:oo h" <"■ «l» ! K< VI ft to- J- ' W \Tc*s IK Esfr i fg£ iii'.;-.-i D-K ■* I«ks^ raCffiKf1 o-IS t -*. .T-*». *.«. *"i ) SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE ANNEX _ Section, jYo. J>1 f/:,^ ///, /. I HL^ISTDBOOK OF HYGIENIC PRACTICE; INTENDED as % ^Practical iuibe for t\t ^uli-^nm, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. WITH -A.TST APPENDIX, illttsteative op the hygeio-theeapeutic movements. BY It. T. TEALL, M. D New-York : MILLER & WOOD, PUBLISHERS, NO. 15 LAIGHT STREET. 1864. /^~ »7- 9h /■ f;l~~ Afo. 26( it ecia.—Baldness, falUng off of the hair. The use of hot drinks, and the excessive use of common salt are frequent causes. Cut the hair short, wet the head morning and even- ing with cold water, and shampoo occasionally. Avoid "hair oils," "hair tonics," "hair invigorators," and hair humbugs generally. Amaurosis.—Drop Serene, Gutta Serena, Black Cataract. Diminution or complete loss of vision, with no perceptible structural disorganization of the eye. It is usually imputed to a loss of power in the optic nerve; and this is generally caused by a viscid condition of the blood consequent on de- fective eUmination of the effete matters. A torpid or inactive condition of the liver is almost always a prominent precedent condition. It may be induced suddenly by severe exposure to intense Ught, and is frequently induced by intemperance, gluttony, tobacco, excessive night study, etc. When the dis- ease comes on gradually, letters and other objects seem misty, confounded, doubled, or intermixed, and sometimes undistin- guishable. Insects, cobwebs and flashes of light often appear before the eye. The malady is only curable in its incipient stage. The pa- tient should at once adopt a rigidly simple and abstemious diet; sugar, butter, milk, and aU "hydro-carbonaceous" arti- cles must be avoided. If the external temperature is sufficient the wet-sheet pack should be employed daily; if not, the tepid half-bath, in the morning; the tepid hip-bath in the evening, and the hot-and-cold foot-bath at bedtime. I need hardly add that all exciting producing causes must be carefully avoided. Amblyopia.—The incipient stage of amaurosis. Ami'.norrhce.v.—Obstruction of the menstrual or monthly flow. Of this affection there are two varieties. Retention and Suppression. Retention of the Menses may be caused by an imper- 42 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ame. forate hymen, or an obstruction of the uterine canal by viscid and concreted mucous, in which case the effused blood wiU be retained in the vagina, or in the cavity of the uterus. The symptoms which denote this affection are, ana lematous swell- ing of the feet and ankles at night, a swelling of the eyes and face in the morning, with more or less sense of weight or heaviness in the pelvic region. To be certain of the diagno- sis it may bo necessary to make a digital or instrumental ex- amination. When the cause of retention is an imperforate hymen, this can readily be obviated by a crucial incision, and when the os uteri or cervical canal are obstructed, warm water injec- tions with the gentle use of the probe, or the application of a sponge tont, may be required. Supjj-ression of the menses is that form of Amenorrhcea in which the flux is arrested after having been once established. The chief constitutional symptoms are headache, palpitation, and difficult breathing. In many cases, compUcated with dyspep- tic conditions, there is a capricious appetite, and frequently a longing for such indigestible substances as clay, charcoal, slate-stone, etc. These patients are very liable to consumption. The constitutional treatment is of vastly more importance than the local, though neither should be neglected. The bowels are usuaUy constipated, and enemas should be em- ployed daily until the fecal dejections become free and easy. The patient should exercise in the open air frequently, and as much as possible without great fatigue. Walking, riding, moderate dancing, and Ught gymnastics, are among the best exercises. Swedish Movements are especiaUy beneficial to those who have contracted chests and weak abdominal mus- cles, The diet should consist mainly of coarse bread and fruit, with a moderate allowance of vegetables. Milk, butter cheese, and sugar should be eschewed, nor should fine flour bread or puddings be used. Hip-baths, the wet-girdle, and foot-baths, of a temperature suited to the temperature of tho patient, are always proper. In most cases one full bath per day is sufficient, and this may be the wet-sheet pack, or the Ana. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 43 warm bath foUowed by the tepid spray or sponge, or the tepid rubbing wet sheet, as may be found most agreeable to the patient. When there is much pain or distress about the loins or in the pelvic region, at the time for the menstrual discharge, the warm hip-bath or hot fomentations should be resorted to. Anjematosis.—Defective preparation of the blood. See Anoemia. An-emia.—The opposite of Plethora ; Exsanguinity, Blood- lessness. A state of the system in which the blood is defi- cient in quantity and especially deficient in the red corpuscles. The superficial capillaries are disproportionately bloodless, and there is every characteristic of debility. The treatment, in a general sense, consists in supplying the organism with whatever it can use under the circumstances. First in impor- tance are air and exercise. Gentle bathing of the whole sur- face, with active, yet not violent friction, is in order. The diet should be very plain and limited in quantity to the capac- ity of the digestive organs. The patient should be careful to get sufficient sleep, and must, secondly, avoid all sources of mental disquietude. The "blood-food"—preparations of iron, hypophosphites, cod-Uver oil, etc., which is almost invariably recommended by drug doctors in all cases of anaemia, is always pernicious, and not unfrequently fatally so. Anesthesia.—InsensibiUty, privation of Sensation. It may be general or partial, and may be induced by aU power- ful narcotics, as chloroform, alcohol, opium, belladonna, and by some nervines, as sulphuric ether, and nitrous oxide. Electricity and magnetism wiU, with some persons, induce a state of insensibility, during which surgical operations may be performed without pain. Extreme cold, or congelation, renders the part to which it is applied insensible; it also diminishes and sometimes destroys the vitality of cancers and other morbid growths, which fact affords the rational basis of the refrigerating treatment of cancers and other tumors. 44 Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. Ane. The remedy for anaesthesia is atmospheric air. In extreme cases the head should be moderately raised and inclinod to one side, the tonguo drawn forward so that it will not obstruct the glottis, aDd the patient exposed to a current of fresh air, or fanned vigorously. ANArnomsiA.—Absenso of sexual desire. See Impotence and Sterility. Axasaeca.—General Dropsy, Lucophleymatia. That form of dropsy in which the fluid is effused into the areolar or cell- ular tissue of the whole body. The swelling is first manifest- ed around the ankles, and is characterised by tumefaction of the Umbs, of the soft parts covering the abdomen, thorax, and even the face. The whole surface is dry, pale, and easUy in- dented by pressure. When it supervenes upon chronic local disease, as consumption, albuminuria, lumbar abscess, hydro- thorax, etc., it is generaUy fatal. The proper plan of treatment contemplates the invigora- tion of the whole absorbent system, and the restoration of the cutaneous circulation. The diet should be Ught, dry, and largely frugivorous; the surface should be sponged daUy with tepid water, and foUowed by active friction; the dry sheet rubbing should be employed once or twice a day. When the kidneys are very deficient in the excretion of urine, a warm- and-cool hip-bath should be taken daily, and the wet-girdle worn during the day, provided it does not cause chilliness, in which case it should be worn during the night. An impor- tant item in the dietetic treatment of dropsical patients, is that of eating very slowly, and this is still more important in the use of fruit. Half an hour is not too long a time in which to masticate and insaUvate two good apples, or a pound of grapes. Anchylosis.—See Ankylosis. Andeomania.—See Nymphomania. Anemia.—See anaemia. A nexus.—Intermittent Fever, which see. Ang. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 45 Aneurism.—A tumor caused by the abnormal dUation of an artery, or of the heart. In True Aneurism the blood forms the tumor; and in Spurious or False Aneurism, the blood has escaped from the opened artery. There are three forms of the False Aneurism. 1, Diffused, which consists of an extra- vasation of the blood into the areolar texture of the part, immediately after the rupture or division of an artery. 2, Circumscribed, in which the blood issues from the vessel some- time after the receipt of the wound, and forms itself a sac in the neighboring areolar membrane. 3, Aneurism by Anastom- osis, Avhich arises from the simultaneous wounding of an artery and vein—the arterial blood passing into and producing a varicose state of the vein. The treatment of aneurismal affections is mainly surgical, and consists in obUterating the dilated or communicating ves- sels, when practicable. But much may be done to prolong life, and in many cases, to prevent fatal consequences. It is obvious that aU violent exertions which disturb the circula- tion wiU aggravate the malady; constipation of the bowels wiU, by obstructing the circulation, hasten an incurable condition or a fatal termination. The patient should be carefully regu- lar in aU personal habits; exercise moderately; diet temper- ately; and avoid aU violent shocks, emotions, or agitations, of mind or body; and in aU respects conform to organic law. Angeitis.—A term appUed to inflammation of vessels in general. Angina.—The term is generic and is appUed to a variety of affections of the throat and air passages, among which are quinsy, croup, diptheria, laryngismus, laryngitis, aptha, pharyngi- tis, coryza, sternalgia, etc., aU of which wiU be treated of under their respective heads. Angina Pectoris.—This term is applied to an affection characterized by a violent pain about the sternum, or breast bone, extending towards the arms, accompanied with anxiety, difficult breathing, and a sense of suffocation. Some pathol- ogists have regarded it as a neuralgia of the heart. 46 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. It may be roUeved by hot fomentations to tho chest, con- joined, in extreme cases, with warm 'sitz and foot-baths. Angina Peixicularis.—See Croup and Dipthoria. Angina Strangulatoria.—This term is appUed to inflam- matory affections of the tonsUs, glottis, windpipe, uvula, and palate, when attended with a sense of choking or strangUng. Anginosa.—AppUed to that form of scarlet fever which is attended with swelling of the throat. Angine.—See Globus Hystericus. AxniEMiA.—See Anaemia. Anhelation.—Short and rapid breathing. See Dyspnoea. Ankyloblepharon.—A preternatural union between the free edges of the eyeUds, the result of adhesive inflammation. Ankyloglossia.—Tongue-tied. It is caused by the short- ness of the frsenum, or an adhesion between its margins and the gums. In the former case the frsenum may be divided with a pair of scissors, and in the latter the adhesion may bo dissected away. Ankylosis.—Stiff-jointed. It is complete and true when there is a firm adhesion between the synovial surfaces, with union of the articular extremities of the bones, and incomplete or false when there is obscure motion. The former condition is generally incurable. The latter may be greatly reUeved, and often entirely cured, by fomenta- tions, douches, persevering friction, while gently and gradu- aUy exercising the part. Anorexia.—Want of appetite without loathing of food. It exists in the early state of most acute diseases, and is a symptom in many chronic diseases, particularly dyspepsia. The treatment should be directed to the primary malady, or to the constitutional condition. Anosmia.—Loss of smeU, a result of catarrh, the excessive us9 of snuff, opium, quinine, etc. Ant. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 47 Anteversion.—Displacement of the uterus, in which the body or fundus is directed forward toward the pubes and against the bladder, whilst the os uteri is turned backward to- ward the sacrum and lower bowel. To reposit the organ the fundus may be pushed upward with the finger, whUe the pa- tient lies on the back with the hips weU raised. When the organ and surrounding parts are feeble and relaxed, they must be invigorated by means of vaginal injections, hip-baths, abdominal manipulations, and aU the appUances of the Hygi- enic System. Anthracia.—Carbuncular Exanthem. An eruption of im- perfectly suppurating tumors, with indurated edges, generally with a foul, sanious core. They indicate a gross and putres- cent condition of the body, and are always among the symp- toms of Plague and Yaws. See Anthrax. Anthracosis.—A species of carbuncle which affects the eyeUds and globe of the eye. The term is also applied to the "black lung of coal miners," an affection induced by accum- ulation of carbonaceous particles in the lungs. Sometimes ulceration of the lungs results from this cause, and the mal- ady is then termed black phthisis. See Melanosis. Anthrax.—MaUgnant boil, carbuncle. An inflammation of the skin and areolar tissue, of a gangrenous tendency. It is frequently seen in the later stage of low fevers, and is some- times among the critical manifestations of chronic diseases, in persons of impure blood or feeble vitaUty. Carbuncles are also among the remote results of mercurial infection. Patients who have boen salivated, or who have been subjected to the prolonged use of mercury in any form, are very Uable to the most aggravated forms of malignant ul- cers, which are very difficult to heal, as the bony structure is very Uable to be involved in the disorganizing inflammation. Keep the part constantly surrounded with wet cloths cov- ered with dry, so long as there is any preternatural heat. Cavities should be fiUed, and abraded surfaces covered with 6our, reappUed once a day; and when the edges of the ulcer 48 Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. become indurated or very painful, gentle douches with warm water, or mild fomentations, wiU relieve. I need hardly add that the general health must be properly attended to. The wet-sheet pack, warm baths, or tho Hydro-Electrical baths should be employed to deterge mercurial and other iinpuritios from the system, and salt, sugar, mUk, butter, and cheese, must be excluded from the dietary. Aneueesis.—Anuria. See Ischuria. Antimonialis.—The antimonial disease, occasioned by tar- tar emetic and other preparations of antimony being admin- istered as medicine, or accidentally taken into the system. The symptoms are, burning pain in the pit of the stomach, with retching or vomiting; purging; coUcky pains; sense of tightness in the throat; and violent cramps. If the poison has been recently swallowed, an emetic of warm water should be taken; when small doses have been taken for days and weeks, the medicine must be got rid of through the excreto- ry organs (the skin, liver, lungs, bowels, and kidneys). Pain and inflammation are to be aUayed by fomentations and cold, wet cloths. The full warm bath is to be applied daily, fol- lowed by the tepid ablution. Antigmatism.—A term which has been lately applied to de- fective and indistinct vision, and which may be improved or remedied entirely by proper glasses. See Myopia. Antroversion.—See Anteversion. Anxiety.—Great restlessness and agitation with a distress- ing sense of oppression at the epigastrium. It is a prominent symptom in the early stage of aU maUgnant fevers, and of many acute diseases, and may attend tho latter stage of all. It is also induced by overloading the stomach, and by taking indigestible substances. It may be relieved by warm water drinking and fomentations. When excessive or indigestible aUment is the cause, a warm-water emetic is the remedy. Aortitis.—Inflammation of the aorta, and, in my opinion, a nosological mistake. Arn. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 49 Apathy.—Suspension or loss of the moral emotions. It takes place in malignant fevers, and in some chronic diseases attended with extreme congestion of tho brain. I have had several patients who evinced no desire to Uve, and who did not seem to care what happened to themselves or to others. Fortunately the symptom is only temporary, and disappears entirely on a removal of the cause Apepsia.—See Dyspepsia. Aphonia.—Loss of voice. Aphonia often exists as a symp- tom in catarrh. It is somotimes caused by paralysis of some part of the vocal apparatus, but is more frequently the conse- quence of debility or extreme relaxation of the respiratory muscles. In some cases it has resulted from a misuse of the respiratory muscles, by which the effort of phoriation is thrown on the wrong muscles. Strong mental emotions are sometimes the cause of this affection. The remedial measures must of course have reference to the causes. Whatever will improve the whole breathing ap- paratus, wUl conduce to the recovery of the voice. In cases of general debUity, or of abuse or misuse of the vocal organs, vocal gymnastics are especially serviceable; but great care should be taken to have the dorsal and abdominal muscles caUed into play, or the exercises wUl be worse than useless. Aphronia.—A synonym for Apoplexy, which see. , Aphrosyne.—Delirium, Insanity. Aphtha.—Thrush or sore mouth, stomatitis. There are two varieties, the common, white, or milk thrush, and the black or ma- lignant. Both forms, are symptomatic of bad digestion or impure blood. Hot drinks, strong green tea, strong cheese, and stale butter and meats sometimes induce the mild form of the affection in adults. When it affects nursing infants, the mother should regulate her diet properly, and the mouth of the child be frequently wet with a teaspoonful of cold water. The malignant form is frequently an accompaniment of pu- trid fevers, and is always to be treated with the constitutional 3 50 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. processes of purification—the warm bath, the wet-sheet pack, or frequent ablutions, as tho temperature of the patient indi- cates. In aU cases cold applications to the throat, with bits of ice or sips of cold water taken into the mouth frequently, are the proper local measures. Apneustia.—Apncea, Asphyxia. ArxcuA. — Insensible respiration, Orthopncea. See As- phyxia. Aponeurositis.—Inflammation of an aponeurosis. Apply very cold wet cloths until relieved. Apoplexy.—This disease is characterized by a loss of con- sciousness, sensibility, and voluntary motion. It is usually attended with more or less rigidity of tho Umbs, with puffy,. stertorous breathing. Authors distinguish two species, the Sanguineous, and tho Serous, as tho surface is flushed or pale. The immediate cause is congestion or compression of the brain. The remote causes are whatever obstructs the circula- t ion, or renders the blood thick and viscid. Plethoric persons are peculiarly subject to the disease. Excessive alimentation is its most common cause. Place the patient in an easy position with tho head well raised. Free the bowels with an enema of tepid water. H the breathing is very laborious, apply fomentations to the ab- do:uen. Apply hot bottles to the feet, if there is the least in- dication to chilliness; wet cloths should be appUed to tho head. When the surface is warm and feverish, it should be sponged two or three times a day with tepid water, foUowed by gentle friction. Apostem.v.—The word is sometimes appliod to tumors in general, but is usuaUy employed as a synonym of Abscess, which see. Apyrexia.—The state of the system (Dunglison says it is tli- condition of an intermittent fever), between the paroxysms of an intermittent fever. The term is sometimes applied to Aen. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 51 the non-febrile period of other acute diseases. Strictly, it means the absence of the hot stage of a febrile disease. Arachnitis.—Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain. See Copalitis. Aranea.—See Tarentula. Ardent Fevee.—Synocha, or Inflammatory Fever. Ardor Urin2e.—A scalding sensation experienced whUe the urine is passing over the inflamed mucous membrane of tho urethra, or neck of the bladder. It is a symptom of gonorrhoea and leucorrhcea, and may be induced by acrid poisons, as tur- pentine, cantharides, etc. The constant appUcation of tepid, cool, or cold water, is necessary until relieved. Arenosa Urina.—Sandy Urine. See Gravel. Aegema.—A white spot, or ulceration of the eye. See Leucoma. Argentitis.—I have introduced this term for the malady known as the Blue Disease, and which is caused by nitrate of silver (aryenti nitras) administered as a medicine. Such cases are not so frequent as formerly, for the reason that the drug is less used. The malady has thus far proved incurable. A few years ago, when the Electro-Chemical baths were first introduced in this city, it was claimed that they were capable of removing this discoloration. And an individual who was frequently seen in the streets, and who had been employed for years to hand out the programmes in front of the Ameri- can Museum, was reported to have been cured. And what is singular, one operator in this city and another in PhUadelphia, each claimed to have cured him. But, as it happened, the blue-dyed patient continued to present the same external ap- pearance. Argyria.—A term appUed to the discoloration of the skin, occasioned by the internal use of lunar caustic, or nitrate of silver. Arnicalis.—A term I have taken the liberty to apply to the disease or "medicinal effects" occasioned by the drug Arnica 52 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Art. Montana. The symptoms are—stupor, dUated pupil, anxiety, spasmodic actions of the muscles, and in extreme cases, coma, involuntary evacuations and paralysis. Tho patient should be kept quiet, with the head weU raised, as in apoplexy, and freely exposed to the fresh air. Cold applications to the head and warm appUcations to the feet wiU assist the recovery. When the skin is preternaturaUy warm, it should bo sponged with tepid water. Arsexicalis.—This term has already been employed by some nosologists to indicate arsenical disease. It is characterized by a burning heat in the stomach. Some degree of coppery or metaUic taste in the mouth, with fleecy or spongy gums, and a sweUing, fullness or puffiness of the face. To eUminato the poison the vapor bath, wet-sheet pack, and Hydro-Electrical bath are useful. I have no faith in chemical antidotes. They are proper when the drug is in the stomach, but when it is diffused throughout the system they aro worse than useless. Aesenicismus.—Poisoning by arsenic. Aeteeitis.—Inflammation of an artery. Says Professor Gilman, of the New York College of Physicians and Sur- geons : " The continued application of cold water has more power to prevent inflammation than any other remedy." He should have said, to cure inflammation. Cold water may either prevent inflammation, or cause it, according to the cir- cumstances of the case and the mode of its application. Aethragra.—See Gout. Arthritis.—This term is usuaUy employed generically to comprehend aU forms of gout and rheumatism. Anthrochondritis.—Inflammation of the cartilages and joints. Apply cold water. ARiHRODYNiA—Pain in the joints. It is usuaUy of a rheu- matic or mercurial origin. Foment the part and then apply the wet bandage. AETHRosiA.-This is a generic term applied to painful in- flammatory swellings of the joints. It induces many forms ot gout and rheumatism. Asp. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 53 Arthropongus.—A white, fungous tumor of the joints. It may be removed by congelation, or caustic, or both. Asbestos Scall.—See Eczema of the Hairy Scalp. Ascaeis—Ascarides.—Thread, Pin, or Maw Worms. Char- acterized by a long, cylindrical body, extenuated at the ex- tremities. There are supposed to be several species of entozoa included in the genus Ascaris. Copious enemas of pure water, and a dietary of coarse bread and fruit, with unseasoned vege- tables, wUl in due time destroy them by obviating the cause on which their existence depends. Sugar, aU greasy substances, and fermented breads, should be abstained from by aU who are troubled with worms. Ascites.—Hydrops Abdominis, (Dropsy of the BeUy.) A coUection of watery fluid in the abdomen. Characterized by increased size of the abdomen, fluctuation, and the usual signs of serous accumulation. Ascites proper is dropsy of the peri- toneum, or Uning membrane of the abdomen. When tho constitutional vigor is not greatly reduced, it may be removed by absoption, or by tapping—paracentesis. When the fluid is saccated (collected in separate cysts) it is incurable. In some cases the watery accumulation is exterior to the peritoneum. The warm wet-sheet pack, or the alternate warm and tepid rubbing sheet, with a dry and abstemious dietary, are the most effectual measures of treatment. Asphyxia.—Pulselessness, Acrotismus, Apparent Death, Suspended Animation. The immediate cause is the non-con- version of venous into arterial blood ; or, in other words, the retention of effete carbonaceous matter. The exciting causes are the presence of irrespirable gases, or the absence of at- mospheric air, as in the cases of hanging and drowning. Narcotic fumes, and noxious vapors of various kinds, will in- duce it. The "choke-damp," or carbonic acid gas, which accumulates in deep caves, or in the bottom of dry wells, is one of the most frequent causes of death of Asphyxia. Chlo- roform, ether and other anesthetic agents, when administered without due precautions, sometimes induce the asphyxiated state, ending in death. 54 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Atmospheric air is the only remedy. The patient should be placed in a current of fresh air, or fanned vigorously, and the tongue drawn forward. This last point is exceedingly important, and Uves have been lost by not properly attending to it. The tongue is paralyzed and Ues like a dead mechan- ical weight in the back part of the mouth, closing the glottis and completely excluding the atmospheric air from the lungs. To favor the inclination of the tongue forward, the patient should be turned on one side with the face inclining down- ward. When the patient has been for a long time exposed to mephitic gases or vapors, or submerged, the restoration of the respiratory function can often be achieved as follows : Support the patient in a sitting posture, carry the arms gradu- aUy upward and outward above the head, and then as gradu- aUy depress them downward and forward, the whole to be performed sixteen to eighteen times per minute ; during the downward motion an attendant should press firmly against the abdominal muscles. The object is to imitate the respira- tory motions as nearly as possible, by which means a suffi- cient quantity of air may be made to enter the lungs to re- invigorate the circulation of the blood, and set the whole machinery of life in motion again. The strangling is not. occasioned, as is commonly supposed, by the water or noxious gases or vapors entering the lungs, but by the spasmodic closure of the glottis to keep them out. Assultus.—Attack. When physicians learn that diseases are not things, or entities, foreign to the living organism, but that they are, on the contrary, the actions of the vital powers in self-defence, we shaU hear no more of diseases "attacking" us, "running through" us, "becoming seated" within us, being " self-limited," " deriving laws from their nature," etc., etc.; nor wiU physicians then think of " breaking up," or "neutralizing" or "counteracting," or "suppressing," or "subduing" disease, as is now the fashion. Thoy wiU only seek to regulate and direct the remedial action, and supply the tiving system with whatever of normal (not morbific) agents it can use under the circumstances. Ath. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 55 Asthenia.— Vis Imminida. Applied by Brown to desig- nate debiUty of the whole system, in contradistinction to Stenia, the state of augmented vitality. The Brunonian hypo- thesis is very absurd in theory, and very disastrous in practice. Asthenopia—Weak-Sightedness. Ascertain and remove the cause. Asthma.—There are many varieties of asthmatic affections, but the ririncipal are the Common, or Spitting—Asthma Humi- dum; the Dry—Asthma Siccum, and the Ray, or Harvest, or Fever Asthma. The first variety is attended with copious ex- pectorations'; in the second variety the expectoration is scanty; the third variety appears in the haying or harvest season only. A kind of asthma, called Grinders, or Grinder's Rot, is some- times caused by the inhalation of earthy and metallic par- ticles, and affects stone-cutters and metallic instrument-grind- ers. More frequently, however, the disease is manifested in some one of the several forms of consumption. The immediate cause of asthmatic respiration is, in a great majority of cases, an enlarged or congested state of the liver ; noxious particles received into the lungs, repeUed eruptions, suppressed discharges, rank odors, damp weather, dietetic er- rors, and strong mental emotions, are frequent exciting causes. When the temperature of the patient wiU admit, the wet- sheet pack Should be the leading bath, repeated daily, or every other day. When the temperature is lower, the tepid half-bath, followed by the pail douche, should be taken daily. The wet girdle should be worn about one-half of the time, and a moderately cool hip-bath taken once or twice a day, for ten or fifteen minutes. Feeble patients should take the hot and cold foot-bath at bed-time. Fomentations to the abdo- men may be resorted to for temporary aUeviation during the paroxysm. The dietary can hardly be too strict, and must be very ab- stemious. MUk is objectionable, and recovery will be accel- erated, if every kind of animal food is abstained from. Atheroma.—A tumor formed of a cyst containing a pulpy or fatty matter, Uke pap. It can best be removed with the knife. 56 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Bar. Atony.—Want of tone. General Debility. Atonic is, and properly, applied to all chronic diseases, and to all fevers, ex- cept the inflammatory. Atrabilis.—Black Bile, or Melancholy. The ancient phy- sicians ascribed many cases of hypochondriasis, mania, mel- ancholy, etc., to the predominance of black bUe; but thero does not happen to be any such humor. Torpidity of the hver is a common cause of those affections. Atrophy.—Wasting of the Body, Marasmus. A condition which may more or less attend any disease. Aura.—The sensation of a vapor rising from the body or limbs to the head or throat, and inducing a feeUng of suffoca- tion. It sometimes precedes paroxysms of epilepsy and hysteria, and has been termed Aura Epileptica and Aiwa Hysterica. Auriumalis.—The effects of the medicinal preparations of gold (Aurum) are very siirdlar to those of mercury. They have been employed experimentally as substitutes for the mercurials in scrofulous and syphillitic diseases, and in various cachexias. The gold malady is to be treated like aU other mineral poisons, with aU tho eliminating appUances of the Hygienic system. Autumnal Fever.—Remittent and intermittent fevers occur most frequently in the faU of the year, and are termed Autum- nal. The remittent type is often termed Bilious Fever. Balanitis, Balanorrhcea.— Spurious Gonorrhoea. A mucous or muco-purulent discharge from the urethra without venereal infection. For the treatment, see Leucorrhcea and Gleet. Balbuties.—TrauUsmus, Stammering, St. Vitus' Dance of the Voice. The term is also appUed to a vicious and incom- plete pronunciation, in which almost aU of the consonants aro replaced by the letters B and L. Apply to a good elocutionist. Barbriers.—Beriberi. A paralytic affection prevalent in India. The subjects of the disease are mostly persons of Bid. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 57 weakly constitutions and dissipated habits, and tho termina- tion is usuaUy fatal. These circumstances sufficiently suggest the remedial plan. Barrenness.—See SteriUty. Belching.—See Eructation. Belladonnalis.—I venture to designate by this term the disease which is tho aggregate of the poisonous effects of the medicine known as Atropa BeUadonna, or deadly night-shade. The symptoms are stupor, numbness, dizziness, dimness of vision, nausea, dilated pupil, delirium, and, in extreme cases, convulsions. The treatment is the same as for ArnicaUs. Belly-Ach.—See Colic. Benign.—Diseases of a mUd character are so termed. Beriberi.—See Barbiers. Bex—See Cough. Bezoar.—^A calculous concretion found in the stomach, in- testines, and bladder of animals. They were primarily re- garded as possessing wonderful medicinal virtues. Urinary calcuti were once employed as powerful alexipharmics, or an- tidotes. BLUary and lachrynal calcuti have also been employed in medicine. The Bezoard of the Indian Porcupine was form- erly sold at an enormous price in Spain and Portugal. Bilious, Biliousness.—This term is appUed somewhat loosely to various diseases, and to many conditions of the system in which there is an exaction of bitiary matter, inor- dinate in quantity or acrid and irritating in quaUty. It is sometimes employed in a very different and even in the very opposite sense, to denote a condition of torpor or inactivity of the Uver, in which the bUiary elements remain in the blood, or are partiaUy expeUed through the other enunctories. as in jaundice, and a variety of cutaneous disorders. The phrase " bUious attack," is appUed to the disarrangement or disturbance of the digestive organs, consequent on the presence of morbid bUe. . Some fevers are termed " bitious," as are 58 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Bon. some forms of visceral imflammation, because of the free ex- cretion of bUe which attends their early stage. A variety of humors, eruptions, and nameless skin diseases, as weU as many apthous, diptheretic, and cankerous conditions of the mucous membranes, are attributable, more than to any single cause, to a defective action of the Uver. They are so many manifestations of " biliousness." To remedy aU of these conditions, a plain, simple dietary, with general bathing, according to the circumstances of the disease and the condition of the patient, are indispensable. The indications of cure are, to purify the mass of blood of its bitiary elements, and to restore the function of the Uver. Bismuthitis.—I do not find this term in the Medical Lexi- con, but I apply it to the bismuth disease, caused by the me- dicinal administration of the subnitrate of bismuth. The symptoms are, great heat or sense of burning in the stomach, thirst, furred tongue, vertigo, syncope, etc. The remedy is negative—let the drug alone. Black Death.—This term was applied to the plague during its prevalence in the middle ages. Black Lung.—See Anthracosis. Black Tongue.—A term which has been appUed to Putrid Sore Throat, which see. Bleb.—See BuUa. Blennoeehagia, BlennoerhceA.—See Gonorrhoea. Blepharopthalmia, Blepharopthalmitis.—See Opthalmia. Blepharoptosis.—A falling down of the upper eye-lid over the eye. It is an indication of great congestion of the brain, and often one of the precursors of apoplexy or palsy. Blue Disease.—Cholera, Spasmodic, which see. Boil.—See Turunculus. Bona Fever.—A maUgnant fever which prevailed amongst the troops of the garrison at Bona, in Algeria, from 1832 to Bee. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 59 183f), has been so oaUed. It did not differ in any essential particular from the ordinary typhus fever of camps and hos- pitals. Bone Fever.—Inflammation of the Bone. Bones, Brittleness of the.—See FragiUtas Ossium, and MoUities Ossium. Borboeygmus.*—The noise made by flatus or gas in the in- testines. Any condition of indigestion which favors the fer- mentation of the food, tends to the production of flatulence. Sips of warm water will reUeve it, and a proper dietary may cure. Botheiocephalus.—Broad Tape-Worm. See Taenia. Boulimia.—Insatiable hunger. It sometimes affects hyster- ical patients, and pregnant women. Dyspeptics are often troubled with an insatiate appetite or craving. The remedy is dry, soUd food, which compels the patient to masticate very slowly, as hard crackers, parched corn, and, for those who have good teeth, raw wheat. Bourgeons.—See Gutta Rosea. Beadysueia.—See Dysuria. Beash, Watee.—See Pyrosis. Brash, Weaning.—A severe diarrhoea occurring at the time of weaning. The warm-bath morning and evening, and proper attention to diet, are the remedial measures. Breast, Abscess of. — Milk Abscess, Mammary Abscess. See Mastodynia Apostematosa. Breast-Pang.—See Angina Pectoris. Beeath, Offensive.—This depends on decaying teeth, im- pure blood, foul secretions and filthy habits, as tobacco-using, liquor-drinking, pork-eating, etc. Probably constipated boAV- els is the immediate cause of more feted and offensive breaths than aU othor causes combined. 6J Hand-Book of Hygienic Pkactice Bro. Bright's Disease of the Kidney.—A granular disease of the cortical part of the kidney which gives occasion to the ex- cretion of urine that contains albumen; so named, because it was first described by Dr. Bright. See Albuminuria. Broken-- Windedness.—Asthma. Bromidrosis.—A term applied to offensive sweat. Tho causes and cure are indicated under the head of Breath, Offensive. Bronchitis.—Inflammation of the lining or mucous mem- brane of the bronchial tubes. It has been called Pulmonary Catarrh, Angina Bronchialis, Humid Pleurisy, etc. Laryn- gitis and FoUicular Inflammation of the Throat, and even chronic Tonsilitis, are often miscalled Bronchitis, and all in- discriminately treated with the murderous fumigations, inha- lations, and cauterizations of poisonous drugs. Acute Bronchitis is attended with fever, and requires precisely the same treat- ment as inflammation of the lungs. See Pneumonia. Chronic Bronchitis is one of the forms of consumption, and requires all tho Hygienic appliances applicable to that disease. In the early stages, the chest wrapper should be worn con- stantly, and derivative baths frequently employed. The tepid hip-bath, and hot-and-cold foot bath should be taken once or twice daily, and a fuU tepid or warm bath daily, each other day, semi-weekly or weekly, according to the patient's reac- tive power. The diet must be very simple and rather ab- stemious, and the patient should exercise in the open air all he possibly can, without great fatigue. Tobacco-users, wdio have chronic bronchitis, must renounce the luxury or expect to die. In the early stages, the wet-sheet pack may be advan- tageously employed, daily or tri-weekly; and in all cases, the "Swedish movements" are admirable. Bronchitis may be distinguished from laryngitis and "throat-ail" by the pain and tenderness being deep-seated and diffused in the chest; and chronic bronchitis may be dis- tinguished from pleurisy or pneumonia by the absence of fever of the continued type. Bub. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 61 Bronchocele.—SweUed Neck, Goitre. An enlargement of tho thyroid gland, sometimes amounting to a very large tu- mor, and seriously obstructing respiration. It is usuaUy cur- able in its early stages, and but rarely afterwards. The patient must avoid hard water, drink only soft and pure water, and only so much as actual thirst demands; restrict tho diet to plain, solid food, and be abstemious in quantity. Cold wet cloths should be worn around the neck, and a mod- erate douche, if practicable, applied two or three times a day. If the patient is in otherwise good health, the wet-sheet pack for an hour daily, foUowed by a moderate douche along the spine, wUl assist the absorption of the tumor. But if the general circulation is feeble, the tepid rubbing sheet should be preferred. Gentle and persevering friction to tho tumor wiU often assist in its removal. Bronchocephalitis.—Hooping-Cough. See Pertussis. Bronchorrhcea.—An increased excretion of mucus from the air passages. It is symptomatic of catarrh, indigestion, and various other maladies. Bruise.—Contusion. If there is heat with swelling, ap- ply cold water; if not, foment the part or apply warm water, and then apply cold wet bandages. Brygma.—Grinding of the teeth. A common symptom of teething in chUdren, and of gastric irritation in both children and adults. Bubo.—An inflammatory swelUng of the glands of the groin. The term is sometimes applied also to a sinnlar affec- tion of the glands of the axilla or armpit. There are three varieties of this disease. 1. Simple, not connected with infec- tion. 2. Venereal, occasioned by the venereal virus. 3. Pes- tilential, an accompaniment of the plague. In each of these cases the primary or constitutional condi- tion must be attended to. The local treatment consists of frequent tepid or cool hip-baths, and the constant appUcation of cold wret cloths. When the sweUing is attended with 62 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Bun. throbbing pain, indicative of suppuration, warm water should be appUed and the full warm-bath taken once or twice a day; or, if this is impracticable, the warm sitz-bath wiU answer very weU. Bubonalgia.—Pain in the groin. It may be neuralgic or inflammatory. In the former case apply hot fomentations; in the latter, cold wet cloths. Bubonocele.—Rupture of the groin; Inguinal Hernia. It may be reUeved- by a weU-adjusted truss, and is sometimes cured by a surgical process. Bucket Fever.—Dengue, which see. Bucnemia.—See Elephantiasis. Buff, Inflammatory, Buffy Coat.—Corium Phlogisticum. A state of the blood in which, in consequence of disease, the fibrinous element, instead of being assimilated, remains in the blood and undergoes more or less alteration. The rational remedy is to remove the cause of the disease ; but physicians have, most absurdly, for several thousands of years, been in the habit of taking the blood out by opening a vein with a lancet. How this is to remedy the difficulty, no advocate of venesec- tion has ever told us, and probably never wiU. BuGantia.—See Chilblain. Bulla.—A Blob. A portion of the cuticle detached from the skin by the interposition of a transparent, watery fluid. It is the consequence of bitiary obstruction of some morbid humor or impurity of the blood, and may be cured by means of frequent tepid ablutions, and a plain, simple diet. When it occupies a large surface, the wet-sheet pack should be em-. ployed. Bunioid.—A term appUed to a cancer which bears some re- semblance to a turnip. Bunion, Bunyon.—An enlargement with inflammation of the bursa mucasa at the inside of the ball of the great toe. . Alternate hot and cold foot-baths, with due attention to the general health, wiU remove or reUeve them. Cal. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 63 Burn.—An injury caused by extreme heat. In no diseases are there greater discrepancies of treatment by the drug doc- tors, than in burns and scalds. Some recommend the stimu- lating, and others tho opposite, or antiphlogistic plan ; while the specifics recommended by regular and irregular physicians are innumerable. The reason of this confusion worse con- founded is, that the great majority of the cases wiU recover more or less perfectly with or without almost any treatment, and in spite of much mal-medication. The principle of treatment is, to regulate the temperature of the part, and protect abraded surfaces from the contact of atmospheric air. When the injury is not deep, the application of flour alone wiU soon reUeve the pain, and, if promptly ap- pUed, may prevent bUstering, or the destruction of the cuticle. When the injury is deeper, the part should be held in cool water, of a temperature most agreeable to the patient, or cold wet cloths may be appUed, and frequently changed. Should the cuticle or parts beneath slough off, the exposed surface should be kept constantly covered with dry flour, over which cold wet cloths may be applied. Burning of the Feet.—Persons of feeble circulation and of a bilious condition of the blood, are Uable to this sensation, which is readily relieved by hot and cold foot-baths. In a singular cachectic disease, which occurs in India, the most prominent symptom is a sense of burning in the feet. Cachectic.—Pertaining to a morbid condition of the system. A person affected with cachexia. Cachexia, Cachexy.—A bad habit, or depraved condition of the body, as in scrofula, scurvy, cancerous and venereal diseases, dropsies, etc. Cachinnatio.—A tendency to immoderate laughter, as in hysterical and maniacal affections. Cacodjemon:—An evil spirit, to which were ascribed many disorders. Nightmare. See Incubus. Calculi.—Concretions of excrete or earthy matters which may form in any part of tho body, but are most frequently 64 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cal. found in the organs that serve as reservoirs, and in the excre- tory ducts and canals. They have been met with in the tonsUs, joints, bitiary ducts, intestines, lachrymal ducts, mammary glands, pancreas, pineal gland, prostate gland, lungs, salivary, spermatic and urinary passages, and in the uterus. The causes are, an excess of earthy, saline, or alkaline particles taken with the food, the use of mineral waters, the drinking of hard water, chalk, lime, magnesia, etc., taken as medicines. The general remedial plan consists in tho avoidance of the causes, and the use of such measuros as wiU deterge the system of all existing impurities. A strict dietary, with a daUy ablution or pack, and free but not excessive water- drinking, are the essentials. Calculi, Arthritic—Nodes, Chalk-Stones, Concretions which form in the ligaments and within the capsules of the joints of persons affected with the gout. Their composition is, soda, uric acid, and a Uttle animal matter. In some in- stances, urate of Ume and chloride of sodium are present also. A persevering Hygienic regimen .wiU often remove every ves- tige of these concretions. Calculi, Biliary.—GaU-Stones, Chololithus, BUiary Con- cretions. In some cases these concretions are only the ele- ments of bUe thickened; some contain Picromcl; and the majority are composed of a small quantity of the yellow mat- ter of the bUe, with a large proportion of Cholesterin. They are most frequently found in thegaU-bladder, but sometimes in the substance of the liver, in the branches of the hepatic duct, and in the common duct of the Uver and gaU-bladder, [Ductus Communis Choledochus). Their presence does not al- ways cause much uneasiness, but sometimes they occasion abscess and bitiary fistulas. The passage of gall-stones is very painful, often excruciatingly so, and can only be reUevod by copious warm water drinking, hot fomentations to the abdomen, and warm hip-baths. Calculi, of the Ear.—These are merely indurated cer- umen, and are a frequent cause of deafness. They can be Oal. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 65 easily seen, and may be removed with forceps, after being de- tached by repeated injections of warm water. Calculi, Lachrymal.—Concretions in the lachrymal pas- sages sometimes cause abscesses and fistulse, which cannot be healed untU they are removed. Calculi, of the Mammje.—These concretions are rare, but have been found in abscesses of that organ. Calculi, of the Pancreas.—These are not detected during life, hence tittle is known of them. Calculi, of the Pineal Gland.—Their composition is phosphate of time, but no symptoms indicate their presence during life. Calculi, of the Prostate Gland. — These are generaUy composed of phosphate of time. They occasion a sense of weight or heaviness, and more or less disturbance in urin- ation. Calculi, Pulmonary.—Consumptives often expectorate con- cretions formed of carbonate of time and a tittle animal matter. Calculi, Salivary.—Concretions in the sativary glands, or in their excretory ducts, are usuaUy composed of phosphate of lime and animal matter. Calculi, Spermatic.—These cannot be detected during Ufo, but are sometimes found after death, in the vesiculae semin- ales. Their constitutents are unknown. Calculi, of the Stomach and Intestines.—EnteroUthus. Calcuti in the stomach are rare; in the intestines they are more frequently met with; almost any foreign substance may supply a nucleus. They are ordinarily found between the valves of the small intestines, or in the ceUs of the large. Sometimes they form a movable tumor which may be felt through tho walls of the abdomen. A plain, unconstipating diet, with occasional copious enemas, and judicious manipula- tions of the abdomen—rubbing, kneading, etc.—wtil cause them to be evacuated in due time. 66 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cal. Calculi, of the Tonsils.—These are readtiy recognized both by tho sight and touch. Calculi, Urinary.—Several varieties of concretions are formed of the crystaUizable substances in the urine. Their chief components arc, Lithic Acid, Phosphate of Lime, Am- moniaco-Magnesian Phosphate, Oxalate of Lime, Cystic Ox- ide, and Xanthic Oxide. Concretions formed in the kidneys, caUed Renal Calcuti, have generaUy a very irregular shape, and often cause intense pain whtie being expeUed, attended sometimes with inflam- mation, and turbid or bloody urine. Warm water, externaUy and internally, affords aU the relief possible. Calculi, Vesical.—Stone in the Bladder. These are indi- cated by a sense of weight in the perineum, and often a sense of a body moving or rolling when the patient changes .posi- tion; pain or itching at the extremity of the urethra; fre- quent desire to urinate; sudden interruption of the stream ; and occasionally bloody urine. But assurance should always be rendered doubly sure by an examination with the sound. In some cases they wiU be entirely dissolved and pass away, in consequence of a rigidly anttlithic regimen. In other cases they can be broken into fragments in the bladder—Lithotrity —so as to pass out through the urethra with the urine. But in many cases they can only be removed by the operation of Lithotomy. Calculi, Urethral.—When lodged in the urethra, they ob- struct the passage of urine, and occasion a hard tumor, and can be reactily recognized by the sound. The only remedy is incision. Caligo.—A mist. A speck on the cornea of the eye; Web-eye, Opaque Cornea. It may often be removed by a good surgeon ocutist; no one else should meddle with it. Callous.—Hard or indurated. Ulcers often have caUous edges which must be removed with the knife or caustic before they can heal. This is particularly the case with fistulous ul- cers. Can. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 67 Cancer.—Carcinoma. There are many varieties of cancers and "cancroid growths," but they aU consist essentially of a scirrhous, tivid tumor, ultimately terminating in a fetid and ichorous ulcer. Authors distinguish cancerous tumors into 1, Encephaloid, which is of a dead white color, and resembles lob- ulated cerebral matter; 2, Scirrhus, which is extremely firm and dense, and resembles the rind of bacon traversed by cel- lulo-fibrous septa; 3, Colloid, when the mass of the tumor, which is firm and resisting, contains a jelly-tike matter. The first-named variety often attains an enormous size, has been observed in almost every tissue and organ of the body, and frequently co-exists in several. Its progress, especially after ulceration, is usuaUy very rapid. The second variety gene- rally grows very slowly, and is rarely to be met with larger than an orange. The third variety is intermediate in its pro- gress, size, and extension. AU forms of cancers are to be treated on the same general plan, yet each may require some modification of it. In the early stages, and when the tumors are small, repeated conge- lations wtil generaUy arrest their growth, and in some cases, so destroy their vitality as to occasion their removal by absorp- tion. The best refrigerant is an admixture of snow or pounded ice with salt (two parts of. snow or ice to one of salt) which may be applied once a week, for ten, fifteen or twenty minutes, according to the size of the tumor, and the frozen part graduaUy thawed, under the application of iced-water. If well managed, this process produces but tittle pain. If the tumor cannot be arrested or greatly diminished in size by this means, in two, three or four months (according to its size) the best plan of removal is by means of caustic. But this can only be managed by a competent physician or atten- dant, as the material to be selected, and the strength of tho preparation, must' be adapted to the sensibility of the patient and the vital resistance of the diseased mass; otherwise the pain of the process would be unendurable. Moreover, the kind and strength of the caustic may have to be varied from time to time according to its effects. Chloride of Zinc, made 68 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cap. into a paste with wheat flour, and Anhydrous Sulphate of Zinc, in powder, are among the best articles to disorganize the tumor. To remove very large tumors I prefer to etherize the patient, and apply the strongest caustics, as the concentrated sulphuric acid made into a paste with saffron flowers. While the disorganized portion is being sloughed off, the part should be covered with an elm-flour poultice. The caustic should be repeatedly applied, until all vestiges of the tumor and roots are removed, after which it may be dressed with flour and simple cerate. Meanwhile the general health should be carefuUy attended to. And it is better not to commence the local treatment un- til the system has been thoroughly cleansed of the impurities which constitute the cancerous diathesis. For bathing pur- poses, the wet-sheet pack, the tepid ablution, or the fuU hot- and-cold bath may be preferable in different states of the cir- culation. But the temperature of the surface is a sufficient guide in all cases. The diet must be rigidly simple and ab- stemious. A tittle of the " Hunger-Cure " would promote the elimination of morbific matters from the system, more rapidly than excessive bathing. Canine Laugh.—Cynic Spasm. Risus Sardonicus, Sardonic Smile. The facial expression during laughter, to which this term is applied, is due to a spasmodic contraction of the Can- inus muscle. Cantharadismus.—This term wiU not be found in the Med- ical Dictionary, but I apply it to the disease occasioned by the application or administration of Spanish flies, whether in the form of blister-plaster, appUed to the skin, or of tincture or powder, taken into the stomach. The symptoms are, heat, or a burning pain in the urinary organs, with strangury, or re- tention of urine, from spasmodic action of the spincter mus- cles of the bladder. The prolonged warm bath, with fre- quent sips of warm water, is the remedy. Capsicumismus.—The effect of cayenne pepper appUed to the living organism, is inflammation; when moderate it is Car. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 69 called "Stimulation," and when severe, "Irritation." In all cases it is disease. And whether "heat is life," and "life a forced state," or heat and force the manifestations of vital ac- tion, it is, with me, a clear deduction from the plainest princi- ples of common sense, to say nothing of science, that the heat, stimulation, irritation or inflammation occasioned by poi- sons of any sort, is in no way conducive to health and longevity. The remedy for the pepper malady is, sips of cool or cold water, bits of ice, and tepid (not cold) ablutions. When there is much heat or burning in the epigastrium from an excessive dose, the wet girdle should be applied. Indeed, pepper to the mucous membrane is what fire is to the skin, and both require the same remedial plan. Caque Sangue.—An old French term for " Bloody Flux." See Dysentery. Caebuncle.—See Anthrax. Caebuncled Face.—See Gutta Rosea. Carbunculae Exanthem.—Anthracia. See Plague. Cardialgia.—Gastralgia, Gastrodynia, Heartburn. A gnaw- ing or burning sensation in the stomach or epigastric region. It is a dyspeptic symptom. Sips of warm water will relieve it, Patients who are subject to this symptom should adopt a plain, dry, and sparing diet. Milk, grease and sugar should bo eschewed. Cardiomalacia.—Mollities Cordis. Softening of the heart. Carditis.—Inflammation of the heart. This is known by intense pain in the region of the heart, throbbing or palpita- tion, irregular pulse, short, dry cough, and difficult breathing. The pain is increased by pressing upward against the dia- phragm, and by lying on either side. There is an insupport- s able sense of oppression, and the countenance is haggard and anxious. There is also general fever. It is a very rare dis- ease for obvious reasons, except when induced by the mal- treatment of gout and rheumatism. The treatment is the same as for Pneumonia, which see. 70 Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. Car. Caeies.—Ulceration of Bone. It is analogous to gangrene of the soft parts. It may result from external injuries or in- ternal cachexia. Mercurial medicines, and other mineral drugs are among the most frequent causes. It is to be treated on the same plan as inflammation of the soft parts. When there is constant heat and pain in the part affected, cold wet cloths should be constantly applied. When there is little or no heat, the warm fomentations two or three times a day, fol- lowed by the covered wet compress, should be employed. When the ulcers are deep, they should be cleansed daily and filled with fine flour. The constitutional treatment is of first importance. Pure air, simple diet, and general bathing, ac- cording to the superficial temperature, should never bo ne- glected. The Hydro Electrical baths are especially useful in this affection. Caenification.—Transformation into flesh; a term applied to a morbid condition of certain organs, in which the tissue acquires a consistence tike that of muscle or flesh. When it occurs in the lungs, they present a texture like that of the liver, and are said to bo hepatizcd. The bony structure some- times becomes transformed to a fleshy consistence, as in osteo- sarcoma. Local inflammation, and a general cachectic state of the system, are the causes; hence the remedies are whatever wiU remove inflammation and purify the body. Carnositas.—A fleshy excrescence. Nitrate of Silver, Sul- phate of Zinc, Nitric acid, or a white-heated iron may be used to destroy it. Carnosities of the Urethra.—Carbuncles; small, fleshy, fungous growths in the urethra. They are frequently found at the orifice of tho female urethra, in persons who have suffered much from acrid leucorrhcea. A few apptications of nitric acid, or lunar caustic, will remove them. Carphologia.—A detirious picking of the bed-clothes. In fevers it denotes great irritation of the brain, and is an unfa- vorable sign. Cold wot cloths should bo applied to the head, and warm application* to the feet. Cat. Hand-Book of Hygienic* Practice. 71 Caefologia.—See Subsultus Tandinum. Caruncle.—A fleshy excrescence. See Carnositas. Caeus.—Profound Sleep. Coma, with completo insbnsibti- ity, so that the patient cannot be aroused, even for an instant. It is always symptomatic. It requires the same treatment as apoplexy. Catacausis.—Spontaneous combustion of the human body. Cases seem to be weU authenticated in which the human or- ganism wiU acquire that hydro-carbonaceous condition, in persons who have been long addicted to the excessive use of liquors, that, on tho approach of a flame or lighted tapers to the mouth, the breath will inflame, and the whole body burn to ashes. It is fire which water wiU not quench. Catalepsy.—A disease characterized by a sudden suspen- sion of the functions of the external senses and of volition, the limbs and trunk preserving the different positions given to them. The fit comes on suddenly, and often ends with singing or whistling. It depends on nervous debility, consti- pation of the bowels, or congestion of the brain, or all to- gether, and the treatment must have reference to these circumstances. Cataeact.—An opacity of the crystalline lens, or its cap- sule, which "precludes vision. There are many varieties of this affection, for which, the reader who is interested, may con- sult M. Desmaeees, or any of the standard works on Surgery. The chief causes are, excessive use, or rather abuse, of the eyes, especially by candle or gas-light, and a thick, viscid, bil- ious state of tho blood, the result of unphysiological habits. The disease appears insidiously. At first objects seem misty and indistinct; light bodies float before the eyes, and vision is graduaUy yet constantly diminished, tiU finally lost. If properly treated in the incipient stage, the disease can generaUy be arrested. The head must be kept cool; tho eves only moderately employed, and not at all after dark; all exciting brain labor must be avoided ; derivative baths—hip 72 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cat. and foot—should be taken daily, and the general bathing and regimen be so adapted to the patient as to purify the mass of blood as rapidly as possible. Catarrh.—Defluxion, Coryza, Rheuma, Cold, Phlegma- torrhagia. An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and upper portion of the air passages. When caused by exposure, it is called a common cold, or Acute Catarrh; and when the consequence of a morbid state of the liver, or of constitutional disease or impurity, it' is termed Chronic Catarrh. Acute Catarrh can be readily removed by a fuU warm-bath, followed by a wet-sheet pack, and often by either alone. Warm sitz and foot-baths are proper derivative measures. The patient should fast for a day or two, and remain in an equable temperature. Chronic Catarrh is almost invariably one of the compli- cations of dyspepsia or liver complaint, and the treatment should be mainly directed to the primary malady. .Nasal baths are always more or less useful. A moderate vapor- bath, not so prolonged as to occasion much relaxation, nor any appreciable disturbance of the head, may be employed once or twice a week with especial advantage. In no disease is pure#air more indispensable. Catarrh, Epidemic.—Influenza, which see. Catarrh, of the Bladder.—An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, attended with more or less of the fibrinous excretion which takes place in croup and diptheria. The membraneous formation is often expelled in fragments, attended with great pain and difficult micturition. It is to be treated precisely as Cystitis, which see. Catarrh, of the Bowels.—See Diarrhoea Tubular. Catarrh, of the Uterus.-Membraneous inflammation of the lining membrane of the Uterus, which attends certain forms of mismenstruation. See Dysmenorrhea. CATHARSis._The purgation of the bowels; usually applied to discharges from the bowels when induced by cathartic Cep. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 73 medicines. Tho real disease is diarrhoea, when caused by the " modus operandi^ of medicinal drugs, or by poisons accident- ally introduced, or by impurities casually accumulated. Warm hip-baths, fomentations, frequent sips of cool water, and a quiet, horizontal position, are the remedies. Cat's-Eye.—An amaurotic condition. See Amaurosis. Cauliflower Excrescence.—An excrescence which appears in the vulva and anus, at or near tho origin of the mucous membranes, and which, in appearance, resembles the head of the cautiflower. It is frequently, though not always, of ve- nereal origin. They may be cured by proper cauterization with aquafortis, nitrate of silver, or caustic potassa Cauma.—Inflammatory Fever, Synocha. Caumatodes.—This and the preceding term have been ap- plied by some authors to Inflammatory or Synochal Fever, which see. Causus.—A highly ardent fever. Pinel regards it as a complication of bilious and inflammatory fever. Broussais considers it "an intense gastritis, accompanied with bilious symptoms." It is properly Synocha, or inflammatory fever. Causus, Indemial.—Tropicus Endemicus, Yellow Fever of the West Indies. See YeUow Fever. Cenosis.—Emaciation, Inanition. Cephaljea.—Periodical Headache, Sick Headache. A nervous headache is caused by acid bile or acidity of the stomach. It may be relieved by drinking plentifuUy of warm water, and applying the wet-girdle. It is symptomatic of dyspepsia or liver complaint, and can only be permanently relieved by curing tho primary malady. Cephalhematoma.—Thrombus Neonatorum. A sanguine- ous tumor which frequently appears on the head of new-born children. It is of little consequence, and usuaUy disappears in a few days. Cephaljenia. — Cerebral Hyperoemia, Congestion of the head-. An accumulation or disproportionate amount of blood m 4 74 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cha. the vessels of the brain, inducing headache, flushed face, with more or less feverishness. Apply cold applications to the head and warm to the feet. If the bowels are constipated, relieve them with enemas of tepid water. Cephalagra.—Cephake Arthritica, Meningitis Arthritica. Gout in the Head. Treat it as recommended in the preced- ing case. Cephalalgia.—Cephalonia, Encephalgia, Dolorcapitis. This term includes every kind of Headache. They are ordin- arily symptomatic, and must be relieved by attending to the primary affection. When idiopathic, the treatment advised for the preceding cases are proper. Cephalitis.—Encephalitis, Phaenitis, Brain Fever, Inflam- mation of the Brain. The symptoms are, intense pain in the head, violent fever, redness of the face and eyes, intolerance of light and sound, and delirium. Apply the coldest water, or what is better, pounded ice, to the head, sponge the surface with tepid or cool water fre- quently; the bowels, unless already loose, should be freely moved with enemas of tepid water; the head must be well raised on the pillows, and all sources of irritation avoided. Some authors have applied the term Meningitis to inflamma- tion of the membranes of the brain, and Cerebritis to inflam- mation of the substance of the brain. But such distinctions are neither practicable nor useful; and were they so, it would not in the least affect the required treatment. Cerebellitis.—Inflammation of the Cerebellum. This can- not be, and need not be, distinguished from Cephalitis. Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.—This phrase has been ap- plied to a form of putrid typhus, now prevailing in various parts of this country, and often called " spotted fever," on the absurd notion that the disease consists essentially in an inflammation of the coats of the brain and spinal marrow. The ordinary drug treatment is as murderous as the theory is foolish. Chafing.—See Intertrigo. Chi. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 75 Chlaza.—A round, hard, transparent tumor developed in the eye-lids and other parts of the body. It requires cauter- ization. This term is also applied to the cicatricula of the egg. Chancre.—Ulcerous Cancrosum. An ulcer resulting from venereal infection, and located on a part of the genital organs. It may be of a phagedenic or rapidly-spreading character, or take the form of deepening ulcers which are filled with an acrid, corroding, and infectious matter. They should be thoroughly cauterized, on their first appearance, with nitric acid or the sotid nitrate of silver, and the process repeated as often as there is any appearance of erosive action. Mean- whtie, the system should be purified of the syphilitic taint as rapidly as possible by a thorough bathing, and a strict regi- men closely bordering on starvation. Chancre Larve.—A concealed Chancre. Ricord's vagary that such a chancre sometimes exists, and produces virulent gonorrhoea, is, in my opinion, just a vagary and nothing else. Chrumosis.—Opthalmta Memlranarum. A form of inflamma- tion of the eye, in which the conjunctiva surrounding the cor- nea sweUs so as to form a high ring, causing the cornea to be seen, as it were, at the bottom of a well. For treatment, see Opthalmia. Chicken-Pox.—See Varicella. Chiggre.—See Chique. Chilblain.—Pernio. An erythematous inflammation of the feet, hands, and other parts, caused by extreme and sudden alterations of temperature. Sometimes it degenerates into painful, indolent ulcerations, termed Kibes. Keep the part affected in a moderate and equable temperature, and bathe them frequently in tepid or moderately cold water. Child-Bed Fever.—See Puerperal Fever. Child-Crowing.—Asthma Thymicum. See Asthma. Chtnwhelk.—See Sycosis. 76 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Chique.—Tick, Chiggre, Jigger. A smaU insect in Amer- ica and the Anttiles, which gets under the scarf skin and produces great irritation. Chloasma. — Pityriasis Versicoler. A cutaneous affection characterized by one or more broad, irregular-shaped patches, of a yellow or yeUowish-brown color. It occurs most fre- quently on the front of the neck, breast, abdomen, and groins. It is properly of bUious origin, and may be removed by re- storing the action of the liver. The parts affected may be frequently bathed with tepid water, and moderate friction ap- plied afterwards. In this, and in all similar affections of tho skin, milk, butter and sugar, should be excluded from the dietary. Chlorosis.—Green Sickness, Cachexia Virginum. A morbid condition of young females, particularly those who never men- struated, characterized by pale, lurid complexion, and general debility. Usually there is a capricious and depraved appetite, with constipation of the bowels, and palpitation of the heart. The blood of chlorotic patients is generally deficient in red corpuscles, and physicians dose them with the preparations of iron and other kinds of " blood-food," on the false and absurd notion that these inorganic poisons can supply the deficient elements or in some mysterious way cause them to be manu- factured or created. The patient should exercise as much as possible in the open air. Moderate dancing or the light gymnastics are admira- ble. The diet should be restricted to coarse bread, ripe fruits, and unseasoned vegetables. A warm bath should be taken once a week; the tepid ablution each other morning on rising; the dry rubbing-sheet on the alternate mornings; the hip- bath of a moderate temperature—90° to 80°—should be taken daUy; the hot-and-cold foot-bath at bed-time, and the wet- girdle worn a part of each day when the weather is so warm that it does not occasion chilliness. When there are pains in the loins and back at the time for the menstrual period, tho warm hip-bath, or hot fomentations, should be employed until relieved. Cho. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 77 CnoLiKMiA.—A bUious condition of blood. See Jaundice. Cholcystitis.—Inflammation of the gaU-bladder. It can- not be, and need not be, distinguished from Hepatitis, which see. Cholelithus.—Biliary Calculi. See Calcuti. Cholee.—Bile, Anger. A superabundance of bUe has been supposed to be a cause of the unamiable malady called anger. Take sips of warm water, and repeat the Lord's Prayer. Cholera.—There are several varieties of this disease, aU of which are characterized by vomiting and purging, and usuaUy more or less griping in the bowels, with spasms in the legs and arms. The general plan of treatment appticable to all forms is, in the early stages, the tepid rubbing or tepid half- bath, warm hip-baths, hot foot-baths, an enema of warm water to free the bowels, frequent sips of warm water, the wet girdle to the abdomen, and a quiet horizontal posture. In the later stage, the extremities should be kept warm, hot fomentations applied to the abdomen, and hot bottles to the armpits and sides, enemas of a smaU quantity of cool or cold water should be given once in two or three hours ; and when there is a sense of heat or burning about the region of the stomach, smaU bits of ice may be swallowed occasionaUy, or sips of iced-water taken. Should there be much heat over the whole surface in the early stage, the tepid or cool wet- sheet pack should be taken, whUe bottles of hot water are kept to the feet; and if the surface inclines to paleness, and the system to chUUness, the full warm-bath, or vapor-bath, should be given; or, if either is impracticable, hot bottles should be applied to the feet and sides, and fomentations to the abdomen. Cholera, Asiatic—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, Asphyxia.—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, Bilious.—Cholera Morbus. So termed, because it is attended with a copious excretion of acrid bile. In the 78 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cho. severest cases the vomiting, spasms, and pain, are intense and agonizing, and death often results in a few hours. This form of cholera, though of terrible violence in its symptoms, is scarcely dangerous under proper Hygienic man- agement. At first the patient should drink copiously of warm water, and when the violent retching subsides, take frequent sips of cold water. Cool wet cloths should be applied over the abdomen, extending well up on the chest so as to cover the region of the liver; and if the skin inclines to preterna- tural heat or feverishness, the whole surface should be sponged with tepid or moderately cold water. Cholera, Epidemic—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, European.—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, Flatulent.—Wind Cholera, Cholera Sicca. This form is not so dangerous as distressing, and is characterized by an oppressive flatulence and retching, and an absence of bile in the discharges. Dyspeptics are very liable to it. Warm water drinking, and fomentations to the abdomen, are the specialities of treatment. Cholera, Indian.—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, Infantum.—Infantile Fever, Choleric Fever of Infants, Watery Gripes. This form prevails among chUdren during the warm season. Usually a diarrhoea precedes the vomiting for several days. There is irregular febrUe heat, and the body rapidly emaciates. The full warm-bath should be given at first, after which the wet-girdle (well covered with dry flannel, except when the surface is quite warm and feverish) should be applied to the abdomen; a teaspoonful of cool, but not very cold water, should be given frequently; if the thirst is excessive, tepid water may be aUowed with sufficient freedom to aUay it; the feet should be kept warm, and the head cool, and the whole surface sponged twice a day with tepid water. An abundance of fresh air must be admitted to the apartment; and if tho mUk which the chtid uses is not known to be pure, it should be stopped at once. Cho. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 79 Cholera, Malignant.—See Cholera, Spasmodic. Cholera, Pestilential.—See Cholera, Spasmodic. CnoLERA, Sicca.—See Cholera, Flatulent. Cholera, Spasmodic—The Cholera, Rice Disease, the Blue Disease, Cholera Asphyxia, Cholera Typhus, Malignant, Epi- demic, Asiatic', Pestilential, European, etc., Cholera. This form of Cholera is characterized by watery discharges from the bowels, blue appearance of the countenance or surface, thirst, spasms in the abdomen and extremities, and, in the later stages, by coldness of the tongue and pulselessness at the wrist. The treatment must be varied to meet the indications as they present themselves, and the different stages of the ma- lady, and different conditions of the patients. For the early stage, the directions given under the head of Cholera are suf- ficient. In the stage of prostration or collapse, hot bottles to the feet and sides, or the fuU hot-bath, foUowed by the tepid ablution and gentle but active friction, or the warm sitz and hot foot-baths, should be resorted to. The vapor-bath, if practicable, is exceUent. The patient should (except when bathing) remain as quietly in bed as possible, and endeavor to restrain rather than promote the ejections. Free ventilation is important. When there is great thirst, frequent draughts of tepid water may be taken, though the quantity taken at a time should be very small. When there is a burning heat in the stomach, bits of ice or sips of iced-water may be frequently taken ; and when the spasms are violent, fomentations should be assiduously applied to the abdomen until relief is ob- tained. In cases where the warm-bath or" vapor-bath is indi- cated, • and impracticable, the warm wet-sheet pack wtil answer. Choleric Fever of Infants.—See Cholera Infantum. Cholerine.—The first stage or precursory symptoms of Spasmodic Cholera. The term is usuaUy appUed to the pre- monitory "diarrhoea." 80 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cho. Choleromania.—A morbid dread of tho Cholera. Tho charms, amulets, incantations, etc., as assafetida, mustard, onions, hartshorn, camphor, brandy, salted codfish, dried beef, old cheese, etc., which are employed, even in these enlightened days, and even under the advice of " family physicians," and "Boards of Health," would be ridiculous were they not trag- ical. They are each and ati among the causes of the real cholera. Cholerophobia.—Choleromania, which see. Cholero-Typhus. —Spasmodic Cholera. Cholesteatoma.—A kind of encysted fatty, tumor. Chololithus.—See Calculi, Btiiary. Cholorrhcea.—An abnormal discharge of bUe. The affec- tion is symptomatic of biliousness, sick-headache, cholera morbus, etc. Cholosis Americana.—Yellow Fever. See Fever, YeUow. Cholozemia Febrilis.—Bilious Fever. See Fever, Bilious. Chondritis.—Inflammation of Cartilage. Chondroma.—A morbid growth of cartilage proceeding from bones. Of this nature are, Osteo Sarcoma, spina ven- tosa, and some other diseases. CHORDArsus.—Intussusception. See Colica Ileus. Chordee.—A painful inflammation of the uretlira attending gonorrhoea. Cold applications are required. Chorea.—/Stf. Vitus' Dance, Convidsio Habitualis, Epilepsia Sal- tatoria, Danse de St. Witt, Danse de St. Guy, Ballismus. A syn- clonic, spasmodic affection, characterized by irregular and in- voluntary motions of one or more timbs, and oAhe face and trunk. It is caused by obstruction and debUity, and is nearly always preceded by obstinate and prolonged constipation, tho use of strong narcotics or nervines, powerful drug medicines or exhaustive discharges. Cin. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 81 In the remedial plan, the dietary is of the first importance. It must bo rigidly plain, and very abstemious. Coarse bread and good fruit are the essentials; and the fruit should be largely proportioned to the bread. Passive exercises in the open air are exceUent. Abdominal manipulations—kneading, rubbing, etc.—are very useful. The tepid ablution or tepid half-bath should be taken once a day. Moderate douching along the spine may be advantageous. AU disturbing mental influences should be specially guarded against. The Sitz-bath at 80° to 85° should be employed for ten minutes once or twice a day, by those who are not deficient in external temperature. Chronic Disease.—The term, chronic, appUed to disease, means, of long duration. But in a stricter sense it appties to any disease which does not tend to terminate in a limited time by a crisis, at which the patient manifestly begins to sink, or becomes convalescent. Thus, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Dia- betis, Jaundice, Neuralgia, etc., are chronic diseases; while fevers, and visceral inflammations of aU kinds, are its antith- esis—acute. Chthonophagia.—The negroes of the South, and of the West Indies, are sometimes affected with a morbid craving, and an irresistible propensity to eat earth. It is a malady of the nutritive functions. For the treatment, see Chlorosis. Chyluria.—A discharge of milky urine, without apparent structural disease of the bladder or kidneys. See Diabetis. Cicatrization.—The process by which a scar is formed on wounded or ulcerated surfaces. Every tissue, except the cu- ticle, hair, naUs, and enamel, is supposed to be capable of ci- catrization. A scar or cicatrix may vary much in consistence, shape and thickness. The cicatrix of bone is caUed Callus. The scars, after smaU-pox, are caUed pits or pock-marks. To prevent unseemly pitting and scarring after eruptive fevers, burns, scalds, etc., the ulcerated surface should be protected from the contact of the atmosphere. Fine flour is one of the best appliances for this purpose. Cinchonism.—The disease resulting from the medicinal use of Peruvian Bark. See Quininism. ' 4* 82 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Circumgyratio.—See Vertigo. Cirrhosis.—A term applied to a morbid condition in which a yeUow coloring matter is formed in the tissues. It is un- doubtedly owing to deficient action of tho liver, in connection with a plethoric or cachectic state of the whole system. A tepid ablution daUy, a spare and simple dietary, the hip-bath once or twice a day, and the wet-girdle, are the remedies. Circocele.—Cirsocele, Varicose Hernia. The varicose ctila- tation of the spermatic veins. The scrotum feels as if it con- tained earth-worms. Many authors confound this affection with Varicocele, which is a tumor formed by the veins of the scrotum. These complaints can generaUy be cured in the early stages, by a strict diet, cold hip-baths, the fountain- bath, cold compresses, etc. It is always advisable to wear the suspensory bandage. Cirsomphalus.—Varicose dUatation of the veins surround- ing the navel. Clavus.— This term is variously applied to warts, c»rns, condylomatous excrescences of the uterus, and callous tu- mors of the white of "the eye. Clavus Hystericus.— An acute pain in the head, compared by the patients to a sensation as if a naU were driven into the head. It is always symptomatic, and may be retieved by at- tending to the primary affection. See Headache. Climatic Diseases. — The ctimate is accused of causing many diseases, which are due solely to the habits of the peo- ple. Indeed, if people in all climates would live as hy- gienic as possible, we should hear very little of climatic diseases. Clonic—A term applied to convulsive motions, attended with alternate contraction, and relaxation, in contradistinction to Tonic Spasm, when the contractions are continuous and the parts rigid. EpUepsy, palpitation, winking, yawning, etc, are examples. Cnidosis.—A pungent itching. See Urticaria. Codocele, Codoscella.—See Bubo. Col. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 83 Cieliac Flux, Cceliac Passion. — Licutery. A species of diarrhoea in which the food is discharged in an undigested condition. It is symptomatic of Dyspepsia, tuberculosis and other affections. See Diarrhoea. Cold.—The simple feeling of cold in its various degrees is caUed chilliness and shivering. The disease commonly denom- inated a cold, is the inflammatory or feverish condition conse- quent on being exposed to sudden and extreme alterations of temperature. It is attended with more or less sense of stiff- ness in the muscles, and some degree of soreness about the head and mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and wind- pipe. The warm-bath, when the body is cold, and the wet-sheet pack, when the body is hot, with hot foot-baths frequently, cool applications to the head, and the "hunger-cure" dietary, are the remedies for colds. Colic—Coticus, Colique, Belly-ache, Gripes. This disease, of which there are several forms, is characterized by griping pains in the abdomen, with vomiting and costiveness. Tho general plan of treatment consists in moving the bowels freely with enemas of tepid water; the application of fomentations to the abdomen; draughts of warm water taken freely, and such other warm, tepid or cold applications, as the general temperature demands. Colic, of Constipation.—This is caused by indurated feces, and requires a plain diet, mostly frugivorous, hip-baths, abdominal manipulations, and tepid enemas, perseveringly employed. Colic, Constrictive.—This results from a stricture in some part of the aUmentary canal, occasioned by a thickening of the mucous membrane. It is known by discharges of Uquid stools, and occasionaUy, after a great effort, solid feces of a very slender caliber. A rigidly abstemious dietary, free exer- cise in the open air, and the careful avoidance of salt, pepper, spices, and aU irritating causes, wiU generaUy overcome the difficulty in time. 84 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Col. Colic, Convulsive.—Spasmodic Cotic, Iliac Passion, Intus- susception, Stercoraceous Cotic. In this form of Colic one portion of the bowel passes into another, and, by becoming swoUen and inflamed, becomes, as it were, fastened in the abnormal position. The vomiting is exceedingly violent, ejecting bile from the duodenum, and often fecal matter from the bowels. Constipation is always the predisposing cause, whUe the act of vomiting, attended with spasmodic contrac- tion, may be the exciting cause of the displacement. Females, in the early stages of pregnancy, who are constipated, and are, from any cause, excited to vomiting, are very liable to intussusception as a complication. There is always in intus- susception a hardness and tenderness, readUy noticeable on pressure with the hand near the umbilicus. The patient should take frequent sips of very cold water ; cold wet cloths should be applied over the umbilical region; the bowels must be moved, and kept free, by means of enemas of tepid water, and the patient kept as still and quiet as possible. Colic, Flatulent.—Wind Cotic. Warm water drinking, and fomentations to the abdomen, are aU that this form of the disease requires, except it be an enema. Colic, Metallic—Lead Cholic, Devonshire Cholic, Plumb- ers' Colic, Painters' Colic, Rachialgia, Cotic Pictonum, Dry Bellyache. This species of Colic is caused by the introduction of lead into the system, either as medicine/* or by its absorp- tion while engaged in the avocation of painting. It is known by a pain at the pit of the stomach, at first dull and remittent, but gradually becoming more,violent and continued, extend- ing upward to the arms, and downward to the navel, back, loins, etc The patient often feels as if some one were cutting him through with a knife. The bowels are usuaUy obstin- ately constipated, and often loaded with hard, fecal lumps, called Scybala. The hot or vapor-bath, foUowed by a tepid spray, ablution, or the rubbing-sheet, should be administered daily, or every other day. Fomentations should be applied to the painful Com. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 85 parts; the bowels relieved with copious enemas of tepid or warm water. In cases where there is a comparatively good external circulation, the wet-sheet pack will be even more beneficial than the hot or vapor bath. The dietary should be restricted to coarse bread, gruels, ripe fruit, and a moderate allowance of vegetables. The Electro-Chemical, or Hydro- Electrical baths, though not specifics for metallic poisonings, are highly beneficial auxiliaries in the treatment. Colic, of Surfeit.—Colica Cibaria. This is occasioned by irritating or indigestible aliment, or by over-eating. Shell fish often induce it in the warm season. Old cheese, stale pork, sausages, semi-putrescent poultry, sometimes occasion it. It is characterized by extreme nausea, with dizziness, a sense of constriction in the throat, and an intolerable sense of suffo- cation. The stomach should be relieved by warm water drinking until retching subsides. The bowels should be moved with copious enemas, after which rest and cold wet cloths to the epigastrium will be sufficient. Colitis.—Inflammation of that portion of the intestinal tube termed the colon. It may be treated as Enteritis, of which it is a part. CoLLiauATivE.—A term applied to various discharges which seem rapidly to exhaust the system, as Colliquative Diarrhoea in the later stages of consumption; Colliquative Sweats in low fevers, etc Colonitis.—Dysentery, which see. Colporrhoza.—See Leucorrhcea. Coma.—Profound Sleep. It is a symptom in many diseases, and indicates extreme congestion of the brain, or the effect of narcotic dru"-s. In some cases it is attended with delirium. Apply cold applications to the head, and warm to the feet, and keep the patient quiet in a well-ventilated room. Combustion, Spontaneous, or Human.—Preternatural Com- bustibility. See Catacausis. Commotion.—See Concussion of the Brain. 86 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Con Complication.—In pathology, this means tho co-existence of several maladies, or tho supervention of several diseases which are no part of the primary affection. Thus, if a person has a fever and takes large doses of opium, calomel, antimony, and jalap, he will have, in addition to the fever, congestion of the brain, ulceration of the mouth, inflammation of the intes- tines, and diarrhoea. Nine-tenths of all the complications which so embarrass the physicians and destroy tho patients, are reaUy drug diseases. Compression of the Beain.—This may arise from effusion, extravasation, a soft tumor, or wounds and injuries by which a portion of the skuU-bone is depressed, or a foreign body lodged upon, or within the brain. The symptoms are of the apoplectic and comatose character. It is to be treated as apoplexy and coma, except where surgical treatment is re- quired. Concussion of the Beain.—'Stunning, Shock. In severe cases there is a complete loss of sensation and voluntary mo- tion. It is induced by blows, falls, or other sudden injuries, and requires the same treatment as apoplexy, coma, etc. Confluent.—A term applied to small-pox, and measles, in which the pustules and pimples run together. It indicates the low, typhoid, and most dangerous form of those diseases. Congenital.—Diseases or mal-conformations which exist from birth. Congestion.—Accumulation of Blood, Engorgement, and Disproportionate Dilatation of the Blood-Vessels. A great de- gree of congestion is caUed Stagnation. In all diseases the circu- lation of the blood is more or less unbalanced, hence there must of necessity be a greater or less degree of congestion. In high or entonic fevers, the superficial capillary vessels are in a state of congestion; and in all low or atonic fevers, and in all chronic diseases, some one or more of the internal organs are congested. In inflammatory diseases, the organ or part in- flamed is the seat of congestion. Hence congestion is always symptomatic, and the treatment must have reference to the primary disease. The principle appticable to the treatment Con. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 87 of aU forms of congestion is, to induce determination of the blood from the part affected. Thus, when the head or lungs are congested, warm hip-baths, the wet-girdle, and hot foot- baths, are proper derivatives, or, in medical parlance, " coun- ter-irritants." Congestive Fevee.—This term has been applied to various forms of low fever, of the intermittent, remittent, and con- tinued type, in which there is engorgement and disproportion- ate functional disturbance of the brain or lungs. Conjunctueitis.—Inflammation of the mucous membrane which covers the interior surface of the eye. It is sometimes termed Catarrhal, Purulent, and Egyptian Opthalmia. See Opthalmia. Consensis.—Consent of parts, Sympathy. A vagary of the imaginations of medical men, which has no other exist- ence in nature. Constipation.—Costiveness, Alvine Obstruction, Fecal Re- tention. This is the most prevalent morbid condition of the people of the civilized world; and it is the parent-source of more disease, impurity, dissipation, premature death, and human misery, than all other maladies that can be named. And so long as the present eating habits of the people con- tinue, constipation, and all its train of putrid fevers, choleras, dyspepsias, convulsions, consumptions, nervous debilities, anaemias, etc., must fill the land with invalids and people the graveyards with victims. There is no remedy for constipation, except in the adoption of a plain, simple, unstimulating diet, and a due amount of exercise. In order to overcome con- firmed habits of constipation, the diet should be largely fru- givorous, enemas should be employed when necessary, hip- baths should be employed frequently, and such exercises as call into activity the abdominal and respiratory muscles, should be perseveringly resorted to. The " Swedish move- ments" are exceUent. Consumption.—Phthisis, Phthisis-Pulmonalis. In a strict and proper sense, this term is appUed to all forms of chronic inflammation of the pulmonary apparatus, attended with 88 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Con. structural disorganization. The disease is known by cough, difficulty or shortness of breathing, expectoration, pain or sense of weight in the chest, and, in the late* stages, emacia- tion, and hectic fever. There are no less than seven distinct fjrms of consumption, notwithstanding most authors recognize imt two or three, and some but a single form—the Tubercular. The essential nature of consumption is an effort of the system to relieve the blood-vessels of effete matter, poisons, or impu- rities through the lungs, inducing obstruction, inflammation, hemorrhage, tuberculation, etc. Whatever tends to lower the tone of the vital powers, and diminish the functional activity of the other excretory organs, and especially whatever tends to weaken the respiratory function, as foul air, sedentary habit*, overloaded stomachs, stimulating viands, etc., are among the producing causes of this prevalent and increasing malady. In the general remedial plan, pure air, with regular and persistent exercise, are of first importance. Such exercises as tend to develop the muscles of the chest and expand the lungs, should be especially attended to, as rowing, pulting, rotating the arms with the tight dumb-beUs, etc. Horseback riding is exceUent in the early stages. The patient should keep the body in as equable a temperature as possible, and carefully avoid overheated rooms. The dietary can hardly be too sim- ple ; and when the lungs are much ulcerated or tuberculated, it should be rather abstemious. MUk, butter, cheese, sugar, fat, alcohol, lard, pork, cod-Uver oil, and aU such abominations of "Hydro-carbons," although now recommendea by a ma- jority of physicians as remedial, should be carefuUy abstained from. Consumptives shoidd never take more than two meals per day. The bathing appliances should be governed by the particular circumstances of each case, and wiU be noticed in the foUowing varieties. Consumption, Apostematosis.—This consists of an abscess— aposteme—formed in the substance or parenchyma of tho lungs. It is attended with a fixed pain, dry cough, and diffi- culty of lying on one side. The cough at length terminates in a sudden and copious expectoration. The abscess may then heal, to be foUowed sooner or later by another. Con. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 89 This form of consumption is perhaps the least dangerous, and most readily curable of aU. The patient should wear the chest-wrapper, whenever he can do so without permanent chtifiness; take a tepid ablution, half-bath, or the wet-sheet pack, daily, and a hip-bath at 80° to 85°, ten minutes, to- wards evening, with a hot-and-cold foot-bath at bedtime. Consumption, Beonchial.—This is the Chronic Bronchitis of authors. Acute Bronchitis is but another name for Pneu- monia. Bronchial consumption consists in a chronic inflam- mation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial ramifications, and is characterized by a diffused sense of heat and soreness in the chest, increased on a fuU inspiration, moderate cough, with more or less expectoration. It is easUy cured in the early stages, and should be treated precisely as recommended for the apostematous variety. In the later stages, when the patient is much reduced, the dry rubbing-sheet, in the morn- ing, the tepid half-bath—85^ to 90°—for five minutes, at noon, the hip-bath—85° to 80°—for ten minutes, at four to five, p. m., and the hot-and-cold foot-bath, for ten minutes, at bedtime, wtil be adapted to the majority of cases. Consumption, Cataeehal.—In this form the cough is fre- quent and violent, and the expectoration copious. The cough is also deep and resonant. It is the sequel of repeated colds and catarrhal affections. It is quite curable in the early stage, and often in seemingly desperate cases. The plan of treatment is precisely the same as recommended for the pre- ceding two varieties. Consumption, Dyspeptic—This variety is so named, be- cause it supervenes upon a prior dyspeptic condition. It is always preceded by a diseased liver. This is the most preva- lent form of consumption. In its treatment, the digestive organs, the Uver particularly, must be especiaUy regarded. The diet should be nearly lim- ited to good fruit and unleavened bread. Fomentations should be applied over the region of the liver for ten minutes datiy, or semi-weekly. Hip and foot-baths, of a moderate tempera- 90 Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice Con. ture, should be employed daily. The wet-sheet pack, or tepid ablution may be employed daily, or each other day, according to the superficial temperature, and which is preferable, should be determined by the heat of the body. " Swedish move- ments " applied to the abdominal and respiratory muscles are of great benefit. When the patient is disposed in the fore- part of the day, the dry rubbing-sheet is the proper morning apptication. Consumption, Hemoeehagtc.—This is sometimes called the "gaUoping consumption." It is characterized by repeated attacks of paemoptysis, or spitting of blood. It indicates ex- treme laxity of tissue, and is one of the most difficult varieties to cure. The patient must remain much in the open air, but be care- ful to preserve an equable and agreeable temperature of body by means of proper clothing. The exercises should be very gentle, and mostly passive, as saiting, carriage-riding, etc. The diet must be very simple and quite abstemious. When- ever hemorrhage occurs, the patient should remain quiet, in a moderately recumbent posture, and take frequent sips of cold or iced-water until the bleeding ceases. The extremities must at aU times be kept warm. Hip and foot-baths are important derivatives. When there is much sensation of heat in the chest, a wet towel, covered with dry flannel, should be laid over it, and frequently changed. Consumption, Laryngeal.—This is usuaUy among the seg- netce or complications of some of the other forms of the dis- ease, in their later stages; but it sometimes occurs as the primary affection. It is characterized by soreness at the upper part of the windpipe; hoarseness, which is usuaUy quite variable; sense of tickting or irritation, which is some- times excessive; and muco-purulent expectoration, which is often streaked with blood. It is to be treated precisely as the dyspeptic form, with the exception that tho throat should be frequently bathed with cold water, followed by active friction with dry flannel • and Con. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 91 whenever there is much heat or soreness in the larynx, wet cloths, covered with dry, should be applied around the throat during tho night. When the cough is very troublesome, fre- quent sips of warm water wtil relieve it. Consumption, Tubercular.—This is the only form of con- sumption recognized by some authors. Next to the dyspeptic form it is the most prevalent. Indeed, in a majority of cases of dyspeptic consumption, the lungs become more or less tu- berculated as the disease progresses. It is characterized by a short, tickling cough, sense of weight, fullness, heaviness, or stricture in the upper part of the chest; the breathing is short, and a fuU inspiration difficult, if not impossible; expec- toration scanty and adhesive, except in the later stages. Curdy, cheesy, or earthy particles are often found in the sputa. Tubercular Consumption is usually, though not al- ways, connected with the scrofulous diathesis. It may be regarded as the most intractable form of the disease. In the treatment, every measure and expedient which can expand the lungs and increase " the breath of life," should be resorted to. How much the patient can exercise with benefit, as weU as what exercises wtil be the most advan- tageous, wtil depend on the degree of obstruction in the lungs. Exercises should never be of a kind nor so violent as to occasion panting or palpitation, nor seriously disturb the respiration and circulation. Derivative hip and foot-baths are always indicated; but the kind and temperature of the gen- eral baths must, as mentioned in the preceding varieties, be selected according to the temperature or feverishness of the patient. Note.—It should be remarked that two or more forms of consumption often co-exist, and there is a tendency in all forms to become more or less complicated with tubercular deposits and laryngeal inflammation, in t ho progress of the disease. Laryngitis supervening on any other form, u always a very unfavorable symptom. Contagious Diseases.—Diseases whose causes are capable of being communicated through the atmosphere, or by contact, as smaU-pox, measles, whooping-cough, mumps, etc. If slaughter- 92 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Con. houses, stables, pig-stys, henneries, etc., and the use of animal food, were abolished, contagious diseases would soon dis- appear. Continued Fever.—A fever whose paroxyms have neither remissions nor intermissions until it reaches the crisis. Ty- phoid, inflammatory, and eruptive fevers, are of the continued type. Contractura.—Entasia, Muscular Stiff-Joint, Permanent rigidity of the flexor muscles which prevents or limits the action of the extensor muscles. The affected muscles form hard cords beneath the skin. It is a frequent sequel of rheu- matic affections, and mercurial or other mineral medicines are its most common causes. Hot fomentations, attended with the cool or cold douche, the vapor-bath, and friction, are the remedial measures. The Hydro-Electrical bath is applicable specially to these cases. Contusion.—An injury occasioned by a blunt instrument. When slight and accompanied with an extravasation of blood, it is called a bruise; when the skin is divided or broken, the injury is termed a contused wound. Cold apptications are gene- rally sufficient. When the circulation is low, warm fomenta- tions, followed by cold wet cloths, are advisable. Conversion of Diseases.—By this phrase, the Medical Lexicons mean "the change or transformation of one disease into another." This notion is based on the popular and pro- fessional faUacy that disease is a substance, or entity. Convulsio Cerealis.—Raphania, Ergotismus Spasmodicus. A spasmodic affection attended with a peculiar tingling and formication in the arms and legs. It has prevailed endemi- cally in some parts of Germany, and has been attributed to tho use of damaged or diseased grain. Convulsions.—Eclampsia, Spasms, Fits, Cramp, Irregular Muscular Contractions. The class of convulsive diseases is very extensive, embracing no less than five distinct groups of spasmodic affections, termed respectively, the Comatose the Cor. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 93 Synclonic, tho Suffocative, the Clonic, and the Constrictive or Tonic Spasm. Examples of each are, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, Asthma, Hiccough, and Lock-Jaw. The diseases of the different groups wiU be treated of under their respective popular names. Convulsion, Infantile.—These are almost invariably the effect of indigestible food or constipated bowels; and as, un- der prevailing fashion, the chUdren are fed worse and worse, deaths of convulsions are becoming more and more frequent. An enema of tepid water to free the bowels, a warm-bath, foUowed by perfect quiet, constitute the remedial plan. Convulsionnaiee. — A French word which was applied, during the last century, to persons who had, or pretended to have, convulsions induced by retigious impulses. See Dancing Mania. Convulsions, Pueepeeal.—So denominated when the con- vulsions affect women in a state of pregnancy, during labor, or in child-bed. They may be occasioned by plethora, con- stipation, local irritations, mental shocks, etc. The bowels should be freely moved, cold apptications made to the head, warm to the feet, and, unless contra-indicated by inflammation or hemorrhage, fomentations to the abdomen. Cornosis, Cophotes.—Deafness. Coppee-Nose.—Gutta Rosea, which see. Copeophoresis, Coprorrhcea.—Diarrhoea, Catharsis. Copeostasis.—Constipation. Cordee.—Chordee. Corn.—Clavus. A smaU, hard tumor which forms on the foot, and commonly on the toes. It is almost always induced by the pressure of tight shoes or boots. They may be destroyed by soaking the part in warm water occasionally, and after- ward touching the tumor with caustic, or nitric acid, nitrate of silver, or sulphate of zinc. 94 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cou. Corfulence.—Obesity, Polysarcia, Fleshy. An excess of adipose matter, resulting from excessive or abnormal alimen- tation, with retention of effete or waste matters. The remedy is sparo diet, with activo exercise. Corrosion.—Dunglison's Medical Dictionary defines this word, " The action or effect of corrosive substances." When medical men learn to distinguish botween actions, effects, and causes, we shall have a new and perhaps a true medical science. Those who wish to read a discussion involving this subject, are referred to my recent work, " The True Tempo- rance Platform." My forthcoming work, "Principles of Hy- gienic Medication," will contain a more complete exposition of the problems concerned. Corruption.—This word is sometimes applied to the puru- lent matter of a boil, abscess, or ulcer, and sometimes to or- ganic matter in a state of putrefactive decomposition. Dung- lison defines the term, " Reaction of the particles of a body on each other;" and says, "it is probable that something like corruption may take place even in the living body." A recog- nition of the true distinction between vital actions and chem- ical changes, shows at once the impossibility of anything like corruption in a living body. Living things never putrefy un- til after tney die. Coryza.—Nasal Catarrh, Cold in the Head. Inflammation, with a mucus, or muco-purulent, discharge from the lining membrane of the nasal cavities, and the sinuses communicat- ing therewith. Rest, abstinence, an equable temperature, and warm foot- baths, are the remedies. When the wholo system is feverish, a full warm-bath, or wet-sheet pack, is advisable. Cough.—Tussis. A spasmodic and sonorous expiratory action of the respiratory apparatus. It is symptomatic of many diseases, and but rarely idiopathic. To suppress it with opiates, as is too much the fashion in asthmatic con- sumption, etc., is, to say the least, a very dangerous practice. It should be cured by removing the cause; that is, treating the primary malady. Cox. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 95 Cough, HooriNG.—See Pertussis. Cough, Wintee.—A term applied to Chronic Bronchitis. Countee-Ieeitation.—A morbid condition induced by reme- dial agents in one part or organ of the body, in order to relieve irritation or disease in another part or organ. Vesicants and caustics, of various degrees of potency, as mustard, vinegar, cayenne-pepper, alcohol, nitric acid, nitrate of silver, arsenic, corrosive sublimate, chloride of zinc, salts of potassa and time, sulphate of zinc, mercurials, etc., etc., are chiefly used for this purpose. These drug diseases are to be treated precisely-as Burns or Scalds, which see. Coup de Soleil.—Sun-Stroke. Sudden congestion or in- flammation of the brain, occasioned by exposure to the direct heat of the sun. The condition and symptoms closely resem- ble those of apoplexy, and the malady requires the same plan of treatment. Courap.—An eruption on the skin, attended with perpetual itching. It is common in India, and is due to a bilious condi- tion of the blood. The remedies are, plain food, and a daily ablution. Cowpox.—See Vaccina. Coxalgia.—Coxitis, Coxarthritis. Terms applied to pain in the hip, usually of a rheumatic nature or origin. Fomen- tation wtilretieve it. Coxarum Morbus.—Hip-Disease. Caries of the head of the thigh bone, (os femoris,) often attended with displacement of the head of the bone and shortening of the limb. Persons of a scrofulous diathesis are most liable to this affection. The local inflammation is to be treated with cold wet cloths, so long as there is preternatural heat, while all the apptiances of Hygiene should be resorted to, in order to renovate the whole system as rapidly as possible. A light room, plenty of Bunshine, and an abundance of fresh air, are indispensable. Hard water should not bo drunk, nor should milk be aUowed. 96 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cre. Even sugar is injurious. The dietary should be very simple, largely frugivorous, and mostly solid. Broths, gruels, soups, mushes, etc., are specially objectionable. The skin should bo invigorated with a daily ablution, and, if practicable, exposed to air and sunshine afterwards. After the inflammation has subsided, the deformity can fre- quently be partiaUy, and sometimes completely, remedied by a surgical operation. Crablouse.—A species of Pediculus, which infests the pu- dendum and axilla. Anguintum or citron ointment wiU spced- Uy destroy them. Crabyaws.—An ulcer on the soles of the feet, with edges so hard as to be cut with difficulty. It is pecutiar to the West Indies. Cramp.—Sudden, spasmodic, and painful contraction of one or more muscles. Friction, compression, and fomentations are the remedies. Cramp is symptomatic of some diseases, as col- ica pictornum, cholera morbus, etc. Cramp, of the Stomach.—An extremely painful affection of the stomach, with a sense of constriction in the epigastric re- gion. Acid bile, and other irritants, may cause it. Copious warm-water drinking, hot fomentations, and the warm hip- bath are the remedies. Cramp, Writers'.—Stammering of the Fingers; an irregu- lar contraction of the fingers, so that they are unable to gov- ern or even hold the pen, pencil, or brush. It is caused by too intense or prolonged use of the fingers, in a particular manner. The exciting causs is not unfrequently, an over- loaded stomach. Rest, "temperance in aU things," and vari- ety of exercise, are all that we need say of remedial measures. Craziness.