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Xv/' 1 x ■-", #X' - " , : -'\ GENERAL INDEX. NEW YORK: WILLIAM WOOD AND COMPANY, 27 GREAT JONES STREET. .1881. ZG5c 1674- V,Z.O Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by WILLIAM WOOD & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, 201 to 213 East Twelfth. Street, NEW YORK. INDEX. A-tent, the, xix. 98 Aachen, see Aix-la-Chapelle ABC process of purifying sow- age, xviii. 530 Abattoirs, when first erected, xix. 402 Abdomen, appearance of, in pulmonary emphysema, v. 386 condition of, in dysentery, i. 552 distention of, a cause of hyperemia of the lungs, v. 268 globus hystericus, located in, xiv. 512 painful affections of, in hysteria, xiv. 500 palpation of, vii. 242 regions of, vii. 114 retraction of, in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 486 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 559, 572 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 Abdominal aneurism, functional disturbances produced by, vi. 438 Abdominal aorta, compression of, vi. 452 Abdominal cavity, bile in, ix. 658 hemorrhage in, in haemophilia, xvii. 41 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 137 passage of gall-stones into, ix. 734 Abdominal muscles, paralysis of, xi. 536 Abdominal organs, changes in, in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 76 Abdominal organs, in ulcerative en- docarditis, vi. 68 symptoms referable to, in leucaemia, viii. 520 Abdominal pains, in hysteria, xiv. 500 Abdominal support, in treatment of floating liver, ix. 57 Abdominal symptoms of meningi- tis tuberculosa, xii. 531 Abdominal typhus, see Typhoid Fever Abdominal viscera, relations of, to each other, vii. 114 Abdominal wall, perforation through, in cancer of stomach, vii. 245 Abduccns, affection of, in meningitis of convexity, xii. 615 paralysis of, in abscess of cerebellum, xii. 792 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 560 Abfuhrtonnen of the Germans, xviii. 517 Abnormal development of the bladder, viii. 672 of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 665 Abnormal seminal losses, viii. 824 Aborted spermatozoa, in sperma- torrhoea, viii. 853 Abortion, a complication of poisoning by mercury, xvii. 614 of poisoning by potassium nitrate, xvii. 375 Abortion. INDEX Accessorins nerve. 2 Abortion, due to syphilis, iii. 233 in croupous pneumonia, v. 25, 106 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 711 in the etiology of tetanus, xiv. 327 in trichinosis, iii. 637 Abortive forms of croupous pneu- monia, v. 123 Abortive treatment of gonor- rhoea, in men, viii. 768 in women, viii. 805 Abortive typhoid fever, i. 119 Abroma angustum, employment of, in dysmenorrhoea, x. 334 Abscess, formation of, in inflammation of dura mater, xii. 384 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 66 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 596 in idiopathic perityphlitis, vii. 371 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 818 in scrofulosis, xvi. 787 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1013 in walls of the basilar artery, in menin- gitis, xii. 606 Abscess, acute gastric, diagnosis of, vii. 162 Abscess, biliary, communicating with bronchi, ix. 544 in contradistinction to hepatic, ix. 547 Abscess, embolic, of liver, vii. 510; ix. 93 Abscess, external, in etiology of em- pyema, iv. 260 Abscess following laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 799, 804 Abscess following proctitis, vii. 377 Abscess following stricture of the urethra, viii. 797 Abscess, gouty, xvi. 113 Abscess, hepatic, ix. 88 artificial opening of, ix. 158 as a complication of catarrh of the bile- ducts, ix. 524 as a complication of cirrhosis of liver ix. 200 idiopathic, ix. 615, 824 Abscess, hepatic, in etiology of pyle- thrombosis, ix. 789 multiple, ix. 836 Abscess, naso-pharyngeal, vii. 67 Abscess of the bladder, viii. 681 Abscess of the brain, xii. 698 as a cause of meningitis, xii. 604 associated with thrombus of a sinus, xii. 782 capsulated, xii. 717 case of, with retardation of pulse to ten in minute, xii. 785 chronic, xii. 760 contents of, xii. 699 cure of, xii. 704 diagnosis of, differential, from simple meningitis of base, xii. 594, 798, 803 due to affections of nose, antrum of High- more, and orbit, xii. 722 due to carious bone, without perforation, xii. 719 due to disease of the ear, xii. 721, 819 earliest changes leading to, xii. 738 _ evacuation of, xii. 705 idiopathic, xii. 724 in acute pyaemia, xii. 724 in etiology of compression of brain, xii. 668 of meningitis of convexity, xii. 604 in pulmonary affections and other suppu- rations, xii. 809, 819 involving entire hemisphere, xii. 707 location of, xii. 786 metastatic, ix. 876; xii. 723 perforation of, externally, xii. 784, 807 presence of symptoms of localized dis- ease, xii. 739 pursues a different course from that of tumor of the brain, xii. 801 pyaemic and embolic, xii. 708 secondary to abdominal affections, xii. 724 size of, xii. 707 time of development of, xii. 711 treatment of, xii. 810 value of etiology in diagnosis of, xii. 793 with caries of other bones of skull than petrous, xii. 722 3 Abortion. x^JJJ-'-a" Accessor ins nerve. Abscess of the brain, without en- cephalitis, xii. 690 without perforation of bone, or affection of dura, in connection with caries, xii. 721 Abscess of cerebellum, continuous course of, xii. 793 Abscess of heart, vi. 230 (See also Myocarditis.) sequelae of, vi. 231 Abscess of liver, ix. 398, 560 in consequence of cholangitis, ix. 548 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 596 puncture of, ix. 158 secondary to ulcer of stomach, vii. 212 Abscess of lung, as a termination of croupous pneumonia, v. 126 following cancer of the stomach, vii. 245 in constrictions of the intestines, vii. 492 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 metastatic, v. 297, 301, 414 Abscess of mediastinum, in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 477; v. 457 Abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 146 Abscess of the oesophagus, viii. 149 Abscess of the ovary, x. 354 Abscess of the pancreas, viii. 604 Abscess of the pharynx, vii. 67 Abscess of the pons, xii. 721 Abscess of the prostate, complicat- ing gonorrhoea, viii. 785 Abscess of the spleen, secondary to ulcer of the stomach, vii. 212 Abscess, perityphlic, operation for, viL 427 Abscess, retro-pharyngeal, vii. 67 a sequel of diseases of the nose, iv. 127 diagnosis of, from croup, iv. 263 Abscesses, about the kidney, xv. 590 from ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 66 in erysipelas, ii. 455 in scarlatina, ii. 217, 224 scrofulous, xvi. 801 worm, vii 747 Absence of anatomical lesions in cerebral syphilis, xii. 315 in syphilis of cord, xii 344 Absence of the pericardium, vi. 549 Absence of the spleen, viii. 429 Absence Of symptoms in intracra- nial tumors, xii. 241 Absinthe, increasing consumption of, xvii. 391 poisoning by, xvii. 412 in etiology of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 specific effects of, xvii. 412 Absolute cardiac dulness, deter- mination of, vi. 24 Absorbents, in stenosis of trachea, iv. 499 Absorption, by mucous membrane of mouth, vi. 768 Absorption of clot, in cerebral hem- orrhage, xiL 166 Absorption of irritating sub- stances into the body, xix. 52 Absorption of pleuritic effu- sions, physical signs following, iv. 662 Abstinence and rest, in the treat- ment of acute diffuse peritonitis, viiL 260 Abulia, hysterical, xiv. 542 Acardia, vi. 314 Acceleration of the pulse, in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 80 Access-pipe of Jennings, xviii. 469 ACCESSORIUS NERVE, PARALYSIS OP MUSCLES SUPPLIED BY. xi. 519; bibliography, 519; etiology, 519; symptoma- tology, 520; diagnosis, 522; prognosis, 523; treatment, 523 ACCESSORIUS NERVE, SPASM OP THE MUSCLES SUPPLIED BY, xi. 320; bibliography, 320; clonic spasm of, 320; symp- tomatology, 321; paroxysm of spasm, 321; sensory phenomena, 321; pain, 322; pressure points, 322 ; terminations, 322 ; etiology, S22 ; 14 catching cold " a cause, 323 ; reflex irritation a cause, 323 ; diagnosis, 323; prognosis, 323; Aceessorins spasm. Acid, salicylic. treatment, 324; tonic spasm of, 325; symp- tomatology, 326; etiology, 326; atmosphere, influences of, in etiology, 327; diagnosis, 327; treatment, 327 Accessorius spasm, electricity in, xi. 324 myotomy and neurotomy in, xi. 325 Accessory foods, xviii. 170 Accessory pancreas, viii. 626 Accessory spleens, viii. 430 Accessory suprarenal capsules, viii. 665 Accident-rooms in hospitals, xviii. 766 Accidental injuries, prevention of, in bleeders, xvii. 93 Acclimation, xix. 188 in yellow fever, i. 488 Accommodation, state of, in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 84 Acephaloeysts, iii. 563 Acetate of lead, in aneurism, vi. 459 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in cerebral aneurism, vi. 443 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in dysentery, i. 566 in gangrene of the lungs, v. 428 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in haemophilia, xvii. 97, 100 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 in nose-bleed, iv. 168 in pulmonary congestion, v. 287 in scorbutic hemorrhages, xvii. 239 Acetate of potash, as a solvent of false membranes, i. 690 in oedema, due to pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 in pericarditis, vi. 619 in pleuritis, iv. 686, 690 in valvular diseases, vi. 169 Acetate of zinc, effects of, when taken internally, xvii. 598 Acetic acid, xviii. 169 action of, on animal organism, xvii 348 an indirect aliment, xviii 169 4 Acetic acid, as an antiseptic, xix. 561 as a solvent of false membranes, i 689 in cold in the head, iv. 129 local action of, xvii. 349 poisoning by, xvii. 346, 350 Acetic acid fumes, effects of, xvii 347 in diphtheria, i. 685 Acetonemia, xvi. 1006 Acetone, in diabetic urine, xvi. 907 Acholia, in explanation of the brain- symptoms in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 284 Acid, in poisoning by ammonia, xvii. 363 in poisoning by caustic and carbonated alkalies, xvii. 370 in the blood, causing rheumarthritis, xvi 26 Acid, acetic, in cold in the head, iv. 129 in diseases of the nose, iv. 129 in etiology of softening of the stomach, vii. 259 in vomited matters in chronic gastritis, vii. 170 poisoning by, xvii. 346 Acid, arsenious, in interstitial pneu- monia, ix. 911 Acid, benzoic, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 305 in acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 302 in bronchial eatarrh, iv. 417 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 436 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 286 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Acid, butyric, in vomited matters, in chronic gastritis, vii. 170 Acid, carbolic, in acute rheumatism, xvi. 68 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 421 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 83 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435, 436 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 in croupous and diphtheritic inflamma- tion of the naso-pharyngeal space, vii 73 EX. INDEX. Accessorial spasm. Acid, salicylic. Acid, carbolic, in croupous and diph- theritic inflammation of pharynx, vii. 73 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1002 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82, 86, 95, 96, 145 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 426 in empyema, iv. 721 in gangrene of the lung, v. 429 in glanders of larynx, vii. 860 in hepatic abscess, ix. 163 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 424 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 845 in muscular rheumatism, xvi. 91 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 in syphilis of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 Acid, carbonic, poisoning by, xvii. 472 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 407 in croup, iv. 246 Acid, chromic, in croup, iv. 265 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 78 in hyperplastic catarrh of naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 95 in tuberculous ulcers of pharynx, vii. 79 in tumors of the larynx, vii. 906 Acid, citric, poisoning by, xvii 351 Acid, fatty, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 999 Acid, gallic, in chyluria, vi. 543 Acid, gallic, salts of, in the treat- ment of gall-stones, ix. 774 Acid, hippuric, deposit of, in gout, xvi. 117 Acid, hydrochloric, in acute gas- tritis, vii. 145 in acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 301 in chronic gastritis, vii. 180, 190 in croup, iv. 265 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 314, 332 in gastralgia, vii. 306 in noma, vi. 816 in sporadic cholera, vii. 151 poisoning by, xvii 337 Acid, hydrocyanic, in nervous pal- pitation of the heart, vi. 307 in poisoning by atropine, xvii 682 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 in whooping-cough, vi 726 poisoning by, xvii. 498 Acid, hydrofluoric, poisoning by, xvii. 343 Acid, hydrosulphuric, inhalation of, in poisoning by chlorine, xvii. 290 Acid, hyponitrous, in the etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 Acid, lactic, in croup, 265 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 998 in diphtheria, iv. 95 in diseases of larynx, iv. 82 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82, 95 in the system, in etiology of acute rheu- matism, xvi. 26 in vomited matters, in chronic gastritis, vii. 170 Acid, muriatic, in etiology of bron- chial catarrh, iv. 314 (See also Acid, hydrochloric.) Acid, nitric, in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 in noma, vi. 816 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 poisoning by, xvii. 340 Acid, osmic, poisoning by, xvii. 629 Acid, oxalic, poisoning by, xvii. 351 Acid, phenilic, poisoning by, xvii. 524 Acid, phosphoric, in anaemia, xvi. 491 in poisoning by opium, xvii 876 in scrofulosis, xvi. 818 Acid, picric, in treatment of anchylos- tomum duodenale, vii. 787 Acid, prussic, poisoning by, xvii. 498 Acid, pyroligneous, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82 Acid, salicylic, in acute rheumatism, xvi. 1039 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1003 in diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 80 in glanders of larynx, vii. 860 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 286 Acid, sulphuric. Addison's disease. INDEX. 6 Acid, sulphuric, in acute lead-poison- ing, xvii. 560 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 in noma, vi. 816 in nose-bleed, iv. 168 poisoning by, xvii. 322 Acid, sulphurous, poisoning by, xvii 344 Acid, tannic, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 223 in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1038 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 79, 82, 86, 94 in gonorrhoea, viii. 768, 773, 778, 800 in hemorrhage from the bladder, viii. 727 in nose-bleed, iv. 163, 168 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 754 by antimony, xvii. 624 by atropine, xvii. 680 by colchicine, xvii. 739 by coniine, xvii. 820 by delphinine, xvii. 759 by digitalis, xvii. 719 by ergot, xvii. 902 by nicotine, xvii. 772 by opium, xvii. 866 by strychnine, xvii. 794 by veratrine, xvii. 731 by zinc, xvii. 596 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Acid, tartaric, poisoning by, xvii. 351 Acid, uric, deposit of its compounds with lime, magnesia, and ammonia, in gout, xvi. 117. Acid, vegetable, in gout, xvi 139 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 Acid-albumen, xviii. 149 Acid elixir of Haller, v. 284 Acid fumes, evil effects of, upon vege- tation, xix. 444 Acidity, abnormal, of gastric juice, in etiology of ulcer of stomach, vii. 198 202 ' Acids, in the gastric juice, vii. 121 in the treatment of catarrh of the bile- ducts, ix. 530 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 319 of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 78 of gall-stones, ix. 774 of uraemia, xv. 301 poisoning by, xvii. 322 Acids, acetic and citric, in chole- lithiasis, ix 776 Acids, biliary, influence of, in produ- cing brain-symptoms, ix. 282 Acids, biliary, and their salts, ix. 697 Acids, fatty, in expectoration of bron- chiectasis, ix. 894 in gall-stones, ix. 697 Acids, mineral, use of, in scurvy, xvii 235 Acini of the liver, ix. 6 of the lung, definition of the term, v. 649 Acne hyperplastica of the os uteri, x. 142 Acne pustules, syphilitic infection from. iii. 45 Acne scorbutica, xvii. 152 Acne syphilitica, iii. 150 Acolyctine, xvii 744 Aconelline, xvii 744 Aconite, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 305 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 65 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in erysipelas, ii. 478 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 65 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 800 Aconite-poisoning, cardiac stimu- lants in, xvii. 755 tannin and iodine in, xvii 758 Aconitine, tests of, xvii. 755 Aconitine-poisoning, xvii. 744 antidotes for, xvii. 754 Acorns, in splenic disease, viii 405 Acoustic esophageal sound, viii 40 ' 7 TITTYR-V Acid, sulphuric. • 1SXU&A.. Addisou's disease. Acoustic reflex, does it arise in or be- hind the cerebrum ? xiv. 638 Action of the heart, disturbances of, in angina pectoris, xiv. 44 Active power of generating blood in haemophilia, xvii. 70 Actors, xix. 63 Actual cautery, in acute myelitis, xiii. 424 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 458 in compression of cord, xiii 343 in erysipelas, ii. 481 in hydrophobic wounds, iii. 507 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 427 in neuralgia, xi. 91, 92 in noma, vi. 817 in pachymeningitis externa, xiii. 221 in sciatica, xi. 180 in spasm of muscles supplied by acces- sorius, xi. 325 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 227 Acupuncture, in the treatment of aneurism, vi. 454 of neuralgia, xi. 92 Acute ascending paralysis, xiii 732 Acute atrophic spinal paralysis, xiii. 663 Acute bulbar paralysis, xiii. 900 Acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 194 Acute cerebral abscess, tendency of, to spread, xii. 699 Acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 221 Acute diphtheritic endocardi- tis, symptoms, vi. 72 Acute cncephalitic diseases, treat- ment of, xii. 819 Acute encephalitis, chronic disturb- ances following, xii. 731 duration of symptoms, xii. 730 following affections of petrous bone, xii. 734 following non-perforating injury of head, course of, xii. 728 value of history in diagnosis of, xii. 803 Acute exanthemata, in the course of whooping-cough, vi. 707 Acute exanthemata, in the etiology of endocarditis, vi. 86 Acute infective diseases, i 1 as causes of fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 250 in the etiology of acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 246 of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 171 of pericarditis, vi. 558 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 Acute inflammation of the gray an- terior columns, xiii. 663 of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 900 Acute inflammation and recent abscess of brain, xii. 709 Acute inflammation of the brain and its membranes, xii. 373 Acute pancreatitis, viii. 592 Acute peritonitis, viii. 221 Acute phlebitis, vi 486 Acute rheumatism, xvi. 12 meningitis in course of, xii. 624 Acute spinal paralysis of adults, xiii. 663 Acute suppuration in encephalitic foci, xii. 711 Acute traumatic encephalitis, without formation of pus, prognosis, xii. 809 symptoms, xii. 726 Acute tuberculosis, v. 691 Acute tumors of the spleen, viii 450 Acute universal anaemia of the brain, due to weakness of heart's action, xii. 12 etiology of, xii. 11 Acute yellow atrophy of the liver, in etiology of fatty degenera- tion, vi. 250 Adams, on influence of cemeteries on public health, xix. 460 Addison's disease, analysis of the Bymptoms, viii. 657 bibliography, viii. 633 connection of, with disease of the pan- creas, viii. 578 Addison's disease. __^^^. Air. INDEX. 8 Addison's disease, diagnosis, viii. 662 etiology, viii. 643 pathological anatomy, viii 650 prognosis, viii. 663 symptoms, viii. 644 treatment, viii. 664 Adelhcid spring, waters of, in scrofu- losis, xvi. 820 Adenitis, idiopathic, xvi 827 (See also Scrofulosis.) Adcno-carcinoma of liver, ix. 397 Adenoma of larynx, vii. 901 of the liver, ix. 322, 350 Adenoma, diffuse, of liver, ix. 397 Adenoma polyposum oesophagi, viii. 168 Adenomata of the intestines, vii. 428 of the stomach, vii. 229 Adherent pericardium, vi. 627 Adhesions, a sequel of pleuritis, iv. 673 after acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 236 between the heart and pericardium, vi. 627 formation of, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 233 in circumscribed peritonitis, viii. 306 in pleuritis, iv. 607, 673 site of in pleuritis, iv. 616 Adipocere, xviii. 147 Adipositas, see Corpulence A dim* laryngis, iv. 69 spasmodic contraction of, iv. 75 Adobe huts, with mud roofs, xix. 106 Adult mortality, normal rate of, xviii. 5 ADULTERATION OF FOOD, xix. 351; methods of detecting adulterations in special cases, 359; bibliography, 376. Adulterations, classification of, xix. 355 methods of detecting, xix. 359 Adynamic form of pneumonia, v. 120 Adynamic remittent fever, lesions of, ii. 628 jEgophony in pleuritis, iv. 659, 669 Aeration of water, xviii. 267 Aeration of water on shipboard, xix. 202 Aerial disinfection, xix. 553 Aeronauts, xix. 69 JBsthesiodic substance of spinal cord, xiii 36 /Esthesiometer, xi. 214 I Ihn«a Cynapium, poisoniog with, xvii. 828 Afebrile cases of typhoid fever, i 124 Affections, the natural, weakness of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 867 Affusions, cold, in interstitial pneumo- nia, ix. 907 After-damp, composition of, xix. 241 After-hold, xix. 178 After-treatment of syphilitic symp- toms, xii. 371 Agaricus bulbosus, poisoning by, xvii. 938 Age, a factor of great importance in eti- ology of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 188 affecting mortality in scarlet fever, ii. 294 in typhus fever, i. 337 affecting predisposition to scarlatina, ii. 178 as predisposing to typhoid fever, i. 72 at which children should be sent to school, xviii. 141 at which hereditary epilepsy appears, xiv. 202 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii 693 in erysipelas, ii. 431, 477 in etiology of acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 229 of amyloid degeneration of the liver, ix. 416 of bronchiectasis, ix. 863 of cancer of the biliary passages, ix. 573 of cancer of the liver, ix. 363 of corpulence, xvi. 630 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 150 9 Age, in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 706 of gout, xvi. 105 of malacosteon, xvi. 218 of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 475 of myelitis, xiii. 388, 427 of myelomalacia, xiii. 469 of paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii 735 of poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 667 of progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 909 of progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 577 of rickets, xvi. 171 of spasmodic spinal paralysis, xiii. 623 of spinal apoplexy, xiii 292 of spinal irritation, xiii. 300 of spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 371 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 524 in hay-fever, ii. 542 in influenza, ii. 522 in malarial diseases, ii. 573 in measles, ii. 48 in miliary fever, ii. 493 in purulent cholecystitis, ix. 541 in rubeola, ii. 136 in scarlet fever, ii. 178, 294 in small-pox, ii. 326, 393 in typhoid fever, i 72 in typhus fever, i. 333 in varicella, ii. 8 influence of, in haemophilia, xvii. 27 in causation of hysteria, xiv. 478 in etiology of eclampsia, xiv. 302 in etiology of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 in etiology of pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 156 in the production of chorea, xiv. 422 on catalepsy, xiv. 370 on the mortality from chloroform, xvii. 426 on the prognosis of aphasia, xiv. 803 on the prognosis of epilepsy, xiv. 278 Addison's disease Air. Age and sex, influence of, in the pro- duction of tetanus, xiv. 328 Ageustia, vi. 820 ; xi. 248 Agnew, C. R., statistics in regard to asthenopia, xix. 66 Agraminatismus, xiv. 749 morbid and physiological, xiv. 793 Agraphia, as a concomitant of ataxic aphasia, xiv. 754 Agraphia and paragraphia, xiv. 608 Agraphia with complete amne- sic aphasia, speech-tracks that are obstructed in, xiv. 782 Agricultural laborers, xix. 55 Ague, see Intermittent Fever Ague-cakes, ii. 629 Aigle, a resort for the grape-cure, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 424 Air, a cause of infection, i. 244 a means of conveying typhoid fever in- fection, i. 56 amount of, in pleural cavity in pneumo- thorax, iv. 752 analyses of, from various sources, xviii. 605 character of, entering the lungs, when the nose is closed, iv. 104 cold, a cause of hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 268 composition of, xix. 186 compressed, in treatment of pulmonary emphysema, v. 899 of valvular diseases, vi. 170 condensed, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 condensed or rarefied, in chronic bronchi- tis, iv. 432 effects of dryness of, xviii. 677 effects of, when bad, xviii. 640 extent of accumulation of, in pleural cavity, iv. 752 foulness of, a cause of consumption, v. 488 fresh, amount required per hour and per head, xviii. 704 from privy vaults carrying infection, i. 388 ind: Atr. Alcohol. INDEX 10 Air, gaseous impurities in, xviii. 629 humidity of, its influence upon preva- lence of bronchitis, iv. 302 in hospitals, analyses of, by Prof. E. S. Wood, xviii. 720 in metal mines, xix. 255 in the soil, xviii. 400 means of estimating it, xviii. 403 insufflation of, in invagination of intes- tines, vii. 657 motion of, through ground, xviii. 405 mountain, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 presence of animal exhalations in, xviii. 631 pure, composition of, xviii. 602 rarefied, in bronchial asthma, iv. 580, 585 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 solid impurities in, xviii. 626 temperature of, in houses, xviii. 679 vitiated, cause of scrofulosis, xvi. 769 warm and dry, a small amount of mois- ture necessary to, xviii. 676 Air-bricks, Jennings', xviii. 774 Air-cells, collapse of, see Atelectasis. Air-dressing, xviii. 25 Air-passages, carcinoma of, in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 480 croupous and diphtheritic affection of, vi. 943 fistulae communicating with biliary pas- sages, ix. 663 inflammation of, in pertussis, vi. 709 Airing of beds, xviii. 384 Aix-la-Chapelle, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 in chronic pharyngeal catarrh, vii. 62 in gout, xvi. 144 Aix-Ies-ISains, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Ajaccio, climate Of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 A k at aphasia, xiv. 749,791 Akinesis xi. 267, 387 case of, due to severe aphasia, xiv. 795 Alabama, towns of, affected by yellow fever, xix. 502 Alabama State Board of Health, xviii. 55 Alalia, xiii 919, xiv. 845 Alalia literalis, xiv. 633 Alalia syllabaris spasmodica, xiv. 633 Albumen, xviii 149 amount of, in bloody urine, xv. 67 as a producer of fat, xvi 618 in diabetic urine, xvi. 904 in poisoning by antimony, xvii. 624 by arsenic, xvii. 651 by copper, xvii. 592 by iodine, xvii. 306 by silver, xvii. 601 by zinc, xvii. 596 in the urine, sources of, xv. 30 Panum's test for, xv. 30 percentage of, in urine of puerperal ne- phritis, xv. 318 presence of, in the urine, after epileptic attacks, xiv. 233 Albumen and salts of the blood, relative proportions of, xvi. 287 Albuminates of the milk, their nature, xviii. 100 Album!no-peptone (fibro-peptone), x. 369 Albuminoids, putrefaction of, in bron- chiectasis, ix. 894 Albuminose, or peptone, xviii. 152 Albuminous compounds, action of the pancreatic juice on, viii. 560 Albuminous food, in fever and dys- pepsia, xvi. 457 uses of, xviii. 153 Albuminous principles of food, xviii. 148 course and destination of, xviii. 152 Albuminuria, a cause of anaemia, xvi 329 a common accompaniment of pneumonia v. 99 after cholera, theory of, xv. 61 as a symptom of disease, xv. 30 11 INDEX. Air. Alcohol. Albuminuria, as influencing prognosis of yellow fever, i 510 case of, xv. 437 causes of, xv. 41 in simple contracted kidneys, xv. 57 doctrine of, xv. 35 due to abnormal blood-pressure, xv. 36,41 due to fever, xv. 51 due to section of vaso-motor nerves of kidney, xv. 55 from malarial disease, xv. 328 from obstruction of ureters, xv. 49 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix, 275 in acute catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 253 in acute myocarditis, vi. 236 in acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 276, 316 in amyloid kidneys, xv. 508, 625 in aortic insufficiency, vi. 140 in apoplexy, xii. 133 in cancer of the kidney, xv. 675 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, xv. 55 in cholera, i 410, 427 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 389 in chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 359 in croup, iv. 247 in croupous pneumonia, v. 99 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 904 in diphtheria, i. 603 ; vi. 945 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 646 in epilepsy, xiv. 233 in fatty degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 604 in heart disease, vi. 113 in malarial diseases, ii. 641 in lesions of medulla oblongata, xii. 144 in melanaemia, viii. 544 in pericarditis, vi 606 in pleuritis, iv. 640 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 405 by arsenic, xvii. 649 by carbonic oxide, xvii 468 by lead, xvii. 583 Albuminuria, in poisoning by mercury, xvii. 615 by phosphorus, xvii. 634 by silver, xvii. 600 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 374, 382 in pyelitis, xv. 571 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 435, 470 in renal cysts, xv. 640 in scurvy, xvii. 165, 189 in tetanus, xiv. 353 in typhoid fever, i 106 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 89, 113, 140 in whooping-cough, vi. 707 in yellow fever, i. 499 malarial, treatment of, ii. 678 of acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 276 of amyloid kidney, xv. 508 of chronic nephritis, xv. 358 of heart disease, xv. 212 of inflammatory renal affections, xv. 65 of pregnancy, xv. 318 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 436, 442 of renal cirrhosis, causes of, xv. 470 urinary casts in, xv. 94 Albuminuria and dropsy, relations of, xv. 103 Alcohol, a cause of corpulence, xvi. 645 action on bacteria, i. 680 as on element of food, xviii. 171 disposition of, in human system, xvii. 384 effect of, in valvular diseases, vi 165 in anaemia, xvi. 460 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 685 in corpulence, xvi. 710 in croup, iv. 265 in diabetes, xvi. 989 in diabetic urine, xvi. 907 in diphtheria, i 681 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 82 in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 245 of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 168 of epileptiform spasms, xv. 145 of gout, xvi. 104 Alcohol. -i a Alum. INDEX. i^ Alcohol, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 108, 112 of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 61 of hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver, ix. 221 of lardaceous spleen, viii. 482 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 412 in fetid bronchitis, iv. 435 in nose-bleed, iv. 163 in parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 in the plague, i. 481 in poisoning by atropine, xvii. 685 in putrid bronchitis, ix. 915 in snake-bites, iii. 550 in whooping-cough, vi. 621 not a cause of chronic nephritis, xv. 335 physiological action of, xviii 171 poisoning by, xvii. 382 proportion of, in different liquors, xviii. 176 Alcoholic drinks, in croupous pneu- monia, v. 168 in typhoid fever, i. 223 Alcoholic fermentation, in chronic gastritis, vii. 171 Alcoholic stimulants, in croup, xix 140 in cardiac weakness, xvi. 493 in diphtheria, i. 695 in malarial fevers, ii 674 in snake-bites, iii. 550 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 in training, xviii 361 Alcoholism, as a cause of cerebral em- bolism, xii. 186 of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of chronic interstitial pancreatitis, viii. 601 in etiology of cerebral embolism and thrombosis, xii. 186 of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 253 of convexity meningitis of unknown origin, xii. 639 of dementia paralytica, xii. 855 of epilepsy, xiv. 203 of hyperaemia of brain, xii. 42 Alcoholism, in etiology of inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 222 of lardaceous spleen, viii. 482 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii 471 of myelitis, xiii. 429 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 404 of spinal irritation, xiii. 360 of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 of tremor, xiv. 386 influence of, upon course of pneumonia, v. 103 upon effects of chloral hydrate, xvii. 449 upon mortality from chloroform, xvii. 429 upon sexual functions, xvii. 411 Alcoholism, chronic, xvii 399, 405 in the etiology of chronic endarteritis, vi. 375 Alexia, speech-tracks that are obstructed in, xiv. 783 Alexia and paralexia, xiv. 608, 774 Alexia, without impairment of sight, speech, or intellect, xiv. 775 Alga-cells, in malarial poison, ii. 585 Algae, in ice, xviii. 291 in sources of water-supply, xviii. 235 Algid form of malarial fever, ii. 609 Algiers, climate of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 Algonquin, blood-boiling apparatus of, xix. 431 Aliment, direct, xviii. 148 indirect, xviii. 148, 166 Alimentary canal, condition of, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 872 Alimentary organs, affection of, in croupous angina, vi. 934 in diphtheria, vi. 940 Alkalescence of wall of stom- ach, diminished, in etiology of ulcer of stomach, vii. 199 1 Q T-KT-rw-n.v AlCOhol. 13 INDEX. Alum# Alkali Acts of 1863 and 1874, xix. 444 Alkali-albumen, xviii. 150 Alkalies, as disinfectants, xix. 566 in acute rheumatism, xvi 61 in catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 530 in cholelithiasis, ix. 776 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 423, 433 in chronic gastritis, vii 188 in diabetes mellitus, xvi 995 in gall-stones, ix. 774 in gout, xvi 139 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 733 in poisoning by sulphuric acid, xvii 336 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 61 poisoning by, xvii. 355 Alkalies, carbonated, in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 207 Alkalies, sulphates and tar- trates of, in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 Alkaline earths, excess of, in water, xix. 121 in diabetic urine, xvi. 903 Alkaline salts, in nephrolithiasis, xv. 733 poisoning by, xvii. 370 Alkaline solutions, in the treatment of thrush, vi. 806 All-cart lien closet of Jennings, xviii 504 Allantiasis, xvii 535 Alliteration, dangerousness of, for poor speakers, xiv. 786 Allotriogcustia, vi. 822 Alluvial soils, xviii. 427 Almond-bread, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 987 Almond-shells, sweet, decoction of, in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Almond-water, bitter, in pleuritis, iv. 689 Alms-houses, prevention of scurvy in, xvii. 227 Aloes, in chlorosis, xvi. 565 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 Aloes, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 in ulcer of stomach, vii 228 Alopecia, in typhoid fever, i 187 syphilitic, iii. 161 Alteratives, for inhalation, iv. 95 Acidi carbolici, gr. J to 5 to § j. of water Potass, iodidi, gr. 1 to 25 to § j. of water Aquae chlor., T^_ 5 to 50 to 3 j. of water Liq. sodse chlorinat., TT\_ 2 to 25 to § j. of water Potass, permanganat., gr. | to 5 to 5 j. of water Quiniae sulph., gr. -fa to 1 to § j. of water Alteratives, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, vi. 95 in spasms, xi. 298 Alternate paralyses, in apoplexy, xii. 117 Alternating paralysis, in cerebral tumors, xii 255 Alternate paralysis, in lesions of the pedunculus cerebri, xii. 145 in lesions of pons, xii. 141 Alternate sensor paralysis, in le- sions of pons, xii. 143 Altitude, influence of, on scrofulosis, xvi. 766 Altona, Germany, water-supply of, xviii. 267 Alum, action of, on bacteria, i. 680 in bread, xix. 360 in the treatment of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 of acute lead-poisoning, xvii. 560 of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 818 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 of chronic catarrh of lower pharynx, vii. 61 of chronic cystitis, viii. 696 of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 56 of " cold in the head," iv. 128 of diphtheria, i 693 Alum. Amputation. INDEX 14 Alum, in the treatment of diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76, 79, 86, 94, 128, 145 of gonorrhoea, viii. 771, 773, 775,806, 809 of haematuria, xv. 684 of hemorrhage from the bladder, viii. 727 of hemorrhage from the mucous membrane of the larynx, iv. 193 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 318 of hemorrhages of the stomach, vii. 290 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 388 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 427 of laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 of nose-bleed, iv. 163 of pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 61 of phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 of pyelitis, xv. 576 of scorbutic affection of gums, xvii. 238 of syphilis of naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 poisoning by, xvii. 379 Alum, tannin, nitrate of silver, and opium, in diarrhoea of relaps- ing fever, i 285 Alumina processes of purifying sewage, xviii. 530 Alumina salts as disinfectants, xix. 565 Alveolar crackling, in emphysema ot lungs, v. 389 Alveolar processes, neuralgia in, xi. 114 Amanita muscaria, poisoning by, xvii. 926 Amanita phalloides, poisoning by, xvii. 938 Amaurosis in cerebral anaemia, xii. 25 in chronic alcoholism, xvii 410 in embolism of ophthalmic artery, xii. 202 in hysteria, xiv. 510 in lead-poisoning, xvii. 582 Amaurosis in lesions of corpora quadri- gemina, xii. 150 preceding apoplexy, xii. 98 Amaurosis, double, incurable, in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 281 Amaurosis, malarial, ii 601 Amaurosis uraemica, xv. 110 Amblyopia, in chronic alcoholism, xvii. 410 in hysteria, xiv. 510 of multiple sclerosis, xiii 499 Amblyopia, malarial, ii 601 Ain bulance, definition of the term, xix. 162 Ambulance corps of division, xix. 1G8 Ambulance officers, xix. 168 Ainclung's solution for diphthe- ritic dysentery, i. 567. 5. Acid, xv. Alcoholis..............gtt. xv. Tinct. opii.............gtt. xv.-xxx. Mucilag. acaciae, Syrup, papaver.......Sa 3 vi Aquae.................§ ivss. M. Tablespoonful every three hours. Amenorrhea, x. 327 hygienic and dietetic treatment of, x. 329 in hysteria, xiv. 525 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 211 Amenorrhea, with plethora, in hysteria, bloodletting in, xiv. 562 Ames' odorless excavating ap- paratus, xviii. 521 Amimia as a concomitant of ataxic apha- sia, xiv. 755 Amimia and paramimia, xiv. 609 Ammonia, fumes of, xix. 12 in breath of uraemic persons, xv. 114 in bronchial asthma, iv. 579 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 292 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 284, 287 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 747 15 INDEX. Alum. Amputation. Ammonia, in poisoning by chlorine, xvii. 290 in poisoning by prussic acid, xvii. 511 in snake-bites, iii. 550 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1022 in stings and bites of insects, iii. 539 in viper-bites, iii. 546 in whooping-cough, vi 727 inhalations of, in chlorine-poisoning, xvii. 290 injection of, into a vein, in prussic acid poisoning, xvii. 511 manufacture of, xix. 15 poisoning by, xvii. 355 presence of, in the air, xviii 630 Ammonia, anisated spirit of, i. 286.; v. 406 5. 01. anisi................... 1 part. Alcoholis..................20 parts. Aq. ammoniae.............. 5 parts. M. in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 232 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 Ammonia, carbonate of, in dis- eases of the nose and pharynx, iv. 86 in uraemia, xv. 112 Ammonia, muriate of, in acute ca- tarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in acute catarrh of lower pharynx, vii. 59 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417, 427 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 230 in rarefying dry catarrh, vii. 100 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 155 Ammonia, muriate and car- bonate of, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 86, 94,144 Ammonia, succinate of, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 Ammonia and ammonium sul- phate, manufacture of, xix. 439 Ammonia works, labor in, in etiology of poisoning by sulphuretted hydro- gen, xvii. 493 Ammoniac, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 436 Ammoniaco-magnesian phos- phate, crystals Of, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 369 Ammoniae aqua, in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 211 Aramouiaemia, xv. 114 as a cause of hemorrhage, xv. 157 Ammoniated tincture of musk, i 285 ty. Moschi.................... 3j. Ammoni xxx. Aq. destill.................fl. 3 v. Alcoholis..................A- 1 ij. 01. menth.................gtt. v. M. in cholera collapse, i 461 in relapsing fever, i 285 Aniinonio-sulphate of copper, in treatment of epilepsy, xiv. 291 Ammonium bromide, in phthisis laryngis, vii 850 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Ammonium carbonate, in typhus, i. 340 Ammonium chloride, in amyloid degeneration of the liver, ix. 438 in diseases of the nose, iv. 144 Amnesia, historical aspect of speech, xiv. 620 Amnesia senilis, xiv. 620 Amnesia totalis et partialis, xiv. 619 Amnesic amimia, xiv. 756 Amnesic aphasia, xiv. 667, 757 complicated forms of, xiv. 768 offers a greater obstacle to mental com- binations than ataxic aphasia, xiv. 767 report of a case of severe, xiv. 761, 764 speech-tracks that are closed in, xiv. 782 Amphion, waters of, in chronic cys- titis, viii. 695 Amphoteric milk, xviii 108 Amputation, for 6nake-bite, iii. 550 in treatment of tetanus, xiv. 361 Amputation. Anaemia of spinal cord. INDEX. 16 Amputation of cervix uteri, for hypertrophy, x. 90 in chronic metritis, x. 123 in prolapse of the uterus, x. 206 Amputation of the uterus, in in- version, x. 221 in prolapse, x. 214 Amputations, in treatment of epilepsy, xiv. 280 non-symmetry of spinal cord after, xiii. 766 Amusements, importance of, in mili- tary camp-life, xix. 118 Amyelia, xiii. 780 Amygdalitis, vi 911 Amygdalitis, chronic, vi. 920 Amygdalitis, parenchymatous, vi. 913 Amygdalitis, with abscess, vi 914 Amykosaseptin, composed of boracic acid and a preparation of cloves, ii. 481 in erysipelas, ii. 481 Amyl, nitrite of, in anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii. 290 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in arterial spasm or paralysis, vi. 361 in bronchial asthma, iv. 576 in an epileptic seizure, xiv. 295 in poisoning by ergot, xvii. 903 in valvular diseases, vi 172 Amylaceous principles, xviii. 160 Amy I one, poisoning by, xvii 453 use of, as an anaesthetic, xvii 453 Amyloid degeneration, in scrofu- losis, xvi. 780, 810 of arteries, vi. 391 period of time within which it can be de- veloped, viii. 481 tests for, viii. 480 theories as to the nature of, viii. 480 Amyloid degeneration of abdo- minal organs, in phthisis, v. 580 AMYLOID DEGENERATION OF THE KIDNEYS, xv. 327, 496; history, 496; eti- ology, 498; course of the disease, 504; dura- tion, 516 ; pathological anatomy, 517; analysis of the symptoms, 523; prognosis, 529; diag- ' nosis, 533; treatment, 536; complications of amyloid degeneration of the kidney with chro- nic parenchymatous nephritis and with con- tracting kidney, 538. Amyloid degeneration of kid- neys, a case of, xv. 531 prolonged use of iodide of potassium in, xv. 537 AMYLOID DEGENERATION OP THE LIVER, ix. 407; nature, 409; etiology, 412; pathological anatomy, 417; pathology, 428; general picture of the disease, 429 ; symptoms, 430; diagnosis, 433; duration, termination, and prognosis, 435; therapeutics, 437. Amyloid degeneration of the liver, differential diagnosis from cir- rhosis, ix. 203 diuretics and laxatives in, ix. 438 in syphilis, iii. 192 Amyloid degeneration of lym- phatic glands, iii 182 Amyloid degeneration of the pancreas, viii. 626 Amyloid degeneration of the spleen, viii. 477 Amyloid liver in consumption, v. 558 Amyloid matter, iodine test for, xv. 617 nature of, xv. 497, 622 Amyloid reaction, conditions impor- tant for the success of, viii. 480 Amyloids, xviii. 160 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, xiii. 640 Anabaena circinalis, figure of, xviii. 237 ANAEMIA, xvi. 282 ; bibliography, 282 ; in- troductory remarks, 286 ; pathogeny, 290 ; eti- ology, 294; predisposing causes, 295; exciting causes, 310; pathology, 343; general outline of the disease, 343; anatomical alterations, 354 ; special symptomatology, 360 ; alterations in the blood, 360 ; constitutional symptoms, 365 ; 10- 17 cal symptoms, 379 ; complications and sequelae, 409 ; diagnosis, 413 ; duration, issues, progno- sis, 414 ; treatment, 422 ; prophylaxis, 422; indicatio causalis, 438 ; indicatio morbi, 450 ; indicatio symptomatica, 492 ; treatment of in- tercurrent complications, 495. Anaemia, a complication of haemophilia, xvii. 56 of morbus maculosus, xvii. 269 of poisoning by mercury, xvii. 610 alcohol as a food in, xvi. 460 alkaline chalybeate waters in, xvi. 471 as a cause of fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 249 cod-liver oil in, xvi. 472 dietetic treatment of, xvi. 423 due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 781 hygienic treatment of, xvi. 427 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 78 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 384 in etiology of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of gastric catarrh, vii 137 of laryngeal phthisis, vii. 844 of neuralgia, xi 27, 101 of occlusion of intestines, vii. 499 of papilloma of larynx, vii 883 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 834 in scrofulosis, xvi. 808 influence of, in the production of hysteria, xiv. 482 malt-extract in, xvi. 474 modifying effect of, upon course of peri- carditis, vi 602 transfusion in, xvi 475 treatment by feeding, xvi. 453 the various preparations of iron in, xvi. 466 Anaemia, cardiac, digitalis in, xvi. 446 musk and camphor in, xvi. 493 stimulants in, xvi. 493 Anaemia, due to hemorrhages, acetate of lead and ergotin in, xvi. 441 Anaemia, febrile, salicylic acid in, xvi. 446 Vol. XX.—2 Amputation. Aiiicmia oi spina] cord. Anaemia, hysterical, bromide of po- tassium in, xvi. 495 Anaemia, malignant, xvi. 572 ANAEMIA OF THE BRAIN, xii. 9; bibli- ography, 9 ; history, 9 ; etiology, 10; patho- logical anatomy, 17; experimental investiga- tions, 18 ; symptomatology, 20 ; pathology, 30 ; prognosis and course, 33 ; treatment, 34. Anaemia of the brain accompany- ing abscess, xii. 704 age as a cause of, xii. 17 ammonia and musk in, xii. 35 cardiac stimulants in, xii 35 in hypertrophy, xii. 828 influence of, in the production of epilepsy, xiv. 196 symptoms of sensorial disturbances, xii. 22 Anaemia of the brain, acute universal, etiology of, xii. 11 Auaemia of the brain, unilate- ral, xii. 16 Anaemia of the cerebrum, the cause of epileptic coma, xiv. 268 Amentia of the cord, xiii. 281 diagnosis, xiii. 289 pathogenesis and etiology, xiii. 282 pathological anatomy, xiii. 285 symptoms, xiii. 286 treatment, xiii. 290 Anaemia of the larynx, iv. 189 ANAEMIA OF THE LUNGS, v. 264; eti- ology, 264 ; pathology, 2G4 ; the bronchi, 264; symptomatology, 264; the dyspnoea, 264; treatment, 265. Anaemia of the medulla oblon- gata, xiii 876 pathogenesis and etiology, xiii. 877 pathological anatomy, xiii. 878 symptoms, xiii. 880 Anaemia of the naso-pharyngeal space, vii 33 Anaemia of the pancreas, viii. 590 Anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii 7 IND Anaemia, paludal. Aneurism of the aorta. INDEX. 18 Anaemia, paludal, quinine, arsenic, and eucalyptus in, xvi. 442 Anaemia, progressive, perni- cious, xvi. 572 large doses of iron and quinine in, xvi. 602 Anaemia, splenic, arsenic in, xvi 446 Anaemic bruit, causes of, vi 39 Anaemic dropsy, saline diuretics in, xvi. 492 Anaemic fever, xvii 261 ANAESTHESIA, xi. 198 Cutaneous Anaesthesia, 199; pathology, 201; etiology, 201; cause of true periph- eral anaesthesia, 204; causes which ar- rest conduction in the brain, 208 ; hemi- plegia, in etiology of anaesthesia, 208; true central anaesthesia, 209 ; toxic anaes- thesia, 210; symptomatology, 211; dis- trict affected, 212; testing sense of pres- sure, 212 ; testing sense of temperature, 213; testing sense of locality, 214; tests of common sensation, 214; subjective symptoms, 215; sensations of special sense, 217; concomitant motor pheno- mena, 217; vaso-motor phenomena, 218 ; trophic disturbances, 218; traumatic anaesthesia, 220; rheumatic anaesthesia, 221; anaesthesia of laundresses, 221; vaso-motor anaesthesia, 221 ; neuritic anaesthesia, 221; acute diseases followed by, 222; syphilis followed by, 222; spinal anaesthesia, 222; cerebral anaesthesia, 223; trigeminal anaesthesia, 223 ; course, duration, and termination, 226; diag- nosis, 227; seat of the primary disease, 227; prognosis, 228; treatment, 229; direct treatment, 229 ; electricity, 230; irritants, 230 ; baths, 231; dietetic treat- ment, 231 Muscular Anaesthesia, 232; general his- tory, 233; muscular sensibility, 233; anaesthesia of muscular sensibility, 236 ; anaesthesia of the sense of muscular ef- fort, 236 ; diagnosis, 236; treatment, 237 Anaesthesia, how produced, xi. 8 in cerebral tumors, xii. 252 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 441 Anaesthesia, in constitutional mercuri- alism, xvii. 613 in dementia paralytica, xii. 873 in gynecological examinations, x. 8 in hysteria, xiv. 506 in lead-poisoning, xvii. 580 in lesions of the cerebellum, xii. 156 of the inner capsule and corona ra> diata, xii. 149 of the pons, xii. 142 in masked malarial fever, ii 600 in neuralgia of the fifth, xi. 108 in paralysis of apoplexy, xii. 128 in paralyzed parts, in hysteria, xiv. 519 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 125 in sciatica, xi. 174 in spinal disease, xiii. 67 in spinal hemiplegia, xiii 650 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 556 of the gustatory nerves, xi. 248 of the larynx, electricity in, vii. 929 of the mucous membrane, of the naso- pharyngeal cavity, vii. 103 of the oesophagus, viii. 203 of the olfactory nerves, xi. 256 of the skin, in neuralgia, xi. 47 of the soft palate, vi. 993 Anaesthesia, cutaneous, counter- irritants in, xi. 231 dietetic treatment in, xi. 231 electricity in, xi. 230 in hysteria, xiv. 506 Anaesthesia, hysterical, treatment of, xiv. 575 Anaesthesia olfactoria, xi 256 Anaesthesia, permanent, in cere- bral hemorrhage, xii. 129 Anaesthesia, spinal, without ataxia, a case of, xiii. 88 Anaesthetic liniments in sciatica, xi 181 Anaesthetics, in acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 303 in gynecological examinations, x. 8 in neuralgia, xi. 81, 86, 125, 181 in spasm, xi. 297 19 INDEX. Anaemia, paludal. Aneurism of tlie aorta. Anaesthetics, in tetany, xi. 376 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 303 poisoning by, xvii. 382 Anaesthetics, local, in neuroses of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 104 Anal diseases in pulmonary consump- tion, v. 557 Analgesia in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 847 of syphilis, xi. 211 Analgesic states in hysteria, xvi 507 Analyses, chemical, of hospital air, xviii. 720 Analysis, chemical, of camp water, method of, xix. 122, 123 of expectoration in bronchiectasis, ix. 894 of pleuritic effusions, iv. 609 Analysts, English Society of, standard of milk, xix. 366 Anamnesis, in diagnosis of occlusions of intestine, vii. 625 Anapale, xviii. 342 Anarthria in lesions of pons and me- dulla, xii. 141 Anarthria literalis, xiv. 633 Anarthria literalis bulbo-nucle- aris, xiv. 654 Anarthria syllabaris spasmodi- ca, xiv. 633 Anasarca in pulmonary emphysema, v. 374 of renal disease, xv. 107 Anatomical changes in chronic en- docarditis, vi. 95 in haemophilia, xvii. 52 Anatomical lesions, absence of, in cerebral syphilis, xii 315 Anatomical relations of the ar- teries in connection with cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 88 Anatomy of the dura mater, xii. 375 of the intestines, vii. 340 of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 825 of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii 6 of the primary lesion of syphilis, iii. 109 of the skin in small-pox, ii. 380 of the spinal cord, xiii. 7 Anatomy of the stomach, vii. 112 Anchylostoinuin disease, treat- ment, xvi. 442 Auchv lostomuni duodenale, vii. 776 affections of pancreas due to, vii. 784 Anderson's process of purifying sewage, xviii. 531 Andral's case of lesion of the corpus striatum, xiv. 682 Aneurism as a cause of embolism, xii 184 coagulating injections in the treatment of, vi. 454 compression in the treatment of, vi. 449 cure of, by introduction of foreign bodies into sac, vi. 454 dietetic and postural treatment of, vi 458 galvano-puncture in the treatment of, vi 450 in etiology of compression of the gall- duct, ix. 593 of injuries of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 890 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 444 of oedema of the larynx, vii. 795 of perforations of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 652 of stenosis of the trachea and bron- chi, iv. 476 injections of ergotine into and around the sac, vi. 453 iodide of potassium internally in, vi. 460 ligation of vessel in, vi. 451, 462 narcotics and digitalis in, vi. 461, 462 Aneurism, abdominal, not com- monly attended by peritonitis, viii. 230 Aneurism, acute valvular, from ulcerative endocarditis, vi 67 Aneurism of the aorla as a cause of stenosis oesophagi, viii. 22 method of rupture into the oesophagus, viii 115 rupture of, in etiology of haemothorax, iv. 739 Aneurism. 90 Anorexia. INDEX. ^ Aneurism of the hepatic artery, ix. 834 Aneurism of the innominate artery, in etiology of stenosis of trachea, iv. 476 Aneurisms, attributed to syphilis, iii 218 causing neuralgia, xi. 29 in etiology of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 76, 80 of hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 273 of meningeal hemorrhage, 172 neuralgia in, xi. 29 rupture of, in meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 172 Aneurisms, intracranial, xii. 239 Aneurisms, saccular, at base of brain, vi. 116 Aneurysma cirsoi'des, vi. 40 Angina, in erysipelas, ii. 458 in scrofulosis, xvi 797 Angina catarrhalis, vi. 888 causes of, vi. 889 modifications of, vi. 891, .895 pathological anatomy, vi. 890 symptoms, vi. 893 treatment, vi. 896 Angina catarrhalis, chronci, vi. 897 cause, vi. 897 termination, vi. 899 treatment, vi. 899 Angina catarrhalis vesiculosa seu herpetica, vi. 892 Angina crouposa et diphtheri- tica, vi 924 Angina gangraenosa, course, vi. 965 general symptoms, vi. 965 in course of scarlatina, vi. 965 local manifestations, vi. 964 Angina Ludovici, vi. 857 course and terminations, vi. 859 etiology, vi. 857 pathological anatomy, vi. 858 symptoms, vi. 859 treatment, vi. 860 Angina mycotica, vi. 923 Angina of glanders, vi 910 Angina of iodism, xvii. 303 Angina of measles, vi 900 Angina of scarlatina, vi. 901 Angina of throat (L.udwig'8), early and deep incisions in, vi. 860 tracheotomy in, vi. 860 ANGINA PECTORIS, xiv. 31; bibliogra- phy, 31; history, 32 ; etiology, 35 ; general de- scription and course of the disease, 37 ; patho- logical anatomy, 39 ; analysis of symptoms, 41; diagnosis and prognosis, 50 ; treatment, 51 Angina pectoris, constant galvanic current in, xiv. 54 derivatives to the skin in, xiv. 52 distinguished from aneurism, vi. 447 faradization in, xiv. 54 in hysteria, xiv. 500 inhalations of nitrite of amyl in, xiv. 53 morphine hypodermically in, xiv. 52 nervines and antispasmodics internally in, xiv. 52 Angina pectoris vaso-inotoria, development of, into epileptiform seiz- ure, xiv. 273 Angina scarlatinosa, ii. 215 Angina scrofulosa, vi. 987 Angina syphilitica erythema- tosa seu catarrhalis, vi. 979 Angina syphilitica gummosa, vi 981 Angina syphilitica papulosa, vi. 980 Angina tonsillaris, vi. 911 Anginas, vi. 887 the symptomatic acute catarrhal, vi. 900 which regularly appear with stomatitis, vi. 921 Angine pultaccc, vi. 896 Angiocholitis, ix. 534 Angioleucitis, vi. 513 Angioma of brain, xii. 239 Angioma of the kidney, xv. 637 Angioma of the larynx, vii 901 oi ,„,.