F'AINE'S SZEZOZEaT-ZHZ-AJISriD TBEATMEHT OF BISEASE. VOX POPULA, VOX DEI: MEDICIBA, VOX DEI. I'ABKKSBUBG. PA,$ / » -z A. H. Potts &, Co., Steam Book and Job Printers 1884. PUBLISHED BY W. PAINE, M. D., 250 SOUTH NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA.. NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT REDUCED TO A SCIENCE, WITH RULES AND DIRECTIONS so plain that all who can read understancjingly may treat Disease with far.1>etter success than Physicians of the Sectarian schools of Physic ; BY W. PAlkE, A.M., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Sur- gery ; E i-Professor of Surgery and Diseases of Women and Child- ren in the American Medical College ; Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons; Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine; Author of a large work on the Practice of Medicine; one on Surgery ; one on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Child- ren; one on Materia Medica and New Remedies; a Review of Homoeopathy and Old Physic; former Editor oL-w- the University Medical atuJ' Surgical Journal, Medical'S Independent, etc. PRIVATE OFFICE, 250 S. 9th STREET. AT IsJE -A. 23 O X>V HOTEL. PREFACE. PROFESSOR PAINE'S NEW DISCOVERIES. In presenting this little Manual to the public, we do so with the full assurance that it will meet with the same opposition that has characterized every discovery and improvement in art and science, from the building of the ark-when Noah encountered the derision of the ante- diluvian race-until the present hour. Yet such are the wonderful results of our discoveries, in the successful treatment of disease, that we deem it a duty to ourselves and posterity to offer them to suffering humanity. The question may be asked why we do not publish these great improvements in books devoted exclusively to the profession. In reply we would state that, within the last thirty years, we have edited and published three different journals, together with several elaborate works, contain- ing many of these new discoveries, and have spent for- tunes to induce the profession to use them. As a result, we found that comparatively few physicians ever read or investigate anything that is new, and that the bigotry of those who do not is only commensurate with their igno- rance. While there are some commendable exceptions, such are the facts relative to the majority of practitioners of nearly all the schools of physic. The discoveries referred to are, that nearly all chronic and most acute diseases-such as catarrh, bronchitis, V 6 PREFACE. consumption, dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney d.sease, neuralgia, epilepsy, diarrhoea, skin diseases, dysentery, scarlet fever, measles, small-pox, all forms of fevers, scrofula, cancer, tumors, etc.-are produced by infinitesi- mal organic germs of vegetables and animals, introduced into the system through the lungs and skin, into the stomach with the food, and in other ways. The vege- table germs belong to the cryptogamous order, of which there are over five thousand varieties. The animal germs hatch, and the animalcules feed upon the cryptoga- mous plants; of these there are also many thousand varieties. Many of them become poisonous during the cycle of their development, and feed upon the living tissues. Diseases are produced by the irritation caused by the development of the microscopic germs; the feeding of the parasites; and deposits of spores; together with the growth of the animalcules and vegetable matter. These tacts, although recently discovered, are as old as man; and the Lord, in giving Moses and Aaron instructions relative to the treatment and dangerous character of dis- ease, fully describes the symptoms and influences of pois- onous fungi on the human constitution. All diseases of a malignant character were treated as plague and leprosy. In the fourteenth chapter of Leviticus, 34th verse, in speaking of the fungi and poisonous animalcules that existed in the houses of the land of Canaan, He said, " I put the plague of leprosy into a house of the land of your possession." In the 37th verse He describes the appear- ance of this fungus as " greenish or reddish streaks, and lower than the walls," and then proceeds to state that it may penetrate stones, mortar, wood, garments, and other fabrics, the facts of which we have verified by thousands of experiments; so that modern science only goes to show what a wonderful book the Bible is, and that God, in His infinite goodness, has taught man how to avoid and cure disease, as well as given instructions as to the develop- ment of his intellectuality. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL PRACTICE. In the early ages, the practice of medicine and sur- gery was confined to the priest, who administered to the physical as well as spiritual wants. Christ, when he was on earth, manifested his Divinity as much as in any other way, by healing the sick. No good man or woman could witness a fellow-creature in distress without expe- riencing a holy desire to afford relief. In these later days the doctors have monopolized this divine privilege, and stifled this God-like impulse of the human heart by clothing their knowledge in ancient languages, unneces- sary technicalities, figures, abbreviations and symbols, so that none but the initiated can understand. The ob- ject is to prevent the great masses from rendering succor to their fellows when stricken with disease. For thirty years I have labored to remedy this evil, and, as a result, have discovered remedies and perfected a practice that the most ample experience has demonstrated to be far in advance of all the old systems. Science and all human inventions (save the art of healing) have made gigantic strides. The doctor's standard of regularity is faith in and practice of the ancient dogmas. All these we have left behind, and, casting our bark upon the broad ocean of free thought, free research, and independent action, we have, by hard toil, great labor, and indefatigable indus- try, achieved the purpose of our life-which is the dis- covery that all diseases not traumatic, are caused by the development of cryptogamous plants and microscopic animalcules, in most instances developed simultaneously. The question may be asked, can plants and animals be developed in a few days, hours, or minutes, in sufficient VII 8 NE W SC HO OL TREA TMENT quantities to poison the system and the atmosphere around, including towns, cities, marshes and countries ? All are familiar with the growth of mushrooms, and we know that minute fungi may cover miles in a few hours. Dr. Carpenter states that the Bovista giganteum, in a single night, grows from a mere germ to the size of a large gourd. The Polyporus squamosus and Polyporus frondosus are equally rapid in growth. Fricks, the Swedish natu- ralist, tells us he