re*. r. *. • f» :.*i-, V-.- « '.. •<■: V . .it-ftti'.'i. • •n.rx:.;t, >m± ■4 \ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland < THB LADIES INDISPENSABLE COMPANION AJTD HOUSEKEEPERS' GUIDE: EMBRACING RULES OF ETIQUETTE ; RULES FOR THE FORMATION OF GOOD HABITS ; AND A GREAT VARIETY OF MEDICAL RECIPES. TO WHICH IS ADDED ONE OP THB §est SjrshmB of $00lurg EVER PUBLISHED. THE MAJORITY OF THE RECIPES ARE NEW AND OUGHT TO BB POSSESSED BY EVERY ONE. H. DAYTON, 36 HOWARD SVREETf INDIANAPOLIS, IND. : ASHER & CO. I860. CONTENTS. Ague Air . . . . Asiatic Cholera > • Asthma, Cure of . B. Bilious Cholic . . Bilious Complaints . . Bite of Poisonous Crea- tures . Bleeding at the Lungs " " Stomach " from the Nose Bloody Urine . Boils . . Bowel Complaints in Children • . Burn or Scald . . Bums . • . C. P«ge. 29 10 23 14 36 36 33 34 47 16 34 29 42 25 50 Cancer . • • • 42 Callus .... 30 Catarrh . . . .30 Certain Cure for a Cold. 24 Chilblain . . Cholera, Morbus Consumption, No. 1. Consumptive Cough Continued Fever 32 16 15 46 19 Convulsion Fits . . 44 Corns . ... 32 Costiveness in Children . 9 Coughs and Colds do. . 9 Cough . i . .48 Cough, Recipa for . . 24 Courses, painful • . 33 Cow-pox . . .22 Cramp in the Stomach . 30 Croup, No. 1. . . . 10 Croup, No. 2. . . .88 Cutting Teeth . . . 85 D. 34 26 42 15 45 35 12 Deafness . . Delirium Tremens . Diabetes . . . Diarrhoea . . , Distress after Eating Dropsy . . . Dropsy of the Head. Drowning, recovery from 26 Dysentery. . . .15 Dyspepsia . . • .37 E. Earache, No. 1. . .30 Earache, No. 2. . .44 Elecampane for a Cough. 25 ! Epeleptic Fits . . .44 Eyes, Inflammation of . 29 Eyes, Sore and Weak Eyes, Weaping COVTXVIC . 87 . 60 Falling of the Bowels in Children ... 29 J. Jaundice Joints, Stiffened K. . 32 . 48 Keeping Children clean . 11^ King's Evil . . .48 Felon in the Eye . . 27 Felon on the Hand . . 38 L. Female Obstructions . 14 Fever and Ague . . 27 Lame Feet . . . 50 Fever Sore . 28 Liver Complaint, No. 1 40 Fits or Convulsions in Locked Jaw . 62 Children . 11 Flaxseed Tea . . 25 M. Flour Albus . . .38 Food for Children . .11 Food for Infants brought up by hand . . 10 Frost Bite. . . .60 Measles - . Medicine for Children Menstrual Discharges . Mortification • • Mumps • • 20 . 9 31 40 27 0. N. Gleets Good Remedy for Fits Oout .... .47 . 48 37 Nervous Affections . Nipples Sore . • 34 45 Gravel or Stone, No. 1 . 39 Numb Palsy . • . 34 Gravel or Stone, No. 2 . 43 0. H. Old and Inveterate Sores. 43 Headache, Sick • . 28 Old Sores to Cure . 49 Hiccough • • . 29 P. Hoarseness • • . 47 Humors. No. 1. • . 36 Pains . . 30 Humors. No. 2. • .47 Painter's Cholic 43 Hysterics • • . 60 Palpatation of the Heart. Pectoral Syrup for 31 I Coughs . • 25 Piles . . • . 43 Inflammatory Fever . 16 Piles, Bleeding. . . 45 Itch . • • 83 Phthisic • • • ; 46 CONTENTS, Page. Pimples . . .49 Poisons, taking, Tartar Emetic . . ,46 Poisons, Saltpetre . 46 " Laudanum 46 * Lunar Caustic, 46 « Corros. Sub- limate . . .47 Polypus . . .87 R. Raising Blood . .33 Rattlesnake Bites. . fi4 Rattles in Children . 28 Recipes for Rheumatism 19 Remedy for Dropsy in the Head • . 13 Rheumatic Plaster • 23 Rickets, symptoms of . 11 Rickets, Remedy for • 12 Ring Worm. . .41 Rupture . . .33 S. Salt Rheum. • ,35 Scarlet Fever . .20 Scrofula, Humor • 35 Scrofula . . .13 Scrofula, Remedy for . 13 Scurvy . . .28 Sleep, to Procure it .48 Smallpox • • • 21 Bore Throat, Commca . 44 Sore Throat, Putrid . 19 Bore Legs - - - 83 Sore Lips - - 44 Spine Complaint.* - 49 Sprains - 28 St. Anthony's Fire :'. Pago. Stomach Sickness » 34 Strengthening Plaster - 38 Strained Stomach - 38 St. Vitus' dance - - 39 Sweat - - - 47 Swellings, to reduce them 29 Swellings, No. 2 -26 T. 40 Tape Worm Teething and Diarrhoea in Children - - 10 Tic Doloreaux • - 27 Toothache, No. 1 - 23 " No. 2 - 41 " No. 3 - 50 Treatment of Children - 9 Typhus Fever - - 17 U. Ulcer • • 45 Ulcer, Inward • -45 Universal Cure all - 51 Urinary Discharges, too free - - - 39 Urinary Obstructions - 30 V. Varioloid - • • 21 Volatile Liniment- - 27 Vomiting prevented - 46 Warts, No. 1 - - 24 Warts, No. 2 - - 45 Weak Eyes- - - 49 Weak Limbs • -29 Weak Stomach - - 41 Wen - # - • - 40 White mixture for a Cough, No. 1 - • 25 No. 2- - 25 Whites - - - 49 n CONTENTS. Page- Page* White Swelling - • 35 E. Whooping Cough, No. 1 14 Whooping Couge, No. 2 40 Elder blows, bark and Windy Stomach - . 47 berries - . 57 Worms - 40 )f Plants. Elecampane • F. 67 Medical Properties Fever-root - . 58 A. Fir Balsam • 58 Foxglove - • - 58 Aloes • • ■ 63 Arrow Head . 53 G. Avens or Chocolate Root - 53 Garlic - • • 59 Gentian • 59 R Ginger - - . 58 Golden Thread - ■ 58 Black Alder Bark • 54 Gum Arabic - . 59 Blackberry Root- m 54 Black Snake Root m 54 H. Blood Root m 54 Blue Flag Root - . 65 Hemlock bark • • 60 Butter or Oil Nut - 54 Hoarhound . 60 Butter Cup or Crow's Hops . GO foot - 55 Horse Radish • . 59 0, Hyssop - -L • 59 Camomile - • 55 Canada Snake Rool 56 Iceland Moss . 66 Caraway - - 55 Indian Hemp • 60 Carrots • • ■ 55 Catnip - - . 56 J. Checkerberry - • 66 Comfrey - -Currants - m 68 56 Juniper bush m 61 D. S. r Knot Grass- . 01 Dandelion • . 56 V Dragon's Claw or Fe- L. ver-root - . 67 Dwarf Elderberries - 67 Lady's Slipper • 61 Liquorice - Liverwort - LobeUa M. Mosses - • Motherwort- • Mouse Ear - • Mullen Mustard (garden)- P- Plantain - • Pennyroyal- Poplar Bark (root) Prickly Ash V- Q. CONTENTS. Page. 62 ~T 63 • 61 63 63 63 63 64 ^Uftssb 64 64 64 64 « Red Cedar S. Sassafras - Smart-weed Spikenard - Sumach Thorn-apple VII Page. • 66 . 65 • 65 • 66 - 65 • 66 MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. Elixir - - 66 Vegetable Powdar • 66 THE LADIES' COMPANION, AND FAMILY PHYSICIAN. TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. It is of the greatest importance that mothers should understand the management of their offspring. The newly-born child should be kept warm and not expo- sed to sudden changes of temperature or currentsof air. It should not be handled but kept as quiet as possible. Medicines. Never give medicine to a very young child. Many have thus lost darling children. It will, if not murder- ed, be permanently injured. 11 cries often on account of tight clothes or the pricking of pins. If medicine must be given at all, give it to the nurse. Coughs and Colds. To prevent these, let children wear flannel under- garments. Sometimes it may be necessary to induce redness on the chest by a mustard plaster placed be- tween two cloths. Costiveness: Administer a little barley-water and it will remove It (b FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Teething and Diarrhasa. When the teeth begin to appear, an irritation is pro- duced, and a diarrhcea often sets in to carry it oft', in order to keep it from the brain. Let it run while the discharges have the natural color; when the color of the discharges change, lance the gums of the child if there is much heat about them. If the head becomes unusually warm, keep cloths around it wet with mod- erately cold water. If the diarrhoea still continues, a little arrow-root gruel will generally check it; some- times it will be necessary to add a tea-spoonful of powdered chalk to a cup-full of the gruel. Croup. Take'a dose of lobelia sufficient to act as an emetic, and an hour after it has operated, administer a dose of syrup made in the following manner, viz.: a quarter pound elecampane roots, same quantity bone- set leaves and blossoms, and a pint of honey. Pulver- ise the roots and leaves well, put them into an earthen vessel containing the honey, and place the compound in a hot oven for about an hour, or until reduced to half the first quanty. A tea-spoonful administered three times a day is a dose. Air. Let children have pure air, but keep the room warm. If the mother is much diseased, rather than run much risk, bring the child up by hand. Food for Infants brought up by Hand. Take two parts of good cow's milk to one part of water, and sweeten it a little with loaf sugar. Warm it so as to be of the temperature of milk just taken from the cow. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. H Fits or Couvulsiom. Put them into warm baths. Do not have the water too hot as their skin is tender. Take them out after a little time and put strong mustard-plasters on the sole9 of their feet, and ice-water on the head. If the fit ha8 been caused by something eaten, give an emetic of five grains of Ipecac, if the child is under the age of two years and a half, and eight grains if over that age. Vom- iting will throw all the medicine up so that The child will not be injured. IRhe fit arises from other causes, half a table-spoonful of Epsom-salts, dissolved in a fourth of a glass of water for a child two years of age. Keep the Child Clean. Wash it every morning in warm water, and never, as some have done, plunge it in cold water. Food. It should receive its food at regular hours, three or four times a day, and it should not be permitted to take so much as to cause vomiting.' The stomach of a new- born infant is very small, not larger than a common sized thimble, so that there is great danger of giving it too much food. Rickets. Symptoms---Breast-bone protruded, large head, very prominent forehead ; large, puffed-up belly; joints large ; system weak and movements slow. Finally a slow fever, cough, and troubled breathing ensue, and death often'closes the scene. Remedy for Rickets.—Rectify the general health, give simple, nourishing diet. In case of poor appe- tite, give five grains of Ipecac, as an emetic. If cos- tive give a little Rhubarb, Wear flannel and be in i r 12 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. the open air, and apply warm fermentations to tbx belly. After each meal half a drop of Lugol's sol'J- tion of Iodine may be given three times a day. ' Rickets.—By another Physician. Easily known by the large head and protruded breast bone, the forehead stares out prominently ; the ribs are flattened ; the belly is very large and puffed out . the muscles soft: the joints very large in proportion to what they should be : the whole system is very weak and every movement is made stowly and with difficulty. As the disease progresses the belly becomes harder and the bowels very loose ; a slow fever succeeds with cough and trouble in breathing, until death finally comes to the relief of the sufferer. It generally attacks children between the ages of nine months and two years. The object of the treatment is to build op the general health. Look well to the child's diet, let it be simple and nourishing: if the ap- petite is poor, an emetic of five grains of Ipecac, will be useful; if the bowels are too much bound, gentle do- ses of rhubarb is the best medicine to open them, as it strengthens at the same time. As the bones and the Bpine of the back are often "distorted,'means must be used to give support wherever needed. The child should wear flannel, and be much out in the open air. Warm fomentations applied to the belly will often be attended with considerable benefit. I have given in this disease Lugol's solution of Iodine, half a drop three times a day, with marked success: it must be given immediately after each meal. Dropsy of the Head. Symptoms of the disease in a child___He rolls his head often from side to side ; has pain ; a stupid look ; perhaps sickness at the stomach and vomiting ; slow pulse; and frequent convulsions. When children are FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 13 thirteen years of age, they are rarely attacked with it. It is often induced by falls or blows, and it is almost impossible to cure it. Remedy for Dropsy of the Head.—Take considera- ble blood from the temples by leeches, give powerful cathartics, shave the head and apply to it ice in blad- ders, apply mustard to the feet and inside of the thighs and make the diet light, mostly of barley. This is about all that can be done. Scrofula. Symptoms___A smooth fine skin, almost transparent fair hair, rosy cheeks, joints large, upper lip promi- nent, and eyes often very bright. Little round or egg* shaped tumors under the skin appear on the sides of the neck, in winter and spring. The tumors some- times continue through life without any apparent al- teration ; but finally they become larger, of a purple or livid color, form matter and break, not at one point, but into many little holes from which a thickish watery dis- charge oozes, in which is mixed little substances re- sembling milk curds. Open sores remain for some time afterwards, eating their way in various directions: sometimes after continuing in this way for years, all dry up and disappear. In other cases, blindness re- sults, and deafness ensues : the joints also enlarge, and produce white swelling. Remedy for Scrofula. The great object in the treatment is to improve the general health; for this purpose, the means recom- mended in Rickets may be advantageously used ; but the main reliance in every case must be placed in the preparations of Iodine, particularly Lugol's solution Treat scrofulous seres like other sores. 14 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Whooping Couglu Mix a quarter pound ground elecampane root in half pint strained honey and half pint of water. Put them m a glazed earthen pot, and place it in a stone oven with half the heat required to bake bread. Let it bake until about the consistency of strained honey and take it out. Administer in doses of a tea-spoonful before each meal, to a child ; if an adult, double the dose. The diet should be of a warming nature, light and nourishing, so as to create no unnecessary exertion on the part of the patient. Asthma. A compound of one oz. each, spikenard root, sweet flag root, elecampane root, and common chalk, beaten or ground very fine, with the addition of a half pound strained honey, is the Indian remedy for this disease, and will generally, if care be used, effect a cure in a short time ; the dose being a tea-spoonful after each meal and just before going to bed. When it is incon- venient to procure the above articles, for temporary relief, an application of a mustard plaster to the chest, and immersion of the feet in hot water, with a handful of mustard thrown in, will be found useful, and if the patient is conscientiously opposed to smoking, procure a quantity of the dried leaves of the stramonia plant, and a pipe, and let him make a free use of it, as it has a great tendency to remove mucus from the throat. A warm room, and plenty of covering at night, are ab- solutely necessary in treatment for this disease. Female Obstructions. Take one table-spoonful tincture of guaiacum in hart a cup of milk, at the full of the moon ; or, Take a strong tea made of Seneca snakeroot, as much as the stomach will bear ; or, Take of borax, saffron, myrrh, each ten grains; salt of amber, four grains ; this may be taken at one dose. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. IS Consumption. ^ Dissolve chloride of lime in soft water, add a little vinegar, and snuff it up the nose three or four times a day ; or, Take one pound of hops to two quarts of water; re- duce by boiling to one quart; add of molasses and giq each one gill; take one table-spoonful morning, noon, and night. And at ten o'clock, A. M., and four o'clock, P. M., a pill may be taken, made as follows : extract of cicuta, one ounce ; oxide of zinc, half an ounce ; if this does not afford relief, nothing will; or, Take every morning, half a pint of new milk and the juice of hoarhound, mixed ; or, Take sumach leaves, make into a tea, and drink freely; or, Of the tincture of gum guaiacum, take a table-spoon- ful at night; and two or three spoonfuls during the day. Dysentery. Take of cherry-rum and brandy, each half a pint, half a pound of loaf sugar, two ounces of essence of peppermint. Dose, one spoonful two or three times a day; or, Make a strong tincture of rhubarb and of opium, and a strong solution of white vitriol; mix together equal parts. Dose, twenty drops ; in one hour, ten drops; and then five—this is a dose for children ; or, Take of laudanum, tincture of camphor, tincture of guaiacum, tincture gum kino, each one drachm. Dose, tea-spoonful three times a day. Diarrhoea. Take of opium, gum guaiacum, camphor, each one part; gum kino and ipecac, each half a part; mix into common sized pills. Dose, from one to four per day; or, ^ Take prepared chalk two drachms, loaf sugar one drachm, add one ounce of gum Arabic, eight ounces of water, oil of lavender one drachm, laudanum thirty drops. Shake it well when you use it. Dose, one table-spoonful every hour; oftner if necessary. 19 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Cholera Morbus. Take two ounces of the leaves of the Bene plantt which can be procured at almost at any drug store; dissolve in half a pint cold water, an hour, and take it in doses of two table-spoonfuls, hourly, until relief is experienced, which will almost invariably be the case, as I have never yet known it to fail in any case which has come under my observation. This plant is con- sidered by the natives of the West Indies, where it grows indigenously, as invaluable in this distressing disease. Bleeding from the Nose. The idea of this proceeding from the ruptured blood- vessel is ridiculous ; it is a means taken by nature of thoroughly depleting a part so as to secure disease. It - was no doubt in consequence of observing these san- guineous depletions of nature, that the idea originated of doing it artificially, and thence the introduction of blood-letting in all its various forms of abstraction. If bleeding from the nose proceeds to an alarming extent, it can generally be stopped by plugging up the nostrils with cotton, wet in cold alum water. Some- times all local means prove ineffectual, nature must have blood escape, and the only method of preventing a flow from the nostrils will be by making one from the arm. The water-cure method of getting rid of coughs and colds is to wrap the body up in a wet sheet, until per- spiration is induced, drinking all the time plenty of cold water, , Inflammatory Fever. This fever comes on by a sense of weakness and inactivity, succeeded by dizziness, shiverings, and pains extending over the whole body, particularly the chest and back ; these symptoms are shortly followed by redness of the face and eyes, great restlessness, in- FAMIL*' PHYSICIAN. 17 tense heat, unquenchabV- thirst, oppressed breathing and nausea. The skin is dry and parched ; the tongue of a scarlet color at the sides, furred with white in the centre; the urine red and scanty; bowels costive; there is a quickness and hardness in the pulse which is not affected by pressure. If allowed to proceed, these symptoms become rapidly more intense, stupor and delirium succeed, with violent raving. At the end of fourteen days it terminates in a crisis, either by sweating, looseness of bowels, bleeding from the nose, or a deposit in the urine, which produces a copious sediment: the pulse softens gradually toward'the fourteenth day. The danger is generally proportioned to the violence of the delirium ; if there is picking at the bed-clothes, starting of the tendons, involuntary passages by stool and urine, it will certainly terminate fatally. Bleeding from the arm, with the patient in an upright position, to fainting, will often cut short the disease at once. The bowels should be well purged with salts and senna, or jalap and cream of tartar, (ten grains of jalap and thirty of cream of tartar to the dose). Perspiration should be induced by giving three grains of James' pewder and two of nitre, every two hours until it is freely established—then giving it at longer intervals. The patient must be put in a cool room, where it is rather dark and perfectly quiet. The diet should mainly consist of barley-water, with a very little nitre dissolved in it to quench the thirst; for this latter purpose, also, pieces of ice may be taken in the mouth and allowed to melt. The clothing should be of the lightest kind. It is proper to repeat the bleeding the second day, if there is no remission of symptoms. Sometimes a particular organ, as the brain or Jungs, becomes affected; in such cases, besides the general treatment, use the same means as if inflammation of such organ were alone the matter. Typhus Fever. This first comes on with great weakness, low spirit?, 18 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. excessive weariness and general soreness, with pains in the head, back, and extremities, succeeded by shiv- eringii; the eyes appear full, heavy, yellowish, and often a little inflamed, the arteries of the temple throb violently, the tongue is dry and parched, breathing laborious, interrupted with deep sighing ; the breath is hot and offensive, urine pale, bowels costive ; the pulse quick, small, hard and unequal. Sometimes a great heat, load, and pain is felt in the pit of the sto* mach, followed by profuse bilious vomiting. As the disease advances, the pulse becomes more frequent, the fever, higher, breathing difficult, with anxiety, sighing and moaning ; the thirst increases ; the inside of the mouth becomes covered with a sticky brownish or black fur-—speaking becomes difficult, and then not understood; and muttering and delirium ensue, Finally, as it proceeds, all the symptoms become worse ; there is bleeding from the gums and various parts of the body; livid spots appear on the surface, and hiccup* ushers in death. In warm climates, this fever seldom continues above a week; but in coldei ones it lasts three or four. An emetic of twenty grains of Ipecac, and one oi tartar emetic, may be at once administered: let the bowels then be emptied by a large dose of castor oil: then give small doses of Ipecac and Squills to promote perspiration. In cases where the skin keeps hot and dry, sponge it from head to foot with cold water in which a little vinegar is mixed; but where the patient is very low, and the skin cold, the tepid bath will bet- ter assist the sweating. A very light vegetable diet should be pursued, except where there is positive sink- ing, and then it must be more nutritious, wine is allowed in such cases, given according to urgency: wine whey is also useful. Virginia Snakeroot or Camomile infusions are giver to strengthen the system ; also a few drops of oil c-. vitriol in every pitcher of water that is drunk. Ripe fruits, such as have a sour taste, are highly recon* mended. Keeping the bowels open by gentle medi- cines or injections, and being careful that extreme FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 19 cleanliness and ventilation is attended to, will complete the cure If spots appear in the mouth, gargles of goldthread and honey, with a little alum, are useful to remove them. If there is much mental anxiety or tremors, mustard plasters should be applied to the feet, or these bathed as high as the knees in mustard and hot water ; and a tea-spoonful of ether or ten grains of Dover's powder taken to induce rest. I have heard of typhus fever in which all hope was gone, and yet the patients recovered by yeast given by the wine-glassful every three hours. Continued Fever, [s so called, when it begins in the same manner as the inflammatory fever, but ends in typhus, seeming to be a blending of both. As it assumes the appearance ol one or the other, it must be treated accordingly. Yellow Fever and Ship Fever are names for varie- ties of Typhus. Receipe for Rheumatism. Take 4 ounces Castile soap ; 2 ounces Camphor? half an ounce of Oil Rosemary; 3 pints Alcohol. Soak the soap three days in the Alcohol and then add the other ingredients. Another. Equal quantities horse raddish roots, elecampane roots, Prince's pine leaves, prickly ash bark, bitter- sweet root bark, wild cherry bark, and mustard seed, and a pint of tar water, boiled in two quarts of brandy. Drink a wine glass before each meal, and bathe the part affected with salt and rum, before a large fire. Receipe for Putrid Sore Throat. Mix one gill of strong apple vinegar, one table-spoon* 20 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. fill of common salt, one table-spoonful of drained honey and a half pod of red pepper together, boil them to a proper consistency, then pour it into half pint of strong sage tea, take a tea-spoonful occasion- ally and it will be found an infallible cure. Measles. Symptoms.