S. C., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your letter some days ago, but having to wait until I could see some parties that I had sold batteries to, I failed to answer until now. You ask for names of persons who had been cured or benefited by the batteries I sold to them. I will give you two names only, this time, as I have not seen other parties who bought batteries of me. Mr. John Cox, who has been past doing anything for the last two years, is wearing two of your batteries; says he is ou the mend now. Mr. Benjamin Trammell, who has the rheumatism and cramp, has been wearing one of your bat- teries three weeks or a month, he says he got better in a few days after putting it on ; also recommends them to be good; says he is entirely cured of cramp. Please send nre more circulars at once. The names I give you, the parties are in Greenville Co., S. C. Please find enclosed P. O. Order for $3.00, for which you will send mo more batteries; I have more demand for them now, than I have had before; please forward at once. * - A. E. Hart, Agent. Hartsville, S. C., Nov. 5, 1879. Mr. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have tried your battery, and have been benefited. Yours truly, I. G. Ellis. Hartsville, S. C., Nov. 5, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : ■ Dear Sir-I have tried one of your batteries for the rheumatism, and have been benetited. Yours truly, O. B. Carter. Aiken, S. C., Nov. 22, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find check for $10, please send me Electric Batteries for the amount, as I have al- most gotten rid of all I had. Some of the batteries I sold have performed the most wonderful miracles, the most I gave away as advertisements. Send re- ceipt. Yours truly, W. S. Walker, Per A. D. Beckman. TESTIMONIALS. 285 Brightsville, S. C., Nov. 30th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I enclose you $3, and you will send its value in your batteries, and the agency to sell them; also send me the circulars with my name printed on them as agent. I received the one you sent me Sep- tember 25th, and it is impossible for me to describe the good it has done in my own family. My wife had been unable for months to attend to her house- hold affairs. But now she is as well as she ever was, and she is able to do all the housework for her fam- ily of six children. Respectfully, G. W. Rasco. U. S. S. New Hampshire, Port Royal, S. C., > December 22, 1879. 5 Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-There are several persons who have been cured by wearing your batteries, and many others have felt relieved from them in two days' time, having been suffering wonderfully with rheuma- tism, nervousness, and weakness. A lady in my neighborhood, who has been accus- tomed to the female complaint, declares that she is cured by wearing one of your batteries. She bought one from me of the first lot I ordered. You will find enclosed $3.00, for which send more batteries as soon as possible. Yours respectfully, J. T. Porter, Agent. Mile Creek, S. C., Jan. 22, 1880. J. C. Boyd.: Dear Sir-The batteries I ordered came to hand, and I am well pleased with them; sold one to my gon, Dr. T. W. Tolleson. He had rheumatism in the shoulder; two weeks cured him. He says it makes him feel young again. I am wearing one myself, and feel better now than I have been for twenty years. I can recommend them for nervous diseases. Enclosed please find $3.00, for which send me more batteries. I will sell what I can for you as agent. Yours respectfully, James Tolleson. 286 TESTIMONIALS. Walhalla, S. C., Jan. 24, 1880. J. C. Boyd, New Yerk : Dear Sir-I have been suffering with rheumatism and neuralgia for nine years, and was hardly able to work. I have used all kind of medicines, and found no relief. I bought one of your batteries from your agent, N. Crenshaw, and found relief the first twenty-four hours. I can work in the day time and sleep at night. Yours respectfully, John Ansel, Sr. Walhalla, S. C., Jan. 25, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I wish to say to the suffering that Boyd's battery is a great wonder in the cure ol disease. It reminds me ef Crenshaw's battery that knocked the Yankee's battery so high in the late war. Boyd's battery will knock the pain out of a man in twenty-four hours as high as a kite. I had liver complaint and constipation of the bowels. I find no use for pills now, after using one of Boyd's batteries one month. If every family in this county had one of Boyd's batteries, the doctors of this county would perish in less than five years for the want of practice. Yours, N. Crenshaw. Hyland City, S. C., Jan. 25, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been a sufferer from general debility and liver disease for fifteen years. I got one of your batteries from your agent at Wal- halla, S. C. I can say to-day that I am well, and greatly benefited. I can recommend them as no humbug, and believe them to be a great scientific discovery; and every household should have your battery. They will save in one year a ten-dollar doctor bill and more. I am yours respectfully, Prior Taly. Walhalla, S. C., Feb. 2, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I was subject to severe paiu and sick headache for six months or longer; and after wearing one of your batteries for a> month, I am well, and take great pleasure in re- commending your batteries to all persons suffering with pains. I am yours respectfully, Mrs. Moly Crenshaw. TESTIMONIALS. 287 Whitaker, S. (5., Feb. 8, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I take pleasure in writing you a few lines in reply to parties who are wearing batteries. Miss Nancy Downey, a girl of 14 years old, was suffering with rheumatism in her legs and knees. I sold her father one, and told him to put it On and weat it according to directions. He did so. She is now well, and can go out to the wood pile and chop up a fire of wood, and never grunt at it. Thus she states to me. W. P. Etters : Dear Sir-I take the opportunity ©f addressing you as you asked me to do. I wore it according to directions; and in two weeks after I put it on I could not feel any pains. Now I consider myself cured. Mother and father are wearing the two you brought them. Father sleeps so well since he com- menced wearing his that mother can't get him to get up in the morning, till she has to scold him a little. They are well pleased with theirs, and are finding great relief in them. I hope that you will soon come up again and bring some batteries with you. There are several neigh- bors around here who want some, wishing you would come soon. Yours respectfully, Nancy Downey. Mrs. Muleno, an old lady of seventy and some odd years, is wearing one for pains, t saw her two weeks ago. She told me that she was considerably relieved of her pains; is well pleased with hers; sent for me to call and see her and bring more batteries, as the neighbors wanted some around here. Yours truly, W. P. Etters, Agent. Aiken, S. C., Feb. 10, 1880. Dr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I received the sample battery, the book, and the other circulars you sent me-thanks for it. On Saturday morning I got up with a sore throat. I went to the post-office and received the sample you sent me, and put it right on. I am now relieved. Yours truly, T. IT. Hayne, • Agent for Boyd's Batteries. 288 TESTIMONIALS. • Walhalla, S. C., Jan. 27, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that my mother has been afflicted with rheumatism for more than twenty years. She has tried various remedies, and also tried several physicians for treatment, but suc- ceeded, in doing little or no good. Hearing of the wonderful cures your batteries were making, I procured one from your agent of this place, N. Cren- shaw ; and after wearing it for a few weeks, she is now well. I take pleasure in recommending it to others afflicted likewise. Yours respectfully, J. F. More. Walhalla, S. C., Jan. 31, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that my daughter has been suffering for three years with rheumatism, and was unable to walk. Our best physicians treated her, but received very little or no good. I saw one of your circulars, and bought a battery from your agent at this place, and put it on my daughter nearly four weeks ago. To-day she is better than she has been in three years. I am yours respectfully, Henry Lee. Whitaker Station, York Co., S. C., ? February 6, 1880. 5 J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find the money for which you will send me eight batteries. Please send them by first mail, Yours truly, W. P. Etters. TESTIMONIALS. 289 TENNESSEE. Lafayette, Tenn., Aug. 27, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received by to-day's mail the bat- teries I sent for; I have also received the circulars with my name printed on them. I think I can sell quite a number. My father, S. Meador, has been suffering with headache for some time ; he is now wearing one of your batteries, and has found great relief, I think it will cure him. I will send $5.00 for batteries, please send them by the return mail. Respectfully yours, Lucy A. Meador. Cleveland, Tenn., July 2, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find P. O. Order for $3.00 for batteries. I am wearing the sample battery you sent mo some time ago for heart disease, and am ijpeling better than I have for some time. I know of others wishing to try it: think I can sell some; will try it; if successful will continue my orders. Yours truly, A. J. White. Centre Point, Tenn., Oct. 14, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclose:I find certificates for your batteries. Alex. Fields, heart disease and pains, and says they have cured him entirely. N. S. Carroll, heart disease and pain in the shoulders relieved. E. C. Foster, nervous headache relieved. Mrs. Ellis, palpitation of heart relieved to some extent. Rachel Picket, relieved of several causes. Bettie MoGarity, heart disease relieved. Jane Yow, relieved. M. J. Yow, relieved of heart disease. I will order more of them as soon as I have time to attend to them. Yours, &c., D. Yow. 290 TESTIMONIALS. Brackentown, Tenn., Sept. 15,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please send me forty batteries, as I am out. The people are beginning to find out the mer- its of them, and I think I can sell a great many, as they have cured some very bad cases and have given general satisfaction wherever they are sold. I would like to have some of the new circulars, as I think they will be a help to the sale of the batteries.! Yours respectfully, Jeremirah Sarver. Brackentown, Tenn., Oct. 11,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: The first three batteries I received I applied the first one to Louisa Perdu for bilious or cramp colic. She was benefited in one night's time so that she felt better than she had in her life before. Aged 48 years, post office address, Brackentown. The second was applied to Dr. W. H. Neel; the disease was pains through the system. He had been for some time so nervous that he could not write, nor raise his saucer to his mouth without spilling his coffee. He was cured inside of three days. He wore the battery about one month after he was cure$. John Lambert told me that he felt better the next morn- ing after he put the battery on, than he had in a long time before-he is still improving. W. H. Neel aged about 45 years, Lambert's age about 50 years; post office address, Brackentown, Sumner Co., Tenn. The next one I applied to myself before going to bed. My disease from a child was piles up till now ; I had been afflicted about fifteen "ears with pains in my shoulders'and neck, and very often in iny head very bad ; I had a very severe pain in my back with kidney or urinary affection; I had palpitation of the heart. At the time the battery was applied I had severe pains at the back of my neck and through to the upper part of my breast. I was made to feel as easy in one night's time as I ever felt in my life. I have been ever since walking selling your batteries, and I feel thankful to you for your battery invention, for my good health. I am now 74 years old. Your agent's post office address is Brackentown, Sumner Co., Tenn. I sold one to Dr. Bob Durham for him to apply to himself before lying down. Before going to bed there came in three men one of whom had a very bad kind of hiccups. The Doctor laid the battery in the man's hand and the hiccups Hashed from him TESTIMONIALS. 