has observed more than two thousand species of fungi in a square furlong. He also tells us he has seen 10,000,000 of sporules in a single Reticularia maxima. One spore of the Torula cerevisia, or Yeast plant, will increase to a large forest of fungi in a few minutes. Badham has catalogued over five thousand species of fungi. Among these are the Mucor mucedo, that spawns on dried fruit; the Ascophora mucedo, bread mould; the Uredo rubigo and the Uredo segetum, or corn mould, and the Puccinia graminis, or wheat and rye rust. Each form of fungi is particular in its habits ; some will grow only upon bread ; others, on dried fruit; others, on corn, potatoes, pickles, cider, etc.; while other forms still more minute in structure, will only develop on some of the larger forms of cryptogami, as the Myrothecium viride and the Sclerotium cornutum. Other forms de- velop only on or in living animals, as the Oxygena equina, which attacks the hoofs of horses and the horns of cattle. All forms of fungi grow mostly in the night. Mushrooms are an example. They differ from Phenog- amous, in exhaling carbonic acid gas and absorbing oxygen. Th' Polyporus destructor and the Merulius lacrymans and Vastater are the fungi which cause dry rot. Plu- tarch, in his life of " Romulus," said that in the first great plague in Rome it seemed to rain blood. In 1813, at Malta, on the 14th of March, the showers were fol- lowed by a reddish substance on the earth, and the plague in less than a month afterwards. Webster states that in 1502 a plague drove the people from Brussels. NE IF SC HO O L TEE A TMENT 9 THE NEW RE MEDIES AND THEIR Power to Cure Disease. All Medicines that possess the power to cure disease must either destroy the Germs upon which the disease depends, or expel them from the system. Those which kill the Germs are termed Antiseptics, while those that expel them are denominated Purgatives, Emetics, Diu- retics, Alteratives, Expectorants, etc., etc. All Anti- septics owe their power to Ozone. The Catarrh Vapor or Liquid Ozone is the essence or virtue of Carbolic Acid, Chloride of Lime, Salt, Tar, Alcohol, Cedar Oil, &c.; in short, it is the only agent possessed by any sub- stance which will prevent decay, arrest putrefaction, kill contagion, purify the system, disinfect the blood, and totally destroy every vestige of disease, whether in the system, the house, the clothing, food or water. It is this ozone in vapor which retards the decay of animals and vegetables in Colorado, and renders mountain air and sea breezes salubrious. All my remedies are ozonized; hence, while they purge the stomach, liver, bowels, skin, and other portions of the body, driving the disease from the system, they kill the germs upon which disease depends, and preserve the healthy tissues. Liquid Ozone or Catarrh Vapor.-This most wonderful remedy was discovered by me after immense labor and time. As yet I have not revealed to any one the process of reducing this most powerful and eminently valuable agent to a liquid, thus rendering it available in all forms of disease. My reason for not publishing the process is, that having introduced more than one hundred new '•emedies to the profession, most of which they are now using, they have not had the manliness to accord me the credit which is my due. Moreover, I was the first man who ever taught the Germ Theory of Disease, and demonstrated the specific char- acter of the germs of each diseased condition, as well as the power of disinfectants to dispel them instantly. 10 WHAT IS DISEASE? Moulds, smuts and mildews, growing on meat, bread, fruit, butter, cheese, potatoes, &c., have a peculiar odor, and most of them are so small as to be seen only with a powerful microscope. The seeds or germs of these moulds are in the air, water and food. Great heat, strong acids, salt, alcohol, and all other highly ozonized sub- stances, prevent their growth. The germs of Consump- tion, Scarlet Fever, Dyspepsia, Cancer, Syphilis, Fevers, Skin Diseases, etc., are analogous to them. These germs, producing disease, are similar to those infesting potatoes, corn, fruit, &c. They have all been discovered by me, and each one is as well known to me as the difference between potatoes and corn. Thus, the germs which grow in the nose and throat, causing Catarrh, are as dif- ferent from those developing in the lungs, causing Con- sumption, as the mould growing upon the rye, causing smut rye, differs from that growing in potatoes, and occasioning potato rot. I claim to be the first and original discoverer of these facts, as well as the method for their artificial propagation, and the Ozo-Sulpho- Carbolates and Liquid Ozone for their positive cure and instant destruction. My labors date back to 1844, when I discovered the germs of Yellow P'ever. In 1849 I discovered the germs of Cholera, and from that time until the present I have devoted all my energies to the subject, and am still developing new facts. Every day I see my Thunder and my discoveries attributed t* others. I have no spare time to write books; but the book and journal plagiarists appropriate my hard earnings, and no doubt but quacks and medical mountebanks will en- deavor to purloin my remedies. Hence the profound secrecy which I have observed in their preparation. It must he remembered that all the positive antidotes, the Ozo-Sulpho-Carbolates, and the Liquid Ozone are put up in pound bottles for the profession; and in half- pound bottles, with full directions, for families: so that each patient can cure his own disease. The bottles are marked, " Prof. W. Paine," &c. NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT 11 MEDICAL & SURGICAL PRACTICE. Persons who can, should consult Prof. Paine in re- gard to their case before going under treatment; but those living at a distance may receive all the advantages of a personal consultation, by writing and giving name, age, whether married or single, length of time sick, con- dition of the bowels, &c., and by enclosing between two small pieces of white paper a little of the fur scraped from the base of the tongue. A careful microscopical examination will yield a perfect knowledge of the case; and the treatment can be sent either by mail or express. The Professor is acknowledged to be the greatest microscopist now living. Such is the perfection to which he has extended his microscopic researches, that, by the appearance of the Germs lodging upon the base of the tongue during respiration, he can actually deter- mine the nature and character of every disease, and thus prescribe a successful course of treatment. As an illustration of this fact, a lady sent him a small quantity of the fur from the base of the tongue in which he discovered the Cancer Germs, and, from their con- dition, he determined that they passed through the blood, and diagnosed the case as one of cancer of the breast; sent Liquid Ozone, and cured the case. In another instance he detected the Torula, or Dyspepsia Germ; in other cases, the Germs of Consumption, Scrofula, and other diseases; so that, he can determine the malady with the utmost precision. He will make these examinations and return the result of them, free of charge, thus rendering it optional with the patient as to taking treatment. He has also opened a large Institution, where patients can be accom- modated with board, baths, and the blue-glass cure; so that those who desire, may be under his personal man- agement. 