—Chilliness, shivering, pain in the head, fever, sickness, and sometimes vomiting; dry cough, heaviness of the eyes,with swelling, inflammation, ar.d discharge of watery humor from them, and also from the nostrils. The third or fourth day, an eruption like fleabites appears in the face, neck, and breast, and soon after in the body and limbs. The fever and other symptoms do not, as in the small pox, &c, abate on the appearance of the eruption, which con- tinues about three days, then dries away, the skin peeling off; but the other symptoms remain, and even increase, especially the cough, which is also attended in general with difficulty of breathing, and oppression of the chest. Treatment.—Cooling and aperient febrifuges ; gentle diaphoretics; bleeding, if of a plethoric hab- it and the lungs weak; pectorals with expectorants for the cough; opiates occasionally at night; blist- ers, if the cough be obstinate; and bathing the feet in warm water. The tincture of digitalis, combined with nitre and syrup of poppies, to abate the cough, may be given instead of opium, according to cir- cumstances. Scarlet Fever. (Simple.) Symptoms.—The usual precursory symptoms of a fever, viz., shivering, heal, &c. Then an efflo- rescence of scarlet color appears all over the skin, but does not rise above the surface; with heat, dry- ness, and itching. In three or four days it disap- pears, and the cuticle comes off in branny scales. Treatment.—Cooling saline febrifuges, with mild aperi^ts and diaphoretics, if necessary. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 21 Small Pox. Symptoms__The fever preceding the eruption ia attended by pains in the loins and .back, much drow- siness, and the occurrence of epileptic fits prior to its appearance, is by no means uncommon. The first ap- pearance of the eruption is like flea-bites, which usually come out first on the face, neck, and breast, and suc- cessively extend over the body. About the fifth or sixth day, a small vesicle, with a depression in the centre, and containing a nearly colorless fluid, is ob- servable on the top of each pimple ; on the eleventh day the matter in the pustule has changed to an opaque yellow, and the hands and feet begin to swell. In the confluent species, the fever is more violent, the eruptions break out in a more hurried and irregular manner, assuming an erythematic character, run into each other, and do not suppurate kindly. Typhoid symptoms appear, and petechia? appear on the skin, and blood is discharged too by urine and stool. Treatment.—In the distinct small-pox, merelv en- joining a cool regimen and saline febrifuges, if the fever run high, with gentle laxatives ; and, if there be much restlessness, syrup of poppy. In the confluent kind the treatment is rather that demanded in the pu- trid fever. If there be a tendancy to sinking, the sub- carbonate of ammonia will be of service; and if the brain be affected, local means may be used. If con- vulsions appear, give opium with the use of the tepid bath. To prevent the eyes being injured, cold lotions may be applied; and, if necessary, blisters behind the" ears. Varioloid, or Modified Smallpox. This disease occcurs in consequence of exposure to smallpox contagion of a constitution previously acted upon by the cowpox. Persons may take the small pox twice, and such cases I have seen personally, but they can nevei take it if properly vaccinated—the only dis- 22 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. ease with wh^ch they oan then be affected is the va_ rioloid. The varioloid, in the majority of cases, is preceded by a slight fever, though instances occur in which it is as violent as in severe smallpox : the eruption then appears in successive clusters, coming out in no cer- tain period, in different cases of disease, but varying from the fever, so that the patient often gets up when the pustules come out. A red flush or rash, resem- bling measles, not unfrequently comes out before the pimples; these much resemble the milder cases of chicken-pock, and many times the small, firm red, raised spots are changed to little watery bladders, in the course of the first or second day ; many times, however, they dry off at once. Sometimes the little bladders become filled with a fluid resembling matter, and are a little flattened in the centre, but change by the third or fourth day into thin dark scabs, which separate, and drop off by the seventh day. The vesi- cles rarely or never pit the skin, though warty sub- stances have remained after them. This disease, of course, requires only a light diet, free access of air, and open bowels, to get well of itself; if any other symptoms arise, directions for the treatment may be found under the head of smallpox. Cowpox—Vaccination. A clearly defined circular space, not very large, with appearances of lines running from the centre to the edges, and full of punctures—will mark the genu- ine cowpox sore. The seventh day is the best time for taking out the matter : slightly cut the edge of the pustule and press it gently out, then rolling the quills m it and allowing the lymph to dry on them. In order to vaccinate, cut a piece of one of the quills to a sharp point, and having first pushed the lancet or blade of a penknife a little way under the skin, insert the quill in the incision, and allow it to remain there some five or ten minutes, that will be sufficient. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 23 If inflammation of the arm follows, treat it on the ordinary plan. Toothache. Equal proportions of Cajeput Oil and Olive Oil, dropped on cotton and placed in the cavity of the tooth, or even round the tooth, generally gives relief. Rheumatic Plaster. Haifa pound of Rosin, and half a pound of Sulphur, melt them bv a slow fire, then add one ounce of Cayenne and half an ounce of Camphor-gum ; stir well till it is mixed, and temper it with Neats' foot oil. Asiatic Cholera. Take Spirits of Camphor, 3 drachms; Spirits of Turpentine, 3 drachms ; Laudanum, 3 drachms ; Oil of Peppermint, 50 drops; mix all together and shake it well before using it. Dose, one tea-spoonful in some brandy and sugar. This may be taken every half hour for four or five times in succession, till the pa- tient is relieved ; but besides this, rubbing with cam- phor spirits, and flax-seed tea for drink, must be used, and dry heat in the room and around the body to get him in a perspiration ; by commencing in this manner, and then calling in a doctor as soon as possible, every one will be safe that may be attacked. The writer has been an eye witness to many cases affected in this way. He says the cases commence by sudden cramps, with a cold sensation. Others with a severe dysen- tery and vomiting. Others with severe griping or colics. The above is a certain cure in all these cases. Haifa pint best French Brandy ; 12 drops Oil Pep- permint ; 24 drops Laudanum; a table-spoonful every ten minutes till recovered. Or, equal parts of Laudanum and Spirits Camphor. Or, equal parts of Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, and strong essence of Peppermint. 24 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. To Cure Rattle-Snake Bites. Chew and swallow, or drink, dissolved in water alum, the size of a hickory nut. Put thoroughwort leaves pounded on and keep wet- ling them with water. If the person is very sick, black or purple, let him drink a little of the juice. Renew the application after 2 hours. Warts. These troublesome and often painful excrecences, covering the hands sometimes to the number of a hun- dred or two, may be destroyed by a simple, safe and certain application. Dissolve as much common wash- ing soda as the water will take up, then wash the hands or warts with this for a minute or two, and allow them to dry without being wiped. This re- peated for two or three days, will gradually destroy the most irritable wart. Recipe for a Cough. Take equal quantities of *Hoarhound and Liquorice Root, make a strong decoction, and to three-fourths of a pint of this liquor, add the following ingredients :— A drachm and a half of dried Squills, half drachm of pure Opium ; half drachm of Benzoin ; half drachm of Camphor; half drachm of Oil of Aniseed, and two ounces of Honey, simmer it in an earthen vessel, until reduced to a half pint, and when strained and cold, add hall a pint of good Old Rum. Take a tea-spoon- ful any time the cough is troublesome. Certain Cure for a Cold. Take three cents' worth of liquorice, three of rock candy, three of gum-arabic, and put them into a quart of water ; simmer them till thoroughly dissolved, then add three cents' worth of paragoric, and a like quan* tity of antimonial wine. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 23 Cough Elecampane. Make a syrup by slicing the fresh root, covering them with sugar, and baking them for'an hour or two. Flax-Seed Tea. For severe colds, attended with feverish symptoms, the following is an excellent remedy: Hot flax-seed tea, with lemon-juice and sugar, and fifteen drops of Wine of Ipecac, taken when getting into a warm bed. A few spoonfuls should be taken whenever there is an inclination to cough. Some add two or three spoonfuls of White Mixture or one tea-spoonful of Paregoric, to a tumbler full. Pectoral Syrup for Coughs. Gum-arabic, two ounces ; Syrup of Tolu, 1 ounce ; Paregoric, 2 drachms; Wine of Ipecac, half an ounce. The White Mixture No. 2 for the Same. Five ounces of Lac Ammoniac; Syrup of Tolu, one ounce; Wine of Ipecac, half an ounce; Pare- goric, half an ounce. White Mixture No. 1, For a Cough. Gum Ammoniac, one-fourth of an ounce rubbed in water, two ounces; add Paregoric, half an ounce ; Antimonial Wine, half an ounce; Syr Bals. Tolu, one ounce. Dose, a table-spoonful once, twice, or thrice a day, as occasion require. Sweeten with loaf-augar. Burn or Scald. Spread a plaster of Turner's cerate, and apply it to the wound twice a day ; or, Burn the inside sole of an old shoe to ashes and sprinkle the ashes on the affected parts FAMILY PHYSICIAN. To take down Swelling. White beans merely stewed soft, and put in thin muslin bags. A poultice of the roots of Yellow Water Lily is very powerful in drawing tumors to a head. For Inflamed Eyes Stir the whites of two eggs briskly with a lump of alum till they coagulate, placed on the closed lid Rt night. Recovery from Drowning. There have been many extraordinary recoveries where the body has lain for hours under water; but in general there is not much hope after an immersion of ten minutes. After the body is taken out of the water, use it as gently as possible ; let no violence of any kind, such as rolling on a barrel, be permitted: of course, incline the head at first, that the water may run off; place the body in a warm bed and cover with a warm blanket; hot bricks, or bottles of water should be placed to the feet and hands; and while one or two persons are rubbing assiduously the body with the palms of the hands, let another try to fill the lungs with air : to do this, close the nostrils of the subject, and fittting your mouth to his, blow steadily and forcibly until the chest is full of air then press the bowels upwards, that it may be ejected ; this should be repeated a number of times until some signs of life are shown. An injection, in which there is spirits of terpentine, may be thrown up. Gentle stimulants may be given on recovery. Delirium Tremens. When the fever is violent, and there is considerable determination to the head, it is well to lower the gene- ral tone of the system, by giving nauseating doses of ipecac, as 2 grains everv hour, or a tea-spocnful of FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 2? antimonial wine every hour and a half, until sickness at the stomach is felt. Then give from a half to a whole tea-spoonful of laudanum, and induce sleep. Volatile Jjiniment. Two-thirds sweet-oil, and one-third hartshorn, sha- ken well and corked very tight. Rubbed on stiff necks, rhumatic limbs, and to prevent sore-throat. Tic Doloreux. This dreadful disease is treated by strengthening the general system, and the use of tonic medicines, as quinine and salacine. Mesmerism, or Fascination, is the only cure that promises much relief; to those who wish information on the subject, I must refer Fascination, or the Philoso- phy of Charming, by J. B. Newman, published by Fowler & Wells,' of this city. Fever and Ague. Take of cloves and cream of tartar, each half an ounce, and one ounce of peruvian bark, mix in a little tea, molasses or honey, and take it on the well days in such quantities as the stomach will bear. Mumps. This is a swelling, on the sides of the cheek and under the jaw, of the glands that produce saliva ; it sometimes renders swallowing and breathing difficult; it goes off on the fourth day. Flannel should be kept over the part, the diet light, and the bowels regular, with doses of castor oil; when other organs are attacked, the treatment must be for inflammation of those organs. Felon in the Eye. Take of lime water and sal. ammoniac equal parts, 23 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. add a very little verdigris, enough to color it slightiy, and use it as a wash; or, Rub on the eye, with a soft hair pencil, the gall of an eel. Fever Sore. Take of horehounl, low balm, sarsaparilla, loaf sugar, aloes, honey, gum camphor, spikenard, spirits of turpentine, each one ounce. Dose, one table-spoonful, three mornings, missing thiee ; and for a wash, make a strong tea of sumach, washing the affected parts frequently, and keeping the bandage well wet; or, Take two and a half drachms of blue vitriol, three drachms of alum, six drachms of loaf sugar, and put them into a pint of good vinegar, adding three table- spoonfuls of honey. This is an excellant wash for fever sores, and scrofulous humors. Scurvy. Take three ounces of nitre, and dissolve it in one quart of good vinegar. Dose, one table spoonful, if the stomach will bear it, if not take Iocs. Rattles in Children. Powder an oz. of bloodroot fine, and give the child a tea-spoonful at .a dose, repeating the operation three times. We have never known it to fail in curing this troublesome complaint. Sick Headache. Take a tea-spoonful of powdered charcoal in mo- lasses every morning, and wash it down with a little tea; or, Drink half a glass of raw rum or gin, and drink freely of mayweed tea. Sprains. Take of spirits of turpentine, proof brandy, neala- FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 29 foot oil, urine, and beet's gall, each one glass, adding one tea-spoonful of fine sait; mix, and simmer them together, and rub it on the affected parts as hot as can be borne; or, Take one ounce of ginger, the whites of two eggs, and one tea-spoonful of fine salt; make these into a poultice and lay it on the parts affected. Reduce a Swelling. Take of rum half a pint, warm it, then add half ai. ounce of tine, of camphor, half an ounce.of laudanum, and put them into a bottle ; and by frequently rubbing the parts affected with this mixture, hot as can be borne it will soon reduce the worst kind of swellings. Ague. Make a poultice of ginger and flour, and apply it warm to the face. Falling of the Bowels, in Children. Apply the oil of hen's eggs to the parts—put them n their proper place—then roast an egg, and lay it on as hot as can be borne. Weak Limbs. Take the shavings of leather, and cumfrey root equal parts, steep them in proof brandy, and use it as a wash. Hiccough. Take five drops of the oil of amber in mint tea, .svery ten minutes, untill they cease. Boils. Make a poultice of ginger and flour, and lay it oo ihe boil; this will soon draw it to a head. 30 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Pains. Steep marigold in good cider-vinegar, and fre- quently wash the affected parts ; this will afford speedy relief; or Take half a pound of tar, and half a pound of to- bacco, and boil them down separately to a thick sub- stance, then simmer them together; spread a plaster, and apply it to the affected parts, and it will afford immediate relief. Urinary Obstructions. Steep pumpkin seeds in gin, and drink about three glasses a day ; or, Administei half a drachm of uva ursi, every morn- iag, and a dose of paregoric every evening. Ear. Ache. Roast a piece of lean mutton, squeeze out the juice and drop it into the ear as hot as it can be borne ; or, Roast an onion, and put it into the ear, as hot as it can be borne. Catarrh. Take the bark of sassafras root, dry and pound it, use it as a snuff, taking two or three pinches a day. Cramp in the Stomach. Take ten drops of lavender on sugar, and repeat the dose every ten minutes, until relieved. Callus. Take of brandy, pig's-foot oil, beef's gall, and spir- its of turpentine, each one gill; simmer all together, and rub on the parts, as hot as can be borne, about three times a day. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 31 Palpatation of the Hearti This disease consists in a vehement and megular motion of the heart, and is induced by organic affec- tions, a morbid enlargement of the heart kself, or of the large vessels, s diminution of the cavities of its rentricles from inflammation or other causes, polypi, ossification of the aorta or other vessels, plethora, de- bility or mobility of the system, malconformation of the thorax, and many of the causes inducing syncope. During the attacks the motion of the heart is per- formed with greater rapidity, and generally with more force than usual, which is not only to be felt with the hand, but may often be perceived by the eye, and in a few instances even be heard ; there is frequently a purplish hue of the lips and cheeks, and a great variety of anxious and painful sensations. In some instances the complaint has terminated in aeath, but in many others it is merely symptomatic of hysteria and other nervous disorders. In the treatment of this disease, it should be our study, if possible, to find out the exciting cause, and to remove this. If it arises from plethora, bleeding with purgatives should be adopted; if from debility, bitters with chalybeates and cold bathing, &c will be proper; when symptomatic of any nervous disorder, asther, castor, musk, and other antispasmodics, conjoined with tonics, will be advisable. As the disease, however, arises from an organic aflection of the heart itself in many instances, or of the aorta, or other large vessels connected with it, all that may be in our power in such cases will be to caution the patient against exposing herself or himself to such circumstances as may increase the action of the sanguiferous system, particularly fits of passion, sudden surprise?, violent exercise, or great exertions of the body. Menstrual Discharges. (See Fern. Obstruct.) In older to check the too free discharge, take of 32 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. burnt alum, three drachms,dragon's blood one drachm; and make into pills. Dose, four or five, night and morning; or, Make a tea of snake weed, or yarrow, and drink freely; or, . In order to help the discharge, take one tea-spoon- ful of the tincture of gum guaiacum in a tumbler of new milk on going to bed, two or three nights before the full of the moon; and at the same time, make a strong tea of snakeroot, and drink in the course of the day as much as the stomach will bear. This may be depended upon as an infallible remedy. Chilblains. Wash the parts in strong alum water, applied as hot as can be borne. Corns. Spread a plaster made of gum ammoniac, and lay it over the corn ; or, Boil tobacco down to an extract, then mix with it a quantity of white-pine pitch ; and apply it to the corn, renewing it once a week until the corn disappears. Jaundice. Take whites of two hen's eggs, beat them up well in a gill of water ; take this, a little every morning ; it will soon do good; it also creates an appetite, and strengthens the stomach; Take the yoke of a hen's egg, a tea-spoonful of lemon juice, a tea-spoonful of sugar ; mix ; take this three mornings, and then miss three; repeat it if nec- essary • or, Take of black cherry-three bark, two ounces ; blooa root and goldthread, each half an ounce; put into a pint of brandy. Dose, from a tea-spoonful to a table- spoonful, morning and night. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Itch. Take a 1-4 lb. hog's lard, 2 oz. turpentine, 1 ox, flour sulphur, and mix them together thoroughly. Apply it to the wrists, knees, ancles, and elbows, and rub it on the palms of the hands if there are any raw spots. Continue it three or four nights and a cure is accomplished. Sore Legs. Apply to the sore a batch of common tow, and keep it wet with new milk; or, Take wormwood, smart-weed, blue vervine ; boil in weak lye; apply with a soft brush or feather. Monthly Course—Painful. Take a teaspoonful of flax-seed three times a day. Raising Blood. Make a tea of white oak bark, and drink freely during the day ; or, Take half a pound of yellow dock* root, boil in new milk, say one quart; drink one gill three times a day; and take one pill of white pine pitch every day, to heal the wound or leak. Strengthening Plaster. Take of tar and hemlock gum, equal parts; stir in a tea-spoonful of sulphur: it is fit for use. Bite of Poisonous Creatures. Snake.