ever xeco&fed in the AmmiIs ©f M'«1:i€uie, The representation and her actual appearance after 'having been Cured bythe use of Swihns Panacea. Seefinge36. A * COLiliECTIOW OF CASES, ILLUSTRATING THE RESTORATIVE AND SANATIVE PROPERTIES * OF IN A VARIETY OF DISEASES. " —- For want of timely ca r*>jQ£/rjj Millions have died of medicable wounroJkAj Hiulattelirtita: 1832. TO THE AFFLICTED THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED. SHOULD IT SUCCEED IN DISPELLING PREJUDICE, AND REFUTING CALUMNY, IT WILL ESSENTIALLY SERVE THE CAUSE OF HUMANITY, AND thereby gratift THE MOST EARNEST WISHES or William Swaim. ADVERTISEMENT. This Medicine has acquired a very extended and established celebrity in most parts of the world, both in Hospital and Private which its efficacy alone has sustained more than twelve years, as a remedy for Scrofula or King's Evil, Ulcerated Sore Throat, long standing Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Skin, White Swelling, Diseases of the Bones, and all cases of an ulcerous character. It is also particularly useful in Chronic and Nervous complaints, occurring in debilitated and cachectic constitutions. Over Syphilis, and the host of painful, disagreeable, and hitherto incurable affections resulting therefrom, such as Ulcers of the Larynx, Throat, Nose, Nodes, &c. and all those evils occasioned by an improper and injudicious use of mercury, it displays complete control.—It has been found to be a most useful spring and fall purifier of the blood in debilitated and nervous constitutions; it is also beneficial in dyspeptic and nervous complaints, and in most internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affected. All those who are predisposed to pulmonary complaints, or are affected with any of those distressing diseases arising from impurity of blood or indiscretion of their youth, and those whose constitutions are broken down by the use of Mercury, Arsenic, Bark, or Quinine, and those who are suffering from diseased liver, or injudicious treatment of any of the above diseases, should submit to a course of Swaim's Panacea. In all complicated cases of Scrofula and Syphilis, and in cases where the Syphilitic virus of the parent causes a development of Syphilis or Scrofula in the child, this A 2 ADVERTISEMENT. is the only remedy, upon which a hope of recovery can be reasonably founded: there has been no instance of its failure, where properly used. It relieves the disease, and at the same time imparts vigour to the whole system— an operation so long looked for in vain by the medical world. Under the use of the Panacea, the patient is enabled to take nourishing food, which under the common modes of practice is usually withheld from the sufferer. In many instances where the horrible ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means but amputation could have saved life, have patients been snatched from the grave* and restored to good health, the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. The cures performed in this city alone, are sufficient to establish its superior virtue on a basis too solid to be affected by the malignity of the envious. It is worthy of remark, that the greater part of the patients who have been permanently cured, had, previously to using Swaim's Panacea, received the ablest medical assistance, and numbers were abandoned by their physicians, as being beyond the reach of medical skill. Such is the fact, and so extraordinary were many of the cases, that an exhibition was made of them in the University of Pennsylvania, by the Professor of Surgery, before a crowded audience of Students, tuho pronounced them wonders in the healing art. It has been used in the American Navy and in the Philadelphia Alms-House, and Pennsylvania and New York Hospitals, and, in most of the Infirmaries in the United States and in the other parts of the world. Such have been its surprising effect —its success after all other medicines had failed, that Dr. William Price, the surgeon of the Pennsylva- * See Nancy Linton's case ADVERTISEMENT. 3 nia Hospital, was induced to abandon his highly respectable office, from the laudable design of benefiting his fellow creatures, by carrying the Panacea to England; where it succeeded, in a number of instances, in the diseases for which it is intended, and its virtues are publicly acknowledged by some of the most eminent surgeons of Europe. The discovery of this medicine has been the effect of long and attentive study, and it was made public from the most decided conviction, founded on ample experience, of its power in eradicating many of the most formidable and intractable diseases, after every other medicine had failed. , It cannot, however, be supposed that this Panacea will invariably cure—the most esteemed and valuable medicines, employed by the Faculty, will often fail in the very diseases for which they are considered specifics; but if the use of it be persevered in, it will radically remove almost every disorder specified. Thousands are lingering upon the brink of the grave, suffering under diseases, in some form, whom this medicine would certainly restore to perfect health and vigour. Its safety and innocence have been fully tested, so that it may be administered to the most tender and helpless infant. It is recommended by the most distinguished Physicians and Surgeons in the United States, who admit that a more important discovery in medical science has not been made; and to use the language of one of the most eminent Professors of the age, it is a triumph in the healing art. To the present and rising generations the benefit must prove incalculable, not only by saving many valuable lives, but by imparting strength and soundness to debilitated and corrupted constitutions; thereby preserving their offspring from hereditary diseases. These facts, together with the numerous cures made, and its being in so many instances counterfeited and 4 ADVERTISEMENT. imitated by spurious mixtures, form irresistible proof of its high value. The discovery of a remedy like this has been a desideratum from time immemorial. The discovery of this medicine may, without extravagance, be considered a sacred boon to the afflicted, and all should refrain with scrupulous care from every act which may, even remotely, prevent its benefits from being known and extended. Yet, ingenuity has been taxed almost to exhaustion, in suggesting devices and modes of fraud; and to deceive whom? Not those exulting in health and gaiety, but those to whom this medicine affords the last ray of hope, in the cheerlessness of disease and sorrow. It is far from the proprietor's intention to endeavour to obstruct the march of improvement, or to restrain the efforts of honest competition ; he only desires to hold up to public odium, those who have endeavoured to deceive the afflicted by imitating his Panacea, by assuming the same name, and republishing his certificates, or those who have gone to the daring extremity of perjury, and imitating as nearly as possible the form of the advertisements and labels. As these attempts may result in much suffering, to those whose melancholy condition excites all our sympathies, benevolence should not remain passive:—every feeling man should exert himself to prevent the progress of delusion, by pointing out to the subjects of it, the folly of listening to those pretenders, when a medicine is at hand, which has sustained its repute for twelve years past, received the commendations of the most eminent of the faculty, and been tested by the experience of thousands. The effect of this Panacea, is such as not to interrupt either business or pleasure, and requires only the common restraint of moderation in diet. It is conveyed by the circulating fluids, and corrects their tendencies, to all those diseases which originate in vitiated INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 5 blood, diseased liver, depraved appetite, or predisposition to affections of the lungs. It is a safe medicine, and removes all those evils which an unsuccessful use of mercury so often occasions. No one, however, is advised to take it, without first fully convincing himself of the truth of what is here stated, and of the rectitude of the Proprietor's intentions. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The proprietor of the Panacea has reason to be grateful for the confidence which the public have shown in its excellence; and in sending forth the present enlarged edition of the testimonials in its favour, calculated to confirm that confidence, he has but few observations to submit in addition to those contained in his Preface to the first collection. Every day has furnished him with fresh proof of the efficacy of his medicine, and abundant reason to thank God, for having made him the instrument of its introduction among the many who are afflicted with the various diseases, which it has been found to cure, after every other means had proved unavailing. It is only a small part of the proof just mentioned, that he can adduce within the limits of such a publication as the present; but enough is given, he conceives, to remove all uncertainty, and weaken, if not eradicate, all prejudice in relation to the merits of the Panacea. He earnestly wishes that it were as easy to suppress the workings of envy and jealousy in others, as to contend with honest or scientific doubt. He has been assailed by malevolence in various forms; while the boldest impositions have been practised upon the public by designing men who pretend, falsely, to have discovered the ingredients of his medicine, and have issued as the same, compounds of their own, which are far from possessing A 2 6 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. the same virtue. With equal hardihood, they have used for their benefit, the very certificates which the real Panacea had, by its wonderful operation, drawn forth both from patients and medical practitioners. He ought not, perhaps, to complain, since the proprietors of all celebrated remedies have been attacked and wronged in like manner. He places his trust in the fruits of experience, for a complete triumph over all the devices of enmity and cupidity. There is one topic, however, among the invidious strictures of the day, which has been so frequently urged, that he may by some be expected to pay it a passing notice.—He alludes to the concealment of the composition of his Panacea. Inasmuch, however, as it is universally acknowledged, and has satisfactorily proved itself to be perfectly innocent and harmless, he can see no occasion for publishing to the world, a list of the ingredients, to which it owes its celebrity and virtue. The disinterested will rest satisfied with the assurance, that it contains nothing, in the least degree injurious, to the most tender and delicate constitution. With respect to the use of the term Panacea as the title of this medicine, there is, in fact, nothing ostentatious or empirical in the designation. This name has been often used, both by the ancients and moderns, in the restricted sense of a remedy for a large class of diseases, and not in its literal and more comprehensive meaning, as an infallible remedy for every malady which may affect the human system. The proprietor of the present remedy has never deemed nor really styled it an universal specific; but he became convinced that it was applicable to a greater variety of morbid cases than any other medicine of which he had heard or read; and he thought himself therefore entitled to invest it with the name which Avould best express its peculiar merit, and under which it had been common to announce and dis- "INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 7 tribute what was alleged or held to possess a similar character. The subject of the following pages having been before the public for upwards of twelve years, and the experience of numbers of the profession of Medicine and others, having sanctioned its utility in the diseases for which it has been used, an apology would now seem to be altogether unnecessary, were it not for the circumstance, that many envious persons have formed and propagated opinions calculated to prejudice the public mind, and cause them to number it with the host of quack medicines daily vended to our fellow citizens, as cures for every disease to which the human frame is incident. That these opinions are incorrect, I will endeavour by the mass of conclusive evidence I shall bring before the public, satisfactorily to demonstrate. When this medicine was first introduced to the notice of the public, no other possessing either its name, its nature, or its properties, was in existence. Since that period, however, upwards of fifty mixtures, professing to be of the same nature, and many bearing even the same name, have been imposed upon the public, with the most unblushing effrontery. Were it only the proprietor of the Panacea, who was injured by these attempts at imposition, his pen would, perhaps, for ever rest in peace. But a very numerous class of persons are the principal sufferers —it is the sick, the lame, and the afflicted, many of whom, have neither friends nor fortune, and are depending upon a sound constitution and renovated health, for the subsistence, perhaps, of a large family. This medicine needs not the aids of art and sophistry to support it. Its pretensions have been too well tested, to require any encomium from me. Its utility has long been practically known to me, and it required only that the public should become acquainted with the numerous and important cures effected by its use. 8 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. in order to establish for it a reputation; not to be affected by the artifices of the interested, nor the sneers of the envious. Under the impression, therefore, that there exists in the minds of many, a desire to become acquainted with the facts connected with this medicine, I do not hesitate to come forward, and relate a few out of the great number of cases in which it has been successfully employed. Diseases, which had resisted every curative means, and baffled the skill of some of the most respectable practitioners, have been effectually cured in a comparatively short space of time, by the use of this remedy. What, I would ask, can be a greater proof of the estimation in which it is held by the profession of Medicine than to know, that some of the cures were considered so extraordinary in character, that they were exhibited in the lecture room, before a numerous class of students in the University of Pennsylvania, as wonders in the healing art? What can be a greater proof of its utility, than to know, that it is recommended by those who stand in the most exalted rank in the profession of Medicine?—where could we find a more conclusive evidence of its high value, than is given in the following pages by the most eminent statesmen, lawyers, and gentlemen of the United States, as well as of foreign countries? What can be more satisfactory to the public than to know, that it has been used in all the institutions in this country, alike eminent for the professional skill which presides over them, and the purely benevolent purposes for which they are designed—the Pennsylvania and New York Hospitals, and the Philadelphia Alms-House? These facts are of themselves conclusive! they require no comment. Numerous objections have been urged against it, by those who are ignorant of its nature and properties; INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 9 numerous conjectures have been formed as to its com* position; each one more incorrect than the preceding: one has supposed it to be muriate of gold—another, corrosive sublimate; this one has supposed it to be arsenic, and that one a decoction of sarsaparilla, or cicuta. In fact, there is scarcely a remedy of value in the whole Materia Medica, that has not, in the opinion of some, displayed its peculiar effects in the administration of the Panacea. Surely, the fact of its having cured several cases in which all of these various remedies had been previously employed, is sufficient to convince any one, that it consists of neither one of these articles, but that it possesses the properties of all; and, if they continue to persist in the belief that it does consist of some or all of them, then we know not how they account for its acting so much more beneficially under the care of one person than another—unless, indeed, they conceive that the miraculous power of curing by the touch, has descended from the ancient kings of France and England, to the truly fortunate proprietor of the Panacea! In this publication, I mean not to derogate from the profession of Medicine; none can entertain for this science a more exalted opinion—a more profound respect; I merely advance what my experience with this medicine fully sanctions. Daily do we behold something new in almost every art and science; new discoveries and improvements continue every day to be advanced; in a word, no science, no art, is perfect; each day discloses some imperfection of the preceding, and in all human probability, the day will never arrive when man shall have attained the acme of perfection. With these few general observations I shall proceed more immediately to the subject, and bring before my readers a relation of some few cases, with remarks, which will fully illustrate the position laid down, viz. its utility in the diseases mentioned. Many other cases, equally satisfactory, might be added, but as it 10 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. would only swell out the number of these pages, and could produce no stronger impression on minds open to conviction, I shall be content with giving a few; the sceptical I cannot convince. This medicine has shown its most surprising sanative powers in Scrofula or King's Evil, Mercurial Disease, in all the varied forms of deep-seated Syphilis, Rheumatism, Ulcers of the Throat and Larynx, diseased Liver, Dyspeptic and Nervous complaints, in all disorders arising from a contaminated or impure state of the blood, and in almost every disease of an ulcerous nature. In all complicated cases of Syphilis and Scrofula, and where the impure virus of the parent has caused a development of impurity and disease in the offspring, the beneficial powers of this remedy have been peculiarly conspicuous; few cases have resisted its powers. It has been tried in a great number of cases of this description, and with the most decided success in every instance. In the cure of Nodes, this medicine has also particularly distinguished itself. I need not dwell upon the benefit to be derived by mankind, from a remedy which is calculated speedily to restore to a state of perfect health, those who may be labouring under these most loathsome diseases; and that such a remedy is now before the public, I feel confident I shall be enabled, in the following pages, to demonstrate to the full satisfaction of my readers. In thus expressing myself, I by no means wish to be understood as pronouncing this to be an infallible remedy: on the contrary, aware that the suffering part of the community are ever ready to seize with avidity, upon any thing which may come forward under such pretensions, or which may have the semblance of novelty, I wish not to deceive them: this, like all other medicines, even the most esteemed receipts of the Pharmacopoeia, is liable sometimes to fail. I merely wish to impress upon their minds, that apian of treatment u INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 11 offered, which has been in a great number of cases successful, where all the ordinary means of cure had been previously resorted to in vain. In all diseases which originate in an impure state of the blood, my Panacea will be found extremely serviceable. And it is my opinion, that a greater number of diseases proceed from this cause, and from the injudicious treatment of physicians, by their indiscriminate use of Calomel, Arsenic, Bark, Quinine, and many other deleterious and destructive drugs, than from all other causes combined. This is a fact of the greatest importance to the public, and I assert it under the most positive conviction of its correctness, in which I am well assured my readers, after having perused the sequel, will freely accord. In chronic and mercurial rheumatism, of years standing, this medicine has rarely failed of affecting a permanent cure in a comparatively short space of time. This common and distressing complaint defies the skill of the physician, and renders the life of the patient miserable. A remedy that can be depended upon as certain, has long been a desideratum in medicine. TTiis is abundantly supplied by the Panacea. The numerous cases in which it has been employed, and in few of which it has failed of entirely removing the disease, has established for it the reputation of being, in this disease, almost a specific. Besides the diseases heretofore mentioned, we also see it a valuable remedy in that afflictive disease, Tinea Capitis, or ulcerated sore head; a disease which so often tries the patience of the parent and the skill of the physician, and under which children are frequently doomed to remain, almost without hope of relief, for a series of years. We also see it useful in that diseased state of the Liver, (Chronic Hepatitis) where the patient has endured long and severe suffering, without ever receiving the least benefit from a long continued use of medicines, and 12 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. where a great quantity of mercury had been taken into the system, without having the desired effect, but where the disease seemed rather to be aggravated. This disease is so extremely prevalent, and so little understood, that it may not be irrelevant to point out a few marks by which it may, most generally, be detected. Diseases of this nature, are apt to be accompanied by a bilious hue of the skin, by heavy, dull, wandering pains about the right side and shoulder, by loss of appetite, indigestion, occasional fevers, difficulty of breathing, and cough, that, in many instances, terminates in confirmed Consumption. In this disease, the prescriptions of the Physician are acknowledged to be uncertain, and in many cases, totally ineffectual, allowing the disease to take its own course, unmolested. The cases, however, in which regular medicine is known to fail, are the very ones in which the Panacea exhibits its most rare and surprising virtues; Chronic Hepatitis, in its early stages, is completely under its control. In all the varieties of Syphilis, from the simple primary chancre, to the most severe and intractable of the secondary forms, this medicine is a true specific. That great injury results, in very many of these cases, from the indiscriminate use of mercury, several of the succeeding cases abundantly prove. In all these cases, whether mercury has, or has not done harm, it only requires the aid of a few bottles of the Panacea, to eradicate the disease from the system, and restore the constitution to its former purity and health. There is a variety of this disease, however, that is but little known, in which this medicine will prove a most valuable acquisition. I allude to the form, communicated from the mother to the child, while it is in utero. The condition of the child in this disease, is truly distressing. The skin is covered with ulcers, scabs and splotches, the hair falls out, the bones become carious, and if relief is not soon afforded, the little suf- INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 13 ferer will soon fall a prey to this most painful, disagreeable, and loathsome disease. Medicine, in this case, is rarely, if ever, of service; the disease will progress with all its distressing symptoms, until death releases it from its misery. It is in this very case, that the Panacea will show itself to be a remedy of inestimable value. Simple in its composition, and containing medicines, that are perfectly harmless to the most tender and helpless infant, its importance in these cases, will be found to exceed our most sanguine expectations. This medicine has been employed in a great number of cases of White Swelling of the joints, with the most decided success. Several cases of this disease, which had resisted every means that could be suggested, and which seemed to be getting worse daily, have been perfectly cured by a course of this remedy, and in but very few instances of this disease in which it has been tried has it failed of making a perfect cure. It has also been used in that distressing affection denominated the Hip Disease, and cases are not wanting to demonstrate its utility. In general, where a perfect cure has not been effected, we find it exercising its beneficial effects by soothing the pain, increasing the appetite, and greatly adding to the comforts of the patient. This medicine is perfectly harmless, and no ill effects need be feared from it, when used in proper doses, according to the directions which accompany it. It may be given without hesitation, or the least apprehension of danger, alike to the most tender infant and the adult, with equally beneficial results. I shall now lay before my readers a number of certificates from our most respectable physicians and men of science. A few interesting cases will then be given, and the truth with which they are detailed, if questioned, may be easily obtained from the persons themselves, most of whom are living and in good health at this time. B SWAIM'S PANACEA. In order to make fully known in what estimation Swaim's Panacea is held by the medical profession, the proprietor subjoins certificates from gentlemen who, in their private as well as public characters, are deservedly ranked among the most scientific of our country. The public, as well as the proprietor of the Panacea, owe much gratitude to the gentlemen who have thus testified in its favour—their recommendations have occasioned its use in various diseases, and particularly in cases of inveterate corruption of the blood, descending to the second generation, which otherwise would have destroyed many valuable lives. Their humanity and disinterestedness in promoting the currency of a medicine found to be of such great benefit to the human race, without regard to its origin or ownership, claims the grateful admiration of a beneficent and enlightened public. This Medicine has the singular fortune, a just tribute to its great merit, of being recommended by the most celebrated Practitioners of Medicine in the United States and Europe; whereas not one of the spurious mixtures, made in imitation of it, has the least support from the Medical Faculty. This fact offers an argument so plain and conclusive, that it needs only to be mentioned to enforce conviction. CERTIFICATES. PROM DOCTOR N. CHAPMAN, Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Practice in the University of Pennsylvania, President of the Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia, fyc. I have within the last two years had an opportunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ulcers, which, having resisted previously the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea; and I do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal, and mercurial diseases. N. Chapman, M. D. 15 RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM DOCTOR W. GIBSON, Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alms-House Infirmary, fyc. fyc. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim, in numerous instances, within the last three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in secondary syphilis and in mercurial disease. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. " W. Gibson, M. D. FROM DOCTOR VALENTINE MOTT, Professor of Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeon of the New York Hospital, fyc. fyc. I have repeatedly used Swaim's Panacea, both in the Hospital and in private practice, and have always found it to be a valuable medicine in chronic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affections. Valentine Mott, M.D. FROM DOCTOR WILLIAM P. DEWEES, Adjunct Professor of Midwifery in the University of Pennsylvania, fyc. fyc. I have much pleasure in saying I have witnessed the most decided and happy effects in several instances of inveterate disease from Mr. Swaim's Panacea, where other remedies had failed—one was that of Mrs. Brown.* Wm. P. Dewees, M. D. FROM DOCTOR JAMES MEASE, Member of the American Philosophical Society, and Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. fyc. I cheerfully add my testimony in favour of Mr. Swaim's Panacea, as a remedy in Scrofula. I saw two inveterate cases perfectly cured by it, after the usual remedies had been long tried without effect—those of Mrs. Offner and Mrs. Campbell.! James Mease, M.D. * See the Case of Mrs. Brown. t See the Cases of Mrs. Offner, and Mrs. Campbell. 16 REC OMMENDATIONS. PROM THE HON. THOMAS H. HALL, Member, of Congress from the State of North Carolina, fye. With regard to Swaim's Panacea, I hesitate not to say, after a good deal of experience of its use in such diseases as it is announced to be a remedy for, that I think it a valuable acquisition to valetudinarians from those diseases, and that they may confidently expect from it benefits, which I believe cannot be derived from any other medicinal aid now known. Thomas H. Hall, M.D. PROM DOCTOR ALEXANDER KNIGHT, Port Physician of Philadelphia, Member of the Philadelphia Medu ' cal Society, fyc. Having witnessed the decided efficacy of the medicine called " Swaim's Panacea," in several cases of inveterate disease, that had resisted the usual remedies, justice requires that I should give my testimony in its favour. Among other cases that have come under my notice, those of Mrs. Hocker, of Kensington, and J. Lambert's child,* are the most worthy of notice. In the former case, there was extensive ulceration and caries of the bones of the face, that was rapidly extending its ravages to the nose and palate. In the latter, a gangrenous ulceration, commencing on the inside of the cheek, had extended to the outside, and destroyed a portion of the cheek, and threatened its entire destruction. In both these cases, the diseases were growing worse, although very active treatment had been used, without benefit; but were speedily arrested in their progress, and in a short time perfectly cured, by the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. Alex. Knight, M. D. FROM DOCTOR SAMTJEL R. MARSHALL, Surgeon of the United States' Naval Hospital, New York, fyc. fye. I have used Mr. Swaim's Panacea in several cases of secondary syphilis, which were sent to the Navy Hospital at Brooklyn, and feel pleased to say, with complete success in every case. Samuel R. Marshall, M. D, * See the Cases of Mrs. Hocker and Isaac S. Lambert. RECOMMENDATIONS. 17 FROM DOCTOR THOMAS PARKE, President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, formerly Physician to Hie Pennsylvania Hospital for forty-jive years. At the request of W. Swaim, I hereby certify, that in the few cases I have seen his Panacea given, I have observed great benefit derived from its use, and particularly in the case of R. C. Tregomaine,* who was for many years afflicted with very inveterate ulcers, that were deemed incurable by all of the eminent surgeons who had attended her. In this hopeless situation she was (in September, 1821,) admitted a patient in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and had the advice of all the surgeons of that benevolent institution, without receiving any relief, when she began the use of the Panacea, which, to the surprise of all who witnessed its effects, restored her to good health in two months. In October, 1823, she was discharged from the Hospital, perfectly cured. From observing the wonderful effects of Swaim's Panacea in R. C. Tregomaine's case, and from several well attested reports of many of our most eminent surgeons, I believe it to be a very useful remedy in chronic, syphilitic, mercurial, scrofulous, and many other constitutional complaints. Thomas Parke, M. D. FROM DOCTOR WILLIAM PRICE, Formerly Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. fyc. Liverpool (England.) The Vegetable Syrup, called Swaim's Panacea, prepared by Mr. Swaim of Philadelphia, has recently been introduced here by Dr. Price, from the United States of America, where it is now extensively used in the treatment of a variety of Chronic Diseases. Of the efficacy of this preparation Dr. Price has had abundant and most satisfactory evidence, during a course of experiments made under his direction, whilst Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital; and since his arrival in England, he has had the good fortune of witnessing many additional instances of its successful administration. * See the Case of Mrs. Tregomaine. B 2 . 18 RECOMMENDATIONS. The diseases in which this Medicine has been particularly useful, are those arising from constitutional causes—as in the various forms of Scrofula, whether affecting the bones, joints, or soft parts; and in cases where a disposition to this disease is manifested by debility only, it operates as a preventive to the local disease by its beneficial effects on the constitution. It is equally efficacious in mercurial disease, and in the secondary forms of syphilis; and has lately been given with marked success in chronic diseases of the liver, which had resisted the careful exhibition of mercury. It has, likewise, very recently been administered with decided advantage by one of the most distinguished Surgeons in London, in a case which had entirely destroyed the right eye of the patient, and a great portion of the side of the face. William Price, M. D. FROM DOCTOR JOHN Y. CLARK, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. Having had frequent opportunities of witnessing the effects of " Swaim's Panacea," I must candidly say, that I have been much pleased with the results at its success, particularly in the following diseases, viz. Scrofula, Syphilitic, and Mercurial disease, Tumours and Ulcers, where there has not only been great destruction of the soft parts, but also where caries of the bones have extended to a very considerable extent. John Y. Clark, M. D. FROM DOCTOR DEL VALLE. The following testimonials, translated from the original Spanish, in relation to some extraordinary effects produced at the Havana, by Swaim's Panacea, are deemed of sufficient interest to claim a portion of public attention. (translation.) DON FERNANDO GONZALEZ DEL VALLE, M.D. Public Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Lecturer of Surgery in the Royal and Pontifical University of St. Jerome of the Havana, Member of the Royal Patriotic Society of the " Friends of the Country," &c. I hereby certify, that I have used known by the name of" Swaim's Panacea," and have obtained 19 RECOMMENDATIONS. very good results from its application} having cured two patients in whom the disorder would not yield to the best curative remedies. One was suffering with a Chronic Herpes, and the other with venereal ulcers complicated with a gonorrhea of long standing. The former had to take five bottles, the latter six. The other cases in which I am now using it, are carcinomatous ulcers; and though the patients are not yet cured, they experience however great relief; the ulcers suppurate more freely, without extending as quickly as they, did before the medicine was taken. This is all I can at present state, and I am happy to be able to contribute on my part to confirm the good effects of this valuable discovery. Fernando Gonzalez del Valle, M. D. (copy.) Consular Agency of the United States. I, the undersigned, Vice Consular Agent of the United States for the city of Havana and its dependencies, do hereby certify, that Doctor don Fernando Gonzalez del Valle, subscriber to the foregoing document, is a physician of the greatest respectability, residing in this city, to me well known, and to whose attestation as such, full faith and credit ought to be given. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of my office at Havana, this sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States, the fifty-second. (Signed) Vincent Gray. FROM T. MIGUEL. RODRIGUES. The following is a translation of a letter from the original Spanish, dated 23d September, 1828, forwarded to William Swaim by J. G. A. Williamson, Esq., American Consul. Satisfactory evidence of the respectability of Mr. Rodrigues has been laid before the public. Caraccas, Republic of Colombia. To William Swaim, Philadelphia. Sir, —The marvellous and beneficial effects of your Panacea in a number of instances in which it has been 20 RECOMMENDATIONS. tried in this city, and of which I am a witness and admirer, and the necessity of a supply without the risk of adulteration, of some bottles for my own house and for some particular friends of mine, induce me to take the liberty of addressing you, and to supplicate have the goodness to send me 36 bottles, directed to the Consul resident at this capital, (viz. J. G. A. Williamson, Esq.) for which I will pay the said Consul, or such person as you may direct, according to the invoice—but I trust you . will put it at the most equitable price. I have the satisfaction to inform you that I am an ocular witness of sixteen cures of the greatest importance effected by your Panacea, of Syphilitic, Chronic, Inveterate and Ulcerous Diseases—also, of Liver Complaints so common in this country. This and the just and merited praises which I have bestowed upon the medicine, have brought it into great estimation, and without doubt it will deserve more from day to day, for a considerable number of persons are taking it with great advantage. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) T. Migl. Rodrigues. PROM DOCTOR JOHN HOWELL. The following letter from Doctor John Howell, of Trenton, JV. J., a regularly bred physician of scientific practice, will show his opi~ nion of the Panacea, and his desire that his name may he used to recommend it. The testimony which he gives in the following cases cannot fail to be interesting. Dear Sir—I have just received your letter of the 6th, requesting an answer respecting the cases of pulmonary affections that I some time ago mentioned to you. I am sorry that I am not able to comply with your request, as I keep no regular docket or register that I can refer to for the treatment and symptoms. But as far as I can recollect, I am fully persuaded they were both in a very critical situation:—they complained of great pain in the thorax, and difficulty of breathing; they both had a distressing cough and a free expectoration of mucus. But since they have commenced taking your Panacea, they have experienced a wonderful change; the pain in the thorax is better, the cough is not so troublesome, and the expectoration is lessened: RECOMMENDATIONS. 