291 in two seconds and he went off easy. After which the Doctor applied the battery to his wife before going to bed-the next morning she said she felt better than she had in eight months before. She was able that morning to do all of her housework, which she had not been able to do for some time before. During the same day two men came in the room at the Doctor's where his wife was; one of them had a violent pain in his side, which drew him to one side wonderfully, with his hand to his side. The lady took a battery and applied it to the man's side, and in five minutes the man straightened up and ■went off perfectly easy. The lady's age is about 40 years, post office address, Coats Town, Sumner Co., Tenn. Her disease was fits, with other female com- plaints. I applied a battery to Sarah Wyatt. Her disease was neuralgia and palpitation of the heart, difficulty of breathing. She was relieved in twenty-four hours, and she thinks she is now well. Age 43 years, post office address, Brackentown. I applied a battery to Mandy Gregory. Her dis- ease was rheumatic pains in her ankles, swollen ankles similar to dropsy, palpitation of the heart, and difficulty of breathing, weak, nervous debility. She is now restored to health, and would not do without the battery for fifty dollars. Age 50 years, post office address, Brackentown, Sumner Co., Tenn. I could give you 75 or 100 testimonials equal to these if I had room. I am ypur Tennessee Agent. Most respectfully, Je-remirah Sarver, Bracken town, Sumner Co., Tenn. • • Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1879. ' J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your letter of the 23d of September is at hand, also battery. I commenced wearing right away and find great relief, can sleep well at night, the beating of my heart has become more natural, and I do not feel afraid to go to sleep. I shall start for Chicago soon, and then you will hear from me again. 1 remain Yours truly, R. C. Malerey. Cleveland, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1879 J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find P. O. Order, for ■which send me by mail two dozen of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries. I have disposed of the dozen I first got; they are spoken well of by those that have tried them. • Respectfully, A. J. White. 292 TESTIMONIALS. Milan, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been wearing two of your batteries for neuralgia, nervousness, and a hurting in the breast. Before I put them on I was not able to do anything. Now I am able to work without f"<y pain, only had them six days. Respectfully, Mrs. J. D. Lusk. Milan, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been testing one of your bat- teries for over twelve months on my little girl for chills, spasms, and worms, and can say it has done precisely what it is recommended to do. I would not take $50.00 for it and do without any Yours, &c., W. A. Holder. Milan, Tenn., Oct. 22, 1879. Dr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have been affected with neuralgia for the last four or five years, and that the use of one of your batteries has caused it to entirely disappear. I have not been wearing it over four weeks. Yours truly, J. H. Horine. Milan, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-1 have been wearing two of your bat- teries only three weeks for neuralgia, with which I have been affected for fourteen years, and found no relief until now, and have been relieved of heart disease. I would not take $25.00 for them if I could not get any more. Mrs. D. A. Taylor. Bristol, Tenn., Oct. 2, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Enclosed find P. O. Order for twelve more batteries, the twelve you sent me last are all sold. I am well pleased with them myself, and all that I have heard from say that they are benefited. I will report to you more fully the next order. Please send more circulars. Respectfully, N. Burkett. TESTIMONIALS. 293 Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd : I have sold about nine dozen of your batteries, and they have given entire satisfaction to every one that bought them of me. I will order twelve soon. 1 will send you some testimonials now and more soon. I have one for myself, it has done wonders for me, for catarrh and headache. Yours, Hekrman Kreis. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I with pleasure represent your battery to be just what yon claim for them. I have been suffering with a pain in iny stomach for .ten years. I bought one of your batteries from one of your agents, Mr. H. Kreis, and I feel greatly relieved of pain in my stomach, it cured me of heartburn also. Respectfully, E. P. Sexton. I have tried Boyd's battery and I have found it a good thing, for I have only w orn it one month and I know it has done me good, for before I got it I had the headache every day, and I have not had it since but twice, and then it was not bad. Let everybody try them for themselves. I will take two more as soon as they come. L. C. Simpson. Mr. J. C. Boyd : > Sir-I return thanks to you for your battery. My wife had the neuralgia so bad that her teeth were loose, and I bought one of those batteries of yours, and in two days she was sound and well. Yours, John Moors. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I take pleasure in recommending your Galvanic Battery. I have been afflicted with a weak back and diseased liver. I have been using one four weeks that I procured from your agent of this place, and have been greatly benefited thereby. Yours truly, Alan Lane. 294 TESTIMONIALS. Greenfield, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $1.50 for batteries. I have waited some time since hearing from you to test the battery I received. I have worn it about one month, and I have not been even feeling bad. I was suffering with piles very bad, but was cured immediately; so please send immediately as I have three or four engaged. I accept the agency Yours truly, Isaac II, Ward, Bristol, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a few names of persons who have been effectually cured, and others benefited by the use of your batteries. Myself cured of cramps and stiff and swollen joints, and greatly benefited of pains and aches and general debility. Your humble servant and agent, N. Burkett. J. C. Boyd: Sir-I have been cured of rheumatism and head- ache by the use of your battery. Yours truly, Sarah J. Booker. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I purchased one of your batteries of Mr- N. Burkett, and am pleased to say I have been cured of rheumatism and bronchitis, and have gained twelve pounds, am in better health than I've been tor fifteen years. Yours truly,. Rev. Robert P. Moore. Pandaro P. O., Johnson Co., Tenn. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I can hardly express my regards to you. I was induced to try one of your batteries and I am happy to say to you that it has cured me of rheumatism, gravel, dead spot on ray leg, and a breaking out or skin disease on my head. I remain, yours truly, Samuel S. Vance, Paperville, Sullivan Co., Tenn. TESTIMONIALS. 295 Clementsville, Tenn., Oct. 28,1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Yours of the 15th to hand, and we send you the following testimonials in favor of the batteries,with permission to print them in your circular you speak of. Clementsville the P. O. address of all these. J. C. Boyd, Esq. • I had been suffering many years from palpitation of the heart. About one month ago one of your agents advised me to try a battery. I did so. and am proud to say that I am entirely cured. I can and will speak in favor of the battery. Yours, etc., Stephen Jenkins. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I have been subject to a pain in the side and cramps for many years, but since wearing one of your batteries one month am greatly relieved. Yours respectfully, - Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: One of your batteries has cured me of neuralgia in three weeks. Hurrah for the batteries ! • Truly, Wm. F. Jenkins. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I have been wearing one of your batteries for pal- pitation of the heart, and am greatly relieved, and have hopes of a complete cure. Very truly, Mrs. Nellie Richardson. J. C. Boyd : I purchased one of your batteries of Elbert Jen- kins, your agent here, and have been wearing it for a pain in my side, and am feeling better than I hav for some time. Yours truly, Mrs. Pollie Cherry. N. B.-We could send you a dozen more names if we thought it would be any accommodation to you. The above-named persons have given us their say-so just as above written, and any persons doubting these statements will please address any one of them, en- closing stamp for reply. We give you those certificates as they were given to us, and should any one doubt the facts we would be pleased to prove them. Very respeetfully, W & E. Jenkins, Agents for Boyd's Batteries. 296 TESTIMONIALS. Prospect, Tenn., Nov. 1,1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please find enclosed five dollars for which you will send me batteries. I am glad to tell you that the batteries are giving general satisfaction. Wm. Barnett, Jalpa, Tenn., cured of neuralgia. Elder John Davis, Mount Vernon, Tenn., neuralgia. Elder C. R. Daugherty, Prospect, Tenn., heart dis- ease and rheumatism. Many others are benefited; please send me the batteries quickly, as I have only two left. Send me more circulars for distribution, and oblige, etc. Respectfully, D. M. White. Bradford Station, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I purchased one of your batteries in hopes that it would cure the chills, and to my sur- prise and satisfaction it did. My son had the chills for fifteen months, your battery has made him well. Respectfully, J. H. Mount. Horse Creek, E. Tenn., Nov. 3,1879. J. C. Boyd : Please find enclosed ehange for eight more batter- ies, the others came to hand all right. I have been wearing one for the last fifteen days, and have not felt a pain, neither have I had the sick headache or neuralgia one time. 1 feel better than I have for ten years, as I had suffered dreadfully with nervous sick headache and neuralgia pains in my limbs and back. Yours truly, N. A. Moore. Marr's Landing, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear S.r-Received the two dozen batteries some days since and found all safe; would say, I will send you the cash for two dozen more. Your bat- teries are benefiting and curing all who wear them. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am, Sir, Yours respectfully, Wm. B. Swindle. TESTIMONIALS. 297 Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 13,1879. Dear Sir-I have a severe pain at my heart for about five years, and I have also been pestered with a burning in my side, shoulder, and back, and diffi- cult breathing, soreness in my left lung, and heart- burn. My husband purchased ore of your batteries, and I put it on at dark, and the next day I felt almost like a new person. I have worn it now about two weeks, and have not felt a single pain, only a slight pain at my heart. Mrs. M. E. Burnett. Cades Cove, Blount Co., Tenn., Nov. 21, 1879. Dear Sir-The half dozen batteries you sent me a few days since are all gone, they give general satisfaction. Please send me half dozen more. En- closed you will find P. O. money order for the same; in haste, the people are anxiously waiting for them. Oblige yours, Nathan Burchfield, Agent. Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I accept the agency of your Galvanic Battery. To-day two weeks ago I put on one of them, and I feel better, and hope it may prove per- manent. I am conscientious about recommending anything for the benefit of poor sufferers, unless I were sure that it would relieve, if not cure. I have talked in Nashville and in Pulaski a great deal of the batteries, and threw the circulars around, and some orders have been sent me to this place-Frank- lin. I enclose money order, please scud me very soon twenty-four. Respectfully, Mrs. J. A. Jackson. Wild Goose P. 0., Tenn., Nov. 29,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the six batteries you sent me. I found ready sale for them. They are giving great satisfaction. My wile is wearing one ; it has done her more good in the two weeks than all of the medicines she has used in twelve months. I have several other calls for them. You will find in the enclosed six dollars. Please send me more of your batteries. Yours, etc., B. J. Young. 298 TESTIMONIALS. Lafayette, Macon Co., Tenn., > December 1, 1879. 5 Prof. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have sold six dozen batteries and will give you a few names of persons that have been benefited by them and some cured. One case is that of a child three years old; it had fits caused by worms, and is now well. Its parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robbertson, of Smith County, Tenu., bought a battery from me about one month since. Mr. Scott, of Macon County, Tenn., cured of headache. Most every person I have heard from is well pleased with the battery. Some say they would not take any sum of money for their battery if they could not get another. Mrs. Cartwright says, hers is worth fifty dollars; she had smothering. I could give many more names of persons that have been greatly relieved by wearing the battery. You will please send me twenty-four more bat- teries. I would like to have a few more circulars. You will find money enclosed. Respectfully yours, Lucy A. Meddor. Henderson's Springs, Senter Co., Tenn., ? • Nov. 24, 1879. 5 Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have received the last lot of batteries in due time. Enclosed find $5.00 for more. For your benefit I send you the names of those who have used your battery and benefited by it. B. Jones, Pigeonforge, Senier Co., Tennessee. Win. A. Atchley, disease not known, ho was not able to go when he got a battery, and is now stout and healthy. His address is Henderson Springs, Senier Co. Robert Helton, Henderson Springs, who was suffer- ing with neuralgia, and was cured by the use of your battery. E. A. Atchley, Catlettsburg, Senier Co., was cured of rheumatism. Mary Duggan, general debility. I send you the above names by permission. I will get certificates from their own hand as soon as I can. Yours respectfully, B. M. Atchley. TESTIMONIALS. 299 Prospect, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd. New York : Dear Sir-You will please find enclosed ten dol- lars, for which send me the value in Galvanic Bat- teries. Send them by return mail. I have only two left. The batteries are giving general satisfac- tion. I put tv.p on an old man that had been speechless for about four years; the third day af- terwards he could talk nearly as well as ever. I think I will be able to give you large orders before long. Hope to receive batteries soon. Respectfully, D. M. White. Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I accept the agency of y*mr Galvanic Battery. To-day, two weeks ago, I put on one of them, and I feel better, and hope it may prove per- manent. I am conscientious about recommending any thing for the benefit of poor sufferers, unless I am sure that it would relieve, if not cure. I have talked in Nashville and Pulaski .a great deal of the batteries, and threw the circulars round, and some orders have been sent me to this place, Franklin. I enclose money order. Please send me, very soon, twenty-four. Respectfully, Mrs. J. A. Jackson. Brownsvlle, Haywood Co., Tenn., ? November 26, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd . Dear Sir-Enclosed find P. O. order for three doz. more of your batteries. The last order come all O. K. and were disposed of immediately. I can hardly supply the demand, and they are generally giv- ing good satisfaction. One person in particular, who has had rheumatism for some time, has been nearly cured, and says he would not take a $50 note for his battery if he couldn't replace the same. Please forward immediately, as the parties who are needing them are anxiously awaitiug the same. Yours very respectfully, J. F. Clark. 300 TESTIMONIALS. Trezesant, Tenn., Jan. G, 1880. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-The two dozeu batteries you sent me I have sold, all of them. You will please send me two dozen more. I myself have been wearing two of your batteries for dyspepsia aud neuralgia, aud I have not been bothered with them since. I will give you another testimonial from Mrs. E. L. Carter in her own words : I have had a pain about my heart for five years. Since I have been wearing one of your batteries I have not been troubled with it. 1 am sixty-eight years of uge. Respectfully, D. W. Kirby. La Grange, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I. can tell you the little batteries are doing well in Fayette County where I am selling them. I will state io you some cases which have been cured. Andy Carr, cured of chills. Ealert Branston, cured of rheumatism. John Slouer, cured of pain iu his arm and shoul- der. My wife and daughter, cured of rheumatism. G. W. Mowry, almost cured of swimming in the head and rheumatism. Henry Eener, cured of the backache. Haleon Hant and Mark Branston, cured of weak back. I could name some more cafees cured, but I will give them iu my next letter. Yours truly, ' Phillip Kisor. Water Valley, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed I send yon four dollars for miniature galvanic batteries. I am wearing one for nervousness aud feel confident I have been bene- fited. I would like to have the agency for them in this vicinity. I wish you to send me some circulars with the batteries, so that I can distribute them. I have sold three of the four that were ordered for me by J. L. Williams at the time he ordered four for himself. I have a good report from all who have bought. Yours respectfully, D. W. Peeler, P. M. TESTIMONIALS. 301 Haley's Station, Tenn., Jan. 15, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-It is with great pleasure that I endeavor to praise your batteries. I have sold four dozen of them, and every one who bought one is greatly re- lieved. I have ordered two dozen more, but they have not come to hand yet. You will find six dollars for more. I give you here the names of those from whom I have heaTd. Mrs. Maupin, pains and restless nights. Mr. J. D. Maupin, dyspepsia and rheumatism. Mrs. N. A. Eason, pain in back. Mr. Bramlett, dyspepsia. My wife has been greatly benefited in sick head- ache and female complaint. She says she would not take fifty dollars for hers. She is in better health now than she has been for thirteen years. I will give you more names in a few days. Respectfully, W. M. Eason. Pulaski, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The six batteries you sent me gave full satisfaction. I will state my own case. I am now 52 years of age, have been afflicted from childhood with more than ordinary nervousness. I can posi- tively state that my nerves are more quiet to-day than any day within my recollection. Enclosed find Post Office order for five dollars. Please forward the batteries and circulars, and oblige Your agent, W. M. Hamilton. Molino, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries and circulars received in due time. The batteries are all sold, and I think they are a great invention. Myself cured of neural- gia and nervousness; I had it very bad, and I have not had it since I put your battery on. James Claunch, cured of neuralgia. G. S. Cole, cured of the piles. Mrs. Cole and daughter, greatly relieved. My mother, relieved to some extent of dyspepsia, and others not heard from. Respectfully, F. A. Pip'S. 302 TESTIMONIALS. Coffee Landing, Tenn., Jan. 19,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed find money for twenty-four more batteries. I have sold out about all that I have ordered heretofore, and the demand is not sup- plied. They are becoming more popular every day. People are coming ten and twelve miles after them. Below are the names of a few persons that have been benefited by the use sf the battery with the dis- eases with which they were afflicted. Emily Marshal, heart disease. J. W. Jameson, rheumatism. Mrs. R. H. Meek, neuralgia. John Yancy, worms. Mrs. Morris, benefited. J. J. Williams, rheumatism. Mrs. Terry, relieved of headache of four years standing. A great many others have been benefited by the use of the battery; in fact, they give general satis- faction. Yours truly, D. L. Orr. TESTIMONIALS. 303 TEXAS. Cedar Mills, Grayson Cq., Texas, ? August 16, 1879. J Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find ten dollars for which please send me Boyd's Batteries. The reason why I sent for your batteries is, my wife was very badly afflicted with chronic rheumatism. I received batteries 1 ist Tuesday evening. I put two of them on her, and she is much better, and I have hope she will get well. The doctors said she was incurable, and she was suffering terribly; but now she is easy. I repeat I will push the sale of the batteries, if my wife gets well, so I can leave her at home with the children. Please send by return of mail. There is no money order office nor bank nearer than 22 miles. I conceive that registering a letter does not add to its safety. Yours truly, Walter G. Leming. Clay Hill, Titus Co., Texas, Oct. 7, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your favor of September 20th is at hand, and carefully read. In answer I will state a few cases out of many who have used the battery and been greatly benefited by its use. First, myself cured of sick headache and asthma of 25 years' standing ; also my wife cured of gravel and piles of some years' standing. Mrs. Susan Dixon, of Clay Hill, cured of an obstinate attack of chills. J. G. Riddle, of Mount Pleasant, an inveterate sufferer from sick headache, and quite an old man, has been, using a battery not quite two months, and has had only one. attack since he began to use it. I could state numerous other cases, but think it unnecessary. I do not know of a single instance where the battery has failed to cure chills, and further would state that I have been practicing medicine for the last twenty-live years, and have never known any one remedy as successful as the battery. Respectfully, J. G. Davis, M. D. 304 TESTIMONIALS. Grand Prairie, Tex., Oct. 27, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I will give you the names of the persons cured and relieved, and their addresses : Hugh Lynn, Johnson Station, chills and fever, cured. Has not had any since he wore the battery. John Syer, Johnson Station, relieved. Ike Lynn, pain in the side for fifteen years, cured. Mrs. Weebs, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., neuralgia, cured. David Chaimblern, Arlington, Tarrant Co., chills and fever, cured. Mrs. Ann Hitson, Johnson Station, pain in the breast, relieved. Mrs. Mollie Space, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., pain in the side, cured. She has not felt it since she wore the battery. E. M. Clyton, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., neuralgia, and what the doctors call fistula, cured. Sylvester McAfee, Johnson Station, chills and fever, cured. He had them for one year. Mr. George Crumbwill, Grand Prairie, catarrh, cured. He had it since 1869, and spent $100 for catarrh medicines. Mrs. John White, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., neuralgia, cured. Mrs. John Hackler, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., neural- gia cured and dyspepsia relieved. William Lynn, Mansfield, Tarrant Co., pain in the heart, cured. I will take the names now as I go along, of all persons cured and relieved, and send them to you. Please send twenty more batteries as soon as you receive this. Yours respectfully, J. Simmons. Harwood, Tex., Oct. 24, 1879. J. C. Boyd : • Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $12 for batteries. Please forward them immediately, as the last you sent were sold before they arrived. Please send me more circulars, I am sending them all over the country. One man who got a battery from me has asthma; he says if he could not get another he would not take a fortune for it, although so small. Send them by return mail, as I have orders for several and want to keep them on hand. Your obedient servant, Chas. Ball, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 305 Office of Chambers & Conly, Druggists, ( Daingerfield, Texas, Oct. 23, 1879. j J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-It affords me much pleasure in being able to say to you that your batteries are doing well here. I saw Thomas Snodgrass yesterday that had been afflicted with diseased spine, with dyspepsia and rheumatism for several years, and after wearing a battery for about one month, assures me that he was entirely healed of all, and had improved in weight several pounds. He has an old neighbor of about sixty years old that had been unable to at- tend to his farm for many months ; he put on a bat- tery, and in one month has become able and has has gone to work. A lady in town had been af- flicted with a distressing cutaneous eruption. She wore one about one month and laid it off, being radically cured. I am near eighty-two, had a pain in my shoulder for eleven years; I put on two bat- teries, and in six weeks I find my old pain gone hence I know not w'hcre, but it left without a bill, so I hope never to find it again. There are many other cases I have heard have been cured er much benefited. I hope you have proved a blessing to suffering humanity. Respectfully yours, John G. Chambers. Gonzales, Texas, Nov. 17, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Mrs. Caroline has been afflicted with rheumatism from a child, and she applied two of your batteries according to direction, and she says that she has been greatly relieved; another is the case of my brother, who has been subject to palpita- tion of the heart, he says that they aie a good thing and that he has not had a sick day since wearing one of your batteries. My father accidently got run over by a wagon and it injured his left shoulder so that he could not raise his arm to his head; after wearing your battery he can- use his arm, ho cau wash his face with it as good as he can the other one. An old lady near by suffered so with aches and pains that she could not sleep nights, and she came to my house on the 12th inst. and my mother put one on her, and I went to her residence the next day and she told mo that all the aches and pains had disappeared as if by magic. I will accept the agency. Enclosed please find P. 0. order for one dozen, if you cau make it convenient please send me a few circulars with my name aud address print- ed on them. Yours truly, N. C. Phelps. 