—Apply juice of onions mixed with fine salt; or apply Spanish flies, until a blister is raised. Mad dog—Take two table-spoonfuls of fresh chlo- ride of lime ; mix with water; wash the wound often. Biles or Stings—Make a strong tincture of lobelia, and apply it often; this is an infallible cure. 34 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Deafness. Take «nts' eggs and onion juice; mix, and drop into the t,ar; or, Drop into the ear, at night, six 01 eight drops of warm chamber lye. Stomach Sickness. Drink three or four times a day, of the steep mada from the bark of white poplar roots. Bleeding at the Lungs. Take three or four drops of oil of golden rod. Scrofula—Humor. Administer one drachm of Peruvian bark; half in the morning and half at night; also, give the patient twenty drops of the oil of tar, at eleven o'clock, A. M. and four o'clock, P, M. Take of powdered egg-shells one tea-spoonful, (or oyster-shells,) mixed with Peruvian bark, one .eighth part, two or three times a day. Bloody Urine. Dissolve one ounce of gum Arabic m one gill of water ; in a glass of this, drop in ten drops of vitriol oil; take of it two or three times a day. Numb Palsy. Take of ether, four ounces; oil of lavender, half an ounce; rub this mixture on; give one tea-spoonful when you commence the application, night and morning. Nervous Affections—Sick Headache. Make a tea of mullen seed and drink freely; vc, FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 35 Take powdered charcoal (one tea-spoonful) in mo- lasses, every day; wash it down with a little tea. This is good for sick headache ; or, Take three or four drops of nitric acid, in half a tumbler of cold water. White Swelling. Draw a blister on the inside of the leg, below the knee ; keep it running with ointment made of hen manure—by simmering it in hog's lard with onions ; rub the knee with the following kind of ointment; bits of peppermint, oil of sassafras, checkerberry, juniper, one drachm each; simmer in half a pint of neat's foot oil: rub on the knee three times a day. Salt Rheum Make a strong tea of elm root bark ; drink the tea freely; and wash the affected part in the same ; or, Take one ounce of blue flag root, steep it in half a pint of gin; take a tea-spoonful three times a day morning, noon, and night: and wash with the same: or, * Take one ounce of oil of tar, one drachm of oil of checker berry: mix. Take from five to twenty drops, morning and night, as the stomach will bear. Cutting Teeth. Make a necklace of the bean called Job's tears, and let the child wear it around its neck. Dropsy. Take of cream of tartar, borax, ginger, gum myrrh, each one ounce: put into one pint of best gin: take one table-spoonful three times a day : or, Take one drachm powdered broom-seed, put into one and a half glass of wine: take it early in the morning, fasting, one or two days; or, IT 36 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Take blue flag root, half a pound ; elecampane root, half a pound ; boil in two gallons of water, down to one quart; add one pint of molasses and halt a pint of gin. Take a wine-glassful three times a day ; or, Take as much as the stomach will bear, (say about a wine-glass,) of the inner bark of common elder in strong wine, morning, noon, and night. Bilious Complaints. Take dandelion (root and branch) and poplar tree root, each half a pound; steep out all the strength; simmer it down thick; add molasses, and take one tea-spoonful four times a day: or, Take a quarter of a pound of black cherry-tree bark, one ounce of bloodroot; steep in a pint and a half of brandy three days; then add one gill of water and one gill of molasses; let it steep three days, and it is fit for use. Dose, from a table-spoonful to half a wine-glassful two or three times a day; if it should brace the stomach too much, take less; if not, take a little more. Bilious Cholic. Mix two table-spoonfuls of Indian meal in half a pint of cold water ; drink it in two draughts; or, Take W. I. rum, molasses, hog's fat, wine, each one gill; mix all together, and take it at discretion. Humors. Take saffron and Seneca snakeroot, equal parts; make a strong tea: drink half a pint per day, and this will drive out all humors from the system. St. Anthonys Fire. Dissolve two ounces of saltpetre in one pint ot water ; take from one tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful night and morning ; wash in the same : or, FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 37 Take one glas3 of rum, and one glass spirits of tur- pentine : mix, and wash : and when the inflammation is gone, rub the parts with mutton tallow. Dyspepsia. Take back of white poplar root, boil it thick, add a little spirits : lay it on the stomach: or, Take wintergreen and black cherry-tree bark, and yellow dock ; put into two quarts of water; boil down to three pints ; take two or three glasses a day. Sore and Weak Eyes. Eye water: take white vitriol, one ounce : bray salt, one ounce: pour on a quart of boiling lime wa- ter ; let it settle, and it is fit for use ; or if too strong, weaken with lime water. Use the Harlem oil, according to directions ; or. Take white vitriol, one ounce; sugar of lead, one ounce; gunpowder, two ounces; put into one quart of lime water ; Jet it settle twenty-four hours, and it is then fit for use. Gout. Dissolve half an ounce of camphor in three ounces of alcohol; add one gill of boiling water; rub it on as hot as can be borne ; or, Take oil of lavender, half an ounce; Sul. ether, four ounces ; alcohol, two ounces. Rub on the affec- ted parts; you will soon find relief. Polypus. Take two ounces of bloodroot, two drachms of cin- namon, two ounces of coak root, one drachm of borax, ten grains of sublimate ; mix together, and take four or five pinches, as a snuff, per day; when it grows small, snuff up a little beet juice; this will oftentimes blow it out or, 38 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Take of bloodroot one part: shunk cabbage, half 8 part: lobelia, one part: Corr. sublimate, five grains; snakeroot, two parts : slippery elm, three parts : com- mon snuff, one part: take a pinch four times a day. Croup. No. 2. Apply a plaster of yellow snuff to the throat; take a little physic; soak your feet in hot water, and apply onion poultice to your feet; or, Take ten grains of white vitriol, ten drops of oil oi vitriol, one ounce lime water; mix; take from five to twenty drops every hour; lay a plaster of yellow snuff*on the throat; and when you think the bladder is almost full, give a vomit of bloodroot and lobelia, equal parts ; this will cause the bladder to break, and the child will be cured. Felon on the Hand. Take of blue flag-root and hellebore equal parts ; boil in milk and water; soak the hand in this, as hoi as you can bear it, say twenty minutes; then bind the roots on your fingers one hour, and a cure will be the result. Rupture. Rub on angle-worm ointment, morning and evening i make a plaster of the yolk of three eggs, mixed with a giil of brandy; simmer together, aud use it as a plas- ter : at the same time drink freely of white oak bark tea, and keep up your rupture with a good truss. Flour Albus. Put one ounce of borax into a pint of wine: take half a wine-glass three times a day : and drink a tea made of hackmetack bark. J FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 39 St. Vilus*s Dance. Purge with fleur d'luce ; then take camphor and bloodroot, and steep them in spirit; take a tea-spoon- ful thr-ee times a day; then take a tea made of sage, rue, pennyroyal; drink freely; or, Pour cold water, from the height of four or five feet on the patient's head, three or four times a day; at the same time, take of ether one ounce; oil of lav- ender one drachm; mix and rub on the wrists and back of the neck a tea-spoonful night and morning. Gravel, or Stone. Take of lobelia, violets, camomile cleavers, smart- weed, each one ounce; boil in two quarts of water down to one quart; add one quart of common lye, one quart of Holland gin. ' Dose, drink half a pint per day, and at night take half a wine-glassful, and the same quantity of onion juice, when going to bed ; drink nettle tea for a common drink ; or, Uso Harlem oil, according to directions; or, Take spirits of turpentine, sweet spirits of nitre, oil of juniper, balsam of sulphur, each half an ounce ; mix; and take fifteen drops in a strong tea made from the bark of the high blackberry bush. Drink a tea made from horsemint, freely, as a common drink ; or, Take castile soap, eight ounces; quick lime, one ounce; oil of tartar, one drachm; mix into five-grain pills, and take three or four per day: or, Make of bean leaves a strong tea, and drink freely; or, Take of uvi ursa any quantity; powder it fine. Dose, from halt a drachm to a whole drachm, morning, noon and night. Urinary Discharges (too free.) Take two ounces of Peruvian bark; steep it in one quart of wine twenty-four hours ; add two drachms of alum. Dose, from a spoonful to a wine-glassful two or three times a day. to FAMILY PHYSICIAN, Liver Complaint. Drop into a quart of cold water aquafortis enough to make it a pleasant sour, and drink (through a quill, on account of the teeth) freely through the day; or, Take of tincture of guaiacum and oil of tar, each one ounce, mixed. Dose, from five to twenty drops. Rub on the side, oil of lavender one drachm, ether two ounces, oil of sassafras one drachm. Mortification. Make a strong decoction of white oak bark; thicken with powdered charcoal and Indian meal; and apply it to the parts affected. Try it every two hours ; or, Make a strong tea from Indigo weed, bathe the part affected till well. Wen. Take clean linen rags; bu?n them on a pewter plate, wipe off the oil on lint, and lay the lint on the wen ; it will soon drop out of itself; or, Take equal parts of alum and salt; simmer them to- gether, and wash the parts three or four times a day. Whooping Cough. Take of sweet oil, garlic, onions, each a gill; simmer together half an hour; then add a glass of honey, a tea-spoonful of paregoric, and a tea-spoonful of tinc- ture of camphor. Dose, one tea-spoonful three or four times a day ; or, » Take of elecampane, four ounces; honey, half a pound; set it in a warm place until it forms a syrup. Dose, one tea-spoonful three times a day. Worms. Take one ounce of powdered snake-head (herb,) one drachm of aloes, and one drachm of prickly ash FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 41 bark» powder tjiese, and to half a tea-spoonful of this powdor add a tea-spoonful of boiling water, and a tea- spoonful of molasses, and take this as a dose, night or morning, more or less, as the symptoms require ; or, Take tobacco leaves, pound them up with honevj and lay them on the belly of the child, or grown per- son, at the same time administering a dose of some good physic; or, Take garden parsley; make into a tea ; and let the patient drink freely of it; or, Take the scales that fall around the blacksmith's anvil, powder them fine, and put them in some sweet- ened rum. Shake them when you take them, and give a tea-spoonful three times a day. Toothache. Make an extract from white poplar bark; mixwith it a litte rum ; put into your tooth, and you will soon find relief; or, Take the bark of white poplar roots, boil it down to the thickness of tar; take a tea-spoonful of this ex- tract, put into a glass of spirit, shake it well, and ap- ply to the tooth. Week Stomach. Take of gum mastic, and spermaceti, each two oun- ces ; melt them together over a slow fire , then stir in brown sugar, say two pounds, make into small balls, size of a walnut, and take three per day on an empty stomach; or, Take garden wormwood, tansy, balm of Gilead' buds, buds of pitch pine, each half an ounce , step in one quart of spirits. Dose, form a table-spconful to half a wine-glassful, morning and evening. RingwormSr Boil three figs of tobacco in one pint of urine, add 42 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. one gill of vinegar, and one gill of lye ; and rub this wash on frepuently; or, ... . ., .. . Take carbold and pulverize it fine, mix it with gin, and apply it with a feather. Cancer. ^ BoH down the inner bark of white and red oak, to the consistency of molasses; apply as a plaster, shift- ing it once a week; or, . ,, . , Burn red oak bark to ashes; sprinkle it on the sore, till it is eaten out, and then apply a plaster of tar; or, Take garget berries, and leaves of stramonium; simmer them together, in equal parts of neat's foot oil and the tops of cicuta or hemlock ; mix well together, and apply it to the parts affected; at the same time make a tea of wintergreen (root and branch;) put about a handful into two quarts of water; add two ounces of sulphur of brimstone, and drink of this tea freely during the day. Diabetes. Take of loaf sugar, rosin and alum, equal parts; and take as much as the point of a penknife will contain three times a day ; or, m Steep one ounce of ginger in one pint of good wine, and drink two or three glasses a day; or, Dissolve in one quart of proof brandy, one ounce of spruce gum, and half an ounce of ginger. Dose, from one table-spoonful to half a wine-glassful, three times a day. Bowel Complaints in Children. Take of prepared chalk one ounce, tinct. of kino one ounce, Epsom salts one ounce, and water one pint; mix all well together and shake well before using. Dose, for a child one year of age, one table- spoonful morning, noon and night, and increase tho dose as the symptoms may require. FAMILY PHYSICIAN 43 Gravel. (See Stone.) Make a strong tea of the herb called heart's ease, and drink freely; or, Make of Jacob's ladder a strong tea, and drink freely. Painter's Cholic. Make of tartaric acid a syrup similar to that of lemon syrup; add a sufficient quantity of water, and drink two or three glasses a day. Piles. Take one ounce of garget root, and one ounce of burdock root, put them into a pint of boiling water, and let it steep awhile ; when cool, add a little gin to prevent its souring, bottle it tight, and take from two to four table-spoonfuls daily; or, Simmer sunflower seeds in cream, and make it into an ointment; and rub this ointment on the inside and outside, and for an injection use strong Castile soap- suds ; or, Take equal parts of the pitch of white pine and fir- balsam, make this into pills, and take four or five per day; or, . Take the Harlem Oil, according to the directions; or, If external, rub on linseed oil; or, if internal, take a tea-spoonful of the same, three times a day; or, Take of sulphur one ounce, hog's fat four ounces, strong tobacco-juice half a pint, and simmer them to- gether into an ointment; and apply it. Old and Inveterate Sores. Take one ounce of copperas, two ounces of white vitriol, two ounces of rock-salt, two ounces of linseed oil, and eight ounces of molasses; boil them all to- gether over a slow fire, and then add a pint of urine, 44 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. and when cool, add half an ounce of the oil of vitriol, four ounces of the spirits of turpentine, and two ounces of the oil of tar; mix all well together, and the salve is fit for use. Earache. Take a table-spoonful of fine salt, and tie it up in a little bag, heat it quite hot, and lay it on the ear, shift- ing it several times; and it will afford speedy relief. Convulsion Fits May be cured by taking twenty drops of digitalis, ten at night and ten* in the morning; and at the same time pour, in a small stream, about one quart Of cold water from the height of two or three feet upon the fore part of the patient's head, and rub the back part of the neck with the following mixture: take of the oil of lavender two drachms, ether two ounces, alcohol one ounce ; and when the fit is on, dash cold water in the patient's face as quick as possible, thus checking the spasms, and affording speedy relief., Common Sore Throat. Mix a glass of calcined magnesia with honey, and take one tea-spoonful every hour. Epileptic Fits. Take of the root of comfrey, sassafras, burdock, ele- campane and horse-radish, and of hoarhoud, and rasp- berry leaves, equal parts; make these into a strong tea, and to an adult administer one gill, to a child a proportionably less quantity per day. Sore Lips. Wash the lips with a strong tea made from the bark of white oak. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Bleeding Piles. Make a strong tea of yarrow, and drink freely; or, Take a piece of garget-root about the size of a hen's egg, put it into a pint ot boiling water, and let it steep a few hours, when cool, take from one to three table spoonfuls, as the stomach will best bear daily, before eating. Ulcer. Boil the leaves of the walnut tree in soft water, and frequently wash the sore with it, keeping a cloth wet with the wash on the parts all the time. Inward Ulcers. Take of the bark of sassafras-root two ounces, blood-root one ounce, colt-foot two ounces, gum-myrrh one ounce, winter-bark one-ounce, and aloes one ounce, steep them together in two quarts of rum, let them steep awhile, and when cool, drink one glass every morning before eating. Distress after Eating. Take of soda two parts, and of rhubarb one part, mix them well together, and take an even tea-spoonful, 1 fifteen minutes after eating, in water. Warts. No. 2. Make a strong solution of corrosive sublimate, and rub it on the warts two or three times a day. Sore Nipples. Spread a plaster of fir balsam, and apply it to the breast after the child has nursed; 46 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Phthisic. Take four ounces of hen's fat, and with it simmer a little of the root of skunk-cabbage. Dose, one tea- spoonful, three times a day. Consumptive Cough, with Distress. Take of the extract of cicuta one ounce, and oxide of zinc half an ounce; make them into a common sized pill, and take one night and morning. Tape Worm. Boil the stem of pomegranate very strong, and when cool, drink freely of the tea ; or, Take of spirits of turpentine and rum, each half a wine glass, and sweeten with molasses ; take a little of this every hour, and afterwards take a smart dose of physic. Vomiting Prevented. Pour boiling water on a piece of camphor, and take one dessert-spoonful every ten minutes, until the vom- iting ceases. Taking Poisons. 1. When a person has through mistake taken Oil of Vitriol, administer large doses of magnesia, or soap and water. 2. Tartar Emetic. Let the patient drink a tea made from Peruvian bark, very strong. 3. Saltpetre. Give the patient one tea-spoonful of mustard seed in water, and after vomiting, give him a little laudanum. 4. Laudanum. Give a tea-spoonful of mustard seed, and increase the quantity, until it operates and keep the patient moving. 5 Lunar Caustic. Administer a tea-spoonful of eommon saZt, at differant times, until it operates. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 47 6. Cot->\*ive Sublimate. Take the white of eggs in water, untri vomiting is produced, and apply slices of onions to all parts of the body. 7. And in any other case of the kind, administer a table-spoonful of powdered charcoal, and in fifteen minutes afterwards give a dose of physic. Bleeding at the Stomach. Take a table-spoonful of camomile tea every ten minutes until the bleeding stops. Hoarseness. Make a strong tea of horse-radish and yellow dock roots, sweeten with honey, and drink freely. Windy Stomach. Chew saffron leaves, and swallow the spittle. Gleets. Make of turpentine a four-grain pill, and take three a day. Sweat. Take of nitre half a drachm, snake's head (herb) one ounce, ipecac, half an ounce, saffron one ounce, camphor one ounce, snake-root one ounce, seneca-root one ounce, bark of sassafras-root one ounce, opium half an ounce; put the above into three quarts of Hol- land gin, and take a table-spoonful in catnip tea every ten minutes, until it produces a free sweat. , Humors. For any kind of humors—take of checkerberry and the essence of tar, each one ounce, mix them well to- gether, and give to an adult from five to fifteen drops, and to a child from three to ten drops, morning and 48 FAMILY PHYSTCIAN. evening; and at the same time, lot the patient drink freely of juniper-tea; and if he chooses, lie may taks the drops in a little of this tea. To procure Sleep. Wash the head in a decoction of dill seed, and smel of it frequently. King's Evil. Take of antimony and salt, equal parts, melt them in a crucible one hour, let it cool, and then break the crucible and rub this composition with corrosive sub* limate equal parts, until it be well mixed, then make into pills, and take from two to four a day; and take a portion of some good physic weekly. Good Remedy for Fits. Take of the tinct. of foxglove, ten drops at eaeh time twice a day, and increase one drop at each time as long as the stomach will bear it, or it causes a nau- seous feeling. Strained Stomach, Take of white-pine pitch and of sulphur, each a quarter of a pound, and of honey three ounces ; sim- mer them well together, make into pills, and take four of these pills in the course of the day. Stiffened Joints. Take of the bark of white oak and sweet apple-trees, equal parts; boil them down to a thick substance, and then add the same quantity of goose-grease or oil, simmer all together, and then rub it on the parts warm. Cough. 1-2 lb. liquorice root, same quantity brook liver- FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 49 wort, 2 oz. elecampane, 1-4 lb. Solomon's seal, 1-2 lb. spikenard, 1-4 lb. gumfire, add a gallon of water and boil it down to a quart, then add 2 lbs. strained honey and a pint old brandy. Dose, half a glass before each meal. This is the old Indian cure for a cold, and is among them considered infallible. Caution is neces- sary while using this compound to avoid exposure, for it is of such a warming nature that without it there is great danger to be apprehended. Whites in Women. Make a strong syrup of yarrow, and take from one table-spoonful to two thirds of a wine-glassful, three times a day. Weeping Eyes. Wash them in camomile tea, night and morning. Spine Complaints. Mix beef-gall with vinegar, and bathe the back with this wash night and morning. Cure for Old Sores. Take of copperas one ounce, white vitriol two oun- ces, salt two ounces, linseed oil two ounces, molasses eight ounces, and urine one pint; mix them well to- gether, and then boil the mixture over a slow fire fif- teen minutes; when cool, add one ounce of the oil of vitriol, and four ounces of the spirits of turpentine; and appiy it to the sore with a soft brush. Pimples. Take a tea-spoonful of the tinct. of gum guaiacum, and one tea-spoonful of vinegar; mix, and apply it to the affected parts. 50 FAMILY PHYSICIAN, Cure for Toothache. Mix alum and salt together; or powdered alum and spirits of ether; and apply it on a small wad to the affected tooth. Lame Feet. Take one pint of urine, one table-spoonful of fine salt, and one fig of tobacco; simmer strong, and apply it as a wash, as hot as can be borne every night; and when about to commence bathing the feet take one tea-spoonful of the tinct. of guaiacum; and in using the wash, if it should cause nausea, take one more tea- spoonful of the tincture, and cease bathing. Frost Bite. Dissolve half a pound of alum in one gallon of hot water, or less quantities in proportion; and apply with hot cloths laid on the parts, keeping them wet with the wash. Burns. Take of fir-balsam one ounce, sweet oil two ounces ; mix, and apply with a feather, and then wet a cloth with it and lay it on the sore, keeping the cloth wet all the time. Sore, or Weak Eyes. Take of white vitriol ten drops, mix in lime water, and take from five to twenty drops, as the stomach will bear. Hysterics. Take the leaves of motherwort and thoroughwort, and the bark of poplar root equal parts, mix them in molasses, and take four of them when the first symp- toms of the disorder are felt, and they will effectually check it. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 51 Universal Cure-aU. I have thus named this valuable composition, at the suggestion of an eminent physician at the South, who, as his letter to me states, has through its instrumen- tality, in very many cases, performed some very re- markable cures. In his letter to me he says, ""You state in your letter, that you paid thirty dollars for this recipe—but my opinion is, that on account of its great efficacy in the cure of some of the worst of com- plaints and diseases that the human flesh is heir too, it is a duty you owe to your fellow-creatures to make it a public thing. I am at a loss where to begin, in order to inform you of the many cases of positive and permanent cures that have come under my own ob- servation in its use; I will at this time mention but two instances ; the first being that of a lady, that had lost the entire use of her limbs, and who had not been able to either feed herself, or to walk a step for up- wards of one year, was restored to perfect health and strength in about six weeks, by frequently rubbing dif- ferent parts of her body with this composition; the quantity I prescribed during that time was about forty- eight ounces. The other case, was that of a young man, who had lost the use of his limbs, by a shock of the palsy, (as it was thought,) and who, after suffering for four years, was cured in a few weeks, by its use-; the quantity I used in both of these cases weekly, was about six or eight ounces." I have proved it to be a permanent cure in very many difficult cases; viz., in case of a young man, who had lost the use of his hand, and who by continu- ing its use for three days was completely cured. A woman who had suffernd much from weakness and debility after child-birth, was restored to perfect health and strength, by frequently rubbing her body with this composition in a few days. Rubbing this composition on, and in the vicinity of the parts affected, will be found to be very efficacious in the liver complaint, consumption, broken breasts, sore or week eyes, burns, (rubbing it around, but not 52 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. on the sore, or the eye,) bilious or cramp cholic stop- pages in the bowels (mixed with goose-oil, and then giving a little physic) chilblains, and by taking one or two tea-spoonfuls in a little sweetened tea, it will cure pains in the side, and stomach, and in short, it will be found efficacious in almost every kind of dis- ease. The recipe is as follows: Take of the oil of lavender half an ounce, sulph. ether three ounces, alco- hol one ounce, and laudanum two drachms ; mix all well together, and it is fit for use. Locked-jaw. If the wound be occasioned by running a nail or something of the kind into the foot or hand, let the parts be well soaked in weak lye, and keep them bound up until the sore is quite healed ; or, When there is any appearance of the disease, let the patient take one table-spoonful of elixir, (See page 66,) in a wine-glassful of hot water. If this dose does not allay the symptoms, give the patient a thor- ough lobelia emetic. If the jaws become locked before the emetic is given, let the patient take half a table- spoonful of the tincture of lobelia seeds, and fill the spoon up with the elixir; and if the jaws are closed tight, put the above on one side of the mouth, and let it run down by the sides of the teeth and cheek ; it will soon find way to the roots of the tongue, will re- lax the muscles, and the mouth will open without any force ; and in fifteen minutes repeat the dose, giving, in half an hour afterwards, one tea-spoonful of veget- able powders, (See page 66,) in a tea-cupful of penny- royal tea, this causes the patient to vomit, and to be relieved. If the spasms shoulc continue, let this treat- ment be repeated. ✓ MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF PLANTS. Aloes. It is cathartic, operating slowly, but certainly and has a particular affinity for the large intestines. It slightly stimulates the stomach and is an excellent remedy in habitual costiveness, attended with torpor of the digestive organs, administered in minute doses. It is generally given in doses from five to fifteen grains. The best way, however, of administering it is in pills, combined with other articles. Avens, or Chocolate Root. An eminent physician observes, " that it is an excel- lent remedy in all cases of the first stage of consump- tion, and in debility." It is preferable to Peruvian bark in the cure of intermittents, dysentery ,chronic diarrhoea, wind, cholic. affections of the stomach, asthmatic symp- toms, and in all cases of debility, whites, flooding, sore throat. It is good for fevers. After the proper evacuations, it may be given till the fever is broken up. The doses are daily, a pint of weak decoction, or about sixty grains of the powder, devided into three equal parts, and mixed with honey. It is good for the cure of salt rheum, and scaled head ; make a strong tea of the root, and drink freely; and wash the humor frequently every day. Arrow Head. Made into a strong decoction, it is good as a drink, and as a wash., in case of being bit by a mad dog. V. / 54 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Black Snakeroot. It is an astringent, promotes urinary evacuations, and general healthy action, aids menstrual discharges, is efficacious in removing pains, sickness of the stom- ach, and heartburn in pregnancy. Administer it in tea; take two ounces of the root, add a pint of boiling water, keep it in a warm place, and drink occasionally two or three swallows at a time, through the day. It 1 may be used in connection with slippery elm before child-birth, as it generally assists nature in such cases. It is excellent in bowel complaints, especially in chil- dren. Blackberry Root. This root mixed with gold-thread, and boiled down strong; is a sure remedy for canker in the mouth, throat or stomach; wash the mouth with it, and take inwardly a table-spoonful daily. It wiH give great relief in cases of gravel and dysentery, if taken often duiing the day. Black Alder Bark. A syrup made from it is good for indigestion and it is good for jaundice. The tags of it, are good (as a wash) for all kinds of spontaneous swellings. The bark powdered is good for worms. Dose, half a tea- spoonful in molasses. Blood Root. It is excellent in coughs and croup. It is an emetic, and narcotic; produces perspiration, and menstrual discharges ; is good in influenza, hooping cough, and phthisic It is good in bilious complaints, combined with Black cherry-tree bark, also in cases of scarlet fever and in catarrh. Butter, or Oil Nut. Extract from the bark makes a mild cathartic, like FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 55 rhubarb. It is good in costiveness and dysentery. Dose from fifteen to thirty grains. Butter-cup, or Crow's foot. It is good for drawing blisters, for corns on the feet, and made into a tea, it is excellent in cases of asthma. Blue Flag Root. This root has effected wonderful cures in aggrava- ted lhumatic complaints. Give, after eating, a tea- spoonful, three times a day, of a decoction of the root made into a tincture (by putting one oz. of the dried root into half a pint of gin;) decrease the quantity if slight pains in the head or breast are produced. It is excellent in removing humor from the system—much more so than the outrageous mercury, and much more safe. For a cathartic take half a tea-spoonful of the powder in molasses. Camomile. Used as a tea, it is good for relieving the stomach in cases of vomiting, and steeped strong, it stops bleed- ing in the stomach. Caraway. When steeped in water it is very good for children, to remove wind from the bowels. Carrots. Boiled in milk and water and applied as a poultice to old sores, it is excellent. Bathe the sore well with the liquor before applying the poultice: it draws out all inflammation. Checkerberry, It is good for salt-rheum simmered with neat's foot oil and rubbing it on the parts affected. 60 FAMILV PHYSICIAN. Canada Snake Root. It is aromatic, stimulant and tonic ; very good for catarrh and pain in the stomach, coughs, colds, and pulmonary complaints. Red Cedar. The oil, combined with oil of spearmint, is good for gravel, disease of the kidneys, scalding of the urine. Combined with sarsaparilla, yellow dock, and bur- dock, and made into a syrup, adding to a pint of this syrup one ounce of gum guaiacum, it is very good in all venereal complaints. Dose from a table-spoonful to a wine-glass, as you can best bear. The berries simmered in neat's foot oil are good ointment for rheumatism, lame back, &c. Catnip. Steeped and sweetened with loaf sugar, it is good for sore throats ; mixed with fresh butter and sugar, good for fresh wounds, swelled bowels in children, by bathing; it is also useful in fevers, producing perspi* ration without increasing the heat of the body. Comfrey. It is a mucilage, well adapted to allay irritation ; good in dysentery, diarrhoea, consumptive complaints, and coughs. Currants. A tea made of the leaves of this bush is good in dropsical complaints; and taken as a common drink, it promotes a free passage for the discharge of the urine; it is also good for the stone or gravel. Dandelion. The root and branch of this plant should be steeped FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 57 in soft water a sufficient length of time to extract all its virtues; then strain the liquor and simmer until it becomes quite thick; and then, for all bilious com- plaints, from one to three glasses a day may be taken with decidedly beneficial effects. It can also be made into pills. It is a good medicine for complaints ol the liver, dropsy, &c. Dragon's Claw, or Fever Root. It is useful in fevers, as it keeps up a moisture of the skin, without producing excitement To one tea-spoon- ful of the loot, add half a pint of boiling water, and drink freely when it is blood-warm. Dwarf Elder Berries. They are excellent in rheumatic and dropsical com- plaints, also in cases of swollen limbs. The berries must be steeped in spirits, and taken in small doses just before eating. Elecampane. It is used in cases of suppression of the menses, dis- eases of the chest, and general debility arising from weakness in the digestive organs; it is also useful in dropsy. Of the decoction, one or two fluid ounces may be taken at a time. It is sometimes used in coughs, and pulmonary affections. Elder Blows, Bark and Berries. The flowers are good for the scurvey, taken in a strong tea ; for bowel complaints in children they are excellent.. They are laxative, and purify the blood; are also good for the gout, steeped in vinegar and salt, a table-spoonful mixed with the vinegar, rubbed on as hot as the patient can bear it. For erysipelas it is good steeped in vinegar and rum; also for St. An- thony's fire ; add a spoonful of fine salt to a pint of the steep; take a spooaful, and at the same time bathe the parts. 59 FAMILY PHYSfCIAN. Foxglove. It produces a free discharge of urine, is good in dropsy of the chest, reduces inflammation by lessening the action of the heart, reduces frequency of the pulse j is good in consumptive complaints; especially inflam- ■* mation of the lungs. It is a poison, and too large a dose will produce spasms, vertigo and death. A dose of the powder is one grain, to be taken two or three times a day, and gradually increased untill it affects the head, stomach, pulse or kidneys. It is said to be of use in case of convulsion fits; and made into an ointment, it helps scrofula sores. Fir Balsam. It is good for sore nipples, flour albus, fresh wounds and weakness of the stomach. Dose, twenty or thirty drops taken on loaf sugar, molasses, or anything most convenient. Fever Root. It is good in the typhus fever as well as others; keeping the skin moist without producing excitement. To a tea-spoonful of the powdered root, add half a pint of boiling water, and drink freely. Ginger. •si It is good in cholic, pain in the stomach, dyspepsia ; promotes perspiration, warms the whole system. It is, prepared with gentian root, an excellent stomach powder. Dose, one ounce of gentian root and one drachm of ginger, mixed together, and take a spoonful in molasses every morning. Golden Thread. It is a tonic, promoting digestion, and is good fo£ dyspepsia and sore mouth. Combined with camomile, 59 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. it is good for sore lips, chapped hands, and chilblains on the feet; mixed with black cherry-tree bark it is good for jaundice. Garlic. Draughts made of garlics, and applied to the feet at night, are good to remove feverish symptoms and equalize the circulations. It is very good in all in- flammatory diseases; also for discussing indolent tu- mors, coughs, colds, asthma. Gentian. It is a valuable tonic, excites the appetite, invigo- rates the system, and increases moderately the tem- perature of the body. It is good for debility of the digestive organs, gout, hysteria, scrofula and dyspep- sia. Dose, from ten to forty grains. Gum Arabic. It is nutritive, and soothing to irritated parts; good to prevent bleeding in dysentery, hoarseness, whoop- ing cough, and suppression of urine. Take a handful of English barly.gum Arabic, a piece about the size of a walnut, with a little slippery-elm; pour upon it a pint of boiling water, steep it and sweeten with loaf sugar. This is excellent where the patient has not much appetite and cannot bear solid food. Horse Radish. It promotes appetite, and invigorates the digestive powers. It is useful in hoarseness, when made into e syrup. Hyssop. It is very useful in producing expectoration, or dis- charge of mucus from the lungs, for catarrh, especially 60 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. in old people, atid as a gargle in sore throats. Make a tea, and drink at discretion. Hops. Hops are tonic, good in dysentery, nervous tremors, weakness and tremors of inebriates. A pillow made of hops wet with rum, is good to produce sleep, and allay nervous irritation, good in after-pains of women and valuable in fermentations. Hoarhound, It strengthens the lungs; a cold tea of it is good to prevent children from coughing, and loosens phlegm in the stomach. Mixed with colt's foot, it is fine for lung complaints. Hemlock. (Bark.) It is a powerful astringent. It is good for a bath in cases of falling of the body, falling of the womb, weak joints, &c When the bath is used, about one third of brandy ought to be added. The gum, mixed with Burgundy pitch, makes an excellent plaster. Iceland Moss. It is good for a cough. It is bracing and nour- ishing. Indian Hemp. It is one of the best remedies for the palpatalion of the heart that is to be found, and it is a powerful ner- vine, very good in old standing nervous complaints of women. Take an even tea-spoonful of the powdered root, in molasses, three or four times a day, for a few weeks. It is a fine substitute for opium without its effects% or tendency to costiveness and inaction. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 61 Juniper Bush. Its berries are a very excellent counter-poison, and also a great register of pestilence. They are effica- cious in the cure of wounds occasioned by the bite or sting of any beast or serpent of a poisonous nature. They are very good in cases of urinary suppressions, and strangury. A lye made from the ashes and used as a drink, will cure the dropsy. They expel wind, strengthen the stomach and eyesight, repress fluxes, good for piles, palsy, and falling sickness. Eating eight or ten of the berrie-s every morning fasting, is good for a bad cough, shortness of breath, and con- sumptive complaints. Knot Grass. The juice of this herb or grass is excellent to stop bleeding at the nose or stomach—being of a very. cooling nature. Made into powder and taken in wine it is a remedy in case of being bitten by any venomous creature. It is also good to expel worms. It is also said to be a sovereign remedy in all cases of inflamma- tion, gangrene, canker, ulcer, broken joints and rup- tures, and dysentery. Lobelia. It must be dried, pulverized, put into bottles, and very tightly corked—otherwise, its strength will soon evaporate. This herb, if properly administered, will invariable break up diseases of very long standing; By its powerful action upon the great sympathetic nerve, it allays irritation and inflammation; it is pe- culiarly adapted to the following cases, viz. cholera, hydrophobia, bite of rabid animals, lockjaw, asthma, fits, spasmodic affections, whooping cough, tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing, bilious complaints, and consumption. t Lobelia will penetrate and equalize the lystem, re- move all obstruction, cleanse the stomach and bowels, 62 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. purify the blood, remove disease from the lungs and the liver, in a manner far superior to what calomel ever could, or ever will do. Dose, one tea-spoonful at a time—sometimes it requires two or three, depending upon the constitution of the patient, and the nature of the disease. When taken as an emetic, mix it with an equal quantity of blood-root. This is fine in case of bilious cholic When made into a pill, dampen it with bal- sam capiva, adding a small quantity of Castile soap. Take three pills for a dose, and if the patient does not obtain speedy relief, repeat the dose in about six min- utes. By applying the powdered herb to an aching tooth, it will soon afford relief. A tincture made from lobelia, is an excellent remedy in case of being stung by a bee or wasp, and 4s good in all kinds of poisonous affections, venereal complaints, St. Antho- ny's fire, &c Liquorice. It is good for a cough. Take a large tea-spoonful of linseed oil, one ounce of stick liquorice, four ounces of best raisens, put the ingredients into two quarts of soft water, boil this down to one quart, then add a quarter of a pound of brown sugar, and one table- spoonful of lemon juice. Drink half a pint of this on going to bed, and take a swallow or two when your cough is troublesome day and night. -» Lady's Slipper. The root of this plant has a tendency to lessen the animal energy, and to allay nervous affections, and is anti-spasmodic. It may be used in all cases instead of valerian ; and is also in most cases far preferable to opium, as it is destitute of any narcotic effect. It promotes sleep, and allays the headache. Dose, ono tea-spoonful in warm water, adding a little sugar. FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 63 Liverwort. tfbb xoot is excellent in all diseases of the liver, in- flammation, yellow jaundice, chronic coughs; and will check the spread of ring-worms and running sores. Made into beer and drank freely, it will reduce the heat of the liver and kidneys. It is both cleansing and cooling. Motherwort. It is excellent in all nervous and hypochondriacal af- fections, dizziness in the head, &c. A strong tea, made of it and drank freely, will raise the spirits and impart new life and vigor to the whole system. Mosses. The ground moss, bruised and boiled in water, will ease all inflammation and pain caused by heat. Tree moss is also of a cooling, modifying, digesting nature. The powder of thismoss, taken in a drink,is good for the dropsy, and strengthens the sinews; and, with oil of roses, will cure the headache. Stone moss is good in the cure of the phthisic and asthma, by making into a tea and drinking freely. Mullen. Steep the leaves in vinegar, and it is good for a \ lame side, and internal bruises. The centre leaves, steeped in milk and sweetened with sugar, are excel- lent for dysentery, especially in children. With straw- berry-leaves and cleavers, steeped, it is good incases of kidney complaints and obstructions of the urine. Mouse Ear. This herb is one of the best things known for the dysentery. Boil a handful of the leaves in milk and water, sweeten it with loaf sugar, and drink it freely. 64 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Mustard (Garden). It promotes digestion, creates appetite, removes pain from the stomach and bowels. The white mus- tard is good for dyspepsia ; it may be taken whole, a tea-spoonful being the usual dose. It is good ap- plied to the feet as draughts ; it is also often used in cases where blistering is said to be needed. A tea- spoonful of the seed is good for the cholic; a tea- spoonful of the seed bruised, acts as an emetic ; a tea- spoonful of the seed powdered, and taken in warm water, will expel poison from the stomach very promptly. Prickly Ash. The bark and berries are very stimulating, tonic, and invigorating. It is good for chronic rheumatism, for the toothache, scrofulous humors, and ulcerated sore legs. Pennyroyal. It is gently stimulant, and will produce universal perspiration if taken in large quantities hot. It is considered one of the best medicines in sudden sup- pression of the menses, prepared in the following man- ner ; take an even tea-spoonful of black pepper pow- dered fine, put it into a tumbler of this tea, and drink when going to bed, after soaking the feet in weak lye; this remedy is almost infallible. Plantain. If poisoned by dogwood, boil plantain strong, and wash in the tea; if poisoned by ivy, do the same; and if you have an old sore do the same. Quassia. It is a well known tonic as well as bitter, end it FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 65 universally employed in medicine. It is a large, lofty tree, and strongly resembles our common ash; the leaves are of a bright red color, and every part of the tree is very bitter. Poplar Bark (Root). It is a sovereign remedy for the toothache: take the bark of the root, boil it in water down to an extract, mix with a little spirit, and put it into your tooth, and it performs a speedy cure in nine cases out of ten. A plaster, made in like manner, will cure the rheumatism, or any other pain. Sassafras. The bark cures the chronic rheumatism, is good for inward ulcers, sores, dropsy. With a tincture of the bark of the root, wash the sore, and if it smarts badly wash round it until you can bear to have it applied to the sore. It is good for cuts, or green wounds; dress the wound and keep it wet with this tincture, and in about ten days you will find it entirely or very nearly healed. Sumach The bark ol the root, and berries, are good for can- ker in the mouth or throat. Make it into a strong tea, and wash the throat and mouth with it. A strong tea made with both bark and root sweetened with honey, will cure a cough, and has been known to cure a con- sumption. Smart Weed. This herb or plant is or.e of the most powerful sub- orifics, or swelling-remedies that I ever used. It is an excellent help in breaking up a fever. It can be made into a tea and drank freely at any time 66 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Spikenard. This is said to be a valuable remedy in cases of ali kinds of sores and ulcers; and is very good in coughs and colds. Thorn Apple. It is used for cancerous sores, rheumatism, and spas- modic asthma, it makes an excellent ointment for the piles, or burns. By using the root, in smoking it with a pipe, it helps to breathe easy, and has cured many cases of asthma, after every other remedy has failed. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. Elixir. This elixir is made by adding one pound of best gum myrrh, and three ounces of African cayenne, to one gallon of alcohol, or fourth proof brandy. It may be taken from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a time, in water sweetened with molasses or sugar. It is efficacious in very many diseases used cither in- ternally or externally; especially in colds, coughs, consumption, pains in the bowels or stomach, rheuma- tism, inflammations, headache, toothache, cramp, cold feet, &c. Vegetable Powder. Take one pound of baberry bark, eight ounces of ginger, three ounces of carenne, and four ounces of hemlock bark; mix, and for a dose, take one tea- spoonful. LADIES' ANB HOUSEKEEPERS* GUIDE: CONTAININO A SELECTION OF VALUABLE FAMILY RECIPES, SfiAKY OF WHICH HATB KEYER BEEN EEFORX PUBLIEHS& BV AN EXPERIENCED COOK. H. DAYTON, 36 HOWARD STREET; INDIANAPOLIS, ind. : ASHER ft CO. 1860. CONTENTS; Cakes, Breaii, Yeast, $r. Ptga A Indian Cakes - 84 Page. Indian Corn Cakes 96 Apple Snow • • B. Baker's Ginger Bread - 96 Indian Griddle Cakes -J Jelly Cake - • 82 86 95 Best Cup Gake - 85 Jumbles 95 Breakfast Butter Cakes 83 L Brown, or Dyspepsia Lemon Cake 94 Bread - - - 97 Light Cake to be baked Buckwheat Cakes 83 in Cups - 82 Butter Cakes for Tea - 83 Loaf Cake - 84 C Lemon Pie - 81 Cake without Eggs 94 M Common Plum Cake - 82 Measure Cake - 05 Composition Cake • 82 Molasses Dough Cake - 80 Cream Cup Cake 104 Muffins - 80 Cream Cake - • 83 N Cream Cake, No. 2 - 86 New-York Cup Cake - 94 Cake, Rich small- • 75 P D Plain Indian Cakes 83 Dyspepsia Cake • • 84 Plum Cake 103 Dough Nuts 15 Pound Cake • «■ 82 Dyspepsia Bread- 81 R G Rich Jumbles - * - 96 Ginger Bread 65 Rolls -t - 84 Ginger Nuts . • • 95 Rye and Indian Bread - 98 Ginger Snaps - • 95 Rice Waffles - « 81 Good Family Cak« 95 S Green Corn Cake • 80 Seed Cakes • • 85 H Savoy Cakes • 81 Hard Wafers • • 84 Sugar Ginger Bread - 85 Hoe Cake - • I Icing for Cakes • 96 Symbals • "* T Tea Cake, No. 1 - 86 85 | 83 t 17 CONTENTS. Page- Yeast—to make it good 87 do —Milk - - 87 do of Cream Tartar and S alee rat us - 96 Pies, Preserves, Jellies, Sauce, Sfc. Apple Sauce - - 96 Arrow Root Custard - 85 B Barberries—to Preserve* 86 Black Currant Jelly - 88 Blanc-Mange - - 84 C Calfs-foot Jelly - - 87 Conserve Roses - - 8G Currant Jelly - - 88 B Curries - - -79 Curry Powder - - 80 D Damsons—to Preserve- 102 F Family Mince Pie- • 101 Peach Jam- - - 102 Pumpkin Pie • • 101 R Raspberry Jam • -101 Bice Jelly ... 85 S Squash Pie - • 100 Strawberry Jam- -101 Spruce Beer - -97 T Tomato Catsup - 84—103 Tomato Sauce - - 103 Puddings. A Arrow Boot Pudding 09 p«g». Boiled Indian Pudding- 85 Bird's Nest Pudding - 86 C Christmas Plum Pud- ding ... 105 Damson Pudding- - 99 Indian Fruit Puddmg - 100 O Orange Pudding- - 88 Plum Pudding - - 105 R Rice Pudding, Baked or boiled - - - 100 Rich Apple Pudding - 100 S Sago Puddmg - -99 Sauce for Pudding > 86 T Tapioca Puddmg- - 90 Meats, Fish, Gravies, B Boiled Beef- • «*. 