21 they still continue the use of it, and I have no doubt, with attention to diet and dress, they will be restored. My son, who is afflicted with an epilepsy, I must say, since he has commenced with your Panacea, has not had a single return of his fits, now more than five weeksj and since the commencement of his disease he has never before went over ten days without having them. And I can say, your medicine has done him more good than all that he has taken for the last three years. I have given him the two bottles that you sent me, and I should be glad to know if I must continue the use of it any longer, and if so, you will oblige me by sending another bottle, as I shall be directed altogether by your opinion. My son, a student of medicine, related a case to me this morning of a black man, that has had the King's Evil for four years, and is now cured by taking three bottles of your medicine, as directed by my son. The black man is a labourer, living about five miles from this place. I give you full liberty to publish this letter, if you wish it—or as much of it as you think proper. And if my name can be of any use in giving your Panacea that character which it deserves you may use it with pleasure, and I shall ever feel it my duty to recommend it to the public. Yours, most respectfully, John Howell,M.D. FROM DOCTOR J. F. D. L.OBSTEMT. J. F. Daniel Lobstein, M.D. of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Corresponding member of the Medical Societies of Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseilles, Honorary Member of the Medical Societies of Philadelphia, of Massachusetts, Maryland, Lexington, (Ky.) Pittsburgh, and Virginia, New Orleans, Sec. &c, Physician and Practitioner in Midwifery, in Philadelphia, CERTIFIES, That M. L , in this city, who had been severely afflicted for two years with a complaint, accompanied with excruciating pains in the joints, so as to render him almost unable to walk, was completely cured by the use of three bottles of Mr, Swaim's Panacea.-*' 22 RECOMMENDATIONS. Mrs. K , fifteen miles from Philadelphia, who had been three years suffering from scrofulous ulcers on the legs, against which she had used a great variety of the most approved medicines, was entirely relieved in two months, by the employment of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. Mr. B , of this city, who had suffered greatly for upwards of four years, with wandering rheumatic pains, particularly in the spring and autumn, Avas effectually cured from his complaint, and has now remained entirely well for more than a year. A number of cases of liver complaints have also come under my notice, which were cured, after the best medical advice had been given, and the most approved remedies had been used, without effect. J. F. D. Lobstein, M. D. PROM WILLIAM DUANE, ESa. One of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia. Mr. Swaim, proprietor of a medical composition called Swaim's Panacea, applied to me, requesting me to state what I knew about the introduction of his medicine into the Aims-House —and I consider it a duty to comply with his request. Being President of the Board of Managers of the Aims-House in the year 1820, Mr. Swaim expressed to me a wish to undertake the cure of some persons then in the house, whose cases were given up as incurable by the medical gentlemen; that he was confident of curing by his medicine those cases, and would undertake some of the most desperate—and would require no other compensation than the satisfaction to be derived from the service rendered. I promised to consult the other Managers, and did so; but I found that some of the medical gentlemen in the house had laboured to prejudice them, as some of them attempted to prepossess me against what they denominated quackery. Some of the Managers, felt inclined to the trial, considering that as they were cases abandoned by the medical men which were to be operated upon, no harm at least would be done, and if cure was practicable, the opportunity ought to be afforded; but they expressed a reluctance to take any responsibility upon them; by which I understood that they did not like to put themselves* in opposition to the physicians. Others RECOMMENDATIONS. 23 opposed it altogether. I therefore offered and took upon myself whatever responsibility there was in the case, and notified Mr. Swaim that I would accompany him, and did so; the first case selected was that of a woman, whose appearance was horrible, and whose condition was so deplorable, that the patients in the same room wished to have her removed—and the evidence of my own senses justified their complaint. She was a woman of about 30 or 32 years of age, her right eye was already destroyed, the left eye was protruded more than half an inch out of the socket; the flesh of the left cheek was one complete idcer — the flesh of the nose had disappeared and left the nostrils two naked holes — the upper lip on the left side was destroyed, and the teeth and gums bare, and the whole face, as it appeared to me, in a rapid state of dissolution; her appetite had left her — she represented a living skeleton frightful to behold. Mr. Swaim said he could cure her; he could not restore the lost eye, nor restore the nose, but he could restore the left eye and the mouth. He undertook the case, and I frequently attended him in his visits to the poor woman, and she was cured —and I have frequently seen her since, going about her ordinary business with the alacrity usual to a person of that age; the deformity of course remained; but all that remained besides appeared healthful. I have confined myself to this case, upon which it was impossible to be mistaken, and forborne to introduce any other circumstances than what belong immediately to it. William Duane. CERTIFICATE OF DR. EDWIN A. ATLEE, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society. The case detailed in the preceding certificate came under my observation, and I believe Alderman Duane's statement to be strictly correct. Mr. Swaim showed me two other cases nearly similar, which were cured by his Panacea, after every other remedy had failed. Averse as I am to quackery, I hope ever to be preserved from unjust and selfish prejudice; and, therefore, do not hesitate to give my name, in confirmation of the efficacy and safety of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. Edwin A. Atlee, M.D. 24 RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM DOCTOR E. C. GROSVENOR. Darien, Georgia. I have been applied to for a certificate of what I know of the case of a negro man, John,* belonging to the estate of Pierce Butler, Esq. I took his case to be hopeless, from its extent, and long standing. He had been in the hospital several years, and considered incurable, when he was put under the use of Swaim's Panacea, given according to the directions; the negro was certainly restored to health by its use, and is now a useful servant. E. C. Grosvenor, M. D. FROM DOCTOR JOHN F. BROOKE, Physician to the Northern Dispensary, Philadelphia. I have seen the case of Isaac Sharpless Lambert,! a boy about seven years old, residing in Charlotte street, Northern Liberties. The case I consider as one of the many instances of the extraordinary virtue of Swaim's Panacea. An immense part of the cheek had gangrenated, extending from the alae of the nose, including the upper lip, the ductus steno, and leaving bare the superior and inferior maxillary bones. All the remedies previously adopted had failed in affording relief. In justice to Swaim's Panacea, and actuated by motives of humanity, I wish to give publicity to this case. Dr. Alexander Knight, an eminent practitioner in the Northern Liberties, who has seen the case, pronounces it a great and surprising cure, and has permitted me to use his name. John F. Brooke, M.D. FROM SAMUEL. MASON, Formerly Steward of the Pennsylvania Hospital for thirteen years. Respected Friend, I lately had an opportunity of looking over a book published by thee, containing an account of cures performed by thy Panacea, and a number of most respect- * See the Case of African John, t See the Case of I. S. Lambert. RECOMMENDATIONS. 25 able certificates proving its valuable efficacy. Four cases of which came fresh to my recollection, viz. Robert Ryan, Ruth C. Tregomaine, Owen Loughran, and Michael Anderson.* They were all cases that excited commiseration, and were considered hopeless and incurable. Robert Ryan was about six years in the Hospital, was under the care, during that time, of all the eminent surgeons of that institution, who tried every means they could devise to cure him, but in vain. He finally took his discharge, put himself under thy care, and in a short time was restored to health and soundness. He was afterwards employed as gate-keeper. Concerning R. C. Tregomaine, Owen Loughran, and Michael Anderson, I having opportunity of seeing them daily; beholding their emaciated appearance; their debility becoming daily more apparent; their ulcers growing larger and more obstinate; that I had not the least expectation of their recovery. The two former were permitted to take thy Panacea in the Hospital, by the surgeon then in attendance, and the latter took his discharge in order to receive the benefit thereof, and were all restored to their usual health and strength. Should the above statement be in any degree gratifying to thee, I feel a pleasure in giving it. With respect and esteem, I remain thy friend, Samuel Mason, Late Steward of the Pennsylvania Hospital. FROM GILBERT ROBERTSON, ESQ. British Consul. * I certify, that Michael Anderson,! a British seaman was sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital by my orders, and after remaining there for fourteen months, during which time he was in a miserable situation, and the report I received from the steward of the Hospital, declared him incurable, he was then removed to privatelodgings, and Mr. Swaim voluntarily offered his services, and by the application of his Panacea the man recovered, and I sent him home to England in good health. Gilbert Robertson, His Britannic Majesty's Consul, Philadelphia. * See the Cases of Robert Ryan, Ruth C. Tregomaine, Ovren Loughran, and Michael Anderson, t See the Case of Michael Anderson. 26 RECOMMENDATIONS. PROM DOCTOR JOHN PERKIN, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. The case of Mrs. T was one of violent and long continued cephalalgia (accompanied with a large node on the right side of the frontal bone or forehead"), for which I treated her with various preparations of mercury, the Lisbon diet drink, bark, opium, arsenic, Sec.—- The mercurial plan afforded relief, and the node entirely disappeared, although it was impossible to produce the smallest degree of ptyalism. In the early part ol December, after a discontinuance of the mercury for a few weeks, the pain was suddenly much increased, and my patient was attacked with a strong fit of epilepsy; the mercurial treatment was resumed, and continued without any improvement, for three weeks, when, by my advice, she commenced taking Swaim's Panacea, which soon had a decided influence on the disease, and she is now perfectly well. John Perkin, M.D. PROM DOCTOR EPHRAIM DICKEN. Tarborough, JV. C. Having used within the last six months of my practice, two or three dozen bottles of Swaim's Panacea, with great satisfaction to myself and patients, I have no hesitation in declaring, that I believe it to be one of the most useful medicinal preparations in diseases for which it is usually prescribed. Ephraim Dicken, M.D. FROM DOCTOR JOSEPH MAXWELL. Darien, Geo. Dear Sir,—-Having tried the effects of Swaim's Panacea in three cases that completely baffled all my school knowledge, which I had been taught by Gregory and Monroe of Edinburgh; by Sir Astley Cooper and Mr. Cline, of St. Thomas's, and Guy's Hospital, London; and by Dubois and Boyer, at Paris; I without hesitation pronounce it to be the most valuable medicine ever discovered. The case of George Bolton, blacksmith, of our city, 27 RECOMMENDATIONS. was one of the strongest marked cases I ever saw: he had numerous ulcers on the legs, arms, head and body; he had employed the best medical men and had the first medical advice from New York without any benefit;— he was cured with four bottles, and not a symptom of the disease remains. Two more cases that occurred on Simon's Island, at the plantation of Mr. Cowper, the one a female, who had laboured for more than thirty years with ulcerated legs, which confined her for several years to her house, nodes on the elbows and shin bones, ulcerated sore throat—four bottles of your Panacea cured her. The other, the case of the driver of the plantation, with the African disease called Craw-Craw, the most inveterate kind of Lues; he was bedridden for more than twelve months, being unable to walk or move out of his bed. Four bottles completed his cure, and I saw him one of the most active negroes on the plantation. These cases, my dear sir, are more than sufficient to establish the virtues of your celebrated Panacea. I shall use it very freely in my own practice, I can assure you, having every confidence in its superior efficacy. The demand for it here is already very great. Mixtures made in imitation of it are not noticed Wishing you all the fame and wealth that you so justly deserve for so valuable a discovery in medicine, which has, through Divine Providence, been the means of lessening the miseries of your fellow men, I am yours, &c. Jos. Maxwell, M.D. FROM DOCTOR FRANCIS L.E BARON, Late U. S. Apothecary General. I recommended Joseph Smith,* of Havre de Grace, Immediately to proceed on and place himself under the care of Mr. Wm. Swaim of Philadelphia, the person so celebrated for the success of a medicine he makes use of in the cure of Syphilis, and its various incipient, confirmed, and secondary stages, and in most of the mercurial diseases incident to this climate (Smith's being a combination of the two last, and more obstinate and inveterate than any I had yet met with or heard of). Four years strict discipline from the various sons of * See the. Case of Joseph Smith- 28 RECOMMENDATIONS. Esculapius had, instead of curing or even relieving the complaint, brought him to appear more like a dried preparation for an anatomical study, than one of the human family alive. A disorganization and dissolution of osseous and soft parts of the organs of speech, and nose, had so far advanced as to occasion sounds, in place of voice, more like the croaking of ravens; he had numerous ulcers on different parts of his body. In this situation he was conveyed to Philadelphia with difficulty, and placed under the care of Mr. Swaim, whom I wrote to, stating his case. In six weeks he returned home to his family well. It has been now two years since, and he still continues well, and in excellent health and spirits; his voice is gradually reassuming somewhat of its wonted sound and modulation, and his person possesses more of the rotundity than ever. (Signed) Francis Le Baron, M.D. This man remains in perfect health to this day—June 20, 1830. FROM DOCTOR ALEXANDER M'WILLIAMS, Surgeon of the Washington City Asylum, tyc. fyc. Dear Sir, —My engagements having prevented me from giving, at an earlier period, a detail of the cases in which I have used your medicine with success in the Asylum of this city, I now hasten to give you a short account of them. Early last summer I first heard of Swaim's Panacea. I obtained permission of the trustees of this institution to try it. The first case in which I used it was Samuel Black. aged 27 years; he had contracted the venereal disease, and by bad treatment or neglect, he was reduced to a most wretched condition; he had been under the care of several medical gentlemen previous to coming to the Asylum. All the usual remedies were tried, with no salutary effect. Nodes now began to make their appearance on the tibia, sternum, scalp, and arms, with large deep ulcers in the throat, attended with severe pains in his joints and limbs; in this desperate situation he remained for two years, taking occasionally large quantities of laudanum, with such other medicines as myself and others might suggest. Having RECOMMENDATIONS. 29 lised your medicine for two months, he was dismissed well, and has remained so ever since. The second, James Kotzenburger, who came to this place from Baltimore, was afflicted in the same manner as Black, but being of more temperate habits was cured with five bottles. Two other cases, decidedly mercurial, (whose names I cannot mention,) were treated with the same happy effect with your medicine. Thus, Sir, have I given you the result of my experience with your medicine; that I do highly recommend it is certain; after such a result who could hesitate? Yours, with respect, Alexander M'Williams, M. D. From the Royal Hospital of St. Joseph at Ldsbon* (translation.) JOZE LOURENCO DA 3LUZ, Surgeon of His Most Faithful Majesty's Household, Lecturer of Surgery in the Royal School of Surgery at Lisbon, fyc., Certifies, that Mr. Armand Theophilus Donnet, having requested me to use in my practice " Swaim's Panacea," I had an opportunity of trying that medicine on a patient affected with ulcers of a scrofulous and mercurial nature, who had been months in one of the wards at the royal hospital of st. Joseph, considered incurable, and not expected to live many days, and after having used said medicine for two months and a half, following the directions that accompanied the bottles of said Panacea, he was entirely cured. I further certify that during the time the patient was taking the Panacea, he took no other medicine, to which might be attributed the rapid cure. In truth of the same, and it being demanded of me, I pass this certificate and swear under oath of the Holy Evangelists as to the truth thereof Lisbon, 15th Dec. 1829. (Signed) Joze Lourenco da Luz. I recognise the above signature to be the actual handwriting of the person therein mentioned. Lisbon, 18th Dec. 1829. In testimony of the truth, (Signed) Joao Caetano Correa. c 2 30 RECOMMENDATIONS. (COPY.) I, J. Pemberton Hutchinson, Consul of the United States of America for the Kingdom of Portugal, &c. do hereby certify, that the foregoing signature of Joa5 Caetano Correa is his actual hand-writing, and that he is a Notary Public, duly commissioned and sworn, and all his acts as such, are entitled to full faith and credit, and that the facts stated in the foregoing deposition are correct and true. ' In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office at Lisbon, this twenty-ninth day of January, 1830. J. Pemberton Hutchinson. Testimony from Lisbon. It will be seen by the ensuing official and solemn document, that the enlightened humanity of our consul at Lisbon, has introduced the medicine called " Swaim's Panacea" into the kingdom of Portugal. Besides this remarkable case of restoration of sight, it has been astonishingly successful in a number of desperate cases which had baffled the art of the most eminent physicians of Lisbon.— These will be published in succession from time to time, and the reflection will doubtless occur to all who read them, that while the whole body of physicians in our own country, actuated by a jealousy, which might be called paltry and contemptible, were it not wicked and malignant, are endeavouring to injure its fame, it is achieving more among foreign nations for the cause of suffering humanity and for the honour of our country than all the labours of this learned fraternity. For when before has it occurred that an American consul has had the noble opportunity of staying the hand of death and of bestowing a benefaction on a whole kingdom, by introducing the skill and Knowledge of his own countrymen in the curative art ? LISBON. Certificate issued at the Petition of Armand TheophUus Bonnet. DON ANTONIO JOAQUIM DE GOUVEA PINTO, Knight of the Order of Christ, Gentleman of the Royal Household, Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of the Port, exercising the Functions of Civil Magistrate in this City, and Jurisdiction of Appeal, by Authority of His Majesty, fyc. fyc. By these presents bearing my signature: JJf ft itttOtDtt that the J&emorial of the following tenor was laid be* fore me. " Jirmand TheophUus Bonnet makes known that he wishes to have the following attested before your hon- RECOMMENDATIONS. 31 otttr. To wit: That Ricardo Joze de Souza, workman in the hat manufactory established in Rua Formosa, and living at Rocio-Square, house No. 87, lower apartment, has a daughter named Eugenia Angela do Carmo, aged six years, who, for upwards of two years had been grievously afflicted with ulcers all over her body, and became stone-blind. Moreover, that the said child, Eugenia Angela do Carmo, in that wretched condition, without any prospect of relief, was persuaded to make trial of a remedy denominated Swaim's Panacea, prepared in Philadelphia, North America, of which three bottles were given to her as directed. Such was the happy effect produced by it, that she recovered her sight, and the sores speedily healed in a complete manner. Wherefore he begs your honour will be pleased to permit Petitioner to give proof of the same, previously administering him the oath and receiving his signature, with respect to the fact, as also the testimony of the persons to whom it is known. And your honour will confer a favour." To the above Memorial I issued the following decree:— " Let the proofs be given." Pinto. Forthwith the following was brought forward in proof, by Armand TheophUus Donnet. TESTIMONY. On the twenty-third of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, in the city of Lisbon, in my office, the interrogator examined the following witnesses; Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle, serving as amanuensis:— FIRST. Joaquim Francisco Carreiro, hatter, having a shop at the Pra9a do Rocio, and living at No. 87, Pregueria de Santa Justa, aged sixty years, testified on oath by the Holy Evangelists, being interrogated, he said, that he was well acquainted with Ricardo Jose de Souza, workman at the hat manufactory, in street Rua Formosa,; he likewise knows his daughter, Eugenia Angela Carmo, six years of age; that he came almost every day to the house of witness when he staid at Lisbon, and for that reason he knows that the child was 32 RECOMMENDATIONS. Upwards of two years tormented with ulcers all over her body, and her eyes closed in such manner that she could see nothing; that they made her take some bottles of a medicine, the name of which he does not now recollect, but which through a principle of humanity, was supplied when they went to the house of the institutor of this inquiry. Having made use of this remedy, she recovered her sight, and with respect to the ulcers they improved wonderfully, as they discharged a great quantity of matter. He is confident that if they were able to render proper attention and subject her to a diet, she would have recovered sooner. He has nothing more to add, and signs his name together with the interrogator, and I, Luis Jose de Almeida Lobo da Torre have made this statement. Joaquim Francisco Carreiro. Joze Antonio de Carvalho. SECOND. Anna Isabel, wife of Leonardo Joze de Souza, carpenter, dwelling at Rocio, house, No. 87, Pragueria de Santa Justa, aged sixty-seven years, being sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, being interrogated, declares, that she is the mother of Ricardo Joze de Souza, at whose house she stays, and grandmother of the said Eugenia Angela do Carmo, who was always in her company; she knows by this so far as to be confident, that the girl is a little more than six years of age, has been grievously tormented for upwards of two years with ulcers all over her body and neck, and that her eyes were closed, so that she could not discern any object whatever; having been seen in this condition by the American Consul, he advised them to make her take a remedy with which he would gratuitously supply them; and her said grandchild having made use of the said remedy which came in bottles somewhat less than a quart, she had scarcely finished two bottles when she opened her eyes and experienced great relief, which daily increased by the use of the same remedy. Further she cannot say, and signed her name with the interrogator; and this statement has been committed to writing by me, Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle. Anna Isabel. Joze Antonio de Carvalho. 33 RECOMMENDATIONS. Ricardo Joze de Souza, journeyman in the hat manufactory in Rua Formosa, and residing at the Praca do Rocio, No. 87, Pregueria de Santa Justa, aged thirty-one years, being sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, and interrogated; declared, that the patient, Eugenia Angela do Carmo, is his daughter, that she lives at his house, consequently he knows in fact, that upwards of two years she was greatly afflicted with ulcers in her neck extending upwards, and her eyes effectually closed up, and that having made her take a remedy given to him gratis by the promoter of this inquiry, whom he well knows, that when making use of the second bottle of the said remedy, his daughter found great relief, she opened her eyes, could see, and by using the said remedy, daily grew better and better, He has nothing more to add but that she is well. He together with the interrogator, Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle signed their names, and I made out this statement. Ricardo Joze de Sou&a.. Joze Antonio de Carvalho. THIRD. On the second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, in the city of Lisbon, and at my office, the following witnesses were examined by the interrogator, Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre dp Valle, and the statement penned by me:—- Joaquim Joze de Jesus, master shoemaker, dwelling at the Calpada, (Causeway,) do Duque, No. 1, Pregueria de Santa Justa, being thirty-four years of age, makes oath upon the Holy Evangelists, and being examined respecting the tenor of the Memorial at the beginning, he Bays, that he is well acquainted with Ricardo Joze de Souza, workman at the hat manufactory, street Rua Formosa, whose kinsman he is, and dwells at the Rocio house, No. 87, and as he frequently visits his family, he knows his daughter, Eugenia Angela do Carmo, who has been grievously afflicted with ulcers all over her body, and was absolutely blind, being about six years of age; and that having made use of a remedy which was Siven by a foreigner, the name of which remedy he o$s not remember; but when she took two or three 34 RECOMMENDATIONS. Bottles of the same, her eyes were opened, she recovered her sight, and became relieved of all hT sores; he has nothing further to add, and signs his name in conjunction with the examiner; I Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle, have penned the same. Joaquim Joze de Jesus. Antonio Joze Rebello de Mendouza. FOURTH. Severiano Antonio Guerino Chaves, bachelor of laws, residing at Rocio house, No. 87, Pregueira de Santa Justa, aged thirty years, being sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, touching the tenor of the Memorial aforesaid, says, that he is well acquainted with Ricardo Joze de Souza, workman at the hat manufactory in street Rua Formosa, and because he dwells in the same row where he attends; he knows likewise the daughter, Eugenia Angela, aged about six years, whom he frequently saw, and that for upwards of two years she had been very much afflicted with ulcers over her body, and blind; and that having made use of a remedy, the name of which is unknown to him, but he knows it was given by an Anglo American, by the use of which, the said girl recovered her sight, and was cured of the ulcers in her body when he saw her. Further he cannot say, and signs his name together with the examiner, and I Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle have made this statement. Severiano Antonio Guerino Chaves. Autonio Joze Rebello de Mendouza. DECREE. And these inquiries being terminated, I decreed as follows:— "I deem all the proofs adduced, as satisfactory and conformable to the tenor of the jjffit WOVtJlt contained in page first; and a Testimonial of the same is to be delivered to the party, for which the fees are to be paid" u Lisbon, the twenty-ninth of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty. " Antonio de Gouvea Pinto,** RECOMMENDATIONS. 35 Forthwith in compliance with the above these presents are issued, whereby I enjoin all justices and others whom it may concern, in the name of His Most Faithful Majesty and in my own, to be pleased to regard the foregoing as worthy of attention and credit, the same as if the case were under their own inspection, and these acts extended by themselves, for the truth whereof, I hereby engage all my authority. I sign the same at Lisbon, the twenty-ninth of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty. Luis Joze de Almeida Lobo da Torre do Valle. ANTONIO JOAQUIM DE GOUVEA PINTO. I recognise the signature of the above magistrate, to be authentic. Lisbon, the 5th of February, 1830. Joao Caetano Correa. CONSUL'S CERTIFICATE. • I, J. Pemberton Hutchinson, Consul of the United States of America, in the city of Lisbon, do hereby certify that the signature of Joao Caetano Correa is his actual hand-writingj that he is a Notary Public of this city, duly commissioned and sworn, and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit, and that the facts stated in the foregoing deposition are correct and true. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office, in Lisbon, this 4th day of February, 1830. J. P. Hutchinson. I, the undersigned, interpreter of several languages, duly authorized by the government of Pennsylvania, certify that the foregoing is a faithful translation from the Portuguese original, made out by me at Philadelphia, 21st June, 1830. Matthias Js. O'Conway, Interpreter, Philadelphia. THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CURES ARE WORTHY OF GREAT ATTENTION. The annals of Medicine cannot furnish a parallel; they should be extensively known, for it is feared that thousands are labouring under diseases which may produce consequences equally disastrous, unless arrested by the powerful agency of Swaim's Panacea. CASE OF NANCY LINTON, OF CHARLESTOWN TOWNSHIP, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. One of the most extraordinary cures ever recorded in the annals of Medicine. Among the numerous and important cases I have already given to the public, I do not recollect to have recorded one in which the influence of my Panacea in staying the march of a most destructive disease, has been so strikingly exemplified as in the present instance. Nancy Linton, at the age of twelve years, was attacked with scrofulous swellings of the glands of the neck, which readily yielded to simple remedies.-—In a short time, however, the disease made its appearance in a much more aggravated form; a small ulcer appeared on the palate, which gradually extended itself to all the surrounding internal parts, destroying in its rapid and relentless course, integuments, muscles, and bones; from the throat and face it next extended itself to the left shoulder, and from thence down to the lower extremities. It were unnecessary to dwell in detail upon the regular progress of this dreadful disease; upon the sufferings, the misery, and the privations she had experienced during a period of fourteen years, in which time all that medical skill could possibly devise proved unavailing; I shall therefore only attempt to describe her situation when she commenced the use of Swaim's Pa-' nacea, and I feel confident that all attempts at describing her horrible condition, will fall far short of the reality. At this period (in the spring of 1824,) the ulceration in the throat had extended in such a manner as to open a medium of communication between the nose and mouth, by the destruction of the velum palati, and portions of the palatine and upper maxillary bones, in consequence of which fluids introduced into the mouth passed out from the nostrils, the whole of the nose, the nasal bones, and the nasal processes of the upper max- swaim's panacea. 37 illary bones being destroyed, and presenting a deep, open cavity, from which you could see down to the basis Of the skull; the gums participated in the disease, and several of the teeth came out from their sockets. At this time the whole of the extensive surface which is thus described, was in a state of ulceration, from which there was a constant discharge of highly offensive matter, and it will easily be conceived that a patient under such circumstances could hardly take sufficient nourishment to support the almost exhausted energies of nature. From the face, as before stated, the left shoulder was next affected with corroding ulceration, which destroyed a considerable portion of the deltoid muscle; but the points on which the whole force of the disease seemed to expend itself were the lower extremities; and it will be almost incredible when we state the destruction of parts, that disease of any form could make such terrible ravages on the human system without producing death; that the constitution of a delicate female, already enfeebled by fourteen years of suffering, and nearly worn down with hectic fever, could bear up for so long a time, amidst such an accumulated load of affliction. Both the knee joints were in the first place attacked with inflammation, which soon terminated in ulceration; on the left side, the ulceration extended higher up than the hip, and as low down as midway between the knees and feet—the whole of the muscles in this situation were laid completely bare—several of them were separated from each other, and a complete opening was thus formed, through which several fingers could be passed between the flexors of both legs and the bone; a considerable portion of the muscular structure over the lower third of the thighs was completely destroyed, and the articular branches of the femoral artery participated in the ravages of the disease. From some mismanagement (or rather, it is said, in consequence of the excruciating pain induced by putting the muscles on the stretch, when the limbs were {)laced in the extended position,) both limbs were alowed to remain flexed at an**ngle of about forty-five degrees, in which position they became anchylosed. The above is but a faint outline of the horrible condition of the patient—from the extensive ulcerations D swaim's panacea. 38 which were thus spread over so great a portion of her emaciated body, she was almost entirely enveloped in the highly offensive discharge constantly exuding from them—an object loathsome to herself, and a burden to her friends. In this condition, when Nature's lamp was faintly glimmering in its socket, and not until she had arrived at that point when human nature could hold out no longerj when the knell of death would have been hailed with emotions of pleasure, and when nought but the grave seemed to open a prospect of relief—at such a time, and under such circumstances, did she have recourse to Swaim's Panacea. It will be sufficient to state, that after few doses she was completely relieved of pain; that in the course of a short time the character of* the sores was materially changed, healthy action being excited in them; by the end of a few months they were completely healed, and her general health perfectly re-established. At the present time, a period of four years having elapsed since her recovery, she presents an object of curious inquiry. Upon examination, it will be found that the tendons of the muscles forming the inner and outer hamstrings, the semi-tendinosus, the semi-membranosus, and the biceps flexor cruris, have united to form one eommon tendon: that an opening still exists in each limb behind the knee-joints, completely cicatrized around, through which two fingers can be introduced} that the muscles at the lower third of both thighs are completely destroyed, and that the bone has merely a covering of skin, whilst the anchylosis of both joints is complete, and renders her entirely unable to stand or walk. From the description we have already given, an idea of the deformity of the face can be better conceived than described. When we look back through the dark and gloomy period of this woman's sufferings, we cannot but regret that a timely application of this remedy was not made, when she might have been restored a useful member to society, and a support to her aged and destitute mother. The description now given of this extraordinary case may appear to some to but any one who has been a witness to the excitement which has prevailed in our city during her stay here for the last few weeks, (in which time she has been visited by hun- swaim's panacea. 