^.r,^, Aneurism. 21 INDEX Anorexia. Angiomata of the infantile mamma, xviii 85 Angiomata of the intestines, vii 428 Angophrasia, xiv. 814 Aniline, manufacture of, xix. 23 poisoning by, xvii. 519 Aniline, sulphate of, in the treat- ment of chorea, xiv. 466 Aniline colors, xix. 23 Animal exhalations in the air, xviii. 631 Animal matters, found in the soil, xviii 428 storage and handling of, xix. 411 Animal parasites, a cause of anaemia, xvi. 332 in etiology of anaemia, xvi 332 ANIMAL PARASITES OP THE KID- NEYS, xv. 742. The Echinococci of the Kidneys, 742; bibliography and history, 742 ; etiology, 743 ; pathological anatomy, 745 ; symp- tomatology, 748 ; diagnosis, 752 ; dura- tion, course, prognosis, 755 ; treatment, 756 StrongtlusGigas(Rudoi-phi), 757; bib- liography and general description, 757 Pentastomum Denticulatum, 758 Distoma Haematobium (Bilharz), 758; bibliography and general description, 758 Spikoptera Hominis and Dactyleus Aculeatos, 760 Animal and vegetable parasites of the oesophagus, viii 197 Animal substitutes for milk, xviii. 117 Animalculae in drinking-water, xviii 294 Animals, capacity of, to form concep- tions, judgments, and simple conclu- sions, xiv. 596 diseases of, iii. 313 killing of, xix. 402 malarial diseases in, ii. 587 scarlatina in, ii. 166 Animals, slaughtering of, xix. 402 syphilis in, iii. 41 typhoid fever in, i 75 Animals, diseased, xix. 461 Animals, rare, shops for sale of, xix. 401 Anisated solution of ammonia, hypodermically, in dysentery, i 567 Anisated spirit of ammonia, i. 286, 461; v. 406 R. 01. anisi................... 1 part. Alcoholis.................. 20 parts. Aq. ammoniae.............. 5 parts. M. in cholera, i 461 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 in relapsing fever, i 286 in typhus, i 340 Annular ventilating tube, xviii 502 ANOMALIES IN THE POSITION, FORM, AND NUMBER OP THE KIDNEYS, xv. 761 The Fixed Dislocation (Dystopia) of the Kidneys, 761; bibliography, 761; general description, 762 The Movable (Migratory) Kidney, 763; bibliography and history, 763 ; etiology, 764 ; pathological anatomy, 767 ; symp- tomatology, 769 ; diagnosis, 772 ; dura- tion, course, prognosis, 774 ; treatment, 774 Anomalies in the Form and Number OF the Kidneys, 776; bibliography, 776; lobulated and horse-shoe kidney, 776; absence of the kidney, 778 Anomalies in the position of the pancreas, viii 629 Anomalies in the shape and position of the stomach, vii. 335 Anorehism, effects of, on the genital organs and entire body, viii. 887 Anorexia, a constant symptom in ca- tarrhal pneumonia, v. 203 Anorexia. Antipyretic treatment. INDEX. 22 Anorexia, in croupous pneumonia, v. 94 in consumption, v. 551 Anosmia, xi. 256 causes of, xi. 259 faradization to nasal mucous membrane in, xi. 262 Anosmia, syphilitic, iii. 208 Ansa peduncularis, lesion of, xii 147 Ansclin, case of Adele, xiv. 769 Antecedents of meningitis of convexity and tubercular meningitis, xii. 648 Anteflexion of the uterus, x. 161, 167 Ante-uterine hematocele, x. 485 Ante version of the uterus, x. 162, 169 Anthelmintics, in enteralgia, vii 468 in parasites of the biliary passages, ix. 675, 682 Anthracosis, xix. 32 Anthrax, antiseptic dressings in, iii. 429 carbolic acid internally in, iii. 429 cauterization of point implicated in, iii. 428 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 253 of meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 603 in man, iii. 404; xviii. 20 in animals, iii. 372 local stimulation, after formation of slough in, iii. 429 prophylaxis in, iii 427 strongly tonic and stimulating treatment in, iii. 429 Anthrax carbuncle, extirpation of tumor and cauterization, iii. 428 Antidotes, in poisoning by acetic acid, xvii. 351 by aconitine, xvii. 754 by aethusa cynapium, xvii. 829 by alcohol, xvii. 413 by alkaline salts, xvii. 375 by alum, xvii. 381 by amanita phalloides, xvii. 938 Antidotes, in poisoning by ammonia and sal ammoniac, xvii. 366 by amylene, xvii. 453, 455 by aniline and aniline dyes, xvii 524 by antimony, xvii 624 by arsenic, xvii. 651, 658 by atropine, xvii. 680 by barium compounds, xvii 379 by benzine, xvii. 512 by bichloride of ethylidene, xvii. 454, 455 by bichloride of methylene, xvii. 453, 455 by bismuth, xvii. 628 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii. 483 by blasting-oil, xvii 534 by boletus luridus, xvii. 941 by bromine and its compounds, xvii 321 by cadmium, xvii. 596, 597 by calabar bean, xvii. 704 by carbolic acid, xvii 532 by carbonic acid, xvii. 477 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 456, 470 by caustic and carbonated alkalies, xvii 369 by charcoal vapor, xvii. 462, 470 by cheese, xvii. 553 by chlorine, xvii. 290 by chloroform, xvii. 437 by chromium, xvii. 626 by cicuta virosa, xvii. 828 by citric acid, xvii. 351 by coal-gas, xvii. 464, 470 by colchicine, xvii. 739 by coniine, xvii. 820 by copper, xvii. 592, 593 by croton chloral, xvii. 454 by curare, xvii. 837 by cyanide of potassium, xvii. 511 by cytisine, xvii. 826 by delphinine, xvii. 759 by di-ethyl ether, xvii 452 by digitalis, xvii. 719 by earthy salts, xvii. 375 by ergot, xvii. 902, 911. 919 by ether, xvii. 452 by fish, xvii. 551 by fly-fungus, xvii. 935 by fool's parsley, xvii. 829 23 INDEX. Anorexia. Antipyretic treatment. Antidotes, in poisoning by fungi (poison ous), xvii. 925 by gold, xvii. 628 by helleborin, xvii. 741 by hydrochloric acid, xvii. 339 by hydrocyanic acid, xvii 511 by hydrofluoric acid, xvii. 344 by hyponitric acid, xvii. 343 by hyoscyamine, xvii. 689 by hyoscyamus, xvii. 689 by iodine, xvii. 306 by iron salts, xvii. 624 by laughing-gas, xvii. 454, 455 by lead, xvii. 560, 568, 573, 579, 583 by lyes, xvii. 369 by manganese, xvii. 626 by mercury, xvii. 605, 617 by morphine, xvii. 865 by muriatic acid, xvii. 339 by muscarine, xvii. 935 by mushrooms, xvii. 925 by nicotine, xvii. 772 by nitric acid, xvii. 343 by nitrite of amyl, xvii. 454 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 518 by nitroglycerine, xvii. 534 by nitrous oxide, xvii. 454, 455 by oenanthe crocata, xvii. 828 by opium, xvii. 865 by oxalic acid, xvii. 355 by phosphorus, xvii. 641, 643 by physostigmine, xvii 704 by picrotoxin, xvii 813 by potassium cyanide, xvii. 511 by prussic acid, xvii. 511 by russula integra, xvii. 941 by santonine, xvii. 889 by sausages, xvii. 546 by silver, xvii. 601 by solanine, xvii. 695 by strychnine, xvii. 794 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 496 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 335 by sulphuric ether, xvii. 452 by sulphurous acid, xvii. 345 by tartaric acid, xvii. 351 by thallium, xvii. 628 Antidotes, in poisoning by tin, xvii. 627 by vapor of charcoal, xvii. 462, 470 by veratrine, xvii. 731 by water -hemlock, xvii. 828 by zinc, xvii. 596, 597 Antilles, climate of, in pulmonary dis- eases, iv. 302 the cradle of yellow fever, i 488 Antimonials, in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417, 418 in croup, iv. 267 in pleuritis, iv. 688 Antimony in human milk, xviii 99 in treatment of pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 in whooping-cough, vi. 721 Antimony, arsenite of, in treatment of pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 Antimony, preparations of, in scrofulosis, xvi. 818 Antimony, tartarized, in suppura- tive hepatitis, ix. 155 Antimony, tartrate of, in catalepsy, xiv. 382 Antimony-poisoning, xvii 619 tannic acid in, xvii. 624 Antiphlogistic remedies, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 258 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 421 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 655 in metroperitonitis, viii. 275 in neuralgia, xi. 74, 119, 178 in perforation of the biliary passages, ix. 656 in pneumothorax, ix. 768 Antiphlogosis, local and gen- eral, in exudative inflammation of the biliary passages, ix. 556 Antipyretic treatment, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 421 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 737 in convexity meningitis, xii. 655 in plague, i 481 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 286 Antipyretic treatment. Apomorphine. INDEX. 24 Antipyretic treatment, in tubercu- lar meningitis, xii. 579 in typhoid fever, i. 205, 221 Antiseptic, definition of the term, xix. 548 Antiseptic gargles in small-pox, ii. 398 Antiseptics in diphtheria and croup, i. 679; iv. 268 in glanders of larynx, vii. 860 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 286 on shipboard, xix. 200 Antispasmodics, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in clonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 339 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in. hysteria, xiv. 565 Antisyphilitic treatment in simple meningitis of base, xii. 597 Antizymotics in scarlatina, ii 307 Antrum cardiacum, viii. 51 Antrum of Highmore, affection of, in abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 147 in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 722 affections of, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 142 in cold in the head, iv. 126 Ants, spirit of, formula for, xi. 231 Ants, recently gathered and bruised, 10 parts; alcohol, 15 parts; water, 15 parts. Macerate for two days, then distil off 20 parts. Anuria, vii. 500 in cancer of kidney, xv. 674 in hydronephrosis, xv. 651 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 712 Anus, affections of, as favoring causes of spermatorrhoea, viii. 848 of abnormal seminal losses, viii 846 burning and itching of, induced by hemorrhoids, vi. 504 congenital occlusion of, vii. 485 in dysentery, i 552 leeches to, in dysentery, i. 563 Anus praeternaturalis, x. 529 Anxiety, praecordial, in anaemia, xvi. 346 Aorta, adhesions to neighboring organs, vi. 347 aneurism of, in etiology of perforations of the oesophagus, viii. 115 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 476 aneurism of, rupture of, in etiology of haematothorax, iv. 739 condition of, in stenosis of pulmonary ar- tery, vi. 321 congenital stenosis of, vi. 464 diagnosis, vi. 469 etiology, vi 465 prognosis, course, vi. 470 symptoms, vi. 466 treatment, vi. 470 contraction of, at ductus arteriosus, vi. 473 dilatation of, as a cause of cardiac hyper- trophy, vi. 193 imperfection of, in chlorosis, xvi. 528 measurements of, vi. 400 narrowing of, prognosis, vi. 476 symptoms, vi. 475 treatment, vi. 476 paralysis, in compression of, xiii. 286 stenosis of, in cerebral congestion, xii. 438 ulceration of, in etiology of haematotho- rax, iv. 740 uniform dilatation of ascending, vi. 402 Aorta ascendens, direction of, vi 10 pulsation of, vi. 31 Aorte pavee, vi 374 Aortic insufflciency, as a cause of dilatation of left ventricle, vi. 199 Aortic stenosis, nervous symptoms of, vi. 115 Aortic valves, discovery of physical signs of insufficiency of, vi. 63 insufficiency of the, causes, vi. 132 diagnosis of, vi. 140 in etiology of hypertrophy of heart, vi. 194 25 Apartments, disinfection of, xix. 568 Apathy, in yellow fever, i 499 Aperients, in valvular diseases, vi. 168 Apex, systolic retraction over, in case of pericardial adhesions, vi. 031 Apex-beat, in pericardial adhesions, vi. 640 in pericarditis, vi. 571 position of, vi. 176 systolic depression over, from pericar- dial adhesion, vi. 641 Aphasia, as a disease, and its manifold causes, xiv. 798 definition of, xiv. 667 due to lesions of other regions than the left frontal lobe and the island, is sim- • ply an exception to the rule, xiv. 737 dysphasic derangements included under, xiv. 749 from lesions of cortex, xii. 152 in abscess of brain, xii. 788 in cerebral embolism, xii. 197 in cerebral thrombosis, xii. 203 in cerebral t amors, xii. 246 in contusion of brain, xii. 673 in general progressive paralysis, xvi. 810 in latent stage of chronic abscess of brain, xii. 762 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 609, 613 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 548 in syphilitic apoplexy, xii. 324 is almost invariably accompanied by im- pairment of the intellect, xiv. 766 lesions which most frequently lead to, xiv. 733 may be due to any morbid process in the brain, xiv. 801 prognosis of, xiv. 803 temporary disappearance of, during fever or delirium, xiv. 649 treatment of, xiv. 804 ushering in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 543 with more profound derangements of memory, xiv. 760 Aphasia, amnesic, xiv. 757 Aphasia, ataxic, xiv. 634, 751 Antipyretic treatment. Apomorphine. Aphasia, congenital, xiv. 802 Aphasia, functional, xiv. 799 Aphasia, malarial, ii. 601 Aphasia of recollection, xiv. 757 distinctions between it and deeper dis- turbances of memory, xiv. 767 Aphasie disturbances may be due to lesions of other parts of the brain than the anterior lobes, xiv. 730 Aphasie stuttering, xiv. 746 Aphonia, in bilateral paralysis of recur- rent laryngeal nerve, vii. 951 Aphonia, hysterical, xiv. 517 treatment of, xiv. 575 Aphonia, malarial, ii. 601 Aphrasia paranoica, xiv. 811 Aphrasia superstitiosa endemi- ca, xiv. 812 Aphrasia voluntaria, xiv. 811 Aphthae, diagnosed from stomacace, vi. 788 in typhoid fever, i 160 mistaken for diphtheria, i. 661 Aphthae of the mouth and throat, in pulmonary consumption, v. 553 Aphthae epizooticae, iii 513; see also Foot-and-Mouth Disease Aphthongia, xiv. 826, 843 Aphthous angina, vi. 922 Aphthous ulceration of the os uteri, x. 154 Apical impulse, vi. 27, see also Car- diac Impulse Apices of lungs, the favorite seat of the phthisical process, v. 487 Apiol, in malarial diseases, ii. 675 Aplasie lamineuse progressive, xiv. 72 Apneumatosis, v. 322 Apomorphine as an emetic in foreign bodies in trachea, iv. 521 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in acute gastritis, vii. 144 in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in bronchial catarrh,, iv. 417, 418, 429 IND1 Apomorphine. Arsenic. Apomorphine, in cases of foreign bod- ies in the trachea and bronchi, iv. 521 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 233 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 436 in chronic gastritis, vii. 183 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 467 in gastralgia, vii. 305 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 285 in measles, ii. 125 in poisoning by mercury, xvii. 605 by opium, xvii. 865 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 497 in pulmonary congestion, v. 285 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 Apoplectic attack, xii. 72 Apoplectic attacks in cerebral syphi- lis, xii. 323 in dementia paralytica, 872 in etiology of encephalitis, 748 in occlusion of cerebral vessels, 195 in syphilis, iii. 220 Apoplectic cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 55 Apoplectic cicatricial tissue, xii. 91 Apoplectic cyst, cerebral, xii. 91 Apoplectic cysts of the pan- creas, viii 622 Apoplectic death of infants, xii. 178 Apoplectic foci in brain, changes about, xii. 87, 92 inflammatory changes about, xii 748, 751 Apoplectic focus, cerebral, in its fresh condition, xii. 89 Apoplectic form of malarial fever, ii 605 Apoplectic hemorrhages, xii 98 Apoplectic symptoms in thrombosis of brain, xii. 200 Apoplectiform anthrax, in ani- mals, iii. 396 Apoplectiform attacks in multiple Bclerosis, xiii. 501 Apoplexia ex inanitionc, xii 23 26 Apoplexia medullae oblongatae, xiii. 865 Apoplexia neonatorum, xii. 174 Apoplexia serosa, xii. 56 Apoplexy, xii. 71 following poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 409 in corpulence, xvi. 678, 691 in insufficiency of the mitral valve, vi 124 in malarial cachexia, ii. 624 in scurvy, xvii. 163 influences giving rise .to, xii 104 prodromata of, xii. 96 Apoplexy, capillary, xii 93 Apoplexy, essential, symptoms of, xii. 95 Apoplexy of medulla oblongata, stimulant enemata in, xiii. 876 venesection in, xiii. 876 Apoplexy, pulmonary, a complica- tion of croup, iv. 252 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 its cause, v. 298 its pathology, v. 301 Apparatus for rendering fat, xix. 423 Apparatus required in analyz- ing food, xix. 352 to 354. Apparent death, during cataleptic attacks, xiv. 375 in malarial fever, ii. 606 Appendix vermiformis, perforation of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 95 strangulation of intestine by, vii. 540 ulceration of, vii 418 Appetite, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 864 in anaemia, xvi. 347, 404 in chlorosis, xvi. 520 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1028 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871, 909 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 370 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 528, 531 in scrofulosis, xvi. 798, 801 in simple meningitis of base, xii. 590 Appleton-Brovvn bleeder fam- ily, xvii. 19 EX. Apomorphine. JJNDiLA. Arsenic. Aqua ainygdalarum, in vomiting of small-pox, ii. 396 Aqua fortis, xvii. 340 Aqua pctroselini, composition of, v. 405 Aqua rcgia, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 Aqua t of fan a, poisoning by, xvii. 646 Aquamalarial fevers, xix. 130, 145 Aqueous vapor, amount of, in air, xviii. 650; ix. 187 Arachnitis, xii. 426 Arctic regions, effects of alcohol in, xviii. 174 Arcuate fibres in the brain, xiv. 689 Areus senilis of cornea, in fatty degeneration of heart, vi 256 Areas, dry, xviii. 414 Areolar hyperplasia of the ute- rus, x. 102 Argent i nitras, in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 224 in croup, iv. 265 in diarrhoea of relapsing fever, i. 285 Argyria, in silver poisoning, xvii. 600 Arh ytil mia, cardiac, in chorea, xiv. 436 Aristolochia bracteata, in treat- ment of ascaris lumbricoides, vii. 749 Arlington, Mass., water-supply of, xviii. 246 Army and navy rations, xviii. 194 Arnica, in the treatment of hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 286 Arnott's chimney-valve, xviii. 775 Aromatic baths, in the treatment of incontinence of urine, viii 722 Aromatic herb baths, in convales- cence of cholera, i. 462 Arrangement of cerebral arte- ries, and its bearings upon syphilitic changes, xii. 331 Arrest of hemorrhage in bleed- ers, different means for, xvii. 99 Arrow-poison, xvii 776 Arrowroot, adulteration of, xix. 359 Arrowroot starch, xviii. 161 Arsenic, anaphrodisiac action of, viii. 889 by subcutaneous injection, in the treat- ment of chorea, xiv. 465 effects of, on workmen, xix. 46 formula for, in malarial diseases, ii. 672 in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 101 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 151 in breast-milk, xviii. 99 in bronchial asthma, iv. 579, 581, 582 in cerebral tumors, xii. 288 in chlorosis, xvi. 571 in chorea, xiv. 464 in combination with iron, in chlorosis, xvi. 571 in croup, iv. 268 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1003 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 191 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 419 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in human milk, xviii. 99 in intermittent spinal paralysis, xiii. 817 in leucaemia, viii. 531 in malarial diseases, ii. 671 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 845 in myelitis, xiii. 463 in neuralgia, xi. 75, 87, 125, 151, 183 in neuroses of motion of larynx, vii. 977 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 149 in sciatica, xi. 183 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spasms, xi. 298 in splenic and lymphatic anaemia, xvi. 446 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 in tetany, xi. 377 in tremor, xiv. 393 in tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 276 subcutaneously, in multiple sclerosis, xiii 512 tests for, xvii. 644 Arsenic. OQ Arteries. INDEX. -^ Arsenic, Boudin's formula, ii. 671 Boil 15 grains of arsenious acid in 34 ounces of water until it is all dissolved; then add, besides the water that has been lost, 34 fluid ounces of white wine, and give a tablespoonful four times a day = gr. £ of arsenic at a dose. Arsenic, Clemens' preparation of, ii. 672 B. Acidi arseniosi, Potass, carbonat.......aa 3 j. Aq. destillatae............f. %ix. Adde bromini puri........3 ij- M. Frequently shake; fit for use after four weeks; always keep from light. Three or four drops once or twice a day. Arsenic compounds, as disinfec- tants, xix. 566 Arsenic eaters, xvii. 653 Arsenic-poisoning, xvii. 644 ferric hydrate in, xvii. 651 in etiology of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 jaundice in, ix. 28 magnesia in, xvii. 651 prompt emesis in, xvii. 651 resembling cholera, i 415 treatment of, xvi. 651 Arsenical fumes, injurious effects of, xix. 17 Arsenical wall-paper, xvii 652 Arsenical preparations, effects of, upon workmen, xix. 46 Arsenite of antimony, in treatment of pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 Arseniuretted hydrogen, poisoning by, xvii. 644, 658 Artemisia, in epilepsy, xiv. 288 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 Arteria hepatica, embolism of, in eti- ology of hepatic abscess, ix. 97 Arteriae lenticulo-opticae, domain of, xiv. 674 Arteriae lenticulo-striatae, domain of, xiv. 674 Arterial anaemia, in connection with venous congestion of brain, xii. 63 Arterial circumscribed disease of the spleen, in recurrent fever, viii. 445 Arterial foramina, their situation, vi. 9 Arterial paralysis, faradization in, vi. 361 the preparations of lead and ergotine in, vi 362 Arterial pressure as a cause of cere- bral hemorrhage, xii. 7G Arterial sclerosis, as a cause of car- diac hypertrophy, vi. 193 Arterial spasm, external warmth in, vi. 361 galvanic current in, vi. 361 inhalations of nitrite of amyl in, vi. 361 the pathognomonic effect of iodine-poi- soning, xvii. 301 Arterial tension, effects of, upon cir- culation, vi. 101 Arterial tension of pericarditis, vi. 598 Arteries, abnormal structure of, in hae- mophilia, xvii. 53 abnormities of, in chlorosis, 530 affections of, in etiology of anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii. 282 of hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 440 of myelomalacia, xiii. 468 of spinal apoplexy, xiii. 293 anatomical relations of, in connection with cerebral hemorrhage, xii 88 atheromatous degeneration of, with gall- stones, ix. 712 changes in, in chlorosis, xvi. 527 in corpulence, xvi. 663, 678, 691 in haemophilia, xvii. 53 in poisoning by lead, xvii. 567 in poisoning by sulphuric acid, xvii. 335 in scrofulosis, xvi. 810 in tubercular basilar meningitis v 656 29 INDEX. Arsenic. Arteries. Arteries, fatty degeneration of, in hae- mophilia, xvii. 54 general dilatation of, iodide of potassium in, vi. 404 iodine externally in, vi. 404 ligation of, for neuralgia, xi. 97 measurements of, vi. 388, 398 results of loss of elasticity in walls of, vi. 39 sclerosis of, in etiology of cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 187 Arteries, cerebral, aneurism of, vi. 440 ARTERIES, DISEASES OF THE, vi. 345 ; bibliography, 345 Inflammation of the External Arte- rial Coat, Arteritis Externa, Ex- arteritis, Periarteritis, 346; bibli- ography, 346 ; pathology, 346 ; etiology, 347; symptoms and course, 348 ; treat- ment, 348 ; periarteritis nodosa, 349; ar- terio-capillary fibrosis, 350 Disease of the Middle Coat of the Arteries, 350; pathology, 351; fatty and calcareous degeneration, 351; diag- nosis, 352 ; atrophy of the middle coat, 352; hypertrophy of the media, 354; prognosis, 355 ; treatment, 355 Spasm and Paralysis of the Middle Coat of the Arteries, 356 ; etiology, 356 ; symptomatology, 357 ; treatment, 361 Acute Endarteritis, 362 ; bibliography, 362 ; pathology, 362 ; the lining epithe- lium, 363; etiology, 363; symptomatol- ogy, 365; treatment, 365 Chronic Endarteritis, Endarteritis Deformans seu Nodosa of Virchow. Arterio-sclerosis of Lobstein Atheromatous Process of Forster Atherosis, Induration of the Arte- ries, 366 ; bibliography, 366 ; pathology, 366 ; the calcerous degeneration, 369; fatty degeneration of the intima, 370; results of chronic endarteritis upon the external condition of the arteries, 371 ; mode of occurrence, 374; etiology, 375 ; symptomatology, 377; dilatation and hypertrophy of the heart, 378; ARTERIES, CEREBRAL—Atherosis. affections of the valvular apparatus, 379 ; the pulse, 380; gangrene following the disease, 383; oedema and varicose veins, 383; brain symptoms, 384; those of other organs, 384 ; course of the disease, 385; treatment, 386 Hypertrophy of the Arterial Coats, 386; pathology, 387; measurement of different arteries, 388 Atrophy of the Arterial Coats, 390 ; pathology, 390 Degenerations, Neoplasmata of the Arterial Walls, 390 ; fatty degenera- tion, 390; calcification, 391; amyloid degeneration, 391; carcinoma, 391; pa- rasites, 393 Syphilitic Diseases of the Arteries, 394 ; bibliography, 394 ; pathology, 394; diagnosis, 397 ; symptomatology, 397; du- ration of the disease, 398 ; treatment, 398 General Dilatation of the Arteries, 398 ; bibliography, 398; measurements of diameter, 398; etiology, 400; symptom- atology, 402; treatment, 404 Aneurism, 405 ; bibliography, 405; anat- omy, 406 ; etiology, 410 ; disease of the coats, 410; position and ratio of occur- rence as to occupation and sex, 414; symptomatology, 416 ; aneurism of the aorta, particularly of the thoracic aorta, 417; the impulse, 417; percussion, 418; auscultation, 419; the pulse, 422 ; pain, 425 ; the respiration, 425 ; disturbances of deglutition, 426 ; other symptoms, 427; rupture, 427; aneurisms of the as- cending portion of the aorta, 429; per- cussion and auscultation, 429; the pulse, 431; other symptoms, 431; rupture, 431; aneurisms of the transverse portion of the arch of the aorta, 432; aneurism of the descending thoracic aorta, 433; aneurisms of the innominate, carotid, and subclavian arteries, 434; aneurism of the pulmonary artery, 435; bibliog- raphy, 435; aneurisms of the ductus Botalli, 436 ; aneurism of the abdominal aorta, 436 ; bibliography, 436; symptom- atology, 437 ; aneurisms of other arteries in the abdomen, 439; aneurism of the cerebral arteries, 440; bibliography, 440; Arteries. Asplialt pavement. INDEX. 30 ARTERIES, CEREBRAL—Aneurism. symptomatology, 441; diagnosis, 442; prognosis and treatment, 443; multiple aneurisms, 443 ; diagnosis, 444 ; course and result, 447; prognosis, 449; treat- ment, 449; bibliography, 449; ligature, 451; compression, 452 ; subcutaneous in- jection of ergotine, 453; injections into the aneurismal cavity, 454; introduction of foreign bodies, 454 ; galvano-puncture, 455 ; general treatment, 458; diet, 458; rest, 458 ; internal remedies, 459 ; symp- tomatic treatment, 460 Narrowing of the Arteries, 4G3; bib- liography, 4(53; congenital uniform ste- nosis of the aorta and its branches, 464; pathology, 464 ; etiology, 465 ; symptom- atology, 466 ; diagnosis, 469 ; prognosis and course and treatment, 470; local contraction and obliteration of the ar- teries, 471; bibliography, 471; etiology, pathology, symptomatology, and results, 471; contraction and obliteration of the aorta at the junction of the ductus Bo- talli 473 ; pathology, 473 ; symptom- atology, 475 ;' prognosis and treatment, 476 ; narrowing of the aorta in ascending portion from external pressure, 477; of other arteries, 478; narrowing and occlu- sion of the pulmonary artery, 479 Rupture and Perforation of the Ar- teries. Dissecting Aneurism, 480; bibliography, 480 ; etiology, 481; symp- tomatology, 484; treatment, 485 Arteries, diseases of, in etiology of haematemesis, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 209 in etiology of ulcer of stomach, vii. 199 Arteries of soft palate, vi 869 Arterio-capillary fibrosis, xv. 184 Artery, hepatic, aneurism of, ix. 834 Artery, pulmonary, change in posi- tion of, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 882 Artesian wells, principle of, xviii 255 Arthralgia from use of lead, xvii. 574 Arthralgia saturnina, xvii. 574 warm baths in, xvii. 575 Arthritic pains, in Addison's disease, viii. 645 cause of, viii. 660 Arthritis, complicating nephrolithiasis, xv. 720 t in etiology of gastralgia, vii 299 in scarlet fever, ii. 282 Arthritis, chronic rheumatic, electricity in, xvi 85 Niemeyer's liniment in, xvi. 82 ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS, xvi. 147; bibliography, 147; introductory and historical observations, 148; etiology, 150; symptoma- tology, 153 ; pathological anatomy, 157; diag- nosis, 160; duration, issue, and prognosis, 161; treatment, 162 Arthritis deformans, electricity and warm baths in, xvi. 163 iodine externally in, xvi. 163 iodine and potassium iodide in, xvi. 162 Arthritis, fungous, xvi. 802. Arthritis nodosa, in progressive mus- cular atrophy, xiv. 126 Arthritis, rheumatic, in.etiology of pleuritis, iv. 597 Arthritis, rheumatic, chronic, xvi 75 Arthritis scorbutica, xvii. 163 Arthritis uratica, xvi. 102 Arthritis vaga, xvi. Ill Arthromeningitis gonorrhoica, xvi. 71 ARTICULAR NEURALGIA, xi. 188 ; eti- ology, 190; influence of sex, 190; symptoma- tology. 191; seat of pain, 191; trophic disturb- ances, 193; course of the disease, 194; diagnosis, 194; prognosis, 195; treatment, 196; exercise of the joint in treatment, 197 Articular neuralgia, exercise of the joint in, xi. 197 psychic treatment in, xi 196 Articular neuroses, in hysteria, xiv 505 Articulate speech, localization of the power of, xiv. 651 31 INDEX. Arteries. Asphalt pavement. Articulation, development of, in the child, xiv. 629 disorders of, in progressive bulbar par- alysis, xiv. 654 impairments of, due to gross defects of the organs of articulation, xiv. 855 terms given to lesions of, xiv. 612 the regulating sensory principle of, xiv. 637 Articulation, imitative, xiv. 638 Articulation of sounds, comparison of the defective, in individuals, nations, and races, xiv. 846 defects in the, xiv. 850 Articulations, affections of, in scurvy, xvii. 163 anatomical changes in, in scurvy, xvii. 169 early affection of, in scurvy, vi 793 Artificial brine baths in measles, ii. 121 Artificial feeding of infants, with closure of the nose, iv. 115 Artificial respiration, in prussic acid poisoning, xvii. 511 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 803 Artists, xix. 65 Arytaenoideus muscle, paralysis of, vii. 972 Asafcetida, in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in chorea, xiv. 465 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in hysteria, xiv. 565 in neuralgia, xi. 89 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023, 1C25 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Ascaridcs, as a cause of spermatorrhoea, viii. 848 Ascaris lumbricoides, vii 729 affections of nervous system due to, vii. 738 contamination of drinking-water in, eti- ology of, vii. 736 in the biliary passages, ix. 675 in the oesophagus, viii. 201 Ascaris lumbricoides, in the pan- creas, viii. 630 in the peritoneal cavity, viii. 227 Ascaris mystax, vii. 751 Ascites, viii. 344 a sequel of cancer of the liver, ix. 377 as a cause of chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii. 296 as a symptom in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 233 as a symptom of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 189 characters of the effusion, viii. 345 due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 784 due to dilatation of lymphatics, vi. 531 in chronic hepatic congestion, ix. 73 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 384 in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 872 in leucaemia, viii. 520 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 374, 383 in pylethrombosis, ix. 798 in scarlatina, ii. 257 in syphilis, iii. 206 Ascites, secondary and idio- pathic, viii. 344 Ascitic fluid, nature of, x. 394 Asemia, xiv. 609 Aseplin, composition of, ii. 481 in erysipelas, ii. 481 Ash-closet system of collecting excreta, xviii 14 Ashes and dry refuse, removal of, xviii. 565 Asiatic cholera, see Cholera Indica Aspergillus in the lungs, v. 468 Aspermatism, forms of, viii. 902 galvanism in, viii. 910 peculiar form of, viii. 907 prognosis and treatment, viii. 909 remarkable case of, viii. 904 Aspermatism, absolute or per- manent, causes and symptoms, viii 903 Aspermatism, temporary or re- lative, viii. 908 Asphalt pavement, xviii 555 Asphyxia. Atheroma. INDEX. 32 Asphyxia, due to closure of the nose, iv. 106 in croup, iv. 245 Asphyxia of infants, xii. 177 Aspiration, in pleurisy, iv. 694, 711 in pleuritic effusions of scurvy, xvii. 420 in pneumothorax, iv. 770 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 659 ventilation by, xviii. 776 Assafloetida, see Asafoetida Assaying, xix. 442 Associated movements as a cause for contractures, xii. 124 in paralysis, xi. 403 ; xii. 119 Associative fasciculi of Mey- nert, xiv. 689 Ass's milk, analysis of, xviii 106 Asthma, disorder of expiration in, iv. 544 in adults, caused by closure of the nose, iv. 106 in nurslings, iv. 105 irritation of the nerves of smell, in eti- ology of, iv. 534 of chronic renal disease, xv. Ill produced by nasal polypi, iv. 108 sudden occurrence of, at night, iv. 108 Asthma, arthritic, iv. 537 Asthma, Aubree's formula for, iv. 583 B. Seneka xxx. Water...................f. £ iv. Potass, ccxxxi. Syrup of opium..........f. § iv. Brandy..................f. § ij. Tinct. of cochineal.......q. s. M. Filter. Three tablespoon fuls daily. Asthma, bronchial, iv. 523 cyanosis in, iv. 561 stramonium in, iv. 578 Asthma, diurnal, iv. 559 Asthma, dyspeptic, iv. 533 Asthma, formula for Espic's cigarettes, iv. 578 B. Belladonna vss. Hyoscyamus, Stramonium..............aa gr. 2f Phellandrium aquaticum leaves, gr. j. Extract of £ Cherry-laurel water...........q. s. Asthma, hay, iv. 534 Asthma, idiosyncratic, iv. 534 Asthma, JLcbcrt's arsenical for- , inula, iv. 582 R. Quiniae Ix. Acidi j. Atropiae \ Extr. Ix. M. Div. in pil. no. 60. One pill daily, and dose to be increased up to six pills in twenty-four hours. Asthma, nocturnal, iv. 107 Asthma, uraemic, v. 279 Asthma, uterine, iv. 533 Asthma, verminous, iv. 533 Astringent applications in the treatment of gonorrhoea in women, viii. 806 Astringent remedies, in treatment of aneurism, vi. 459 Astringents, in abnormal seminal loss- es, viii. 875 in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 49 in balanitis, viii. 781 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 420 in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 223 in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in croupous and diphtheritic inflamma- tion of the naso-pharyngeal cavity and lower larynx, vii. 73 in diphtheria, i. 674 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 86, 94 • in erysipelas, ii. 480 in haemophilia, xvii 97, 100 33 T^DFV Asphyxia. 0tJ 1X1J&X. Atheroma. Astringents, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 388 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 458 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in later stages of dysentery, i 567 in local treatment of leucorrhcea, x. 499 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 829 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in pointed condylomata, viii. 818 in scurvy, xvii. 238 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 local application of, in the treatment of spermatorrhoea, viii. 875 Astringents for inhalation, iv. 94. Alum, gr. j. to 12£ to § j- of water Tannin, gr. j. to 15 to § j. of water Liq. ferri chlor. TTj. £ to Tl\. 9 to = j. of water Nitrate of silver, gr. -fo to 5 to 1 j. of water Astringents with opium, in chol- era, i 456 Asylums for insane, object of, xii. 884 Asymbolia, xiv. 609 Ataxia, definition of the term, xiii. 85 manner of production of, xiii. 85 in atrophy of cerebellum, xii. 847 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 83 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 485 in spinal disease, xiii. 83 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 543, 559 Ataxia, motor, xiii. 90 Ataxia, sensory, xiii. 91 Ataxic agraphia, xiv. 754 Ataxic amimia, xiv. 755 Ataxic aphasia, xiv. 634, 667, 751 speech-tracks that are preserved in, xiv. 781 the construction of the word and not the production of the sound is prevented in, xiv. 754 Ataxic movements in paralysis, xii. 125 Vol. XX.—3. Ataxic locomotrice progressive, xiii. 513 Ataxy, theory of, xiii. 566 Ataxy of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 559 Ataxy, progressive locomotor, xiii. 513 ATELECTASIS, v. 322; history and bibli- ography, 322 ; definition, 324 ; etiology, 3:.'4 ; congenital atelectasis, 324 ; collapse of the lung, 324; atelectasis from compression, 326; path- ological anatomy, 326 ; congenital atelectasis, 326 ; acquired collapse, £27 ; splenization. 328 ; atelectasis from compression, 329; carnilica- tion, ^29; patulousness of the fetal openings, 329 ; symptomatology and course, 330 ; the con- genital form, 330; anomalies of circulation, 331; mode of death, 331; the acquired form, 331 ; the manner of respiration, 331; physical exami- nation, 332 ; the cough, 332 ; atelectasis from compression, 332; complications, 333 ; progno- sis, 333; the congenital form, 333; the form from compression, 334; diagnosis, 334 ; treat- ment, 335 ; of the congenital form, 335 ; of col- lapse of the lung, 335; emetics, 335 ; stimulants, 336 ; other adj uvants, 336 Atelectasis, a cause of hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 268 a complication of croup, iv. 252 a sequel of croupous bronchitis, iv. 465 a sequel of stenosis of trachea and bron- chi, iv. 485 compressed air in, v. 336 emetics in, v. 335 in course of whooping-cough, vi. 704 in etiology of hemorrhage from liver, ix. 83 in tuberculosis, v. 670 Atelectasis, acquired, v. 670 Atelomyelia, xiii. 780 Atheroma, as a cause of aortic insuffi- ciency, vi. 133 of thrombosis, xii. 185 associated with gall-stones, ix. 712 connection of, with valvular disease, vi. 99 in etiology of atrophy of the heart, vi. £31 Atheroma. Atropiuc-poisoning. INDEX. 34 Atheroma, in etiology of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 78. of hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 273 influence of, on cerebral circulation, xii. 441 Atheromatous degeneration in embolism of capillaries of brain, xii. 224 Athetosis, literature and history of, xiv. 409 Athletes, xix. 63 Athletic exercises, historical sketch of, xviii. 343 Athletic sports, xviii. 351 Athrepsia, xix. 282 THE ATMOSPHERE, xviii. 601 ; composi- tion of the atmosphere : oxygen, 602; ozone or allotropic oxygen, 606 ; nitrogen, 609 ; car- bonic acid, 609; miscellaneous impurities in the air: solid impurities, 626 ; gaseous impuri- ties, 629; animal exhalations, 631; effects of bad air, 640; heat and moisture, 644 ; climatol- ogy, 656; heating and ventilation : general re- marks, 671; apparatus for heating, 682 ; stoves and furnaces, 691; heating by steam, 698; heating by water, 701; ventilation, 702 ; bibli- ography, 730 Atmospheric air, influence of, on me- ningitis, xii. 617, 806 Atmospheric germs, influence of, in acute inflammation of bones, xii. 598 Atmospheric influences, in etiology of scurvy, xvii. 138 Atmospheric pressure, injurious ef- fects of variations in, xix. 68 Atomized fluids, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 415 inhalation of, iv. 88 principle of Bergcon, iv. 89 principle of Matthieu, iv. 88 principle of Siegle, iv. 91 Atomizer, Siegle's steam, iv. 91 Atomizer, steam, method of use, iv. 93 Atony of the bladder, viii. 708 Atony of the stomach, vii. 174 Atresia of the labia minora, x. 542 of the nasal cavity, iv. 103 of the uterus, x. 44 of the vagina, x. 491 of the vulva, x. 538 Atresia congenital, of intestines, vii. 485 Atropa belladonna, xvii. 661 Atrophia muscularis progressi- va, see Progressive Muscular Atrophy, xiv. 105 Atrophic spinal paralysis, acute, xiii. 663 Atrophic spinal paralysis, chro- nic, xiii. 712 Atrophic du tissu connectif, xiv. 72 Atrophy, in chronic spinal paralysis, xiii 718 Atrophy, acute, of liver, ix. 238 anatomical changes, ix. 250 pathology of, ix. 248 ATROPHY AND HYPERTROPHY OF THE LUNGS, v. 337 ; bibliography, 337; atrophy, 337; definition and etiology, 337 ; pathological anatomy, 338 ; general character- istics, 338 ; the pigment deposit, 339 ; the bron- chi, 339 ; the heart, 339; symptomatology, 340 ; the dyspnoea, 340 ; cyanosis, 340; inspection of the thorax. 340 ; results of percussion, 341; of auscultation. 341 ; diagnosis, 341 ; treatment, 342 ; hypertrophy, 342 ; general considerations, 343 Atrophy, chronic, of the liver, in etiology of pylethrombosis, ix. 789 Atrophy, cyanotic, of the liver, ix. 67 Atrophy, cyanotic, and indura- tion of the liver, ix. 203 Atrophy, degenerative, of spinal disease, xiii. 115 Atrophy, granular, of the kid- ney, xv. 480 35 aiueruma. Atropiiie-poisoning, Atrophy, granular, of the liver, ix. 166 ATROPHY OF THE BRAIN, xii. 839 Atrophy of the Corpus Callosum, 839; bibliography, 839 ; etiology and anatom- ical changes, 839 ; symptomatology, 841 Atrophy of the Cerebellum, 842; bib- liography, 842 ; etiology, 844 ; pathology, 844; symptomatology, 846 ; diagnosis, 850 General Paralysis of the Insane, 852; bibliography, 5>53; etiology, 854; path- ology, 856; symptomatology, 865; diag- nosis, 878; course, duration, termination, and prognosis, 880 ; treatment, 883 Atrophy of the brain, following en- cephalitis, xii. 697 from apoplexy, xii 93 in etiology of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 74 Atrophy of the brain with hae- matoma durae matris, xii. £98 Atrophy of the cerebellum, ab- sence of motor disturbances in, xii. 849 Combette's case, xii. 846 complications of, xii. 850 Atrophy of the cerebrum, as a complication of atrophy of cerebellum, xii. 850 Atrophy of the corpus callo- sum, degree of, xii. 840 Malinverni's case, xii. 841 Atrophy of the heart, vi. 219 Atrophy of the intestines, vii. 334 Atrophy of the lungs, v. 337 Atrophy of muscles, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 117 in spinal disease, xiii. 114 Atrophy of muscles of speech, probable absence of, in intracerebral basal kinesodic dysarthries, xiv. 658 Atrophy of muscular fibres, in spasms, xi. 290 ATROPHY OF THE NERVES, xi. 591; bibliography, 591 ; secondary atrophy, 592'; etiology, 593; symptomatology, 595; progno- sis, 596; treatment, 596 Atrophy of the pancreas, viii. 591 Atrophy of paralyzed muscles, in hysteria, xiv. 522 Atrophy of the skin, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 126 Atrophy of the spleen, viii. 429 Atrophy of the stomach, vii. 334 Atrophy of the suprarenal cap- sules, viii. 666 Atrophy of the uterus, x. 93 Atrophy of the uterus, congeni- tal, x. 42 Atrophy, primary, of the motor nuclei, xiii 905 Atrophy, progressive muscular, see Progressive Muscular Atrophy Atrophy, secondary, of kidneys, xv. 350 Atrophy, simple, of the liver, ix. 202, 305 Atrophy, unilateral progressive, of the face, xiv. 57 the faradic and galvanic currents in, xiv. 74 Atropine, in acute rheumatism, xvi. 70 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 577, 581 in enteralgia, vii. 469 in epilepsy, xiv. 289 in incontinence of the urine, viii. 723 in neuralgia, xi. 84, 124, 151, 167, 181 in opium-poisoning, xvii. 868 in poisoning by calabar bean, xvii. 704 by muscarine, xvii. 936 by opium, xvii. 868 by strychnine, xvii. 800 in salivation, vi. 856 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 in spasm of the muscles of mastication, xi. 304 in spasm of the lids, xi. 317 in spinal disease, xiii. 190 in sweating of rheum arthritis, xvi. 70 in whooping cough, vi. 726 tests for, xvii. 686 tropine-poisoning, xvii 661 alcohol in, xvii. 685 Atropine-poisoning. Baclz. INDEX. 3G Atropine-poisoning, animal charcoal in, xvii. 680 calabar bean as an antidote in, xvii. 681 iodine in, xvii. 680 opium as an antidote in, xvii. 681 prussic acid as an antidote in, xvii. 682 tannin in, xvii. 680 Attention, conditions under which, to what is being said, leads to favorable results with regard to speech, xiv. 785 importance of, for correct speech, xiv. 784 Attitude, constrained, injurious ef- fects of, xix. 63 Aubree's formula for asthma, iv. 583 B. Seneka xxx. Make a decoction with f. 3 iv. water, and add Potass, ccxxxi. Syr. opii.................f. § iv. Brandy..................f. § ij. Tinct. cochineal..........q. s. M. Filter. Three tablespoonfuls daily. Auditory apparatus, diseases of, in etiology of deaf-mutism, xiv. 867 Auditory nerve, extension of inflam- mation along track of, to meninges, xii. 601 Aura epileptica, forms of, xiv. 221 Auricle, dilatation of, in mitral in- sufficiency, vi 119 Auricle of heart, fatality of wounds of, vi. 280 hypertrophy of, in mitral insufficiency, vi. 120 Auricle of heart, left, situation of, vi. 9 Auricle of heart, right, situation of, vi. 8 Auricularis magnus nerve, neu- ralgia in, xi. 129 Auriculotemporal nerve, neural- gia in, xi. 114 Auscultation, discovery of, vi. 62 in acute myocarditis, vi. 233 in diagnosis of perihepatitis, ix. 185 in examination of the heart, vi. 25, 48 of the uterus, x. 9 information afforded by, in oesophageal stenosis, viii. 36 results of, in hypertrophy of heart, vi. 209 value of, in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 12 Auscultation of the abdomen, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 246 Auscultation of the chest, in ca- tarrhal pneumonia, v. 210 in pneumonia, v. 82 in whooping-cough, vi. 696 Auscultation of the heart, vi. 25 in aortic insufficiency, vi. 135 Auscultation of the oesophagus, method of, viii. 13 Auscultation of a thoracic aneu- rism, vi. 419 Auscultatory percussion, in pneu- mothorax, iv. 760 Aussee, a climatic resort, in pleuritis, iv. 691 Autochthonous thrombosis of cerebral vessels, xii. 180, 184 Autogenetic anomalies of con- stitution, xvi. 261 Auto-laryngoscopy, iv. 55 Automatic movements, in paralysis, xi 404 Automatic system of ventilating ships, of Thiers and Roddy, xix 199 Autopsy, in a case of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 472 of simple meningitis of base, xii. 585 of syphilis of cord, xii. 341 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 330 Autopsy table of H. J. Bigelow, xviii 767 37 INDEX. Atropine-poisoning. Baelz. Autopsy-rooms in hospitals, xviii. 767 Autumnal fevers, ii 540; see also Hay Fever Average weight of healthy brain, xii. 831 Axis-cylinders, changes in, in encepha- litis, xii. 694 hypertrophy of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 862 in acute myelitis, xiii 397 Bacillus anthracis, iii. 389 ; xviii. 19 Bacillus subtilis, xviii. 19 Back, painful affections of the, in hys- teria, xiv. 503 Back-ache in hysteria, xiv. 504 Back-Bay lauds in Boston, xviii 402 Bacteria, i 247 ; xviii 10 action of, in diphtheria, i 592 in kidneys, i 591 on bodies which they inhabit, iii. 387 on mucous membrane of trachea, i 591 definition of term, xviii. 16 destroyed by carbolic acid, and by chlo- rine water, iii. 392 effect of temperature on, iii. 392 essential element of diphtheritic conta- gion, i. 577 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 258 in anthrax, iii. 376, 385 in anthrax carbuncle, iii. 421 in blood of anthrax patients, iii. 422 in cholera discharges, i. 419 in destruction of gall-stones, ix. 705 in disease of spleen, i. 239 in erysipelas, ii. 445, 448 in frogs, i 238 in glanders in horses, iii. 330 in the kidneys, xv. 551 after diphtheria, xv. 272 in pyelitis, xv. 568 in measles, ii. 39 Azalein, xvii. 520 Azodspermisin, causes and varieties, viii. 911 general description, viii. 910 permanent or absolute, temporary or relative, viii. 913 prognosis, viii 912 Azote, xix. 244 Azygos uvulae muscle, paralysis of, vi. 991 Bacteria, in scrofulous ulcers, i 238 in small-pox, ii. 381 in suppurative nephritis, xv. 551 one species destroyed by another, i, 371 presence of, in the spleen in charbon, viii 457 Bacteria, corkscrew-shaped, i 588 Bacteria, globular, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 104 Bacteria of anthrax, iii. 386 morphological peculiarities of, iii. 389 Bacteria, rod-like, i 588 Bacteria, saprogenetic and pathogenetic, i. 250 Bacteria, spherical, i 588 Bacteridia, of Davaine, xviii. 19 in anthrax, iii. 376 Bacterium lincola, i 588, 5S9 Bacterium termo, i. 588, 589, 638 Baden, waters of, in chronic articu- lar rheumatism, xvi. 84 in gout, xvi. 144 in rickets, xvi. 206 Baden-Baden, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 167 Baden-Baden, waters of, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 424 in gout, xvi. 138, 145 in sciatic neuralgia, xi. 183 Badenweiler, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 167 Baelz, xii 593 B Baervvinkle's theory. Baths. INDEX. 38 Baerwinkle's theory of unilate- ral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 69 Baeumlcr, Christian, biographical sketch of, vol. iii., iii. on syphilis, iii. 1 Baginsky, researches of, with regard to milk, xix. 291 Bagneres de Luchon, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Baillarger, xii. 387 Bakers, xix. 56 Baking powders, adulteration of, xix. 375 Balanitis, astringents and caustics in, viii. 781 causes and symptoms, viii. 780 circumcision in, viii. 781 prognosis, treatment, viii. 781 Balanoaostheitis, viii. 780 Balanopyorrhoea, viii. 780 Balantidium coli, vii. 683 Balbuties, xiv. 844 Balconies in hospitals, xvii. 756 Baldness, premature, xviii. 392 Ball, A. Bray ton, on physical exer- cise, xviii. 315 Ball-ami- water trap of Bower, xviii. 498 Ballonius, xii. 295 Bamberger, xii. 748 Balsam of Peru, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in parasites of nasal cavity, iv. 181 Balsam of Tolu, in chronic bronchi- tis, iv. 435 Balsams, in the treatment of chronic cystitis, viii. 697 Bandages, for movable kidney, xv. 774 Bandbox sound, in percussion of tho- rax, v. 387 Banting system of diet, xvi. 718 Bantingism, xvi 717 Baraesthesiomeler, xi. 213 Barclay street Are, cause of, xix. 40 Barbieri, xii 715 Bareges, waters of, in chronic articu- lar rheumatism, xvi. 84 Barety, xii 133 Barium, chloride of, in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 406 in scrofulosis, xvi. 818 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 Barium compounds, poisoning by, xvii. 375 antidotes used in, xvii 379 Bark, see Cinchona value of the preparations of, in chronic cystitis, viii. 697 Barley, in diet of infants, xviii. 121 Barley-water, in dysentery, i 561 Barm of beer, use of, in treatment of scurvy, xvii. 234 Barnatzill's formula for hypo- dermic injection of quinine, ii. 663 B. Quiniae sulphat............ gr. cl. Acid, hydrochlor.......... TT|_ 1. Aq. destill................ f. 3 ivss. M. Inject 5 to 15 1H.. Barometric changes, influence of, upon pressure of sewer-air, xviii. 476 Barometric pressure, xviii. 665 effects of, upon ventilation of mines, xix. 240, 262 Barracks, prevention of scurvy in, xvii. 227 Barrel-shape of thorax, in pulmo- nary emphysema, v. 384 Barrel system of removing ex- creta, xviii. 520 Bartels, Carl, biographical sketch of, vol. xv., iii. on structural diseases of the kidney, and general symptoms of renal affections, xv. 3 Barth, xii. 77 Barthez, xii. 468, 639, 652 39 ^-.^^^ Baerwinkle's theory. INDEX. Baths. Bartlctt, W. H. C, on mortuary ex- perience of the Mutual Life Ins. Co., xix. 344 Basal kinesodic disarthrics, in- tra-cerebral and extra-cere- bral, xiv. 658 Basal phonic centre, xiv. 651 Basch, xii. 42 Base of brain, distribution of vessels at, xii. 188 BASEDOW'S DISEASE, xiv. 75; bibliog- raphy, 75; history, 77; etiology, 78 ; symp- toms and course, 80 ; duration, 80 ; pathological anatomy, 86; analysis of symptoms and theory of the disease, 89 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 99 ; treatment, 101. Basedow's disease, belladonna in the treatment of, xiv. 101 dietetic regulations in the treatment of, xiv. 103 galvanization of the cervical sympathetic, xiv. 102 in chlorosis, xvi. 553 the use of iron and quinine in, xiv. 101 Basements of houses, how to keep them dry, xviii. 406 Basilar meningitis, xii. 464, 489 due to want of care of typhoid patient, xii. 628 its relation to softening of the stomach, vii. 268 Basle, Switzerland, factors influen- cing typhoid fever in, i. 69 monthly frequency of typhoid fever in, i. 64 Bastian, Charlton, xii. 49, 50, 185, 224, 555, 833 Batcmann, xii. 794 Batcman's case of lesion of the right corpus striatum, xiv. 676 Bath, the, xviii. 370 for newly-born, temperature of, xviii. 87 simplest form of, xviii 370 temperature of, xviii. 374 Bath, waters of., in gout, xvi 138 Bath, pharyngeal, vii. 30 Bath, shower-, xviii 373 Bath, sponge-, xviii. 372 Bath, Ziemssen's, i. 208 Bathing, in scrofulosis, xvi. 817 injurious effects of, upon the ear, xviii. 393 Bathing, general, xviii. 371 Bathing of newly born infants, xviii. 85 Baths, employment of, during use of mercury, iii. 285 in prophylaxis of acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 208 of croup, iv. 264 in treatment of acute bronchitis, iv. 427, 430 of acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 421 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 231 of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 170 of chorea, xiv. 468 of chronic gastritis, vii. 180, 191 of chronic myelitis, xiii. 459 of chronic nephritis, xv. 404 of chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 of concussion of spinal cord, xiii. 357 of convexity meningitis, of unknown origin, xii. 6.15 of croup, iv. 267 of dementia paralytica, xii. 885 of epilepsy, xiv. 285 of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 78 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 909 of nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 of neuralgia, xi. 78, 92 of neuralgia of the face, xi. 126 of paralysis in general, xi. 463 of pneumonia, v. 158 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 151 of rickets, xvi 204 of scarlatinal nephritis, ii. 313 of scarlet fever, ii. 305 of sciatica, xi. 183 of small-pox, ii. 398, 399 of spasm, xi. 299 Baths. AC) Benoit. INDEX. '±U Baths, in treatment of spasm of glottis, vii. 1021, 1022, 1024 of spinal disease, xiii. 164, 176 of spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 of spinal neurasthenia, xiii. 381 of tabes dorsalis, xiii 610 of tetany, xi. 277 of typhoid fever, i. 198, 208 of valvular diseases, vi. 166 of whooping-cough, vi. 725 infection with syphilis at, iii. 60 propriety of using them in croupous pneu- monia, v. 158 Baths, brine, in spinal disease, xiii. 169 Baths, cold, i 208 for children, in typhoid fever, i. 210 in hyperesthesia of the larynx, vii. 932 Baths, hot, for diaphoresis, xv. 221 in sporadic cholera, vii. 152 in urasmia, xv. 300 Baths, moor and mud, in spinal disease, xiii. 170 Baths of the alkaline sulphides, in treatment of lead-colic, xvii. 573 Baths, permanent, in treatment of phagedena, iii. 274 Baths, Roman or Russian, in the treatment of coryza, iv. 127 Baths, salt-water, as a prophylactic against acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 209 in lupus of the larynx, vii. 855 in neuralgia of the larynx, vii. 932 in typhlitis, vii. 391 Baths, warm, in arthritis deformans, xvi. 163 in chronic rheumatism, xvi. 83 in facial paralysis, xi. 516 in hepatic colic, ix. 768 in retention of urine, viii. 715 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 in spinal disease, xiii. 165 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 654 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 156 in typhlitis, vii. 391 Battarismus, xiv. 817 Battle's vermin-killer, xvii. 776 Battley's sedative solution, poison- ing with, xvii. 844 Bauchet, xii. 705, 807 Bauer, on diseases of the pericardium, vi. 547 on diseases of the peritoneum, viii. 217 on tetanus, xiv. 315 Baxt's rhinoscope, with uvula- holder, iv. 66 Bay Ridge, sanitary work accomplished at, xix. 589 Bayer, on urinary casts, xv. 84 Bay ford's case of dysphagia lu- soria, viii 23 Bayle, xii. 387, 857, 859, 866 Bayle's miliary tubercle, v. 481 Bebeerine, for enlargement of spleen, ii. 677 Bebeerine chloride, internally or hypodermically, in malarial enlarge- ment of spleen, ii. 677 Bebeerine sulphate, in malarial dis- eases, ii. 675 Beck, xii. 711, 717, 730 Bed-sores, i 184 in acute myelitis, xiii. 410 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 167 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 445 in chronic peritonitis, viii. 294 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 257 in dysentery, i. 536 in hemiplegia spinalis, xiii. (!j3 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 224 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 483, 487 in myelitis, xhi. 403, 433, 440 in paralysis, xii. 133 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 301 in spinal disease, xiii. 121 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 586 in typhoid fever, i. 184 treatment of, in spinal disease, xiii. 195 unguentum plumbi tannici in, i 227 Bedding, disinfection of, xix. 568 Bednar, xii. 174, 179, 445, 448, 486, 487, 639, 724 Beds, xviii. 383 41 INDEX. Baths. Benoit. Beef, Johnson's fluid prepara- tion of, xviii. 