90 Beef Balls - 75 Beef, Cold Tenderloin - 76 Beef, Cold Steaks to warm - - - 11 Beef, Minced 11 Beef Steaks broiled 76 Boiled Ham 91 Boiled Salmon • 109 Bread Sauce • 103 Broiled Cod - • 110 Broiled Ham 91 Broiled Salmon • • 100 Broiled Salmon Dried • C Cabbage Soup • • 109 ioa Caper Sauce • « 103 CONTENTS. ▼ Page. Chicken—good way to prepare - - - 88 Chicken Pie • -79 Chicken Pot Pie- • 91 Chicken Salid . - - 105 Chicken Soup - - 108 Chicken Soup, No. 2-108 Chowder—how to make 89 Codfish, salt, Stewed -110 Codfish, Salt - - 110 Cod, or other Fish, to Fry - - -HI Codfish Cakes - - 111 Cold Boiled Cod—to make a dish - - HI Cold Slaw- • -88 D Dried Codfish - - HO Dried Cod—a small dish 111 Dried Salmon - - 109 E Egg Sauce- - • 102 Fried Cod- - 89—110 Fresh Mackerel Soused 111 Fried Sausages - - 92 Fried Shad- H Haddock - L Lobster Soup - M Mackerel Salt • • Melted Butter - Minced Meat • • Mock Turtle Soup Mutton Broth - Mutton—to boil Leg of Mutton Chops - Mutton, to Stew shoul- der of • • O Oyster Mouth Soup . Oysters—to Fry . Ill 111 106 112 102 90 108 105 93 77 77 106 89 Pago, Oyster Sauce • . 103 P Parsley & Butter. . 102 Pig—to Roast . . 92 Pork Steak. . . 92 R Roast Pork. . . 90 S Sandwiches. • .104 Sausage Meat ■ .92' Sausages . . .78 Sweet Bread, Liver and Heart ... 78 Salmon . . .109 Salmon—to Broil. . 88 Savoy Soup. . .106 Shad—to Broil • . 89 Shad . • • .111 Shell Fish ... 87 Spare Rib . • .91 Stewed Lobsters . . 00 Stewed Oysters . . 90 Stock for Gravy Soup or Soup . • • 108 T Turtle Soup. • . 105 Tripe . . . . 79 W White Sauce for Boiled Fowl . . .103 Vegetables, fyc. Cabbage . . .03 Coffee—how to Make . 101 G Green Peas. . . 04 M Mashed Potatoes. • 03 O Onions • • .03 P Potatoes—to Boil . 03 T Turnips • • 93 VI CONTENTS. COOKERY FOR THE SICK. Page. Broth, Calves' Foot . 114 Broth, Chicken . .114 Broth, of Beef, Mutton and Veal. . .113 Broth, quick made . 113 Pa*a Broth, very nourishing of Veal . . .113 Jelly Arrowroot . .114 Jelly Tapioca • .114 Tea, Beef . . .114 THE LADY'S WORK-BOS. Page. P«ga Bead Work . . 129 Sofa Pillows . 127 Berlin Stitch • . 128 Settees 127 Cross Stitch . . 127 Slippers . . , 127 Czar Stitch. . . 128 Straight Cross Stitch . 127 Fire Side Caps . . 129 Tent Stitch. 127 Gothic Chairs . . 129 To dress a frame foi Irish Stitch. • . 128 cross Stitch ; 126 Josephine Stitch . . 128 To dress a frame foi Materials for working . 127 cloth work 127 Pavilion Stitch . . 127 Weight Cushions. 129 Perforated Card . . 128 Windsor Stitch . . 127 Rug Bordering . MISCEL1 . 129 [iANE< Wire Baskets . , DUS RECIPES. 129 Page. Page. Apples, Preserved . 136 Keep out Red A.nts : 135 Blacking, to make . 135 Oysters, to Pickle . 136 Britannia, Water to Take Ink from Floors . 136 clean . 135 Cucumbers, to Pickle . 136 Washing, Recipe- Ice Cream . . 135 celebrated 129 DIRECTIONS FOR COLI 3RING GARMENTS, &o. Page. Page. Carpets, to Clean. . 134 Green 132 Clean Silk Goods; . 134 Light Blue. . . 132 Discharging Colors . 132 Red, Crimson, &c. 139 Gloves, to Clean . 134 Brown, isseiining to Mul- SILKS, TO DYE. berry . . . 133 Black, common Mate Re-Dymg, or changing rials . . 133 to Color . 1*3 CONTENTS. Yd ETIQUETTE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Behavior in the Street, Behavior at Dinner, . Conversation, . . Dress, General Rules of Behavior, Introductions, . . Remarks on Habits, The Person. Visiting, PACK. 117 119 120 115 121 118 122 115 M7 ^MWW^^^^^^^>^^^< LADIES' TOILETTE TABLE. Dress, . • • • Evening Dresses, . • • Flounces, . • . High-necked Dresses, Lotion for Promoting the Growth of Hair, ting it from Turning Grey, . Style of Bonnet, . . . Short Cloak, . . # . To prevent Loosening of the Hair, To cure Ringworm, . . and Preven- P-tlK. 124 124 124 124 123 124 124 123 123 CANARY BIRDS. General Directions, . . How to Distinguish the Male from the Female, Letter Writer, • r • • PASS, 125 125 125 LADIES DOMESTIC ECONOM?; AND HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. Rich Small Cake. Three eggs; three table-spoonfuls of butter, ditto o! sugar; three cups of flour; one tea-spoonful of essence ^ of lemon, and half a nutmeg; work these together, roll it thin, cut it in small cakes and bake. Doughnuts. Take one pound of flour; a quarter of a pound of butter ; three quarters of a pound of brown sugar, rolled fine ; one nutmeg, grated ; one tea-spoonful of ground cinnamon ; one table-spoonful of brewer's yeast; make it into a dough with warm milk; sprinkle flour over it, and cover it with a cloth; set it in a warm place to rise, for one hour or more. When light, roll it out to half an inch thickness; cut it in squares or diamonds. Have a small iron kettle half filled with lard ; let it be boiling hot. Drop in a bit of the dough to try it; if it is a fine color, drop in two or three of the cakes at once ; keep the kettle in motion all the time the cakes are in, else the lard will burn ; when the cakes are a fine color, take them out with a skim- mer, and lay them on a sieve to drain. Beef Balls. Mince very finely a piece of tender beef, fat and lean ; mince an onion, with some parsley; add grated bread crumbs, ard season with pepper, salt, grated 76 HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. nutmeg, and lemon-peel; mix all together, and moi!> ten it with an egg beaten ; roll it into balls ; flour and fry them in boiling fresh dripping, Serve them with fried bread crumbs, or with a thickened brown gravy. Reef Steaks broiled. The inside of the sirloin is the best steak—but all are cooked in the same manner. Cut them about half an inch thick—do not beat them; it breaks the cells in which the gravy of the meat is contained and ren- ders it drier and more tasteless. Have the gridiron hot and the bars rubbed with suet —the fire clear and brisk; sprinkle a little salt over the fire, lay on the steaks, and turn them often. Keep a dish close to the fire, into which you must drain the gravy from the top of the steak as you lift it to turn. The gridiron should be set in a slanting direction on the coals, to prevent the fat from dropping into the fire and making a smoke. But should a smoke occur, take off the gridiron a moment, till it is over. With a good fire of coals, steaks will be thoroughly done in fifteen minutes. These are much healthier for delicate stomachs than rare done steaks. When done lay them in a hot plate, put a small slice of good butter on each piece—sprinkle a little salt, pour the gravy from the dish by the fire and serve them hot as possible. Pickles and finely scraped horse-radish are served with them. I have now given the most important recipes for cooking beef.—The re-cooking requires skill and judg- ment which experience only can give. When well done it makes excellent dishes, and is economical in housekeeping. The following are good recipes. Beef, cold Tenderloin. Cut off entire the inside of a large sirloin of beef, brown it all over in a stewpan, and then add a quart of water, two table-spoonfuls of vinegar, some pepper, fait, ane a large onion finely minced; cover the pan HOUSEKEEPER S GUIDE. 77 closely, and let it stew till the beef be very tender. Garnish with pickles. Beef Minced. Mince your beef very small; put it into a saucepan with a little gravy and a little of the fat of fowl or any other fat, season according to your taste, then let it simmer over a gentle fire till it is sufficiently done. Boiled beef, when thoroughly done, is excellent to eat cold, as a relish at breakfast. The slices should be cut even and very thin. Beef, cold Steaks to warm. Lay them in a stewpan, with one large onion cut in quarters, six berries of allspice, the same ot black pep- per, cover the steaks with boiling water, let them stew gently one hour, thicken the liquor with flour and but- ter rubbed together on a plate; if a pint of gravy, about one ounce of flour, and the like weight of butter, will do ; put it into the stewpan, shake it well over the fire for five minutes, and it is ready; lay the steaks and onions on a dish and Dour the gravy through a seive over them. Mutton Chops. Cut the chops off a loin or the best end of a neck of mutton; pare off the fat, dip them in a beaten egg and strew over them grated bread, seasoned with salt nd finely minced parsley—then fry them in a little butter, and make a gravy, or broil them ever coals and butter them, in a hot dish. Garnish with fried parsley. To Stew a shoulder of Mutton. Bone and flatten a shoulder of mutton, sprinkle over It pepper and salt, roll it up tightly, bind it with tape, find put it into a stewpan that will just hold it, pour 78 housekeeper's guide. over it a well seasoned gravy made with the bones, cover the pan closely, and let it stew till tender; be- fore serving take off the tape, thicken the gravy. It will take about three hours to stew the shoulders. Sweet Bread, Liver, and Heart. A very good way to cook the sweet bread is to fry three or four slices of pork till brown, then take them up and put in the sweet bread, and fry it over a mod- erate fire. When you have taken up the sweet bread, mix a couple of tea spoonfuls of flour with a little water and stir it into the fat—let it boil, then turn it over the sweet bread. Another way is to parboil them, anu let them get cold, then, cut them in pieces about an inch thick, dip them in the yolk of an egg, and fine bread crumbs, sprinkle salt, pepper, and sage on them before dipping them in the egg, fry them a light brown. Make a gravy after you have taken them up, by stirring a little flour and water mixed smooth into the fat, add spices and wine if you like. The liver and heart are good cooked in the same man- ner, or broiled. Sausages. Chop fresh pork very fine, the lean and fat together, (there should be rather more of the lean than the fat,) season it highly with salt, pepper, sage, and other sweet herbs, if you like them—a little saltpetre tenda to preserve them. To tell whether they are seasoned enough, do up a little into a cake, and fry it. If not seasoV&a enough, add more seasoning, and fill your ski'nB.wfeion should be previously cleaned thoroughly. ^Ott*e flour mixed with the meat tends topreventthe fat from running out when cooked. Sausage-meat is good, done up in small cakes and fried. In summer when fresh pork cannot be procured, very good saus- age-cakes may be made of rawbeef, chopped fine with salt pork, and seasoned with pepper and sage. Wnen sausages are fried, they should not be pricked, and they wUl cook nicer, to have a little fat put with them. HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDB. 79 They should be cooked slowly. If you do not like them very fat, take them out of the pan when nearly done, and finish cooking them on a gridiron. Bologna sausages are made of equal weight each, of ham, veal, and pork, chopped very fine, seasoned high, and boiled in casings, till tender, then dried. Tripe. After being scoured, stiould be soaked in salt and wa- ter seven or eight days, changing the water every other day, then boil it till tender, which will take eight or ten hours. It is then fit for broiling, frying, or pickling. It is pickled in the same manner as souse. Curries. Chickens, pigeons, mutton chops, lobsters and veal, all make good curries. If the curry dish is to be made of fowls, they should be jointed. Boil the meat till ten- der, in just sufficient water to cover it, and add a little salt. Just before the meat is boiled enough to take up, fry three or four slices of pork till brown—take them up> and put in the chickens. Let them brown, then add part of the liquor in which they were boiled, one or two tea-spoonfuls of curry powder1, and the fried pork. Mix a tea-spoonful of curry powder with a tea cup of boiled rice, or a little flour and water mixed—turn it on to the curry, and let it stew a few minutes. Chicken Pie. Joint che chickens, which should be young and ten- der—boil them in just sufficient water to cover them. When nearly tender, take them out of the liquor, and lay them in a deep pudding dish, lined with pie crust. To each layer of chicken, put three or four slices of pork—add a little of the liquor in which they were boiled, and a couple of ounces of butter, cut into small pieces—sprinkle a little flour over the whole, Cover it'with nice p'e crust, and emament the top 80 HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE). with some of your pastry. Bake it in a quick oven one hour. Curra, Powder. Mix an ounce of ginger, one of mustard, one of pep- per, three of coriander seed, the same quantity of tur- meric, a quarter of an ounce of cayenne pepper, half an ounce of cardamums, and the same of cummin seed and cinnamon. Pound the whole fine, sift and keep it in a bottle corked tight. Green Corn Cake. Mix a pint of grated green corn with three table- spoonfuls of milk, a tea-cup of flour, half a tea-cup of melted butter, one egg, a tea-spoonful of salt, and half a tea-spoonful of pepper. Drop this mixture into hot butter by the spoonful, let the cakes fry eight or ten minutes. These cakes are nice served up with meat for dinner. Muffins. Mix a quart of wheat flour smoothly with a pint and a half of luke-warm milk, half a tea-cup of yeast, a couple of beaten eggs, a heaping tea-spoonful of salt, and a couple of table-spoonfuls of luke-warm melted butter. Set the batter in a warm place to rise. When light, butter your muffin cups, turn in the mixture and bake the muffins till a light brown. Molasses Dough Cake. Melt half a tea-cup of butter, mix it with a tea-cup of molasses, the juice and chopped rind of a fresh lemon, a tea-spfeonful of cinnamon—work the whole with the hand into three tea-cups of raised dough, together with a couple of beaten eggs. Work it with the hand for ten or twelve minutes, then put it into buttered pans. Let it remj^ ten or fifteen minutes before baking it housekeeper's guide 81 Rice Waffles. Take a tea-cup and a half of boiled rice—warm it with a pint of milk, mix it smooth, then take it from the fire, stir in a pint of cold milk, and a tea-spoonful of salt. Beat four eggs, and stir them in, together with sufficient flour to make it a thick batter. Savoy Cakes. Beat eight eggs to a froth—the whites and yolks should be beaten separately, then mixed together, and a pound of powdered white sugar stirred in gradually. Beat the whole well together, for eight or ten minutes, then add the grated rind of a fresh lemon, and half the juice, a couple of table-spoonfuls of coriander seed. Drop this mixture by the large spoonful on two but- tered baking plates, several inches apart, sift white sugar over them, and bake them immediately in a juick, but not a furiously hot oven. Lemon Pie. For one pie, take a couple of good sized fresh lem- ons, squeeze out the juice, and mix it with half a pint of molasses, or sufficient sugar to make the juice sweet. Chop the peel fine, line deep pie plates with your pas- try, then sprinkle on a layer of your chopped lemon peel, turn in part of the mixed sugar or molasses and juice, then cover the whole with pie crust, rolled v^ery thin—put in another layer of peel, sweetened juice, and crust, and so, till all the lemon is used. Cover the whole with a thick crust, and bake the pie about half an hour. Dyspepsia Bread. Three quarts of unbolted wheat meal; 1 quart of soft warm water; a gill of fresh yeast, a gill of mo- lasses, 1 tea-spoonful of saleratus. This will make 2 loaves, and should remain in the oven at least 2 hours. It will need fron 8 to 12 hours to rise. 82 housekeeper's guide A Light Cake, to be Baked in Cups. Take a pint bowl full and a half of sugar, one and a half cups of butter rubbed in two pint bowls of flour, two cups of sour cream, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, table-spoonful of rose water, four eggs well beaten, and n little nutmeg. Composition Cake. Take four cups of flour, four of sugar, two cups of butter, five eggs, half pint of cream, tea-spoonful of salaeratus, spice to suit your taste. Beat all well to- gether, and bake in a butter tin or in cups. Indian Griddle Cakes. Take one pint of Indian meal and one cup of flour, a little salt and ginger, a table-spoonful of molasses, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, sour milk enough to make a stiff batter. Bake them on a griddle like buckwheat cakes. Common Plumb Cake* Mix five cups of butter with ten cups of flour, five cups of sugar, add six cups stoned raisins, a little cin- namon and mace finely powdered, half a cup of good yeast put into a pint of new milk, warm and mix the dough, let it stand till it is light, Pound Cake. One pound dried sifted flour, the same of loaf sugar, and the whites of twelve eggs and the yolks of seven. Beat the butter to a cream, add the sugar by degrees, then the eggs and flour; beat it all well together for an hour, mixing a table-spoonful of rose-water, a little nutmeg or cinnamon, two cups of cream, and a tea- spoonful of salaeratus. To be baked in a quick oven. housekeeper's guide. 83 Tea Cake. A quart of flour, one pint of sour cream, tea-spoon- Jul salaeratus, two cups of molasses, a little cinnamon and salt, make a stiff paste, and bake in a moderate oven. Breakfast Butter Cakes. One quart of sour milk, one tea-spoonful salaeratus, a little salt, one and a half cups boiled rice, two table- opoonfuls molasses or half cup sugar, a little ginger, and flour enough to make a stiff batter. Buck- Wheat Cakes. Take one quart of buck-wheat meal, half a cup of new yeast, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, a little salt and sufficient new milk or cold water to make a thick bat- ter. Put it in a warm place to rise. When it has risen sufficiently, bake it on a griddle or in a spider. The griddle must be well buttered, and the cakes are better to be small and thin. Plain Indian Cakes. Take a quart of sifted Indian meal, sprinkle a little salt over it, mix it with scalding water, stirring it well; bake on a tin in a stove oven. Indian Cake is made with butter-milk, or sour milk, with a little cream or butter rubbed into the meal, and a tea-spoonful of salaeratus. Butter Cakes for Tea. Beat two eggs, put them in half pint of milk, and a tea-cup of cream, with half a tea-spoGnful of salaeratus dissolved in the cream, a little salt, cinnamon and a little rose-water if you like, stir in sifted flour till the batter is smooth and thick. Bake them on a griddle or in a pan. Butter the pan weH, drop the batter in small round cakes and quite thin. They must be turned and nicely browned. Lay them on a plate, in a pile, with a little butter between each layer. Cream Cakes. In the country where cream is plenty, this is a fa- 84 HOUSEKEEPER S GUIDE, vorite cake at the tea-table. One quart of flour, one pint of cream, a little sour cream, one tea-spoonful of salaeratus dissolved in the sour cream. If the flour is not made sufficiently wet with the above quantity of cream, add more sweet cream. Tomato Sauce. Peel and slice twelve tomatoes, picking out the seeds—add three powdered crackers, pepper and salt to your taste ; stew twenty minutes. Rolls. Rub into a pound of flour half a tea-cup full of but- ter ; add half a tea-cup of sweet yeast, a little salt, and sufficient warm milk to make a stiff dough, cover and put it where it will be kept warm, and it will rise in two hours. Then make into rolls or round cakes. They will bake in a quick oven in fifteen minutes. Dyspepsia Cake. Take five cups of flour, two of sugar, two cups of milk, a little salt, and one tea-spoonful of salaeratus. Indian Cake. Take three cups of Indian meal, two cups of flour, one half a tea-cup of molasses, a little salt, one tea- spoonful of salaeratus, and mix them with cold water. Hard Wafers. Take half a pound of butter, half a pound of sugar, three eggs, one table-spoonful of cinnamon, two-table- spoonsful of rose water, and flour enough to make it a thick dough. Blanc-Mange. Take half an ounce of Iceland moss, and one quart of new milk. Simmer them together until they be- come a jelly. Add half a tea-cup of rose water, let them scald half an hour and strain. Loaf Cake. Two pounds of flour, half a pound of sugar, quarter of butter, three eggs, one gill of milk, half a tea-cup Bweet e-nptyings, cinnamon and rose water; housekeepers guide. 65 Ginger-Bread. Pour k.jpa of flour, three eggs, one cup of butter, fwo of sugar, one of cream, ginger, nutmeg, salaeratus. Arrow-root Custards. Four eggs, one dessert spoonful of arrow-root, one pint of milk sweetened, and spiced to the taste. Rice Jelley. Boil one-fourth pound of rice flour with half a pound of loaf sugar in one quart of water, until the whole be- comes one glutinous mass. Then strain off the jelly and let it stand to cool. Measure Cake. One cup of cream, one of sugar, two and a half of flour, two eggs, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, nutmeg. Boiled Indian Pudding. One quart of sour milk, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus half a cup of molasses, a tca-dupful of chopped suet meal enough to make it stiff. Best Cup Cake. Five cdps of flour, three of sugar, one of milk, three eggs, one tea-spoonful of salaeratus, raisens, one cup of butter, nutmeg, rose-water. Icing for Cake. Pour pounds of loaf sugar, the whites of nineteen eggs, one table-spoonful of starch, half ounce gum- arabic, table-spoonful rose-water. Seed Cakes. Four cups of flour, one and a half of cream or milk, half o£butter, three eggs, half a cup of seeds, two cups of sugar, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, and rose-water. Sugar Ginger-Bread. Take two pounds of flour, one of butter and one of sugar, five eggs well beaten, two ounces of powdered ginger, and a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, with nutmeg and rose-water. 86 housekeepeb's guide. Bakers1 Ginger-Bread. Three-fourths of a pound of flour, one cup of mo- lasses, one-fourth of butter, one ounce of salaeratus, and one of ginger. SymbaUs. Four cups of* flour, a cup and a half of sugar, half a cup of butter, three eggs, a cup of sour cream, a tea-spoonful of salaeratus, a little nutmeg, ginger, salt, and a tea-spoonful of rose-water. Cream Cake. One pound of flour, one pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, half a pint of cream, four eggs, one pound of currants, a tea-spoonful of salseratus, a table-spoonful of rose-water, or a glass of brandy ; spice for your taste. Orange Pudding. Four oranges, eight ounces of butter, eight ounces of sugar, and eight eggs. Bird's-nest Pudding. Put into three pints of boiling milk six crackers pounded fine and one pint of raisins ; when cool add four eggs well beaten, a little sugar, and five good sized apples pared, with the core carefully re- moved. To be eaten with warm sauce. Pudding Sauce. One pint of sugar, a table-spoonful of vinegar, a piece of butter the size of an egg boiled fifteen minutes : add a table-spoonful of rose-water and a little nutmeg : boil with the sugar, in nearly a pint of water, a large table-spoonful of flour. Conserve Roses. Bruise the leaves of red roses in, a mortar; to every pound add a pound of sugar ; omix the sugar well with the roses in alternate layers; pack it light; in an earthen vessel, and cover it from the air. To Preserve Barberries. To one pound of the berries add one pound of sugar, HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. 