■ B lH H iH HHHD HB1 UK 111 ■ IIbJ .'■s.v.-*^VJt» ' ■■■■■■ *lv'>■•?■* ■■■■I HUH I HI PCXBKET BOOK OF MBDIGINE — and-- Perpetual Visiting List. BEING A COMPENDIUM OF DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT, POISONS AND THEIB ANTIDOTES, URINALYSIS, AND CON- TAINING A TABLE OF DOSFS, MANY ELEGANT PRE- SCRIPTIONS, ETC., DEVISED AND COMPILED — BY — D. Tod Gilliam, M. D. COLUMBUS, O.: Cott & Hann, Publishers. 1881. VI3 C c. \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by D. TOD GILLIAM, M. D., In the Office.of ihe Librarian of Congress, at Washington. v. TABLE OP SIGNS. . Service to be rendered. o Office service or prescription. | Visit. || Second visit. |n Night visit. V Vaccination. O Obstetric case. 9- Consultation. M Memorandum to be entered on the blank page, giving name and date, and describing the transaction. INDEX. PAGE Asphyxia............................. 3 Poisons and their Antidotes.......... 4 Urinalysis............................ 7 Metric System........................ 9 Table of Doses....................... 10 Diseases and their Remedies.......... 24 Table of Signs........................ 116 ASPHYXIA. Treat the patient on the spot. Admit fresh air; place him in the recumbent position and endeavor to excite respiration. The means used will be the alternate brisk friction of the face and chest and then dashing on cold water ; stimulating vapors as of ammonia and veratrine passed under the nose, electricity. These failing, or rather than lose valuable time immediately use Howard's Method. 1. Turn the patient face downward with a large, firm roll of clothing under the stomach and chf;st. 2. Press with all your weight two or three times, for four or rive seconds each time, upon the patient's back so that the water is pressed out of the lungs and stomach and drains freely downward out of the mouth. 3. Turn the patient face up, the roll of clothing put under his back just below the shoulder blades, the head hanging back as far as possible. 4. Place the patient's hands together above his head. 5. Kneel with the patient's hips between your knees. 6. Fix your elbows against your hips. 7. Now, grasping the lower part of the patient's chest squeeze the two sides together, pressing gradually forward with all your weight for about three sec- onds, until your mouth is nearly over the mouth of the patient. 8. Now. with a push, suddenly jerk yourself back. 9. Rest about three seconds then begin again. 10. Repeat the movements about eight or ten times a minute. The above is as applicable to the other forms of asphyxia as from drowning. Marshall Hall's Method Consists in , rolling the patient alternately on his face and side making pressure along the spine while in the prone position. Sylvester's Method Consists in alternately compressing the abdomen and chest walls so as to expel the air, and then drawing 4 pocket book of medicine. the hands from the side upward and outward to cause inspiration. Mouth to Mouth Inflation of the lungs is efficient provided the stomach be compressed at the same time to prevent its disten- sion by the air passing down the agsonhagus. All maneuvers for artificial respiration should not exceed eight or ten in the minute. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. Acids. Acetic, ] Citric, Hydrochloric, Give largely of chalk or calcined mag- Nitric, nesia, preferably in milk. Solutions Oxalic, f of soap or carbonate (baking) soda. Phosphoric, Mucilaginous drinks or oils. Sulphuric, \ Tartaric, J Aconite. Evacuate the stomach. Internal and external stim- ulation. Digitalis. Alcohol. Evacuate the stomach. Ammonia by inhalation. Cold affusion. Electricity. Antimony Tartrate. Vegetable astringents such as infusions of tannic acid. Galls. Oak bark. Arsenic. Hydrated peroxide of iron or dialysed iron frequently and largely. Equal parts of sugar and magnesia. Charcoal. Ammonia by inhalation. Cold affusions. Artificial respiration. Atropia. See Belladonna. Belladonna. Emetics and Cathartics. Cold to the head. Internal and external stimulation. Opium the physiological antidote. Brucia. See Nux Vomica. poisons and their antidotes. 5 Calabar Bean. Evacuate the stomach Atropia is the physiological antidote. Give it hypodermically. Cannabis Indica. Hot stimulating drinks. Lemon juice or other vege- table acid. Sleep is beneficial. Cantharides. Emetics. Castor oil. Copious demulcent drinks. Carbolic Acid. Saccharated lime. Milk. Mucilaginous drinks. Oils. Chloral. Warmth to the surface. Strong coffee. Alcoholic stimulants. Ammonia. Atropia. Strychnia hypo- dermically. Electricity. Artificial respiration. Chloroform. Invert the body and keep in that position persistently. Draw the tongue forward. Use galvanism and artificial respiration Digitalis and atropia hypoder- mically. Colchicum Emetics, demulcents. For Coma. Brandy, Ammonia Coffee. CoNIUM Emetics. Internal and external stimulation. Copper Salts. Emetics. Milk and white of egg which form insoluble compounds. Corrosive Sublimate. White of egg. Milk. Wheat flour in large quantities. Creosote. Evacuate the stomach and give largely of mucila- ginous drinks. Croton Oil. Emetics. Demulcent drinks. Opium. Digitalis. Emetics. Recumbent position. Stimulants internally and externally. Vegetable infusions containing tannin to render inactive the active principle. Ether. Fresh air. Cold affusion. Artificial respiration. Hydrocyanic Acid. Fresh air. Cold affusion. Artificial respiration 6 pocket book of medicine. Electricity. Freshly precipitated oxide of iron, fol- lowed by solution of carbonate of potassa. Hyoscyamus. Lemon juice and other means employed in Bella- donna. Iodine. Starch or flour in water. Lead Salts. The sulphates from insoluble sulphate of lead ; hence sulphate of zinc for an emetic. Sulphate of magnesia, or soda, followed by opium and milk. Lobelia. Copious draughts of warm water to wash out the stomach, then stimulants. Morphia. See 0/>iitii>. Moshrooms. After thorough emesis chloroform in mucilage. Opium. Evacuate the stomach. (Jive strong coffee, brandy, inhalations of ammonia Use cold affusion, elec- tricity, flagellation, atropia hypodermic-ally and keep the patient in motion. Nux Vomica. Evacuate the stomach. Chloroform by inhalation. Chloral in drachm doses. Morphia hypodermically. Knemata of decoction of tobacco one part to twenty. Phosphorus. Emetics, preferably sulphate of copper. Copious draughts of milk or water with magnesia. Turpentine but no oils. Poison Ivy, Lead water. Black wash, Vegetable astringents. Best of all fluid extract of grindellia #one ounce to six ounces water. Potash and Soda Salts Vinegar, Lemon juice, Acetic or citric acid diluted, Oils and demulcent drinks. Shell Fish. Emetics. Chloroform in half drachm doses in mucilage. Stramonium. Same as Belladonna. urinalysis. 7 Strychnia. See Nux Vomica. Tobacco. Emetics. Hot milk punch, general stimulation. Veratrum. Emetics- Stimulants, Opiates, Tannin. Venomous Bites and Stings. Ligature above the 'wound. Cauterization of the wound. Brandy, Whisky, Ammonia. Bathe the wound with aqua ammonia. Zinc Salts. Emetics, Carbonate of Soda. Demulcents by mouth and rectum. Tannin. URINALYSIS. Albumen, Chlorides, Mucus, Phosphates, Pus, Sugar, Urates, Urea. Albumen. Heat. Slightly acidulate with acetic acid if not already acid, then boil the urine in a test tube. Turbidity indicates albumen or earthy phosphates. Now add a few drops of Nitric Acid. If earthy phosphates the turbidity dis- appears, if albumen it remains. If the acid alone be used a turbidity would indicate either albumen or the urates, but heat dispels the latter. Thus— Heat- dissolves urates and precipi-^) tates phosphates. ! Both coagulate Nitric Acid dissolves phosphates j albumen. and precipitates urate. J Chlorides. Nitrate of Silver. Add to the suspected urine a few drops of solution of nitrate of silver; a precipitate indicates ch'orides or phosphates. Now add— Nitric Acid in small quantity. This will dispel the phosphates, but does not affect the chlorides which subside to the bottom as chloride of silver. 8 pocket hook of medicine. Mucus. If the urine be left standing the mucus will gather in cloudy masses. Acetic Acid coagulates it. Mineral acids also coagulate when very dilute, but re- dissolve it if strong. Phosphates. Earthy phosphates may impart cloudiness to freshly voided urine, or after the application of heat. Nitric Acid re-dissolves them. Alkaline phosphates precipitate on adding solution of Nitrate of Silver. The precipitate is yellow and disappears on the addition of Nitric Acid. Pus. Liquor potassa added to pus converts it into a gela- tinous mass. The Microscope reveals the pus globules. Sugar. Specific Gravity of 1030 or upwards is strong pre- sumptive evidence. Moore's Test. Liquor potassa should be added in quantity equal to half that of the urine, then Heat to the boiling point; a yellowish brown or darker color indicates sugar. Trommer's Test. Sulphate of Copper in solution should be added to the urine in quantity sufficient to impart a bluish tinge. Now add Liguor potassa in quantity equal to half of that of the urine Then Heat to the boiling point. A yellow precipitate indicates sugar. Urea. Place a few drops of urine in a watch crystal; add a drop of Nitric Acid. Heat carefully until evaporated, then examine residue under the Microscope. Urea will be indicated by its character- istic six-sided prisms. METRIC SYSTEM. 9 METRIC SYSTEM IN PRESCRIP- TION WRITING. In prescribing you will use only the Gram (Gm.) and the Cubic Centimeter (C. C); the former for meas- uring by weight, and the latter for measuring by volume, as in the measuring of liquids. One C. C. of water weighs one Gm.. hence they are ordinarily considered as equivalents. But a C. C. of a fluid heavier than water, as a syrup, a mineral acid, or chloroform, will weigh more than a Gm. ; and conversely a fluid liiihter than water, as ether, will weigh less than a Gm. Hence, it is safe to use Gm.s for weight measure and C. C.s for volume measure. A Gm. is equal to 15 grains—Apothecaries' measure —therefore equal to J of a drachm. A C. C. is equal to 15 minims—Apothecaries'measure - therefore equal to \ of a fluid drachm. Hence, 4 Gm.s=l drachm, and 4 C. C.s—1 fluid drachm. Now, the only other thing to remember is to express the fractions of a Gm. or a C. C. in decimals, that is, in tenths, hundredths, etc. It is customary to draw a ver- tical line between the whole numbers and decimals of of Gm.s and C. C.s, to prevent mistakes, thus: Gm. 2 I 05 which means 2 and T%-$ Qm.s. C. C. 3 I 5 which means 3 and y% C. C.s. The above, while not absolutely exact, is practically correct. POCKET HOOK Ol MEDICINE. TABLE OP DOSES. Acet, distillat............................................................1 to 2 f 1. dr Aeet. lobelise..........................................................30 to 60 min Acet. opii...................................................................7 to 10 min Aeet. sanguinar.......................................................i5 to "0 min Acet. scillae................................................................15 to 40 min Acid acet- dil..........................................................lto2fl. dr Acid- arsenios.........................................................I-60 to .'•« gr Acid, benzoic...............................................................5 to 1> gr Acid, boric .............................................................5 to in gr Acid, cnrbnlic............................................................1 to 3 gr Acid, citric.......................................... ...............10 to 30 gr Acid, gallic {";"""'";;";;7.!!!!!;.\\\""l0 to"6b gV/in'aibum°inurfa Acid, hydriodic...........................................................15 to 30 gr Acid, hydrobromic..................................................40 gr. to 2 dr Acid, hydrocyan dil.....................................................2 to 8 min Acid, lactic...........................................................1 to 3 dr Acid. mur. cone....................................................3 to 10 gr Acid, muriat dil.......................................................10 to 30 min Acid. nitr. cone...........................................................3 to 10 gr Acid, nitromur. cone. .................................................3 to lo gr Acid, nitr. dil........................................................... 10 to 30 min Acid, nitromur. dil..................................................5 to 2tt min Acid, phosphoric dil..............................................10 to 60 min Aci'l. pbosph. glac........................................................ lto2gr Acid, salicylic......................... ............................5 to 15 gr Acid, sulph. arom......................................................5 to 30 min Acid, sulph. cone..........................................................5 to 15 gr Acid, sulph. dil.......................................................5 to 30 min Acid, sulphuros.......................................................30 t» 60 min Acid, tannic.................................................................2 to K) gr Aci.l. tartaric.............................................................10 to 30 gr Acnnitia..............................................................1-400 to 1-50 gr Aether fortior........................................... ..............2u to 40 miu Aether acetic........................................................20 to 40 min Aloe barbad...............................................................2 to 4 gr Aloe purificata...............................................................2 to • gr Aloe socotrina.......;.......................................................--3 to 6 gr Aloinum...................................................................... -,A to 3 gr Alumen ..........................................................■........... 0 to lo gr Ammoniacum...........................................................JO to M gr Ainuionii benzoas.......... .................................10 to 20 gr Ammonii bromid.....................................................' to 20 gr Ammonii carb..........................................................--3 to 0 gr Ammonii chlorid........ ........................................10 to 40 sr Ammonii iodid.....................................................-2 to 5 gr Amnionii phospb.........................................................5 to 20 gr Ammonii picras........................................................K*t0in r Ammonii valer............................................................& to HI gr TABLE OF DOSES. I I Amyl nitris.............................................................2 to 5 min . „ f........................Diaphoretic, 1-16 to 1-6 gr Ant. et pot tartar.... [.......................................Emetic 1 to a gr Antimonii oxid...........................................................1 to 3 gr Antim. oxysulphur.......................................................1 to 5 gr Ant. sulphurat..............................................................1 to 5 gr Apomorpbia..........................................................1-20 to 1 10 gr Aqua ammonisB......................................................10 to 20 min Aqua am. amar........................................................3 to 4 fl. dr Aqua anisi..............................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Aqua aurant. flor........................................■..............% to 1 fl. oz Aquacamphorae...................................................lA to 2 fl. oz Aqua cnrui..........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Aqua chlorini.....;....................................................1 to4fl. dr Aqua cinnamomi................ ............................1 to 2 fl. oz Aqua creosoti...........................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Aqua foeuiculi.................................................;........1 to2fl. oz Aqua laurocerasi....................................................5 to 30 min Aqua menthse pip....................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Aquu. menth. vir...................................................1 to2fl. oz Aqua picis liqu.................................................... 2 to 4 fl. oz Aqua pimento.........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Aqua. rosae..............................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Argenli nitras...... ....................................................1-6 to % gr Argenti oxid............................................................% to 'l gr Arsenici iodid........................................................1-48 to 1-24 gr Atropiae sulphas................................... ......1-100 to I-32 gr Asatbetida....................... ........................................... 5 to 20 gr Asclepias incar...........................................................2D to 60 gr Bals. peruv.......... ...................................................10 to 15 min ' Hals, tolut................................................... ...............10 to 20 gr Beberia: sulphas...........................................................1 to 10 gr Bellad. fol............._..................................V...................lto5gr Bism. et ammon, citr................................................... 1 to 2 gr Bismuthi subcarb.........................................................5 to 20 gr Bismuthi subnitr........................................................5 to 15gr Bismuthi valer............................................................% to 2 gr Borax..........................................................................5 to 30 gr Brayera.........................................................................2 to 4 dr Brucia...........................................................1-30 to 1-15 gr Buchu..................................................,.....................20 to 40 gr Caffeia................................. ........................................1 to 2 gr Calcii bromid...........................................:....................8to 30 gr Calcii earb praecip....................................................10 to 100 gr Calcii hypophosphis ..................................................5 to 10 gr Calcii iodid..................................................................1 to 3 gr Calcii phojph. praecip.................................................10 'o 40 gr Calcii sulphuret................................'•......................% to 1 gr Calx chlorinata.............................................................3 to 6 gr Camphora.......................................,...........................2 to JOgr Camph. brom..................................................................2 to 5 gr Canella..................................................,................... 15 to 30gr Cantbaris......................................................................14 to 2 gr Capsicum..................................................................xAlo 1 gr Carbo ligni................................................................20 to 60 gr Cardamomum..........................................................5 to 20 gr 12 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Caryophyllum.............................................................."itolOgr Cascarilla..................................................................lo to 30 gr Castoreum................................................................5 to 10 gr Catucbu.....................................................................10 to 30 gr Cerii oxalas.....................................................................I to 2 gr Chiretta.................................................................10 to 30 gr Chloral hydrate......,.....................................................5 to 20 gr Chlorodyne................. .......................................... 5 to 20 min Chlorolormum...........................................................1 to 5 min Cinohonae cort...........................................................10 to 60 gr Ciachnnia? sulph..........................................................1 to 20 gr Cinchonidia1 sulph....................................................1 to 20 gr Cinnaiuom..................................................................10 to 30 gr Codeia.....................................................................1 to 2 gr Colchi'-i rad...........................................................2 to 8 gr Colchici sem.............................................................2 to 10 gr Colocynthis.............................................................2 to 8 gr Columba................................................................10 to 20 gr Conf. aromat............................................................ 10 to 60 gr Conf. opii....................... ...........................................5 to 20 gr Conf. pi peris..................................................................i to 2 dr Conf. Rosa?..................................................................% to 1 dr Conf. scammonii.........................................................10 to 30 gr Conf. sennsv.................................;.................................' to 2 dr Conf. sulphuris..................................... ...............2 to 4 dr I'onia................................................................1.-20 to 1 12 gr Copaiba...... .............................................................20 t<> 60min Coriandrum........................................................20 to 60 gr Creosotum....................................................................1 to 3 min Creta prieparata.......................................................10 to 10it gr Croton chloral bydr................................................1 to 10 gr Cubeba.....................................................................1 to 2 dr Oupri acetas............■•-■............................................ '■! to 6 gr Cupri sulphas..............................................................'2 to lo gr Cuprum ammoniat................................................. \\ to %gr Cusparia....................................................................10 io40gr Cypripedium..............................................................10 to 20 gr Cypripedinum.............................................................Vi to 3 gr Decoct, aloes comp..................................................% to 2 fl. oz Decoct, cetrariiv.....................................................1 to 2 ft. oz Decoct, chimaphila' .............................................3 to 6 fl. oz Decoct, cine, flav.....................................................1 to2 fl. oz Decoc. cine, rubr.....................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Decoct, cornus florid...............................................1 to2fl. oz Decoct, dulcamarae..................................................' to2fl. oz Decoct, geranii.........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Decoct, granati.................. ...........................1 to 2 fl, oz Decoct, hacmatoxyli...................................................1 to 2 fl. q'i Decoct, hordei................ ......................................4 to 8 fl. oz Decoct, pareirae..............................•.......................1 to 2 fl. oz Decoct, quercus.........................................................' to 2 fl. oz Decoct, sarsap. comp....................................... •••• 2 to 6 fl. oz Decoct, senega'..................'....................................1 to2fl.oz Decoct, taraxaci.....................:.................................2 to 4 fl. oz Decoct, ulmi...............................................................* to 6 fl. o/. Decoct, uva'ursi........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz TABLE OF DOSES. 13 Digitalinum............................................................1-60 to 1-30 gr Digitalis.....................................................................,%toJlgr Dracontium......................................................•...........10 to 20 gr Elaterium..................................................................1-16 to % gr Elaterinum........................................•......................1-40 to % gr Elix. ammon. valer..................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Elix. calisayae...........................................................I to 4 fl. dr Elix. opii (McMunn)....................................................5 to 10 mm Emetia........................................................................Vs to % gr Ergota..........................................................................20 to 30 gr Ergotinum...................................................................1 to 6 gr Euonymus.................................—........................•.........1 to 2 dr Extr. aconiti..................................................................1 to 2 gr Extr. aloes.....................................................................1 to 3 gr Extr. anthemidis........................................................2 to i0 gr Extr. arnicae..............................................................3 to 10 gr Extr. belladonnae..........................................................34 to 1 gr Extr. bellad. ale............................................................Vk to 1 gr Extr. cannab. Ind........................................................14 to 1 gr Extr. cinohonae..........................................................10 to 30 gr Extr. colch. acet.............................................................1 to 2 gr Extr. coloc. comp............................................................2 to 5 gr Extr. columbo...............................................................2 to 10 gr Extr. conii......................................................................2 to 4 gr Extr. conii ale................................................................1 to 2 gr Extr. digitalis.................:................................... Vs to 34 gr Extr. dulcamarae..........................................................5 to 10 gr Extr. fil. mar. aether....................................................10 to 24 gr Extr. gentianae.............................................................10 to 15 gr Extr. glycyrrh.............................................................30 to 60 gr Extr. haematoxyli.......'.................................................10 to 30 gr Extr. hellebori..............................................................5 to 10 gr Extr. hyoscyami............................................................3 to 8 gr Extr. hyoscyam. ale......................................................1 to 2 gr Extr. ignatiae................................................................34 to 1 gr Extr. ialapae.................................................................5 to 15 gr Extr. juglandis..........................................■................20 to 30 gr Extr. krameriae..............................................................5 to 20 gr Extr. lactueac................................................................5 to lOgr Extr. lupuli..................................................................5 to 10 gr Extr. nuc, vom................................ .....................Vz to 1 gr Extr. opii.....................................................................34 to 1 gr Extr. papaveris...................-.......•..................................2 to 5 gr Extr. pareirae...........................................................10 to 20 gr Extr physostigmatis.............................................1-16 to 34 gr Extr. podophylli....................................................5 to 15 gr Extr. quassiae.................................................................3 to 5 gr Extr. rhei..................... .............................................3 to 10 gr Extr. senegae.................................................................1 to 3 gr Extr. stramon, fol.......................................................34 to x/> gr Extr. stramon. sem...................................................34 to 34 gr Extr. taraxaci..............................................................5 to 15 gr Extr. Valerianae......................■..................................10 to 30 gr Extr. bellad. rad. fl..................................................1 to 2 min Extr. buchu fl...........................................................20 to 30 min Extr. cascara sagradae...............................................10 to 60 min 14 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINK. Extr, oastanea' fl........................................................1 to 3 tl. dr Extr. chimaphila fl.................................................20 to 40 min Extr. cinchona fl...................................................iOto 30 min Extr. chiretta fl......................................................10 to -O min Extr. cimicifugao fl.................................................30 to 60 min Extr. cocae fl............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Extr. colch. rad. fl...............................................2 to 5 min Extr. coch. sent, fl................................. ...................2 to 8 min Extr. columbo fl........................................................15 to 30 mjn Extr. conii fruct. fl.....................................................2 to 6 min Extr. cornus flor. fl..................................................15 to 40 min Extr. cubeba> fl .........................................................10 to 40 min Extr. damianafl.........................................................1 to2fl. dr Extr. digitalis fl.......................................................2 to 6 min Extr. dulcamara* fl...................................................30 to 60 min Extr. ergota-fl........................................................15 to 30 min Extr. erig can. fl............... .....................................80 to 60 min Extr. eucalypt. glob, fl...................................30 min to 1 fl. dr Extr. fucus vesiculos ....................................................1 to 2 dr Extr. gelsemii fl.........................................................2 to 3 min Extr. gentlnna fl..................................................10 to 40 min Extr. geranii fl.........................................................30 to 60 min Extr. glycyrrh fl......................