190 Beef-juice, in dysentery, i 561 Beef-solution, of L.eube, vii. 474 ; vol. xii., vi. "Take 1,000 grammes of beef, free from fat and bone, put into an earthen or por- celain jar, and add 1,000 cubic centimetres of water, and 20 cubic centimetres of pure hydrochloric acid. Place the jar in a Pa- pin's digester, screw the cover tight, and boil from ten to fifteen hours, stirring oc- casionally during the first few hours. Then remove the contents of the jar to a mortar, and rub the mass until it has the appearance of an emulsion. Boil again for fifteen or twenty hours without raising the cover of the digester. Add pure potassium car- bonate until the mass is nearly neutralized, then evaporate to a pulpy consistence." in cancer of the stomach, vii. 253 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 219 Beef-tea, xviii. 117, 189 Beef-tea, frozen, in scarlatina, ii. 306 Beer, adulteration of, xix. 374 anaphrodisiac action of, viii. 889 use of, in anaemia, xvi. 461 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 731 in prophylaxis of scurvy, xvii. 223 Bees, wasps, and hornets, stings of, iii. 533 Bect-root sugar, xviii. 163 Beeves, methods of killing, xix. 403 Begaicinent ferme, xiv. 832 Begaiement ouvert, xiv. 832 Bchicr, xii. 77 Belgian pavement, objections to, xviii. 553 Bell-tent, xix. 99 Bell-trap, with square receiver, xviii. 497 Belladonna, in the treatment of acute myelitis, xiii. 423 Belladonna, in the treatment of acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 25 of Basedow's disease, xiv. 101 of bronchial asthma, iv. 577. 582 of cancer of stomach, vii. 254 of chronic myelitis, xiii. 463 of dengue, ii. 514 of diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1037 of diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 190 of enteralgia, vii. 469 of epilepsy, xiv. 288 of hemicrania, xiv. 26 of hepatic colic, ix. 767 of hysterical pains, xiv. 576 of incontinence of urine, viii. 723 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 390 of intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 of myelitis, xiii. 423, 463 of proctitis, vii. 392 of progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 945 of prostatitis, viii. 786 of scarlatina, ii. 301 of seminal losses, viii. 874 of spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 of spinal disease, xiii. 190 of spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 of tetanus, xiv. 363 of valvular diseases, vi. 167 of whooping-cough, vi. 721, 726 Belladonna-plaster, in neuralgia of the mammary gland, xi. 160 Belladonna-poisoning, xvii. 662 Belladonna suppositories, in dys- entery, i 566 Bclloc's tube, for tamponing posterior nares, iv. 98 Bell's palsy, xiv. 108 Belmont, xii. 807 Benedict, xii 124, 126, 127, 142, 592, 794 Bennet, xii. 133, 523 Benoit, xii. 788 Benzine. Biliary passages. INDEX. 42 Benzine, in treatment of the anchylos- tomum duodenale, vii. 787 of cancer of stomach, vii 255 of chronic gastritis, vii. 181 of sporadic cholera, vii. 151 of tape-worm, vii. 702 of trichinosis, iii. 643 Benzine-poisoning, xvii. 512 Benzine vapors, effects of, xix. 24 Benzoic acid, as an antiseptic, xix. 561 as a cause of hay fever, ii. 544 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 302 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Benzoin, in bilious typhoid, i 299 in relapsing fever, i. 286 Berger, O., xii. 43, 114, 129 Bergmann, xii. 224, 658, 711, 788, 807, 845 on the value of trephining in injury to skull, xii. 813 Bcrgson's hydrokonion, iv. 90 Berlin, monthly frequency of typhoid fever in, i. 64 Bernard, xii. 661 Bernardin, xviii. 164 Bernhardt, xii. 136, 152 Berth-deck, xix. 178 Bert hold, E., xii. 98, 797 Bertin, xii. 183 Berlrich, mineral waters of, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222 Bestuscheff's tincture of iron, composition of, i. 694; ii. 478 Chloride of iron dissolved in a mixture of one measure of ether to three of alcohol. It contains one per cent, of iron. in diphtheria, i. 694 in erysipelas, ii. 478 Besieged towns and .fortresses, prevention of scurvy in, xvii. 226 Bctz, xii. 825 Bex, a resort for the grape-cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Bezold, xii 429 Bianci, xii 762 Biboratc of soda, in thrush, vi 806 Bicarbonate of soda, in treatment of dementia paralytica, xii. 887 Bichloride of eihylidene, use of, as an anaesthetic, xvii. 454 Bichloride of methylene, use of, as an anaesthetic, xvii. 453 Bicuspid valve, situation of, vi. 9 Biedert's apparatus for com- pressed or rarefied air, v. 403 Bierbaum, xii 628, 637, 648, 652, 654 Biermer, xii. 85, 196, 505, 512, 542, 551, 570, 583, 587, 723, 724, 740, 776 Biermer's case of acute ence- phalitis, xii. 740 Biett's classification of syphilitic af- fections of the skin and mucous mem- branes, iii. 133 Bilateral heiniopia in cerebral tu- mors, xii. 250 Bilateral paralysis in occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 201 Bile, accumulation of, in etiology of dila- tation of the gall-bladder, ix. 634 accumulation of, in the interval between periods of digestion, ix. 508 action of, in digestion, vii. 349 amount and quality of, in fatty liver, ix. 465 changes in, in dilated ducts, ix. 597 coloring matter of, ix. 8 constitution of, in dilatation of the gall- bladder, ix. 636 effect produced on the peritoneum by, ix. 658 encapsulated exudation of, ix. 654 function of, vii 350 in etiology of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 515 in the abdominal cavity, ix. 658 in typhoid fever, i. 106 influence of, in dysentery, i. 532 method of passage of, into the circulation, ix. 18 movement of, in the biliary passages ix 506 43 INDEX. Benzine. Biliary passages. Bile, place of origin of, ix. 7 power of the, to emulsify and absorb fat, viii. 572 presence of, in etiology of softening of the stomach, vii. 267 proportion of coloring matters in, ix. 697 quantity secreted, vii. 350; ix. 9, 509 site of absorption of, ix. 509 site of secretion of, ix. 509 Btasis and retention of, ix. 578 Bile, acid, in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 702 Bile-ducts, capillary, ix. 7 Bile-ducts, intrahepatic, ulcera- tion of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 Bile-pigment, in expectoration of croupous pneumonia, v. 89 Biliary colic, ix. 744 belladonna internally and externally in, ix. 767 calomel and podophyllin in, ix. 770 chloroform in, ix. 767 sinapisms in, ix. 768 warm baths and hot fomentations in, ix. 768 Biliary fislulae, ix. 659 surgical operations for, ix. 668 Biliary passages, abscesses in connec- tion with, ix. 547 calcification of the walls of, ix. 549 anatomo-physiological remarks concern- ing, ix. 500 cancer of, etiology, ix. 572 cancer of, symptoms and diagnosis of, ix. 574 ; duration, termination, prognosis, and treatment, 576 catarrhal inflammation of, ix. 509 changes in, caused by tuberculosis, ix. 566 chronic blennorrhoea of, ix. 824 circulatory disturbances in the liver in etiology of catarrh of, ix. 514 closure of, by calculi, ix. 824 complications and sequelae of catarrhal inflammation of, ix. 524 congenital occlusion of, ix. 588 iiliary passages, connective tissue thickening of the walls of, ix. 549 croup of, ix. 557 croupous inflammation of, ix. 549 dilatation of, ix. 649 as a sequel of catarrh, ix. 524 changes in the bile in, ix. 597 diphtheritic inflammation of, ix. 549 diseases of, ix. 499 disorders in the canalization of the, ix. 576 disturbances in the continuity of the, ix. 650 dropsy of, ix. 597 duration, termination, and prognosis of catarrh of, ix. 527 echinococcus in, ix. 683 etiology of catarrhal inflammation of, ix. 511 foreign bodies in etiology of occlusion and stenosis of, ix. 580 hemorrhage of, ix. 561 inflammation in etiology of stenosis and occlusion of, ix. 583 liver leeches in, ix. 670 muscular elements in, ix. 505 neoplasms and tumors in etiology of stenosis and occlusion of, ix. 589 occlusion of, by echinococcus, ix. 581 occlusion of, in etiology of purulent and ulcerative inflammation, ix. 539 parasites of, ix. 689 parasites in etiology of stenosis and oc- clusion of, ix. 581 pathological anatomy of catarrhal inflam- mation of, ix. 515 pathology of catarrhal inflammation of, ix. 518 perforations of, ix. 651 leeches and opiates in, ix. 656 pathology and etiology of, ix. 651 symptoms and diagnosis of, ix. 654 terminations and prognosis and treat- ment of, ix. 655, 656 peritonitis from inflammation of, ix. 555 phlegmonous inflammation of, ix. 549 poisons, in etiology of catarrh of, ix. 514 Biliary passages. A A Bladder. INDEX. ** Biliary passages, round worm in, ix. 675 ruptures of, ix. 598, 656 stenosis of, ix. 549, 577 alkaline carbonates and mineral waters in, ix. 631 cholate of soda and ox-gall in, ix. 631 symptomatology of catarrhal inflamma- tion of, ix. 520 treatment of catarrh of, ix. 529 tumors of, ix. 566 tumors in the region of, ix. 566 ulcerative perforation of, ix. 549 wounds of, followed by phlegmon, ix. 540 BILIARY PASSAGES, PURULENT, DIPHTHERITIC AND ULCERATIVE IN- FLAMMATION OF, ix. 534; etiology of, 536; pathological anatomy of, 541 ; symptoms, 550 ; diagnosis, 553 ; duration, course, termina- tions, 554 ; prognosis, 555 ; treatment of, 556 BILIARY PASSAGES, STENOSIS AND OCCLUSION OF : pathological anatomy, ix. 595; pathology and general clinical history, 601; symptomatology, 603 ; diagnosis, 613 ; course, terminations, duration, 626 ; prognosis, 629; treatment, 630 Biliary tumor, ix. 633 Bilin, waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 Bilious dysentery, i 535 Bilious erysipelas, ii. 460 Bilious haematuric fever, ii 618 Bilious pneumonia, epidemic oc- currence of, v. 118 Bilious remittent fever, ii. 616 BILIOUS TYPHOID, i. 258, 287; bibliog- raphy, 287; etiology, 288 ; symptomatology, 291; duration of, 294; pathological anatomy, 296; diagnosis, 297; prognosis, 298; treat- ment, 299 Biliprasin in the urine in cancer of the liver, ix. 386 Bilirubin, ix. 8 Bilirubin formations, in nephroli- thiasis, xv. 695 Bilges, xix. 179 Bill of health, xix. 481 Billings, John §., on causes of disease and jurisprudence of hygiene, xviii. 1 on hospital construction, xviii. 745 Billroth, xii. 613, 617 Bimanual palpation, in diagnosis of uterine disease, x. 11 Bingen on the Rhine, a resort for the grape-cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Biniodide of mercury, in syphilis, iii. 293 Birch-IIirschfeld, biographical sketch of, vol. xiv., vii. on malignant lymphoma, xvi 829 on scrofulosis and affections of the lym- phatic glands in general, xvi. 737 Bird-shops, offensive odor from, xix. 401 Bird's process of treating sew- age, xviii. 531 Births, registration of, xix. 308 Bismuth, in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in gonorrhoea, viii. 779 in human milk, xviii. 98 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423 in neuralgia, xi. 88 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 225 Bismuth-poisoning, xvii 628 Bisulphide of carbon, poisoning by, xvii. 477 Bitartrate of potash, in dysentery, i. 562 Bitartrate of potash enemas, in dysentery, i. 566 Bites of dogs, iii. 431 Biles of insects, iii 532 Bites of snakes, iii. 539 Bitter almond oil, poisoning by, xvii. 507 Bitter almond water, in valvular diseases, vi 167 45 INDEX. SSSZF"*^ Bitter infusion, in cholera, i 462 equal parts. ;. Tinct. rhei.......... Tinct. aurant. cort... M. 20 to 30 drops, four times a day, Bitters, aromatic, in chronic gastri tis, vii. 188 in dilatation of the stomach, vii 333 in scurvy, xvii. 234 Bittersweet, poisoning by, xvii. 689 Bizzozero, xii. 50 Black, xiv. 39 Black-damp in coal-mines, xix 243 Black death, i 482 in the fourteenth century, i. 3 Black drops, poisoning with, xvii. 844 Black gonorrhoea, viii 762 Black vomit, in yellow fever, i 500 Blackburn Infirmary, ground- plan of, xviii. 741 Blacks, infrequency of uterine cancer among, x. 273 Blacksmiths, xix. 57 Blackstone river, Mass., chemi- cal examination of, xviii. 231 Bladder, in cholera, i. 437 in spinal hemiplegia, xiii. 653 pain in, in hysteria, xiv. 503 Bladder, acute inflammation of, viii. 675 abscesses in the submucous and subse- rous tissues, viii. 680 Bladder, affection of, in cancer of stomach, vii. 235 in etiology of gastralgia, vii. 297 Bladder, affcclions of, as causes of spermatorrhoea, viii. 848 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 122, 131 in etiology of hydronephrosis, xv. 647 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 507 in syphilis of spinal cord, 347 in tumors of brain, 201 Bladder, atony, paresis, and pa- ralysis of, bibliography, viii 708 Bladder, atony, paresis, and pa- ralysis of, diagnosis, viii. 713 etiology, viii. 710 prognosis, viii. 714 symptomatology, viii. 712 treatment, viii. 715 Bladder, catarrh of, complicating gonorrhoea, viii. 791 Bladder, chronic inflammation of, viii. 688 Bladder, defects of develop- ment of, viii 672 BLADDER, DISEASES OF THE, viii. 671; bibliography, 671 Defects of Development, 672 ; bibliog- raphy, 673 ; general description, 672 Hernia, 673 ; general description, 673 Inflammation and Cataruh, 674 ; bibli- ography, 674 Acute Cystitis, 675; cystitis mucosa, 675; etiology, 675; symptomatology, 677; prog- ress and result, 679 ; cystitis submucosa, 680 ; pathological anatomy, 683 ; diagno- sis, 683 ; prognosis, 684 ; treatment, 6S5 Chronic Cystitis, 688; etiology, 688; symptomatology, 698; pathological ana- tomy, 691; diagnosis, 692; prognosis, 693 ; treatment, 694 Cystospasmus ; Hyperesthesia and Neuralgia, 700; bibliography, 700; eti- ology, 700 ; symptomatology, 701; diag- nosis, 703; prognosis, 705; treatment, 705 Atony; Paresis; Paralysis, 708; bib- liography, 708; etiology, 710 ; symptoma- tology, 712; diagnosis, 713; prognosis, 714; treatment, 715 Enuresis and Incontinence of Urine, 719 ; bibliography, 719 ; etiology and symptomatology, 720 ; diagnosis, 722; prognosis. 722 ; treatment, 722 Hypertrophy, 725; general description, 725 Hemorrhage from the Bladder, 726 ; bibliography, 126; general description, 727 Calculus, 728; general description, 728 Trichiasis, 731; trichiasis of the urinary passages developed intrinsically, 731; Bladder. Blood. INDEX. 46 BLADDER, DISEASES OF-Trichiasis. trichiasis due to the bursting of a dermoid cyst into the bladder, 732 ; introduction of hairs into the bladder from without, 734 New Growths, 735; bibliography, 735; etiology and pathological anatomy, 735 ; symptomatology, 737; diagnosis, prog- nosis, treatment, 739 Bladder, disturbances of, in spinal disease, xiii. 131 in tabes, xiii. 584 Bladder, hemorrhage from, viii 726 Bladder, hernia of, viii. 673 Bladder, hypertrophy of, viii. 725 Bladder, inflammation of, viii. 674 Bladder, neuroses of, viii. 700 Bladder, new growths in, viii. 73u diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, viii. 739 symptomatology, viii. 737 Bladder, paralysis of, catheteriza- tion in, viii. 716 cold hip-baths for, viii. 715 electricity in, viii. 716 in hysteria, xiv. 518 in slow compression of cord, xiii. 334 injections of cold water in, viii. 717 Bladder, physiology of the evac- uation of, xiii. 54 Bladder, round worms in, vii. 745 Bladder, spasm of, viii. 700 catheterization in, viii. 707 diagnosis, viii. 703 opiated suppositories and clysters in, viii. 706 prognosis, treatment, viii. 705 quinine and arsenic in, viii. 707 symptomatology, viii 701 warm baths and opiates in, viii. 706 Bladder, stone in, viii. 728 Bladder, tumors of, ecrasement line- aire in, viii. 739 Blancard's iodide of iron pills, in enlarged spleen, ii. 678 Blankets, xviii. 384 Blasting-oil, xvii. 533 Bland's iron pills for anaemia, xvi. 471, 568 B» Ferri sulphat., Potass, carbonat..........aa § ss. Rad. althaea} xxx. Gum. tragacanth...........q. s. M. et ft. mass. Div. in pil. no. 120. Two to four pills three times a day. Bleachers of cloth, xix. 14 Bleaching salts, poisoning by, xvii 285 Blcaching-works, xix. 441 Blebs, in erysipelas, ii. 454 Bleeder, term first used by Rush and Boardley, xvii. 8 Bleeder-disease, xvii 3 Bleeder disposition, latency of, xvii. 24 Bleeder families, xvii. 16 fecundity of, xvii. 18 Bleeder families, American, xvii. 19 Bleeders, liability of, to consumption, xvii 56 Bleeding, in croupous pneumonia, v. 150 in opium-poisoning, xvii. 867 in pericarditis, vi. 617 in subacute verrucose endocarditis, vi. 93 Bleeding from skin and other organs, in hysteria, xiv. 525 Blennorrhea, chronic, of the bil- iary passages, ix. 824 Blennorrhea, conjunctival, dur- ing dentition, vi 733 Blennorrhea, nasal, iv. 129 Blennorrhea of bile-ducts, ix. 524 Blepharitis scorbutica, xvii. 164 Blepharospasm, xi 315. causes, xi. 316 electricity in, xi. 317 neurotomy of supra-orbital nerve in xL 317 47 INDEX. Bladder. Blood. Blisters, as a preventive of endocarditis, vi 92 in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 211 in acute myelitis, xiii. 424 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 65 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 707 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 151 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 234 in cervico-occipital neuralgia, xi. 133 in chronic cystitis, viii. 698 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 459 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 in gonorrhceal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 82 in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 157 in muscular rheumatism, xvi. 91 in neuralgia, xi. 91 in neuritis, xi. 590 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 851 in pleuritis, iv. 686 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 65 in sciatica, xi. 179 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1025 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in splenitis, viii. 450 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 227 in valvular diseases, vi. 167 in yellow fever, i. 513 Block tin, for service-pipes, xviii. 290 Block system of hospital con- struction, xviii 741 Blesitas, xiv. 853 Blondes, milk of, xviii 104 Blondin, xii. 386 Blood, abdominal supply of, affecting the liver, ix. 4 amount raised, in cases of hemorrhage from the lungs, v. 305 analysis of, in contracting kidney, xv. 160 anatomical changes in, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 261 behavior of, in chloral-poisoning, xvii. 447 Blood, changed condition of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 103 changes in, a cause of the dyspnoea in diseases of the spleen, viii. 377 after hemorrhage, xvi. 327 in Addison's disease, viii. 646, 655 in cancer of the liver, ix. 388 in etiology of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 83 in etiology of pachymeningitis in- terna, 399 in leucaemia, viii. 515 in malarial diseases, ii. 624, 633 in progressive pernicious anosmia, xvi. 586 character of, during life, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 270 in measles, ii. 38, 39 color of, in anaemia, xvi. 360 comparative composition of, in the two sexes, xvi. 296 composition of, in anaemia, xvi. 290 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 83 in childhood and adult age, xvi. 301 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1033 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 890 drinking of, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 423 during pregnancy, xvi. 299 escape of, into cortex cerebri, in menin- gitis tuberculosa, xii. 502 examination of, i 237 extravasations of, in pia, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 498 in anthrax in man, iii. 422 in chlorosis, xvi. 525, 534 in cholera, i 433 in diphtheritic septicaemia, i. 647 in erysipelas, ii. 444 in gout, xvi. 119 in malacosteon, xvi. 221 in measles, ii. 74 in miliary fever, ii. 496 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 258 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 579 in scarlatina, ii. 233 Blood. Blue pill. INDEX. 48 Blood, in scurvy, xvii. 173 in syphilis, iii. 33 in typhoid fever, i. 108 increase in quantity of, as a cause of cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 194 influence of, upon heart's action, vi. 300 injection of, into bronchial tubes of ani- mals, v. 309 inoculability of syphilis by means of, iii. 46 inoculations with, in anthrax, iii. 386 local abstraction of, in exudative inflam- mation of the biliary passages, ix. 556 in hepatitis, ix. 153 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1025 methods of increasing the amount of sugar in, xvi. 951 most important constituents of, xvi. 286 necessity of microscopic examination of, for the diagnosis of leucaemia, viii. 525 passage into the, of substances deposited in the spleen, viii. 381 phenomena produced by biliary acids in, ix. 23 quantity of, in anaemia, xvi. 382 solid constituents of, in uraemia, xv. 131 sugar in, xvi. 933, 1005 symptoms of imperfect formation of, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 379 transfusion of, in anaemia, viii. 423 ; xvi. 475, 602 in leucaemia, viii. 532 Blood-boiling, xix. 431 Blood-casts, xv. 76 Blood-clot, as a cause of embolism, xii. 183 Blood-clots, in acute myocarditis, vi. 232 in etiology of pyelitis, xv. 565 in haematuria, xv. 67 in heart, disintegration of, in etiology of cerebral emboli, xii. 183 size of, in haematuria, xv. 70 Blood-corpuscles, alterations in the form of the, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 383 Blood-corpuscles, comparative num- ber of, in the two sexes, xvi 297 in malarial fever, ii 634 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 590 influence of chronic splenic tumors on the formation of red, viii. 382 probable destruction of, in yellow fever i. 505 proportion of, in chlorosis, xvi. 526 Blood-corpuscles, red, in pneu- monic sputa, v. 88 Blood-corpuscles, white, in etiol- ogy of occlusion of cerebral capillaries, xii. 224 Blood-cysts of the ovaries, x. 350 Blood-drinking, in anaemia splenica, viii 423 Bloodletting, in acute nephritis, xv. 296 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 68 in affections of brain following injury, xii. 816 in aneurism, vi. 458 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 316 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 161 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii 735 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 655 in croup, iv. 206 in croupous pneumonia, v. 173 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 185 in erysipelas, ii 478 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 813 in gout, xvi. 143 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 66 in hysteria, xiv. 562 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 426 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in miliary fever, ii. 502 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 828 in psoitis, xvi. 98 in pulmonary congestion, v. 285 in scarlatina, ii. 301 in scarlatinal nephritis, ii 312 in scurvy, xvii 236 49 INDEX. Blood. Blue pill. Bloodletting, in simple basilar menin- gitis, xii. 596 in small-pox, ii. 399 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 in spinal hyperaemia, xiii. 207 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 803 in syphilis of the brain and nervous sys- tem, xii 370 in tetanus, xiv. 361 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 576 in tumors of the brain, xii. 280 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 302 Bloodletting, local, in acute myeli- tis, xiii. 423 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 735 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in diphtheria, i. 670 in dysentery, i. 562, 568 in erysipelas, ii. 480 in gonorrhoea of the rectum, viii. 809 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 81 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 in proctitis, vii. 392 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1025 in stenosis of trachea, iv. 500 Blood-pigments, in perivascular spa- ces of brain, xii. 49 Blood-pressure, changes in, as a cause of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 80 increased by digitalis, xvii 715 influence of, upon activity of heart, vi. 299 the cause of aneurism, vi. 412 Blood-pressure of the hepatic vessels, in etiology of cholaemia, ix. 17 Blood-serum in dropsy, specific gravity of, xv. 97 specific gravity of, in renal cirrhosis, xv. 449 Blood-scrum of uremic patient, composition of, xv. 117 Blood-strcain, rapidity of, influence of, upon heart-murmurs, vi. 53 Blood - tension, in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 74 Vol. XX. —4 Blood-vessels, anatomical changes in, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 257 in etiology of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 closure of, in consequence of disease of the pancreas, viii 579 condition of, in scurvy, xvii. 173 disease of, in etiology of intestinal hemor- rhage, vii. 444, 446 disturbed nutrition of, in morbus macu- losus, xvii. 267 fatty degeneration of, in etiology of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 84 in cancer of the liver, ix. 340 in syphilis, iii. 217 in typhoid fever, i 107 in pleuritis, iv. 606 rupture of, in etiology of hemorrhage of the biliary passages, ix. 564 variations in the state of contraction of the muscles of, in hysteria, xiv. 524 Blood-vessels, hepatic, dilatation of, in etiology of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 59 embolism of, in etiology of hepatic ab- scess, ix. 92 paralytic dilatation of, in etiology of hy- peraemia of the liver, ix. 62 Blood-vessels of the abdomen, processes in the, that may lead to peri- tonitis, viii. 230 Blood-vessels of the brain, changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 860 disease of, in etiology of cerebral emboli, xii. 184 of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 75 of hyperaemia of brain, xii. 75 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 401 Blood-vessels of the spleen, viii. 352 Bloody expectoration, frequency of, in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 336 Bloody stools, in dysentery, i. 534 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 572 Blue pill, in syphilis, iii. 289 Blundering. Brain. Blundering enunciation of syl- lables, absence of, in insular sclero- sis, xiv. 663 definition of the term, xiv. 666 Blyth's process of purifying sew- age, xviii. 530 Boarding station of quarantine, xix. 480 Boatmen, xix. 55 Boat-racing, injurious effects of, xviii. 341 Bodies, human, xix. 450 depth at which they should be buried in the soil, xviii. 545 exhumation of, xix. 459 Bodily development, lack of, in pulmonary stenosis, vi. 159 Bodily exercise, importance of, for school children, xix. 623 Bodily weariness, sense of unnatural, in spermatorrhoea, viii. 858 Bodily temperature, see different diseases Bo eh in, Rudolf, biographical sketch of, vol. xvii, iv. Boerhaave, xii 9, 37, 55, 65, 71, 72 Boerhaave's case of rupture of the esophagus, viii. 91 Boettcher, xii. 723, 746 Boettcher's reaction for car- bonic oxide, xviii 625 Boiled milk, xviii 108 Boiler incrustation, xviii. 285 Boiler-makers, xix. 70 Boils, see Furuncles in yellow fever, i. 500 Boinet, xii. 762, 788 Boletus luridus, poisoning by, xvii. 941 Boll, xii 6 Bollinger, Otto, biographical sketch of, vol. iii., iv. on anthrax, iii. 372 on foot-and-mouth disease, iii. 513 on glanders, iii. 316 on hydrophobia, iii 431 on infection by animal poisons, iii. 311 50 Bollinger, Otto, on snake bites, iii. 539 on stings of insects, iii. 532 Bonding-bricks, xviii. 415 Bone, changes of, in malacosteon, xvi. 212 necrosis of, in scarlatina, ii. 232, 233 suppuration of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 99 Bone-boilers, xix. 26 Bone-boiling, xix. 430 Bone, frontal, affection of sinus of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 Bone-tissue found in tonsils, vi. 968 Bones, affections of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xii 125 in etiology of different brain dis- eases, xii. 211,597, 714, 722 in scurvy, xvii. 162, 169 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 507 changes in, in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 693 in glanders in man, iii. 363 in syphilis, iii. 166 changes in the marrow of the, in connec- tion with acute splenic tumors, viii. 461 in connection with leucaemia, viii. 511 coloring matter of bile in, ix. 20 composition of, in rickets, xvi 175, 188 disposal of, xix. 413 fractures of, in malacosteon, xvi. 215 injury of, in etiology of compression of the brain, xii. 665 scorbutic affections of, xvii. 184 scrofulous affections of, xvi. 789, 804 suppuration and ulceration of, in etiology of waxy liver, ix. 412 trophic disturbances of, in spinal disease, xiii. 125 Bones and joints, diseases of, as causes of chronic nephritis, xv. 326 Bones of Skull, changes in, in demen- tia paralytica, xii. 860 in hypertrophy of brain, xii. 827 Books, covers of, colored with poi- sonous dyes, xviii. 388 EX. ~1 , ^__„ Blundering. 01 INDEX. Brain. Borax, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76, 128, 145 Boring, as a means of draining the soil, xviii 423 Borotartrate of potassa, in amy- loid kidneys, xv. 633 in oedema, due to pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 Borszek, waters of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Boston, consumption of water during " great fire," xviii 213 Botalli, xii 294 Bothriocephalus latus, vii. 723 Botulismus, xvii. 535 Botzen, in Tyrol, a resort in pleuri- tis, iv. 691 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 Bouchard, xii 73, 80, 90, 123 Bouchut, xii 42, 61 on the use of eserine in chorea, xiv. 466 Boudct, xii 176, 387 Boiidin's formula for arsenic, ii 761 B. Boil 15 grains of arsenious acid in 34 ounces of water until all is dissolved ; then add, besides the water that has been lost, 34 fluid ounces of white wine, and give a tablespoon ful four times a day = gr. £ of arsenic at a dose. Bougie, rectal, use of, in acute dif- fuse peritonitis, viii. 261 Bougies, as dilators in stenosis of the nose, iv. 114 Bougies of laminaria digitata, for dilatation of cervix uteri, x. 23 employmentof, in the treatment of gleet, viii. 778 of spermatorrhoea, viii. 875 Bouillaud, xii. 181 Bouillon-Lagrange, xii. 414, 416 Boundaries of inflammation of brain, xii. 689 Bourncville xii 107, 200 Boussingault's experiments with salt, xviii 167 Bowditch, II. I., on causation of con- sumption, xviii. 577 on soil-moisture as a cause of consump- tion, xviii. 412 on law of soil-moisture, xix. 341 Bowels, displacement of liver produced by inflation of, ix. 47 hemorrhage from, in scurvy, xvii. 160 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 167 in cerebral tumors, xii. 261 torpidity of, as causing dysentery, i 531 Bower's ball-aud-water trap, xviii. 498 Brachial neuralgia, etiology of, xi. 146 symptoms of, xi. 147 treatment of, xi. 150 Brachialis anticus, paralysis of, xi. 543 Bradylalia in insular sclerosis, xiv. 661 Bradyphasia, xiv. 661, 749 Bradyphrasia, xiv. 816 Bradyphrasia interrupta, xiv. 818 Brain, all possible morbid processes in the, may cause aphasia, xiv. 801 aphasie disturbances are most common after lesions of the left anterior hemis- phere, but may follow lesions of other parts, xiv. 731 appearance of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 262 cases of lesion of the third left frontal convolution without aphasia, xiv. 742 changes in, caused by haematoma of dura mater, xii. 396 by chronic endarteritis, vi. 384 by ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 69 changes in, in epilepsy, xiv. 216 in leucaemia, viii. 514 in melanaemia, viii. 541 in metastatic meningitis, xii. 629 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1012 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 492 circulatory disturbances of, in aortic in- sufficiency, vi 139 Brain. nO Brandy. INDEX. 0J Brain, diagnosis of old affection of, from tuberculosis of pia mater, xii. 570 different parts of the, have different functions, xiv. 706 differential diagnosis of hernia of, from nasal polypi, iv. 171 effects of atropine upon, xvii. 676 epilepsy as a symptom of diseases of the, xiv. 208 galvanism of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 168 importance of the frontal convolution for articulate speech, xiv. 734 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 704, 705, 717, 726 in dysentery, i. 547 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 495 in malarial diseases, ii. 626 in scarlatina, ii. 226 in small-pox, ii. 387 incision into, for abscess, xii. 818 increased irritability of the sensory por- tions of the, in hysteria, xiv. 490 influence of the, over the sexual func- tion, viii. 840 influence of diseases of, upon heart's ac- tion, vi. 302 irritability of, from pertussis, vi. 699 irritation of, with depression of tempe- rature of, in typhoid fever, i 178 left anterior lobe most often found af- fected in aphasie derangements, xiv. 732 lesions of multiple sclerosis in, xiii. 479 loss of weight of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 858 microscopical changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 861 necrotic changes in, about apoplectic foci, xii. 753 power of accommodation of, xii. 242 pulsation of, xii. 674 reason for the pre-eminence of the left over the right hemisphere in speech, xiv. 738 relation of oesophagomalacia and gastro- malacia to diseases of the, viii. 104 Brain, secondary changes about infarcts of, xii. 747 secondary degeneration of the cord in diseases of, xiii. 761 the chief seat of the anatomical lesiona in chorea, xiv. 456 weight of healthy, xii. 829 weight of, in epilepsy, xiv. 216 Brain, afTection of meninges of, due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 784 BRAIN, AFFECTIONS OF, xii. 685 Encephalitis, 685 ; pathology, 686; eti- ology, 709; of acute inflammation and recent abscess, 709; of capsulated ab- scess, 717; symptomatology, 725; of acute encephalitis, 725; of acute ence- phalitis complicating disease of bones of the skull, 734; of acute encephalitis in connection with affections of the lungs, 740; of acute encephalitis in pyaemia, 746; of encephalitis around pre-existing lesions in the brain, 747 Chronic Abscess of the Brain, 760; traumatic abscess, the latent stage, 760; symptoms of the latent stage, 762; termi- nal processes, 769 ; terminal oedema, 770; combination of meningitis of the base or convexity, with breaking of the abscess outward, 773; perforation of the abscess into the ventricle, 776; chronic ab- scess in affections of the inner ear, 778; abscess and meningitis in caries of pet- rous bone, 785; location of the abscess, 786; eye symptoms, 793 ; diagnosis, 798; prognosis, 805 ; treatment, 810; brain, changes in, in meningitis tuberculosa, 501; changes in, due to occlusion of ar- teries, 189 ; brain diseases in etiology of compression of brain, 665; of encephali- tis, 714; of pachymeningitis interna, 404 Brain, affections of, as a cause of diabetes, xvi. 868, 1015 associated with dilatation of the stomach, vii. 316 in apoplexy, xii. 752 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 199 53 INDEX. Brain. Brandy. Brain, affections of, in croup, iv. 261 in etiology of gastralgia, vii. 297 in jaundice, ix. 23 in relation to softening of stomach, vii. 268 in spinal disease, xiii. 144 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 130 in tabes, xiii. 582 prophylaxis in, xii. 810 Brain, anemia of, xii 9 in apoplexy, xii. 106, 752 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 499 stimulants in, xii. 35 Brain, atrophy of, xii. 839 in dementia paralytica, xii. 857 Brain, hyperemia of, xii 37, see also Hyperaemia of the Brain in pulmonary emphysema, v. 381 purgatives and enemata in, xii. 68 Brain, hypertrophy of, xii 823, see also Hypertrophy of Brain Brain, metastatic abscess of, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 876 Brain, edema of, in heart disease. xv. 214 in scarlet fever, ii. 258 in uraemic coma, xv. 147 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 122, 137 Brain, paralysis of, in typhoid fever, i. 88, 224 Brain, red softening of. xii. 190 Brain, syphilis of, xii. 291, see also Syphilis of Brain mercury and potassium iodide in large doses in, xii 366 Brain, tumors of, xii 231 iced compresses to skull in, xii. 287 mercury and iodide of potassium in, xii. 288 opium and potassium bromide in, xii. 288 Brain, white softening of, xii. 190 Brain, yellow softening of, xii. 190 Brain and cerebral nerves, in chronic myelitis, xiii. 447 Brain and cord, condition of, in yel- low fever, i 503 Brain and cord, diseases of the, as a cause of stuttering, xix. 835 in diphtheria, i 651 Brain and its membranes, acute and chronic inflammation of, xii 373 Brain-functions, explanation of the restoration of the, after mutilation of the cortex, xiv. 713 Brain-lesions, causing cutaneous anaes- thesia, xi. 208 in a case of diphtheritic ataxia, i. 658 in chorea, xiv. 448 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1032 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 881 in epileptic seizures, xiv. 259 in typhoid fever, i. Ill Brain-shock in apoplexy, xii. 106 Brain-substance, alteration of, in hy- pertrophy of brain, xii. 828 consumption of, about chronic abscess, xii. 786 Brain-symptoms, following entrance of foreign bodies into trachea and bronchi, iv. 518 immediate cause of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 282 in abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 147 in acute myocarditis, vi. 235 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 686 in erysipelas, ii. 462 in fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 256 in melanaemia, viii. 542 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 568 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 500 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 133 in scarlet fever, ii. 265 treatment of, ii. 308 Brand's remedy for coryza,iv. 96 B. Acidi lxxx- Alcoholis..................o es- Aq. ammoniae..............^l lxxx- Aq. destillatae..............HI cliv- M. Brandy, adulteration of, xix. 359 Brandy. Bronchiectasis. INDEX. 54 Brandy, subcutaneous injections of, in asphyxia or debility of the newly born, xviii. 76 Brass-founders, xix. 19 Brattice, description of, xix. 231 Braun's syringe, for intra-uterine in- jections, x. 137 Bread, adulteration of, xix. 359 Bread, almond, xvi. 987 Bread, gluten, xvi. 987 Bread, inuline, xvi. 988 Bread, moss, xvi. 988 Break-bone fever, ii. 507 Breast, painful affections in the region of the, in hysteria, xiv. 499 Breast-milk, analysis of, xviii 95 influenced by drugs administered to the mother, xviii. 97 superiority of, as an infantile aliment, xix. 289 variations in composition of, at different periods of lactation, xviii. 103 when to be given, xviii. 90 Breath, odor of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 913 in putrid bronchitis, iv. 399 Breathing, in stenosis of pulmonary ar- tery, vi. 326 Breed, on drainage of swamp- lands in Bureau County, Illinois, xviii. 422 Brewer, Dr. C has,, on mountain fever, xix. 133 Brewers, xix. 25 Brewing, xix. 434 Brichetcau's case of chorea, due to psychical contagion, xiv. 424 Bricklayers, xix. 56 Brickmakers, xix. 56 Brick-making, xix. 441 Bricks, enamelled, for damp-proof courses, xviii. 414 Bridgeman, Laura, case of, xiv. 598, 634 BriggS, on moisture in the air, xviii. 677 on ventilation of the Hall of Representa- tives at Washington, xviii. 726 Bright, xii 126, 181 Bright's disease, as a cause of hyper- trophy of left ventricle, vi. 192 classification of forms of, xv. 190 historical notice of, xv. 163 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 316 in etiology of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 394, 395 Bright's disease, acute, following typhoid fever, i 180 Brine-baths, in chronic metritis, x. 119 in diphtheritic paralysis, i. 697 in pachymeningitis externa, xiii 221 Bristowe, xii. 187, 196 Brittleness of epidermis in scurvy, xvii. 145 Broad ligaments, hemorrhages from, x. 474 Broadbent's view of the path- ology of chorea, xiv. 448,460 Broca's first cases of aphasia with lesion of the frontal convolution, xiv. 734 Brokers, xix. 59 Bromide of ainmonium, in whoop- ing-cough, vi. 727 Bromide of potassium, in anaamic hysteria, xvi 495 in cerebral tumors, xii 289 in chorea, xiv. 466 in diabetes, xvi. 995 in epilepsy, xiv. 292 in hystero-epileptic fits, xiv. 572 in neuralgia, xi. 89 in oesophageal spasm, viii. 211 in snake-bites, iii 551 in spinal disease, xiii 191 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 in splenic tumors, viii. 420 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 800 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in viper-bites, iii. 546 Bromides, in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Bromine, alcoholic solution of, in local treatment of uterine cancer, x. 291 as a disinfectant, xix. 556 55 INDEX. Brandy. Bronchiectasis. Bromine, in diseases of the nose, phar- ynx, and larynx, iv. 96 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 420 in fetid expectoration, v. 429 Bromine gas, in diphtheria, iv. 96 Bromine solution, as a solvent of false membranes, i 690 Bromism, xvii 310 nervous disturbances in, xvii. 318 symptoms of, xvii 317 treatment of, xvii. 321 Bromurct, explanation of the term, xvii. 313 Bronchi, abnormal formations of, iv. 288 cancer of, in etiology of stenosis of, iv. 480 communication of biliary abscess with, ix. 544 diphtheritic changes in, i 642 fistulous communications between the oesophagus and, following perforation of traction diverticula of the oesopha- gus, viii. 78 hemorrhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 in syphilis, iii. 210 inflammation of the connective tissue in etiology of dilatation of, ix. 862 occlusion of, by foreign bodies, diagnosis of, from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 135 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 172 round worms in, vii. 742 Bronchial asthma, ammonia to pharynx in, iv. 580 belladonna in, iv. 582 emetics in, iv. 580 fumes of arsenic in, iv. 579 fumes of saltpetre in, iv. 579 inhalations of chloroform and ether in, iv. 577 inhalations of oxygen in, iv. 580 inhalations of turpentine in, iv. 577 narcotics in, iv. 576 nitrite of amyl in, iv. 576 tincture of lobelia in, iv. 582 Bronchial casts, v. 89 Bronchial catarrh, a consequence of pulmonary emphysema, v. 373 antimonials in, iv. 417 antiphlogistics in, iv. 422 apomorphine in, iv. 417 carbolic acid in, iv. 421 condensed and rarefied air in, iv. 424 derivatives and revulsives in, iv. 418 diaphoretics in, iv. 419 expectorants, nauseants, and emetics in, iv. 410 in scarlatina, ii. 222 inhalation of atomized liquids in, iv. 415 milk, whey, and grape-cures in, iv. 423 mineral spring waters in, iv. 423 narcotics in, iv. 419 prophylaxis in, iv. 407 purgatives in, iv. 419 quinine in, iv. 421 relations of, to consumption, v. 498 Bronchial dilatation, forms of, ix. S85 Bronchial gland, method of union of a, to the wall of a traction-diverticulum of the oesophagus, viii. 74 Bronchial glands, cheesy degenera- tion of, as a cause of tubercle, xii. 517 in whooping-cough, vi. 711 condition of, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 197 connection of shrunken, with traction- diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 72 effects of swelling of, xvi. 840 scrofulous affections of, xvi 800 Bronchial hemorrhage, a cause of consumption, v. 501 prognosis of, v. 311 not a cause of phthisis, v. 310 Bronchiectases, interstitial pneumo- nia about, ix. 861 situation of, viii 870 Bronchiectasis, ix. 837 a sequel of bronchial catarrh, iv. 402 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 484 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 322 Bronchiectasis. Burrows. INDEX. 50 Bronchiectasis, pleurisy associated with, ix. 862 pressure exerted by a column of air in respiration in etiology of, ix. 859 Bronchiectatic conditions in phthisis, v. 676 Bronchitis, a complication of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 201 accompanying whooping-cough, vi. 702 an essential prerequisite of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 212 complicating measles, ii. 92 in malarial diseases, ii. 638 in small-pox, ii. 379 in typhoid fever, i. 329 in typhus fever, i. 316 Bronchitis, acute, cold baths in, iv. 427 inhalation of emollients and resolvents in, iv. 426 narcotic cough mixtures in, iv. 428 stimulants very important in, iv. 427 Bronchitis, capillary, iv. 364 cyanosis in, iv. 373 Bronchitis, chronic, iv. 383 condensed and rarefied air in, iv. 432 Bronchitis, chronic fetid, inhala- tions of carbolic acid in, iv. 435 inhalations of oil of turpentine in, iv. 434 quinine in, iv. 435 Bronchitis, croupous, iv. 438 casts in, microscopic examination of, iv. 454 cyanosis in, iv. 460 emetics in, iv. 468 inhalations of lime-water and the alka- line carbonates in, iv. 468 iodide of potassium in, iv. 468 muriate of apomorphia in, iv. 467 Bronchitis, diffuse catarrhal, diagnosis of, from croupous bronchitis, iv. 463 Bronchitis, fetid, iv. 396 Bronchitis of glanders, in horses, iii. 342 Bronchitis, pseudomembra- nous, iv. 438 Bronchitis, putrid, ix. 905 alcohol in, ix. 915 as a result of gangrene of the lung, iv. 397 oil of turpentine in, ix. 915 Bronchitis and emphysema in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 876 Broncho-blennorrhoea, iv. 394,435 carbolic acid in, iv. 436 oil of turpentine in, iv. 435 powerful expectorants in, iv. 436 Bronchocelc, congenital, iv. 289 Bronchophony, iv. 659, 669 Bronchophthisis pulinonalis of Clarke, v. 690 Broncho-pneumonia, complicating measles, ii. 93 in hemorrhagic measles, ii. 86 in rickets, xvi. 199 inhalations of lime and carbolic acid in, v. 609 Broncho-pneumonia, cachec- tic, of children, iv. 368 Broncho-pneumonia of mea- sles, cold pack in, ii. 124 Bronchorrhcea, astringent inhala- tions in, iv. 437 Bronchorrhcea, serous, iv. 395,435 Bronchus, a third, iv. 288 frequency of a foreign body falling into the right or left, iv. 508 Bronze powder, injurious effects of, xix. 50 Bronzed skin, viii. 633, see also Ad- dison's Disease Bronzers, xix. 32 Brooklyn well, in Prospect Park, xviii. 244 Brooks' drain-pipe ventilator, xviii. 488 Brown atrophy of the heart, v. 339 Brown induration of the lungs, v. 274, 343 Brown oedema of lung, vi. 107 r 7 _._,_._,_ Bronchiectasis. 0 i INDEX. Burrows. Brown, Dr. Francis H., on hospi- tal construction, xviii. 735 Brown-Sequard, xii. 108, 116, 131, 132, 141 Brown-Sequard's experimental researches into the nature of epi- lepsy, xiv. 193 Brown-Scquard's spinal para- lysis, xiii 646 Browne, Crichton, xii 885 Bruch-Rombcrg symptom, xiii. 93 Brucia, in paralysis, xi 467 Brucine, poisoning with, xvii. 810 tetanic spasms excited by, xiv. 329 Briickenau, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 170 Bruit de cuir ncuf, vi. 592 Bruit de diablc, xvi. 397, 400, 537 in chlorosis, xvi. 520 Bruit dc inouliii, vi. 662 Bruit de pot fel6, in pleuritis, iv. 650 in pneumothorax, iv. 761 Bruit de rappcl, vi 51, 129 Bruit de roue hydrauliquc, vi. 662 Brunettes, milk of, xviii. 104 Brunncr's glands, in cholera, i 425 Bruns, xii. 658, 659, 660, 678, 705, 718, 765, 807, 809, 814 Brunton, xii. 42 Brush, laryngeal, iv. 80 Brush-makers, liability of, to lead- poisoning, xvii, 561 Brush-making, xix. 43 Bubo, following soft chancre, iii 121 in the black death, i. 482 in the plague, i. 474 Bubo, rheumatic, xvi. 827 Bubo, syphilitic, suppuration of, iii. 121 Bubo plague, i 465 Buboes, in plague, treatment of, i 481 Buboes, indolent, iii. 21, 118 Buccal mucous membrane, in measles, ii. 72 Buchanan, on causation of consump- tion, xviii. 578 BucllU, in chronic cystitis, viii. 697 Buckthorn, bark of, in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 79 Budge, xii. 144 Buhl, xii. 403, 513, 627 Bulbar embolus, diagnosis of, xiii. 884 Bulbar myelitis, pathological anato- my, xiii. 901 symptoms, xiii. 902 Bulbar nuclei, influence of, on the muscles of articulation, xiv. 656 Bulbar paralysis, vi. 824; xiii 900 as a complication of progressive muscu- lar atrophy, xiv. 144 diagnosis, vi 826 treatment, vi. 826 Bulbar paralysis, progressive, derivatives and counter-irritants in, xiii. 943 electricity in, xiii. 944 Bulbo-nuclei stammering, xiv. 654 Bulging of supraclavicular and infraclavicular regions, in capillary bronchitis, iv. 381 Bullae, in varicella, ii. 14 Bunions, xviii. 387 Burial, advantages of, as compared with cremation, xix. 455 Burial-grounds, a source of contami- nation to wells, xviii. 543 Burial of the dead, xix. 451 Burn of genitals, case of severe, in an hysterical woman, xiv. 507 Burnett's solution, xix. 560, 563 Burns, as a cause of acute nephritis, xv. 256 in etiology of intestinal catarrh, vii. 364 in etiology of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 444 in etiology of ulcer of the stomach, vii 204 Burring speech, xiv. 850 treatment of, xiv. 851 Burrows, xii 4, 31, 85 Bursa pharyngea. Camp-kitchen. INDEX. 58 Bursa pharyngca, iv. 63 ; vii 11 Bursa?, affections of, in syphilis, iii 175 produced by different occupations, xix. 73 Bursting of grindstones, xix. 35 Burtscheid, waters of, in gout, xvi. 144 Busch, xii. 224 Businesses, classification of, in France, xix. 384-390 Cabinet, pneumatic, in treatment of bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Cabinet-makers, xix. 64 Cachectic angina, vi 896 Cachectic fatty liver, ix. 448 Cachexia, in etiology of fatty liver, ix. 448 of hepatic abscess, ix. 97 of abdominal aneurism, vi. 438 of scurvy, xvii. 178 Cachexia, malarial and mercu- rial, in etiology of amyloid degenera- tion of the liver, ix. 414 Cachexia splenica et lympha- tica in pseudo-leucaemia, viii. 475 Cadaveric smell, in yellow fever, i. 497 Cadaveric spots, in scurvy, xvii. 166 Cadmium, poisoning by, xvii 594, 598 Caecum, affections of the, that lead to typhlitis, viii. 315 pathology of ulcers in, vii. 400 position of the, viii. 315 suppuration in the vicinity of, in eti- ology of pylephlebitis, ix. 809 the region of, a favorite locality for peri- tonitis, viii. 228 ulceration of, vii. 418 Caffeine, xviii. 177 in acute myocarditis, vi 239 in hemicrania, xiv. 24 in hysteria, xiv. 576 Butchers, xix. 26 Butter, adulteration of, xix. 360 Buttermilk, xviii. 118 Button-makers, xix. 44 Butyric acid, as solvent of false mem- branes, i. 689 Buxine sulphate, in malarial fevers, ii. 675 Buxton, waters of, in gout, xvi. 138 Byssinosis, xix. 32 Caffeine, citrate of, in neuralgia, ii. 676 Cairo, climate of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 Caisson-workers, xix. 69 Calabar bean, in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 681 in chorea, xiv. 466 in dementia paralytica, xii. 885 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 189 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 in poisoning by atropine, xvii. 681 by strychnine, xvii. 801 in spinal disease, xiii. 189 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in tremor, xiv. 393 preparations of, recommended in chorea, xiv. 466 Calabar-bean poisoning, xvii 695 subcutaneous injections of ether in, xvii. 704 Calamus, in chronic gastritis, vii. 188 in gout, xvi. 140 in scurvy, xvii. 234 Calcareous degeneration of the intinia, in chronic endarteritis, vi. 369 Calcareous myomata, x. 227 Calcification, as a method of healing in pulmonary phthisis, v. 683 Calcification of arteries, vi. 391 Calcification of the walls of the bile-ducts, ix. 549 c 59 TXTVTTX Bursa pharyngea. ov UND-kA.. Camp-kitchen. Calcium, bromide of, in angina pec- toris, xiv. 53 Calcium, chloride of, inscrofulosis, xvi. 818 Calculi, in bladder of infants, xviii. 84 in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 of jaundice, ix. 14 Calculi, biliary, chronic obliteration of gall-ducts by, ix. 397 closure of bile-ducts by, ix. 824 Calculi of the pancreas, viii. 619 Calculi, renal, xv. 687 Calculus vesica?, necessity of explora- tion with the sound, viii. 729 symptoms, viii. 728 Calidarium, xviii. 374 California, climate of, in pulmo- nary diseases, iv. 302 California stove, xix. 172 Calisaya bark, in bronchial asthma, iv. 582 Callosities produced by different occu- pations, xix. 73 Calmcil, xii 50, 74, 109, 861 Calomel, hypodermic use of, in syphilis, iii. 292 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 261 in acute hepatitis, ix. 153, 154 in acute myelitis, xiii. 423 in anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 787 in ascaris lumbricoides, viii. 749 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 736 in cholera, vii. 151 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 58 in croup, iv. 267 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 468 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 79,129, 145 in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 587 in dysentery, i. 565 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in hepatic colic, ix. 770 in hepatic congestion, ix. 80 in icteric intermittent fever, ii 660 Calomel, in intestinal catarrh, vii 386 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 577 in occlusion of the intestines, vii. 648 in parasites of nasal cavity, iv. 180 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 in pleuritis, iv. 685 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 in syphilis, iii. 292 in syphilis of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 in typhoid fever, i 199, 200 Lesser's treatment: doses of 3j. re- peated daily, i. 200 Liebermeister's treatment: gr. viiss. to x. three or four times daily, i 200 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 in yellow fever, i 513 locally, in condylomata, iii. 300 Calomel fumigation, in syphilis, iii. 288 Calomel and opium, in cholera mor- bus, i 348 B. Hydrarg. chlor. J. Pulv. rV- M. Every half-hour. Calorifacient food, xviii 146 Calves, killing of, xix. 408 Calx chlorinata, in chronic bronchi- tis, iv. 435 Cambridge, Mass., water-supply of, xviii 252 Camp, dangers of its quiet life to the sol- dier, xix. 118 for 600 men, xix. 84 of an army corps of 18,620 men, xix. 88 of artillery battery, xix. 86 of cavalry regiment, xix. 85 Camp commissariat, xix. 134 Camp diseases, xix. 142 Camp dysentery, incidents of, i 525 Camp Grant, Arizona, xix. 94 Camp inspections, xix. 110 et seq. Camp-kitchen, xix. 134 Camp Lowell. Capillary bronchitis. INDEX. 60 Camp Lowell, in Southern Ari- zona, xix. 103 Campagna, Italy, efforts to render it healthy, xviii. 423 Camphor, in acute congestion of the kidneys, xv. 196 in anaemia, xvi. 493 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bilious typhoid, i. 299 in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in cardiac weakness, xvi. 493 in cholera, i. 457; vii. 152 in croupous pneumonia, v. 175 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in delirium tremens, xvii. 415 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 422 in exhaustion of the heart, in croupous pneumonia, v. 175 in gonorrhoea, viii. 770 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 292 in hyperaemia of kidneys, xv. 217 of lungs, v. 284, 287 in ischaemia, xv. 244 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 747 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 415 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 in spasms of the bladder, viii. 706 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 874 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 802 in typhoid fever, i. 224 in whooping-cough, vi 727 poisoning by, in etiology of spinal paral- ysis, xiii. 818 subcutaneously, in cholera, xv. 244 Camphor liniment, friction with, in cholera, i. 460 Camphorated oil, hypodermically, in collapse of dysentery, i. 567 Camping out, xix. 171 Camps, in general, xix. 81 pollution of soil in, xix. 114 et seg. surface drainage in, xix. 115 Camps of civil life, xix. 171 Canalization of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 576 Cancer, see also Carcinoma a complication of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 197 in etiology of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213 of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 83 of hydrothorax, iv. 735 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 446 of pneumothorax, iv. 748 of rupture of the stomach, vii. 337 in the region of the bile-ducts, ix. 566 relations of, to phthisis, v. 507 Cancer of the biliary passages, ix. 566 Cancer of the bladder, forms of, viii. 736 symptoms, viii. 737 Cancer of bronchial tubes, in etiology of stenosis of the bronchi, iv. 480 Cancer of the gall-bladder, ix. 640 Cancer of the heart, vi 288 Cancer of the hepatic veins, ix. 834 Cancer of the intestines, vii 429 Cancer of the kidney, xv. 636, 658 diagnosis, xv. 678 pathological anatomy, xv. 662 symptomatology, xv. 670 Cancer of the larynx, vii. 890 extirpation of larynx in, vii. 900 Cancer of liver, a complication of cir- rhosis of liver, ix. 200 . clinical aspects of, ix. 359 differential diagnosis from cirrhosis, ix. 203 geographical distribution of, ix. 365 granite-like variety, ix. 347 nourishing diet in, ix. 404 pathological anatomy, ix. 321 symptoms and diagnosis of, ix. 368 tonics and stimulants in, ix. 404 Cancer of the lungs, v. 435 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 478 61 INDEX. Camp Lowell. Capillary bronchitis. Cancer of the lymphatics, vi. 522 Cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 172 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 596 Cancer of the pancreas, viii. 609 Cancer of the pleura, iv. 771 Cancer of the portal vein, ix 826 Cancer of soft palate, vi. 988 Cancer of the spinal cord, xiii. 751 Cancer of tlie spinal mem- branes, xiii. 265 Cancer of the spleen, viii 489 Cancer of the stomach, vii 231 condurango, formula for, vii. 252 B« Cort. condurango..............