12 NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT ALCOHOLISM. The various patho ogical effects of alcohol con- sidered as incident to a toxical condition of the animal economy, called alcoholism, and produces a disordered condition of the brain and nervous system, that is incompatible with sound mind or good health.- Whiskey, brandy, beer and all other intoxicating liquors if used continuously produce this species of insanity. This disease is cured by the free use of Prof. Paine's Ozone Liver Renovator Pills and Anti- Septic Powders. CATARRH VAPOR AND CATARRH. Catarrh is a disease of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat, and other portions of the body. It is usually associated with a weak constitution, feeble digestion, and irregular action of the bowels. Symptoms.-The symptoms of catarrh in the first stages bie, a discharge of a thin, light mucus, and a languid state of the system; in the second stage the discharge is thick and yellow, and, if from the nose, not unfrequently large pieces form and after a few days pass through the nose, produc ing a very offensive odor. In other cases the discharge passes down the back portion W SCHOOL 1 'REA TMEN7 13 of the throat into the air-tubes, or bronchi, into the lungs; or down the meat-pipe, or oesophagus, into the stomach, causing a cough, and disease of the lungs, and dyspepsia. If the disease be not cured, it terminates in nervous debility and consumption, in which cases the bones ot the nose become diseased. Cause.-Catarrh is caused by the growth of micro- scopic spores of some form of fungi, or mould on the mucous surface, which is always liable to take place when the vitality of the system is low, and the surround- ing circumstances are such as to favor the growth of those cryptogamous plants, the spores or seeds of which are always floating in great quantities in the air, and only require the proper condition for their development. These plants are filled with the germs of small animal- cules. See Fig. I, showing the algae as it appears when discharged from the nose in a case of catarrh. In the fibril may be noticed the germs of the Achorion Schon- leinii, which will hatch and become a living parasite pro- ducing catarrh. In bad cases a powerful microscope will reveal thousands of these living creatures in the matter, after it is discharged, moving and feeding upon these microscopic plants. Huge nests of these parasites and plants are sometimes discharged by forcibly blowing the nose. Treatment.-Catarrh can only be cured by a perse- vering and active course o' treatment. The nasal douche of salt and water, and catarrh snuff of carlrolic acid and blood-root, with all the other compounds prescribed by physicians and others, only afford temporary relief, as they will not kill either the alga? or the parasite upon which the disease depends. The Catarrh Vapor pos- sesses the power to destroy these, and it is the only com- pound that actual experiment has demonstrated will do it; hence, it should be used with the utmost freedom in all cases In most instances it is only necessary to inhale the vapor from the hand, a handkerchief, or a sponge; 14 REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. but in bad cases a table-spoonful may be added to a gill o( warm water and passed through the nose by snuffing up, or with a nasal douche, once or twice a day. At the same time one of the Antiperiodic Powders should be taken three or four times a day, and the Blood, Liver and Stomach Tonic taken before each meal and at bed- time. The Powders should be taken after, and the Tonic before meals, and in bad cases one-half teaspoon- ful of the Vapor should be taken in a tumblerful of water twice a day. It will require from three to six months to cure a case of Catarrh. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION AND BRONCHITIS. Consumption may be divided into four varieties : First, that *n which the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and upper air-tubes are the location of the disease ; sec- ond, in which the disease is confined to the lower and small air-tubes of the lungs; third, where the disease of the lungs is caused by an influx of blood, and a vitiated condition of the substance of the lungs; fourth, that in which the lungs are affected by deposits of tubercles. Causes.-The first form may be produced by tuber- cles deposited by the microscopic parasite, as theacorion; (represented in Fig. l), or it may be the result of expo- sure and colds. The second and third forms may be the result of simi- lar causes, while the fourth is always produced by micro- scopic parasites, pervading the air-tubes and substance of the lungs, depositing their spores in innumerable multi- tudes, and leaving the lungs filled with tubercles. The different varieties of tubercles are the result of different species of parasites. Symptoms.-The symptoms of the first form are, a discharge from the nose and throat (and is usually de- NE ir SC HO OL TREA TMENT 15 nominated catarrh), with derangement of the stomach and bowels, and general debility. The second form is characterized by sore throat, cough, expectoration, dyspepsia, irregularity of the bow- els, and debility. The third form is characterized by a cough, shortness of breath, chills and fever, copious expectoration, dys- pepsia, night sweats, and, in females, derangement of the monthly periods. In the fourth stage the disease may be either very slow or quite active, accompanied by a chronic cough, general languor, fatigue, pain in the back, shoulders and breast, aversion to meats and fats, and frequent attacks of colds; and, in the advanced stage, copious expec- toration, sometimes hemorrhages, great debility, difficult breathing upon taking exercise, chills and fever, night sweats, diarrhoea, swelling of the extremities, and other constitutional disturbances. Treatment.