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Extr. gossypii rad. fl..........................................30 to 60 min Extr. granata.................................................. ........2 to 4 dr Extr. grind, rob. fl ..................................................1 to 4 fl dr Extr. hydrangae........................................................30 to 60 min Extr. hydrant, fl .......................................................1 to 2 (1 dr Extr. hyoscyami fl.....................................................5 to lOmin Extr. inula.............................................................30 to 60 min Extr. ipecac fl................................................. ......15 to 30 min Extr. jaborandi fl....................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Extr. jugland....................................................30 to 60 min Extr. kramerfl.....................'...................................20 to 30 min Extr. leptnndraefl..................................................30 to 60 min Extr. lupulina fl......................................................10 to 15 min Extr. mango..............................................................15 to 60 min Extr. matico fl.........................................................30 to 60 min Extr. mezerinii.........................................................5 to 10 min Extr. pareira* fl.......................................................Yi to 2 fl. dr Extr. prun, virg. fl....................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Extr. Pulsatilla..........................................................! to 3 mm Extr. rhei fl..............................................................10 to 30 min Extr. rubi fl..................................•'...........................30 to 60 min Extr. sabin* fl............................................................4 to 8 min Extr. sarsap. comp. fl..............................................30 to 60 min Extr. sarsap. fl...........................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Extr. scillac fl...............................................................2 to 3 min Extr. scoparii fl...........................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Extr. senega- fl..........................................................•••' to > min Extr. senna fl............................................................\ to 1 II. dr Extr. serpent fl......................................................20 to to mm Extr. spigetsen. fl.................................................2 to J fl. dr Extr. spigelia fl.........................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Extr. stilling fl..........................................................1 to 2fl. dr Extr. taraxaci fl........................................................' to 2 fl. dr TABLE OF DOSES. 15 Extr. uva ursi fl.......................................................30 to 60 min Extr. Valeriana fl..................................................30 to 60 min Extr. veratr. vir. fl.....................................................2 to 4 min Extr. vise. alb. fl......................................................2to6fl dr Extr. yerba reruns....................................................10 to 20 min Extr. yerba sunt fl.....................................................1 to 4 fl dr Extr- zingiber fl.....................................................10 to 20 min Fel. bovin. purif...........................................................3 to 6 gr Ferri arsenins.........................................................1-16 to 1 gr Ferri bromid...................................................................1 to 5 gr Ferri carb. sacch.......................................................5 to 20 gr Ferri chlorid..................................................................2 to 5 gr Ferri citras.................................................................5 to 10 gr Ferri et ammon. citr....................................................5 to 10 gr Ferri et am. sulph.......................................,................5 to 15 gr Ferri et ammon. tart.................................................10 to 30 gr Ferri et potass, tart................................t.................. 10 to 30 gr Ferri et quin. citr..........................................................5 to 10gr Ferri et strychn. citr.....................................................3 to 5 gr Ferri ferrocyanidum......................................................3 to 5 gr Ferri iodidum.............................................................1 to 5 gr Ferri lactas..................................................................1 to5gr Ferri oxalas..................................................................2 to 3 gr Ferri oxid. magnet......................................................5 to 10 gr Ferri oxid. hydr...........................................................5 to 30 gr Ferri phosphas...............................................................5 to 10 gr Ferri pyrophosphas..................-....................................2 to 5 gr Ferri subcarbonas.........................................................5 ro 30 gr Ferri sulphas.................................................................3 to 5 «r Ferri sulphas exsic..............................'........................34 to 3 gr Ferrum dialysat.........................................................5 to 30 min Ferrum redaetum...........................................................1 to 5 gr Felix mas..............................:.....................................lto3dr Galla................................„.........................................10 to 20gr Gambogium.....................................................................] to 4 gr Gentiana......................................................................10 to 40 gr Geranium,....................................................................10 to 2o gr Gillenia......................................................................20 to 30 gr Glycerinum.................. ............................................]0 to 60 min Glyeerit. acidicarbol...............................................5 to 10 min Glyeerit acidi gallici................................................20 to 60 min Glyeerit. acidi tan...................................................10to40 min Guaiaci resina.............................................................10 to 30 gr GuaTana..... ................................................,..............10 to 20 gr Hamamelis.................................................;..................1 to 2 dr Hyd. chlorid corros............................................1-16 to 1-6 gr Hyd. cholrid. mite......................................................34 to 8 gr Hydrarg, iodid. rubr.................................................1-16 to 34 gr Hydrag. iodid. flav.........................................................1 to 3 gr Hydrag, oxid. rubr......................................................34 to 1 gr Hydrag, sulph. flav....................................................34 to 1 gr Hydrarg. c. creta.................................................... ......3 to 8 gr Hydrastin........................................................................3 to 5 gr Hyoscyami fol..............................................................5 to 10 gr Infus. angustura.........................................................1 to2fl. oz Infus. anthemid.........'................................................1 to 3 fl. oz 10 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Infus. aurant............................................................1 to 2 II. oz Infus. aurant. comp..................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. brayera...........................................................6 to S fl. oz Infus. buchu..............................................................i totffl.oz Infus. capsici.............................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. caryophilli......................................................1 to 2 ft. oz Infus. casqarilla*.......................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. catechu............................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. chiretta.....................................................t to2fl. oz Infus. cinch, flav.....................................................1 to2fl.oz Infus. cinch, rubr.....................................................1 to2fi. oz Infus. columbo........................................................ 1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. coptidis .......................................................I to 2 fl. oz Infus. cusparur..............................;........................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. digitalis......:............................ .......2to4fl. dr Infus. dulcamara......«....................................•. ........I to'ifl. oz Infus. ergota-.................................... ..................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. eupatorii.......................................................1 to I fl. oz Infus. frasera..........................................................1 to2fl.oz Infus. gent, comp....................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. humuli...........................................................I to 2 fl. oz Infus. .iuniperi........................................................ 2 to 3 fl. oz Infus. krameria.......................................................I to2fl. oz Infus. lini comp................................................. 2to8fl.oz Infus. lupulina.........................................................1 to 2 fl, oz Infus. matico..............................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. pareira........................................................... 1 to2fl.oz Infus. prun virg.................................................2 to3fl.oz Infus. quassia ............................... ............ .. 1 to2fl. oz Infus. rhei...............................................................I to2fl.oz Infus. rosae comp.....................................................I to 2 fl. oz Infus. sabbatia.......................................................1 to 2-fl. oz Infus. salvia........................... ................... ..lto2fl. oz Infus. senega..........................................................1 to2fl. oz Infus. senna...........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. senna comp..................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Infus. serpent.............................;.........................1 to 2fl. oz Infus. spigelia............................................. ...4 to8fl. oz Infus. taraxaci...........................................................1 to2fl. oz Infus. uva ursi.........................................................I to2fl.oz Infus. Valeriana .......................................................1 to'ifl, oz Infus. zingiberis......................................................1 to2fl. oz Inula.......................................................................10 to30gr Iodinium...............................................................34 to 34 gr Iodoformum...................................................................1 to 3 gr tv. S Expect., 34 to 2 gr Ipecacuanha................................................1 Emet., 15 to 30 gr Iris versicolor................................................................5 to 15 gr Jaborandi....................................................................30 to 60 gr Jalapa....................................................................10 to 30 gr Juglans..........................................................................34 to 1 dr Juniperus......................................................................1 to 2 dr Kamala........................................................................1 to 3 dr Kino.............................................................................10 to 30 gr Kouso see Brayera..............................*.................. ........................................................................5 to!5gr TABLE OF DOSES. 17 Krameria....................................................................^ftoSSBI Lactucarium..........................................................on £ K Leptandra...................................................................-2<>to 60 gr Leptandrinum.............................................................••■ cV f, Liqu. ammon, acet.....................................................0+0 • Liqu. arsenici chlor..................................................•■ \to 8 mm Liqu. ars. et hydr. iod......................................... 5 to 20 mm Liqu. bism. am. citr.................................................-1 to in- ar Liqu. calcis..............................................................\4}°L6™ Liqu. ferri chloridi..................................................]0 to 30 mm Liqu. ferri citrat....................................................-5 to 20 min Liqu. ferri nitrat......................................................& to 60 min Liqu. ferri subsulph ..............................................5 to 15 mm Liqu. iodinii comp..................................•................•■•} t0 4 mln Liqu. magnes. citr..........................................6 to 12 fl. oz Liqu. morphia acet.................................................i0*0,,?111?11 Liqu. morph. sulph., TJ. S. P..................................10 to 30 mm Liqu. morpb. sulph., (Mag.).................................;vV0OAm!n Liqu. potassa........................................................15 to^D mm Liqu. potassi arsenit................................................v; i «mm Liau. pot. citrat................................................JJo^fl. dr Liqu. soda................................................................30 to 60 mm Liqu. sodiiarseniat....................................................2 to 8 min Lithii carb....................................................................-3 to 6 gr Lithii citras...................................................................& to 10 gr Lobelia semen...............................................................2 to 10 gr Lupulina ................■....................................................5 to 10 gr McMunn's elix. opium...............................................5 to 10 min Magnesia............................................-...................10 to 20 gr Magnesii carb............................................................1° to 30 gr Magnesii sulph.............................................................2 to n dr Mangan. sulph..............................................................5 to 20 gr Manna.........................................................................XA2to£dr Matico.......................................................................20 to 60 gr Mist, ammoniaci.......................................................% to 1 fl. oz Mist, amygdala........ ............................................1 to 2 fl oz Mist assa'cetida.....................................................—2 to 4 fl. oz Mist, chloroformi.....................................................34 to 1 fl. oz Mist, creosoti...........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Mist, creta..................... ....................................1 to 2 fl. oz Mist, fe.ricomp........................................................1 to 2 fl. oz Mist, glycyrrh. comp.................................................2 to 4 fl. dr Mist, guaiaei.............................................................34 to 1 fl. oz Mist, potass, citr.......................................................2 to 4 fl. dr Mist- scammonii.......................................................34 to2fl-oz Mist- senna comp.................................................. 1 to 2 fl-oz Morphia..............................................................1-12 to 34 gr Morphia acetas............................................................34 to V> gr Morphia chlorid...........................................................34 to % gr Morpma cniorta...........................................................r« To /? gr Morphia meconas......,............................................ 3-sto%gr Morphia sulph........................................".....................34 to 34 gr Morphia acetas............................................................34 to Vi gr ,._34to3jj as................................................... _rphia sulph- Morphia valer............................................................34 to % gr Mosobus.......................................................1.................5 to 10 gr Mucilago acacia.....................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Mucilago ulmi...........................................................2 to8fl. dr Myristica...................................................................20 to 30 gr i8 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. Myrrha........................................................................10 to 30 gr Narceia......................................................................34 to lgr Nux vomica.....................................................................1 t0 3 gr nleoresina capsici...................................'.'.........."'.'".'.'.'"% to] gr leoresina cubeba........................................................ 5 to 30 gr leoresina filicis..........................................................20 to 30 gr leoresina lupulina......................................................2 toogr leoresina piperis...........................................................110 2 gr leoresina zingiberis......................................................1 to 2 gr '■aln- H"»ar..............................................................34 to 34 min amygd expr..........................................................2 to 4 fl. dr anethi....................................................................1 to 4 min • amsi......••...............................................................1 to 4 min . anthemid..............................................................2 to 4 min . cajuputi..................................................................] to 5 min carui......................................................................2 to 1 min I. caryophylli............................................................1 to 4 min . chenopodii............................................................2 to 5 min jsinnamomi...........................................................1 to 4 min %>pait>a................................................................■', to 30 min conandri...............................................................1 to4 min , cubeba................................................................5 to 20 min 1. erigeron can ........................................................3 to 8 min pncalvnt a-lnb i ...............................Expect.. 5 to 12 min eucalypt. glob, j.............Anti-periodic, 30 min to I fl. dr filic mas........................................................20 to 30 min foeniculi.................................................................1 to 4 min gaultheria...........................................................1 to 4 min hedeoma...............................................................I to 4 min juniperi................................................................1 to 4 min , lavendula........................................................... 1 to 4 min , limonis................................................................1 to 4 min , menth. pip............................................................1 to 4 min menth. vir............................................................1 to 4 min monarda................................................................I to 4 min morrhua............................................................. 1 to 4 fl. dr mvristica.............................................................2 to 6 min oliva...................................................................lA to 1 fl. oz origani....................................................................1 to 4 min phosphorat............................................................r> to 1" min pimenta..............................................................1 to 3 min ricini..................................................................Ito 8 fl. dr rosmarini..............................................................£ too min ruta ........................................................ .....2 to 6 min sabin'a.'.'.'.V...............................................................1 to 4 min sasafras ...............................................................--1 to 4 min .. succini rectif....................................................•-5 to 5 min I, terebinth............................................................10 to 30 mm 1. tiglii...................................................................^ to 1 mm ~.. Valeriana..............................................................J *°3 nun ?£r.........................::::::zz:::3":;::::::rVo'2-ozt4Tenfa Pa?eira::z:::::::;.:...................................................sotoeogr Pepsina................................................................VSi"* 1 w£ Phosphorus............................................................1-64 to 1 32 »r Physostigma faba...................................•......................l t0**r TABLE OF DOSES. 19 lula aloes..................................................................k♦* in IS I. aloes et asafoet.....................................................£to j" gr 1. aioeset ferri............................................................rEMoS 1. aloes et mast................................................•...........j? jo |« gr 1. aloes et myrrha.............................•........................°toi o gr 1. antim. comp...........................................................*♦„ in fr I. asafcetida..............................................................Iftinl, 1. cathart. comp ......................................................k*°in™ I. col. et hyoseyami...................................................a to ju gr I. conii. comp...............................'•..............;.............iV+Afinfr 1. copaiba..................................................................*M£ 1. ferri carbonat........................................................5 to 20 gr 1. ferri comp...............................................................%t0^ " 1. ferri iodidi..............................................................;3*°'« & I. galbani comp.........................................................» ,t0 ft J* 1 hydrarg................................................................... » ° « 1. hyd. subchlor. co..................................................5 to 10 gr [• j$r-c-scilla.......^z^zzzzzzzzz^i; !: X^lnz;:::z:z:-zz:z::::::::::zz::i:3o1t|^ S 1. plumbi c. opio. 2 to 4 gr 1. quinia sulph.......................................»■......».....5|*°19«E , . r ............................Purgative 25 to 40 gr 1. rhci i "" .................Laxative 6 to 12 gr i. rhei. comp.'".::::.......;.............................................10A°^l 1. sapon. comp.........................................................int° "n f r 1. seammon. comp..................................................J" ]° '?„ gr 1. scilla comp...........................................................i5,J i/gr locarpinum............................................................$ to 34 gr menta........................................................................1(' }° fn & ,...........................................5 to 20 gr per. lto8gr perinum - •...........••.....•.......................................... aiv^h* ,,x liquida'.'.'............................................................20 to 60 min Plumbi acetas..............................................................in . on r Podphyllum.............................................................in°,tpongr Potassii acetas............................................................1° t° 20 gr Potass, bicarb.............................................................11°Ao2?fr Potass, bitartr............................................................Z2}°AAx Potass, bromid............................................................10 to 60 gr Potass, carb.................................................................■$. }° J5 gr Potass, chloras........................................-................-W to 20 gr Potass, citras..........................................................201toq.fi°imm Potass, cyanid..........................................................1-12 t0 % §r Potass, et sod. tartr.....................................................• 3 to 8 dr Potass, iodid..................................................................2 to 10 gr Potass, nitras...............................................................VnJ™ gr Potass, sulphas...........................................................,]Lto^ gr Potass, sulphis............................................................10 to 20 gr Potass, sulphuret.........................................................2 tp 10 gr Potass; tartras...........................................................ifi.y} Potassii permanganas........•......................................../» to /|gr Propyl a mina.................................................................V ^ -A? gr Pulsatilla........................................................................1H°ongr Pulv. aloes et canella.................................................10 to 10 gr Pulv. amygd. comp........................................•...............l to A dr 20 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Pulv. antimonialis................................ 2 to 6 irr Pulv. aromaticus..................................'.'.'..'.Z......Z3 to 10 gr Pulv. catechu comp.....................................................15 toft0 „r Pulv. cinnam. comp................................................ 3 to |„ * £ulv. cretaarom.........................................................30 to 60 gr Pulv. cret. arom. c. op...............................................10 to 40 gr Pulv ipecac, comp......................................................5 t0 joKr Pu v.jalapacomp.......................................................10 to 20 gr Pu v. kino, comp...........................................................3to8gr Pulv. opii comp.:.............................................................2tof>gr Pu v. rhei comp............................................................30 to 60 gr £ulv. scammon.. comp........................................... 10 to 20 gr Pulv. tragac comp.......................................................into 60 gr Qu?rcus..........................................................................34 to 2dr U;u!n!a..............................................................................1 to 5 gr yuinia arsemas...............................................................1 to 2 gr Quinia bromid...............................................................I to5~gr Quinia sulph...................................................................1 to 5 gr Quinia valer.....................................................................1 to5gr Resina jalapa..................................................................2 to 5 gr Resina podophylli......................................................1-6 to !4 gr Resina scammonii.........................................................4 to 8 gr Rhamnus frangul.........................................................% to 2dr Rheum..........................................................................1 to 3o gr Sabadilla.........................................................,...............4 to 6 gr Sabina............................................................................4 to 6 gr Salicinum.....................................................................10 to 30 gr Sanguinaria..................................................................10 to 2o gr Santonica....................................................................10 to 60 gr Santoninum.....................................................................2 to 6 gr Sapo.................................................................................5 to 15 gr Scammonium................................................................4 to 10 gr Scilla..............................,...............................................i to 2 gr Scoparius...................................................................20 to60gr Senega.........................................................................15 to 20 gr Senna.............................................................................10 to 30 gr Serpentaria..................................................................10 to 15 gr Sodii acetas........................".........................................2<> to60gr Sodii arsenias........................................................1-16 to % gr Sodii biboras...............................................................10 to 30 gr Sodii bicarb.................................................................10 to 3" gr Sodii bisulphis.............................................................10 to 20 gr Sodii carbonas.........................................................10 to 30 gr Sodii carb. exsic.............................................................5 to 20 gr Sodii ehloras.................................................................5 to 30 gr Sodii hypophosphis.....................................................10 to 30 gr Sodii hyposulphis.........................................................15 to 30 gr Sodii iodid....................................................................5 to 10 gr Sodii phosphas...............................................................2 to 8 gr Sodii sulpbis.................................................................10 to 30 gr Sodii sulphuret ..........................................................V\ to 1 gr Spigelia...................................................................