39 dreds of our most respectable citizens, and many of our first physicians, who can vouch for the correctness of this statement,) could not doubt for one moment that the picture we have drawn is faithfully executed. The newspapers of the day teemed with accounts of her case, whilst they represented her an object of curiosity, and calculated to excite the generous sympathy of a liberal public. REMARKS. That the disease of Miss Linton was a most aggravated case of Scrofula, there can be no doubt—and as such, its speedy removal under the use of Swaim's Panacea,* maybe justly held forth as one of the most remarkable instances of remediate agency that has perhaps ever been witnessed from the earliest records of surgery down to the present day. Scrofula has long been, and is to this day, emphatically called an opprobrium medicorum —a reproach to the profession ; —and indeed, when it is considered how uniformly it has resisted the remedies and plans of treatment devised by the most learned and experienced physicians of every age and country since it first began to scourge mankind, it must be allowed that it is truly an opprobrium to the profession. Whilst this case is eminently calculated to show the extraordinary sanative virtues of the Panacea, it is perhaps no less calculated to inspire us with a well founded hope, that there are in the lap of nature, remedies for many, if not all those maladies which are now regarded incurable—and which are destined, in the course of time, to be brought to light. Various remedies have from time to time been brought forward for the cure of Scrofula, some few of which have manifested an occasional beneficial influence in slight instances of the disease; but the examples of permanent good effects, even in slight cases, have been so exceedingly few, that they have been altogether insufficient to prevent such remedies from falling into neglect in the treatment of this insidious and appalling affection. Swaim's Panacea, as has been abundantly manifested by many cases, and most conspicuously by the present one, appears to be a remedy as pervading as it is permanent in its healing virtues. The time which has elapsed since the cure of Miss Linton, notwithstanding the dreadful ravages which the disease has made, and the consequent shock which her * It is greatly to be regretted, that the success of this medicine has caused many unprincipled men to imitate it, and to vend, under its name, drugs of the most mischievous and deleterious kind. swaim's panacea. 40 constitution must have sustained, shows, that it is not merely a means of temporary benefit, but that it is at once rapid and permanent in its operation. Editors of several Newspapers in this city, who visited Nancy Linton, were induced to publish thefollowing remarks in their respective papers- From the National Gazette. Yesterday, we accompanied a respectable and judicious physician of this city, to visit a woman who had been cured of Scrofula by the use of Swaim's Panacea. Our companion agrees with us in the opinion, that the testimony, given by herself and her parents to establish the reality of the cure, is conclusive in favour of the Panacea: and a more dreadful instance of disease, than that which her frame must have presented for many years, we cannot even imagine. That she could continue to exist, in such a state, is only more wonderful than the rapid and effectual manner in which the malady was expelled by the medicine.—Her name is Nancy Linton, and she is a daughter of Robert Linton, of Charlestown township, Chester county; her age about twenty-eight: at twelve she was attacked by the disease, and after being for 14 years in the hands of regular practitioners was declared to be incurable. She is now, with her parents, at Mrs. Mulock's, No. 316 Market Street, where, as we understand, she may be seen by those who would examine, for themselves, so extraordinary a case. She is an object of both charity and curiosity.— Ed. Nat. Gaz. From the National Palladium. We think it a part of our duty as a public journalist to notice a remarkable cure performed by Swaim's Panacea. We had heard of it some days before we saw the editorial paragraph in the National Gazette, but as our faith moves slow in matters of this kind, we forbore to notice it until we should be made sure that no imposition was attempted to be practised. swaim's panacea. 41 We now believe the medicine to have actually restored to health a person labouring under a disease which had baffled for 14 years the skill of regular practitioners. The cure is indeed a most astonishing cure. Not choosing to rely upon any person's representations of a matter wherein we make ourselves responsible, since the above was in type, we have visited the person on whom the cure was performed in company with an eminent physician, a professor in this city. We heard him pronounce it an astonishing cure. We cannot attempt to depict the dreadful ravages which disease had made on the person of the patient, but we will say that they far exceed any which we ever saw before on the human frame. She is now perfectly plump and hearty, with the exception of much deformity of the face and of her left shoulder and both legs, which appears to be nothing but a dry bone, and she now enjoys good health. We would have both the incredulous and the curious go and see her.— Ed. Nat. Pal. From the Religious Messenger. We have just returned from a visit to a Woman by the name of Nancy Linton, who at present lodges at the boarding house of Mrs. Mulock, 316 Market street. Our visit was made in consequence of a statement respecting an extraordinary cure performed on her through the Panacea of Mr. Swaim. Never did we behold so pitiable an object—one on whom disease had made such an inroad, without producing death. The disease with which Miss Linton was so severely afflicted, was the scrofula, or what is commonly called the king's evil. Her face, extremities, and various parts of her body, exhibit the most distressing marks of the ravages of this merciless scourge of our race. Her limbs are drawn so as to form an angle of 45 degrees, and from them the muscles are nearly all destroyed, the sinews holding them in that position in such a manner that a large cane can be passed through them both. She represents a living skeleton. Her face is also sadly disfigured, exhibiting a melancholy spectacle, and various parts of her body show that her situation indicated the extreme of misery and suffering. She was first afflicted at twelve years of age, since when, the disorder gradually increased for fourteen years, de- D 2 42 swaim's panacea. fying the power of medicine, and the greatest medical skill, until the people of her neighbourhood, like good Samaritans, raised assistance —her widowed parent being poor' —to procure some of Mr. Swaim's Panacea, which completely cured her ulcers and eradicated her disease. She is, perhaps, 28 or 30 years old: now helpless, unable to stand or walk, and under the care of her mother, who can do little else than take care of her. We are informed that many of the citizens have kindly visited her, and with the encouragements and consolations of the gospel, have also been administering to her that aid for which such an interesting object of real charity feelingly appeals to the hearts of the benevolent. We would recommend to those who can spare a little time to visit and aid her. She remains in the city only a short time, and though she solicits nothing from any individual, yet we know not an object which has stronger claims on beneficencej and we are informed that the favours which will, like Job, make her latter days more prosperous and happy than her first, will be received with gratitude.— Ed. Eel. Mes. From Foulson's American Daily Advertiser. The cynic may scoff, and the incredulous may doubt, but the wonderful restorative powers of Swaim's Panacea, surpasses all other remedies ever employed in the cure of Strumous Affections. This may be considered language too strong, and some may be ready to proclaim it as being without the boundaries of truthj but all those who thus doubt, are invited to call at No. 316 Market street, where they may witness by ocular demonstration, a case that speaks in language more intelligible, and more to the point, than any thing the humble writer of this notice is capable of offering. He confesses he has never witnessed in the whole course of his professional career, which indeed, has not been limited to a few years, a more extraordinary cure, than that to which he now invites the attention of his medical brethren, and all others who may be desirous of witnessing the marvellous effects of Swaim's Panacea. It was remarked by Dean Swift, that he who raised two sprigs of grass, where only one had previously grown, confers more substantial benefit on his country, than he could confer by the most glorious achievements of arms. The same species of praise is equally swaim's panacea. 43 applicable to the individual who by his discoveries, adds to the catalogue of means by which his fellow man is cured of those maladies which so often baffle the most scientific skill of the surgeon. Mr. Swaim will be hailed for ages to come, as chief among the benefactors of his species. Go and see the patient, and then judge ye yourselves of the wonderful powers of his Panacea. Medicus. Prom the Democratic Press. We desire to give a concise statement of one of the most extraordinary medical cases on record. On Tuesday we saw the poor afflicted being whose case we would sketch. She is now in lodgings at No. 316 Market street. We never have seen any thing human which bore evidence of more suffering. It is painful to look upon her, and to hear, as we did, from her own mouth, the melancholy detail of her agonizing sufferings. That she has endured all she says, and endured as long as she says, we entirely believe, inasmuch as her limbs, body and face, exhibit conclusive evidence of much and long suffering.—'The lower limbs from disease, and the position in which it was found necessary to. put her, while she was for many years confined to her bed, are quite stiff, and hard as iron at the knees, so that what were joints are now quite inflexible, and the legs are nearly at right angles with the thighs. The skin is tightly drawn over and apparently united to the bones; and there is such a total absence of any thing like flesh, or any thing at all soft, that it is almost impossible to conceive how circulation, however sluggish, is carried on, or how it is that the limbs do not, as in the grave, moulder into clay. The position in which she was placed in bed, and which has caused this rigid inflexibility in the knees, was selected as most convenient for her to dress her many ulcers, which were so offensive, and discharged sp freely, that she, and she alone, could cleanse them. So great was the discharge of offensive ichorous matter that the bed was frequently wet and rotten under her. Her parents had nearly expended all their substance before recourse was had to Swaim's Panacea. Some of our most respectable Medical men have been to examine this woman, and they, almost with one voice, ac- swaim's panacea. 44 knowledge that this cure is one of the most wonderful recorded in the annals of medicine. These are but slight indications of the miraculous cure which has been performed on this woman.—Every one that had seen her for years expected daily to hear of her death—the ears of the neighbours were pierced by the most distressing moanings and shrieks—her mouth and throat had nearly rejected and refused all nourishment, when Swaim's Panacea was administered. This is powerful evidence of the mild and inoffensive character of this medicine. It caused almost an immediate cessation of pain; it healed her ulcerated flesh, restored her appetite, and in a few weeks her health. It is now nearly four years since she has been thus renovated, and there is not the slightest apprehension of a relapse. If this creature ten years ago had had the good fortune to have taken this Panacea, she would have been restored to society in the vigour of life and with all its powers and activity. Let others be warned by the delay in her case, and stimulated by her recovery, to seek health where it may be found, and seek it in time. Those who are at all sceptical would do well to remove their doubts by a visit to this woman, who, with her parents, may be seen at No. 316 Market street. She is equally an object worthy the attention of the curious and the charitable.— Ed. Bern. Press. Public Exhibition in the University of Pennsylvania, of Patients cured by Swaim's Panacea. Prom the National Gazette of December 29, 1821. The following account of an extraordinary medicine appears in such a guise as to entitle it to the respect of every regular bred practitioner. " Although the science of medicine has arrived at such perfection as to enable its professors to decide regarding the nature of disease, and the most proper means for its removal, yet there ar» some cases, probably depending on constitutional idiosyncrasy, which very frequently resist all the known remedies. Scrofula and Syphilis are among these; they frequently take on peculiar and horrible forms in their latter stages, producing pains, ulcers, and a train of evils, which continue to increase in despite of all the known remedies. swaim's panacea. 45 " The following facts, however, show that a remedy for.these diseases in their worst forms, is within the reach of our practitioners. At the lecture delivered on the fourteenth instant at the University of Pennsylvania, by Professor Gibson, two patients {Catharine MRoy, and Elizabeth Soby,*) were exhibited, who had been afflicted with ulceration in its most frightful form for several years; the throat, lips, and nose, as well as the bones and soft parts of the face were mostly destroyed in both patients, and in one an eye was entirely lost. The professor, in the course of his lecture, stated the cases of these patients; that they had been treated in the usual way without success; and that they were both finally restored to perfect health by the use of a medicine recently introduced in this city, known by the name of Swaim's Panacea. u I deem this communication a just tribute to the virtues of a medicine which I think bids fair to be the means of relieving a great deal of human suffering. That remedy which a learned and respectable professor has thought worthy of a particular notice before a numerous class of students, would seem to have claims to the attention of every practitioner of the healing art. " A Student." Medicines which are issued under a title such as Swaim's Panacea, and by persons who are not regular physicians, are liable to encounter much distrust, if they have not at least the direct sanction of some respectable member of the faculty. This obstacle is entirely removed in the instance of the present remedy, by the several certificates of distinguished doctors which are inserted in this volume; but, if those certificates were wanting, it is believed that enough to answer the same purpose would be furnished in the annexed article, which the editor of the Gazette wherein it first appeared ascertained and announced to be authentic and exact. The two cases to which reference is made in the communication just quoted are the following. They need no commentary. * It is ten years since these cures were effected, and the parties are in good health at this time—July, 1830. swaim's panacea. 46 CATHERINE M'ROY, Cared after having had the advice and attendance of the best Physicians in this city for fourteen years, without receiving any benefit. She remains well and hearty to this day.—July 10,1830. Catherine M'Roy, aged about 22 years, for fourteen years had been labouring under an ulcerous affection of the face: it first commenced on the neck, extending all over the face, and had nearly destroyed the whole of the soft parts, together with the-bones; portions of the nasal, upper maxillary bone, and all the teeth of the upper jaw, had come away—a great portion of the frontal bone was absorbed—the nose was entirely gone —several ulcers on the neck and throat: she was almost unable to swallow any thing; she had followed the advice of several respectable practitioners, and numerous other persons who pretended to cure such diseases, without any success, and was daily expecting and wishing for death. At this time, after a close confinement of upwards of three years, when she had entirely lost all hopes of relief, and became so offensive that tar, sugar, Sec. was obliged to be burned in her room, she came under my care. To go into a detail of her sufferings would be impossible, and perhaps not believed. There was now an ulcer, which had extended to the trachea, and opened it to a considerable extent, so that it was with the utmost difficulty that she could breathe: the pain was almost insupportable; some of the arteries were obliged to be taken up to prevent her bleeding to death. In this critical situation the Panacea was resorted to; its effects were in a very few days visible; the rapidity with which the face, which was one complete ulcer, began to heal, is almost incredible; the ulcers on each side the mouth healed so rapidly, as almost entirely to close the mouth, which, after she had desisted taking the medicine, was obliged to be enlarged by the knife.* Since she was cured, her health has been much better than ever it was previous; more than eight years have elapsed, and not the least appearance of a recurrence of the disease has manifested itself; and she is now in perfect health and grown very fleshy, and is stronger than she ever was. * This operation was performed by Professor Gibson of the University of Pennsylvania, in the presence of at least 400 persons, students and others of the medical profession. swaim's panacea. 47 ELIZABETH SOBY. Cured after five years suffering, in which time she had the best me* dical advice, &c. She remains, with the loss of one eye and her nose, perfectly well and hearty to this day.—July 10,1830. Elizabeth Soby, aged 33 years—was for five years afflicted with an ulcerated state of the face: it commenced in the nose and spread with great rapidity all over the face—-the right eye was entirely lost, having ulcerated and sloughed out—the discharge was very great, and so offensive as to prevent her friends approaching her—pieces of the nasal and upper maxillary bones had come away—the right side of the nose was gone, and her whole face was inflamed and swelled to an alarming degree—she suffered the most excruciating pain, so much as to prevent her from having any sleep, excepting what she could get whilst sitting in a chair—she could not lie down for fear of suffocation, and her prayer was for death to relieve her. In this distressing situation, after having followed medical advice for four years without avail, she made application to me for the use of the Panacea, and immediately commenced the use of it. In the short space of two weeks the change in her appearance and spirits was truly wonderful; she had now, comparatively speaking, no pain—the ulcers were fast healing: the left side of the nose was turned over, and I succeeded in covering with it the large opening which otherwise would have been left in her face; her appetite was much better, and after the use of a few bottles she was restored to better health (to use her own language) than she had ever enjoyed. Eight years have elapsed, and she remains at this period in good health, and is now as strong and fleshy as she ever was in her life. REMARKS. These cases give us plain and incontrovertible evidence in favour of the Panacea. When cases of this nature draw forth the unqualified approbation of such distinguished and enlightened men as Professor Gibson, and when he considers them of such importance, as to bring them before a class of from four to five hundred young men as entitled to their particular attention and careful study, surely a word of commendation will not be required from me. The public are requested to draw their own inferences, from a comparative view of these cases. 48 swaim's panacea. MICHAEL. ANDERSON. Cured after having been fourteen months in the Pennsylvania Hospital. Michael Anderson, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, a stout robust man, aged 45 years, formerly boatswain's mate of the ship Britannia, at the battle of Trafalgar— of a good constitution, contracted a disease in Ireland, and on his passage to Philadelphia in the ship Hannah, captain Graham, mercury was employed for its removal, but a continued exposure to the inclemencies of the weather, rendered his case desperate, and on his arrival here, he made application to Gilbert Robertson, Esq. British consul, and being a British seaman, he was accordingly placed in the Pennsylvania Hospital, on the eighth day of September, 1821, where he continued growing worse* innumerable blotches, followed by wide-spreading ulcers, having made their appearance on various parts of his body, he now presented a horrible spectacle, not easy to be described—for the dispersion of these, mercury was again resorted to, urged to salivation, with the decoction of the woods, &c—and shortly after this he became afflicted with the most excruciating pains in all his limbs and head—ulcers appeared in his throat and the roof of his mouth and nose, and the loss of several small pieces of bones of the nose soon followed: thus situated, he lay in a most distressed condition, and every thing prescribed for him seemed to be of no use; in fact, his disease appeared to be unconquerable; he was considered as incurable, a mere skeleton, and scarcely able to walk. Mr. Robertson had him taken from the Hospital on the twenty-fifth November, 1822, and placed under my care, when he was immediately put under the use of the Panacea. This medicine now had to combat with the very hydra of disease, which had baffled the combined efforts of some of our best surgeons—and in the course of ten or twelve days it began to display its usual conquering powers, by lessening the pain which this brave seaman had suffered for several months; he could now sleep with ease, which he had been a stranger to so long; his appetite began to increase, and his bodily strength began to resume its wonted vigour, when a considerable discharge of bloody and offensive matter took place from the head and nose, which in a short time became a healthy pus; this in a short time ceased swaim's panacea. 49 entirely; the ulcers healed, and in about ten weeks he was perfectly restored to health, and was as fat and hearty as he ever was in his life; was put on board the brig Ann, captain Harrison, on the twenty-fifth March, 1823, bound to London, able to enter the service of his country again. FROM GILBERT ROBERTSON", ESQ,. British Consul. I certify that Michael Anderson, a British seaman, was sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital by my orders, and after remaining there fourteen months, during which time he was in a miserable situation, and the report I received from the steward declared him incurable, he was then removed to private lodgings, and Mr. Swaim voluntarily offered his services, and by the application of his Panacea, the man recovered, and I sent him home to England in good health. Gilbert Robertson, 77(6' Britannic Majesty's Consul, Philadelphia. REMARKS. I wish particularly to call attention to the foregoing case, not because it is a remarkable one, calculated to excite curiosity, but from a much more important consideration. Thousands of unfortunate seamen have suffered in a manner similar to this individual, from being insulated from the reach of medical assistance, and having no means of arresting the progress of a disease, whose course is always marked by extreme suffering on the part of its victims, and whose termination is fatal. It is to be considered, also, that seamen, who of all classes of men are most destitute of medical aid, are also much exposed to this disease. The case of the unfortunate sailor, who embarks on a long voyage, in a diseased condition, and in a vessel unprovided with a surgeon, is truly deplorable. If however, a surgeon be present, affections of this kind can be rendered of little importance, and may be speedily removed in recent cases. But it frequently happens that cases of long standing are found among the crew of a ship, some, indeed, not less inveterate than those which baffle the exertions of the most experienced physicians, under the most favourable circumstances. Under these circumstances, it may E swaim's panacea. 50 not be impertinent to suggest the propriety of furnishing every vessel, belonging to the navy, with Swaim's Genuine Panacea. There is not, perhaps, a naval surgeon, who has been employed on long voyages, who has not witnessed cases in which a recourse to this article would have been invaluable. In the merchant service, also, the employment of the Panacea might, in many instancos, be productive of the happiest effects. These hints are all that is deemed necessary in this place; the question, if any can exist, of the propriety of furnishing naval medicine chests with Swaim's Panacea, can be fully argued by any one who will take the trouble of making himself acquainted with the character of this remedy. MRS. HORN. The following is from one of our most respectable Surgeons. (Doctor Stephen Browne, of the New York Hospital,) will be found peculiarly interesting, inasmuch as it affords one of the most striking and decided instances of the successful application of the Panacea, in a case where a judicious use of the ordinary medicines had failed. Had this gentleman not been convinced of the superior advantages of this medicine, certainly it could not be expected, that he would have given his testimony in its favour — in direct opposition to some of his professional brethren. New York, August, 1824. Sir, —Agreeably to your request, I send you the case of Mrs. Horn. Yours, with respect, Stephen Brown, m.d. Mr. Wm. Swaim. Mrs. H., aged 40, had delicate health during five years previous to March, 1823; during which time, she had several attacks of a Rheumatic affection about the Pelvic region—so severe at times as to disable her from the use of the lower extremities. About the first of March, 1823, she suddenly became paralytic in the lower extremities; so that all sense and power of motion became entirely extinct. Agreeably to her own statement, for several weeks preceding this, a small inflammatory tumour had existed over the Sacrum. Some short time after, a large tumour appeared upon the lower part of the back, over the Lumbar region. Both swaim's panacea. 51 of these tumours resulted in the formation of matter. The lower one became an ulcer of the carious kind, extending into the sacrum, and exfoliation was the consequence* the upper one, which was much larger in extent, communicating with the lower by a sinus, which gave exit to a copious formation of matter. In consequence of pressure on the hips, by the constancy of the recumbent posture, together with the vitiated state of her habit, inflammation and ulceration took place on the hips over the trochanter major of each side. These ulcers assumed the mercurio-scrofulous character. The digestive organs lost their tone, symptomatic fever took place, which reduced the patient very much. The lower extremities became cedematous, which, together with a colliquative diarrhoea, seemed to threaten the immediate death of this suffering female. On the twenty-fourth of July, I was requested to see this lady, and found her situation as follows. The ulcer upon the sacrum was about three inches in diameter, each way. From this ulcer, a sinus extended upward upon the back, the fundus of which was five inches in diameter. The ulcers upon the hips, the surfaces of which, though not more than two inches in diameter, were so deep as to admit the common probe full length under the integuments and among the muscles; and in the direction of the trochanter major of both sides, the probe came so close upon this process with a solidity of resistance as to leave little doubt but that the bone was involved in the disease. The feet and legs were much enlarged with oedema; she had some power of moving the limbs, but could sustain little or no weight upon them—for several weeks she had been affected with severe spasms in the muscles of the lower extremities; to relieve which, laudanum had been given internally, and increased to the quantity of an ounce daily—the countenance was pale, without colour during any part of the day, and the face somewhat oedematous. All circumstances considered, this case appeared to be a very unpromising one, and rather calculated to draw forth the strongest sympathies for a despairing sufferer, than to excite any hopes of the restoration of her health. She had hitherto been attended by two of the most respectable physicians in this city, who, considering her case as hopeless, had abandoned her. 52 swaim's panacea. Having a knowledge of the effects of Swaim's Panacea in some inveterate cases, I thought proper to advise its use in this case, and directed a table-spoonful three times a day; during the same time, ordered all stimulating meats and drinks to be discontinued, and directed a light nutritious diet. The " black drop" was ordered instead of laudanum, to procure sleep and relieve spasms; and the ulcers were drest with the unguent, precip. rub. of half the strength of the Edinburgh Dispensatory. The Panacea agreed well with her stomach, but no perceptible alteration took place in her symptoms until she had taken one bottle, when a slight shade of a florid colour appeared in her face, more particularly about the nose. This phenomenon, in a countenance which for six months had presented nothing but a death-like paleness, gave encouragement to persevere. Her appetite soon began to increase, the digestive powers became more vigorous, and by the time the third bottle was used, the countenance had become materially changed, the appetite much improved, the ulcers had put on a much better appearance, and the oedema of the extremities, which had been reduced by scarification and bandaging, did not return. Five bottles of the Panacea were taken. At this Lime the. appetite was remarkably good—complexion florid, the ulcers in a healthy state of granulation, healing fast, and had nearly closed—she had also gained considerable more power in the use of her limbs. She then took two bottles more of the Panacea. Her ulcers were now entirely healed—appetite fine—countenance quite florid —herself in a better state of health, and more fleshy than she had been for five years. This was in November last, since when she has taken no medicine, but has constantly, though gradually, gained motion and strength in her limbs—is now able to walk about tolerably well; to ascend and descend the stair-way without assistance; and she has the power and use of her limbs as well as formerly. This I consider a remarkable instance of the restorative powers of Swaim's Panacea, which saved this lady from the dissolution which threatened her. REMARKS. The ulcers in this case were manifestly connected with derangement of the digestive functions, and a general depraved condition swaim's panacea. 53 of the system. I have uniformly observed that Swaim's Panacea tends, in most cases, to restore the healthy exercise of the digestive functions, and to give tone to the whole system. It is by this means that diseases of the liver and dyspeptic and nervous complaints, and diseases resembling consumption, &c. are so often cured by the use of this valuable medicine, if taken in time. MRS. TREGOMAINE. The following case is noticed by De. Thomas Parke, in his certificate, who was Physician of the Pennsylvania Hospital at the time — and also by Dr. Price, who was the Surgeon of the same institution* Mrs. R. C. Tregomaine, aged about 30 years, had been for upwards of three years afflicted with ulcerations of different parts of her body, but more particularly on the face, neck, right hand and arm. She had been nearly two years under the treatment of almost all the most respectable physicians of this city, without receiving any benefit; on the contrary, she was daily growing worse. During this time, she suffered beyond all human calculation. To go into a detail of her sufferings would draw tears from the most insensible. In addition to her other afflictions, she lost her husband, who was worn down by fatigue in his attendance upon her both night and day. In this helpless situation she was admitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital on the twenty-ninth of September, 1821, where she remained until the sixteenth of October, 1822, under the care of the different surgeons of the house; but the disease, instead of yielding, bid defiance to all and every means of cure, and continued to extend itself to such an alarming degree as to threaten a very speedy termination: in fact, she was pronounced by the surgeons to be incurable. At this period, when the disease was worse than ever it had been, when her bodily health and strength were nearly exhausted, and no one in the house expected her to recover, she was placed under my care as a last resort. To describe her situation would be impossible: she suffered the most excruciating pain: laudanum was given in large quantities, but to no purpose; an ulcer * Both of these gentlemen stand high in the profession. Doctor Price as a surgeon and a man of science has no superior. E 2 swaim's panacea. 54 extended from the lower part of the neck to the upper part of the ear, thence across the cheek nearly to the mouth* the fingers and thumb of the right hand, as also the wrist and arm, were ulcerated extensively, which destroyed the tendons and laid the boues bare* the upper and lower extremities were greatly swelled and inflamed* hectic fever came on, with a total loss of appetite and sleep; she was in fact helpless, and wishing for her last moments, that she might be relieved from pain and misery. To the great surprise of every one, the Panacea had its usual effects on this hopeless female in eight days, when the first effect she perceived was an increase of appetite, together with a diminution of pain; she could now sleep with ease, which she had for a long time been a stranger to; it seemed as if new life had been imparted to her by an electric spark. In this way she continued rapidly to improve; all the sores healed, the pain entirely left her, and in two months she was discharged from the house cured: she has since increased in weight upwards of fifty pounds heavier than ever she was in her life. FROM DOCTOR WM. PRICE, Surgeon to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. I think it no more than an act of justice to Mr. Swaim to certify, that the narrative of the above case, so far as it regards her treatment in the Pennsylvania Hospital, is entirely correct. Wm. Price, m. d. 11th Mo. 8th, 1822. REMARKS. The case of Mrs. Tregomaine has excited much attention. In the Report of the Medical Society of this city, an attempt has been made to wrest from the Panacea, the laurels with whi*ch this case has crowned it. This attempt, however, has failed, the highly respectable Surgeon and Physician in attendance at the time, having testified to the correctness of the foregoing statement. That respectable Physicians, under covert of the Medical Society, should descend to such petty acts of deception, and thus endeavour to pervert facts to the injury of the Panacea, is truly surprising. The merits of this medicine, however, are so well appreciated by the public, that neither the stings of Envy nor the shafts of Malice can despoil it of its deserts. 55 swaim's panacea. MRS. OFFJVER. If any case can illustrate an inveterate constitutional predisposition to disease, surely this one does. There are no cases better calculated to test the power and safety of my medicine than this and that of Nancy Linton. And when we come to recollect the years of suffering, the many highly respectable physicians employed without affording relief, and the money expended for professional services, we are lost in wonder. Mrs. Offner, wife of Doctor Offner, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at the age of eight years first perceived swellings of the glands ia various parts of her body; both sides of the throat were affected; one also appeared at the same time over the left clavicle, and increased to the size of a hen's egg: in this state they remained without suppurating, but painful, for three years. By the advice of her Physician, sea-bathing was tried for six weeks, but without benefit: on the contrary, the tumours seemed to increase in size. On her return home, the use of s*klt water bathing was continued the whole of the following winter, but without effect. A tumour now arose on the middle of the left side of the lower jaw, extending up to the cheek bone, and greatly disfiguring her face: this remained for five months, at which time, by the help of leeches, some external applications, together with internal medicines, it was somewhat diminished in size. By the advice of another of the faculty in Philadelphia, a salivation was tried, which had the effect of relieving her; the swellings entirely disappeared, and did not return for eighteen months. They then reappeared in the left side of the neck, accompanied with a stoppage of the puncta lachrymalia, and a severe pain in the forehead, which confined her to bed for nearly two months. In the month of August, 1814, she again consulted her former physician, who advised the use of tar water as a drink, and the insertion of tar ointment up the nose. This course was continued until the last of September, when, returning to Philadelphia, an operation was performed on both nostrils, by Dr. Dorsey. In three weeks the stoppage was as great, and the pain in the head as severe as formerly: tents were now inserted, and worn for about five months. In the course of the winter, a purulent discharge took place from her nose, which daily increased. About the last of June she again swaim's panacea. 56 tried sea-bathing, but with as little benefit as formerly. While at the sea shore, she found by introducing the little finger of both hands up her nostrils, that the septum on its upper part was completely destroyed. She returned home in August, and towards the end of November, came again to Philadelphia, and consulted two other members of the faculty, under whose care she remained until the following April, without any benefit. She then went home; the lower part of the septum began to inflame and ulcerate, and about the middle of June, whilst in the act of washing her face, her nose fell in, leaving a painful ulcer until November, at which time it healed. The upper lip now began to inflame and scab; in about six weeks she pulled off* the scab, and found that a ragged ulcer had formed underneath. During this time, and for eighteen months afterwards, she took nitric acid, to the extent of drachms daily: the ulcer healed in about eight weeks. A swelling in the internal corner of the left eye then arose, that gave great pain. The operation for fistula wfis then performed by Dr. Physick, and a tent worn for several months. During this time the soft palate began to inflame and ulcerate, and, after some months, was entirely destroyed. The corner of the eye then gathered, and the operation was again performed by Dr. Physick, and a tent worn. Her health continued to decrease until February, 1822, when a hoarseness and swelling of the throat took place. The voice was nearly gone. Blisters and gargles were used, but without effect. The root of the tongue ulcerated, and the glands on each side gathered and broke, discharging freely offensive pus. Chills and fever followed—total loss of taste and smell —no appetite—frequently nearly choked, owing to the want of uvula. Hearing of the great cure performed upon Mrs. Brown of Erie, as she passed through Lancaster on her return home, she determined immediately to come to Philadelphia, and place herself under the care of Mr. Swaim. She now was in a most deplorable situation— weak, emaciated and hopeless; her taste and smell entirely lost; her skin cold and mottled: the ulcers in her throat had extended so far down, that the least irritation caused choking to such a degree as nearly to suffocate her, and it was with the utmost difficulty she could swallow the least sustenance. A continual cough ha- swaim's panacea. 