-In the early stage of all these forms of Consumption, a free use of the Catarrh Vaoor, the Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic, with an Antiperiodic Powder, three or four times a day, in connection with a liberal diet, as directed under the head of " Diet for Consump- tives," will insure a positive cure. In the third form of the disease, in addition to the above, it will be necessary to take a teaspoonful of the Cough Syrup three or four times a day, and where there is much soreness of the throat, a teaspoonful of the Acetic Syrup of Sanguinaria at bedtime. In the fourth stage of the disease, in connection with the above treatment, one pound of fresh beef, chopped fine, should be added to two quarts of whisky, and one tablespoonful taken five or six times a day. The chest, back and bowels should be bathed with the Catarrh Va- por every night and morning, and a handkerchief kept saturated with it, and inhaled night and day. The Cough Syrup may be used to relieve the cough, but the 16 REDUCED TO A SCIENCE, Catarrh Vapor, Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic, and Antiperiodic Powders are the only remedies discovered that will positively cure this form of Consumption; and they will, if freely used. DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia is the result of a disordered condition of the stomach, which prevents proper digestion of food. Cause.-The cause of dyspepsia is the development and growth of Torula and parasites in the stomach (as represented in Fig. 2, Fasciola gastra). FIG. 2.-FASCIOLA GASTRA. The spores are introduced with the food, and, when from any cause the stomach fails to destroy them, both Torula and parasites form in innumerable quantities and pervade the whole system. Symptoms -Flatulency, nervousness, palpitation of the heart, pain in the stomach, and sense of fullness, headache, a faint feeling at the stomach, and unrefresh- ing Sv 3ep. Treatment.-One half teaspoonful of the Catarrh Vapor before meals and at bedtime; Antiperiodic Powders three a day, taken one half hour after each meal. The stomach should be bathed three times a day with the Catarrh Vapor. (See rules for diet.) NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT 17 Neuralgia is caused by fungi and parasites in the blood. (See Fig. 3, Distoma Haematobium.) NEURALGIA. FIG. 3.-DISTOMA HAEMATOBIUM. Treatment,-One Antiperiodic Powder every hour, until twenty-five have been taken. Bathe affected parts freely with Catarrh Vapor. The powders should be re- peated every seven days, until an entire cure is effected. This treatment never fails to produce a positive cure, where it is accurately followed. LIVER COMPLAINT. Liver complaint is caused by various forms of parasites and .pores, whic±> make their way through the circula- tion into the liver, with the myriads of microscopic cryp- togamous plants (see Fig. 4, Fasciola Hepatica), upon which they feed. FIG. 4.-FASCIOLA HEPATICA. 18 REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. Symptoms.-Constipation, sallow complexion, bad taste in the mouth, headache, and soreness of the muscles. Treatment -One Antiperiodic Powder every hour until one box is taken. This should be followed by one Liver Renovator Pill, night and morning. The side should be bathed twice a day with the Catarrh Vapor. If the disease be not cured in four weeks, the Anti- periodic Powders should be repeated, as in the first in- stance, and so on until a cure is effected. Where there is debility, a teaspoonful of the Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic should be taken four times a day (as per directions on the bottle), and but one Liver Renovator Pill at night, with one-half teaspoonful of the Catarrh Vapor in water twice a day. , SCROFULA. Scrofula is caused by parasites in the lymphatic glands, (See Fig. 5, Sclerostoma Lymphatica.) FIG. -SCLEROSTOMA LYMPHATICA. Symptoms.-Swellings of the glands of the neck, armpits and other parts of the body. In some instances sores and abscesses are present. Tr*A3.tm Ant--The swelling should be bathed with the Catarrh Vapor four or five times a day. One Autipcri- AW W SCHO OL TREA TMENT. 19 odic Powder four times a day, together with one table- spoonful of the Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic three times a day. Where there are sores, one tablespoonful of the Catarrh Vapor should be added to a pint of water, and the sore kept constantly wet with it, and a teaspoon- ful of the Vapor in a tumblerful of water should be taken every morning. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism is caused by fungi and microscopic para- sites in the blood. It may be acute or chronic. Symptoms.-In the acute form are swelling and pain in the affected part, with fever, constipation of the bowels, etc. In the chronic form there are swelling, pain and stiffness. Treatment.-In the acute form, one of the Liver Renovator Pills should be given every hour until cathar- sis is produced. This should be followed by one Anti- periodic Powder every hour until twenty-five have been taken. The inflamed part should be bathed frequently with the Catarrh Vapor. If there be fever, the body should be bathed once or twice a day in hot soda water. In the chronic form, the Antiperiodic Powder should be given, as in the acute, and repeated every seven days, with sufficient Liver Renovators to keep the bowels open. Bathe the part frequently with the Catarrh Vapor, and give one teaspoonful every night. EPILEPSY AND OTHER FITS. AB forms of convulsions may be cured by the use of the Catarrh Vapor, the Liver Renovators, and Antiperi- odic lowders, as they result from local irritation, caused by the hatching and feeding of animalcules in some part of the body. In all periodical diseases, the Antiperiodic Powder will effect a cure, if used at intervals. For Fits, one should be taken every two hours until one box has been used; then omit for seven days, when they should be repeated 20 REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. IN OTHER FORMS USE. in the same manner until a cure is effected. During the intervals the Liver Renovators should be taken to keep the bowels open. The diet should consist exclusively of mush and milk, or bread and milk. Remedies, $15 per month. Cancers.-All forms of Cancer are the result of the growth ol fungi and parasites (see Fig. 6, Diatoma Scir- rhosa). Cancers, Tumors, and the so-called "Cancer FIG. 6.-DIATOMA SCIRRHOSA. Cells," are masses of living germs of fungi and animal- cules of the most poisonous and destructive species. And even with the great destroyers of fungi and parasitic formations, the Catarrh Vapor, Liver Renovators, and An- tiperiodic Pills, it requires the most active and persever- ing efforts to destroy these devourers of human life. Until our discoveries as to the true nature and cause of disease, this, as well as many other forms, have been un- successfully treated. Wherever a cancer tumor appears, the part should be bathed freely and frequently with the Catarrh Vapor; and in bad cases cloths should be wet with the Vapor and constantly applied. In case it is on the womb, a tablespoonful should be added to a gill of water, and injected five or six times a day. If it be in the stomach or liver in addition to inhal- ing it, twenty-five or thirty drops should be drunk in a NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT 21 tumblerful of water, four times a day. If it be an open cancer, lint, saturated with the Vapor, should be con- stantly applied, and one Antiperiodic Powder taken three times a day. The bowels should be kept regular by the Liver Renovators. This course, if perseveringly and accurately followed, will completely eradicate the worst form of Cancer. Diseases Of the Hair.