306 TESTIMONIALS. Gonzales, Texas, Nov. 17, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Mrs. Caroline has been afflicted with rheumatism from a child, and' she applied two oi your batteries according to direction, land she says that she has been greatly relieved. Another is the case of my brother ; he has been subjeet to palpita- tion of the heart, he says that they are a good \thing and that he has not had a sick day since wearing one of your batteries. My father accident- ally got run over by a wagon, and it injured his left shoulder so that he could not raise his arm to his head, and after wearing your battery he can use his arm, he can wash his face with it as good as he can the other one. An old lady near by suffered so with aches and pains that she could not sleep nights, and she came to my house on the 12th inst., and my mother put one on her, and I went to her resi- dence the next day and she told me that all those aches and pains had disappeared as if by magic. I will accept the agency. Enclosed please find P. O. order for one dozen, if you can make it* con- venient please send me a few circulars with my name and address printed on them. Yours truly, N. C. Phelps. Gainesville, Texas, Dec. 2, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Inclosed find P.O. order; please send me half dozen batteries. I have sold all I received, and so I send for more. My daughter sufiered a great deal with a sick headache; she put one on and found present relief. Yours truly, James C. Moore, . Agent for Boyd's Battery. Bagdad, Texas, Dec. 17th, 1879. Dear Sir-I have not done anything for you lately, but I think I will get up an order soon. I believe all the batteries that I have sold have given satisfaction. I have been wearing one for palpita- tion of the heart, and I feel great benefit from it. Yours respectfully, A. J. Rowland. TESTIMONIALS. 307 Cooper, Texas, Dec. 15th, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received 40 of your Miniature Galvanic Batteries, and have disposed of most of them. They are giving entire satisfaction. I was suffering bad- ly with-neuralgia and cramp. They have relieved me wonderfully. One old man, Solomon Tucker, had suffered with a pain in his head and shoulder for twenty years; has used one of your batteries three weeks, and says he would not be without it for $100. Please find enclosed $10 for more batteries. O. B. Nations. Cooper, Texas, Dec. 15th, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-1 have been troubled with the chillsand fever for nearly two years,-and have taken medicine all the time, and it didn't do me any good ; I got so disabled I could not work. I bought one of your batteries, and have been wearing it for three weeks. I feel better than I have for over two years, and I haven't felt any symptoms of the chills since I got the battery. I have gained nine pounds in weight since I have been wearing it. Yours truly, E. E. Hendley. Cedar Mills, Grayson Co., Texas, ? September 30, 1879. $ Mr. J.'C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find two dollars, for which please send more of Boyd's batteries; the batteries are doing only tolerably well; they do not cure with that promptness that your circulars seem to imply ; for instance, my wife is suffering yet badly with rheumatism; true- she is some better, but I hope she will yet get well. Three weeks ago she got worse and despaired of the bat- teries curing her, then I scoured them up and now she is doing better. Out of the twenty I have sold only four or five have been fully satisfactory so far as I have heard from. Please send by return mail. Yours truly, Walter G. Leming. 308 TESTIMONIALS. Marysville, Tex., Dec. 30, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: / Dear Sir-The sample battery you sent me on the 17th of October came to hand on the 25th. I have been wearing it constantly ever since, and consider my catarrh considerably benefited. I have concluded to accept the agency for your batteries, and you will find enclosed $3.00, for which please sen 1 batteries and 500 circulars with my name as agent. Send as soon as convenient. I think I can sell them at short notice, but I want the circulars to advertise the batteries while I am order- ing more. Very respectfully, Taos. J. Wilbourn. Lavaca, Tex., Jan. 6, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Enclosed find $4, for which please send me more batteries; the ones received are all sold, and I have more engaged. AH that I have sold batteries to seem to be relieved already. Before wearing your battery I suffered greatly from my arm, it pained me continually, and I could scarcely use it. The battery has relieved me more than anything I have tried yet; I think it will cure me, but will take time, as I have had it so long; and, being a sprain and rheumatism together, it will take longer to effect a cure. Please send the batteries immediately. Respectfully, Miss M. Rosetto. Linden, Tex., Jan. 10,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I will say to you that I have had asthma for twenty-five years, and for five or six years had suffered greatly Notwithstanding I had but little faith in the battery, I am bound to confess that I have not suffered in the least since I commenced wearing the battery, two and a half months ago. I was also suffering with kiduey disease and cramps in my feet and legs, both of which I am now clear of. I have sold batteries to some of the first men and ladies of the county, and all those I have seen acknowledge an improvement. I sold two to my family physician, for spinal affection and neuralgia; he says that he has improved very much, and recom- mends them to all diseased persons. Please send me a few more circulars. Respectfully, H. J. Story. TESTIMONIALS. 309 Ladonia, Tex., Jan. 15, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find an order for which please send twelve batteries with circulars. I accept the agency, and think I can sell a great many of them, as they are in great demand here. I have been wearing one myself, and feel that it has benefited me more than all the medicines I have ever taken. A neighbor of mine had been suffering from neuralgia and rheumatism for six years, and had been confined to his bed for a long time; I gave him two of them, and they acted like a charm, he is almost entirely cured. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am very respectfully yours, J. M. Loftis. Corpus Christi, Tex., Jan. 25, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I take pleasure in saying that your batteries have benefited several persons in this section. One of the most wonderful cures was that of a Mexican man, who was suffering terribly with inflammatory rheumatism; one of his legs was drawn until it was difficult for him to walk. In six weeks he was well and ready for work ; he wore two of the batteries. The news has gone abroad among his Mexican friends, and this is why I would like to have Some circulars in Spanish. All seem pleased who are using them. Enclosed please find P. O. order for S3, for which you will be so kind as to send me more batteries, and oblige yours truly, J. M. Stanley. Cooper, Tex., Jan. 28, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I herewith hand yon the names of a number of persons whom I have sold your electric batteries to, and they all speak aloud in favor of them. William Oliver, cured of cramps of thirty years' standing. R. R. Acre, palpitation of the heart, cured. E. Robey, sick headache, cured. Solomon Tucker, aches and pains, severe suffering for thirty years, cured. Jack Bands, pain in breast and chills, cured. W. S. Bailie, pain in back, cured. Mrs. M. E. Hill, neuralgia, cured. Mrs. Nancy Tucker, general debility, cured. Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, pain in side, cured. Respectfully, O. B. Nations. 310 TESTIMONIALS. Jones, Tex., Jan. 26, 1880. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-Your batteries are doing well. As far as I have heard from, they have given general satis- faction. And may the afflicted of the land all get one, for they are no humbug. I send for twelve more of your batteries. I now will give you a few names: Mr. Henson, restless nights and a crippled back, well. Mr. L. Slidam, diseased kidney, well. Mrs. Slidam, weak back, relieved. Sigh Hurlen, rheumatism, cured. His wife, cramps, cured. Mr. W. Arington, cramps, well. As far as Jieard from, they are all improving and satisfied. I will send more names soon. Joel H. Hundley. Beckville, Tex., Feb. 4, 1880. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-The batteries that I ordered Nov. 4 are nearly all sold. Enclosed you will find $6, for which please send me more of them. My dear sir, your batteries are doing wonderful work in Texas; they have cured every case of chills, from four year old down, that could not be touched, with medicine. My granddaughter has had the chills for four years; she had a hard chill on Saturday, and I put a bat- tery on her on Sunday, and she has never had a chill since I put it on her in September last. It has never failed to cure the chills wherever it has been applied. I believe it will entirely supplant quinine in this country, and all other poisonous medicines. Miss Nanie Boren has been afflieted with a severe pain in her shoulder and heart disease; the pain was so severe at times that - she could not speak. She was a perfect nuisance to the family, as she could not do anything. She put on one of your bat- teries, and when I saw her, a short time ago, she told me she had not felt a symptom of the disease since she had put it on.. I am now eighty-three years old; I have a disease they call neuralgia, and the heart disease at the same time. Whenever it would take me I was not able to cut a fire of wood. I put on one of your bat- teries on Monday morning, and on Friday I went out in the new ground, where my son was clearing, and split two hundred rails that day. I believe I am now in as good health as I ever was. Your bat- tery has been a great blessing to me and this settle- ment. I intend selling them as long as I can ride and get them. Silas Holtzclaw. TESTIMONIALS. 311 VERMONT. East Burke, Vt., Aug. 25, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please find enclosed $6, for which you will please send me batteries and some more of your cir- culars to distribute, with my name attached as agent, same as you sent to me before, as I have dis- tributed most of them out. I should have sent for more before now, but I wanted to test those first and see what the effects were. They have proved satisfactory in most cases, and all have received some benefit from them. One case in particular, one of my neighbors was troubled with pain in his left side for about six mouths-if he worked and got a little tired. I let him have one, and he put it on at night and went to bed. In the night he waked up, and of all the curious sensations and feelings that he had in that side and all over he never had before; no pain or anything, but a feeling that he said he could not describe. He finally went to sleep, and he has not felt any pain there since, although he has worked at haying and other han I work all the time since. He thinks it has done him more good than anything that he ever had. Yours truly, George Harvey. Isle La Mott, Vt., Sept., 1879. List of names and post office address : David George, Isle La Mott, cured of cancers. Mrs. Adline Goodsell, cured neuralgia. Mrs. Waity Hill, rheumatism 15 years standing. Mrs. Eliza Goodsell, neuralgia 30 years standing. Mrs. Albert Parks, cured of sick headache. J. D. Stevens, rheumatism. Mrs. A. L. Holcomb, cujjed of general debility. All these are in Isle La Motte, Vermont. John Dodds, North Hero, Vt., cured of what the doc- tor called consumption, and he is now at work. Guy Knight, cured of nervousness of long standing. The address of these is North Hero, Vt. I have sold over 50 batteries, and all are cured or benefited. I will sell hundreds this winter, for they are just what people want. Send batteries at once, and oblige H. H. Goodsell. 