57 rassed her night and day, accompanied with an abundant discharge of very offensive matter, and nearly a total loss of her voice; in short, her situation was such that her physicians and friends were of opinion that she could not reach Philadelphia alive. She began the use of the Panacea by taking a tea-spoonful night and morning, increasing the dose as she gained strength; and in a short time the wonderful powers of this long looked for remedy began to astonish every beholder. In less than two weeks the ulcers in her throat began to heal rapidly—she could swallow with the most perfect ease—her appetite was restored—her bodily health and strength improved fast, and in eight weeks she returned home in perfect health. It may not be amiss to state, that all the physicians employed in the case of Mrs. Offner were among the most eminent in our city. For the satisfaction of the reader, I subjoin a letter from the lady herself, which I hope will satisfy the most incredulous. Lancaster, January 10, 1826. " Dear Sir, " I transmit to you, through the medium of a letter, an account of the principal part of my sufferings, previous to my going to Philadelphia to place myself under your care in July last. " I was afflicted with violent pains in my throat, head and breast, was weak, emaciated, reduced to a skeleton, and almost helpless; my throat was in such a situation, that if I attempted to drink, it passed through my nose, the bones of which were completely destroyed, and had fallen in even with my face. My palate was entirely gone, and a number of my teeth were extracted in consequence of the ulcers in the roof of my mouth: a number of bones having also came away from thence, my situation became very alarming; and after having had the best medical advice and attendance for at least fifteen years without relief, I lost all confidence in the skill of the regular physicians, having been attended by Doctors Dorsey, Wistar, Physick, Chapman, and numerous others. I thought it useless to apply any thing further to arrest the progress of the disease. I was also afflicted with a violent cough, so violent that at every attack I expected to strangle, the ulcers having reached so far down the throat. I dis- 58 swaim's panacea. charged great quantities of matter from this part, and had a continual sickness at the stomach, owing to the matter lodging there; my appetite was nearly gone, and I could scarcely swallow any thing. For six months my voice had so far left me, that it was with difficulty I could make myself understood; the organs of speech were nearly exhausted: in fact, I was as bad as I could be to be alive, and had made every preparation to leave this world, when, hearing of the great cures you were performing, there seemed to be a ray of hope left. With some reluctance and difficulty I was brought down from Lancaster to Philadelphia, and placed under your care, having nearly strangled twice on the road. " After I had taken your medicine a few days, I experienced great relief; I began to swallow with ease; my appetite returned; I became stronger and stronger every day; my drooping spirits began to revive;—my relief appeared like a dream; my skin changed its colour and became soft; every nerve and vein which had lain dormant for years seemed to acquire new life, and I felt as if operated upon by electricity. I gradually acquired flesh and strength, and returned home in two months in good health, to the amazement of all my friends and former physicians, who would not credit the cure until they called to witness it. I now remain well, and consider myself perfectly restored to health. " The foregoing is a description of part of my sufferings, and of the relief I received by the use of your invaluable Panacea. There can be no doubt that had I not experienced the wonderful healing powers of the medicine, I could not have lived three months longer. " With sentiments of gratitude, " I remain yours, &c. " Catherine B. Offner. " Mr. William Swaim. REMARKS. Extraordinary and incredible as the case of Mrs. Offner may appear, it is more than equalled by several not here recorded, to which I can give the most respectable reference at any time. This is, indeed, a most extraordinary case of disease. Commencing at an early period in the life of the patient, and proceeding with such gradual and determined steps to spread its ravages in the sys- swaim's panacea. 59 tem, it seemed to set every means for its arrest at defiance. In this case the patient enjoyed every advantage that the art of medicine could suggest—until every known means of cure had been fairly tried and found to be unavailing, not only to remove the disease, but even to retard its progress during twelve years. • Under these circumstances the effect of the Panacea was truly remarkable. Unless the fact had really occurred, we could never have been brought to believe that any agent whatsoever could, in so short a time, restore a long lost tone to the stomach, remove the pain consequent to extensive destruction of organization, heal the ulcers which had been so long existing as to have become habitual to the system, and finally to destroy the stubborn cause of ail this mischief. While Mrs. Offner was under my care in this city, she was visited by some of the most distinguished physicians, who had previously attended her, particularly by Dr. Physick, who had attended her for years before. It may be a satisfaction to the reader to know that she remains in good health to this day, and that her taste and smell have returned, both of which she had been deprived of for several years. July 1st, 1830. MRS. FISHER. The following case was drawn up by Dr. Lamb, a highly respectable practitioner of Frankford. It was motives of humanity which induced him to give it publicity. Mrs. F., aged 44 years, reports herself as having enjoyed good health, until about eight years since; at which time she gave birth to a healthy son:—in the succeeding year was attacked with severe pain in the extremities, which has continued, with very little intermission, until the middle of the last year. After the first ten months of her suffering, tumours of an indolent character were to be seen slowly advancing on the arms and legs—proceeding to suppuration, and opening, after an interval of two to five months, from their first appearance—forming ulcers of a most unhealthy aspect —discharging, at first, a puriform matter, soon degenerating into a kind of fetid sanies, sometimes increasing irregularly to the size of three or four inches in diameter, often assuming a gangrenous appearance; and finally, after several months, gradually swaim's panacea. 60 diminishing in size, and healing, while others were forming, and making a similar progress on other parts of the extremities; the cicatrices always exhibiting considerable loss of substance, and consequently producing some deformity of those parts which had suffered most severely. Ultimately, these tumours were seen over the clavicle, frontal, and parietal bones, some pieces of which came away, always progressing in the same tedious manner. In the mean time, the general health of the patient was necessarily declining.—Anorexia and constipation were prominent symptoms. Medical attendance had been rendered, but with very little effect. Four years since, the case came under my notice. I continued to prescribe occasionally, until the beginning of last year, and generally with some immediate relief to the patient; but the effect of my prescriptions were not permanent. The administration of tonic remedies was found useful. As local applications, the fermenting and carrot poultices generally effected a favourable change in the appearance of the ulcers; which would then slowly heal under the simple or saturnine cerates. These remedies were always attended with some apparent benefit while regularly continued—but when intermitted for a few weeks, the disease appeared to renew its attack with increased severity. From December until June last, all regular prescriptions had been abandoned. The state of the patient was every day becoming more serious, until she was confined to a recumbent Position, and unable to raise either hand to her head. 'he discharge from six or eight large ulcers, the continued and severe pain, anorexia, &c. had gradually prostrated the patient, and seemed on the eve of ending her sufferings in death. I had wished to see the effects of Swaim's Panacea in this case, believing that relief might be obtained from its use; and before half a bottle had been used, there was an evident amendment — such as had never been experienced from any other remedy. The Panacea was used in this case without any auxiliary. No local applications were made, except of the most simple character. After using it for two weeks, the pain gradually abated; appetite was restored; the ulcers assumed a more healthy aspect, and continued to heal, while the general health of the patient was constantly improving. swaim's panacea. 61 Mrs. F. has not used the Panacea with that punctuality which was advised by Mr. Swaim; she has just finished the third bottle. The ulcers have all com}>lelely healed, and she has been quite free from pain or the last six months, and her general health is much better than it has been for seven years. I have now no hesitation in testifying to the efficacy and safety of this valuable medicine. John F. Lamb, m. d. Frankford {near Philadelphia). She enjoys perfect health at this day, January 1st, 1829. REMARKS. I could relate many other cases of precisely a similar nature to those enumerated, in which the Panacea has been equally successful, but this would be superfluous. Indeed, to relate all the instances in which this medicine has been serviceable, after other remedies had failed, would require more time for their perusal than any individual would bestow. I have selected only those, whose remarkable character will best illustrate the powers of the remedy, and whose variety will exhibit the most important forms of disease in which it can be serviceable. JOSEPH SMITH. Joseph Smith, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, had been labouring for four years under a very obstinate disease, which threatened the most serious consequences. He had consulted and been under the care of several respectable surgeons in Baltimore and other places in Maryland for three years, and had taken mixtures made in imitation of Swaim's Panacea, but to no purpose; he had also been in the Pennsylvania Hospital some time, and finally returned home, despairing of ever being cured. Through the humanity of Dr. Le Baron, (who had seen some of the cures performed by this medicine) he was again conveyed to this city, for the purpose of being placed under the care of Mr. Swaim. He then had, in different parts of his body, seventeen large sloughing ulcers*—the smell was very offensive —he was perfectly helpless—could not sleep, and could scarcely take nourishment enough to support him—his palate was all F swaim's panacea. 62 gone—several portions of the bones of the face had come away—the frontal bone was partly absorbed—every joint in his body was greatly swelled and inflamed the skin was corrugated, and seemed fast to the bones; he was in fact a living skeleton— as much so as Calvin Edson; his hair had all fell out —he was deaf, and partially blind: to form an adequate idea of his sufferings is impossible. His condition was such that he was refused a passage in the steamboat, and was sent to Philadelphia by private conveyance. It was very difficult to procure him lodgings after he arrived, owing to his offensive condition. A great number of persons who called to see him were struck with horror at the sight. In this dreadful state the Panacea was given, and by the help of Providence it soon displayed its wonderful powers over this dreadful disease. If it were possible to draw a parallel with that of Lazarus of old, Smith's case might with propriety serve. In ten days the ulcers began to heal, and in the Short space of six weeks he had so far recovered, as to be enabled to return to his family on horseback. To judge correctly of his present state of health, as well as the correctness of our delineation of his case, I refer the reader to Dr. Le Baron's certificate, page 27, which I doubt not will convince the most scrupulous that it is drawn up with the greatest fidelity. REMARKS. We frequently find among those who have been improperly treated for syphilis by mercurial preparations, either the secondary forms of syphilis, or the scarcely less dangerous mercurial disease. But it is seldom that we see both of these forms of disease occurring at the same time in one person, as in the instance of the unfortunate subject of the foregoing history. A conjunction of disorders like this, is Well calculated to put the physician at a stand. Mercury, upon which he would depend for the removal of one train of symptoms, would assuredly aggravate the other. It is certainly an extraordinary and very happy property of Swaim's Panacea which enables it to attack with success this complication of disease. The present case is a highly interesting one, as it clearly illustrates the simultaneous effects of the Panacea on the mercurial disease, and the secondary form of syphilis; and it is related by authority which cannot be doubted. swaim's panacea. 63 MRS. BROWN. The following case is noticed by Dr. Dewees in his certificate. Mrs. I. Brown, wife of the Hon. David Brown, aged about forty years, from Warren county, Pennsylvania, had been nine years in the most deplorable condition imaginable, from an ulcerated state of the face and throat—had been under the treatment of a number of the most respectable practitionersj her husband, a member of the legislature, when at Harrisburg, hearing of Swaim's Panacea, immediately proceeded home for the purpose of bringing her to Philadelphia to make a trial of itj she accordingly came under the care of Mr. Swaim, with the recommendation of one of the Professors in the University of Pennsylvania, who frankly gave it as his most decided opinion, (this opinion was expressed to the husband of Mrs. B.,) that it was the only plan of treatment which offered any prospect of success; accordingly, she commenced the use of the Panacea. At this time language can scarcely express how deplorable was her situation—the nose entirely gone—the nasal and palate bones, and several portions (nearly one hundred pieces) of the other bones of the face had come away—several ulcers on the face, in the mouth, and throat: her general appearance depicted the most extreme misery: from long and severe suffering her body was worn down almost to a skeleton, and her mind seemed to be in unison with the state of her body, for her spirits had nearly fled her, and nature seemed almost exhausted: the aliment which was necessary for the support of life could with difficulty be administered. After having used the medicine for five days (to use her own language) she could swallow with the greatest ease; and in the course of a few days more, the ulcers began to heal with a rapidity almost incredible. She continued the use of this medicine for eight weeks, and was pronounced cured: her health is now as good as ever it was in her life: she has commenced her journey homeward, a distance of nearly four hundred miles, in excellent spirits, soon to return to the bosom of her family and friends, in a state of health which she never expected to regain. The above case was witnessed, from the day she first came under my care, until the time of her departure from the city, by a number of the most respectable 64 swaim's panacea. practitioners in Philadelphia, who can testify that I have in no way deviated from truth. The following letter from the Honourable David Brown, will enable the reader to judge of the distressing condition his wife was in previous to having recourse to Swaim's Panacea. " Sugar Grove, Warren County, (Penn.) « Sir, "I should have wrote you immediately on my return home, had not the situation of my affairs, in consequence of my long absence, required my whole attention. « \ye got home without any accident: my wife stood the journey well, and continues well and strong, and I believe is entirely restored to her health. She still continues to improve in flesh, has an excellent appetite, is in good spirits, and can without fatigue do as much work as any girl, in the county. About four days ago she was instantaneously restored to her hearing, and without any application being made for that purpose, which induces me to ascribe it to the all healing power of your Panacea. She is to every appearance in as good health as she ever was in her life. On our return home, we generally stopped at the same places we did going down. Her arrival surprised all, as the greater part never expected to see her return again; and numerous were the inquiries made by physicians and others as to the mode of treatment, and what, and who. cured her. We showed, and let them taste the medicine, and their surprise increased. I had no idea there were so many persons afflicted with scrofula, and other ulcerous complaints; in almost every place where we stopped, we could hear of more or less. Persons on the road doubted but little as to the efficacy of your Panacea, because we had the evidence of its superiority along with us— my wife's case. Her case was well known for a great many miles around us, and we are daily visited by persons who would not believe the report of her being cured, until they saw her themselves. There were few, if any, of our friends here, ever expected to see her return, and she appeared amongst them almost as one risen from the dead. One of the physicians who had been prescribing for her for six or seven years, would not even swaim's panacea. 65 examine her throat, but said it would again break out: all the others were more liberal, and asserted publicly that a perfect cure was performed, and the greatest they had ever known. I am with respect, your obedient servant, Mk. W. Swaim. David Brown. Mrs. Brown remains in good health to this day, at her former residence.—June, 1830. REMARKS. It is by no means uncommon with interested Physicians, to charge my Panacea with possessing merely a temporary influence over diseases. Facts, however, abundantly prove, that the cure is radical and permanent. This medicine does not relieve Scrofula by locking it up within the system, neither does it effect the cure by its local properties. It, however, cures the disease, by cleansing and purifying the animal fluids, upon a depraved condition of which, it undoubtedly depends. Under its use, the digestion becomes vigorous and healthy, the appetite good, the secretions pure, and the blood free from the peculiar taint productive of Scrofula The general health being thus re-established, the disease must disappear. MRS. MOCKER. Doctor Knight, in his certificate, has testified to the correctness of the two following cases, the Report of the Committee of the Phi- ladelphia Medical Society notwithstanding. Mrs. Hocker is perfectly well at this time, and can be seen by any one who wishes to know the truth of my statement. There are several highly respectable individuals in the neighbourhood, who ean also testify to the truth of what is here stated.—July \\th, 1830. Mrs. Hocker, aged about 30 years—-for nine months had been troubled with a dreadful ulcerated state of the throat, mouth and nose; the ulcers were supposed to exist through the whole extent of the oesophagus; several portions of the upper maxillary bone came away, and nearly the entire vomer; the gums sloughed off, and left the bones exposed; the discharge was great, and very offensive; she had also an ulcer on her right foot; besides all this, she was very much afflicted with f 2 swaim's panacea. 66 rheumatism in the head, eyes and limbs, which together with her other afflictions, rendered her situation truly deplorable; the pain she suffered was most excruciating, so much so, as to render her careless whether she lived or died; in fact, she rather wished for death to relieve her: she could not get out of her bed without help; she had no appetite, and the least particle of food gave her the most dreadful pain; she was literally skin and bones, expecting every day to be her last; for six months she had been attended by several physicians: her disease seemed rather to grow worse, and she was induced, as a last resort, to try Swaim's genuine Panacea, which, after using one week, greatly relieved her pain: in the course of four weeks she was enabled to go down stairs; the ulcers all healed, and the pains to which she had been subject entirely left her in the course of a short time: she is quite another woman, raised as it were from the very brink of the grave, to the enjoyment of perfect health. More than seven years have expired, and not a symptom of the disease has ever appeared since she was cured. Mrs. Hocker's'Child, then at the breast, was in an equally deplorable condition with its mother; it was reduced almost to a skeleton—had a sore throat—could scarcely move—appeared to suffer very much, and was in such a state as to induce the friends to believe that it could not possibly live much longer. As it was decidedly of a similar nature to the disease of the mother, the Panacea was also used in the child's case, and with the most decided success; for, from being a weak, puny child, its health was perfectly established, and it became a healthy fat child, and remains perfectly well. REMARKS. Nothing could more decidedly illustrato the character of Swaim's Panacea than the history of this case. There can be no doubt that the child suffered an hereditary taint from the mother, and there are no kinds of disease more difficult to manage, nor any that more frequently disappoint the practitioner, than those which depend upon a constitutional taint, derived from the parent of the patient. We have, in this case, the testimony of a highly respectable physician, relative to the awful nature of the disease and happy effects •f the Panacea, after other remedies had been tried in vain. In these eases we again tee the tendency of this medicine to purify swaim's panacea. 67 the blood; for that the blood was in a depraved state in these instances seems to be demonstrated by the fact that the disease was communicated by the mother to the child either in utero, or by her milk. If in the former way, it must have been communicated through the blood; for there being no direct nervous communication between the mother and the foetus, no disease can be sympathetically communicated from the.former to the latter. If the child's disease was contracted from the mother's milk, it is quite evident that the blood of the mother must have been contaminated. In this case we have a useful hint, that where any constitutional taint of disease is suspected before marriage, a few bottles of Swaim's Panacea may be of inestimable value. OWEN LOUGHRAN. Cured in the Pennsylvania Hospital, after having been there four months, under the care of all the surgeons of that institution. Owen Loughran, aged 30, for two years was afflicted with the most excruciating pain in his head and limbs, with loss of appetite, and gradual wasting away of the fleshj his joints were inflamed, swelled, &c; he had been under the care of several respectable physicians, and one in particular in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for upwards of eight months, and had used a number of bottles of different mixtures made in imitation of Swaim's Panacea; but growing worse daily, and to an alarming degree, his brother had him conveyed to Philadelphia, and placed in the Pennsylvania Hospital, in May, 1822, where he remained until August, without relief, and in a deplorable situation. His uvula and soft palate were destroyed* he was reduced to a mere skeleton —without appetite, and scarcely able to swallow enough to support his sinking frame. In this critical situation it was recommended by the surgeon of the Hospital, that he should be .placed under the care of Mr. Swaim. The Panacea was prescribed, and its surprising effects were soon visible. The "ulcers began to heal in less than a fortnight; his pains began to decrease, his appetite returned, his flesh increased, and in less than one month he was discharged cured; it is now more than five years, and he now remains well, and is more fleshy than he ever was before. swaim's panacea. 68 CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify that the foregoing description of my case is true in every respect* and that (instead of my jaw bone being affected, as Dr. Coates describes, in his report to the Medical Society,) my teeth were all loose, and I lost two of them, with the whole of my palate, from the mercury given me, and was so bad that I was almost unable to swallow, when the humanity of Dr. Price allowed Mr. Swaim to attend me,—-and in one month I was completely cured, and have remained so ever since. Owen Loughran, Corner of Schuylkill Eighth and Market Streets. Philadelphia, March 28th, 1828. I certify that the above statement of my brother's case is perfectly true and correct, in every respect. John Loughran. March 28, 1828. REMARKS. There appears to have been, in this case, a general debility of the nervous system, which prevented it from reacting with sufficient vigour to overcome the specific tendency of the morbific agent, to the production of ulcers. Many other cases besides this have proved the Panacea to possess a remarkable degree of tonic virtue on the nerves. It is by this means that so many debilitated persons have been restored to their natural strength by the use of a few bottles of Swaim's Panacea. FROM DOCTOR J. PECKWORTH, A very respectable physician and graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fys. Mr. Wm. Swaim. Dear Sir, —Having noticed that other persons are manufacturing compositions and vending them as yours, under different names, and being satisfied that very evil consequences have arisen from their use in several instances to my knowledge, I feel it my duty to furnish you with the following case, as you will no doubt be gratified with any testimonies of the good effects of your Panacea. If you think it of sufficient importance to lay before the public, or my name of any consequence in swaim's panacea. 69 promoting the further use of your invaluable medicine, you have my hearty consent to the use of both, in any way you may think proper. Yours, respectfully, John R. Peckworth, m. d. Mullico Hill, New Jersey. CASE. J. P. some time in the summer of 1818, became afflicted with the venereal disease, and being anxious to conceal it from his friends, neglected the necessary remedial means. The disease consequently progressed until he had appearances of the secondary symptoms; he then, without proper advice, began the use of mercury, and at the same time exposed himself to all kinds of weather, night and day. When he first spoke to me he was under a severe salivation, with venereal blotches on the skin, ulcerated throat, and several glandular tumours under the edge of the lower jaw and down the neck. Being of a scrofulous habit, these tumours, after the venereal disease had been conquered, gradually increased in size, and eventually ulcerated, and notwithstanding all the efforts that were made use of, they increased to a most alarming extent, spreading from the angle of the lower jaw, down the neck, on each side to the sternum, and across to the chin. The irritability was so great that he found much difficulty in swallowing food enough to support life. In this situation he continued for eighteen months, using every remedy which promised any prospect of relief: viz. compound syrup of . sarsaparilla, and many other syrups made in imitation of your Panacea. He had become by this time very much emaciated; his appetite gone; and in short, afflicted with all the symptoms of hectic fever. He at length began the use of Swaim's genuine Panacea, with the determination, if it failed, to give up all remedies, and let the disease have its course. This invaluable medicine had not been used more than ten days, before the ulcers began to take on a more pleasing aspect, having a more healthy colour, with the base and edges considerably softened; the pains, which had been at times excruciating, were now much less; the night sweats were not so profuse, and the general expression of his countenance showed appearances of improving 70 swaim's panacea. health. These circumstances induced him to persevere in its use. The event has been most happy: in about three months after commencing its use, the ulcers all healed, and all the symptoms of disease had vanished. He has since that time, nearly three years ago, remained in perfect health, without any appearance of scrofulous disease whatever, and is more fleshy and strong than he has been at any time previous, and remains in perfect health to this day. John R. Peckworth, m.d. January 1,1830. REMARKS. That the secondary forms of Venereal, are, in many instances, considered by the Medical Profession as incurable, is a fact that will not be denied.—Assuming great diversities of form, and similating many varieties of disease, it may well be called an opprobrium to the Profession. Under these circumstances, the Panacea is deserving of great commendation. It matters not whether the disease occurs in healthy or unhealthy subjects—in Scrofulous, Gouty, Rheumatic or Consumptive habits, it fails not, in any case, in giving prompt and decided relief, and a speedy and permanent cure— Taken at the commencement of the disease, the Panacea will very soon display its superior efficacy. Even in the most serious of the ¦econdary forms, attacking the nose, throat, bones, and vital parts of the system, it rarely, if ever, fails in affording a certain and speedy cure. The case above detailed, occurred in a scrofulous habit, and resisted the use of mercury, sarsaparilla, and other syrups made in imitation of the Panacea, with every remedy, that to a highly respectable Physician, promised any prospect of relief, and yet rapidly gave way, under the use of a few bottles of my Panacea. Further comment is unnecessary—the public must, and will judge for themselves. JANE CAMPBELL. Mrs. Campbell, while under my care, was visited frequently by se- veral very respectable physicians in this city; one in particular was Dr. Mease, in whose certificate her case is mentioned, and she is in perfect health this day. — January 1,1829. Hilltown, Bucks County, Aug. 26,1824. Ma. Wm. Swaim. Sib, —According to your desire I now transmit to you a correct account of the case of my neighbour, Mrs. Campbell. swaim's panacea. 71 Jane Campbell, wife of Thomas Campbell, farmer, of this place, complained for some time of a dull heavy pain in the head: at length a tumour made its appearance, which continued to increase until it became as large as a hen's egg. When called to visit her I was induced to make an opening into it, from which was discharged a quantity of thin watery fluid. Notwithstanding my endeavours to heal the wound, it ulcerated and extended very rapidly* several portions of bone came away; other ulcers appeared on the head and face, one of which extended from between the eyes round to the ear: the inflammation was so great, that one eye was projected from the socket, and the sight entirely lost. I considered her disease scrofula, and accordingly commenced with the usual treatment—and after having tried all the remedies used in those cases, without benefit, I considered her case as incurable. Soon after, a respectable physician in Philadelphia heard of her case, and encouraged her to think that he could cure her; she was accordingly sent to Philadelphia, and continued about six months under his care. She in that time took medicine made in imitation of your Panacea. Instead, however, of experiencing relief, she was daily growing worse; she was much emaciated, and from appearance could not possibly long survive, unless she had relief. She was brought home again helpless and hopeless. I was consulted as to the propriety of giving her a trial of your Panacea, which I encouraged as the only means that promised success. She was accordingly again conveyed to Philadelphia in this hopeless state, and placed under your care. In about one month she returned home greatly relieved; she continued taking the Panacea, and in three weeks more she was restored to perfect health, to the infinite astonishment of all her friends, as none of them ever expected her to recover. Six years have expired, not a symptom of the disease has ever appeared, and she enjoys perfect health. Yours, most respectfully, Levi D. Bodder, m.d, N. B.—It is to be regretted that owing to the success of this medicine, there have been so many counterfeits and spurious imita- swaim's panacea. 72 tions of Swaim's Panacea in this place. Some have introduced their mixtures by using the genuine Panacea in their bottles to effect cures for the purpose of procuring certificates, &c. FROM DOCTOR JOHN F. BROOKE, Physician to the Northern Dispensary, Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, fyc. Philadelphia, Feb. 1,1825. Mr. Wm. Swaim, Dear Sir, In justice to your Panacea, I now report to you the case of Mr. F . Mr. F had long been afflicted with pains across the shin bones, and especially nocturnal pains, owing to the pernicious influence of mercury. There had been an eruption on his skin resembling the erythema mercurialis. Being compelled to travel and expose himself to the cold, his bones became affected with violent mercurial pains, which came on after he had retired to bed, and his constitution suffered much from the irritation produced. He was at length attacked with violent pain in the right hypochondriac region, extending to the shoulder, resembling hepatitis, chronic, or diseased liver. After he had used medicines prepared in imitation of yours, without any relief whatever, he was advised to take your gem ine Panacea, and after using two or three bottles, his general health and appetite was improved, the pains left his bones and side, and he is now well. With respect, John F. Brooke, m.d. The subject of the following interesting case, as will be seen by the certificate of Dr. M'Lean, one of the most respectable physicians of New York, is a lady of the first respectability, on whom the greatest reliance can be placed. It will be seen by her statement, tltut her sufferings for thirteen years previous to her taking the Panacea had been of the most distressing nature, notwithstanding she had received the best medical attendance. New York, August 15,1824. Mr. Wm. Swaim, Sir, —Agreeably to your request, I give you a brief statement of my case. I am fifty years of age, of a swaim's panacea. 73 good constitution, and had always enjoyed good health, until late in November of the year 1809, as I was passing from one room to another, I dislocated my kneepan: my knee swelled very much. Not able to walk, I was in consequence of it confined to my bed for several weeks. Between three and four weeks after the accident occurred, I applied cold water to my knee. While in bed, cold chills immediately followed throughout my whole system, a severe pain seized my leg, and within one week several hard tumours were perceived in the fleshy part. The pain continued in the most excruciating manner for three months, when these tumours became inveterate ulcers, which extended over the whole of the leg, destroying all the muscles to my ankle joint, distorted that, and twisted my foot, which prevented its use. For the first five years, I was under the care of several of the most respectable physicians and surgeons, and the prescription of every one made me worse. The last that I consulted, informed my husband that nothing but amputation could relieve me, and declined prescription for it. From this time I relinquished all hope of getting well, and language cannot describe my sufferings for thirteen years —sleepless nights, tedious days, seldom free from severe pain, until about nineteen months since, when my husband being indisposed, he was attended by Dr. Hugh M'Lean, of this city. My case was explained to the doctor, and he recommended Swaim's Panacea in the strongest terms, having employed it with success in several cases, and gave assurance that it contained nothing prejudicial to health. The confidence we had in him induced us at once to decide in favour of its use. The Panacea was procured, and taken as directed: in four days an alteration appeared in the ulcers; they continued growing better, the pain subsided, and in five weeks they were nearly well. Five bottles had now been taken; but as the complaint was of long standing, I took five more, according to the directions. I had completed these about the time I was favoured with a visit from you, and by your advice I took four more. I am now and have been for the last fifteen months perfectly well, but unable to walk from the loss of the muscles of my legs and feet, having been destroyed before I took the Panacea. G swaim's panacea. 