-Grayness, Baldness, and diseases of the Scalp are produced by microscopic para- sites, that deposit their spores in the hair follicles and along the tube (see Fig. 7, Trychophyton Tonsurans). These are easily destroyed by applying the Catarrh Vapor four or five times a week. It restores the hair to its original color, and causes a fresh, vigorous crop to grow. Toothache.-Saturate a lint with the Catarrh Vapor and apply to the tooth. It will cure the toothache im- mediately. Headache.-Inhale the Catarrh Vapdr until relieved. For pains in various portions of the body, bathe with the same. For Corns and Bunions, apply a cloth saturated with the Catarrh Vapor every night on going to bed. P'OF. PAINE'S DEPOT. A fir-t c'ass temperance Hotel, for merchants, b 'siness men, tour- ists, invalids, and families. F20F. PAINE'S OTFICE. Hot and cold water. Elec- tric bells and baths through the en- tire house. HZEJLBOTTY' HOTEL. South Ninth St., Philada. ?■', $r-5° and $3 day. • PAINE, Fd D. OWNER. 22 HEIV SCHOOL TEE A TMENT Dysentery.-Dysentery is characterized by bloody discharges, accompanied by a bearing-d-wn pain. It is caused by a very poisonous parasite in the blood and rectum (see Fig. 3). To cure this disease, one teaspoon- ful of Catarrh Vapor should be added to one teacupful of water, and injected into the bowels, three or four times a day, and one Antiperiodic Powder given four times a day; also, one leaspoonful of Dysentery Syrup every two hours. The bowels should be bathed with the Ca- tarrh Vapor frequently. This course never fails to cure the disease, if resorted to promptly. Typhoid Fever.-In Typhoid Fever the parasites deposit their spores in the glands of the bowels. They are effectually destroyed by inhaling the Catarrh Vapor, and applying as a liniment; also, one Antiperiodic Powder four or five times a day. Small doses of Macro- tin, and half teaspoonful doses of Vapor should b?given freely. Diabetes, Bright's, and other Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder.-All these diseases are effectually cured by bathing the parts freely with the Catarrh Vapor, and by the use of the Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic and an Antiperiodic Powder (one three times a day), in connection with one teaspoonfid of the Kidney and Bladder Specific every two or three hours. The Kidney Specific will also cure Gravel, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, and all forms of chronic inflammation of the Kidneys and Bladder. Asthma, Hay-Fever, etc.-Inhale the Catarrh Vapor freely, and take one Antiperiodic Powder every two hours until a cure is effected. Hooping-COUgh.-Pin a napkin around the neck and keep it constantly saturated with the Catarrh Vapor, Croup.-Inhale the Catarrh Vapor freely. Give one Antiperiodic Powder every three hours, and a teaspoon- ful of the Acetic Syrup of Sanguinaria every half hour. REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. 23 Cramps and Cramp Colic.-Bathe the parts freely with Catarrh Vapor, and if there be vomiting and purg- ing, add ten drops to a tcaspoonful of Neutralizing Cor- dial, and give every half hour. Sprains.-Bathe the parts freely with the Catarrh Vapor. Wens, StyS, and other tumors are easily cured by applying the Catarrh Vapor. Pleurisv, and other inflammatory diseases are cured by the use ot the Catarrh Vapor and Antiperiodic Pow- ders. The Vapor should be applied externally, followed by hot packs, and one of the Powders given every two or three hours. Constipation.-This disease is cured by taking one of the Liver Renovator Pills night and morning, and observing as prescribed under the Rulesand Regulations of Diet. Trichina, or Pork Disease.-This disease is caused by a parasite called the Trichinae (see Fig. 14). FIG. 14.-TRICHINA. It is cured by the Antiperiodic Powders, one every two hours and forty drops of the Catarrh Vapor in a table- spoonful of water every hour. The whole body should be bathed with the Vapor four or five times a day, and the diet exclusively bread and milk. Pimples, and Eruptions of the Face and Body.-They are caused by a parasite in the skin (see Fig. 15, Entozoon Folliculorum). A free use of the 24 HEW SC HO OL TREA TMEN T FTG. 15.-ENTOZOON FOLLICULORUM. Catarrh Vapor, by bathing and inhalation, will effectually eradicate them. Deafness.-It is cured by bathing around the ear with the Catarrh Vapor, and one teaspoonful added to a teacupful of warm water, and the ear sponged with it freely during the day. Use the Liver Renovators freely. NE W SCHOOL TREA TMENT 25 (Fig. II, Anguillulidae) are destroyed by giving one tea- spoonful of the Worm Syrup three or four limes a day. Tape-worms (Fig. 12) are easily removed by adding two FIG. 12.-TAPE-WORM. ounces of the bark from the Pomegranate root to one pint of hot water; make a tea, and drink at two doses, one hour apart. This should be immediately followed by one Liver Renovator Pill every half hour, until it acts as a cathartic. During the passage of the worm, care should be taken not to break it before it is all expelled. If the first treatment fails to remove all portions of the parasite, itshould be repeated every ten days until a cure is effected. Fevers.-Fever and Ague, Intermittent, Remittent Bilious, Yellow and Typhus fever are ail caused by fungi and parasitic accumulations in the blood and tissues of the body (Fig. 13, Fasciola Miasmatica), and arc almost FIG. 3.-FASCIOLA MIASMATICA. miraculously cured by the Antiparasitic treatment, for Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever, one of the Anti- 26 REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. Rules and Regulations of Diet, etc.