312 TESTIMONIALS. East Burke, Vt., Nov. 24, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please find enclosed three dollars, for which please send me batteries. I should order more, but perhaps that will be enough, as one C. W. Smith has got the agency and is selling them where I have introduced them into families and they have found them good; then he has been around and sold them where I should have bad the chance to sell them, but, as you give no particular territory, I cannot find fault with you. I will now give you a list of names that I have sold batteries to that have been cured or benefited by them: H. Flower, rheumatism. Minerva Flower, heart disease. Wm. A. Eggleston, pain in side. Mrs. Wm. A. Eggleston, sick headache. J. W. Burt, rheumatism. G. Harvey, rheumatism. Mrs. Rhoda E. Harvey, piles. Milo Jenkins, rheumatism. Mrs. Milo Jenkins, neuralgia. A. H. Eggleston, piles. Mrs. C. Howland, general debility. Horace Burpee, pain in side. C. W. Smith, rheumatism. J. B. Humphrey, sick headache. Mrs. J. B. Humphrey, cancer. Alewis Farmer, pain in side. Mrs. M. White, asthma. A. Howland, general debility. Mrs. C. R. Walter, dyspepsia. Gilbert Gilfillin, pain in side. James Gilfillin, dyspepsia. All of East Burke P. O. Mrs. Nelson Hartwell, kidney complaint. Mrs. B. Acethrop, dropsy. Wm. Batchelder, rheumatism. Mrs. Wm. Batchelder, general debility. B. Acethrop, catarrh. All of East Haven. Yours truly, George Harvey. TESTIMONIALS. 313 E. Bethel, Vt., Nov. 21, 1879. J. 0. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have been troubled for over a year with a lame stomach, and have doctored a good deal for it but received no benefit. I was induced to try one of your batteries, I was so bad that I could not work but very little, after I wore the bat- tery a few weeks I could do a good day's work. I will send you a few names of many that have been benefited by the batteries, in the adjoining towns, that would not part with their batteries if they could not get another: Mrs. Ransom Reynolds, S. Royalton, rheumatism cured. S. E. Boot, S. R., rheumatism relieved. J. T. Boot, S. R., disease not stated. Mrs. Som. Spear, W. Randolph, lameness cured. Mrs. Dollio Sharp, W. R., rheumatism cured. Dana Chadwick, W. R., lame stomach relieved. J. G. A. Spear, W. R., chills cured. Mrs. James Putney, E. ]£., sick headache cured. Albert Hodges, R. C., restless nights cured. Dana Carpenter, R. C., liver complaint relieved. J. S. Parkhurst, E. Betl.el, bad circulation cured. Mrs. Geo. J. Spear, E. B,, neuralgia cured. J. Q. Parish, Brookfield, rheumatism cured. Mrs. J. I. Parish, Brookfield, swollen joints relieved. I could send you more, but I have got some of all the diseases except one, that tried one for the bleed- ing piles, and I have not seen him since I sold him the battery, Respectfully yours, Geo. J. Spear, Agent for Boyd's Batteries. Warren, Vt., Jan. 5, 1880. Friend J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $6, for which please send me batteries by return mail. There are three of them spoken for, and they are in a hurry to tty them. I hope to order larger bills next time. I have received great benefit from using one, since first order, for rheumatism and fever ague. Also, H. C. Stevens tried one for pain in stomach of two years' standing ; has not been troubled since wearing one of the batteries. People are just beginning towant them; I hope to sell quite,a number in my vicinity. Please let me have an extra cord for my battery, if convenient. Yours in haste, C. E. Spaulding, Agent. 314 TESTIMONIALS. Guilford, Vt., Jan. 2, 1880. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I have been troubled with the hip dis- ease twelve years, sick headache eight years, back- ache and stomachache, all of which have been cured by your miniature galvanic battery. If I could not get another, I would not take $10 for mine. Mrs. F. T. Nichols. East Alburgh, Vt., Feb. 9, 1880. J. C. BoYd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find money for two dozen bat- teries. Please send at once, as people are waiting for them. Send more circulars also. I send you the names of a few who are using them: Mrs. Azene Niles, East Alburgh, rheumatism, relieved. Mr. Frank Gouzey, East Alburgh, rheumatism, cured. Mrs. Henry Clark, East Alburgh, fits, greatly benefited. Mr. Hugh Donaldson, Swanton, rheumatism, cured. . Mr. J. M. Tabor, Sr., Swanton, rheumatism, bene- fited. Miss Ella A. Decker, Swanton, pain in stomach, relieved. There is a number I have not seen yet. I have been cured of palpitation of the heart by using the battery. Please forward them at once. Yours truly, Carrie D. Niles, Agent. TESTIMONIALS. 315 VIRGINIA. Sussex C. H., Va., June 14,1879. Mr. Boyd : I have been suffering with rheumatism, neu- ralgia, and many other diseases too numerous to mention for many years. . I put two of your bat- teries on last fall. They have not only benefited me, but consider myself «ured. I am now thaukful to say my health is as good as it has ever beeu. Very respectfully yours, etc., E. H. Moore. Bridgewater, Ya., Aug. 23, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The half dozen batteries received and sold, and I believe they are destined to take the place of medicine entirely, and give universal satisfaction. Enclosed find P. O. order for $2.00, for which send batteries by return mail; also another lot of circulars, and oblige Yours truly, J. F. Hudgens. Warrenton, Va., Oct. 10,1879. Dear Sir-I have a few names. John Jordan, cured of the rheumatism that he has had for many years ; Edward .Wilkin, cured of the rheumatism ; Emily Steward, with a very bad tumor and other diseases, is much better; George Jackson, cured of weakness he had for years; Guy Tates, an old man who has had the rheumatism for many years, is much better. I am wearing the battery, and I feel like a young man ; in fact, all that I have sold to, so far as I can learn, are rejoicing, saying they have been benefited by the battery. All of these live in Warrenton. I sent last Saturday a post office order. I hope you have received it-$6 for batteries. Yours, Jas. Johnson. Please answer soon. 316 TESTIMONIALS. Tom's Brook, Va., Sept. 27, 1879. Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries; put one on the evening I got them (one week ago) for pains in the back and left arm and shoulders. I felt no pains since; sold the other two, and think I can sell many more. I received your letter two days ago. I accept the agency with many thanks to you, hoping that I may do a good business for you and myself with the batteries. You will please find enclosed $5.00, for which you will please send some batteries by return mail. Yours respectfully, Silas Hottle. Coman's Well, Va., Sept. 27, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received your circulars a few days ago. I send you a list of persons relieved by the Miniature Galvanic Battery. Every one to whom I have sold speaks of them in the highest praise. JohnS. Wynne, Sussex Co., Va., rheumatism. Mrs. Joseph Tyers, Sussex Co., Va., general debility. Mrs. Betsy Horn, Sussex Co., Va., headache. J. B. Freeman, Sussex Co., Va., rheumatism. Miss Polly Ann Tudor, Sussex Co., Va., neuralgia. Alfred Pegram, Sussex Co., Va,, headache. Tom Parham, Sussex Co., Va., pain in side and back Henry Horne, Sussex Co., Va., rheumatism. Mrs. M. II. Withers, Sussex Co., Va., headache. Mrs. Laura Holloway, Sussex Co., Va., pains in head. Mrs, J, II, Sledge, Sussex Co., Va., giddiness in head. Respectfully yo urs, J. H. Sledge, Agent for Boyd's Battery. Miss Polly Ann Tudor had been unable to leave her bed for three years. I saw her father, and in- sisted on selling him a battery to try on his daugh- ter. He bought one and put it on her, and in less than one week she was on her feet walking. Jerry's Run, Wood Co., Va., Oct. 23, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Your battery was received all right, and I am immensely benefited from it. To-day I would not take ten dollars for it, if I thought I could not get another one. As soon as we can raise money we are going to send for three more. Thanking you for the good of the battery, I re- main yours, J, Beli,e Conner. TESTIMONIALS. 317 Tom's Brook, Shenandoah Co., Va. ? Oct. 13, 1879. $ Mr. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the batteries and circulars all right, and your letter. As soon as I get several cures I will send certificate. I put one on myself over three weeks ago for pain in back and left arm and shoulder; did not feel any pain since. I am hot selling fast now; people are backward in taking hold of them. They think there's too much claimed for such a simple looking instrument as the battery. But think it will all come right after a little while. Yours respectfully, Silas Hottle. Stony Creek, Va., Oct. 15, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: I herewith send you a few names who have been benefited by your batteries : Martha Tudor, Stony Creek, Va. J. II. King, Goodwynsville, Va. R. B. Hartley, Stony Creek, Va. Mrs. Sarah Nibblct, Stony Creek, Va. J. Y. Jones, Stony Creek, Va. R. A. Newcomb, Stony Creek, Va. F. F. Partridge, Jorratts, Va. L. M. Lee, Stony Creek, Va. There are other parties to whom I have sold, whoso names I cannot now recall. Very truly yours, R. B. Hartley. Old Point, Va., Oct. 25, 1879. J. C. Boyd, 203 West 49th St., N. Y.: Dear Sir-I send you the names of persons that nave been cured by your battery. First is an old gentleman by the name of James Whalen, who has been afflicted with rheumatism for 27 years. He is 67 at this time, and is entirely cured. He has worn the battery six weeks. Second is Jos. F. Van Fleet-humor in blood cured. . , Third, C. F. Stratton-humor in blood cured. Fourth, Edmond Ferrell cured of pains in the back; has used a battery for one month, and is now cured of his pains. All of Ohl Point, Va. These are all I have at the present time. Will send more as soon as I can see the parties. Yours respectfully, Chas. F. Stratton. 318 TESTIMONIALS. Berryville, Va., Nov. 1,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I hereby certify that I purchased of T. B. Lanham, agent, one of the Galvanic Batteries for the use of my wife, who has received more bene- fit from it than all other remedies used. Her disease was general nervous affection. Jas. S. Payne. Tom's Brook, Va., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please find enclosed five ($5.00) dollars for which please send me more batteries. Here are a few certificates which you can use, some of them I will keep the original and send you a copy of them, as I wish to use them in their own handwriting. I put one of your batteries on my person the 20th of September for rheumatism in left arm and shoul- der and for a backache which I have been troubled with for about seven years. After putting it on from the next morning up to this time I have felt nothing of the pain. My wife wore one for pain in her side for about three weeks. It all left her in about twelve hours and did not feel any pain since. Yours respectfully, SILAS HQTTLE. Tom's Brqok, Va., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : I bought one battery of your agent, Silas Hottie, about three weeks ago. I put it on for weak back and rheumatism. It gives me great relief. I feel nearly cured. Yours respectfully, H. H. SlULLINGBURG. • Bowers Hill, Norfolk Co., Va., ? November 15, 1879. \ Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Please enclosed find six dollars, for which you send me batteries. Those batteries you sent me have all gone, and they have given satisfaction. I wear one myself and find great relief. The people are just beginning to find them out; some say that they would not take five dollars for them. Send them as quick as possible by return mail. Yours truly, Walter C. Hall. TESTIMONIALS. 