74 For this unexpected change from a life of misery to one of comfort, I shall ever feel grateful to Dr. M'Lean for his disinterested advice, which alone induced me to take your Panacea, which has through the Divine blessing proved a real Panacea to me. E s. PROM DOCTOR HUGH M'LEAN, Member of the New York Medical Society, &c. fyc. New York, August 17,1824. The above interesting case, drawn up by the highly respectable lady who is the subject of it, is entitled to the most unqualified credit, and corresponds in every particular with the verbal statement I received from her husband, whose veracity is unimpeachable. I considered her situation as truly deplorable, but strongly urged, as " a dernier resort," a trial of Swaim's Panacea. It has operated like a charm, far exceeding my expectations, and fully establishing its character as a powerful and safe alterative medicine. Yours, Sec. Hugh M'Lean, m. d. &c. REMARKS. Much gratitude is due to many valuable Members of the Medical Profession, for their disinterested and laudable efforts in aid of the Panacea. It is to be hoped that Physicians generally, will make a fair experiment of its virtues, and when they become acquainted with its effects, consider it a duty they owe to the afflicted, to administer it in many cases submitted to their charge, instead of making imitations of it. PROM THE HON. JOHN SCOTT. The following letter from the Hon. John Scott, member of Congress from Missouri, whose exalted station commands the most profound respect, will show the reader the powerful reasons which have induced him to entertain so high an opinion of the remedial powers of Swaim's Panacea. Washington City. Dear Sir, I had not leisure till now to make such an answer as swaim's panacea. 75 I wished, to your note of the 18th instant. My brother, George W. Scott, was afflicted in such a way as to require, in the opinion of his Physicians, the aid of mercury to eradicate the complaint. He continued to take calomel at different times, even to excessive and frequent salivation: the cause which induced him at first to take it was removed, but, by the long and injudicious manner of applying the remedy, it produced a disease infinitely more stubborn than his original complaint—mercurial disease. In this condition he remained for nearly four years. Worn down to a skeleton, his bones, from head to foot, including the skull, had become full of knots or nodes; he lost all appetite and powers of digestion; could not sleep for the extreme and constant misery, and was actually helpless and hopeless in all respects. Every possible means were resorted to, that all the medical talents in his reach could suggest. The faculty at New New Orleans were consulted, and the warm springs on the Ouchitou resorted to, but all was in vain. I procured for, and sent to him at his residence in Arkansas, twelve bottles of your Panacea, with directions how to use the same. He commenced taking it, and in two weeks he was able to sleep easy; his appetite began to return, and when he had used ten bottles he was perfectly restored in appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and general health. It is now more than a year, and he still remains hearty. Both him and myself are sure that he owes his life and present health to the use of your Panacea. I have addressed you this in justice to your medicine: you are at liberty to use it in any manner you please. Very respectfully, yours, John Scott, Mr. Wm. Swaim. REMARKS. This case, among many others of a similar nature that might be adduced, displays the efficacy of the Panacea, in a disease that is truly distressing. The mercurial disease is just beginning to attract the attention of physicians, and is not yet sufficiently understood, to warrant any regular course of treatment by the faculty. It seems, indeed, in many instances, to be wholly incurable. Would physicians reject the use of their uncertain and untried remedies, and have recourse to the Panacea, the amount of suffering saved, swaim's panacea. 76 would be immense. Tn fact, it would seem that physicians are blind to their own interests, as well as to that of their patients. Ignor ranee of the composition of the Panacea, is a frivolous objection, and one that will by no means stand the test of argument or experience, after so many cures have been made, both in our Hospitals and in Europe, after all other remedies failed. FROM MAJOR M. MYERS. The following letter is from Major M. Myers, of New York, late of the United States army, whose testimony is entitled to the great- est respect. New York, February 18th, 1824. Sir, I have now the pleasure to inform you, that my little boy is entirely recovered from the scrofulous complaint under which he was suffering at the time you visited him at my house last summer. He was a fine healthy child, until about 4 months old, when an eruption broke out on his forehead and arms resembling the rashj but becoming more sore, attended with great heat, itching, and burning, we became alarmed, and called in medical assistance. Our family physician resorted to all the remedies which he believed calculated to effect a cure, without producing the least change for the better, and his little forehead was soon covered with sores, which, after a few days would begin to dry and crack, and discharge matter of a thick glutinous appearance. When in that state he was comparatively easy, but the sores soon extended to his legs and thighs, and his eyes became inflamed in such a manner, that we were fearful of his losing his sight. When his sores were in a drying state, his uneasiness was such as to prevent sleep or any other sort of ease. Soon after you saw the child, and from the encouragement you gave us, we concluded to try the effect of your valuable Panacea. We administered it according to the printed directions, and by the time he had taken two bottles of it, we discovered its beneficial effects; when he had taken three bottles every vestige of disease had disappeared. We then discontinued, and from that time he began to be active, lively, and grew fat, and is now, thank God, perfectly well, and swaim's panacea. 77 as fine, healthy, and fat a child of two years old, as you could find out of a thousand. You are free to make such use of this letter as you may deem necessary, in order to increase the use of your valuable medicine ? to the benefit of that part of the human family who are groaning under the affliction of disease such as described. With great respect, I am, Sir, Your most obedient and humble servant, M. Myers. Mr. Wm. Swaim. N. B.—A great number of children have come under my observation with similar complaints, and in almost every instance a cure has been effected. REMARKS. The variety of forms which Scrofula assumes, the importance of the organs it attacks, and the difficulty experienced by physicians in its cure, contribute in rendering this case one of exceeding interest. We here see the disease attacking the skin, spreading itself over the whole body, and producing great pain and emaciation. It more generally makes its appearance in the glands about the neck and ear, although it frequently extends its ravages throughout the whole system. The eyes are sometimes affected by the disease, and when this is the case, the loss of one or both eyes is a frequent result. The joints, with the ligaments, tendons, cartilages, and bones, often become involved in the disease, and under the ordinary treatment, a fatal termination is by no means uncommon. This may be denominated the external and visible form of the disease, but it frequently attacks internal and vital organs, assumes a much more serious aspect, and imitates the most fatal and uncontrollable diseases. Attacking the lungs, liver, spleen, mesentery, brain, and most of the internal and vital organs, the case is considered by the most able and experienced medical writers as hopeless, and medicine as unavailing. Even here, in all this complication of disease, and in all this danger, Swaim's Panacea rarely fails, in affording a thorough, prompt, and permanent cure. o 2 78 swaim's panacea. FROM JOHN WARE. Tkefollowing letter from Mr. John Ware, keeper of the Light-House at Cape Henlopen, is a powerful appeal to the candour of the me- dical gentlemen who still doubt the efficacy of Swaim's Panacea: Would the medical profession, generally, consent to prescribe this invaluable medicine in their practice, patients who now languish, and have for years languished, under diseases which do not yield to the usual remedies, might find the same relief. Cape Henlopen Light-House, Feb. 5,1829. Respected Friend, My engagements having prevented me from giving at an earlier period, a detail of the case in which I have used your medicine with success, I now hasten to give you an account of it. At the age of 35 years, March, 1809, 1 became afflicted with a chronic rheumatism, or, what some physicians termed it, white swelling of the knee-joint; there was an inflammation in my knee, and the pain and swelling continued in spite of all the applications used* the aid of mercury was employed to eradicate the complaint. I continued to take calomel at different times, even to excessive and frequent salivation, but I found no relief. I worried through life, until December, 1812, when it broke; abscesses formed round the knee, and discharged an offensive matter, and became a wide-spreading and painful ulcer. The abscesses, succeeded by deep ulcers, gradually extended half way up my thigh, and in this condition I remained for eight years, under the care of all the physicians within my reach. Mercury was still applied. I am confident it produced a disease infinitely more stubborn than my original complaint. My system was so charged, that I could not touch any metallic substance whatever, without affecting my whole frame. I remained in this condition for several years. I often prayed for death to relieve me. I considered all medical aid to no purpose; ligaments and bone in many places bare; the only rest I could procure for years, was from laudanum, which I took in large doses. In April, 1820, 1 heard of the many successful cures your Panacea had made; I was induced to send and procure four bottles, and adhered strictly to your directions for four weeks: the first week I took your medicine, it began to show its wonderful power. I was relieved so swaim's panacea. 79 much during the first week, I was convinced that u speedy cure would be performed* and thanks be to God, in five weeks I was perfectly well, so as to attend to any business, which I attribute, under the favour of Divine Providence, entirely to the use of your Panacea. You may publish this hasty sketch for the benefit of others afflicted. I am, and ever shall be, Sir, with due respect, your obedient servant, John Ware. Mr. Wm. Swaim. REMARKS. White swelling is a disease of such common occurrence, such long continuance, and attended with such disastrous consequences, that a remedy promising any prospect of relief, is much to be desired. That such an one will be found in the Panacea, many cases might be brought forward in confirmation. The present case, however, it is presumed, will be amply sufficient to establish its claims to our confidence in this disease. FROM MICHAEL MARKS. Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, State of New York, June, 1824. Sir, Having been so fortunate as to have gained health, strength, and I may say new life from the use of your Panacea, I think it an indispensable duty incumbent on me to give a brief history of my sufferings. I was afflicted about five years since with a swelling on my right leg; it became large and broke, and was soon followed by numerous others, which covered the leg from the knee to the ancle, all around the calf, and became deep ulcers; the discharge was immense, and the bone exposed in several places; the pain was almost insupportable. Laudanum was taken in doses of 200 drops at a time, without producing sleep. I could neither lie nor sit without crying out, being almost exhausted with pain; in fact, I was as bad as I could be to live; my appetite was gone, and scarcely any flesh left on my bones: every preparation was made for me to lemve this world: my physicians could do no more; I 80 swaim's panacea. prayed to the merciful God to take me out of my misery. My speech had nearly failed me. Having been now four years suffering in this situation, I lay on my bed, given up by all my friends, when I received a letter from my brother, Hyman Marks, of Philadelphia, informing me of your Panacea—what wonderful cures it had made in Philadelphia and elsewhere—and that I must get the genuine article, as there were several imitations of it which had done much mischief The Panacea was procured, and I took it according to the directions* and there never, perhaps, was medicine given with less hopes than in my deplorable case. My physicians said it was all quackery, and it would kill me, &c.!!! To the surprise of all my friends, I found great relief before I had used one bottle* the second gave me hopes of a cure; and on using the third bottle, my leg began to heal, the pain had nearly left me, my appetite Returned, and I began to have natural sleep. I could rest well without taking the poisonous laudanum. I continued using the Panacea, and with the blessing and mercy of God, I have gained strength and flesh very fast, and feel my whole constitution restored to health—have been to New York, and several other places, which I have not been able to do these six years. The truth of this I am ready to testify, and it can be further certified by the attestation of some of the most respectable persons who were eye-witnesses to my affliction as well as my recovery. Mr. Wm. Swaim. This is to certify, that I, Michael Marks, aged 62 years, now living in mount Pleasant, Westchester County, State of New York, acknowledge the above to be a true statement of my case. I began the use of Swaim's Panacea, in February, 1823, and by the first of May of the same year, I was perfectly restored, and that I remain in perfect health to this day. Michael Marks. Jan. l, 1829. / certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of my brother's case. - H. Marks. swaim's panacea. 81 Note. —The numerous imitations, of which mention is made in the above letter, are the cause of much mischief both to the proprietor of the genuine article, and to the public. There is no doubt that the injurious consequences ascribed to this medicine by my enemies, invariably result from those spurious mixtures. I would desire to place the public on their guard, that they may baffle the attempts of those fraudulent impostors, who, if detected, shall be dealt with according to the utmost rigour of the law. —— FROM ROBERT S. RYAN. The attention of the reader is particularly invited to the following cure, which was performed after the patient had been for six years in the Pennsylvania Hospital, under the care of all the physicians and surgeons of that institution. — See the certificate of Samuel Mason, who was steward of the Hospital at the time, page 24.— His testimony cannot be doubted. Philadelphia, July 20,1825. Sir, This is to inform you, that in the month of April, 1816,1 was attacked with a pain and swelling in my thigh and knee, which continued until my thigh swelled near as large as my body. Poultices were applied until it was brought to a head, by the surgeon's orders, who attended me: when it was opened, the discharge was immense—at least two quarts of matter came from it. By strict attendance and many applications, it was healed up in about one month, when I was able to work. It continued well for about four months, when it broke out again, discharging about half a pint every day; several pieces of bone came away; it continued to grow worse, and my bodily strength began to fail, and every other symptom of distress came on. I was then sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital on the 20th of October, 1816, where I remained until the 21st of September, 1822, under the treatment of all the different surgeons of the house, each one. trying different modes of cure, which he thought the best, but all to no purpose: after having spent six years of the best part of my life in this Institution, I began to despair of ever being cured. About this time there were two patients in the Hospital, one a woman, by the name of Mrs. Tregomaine, 82 swaim's panacea. the other, a man, by the name of Owen Loughran; both of these patients were given up as incurable, when they were placed under the care of Mr. Swaim, and by the use of his Panacea, they were both cured in a short time, to the astonishment of all in the hospital. At this time I lay in a deplorable situation, having fourteen large ulcers on my thigh; these had discharged at different times, at least one hundred pieces of bone from the openings, which rendered me almost unable to move. The wonderful effects of Swaim's Panacea on the two patients above mentioned, caused general dissatisfaction in the surgical wards, each patient wishing to be placed under the care of Mr. Swaim— When the surgeons became jealous of his success, he was prohibited from attending any more!! —a reflection highly dishonourable to the managers of this institution. I accordingly took my discharge from the Hospital on the twenty-first September, 1822, and began the use of Swaim's Panacea. I had not used it more than two weeks before my appetite began to increase, and in another week I threw away my crutches, which I had used for nearly seven years. I continued the use of the medicine according to the printed directions; and after having used seven bottles, I was as well as ever I was in my life, and am gate keeper to the Hospital. Robert S. Ryan. Mr. Wm. Swaim. Philadelphia, July 20,1825. / do hereby certify, that the above R. S. Ryan, my son, has given a correct statement of his long sufferings, and that he is now in perfect health. Timothy Ryan. REMARKS. Cases which so strongly and forcibly set forth the merits of the Panacea, as does the case above detailed, require no comment. The facts are before the reader, and he is enabled to draw his own conclusions from an impartial view of the case. The circumstance of my Panacea being prohibited, need not, in this place, be descanted upon. It is sufficient to know, that it was done through jealousy, and without any just cause, and contrary to the desires of the patients themselves. swaim's panacea. 83 MRS. DICK. The subject of the following case is a highly respectable lady of Chester, whose sufferings are well known to all the physicians, and the greatest part of the inhabitants of that place. Her case was truly deplorable, and I hope her brief statement will prove satisfactory. Chester, Delaware County, Penn. January 8, 1825. Sir, In the year 1814, 1 was attacked with a swelling on the left side of my neck, which became ulcerated, and remained about nine months, when it removed under the right ear, taking with it the nose and mouth, from the latter of which I lost three large bones. It then extended to my right breast, in which there were seven large ulcers which destroyed the breast entirely; my situation now was desperate, and in the most excruciating agony—the top part of my foot became completely ulcerated, to such a degree that the tendons of the great toe were destroyed, and from my foot I lost several bones, which rendered me entirely helpless. During the continuance of this disease, which was about seven years, I suffered the most excruciating pain, the degree of which it is impossible for me to describe, most of which time I was attended both in Philadelphia and Chester, by several of the best surgeons and physicians, without receiving any benefit; I visited the sea shore, and used every remedy and prescription within the knowledge of the best medical men. At this time, when my foot was in the most painful and ulcerated situation, the attending physicians consulted what was to be done, and concluded that amputation was necessary to save my life, but the operation I would not listen to, wishing it to take its course; when, about this time, I fortunately heard of your Panacea, and its good effects in cases similar to mine. I sent to Philadelphia and obtained one bottle, and after having taken it according to directions, there was a great alteration in the appearance of the ulcers; the pain began to abate. I continued the use of the Panacea until it completed a radical cure, and I am in good health, and can walk any 84 swaim's panacea. reasonable distance without assistance: my age is sixtyfour, and I remain in good health this day.—-July 8th, 1830. Phcebe Dick. Mr. Wm. Swaim. REMARKS. In reading the above case, some persons may be induced to suppose this medicine a specific against schirrous disease of the breast: To prevent disappointment, I think it right to state, that the disease was of a scrofulous character, and only affected the breast in its progress from other parts ; whereas the schirrous breast originates in the gland, and is not cured by the use of this medicine. MRS. GREEN. In gratitude to my benefactors, as well as for the benefit of many suffering afflicted fellow beings in similar circumstances, I deem it my duty to certify, that I have been afflicted for about thirteen years with scrofulous ulcers, or what was called King's Evil. I had many tumours on different parts of my body, particularly on my neck, shoulders, side and knees, which broke out into ulcers and'large holes; those in my neck and throat were so bad that it was with much difficulty I could swallow my food and drink, as it would frequently run out of the holes in my neck. I likewise had large holes or ulcers in my shoulders, knees, and side, with exfoliations of the bones, insomuch as I was unable to walk or do any thing whatever, and was confined to my bed the greater part of the time. I was obliged to be propped up in bed, as I could not lie, for fear of suffocation. I had a bad cough, and the sores or ulcers were very offensive. I was attended by several respectable physicians of Philadelphia, by one particularly for two years, and had at different times above forty blisters applied by their orders, and the tumours lancedj besides all which I tried many remedies made in imitation of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. I suffered much pain, with loss of sleep and rest, and was worn down to a mere skeleton. At length being recommended to put myself under the care of Mr. William Swaim, I was conveyed to him in a waggon, on a bed, in August, swaim's panacea. 85 1825, who at first refused to prescribe for me, as I suppose he considered mine a hopeless case, and asked if they had brought me there to die. I was conveyed home again—but through the interference of Doctor Mease, he was induced to make the experiment, by administering his Panacea* and after taking a table-spoonful three times a day, in a few days I perceived a very sensible alteration. My appetite began to mend, I could swallow with ease, the sores began to heal up, and after using five bottles of his Panacea, with the blessing of Divine Providence, all the sores healed up, and I am now perfectly well, have grown more fleshy, can sleep and rest well, and can walk almost any distance, and attend to my work, as well as ever. (Signed) Ann Green. Hamilton Village, Blockley Township, Philadelphia County, May, 1826. FROM JOSEPH LEHMAN, ESQ.. A well known and respectable citizen of Hamilton Village. The above case of Ann Green was well known to me as well as many others in her neighbourhood — having seen her in her illness repeatedly, for several years, and having likewise seen and examined the scars since her cure by Swaim's Panacea. Joseph Lehman. Hamilton Village, May, 1826. ( Philadelphia County, ss. Before me, May 29th, A. B. 1826, personally came the above Ann Green — who being duly sworn according to law, saith the contents of the above certificate is a true statement of facts as relates to her case. Witness my hand and seed, this 29th day of May, A. B. 1826. George Howorth. [Seal.^ REMARKS. It if characteristic of hereditary diseases that they usually resist those means of cure which are indicated by external symptoms.— Such diseases have their foundation in a constitutional taint.—As in this case, her mother having died of a scrofulous disease, hers must have baen hereditary. The great powers of Swaim's Panacea h swaim's panacea. 86 are well exemplified in this as well as in numerous instances of the same disease, and the authority which is given cannot be doubted. She remains well this day.—July 1,1830. FROM DOCTOR GRAYSON. The following case is extremely interesting in itself, and exemplifies in a particular manner the merits of Swaim's Panacea. Doctor Grayson, whose name is subscribed to it, is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania; he is held in great respect as a physician and a man at his residence; and the remarkable cure to which he so circumstantially and emphatically testifies, is of his own malady, of which he was able to judge with the nicest precision as to all the symptoms and the details of progress and final removal. This is not like the case of an ordinary patient, to whom it might be objected that he decided merely according to results; here is the evidence of a scientific individual, watchful of both cause and effect, and ultimately convinced by his eion personal experience, not only of the special success of the medicine in his dreadful protracted disease, but of its general excellence and applicability. Salvington, Stafford County, Virginia, September 5,1825. Sir, Conferring with Dr. Cook, of Fredericksburg, from whom I obtain your Panacea, I deem the following is due jto you, and to society. You have therefore free permission to apply it as you may think proper. In August, 1823,1 had an excessively violent attack of bilious continued fever, in the treatment of which calomel was given me to great excess. After recovering my sensibility, I suffered indescribably from the irritation produced by the mercury—the throat, face, and head, suffered particularly with pain; the arterial system also sympathised deeply, but the salivary glands did not take on any essential, increased secretion; an eruption appeared over most of the surface, but especially on the head and extremities, which in blotches removed the cuticle and hair, and throwing out a fluid became incrusted to the thickness of a sixteenth of an inch, and resembling rich cream in colour. This state of mercurial excitement continued for some weeks, say six or eight, remitting and then inter- swaim's panacea. 87 mitting, until by exercise in the open air in a carriage, and finally on horseback, it so far disappeared as to induce a belief it was removed. During the following winter, however, I was affected by every change of temperature or exposure to damp air, with more or less of return of that state of excitement which had marked the irritation produced as above. In the following spring I had an acute attack, in which I suffered excruciating pain from local irritation in the face and throat, and a state of arterial excitement which required the repeated use of the lancet. At this period my attention was particularly directed to the evident connexion which seemed to exist between this unusually irritable state of my system and the impression left by the stimulus of the mercury. My reflections, reading, and consultations with professional brethren, all tended to the object of arresting a law to which the functions of my whole animal economy seemed subject, and which, although apparently, not only suspended, but even removed, at various times by such remedies as were used, nevertheless revived with every occasion upon which I was subjected to the influence of an agent at all inordinate or irregular. Matthias on the mercurial disease, and Abernethy upon diseases resembling syphilis, were the authorities on which I chiefly relied: upon the former, from the special and able manner in which his subject appeared to me treated, and upon the latter from the many useful and practical lessons taught, by cases recorded of correspondent irritation, between the chylopoietick viscera and external local disease. Thus instructed in the principles and practice which I pursued, I passed through many additional months, as much afflicted as before, except in the fall of 1824, at which time I had an attack of intermittent fever, which seemed by inducing a new action in my system, wholly to transcend the former.—This did not, however, continue long. In January, 1825, 1 felt pain in the extremities, shooting occasionally along the muscles, and connected with mercurial nodes which formed upon or near the heads of the ulna and tibia of each leg and arm. These were not constant, they appeared and disappeared frequently during the winter, at all times vibrating with the state of my digestive organs until the fifteenth of March following. I was again taken with an intermittent fever, 88 SWAIM'S FANA8EA. which soon yielded to ordinary remedies, and again I hoped for relief as before, but I was disappointed except as to the time during which the intermittent regularly continued. Shortly after its law was broken, and during my state of consequent debility, I was attacked with symptoms of acute rheumatism in the extremities, which confined me to my bed, and I then observed, for the first time, the state of "my lymphatic system to be very much deranged. The glands in the neck, axilla, and groins, were much enlarged, and very sensible to the touch; my digestive organs much affected. An eruption resembling erethema mercurialis now existed on the surface, and had at intervals appeared, from the period at which that spoken of heretofore disappeared, which was in the course of a few weeks from its origin. Here, guided by the position of Matthias, " that the only cure (if any) for mercury, is mercury" I used calomel in doses of six grains each night, until the viscera was well evacuated, and my gums and teeth felt sensible of its use. To this my worst symptoms seemed to yield for a time, though for a very short time, as it only lasted as long as the stimulus of the calomel was felt. I repeated this course, and experienced nearly the same result. My general health was now evidently greatly impaired, and rapidly declining; the nodes upon each tibia and ulna were much extended, and my rest at night greatly interrupted/by violent pain shooting along the muscles of the extremities. These, together with the derangement in my lymphatic system, continued to increase until I was deprived of sleep at night almost entirely, at which time the pain was greatly aggravated. The use of opium was thus coerced, which in large doses was only sufficient to enable me to bear the pain in the extremities; sleep ivas out of the question at night, though in the day I was enabled to rest at intervals. At this period, the character given to Swaim's Panacea by gentlemen high in the profession, attracted my attention. I determined to use it, rather because I despaired of relief from any remedy, than because I expected a cure from it. During the use of the first bottle, the pain was, if not increased, certainly undiminished, and I was only encouraged to continue its use, by the conviction, from swaim's panacea. 89 its general and sensible effects upon my system, that it is a powerful alterative medicine, and that the tumefaction in the lymphatic glands was lessened. The second bottle was nearly used before any sensible effect was produced upon the excessive pain in the extremities and loss of sleep at night• the lymphatic glands still continued to improve, and my muscular ssrength increased. From that time till the present I have regularly improved, except during two or three days, at which time, from exposure to night air, the pain returned in the arm with great violence, accompanied with inflammation of the uvula and salivary glands, and much pain. For two days the Panacea was discontinued, and from the use of mild purgatives and local fomentations, all those symptoms entirely disappeared. / am now using the fourth bottle, and consider myself secure of the ultimate cure of this terrible disease, all of which 1 must ascribe to your invaluble Panacea. I can now rest well, enjoy an appetite too good for your restrictions upon it, can walk or ride on horseback to attend to my ordinary affairs, and feel my former confidence in my muscular strength. The eruption is quite gone, the nodes are very nearly so, leaving little sensation of soreness on pressure. The rheumatic pains, though not entirely removed, are quite insignificant, and the lymphatic glands are reduced nearly to their natural size, and perfectly free from any unusual sensibility. I will continue the medicine until every vestige of the disease shall have disappeared, and then obey your directions to use two or four bottles to guard against relapse. I have not used any diet drink. 1 must now conclude this detail, which has greatly exceeded the limits I had designed for it, purely from feelings of sympathy towards those who may be similarly afflicted. It seems to me from the unlimited use (I would say abuse) of that invaluable medicine, mercury, in our country, every word of experience or information upon this form of disease, (which I hold to be of more common occurrence than is now understood) is due to suffering humanity. For yourself, Sir, I will add the expression of my honest conviction, that Swaim's Panacea is among the MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES EVER MADE IN MEDICAL SCIENCE, US SWAIM'S PANACEA. 90 Its action upon the lymphatic system appears to me decidedly specific, and exclusively so above any remedy heretofore known: but as a general alterative medicine I must place it in the first class. Of the modus operandi of our most useful, efficient, and general remedies, we know little else than is derived from experience; why therefore hesitate to draw lessons of the most necessary and useful instruction through the same channel in relation to a remedy which promises so much as Swaim's Panacea. I must think, from its sensible effects upon my own system, it is not only admirably but peculiarly suited to the cure of the worst forms of visceral disease. With every feeling of gratitude to you, Sir, as the author of the relief which I have experienced as above, I subscribe myself your obedient servant, R. O. Gravson, m.d. Mr. Wm. Swaim, Philadelphia. Note. —This case is so ably and scientifically treated by the author, that any comment from me, would be entirely out of place. I will merely take occasion to remark, that if physicians, generally, would follow the example of Dr. Grayson in the treatment of the cases submitted to their care, I flatter myself, that the prejudice which some of the Medical Faculty entertain towards this medicine, would soon be effectually dispelled. I only ask of the gentlemen of the Medical Profession, a fair and honest trial of its merits, and fearlessly leave the result to their own unbiassed judgment MRS. MASOJT. fhe following extraordinary cure produced by the use of u Swaim's Panacea," is drawn up by William B. Hamilton, Esq. Clerk of the township of Upper Freehold, Monmouth county, New Jersey, subscribed by Mrs. Eliza Mason, the lady who had been relieved, as well as by Elisba Gordon, Esq. a Justice of the Peace, before whom the facts recited were deposed to on oath. tF It would be well for the afflicted to take warning, and apply the remedy in time, that will relieve such diseases as baffle the usual medical prescriptions. bnlaystown, N~. J. November 15th, 1828, To William Swaim. Dear Sir, —Although I consider the reputation of your ¦ Panacea," to be too well established to need fur- swaim's panacea. 91 ther encomium, yet for the benefit of suffering humanity, I am induced to send you an account of the case of Mrs. Mason, of this place, who has been cured of a dreadful attack of Scrofula, and raised from a state of utter hopelessness and misery, to the enjoyment of perfect health, by the use of a few bottles of your " Panacea." Mrs. Mason is about 29 years of age, and until the year 1826, always enjoyed good health. About this time her health began to fail, and .she observed tumours to be forming on the breast and lower extremities. On one leg they rather appeared like nodes on the bones. These tumours for some time increased rapidly, were highly inflamed, and caused the patient the most excruciating pain. They soon began to run, and eventually became deep ulcers of a very malignant aspect. The disease made its most violent attack on the breasts and one leg of the patient. Medical aid was now resorted to, with what effect the sequel will show. By continued mercurial treatment, the ulcers, after a considerable time, healed, and though the general health of the patient continued poor, yet the medical attendant pronounced her cured. The affected parts still presented the appearance of high inflammation— and in a short time the disease, which was only shut up in the system, burst forth with redoubled violence. About this time, (now the summer of 1826,) Mrs. Mason gave birth to a son, heir to all his mother's sufferings. Language is too meagre to give you an idea of this child's appearance; from head to foot, he was one running sore; his head and face were one continuous scab, and the mouth and throat were equally affected with the exterior surface; the muscles of the arms and legs became rigid, and he lost the use of one arm and leg. The physician declared that it was impossible for him to live. Dr. Kearny still continued to prescribe for Mrs. Mason, but with no permanent success. The disease had now attacked the' mother's face; a large scarlet tumour made its appearance on the forehead, and soon extended to the nose, occupying the space between the inner corner of each eye. The same powerful external applications were directed against this tumour, but without any success, and like the others, it soon commenced running. The state of suffering to which the patient was reduced, would baffle the powers of language to describe.—The disease had swaim's panacea. 