-In Ca- tarrh, Consumption, and Scrofula, the diet should consist of a liberal mixture of animal and vegetable food, such as Beef, Mutton, Poultry, and salt and fresh Pork; vege- tables, such as Tomatoes, Beans, Peas, Onions, Corn, etc. Ripe and preserved Fruits may also be taken freely. Cream, Milk, and weak Tea and Coffee, may be taken where the patient has been in the habit of using them. Sugar also may be freely used; but Cakes, Pies, Con- fections, and Ice Cream should never be indulged in. Boiled Rice or Wheat, with cream and sugar, may be used. In Dyspepsia, rare Beef, and Mutton Chops well cooked, with Boiled Wheat and Grapes, should be the principal diet. Vegetables of nearly all kinds, as well as Tea and Coffee, should not be indulged in. • Drink freely with the meals. The only vegetable that can be used freely in dyspepsia is the Tomato. All kinds of pastry and confections are injurious For Liver Disease, Beans, Peas, Boiled Wheat and lean Beef or Mutton may be used. No sweets or pastry of any kind may be indulged in without injury. A little sour Wine or Cider with the meals may be beneficial. For Nervous Diseases Boiled Wheat and Milk is the best diet. The Wheat may be also used with cream and sugar. Fresh Fish, Peas, Beans and Baked Potatoes, with lean Beef or Mutton, may be taken once or twice a day. In Cancer, all fat or greasy substances should be omitted. In Rheumatism and Neura.gia, Onions and lean Beef are the best diet. In all skin diseases salt Fish should be avoided. In Fevers, boiled Milk is the only nourishment that should be allowed. In diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, all food containing grease or sugar should be omitted. REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. 27 Sour Stomach and Cholera Infantum.-They can be cured by the Neutralizing Cordial. Dose, one teaspoonful three or four times a day. Price, 50 cents per bottle. Scald Head--Cured by washing the head once or twice a day with the Catarrh Vapor. Skin Diseases.-All varieties of skin diseases are the result of lichens and parasitic growth, and are effectu- ally cured by frequently bathing the part in Catarrh Vapor, and taking one Antiperiodic Pill three or four times a day. Treatment, $15 per month. Poisons.-All forms of poisoning of the surface of the body, either by poisonous vines, insects or animals, are immediately cured by bathing the part freely with Catarrh Vapor. Itch, Head Lice and other Insects of the Body (see Fig. 9, Pediculosus capitis; Fig. 10, Pediculosus pubis, and Fig. 16, Acarus scabiei) are immediately destroyed by applying the Catarrh Vapor. FIG. 9.-PEDICULOSUS CAPITIS. FIG. IO.-PEDICULO- SUS PUBIS. Tan, Freckles, etc.-All forms of discoloration of the skin are remedied by bathing with the Catarrh Vapor and using the Antiperiodic Pills. 28 ZT-E'JK SCHOOL TREATMENT All fevers are characterized by increase of tempera- ture or heat of the body, loss of appetite, headache, constipation, irregular pulse and a g ■t eral disturb- ance of the functions of the body Fever is called intermittent when it lasts for a few hours only and returns. Remittent, when it does not leave the sys- tem altogether, but comes on more severe inf spells. Typhoid, when there are nervous symptoms. Bilious when the liver is out of order, etc. Causes.-Debility and a negative condition of the system, allowing the development of parasitic matter in the blood and tissues of the body. Treatment.-First, evacuate the stomach by hot water, salt and water, lobelia and composition tea or some other mild emetic. Then give one-half teaspoonful of Antidote i.i a wine glass of water every half hour or hour until the fever subsides After which give one Antiseptic Powder every hour in a tablespoonful of cold coffee or a teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice, until two boxes are taken. This should be followed bv one Liver Renovator Pill every two hours until the bowels are moved freely. After which, if there is fever, give a few drops of Antidote in a little water, if there are nervous or typhoid symptoms, a teaspoonful of Nerve Tonic should be given If the patient is weak give the Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic. If the kidneys are affected, the Bladder and Kidney Specific. Headache should be relieved by bathing with equal parts of Catarrh Vapor and hot water, and the whole body should be bathed once a day in hot water with a little soda or Catarrh Vapor in it. In bad fevers it may be necessary to repeat the powders two or three times. In typhoid fever the bowels frequently become loose, in which event, the Cholera and Dysentery Mixture should be used and the pills omitted. FEVBR8. INFLAMMATION. Inflammation is determination of blood to some pait of the body, causing increased redness, heat, pain and swelling. It is generally caused by blood poisoning, and can be cured with the Antiseptic Powders, Liver Renovator Pills, and frequently bath- ing the body in hot water and Catarrh Vapor. If it REDUCED TO SCIENCE. is inflammation of the lungs-lung fever-the Anti- dote and Cough Syrup should be used freely, and the chest frequently bathed with Catarrh Vapor. In case of inflammation of the lower bowels, as in dys- entery, the Cholera and Dysentery Mixture in con- nection with Catarrh Vapor should be used freely as an injection. Say one teaspoonful of Cholera and Dysen.tery Mixture and one teacupful of thin, warm starch water. This may be repeated two or three times a day. In local inflammation, caused by, in- juries, etc., but little more is necessary than to keep the parts wet with Catarrh Vapor. 29 NERVOUS DISEASES. These conditions of the nerves are produced by bad habit-, such as the use. of tobacco, rum, beer, tea, coffee, opium, chloral, and o her poisons. Or from youthful indiscretion, over study, novel reading, im- proper diet blood poisoning, the growth of parasitic matter in the tissues, or a too heavy strain upon the mental faculties from any cause. Treatment.-No medicine will cure bad habits, hence they should be corrected The nerves can be strengthened by a liberal use of the Nerve Tonic Syrup; say one tablespoonful five or six times a day, or three or four of the S. P. Pills may be used during the day. If from youthful bad habits the body should be bathed in vinegar and salt and water two or three times a week, and the S. P, Pills used freely, and in all cases plenty of rest and regular habits are imper- ative. If there is blood poisoning or malaria the Antiseptic Powders, Liver Renovate'- Pills and Liquid Ozone, should be used in connection with the above treatment. OUR MEDICINES. After our discovery of the germs of disease, the manner of their development, and the symptoms they create, our attention was directed to remedies for th-4r destruction; as the old method of puking, purging, sweating, and tl e homoeopathic method bad proved inefficient in our hands Not that these prac- tices failed entirely to cure disease in many instances but their uncertainty seemed to demand a more speedy atjd sure method. Our observation soon de- 30 termined the fact, that all the more potent remedies such as quinine chloral, e her, arsenic, lead, zinc, copper, mercury, as well as the most of the active vegetable remedies, owed their curative powers to their antiseptic properties, or their power to arrest the growth and destroy the life of the disease creat- ing germs; and our subsequent experiments have demonstrated our first observation to