—See Insanity. Cretinism.—A state of idiocy, commonly accompanied with an enormous goitre. It is epidemic in the low valties of Switz- erland, Tyrol, and the Pyrenees. MentaUy, the Cretin should bo treated as we educate idiots; and bodily, he should be treated as we manage the scrofulous Cro. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 97 diathesis. These unfortunate creatures rarely attain an ad- vanced age. Crick, in the Neck.—A painful rheumatic affection of the muscles of the neck, causing the patient to incline the head to one side. Fomentations, and friction, wiU remedy the diffi- culty. Crisis.—A prominent change, for better or worse, in the symptoms of a disease; or a new manifestation of remedial action. Patients, under Hygienic treatment, often have fev- erish paroxysms, eruptions of the skin, boils, diarrhoea, etc., which are to be regarded as critical efforts. Some patients have many crises during the process of cure, while others re- cover perfectly with nothing of the kind. The rule of prac- tice is, to suspend very active treatment. Give the patient more rest, and treat the symptoms with soothing appliances. Critical Days.—Days on which fevers are most likely to terminate. The ancient physicians could predict, with com- parative certainty, the duration of the different forms of fevers; but the modern doctors have so shattered the remedial action, and complicated the original malady, with the superinduced drug diseases, that critical periods are almost wholly disre- garded. As a general rule, it may be stated that, when left to themselves, inflammatory fevers and visceral inflammations have an average duration of one week; putrid fevers, two weeks, and nervous fevers, three weeks. Maltreatment or ac- cidental complications, and constant dosing and drugging, may prolong their duration to six, eight, ten or twelve weeks. Critical Period.—The cessation of the menstrual flux, us- ually called the " Turn of Life." See Mismenstruation. Croup.—Cynanche trachealis, Hives, Rising of tho Lights, Stuffing. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of tho wind- pipe, attended with an excretion of coagulable lymph, which often concretes into amembraneous structure, and induces death by suffocation. The harsh voice, sonorous and suffocative breathing, and shrill, ringing, or barking cough, afford an unerring diagnosis. Says Dunglison, "The fever is always 98 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cue. highly inflammatory." This is a gravo mistake. The fever which attends croup is invariably of the low or typhoid diathesis. As the local affection, and also the constitutional, febrile dis- turbance have all degrees of severity and debility, the treat- ment must be varied accordingly. It is always proper, and generaUy indispensable, in the outset, to apply cold wet cloths to the throat, to be frequently changed until the preternatural heat subsides. If this is promptly and thoroughly attended to, the excretion will be arrested, and the formation of the false membrane prevented. If there is much heat of the whole surface, the tepid half-bath or wet-sheet-pack should be em- ployed; if not the warm bath should be preferred. After bathing, the patient should be placed in bed, and gentle per- spiration encouraged. The feet should be kept warm, and the bowels free. When the cough is tight and suffocative, and expectoration difficult, warm water may be drunk moderately, and fomentations applied to the chest. When there'is great thirst, with sense of heat in the mouth, throat, or chest, the patient may be aUowed frequent sips of cold or iced water. Croup, Hysteric—A spasmodic affection of the laryngeal muscles, which frequently affects hysterical females. It can be relieved by fomentations to the throat and abdomen. Croup, Pseudo.—Dry Asthma. See Asthma. Crusta.—A Crust or Scab. An assemblage of small flakes, formed by the drying up of a fluid, excreted by the skin. Crusta Lactea.—See Porrigo Larvatis. Crusta Genu Equina.—Sweat or Knee Scab, Hangers, Dew Claws, Night Eyes, Horse Crust. A morbid secretion of the horse. Crustula—A small shell or scab. An ecchymosis of the conjunctiva, is so called. Curvature.—A bending or crooking of any part of the body. The common causes are, relaxation of the muscles and caries of the bones. Spinal curvatures are very prevalent in these days of dyspeptic stomachs, and constipated bowels. The curvature may bo forward, backward, or lateral. Cya. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 99 In addition to aU the ordinary Hygienic apptiances, for in- vigorating the whole muscular system, various gymnastic exer- cises, and particularly the "Swedish Movements," as modified and improved by the Hygeio-Therapeutic physicians, are of inestimable value. Cut.—A solution of continuity, made by a sharp instru- ment. Bring the divided parts together as accurately as pos- sible ; retain them there by adhesive plaster or sutures, and keep the morbid heat down with cold compresses. Cutaneous Diseases.—The various eruptions of the skin are naturaUy grouped into the following genera and species: C Urticaria, 1. Exanthematous...........< Roseola, (_ Erythema. f Pemphigus, 2. Vesicular...................\ RuPia' Herpes, Eczema. C Impetigo, 3. Pustular.....................< Ecthyma, ^ Scabies. C Lichen, 4. Papular......................< Strophulus, ( Prurigo. ( Lepra, 5. Squamous....................< Psoriasis, ( Pityriasis. ' Acne, Sycosis, Ichthyosis, Trichosis, Favus. 6. Folliculous................• They wtil be treated of under their common or specific names. Cutitis, Cytitis.—Terms appUed to erysipelatous inflam- mation. Cyanopathy, Cyanosis.—Kyanosis, Blue Malady. These terms are apptied to a morbid condition in which the surface 100 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Cys. of the body is colored blue. It commonly depends on a direct communication between the cavities of the right and left sides of the heart, in consequence of which a portion of venous blood is not carried to the lungs for aeration. This communication may exist, however, without occasioning tho blueness. Cynanche.—Angina, Isthmitis, Paristhmitis, Sore Throat, Paracynanche, Dog Choak. Inflammation of the throat and upper portion of the air passages. Cynanche, Epidemica.—Mumps. See Parotis. Cynanche, Maligna.—Putrid Sore Throat. It is properly malignant scarlet fever. See Scarlatina, Maligna. Cynanche, Parotide.—See Parotis. Cynanche, Pharyngea.—See Quinsy. Cynanche, Tonsillaris.—Tonsillitis. See Quinsy. Cynanche, Trachealis.—See Croup. Cystalgia.—Pain in the Bladder. It may be occasioned by retention of urine, gravel, stone, or catarrhal inflammation, venereal infection, or diuretic medicines or beverages, and should be treated accordingly. Cystirrhosa.—Catarrh of the Bladder. A copious discharge of mucus from the bladder with the urine, attended with Dysuria. It depends on chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane. The excretion is often fibrinous, concreting into a preternatural membrane, which is cut off and expelled in fragments. For the treatment, Bee Cystitis. Cystitis—Acute Inflammation of the Bladder. When chronic it is caUed Catarrh of the Bladder, and Cystirrhcea. Frequent tepid or cool hip-baths, the wet-girdle, and, when feverish the wet-sheet pack, or the fuU warm-bath, are the proper bathing appliances. The diet must be abstemious in the acute form, and very plain and simple in the chronic or catarrhal form. Dea. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 101 Cystocele.—Hernia of the Bladder. The tumor is soft and fluctuating; disappears on pressure, and increases in size when the urine is retained. The remedy is a truss. Cystodynia.—Rheumatic Pain of the Bladder. Fomenta- tions, or warm hip-baths, wiU retieve it. Cyst op aral ysis.—Paralysis of the Bladder. See Eneuresis. Cystorrhagia.—A discharge of blood from the vessels of the urinary bladder. See Haematuria. Cytitis.—Inflammation of the skin. Dacryops.—An obstruction and swelling of the lachrymal passages, inducing what is caUed "weeping-eye." It is an inflammatory condition, and requires cold applications. Dacryosolenitis.—Inflammation of the lachrymal ducts. Dancing Mania.—Dancing Plague. An epidemic, convul- sive affection, which appeared at various times in the Middle Ages, under the names of St. Vitus' Dance, St. John's Dance, Tarantism, Hysteria, Tigretier, etc. It was no doubt ex- tended sympathetically. " Moral and legal suasion," in the form of " coercion," were found the m*>st effectual remedies. For a complete history of the strange malady, the reader is referred to Hecker's " Epidemics of the Middle Ages." Dandriff, Dandruff.—See Pityriasis. Dandy.—See Dengue. Dartre.—See Herped. Daymare.—See Incubus. Day-Sight.—See Hemoralopia. Deaf-Dumbness.—Mutitas Surdorum, Aphonia Surdorum. Speechlessness from deafness. It may be congenital or acci- dental. Deafness.—Diminution or loss of hearing. It may result from hardened ear-wax, inflammation, paralysis, or mechan- ical obstruction. Syringing the ear daily with warm or tepid water, with attention to aU existing morbid conditions, is the 102 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Del. remedial plan. Many cases of partial, and some cases of complete deafness, are cured by purifying the mass of blood of its viscid and bitiary impurities. Death, Apparent.—Asphyxia. Death, Black.—The plague of the fourteenth century was so termed. Debility.—Asthenia, Weakness. This is never a cause, but always an effect of disease. Authors undertake to dis- tinguish between real and apparent debUity; but tho terms ex- haustion and prostration are more appropriate, and less liable to mislead. Debordement.—A French word applied to diarrhoea with discharges of a biliary character. See Diarrhoea. D ecidentia- —EpUepsy. Decline.—See Phthisis; also Tabes. Deer's Tears.—Bezoar of the Deer. Defluxion.—Catarrh. Defluxus Dysenterjcus.—Dysentery. Degeneration.—A change for the worse in the sotids or fluids; also any morbid alteration of structure, as cancerous, fungous, tubercular, etc. Deliqutum Animi.—Syncope, Fainting. Delirium.—This affection is always symptomatic. It is frequently so violent in putrid fevers as to be mistaken for inflammation of the brain. Cold applications to the head, and warm to the feet, are always in order. Delirium, Senile.—Demented. Delirium Tremens.—Drunkard's Delirium, Mania-a-Potu, Detirium Ebriosita, Phrenitis Potatorum. A kind of delirium peculiar to those who indulge in the excessive use of opium, tobacco, strong tea and coffee, and especially alcohol. It is attended with extreme agitation, sleeplessness, and inco- Den. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 103 herency or falsity of language. It often succeeds the sudden abstraction of the customary excitant. Medical men have not yet agreed whether the narcotic or stimulative plan of treatment is the best. But both are wrong. The warm-bath, the prolonged tepid half-bath, the tepid dripping-sheet, and, when the feverishness of the system is considerable and the patient manageable, the wet-sheet pack, are tho proper remedial appliances; to be repeated two, three, or more times a day, as necessary. The bowels should be freed with enemas of tepid water; the head kept cool with cold wet cloths, and the feet kept warm with hot bottles, or frequent hot foot-baths. Fomentations to the abdomen will often quiet the nervous restlessness, and induce the needed sleep. Delusion.—Hallucination. Dementia.—Imbecility, Incoherent Insanity. This term is, in legal parlance, synonymous with insanity. But, in a strict medical sonse, it applies to a state of idiocy. Mania, melan- choly, and other forms of insanity, often ultimate in Demen- tia Doting is called the dementia of the aged. Constipation, torpid liver, violent mental excitement, and narcotic drugs, are among the causes of dementia. Demonomania.—Religious Insanity. A kind of madness in which the person conceives himself possessed of devils, and is in continual dread of malignant spirits, death, eternal tor- ments, etc. Violent emotions of the religious organs, espe- cially under the additional influence of nervous excitants, as tea and coffee, may occasion it. Indigestion, in persons of a highly nervous temperament and over-wrought moral organs, predisposes to the complaint. Agreeable societyr change of sccneiy, and aU the resources of mental hygiene, should be employed. Dengue.—Dingee, Dandy, Rheumatic Fever, Bucket Fever. A diseaso which appeared in 1827 and 1828, in the Southern States, and in the West Indies, has been designated by these and many other names. It was extremely violent, but not 104 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dee. dangerous. It differs from ordinary typhoid fevers, only in being attended with pain in the joints and muscles of the limbs. The fever usually terminated in two or three days, with copious perspiration. Dengue is, no doubt, a form of acute rheumatism. The warm-bath, followed, when the whole surface becomes hot, with the wet-sheet pack, and wot cloths to the affected joints, are all the bathing appliances the case requires. Dentition.—Dentitis. Though dentition is a normal pro- cess, there are many disorderly complications connected with it to which the term teething is applied. The Temporary, or mtik-teeth, usually appear in tho following order : Central in- cisors from the sixth to the eighth month; lateral incisors, seventh to tenth; first molar, twelfth to fourteenth; canines, fifteenth to twentieth; second molar, twentieth to thirtieth. The Permanent Teeth appear: first molars, seventh year; cen- tral incisors, eighth; lateral incisors, ninth; first bicuspids, tenth; second bicuspids, eleventh; canines, twelfth ; second molars, thirteenth. During the first dentition, the child is subject to pain, irri- tation and inflammation of the gums, the result mostly of dis- ordered stomachs and constipated bowels. In some cases, a free division of the distended gum will give instant relief. But if the alimentary canal is duly attended to, this operation wUl be unnecessary. Depeession.—Dej ection, Feebleness. Deeandenitis.—Inflammation of the glands of the neck. Apply cold wet cloths, covered with dry. Derangement.—Disorder, Insanity, Displacement. Derivation.—Antilepsis, Antispasis, Revulsion, Counterac- tion, Counter-determination. Dunglison says: "When a center of fluxion is established in a part, for the purpose of abstracting the vital manifestations from some other, a deriva- tion is operated." Prof. Payne expresses the same idea much more lucidly: " We do but cure one disease by producing another." If the patient has apoplexy in the head, and tho Det. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 105 physician gives a drastic purgative to produce diarrhoea in the bowels, the practice would be derivative—a misnomer, by the way, for the drug disease of the bowels does not derive its malady from the brain, but from the medicine. Dermalgia, Dermatalgia.—Neuralgia of the nerves of the skin. It is always symptomatic. Treat the primary malady, whatever that may be. Dermatitis, Dermitis.—Inflammation of the skin. See Erysipelas. Deroncus.—See Bronchocele. Desmitis.—Inflammation of Ligaments. It is a rheumatic affection. Desquamation.—Moulting. Exfoliation or separation of tho epidermis or scarf-skin, in the form of scales. It is a com- mon consequence of eruptive fevers, as scarlatina, measles, erysipelas, etc. Desudatio. — Mucksweat. A profuse sweating, with an eruption of smaU pimples, similar to millet seeds. Children, who are not kept clean, are very subject to it. Tepid ablu- tions will remove it. Determination.—" Rush of Blood." Increased or preter- natural direction of blood and nervous energy to a part or organ. The remedy is counter-determination, that is, such appliance as wtil correct the abnormally disproportionate ac- tion and restore the balance of circulation. Thus, in apo- plexy, we make cold applications to the head and warm to the feet; in inflammatory fever, we apply cold to the whole surface; in low typhoid fevers, warmth to the whole surface ; in diptheria, croup, putrid sore throat, etc., cold to the throat and warmth to the extremities, while the surface is treated with warm, tepid or cool applications, according to its temper- ature. It is an important rule in Hygienic practice, that no powerful shock must be made upon the system, as with a douche, plunge, wet-sheet pack, shower, etc., when there is strong local determination, or much congestion of any impor- tant internal organ-r^-the brain, lungs, liver, kidney, uterus, etc. 106 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dia. Diabetis.— Urinary Diarrhoea, Excessive Discharge of Urine. It is attended with great thirst and progressive ema- ciation. In some cases the urine is saccharine, constituting the variety called Diabetis Mellitus. The function of the skin is exceedingly torpid, and tho nutritive organs are all more or less deranged. The main indication is to restore the action of the skin. Hot, warm, or tepid bathing should be resorted to daUy, ac- cording to the condition of the superficial circulation. Usu- ally the hot-bath, for five to ten minutes, followed by the tepid ablution, and this by dry, hand or towel rubbing, is one of the best of the bathing appliances. The vapor-bath is also exceUent. The dry rubbing-sheet may be used advanta- geously once or twice a day, in a warm room. Local baths are of little use, and, if too cold, or too frequent, decidedly inju- rious. It is important to promote the respiratory functions as much as possible, in all possible ways. Gentle exercise in the open air, riding, tight gymnastics, etc, are applicable to this indication. In the matter of diet, it only need be said that the more simple and plain it is the better. Sugar, milk, and grease, are especiaUy objectionable. Dunglison says, "all the remedies which have been tried have usually been found inef- ficient." We have, however, cured many cases, and, indeed, all that we have treated Hygienically. Diapedesis.—Sweating of the Blood. Transudation of the blood, in the form of dew, at the surface of the skin, or of any membrane. Diaphoresis.—Cutaneous Evacuation. Diaphoretic medi- cines, violent exertion, and many other causes, induce a mor- bidly increased excretion from the skin. The cure consists in removing the cause. Fevers, when attended with constant sweating, have been termed, not inappropriately, Diaphoretic Fevers. Diaphragmalgia.—Pain in the Diaphra°m. Diaphragmitis.—Inflammation of the Diaphragm, Para- phrenitis. It cannot be, and need not be, distinguished from Pneumonitis, which see. Dia. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 107 Diapyemia.—Empyema, Suppuration. Diar,emia.—A thin and putrescent condition of the blood, so that it transudes through the coats of the vessels into tho cavities. It sometimes occurs in putrid fevers. Diarrhoea.—Looseness, Alvine Flux, Purging, Catharsis, Enterorrhcea, Intestinal Catarrh. The chief varieties of this diseaso are distinguished by the character of the discharges, as bilious, serous, chylous, mucous, diptheritic, fecal, etc. They are aU caused by the presence of irritating matter, accumulated feces, inflammation, or obstruction in some one or more of the depurating organs, so that there is a preternatural determina- tion in the bowels. After the intestinal tract has been well cleansed, with tepid enemas, if necessary, the warm hip-bath, or fomentations to the abdomen, wiU relieve the griping pain and arrest the discharges. SmaU enemas of cold water, after each dis- charge, are advisable, in obstinate cases ; also the wet-girdle, well covered with dry flannel. Exercising the respiratory ap- paratus, by means of deep, fuU inspirations and expirations, will often arrest the most aggravated forms of diarrhoea. What is caUed tubular diarrhoea in medical books, is attended with a diptheritic excretion, which often hardens, and is ex- pelled in fragments. These have been sometimes mistaken for cast-off portions of the mucous membrane. This is an obstinate, though not dangerous, malady, and can only be cured by a very strict dietary, in connection with such bathing appliances as tend to invigorate the skin and restore the di- gestive powers. Diarrhoea, Hectica.—This term has been applied to a very fatal form of diarrhoea which prevaUs among the native inhab- itants of India. Diathesis.—State of the Body. In febrile diseases, there are two diathesis. The high and the low, entonic and atonic, etc. Inflammatory fever is always entonic, whtie typhoid and aU other fevers are atonic. The term also applies to peculiar morbid conditions of chronic diseases, as cancerous, scrofulous, scorbutic, arthritic, calculous, hemorrhagic, bilious, etc. 108 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dip DicuorHYiA.—An affection of the hairs, in which they sptit and grow forked. Digitalation.—I coin this word to express the disease in- duced by the medicinal employment of digitalis. It is known by slow, feeble pulse, coldness of the surface, dimness of sight, vertigo, and, when large doses have been given, delir- ium, vomiting, purging, hiccough, convulsions, and death. It has been extolled as a specific for consumption. " Why the drug is called digitalis," said an eminent medical professor, " I cannot imagine, unless it be that it points to the grave." Dingee.—Dengue. Dinomania.—See Tarantismus. Dinus.—Dizziness, Vertigo. A symptom in many diseases. Diptheria.—Diptherita, Diptheritis, Pellicular Inflamma- tion. An inflammatory affection of the mucous membrane, and sometimes of the skin, in which there is a fibrinous ex- cretion, forming, when concreted on the surface, a membrane- ous coating, termed false membrane. ■ It affects most frequently the mouth, throat, nose, and upper part of the windpipe, though it may extend even into the bronchial ramifications. The excretion should be arrested as promptly as possible, by cold applications to the throat, frequent sips of the cold- est water, and bits of ice held and aUowed to melt in the mouth. This treatment must be persevered in until the pre- ternatural heat is permanently relieved. Meanwhile, the system must be treated according to the development of tho febrile symptoms. When the whole surface is hot and dry, and the constitution not feeble nor scrofulous, the wet-sheet pack is advisable; when the external heat is less, the tepid ablution is preferable ; if the superficial heat is unequal, the warm-bath should be employed. The feet must at all times be kept warm, and ventilation carefully attended to. When, in the later stage, there is suffocative respiration, and difficult expectoration, fomentations to the chest and abdomen, with frequent sips of warm water, should be employed. Dis. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 109 Diplopia.—Double Vision. An affection of the sight, in which there are two distinct recognitions of one object. In some cases several objects are seen, when the malady is caUed Suffusio Multiplicans. The defect is in the visual axes, and is a case for the oculist. Diplosoma.—This term has been apptied to an entozoon which is sometimes expeUed from the urinary bladder. It is several inches in length, and doubled upon itself so as to ap- pear like two worms tied together at their heads. Dipsomania.—Thirst Mania. An insatiable desire for in- toxicating drinks. The term is sometimes apptied to habitual drunkenness, and to detirium tremens. Dipsosis.—Morbid Thirst. Excessive or impaired desire for drink. It is always symptomatic. Discrete.—Separate, Distinct. This term is applied to the spots or pustules of measles, small-pox, and other exan- thems, when they are separated from each other. When they run or blend together, they are termed confluent. Discrete eruptions always indicate the milder forms of eruptive fevers, while the confluent denote the maUgnant or extremely putrid cases. Disease.—Nosos, Morbus, Pathos, Malady, Sickness, Com- plaint, Distemper, Disorder, Affection, Indisposition. The medical profession has always labored under a strange delu- sion with regard to the nature or essence of disease ; and the authors are perpetually confounding diseases with their causes. Disease is remedial effort—the veritable " vis medica- trix naturoz" itself. Yet the medical profession have ever regarded it, and still do regard it, as a mysterious entity; an incomprehensible something at war with the vital powers. When they discover the very simple truth that disease is vital action in relation to things abnormal—a defensive struggle, an effort to purify the system of morbific materials, and re- pair the damages—there wtil be a speedy revolution in medi- cal science. And when the people can be made to understand 110 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dis. Diseased NtJTaiTION.. Perverted • f Contraction, I Dilatation, Altered J Obstruction, Mechanism, j Compression, Displacement, (^ Rupture, etc. this, they will no more think of taking poisons because they are sick, than they will think of taking them because they are well. The following table, by Dr. C. J. B. Williams, presents, at a glance, the chief elements of structural diseases : ' Increased—Hypertrophy. Diminished—Atrophy. ' Inflammation, Induration, Softening, Transformation and Degeneration. '-c.,.,1 „„<-:„ t Cicatrices, Eu?lastlc.........\ False Membranes. / Cirrhosis, Deposits.. Cacoplastic....... g££b£3? ' Atheroma, etc. {Yellow Tubercle, Calcareous matter, etc. I Cysts, ("Non-Malignant..- < Tumors, ( Hydatids, etc. [Growths., i ■ (Carcinoma, Malignant_______< Encephaloma, [_ ' Melanosis, etc. Disgorgement.—Vomiting. Also the abstraction of fluid previously collected in a part. The opposite of Engorgement. Disgust.—Loathing, Aversion for Food. It exists in the early stages of many acute diseases, and is symptomatic, in some extreme cases, of indigestion. Dislocation.—Luxation. The displacement of one or more bones of a joint. Disorder.—See Disease. Disorganization.—An abnormal change in the structure of an organ or part. Displacement.—This term is applied to various malposi- tions of organs, and especially those of the uterus, which are technically termed Prolapsus, Anteversion, Retroversion, and In- version, as the organ is depressed, inclined forward, tipped backward, or turned inside out. For a full explanation of these cases, see the author's works, "Uterine Diseases and Displacements," and "Pathology of the Reproductive Organs." Disposition.—This term is sometimes used in the sense of Diathesis, and sometimes Predisposition, which see. Dog. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ill Dissolution.—This word is sometimes employed to indi- cate an impoverished state of the blood, not amounting to putrefaction. Distemper.—See Disease Distoma Hepaticum.—Gourd Worm, Fluke, Liver Fluke, Fasciola Hepatica. An obovate, flat worm about an inch in length, and nearly as broad. It is sometimes found in the hu- man gaU-bladder, whence it occasionaUy passes through the btie-ducts into the intestinal canal. It is one of the most com- mon kinds of worms which infest the Uvers of domestic ani- mals, especially those which are stye or staU-fed. The filthy enclosures and the foul food are the chief causes; and clean- liness, "natural food" and proper exercise, are the appropri- ate remedies. Distortion.—Preternatural curvature of the bony structure. It is sometimes applied to morbidly contracted muscles, as in Squinting. Distorted spines seem to be, like consumption, scrofula, dyspepsia, constipation, etc., one of the increasing maladies of these degenerate days. They require gymnastic and "Movement" exercises, and machinery, under the direc- tion of a competent physician. Distrix.—An affection in which the hairs of the scalp be- como slender, and split at their extremities. The excessive use of salt, night work, and various other causes, may induce it. The hair should be cut short, the scalp wet, morning and ev- ening, with cold water, and occasionaUy shampooed. Ditrachyceras.—An intestinal entozoon, of a fawn color, three to five lines in length, with an oval head, furnished anteriorly with a bifurcated, rugous horn. See Worms. Diuresis.—Copious urinary excretion. Tea, coffee, gin, and other diuretic beverages or medicines, may occasion it. It may also result from deficient action of the skin. Dry diet, wator-drinking only to the extent of actual thirst, and tepid ablutions with abundant friction of the skin, dry rubbing, etc., aro the remedies. Dizziness.—See Vertigo. Dog-Choak.—See Cynanche. 112 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dro. Dolor.—Pain—not a disease, but an indication of disease. Every organ and structure, when diseasod, has its pecutiar morbid feeling, or pain, as each part, in health, has its own normal feeling, or sensation. Were it not for the boneficent provision of pain, the mind could never come to tho assistance of the vital organism in its difficulties and derangements. Dormitatio.—See Somnolency. Dotage.—See Dementia. Dothien.—See Furunculus. Dothienteria, Dothienteritis.—Inflammation and ulcer- ation of the glands or follicles of Peyer and Brunner, and which have been very absurdly regarded as the essence, seat, or cause of typhus and typhoid fevers. They are merely an indicant, not an "essence" of these diseases. Double Hearing.—Sounds heard doubly, and in different tones or keys, because the action of the ears is unaccordant. Dracunculus.—Muscular Hair Worm, Guinea Worm, Threadworm. A variety of worms, common to parts of India and Africa. When small, they may pass through the pores of the skin, into the areolar tissue between the muscles, where they occasion a tumor, tike a boil, which suppurates, when the worm emerges. "Its head may then be seized, and the animal be cautiously rolled round a smaU cylinder of linen or other substance, and thus gently withdrawn without break- ing it." It is weU to remark that, all authors do not credit this pro- cess of cure, and some deny that the reported cases of Dra- cunculus, are reaUy worms at aU. Drivelling.—See Slavering. Drop.—See Gutta. Dropped Hands.—Hand Drop, Wrist Drop. A popular term for paralysis of the hand, occasioned by lead. Dropsy.—Hydrops. An accumulation of watery fluid in tho cavities or areolar tissue. There are several varieties which are treated of under their respective heads, as Anasarca, As- cites, Hydrocephalus, Hydrothorax, Hydrometra, Hydropthal- mia, etc. Dys. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 113 Drug Disease.—Drugalgia, Drugitis, Drugodynia, Drugania Druggery, Drugopathy, Poisonopathy. When it is consid- ered that, a majority of aU chronic maladies extant, are noth- ing more nor less than drug diseases, and that as many people are sent to.fheir graves prematurely by drug medicines, as by all other causes combined, we need not wonder at the strong expression of an earnest health reformer who pronounced the civtiized world to be "doctor-cursed and drug-damned." Drunkenness.—Temulentia, Intoxication, Ebrietas, Deliri- um, Mania, Hallucination, or Insensibility induced by alco- holic liquors. Drunkenness requires the same treatment as apoplexy. Dumbness.—Mutitas, Speechlessness, inability to articulate. When congenital, and arising from deafness, the subjects of it are called, Deaf-Dumb. Dung a..—See Dengue. Duodenitis.— Inflammation of the duodenum, or upper portion of the intestinal tube. Dyspeptics, especially those who have deranged livers with an excretion of acrid btie, are very liable to it in a chronic form. It is characterized by a sense of "goneness," gnawing, sinking, or burning just below the pit of the stomach, furred tongue, bad taste, and tenderness in the epigastric region. Eating will at any time relieve it for the time. Fomentations and the wet-girdle, with simple, solid food, are the special remedial appliances ; meanwhile the gen- eral health, and the morbid condition of the liver and diges- tive organs should be attended to. Dynamic Diseases.—In contradistinction to organic diseases, which are attended with structural lesions, dynamic diseases are those which necessarily involve only functional diseases. Fevers are dynamic or functional diseases, while aneurisms, cancers, etc., are structural, organic diseases. Dys.emia.—A morbid condition of the blood. Strictly speaking, this is more or less the case in every disease. Dysesthesia.—Diminution, or loss of sensation. Dyscrasia.—Dyscrasy, Dysthetica. A bad habit of body. See cachexia. 114 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dys. Dysentery.—Bloody Flux, Colitis, Colomitis, Colo-Rectitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intes- tines, characterized by fever, mucus, or bloody discharges, with violent tormina and tenesmus. Di xglison says, "tho fever is more or less inflammatory." This is a sad mistake, and leads to grave errors in practice. The local affection is always inflammatory, but the fever is always typhoid. In cases of extreme putridity, the disease is called Malignant Dys- entery. Dysentery is always acute. What is called chronic dysentery is merely severe diarrhoea. The first indication in the treatment is to reduce the exces- sive heat and pain in the abdomen, by means of cold wet cloths, frequently changed. After this has been accomplished, the bowels should be freely moved, and then if the pain and grip- ing continue, fomentations should be apptied to the abdomen, to be foUowed by cold and wet cloths covered with dry. The general bathing must be regulated by the degree of external heat. H the whole surface is hot and dry, the wet sheet should be employed; if the superficial heat is very unequal, the warm bath is appropriate; if equal and moderate, tepid ablutions are preferable. Though a very distressing malady, under proper treatment, it is not at all dangerous. Dyslochia.—Diminution or suppression of the lochial dis- charge. Warm hip-baths, hot foot-baths, and fomentations will relieve the difficulty. Dysmenorrhea.—Painful Menstruation. The menstrual fluid is passed with difficulty, and not unfrequently with ex- cruciating pain, of a "bearing-down" kind. ~ There is more or less of a membraneous or diptheritic forma- tion on the mucous membrane of the uterus, which is expelled in fragments, as in croup, diphtheria, tubular diarrhoea, and catarrh of the bladder. No disease, not excepting cancer, plague, cholera, consumption, diabetis, etc., has been treated with less success, confessedly, by the medical profession than this; and for no ill that flesh is heir to, have mortals been more unmercifully and ruinously bled, blistered, cauterized, salivated, and narcotized. Dys. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 115 The disease is one of chronic inflammation, and should be treated accordingly, with tepid hip-baths, the wet-girdle, hot- and-cold foot-baths, etc. But it is always connected with, and the consequence of, some morbid condition of the general sys- tem, which must be remedied, or no cure can be permanent. Out-door exercise—aU the patient can take without fatigue, abdominal manipulations, and the light gymnastics, are useful. For general bathing, the tepid ablution or dripping sheet is usually preferable. While there is comparatively a good de- gree of external circulation, the wet-sheet pack should be em- ployed once or twice a week. To relievo the pain during or preceding the menstrual flux, the hot-bath and abdominal fomentations are often necessary. Warm vaginal injections may be also employed for this purpose. Milk, butter, cheese, sugar and salt should be excluded from the dietary, as should puddings, mushes, broths, soups, and all preparations of starch and eggs. Dysodia.—Fetid emanations from the meuth, nose, lungs, stomach, axiUae, groins, etc. They indicate bad blood, and foul secretions, imperfect depuration, retained fecal matters, etc. Judiciom»fbathing, and a proper dietary, with sufficient exercise in the open air, wiU remove them. Dysopia.—Difficulty of seeing. Dysopia Dissitorum.—See Myopia. Dysopia Lateralis.—Sight-askew, Skew-Sight. A morbid condition of the eye in which an object can only be recog- nized accurately when placed obliquely. It is generally caused by some opacity of the cornea. Dyosmia.—Diminution of smeU. It may be the effect of chronic inflammation, or of irritant drugs. Dyspepsia.—Difficulty of Digestion, Indigestion, Anorexia, Apepsia, Gastroataxia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia are as numerous as are morbid sensations; for the whole catalogue of human maladies scarcely furnishes a sign of bodtiy derangement, or of mental distress, which is not found in some form or stage of the dis- 116 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Dys. ease under consideration. The more prominent and uniform symptoms are, capricious appetite, irregular action of tho bow- els, and sense of weight or pain after meals. Heartburn, acrid eructations, flatulence, duodenitis, throbbing, fluttering, or palpitation of the heart, etc., are common accompaniments. As bad living, and especiaUy unwholesome food, are the prominent causes, a correct dietary should be the leading fea- ture in the process of cure. And the rule happens to be ex- ceedingly simple and eminently practicable. Bread made of unbolted meal and pure water, with no admixture of grease, sugar, salt, acids, or alkalies, with good ripe fruits, should be the principal food. Vegetables may be used in moderation, but only one or two kinds at a meal. Two meals a day are generally better than three. It is of the first importance that the patient eat very slowly, and swallow nothing without thor- ough mastication. This rule applies with still more emphasis in the use of fruit. Slop-food, mushes, puddings, etc., should be eschewed. The exercises should be frequent and varied, but not very fatiguing. Those which exercise the respiratory and abdominal muscles should be most resorted to, as walking on uneven ground, the light gymnastics, rowing, horse-back riding, moderate dancing, etc " Early to bed and early to rise," is an invaluable adage for the dyspeptic. Indeed abun- dant sleep is as important as proper food. All exciting or vexing brain-labor should be as much as possible avoided. Vocal gymnastics, reading aloud, singing, declamation, etc., are as useful to the dyspeptic as to the incipient consumptive. In many cases the abdominal muscles are extremely enfeebled and inactive, and whether rigid or relaxed, can be greatly benefitted by the " Swedish Movements." Dyspeptics should carefuUy avoid watching their oxen sensa- tions and noting their ever-changing symptoms, as the manner of some is. Nothing can be more pernicious. They should study their cases and seek information until satisfied what the proper plan is, then "go ahead," and trust to Providence and their own recuperative energies. Dysphagia.—Difficulty of Deglutition. It may be caused by spasm, or paralysis of the oesophagus, or a thickening of Ecp. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 117 its mucous membrane in consequence of chronic inflammation. The treatment must have reference to these conditions. Jv. the latter case everything of a heating or irritant nature must be excluded from the dietary, or the disease may be aggra- vated until swallowing i3 impossible, and starvation be the result. Dysphagia Constricta.—Stricture of the Oesophagus. When the thickened mucous membrane becomes perma- nently indurated the only remedy is tho bougie. Dysphonia.—Imperfect or depraved voice. The Aphonia of some authors. Dyspnoea.—Pseudo-Asthma, Anhelation, Short Breath, Difficulty of Breathing. This affection is symptomatic of asthma, pneumonia, hydro thorax, enlargement of the liver, empyema, phthisis, and various other maladies. Dysthesia.—Morbid Habit. See Cachexia. Dysthetica.—Mcjrbid condition of the blood. See Plethora. Dystcschiasis. — Irregular position of the eye-lashes. Sometimes they incline inward and irritate the eyelids, in which case they should be removed. Dysuria.—Difficult Urination. It is symptomatic of gon- orrhoea, stricture, gravel, etc., and is the first degree of reten- tion of the urine. It may generally be retieved by warm or tepid bathing. Ebrietas-, Ebriositas.—Temulentia. See Drunkenness. Ecchymoma.—Ecchymosis, Livor Sanguinis, Hypocemia. A livid, black or yellow blotch produced by blood effused into the areolar tissue from a contusion. Cold water wiU facilitate the absorption of the effused matter. Spontaneous effusions occurring in disease or after death are caUed suggillations. Echinophthalmia.—Inflammation of the eyelids in which the cilia project tike the qutils of the porcupine. Eclampsia .—Convulsion. Ecphlogosis.—Inflammation. Ecphlysis.—See Herpes. 118 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ecz. Ecphronia.—Insanity. Ecphyma.—Excrescence, Tumor. Ecpyema, Ecpyesis.—Abscess, Pustule. Ecstasis.—Ecstacy, Trance, Spurious Catalepsy. Ecthyma.—Ecpyesis, Scabies Vera. A cutaneous eruption characterized by large, round pustules, distinct, with an indu- rated and highly inflamed base. The wet-sheet pack should be employed daily, and the patient restricted to a plain and abstemious diet. Ectopia.—Displacement, Laxation. Ectozoa.—Lice and other parasitic animals which infest the skin. Ectropion.—Eversion of the eyelids. It may generally be remedied by removing a portion of the conjunctiva. Eczema.—Humid Tetter, Running Scall, Heat Eruption. An eruption of small vesicles on various parts of the skin. The wet-sheet pack, or tepid ablutions, artd a strict diet are advisable. Eczema Mercuriale.—Erythema Mercuriale, Eczema Ru- brum, Hydrargyriosis, Morbus Mercurialis. Mercurial Lep- rosy. A variety of Eczema caused by mercurial medicines. Patients who are strongly infected with the mercurial poison do not bear very cold baths with advantage. A warm bath daily, foUowed by the tepid ablution, and the wet-sheet pach once or twice a week, can almost always be employed ben- eficially. Salt, sugar, mtik and all greasy things should be excluded from the dietary. Where the skin is abraded or ulcers appear, the part should be covered and the cavity filled with fine flour daily. Eczema of the Face.—See Porrigo Larvatis. Eczema Impetiginodes.—Gall Itch, Grocers' Itch. This is produced by the irritation of sugar. Eczema of the Hairy ScAlp.—This differs from Porrigo and Tinea, in the eruption being vesicular instead of pustular. The discharge is very profuse, and in drying into crusts mats Ele. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 119 the hair into separate tufts. It is often complicated with scrofulous sweltings or ulcers. A variety of this disease has been called Asbestos Scall. Eczematoses.—A term applied to a group of cutaneous dis- eases, of which there are many subdivisions. Edematous.—See Edematous. Edentulous.—Toothlessness. See a good Dentist. ■ Effloratio.—See Exanthem. Efflorescence.—Cutaneous Blush. The term is sometimes employed as synonymous with exanthem. Effusion.—The passing of blood or any other fluid into the cavities of the body, or into the areolar tissue. The excre- tion of coagulable lymph, on membraneous surfaces, during the process of inflammation, is caUed effusion; as is also the pouring out of serum. Effusion into the areolar membrane is more frequently termed infiltration. Egregorsis. — Vigilantia, Watchfulness, See Sleepless- ness. Elcosis.—Ulceration. A deep ulcer of the cornea. Elephantiasis,—Barbadoes Leg, Bucnemia Tropica, Co- chin Leg, Lepra Arabum, Mai Rouge de Cayenne, Pellagra, Various affections of the people of Barbadoes, India, Arabia, Cayenne, Greece, Italy and Java, have been described as Ele- phantiasis. Generally the term is appUed to a condition in which the skin becomes thick, rugous, tuberculated, and in- sensible. In the Elephantiasis of the Antilles the leg is enor- mously swoUen and misshapen; in the Indian and Arabian malady the tubercles are chiefly on the face and joints; the Cayenne and Greek disease resembles a variety of Leprosy, and is chamcterized by red and yeUow spots on the forehead, ears, hands, loins, etc.; in the Itatian the skin is wrinkled and scaly; and in the disease as it appears in Java, white tumors affect the toes and fingers, resembling scrofulous sweltings. In whatever form the disease appears, it indicates extreme depravity of blood, with great obstruction in, or torpor of, the 120 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Emp. whole excrementous system. Hence purification in all possi- ble ways, is the sum and substance of the required treatment. Emaciation.—Leanness. This is not a disease, but an effect of disease. To obviate it we have only to restore the normal condition. Emansio Mensium.—See Amenorrhoea. Emesis.—Vomiting, Puking. Tartarized Antimony, Ipe- cacuanha, Sulphate of Zinc, Sulphate of Copper, Yellow Sul- phate of Mercury, Sanguinaria Canadensis, and Lobelia are the drugs most commonly employed medicinally, to produce the disease, Emesis. See Vomiting. Emeto-Catharsis.—Vomiting and Purging. When occa- sioned by medicinal drugs it is called an emeto-cathartic opera- tion, and when induced by other "morbid poisons," it is termed cholera. "What's in a name?" Empathema.—Ungovernable passion. Emphlysis.—Ichorous Exanthem. An eruption of vesicu- lar pimples, fiUed with a colorless but acrid fluid, and terminat- ing in scurf or laminated scabs. Warm baths or tepid ablu- tions should be employed. Emphyma.—Tumor. Emphysema.—Pneumatosis, Flatulent Tumor, Inflation, Wind-Dropsy. An elastic, crepitant tumor occasioned by the introduction of air into the areolar texture. It may result from injuries of the larynx, trachea or lungs, fractures of the ribs, or wounds penetratiug the chest. Emphysema Abdominis.—See Tympanites. Emphysema of the Lungs.—The chest externaUy appears abnormal^ convex and prominent; the intercostal spaces are widened, but depressed; the inspiratory efforts ar$ increased and expiration is laborious, wheezing, and prolonged. Rest and ventilation are the essential remedial conditions, aside from such surgery as the case may require. Empresma.—Inflammation. Emprosthotonos.—Tetanus Anticus. That form of Tetan us in which the body is bent forward. See Tetanus ENC. HAND-BOOK OF HYGIENIC PRACTICE. 121 Empyema.—Apostema Empyema. A collection of blood or pus in some cavity of the body. It is most frequently found in the cavity of the pleura, and is said to be one of the termin- ations of inflammation of the lungs or pleura. But as the inflammation seldom or never "terminates" at that time, it were better to say, one of the consequences of inflammation. When the coUection is large the surgical operation oipareneen- tesis thoracis is necessary to remove the coUected matter. Empyesis.—Pustular Exanthem. An eruption of pimples gradually filling with a purulent fluid, and terminating in thick scales, frequently leaving pits or scabs, as in small-pox. Empyocele.—Accumulation of pus in the Scrotum. The tumor should be opened. Enanthesis.—Rash Exanthem. Enanthesis Rosalia.—A term including Scarlatina and Ur- ticaria, which see. Encanthis.—Any morbid growth in the inner angle of tho eye. Commonly applied to a tumefaction or degeneration of the caruncula lachrymalis. It may be cured by repeated refrig- erations or freezings, and attention to the general health. Encanthis Benigna.—Simple excrescence of the caruncula. It yields to cold applications, or mild caustics. Encanthis Fungosa.—Morbid growths of the lachrymal car- uncle. Refrigeration and cauterization are the remedies. Encanthis Inflammatory,—Inflammation of the caruncle. It only requires cold applications. Encanthis Maligna.—A cancerous affection of the gland, It should be removed at once by the refrigerating and cauter- izing process. Encausis.—Moxibustion, Encauma. See Burn. Encephalalgia.—Hydrocephalus Internus. Encephalitis.—Cephalitis, Phrenitis, Inflammation of the Brain. See Cophatitis. 6 122 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice Ent. Encephalocele.—Fungus Cerebri, Hernia of the Brain. It may be congenital or accidental, and dependent on tardy ossi- fication of the fontanelles, or loss of substance in the bones of the skull. When the tumor is small it may be remedied by gentle pressure on the protruded portion of the brain. In other cases it is fatal. Encephaloid.—Scirrhous and cancerous tumors are so caUed, when they resemble the medullary substance of the brain. They are also called Medidlary. Encysted.—Pouched, Saccated, Sacculated. A term applied to tumors whose contents are enclosed in a cyst, or membrane- ous sac. They are movable and often elastic The remedy is excision, or puncture. Endemic—Diseases are caUed endemic when they prevail in a given locality, or district, or neighborhood; epidemic when they extend over several districts or neighborhoods, and spo- radic when they appear in isolated cases. Endocarditis.—Inflammation of the internal membrane of the heart—the endocardium. It cannot be, and need not be distinguished from Carditis. Endocolitis.—Dysentery. Endodontitis.—Inflammation of the lining membrane of a tooth. See Odontitis. Endo-Enteritis.—See Enteritis. Endogastritis. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach. See Gastritis. Endometritis.—See Metritis. Enicia.—Synochus, Inflammatory Fever. Enervation.—Debility, Weakness. English Disease.—Rachitis. Engorgement.—Congestion. Disproportionate accumulation of blood in the vessels of a part. Enostosis.—A morbid growth of bono inwards—tho oppo- site of Exostosis. Entasia.—Tonic spasm, as Cramp, Tetanus, etc. Enteealgia.—Enterodynia, Cotic. Ent. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 1^;] Enteritis.—Ileo-Cotitis, Enteralgia acuta. Inflammation of the intestines. The essential symptoms are, violent pain, increased on pressure, with heat and sweUing of the abdomen, and fever, which may be either of the inflammatory or typhoid diathesis. The distinction of enteritis into the sero and muco varieties, as the serous or mucous coat is the seat of it, is sim- ply absurd. It is enough for all practical purposes, and is all that can be known without a post-mortem examination, to know that the bowels are in a state of inflammation. The morbid heat of the abdomen must be subdued by cold applications, which can usuaUy be accomplished in a few hours, after which the bowels should be freely moved with tepid enemas. Cool but not very cold water may be drank ad libitum. The whole surface must bo sponged with tepid water two or three times a day, and if the superficial heat is very great, the wet-sheet-pack should be employed dany. In the low, or typhoid cases, care must be taken to keep the circulation balanced, and the extremities warm. Enterocele.—Abdominal hernia, containing only a portion of intestine. Enterocystocele.—Hernia formed by the bladder and a portion of intestine. Entero-Epiplocele.—Hernia formed by intestine and omen- tum. Entero-Epiplomphalus.—UmbUical hernia, containing in- testine and omentum. Entero-Hydrocele.—Intestinal hernia, complicated with hydrocele. Entero-Hydromphalus.—UmbUical hernia, in which the sac contains intestine and serum. Entero-Ischiocele.—Ischiatic hernia, formed of intestine. Enterolithus.—Calcuti of the stomach and intestines. Be- zoar, Scybula. See Calcuti. Entero-Merocele.—Crural hernia, formed of intestine. Entero-Mesenteric Fever.—An awkward term for the ner- vous form of typhus fever. 124 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Era, Enterozoa.—Worms. Enthelminthes.—Worms. Entheomania.—See Demonomania. Entonic—Strong determination to the suriace, as in high fevers; the opposite of atonic. Medical men, almost univer- saUy, recognize the principle of depletion in entonic, and stim- ulation in atonic diathesis. But both practices are wrong. In the one case, the determination is too violent to the surface, and the other, too violent from the surface. The indication is not to reduce the blood, nor poison it, but simply to balance the circulation. Were this principle recognized, thousands of lives would be saved annually. Entoparasites.—Worms. ENTornTHALM-iA.—Inflammation of the interior of the eye. See Opthalmia. Entoxismus.—Poisoning. The treatment of disease, ac- cording to the drug system, is, from beginning to end, a tox- icological process. Says Professor Paine, in his "Institutes of Medicine," " We do but cure one disease by producing an- other." Entozoa, Entozoaires.—Worms. Entropion, Entropium.—Trichiasis. Inversion of the eyelids, by means of which the eyelashes irritate and inflame the eye. It may be remedied by cutting out a portion of the skin. Enuresis.—Urorrhcea, Incontinence of Urine, Involuntary urination. It may be due to paralysis, atony, over-distention, calculi, morbid irritability or pressure from a tumor or dis- placed uterus. The treatment may be adapted to the cause; and when this cannot bo removed, the urethra must be com- pressed by appropriate instruments, or what is better, a urinal may be constantly worn. Ephelides.—Freckles, Sunburn. This term includes tho yellow discolorations which appear on persons of a fair skin the brown patches which arise from exposure to the sun and the large dusky patches which occur on parts of the body covered with the clothing. Epi. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 125 Ephemera.—One Day Fever. Ephidrosis.—Profuse sweating. It is symptomatic in many low fevers and states of debility. Epidemic, Epidemy.—A disease which prevails over a large tract of country, or in several districts. Epigastrocele.—Gastrocele, Hernia formed by the stomach. Epiglottitis.—Inflammation of the glottis. See Laryngitis. Epilepsy.—FaUing sickness. The convulsive paroxysms are characterized by loss of sensation and voluntary motion, dis- tortion of the eyes and face, foaming at the mouth, and fre- quently sterterous breathing. The fit lasts from a few sec- onds to several minutes. In some cases the spasms are pre- ceded by tho sensation of cold vapor, termed Aura Epileptica. Furious mania sometimes succeeds a paroxysm, which is termed Mania Epileptica, or Epileptic Delirium. Epileptic spasms may arise from structural lesions of the brain or spinal marrow, or from functional derangements, more especially obstructions or irritations in the alimentary canal, The former class of cases are generaUy incurable; the latter are mostly curable. Epipleptic spasms are not un- frequently owing to nervous exhaustion, consequent on dissi- pation or debauchery of some kind. Over-exertion, mental excitement, an indigestible meal, and sexual indidgence are common exciting causes. In the treatment tittle can be done during the paroxysm except to prevent the patient from injuring himself. During the intervals a rigidly simple and rather abstemious dietary must be adopted. The bathing appliances must be carefully adapted to the circumstances of each case. The tepid drip- ping-sheet, or half bath can almost always be taken once a day with advantage. Tho best time is on rising in the morn- ing. The hip-bath—75° to 85°—may be taken for ten min- utes once or twice daily, say at 10 a. m., and 5 p. m., and when there is tendency to coldness of the feet, or heat in the head, the hot-and-cold foot-bath should be taken at bed- time. The wet-sheet pack, once or twice a week is advisa- 126 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Epi. ble for those who have an active external circulation. As there is almost always torpor of the abdominal viscera with constipation, abdominal manipulations, with "movements," are highly serviceable. Enemas of tepid water should be em- ployed when the bowels do not incline to act without. When the patient is subject to much heat in the head, with a ten- dency to feverishness and a flushed face, the forehead and top- head should be wet with cold water two or three times a day, and on retiring at night; but I protest against the wet head- cap in such cases as its effect is to induce determination to the head, whereas the indication of cure is just the contrary. It may be necessary to persevere in this plan for weeks, and sometimes for months, before the cure is obtained. Epiphora.