92 now so completely baffled the skill of the medical attendant, that in the winter of 1827, his visits were discontinued, from a thorough conviction, as he himself declared to me, that Mrs. Mason was incurable* though at the same time he acknowledged that " Swaim's Panacea" might help her. The patient had for some time complained of a tingling pain along the bones of the leg, a sure indication of caries, and Dr. Kearny thought that amputation would be necessary. It was at this crisis that I wrote to you, informing you of the situation of Mrs. Mason, and her inability to purchase the medicine, when you sent her some, and generously undertook to supply the medicine until a cure should be effected. The patient immediately commenced taking the " Panacea," and I narrowly watched its effects upon the disease. Although I was thoroughly convinced of the powerful efficacy of the " Panacea," in overcoming scrofulous complaints, yet my faith was at first somewhat staggered. This was a case of such peculiar obstinacy and violence, it had completely baffled prescriptions that were considered the dernier resort of medical science, and set at defiance the whole materia medica. The first bottle was taken, without much apparent benefit, except a slight diminution of pain, and a softening of the edges of the ulcers. Before the second bottle was taken, the benefits were very apparent: the ulcers were healing rapidly, the inflammation had in a great measure subsided, the patient's appetite had improved, and she once more enjoyed the luxury of sleeping well at night. The patient continued the use of the " Panacea," and the cure now progressed very rapidly* the ulcerous tumour on the face was arrested, which, but for the virtues of the " Panacea," must have soon destroyed the nose. When the fourth bottle had been taken, the disease was completely eradicated; the tumour on the face had disappeared, and fortunately without leaving any scar; the ulcers had healed, and Mrs. Mason was restored to her wonted health and spirits—an event which was viewed with astonishment by all who were acquainted with her horrid sufferings. As you had directed, the "Panacea" was given to the child, and with the same happy result as in the mother's case; giving another proof of the powers of your medicine in overcoming hereditary complaints. swaim's panacea. 93 I wish you to have this case published, in hopes that it may meet the eye of some sufferer from scrofula, wh» may be encouraged thereby to apply for relief where it may be found. With sentiments of the warmest respect, I remain, respectfully yours, (Signed) Wm. B. Hamilton. Two years have now elapsed since this cure was effected. Mrs. Mason and her child continue to enjoy fine health.— July 20, 1839. Personally appeared before me, one of the Justices of the Peace for Monmouth, County, Mason, and made oath the above is a true statement of her case, and the cure effected by " Swaim's Panacea." Sworn and sub- scribed, before me, this \6th of Nov. 1828. Elisha Gordon, J. P. Eliza Mason. ' REMARKS. Nothing could more decidedly illustrate the character of Swaim's Panacea, than the history of this case. There can be no doubt that the child suffered an hereditary taint from the mother, and there are no kinds of disease more difficult to manage, nor any that more frequently disappoint the practitioner, than those which depend upon a constitutional taint, derived from the parent of the patient. We have, in these cases, the testimony of a highly respectable individual, relative to the awful nature of the disease and happy effects of the Panacea, after other remedies had been tried in vain. In these cases we again see the tendeney of this medicine to purify the blood; for that the blood was in a depraved state in these instances seems to be demonstrated by the fact that the disease was sommunicated by the mother to the child, either in utero, or by her milk. If in the former way, it must have been communicated through the blood; for there being no direct nervous communication between the mother and the foetus, no disease can be sympathetically communicated from the former to the latter. If the child's disease was contracted from the mother's milk, it is quite evident that the blood of the mother must have been contaminated. swaim's panacea. 94 FROM JOHN G. M'DONALD, ESQ,. The following testimonial is from a respectable individual, who holds the place of principal clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate of the United States, at Washington. Office of the Secretary of the Senate U. States, Washington, June 27th, 1827. Sir, —A sense of justice to you and to humanity, induces me to make the following statement of facts, which you are at liberty to use in any way that you may think proper. It may be the means of inducing other sufferers to seek relief by a timely use of your Panacea. Nearly three years having elapsed since my restoration to health from a state of bodily infirmity and disease, the consequence of a scrofulous affection, of a character the most appalling, that had preyed upon me with uninterrupted sway for about the same length of time, against the efforts of the most skilful physicians of our country, I think I may now with safety say, that I am effectually cured, and that the sole instrument used in effecting it was six bottles of Swaim's Panacea, administered without any other aid than a strict observance of the directions that accompanied them. This dreadful affliction made its first appearance in a small pimple or pustle on the left side of the nose near the union of the bone with the gristle, which was considered and treated as a common cutaneous sore, until it had considerably enlarged, and the orifice and adjacent parts had become callous, and had extended itself to other parts of the nose and face, when more powerful remedies were applied, without in the slightest degree impeding its ravages. In this way it progressed until the nose, upper lip, and other parts of the face, became a mass of ulcers. The right nostril separated from the cheek, so that the ulcers within discharged on the sidej the upper lip separated perpendicularly, and the mouth ulcerated within, so that a piece of carious bone, of the size of a common bean, came from the roof, by which my articulation was so changed as to make it difficult, at times, to understand what I said, and totally incapacitated me from swallowing any liquid without first stopping the nostrils and the new aperture on the right side. swaim's panacea. 95 At this stage of the disease, a general and rapid decline of the system took place, accompanied by the loss of appetite and sleep, with no other prospect of relief than in the grave. Thus situated, although I had hitherto been induced to consider " Swaim's Panacea" as empirical, I suddenly, and of my own volition, threw aside my prejudices, together with the course of treatment that had been before prescribed to me, and confided my fate to its effects. The result has been, that my general health is restored, without any other traces of the disease, than some scars on the nose and face, and a sensible defection of the senses of seeing, hearing, and smelling, which I attribute entirely to the great quantity of arsenic and other deleterious medicines, which had been applied internally and externally, before I used the Panacea. Jno. G. M'Donald. To Mr. Wm. Stoaim, Philadelphia. REMARKS. In this case we see the effects of prejudice. Considering tbe Panacea an empirical remedy, Mr. M'Donald allowed his disease to commit great and irreparable ravages upon his system. Had this prejudice been thrown aside, and the Panacea taken at the onset of the disease, there would have remained no defection of the senses in consequence of arsenic and other deleterious medicines, to disturb or distress him. Even at the late period, however, at which it was taken, it failed not in affording its customary relief. PROM JOHN BRANNAN. The following case of the daughter of Mr. John Brannan, a highly respectable resident in the city of Washington, " in which two bottles of the Panacea," to use his own words, " saved her life," needs only to be read to be duly appreciated. Washington, August 4,1827. Sir, —With cheerfulness I will endeavour to give you a statement of my daughter's case. From the hour of her birth until she was near twelve months old, she was as healthy and robust a child as I ever knew. About that period an eruption appeared near her left ear —no uneasiness was felt, as such is frequently seen in healthy children—the usual washings were applied, and it re- swaim's PANACEA, 96 mained in the same state for several weeks. Her eyes then became affected, and were soon so very sore that she could not bear the light at all. A respectable physician was then called in, who attended her for about nine months, without being of any* service—she was dosed with calomel and a variety of drugs, and reduced in flesh considerably. She suffered about sixteen months; at least six of which she never saiv the light. I had not the least expectation that she ever could recover, and at times wished her sufferings were terminated. A kind of film came over the ball of her left eye. I expected she would be blind, and some of our neighbours thought she would lose the bridge of her nose. In short, sir, she suffered extremely, and her physician pronounced her incurable. A friend from New York spent an evening at my house, and seeing the child, observed almost instantly, " her disease is the Scrofula, get a bottle of Swaim's Panacea immediately, it will certainly cure her." Next day I procured a bottle, and commenced using it according to the directions—in a very short time a favourable change was perceptible—we continued on until she used two bottles, when a complete cure was effected, to the surprise of ourselves and all our neighbours. She is now as healthy as any child in this city. The film has gone off from her eye, except a small speck that is scarcely perceptible—her growth has been stunted by her long suffering, and I am satisfied in my own mind that your Panacea has saved her life. I have been thus particular, because it was considered a very peculiar case, and a surprising cure. Respectfully, John Brannan. To Mr. Wm. Swaim, Philadelphia. REMARKS. It has already been stated, that when Scrofula affects the eyes, a complete recovery of sight is a rare occurrence. That the sight, in this case, would have been irrecoverably lost without the use of the Panacea, and that this medicine completely restored it, there can be no doubt.* Of the efficacy of the Panacea in this variety of Scrofula, the results of a great number of cases, enable me to speak with the greatest confidence. For a confirmation of this, the reader is referred to the following highly interesting and conclusive case. * See certificate from Lisbon, page 30. swaim's panacea. 97 FROM DOCTOR DAVIES. The following is from Doctor Davies, one of the most respectable physicians in Virginia. Lynchburg, Virginia, 8th June, 1828. Dear Sir, —I take much pleasure in sending you a statement of the cure of Miss Rankin by the use of your valuable Panacea. I am daily in the habit of seeing her, and she is in perfect health. Mr. Rankin is willing that you should publish the enclosed. Howel Davies, m. d. Miss Frances Catherine Jane Rankin, now twelve years of age, was taken at the age of five months with a red spot in the outer corner of each eye. The eyes very soon closed from inflammation. At the end of two months, the attending physician considered them cured. In about one month after, they were again affected in the same way, but worse, and so remained, without opening, for eight weeks. The face and eyes were greatly affected for three months, and covered nearly the whole of the time with a thick solid scab, which affected the lips, mouth, and nose. At about the end of eight or ten weeks, the child's neck and head began to swell and ulcerate—there were as many as six or eight ulcers open at one time. This state of things remained pretty much the same for eighteen months, the ears discharging a very offensive matter, with sore eyes and ulcers of the head and neck. About this time the child appeared to be getting well, but immediately fell back into the same state as before, and continued this way until she was nearly eight years of age. In these seven and a half years, the child was attended by three respectable physicians, who used every means to conquer the complaint: they pronounced her incurable. Fortunately at that time I heard of Swaim's Panacea. I began the use of the Panacea in February, and used two bottles, which seemed to have effected a cure; and she remained to all appearance well, until June following, and then another attack came on of a slight character, which induced me to resume the Panacea. The first bottle appeared to restore her to perfect health; but for fear of a relapse, I used two bottles more. Dur- i 98 swaim's panacea. ing all the seven and a half years, the sufferings of the child were so great, as for every one to suppose that death was inevitable. The mother of the child was of a consumptive habit, and was labouring under this disease during her pregnancy with this her first and only child. The child was taken from the breast of the mother on account of the weakness of her chest, at about four or five months old. Mrs. Rankin took mercury while the child sucked, and she was salivated. She did not live quite a year after the birth of the child. The child has been now for the last four years in perfect health; without any symptom of the disease whatever. This is only a partial statement of the case, part'~ularly in regard to its severity. I will remark, that oc casionally the sores appeared on all parts of the body. I, the father of the little sufferer, give this statement at the request of Dr. Davies, and I am certain if Swaim's Panacea had been given at the commencement of the disease, the child would have been cured without the aid of a physician. Thomas Rankin. PROM AMOS W. BUTCHER, A well known and respectable citizen of Philadelphia. I certify that, in the fall of 1823, one of my daughters, a child of two years and six months old, was very lame with a disease of the muscles of the ancle joint; and was put under the care of an eminent physician, one of the Professors of the University of Pennsylvania, who attended her a long time, when he recommended me to apply to some other physician, as it was likely to prove a very tedious case, she still continuing to get worse. I therefore applied to Doctor Coates, who also attended her for five months; the child continued to get worse, and I got to understand he had said she would lose her foot, she not being able to use it any, nor would he allow her to try to use it; when, at the suggestion of several persons who saw the child in her crippled situation, I was induced to apply to Mr. Swaim. He said, after seeing the child a second time, that he was certain he could cure her, having cured several similar cases, when I quit the direction of the physician en- swaim's panacea. 99 tirely, and got of Mr. Swaim a bottle of his Panacea; and on using it as directed, found the child improve very much, and before using the third bottle, she was entirely cured of her lameness, and the' running sores healed up, and has so continued to be to the present day. Witness my hand, this fifteenth day of March, 1828. Amos W. Butcher, No. 49, North Water street, Philadelphia. GEORGE SHEETS, Cured after having been six months in the Pennsylvania Hospital. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a diseased foot, for which I was attended for two years by the physicians of the Philadelphia Dispensary, without receiving any benefit. I was induced to go in the Pennsylvania Hospital, where I remained six months, under the care of the surgeons of that institution; when, seeing Owen Loughran cured by Mr. Swaim, in the same room, it urged me to leave the Hospital, and place myself under his care; being then much worse than I was when I went in, having many more holes in my foot, and being unable to stand alone or walk without crutches. I left the Hospital and commenced taking Swaim's Panacea; and after having used two bottles, the sores healed up, and became perfectly well; my health, and the use of my foot, were entirely restored. It is now more than four years, and I am still in good health; there are now no traces of the disease, except the deformity of the foot, which was much disfigured by the ravages of the disease. George Sheets, Lombard near Broad street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, March 28th, 1828. DAVID BOYD, Cured after having been a pay-patient in the Pennsylvania Hospital. To all whom it may concern:—This is to certify that I had a very disagreeable ulcer on the joint of my left arm. It became so bad that I became alarmed, and 100 swaim's panacea. was induced to go to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where I remained three weeks, under the best attendance, being a pay-patient, without receiving any benefit whatever. Finding I had little prospect of getting cured, —and the good effects Swaim's Panacea had on some patients in the Hospital, and others who had left it for the purpose of using it, became so manifest, — that it strongly urged me to leave the Hospital, and place myself under the care of Mr. Swaim. It gives me pleasure to state, that after taking two bottles of his medicine, I was perfectly well, and have been able to use my arm ever since, which is more than four years. David Boyd, Grocer, No. 406, Market street, Philadelphia. Note.—The reader is requested to peruse the three foregoing certificates carefully and then to compare them with the statements made in the Report of the Medical Society. It will be seen that the two are at direct variance. The authors of these certificates are too well known for their candour and disinterestedness, to practise any deception. From the Democratic Press. The enclosed, recently received, letter, from a gentleman of much respectability, being read to me, I requested and was favoured with it for publication, for which purpose I send it to you. I have myself derived no inconsiderable benefit from Swaim's Panacea, and I am glad to get some well authenticated cases of its extraordinary effects, in such a form, as shall command universal belief. The publication of anonymous letters makes little or no impression. It is quite otherwise, when persons of credit and standing give their names as vouchers for the truth of the statements they make. How can we shut our eyes against the light of truthj how can we so entirely close up every avenue to ot%t minds as to resist the mass of evidence presented in behalf of the Panacea? So extensive is the conviction of its healing and restoring qualities, that many desperate adventurers, who, from the love swaim's panacea. 101 of money, would speculate upon the health and lives of fellow beings, claim for their compositions some sort of affinity to Swaim's Panacea; and thus disguised they abuse the public confidence, and in place of a tried and approved medicine, they give slops and mixtures, which, if they do no harm, do as much good as can reasonably be expected. I keep the public too long from the letter of Mr. Raphael. One of the Cured. FROM ISAAC RAPHAEL. Charlottesville, (Va.) January 1,1829. Mr. Wm. Swaim. Dear Sir, —Your favour of the 23d of last month has been received. I do not know that the cases which have occurred in my family could add to the already highly deserved reputation of your Panacea, when placed in comparison with the numerous wonderful cures in the many desperate cases in which it has successfully operated. I will, however, give you a short account of those occurring in my family, which you can use as you please. The first was my clerk, who was attacked with violent rheumatism, insomuch that he could not move even a finger, attended with high fevers, which at length reached his head. I called in two physicians, one of them, Dr. Dunglison, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, 8rc, in the University of Virginia, fyc. 8rc. fyc, who, after consultation, told me that although appearances then did not indicate a fatal termination, yet such might be the result, and that certainly a cure, if effected at all, would be very tedious and protracted. Dr. Dunglison was the consulting physician; a course of medicine was adopted and persisted in by the attending physician for about a week or ten days, but the patient grew every day worse, when he himself proposed to use the Panacea, which the doctor rejected of course; but, finally, the young man determined, on his own responsibility to use it. The doctor then came to see him only as a friend. The good effects of the Panacea began to be developed about the third day, when the patient could make use of one arm a little; with a gradual subsiding of fever, he slept i2 swaim's panacea. 102 easier every night, and in three or four weeks was perfectly well, and has been so ever since, which is 18 months.—During the trial of the Panacea, the use of it was sometimes abstained from, for two or three days, when the patient would invariably relapse, and upon resuming the use of it, a state of improvement was always manifest. The doctors now say that he might have got well without the use of any medicine! ! I used your Panacea in two other cases, with my children. One of them with sore eyes, so much inflamed, that frequently during the space of 12 months, we kept them bound up to shut out the light, which she could not bear. A blister and seton were resorted to, which relieved for a short time only, when they became as sore as ever—a course of mercury was recommended by the physicians, but not pursued. Your Panacea cured them effectually in three weeks. The third was a case of impurity of the blood, which was in a very short time removed. Neither of the children were more than four years old—their diet was not changed while under the use of the Panacea. Very respectfully, yours, Sec. Isaac Raphael. REMARKS. This letter will be read with avidity by a large class of persons. A remedy that can be relied on in the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, will be hailed as a public benefit. That such an one will be found in the Panacea, many cases, directly in point, might be adduced. But this is unnecessary—the cases described, it is presumed, will suffice to satisfy any reasonable person, of its efficacy. Several of the following cases, however, add strong confirmation to the pretensions of the Panacea in cases of this description. FROM ROSWELL KING. Statement of a cure performed by Swaim's Panacea on a negro, belonging to the estate of the late Pierce Butler, Esq. of Philadelphia. John, an African, was purchased in 1803, aged about 16 years. In 1806, he became afflicted with several swaim's panacea. 103 large deep ulcers on his wrists, arms and neck* he lingered in this way for a long time, until he became unable to do any work. He was then placed in the Hospital, where he remained from 1812 until May, 1823, where every possible means were used for his relief without the desired effect: on the contrary he became worse; he had deep ulcers on both wrists, which extended to his elbows and shoulders, from thence to his neck and face, and had destroyed his right eye, and nearly the use of his arms; besides one on the hip, which extended over the most part of his back. He had used every thing which was thought could be of service, when the prepared corrosive sublimate was recommended, and he went through several courses of it; in all he took about 400 grains without any effect. The poor fellow suffered beyond description until 1823, when Swaim's Panacea was recommended. John was a fair subject to test its virtues. At this time the ulcers were worse than ever, and all hopes of his recovery were abandoned. He began the use of the Panacea, and when he had used only three bottles, his ulcers were nearly all healed. I directed him to take the fourth bottle, which made a perfect cure of him; since then, his health has been very good, he has much improved in flesh, and is now able to do his work. I show him to persons who visit the estate, that the use of this invaluable medicine may be diffused for the benefit of those who suffer. Roswell King, Jr. Agent for the estate of Pierce Butler, Esq Butler's Island, near Darien, Georgia. REMARKS. Negroes who are confined in large numbers on plantations in hot climates are peculiarly liable to such forms of disease as that above described, and various others arising from a vitiated state of the blood, and want of cleanliness and variety of food. These diseases so frequently set regular practice at defiance, and render their miserable victims both useless and expensive to their masters, that planters would study their own interest as well as that of humanity, by keeping always a supply of Swaim's Panacea, which appears to be the only thing which can be relied on in such cases. And this is the more necessary on account of the difficulty in many of these swaim's panacea. 104 situations of obtaining medical attendance. A great number of slaves in different parts of the West Indies, who were considered as hopeless and useless, have been restored to health and strength by the use of a few bottles of this medicine. FRANCIS PAGAN. The following cure was performed by the use of the Panacea, after every other known remedy had been employed by Doctor Povall, in connexion with other Physicians of eminence in this city. In the latter end of June, 1824, Francis Pagan, a coloured boy, aged about 19 years, and in the service of Dr. Povall, a very respectable practitioner of this city, called upon, and requested me to examine a large ulcer under his right arm, observing, at the same time, that he made this call with the advice of Dr. P. Having myself had an interview with the Doctor, I learned of him, that he " considered this a genuine case of Scrofula, and although it had been treated for four months steadily, according to the plan of the most approved writers upon that form of disease, it obstinately resisted all the remedies employed, and threatened the patient's life." My Panacea was now prescribed* and after taking it as directed for about three weeks, his general health began to improve, and the ulcer to heal. The patient was encouraged to persevere in the use of the remedy, and in the course of eight weeks more, he was perfectly cured of a disease that was hastening him to the grave. For a confirmation of the accuracy of the foregoing statement, Doctor Povall of Philadelphia, may be referred to. Wm. Swaim. REMARKS. Two cases similar to the above have come under my notice within the last six months, which woro perfectly cured. They had been under the care of very respectable physicians previous, and had taken syrups which some physicians, in connexion with their apothecaries, have endeavoured to palm on the public for my Panacea. swaim's panacea. 105 PROM DOCTOR R. WELLFORD, Jl highly respectable practitioner of Fredericksburgh, Va., which shows that he is entirely free from professional envy. Fredericksburgh, Va. Mr. Wm. Swaim, Dear Sir, —At the request of Dr. Cooke, of this place, I furnish you with the following case: Jenny, a negro woman, aged about 60 years, was placed under my care about five months since, with a phagedenic ulcer situated on the left tonsil, which was almost entirely destroyed. The digestive organs were in good order. She had been using astringent gargles, and had taken mineral acids freely, without benefit. The appearance of the ulcer satisfied me that it was of syphilitic origin, and several of my professional brethren, who saw the case, concurred in that opinion. The patient, however, pertinaciously denied that she had ever been affected with that disease. I treated her with mercurials internally until the mouth was affected —tonics and narcotics. Mercurial and astringent gargles were also used, to cleanse the ulcer and assist the internal remedies. No material advantage was derived from this treatment. The ulcer gradually progressed until the tonsil was entirely destroyed, and the disease Was making an appalling progress on the uvula, and surrounding parts of the throat, Sec. The commendation which had been bestowed on " Swaim's Panacea," by most respectable members of the profession in Philadelphia and elsewhere, induced me to test its efficacy. I therefore gave the patient a bottle, and directed it to be used according to the printed directions. The effect was most happy. By the time that the first bottle was exhausted the ulcer had entirely healed. The tonsil could, of course, never be regenerated, but the ulcerated part of the uvula had granulated and healed, leaving it perfect as before the attack. Another bottle was then taken to confirm the cure, and she remains in good health. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Yours, Sec. Bev. R. Wellford, m. d. N. B. The numerous and multiplying imitations of this valuable medicine ought to place the public on their guard against imposi- 106 swaim's panacea. tion. Swaim's Panacea being now only two dollars per bottle, places it in the power of numbers to make use of it who could not at its former price. FROM THOMAS COCHRAN, ESQ. Dr. S. Huard, of Charleston, agent for the sale of Swaim's Pana- cea in that city, has received the following letter from Thomas Cochran, Esq., a highly respectable inhabitant of South Carolina. Charleston, (S. C.) Dec. 28,1826. Dr. S. Huard, Sir, —Having had on my plantation, for a very long time, a prime young fellow, who was affected with a dreadful malady, having at some periods of the year (particularly during the summer months) an eruption all over him, which made him a horrible spectacle to behold, being from top to toe so completely bare of skin, as to render it impossible for him to wear even Ms shirt, I was induced to make trial of Swaim's Panacea, and it gives me great pleasure to give you this testimony of its efficacy on this servant. I bought of you three bottles, and after using them he became so much better that he was enabled to walk and bear his clothes upon him* one bottle more has so far completely cured him, as to enable him now to work as well as any negro on my plantation. You are at liberty to make what use you please of this communication; as I think it a duty I owe to mankind to give this testimony in favour of so valuable a medicine. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas Cochran. FROM CHARLES E. ROW AND, ESQ. To Dr. S. Huard, of Charleston, S. C. Sir, —At your request, I present you with the annexed statement of two cases in which I made use of Swaim's Panacea with success. The subjects were both Africans, purchased from on board a ship in the year 1803. The first, (a woman,) about twelve months after, was attacked by an eruption on the elbow of the left arm, the discharge from which was of so virulent swaim's panacea. 107 a nature, as to create sores where it touched. I employed the physician in my neighbourhood, who was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and a skilful and successful practitioner. Under his care, in the course of a few months, the sores were so far healed, as to induce him to think he had effected a cure; in a month or two afterwards, however, the discharge again made its appearance, and with increased virulence; the doctor Was again called in, and after some months' attendance, which was followed by the same result, he pronounced the disease incurable. The discharge had now considerably increased, and the smell became so offensive, that the other negroes would not suffer her to approach them, and requested me to remove her from the plantation. She remained in that state, perfectly useless to me, when I accidentally met with an advertisement in the newspapers, stating the case, of John, (an African,) belonging to Major Butler. I immediately purchased a bottle of Swaim's Panacea, and found it made so favourable an alteration upon the disease, that I purchased five more, all of which she took according to directions. A complete cure was effected; she now works in my rice fields, and has done so for the last two years; she does her regular day's work, and is now as healthy a negro as any upon the plantation. The other case is that of an African man purchased at the same time. He continued healthy until about four years ago, when a disease something similar to that above described, made its appearance on his face. His nose was considerably enlarged, and discharged a virulent and offensive matter, which scalded and created sores wherever it ran. In this state he was brought to Charleston, and all that could be done for him by gentlemen eminent in the profession of medicine, for science and skill, was of no avail; he was sent back to the plantation, where he passed the winter, and the following summer was again brought to town. The efforts of the Faculty to overcome the disease were again ineffectual—a surgical operation was attended with no better success. Any further attempt I considered useless. He was sent back to the country incapable of doing any kind of work. About this time the good effects of the Panacea began to appear in the first case, and I resolved to try it on this one also. I gave him six bottles, according to the directions, and the result 108 swaim's panacea. was a complete cure. He has been working in my rice fields ever since, and is as healthy as any negro I have. If you think proper to make use of the above as a certificate of the good effects of the Panacea, you are at liberty to do so. Very respectfully, Charles E. Rowand. Poplar Grove, St. Paul's, June 25,1828. REMARKS. Several of the preceding cases satisfactorily illustrate the advantages to be derived from the use of the Panacea in many of the diseases of the African race.—These persons are very liable to ulcerous affections of an indolent and scrofulous nature, that baffle the skill of the most eminent Surgeons. The Panacea, however, shonld never be lost sight of in these affections, as it will frequently be productive of the most happy results. MRS. APPL.EGATE. To the Editor of the American Daily Advertiser. Sin, —Enclosed you have a letter, a deposition and certificate, entitled to the highest consideration. If such detail as is here sworn to by the unhappy sufferer herself, and certified to be true, as of their own knowledge, by two most respectable physicians, and by the magistrate, before whom the deposition was made, then do I aver that those who resist such evidence would not believe even though the miraculous cure should be performed under their own eyes. This case has made a deep and lasting impression on the neighbourhood where Mrs. Applegate lives, and I do not at all doubt but it will leave an impression little less durable wherever it shall be read. I ask, and I am asked by others, with such wonderful cures sustained by the most unimpeachable testimony, why is not Swaim's Panacea prescribed by more of our regular Physicians? —They know well the cases in which it would surely be efficacious. If it were not for the high respect I have for the Medical profession, I would not hesitate to impute their conduct to jealousy, to envy, or to some equally unamiable quality. I ask from the public for swaim's panacea. 109 the following statement, deposition and certificate a candid and impartial hearing. I ask no more, because I know no more are necessary to carry conviction to the mind of the most prejudiced. A Neighbour. Cranberry, Middlesex Co. (N. J.) January 17, 1829. Mr. Wm. Swaim. Sir, —Being a few days at this place, and having heard astonishing accounts of the cure of Mrs. Sarah Applegate of a disease which baffled the skill of the best physicians, for seven years, I determined to call and be convinced if it were strictly true. I found her enjoying good health, which she assured me had been the case for the last three years; from the time she had been cured by the use of Swaim's Panacea. The horrid ravages made by the disease, are of course visible, and her limbs present an appearance which beggars description. That disease in any form could make such inroads on the human system without producing death, is as astonishing as it is wonderful. She informs me that in June, 1818, a tumour formed immediately below the knee, which was extremely painful, the uneasiness and swelling of it caused her so much alarm, that she applied to a medical gentleman for relief. The tumour opened and was soon succeeded by many others, until the whole limb was covered with large corroding ulcers. Medical skill was entirely unavailing to check the progress of the disease, and the patient was reduced to a most deplorable condition; the flesh seemed to be separated from the bones —the immense discharge from so many ulcers completely prostrated the patient's strength, her appetite was gone, and nature nearly exhausted. In this state of misery Mrs. Applegate passed under the hands of several skilful Physicians, without experiencing benefit, for a period of seven years. To give you a just idea of her sufferings, as gathered from her own candid and artless description, I confess my utter inability. She lingered on, sometimes able to take a little exercise in a carriage, and then again unable to leave her bed for several successive months, until about Jive years after she was first attacked with disease, when as she was riding the horses ran away, K SWAIM'S PANACEA. 110 overturned the carriage, threw her out, and caused a compound fracture of the hip. Under this accumulation of misery and suffering she remained two years. Her bones and integuments were laid bare, large pieces of the remaining flesh she had were constantly sloughing out, and her situation was wretched and pitiable beyond comparison, cheered by no ray of hope, doomed to wear away a miserable existence, and hourly wishing for death. She was told, by some of her friends, that Swaim's Panacea would, if any thing could, relieve her. Mrs. Applegate consented to remove, and did remove to Philadelphia; this removal was with difficulty accomplished, and she remained, as you may recollect, under your care, for about two weeks. Being at the end of that time convalescent, she returned home. It is impossible to express the astonishment created by her return in the minds of all who had seen her during the seven years of her sufferings. She was soon, to general admiration, restored to perfect health. Thus, Sir, by the use of your Panacea—which is universally acknowledged to be one of the richest gifts bestowed on suffering humanity—this unfortunate woman was restored to health and usefulness. Three years have elapsed since Mrs. A. was cured; since that time she has become the happy mother of a daughter, and a finer or healthier infant I never beheld. This fact, while it is a convincing proof of the efficacy of your medicine in removing affections that originate from impurity of the blood, is equally convincing that it regenerates and invigorates all the vital principles and functions of humanity. This case should be published—it is for the benefit of the whole human family that such astonishing and well authenticated facts be made known—although, perhaps, to those who are already acquainted with the virtues of Swaim's Panacea, it may not be necessary— yet, believe me, there are yet numbers entirely ignorant of its many virtues, and powerful restorative properties, who are labouring under all the horrors of disease, that for their benefit alone such cases should be made as public as possible. With sentiments of esteem, I remain, respectfully yours, [Signed] Wm. B. Hamilton. swaim's panacea. 