•••• -^to 2 dr Spir. atheris comp...................................................30 to 60mm Spir. atheris nitros..................................................34 to 2 ft. dr Spir. ammon............................................................-1? to 30 mm Spir. ammon. arom................................................20 to 60 min TABLE OF DOSES. 21 Spir. ammon. foetid.................................•.................3Oto 60 min Spir. armorac. comp...............................................oilco • Spir. anisi................................................................30 to 60 mm S,-ir. cajuputi............................................................30 to 60 mm Spir. camphora........................................................^0i„m!n Spir. chloroformi......................................................f0 to 60 mm Spir. cinnamomi............................................•...........IyJ0^ m,.n Spir. juni,.eri...........................................................30 to 60 mm Spir. juniperi comp..................................................30 to 60 mm Spir. lavendula......................................................-,3° to §X m-n Spir. lavend. comp........................................... ......30 to 60 mm Spir. limonis..............................................................30 to 61 mm Spir. menth. pip......................................................30 to 6Jmin Spir. menth. vir.........................................................3? t°£°. miin Spir. myristica.........................................................?°t0 o« • Spir. rosmarini.........................................................J0 to 30 mm Stram. fol......................................................................2 to 3 gr Stram. sem.............................................................:■■■■;■■} \0,zo & Strychnia................................................................• 1 61 to 1-12 gr Strychnia acet.......................................................\-v\ to \-\2 gr Strychnia nitr........................................................1-61 to 1-12 gr Strychnia .«ulph.....................................................1-64 to 1-12 gr Succus conii...............................................................30 to 60 mm Succus limonis.................................................... 34 to4fl.oz Succus taraxaci.........................................................^ to 4 fl. dr Sulphur pracipit......................................•..................../t to j ar Sulph. subl.....................................................................34 to 4 dr Sulph- subl. lot...........................................................r:y2^0J 3r Syr. ac.icia..................................................................1 to 2fl. dr Syr. acid, citr................-..........................................1,to4A- "V Syr. allii..................................................................-,1.toi|- dr Syr. althaa...............................................................1 to 2fl. dr Syr. amygd.................................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Syr. aurant. cort.........................................................rto2 fl- dr Svr. aurant. flor......................................................■•! to 2 fl. dr Syr. ferri bromidi.....................................................20 to 60 mm Syr. ferri iodidi.........................................................20 to CO> min Syr. hemidcsmi..........................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Syr. hypophosphit.....................................................1 to 1fl. dr „ . , fEmet.......................................4to8fl. dr Syr. ipecacuanha j Expect ..................................34 to 1 fl. dr Syr. krameria...........................................................34 to 4fl.dr Syr. laetucarii..............................................-............2 to 3fl. dr Syr. limonis...............................................................lto2fl. dr Syr. mori.................................................................lto2fl. dr Syr. papaveris............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. phosphat. comp................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. prun. virg............................................................1 to4fl. dr Svr. rhamni...............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. rhei....................................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Syr. rhei arom............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. rhceados...............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. rosa.....................................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. rubi.....................................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Syr. sarsap. comp,.....................................................-1 to 4 fl. dr Syr. scilla..................................................................Vi to 1 fl. dr 2 2 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Syr. scilla comp........................................................10 to 60 min Syr, senega.................................................................] to2 fl. dr Syr. senna................................................................t to 2 fl. dr Syr. tolut ..............................................................lto2fl. dr Syr. zingib...............................................................1 toi fl. dr Tamarind........................................................................1 to 2 dr Theia..............................................................................1 to 2 Kr Tinct. aconiti fol......................................................10 to 20 min Tinct. aconiti rad....................................................5 to 15 min Tinct. aeon. rad. Flem................................................2 to 3 min Tinct- aloes..................................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. aloes et myrr.................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. arnica.............................................................I to 2 fl. dr Tinct. asafoetida ......................................................30 to 60 min Tinct. aurantii..........................................................lto2fl. dr Tinct. bellad.............................................................5 to 20 min Tinct. benz. comp............................................30 min. to2fl.dr Tinct. buchu........................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. cannab. ind...................................................5to*0min Tinct. canthar............................................................5 to 20 min Tinct. capsici..................■.........................................10 to-20 min Tinct card............................................. ..................% to 2 fl. dr Tinct. card, com........................................................34 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. cascarilla....................................................34 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. castorei...............................................-...........% to 2 fl, dr Tinct. catechu....................................................y} to 2 fl. dr Tinct. cinch............................................................34 to2fl. dr Tii.ct. cinch, comp..................................................34 to 2 fl. dr Tinet. chiretta.........................................................34 to 1 fl, dr Tinct. cimicifuga..........................................30 min. to 1 fl. dr Tinct. cinnam........................................................34 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. cocci.............................................................30 to 90 min Tinct. colchici rad...................................................5 to 20 min Tinct. colchici sem...................................................15 to 30 min Tinct. conii..............................................................34 to 1 fl. dr Tinct. coptidis.................................................30 min. to 1 fl. dr Tinct. croci...............................................................34 to 1 fl. dr Tinct. cubeba..............................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. damiana.........................................................1 to 3fl. dr Tinct. digitalis.......................................................10 to 30 min Tinct. ergota...........................................................15 to 60 min Tinct. euonymis.........................................................1 to 2 fl dr Tinct. ferri acet.........................................................5 to aO min Tinct. ferri chlorid.................................................10 to 30 min Tinct. galla...............................................................34 to 2 fl. dr Tinct. gelsemii.........................................................2 to 15 min Tinct. gent, comp.....................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Tinct guaiaci............................................................34 to I ft dr Tinct. guaiaci am .....................:..............................34 to 1 fl. dr Tinct. hellebori........................................................34 to 1 fl. dr Tinct. humuli.............................................................1 to 3 fl. dr Tinct. hyoseyami fol................................................15 to 60 mm Tinct hyosc. sem.....................................................10 to 40 rum Tinct. iodinii...........................................................--5 to 20 mm Tinet, iodinii comp..................................................10 to 20 min Tinct. jalapa./..........................................................J4to2fl.dr TABLE OF DOSES. 23 Tinct. kino.............................................................V\ *° 2 £,- dr Tinct. krameria........................................................m^sn "^ Ticnt. lobelia............................................................\° *to .,flmm Tinct. lupulina.........................................................1 to 2fl. dr Tinct. myrrha...........................................................V^}°-ln- Tinct. nuc. vom ...................................................•,1(,u'o„3n0 m!n Tinct. opii................................................................1i?,V>3,°nIU}n Tinct. opii acet.......................................................1° to jiflmin Tinct. opii ammon..................................................../a to in. ar Tinct. opii camph.....................................................\\ to 60 min Tinct. opii deodor....................................................!0 to 30 mm Tinct. pulsatilli.........................................................» to ljp min Tinct. quassia........................................................••••}■ ,1/ a T Tinct. quinia.......................................................l to 134 n- dr Tinct. quinia am......................................................■}}°oa j Tinctrhei..................................................................}}? 8 fl. dr Tinct- rhei et senna ..................................................A to Z fl. dr Tinct- sanguinaria..................................................3 to 4 fl. ar Tinct. scilla.............................................................15 to 30m in Tinct. senega..........................................................>2to2,§- j Tinct senna..............................................................-j. to 8 fl. dr Tinct. serpentaria..................................................../4 to Zfl. ar Tinct. stramon. fol.................................................10 to 20 mm Tinct. stramon. sem.................................................10 to 20 mm Tinct. sumbul...........................................................15 to 30 mm Tinct. tolut...............................................................15 to 40 min Tinct. Valeriana ......................................................} to /"-ar Tinct. valer. ammon................:.............................Vi to 1 fl. dr Tinct. ver. vir...........................................................-5 to -Omm Tinct. zingiberis........................................................10^o30omin Uva ursi..................................................................10 to 30 gr Valeriana.................................,..................................1° to 30 gr Veratr. viride.........................................................VVoT l? a sr Veratria..................................................................1;48 to 1-6 gr Vin. aloes................................ ...............................-1 to 2fl. dr Vin. antimonii........................................................10 to 60 min Vin.colch. rad..........................................................10 to 30 min Vin.colch. sem.......................................................Vi to 1 fl. ar Vin. ergota..............................................................1 to3fl. dr Vin ferri..................................................................1 to 4 fl. dr Vin. ferri citr............................................................1 to 4 fl dr T,. . f Exp....................................................5 to 40 mm Vin. ipecac jEin*t..................................................3 to 6fl. dr Vin. opii....................................................................10 to 40 min Vin. pic. liqu...........................................................-1 to 4 fl. dr Vin. quinia..............................................................34 to 1 fl. oz Vin. rhei....................................................................1 to 2 fl. dr Vin, tabaci............................................................10 to 40 min Zinciacet......................................................................• 1 to 2 gr Zinci carb......................................................................2 to 10 gr Zinci chlorid.................................................................% to 2 gr Zinci oxid......................................................................2 to 10 gr Zinci phosphid.......................................................1-12 to 16 gr „. . , , J Ton..........................................................lto2gr Zinci sulph. {Emet.................................................10 to 30 gr Zinci valer.......................................................................1 to 6 gr Zingiber....................................................................................10 to 20 gr 24 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. Much of the following matter lias been taken bodily from the " Clinical Index " of Bartholow's Materia Medica and Therapeutics, last (fourth) edition. This is by far the most complete and valuable thing of the kind ever pro- jected, and we are under many obligations to Prof. Bar- tholow for permission to use it in this connection. As the references to the same are very numerous they will be indicated simply by "B." Abdominal Plethora. Aliment, water-free food ; laxative diet; grape cure Cathartics, saline ; resin-bearing ; and hydragogue purgatives. Saline Mineral Waters, especially Saratoga,Vichy, and the purgative salines, generally. Abortion. B. Aurvm, The chloride, to avert the tendency to habit- aul abortion. Opium, To check uterine action, and Ergot, to restrain hemorrhage. AborVjacients, ergot, savine, rue, aloes, picrotoxine, apiol, pilocar- pus, colocynth, the hydragogue cathartics, etc, all dangerous to life when used in sufficient quantity to produce abortion.. B. Abscess. Be'ladonna plaster, Emplastrium ammoniaci cum hyd>argyro, Leeches, Nitrate oj Si'ver in nitrous ether applied over inflamed area and adjacent re- gion to abort inflammation. Tincture of'Iodine as a counter-irritant, and as an antiseptic injected into the sac of an abscess. Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Besorcin. and Boracic Acid, for antiseptic dressing. Sulphides, gr. £ every few hours to abort abscess, or hasten the formation and extrusion of pus Potas, permangan, as a deodorant B Acidity. Mineral Acids, before meals. Acid fermentation, with vomiting of pasty matter, sulphurous acid. During meals an acid wine (Rhine). For immediate relief, alka'ies after meals. The frequent use of alkalies enhances the mischief. Lime water, Car. bonate of Ammonia. Alkaline Mineral-water. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 25 Tannic Acid, in pill form—m. j. glycerine to gr. iv of tannin. Carbolic Acid, stops fermentation and eructations. Bismuth, with carbolic acid gives ex- cellent results. The purified black Oxide of Man- ganese, and Oxide of Silver, are servicable, acting as local sedatives and preventing acid fermenta- tion. Acetate of Lead, Kino, and Nux Vomica Tincture, act in the same manner, and rather re- move the causes than affect the acidity directly. B. Acne. Phosphorus. Even more effective and safer are the hypophosphites and phosphates. Arsenic, some- times beneficial, but on the whole disappointing. Bismuth, is an excellent topical application when there are heat and redness. Sublimed Sulphur, applied as a powder to the eruptions is one of the best applications. Alkaline lotions, when the skin is greasy and the sebaceous follicles full, are use- ful ; for example, liquor potassoe, in rose-water. Lotions of corrosive sublimate, glycerine internally. B. FOR THE ACNE OF DISORDERED MENSTRUATION. R Sulphur ....................................................31 Glycerin.................................-......................gi Aqufe rosse................................................§x M. Sig. Apply 2 or 3 times daily. Kinger. Adynamia. Alchohol, is servicable when it improves the appetite and digestion, when the tongue becomes moist, and when dilirium subsides under its use. Brandy is the best form when bowels are relaxed; whisky when there is constipation. A wine of good body and high boquet in the weakness of sedentary occupations. Aliment, beef, milk, cod-liver oil. Bitters, espec- ially calumba, and hydrastia, as a substitute for quinia. Eucalyptus, for malarial adynamia, but especially the alkaloids of cinchonia, notably quinia, gf- U-—gr v, ter in die. Iron, to stimulate diges- tion and promote blood formation, with manganese. Chalybeate springs. Nux Vomica Tincture, with capsicum in the case of inebrates. Cocoa pre- 26 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. vents waste, and favors constructive metamor- phosis. B. TONIC AND APPETIZER. R Quinise sulph....................................grs. viij Acid nit. dil.............................................3«s Tinct. aurant............................................. ^ss Syr. aurant...................................................;§i Aquae.................................................ad ov'U M Sig. 2 tablespoonfuls o times a day. Farquharson tonic and appetizer. R. Acid hydrochloric........................................3' Tinct. gentian, c....................................>I'JSS Aquie...................................................3ijss M. Sig. 1 teaspoonf'ul before eating. general tonic. R Quiniae sulph. Ferri. redact.........................................aa 5i Strychnise acet........................................gr. i Ext. gentian......... ...............................q. s M. Ft. pil. No 60. Bellevue Hosp., N. V. R Tinct. cinchon. c.................•................ Tinct. gentian, c....................................aa §i M. Sig. 1 teaspoonful. TONIC BITTERS. R Tinct. cinchon c.......................................... §i Tinct. rhei.. .............................................|ss Spts. frumenti.......................................ad §vj M. Sig. Tablespoonful after eating. R Ferri et quiniae cit......................................3j Vini xerici................................................§ij M. Sig. A teaspoonful. blaud's pill. R Ferri sulph. exsic. Potass, carb purse...................................aa 3ij Syrupi ......................................................q. s Ft. pil. No 48. Sig. Taken after meals; the first day three pills, adding one pill each day, until nine are taken daily; continue this three or four weeks. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 2^ R QuiniaB sulph.........................................grs xxx Tinct. ferri chlorid.......................................§ss Elix. rubri................................................§iss M. Sig. A teaspoonful after meals. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY. R Zinci. valerian....................................grsxxiv Confect. rosaa.............................................q. s M. Ft. pil. No. 12. Sig. One as needed. Farquharson. R Strych. acet.............................................gr. j Tinct. cardam. c.....................................3ss Alcohol. Aquae..................................................aa gijss Syrup..................................................ad |iv M. Sig- A teaspoonful. R Tinct, ferri chlorid......................................3ij Acid phospor. dil........................................3iij Spts. limonis................................................•*{ Syr. simplicis...........................................|ijss Aquae....................................................ad §vj M. Sig. Tablespoonful after meals. Goodell. R Tinct. ferri chlorid. Tinct. nucis. vom.....................................aa 31 Aquae.........................................................gvj M. Sig. A teaspoonful after meals. After-pains. Chloral, one of the most efficient remedies, but con- siderable doses necessary. Camphor, effective, with or without morphia. Gelsemium also stops' after pains; but, as large doses are necessary, safer remedies are preferable. Morphia and atropia, subcutaneously or by the stomach, very certain to relieve. Cimicifuga affords some relief. B. AlBUMINURIA. Mi'k cure, especially buttermilk. Iron, and the pur- gative chalybeate waters, for the anaemia. Arsenic, for the interstitial changes in kidneys. Alkaline diuretics, Gallic acid, especially Aitken's formula to restrain loss of albumen. B. 28 POCKE'l BOOK OF MEDICINE.- Alcoholism. Bromides, especially for the " horrors," in 3 doses. Capsicum, for its stomachic, tonic and hypnotic qualities. Chloral, very efficient in the acute form, but caution is required in old drunkards. Opium, but cautiously. Zinc Oxide, for the chronic state, with piperine or capsicum. Cinchona, especially the C. Rubra fluid extract. Lupuline. fluid extract with capsicum ; good substitute for alcoholic stimu- lants. Picrotoxine, for the muscular tremors. Nux Vomica, nerve and stomachic tonic. B. FOR RUM STOMACH. R Tinct. nucis. vomic...............................grs v-xv Tinct. gentian, c..........................................3i Tinct. columb'ai c.......................................3' M. Sig. Take before meals. Loomis. TO ALLAY CRAVING FOR DRINK. R Tinct. capsici........................................... m x Tinct. nucis. vom.......................................m x Acid. nit. dil...........................................m xx Aquae......................................................ad %i M. Sig. Take the amount three times a day. Farquharson. Amaurosis. Strychnia, hypodermically, curative in functional disease caused by tobacco, alcoholic excess, etc. B. Amenorrhea. Aconite, for sudden suppression due to cold. Aloes when due to anaemia and torpor. Iron, when anae- mia is the cause, may be given with nerve stimu- lants, as nux vomica. Cha'ybeate Waters, Apiol, Hydropiper, when there is functional inactivity of ovaries, preceded by a chalybeate course, by aloes, apiol being given just before the period for several days. Arsenic, as a reconstituent, combined with iron. Aurum, a stimulant of the menstrual func- tion. Asafoztida, for the nervous disturbance and as an ovarian stimulant. Electricity, faradic and static ; very efficient to start the flow when suit- able preparation has been made. Ergot is use- DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 2-9, ful when plethora exists. Rue, and Savin are act- ive stimulants, to be given with great caution. Pulsatilla, used under the same circumstances as, aconite in sudden arrest of flow. B. with chlorosis. R Tinct. myrrh...............................................giv Tinct. croci..............................................giij Tinct. aloe.................................................giij M. Sig. One to three teaspoonfuls twice a day. Known as Elix. Paracelsus. with anaemia. R Arsenic....................................................gr. i Ferri sulph. exsic......................................3ss Pulv. piper, nig. Pil. al. et myrrh......................................aa 3i M. Ft. pil. No. 40. Sig. One twice a day after meals. Fothergill. R Pulv. ferri sulph. exsic. Potass, carb. purae...................................aa 3ij Mucil. tragicant.............................................. M. . Ft. pil. No. 48. Sig. Commence withS and increase one pill each day until 3 are taken after each meal. Hosp., Union, Pa. Anaemia. Compressed Air, Oxygen, Iron, Arsenic, an adjunct of iron, or when the latter cannot be borne. Pep- sin, and Pancreatine, to aid the primary assimila- tion. Lacto-phosphate of lime, a material needed in the anaemia of Jactation and of suppuration. Manganese, of use when associated with iron. Gal- vanization, central, to stimulate the functions of organic life. Wines, especially the red wines with good body. p,_ of chlorosis. R Ferri vini. amari......................................3vijss Tinct. nucis. vom........................................?;v Liq. potass, arsenit......................................?jj M. Sig. A desert-spoonful in a glass of water after each meal. T. G. Thomas. 30 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. WITH NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. R Acid, phosphor, dil..................................3ss Tinct. ferri chlorid .....................................^i Strychniae................................................gr. i Mix, and add of . Glycerine.................................................3*iss Syr. aurant. cort.......................................3* M. Sig. A teaspoonful in a wine glass of water after meals. To be taken through a tube. FoUDYCE BAKKER. WITH SLUGGISH BOWELS AND NERVOUS DEPRESSION. R Extr. nucis. vom...................................grs. v Extr. cannabis indie................................grs. x Extr. belladon.......................................grs. iij Resin, podophyl.........................................grs. ij Feri. lactat..............................................grs. 1 M. Ft. capsul. No. 20. Sig. One capsule after each meal. Fokdyce Barkkr. In the above the Cannabis Ind. is to be gradually increased up to 15 grains, and the podophyllum reduced to 1 grain, if the bowels become too lax. Anaesthetics. Rules for administering. Morphia, subcutaneously by the method of Bernard, facilitates the inhalation, lessens the dangers, and prolongs the anaesthetic stage with a less quantity of the anaesthetic. Whisky administered before inhalation sustains the heart and prolongs the narcosis. Means of restoration, depressing head, drawing out tongue, artificial res- piration, inhalation of ammonia, or intravenous in- jection of the same, faradization of chest muscles, electropuncture of the heart, etc. B. Aneurism. Aliment, denutrition cure. Tufnell's plan. Barium Chloride acts by raising the arterial tension, and has been used successfully. Iodides, in full doses, relieve pain, and promote coagulation of blood in the sac. Acetate of Lead depresses the heart and raises the arterial tension. Veralrum Fin'de slows the circulation and thus facilitates coagulation in the sac. Aconite and other arterial sedatives act DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 31 similarly; but their action must be aided by a proper diet, and absolute recumbency. Ergot, especially ergotine subcutaneously, has been very effective. Galvanopuncture has but rarely suc- ceeded. B. Angina Pectoris. Amyl Nitrite, by inhalation, affords prompt relief in cases characterized by elevated arterial tension, but must be used with caution when arteries are athero- matous and heart is fatty. ' Nytro-glycerine acts similarly but more slowly, and is more managable. Arsenic, in full doses, is very efficient as a means of prevention. Ether, in small quantity by inhala- tion, may abort a mild attack. B. Antipyretics. Quinia, first in importance but must be given in full doses. Eucalyptus, useful in chronic malarial poisoning. Digitalis, chiefly useful as an adjunct to quinia. Salicylic Acid, or Salicylates active and certain antipyretics. Besorcin, a new and valuable agent to reduce fever heat. Cold Baths, the most powerful means of lowering temperature. Pilocar- pus, reduces fever after a preliminary stimulation. Of lesser importance are Aconite, Gelsemium, and Phytolacca. B. Antiseptics. Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Boracic Acid, Besor- cin, Quinia, are the most important for the anti- septic method. Thymol, Myrtol, Oxygen, Chlorine, Bromine, Sulphurous Acid, etc., are of minor im- portance. B. Aphonia. Atropia, is certain, nearly, in hysterical cases, if given to induce some obvious constitutional symp- toms. Nitric Acid, is very effective in the hoarse- ness of singers, when the aphonia is reflex from stomach disorder, and in fatigue of vocal cords. Electricity, by an iritralaryngeal electrode, cures, usually, paresis of the vocal cords. B. Aphthae. Bismuth, in powder directly to the ulcers. Cop- tis, the infusion as a topical application. Chlo- 32 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. rate of Potassium, probably the most effective remedy, locally, and by the stomach; full doses are necessary. Iodide oj Potassititn. in solution, an excellent topical application. Quinia, highly useful as a tonic. Muriatic Acid, a local application to ulcers, formerly more employed than at present. Sulphurous Acid, well diluted, in the form of spray. Carbolic Acid, pure, ap- plied to ulcers, an anaesthetic and alterant. B. ULCERATIVE. R Tinct. ferri chlorid.......................................^ss Potass, chlorat...........................................3iss Glycerin. Aqua......................................................aa gij M. Sig. One teaspoonful every three hours. Will cure the most obstinate case in from five to seven days. V. P. Gibney Apoplexy. (See Hemorrhage Cerebral.) Arthritis, Chronic Rheumatic Alkalies, especially lithium. Iodide of Potassium, Cimicifuga. Salicylates; especially in debilitated subjects, Salicylate of Cinchonidia Arsenic, per- sistently used in small doses. Cod Liver Oil, with or without the phosphates. B. Ascarides. Quassia, also Eucalyptus, an infusion as a rectal injection, or by irrigation of the bowel. Car- bolic Acid is an efficient but unsafe parasiticide when injected in the rectum. 7ron, the syrup of the iodide, by the stomach to prevent reproduction, and the tincture by rectal injection. Santonine, at night, with or without calomel, and a laxative in the morning. Enema Aloes, Hydrocyanic Acid, for lumbricoides. Salicylic Acid, by enema and by stomach. Myrtol. B. R 01. terebinthin.............................................^ss 01. ricini...................................................^i M. Sig. One dose. Farquharson. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 33 R Fl. ext. spigel...........................................3*i Fl. ext. sennae............................................§ss M. Sig. A teaspoonful to child of 3 to 5 years. R Fl. ext. spigel. et sennae...............................£i Santoini.........................................grs. viij M. Sig. A teaspoonful to child of 5. J. L. Smith. Ascites. Copaiba Resin has proved very efficient as a diuretic. Pilocarpine, very serviceable when given to pro- duce free diaphoresis. lalap, in the form of the compound powder, most useful as a hydragogue ca- . thai tic. Elaterium, also a hydragogue of great power; must be given cautiously, and not at all when gastro intestinal irritation exists. Remedies are more active when aided by a milk diet, or by dry diet. B. Asthma. Air, compressed. Oxygen, pure or diluted ; by inhala- tion. Amyl nitrite, by inhalation, or Nitro-glyce- rine, by the stomach. Arsenic, by the stomach, as a prophylactic, or by smoking in cigarettes. Bro- mides relieve in purely spasmodic asthma, but soon lose their effect. Chloral may arrest the parox- ysms, but danger of chloral habit. Chloroform, by inhalation dropped on warm water, relieves, but a habit is quickly formed. Last two remedies are dangerous in weak heart. Ether is safer and equally efficient by inhalation. Belladonna, in pastiles with stramonium and other narcotics, gives tempo- rary relief, but Atropia, hypodermatically, is more efficient. Morphia and Atropia subcutaneously give more decided and lasting relief than any other remedies. Grindelia is a most useful remedy, next in value as a means of immediate relief to morphia and atropia. Iodide of Potassium, in full doses, succeeds remarkably in some cases. Quinia, as a tonic after the acute symptoms, and as a prophy- lactic in the interval. Strychnia is indicated when there is weakness of respiratory muscles. Galvan- ization of the pneumogastric and cervical sympa- thetic relieves the spasmodic difficulty of breathing, 34 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. and sometimes effects a cure, and faradization of the chest-muscles has lately been reported suc- cessful in effecting a cure. Tartar Emetic and Lo- belia carried to slight nausea in cases of deficient secretion of bronchial mucus. Pilocarpus, in humid A. B. R Tinct. lobelia................................................gi Ammon. iodid ............................. ..............3ij Ammon. bromid.......................................3iij Sjr- tolu.....................................................Jij M. Sig. One teaspoonful every 2, 3, or 4 hours, in the paroxysms. B. R Tinct. lobelia'. Tinct. hyoscyam......................................aa.^i Spts. ether c. Syr. tolu................................................aa §i M. Sig. A teaspoonful every one-half hour during paroxysm, afterward at longer intervals. Da Costa. R Tinct. opii ...................................................3i Aetheris.....................................................3iJ M. Sig. 60 drops every 20 minutes. To each dose may be added tinct. lobeliae aether, gtts. xx Merideth Clymer. R Spts. aether, c. Liqu. morph. sulph................................... aa §i M. Sig. From a teaspoonful to a tablespoon- ful. Char. Hosp., Blackweli.'s Island, N. Y. Astigmatism. Atropia, a weak solution to facilitate examination. Duboisia, a substitute. Eserine, in some cases. • Atheroma of the Vessels. Arsenic, indicated when eyes are puffy, breathing short, and ankles swollen. Phosphorus, in minute doses for the weakness and mental failure asso- ciated therewith, with or without Cod-Liver Oil, which may also be advantageously combined with phosphates and hypophosphites. Quinia is of great service, administered in a full dose daily for a time. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 35 Baldness. For Alopecia Areata. Arsenic, Quinia, Cod-Liver Oil, internally; Alco- hol, Canlharides, Essential Oil, Glycerine, Castor Oil, Carbolic Acid, Tar, Iodine, Turpentine, Ammonia, Salts of Mercury, Verairia, Acetic Acid, Tannic Acid, Nux Vomica, Piper, and Sul- phur, externally, as ointments or lotions, once or twice daily. R Acid carbolic.............................................3ss Alcohol..................................................§i 3vj 01. ricini....................................................3ij 01. amygdal, amar ................................gtts x M. Sig. Apply. R Tinct. canthar. Tinct. capsici................ .....................aa §iss 01. ricini.....................................................3ij Aq. Cologn.................................................gi M. Sig. Apply. Duhring. Bfd-sores. Alcohol, a wash to skin. Alum, with tincture of camphor and 'whites of eggs, a good topical appli- cation. Copaiba and Castor Oil, equal parts, one of the best. A galvanic couplet, zinc and silver, connected with copper wire, has been used with success. B. Biliary Calculi. (See Calculi.) Biliousness. Acids, Mineral, before meals in acid indigestion. Hydrochloric acid and pepsin after meals in atonic dyspepsia. Alkalies, and their laxative salts, and Alkaline Mineral Waters, when the uric acid is in excess. Aloes and the resin bearing cathartics, to promote biliary evacuations. Calomel and blue pill in small quantity as laxatives merely. Muri- ate of Ammonia, Manganese, in gouty subjects. Iodide of Ammonium, or iodine, in the biliousness of the malarial cachexia. Hydrastis, Stillingia, and the bitters, also, Tincture of Nux Vomica, after the action of saline or resinous cathartics. Milk diet, of high importance. B. 36 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Fl. ext. stilling.............................................3v Tinct aloe .............................................3ij Tinct. nucis. vom............................. .........3i M. Sig. Twenty drops in water ter die. B. FOR SLUUOISH LIVER. R Acid, nitro-muriat. dil...................................3ij Ext. taraxic.............................................§ss Spts. chloroform ........................................^iss Aquae....................... ,........................ad 3viij M. Sig. One ounce three times a day. Farquharson. Bites of Venomous Snakes. Ammonia, Bromine, locally to the wound. Alcoholic Stimulants, Chlorinated Lime. See Poisons and Antidotes. Bladder, Catarrh of. Alkalies, after meals, when urine is acid. Benzoate of Ammonia, when urine is alkaline. Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, Juniper, and other urino-genitals, are useful, but liable to damage kidneys. Canthar- ides Tincture, very efficient in small doses. Euca- lyptus and Turpentine. Quinia, very beneficial when associated with prostatic disease. B. R Infus. buchu ..............................................gxij Potass, bicarb....................................grs. lxxx Tinct. hyoscyam.........................................3ij M. Sig. one ounce. St. Thomas Hosp. R Acid benzoic. Sodii biborat.......................................aa grs. x Infus. buchu...............................................§ij M. Sig. This amount 3 or 4 times a day. Skene. The above is regarded by Dr. Skene as almost a specific. Bladder, Irritability of. Belladonna, of special utility in nocturnal inconti- nence, but must be carried to the production of physi- ological effects. Cantharides Tincture, sometimes succeeds remarkably in irritable bladder of women. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 37 Alkalies; when alkaline, Benzoate of Ammonia. B. Boils. Arsenic, long continued for a succession of boils. Ni- trate of Silver, dissolved in nitrous ether, and painted on early to abort boils. Sulphides, in small doses frequently, either stop formation or ter- minate by extrusion of pus. Sulphurous Waters, act in same way. Phosphates, suitable tonics. B. Bone Diseases , Softening of Bone. Carbonate and Phosphate of Lime, materials neces- sary. Phosphorus, to promote formation of bony tissue. Phos2)hates, to improve tissue formation in geueral. Cod-liver Oil, in combination Chloride of Calcium, in strumous subjects. (See also Caries, Rickets.) B. Breath, Foul. Chlorine Water, properly diluted. Carbolic Acid, in dilute solution, as a mouth-wash, and by the stom- ach. Potassa, Permanganate, in rose water as a mouth-wash. Benzoic Acid. B. R Potass, permangan.....................................gr. i Aquae rosae..................................................^i M. Sig. Use as toilet application. R Calc. chlorinat........................................3i'j Aquae distil.................................................§ij Alcohol.................................................. 31J 01. rosae ............................................gtts. iv M. Sig. A teaspoonful to a tumblerful of water, as a lotion for mouth. B. Bright's Disease. Milk Cure has been very successful, especially an ex- clusive skim-milk diet, or a diet composed largely of milk- Water, and large draughts of weak alka- line waters. Bitarlrate of Potassa, as lemonade, drunk freely as a diueretic. Digitalis, the infusion for dropsy. Iodide of Potassium, in cases of a chronic kind, especially if a syphilitic taint is known to be the cause. Iron, the tincture of the chloride, well diluted, or in Basham's mixture, to 38 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. stimulate the kidneys and to relieve the accom- panying anaemia. Jaborandi, highly useful in many cases of uraemia. Aurum, in chronic inter- stitial nephritis and amyloid kidney. Cantharides, Eucalyptus, and other urino genitals, but are doubtful. Nitroglycerine has had some remarka- ble successes. B. R Tinct. ferri chlorid......................................m. x Syr. limonis................,...........................m. 1 Aquae...................................................3iij M. Sig. This amount thrice daily, in wineglass- ful of water. Da Costa. Bronchitis, Acute. Muscarine at the onset of the disease may arrest. Aconite in small dose frequently. Tartar Emetic in moderate quantity, with or without morphia. Ni- tric Acid dilute, Cimicifuga, &': expectorant, may be combined with opium and aconite. Carbonate of Ammonia if secretion is viscid and there is de- pression. Sanguinaria and Lobelia, nauseating expectorants, best given with opium. Morphia, or Dover's Powder, with quinia, may abort if given early enough. Pilocarpus often highly useful at the beginning. For mild cases, Sirup oj Squills, or the compound sirup, with Paregoric, makes a useful combination. Ipecac, as expectorant. B. FOR FIRST STAGE. R Vin. ipecac..................................................3'J Liq. potass, citrat..........,...........................§iv Tinct opii c. Syr. acaciae............................................aa §i M. Sig. A tablespoonful. Thrice daily. Da Costa. for second stage. R Ammon. carb..........................................grs. v Tinct. nucis. vom.......................................mx Tinct. scillae .............................................3^8 Infus. serpent..... ...-.....................................§i M. This amount three times a day. FOTHERGILL. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 39 FOR FIRST STAGE. R Ant. et potass, tart. Morph. acet......................................aa gr. ss Aquae.........................................................§ij M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour or so. B. EXPECTORANT. R Spts, aether c. Syr. ipecac. Tinct. opii c. Aquae......................................................aa §i M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Insane Asy., Blackwell's Isl., N. Y. R Potass, cyanid. Morph. sulph ...................................aa grs. iv Syr. tolu.....................................................^iv M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Bellevue Hosp. R Potass, chlor. Ammon. chlor..........................................aa 3i Ext. glycerrhiz... ..............;........................3ss Aquae...................................*..................31V M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Wheelock. R Ammon. carb........................................gr. 1 Potass, iodid.............................................3iij Syr. prun. virgin. Spts. aether c..........................................aa §iss M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Katzenback. for children. R Syr. Senegae. Syr. prun. virgin......................................aa 5i Acaciae................................,......................gi M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Holgate. for children. R Ammon. carb.........................................grs. x Syr. ipecac...............................................3iss Tinct. opii c...............................................z\ Syr. prun. virg.............................................^ij Aquae......................................................gij M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Beverly Robinson. 40 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. FOR CHILDREN. R Syr. scilloe c. Syr. ipacac.............................................aa ?i Syrupi ......................................................gi M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Swezey. Bronchitis, Capillary. Iodides dimiuibh the viciditv of the secretion, and thus lessen one of the chief dangers Carbonate oj Ammonia acts similarly, a*hd is indicated when de- pression comes on. Serpentaria, a stimulating ex- pectorant, may be given with ammonia Turpen- tine, when the capillary circulation languishes; Camphor, also, under the same circumstances. Emetics are highly useful, the Subsulphate of Mer- cury, Alum, and Apomorphia being the principal. Pilocarpus when there is much secretion. B. R Fl. ext. serpentar.......................................3"ss Ammon. carb.............................................3ij Syr. tolu....v.....'........................................3jss M. Sig. Teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours. B. Bronchitis, Chronic. Koumiss, a valuable nutrient. Cod Liver Oil. Iron, especially the mistura ferri composita. Chloride of Ammonium, combined with stimulating expecto- rants, as Eucalyptus, or Serpentaria, or sanguin- aria. The iodides, especially the iodide of am- monium, is serviceable in combination, with the expectorants just named. Morphia, or some preparation of opium, is indispensable to quiet cough. Strychnia and the syrup of the phosphate of iron, quinia, and strychnia, is a valuable respira- tory stimulant. Strychnia is the best remedy to check the reflex vomiting. Inhalations of Sulphu- rous Acid, in spray or gas, of Carbolic Acid, and of the Benzoates are very useful. Grindelia, a val- uable expectorant, especially when the cough is troublesome. Copaiba and Cubeb. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 41 R Fl. ext. eucalypt..........................................^i Ammon. mur............................................3ij Ext. glycerrhiz............................................sjij Syr. tolu.....................................................giij M. Sig. A teaspoonful 4 to 6 times a day. B. R Ammon. chlorid.........................................gij Mist, glycerrhiz. c ......................................giij M. Sig. A dessert-spoonful three times a day. Da Costa. associated with emphysema. R Ammon. carb.........................................grs. v Tinct. nucis vom..........................................mx Tinct. scillae..............................................3ss Infus. serpent................................................gi M. Sig. This amount ter die. Fothergill. Bronchorrhos. Eucalyptus, Turpentine, and the stimulating expec- torants mentioned under chronic bronchitis. Car- bolic Acid internally and by spray. Grindelia, Muriate and Carbonate of Ammonia, Cubeb, Copaiba, Sulphurous Acid, spray, Benzoin, inhala- tion, Myrtol, antiseptic; eliminated by the lungs. Cod-Liver Oil, Alcoholic Stimulants, Oxygen, in- halations. Iodides, Quinia, and the Phosphates as restoratives. B. R Mist, asafcetid............................................5jiv Ammon. muriat...........................................3i M. Sig. A tablespoonful as necessary. B. Burns and Scalds. Carbonate of Soda in saturated solution to relieve pain. Boracic Acid, most useful in Mr. Lister's hands. Carbonate of Lead painted on. Turpen- tine, mixed with basilicon ointment. Salcylic Acid. Carbolic Acid, one per cent, solution re- lieves pain and prevents suppuration. Collodion, the flexile for slight burns. B. 4 42 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Pulv. tragacanth................................:........ 5ij Pulv. aciciae ..............................................%\v }Syr. fusci. Aq. bulient...............................................aa oi M. Sig. Apply. Buck. Cachexia. Aliment, of first importance. Air. Massage, Oils and Fats, and oil inunctions. Iron, and Chaly- beate Waters. Manganese, especially Sirup of the Iodides of Iron, and Manganese. Arsenic. Phos- phates. The Simple Bitters. Eucalyptus. Hy- drastis, Quinia. Codliver Oil. B. Calculi, Biliary. Aliment, Starches, sweets, and especially fats should be avoided. Alkaline Mineral- Waters, highly use- ful. Phospate of Soda, persistently used. Tur- pentine, remedy of Durand. For the paroxysms, See Colic. B. Calculi, Renal. Alkalies, when the calculi are uric, the potash, and not the soda salts. Also Alkaline Mineral- Waters, Vichy, Bethesda, etc. Benzoate of Ammonia, for the solution of phosphatic calculi. Very long con- tinued use of the solvent necessary. Borocitrate of Magnesia, solvent for uric acid calculi. Tarirobor- ate of Potassium, probably still more efficient. B. Cancer. Arsenic, relieves the pain and retards the growth of carcinoma of the stomach, and also of epithelioma. Bismuth, relieves the vomiting in cancer of the stomach; also, Carbolic Acid, which, also injected beneath a cancer mass and applied to the ulcerated surface, retards the growth and allays pain. Potassa Chlorate, applied in powder alters the ulcerated surface. Iodoform and Salicylic Acid, also in powder to the surface of the cancer. Zinc Chloride and Sulphate dried, are efficient caustics. Potassa lusa, Chromic Acid, and Bromine, also active escharotics for the destruction of morbid growths. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 43 Caries. Cod-Liver Oil, to promote constructive metamorpho- sis- Phosphates, and Carbonate of Lime, furnish needed materials. Chloride of Calcium is useful in the strumous cachexia. Phosphorus promotes bone formation. Villatte's solution used to dissolve carious bone. B. R Cupri. sulph. Zinc, sulph.......................................aa grs. xv Sol. plumbi. subacet .............................m. xxx Acid, acetic...................................3iij. m. xx M. Sig. Inject into carious part. Villatte. Catarrh, Acute : Common Cold. Aconite, for the preliminary fever, with Belladonna, when the secretion is excessive. Quinia and Mor- phia may, at the outset, abort an attack. Ipecac, especially the fluid extract, alone or in combination with opium and aconite. Tartar Emetic in minute doses with morphia is very useful. Dover s Pow- der at the inception may arrest the attack. Iodides, a small dose very frequently, and Inhalations of Iodine. Ammonia, carefully inhaled at the outset of the disease. Pulsatilla acts similarly to aconite, but is contraindicated if gastrointestinal irritation exust. B. R Fl. ext. Cimicifug...................................gsa Tinct.Jopii deodor.........................................gjj Syr. tolu...................................................£X M. Sig. A teaspoonful every 4 hours. B. Catarrh, Broncho-Pulmonary. Air, compressed, Alum, by insufflation. Aconite, when attack is recent. Belladonna, when secre- tionis profuse. Eucalyptus, Hydrastis, Sangui- naria,&nd Prunus Virginiana,after the acute symp- toms have subsided. Also Cubeb, Copaiba, Tur- pentine, Carbolic Acid, of great value by spray inhalation. B. Catarrh, Chronic Nasal. Alum, in powder by insufflation. Iodoform and Tan- nin, also applied in powder by insufflation. Iodine, 44 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. in vapor inhaled , also Bromine, but it must be in- haled very cautiously. Sanguinaria, the tincture internally and the powder locally. Cubeb, in pow- der by insufflation and troches. B. R Tinct. iodini..............................................^ss Acid, carbolic...............................................3i M. Sig. Inhale fumes at a moderate tempera- ture. B. Catarrh, Gastric. (See Gastric Catarrh.) Catarrh, Intestinal. (See Dysentery and Diarrhea.) Catarrh, Genito-Urinary. (See Bladder, Catarrh of, Cystitis, Gonorrhoea, Leucokrho<:a, Prostor- rhosa, Endometritis, etc. Cerebral Anaemia. Iron, and Chalybeate Mineral- Waters. Galvanism, by transverse applications. Phosphorus and Phos- phates, Quinia, Strychnia, and the cerebral exci- tants. Caffein, Guarana, etc. Arsenic, is highly efficient in some hypochondriacal cases; also, Aurum. Amyl Nitrite, Nitro-glycerine, and Am- monia, afford relief in sudden attacks. B. Cerebral Congestion. Aconite, Cold Douche, alternate hot and cold appli- cations Bromides, highly useful. Ergot, Gelse- mium, Hydrocyanic Acid, and the arterial seda- tives, Veratrum Viride, Digitalis, etc. Galvani- zation, of the Cervical Sympathetic. Venesection, is a suitable remedy in cases threatening rupture of vessels. Active Cathartics, Colchicum, lessen blood pressure and act by derivation. B. R Sodii bromid................................................§i Fl. ext. ergot............................................§iv M. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. Napheys. Cerebro-Sfinal Meningitis. Aconite, Tincture, carried to arterial depression before exudations. Ergot, also, for first stage or period of congestion and irritation. Gelsemium, Fluid Extract, for same period. Opium, is the most effective remedy. Quinia, full cinchonism at the DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 45 onset of disease. Cold Baths, for hyperpyrexia. B. Chancre. (See Syphilis.) Bromine, Chromic Acid, Nitric Acid, and Acid Nitrate of Mercury, efficient escharotics for the destruction of chancre. lodojorm, with or without Thymol, an excellent application dusted over sore. Carbolic Acid, applied pure in mild cases. Iodide of Iron, internally in cases of systemic depression or sloughing phagedaena. Chlorate of Potassa, in powder is also an excellent local application. B. Chilblains. Turpentine, Tincture of Iodine, Carbolic Acid, with iodine and tannin. Sulphurous Acid, diluted with glycerine, is an excellent application. R Acid Carbolic..............................................3i Acid tannic....... .......................#.................3'j Tinct. iodini.............................................. 3ij Cerat. simplicis ........................................ §iv M. Sig. Ointment. B. Chloroform Narcosis. (See Antidotes.) Chlorosis. Arsenic, as an adjunct to,or substitute for, iron. Oxy- gen, inhaled. Iron, with or without arsenic; with al- oes if constipation exist. Chalybeate Springs, Mas- sage, oil inunctions, and faradization, Galvaniza- tion, to central nervous system. Nux Vomica, or strychnia, stimulates the blood-making organs; may be combined with iron. Pepsin, Pancreatine, improve digestion. B. R Ferri vini. amar.............................. ........^vijss Tinct. nucis vom..........................................3iv Liq. potasi. arsent ............................'........3ij M. Sig. A dessertspoonful in glass water after meals. T. Gailord Thomas. Cholera, Asiatica. Acetate of Lead, an excellent astringent, usually given with opium and camphor. Camphor, the saturated tincture. Carbolic Acid, with or with- out Iodine. Chloral is highly effective by subcuta- 46 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. neous injection; usually combined with morphia. Chloroform, a few drops frequently to stop vomit- ing. Opium, especially useful to arrest prelimi- nary diarrhea. Calomel, minute doses will some- times stop vomiting. Alcohol, as iced brandy or champagne to arrest vomiting and stimulate the heart. SiOphuric Acid, with opium tincture, an excellent remedy for cholera diarrhea. Arsenic, Fowler's solution with opium, sometimes valuable. Strychnia, has been used with success in some epidemics. Atropia, to stimulate the heart in cholera asphyxia. Intravenous Injection of Sa- lines, in the algid stage, and of Milk. B. R Chloral hydrat...........................................3»'j Morph. sulph....................................... grs. iv Aq. lauro-cerasi..........................................3i M. Sig. 15 to 20 min. hypodermically. B. R Tinct. opii. Tinct. capsici..........................................aa 3i Spts. camphor...........................................%\ Chloroform............................................--3'U Alcohol..................................................ad %v M. Sig. 20 to 40 minims. Squibb. Cholera Morbus. Morphia and Atropia, hypodermatically, the most efficient remedy. Chloral, with morphia if cramps occur, Carbolic Acid and Bismuth, in an emulsion together, are sufficient in mild cases. The reme- dies for Cholera A., also, Cajeput Oil. B. R Acid, carbolic......................................grs. iv. Bismuth, subnit.........................................3'j Mucil. acaciae............................................%\ Aq. menth. pip..........................................§iij M. Sig. A teaspoonful every 2, 3, or 4 hours. B. Cholera Infantum. Aliment is of the highestimportance. Carbolic Acid, with or without bismuth is very effective. Bismuth, is frequently prescribed in an emulsion. Oxide oj zinc. Calomel, in minute doses arrests vomiting. Sulphate of Copper is an effective remedy, but only DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 47 the smallest doses are admissible. Bromide of Potassium is higely useful in cases characterized by nervous irritability and feverishness. Ipecac- uanha, is a desirable remedy when the stools assume a dysenteric character. Brandy renders impoitant service in most cases, but full doses are necessary. Camphor is indicated when depression is marked ; it may be given in milk. Nitrate of Silver, bene- ficial after the acute symptoms. Opium must be given with great caution. B. R Zinc, oxid.............................................grs. xij Bismuth, subnit...................................grs. xxiv M. Sig. Ft. chart No. 12. Sig. One every three hours. R Argent, nit............................................gr. i Acid. nit. dil..........................................m. viij Tinct. opii deod.......................................m. viij Mucil. acaciae............. ..............................Iss Syr. simplicis........................................... gss Aq. cinnamom.............................................gi M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three, four or six hours to a child of one year. Very beneficial after subsidence of acute symptoms. B. Chordee. Camphor, successful if given in sufficient quantity ; may be administered with lactucarium Cantharides Tincture, in small dose is said to be useful. Morphia and Atropia, subcutaneously is the most certain. Colchicum, in a nightly dose will succeed. Tartar Emetic, will relieve if carried to nausea. Tobacco, Wine of, a few drops at bed hour. R Camphor. Lactucar.......................................aa. grs. xl M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. two at bedtime. Ricord. R Camphor.............................................grs. xxx OP"......................................................grs. x M. Ft. pil. No. 10. Sig. one at bedtime. Ricord. Chorea. Watert cold affusion and cold baths. Iron, especially 48 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. subcarbouate for the condition of anaemia and amenorrhcea. Cod-liver Oilt when the nutrition is poor. Arsenic, one of the most certain remedies, but large doses are required, and well borne. Strychnia, and especially Pierotoxine, in full doses when the nervous element is predominant. Cimici- fuga, useful in cases with menstrual derangement. Conium, especially succus conii, has been strongly urged by Harley. Morphia, in the large doses read- ily borne, and Chloral, especially at night are highly useful. Static Electricity, has lately been revived. Chloiide of Calcium, has done good in strumous subjects. Cannabis Indica. B. R Zinc, bromid ...............................................3i Syr. simplicis...............................................3i M. Sig. Ten drops 3 times a day ; increased as can be borne by the stomach. Hammond. R Zinc, valerian........................................grs. xl Cinchon sulph......................................grs xx M. Ft. pil..No.20. Sig. One pill thrice daily. Da Costa. Cirrhosis. Iodides, with or without arsenic, are useful in first stage. Pliosphate of Soda, persistently admin- istered, of real value if commenced early. Chloride of Gold has seemed to have curative power if given in time. Arsenic, and Phosphates, especially Phos- phate of Soda, appear also to retard overgrowth of connective tissue. Stillingia, and Hydrastis, in incipient disease, secondary to intestinal catarrh. B. R Ammon. iodid..............................................3i Liq. potass, arsenit.....................................3ss Tinct. columb.......................................gss Aquae........................................................