87 a pint and a half of molasses ; and simmer them to- gether half an hour or more, until they become soft. To Make Good Yeast. Take as many hops as you can hold in your hand twice, put them into thiee pints of cold water; put them over the fire, and let them boil twenty minutes: then strain the water into an earthen or stone jar, and stir in while the water is scalding hot, flour enough to make a stiff batter: let it stand till about milk-warm; then add a tea-cupful of old yeast to make it rise, and a tea-spoonful of salaeratus dissolved in the old yeast; stir it well and put the jar in a warm place to rise. Some add Indian meal enough (after it has risen well) to make it into cakes and dry it on a board in the sun. This is very convenient, especially in hot weather,—a small cake soaked in a little warm water is enough to make a large pan of dough rise. Milk YeasL Onp pint of new milk, one tea-spoonful of fine salt* and a large spoonful of flour ; stir these well together, set the mixture by the fire, and keep it just lukewarm __it will be fit for use in an hour. Twice the quan- tity of common yeast is necessary : it will not keep long. Bread made of this yeast dries very soon ; but in summer it is sometimes convenient to make this kind when yeast is needed suddenly. Yeast should not be kept in a tin vessel. If you find the old yeast sour, and have not time to prepare new, put in salaeratus, a tea-spoonful to a pint of yeast, when ready to use it. If it foams up lively, it will raise the bread ; if it does not, never use it. Shell Fish. Oysters and clams generally agree well with those who like them ; but lobsters should be eaten cautiously, as they are very hard to digest. Calfs-Foot Jelly. Boil four feet, nicely cleaned, in a gallon of water t*H reduced to one quart; strain it, and when coo) 88 housekeeper's guide. take off the top. In taking out the jelly avoid the settlings. Add a half-pound of sugar, the juice of two lemons, and, if you please, the whites of four eggs to make it clear: boil all together a few minutes, and strain it through a cloth. Currant Jelly. Place a jar of currants in a kettle of boiling water till the currants become willed; then squeeze them through a cloth. Add a pint of sugar to a pint of juice; boil it slowly till it becomes ropy. It should be frequently stirred and skimmed whilesimmering. Black Currant Jelly. Make in the same way. Good for a sore throat. To Broil Salmon. Cut in slices an inch or an inch and a half thick, dry it in a clean cloth, sprinkle over it a little salt, put your gridiron over good live coals, rub the bars with a little lard, lay the salmon on with the skin next to the gridiron, and when done on one side, lay a dish over the salmon, turn the gridiron over, rub the bars again with lard; then slip the salmon from the dish on to the gridiron. In that way you will not break up the fish by turning it. A very good Way to Prepare a Chicken. Wash, and cut the chicken into joints ; scald, and take off the skin ; put the pieces in a stew-pan, with very little parsley, thyme, salt and pepper; add a quart of water, and a piece of butter the size of an egg ; stew it an hour and a half; take up the ehicken, and if there is no gravy, add another piece of butter, very little water, and sprinkie in a table-spoonful of flour, and let it boil ten minutes. Cold Slaw. Take off seven or eight outside leaves of a cabbage, and cut off as much of the stump as can be got off; then cut the small head in two, wash it well, and cut it up very fine; put it in a dish with a pint of good vinegar and a little salt housekeeper's guide. 60 To Fry Cod or other Fish. It « much more difficult to fry fish than meat. Lard or dripping is better than butter, because the latter burns so easily. The fat fried from salt pork is the best of all: the fire must be clear and hot, but not furious; the fat hot when the fish is put in ; and there should be sufficient to cover the fish. Skim the fat before laying in the fish. Cut the cod in slices, half or three quarters of an inch thick ; rub them with Indian meal to prevent breaking. Fry it thoroughly. Trout and perch are fried in the same manner, only do not rub Indian meal on them. Dip in the white of an egg and bread crumbs, or dust with flour. To Broil Shad. This is a very fine, delicious fish. Clean, wash, and split the shad, let it dry a few minutes, put it on the gridiron with the fleshy part up, and put it over good lively coals to cook ten minutes, then turn it in the same way that you do salmon. When it is done, take it up, sprinkle on a little salt and pepper, and lay on two or three pieces of butter to moisten it. To Make a Chowder. Cut three or four slices of fat pork; fry them a very little ; lay them in the bottom of a stew-kettle. Cut a fresh cod into thin slices ; place two slices offish on the pork ; then put in a layer of split crackers ; pare and wash eight potatoes, and cut them into thin slices; put on a layer of the sliced potatoes, then alternately the other materials, till the kettle is full; season with pepper and a little salt. Mix one table-spoonful of flour with a tea-cupful of cold water, and pour in after the chowder begins to stew. Put in a quart of water, cover the stew-kettle very tight, and let it stew three hours. To Fry Oysters. Make a batter, as for pancakes; put one or two oysters into a spoonful of the batter, and fry them to a light brown Frv then in hot fat, the same as pan- cakes. 00 housekeepers guide. Stewed Oysters. Three quarts are enough for a small family dinner. Put them into a stew-pan, with a piece of butter the size of an egg; stew them well ten minutes: toast three or four slices of bread, cut them, lay them in the bottom of a dish, and pour the oysters over .them. Stewed Lobsters: A middling sized lobster is best; pick all the meat from the shells as whole as possible ; put it in a stew- pan with a piece of butter the size of a large egg, a little pepper, salt, and, a tea-cupful of weak vinegar: stew about twenty minutes. It should be eaten when very hot. Boiled Beef. To have it very tender, it should boil slowly, and the pot be well skimmed. The meat should be well covered with water, so that the skim may be removed easily. When beef is very salt, it should boil three- quarters of an hour: then take it up, throw away the water it has boiled in, fill up the pot with fresh water, replace the beef, and let it boil gently three hours. The round is the best piece to boil—then the H-bone. Observe to take off all the scum as it rises. Minced Meat. Take cold boiled beef, removing all bones and gris- tle, with a good proportion of cold boiled potatoes; chop them midling fine ; fry three slices of salt pork in a spider; when the pork is brown, take it up, and put in the minced meat and potatoes. Let it cook twenty minutes. Take it up in a covered dish, with the slices of pork placed on the top of the dish. Roast Pork. Take a leg of pork; one weighing eight pounds will require full three hours and a half to roast. Wash it clean, and dry it with a cloth. Make a stuffing of crackers powdered fine, with half a pint of thick cream, two eggs, a little salt, pepper, sweet marjoram, and summer savory; cook about ten minutes. Put this housekeeper's gcide. 01 under the skin of the knuckle, and in deep incisions made in the thick part of the leg. Do not put it too near the fire; it must be floured, and moistened often with the drippings until it is done; then skim the fat from the gravy, add a little flour, and boil it well a few minutes. Apple-sauce or currant jelly is proper to accompany roasted pork; also, po- tatoes, mashed squash, turnips and pickles. Spare Rib. If large and thick it will require two or three hours to roast. A very thin one may roast in an hour. Lay the thick end to the fire ; when you put it down, put into the vessel a pint of water and a table-spoonful of salt. It should be floured, and basted often with the drippings. The shoulder, loin and chine are roasted in the same way. A shoulder is the most economical to buy, and is excellent boiled. Pork is always salted before it is boiled. Chicken Pot Pie. Wash and cut the chicken into joints ; take out the breast bone; boil them about twenty minutes; take them up, wash out your kettle ; fry two or three slices of fat salt pork, and put in the bottom of the kettle ; then put in the chicken, with about three pints of water, a piece of butter the size of an egg; sprinkle in a tea-spoonful of pepper, and cover over the top with a light crust. It will require an hour to cook. Broiled Ham. Ham should be cut in thin slices, and broiled quick on a gridiron, set over good live coals. If the ham is too salt, soak it in hot water before broiling: if it is necessary to do this, dry it well with a cloth before putting it on the gridiron. Fry what eggs you want in a part good sweet lard, and a part butter ; put an egg on each slice of ham. Boiled Ham. A ham, if dry,'should be soaked twelve hours in warm water. Then put it on in cold water, and let it 02 HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. simmer, and boil five or six hours. It is best when quite cold. Boiled ham is very good to broil. Fried Sausages. Sausages are best when quite fresh. Fry two or three slices of fat pork; then put the sausages into the hot fat, pricking them several times with a fork. Fry them over a slow fire till they are a nice brown. Sausage Meat. Chop two pounds of le«i beef, with one of fat pork, very fine; mix with this three tea-spoonsful of salt, five of powdered sage, five of sweet marjoram, three of black pepper. To make this into small cakes, and fry in the same manner as sausages, is very good for breakfast To Roast a Pig. A pig about three weeks old is the best. It should be killed in the morning, if it is to be eaten for dinner. Make a stuffing with about six powdered crackers, one table-spoonful of sage, two of sweet marjoram, half a pint of cream, two eggs, and a little salt and pepper. Mix these well together, and let it stew about fifteen minutes. Wash the pig in cold water; cut off the petti-toes, leaving the skin long to wrap around the ends of the legs ; then fill the belly with the stuffing, and sew it up. The liver and heart should be boiled with five or six pepper corns, and chopped fine for the gravy. When the pig is put down to roast, put in a pint of water, and a table-spoonful of salt: when it begins to roast, flour it well, and baste it with the drippings, and continue to do so until it is done. It requires constant care. A small pig will roast in three hours. Pork Steak. Cut them off a neck or loin; broil them over good live coals, turning them frequently: they broil in ten minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper when put in the dish, and add a small piece of sweet butter to every piece of steak. * housekeeper's guide. 03 To Boil a Leg of Mutton. Cut off the shank bone, and trim the knuckle ; if it weigh nine pounds it will require three hours to cook it. Parsley and butter, or capen-sauce should be served with it—onion-sauce, turnips, spinage and po- tatoes are all good. To Boil Potatoes. Pare, wash, and throw them into a pan of cold wa- ter : then put them on to boil in a clean pot with cold water sufficient to cover them, and sprinkle over a little salt; then let them boil slowly, uncovered, till you can pass a fork through them ; pour off the water, and put them where they will keep hot till wanted. When done in this way they will be very mealy and dry. Potatoes, either boiled or roasted, should never be covered to keep them hot. Mashed Potatoes When old, potatoes are best boiled and mashed, with a little butter, salt and cream, or milk; they may be also sliced, and fried raw, in hot salt pork fat, or after they are boiled. Both these dishes are relished. But a plain boiled or roasted potato, when well cooked, is the best and most wholesome; and although not a sub- stitute for bread, is one of the most useful vegetable productions. Turnips. Should be pared, put into water with a little salt, and boiled till tender ; then squeeze them thoroughly from the water, mash them smooth, and add a piece of butter and a little pepper and salt. Cabbage Requires to be well washed before it is cooked; boil it in a large quantity of water, with a little salt, till i is soft and tender; skim the water carefully when i first boils. If the head is large., cut it; but a small head is best. Onions. Peel and dlU them into boiling milk and water,- » 04 housekeeper's guide. (water alone will do, but it is not so good.) Wtan lender, take them up, and salt them, and turn a U\Uf* melted butter over them. Green Peas Should be young and fresh shelled; wash them clean| put them into a bag, and that into plenty of boiling water, with a little salt, and a tea-spoonful of pounded loaf sugar; boil them till tender. Green peas are a most delicious vegetable when cooked enough—half done, they are hard and very unwholesome. It takes from half an hour to an hour to boil them. Never let them stand in the water after they are done. Season them with a little butter and salt. Lemon Cake. Take one tea-cup of butter, and three of powdered loaf sugar; rub them to a cream ; stir into them the yolks of five eggs well beaten; dissolve a tea-spoonful of salaeratus in a tea-cup of milk, and add the milk; add the juice and grated peel of one lemon, and the hites of five eggs ; and sift in, as light as possible, jur tea-cups of flour. Bake in two long tins about half an hour; It is much improved by icing. New-York Cup Cake. Take four eggs, four tumblers of sifted flour, three mblers of powdered while sugar, one tumbler of but- r, one tumbler of rich milk, one glass of white wine, a grated nutmeg, a tea-spoonful of powdered cinna- rron, and a small tea-spoonful of salaeratus. Warm the milk and put in the butter, keeping it by the fire till the butter is melted; stir into the milk the eggs bea ten very light, in turn with the flour; and the spice and wine ; and, lastly, the salaeratus dissolved in a little vinegar: stir all very hard; butter small tin pans, half fill them, and bake in a moderate oven of equal heat throughout. i Cxke without Eggs. T te one cup of butter, three of sugar, one pint of sour lilk or cream, a pint and a half or two pints of fiour, one pound of raisins, a spoonful of salaeratus, housekeepers guide. 05 '#• and spice to your taste. Mix the ingredients properly prepared, and bake about an hour. Good Family Cake. Take two pounds of flour, half a pound of butter half of white sugar, one pint of milk, three eggs, one gill of yeast, half a spoonful of mace, or other spice, ta your taste. Mix well, half your flour with the yeast and milk, and let it stand till perfectly light. Add the butter, eggs, sugar, and spice together, and stir in the remainder of your flour ; then gently pour this to the first mixture; let all stand till perfectly light; then bake it in pans. Jelly Cake. Take six ounces of butter and eight of sugar, and rub them to a cream; stir into it eight well beaten eggs and a pound of sifted flour; add the grated rind and juice of a fresh lemon, and turn the mixture on scolloped tin plates that have been well buttered. The cakes should not be more than a quarter of an inch thick on the plates. Bake them immediately, in a quick oven, till of a light brown. Pile them on a plate, with a layer of jelly or marmalade on the top of each. Ginger Nuts. Take one quart of molasses ; mix with it one pound and three-quarters of sugar, one and a quarter ot but- ter, seven of flour, four ounces of ginger, a nutmeg, and a little cinnamon. »• Ginger Snaps. Take one pint of molasses, one tea-cup of butler, one spoonful of ginger, and one tea-spoonful of salaera- tus ; and boil all the ingredients thoroughly; when nearly cold, add as much flour as can be rolled into the mixture. Jumbles. Rub to a cream a pound of sugar, and half a pouna of butter; add eight wfll beaten eggs, essence of lem- on or rose-water to the taste, and flour to mak* Uw 06 HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. jumbles stiff enough for rolling out. Roll out, in pow ■ dered sugar, about half an inch wide and four inches long, and form them into rings by joining the ends. Lay them on flat buttered tins, and bake in a quick oven, Rich Jumbles. Rub to a cream a pound of butter and a pound of sugar; mix with it a pound and a half of flour, four eggs, and very little brandy. Roll the cakes in pow- dered sugar, and bake. Hoe Cakes. Scald a quart of Indian meal with just sufficient water to make a thick batter ; stir in two spoonsful of butter, and two tea-spoonsful of salt. Turn it into a buttered cake pan, bake about half an hour. Indian Corn Cakes. Mix a quart of Indian meal with a handful of wheat flour, stir in a quart of warmed milk, a tea-spoonful of salt, and two spoonsful of yeast; stir alternately into the milk, the meal and three well-beaten eggs ; when light, bake as buckwheat cakes, on a griddle; send them to the table hot. Should the batter sour, stir in a little salaeratus dissolved in luke-warm water, letting it set half an hour before baking. Apple Snow. Put twelve good tart apples in cold water, and set them over a slow fire ; when soft, drain off the water, ■trip the skins off the apples, core them, and lay them in a deep dish. Beat the whites of twelve eggs to a stiff froth; put half a pound of powdered white sugar to the apples, beat them to a stiff froth, and add the beaten eggs. Beat the whole to a stiff snow, then turn it into a dessert dish, and ornament it with myrtle or box. Yeast of Cream of Tartar and SaUeratus. Heat your oven ; mix two tea-spoonsful of cream of tartar with one quart of flour; then dissolve one tea- spoonful of salaeratus in warm water, and mix it with housekeeper's guide. 07 the flour, adding water enough to make a soft dough. As soon as thoroughly knceded, place it in your oven until sufficiently baked, and the bread will be tender and of the nicest kind. Biscuit may be made in the same way by adding a little shortning. Spruce Beer. Allow an ounce of hops and a spoonful of ginger to a gallon of water. When well boiled, strain it, and put in a pint of molasses and half an ounce or less of the essence of spruce: when cool, add a tea-cup of yeast, put it into a clean tight cask, and let it ferment for a day or two : then bottle it for use. Brown or Dyspepsia Bread. This bread is now best known as " Graham Bread, —not that Doctor Graham invented or discovered th> manner of its preparation, but that he has been un- wearied and successful in recommending it to the pub lie. It is an excellent article of diet for the dyspeptic and the costive ; and for most persons of *edentan habits it would be beneficial. It agrees well wit*. children ; and, in short, I think it should be used in every family, though not to the exclusion of fine bread. The most difficult point in manufacturing this bread is to obtain good pure meal. It is said that much of the bread commonly sold as dyspepsia is made of the bran or middlings, from which the fine flour has been separated ; and that saw-dust is sometimes mixed with the meal. To be certain that it is good, send good clean wheat to the mill, have it ground rather coarsely, and keep the meal in a dry cool place. Before using it, sift it through a common hair-seive; this will sepa- rate the very coarse and harsh particles. Take six quarts of this wheat meal, one tea-cupful of good yeost, and half a tea-cup of molasses; mix these with a pint of milk-warm water and a tea-spoon- ful of perlash or salaeratus. Make a hole in the flour, end stir this mixture in the middle of the meal till it is like batter. Then proceed as with fine flour bread. Make the dough when sufficiently light into four loaves, which will weigh two pounds per loaf when OS HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE. baked. It requires a hotter oven than fine flour bread, and must bake about an hour and a half. Rye and Indian Bread. This is a sweet and nourishing diet, and generally acceptable to children. It is economical, and when wheat is scarce, is a pretty good substitute for dyspepsia bread. There are many different proportions of mixing it; some put one-third Indian meal with two of rye; others like one-third rye and two of Indian; others prefer it half and half. If you use the largest proportion of rye meal, make your dough stiff, so that it will mould into loaves; when it is two-thirds Indian, it should be softer and baked in deep earthen or tin pans after the following rules: Take four quarts of sifted Indian meal; put it into a glazed earthen pan, sprinkle over it a table-spoonful of fine salt; pour over it about two quarts of boiling water, stir and work it till every part of the meal is thoroughly wet; Indian absorbs a greater quantity of water. When it is about milk warm, work in two quarts of rye meal, half a pint of lively yeast, mixed with a pint of warm water ; add more warm water if needed. Work the mixture well with your hands ; it should be stiff, but not as firm as flour dough. Have ready a large, deep, well buttered pan ; put in the dough, and smooth the top by putting your hand in warm water, and then patting down the loaf. Set this to rise in a warm place in the winter; in the sum- mer it should not be put by the fire. When it begins to crack on the top, which will usually be in about an hour or an hour and a half, put it into a well-heated oven, and bake it three or four hours. It is better to Jet it stand in the oven all night, unless the weather is warm. Indian meal requires to be well cooked. The loaf will weigh between seven and eight pounds. Pan bread keeps best in large loaves. Many use milk in mixing bread ; in the country, where milk is plentiful, it is a good practice, as bread housekeeper's guide. 19 is certainly richer wet with sweet milk than with wa- ter; but it will not keep so long in warm weather. Baking can very well be done in a stove ; during the winter this is an economical way of cooking__but the stove must be carefully watched, or there is dan- ger of scorching the bread. Arrow-root Pudding. From a quart of new milk take a small tea-cupful, and mix it with two large spoonsful of arrow-root. Boil the remainder of the milk, and stir it amongst the arrow-root;—add, when nearly cold, four well beaten eggs, with two ounces of powdered loaf sugar, and the same of fresh butter broken into small bits; season with grated nutmeg. Mix it well together, and bake it in a buttered dish fifteen or twenty minutes. Damson Pudding. Make a batter with three well beaten eggs, a pint of milk and of flour and brown sugar four table-spoons- ful each;—stone a pint of damsons, and mix them with the batter ; boil it in a buttered basin for an hour and a half. Sago Pudding. Boil five table-spoonsful of sago, well picked and washed in a quart of milk till quite soft, with a stick of cinnamon. Then stir in one tea-cup of butter and two of powdered loaf sugar. When it is cold add six eggs well beaten, and a little grated nutmeg. Mix all well together, and bake it in a buttered dish about three-quarters of an hour. Brown sugar, if driea, will answer very well to sweeten it. Tapioca Pudding. Wash four large table-spoonsful of tapioca, and soa« it for an hour in a little warm water ; strain it througn a seive, and mix it with the well beaten yolks of four, and the whites of two eggs, a quart of good milk, half a tea-spoonful of grated nutmeg, and sweeten it with sugar. Bake it in a dish, with or without puff paste round the edges, one hour. 100 HOUSEKEEPERS guide. Rice Pudding, Baked or Boiled. Wash in cold water and pick very clean six ounces of rice ; boil it in one quart of milk, with a bit of cin- namon, very gently, till it is quite tender ; it will take about an hour; be careful to stir it often. Take it from tne fire, pick out the cinnamon, and stir in a tea- cupful of sugar, half a cup of butter, three eggs well beaten, a little powdered nutmeg—stir it till it is quite smooth You can line a pie-dish with puff paste, or bake it in a buttered dish, which is better; three-quar- ters of an hour will bake it. If you wish it more like custard, add one more egg and half a pint of milk. If you boil it you can add whatever fruit you like; three ounces of currants, or raisins, or apples minced fine ; it will take an hour to boil it. ' Serve with wine sauce or butter and sugar. Rich Apple Pudding. Peel and core six very large apples, stew them m six table-spoonsful of water, with the rind of a lemon; when soft, beat them to a pulp, add six ounces of good brown sugar, six well beaten eggs, a pint of rich cream, and a tea-spoonful of lemon juice ; line a dish with a puff paste, and when baked, stick all over the top thin chips of candied citron and lemon-peel. Indian Fruit Pudding. Take a pint of hot milk, and stir in sifted Indian meal till the batter is stiff; add a tea-spoonful of salt and a little molasses ; then stir in a pint of whortleber- ries, or chopped sweet apple. Tie it in a cloth that has been wet, and leave room for it to swell, or put it ki a pudding-pan, and tie a cloth over—boil three hours. The water must boil when it is put in. You can use cranberries, and use sweet sauce. Squash Pie. Pare, take out the seeds, and stew the squash till very soft and dry. Strain or rub it through a seive or colander. Mix this with good milk till it is as thick as batter; sweeten it with sugar. Allow five eggs to housekeeper's guide. 