—Weeping, watery eye. A constant and invol- untary flow of tears upon the cheek. It is commonly owing to an obstruction of the lachrymal passages so that the tears cannot pass into the nasal duct. In some cases of irritation and inflammation the complaint is due to the excessive excre- tion. The remedial plan is, to* remove the inflammation and open the obstructed passage, by a probe, if necessary, Epiplocele.—Omental Hernia, Epistaxis—Bleeding at the nose. It occurs most fre- quently at the period of puberty, when, unless the depurating organs are in good working order there is a special tendency to plethora. Plain food, free bowels, and an active skin, are sure preventives, except when the affection results from me- chanical injuries. Many expedients have been resorted to successfuUy to arrest the hemorrhage. Cold water applied to the head and nasal passages, with hot foot-baths often succeed, When the whole body is hot and feverish, a cold ablution or half-bath wiU succeed. In severe cases the bowels should be freely moved with enemas of tepid water. When the bleeding is excessive the nostrils should be plugged with tint or soft sponge. Nasal hemorrhage has often been arrested by compressing The nostril with the finger, while the patient stands with the head elevated and raises the corresponding arm perpendicularly. Ere. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 127 Epizoa.—Parasitic animals, which infest the surface, EnzoonA.—Epidemic. Usually applied to diseases of cat- tle in the sense that epidemic is to diseases of human beings. Epostoma, Epostosis.—See Exostosis. Epulis.—An excrescence on the gum, sometimes becoming cancerous. It should be removed with caustic. EauiNiA.—Glanders. It affects chiefly the horse, the ass, and the mule, and from them the causes may be communi- cated to man. It is a pustular and contagious exanthem like smaU-pox. The disease closely resembles the plague in man. Veterinary surgeons describe two varieties, one of which is attended with a profuse discharge from the nostrils, with eruptions of smaU suppurating tumors, and symptoms of gan grene in various parts, and the other, appearing in the shape of smaU tumors about the lips, face, neck, etc. Tho lat- ter form is called Farcy Glanders. Both forms occasionally co- exist. Each is attended with malignant fever; or rather, the disease is always malignant. An equable, mild temperature, pure air, tepid ablutions fol- lowed by friction with a hair brush, and thin water gruel, pro- vided the animal can be made to drink it, constitute the re- medial plan. Erethism.—Orgasm. Augmentation of vital phenomena, in any organ or tissue. Medical authors generally mistake abnormal vital manifestations for augmented or increased vital- ity, and so bleed, antiphlogisticate, reduce, and antivitalize their erethismatic patients, and with most disastrous results. Tho term is often applied to parts in a condition of irritation or inflammation. Erethismus.—Erethism, Irritation. Mercurial crethismus is characterized by great depression of strength; anxiety about the preecordia; irregular action of the heart; frequent sigh- ing ; tremors; small, quick, sometimes intermittent pulse ; oc- casional vomiting; pale, contracted countenance, and sense of coldness. In this state any sudden exertion may prove fatal. 128 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Eru. AU that can be done remedially, is, to keep tho patient as quiet as possible ; let him drink tepid or warm water in small drafts, as often as he can without provoking nausea, and sponge the surface two or three times a day, with tepid or warm water. The preparations of antimony, gold, iron, iodine, etc., when used medicinally, often induce erethismus or mineral fever, quite as fatal, though more obscure in the phenomena of poisoning. The patient may die of the drug inflammation, without manifest- ing any symptoms which would be recognized by the medical attendant, as indicating a poisonous or dangerous effect of the remedy. Ergotism.—Poisoning by Ergot. The morbid condition or disease occasioned by Ergot or Spurred Rye, whether taken ac- cidentaUy, or administered medicinaUy. The prominent symp- toms are, vertigo, numbness of the hands and feet, spasms, foUowed, in extreme cases, by gangrene and death. Ergot is frequently employed as a parturifacient, to intensify uterine contractions in protracted labors, on the absurd theory that, it has a " special affinity " to act on the muscular structure of the gravid uterus. But it is extremely liable to occasion uter- ine hemorrhage, convulsions, hour-glass contractions, etc., in the mother, and the death or permanent decrepitude of the chtid. As in all cases of narcotic poisoning, the remedial plan for Ergotism is, perfect quiet; cold applications to the head, and warm to the feet; tepid ablutions; an elevated position of the head, and ample ventilation. Eromania—Erotomania.—Erotic Passion, Melancholy, De- lirium, or ungovernable Sexual Passion, arising from sexual excitement or disappointment. See Nymphomania and Satyr- iasis. Erratic—Wandering, Irregular. Rheumatic affections, Agues, Menstrual disorders, etc., are so termed when they man- ifest no regular form or type. Eructation.—Belching; a dyspeptic symptom. Dry, solid food wiU relieve it. Ery. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 129 Eruption.—This term applies to rashes, vesicles, pustules, etc., which appear on the surface, and also to the sudden evacuation of any fluid, as serum, blood, or pus, from a canal or cavity. Several hundreds of cutaneous eruptions have been recognized by authors, and treated of as distinct dis- eases. All of them which are important, are mentioned in this work, both under the technical and their popular names. Eruptive.-—Applied to fevers which are essentially accom- panied with cutaneous eruptions. They are Small-pox, Measles, Scatlatina, Erysipelas, Miliaria, and Plague, constituting the Exanthems of Good's " Study of Medicine." Erysipelas.—St. Anthony's Fire; superficial inflammation of the skin, with general fever, tension, redness and swelling of the part, and an acrid, burning heat. The redness disappears on pressure. In some cases of Erysipelas the fever is very mild, but in other forms it is extremely putrid and malignant, and liable to terminate in gangrene. There are no maladies in which mercurials are more freely prescribed, and do more extensive mischief, than the malignant fever of Erysipelas. As the head and face are ordinarily most violently affected, they must be kept cool by means of the constant application of cold, wet cloths very frequently changed. When the ex- ternal heat is considerable and uniform over the whole sur- face, tho wet-sheet-pack, for an hour or more, should be employed daily. Otherwise the surface, wherever preternat- urally hot, should be sponged frequently with tepid water. The bowels must be freely moved, unless diarrhoea attends, in which case fomentations should be apptied to the abdomen for fifteen or twenty minutes, to be followed by the wet gir- dle. Water may be drank at pleasure; but no food should be allowed until the violence of the fever has materially abated. Erythema.—This term is often confounded with Erysipelas; but is more frequently apptied to local affections of an ery- sipelatous character. Dermatologists describe many varieties of Erythema, as Chilblain, Carbuncle, Intertrigo, Chafing, Burn, Mercurial, etc., which are treated of under their respective names. 6* 130 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Eut. Eschar.—The crust or disorganized portion arising from the death or mortification of a part. The adjacent living tis- sue removes it by excreting pus between itself and the dead matter, causing the latter to faU or slough off. Esoteric—Interior, Private, in contradistinction to Exoteric. Esoteric causes of disease exist within the organism, as poi- sons introduced, or effete matter retained. Exoteric causes exist without, as malaria, heat, cold, etc Esoterism, Medical.—M. Simon has applied this term to "the esotery, or mystery and secrecy with which the practitioner performs his daily duties, and which, he conceives, he is com- pelled to adopt, by the prejudices and ignorance of his patients." Alas! that medical men should conceive it a duty to act in a perpetual mystification, because their patients are ignorant! I fear this practice wtil never cure them of their ignorance and prejudices. How much better it would be to entighten them! After aU I suspect, however, this Esoterism is in- tended more for the benefit of the profession than the people. Estival.—Happening in summer. Summer diseases, so caUed, are diarrhoea, dysentery, and cholera infantum. Etherization.—The aggregate phenomena occasioned by the inhalation of ether. Small doses induce excitement, with more or less of mental exhilaration; large doses induce great muscular relaxation with insensibility. For the treatment see Asphyxia. Etiolation.—Blanching, Paleness, whether the result of chronic disease, or from the absence of light. Bright light and abundant sunshine are among our best remedial applian- ces for many forms of scrofulous, anemic, and other cachectic conditions. Eutrophic —Professor Dunglison has introduced this term into his Medical Dictionary, for " an agent whose action is ex- erted on the system of nutrition, without necessarily occasion- ing manifest increase of any of the secretions." And he informs us that the chief Eutrophics are " mercurials, the prep- arations of iodine, bromine, cod-liver oil, the preparations of gold, and sdver, sulphur, sugar and sarsapartila." Was ever a medi- Exc. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 131 cal muddle so bemuddled? Mercury and sugar belong to (be same class of medicines. If either of Dr. Dunglison's Eutrophics "exert any action" on the system of nutrition. except that which is damaging and disease-producing, the fact has never yet been recorded in any medical text-book. Eversio Palpebr^;.—Ectropion, Exacerbation.—An increase, or aggravation of symptoms. Often incorrectly employed as synonymous with paroxysm. Exjemia, Exjemos.—Anaemia, Exanguous. Exangia.—A term including Aneurism, and Varix. Exanthem.—Exanthema, Under this term some authors comprehend all kinds of cutaneous eruptions, wktie others apply it only to the eruptive fevers. Exanthematica.—Eruptive fevers. Exanthematophthalmia.—Inflammation of the eye in the course of, or succeeding, a cutaneous eruption. For treat- ment see Opthalmia. Exanthesis.—See Efflorescence. Excitation. —Excitement and stimulation are generally em- ployed as synonymous terms. There is not so great a delusion in the world as that which mistakes excitation for augmented vitality, and stimulation for strength. The employment of stimulants is predicated on this faUacy, and alcoholic medi- cation, which is the parent source of intemperance in the land, would have no basis, were this error corrected. For a full dis- cussion of this subject tho reader in referred to my recent work, " The True Temperance Platform." Excoriation.—The abrasion of the skin from a slight wound, or an acrid excretion. Excoriated surfaces should be protected from.the contact of atmospheric air, by a covering of fine flour or simple cerate. Excrement.—The waste matter and debris of the tissues— feces, urine, btie, sweat, and carbonic acid gas. The retention of effete matters is a prolific source of disease. And the ac- cumulation of excrementitious matter in privies, stables, hog- pens, and cow-yards, is no doubt the chief cause of conta- 132 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Exh. gious diseases. If people would be cleanly, within and with- out, many of the most fatal acute diseases, and a long cata- logue of chronic maladies would soon disappear. Excrescence.—A tumor which forms at tho surface of or- gans, and especiaUy on the skin, mucous membrane, or ulcer- ated surfaces, as Warts, Hemorrhoids, Polypi, Condylomata, etc Some of them can be destroyed by freezing, and aU are re- movable with caustic. Excretion.—The separation and ejection of waste or excre- mentitious matter. The excretory organs are the skin, lungs, liver, bowels, and kidneys. Any defecH in their eliminating function becomes a source of bodily impurity, and a cause of disease. Nearly all medical authors confound excretion and secretion. But they are very different processes. See Secretion. Exfoliation.—The separation of the dead portions of a bone, tendon, cartilage, or aponeurosis, under the form of lameUae or small scales. It is analogous to sloughing of the softer tis- sues. A largo portion of dead and detached bone is called, Sequestrum. ExHAUSTioN.-Debility. Loss of strength. One of the most prolific sources of \ital exhaustion, early decline, complicated disease and premature death, is the use of stimulants, which we are misiaught by the medical profession, to regard as capable of imparting strength, supporting vitality, etc. Exhilaration.—Intense and pleasureable mental emotion. In pathology it is a preternatural activity of the circulation with increased sensibility. The nervine medicines induce it, as tea, coffee, musk, castor, assafetida, skunk cabbage, sul- phuric ether, valerian, etc Many agents which are regarded by medical authors as possessing a combination of nervine,- narcotic and stimulant properties, as alcohol, tobacco, opium, camphor, lobelia, actea, etc.,—and even the virus of the rat- tlesnake when taken into the stomach—will occasion, after one has become accustomed to them, and in moderate or cus- tomary doses, a high degree of exhilaration. This fact, how- ever, does not prove their usefulness, but the contrary. Fal. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 133 Exomphalus.—Umbilical hernia. It occurs most frequently in infants. It may be easily reduced, and retained by an elas- tic bandage, made in the form of a girdle, with a pad inthe middle, to be applied against the navel, untti a cure is effected. Exophthalmia.—Protrusion of the eye from its orbit, in con- sequence of an abscess or tumor in the areolar tissue. After subduing the inflammation, the treatment is entirely surgical. Exormia.—See Papula, Exostosis.—An osseous tumor. This disease may be occa- sioned by the rachitic, scrofulous, or gouty diathesis, caused by syphilis, or induced by mineral drugs. But it is due more to mercurial medicines administered for the cure of venereal diseases, than to all other causes combined. The whole re- medial plan is expressed by the word, purification. Exoteric—See Esoteric. Expectoration.—The expulsion of mucus, pus, or other matter from the air passages. It is a symptom in pneumonia, influenza, and consumption, and often of a "common cold." Certain medicinal drugs, called expectorants, as tartar emetic, lobelia, squills, elecampagne, Senega snake root, ipecac, and many other agents which are very nauseous to the stomach, will aggravate expectoration when it exists, and thus often occasion it when it did not previously exist. They are an ex- ceedingly pernicious class of remedies. Exsanguinity.—See Anaemia. Exsarcoma.—Sarcoma. Exspuition.—Spitting. This is really a disease, for persons in a strictly normal state never spit. Extravasation.—Escape of blood or other fluids from their proper vessels into the surrounding textures. Cold applica- tions are useful to promote absorption. Fainting.—Faintness, Fainting Fit. See Syncope. Falling of the Bowels.—See Proctocele. Falling of the Womb.—See Prolapsus Uteri. False Conception.—See Mole. 134 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fat. False Membrane.—The adventitious formation on mucous surfaces, in cases of croup, diptheria etc. False Pleurisy.—Stitch in the side, Pleuralgia, Pleu- rodynia. False Peripneumony.—Bastard Pleurisy. Pseudo-Pneu- monia. A term applied to cases of Pneumonia, in which the attending fever has the nervous form of typhus—properly, "Nervous Typhoid Pneumonitis." The modern "cattle dis- ease," "Pleura-Pneumonia" is this form of inflammation of the lungs. Family Diseases.—See Hereditary. Fancy Mark,—Naevus. Fantom.—Phantom. In pathology the term applies to dis- orderly mental recognitions of objects—the spectres and im- ages, which disturb the patient, whether awake or asleep. Farcy Glanders.—See Equinia. Fastidium.—Squeamishness. Easily affected with nausea. Fat.—In a pathological sense the term means corpulence, or obesity, in which effete matters are retained in the form of fat. A fattening process is, therefore, a disease-producing pro- cess, let the lovers of fat meats, and the admirers of fat persons say what they will. With some semi-civilized and savage nations corpulency is regarded as the highest possible personal accomplishment. Captain Speke in his late African explorations to discover the source of the Nile, made the ac- quaintance of African princes and kinp;s, whose wives were so fattened that they were unable to stand erect, but obliged to " go on all fours," and the children of the colored nobility were compelled to suck milk several hours a day to promote the desired plumpness. A fattened hog is now on exhibition in this city whose combined weight of grease and scrofula, is said to be fourteen hundred pounds, with a fair prospect of accumulating to a ton. In the days of the New York Crystal Palace, we saw a swinish monstrosity on exhibition, which was said to weigh seventeen hundred pounds. The animal was unable even to stand on aU fours. Fei. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 135 The celebrated showman, Professor Barnum, of the Amer- ican Museum, of this city, often has " the most extraordinary sights in the world," in the shape of adipose humanity. But enough on this theme. The remedy is, plainer food and less of it. Fatty Degeneration.—This term is applied to a morbid process, by which the glandular structures are rendered soft and oleaginous. The Uver is most subject to this condition. The cause is, too much of those articles which the chemico- physiologists term "calorifacient," or "respiratory" food. Geese and other poultry are confined in a dark, warm room, stuffed with carbonaceous food, by means of which their liv- ers swell up to a large size, and acquire the condition of "fatty degeneration," and make a dainty delicacy for the de- praved taste of the carnivorous epicure. Exercise, and "low fare," are the remedies for degenerate livers, whether in man or animals. Fatuitas.—Mental Imbecility, Dementia, Idiocy. F.vvosus.—A state of ulceration, resembling honeycomb. Favus.—Porrigo. Febricula.—A stight Fever, Ephemera. Febris.—Fever, which see. Feigned Diseases.—Many are the simulated, or pretended diseases by means of which impostors have undertaken to obtain favors, escape punishment, and military duty, and astonish their feUow beings. A complete catalogue would .occupy too much of my space. Suffice it to say that spas- modic diseases, as catalepsy, chorea, convulsions, and epilepsy are most easily simulated. Local inflammations are readily excited by means of irritant drugs. Fevers are produced by stimulants; cachexias are made manifest by hard-drinking and going without sleep. Bowel complaints are readily manufac- tured with purgative medicines, or any of the cure-all piUs in market. Cutaneous affections are easily made to appear by means of acids and irritants, antimonial ointment, for exam- ple, etc., etc. The examining physician is sometimes obliged to tax his ingenuity to the utmost, in order to detect them. 136 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. Fever.—A simultaneous and prominent disturbance of all the bodily functions, attended with paroxysms of cold, hot, and sweating stages. Fever and disease may almost bo re- garded as synonymous, for there is scarcely a symptom of any disease, aside from structural lesions, which may not be pres- ent in some form or stage of fever. When, therefore, we know how to treat fever, in aU its stages, and comptications, we have very nearly mastered the Heating Art. And the rule is exceedingly simple. It is to regulate, balance, or direct tho remedial action—very different indeed from the practice of the drug system, which mainly consists in suppressing the remedial effort, and counteracting the symptoms. Fevers are . seldom intrinsicaUy dangerous, though multitudes die of them every year. The divisions and varieties of fever recognized by medical authors are multitudinous. The only important distinctions, however, for aU practical purposes, are into Inflammatory, Pu- trid, and Nervous, which terms correspond with the entonic, typhus, and typhoid of medical books and journals. Simple fe- vers are those which are not, in their early stages, compticated with any considerable local affection. Small-pox, measles, scarlatina, erysipelas, miliaria, and plague, are called eruptive fevers or exanthems. Fevers are also denominated idiopathic or primary; but when the fever is preceded by a local disease, as consumption, it is said to be symptomatic or secondary, as hectic. Very dangerous fevers are termed malignant, and mild ones non-malignant. Many cases of mild fevers are rendered ma- lignant by mal-medication. Lastly, fevers are entonic or atonic, high or low, dynamic or adynamic, sthenic or asthenic, or inflammatory or typhoid in diathesis, and ephemeral, contin- ued, remittent or intermittent in type. The Hygienic treatment of aU forms of fever is exceedingly simple, and is all resolvable into good nursing. Few patients would ever die of fever, if the whole treatment was left to the uneducated instincts and common sense of the people. When the circulation and temperature are unequal, cold wet cloths are to be applied to the parts which are pretc rnatu- Fey. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 137 rally hot, and warm applications made to the parts which are preternaturally cold. Usually, in these cases, the head is hot and the feet and lower extremities cold. When the body is disposed to much chtiliness, warm blankets, or bottles of hot water should be applied to the sides and armpits. When the whole surface is moderately hot, tepid or cool ablutions should be employed frequently, and if the heat be very great, the wet-sheet pack is preferable. Griping or neuralgic pain is to be quieted with fomentations, and pain accompanied with heat and tension may be relieved with cold applications. It is always desirable to move the bowels freely with tepid water enemas at the outset, unless there is tendency to diarrhoea, in which case small enemas of cold water should be adminis- tered. The patient may drink pure water ad libitum, and may be allowed the moderate use of ripe, juicy fruits. No food, save thin gruel and a moderate allowance of fruit, should be permitted, until tho crisis of the disease, or until the vio- lriiee of the paroxysms, has materially abated. Free ventil- ation is always important, whUe all sources of irritation or annoyance should be carefully avoided. The patient should be kept as quiet as possible, and at aU times be allowed to sleep as much as he can. Lights should not be allowed in the room, except when waiting on the patient, nor should whispering night-watchers be tolerated for a moment. After the crisis has occurred no very cold bath, nor the pack, should be employed, whatever the degree of feverishness, or however violent may be the "relapse." Tepid ablutions, warm or cold local applications are aU the bathing processes required in any form, state or stage of fever, after the crisis or "turn of the fever" has taken place. Mischief has been done by in- competent practitioners from not knowing or not observing this rule. The only reaUy dangerous features of fevers are the compli- cations. These are mainly, hemorrhage, tympanitis, diarrhoea, vomiting, retention or suppression of urine, compression of the Irain, determination of blood, local inflammations and congestions, profuse sweating, and involuntary evacuations; but aU these affections, 138 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. when occurring as the incidents of fevers, require precisely the same treatment as when occurring as idiopathic affections. The reader is referred to these terms for special instruction. Fever, Adeno-Meningeal.—Various forms of fever, when attended with considerable mucus excretion, especiaUy from the aUmentary canal, have received this appeUation. They have also been caUed Pituitous Fever, Mucus Fever, Mes- enteric Fever, Catarrhal Fever, Gastro-Bronchitis, etc. Fever and Ague.—See Fever, Intermittent. Nosological Arrangement of the Simple Fevers. Ephemeral—One day Fever. Inflammatory—Synochus—General Inflammation. ( Yellow Fever, f Ship Fever, Typhoid. < Nervous Fever, Spotted Fever, ^Putrid Fever. ■ Camp Fever, Jail Fever, „ Hospital Fever. T>T„1T„v„r 5 Nervous Remittent, ) Marsh Fpvp_ Kemit-ENT. J Putrid Remittent, > I Quotidian—Everyday Ague, Intermittent. < Tertian—Third day Ague, -1 Quartan—Fourth day Ague. {Hectic Fever, Puerperal Fever. Mesenteric Fever, Milk Fever. f Small Pox, IChicken-Po-x, Cow-Pox, j Measles, Scarlatina, Erysipelas, Miliria, Plague. Fever, Adynamic—Adynamic is employed in the sense of atonic, feeble, prostration of the vital powers, etc., and is applied to low fevers, particularly to the various forms of typhus or typhoid fevers. Fever, African.—A fever which prevatis on the Western coast of-Africa. It is regarded by medical authors as a "malignant, bilious remittent," and is really a severe remittent of the putrid form. , 6. Symptomatic. 7. Eruptive. Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 139 Fever, Algid.—A term applied to a very pernicious and fatal form of intermittent, accompanied by extreme coldness. Fever, Anomalous.—A fever whose course and typo are irregular has been so caUed. Fever, Aphonic—A form»of intermittent in which the voice is lost during the paroxysm. Fever, Apoplectic.—Any fever attended with apoplectic symptoms. Fever, Articular Eruptive.—This term is appUed to Den- gue ; also to Articular Rheumatism. Fever, Artificial.—Fever induced by Stimulants. Fever, Asthenic—Low fever. The term is usuaUy applied to typhus. Fever, Asthmatic.—A pernicious intermittent accompanied with Asthmatic difficulty of breathing. The asthmatic symp- tom is atributable to great congestion or enlargement of the Uver. Fever, Ataxo-Adynamic—Fever characterized by nervous- ness and great debUity. The term has been applied to the nervous form of typhus. Fever, Barcelona.—A form of YeUow Fever which has prevailed in Barcelona, sometimes called Bastard or Illegiti- mate Fever. Fever, Bilious.—The term bilious, is frequently appUed to the common remittent fever of autumn. It is also sometimes applied to a mild form of putrid continued fever—the synochus of the nosologists. The term bilious remittent, has been apptied to yel- low fever, though this is really of the continued type. Fever, Boa Vista.—A form of Yellow Fever which was very fatal at Fernando Po, in 1845, termed also "malignant bilious remittent. Fever, Bona.—A maUgnant form of Remittent or Marsh Fever, which prevailed among^ the troops of the garrison of Bona, in Algeria, from 1832 to 1835. 140 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. Fever, Bone.—See Dengue. Fever, Camp.—Putrid Typhus. Fever, Cardialgic—A severe Intermittent accompanied with violent pain in the stomach during the paroxysm. Fever, Carditic—Intermittent fever accompanied with vio- lent pain in the region of the heart. Fever, Catarrhal.—:See Fever, Adeno-Meningeal. Fever, Cephalalgic—Intermittent fever with intense pain in the head. Fever, Cephalic—The feverish disturbance which accom- panies hydrocephalus. Fever, Cerebral.—Brain Fever. See Inflammation of the Brain. Fever, Childbed.—Peritonitis. Puerperal Fever. Acute inflammation of the peritoneum, or lining membrane of the abdomen, with low or typhoid fever. Lying-in women are the subjects of it. It is attended with heat and tension of the abdomen, with frequent pulse, thirst, coated tongue, and all the indications of fever of the atonic diathesis. There is usuaUy obstinate constipation, but in some cases diarrhoea exists. Medical authors recommend diametrically opposite methods of treatment; some advising copious bleeding, salts, antimony, and other antiphlogistic agents, while others insist on opium and other stimulants as the proper remedies. As mighi; be expected, apriori, the result of both plans of medi- cation is fearfully fatal, the deaths averaging more than sev- enty-five per cent. We have never found any difficulty in promptly curing the disease with Hygienic appliances. The preternatural heat and tenderness of the abdomen can be re- Ueved in a few hours, by the repeated application of cold wet cloths, care being taken to keep the feet and extremities warm; after which the bowels are to be moved with enemas of tepid or moderately warm water; the whole surface should be sponged with water just pleasantly cool, two or three times in each twenty-four hours, untti the fever is permanently re- Fey. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 141 duced. In aU other respects the patient should be managed according to the general rules which apply to the treatment of all fevers. When the lochial discharge has been suddenly suppressed, there will be "rush of blood to the head" with intense headache, or delirium, in which case, cold applications should be made to the head, warm to the feet, with warm hip-baths, or, if the patient is not able to sit up, fomentations may be applied to the abdomen. Fever, Choleric—Intermittent Fever, with bitiary derange- ment resembling Cholera Morbus. Fever, Choleric, of Infants.—Cholera Infantum. Fever, Chronic—Symptomatic Fever. Hectic Fever. Fever, Colliquative.—Various forms of fever attended with profuse discharges and rapid emaciation, have received this appeUation. Fever, Comatose.—See Fever Apoplectic. , Fever, Congestive.—The term, congestive, is employed quite as loosely in medical nomenclature as is the term bilious. In both cases, a word, which only expresses a symptom is made to designate the disease. This word, congestive, is ap- plied promiscuously to aU fevers, whether intermittent, remit- tent, or continued, in which there is disproportionate accumu- lation of blood or obstruction in any organ so that the hot stage of the paroxysm—"reaction" as the books have it, is imperfectly or not at all developed. In this form of fe.er many patients die in the cold stage, and within a few hours after the "attack," as it is absurdly caUed. Warm apptica- tions, general and local fomentations, the hot or tepid bath, warm wet-sheet pack, etc., are the proper remedial applian- ces, until the hot stage is fully developed, after which the disease is to be treated on "general principles." Fever, Consecutive.—The feverishness which foUows tho sudden suppression of evacuations by narcotics and stimu- lants, as when the alvine dejections are arrested by means of large doses of opium, morphine, or brandy. J£ the cholera 142 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. is "cured" this way, a bad matter is only made worse, as tho patient is certain to dio of the "Consecutive Fever." Fever, Continent.—This term is usually appUed to Syno- chus or Inflammatory Fever; but is not unfrequently employed to designate any mild form of fever of tho continued type. The continued type of fever may be known by two excerbations of the hot stage daUy, one in the morning, and a more con- siderable one in the afternoon or evening. The continued fe- vers are, the Inflammatory or entonic, the various forms of typhus or typhoid, as Yellow, Spotted, Camp, Ship, Jail, Hospital, Sweating, Sinking, etc., and the eruptive fevers—Small-pox, Meashs, Scarlatina, Erysipelas, Miliaria and Playue. Visceral in- flammations are accompanied with fever of the continued type. Fever, Convulsive.—Intermittent or Remittent Fever ac- companied with Spasmodic Symptoms. Fever, Delirious.—Intermittent Fever with delirium. Fever, Depuratory.—A term applied to fevers which were supposed to have the property of purifying the blood, or in which such an effect was produced. All fevers have this tendency. Indeed, the very essence of fever is, a process of purification, and happy would it be for the sufferers if their physicians could practicaUy recognize this truth. Fever, Diaphoretic—Intermittent Fever with excessive sweating. Fever, Diary.—Ephemeral or One Day Fever. Fever, Digestive.—Prof. Dunglison says, "the chilliness, foUowed by increased heat and quickness of pulse, which frequently accompanies digestion." Indigestive Fever would bo a better term, as these symptoms do not exist when diges- tion is weU performed. The sole cause of this fever is food of improper quality or quantity, or extraneous matters taken with the food. Fever, Double.—An Intermittent which has two parox- ysms in a given time, instead of one. Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 143 Fever, Double-Quantan.—A fever whose paroxysms occur two days in succession, and fail on the third day. Fever, Double-Quotidian.—An Intermittent whose parox- ysms return twice every day at corresponding hours. Fever, Double-Tertian.—An Intermittent whose parox- ysms return every day. Fever, Dynamic.—Synocha. Remittent fever. Fever, Epileptic—Intermittent accompanied with Ep- ilepsy. Fever, Erotic—Fever occasioned by unrequited love. Fever, Erratic—Dengue. Hectic. Fever, Fainting.—A singular and fatal epidemic, resem- bling cholera, which prevatied at Teheran, Persia, in 1842. Fever, Gangrenous.—Fever accompanied with gangrene of various parts, especially of the timbs and genital organs. Fever, Gastralgic—Intermittent with burning pain in the epigastrium. Fever, Gastric—A term sometimes applied to what is commonly called Bilious Fever. Fever, Gastro-Adynamic—This term has been apptied to those forms of typhoid fever in which there is much gastric or bitiary derangement. Fever, Gastro-Angiotenic—"A fever," says Dunglison, "in which the symptoms of bUious are united to those of in- flammatory fever." In plainer English, this means, a mild form of Putrid Typhus. Fever, Gastro-Ataxic—This absurd phrase is appUed to Putrid Typhus, when the diathesis is a tittle lower, or the debiUty a little greater, than in the preceding case. Fever, Gibralter.—Yellow Fever. Fever, H^moptoic—Intermittent attended with periodical hemorrhage from the lungs. Fever, Hay.—A periodical Catarrhal affection, with gen- eral feverishness, which affects some persons in the Summer 144 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. Season. It has also been caUed Hay Asthma, Summer Ca- tarrh, Rose Catarrh, and Summer Bronchitis. Fever, Hebdomadal. — A fever whose paroxysms return weekly, and on tho same day. It is no doubt purely im- aginary. Fever, Hectic.—Secondary, or Symptomatic Fever. It is a form of remittent which attends the later stages of chronic diseases, when great emaciation or some degree of disorgan- ization has taken place. It can only be cured by removing the primary malady. A tepid ablution with the hot-and-cold foot-bath, and, perhaps, cool wet cloths to the head, are ap- plicable to the fever part of the malady. Fever, Hepatic — Intermittent with violent pain in tho region of the liver. Fever, Hill.—A form of remittent which has prevatied in the hiUy districts of India. Fever, Hospital.—A form of Putrid Typhus. Fever, Humoral.—A term applied to fever in which dete- rioration of the humours is suspected. It wiU apply equally to any and every form of fever, only differing in degree. Fever, Hungary.—An epidemic typhus which has prevailed among the soldiers in barracks, in Hungary. Fever, Hydrophobic—"Pernicious Intermittent with dread of liquids," says Dunglison. Fever, Hysteric — Intermittent with Hysterical par- oxysms. Fever, Icteric—Fever accompanied with Jaundice. Fever, Infantile Remittent. —Worm-Fever ; Irritative Fever. A fever occurring in childhood, and caused by indi- gestible food or constipated bowels. Fever, Inflammatory.—Synocha; Cauma. The Entonic Diathesis.—Inflammatory Fever is the least dangerous of aU forms of fever, and, although a multitude of deaths occur annually, I have no shadow of doubt they are attributable to the medication, and not to the malady. I Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 145 have never known nor heard of a person dying of this dis- ease under Hygienic treatment. The disease may be known by strong pulse, white tongue with red eyes, uniform heat, and dryness of the skin, turgescence and florid redness of the whole surface, with a diminution of all the excretions. The mental functions are never very much disturbed. The treatment is very simple, and should be alway3 suc- cessful. The bowels should be moved freely with enemas of tepid water at first, and subsequently, whenever there is hard- ness, tension and uneasiness in the abdomen. The patient may drink pure water of any temperature most agreeable, and in any quantity he is inclined to. The whole surface should be sponged with cool or cold water as either may be most pleasant, as often as the heat rises much above the nor- mal standard; or, if practicable, the wet-sheet pack may be employed once or twice each day. When the superficial heat is very great, double wet sheets should be used. The pro- longed tepid full bath is well adapted to this form of fever, though it is not so agreeable to the patient as the wet-sheet pack. No food should be taken untU the skin becomes moist and the coat of the tongue begins to disappear. Fever, Insidious.—A term applied to fevers which do not seem dangerous at first, but subsequently become malignant. I suspect these superventions of malignancy are more fre- quently due to maltreatment than to any other cause. The late Prince Albert, Senator Douglass, Count Cavour, General Sumner, Thomas Starr King, and many other distinguished names I could mention, are illustrations. Fever, Intermittent.—This type of fever—ague and fever —is characterized by a complete subsidence of the hot stage of the paroxysm, constituting what is called an intermission, during which the patient is often enabled to attend to ordin- ary duties or labors. The paroxysms may occur daily, or every second or third day, or even twice a day. Warm foot-baths, fomentations to the abdomen, bottles of hot water etc., to the sides and arrn-pits are applicable to the cold stage. When the whole surface becomes preternaturally hot, 146 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. tepid ablutions, or the wet-sheet pack, according to the degree of heat, are to be employed. During the period of intermis- sion the patient should avoid fatigue, and be extremely care- ful and abstemious in the dietary. Fever, Jail.—Putrid Typhus. Fever, Lochial.—A feverish disturbance which frequently occurs during the discharge of the lochia. Fever, Lung.—Inflammation of the Lungs. Pneumonia, Pneumonitis ; sometimes applied to Influenza. Fever, Malignant.—Any fever which is dangerous may be said to be malignant. Plague and spotted fever, are always malignant. Various forms of typhoid and eruptive fevers may be either malignant or non-malignant. Fever, Malignant Pestilential. — A phrase which has been applied to severe forms of Remittent, and sometimes to YeUow Fever. Fever, Masked.—Dumb Ague, Dead Ague. Terms ap- plied to disguised or irregular forms of intermittent. Fever, Meningo-Gastric—Stomach Fever. The feverish- ness of indigestion. Fever, Mesenteric—A term employed by Baglivi, and applied to fevers which other authors designate as BUious, Mucous, Synochus, etc. Fever, Miliary.—Millet-Seed Rash. See Miliary Fever. Fever, Milk.—The febrile disturbance which precedes or accompanies the secretion of mtik in women recently deliv- ered. Tepid or cool wet cloths to the breasts, frequently changed, and warm foot-baths are the specialities of treat- ment. Constipation must be removed or obviated, and the general feverishness removed at once, by means of the full warm bath and tepid ablutions, or a lingering illness with a "broken breast" may be the result. Fever, Mixed.—Synochus; Putrid Typhus. Fever, Nephritic — Intermittent fever with pain in the region of the kidneys during the paroxysm. Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 147 Fever, Nervous. — Typhus Mitior of Cullen ; Entonic fe- ver of some modern authors. This is the Typhoid Fever of those authors who make a distinction between Typhus and Typhoid—a distinction, however, without a difference. Nervous fever, of whatever type, always requires gentle treatment. No violent shocks or very cold baths can be tol- erated, or should be prescribed. Careful nursing is here the best medication in an emphatic sense. Tepid ablutions, cool or cold applications to the head, warm applications to the ex- tremities, cold compresses or hot fomentations, as either may be indicated at any time, as best calculated to balance the circulation, are the essentials of the remedial plan. Quiet and rest are of especial importance in this form of fever. The very young, very old, and very feeble, are peculiarly the subjects of it. Fever, Niger.—A malignant Remittent Fever, which proved fatal to many in the expeditions sent out by the British government to explore the Niger, in 1841-2, has been so designated. Fever, Nonane.—"A suppositious fever, whose paroxysms recur every ninth day, or every eighth day." Fever, Octane.—An intermittent whose paroxysms recur every eighth day. Fever, Paludal.—Marsh or Remittent Fever, Elodes. Fever, Periodical.—Intermittent or Remittent Fever. Fever, Pernitious.—This term has been applied to severe or malignant intermittent. Fever, Pestilential of Cattle.—Murr. Murrain. A dis- ease having a close resemblance to smaU-pox which affects cattle. Fever, Pleuritic—Intermittent or Remittent Fever accom- panied with inflammation of the pleura. Pleuralgia, or "stitch in the side" is often mistaken for pleurisy. Fever, Pneumonic — Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs. Intermittent with symptoms of inflammation of the lungs has been termed, though very absurdly, Pulmonic Fever. 148 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. Fever, Pseudo.—Feverishness. General Irritation. Fever, Puerperal.—Peritonitis. See Childbed Fever. Fever, Puking.—MUk Sickness. Fever, Purulent,—Fever which accompanies suppuration. Fever, Putrid.—This is the most common form of fever, always was, and always wtil be. Fever being essentiaUy a process of purification, its causes are necessarily impurities in the system, whether in the form of retained effete matters, or poisons. These occasion grossness, or putrescency of the blood, with its consequences—morbid secretions and foul ex- cretions. The term, putrid, appties properly to those forms of fever in which grossness, foulness, or impurity of the whole mass of blood, is the obvious and most prominent condition. The milder forms of putrid fever, are often termed Bdious, Synochus, " Bilious Fever with Typhoid symptoms," " BUious running into Typhoid," etc. The severer forms—those de- pendent on extreme grossness—are the maUgnant forms of Typhus or Typhoid, as Spotted, Ship, Jail, Camp, Hospital, Yel- low, Sinking, etc., fevers. Many of the visceral inflammations, as Diptheria, Pneumonia, and Dysentery, are frequently accom- panied with putrid fever, have been denominated malignant or typhoid. The eruptive fevers—Small-pox, Measles, and Scar- latina, are sometimes putrid, and are then termed typhoid or malignant. Erysipelas and miliaria are always putrid, though sometimes moderately so, while the plague is always extremely putrid—the worst and most malignant form of Putrid Typhus known. Putrid Fever, in all its forms, varieties and complica- tions, is easily recognized by a few characteristic and promi- nent symptoms—the crimson or dark flush, tho dark-red, dirty-yellow, or black tongue, velvety redness of the eyes, foul breath, fetid excretions, spotted, mottled, or blotched appearance of the skin, detirium, etc. Hemorrhages, con- gestions, abscesses, carbuncles, etc., are more liable to occur in this form of fever, than in the nervous or inflammatory forms. Tho treatment, as in all other forms of fever, must be reg- ulated by the (in illation and temperature of the patient. Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 149 The more feeble the pulse, the warmer should the baths be. Warm, tepid, cool or cold ablutions may be best in different eases. In the mild cases, when the whole surface is preter- naturally hot, the plan of treatment does not vary much from that applicable to inflammatory fever. As there is a constant tendency to congestion of, or determination to, the brain, lungs, or liver, indicated by delirium, or coma, difficult respi- ration, or prolonged chiUs, with extreme yeUowness of the eyes and surface, great care must be taken to maintain the balance of circulation, as in cases of nervous fever. When the local heat and pain are considerable, cold applications must be constantly applied, and when there is tendency to ulceration, as in diptheria, malignant scarlet fever, and putrid sore throat, ice should be freely employed. Hemorrhagic tendencies re- quire cool applications locally, warm to the extremities, bits of ice or sips of. ice-water frequently taken into the stomach. The utmost attention should be given to ventilation, frequent changes of bedding and linen, and the instant removal of all effete or excrementitious matters. Fever, Quintan.—A fever whose paroxysms are supposed to return every fifth day. Doubtful. Fever. Quotidian.—Red Tongue. The term has been ap- plied to Typhus. Fever, Red Tongue.—A form of Typhus which has pre- vatied in Kentucky. Fever, Regular.—Intermittent; whose paroxysms have a determinate order and succession of stages. Fever, Relapsing.—This term has been lately appUed to the secondary fever which occurs after the patient has had ordinary, simple fever, passed the crisis, a critical period, and been apparently convalescent for one, two, three, or more days. It is nothing more nor less than a drug disease, occasioned by the medicines which have been administered to cure the original fever. It is attended with profuse sweating, and never occurs in patients who are treated Hygienically. The rationale of Relapsing Fever is eastiy explained. After the primary fever 150 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. has " run its course," and the body has rested long enough to recover a good degree of its normal sensibilities and vigor, it makes an effort to expel the drugs which have been accumu- lating under the dosings of the doctors ; and this effort is all there is of this form of fever. The only treatment required is perfect rest, tepid sponge baths occasionally, and strict atten- tion to aU hygienic conditions. Fever, Remittent.—Marsh Fever, Autumnal Fever. The Remittent type of fever differs from the Intermittent in this : There is a partial, instead of a complete, subsidence of the hot stage of the paroxysm. Remittent Fever has one paroxysm every twenty-four hours. It may be of either the putrid or nervous form, and malignant or non-malignant. As this form of fever is intermediate between Intermittent and continued, so the treatment should be. All of the rules I have indicated as applicable to the management of putrid and nervous fevers are just as applicable here, reference being had to the intensity and duration of the hot stage of the paroxysm. The various forms of Remittent Fever are liable to the same accidents or complications as are the various forms of Putrid and Nervous fevers of the continued type, and require precisely the same treatment. The term, BUious Remittent, is usually applied to the mtid, and maUgnant Remittent to the severe form of the disease. Fever, Scorbutic—Feverishness accompanying Scurvy. Fever, Seasoning.—See Fever, Strangers'. Fever, Secondary.—In a strict sense this term is applied to the febrile disturbance which recurs in certain febrile affections, after having once ceased, as in the SmaU-pox and other erup- tive fevers. Fever, Septan.—Intermittent, whose paroxysms recur every six days, and consequently on the seventh. Fever, Sextan.—A fever which recurs every fivo days, and consequently on tho sixth. Fevee, Ship.—A form of Putrid Typhus. Fev. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 151 Fever, Simple.—Any fever uncomplicated with visceral in- flammation, exanthem, or local disorganization. Simple fever may be of either the continued, remittent, or intermittent type, or of either the entonic or atonic diathesis. Fever, Simple Continued.—The term is applied indiscrim- inately to Inflammatory, Putrid, or Nervous fever, when they are of a mtid form. Fever, Singultous.—Fever accompanied with hiccough. Fever, Sinking.—Typhus Syncopalis. A malignant form of Putrid Typhus. Fever, Spotted.—Putrid Typhus, accompanied with spots or blotches on the skin, absurdly caUed " Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis," on the supposition that the disease consisted es- sentially of an inflammation of the coats of the brain and spinal marrow. The horrid conglomeration of remedies—blistering, cupping, leeching, bleeding, mercurializing, antiphlogisticating, and alcoholizing—has been as disastrous to the patients as the theory is nonsensical in medical science. Fever, Stercoral.—Fever induced by accumulated fecal matters in the intestines. Fever, Stomachic—Gastric Fever ; Indigestion. Fever, Strangers'.—Acclimating or Seasoning Fever. Yel- low or remittent fever to which strangers are especiaUy liable, and which is endemic in certain places. Fever, Subcontinual.—Remittent. Fever, Subintrant.—Intermittent; in which one paroxysm is scarcely finished before another begins. Fever, Sweating.—Sudor Anglicus. Typhus Fever accom- panied with profuse sweating. Fever, Syncopal.—Intermittent, accompanied with one or more faintings in every paroxysm. Fever, Synochoid.—Synochus. Fever, Syphiltic—Feverishness accompanying Syphitis. 152 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fev. Fever, Tertian.—Intermittent; whose paroxysm return on the third day, consequently every two days. Fever, Tragic—Fever accompanied with delirium, during which the patient declaims tike an actor. Fever, Traumatic—The fever which supervenes on wounds and surgical operations. Fever, Typhoid or Typhus.—Continued Fever of the atonic diathesis. The fever of the visceral inflammations, when not entonic, is typhoid; and the same is true of the Exanthems or Eruptive fevers. Thus we have typhoid pneumonitis, typhoid dysentery, typhoid or confluent small-pox, typhoid or black measles, typhoid or malignant scarlatina etc. Fever, Verminous.—Worm Fever; Helminthropyra. Fever occasioned by worms in the aUmentary canal. Fever, Vernal.—Fever occurring in the Spring. Fever, Vesicular.—Pemphigus. Fever, Walcheren.—Gall-Sickness. The remittent and intermittent, which affected British troops attached to the ex- pedition to Walcheren, in 1809. Fever, Water Brain.—Internal Hydrocephalus. Fever, Yellow.—A form of Putrid Typhus, accompanied with yeUowness of the skin, sense of burning heat in the re- gion of the stomach, and commonly with an ejection of vitiated bile, called " black vomit" Though of the continued type, it has one peculiar feature approximating the remittent, whieh is, a remission on the second or third day. Tho treatment is in aU respects the same as for putrid fever, of which it is one of its many varieties. So far as I have heard, the Hygienic treatment, in New Orleans, Mobile, Vicksburg, Nicaragua, and other places where it has been employed more or less, has been uniformly successful. Under drug treatment it is as fatal, nearly, as is Spotted Fever when treated drugopathicaUy. Feverishness.—A disturbance of the temperature and cir- culation resembling a slight fever. Fis. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 153 Ficus.—Sycosis, Sycoma. A fleshy excrescence on the eye- lids, chin, tongue, anus, or organs of generation, hanging by a pedicle, or formed by a fig. It may be hard or soft. They may be readily destroyed with Ugature or caustic. Fidgets.—Restlessness. Great fatigue, constipation, any considerable local irritation, or the use of stimulants, nervines, or narcotics, may occasion it. The remedy consists in remov- ing the cause. Fissure.—In pathology, a long, narrow, superficial ulcer, most frequently affecting the rectum or lower bowel, but some- times the os uteri and vagina. They are exceedingly annoy- ing, and are attended with a burning or stinging sensation, always aggravated on the patient becoming warm in bed. Enemas of cold water, with aplain vegetable dietary, and a few touches of caustic will remove them. Anhydrous sulphate of zinc is the best application. Fistula.—A sinuous ulcer, the opening or outlet of which is narrow, and the disease prolonged, by an altered tex- ture of the parts. A fistula is complete when there are two openings, and incomplete when there is only one. In order to cure them it is necessary to destroy its lining membrane, which is somewhat analogous to mucous membrane, and excretes an acrid fluid. This may be done with various caustics, of which sulphate of zinc, proto-chloride of iron, and tincture of iodine are among the best. Those which are dependent on diseased bone, carttiage, or tendon, do not heal until after the exfotiation of the diseased part. Fistulas of excretory ducts are produced by an injury of the duct itself, or by the retention and accu- mulation of the fluids to which they give passage. Fistula in Ano.—This is the most common form of fistula, and generally arises from some mechanical pressure or imped- iment. Hardened and accumulated feces are the most frequent cause. Injections of a strong solution of anhydrous sulphate of zinc is the best remedy. But this will not succeed unless the bowels are kept in good condition by a proper dietary. Fistulous.—Relating to, or resembling, a fistula. 7* 154 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Fro. Flatulence.—Bombus, Windy. Accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal, or its emission by the mouth or anus. It is symptomatic of indigestion, and is often the cause of severe colic. Warm water internally, and fomentations externally, are the remedies. Flesh, Proud.—Fungosity. Fluctuation.—The motion or the undulation of a fluid col- lected in any cavity, which is felt by pressure or by percussion. Fluor.—Flux. Fluor Albus.—Whites. See Leucorrhcea. Flush. —Redness occasioned by accumulation of blood in tho capiUaries of the face, as the flush or blush of emotion, or of hectic fever. Flux.