§iss M. Sig. A teaspoonful before meals. B. Colic. Asafoetida, in the flatulent colic of infants. Chloro- form, useful in flatulent colic, and in hepatic, a few drops frequently. Ether, internally and by inhala- tion. Camphor, a few drops of the saturated tinct- DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 49 ure frequently. Infusum Tabaci, as an enema, effective but dangerous. Morphia, hypodermatic- ally, the most prompt and successful remedy. B. R Chloroform. Tinct. cardam. c.......................................aa ^i M. Sig Teaspoonful every half hour in water. B. FOR FLATULENT COLIC. R Tinct. nucis. vom---- ............................3i Acid, nitro-mur. dil......................................3ij Spts. chloroform..........................................3i Infus. gentian.........................................ad §vi M. Sig. A tablespoonful after each meal. Farquharson. for nursing children. R Potas. carb..........................................grs. iv 01. cajeput..............................................m. i Aq. anisi....................................................3ij M. Sig. One dose. Fothergill. Colica Pictonum. Alum, overcomes the constipation with success; may be given with dilute sulphuric acid. Sulphuric Acid, very dilute in''lemonode," as prophylactic and as a curative agent. Morphia, subcutaneously, relieves pain most quickly. Iodides, and Bromides, to cause excretion of lead. Sulphate of Magnesia, to overcome constipation. B. R Alumin ....................................................31'j Syr. limon................................................§i Acid sulph. dil.................................. ........3i Aquae........................................................3iij M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour or two. B. Colic Hepatic. For the pain —Morphia and Atropia, subcutaneously. Spirit of Chloroform, Ether, internally and by inha- lation. Nitroglycerine, and Amyl Nitrite. For the calculi—Ailment, Phosphate of Soda. Chlorofo-m, a few drops ier die persistently used. Bemedy of Du- rande. Alkaline Mineral-Waters. (See Calculi, Biliary.) • B. 5 50 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Comedo. Frequent hot baths with Soft-soap or with soft-soap and Alcohol equal parts, followed by friction. Expressing Contents of each follicle with watch key day by day. Sulphur lotions. R Sulphurprecip............................................3ij Glycerin...................................................3i Adipis .....................................................3vj M. Ft. Ung. Sig. To be well rubbed in at night. Duhring. Condylomata. . Calomel, dusted over. Iodoform, powder applied freely. Carbolic Acid, a mild escharotic for simple cases. Chromic Acid, in paste to destroy; solution of bichromate of potassa a useful lotion. Nitric Acid, a dilute solution as a wash. B. R Acid, chromic .........................................grs. c Aquae.........................................................3i M. Sig. Apply. Bumstead. Conjunctivitis. Calomel, dusted over membrane. Yellow Oxide of Mercury, an ointment of, with vaseline, a most efficient remedy f>-r granular lids. Tannin, in powder dusted over membrane, an excellent appli- cation. Bismuth, also applied in powder directly. Copper, Sulphate, a smooth crystal applied directly. an approved remedy. Silver Nitrate, a long-stand- ing, useful agent. Zinc Sulphate, a weak solution in rose water, one of the best remedies for simple conjunctivitis. Cadmium, in solution, a substitute for copper and zinc. Fluid Extract of Ergot, ap- plied undiluted, is said to be very efficient. B. R Zinc, sulph. Morphia? sulph....................................aa grs. ij Atropiae sulph............................................gr. i Aq. rosae....................................................§i M. Sig. As collyrium. Constipation. Aliment, highly important in habitual; bread of un- bolted flour, corn-meal bread, fruits and succulent DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 51 vegetables. Cathartics. Physiological laxatives; Arsenic, small doses of Fowler's solution increase action. Nux Vomica, Physostigma, Belladonna, Tabaci Vinum, Muscarine, all act by either increas- ing secretion or muscular action, or both.. Faradi- zation, of intestines. Saline Mineral-Waters, and the purgative Sulphurous Waters. Enemata. B. R Magnes. sulph ........................................3"ij Ferri sulph......................................grs. xxiv Acid sulph. dil......................................... 3'J Infus. quassiae.........................................i§viij M. Sig. A tablespoonful at bedtime. Farquharson. R Fl. ext. stilling.............................................3v Tinct. belladon.............................................3i Tinct. nucis vom. Tinct. phjsostig.......................................aa 3i M. Sig. Twenty drops in water before each meal. B. R Ext. nucis vom......................................grs. v Ext. hyoscyam.......................................grs. xl Podophyl ............................................grs. x M. Ft. Pil. No. 20. Sig. One pill morning and night on empty stomach. Convalescence. Koumiss, a valuable reconstituent stimulant. Bitters, the simple, especially calumba and gentian. Euca- lyptus, a tonic of special utility after malarial dis- eases. Hydrastis, tonic, and useful substitute for quinia. Cuca, a tonic and stimulant of the nervous system ; also, Guarana, belonging to the same class, Iron, especially sirup of the iodide, the carbonate, sulphate and tincture of the chloride. Phosphates, and Phosphites. Cod-liver Oil, Pepsin, and Pan- creatine. Wine. (See Adynamia.) B. Convulsions. Ansesthetics, in uraemic and puerperal convulsions. Bromides, in epileptic and epileptiform. Chloral, in puerperal, uraemic, and epileptiform. Morphia, hypodermatically, in full doses, in uraemic convul- sions. Veratrum Viride, in puerperal. B. 52 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. Cough. Asafoetida, in cough by habit, bronchorrhcea and chronic bronchitis; also, under same conditions, ammoniac, cubeb, copaiba, turpentine, etc. Chloral, in spasmodic cough, cough by habit, whooping cough, etc. Gelsemium, useful to quiet a nervous element in cough. Lobelia, a nauseating expecto- rant of great utility in dry cough, bronchitis, asthma, etc. Cerium, in cough associated with, or reflex from, stomach derangement. Opium, in Borne form, of chief utility as a means of quieting cough. Prunus Virginiana, anodyne and tonic ex- pectorant. Hydrocyanic Acid, indicated in cough of irritation, habit, reflex and stomachal. Grin- delia, especially useful in spasmcdic cough, and as a stimulant expectorant in chronic bronchitis. Lactucarium, sirup, an excellent vehicle for cough mixtures. Ipecacuanha, especially the fluid ex- tract, an excellent nauseating expectorant. B. R Syr. tolu. Syr. prun. virgin......................................aa 3M Tinct. hyoscyam. Spts. aether, c...........................................aa ^i Aquae......... ..............................................3i M. Sig. A teaspoonful. E. G. Janeway. R Morph. sulph...........................................gr. ss Spts. chloroform.......................................3i Glycerin...................................................3'jss M. Sig. A teaspoonful frequently to relieve paroxysms. Ringer. FOR COUGH OF PHTHISIS. R Spts. chloroform. Acid hydrocyan. dil...............................aa 3iss Tinct. hyoscyam........ ..............................5ss Aq. camphor ..........................................adgiv M. Sig. One teaspoonful in water every two hours. A. A. Smith. For other formulae see Bronchitis. Croup. (See Laryngismus Stridulus.) Alum, emetic not depressing. Mercury SubsulphcUe, the most efficient emetic in croup. Calomel, by DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 53 some supposed to be sedative and aplastic, allaying laryngeal spasm and preventing formation of mem- brane. Sulphate of Copper, Sulphate of Zinc, aa emetics inferior to turpeth mineral. Tartar Emetic, causes dangerous depression in young children. Apomorphia, effective but highly dangerous. Quinia, in large doses highly useful. Lactic Acid, a solvent of false membrane, applied in spray or directly. Carbolic Acid, in spray. Lime- Water, steam by slaking lime. Ipecac, as an emetic. B. ' Cysts. Iodine, tincture or compound tincture injected is ef- fective, Nitrate of Silver, a solution injected into cysts to excite and adhesive inflammation. Gal- vano-puncture, will usually permanently, occlude. B. Cysts, Hydatid, of Liver or elsewhere. Iodine Injections, Galvano-puncture. Simple Acupunc- ture, and escape of some fluid, often suffices. Delirium. of FEVERS. R Aq. camphor. Sol. ammon. acet.....................................aa §ij M. Sig. A tablespoonful every 2 hours. B. OF typhoid. R Ant. et potass, tart. Morphia sulph....................................aa grs. jss Aq. laurocerasi.............................................3*j M. Sig. A teaspoonful every 2, 3, or 4 hours. B. OF FEBRILE AFFECTIONS IN CHILDREN. R Pot. brom....................................................3i Chloral hydrat...........................................3ss Aq. anisi.................................................^jss M. A tablespoonful every 6 hours for a child of Bix. Fothergill. Delirium Tremens. Alcohol, of great utility when assimilation can not proceed without it. Bromides, may cure the pre- liminary " horrors," and succeed in mild cases of delirium tremens. Chloral, very effecive, but 54 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. dangerous in old topers and cases of weak heart Chloroform, by the stomach, lessens delirium and procures sleep. Arnica Tincture, highly serviceable when there is much depression. Digitalis, tincture or infusion, especially the former, in full doses in cases with cardiac depression, anaemia of brain, due to low tension and lessened vis-a-tergo. Opium, must be given cautiously, and the attempt to over- whelm the brain avoided. Quinia, to restore diges- tion and support the powers of life. Cannabis Indica, is sometimes remarkably quieting Car- bonate of Ammonia, required in condition of depres- sion. Capsicum, has hypnotic effects of great value in mild cases. B. THREATENED DELIRIUM. R Fl. ext. lupulin. Tinct. capsici..........................................aa §i M. Sig. One to two teaspoonfuls as neces- sary. B. Diabetes. Aliment, all saccharine and starchy foods excluded. The Milk Cure, has succeeded remarkably in some cases; Buttermilk, may be better. Alkalies, and Alkaline Mineral Waters, of great value in the delirium of obese subjects. Arsenic, in thin sub- jects, is often combined advantageously. Arsen- iate of soda, with phosphate of soda and the Phos- phates, which are also useful of themselves. Lactic Acid, has sometimes done good. Opium, especially the alkaloid codeia, restrains the waste of sugar. Chloride of Gold, is a promising remedy. B. Diabetes Insipidus. Dry Diet. Ergot, is one of the most efficient reme- dies. Pilocarpus, has done good in some cases. Valerian, restrains the flow but does, not cure. Muscarine, has been used with apparent success. Aurum, the chloride has been useful in some cases. Iodide of Potassium, has cured many cases of syphilitic origin. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 55 Diarrhoea. Chalk, in the diarrhoea of children, mistura cretce, with or without opium. Calomel, in minute doses, or hydrarg. cum creta when the stools are pasty and whitish. Bismuth, is useful but large doses are necessary. Zinc Salts, especially the Oxide, which may be given with bismuth, or the sulphate with morphia in the diarrhoea of adults. Sulphate of Copper, is the most efficient of the mineral astring- ents in chronic diarrhoea; is usually combined with opium. Arsenic, Fowler's solution with tincture of opium when undigested food is passed soon after meal, and in chronic diarrhoea. Mineral Acids, especially sulphuric, in profuse watery stools, or Hope's mixture. Acetate of Lead, one of the most generally useful astringents. Camphor, with or without opium, for summer diarrhoea. Ergot, has proved very successful in some'epidemics. Tannic Acid, and vegetable astringents containing it, especially rubus, kino, catechu, are much employed in simple diarrhoea. Aliment, milk cure, raw meat pulp, but caution is necessary in respect to the latter, because of danger of taenia. B. R Tinct. catechu...................................... ......3vj Pulv. cret. arom................................ .........3ij Tinct. opii...............................................3ij Mucilag....................................................§j Aq. cinnamon......................................ad §vi M. Sig. A tablespoonful after each liquid dejection. Farquharson. chronic. R Cupri sulph. Morphiae sulph.....................................aa gr. j Quiniae sulph......................................grs. xxiv M. Ft. Pil. No. 12. Sig. One pill 3 times a day. B. OF CHILDREN. R Bismuth subcarb.................................grs. xxiv Acid tannic..........................................grs. xij Pulv. ipecac, c......................................grs. iij M. Ft. pulv. No. 12. Sig. One every 2, 3, or 4 hours. 56 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. OF CHILDREN. R Tinct. opii. c. Syr. rhei. arom......................................aa ,?ss Aq. calcis...................................................Sij M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Ackerman. of phthisis. R Resin terebinth..............................................3i Argent nitrat..........................................grs. v Opii......................................................grs. v M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One as needed. Diptheria. Belladonna, useful at outset to check exudation, and later on to support weak heart. Carbolic Acid, locally, in solution and spray, and systematically. Chlorine, in aqua chlorinii and chlorinated lime and soda topically to correct fetor and destroy germs. Lactic Acid, one of the best solvents. Sulphurous Acid, an antiseptic, in spray of dilute solution to fauces. Nitrate of Silver, local application to fauces now but little used. Potassa Chlorate, more largely used than any remedy, topically, and by the stomach. Iron, tincture of the chloride much employed, undiluted to the fauces, and by the stomach in full doses; also largely prescribed with potassa chlorate. Muriatic Acid, was formerly ap- plied to exudation. Salicylic Acid, and the salicy- lates, the former also locally, to reduce tempera- ture and prevent systemic infection. Re»orcin, acts similarly to carbolic and salicylic acids. Alco- hol, very much prescribed for support and to pre- vent diffusion of the poison. Recently Pilocarpus, has been brought forward as a remedy, but reports are conflicting. Benzoate of Sodium, has been used with great success lately. B. R Acid, carbol...........................................m. viij Sol. ferri subsulph........................................3'j Glycerin .................................................§i M. Sig. Apply with c. h. brush two or three times a day. J. Lewis Smith. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 57 R Acid, lactic.............................................3SS Aq. distil.....................................................3"i M. Sig, Use by means of a spray apparatus. L. Th. Hosp. R Tinct. ferri chlorid. Potass, chlorid......................................aa 3'j Syrupi ....................................................§iv M. Sig. A drachm hourly. J. Lewis Smith. Dropsy. Digitalis, one of the foremost remedies, especially in cardiac and renal dropsy, less so in dropsy of cavities. Squill, has effects very alike digitalis, and is prescribed under the same conditions. Juniper, Pipsissewa, Parsley, Scoparius, and other urino-genitals having diuretic properties, of great value in cardiacxlropsy; must be used cautiously in renal dropsy. Copaiba, especially the resin, has given good results in ascites. Potassa Salts, espe- cially bitartrate and acetate largely diluted, highly useful in renal dropsy. Iron, especially tincture of the chloride, alone or in Basham's mixture as a diuretic and to eorrect anaemia. Pilocarpus, (Jaborandi), very valuable in renal dropsy when secretion of urine is much reduced or sup- pressed. Hydragogue Cathartics, especially indi- cated in ascites. Saline Purgatives, in general dropsy. B. R Tinct. digital.............................................. %{ Sol. ammon. acet....................................... gvi M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. R Spts. Juniper............................................g8S Potass Acetat............................................zjss Spts. aether nit.............................................5i Decoct, scoparii......................................§viij M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day B. W. Palmer. Dysentery, Acute. Aliment, of first consequence. Saline Purgatives, es- pecially epsom salts in acute dysentery, with bloody discharges and high fever. Ipecacuanha, a remedy of highest value in acute, epidemic, and puerperal; 58 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. must be administered in large doses; milk a good vehicle. Nitrate of Silver, Sulphate of Copper, Sul phate of Zinc, are excellent astringents after the more acute symptoms. Acetate of Lead may be used at any period, but better after action of salines in acute disease. Opium, combined with some of the astringents, but given after the action of salines in the acute disease. Turpentine, in epidemic dysen- tery of low type. Ergot, has been used with suc- cess in acute. B. R Acid, nit.............................................m. viij Tinct. opii................................................m. xl Aq. camphor.............................................oyiiJ M. Sig. A tablespoonful. Hope's Mixture. R 01. terebinth. Tinct. opii.........,................................ aa 3iij Pulv. acaciae. Sacch. alb....... .'.....................................aa 3iij Aq. menth. piper........................................§iij M. Sig. A drachm every four hours. N. 0. Davis. R Cupri. sulph.......................................... gr. ss Magnes. sulp.................................. ...........3*i Acid, sulph. dil...........................................J|i Aquae.......................................................3*v M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours. B. Dysentery, Chronic. Aliment, Grape Cure, Arsenic, Fowler's solution with opium. Iron, per nitrate, a powerful astringent. Tannic Acid, with milk diet, and the vegetable astringents. Silver, copper, and zinc salts (as above), with opium. Nux Vomica, Ergot, Ipecac, etc. B. R. Fl. ext. ergot..........................................3ll.i ss Tinct. opii. deod..................... ...................Sss M. Sig. A teaspoonful every four hours. B. R Ergotin.................................................grs. xx Ext. nucis vom.........................................grs. v Ext. opii........................,........................grs. x M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One pill every 4 to 6 hours. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 59 Dysmenorrhea. Aconite, and Pulsatilla, for the congestive'form espec- ially succeeding to suppression. Ergot, under the same conditions as the two preceding; also Cimici- fuga, Camphor, Gelsemium, and Apiol, are useful in the neuralgic form. Amyl Nitrite, affords relief quickly. Chloroform, Atropia, Chloral, Cannabis Indica, Morphia, all give relief in painful menstru- ation. Electricity, galvanism during the interval is highly useful. Iron, in anaemic cases. B. rheumatic. R Tinct. cimicifug...................................... •••§iij Tinct. stramon..........................................^ss Vin. colch. rad.............................................33s M. A teaspoonful at meal time. N. 0. Davis. neuralgic. R Ext. belladon........................................ grs. iv Ext. hyoscyam.........................................grs. v Ext. Stramon...... ...................................grs. v Quinia? sulph..........................................grs. xl M. Ft. pil. 20. Sig. One pill three times a day, B. Dyspepsia. Diet, the most important, especially the milk cure. Pepsin, and Pancreatine, assist digestion in atonic dyspepsia. Mineral Acids, muriatic acid after each meal, with or without pepsin, in atonic dyspepsia. In an excess of acid of stomach juice, the mineral acid before meals. In excess of uric acid as well as of stomach acid, nitric acid before meals. AlJ-alies, to relieve excess of acid; given before meals, alkalies favor the production of acid gastric juice; after meals, neutralize acid. Alkaline Mineral- Waters, as well as alkalies, are highly useful in dys- pepsia of obese subjects. Bitters, Simple, especially gentian and calnmba, stimulate digestion; maybe given with acids and alkalies. Arsenic, drop doses of Fowler's solution relieve irritative dyspepsia. Silver, oxide especially, is very useful. Nux Vomica, is an excellent stomachic tonic, and removes various nervous symptoms. Hydrastis, Eucalyptus, Wild Cherry, Hop, are useful stomachic tonics. B. 60 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINK. FLATULENT. R Sodii bicarb. Sacchari.................................................aa 3'j Spts. ammon. arom...................................m. xl Aq. menth. piper.................................ad 3*viij M. Sig. A tablespoonful after each meal. " Soda Mint." irritative. R Acid, hydrocyan. dil........................... ...m. xxv Bismuth, subnit............... .........................3SS Syr. aurant..............................................3' Gentian, infus......................................ad ^viij M. A teaspoonful before each meal. FA RQUH ARSON. R Pepsin, sacch...........................................3'i Bismuth, subnit...........................................3'j M. Ft. chart. No. 12. Sig. One after each meal. Ear-A che. Opium, in the form of morphia solution, which is usefully combined with atropia. B. R Morphiae sulph........................................grs. iv Atropiae sulph.......................................grs. ij Aquae..........................................................§i M. Sig. Apply on cotton. Eclampsia. Transfusion, has been successfully employed in urae- mic convulsions. Bloodletting, when there is much cerebral congestion. Morphia, hypodermatically in uraemic. Chloroform, by inhalation. Chloral, Bro- mide of Potassium. B. Ecthyma. Codliver Oil, both internally and locally. Quinia, usually effects a cure, but must be given in full doses. B. AFTER REMOVING CRUSTS BY POULTICE. R Ung, zinc. ox. benz...........'..........................3*i Hydrarg ammon....................................grs. xx M. Ft. Ung. Sig. Apply. Duhring. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 61 Eczema. Carbolic Acid, internally and externally. Salicylic Acid, applied locally. Boracic Acid, one of the most efficient remedies, locally. Lead, liquor plumbi subacetatis with glycerine, a good application when there is abundant secretion. Bismuth, in powder freely to the eruption. Tannin, in powder dusted over, or as a glycerite of tannin. Copper Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Silver Nitrate, are useful astringent applications. Mercury, the brown citrine ointment to eczema of eyelids. Belladonna, or atropia, in- ternally, is beneficial in the acute cases. Arsenic, is curative in chronic cases. Electricity, by central galvanization has done great good in chronic cases. B. FOR ACUTE VESICULAR OR ERYTHEMATOUS. R Pulv. amyli................................................3vj Pulv. zinc, oxid..........,..............................3iss Pulv. camphor............................................3sa M. Sig. Dusting Powder. Duhring. FOR ACUTE VESICULAR. R Pulv. camphor.....................................grs. xx Pulv. zinc oxid...........................................3ij Glycerin ....................................................3ss Adipis. benzoat .........................................3vj M. Ft. Ung. Duhring. R Acid carbolic. Camphorae...............................................aa3ss .Cerati...................................... .................g{x Ung. petrol.............. ................................sjvi Dissolve the camphor in the carbolic acid, mix intimately with the cerate and finally add the ung. petrol. Angier. We have found the above most efficient in all forms of eczema and other inflammatory affections of the skin. CHRONIC. R 01. cadini.................................................^iga Cerat. simplicis...........................................gj 01. amygdal. amar.................................gtts. vj M. Ft. Ung. Duhring. 62 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. CHRONIC OF SCALP. R Picis liquid. Glycerin.................................................aa 3i Alcohol ...................................................3V» 01. amygdal. amar................................gtts. xv M. Sig. To be rubbed well in with flannel cloth twice daily. Duhring. chronic. R Picis liquid....................,..........................3ij Potass, caustic...........................................3i Aq. destil................................................3V M. Sig. " Liquor picis alkalinus." As a lotion from 1 to 4 drachms to a pint of water. As an ointment from 1 to 2 diaehms to the ounce. Duhring. R Acid carbol............................................-,;3i Glycerini................................................. 3Sij Aquae ........................................................Oi M. Sig. Lotion. Duhring. Emphysema. Compressed -4ir,affords much relief, sometimes perma- nent. Oxygen, for the paroxysms of difficult breathing. Grindelia, gives great relief to the op- pression. Arsenic, long continued, improves the nutrition of the lungs. Cod-liver Oil, improves the condition; Hypophosphites, also. Strychnia, is a valuable respiratory stimulant. B. R Tinct. opii ................................................3j Aetheris.....................................................3'j M. Sig. 60 drops every 20 minutes. To each dose may be added Tinct. lobeliae aetherae gtts. xx Merideth Clymer. with chronic bronchitis. R Potas. chlorat ----.....................................3Jss Tinct. belladon.....................................3iss Fl. ext. prun. virgin. Tinct. cinchon c.....................................aa §ij M. Sig. A dessertspoonful four times a day. Da Costa. Empyema. Iodine, a solution of iodine and iodide of potassium DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 63 to wash out the cavity and prevent reformation of pus. Carbolic Acid, and carbolate of iodine, to cor- rect fetor. B. R Liq. iodin. c...............................................§i Aqua......................................................§iv M. Sig. To wash out the cavity. B. Endocarditis. Quinia to check inflammation. Chloral, Salicylic Acid, is useful in the rheumatic form of the disease. Morphia, as a remedy in serous inflammations B, Endometritis. Carbolic Acid, undiluted on cotton-wrapped probe. Iodo-tannin, and iodoform and tannin locally. Chromic Acid, applied in solution to interior of cavity. Nitric Acid (fuming), highly efficient. B. Enterai.gia. Milk Cure, stops the troubles of digestion which give rise to the pain. Arsenic, js remarkably beneficial in the more strictly neuralgic cases. Belladonna, is useful as an anodyne, atropia especially. Prussic Acid, official solution, gives relief promptly, or fails entirely. Galvanization, centric, persistently applied is curative sometimes. B. R Atropiae sulph..........................................gr. j Zinc, sulph.................................................3ss Aquae .........................................................gj M Sig. 3 to 5 drops three times a day. B. Enteritis (See Diarrhosa Dysentery.) Diet, must be regulated, an essential point in treat- ment. Arsenic, with cpium, usually highly effec- tive as a remedy. Copper, Sulphate, Lead, Acetate. and the other mineral astringents, with opium, are curative. B. Epilepsy. Amyl Nitrite, inhaled when aura is felt may prevent seizure; Nitro glycerine, also, if there be more time. Bromide of Potassium, is the most useful remedy, but is adapted to the cases occurring in the day-time to the grand mal, and to reflex epilepsy, and to the condition of cerebral hypermaeia rather than anae- 64 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINj:. mia. Chloral is the most suitable remedy for the nocturnal variety. Cannibis Indica, Atropia, Strych- nia, Picrotoxine, are suitable for pettit mal, for noc- turnal variety, for cases characterized by aqaemia and depression, and must be faithfully persisted in for a long time. The last named seems most promising. Silver Nitrate, formerly much pre- scribed, and not without utility, but the danger of staining is great. Salts of (Jopper, Zinc Oxide, so called, nervine tonics have been beneficial, but are not curative. Iron, especially the bromide, with potassium bromide to prevent the anaemia and de- pression caused by the latter. B. FOR ANEMIC SUBJECTS. R Potas. bromid........................... ....... .........