1Q1 a quart of milk, beat the eggs well, add them to the squash, and season with rose-water, cinnamon, nutmeg, or whatever spices you like. Line a pie-plate with crust, fill and bake about an hour. Pumpkin Pie. Stew the pumpkin dry, and make it like squash pie, only season rather higher. In the country, where this real yankee pie is prepared in perfection, ginger is almost always used with other spices. There, too, part cream instead of milk is mixed with the pumpkin, which gives it a richer flavor. Roll the paste rather thicker than for fruit pies, as there is but one crust. If the pie is large and deep, it will require to bake an hour in a brisk oven. Family Mince Pies. Boil three pounds of lean beef till tender, and when cold chop it fine. Chop three pounds of clear beef suet, and mix the meat, sprinkling in a table-spoonful of salt. Pare, core and chop fine six pounds of good apples ; stone four pounds of raisins, and chop them ; wash and dry two pounds of currants ; and mix them all well with the meat. Season with a spoonful of pow- dered cinnamon, a powdered nutmeg, a little mace, and a few cloves, pounded, and one pound of brown sugar; add a quart of Madeira wine and half a pound of citron cut into small bits. This mixture put down in a stone jar and closely covered will keep several weeks. It makes a rich pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Raspberry Jam. Weigh equal proportions of pounded loaf (or lump) sugar and raspberries ; put the fruit in a preserving pan, and with a silver spoon or flat wooden stick bruise and mash it well. Let it boil up; then add the sugar, stirring it well with the fruit; when it boils skim it, and then boil fifteen or twenty minutes. Strawberry Jam. Made in the same manner as raspberry jam. 102 housekeeper's guide. Peach Jam. Gather the peaches when quite ripe, peel and stone them, put them into a preserving pan, and make them over the fire till hot; rub them through a seive, and add to a pound of pulp the same weight of powdered loaf sugar, and half an ounce of bitter almonds, blanched and pounded ; let it boil ten or twelve minutes ; stir and skim it well. To Preserve Damsons. To every pound of damsons allow three-quarters of a pound of powdered sugar ; put into jars or well- glazed earthen pots, alternately a layer of damson and one of sugar; tie strong paper or cloth over the pots, and set them in the oven after the bread is drawn; and let them stand till the oven is cold. The next day, strain off the syrup and boil it till thick ; when it is 'cold, put the damsons into small jars or glasses, pour over tiie syrup which should cover them, and tie a wet bladder or strong cloth over them. Melted Butter. Always use sweet butter ; if in the least injured, it 1 spoils the gravy. To make it of the best quality, cut two ounces of butter into little bits, put these in a clean stew-pan, with a large tea-spoonful of flour and a table-spoonful of milk. When thoroughly melted and mixed, add six table- spoonsful of water, hold it over the fire, and shake it round every minute (all the time one way) till it just begins to simmer ; then let it stand quietly and boil up. It should be of the thickness of good cream. Parsely and Butter Is made by adding parsely that has been boiled a few minutes and shopped fine to the melted butter. Egg Sauce Is made by putting two or three hard boiled eggs, minced fine, into melted butter. The butter need not be as thick when eggs are to be added. * housekeeper's guide. 103 White Sauce for Boiled Fowl. Melt in a tea-cupful of milk a large table-spoonful of butter kneaded iu a little flour ; beat up the yolk of an egcr with a tea-spoonful of cream, stir it into the butter, and put it over the fire, stirring it constantly : chopped parsley may be added. Caper Sauce Is made by adding one or two spoonsful of capers to melted butter. Oyster Sauce. Beard and scald the oysters, strain the liquor, and thicken it with a little flour and butter, squeeze in a little lemon-juice, and add three table-spoonsful of cream. Heat it well, but do not let it boil. Bread Sauce. Boil half a pint of milk, and put into it a tea-cupful of bread crumbs a little powdered, a small chopped onion which has been boiled in three waters, and let it simmer twenty minutes ; then add a piece of butter as arge as a walnut: boil up and serve. Tomato Sauce. Peel and slice twelve tomatoes, and pick out the seeds ; add three pounded crackers, and pepper and salt to your taste : stew twenty minutes. Tomato Catsup. Take two quarts skinned tomatoes, two table-spoons- ful of salt, the same of black pepper, and one of all- spice ; four pods of red pepper, two table-spoonsful of ground mustard; mix and rub these thoroughly together, and stew them slowly, in a pint of vinegar, for three hours ; then strain the liquor through a seive, and simmer it down to one quart of catsup. Put this in bottles and cork it tight. Plum Cake. Make a cake of two cups of butter; two cups of molasses ; two eggs ; one cup of milk or buttermilk; one tea-spoonful of salaeratus, or volatile salts (which 104 housekeeper s GUIDE. is better); a gill of brandy; one tea-spoonful of es- sence of lemon ; and flour to make it a stiff batter. Beat it well; then add one pound of raisins stoned and chopped ; one pound of currants, well washed and dried by the fire ; and one or two quarters of cit- ron. Bake in a quick oven. This is a fine rich cake easily made, and not expensive. Cream Cup Cake. Four cups of flour; two cups of sugar; three cups of cream ; and four eggs. Beat it well, and in square tin pans. When cold, cut it in squares. Bake in a quick oven. Sandwiches. These are made of different articles, but always in the same manner. Cold buscuit sliced thin, and buttered, and a very thin slice of boiled ham, tongue, or beef, between each two slices of biscuit, is best. Home-made bread cuts better for sandwiches than baker's bread. The meat in sandwiches is generally spread with mustard; the most delectable are those made with boiled smoked tongue. To Make Coffee. Take a table-spoonful of fresh-browned and ground coffee for each person (or a pint of water); break white of eggs into it enough to moisten it; stir it well together ; then put it in the coffee-kettle and pour boiling water into it; then cover it close, and set it where it will simmer, but not boil, for an hour ; it will then be clear, and have the color of brandy. Coffee may be made in this way the day before it is wanted. Pour it off clear, and when wanted, heat it in a coffee- pot A little isinglass clarified, and used in the place of egg, is equally good, if not an improvement. Loaf sugar and boiled milk to be served with it, allowing each person to suit their own taste. The yolks of eggs beaten and stirred into the boiling milk enrich iu Some persons like the flavor of vanilla in coffee; if so. boil a vanilla bean in the milk. housekeeper's guide. 105 Chicken Salad. Mince the white meat of a chicken /ine, or pull it in bits. Chop the white parts of celery ; prepare a salad dressing thus: Rub the yolks of hard boiled eggs smooth with a spoon : put to each yolk one tea-spoon- ful of made mustard, half as much salt, a table-spoon- ful of oil, and a wine-glass of strong vinegar; put the celery in a glass salad bowl ; lay the chicken on that; then pour it over the dressing. Lettuce cut small in the place of celery may be used : cut the whites of the eggs in rings to garnish the salad. Christmas Plumb Pudding. Chop half a pound of beef suet very fine, stone and chop one pound of raisins ; wash, pick clean from grit, and dry, a pound of currants; soak half of a sixpenny loaf of bread in a pint of milk ; when it has taken up all the milk, add to it the raisins, currants, chopped suet, and two eggs beaten, a table-spoonful of sugar, one wine-glass of brandy, one nutmeg grated, and any other spice that may be liked. Boil four hours. For sauce, beat a quarter of a pound of butter to a cream, then stir into it half a pound of powdered loaf sugar. Or, melt butter and sugar, and if liked, add more brandy. Plum Pudding. Take half a pound of flour, half a pound of raisins stoned and chopped, and some currants washed, picked and dried ; use milk enough to stir easily with a spoon; add half a pound of suet chopped fine, a tea-spoonful of salt, and four well beaten eggs; tie it in a floured cloth, and boil four hours. The water must boil when it is put in, and continue boiling until it is done. Mutton Broth. Take a neck of mutton, cut it in pieces, reserving a good sized piece to serve in the tureen ; put it into cold water enough to cover it, and cover the pot close; set it on coals until the water is lukewarm, then pour it off, and skim it well; then put it again to the meat with the addition of five pints of water, a tea-spoonful • 106 housekeepers guide. of rice or pearl-barley, and an onion cut :ap set it on a slow fire, and when you have taken all the scum off, put in two or three quartered turnips. Let it simmer very slowly for two hours, then strain it through a sieve into-the tureen ; add pepper and salt to taste. Lobster Soup. After having boiled the lobster, take it from the shelli roll two or three crackers, and put it to the meat, which may be cut small; melt some butter in a stew- pan, two quarts of boiling milk or water, and salt and pepper to taste : let it boil for half an hour ; put some crackers in a tureen ; pour over the soup, and serve. Oyster Mouth Soup. Make a rich mutton broth, and pour it on the oys- ters ; add a good bit of butter rolled in flour, and let it simmer gently for fifteen minutes, then pour it over some whole crackers and serve. Savoy Soup. Cut into quarters and boil in clear water, one or two heads of savoy cabbage; when tender drain the water off, and press all the water from them ; then put them to as much beef-broth as will cover them ; put it into a closely covered stew-pan over a moderate fire for two hours; then set on the fire a large frying-pan with a quarter of a pound of fresh butter ; shake some flour from a dredging-box into it, and let it brown ; stir all the time ; peel and cut up two onions, and stir them well about;, as soon as they are nicely colored, add it to the soup; soak some rolls or crackers in a quart of boiling milk or water, and add it to the soup. Mutton or veal broth may be used. Cabbage Soup. Boil corned beef in a pot of water until half donei then add two small heads of cabbage, cut in quarters, and well washed (examine carefully, as insects are sometimes concealed between the leaves) ; when it is done tender, take out the largest pieces and drain then* in a colander, and set it over a pot of hot water to keep it hot; if the meat is tender, take that up also, HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. 101 and add to the soup a cup of pearl-barley or rice, a dozen or more potatoes peeled and cut in half; two or three turnips and some sliced or grated carrots—if liked, an oniGn or two may also be added; let it boil until the vegetables are all done; put the meat on a large dish, and the cabbage and other vegetables on small dishes, for side dishes. This makes a good family dinner. Serve the soup in a tureen, hot; thicken with a table-spoonful of flour made in thin paste with water. Turtle Soup. Cut the head of the turtle off the day before you dress it, and place the body so as to drain it well from blood ; the next day cut it up in the following manner: Divide the back, belly, fins, and head from the intes- tines and lean parts; take care to cut the gall clean out without breaking ; scaled in boiling water the first named parts, so as to take off' the skin and shell; cut them in pieces small enough to stew, and throw them into cold water; boil the back and belly in water long enough to extract the bones; put the meat on a dish, then make a good stock of a leg of veal, lean ham and the flesh of the inside of the turtle ; draw it down to a color, then fill it up with beef stock, and the liquor and bones of the boiled turtle. Season with stalks of marjoram, and boil some onions, a bunch of parsley, cloves and whole pepper. Let it boil slowly for four hours, then strain it to the pieces of back, fins, belly, and head of the turtle ; take the bones from the fins, and cut the rest in neat square pieces with as little waste as possible. . Thicken the slock with butter rolled in flour, and boil it, to cleanse it from grease and scum ; then strain it through a cloth—then boil your herbs that have been washed and pickled, in a bottle of Madeira wine with a little sugar. The herbs to be used are marjoram, thyme, basil, and parsley; then put together soup, herbs, meat, and some force- meat, and egg-bails. Boil it for a short time, and put it away in clean pans until the following day, as the rawness will go off, and the flavor be improved by so 108 HOUSEKEEPER S GUIDE. doing. In cutting up the turtle the fat should be taken great care of. It should be separated, cut in neat pieces, and stewed tender in a little of the soup, and put into the tureen at last. Chicken Soup. An old fowl makes good soup. Cut it up—first take off the wings, legs, and neck, then divide it down the sides, and cut the back and breast each in two pieces; cut half a pound of pork in thin slices, and put it with the cut up fowl into four or five pints of water; set it over a gentle fire, skim it clear, taking care not to keep it open longer than is necessary ; add a cup of rice or pearl-barley, cayenne and black pepper to taste, a leek sliced, and potatoes cut in half—if liked, a grated or sliced carrot, and a turnip cut small may be added. Another Chicken Soup. Take two or thrree pounds of veal or vegetables and one small chicken cut up; boil these in two quarts of water; cut up four onions or a leek ; grate two carrots and add them to the soup; salt and peper to taste— skim it clear. Other vegetables may be substituted or added as may be preferred; thicken the soup with a little batter or flour and water, with an egg beaten in. Stock for Gravy Soup or Gravy. Cut a knuckle of veal into slices, and a pound of lean beef; put these with the knuckle bone into two quarts of water ; cover it close and let it stew till very tender. When made in this way, it may be used for soups or gravies. Mock Turtle Soup. Take one pound and a half of lean veal, or tripe (which is best), cut it in small slices, and fry of a deli- cate brown. Cut the meat from three cow-heels in tolerably large pieces, then put it with the fried veil or tripe into a pint and a half of week gravy, with three anchovies, a little salt, some cayenne pepper, three blades of mace, nine cloves, the green parts of three leeks, three sprigs of lemon thyme, some parsley HOUSEKEEPER S GUIDE. 109 and lemon peel; chop these last very fine before add- ing them ; let the whole stew gently for three hours —then squeeze the juice of three lemons to it; add three glasses of Madeira wine, and let it stew for one hour more,—then skim off the fat and serve. Salmon. When salmon is fresh and good, the gills and flesh are of a bright red, the scales clear, and the fish is stiff. When just killed, there is a whiteness between the flakes, which by keeping, melts down, and the fish be- comes richer. Salmon requires to be well boiled, as it is very un- wholesome when under-done; b'oil with horse-radish in the water, anchovy, lobster, or plain drawn butter- sauce ; garnish with horse-radish, and sliced lemon Boiled Salmon. Run a packthread through the tail, centre of the body, and head of fish, to bring it in the form of a let- ter S—then put it into a kettle with spring water, and plenty of salt. Cut three or four slanting gashes on each side of the fish, before making it in a form, other- wise skin will break and disfigure the fish; serve with lobster-sauce. Broiled Salmon. Cut some slices (about an inch thick); season with pepper and salt; wrap each slice in half a sheet of well buttered white paper; twist the ends of the pa- per and broil them over a fire of bright coals for ten minutes: serve in the butter with drawn butter or anchovy sauce. Dried Salmon. Cut the fish down the back, take out the inside and roe; scale it, and rub the whole with common salt, and hang it to drain for twenty-four hours. Pound three or four ounces of saltpetre, two ounces of coarse Ealt, and two ounces of brown sugar; mix these well, and rub into the salmon, and lay it on a large dish for two days; then rub it well with common salt, and in no HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE, twenty-four hours more it will be fit to dry ; wipe it well after draining. Stretch it open with two sticks, and hang it in a wood chimney, or in a dry place. Broiled Salmon. Dried salmon is eaten broiled in paper, and only just warmed through. Egg sauce and mashed pota- toes are usually served with it; or it may be boiled —or lay it in soak in pure water for an hour or two before boiling ; rub the gridiron over a bit of suet; lay on the salmon; shake a little pepper over, and serve. Broiled Cod. Split a small cod from head to tail; cut the sides in pi Bees of about three inches width ; dip them in flour, an d broil; have some butter, pepper and salt, on a hot dish ; lay the fish on this and serve. O r take the steaks, broil them in the same way, or with buttered paper folded around them. Fried Cod. Take steaks of about an inch thickness, dredge them with flour, and fry them in hot fat; or if a small one, cut 't the same as for boiling, and flour it, or first dip it in the beaten yolks of eggs, and then in bread crumbs. Salt Codfish. Put the dish in soak over night; tie it in a cloth, and boil in clear water; serve with plain boiled potatoes and drawn butter or egg sauce. Dried Codfish. 1'his should always be laid in soaii with plenty of wa er, at least one night before cooking after which scr tpe it well, and put it in plenty of cold water ; let it boil gently; skim it; when done, serve with egg sauce ove -,or cut hard boiled eggs in slices, lay them over the fish, end serve with drawn butter in a boat. Stewed Salt Cod. Sc aid some cod, scrape it white, then pick it in "feces, and put it in a stew-pan with some butter HOUSEKEEPERS GUIDE. Ill rolled in Sour; milk enough to moisten it,and pepper to taste, and let it stew slowly for some minutes, then "ter^e hot. To Make a Dish of Cold Boiled Cod. Take some boiled fish, chop it fine, pour some drawn butter or egg sauce over, add pepper to taste ; warm it thoroughly, stirring it to prevent its burning; make a roll, or any other form of it; put little spots of pep- per over, and if you please, brown the outside before a fire. Haddocks. These are chosen by the same rules, and dressed in the same manner as cod. A Little Dish of Dried Cod. Pick some dried cod in flakes, pour boiling water over, scald it once, then throw the water off; put some hot milk or water over, to which add a bit of butter; pepper to taste, and serve. Codfish Cakes. First boil the fish, then take the white paft, chop it fine, with a chopping-knife, add mashed potatoes, an equal quantity, and form them in cakes, with a raw egg or two, and a little flour; dredge the outside with flour, and fry in hot lard or drippings; garnish with fried parsley. Shad. These are chosen by the same rules as other fish { they may be baked, fried or broiled. Fried Shad. Scale the fish, cut off the head, and then cut down the back, and take out the entrails : keep the roes to be dressed with the fish, then cut it in two, and cut each side in pieces, about three inches wide ; flour them, and fry in hot lard, in which put salt to taste. When the inside (which must always be first cooked in any fish) is done a fine brown, turn the other. The soft roe is much liked by some; fry it in the same 112 HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE. manner ; as also the eggs from the female shad; thesa last must be well done. Salt Mackerel. Lay them in soak in plenty of clear water before using them at least twelve hours, and fry, or broil them—or put them in a frying-pan. Cover with boiling water, and give them fifteen minutes cooking, then pour off the water; pepper to taste, and serve. Fresh Mackerel Soused. After having thoroughly cleaned them, boil them in salt and water until tender; then take them out, lay them in a deep dish ; take off the water in which they were boiled, half as much as will cover them ; add to it as much more vinegar, some whole pepper, cloves, and a blade or two of mace. Pour it over hot; in two days it will be fit to eat. COOKERY FOR THE SICK. A quick made Broth.—-Take a bone or two of a neck or loin of motton, take off the fat and skin, set it on the fire in a small tin saucepan that has a cover, with three quarters of a pint of water, the meat being first beaten and cut in thin bits ; put in a bit of thyme and parsley, and if approved, a slice of onion. Let it boil very quick, skim it nicely ; take off' the cover, if likely to be too weak, else cover it. Half an hour is sufficient for the whole process. A very nourishing Veal Broth.—Put the knuckle of a leg or shoulder of veal, with very little meat to it, an old fowl, and four shank bones of mutton, ex- tremely well soaked and bruised, three blades of mace, ten pepper-corjis, an onion, a large bit of bread, and three quarts of water, into a stew-pot that covers close, and simmer in the slowest manner after it has boiled up and been skimmed ; or bake it; strain and take off the fat; salt as wanted. It will require four hours. Broth of Beef, Mutton and Veal___Put two pounds of lean beef, one pound of scrag of veal, one pound of scrag of mutton, three ounces of pearl barley, sweet herbs and ten pepper-corns, into a nice tin saucepan, with seven quarts of water; to simmer to vnree or four quarts, and clear from the fat when cold. Add one onion if approved, or the white part of leeks. Soup and broth, made of different meats, are more sup- porting, as well as better flavored. To remove the fat, take it off when cold, as clean as possible ; and if there be still any remaining, lay a bit of clean blotting or cap paper on the broth when in the basin, and it will take up every particle 114 HOUSEKEEPER S GUIDE. 48 Calves' Feet Broth___Boil two feet in three quarts of water to half; strain and set it by; when to be used, take off the fat, put a large teacupful of the jelly into a saucepan with half a glass of sweet wine, a little sugar and nutmeg, and heat it till it be ready to boil, then take a little of it and beat by degrees to the yolk of an egg, and adding a bit of butter the size of a nut- meg, stir it all together, but don't let it boil; grate a bit of fresh lemon peel into it. Chicken Broth.—Put the body and legs of the fowl, after taking off the skin and rump, into the water it was boiled in, with one blade of mace, one slice of onion, and ten white peppercorns. Simmer till the broth be of a pleasant flavor: if not water enough, add a little. Beat a quarter of an ounce of sweet al- monds with a tea-spoonful of water fine, boil it in the broth ; strain ; and when cool, remove the fat. Beef Tea.