319 Berryville, Va., Nov. 11,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-This is to certify that I have used one of your Galvanic Batteries for dyspepsia and liver complaint, and have received more benefit Irom the use of it than any other medicine. Yours respectfully, Thos. B. Lanham. Courthouse, Princess Anne Cq., Va., ) November 17, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find money for one dozen of your Galvanic batteries. Please send them as soon as you can. The three that you sent I am trying, and find that they give perfect satisfaction. I have not received the others yet. Yours truly, Leo R. Strawhand. Berryville, Clarke Co., Va., ? November 11, 1879. < Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-You will please find enclosed postal order for six more of your galvanic batteries. The reason that I have not sent for more, the people have been afraid to take hold of them; but I think their fears will soon disappear, as all that have been using them have been benefited by them. Respectfully, Thos. B. Lanham. Stevensville, Va., Nov. 28, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I have had spasmodic asthma of the most malignant type for thirty-five years, troubled most in the Fall season. It had set in this season with more than its usual severity, but after wear- ing two of your batteries for a few days, I was en- tirely relieved, and I do not believe a person can have it while wearing them. I have ordered bat- teries for a good many persons, and nearly all of them have been benefited. I'll bet my bottom dol- lar on them for asthma. I have orders now for a dozen. I enclose the money for the same. Please send them by mail. Yours respectfully, C. W. Porter, Treasurer of King and Queen Co., Va. 320 TESTIMONIALS. Stony Cross, Va., Dec. 2, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find six dollars, for which you will send me batteries. I have been suf- fering with rheumatism for several years ; at times I was almost helpless; have been wearing one of your batteries about four weeks, and consider my- self cured. I recommend your batteries to all who are afflicted. Respectfully yours, N. E. Hayes. Lowesville, Va., Dec. 13,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I remit, per registered letter, for one- half dozen batteries I received, which I gave a fair trial on two of my sick. One claims a perfect cure of lumbago ; the other has been wearing the bat- teries for four days, and finds great relief of tic douloureux. I give this as reference, with pleasure. Respectfully, M. A. Jeffries, M. D. Bowers Hill, Norfolk Co., Va., ) December 15th, 1879. J Mr. J. C. Boyd : . Dear Sir-Enclosed please find $6, for which send me batteries by return mail or as quick as possible. They have given satisfaction to all that have worn them. Mr. J. W. Martin, of Portsmouth, Va., has had the rheumatism for 5 or 6 years in bis right shoulder; sometimes he could hardly put his hand to his head. Now he can raise 30 pounds with that arm; thinks he is cured. My father has had a spleen ever since he was 10 years old, and now he is 60; it is gone. He was sub- ject to the bilious cholic ; now he don't feel the ef- fect of it. I all the time had the heartburn. I could not eat bread and butter. I had swimming in the head, sick stomach and pain in the side. I have not had either since I put on the battery. Let them come as soon as you can. Yours respectfully, Walter C. Hall. TESTIMONIALS. 321 Lexington, Va., Jan. 5, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir - Enclosed please find one dollar for which send to my address two Boyd's miniature galvanic batteries. I want them for my wife, who has for a long time been suffering from neuralgia, complicated with dyspepsia. My sister, who has been almost helpless for fourteen years, has been wearing one of the batteries since last November. For months she was unable to bring her hands to- gether, and yesterday she was able to do so with ease. If you wish an agent in this part of Virginia I will be glad to act. Yours, etc., W. W. Lewis. Bridgewater, Va., Jan. 8,1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The half dozen batteries received in due time and sold. Enclosed find Post Office order for $4.50, for which send batteries by return of mail. Also more circulars. They are doing wonders in this section. Below I give a few names of those who have been benefited and cured, of which you cau make use if you desire. Dr. Henry Smals, for heart disease, says he would not be without it for $50.00. Mr. C. G. Grove, heart disease, cured. Dr. D. A. Bucher, dentist, torpid liver, greatly benefited. Mrs. Kate Dinkel, rheumatism, greatly benefited. Mr. George F. Dinkel and wife, rheumatism, bene- fited. (All of the within named parties are of Bridge- water.) And many others not necessary to mention. Respectfully, J. F. Hudgens. Serena P. O., Stafford Co., Va., ? January 13, 1880. ) Mr. J. C. Bqyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will please find Post Of- fice money order, for which please send me six more batteries. Should they prove satisfactory 1 shall want the agency. The three you sent me cured some cases of ague and fever; now I want to test it in rheumatism and some other diseases. Very respectfully, William G. Purkins. 322 TESTIMONIALS. Woodford, Va., Jan. 28, 1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find six dollars for bat- teries. The people are just beginning to find out the real worth of the batteries; they are growing in favor every day, because 1 find the demand for them is increasing daily. One man, a Mr. Ned Gray, bought two from me for inflammatory rheumatism which he had for the last thirteen months, and was unable to walk part of the time. He is very much improved, and says, if he could not get two more he would not take five hundred dollars for them. I will send, you some certificates the next time I write. Yours respectfully, A. J. Pugh. TESTIMONIALS. 323 WEST VIRGINIA. Benwood, W. Va., Oct. 13, 1879. Prof. Boyd : Dear Sir-I received the half-dozen batteries and circulars you sent me. I am wearing one, and it seems to be doing me much good. The first half- day I wore it it acted powerfully on me. I only, have one left, and as I think they are a good thing, I enclose money for another half-dozen of them, though, if you wish, you may send a dozen by Adams Express to Bellaire, Ohio, C. O. D. If not, send the half-dozen by mail to Benwood, etc. I shall endeavor to sell all I can of them, if I find that they do others as much good as they seem to be do- ing me. Please forward them soon as possible. I remain, Very truly yours, Chas. Bursee. Shanghai, Berkley Co., W.Va., ? Oct. 28, 1879. $ Dear Sir-I received a half-dozen of the batter- ies. I did not get them till last Saturday, 25th iust. I have not had time to try my luck with them. I think very favorably of them. My son has taken one ; he is better. I persuaded him to try one ; he felt the benefit the first night, it operated on the water. I shall write often as is necessary. I shall inform you all that is necessary. I am five years younger in my feelings since I wrote you last. I am not superstitions iu my belief. Truth is not fiction, I am no flatterer. Eliphalet P. Olmstead. Raccoon, W. Va., Nov. 21,1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : My trade seems to be increasing ; please send me one dozen more batteries, and by that time I think that I can send yon some names, as the sale is in- creasing ; please send me more circulars. Your batteries seem to give good satisfaction to all that have used them. Yours truly, Nelson B. Bell. 324 TESTIMONIALS. Spencer, W. Va., Nov. 4, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I send you a list of persons that have tested your battery. Mrs. M. Hide, cured of the sick headache and bene- fited other ways. T. J. Starcher, cured of the backache. J. Starcher, relieved of cramps. Mrs. R. Kelley, relieved of a weak back. You will please publish this in your circulars, and I want more of your circulars. Respectfully, J. B. Casto. Newburgh, vV. Va., Nov. 4, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please send me six more of your batteries. You wanted me to send you the diseases and the names of the people that have been cured, but there is but oue who owns to be cured, but they say they have been greatly benefited. My father has had the rheumatism thirty-two years; at one time he could not get out of bed, aud he says he is clear of pain now ; also it has cured him of palpitation of the heart. His name is Nimrod Bell. The persons who have used them have not worn them long enough to be cured, but I will give you their names soon as I can. Yours, truly, Nelson B. Bell. Flat Rock, W. Va., Nov. 30th, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I thought I would write to you to tell you how much good your battery has done me. I have been afflicted with dyspepsia for 14 years, and I never got anything to help me much until I tried your battery, and I feel better every way except the fluttering at my heart. Other persons here that have worn them say that they would not do without them under any consideration. You will hear from more in this neighborhood before long. We would have been glad if we had heard of your batteries sooner. Ever yours, William Thomas. TESTIMONIALS. 325 Spencer, Roane Co. , West Va., ? November 27, 1879. 5 Professor J. C. Boyd : Sir-You will find enclosed six dollars, for which you will please send me your galvanic batteries. Please send me the circulars with the batteries. Ono of the batteries has cured me of heart disease, also of dyspepsia. If I could not get another, I would not take $50 for mine. I think I can send you many names next time they are doing good to all, so far as I have heard from. Yours truly, Jas. A. Townslf.y. Flat Rock, Mason Co., W. Va., ) November 30th, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have found your batteries to be very good. I have sold 28, and the people are finding out that they are a good thing. The demand for them is getting greater. I sold three to one man last Monday, and on Thursday he came back for four more. George Huffman has been troubled with liver and kidney diseases over a year, and has been doctoring with the best physicians around here, and none of them could help him. He got one of your batteries and has worn it one month, and he says he feels like a new man. He says he would not take §10 for it if he did not know whereto get another. Every one that I have heard from is greatly pleased. Enclosed I send you the money for 24 bat- teries. Respectfully yours, P. Thomas. Flat Rock, W. Va., Nov. 30th, 1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I write to you to tell you what your galvanic batteries have done for me, I have been badly afflicted with pains in my head and stomach for about four years. I have been wearing one of your batteries about two months, and I have not had any pains of any notice since. I could not eat more than one meal a day then, and I suffered from that; now I can eat without trouble. I am glad your batteries found their way into this neighbor- hood. Yours respectfully, Ellen Thomas. 326 TESTIMONIALS. East River, W. Va., Dec. 26, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-My wife has been wearing one of yonr batteries for neuralgia and smothering at the heart. She was not able to do her work for some time. It has entirely cured her, and she is able to do her work. I would not do without it for $5, if I could not get another. Very respectfully, J. A. Underwood. Cross Roads, W. Va., Jan. 20, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed piease find $6.00 for batteries. I have sold and given away thirty-seven batteries, and they are doing wonders. Peter Phillips, a man 98 years of age, who was suf- fering from rheumatism, gravel, and cancer, wore a battery two weeks. I then saw him, and he told me to tell you that his rheumatism is cured, re- lieved of gravel, and the rose cancer on his wrist is shrinking; can now sleep sound. Five are wearing them for catarrh-three are cured, and two relieved. Five are cured of lame back, and others of rheu- matism and heart disease. I will send you the names of all those who have been cured or relieved. The book for agents came to hand, and I thank you for it. Please send me some circulars, as they help to sell batteries. Your friend and well wisher, A. Stephen Hough. Simpson, W. Va., Feb. 11, 1830. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $6.00, for which E lease send me Lotteries. The sample one I got as done me good. I was very nervous, and am as steady now as I ever was in my life. Please send me some more circulars, and give no other agent the privilege of selling at this place, and I will do all I can for you iu the business. Yours respectfully, W. H. Davis. TESTIMONIALS. 