§i Ferri bromid....................................... grs. iv Aquae........................................................5ij Syr. simplicis.............................................J;vi M. Sig. A tablepoonful twice a day. B. R Potas. bromid............................................3v Tinct. belladon............................................ 3i Aquae...................................................ad §iss M. Sig. One drachm thrice daily. Ins. Asy., Blackwell's Isl., N. Y. WHERE FOLLOWED BY MANIACAL EXCITEMENT. R Potas. bromid. Ammon. bromid ...................................aa 3"iss Fl. ext. ergot..............................................3ij M. Sig. Three drachms thrice daily. Chas. R. Smith. Epistaxis. Ergot, Barium Chloride, Digitalis, Ipecacuanha, re- strain hemorrhage by acting on the vessels. Tur- pentine, in oozing from relaxation. Locally Tannin, in solution injected. Iron, subsulphate in spray or solution injected. Alum, powder in- sufflated, or solution injected. Transfusion, when a fatal result is threatened from loss of blood. B. Epithelioma. Coptis, infusion or decoction locally, especially in DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 65 epithelioma of the tongue. Potassa Chlorat, re- cently ascertained to be very effectual applied in powder. Zinc Chloride, and Sulphate, dried, useful escharotics. Carbolic Acid, injected beneath tumor Salicylic Acid and Boracic Acid. B. Erysipelas. Aconite, in the idiopathic variety, when there is much fever. Belladonna, a very beneficial remedy, com- bined with aconite when there is sthenic reaction. Quinia, in full doses in the more severe cases, to sustain the powers of life and prevent cerebral embolism. Salicylic Acid and Salicylatest Benzoaie of Sodium and Resorcin, to prevent systemic infec- tion in traumatic variety. Carbonate of Ammonia, when cardiac depression exists. Iron, especially tincture of the chloride in large doses. Locally Argenti Nitras, according to Higginbotham's method, Carbolic Acid, and the antiseptics generally to the inflamed area. Oil injections are very grateful in simple erysipelas. B. Erythema. Quinia, is very effective in erythema nodosum ; Bel- ladonna in simple E. Zinc, Alum, and Lead, are suitable local applications, as lotions. Bismuth dusted over the surface allays Irritation. When the disease is reflex from gastrointestinal disorder, Nitric, and Muriatic Acids, are beneficial. B. Exophthalmic Goitre. . Iron, and Chalybeate Waters, for the anaemia. Digi- talis. Barium, Ergot, and in some cases Belladonna, raise the arterial tension and slow the heart. Gal- vanism, in uncomplicated cases, is decidedly cura- tive. B. Favus. Cod-liver Oil, locally, and in case of debility by the stomach. Carbolic Acid, an efficient parasiticide. Myrtol, Resorcin, Salcylic Acid, and Boracic Acid, are efficient local applications. B. Felon. Nitrate of Silver, a strong solution in nitric ether ap- pied over the part may abort the affection, if at the beginning. B. 66 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Feet, Fetor of. Potassa, Permanganate, in solution, will remove fetor temporarily. Bicarbonate of Soda, a saturated so- lution, is serviceable. Salycilic Acid, in powder freely dusted over the feet and stockings is very effective. B. Fever. Aconite, highly useful in simple inflammation, and in the eruptive fevers. Aliment, must be regulated. Alcohol does good when the temperature declines, the pulse falls, the skin perspires, and the tongue grows moist. Baths, Cold, certain method of re- ducing body heat, and especially valuable in ■ typhoid and pneumonia. Digitalis, is indicated in inflammatory fever and in the eruptive fevers during the first stage, and as an aid to quinia when ' employed as an antipyretic. Quinia, occupies the first position as an antipyretic, and is more gene- rally applicable than any other. Chloral, reduces fever, and is highly useful when high ferbile excite- ment coincides with delirium and wakefulness. Salicylic Acid, Resorcin, Benzoate of Sodium, are antipyretic and antiseptic. Calomel, and compound solution of Iodine, the former administered during the first week and the latter during the whole course of typhoid fever, affect the course and dura- tion favorably; the "specific treatment" o{ the Germans. Carbolic Acid, and Carbolate of Iodine have good effects in typhoid. Turpentine, in typhoid, puerperal, and yellow fever, when there is much vaso-motor depression, hemorrhage, etc. B. R Acid, hydrochloric dil..............................3ij Syr. aurant.............................................§i Aquae............................. ......................Oi M. Sig. Two ounces every three or four hours. Very grateful and efficient. Fothkrgill. with delirium. R Tinct. opii..................................................3ij Vin. antimon..........................................3'JSS Aq. camphor.................................... ........fviij M. Sig. One ounce every four to six hours. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 67 R Quiniae sulph.........................................grs. xx Tinct. digital...........................................3j Ac. phos. dil...............................................3i Aquae.........................................................§iv M. Sig. One ounce every four to six hours. FOTHERGILL. HECTIC. R Tinct. digital.............................................3»j Tinct. ferri chlorid.......................................3V M. Sig. Fifteen drops three or four times daily. B. Will abate the fever and diminish the sweats. Fissure of the Anus. Hydrastis, the fluid extract applied undiluted, iodo- form, dusted well over the fissure, and lodo tannin, applied in the same way. B. Fissure of Nipples. Iron, liquor ferri subsulph., and glycerine applied with a brush. Tannin, in powder or the glycerite. Tincture of Benzoin, with glycerine. Brandy, with or without glycerine. Collodion, or flexile collodion applied to close fissure. Nitrate of Lead, with simple ointment or glycerine, is the most efficient application. B. R Aq. rosae. Glycerini............................................. aa §ij Acid, tannic...............................................3'j M. Ft. lotion. Sig. Soak lint and apply. If ulcerated stop nursing and apply 10 gr. sol. argent. nitrat. Barker. Flatulence. Columba, with aromatics. Camphor, will often give prompt relief- Chloroform, especially the spirit. Asafoetida, Valerian, and Spirit of Ether compound, are adapted to nervous and hypochondriacal cases. Turpentine, is indicated in the flatulence of fevers, peritonitis, etc. Nux Vomica, Belladonna, Physos- tigma, and probably Muscarine, give relief to those cases of flatulence dependent on paresis of the muscular layer of the bowel. Diet is of the highest importance, in cases arising from intestinal indi- gestion. B. 68 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. Freckles. Alkalies, in form of a lotion composed of potassa car- bonate and chloride of soda. Biborate of Soda, a saturated solution, is a safe and often successful lotion. B. ALSO BLOTCHES. R Hydrarg. chlor. corros..............................grs. vj Ac. acet. dil...............................................3ij Boracis...................................... .........grs. xl Aq. rosae...................................................3jiv M. Ft. lotion. Sig. Apply twice daily. Bulkley. Gall-Stones. (See Calculi Biliary.) Gangrene. Bromine, one of the best escharotics in hospital gan- grene to arrest morbid action. Chromic Acid is a highly efficient caustic, and penetrates deeply with little pain, comparatively. Chloride of Zinc, pow- erful, but painful. Patassa Fusa, an active escha- rotic. Nitric Acid, next to bromine, is the most useful caustic to arrest the destruction of parts, external, by gangrene. Salicylic Acid, Resorcin, Myrtol, and Carbolic Acid are useful to destroy fetor and change the character of the morbid action. Turpntine, internally and by vapor inhaled, Euca- lyptol, Camphor, are highly useful in gangrene of the lungs to prevent extension and to destroy fetor. Gastralgia. Aquapuncture gives great relief. Alum affords relief in gastralgia with pyrosis. Arsenic, drop doses of Fowler's solution are remarkably beneficial. Ether, some drops of sulphuric ether or Hoffman's ano- dyne. Atropia, by the stomach or subcutaneously. Bismuth, acts well, but is more efficient if given with aromatic powder and a little morphia. Chlo- roform, a few drops, acts promptly. Oxides of Zinc Manganese, and Silver have curative effects, but do not act quickly. Hydrocyanic Acid, and especially Nitro-Glycerine, allay the pain speedily. In cases having a distinct periodicity, Quinia and Salicylic Acid have acted well, and Resorcin will probably be DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 6g found beneficial. Nux Vomica may remove the morbid state on which the pain depends. Morphia, subcutaneously, alone or combined with atropia, stops the pain at once. Galvanism, the pneumogas- tric and sympathetic acted on, has been successful. Diet is of the utmost consequence. B. R Atropia. sulph..........................................gr. i Zinc, sulph..................................................3ss Aquae distil.................................................§i M. Sig. 3 to 5 drops thrice daily. B. R Fl. ext. valerian...........................................3i Tinct. opii c...............................................3iij Chloroform......................................... ......m ij M. Sig. One drachm in wineglass of cold water every hour. Daniel Lewis. Gastric Catarrh. Aliment, especially the milk cure. Arsenic is the most important remedy ; next are Oxides of Silver, Manganese, and Zinc, Bismuth, Alum, and Acetate of Lead. The Bitters, especially Columba, Nux Vomica Tincture, Cinchona Infusion or Quinia, Euca- lyptus, and Hydrastis, are beneficial if not con- tinued too long. B. when vomiting glairy mucus. R Aluminis.............. .................................3ij Ext. gentian ...............................................3ss M. Ft. pil. No. 30. Sig. Two pills twice a day. B. R Acid, tannic ................................................3i Glycerin...............................................gtts. xv M. Ft. pil. No. 15. Sig. As needed. B. Gastric Ulcer. Milk Cure, Rectal Alimentation. Nutrient Enemata, Acetate of Lead, sedative and arrests hemorrhage. Bismuth, allays pain and arrests vomiting. Arsenic, Fowler's solution in drop-doses, also lessens pain and vomiting remarkably. Silver Oxide and Nitrate promote aicatrization and relieve pain. Morphia and Atropia, arrest pain and vomiting, even in very minute quantity. B. 70 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Argent, oxid. Ext. hyoscyam.................................aa grs. v M. Sig. One ter die before meals. R Bismuth subnit...........................................3ij Acid, hydrocyan. dil....................................3ss Mucil. Acaciae. Aq. menth. piper....................................aa ^ij M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. B. Gastritis, Acute. Ice, Hydrocyanic Acid, Morphia, subcutaneously or endermically. Rectal Alimentation. Gastritis, Chronic. (The same as for Gastric Catarrh.) B. Glands-, Lymphatic, Affections of. Carbolic Acid, properly diluted, injected into the substance of glands. Iodides of Iron and Manganese, internally, and tincture of iodine injected into the substance of glands. Sulphides, are said to mature or abort suppuration in glands. Chloride of Calcium, is highly useful in strumous inflammation and sup- puration. Pilocarpus, has a curative action in acute affections of parotid and submaxillary glands. Conium, locally and systemically, has long been regarded as discutient. Mercury, especially bichloride,in acute inflammatory diseases of tonsils, parotid and submaxillary glands. Iodide of Lead, as an ointment externally. Ointment of the Red Iodide of Mercury, has remarkable effects in goitre, enlarged spleen, etc. Gleet. Iron, tinct. ferri chloridi, in anaemic subjects. Tur- pentine, is beneficial when the local condition is one of relaxation. Juniper, Cantharides Tinct., are useful under same circumstances. Blisters to the perinaeum are very beneficial. B. R Tinct. ferri chloridi................................3iv Tinct. nuc vom............................?...............3ij Tinct. canthar ............................................3ij M. Sig. Twenty minums thrice daily. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 71 R Hydrastiae...................................................3J Macil. acaciae...........................................§iv M. Sig. Inject. B. Goitre. Iodine, both internally and locally, effective in the case of simple hypertrophy. Ointment of the Red Iodide of Mercury exceptionally useful in same state. Injections of Tincture of Iodine, very effec- tive in cystic degeneration. Electrolysis has suc- ceeded in simple hypertrophy and cystic state of gland. B. Gonorrhoea. Internal remedies.—Copaiba, Cubeba, Buchu, and other urino-genital remedies, more useful after acute symptoms. Colchicum, Saline Laxatives, Aconite, and Veratrum Viride during the first acute symp- toms. Turpentine aad Cantharides Tincture for the chronic stage. B.' Injections.—Bismuth, with or without Fl. Ex. of Hy- drastis, is one of the best. Zinc Sulphate, a very weak solution, often repeated, can be used at once, or chloride or sulphate of zinc and Acetate of Lead, in combination. After the acute symptoms, stronger solutions of above and Nitrate of Silver, Sulphate of Copper, Subsulphate of Iron, Cadmium Sulphate, Alum, and Tannin. B. R Copaibae......................................................3X Tinct. canthar..................... ...................3ij Tinct. ferri chlorid.......................................3U M. Sig. J to 1 teaspoonful. Bumstead. R 01. copaibae. 01. cubebae. 01. santal. flav........................................aa 3i Magnes...............................".......................3ij M. Ft. pil. No. 60. Sig. Two pills every 4 hours. B. R Copaib......................................................%i Liq. potass ...............................................§ss Mist, glycerrhiz c...................................ad 3yj Spts. menth pip.......................... q. s. to flavor M, Sig. One tablespoonful after each meal. 72 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. INJECTIONS. R Zinc, sulph. Plumb, acetat...................................aagrs. xxx Aq. rosae..........'...........................................§vj M. Sig. Inject. Bumstead. FOR WOMEN. R Acid, tannic ............................................... 3i Alum................................... .................3ij Aquae ........................................................Oi M. Inject. Bumstead. R Alum.........................................................3i Zinc, sulph...............................................38S Boracis...................... ...........................grs. iv Aq. rosae................................................§viij M. Inject. B. Gout. Aliment, of first importance. Alkalies, and Alkaline Mineral-Waters, especially potash and lithium salts. Manganese Salts, very servicable in chronic gouty affections. Salicylic Acid, and salicylates, very effective in the acute form. Guaiac, after acute symptoms. Colchicum, especially colchicia, the most celebrated remedy for the paroxysms'. Arnicia, Arsenic, Sulphurous Waters, Sulphur-Baths. B. Gums, Affections of. Alum, for spongy and bleeding. Tannin, especially Glycerite, for same condition. Carbolic Acid, and Carbolate of Iodine, when fetor is present. Benzoin Tincture, with or without glycerine. Resorcin. B. SPONGY AND ILL-CONDITIONED. R Alum.........................................................3i Tinct cinchon............................................38S Tinct. myrrh........................................3)j Mel. rosae......'............................................51J Vini...........................................................Oi M. Sig. Gargle. B. H^EMATEMESIS. Alum, especially in passive. Acetate of Lead, may be used in all conditions. Iron, as Monsel's solution, one of the most effective applications. Tannin, and the vegetable astringents, especially Hammame- DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 73 lis, Rhatany and Logwood, Turpentine, in weak and relaxed state of vessels. Ergotin, subcutaneously. B. R 01. terebinth......................'.........................3iij Fl. ext. digital.............. ............................3i Mucil. acaciae...........................................3*ss Aq. menth. pip...........................................^i M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three hours. B. HEMATURIA. Ergot, by the stomach or subcutaneously, may be combined with rhatany, ipecacuanha, or other astringents. Gallic Acid, one of the most useful remedies. Rhatany, owes its utility to the pres- ence of tannic and gallic acids. Quinia, is highly effective in the intermittent trouble. Turpentine, in the hemorrhagic state or passive. B. R Acid gallic................................................3ss Acid sulph. dil............................................3j Tinct. opii deod..........................................3j Infus rosae c..............................................§iv M. Sig. A tablespoonfultevery four hours or oftener. B. HAEMOPTYSIS. Ergot, with ipecac and a little opium by the stomach; ergotin subcutaneously. Gallic Acid, and ergot, by the stomach. Ipecacuanha, Digitalis, Tinct. of Verat, Virid, Barium Chloride, Iron, sulphate solu- tion in spray, a highly effective application. Acetate of Lead, with opium frequently prescribed, but not so effective as the previously named. B. R Acid gallic...................................................3j Ergotin ............................................. grs. xx Digitali............................................grs. xx M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One every four hours. B. R Plumb, acet..........................................grs. xl Pulv. digital.........................................grs. xx Pulv. opii ...............................................grs.x M. Ft. pil No. 20. Sig. One every four hours. B. 8 74 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. HAEMORRHAGE AND HEMORRHAGIC DlATBESIS. Arterial Sedatives.— Digitalis, Verat, Viride, Aconite, Acetate [of Lead, Barium Chloride, Venesection, Ipecac and Ergot, act by slowing the heart and diminishing the caliber of the vessels, and are therefore adapted to active hemorrhage. Turpen- tine, Ammonia, by stomach and by intravenous injection, and Alcohol, relieve, by increasing the contractile energy of the vessels, and are therefore indicated in passive haemorrhage. To these must be added Transfusion, when death is imminent from simply loss of blood. Astringents are em- ployed locally and systemically and include Alum, Acetate of Lead, Iron, Subsulphate, and Chloride, Sulphuric Acid, Tannin, Gallic Acid, and the Veg- etable Astringents, containing Tannin, Alcohol, Alum. B. R Acid gallic.............. ...................................3j Glycerin............ .......................................3ss Aquae (......................................................3vi M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. FARQUH ARSON. HAEMOSTATIC. R Acid tannic..........................................grs. xx Alum..................................................gra. xl Aq. rosae..................................................§viij M. Sig. Apply to bleeding surface. . Monsel. Hemorrhage, Cerebral. Venesection or Leeches, when the blood pressure is high and hemorrhage threatened or proceeding. Purgatives, under the same circumstances. Ergotin, Barium Chloride, and arterial sedatives, when col- lateral hyperaemia comes on. B, Hemorrhage, Intestinal. Tannic Acid, and vegetable astringents. Acetate of Lead, Sulphuric Acid, dilute. Iron, pernitrate. Turpentine. Opium, to quiet intestinal movements. Ice, to abdomen. Ergotin, hypodermatically. B. Hemorrhage, Uterine. Ergot, fluid extract in full doses. Ipecac, carried to nausea merely, is highly effective. Digitalis, Nux DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 75 Vomica, Barium Chloride, Sulphuric Acid, dilute, small doses frequently, and Epsom Salts, Cold. Hot Water. Iron; Monsel's solution, diluted, injected. B. R Plumb, acet .........................................grs.xviij Acid, acet.............................................m xx Morph. acet............................................gr. i Aq distil..................................................§vi M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour or so. Swane. climateric. R Iodoform...............................................3iJss Tragacanth................... ........................grs. xv Mucil............... ......... ............................q. s M. Sig. make into ten cylinders 1£ inches long. Introduce one daily into uterine cavity, for a week preceeding menstruation. Fordyce Barker. Haemorrhoids. Aloes, in recent haemorrhoids, as after delivery, highly useful. Ergot, in dilated haemorrhoidal veins, with- out new tissue, by the stomach and topically. Alkaline, Sulphurous, and purgative Chalybeate Waters, Saline Purgatives, notably Epsom salts, in bleeding piles. Senna, the confection especially Sulphur, and Cream of Tartar, to render movements soft and easy. The Grape Cure, Alum, Iron, Monsel's solution to arrest bleeding. Leeches, to inflamed piles. Nitric Acid, to the mulberry bleed- ing pile. Ung. Gallce, ointment for haemorrhoids. B. R Aloe, socotrin..........................................grs. x Ext. hyoscyam......................................grs. xx Ipecac.................................................grs. x Sapon...................................................grs. x M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One morning and evening. Fordyce Barker. R Pulv. gall.............................................grs. xx Pulv. opii................................................grs. x Ung. plumb, subacet................................grs. xl Ung. simplicis...........................................31 M. Sig. Ointment. B. 76 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. Headache. Ammonia, for nervous headache ; especially aromatic spirits. Picrotoxine, in neuralgic headache; also Strychnia. B. R Potass, cyanid...................................grs. xv Aq. lauro-cerasi.........................................^iv M. Sig. Apply by moistened compresses for i or \ hour. Trosseau. Heart, Diseases of. Aconite, Veratrum Viride, and Bromides, for over- action and simple hypertrophy. Digitalis, in rapid action with low tension and valvular lesions. Cimi- cifuga, under the same conditions. Ergot, is useful in dilated heart. Amyl Nitrite, in angina pectoris; also, Nitro glycerine. Iron, remarkably beneficial in the irritable heart of anaemia. Morphia, hypo- dermatically in dilated heart and general dropsy, therefrom. Quinia, in peri and endo-carditis and cardiac weakness. Ammonia, inhaled, intravenous, and by the stomach in sudden failure. Atropia, a prompt cardiac excitant. B. with gastro-intestinal disturbance. R Pulv. digital........................................grs. xxx Ferri sulph. exsic...............................grs. xv Pulv. capsic...........................................grs xl Pil. al. et myrrh........................................3ij M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One twice a day. Fothergill. with dropsy. R Tinct. digital............................................3i Sol. ammon. acet.........................................3jvi M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. WITH ANaEMIA. R Pulv. digital...........................................grs. xl Ferri redact..........................................grs. xx Quiniae sulph.....................................grs. xx M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One pill three times a day. B. Hepatic Diseases. Aconite, in acute inflammation. Alkaline Mineral Waters, also Sulphurous, in portal congestion. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 77 Colchicum, is an active remedy in congestion of the liver. Nitro-Muriatic Acid, and the acid-bath, are useful in torpor of liver. The resin-bearing purga- tives, Rhubarb, Podophyllum, Iris, and Euonymus, are active cholagogues. Ipecacuanha, has decided effects in stimulating the flow of bile. Chloride of Ammonium, and Iodide of Ammonium, are useful in catarrh of the bile-ducts ; also Phosphate of Sodium, Chloride of Gold, Mercurials, of doubtful propriety. Phosphorous, prevents the formation or ch«cks the growth of connective tissue (sclerosis.) B. Hoarseness. Nitric Acid, is highly effective in hoarseness of sing- ers and reflex from stomach troubles. Atropia, affords prompt relief usually in hysterical aphonia. B. Hydrothorax. Iodine Injections, to prevent reaccumulation of fluid. Pilocarpus, to cause absorption. Resin of Copaiba as a diuretic. Dry Diet. B. Hypochondria. (See Melancholia.) Hysteria. Ammonia, the aromatic spirits, for the hysterical seizure. Asafoetida, Valerian, Camphor, Euca- lyptus, Ether, are useful remedies to remove the vapors and accompanying symptoms. Phosphates, Iron, Cuca, Cod-Liver Oil, Massage, Rest, and Fara- dism, are the remedies to relieve the abnormal mo- bility of the nervous system. B. R Spts. aether, c. Tinct. ammon. valerian.............................aa 3*1 M. Sig. A teaspoonful every fifteen minutes until relieved. R Potass, bromid......................................3ijss Tinct. valerian............................................gij M. Sig. A teaspoonful every half hour until relieved. Impotence. Phosphorous, or Phosphide of Zinc are efficient stimu- lants. Cannabis Indica, also stimulates the func- tion. Nux Vomica, Sanguinaria, Serpentaria, also 78 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. increase sexual activity, but differ in degree. Ergotin, subcutaneously about the dorsal vein of the penis, or Fluid Extract of Ergot, by the stomach increase the vigor of the erections. Arseniate of Iron, acts as a tonic to the organs. Chloride of Gold, has also slowly acting aphrodisiac effects. B. R Tinct sanguinar..........................................3iij Fl. ext. stilling.............................................3v M. Sig. 15 to 20 drop? in water three times a day. B. WITH SPERMATORRHOEA. R Tinct. canthar............................................3ij Tinct. ferri, chlorid..................................3vi M. Sig. 20 to 30 drops thrice daily in water. H. C. Wood. Incontinence Nocturnal. Belladonna or Atropia, carried to the point of inducing some physiological action. Ergot, in cases due to paresis of the^muscular layer. (?) Iron, sirup of the iodide, in weak, anaemic subjects. • B. Indigestion. with oppression and flatulence. R Pepsin......................................................3ij Acid muriat. dil..........................................3i Aq. menth...............................................giij M. Filter and add Syr. aurant. cort.........................................3"i Sig. A tablespoonful in equal quantity water after each meal. " One of the most successful and most agreeable prescriptions that I have ever devised." Fordyce Barker. Inflammation. Aliment. Water. Alcohol Leeches. Aconite, useful in inflammation of respiratory organs and pa- renchymatous inflammations in general. Veratrum Viride, Gelsemium, Arnica, and especially Digitalis, to diminish blood-supply to inflamed area, and cease to be beneficial when exudations begin. Belladonna in catarrhal inflammations. Alkalies, DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 79 especially the potash salts, and ammonia, in the exudation stage. Ergot. Quinia, in full quantity, especially when combined with opium, may abort an incipient inflammation. Opium, is the most im- portant remedy in serous inflammation. Tartar Emetic, notably in acute bronchitis. Pilocarpus, has very satisfactory results in exudation in the eye, pleura, etc. B. , STHENIC. R Tinct. aconit. rad.........................................3i Tinct. belladon .........................................3ij M. Sig. " Four drops in water each hour. B. Insolation. (Sunstroke.) Cold Bath, or douche, or wet pack, for the state of / high fever. Morphia, hypodermatically. Turpen- tine Enema, as a derivative. Brandy and Ammonia, for heat exhaustion. B. Insomnia. Alcohol, in the condition of cerebral anaemia, or in quantity to induce narcosis. Chloral, the most direct and generally useful hypnotic. Belladonna, in some morbid states with great restlessness and delirium ; but Hyoscyamia, and Duboisia, in suffi- cient quantity, are more frequently successful, especially in the insomnia of mania, puerperal ma- nia, etc. Bromide of Potassium, a direct hypnotic, but the action is easily prevented. Morphia, is ■ generally the best sleep-producer in cases of pain, in some kinds of mania, and in melancholia. Humulus, a hop-pillow, has induced sleep ; lupuline is more effective. Phosphorus, under some circum- stances acts well. Galvanization, of cervical sym- pathetic, causes sleep when circumstances are favorable. Water, a tepid or warm bath at bed- hour, sometimes succeeds. B. • of fevers. R Chloral................................................... <3j Tinct. opii...............................................m xl Aq. Camphor.............................................giv M. Sig. One ounce every six hours. Fothergill. 