^ ss- Aquae........................| xij. Macera hor. xii. Denique coq. ad............... § vj. M. Take one or one and a half table- spoonful twice daily. dietetic treatment of, vii. 253 formula against vomiting in, vii. 254 B. Morphiae jss. Aquae laurocerasi............. 3 v. M. 15 to 30 drops in the attack. particles of, in matter vomited, vii. 241 Cancer of tongue, vi 753 diagnosis, vi. 755 Cancer of the uterus, excision and cauterization in, x. 290 frequency of, in general, x. 273 galvano-cautery in, x. 290 Canccr-cclls in the liver, ix. 340 Cancer-cicatrix in the liver, ix. 336 Cancerous perforations of the oesophagus, relative frequency of, viii. 114 Cancerous strictures of the ceso- phagus, viii 31 diagnosis of, viii. 37 prognosis of, viii. 42 Cancroid of the uterus, x. 279 Cancrum oris, vi. 777 Candy and confectionery, adul- terations of, xix. 363 Cane-sugar, xviii. 163 Canker-rash, vi 857 Cannabis indica, in bronchial asthma, iv. 577 in chronic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 339 in cystitis, viii. 696, 794 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in gonorrhoea, viii. 770 in poisoning by opium, xvii. 876 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 in spasm of the muscles of mastication, xi. 304 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 801 in tetanus, xiv. 362 Cannabis indica suppositories in dysentery, i. 566 Canned meats,, use of, as a prophy- lactic against scurvy, xvii. 221 Canned vegetables and meat, adulteration of, xix. 361 Cannes, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 Canons, xix. 94 Cannstatt, xii. 619, 808 Cantliarides, as a cause of albuminuria, xv. 31 of renal hyperaemia, xv. 191 in treatment of chyluria, vi. 543 of cystitis, viii. 676, 698 of impotence, viii. 899 Cantharides-poisoning, a case of, xv. 195 anatomical lesions of, xv. 192 urinary symptoms of, xv. 193 'Capillaries, alterations in the walls of, in scurvy, xvii. 182 Capillaries of the lung, dilatation of, in heart disease, vi. 106 Capillary anaemia about cerebral blood-clot, xii. Ill Capillary apoplexies in contusion of brain, xii. 671 Capillary apoplexy, xii 93 Capillary bronchitis in pertussis, vi. 703, see also Bronchitis Capillary. f>C) Carcinoma. INDEX. OJ Capillary ectasis of the lungs, v. 275 Capillary emboli, multiple, in ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 68 Capillary embolism of the brain, a cause of chorea, xiv. 448 in delirium of acute disease, xii. 225 Capillary extravasations in menin- gitis of convexity, xii. 641 Capillary hemorrhages in haemo- philia, xvii. 42 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 49 Capillary pulse, in face, in thoracic aneurism, vi. 424 Capsicum in treatment of delirium tre- mens, xvii. 415 of enteralgia, vii. 468 of malarial diseases, ii. 675 of poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 415 Capsula interna, integrity of fibres of, in abscess of brain, xii. 787 Capsulatcd abscess of brain, xii. 717 Capsule of abscess of brain, for- mation of, xii. 706 time of development of, xii. 706 Capsule of old cerebral abscess, xii 700 origin of, xii. 702 Caraway, in enteralgia, vii. 468 Carbo ligni in splenic disease, viii. 405 Carbohydrates, office of, in nutrition, xvi. 458 sparing use of, in diseases of stomach, vii. 185 transformation of, in digestion, vii. 128 uses of, xviii. 165 Carbolic acid, xix. 559 action on bacteria, i. 681 as a caustic for initial syphilitic ulcer, iii. 273 as a cholera disinfectant, six ounces of acid to as many pints of water, i. 451 as a disinfectant, xviii. 564 in cholera, i 451, 453 destroys bacteria, iii. 392 Carbolic acid, externally and subcu- taneously, in erysipelas, ii. 482 for choleraic discharges, i 448 hypodermically, in chronic rheumatism, xvi. 83 in erysipelas, ii. 482 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 68 in anthrax, iii. 429 in bites and stings of insects, iii. 539 in diabetes, xvi. 1002, 1006 in diphtheria, i 679, 681 in diphtheritic dysentery, i. 567 in fetid expectoration, v. 429 in glanders, iii. 370 in malarial diseases, ii. 672 in pruritus vulvae, x. 559 in scarlatina, ii. 307 in small-pox, ii. 397 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 in typhoid fever, i 198 in whooping-cough, vi. 725 inhalation of, v. 430 parenchymatous injections of, in tumors of the spleen, viii. 426 poisoning by, xvii 524 Carbolized soda for choleraic dis- charges, i 448 Carbon bisulphide, injurious effects of, xix. 17, 22 poisoning by, xvii. 477 Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, xix. 187, 192 poisoning by, xvii. 472 Carbon disulphide, as a disinfectant, xix. 554 Carbon trichloride, in cholera col- lapse, i. 461 Carbonate of ammonia, in acute diseases of the heart, vi. 81, 93 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 in valvular defects, vi. 169 injected into the blood of animals, xv. 113, 115, 118, 120 Carbonate of lime, formations of, in nephrolithiasis, xv. 697 Carbonate of lithia. as a solvent of false membranes, i. 690 G3 TTJTTF-5T Capillary. 00 IJNJJiiA. Carcinoma. Carbonate of potash, as a solvent of false membranes, i. 690 in diphtheria, i. 685 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 105 Carbonate of soda, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 230 in pulmonary consumption, v. 605 Carbonated alkalies, poisoning by, xvii. 366 Carbonated drinks, in cancer of stomach, vii. 254 Carbonic acid, diffusion of in rooms, xviii. 721 in the air, xviii. 609 diminished excretion of, following use of alcohol, xvii. 386 excreted in diabetes, xvi. 928 in confined air, xviii. 612 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 737 in the air, xviii. 609 method of determining its amount, xviii. 624 increased elimination of, in fever, xvi. 341 presence of, in the air of coal-mines, xix. 242 probable increase of, in the urine, in te- tanus, xiv. 354 symptoms of poisoning by, xviii. 621 Carbonic acid baths, in chronic me- tritis, x. 120 Carbonic acid gas, effect of, on res- piration, xviii. 615 et seq. presence of, in coal-mines, xix. 242 Carbonic acid poisoning, xvii. 472 in mines, xix. 256 symptoms of, xviii. 621; xix. 242 Carbonic acid water, in cholera, i 459 Carbonic oxide gas, action of, xv. 256 effects of inhalation of, xviii. 623 narcotic effects, xvii. 458 poisoning by, xvii. 456 in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 716 suicide by, xvii. 464 tests of its presence in the air, xviii 625 Carbuncle, a complication of diabetes mellitus, xvi. 921 Carbuncle anthrax, iii. 412, 425 local treatment of, iii. 428 Carbuncle, simple, iii 425 Carbuncles as a cause of meningitis, xii 603 Carbuncles of the plague, i. 474 Carbunculus contagiosus, iii. 404 Carburetted hydrogen, injurious effects of, xix. 17 Carcinoma, see also Cancer in etiology of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 394 of hemorrhage of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 564 of pylethrombosis, ix. 789 Carcinoma of arteries, vi 392 Carcinoma of the bladder, viii. 736 Carcinoma of the brain, xii. 237 symptoms of, xii, 264 Carcinoma of the Fallopian tubes, x. 347 Carcinoma of the heart, vi 287 Carcinoma of the intestinal canal, vii. 635 Carcinoma of the kidney, xv. 664 Carcinoma of the larynx, vii. 890 Carcinoma of the lungs, v. 435 Carcinoma of the mediastinum, v. 447 Carcinoma of the nasal cavity, iv. 171 Carcinoma of nerves, xi. 601 Carcinoma of the oesophagus, viii. 172 Carcinoma of the ovary, x. 439 Carcinoma of the pancreas, viii. 609 Carcinoma of the peritoneum, viii. 339 Carcinoma of spinal mem- branes, xiii. 265 Carcinoma of the spleen, viii. 489 Carcinoma of the uterus, x. 297 Carcinoma of the vagina, x. 509 Carcinoma. Castor. INDEX. 64 Carcinoma of the vulva, x. 552 Carcinoma telangiectodes of the liver, ix. 337 Carcinomatous pericarditis, vi. 626 Cardamon, oil of, application of, in etiology of acute congestion of the kidneys, xv. 191 Carders of floss-silk, xix. 45 Cardiac affection, from stenosis of aorta, vi. 468 Cardiac aneurism, size of, vi. 245 Cardiac calculi, vi 672 Cardiac disease, giving rise to dilata- tion of thoracic duct, vi. 530 Cardiac dropsy, treatment of, vi. 168 Cardiac dulness, boundaries of rela- tive, vi. 25 changes in, in pericardial effusion, vi. 585 character of, in pericardial adhesion, vi. 647 determination of absolute, vi. 24 diminution of, vi. 48 effect of pericardial adhesions upon, vi. 641 extending to left of apex-beat, in peri- cardial effusion, vi. 587 in pericarditis, vi. 571 increase of, in hydropericardium, vi. 668 increase of normal area of, vi. 47 triangular shape of, vi. 588 Cardiac hypertrophy, in diagnosis of stenosis of aorta, vi. 469 Cardiac impulse, abnormities of, vi. 27 character of, in hypertrophy, vi 206 decrease in power of, in diseases of heart, vi. 38 explanation of, vi 15 extent of, vi. 28 of aortic insufficiency, vi 134 tracing of, vi. 17 variations in intensity, discovered by pal- pation, vi. 37 Cardiac movements, centres for, in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 858 Cardiac murmurs, diagnostic value of, in ulcerative endocarditis, vi 78 in chorea, xiv. 440 Cardiac muscle, affection of, in course of pericarditis, shown by pulse, vi. 600 Cardiac palpitation, from stenosis of aorta, vi. 467 Cardiac sounds, effect of pericardial effusion upon, vi. 595 Cardiac strain, results of, xviii. 337 Cardiac symptoms, in chlorosis, xvi. 536 Cardiac volume, transverse hyper- trophy of, in endocarditis, vi 89 Cardiac weakness of anaemia, treat- ment of, xvi. 493 Cardiac wound, importance of char- acter of, vi. 281 Cardialgia, in chlorosis, xvi. 520 in enteralgia, vii. 463 in hysteria, xiv. 501 in masked malarial fever, ii. 600 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 213 Cardialgia intermittens, ii 676 B. Quiniae lxxv. Bismuth, xiv. Extr. nucis ijss. M. Make into 50 pills. Five pills twice a day. Cardialgic form of malarial fe- ver, ii. 610 Cardol, effect of, on kidneys, xv. 191 Caries, in the etiology of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 137 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 508 Caries, fungous, xvi. 790 Caries of internal ear, in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 749 Caries of petrous bone as a cause of phlebitis sinuum, xii. 211 Caries of ribs, a complication of pleu- ritis, iv. 673 a sequel of empyema, iv. 620 65 INDEX. Carcinoma. Castor. Caries of ribs, with erosion of inter- costal artery, in etiology of haemato- thorax, iv. 740 Caries of spine, a complication of pleu- ritis, iv. 673 Carious bone, perforation of, leading to abscess of brain, xii 718 Carlsbad, waters of, in chronic ca- tarrh of larynx, iv. 226 in corpulence, xvi. 724 in cystitis, viii. 695 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 996, 1004 in gastritis, vii. 182, 189, 191 in gout, xvi. 138 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 735 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222 Carlsbad Sprudel salts, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 Carminatives, in enteralgia, vii. 468 in intestinal catarrh, vii 390 Carniflcation of the lungs, in ate- lectasis, v. 329 Carotid artery, compression of, in nosebleed, iv. 163 ligation of, as a cause of cerebral con- gestion of opposite side, xii. 44 as a cause of cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 62 for neuralgia, xi. 128 for the relief of epilepsy, xiv. 286 narrowing of, vi. 478 pressure upon, in etiology of cerebral emboli, xii. 185 Carotids, compression of, during an epi- leptic seizure, xiv. 295 pulsation of, in cerebral embolism, xii. 195 in cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 61 results of compression of, xii. 18 of ligation of, xii. 19 systolic murmur in, in aortic insufficien- cy, origin of, vi. 135 Carpenters, xix. 64 Carpet-beaters, xix. 46 Carpet-cleaning, a twofold nuisance, xix. 420 Vol. XX.—5 Carpet-cleaning machine, xix. 421 Carrere, xii. 295 Carriage of the body, influence of, in etiology of consumption, v. 494 Carrion, influence of, in causing anthrax, iii. 379 Carswell, xii. 181, 686 Carswell-grapes, in phthisis, v. 653 Cartilage, coloring matter of bile in, ix. 20 Cartilage of Santorini, iv. 48 Cartilage of Wrisberg, iv. 48 Cartilages, affections of, in scurvy, xvii. 162 changes in, in arthritis deformans, xvi. 157 in gout, xvi. 113, 117 Cartilages, bronchial, alterations of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 323 Cartilages, tracheal, absence, coa- lescence, and excessive number of, iv. 288 atrophy of, a result of compression, iv. 482 Caryopliyllus, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 146 Case of extravasation between dura and skull, xii. 383 Case of tubercular meningitis, xii 504 Caseation of the exudation in pneumonia, v. 49 Casein, xviii. 151 Caseous masses in the suprare- nal capsules, in Addison's disease, viii. 650 Castile-soap, xviii. 371 in treatment of the oxyuris vermicularis, vii. 768 Castor, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in hysteria, xiv. 565 in neuralgia, xi. 89 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1024 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Castor-oil. Catching cold. INDEX. 66 Castor-oil, in acute hepatitis, ix. 153 in constipation of typhoid fever, i. 225 in dysentery, i 565 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 386 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 in occlusion of the intestines, vii. 648 in typhlitis, viii. 323 in yellow fever, i. 513 Castor-oil enemas, in dysentery, i. 566 Castoreum, see Castor Castration, in the treatment of sperma- torrhoea, viii. 880 Casts, in croupous bronchitis, chemical examination of, iv. 455 microscopical examination of, iv. 454 Casts, bronchial, in the expectoration of croupous pneumonia, v. 89 Casts, fibrinous, in croupous bronchi- tis, iv. 451 Casts, hyaline,, from kidney, in pleuri- tis, iv. 640 Casts, renal, description of, xv. 75 in acute nephritis, xv. 279, 316 in amyloid degeneration of kidneys, xv. 511, 625 in cancer of kidney, xv. 674 in fatty degeneration of kidneys, xv. 604 in ischaemia, xv. 236 in nephrophthisis, xv. 581 in pleurisy, iv. 640 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 448 Casts, urinary, xv. 75 in chronic nephritis, xv. 356, 379 theory of the formation of, xv. 379 CATALEPSY, xiv. 369; bibliography, 369; etiology, 370; symptoms and course, 372; path- ological anatomy and theory of the disease, 377 ; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 381 Catalepsy, palliative remedies in, xiv. 382 Cataleptic variety of hysterical attacks, xiv. 533 Catamenia, definition of term, x. 314 Cataplasms, in acute perihepatitis, ix. 87 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 82 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 156 Cataract, formation of, in diabetes, xvi. 917 Catarrh, in etiology of stenosis of the biliary passages, ix. 584 Catarrh, acute, diffuse, bronchial, iv. 364 follicular, of nasopharyngeal space, vii. 47 laryngeal, iv. 194 prophylaxis of, iv. 208 of lower pharynx, vii. 58 of the medium-sized and minuter bron- chi, iv. 364 of the trachea and larger bronchi, iv. 356 retro-nasal, vii. 44 Catarrh, bronchial, a complication of croup, iv. 250 a complication of pleuritis, iv. 672 a sequel of bronchial asthma, iv. 574 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 465 climate in prophylaxis of, iv. 410, 413, 433 cyanosis in, iv. 338 in etiology of bronchiectasis, ix. 854 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 850 of pleuritis, iv. 595 milk- and whey-cures in, xv. 424 prophylaxis of, ix. 907 Catarrh, chronic, follicular, of the naso-pharyngeal space, vii. 51 Catarrh, chronic, laryngeal, iv. 212 Catarrh, chronic, nasal, iv. 136 affection of antrum of Highmore in, iv. 142 affection of perichondrium in, iv. 142 affection of periosteum in, iv. 142 caryophyllus in, iv. 146 snuffs for, iv. 146 Catarrh, chronic, nasal, with ozcena, iv. 140 67 Catarrh, chronic, of lower pha- rynx, vii. 60 Catarrh, chronic, retro-nasal, vii. 49 Catarrh, contagious, of the nose, iv. 117 Catarrh, dry, ofLaennec, iv. 391 Catarrh, epidemic, of the nose, iv. 117 Catarrh, follicular, of lower pharynx, vii. 74 Catarrh, hemorrhagic, vii. 45 Catarrh, hyperplastic, of naso- pharyngeal cavity, vii. 87 Catarrh, intestinal, affections of liver, in etiology of, vii. 364 affections of the lungs, in etiology of, vii. 364 burns, in etiology of, vii. 364 catching cold, in etiology of, vii 364 diseases of the kidneys, in etiology of, vii. 364 faecal impaction, in etiology of, vii. 363 foreign bodies, in etiology of, vii 363 heart-affections in etiology of, vii. 364 hemorrhoids, in etiology of, vii. 372 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1012 incarceration of blood, in etiology of, vii 365 injuries in etiology of, vii. 364 malaria in etiology of, vii 365 mercury in. vii. 391 neoplasms, in etiology of, vii 365 opium in, vii. 388, 391 periproctitis in, vii. 372 poisons in etiology of, vii. 363 purgatives in etiology of, vii. 363 teething, in etiology of, vii. 178 torsion of the bowel, in etiology of, vii. 365 ulcers, in etiology of, vii. 365 weaning, in etiology of, vii. 378 worms, in etiology of, vii. 363, 378 Catarrh, laryngeal, in spasm of glot- tis, vii 1012 Catarrh of the bladder, viii. 674 Castor-oil. Catching cold. Catarrh of the oesophagus, des- quamative, viii. 135 Catarrh of the respiratory or- gans, following measles, ii. 103 Catarrh of the smaller bronchi, in course of croupous pneumonia, v. 110 in typhoid fever, i 166 Catarrh of the tracheal and bronchial mucous mem- brane, iv. 292 Catarrh of the uterus, x. 129 Catarrh of whooping-cough, vi. 688 Catarrh, pituitous (Laennec), iv. 395 Catarrh, purulent follicular, of larynx, vii. 836 Catarrh, purulent nasal, iv. 129 Catarrh, rarefying, dry, of naso- pharyngeal cavity, vii. 96 Catarrh, sporadic, of the nose, iv. 117 Catarrh, suppurative, follicu- lar, of the naso-pharyngeal space, vii 47 Catarrh, tracheal, iv. 292 Catarrhal affections predispose to diphtheria, i. 586 Catarrhal angina?, mistaken for diph- theria, i. 660 Catarrhal bronchitis and tuber- culosis, v. 648 Catarrhal dysentery, i 538 lesions of third stage, i. 540 Catarrhal fever, xvi. 242 Catarrhal pneumonia, v. 183 relations of, to consumption, v. 500 Catarrhus aestivus, ii. 539 Catarrhus vesicae, viii 674 Catch-pits, for street-gullies, xviii. 472 Catching cold, a cause of acute mye- litis, xiii. 389 of acute nephritis, xv. 251 of chronic myelitis, xiii. 427 of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 476 of rheumatism, xvi. 5 Catching cold. Cephalalgia. Catching cold, a cause of tabes dor- salis, xiii. 525 of tetanus, xix. 328 pathology of, xvi. 232, 234 Catechu, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 Catgut makers, exposed to sulphu- retted hydrogen gas, xvii. 492 Cathartics, contraindication for, in typhlitis, vii. 386 in acute congestion of kidneys, xv. 196, 300 in acute gastritis, vii. 143 in acute peritonitis, viii. 260 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in affections of brain following injury, xii. 817 in cancer of the intestines, vii. 442 in chronic gastritis, vii. 182,191 in dilatation of stomach, vii. 332 in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 587 in dropsy of anaemia, xvi. 492 in dysentery, i. 504 in enteralgia, vii. 467 in erysipelas, ii. 483 in etiology of enteralgia, vii. 461 in gastralgia, vii. 306 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in haemophilia, xvii. 97 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 292 in hepatic congestion, ix. 78, 82 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 67 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 385, 386 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in meningitis, xii. 817 in metroperitonitis, viii. 276 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 425 in passive renal hyperaemia, xv. 218 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 in poisoning by arsenic, xvii. 651 by atropine, xvii. 680 by ergot, xvii. 902 by fungi, xvii. 925 by lead, xvii. 573 by phosphorus, xvii. 641 by santonine, xvii. 889 by sausages, xvii. 546 by solanine, xvii. 695 68 Cathartics, in poisoning by strychnine, xvii. 795 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta", xiii. 707 in splenitis, viii. 450 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 648 in whooping-cough, vi. 721 Cathartics, drastic, in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 209 Cathartics, saline, in exudative in- flammation of the biliary passages, ix. 556 Catheterism, in acute cystitis, viii. 687 Catheterism of the larynx, vii. 813 in croup, iv. 272 Catheterization, in chronic cystitis, xiii. 698 in hemorrhage from the bladder, viii. 727 in new-growths of the bladder, viii. 740 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in stricture of the urethra, viii. 796 Catheterization of the oesopha- gus, method of, viii. 9 Catheterization of the trachea, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 415 Catheters of Nelaton, in after-treat- ment cf opening in pleural cavity, for discharge of purulent effusions, iv. 718 Cat's purr, the, of Laennec, vi. 38 Cats, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 Cattle, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 keeping of, xix. 396 Cattle-plague in England and France, xix. 475 Causal indications, fulfilment of the, in chorea, xiv. 462 in hysteria, xiv. 561 Causal treatment of epilepsy, xiv. 280 Causal gia, xi. 40, 147 treatment of, xi. 151 Causes of disease, i. 5 ; xviii. 12, see also the different diseases Caustic alkalies, poisoning by, xvii. 366 Caustic darts, use of, in the treatment of diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 80 >EX. AQ TWT.rv Catching cold. ^ INDEX. Cephalalgia. Caustic potash, as a solvent of false membranes, i 689 in anthrax, iii. 429 in hydrophobic wounds, iii. 506 Caustics, in diseases of the nose, pha- rynx, and larynx, iv. 76 in the treatment of wounds, vi 816 Cauterization, in diphtheria, i. 672 in diseases of the lower pharynx, vii. 31 in neoplasms of larynx, vii. 905 of anthrax carbuncle, iii 429 of the prostatic urethra, in the treatment of spermatorrhoea, viii. 876 value of, in haemophilia bleedings, xvii. 99 Cauterizations, in etiology of laryn- gitis phlegmonosa, vii. 793 in lupus of larynx, vii. 855 Cautery, actual, in affections of the spinal cord, xiii. 343, 424 in noma, vi 817 in ovariotomy, x. 422 Cautery clamp, x. 414 Cavernous respiration, v. 541 Cavities of the lungs, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 197 in phthisis, v. 676 mechanism of enlargement of, v. 678 paracentesis of, in consumption, v. 612 Cavity, formation of, in encephalitis, xii. 687 Cavity of uterus, how to measure its length, x. 16 Cayenne pepper, adulteration of, xix. 365 Cazcnave's pills of proto-iodide of mercury, iii. 293 B. Hydrarg. iodid. viij. Lactucarii................ gr. xxiv. M. Div. in pil. no. 20. One pill three times a day. Ceilings and inside walls of hos- pitals, xviii 747 Celibacy, enforced, in bleeders, xvii 89 Cell-infiltration, in diphtheria, i 635, 637 Cellar-air, impurity of, xviii. 672 tendency of, to pass upward, xviii. 672 Cellars, disinfection of, xix. 568 Cells, epithelial, in expectoration of croupous pneumonia, v. 89 Cells, epithelial and glandular, coloring matter of bile in, ix. 20 Cells, hepatic, ix. 6 Cellular elements in encephalitis, cloudy swelling of, xii. 692 Cellular structures, pathological, in croup, iv. 258 Cellular tissue, affections of, in mela- naemia, viii. 541 Cellulitis, complicating scarlatina, ii 278 Cellulitis of neck in scarlatina, ii. 217, 225 Cellulitis of scarlatina, treatment of, ii. 310 Cellulose, xviii. 164 Cemeteries, xix. 458 emanations from, xix. 458 Census, the, xix. 302 Centaury, in gout, xvi 140 Centipede bites, iii 538 carbolic acid, internally in, iii. 539 Centipedes, in frontal sinus, iv. 177 Central America, climate of, in pulmonary consumption, v. 611 Centres for associated move- ments, xii. 112 CEPHALALGIA, xi. 135; symptomatology, 136 ; a symptom in disease of the brain, 137; a symptom in hysteria, 141; seat of pain, 138; duration of pain, 138; anaemia a cause, 139; active hyperaemia, 140; toxic headache, 140; rheumatic headache, 141; sympathetic head- ache, 141; neurasthenic headache, 141; diag- nosis, 142; treatment, 143 Cephalalgia in the differentiation of abscess and tumor of brain, xii. 801 Cephalalgia, rheumatic, xvi 90 Cephalohaematomata. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cephalohaematomata in the newly born infant, xviii. 82 Cerate of cantharides in neuralgia, xi. 91 Cercomonas intestinalis, vii. 482 Cerebellar tumors, xii. 253 Cerebellum as the seat of sexual in- stinct, xii. 848 clinical observations on functions of, xiii 849 lesions of, xii. 154 results of experiments upon, xii. 849 role of the, in the production of articu- late sounds, xiv. 667 symptoms following hemorrhage into, xii. 154 Cerebellum, abscesses of, xii. 791 cause of, xii. 720 Cerebellum, atrophy of, xii 844 Cerebral auamiia, disorders of respi- ration, circulation, and digestion in, xii. 29 etiology of partial, circumscribed, xii. 15 in tumors of brain, xii. 245 of gradual development, etiology of uni- versal, xii. 13 Cerebral anaesthesia, xi. 208, 223 Cerebral aneurism, diagnosis, vi. 442 prognosis, vi. 443 symptoms, vi. 441 Cerebral apoplexy, in Bright's dis- ease, xii 81 Cerebral atrophy, as a cause of hemorrhage, xii. 74 Cerebral capillaries, occlusion of, xii 223, see also Occlusion of Cerebral Capillaries Cerebral cortex, different portions of, have different functions, xiv. 707 Cerebral embolism, xii. 191 cause of apoplectic attack, xii. 197 changes induced by, xii. 189 most common seat of, xii. 187 successive attacks of, xii. 204 symptoms of, xii. 194 Cerebral fluid, in cerebral extravasa- tion, xii. 105 70 Cerebral form of croupous pneu- monia, v. 126 Cerebral functions, Vulpian's law of substitution in the, xiv. 706 Cerebral ganglia, probable influence of, with muscles of articulation, xiv. 656 Cerebral hemiplegia, xii. 114 Cerebral hemorrhage, among the syphilitic, xii 314 clinical history, xii. 157 diagnosis, xii. 160 dietetic treatment of, xii. 165 diffusible stimulants in, xii. 165 disturbances of sensibility in, xii. 128 electricity in the treatment of paralysis due to, xii. 167 etiology, xii. 73 experimental investigation, xii 94 first stage, xii. 98 following anaemia, xvi 411 historical sketch, xii. 71 hydrotherapy in, xii. 170 intracerebral hemorrhage in general, xii 70 literature, xii. 70 localization of lesions, xii. 137 meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 171 mental functions, xii. 136 pathological anatomy, xii. 87 permanent symptoms, motor paralysis, xii. 110 predisposing causes of, xii. 85 premonitory symptoms, xii. 95 prognosis, xii. 159 sinapisms and stimulating enemata in, xii. 163 special senses, xii. 135 symptomatology, xii. 95 treatment, xii. 160 trophic and vaso-motor disturbances, xii. 131 venesection in, xii. 161 Cerebral hemorrhage without apoplexy, xii 106 Cerebral hyperaemia, symptoms of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 162 »EX. 71 INDEX. Cephalohaematomata. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cerebral lobes, lesions of, xii. 151 symptoms following hemorrhage into, xii 151 Cerebral localization, xii 138, 877 centres for hemiopia and sensibility of j body, xii 797 experiments of Fritsch and Hitzig, xii. 258 experiments of Nothnagel, xii. 259 in apoplexy, xii. Ill paralysis of facialis and hypoglossus, in a case of chronic abscess of brain, xii. 775 results of the latest researches into, xiv. 710 Cerebral nerves, disturbances of, in spinal disease, viii. 142 Cerebral paralysis, diagnosis of, xi. 447 Cerebral pressure, in apoplexy, xii. 104 in ventricular effusions, xii. 475 Cerebral rheumatism, xvi. 43 Cerebral sinuses, thrombosis of, xii. 209, see also Thrombosis of Cere- bral Sinuses Cerebral softening, preceding extra- vasation, xii. 73 Cerebral symptoms, in melanaemia, viii. 542 cause of, viii. 543 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 400 in pneumonia, v. 101 in tonsillitis, vi. 918 of syphilitic diseases of arteries, vi. 397 Cerebral syphilis, predisposing causes, xii. 300 Cerebral theory of chorea, xiv. 447 Cerebral thrombosis, xii. 199 Cerebral tumor and apoplexy, diagnostic table, xii. 284 Cerebral tumor and cerebral abscess, diagnostic table, xii. 285 Cerebral tumor and cerebral softening, diagnostic table, xii. 284 Cerebral vessels, diseases of, as a cause of hemorrhage, xii. 73 Cerebral vessels, occlusion of, xii. 180, see also Occlusion of Cerebral Vessels tonics and stimulants in, xii. 209 Cerebro - spinal fluid in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 74 quantity of, xii. 105 Cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 683 albuminuria in, xv. 55 calomel in, ii. 736 cold baths in, ii. 737 connection of, with pneumonia, xii. 621 diagnosis of simple meningitis of base from, xii. 593 ice-bags to head and spine in, ii 735 iodide of potassium in, iii. 738 leeches behind ears in, ii. 735 mercurial inunction in, ii. 736 morphine hypodermically in, ii. 737 narcotics in, ii. 737 CEBEBRO-SPINAL MENINGITIS, EPI- DEMIC, ii. 683; bibliography,-683 ; definition of the disease, 687 ; history, 687 ; etiology, 690 ; relations with other infectious diseases, 691; influence of seasons and weather, 693; age, 693; hygienic influences, 695 ; sex, 696; the question of contagiousness, 696; pathology, 697; general description of the disease, 697; meningitis cerebro-spinalis siderans, 699 ; men- ingitis cerebro-spinalis abortiva, 700; menin- gitis epidemica intermittens, 702 ; typhoid epi- demic meningitis, 703; pathological anatomy, 703; emaciation, 703; the skin, 704; the cal- varium and membranes of the brain, 704 ; mem- branes of the spinal cord, 705 ; the brain-sub- stance, 705 ; substance of spinal cord, 706 ; internal organs, 706; organs of special sense, 707; analysis of symptoms, 707; headache, 7C7; vertigo, 708; vomiting, 7C8 ; contraction of muscles of neck and spine, 708; trismus, 710; pain in the spine, 710; hyperesthesia, 710; cutaneous lesions, 711; temperature of body, 712; nervous symptoms, 717; the ear and eye, 718; digestive organs, 719; urinary organs, 720; organs of circulation, 720; respi- ratory organs, 720 ; complications and sequelae, 721; diagnosis, 730; course, duration, and ter- minations, 732 ; mortality, 733 ; prognosis, 733 ; treatment, 733; antiphlogistic means, 735; Cerebro-spiual meningitis. Charcoal, animal. INDEX. 72 mercury, 736 ; antipyretic treatment, 737; quinine and narcotics, 737; iodide of potas- sium, 738; diet, 738 Cerebro-spinal meningitis and meningitis tuberculosa, differ- entiation of, xii. 568 Cerebro-spinal meningitis, with croupous pneumonia, v. 115 Cerebro-spinal typhus, ii. 687 Cerebrum, division of the ganglionic masses of, xiv. 670 does the entire destruction of both ante- rior lobes of the, entail loss of the power of speech ? xiv. 729 influence of blocking of the speech-chan- nels in the, in articulation, xiv. 662 manner in which wounds of the, produce epilepsy, xiv. 262 CERVICAL AND DORSAL NERVES, PARALYSIS OF MUSCLES SUPPLIED BY, xi. 526 ; bibliography, 526 : classification, 526 ; pectoralis major and minor, paralysis of, 528 Paralysis of Special Muscles and Groups of Muscles of the Neck and Trunk, 528. Rhomboideus and levator anguli scapulae, paralysis of, 528 ; inter- nal and external rotators of the arm, pa- ralysis of, 529; serratus anticus major, paralysis of, 530; etiology, 5o0; symp- tomatology, 531; course, 533 ; diagnosis, 534 ; prognosis, 534 ; paralysis of the dor- sal muscles, 534; paralysis qf the exten- sors of the lumbar region, 535; muscles of neck, paralysis of, 536; abdominal muscles, paralysis of, 536; symptoma- tology, 537; prognosis, 537; treatment, 537 Paralysis of the Inspiratory Mus- cles, 538. Paralysis of the diaphragm, 539 Paralysis in the Upper Extremity, 541. Paralysis of the circumflex nerve, 541; paralysis of the musculo-cutaneous, 543; paralysis of the musculo-spiral, 544; etiology, 544; pathology, 546; symptomatology, 548; diagnosis, 551; course and prognosis, 553 ; paralysis of the median nerve, 554; paralysis of the ulnar nerve, 556; treatment, 558; com- bined forms of paralysis, 559 Cervical arteries, pulsation of, in dis- eases of heart, vi. 32 Cervical murmurs, diagnosis of, vi 59 origin of, vi. 58 Cervical (uterine) polypi, x. 145 Cervical sympathetic nerve, im- plications of, in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 70 stimulation of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 168 Cervical veins, diastolic collapse of, in pericardial adhesions, vi. 645 distention of, with forced inspiration, vi. 654 pulsation of, in diseases of heart, vi. 33 sudden collapse of, with diastole of heart, vi. 36 CERVICO-BRACHIAL NERVES, NEU- RALGIA OP, xi. 144; general characters of the disease, 145 ; seat of pain, 148; etiology, 146 ; exposure to cold a cause, 147; over-exer- tion of the arm a cause, 147 ; symptomatology, 147; course, duration, and termination, 149; diagnosis, 150; treatment, 150 Cervico-brachial neuralgia, elec- tricity in, xi. 150 neurectomy in, xi. 151 CERVICO-OCCIPITAL NERVES, NEU- RALGIA OP, xi. 129; etiology, 129; exposure to cold a cause, 130; disease of the upper cer- vical vertebras a cause, 130; symptomatology, 130; diagnosis, 132; prognosis, 133; treatment, 133 Cervix uteri, amputation of, x. 90 Cervix uteri, cancer of, x. 273 Cervix uteri, catarrh of, x. 139 excision of hypertrophied mucous mem- brane in, x. 145 73 INDEX. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Charcoal, animal. Cervix uteri, catarrh of, nitrate of silver and carbolic acid locally in, x. 143 Bponge-tents in, x. 144 Cervix uteri, dilatation of, by means of bougies, x. 69 for diagnostic purposes, x. 21 Cervix uteri, division of, into three parts, x. 76 Cervix uteri, follicular hyper- trophy of, removal by galvano- caustic wire loop, x. 152 Cervix uteri, hypertrophy of, amputation of cervix in, x. 79 Schroeder's operation for, x. 90 supravaginal portion, replacement of ute- rus in. x. 86 Cervix uteri, polypi of, removal of, x. 149 Cervix uteri, scarifications of, in acute metritis, x. 100 Cess-pitS, xviii. 516 Cess-pools and privy-vaults, air of, xviii. 452 disinfection of, xix. 567 Cevadilla seeds, xvii 723 Chairs, in sewer-pipes, xviii. 469 Chalicosis, xix. 32 as a remote cause of traction diverticula of the oesophagus, viii 75 Chalk, xviii. 426 Chalk-stones, gouty, xvi. 112 Chalybeate baths, xiii. 169 Chalybeate waters, in the prophy- laxis of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 317 Chalybeatcs, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 Chamomile, in diseases of the nose, iv. 87, 95 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 125 Champagne, how manufactured, xix. 372 in cancer of stomach, vii. 254 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 Chancre, a purely local affection, iii. 104 Chancre, indurated, iii. 84 Chancre, mixed, iii 88 Chancre and syphilis, mutual rela- tions of, iii. 108 Chancre of the vaginal portion of the uterus, x. 156 Chancre, soft, iii 91 character of the poison of, iii. 94 minute anatomy of, iii. Ill not syphilitic, iii. 108 Chancres, cauterization of, iii. 273 Chancroid, iii. 91 Chancroids, not syphilitic, iii. 104 Chancrous ulcers, iodoform in, iii. 274 mercury in, iii. 280 Changes in brain, in metastatic men- ingitis, xii 629 induced by embolism, xii. 189 Changes in encephalitis due to mechanical effects of inflammation, xii. 692 Changes in ganglion-cells in men- ingitis tuberculosa, xii. 503 Changes in the heart's posi- tion, dependent upon gravitation, vi. 178 Changes in nails and hair in para- lysis, xii 134 Changes in nerves from syphilis, xii. 353 Changes in OBdeinatous border- zone of encephalitic focus, xii. 693 Changes in recessus in cerebral tu- mors, xii. 250 Chapman's ice-bag, xiii. 162 for cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 735 Charbon, iii. 372; xviii. 19 state of the spleen in, viii. 457 Charcoal, employment of, for disinfec- tion of sewer-gas, xviii. 479 Charcoal, animal, as a filter, xviii. 277 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 680 in cancer of stomach, vii. 255 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 Charcoal, animal. Chloride of iron. INDEX. 74 Charcoal, animal, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 146 in gangrene of the lung, v. 429 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 390 Charcoal, vapor of, poisoning by, xvii. 462 Charcoal-burners, xix. 57 Charcoal dressings, in noma, vi. 816 Charcoal ventilator, Latham's, xviii. 489 Charcot, xii. 73, 76, 78,84, 92,125, 131, 133, 134, 150, 388, 416 cases of sclerosis of the lateral columns of the cord, in hysterical persons, xiv. 488 on the cerebral nature of chorea, xiv. 452 Charqni, xix. 140 Checks, ulceration on, in stomacace, vi. 787 Cheese, adulteration of, xix. 362 as a source of nuisance, xix. 415 poisoning by, xvii. 551 Cheese-makers, xix. 27 Cheesy broncho-pneumonia, v. 660 Cheesy degeneration, histology of, xvi. 783 Cheesy deposits in lungs giving rise to meningitis, xii. 624 Cheesy degenerations in tuber- cular meningitis, xii. 507 Cheesy lobar pneumonia, v. 673 Chemical analysis, see Analysis Chemical irritants, as a cause of acute cystitis, viii. 676 Chemical means for producing coagu- lation within aneurismal sac, vi. 454 Chemical tests for determining nature of fabrics, xix. 211 Chemical treatment of drinking water, xviii. 286 Chemicals, manufacture of, xix. 439 manufacturers of, xix. 15 Chemosis, in gonorrhceal ophthalmia, treatment of, viii. 813 Cherry-laurel water, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 874 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 in valvular diseases, vi. 167 Chest, configuration of, in pulmo- nary consumption, v. 485, 507, 531, 596 Chest-wall, changes in, in pneumoperi- cardium, vi. 660 Chestnut, extract of, in whooping- cough, vi. 727 Cheyne, xii 537, 654 Cheyne-Stokes respiration, xii 162 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 164 Chicago opera-house, ventila- tion of, xviii. 726 Chiccory, xviii 180 Chicken-pox, ii 6 Childbed, in etiology of peritonitis, viii. 270 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 of tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 268 Child, development of articulation in the, xiv. 629 Children, bad prognosis for, in diphthe- ria, i. 666 cold baths for, i 210 corpulence of, xvi. 656 danger of malarial fevers in, ii. 603 forms of labor adapted to, xix. 7 intermittent fever in, ii. 597 laryngeal diphtheria in, i 611 liability of, to contract diphtheria, i. 586 predisposition of, to scarlet fever, ii. 179 quinine in, i 216 Chill, as a cause of rheumatism, xvi. 6 congestion of brain in, xii. 452 how it causes rheumarthritis, xvi 25 in acute encephalitis, xii. 744 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 235 in chronic abscess of brain, xii. 765, 783 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii 649 75 Chill, in inflammation of the right iliac fossa, viii. 319 in intermittent fever, ii. 590 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 612 in meningitis of pneumonia, xii. 634 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 528 in metastatic meningitis due to typhoid fever, xii. 637 in pneumonia, v. 66 in simple basilar meningitis, xii 585 in tonsillitis, vi. 919 Chilling of the body, a cause of pneumonia, v. 31 Chills, in catarrhal angina, vi 894 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 619 in pneumonia, from embolism, v. 256 Chimney, bad draught in, xviii. 685 proper construction of, xviii. 682 Chimney-caps, xviii. 682 Chimney-shafts, xxiii. 682 Chimney-sweeps, xix. 38 Chimney-throats, xviii. 684 Chimney-valve, Amott's, xviii. 775 Chiuault, xii. 761 Chin-cough, see "Whooping-cough Chinese, exemption of the, from stut- tering, xiv. 834 Chinese language, absence of inflec- tions in, xiv. 791 Chinoauismus, xiv. 849 Chiuoidine, in whooping-cough, vi. 726 Chiragra, xvi 110 Chloral hydrate, in acute spinal men- ingitis, xiii. 250 in acute nephritis, xv. 303 in bronchial asthma, iv. 576 in chorea, xiv. 466 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 656 in convulsions of measles, ii. 123 in croupous pneumonia, v. 169 in delirium of inanition, xii. 36 in delirium tremens, xvii. 414 in dementia paralytica, xii. 886 in gout, xvi. 141 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 511 Charcoal, animal. Chloride of iron. Chloral hydrate, in hysteria, xiv. 576 in neuralgia, xi. 86 in palpitation of heart, vi. 307 in pulmonary hemorrhage, ix. 914 in renal colic, xv. 738 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 69 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 596 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1024 in spinal meningitis, xiii 250 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 799 in syphilis of brain and nervous system, xii. 370 in tetanus, xiv. 362 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 303 in valvular diseases, vi. 171 poisoning by, xvii. 445 to produce sleep, in chorea, xiv. 463 Chloral hydrate enema in small- pox, ii 399 R. Chloral hydrat..............3 jss.—ij. Mucilag. acaciae, Aqua?...................aa § j. M. Chloralum, xix. 565 Chlorate of potash, action on bac- teria, i 680 enemas of, in dysentery, i. 566 in ptyalism, vi. 855 in stomacace, vi 789 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 inhalations of, in diphtheria, i 678 to prevent mercurial stomatitis, ii. 736 to prevent salivation, iii. 284 Chloride of barium, in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in neuralgia, xi. 88 Chloride of calcium, employment of, in keeping street pavements moist, xviii. 563 Chloride of gold, in neuralgia, xi 88 Chloride of iron, in bronchial hemor- rhage, v. 318 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 INI Chloride of lime. Cholera. INDEX. 76 Chloride of lime as a disinfectant, xviii. 564; xix. 200, 556 in cholera, i. 453 as a street disinfectant, xviii. 564 Chloride of soda, Labarraque's solu- tion of, xix. 556 Chloride of sodium, importance of, as an ingredient of the infant's food, xviii. 115 in treatment of fetid expectoration, v. 429 inhalations of, in diphtheria, i. 678 Chloride of zinc, as a prophylactic in typhoid fever, i 196 poisoning by, xvii. 595 Chloride of zinc paste, in local treatment of uterine cancer, x. 291 Chlorides, in drinking-water, im- portance of determination of, xviii. 296 Chlorinated lime, in treatment of fetid expectoration, v. 428 Chlorine, action of, on animal tissues, xvii. 286 on blood-corpuscles, xvii. 287 on respiratory apparatus, xvii. 287 as a disinfectant, xix. 200, 555 different modes of generating it, xix. 555 fumes of, xix. 12 in poisoning by strychnine, xvii. 596 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 497 inhalation of, iu gangrene of the lung, v. 430 poisoning by, xvii. 285 presence of, in the air, xviii. 629 Chlorine-poisoning, antidotes for, xvii. 290 symptoms of, xvii. 289 Chlorine-water, action of, on bac- teria, i 681 destroys bacteria, iii. 392 in diphtheria, i 679, 681 in diseases of nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 in typhoid fever, i. 198 Chloroform, as a lithontripticum, ix. 773 Chloroform, during chill of intermit- tent fever, ii. 674 fatal dose of, xvii. 428 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 577 in chorea, xiv. 467 in clonic spasms of the diaphragm, xi. 339 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82 in epilepsy, xiv. 289, 297 in facial spasms, xi. 313 in hepatic colic, ix. 767 in hyperassthesia of larynx, vii. 932 in hysterical attacks, xiv. 573 in malarial fevers, ii. 674 in neuralgia, xi. 86, 91 of the face, xi. 125 in neurosis of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 104 in obstruction of intestines, vii. 654 in palpitation of heart, vi. 307 in parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 in poisoning by chlorine, xvii. 290 by picrotoxine, xvii. 813 by strychnine, xvii. 797 in renal colic, xv. 738 in sciatica, xi. 181 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 313 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 in tetanus, xiv. 362 in tetany, xi. 376 in tonic spasms of the diaphragm, xi. 336 in uraemic convulsions in scarlatina, ii. 315 poisoning by, xvii. 416 Chloroform and ether, action on bacteria, i 680 Chloroform committee (Eng- lish), experiments of, xvii. 421 Chloroform drunkenness, xvii. 435 Chloroform inhalations, in chlo- rine-poisoning, xvii 290 in epilepsy, xiv. 289 in uraBmic convulsions, ii. 315 i-hr T„^^,^. Chloride of lime. < « INDEX. Cholera. Chloroform liniment, in brachial neuralgia, xi. 151 in pruritus vulva?, x. 559 CHLOROSIS, xvi. 497; bibliography, 497; history, 498 ; definition, 500 ; etiology, 502 ; predisposing causes, 503 ; exciting causes, 512 ; pathology, 517 ; general outline of the disease, 518 ; pathological anatomy, 524 ; special symp- tomatology, 532 ; nature and pathogeny, 543 ; complications and sequelae, 548; diagnosis, 554; duration and prognosis, 557; treatment, 560 Chlorosis, congestion of brain in, xii. 449 dietetic and hygienic treatment of, xvi. 562 in etiology in chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of gastralgia, vii. 298 of hemorrhage of stomach, vii. 275 of papilloma of the larynx, vii. 883 iron with arsenic in, xvi 571 reduced iron with aloes in, xvi. 565 Chlorotie symptoms in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 449 Chocolate, xviii. 180 adulterations of, xix. 364 Cholawnia, ix. 10, 522 Cholaemia, hematogenous, ix. 24 symptomatology of, ix. 28 Chola'inia, hepatogenous, ix. 11, 12 Cholangioitis, ix. 524, 557 Cholangioitis catarrhalis, ix. 509 Cholangioitis, hemorrhagic, ix. 562 etiology of, ix. 12 Cholangitis, ix. 534 Cholangitis, spontaneous, ix. 541 Cholangitis, ulcerative, ix. 651 Cholecystitis, ix. 534, 557 contusions in etiology of, ix. 540 hemorrhage in, ix. 551 jaundice as a symptom of, ix. 552 operative procedure in, ix. 556 sex in, ix. 541 Cholecystitis, suppurative, age in, ix. 541 leeches to liver and anus in, ix. 556 quinine in large doses in, ix. 557 vesicants and poultices in, ix. 556 Cholecystotomy, in dilatation of the gall-bladder, ix. 647 Cholelithiasis, ix. 686 alkaline mineral waters in, ix. 774 bicarbonate and sulphate of soda in, ix. 776 emetics and purgatives in, ix. 771 ether and chloroform internally in, ix. 772 gallic acid and salts in, ix. 774 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 200 Cholepyrrhin, ix. 694 Cholera, due to impure drinking-water, xviii. 591 endemicite of, xix. 477 in etiology of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 514 of cirrhosis of liver, ix 170, 221 of croup, iv. 238 of hyperasmia of liver, ix. 63 in military camps, xix. 153 in Zurich in 1867, i 197 kidney lesions in, xv. 226 kidney symptoms in, xv. 233 mild laxatives in, i. 457 mixture for use in alternating constipa- tion and diarrhoea, i. 462 R. Pulv. rhei............. gr. xv.—xxx. Syr. aurant. cort....... § j. Aquas................. 1 iv. M. Every two hours. mode of propagation and diffusion, xix. 493 origin of, xviii. 576 Pettenkof er's theory with regard to, xviii 583 propagation of, by polluted water-supply, xviii. 591 transportability of, i 28 typhoid stage of, i 462 Cholera. hq Chorea. INDEX. 18 Cholera, urine after, xv. 234 Cholera and miliary fever, rela- tion between, ii 495 Cholera and quarantine, xix. 492 Cholera and sewer-gas, xviii 588 Cholera and yellow fever among soldiers, xix. 153 Cholera Asiatica, see Cholera Indica CHOLERA INDICA SEU ASIATICA, i. 350; bibliography, 350; origin and history, 353; etiology, 366; cholera-germ, 366; drinking- water as cause of dissemination of cholera, 370; lines of travel in cholera, 372; rapidity of spread of cholera, 373; influence of the dead body in spread of cholera, 374; contagion of, 375 ; condition of soil, 376 ; altitude of locality in, 376; geology in, 377; drinking-water in cholera, 3S0 ; individual predisposition to, 390; climatic influences in, 391; sex in, 393; age in, 393 ; influence of occupation, 394; influence of diet, 395 ; influence of other epidemics, 396 ; incubation of, 397; symptomatology, 399 ; gen- eral view of disease, 399 ; diarrhoea of cholera, 400; cholerine, 401; first stage of, 401; second stage of, 402; cramps in, 404 ; temperature in, 404; pulse in, 405; respiration in, 405 ; death in time of, 406 ; third stage of, 407 ; convales- cence in, 408; eruption in, 409; urine in, 410; cholera typhoid, 410 ; complications in, conva- lescence in, 411; relapse in, 412; duration of, 412; description of the most important symp- toms of cholera, 414; cholera diarrhoea, 414; cholerine, 418 ; discharges of true cholera, 419 ; vomiting, 421 ; nervous system, 422 ; tempera- ture, 423 ; circulation, 423 ; respiration, 425; kidneys, 426; skin, 428; organs of generation, female, 428; metastatic processes, 428 ; course, duration, and mortality, 429; influence of chol- era on the sick, 429; mortality of cholera, 430; pathological anatomy, 432; nervous system,432; organs of circulation, 433; organs of respiration, 434; digestive organs, 434 ; stomach, 434; small intestines, 435 ; spleen, 437; liver, 437; bladder, 437; kidneys, 437; diagnosis of, 439; prognosis of, 440; treatment of, 441; treatment, prophy- lactic, 443; international prophylaxis, 443; prophylaxis of a threatened locality, 444; sani- tary regulations on appearance of cholera, 447; diet during an epidemic, 447; house-to-house visitation, 448 ; cholera hospitals, 448; useless- ness of isolation, 449; disinfection of vaults, 449; disinfection of linen, 449 ; bulletins as to state of epidemic, 449; dead-houses, 450; fu- nerals during an epidemic, 450; disinfection during cholera, 450; disinfection by carbolic. acid, 451; disinfection by sulphurous acid, 452 ; disinfection by sulphate of iron, 453 ; disinfec- tion by the permanganates, 453; disinfection by chloride of lime, 453 ; individual protection during cholera, 454 ; treatment of cholera diar- rhoea, 455 ; treatment of cholera by opium, 456; treatment of cholera by laxatives, 457; treat- ment of well-marked cholera, 458; treatment by ice, 459 ; treatment by carbonic acid water, 459; treatment by quinine, 459; treatment by enemata, 459; treatment by injection of water or blood into veins, 460; stimulants, 460; diet, 461; treatment of complications and se- quelae, 462 Cholera indica, international prophy- laxis in, i 443 Cholera infantum, vii. 146 ; xix. 281 as a cause of purulent meningitis, xii. 639 dietetic treatment of, i. 348 gray powder in, i. 348 in etiology of universal anaemia of brain, of gradual development, xii. 14 opium in, i. 349 solution of silver nitrate in, i. 349 starvation as a remedy in, vii. 153 treatment of, i. 348 Cholera morbus, vii. 146, see also Cholera Nostras calomel in small and frequent doses in, vii. 151 dietetic management of, vii. 152 hot baths in, vii. 152 nitrate of silver in, vii 151 opium in, vii. 150 stimulants in, vii. 152 CHOLERA NOSTRAS SEU EUROP03A (Cholera Morbus), i. 341; history of, 341 ; eti- ology, 343 ; symptomatology, 344 ; pathological anatomy, 346; diagnosis of, 346; prognosis of, 347; treatment of, 347 79 INDEX. Cholera. Chorea. Cholera, sporadic, vii. 146 affections of the nervous system in eti- ology of, vii. 148 hot baths in, vii. 152 opium in, vii. 150 Choleraic affections of the kid- neys, xv. 222 Choleraic diarrhoea injection, i 457 1$. Argenti nitratis.......... gr. jss.—iij. Tinct. opii..............gtt. x.—xv. Aquae.................. § iij. M. Two daily. Choleraic diarrhoea mixture, i 457 R. Paregoric....................2 parts. Wine of opium..............1 part. M. 9 to 15 drops several times a day. Choleraic diarrhoea pills, i. 456 R. Argenti ix. Solve in aq. destill. q. s. et adde Extracti ivss. Pulveris xxij. Extracti gentianaa........... q. s. M. et fiat massa in pilulas xxx. div. One pill two or three times a day. Choleraic diarrhoea powder, i. 457 R. Pulv. h iij. Sacch. viij. M. Several times a day. Choleraic form of malarial fever, ii 608 Cholestcatomata, xii. 236 in antrum of Highmore, iv. 142 Cholestcrinc, ix. 695, 696 gall-stones containing, ix. 698 in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 701 Chondrin, xviii 152 Chondritis, primary, laryngeal, vii. 815 Chondroma of nasal cavity, iv. 171 Chopart's copaiba capsules, viii. 773 Chopart's draught, in treatment of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 Chordee, viii. 762 clysmata of camphor and opium in, viii. 777 treatment of, viii. 777 warm baths in, viii. 777 Chorditis tuberosa, iv. 217 Chord it i* vocal i* inferior hyper- trophica, iv. 218 CHOREA, xiv. 413 ; bibliography, 413; his- tory and definition, 415 ; etiology, 422 ; general description, 428; analysis of the symptoms, 431; course, duration, and results, 441; path- ological anatomy, 445 ; experimental investiga- tions, 455; diagnosis, 460 ; prognosis, 461; treat- ment, 461 Chorea, a complication of chlorosis, xvi. 552 arsenic in, xiv. 464 as an effect of valvular disease of heart, and of acute rheumatic arthritis, vi. 117 connection between, and the true psy- choses, xiv. 453 dietetic and hygienic treatment of, xiv. 462 due to psychical impressions, pathogene- sis of, xiv. 459 electricity in, xiv. 468 enumeration of cases in which autopsies were held, xiv. 448 hydrate of chloral in, xiv. 467 hydrotherapeutics of, xiv. 468 inhalations of chloroform in, xiv. 467 oxide of zinc in, xiv. 465 pathogenesis of reflex, xiv. 458 preparations of calabar bean, xiv. 466 relations of, to pregnancy, xiv. 427 Chorea. Cirrhosis of the liver. INDEX. 80 Chorea, relations of, to rheumatism, xiv. 425 von Ziemssen's theory of, xiv. 418 Chorea magna, cases of simulated, xiv. 420 cases of so-called, in hysterical women, xiv. 419 Choree posthemiplegique,xiv. 452 Choreic paraphasia, xiv. 784 case of, xiv. 787 Choreiform movements in par- alysis, xii. 125 Chorioideal tumors, xii 565 Chorioiditis, hemorrhagic, in scurvy, xvii. 165 Choroiditis, syphilitic, iii. 223 Choroid, affections of, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 621 Choroid plexus, changes in, in menin- gitis, xii. 605 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 640 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 499 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 678 Chossat, xii 17, 19 Chromate of lead, poisoning by, xvii. 626 Chromium, preparations of, poi- soning by, xvii. 626 Chronic abscess of brain, cases, xii 765, 779, 796 course of, when the initial stage is pro- tracted, xii. 777 duration of latent stage, xii. 761 of terminal stage, xii. 769 in affections of inner ear, xii. 778 in caries of petrous bone, xii. 779, 785 latent stage, xii. 760 mistaken for intermittent fever, xii. 767 perforation into ventricle, cases, xii. 776 symptoms of latent stage, xii. 762 terminal oedema, xii. 770 terminal stage of, xii. 768 Chronic abscess of brain, trau- matic, xii. 760 prognosis, xii. 807 recovery after trephining, xii. 808 Chronic abscess of brain, trau- matic, spontaneous recovery by per- foration through skull, xii. 807 variations of symptoms, in latent stage of, xii. 768 Chronic alcoholism, xvii. 399 Chronic atrophic spinal paraly- sis, xiii. 712 Chronic cerebral hypertrophy, xii. 834 Chronic constitutional diseases in etiology of pericarditis, vi. 558 Chronic disturbances following en- cephalitis, xii. 731 Chronic dysentery, i 546, 555 Chronic periarteritis as a cause of miliary aneurisms of the brain, xii. 78 Chronic pulmonary phthisis, v. 668 Church-bells and chimes, xix. 468 Chvostek, xii 118,147, 621 Chyle, effect of, upon peritoneum and pleura, vi. 535 nature of human, vi. 535 Chylous urine, xv. 32 Chyluria, dietetic treatment of, vi. 543 effect of filaria sanguinis hominis as pro- ducing, vi. 542 etiology, vi. 539 gallic acid in, vi. 543 nature of the disease, vi. 541 symptoms, vi. 540 tincture of cantharides in, vi. 543 treatment, vi. 543 Chyme, vii. 128 Cicatrices, changes in, in etiology of cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 187 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 479 Cicatrices of encephalitic foci, xii. 697 Cicatricial stricture of the oeso- phagus, viii. 27 diagnosis of, viii. 37 prognosis of, viii. 41 Cicatrix, occurrence of tetanus after the formation of a, xiv. 323 81 INDEX. Chorea. Cirrhosis of the liver. Cicatrization, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 196 Cicuta, in whooping-cough, vi. 726 Cicuta virosa, poisoning with, xvii. 827 Cider, xviii 177 in prophylaxis of scurvy, xvii. 223 Cigar-factories, health of operatives in, xix. 42 Cigar-makers, female, retarded sexual development of, xix. 43 Cigarettes of Espic, in bronchial asthma, iv. 578 Cinchona bark, in gout, xvi. 140 in intermittent fever, ii. 662 in malarial fevers, ii. 666 in pleuritis, iv. 690 in rickets, xvi. 206 Cinchona alkaloids, ii. 665 Ciuchonidia, ii. 665 Cinchoninc and its salts, in mala- rial fevers, ii. 665 Cinnabar fumigation in syphilis, iii. 288 Cinnamon, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 234 Circulation and respiration, changes in, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 376 Circulation of the blood, changes in distribution of, in etiology of acute universal anaemia of brain, xii. 11 of hyperaemia of brain, xii. 40, 44 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 469 of partial anaemia of brain, xii. 15 effects of arrest of, in kidneys, xv. 223 effects of atrophy of middle coat of ar- teries upon, vi. 353 effects of atropine upon, xvii. 674 effects of chronic endarteritis upon, vi. 371 effects of digitalis upon, xvii. 712 effects of exercise on, xviii. 