—A discharge. Usually applied to dysentery. Flux, Bilious.—Cholera Morbus. Flux, Bloody.—Dysentery, Catarrh, Influenza, Spermator- rhoea, Salivation, Hemorrhoids, the menstrual discharge, etc., are termed fluxes in some nosologies. Fluxion.—Determination. An increased flow of blood or other fluid to any part. Formites.—A term applied to substances which are supposed to retain contagious affluvia, as cotton and woolen goods, feathers, etc. Formica.—The ant. Also the name of a black wart, verruca formicaria, the pain of which resembles the biting of an ant. Formication.—A pain resembling that caused by a number of ants creeping on a part. Framb^sia.—The Yaws. A disease of Africa and the An- tilles, characterized by tumors resembling raspberries, straw- berries, or champignons. They ulcerate and become infectious. They indicate extreme grossness of the body, and purification is all that need be said of the treatment. Frostbite.—Congelation. Frozen parts should always be thawed very gradually, to obviate consequent inflammation. Friction or rubbing should be avoided, for the reason that the Gal. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 155 angular particles of the congealed fluids will, if disturbed, break and disorganize the tissues. Fugacious.—Symptoms which rapidly appear and disappear. Fungosity.—Proud Flesh. It requires compression in mod- erate cases, and in severer ones, astringents or caustics. Wounds which are treated with water dressings are seldom troubled with fungus excrescences. Fungus.—Fungosity, Mycosis. Warts and vegetations which arise on the skin and on denuded surfaces; also tumors which form in the substance of the textures. Fungus H^ematodes.—A bleeding Fungus. All kinds of fun- goid tumors or excrescences are to be treated with caustic, due attention being paid to the general health. The more exten- sive and malignant the fungus the more powerful in its disor- ganizing effects should be the caustic, selected. Nitrate of stiver, nitric acid, sulphate of zinc,, carbonate of potassa, chlo- ride of sodium, etc., afford the most convenient apptiances. Furfuraceous.—Resembling bran. Scurfy eruptions in which the epidermis is detached in small scales ; also a bran- like sediment sometimes observed in the urine. Furia Infernalis.—A small vermiform insect, common in Sweden, whose sting occasions excruciating torture. Furor.—Mania, Rage. . Symptomatic of many morbid con- ditions, which wiU be treated of under their respective heads. Furunculus.—Boil. A smaU phlegmon or abscess, having its seat in the dermoid texture. It proceeds to suppuration, and breaks and discharges pus mixed with blood. The core consists of dead areola tissue. Cold applications in the early stages, and fomentations or poultices, after throbbing pains are felt, constitute the remedial plan. Galactia.—A redundant flow of mtik. A dry and abste- mious dietary is the remedy. Galactoh^mia.—A condition of blood in which it contains mtik. 156 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Gas. Galeanthropy.—-A species of melancholy in which tho pa- tient imagines himself changed into a cat. Gall-Sickness.—Nausea and headache, caused by vitiated bUe. Gall-Stones.—See Calcuti, Bitiary. Ganglion,—A knot. In anatomy, applied to various struc- tures which constitute the brains and reservoirs of the organic nervous system. In pathology, a ganglion is a hard, globu- lar tumor, in size varying from that of a pea to that of an egg, and always situated in the course of a tendon. It con- tains a viscid fluid enclosed in a cyst, which is sometimes loose, but in most cases communicates by a narrow footstalk with the sheath of a tendon, or the synovial capsule of a joint. They may be removed by extirpation, incision, compression, or per- cussion. Gangrene.—Incipient mortification, It is marked by a sud- den diminution of feeting; livid discoloration ; detachment of the cuticle, under which a turbid fluid is effused, with crepita- tion, owing to the disengagement of air into the areolar tissue. Gangrene is to be regarded as one of the stages of inflamma- tion, and should be treated with tepid, cool, or cold applica- tions, according to the temperature of the part. Gaping.—See Yawning. Gastralgia.—Cardialgia, Hartburn. Gastritis.—Inflammation of the Stomach. It is known by great anxiety; heat and pain in the epigastrium, increased by pressure, and by taking anything into the stomach ; vomiting ; hiccough, and general fever. The inflammation may be active, adhesive, or phlegmonous, with corresponding entonic fever, or passive, erythematic, or erysipelatous, with corresponding atonic or typhoid fever. The fever part of the affection must be managed precisely as we have indicated for simple inflammatory or typhoid fever. The local affection requires the constant ap- plication of cold wet cloths, and frequent sips of cold water. Iced-water, or pieces of ice swaUowed, are not objectionable. The bowels are usually constipated, and should be freely evac- uated by means of enemata of tepid water. Glo. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 157 Gastro-Arthritis.—Gout with inflammation of the stomach. Gastrocele.—Hernia of the stomach. Epigastrocele. Gastro-Cephalitis.—Inflammation of the stomach and head. Gastrodynia.—See Cardialgia. Gastro-Enteritis.—Inflammation of the Stomach and Bow- els. Broussais absurdly referred all fevers to gastro-enteritis, as their essential nature or cause. Gastrorrhagia.—See Hsematemesis. Gastrorrhcea.—Cceliac Flux. A term apptied to a copious excretion of mucus from the lining membrane of the stomach. It is a symptom in many cases of indigestion and liver com- plaint. Genyantritis.—Inflammation of the Antrum of Highmore, or cavity of the cheek-bone. Gibbositas.—A symptom of Rickets, Caries, etc. See Hump. Giddiness.—Vertigo. Slight congestion of the brain, or any sudden disturbance of the circulation, may induce it. Glanders.—Farcy. Equinia. Glaucoma,—Paropsis Glaucosis. Opacity of the vitreous humour of the eye, or of the tunica hyaloidea, which manifests itself by a greyish or greenish spot, apparent through the pupil. It is seldom curable.. Glaucosis.—Glaucoma. Gleet.—A muco-purulent discharge from the urethra, dependent on chronic inflammation, often the result of gon- orrhoea, but more commonly the effect of the drugs which are taken to cure gonorrhoea. The local treatment consists of moderately warm hip-baths, gradually reducing the tempera- ture to tepid, then to cool, and finaUy to cold. The wet-girdle is a useful adjunct. The dietary should be rigidly plain and abstemious. Globus Hystericus.—Nodus Hystericus. A sensation as if a baU or round body were rising from the abdomen towards the larynx, and producing a feeting of suffocation. Hysteri- cal persons are subject to it. 158 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Gou. Glossalgia.—Pain in the Tongue. Glossitis.—Inflammation of the Tongue. It is a rare dis- ease, except when induced by mercurial medicine. Glossocarcinoma.—Cancer of the Tongue. Glossocele.—Hernia of the Tongue. A swelling of the organ so that it protrudes from the mouth. It is frequently an accompaniment of mercurial salivation. The enlargement sometimes becomes chronic, and necessitates amputation of a portion of the tongue. Glossospasmus.—Cramp or Spasm of the Tongue. Gluttony.—Habitual indulgence in over-eating. A properly restricted diet wiU in due time overcome the morbid craving. Goggle-Eyed.—Squinting, Strabismus. Goitre.—See Bronchocele. Gomphiasis.—Soreness of the Teeth, Odontalgia. Scurvy is the most frequent cause of looseness of the adult teeth, and inflammation is the common cause of pain in them. To purify the blood is the indication in the former case ; and this, with fasting, and warm or cold applications, as either may be most soothing, is the remedial plan in the latter case. Gonagra.—Gout in the Knees. Gonalgia.—Pain in the Knee. Gonarthritis.—Inflammation of the Knee-joint. Gonorrhoea.—Blennorrhcea Luodes, Urethritis. Inflamma- tion of the urethra, with mucus discharge, the result of vene- real infection. It is accompanied with more or less of heat, smarting, and difficult urination. It is readily subdued by means of prolonged tepid or cool hip-baths, repeated tis often as the pain and heat increase, with full warm baths or the wet- sheet pack, and a very abstemious dietary. I have never found any difficulty in curing the worst cases in a few days in this way. Gourd-Worm.—Distoma Hepaticum. It has been supposed to inhabit the liver and gall-ducts. Gout.—Podagra. An inflammation of the joints, usuaUy Gra. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 159 commencing in the small joints, and more especially the joints of the great toe. The London Lancet, with ludicrous grav- ity, informs us that the disease selects this part in which to explode ! Regular gout is an inflammatory and very painful swelling of the small joints, extending more or less to the larger, at- tended with indigestion and general feverishness, and subsid- ing in a few days. The feet should be enveloped in wet cloths, covered with dry, which should be frequently renewed until the preternatural heat subsides, and the pain and swelling are abated. Meanwhile the whole body should be " packed" daUy —and when the fever is considerable, twice a day—unless the patient is very weak from colchicum, digitalis, veratrina, or other depressing drugs, in which case the warm-bath foUowed by the tepid ablution, or dripping sheet, is to be preferred. When the joints are permanently enlarged without much in- flammatory tenderness, the douche wtil be advantageous. It is always important to restrict the patient to a plain, abstemi- ous, fruit and farinaceous dietary. When the large joints are inflamed, in persons of a gouty diathesis, the disease is called Rheumatic Gout. When the dis- ease has existed for some time, and dyspeptic symptoms have become prominent, the case is termed Atonic Gout. When the inflammation of the joints suddenly subsides, followed by great disturbance in the head, lungs and stomach, or heart, it is called Recedent or Retrocedent Gold; and when, at the usual periods for the gouty paroxysms, some one of the organs are violently disordered without the appearance of inflammation in the joints, the malady is termed Misplaced Gout. The symp- toms of these irregidar forms of gout are, however, to be treated precis.ely as when occurring from any other causes. Granular Eyelids.—Minute tumors effecting the eyetids. They wtil generaUy disappear in a few months on the adop- tion of a strict Hygienic regimen. But in some cases they require the repeated application of mild caustic, as nitrate of stiver, or sulphate of zinc. 160 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Gut. Granular Degeneration.—Bright's Disease of the Kidney. A term applied to the disorganization of the structuro of tho liver—the result of chronic inflammation. Granulated Liver.—Cirrhosis. Granulation.—The process by which conical, flesh-liko shoots are formed at the surface of suppurating wounds and ulcers. They constitute the basis of the cicatrix. Gravel.—Urinary calculi. SmaU concretions, similar to sand or gravel, which form in the kidneys, pass along the ureters to the bladder, and are expeUed through the urethra with the urine. They are commonly composed of uric acid and animal matter. The pain occasioned by the passage of these concretions can be retieved or mitigated by fomentations or the warm hip-baths, and their further formation may be prevented by purifying the whole mass of blood; and the most effective method of doing this is the negative one—cease taking impurities into the system. The patient should not drink hard water, nor use any earthy or mineral ingredient in his dietary or with his medicine, as table salt, soda, lime, chalk, etc. Green-Sickness.—See Chlorosis. Gripes, Watery.—A disease of infants, common in Eng- land, and not differing essentially from the Cholera Infantum of this country. Grippe.—A vulgar name for several catarrhal diseases which have prevailed epidemicaUy, among which is the In- fluenza. Grog-Blossoms.—Gutta Rosea. Grog-Roses.—Gutta Rosea. Gumboil.—Parutis. Small abscesses which form on the gums. Gutta Rosea.—Carbuncled Face, Rosy Drop, Whelk, Cop- per-nose, Bottle-nose. An eruption of smaU suppurating tu- bercles. The redness commonly appears first at the end of the nose, and then spreads on both sides, and sometimes ex- tends over more or less of the face. It is commonly the effect HLsm. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 161 of " hard drinking." Dunglison says: " Its cure must be attempted by regular regimen, and cooling means internaUy; weak spirituous or saturnine lotions externaUy." Would it not be better to stop taking the spirituous potions inside, than to try to counteract them with spirituous lotions outside ? Gutta Serena.—See Amaurosis. Hematemesis.—Vomiting of Blood, Blood ejected from the stomach is dark, grumous, and frequently mixed with the contents of the stomach. The disease is preceded by a sense of weight, oppression and pain, in the epigastric region, and often accompanied with syncope. The patient must be kept very quiet; sips of cold water or bits of ice swaUowed frequently ; cold wet.cloths covered with dry appUed over the stomach and abdomen, and the extremities kept warm. If there is fever- ishness, the surface should be sponged with tepid water. Hematocele.—Blood Tumor. An effusion of blood into a cavity, or into the areolar tissue. Apply cold wet cloths. Hjematodes Fungus.—Spongoid Inflammation, Pulpy or Medullary Sarcoma, Soft Cancer, Bleeding Fungus. It is a mass of cancerous tumors, in which the inflammation is accom- panied with great heat and pain, and with fungus and bleed- ing excrescences. For the treatment, see Cancer. HiEMATOPisis.—Retention of the menstrual blood in the uterus. Hematuria.—Bloody Urine. Hemorrhage of the mucous membrane of the urinary passages. It may proceed from the kidneys, bladder, or urethra. Cold wet cloths, covered with dry, applied over the abdomen; sips of cold water taken fre- quently, and injections of a smaU quantity of cold water into the rectum, (or vagina, in women,) are the remedial processes. HiEMODiA.—Tooth-edge, Odontalgia. Pain in the teeth. It is occasioned by the contact of acid or acerb substances. Hemophthalmia.—Blood-shot Eye. Effusion or extravasa- tion of blood into the structures of the eye. Apply cold water or ice. 162 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Hem. Hemoptysis.—Spitting of blood; Bloeding from tho Lungs. Hemorrhages from the lungs are characterized by a florid color of the blood, and its admixture with atmospheric air giving it a frothy appearance. They are preceded by more or less cough, dyspnoea, and sense of weight and heat inthe chest, Keep the patient profoundly quiet; apply cold wet cloths covered with dry over the chest; give frequent sips of cold water, or bits of ice to be swaUowed; keep the extremities warm; have the room well ventilated, and if the weather is warm, the patient should be fanned; and whenever the surface is feverish bathe it with tepid water. Hemorrhagia.—Haemorrhage; Bleeding. A discharge from blood-vessels. The Hosmorrhagic Diathesis is characterized by a disposition to bleed from slight injuries, and the blood being putrescent and its corpuscles broken or dissolved, as in scurvy, putrid fevers, etc., or the tissues flabby and relaxed, as in scrofula, plethora, etc. The free use of flesh meat and fer- mented liquors, common salt, tho preparations of iron, cod- liver oil, and many other gross foods and poisonous drugs, are" efficient agents in inducing the hemorrhagic diathesis. Reg- ular bathing, active exercise in the open air, and plain, simple, natural food, and the avoidance of all stimulating beverages, irritating condiments, and impurities and poisons of every kind, are the remedial measures for the diathesis. The various forms of hemorrhage are treated of under their respective heads. Hemorrhoides.—Hsemorrhois ; Piles. Livid and painful tubercles or excrescences at the lower part of the rectum, at- tended with a discharge of mucus or blood, are the common manifestations of this affection. Constipation, and straining at stool are the ordinary causes. In some cases the tumors inflame, with tenesmus and frequent discharges of mucus mixed with blood. These cases are often mistaken for dysen- tery. But the absence of fever, with little or no distention, heat, or pain in the abdomen, ought to determine a correct diagnosis. In many cases the lower bowel is so relaxed as to protrude externaUy with every fecal evacuation, and so tender * as to be returned with great difficulty. Hea. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 163 In the treatment a carefuUy regulated dietary is of the first importance. When the bowels are not disposed to move with- out, an enema of tepid water should be employed datiy; and a small quantity of cold water should be injected after each dejection, and again at bed-time. The hip-bath should be employed once or twice a day ; and if there is obstruction or inaction of the liver, the wet-girdle may be advantageously worn a part of each day. When the tumors are very hard and protruberant, they may be destroyed with nitric acid, or removed with the ligature ; but in nearly all cases, if the treatment is properly managed, no surgery will be required. A soft, red, strawberry-like elevation of the mucous mem- brane, constituting the most common form of internal bleeding pile, has been caUed Vascular Tumor by some authors. It may be removed by the apptication of caustic; but I have never had any difficulty in curing it by means of Hygienic treatment alone. Hallucination.—Illusion, Waking Dream, Phantasm. Dunglison says, "A morbid error in one of the senses." Are not all errors morbid ? Is there such a thing as normal error ? It is disordered or abnormal recognition or perception of ob- jects, involving one or but a few of the mental powers. It is the immediate result of congestion of, or determination to the brain, or some portion of it, and requires derivative treatment, as hot-and-cold foot-baths, tepid hip-baths, etc. Constipation is the most common of the remote causes. Hamarthritis.—Universal Gout; Gout in aU the Joints. Hare-Lip.—A fissure or perpendicular division of one 01 both tips. It requires a surgical operation. Head-Ache.—Cephalalgia, Cephalsea. Headaches are com- monly symptomatic of congestion of, or determination to the brain. No cause is so general as constipated bowels. This is why females are so much more subject to this affection than males. Sick Headache is owing to acrid bile in the stomach. Drink warm water until retieved, whether it occa- sion vomiting or not. 164 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Hea. Hearing, Hardness of.—Deafness. Heart, Atrophy of.—A diminution in thickness of the parietes of the organ. It is rarely detected during lifo. Heart Disease.—Many dyspeptics with badly congested livers, and of constipated habits, are troubled with throbbing, fluttering, and irregular action of the heart, with intermittent pulse, short breath, and a multitude of distressing, but inde- scribable sensations, aU of which are commonly disposed of by a resort to that vague plirase, disease of the heart. These symptoms are very frequently mistaken, even by reputable practitioners and experienced surgeons, for organic disease of the heart. But in ninety-nine cases in a hundred they are merely symptomatic of indigestion, or constipation, or both, and on restoring the general health, the heart's action wtil become normal. Heart, Hypertrophy of.—A thickening of the muscular substance of the organ, so that its cavities are diminished. It is seldom detected until the prsecordial region becomes pre- ternaturaUy prominent, and the heart's action communicates a marked jarring or vibration to the hand when placed on the cardiac region. It can only be cured or retarded by such habits of life as keep the circulation weU-balanced, and the avoidance of aU violent exertions, mental shocks; in short whatever disturbs the action of the heart. The dietary should always be rather abstemious. Heart, Dilatation of.—In this case the cavities of the organ are enlarged, with or without thickening or thinning of their parietes. The apex of the heart is lower down and more to the left than in the normal state, and the pulsations can be seen and felt over a larger space. The pulse is hard, quick, and vibratory. The shock of the heart's action is often trans- mitted to the whole body, and to the bed on which the patient is lying. This symptom, however, is not decisive; constipa- tion of the bowels will induce the most violent beating of the heart, and is often mistaken for aneurism of the heart. Heartburn.—Cardialgia. Hep Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 165 Hectic Fever.—See Fever Hectic. Helleborismus.—This term has been applied to a method of treating diseases with hellebore. It comprises the selec- tion and preparation of the drug, the remedies for aiding it, and the precautions for obviating or lessening its pernicious effects. The philosophy of the thing is precisely like that of tho modern method of treating aU diseases with drugs- poisoning the system to the extent of superseding the symp- toms of the original disease with those of the drug disease. Helminthia.—See Worms. Hemeralopia.—Nyctalopia, Day-Vision, Night Blindness, Hen Blindness. An affection in which, though vision is per- fect while the sun is above the horizon, the patient is incapa- ble of seeing by the aid of artificial tight. The eye presents no external appearance of mal-organization, and the rationale of this peculiarity has never been explained. Hemicrania.—Pain confined to one half of the head. It is always intermittent; sometimes continuing only while the sun is above the horizon, and is then called Sun-pain. It is symptomatic of that condition of diseased liver which accom- panies intermittent fever, and is to be cured by restoring the function of that viscus. Hemiopia.—Depraved vision in which the person sees only one half of an object. Hemiphonia.—Great weakness of voice. It may result from malconformation of the respiratory apparatus, debility of the respiratory laryngeal muscles, or obstruction in the brain, lungs, or liver. Hemiplegia.—Palsy of one side of the body. See Paralysis. Hemorrhage—Bleeding. See Hsemorrhagia. Hemorrhoids.—See Hsemorrhois. Hepatalgia.—Pain in the Liver. Hepathemorrhagia.—Hemorrhage of the Liver. It some- times occurs in putrid fevers. 166 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Her. Hepatitis.—Inflammation of the Liver. Acute inflammation of the liver is a rare affection in this latitude, though common in tropical climates. It is known by acute and constant pain in the right side, shooting to the back and shoulders, increased on pressure ; difficulty of lying on the right side, short breath, cough, jaundice, and general fever. Tepid enemas to free" tho bowels, the wet-girdle constantly, with tepid ablutions to the whole surface, or the wet-sheet pack, as the degree of the ex- ternal heat may demand, constitute the plan of treatment. Chronic Hepatitis, which is one of the forms of " liver • com- plaint" so prevalent in this country, is known by a less degroe of the above local symptoms, and the absence of fever. The proper medicinal appliances are the wet-girdle a part of each day, or, in cold weather, during the night, hip-baths—75° to 85°—once or twice a day, the wet-sheet pack once or twice a week, the dripping-sheet or sponge-bath each morning on rising, providing the external temperature is sufficient; otherwise, the dry-rubbing sheet a part of the time instead of the wet; abdominal manipulations, or " Swedish Movements," and a very plain vegetarian, and rather abstemious dietary. Milk, grease, and hard water are specially objectionable in tltis disease. Hepatization.—A state of the lungs in which they are en- gorged with effused matter, so that they become impervious to air. Hepatooele.—Hernia of the Liver. Protrusions of the liver from enlargement of the organ, or poison, or injuries to tho walls of the abdomen, have been so termed. Hepatogastrocholosis.—A formidable technicality which has been applied to " bilious " and " gastric " fevers. Hepatopathia.—Disease of ttie Liver. HEPATosciRRnus.—Scirrhus or Cancer of the Liver. Hernia.—Any tumor formed by the displacement of a vis- cus, or of some portion of a viscus, which has escaped from its natural cavity by some aperture. Hernise arc divided into encephalic, thoracic, and abdominal. Hip. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 167 The medication is mainly surgical; and for the various forms and manner of treatment, we must refer to the standard works on surgery. What is called the radical cure of hernia, consists in maintaining for several weeks that degree of pressure which wiU excite adhesive inflammation. In some cases several months are required to effect a cure. Hernia, Humoralis.—This term has been appUed to inflam- mation of the testicle. Herpes.—Tetters, Fret. A vesicular eruption. The ves- icles appear in distinct but irregular clusters on an inflamed base, and pass through a regular course of increase, matura- tion, and decline, in ten days to two weeks. The affection is attended with heat, pain, and considerable constitutional fever- ishness. Some authors have three varieties, the Miliary, Ves- icular, and Eroding. The cause is acrid bile or retained effete matters, and the process of cure is simply one of purification. A daily wet-sheet pack or tepid ablution, two or three times a day, are aU the bathing processes required. Hiccough, Hiccup.—Singultus. A clonic spasm of the res- piratory muscles, which arrests the air in the windpipe, while the diaphragm contracts, occasioning a pecutiar sound. It is symptomatic of fatigue, debiUty, or obstruction, and in low fevers is indicative of danger. It can generally be arrested by bits of ice, fomentations to the abdomen, and in many cases by fixing the mind intently on any subject or object. Hidden Seizures.—An awkward term employed by Mar- shall Hall to designate obscure forms of eptieptic spasms. Hilon.—Hilum, Hilus. Terms applied to a small blackish tumor, formed by the protrusion of the iris through an open- ing in the transparent cornea. Hip-Disease.—See Coxarum Morbus. Hippanthropia.—A variety of melancholy, in which the patient believes himself changed to a horse, Hippuria.—Excess of hippuric acid in the urine. Hippus.—Morbid twinkling of the eyes. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice Hor. Hirsuties.—Trichosis, Hairiness. Growth of hairs on parts normally destitute, as in bearded women. Various caustics— " depilatories "—of which preparations of iron, arsenic, quick- stiver, potash, etc., are tho chief ingredients, have been em- ployed to remove them. Hirudolismus.—Hirudo, the Leech. We coin this technical- ity to express the process of abstracting the life-blood by means of leeches. When the Hygienic method of purifying the blood is fuUy recognized by physicians, they will see a better use for blood than feeding it to leeches. Hives.—Hyves. This term has been variously applied to Croup, Urticaria, and Varicella. In Scotland it means any eruption of the skin arising from an internal cause. Hoarseness.—This results from congestion, thickening, or ulceration of the mucous membrane of the trachea, larynx, throat or nose, or from obstruction of the lungs, enlargement of the liver, weakness of the abdominal muscles, and various other causes. Hob-Nail Liver.—Cirrhosis of the Liver. Homesickness.—See Nostalgia. Hordeolum.—Stye. A small inflammatory tumor, of the nature of a boil, on the free edge of the eyelids. The skillful application of a frigorific in the incipient stage, will arrest it at once; otherwise the part may be frequently bathed with water of tho temperature that is most agreeable. Horny Excrescences.—Cornua, Horns. Excrescences in shape resembling the horns of animals, which occasionally form on some part of the skin. They sometimes grow to sev- eral inches in length. They should be removed by excision or ligature, and the part from which they spring deeply cau- terized with nitric acid or sulphate of zinc. Horripilation.—Horror. The general chtiliness which precedes violent fevers, and accompanied with bristling of hairs of the body. Horse Crust.—Crusta genu eqaince. Hyd. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 169 Hospital Gangrene.—Putrid or Malignant Ulcer. Gan- grene occurring in ulcers or wounds in hospitals. It is caused mainly by vitiated air. Humor.—Every fluid of an organized body is caUed a humor, as blood, chyle, lymph, etc. Morbid humor means any depraved fluid or secretion. The Humoral Pathology—Humor- ism—is the doctrine that the fluids are the primary seat of disease, or primartiy affected in disease, the affection or disease of the solids being secondary and consequential. The Nervous Pathology is the reverse of this. Hump.—Hunch, Gibber, Tuber. A prominence formed by a deviation of the bones of the trunk from the normal position. The spine may be curved backwards, forwards, or lateraUy. Curvatures are the result of injuries, relaxation of the abdom- inal and dorsal muscles, or of the scrofulous diathesis. Hydarthrus.—See Hydrarthrus. Hydatid.—Hydrocystis. Encysted tumors containing an aqueous fluid, or vesicles developed with organs, but without Adhering to their tissue. They have been found in the uterus, ovaries, liver, and various other parts of the body. Hydatocele.—See Hydrocele. Hyderos.—Hydrops. See Anasarca. Hydradenitis.—Inflammation of a lymphatic gland. Hydremia.—See Hydroemia. Hydrargyria.—Mercurial Eczema ; Mercurial Leprosy. Eczema induced by mercurial poison. For the treatment, see Eczema, Mercuriale. Hydrabgyriasis. — Mercuriatismus ; Poisoning by mer- cury; Mercurial Fever. Authors have noted no less than fifty-one distinct diseases which are occasioned by mercurial medicines. The time cannot be far distant when physicians and people will look back with horror on this most absurd and outrageously abominable practice. Hydrargyrosis.—Eczema Mercuriale. Hydrargyro-Stomatitis.—Salivation, which see. 8 170 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 11yd Hydrarthrus.—Hydrarthrosis, Articular Dropsy, White Swelling. It may affect any one of the joints, but most com- monly affects that of the knee. Scrofulous children are almost always the subjects of it. It may consist in sweUing and softening of the soft parts and ligaments, or in ulceration of the articular extremities of the bones. In the treatment, the part should be constantly enveloped with cold wet cloths, covered with dry, and frequently renewed. This practice should be continued so long as there is preter- natural heat in the part, after which gentle showering or douching, followed by gentle friction, should be persevered in until the restoration is complete. The general system must be treated according to its condition—all the processes of puri- fication and invigoration practicable being resorted to. The diet should be strictly vegetarian, largely frugivorous, and milk, butter and cheese rigidly prohibited. A daily tepid ablution, with the wet-sheet pack once a week, will usuaUy be all that is required in the way of general bathing. Hydrocephalus.—See Hydrocephalus Internus. Hydroemia.—Anaemia, which see. Hydrocele.—Dropsy of the Scrotum. A collection of se- rous fluid in the areolar texture of the scrotum, or in some of the coverings of the testicle or spermatic chord. The coUec- tion most frequently occurs in the envelope of the testicle, the tunica vayinalis testis. It may be distinguished from sar- coma or other tumors by its semi-transparency, and by tho - oblong shape of the tumor; also by its being greater below than above. In the incipient or early stage it can often be removed by means of persevering friction and the fountain or spray bath, and one or two sitz-baths—70° to 80°—daily, in connection with an abstemious dietary, and such general bathing as the general health requires. But if these measures fail, the radical cure consists in puncturing the tumor with a trocar, evacuating the water, and injecting through the Cam- illa of the trocar, some irritating substance to excite adhe- sive inflammation. Wine, dtiuted alcohol, solution of sul- Hyd. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 171 phate of zinc, and the tincture of iodine have been employed successfully. The latter is perhaps the most convenient and efficacious. Hydrocephalus.—Water in the Head ; Dropsy of the Brain. Medical authors distinguish it into Chronic, External, and Inter- nal, or Acute. Chronic Hydrocephalus is often congenital, and generaUy fatal. The fluid graduaUy accumulates in the cav- ities of the brain, distending the organ and separating the su- tures. It is one of the numerous manifestations of scrofula, and little can be done in the way of medication, except keep- ing the head cool, the feet warm, the bowels free, the skin open by means of tepid ablutions and gentle friction. Exter- nal Hydrocephalus is a mere infiltration into the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the cranium, and may easily be removed by cold applications. Internal Hydrocephalus is a misnomer. The disease so caUed consists in scrofulous inflammation of the membranes of the brain, and has been caUed Tubercular Men- ingitis. The first symptoms are, feverishness with headache, intolerance of tight and sound, and delirium; these are suc- ceeded, in the second stage, by moaning, dilated pupil, squint- ing, starting, and crying out as if in distress; in the third or last stage the chtid is comatose or stupid, and affected more or less with paralysis and convulsions. The progress of the dis- ease is rapid, and usuaUy terminates in death in from three days to three weeks. Treatment can seldom avail, except when commenced with in the first stage. The whole surface should be frequently sponged with tepid water, so as to keep the heat down to the normal standard ; a cold wet cloth must be kept on the head, and very frequently changed, so long as the local heat is pre- ternatural ; the temperature of the room must be kept at aU times mild and uniform, and ventilation carefuUy attended to. Hydroderma.—Anasarca. Hydro^iania.—A term apptied to Pellagra, in which the patient feels a strong propensity to drown himself. Hydrometra.—Hydrops Uteri, Dropsy of the Womb. A 172 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Hyd rare disease, and doubted altogether by some authors. The symptoms are said to be, a circumscribed protuberance of tho hypogastrium, with obscure fluctuation, progressively enlarg- ing, without ischury or pregnancy. Hydrophobia.—Rabies, Canine Madness. This disease may be developed in animals by whatever overheats and inflames the blood, and befouls the secretions and excretions; after which it may be communicated to other animals or persons through the media of the saliva and bronchial mucus. The chief symptoms are, sense of dryness and constriction in the throat; excessive thirst; difficult deglutition; aversion for and horror at the sight of briltiant objects, and of liquids ; flushed face; great irritability; frothy saliva; grinding of the teeth, etc. Though tho virus may remain for months in the system before the disease is manifest, the patient seldom lives more than four or five days after its commencement. So far as we can learn from the testimony of medical books and journals, the malady has been uniformly fatal under drug treatment. Cases of recovery, however, are given in which patients have recovered when no drugs of any kind were administered. The direct indication is to favor the elimination of the poison in aU possible ways, and soothe the nervous irritation as much as possible. The warm-bath followed by the tepid ablution, the prolonged tepid half-bath, or the wet-sheet pack, when the patient can be controlled, are the best of the bathing processes. Pieces of ice can often be taken with comfort and benefit when water cannot be swallowed without exciting distressing spasms. Preventive measures should always be resorted to, when practicable. The bitten part should be excised or cauterized. Any drug capable of immediately disorganizing the injured part, so as to prevent the absorption of the virus, wiU be effi- cient ; but the more potent the application the better. Nitric acid, caustic potash, quick lime, ammonia, etc., have been employed successfuUy. Hydropthalmia.—Dropsy of the Eye. An affection caused by an abnormal quantity of the aqueous or vitreous humor, or Hyp. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 173 of both. ChUdren are most subject to it. It is usually con- nected with a scrofulous diathesis, and almost invariably pre- ceded by constipated bowels. The most important part of the remedial plan is a correct dietary. Hydrops.—Dropsy. An abnormal collection of a serous fluid, in the areolar tissue, or in any cavity of the body. When the areolar tissue of the whole body is more or less fiUed with fluid, the affection is termed Anasarca, or LeucopTdegmatia; and when this variety is local or partial it is called (Edema. When the fluid is enclosed in a sac or cyst, the disease is termed Encysted Dropsy. As the action of the skin and kidneys is de- fective in aU forms of dropsical affections, the direct indication in all cases is to restore the functions of those organs. The treatment applicable to the various forms, of dropsy is men- tioned under their respective heads. Hydrorachis.—Dropsy of the spine ; Spina Bifida. An effusion of serum, forming a soft, frequently transparent tumor, constituted of the membranes of the spinal marrow. When the affection is congenital the posterior waUs of the vertebral canal are wanting to a certain extent, from which point the tumor projects backwards. It is seldom or never curable. Hydrothobax.—Dropsy of the Chest. Idiopathic hydro- thorax is extremely rare. When symptomatic, it indicates extreme obstruction or exhaustion, and is, hence, in a great majority of cases, incurable. We have, however, cured a few cases in their early stages. Short breath, frequent smaU pulse, sense of weight or oppression in the chest, and sweUing of the lower extremities, are the principal symptoms. Tepid ablu- tions with gentle but thorough and persevering friction to the whole surface, and a spare, plain dietary, are the essentials of the treatment. Milk and sugar must be abstained from, and every article of food should be solid, dry, and well masticated. Hydruresis.—See Diabetes. Hyperacusis.—Morbid sensibility of the organ of hearing. It exists in many forms of'fever. 174 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Hys. Hyperemia.—Local Congestion. Preternatural determina- tion of blood to a part. Hyperaphia.—Excessive Acuteness of Touch. Hyperaphrodisia.—Inordinate Venereal Passion. Hypercardia.—Hypertrophy of the Heart. Hypercatharsis.—Excessive Purgation. Hyperemesis.—Excessive Vomiting after an Emetic. Hypersarcoma.—Fungosity on Ulcerated Parts. Hyperstemia.—The Entonic Diathesis, Inflammatory Fever. Hypertonia.—This is defined in the medical dictionaries to be, "excessive tone in parts;" but such a condition cannot exist. We might as well talk of excessive health. It means active inflammation, or a vigorous determination of blood to the part—the opposite of passive inflammation, or atony. Hypertrophy.—Abdominal Increase of Bulk. Hypnotism.—Somnambulism, Animal Magnetism. Hypochondriasis.—Hypo, Spleen, Vapors, Low Spirits. A condition of dysyepsia or liver complaint, in which the patient is constantly troubled on the subject of his health, with a con- tinual succession of uneasy feelings and mental illusions. Some authors locate the seat of this malady in the brain, but I think it will always be found in the digestive apparatus. In man- aging this class of invaUds occupation is of much importance. Hyponomas.—A deep fistula or ulcer. Hyponychon.—Effusion of blood under a nati. Hypopyon.—Pyosis; Abscesses of the Eye. Small abscesses between the layers of the cornea ; also collections of purulent matter in the chambers of the eye. Subdue the pain and morbid heat with cold applications, and then, if necessary, puncture the cornea and evacuate the pus. Hypersarcosis.—A Wart. Hysteralgia.—Irritable Uterus; Pain in the Uterus, Uter- ine Neuralgia. It is a frequent accompaniment of dysmenor- rhcea and chronic inflammation. Ict. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 175 Hysteria.—It occurs in paroxysms of alternate fits of laughing and crying, with a sensation (Globus Hystericus) as if a ball ascended to the neck, producing a feeling of strangu- lation. It is not confined to the female, for irritable, nervous men are occasionally the subjects of it. It is often connected with menstrual disorder. The paroxysm may be relieved by cold applications to the head and face, warm applications to the feet, and abdominal fomentations. To prevent a re- currence of the fits, it is necessary to restore the general health. The remedial plan should embrace the utmost tran- quillity of mind and body, and, if practicable, agreeable occu- pation or rtmusements. Hysterocele.—Hernia of the Womb. A rare disease; but the uterus may protrude through the lower part of the tinea alba, or through the inguinal or the crural canal. Hysteromania.—See Nymphomania. Hystriciasis.—A morbid condition, in which the hairs stand erect, tike the quills of the porcupine. Ichor.—Sanies, Foul Pus, Virus, Sordes. A thin, acrid, watery discharge from foul ulcers. Ichthyosis.—Fish-skin, Porcupine Disease. A dry, scaly, and, in some cases, almost horny texture of the skin. Obstruc- tion of the cutaneous pores, and foulness of blood, are the causes, and bathing, friction, and a pure dietary, are the rem- edies. Icthyosis Pellagra.—See PeUagra. Icthyosis Sebacea.—An incrustation of a concrete substance upon the surface of the epidermis. Icteric Fever.—See Fever, Icteric. Icterus.—BUious Dyscrasy, Yellows, Jaundice. This af- fection is characterized by yeUowness of the skin and eyes, light-colored feces, and high-colored urine. Its immediate cause is torpidity of the liver. A tepid ablution daily, the wet- sheet pack weekly, the wret-girdle a part of each day, when the external temperature is sufficient, and one or two hip-baths 176 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ile. daily, are the proper bathing appliances. Abdominal man. ipulations are often indispensable; the dietary can scarcely be too plain. Hydro-Electrical baths are adapted to low states of the circulation. Milk, grease, and fine flour should be ab- stained from, and the patient should carefully avoid drinking hard water. Icterus Albus.—Chlorosis. Icterus Infantum.—Yellow Gum, Jaundice of Infants. Icterus Melas.—Melsena, Black Jaundice. Icterus Saturninus.—Jaundice occasioned by lead poisoning. Ictus.—A Stroke or Blow. See Coup de Soleil. • Idiopathia.—A Primary Disease. Idiosyncrasy.—A peculiarity of constitution, in which one person is affected very differently from the majority by certain agents and influences. Thus, some persons faint at the sight of blood; others cannot bear milk, butter, or cheese, sheU-fish, etc., without disgust, distress, or sickness. Idiotism.—Fatuity. It is often congenital, but may super- vene on mania, melancholy, and other maladies. Many chil- dren are born hopelessly demented or imbecile, because one or both parents were in a debauched, drunken, morbid, ex- hausted, feverish, or inflammatory condition at the time of conception. Excessive bleeding has occasionaUy reduced adults to perpetual idiotism. Ignis.—Fire. Ignis Calidus.—Acute Passive Inflammation about to de- generate into gangrene. Ignis Frigidus.—A Cold Fire. See Sphacelus. Ignis Persicus.—Erysipelas. Ignis Sacer.—Herpes, Erysipelas. Ignis Sylvaticus.—Crusta Lactea of Infants. Ileitis.—Inflammation of the Ileum. See Enteritis. Ileo-Cholosis.—Bilious Diarrhoea. Ileo-Colitis.—See Enteritis. Inc. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 177 Ileus.—Iliac Passion; Spasmodic Cotic. See Cotic, Con- vulsive. Illegitimate, or Bastard.—This term is appUed to fevers and inflammations whose paroxysms are extraordinary or anomalous. Illosis.—Strabismus. Illusion.—Hallucination. Imperforation.—Absence of a natural aperture, as of the mouth, anus, vulva, nostrils, etc. Impetigo.—Running Scall or Tetter. This term is applied to a variety of cutaneous diseases, and to some forms of ca- chexia. See Psoriasis. Imposthume.—Abscess. Impotence.—Impuissance. Loss of power over one or more members; usuaUy applied to the sexual organs. When the constitutional vigor is exhausted there is, of course, no remedy. In other cases all that is required, and all that can be done, is to restore the general health. The stimulants and excitants advertised by the quacks, as Essences of Life, Rejuvenators, Invigorators, etc., etc., are only intended to rob the unfortu- nate and despairing. They injure all and cure none. Impoverished.—Poor Blood. The idea that preparations of iron, arsenic, cod-liver oil, blood-gravy, alcoholic liquors, etc., can enrich poor, or rectify impure blood, is one of the most preposterously absurd fantasies that ever possessed the minds of intelligent beings. Good food, fresh air, pure water, and proper exercise are the only " blood-foods " that nature owns or blesses. Impuissance.—See Impotence. Inanition.—Exhaustion for want of nourishment. The feverishness which attends starvation or innutrition has been called the " Hectic of inanition." Incarceration.—A condition in hernia in which the sac is constricted about its neck, so that it cannot be returned to its 8* 178 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Inf. place without difficulty. The term is sometimes used in the sense of strangulation. Incarnation.—Growth of -flesh, or granulations. Incubation.—In pathology, this term is applied to the pe- riod which elapses between the introduction of a morbific agent and the manifestation of the consequent disease, as in small-pox, measles, rabies, etc. Incubus.—Nightmare. This affection is almost always caused by indigestion, or an overloaded stomach. It consists in a sensation of distressing weight at the epigastrium during sleep, without the power to move, speak or breathe—the pa- tient at length awakening in terror. Avoid the causes. Incubus Vigilantium.—Daymare. A sense of pressure over the abdomen, with frequent and laborious respiration, occur- ring during wakefulness. Indication.—In nosology, a symptom ; in pathology, the direct object to be accomplished by remedial measures. Thus, in apoplexy the indication is, to determine the blood from the brain; in cholera, to determine circulation to the skin. Indigestion.—See Dyspepsia. Indisposition.—Any slight sickness. Indolent.—An epithet apptied to painless and inactive tu- mors and ulcers. Induration.—Hardness of tissue, the result of inflammation. Inebriation.—Intoxication, Temulentia. There are all de- grees of this affection, from a slight f addlement—exhilaration —to the apoplectic stupor or dead-drunkenness. The treat- ment is the same as for apoplexy. The remedy is " teetotalism." Inesis, Inethmos.—Cenosis. Infantile Fever.—See Fever, Infantile Remittent. Infectious Diseases.—Diseases which are caused by the ap- plication or ingeneration of some animal venom or virus, as syphilis, hydrophobia, etc. The term infection is often employed synonymously with contagion, but this strictly applies to for- Inf. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 179 mites, malaria, and other "morbid poisons" which are com- municated through the medium of the atmosphere. Infiltration.—Effusion. Accumulation of any fluid in the areolar tissue. Infirmity.—Any morbid condition ; in contradistinction to morbid action, which constitutes the essence of disease. Inflammation.—The diagnostic symptoms of inflammation are, heat, pain, redness, and swelling; add to these fever and we have Visceral Inflammation, as cephalitis, pneumonitis, gas- tritis, etc The fever accompanying visceral inflammations may be entonic or atonic, inflammatory or typhoid, as in sim- ple fevers. The fever, it should be understood, is a part of the disease, and not symptomatic, as the books have it. End- less confusion in pathology and therapeutics, and not a little of the fatal practice extant are the results of this error. For example, in typhoid pneumonia, medical authors cannot agree whether the fever, (which is of the typhus or typhoid form) or whether the inflammation of the lungs, is the primary disease. Neither is true. Both the local and the constitutional affec- tion are parts of one and the same disease. When the consti- tutional affection is atonic fever the local affection will be erysip- elatous, erythematic, asthenic, adynamic, passive, etc, inflammation; and when the constitutional effection is entonic fever, the local affection will be phlegmonous or adhesive inflammation, and vice versa. A world of confusion would be prevented, and an aw- ful extent of malpractice would be obviated, if this distinction would be recognized by the profession. As it is, those physi- cians who regard the inflammation as primary and the fever as secondary, direct the strength of their treatment to the re- duction of the inflammation, by bleeding, leeching, blistering, narcotics, and antiphlogistics, though these measures confes- sedly increase the constitutional debility, and aggravate the typhoid state. And on the other hand, those who regard the fever as primary and the inflammation as secondary, pursue the opposite practice—opium, alcohol, spirits nitre, turpentine, etc.—though injurious to the state of the lungs. Both prac- 180 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Inf. tices are wrong, as both theories are erroneous. For several centuries the medical profession has been debating the ques- tion, whether inflammation is an increased or a decreased action of the parts ; and they are no nearer a solution of the problem now than when the discussion was commenced. It is neither. It is simply irregular, abnormal action. It is morbid action as is a fever, or any other disease, properly so called. It is inflam- mation when there is disproportionate accumulation of blood (congestion) in some part, attended with heat, redness, pain, and swelling. When the morbid action (remedial effort) dis- turbs the whole organism, without the existence of the above local condition, the disease is fever. " In some visceral inflam- mations the fever may be entonic or atonic, as pneumonitis, gastritis, enteritis, etc., and in others it is always atonic, aa diptheria, croup, influenza, dysentery, etc. The type of the fever of visceral inflammation is always continued. Chronic Inflammation is always characterized by the absence of fever at the outset, as in consumption, hip-disease, dyspepsia, etc, and when fever supervenes in the course of the disease, it is of the remittent type, and is termed hectic. The notion that the type and diathesis of the inflammation depend on the particular tissue which is the seat of it, is among the numerous and un- fortunate errors of the medical profession; and not only unfor- tunate but disastrous, for it has been the death of millions of the human race. They depend solely on the condition of the patient, whether gross, feeble, or vigorous, as I have explained under the head of fever. Inflammation, Bowels, of the.—See Enteritis. Inflammation, Brain, of the.—See Cephalitis. Inflammation, Ear, of the.—See Otitis. Inflammation, Eye, of the.—Se Opthalmitis. Inflammation, Heart, of the.—See Carditis. Inflammation, Kidneys, of the.—See Nephritis. Imflammation, Larynx, of the.—See Laryngitis. Inflammation, Liver, of the.— See Hepatitis. Inflammation, Lungs, of the.—See Pneumonitis. Int. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 181 Inflammation, Peritoneum, of the.—See Peritonitis. Inflammation, Pleura, of the.—See Pleuritis. Inflammation, Spleen, of the.—See Spenitis. Inflammation, Stomach, of the.—See Gastritis. Inflammation, Testes, of the.—See Orchitis. Inflammation, Throat, of the.—See Stomatitis. Inflammation, Tonsils, of the,—See Tonsillitis. Inflammation, Vagina, of the.—See Vaginitis. Inflammation, Uterus, of the.—See Metritis. Influenza.—Epidemic Catarrh. An inflammatory affection involving the mucous membrane of the nose and windpipe and its bronchial ramifications. It usuaUy occurs epidemic- ally, and often extends over a large area of territory. The fever is of the low or typhoid character, attended with sweat- ing, sometimes profuse, and the chief local symptoms are cough, thirst, watery eyes, and great sense of oppression in the chest. The debility is often extreme, though the disease, aside from bad medication, is one of tittle or no danger. Insanity.—Unsound Mind, Deranged Intellect, Delirium, Mania. The term is generic and includes all varieties of mental alienation. Insensibility.—Anaesthesia. Loss or absence of Feeling. Insomnia.—Morbid VigUance, Sleeplessness. It indicates determination to the brain, or some disturbing influence within or without. It is a frequent symptom in fevers, and is often one of the most troublesome complications of dyspeptics. Intemperance.—Usually applied to the immoderate and habitual use of intoxicating drinks, but equaUy appticable to excessive alimentation. Gluttony is, throughout the civilized world, as great an evil as intemperance ; indeed, improper dietetic habits are the chief causes of that morbid appetite which leads to the use of alcoholic beverages. Intermission.—The interval between two paroxysms of in- termittent fever. The pulse is said to intermit when one or 182 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. more beats is wanting in a given number—a state of pulse very common with dyspeptics. Intermittent Fever.—See Fever, Intermittent. Intertrigo.—Chafing, Fret, Erosions of the Skin. Red excoriations which occur in consequence of the friction of parts. Washing* the part frequently with cold water and dusting it with flour or hair-powder will readily cure them, if the gen- eral health is duly attended to. Intoxication.—Tho disturbance of the bodily and mental functions occasioned by the use of alcoholic liquors. Opium, tobacco, tea, coffee, and many other articles induce various forms and degrees of intoxication. Intumescence.—Swelling, Tumefaction ; Augmentation of size in a part. Intussusception.—The introduction of one part of the intes- tinal tube into another. In most cases it is the upper portion of the small intestine which is intussuscepted. See Colic, Convulsive. Iodinism.—When Iodine has been given in large doses, or long continued, it often occasions an exhausting colliquative diarrhoea, with rapid emaciation and death. In many cases the male testes, and in others thefemale breasts, are almost entirely absorbed. Ionthus.—Violent eruption, Varus. A tubercular tumor of the face. Iritis.—Inflammation of the Iris. With the usual symp- toms of inflammation there are tooth-like processes projecting into the pupil, while this is irregularly contracted. For treat- ment, see Opthalntitis. Irritation.