80 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Potass, bromid.......................... ...........grs. xxx Syr. aurant...............................................3J Aq. aurant. flor..........................................31J M. Sig. Take at bed-hour. FARQUHAR80N. OF ADYNAMIA. R Liq. Opiised...............................................3j , Ant. et. potas. tart....................................gr. i Aq. camphor..............................................3V> M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour till sleep is induced Murchison. Intermittent Fever. Cinchona. Quinia is prophylactic; rightly used pre- vents malarial infection, and in proper quantity arrests the paroxysms. In severe cases combina- tion with morphia is very effective. An attack im- pending may be arrested by Amyl Nitrite, or Nitro- glycerine, as far as the chill; but Pilocarpine, hypo- dermatically, may bring on the sweating stage, thus preventing chill and fever. B. R Quiniae sulph..........................................grs.x Pulv. capsici.......................................grs. iij Pulv. opii................................................gr. i M. Sig. One dose. Alonzo Clark. chronic. R Quinia sulph........................................grs. xl Ferri sulph. exsic...................................grs, xx Acid, arsenias.........................................gr. i M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One ter die. B. Intertrigo. Bismuth, dusted over the surface. Zinc Ointment. Glycerite of Tannin. B. R Calomel....................................................3j Soapstone powdered....................................3U M. Sig. Apply. One of the best dusting powders. Intestinal Catarrh. Ammonium Chloride. Bismuth is one of the best remedies. Calomel, in minute doses frequently. Nitrate of Silver, Sulphate of Copper, Acetate of Lead, Sulphate and Oxide of Zinc, are excellent remedies, valuable in the order named. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 81 Intussusception. Effervesent Enemata; also Irrigation, acting mechani- cally. Tobacco Enema, to relax spasm. Morphia, hypodermatically, of first importance. Belladonna. B. Iritis. Atropia, to prevent adhesions, and check inflamma- tion by emptying vessels of iris. Eserine. B. Jaundice. Aliment, especially the skim-milk cure, avoidance of fats, etc. Alkalies, and the Alkaline Mineral- Waters. Phosphate of Soda, the most useful remedy in ca- tarrh of bile-ducts, and in incipient sclerosis. Chlo- ride of Ammonium, and the Iodide, are beneficial under the same circumstances. Manganese, has unquestionable cholagogue effects, and stimulates the discharge of bile ; is adapted to the catarrhal form, and to the jaundice of gouty subjects. The resin-bearing cathartics, Rhubarb, Aloes, Podo- phyllum, Iris, Euonymin, promote the excretion of of bile. Nitro-Muriatic Acid, internally and by bath, has long had good repute in malarial jaundice. Mercurials, are of doubtful utility, but good results seem to be obtained from small doses of calomel. B. MALARIAL ORIGIN. R Chinoidin.....................................................3i Mangan. sulph. exsic..............................grs. xl M. Ft. pil. No. 20. Sig. One pill ter die. B. Labor. Anaesthetics, Chloral, relieves pain and stops irregular action. Ergot, is administered to hasten labor under suitable conditions, to cause expulsion of placenta, and to arrest hemorrhage. Morphia, hypodermatically, stops " false pains." B. Larynx, Diseases of. Aconite, in acute catarrh, small dose of the tincture often administered. B. LARYNGITIS. R Tinct. benzoin, c.........................................3i Aquae at 140°.............................................|xx M. Sig. Use as inhalation. London Th. Hosp. 82 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Leucorrhcea. Alum, is a cheap and useful injection ; may be com- bined with zinc and borax, in a lotion. Bismuth, suspended by mucilage, is an excellent injection ; may be advantageously combined with Fluid Ex- tract of Hydrastis, which is one of the best astring ent applications Lead, the acetate or Goulard's extract properly diluted, is an excellent topical application. lodo tannin, Tannic Acid, and Iodoform and Tannin, packed about the crevix, is a highly efficient treatment. Carbolic Acid, diluted and used with care, is an excellent deodorizer when the discharges are foul; may be combined with the preceding lotions. Monsel's Solution, is a good application, but stains clothing. Common Red Wine (Ive's Seedling) is a good lotion. B. R Alurain.................... Zinc, sulph............... Boracis................... Aq. rosae................. M. Sig. Inject. « Lumbago. (See Myalgia.) Mania, Acute. Anaesthetics, are sometimes rr/quired, but are very dangerous. Chloral hydratJ, in appropriate cases, successful in restoring mind, but requires care. Conia. In tne acute cases with great restlessness Gelsemium, and Duboisia. Hyoscyamia, has become an important remedy as a calmative and hypnotic. Digitalis, has proved beneficial in paroxysmal ex- citement of general paresis, and in acute epileptic mania. B. Mania, Chronic. Ergot. Bromides. Digitalis, has good effects in chronic mania, in general paresis, etc. Physostigma, has had unexpectedly good results in general paralysis. B. ......oi ...-388 grs. iv •3vi'j B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 83 SUBACUTE AND SUSPICIOUS MONOMANIA. R Hyoscyamiae............................................§rs:.j Spts. aetheris............... .......... ...............m. viij Alcohol................................................m. xxiv Aquae..................................................ad ^i M. Sig. One draught. Lawson. R Chloral.................................................grs. xv Fl. ext. conii sem................ . .................m. xV Fl. ext. hyoscyam..................................m. xv Aquae....................................................ad 3i M. Sig. One dose. • Ins. Asy., Blackwell's Isl , N. Y. Mastitis. Belladonna, stops secretion of milk and lessens blood- supply ; a solution of atropia brushed over is the best form. Phytolacca, appears to arrest the in- flammation; the tincture and fluid extract are con- venient for administration. Pilocarpus, should be tried in severe cases with much induration. B. Melancholia. Opium, small and frequent doses of the tincture, give best results. Bromides, are sometimes highly bene- ficial, and yet frequently fail. Cannabis Indica, is a useful and promising remedy. Caffein, has also done good. Arsenic, especially combined with min- ute doses of opium, and in a greater degree Aurum, give excellent results. Chloral Hydrate, does good as a hypnotic. Colchicum, Colocynth, and other agents which unload the portal circulation, render important service. B. Meningitis. (See Cerebro Spinal Meningitis.) For the acute condition before exudation,or during the stage of excitation, Opium, is a remedy of the high- est importance; then Ergot, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla, Aconite, in about the order mentioned. For Hyper- pyrexia, Quinia, Digitalis, Cold Baths. During the exudation stage, or stage of depression, Ammonii Carbonate, Turpentine, Quiniain small doses. B. Metritis. Water, hot vaginal douche has good effects. Car- bolic Acid, undiluted or diluted, applied on cot- 84 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. ton-wrapped probe to the lining of the uterine cavity. Nitric Acid, the fuming acid is also applied directly to the cervical canal. Potassa fusa, to the uterine neck to cure indurations. Ergotin, per- sistently used, has great value in chronic interstitial metritis. Aurum, chloride, very effective in chronic induration of the uterus. Nitrate of Silver, pure and in solution, is much em ployed,* topically, in metritis. Iodine. Iodoform, and various solutions are freely used. Leeches, to the cervix, give good results. Saline Laxatives and Saline Mineral waters are useful in plethoric subjects. B. Migraine. Ammonium Chloride, a full dose usually cuts short an attack. Cannabis lndica often succeeds. Guarana, Caffein, Cuca, will usually arrest a seizure. Ergot cures the congestive form, and Amyl Nitrite or Ni- tro Glycerine the anaemic. Belladonna relieves those cases accompanied by vaso-motor spasm, and Digitalis those with low tension of the vessels and weak heart, or those dependant on a mitral lesion. Bromide of Potassium, if sufficient doses are given, will arrest impending attacks. When reflex from stomach disorder, an emetic of Ipecac will stop; if a symptom of intestinal indigestion, Phosphate of Soda. Diet is of the first consequence in the cases of stomach origin. B. Myalgia. Ammonium Chloride, sometimes affords relief. Cimi- cifuga, often cures, but also fails. Electricity, rarely fails to cure ; galvanism and static electricity, and very rapidly interrupted faradic, may alike succeed Counter-irritation by Firing Aquapuncture and Acupuncture, will usually relieve. When a rheu- matic condition is the cause, Salicylates, will cure, when a mineral poison, the Iodides, Massage, will usually do good. B. R Ammon muriat...........................................-§j Fl. ext. cimicifug........................................3ij Syr. simplicis Aq. laurocerasi........................................a& a1 M. Sig. A tablespoonful twice daily. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 85 R 01. tiglii................................................— .31? 01. olivae. 01. terebinth Aq. ammon. Spts. camphorae....................................aa 3"ss M. Sig. Apply externally. 99^ St. Hosp. N. Y. Myelitis. When idiopathic, Ergot, Chloride of Barium, Galvan- ism, are the most appropriate remedies ; when spe- cific, Mercury or the Iodides, Hydrotherapy, espec- ially the tepid rubbing-wet pack. Massage, to the damaged muscles. After acute symptoms, or in chronic cases, Strychnia, Picroloxine, and similar excitants are proper. B. NaEVi. Chromic Acid, readily destroys with little pain. Galvano-causty, is a good means of removing them. Nitric Acid, is also an efficient caustic. Collodion, by mechanical compression in drying, will some- times cure them. B. Neuralgia. Aconite, when there is febrile excitement; Aconitia, is particularly effective in neuralgia of the fifth nerve. Alcohol, in sufficient quantity, is an ano- dyne, but the alcoholic habit is quickly formed. Ansesthetics, promptly relieve. Cod-Liver Oil, is of great value as a nutrient. Chloroform, by deep in- jection, is very effective in old neuralgias. Croton- Chloral, is useful in neuralgia of the fifth. Morphia, subcutaneously, is the most efficient remedy for the relief of pain. Aquapuncture, often remarkably beneficial. Belladonna, especially atropia subcuta- neously, in tic-douloureux and sciatica, but full doses must be administered. Arsenic, benefits by improving the nutrition. Bromides, are useful in some cases. Cimicifuga and Gelsemium do good in simple neuralgia of the fifth, and in ovarian neu- ralgia. Galvanism, is, next to subcutaneous injec- tion of morphia, the most decidedly curative agent. Massage, gives much relief. Copper, Ammoniated, in neuralgia of the fifth, has been revived lately. 86 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Iron, is required in anaemia, the usual condition. Phosphorus, has proved curative in suitable cases, if pushed. Nitrite of Amyl, by inhalation, and Nitro-glycerine by the stomach in neuralgic dys- menorrhcea. Strychnia, long continued in depressed states of the nervous system. Turpentine, in reflex cases. Veratria. the ointment in superficiarneural- gia. The Antiseptic Oils. locally. Chloral and Camphor, with Morphia, applied to" the seat of pain. Wet Pack, in sciatica, etc. B. R Ext. stramon. Ext. hyoscyam. Ext. opii........................................aa grs. vi M. Ft. pil. No. 12. Sig. One pill every three to six hours. B. R Ext. belladon.................... .......... ........grs. vi Camphor..........................................grs. xxiv Ext. hyoscyam ....................................grs. xxx M. Ft. pil. No. 12. Sig. One as needed. Farquharson- R Quiniae sulph........................................... 3ij Morph. sulph......................................grs. iij Strychniae........................................Krs-.jj Acid, arsen .........................................grs. iij Ext. aconit.........................................grs. xxx M. Ft. pil. No. 60. Gross. R Aconitiae..........................................grs. iv. Veratria>.............................................grs.xv Glycerin....................................................3'J Cerat...................................................3™ M. Sig. To be rubbed over the parts; avoid abrasions. Da Costa. Nymphomania. . . Bromide of Potassium, but large doses are requisite. Camphor, and Camphor Monobromata, must also be given in large doses. Tobacco, carried to nausea B. Onychia. Chloral, a solution applied locally. Iodoform, in powder or ointment. Nitrate of Lead, as a powder, in glycerine, or as an ointment. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 87 Ofhthalmia. Mercury. Calomel.dusted over the conjuctiva. Tannin, also dusted over the membrane. Alum, in solution in rose water. Atropia, Eserinc, to diminish intra- ocular tension. Pilocarpus, Conium, the alkaloid conia or the succus, in blepharospasm. Nitrate of Silrer, Zinc Sulphate, and other mineral astringents. Orchitis. Ice. in a bag kept applied. Iodine tincture, locally. Mercury, Oleate, painted over. Nitrate of Silrer, in nitric ether, painted over. Ammonium Chloride, in solution with alcohol. B. OTORRHfEA. Lead, lotions of. Silrer Nitrate, in so'ution. Tan- nin, the glycerite, locally. Zinc Sulphate, Mer- cury, the brown citrine ointment. Cadmium, in solution in water. B. Oz.ena. Bromine, inhalations of vapor very cautiously. Car- bolic Acid, solution injected, spray inhaled. Carbo- late of Iodine, iodine and carbolic acid vaporized and inhaled. Iodoform, vaporized, or solution in ether applied. Iodine, inhaled. Bichromate of Potassa, solution injected. Iodoform, iodo-tannin, bismuth, zinc oxide, resorcin, thymol, and similar agents applied by Insufflation. B, R Pulv. Alum............................................grs. xv Aquae......................................................|i M. Sig. Insufflate the spray. F. Solis Cohen. Pain. (See Neuralgia.) Paralysis. Cod liver Oil favors the restoration of damaged nerve elements. Phosphorus, with or without oil, as a restorative of nerve matter. Strychnia, an impor- tant stimulant, but must be used after local troubles in the nerve centers have subsided. Picrotoxine, employed under similar conditions to strychnia. Galvanism and Faradism are first in importance as remedies in the diagnosis and treatment of paral- 88 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. ysis; especially adapted to the " myopathies of spinal origin." Massage, an important adjunct to other treatment. Hyoscyamia is very useful in paralysis agitans. Eserine is of great service in paralysis of the third nerve. In the paralysis due to gummata, Iodides effect surprising cures. Ergot, in vesical paralysis the result of over-distension. B. Parasites Acetic Acid, in pityriasis versicolor and other parasitic skin-diseases. Sulphurous Acid destroys sarcina and itch-insect; also Sulphides. Mercury, the cor- rosive chloride, is very effective in the various par- asitic skin affections. Salicylic Acid, Carbolic Acid, Resorcin, Boracic Acid, Benzoates, are useful in same group of affections. Glycerine destroys trichina. Anthelmintics contain the most effective parasiti- cides B. Peritonitis. Aconite, for the febrile movement. Chloral, for rest- lessness and delirium, and to depress the tempera- ture. Opium is the remedy of highest importance, is best administered as'morphia hypodermatically. Turpentine, in puerperal peritonitis with depression and tympanitis. Quinia, in full doses, with or with- out morphia, is of great value before the exudative stage. Ammonia, Potash Salts, during exudation. For external treatment. Rubefacients, lcebag, to abdomen; also Heat and Poultices. B Perspirations. Aromatic Sulphuric Acid, is an ancient remedy, but in several respects objectionable. Atropia is one of the most useful remedies for " night-sweats," and locally applied for sweats in various local situa- tions. Picrotoxine, a minute dose, will stop for sev- eral nights the sweats of consumption. Muscarine, is also a serviceable remedy. For sweating of the feet, Salicylic Acid, in powder dusted over the feet and' stockings, is probably the best remedy; may also be used in lotion with borax. Permanganate of Potassa, is an elegant toilet deodorant in fetid sweating of axillae and feet. Oxide of Zinc, with DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 89 extract of belladonna in pill, is an ordinary remedy for night-sweats; also, Gallic Acid. B. excessive. R Acid, tannic........................... Alcohol.................................. M. Sig. Use as a lotion. OF PALMS AND SOLES. R Emplast. diachyli. 01. olivae........................... ..................aa §iv M. Ft. ung. Sig. Spread thickly on cloths; apply neatly with bandage. Change morn and eve; rub dry (not wash), reapply. Continue one or two weeks. Duhring. Pharyngitis, Follicular. In the acute inflammation—Aconite and Belladonna. For local application—Tannin, Tannin and Iodo- form, Iodoform, in powder or ethereal solution. Cubebs, in powder—the powders by insufflation. Nitrate of Silver, in solution, painted over the sur- face. Hydrastis, the fluid extract, an excellent topical application to mucous membrane, inflamed B. Phthisis. Alcohol, an important remedy when it promotes appe- tite and digestion and increases the body-weight. Aliment, fresh blood, fats and nitrogenous food. Benzoate of Sodium, in spray, has been proposed as a specific, and already 'discredited. Chloride of Calcium has had remarkably good effects in some cases Cod-liver oil is both a valuable food and a remedy; ether aids its digestion by increasing the pancreatic juice, and quiets the stomach; Mineral Acids, especially nitro-muriatic in large doses, greatly improve the condition of some cases and retard the progress of the disease. Carbolic Acid has been used with great advantage by inhalation to destroy the fetor of the expectoration, and to act on the local morbid process; systemically, the acid helps digestion, and stimulates the assimilation. Creosote has been used with remarkable success recently. Phosphates and Hypophosphites, Cuca, ..............3i .........Ivnj Duhring. 90 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. with or without cod-liver oil, have good effects in the more chronic case6. Arsenic improves diges- tion and the formation of tissue, and increases the respiratory capacity. Strychnia checks the vom- iting, and is a valuable respiratory stimulant. For the ntght sweats, Picrotoxine, Atropia, and sometimes Pilocarpine. For the cough, Prunus Virgmiana, Codeia, Bromides, etc. B. CASEOUS PNEUMONIA. R Infus. digital..............................................§iv Plumb, acet..........................................grs. xx Tinct. opii...................................................3' M. Sig. A teaspoonful twice daily. Oppolzer. agreeable. R 01. morrhuae...............................................^ss Mucil. acaciae.............................................3'j Sacchari........................ .........................3'j Tinct. lavend c.....................................m xx Aquae....................................................§s.s M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Farquharson. EMULSION. R 01. morrhuae. Aq. calcis.............................................aa§iv 01. cinnamom.........................................gtts v M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Charity Hosp , N. Y. COUGH OF PHTHISIS. R Spts. chloroform. Acid, hydrocyan. dil............-..................aa 3'8S Tinct. hyoscyam.......................................'j'l^8 Aq. camphor..........................................ac* olv M. Sig. A drachm in one-half ounce water every two hours. A. A. Smith. Pi "FITRITIS* Aconite is a valuable remedy for the febrile stage. Bloodletting, by the cups or leeches, is a good expe- dient in the initial stage in plethoric subjects. Blisters are useful at two periods : at the onset and as resolution begins. Digitals is an antiphlogistic DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 91 adapted to the pre-exudative stage. Iodide of Pot- assium is useful to promote absorption of the exu- dation, and tincture of iodine or compound solution injected to prevent reaccumulation of fluid. Quinia is useful both to reduce temperature and check exudation. Morphia is the most important remedy until exudations occur; quinia and morphia in suf- ficient quantity at the outset may abort. Chloral is extremely useful when there are restlessness and delirium. Pilocarpus causes absorption of exuda- tion. B. R Tinct. aconit rad....................................m. xvi Morph. acet............................................grs. ij Sol. ammon. acet........................................§iv M. Sig. Two drachms. WITH EFFUSION. R 01. Tiglii..................................................3ss Ether......................t.................................3i Tinct. iodini c.........................................3USS M. Sig. Apply. Carson. Pneumonia. Aconite, Veratrum Viride, and Digitalis, very valuable antipyretics and antiphlogistics for the stage of con- gestion. Carbonate of Ammonia, Iodide of Ammo- nium, for the liquefaction of the exudation. Turpen- tine, a valuable stimulant when circulation is feeble, and in gangrene. Quinia, an important remedy under two conditions: in large doses during con- gestion, and in small tonic doses as a stimulant when depression comes on. Wet Pack, and the cold bath, the latter as a remedy for the inflamma- tion, according to Jurgensen, the best. Senega and Serpentaria, stimulant expectorants. Musca- rine is a highly promising remedy. Blisters, useful at onset, and to promote resolution. B. R Tinct. aconit. rad......................................mxvj Morph. acet ...........................................grs. ij Sol. ammon. acet.........................................%\\ M. Sig. Two drachms. 92 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Ammon. muriat......................... ............... ^iij Ant. et pot. tart.........................................^jj Morph. sulp..........................................gr8. iij Syr. Glycerrhiz..........................................giv M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two hours. N. S. Davis. 'for adynamic state. R Quinia sulph.........................................grs. xij Ammon. carb...................... ...............grs. xxiv M. Ft. chart No. 6. Sig. One powder as needed. N. S. Davis. Powders to be kept in stoppered bottle. Polyuria. Dry diet, of great value. Chloride of Gold, persistently used, an important remedy. Opium, large doses are necessary, and therefore extreme danger of forming a habit. Ergot, the most beneficial remedy thus far known probably. Pilocarpus has been used with success. B. Prostorrhcea. * The Urinor Genital Remedies notably Cantharis, Tur- pentine, Cubeb, and Copabia. Hydrastis, fluid extract internally and applied locally. Tincture of Chloride of Iron, when there is much debility. Bromide of Potassium, when there are irritability and excite- ment. Ergot, when relaxation exists. B. Pruritus. Borax, a saturated solution freely applied; also Potas- sium Bicarbonate, in solution. Bichloride of Mer- cary, in solution of sufficient strength. Cyanide of Potassium, as an ointment or in solution, if strong enough, relieves greatly, but must be used cau- tiously; also Hydrocyanic Acid, diluted, which may be prescribed in a lotioD, with borax. Nitrate of Silver, a solution painted on the affected parts, gives great relief. Sulphites, also as a lotion. Oleates of Mercury and Morphia. B. R Pulv. amyli................. ...........................§i Pulv. camphor.................................... ...gisa Zinc.oxid..............................................§ss M. Sig. Dusting powder. Anderson. DISEASES VAND THEIR REMEDIES. g^ OF PREGNANCY. R Thymol................................................grs. xv Vaselin......................................... .grs. xxx Powdered brick clay....................................§iij Dissolve the thymol in the vaseline, and rub up with the clay. Pallen. of ANUS. R Chloroform ...............................................3ij Glycerin..................................................3ss Cerat......................................................§iss M. Sig. Ointment. OF VULVA. R Sod. borac..................................................gss Morph. sulph...................................... grs. vi Aq. rosae................................................gviij M. Sig. Lotion. C. D. Meigs. same. R Sodii hyposulphit........................................3iv Glycerin ..................................................?ij Aq. destil.............................................ad. Jfvi M. Sig. Lotion. Fox. OF OLD PEOPLE. R Sod. borac..................................................31 Acid, hydrocyan......................................gjj Aq. rosae.................................................gviij M. Sig. Lotion. Neligan. Ptyalism. Belladonna, very effective in mercurial and of preg- nancy. Duboisia may be substituted. Locally— Tannin, Brandy, and the Vegetable Atringents. B. Puerperal Convulsions. Anaesthetics, especially chloroform; the relief is tem- porary, but time is gained for other measures. Chloral in in considerable doses is useful. Morphia, hypodermatically, is the most valuable agent in the uraemic form, but full doses are necessary. Amyl Nitrite, by inhalation, may do good in cases charac- terized by high tension of the vessels. Bloodletting is necessary when there is cerebral congestion. Bromides. B. 94 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Puerperal Fever. Quinia, in large doses, first in importance. Opium when there are wakefulness and delirium, especi- ally when local peritonitis exists. Salicylic Acid, and the Salicylates, Resorcin, and Carbolic Acid are remedies of great value. Turpentine, when there is much tympanites or depression. Potassa Per- manganate, has been used with success internally. B. Puerperal Mania. Ansesthestics, may be necessary in violent cases. Bromides, will quiet, in cases with tendency to cerebral congestion Chloral, is a highly service- able hypnotic, but its persistent use in anaemic cases is harmful. Duboisia, and Hyoscyamia are probably the best hypnotics when there are much excitement and restlessness, as well as wakeful- ness, Chalybeates, and Quinia,&re necessary when there is debility. Morphia, under some circum- stances is the best hypnotic. B. Purpura. Digitalis, to overcome the low tension. Egot, slows the heart and raises the tension, and thus checks transudation. Sulphuric Acid, Gallic Acid, Acetate of Lead, are astringents of more or less value. Turpentine, is of great value usually. Iron, is usually indispensable, especially the tincture of the chloride. B. Pyaemia. Quinia, in large doses, Salicylic Acid, Resorcin, and the Antiseptics in general, are useful in varying de- gree. Alcoliol and the Malt Liquors have an important place. B. Pyelonephritis. Eucalyptus, and the Urinogenital Remedies, especially Cantharis, Turpentine, Pipsissewa, Erigeron, Gallic Acid. B. m Remittent Fever. # Quinia, curative in efficient doses. Resorcin, Salicylic Acid, and Benzoates come next. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 95 Rheumatism, Acute. Aconite, tincture of the root, for the fever. Water, cold baths for the condition of hyperpyrexia. Ar- nica, a remedy for sub-acute cases. Bromide of Ammonium, a remedy advised by Da Costa. Bro- mide of Lithium, one of the best of the lithia salts. Trimethylamine, of doubtful value. Salicin, Sali- cylic Acid, and the Salicylates, Benzoates, etc., now much employed in the treatment of acute rheuma- tism. Alkalies, a plan of treatment once very popular and still pursued. Iron, tincture of the chloride in full doses a valuable remedy in weak subjects. Blisters, a succession of, around the affected joints, give relief and shorten the disease. Mineral Acids have been warmly advocated. Lemon Juice, an adjunct to more effective remedies, espec- ially to potash salts. B. R Acid, salicylic............................................3iii Potass, acet..............................................3vi Glycerin ................................................§i Aquae.......................................,..............^iv M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Beluevue Hosp. R Potass, iodid .............................................3ij Potass, acet................................................gi Tinct. colchic. sem....................................gas Aquae ...................................................gviij M. Sig.. A tablespoonful. Hart's Isl. Hosp., N. Y. Rheumatism, Chronic. Alkaline Mineral Waters Sulphurous Waters, and Baths. The Turkish Bath, Cod Liver Oil, a very important remedy. Colchicum, in the so called gouty form. Guaiac, is sometimes useful. Xanth- oxylum, and Cimicifuga, give relief in the muscular form, and are less beneficial when there are joint changes. Iodides, produce excellent results in the cases due to metallic poisoning. Manganese Sul- phate, does good in cases of gouty antecedents. Lithium and its Salts, afford the best results in uric- aeid diathesis. B. 96 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. CHRONIC. R Acid arsenios.....................................grs. iij Pulv. guaiaci,.............................................3'ij Pulv. capsici....................... ............ ----388 Pil. al et. myrrh............;..........................3"J M. Ft. pil. No. 120. Sig. One pill twice daily. Fi.thergill. muscular. R Ammon muriat...........................................•?