322 in the cranial cavity, xii. 3 in the newly born infant, care of, xviii. 75 influence of cardiac hypertrophy upon, vi. 210 Vol. XX.—6 Circulation of the blood, method of passage of bile into, ix. 18 permanent impairment of, in etiology of simple atrophy of the liver, ix. 306 Circulation of the blood, dis- turbances of, xii. 104 as a cause of ventricular effusions, xii 469 of fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 251 in angina pectoris, xiv. 37, 45 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 80, 94 in epilepsy, xiv. 252 in hemicrania, xiv. 12, 17 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 60 in hysteria, xiv. 523 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 379 in tumors of the brain, xii. 261 Circulatory apparatus, in malarial diseases, ii. 637 Circulatory system, in syphilis, iii. 215 Circumcision, fatal hemorrhage from, xvii. 27 in balanitis, viii. 781 prohibition of, in haemophilia, xvii. 94 transmission of syphilis through, iii. 60 Circumscribed gangrene of the lungs, v. 412 Circumscribed peritonitis, viii. 302 Circus movements in cerebral tumors, xii. 260 Cirrhosis of the kidney, xv. 408 Cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 166, 398 anatomical changes in, ix. 177 balsam of copaiba in, ix. 208 choleate of soda in, ix. 207 connection of, with varix of, and hemor- rhages from the oesophagus, viii. 130 course, modes of termination, and prog- nosis in, ix. 204 diagnosis of, ix. 201 dietetic treatment of, ix. 206 differential diagnosis from cyanotic in- duration, ix. 68 from latent general peritonitis, viii. 300 Cirrhosis of the liver. Clonic spasms. INDEX. 82 Cirrhosis of the liver, differential diagnosis from tubercular peritonitis, viii. 335 etiology of, ix. 168 in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 245 of pylethrombosis, ix. 789 mineral spring waters in, ix. 206 pathology of, ix. 175 symptomatology of, ix. 183 treatment of, ix. 206 Cirrhosis of liver, annular, ix. 212 Cirrhosis of liver, fetal, ix. 175 Cirrhosis of liver, hypertrophic, ix. 217 Cirrhosis of liver, insular, ix. 212 Cirrhosis of liver, monolobular, ix. 212 Cirrhosis of liver, multilobular, ix. 212 Cirrhosis of the lungs, ix. 837 as a result of croupous pneumonia, v. 49, 130,182 Cirrhosis of the lungs, tubercu- lar, v. 690 Cirrhotic crackling, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 884 Cirsoid aneurism, vi. 387, 401 Citrate of caffeine, in facial neural- gia, ii. 676 Citric acid, as an indirect aliment, xviii. 170 poisoning by, xvii. 351 Clamp of Spencer Wells, x. 415 Clamps for securing the pedicle in ovari- otomy, x. 414 Clapham, cases cf sewer-gas poisoning at, xviii. 585 Clapton, xii. 844 Clarens, a resort for the grape- cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Clarke, Lock hart, xii. 144 Clarke's cauliflower excrescen- ces of the uterus, x. 278 Clark's process for softening hard water, xviii. 284 Classification of food, xviii. 146 Classification of meningitis of convexity, xii. 610 Clathrocystis aeruginosa, figure of, xviii. 237 Clavicle, diseases of, in etiology of stenosis of trachea, iv. 478 Clavus hystericus, xiv. 499 Clawed hand, xiv. 121 Clay slates, xviii 426 Clayey soils, xviii. 427 Cleanliness, in cholera, i 460 necessity for personal, in army, xix. 116 on shipboard, importance of, in prophy- laxis of scurvy, xvii. 224 Clear and colorless, distinction be- tween the terms, xviii. 265 Cleft-palatC, impairment of speech due to, xiv. 860 its influence on nursing, xviii. 82 obturators often remove completely the defect of speech due to, xiv. 861 operations for, as a rule only partially relieve the defects of speech, xiv. 860 Clemens' preparation of arsenic, ii. 672 R. Acidi arseniosi, Potassae carbonat............aa 3 j. Aq. destillatae................. z[x Adde bromini puri............ 3 {•, M. Frequently shake. Fit for use after four weeks. Always keep from the light. Three or four drops once or twice a day. Ciemm's analysis of colostrum, xviii 101 Clergyman's sore-throat, vii. 836 Clergymen, xix. 63 Clerks, xix. 65 Climacteric period, influence of, upon development of cancer of the uterus, x. 275 Climate, change of, in etiology of hy- peraemia of liver, ix. 62 effects of, on diet, xviii. 188 in anaemia, xvi. 463 in chlorosis, xvi 562 83 Climate, in chronic rheumatism, xvi 81 in diphtheria, i 582 in dysentery, i. 522 in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 537, 538 of consumption, v. 490 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 444 of gall-stones, ix. 709 in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 410, 413, 433 influence of, upon frequency of pneumo- nia, v. 13 influence of, upon menstruation, x. 319 inimical effects of great variability of, xviii. 666 of Ajaccio, in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Algiers, in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of the Antilles, in pulmonary diseases, iv. 302 of Australia, in pulmonary consumption, v. 491 of Botzen, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 of Cairo, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of California, in pulmonary diseases, iv. 302 of Cannes, in bonchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Catania, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Central America, v. 611 of Costa Rica, v. 491 of Davos, in prophylaxis of bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 of Egypt, iv. 302 ; v. 491, 611 of Geneva, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Gries, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 of high altitudes, xviii. 669 of Hyeres, in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Iceland, v. 491 of India, v. 491 of Island Marstrand, v. 491 of Kirghis, v. 491 of Madeira, in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413; v. 611 of Mentone, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 Cirrhosis of the liver. Clonic spasms. Climate, of Mentone, in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Meran, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in prophylaxis of bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 of Mexico, v. 491 of Montreux, in phthisis of larynx, vii 850 of Nice, in prophylaxis of bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 of Pau, in prophylaxis of bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 of Peru, v. 491 of Pisa, in prophylaxis of bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 of prairies of North America, in pulmonary diseases, iv. 302 of the Riviera, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 of San Remo, in phthisis of larynx, vii 857 of Siberia, v. 491 of South Africa, v. 491 of South America, v. 491 of Southern Tyrol, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 of Sweden, v. 491 of Venice, in prophylaxis of bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 Climate-cures, in spinal disease, xiii. 175 Climatic influences in cholera, i 391 Climatology, xviii 656 Clinical history of syphilis of the cord, xii. 349 Cliquetis metallique, vi. 49, 209 Clitoridectomy, x. 543 Clitoris, hypertrophy of, x. 543 Clock-makers, xix. 50 Clonic spasms, definition of, xi. 276 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 682 Clonic spasms of the diaphragm, xi. 336 Clonic spasms of the lids, xi 318 IND Clonic spasms. ci Cold. INDEX. 04 Clonic spasms of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi. 320 Closure of the Fallopian tubes, x. 340 Clot of an aneurism, vi. 408 Clot produced by electricity, character of, vi 456 Clothing, xviii 379 for sailors, physical characters of, xix. 212 in the navy, xix. 209 of crew, importance of, in prophylaxis of scurvy, xvii. 224 of newly born infant, xviii. 88 weight of, in the navy, xix. 213 Cloths, towels, etc., disinfection of, xix 568 Clots, fibrinous, in etiology of occlu- sion of cerebral capillaries, xii. 225 Cloudy swelling of cellular ele- ments, in encephalitis, xii. 692 Cloudy swelling of kidneys, xv. 602 Cloves, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 146 Cluttering, xiv. 817 differentiation of, from stuttering, xiv. 817 Clysopompe, Mayer's, x. 122 Clysters, anaesthetic, in sciatica, xi. 181 Clysters, monster, in internal strangu- lation of intestines, vii. 652 CIIicine, in malarial diseases, ii. 675 Coagulability of blood in bleeders, xvii. 44 Coagulating exudation in encepha- litis, xii. 690 Coagulation in aneurismal sac. mode of producing, vi. 457 of contents of lymph-vessels, vi. 515 Coagulum of acute phlebitis, vi. 487 Coal, products of its combustion in the air, xviii. 636 Coal-gas, poisoning by, xvii 461 cases of, xviii. 548 Coal-gas, pollution of soil by, xviii. 547 Coal-mine, description of, xix. 230, 231 Coal-miner's consumption, xix. 246 Coal-mines, hygiene of, xix. 229 Coal-tar, acids from, xix. 559 Cobalt, xvii. 629 Cobble-stone pavement, xviii 552 Cobbold's objection to sewage- farms, xviii. 538 Coca, xviii 181 Cocaine, xviii. 181 Coccobacteria septica, xviii. 16 Coccygodynia, x. 559; xi. 18, 187 extirpation of coccyx in, x. 561 in hysteria, xiv. 503 tenotomy in, x. 561 Cocculus iudicus, poisoning with, xvii. 810 Cochineal in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Cochlearia officinalis, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Cocoa, xix. 364 Cocoa and chocolate, adulterations of, xix. 364 Cod-liver oil, advantage of, over other fats, xvi. 472 contraindicated in fatty liver of consump- tives, ix. 472 in amyloid kidneys, xv. 633 in anaemia, xvi. 472 in chronic rheumatism, xvi. 82 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 342, 357, 367, 425, 616, 710 in haemophilia, xvii. 96 in neuralgia, xi. 71, 77 in rickets, xvi. 206 in scrofulosis, xvi. 818 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1021 Codeine, in diabetes, xvi. 994 Coecitas et surditas verbalis, xiv. 770 Coeliae neuralgia, in disease of the pancreas, viii. 581 Coffee, xviii. 177 adulteration of, xix. 363 in etiology of gastralgia, vii. 297 in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 61 85 Coffee, in etiology of tremor, xiv. 386 in gastralgia, vii 307 in gout, xvi 133 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 747 in poisoning by opium, xvii 866 in renal affections, xv. 296 physiological effects of, xviii. 178 Coffee-roasting, xix. 449 Cognac, in diphtheria, i. 694 Cognac mixture in small-pox, ii 399 Cognatic transmission of haemo- philia, xvii 19 Cohn, B., xii. 148, 184, 194, 200, 209, 215,221 ' Cohn, II., xii. 136 Cohnhcim, xii. 188, 191, 194, 331, 680 on effects of arrested circulation, xv. 223 on embolism, xii. 191 Cohnheim's experiments in ligat- ing renal vessels, xv. 62 on inflammation, xv. 64 with regard to the occurrence of pulmo- nary infarction, v. 296 Coindct, xii. 484, 489 Coitus, influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 275 Coke-oven, xix. 469 Colberg, xii. 504, 505 Colchicine in acute rheumatic poly- arthritis, xvi. 64 in goat's milk, xviii. 98 tests for, xvii 740 Colchicinc-poisoning, xvii. 734 antidotes for, xvii. 739 cardiac stimulants in, xvii. 739 opium and ice in, xvii. 739 tannin in, xvii. 739 Colchicum in dengue, ii 514 in erysipelas, ii. 478 in gonorrhoeal rheumatism, viii. 817 in gout, xvi. 138, 141 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 120 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 64 Cold, application of, in affections of brain following injury, xii. 817 in balanitis, viii. 781 in chronic metritis, x. 116 Clonic spasms. Cold. Cold, application of. in convexity menin- gitis of unknown origin, xii. 655 in croup, iv. 266 in diseases of the spleen, viii 417 in epididymitis, viii. 790 in etiology of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 45, 435 in gonorrhoea, viii. 769, 805 in haematothorax, iv. 743 in hyperaemia of brain, xii. 68 in hyperaemia of pia mater, xii 461 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 577 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 425 in peritonitis, viii 259, 269, 291 in pleuritis, iv. 688 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 596 in syphilis of brain and nervous sys- tem, xii. 370 in tumors of brain, xii. 287 to point of puncture after aspiration, in pleuritis, iv. 712 as a cause of acute nephritis, xv. 254 of anaemia, xvi. 321 of angina pectoris, xiv. 49 of cerebral congestion, xii. 45 of cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 204 of dysentery, i. 532 of neuralgia, xi. 29 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 116 exposure to, in etiology of hepatic ab- scess, ix. 91 how it causes rheumarthritis, xvi. 25 in abscess of nasal cavity, iv. 148 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii 259 in acute hepatitis, ix. 153 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 318 in diseases of the nose, iv. 135 in diseases of the pharynx and larynx, iv. 96 in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 112 in gonorrhoea, viii. 769 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 813 in headache, xi. 143 in hemicrania, xiv. 26 in hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 84 in hepatic congestion, ix. 81, 82 INE Cold. Coma. INDEX. 86 Cold, in metroperitonitis, viii. 277 in neuralgia, xi. 90 in neuralgia of the face, xi. 126 in neuritis, xi. 590 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 in pulmonary hemorrhage, ix. 913 in simple atony of the bladder, viii 715 in spinal disease, xiii 162 influence of, in causing scurvy, xvii. 138 influence of, on the stomach and skin as a cause of splenic diseases, viii. 406 Cold affusions in typhoid fever, i. 211 Cold and heat, action on bacteria, i 680 employment of, in the treatment of in- fantile peritonitis, viii. 291 employment of, in treatment of typhli- tis, viii. 323 Cold applications, in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 708 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii 735 in erysipelas, ii. 481 in miliary fever, ii. 503 in renal colic, xv. 738 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 Cold bandages to the extremities in tetany, xi. 377 Cold baths, xviii. 374 as a cause of congestion of the lungs, v. 268 contraindicating circumstances, i 212 effects of, xviii. 372 in dengue, ii. 514 in erysipelas, ii. 479 in incontinence of urine, viii. 724 in the plague, i 481 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 286 in small-pox, ii. 396 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in typhoid fever, i. 198, 208 in typhus fever, i. 399 propriety of using them, in croupous pneumonia, v. 158 Cold compresses in measles, ii 120 in small-pox, ii. 398 Cold douche as a mode of treatment for intermittent, viii. 417 Cold dressings in rheumarthritis, xvi 68 to neck, in scarlet fever, ii. 308 Cold drinks, as a cause of hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 266 ill effects of, upon the heated body, v. 266 in typhoid fever, i 213 Cold enemata in dysentery, i 563 Cold in the head, iv. 115 complications of, iv. 125 Cold pack for the broncho-pneumonia of measles, ii. 124 in measles, ii 119 in typhoid fever, i. 211 Cold water, influence of the local ap- plication of, on the spleen, viii. 416, 418 Cold-water bandage in diarrhoea, ii. 125 Cold-water cure, in spinal neuras- thenia, xiii. 381 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 611 Cold-water injections, in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 717 Cold-water sponging in typhoid fever, i. 211 Cold-water sponging and pack- ing in malarial fevers, ii. 673 Cold-water treatment, effects of, on spleen, ii. 673 general effects of, xiii. 171 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 171 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 461 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 in corpulence, xvi. 728 in hysteria, xiv. 567 in malarial diseases, ii. 673 in measles, ii. 120 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii 944 in scarlatina, ii. 304, 306 in scrofulosis, xvi. 822 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 873 in spinal disease, xiii 171 87 INDEX. Cold. Coma. Cold-water treatment, in spinal hyperaemia, xiii. 208 in spinal neurasthenia, xiii. 381 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 611 in typhoid fever, i 198, 208 influence of, on frequency of intestinal hemorrhage, in typhoid fever, i. 150 Colic, vii. 459 cathartics in, vii. 468 narcotics in, vii. 468 Colic, from use of lead, xvii. 570 Colic, hepatic, ix. 686, 744 Colic of dysentery, i 551 Colic, renal, xv. 709 Colic, resulting from biliary cal- culi, vii 303 Colica saturnina, xvii 570 Colitis, vii. 374 Collapse, cause of, in perforative peri- tonitis, viii. 265 in cholera, i. 554 in pneumonia, v. 65 in typhoid fever, i 85 Collapse of the lung, v. 322 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 204 Collapse of the lung and ca- tarrhal pneumonia, differential diagnosis between, v. 218 Collateral circulation, hypertrophy of arteries in, vi. 387 in contraction of aorta, vi. 474 in local contraction of arteries, vi. 472 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 321 Collateral fluxion, in cerebral hyper- aemia, xii. 44 Collectedness, or concentration of at- tention, xiv. 626 Collecting galleries for ground- water, xviii. 244 Collodion, in diseases of the nose, iv. 129 in erysipelas, ii. 481, 484 in small-pox eruption, ii. 398 Colloid degeneration, in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 314 Colloid effusion, in acute diffuse peri- tonitis, viii. 239 Colloid substance, x. 368 Colocynth, in acute nephritis, xv. 300 in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 in dilatation of stomach, vii 332 Colombat, xiv. 852 Colombo, see Columbo Colon, affection of, in cancer of stomach, vii. 234 anomalies of dimensions and formation of, in etiology of habitual constipation, vii. 601 congenital occlusion of, vii. 485 discharge of pyelonephritic abscess through, xv. 719 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 134 passage of gall-stones into the, ix. 730 perforation into, in cancer of stomach, vii. 245 Color of affected parts, in progres- sive muscular atrophy, 126 Color of brain, in encephalitis, xii. 689 Color of face, in embolic apoplexy, xii. 195 in the epileptic seizure, xiv. 228 Colored vision, xvii 790 Coloring-matters, biliary, ix. 696 Colostrum, xviii 91 analysis of, xviii. 101 Colotomy, in cancer of intestines, vii. 442 Colpitis, x. 491 Columbo, in chronic gastritis, vii. 188 in dysentery, i 566 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 Coma, absence of, in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 541 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 739 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 23 in cerebral embolism, xii. 196 in chronic abscess of brain, xii. 765, 771, 775 in compression of brain, xii. 666, 669 in concussion of brain, xii. 660 in epilepsy, xiv. 227, 237 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 486 in malarial fevers, ii. 660 Coma. Coniantron. INDEX. 88 Coma, in meningitis of convexity of Compressed air, in treatment of pul- brain, xii. 606, 614 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 533, 537 in metastatic meningitis due to pneumo- monary emphysema, v. 399 Compressio cerebri, xii. 665 Compression as a cause of cerebral nia, xii. 631 anaemia, xii. 13 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 586 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 Coma, diabetic, xvi. 916 in the treatment of aneurism, vi. 452 of epididymitis, viii 791 of hemicrania, xiv. 26 Coma of epilepsy, treatment of, xiv. 296 value of, in haemophilia bleedings, xvii 98 Coma of meningeal hemor-rhage, xii. 176 Compression, methodical, in pu-trid bronchitis, ix. 914 Coma of uraemia, causes of, xv. 147 Combette, xii. 844 Compression of brain, xvii 665 appearance of, in meningitis tuberculosa, case of atrophy of cerebellum, xii 844 case of deficiency of the cerebellum, xiv. 668 xii. 550 symptoms of, in terminal stage of chro-nic abscess of brain, xii. 771 Combination of syphilitic symp-toms, xii 362 symptoms of, masked by those of concus-sion, xii. 669 Common law, as applied to sanitary matters, xviii. 38 Compression of the carotids, re-sults of, xii. 18 principles of, in relation to public health, xviii. 40 Commotio cerebri causing menin- Compression of the carotids du-ring the epileptic seizure, xiv. 295 gitis, xii. 658 Compression of nerves, in neural- complicating meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 175 gia, xi. 93 Compression of the thorax, in Company areas and quarters, xix. 98 treatment of pulmonary emphysema, v. 404 Compelled movements in apo-plexy, xii. 101 in cerebral tumors, xii. 259 in lesions of cerebellum, xii. 156 Compression myelitis, xiii 451 Compression stenosis of the oesophagus, viii. 20 diagnosis of, viii 89 Compensation, in stenosis of pulmo-nary artery, vi. 324 Compensatory hypertrophy of heart, vi. 102 prognosis of, viii. 42 Comstock lode, temperature observa-tions in deep mines of, xix. 259 Comstock miners, diseases of, xix. Complexion in chlorosis, xvi 517, 260 532 Complexion, muddy, of amyloid dis- Concentric hypertrophy of heart, vi. 211 ease, xv. 534 Complications, see different diseases Composition of effused blood, in haemophilia, xvii. 44 Compositors, xix. 64 Comprehension necessary for speaking, xiv. 585 Conception, explanation of, x. 315 the substantial contents of our intellec-tual personality, xiv. 610 Conceptions may originate without words, xiv. 597 Conchiolin, xix. 44 Conchoscopc of Wertheim, iv. 58 89 INDEX. Co™a„,ro„. Concomitant symptoms of occlu- sion of cerebral vessels, xii. 205 Concretions, in expectoration of con- sumption, v. 522 in the lacunae of the tonsils, vi. 970 in the nasal cavity, iv. 172 in the pancreas, viii 618 Concretions, gouty, xvi 112 Concussion of brain, anatomical ap- pearances, xii. 660 disturbances of circulation in, xii. 659 symptoms, xii. 660 theories of, xii. 658 Concussion of brain and cord, causing diabetes, xvi. 867 Concussion of cranium, in etiology of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 471 of traumatic meningitis, xii. 658 Coucussion of the spinal cord, xiii 344 diagnosis, xiii. 353 etiology and pathogenesis, xiii. 345 sequelae, xiii. 357 symptoms, xiii. 348 treatment, xiii. 356 Condensed milk, xviii 107 in rickets, xvi. 203 Condensing apparatus of Plymouth Chemical Works, xix. 446 Condiments, xviii 183 Condition favoring development of traumatic meningitis, xii. 674 of paralyzed limbs in apoplexy, xii. 135 Condition, social, in etiology of gall- stones, ix. 710 Conduction of heat, xviii 645 Conductors of haemophilia, xvii 26 Conduits, effects of, on drinking-water, xviii. 287 Condurango, in cancer of stomach, vii. 252 Condylomata, calomel locally in, iii. 300 in syphilis of larynx, vii. 865 late infectious character of, iii. 43 local treatment of, iii 300 Condylomata, acuminate, iii. 141 Condylomata, flat, iii. 140 Condylomata, lata, infectiousness of secretions of, iii. 142 Condylomata, pointed, viii. 817 location, appearances, treatment, viii. 818 Condylomata, syphilitic, iii. 22 Condy lomatous ulcer, iii. 142 Confectionery, adulterations of, xix. 363 Confervoid growths, in sources of water-supply, xviii. 235 Confluent small-pox, see Small-pox Conformation of the chest, in etiology of pulmonary consumption, v. 485 Confused speech of dyslogic origin, xiv. 819 Congenital aphasia, xiv. 802 Congenital cystic kidneys, xv. 641 Congenital measles, ii 50 Congenital stenosis of the oesophagus, viii. 18 Congenital uniform stenosis of the aorta and its branches, vi. 464 Congenital variety of paralytic impotence, viii. 896 Congestion, as a cause of diseases of the spleen, viii 363 Congestion of the brain, frequently repeated, as a cause of hypertrophy of that organ, xii. 826 in emotional excitement, xii. 450 in epileptic attacks, xiv. 268 symptoms of, preceding those of menin- gitis, xii. 681 Congestion of the kidney, ve- nous, xv. 197 Congestion of optic disk, in occlu- sion of middle cerebral artery, xii 203 Congestive apoplexy, xii. 56 Conglomerate tubercles of Vir- chow, v. 641 Coniantron of Weber-Liel, iv. 89 Conical tent. ,,•,•«.-^^ QO Constrictions. INDEX. »U Conical tent of the French army, xix. 99 Confine, chemical tests for, xvii 820 in spinal disease, xiii. 189 Coniine-poisoning, xvii 814 antidotes for, xviii. 820 stimulants to spine in, xvii. 820 tannin in, xvii. 820 Conium, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 189 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in whooping-cough, vi. 726 Conjoined manipulation, in gyne- cological examination, x. 4 Conjoined method of gyneco- logical examination, x. 10 Conjunctiva, affection of, a complica- tion of purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 131 hemorrhage into, during pertussis, vi. 697 Conjunctivae, hemorrhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 in measles, ii. 72 in varicella, ii. 21 Conjunctival blennorrhoea, dur- ing dentition, vi. 773 Conjunctivitis of typhus fever, i 317 Conjunctivitis scorbutica, xvii 164 Connective tissue, coloring matter of bile in, ix. 20 Connective tissue, contractions of cicatricial, in etiology of bronchiec- tasis, ix. 860 organized, from pericardial effusions, vi. 565 proliferation of, in endocarditis, vi. 83 scorbutic affections of, xvii. 183 Connolly, xii. 855 Consanguinity of parents, influ- ence of, in the causation of deaf-mu- tism, xiv. 869 Consciousness, relation of, to the psy- chical functions, and to sensation in particular, xiv. 692 return of, in apoplexy, xii. 108 Consciousness and speech, xiv. 624 Consciousness, loss of, during cata- leptic attacks, xiv. 373 in apoplexy, xii. 98 in epileptic seizures, xiv. 190 mechanism of, in the epileptic seizures, xiv. 266 Consciousness of disease, absence of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 870 Consciousness of the ego, xiv. 694 Constant galvanic current, in treatment of angina pectoris, xiv. 54 of laryngitis complicating catarrhal pneumonia, v. 235 of migraine, xiv. 28 of palpitation of heart, vi. 307 Constant features of syphilitic brain- symptoms, xii. 360 Constipation, causes of, vii 587; xviii. 128 causing sciatica, xi. 170 dietetic cure for, xviii. 129 due to meningitis, vii. 593 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 864, 880 in acute cystitis, viii. 678 in acute encephalitis, xii 744 in acute peritonitis, viii. 240, 247, 268, 274, 290 in cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 62 in cholera, i. 462 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 373 in etiology of occlusion of the intestine, vii. 583 in infants, causes of, xviii 128 dietetic treatment of, xviii. 129 in inflammation of the right iliac fossa, viii. 319 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 481 in meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 616 of unknown origin, xii. 653 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 528, 536, 658 in perinephritis, xv. 594 in simple basilar meningitis, xii 590 Q1 T-M-Tvc-*'- Conical tents. "^ INDEX. Cousirictious. Constipation, in tetanus, xiv. 355 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 mental disturbance in etiology of, vii. 593 occlusion of intestines by, vii. 587 role of, in the etiology of spermatorrhoea, viii. 846 treatment of, in cases of spermatorrhoea, viii. 880 R. Rhubarb and aloes pills, in mild doses. Constitutio pestilens, i. 5 Constitution, differences in, xvi. 305 general state of the, in epilepsy, xiv. 252 influence of, in haemophilia, xvii. 29 influence of the individual, on the course of spermatorrhoea, viii. 867 Constitutional, definition of term, xvi. 252 Constitutional anomalies in tuber- culosis of pia, xii. 566 treatment of, when they are the cause of epilepsy, xiv. 282 in cholera, i. 462 Constitutional neuropathies, xiv. 7 Constitutional syphilis, symptoms of, xii. 359; see also Syphilis CONSTRICTIONS, OCCLUSIONS, AND DISPLACEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES, vii. 477 ; bibliography, 477; introduction and history, 479; classification, 485; congenital forms, 485; anatomical causes, 486; anato- mico-pathological changes in general, 488; pathology of occlusions, 493 ; symptomatology, 493 ; pain and vomiting, 4'.)4 ; constipation and diarrhoea, 497; collapse, 498; anaemia, pulse, and temperature of body, 499 ; anuria and oli- guria, 500; brain-symptoms, 500 ; symptoms furnished by examination of abdomen, 501 ; diagnosis, 504; terminations, duration, and prognosis, 508 ; pathology of constrictions, 511; symptomatology, 511; meteorism, 513; con- spicuousness of outlines of intestines, 514 ; con- stipation and diarrhoea, 516; general bodily health, 517 ; terminations, duration, and prog- nosis, 517; diagnosis, 521; examination of rec- ,522 Internal Strangulation, 526; strangu- lation by peritoneal false ligaments, 526 ; strangulation under the false ligament, 526; strangulation by simple loops or nooses, 527 ; strangulation by formation of a simple knot, 528; by button-hole formations, 529; by acute kinking caused by traction, 530; strangulation by the omentum, 583 ; by omental liga- ments, 533; by slits in the omentum, 553; strangulation by the mysentery, 534 ; by slits and holes, 534 ; under a tense and fixed mesenterial band, 534; strangula- tion in slits and holes in different organs and parts of organs, 535; strangulation by diverticles, 535; anatomy, 535; strangulation under the diverticle, 538 ; by loops and knots, 53S ; by occlusion at point of origin of diverticle, 539; by di- verticular knots, 539; strangulation by the appendix vermiformis, 540; strangu- lation by internal hernia, 541; defini- tion, 541; external hernias resembling internal, 542; hernia retro-peritonealis anterior, 543; hernia duodenojejunal, 546 ; anatomy, 546 ; hernias in neighbor- hood of the caecum, 549; hernia inter- sigmoidea, 551; hernia intra-epiploica, 552; hernia ligamenti uteri lati, 552; hernia foraminis Winslowii, 552 ; hernia diaphragmatica, 553; anatomy, 553 ; eti- ology, 556; course, terminations, symp- toms, and diagnosis, 557 ; twisting, knot- ting, and compression, 561; anatomy, 561 ; knotting, 567 ; kinking, 569 ; com- pression, 570 ; obstruction by gall-stones, 573; obstruction by intestinal stones, 577 ; obstruction by foreign bodies, 580; occlusion by masses of faeces, conditional upon habitual constipation, 583 ; paraly- sis of muscular wall, 584; etiology of habitual constipation, 587; intussuscep- tion, invagination, 610; pathological anatomy, 610; etiology and pathogene- sis, 615; symptoms, course, and dura- tion, 619; differential diagnosis of the different kinds of occlusion of the intes- tines, 624 Consumption. ,„_^,^ QO Coutraction. INDEX. »-> Constrictions of the Intestines, 628 ; cicatricial stenoses, 628 ; stenoses caused by chronic peritonitis, 630 ; constrictions by neoplasms, 633 ; cancer, 635; varieties, 635 ; symptomatology, diagnosis, 636; statistics of occlusions and constrictions, 639; treatment of occlusions and con- strictions, 642 ; its history, 643 ; present treatment, 645 ; strangulation, 645 ; in- vagination, 656; operative measures, 658 Consumption, see also Consumption, Pulmonary among workers in dust, xix. 30 as a result of croupous pneumonia, v. 130 beneficial effects of high altitudes in, xviii. 669 dampness of the soil a cause of, xviii. 577 predisposition of deaf-mutes to, xiv. 870 Consumption of the larynx, vii. 832 CONSUMPTION, PULMONARY, v. 473; bibliography, 473 ; introduction, 475 ; history, 477; etiology, 481; the question of inherita- bility, 482; "sickliness," 483; scrofula, 484; vaccination as a cause of the manifestation of scrofula, 485; influence of the conformation of the chest upon the site of the disease, 485; changes in the cartilages of the ribs, 485; di- minished respiratory capacity, 486 ; bad air and improper food, 4S8; climate, 490; temperature, 491 ; elevated position of land, 491; change of climate, 491; deficiency of light, 492; poor quality of food, 492; general influences in early life, 493; the milk, 493; wet-nursing by con- sumptives, 493 ; influence of faulty carriage of the body, 494; position of the body during sleep, 495; the experiments of inoculation of tubercles in animals, 495 ; contagiousness, 497 ; pulmonary consumption following other dis- eases, 497; bronchial catarrh as a cause, 498; pneumonia, 499; pleurisy, 500; haemoptysis, 501; retained decomposing blood, 502 ; measles, 504 ; pertussis, 504 ; diabetes mellitus, 505 ; the puerperal condition, 505 ; influence of age, 505 ; of sex, 506; the connection of malarial affec- j tions with phthisis, 506; cancer, 507; goitre, | 507; emphysema, 507; valvular diseases of I the heart, 507; contraction of the chest, 507; pathology, 508; general description and course of the disease, 508; modifications of the gen- eral course, 512; periods of arrest of the dis- ease, 514; the phthisis florida, 514; analysis of individual symptoms, 517 ; the cough, 517 ; the expectoration, 520 ; the haemoptysis, 524 ; pain, 528; dyspnoea, 529 ; inspection of the thorax, 531; alterations in the form of the chest, 531; anomalies in its movements, 5S3 ; results of palpation, 534 ; of percussion, 534 ; auscultation, 536; laryngeal symptoms, 543; hoarseness, 543 ; syphilitic affections, 544 ; dif- ficulty in deglutition, 546; pain from pha- ryngeal affections, 546 ; pain from laryngeal affections, 546 ; stenosis of the larynx, 547; symptoms of the organs of circulation, 548 ; the heart, 548; the pulse, 548; appearances of the praecordial region during the disease, 548; glandular affections, 549; the digestive organs, 551; the stomach, 551; anorexia, 551 ; nausea, vomiting, and pain, 552; aphthae of the mouth and throat, 553; thirst, 553; the intestinal canal, 554; pain, 554 ; diarrhoea, 555 ; anal diseases, 557; diseases of the liver, 558; of the spleen, 559 ; of the kidneys, 559 ; of the urinary apparatus, 559; the urine, 559 ; nervous symptoms, 560; the brain, 560; individual peculiarities, 561; affections of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, 561; cutaneous symp- toms, 561; changes in the skin, 561 ; perspira- tion, 562; eruptions of the skin, 562; bed-sores, 563 ; oedema, 503 ; the nails, 563 ; the hair, 564 ; the teeth and gums, 564 ; the emaciation, 565 ; the fever, 567; its various forms, 567; per- spirations, 569 ; complications, 572 ; the forma- tion of secondary miliary tubercles, 572 ; pneu- monia, 574 ; pleuritis, 574 ; meningitis, 575 ; pericarditis, 576; pneumothorax, 576; acute peritonitis, 578 ; affections of the digestive or- gans, 579; amyloid degenerations, 580; of the spleen and liver, 581; of the kidneys, 581; diagnosis, 582 ; the three different forms of pulmonary lesions, 584; diagnosis of the first form, 584; percussion, 584 ; auscultation, 585 ; the cough and other symptoms, 585; diagnosis of the second form, 585; the general rational symptoms, 586; the fever and perspiration, 586 ; percussion and auscultation, 5S6 ; diagno- sis of the third form, 586; the cough, 587; other symptoms, 587; the differential diagnosis 93 INDEX. Consumption. Contraction. between the different forms, 587; course and termination, 591; prognosis, 595 ; influence of parentage, conformation of the chest, age, etc., 596; the cough, 597; the expectoration, 597; haemoptysis, 598; the laryngeal symptoms, 598 ; pleuritis, 598; pneumothorax, 598; the pulse, 599; the fever, 599; the loss of weight, 599; symptoms of the digestive organs, 599; affec- tions of the liver, spleen, and kidneys, 600; treatment, 600; the prophylaxis, 601; marri- age, 601; nursing of the infant, 601 ; his after- rearing in childhood, 602 ; during puberty, 603 ; treatment of inflammatory processes, 604; cli- mate, 604; mineral waters, 604; the selection of an occupation in the prophylaxis, C04; at- tention to scrofulous symptoms, 604 ; extirpa- tion of enlarged glands, 605 ; treatment of the chronic pneumonia, 605 ; general measures, 605 ; respiratory exercises, 606 ; residence in an ele- vated region, 606; the use of mineral waters, 600; the prevention of relapses, 606 ; inuring the skin to the influences of cold, 607 ; the use of baths, 607; treatment of the broncho-pneu- monic form, 607 ; general measures, 607; spray- ing of the respiratory organs with saline solu- tions, 608 ; the use of fats, 608 ; inhalation of various remedies, 609 ; treatment of the fever, 610 ; treatment of the stage of arrest, 610; in- fluence of climate, 611; revulsive measures, 611 ; treatment of the laryngeal affections, 611; profuse suppurations, 612 ; pneumothorax, 612 ; haemoptysis, 612; dyspepsia, 612; diarrhoea, 613; perspirations, 613 Contagion by dysentery excreta, i 529 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 315 of pulmonary consumption, v. 497 modes of, in diphtheria, i 585 through merchandise, i 470 Contagion of anthrax in animals, iii. 382 Contagion of cholera-stools, i 368 Contagion of coryza, iv. 117 Contagion of diphtheria, how car- ried, i. 586 Contagion of measles, how conveyed, ii 41 in nasal mucus, ii. 40 Contagion of relapsing fever, i 265 Contagion of typhus fever, i 307 Contagion of varicella, ii. 9 Contagion of whooping-cough, vi 689 Contagious diseases, spread of, in schools, xix. 605 Contagiousness of dengue, ii. 509 of diphtheria, i 584 of dysentery, i 528 of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 696 of erysipelas, ii. 432 of influenza, ii. 523 of measles, ii. 37 of the plague, i. 467 of scarlet fever, ii. 161 of typhoid fever, i 46 of typhus fever, i. 307 of whooping-cough, vi. 680, 683 Contagium, definition of the term, i. 25 Dougall's view of, xviii. 22 Contagium of variolous group of diseases, xviii 21 Contagious miasmatic disease, the plague a, i. 467 Contagium vivum seu animatum, i.6 in infectious diseases, i 6 theory of, xix. 148 Contagium diseases, xviii. 15 Continence, as a cause of morbid semi- nal losses, viii. 841 Continued fever, see Typhoid Fever Contracted field of vision, in cere- bral tumors, xii. 250 Contracting kidney, xv. 480 cases of, xv. 58, 158 Contracting and sclerotic endo- carditis, vi 93 Contracting induration of lung, as a cause of cardiac displacement, vi. 183 Contraction of arteries, following paralysis, vi 360 Contraction. twtvfx 94 Cooling-oil'. 1ND&X. Contraction of the stomach, vii 333 Contraction, permanent, in palsied extremities in hysteria, xiv. 521 Contractions of antagonistic muscles in apoplexy, xii. 120 Contractions of unaffected side in hemiplegia, xii. 120 Contracture, intensity of, xii. 123 Contracture of the muscles sup- plied by the accessorius, xi 325 CONTRACTURES, xi. 377; bibliography, 377 ; definition, 378 ; secondary origin of con- tractures, 378 ; myopathic contractures, 378 ; neuropathic contractures, 378; mode of origin, 379 ; peripheral stimuli a mode of origin, 381; centric irritations a mode of origin, 381; con- tracture in diseases of the spinal cord, 383; treatment, 384 Contractures, causes of, xii. 124 effect of galvanization upon, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 170 following cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 122 from cerebral tumor, cause of, xii. 759 in abscess and softening of brain, xii. 804 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 694 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 653 in meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 176 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 531, 534, 538, 551, 653 in occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 202 in paralysis, xii. 122 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 121 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 586, 589 in terminal stage of chronic abscess of brain, xii. 772 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 methods of preventing, xiii. 711 theory with regard to the origin of, xiii. 496 Contractures, neuropathic, elec- tricity in, xi. 385 Contractures of multiple sclero- sis, xiii 495 Contractures of spasmodic spi- nal paralysis, xiii. 631 Contraindications to the use of cold baths, i 212 Contusion of the brain, xii 670 diagnosis of, xii. 671 etiology of, xii. 670 not followed by encephalitis, xii. 712 Contusions, in etiology of cholecystitis, ix. 540 Conus of the heart, stenosis of, vi. 315 Convalescent wards, xviii 764 Convection of heat, xviii. 645 Convexity, meningitis of, xii. 597, 638, see also Meningitis of Convexity Convolution, importance of the fron- tal, for articulate speech, xiv. 734 Convolutions of the brain contain sensory as well as motor apparatuses, xiv. 716 Convulsibiiity, xi 285 Convulsion centre, xiv. 267; xvi. 389 Convulsions, xi. 274 as a symptom of hepatic colic, ix. 746 definition of the term, xi. 276 differentiation of hysterical from epilep- tic, xiv. 553 excited by ammonia in blood, xv. 120 from cerebral tumor, xii. 758 from teething, vi. 776 from worms, xiv. 305 in abscess and softening of brain, xii. 805 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 277 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 739, 742, 746 in acute nephritis of pregnancy, xv. 313 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 242 in amyloid degeneration of kidneys, xv. 513 in anaemia, xvi. 346, 389 in apoplexy, xii. 105 in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 847 in cerebral congestion, xii. 51 in cerebral embolism, xii. 198 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 101 95 INDEX. Contraction. Cooling-ofi". Convulsions, in cerebral hyperaemia of children, xii. 447 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 717 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 763, 767, 772, 775, 783, 789, 792 in chronic nephritis, xv. 109, 342, 415, 426, 652, 710 in compression of the brain, xii. 666, 668 in contusion of the brain, xii. 672 in encephalitis, genesis of, xii. 745 in enteralgia, vii. 463 in epileptic seizures, xiv. 198 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 872 in hyj-eraBmia of the brain, xii. 58, 64 in infants, xii. 178 in inflammation of dura, xii. 382 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 482 in lesions of pons, xii. 139 in melanasmia, viii 543 in meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 176 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 615 in meningitis of unknown origin, xii 652 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 529, 533, 538, 551 in myelitis, xiii. 412 in occlusion of cerebral arteries, xii 196 in poisoning by aniline, xvii. 523 by antimony, xvii. 621 by arsenic, xvii. 648 by atropine, xvii. 669 by carbolic acid, xvii. 530 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 466 by conii'ne, xvii. 816 by copper, xvii. 591 by cytisine, xvii. 824 by digitalis, xvii. 710 by ergot, xvii. 908 by fungi, xvii. 940 by lead, xvii. 560, 570, 582 by mercury, xvii. 612 by nicotine, xvii. 769 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 517 by phosphorus, xvii. 633 by picrotoxine, xvii. 811 by prussic acid. xvii. 502, 510 Convulsions, in poisoning by santo- nine, xvii. 885 by solanine, xvii. 693 by strychnine, xvii. 780 by sulphide of carbon, xvii. 482 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 495 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 329 by veratrine, xvii. 725 in scarlet fever, ii. 238 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 214 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 954 in whooping cough, vi. 706 in wounds of heart, vi. 277 in yellow softening of brain, xii. 712 mechanism of their production in epilep- sy, xiv. 267 role of the spinal cord in the production of, xiv. 198 Convulsions, hysterical, xiv. 531 Convulsions of measles, chloral hy- drate in, ii. 123 Convulsions of renal cirrhosis, xv. 426 Convulsions, unilateral, in syphilis, iii. 220 Convulsive attacks in cerebral syphi- lis, xii. 323 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 486 Convulsive centre, xi. 281 Convulsive intoxication, xvii. 895 Convulsive movements in apoplexy, xii 109 in occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 202 in pachymeningitis, xii. 410 in thrombosis of brain, xii 199 Convulsive tic, xi 304 Convulsive twitehings in paralysis, xii 119 Cooking, xix. 438 as a nuisance, xix. 438 effects of, on food, xviii. 188 ; xix. 207 Cooks, xix. 56 Cooling-off before bathing, xviii 375 Cooper, Astley, Cortex cerebri. Cooper, Astley, xii. 10, 19 Coopers, xix. 64 Co-ordination, disturbances of, in le- sions of cerebellum, xii. 155 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 543, 559 imperfect, in spinal disease, xiii. 83 Co-ordination of motion, defect of, in atrophy of cerebellum, xii. 848 Co-ordination of movements, xiv. 621 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 615 physiology of, xiii. 39 Co-ordination of words, motor centres for the, xiv. 744 Co-ordination centres, for spoken and written words, are different, xiv. 755 Copaiba, balsam of, eruption pro- duced by, viii. 771 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in chronic cystitis, viii. 697, 708 in chyluria, vi. 543 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 208 in gonorrhoea, viii. 771, 805 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 319 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 method of administration, viii. 772 Copper, in etiology of enteralgia, vii. 461 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 Copper, ammonio-sulphatc of, in treatment of epilepsy, xiv. 291 Copper, sulphate of, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in croup, iv. 267 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76 in etiology of stricture of the oesophagus, viii. 28 in gonorrhoea, viii. 776 in poisoning by phosphorus, xvii. 641 Copper-coMc, disputed existence of, xix. 51 Copper-dust, injurious effects of, xix. 50 Copper paralysis, xvii. 593 96 Copper-poisoning, xvii. 589 albumen in, xvii. 592 calcined magnesia in, xvii. 592 neuralgia in, xi. 31 sugar in, xvii. 592 Copper salts as disinfectants, xix. 565 Copper-smelting works, xix. 448 Copperas as a disinfectant, xix. 502 in bilgy ships, xix. 200 Coppersmiths, xix. 50 Coprostasis, in etiology of habitual constipation, vii. 600 Coprostasis, chronic, dietetic treat- ment of, vii. 666 intestinal ulcers in, vii. 609 Coraco-brachialis, paralysis of, xi 543 Coral Mil, xvii. 520 Corazza, xii 210, 218, 543 Cord, spinal, see Spinal Cord Cords, vocal, alterations in, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 217 Cords, vocal, false, iv. 48 Cords, vocal, true, iv. 49 Corfield, on irrigation-farming, xviii. 538 Cornea, inoculation of, with diphtheritic matter, i 591 scrofulous herpes of, xvi. 796 Corned beef, for naval ration, xix. 206 Corns and bunions, xviii. 387 Corona radiata, influence of lesions of the anterior part of, on speech, xiv. 687 path traversed by the articulatory im- pulses in the anterior portion of the, xiv. 687 Coronary arteries, disease of, as a cause of rupture of heart, vi. 262 Corpora cavernosa, induration of, the, resulting from gonorrhoea, viii. 783 Corpora pinguia, i 550 Corpora quadrigemina have no in- fluence on speech, xiv. 671 lesions of, xii. 150 )EX. 97 INDEX. Cooper, Astley. Cortex cerebri. Corpora striata, influence of the gray matter of, on speech, xiv. 679 influence of lesions of, on speech, xiv. 675 Corpses, disinfection of, xix. 569 CORPULENCE, xvi. 605; bibliography, 605 ; history, 606 ; general description, 612 ; pathogeny, 616 ; etiology, 629 ; predisposing causes, 629; determining causes, 643 ; path- ology, 649; general aspect of the disease, 649; pathological anatomy, 660; special symptoma- tology, 667; general phenomena, 667 ; local symptoms, 671 ; complications and sequelae, 67(5; diagnosis, 684; duration, terminations, and prognosis, 686 ; treatment, 696 Corpulence, alkaline spring-waters in, xvi. 723 anatomical changes, xvi. 660 Banting system in, xvi. 718 cold baths in, xvi. 714 dietetic treatment of, xvi. 701 general description of the disease, xvi. 612 in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 712 of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 60 preparations of iodine in, xvi. 730 quinine and salicylic acid in, xvi. 735 regulation of beverages in, xvi. 709 starvation treatment of, xvi. 702 stimulation of the activity of the mus- cles in, xvi. 712 Corpulence, anaemic, chalybeate-al- kaline waters in, xvi. 728 Corpulence, with ascites, digitalis and calomel in, xvi. 732 Corpus callosum, influence of con- genital absence of the, on the intelli- gence, xiv. 825 Corpus striatum, lesions of, xii 147 in apoplexy, x\i. 118, 128 Corpuscles, see Cells Corridor system of hospital con- struction, xviii. 742 Corridors in hospitals, xviii. 755 Corroding ulcer of the uterus, x. 1C6 Vol. XX.—7 Corrosive chloride of mercury, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82, 95, 145 Corrosive sublimate, action of, on bacteria, i 680 as an injection, in gonorrhoea, viii. 775 as a local application in chancres, iii. 274 fatal dose of, xvii. 603 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 81 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82, 95, 145 in neuralgia, xi. 88 in noma, vi. 816 in parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 in syphilis, iii. 290 in syphilis of larynx, vii. 875 in syphilis of naso-pharyngeal space, vii. 86 Corrosive sublimate baths, in syphilis, iii. 289 Cortex of the brain, changes in, caused by cerebral tumor, xii. 757 changes in, in simple meningitis of base, xii. 581 changes in, in traumatic meningitis, xii. 679 effect of delicate diseases of, xii. 875 Cortex cerebri, functional difference between the anterior and posterior tracts of the, xiv. 707 irritability of, as a cause of convulsions, xii. 198 is it at once a motor centre, and a centre of co-ordination, or only the latter ? xiv. 708 lesions of, xii. 151 microscopic changes in, in meningitis of convexity, xii. 641 symptoms which follow lesions of, are phenomena either of stimulation or of paralysis, xiv. 724 the coarse anatomy of, a science of very recent date, xiv. 721 the secret workshop of the thoughts, xiv. 718 Cortical dysarthria. Cretinism. INDEX. 98 Cortical dysarthria, xiv. 747 Cortical functions of speech, localization and nature of the, xiv. 717 Cortical speech, can centres for the motor co-ordination of words and for the acoustic word-images be distin- guished from each other in the, xiv. 743 Corvisart, xii 72 Coryza, iv. 115 abortive treatment of, iv. 128 as a symptom in acute infectious dis- eases, iv. 121 Brand's remedy for, iv. 96 R. Acidi carbolici............. gr. lxxx. Alcoholis.................. | ss. Aq. ammonias..............Tf[lxxx. Aq. destillatas..............1H_cliv. M. complicating scarlatina, ii. 278 direct production of, by irritants, iv. 120 inhalation of solution of salt in, iv. 128 inhalation of solution of sodas carbonat. and glycerine, iv. 128 microscopic examination of mucous secre- tion in, iv. 124 mode of origin of, in the new-born, iv. 119 morphine locally to nose in, iv. 128 negative experiments relating to conta- giousness of, iv. 118 propagation of, to epidermis, iv. 125 topical application of astringents in, iv. 128 Coryza of influenza, morphine and cherry-laurel water in, ii. 538 Coryza of iodism, xvii. 303 Coryza of the new-born, iv. 114 Coryza of whooping-cough, vi. 688 Coryza produced by gonorrhoe- al matter, iv. 118 Coryza produced by inhalation of acrid gases, iv. 121 Cosmetics, xviii. 371 lead-poisoning from use of, xvii. 561 Cosmo-tellurian influences in epi- demics, i 5 Cost of water-supplies, xviii 222 Cotard, xii. 194, 196, 227 Cottage-hospitals, xviii. 783 Cotton as a water-filter, xviii. 276 microscopic appearances of, xix. 211 Cotton operatives, xix. 40 Couch for gynecological exami- nations, x. 7 Cough, characteristics of, in pulmonary consumption, v. 517 in acute bronchitis, iv. 427 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 204 in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 204 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 358 in affections of soft palate, vi. 879 in bronchial asthma, iv. 565 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 335 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 372 in chlorosis, xvi. 519, 541 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 385, 391 in consumption (pulmonary), v. 517, 585, 597, 622 in croup, iv. 239 in emphysema (pulmonary), v. 383 in hydrothorax, iv. 737 in influenza, ii. 529 in mitral insufficiency, vi 120 in pleuritis, iv. 632 in pneumonia, v. 69 in pneumothorax, iv. 756 in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 492 in tracheal and bronchial affections, its causes, and results of experiments, iv. 277 in typhus fever, i. 318 peculiarity of, in bronchiectasis, ix. 892 Cough of whooping-cough, char- acter of, vi. 692 Coughing as a cause of congestion of the brain, xii 47 Countenance, aspect of, in cervico- occipital neuralgia, xi. 133 in pleuritis, iv. 635 99 Counter-irritants, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in cholera morbus, i 348 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 82 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 in chronic cystitis, viii 698 in epilepsy, xiv. 286 in exudative inflammation of the biliary passages, ix. 556 in gout, xvi. 142 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 289 in hysterical attacks, xiv. 573 in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 157 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 851 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 Coup de soleil, xix. 157 Courses, damp-proof, xviii. 414 Courtin, xii 351, 353 Cow-boys, xix. 28 Cow-pox, ii. 402 Cow-stables, proper construction of, xix. 398 sanitary condition of, xix. 396 Cowles, on ventilation of the Boston City Hospital, xviii. 677, 707 Cowls, different forms of, xviii. 779 Cowper's glands, inflammation and Buppuration of, in gonorrhoea, viii. 783 Cow's milk, analysis of, xviii. 105 in etiology of scrofulosis, xvi. 770 Cow's milk and woman's milk compared, v. 601; xviii. 109 Cracked-pot percussion sound, iv. 650, 761 in croupous pneumonia, v. 79 Cramer, xii 690, 753 Cramer's forehead headband, for laryngeal mirrors, iv. 21 Cramp, writer's, xi 345 Cramp symptoms in second stage of tuberculosis of pia, xii. 534 CRAMPS, xi. 363; definition, 363; etiology, 364; cholera a cause, 365; reflex irritation, 365 ; prognosis, 366; treatment, 366 Cramps, in cholera, i 404 Cortical dysarthria. Cretinism. Cramps, in cholera morbus, L 345 in tumors of brain, xii. 254 Cranial nerves, affection of, in trau- matic meningitis, xii. 684 affections of, in simple basilar menin- gitis, xii 582 changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 864 diagnostic value of lesions of, xii. 673 in cerebral tumors, xii. 252 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 504 paralysis of, in apoplexy, xii. 118 symptoms of syphilitic affections of, xii. 355 Cranial viscera in scarlatina, ii. 226 Craquement in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 885 Cream of tartar, adulteration of, xix. 374 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 874 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 284, 288 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 Creamometer, xix. 367 Creasote, xix. 559 in cancer of stomach, vii. 255 in chronic gastritis, vii. 181 in gastric catarrh, accompanying gan- grene of the lungs, v. 432 in hepatic abscess, ix. 153 in sporadic cholera, vii. 151 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 227 in vomiting of renal cirrhosis, xv. 494 Creasote water in treatment of fetid expectoration, v. 429 Creatinine, amount of, in the urine, in tetanus, xiv. 354 increase of, in the urine, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 128 Cremation of bodies, xviii. 538, 546; xix. 454 Crepitant rales in pneumonia, v. 83 Crcpitatio indux, v. 84 Crepitatio redux, v. 84 Crepitus over tumors of the spleen, viii. 394 Cretinism, large number of deaf-mutes in countries where, is endemic, xiv. 868 Creuzot. Cullen. INDEX. 100 Creuzot, France, mines of, xix. 242 Crico-aryta^noideus lateralis muscle, paralysis of, vii. 971 Crico-aryteenoideus posterior muscle, paralysis of, vii. 957 Cricoid cartilage, stenosis of the oesophagus from hypertrophy of the, viii. 43 Crimean war, typhus in the, i. 45 Crimping the hair, injurious effects of, xviii. 390 Crisis, in typhus fever, i 324 Critical days, doctrine of, in pneumo- nia, v. 54 Croaking experiment by Goltz, xiv. 622 Crossed choreic contractions, xiv. 432 Crossed reflex contractions, xii. 127 Croton chloral, in valvular diseases, vi. 171 poisoning by, xvii. 454 Croton Oil in neuralgia, xi. 92 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 851 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1025 CROUP, iv. 231 ; bibliography, 231; general considerations and etiology, 234; definition of the disease, 234 ; origin of the word croup, 234 ; difference between the membrane of croup and diphtheria, 234 ; relations of the two diseases, 234; primary or true croup, 235; influence of age, 235; of sex, 235; hereditary influences, 236; rarity of recurrence of the disease, 236; influence of seasons of the year, the weather, and nature of the soil, 236 ; sporadic and epi- demic forms, 237; primary croup not a con- tagious disease, 237 ; secondary or symptoma- tic croup, 237; diseases in which it occurs, 237; symptomatology and course, 238; catar- rhal symptoms, 238 ; appearances in the throat, 238 ; duration of the first stage, 239; the second stage, 239; dyspnoea and hoarseness, 239; the respiration, 239; suffocative attacks, 240; dif- ferent explanations of these attacks, 241; ex- planation of change in the voice, 244; of cough, 244; remissions during the second stage, 244; discharge of false membrane during this stage, 245 ; the third or stage of asphyxia, 245 ; car- bonic-acid poisoning, 246; its course, 246 ; the fever, 247 ; the pulse, 247 ; enlargement of the submaxillary and lateral cervical glands, 247 ; albuminuria, 247 ; digestive derangements, 247; croup of the stomach, 248; choleraic gastro- enteritis, 248 ; paralysis of vagus nerve, 248 ; pain in larynx, 248; results of laryngoscopical examination, 248; limits of the exudation, 249; implication of trachea and bronchi, 249 ; bron- chial catarrh, 250 ; pneumonia, 251; atelectases, 252; pulmonary apoplexy and gangrene, 252; symptoms of secondary croup, 252 ; the ascend- ing and descending forms, 253 ; duration of croup, 253 ; sequelae, 254 ; pathology, 255 ; hy- peraemia, 255 ; the exudation. 255 ; its mode of formation, 257; its extent, 258; condition of the lungs, 260; the bronchial and pulmonary glands, 260; pleural disorders, 260; affections of the heart, 260 ; the spleen and kidneys, 261 ; the liver, 261; enlargement of intestinal f oiitary glands, 261; affections of the brain, 261; diag- nosis, 261; differential diagnosis, 262; prognosis, 263; influence of age, 263 ; sporadic or epidemic forms, 263 ; influence of site of the false mem- brane, 263; mortality, 264; treatment, 264 ; prophylaxis, 264; cold baths and cold-water gargles, 264 ; avoidance of cold, dry winds, 265 ; inspection of throat during prevalence of diph- theria, 265 ; treatment after the exudation has appeared, 265 ; gargles, 265 ; applications by at- tendant where gargling is impossible, 265; special treatment, 265 ; antiphlogistic method, 266; leeching, 286 ; application of cold, 266; calomel, 267; emetics, 267; antiseptics upon supervention of diphtheria, 268; treatment by narcotics, quinine, and arsenic, 26S; trache- otomy, 268; object of its employment, 269; time for its performance, 269 ; the operation itself, 269; the after-treatment, 270 ; dietetics, 270; the after medical treatment, 270; the surgical treatment, 271; choice of tracheotomy- tube, 271; management of the wound, 271; time for removal of canula, 271; results of the operation, 273 ; catheterism of the larynx, 272; treatment if tracheotomy be not permitted, 272; croup a complication of cholera, 238; of diphtheria, 238 ; of epithelioma of larynx, 238 ; of measles, 237; of pneumonia, 238; of scarla- 101 INDEX. Creuzot. Cullen. tina, 238 ; of small-pox, 238 ; of typhoid fever, 238 ; of whooping-cough, 238 Croup, calomel in, iv. 267 catheterism of larynx in, iv. 272 caustics to membrane in solution or spray in, iv. 265 cold compresses to neck in, iv. 266 dietetic treatment in, iv. 270 differentiation of, from diphtheria, i 662 emetics in, iv. 267 gargles of lime-water or chlorate of po- tassa to membrane in, iv. 265 in measles, ii 127 leeches externally in, iv. 266 not identical with diphtheria, i 576 quinine in, iv. 270 Steiner's emetic in, iv. 268 R. Pulv. ij. Tartar £ Sacch. v. M. et ft. pulv. Every ten minutes. tonics in, iv. 271 tracheotomy in, iv. 268 Croup, bronchial, iv. 438 Croup, laryngeal, diagnosis of, from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 Croup of the biliary passages, ix. 557 Croupous and diphtheritic in- flammation of the vagina, x. 494 Croupous angina, classification, vi. 927 clinical considerations, vi 931 complications, vi 935 course of, vi. 935 deposit of, vi 933 general symptoms, vi. 933 local disturbances, vi. 933 onset of disease, vi. 935 pathological anatomy, vi. 927 Croupous bronchitis, iv. 438 Croupous deposit, vi 927 Croupous diphtheritic angina, causes of death, vi. 949 course, vi. 948 deposits, vi. 945 gangrenous or septic form of, vi. 945 general symptoms, vi. 946 terminations, vi 949 Croupous endarteritis, vi. 363 Croupous laryngitis, in course of whooping-cough, vi. 702 Croupous membrane, microscopic appearances of, vi. 928 Croupous pneumonia, v. 3 anatomical definition of, v. 43 an occasional complication of scurvy, xvii. 203 as a cause of meningitis, xii. 621 definition of the term, v. 144 Croupous urethritis, viii. 764 Croupy cough, in diphtheria, i 612 Crude tubercle of authors, v. 660 Crura cerebelli, lesions of, xii. 156 Crural artery, murmur in, in aortic insufficiency, vi. 138 Crural nerve, paralysis of, xi 564 Crural neuralgia, xi 165 Cruveilhier, xii. 70, 92, 118, 177, 181, 388 on the localization of articulate phona- tion, xiv. 651 Cry, epileptic, xiv. 220 Cryptocoecus, i 589 Cryptorchisin, as a cause of impo- tence, viii 886 Crystals, in expectoration, in bronchial asthma, iv. 548, 565 Cubebs, in the treatment of gonorrhoea, viii. 770, 805 of nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 Cubic space per man in IT. S. naval vessels, xix. 179 Cudowa, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 169, 357 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 718 Cullen, xii 71 Cultivated soils. Cysts of the tongue. INDEX. 102 Cultivated soils, xviii. 427 Cumarin, as causing hay-fever, ii. 544 Cupping, dangers attending, in haemo- philia, xvii 95 in acute hepatitis, ix. 153 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 419 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 260 in hyperasmia of the brain, xii. 67 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 81 in myelitis, xiii. 459 in nosebleed, iv. 164 in pleuritis, iv. 686 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 ■ in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 943 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 609 Cupping, dry, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 419 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 459 Cupping and bleeding in scarlatinal dropsy, ii. 313 Cupri sulphas, case of stricture of the oesophagus due to the swallowing of a little, viii 28 Curare, xvii 829 in catalepsy, xiv. 382 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 189 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii 796 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in tremor, xiv. 393 Curarine, chemical and physiological tests of, xvii. 840 poisoning by, xvii. 829 Curarine-poisoning, antidotes for, xvii. 838 emetics in, xvii. 837 stimulants in, xvii. 838 Cure of abscess of brain, xii. 704 Cures, grape, milk, and whey, in pulmonary affections, v. 284, 601 Current, constant, in treatment of angina pectoris, xiv. 54 Current, induced, in treatment of angina pectoris, xiv. 53 Curschmann, Heinrich, xii 156, 715 Curschmann, Heinrich, biograph- ical sketch of, vol. ii, v. on functional affections of the male geni- tal organs, viii. 823 on small-pox, ii 317 Curtis, Dr. T. B., on infant mortality and vital statistics, xix. 267, 302 Curvatures of spine, as a cause of cardiac displacement, vi. 182 Curving of the nails, in phthisis, v. 563 Cusco's speculum, x. 27 Cut-glass, polishers of, xix. 37 Cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 199 causes of, xi. 204 in hysteria, xiv. 506 Cutaneous eruption attending dentition, vi 774 Cutaneous hyperesthesia, position and distribution of, in hysteria, xiv. 498 Cutaneous secretion, effects of exer- cise on, xviii 323 Cutaneous sensibility, in paralysis of apoplexy, xii. 128 Cutaneus femoris lateralis nerve, neuralgia of, xi. 165 Cutlers, xix. 33 Cyanosis, in bronchial asthma, iv. 561 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 338 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 373 in congenital diseases of the heart, vi 325 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 460 in diseases of the heart (valvular and other affections), vi. 155, 212, 636 in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 873 in pleuritis, iv. 635 in pneumothorax, iv. 751, 757 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 381 in pulmonary stenosis, vi. 158 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 325 Cyanosis of face, in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 217 Cyanosis of heart disease, etiology of, vi 108 103 TTCDTTX Cultivated soils. 1AI>^X' Cysts of the tongue. Cyanosis of the mucous mem- brane of the larynx, iv. 193 Cyanotic induration of the kid- neys, xv. 201 Cyclops quadrieornis, in drinking- water, xviii. 294 Cylinders, urinary, xv. 75 Cylindroids, urinary, from scarla- tina, xv. 81 Cynanche, vi 857 Cyon, xii. 438 Cyst from softening of the brain, xii 190 Cystic degeneration of the kid- ney, xv. 638 Cystic duct, congenital occlusion of, ix. 588 Cysticercus cellulose, iii. 595 ; vii 710; xviii. 205, see also Migratory Parasites, Diseases from bibliography, iii. 595 in the liver, ix. 492 in the spinal membranes, xiii. 266 ■ of the heart, vi 289 of the lungs, v. 468 » Cystine, tests for, xv. 702 Cystine calculi, xv. 701 Cystitis, acute, demulcent drinks in, viii. 686 etiology of, viii. 675 opium in, viii 686 pathological anatomy, diagnosis, viii 683 prognosis, viii. 684 progress and result of, viii. 679 rest and low diet in, viii. 685 symptomatology of, viii. 677, 680 treatment, viii. 685 warm fomentations and injections in, viii. 686 Cystitis, chronic, astringent injec- tions in, viii 699 balsams in, viii. 697 cannabis indica in, viii. 696 diagnosis of, viii. 692 etiology, symptomatology, viii. 688 Cystitis, chronic, Lebert's pills for, viii. 698 IJ • Pulv. camphorae............. gr. xx. Pulv. lupulinae............... 3 j. 01. terebinth................ 3 ij. Extr. glycyrrhizae............q. s. M. Div. in pil. no. 120. Two to six pills thrice daily mineral waters in, viii. 695 pathological anatomy, viii. 691 prognosis, viii. 693 treatment, viii. 694; xiii. 193 Cystitis following gonorrhoea, viii. 791 Cystitis of cantharides-poison- ing, xv. 192 Cystitis pyorrhoica, course and du- ration, viii. 792 prognosis and treatment, viii. 793 symptoms, viii. 791 Cystocele, viii. 673 Cystoma carcinomatosum, x. 440 Cystoma proliferum glandulare, x. 366 Cystoma proliferum papillare, x. 366 Cystomata ovarian, x. 363 Cystospasmus, viii. 700 Cysts, from occlusion of the bile ducts, ix. 649 in arteries, vi 393 in the lung, v. 435 Cysts of brain, xii. 236 Cysts of the Fallopian tubes, x. 347 Cysts of the heart, vi 287 Cysts of the intestines, vii. 428 Cysts of the larynx, vii. 889 Cysts of the mediastinum, v. 446 Cysts of the oesophagus, viii 168 Cysts of the pancreas, viii. 615 Cysts of the peritoneum, viii 338 Cysts of the soft palate, vi 990 Cysts of the tongue, vi. 753 Cysts of the vagina. Degeneration. INDEX. 104 Cysts of the vagina, x. 506 puncture and exsection of portion of wall, x. 508 Cysts of the vulva, x. 550 Cysts, ovarian, x. 359 Cysts, uterine, x. 268 Cytisine-poisoning, xvii. 821 antidotes for, xvii. 826 Cytisine-poisoning, emetics in, xvii. 826 opiates in, xvii. 826 Cytogenic organs, diseases of, a cause of anasmia, xvi. 335 Czcrmak's case of complete ob- struction of the larynx, with re- covery of the ability to speak, xiv. 857 D Da Costa, vii. 369; viii. 611 Dactyleus aculeatus, xv. 760 Dactylitis syphilitica, iii. 168 Dagucnet, xvii 410 Dal by's carminative, poisoning with, xvii 844 Dalgairns, xiv. 441 Dalton's estimates of the daily discharges from the human body, xviii. 191 Daly, vi. 460 Dainoiseau, iv. 657 Damourette, xvii 314, 817 Damp-proof courses, xviii 414 Damp-proof walls, xviii. 747 Damp rooms, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 137 Damp soil, effects of, xviii. 413 Dampness of ships, injurious effects of, xix. 195, 196 Dance, xii 826, 828 Dandelion, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Dandruff, xviii. 390, 392 Dandy fever, see Dengue, ii. 505 Daniell, Fr., xvii 489 Dauielli, xvii. 688 Danilewsky, xvii 807, 818 experiments on the brain, xiv. 640 Dantzic, sewage-works of, xviii 419 Danvin, xvii 777 Daphnia pulex in drinking-water, xviii. 294 Darbel, xvii 758 Darby, xvii 795 Darts, caustic, in diseases of the pha- rynx, iv. 80 Darwin, xiv. 32, 617, 642 on the priority of musical sounds over articulate speech, xiv. 643 Data in vital statistics, necessity for their uniformity, accuracy, and com- pleteness, xix. 307 Davaine, i. 239, 249; vii 679, 732 Davies, iv. 597 Davis, Hall, x. 507 Davos, climate of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 Davy, iv. 753; xvii. 454 Dawson, x. 559; xv. 739 Daylight, diffused, use of, in laryn- goscopy, iv. 33 Dead bodies as a nuisance, xix. 450 removal of, xix. 450 Dead-rooms, in hospitals, xviii. 767 Deaf-and-dumbness, xiv. 865 Deaf-mutes are not necessarily entirely deaf, xiv. 865 capacity of, to recognize things and rela- tions properly, xiv. 598 education of, xiv. 871 irregular distribution of, over the earth, xiv. 868 predisposition of, to pulmonary consump- tion, xiv. 870 sum total, in Europe in 1860, xiv. 869 Deaf-mutism, xiv. 865 after cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 725 causes of, xiv. 866 diagnosis of, xiv. 870 105 INDEX. Cysts of the vagina. Degeneration. Deaf-mutism, difficulty of deciding whether congenital or acquired, is the more frequent, xiv. 866 tracks of speech closed or open in, xiv. 781 Deafness, a complication of cold in the head, iv. 125 due to diseases of the nose, iv. Ill following whooping-cough, vi. 706 hysterical, xiv. 510 malarial, ii. 601 of boiler-makers, xix. 70 Deafness and blindness, combined congenital, xiv. 874 Death, causes of, xix. 327 in hysteria, xiv. 549 in mitral insufficiency, vi. 124 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 132 from hysteria, very uncommon, xiv. 555 from self-mutilation and suicide in hys- teria, xiv. 550 in apoplexy, xii. 107 in chorea, relative frequency of, in chil- dren and adults, xiv. 444 in epileptic attacks, xiv. 247 in hyperasmia of brain, xii. 65 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 617 in traumatic encephalitis, xii 727 in wounds of heart, vi. 280 mode of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 882 in rupture of heart, vi 266 in scurvy, xvii. 214 in tetanus, xiv. 332 probably never occurs from spermator- rhoea alone, viii. 867 Death-rate among infants, method's of determining, xix. 269 as dependent upon hardness of drinking- water, xviii. 216 influence of locality on, xix. 321 influence of sex and age, xix. 320 Deaths from pneumonia, under antipy- retic treatment, v. 160 registration of, xix. 308 Debilitating measures in Basedow's disease, xiv. 101 Debility in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 644, 647 Dechery, P., xiv. 657 Decidua menstrualis, x. 334 Decomposition, gases of, xix. 456 Decubitus (or bed-sore), acute, xiii. 121 chronic, xiii. 122 definition of the term, xiii. 410 in gangrene of the lung, v. 431 ulcers of the oesophagus from, viii. 160 Decussation of pyramids, absence of, xii. 116 Deep muscles of the neck, spasm of, xi. 329 Deep wells, liability of pollution, xviii 258 sanitary examination of, xviii. 307 Defecation, disturbances of, in spinal disease, xiii. 139 Defective composition of the blood, the supposed essence of hae- mophilia, xvii. 63 Defilement of open spaces in towns, xviii 566 Definition of tubercle, v. 643 Deformities due to malacosteon, xvi. 216 in etiology of impairment of articulation, xiv. 855 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 299 in rickets, xvi. 190 Deformities of the spinal cord, xiii. 779 Degeneration, acute fatty, of the liver of the new-born, ix. 455 Degeneration, amyloid, of the spleen, viii. 477 Degeneration, calcareous, in di- lated bronchi, ix. 869 Degeneration, fatty, of the liver, ix. 440 Degeneration, gray, of the posterior columns of the spinal cord, xiii. 513 Degeneration of nerve-elements in cerebral embolism, xii. 192 Degeneration, trabecular, of the bronchial wall, ix. 870 Degenerations. Depression. INDEX. 106 Degenerations and neoplasms affecting the lymphatics, vi. 521 of the arterial walls, vi. 390 Degenerative atrophy of the white columns of the cord, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 138 DEGENERATIVE PROCESSES OF THE KIDNEYS, xv. 602 Cloudy Swelling and Fatty Degen- eration, 602 ; bibliography, 602 ; etiol- ogy, 602 ; pathological anatomy, 603 ; symptomatology, 604; hemorrhagic in- farction of the kidneys, 604; etiology, 605 ; pathological anatomy, 606 ; symp- tomatology, 606; course, progress, and treatment, 607 Necrosis of the Kidney, 608; etiology, 608 ; pathological anatomy, 608 Amyloid Degeneration of the Kidney, Lardaceous or Waxy Kidney, 609; bibliography, 609 ; history, 610; etiol- ogy, 612; pathological anatomy, 616 ; symptomatology, 624; complications and sequelae, 629; diagnosis, 630; duration, termination, and prognosis, 631; treat- ment, 632 Deglutition, centre of, in medulla ob- longata, xiii. 860 difficulty of, in aneurism of the aorta, vi. 426, 434 in bulbar paralysis, xiii. 916, 921 disturbances of, in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 192 in dilatations of the oesophagus, viii. 66 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 5 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 142 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 371 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblon- gata, xiii. 872 in leucaemia, viii. 520 in myelitis, xiii. 412 in oesophageal stenosis, viii. 34 in paralysis of the oesophagus, viii. 212 Deglutition, disturbances of, in pro- gressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 921 in spasm of the oesophagus, viii. 207 in stenosis of the oesophagus, viii 34 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 589 impairment of, in pressure diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 66 interfered with by malignant lymphoma, xvi 840 by thoracic aneurism, vi. 426 physiological facts concerning the act of, viii. 204 Degranges, xiv. 82 Deiters, xiii. 30 ; xiv. 651, 667 Delacour, xii. 226 Delariviere's ease of trichiasis vesicae, viii. 734 Delaunay, xii. 315 Deleterious adulterations, xix. 355 Delicado, iii. 7, 9, 278 Deliquescent salts, employment of, in keeping streets moist, xviii. 563 Delirium, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 252 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 738, 742, 746 in anaemia, xvi. 346, 391 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 23 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii 764, 775, 776, 783 in epilepsy, xiv. 239 in erysipelas, ii. 462 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii 54, 65 in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 458 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 481 in malarial fever, ii. 607 in melanaemia, viii. 543 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii 614 in meningitis of unknown origin, xii. 649 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 530, 533 in metastatic meningitis due to pneumo- nia, xii. 631 in metastatic meningitis due to typhoid fever, xii. 637 in occlusion of cerebral arteries, xii. 197 107 Delirium, in the plague, i. 473 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 586 in tetanus, xiv. 331, 344 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 682 in whooping-cough, vi. 699 in yellow fever, i 499 Delirium cpilcpticum, xiv. 238 Delirium, hysterical, xiv. 543 Delirium of anaemia, xvi. 391 Delirium of typhus fever, i 315 Delirium tremens, xvii 400 as a complication of pneumonia, v. 119 treatment of, v. 168 complicating small-pox, ii. 363 Delirium tremens and menin- geal tuberculosis, differen- tiation of, xii. 569 Delivery, in acute nephritis of preg- nancy, xv. 324 Delivery paralysis, xi 562 Delpceh, xvii. 113,132, 478, 483 case of trichiasis vesicae, viii. 732 Delphinine, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in digitalis-poisoning, xvii. 719 poisoning with, xvii. 757 Deltoid muscle, paralysis of, xi. 541 spasm of, xi. 330 Delusions, absence of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 870 influence of, on speech, xiv. 821 nature of, in dementia paralytica, xii 866 Demarquay, xiv. 91 ; xvii. 387, 485 Dementia in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 137 Dementia paralytica, Calabar bean in, xii. 886 course, duration, termination, prognosis, xii. 880 diagnosis of, from alcoholism, xii. 878 etiology, xii 854 following encephalitis, xii. 732 galvanism in, xii. 885 in syphilis, xii. 316 literature, xii. 852 morphia and chloral in, xii. 886 pathology, xii. 856 physical and mental rest in, xii. 884 Degenerations. Depression. Dementia paralytica, probably never results from spermatorrhoea, viii. 868 symptomatology, xii. 865 treatment of, xii. 883 Dementia paralytica and cere- bral syphilis, xii. 332 Demme, H., i 604 ; iv. 474, 481, 516; xiv. 100, 334, 345, 353 Dcmocritus, iii. 433 Demonstration of a laryngo- scopic image, iv. 54 Demours, xiv. 77 DENGUE, ii. 505 ; bibliography, 505; history and etiology, 507; (symptomatology, 510; in- cubation, 510 ; fever, 510; the second paroxysm, 511; the joints, 511; the eruption, 511; the mucous membrane, 512 ; lymphatic glands, 512; the urine, 512 ; the heart, 513 ; respiratory or- gans, 513; convulsions, 513; prognosis, 513; duration of the disease, 513; relapses, 513; treatment, 514 Dengue fever, belladonna in, ii. 514 iodide of potassium in, ii. 514 laxatives in, ii. 514 quinine in, ii. 514 warm baths in, ii. 514 Denman, x. 377 Dentitio difflcilis, vi. 772 Dentition, in etiology of acute spinal meningitis, xiii 231 in etiology of poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 669 Deodorizing trap, xviii 488 Depletion, in the treatment of acute, diffuse peritonitis, viii. 259 of hysteria, xiv. 562 Depletion, local, in treatment of chronic metritis, x. 113 Deposition, as a means of self-purifica- tion of water, xviii. 232 Deposits, gouty, chemical character of, xvi. 117 Depression of cardiac impulse, vi 28 IND Depression. i f\o Diaphoretics. INDEX. 108 Depression of spirits in tubercular meningitis, xii. 549 Depressors, tongue, iv. 6 Derby, xii 797 Derby, George, on village hospitals, xviii. 784 Derivative treatment of spermator- rhoea viii. 873 Derivatives, in abnormal seminal losses, viii 873 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 261 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52, 53 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 418, 429 in cephalalgia, xi 143 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii 163 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii 260 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 665 in disease of the spinal cord, xiii. 185, 207, 249, 260, 276, 318, 343, 308, 422, 458, 609, 707, 731 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 406 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in gout, xvi. 142 in headache, xi. 143 in hyperemia of the brain, xii. 67 in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 461 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 207 in hysteria, xiv. 562 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 576 in myelitis, xiii. 422, 458 in neuralgia, xi. 90, 125 in neuralgia of the face, xi. 125 in nose-bleed, iv. 163 in pachymeningitis interna, xii 425 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 828 in peritonitis, viii. 261 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 707 in poliomyelitis anterior chronica, xiii. 731 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 943 in retro-nasal phlegmon, vii. 64. Derivatives, in simple basilar menin- gitis, xii. 596 in spasms, xi. 298, 312, 324 in spinal disease, xiii. 185 in spinal irritation, xiii. 368 in stenosis of trachea, iv. 500 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 609 in thrombosis of cerebral vessels, xii. 208 in tumors of the brain, xii. 288 in tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 276 Derived albumens, xviii. 149 Dermoid cysts of mediastinum, v. 446 of ovary, x. 432 De Sauglier's wheel, xix. 199 Descent of the uterus, x. 188 Desks and seats in school-rooms, xix. 614 Desportes, xiv. 33, 321, 336 Despres, A., iii 275 Desquamation in measles, ii. 70 in miliary fever, ii. 499 in scarlet fever, ii 212, 241 Desquamative pneumonia, v. 660, 664 Dessault, xvii 763 Desiccation, stage of, in small-pox, ii. 363, 369 Destruction of motor tracts in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 110 Determining causes of haemophilia, xvii. 32 of scurvy, xvii. 123 Deutsch, xvii 368, 392, 688, 764, 772 Development, congenital errors of, in the nose, iv. 112 Development, errors of, in etiology of general disorders of nutrition, xvi. 267 Development of pulmonary em- physema, theory of, v. 352 Devergie, xvii 496 Deviations, lateral, of the ute- rus, x. 185 Deville, xii 662 Dew, how produced, xviii. 651 Dextrin, xviii. 162 109 Dextrose, xviii 163 Diabetes, diet in, xvi. 984 due to syphilis, iii. 220 following injury to skull, xii. 734 impotence in, viii. 888 in apoplexy, xii. 133 in lesions of medulla oblongata, xii. 144 Diabetes decipiens, xvi 878, 893 DIABETES INSIPIDUS, xvi. 1007; bibli- ography, 1007 ; introduction and history, 1008; definition, 1011; etiology and pathogeny, 1014 ; symptomatology, 1022 ; pathological anatomy, 1031; diagnosis, 1033; result and prognosis, 1035; treatment, 1036 Diabetes insipidus, constant current in, xvi. 1037 hygienic treatment of, xvi. 1037 valerian root in, xvi. 1037 DIABETES MELLITUS, xvi. 851; bibli- ography, 851 ; history, 858 ; etiology, 862 ; pathology, 871; general description of the dis- ease, 871; pathological anatomy and chemistry, 880 ; special symptomatology, 893 ; state of the urinary and sexual apparatus, 893; behavior of the digestive apparatus, 909; state of the respiratory apparatus, 913 ; state of the nerv- ous system and of the organs of special sense, 914; state of the external integuments, 920 ; general phenomena, 922 ; theory of the disease, 930 ; increase of saccharinity of the blood from the intestine, 951; from the muscles, 959 ; from the mammary glands, 959 ; influence of dimin- ished consumption of sugar, 960 ; of disorders of nervous system, 965 ; connection of the ex- cretion of sugar with the other essential symp- toms of diabetes, 969 ; diagnosis, 972 ; course, duration, results, and complications, 977 ; prog- nosis, 982; treatment, 983 Diabetes mellitus a complication of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 200 alkaline thermal waters in, xvi. 996 arsenic and iodine in, xvi. 1003 carbolic acid in, xvi. 1002 cod-liver oil in, xvi. 1000 Depression. Diaphoretics. Diabetes mellitus, combination of, with disease of the pancreas, viii. 574 dietetic treatment of, xvi 985 effect of, on typhoid fever, i 145 hypertrophy of the liver in, ix. 315 in etiology of diseases of the pancreas, viii. 574 of hyperemia of the liver, ix. 63 of impotence, viii. 888 of pulmonary consumption, v. 505 occurrence of, in carbonic oxide poison- ing, xvii. 468 opium and morphine in, xvi. 994 relations of, to consumption, v. 505 theories respecting the connection be- tween disease of the pancreas and, viii. 576 wine and koumyss in, xvi. 990 Diabetic coma, xvi 916 Diagnosis, see different diseases Diagnostic table, cerebral tumor and abscess of brain, xii. 285 cerebral tumor and apoplexy, xii. 284 cerebral tumor and softening of the brain, xii. 284 Diamond-cutting, xix. 37 Diaphoresis, in acute nephritis, xv. 297 in chronic nephritis, xv. 401, 732 in dropsy of anaemia, xvi. 492 in fever caused by catching cold, xvi 244 in muscular rheumatism, xvi. 90 in pericarditis, vi. 619 in scarlatinal dropsy, ii 313 Diaphoretic form of malarial fever, ii. 610 Diaphoretics, in acute gastritis, vii. 145 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 418, 426 in cancer of stomach, vii. 256 in dropsy following passive hyperaemia of the kidneys, due to heart disease, xv. 219 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 387 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in myelitis, xiii. 422 Diaphoretics. ,„„„^, 110 Diet. INDEX. *- *-V Diaphoretics, in nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 in neuralgia, xi. 74, 120 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 120 in paralysis of the larynx, vii. 977 in peritonitis, viii. 337 in pleuritis, iv. 691 in spasms, xi. 304, 312 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 169 Diaphragm, acceleration or retarda- tion of movements of, in etiology of jaundice, ix. 16 affections of, in etiology of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 230 changes in, in corpulence, xvi. 662 elevation of, in constrictions of intes- tines, vii. 492 neuralgia of, xi. 133 paralysis of, i 626; xi. 539 perforation of, following ulcer of stom- ach, vii. 197 spasm of, xi. 335 in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 546 Diaphragmatic hernia, effect of, upon position of heart, vi. 183 Diarrhoea, see also Catarrh, Intestinal l a cause of anaemia, xvi. 330 a common effect of the use of impure drinking-water, xviii. 590 a frequent complication of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 203 caused by sewer-gas, xviii. 588 due to impure drinking-water, xviii. 590 during teething, vi. 773 energetic treatment of, during cholera epidemic, i. 455 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 864 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 76 -f in anaemia, xvi. 347 in cancer of the pancreas, viii 612 of the peritoneum, viii. 343 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 203 in constrictions of the intestines, vii. 516 in consumption, v. 555 in croupous pneumonia, v. 96 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 373 Diarrhoea, in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 645 - in etiology of progressive pernicious anae- mia, xvi. 577 in gangrene of the lung, v. 420 in inflammation of the right iliac fossa, viii. 319 in intestinal catarrh, vii 366, 411 in intussusception of the intestines, vii 619 in lardaceous spleen, viii. 484 in leucaemia, viii. 521 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 835 in measles, ii. 96 in melanaemia, viii. 545 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 531 in metro-peritonitis, viii. 274 in military camps, xix. 150 in peritonitis, viii. 240, 247, 274, 283, 290, 293, 328 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 283 in pulmonary consumption, v. 555 in pylephlebitis, ix. 819 in relapsing fever, i 278 in renal diseases, xv. 154, 425, 513, 572, 584, 676 in scrofulosis, xvi. 798 in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 233 in thrush, vi. 804 in typhoid fever, i 92, 123 in typhus fever, i 328 Diarrhoea, chronic, vii. 356 ; see also Catarrh, Intestinal in etiology of invagination of the intes- tines, vii. 616 Diarrhoea of amyloid kidney, xv. 513 Diarrhoea of cholera, i 400, 402, 414 treatment of, i 455 Diarrhoea of renal cirrhosis, xv. 425 Diarrhoea of renal disease, xv. 154 Diarrhoea pancreatica, viii. 568 Diarrhoea, prodromic, of cholera, i 416, 417 111 ,-.,"~.^^ Diaphoretics. Ill INDEX. Diet. Diarrhoeal diseases in infants, xix. 281 etiology of, xix. 284 Diastase, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1003 Diastolic heart-beat, from pericar- dial adhesions, vi. 645 Diastolic murmur, in mitral insuffi- ciency, vi. 122 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 329 Diathesis as a cause of renal calculi, xv. 689 in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 711 Diathesis, hemorrhagic, espitaxis in, iv. 151 in cancer of the liver, ix. 404 in etiology of hemorrhagic pleuritis, iv. 614 Diblastic theory of diseases, xviii. 26 Dichroism of blood-stained urine, with- out red corpuscles, xv. 69 Dickinson, viii. 482; xii. 82, 623 ; xiv. 39, 335 Dickson, xiv. 326 Dicrotisin, in pneumonia, v. 63 Dictation, repetition of words from, is impossible in ataxic aphasia, xiv. 753 Diction, term given to disturbances of xiv. 613 Didactic treatment of stutter- ing, xiv. 840 Diday, iii. 50, 55, 70, 264 DicfTcnbach, viii. 494 ; xiv. 837 Diet, after cholera, i 461 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 872 in acute cystitis, viii. 685 in acute gastritis, vii. 143 in acute nephritis, xv. 296 in anaemia, xvi. 451 in aneurism, vi. 459 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 253 in cerebral congestion, xii. 68 in chlorosis, xvi. 560 in cholera Indica, i 461 in chorea, xiv. 462 in chronic cystitis, viii 694 in chronic gastritis, vii. 184 Diet, in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 262 in corpulence, xvi. 643, 701 in croupous pneumonia, v. 167 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 868, 984 in dilatation of the oesophagus, viii. 88 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 326 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 192, 262, 342, 367, 380, 425, 457, 464, 616, 709 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 406 in diseases of the supra-renal capsules, viii. 664 in dysentery, i. 561 in epilepsy, xiv. 283 in etiology of abscess of the liver, ix. 108 in etiology of diabetes, xvi. 868 in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 713 in gonorrhoea, viii. 769 in gout, xvi. 106, 132, 140 in haematothorax, iv. 743 in haemophilia, xvii. 96 in hydrothorax, iv. 739 in hysteria, xiv. 567 in inflammation of the right iliac fossa, viii. 316 in inflammatory rheumatism, xvi. 66 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 384 in leucaemia, viii. 533 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 279 in myelitis, xiii. 425, 457, 464 in nephritis, xv. 296. 406, 561 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 730 in neuralgia, xi. 76 in pericarditis, vi. 618 in peritonitis, viii. 260, 302, 336 in pleuritis, iv. 690 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 415 by mercury, xvii. 618 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 709 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 944 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 602 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 490 in rheumatism, xvi. 66, 82 in rickets, xvi. 175, 203 Dlet* INDEX ^12 Digltoneine. lJNUiiA. _______ Diet, in scrofulosis, xvi. 767 in scurvy, xvii. 125, 218, 228 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 872 in spinal irritation, xiii. 367 in sporadic cholera, vii. 152 in syphilis of the nervous system, xii. 368 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 616 in training, xviii. 360 in typhoid fever, i. 228 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 219 in urethritis, viii. 744 in valvular diseases, vi. 92, 166 influence of, in causing infantile diar- rhoea, xix. 288 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 39 of children, causing corpulence, xvi. 633 of children with tendency to hysteria, xiv. 558 of infants, as a cause of rickets, xvi. 174 of the wet-nurse, xviii. 105 to prevent corpulence, xvi. 704 to reduce corpulence, xvi. 718 Diet and drink, in the etiology of diseases of the spleen, viii. 358 Diet and hygiene, in cases of hys- teria, xiv. 567 Diet and regimen, for chronic mye- litis, xiii. 464 Diet, prophylactic, against dysen- tery, i. 560 Diet, supporting, in dysentery, i. 567 Dietary, for sailors, xix. 203 for soldiers, xix. 134 Dietetic rules for the newly born, xviii. 88 Dietetic treatment of dysentery, i. 561 of typhoid fever, i. 228 Dietetics, in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 59 Di-ethcl ether, poisoning by, xvii 439 Dietl, xii. 161 Diculafoy, iv. 694, 700, 703; xiv. 688, 813- Difficult dentition, vi 770 Diflicultas intestinorum, i 517 Difficulty in checking the bleed- ing, in haemophilia, xvii. 42 Difficulty in swallowing, in cases of consumption, v. 546 DIFFUSE DISEASES OF THE KID- NEYS, xv. 163; history, 163; classification, 189; for individual diseases, see Hyperaemia, Ischaemia, etc., of the Kidneys Diffuse gangrene of the lungs, v. 415 Diffuse interstitial hypertrophy of the uterus, x. 102 Diffuse peritonitis, acute, viii. 221 Diffuse peritonitis, chronic, viii. 292 Digestion, effects of alcohol upon, xvii. 388 in large intestines, vii. 354 in small intestines, vii. 351; xviii. 126 Digestion, disorders of, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 625 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 363 in anaemia, xvi. 347, 404 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 346 in chlorosis, xvi. 542 in chronic: icterus, ix. 605 in chronic nephritis, xv. 341 in croup, iv. 247 in croupous pneumonia, v. 94 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1028 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871, 909 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 138, 374, 412 in etiology of anaemia, xvi 333 of epilepsy, xiv. 212 in fatty liver, ix. 467 in gout, xvi. Ill in heart disease, vi. 112 in myelitis, xiii. 412 in pleurisy, iv. 639 in renal diseases, xv. 110, 151, 422, 584, 594 in rickets, xvi 197 113 Digestion, disorders of, in scrofulo- sis, xvi. 798 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 241 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 374 Digestive canal, changes in mucous membrane of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 260 diseases of, complicating measles, ii 96 diseases of, following measles, ii. 103 spasms of, in hysteria, xiv. 511 Digestive organs, disturbances of, in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 76 in diabetes, xvi. 911 in etiology of impotence, viii. 888 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 496 in leucaemia, viii. 515 in relapsing fever, i 278 in scarlet fever, ii. 226 symptoms on the part of, in tetanus, xiv. 354 Digestive system, effects of exercise on, xviii. 324 in heart disease, vi. 112 in trichinosis, iii. 631 in whooping-cough, vi. 707 Digestive tract, explanation of the symptoms presented by the, in Addi- son's disease, viii. 658 innervation of, xiii. 53 irritations of, as a cause of eclamptic seizures, xiv. 305 Digital examinations, in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 808 Digitalei'n, xvii. 707 Digitaline, xvii. 707 a cause of coryza, iv. 121 Digitalircsine, xvii. 708 Digitalis, chemical and physiological tests of, xvii. 720 effect of, on temperature curve, xvi. 449 employment of, in a case of heart dis- ease, xv. 209 fatal dose of, xvii. 709 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 80 in acute hepatitis, ix. 155 in acute nephritis, xv. 301 in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 Vol. XX.—8 Diet. Digitoneiine. Digitalis, in Basedow's disease, xiv. 101 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 320 in cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 218 in chronic gastritis, vii. 180 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 208 in congenital diseases of heart, vi. 341 in consumption, v. 610 in croupous pneumonia, v. 164 in delirium tremens, xvii. 415 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in febrile anaemia, xvi. 446 in haemophilia, xvii. 97 in headache, xi. 144 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 290 in hepatic congestion, ix. 78, 82 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 284, 288 in hypertrophy of the heart, vi 218 in oedema, due to pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 in palpitation of the heart, vi. 306 in pericarditis, vi. 617 in pleuritis, iv. 685, 690 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 259 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 755 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 414 in pnlmonary consumption, v. 610 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 495 in pulmonary oedema, v. 286 in scarlet fever, ii 306 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 305 in typhoid fever, i 198, 217 in valvular diseases, vi. 167 in wounds of the heart, vi. 284 subdues heart's action, xv. 217 Digitalis powder, in typhoid fever, 11 to 22 grains in twenty-four hours, followed by 45 grains cf quinine, i. 217 Digitalis, vinegar of, v. 284 Digitalis-poisoning, xvii. 706 antidotes for, xvii. 719 cardiac stimulants in, xvii. 719 emetics in, xvii. 719 tannin in, xvii. 719 Digitogeninc, xvii 707 Digitone'ine, xvii. 707 INE Digltonlne. Diphtheria. INDEX. 114 Digitonine, xvii. 707 Digitoresine, xvii. 707 Digitoxine, xvii. 707 Dilatation, in etiology of rupture of the stomach, vii. 337 in the treatment of oesophageal stenosis, viii 43 of stenosis of larynx, vii. 829 of stricture of the urethra, viii. 779, 781, 799 Dilatation, emphysematous, of the lungs, in croup, iv. 260 Dilatation of the aorta, vi. 193 Dilatation of the cervix uteri, for diagnostic purposes, x. 21 Dilatation of the heart, vi. 201, 378; see also Hypertrophy of the Heart Dilatation of the prepuce, in bal- anitis, viii. 781 Dilatation of the stomach, vii. 309 Dilatation of the veins, vi. 491 Dilatation of the ventricles in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 498 Dilatation, simple, of the gall- bladder, ix. 632 Dilatations, bronchial, forms of, ix. 865 Dilatations of the oesophagus, viii. 46 Dilution as a means of apparent self- purification of water, xviii. 233 Diminution of electrical irrita- bility in paralysis, xii. 126 Diodes, iv. 592 DIPHTHERIA, i. 571; bibliography, 571; history, 574; etiology, 578; the local disease, its characteristics, 578 ; the general disease, its characteristics, 579 ; the sequelae, 579 ; the re- lations of the local and general diseases, 579; the spread of the poison in the body, 581 ; in- fluence of climate, 5S2 ; influence of soil, 582 ; influence of seisons, 583; influence of social relations, 581; contagiousness. 584; age in, 586-610; sex in, 5S6; previous catarrh, influ- ence of, 586-610; non-protection from subse- quent attacks, 587; vegetable organisms in, 587; relations between their growth and diph- theria, 588; period of the incubation of the poison, 593; symptomatology, 596; catarrhal form, 596 ; the mouth in, 597 ; course and ter- mination, 597 ; croupous form, 599; the fever in, 599; maxillary and cervical glands in, 600, 603 ; the mouth in, 600; false membranes in, 600; course and termination of, 602 ; urine in, 603; terminations of, 604; termination in re- covery of health, 605 Diphtheria of the Nose, 606; epistaxis in, 607 Diphtheria of the Larynx, 609; in children, 611; course and termination, 612 ; in adults, 613 ; septic form, 616 ; course, duration, and termination of, 618 ; gangrenous forms, 620 ; secondary affections in, 620; paralysis, 620 ; paraly- sis of soft palate and pharynx, 622 ; dis- turbance of vision, 623 ; paralysis of the extremities, 623; paralysis of the larynx, 624; paralysis of neck and trunk with the diaphragm, 625; sphincters of blad- der and rectum, 626 ; paralysis of the sexual organs, 626 ; duration and termi- nation of diphtheritic paralysis, 626; pathological anatomy, 627 ; organs of the cavity of mouth and pharynx, 627; ca- tarrhal form, 627; croupous form, 629 ; exudation of fibrine, 6.29; false mem- branes, 630; stage of purulent infiltra- tion of the fibrinous membrane, 631 ; cavity of the nose, larynx, and air-pas- passages, 632 ;' the subepithelial tissue, 633 ; the subepithelial tissue in the pha- ryngeal mucous membrane, 034 ; the sub- epithelial tissue in the cavity of the nose, larynx, and air-passages, 636; sep- tic form, 633; the false membrane in, 638; gangrene in, 641; bronchi, 642; lungs and pleura, 643; heart, 645; ab- dominal organs, 647 ; liver, 647 ; spleen, 647 ; stomach, 648 ; kidneys, 648 ; brain and spinal cord, 651 ; lymphatic glands, 652; muscular tissue, 653 ; hemorrhages, capillary, 654; wounds, 654; sequelae, 656; brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system, 656 ; diagnosis, 660; ca- tarrhal form, 660; croupous and septic forms, 661; gangrene, 663; secondary paralyses, 664; prognosis, 665 ; general 115 INDEX. Digitoniue. Diphtheria. prognostic indications, 665 ; special prog- nostic indications, 60'i; sequelae, 667; treatment, 668; local treatment, 668; abstraction of blood, 670; application of ice, 671; removal of false membranes, 672; cauterization, 672; chemical treat- ment of false membranes, 673; astrin- gents, 674; hot vapor, 675; mode of ap- plication, 077; solutions of salt and chlorate of potash, 678; prevention of sep- tic disease, 679 ; disinfectants, 679; nasal cavity, treatment of, 684; larynx, tra- chea, treatment of, 085 ; removal of false membranes from, 637; mechanically, 6S7 ; chemically, 688 ; removal of false membrane from, by tracheotomy, 691 ; glands, cervical, treatment of, 6'.I2; gen- eral treatment, 693; anti-febrile reme- dies, 693 ; tonics, 694; secondary paraly- sis, treatment of, 696; diphtheria of intestine in typhoid fever. 155; diphthe- ria of uterus in cholera indica, 428 ; diph- theria in respiratory organs in cholera indica, 434; diphtheria of intestine (dysentery), 542 Diphtheria, xviii 20 a cause of acute nephritis, xv. 251 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 528 abstraction of blood in the treatment of, i. 670 antiseptics in, i. 679 application of lime- water in, iv. 87 astringents in. i. 674 bacteria in kidneys after, xv. 272 bromine gas in, iv. 96 catarrhal pneumonia a complication of, v. 193 cauterizations in, i 673 complicating measles, ii. 99 condition of the spleen in, xiii 454 contagiousness of, vi. 957 early phenomena, purely local, i, 03 etiology of, vi. 955 exemption of the oesophagus from true, viii 144 from breathing sewer-gas, xviii. 589 fungus of, i 251 general treatment of, vi 963 Diphtheria, ice in the treatment of, i. 671 in etiology of anaesthesia of laryngeal mucous membrane, vii. 922 of croup, iv. 238 of laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 793 of meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 607 of metastatic meningitis, xii 620 of paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 735 of paralysis of the parts of the larynx supplied by superior laryngeal nerve, vii. 938 of paralysis of the soft palate, vi. 826 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 528 in hemorrhagic small-pox, ii 371 in measles, ii. 99 treatment of, ii. 128 in scarlet fever, ii. 217 in small-pox, ii. 380 lime-water in the treatment of, iv. 83, 87 local treatment by cauterization, vi. 961 mechanical detachment of membranes in, i.672 medicaments against, to be used by in- halation, iv. 95 miasmatic nature of, vi. 957 moist heat in, i 675 parasitic nature of, vi. 958 period of incubation, vi. 959 purulent nasal catarrh during course of, iv. 131 relations of, to other diseases, vi. 959 specific for, vi. 962 specific poison of, vi. 958 treatment of, vi. 960 Wagner's views on, vi. 925 Diphtheria, intestinal, i 155 a complication of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 201 Diphtheria of the nasal cavity, iv. 136 Diphtheria of the skin, vi. 948 Diphtheria, pharyngeal, milder forms of, vi. 932 non-specific, vi. 954 primary, vi. 931 severe forms of, vi. 936 Diphtheria. Diseases of Animals. INDEX. 116 Diphtheria, secondary, vi. 953 alterations of deposits, vi. 937 complications, vi. 942 course of, vi. 941 deposit, vi. 936 extension of the disease, vi. 942 general symptoms, vi. 939 local disturbances, vi. 939 membrane of, vi. 930 onset of the disease, vi. 940 recovery, vi. 942 Diphtheritic deposit, vi. 926 Diphtheritic deposits and ul- cers, in the oesophagus, viii. 143 Diphtheritic dysentery, i. 542 Diphtheritic erosion in catarrhal dysentery, i. 541 Diphtheritic exudations, in bilious typhoid, i. 296 in typhus fever, i. 328 Diphtheritic paralysis, vi. 824, 950 ; xi. 450, 471 diagnosis of, xi. 450 electricity in, i 697 symptoms, vi. 827 Diphtheritic paralysis of the soft palate, electricity in, vi. 828 etiology and pathogeny, vi. 826 Diplegia facialis, xi. 505 Diplegic contractions, in progres- sive muscular atrophy, xiv. 124 Diploe, in meningitis of convexity, xii. 598 Diplomyelia, xiii. 781 Diplopia in cerebral tumors, xii. 251 in ocular paralysis, xi. 472 Dipsomania, xvii. 407 Direct aliment, xviii. 148 Discharge from ears, connection of, with meningitis, xii. 607 Discharges pathological, in etiol- ogy of anaemia, xvi. 328 Discharges, physiological, in- creased, in etiology of anaemia, xvi. 323 Discipline on shipboard, xix. 216 Discus, casting the, xviii. 344 | Disease, causes of, i. 6; xviii. 12 hereditary causes of, xviii. 13 mental or emotional causes of, xviii. 13 organized or vital causes of, xviii. 13 physical and chemical causes of, xviii. 13 prevention of, xviii. 11 unavoidable causes of, xviii. 12 Disease of the middle coat of the arteries, vi. 350 Disease-poisons, volatile and fixed, i 25 Diseases, certain chronic constitutional, in etiology of waxy liver, ix. 414 concurrence and sequence of, xviii. 32 connected with emanations from the soil, xviii. 575 with pollution of the air, xviii. 584 with pollution of drinking-water, xviii. 590 with water in the soil, xviii. 577 in the navy, xix. 220 registration of, xix. 312 varieties of infective, xviii. 15 Diseases, hereditary, prevention of, by State interference, xviii. 42 Diseases, infective, varieties of, xviii 15 Diseases, neither purely conta- gious, nor purely miasmatic, i. 27 DISEASES OF ANIMALS, iii. 313; bibli- ography, 313 ; general consideration, 313 Glanders in Horses, 316 ; bibliography, 316; history, 317; etiology, 320; mode of infection, 321; question of spontane- ous development, 325 ; nature of the poi- son, 330 ; communicability to other ani- mals, 332 ; distribution and frequency of the disease, 332; pathological anatomy, 333 ; the tubercular form, 334; inflam- matory form, 337; lesions in the nasal vessels, 339; infiltration of the lungs, 340 ; of the skin and subcutaneous cellu- lar tissue and muscles, 340; complica- tions, 341; the mucous membranes, 341; different organs, 342 ; symptomatology, course, duration, and termination, 343 •, 117 TTCDFX Diphtheria. iim uiiA. Diseases of Animals. diagnosis, 346; prognosis, 347; treat- ment, 347 Glanders in Man, 348; history, 349; eti- ology, 349 ; modes of infection, 349 ; communication from man to man, 351 ; susceptibility to the disease, 351 ; symp- tomatology, 352 ; incubation, 353 ; acute glanders, 354 ; initiatory symptoms, 354; cutaneous affections, 355; the mucous membranes, 356 ; glandular affections, 357; gastro-intestinal catarrh, 357; res- piratory changes, 357; pulse and temp- erature, 357 ; nervous symptoms, 357 ; albuminuria and abortion, 358; chronic glanders, 358; cutaneous affections, 359; affections of the nose, 359; the respira- tory organs, 359 ; the fever, 360; differ- ent modes of termination of the disease, 360; pathological anatomy, 301; cutane- ous changes, 361 ; the bones of the skull and face, 362; mucous membranes, S62; the lungs, 36 3; the muscles, 363; car- tilages and bones, 363 ; the serous mem- branes, 364; the spleen, 304; the liver, 364; nervous system, 364 ; genital or- gans, 364; the kidneys, 364 ; the eye, 364 ; lymphatic glands, 364 ; resemblance of the disease to pyaemia, 365 ; diagnosis, 366 ; occupation of the patient, 366; dif- ferential diagnosis, 366 ; prognosis, 367; treatment, 369; prophylaxis, 3G9; local and general treatment, 370 Anthrax of Animals, 372 ; bibliography, 372; history, 373; etiology, 378; influ- ence of soil, 378; modes of infection, 382; individual susceptibility, 3S5; na- ture of the poison, 385 ; peculiarities of the anthrax bacteria, 389 ; their behavior in the living body, 392; modes of entrance into the body, 393 ; tenacity of the poi- son, 393; appearance and spread of the disease, 394 ; symptomatology, 395 ; dif- ferent forms of the disease, 396; period of incubation, 397; the apoplectiform cases, 397 ; acute anthrax, 397 ; mortal- ity, 398; pathological anatomy, 399 ; dif- ferences in the changes in the horse and the cattle, 400; minute anatomy of the carbuncles, 400; prognosis, 401; diagno- sis, 402; prophylaxis, 402 ; treatment, 404 Anthrax in Man, 404; (malignant pus- tule), history, 404; etiology, 405; direct inoculation of the poison, 407; eating the flesh of diseased animals, 408 ; trans- mission of the poison to man by insects, 409; inoculation from man to man, 409; internal infection, 409 ; sites of external infection, 410 ; predisposition of man to the disease, 410; influence of the seasons, 411; symptoms and course of the disease, 411; incubation, 412; symptoms of the anthrax carbuncle, 412 ; of the malignant anthrax oedema, 414; symptoms follow- ing internal infection, 415; pathological anatomy, 418 ; the skin, 418; the blood, 419 ; the mucous membranes, 419 ; lym- phatic glands, 419; the lungs, 419; the heart, 419; the abdominal cavity, 419; stomach and intestines, 420; the spleen, 420; the kidneys, 420; the brain, 420; the presence of internal without external carbuncles, 421 ; the results of micro- scopic examinations, 421; diagnosis, 424; differential diagnosis, 425 ; prognosis, 426 ; treatment, 427; prophylaxis, 427; treatment of the external form, 428; general treatment, 429 Hydrophobia in Animals, 431 ; bibliog- raphy, 431; history, 433 ; general defini- tion, 435; etiology, 436; the theory of spontaneous origin, 436; changed nerv- ous influences as causes, 437; influence of sex, 437 ; congenital hydrophobia, 440; intermediate vehicles of the poison, 440; individual predisposition, 441; inocula- tion, 441: denial of existence of the dis- ease, 443 ; nature and mode of action of the poison, 444; action of the poison within the animal economy, 447; the dis- ease in animals besides the dog, 448; geographical distribution, 448; influence of season, 450; symptomatology, 451; incubation, 451 ; the violent form of the disease in dogs, 452; the prodromic or melancholic stage, 452; the violent or maniacal stage, 454 ; the paralytic stage, 457; the sullen form in dogs, 458; the disease in other domestic and in wild animals, 459 ; pathological anatomy, 461; the brain, 462; the mouth, 463; the throat, 463 ; the lungs, 463; pericardium Diseases of Animals. Diuretics. INDEX. 118 and heart, 464; the liver, 464; the spleen, 464; the kidneys and bladder, 464: the the genitals, 465; the stomach and in- testines, 465 ; diagnosis, 467 ; differential diagnosis, 468 ; the value of inoculation, 470; general conclusions, 470; progno- sis, 471 ; treatment, 471 Hydrophobia in Man, 472; history, 472; etiology, 473; individual predisposition, 476; influence of sex, 477; influence of seasons, 478; consumption of the meat of diseased animals, 478 ; communication from man to man. 478; different views concerning the nature and mode of ori- gin of the disease, 479; frequency of hydrophobia in man, 481; incubation, 482; symptomatology, 483; the premo- nitory stage, 483; the stage of excite- ment, 485; analysis of symptoms of stage of excitement, 488; the stage of paraly- sis, 492; duration of the disease, 493; pathological anatomy, 495; the site of the wound, 495 ; the brain and its mem- branes, 495 ; the mucous membranes, 496 ; the stomach, 497 ; the spleen, 497 ; the liver, 497; the heart, 497 ; the blood, 498; the lungs, 498; the kidneys, 498; lymphatic glands, 498; diagnosis, 498; differential diagnosis, 499 ; prognosis, 501; prophylaxis, 50.3 ; in animals, 503 ; in man, 505 ; treatment, 505 ; prophylac- tic treatment, 505; therapeutical treat- ment, 509 The Foot-and-Moutii Disease in Ani- mals, 513; bibliography, 513 ; nature of the poison, 514; etiology, 514; incuba- tion, 515; symptomatology, 515; affec- tions of the mucous membranes, 515 ; affections of the teats, 516; the tempera- ture, 516; affections of the hoofs, 517; alterations in the milk, 517 ; course, du- ration, and termination of the disease 518 ; its mode of spreading, 518; prophy- laxis, 518; pathological anatomy, 519; the mucous membranes, 519 ; the hoofs, 519; the liver, 520; the kidneys and spleen, 520; the respiratory apparatus, 520; the heart, 520; diagnosis, 520; prognosis, 520 ; treatment, 520 The Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Man, 521; etiology, 521; the use of milk from diseased animals, 521; the use of meat of diseased animals, 523 ; direct inocula- tion of a wound, 523; predisposition to the disease, 524 ; its frequency, 524 ; symptomatology, 525 ; incubation, 525; the vesicular eruptions, 526 ; course, du- ration, and termination of the disease, 529 ; diagnosis, 530 ; prognosis, 530 ; prophylaxis, 530; treatment, 531 Diseases of the biliary passages, ix. 499 Diseases of blood-vessels, as a cause of thrombosis, xii. 184 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 76 Diseases of cerebral vessels, as a cause of hemorrhage, xii. 73 Diseases of the ear, as causes of en- cephalitis, xii. 718 Diseases of the internal coat of the arteries, vi. 362 Diseases of the lymphatics, vi. 512 Diseases, parasitic, xviii. 