—Erythisnus. Morbid circulation and sensibil- ity, without the diagnostic symptoms of inflammation. Irritative Fever.—General Irritation. Ischiocele.—Ischiatic Hernia. Ischuria.—Stoppage of Urine. Inability to discharge the urine. It is apptied both to the suppression of the excretion Kin. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 18'd and to its accumulation in the bladder. When the urine is retained, if alternate hot and cold applications do not succeed in exciting the expulsive action of the bladder, the catheter must be employed. The necessity for this process may be known by the hard, painful, and increasing tumefaction at the lower part of the abdomen. When the excretion does not take place, the remedy consists in restoring the action of the kidneys. Isthmitis.—Inflammation of the Fauces. Gurgling with cold water, holding ice in the mouth, and the application of a cold wet cloth around the throat, are the local appliances. Itch.—Psora, Scabies, Scratch. A variety of cutaneous eruptions are called itch, as Cow-pox, Psoriasis, Bakers' Itch, Sycosis, Barbers' Itch, etc. But the real itch is produced by an insect of the genus acarus, which burrows under the skin, exciting inflammation with intolerable itching. Various poisons, as mercurial preparations, sulphur, iodine, turpentine, hellebore, and tobacco, will destroy it; but we have never yet failed with thorough ablution and persevering friction. See Psoria. Itis.—A suffix denoting inflammation. Jactation.—Extreme Anxiety, or Excessive Restlessness. A symptom of many serious diseases. Jaundice.—Icterus, which see. Jaw Disease.—Ulceration of the Lower-Jaw, by Phos- phorus. Those who are exposed to its fumes in the manu- facture of lucifer and congreve matches are subject to it. Jecoris Vomica.—See Hepatitis. Jejunitis.—Inflammation of the. Jejunum. See Enteritis. Jerks.—See Mania, Dancing. Jigger.—See Chique. Jingle Fever.—A Remittent of India. Kincough, Kindcough.—See Pertussis. King's Evil.—Scrofula. 181 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Lar. Kink in tue Head.—Insanity. Kirrhonosis, Kirrhosis.—Cirrhosis. Kleptomania, Klopemania. — Insanity with a propensity to steal. Knee Scab.—Crusta genu equina). Kyanosis.—Cyanopathy. Kyllosis. — Congenital Distortion of the Foot. Tatipes, Clubfoot. Kysthitis.—See Vaginitis. Laborious.—Parturition and Respiration are said to be laborious when performed with great difficulty. Laceration.—Rupture, Dilaceration. Breach made by tearing and rending. Lagophthalmia.—Hare's Eye. A retraction of the upper eyelid so that it does not cover the globe of the eye" during sleep. Lancinating.—Shooting or darting pains, as in cancers, are so termed. Langor.—Sense of Weariness. Lardaceous.—Alterations of the textures so that they re- semble lard in aspect and consistency. Laryngismus Stridulus.—Asthma Thymicum, Spasmodic Quinsy, Spasm of the Glottis, Child-Crowing, Spasmodic Croup, Spurious Croup. A disease, mostly of infants, characterized by intervals of suspended respiration, great difficulty of breathing, especiaUy on swaUowing or crying, and frequently ending in a fit of suffocation with convulsions. It is a spasmodic affec- tion of the respiratory and articulating muscles, induced by some irritating agent, or by obstruction in tho aUmentary canal. Fomentations to the abdomen, warm foot-baths, and cold applications to the head and neck, are the remedies. Laryngitis.—Inflammation of the Larynx. The symptoms resemble those of croup, but may be distinguished by the ab- sence of the sonorous inspiration, and by pain upon pressing the larynx. Cold and wet cloths around the throat, bits of Leu. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 185 ice held in tho mouth, or frequent sips of iced-water, with such attention to general bathing as the febrile symptoms de- mand, wiU speedily reduce it. Chronic Laryngitis is a form of consumption, which see. Lax.—Diarrhoea. Lead Poisoning.—Molybdosis, Morbus Plumbeus. See Cotic, Metallic. Leaping Ague.—See Mania, Dancing. Lepidosarcoma.—A fleshy tumor covered with scales. Lepidosis.—Scaly diseases. Lepidosis Ichthyiasis.—Horny Excrescences. Lepra.—Leprosy. The varieties of this disease are very numerous, as White, Black, Common, etc., each comprehending several sub-varieties. The leprosy of the Jews consisted of shining patches, on which the hair turned white and silky, the skin losing its sensibiUty. It was incurable. The leprosy of the Arabs was a form of Elephantiasis. That of the Greeks is characterized by scaly patches of different sizes and of a circular form. Lepra is endemic in Egypt, in Java, and in certain parts of Norway and Sweden. All varieties of this disease are but the outside manifestations of foul blood and exhausted nerves, and tell the story of gross diet, inattention to personal cleanliness, or dissipation in some of its multitu- dinous forms. I have seen several marked cases of leprosy in this city, and at " Hygeian Home," the result of accumulated acrid and putrescent bUious matter in the system. Tepid ablutions, with as much exercise in the open air as the patient can take short of great fatigue, and a simple, ab- stemious, vegetarian dietary, constitute the remedial plan. Lesion.—Disorder, Derangement. Any morbid structural or functional change. Lethargy.—A state of stupor from which it is impossible to arouse the patient, except momentarUy. It is always a symptomatic affection. Leucemia.—Deficiency of coloring matter of the blood. 186 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Lie. Leucocythemia.— Superabundance of white corpuscles in the blood; a condition said to be accompanied with enlarge- ment of the spleen, liver, and lymphatic glands, Leucoma.—Leucosis, Albugo, Ephelotes. Opacity of tho cornea. Leuconecrosis.—A form of dry Gangrene. Leucophlegmasia.—A dropsical habit. General Dropsy. Leucorrhce.v.—Fluor Albus, Whites, Uterine Catarrh, Vag- initis. An excretion of white, yellowish, or greenish mucus from the lining membrane of the female genital organs. It is a result of inflammation. It is attended with pain, heat, a sense of weight or heaviness in the loins, and when severe, with a sense of burning or scalding in urinating. It may be important in some cases to know that the female who has leu- corrhcea with a very acrid discharge, may communicate to the male, in the act of copulation, a similar morbid condition. This has been sometimes mistaken for that form of venereal disease called gonorrhoea. Of the many causes of this very common malady, none is so general and so efficient as consti- pation of the bowels ; and hence nothing in the plan of med- ication can bo more indispensable than a strict dietary. Milk, grease, and condiments of aU kinds should be rigidly abstained from, and fine flour, starchy preparations, puddings, etc., should be avoided. Tepid hip-baths, the wet-girdle, and vag- inal injections, the temperature and frequency being deter- mined more or less by the temperature and debility of the patient, are the special " hydropathic " apptiances. Fresh air and moderate exercise are not to be overlooked; and when constipation is very considerable, or the abdominal muscles greatly relaxed, manipulations, or the Swedish Movements, are excellent auxilliaries. Leucorrhcea is often connected with prolapsus, or other dis- placements of the uterus, and this condition must be duly re- garded in directing the exercises and manipulations. Lichen.—Scabies Sicca, Exormia. A general term includ- ing several species of cutaneous affections, among which are Loc. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 187 Prickly Heat, Summer Rash, Nettle Rash, etc Tepid ablutions, and a spare, simple dietary, are all the treatment they require. Lientery.—Laxness of the Bowels, Dyspeptic Diarrhoea. Frequent liquid evacuations, the food only partially digested. Treat the dyspeptic condition. Limoctonia.—Starvation ; Suicide by Hunger. Limosis.—Stomach Disease ; Indigestion. Liparocele.—Fatty Tumor of the Scrotum. Lipoma.—A Fatty Tumor. Liposis.—See Polysarcia. Lippitudo.—Blear-Eye, Gleme, Lema, Gramia. A gummy state of the eyelids from a copious excretion of the sebaceous follicles, the result of chronic inflammation. Lithia, Lithiasis.—Calculous cachexia. The formation of calculous concretions, gravel, or stone in the human body. The term is also applied to an affection of the eyelids in which small, hard, stone-like concretions form on their edges. Liver Disease.—See Jaundice, Hepatitis, and Cirrhosis. Liver-Grown.—Chronic enlargement of the organ. Liver, Hob-Nail.—Cirrhosis of the organ. Lives, Nutmeg.—Tuberculation of the liver; the effect of intemperance. The terms, gin-liver, gin-drinkers' liver, and whisky-liver, are also apptied to this condition. Liver Spot.—Chloasma, Cirrhosis. Lochia.—The Cleanings. The serous and sanguineous dis- charge which follows delivery. When this discharge is sud- denly suppressed by cold or other causes, there is difficult breathing, headache, or " rush of blood" to the head, and often delirium. " It should be promptly restored by means of warm hip-baths, fomentations to the abdomen, hot foot-baths, etc. Lochiorrhagia.—Excessive Lochial Discharge. Cold ap- plications to the abdomen, cool vaginal injections, and enemas of cold water wtil check it. 188 Hand-Book of Hygienic Pkactice. Lyc Locked-Jaw.—See Tetanus. Lcemia.—Plague. Lcemocholosis.—YeUow Fever. Looseness.—Diarrhoea. Low Spirits.—Hypochondriasis. Lucomania.—Lycanthropia. Lues.—Disease, Plague, Syphitis. Lumbago.—Rheumatism of the Lumbar Region, Stitch in the Back. A spasmodic affection of the muscles of the loins, attended with pain, and often inability to walk. Fomenta- tions wiU retieve the pain, after which the paroxysms are to be prevented by restoring the general health. Lumbar Abscess.—Psoas Abscess. An apostema or abscess in the lumbar region. The suppuration is often profuse, and attended with severe and exhausting hectic. In the eariy stage, the inflamed part should be kept constantly covered with cold wet cloths very frequently renewed, and the whole surface bathed once or twice a day with tepid water, or, if the superficial temperature is considerable, the wet-sheet pack should be employed datiy. The dietary must be exceed- ingly abstemious. Lunatic—Moonstruck. One who has lost the use of his reasoning powers. Lunatismus.—Somnambulism, Lung Fever.—See Pneumonitis. Lupus.—Tubercular Ulcer. Noli me Tangere. Tubercular Excrescences about the nose, with ragged, spreading ulcera- tions. Sometimes they appear in the cheek where they de- stroy the part deeply. The disorganized mass should be at once destroyed with caustic. Luxation.—Dislocation; Displacement of a part from its normal position; putting out of joint. Lycanthe.—Hydrophobia, Dry Choak, Wolf Choak. Lycanthropia.—A variety of melanholy in which the per- son believes himself changed into a wolf. Mal. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 189 Lymphadenitis.—Inflammation of a gland. L ys s a . —Hydrophobia. Macies.—Atrophy, Emaciation. Macula.—A spot. Permanent Discoloration of the Skin. Mad.—Insane. Madarosis.—Loss of the Hair. Depilitation. Madness, Canine.—Hydrophobia. Mador.—A cold sweat. A symptom in low fevers, and various conditions of exhaustion. Maggot Pimtle.—See Acne. Mal Des Ardens.—A malignant Erysipelas which pre- vailed epidemicaUy in France in 1130. Mal De Crimee.—A kind of Leprosy in the Crimea. Mal Del Sole.—Pellagra. Malacia.—Depravation of taste. General loathing of food with an exclusive longing for some particular article. It affects some pregnant women, and is a symptom in several nervous and dyspeptic affections. Whether the appetite should be restrained or indulged, depends entirely on the na- ture of the article craved. Malady.—Disease, Sickness. Malady, English.—Hypochondriasis. Malaise.—Indisposition. Malaria,—Miasm. Malassimilation.—Imperfect or Morbid Nutrition. Malignant.—Applied to any very dangerous disease. Malvernmania.—I introduce this mad technicality for the purpose of quoting an instructive paragraph from Dunglison's Medical Dictionary, page 565: "Malvern, Waters of.—The village of Great Malvern, (pronounced Maw-vern,) in Worcestershire, England, has for many years been celebrated for a spring of remarkable purity, which has acquired the name of the Holy well. It is a car- bonated water, containing carbonates of soda and iron, sul- 190 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Man. phate of soda, and chloride of sodium; and is chiefly used externaUy in cutaneous affections." How can water be "remarkably pure" when it is strongly impregnated with half-a-dozen impurities surpasses my com- prehension altogether. Nor is the puzzle at all unpuzzled when the same author informs us on page 912 that, water is composed of eight parts by weight of oxygen, and one of hydrogen. If pure water consists of oxygen and hydrogen, how much purer does the addition or admixture of such drugs as soda, iron, sulphur, and salt, make it? Mamapian.—A malignant erosive ulcer. Mammary Abscess.—Mastodynia Apostematosa, Mastitis. Milk Abscess.—Phlegmonous inflammation of the heart, usually incident to the lying-in period. It requires cold local applications in the outset, with tepid ablutions for the gen- eral feverishness. Should the disease progress to suppuration, indicated by a sense of extreme tension and throbbing pain, a bread-and-milk or elm flour poultice should be applied; and when pus has actually formed, the abscess should be opened with a lancet. Mange. —Itch of Animals. A cutaneous disease to which aU domesticated animals are liable, and which especially af- fects the horse, cow, sheep and dog. Uncleanliness is the obvious cause, and I need hardly add that cleanliness is the remedy. Too many of our farmers allow their animals to stand over and sleep on their own accumulated excrement, which poisons them all through, and sickens or vitiates those who eat their flesh, drink their milk, or inhale their breath, to say nothing of typhoid fevers, malignant erysipelas, putrid sore throat, diptheria, and contagious diseases generally, which their owners and neighbors are liable to from such filthy associations. Mania.—Terror, Madness, Insanity, Delirium. The term is commonly restricted to furious or raving insanity. Dungliscn says "Mania attacks adults chiefly; and women more frequently than men " Such expressions exhibit in a striking light the Mas. Hand-Book of Hygienic Peactice. 191 absurd notions which are entertained of the nature of diseases. Maladies of all kinds, mental as well as bodily, are regarded and treated as entities; as something extraneous to the living organism, and acting upon it, or as the phrase is "attacking" it. When this false dogma—this mania of the medical pro- fession is exploded, and disease is understood to be the action of the living system itself, there will be a revolution in medical Bcience, and a reform in the healing art. Many cases of mania are immediately caused by constipation, bad blood, and their consequences, congestion of, or "rush of blood" to the brain, and are curable by the appropriate hygienic appliances. When dependant on dissipation, nervous exhaustion, or organic lesions, the asylum is the proper place for the patient. Mania, Dancing. — Dancing Plague, St. John's Dance, Tarantism, St. Vitus's Dance. A convulsive malady, which prevailed epidemically, in various parts of Europe during the middle ages, and more or less connected with retigious excite- ments. Simtiar affections have been manifested in various parts of the United States. When one or more persons are exercised in this manner, the malady is easily propagated sym- pathetically. Proper restraint, and a sufficiency of the "Hun- ger-Cure," will prove infallible as remedies. Mania, Epileptic—Epilepsy. Mania a Potu.—Delirium Tremens. Mania, Puerperal.—Insanity during childbed. Marasmus.—Atrophy, Emaciation. Wasting of the body without fever or inflammation. It is really a- form of indi- gestion. The term is usuaUy appUed to dyspeptic infants or children. Marasmus Senilis.—Atrophy of the aged. Marasmus Tabes.—Tabes Dorsalis. Atrophy from sexual abuse. Mastitis.—Inflammation of the Breast. See Mammary Abscess. Mastodynia.—Mastalgia. Neuralgia of the Breast. The term is sometimes applied also to Mammary Abscess. 192 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Mel. Mastoncus.—A Tumor of the Breast or Nipple. Mastorrhagia.—Excessive Flow of Milk. Cold applica- tions and a dry diet are the remedies. Masturbation.—Self Pollution; Onanism. Materia Medica,—A term applied to the sum total of the materials employed as medicines. I predict that before many years have elapsed, the phrase, Materia Morbus, will be sub- stituted. Maturation.—Progression of an abscess to suppuration. Measles.—See Rubeola. Megrim.—Hemicrania, Melene.—Black Jaundice. A term appUed to the vomit- ing and purging of black matter. It is also sometimes ap- ptied to hemorrhage from the bowels. Melancholy.—Lypemania, Ecphronia. Mental alienation characterized by mistrust, depression, and gloom. Thick blood, torpid liver, constipated bowels, Eervous exhaustion, etc, are the common causes. Prolonged religious or other mental excitement, and intense mental occupation, are pre- disposing causes. Melancholy, Erotic—Erotomania. Melancholy or mono- mania occasioned by restrained sexual passion. Melanosis.—Black Tubercle, Black Cancer, Fungus Mel- anodes. Conversion of the tissue into a black, hard, homo- geneous substance, near which cavities and ulcers form. This morbific change is owing to the deposit of tuberculous matter; and the deposit is owing to retained effete and un- assimilable chylous or nutrient matter. It is met with in the lungs, Uver, areolar tissue, and other parts. It is to be treated as a cachexy, and this means that all possible proces- ses of purification and invigoration should be resorted to. Melasma.—See Ecchymoma. Meliceris.—An encysted tumor filled with a substance of the consistency of honey. It requires excision. Melius.—Inflammation of tho Chcok. Men. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 193 Meloemia.—Putrescent state of the Blood. Membrane, False.—The concreted fibrinous excretion which exudes on membraneous surfaces, as in Croup, Diptheria, Dysmenorrhcea, Catarrh of the Bladder, Tubercular Diarrhoea, etc. A similar exudation sometimes takes place on ulcerated surfaces. Meningitis. — Meningiitis. Inflammation of the menin- ges or membranes, usuaUy applied to those of the brain and spinal cord. The distinction which authors make between inflammation of the substance or parenchyma of an organ, and its investing coat or membrane, is neither useful nor practical. Both are more or less involved in the disease, and the treatment is precisely the same whether one or both are affected, or in whatever degree they are relatively disordered. Meningo-Cephalitis.—Inflammation of the brain and its membranes. See Cephalitis. Menorrhagia.—Excessive loss of blood at the menstrual periods. The term is often employed synonymously with uterine hemorrhage. Its essential causes are laxity and ob- struction. The hemorrhage should be arrested by means of quiet in the horizontal posture, cold cloths to the abdomen, and cold vaginal injections. In severe cases ico should be introduced into the vagina, or cold water introduced into tho rectum. If these measures do not restrain the bleeding, the introduction of a soft sponge to the os uteri is necessary. The apartment of the patient should be well ventilated, but the temperature should be comfortable. Care must be taken to keep the extremities warm. The recurrence of the hem- orrhage can only be prevented by restoring the tone and vigor of the whole muscular system. Menostasia.—See Amenorrhcea. Menses Alba.—Leucorrhooa. Mensium Retentio, — Retention of the Menstrual Flux. See Amenorrhcea. Menstruation Difiicile.-—Dvsmenorrhoja. !) 194 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Met. Menstruation Vicarious. — Paramenia Erroris. Hemor- rhage from other than the reproductive organs, at the time of menstruation. It is to be cured by restoring the normal menstruation. Mentagra.—Sycosis. Mephitic—Unwholesome Exhalations. Mercurial Humor,—A term anciently applied to a suppo- sititious humor which occasions melancholy. Mercurialismus.—Hydrargyriasis. Mercurial Disease. Mercurialization.—The Poisoning by Mercury, Mercurial Fever, Mercurial Cachexy, Merocele.—Mirocele. Femoral or Crural Hernia. Merocoxalgia.—See Coxalgia. Meropia.—Partial Obscurity of Vision. Merorrheuma .—Tropical Rheumatism. Mesenteritis.—Inflammation of the Mesentery. The symp- toms are similar to those of Peritonitis, (of which it is a variety,) but milder and more obscure. The treatment is the same, though less in degree. See Peritonitis. Mesmerization.—A state of Mental Passivity or of Insen- sibility, induced by what is vaguely termed "animal mag- netism." Mesmerization.—Magnetization. The state of being mes- merized, or the act of magnetizing. Mesmerized.—An abnormal condition induced by the pro- cess or influence called animal magnetism, in which the pa- tient is insensible, or acts according to the volition of the operator. The sleep induced by magnetism is termed Hyp- notization. Metadermatosis.—Morbid development of the epidermis. Metallodynia.—Pain caused by minerals, as lead, quick- silver, etc. METAMORPnopsiA.—Phantasmatoscopia, False Sight. An affection of the eyes in which the patient recognizes objects Met. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 195 which are merely imaginary. The objects may be cob-webs, insects, pieces of wood, black spots, etc., and are perpetually moving. They are sometimes called Maculae Volitantes. They may be owing to over-exertion of the eyes, or to thickening or deposits in the coats or humors. Rest of the organs and purification of the blood are the measures to arrest the diffi- culty and prevent total loss of vision. Metaptosis,—Change in the form or seat of a disease. Metastasis.—Morbid Translation; Change in the seat of a disease. The prevailing medical theories of metastatic disease are both absurd and amusing. Gout and rheumatism often " change " from one joint or place to another ; cutaneous affec- tions on being "cured" on the surface appear, or as the*say- ing is, "re-appear" on the mucous surface of the alimentary canal, or in the membranes of the brain ; mumps when " scat- tered" from the neck affect the testes or breasts ; measles when "repelled" from the skin "locate" on the pulmonary mucous membrane ; morbid humors when " discussed " from the outside " attack " the inside, etc. The Humoral Pathol- ogists attributed the " phenomena " to a " translation " of the morbific matter to a new locality or different part; and the Solidists, to the transfer or displacement of the " irritation." There is no unmuddling this muddlement on any of the the- ories of disease except that of the nygeio-Therapeutic school, which regards disease as remedial action. When the rem- edial effort is checked or prevented in one place or direction, it becomes more manifest, active, and apparent in another, just as the action of the kidneys are increased by diminishing the action of the skin, and vice versa. This principle shows at a glance the vast importance of the universal rule in medicating all diseases—balancing the circulation and thereby equalizing the remedial effort; and it shows also the rationale of the dangerous and often fatal results of " curing one disease by producing another," or, in other words, of poisoning a person because he is sick. Metastatic affections require precisely the same treatment as do the same diseases when idiopathic. 196 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Mia. METHOMANiA.-Irresistible Desire for Intoxicating Substances, Temulentia. A madness or depravity of the instincts caused by the use of stimulants. All of the morbid appetences, with their consequences, gluttony, drunkenness, dissipation, de- bauchery, and sensuality, may be traced to stimulation as the parent or primary cause. Metralgia.—Pain in the Uterus. Metritis.—Hysteritis, Inflammation of the Womb. The symptoms are, pain, swelling, and tenderness in the lower part of the abdomen, with heat and tenderness of the os uteri. Vomiting is usually an accompaniment, and there is fever pf either the entonic or atonic diathesis—commonly tho latter. Cold applications to the part, tepid or cool vaginal injections, tepid hip-baths, and tepid ablutions are the proper bathing processes. In very low states of the system, the fuU warm bath, and fomentations to the abdomen are preferable. Metrocarcinoma.—Cancer of the Uterus. Metrodynia.—Metralgia. Metromania.—See Nymphomania. Metroperitonitis,—Puerperal Fever. See Peritonitis. Metroproptosis.—Prolapsus Uteri. Metrorrhagia.—Uterine Hemorrhage. Bleeding from the uterus, at the menstrual period or at other times, but in exces- sive quantity. When it occurs after delivery it requires to bo promptly arrested or death may speedily result. Indeed, hem- orrhage is one of the most dreaded complications of the young accoucheur. The remedial measures are, the horizontal posture, cold wet cloths to the abdomen, thighs and loins, injections of the coldest water into the vagina, and, in extreme cases, plug- ging the vagina with soft cloths or tint, so as to induce a coagu- lation and close the bleeding vessels. The patient should have an abundance of fresh, cool air. Miasma.—Deleterious affluvia arising from decaying or do- composing organic matter. Marsh miasms—malaria—which Mil. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 197 arise from rotting vegetation, are among the chief causes of intermittent fevers. Miliary Fever.—Miliaria, Sudatoria, Millet-seed Rash. One of the exanthems or eruptive fevers; so called from the small, red, numerous, and slightly raised pimples which appear on the surface. • In about twenty-four hours the pimples become vesicles, filled with a whitish and transparent fluid. The lever is continued in type and atonic in diathesis, and is ac- companied with a sour sweat, which is often profuse. It is caused by too much external heat, confined air, slop food, hot drinks, irritating condiments, etc. Women in the puerperal state, when improperly nursed, are quite subject to it. The treatment is very simple—quiet, and tepid ablutions. Milk Abscess.—See Mammary Abscess. Milk Fever.—See Fever, Milk. Milk Leg,—Phlegmasia Dolens, White Leg, Swelled Leg, White Swelling of Lying-in Women. An inflammatory affec- tion, commonly limited to one leg, which occurs a few days after delivery. It is hot, white, unyielding, and gives to the touch a sensation of numerous irregular prominences under the skin. It is attended with considerable feverishness; the pressure of the gravid uterus, in a plethoric state of the sys- tem, interrupting the circulation of the neighboring veins and absorbents, and inducing serous effusion into the areolar tis- sue, is probably the»rationale of the malady. Cold wet cloths, frequently renewed, until the morbid heat subsides, tepid ab- lutions whenever the external temperature calls for them, and due attention to the bowels, comprise the remedial plan. Milk Scall.—Porrigo Larvalis. Milk-Sickness.—Swamp-Sickness, Sick Stomach, Trembles, Slows, Tires, Stiff-joints, River-Sickness, Puking Fever. A form of putrid typhus fever which has occurred in some parts of Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, and the other Western States, characterized by excruciating pain in tho knee and other joints, with general tremors. It affects cows and other animals in certain seasons, and those persons who feed on their flesh 198 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Mol. or drink their milk, and is undoubtedly caused by poisonous or rotting vegetation which the animals take with their food. It is generally endemic ; another fact which points to the or- igin above indicated. The malady is commonly attended with vomiting and purging, and extreme nervous agitation. The patient should take frequent sips of cold or iced-water; cold wet cloths should be applied over the stomach and abdomen, well covered with dry flannel, and frequently changed ; the whole surface sponged with tepid water two or three times a day, and the extremities kept warm with hot bottles, Millet-Seed Rash.—Miliary Fever. Misanthropia.—Misanthropy; aversion to man and to society. It is a symptom of melancholy, hypochondriasis, and various other forms of indigestion. Miscarriage.—Abortion. Moaning.—Plaintive and Audible Respiration. A sign of great oppression or congestion in some internal organ. Mogigraphia.—Writers' Cramp. Spasmodic rigidity'of some of the muscles of the fingers and arms, in consequence of close application with the pen or pencil. Mole.—A fleshy, insensible mass, soft or hard, of variable size, which sometimes forms in the uterus. It has been sup- posed to be the result of impregnation with imperfect develop- ment, and hence called False Conception; but moles are occa- sionaUy found in the virgin uterus. The diseased mass may or may not contain parts of a fetus. It is expeUed as in cases of abortion, and requires the same management. Mollities.—Preternatural softening of an organ or texture. Mollities Cerebri.—Encephalomalacia ; Softening of the Brain; Mollescence or liquefaction of some portion of the cerebral substance. This condition is never certainly known till revealed by a post-mortem examination, and it exists in the imaginations of physicians and patients a hundred times as often as it exists in the brains of the latter. Various strange and indescribable sensations which affect the heads and disturb the mental operations of dyspeptic and nervous invalids, especially Mor. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice 199 those who have long suffered of constipated bowels, are often vaguely referred to a supposed softening of the brain. Hardening of the bowels is nearer the truth. To reUeve the head medicate the bowels. Mollities Cordis.—Cardiomalacia. Mollities Medulle Spinalis.—Ramollissement; Softening of the Spinal Marrow. An affection often suspected, but sel- dom known to exist. When it does exist it is incurable. Mollities Ossium.—Softening of the Bones. A rare affec- tion, and owing to defective assimilation; in other words, a remote effect of indigestion. The disease generally affects the whole bony structure, and the urine contains large portions of phosphate of lime. Medical authors do not pretend that it is ever curable, and it is clear that no remedial measures can avati, except such as tend to restore the primary nutritive functions. Molluscum.—Atheroma. Numerous tumors varying in size from that of .a pea to that of a pigeon's egg, or even larger, filled with a fatty or pulpy matter, developed in the substance of the skin, are so called from their resemblance to certain motiuscuous animals. Cleanliness, a simple and ab- stemious diet, with frequent ablutions and gentle friction, are the remedies. Molopes. —Vibices. Molybdosis.—Lead-Poisoning. Monoblepsis.—Confused vision only when both eyes are employed. Monomania.—Mania or derangement of one of the mental powers; madness or hallucination in relation to some partic- ular person, object, or theme. Monopathy.—Disease of a single mental organ. Morbi, Morbus.—See Disease. Morphew.—Scurfy Eruptions of the Face. Morpion.—Crab Louse. See Pediculus. Mortification.—Loss of Vitality in a part of the Body, 200 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Nev. The incipient stage is called Gangrene; total death is called Sphacelus. Mortification of bone is caUed Necrosis. Mother's Marks.—Spots. See Nsevus. Mulligrubs.—Tormina, Cotic Mumps.—See Parotis. Mur.—Coryza. Murr.—Pestilential Fever ; Murrain. An epizootic disease, commonly regarded as contagious, having some resemblance to smaU-pox, which affects cattle, especiaUy sheep. It is said to have been transferred to man. The treatment is the same as for smaU-pox. See Variola. Musicomania, Musomania.—Monomania for Music. The passion for music so strong as to derange the inteUect. Mussitatio.—A motion of the tongue and lips, as in the act of speaking, but without any sound. It is a bad symptom, and indicates great oppression of the brain or lungs. Mutitas.—Dumbness, Speechlessness. Mutitas Sudorum.—Deaf-dumbness. Myalgia.—Cramp, which see. Myelitis.—Inflammation of the spinal marrow or its mem- branes. It is characterized by deep-seated, burning pain in the spine, with general feverishness, and a variety of distress- ing sensations usually caUed " nervous." It is a rare disease, and much oftener suspected than proved to exist. Myopia, Myopy.—Purblindness, Mouse-sight, Shortsight- edness. It may be palliated by wearing concave glasses. Myosis.—Permanent contraction of the pupil. It is usually a result of iritis. Myositis.—Myitis, Mysitis ; Acute Rheumatism. Myringitis.—Inflammation of the Ear Drum. Nevus.—Maculae Matricis, Fancy Marks, Mother's Marks, Mother's Spots. Various spots on the skin with which children are born, are so designated. Some are very superficial—mere stains; others are prominent; while some are largely composed of anastomosing blood-vessels. The latter only aie properly medicable, and may generally be removed by proper surgery, Nec ( Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 201 Narcosis.—Stupor, Stupefaction. The state of torpor and insensibility occasioned by narcotic drugs, as opium, henbane, belladonna, etc. The usual practice of exciting, stimulating, exercising, and galvanizing narcotized patients only makes a bad matter worse. The patient should have profound quiet, abundance of fresh air, cold applications to the head and warm to the feet. When there is reason to suspect the pres- ence of the drug in the stomach, the stomach, or a warm water emetic should be employed. Nausea. — Squeasiness, Sickness, Inclination to Vomit. Symptomatic of many diseases and morbid conditions. Warm water-drinking until whatever offensive material may exist in the stomach is removed, then sips of iced-water, or bits of ice to swallow, with cold wet cloths, to the epigastrium, are the general remedies. Nausea, Kreatic—The sickness and vomiting which animal food, in any quantity however small, occasions in some per- sons. Vegetarianism is an infallible preventive ! Nausea, Marina.—Sea-Sickness. A very abstemious and simple dietary will usually prevent and always mitigate this distressing affection. Wearing a rather tight girdle around the region of the epigastrium will lessen and often remove it. The horizontal posture will also relieve the paroxysm more or less, and often prevent it altogether. Many persons will be- come sick in the ship's cabin, when the sea is rough, who are entirely free of it, so long as they are on deck. If our ship- builders would properly ventilate the cabins and berths—and it is not difficult nor expensive to do so—they would save the passengers an immense amount of suffering. Near-Sightedness.—Myopia. Nebula.—Nubes, Nephelion. A stight speck on the cornea. It is also applied to a mist or cloud suspended in the urine. See Caligo. Neck, Derbyshire.—See Bronchocele. Necrophobia.—Exaggerated Fear of Death. A common 9* 202 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Neu. symptom in hypochondriasis. It is regarded as a bad symp- tom when occurring in fevers. Necropneumonia.—Gangrene of the Lungs. It occurs in bad cases of putrid pneumonitis, and is indicated by extreme fetor of the breath and expectoration. When circumscribed it is not necessarily fatal. Nephralgia.—Pain or Neuralgia in the Kidney. Nephbitis.—Inflammation of the Kidney. The symptoms are, acute pain, burning heat and sense of weight, suppres- sion or diminution of urine, retraction of the testicle, and numbness of the thigh of the affected side, and fever. Cool hip-baths, tepid ablutions, and, when the fever is of the en- tonic diathesis, the wet-sheet pack, are the leading measures of treatment. Nephritis Albumensis.—Bright's Disease of the Kidney. Nephrolithiasis.—See Gravel. Nephromalacia.—Softening of the Kidney. Nephrorrhagia.—Hematuria Renalis ; Hemorrhage of the. Kidney. See Hematuria. Nervine.—The term is defined to be, " a medicine which acts on the nervous system." A proper definition is, abnor- mal vital action, with a more especial disturbance of the nor- mal functions of the nervous tissue. Instead of the medicine acting on the nervous system, the reverse is true. Nervous.—The term is employed physiologically in the sense of active, vigorous, strong ; and patholoyically in the sense of weak, irritable, and frail. Nervousness.—Nervous Diathesis, Abnormal sensibility, or preternatural irritability. A vague term. Nervous Diseases.—Diseases whose symptoms are most prominently manifested by the nervous system. Nervous Pain.—Neuralgia. Neuralgia.—Neurodynia, Tic Douloureux, Nerve Pain. A disease characterized by acute, darting pain along the course of Nym. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 203 a nerve, without fever. It is always symptomatic of obstruc- tion, exhaustion, or the effects of mineral or narcotic drugs. Very hot applications will sometimes give relief, and in other cases very cold are best; while in still others, alternate warm and cold apptications are preferable. Neuritis.—Inflammation of a Nerve ; Neuralgia. Neurodynia.—Neuralgia. Neuroma.—Subcutaneous and highly painful tumors formed on the tissue of the nerves. Neuromalacia.—Softening of the Nerves. Nevus.—See Narvus. Nictation.—Twinkling of the Eye. It sometimes becomes a morbid habit, to be overcome by " moral suasion." Noctambulismus.—Somnambulism. Nocturnal Emissions.—See Spermatorrhoea. Noddle-pox.—Syphilimania. Node.—Nodus. A hard concretion or incrustation which forms around gouty and rheumatic joints. They are often oc- casioned by mercurial medicines. Noli me Tangere—See Lupus. Nose-Bleed.—See Epistaxis. Nose, Running at the.—See Coryza. Nosos.—Disease. Nostalgia.—Noscomania, Home-Sickness. Emaciation of the body, commonly attended with hectic, occasioned by the desire of returning to one's home or country. It is a species of melancholy. Nursing Sore Mouth.—See Apthoo. Nyclatopia.—See Hemeralopia. Nymphitis.—Inflammation of the Clitoris. Nymphomania.—Furor Uterinus, Uteromania. Insatiable desire in females for sexual commerce. Its immediate cause is an inflammatory condition of the sexual organs; its remote 204 HanDtBook of Hygienic Practice. causes are, constipation, irritating condiments, gross food, mas- turbation, obscene'literature, etc. The prolonged tepid bath, with frequent hip-baths of a moderate temperature, and a plain, abstemious dietary, arc the remedies. The patient sometimes becomes perfectly ma- niacal, wdien solitude is indispensable. Oaritis.—Inflammation of the Ovarium. The acute form is rare. In chronic oarities the symptoms are very obscure. The chief ones are pain, heat, and sense of weight in the lower part of the abdomen, aggravated at the menstrual periods. These symptoms also attend the incipient stage of Ovarian Tumor, but in this case there is graduaUy progressing enlarge- ment noticeable externally. Hip-baths, the wet girdle, and a rigidly simple dietary are the specialities. Obesity. — Polysarcia, Corpulency, Fatness, Morbid accu- mulation of adipose matter in the system. It means exces- sive alimentation with defective depuration, and its causes are, too much or too gross food, or deficient exercise, or both. Correct these habits and the surplus fat will be duly elimin- ated. I have had patients who had accumulated one, two, and in one case, nearly three hundred pounds of this effete matter. Such persons are liable to die at any moment of "apoplexy," or congestion in some vital part. Obstipatio.—Constipation. Occlusion.—Imperforation, as of the vagina, pupil, etc. Odontagra.—Dentagra. Arthritic pain in the Teeth. Odontalgia.—Toothache. It is generally caused by inflam- mation, and is usuaUy connected with caries, which exposes the cavity to the contact of air, and other extraneous matters. Fasting, warm hip-baths, hot and cold foot-baths, cold appti- cations to the head, and tepid or cool water held in the mouth, are the remedial resources. Odontitis.—Inflammation of the Teeth. See Odontalgia. Odontolithos. — Tartar; Incrustation of the Teeth. It consists of phosphate of time, mucus, some animal substance (Ede. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 205 and a small quantity of salivary matter. Infusoria have been found in these incrustations. The tooth-brush, or rins- ing in the morning, and after meals, will be sufficient, if the secretions of the mouth are normal, and the diet proper. A very stiff brush should not be used, as it might injure the enamel. When the tartar accumulates in spite of this meas- ure, it should be removed by the dentist. Odontosteresis.—Loss of the Teeth. Hot drinks, slop- food, condiments, especially salt and vinegar, and alkatine and mineral drugs, are the usual causes of the prevalent rot- ting out of the teeth. It is as unnatural and unnecessary for the teeth to decay prematurely, as it is for the eyes, or ears, or fingers, or toes, to do so. Very few teeth would ever decay if aU the food taken was properly masticated. CEdema. — Hydrops CeUularis. Accumulation of serous fluid in the areolar tissue. The swelling is soft, pits on pres- sure, and preserves the indentation for some time. See Anasarca. CEdema Arsenicalis.— Swelling of the face and eyelids from the prolonged use of arsenic. Oedema of the Glottis.—QMematous Laryngitis, Hydro- pneumonia. An inflammatory affection with serous or sero- purulent infiltration into the submucous tissue of the glottis. The symptoms very much resemble those of croup, but has less fever and cough, with more difficulty of breathing in the early stages. It also commonly affects adults, whereas croup usuaUy affects children. The prompt and persevering appli- cation of cold wet cloths externally, and ice or iced-water internally, are the main remedial resources. Of course, due attention should be paid to the state of the bowels, and the general feverishness. (Edema Lacteum.—Phlegmatia Dolens. See Milk Leg. (Ldema of the Lungs.—Hydrops Pulmonum, Hydro-pneu- monia, Infiltration of serum into the Lungs. It is one of the effects of maltreated pneumonia. The cough is attended with aqueous expectoration, and the respiration is laborious. 206 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Oph. Bleeding and antimony are the most frequent causes of this condition of the lungs. GSsophagismus.—Dysphasia Spasmodica, Stricture of the Oesophagus. It may be spasmodic, or a thickening of the mucous membrane ; in either case the dietary is the essential thing to manage in the treatment. Salt, grease, milk, and sugar are especially to be avoided. Oesophagitis.—Inflammatory Dysphagia ; Inflammation of the Oesophagus. Omentitis.—Inflammation of the Omentum. See Per- itonitis. Omphalorrhagia. — Unlimited Hemorrhage. New-born infants are liable to it. Cold water or ice wtil arrest it. Onanism.—Self-Abuse, Masturbation. Oneirodynia.—Painful Dreams ; Incubus and Somnambu- lism are examples. Onychia . —Paronychia. Onychitis.—Inflammation of a Nail. Onychonosi.—Disease of the Nails. Onychoptosis.—Falling of the Nails. Onyx.—Pterygion. A collection of purulent matter be- tween the laminae of the cornea, having the shape of a nati. It is a proper subject for surgery. Opacity.—In pathology, applied to a fluid or structure which has lost its transparency, or the cornea or crystalline lens of the eyes. Opisthotonos.—Tetanus with inclination backward. See Tetanus. Ophthalmia. — Ophthalmitis; Inflammation of the Eye. The various forms of this disease have received numerous ap- pellations, as they involve more or less the different structures of the eye and its appendages. These wtil be treated of under their respective names. The three leading forms, each of which has several varieties, are the Membraneous or Conjunc- tival, the Egyptian or Purulent, and the Tarsal. The fever at- Ost. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 207 tending Opthalmia may be of the entonic or atonic diathesis, whilo tho inflammation is correspondingly phlegmonous or erysipelatous. In the treatment the room should be so dark- ened or shaded that the light will not be painful; wet or cold applications—always preferring the temperature that is most agreeable—should be constantly apptied to the eyes; hip and foot baths are useful as derivatives; and the surface must be " packed " or sponged according to the diathesis of the fever. The bowels must be kept free with tepid enemas, and no food must be taken until the violence of the fever has subsided. Caustics and astringents" should never be applied to inflamed eyes until the blood is well purified, and the heat and tenderness of the organs entirely abated. Thousands of eyes are destroyed because of inattention to this rule. Opthalmitis.—See Opthalmia. Orcheitis.—Inflammation of the Scrotum; Hernia Hu- moralis. Orchiocele.—Scrotal Hernia. Orchitis,—Orcheitis. Orthopncea.—Suffocation, Strangulation. Difficult breath- ing, especially in the horizontal posture. Orthopncea, Cardiaca.—Angina Pectoris. Oschocarcinoma.—Chimney Sweepers' Cancer ; Cancer of the Scrotum. Oscheocele.—See Hydrocele. Ostalgitis, Osteitis.—Inflammation of Bone. Ostempyesis.—An Abscess in the Interior of a Bone. Osteocele.—Induration of the Testicles. Osteoma.—Exostosis. Osteomalacia, Osteomalacosis.—MoUities Ossium. Osteoporosis.—Induration of Bone. Osteo-Sarcoma.—Cancerous Degeneration of Bone. Osteo-Steatoma.—Bony Tumor. Ostitis.—Ostalgitis. 208 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ostoma.—Exostosis. Otagra, Otalgia.—Pain in the Ear. Otirrhcea.—Discharge of pus from the ear ; a symptom of chronic otitis. Otitis.—Inflammation of the Ear. When acute the symp- toms are, excruciating pain, with intolerable burning, and a discharge of mucus from the external meatus, or from the Eustachian tube. The treatment is substantially the same a9 for Opthalmia. OiorYORRHCEA.—Otirrhcea. Ovarian Tumor. — Hydrops Ovarii ; Encysted Dropsy of the Ovary. It may be distinguished from Ascites by the en- largement commencing at one side of the lower portion of the abdomen, and graduaUy extending upward and over the whole abdomen. The early stage is accompanied with more or less menstrual disturbance, often noticeable only each alternate month—a fact which strikingly corroborates the theory that ovulation is alternate with the right and left ovaries, and that the law of sex is thereby to be determined.* In the later stages of ovarian dropsy the treatment can only be palliative. In the early stages I have succeeded in arresting the disease in several cases. The dietary must be rigidly abstemious,- and tho wet-sheet appUed datiy for an hour, if the strength and tem- perature of the patient will permit. Local apptications are of little consequence, unless there is mismenstruation in some form, in which case the treatment must be regulated accord- ingly. Extirpation of the diseased mass has bebn practiced with success in many cases, but a majority operated upon have not recovered. Paracentesis will give temporary relief; but as the fluid is accumulated in several sacs, but a smaU portion of it can be removed. Ovaritis.—Oaritis. Oxyopia.—Inordinate Acuteness of the Sense of Sight. Oxyosphresia.—Inordinate Acuteness of the Sense of Smell. * This subject will be fully discussed in the Author's forthcoming work, " Sexual Physiology Complete." Pai. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 209 Oxyphlegmasia.—Violent Inflammation. Ozena.—Malignant Coryza. An affection of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, owing to caries of the bones, or connected with syphilitic or mercurial infection, and attended with a disagreeable odor like that of a crushed bed-bug. The remedy is purification of the whole system. Pachemia,—Morbid Thickness of the Blood. Inactivity of the liver, and the excessive use of grease, sugar, and other hydro-carbonaceous articles of diet, are the common, causes. Constipated bowels indirectly conduce to the same result; hence persons who are habitually costive are constantly liable to congestion of the brain and lungs, palpitation, piles, and other manifestations of a disordered circulation. Pacheablepharosis.—Thickening of the eyelids from tu- bercles or excrescences formed on their margins. Pain.—Morbid Sensation. It denotes the presence of some morbific agent, or some abnormal condition; its rationale is, doubtless, distention of the blood-vessels or contraction of the muscular fibers, so that the nerves are compressed. When the pressure is so great as to interrupt the transmission of nervous influence, there is loss of feeling, as in palsy, apoplexy, etc There are many kinds of pain, as acute, dull, burning, itching, lancinating, griping, constant, remittent, lacerating, forcing, gnawing, grinding, etc., each of which is important in diagnosis. The practice of "curing" pain by means of opiates, narcotics, bleeding, etc., is founded on an erroneous theory of the nature of disease. Opium is more extensively employed in medicine than any other drug, because it is the most convenient agent to allay pain. But it does this by silencing the outcries of nature. The vital instincts proclaim that there is an enemy within the vital domain, and, in the language of pain, they c all for help—for such materials and influences as they can use in expelling the morbific cause, and in repairing the damages. The doctor poisons them with a drug, which is resisted with such intensity in another direction as to suppress the original effort —and this he calls a cure ! 210 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Pan The whole process resolves into curing the disease by killing the patient. Hygienic agencies relieve pain by supplying the conditions which nature requires to overcome or expel its cause. Pains, After.—Tho pains which succeed delivery. They are occasioned by coagula, or retained secundce, which excite the expulsive action of the uterus. Pains, Labor.—Pains of Parturition. They are caused by the contraction of the uterus and adjacent muscles in tho act of expelting its contents, or in the preparations therefor. The excessive pain and agony which females suffer in childbirth are owing wholly to the morbid and inflammatory condition which results necessarily from the ordinary habits of tiving and drugging. Paleness.—Pallor, Leucosis, Whiteness of Complexion. It implies ■determination of blood from the surface, and congestion in the internal organs. Palpitation.—A term applied to the heart's action when the individual is more sensible of it than ordinarily. When the action is forcible, the pulsations are caUed throbbing ; and when very frequent, fluttering. Palpitations are sometimes connected with organic disease of the heart, but much more frequently by nervous and dyspeptic conditions. The most prolific cause of aU is constipation of the bowels. The rem- edial plan must be directed to the removal of the obstruction, whatever that may be. Palsy.—See Paralysis. Palsy, Lead.—See Paralysis Venenata. Palsy, Metallic—See Paralysis Venenata Palsy, Shaking.—See Paralysis Agitans. Palsy, Painters.—See Paralysis Venenata. Pamplegia.—General Palsy; Paralysis of the whole body. Pancreatitis.—Inflammation of the Pancreas. The symp- toms are very obscure, and perhaps the disease is never re- cognized during life. Par. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 211 Pandemic—An epidemic which attacks the whole pop- ulation. Pandiculation.—Stretching. It is indicative of fatigue, and is an effort to restore the balance of circulation. Pantophobia.—Hydrophobia. Panzootia.—Epidemic Disease of Cattle. Papula.—A Pimple ; Exormia. Parabysoma.—Engorgement of an organ; an enlargement consequent on accumulated blood. Paralysis.—Palsy, Paresis. Partial or complete loss of sensation or motion, or both. Paralysis of one half of the body, vertically or horizontally, is termed Hemiplegia; of the lower half, Paraplegia; and of particular muscles or sets of muscles, Local. Hemiplegia is more particularly connected with or caused by torpidity of the liver. I have never known a case in which disease of tho liver was not a precedent condition, and sudden engorgement or congestion of that organ an exciting or im- mediate cause. The treatment should contemplate the puri- fication of the mass of blood of its retained biliary matters as rapidly as possible. When the system is feverish, and the patient has not been drugged much, nor suffered long of chronic disease, the wet-sheet pack repeated daily wtil prove the most efficient detergent. In other cases tepid ablutions, followed by gentle, yet persevering friction, are to be preferred. Cold water should never be applied to the surface, except when and where there is preternatural heat. The bowels must be carefully attended to, and free evacuations produced, if neces- sary by means of injections of tepid water. When there is sense of weight and oppression with heat in the region of the liver, cold wet cloths, covered with dry, should be applied. In diet, tho patient should be abstemious, and mainly fru- givorous. Paraplegia, when not the result of injury or mechanical violence, is more especiaUy connected with, and caused by 212 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Par. constipation of the bowels; hence persons of sedentary habits, gluttons, and those who arc subject to great mental excite- ments, while their dietary is very constipating, are commonly the subjects of this form of palsy. The dripping sheet, or spray bath, daily or semi-weekly, hip-baths once or twice a day, the wet girdle during the night in cold weather, and a part of each day in warm weather, with a plain, vegetable and fruit diet, are the remedies. The patient should abstain from milk, fine flour, puddings, and all greasy dishes or articles. Local palsy is produced by some specific poison, and tho treatment must be directed to a removal of the cause, and a restoration of the circulation and sensibility of the part by bathing, friction, etc. Paralysis Agitans.—Shaking Palsy, Tremor, Trembling Palsy. A perpetual spasmodic agitation of the muscles. It is indicative of great nervous exhaustion, and is caused by mineral and narcotic drugs, extreme constipation of the bow- els, sexual dissipation, etc. Many cases are incurable; and all that can be done remedially wtil be found in living in obedience to organic law, with such attentions to the functions of the excretory organs as the symptoms may clearly indicate. Paralysis, Bell's.—A term which has been apptied to par- alysis of the muscles of the face, in consequence of a lesion of the portio dura, the nerve which supplies these muscles. Paralysis Beriberia.—Beriberi. See Barbiers. Paralysis Venenata.—Paralysis caused by poisons, as of lead, mercury, ergot, arsenic, etc. Paramenia.—Disordered Menstruation. Paraphimosis.—Strangulation of the Glans Penis. Cold applications may so contract the part as to relieve it; if not the remedy consists in dividing the "bridle" formed by the prepuce. Paraphia.—See Paralysis. Parasite.—Plants or animals which attach themselves to Par. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 213 othor plants or animals are caUed parasites. Thus the mistle- toe, which attaches itself to the oak, is a parasitic plant, and the louse or acari, which attach themselves to human beings and domestic animals, are parasitic animals. They occasion irritation, inflammation, ulceration, and feverishness, which are then termed parasitic diseases. Morbid growths, as tubercles, cancer, etc., are sometimes termed parasitic. Parenchymatitis. — Inflammation of the substance of an organ. Paresis.—Paralysis. Paristhmitis.—Cynanche. Paronychia.—Whitlow, Felon, Onychia. A Phlegmonous tumor of the fingers or toes. Freezing the part a few times, for ten or fifteen minutes at a time, with some frigorific mix- ture, in the incipient stage, will generally arrest the disease. When the tension and pain become very great, the inflamed part should be divided freely, even down to the bones, and wet applications, of any temperature which is most soothing, continued as long as any inflammation exists. Paropsis.—Disordered Vision. Parotis, Parotitis.—Cynanche Parotida?, Mumps. In- flammation of the Parotid Gland. The symptoms are, a pain- ful tumefaction, with more or less heat and redness under the ear. A peculiar symptom of this disease is tho benumbing sensation, when acids are taken into the mouth. The malady is usually epidemic, and has been long regarded as contagious ; this is, however, very doubtful. In some cases it is accom- panied with, or followed by an inflammatory affection of the testes in males and the breasts in females. Suppuration or induration is an occasional sequel of the disease, but com- monly the inflammation terminates in resolution. Cold appli- cations to the part, a very strict regimen, an equable temper- ature, and a daily ablution, are aU the treatment the case or- dinarily requires. The metastatic affections are to be treated precisely as should idiopathic affections of the parts, attended with tho samo symptoms. 214 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Paroxysm.—The hot, cold and sweating stages of febrile diseases; applied also to periodical exacerbations of any disease. Parulis.—Gum-BoU. Small abscesses in the gums, com- monly occasioned by carious teeth. Paruria.—Morbid Excretion or Discharge of Urine. Passive.—When properly employed in pathology, this torm denotes atonic diathesis in febrile and inflammatory affections, in contradistinction to active, which applies to entonic diathesis. In all visceral inflammations, when the fever is typhoid the local affection is passive. Authors speak of active internal con- gestion, entonic plethora, etc.; but these misapplications of language result from false theories of the nature of disease. Active congestion is always external, and only exists in inflam- matory fever. Congestions of internal organs are always passive. Much erroneous and much fatal medical treatment would be avoided, if physicians understood the rationalo of type and diathesis. These subjects will be explained fuUy in the author's work, "Principles of Hygienic Medication,"now nearly ready for the press. Pathema.—Affection; Disease. Pathology.—The Doctrine of Disease. Pathology has been correctly defined as disordered physiology; but when au- thors speak or write of the " physiology of disease" they commit a most egregious blunder. They might as weU tell us of the "physiological effects" of poisons—as indeed they do. Pathomania.—Moral Insanity. Dunglison defines it, "a morbid perversion of the natural feelings, affections, inclina- tions, temper, habits, moral disposition, and natural impulses," etc. This is like the " morbid poisons " we read of in med- ical books. Pathos.—Disease. Pellagra.—A wrinkled and scaly appearance of the skin, especially in the parts exposed to the air, accompanied with debiUty, imbecility, cramps and convulsions. This singular Per. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice 215 malady has been noticed particularly among the Milanese, and has been supposed to follow the introduction of Indian corn. Tho method of cooking the corn, and the alkalies, salt, grease, sugar, etc., with which it is mixed or eaten, may have some- thing to do with it. Tepid ablutions, abundant friction, air- baths, exposure of the naked body to light, air, and even sun- shine, with a plain, unseasoned and solid dietary which se- cures thorough mastication, constitute the materia medica in tho case. Pellialgia,—Neuralgia of tho Foot. Pemphigus.—Pompholyx, Serous Exanthem, Vesicular Fe- ver, Bladdery Fever. This disease is characterized by vesicles scattered over the body, transparent, filbert-sized, with a red, inflamed edge, but without surrounding blush or tumefaction ; on breaking they are liable to ulcerate; the fluid is stightly colored or transparent. The accompanying fever is continued and typhoid. Frequent ablutions with tepid water, and duo attention to the bowels, are all the medication the patient re- quires. Pericarditis.—Inflammation of the Pericardium. It can- not and need not be distinguished from Carditis. Perichondritis.—Inflammation of the Perichondrium. Periostitis.—Inflammation of the Periosteum. Periostosis.—A Tumor developed on Bone. Peripneumonia.—Pneumonia, Pneumonitis. Peripneumonia Biliosa.—Bilious Pneumonia; Inflamma- tion of the lungs with copious excretion of acrid bile. The term is commonly applied to what is properly called Putrid Typhus Pneumonitis; that is, pneumonitis, with typhus fever of the putrid form. Peripneumonia Catarrhalis.—This term has been indis- criminately applied to Bronchitis, Influenza, and Peripneumonia Notha. Peripneumonia Notha. — Spurious Pneumonia, Bastard Pneumonia, Pseudo-Pneumonitis, Falso Pneumonia. These 216 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Per. terms, with others as vague and erroneous, have been applied to that variety of Typhoid Pneumonia in which tho fever is of the nervous form. Medical books are all in confusion on this subject, simply because they recognize either the local inflammation, or the general fever, to be primary or idiopathic, and the other secondary or symptomatic, instead of equal and essential parts of one and the same disease. See Pneumonitis. Peritonitis.—Puerperal Fever, Low Fever of Childbed, Uterine Phlebitis, Metritis, Metro-Peritonitis. This disease consists of acute inflammation of the peritonaeum with typhoid fever. It is characterized by violent pain in the abdomen, increased by the slightest pressure, with general feverishness, and usually occurs soon after parturition. The ordinary allopathic treatment in this disease is not only horrid, but horridly murderous—bleeding, calomel, large doses of opium, etc., with hot flannel and turpentine or heavy bags of hop poultices to the abdomen. No wonder three-fourths of these poor patients die, victims to "The deadly virtues of the healing art." It should be treated precisely as I have recommended for Onteritis. I have treated many cases hygienically, as have other physicians of our school, and none of us have ever had any difficulty in curing them in a few days, where there had been no bleediny or drug treatment before we took the patient in hand. Pertussis.-=-Bex Convulsiva, Kin-Cough, Chin-Cough, Kind-Cough, Hooping Cough, Whooping Cough. The cough consists of several expirations, followed by a sonorous inspi- ration, returning periodically, with longer or shorter intervals. The disease is contagious, and rarely affects the individual the second time. The treatment must be adapted to tho "grade" or degree of the attending feverishness, as in cases of pneumonitis. In mild cases a daily ablution, with a plain and rather abstemious dietary are all the attention required; but when the lungs are greatly engorged, or the pulmonary mucous membrane much inflamed, evinced by soreness heat Pha. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 217 laborious breathing between the paroxysms of coughing, and difficult expectoration, the full warm bath should be given, and if the fever "rises" after it, the wet-sheet pack or tepid ablution should be resorted to. When the heat and pain are continuous in the chest, the chest-wrapper or wet towels should be applied. Warm water may be taken to reUeve the cough and expectoration, when the mucus is viscid and tenacious. In all cases the bowels must be kept free, and the diet must be tight and sparing. Nearly all of the complications and dangers of the disease are owing to engorged stomachs and constipated bowels. Pestilence.—Any malignant and prevalent disease. Pestis.—Plague. In the middle ages this malady prevailed so extensively and fatally as to receive the appellation of "The Black Death," "The Black Mortality," etc. See Plague. Petechie.—Puncticula. SmaU spots resembting flea-bites, which appear upon the skin in the course of putrid fevers. They are signs of great putrescency and exhaustion. Phagedena.—Sloughing of the mouth, Hospital Gangrene, Boulimia, Watery Cancer, an eating or corroding Ulcer. This affection requires the coldest apptications locally, with prompt measures for the purification of the whole mass of the blood. Free ventilation, and an airy, light apartmentare indispensable. Phalangosis.—Trichiasis. Phantasia.—Delirium, Disordered Imagination. Phantasm.—Phantom, False Appearance, Hallucination. Pharyngitis.—Cynanche Pharyngea, Inflammation of the Pharynx. Pharyngitis, Apostematosa.—Abscesses of the Pharynx. Pharyngitis, Diptheritic—Membranific or Diptheritic In- flammation of the Throat; Cynanche Maligna. Pharyngocele.—Prolapsus of the Oesophagus. An en- largement of the upper part of the gullet, in which the food sometimes lodges. It is owing to a relaxed condition of the mucous membrane, caused by inflammation or chronic con- 10 218 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Phl. gestion. Cold water gargles, bits of ice, and a dry, abstemious dietary, comprise tho especial remedial resources. PnARYNGOPHLEaiA.—Paralysis of the Pharynx or Oesopha- gus. It may be a part of a general paralytic condition. In acute disease it indicates approaching dissolution. Phenomena.—In pathology, the term includes aU the symp- toms or signs of disease. Phimosis.—Stricture of the Prepuce. A preternatural nar- rowness of the opening of the prepuce, preventing it from being retracted behind the corona glandis. It may be congen- ital, or caused by inflammation or swelling, as in syphilis. When cold applications will not overcome, circumscision, or a division of the prepuce, must be resorted to. Phlebismus.—Turgescence of the Veins. Phlebitis.—Inflammation of a Vein. It often follows blood-letting, the pain and swelling extending from the wounded part to the neighboring parts of the venous system, and characterized by a knotty, tense, painful cord along the course of the principal vein, with more or less feverishness. Cold applications are required. Phlegm.—Pituita. Stringy mucus, expectorated or vomited. Phlegmasia.—Inflammation. Phlegmatia, Dolens.—Dolens Puerperarum. See Milk Log. Phlegmon.—Boil; Suppurating inflammation of the areolar texture. It requires only cold wet cloths. Phlegmonous Inflammation.—Active or entonic inflamma- tion, in contradistinction to erysipelatous, erythematic, passive, or atonic inflammation. Phlogistic—Inflammatory. This term should be limited to entonic inflammation. Phlogosis.—Inflammation. Phlyctena.—Phlyctis, Phlysis. Accumulation of seroua fluid under the epidermis. Pit. Hand-Book of Htgienic Practice. 219 Photophobia.—Intolerance of Light, Nyctalopia. PnoTOPSiA.—False perception of Objects. Pressure on the eye-ball, congestion of the brain, and inflammation of the retina, aro often accompanied with the recognition of sparks, flashes of fire, luminous baUs, etc. Simtiar appearances are often noticed in the incipient stage of amaurosis. See Reti- nitis. Phrenitis.—See Cephalitis. Phrenzy.—Phrenitis. Phtheiriasis.—Lousy Disease; Lousiness. Phthisis.—Decline, Tabes, Consumption, Phthisic, Gradual Emaciation. Phthisis, Pulmonalis.—See Consumption. Phyma.—Phlegmon, Boil, Anthrax. Phymosis.—Phimosis, Physconia.—Pot-belly, Swag-belly, Pendulous Abdomen. Physema, Physesis.—See Tympanites. Physocele.—Hernia Ventosa. An emphysematous tumor of the scrotum, or intestinal hernia. Physometra.—Uterine Tympanitis; Inflation of the Womb Collection of air in the uterus. It is connected with some form of menstrual disorder, and the treatment must be reg- ulated accordingly. Pimelosis.—Fatty Degeneration; applied to certain morbid states of tho liver and kidneys. The ordinary process of fat- tening animals, or human beings, tends directly to produce this condition of those organs. Pit, Pitting.—Pock Mark. Pityriasis,—Dandriff, Dandruff, Tinea Furfuracea. An unimportant affection, consisting in the formation of irregular patches of thin scales on the surface, which repeatedly exfo- liate. It indicates a slight defect in the functions of the cuta- neous emunctory, or a too viscid condition of the blood, and is remediable by a datiy ablution and a proper diet. 220 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ple. Plague.—Pestis, Black Death. This is a malignant typhus of the putrid form. It is attended with glandular swetiings, ulcerations and carbuncles, and hence the term, Carbuncidar Exanthem. The Plague is nothing more nor less than tho ex- treme manifestation of putrid typhus fever. All of the lead- ing symptoms—black tongue, fetid breath, offensive excre- tions, burning pain in the epigastrium, and foul eruptions, etc,—indicate extreme grossness of the body and putrescency of the blood. It has thus far been the most fatal fever which has ever prevailed extensively, the deaths having been more than two-thirds of all the cases. In the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, more than one hundred millions of the human race died of it. For the treatment, see Fever, Putrid. Plague, Cold.—The term has been applied to low states of the system in pneumonia, and in various fevers, where tho hot stage—" the stage of reaction "—was absent or slight. Plethora.—Repletion, Fullness. Medical authors give us two varieties of plethora, sanguine and nervous ; the former being tho condition of superabundance of blood, and indicated by turgescence and redness of the surface, and the latter being the condition of superabundance of serous fluid, indi- cated by fullness with paleness of the surface. In both cases there is excessive alimentation, or defective depuration, or both. When the retained excrementitious matters are so accumulated as to render the blood very thick, gross and putrescent, the individual is liable on the application of the most trivial ex- citing causes, to fatal congestions of the brain or lungs. Such persons often die very suddenly of an "apoplectic stroke;" usuaUy termed, however, "visitations of God." Plain, dry, sotid food in spare quantity, with abundant exercise, and a datiy bath, are infallible remedies. Pleumonia.—Pneumonia. PLEURALGiA.-Pleurodyne, Pleurodynia, Stitch in the Side, Pain in the Side, False Pleurisy. This disease is often mis- taken for pleurisy. It is a rheumatic or spasmodic affection of the intercostal or other muscles of the chest; the pain is Pne. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 221 increased on inspiration, and augmented by pressure, and there is more or less cough ; dyspnoea sometimes exists. It may be distinguished from pleurisy, or pneumonitis, by the absence of fever. Warm fomentations, followed by the wet- girdle, will invariably remove it. Pleurisy.—Pleuritis. Pleuritis.—Inflammation of the Pleura. This cannot be, and need not be, distinguished from Pneumonitis, of which it is really apart. Pleuritis, Bronchialis,—Bronchitis. Pleurodyne, Pleurodynia.—Pleuralgia, which see. Pleuropneumonia, Pleuroperipneumony.—Inflammation of the Pleura and Lungs. These terms have been applied to co-existent pleurisy and pneumonia ; and has lately been em- ployed to designate a disease which has been very fatal among cattle in some parts of New England, and still more exten- sively fatal among hogs in the Western States. The real disease is, however, in all the cases to which these terms have thus far been applied, nothing more nor less than typhoid pneumonia, of very low diathesis. Pleurothotonos. — Tetanus, with incurvation backward. See Tetanus. Plica. — Matted Hair; interlacing, twisting and aggluti- nation of the hair. This affection has been endemic in Po- land, Lithuania, and other parts of Northern Europe. Inat- tention to cleanliness is no doubt the essential cause ; and this fact sufficiently indicates the remedial plan. Pneum a tho r a x.—Se e Pneumothorax. Fneumapostema.—Abscess in the Lungs ; Apostematous Phthisis, See Consumption. Pneumonia.—Pneumonitis. Pneumonitis.—Pneumonia; Inflammation of the Lungs. This is one of the least dangerous of aU the diseases which are reaUy serious ; yet, under the ordinary drug treatment, the mortality is enormous. More than fifty deaths per week 222 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. have occurred in New York, not one in ten of whom would, in my opinion, have died had there been no physician in at- tendance. This may be said to be a mere opinion ; but it is corroborated by the facts that deaths of pneumonitis aro rare when the patients take no medicine at all, and that the phy- sicians of the Hygienic school, who have treated hundreds of cases in this city, have not yet lost the first patient. Pneumonitis is manifested in three forms: 1. Phlegmonous Inflammation of the lungs, with Synochal or Inflammatory Fever; this is commonly termed, simply, Pneumonia. 2. Erysipelatous Inflammation, with Putrid Typhoid Fever; this form is usually caUed Bilious Pneumonia. 3. Erysipelatous Inflammation, with Nervous Typhoid Fever. This form has been denominated, Peripneumony notha. The term Pleuropneumonia has been com- monly applied to severe cases of the second or putrid variety, while the term Congestive is not unfrequently applied to severe cases of the third variety. The phrase, Malignant Typhoid Pneumonia, has been apptied to severe cases of both the sec- ond and third variety. The " Typhoid Pneumonia," of which so many of our soldiers are reported to have died during our gigantic war, was of the second variety. Pneumonitis may be known by a fixed pain in the chest, with sense of weight and heat in the lungs, cough, difficult breathing, expectoration, and fever. Entonic Pneumonitis is characterized by strong pulse, white tongue, florid surface, whitish expectoration, and uniform heat and dryness. Putrid Typhoid Pneumonitis may be known by the darker coat of the tongue, fetid breath, offensive excretions, crimson sur- face, dark or bloody expectoration, and, in malignant cases; dark spots or blotches on the skin. In Nervous Typhoid Pneumonia the sputa is copious and frothy; the coat of the tongue is light colored without red edges; the redness of the face is more like the flush of hectic than the florid color of the entonic, or the crimson color of the putrid form; while the superficial heat is unequal, and the surface disposed to partial sweats. Pne. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 223 So far as tho constitutional disturbance, or fever, is con- cerned,, the treatment should be precisely the same as for the corresponding forms of simple fever. In the entonic variety the wot-sheet pack is incomparably superior to all other bath- ing processes. It should be employed daily, with tepid ablu- tions two or three times a day in addition. The chest should be kept constantly covered with cold wet cloths; the bowels should be kept free with enemas of tepid water ; the patient may be allowed cold water or ice ad libitum; and abstinence from aU food must be the rule without any exception, until tho breathing becomes free, the expectoration easy, and the violence of the fever materially abated. In treating the putrid variety all the rules must be observed which I have mentioned under the head of putrid fever. (See Fever, Putrid.) In many cases the wet-sheet pack will be advisable, after the hot stage is fully developed; and in aU cases the whole surface should be sponged with moderately cool water whenever the heat of the surface rises much above the normal standard. Cold drinks and ice may be aUowed freely; and towels wet with tepid, cool, or cold water should be applied to the chest as long as there is preternatural exter- nal heat. As there is always a tendency to congestion of the brain and delirium, the head must be kept cool, and the room well ventilated. The bowels must be moved freely at the outset with enemas of tepid water, and afterwards whenever there is fullness, weight or uneasiness in the abdomen from fecal matters. In the nervous variety, the condition of the system is that of debility rather than grossness, and the whole plan of treat- ment must be mild, and directed more especially to balancing the circulation. The pack is seldom advisable, and very cold baths are never proper. When the cold stage is prolonged, or the extremities cold, hot bottles should be placed to the feet and sides. After the fever js fairly developed on the surface, tepid ablutions should be employed two or three times during each twenty-four hours ; and if the breathing is laborious, or expectoration difficult, fomentations should be applied to the chest. 224 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Pol. Pneumorrhagia.—Haemoptysis. Pneumothorax.—Accumulation of air in tho cavity of the pleura. It is generally, if not always, accompanied with tu- berculation or inflammation. Pock.—A Pustule of SmaU-pox. Pock, Kine.—Vaccina. Pockmark.—Pock-hole, Pock-fretten. Tho pit or pitting which remains after a smaU-pox pustule. Poisoning.—The condition occasioned by venoms, viruses, malaria, drugs, banes, and all foreign substances. The plan of curing diseases by the administration of poisons, alias medicines, is simply a poisoning process from first to last— Poisonopathy, and nothing else. Drugs are said to act on the system physiologically when taken from the apothecary shop and prescribed by the physician, and to act pathologically when taken from any source, or swallowed accidentally, or when administered in " excessive doses" by medical men. This is a distinction with a very curious difference. And when the people can understand the simple truism that poison is poison, and that the effects of all poisons are toxicological purely, no matter what are the technicalities employed, there will be an end of " the greatest curse of the civilized world "—drug med- ication. Polydipsia.—Excessive Thirst. It is symptomatic in most febrile and inflammatory diseases. Nine-tenths of all the water ordinarily drunk by human beings is to assuage morbid thirst, induced by improper food and irritating condiments. Those who live physiologically have occasion to drink very little water. Polyopsia.—Multiple Vision. Polyphagia.—Voracity. Polyphisia.—Flatulence. Polypus.—A tumor of a mucus, fleshy or scirrhous charac- ter which forms on the mucous membrane, and has some re- semblance to certain zoophites. Polypi are more frequently Por. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 225 found in the nasal fossa), pharynx, and uterus. They may be soft, spongy, or vesicular. They may be removed by ligation, cauterization, excision, or extirpation, according to their na- ture and situation. Polysarcia.—Corpulency, Obesity. Dunglison recommends "a severe regimen." It cannot be too mild; but it should be strictly physiological. Children are often said to be exces- sively fat " in spite of every care." It is because they do not have the right care. Children who are properly fed never be- come so. Polyuresis, Polyuria.—Diabetes. Pompholyx.—Bulla) or Blebs. See Pemphygus. Porrigo.—Scurf or ScaU in the Head. There are many varieties of this affection, but each is characterized by a pustular eruption of some kind, unaccompanied with fever. They are among the numerous manifestations of the scrofu- lous diathesis, or some other cachexy, and are more frequently the effects of the medicines which their parents have taken, particularly mercury, iron, and antimony, than is commonly supposed. Cleanliness of the part, and general purification of the system, comprise the essential medication. Porrigo, Decalvans.—Limited or Partial Baldness. Cut the hair short, wet the whole scalp with cold water, morning and evening, using also gentle friction, or " shampooing." Hot viands, salt and pepper, are especially injurious to such patients. Porrigo, Favosa. — Scabies of the Head, Honey-Comb Seall, Tetter. The eruptions are pea-sized, and appear on the body, and extremities also. Porrigo, Furfurans.—An eruption of small achores, the fluid of which concretes and separates in scale-like exfoliations. Porrigo, Larvalis. — Crusta Lactea; Milky Seall. An eruption of numerous minute white achores on a red surface, which break and discharge a viscid fluid, which becomes in- crusted in a thin, yeUowish, or greenish scab. The eruption 10* 226 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Pro. appears at first on the forehead and cheeks, and is almost whoUy confined to infants. The mother, if nursing the child, should look weU to her own dietetic and other habits. Porrigo, Lupinoso.—This variety consists of patches of minute pustules which terminate in dry scabs, resembUng lupine seeds. Porrigo, Scutulata. — Granulated Tinea, ScaUed Head, Ringworm of the Scalp. In this form the eruption commences with clusters of small, yellow pustules, which soon scab off. It is one of the most unmanageable varieties of porrigo. Dung- lison says, " The whole tribe of stimulating ointments may be used in succession." I would advise that the " whole tribe " be thrown into the sea. The practice of curing cutaneous eruptions with lead, zinc, tar, mercurial, antimonial, sulphur, etc., etc., ointments and lotions, is wrong in theory and disas- trous in effect. The disease may disappear on the surface, but it wiU exist in a more insidious and more injurious form in the internal organs. I have always succeeded in curing this affection by proper bathing and strict attention to the general regimen. Pregnancy, False.—Moles, hydatids, polypus tumors, etc., which have formed in the cavity of the uterus, have received this appeUation. Presbytia,—Long-Sightedness. A condition of vision in which near objects are seen confusedly, while those at a dis- tance are clearly distinguished. Convex glasses wiU remedy the defect, Priapismus.—Painful and prolonged erection without sexual desire. It is symptomatic of constipation, local inflammation, inordinate accumulation of urine, tho irritation occasioned by acrid drugs, cantharides, etc. Tepid, but not very cold water, wiU in due time relieve it. The bowels should be freely evac- uated, and all sources of irritation or constipation carefully avoided. Procidentia.—Prolapsus. Proctocace.—Gangrenous inflammation of the rectum Pro. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 227 which is said to bo common in Peru, and the neighborhood of Quito and Lima, on the Honduras and Mosquito coasts, in Brazil, and on the Gold coast. It has been attributed to bad food and spices. Proctocele—Prolapsus Ani ; FaUing of the Fundament. Inversion and prolapsion of the mucous coat of the lower bowel. It is owing to relaxation, and may be restored by cool or cold hip-baths, enemas of a small quantity of cold water, or the introduction of small pieces of ice into the rectum, with due attention to the general health. Proctorrhcea.—Hcemorrhois. Profluvium.—Flux. A term applied to morbid discharges. Prolapsus.—Procidentia, Prolapsion, Delapsus, Protosis ; a falling down. Prolapsus Ani.—See Proctocele. Prolapsus Uteri.—Falling of the Womb; A displacement of the organ downward, or a descent from its normal position. This is a very prevalent abnormal condition. Its remote causes are constipation, sedentary habits, emmenagogues or "forting" medicines, drastic purgatives, etc. • The most prominent symp- tom is a sense of weight or bearing down, which is increased on standing or walking. A digital or speculum examination will readily determine the degree of the prolapse. The re- storative plan must comprehend not only the reposition of the organ, but the invigoration of the whole muscular system, and especially the contractile tissue of the utero-vaginal region, so that it may be afterwards retained in the normal position. The multitudinous surgical processes and mechanical applian- ces which are usually resorted to, have done immense mis- chief; and it would be an incalculable blessing to womankind, and indirectly to matikind, also, if the whole catalogue of inventions and contrivances, called "pessaries," and "abdom- inal supporters," could be discarded at once and forever. When the prolapsis is slight, no other local treatment is necessary than hip-baths, vaginal injections, and abdominal manipulations to remove the causes of inflammation, and 228 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Pbo. restore tone to the relaxed muscles and membranes. In se- verer cases, when the organ is very low down in the passage, and when the os uteri protrudes externally, mechanical treat- ment is generally indispensable. The prolapsed organ should be pushed gently yet firmly upward—the patient meanwhile in the recumbent or horizontal position—and if the relaxa- tion is extreme, a piece of fine, compressed sponge may be introduced (most conveniently through a cylinder or specu- lum,) and allowed to remain for a few hours. The patient should continue to rest for an hour or two after each reposi- tion (which may be repeated daily or weekly according to the degree of relaxation,) and while in this position, the abdom- inal muscles should be manipulated by the attendant—rub- bing, kneading, percussion, etc. In most cases, and especially when there is spinal curvature, or great weakness in the back, or inability to sit long in the erect position, an additional benefit will be derived from turning the face and spatting, rubbing, and kneading the muscles of the back. Hip-baths of a mild temperature—75° to 90°—vaginal injections and the wet-girdle, should be employed with a freedom proportioned to the local heat and irritation. In a majority of cases, there will be more or less inflammation of the mucous membrane—vag- initis—and when this is attended with much heat and pain, very cold injections, or pieces of ice introduced immediately after each reposition, will be serviceable, Ulcerations of the os uteri are often found in connection with prolapsus. When they are superficial they readily heal when the inflammation subsides, or soon after the congestion is removed. When they are deep, with irregular, indurated, or corroding edges, they should be cauterized with nitrate of silver, or sulphate of zinc. The caustic should come in con- tact only with tho part which is to be destroyed. The object is to destroy the abnormal edge or surface, so that healthy granulations may start from the sound tissue. When the ulcers are very deep, or their edges very thick, the caustic may have to be repeated several times. No harm will arise from the application of caustic agents to any required extent, Pso. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 229 if the treatment is properly attended to in other respects. Tho practice, as the manner of some is, of injecting strong caustic solutions over the whole vaginal mucous membrane, cannot be too strongly reprobated. I have known the health, happiness, and usefulness of several ladies ruined in this way. No cases require a more strict and persevering regimen, so far as the dietary is concerned. Mushes must be eaten spar- ingly ; milk, butter, cheese, puddings, and flesh-meat must be whoUy abstained from. I have known poor women bed- ridden for years, with a prospect of continuing so for many years longer, and, probably, for the rest of their lives, because their own morbid sensations, and their own family physicians, told them that", they coidd not live without meat. Prolapsus, Uvule.—See Staphyledema, Prolapsus, Vagine,—Protrusion of the upper part of the vagina into the lower. The treatment is substantiaUy the same as for prolapsus uteri. For a fuUer explanation of these subjects, illustrated with plates, see the author's work, " Uter- ine Diseases and Displacements." PaosrHYSis.—Adhesion of the Eyelids. Prostratitis.—Inflammation of the Prostrate Gland. Prurigo.—An eruption of the papuke of nearly the same color as the adjoining cuticle, accompanied with severe itching. Pruritis.—Gargle, Itching, Prurigo. Psora.—Scabiola, Itch, Scratch, Physis. The eruption of very minute pimples, pustular, vesicular, papular, intermixed, and alternating, itching intolerably, and terminating in scabs. It is probably caused by an insect of the genus acarus. Sul- phur, hellebore, potash, muriate of ammonia, will destroy the insect; but water and coarse towels have always proved effi- cient in my practice. Psoriasis.—Scaly Tetter, Dry Seall, Scabies Sicca. This disease occurs in many forms, some of which are called Baker's Itch, Grocer's Itch, Washer-woman's Seall, Psora agria. The dis- ease is a cutaneous affection, consisting of patches of rough, amorphous scales, continuous or of indefinite outline. The 230 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Pur* skin is generaUy extremely irritable and tender, and the bath- ing should in most cases bo of water of a very mild temper- ature. Pterygion, Pterygium.—Onyx, Pyosis, Unguis, Onglet. A varicose excrescence of the conjunctiva, whence it extends over the cornea. It will usually disappear soon after tho in- flammation subsides; if not, it can be removed with the scissors. Ptosis Iridis.—Hernia of the Iris, Iridoptosis, Prolapsus of the Iris. A protrusion of the iris through a wound of tho cornea. Ptyalism, Ptyalismus.—Salivation. Puerperal Convulsions.—Convulsions occurring during or near parturition. Constipation or plethora are the most fre- quent causes. See Convulsions, Puerperal. Puerperal Fever.—Childbed Fever. See Peritonitis. Puffiness.—Inflation, Sufflation. A soft intumescence with- out redness, occasioned by accumulation of serum, air, or extravasated blood, into the areolar texture. In different cases cold, tepid, warm, or hot water, may be the best applica- tion. Puking.—Vomiting, Regurgitation. See Emesis. Pulmonia.—Pneumonia, Phthisis Pulmonalis. Puncticula .—Petechioe. Puo g eni a . —Py ogenia. Purblindness.—Myopia. Purgation.—Catharsis. The term is applied to diarrhoea or cholera, when induced by what are caUed cathartic or pur- gative medicines. Probably there is no class of drug medicines which do so much mischief as this. Nearly all persons are taking them more or less, while every drug doctor prescribes them more or less in almost every case of disease he treats. Next to eating their way into premature graves, the great error of mankind is in purging themselves to death. Put. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 231 Purpura.—Porphyra. Livid spots on the skin from extra- vasated blood, as in putrid fevers, scurvy, etc Purpura, Simplex.—Petechial Scurvy. Purpura, Hemorrhagica.—Scorbutus, Land Scurvy, Pur- ples. A putrescent state of the blood, characterized by livid or purplish spots, often in stripes or patches, irregularly scat- tered over the body and extremities, with occasional hemor- rhages from the mouth, nostrils, or viscera, and great debility and depression of spirits. Abundance of pure air, simple food, with a large proportion of fruits, of vegetables, and strict abstinence from greasy food and salted meats, are the remedies. Purpura, Nautica.—Sea Scurvy. In this form of scurvy there are spots of different hues; the teeth are loose; the gums spongy and bleeding ; the breath is fetid; the debility is universal and extreme. The treatment is the same as in the preceding case. Pursiness.—Short-windedness; Dyspnoea with Obesity. Purulence, Purulency.—Pus, Suppuration. Pustulation.—The Formation of Pustules. The process is often resorted to as a remedial measure, on the principle of counter irritation, for which tarter emetic is commonly employed. Putrefaction,—Rottenness, Putrid Fermentation. Decom- position of dead organic substances. Antiseptics, as salt, nitre, alcohol, charcoal, etc., have been used in medicine, on the theory that they would prevent the putrescent tendency of the fluids and solids of the body. But the theory is erroneous, and the practice pernicious. Putrid.—Gross, Putrescent; tending to Putrefaction. The term is apptied to certain states of the system in low fevers and passive inflammations, in which the excretions are very offensive, and exhale an odor of putridity, as in typhus, plague, confluent smaU-pox, maUgnant scarlatina, black measles, etc. Putrid Fever.—See Fever, Putrid. 232 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Qui. Pyemia.—Pyohcemia. An alteration and depravation of the blood by an intermixture of pus. Pyorrhcea.—A Discharge of Pus. Pyrexia .—Fever. Pyrosis. — Cardialgia Sputatoria, Water-qualm, Black- water, Waterbrash, A hot sensation in the stomach, with eructations of an acrid, burning liquid. It is a common symp- tom of indigestion. It may be relieved by warm water-drink- ing, and can be cured by restoring the healthy condition of the digestive organs. Pyuria.—Discharge of Purulent Urine. It occurs in cases of renal calcuti, and in organic diseases of the bladder. Quartan.—An intermittent fever whose paroxysms recur every fourth day. Queasiness.—Nausea. Quinialis.—Though this term is not found in the medical lexicons, I introduce it here for a purpose. I mean by it the state or condition of torpor and exhaustion in the whole ner- vous system which is induced by large or long continued doses of quinine. Dimness of vision, dullness of hearing, a sense of langor and lassitude, with torpidity of the liver, and a de- pression of the spirits, are the most obvious symptoms. A buzzing in the head, or ringing in the ears, or sense of con- striction in the epigastrium, are regarded by physicians as evidences that the drug has " taken full effect"—an effect, however, whose consequences are as mischievous as they are lasting. Nothing can be more absurd than the notion almost universaUy entertained that quinine has some specific virtue or property of " neutralizing " or " counteracting " malaria. It may indeed prevent or cure (in the drugopathic sense) ague and fever , but it does it by preventing the system from ex- pelling it, and therefore leaves the poison within. A sufficient number of such cures are sure death to the patient. A late author, in the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter has Rac. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 233 capped the ctimax of absurdity, by expatiating on the virtues of quinine in "preventing" malaria! Quininism.—Quinism, Cinchonism, Quininismus. All of these terms are found in Dunglison's Medical Dictionary, and are thus denned : " The aggregate of encephatic or neuro- pathic phenomena induced by over doses of quinine." Quinsy.—Cynanche Tonsillaris, Tonstititis, Inflammation of the TonsUs. It is easily recognized by the heat, redness, pain and swelling of glands. It is accompanied with continued fever, commonly of tho entonic diathesis ; but sometimes the local inflammation is of the erysipelatous character and the corresponding fever of the atonip diathesis. In the latter case the disease is termed, Typhoid or Malignant Quinsy. Cold wet (loths around the throat, iced-water or ice in the mouth, with tepid ablutions when tho fever is typhoid, and the wet-sheet pack when the fever is entonic, are the remedial measures. If these measures are promptly applied in the early stage, the disease will terminate by resolution, but if it proceeds to sup- puration, indicated by great swelling, with throbbing, pain and extreme difficulty of breathing and swaUowing, and a soften- ing of the tonsils, they should be opened and the matter evacuated. Quotidian.—Occurring Daily. Quotidian Fever.—Every Day Intermittent. Rabies Canina.—Hydrophobia. Racuialgia.—Lead Colic; MetaUic Cotic See Colic, Me- tallic. Rachiphyma.—Tumor Dorsi. A tumor on the back, or spine. Rachisagra.—A gouty or rheumatic affection of the spine. Rachitis.—Engtish Disease ; Rickets. An affection char- acterized by swelting of the extremities, crookedness of the spine, prominent abdomen, crookedness of the long bones, large head, and often precocity of intellect. Damp, dark, til-venttiated situations, with gross food and poisonous drugs, 234 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Rea. are the predisposing causes. Rickets is one manifestation of the scrofulous diathesis, and is often inherited from feeble, consumptive, mercurialized, liquor-drinking, tobacco-using, and pork-eating parents. Tepid bathing, a pure atmosphere, plain food, exercise, active or passive, in the fresh air, and frequent exposure to sunshine, constitute the remedial plan; but in many cases little can be done except to palliate the pa- tient's sufferings. Rachosis.—Relaxation of the Scrotum. Frequent cold ab- lutions and friction are the specialities of treatment. Radzyge. —Norwegian Leprosy; a malignant Ulcer. It is probably a variety of Elephantiasis. Rale.—Rattle, Rhonchus. Noise produced by air passing through mucus, of which the lungs are unable to free them- selves. It is seldom observed except at the approach of death, and is then called " the rattles." Ramollissk.ment.—Softening of the Structures. Ranula.—Frog-Tongue. A smaU tumor which forms under the tongue, in consequence of accumulation in Wharton's duct. When cold applications will not remedy it, a portion of the cyst may be removed with the scissors. Raphamia.—A convulsive disease common in Germany and Sweden, and which has been attributed to the seeds of a species of Raphanus, being mixed with the corn. The convul- sive actions are mostly in the limbs, and are attended with acute pain. On the whole, the disease very much resembles the milk-sickness of some of our Western States. Rash.—Exanthem; Cutaneous Disease. Reaction.—This term is misdefined in the medical diction- aries, and misapplied by the medical profession. Dunglison says, "It is a state of activity which succeeds the action on the nervous system of certain morbific influences." As " mor- bific influences " do not " act on the nervous system," the ex- planation is a failure. A correct definition would be, the direct action of the vital powers in the process of expelling a Rep. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 235 morbific agent through the surface. Stimulants, especially the alcoholic, are given in the cold stage of low fevers to "produce, " or " bring about," reaction; and in many diseases of very low diathesis, as diptheria, spotted fever, congestive chills, etc., they are given through their whole course to " maintain" action or reaction. These facts show that stimu- lation, and what medical books term " reaction," are precisely the "state of activity," and that both are morbid processes or remedial efforts to expel poisons. The common notion of "reaction" is founded on a false doctrine of the modus op- erandi of medicine, and the common practice of administering stimulants is predicated on a false theory of tho nature of disease; while both of these errors are traceable to a funda- mental error, a false dogma of the relations of living and dead matter. Rectitis.—Inflammation of the Rectum. Red Tongue Fever.—See Fever, Red Tongue. Regurgitation.—In pathology this term is applied to the puking or possetting of infants; and to the rising of fluids or solids into the mouth in the adult. It is generally caused by over-eating. Dyspetics are sometimes troubled with it. Some persons have the power of regurgitating the food or other contents of the stomach at any time, or "vomiting at pleasure." P elapse. — The reappearance of a disease after conva- lescence. Relapsing Fever.—See Fever, Relapsing. Relaxation. — Flabbiness, or looseness of a structure or part. It is the opposite of tone, tonicity, contractility, etc. Remission.—Applied to fever, it means a prominent yet partial subsidence of the hot stage of the paroxysm. In a more extended sense, it means the diminution of any symp- tom of disease. Remittens Icterodes.—See Fever, Yellow. Remittent Fever.—See Fever, Remittent. Repletion.—Fullness, Plethora. 236 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Ret. Resolution.—Removal or disappearance of disease without structural lesion. Retention.—Permanent accumulation of a solid or liquid substance in a canal or cavity intended for its excretion. Retention of the Menses.—The menstrual flux may be re- tained in the uterine cavity or vaginal canal in consequence of obstruction of the os uteri or imperforate hymen. The symptoms are, sense of weight or heaviness in the pelvis, in- creased at the monthly periods, with puffiness of the face, and swelling of the feet in the evening. A digital or instru- mental examination may be necessary to determine the nature of the difficulty. When the os uteri is closed by concreted mucus, warm-water injections, and subsequently the introduc- tion of the uterine probe or sound, will relieve it. H the hy- meneal membrane is imperforate, it should be divided by a crucial incision. Retention of Urine.—The urine may accumulate in the bladder from strangury or spasmodic contraction of the sphincter muscles; from atony of the muscular fibers of the body of the organ; from the presence of tumors in the vicin- ity, or foreign bodies within the bladder obstructing the urethra; inflammation of the urethra or prostrate gland; stricture, etc. Retention is a frequent complication in low fevers, and in paralytic affections. The application of Spanish flies to the surface, in the form of blistering plaster, will often cause spasmodic retention, while opium and other narcotic medicines, when given in large doses, will cause atonic retention. The urine is sometimes allowed to accumulate in the bladder be- cause of the inconvenience or indelicacy of voiding it, until tho muscles are so distended as to lose their power of con- traction. Alternate hot and cold applications will always re- lieve, except when the obstruction is mechanical. The warm sitz-bath—as warm as can be borne—for a few minutes, immediately followed by the cold; or hot fomentations to the abdomen, followed by a dash of cold water, or the application of cold wet cloths, Avill relieve in most cases. But if they Ret. . Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 237 fail, resort must be had at once to the catheter. When the bladder is found distended above the pubis, with violent pain, no time should be lost in tho treatment, or rupture of the bladder might take place. Retinitis.—Inflammation of the Retina. The symptoms are, deep-seated pain in the eyeball; the appearance of flashes of light, balls of fire, and various luminous bodies ; intolerance of light, and more or less feverishness. It demands prompt attention, or the function of the optic nerve may be destroyed, and vision lost forever. The patient's apartment should be darkened, but well ventilated; cold wet cloths kept constantly on the eyes and over the whole face; tepid hip-baths and hot and cold foot-baths should be taken once or twice a day, and tho whole surface sponged with tepid water whenever there is preternatural heat. Careful attention should be paid to the bowels, which must be kept entirely free, and the dietary must bo simple and very abstemious. Retrocession.—Disappearance or metastasis of an inflam- mation, eruption, tumor, etc., from the outer parts of the body to the inner. The practice of curing external diseases by re- pelling them, scattering them away, or "driving them in," by means of astringents and irritant ointments, lotions, etc., is very common with physicians, but very dangerous to their patients. Such " cures" invariably make a very bad matter very much worse. Retroflexion of the Uterus.—That condition of retrover- sion in which the organ is doubled upon itself, the os uteri and fundus being near each other at the lower part of the tumor. See Retroversion of the Uterus. Retrovaccination.—Vaccination with matter obtained from the cow, after inoculating the animal with vaccine matter from the human subject. Retroversion of the Uterus.—Displacement of the organ backward, the fundus or body being toward the rectum, and the os, or mouth, toward the bladder. Enlargement or con- gestion of the organ itself, and relaxation of the surrounding 238 Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. Rhe. parts, more particularly of the vaginal canal and the abdom- inal muscles, are the common predisposing causes. A iolent exertions and a distended bladder are the usual exciting causes. There is a sense of weight and distress in the lower part of the pelvis, increased on standing or walking; often an inability to walk at aU; with constipation or difficult defeca- tion, in consequence of the pressure of the body of the uterus on the lower bowel. A digital examination detects a globular tumor low down in and on the posterior part of the passage, with the os, or mouth, anteriorly, and a greater or less concavity between them, as the retroversion is more or less complete. The treatment is in all respects the same as for Prolapsus Uteri, with the exception of the manipulations. After the inflam- matory condition is removed and the muscular tone manifestly improved, the fundus is to be gently elevated with the finger, or some convenient instrument, as far as possible toward its normal position; and these efforts at reposition must be re- peated once, twice, or thrice a week, until the organ wtil remain in the normal position. The patient must gradually accustom herself to more and more exercise of various kinds, particularly in walking. Revulsion.—Antispasis. See Derivation. Rhachialgia.—See Spinal Irritation. Rhachitis.—Rachitis. Rhagadus.—See Fissure. Rhenchus, Rhenxis.—Rattle, Snoring. Rheum.—Any thin, watery discharge from the mucous mem- branes or skin. Rheum, Salt.—Various forms of hepatic and eczematous eruptions are so called. It is also appUed to a kind of chronic psoriasis; also to cutaneous affections of those who expose their hands to extremes of heat and cold, or immerse them in acid or metaUic solutions. Cleanliness, a simple diet, and an equable temperature, are the essentials of treatment. Rheuma.—Catarrh, Diarrhoea, Rheumatism. Rhe. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 239 Rheuma Catarrhale.—Bronchitis, Influenza, Leucorrhcea. Rheumatism. — Inflammation of the Joints. Rhematism differs from gout only in affecting primarily the larger joints; whereas, gout primarily affects the smaller joints. When several or both the large and small joints are affected, it is termed Rheumatic Gout, or Gouty Rheumatism, as the disease primarily affects the larger or smaller joints. Rheumatism may be acute, with regular fever; subacute, with irregular feverishness; or chronic, without febrtie disturbance. The "seat," as it is improperly called, is in the muscles, or denser tissues of the joints. The principal forms of Rheumatism are the Inflammatory, Articular, Spasmodic, and Chronic. The first and second varieties, though both are acute and severe, are of opposite diathesis, but are strangely confounded in medi- cal books, and hence, as a necessary consequence, sadly mal- treated by most physicians. Inflammatory Rheumatism is accompanied with entonic fever. The discriminating symptoms are white tongue, strong pulse, turgescence and florid redness of the whole surface; tender- ness and heat of the whole surface; great pain, lameness, or soreness about the small of the back, increased on the slight- est motion; in most cases the patient cannot stand, nor rise from the bed, nor be turned over, without excruciating pain. The joints are not greatly swoUen. The treatment is pre- cisely the same as for simple or entonic or inflammatory fever, with the addition of cold wet cloths to the joints whenever there is much swelting, heat, and pain. The wet-sheet pack, when the patient can be handled by experienced attend- ants or nurses, should be employed for an hour, toward the middle of the day, and again in the evening. When the heat of the surface is very great, double sheets should be used. When the patient cannot be moved without great distress, cool or cold ablutions should be employed with a fre- quency proportioned to the external heat. The bowels are always constipated, and should be freely moved with tepid enemas. In no febrile disease is abstemiousness in di Dactylius aculeatus, J Distoma hepaticum, Gall Bladder. Strongylus gigas, Kidney. Filaria oculi, Eye. _, , . , . . ) Liver, Spleen, Echmococcus homims, J and 0mentuml Polystoma pinguicola, Ovary. Polystoma venarum seu sangui- > Ye'ms cola Hexathyridium venarum, J Filaria hronchialis, Bronchial Glands. Trichina spiralis > Muscles. Cysticercus cellulosae, > Acephalocystis multifida, Brain. Filaria medinensis, Cellular texture. The most common of these are the Oxyures, Ascarides, and Taenia, which are found in the intestines. There are no symptoms which positively indicate their presence, except their discharge. As they are never found outside of a Uving or- Intestines. Urinary Bladder. Zoa. Hand-Book of Hygienic Practice. 281 ganism, and only subsist within on the offal of the alimentary canal, being essentiaUy scavengers, it is clear that a physio- logical dietary is the chief and probably all-sufficient remedy. Wound.—Mechanical Injury. Any sudden solution of con- tinuity, or displacement of parts by some mechanical force. They are distinguished into incised, punctured, lacerated, and poisoned. Aside from the surgery, water dressings to regu- late the temperature, or in other words, control the inflam- mation, are aU the treatment which can be necessary or useful. Wrench.—Sprain. Wrist-Drop.—Paralysis of the muscles of the forearm, occasioned by the poison of lead. Writer's Spasm.—See Spasm, Writer's. Xanthopsia.—Yellow Vision, Jaundice. Xanthosis.—The yellow discoloration which is often ob- served in cancerous tumors. Xanthuria.—Depoits of xanthic oxide in the urine. Xerophthalmia.—Lippitudo, also an inflammation of the eye without discharge. Yawning.—Gaping. A deep, slow inspiration, followed by a prolonged and slightly sonorous expiration. It indicates torpor, or fatigue of the respiratory system, and is an effort to promote aeration of the blood. Yaws.—See Frambcesia. Yellow Fever.—See Fever, Yellow. Yellows,—Jaundice. Zelosis, Zelotypia.—Melancholy, Mania. Zoanthropia.—A species of monomania in which the suf- ferer imagins himself transformed into an animal. Zoara.