>] Fl. ext. cimicifug................................. .....51J Syr. simplicis Aq. lauro cerasi......................................aa 3^ M. Sig. A teaspoonful twice a day. B LINIMENT. R Lin. aconite (Br.) Lin. belladon (Br)....................................aa 3ij Glycerin...............................................ad £ij M. Sig. Apply. Fothergill. Rubeola. Aconite, and Digitalis, are important antipyretics and to relieve the catarrhal process. Carbonate of Ammonia, has the greatest value in the catarrhal pneumonia when a complication. Quinia is highly useful for the adynamia, and in large doses when catarrhal pneumonia comes on. Oil Inunctions, allay irritation of the skin and lessen the ferbile heat. B. Scabies. * Sulphur Baths, Sulphites, and Sulphides, freely and faithfully used, are very effective. Carbolic Acid, locally, destroys the parasite. B. R Sulphur. Picis. liquid..........................................aa3vi Sapo mol. Adipis.................................................aa^ij Cretae.......................................................o88 M. Sig. Apply. Hebra. Scarlet Fever. . Aconite, for the fever and local inflammations. Digi- alis, a very important remedy as antipyretic diur- etic. Belladonna, when the eruption is imperfect DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 97 or'.bluish, the peripheral circulation feeble, and the heart's action depressed. Oil Inunctions diminish irritation of the skin and lessen temperature. Sali- cylic Acid, Benzoate of Sodiutn, Resorcin, and Car- bolic Acid, antiseptics and antipyretics; spray to the throat, and internally for septic infection. Car- bonate of Ammonia, of great value as a remedy and as a stimulant to the depressed circulation. Quinia employed under two conditions—as antipyretic and tonic. Water, cold baths and pack, for hyper- pyrexia and to develop the eruption in the fulmi- nant cases. Aqua Chlorinii, is a useful gargle and deodorant mouth-wash. Hydrochloric Acid, intern- ally, and diluted as a lotion for mouth and throat. B. R Potass, chlorat...........................................tj Tinct. ferri chlorid ....................................z8g Syr. zingiber...........................................?vi Aquae-...........................................ad'giij M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four or six hours for a child of eight to ten. Fothergill. Sciatica. Atropia, injected subcutaneously in the neighborhood of the nerve, but the physiological effects must be fully induced. Morphia, subcutaneously with or without atropia, is the most effective treatment Galvanism, next to morphia, is the best method of cure. Aquapuncture, gives great relief in recent cases. Acupuncture, sometimes relieves. Chloro- form, by deep injection in old cases is surprisingly effective. Nitrate of Silver, in solution, injected near to the nerve-trunk, is curative in some old cases resisting other means. Iodides, should be p^L1" ^ of 87PhLitic. Plumbic, or mercurial alst?L^*' ^ °CCasi0na1^ 8uccet* = Scleroderma. Cod-liver Oil, the most important remedy. Phosphates and Hypophosphites, with or without cod-livfr oil Phosph^us, ,n cod-liver oil. Galvanism,^ 11 B. 9^ POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Sclerosis, Spinal. Nitrate of Silver, very beneficial. Chloride of Gold, _ probably not inferior to silver. Galvanism and Static Electricity, Iodides, when there are specific lesions, and in mineral poisoning. Baths, the rub- bing wet pack. B. Scrofula. Cod liver Oil, and Inunctions, of Oil. Phosphates, to improve the nutrition. Iron, and Chalybeate Waters, Iodides, of iron and manganese, especially. Slillin- gia, Sanguinaria, and Sarsaparilla, promote the acitivity of the vegetative functions and improve nutrition. B. Sea-sickness. Atropia, subcutaneously, in minute quantity. Chloro- form, a few drops by the stomach frequently. Chloral, probably the most effective remedy, but must be given before decided nausea sets in. Champagne, iced in small quantity. Morphia, minute doses subcutaneously. Amyl Nitrite, by inhalation, and Nitro-Glycerine, by the stomach, are very useful. Bitters, as Calomba, and Tincture of Nux Vomica also sometimes succeed. B. Seborrhcea.- Zinc Oxide, ointment. Potassx Liquor, locally and internally. Glycerine, persistently continued by stomach. B. R Sapo. virid................................................3viij Alcohol..........................................•••......3iv M. Sig. Use as a shampoo. H ebra. Septicaemia. Quinia, in large doses, as an antipyretic and antisep- tic. Salicylic Acid, Resorcin. and Benzoates for the same purposes. Bromine, Carbolic Acid, and Chlo- rine, Boracic Acids, the Antiseptic Oils, Potassa Per- manganate, locally to destroy sloughing and gangre- nous parts, foul odors, and to change the character of the surface. Cold Baths, for hyperpyrexia, and Hot Water for wounds. B. Skin Diseases. . . . Oils and Fata, by inunction and locally. Arsenic, in DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 99 chronic, scaly skin-diseases. Phosphorus, in place of arsenic and under the same conditions. Iodides, when syphilitic, mercurial, plumbic, or other me- tric poisons underlie the local morbid process. Mer- cury, of great value in secondary syphilitic cutaneous affection. Quinia, in ecthyma, erythema nodosum, and when depression of the vital forces exists. Atropia is highly useful in certain cutaneous neuro- ses and in simple vascular lesions. Pilocarpus, when the skin secretions are deficient, and in alo- pecia pityroides.. Sarsaparilla has long been cele- brated in syphilitic and strumous affections of the skin. Mineral Acids, in diseases secondary to stomachal and intestinal indigestion. Electricity, in the neuroses of the skin. Locally, the salts of Zinc. Lead, and Mercury,. Tannic Acid, as glycerite or in powder, Carbolic Acid, and Iodine, are freely used in various acute and chronic affections. Stains of Nitrate of Silver are removed by a solution of cyanide of potassium, iodine, and water. B. Spermatorrhea. Atropia,Ergot, and Digitalis, when the genitals are relaxed, the erections feeble because of deficient filling of veins of erectile tissue, and the ejaculator muscles paretic. Cimicifuga, acts similarly, but less strongly. Nux Vomica, or strychnia, is indi- cated when a stimulant and tonic are required, and Cantharis, when a stimulant merely is needed. Iron, tincture of the chloride, when anaemia is a marked feature, and Arsenic, when a systemic tonic as well as genital stimulant. Bromide of Potassium, Lupuline, and Camphor, when a genital sedative is indicated. Locally, Nitrate of Silver, Hydrastis, fluid extract, Tannin, and vegetable and mineral astringents. B. WITH IMPOTENCE. R Tinct. canthar..............................................zj Tinct. ferri chlorid......................................zjjj M. Sig. 25 drops thrice daily in water. H. C. Wood. IOO POCKET .BOOK OF MEDICINE. IN THE PLETHORIC. R Infus digital............................................gviij Potass, bromid............................................^i M. Sig. A tablespoonful night and morning one week, then at night only. B. R Tinct. ferri chlorid. Fl. ext. ergot..........................................aa 3"iij M. Sig. A tablespoonful in water after each meal. Bumstead. Spina Bifida. Iodine, the tincture injected into the sac. Collodion, in drying contracts and mechanically compresses. B. Spinal Irritation. Electricity, is an efficient means of allaying the pain and tenderness. Strychnia, one of the best tonics for the primary assimilation, and stimulant for the depressed nerve centres. Ergot, is required when active hyperaemia is present. Bromide of Potassium does good under the same condition. Mitchell's Cure, by massage, rest, andfaradism, probably the best treatment. B. Spleen, Diseases. In anaemia,Iron, Manganese, and Arsenic; in vascular di\&tation,Ergot,Quinia,Belladonna, Muscaria, Resor- cin. Externally, Cold Affusion, which causes con- traction of the splenic vessels, Ointment of the Red Iodide of Mercury, which, if properly applied, causes a rapid reduction of simple hypertrophy, Ointment of Iodide of Lead. B. Sterility. Aurum, chloride of gold and sodium, when due to chronic interstitial metritis. Phosphorus, when simple functional debility in male. B. Stomatitis. Alcohol, Brandy and-Water, an excellent astringent wash. Bismuth, in powder freely applied. Acids, hydrochloric, applied directly to ulcers. Eucalyp- tus, Hydrastis, Rubus, Krameria, and other vegetable astringents, the fluid extracts being applied pure or variously diluted to the affected parts. Potassium DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. IOI Chlorate, the most valuable application, and espec- ially systemic remedy. B. R Tinct. ferri chlorid ......................................3SS Potass, chlorid...........................................3isa Glycerin. Aquae.................................................aa 31J M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three hours. Gibney. Strangury. Opium, the tincture by enema, or better, morphia subcutaneously. Gelsemium, Aconite, Veratrum Viride, and Bromides afford relief in varying degree. For vesicle strangury, Cantharides Tinc- ture, Turpentine, and various urino-genital reme- dies. B. Stricture Electrolysis cures spasmodic, and, some affirm, can cure a permanent stricture. B. Suppuration. Alcohol, a powerful antiseptic and antipyretic, and, externally, a valuable antiseptic dressing. Carbolic Acid, and Lister's antiseptic method. Quinia, in full doses, as a tonic. Sulphides, in small doses, frequently mature abscesses, and under some cir- cumstances, abort them ; also, Sulphurous Mineral- Waters, Phosphates, and Lime Salts, to repair waste by suppuration. Iodides of Iron and Mangenese, the syrup of, in the systemetic depression caused by suppuration. B. Sweating. (Hyperidrosis—see Perspiration,) Mineral Acids, especially aromatic sulphuric acid. Oxide of Zinc, in night sweats of phthisis, especially with extract of belladonna. Gallic Acid, restrains sweating. Atropia, is a powerful means of arrest- ing perspiration; also, Duboisia, and especially Picrotoxin, Pilocarpus, Resorcin, and Salicylic Acid, cause sweating and, under some conditions, arrest it. B. Sycosis. Carbolic Acid, internally and externally. Oleate of Mercury, B. POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. Synovitis. Cod-Liver Oil, is useful in strumous and debilitated constitutions. Nitrate of Silver, in nitrous ether, painted over the joint. Carbolic Acid, solution in- jected into the joint. Oleate of Mercury and Morphia, Massage. B. Syphilis. Baths, Turkish baths, wet packs, and vapor baths are very important in promoting excretion. Denutri- tion, hunger cure. Cod Liver Oil, useful in chronic cases and broken-down constitutions. Mercury, the great remedy for constitutional syphilis—by stomach, by inunction, by fumigation, or subcu- taneously. Iodides, in constitutional, certain forms of secondary and tertiary disease, is unrivaled in efficacy. Aurum, comes into use after iodides and mercury, to which it is greatly inferior. Iron, especially the iodide, in sloughing phagedaena and in depressed states of the system at all stages. Iodoform as a local application to chancres. Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Boracic Acid Benzoin Chlorate of Potassa, in powder are valuable local applications to syphilitic sores, abscesses, discharging buboes, phagedaena,- etc. Sarsaparilla, Stillingia, Guaiacum, are important adjuncts, vehicles, and remedies for the constitutional disease, the system being unequal to further iodine and mercurial treatment. B. R Hydrarg. biniodid.................................... grs. i Potass, iodid............................................3iv Syrup, sarsap. c. Aquae.............. ...................................aa. gij M. Sig. A teaspoonful Taylor. R Hydrarg. bichlorid..................................grs. i Potass iodid ..................................... ........3ij Tinct. gentian, c.......................................^iv. M. Sig. A teaspoonful. R Iodoform............................................grs. xx Hydrarg. bichlorid....................................gr. i Ferri. redact........................................grs. xx M. Ft. pil. No. 20. "Sig. One pill three times a day. B. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 103 The various Txniaefuges, Carbolic Acid, Resorcin, and Salicylic Acid have killed taenia, so that a purga- tive only was necessary. Turpentine is one of the most efficient remedies, although unpleasant in the highest degree. Ailanthus has succeeded. B. Tetanus. Atropia, injected into the rigid muscles, has done good. Chloral is certaiuly a remedy of great value. Amyl-Nitrite has been used with success. Nitro- Glycerine should also be fairly tried. Gelsemium has succeeded, and is a promising remedy. Curara, valuable, but uncertain. Bromide of Potassium seems to be the most successsul remedy. Physos- tigma has been used with advantage. Hyoscyamia, or Duboisia, may be used. Nicotia has effected a cure, requires caution. Anaesthetics give temporary relief. Morphia, injected into the tetanized mus- cles, gives great relief. B. Thrombosis and Embolism. Ammonia, by the stomach or by intravenous injection to liquefy the obstructing clot. Ergot, Quinia, and Digitalis, for the collateral hyperaemia and oedema. B. Tic-Douloureux. (See Neuralgia.) Atropia and Morphia, these alkaloids in combination subcutaneously give relief. Croton Chloral, has special effects on the fifth nerve. Aconitia, has lately been given with good results. Galvanism, releives the pain. B. Tinea. Boracic Acid, is an excellent topical application. Mercury, corrosive sublimate, as an ointment or lotion for tinea tonsurans, oleate of mercury in oleic acid, also. Copper, an ointment of the car- bonate. Carbolic Acid, applied directly or in glyce- rine to the part affected. Sulphites, in solution, alse useful. Sulphides, sulphur baths faithfully car- ried on, are curative. B. Tonsillitis. Aconite, the tincture of the root, in cases accompa- nied by fever. Guaiacum, a full dose is said to 104 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. abort an attack. Ice, held against the inflamed part, diminishes the congestion. Mercury, small doses of calomel or gray powder reduce the in- flammation. Quinia, in a full dose at the outset, may abort an attack. Alum, in powder, solution or whey, does good after the acute symptoms. Tincture of Iodine, injected, will gradually diminish the hypertrophied tonsil. B. Toothache. Alum, a solution in nitrous ether is said to be ef- fectual. Tannin, dissolved in ether, also relieves the pain of a carious tooth. Carbonate of Soda, a saturated solution held in the mouth relieves. Opium, or morphia, a solution of, put in a carious cavity. Oil of Cloves, Carbolic Acid, or Resorcin, put in a cavity, stops the pain. . Xanthoxylum is a domestic remedy. B. Torticollis. Galvanism to the muscles in a state of spasm, and faradic applications to the antagonist muscles in a paretic state. Massage, Water, hot douche. B. Tuberculosis. Grape-Cure, Whey Cure, Cod-liver Oil, Iron, valuable in so far as it improves nutrition. Iodide of Iron and Manganese, Chloride of Calcium, apparently exercises a real curative influence. B. Typhlitis. Ice. in form of a poultice to the seat of inflammation. Opium, in form of enemata of the tincture, or deo- dorized tincture by the stomach, or morphia subcu- taneously, which is the most effective. Leeches, to the inflamed region as soon as tenderness is mani- fest, and should not be omitted unless the subject is feeble. Purgatives, saline, especially Epsom salts, alone admissible in typhlitis due to impaction of the caecum, and positively contraindicated in the other forms of the disease. B. Typhoid Fever. (See Fever.) Aliment, a milk diet, usually most suitable. Acids, Mineral, the muriatic, has been much employed as a remedy to diminish fever and restrain diarrhoea. iodine, in the form of the compound tincture or DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. I05 solution, is a remedy of great value—lessens the violence and shortens the duration (German " Specific Treatment "). Mercury, calomel in ten- grain doses for several days during the first week or ten days—"specific treatment"—shortens the duration and moderates the violence of the diesase. Carbolic Acid, and creosote have been used with great success; may be administered with iodine advantageously. The antipyretic and antiseptic treatment includes, besides the remedies just named. Quina, in large doses, Cold Baths, Salicylic Acid, Resorcin, Benzoate of Sodium, Arnica, and Digitalis, Nitrate of Silver, Bismuth, Fowler's Solu- tion with Tincture of Opium are employed to re- strain diarrhoea. RESTLESSNESS AND DELIRIUM. R Ant. et. potass, tart. Morphiae sulph.................................aa. gr. iss Aq lauro cerasi...........................................5' M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two, three or four hours. B. R Acid, hydrobrom..........................................3i Syr. simplicis...........................................3ij Aquae .....................................................ad §i M. Sig. One dose hourly. Fothergill. R Acid, hydrochlor. dil....................................3ij Syr. auranti................................................3M Aquae............ ...........................................Oi M. Sig. Two ounces at a draught every three or four hours. Fothergill. FOR SUBSULTUS. R Moschi......................................... ..............31 Aether. Tinct. opii............................................aa 3iss Aq. cinnamom.......................................3>jss Syrupi......................................................giss M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. Horace Green. Ulcers. Nitric Acid, a powerful escharotic, used to destroy unhealthy tissues and change the character of the I06 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. surface. Potassa Chlorate, in powder applied to the surface, is remarkably beneficial in cases of un- healthy ulceration, in epithelioma, etc. Alum, dried, is a feeble escharotic, and destroys unhealthy granulations. Zinc Sulphate, dried, is a valuable caustic, and easily managed; the chloride of zinc is more powerful and penetrating, as "well as more painful. Potassa Fusa, or the milder Vienna paste, diffuses widely and destroys deeply. Nitrate of Silver, acts superficially, and is therefore to be used only when the mildest effects are necessary. Sulphate of Copper is, like silver nitrate, a good application to change the character of an indolent ulcer, and to form a thin coating under which heal- ing may proceed. Iodoform, in powder, dusted over the ulcer, is a capital dressing for syphilitic ulcers, irritable sores, and superficial ulcers gene- rally ; its odor for these purposes may be covered by thymol, menthol, or euealyptol. Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Boracic Acid, Resorcin, Thymol, are antiseptic, deodorant, and alterative applica- tions, of great value in wounds, unhealthy ulcera- tion, and sloughing phagedaena. Galvanism, a galvanic couplet, will heal bed sores and unhealthy ulcers. B. FOUL OR INDOLENT. R Iodoform..... ...............................................3i Bals. peru..................................................3V Ung. petrolei ...........................................3xiv M. Sig. Apply. G. H. Fox. Uraemia. Water, the vapor-bath and hot-water pack, to excite the skin and promote free diaphoresis. Pilocarpus, Muscaria, and Resorcin, active diaphoretics, espec- ially the first named, but the state of the heart must be carefully watched—a weak or fatty heart being a positive contraindication. Digitalis, the infusion, an important means of procuring free action of the kidneys. Saline, or Hydragogue Cathartics, are of great importance to secure elimination by the intestinal canal, and to relieve the blood-pres- sure. Colehicum is an excellent hydragogue and DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. 107 derivative in these cases: is best when combined with other purgatives. Morphia, hypodermatically, in full doses, is of remarkable value in uraemic con- vulsions. B. R Acid, benzoic .................. ..................3iy Syr. tolu............................................... 3xij M. Sig. One ounce every third hour largely diluted with water. . Da Costa. Uric-Acid Diathesis. Aliment, the saccharine and starchy foods are proper, but meats and other nitrogenous materials objec- tionable. When excess of uric acid is due to defi- ficient oxidation, Nitric Acid especially is of the, greatest value ; also muriatic and lactic acids. Al- kalies, the potash-salts, particularly after meals; also the Alkaline Waters. Air, Massage B. Urine, Incontinence of. Belladonna, the most important remedy, and the alka- loid Atropia is the best preparation, a quantity sufficient to induce its physiological effects being necessary. Ergot is effective when there is a para- lytic sphincter, and in the case of diseased prostate. Iodide of Iron, the sirup or official pill may be used. It is successful in the case of pale, strumous and feeble subjects. Strychnia may succeed when the other remedies fail; must be pushed, and is best adapted to cases characterized by great nerve mobility or weakness. When the urine is acid, a proper Diet and Alkalies; when alkaline, the Ben- zoate of Ammonia. B. NOCTURNAL OF CHILDREN. R Strychniae............................................ gr. i Pulv. cantharid.................................... grs. ii Morph. sulph........................................ grs. iss Ferri pulv...........................................grs. xx M. Ft. pil. No. 40. Sig. One three times a day for a child of ten. Gross. Uterine Colic. Aquapuncture, gives suprising relief. Morphia and Atropia, subcutaneously. Camphor, Gelsemium, 108 POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. and the anodynes derivative from alcohol. Chloral, Ether, etc. B. Uterus, Hypertrophy of; also, Sub-Involution. Ergot, fluid extract, and Ergotin, subcutaneously; must be persistently administered for a long time. Electricity, Galvanism—an interrupted current, of great value in cases of simple enlargement. Iodo- form, and Iodotannin, applied directly to the uterus promote absorption. Chloride of Gold, and Bichlo- ride of Mercury, long continued, in small doses, do much good. Phytolacca, Digitalis, and Cimicifuga are very useful in sub-involution. Ipecacuanha, has remarkably good effects in recent cases of sub- involution, with menorrhagia or metrorhagia. B. Uterus, Ulceration of. Hydrastis, the fluid extract undiluted, freely applied, is a valuable application to cervicitis,endocervicitis, ulcer and eversion. Iodotannin, iodoform and tan- nin packed around the cervix is a highly useful remedy in ulceration and other disorders. Nitrate of Silver, a long-used and highly esteemed topical remedy, but has been much abused. Carbolic Acid, pure, on cotton-wrapped probe, is a safe and efficient application in endocervicitis, endometritis, and ulcerations. Vegetable Astringents, oak, heuch- era, hamamelis, rubus, etc., in the form of strong decoctions, injections, or fluid extracts, undiluted. Glycerite of Tannin, and Glycerine are useful in greater or less degree. B. Varicocele, and Varicose Veins. Ergot, ergotin injected subcutaneously alongside the enlarged veins, an effective but painful expedient. the injection must not enter the veins. Same expedi- ent can be practiced in the case of any varicose veins in an accessible situation. B. Variola. Water, cold baths for fever, especially hyperpyrexia. Quinia, small doses as a tonic, full doses for the suppuration, and antipyretic doses if the tempera- ture is high. Ammonia Carbonate, if there is mani- DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. IO9 fest depression, and especially during the suppura- tion stage. Chloral, is highly useful and necessary when there are high temperature, wakefulness and delirium. Opium, for wakefulness, low delirium, and adynamia. Carbolic Acid, Resorcin, Salicylic Acid, and Benzoate of Sodium,are from the theoreti- cal standpoint valuable antiseptics and antipyretics. Iodine, tincture, is applied to pustules to prevent pitting. Silver Nitrate, a pointed stick of, is inserted into each pustule to abort it and thus prevent the formation of a cicatrix. B. Vomiting. Alcohol, iced champagne or brandy in small quantity frequently, will sometimes arrest vomiting of preg- nancy, of sea-sickness, of cholera, yellow fever, etc. Chloroform, a few drops frequently, will arrest some kinds of vomiting, as sea-sickness, passage of gallstones, etc. Bromides are serviceable in cere- bral vomiting, and in cholera infantum in children, and in some cases of reflex vomiting. Chloral, highly useful in vomiting of sea sickness, cholera, and reflex vomiting. Ipecacuanha, rarely minute doses, will arrest some nervous and reflex attacks of vomiting. Arsenic, drop doses of Fowler's solu- tion, will stop vomiting of irritative dyspepsia, of ulcer, etc. Hydrocianic Acid can be prescribed in the vomiting of acute stomach troubles. Pepsin, Milk and Lime-Water, Bismuth, are proper in the vomiting of indigestion, of stomach inflammation, of acidity, and of acute intestinal disorders. Calo- mel, very minute doses of, will stop vomiting in cholera infantum and in other intestinal disorders in children. Nitrite of Amyl and Nitro Glycerine are said to be very effective in the vomiting of sea- sickness. Alkalies, especially the effervescent powder. Nux Vomica, the tincture, will sometimes succeed in atonic states. Carbolic Acid has re- markable sedative effects, and will arrest the vom- iting of acute stomachal and intestinal disorders; it is advantageously combined with bismuth in an emulsion. B. IIO POCKET BOOK OF MEDICINE. R Creasoti............................................... m. xij Acid, hydrocyan dil................................m. xxx Pulv. acac. Pulv. sacch.............................................aa 3vj Aquae........ ...........................................ad ^ij M. Sig. A teaspoonful. Charity Hosp., N. Y. NERVOUS VOMITING. R 01. cajeput.................................................. 3i Chloroform .........................................."......%'\ Tinct. cinnamom..........................................§i M. Sig. A teaspoonful every half hour in glycerine or syrup and water. B. R Bismuth, subnit........................................3"J Acid, carbol .........................................grs. iij Mucil. acac....................................... ••.......§j Aq. menth. piper.......................................^iij M. Sig. A. tablespoonful three or four times daily. B. Vomiting of Pregnancy. Cerium, is a good remedy if given in full doses. Iodine, a drop of the tincture, of the the compound solution, or of the compound tincture. Carbolic Acid, may succeed, but is uncertain. Calumba, a few drops of the tincture, but it often fails. Inglu- vin, has been frequently successful; also, Pepsin, but is less useful than the former. Nux Vomica, a drop or two of the tincture may prove beneficial. Arsenic, a drop of Fowler's solution, sometimes acts most favorably. Hydrocyanic Acid, often does good, and often fails. Alcohol, as sparkling wine, may succeed temporarily. B. R Cerii oxalat ......................................grs. lxxx Ft. capsul. No. 20. Sig. One capsule every fourth hour. Fordyce Barker. R Cerii oxalat. Ipecac.................................................aa gr. 1 Creasot ............................................gtts. ij M. Sig. This amount every hour. Goodell. Whooping-Cough. Atropia, is a good remedy when secretion is profuse, DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES. Ill and in the spasmodic stage; decided physiologi- cal effects should be produced to have any curative action. Bromides; Bromide of Camphor, seems to be more useful. Chloral, is very useful at any stage, but is most serviceable during the spasmodic. Castanea, a decoction of the leaves, may be taken at pleasure, and with certainty of some, although not marked benefit. Nitric Acid, sometimes bene- fits exceeding!}', but is uncertain. Alum, for copious bronchial secretion. Lobelia, as a nauseant, bene- ficial. Carbolic Acid, by inhalation. Benzoate of Sodium, internally and by spray, very serviceable. Salicylates, Resorcin. Lactucarium, the sirup, is a useful vehicle for the exhibition of other medicines. Asafoetida, useful; may be given freely to infants and young children. Hydrocyanic Acid, most efficacious for the cough of habit and of imitation. B. R Acid, nitric, dil............................................31 Syr. prun. virgin.........................................§iss Aquae....................... ...............................^ij M. Sig. A teaspoonful. R Chloral........................................................3i Potass, bromid.........................................31J Syr. prun. virgin. Aquae.....................................................aa 3*i M. Sig. A teaspoonful thrice daily to infants. Dessan. R Acid, hydrocyan. dil......... ..................... m. x Tinct- stramonii..................................m. xx Ammon. bromid...........................................31 Syr. tolu. Mucil. acac..........................................aa §ij M. One drachm three or four times a day for a child of two. Hosp. for Crippled. R Alum.....................................................gr8. 1 Syr. zingiber. Syr. acaciae. Aquae...................................................aa gi M. Sig. One drachm every four to six hours. Meigs & Pepper. 112 POCKET BOOK OF MADICINE. THE SUCCEEDING COUGH OF HABIT. R Mist, asafcetid............................................giv Ammon. chlorid...........................................3i M. A tablespoonful as necessary. B. Worms, (See Parasites.) Eucalyptus, Calomel, an excellent remedy to expel the round worm, and is best administered with santonine. Salicylic Acid, has been used success- fully against taenia, Anthelmintics. round worms AND TaENIA. R 01. terebinth..............................................gri8 01. ricini ........... ....................................gi M. Sig. One dose. Fahquharson. same and thread worms. R Fl. ext. spigel............................................§i Fl. ext. sennae............................................^ss M. Sig. A tablespoonful to a child of three to five years. SAME. R Fl. ext. spigel. et sennae...............................§i Santonini.............................................grs. viij M. Sig. A teaspoonful to a child of five years. J. L. Smith. Wounds. Lister's Method, Water, cold and hot, as a dressing for wounds to arrest haemorrhage, and in form of baths, to depress abnormal heat. Alcohol, an excellent antiseptic and astringent dressing, and as a remedy in pyrexia. Carbolic Boracic, and Salicylic Acids, used under the antiseptic system, to disinfect, deodorize, and to change the character of wounds. B. f *i '3PS LIBRARY