15 Diseases, purely contagious, i 26 Diseases, purely miasmatic, i 26 Diseases resulting from use of improper or diseased food, xviii 196 Disinfectant, definition of the term, xix. 548 DISINFECTANTS, xix. 547; definition of the term, 548; heat, 552 ; sulphurous acid, 553; chlorine, bromine, and iodine, 555; oxygen, 557 ; acids from coal-tar, 559 ; acids, 561; me- tallic salts, 561 ; iron salts, 562 ; zinc salts, 563; manganese salts, 564 ; alumina salts, 565; lime and alkalies, and their compounds, 566; the different disinfectants, the conditions under which each may advantageously be employed, and the best methods of using them, a brief recapitulation for ready reference, 567 Disinfectants, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 86, 95 in fetid bronchitis, iv. 435 in scarlet fever, ii. 297 in yellow fever, xix. 154 119 „_ Diseases of Animals. INDEX. Diuretics. Disinfectants, on shipboard, xix. 200 use of, in street-gutters, sewer-inlets, etc., xviii. 563 Disinfecting gargles, in scarlet fever, ii. 308 Disinfection, as a prophylactic, i 445 during the prevalence of cholera, i. 450 importance of studying the subject, xix. 578 in cholera, i 445 in dysentery, i 559, 561 in the plague, i 480 in the prophylaxis of anthrax, iii. 403 in scarlet fever, ii. 297 in typhoid fever, i. 195 in typhus fever, i. 338 on shipboard, xix. 200 Disinfection, aerial, xix. 553 Disinfection of dejections in ty- phoid fever, i 195 Disinfection of excreta, xviii 595 Disinfection of linen before washing, in cholera, i. 449 Disinfection of ships, i 511 Disinfection of soiled clothing, i 196 Disinfector, for urinals, xviii. 506 for water-closets, xviii. 502 Disintegration, soils of, xviii 425 Dislocation of cardiac impulse, vi. 27 Dismal Swamp, water of, xviii 218 Disorders of motor nerves, in anasmia of the brain due to hemor- rhage, xii. 27 Displacements of the Fallopian tubes, x. 346 Displacements of the intestines, vii. 477 Displacements of the uterus, x. 157 Disposition, changes in, in chorea, xiv. 429 in epilepsy, xiv. 255 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 527 Disposition, unamiable, of hysteri- cal patients, xiv. 537 Dissecting aneurism, vi 483 Dissecting aneurisms, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 80 Distilled water, aeration of, xix. 202 Distilling, xix. 437 Distoma haematobium, ix. 832 eggs of, in etiology of nephrolithiasis, xv. 691 in the kidney, xv. 758 Distoma hepaticum, ix. 670 Distoma lanceolatum, ix. 670 Distomata, in the portal vein, ix. 832 Distomum crassum, vii. 728 Distomum heterophyes, vii. 728 Distribution of anaesthesia, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 129 Distribution of paralysis, in apo- plexy, xii. 113 Distribution-pipes, effects of, on drinking-water, xviii. 287 Disturbances due to the destruc- tion of brain-substance, in apoplexy, xii. 109 Disturbances of heart's action, in angina pectoris, xiv. 44 Disturbances of intellect, in cere- bral tumors, xii. 248 Disturbances of sensibility, in syphilis of cord, xii. 346 Disturbances of speech, xiv. 580 in apoplexy, xii. 118 in lesions of pons, xii. 141 Dittrich, xii. 296 Ditzel, xvii, 905 Diuresis in treatment of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 68 Diuretic mixture for dropsy, v. 405 3. Tartari boraxati, Oxymellis scillae.............aa \ ss. Aq. destillat. vel Aq. petroselini.................f 3 v. M. Tablespoonful every second hour. Diuretics in acute nephritis, xv. 300 Diuretics. Dropsy, idiopathic. INDEX. 120 Diuretics in bronchial catarrh, 419 in cancer of stomach, vii. 256 in cardiac dropsy, vi. 169 in chronic parenchymatous nephritis, 399 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 208 in dropsy of anaamia, xvi. 492 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 82 in myelitis, xiii. 423 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 in pericarditis, vi. 619 in pleurisy, iv. 690 in scarlatinal dropsy, ii. 314 in valvular diseases, vi. 169 Diurnal pollutions, viii. 830 Divers, xix. 70 Diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 51 from pressure, viii. 52 Division hospitals of the army, xix. 167 Dixon, iv. 455 ; xii. 353 Dizziness in apoplexy, xii. 99 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 57 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 400 Dobie, xvii. 747, 755 Dodeuil, xvii. 871 Doellinger, iv. 537; xvii. 817 Doering, xvii. 114, 136 Dog-fanciers, xix. 28 Dogiel, xvii 423, 672, 702 Dogs, diseases likely to be mistaken for hydrophobia in, iii. 468 keeping of, xix. 401 proportion of to population, hi. 503 Dogs, mad, xix. 463 ; see also Rabies regulations concerning, iii. 504 Dollfus, of Mulhouse, efforts of, to check undue infantile mortality, xix. 299 Dolores osteocopi, xi 64 Donders, i 576, 623, 626 ; iv. 122, 381; xii. 5; xiv. 196 ; xvii. 457, 668, 679 Donkin, xvi. 989, 1005 Donovan, xvi. 819 Dorsal muscles, paralysis of, xi. 534 Dorsal position, gynecological exami- nation in, x. 6 Double ostium abdominale of the Fallopian tube, x. 339 Double souffle intermittent, in crural artery, in the diagnosis of aortic insufficiency, vi. 141 Doubled cardiac impulse, vi 52 Douche, xviii. 372 Douche, nasal, in chronic nasal ca- tarrh, iv. 144 in diseases of nasopharyngeal cavity, vii. 27, 49 inflammation of Eustachian tube, and use of, iv. 85 temperature of water for, iv. 87 Th. Weber's, iv. 84, 135 Douches, cold, in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 Douglas, viii. 501 Dover's powder in treatment of pul- monary emphysema, v. 397 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 69 Down, Langdou, xiv. 649 Downs, xii. 761 Doyere, i 424 Dragendorflf, xvii. 686, 705, 720, 731, 755, 806, 840, 877 Drain-pipe, stoneware, xviii. 470 Drain-pipe ventilator of Brooks, xviii 489 Drain-pipes, arrangements for discon- necting, xviii. 487 ventilation and trapping of, xviii. 486 Drainage, deep, xviii. 423 Drainage of hospitals, xviii. 781 Drainage of the soil, xviii. 416 Drainage, sanitary, of lands, xviii 421, 422 Drainage and sewerage, defec- tive, influence of, upon infantile mor- tality, xix. 292 Drains, open, not suitable except aa temporary expedients, xviii. 423 121 TNDFX Diuretics. mu&A. Dropsy, idiopathic. Drake, ii. 46 Draper, xiv. 618 Drastics, in the treatment of cardiac dropsy, vi. 169 Draughts of air, xviii 776 Dresden, Saxony, covered reservoir at, xviii. 274 water-supply of, xviii. 249, 252 Dress, in the prophylaxis of catarrhs, v. 228 Driburg, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 170 Driburg, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in corpulence, xvi. 715 in rickets, xvi. 206 Drinking-water as a cause of typhoid fever, i 59 of malarial disease, ii. 586 bad quality of, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 127 contamination of, by coal-gas, xviii. 548 by graveyards, xviii. 543 by sewage, xviii. 527 conveys typhoid fever infection, i. 57 disinfection of, by boiling, i. 454 good, an important preservative against scurvy at sea, xvii. 222 in cholera, i 245, 368-385, 446 in cholera morbus, i 343, 344 in dysentery, i 530 in etiology of diseases of the spleen, viii. 359 in relapsing fever, i. 262 in typhoid fever, i. 58 in typhus epidemic of Breslau, i. 308 its influence on typhoid denied, i 70 pollution of, xviii. 218 et seq. a cause of disease, xviii. 590 a cause of typhoid fever, xviii. 582 proper temperature of, xviii. 221 to be boiled during cholera epidemic, i. 447 what constitutes a proper, xviii. 220 Drinking-water and ground- water, i 386 DRINKING - WATER AND PUBLIC WATER-SUPPLIES, xviii. 211; introduc- tion, 2L1 ; quantity, 211; quality, 215; the question of cost, 222; sources of supply: rain- water, 2 24; rivers, 227 ; ponds and lakes, 2lJ4 ; ground-water, 238; deep-seated water, 253 ; springs, 261 ; artificial improvement of natural water : sedimentation and filtration, 264 ; soft- ening of hard water, 283; chemical treatment, 2S6 ; effects of conduits and distribution-pipes upon upon potable water, 287; impure ice, 290; sanitary examination of water, 292 ; bib- liography, 310 Drinks, in dysentery, i. 561 in typhoid fever, i 231 Drinks, cold, as a cause of congestion of the lungs, v. 266 Driven wells, xviii 253 Drivers, xix. 55 Dropsy, causes of, in nephritis, xv. 284 composition of fluid in, xv. 106 due to pericardial adhesions, vi. 636 in amyloid kidneys, xv. 627 in anasmia, xvi. 349, 367 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 331, 339 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 238 in chronic nephritis, xv. 365 in corpulence, xvi. 691 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 460 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 922 in dilatation of the heart, vi. 212 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 384 in malarial diseases, ii. 641 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 835 in poisoning by arsenic, xvii. 655 in poisoning by mercury, xvii. 614 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 579 in scarlet fever, ii. 231, 257, 259 in typhoid fever, i. 162 in various forms of heart disease, vi 110, 140, 150, 155, 159, 636 specific gravity of blood-serum in, xv. 97 Dropsy and albuminuria, relations of, xv. 103 Dropsy, idiopathic, viii. 298 Dropsy, malarial. -i 00 Dust. INDEX. 122 Dropsy, malarial, treatment of, ii. 678 Dropsy of acute parenchyma- matous nephritis, xv. 285 Dropsy of amyloid kidney, xv. 511 Dropsy of anaemia, xvi. 367 treatment of, xvi 492 Dropsy of the biliary passages, ix. 597 Dropsy of chronic nephritis, xv. 337 Dropsy of the gall-bladder, ix. 635, 641 Dropsy of passive renal conges- tion, xv. 204 Dropsy of pregnancy, xv. 312 Dropsy of renal cirrhosis, xv. 423, 472 Dropsy of renal diseases, xv. 96 distribution of, xv. 107 Drugs in etiology of hyperaemia of brain, xii. 42 Drummond, xvi. 891 Drumont, viii. 501 Drunkards, croupous pneumonia among, v. 119 Drunkards' pancreas, viii. 601 Drunkenness, a mild form of alcohol- poisoning, xvii. 392 influence of, in the production of epi- lepsy, xiv. 203 Dry catarrh, of Laennec, iv. 391 Dry cups, in yellow fever, i. 513 Dry-method of removing ex- creta, advantages of, xviii. 572 principles of, xviii 511 Dry systems of excrement re- moval, xviii. 508 Dryden, viii. 107 Dryness of houses, how attained, xviii. 406 Dryness of mouth, in hysteria, xiv. 528 Dryness of the ship, importance of, xix. 182, 198 Dubois, xiv. 108, 199, 548 ; xvii. 10, 41, 58 Du Bois-Reymond's theory of pain in migraine, xiv. 19 Duchek, A., iv. 102, 174, 217; xii. 126 ; xiv. 809; xvii 112,122, 160,187, 200, 205, 234, 384, 851 Duchenne, iv. 572; xii. 126; xiv. 53, 108, 121, 144, 154, 396, 468, 519, 653, 721 Duck-bill speculum of Sims, x. 30 Duct and sac, lachrymal, affection of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 Duct, thoracic, compression of, in etiology of bydrothorax, iv. 734 Ducts, hepatic, gall-stones in, ix. 743, 753 Ductus arteriosus, persistence of, vi. 318 Ductus choledochus,catarrhal swell- ing of, in etiology of cholaemia, ix. 12 closure of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 morbid conditions of, in etiology of in- terstitial hepatitis, ix. 214 mucous membrane, glands, and muscular elements of, ix. 504 round-worm in, vii. 743 topographical relations of the pancreas to the, viii. 557 ulceration of, in etiology of hepatic ab- scess, ix. 92 Ductus Wirsungianus, dilatation of, in etiology of stenosis and occlusion of the biliary passages, ix. 592 Duerkheim, waters of, in gout, xvi. 145 Duffleld, xvii. 309 Dufour, xii. 314 Duguet's case of atrophy of cerebellum, xii. 844 Dumas, xvii. 760, 796 Dumbness for words, xiv. 749 Duncan, vi 281, 457, 681; xvi. 499, 882, 1035 Duncan, Matthews, x. 20, 191, 227, 239, 253, 305, 451 Duncome, ii 165 Dunk ley, ii 511 123 INDEX. Dropsy, malarial. Dunlop, iii 133, 140 Duodenitis, vii. 356 Duodenum, cancer of, in etiology of stenosis and occlusion of the biliary passages, ix. 591 catarrh of mucous membrane of, in etiolo- gy of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 511 infiltration of submucosa of, in etiology of jaundice, ix. 13 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 134 passage of gall-stones into the, ix. 729 perforating ulcer of, vii. 404 Duodenum and jejunum, measles eruption in, ii. 73 Duplay, xii. 118 Duplay's acoustic oesophageal sound, viii. 40 Duplication of the uterus, x. 38 Duplication of the vagina, x. 490 Dupre, xvii. 384 on wine, xix. 373 Dupuy, xii. 198 ; xiv. 336 Dupuytrcn, x. 56,224, 460; xii. 670; xiv. 326, 341, 362, 468 Duquesnel, xvii. 745 Dura mater, affection of, in abscess of brain, xii. 719 in cirrhosis of liver, ix, 200 changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 859 DURA MATER, INFLAMMATIONS OP, xii. 375 ; anatomy of the dura mater, 375 Pachymeningitis Externa, 376; eti- ology, 377; anatomical alterations, 379; prognosis and treatment, 385 Pachymengitis Pdrulenta Interna, 385 Pachymeningitis Interna Hemorrha- gica, 386 ; pathological anatomy, 386 ; etiology, 399; symptomatology, 407; course and terminations, 423 ; prognosis and treatment, 424 Durand-Fardel, xii. 49, 53, 74, 101, 150, 158, 169, 176, 177, 181, 202, 387, 400, 407, 420, 440, 444, 454, 458, 686, 696, 731; xiv. 672 Durand-Fardel's cellular infil- tration, xii 731 Duraud's remedy as a lithontripti- cum, ix. 772 Duration of a cold in the head, iv. 125 of a stroke of apoplexy, xii. 107 of acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 207 of bronchial asthma, iv. 574 of cases of foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi, iv. 519 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 220 of cerebral syphilis, xii. 335 of constitutional infection in nerve syphi- lis, xii. 298 of croup, iv. 253 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 of croupous pneumonia, v. 33 of haematothorax, iv. 742 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 307 of hydrothorax, iv. 738 of hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 243 of malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 774 of meningitis of the convexity and tuber- cular meningitis, xii. 649 of pleuritis, iv. 680 of pneumothorax, iv. 765 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 391 of stages of tubercular meningitis, xii. 525 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 498 of treatment in syphilis of nervous sys- tem, xii. 367 Duret, xii. 16, 88, 188,197 Durham, A., xii 20, 47 Duriau, J., xvii. 782 Duroy, xvii. 383, 395, 417, 438 Von Dusch, xii. 209, 217 Dust, as a cause of hay fever, ii. 544 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 312 in the air, xviii. 626 inhalation of, as a cause of croupous pneumonia, v. 31 inhaled in certain occupations, xix. 10 irritating and poisonous, xix. 28 Dust-like fungi. „T^„„ 194. Dyspncea. INDEX. 1^* Dust-like fungi, poisoning by, xvii. 944 Dust-lungs, ix. 849 Dwelling apartments, unhealthi- ness of, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 137 Dwellings, ventilation of, xviii. 729 Dwellings, unhealthy, in etiology of scurvy, xvii. 137 Dybkowsky, xvii. 713 Dye-stuffi used in coloring cloth- ing, irritating qualities of, xviii. 381 Dyeing the hair, xviii 391 Dyers, xix. 58 Dyes for fabrics used in the manufacture of clothing for navy, xix. 213 Dyke, on filtration of sewage, xviii. 532 Dysarthria, cortical, xiv. 747 Dysarthria literalis, xiv. 844 Dysarthria syllabaris, xiv. 826 Dysarthries, basal kinesodic, in- tracerebral, and extracerebral, xiv. 658 Dysarthries of conduction, ante- rior and posterior centro-hemispheric, xiv. 675 Dysarthroses, xiv. 612 Dyschromatopsia in chronic alcohol- ism, xvii. 410 in hysteria, xiv. 510 Dyscrasia, in etiology of neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 101 in etiology of neuralgia in general, xi. 31 Dysenteric collapse, camphorated oil in, i. 567 Dysenteric form of malarial fe- ver, ii. 610 DYSENTERY, i. 517; bibliography, 517; history of, 518 ; etiology of, 521 ; causes of epi- demic dysentery, 522; local causes in, 524; miasm in, 527; contagiousness of, 528; excre- ments as cause of, 529; causes of sporadic dysentery, 529; food as a cause of dysentery 530 ; retention of faeces as cause of, 531; dis- turbance of bile-secretion as cause of, 532 • sketch of symptoms, 533; pathological ana- tomy, 537 ; sero-puruient inflammation, 538 • sero-purulent infiltration, 539; purulent soft- ening of mucous membrane, 540; the inflam- mation with fibrinous exudation, 542; combi- nation of diphtheritic with catarrhal dysentery, 544; chronic dysentery, 546; changes in other parts of the body, 540; peritoneum in, 546; mesenteric glands in, 546; stomach in, 546; liver in, 546 ; lungs in, 547; heart in, 547; brain in, 547; skin in, 547; serous cavities in, 547; salivary glands in, 547 ; analysis of symptoms in detail, 547 ; discharges, 547; frequency of, 547; quantity of, 548; the mucous or muco- sanguineous stool, 548 ; the sanguineo-purulent stool, 549; the pure bloody stool, 549; the simple purulent stool, 550; the gangrenous stool, 550 ; the frog's eggs or sago-like clumps, 550; subjective symptoms in, 551; tenesmus, 551; tenesmus of bladder, 551 ; colic in, 551; oppression in gastric region, 552; objective symptoms in, 552 ; the anus, 552; the abdomen, 552; the peritoneum, 552, the tongue, 552; the stomach, 552 ; vomiting in, 553; duodenum, and jejunum, 553; urine in, 553; concomitant symptoms in other parts of the body, 553; febrile symptoms, 553 ; complications in, 555 ; hepatic dysentery, 555; scorbutic dysentery, 556; rheumatic articular affections in, 556; dysentery as complication of other diseases, 556; diagnosis, 556; duration, 558; result, 558; prognosis, 558; treatment, 559; prophy- laxis, 559 ; special treatment, 561; regime, 561; diet, 561; bloodletting, 562; ice, 563; opium, 563; emetics, 564 ; cathartics, 565; enemata, 565; suppositories, 566 ; tonics, 56S Dysentery, a cause of anaemia, xvi. 329 among soldiers, xix. 151 castor-oil in, i. 565 cathartics in, i 565 development of, favored by soil-moisture, xviii. 584 dietetic treatment of, i. 561 due to impure drinking-water, xviii. 590 emetics in, i 564 from breathing sewer-air, xviii. 588 in etiology of acute rheumatism, xvi. 19 of constriction of the intestines, vii. 628 of encephalitis, xii. 724 of hepatic abscess, ix. 95, 109 of hydrothorax, iv. 735 125 Dysentery, in etiology of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 448 of invagination of intestines, vii. 616 of metastatic meningitis, xii. 625 in military camps, xix. 151 in renal disease, xv. 155 leeches to the anus in, i 563 opium in, i. 563 peritonitis a possible complication of the severe, diphtheritic form of, viii. 227 prophylaxis in, i 559 suppositories in, i 566 tonics in, i 568 traced to polluted drinking-water, xviii. 590 Dysentery, scorbutic, xvii 185 Dysentery and malarial fever, relations between, ii. 579 Dysgrammatical derangements of speech, xiv. 793 Dyslalia, xiv. 612 depending on defective education and faulty practice, xiv. 845 Dyslalia dentalis, xiv. 864 Dyslalia labialis, xiv. 865 Dyslalia laryngea, xiv. 856 Dyslalia lingualis, xiv. 862 Dyslalia, mechanical, xiv. 845 Dyslalia nasalis et palatum, xiv. 858 Dyslogia, xiv. 613 Dyslogical derangements of speech, or dysphrasias, xiv. 811 Dyslogical paragraphia, xiv. 790 Dysmenorrhea, x. 331 due to anteflexion of the uterus, x. 167 narcotics in, x. 333 Dysmenorrhea membranacea, x. 334 intra-uterine injections of astringents and caustics in, x. 337 Dyspepsia, vii 134 a cause of anaemia, xvi. 333 of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 834 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 239 in chronic bronchial catarrh, iv. 389 in chronic gastritis, vii. 169, 317 Dust-like fnngl. Dyspnoea. Dyspepsia, in pulmonary consumption, v. 612 in spermatorrhoea, viii 864 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 209, 313 of anasmia, treatment of, xvi. 444 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 422 of renal disease, xv. 151 Dyspeptic difficulties, in disease of the pancreas, viii. 582 Dyspeptic symptoms, in Addison's disease, viii. 645 Dysphagia, a symptom of mediastinal tumor, v. 454 absence of, in traction diverticula of, viii. 76 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 205 in angina pectoris, xiv. 44 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 371 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 772 in oesophageal cancer, viii. 192 in oesophagismus, viii. 207 in paralysis of the oesophagus, viii. 212 in pericarditis, vi. 603 in poisoning by caustic alkalies, xvii. 368 in pressure diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 66 sudden cessation of, as a symptom of perforation of the oesophagus, viii. 121 Dysphagia lusoria, viii. 22 Dysphagia, oesophageal, viii. 6 Dysyhagia paralytica, viii. 212 Dysphasia, xiv. 613, 747 Dysphasia, obstructive, xiv. 820 Dysphasic derangements included under the term aphasia, xiv. 749 the domain of, begins beyond the corpora striata, in the hemispheres proper, xiv. 686 Dysphrasias, xiv. 613, 747, 811 Dyspnoea, causes of the, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 377 difference between inspiratory and ex- piratory, in bronchial asthma, iv. 551 due to pericarditis, vi. 601 from swelling of bronchial glands, xvi 840 IND Dyspnoea. Echinococcus. INDEX. 126 Dyspnoea, in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 198, 204 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 619 in acute pancreatitis, viii. 595 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 362 in Addison's disease, viii 660 in anaemia, xvi. 346, 397, 402 in anaemia of the lungs, v. 264 in aneurism of the aorta, vi. 425 in atrophy of the lungs, v. 340 in bronchial asthma, iv. 561 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 331 in cancer of larynx, vii. 894 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 368 in chlorosis, xvi. 519 in congestion of the lungs, v. 277 in corpulence, xvi. 674 in croup, iv. 239 in diminished calibre of trachea, iv. 276 in diseases of the heart, vi. 140, 212, 235, 327, 602, 635 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 377 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 304 in hydrothorax, iv. 737 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 277 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 806 in leucaemia, viii. 518 Eales, W., viii. 526 Fames, vii 568 Ear, caries of internal, in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 749 diseases of, cause facial paralysis, xi. 492 hygiene of, xviii. 393 syphilitic affections of, iii. 225 Far affections complicating measles, ii. 95 following measles, ii. 102 following mumps, vi. 887, 838 following use of nasal douche, iv. 85 in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 48 in anaemia, xvi. 346 in cancer of larynx, viii. 893 Dyspnoea, in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 772 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 450, 453 in pleuritis, iv. 628 in pneumothorax, iv. 751, 754 in poisoning by chlorine, xvii. 289 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 579 in pseudo-leucaemia, viii. 475 in pulmonary consumption, v. 529 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 361 in spermatorrhoea, and as a result of sexual excess, viii. 864 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 326 in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 492 in tetanus, xiv. 332, 346 Dyspnoea, expiratory, iv. 277 Dyspnoea, inspiratory, iv. 276, 464 Dyspnoea, mixed, iv. 277 Dyspnoea of heart disease, expla- nation of, vi. 107 Dysteria agitans, xiv. 392 Dysuria, in calculus vesicae, viii. 728 in gonorrhoea, viii. 777 Dysuria spastica, differentiation of, from ischuria, viii. 704 Dzondi, iv. 289 ; xvii 606 Ear affections, in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 54 in croupous and diphtheritic inflamma- tion of pharynx, vii. 71 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 919 in diphtheria, i 607 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 707, 718 in etiology of chronic abscess of brain, xii. 780 of encephalitis, xii. 718 of meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 600 of thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 211 E 127 Ttrmrx Dyspnoea. L-li IJNUHiA.. Echlnococcns. Ear affections, in gout, xvi. 112 in hyperplastic catarrh of naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 92 in measles, ii. 95, 126 in parotitis, vi. 837, 838 in retro-nasal phlegmon, vii. 62 in scarlet fever, ii 221, 277, 309 in scrofulosis, xvi. 795, 811 in small-pox, ii. 1179 in syphilis, iii. 225, 239 ; vii. 81 in trichinosis, iii. 635 in tuberculosis, vii. 77 in typhoid fever, i 159 in whooping-cough, vi. 697, 706 Ear symptoms, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 862 in acute encephalitis, xii. 738 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 25 in anaemia of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 880 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 136 in compression of the brain, xii. 666, 669 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 142 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 387 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 872 in hypertrophy of the brain, xii. 835 in hysteria, xiv. 496, 510 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 500 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 402 by atropine, xvii. 666 by barium compounds, xvii. 379 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii 481 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 465 by ergot, xvii. 909 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 929 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 589 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 581 in tumors of the brain, xii 251 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 954 Earle, iii. 448 Earth-commode, mechanism of, xviii. 510 Earthy salts, poisoning by, xvii. 370 Eassie's deodorizing trap, xviii. 488 Eassie's water-closet trap, xviii. 496 Easton, xvii. 747, 750 Eau dejavelle, poisoning by, xvii. 368 Ebcrs, i 307 Ebcrt. xii. 224 Eberth, i 578, 585, 603, 640, 682; vi. 958 ; xii. 623 Ebstein,WilheIm, biographical sketch of, vol. xv., v. on the affections of the renal pelves and the ureters, xv. 543 Ecboline, xvii. 891 Eccentric hypertrophy of the right ventricle in emphysema, in consequence of the heightened blood- pressure, v. 380 Eccentric vaginal pessary, x. 175 Ecchondroses of the basilar pro- cess, xii 236 Ecchondroses of the larynx, vii 901 Ecchymomata, their favorite seats in haemophilia, xvii. 50 Ecehymosis of pleura, iv. 260 Echeverria, xiv. 201, 216, 231, 245, 252, 281, 294, 743 Echinococcus, iii. 556 ; see also Mi- gratory Parasites, Diseases from description of, xv. 746 electricity in treatment of, iii. 575 hydatid-thrill of, ix. G39 in the bronchi and trachea, iv. 567 in etiology of obstruction of the biliary passages, ix. 581 in the spinal meninges, xiii. 266 puncture of sac in, iii. 576 tincture of kameela in, iii. 575 Echinococcus, multiloeular, of the liver, ix. 399, 488 Echinococcus of the biliary passages, ix. 683 Echinococcus of the heart, vi. 289 Echinococcus of the kidneys, xv. 742 ; see also Animal Parasites of the Kidneys Echinococcns. ttvtyitv 128 Electricity. INDEX. Echinococcus of the kidneys, oil of turpentine in, iii. 589 operative treatment of, xv. 757 Echinococcus of the liver, ix. 483 diagnosis of, ix. 487 electrolysis in, ix. 491 injection of iodine tincture in, ix. 491 opening and emptying of sac in, ix. 491 prognosis of, ix. 490 puncture and aspiration in, ix. 491 therapeutics of, ix. 491 Echinococcus of the lungs, v. 462 Echinococcus of the nasal cav- ity, iv. 171 Echinococcus of the peritone- um, viii 338 Echinococcus of the spleen, bibliography, viii. 490 causes, geographical distribution, symp- toms, viii. 491 diagnosis, viii. 492 double puncture in, viii. 393 prognosis, therapeutics, viii. 493 Echinococcus of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 667 Echinococcus of the uterus, x. 310 Echinococcus sacs, in etiology of perforation of the biliary passages, ix. 652 Echinorrhyncus gigas, vii. 788 Echo-speech, xiv. 588 Eck, iv. 582 Ecker, xii. 5, 152 ECLAMPSIA, xiv. 299 ; definition, 302 ; eti- ology, 302 ; symptomatology, 307 ; pathology, 308 ; prognosis, 310 ; treatment, 310 Eclampsia, xiv. 187, 189 cold affusions to the head in; xiv. 311 during dentition, vi. 776 in teething children : scarification of the gums, xiv. 311 irritating enemata of musk or asafoetida in, xiv. 311 Eclamptic form of malarial fe- ver, ii 608 Ecossaise douche, xviii. 373 Eeraseur, laryngeal, in neoplasms of larynx, vii. 907 Ecstasy, hysterical, xiv. 534 Ecthyma syphilitica, iii. 153 Ectopia vesicae, viii. 672 Ectropion of the os uteri, x. 139, 143 Ectrotic treatment of erysipe- las, ii. 480 Eczema, a complication of difficult den- tition, vi. 775 in scrof ulosis, xvi. 793 Eczema, syphilitic, iii. 149 Edgar, vi 809 Edis, x. 353 Education, importance of regulations for, at period of puberty, in children with tendency to hysteria, xiv. 559 in the prophylaxis of spermatorrhoea, viii. 870 influence of, on the repression and devel- opment of hysteria, xiv. 486 Education of deaf-mutes, xiv. 871 Edwards, ii. 78; iv. 134, 476 ; x. 176, 198; xvii. 706 Effects of exercise, xviii. 317 Effects of pressure in tumors of the brain, xii. 240 Effervescent drinks, composition of, i 459 in diphtheria, i 693 Effused blood, composition of, in hae- mophilia, xvii. 44 Effusion, character of, in meningitis, xii. 640 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 326 chemical analysis of pleuritic, iv. 609 in carcinomatous peritonitis, viii. 343 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 332 Effusion and meteorism, the phys- ical phenomena in acute diffuse peri- tonitis, viii. 242 Effusion into ventricles, in menin- gitis tuberculosa, xii 498 129 INDEX. Echinococcus. Electricity- Effusion into ventricles, in meta- static meningitis, xii 629 in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 557 in the etiology of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 857 Effusions, pleuritic, physical signs after absorption of, iv. 662 Egan, viii. 231 Eger, iv. 445 Egg-albumen, xviii 149 Egg-mixture for infants, xviii. 118 Egg-shaped form of sewer, xviii 467 Eggcl, x. 55 Eggs as a source of nuisance, xix. 416 in dysentery, i. 561 Egophony, iv. 659, 669 Egypt, climate of, in pulmonary dis- eases, iv. 302 Egyptian mode of ventilation, xviii. 779 Ehrmann, xii. 5, 16,19 Eichhorst, iv. 352 Fiehwald's theory of pain, in an- gina pectoris, xiv. 42 Eilscn, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 171 Eilscn, mineral waters of, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Ejaculation of semen, nervous centres governing, xiii. 56 precipitate impotence due to, viii. 894 EjilCillatory ducts, anatomical points : flaccidity of, as a cause of sper- matorrhoea, viii. 844 obstruction of the, as a cause of asperma- tism, viii. 905 Ekkcr, xii. 49 Ektasiae of the oesophagus with- out stenosis, viii. 48 Ektasiae, partial, of the oesoph- agus, viii. 50 Ektasiae, simple, of the oesoph- agus, viii. 47 Elder, infusion of, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 Vol. XX.—9. Elderberry tea, in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 210 Electric brush, in neuralgia, xi. 91 Electric current, behavior of para- lyzed muscles, in hysteria, in response to the, xiv. 519 reaction of muscles and nerves to the, in chorea, xiv. 434 Electric reaction of the mus- cles, in pseudo-hypertrophy, xiv. 161 in spinal disease, xiii. 105 Electrical behavior of the par- alyzed muscles and nerves, in facial paralysis, xi 502 Electrical examination of par- alyzed nerves and muscles, xi 423 Electrical excitability, in acute my- elitis, xiii. 411 in chronic spinal paralysis, xiii. 719 in paralysis, xi. 424 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 739 in sciatica, xi. 175 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 573 Electrical excitability of motor nerves and muscles, xi. 270 Electrical irritability, in acute spi- nal paralysis, xiii 691 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 444 loss of, in syphilis of peripheral nerves, xii. 357 Electrical irritation of the cor- tex, results as to cerebral localizations furnished by, xiv. 711 Electrical reaction of muscles, in bulbar paralysis, xiii. 930 in cataleptic attacks, xiv. 374, 380 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 122 Electrical treatment of sperma- torrhoea, viii. 877 Electricity, a cause of cutaneous anaes- thesia, xi. 205 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 877 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 710 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 35 in anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii. 290 Electricity. Ellis. INDEX. 130 Electricity, in anaesthesia of laryngeal mucous membrane, vii. 927 in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 in anosmia, xi. 262 in arthritis deformans, xvi 163 in aspermatism, viii. 910 in athetosis, xiv. 410 in atrophy of nerves, xi. 597 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 102 in blepharospasm, xi. 317 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 150 in bulbar paralysis of the tongue, vi. 826 in catalepsy, xiv. 382 in cephalalgia, xi. 143 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 167 in cervico-occipital neuralgia, xi. 133 in chorea, xiv. 465, 468 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 in chronic rheumatism, xvi. 85 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 in clonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 339 in clonic spasm of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi. £24 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in contractures, xi. 384 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi 230 in dementia paralytica, xii. 885 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1037 in the diagnosis of ulcer of the stomach, vii 215 in dilatation of the oesophagus, viii. 89 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 333 in diphtheritic paralysis, i. 697 in diseases of the larynx, iv. 96, 225 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 96 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 178 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 426 in echinococcus, iii. 575 in enteralgia, vii. 469 in epilepsy, xiv. 285 in establishing respiration and circula- tion in infants, use of, xviii. 75 in facial paralysis, xi. 517 in facial spasms, xi. 313 in gall-stones, ix. 774 Electricity, in gastralgia, vii. 307 in gout, xvi. 145 in headache, xi. 143 in hemicrania, xiv. 28 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 876 i > hiccough, xi. 339 in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 462 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 208 in hysteria, xiv. 508, 574 in hysterical paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716 in impotence, viii. 900 in incontinence of urine, viii. 724 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 225 in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 157 in lead-paralysis, xi. 558 in leucaemia, viii. 531 in melanaemia, viii. 547 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 216 in migraine, xiv. 28 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in mufcular rheumatism, xvi. 92 in myelitis, xiii. 424, 459, 462 in nervous palpitation, vi 307 in neuralgia, xi. 79 in neuralgia of the cervico-brachial nerve, xi. -150 in neuralgia of the face, xi 121 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 121 in neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, xi. 157 in neuralgia of the mammary glands, xi. 160 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, xi. 181 in neuritis, xi. 590 in ocular paralysis, xi. 484 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 407 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 746 in paralysis in general, xi. 455 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 716, 718 in paralysis of diphtheria, i 697 in paralysis of laryngeal muscles, iv. 97; vii. 977 i oi _ „„„ Electricity. 131 INDEX. Elli8. Electricity, in paralysis of the muscles of the eye, xi. 484 in paralysis of the oesophagus, viii. 214 in paraplegia dependent on idea, xiii 822 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 708 in poliomyelitis anterior chronica, xiii. 731 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii 755 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii 484 by carbolic acid, xvii. 532 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 471 by chloroform, xvii. 438 by lead, xvii. 575, 579 by mercury, xvii. 619 by morphine or opium, xvii. 867 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 944 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 150 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 174 in pulmonary emphysema, iv. 404 in sciatica, xi. 181 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 343 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 313 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 in spasm of the muscles of mastication, xi. 304 in spasm of muscles supplied by acces- sorius, xi. 324 in spasm of the oesophagus, viii. 211 in spasmodic spinal paralysis, xiii. 645 in spasms, xi. 295 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 305 in spinal disease, xiii. 178 in spinal irritation, xiii 368 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 381 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 654 in stuttering, xiv. 840 in syphilis of the brain and nervous sys- tem, xii. 370 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 613 in tetanus, xiv. 365 in tetany, xi 376 in tremor, xiv. 393 in tumors of the brain, xii. 289 in tumoro of the spleen, viii. 426 Electricity, in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 74 in writer's cramp and allied affections, xi. 357 reaction to, in paralysis after cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 123 Electro-magnetism, in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 Electro-muscular contractility, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 122 Electro - muscular sensibility, diminution of, in hysterical paralysis, xiv. 519 Electrode, Mackenzie's intra- laryngeal, iv. 97 Electrolysis for tumors of the spleen, viii. 426 in neoplasms of larynx, vii. 908 Electrotypei'S, nature of their occupa- tion, xix. 14 Elephantiasis Arabum, due to dila- tation of lymphatics, ii. 528 Elephantiasis of the vulva, x. 546 excision, x. 548 Elemi, oil of, in d'gitalis-poisoning, xvii. 719 Elevation of cardiac impulse, vi. 28 Elevation of the uterus, x. 214 Elevators, in hospitals, xviii. 755 Elias, viii. 532 Elischer's case of chorea, xiv. 450 Elischer's theory of chorea, xiv. 452 Elixir, acid, of Haller, iv. 284 Pure sulphuric acid, one part; add, by drops, while stirring, to alcohol, three parts.—German PJiarm. in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 Elizabeth water, case of disease of the pancreas cured by, viii. 607 Elliotson, iii. 349; viii. 569, 619 ; xii. 835 Ellis, xiii. 794 El men, -waters of. Etnmenagogues. INDEX. 132 Elmen, waters of, in scrofulosis, xvi. 821 Elopatak, waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Elongated uvula, iv. 213 Elsberg, vii 866 Elster, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 171 Elster, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 472 in corpulence, xvi. 728 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222, 227 Elythritis, x. 491 Elytrorrhaphy, x. 208 in prolapse of the uterus, x. 208 Emaciation as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 565 due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii 783 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 624 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in cancer of the intestines, vii. 433 in cancer of the larynx, vii. 894 in diabetes mellitus. xvi. 373 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 316 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 834 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 iu occlusion of the intestines, vii. 492 in pleurisy, iv. 635 in pseudo-leucaemia, viii. 476 in pulmonary consumption, v. 565, 585 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 422 in scrofulosis, xvi. 810 in splenitis, viii. 447 in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 60 Embalming, xix. 453 Embarras de parole in cerebral syphilis, xii. 321 Emboli as a cause of pneumonia, v. 245 of splenitis, viii. 437 causing aneurism by wounding intima, vi. 413 composition of, v. 246 from verrucose endocarditis, vi. 84 Emboli, in arteries of the medulla ob- longata, xiii. 876 origin of, v. 246 reasons why, in the spleen, they almost always produce a genuine hemorrhagic infarction, viii. 439 Emboli, infective, of lung, in eti- ology of pneumothorax, iv. 749 Embolic abscess of the spleen, viii. 440 Embolic abscesses, from ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 68 Embolic abscesses oa the kid- ney, xv. 549 Embolic infarcts, symptoms of en- cephalitis about, xii. 756 Embolic process in the distribution of tubercle, xii. 516 Embolism, xii. 181 by way of hepatic vein, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 100 causes of the special frequency of, in the spleen, viii. 437 in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 716, 723, 747 of fatty degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 603 of gangrene of the lung, v. 410 of gastric ulcer, vii. 200 of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 of hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 268 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 447 of myelomalacia, xiii. 468 of occlusion of cerebral capillaries, xii. 223 of partial anaemia of the brain, xii. 16 of suppurative nephritis, xv. 546 in insufficiency of the mitral valve, vi. 124 in pulmonary consumption, v. 550 in subacute verrucose endocarditis vi. 89 Embolism, capillary, of the brain, a cause of chorea, xiv. 448 Embolism of abdominal aorta, causing paralysis, xiii 286 133 Embolism of aorta, vi 477 Embolism of arteria hepatica in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 97 Embolism of the brain, xii 191; see also Cerebral Embolism relations of, to aphasie disturbances, xiv. 733 Embololalia, xiv. 812 Embolophrasia, xiv. 812 as a result of cerebral disease, xiv. 813 Embolus, a cause of gangrene of the lungs, v. 410 origin of, in heart disease, vi. 116 Embolus, refluent, ix. 101 Embrocations in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 157 Emerson, J. Haven, v. 400 Emetic doses of ipecac in cholera, 458 Emetic of Hufeland, v. 335 B. xxiij. Tartar ss.—j. Oxymel of squill..........fl. 3 ijss. Water.....................fl. 3 x. Shake. One teaspoonf ul every quarter of an hour. Emetics for oedema of glottis in small- pox, ii. 398 for removal of false membrane, i 687 in acute bronchitis, iv. 428, 429 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in acute gastritis, vii. 144 in bronchial asthenia, iv. 580 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 in cases of foreign bodies in trachea, and bronchi, iv. 521 in catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 530 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 233 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 433, 436 in chronic gastritis, vii. 183 in croup, iv. 267 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 467 in dilatation of stomach, vii 332 in diphtheria, i. 687 Elmen, waters of. Emmenagogues. Emetics in dysentery, i. 564 in engorgement of the liver, ix. 154 in erysipelas, ii. 478 in gastralgia, vii. 305 in hemorrhage of the lungs, v. 319 in hemorrhages of the stomach, vii. 292 in hepatic colic, ix. 770 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 285 in malarial fevers, ii. 661 in measles, ii. 123 in the uausea of cholera diarrhoea, i. 458 in parotitis, vi. 848 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 in pleuritis, iv. 688 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 754 by arsenic, xvii. 651 by atropine, xvii. 680 by calabar bean, xvii. 704 by cicuta virosa, xvii. 827 by cytisine, xvii. 826 by delphinine, xvii. 759 by digitalis, xvii. 719 by ergot, xvii. 902 by fungi, xvii. 925, 935 by lead, xvii. 560 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 519 by opium, xvii. 865 by phosphorus, xvii. 641 by picrotoxine, xvii. 813 by santonine, xvii. 889 by solanine, xvii. 695 by strychnine, xvii. 794 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 497 by veratrine, xvii. 731 in pulmonary congestion, v. 285 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1C22 in stenosis of trachea, iv. 500 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 767 in whooping-cough, vi. 721 Emigration of formed elements in meningitis of convexity, xii. 641 Eminent domain, right of, as ap- plied to sanitary matters, xviii. 37 Emissions, seminal, viii 824 Emmenagogues, employment of, in amenorrhoea, x. 329 IND Emmet, T. Addis. Encephalitis. INDEX. 131 Emmet, T. Addis, v. 31, 210,218, 253, 516 ; vii 804 Emmett, B. McE., on small-pox and other contagious diseases, xix. 513 Emminghaus, xii 133 Emollients, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 426 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 87, 95 Emotional causes of catalepsy, xiv. 371 of epilepsy, xiv. 204 of paralysis agitans, xiv. 397 Emotional excitement, congestion of brain in, xii. 450 Emotional gestures, common to men and animals, xiv. 642 Emotional or interjectionai speech, xiv. 642 Emotional speech, preservation of, after loss of voluntary speech, xiv. 645 Emotional stimuli, more powerful than those generated by imitation or accompanying thought, xiv. 644 Emotional utterances, origin of, xiv. 643 Emotions, influence of strong, in pro- duction of catalepsy, xiv. 871 Emphysema and bronchitis, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 876 Emphysema, cutaneous, following perforating ulcer of laryngeal cartilage, vii. 826 following puncture of pleural cavity in pneumothorax, iv. 770 from rupture of the oesophagus, viii. 94 in pneumothorax, iv. 757 Emphysema of lungs, iv. 108 a complication of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 200 a complication of croupous pneumonia, v. Ill a sequel of bronchial asthma, iv. 673 arsenite of antimony in, v. 396 effect of, upon position of heart, vi. 179 following rupture of the oesophagus, viii. 120 Emphysema of lungs, from perfora- tion of pleura, in whooping-cough, vi 698 in connection with bronchial catarrh, iv. 329, 402 with catarrhal pneumonia, v. 196, 208, 216 with chronic bronchitis, iv. 391 with croupous bronchitis, iv. 465 with stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 485 in diphtheria, i. 643 in the etiology of pulmonary consump- tion, v. 507 in typhoid fever, i 144 in whooping-cough, vi. 698, 710 Emphysema of the lungs, senile, v. 338 EMPHYSEMA, PULMONARY, v. 344; bibliography, 344; history, 345; definition, 346; etiology, 347 ; heredity, 347 ; influence of sex, 348; of age, 348; vocation and mode of life, 348; the exciting causes of vicarious em- physema, 348; of substantive emphysema, 349; interlobular and subpleural forms, 351; mode of development, 352; vicarious emphysema, 353; effects of inspiratory pressure, 354; the expiration theory, 355; lesions of nutrition, 356; influence of age, 358 ; lesions of nutrition in the eostal cartilages, 359; general features of the disease, 360; diseases associated with emphysema, 360 ; the dyspnoea, 361 ; the speech and vcice, 361; the influence of climate, 361; the expectoration, 362; the asthmatic form, 362 ; general course, 362 ; the heart, 363 ; per- cussion and auscultation of the lungs, 364; further progress of the disease, 364 ; character- istics of vicarious, interstitial, interlobular, and subpleural emphysema, 366; pathological anatomy, 366; the lungs in the cyanotic cases, 366; in vicarious emphysema, 367; situation of the emphysema, 367 ; consistency of the lung, 369 ; its color, 369 ; the individual alveoli, 369 ; microscopic appearances, 369; the consequences of emphysema, 373; the heart, 373 ; the brain and other organs, 374 ; relations with other diseases, 375; with tuberculosis, 375; with heart disease, 376; analysis of individual symptoms, 376 ; the respiration, 376; the diffi- 135 cult expiration, 377 ; asthma, 379; disorders of the circulation, 379; the heart, 380; cyanosis, 381; hyperaemia of the brain, 381; oedema of the feet, 381 ; disturbances of portal circula- tion, 381 ; the pulse, 3b2; the urine, 382; dis- turbances of nutrition, 382 ; dropsical effusions, 383; cough and expectoration, 383 ; physical examination, 383; inspection and palpation, 383 ; various forms of the thorax, 383 ; appear- ance of the abdomen, 386; the pectoral fremi- tus, 386 ; percussion, 387 ; auscultation, 388; the cardiac sounds, 389 ; symptoms of vicarious, interlobular, and subpleural emphysema, 390; duration and results, 391; prognosis, 392 ; diag- nosis, 393; differential diagnosis, 394 ; from simple dilatation, 394; from pneumothorax, 394; from diseases of the heart and large ves- sels, 395 ; treatment, 393 ; emetics and tonics, 396; prophylaxis, 396; the bronchial catarrh, 397 ; the dyspnoea, 398; internal remedies, 398; inhalation of compressed air, 399; the appara- tus, 400; modes of employment, 401; compres- sion of the thorax, 404; faradization of the phrenic nerves and abdominal muscles, 404; the asthmatic attacks, 404 ; cyanosis and dropsy, 405 ; venesection, 405 ; diuretics, 405; stimu- lants, 406 ; roborants, 406 ; treatment of inter- lobular and subpleural emphysema, 406. Emphysema, subcutaneous, ab- sence of, in perforation of the oesopha- gus, viii. 126 in rupture of the oesophagus, viii. 120 Emphysema, traumatic, of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 105 Emphysematous tumors in etiology of stenosis of trachea, iv. 478 Emprosthotonos, xiv. 318 Empyema, iv. 611 a result of an external abscess, iv. 620 affection of the upper portion of liver in, ix. 3 carbolic acid in, iv. 721 free incision in, iv. 717 in cancer of the liver, ix. 393 in etiology of caries of the ribs, iv. 620 permanganate of potash in, iv. 721 Emmet, T. Addis. Encephalitis. Empyema, chronic, resection of ribs in, iv. 72/ Empyema necessitatis, iv. 604, 620, 669,683 Empyema of the gall-bladder, ix. 545, 637, 641 Empyema of pneumothorax, iv. 748 Empyema, pulsating, iv. 637 Ems, mineral waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 227 in chronic catarrh of the lower pharynx, vii. 62 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 94 in gout, xvi. 138 in myelitis, xiii. 423 in pulmonary consumption, v. 604, 606 Enamel-makers, liability of, to lead- poisoning, xvii. 561 Enamelled wrought-iron ser- vice-pipes, xviii. 290 Enamellers, xix. 49 Encephalitic foci, different processes in, xii. 694 further transformations of, xii. 710 restitutio ad integrum, xii. 695 transformation of, into cellular infiltra- tion of Durand-Fardel, xii. 731 transformation into sclerotic induration of, xii. 697 Encephalitis, accompanying traumatic meningitis, xii. 678 anatomical appearances, xii. 689 around chronic abscess, xii. 809 around pre-existing lesion3 of brain, xii 747 around thrombosis and embolism, xii. 754 around intracranial tumor, xii. 756 around various circumscribed affections of brain, xii. 714 boundaries of, xii. 689 caused by specific emboli, xii 688 IND Encephalitis. Endocardium. INDEX. 136 Encephalitis, changes in brain in, due to mechanical effects of inflammation, xii. 692, C94 coagulating exudation in, xii. 690 complicating suppurative processes throughout the body, xii. 716 cure of, xii. 710 etiology of, xii. 685, 709 following affections of bone in vicinity of brain, xii. 714 following contusion of brain, without perforation of skull, xii. 713 following operations on surface of skull, xii. 713 following otorrhoea, course of, xii. 737 individual symptoms of, xii. 738 further transformation of the primary focus, xii. 695 in course of acute diseases, xii. 715 in course of heart disease, xii. 716 in pyaemia, xii. 746 in vicinity of neoplasms, xii. 688 increase of volume of brain in, xii. 689 its relation to softening of the stomach, vii. 268 migration of blood-corpuscles in, xii. 691 possibility of recovery from, xii. 731 rapidity of fatal termination, xii. 739 symptomatology, xii. 725 Encephalitis, acute purulent, fol- lowing lung affections, xii. 740 duration of, xii. 745 initial symptoms, xii 742 variations in local symptoms, xii. 744 Encephalitig, spontaneous, cir- cumscribed, xii. 716 Encephalocele, formation of, xii. 836 Encephaloid cancer, see Cancer Encephalomalacia, xii. 181, 686 secondary encephalitic symptoms, xii. 755 Encephalomalacia, senile, tend- ency of encephalitis to enlarge primary focus of, xii. 756 Encephalopathia saturnina, xiv. 389; xvii 581 Encephalopathies uremiques of Parrot, xix. 283 Enchoudroma of the lungs, v. 434 Enchondroma of the spinal membranes, xiii 265 Encysted abscess of the brain, xii. 700 Encysted calculi in the bladder, viii. 730 Encysted effusions in chronic peritonitis, viii 294 Encysted effusions in circum- scribed peritonitis, viii. 307 appearances during life, viii. 308 consecutive changes due to, viii. 309 perforation into neighboring organs, viii 310 Endarteritis, vi. 362 a complication of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 197 absence of, in cerebral aneurism, vi. 441 in etiology of aneurism, vi. 411 Endarteritis, acute, vi 362 symptoms, vi 365 treatment, vi. 365 Endarteritis, chronic, vi. 366 anatomy, vi. 366 changes in liver, spleen, kidneys, vi. 385 course, vi. 385 etiology, vi. 375 in the etiology of aneurism, vi. 410 mode of occurrence, vi 374 origin of changes in, vi. 371 symptoms, vi. 377 treatment, vi 386 Endarteritis deformans seu no- dosa, vi 366 Endemic diseases, definition of, i 1 investigation of, in villages, xix. 580 Endoarteritis, as a cause of loss of elasticity in arterial walls, vi. 40 Endocardial changes, influence of old, in etiology of acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 71 Endocardial murmurs, characters of, vi 54 137 INDEX. Encephalitis. Endocardium. Endocardial murmurs, diagnosis of, from pericardial murmur, vi. 611 Endocarditis, a complication of croup- ous pneumonia, v. 114, 215 a complication of pleuritis, iv. 670 as a cause of chronic endarteritis, vi. 376 as a result of pericarditis, vi. 569 connection between, and chorea, xiv. 446 in chlorosis, xvi 550 in etiology of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 of embolii-m. xii. 182 of encephalitis, xii. 716 of pneumothorax, iv. 750 of splenitis, viii 430 in scarlet fever, ii. 281 in typhoid fever, i. 164 its relations to rheumarthritis, xvi 22 Endocarditis, acute diphtheri- tic, cardiac stimulants in, vi. 81 ice-bags locally in, vi. 80 mineral acids in, vi. 80 salicylic acid in, vi. 80 Endocarditis, subacute verru- cose, flying blisters to back in, vi. 92 nitre and tartrate of soda in, vi 92 tonics and stimulants in, vi. 92 Endocarditis, ulcerative, in eti- ology of hepatic abscess, ix. 97 of metastatic meningitis, xii 622 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 Endocarditis, valvular, in scurvy, xvii. 204 Endocardium, description of, vi. 10 Endocardium, affections of, in leucaemia, viii. 514 secondary to chronic endarteritis, vi. 379 ENDOCARDIUM, DISEASES OF THE, vi 61; bibliography, 61; history, 61 Acute Diphtheritic Endocarditis, Ulcerative Endocarditis, 64; bibli- ography, 64 ; pathology, 65 ; seat of the effusion, 65; paienchymatous changes, 65; affections of the spleen, fiver, and kidneys, 69 ; the brain, 69; pericarditis and myocarditis, 69; the lungs and the blood, 69; etiology, 70; symptomatology, 72; the typhoid form, 72; the pyaemic form, 73 ; intermediate forms, 74 ; fever, 75 ; the pulse, 76 ; the digestive organs, 76; the nervous system, 77 ; diagnosis, 78; duration, 79; prognosis, 80; treat- ment, 80 Acute and Subacute Verrucose Endo- carditis, 81; bibliography, 81 ; patho- logical anatomy, 81 ; position of the lesions, 82; nature of the product, 83; emboli, 84; etiology, 84; influence of rheumatism, 85; of age, 85; childbirth and pregnancy, 86 ; old valvular diseases, 86; acute exanthematous diseases, 86; other diseases, 87 ; symptomatology, 87 ; general symptoms, 88; murmurs, 88; embolism, 89; diagnosis, 90; duration and result, 91; prognosis, 91; treat- ment, 92 Contracting and Sclerotic Endocar- ditis, 93 ; bibliography, 93 ; pathology, 94; position of the lesions, 94; their mode of formation, 95 ; causes and fre- quency of valvular defects, 98 ; the ef- fects of valvular defects in general, 100 ; pulmonary infarctions, 104 ; pulmonary congestion, 106 ; oedema of the lungs, 1C7 ; dyspnoea, 1C7; compression of left lung by hypertrophy cf left ventricle, 107; compression cf primary bronchus by dilatation of left auricle, 10S; cya- nosis, 10S ; oedema, 109 ; dropsy, 110 ; changes in the blood, 110 ; in the liver, 111 ; the stomach, spleen, and alimentary canal, 112; the kidneys and urine, 112; the nervous system, 115 Insufficiency of the Mitral Valve, 119; etiology, 119; pathology, 119; symptomatology, 120 ; results of percus- sion and auscultation, 121 ; the pulse, 123 ; course of the disease, 123; diag- nosis, 124; prognosis, 125 Stenosis of the Ostium Venosum Sinis- trum, 125; pathology, 126; physical signs, 127; the pulse, 129; symptoma- tology, 130 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 131 Insufficiency of the Aortic Valves, 132 ; etiology, 132; pathology, 133 ; phys- ical signs, 134; the pulse, 136; symp- tomatology, 139; diagnosis, 140; prog- nosis, 141 Stenosis of the Ostium Aorticum, 142; Endocardium. Ependyma. INDEX. 