327 Seymoursville, W. Va., Jan. 21,1880. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I send you a few testimonials. Your little battery is doing good work in this part of the country. I have been wearing one myself; caunot say that I am entirely cured, but greatly benefited. Yours truly, G. W. A. Little. I hereby certify that I have been wearing one of your batteries three weeks, and must say it has done mo more good than anything I have tried for my disease. I was suffering with piles and pains in my liver for years, and now the pains have abated. John F. Veach. I have been wearing one of your galvanic bat- teries about three weeks for sick headache, and I have not felt any symptoms of it since. I cheer- fully recommend them to suffering humanity. Dyanna Turner. I have been wearing one of your batteries three weeks. It gives satisfaction. John W. Hood. I have been suffering with rheumatism for twenty years, and for some time had a soreness rising from my stomach through my breast to the right shoulder; was persuaded by a friend to take one of your bat- teries, which has entirely cured me. Aged 65. S. A. Hood. I bought one of your batteries for different diseases, which I have been wearing for about six weeks. It gives satisfaction in each case. D. K. Hughs. 1 have been suffering with rheumatism for some time; bought one of your batteries; wore it a while; thought I was entirely cured, but took a relapse not so severe as at first; still wearing it; hope it will cure me. Malinda Vance. I had palpitation of the heart. After wearing one of your batteries three weeks, I have not felt any symptoms of it since. B. F. Wolf. I have been afflicted with rheumatism more or less for thirty years, and troubled with vertigo for fifteen years. I bought one of your batteries, and wore it about four weeks; have felt neither pain nor giddiness since I have been wearing it. Archibald Cornell. 328 TESTIMONIALS. I have been wearing your battery for three weeks off and on. It has helped me very much in my head and back. It weakens me so 1 can't wear it regu- arly. . Julius Cornell. Your beautiful and good little invention has re- lieved me of so much suffering chat I can cheerfully say I think it is one of the best studies in the medical art. I have been wearing one for sixty- five days, and have been since the day I put it on free from disease ; have suffered for fifteen years. I am the sister of your agent, G. W. A. Little. I think I could do well with the agency in Flint- stone, Md. Answer if you please. Miss Isabella Little. TESTIMONIALS. 329 WISCONSIN.' Black River Falls, Wis., Aug. 19, 1879. Dear Sir-Please send me half a dozen of your galvanic batteries and oblige me. I think the one I ave worn has done me some good; the trouble in my breast is not near as bad as it was. I think I will get the thing started here, so I can sell quite a number. Yours truly, John H. Clapp. Burton, Wis., Oct. 17, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Yours of the 7th received. Herewith I send you the names of the persons who have been cured or nearly so by your batteries: Mrs. M. A. Robinson, Waterloo, was taken with the inflammatory rheumatism last spring; I saw her when she was so bad she could not help herself. In June she purchased one of your batteries, and in three or four weeks began to feel better; has gained slowly ever since, and is around, quite smart now. Mr. N. Haas was very bad with the rheumatism for about ten months, when he purchased one of your batteries; soon began to get better, and is up around now. Mr. Haas resides at Waterloo. I have not canvassed much this summer, but except to do so steadily soon. I have sold a number of batteries near home. Yours very truly, Josiah Hathorn. Liberty, Wis., Nov. 12, 1879. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I will accept of an agency from you. I re- ceived your batteries on the 4th. My mother-in-law, who has been suffering all summer, took two of them. The effect is •astonishing. She would not take $5.00 for them now. My wile kept one; she has not had the headache since. Yours truly, George P. Martin. 330 TESTIMONIALS. Hillsboro, Wis., Oct. 18,1879. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I deceived your favor wishing to have the names of those cured by your batteries. I will give you myself and wife, who suffered from kidney and liver complaint, and rheumatism. R. Mitchell, spine. S. Hoyt, heart disease. C. Landrum, neuralgia. All of Hillsboro. A. Raufman and wife, of Greenwood, rheumatism and spine. There is quite a call for your batteries, so you may send me two dozen, with circulars and a few extra cords. I send money order. Yours truly, T. W. Allen. Baraboo, Wis., Oct. 20, 1879. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-I send you the names of a few of the persons who have worn the miuiature galvanic bat- tery : My wife has had the rheumatism for thirteen years, and is getting better. Mrs. Ann Murray, rheumatism. A child six years old, George Rnland, deafness. John Terrey, seminal weakness. Mrs. Mary Gorden, pain in the side. T. D. Desmond, lame back for five years. Several others have been benefited by wearing the miniature galvanic battery. I received the last 24 batteries all right. Yours respectfully, John Murray, Agent. Big Suamico, Wis., Nov. 17, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please send me two dozen more bat- teries as soon as possible. It is getting quite in- teresting to me, for the people are getting to know what the batteries will do. Last Thursday I sold one to Mrs. Purdy aud on Sunday her husband came to my house and got two more. His wile was well. She was affected with shaking palsy, could not thread a needle. I am entirely out of batteries. Sold the last to- day. Please hurry up. Yours truly, R. E. Ruggles. TESTIMONIALS. 331 Milton Junction, Rock Co., Wis., ? November'24th, 1879. ) J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-1 received the miniature batteries all right. I have tested one of them on myself, and find myself much better in many respects. Dyspepsia better, catarrh improved, and I get good sleep every night since I received them. The rheumatism in my arm does not pain as much during the night as be- fore. I send herewith for twelve batteries, and you may send the 500 circulars with my name printed on them as agent, as per your letter. Send the batte- ries at once, for there are several anxious ones wait- ing for them. Yours truly, J. C. Rogers. Omro, Wis., Jan. 6, 1880. Sir-Having worn one of your galvanic batteries over three months, I can say that I feel a great deal better. Before I commenced wearing your battery I had boils and pimples every little while ; but I have not had a boil or pimple since. I also had palpitation of the heart, but am cured now. Mrs. Doty, who has been troubled with rheuma- tism for eleven years, so bad that she could not walk without two canes, is cured, and now she is spreading the news all over. Prospect looks good for selling quite a number. I would like you to send me six more as soon as possible. Next time I think I will be able to get more. Enclosed find a P. O. order. Y'ours truly, John R. Stadey. Prairie du Chien, Wis., Dec. 26, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Enclosed please find pay for half dozen batteries. I hope to increase the sale when they are better known, as the best results are reported by those who are wearing them. One woman, to whom I sold a battery a month ago, told me yesterday she had not lost one night's sleep since she put it on. a month ago. Before that she had not had a night's rest for mouths. Her dis- ease was acute rheumatism. I wear one, and find my nerves quieter than they have been for years. " Yours, etc., M. M. Gordon. 332 TESTIMONIALS. Grantsburgh, Wis., Jan. 8, 1880. J. C. Boyd : Sir-Please find enclosed$3 for batteries; forward by return mail. I have used one of the batteries for nearly three weeks, and have been relieved of a very bad spell of sore eyes, which I am subject to. I expect to find a large sale for them here. I received the circulars last week, for which receive many thanks. Yours truly, Mary Emily Doty. Tomah, Wis., Jan. 20, 1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed find $2.50 for batteries, which you will please forward to the following addresses: Four batteries to Mrs. Samuel C. Cole, Sparta, Mon- roe Co., Wis., and one battery to my address, Chas. E. Cole, Tomah, Monroe Co., Wis. My grandfather, an old man over seventy years of age, residing at Sumner, Iowa, is being cured of chronic rheumatism of several years' standing by the use of two of the batteries. For seven months before using the batteries, he was in pain the whole time; but now all pain has left him and he is get- ting better fast. It took nine days for the batteries to work on him, but when they had charged his blood with sufficient electricity all pain ceased, nor has it returned, but he is getting stronger every day. Please read the addresses carefully and make no mistake, but send to the two parties named. In connection with the battery which you send to me, ?lease send the agency, and I will do the best that can with it. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am Yours truly, Chas. E. Cole. Bergen, Wis., Dec. 26, 1879. Prof. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find $6, for which please send me more batteries. I wore one of your batteries for piles, cured in two days. Daniel Hainsworth, dyspepsia, cured. Mr. Hainsworth, Jr., ague, cured. Alfred Davis and wife, cramps; they say they feel quite young, had no cramps since wearing the battery. E. Zytkoskee. TESTIMONIALS. 333 CANADA. Wooler, Ont., Canada, July 14, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I was tro bled with numbness, cold- ness, and weakness in my left hand for eight years when I began using your Galvanic Battery for lameness in the small of my back; this was cured in less than two days. After a while I thought, Why not try it in the ailing hand? I did so. It was aching through my wrist at the time. The aching was relieved in a few minutes, and next day my hand was evidently better; and now, after an occasional use (for I never fastened it in my hand), it is almost well. Truly, etc., H. Y. Brundage. Drysdale, Ont., Oct. 14, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Please find enclosed $6.00 for batteries. I have been testing those three that you sent me, they are helping all the patients and curing one of pain in the side and numbness in the arms. There is quite a number of others inquiring about the bat- teries. I think that I will be able to sell quite a number of the batteries. Mr. Boyd, I will act as your Agent to sell the batteries; please send circu- lars with (J. Snider, Drysdale P. O.), printed on them ; please send them by return mail as some are waiting for them. Yours truly, Joshua Snider. Brantford, Ont., Nov. 1, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The Galvanic Battery I got from your Agent for the severe pain in my wife's chest has completely removed it. About the third day after putting it on the pain began to move down the arm, and now is clean gone, she has worn it about a month. Yours truly. G. Ritchie. 334 TESTIMONIALS. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 31, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-The Galvanic Battery I got from your Agent gives entire satisfaction. When my wife first put it on she was troubled with headaches and toothache (it made her sick for a time, she took it off and laid it aside for a few days), taking it again with pleasure and delight, it giving the desired cure. Yours thankfully, J. Lucas. Brantford, Ont., Nov. 3, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-I was troubled with neuralgia and headache when I commenced wearing your Galvanic Battery; they are all gone now, and I have not that dull heavy feeling that I used to be troubled with. Yours truly, C. Matten. Harbour-Au-Bouche, Antigoniste Co., ? Nova Scotia, Oct. 25, 1879. $ J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-The three batteries which I ordered sometime ago are received, and as I wanted to learn the merit of them, I have delayed to write till now. I have sold two of the batteries and kept the other. Jereh Fougere, with whom I am boarding, was very poorly with asthma and rheumatism, and after wearing the battery for a week is as well as ever. I am also benefited by its use, and so is the other man who bought one. I will take the agency. I will send for a dozen about the last of this month. You can publish this. Respectfully, Thomas F. Doucette. St. Celestin, P. Q., October 23, 1879. Professor J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-The Miniature Battery I lately ordered I have given a test; my wife has suffered with paralysis over twelve months. She experienced im- provement, and the improvement is still progress- ing ; I confidently anticipate a speedy cure. Please find enclosed $o.U0 for more; please send me a few circulars. Yours respectfully, B. F. CloVgh. TESTIMONIALS. 