be correct. Hence we have arranged a Materia Medica, composed of antiseptics to destroy the germ or septic matter, together with diuretics purgatives, etc., etc., to kill the disease and expel it from the body at the same time. We have prepared these remedies ready for use, thus saving the patient the necessity of going to a drug store to get them manufactured and com- pounded. They are no patent medicines, but simply scientific preparations, ready for use. This is in ac- cordance with the spirit of enterprise and advance- ment, and compares with ready-made clothing, boots and shoes and other articles of wearing apparel, as well as food, etc. Some object to ttiese remedies be- cause they do not know of what they are composed or do not understand the process of their manufac- ture. Who knows how castor oil is made? or pare- goric, quinine, chloroform, morpnine, etc. No one objects to using these articles because not being able to understand how to make them. We claim that the time is past when a sick man or woman can afford to wait to send fcr a doctor, answer his inquiries as to what is the matter, then send to the drug store for some boy, perhaps, to compound and put up a medi- cine, have it brought, and then wait till the next day for a repetition of the same performance, the doctor coming and going each day to inquire if the patient is killed or cured, until he dies or wears out the dis- ease. To avoid this necessity, our remedies are all compounded with explicit directions on each package for their use in all forms of disease to which they are adapted. Catarrh Vapor.-Prof. Paine's Catarrh Vapor has now been used for upward of ten years by many thousands of physicians and patients. Not a single failure to produce all that it is designed toaccomplish has ever been known. It is the only compound of ozone extant, and cannot by any possible neglect in NEW SCHOOL TREATMENT RED UCED TO SCIENCE 31 its application fail to produce curative effects, and destroy all traces of germ poisoning, and thus pre- vent the contagion of epidemics from infesting those who are exposed to it. Instance after instance have occurred where children bathed with Catarrh Vapor, and wearing a napkin saturated with it around their throats, have escaped scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles and diphtheria, though other members of the same family, living in the same house, were sick with one of those terrible complaints. It will cure, if used in connection with the antidote to acute diseases and the Antiseptic Powder or Pills, every case of scarla- tina, diphtheria, croup, measles, small pox or chicken pox. It should be used to bathe the entire person in every case of fever. It will cure erysipelas, car - buncles, and all kinds of abscesses. It cures all kinds of skin diseases caused by insects burrowing in the skin, such as itch, tetter, ring worm, scald head, bar- ber's itch, salt rheum, or eczema, pruritis or intoler- able itching and all those complaints which have been the opprobrium of the profession. It cures female diseases. It cures cancer and other malignantgrowths. It removes wens, tumors, and other excrescences from the body. It cures corns, bunions, and tender feet. It removes tan, freckles, and spots or stains on the sKin. It takes away tartar from the teeth, and restores them to pearly lustre. It cures nervousness, headache, neuralgia. Many ladies keep it on hand to bathe the forehead when fatigued. It is an ads mirable toilet agent. Above all other uses, however, is its supe lative never-failing virtue of curing catarrh, bronchitis, and consumption. Prof. Paine's Antiseptic Powders or Pills have become as widely appreciated as the Catarrh Vapor. They are perfectly identical, but prepared so as to suit the preferences of patients. *They are as positive cure for all the diseases for which they are recommended as food is for the hun- gry. They cure every form of malarial poisoning, whether it occurs as the Shakes, Fever and Ague, Ins termftlent, Remittent or Bilious Fever. In these fevers one powder should be taken every two hours, the antidote to acute diseases should be given during the fever, and after it is broken one should betaKen three times a day, until the health is fully restored. 32 NEW SCHOOL SYSTEM The Antiseptic Powder or Pill should be given in croup, diphtheria, small-pox,scarlet fever, erysipelas, carbuncles, and all forms of diseases attended by a low or prostrated condition of the system. They are the most active invigorator and powerful tonic known, and cure debility in its many forms, impart- ing tone, energy and endurance to the body, and courage, cheerfulness and hope to the mind. For such purposes one should be taken every three hours. Enough cannot be said in their favor as there is scarcely a case of acute or chronic disease that does not require their use. We have hundreds of testi- monials from persons in malarious climates who have been cured of fevers by them. They are infallible in rheumatism. Prof. Paine's IRiver Renovator Pill.- Like all the combinations designed and manufactured by him, stand alone in their wholesome results. They are not purgative in the ordinary manner in which these medicines act, but destroy the germs of disease, substitute healthy for unhealthy action and carry off the poisoned secretions from the system. They do not leave the habit of constipation behind, nor do they destroy the appetite, weaken, depressor produce any inconvenience or distress, but afford a much des sired benefit In every way. Dose -For a full effect of their virtues one pill should be taken every hour until relieved. One pill must be taken at bedtime nightly, in every case, so as to remove f o:n the system the remains of the germs and the unhealthy secretions of morbid organs. They always go with the Catarrh Vapor, Antiseptic Powders or Pills and S. P Pills, Prof.Paine's Antidote to Aente Biseases is simply what its name imports, and should be given in ail fevers and other acute affections. Its action is magical, and controls and subdues the most active fever and violent i flammation. Typhoid fever, yel- low fever, measl- s, small-nox, and all other danger- ous and violent diseases of this class will be cured by its use. A teaspoonful of the Antidote should be given every hour. Prof. Paine's Neutralizing Cordial is the true mother's panacea. It cures sour stomach, vomit- ing, sickness, and bowel complaints. It is kept handy by thousands of families who still the cries of childs ren suffering from colie, wind, or summer complaints, by a few drops of this pleasant cord; al. Itcures heart- Disease, caused by flatulency or indigestion, ner- vous prostration, and all other complaint- dependent upon a disordered condition of the stomach. Prof Paine's Nerve Tonic Syrup is a spe- cific for neivous weakness, fits, inability