111 Personally appeared before me, Robert M- Chesney, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex in the State of New Jersey, Sarah Jlpplegate, who made oath that the foregoing letter contains an accurate account of her # i.J — V sufferings, and cure by Swaim's Panacea. [Signed] Sarah Applegate. Sworn and subscribed to before me, the 1 7th day of January, 1829. [Signed] Robert M'Chesney. certificate. We, the undersigned, inhabitants of Cranberry, were witnesses of the dreadful sufferings of Mrs. Sarah Applegate, and her cure by Swaim's Panacea, after seven years confinement, and cheerfully subscribe to the truth of the above case, in the hope that others may be induced to apply for relief to the same source. [Signed] Ralph P. Lott, M. D. George Davis, M. D. Robert M'Chesney, J. P. Mrs. Applegate remains in perfect health to this day—Aug. 10th, 1830. CHARLES DAVIS. The following affidavit exhibits the powerful efficacy of Swaim's Panacea in Chronic Rheumatism. This extraordinary case places in bold relief the absurd, the infatuated prejudice, of certain of the faculty, or their manifestly wicked and unjust conspiracy to decry this invaluable medicine. It may perhaps humble the pride of science, but it will advance the interests, and relieve the sufferings of mankind, to have it known that when the patient had been cured by the introduction, by stealth, of my medicine, the medical attendants being ignorant of the agency of the Panacea in the cure, delivered clinical lectures on his case, and built up a theory for the future treatment of Rheumatism; and have sent their students to all parts of the Union to practise on their fellow creatures upon such unfounded theories. Poor Davis! he had long pined and languished under what is called regular treatment, and swaim's panacea. 112 under it would probably have descended into the grave; but happily for him he heard of the Panacea. He took it by stealth, and is alive to testify to its almost miraculous effects on him. In former publications I have given cases of Rheumatism cured by this medicine, but if a knowledge of all those cures was utterly lost, and this case of Davis stood alone, I should feel entitled to pronounce the Panacea a specific in that prevalent and painful disease: and the man who could have the hardihood to deny the assertion must either undertake to prove this statement, sanctioned by the solemnity of an oath, to be false, or he must attempt to demonstrate, against reason and fact, that the cure was merely accidental. If the delicacy of the patients would permit, I could publish numerous cases in this city, where the Panacea has been privately and successfully administered, while the attending physicians have watched the progress of the disease, prescribed medicines which were never taken, and finally chuckled at the fancied triumph of their skill. Such as doubt this statement may be satisfied by calling at my office, where I am prepared to verify these assertions. Were I permitted to publish the evidence in my possession, it would cover certain gentlemen with confusion, and I ought not to have any compunctious visitings of conscience in doing it, for they have been my unsparing enemies, neglecting no opportunity of detraction, or of injuring me. They have toiled in vain. I have the great satisfaction to know that exactly as the evidence of its efficacy is spread before the public, so does the character of the Panacea rise in public estimation and the demand for it increase. Wm. Swaim. Philadelphia Alms-House Infirmary. February 16tk, 1829. To Wm. Swaim. Sir, —I write for the purpose of informing you of the successful use of your Panacea on me, after having been afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism for nearly five years. I am a cripple, but I do verily believe that even that might have been prevented if I had taken your medicine earlier. I will give you a brief but accurate history of my sufferings and cure. swaim's panacea. 113 I was chief mate of the brig Timandra, Captain William Yarnall, of this port, bound to Pernambuco. At that place I was attacked with a very severe pain in the right side about the last of November, 1822; in the following January it shifted to my shoulders and head, accompanied with sick stomach and loss of appetite. I then went on shore to an English Hospital, and remained twenty days, without deriving any benefit; from there I went to private boarding, and employed a Portuguese physician. I was on shore at Pernambuco about six months, and found the disease increasing; the right foot became so much inflamed and swollen, that I could not walk without a cane; my expenses rapidly increasing, and believing that a change of climate would be beneficial, I went to Bahia, and found in a short time that I was getting worse; there I entered the National Hospital, and staid twenty-three months; seventeen months of the time I was confined to my bed: I lay six months in one posture, and oftentimes I have been for ten or twelve days without eating-—my right knee and right hand were much swollen; I suffered all but death. I obtained a passage to Baltimore, and reached there in thirty-eight days; I was carried immediately to the Baltimore Hospital, and not expected to live until the next day. I remained there nine months; finding myself somewhat better, I came to Philadelphia, and went into the Pennsylvania Hospital the 12th June, 1826; left there at my own request the 29th of Nov. 1826, and immediately came into the Philadelphia Aims-House Infirmary; after being here seven months, all the time close confined to my bed, and when no more medicine was administered to me, I had no alternative but to try Swaim's Panacea; then it was I made known my situation to you, and received one bottle of your medicine, which was secretly conveyed into the ivard by Mrs. Ji. Snell; in using it I was obliged to observe caution, as the attending physician had given particular instructions against its introduction into the ward, saying, he did not wish his patients to take it, as it was no other than a quack medicine. After taking half of the first bottle I began to feel better, and my appetite increased; I slept better; after the second bottle the pain ceased, and fifteen days afterwards I was able to walk the streets on crutches, to the astonishment of all who knew, or had seen, my condition. A month previous K 2 swaim's panacea. 114 to my taking the Panacea I could span my thigh with one hand, and many who saw me while sick knew me not when they met me in the street. I can safely saythat I now enjoy good health, and have ever since, having taken but one dose of salts since that time.— Swaim's Panacea is entitled to the praise of my cure. Charles Davis. City of Philadelphia, ss. Personally appeared before me, George M. Dallas, Esquire, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, Charles Davis, also of said city, Mariner, who being duly sworn according to law, doth depose and say that the facts stated' in the fore- going letter are just and true. Subscribed and sworn before me this 1 6th day of February, 1829. G. M. Dallas, Mayor. Philadelphia, Feb. 16th, 1829, I hereby certify that Charles Davis, the person whose name is attached to the foregoing letter and deposition, sent for me to visit him in the Philadelphia Aims- House Infirmary, in the spring of the year 1827, and at his request, I called on Mr. Swaim and obtained some of his Panacea—I previously expressed to Davis my opinion, that Swaim's Panacea would be of no use, as I considered him more like a dying than a living manhe however urged me so much on the subject, that I finally consented to be the messenger. Mr. Swaim very politely gave his medicine without charge, and I conveyed the first bottle, secretly, to Davis* he was then a patient in the men's clinical ward; the second bottle was taken in in like manner by my daughter, while he was yet in the same ward. In the July following he was perfectly restored to health, and remains so, being entirely free from all disease. (Signed) Ann Snell, JVo. 103, Christian Street, Southwark. Charles Davis remains perfectly well, and is at this time as strong and hearty as he ever was in his life.— August 10th, 1830. SWAIM'S PANACEA. 115 FROM COL. DENNIS, The folloioing case was presented by Col. Dennis, a highly respect- able gentleman from Georgia. June 1st, 1830. Sir,—In 1820 a negro woman under my direction, about twenty five years of age, became seriously afflicted with rheumatic pains in her knees and ankles. I placed her under the charge of Dr. , then considered one of the most skilful in his profession in Savannah. He failed in relieving her. From 1820 to 1826, she was attended in Savannah, by five of the ablest Medical men in the place; but it was all to no purpose. Her disease continued to increase, until she was incapable of standing. In fact, she was as helpless as a child-—declaring that life was a burthen to her. In the spring of 1827, the physicians having given her up as incurable, I determined as a last resort, to make an experiment with your Panacea. Before she had finished three bottles of it, the swelling subsided, and she was able to walk with comfort. Six bottles made a perfect cure, and when I saw her in March last, she was in excellent health, a full taskable hand. It gives me great pleasure to afford you this testimony of my perfect confidence, in the efficacy of your useful and most excellent Panacea, and I can assure you with candour, that the prejudices excited against it by interested persons, have, in a great measure, subsided, and that it is getting into general use with the respectable planters of Georgia. Richard Dennis. Wm. Swaim. FROM THOMAS M. NEWELL, Of the U. S. Navy. Washington City, June lAth, 1830. Sir—I deem it a duty I owe to humanity to promulgate as speedily as possible, the extraordinary cure made on me by taking a few bottles of your famous Panacea; which, I do most sincerely believe, has snatched me from an untimely grave. At all events it has cut short a most afflicting complaint of the throat, under which I have been labouring for two years, has relieved me from a most distressing confinement, and released me from the necessity of observing an almost total abstinence from all food or drink that was at all palatable. swaim's panacea. 116 I now enjoy perfect health, after having as I have before stated suffered for two years, during the whole of which time, I had the best medical advice and attendance that Europe or America could afford. By the advice of a friend I was induced to try your Panacea, and I must confess, I had not the least expectation of being benefited by it. I acceded to his earnest request, and to my astonishment, I had not finished two bottles, before I found so great a change for the better, that it convinced me that perseverance was all that would be found necessary to complete a cure. In the course of three months, I have taken six bottles, and feeling no symptoms of any return of the complaint, I do with perfect confidence, address you this certificate, that it may reach the ears of many unfortunate persons who may be now suffering under similar afflictions, is my anxious desire. At the same time, permit me to congratulate you, on your important discovery, and your being instrumental in affording more decided benefit to your fellow creatures, than any other man known. I am Sir, Very sincerely, yours, Sec. Thomas M. Newell, United States Navy. N. B. The origin of my complaint was a violent attack of influenza, which left me with an ulcerated throat, from the quantity of mercury given me by my physicians. REMARKS. I have presented to the reader many cases of ulcerated sore throat in which the Panacea has effected a perfect cure. The present case is highly interesting, as it teaches us that persons who have taken to excess mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine, are extremely liable to suffer, at some future period, from their baneful effects upon the constitution. The practice of administering calomel to children, in every complaint to which they are subject, is fraught with consequences highly pernicious. In every case in which these medicines have been employed for previous sickness, the Panacea should be taken to eradicate the medicinal poison from the constitution. In proof of the advantages accruing from a course of the Panacea in these cases, the reader is requested to peruse attentively the evidence detailed in this volume. swaim's panacea. 117 MRS. ALLEN. From the Nantucket Enquirer. It is sincerely hoped the following statement will be attentively read by all who wish well to suffering humanity. The case of Mrs. J. Allen has astonished many, and she now remains as a living witness of the healing powers of Swaim's Panacea. Dr. George Cannon, to whom Mrs. Allen refers, is a gentleman well known to the inhabitants of Nantucket for his integrity. Nantucket, November 22d, 1829. Mr. Swaim. Sir, —Feeling it a duty I owe the public, as well as to give credit for the wonderful cure already performed by your valuable Panacea, I submit the following facts:— I was afflicted with violent pains in my throat, head and ears, so that I at times could scarcely understand when spoken to. I was weak, emaciated, reduced to a skeleton, and almost helpless. My throat was in such a situation I was unable to swallow any kind of food, and if I attempted to drink, it passed through my nose; so that I often had such spells of strangling it was thought I could not survive. My palate and upper lip were totally gone, also the greater part of my nose, so that some of the bones came out, the ulcers having increased so fast in my throat that I was unable to speak for several days. I discharged great quantities of matter from this part, and had continual sickness at my stomach. Several of my teeth were extracted in consequence of the ulcers in the roof of my mouth. From thence my situation became very alarming, so that my friends were expecting every moment to be called to surround my dying bed. I had already the best medical advice and aid the island could afford, without any relief. An eminent physician attended me for thirteen months, twice a day, and the more that was done the worse I became. My husband had already been to a great expense without any effect. I was now given over by my physician, and my case pronounced beyond the reach of medicine. I saw nothing but death, and that swiftly approaching. My bones had already in several places come through the skin; my smell and taste had been gone for six months. It was about eleven years I had been thus afflicted; there was not one ray of hope left. Dr. George Cannon called to see swaim's panacea. 118 me, and advised me to try your Panacea, which I did, although it seemed like raising one from the dead. However, I gradually found relief, to the astonishment of all my friends, after using seven bottles. I sincerely hope, if there are any such poor creatures in the world, they will take encouragement and try the experiment for themselves; for I can assure them this is a fact, I now remain perfectly well and strong as formerly, and can eat and drink as hearty a meal as most of my family* for which I have reason to hold your invaluable Panacea in high estimation, and shall ever feel a heart of gratitude for the relief I have found by taking it. There can be no doubt that had I not experienced the wonderful healing powers of this medicine, I could not have lived many days. With sentiments of gratitude, I remain yours, respectfully, Jemima Allen. A FEW WORDS ON SWAIM'S PANACEA. J. F. Daniel Lobstein, M. D. Of the Faculty of Paris; late Physician of the Military Hospitals and Army of France ; late Lecturer on Surgery and Midwifery, and second Physician and Accoucheur of the Civil Hospital at Strasburg in France; Corresponding Member of the Medical Societies of Paris, of Bordeaux, of Toulouse and Marseilles, of the Latin and Mineralogical Society of Jena; Honorary member of the Societies of Philadelphia, of the City and County of New York, of Massachusetts, of Maryland, of Lexington in Kentucky, of New Orleans, of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania, and of several other learned and benevolent Societies of the United States of North America; Physician, and Practitioner in Midwifery in New York—author of several works upon medical and literary subjects. Inhabiting a free country, in which the liberty of the press is entirely allowed, in which every one may freely express his opinion, especially when his observations are founded on truth, and the more so if such observations are directed to the relief of suffering humanity: it is therefore only in respect to this last point, that I have also thought myself entitled to say a few words on Swaim's Panacea. It is really diverting to swaim's panacea. 119 see every day in the public papers the increasing advertisements of new Panaceas, and their number undoubtedly will continue to increase. These advertisements are certainly very beneficial to the publishers of papers; but whether the effects of such remedies will prove equally beneficial to those persons to whom they are recommended, I very strongly doubt. The proprietors of these spurious Panaceas, it is true, announce, that their Panaceas possess the same virtues as that of Mr. Swaim; others falsely assert that they are composed of the same ingredients; while there are others who pretend that they have obtained from Mr. Swaim the knowledge of his ingredients by assisting him in its preparation, there are also pretenders who assert that they have made an exact analysis of Swaim's Panacea, and are sure of knowing precisely its composition. Yet notwithstanding all these unfounded assertions, the demand for the genuine Panacea is daily increasing, and must daily increase as its Herculean powers become known, and in the same proportion must the spurious medicines decline; indeed it cannot escape a discerning public, how these men contradict themselves. What is the true reason that the number of Panaceas is daily increasing? Is it really to relieve suffering humanity?—To contribute to the cure of those for whom the Panacea is intended? If this is the reason, why did not these compassionate persons, who are so well disposed to relieve suffering humanity, cause their infallible Panaceas, to be announced before that of Mr. Swaim? Why have they waited so long (at least seven years) to prove their humanity? Why is it that we see, only some months since the rage for inventing Panaceas? especially on beholding the effects of Mr. Swaim's, and especially after seeing that Mr. Swaim has acquired an independent fortune—a fortune which by the value of his remedy he deserves to possess. This last reason is probably the cause of so great a number of Panaceas. A second reason of the success of Swaim's Panacea is, that his remedy has already been long recommended in the public Journals by men whose talents and erudition nobody can call in question: for, who is unacquainted with the names of a Chapman, or a Gibson, or of a Deioees, Professors of the Medical Faculty of Pennsylvania, or of a Mott, an eminent Professor of the Faculty SWAIMS' PANACEA. 120 of New York? These learned men have recommended it in their Lectures, and they recommend it yet, because they are themselves convinced of the value of this remedy. Can this be set aside? All those who endeavour to injure Swaim's Panacea, and judge, like connoisseurs of his secret, give their opinion like those who, from an excited imagination, deem themselves competent to judge of a work by its title only, without even reading it, and prove nothing so much as their own want of true judgment—such as has influenced the various members of the Faculties of New York and Philadelphia, and elsewhere, whom I have already named. The third reason that Swaim's Panacea will always obtain the prize is the great number who owe their lives to this remedy, and are therefore living witnesses. I have no doubt whatever, that all those who through jealousy are opposed to this remedy, will not be much obliged to me for speaking so candidly; but it is indifferent to me whether I am blamed or praised, since I speak the truth, and according to my own experience, respecting this remedy. I have spoken like a graduated Physician, who is proud of having been one for these twenty years past, and not like a great number who assume the title of Doctor without any right to it. If I am not so, let it be proved. As Swaim's Panacea has already restored health to thousands, I shall not fail to make it known as much as it deserves to be, both in France and Germany, for I have the honour of holding up a literary correspondence with the principal learned men in these countries. Let the contrary likewise be proved. I entertain no doubt that I shall have censors and critics—I expect them, consequently, I shall not be surprised, ffirtue has them; why then should I not have them? I conclude in the words of one of the first French poets: " Rien n'est beau que le vraie, Le vraie seul est aimable" Truth alone is beautiful, Truth only is amiable. swaim's panacea. 121 FROM DOCTOR JOSEPH CHIPMAN, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, fyc. Mr. Wm. Swaim, —Sir, I send a statement of a case wherein your Panacea was administered with the results as described, which you are at liberty to publish. —I saw John M'Pharlane, on the 14th instant, and he continues to enjoy good health* it is my firm belief, that if he had not taken your Panacea he would ere this have closed his eyes in death. Yours, &c. Joseph Chipman. Fictou, JV. S. July 31,1833. John M'Pharlane, aged 34, a native of Perthshire, Scotland, Sergeant in his Majesty's 15th Foot* shortly after the battle of Waterloo, was attacked with intermittent fever, since which he has enjoyed but very indifferent health. In the year 1820, while in Halifax, N. S., he was seized with inflammation of his nose, which terminated in suppuration, for which he used sundry applications, suggested by several Surgeons, and among them was the black wash, which arrested the progress of the disease for some time. In 1825, the internal surface of the integuments of the cheek on the right side, together with the throat and palate, became ulcerated, accompanied with symptomatic fever. He applied to Dr. Bell, of the Staff, who, from his statement, subjected him to a course of mercurials, under which the ulceration cicatrized, and remained sound for six months. The disease then broke out in the upper lip—in the integuments covering the left malar bone, with the bone itself, which exfoliated* also, the integuments of the nose, with its bones extending to the right side. The ossa nasi vomer and septum narium, with the whole of the integuments of the nose, were destroyed by ulceration. In 1827, about one-third of the upper lip fell off, and exposed the teeth beneath, at which period the inferior palpebra or eyelid of the left eye, was likewise totally destroyed by ulceration. He applied to the late Dr. Johnston, also the late Dr. Finlayson, in Pictou, at different periods, under whose treatment he received more or less temporary benefit. Having heard of Swaim's Panacea, he was induced to try it* and was obligingly favoured with a bottle from L 122 swaim's panacea. the Rev. Alex. Blackie. At this time he could neither sleep night nor day—swallowing difficult, when drink was received into the mouth, it was ejected through the nose with a sense of suffocation—speech unintelligible even to those most intimate with him—no appetite whatever—great discharge from his throat, &c, especially in the morning, producing much nausea— the size of a dollar at the angle of the right jaw in a state of phagedenic ulceration—much emaciation—was convinced he could not live three months longer unless some efficacious remedy was administered. Only four doses of the Panacea were taken until he perceived an improvement in his taste—discharge less —appetite increasing—sleep much improved after taking the contents of the first bottle—after taking the second bottle his speech was more distinct—appetite good—flesh restoring and acquires new vigour daily. When the third bottle was taken, he could swallow with great facility. At the termination of the fourth bottle, the sores were perfectly healed, no discharge; and subsequent to the use of the sixth bottle he considered himself in the enjoyment of good health, which continues good at present, and enables him to perform corporeal labour, which he has not done for the previous five years—says he enjoys better health than he did immediately after the treatment of Drs. Bell, Johnston, and Finlayson. Denies positively that he ever was the subject of syphilis—never had either the primary or secondary symptoms of syphilis, which I particularly mentioned. In his present state the whole integuments and bones of the nose are destroyed, and in looking into the cavity, the posterior surface of the pharynx is quite visible. Two-thirds of the velum pendulum palati are destroyed also. Several cicatrixes are visible both in the throat as well as upon the face externally. The left eye, in consequence of its losing its inferior lid, is inflamed, and the cornea disfigured with nebula. The right eye slightly sympathetically affected. The mouth is somewhat contracted with cicatrization—general good health. I possess a justly indignant feeling against the use and abuse of quack medicines generally, with very few exceptions, because they are administered to all diseases indiscriminately, and to all stages of the same disease. Incalculable and indescribable mischief has swaim's panacea. 123 resulted from their application; yet there are exceptions, which serve to corroborate the general rule; and I consider Mr. Swaim's Panacea one of them—firstly, from the published opinion of some of the best educated and most scientific practitioners of the present day, in its praise; and, secondly, from the above case, which has come under my observation. I hope to be always open to the convictions of truth, and cannot suppress my opinion and close my eyes to the energetic and benign effect of Mr. Swaim's Panacea, which has proved itself to be a valuable medicine. I have drawn up M'Pharlane's case from a personal interview with himself, and I believe he gives a candid statement of facts. I remain, Sir, Your obedient servant, Joseph Chipman. Extract of a Letter, dated Paris, May 5th, 1834, from George W. Erving, of Massachusetts, (late Minister of the United States in Spain and Denmark) to a friend in Philadelphia. My dear , You may recollect that when, just previous to my last departure from Philadelphia, I explained to you the merits of " Swaim's Panacea," and attributed its efficacy principally to sarsaparilla, which I thought to be its basis; I at the same time mentioned that a celebrated chemist, of your city, had informed me some years ago, that he had discovered mercury, and latterly that he had found arsenic in this famous medicine.—I was not, however, shocked by this information; I had only to transfer my gratitude from sarsaparilla to those more powerful drugs, acknowledging that they had completely cured the herpetic affection which had tormented me, more or less, for fourteen years; and which had resisted all the means, mild and violent, external and internal, which, under the recommendation of the first physicians in this country, and of some of our own, I had experimented during that period. Though three years had passed since the cure of the disorder had been effected, and I had not observed the least symptom of its disposition to return, and consequently was free from all inquietudes; yet to "make security doubly sure," I thought it prudent to bring a few bottles of the Panacea with me on my last departure from home 124 swaim's panacea. (now twelve months). I rejoice to say, that I have not had, or am I in the least apprehensive that I shall have occasion to use it: but I found an old acquaintance here, (the Count de C ,) to whom it may be useful; he has much more need of it than I ever had, though as he is nearly eighty years of age I do not feel very confident of its success in his case. Before giving it to him, however, good faith and duty to this friend seemed to require that I should have a strict analysis made of the medicine by the first chemists here; for though I have not the least objection to mercury or arsenic, or hellebore, orprussic acid, I could not presume that he had none; nor could I hope to convert him (much less his physicians, if he should consult them) to my opinion in favour of the salutary, as well as vigorous, action of those drugs in all maladies to which they apply, and are used with discretion; for the French procedure in medicine, relying on the healing power of nature, is as mild and merely palliative as may be, in all cases which are not of a very alarming character. By favour then of Dr. L.j a principal physician in the hospital of St. Louis, (an hospital appropriated to those afflicted by the disorder referred to) and one of those doctors whose prescriptions I followed some years ago, I obtained the analysis of which I herewith enclose a copy: it is perfectly satisfactory to my friend C, since it not only shows, contrary to the opinion of Dr. Hare, which it cites, that there is not any mercury in the Panacea, but declares that no mineral substance whatever can be FOUND IN ITS COMPOSITION. This analysis may be useful to Mr. Swaim, and I pray you to have the goodness to transmit it to him through whatever channel, or in such form as to you shall seem most proper. With very affectionate and respectful sentiments, always your most obliged and obedient servant, George W. Erving. TRANSLATION. Chemical Examination of Swaim's Panacea. A deep brown coloured liquid, of the consistence of a clear syrup; possessing an alcoholic and aromatic odour, with a sugary taste, slightly tartish. This medicine belongs to that class which is now known by the title of " Concentrated Essence, or Fluid swaim's panacea. 125 Extract, or Portative Ptisan of Sarsaparilla." But it is impossible to say what the vegetable substances are of which it is composed. From a note inserted in the Journal of Pharmacy, (vol. 18, page 170,) it would seem that Swaim's Panacea owes its peculiar odour at least to the volatile oil of " Gualtheria procumbens," a little shrub (analogous to the sweet broom) which grows abundantly in South America. In the note just cited, it is said that R. Hare, professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, North America, examined Swaim's Panacea, in 1827, and that he found mercury in it. I applied myself particularly to the detection of that metal. The taste of the medicine, and the preliminary essay with the chemical tests, gave no indication, moreover, of its containing any metallic substance whatever. It is admitted that the salts of mercury are rendered insoluble, and even often reduced to a metallic state, by medicinal preparations of an organic nature, to which they are often added; if then there was in fact any mercury in Swaim's Panacea, its presence was to be sought after in the deposit or dregs of the Panacea. Accordingly, the Panacea having been decanted with care, the bottle was rinsed with distilled water, and in that way I detached from it an abundant whitish depo-? sit, which, having been well washed, was then treated with nitric acid, and evaporated to dryness. That residuum was then treated with water, which only dissolved a little sulphate of lime, and a minute portion wof phosphate of lime; but there was no trace of any metallic substance; and, above all, no indication of any mercurial salt. The greatest part of the residue was insoluble in water, and it was treated with the muriatic acid, which dissolved it almost entirely, with the exception of a sandy portion. This last solution was yellow, and its residuum was yellow, deliquescing in the air, and containing iron and phosphate of lime. That portion of it which was insoluble in water, was entirely white; and being redissolved in muriatic acid, coloured it deep yellow. That white residuum was composed of a double phosphate of lime and of iron, which substances are almost always met with in the analysis of animal sub-: stances. Their presence, therefore, would only seem to indicate that some animal matter enters into the ration of Swaim's Panacea. Hospital at St. Louis, Paris. 126 swaim's panacea. Extract of a Letter from Major General Pearson, of the British Army, to William Swaim. Boulogne Sur Mer, June, 1833. My Dear Sir, You must attribute solely to the effects of indisposition, occasioned by an attack of erysipelas, my not having sooner complied with your wishes of sending you an account of my general health, which I am assured you will be gratified to learn is improving in every respect, even faster than my most sanguine friends could have anticipated. My constitution received such a shock from severe wounds and exposure to different climates, most probably rendered me more susceptible to suffering, as in the case of my accident from my horse falling with me and crushing my leg, which had previously been injured by two severe gun-shot wounds, and I have no hesitation in saying that to the effects of your Panacea, in which I have every confidence, I may attribute my speedy restoration to health. There are several people at Cheltenham anxiously inquiring after you, &c. I cannot close this short letter without assuring you that few more truly appreciate the invaluable qualities of your inestimable Panacea than myself. I remain, my dear Sir, Truly yours, T. Pearson. To Mr. Wm. Swaim, Proprietor of Swaim's Panacea, .Moreley's Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London. Copy of a Letter from William L. Hirst, Esq., Attorney at Law, No. 63, South Seventh street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Nov. 1st, 1834. Dear Sir, Your " Panacea" has accomplished a cure so remarkable, that I feel bound to certify it. My brother Lucas, about three years since, was afflicted with a severe attack of scrofula. His head was completely covered with ulcers, so thick and close that they grew one over the other; and his face and body were covered also with numerous sores: he was under the most judicious medical treatment for nine months, without the least amendment, growing worse daily, and every variety of remedy was used, according to the regular practice of medicine. It was at a time when he was swaim's panacea. 127 looked upon as incurable that I resolved to procure your " Panacea" for him. The effect was quite wonderful. Without any change of his customary diet, three bottles, and about one half of the fourth, restored him to perfect health in six weeks. He has not had any sickness whatever since, (two years) is hearty and robust as any boy of his age in this city. Yours respectfully, W. L. Hirst. Preliminary to the introduction of the following article from the New Haven Herald, it may be observed that it was drawn up by a highly respectable gentleman of New Haven, who had taken the Panacea, with the most decided advantage, after having been under the care of several respectable physicians, without deriving any benefit from professional skill: — It may be sufficient to observe, that he had been afflicted for nearly thirty years with a constitutional and hereditary Herpes, according to a letter which he addressed to the proprietor, detailing his case: completely baffling the skill of the most eminent of the faculty. He was finally advised by a friend to make trial of the Panacea. "The result," he observes, "has been very favourable, so much so as to justify the anticipation of a complete and radical cure in the course of a short time. The disorder has frequently appeared in the form of a scaly, cutaneous eruption upon the hands and arms, legs and ancles. There was an obstruction of one and often of both of the lachrymal channels of the nose, which prevented the flow of tears through the nostrils. The bones of the nose became affected, and evidently were partially decayed or absorbed. The cavities left by the teeth which had fallen out, did not heal but became running ulcers, and the nose and the cranium became worse. Deriving no benefit from the prescriptions of my medical friends, as a last resort, I had recourse to your invaluable Panacea. I had commenced upon the fifth bottle, before I was sensible it had produced any effect, when a most copious discharge of yellow purulent and bloody matter took place, from the left nostril, and from a passage in the right side of the nose, and from the corner of the right eye. The fluid matter seems entirely to have left the forehead, and deep indentations formed by the action of malignant virus, can be distinctly felt by the fingers. And had I not found swaim's panacea. 128 this timely relief, even in the opinion of my physicians, the disorder in a few days would have made its way through the cranium to the brain: and of course immediate death wonld have ensued." The following are his own remarks, and cannot fail to be read with feelings of interest. " Suum cuique tribuito." It is much to be regretted by every friend of truth, and every well wisher of the cause of real science, and the best interests of the community, that there are so many nostrums and quack medicines current in our country. The writer alludes particularly to those nostrums that are unaccompanied by the certificates of any respectable persons, to attest even a single cure, and are supported solely by the ipse dixit of their deceiving inventors. It were much to be wished that our respectable druggists and apothecaries would discountenance the sale of such articles, by refusing to become the agents for vending any nostrum, quack medicine, or pretended specific for the cure of any disorder, unless the pretensions of the authors, or inventors, are fully sustained by the certificates of credible and responsible persons in our own country. In this way, the evil complained of would be in a great degree prevented. Instead of adopting this wise regulation, our most respectable druggists seem willing to become agents for vending any nostrum, from any source, whether it be in the form of pills, powders, plasters, oils, or ointments, elixirs, lotions, cosmetics, balms, balsams, and bitters, &c. The fact undoubtedly is, that in general, these things are invented by ignorant and indigent men, with the intention of gulling poor suffering mortals out of their money, by exciting their hopes, and imposing upon their credulity. Hence we find, that many of them pretend to cure what men of the greatest science generally consider as incurable—such as consumptions in the worst stages, cancers of the most malignant kind, herpes in all its tormenting varieties, &c. In short, there is no disease incident to suffering humanity, for which the quack has not, if we may credit his assertions, invented a sovereign and infallible remedy. It is high time that men of education, particularly men of medical science, should arise in their might, and concentrate their energies, to destroy this hydra of empiricism, that stalks with open mouth and unblushing swaim's panacea. 129 front through our land, preying upon the life-blood of its ignorant and deluded victims. It is far from the writer's intentions to include in his censure any valuable medicine, although the composition of it may be kept a secret by the proprietor, that he may secure to himself a fair recompense for his trouble, and the ingenuity of his invention. Such, for instance, is Mr. Swaim's Panacea, which, in the opinion of the writer, is the best medicine ever discovered for curing all disorders arising from impurities of the blood. And he feels fully authorized to make this assertion, without any intimation or exception, having been relieved from a most inveterate chronic, or constitutional herpes, with which he has been afflicted for many y ears, and for which he never before could find a remedy, although he has followed the prescriptions of some of the most eminent physicians in our country. And what is truly surprising, one of the most eminent of the faculty in New York, to whom the writer applied for advice—after rather uncharitably doubting the history which he gave of the origin of the disorder, recommended nothing but a strong decoction of sarsaparilla, with a few other trifling ingredients. In the use of this decoction, he persevered for a long time, and it produced about the same effect as so much cold water would have done. The eminent gentleman alluded to, never once recommended Mr. Swaim's medicine, or even mentioned it, although he some lime previous had given to Mr. Swaim a most favourable recommendation of his Panacea. What, it may be asked, prevents medical gentlemen from acknowledging the merits of so valuable a discovery? The answer is easily given: it is envy, jealousy, the pride of science, and an unwillingness to acknowledge that another man knows more than all-sufficient self. But in spite of all opposition, the Panacea has established its credit, both in Europe and America, upon the basis of real merit, which can never be shaken. Previous to taking the Panacea, the writer was apparently brought to the brink of the grave; but is now in a great measure relieved, and in a few days, by the blessing of God, has every reason to anticipate a perfect cure. Therefore, for all the disorders for which this medicine is recommended by Mr. Swaim in his book, the writer of this article does not hesitate to assert, that he believes it of more value than the whole swaim's panacea. 130 materia medica besides; including every animal, vegetable, and mineral therapeutic that has ever been used by any nation, civilized or savage. Although a stranger to Mr. Swaim, the writer considers it his duty to make this public expression of his opinion of this medicine— an opinion founded on his own experience, in which it was impossible that he could have been deceived. Veritas. Letter from Lyle Millan, Esquire, Post Master. Walnut Grove, 1st April, 1833. Mr. Wm. Swaim, Dear Sir—Yours of the 19th March, has just come to hand, asking me to inform you whether my health has continued good since the date of a letter I wrote you of November 29, 1829, and whether I have any objection to your making use of my letter or name. To the first inquiry, I have the pleasure of informing you that my health has continued good up to the present time, with the exception of being somewhat debilitated in the spring of the year. But in every instance of the kind, I have found relief by using two bottles of your Panacea, and I feel so well this spring, that I think I shall not need it. I have no objection to your using my name and letter in any way you please. I am, sir, with much respect, yours, Lyle Millan. From the Picture of Philadelphia. SWAIM'S PANACEA. Certainly nothing is better entitled to be noticed in a work which professes to be a " Picture of Philadelphia," and to give a faithful description of her institutions so deservedly renowned for their humanity, than that invaluable medicine, " Swaim's Panacea." For Philadelphia claims the honour of inventing it, of testing its value, and of promulging its merits to the world. Her citizens were the first to lay down their prejudices and listen to conviction; her physicians were the first to contemn the suggestions of illiberality, and openly and avowedly to praise it. There are but few who are unacquainted with its history. Suffice it therefore to say, that Mr. William Swaim, a citizen of Philadelphia, endowed with a mind naturally inclined to medi- swaim's panacea. 131 cal pursuits, had observed the utter inability of all the arts of regular practice, to administer an antidote to the dreadful effects of diseases, which appeared to him the more horrible, as they descended with the paternal blood to the innocent, and indeed were almost a fulfilment of the scriptural denunciation of visiting the sins of the parent upon the third and fourth generations of his progeny. A remedy to him did not appear impracticable; and he adopted the noble resolution of devoting himself to its discovery. He ransacked all the stores of bounteous nature. He inquired and rejected, examined and abandoned, until at length his efforts were successful: the " Panacea" was the fruit of his diligence. Armed with this, he advanced into the arena with confidence, and challenged the faculty to a competition. He attempted cases which they pronounced incurable, and succeeded. Scrofula, Syphilis, the Mercurial Disease, Cutaneous Affections of various kinds, were found to yield to its potent efficacy. The faculty were now in arms. They endeavoured to prejudice the public against it, by attributing to it the most noxious ingredients. They did not scruple to say, that it contained arsenic, and other deleterious drugs, which might rouse the public apprehension; but they failed. Its merits were too obvious. They now changed their note; they now said they had long been acquainted with it, and attempted to rob Mr. Swaim of the merit of the discovery. But this device was too shallow; for if they had known it, why had they not used it? Why had the bills of mortality been crowded with deaths by disease for which this medicine is a certain specific? The physicians admitted its value, by attempting to discover the secret. It was subjected to the most powerful agents of chemical analysis—both here and in Europe—but in vain. Chemistry serves but to detect minerals. Their attempts were of course abortive. All of them now yielded, at least the respectable portion: for there are a few in the lowest walks of every profession, who festering under the consciousness of their own insignificance, view with malignant envy merit which they can never equal. These persons have caused the press to teem with their detractions. They have identified it with fifty well known medicines. The public may estimate the degree of credit which is to be attached to their assertions, from the consideration that notwithstanding their arrogant pretensions of detection, it has acquired swaim's panacea. 132 a very extended and established celebrity in most parts of the world, both in Hospital and Private practice; moreover, that the proprietor has received highly recommendatory certificates from the most eminent physicians, which reflects the highest honour on themselves, and entitles them to the lasting gratitude of the public. But this medicine has yet another class of enemies, who, it is to be feared, may or have effected more practical injury to the public than the other, as their bold pretensions may deceive the ignorant; it consists of those apothecaries and others, who, admitting Mr. Swaim's title to the original discovery, advertised that they have attained the knowledge of his secret. The simple fact that all the physicians of eminence have abandoned their attempts to develope the secret constituents of this medicine, ought to put the public on their guard against the arrogance of these ignorant pretenders; or at least they should listen to this simple dictate of prudence, not to purchase that which is encumbered with a doubt, when the undoubtedly genuine can so easily be procured. Should any, however, be so unfortunate as to be lured by their proffers, they will be taught by experience, that they have expended their time and money without avail; or, perhaps, that they have, by loading their systems with noxious drugs, added to the ravages of disease. Such is its history in our own country. Circumstances have circumscribed our efforts in literature. But it is to the advancement which physics and the mechanic arts have received in our country, that we can proudly appeal for a refutation of that wretched philosophy which would rank us among the degeneracies of nature. It has been unjustly objected, that Mr. Swaim does not disclose, for the benefit of mankind, the constituents of his medicine. His motive is not pecuniary—it is to preserve it from abuse: such is its nature, that should it fall into the hands of the ignorant, the effects would be dreadful; although it is, when compounded under the direction of the skilful, perfectly harmless and inoffensive. At the same time that he has avoided these ills by concealment, he has obtained all the benefits of a disclosure by distributing his medicine in every direction by means of his agents. Let him proceed in his work of philanthropy, and he will receive as the meed of his exertions the applause of the wise, and the gratitude of the good. 133 ADDRESS TO TBS PUBLIC. It may, perhaps, be expected, that I should, in this publication, enter into a formal vindication of the claims of my Panacea, against the ungentlemanly, illiberal, and slanderous attacks, to be met with in " the Report of the Medical Society." The object of this Report, however, is so plain and palpable, that not one word need be said by me in refutation of the charges there preferred. If these gentlemen had published all the information they received in relation to my Panacea, the tendency of their Report would have assumed a bearing directly the reverse of what they desired. I have the fact from indisputable authority, that they have in the possession of the Society at this moment, facts and cases, so strongly recommendatory of this medicine, that they alone would be amply sufficient to establish, for any regular medicine, the most exalted reputation. To publish testimony of this nature, however, was far from the objects they had in view. They sought evidence to the injury of my Panacea, and they published garbled accounts of its injurious consequences, and withheld every fact that could redound to its honour. I answered them, however,* and exposed the puny impotence of their malice. Since that period, I have, collected a mass of testimony which, were it published, would seriously impeach the veracity of many of the contributors to that miscellany of folly and fiction. But I found that the good sense of the community had refuted the slanders contained in this Report, and I therefore abstained from publishing the testimony. After my enemies had gratified themselves by this mighty effusion of their malignity, I hoped for repose. It seemed to me that every topic of abuse had been exhausted—each had furnished his quota of detraction, * See "Some Remarks upon a publication by the Philadelphia Medical Society, concerning Swaim's Panacea"—1828. 134 swaim's panacea. and a committee of those most inveterate had been deputed to marshal them into form. But another, and a varied mode of attack, has been made, which as it has the insidious sanction of great names, should be met with refutation and censure. I allude to an article in the eighth number of the American Journal of Medical Sciences, entitled " Mercury detected in Swaim's Panacea, by chemical analysis, by R. Hare, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania," which is placed at the head of the American intelligence in that periodical; and has been diligently circulated through the -various popular journals. This chemical analysis (for so it is called) is so extraordinary a process, that one cannot help suspecting that the blundering eulogist, who has appended a note to the article, intends a sarcasm, when he calls it " an ingenious method for detecting this metal." Some years since, when my Panacea first attracted attention, this learned Professor subjected it to a series of chemical tests, without discovering the least indications of mercury or any other metallic ingredient. Upon every principle of science and logical deduction, I should have had the benefit of this failure; and as no mercurial phenomena responded to his tests, it should have been , fairly admitted that there was none in the composition of the medicine. But no! in the calumnious Report of the Medical Society, a different conclusion is drawn from these experiments, viz. that from one to two grains of corrosive sublimate may be suspended in a bottle of syrup without being sensible to chemical tests. If my antagonists knew this before, why the idleness and folly of these attempts? If not, then here is another to be added to the catalogue of exceptions to the rules of science which I have been the means of compelling them to allow. If they will agree on any fixed principles, I will confute them; but there is no chance of concluding that disputant who can inflect his premises at will. But I have wandered from that redoubtable experiment and discovery which has engaged me in the present discussion. It seems that Doctor Hare, about the time that my success had goaded my enemies into the folly or iniquity of publishing the " Report" &c. deter- ) i "' swaim's panacea. mined to make a new attempt to detect mercury in the Panacea!! jCT" He procured a bottle at a Drug Store in Market Street! .'*«CH diluted it with water, mingled yeast with it, and put it aside, and so languid were his hopes, that he neglected or forgot it for a year. At the expiration of that time,he transferred it to another vessel and baked it. The whole process strongly resembling the operation of brewing and baking. He then put the crust, which was the result of this "ingenious method" into a piece of paper, and laid it on a shelf, where it seems to have been neglected for some months; at the end of that time, he examined the crust and found globules of metallic mercury; and upon breaking off portions of the crust he found mercury in its metallic state pervading the whole substance. It would be unjust to the Professor, not to mention that he had not sufficient faith in his housewifery experiment to give it to the public; but was induced to publish it by the solicitations of others. This wondrous affair, when divested of the weight of great names and the mystery of learned words, is too ludicrous and con temptible to deserve serious refutation. This crust has been exhibited to many admiring gapers; and I have no doubt is preserved as one of the choicest curiosities in the Professor's cabinet. Several, who have seen it, assure me that it contains not a less portion of mercury than forty grains to the bottle. The basis of the argument against my medicine has been, that it contains mercury in the form of corrosive sublimate in so minute a portion as not to be detected by the ordinary chemical tests; and the combined wisdom of the Medical Society in their Report above alluded to, have fixed upon two grains as a maximum. Now a grain of corrosive sublimate contains but 74-100 of a grain of metallic mercury. A bottle of syrup containing two grains of corrosive sublimate, would really contain 1 2 grains of mercury in its metallic form; but if my informants be correct, Dr. Hare's experiment results in forty grains. But, at all events, the whole description of the result of his experiment warrants us (upon the principles assumed by the Medical Society in their Report) in asserting that he found a much larger quantity of mercury than could have escaped the ordinary tests. Were I to conjecture the means by which he has * Why did he not get it from nse or one of my authorized agents ? 136 SWAMl's PANACEA. fallen into this absurdity, I should call attention to the fact, that he permitted the subject of this experiment to remain forgotten, during a whole year in his laboratory, in a liquid state; and afterwards, when he had reduced it to a crust, it was suffered to lie on a shelf for five or six months, with no other cover than a paper wrapper—and from these circumstances, I should unhesitatingly infer some accidental admixture of the mercury. Mercury is one of the most ordinary materials to be found in the laboratory of the chemist. It is the subject in some shape or other of many of his experiments. Neglect may have left a small quantity of it in some of the vessels into which this tortured syrup was so often decanted—or perhaps, it may be that some wag has introduced it furtively, in order to amuse himself with the Doctor's glee at a fancied discovery; and thus the learned Professor is like the asironomer who saw a monster in the moon, calculated its dimensions with mathematical accuracy, made many acute observations concerning its nature and substance, of which the exceeding merit was not in the least diminished, when the monster was discovered to be an insect between the lenses of his telescope! The Professor should have explained to us (for he too, I presume, contends, that this mercury was originally in the form of the per-chloride, at all events, his admiring annotator does,) by the action of what chemical affinities, the corrosive sublimate was decomposed, and the mercury precipitated in the metallic form; and I cannot perceive any thing in his process, from the brewing to the baking, that could have produced this effect. But this he has not condescended to do: the truth is, the whole matter was concocted ad captandum vulgus; who are not likely to ask questions: and the physicians are interested in the imposture and will not; —and thus a slight incongruity in the details, or error in the conclusion, was of no moment. Not the least singular part of this affair is the statement, that the Professor exhibited his crust to Doctors Physick and Horner. That he should exhibit this result of his " ingenious method" to his fellow Professors, is natural enough—but why tell the world of it? if the result has been evanescent, they, or some other witnesses would have been necessary: but the crust is of a more permanent and substantial nature —to the credit of the Professor's skill in brewing and baking. He therefore 137 swaim's panacea. wanted no witnesses; for he still possesses an enduring evidence in the crust of its own nature, and the Professor's art. Why, then, I repeat it, does he inform us of this fact? He might as well have told us of the state of his own digestion—or any other irrelevant matter. The honest truth is, as I have just stated, THE WHOLE ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN FOR EFFECT! and it was thought this purpose would be served, if those names were lugged in, no matter how. But, I trust, the public are not to be duped by such shallow devices. Other measures have been resorted to, of equal dignity with the whole process of this experiment. The offals thrown from my house, are carefully culled and curiously examined. Every movement of mine is watched, and all my purchases noted. Indeed were I a suspected traitor, residing under the most jealous despotism in Europe, I could not be subjected to a more rigid surveillance. Am I not justified in attributing all this to the same personages who have signalized themselves by running about collecting and repeating idle tales concerning my medicine? gCT" Dr. Emmons, of Kentucky, has written a long letter to the editor of the Journal, corroborating the result of this experiment, by informing him that a lady in that State took several bottles of my Panacea; and that he discerned globules of mercury rolling about in them, of metallic form.„D| This proves nothing against my Panacea, on the same grounds of exception that I have stated to the above experiment. But, in addition, there is not a particle of proof that this patient had procured the genuine medicine. The physicians have long and loudly proclaimed, that mercury is one of the ingredients of my medicine; and all THE IMPOSTORS AND IMITATORS OF MV PANACEA, ACTING ON THIS HINT, DO NOT FAIL TO INTRODUCE IT INTO THEIR compounds; and mostly in the shape of the simple oxides, which readily decompose, when subjected to the action of heat and precipitate in metallic globules. Dr. Emmons states, that the patient boiled the Panacea to prevent its fermentation. It was, therefore, in all probability, one of those spurious imitations, and the heat to which it was subjected in the operation of boiling, precipitated the mercury and produced the effect which Dr. Emmons saw. L 2 138 swaim's panacea. I have ever borne a character of unimpeached veracity, and I trust the ensuing solemn affidavit, will have more weight with all serious people, than the vain and empty conjectures and experiments of Folly, Prejudice, and Calumny. Philadelphia, ss. William Swaim, being duly sworn upon the Evangelists of Almighty God, doth declare, t/iat the Medicine called " Sivaim's Panacea," does not contain Mercury in any portion, manner or form whatever, and that it is an innocent preparation, not capable of doing the least injury to the tenderest infant. Wm. Swaim. Sworn and Subscribed before me the eleventh day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty. William Milnor, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia. From the New York Evening Post. We perceive by the Philadelphia papers that an article has appeared in the " Medical Recorder," tending to bring into discredit the Panacea, discovered by Mr. Swaim, for the cure of Scrofula and other disorders of the blood. We are decided enemies to all quackery, whether in the politician, the lawyer, the divine, or medical practitioner. We believe that a great portion of those calling themselves Doctors, who have purchased for a few dollars diplomas from foreign Universities, are impostors, and we consider most of the extraordinary cures, with which most countries are inundated, impudent fabrications, invented for the purpose of extorting money from the timid and unwary. But while we thus avow our opinions of this class of men, and stigmatize their practices and their nostrums, we do not feel ourselves warranted to go all lengths with many medical practitioners, who consider every man a quack who has not gone through a course of regular studies, and every thing he prescribes as useless, nay, dangerous, if it is not sanctioned by the faculty. We are not so great strangers to science as not to 139 swaim's panacea. know that the virtues of many of the most valuable articles used as medicine, were discovered by individuals who had no pretensions to scientific knowledge, and that most, if not all of them, owe much of their importance to the classic names they have received. Strip medicine of the mystery which hangs over it, in consequence of its prescriptions being couched in a dead language, and we are afraid it would no longer carry with it the imposing character which it now possesses. As we have no direct proof of prejudice or interested opposition in the conductors of the " Medical Recorder," we shall not impugn the motive that induced them to censure the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. But as we are in possession of some leading facts, which show, at least, that these writers are unacquainted with the successful application of the Panacea, and of the estimation in which it is held by intelligent individuals and eminent medical professors, we conceive it will be doing an essential service to the public to make these facts generally known. The testimony given of its particular cures in the pamphlet of Mr. Swaim, in which the names of gentlemen of the highest reputation appear, bear strong evidence of the invaluable character of his medicine. This, we presume, was known to the conductors of the Medical Recorder, who must also have been aware that the attestations of such men were not to be put in competition with those obscure and venal personages whose certificates of quackeries may be produced for a trifle. In addition to these testimonies, the Panacea has been advocated by several eminent physicians in Philadelphia, and was complimented, during one of the lectures, by a Professor of the Pennsylvania Medical College, who, in noticing the extraordinary cures which had come under his own observation, recommended this medicine to his class as a valuable and important discovery. It has been used in the Philadelphia Aims- House, and Pennsylvania Hospital; and such were its surprising effects in the latter place—its success after all other medicines had failed—that the Surgeon of the Hospital, Dr. William Price, was induced to abandon his important and highly respectable office, from the laudable design of benefiting his fellow creatures, by carrying the Panacea to Europe. 140 swaim's panacea. But this is not ail. In the city of New York we have had a number of cures effected by the Panacea, in cases where the utmost skill of the faculty had been tried in vain, and where the patients, who had given up all hopes of recovery, are now entirely free from every symptom of the disorder. We could enumerate these cases, and mention names. But after what we have advanced, and as they are sufficiently notorious, we do not consider this necessary to demonstrate the efficacy of Mr. Swaim's discovery. If, after these various recommendations, there should remain any incredulity, we shall be inclined to think that those who persist in endeavouring to discredit the Panacea, have returned to the state of Adam's ignorance—not knowing how to distinguish good from evil. CONCLUSION. I have now given to the public, a few of the great number of cases in which this medicine has been employed with success, thus fulfilling the promise made at the commencement of this publication. It now only remains to make a few concluding observations, after which the reader is requested to form his own conclusions from the facts placed before him. It will be seen by reference to the foregoing cases, that the Panacea exerts its beneficial influence over a great variety of diseases, most of which are considered by the highest authority as incurable. We have seen that Scrofula, whatever may be its origin, its form or the stage in which the Panacea is employed, is completely under its control. There is one peculiar variety of the disease, however, which is, perhaps, not sufficiently understood, to which I would particularly desire to direct the attention. I allude to its ravages upon the lungs. It is unhesitatingly acknowledged by the ablest medical writers on this disease,* that by far the worst and most incurable form of Consumption is that occurring in Scrofulous Constitutions. It is, and always has been deemed totally incurable and above the reach of medicine, however skilfully and ably directed. Many of the preceding cases incontestably prove that the Pa- * See Carmichael and Lloyd on Scrofula. 141 swaim's panacea. nacea is, in all the varieties of Scrofula, the most useful remedy yet known. In the early stages of Scrofulous Consumption it will be found to display powers no less surprising. I would then, most strenuously recommend, to those afflicted with this terrible scourge, where there is the least possible appearance of Scrofulous taint in the constitution, to make trial of this medicine, assuring them, that .it contains neither mercury nor any other deleterious drug.from which they can derive the slightest injury. It will also appear from reference to the cases detailed, that Chronic and Mercurial Rheumatism are invariably cured by its use. The cases advanced are so explicit on this head, that not one word of remark is recpaired. Those suffering under any of these forms of disease, are earnestly solicited to have recourse to the restorative powers of the Panacea. *In ulcerous affections of whatever form or from what' ever cause, whether Indolent, Scrofulous, Syphilitic, Mercurial or of any other species, this medicine rarely fails in affording relief. When we consider how many of our fellow beings are doomed to misery, poverty and confinement by these affections, I trust a due regard will be paid to the pretensions of the Panacea in these widely prevalent diseases. There is, however, another very important class of diseases, in which this medicine will be found to exert very powerful sanative virtues. I mean the diseases of the digestive system of organs. It is on these organs, indeed, that the medicine primarily acts. Restoring tone to the stomach, healthy digestion, a good appetite and comfortable rest, it thus relieves many diseases. I have not had as many opportunities of testing its efficacy in all the varieties of Dyspepsia as could have been desired, but from what I have seen of its effects in those cases where the constitution had been injured by the use of Mercury, Bark, Arsenic or Quinine, I should * The Editor, speaking of ulceration, says,—" Cases of ulceration frequently occur, proceeding from various causes, whose ravages seem to bid defiance to medical power. So many extraordinary and well attested instances of reoovery from some of these (in which death seemed already to have clutched his emaciated victim,) by means of the Panacea of Mr. Swaim, have been laid before the public, that it seems due to the unfortunate victims who may be afflicted with it, to state, that instances of the above nature have actually happened under the eye of the Editor.— Mackenzie's Receipts, by an American Physician, page 220. 142 swaim's panacea. have no hesitation in pronouncing it a remedy of inestimable value. In Chronic Hepatitis, however, and all its attendant and concomitant affections, I have abundant testimony to its excellence. In Hysteria, and the whole host of nervous affections, this medicine is entitled to our highest commendation. It allays nervous irritation, calms the agitation of the spirits, alleviates distress of mind, and promotes tranquillity, comfort and ease. It is, however, in all diseases which originate in any depraved habit, vitiated taint in the blood, or hereditary predisposition to disease, that the Panacea is productive of the most beneficial results. It is in these diseases, that my highest and most sanguine expectations are more than realised. It promotes healthy secretions, purifies vitiated blood, cleanses the animal fluids, and thus counteracts all hereditary predispositions. That the great proportion of the diseases that afflict the human race are to be ascribed to a vitiated condition of the blood, and to improper and diseased digestion, is my deliberate opinion. It is by the great power that the Panacea possesses over these morbid states of the .system, that it relieves such a variety of diseases. Physicians will early discover this fact, and I have no doubt will recommend this medicine in most of- the diseases of this nature that are submitted to their charge,—otherwise, the good sense of the public will no longer be imposed on, and it will be resorted to in preference of their boasted remedies. Many of the cases advanced go far in proof of this fact; a review of which will have more weight than all the arguments that could be adduced. The influence of the Panacea over the Syphilitic virus entitles it to our unqualified approbation It has been used in a great number of cases of this disease in its very worst form, with the most decided advantage: and I can with the most perfect truth declare, that in no one instance has it failed of effecting a radical cure, where it has been properly used: in fact, its success in this disease entitles it to the appellation of a specific, and I hesitate not to use it now in every case with the greatest expectations, especially in scrofulous constitutions, where the regular treatment for Syphilis always tends to increase the violence of the disease. In those patients, who have taken it, I observe with its other effects, that it almost invariably tends to give strength 143 swaim's panacea. and vigour to the whole frame; gently stimulating the system whilst curing the disease, and enabling it to support with ease and comfort almost any kind of nourishment, without those debilitating effects which we so often see produced by the regular practice— Ji desideratum long looked for in vain by the medical world.* This medicine may also be considered as an important auxiliary to mercury in the treatment of syphilis, diseases of the liver, and all diseases where mercury, quinine, arsenic, or bark, have been given, even in the most healthy constitutions* extensive experience in my own practice and in that of others having fully convinced me that a few bottles, say two or three, taken at the close of the usual mercurial treatment, and after all symptoms of the disease have disappeared, will be found the most effectual means yet discovered for preventing a recurrence in its secondary forms, either in the same individual, or in their offspring. I can conceive it possible, that the occasional failure of the Panacea, in cases where its success might have been considered almost certain, may be owing to organic derangement, arising from intemperance or other dissolute habitsj and where external symptoms of disease have disappeared, and yet the general health not materially improved. It is not to be expected that this medicine will remove an organic affection of the stomach, an indurated spleen, a schirrous liver or a cancerous breast. When I consider that the diseases over which this medicine has displayed its powers with such signal success, have been so long styled by the profession and considered the " opprobria medicorum," I trust this will be considered a sufficient apology for the frequent mention of the numerous cases I have had under my care having been previously attended by physicians; in so doing, it has been far from my wish to detract (if I had it in my povjer) from the merits of that profession, nor yet to arrogate too much to myself, nor make pretensions which will not stand the strictest scrutiny. * Speaking of this medicine in this disease, the Professor of Surgery, in the of Pennsylvania, uses the following language. " The Panacea of Swaim in particular cases, often proves extremely serviceable in relieving pain, healing ulcerations, or in restoring constitutions enfeebled or injured by the abuse of mercury."—Gibson's Surgery, vol. 1. page 366. * 144 swaim's panacea. Solicitous that the public should receive all the benefits to be derived from the use of this medicine, I feel desirous that Physicians should give it an honest trial. In fact, I know not what further objection they can have to the use of it than to the employment of many of their most favourite remedies. James' powder, a remedy that has gained the most unbounded confidence and commendation of the Faculty, has never been satisfactorily analysed to this day. The same may be said of many other medicines. The effects of the Panacea under their administration will point out the cases in which it will be advantageously employed. And I doubt not that under their enlightened judgment and experience it will display effects so highly satisfactory and salutary, that it will in time become a favourite remedy in a great variety of diseases. Impelled by an ardent desire to contribute to the alleviation of distresses occasioned by pain and suffering, I have ventured to lay before the world these testimonials of the utility of this medicine, not without entertaining the fond hope that they may be the means of rescuing from its terrors those who may be languishing under disease. That such a medicine has beenfrom time immemorial a desideratum greatly to be unshed for cannot be doubted: every avenue which seemed to open a prospect of success, has been heretofore explored in vain: should I be the means of attaining this wished-for point, I shall be peculiarly fortunate, — my present prospects are bright indeed! The addition of more cases to those I have already given, would be a mere work of supererogation, and the impression would be still the same upon the minds of my readers. I therefore, from these considerations, decline adding any more for the present. Conscious of the fidelity with which they are severally drawn up, and the truth of what I have asserted, I thus come forward; and lay before a generous and discerning PUBLIC, FACTS WHICH AUGUR TO THE WORLD SO MUCH BENEFIT FACTS OF SUCH VAST IMPORT TO MANKIND FACTS WHICH CANNOT BE CONTROVERTED, SO GENERALLY ARE THEY KNOWN TO BE FOUNDED IN TRUTH FACTS WHICH WILL RIVAL THE MOST WONDERFUL CURES OF ANOIENT AND MODERN PRACTICE-N Wm, Swaim.