335 Deer Island, N. B., O.ct. 22, 1879. J. C. Boyd : Sir-I have been afflicted with pain.in my stomach by spells for four years, and wearing your battery for two weeks has removed all pain. I would rec- ommend it to all. Very respectfully, Simon Leonard. Harbour-au-Bouche, N. S., Jan. 14, 1880. J. C. Boyd, Esq.: Dear Sir-Enclosed please find three dollars, for which you will please send me galvanic batteries. I have sent you an order on the 10th inst., and they are all engaged. Your battery has'cured a wonderful case here. A man, named Stephen McKeough, was so much af- flicted with asthma and liver complaint, that be could not do any work since a long while. After wearing the battery for a few days, he got into a very poor position, spitting a matter composed of phlegm and blood; but after a week or so he began to improve, and has been doing well since. He has been working some time since, and is doing well. He expects a speedy cure. There are many other- cures, but I cannot mention them in this letter. .In a word, your battery has done wonders and will, I think, for the future. I intend to order largely this spring and travel with them. Expecting to hear from you, I remain Yours respectfully, Thomas F. Doucette, Agent for Boyd's Battery. Waterloo, Ont., Canada, Jan. 13,1880. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-Enclosed please find $12.00 for batteries which you will be kind enough to send at once. The battery has made some good cures. It cured my wife and several others iu the neighborhood of rheumatism, and some of them I have not heard of. I think I will be able to sell quite a number of them. My reasons for not sending for more before was I was waiting to see what they would do. Now I can recommend them with a good conscience to every- body. I also received the book you sent me, which is got up in good shape. But I will close, hoping you will send the batteries at once as there are some waiting for them. Wishing you prosperity, I remain Yours truly, W. L. Bowman. 336 TESTIMONIALS. Maple View, Sunderland P. O., ) Brock, Ont., Canada, > January 10, 1380. ) Mr. J. C. Boyd: Sir-Having just received a circular from you wishing me to become an agent for your miniature galvanic batteries, which I cheerfully accept, as I know a little of their wonderful cures. I will give you an instance of great relief from your batteries. My mother-in-law, who has had two paralytic strokes, w'hich had left her entirely helpless for over two years. She was not able to turn herself in bed or stand alone until about a month ago she got two of your batteries, and she is now able to dress her self and turn in bed and feels quite smart. I think they are all you recommend them to be. I will com- mence on a small scale as I am a poor man and can- not devote all my time to the business at present. So I just enclose one dollar and fifty cents to begin with. Hoping to deal more largely in the future, I remain, Yours, etc., James Thompson. Port Colborne, Ont., Canada, ) January 30, 1880. J. Mr. J. C. Boyd : Dear Sir-I have sold the dozen batteries you sent me. I was busy and could not attend to them until now. I am getting a good sale for them, and about two weeks ago I sold one of them to a man named Dennis Burns for pain in his back, and he is quite well after two weeks. Mrs. Hanley is cured from rheumatism} a man, named Hanna, cured of pains in the bones, and myself am wearing one for pains, and I am quite well now. So the next time I will be able to give you a better testimonial. Yours truly, Edward Freyer. Grenville, P. Q., Canada, ? February 10, 1880. $ Mr. J. C. Boyd: Dear Sir-Your batteries are doing a good deal of good here. I sold one to a young woman that had been troubled with headache for two years, and the battery cured her. She has not had a headache since she put it on. They have relieved a good many of rheumatism. Also I thank you for the circulars I received. Yours truly, ». M. A. Shepherd. TESTIMONIALS. 337 BERMUDA. Somerset, Bermuda, Oct. 28,1879. Dear Sir-Since using one of Boyd's batteries I have quite recovered from the pains in my head, chest, and back, which was no doubt rheumatism. Can sleep well now. Yours, R. D. Tankard. Inland Island, Bermuda, Oct. 30, 1879. Dear Sir-I have been afflicted for the last nine years with ray left hand swollen and no feeling in it. Could feel nothing, not even tire. Siuce put- ting on one of Boyd's batteries I can feel the slight- est touch; can even pick a pin up. The first of the above was caused from a fit, and got worse through being burnt so often, as it had no feeling in it. You can make what use of this you please, as I believe the battery was the cure. Yours, A. Bleasdale. SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENTS. This book is intended for agent's use. It has the testimonials classified by States, so as to enable the agent to refer at once to the reference letters in his State. You will find that there will be but few persons that the Battery is offered to, who are not acquainted personally or by reputation with some one mentioned in this book as having been cured. I will furnish any responsible person wishing to act as agent for the sale of my Battery, all of the circulars that they wish for distribution, free, with their name printed on them as agent. My most successful agents leave a battery and a circular at each house, and call the next day for the money or the Battery. The Batteries are mailed as third class matter, therefore it takes a little longer for them to reach their destination than a letter. AN EXPLANATION FOR ARENTS. Elias and Sagendorph, ,the two persons spoken of on another page as imitators of Boyd's Battery, were employed by my Superintendent to tie up and attend to shipping the Batteries. They were both discharged for reasons that are not necessary to state here. Then Elias and Sagendorph went into business together, advertising a worthless imitation of Boyd's Battery. This business I soon put an end to by serving an injunction on the parties who were manufacturing them. Sagendorph lives in New Jersey, therefore I have not been able to further prosecute him. Elias could not be prosecuted, because the Battery was not advertised in his name. Elias, since the manufacturing of the so-called Sageudorph Battery was stopped by me, has started out in another channel, advertising a Medal for sale, claiming it a Battery, and, in order to prevent prosecution, advertises it in his wife's name. My attorney claims that Elias and his wife can be prosecuted jointly, if it can be proven that they have ever sold one of their medals and trace the money directly to them. While the Elias Medal is not a direct infringement on the Boyd Battery, he can be prosecuted for copying the wording of my Circular and my Cuts, and for trying to palm off on the public a mere toy medal, calling it a Battery, when it is nothing but a piece of copper and zinc stuck together, with a bit of red flannel between them to give it a scientific appearance. If you take a copper cent and a piece of zinc and hold it on your 340 AN EXPLANATION FOR AGENTS. tongue, it will sting a little, just as his medal does, and one might as well expect to be cured of diseases in that way as by using the Elias toy Medal. Elias claims in his circular that the Boyd Battery is an infringement on his, and that his is also patented, and the date of his patent, according to his circular, October 21st, 1879. Boyd's Battery has been sold in this country over a year, therefore can be seen at once the absurdity of my Battery being an infringe- ment on one that has not been in existence a month. Perhaps it was not necessary to take up so much space to expose these imitators; still it may haVe a good effect in warning the public against all such persons who are constantly imitating every article of merit, and basely putting it on the public as the only genuine there is, and calling others imitations. They are like the thief who thinks that, by crying " Stop thief I" he will deceive the public and escape himself. 341 London, Feb. 23, 1880. Dear Sir : Mr. Edwards arrived yesterday; he was in the factory to-day. I was grieved to learn from him that since you had introduced your Battery in the United States, so many worthless imitations are being advertised. Is there no way to prosecute these scoundrels ? Will not the American Govern- ment protect your rights ? Such frauds could not be perpetrated in England, for two reasons: First, the English Government would not tolerate it; second, the English people would not be gulled with such worthless trash. It is no credit to the United States Government to allow such persons to imitate an article that you have spent eighteen years of time in inventing and perfecting. Would it not be well to state in the newspapers the fact, that no Battery on the same principle as yours could be produced in America, unless you give them the secret of amalgamatiou of the metals, without destroying their electric effect ? It is not reasonable to suppose that any one in the United States could have discovered in so short a time that which has taken you so long. Mr. Edwards says that they are applying at the Patent Office for patents on all kinds of make-ups to imitate your Battery. He says that, while he was in Washington, a person applied for a patent on a miniature battery; the galvanometer at the Patent- Office was applied to the article, and it was found that it did not generate any electricity whatever. The person then made out his papers and called the article a Medal, and a patent was granted; and Mr. Edwards says that, just before he left, he saw the article advertised as a Medal Battery and patented, and it was to be worn around the neck, the same as yours. Can it be possible that the American people will believe such statements without any proofs to substantiate them ? They certainly know that there was no bat- tery in use that was worn with a silk cord around the neck but yours, and that all those advertised to be worn with a silk cord around the neck are frauds and imitations. Mr. Edwards also says they have copied your Cir- culars and Cuts. Well, they can't steal from you the hundreds of testimonials that you have, which S»rove what the Battery has done for the afflicted, t seems to me that any intelligent man would want 342 such evidence as that before he would be convinced. Of course, those worthless articles will not benefit any one; therefore the parties advertising them can have no genuine testimonials. Pardon me for the suggestions made in this letter, which I would not take the liberty to make were I not so vexed to hear that the introduction of so valuable an article should be impaired by such unprincipled scoundrels as there seem to be in America. I send you a box of batteries by to-day's steamer, the invoice of which find enclosed, and will send a lot in the future by every steamer. The orders from the Continent are daily increasing, but I will be able to supply all demands in about ten days. I will have the new drops and cutters in operation to- morrow; then lean increase the production about 20 per cent. I am sorry that I have not been able to fill your orders more promptly. The Batteries I shipped you to-day should have gone to Paris, but your manager's telegrams forced me to ship them to you. I put Willie in charge of the shipping depart- ment Monday; he feels much pleased to know that he has a position of some importance. He is in the factory early and late, and his health is much better than when you left. I see by the Times that Edison is coming over in June; it would be pleasant if you and he would sail in the same steamer. Gas stocks are going up again since the excitement of Edison's invention. I will write about the construction of the new furnaces by next steamer. I am, sir, very respectfully, D. A. Wallace. To Prof. J. C. Boyd, 203 West 49th St., New York. The above letter, received from the Superintend- ent of my factory, contains several suggestions and information which I think advisable to publish. I give his letter in full. Respectfully, J. C. BOYD.