to sleep, nervous prostration, and ail other forms of disease dependent uoon a lack of nerve power. Prof. Paine's S. P. Pilis are more especially adapted for nervous prostration of the young, whether boys or gills, suffering from mental or physical exhaustion from whatever cause. Prof. Paine's Cough Syrup is the most pos tent remedy for c< ughs, colds and difficulties of the throat ever yet discovered. He has used this remedy for nearly forty years and in every instance where a cough medicine is Indicated it has proved highly beneficial. Proi. Paine's Acetic Syrup of Nanguin> aria or Blood Root. This is the medicine that has acquired such extensive reputation for curing croup, diphtheria and sore throatjin my own practice I have used it in more than a thousand cases of pseudo- membraneous croup and diphtheria with entire sue" cess and many other physicians who have us jd instate that they never knew it to fail to give relief or effect a permanent cure. It is pleasant and easy for child- ren to take. Prof. Paine's Bladder and Kidney Specific.-This is a scientific prescription and has cured more cases of Brights disease of the Kidneys than any other remedy we ever knew Prof. Paine's Cholera and Dysentery M ixture is a perfect specific for Cholera, Cholera Moi bus and Dysentery. Prof. Paine's Tonic Tea is a great Tonic to the Stomach, adapted to all cases of indigestion and debility of the stomach. Prof. Paine's Blood. Stomach and Diver Tonic is a great Blood Purifier and strengthens in all cases of the Stomach, Blood and Liver, it is a perfect panacea. Prof. Paine's Breast Protector, Glass Syringe for male and female for the use of the Ozone. All for sale by first-class druggists and at his office 250 South 9th Street. A TESTIMONIAL. The following is an extract from a letter from the very eminent lawyer, D. B. Dudley, LL.D., of 52 Broadway, New York, received June 8th, 1882: Prof. W. Paine, M. D. Dear -Sir:-Agreeably to your suggestion I write to let you know how I am progressing under your treatment. From the very day that I began using the hand douche in the simple manner shown to me by yourself, with a mixture of one-half of Catarrh Vapor or Ozone, and one-half water, the result has been remark- able. The decrease in the amount of fungus being at least seventy-five per cent.,and after the first douche I noticed no more of the blood tinged matter from the head. For mv indigestion I am taking your Anti-Septic Powders and Tonic Tea, though 1 have some ot the old flatulency it is not nearly to the extent of interfering with my breathing and distressing me that 1 had prior to using your medicines. Very respectfully yours, D B Dudley, 52 Broadway, N.Y. We have thousands of testimonials, of which the above is a sample, from lawyers, judges, doctors of divinity, and doctors of medicine, testifying to the wonderful power of my Catarrh Vapor or Liquid Ozone to cure diseases, as well as my other remedies. Some of the most wonderful cures of Catarrh, Consumption, Dyspepsia and Cancer that have ever been recorded are among the cases reported to me by the use of my medicines. HOME TREATMENT. We are prepared to furnish full and complete outfits for the treatment of all chronic diseases by the month, for from 810. to $ >0.,according to amount of medicine reqi ired, OFFICE PRACTICE. lamin mv office, 250 Soutii Ninth Street, for personal attention and the treatment of disease, from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. I also have able Physicians and Surgeons in atten- dance to assist me in my practice. Patients can receive treatment wit board and attendance, including the Dis- infecting Treatment, or they can receive treatment with- out board as (hey desire Diseases of the Fye, Ear, Throat, Lungs, and Nervous System a specialty. OUR SANITARIUM. I have established a Sanitarium in connection with my practice, where patients can receive board, and all forms of my disinfecting baths and treatment, and have sold my interest in Michigan, so that 1 will devote all my time to my business in Philadelphia., have also largely increased mv facilities for manufacturing my Medicines, so that I will be able to supply not only families but physicians and the trade. My large work on the Practlceor Medicine and my New School Remedies are acknowledged to be among the most, able medical productions of the age, and are for sale at my Laboratory. Agents for the sale of my Medi- cines and Books wanted in every town and city in the United States. For particulars address, PROF. W. PAINE, M.D., 250 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TESTIMONIALS. II. M. Cash, Gibson Station. Ohio, writes:- " I have faith in you and your medicines, and wish you, as you deserve, the largest success." Dr. McDougal, Oneonta, N. Y., writes:- " I have all confidence in your compounds. Indeed I am indebted to you for my success as a physician." Dr. Ilarey, Bellevue, Ohio, writes:- "Allow me to congratulate you. Your Catarrh Vapor and Blood, Stomach and Liver Tonic were by me very thoroughly tested; they acted decidedly to the best satis- faction of anything I ever tried." Dr, Band, Crete, Nebraska, writes:- " I shall do my best to introduce your medicines here, for I am satisfied that if once tried they will give satisfac- tion. I can, with confidence, recommend them." Dr. J. F. Forman, New Port, E. Tenn., writes:- "Your 'New School Remedies,' are truly great improve ments. I am glad to know that so learned a work is made plain, that we may no longer remain in darkness." Dr. Julius Wilcox, Centreton, N. J., writes:- "Please send me 12 bottles of your B. S. <t L. Tonic. It is proving itself a most excellent medicine. I accident- ally became acquainted with a young lady, who had been under treatment for months, and had become discouraged. We prevailed upon her to try your tonic, and she has sent twice sincefir more. Oh, what a change in her! others see it, and now they arc beginning to call for it. PROF. W. PAINE'S Antiseptic Treatment. We have long believed that a man or woman could be disinfected as readily and effectually as ships, houses, clothing, etc A ship is detained at quaran- tine. The crew is affected with contagious diseases, are sent to the hospi al to die, while the ship and cargo are disinfected, cured and sent on t'-eu'mission. Why not disinfect t he crew? With a view to disin- fect persons, i have estabished in connection with my laboratory, in the rec of the Peabody Hotel, rooms where persons are disinfected by first being heated, their surface being cleansed, then introduced .nto a room, thoroughly charged with antiseptics. They are then treated, manipulated, and ever vess tage of disease destroyed arid driven iron) the body. F<>r particulars of the treatment, ad cress, PROF. Wo PAINE, No. 250 South Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA.