WBA W454n 1846 ^^* .1 % ; ,:;i ' -iia & ■ U^H «: iMillii & -i K^.wsffif i. i I : rf« 'S* < E .■! <" 1 : ^WJvt; *i*-.-*o* NEW AMD VALUABLE BOO K, \:t ENTITLED THE FAMILY COMPANION, \ CONTAINING MANY &TJNDRED RARE ATO USEFUL RECEIPTS, ON EVERY BRANCH OF DOMESTIC ECOlYOMlf) EMBRACING Cookery, the Cure of Diseases ihn Properties and Use of the Principal Plants used as Medicine, House- wifery, Dying, Coloring, Cleaning, Purifying, Cemenliug, &c. X By J. R. WELLS,'M. D. W BOSTON: A ■ PRINTED FOIL, THE AUTHOR. , I*?-.- .**" i 2 <1 VJBA a. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by J. R. Wells, M. D., in the Clerk's Office of theDistrict Court of the District of Massachusetts. w. '"f v. * ft X PREFACE. This work has been compiled with a careful regard to economy. The cook's department is particularly recommended to the attention of those cooks, who would cook well at a moderate expense. The Mode of Cooking is such as is generally prac- tised by good American house-keepers. Many of the receipts are new, having been prepared, or furnished, expressly for this work. Selections have also been made from various works on this subject, such as have been proved to be good by use. The Medical Department will be found to be as valuable as any part of the book. It contains a large number of useful and tried remedies for the various diseases and accidents that occur in almost every family. The Mode of Treating Diseasee will be found to be perfectly safe and effectual. The author has con- sulted the very best authorities, and he feels confident that the plan will meet the approbation of the most eminent practitioners of thjj age. The Housewife's DeparMent will be fonnd to con- tain a large collection of rStellaneous receipts rela- Q i IV PREFACE. tive to house-keeping, he, which will be of great value to every family, many of them never before published. In conclusion, the author would tender his sincere thanks to those of his friends who have kindly fur- nished him with some of their choice and valuable receipts; and to those into whose hands this little work may come, he would ask a fair trial before pass- ing judgment. ^ • ^ • CONTENTS. Tea, Coffee, **? MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. General"" Coffee milk, chocolate,common mode of ' rules for preserving life and health,. ' ague and fever. 33 i Ear ache, gravel, measles, whooping- J cough, 34 9 < Gout, convulsions or fits, scurvy, 35 \ Weak nerves, chicken pox, chilblains, milk bread, rolls, short rolls, light bis- ^ sore throat and mouth/sprains, 36 cuit.hrcad biscuit.brown bread biscuit.10 ■ Erysipelas, fainting, coughs and colds, CAKES. Hot cakes, drop cakes.cup I cholics, hydiophobia, jaundice, 37 cake, frosting for cake,queen cake, ; Sickness at the stomach, cholera-infan- short cake, superior Indian cake, 11 ; turn, teething, tooth ache, bleeding at chocolate, cocoa, shells, BREAD. Wheat Bread, brown bread, rye and Indian bread, cheap and healthy bread,dyspepsia bread. Rice bread, cream tartar bread, sour Loafcake, sponge cake, cheap sponge cake, milk biscuit, coffee cakes, tea biscuit, johnny cake, wedding cake, the lungs,or spitting blood, , 38 Bronchitis, liverj complaint, lock jaw, nettle rash, ring worm, 39 pound calie, 12 < Dysentary, scalds and burns, cramp in JU.VlBLES. Baker's Gingerbread, Tea < the stomach, 40 Cake, Family Gingerbread, Wafers, S Croup, rickets, palsy,blows and bruises, Fried Wafeis.Comnosition Cake.Com- \ dyspepsia, 41 mon Flat Jacks, Buckwheat Cukes. ', Head-aclie,rholera morhns.srnrlet fever,42 Dough Nuts, Nos. 1,2 and 3, 13? HOUSEWIFE'S DEPARTMENT. PUDDINGS. Pudding Sauce, Bread ( Method ofsecuring woolens from moths, 54 Pudding, Baked Rice Pudding, Nos. 1 \ Iron cement,, another, to restore faded and2,boiled Bread Pudding, 14' Sago Pudding, Apple Pudding, Batter ', Pudding, Nos. 1 and 2, Sunderland pud- < ding. Tapioca pudding, wheat-meal ] pudding, , . 151 India hasty pudding, boiled Indian pud- ] ding, 1G i PASTRY and PIES. Common paste for Pies, good common pie crust, cream crust, rich puff-paste, 16 < Paste for a good Dumpling,paste for fam- ily I'ies, plain mince Pies,apple mince pies.cherry Pies.whortleuerry or black- berry Pies, apple Pie, 17 > Pumpkin Pie, carrot Pie, rhcubarb Pie, mutton Pie, chicken Pie, custard Pie, carpet, to clean silver or britannia, to preserve eggs, durable whitewash, to prevent the formation of a crust in tea kettles, cement for broken glass or , crockery, to boil potatoes mealy.to ex- tract durable ink,to prevent horses be- ing teased with flies, 55 How to fatten fowls,cholera morbus,for children troubled with worms, an ex- cellent wash for sore mouth or canker, a cure for bleeding at the stomach, 56 To cure bleeding at the nose, remedy for consumption, to prevent books, ink, paste, and leather, for polishiner furni- ture, to clean brass work, tooth pow- der, lip sulve, 57 rice Pie, 18, lemon pie, 19 > To stop blood, for a weak stomach.cure Ct'STARDS. Baked Custard, cream > for a cancer.boil your molasses,to pre- Custard. common Custard, 19 j serve potatoes till spring, cheap p:i int. Rice Custard, 20 5 for a barn, essences.to make indellihle MEATS. RoastBeef, 20 > ink, to kill cockroaches, 58 Beef Steaks, goups, 21 $ Red ants, to destroy bed tiugs.lo destroy To roast Veal, to boil a Ham, baked > rats and nutfb, baits for rats. 59 Ttinguel to boil _a Tongue, to boil a^ I Rats. Jft«: c ■:.■ •> :•■■ V;X W ' v:'...v ■> ' i- V *^H" % f * V % :*j";."?' ■V*' ^ ■:':"H- ■$ i :-,•■/}> 'vsC'r'' i*. ■^'i)\ i>i ^M tj t*M '' J.'s§£k :W^}';:,. national library of medicine Nl_ri Q3E75QQ7 1 NLM032750071