—Insomnia. APPEIDIX. hygeio-therapeutic movements. As there are many cases of disease and infirmity for which it is impossible to give special directions, in a work of this kind, for such gymnastic, calisthenic, or kinesipathic exercises and manipulations as may be desirable in the course of treat- ment, I have deemed it important to supply, in an appendix, such instructions and illustrations as will enable those who cannot avail themselves of the advantages of teachers, nor the privileges of Health Institutions, in a measure to "work out their own salvation." I would, however, recommend to all who desire fuller instructions and a greater variety of il- lustrations than can be given here, to study the various works on this subject, particularly the author's "Illustrated FamUy Gymnasium," published by Fowler & Wells, No. 389 Broadway, New York. GENERAL RULES. The following remarks are copied from the above mentioned work, with the kind permission of the publishers: "It is no doubt a correct maxim, that all violent exertions should be made when the stomach is empty, or nearly so. The best times for the most active gymnastic exercises are early in the morning and towards evening; when practiced at or near bedtime, they should be more moderate. They should never be practiced immediately after meals, nor very near the time for eating, as digestion is never well performed when the system is in an agitated, or exhausted condition. "Exercises should always be commenced, as weU as fin- ished, gently. This is especiaUy important for new begin- ners, as they are sometimes injured, and their progress re- 284 Appendix. Fig. 1. tarded by too severe efforts at first. As a general rule, all very abrupt transitions are objectionable. "Let the pupti never forget that the organs or parts aro to be developed and strengthened by moderate and prolonged exertions, rather than by violent and fitful ones. The weaker organs or limbs should always receive most attention, and be more frequently subjected to exercises speciaUy adapted to their invigoration." "The dress should always be tight and easy, and all super- fluities in the dress itself, or in the pockets, as toys, knives, etc., dispensed with. Pupils should be careful and not sit in a draught of cold air, nor drink very much cold water, nor tie down on damp or cold ground when fatigued from exer- cise. Nor should they bathe or wash all over when much fatigued. A high tem- perature, perspiration, or 'feverishness' of the body, is, in itself, no objection to cold bathing, but rather an indication for . it, provided the body is not at all fatigued, and the respiration is not disturbed." "It is always important to vary the ex- ercises frequently, so as to call into action alternately various sets of muscles. When large classes take lessons together, it is a good plan to divide them into sub-classes, giving the easier exercises to the smaUer Exercising Dress. and weaker." BODILY POSITIONS. "In all kinds of gymnastic performances, as weU as in aU occupations, it is essential to observe undeviatingly, correct bod- ily positions. In lying, sitting, standing, walking, riding or laboring, the trunk of the body is to be kept erect. The bending is to be done on the hip-joint, and not by crooking the spinal column forward, and thus forcing the ribs and sternum in upon the stomach and lungs. Immense mischief results from this habit." Appendix. 285 " Bolsters and high ptilows are among the abominations of fashionable life. The head should never be raised more than a feW inches, by a single small pillow. But it is a general custom to pile pillow on pillow, like 'Alps on Alps,' until the poor doubled and twisted victim is elevated out of all reason- able shape, and the neck so bent, and lungs so compressed, that congestion is sure to affect the brain, while free breath- ing is utterly impossible. DuUness of mental comprehension, Fig. 2. and general torpor or stupidity of the intellectual ^ ' faculties are among the consequences of this perni- cious habit." The military position, which brings the ear, shoul- der, hip, knee and ankle into a tine, is the proper standing position, as seen in fig. 2. In this position the shoulders are squared, the heels placed slightly apart in line, the toes out to an angle of sixty degrees, the knees straight, the arms hanging easily by the side, and the hands open to the front. The chest must be slightly inclined forward, the abdomen moderately drawn in, the head erect, the eyes looking directly forward, and the weight of the body resting more on the fore part of the feet than on the heels. Fig. 3 represents an excellent position for straightening a crooked spine and securing erectitude of body, with free and unrestrained action of the whole respira- tory system. It may be assumed in the standing and lying positions alternately, and, although it may prove difficult and painful to maintain this attitude at first, it will soon become easy. The person may stand against a waU, or lie on the floor, for a few minutes at a time, and repeat the exercises as many tirngs a day 5 as convenient. i!l Fig. 8. Erectitude. 286 APPENDIX. ABDOMINAL MANIPULATIONS. In many cases of dyspepsia, attended with a rigid or re- laxed, and, consequently, feeble condition of the abdominal and dorsal muscles, spatting, kneading, thumping and rub- bing, with the hand, are very useful, and often very impor- tant exercises. They should never be so violent nor pro- longed as to occasion more than temporary pain or inconve- nience. They should be performed for a few minutes while the patient lies on the back, and then with the patient lying face downward. As the muscles of the abdomen and back run in aU directions—transverse, longitudinal and oblique— the rubbing motions should be correspondingly varied, so as to stir aU of the muscles in the direction of their fibres. When kneading or spatting the abdomen or back, the pa- tient should be directed to expand the lungs by a full inspira- tion, and to hold the breath as long as possible, while the "percussion" is being performed. For spinal irritations and curvatures, great benefit may be derived from gently, but per- severingly, spatting and rubbing the muscles along the spinal column for ten or fifteen minutes, daily. For habitual con- stipation, kneading the muscles of the abdomen is the spe- cialty of "movement cure." Fig. 4. Turning of the Body. There are some movements which the patient can perform without an assistant or manipulator, which are admirably adapted to overcome torpor and sluggishness of the abdom- inal organs. "With a mattress to tie upon, and a small pillow for the head, the patient lies down on the back, with the arms folded Appendix. 287 across the breast, the legs half bent at the knee, and the feet resting on the floor. The whole body then makes a simple turning motion which brings it on the arm, shoulder, and the side of the hip-joints, then back again, and then the same to the other side. The movement should be a complete change of the body from a back to a side position, so that it forms a semicircle." The aim of the motion is not so much exercise of the mus- cles—for here there is no particular use of them, and the amount is unimportant, which is the reason that this move- ment has nothing straining or fatiguing—as a rocking, alter- nating change of position of the more easily moved inner organs, es- pecially the abdominal intestines. Such a change of position may, however, be, in a simple manner, a means of causing many a cure, or at least of aiding in doing so, as every phy- sician knows. So, for instance, for a more regular distribu- tion of blood in all such cases where the obstruction of the cir- culation of the blood in the organs of the lower part of the abdomen requires remedy, as in cases of hemorrhoidal tumors (not yet inflamed, but already, perhaps, in an advanced state), of con- traction of the urinary bladder, which stands in connection with the above; or congestion of blood in the abdomen before the men- strual period of females, giving cause to hemorrhage, etc. It is further of use in preventing or removing flatulence, also for the reduction of strangulated hernia. —**— ~- Fig. 5. Raising of the Trunk. Raising of the truuk is another very useful and very con- c-nient exercise The body must be placed in a horizontal 288 Appendix. position, on a bed, mattress, or carpet; or two cushions, one under the head and the other under the hips, will answer all purposes. The exercise consists simply in raising the trunk to an upright position, without moving the legs. Many will require the assistance of a block of wood, or a heavy cushion, at first, which, being laid across the legs above the ankle, serves as a compensation weight. After a little practice, this may be dispensed with. At first the arms should be crossed over the breast. If this succeeds, the hands may then be placed behind the head, as in the illustration. If it is desirable to render the movement still more difficult, and put the mus- cles in greater tension, dumb-bells may be used, the hands being held close down by the body. " This is a movement setting powerfully in motion all the muscles of the abdomen, but more especially those of the fore part, whose activity, and the straining they undergo, exert a direct and very decided influence on the functions of the body, but which are, however, just those that are in so many cases so much neglected. After a repetition of the motion for a few times, the beneficial influence of it will be already experienced by the feeling of warmth which immediately foUows, and spreads itself over the whole re- gion of the abdomen." " For very feeble patients, and for female weaknesses, where the abdom- inal muscles are very much relaxed, the patient may have the head slightly raised. A sofa or lounge can be easily arranged for this purpose. A combination movement, to act on the whole respiratory system, as well as the abdominal muscles, is repre- sented in fig. 6. The arms aro Combination Movement. stretched Out, but not Stiffly, with the fists closed, and then thrown forcibly backward and forward. Appendix. 289 The trunk must not remain stiff, but rather yielding upon the hip-joints, in such a manner that, acting as a balance, it is now bent a little forward, now a tittle backward, according as the arms are swinging backward or forward. The whole movement is thereby rendered easier, and the effect more uni- versal. Besides the respective arm and shoulder muscles, most of those of the abdomen and back are set in a sort of rocking motion. The immediate effect of this motion is an agreeable feeling, and although the motion itself is somewhat violent, its influence is, on the whole, a mild one. ' It power- fully promotes a general and equable circulation of the blood, and is of essential benefit in cases of sub-paralysis or extreme torpor of the muscles of the arm, back, and abdo- men, and is a most excellent preparatory exercise for a course of gymnastics. For sedentary persons, and for young per- sons with contracted chests and consumptive tendency, it cannot be too highly recommended. THORACIC MOVEMENTS. To expand the chest and enlarge the whole breathing ap- paratus, the Indian club exercises are excellent. The foUow- ing remarkable instance of its beneficial effects is copied from the Illustrated News: " We learn that Mr. Harrison first began to use the clubs three years ago, at which time his muscular development was regarded as being very great; his measurement being then : Round the chest, thirty-seven and a half inches; round the upper arm, thirteen and seven-eighths inches, and round the forearm, thirteen and one-fourth inches. The clubs with which Mr. Harrison commenced, weighed about seven pounds each; he has advanced progressively, until he can now wield with perfect ease two clubs, each weighing thirty-seven pounds, and his heaviest weighs forty-seven pounds. The effect of this exercise ou the wielder's measurement is as fol- lows: Pound the chest forty-two and a half inches; the upper arm, fifteen inches, and the forearm fourteen inches. At tho same time his shoulders have increased immensely, 13 290 Appendix. and the muscles of his loins, which were weak when ho first used the clubs, are now largely developed and powerful. In short, all the muscles of the trunk have been much improved by this exercise." The robust appearance of Mr. Harrison^ after three years' ex- periment, is repre- sented is fig. 7. A very intelligent clergyman, whose wife is now under treatment at West- ern Hygeian Home, assures me that he overcame a strong predisposition to consumption with haemoptysis, by sim- ilar gymnastic ex- ercises. He has now powerful, muscular arms which will compare not unfa- vorably with those of Mr. Harrison. The light dumb- beUs are weU adapt- ed to persons who have very feeble chests, and for many beginners are even preferable to the 1 ipr. 7. Mr. Harrisor Appendix. 291 clubs. Figs. 8 and 9 represent one of the many useful exercises which can be performed with them. Fig. 8. Eg. 9- Exercises with the Dumb-Bells. When the weights are extended horizontally, the pupti may advantageously march to counting or music. FREE EXERCISES FOR SEDENTARY PERSONS. There are many persons la- boring under dyspepsia, torpid Uver, constipated bowels, and of consumptive tendency, whose oc cupations or circumstances pre- clude ordinary outdoor, or much in-door exercise of a healthful kind, who might keep up their health by devoting twenty min- utes, twice a day, to gymnastics suitable to their condition. With nearly all such persons the special indications are to keep the lungs expanded, and promote the action of the digestive sys- tem. In addition to the exercises already pointed out, there are 292 Appendix. a few which may be very conveniently practiced by almost aU persons of sedentary occupations, especially adapted to invig- orate the respiratory and digestive organs, and, if duly at- tended to, would prove infallible as a preventive of that prev- alent malady of our country, consumption. In the first place, let the patient or gymnast purify the air in the lungs thoroughly, by drawing in the abdominal mus- cles upon the diaphragm, throwing the chest forward, and expiring aU the air out of the lungs possible; then inhale slowly ttil the lungs are filled to their utmost capacity, retain the whole volume of air in the lungs a few moments, and then expire or blow it out as completely as possible. This may be repeated from half a dozen to a dozen times, which will serve, in most cases, to decarbonize the lungs effectually. Some persons, not accustomed to gymnastic respiratory movements, may experience, at first, some degree of vertigo or dizziness; but this wtil soon wear off. / Such persons, should, however, be gentle in their first exercises. Next, the movement represented in fig. 10, caUed the chop- ping motion, may be practiced a few minutes. The lungs should expire as the hands descend, and inspire as the body regains its erect posture, taking care to have the lungs fuUy inflated each time the body becomes erect. These movements act in one direction quite power- fully on the sluggish rec- tal and transverse muscles of the abdomen; and then, by resorting to the mowing movement, (fig. 11), we bring the action more di- rectly on the oblique mus- cles and internal organs. After performing these motions a few times, they should be so extended as Fi -. 11. Mowing Motion. to bring the points of the Appendix. 293 The same precautions as in the preceding Fig. 12. fingers down to the floor on each side. as to respiration are necessary here movement. The sawing movement may next be practiced. One arm is thrown forward as the other is drawn back, precisely as though you were striking at an ob- ject with one hand, and drawing it to- ward you with tho other. This pro- duces a very general or universal ac- tion of the muscular system. The joints of the lower extremities should lastly be specially brought into play, by a few of the rising and sinking movements, as shown in fig. 12. The exercises may be concluded with any familiar dancing step, or with the Sawing Movement. trotting movement [fig. 14], which consists in hopping on the points of the toes, first with one foot, ten, twenty, fifty or one hundred times, and then with the other. This movement may 3 be easy or severe, as it is pro- longed on one foot, and accord- ing to the height of the hop. In moderation, it is an excellent sleep-promoting and soothing exercise for nervous invaUds. PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES. A variety of useful tilustra- tions, which were selected and arranged for the Water-Cure Journal for 1853, are weU adapt- ed to individual cases and for k family use, and may be properly Flexion. Hop Movement, introduced in this place. In fig. 15, the feet being placed close, the hands fixed on the hips, rise on the toes, then bend the knees, and lower the Fig. 13. 294 Appendix. body gradually tiU the thighs touch the heels; extend tho arms in front, and faU forward, so that the body forms a straight line from the head to the heels, Fig-15- and rests on the hands and toes. These motions call into powerful action nearly three hundred muscles—those of the up- I Fig. 18. per and lower extremities, chest, spine, and abdomen. The action in fig. 16 is intended to exert mainly the mus- cles of the lower extremities alone. The feet being placed Fig. 16. close, the hands open, the arms straight upward, the palms in front, bend the body forward, and touch the ground with the points of the fingers. The knees are to be kept straight. The exercise in fig. 17 acts particularly on the muscles of the toes, ankle-joints and hips. The feet close, the hands on the hips, cross the legs, bend the knees graduaUy, sit down, and rise again. The action in fig. 18 throws the whole effort on the muscles of one of the lower extremities. The feet close, the arms extended in front, raise the left leg in front, bend the right knee gradually, and sit down on the ground, then get up again in the same position. The action in fig. 19 is performed by two per- sons facing each other, so as to act upon the muscles of the upper and lower ex- tremities simultaneously. The left hand on the hip, the right foot in front, lock the middle finger in each other's right hand, and pull backward. The action in fig. 20 brings into play the muscles of the chest, shoul- ders, and upper portion of the back. Let the palms of the hands touch behind, fingers point- ing downward; turn the fingers inward, and bring the hands as high as possible up the back, taking care to keep the palms of the hands close together. Appendix. 295 Fig. 24. In fig. 21 the action is calculated to give great power and flexibtiity to the muscles of the legs and feet. The Fis- 21- feet close, the hands on the hips, jump up and spread out the legs and close them alternately. In fig. 22 the action is performed by two persons sitting down, who face each other, the soles of the Fig. 22. feet touching, then grasping a stick and pulling against each other, first with knees straight, secondly with knees bent, and thirdly with the legs open. The principal force is exerted by the muscles of the arms, and those about the knee-joints. Fig. 23 mainly exerts the muscles of the toes and legs. The hands are placed on the hips, the right foot in front, the toe pointing downward; spring or jump twice on the right Fig. 23. ^oej an 40- In fig. 40 the arms and mus- cles of the upper part of the chest and back are more par- ticularly called into action. Raise the elbows to the height of the shoulders, Fie-41- with the fists on the front of the shoulders, the natis turned inward, and then throw the arms forcibly back, the body being kept perfectly upright. A sttil more powerful method of giving full activity to aU the muscles of the chest is represented in fig. 41. Bring the right fist on the left shoulder; extend the left arm in a line with the shoulder; throw the right arm toward the Appendix. 299 right side, natis toward the ground; then bring the left fist to the right. Fig. 42. Fig. 43. The next action (fig. 42) caUs into play those muscles of the back most intimately connected with respiration. Open the hands, then raise the arms sideways, and f touch the back of the hands straight over the head. In figs. 43, 44, 45, and 46 are shown a variety of exercises calculated to act es- pecially on the timbs, the upper extremities particu- Some of them, as will be seen at a glance, act powejs fully upon the muscles, ligaments, and fascia of the fingers, hands, and wrists, as in fig. 44; and motions testing the strength and action of the structure around the knee are seen in fig. 46. Fig. 44. Fig. 45. larly. Fig. 46. Fig. 47. The flying steps, or giant strides [fig. 47,] are a very good and very amusing exercise for the arms and legs. A strong post or mast is fixed firmly in the ground, on the top of which- is an iron cap, revolving eastiy, to which the ropes are fastened. When in rapid motion, the pupils touch the ground hardly once to an entire revolution. The parallel bars [fig. 48 and 49] are very conveniently constructed, and are calculated to act particularly on the joints of the wrist and shoulders, and generaUy on the whole res- piratory system. ■ 300 Appendix. The body is first raised by the hands, and then swung alternately forward and backward; also pass along by moving the hands alternately, and then by moving both hands at once. The exercise may be varied in many ways, as throwing tho timbs, and then the body, over the bars, lowering the body down until the elbows are level with the head, etc. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. The Parallel Bars. For young chUdren of narrow, contracted chests, and weak digestive powers especially if they are attending school, this exercise is exceUent. FINIS. THE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE 3STO. 15 LAIQHT STDRliET, InTEW YOEK. E. P. MILLER, M. D., } A. L. WOOD, M. P., V Resident Physicians. ELLEN H. GOODELL, M. D., ) R. T. TRALL, M. D., Consulting Physician. MILLEE & WOOD, PROPRIETORS. This is one of the oldest Health Establishments in the country. More than ten thousand patients have been received, prescribed for and treat- ed, a large proportion of whom have been cured. Our long experience and increased facilities enable us to make more rapid and permanent cures at the present time, than ever before. Dr. R. T. Trall is still consulting physician, but tbe Medical De- partment is under tbe control of Drs. E. P. Miller and A. L. Wood. l)r. E. P. Miller, besides having spent a year in one of the largest Water-Cures in tbe country, was for three years connected with Dr. Trall in tbis Institution, and for the last two years has been attending lectures and clinics at Bellevuo College, and studying disease in all its phases under the treatment of tho best Professors and Physicians in Bellevue and Blackwell's Island Hospitals. He has also taken a course of instruction in operative surgery, and the science of accurate diag- nosis of disease by physical exploration, and is a graduate of the Hy- geio-Therapeutic College, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York Opthalmic College, and Dio Lowis' Normal School for Physical Educa- tion. Dr. A. L. Wood, who formerly had charge of the Providence Movement-Cure, New Gymnasium and Turkish-Bath Establishment, will have special charge of these Departments in this Institution, and devote his entire attention to them. We have for our lady physician, Miss Ellen H. Goodell, M. D., who has had seven years' experience in one of our best country Cures, and has also won a reputation as an able lecturer upon Health Reform. Her wide experience and extended observation have tended to make her perfectly familiar with the multiform phases of those diseases peculiar to woman, and any lady who may place herself under hor caro may be as- sured of receiving the most earnest attention and effectual treatment. Our location is pleasant, being but one door from St. John's Park, to wliich our guests have access at all times; and within a half hour's rido of the world-renowned Central Park, whose beauties aro beyond descrip- tion. We aro in a measure'removed from the din and bustle of the great city, and yet so near Broadway and tho principal trading marts, as to render it at once an agreeable and convenient resort for all who visit the city for health, business, or pleasure. Our proximity to River and Bay insures to us a healthful blending of breezes from land and sea. The opportunity for riding in the country by stages, cars and omnibuses, and on the water by row, sail, ferry, and steamboats, and tho facilities for taking excursions and short sea voyages with perfect safety, and at a f \v cents' expense, visiting such places as Greenwood Cemetery, Kly-ian Fields, Fort Lee, High Bridge, Staten Island, the various Fishing Banks, etc., are such as to atl'ord not only1 pleasure, profit, and amuse- ment, but to aid materially in the recovery of health. We are now spending several thousand dollars in making most im- portant improvements, among which aro Turkish Baths, largo and entirely new Movement-Cure Rooms, and a large tine Dining Hall. Our Bath arrangements comprise all the varieties of baths found iu other Cures with the vapor, Thermal, and Electrical Baths, the latter affording the most efficient means of applying Electricity for the cure of Rheumatism, Paralysis, Dyspepsia, Constipation, and chronic diseases of the Liver. The Swedish Movement-Cure will in future be made one of the most prominent features in our Establishment; a large experience in its use having convinced us that much more rapid and permanent cures can be effected by its use, in a large class of chronic diseases, than by any other means. In Consumption, Paralysis, Uterine Displacements, Spinal Curvatures and deformities of every description, Imperfect Circulation of the Blood, Coldness of the Extremities, Constipation, Spermator- lhoea, and diseases of the nervous system, it is one of the most effectual lemedies known — being so adapted to each patient's needs that the strongest are strengthened, while even the feeblest are greatly benefited thereby, without the exhaustion attending any other mode of exercise. The Turkish or Hot-Air Bath consists, primarily, in tho application of hot air (not steam) to the surface of the body, and, secondarily, tho application of water and various manipulations called Shampooing. It is particularly applicable in diseases of the skin, Rheumatism, and Scrofula; for eliminating poisonous matter and purifying the system, both internally and externally. Common Colds are promptly relieved by it, and in chronic Catarrh and "Neuralgic affections, it is invaluable. This bath is not only useful as a means of preserving the health and removing disease, but is, at the same time, a real luxury. This is the fii»t and only Turkish or Hot-Air Bath in New York. Our Table is supplied with the best Hygienic food. The fruits of the season appear upon it in abundance, together with all other substan- tial articles of diet which promote health. We do not believe our table is excelled by that of any Cure in the country; our facilities in the New York market rendering it easy to procure desirable articles of food. In Surgery, we give special attention to the treatment of Diseased Joints, Tumors, Polypi, Cancers, Hermorrhoids, Fistulas, Ulcers, etc. Necessaries.—Each patient should be provided with two blankets, two comfortables, two sheets and several towels, or these may be hired at the Institntion for $1.00 per week. Terms.—Consultation fee $5.00. Full board with treatment from 89.00 to 820 per week. Board without treatment, $6.00 to $15.00. All communications with regard to treatment, etc., should be addressed to Drs. Miller & Wood, No 15 Laight st., New York. LIST OF BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY MILLER & WOOD. The Publishers of these Books confine themselves exclusively to the publishing of works pertaining to the Laws of Life and Health, Physical Development, Ex- planations of the Causes of Disease, and the Natural Method of Cure without Drugs, teaching tho people how to get well when sick, and how to live so as to keep well, and enjoy the greatest amount of Health and Happiness possible in this life. They ar< Books that should be in every family, and form a portion of every day's reading. We can furnish any work on Hydropathy, Movement-Cure and other departments of Health Reform, and on Science, Religion, History, Travels, Biography or on any other jubject, at publishers' prices. Also, a full list of all other reformatory and pro- gressive publications kept constantly on hand. In ordering, so far as you know, please iitate plainly the title of the work in full, the name of the author and publisher, iityle of binding, and what price you expect to pay. All orders should be accompanied by the cash, or, for large amounts, by a draft on some good eastern bank. Sent postpaid by mail on receipt of annexed price. The Hydropathic Encyclopedia, illustrated; a complete sys- tem of Hydropathy and Hygiene ; the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body shown; the Nature, Cause, and Treatment of all diseases explained ; application to Surgery, Midwifery, and the Nursery. With three hundred engravings, and nearly one thousand pages, including Glossary, Table of Contents, and Index, complete. By R. T. TaxLL, M. D. Price $4.40. Hand - Book of Hygienic Practice, a new work now in press, and will be ready in September. This book is what its name implies — a Hand-Book of Practice, containing the latest and most approved methods of treat- ing all forms of disease. It is condensed, complete, scientific, in a cheap form, and the author designed it to supersede all others heretofore written. Persons remitting the price of the work will be supplied in the order in which their names are entered upon our books. By Dr. Thall. Price $2. I) i ptheria ; its Nature, History, Causes, Preven- tion, AND TREATMENT ON HYGIENIC PRINCIPLES ; with an exposi- tion of the various theories, errors, and practices of the medical profession. By Dr. Teall. Price $1.60. The True Temperance Platform; being an exposition of the fallacy of Alcoholic Medication. The only Temperance document founded on the right basis. The errors of Temperance Reformers and the medical profession, and the effects of alcohol upon plants, animals, and mfll, are here, for the first time, sci- entifically explained. By Dr. Teall. Price $0.60. Pathology of the Reproductive Organs, Embrac- ing A DIGEST OF ALL FORMS OF SEXUAL DISEASES, and their Cure. A wry anportant work, showing some of the abuses of the sexual functions in married nil"' ingle life, and the injur-es to life, health, and happiness resulting therefrom. By >t. Trall. Price $2. MILLER & WOOD'S PUBLICATIONS. The Family Gymnasium ; with numerous illustra- tions, explaining the most improved methods of applying Gymnastic, Calisthenics Kinesipathic, and Vocal Exercises for the development of tho bodily organs, the in. ivgoration of their functions, the preservation ot health, and cure of diseases and deiormities. By Dr. Tkall. Price $1.75. Water-Cure for the Million ; the Processes of Water Cure explained, popular errors exposed, Hygienic and Drug Medication con- trasted, with rules for Bathing, Dieting, Exercising, etc. By Dr. Trall. Price $0.35. The Hydropathic Cook-Book; containing a com- plete analysis of what should, and what should not be used as food, and also direc- tions for Hygienic cooking. By Dr. Thall. Price $1.50. Why the Shoe Pinches; a useful little work, showing the conditions of a healthy foot, the causes of deformities, and how to avoid those troublesome diseases and malformations such as Chillblains, Corns, Bunions, Fiat-Foot, Bent up Toes, Grown in Nails, &c. Price $0.30. Uterine Diseases and Displacements; a work of practical value to every 6tudent, and to all persons afflicted with diseases of the nature therein described. By Dr. Tball. With plain plates $3.50; with colored plates $6.00. Home Treatment of Sexual Abuses; a valuable work for home use. It should be read by every young man in the land. By Dr. Tkall. Prico $0.50. Nervous Debility; the Nature, Causes, Conse- quences, and the Hygienic treatment of invalids suffering of prematurely exhaust- ed vitality. By Dr. Tkall. Price $0.20. Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Throat-Ail. Quinsy, Croup, Influenza, and Pneumonia, with their causes and treatment 6hown. A work for popular use. By Dr. Trall. Price $0.25. Health and Diseases of Women. The Origin and prevalence of the diseases of Women ; the druggery to which they are subject- ed ; and a better way pointed out. By Dr. Trall. Price $0.20. Drug Medicines ; their Nature, Modus Operandi and effects explained, with an exposition of the false doctrines on which their use is predicated. By Dr. Trall. Price $0.20. The True Healing Art ; the Principles and Practice of the Drug and Hygienic Systems contrasted, and the causes and correct treatment of disease explained. By Dr. Trall. Price $0.35. The New Hygienic Cook Book. By Mrs. M. M. Jones, M. D., Matron of the Hygienic Institute, No. 15 Laight street, New York. This little work contains the latest recipes for cooking in use at the Institute, with many valuable recipes for catAingand preserving fruit, laundry recipes, etc., etc.— (Now in press, and will be ready in August.) Price $0.30. Triennial Catalogue ; containing a list of names of the graduates of the Hygeio-Therapeutic College; Report to the Regents ol the University of the State of New York; Philosophy of Hyg?io-Thcrapy, and Dp, TRALL's Introductory Lecture to the Medical Class of 1863-4. This is tho Doc- tor's latest, aud one of his best works. Price $0.25. MISCELLANEOUS. The following works upon Water-Cure, Swedish Movement-Cure, Gym- nastics, Electricity, Phrenology, Physiology, etc,, will be sent by us at the following prices, prepaid, by mail: HAND-BOOKS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT, comprising How to Write, How to Talk, How to Behave, and How to Do Business. Every young man and woman, every boy and girl, and every adult, ought to have them. $2.75. TWO NEW MEDICAL CHARTS, so arranged as to present to the eye at a glctnce the Fundamental Problems of all the Medical Systems and the dis- tinctive principles in the Philosophy and Practice of the Hygienic System. $12.00. ( Not prepaid. 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Three hundred illus- trations, with directions for exercise in Light Gymnastics adapted to the parlor, lec- ture hall, or school-room. $1.75. FOWLER'S PHRENOLOGY gives full and accurate descriptions of the various temperaments, and the size and location of all the Phrenological Organs. Persons wishing to acquire a knowledge of this science, and learn how to delineate character, will find full instructions in this work. $1.75. FRUITS AND FARINACEA the Proper Food for Man. By John Smith. Edited by Dr. Trall. Illustrated. $2.00 FOOD AND DIET; containing an Analysis of every kind of Food and Drink. $1.80. COMBE'S PHYSIOLOGY applied to Mental and Physical Educa- tion. $1.75. WOMAN AND HER ERA. By Mrs. Faenham. A profound and useful work which every woman, (aye, and man) should read. In 2 vols. $4.00. THE HYDROPATHIC MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN. $1.75. MARRIAGE AND PARENTAGE. By H. C. Wright. $1.75. THE UNWELCOME CHILD. By H. C. Wright. $0.75. EMPIRE OF THE MOTHER. By H. C. Wright. $0.80. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Per year (not postpaid) $2. CONSTITUTION OF MAN. By Combe. $1.75. THE LAUNDRY MAN UAL. $0.30. The New Hygienic Cook-Book. BY MRS. M. M. JONES, M. D. This work contains recipes for making Unleavened Bread, Biscuits of Wheat, Corn, Bye, and Oatmeal; Graham Crackers; Wheat Mush, Hominy, Samp, Indian-mcai Mush, Oatmeal Mush, Farina Mush, Rice Mush, Blanc Mange, Molded Furimuci; Wheat and Oatmeal Porridge ; Tumpkin Pie, Squash Vie, Sweet-potato Pie, Sweet and Sour-apple Pie, Pie-plant Pic, Peach Pie, Plum Pie, Cherry Pie, Berry Pies of all sn:t<:, with the most wholesome pie-crusts, and directions ko minute that those who have ii'j particular acquaintance with hygienic cookery, will find no difficulty in carrying nut tm- details ; recipes for more than thirty sorts of Puddings ; an essay on Fruits, then u.-i . s food, with ample directions how to preserve them in cans and by drying ; cooking fruit ; numerous hints and recipes for cooking vegetables; the preparation of dishes from whole grains and seeds; recipes for Gruels of Wheatmeal, Oatmeal, Farina, Tapioca, S.n»o, Arrowroot, Rice, Green and Split Peas, Barley, Green Beans, Vegetable Broth, Bailey Broth, etc., etc. The recipes for washing and removing all sorts of stains, arc those which experience has proved to be the best, and are worth many times the co-t of the book. This work is not in any sense like the ordinary cook-books, but contains recipes for articles of food, which if used, would prevent and cure a multitude of diseases which flesh is heir to. In the preface the author says: <• Much, very much sickness, suffering and premature death; much of vice, immorality and crime can, if traced to its starting point, be found-to originate at the table." To remedy this Ls the object of the Hygienic Cook-book. Price prepaid by mail, $0.30. Address MILLER & WOOD, No. 15 Laight st., New York. The True Temperance Platform; Or, an Exposition of the Fallacy of Alcoholic Medication; being the substance of addresses delivered in the Queen's Concert Room and in Exeter Hall, London, during the session of the International Temper- ance Convention, Sept., 1862; to which is added a discussion between Dr. Trall and Rev. J. C. Hurd, M. D., of Fredericton, N. B., on the modus operandi of Alcohol; and a letter to Mr. Delevan, on tho scientific and philosophical basis of the Temperance Reformation. The object of this work is to show that the drug-shop is the parent of the dram-shop; that though we may war faithfully against this mighty tree of evil, we can never more than strip off some of its poisonous leaves and crush some of its malignant flowers; until we touch the vital spot—until we go to the root of the evil, and remove from the earth this accursed tree, it will continue its growth. The work discusses, in a logical and impartial manner, the doctrine of alcoholic medication ; the evils that it produces, and the appropriate remedy. Among a few of the subjects discussed are, the Curfe of the Nations,—the Extent of the Liquor Traffic,—the Difficulty and the Remedy,—Sub- stitutes for Alcohol,—the Action of Alcohol,—the One Thing Needful,—the Primary Error,—the Medical Profession,—Influence of Medical men,—where the People look for Instruction,—the Question a Scientific one,—the Unsolved Problem,—the Stronghold of the Enemy,—the mystery of Stimulation,—Temperance Quack Doctors,—the Higher Law,—Is Alcohol Food,—Relations of Chemistry to Physiology—distinction between Food nnd Poison,—Grog Rations,—Experiments,—Testimony of Medical men, etc., etc. This work ought to be in the hands of every lover of his race, of every man who would have a hand in slaying the demon, Alcohol, and thus help to advance the race in virtue, purity and everything that relates to a higher civilization. Sent prepaid by mail in cloth for $0.85 ; in paper, $0.60. Address, MILLER & WOOD, No. 15 Laight street, New York. THE HERALD OF HEALTH. This publication commences its 39th volume, old series, and 5th volume, new scries, in January, 1865. As heretofore, it will be devoted to Hygienic Medication, Bodily De- velopment, and the Laws of Life. Particular attention will be given to Physical Cul- ture in the volumes for 1865, and able contributors have been engaged to prepare arti- cles on this much needed branch of education. It will show how feeble children should be trained and educated to secure bodily vigor; and that the host of nervous, dyspep- tic, scrofulous and consumptive invalids in the land, should be educated, not doctored, into robustness. Articles on all the hygienic agencies will appear; also on scrofula, consumption, constipation, dyspepsia, muscular weakness and distortion, the Turkish bath, the Russian bath, the Movement-cure, etc., etc. It will ever be the aim of the Publishers to make it a journal adapted to the wants of the age and the people ; take enlightened and liberal views of all new medical questions which may come up for dis- cussion ; to labor earnestly in liberating the race from the evils of sickness, quackery, and druggery ; in a word, to make it the best journal of Health and Physical Cul- ture in the world—one that no invalid, who desires to recover health, can do without- one that no parent, who desires that greatest of blessings, good health, for himself and his children, can read without profit. Terms, single subscriptions $1.50 a year; four copies $5; ten copies $10. Single num- bers 15 cents. Address, MILLER, & WOOD, No. 15 Laight street, New York. Pathology of Reproductive Organs. BY R. T. TRALL, M. D. In his preface tne autnor says :-"Ten years' experience m treating Sexual Diseases sccundem arlan, according to the principles of drug medication, and fifteen years ex- perience in treating the same maladies according to the principles of the Hygienic sys- tem, have convinced me, not only of the disastrous consequences of the former, but also oftne incomparably superior safety and efficacy of the latter. I have long been of the opinion that the poisons administered for the cure of venereal affections were vastly K damaging to the patients, as a general rule, than the diseases would be if left to thHnaided resources of the vital powers, with only such attention to Hygiene as com- ^^ZrZ^tion^tl'oi Hygienic appliances; Bathing Food, Exercise.Light, Clothing, Sleep, Beds and Bedding, Bodily Positions, Night Watching, Friction, Elec- trici?TGalvanism, Magnetism, and Cleanliness. Part First treats of Venereal Dis- eases proper, the r history, the venereal virus, modes of propagation, inoculation, svPhniKn/mercurialization, gonorrhoea, its seat, symptoms and treatment; Syp- SSb location, stages, varieties'and diagnosis of chancres, treatment of syph.hs, preven- Uon of venereal diseases, &c. Part Two, of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal A\ eaknesses i scau«es, symptom?, treatment, complications and sequences; drug-treatment, and cauterifa ion. PPart Third, of Female Diseases; mismenstruation, retained P^nstrua- hon, suppressed menstruation, painful mens^ation chlorosis, ^ucorrhcearn^mma- tions and ulcerations, etc., etc. Part Four, of ^sc/llanf°^,^f^f'.^ d uterine placement, anteversion, retroversion, inversion and prolapsus of the uteius, uterine UlTu!'i^TAtZItworit^t^SJCt appeared on the Causes and Treatment of ,u £^« n?4e*.,7I Diseases It is printed on fine white paper with clear type, and SnS^«ce^tSeWaviu|of theauthor. Sentpost paid by mad ; price, *.'. Address, MILLER & WOOD, No. 15 Laight st., New York. LIST OF ARTICLES, FOR SALE BY MILLER & WOOD, NO. 15 LAIGHT ST., NEW-YORK. Cork Shavings for Beds. A light, durable, elastic, and excellent substitute for hair, cotton, or feathers, at about one third the expense. For comfort, health, and cleanliness, these shavings ara all that is desirable. Twenty-five pounds make a large double bed; fifteen pounds a single bed. Price 35 cents per pound; sacking for bed, 75 cents. Self-Injecting' Syringes. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles, Hemorrhoids, Fissures, Tumors, Di- arrhea, Dysentery, and other derangements of the bowels ; also Ulcerations, Inflam- mations, Unhealthy discharges, and Irregularities of the Uterine organs. With one of these Syringes, there is no necessity of taking physic. Every family should have one. It will save many times its cost, in pills and powders. "We keep only the best kinds. Price by mail $3.50 Gem Pans. After years of study, and experimenting in bread making, we have at last discovered a method of making light, sweet, and wholesome bread, without yeast, soda, salcratus, or chemicals of any kind. This bread is made of flour and water, and baked in these pans, which are made expressly for this purpose. Pans, with recipes for making bread and cake, sold in sets of one dozen for $1.25. Hand Mills. The best, cheapest, and most durable Mills for grinding Graham flour, cracking Wheat, Rusk, Corn for hominy, or spices. Price, $3.00. Graham Crackers. A good article of Graham Crackers kept constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail. Price per pound 15 cents; per barrel of 75 pounds, 12 cents per pound. Herald of Health Covers. A cheap and convenient cover for preserving our journal. Sent by mail. Price 75 cents each. Other Articles. Graham Flour, Hominy, Oatmeal, Gracked Wheat, etc., kept constantly on hand and sold at reasonable rates, in large or small quantities to suit purchasers. K?*A11 orders should he accompanied by the cash. WESTERN HYGEIAN HOME, ST. ANTHONY'S FALLS, MINN. R. T. TRALL, M. D., Prop'r. The "Winslow House" is now open for the reception of invalids. Its rooms aro capa« ble of accommodating six hundred persons. Send for a circular. HYGEIO-THERAPEUTIC COLLEGE. [CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE.] The regular course of lectures will commence on the second Monday of November in each year, and continue twenty weeks, exclusive of one week's vacation from Christmas to New Year. To ensure a thorough education at the smallest possible expense, the Trustees of the College have adopted the following modification of conditions and charges: The fees foi matriculation and for the whole course of lectures (which must be invariably paid in ad- vance, or tho payment thereof secured), will hereafter be $100; graduation fee, $30. These fees are required to be paid but once, and they entitle the student to attend any number of terms, on payment of a matriculation fee of $10 for each term after the first. Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine are required to be 21 years of age ; to have otudied the Medical Sciences not less than three years, including attendance on the Medical Lectures; to have attended Lectures in this College two full terms, unless they have attended a full course of lectures in some other medical college, authorized to confer the degree of M. D., or have had prior experience and practice equivalent, in the judgment of the Curators, Faculty and Trustees, to one course of lectures; to be of un- exceptionable moral character ; to be wholly free from the vices of liquor-drinking, tobacco-using, and profanity; to write a thesis on some medical subject which shall bo appioved by the Faculty, and present the same, with the graduation fee, to the Presi- dent of the Faculty, at least two weeks before the close of the term; to pass a satisfac- tory examination. The graduation fee will not be returned, if the student fail to pass the required examination, but the candidate may present himself for examination at the close of any subsequent lecture term, and, on passing, receive his diploma without additional charge. Both ladies and gentlemen are admitted to the Lectures, and to all the privileges of tho School, and entitled to receive the degree of M. D. on precisely equal terms. _ Good board can be had in the Hygienic Institute, and other places in the city, at $5 per week; or students can hire rooms in the neighborhood and board themselves, thereby saving a part of this expense. BOOKS OF REFERENCE. CHEMISTRY—Youmans, Brand and Taylor, Draper, Fownes. MATERIA MEDICA and THERAPEUTICS—Pereira, Dunglison. ANATOMY—Gray, Wilson, Horner. PHYSIOLOGY—Dalton, Draper, Carpenter. PATHOLOGY—Gross, Rokitansky, ^Villiams. HYGIENE—Trail, Graham, Alcott. MEDICAL INSTITUTES—Paine, Williams. THEORY and PRACTICE—Trall, Bennett, Watson, Wood. SURGERY—Erichsen, Hill, Velpeau, Cooper. OBSTETRICS—Bedford, Cazeaux, Meigs. DISEASES op WOMEN—Trail. Seanzoni, Simpson, Bedford, ELECTRO-MAGNETISM—De la Rive, Bird, Faraday. ELOCUTION—Bronson, Russell, Rush. GYMNASTICS—Trail, Lewis. DICTIONARY—Dunglison, Cleveland, Gardner, noblyn. PROGRAMME OF EXERCISES. There will usually he four lectures daily of one hour each, except ou Saturday i, when the students will visit the hospitals and dispensaries of the city, where they can see al- most every phase of diseased and deformed humanity, and witness a great variety of surgical operations. A cliniquc will be held in the College Hall every Friday at half r.-ist eleven, A. M., when patients will be examined and prescribed for before the class. There will be a Lyceum debate, with essays, critieisms, etc., one or two evenings of each week; and one or two evenings will be devoted to music, dancing, ana other wholesome exercises and recreation. For further information address, R. T. TRALL, M.D., 15 Laight st., N. Y As a Syringe designed to throw a constant stream, the Essex has no equal. The French have devised a great variety of apparatus to accomplish this, but the expense is so great as to place it almost entirely out of the reach of the common masses. S.-eing this, Mr. Essex, with all a Yankee's inventive genius and practical perseve- rance, set to work and produced an excellent article.—Wc know by practical expc- rimce the difficulties which usually arise from the use of a second rate instrument, find will, therefore, sell none but the best, even though the profits of inferior ones are much larger. To supply the great demand for them, we have made arrangements with Mr. Essex to furnish them at the following prices : Continuous Stream, by mail, ------- $3 50 Continuous Stream, by express, - - - - - - -3 00 Broken Stream, by mail, _--_--- 3 00 Broken Stream, by express, - - - - - - - -2 50 Address, MILLER & WOOD, MATTSON'S ELASTIC SYRINGE. NEW FORM-NEW PATENT. This now and Superior Syringe was patented November 19, 1861, and is now manu- factured by the Mattson Syringe Company in the city of New York. It is suited to males, females, and infants. It is made of the best white rubber and metal, with patent-screw bulb fastenings, which prevent leakage; the leakage, which takes place about the neck of the bulb, is a serious defect in most dhar f-yringes. It is the most convenient Syringe in use, either for males or females, be cause its pecu- liar iorm adapts it to the hand in every possible position. It is the latest and best improvement of the inventor, through whose enterprise the elastic pimp and other improved syringes were first introduced into the United States. Previous to its present improved form it received four silver medals, which were awarded by committees of distinguished medical men appointed by Institutes in some of our principal cities. This is the first Syringe that ever received the HIGH COM- PLIMENT of a SILVER MEDAL. The new " Family Guide," contained in the box with each Syringe, embodies much useful information, and will save physicians the trouble of giving minute directions to their patients respecting the use of injections. Convenience in tse and freedom from leakage give this Syringe an undoubted preference over all others. The Mattson Syrinjre Companv also manufacture the cheaper forms of the Elastic Svringe. Prices, post-paid by mail, $2 25, $2 50. Orders addressed to Herald of Health office, will be promptly attended to. COVERS TO PRESERVE THE HERALD OF HEALTH For years we have felt the need of a cheap, durable, practical, convenient pam- Ehlet preserver, and since we have been publishing the Herald of Health, this need as presented itself more forcibly than ever before. Almost every subscriber wants to preserve them for binding, or what is better (if Ihey can) preserve them and have them nicely bound at the end of the year, without fur; her expense or trouble. Dr. JONES has supplied this want completely in the cover represented here. It will require scarcely two minutes to secure the copy of the journal or pamphlet in- tended to be preserved. All the subscriber has to do is to make four small holes through the margin of the book corresponding with those represented in the cover, slip the laces through, and tie them on the outside. The backs of the covers being flex- iMe, are calculated to accommodate a single copy as well as a dozen. As fast as thoy are received they can be .entered and pressed together till the end of a year, as nice as a book, when they may be removed and bound, and the Covers again used to preserve another volume, or they may be kept in the same cover. Sent by mail for 50 cents by MILLER & WOOD, 15 Laight Street, N. Y. THE NEW GEM PAN. It has been a great study with us for years to get an article of bread at once whole- some, palatable, easy to masticate, and easily made. The different recipes have been given through the Hydropathic Cook-Book, Water-Cure for the Million, Water-Cure Journal, &c., and again in the March number of the Herald of Health. The bread there described as "Gems" is by far the best of any yet made to meet all the above requisitions. We copy the recipe : " Stir together Graham flour and cold water to ;i'.out the consistency of ordinary cup-cake batter. Bake in a hot oven in small tin p.itty pans, two inches square and three-fourths of an inch deep." " Many persons have failed of success in making this bread from neglecting one very essential requisite—the size of the pans in which it is baked. If they are larger thin the dimensions given, the bread will be heavy. If smaller, they will be dry and hard. But made this size, and filled evenly full, if the batter is of the right consistency, and the oven hot, they will rise one half, and be almost as light and por- ous as sponge cake." AVe used separate pans for some time, but found them very inconvenient. We have them now formed and wired together as represented in the cut above, and find them a very great improvement. To supply the continued demand for them by almost every person who eats the bread, we have had heavy iron moulds cast to form them, and can supply them at the rate of $1 per dozen squares. Address, MILLER & WOOD, WHY THE SHOE PINCHES; A CONTRIBUTION TO APPLIED ANATOMY. BY HERMANN MEYER, M. D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMT rN TIIE UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY J. C. CRAIU, L.R.C.P.E.,L.R.C.S.E. The above is the title of a most useful little work by a profound German philosopher. No one who is rich enough to own a pair of hoots or shoes can afford to do without this little book. The great sufferings that many persons endure, and which scarcely any en- tirely escape, can be easily and totally obviated by adopting the principles here so clearly explained. Any shoemaker who can read plain English, can make your boots or shoes after these directions. The principles arc all most clearly and fully explained. Tho style is Popular and Non-TechnicTal. The author investigates the whole subject most thoroughly. He commences at the be- ginning, and explains the object to be accomplished by the use of a covering for the foot. Shows you the Anatomical Structure and Physiological Conditions of a healthy foot; and compares this with a diseased and distorted foot, and shows you how this undesirable condition of the foot is brought about. He CAREFULLY ELUCIDATES THE PRINCIPLES upon which a shoe should be constructed in order to allow of a normal shape of tha foot to be constantly maintained, and so avoid all those very troublesome diseases and malformations, as Chilblains, Grown-in-Nails, Corns, Bunions, Flat-Foot, Bent up Toes, etc. The adoption of the style and make of the shoe and hoot here recommended will add very much to the comfort of all. They fit " like an old shoe," when you first put them on, contributing greatly to Elasticity and Firmness of Step, fcnd gracefulness of carriage. This valuable work will be sold at only twenty-five cents. Usual discount to the trade. MILLER & WOOD, No. 15 Laight street, Now York. '^^'^ly'.-i:-.'':-, * >'.;.,.' S." ■ .- ■ , ..- * i" ■■*'■ > ■> ■ ,r.- v,k. ivv-J Sir-':/..'; «.■■'■ 1 *,-- i ; 1%.. -\ \:i%uu*i*iU*i'::i\t:ii:t*t*jU