—Cut a pound of fleshy beef in thin slices; simmer with a quart of water twenty minutes, after it has once boiled and been skimmed; season, if ap- proved, with a small portion of salt. Arrow-Root Jelly—If genuine, is very nourishing, especially for weak bowels. Put into a saucepan half a pint of water, a glass of sherry, or a spoonful of brandy, grated nutmeg and fine sugar; boil once up, then mix it by degrees into a desert-spoonful of arrow- root, previously rubbed smooth with two spoonsful of cold water ; then return the whole into the saucepan ; stir and boil it three minutes. Tapioca Jelly.—Choose the largest sort, pour cold water on to wash it two or three times, then soak it in fresh water five or six hours, and simmer it in the same until it becomes quite clear; then add lemon- juice, wine and sugar. The peel should have been boiled in it. It thickens very much. ETIQUETTE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. The Person. Cleanliness, absolute purity of person, is the first requisite in the appearance of a gentleman or lady. Not only should the face and hands be kept clean, but the whole skin should be subjected to frequent ablutions. Better wear coarse clothes with a clean skin, than silk stockings drawn over dirty feet. Let the whole skin be kept pure and sweet, the teeth and nails and hair, clean; and the last two of medium length, and naturally cut. Nothing deforms a man more than bad hair-cutting, and unnatural deformity in wearing it. Abstain from all eccentricities. Take a medium between nature and fashion, which is perhaps the best rule in regard to dress and appearance that can be given. Drett. The importance of dresss can scarcely be overrated, but by comparison. It is with the world the outward sign of both character and condition. A well bred man may be ever so reduced in his wardrobe __hia clothes may be coarse and thread-bare, but he seldom wears a coarse, and never a dirty shirt. The boots should always be clean, and invariably well blacked and polished. Make a point of buying a good hat. One proper fur-hat worth four or five dollars, when a year old, looks more re- spectable, than a silk one bought yesterday. Be as particular as you like about the cut of your panta- loons. Buy strong cloth that will not be tearing at every turn, and if you consult economy and taste at the same time, let them be either black or very dark grey, when they will answer upon all occasions. The vest allows of some fancy, but beware of being too fanciful. A black satin is proper for any person or any oc- casion. Nothing is more elegant than pure white. Some colors may be worn for variety, but beware of every thing glaring, in materials or tiimmings. If you have but one coat, it will be a black dress-coat, as there are occasions where no other will answer. Frock- coats are vorn in the morning, riding or walking, but never 116 ETIQUETTE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. at evening visits, at weddings, or parties. Overcoats are worn for comfort; they need not be fine, and should not be fanciful. Most gentlemen wear a simple, plain, black silk cravat, neatly tied in a bow-knot before. Parties require white or light-kid gloves. Black, or very dark ones, of kid, silk, or linen, are worn, upon all other occasions, except in driving, when buff leather-gloves are preferable. The best dressed men wear the least jewelry. Of all things avoid showy chains, large rings, and gewgaw pins and broaches. All these things should be left to negroes, Indians, and South Sea islanders. t The most proper pocket-handkerchiefs are of white linen. If figured, or embroidered, they should be very delicately Gloves are worn in the street, at church, and places of amusement. It is not enough to carry them—they are to be worn. _adies are allowed to consult fancy, variety, and orna- ment, more than men, yet nearly the same rules apply. It is the mark of a lady to be always well shod. If your feet are small, don't spoil them by pinching—if large, squeezing them makes them worse. As you regard health, comfort, and beauty, do not lace Loo tightly. A waist too small for the natural proportion of the figure, is the worst possible deformity, and produce3 many others. No woman who laces tight can have good shoulders, a straight spine, good lungs, sweet breath, or ia fit to he a wife and mother. ^ ' The most elegant dresses are black or white. Common modesty will prevent indecent exposure of the shoulders and bosom. A vulgar girl wears bright and glaring colors, fantastically made; a large, flaring, red, yellow, or sky-blue hat, covered with a rainbow of ribbons, and all the rings and trinkets she can load upon her. Of course, a modest well- bred young lady chooses the reverse of all this. In any assemblage, the most plainly dressed woman is sure to be the most lady-like and attractive. Neatness is better than richness, and plainness better than display. Single ladies dress less in fashionable society than married ones, and all more plainly and substantially for walking or travelling, than on other occasions. In my opinion, nothing beyond a simple, natural flower, ever adds to the beauty of a lady's head-dress. It is a general rule; applicable to both sexes, that persons ETIQTKTTE FOR LADXE» AND GENTLEMEN. 117 are the best dressed, when you cannot remember how they eere dressed. Avoid every thing out of the way, uncommon or grotesque. nehavior in the Street. When you meet a gentleman with whom you are ac- quainted, you bow, raising your hat slightly, with your left hand, which leaves your hand at liberty to shake hands if you stop. If the gentleman is ungloved, you must take off yours, not otherwise. Meeting a lady, the rule is that she should make the first salute, or at least, indicate by her manner, that she recog- nizes you. Your bow must be lower, and your hat carried further from your head; but you never offer to shake hands; that is her privilege. The right, being the post of honor, is given to superiors and ladies, except in the street, when they take the wall, as farthest from the danger from passing carriages, in walking with or meeting them. In walking with a lady you are not bound to recognize gentlemen with whom she is not acquainted, nor have they in such cases, any right to salute, much less to speak to you. Should her shoe become unlaced, or her dress in any manner disordered, fail not to apprise her of it respectfully, and offer your assistance. A gentleman may hook a dress, or lace a shoe, with perfect propriety, and should be able to do so gracefully. Whether with a lady or gentleman, a street talk should be a short one; and in either case, when you have passed the customary compliments, if you wish to continue the con- versation you must say, " Permit me to accompany you." Don't sing, hum, whistle, or talk to yourself in walking. Endeavor, besides being well-dressed, to have a calm, good natural countenance. A scowl always begets wrinkles. It is best not to smoke at all in public, but none but a ruffian will inflict upon society the odor of a bad cigar, or that of any kind, on ladies. Ladies are not allowed upon ordinary occasions to take the arm of any one but a relative, or an accepted lover, in the street, and in the day time; in the evening—in the fields, or in a crowd, wherever she may need protection, she should not refuse it. She should pass her hand over the gentleman's arm, merely, but should not walk at arm's length apart, as country girls sometimes do. In walking with a geutleman, the step of the lady must be lengthened, 118 ETIQUETTE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. and his shortened, to prevent the hobbling appearance of not keeping step. Of course, the conversatian of a stranger, beyond asking a necessary question, must be considered ai a gross insult, and repelled with proper spirit. Visiting. Of course, you ring or knock, and await the opening of , the door. When this is done, you ask for the mistress of the house, not the master. Should she not be at home or engaged, you leave your card, where cards are used, or your compliments. Where there are several ladies in the family, you may ask for the ladies. Where people dine early, calls are not made until some time after dinner—in cities they are made from eleven till three. You leave over-coat, cane, umbrella, venting it from Turning Grey. No. 1. Vinegar of cantharides, half an cunc*, Eau de Cologne, one ounce. Rose-water, one ounce. No. 2. Eau de Colegne, two ounces. Tincture of cantharides, half-an-ounceu Oil of nutmegs, half-a-drachm. Oil of lavender, ten drops. Mix. To Cure Ringworms. The head should be washed with a profusion of poap, and the hair carefully combed, to remove all loosened haiw and every particle of crust. Then bathe the head with ring- worm lotion. Ringworm Lotion. Sublimate of mercury, five grain* Spirits of wine, two ounces. Tincture of musk, one drachm. Rose-water, six ounces. Mix well. 124 LADIES TOILETTE TABLE. Style of Bonnet. A person of delkate pale complexion should wear a hat with pink lining. A person of dark complexion should have white lining, with rose trimming. A person with very red or yellow complexion should not wear high colors. Dress. Have reference to the complexion. Tight sleeves without trimming are becoming to full forms, of medium height, or below it. A tall person appears graceful with drapery. A short form should not wear much drapery, and not a full Bkirt. Flounces. Flounces appear well upon tall persons, but never upon diminutive ones. High-neck Dresses. High-neck dresses are generally becoming, but not upon a very high-shouldered person. If the shoulders are only moderately high, the neck may be covered, and a narrow piece of lace, instead of a collar, put around the throat. Evening Dresses. Evening dresses of transparent materials, look well when made high in the neck. Make the dress loose over the chest, and tight over the shoulder blades. Long sashes fastened in front are preferable to belts, unless there is much trimming upon the dress. Narrow lace at the wrist is be- coming, and gives a finish to the dress. An extremely small and waspish-looking waist can never be considered handsome. It is exceedingly hurtful to those who attain it by tight-lacing, and doubly nngraceful, since it prevents all graceful movements. Short Cloaks. Short cloaks are very becoming to short and clumsily built persons, but to a tall figure the reverse. cmsi BIBDS. General Directions. Keep the cage washed and clean if you wish the birds to be healthy. Fresh lettuce, cabbage and plantain may be given them in July and August, two or three times a day. The seeds of plantain and lettuce are good to be given as food. Keep clean water in pans in the cage for them to wash and bathe in. A piece of cuttle-fish bone or sand ought to be in the cage, to keep them in a healthy condi- tion. A little sponge cake may be given occasionally; Crackers, sweet apples, and worms are good. Never give salt. How to Distinguish the Male from the Female. The male may be distinguished from the female by a streak of bright yellow over the eyes and under the throat; his head is wider and longer, and has richer colors, and larger feet. He also begins to warble first, which is often at a month old. IETTEB WRITER. 1. A letter of introduction, note of invitation, or reply, should always be enclosed in an envelope. 2. A letter of introduction should always enclose the card and address of the person introduced. 3. Notes of invitation should always be sent in the name of the lady of the house- 4. Invitations should be answered within two days. 5. Notes of invitation should not be sealed. 6. Figured and colored paper is out of style ; pure white paper, with gilt edges, is more s^jictly in good taste. THE LADY'S WORE BOX. PREPARATION OF FRAI7IES. To Dress a Frame for Cross Stitch. The canvass must be hemmed neatly around : then count your threads, and place the centre one exactly in the middle of the frame. The canvass must be drawn as tight as the screws or pegs will permit, and if too long, it should be wrapped around the poles with tissue paper, to keep it from dust, and the friction of the arms, as that is essential to the beauty of the work. It must in all cases be rolled under, or it will occasion much trouble in the working. When laced quite even in the frame, secure, by fine twine passed over the stretchers and through the canvass, very closely; both sides must be tightened gradually, or it will draw to one side, and the work will be spoiled. To Dress a Frame for Cloth Work, Stretch your cloth in the frame as tight as possible, the right side uppermost. The canvass on which you intend to work must be of a size to correspond with the pattern, and must be placed exactly in the centre of the cloth to which it is to be se- cured, as smooth as possible. When the work is finished, the canvass must be cut, and the threads drawn out, first one way and then the other. It h necessary to be espe- cially careful, in working, not to split the threads, as that would prevent them drawing, and would spoil the appear- ance of the work. In all cases, it is advisable to place the cloth so as that the nap may go downward. In working bouquets of flowers, this rule is indispensable. The pat- terns for cloth work should be light and open. It looks well for sofas, arm chairs, &c, but is by no means so dux* able as work done with wool entirely on canvass. THE LADT8 WORK-BOX. 139 Materials for Working. Canvass (coarse) eighteen threads to the inch. Work in eross stich with double wool. This is proper for a foot- stool, sofa-pillow, &c. Canvass (very coarse) ten threads to the inch. Work in cross stitch, over one thread, with single wool. If used for grounding, work in two threads. This will accelerate the work, and look equally well. STITCHES. 1. Tent Stitch. This is accomplished over one thread the cross way, and should be done in a frame. In grounding, perform the work the bias way of the canvass, and work from left to right. 2. Cross Stitch. Let the wool be put across two threads, and the needle down two, working the cross way, and finishing as the work progresses. 3. Straight Cross Stitch. Thia stitch is the same as Cross Stitch, but is worked the straight way of the canvass; .and although on coarse can- vass, has a very pleasing and finished appearance. 4 Windsor Stitch. Pass the wool over six threads straight, and six threads down, which will prevent a square when the section row is completed. 5. Pavilion Stitch. Four threads having been taken straight down, bring the needle down one thread; after that take two threads, then four, a? before, and finish the row. Commence the second 128 THZ LADY'S WORK-BOX. row with a stitch in two threads, then take four and so pro* eeed. Gold beads tastefully introduced have a veiy pretty effect. 6. Josephine Stitch. This is a very pretty stitch for bags with gold or silver braid, and is executed in stripes from the bottom to the top. Take six threads straight, and proceed to the end of the row; after which take three lengths of braid, and work one of them in Cross Stitch, diamond fashion. 7. Berlin Stitch. Work this stitch in a scollop, taking six threads straight down. Much of the beauty of it depends upon the contrast of color (having an eye to harmony) in the threads. The effect should be ascertained before beginning the work. 8. Czar Stitch. We have heard this called Economic Stitch. It is worked over from six to eight threads in depth, and two in width, crossed from right to left. Gold thread should be inter* posed between each rrw. d. Irish Stitch. Four, six, or eight threads are to be taken straight, two threads being left between. . The second row is to be begun four threads up, between the two threads left on the forme* row; take care that the stitches meet the first row. This is a valuable stitch, easily worked into a variety of pretty forms. Perforated Card. The needles must not be too large, or the holes will be liable to get broken. The smaller ones must be worked in silk; the larger patterns may be done either in silk or wool. Sometimes the flowers are worked in Chenille, and the leaves in silk; this gives to card cases, &c, a beautiful and highly ornamental appearance. • raa lady's work-bos. lgj) Bead Work. tTse the canvass called bolting; and work two threads oaoh way on the slant, with china silk, taking especial caro that the beads are all turned the same way, that the whole may appear uniform. Work the pattern with thick beads and ground with transparent ones. You must, in this kind of work, have as few shades as possible. Rug Bordering. When we descend into the arena of domestic utility, it is vastly surprising in how many ways the Art of Needlework adapts itself to comfort and to ornament. We may presume carpets to be too unwieldy for the management of fair fin- gers ; but rugs come within the compass of the fair Artist's skill and taste. Many of the borderings completed by English ladies are quite equal to the labored productions of the Gobelins: and are of course, at all times superior to those which emenate from the loom. Gothic Ghairs. For dark-framed chairs choose light patterns; tent etitcfc being grounded in cross stitch, as may be seen in the pri- vate apartments at Windsor Castle. Sometimes a sort of cushion is inserted in the back, and the whole is done in cloth or satin, and the canvass withdrawn. Flower em- broidery, gem patterns, and braiding, are all made use of in this description of work. Settees.. These should be executed in cloth, thirty-three inche I long and twenty-six wide. Sofa Pillows. Work the squares of canvass with flowers in preference to fcny other pattern, and finish with damask, trimming with bilk cord, tassels-, directions for coloring garments, etc. 183 Tc Dye Silk Brown, Inclining to Mulberry. Boil, about two hours, two ounces of sumach or one ounce of galls, one ounce of logwood, two or three ounces of camwood or madder. Pour in cold water, and cool it down. If necessary to incline more to mulberry, add a little purple archil. Put in the silk, and simmer it for half an hour or more. Rinse in two waters, and hang up the silk to dry. To Dye Silks, Red, Crimson, 4rc- Dissolve two ounces of white soap in boiling water. Stir your silk shawl or dress in the liquid, rubbing with your hand any places looking soiled, until it is as clean as possible. Put it into one or two more of the same kind. Then rinse in warm water. Put the silk in a solution, in hot water, of half an ounce of Spanish annatto, and stir for half an hour. Take it out, and rinse in clean water. Then put the silk into a solution of alum, (size of a common bean,) in warm water. Take out, and rinse in clear water. Boil in copper, 20 minutes, a quarter of an ounce of cochineal. Dip into a pan. Put silk in for thirty minutes. For scar- let, add to the above half a wine-glassful of the solu- tion of tin. When cold, rinse in cold water. To Dye Black, Common Materials. Four pounds of logwood for four pounds of goods. Soak logwood twelve hours in soft water. Boil an hour, and strain. Dissolve one ounce of blue vitriol in warm water, and dip goods into it. Then turn the whole into logwood dye. If they are cotton goods, boil fifteen minutes, stirring, to prevent spotting. Drain, and do not wring goods. Hang them up to dry Put them into water boiling hot, in which there is half a tea-cupful of salt for two gallons of water. This sets the color. Goods must remain until the water is cold, and then dried without wringing. To act color for black silk, put it into boiling hot suda. 184 MEECTI0N8 70S COLOEINO GARMENTS, ETC. To Clean Silk Goods. If dingy, rub dry bran on them carefully with a woolen cloth. Hard soap is best for washing silki of all colors except yellow—and soft soap for that. Dissolve soap in hot water, then add cold, to make it lukewarm. Put in silks, and rub until clean. Tata them out without ringing, and rinse in two portions of warm water. Add sulphuric acid enough to give it an acid taste, for bright yellows, maroons, and crimsons. To restore pink colors, add a little vinegar to the sec- ond rinsing water. For blues, purple, &c, add pearl- ash. For scarlet, a solution of tin. For olive-green, a little verdigris dissolved in the water. Fawn and brown, in pure water. Fold up silks while damp; after drying awhile, iron them on the wrong side, with irons just hot enough to smooth them. To Clean Carpets. Take up and shake at least twice a year, if used much; and once, if not used, to keep out moths. Put straw under, to prevent dust grinding them out. If any moths are found, sprinkle tobacco or ground pep- per on floor underneath. To remove greese, grate on clay or chalk very thick ; cover it with brown pa- per, and put on a warm iron. Repeat it until removed. If it needs cleansing all over, spread it on a clean floor, and rub on, with a new broom, pared and grated raw potatoes. Dry perfectly. To Clean White Kid Gloves. Rub on India-rubber, moist bread, or magnesia. If you cannot clean in this way, close the top of the gloves, and rub them over with a sponge saturated with saffron-water. The color will be yellow or brown. M1SCKLLAHE0UP RECIPBfl. 18S To Take out Ink from Floors. Scour with sand wet with sulphuric acid and vater* Then rinse with strong pearl-ash water. MlSCELLA NEOUS. To Make Fine Polish Blacking. Take of ivory black and molasses each twelve oun- ces, spermaceti oil four ounces, white wine vinegar four pints, mix all together. Summer Drink. Three pounds of sugar, 5 gills of molasses, 2 ounces of tartaric acid, 3 pints of water. For Cleaning Britannia. Rub the article all over with a piece of woolen cloth, moistened with sweet oil, then apply a little pounded rotten-stone, or polishing paste, with the finger, till the polish is produced, after which wash it well with soap and hot water, and when dry, wipe off smartly with soft wash leather and a little fine whiting. To Keep Out Red Anls. Place in the closet, or wherever they appear, a small quantity of green sage. Ice Cream May be mads thus: Put milk over a gentle fire to boil, and stir it occasionally ; beat four eggs for each quart until very light, then stir them into the boiling milk; stir it for a few minutes, then set it to become cold i 136 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. make it very sweet, flavor it to tastej then freeze if If it is flavored with the juice of berries or pineapple, bruise the fruit, strain the juice from it, and put it in the cream when cold. Pickling.—Cucumbers. Pick the small, green cucumbers. Turn on boiling Water ; and in four or five hours take them out, and put them in cold vinegar, with a spoonful of alum and a tea-cupful of salt to every gallon of vinegar. Turn the vinegar from the cucumbers ; scald and skim it; then turn it on the pickles, and scald them without boiling, a few minutes. Then put them hot in the vessel for keeping. To make them brittle, 6cald several times. Put in a few peppers. Oysters. Turn off the liquor from the oysters; strain and boil i t. Rinse off the bits of shells. Put the oysters in the liquor while boiling, and boil one minute. Take them out, and put in the liquor a few pepper-corns, cloves, and a blade or two of mace. Add a little salt, and as much vinegar as oyster sauce. Boil the whole fifteen minutes, and turn it on the oysters. Bottle and cork them, if you wish to keep them several weeks. Preserving Apples. Take equal weights of good brown sugar and of apples ; peel or wash, core, and chop the apples fine, allow to every three pounds of sugar a pint of water ; dissolve, then boil the sugar pretty thick, skimming it well; add the apples, the grated peel of one or two lemons, and two or three pieces of white ginger, and boil till the apples look clear and yellow. This will keep for years. Crab-apples done in this way, without paring, are next to cranberries. 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