138 pathology, 142 ; physical signs, 143 ; the pulse, 144 ; symptomatology, 145 ; diag- nosis, 145 ; prognosis, 146 Insufficiency of the Tricuspid Valve, 146; etiology and pathology, 147; phys- ical signs, 148 ; the pulse, 149; symp- tomatology, diagnosis, and prognosis, 150 Stenosis of the Ostium Venosum Dex- trum, 150; pathology, 150; physical signs, 151; symptomatology, diagnosis, and prognosis, 152 Insufficiency of the Pulmonary Valves, 153 ; etiology, 153 ; pathology, 153; physical signs, 154; symptoma- tology, 154 ; prognosis, 155 Stenosis of Ostium of the Pulmonary Artery, 155; etiology, 155; pathology, 156; physical signs, 157; symptoma- tology, 158 ; diagnosis, 160; prognosis, 161 Combination of Various Valvular and Ostial Affections, 161 Treatment of Valvular Diseases, 164; prophylaxis, 165; general hygienic rules, 166; local applications, 167; internal remedies, 167 Endometritis, acute, x 126 rest and laxatives in, x. 128 Endometritis cervicis, x. 139 Endometritis, chronic, x. 129 galvano-cautery applied to the intra- uterine cavity in, x. 139 hygienic and dietetic treatment of, x. 134 intra-uterine injection of fluids in, x. 137 local application of caustics, x. 136 sponge-tents in, x. 135 Endophlcbitis, vi. 490 Endothelial cells, the starting-point of syphilitic disease of arteries, vi. 396 Endothelioma, primary, mela- notic, of the liver, ix. 344 Endothelium, impregnation of, with tubercular poison, xii. 521 Enema, for use in cholera, i. 459 IJ. Tinct. opii......... SoL ferri chlor. fort. M. . gtt. XV.-XX. . gtt. viij.-x. Enema, for use in dysentery, i. 560 5. Iodinii.................... gr. v.-ix. Potass, v.-ix. Aq. destillat............... § jss. M. Enemata, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 258 in cancer of the intestines, vii 442 in dysentery, i 565 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 323 in obstruction of the intestines, vii. 653 in occlusion of the intestines, vii. 648 in oxyuris vermicularis, vii. 768 in strangulation of the intestines, vii 648 in trichocephalus dispar, vii. 776 Enemata, anodyne, in intestinal ca- tarrh, vii. 390 Enemata, astringent, in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423, 425 in proctitis, vii. 392 Enemata, cold, in intestinal hemor- rhage, vii. 457 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 424 in typhlitis, vii. 391 Enemata, narcotic, in angina pec- toris, xiv. 52 Enemata, nutritious, in anaesthesia of larynx, vii. 928 in chronic gastritis, vii. 184 in hemorrhage of stomach, vii. 289 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222 Enemata of cathartics in demul- cents, i. 566 Enemata of meat and pancreas, in cancer of stomach, vii 254 Enemata of musk in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 165 Enemata of starch and lauda- num, for tenesmus, i 562 Enemata, purgative, in cancer of stomach, vii. 2o6 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 385 1 on _„„„ Endocardium. 139 INDEX. Ependyma. Enemata, purgative, in invagination of the intestine, vii. 656, 657 Enemata, soothing and nar- cotic, in dysentery, i 565 Enemata, stimulating, in asphyxia or debility of the newly-born, xviii. 76 Enemata, unirritating, in occlu- sions of intestines, vii 655 Enforced celibacy in bleeders, xvii. 89 Engel, iv. 213 ; v. 291; xii. 387 Ellgelberg, a climatic resort in pleu- ritis, iv. 691 Engelmann, vii. 496 ; x. 234, 315, 323 Engelstedt, xii. 299, 300, 308, 313, 315, 338, 349 Engine-room, high temperature of, in monitors, xix. 190 Engineers, xix. 57 English rivers, condition of, xviii 228 Engravers, xix. 61 Enlarged tonsils, see Tonsils, hyper- trophy of Enteralgia, vii 459 affections of the nervous system, in eti- ology of, vii. 460 atropine in, vii. 469 cardialgia in, vii 4G3 carminatives in, vii. 468 catching cold, in etiology of, vii. 431 cathartics in, vii. 467 cathartics, in etiology of, vii. 401 copper, in etiology of, vii. 461 diseases of the intestines, in etiology of, vii 460 fecal impaction, in etiology of, vii. 469 foreign bodies, in etiology of, vii. 463 hysteria, in etiology of, vii. 462 in etiology of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 445 lead, in etiology of, vii. 461 lead-poisoning, in etiology of, vii. 461 opium in, vii. 468 oppression of respiration in, vii. 463 priapism in, vii. 463 puncture of intestine in, vii. 469 rheumatism, in etiology of, vii 461 Enteralgia, worms, in etiology of, vii 460 Enteralgia?, in hysteria, xiv. 501 Enterectomy, in strangulation of in- testines, vii. 662 Enteric fever, i 42 Enteritis, vii 356 Enteritis, diphtheritic, vii. 393 ice-poultices to abdomen in, vii. 396 tannin and opium in, vii. 396 Enteritis, diphtheritic-uleera- tivc, in scurvy, xvii. 204 Enteritis phlegmonosa, vii. 392 Entero-anastomosis, operation of, in strangulation of intestines, vii 662 Enteroeelc vaginalis, x. 504 Enterodynia, vii. 459 Enteroliths, vii 577 Enterorrhexis, abstinence from food in, vii. 474 opium, ice, and rest in, vii. 474 Enterotomy, in typhlitis, vii. 391 Entophyta, see Parasites Entophyta and entozoa of the vagina, x. 511 Entozoa, see Parasites Enuresis noeturna, viii. 719 aromatic baths in, viii. 723 belladonna in, viii. 723 causes of, viii. 721 nux vomica in, viii 723 treatment, viii. 723 Enuresis and incontinence of urine, diagnosis, prognosis, treat- ment, viii. 722 bibliography, viii 719 etiology and symptomatology, viii 720 Enucleation, spontaneous, of uterine fibroids, x. 243 Environment and occupation in etiology of bronchiectasis, ix. 864 Ependyma of ventricle, changes in, in simple meningitis of base, xii. 581 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 503 granulations on, in dementia paralytica, xii. 857 Ependyma. Epithelioid cells. INDEX. 140 Ependyma, inflammation of, in menin- gitis tuberculosa, xii 499 Ephemeral fever, xvi 241 Ephidrosis unilateralis, in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 98 Ephraim, xvi. 188 Epidemic, definition of the term, xviii 8 Epidemic cerebro-spinal menin- gitis, abortive form, ii. 700 abstract of cases, ii. 712 age in, ii. 694 brain-substance in, ii. 705 complicating croupous pneumonia, ii. 722 complications and sequelae of, ii 721 contagiousness of, ii. 696 definition of, ii. 687 diagnosis of, ii. 730 errors of hygiene as a cause of, ii. 695 etiology of, ii. 690 fulminant form, ii. 699 general history of, ii. 697 history of, ii. 687 infectious nature of, ii. 691 intermittent form, ii. 702 literature of, ii. 683 membranes of brain in, ii. 704 membranes of the spinal cord in, ii. 705 not malarial, ii. 692 pathological anatomy of, ii. 703 prognosis of, ii. 733 season of the year in, ii. 694 substance of spinal cord in, ii 706 symptoms of, ii. 707 treatment of, ii. 733 Epidemic constitution, xviii 23 Epidemic diseases, definition of, i 2 Epidemic measles, periodicity of, ii. 54 Epidemics, from infection of an aque- duct, i 59 from infection of a well, i. 60 local disposition of, i 62 management of, in villages, xix. 578 methods of investigation of, xviii. 31 often consist of numerous endemics, i 53 origin of, i. 5 two, fighting one another, i 254 Epidemics of malarial diseases, ii 577 Epidemics of typhoid fever, i 50 time of year of, i 63 Epidermis, brittleness of, in scurvy, xvii. 145 Epididymitis, iodide of potassium in- ternally and externally in, viii. 791 rest and cold applications in, viii. 790 Epididymitis pyorrhoica, mode of development, viii. 787 prognosis, treatment, viii. 790 results, viii. 789 symptoms, viii. 788 Epigastric pain of pericarditis, vi. 604 Epigastric pulsation, vi 30 Epigastrium, condition of, in capillary bronchitis, iv. 380 distress in, in chronic gastritis, vii. 169 Epiglottis, cystic tumors of, vii. 889 in laryngoscopy, iv. 43, 46 paralysis of muscles of, vii. 940 perichondritis of, vii. 818 EPILEPSY, xiv. 183 ; bibliography, 183 ; in- troduction, 184 ; experimental researches, 193 ; etiology, 200 ; pathological anatomy, 214 ; symp- tomatology, 219; the epileptic seizures, 220; epilepsia gravior, 221; epilepsia mitior, 234; transition forms, loss of consciousness, with local spasm, 235 ; irregular forms of the attacks and the epileptoid states, 237; consequences of the paroxysms, 244; frequency of the seizures, 247 ; the interparoxysmal condition, 252; path- ology, 259; course and sequelae, 273; prog- nosis, 276; treatment, 279; treatment of the seizure itself, 295 Epilepsy, ammonio-sulphate of copper in, xiv. 291 artemisia root in, xiv. 288 artificial production of, xiii. 101 as a concomitant of spermatorrhoea, viii. 862 belladonna in, xiv. 288 bromide of potassium in, xiv. 292 dietetic regulations in, xiv. 283 following encephalitis, xii. 733 141 Epilepsy following poisoning by alcohol, xvii 410 how it is produced by the different etio- logical influences, xiv. 265 hydrotherapeutic treatment of, xiv. 284 hygienic management of, xiv. 284 in etiology of Basedow's disease, xiv. 79 of diabetes, xvi. 864, 1016 of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 47 of unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 59 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 862 inhalations of nitrite of amyl in, xiv. 295 nitrate of silver in, xiv. 291 oxide of zinc in increasing doses in, xiv. 290 trephining in, xiv. 281 valerian root in the treatment of, xiv. 287 Epilepsy and spinal disease, rela- tions between, xiii. 101 Epilepsy of syphilis, iii 220 ; xii. 323, 361 Epilepsy, simulated, xiv. 297 Epileptic attacks as a cause of apha- sia, xiv. 800 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 320 in dementia paralytica, xii. 872 in stenosis of the ostium aorticum, vi. 145 in stenosis of the pulmonary ostium, vi. 159 in syphilis, iii. 220 in tumors of brain, xii. 254 Epileptic aura, xiv. 221 Epileptic change, xiv. 188 Epileptic convulsions of acute uraemia, xv. 109 Epileptic cry, xiv. 226 Epileptic hemiplegia, xiv. 245 Epileptic imbecility, xiv. 255 Epileptic seizures, xiv. 220 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 101 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 337 starting-point and mechanism of the, xiv. 266 Epileptiform convulsions, causes of, xv. 144 Ependyma. Epithelioid cells. Epileptiform convulsions, from hemorrhage in medulla, xiii. 872 in acute fatal hysteria, xiv. 549 in anaemia, xvi. 389 in chlorosis, xvi 552 Epileptiform neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi 116 Epileptiform spasms, xiv. 186 Epiieptogcnous zone, xiv. 194 Epileptoid conditions, xiv. 190 in chlorosis, xvi. 552 Episio-elytrorrhaphy, x. 212 in prolapse of the uterus, x. 212 Episiorrhaphy, x. 210 in prolapse of the uterus, x. 210 Epispadia, in the female, x. 540 Epispadias, viii. 741 Epistaxis, iv. 150 ; xii. 75 dependent on hemorrhagic diathesis, iv. 151 in croupous pneumonia, v. 106 in diphtheria, i 607 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 385 in haemophilia, xvii. 41 in infectious diseases, iv. 151 in measles, ii. 126 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 284 in scurvy, xvii. 160, 185 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 217 in typhoid fever, i 165 internal use of haemostatics in, iv. 167 produced by mental disturbances, iv. 163 transfusion in, iv. 107 with diseases of the spleen, iv. 152 Epistaxis, epidemic, iv. 154 Epistaxis, habitual, iv. 152, 154 Epistaxis, hereditary, iv. 154 Epistaxis of renal disease, xv. 156 Epistaxis, spontaneous, iv. 151 Epistaxis, vicarious, iv. 152 Epithelial easts, xv. 76 Epithelial morbid formations of the soft palate, vi. 988 Epithelioid cells of Schiippel, v. 643 INI Epithelioma. Erysipelas. Epithelioma of the air-passages, in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 480 Epithelioma of the heart, vi. 288 Epithelioma of the larynx, in eti- ology of croup, iv. 238 Epithelioma of the nasal cavity, iv. 171 Epithelioma of the oesophagus, viii. 173 Epithelioma of the tongue, vi 753 Epithelium, behavior of, in croupous diphtheria, i 632 in urine, xv. 74 Epithelium, ciliated, in the larynx, iv. 50 Epithelium of the small intes- tine, anatomy of, vii. 345 Epithelium, pavement variety of, in the larynx, iv. 50 Epizootic, among horses, ii 526 Equilibrium, nerve-centres for, xiii. 92 Eras, viii. 162 Erasistratus, iv. 592 Erb, viii. 515 ; xii 168, 356 Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich, biographi- cal sketch of, xi. v. on diseases of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 823 on diseases of the peripheral cerebro- spinal nerves, xi. 3 on diseases of the spinal cord and its en- velopes, xiii 1 Erect posture, gynecological examina- tion in, x. 5 Erection of the penis, physiology of, viii 883 ; xiii. 56 special mechanism for, viii. 884 Erections, possibility of, after castra- tion, viii. 883 Erethistic form of haemophilia, xvii 30 Ergot, aqueous extract of, in treatment of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 318 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 879 in acute myelitis, xiii. 423 142 Ergot, in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in catalepsy, xiv. 382 in cephalalgia, xi. 144 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 463 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 _ in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1038 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 189 in haematothorax, iv. 743 in haematuria following cancer of the kidney, xv. 684 in haemophilia, xvii. 97, 100 in headache, xi. 144 in hemicrania, xiv. 24 in hemorrhage, xvi. 441 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v, 318 in hemorrhagic scarlatina, ii. 312 in impotence, viii. 899 in incontinence of urine, viii. 724 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 216 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 in myelitis, xiii. 423, 463 in nosebleed, iv. 167 in paralysis, xi. 468 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 408 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii 707 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 945 in rupture of the spleen, viii. 498 in scorbutic hemorrhages, xvii 239 in spinal apoplexy, viii. 305 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 tests for, xvii. 903 Ergot-poisoning, xvii 890 antidotes for, xvii. 902 cardiac stimulants in, xvii. 903 emetics and purgatives in, xvii. 902 in etiology of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 tannin in, xvii. 902 Ergotine, as a cause of arterial spasm, vi. 356 enemas of, in dysentery, i. 566 formula for haematemesis, vii. 227 R.. xv. Aq. destillat.................3 ij. Alcoholis....................Tfl_ xl. M. Fifteen drops subcutaneously. EX. 143 Ergotine, hypodermic use of, in treat- ment of aneurism, vi. 453 of uterine fibroids, x. 250 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 707 in cerebral aneurism, vi. 443 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1038 in haematemesis, from ulcer of the stom- ach, vii. 277 in hemicrania, xiv. 24 in hemorrhage from the stomach, vii. 227, 290 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 427, 457 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 216 in spinal disease, xiii. 189 in spinal hyperaemia, xiii. 208 internal use of, vi. 460 subcutaneous injection of, in treatment of aneurism, vi. 453 of hasmatothorax, iv. 743 Ergotism, acute, xvii 892 Ergotism, chronic, prophylaxis in, xvii. 911 Ergotism, gangrenous, xvii 914; xviii. 201 hot fomentations in, xvii 919 stimulants in, xvii. 919 Ergotism, spasmodic, xiv. 329 ; xvii. 904; xviii. 200 Erickson, ii. 96 Erismann's model school-room, xix. 613 Erosions, in chronic catarrh of the lar- ynx, iv. 216 Erosions, catarrhal, in chronic ca- tarrh of the larynx, iv. 218 Erosions, hemorrhagic, of the stomach, vii. 201, 286 Erosions of the os uteri, x. 153 Erotic character, rarely absent in hysterical delirium, xiv. 544 Erotic tendencies of hysterical women, xiv. 538 Eruption, from, use of copaiba, iii. 135 in cholera, i. 409 in confluent small pox, ii. 366 in dengue, ii. 511 Epithelioma. Erysipelas. Eruption, in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii 711 in foot-and-mouth disease in man, hi. 526 in hemorrhagic small-pox, ii. 370 in measles, ii 78 in miliary fever, ii. 498 in rubeola, ii. 143 in scarlatina, ii. 202, 239, 270, 441 in small-pox, ii. 350, 355, 397 in typhoid fever, i 92, 182 in typhus fever, i 316, 327 in varicella, ii 18 in varioloid, ii. 375 Eruption, syphilitic, iii. 130 Eruptions due to hydropathic treat- ment, xviii. 375 Eruptions, cutaneous, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 in croupous pneumonia, v. 100 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 388 in pulmonary consumption, v. 562 in trichinosis, iii. 637 Eruptions, pustular, in syphilis, iii 23 ERYSIPELAS, ii. 419; bibliography, 419; definition, 423; history, 423; etiology, 425; sex, 430; age, 431 ; occupation, 431 ; season o£ the year, 431; exciting causes, 432 ; contagion, 432; transportation of the disease, 433 ; infec- tion from the cadaver, 435; stage of disease when infection occurs, 435 ; resistance to dis- infectants, 435 ; inoculability, 436; by the use of instruments, 436 ; pyaemic infection, 438 ; influence of crowding of patients, 439; pollu- tion of soil, 439 ; defective pipe-drainage, 440 ; pathology, 441; symptoms, 441 ; course of the affection, 441; temperature and pulse, 442; the mucous membranes, 442; angina, 449; ana- tomical changes, 443 ; mucous membranes, 443 ; congestion and inflammation of lungs, 443 ; en- teritis, 443 ; the spleen, 444 ; the kidneys, 444 ; the heart, 444 ; meningitic affections, 444 ; the blood, 444; the skin, 444 ; globular bacteria, 445; general views, 446 ; symptomatology, 451; the skin, 451; the mucous membranes, 457; organs of digestion, 460 ; the liver, 461; intes- tinal canal, 461; the kidneys, 461; cerebral symptoms, 462; the fever, 463 ; the pulse, 464; IND Erysipelas. Eucalyptol. complications and sequelae, 465; pneumonia, 465 ; pleurisy, 465 ; peritonitis, 465 ; meningi- tis, 466 ; pyaemia, 4C6; the joints, 467; gan- grene of the skin, 467; thrombosis, 467; the eyes, 468 ; mental disturbances, 469 ; influence of the disease upon existing skin diseases, 469 ; influence on recent wounds, 469; diagnosis, 470; differential diagnosis, 470; stages and duration, 472 ; relapses, 473 ; habitual erysipe- las, 473 ; varieties of the disease, 474; mor- tality and prognosis, 47G ; in existing diseases, 476; sex, 476 ; age, 477 ; treatment, 477; pro- phylaxis, 477; curative measures, 478 ; local treatment, 479 ; expectant treatment, 483 ; gen- eral measures, 483 ; treatment of complications, 483 Erysipelas, a complication of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 201 a complication of scrofulosis, xvi. 811 aconite in, ii. 478 amykosaseptin in, ii. 481 as a cause of meningitis, xii. 603 associated with coryza, iv. 125 Bestuscheff's tincture of iron in, ii. 478 carbolic acid in, ii. 482 colchicum in, ii. 478 collodion in, ii. 484 ectrotic treatment of, ii 480 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 253 of acute tumor of the spleen, viii. 454 of encephalitis, xii. 722 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 444 of jaundice, ix. 13 of meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 603 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 of thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 212 in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 453 in neuralgia, xi. 54 influence of, on meningitis, xii. 617 on syphilis, iii. 251 laryngitis a complication of, iv. 201 local applications in, ii. 481 prophylaxis in, ii. 477 144 Erysipelas, quinine in large doses in, ii. 479 sulphocarbolate of soda in, ii. 482 veratrum in, ii. 478 Erysipelas and acute gastritis, vii. 139 Erysipelas capitis, in hepatic abscess, ix. 140 Erysipelas, facial, a complication of cold in the head, iv. 125 Erysipelas of the nose, iv. 136 Erysipelatous angina, vi 9C2 Erythema, in neuralgia, xi. 54 Erythema balsamicum, iii. 130 Escher, xii 51 Eserine, in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 681 in chorea, xiv. 466 Eserine-poisoning, xvii 695 emetics in, xvii. 704 Espic's cigarettes for asthma, iv. 578 R . Belladonna leaves........... gr. vss. Hyoscyamus leaves, Stramonium leaves........aa gr. 2J. Phellandrium aquaticum l'ves. gr. j. Extract of -J. Cherry-laurel water......... q. s. d'Espine, Hare, xv. 660 Esquirol, xiv. 226, 256, 628 Essence of mirbane, xvii 513 Essential oils, storage of, a source of danger by fire, xix. 417 Esmarch, vi. 453 Essmarck, xii. 352, 353 Etat-crible, a consequence of hyperae- mia of the brain, xii. 49 Etching, injurious features of the occu- pation, xix. 14 Ethene chloride, in acute rheuma- tism, xvi. 69 Ether, hydrochloric, in neuroses of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 104 Ether, sulphuric, as alithontripticum, ix. 773 EX. 145 TTVD-RX Erysipelas. l^° IINDJiX. Eucalyptol. Ether, sulphuric, by enema, in the meteorism of cholera, i 462 Two drachms of ether to four ounces of water. in acute rheumatism, xvi. 69 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 577 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii 291 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 287 in hysteria, xiv. 573 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 457 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, xi. 181 in parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1022 in sporadic cholera, vii. 152 in tetany, xi 376 poisoning by, xvii 439 preference for, as an anaesthetic, in Ame- rica, xvii. 443 Ether and laudanum, in the col- lapse of cholera morbus, i. 348 Ten to fifteen drops at short intervals. Ether-spray, in neuralgia, xi. 90 to neck, in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 738 Ethereal cohabitation, x. 536 Ethereal mixtures, in typhus, i 340 Ethmoid bone, cavities of, affec- tions of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 Ethyl-alcohol, a common constituent of fermented liquors, xvii 382 Ethylidcnc, bichloride of, poison- ing by, xvii. 454 Etiology of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 194 of acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 616 of anthrax, iii 378, 405 of atelectasis, v. 324 of bilious typhoid, i 288 of bronchial asthma, iv. 533 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 186 Vol. XX.—10 Etiology of cholera indica, i 366 of cholera morbus, i 343 of cold in the head, iv. 117 of croup, iv. 234 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 442 of croupous pneumonia, v. 12, 144 of dengue, ii 509 of diphtheria, i 578 of dysentery, i 521 of dysmenorrhoea, x. 331 of echinococcus, iii. 578 of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 690 of erysipelas, ii. 425 of the foot and mouth disease, iii. 514, 521 of gangrene of the lung, v. 408 of glanders, iii. 320, 349 of haematothorax, iv. 739 of hay fever, ii. 542 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 292 of hydrophobia, iii 436, 473 of hydrothorax, iv. 733 of influenza, ii 522 of malarial diseases, ii. 563 of measles, ii. 37 of miliary fever, ii. 491 of nose-bleed, iv. 150 of the plague, i 466 of pleurisy, iv. 593 of pneumonia from embolism, v. 245 of pneumothorax, iv. 745 of pulmonary consumption, v. 481 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 347 of relapsing fever, i 262 of rubeola, ii. 134 of scarlet fever, ii. 161 of small-pox, ii 325 of syphilis, iii. 39 of trichinosis, iii 648 of typhoid fever, i. 44 of typhus fever, i. 304 of varicella, ii. 8 of yellow fever, i 488 Etonncment cerebral, xii 105, 198 Eucalyptol, actions of, viii. 420 on the spleen, ii. 669 Eucalyptolo Exertion. INDEX. 146 Eucalyptol, actions of, on white blood- corpuscles, ii. 669 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1003 Eucalyptus globulus, xviii. 423, 430, 432 as a splenic remedy, actions of the tinc- ture and oil, viii. 420 growth of, as a prophylactic against malarial diseases, viii. 408 in intermittent fever, viii. 421 in leucaemia, viii. 531 in malarial fever, ii. 669 influence of the, on the development of malaria, viii. 408 Eucalyptus globulus, oil of, in leucaemia, viii. 531 in melanaemia, viii. 547 in tumors of the spleen, viii. 421 Eucalyptus globulus, prepara- tions of, ii 671 Eucalyptus globulus, tincture of, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 420 Eulenburg, xii. 42, 82,101,115,127,133 Eulcnburg, A., biographical sketch of, vol. xiv., v. on vasomotor and trophic neuroses, xiv. 3 Eustachian catheter, use of, iu eti- ology of emphysema of naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 107 Eustachian tube, function of, vii. 15 pharyngeal orifice of, iv. 63; vii. 12 round worms in, vii. 741 size of pharyngeal extremity of, iv. 64 Eustachian tubes, affections of, as complications of purulent nasal ca- tarrh, iv. 132 affections of, in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 46 in hyperplastic catarrh of the naso- pharyngeal cavity, vii. 93 in syphilis, vii. 80 in tuberculosis, vii. 77 catarrh of, as a complication of cold in the head, iv. 125 in diphtheria, i 607 inflammation of, after use of the nasal douche, iv. 85 Eustrougylus gigas of the kid- neys, xv. 757 Evacuation of abscess of brain, xii 704 Evans, vii. 952 ; xvii 668, 696, 704, 749 Eve, viii. 340 Evenor, iv. 592 Elian, waters of, in chronic cystitis, viii 695 Ewald, iv. 609, 745 Examination, microscopical, of water, xviii. 293 Examination of the heart, vi 21 Examination of the soil, xviii. 437 Examination of the vagina and uterus, by inspection, x. 20 Examination, physical, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 623 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 360 in atelectasis, v. 332 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 350 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 370 in cases of foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi, iv. 519 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 208 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 387 in croupous pneumonia, v. 74 in haematothorax, iv. 741 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 304 in hydrothorax, iv. 737 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 in pleurisy, iv. 641 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 257 in pneumothorax, iv. 759 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 383 Exanthem, in dengue, ii. 512 in scarlatina, ii. 202 production of, by bromine treatment, xvii. 320 Exanthemata, in etiology of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 49 of contracting and sclerotic endocar- ditis, vi. 93 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 153 147 INDEX. Eucalyptol. Exertion. Exanthemata, in etiology of fatty de- generation of the heart, vi. 250 Exanthemata, initial, in small-pox, ii. 350 Exanthemata of iodism, xvii. 304 EXANTHEMATIC DISEASES, ACUTE, ii. 3 ; introduction, 3 ; their common character- istics, 3. Exanthcms produced by chloral, xvii. 451 Exanthcms, acute, definition of the several stages of, ii 3 Exartcritis, vi 346 anatomy of, vi. 346 causes and manner of occurrence, vi. 347 symptoms and course, vi 348 treatment, vi. 348 Excess in alcoholics, influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 274 Excesses as a cause of dementia paraly- tica, xii. 855 Excesses in eating, influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 275 Excessive physical exertion a cause of scurvy, xvii 139 Excision in treatment of tetanus, xiv. 361 removal of uterine polypi by, x. 264 Excision of muscle, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 133 Excitability of nerve-trunks, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 161 Exciting cause of tubercular meningi- tis, xii 522 Excoriations, in etiology of stenosis of the biliary passages, ix. 584 Excrcmcntal pollution of soil, chief sources of, xviii. 448 Excrements contain typhoid fever poi- son, i 53 Excrescences on aortic valves, in endocarditis, vi. 83 Excreta, amounts and products of, xviii. 450 Excreta, contamination of soil by, xviii 445 disinfection of, xviii. 595 dry systems of removal, xviii 508 methods of removal of. xviii. 450, 450 pollution of soil by, xviii. 445 Excretion during childhood and adult age, xvi. 302 Excretion, disturbances of, in hysteria, xiv. 523 Excretions, in relapsing fever, i 243 Exercise, deficiency or excess of, a cause of anaemia, xvi. 316 effects of, on respiration, xviii. 320 in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 78 lack of, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 141 Exercise, bodily, lack of, in etiol- ogy of habitual constipation, vii. 594 Exercise, physical, xviii. 317 importance. of, for school children, xix. 623 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 872 in anaemia, xvi. 427, 463 in chlcrosis, xvi. 561 in chorea, xiv. 463 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in corpulence, xvii. 712, 722 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 991 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 406 in myelitis, xiii. 426, 457, 464 in paraplegia, dependent upon idea, xiii. 822 in poisoning by opium, xvii. 866 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 711 in scrofulosis, xvi. 817 in spinal irritation, xiii. C67 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 380 in stuttering, xiv. 840 nature and amount of, xviii. 359 Exercise, physical, excessive, in etiology of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 152 of leucaemia, viii. 507 of splenitis, viii. 435 Exertion, aneurism due to violent, vi. 412 Exhaust-fans. Eye. INDEX. 148 Exhaust-fans, for the ventilation of mines, xix. 248 Exhaust-pipes, xix. 468 Exhumation of bodies, trouble aris- ing from, xix. 459 Exner, xiv. 656, 678 Exocardial murmurs, characters of, vi. 54 Exophthalmic goitre (see Basedow's Disease), xiv. 75 Exophthalmic goitre and chlo- rosis, xvi 553 Exophthalmus in Basedow's dis- ease, xiv. 82 cause of the, xiv. 91 treatment of, xiv. 103 Expectancy of life, according to ex- perience of life insurance offices, xix. 344 according to life tables, xix. 342 Expectorants, in acute bronchitis, iv. 428, 430 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 432, 433, 434, 435, 436 in stenosis of trachea, iv. 500 in whooping-cough, vi. 725 Expectorants, irritant, in perfora- tion of hepatic absces3 into the lungs, ix. 164 Expectorants, stimulating, in in- fluenza, ii. 537 Expectoration, character of, in bron- chiectasis, ix. 891 in cases of hemorrhage from the lungs, v. 305 in pneumonia, v. 88 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 383 in pulmonary consumption, v. 520 in abscess of the lung, v. 127 in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 205 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 622 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 360 in bronchial asthma, iv. 548, 565 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 340 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 374 Expectoration, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 385, 391, 397 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 215 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 451 in croupous pneumonia, v. 36, 88 in diagnosis of croupous bronchitis, iv. 463 in gangrene of the lung, v. 416 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 305 in pleuritis, iv. 632 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 256 in pneumothorax, iv. 756 in pulmonary consumption, v. 520, 585, 597 in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 492 in typhoid pneumonia, v. 124 Expectoration of putrid bron- chitis, fungi in, iv. 398 Experiments on apoplexy, xii 106 on chorea, xiv. 455 Expiration, in pulmonary emphysema, v. 377 Expiration, difficult, in pulmonary emphysema, v. 377 Expiration, disorder of, in asthma, iv. 544 Exploration, physical, in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 281 Exposure to cold, in etiology of ca- tarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 512 Expression, affections of, in progressive bulbar paralysis, xii 923 congenital and acquired movements of, xix. 583 persistence of mimic movements of, in aphasie persons, xiv. 648 Extension of disease from one car- diac valve to another, vi. 162 Extension of syphilitic infiltra- tion into nerves, xii. 352 External hemorrhages, in haemo- philia, xvii. 39 External rupture of thoracic aneurism, vi. 428 Extirpation of larynx, vii. 912 Extirpation of neuromata, xi 608 149 INDEX. Exha„st-fans. Extirpation of the spleen, viii. 424 Extra-pericardial friction- sound, vi. 595 Extravasations of blood, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 261 into crus cerebri, in apoplexy, xii 117 position of, in apoplexy, xii. 106 Extravasations about tumor of brain, xii. 750 in encephalitis, xii. 689 Extremities, danger of tetanus after wounds of the, xiv. 323 disturbances of circulation in, due to atheroma, vi. 383 extension of, in epilepsy, xiv. 295 pain in, in hysteria, xiv. 504 painful affections of the, in hysteria, xiv. 504 paralysis of, in hysteria, xiv. 518 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 561 Exudation, in croup, iv. 255 histology of, iv. 257 microscopical examination of, iv. 256 in diphtheria, histology of, iv. 257 in pia, in metastatic meningitis, xii. 629 in pleuritis, its source, iv. 607 Exudation, encapsulate, of bile, ix. 654 Exudations, inflammatory, in eti- ology of displacements of liver, ix. 45 Exudations, pericardial, character of, vi 561 in etiology of paralysis of recurrent laryn- geal nerve, vii 948 Exudative inflammation of in- tima, in endarteritis, vi. 363 Eye, disturbances in the nutrition of the, in Basedow's disease, xiv. 83 disturbances of the, in trigeminal anaes- thesia, xi. 225 in trigeminal neuralgia, xi. Ill effects of atropine upon, xvii 671 hygiene of the, xix. 605 muse es of, in haematoma of dura mater, xii. 420 paralysis of, in syphilis, iii. 220 Eye, purulent destruction of, in course of pericarditis, vi. 603 scorbutic affections of, xvii. 188 syphilitic affections of, iii. 221 Eye, affection Of, in hemorrhage of stomach, vii 281 Eye, affections Of, in acute parenchy- matous nephritis of pregnancy, xv. 320 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 82, 87 in chorea, xiv. 437 in epilepsy, xiv. 229, 231 in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 722 of meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 603 in fatty degeneration of the heart, vii. 256 in glanders, iii. 364 in hemicrania, xiv. 12, 15 in hysteria, xiv. 496, 510 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 454 in pericarditis, vi. 603 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 127 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 421, 456, 476 in scurvy, xvii. 164 in syphilis, iii. 221, 239, 303 in tetanus, xiv. 344 in trichinosis, iii. 635 in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 64 in uraemia, xv. 110 in whooping-cough, vi. 697, 706 EYE. PARALYSIS OF MUSCLES OF, xi. 469; bibliography, 469; etiology, 470; catching cold a cause, 470 ; wounds or blows a cause of, 470; diseases of the brain a cause, 471; symp- tomatology, 471 Paralysis of the Oculo-motorius, 476 ; of the lavator palpebrae superioris, 477; of the rectus superior, 477 ; of the rectus internus, 478; of the rectus inferior, 478; of the obliquus inferior, 479; of the sphincter iridis, 479; of the mns- culus accommodatorius, 480 ; of the trochlearis nerve, 480 ; of the nervus ab- ' ducens, 481 Eye symptoms. -i ~/\ Faecal matters. INDEX. 1JU Eye symptoms, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 862 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in anaemia, xvi. 346 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 25 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 100, 102,136 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 326 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii 763, 771, 792 in compression of the brain, xii. 666, 669 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in corpulence, xvi. 661 in dementia paralytica, xii. 866 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 872 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 141 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 387 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 810 in hypertrophy of the brain, xii. 835 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 290 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 482 in leucaemia, viii. 514, 519 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 487, 498 in myelitis, xiii. 412 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 750, 752 by alcohol, xvii. 394, 402, 410 by arsenic, xvii. 654 by atropine, xvii. 666, 668, 672 by barium compounds, xvii. 379 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii. 481 by bromine, xvii. 319 by calabar bean, xvii. 697 by carbolic acid, xvii. 530 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 464 by cheese, xvii. 552 by conii'ne, xvii. 816 by curarine, xvii. 832 by cytisine, xvii. 824 by digitalis, xvii. 710 by ergot, xvii. 893, 908 by fish, xvii. 550 by helleborin, xvii. 742 by iodine, xvii. 303 by lead, xvii 582 Eye symptoms, in poisoning by mus- carine, xvii. 932 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 517 by nitroglycerine, xvii. 534 by opium, xvii. 850 by prussic acid, xvii. 509 by santonine, xvii. 883 by solanine, xvii. 691, 693 by sausages, xvii. 543 by strychnine, xvii. 782, 790 by veratrine, xvii. 725 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 929 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 583 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 284 in scrofulosis, xvi. 795, 811 in scurvy, xvii. 164, 205 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 337 in spinal irritation, xiii. 363 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 541, 563, 576 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 954 Eyes, abuse of, xix. 61 Eyes, affections of, in acute encepha- litis, xii. 729, 738, 745 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 242 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 707, 718, 726 in diabetes, xvi. 917 in erysipelas, ii. 468 in hay fever, ii. 549 in malarial disease, ii 601 in measles, ii. 91, 102, 119 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 615 in meningitis of unknown origin, xii. 651 in scarlatina, ii. 220, 276, 309 in small-pox, ii. 379 in trichinosis, iii. 635 Eyes, rules for the care of, espe- cially in children, xix, 610 151 INDEX. Eye symptoms. Faecal matters. F Fabret, xii 40 Face, combination of paralyses of, in tu- berculosis of pia, xii 567 dilatation of veins of, vi. 498 effect of hypertrophy of tonsils on con- formation of, vi. 976 paleness of, in cerebral anaemia, xii. 30 unilateral progressive atrophy of, the faradic and galvanic currents in, xiv. 74 Facial anaesthesia, xi. 224 Facial expression, in tetanus, xiv. 341 FACIAL MUSCLES, SPASM OF, xi. 304; bibliography, 304 ; diffused spasm of the facial muscles, 306 ; paroxysms in facial spasms, 306; convulsive tic different from tic douloureux, 307; symptomatology, 308; vaso-motor and trophic phenomena in symptomatology, 308; pressure-points, 308 ; tonic spasm of the facial muscles, 309; trismus in tonic spasm of the facial muscles, 309 ; etiology, 310 ; predispo- sition in etiology, 310; catching cold a cause, 310 ; caused by reflex irritation, 310 ; irritation of the facial in its central course, 310; psychi- cal conditions a cause, 311; facial spasm oc- curring as a secondary symptom, 311 ; course, duration, termination, 311 ; diagnosis, 312 ; prognosis, 312 ; treatment, 312 Isolated Facial Muscles, Spasm of, 314; tonic spasm of the lids a form of, 314; pressure-points, location of, in tonic Bpasm of the lids, 314; etiology, 316; treatment, 317; clonic spasm of the lids a form of, 318 ; etiology, 318 ; treatment, 319 Facial muscles, affections of, in tu- berculosis of pia, xii. 534 immunity of, in simple tremor, xiv. 388 spasm of the, in tetanus, xiv. 341 trembling of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 865 Facial nerve, implication of, in uni- lateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 69 Facial nerve, paralysis of, in apoplexy, xii. 119 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 560 Facial nerves, injury of, in parotitis, vi 847 paralyses of, in simple meningitis of base, xii. 588 Facial neuralgia, treatment of, ii. 676 valerianate of quinine in, ii. 676 FACIAL PARALYSIS, xi. 489 ; bibliogra- phy, 489 ; etiology, 491 ; symptomatology, 494 ; bilateral facial paralysis, 505; course and termi- nations of facial paralysis, 507; diagnosis, 510 ; true seat of cause in diagnosis, 511; prognosis, 514; treatment, 516 Facial paralysis, electricity in, xi. 517 in hysteria, xiv. 518 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 614 intracerebral and peripheral forms, xii. 115 mercury and iodide of potassium in, xi. 516 vapor-baths in, xi. 516 Facial paresis, in meningitis of con- vexity, xii. 613 Facial spasm, electricity in, xi. 313 narcotics hypodermically in, xi. 312 neurotomy of sensory nerves in, xi. 314 Factories, sanitary supervision of, xix. 9 Factory act for protection of children, xix. 7 Factory-leg, xix. 7 Factory operatives, xix. 66 Facultas signatrix, the, of Kant, xiv. 606 Faecal accumulations, in etiology of retention-jaundice, ix. 594 Faecal evacuations and vomit- ing, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 247 Faecal matters, surface defilement by, xviii. 573 Faeces. Febrile processes. INDEX. 152 Faeces, accumulations of, as causing dysentery, i. 531 changes in, in cancer of the liver, ix. 392 in apoplexy, xii 102 presence of fat in the, as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 569 Failure of memory in cerebral throm- bosis, xii. 199 Fainting, in valvular disease of the heart, vi. 172 in wounds of the heart, vi. 276 Fainting-fit, xii. 21 Fainting-fits, danger of, in typhoid fe- ver, i. 179 due to inflammatory changes about en- cephalomalacia, xii. 755 treatment of, xvi 494 Falling sickness, see Epilepsy FALLOPIAN TUBES, DISEASES OF, x. 338 Anomalies op Formation, 338 Deformities of the Mouths of the Tubes, 338 ; bibliography, 338 ; general description, 338 Constriction and Closure of the Tubes, with their Results ; Hy- drops Tubarum, Hydrosalpinx, 339; bibliography, 339 ; etiology, 339 ; path- ological anatomy, 341 ; hydrosalpinx, 342; its contents, 342; natural mode of evacuation, 342; symptomatology, 343; diagnosis, 343 ; prognosis, 344; treatment, 344 Hemorrhage of the Tube, 344 Inflammation of the Tubes, Salpingi- tis, 344 ; bibliography, 344; pathological anatomy, 345; symptomatology and diag- nosis. 346 Displacements of the Tubes, 34G ; eti- ology, 346 Neoplasms of the Tubes, 34(5; fibroids, 346; carcinoma, 347; lipomata, 347 ; tuberculosis, 347 Fallopian tubes, hemorrhages from, x. 473 Fallow wards, xviii 758 False membrane, breaking down of, i 616 detachment of diphtheritic, i 605 in bronchi with diphtheria, i 642 in croupous diphtheria, i 630, 633 in diphtheria, i 600, 601 structure of, i 676 in laryngeal diphtheria, i 614, 615 mechanical detachment of, in diphtheria, i. 672 mechanical removal of, from larynx, i 687 solvents of, i. 689 Famine, a cause of scurvy, xvii 126 of typhus fever, i 310 Fancy fowls and birds, keeping of, xix. 400 Fano, xii. 659 Far-sightedness in school-children, xix. 605 Faradism in the treatment of sperma- torrhoea, viii. 877 Faradization, in acute spinal paraly- sis, xiii. 710 in gastralgia, vii. 308 in hysteria, xiv. 568 in hysterical paralysis, xiv. 574 in leucaemia, viii. 531 in paralysis in general, xi. 459 Faradization of the gall-bladder in catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 531 Faradization of the skin in treat- ment of splenic tumors, viii. 427 Faradization of tumors of the spleen, viii. 427 Farado-museular contractility, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 122 Farcy, xix. 461 in man, iii. 367 lesions of, iii. 336 Farcy and glanders, relations of, iii. 320 Farcy-sores, iii. 345 Farge's case of lesion of the white substance of the brain, near the third left frontal convolution, xiv. 688 1~o Faeces. DO INDEX. Febrile processes. Farinaceous diet for infants, xviii 120 Farinaceous foods are apt to cause fermentation in the infantile digestive tract, xviii. 113 Farmers, xix. 55 Fascicular contractions, xiv. 121 Fasting, prolonged, condition of the gall-bladder in, ix. 508 Fat, action of the pancreatic juice on, viii. 559 amount of, in the ingesta, in etiology of fatty liver, ix. 444 diminution of, in diabetes, xvi. 887 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 258 in the stools, in chronic jaundice, ix. 606 increased amount of, in the orbit, in Basedow's disease, xiii. 87 origin of, from albumen, xvi. 618 origin of, in the body, xvi. 617 use of, in treatment of consumption, v. 609 Fat-cmboli in etiology of occlusion of cerebral capillaries, xii. 224 Fat-rendcrers, xix. 26 Fat-rendering, xix. 423 Fatigue, a cause of anaemia, xvi. 816 sense of unnatural bodily, in spermator- rhoea, viii. 858 Fats, xviii. 157 office of, in nutrition, xvi. 458 unaltered in the stomach, vii. 128 uses of, xviii. 158 Fatty degeneration as a cause of spontaneous rupture of heart, vi. 261 external to capsule of old abscess of brain, xii. 701 in chlorosis, xvi. 535 in chronic endocarditis, vi. 95 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 314 Fatty degeneration of arteries, vi 390 in haemophilia, xvii 54 Fatty degeneration of cerebral vessels, in heart disease, vi. 116 Fatty degeneration of the heart, as a cause of dilatation, vi. 200 Fatty degeneration of the inti- ma, in chronic endarteritis, vi. 369 Fatty degeneration of the liver, dietetic and hygienic treatment of, ix. 471 in phosphorus-poisoning, xvii. 635 Fatty degeneration of blood- vessels, as a cause of cerebral hem- orrhage, xii. 80 Fatty disease of the pancreas, forms of, viii. 624 FATTY LIVER, ix. 439; etiology of, 444; frequency of, 456 ; pathological anatomy of, 457; pathology of, 462; symptoms of, 466; diagnosis of, 468; duration, termination, and prognosis of, 469; therapeutics of, 470 Fatty liver, xvi. 665 in consumption, v. 558 Fatly stools as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 569 in disease of the liver, viii. 572 in disease of the pancreas, appearance and amount of the fat, viii. 570 diagnostic value of the symptom, viii. 571 Fatty uleer of the intinia, in chronic endarteritis, vi. 369 Fatty urine in disease of the pancreas, viii. 573 Fauces, secondary syphilis of, iii. 198 Faurfcs, xii. 298, S09, 313 Fear, as predisposing to cholera, i. 454 as predisposing to plague, i. 472 Feather ornaments, manufacture of, xix. 44 Febricula, xvi. 231 Febrile action, in dysentery, i 553 Febrile diseases, influence of, on dia- betes, xvi. 874 Febrile form of cerebral hyper- aemia, xii 61 Febrile movement, typical and cyclical, in typhoid fever, i 77 Febrile processes, congestion of brain in, xii. 451 Febrile symptoms. Fever, typhoid. INDEX. 154 Febrile symptoms, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 387 in splenitis, viii 447 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 260 Febris hcrpetica, xvi 240 Febris intermittens, ii. 555 Febris intermittens apoplectica, ii. 605 Febris intermittens epileptica, ii. 608 Febris intermittens hydropho- bica, ii 608 Febris intermittens tetanica, ii 608 Febris miliaris (Schweissfriesel), ii. 485 Febris perniciosa eardialgica, ii 610 Febris perniciosa diaphoretica, ii. 610 Febris perniciosa dysenterica, ii 610 Febris perniciosa pleuritica, ii 611 Febris perniciosa pneumonica, ii. 611 Fecal vomiting, viii 247 Fecundity, lack of, among cigar-makers, xix. 43 Fecundity of a people, data for estimating it, xix. 313 Fecundity of bleeder families, xvii. 18 Feeding, mode of, in tetanus, xiv. 364 Feeding of infants liable to rick- ets, xvi. 202 Feeding per rectum, a case of, xvi. 443 in anaemia, xvi 453 Feeding the infant, mode of, xviii. 89, 129 Feet, care of the, xviii 385 Feet, oedema of, in pulmonary emphy- sema, v. 381 Fegato ambulante, ix. 48 Fehling's test for sugar, xvi 976 Feinberg, xii. 792 Fell-mongers, xix. 26 Felix Platter, i 3 Feltz, xii 194, 225, 227 Female genital organs, catarrhal affections of, due to hemorrhage, vi. 506 Femoral neuralgia, xi. 104 Fergusson's speculum, x. 28 Ferment diseases, i 10 Fermentation, in chronic gastritis, vii. 181 Fermentation, alcoholic, in chro- nic gastritis, vii. 171 Ferri chloridi, liquor, in croup, iv. 265 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 Ferri lactas in relapsing fever, i 286 Ferri perchloridi, liquor, in hem- orrhage from the mucous membrane of the larynx, iv. 193 Ferric sulphate, as a disinfectant, xviii. 564 in cholera, i. 453 Ferrier, xii. 110, 152, 198 Ferrous sulphate, as a disinfectant, xix. 562 Ferrous sulphide (hydrated), an antidote in mercurial poisoning, xvii 605 Fertilizer-makers, xix. 26 Fertilizers, xix. 414 Fetid pus in abscess of brain, xii. 705 cause of, xii. 706 Fever, absence of, in chorea, xiv. 440 in scurvy, xvii. 166 as a cause of anaemia, xvi. 337 as a cause of congestion of pia, xii. 437 brought on by catching cold, xvi. 237, 244 causes of waste in, xvi. 338 character of, in phthisis, v. 567 destroys parasites which caused it, i. 256 during teething, vi. 776 in acute cystitis, viii. 678 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 250 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 744 It'V TTsrTYFY Febrile symptoms. LO° INDEX. Fever, typhoid. Fever, in acute parenchymatous nephri- tis, xv. 273 in acute phlebitis, vi. 488 in apoplexy, xii. 110 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in carcinomatous peritonitis, viii. 343 in cerebral congestion, xii. 43 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii 165 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 327 in cerebral tumors, xii. 261 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 771 in compression of the brain, xii. 667 in connection with hemorrhage from the lungs, v. 306 in diabetes, xvi. 923 in differentiation of abscess and tumor of the brain, xii. 802 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 387 in endocarditis, vi. 88 in etiology of dementia paralytica, xii. 855 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 471 of universal anaemia of the brain, of gradual development, xii. 14 in haematoma of the dura mater, xii. 419 in hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii 451 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 485, 487 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii 612, 616, 649 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 529, 532 in metatastic meningitis due to pneumo- nia, xii. 633 in metastatic meningitis due to typhoid fever, xiii. 637 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 419 in pericarditis, vi 571 in the plague, i. 473 in pneumonia, v. 55 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 127 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 44 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 585 in the status epilepticus, xiv. 249 in tetanus xiv. 349 iu tonsillitis, vi. 917 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 682 in tubercular meningitis, xii 526 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 334 Fever, in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 533, 539 the first point of attack for treatment in croupous pneumonia, v. 157 the syphilitic eruption, iii. 125 treatment of, in corpulent persons, xvi. 735 FEVER, BILIOUS TYPHOID, i. £53, 287 ; bibliography, 287 ; etiology, 288; symptoma- tology, 291 ; duration of, 294; pathological anatomy, 29G ; diagnosis, 297; prognosis, 298 ; treatment, 299 Fever, gastric, i 125 Fever, hay, ii. 540 Fever, intermittent, ii. 557 in etiology of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 170 of encephalitis, xii. 715 mistaken for pylephlebitis, ix. 824 symptomatic, of gall-stones, ix. 754 Fever, malarial, ii. 557 in etiology of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 83 in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 63 Fever, miliary, ii 486 Fever, mucous, i 125 Fever of croupous angina, vi 934 Fever of progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 582, 591 Fever of pyelitis, xv. 572 Fever of ulcerative endocar- ditis, vi 75 Fever of whooping-cough, vi 693 Fever, recurrent, in etiology of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 403 Fever, regular intermittent, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 127 Fever, relapsing, i 258 Fever, scarlet, ii. 158 Fever, splenic, xviii 19 Fever, spotted, ii 687 Fever temperature causes degenera- tion of muscles, i 109 FEVER, TYPHOID, i. 37; bibliography, 37; varieties of typhus, 38; fundamental dif- ference between typhus and typhoid fever, 41; Fever, typhoid. ir/> Filter. INDEX. 100 synonyms of, 42; history, 42; etiology, 44; bibliography, 44; contagiousness of, 46; pytho- genic theory of origin of, 49; introduction of, 52; excrements as means of propagation of, 53 ; vitality of poison of, 54; incubation in, period of, 55; infection in, mode of, 56; infection from drinking-water in, 58; development of, conditions of, 62 ; seasons in, influence of, G4 ; water-level in, influence of, 68; age in, influ- ence of, 72; sex in, influence of, 74; symptoma- tology, 77 ; temperature in, 80 ; pulse in, 82 ; nervous disturbances in, 86; stadium prodro- morum in, 89; week, first, of, 90; week, sec- ond, of, 91 ; week, third, of, 93; week, fourth, of, 94 ; lesions of, 96; Peyer's patches in, le- Bions of, 98; glands in, mesenteric, lesions of, 103 ; glands in, lymphatic, lesions of, 103; epleen in, changes in, 104; liver in, changes in, 105; kidneys in, changes in, 106; albuminuria in, 106; muscular tissue of heart in, degeneration of, 107; vessels in, degenera- tion of, 107; blood in, changes in, 108; mus- cles in, voluntary, degeneration of, 108; brain in, morbid changes in, 112 ; glands in, salivary, changes in, 113; pancreas in, changes in, 113; medulla of bones in, changes in, 114; symp- toms and lesions of, connection between, 114; lesions of, due to the fever, 116; cases which run an irregular course in, 118 ; mild and abor- tive cases of, 120 ; afebrile cases of, 124 ; diag- nosis of, 126; termination and prognosis of, 131; individual peculiarities in, 139 ; prognosis of, in pregnancy, 144; complications and se- quelae, 145 ; hemorrhage from the bowels in, 147 ; perforation of the intestine in, 150 ; peri- tonitis from perforation in, 152; peritonitis without perforation in, 154 ; diphtheria of the intestinal mucous membrane in, 155; hemor- rhagic infarctions in, 156; spleen, rupture of, in, 156 ; liver, acute yellow atrophy of, in, 157 ; icterus in, 158 ; catarrh, pharyngeal, in, 159; parotitis in, 160; venous thrombosis in, 164; endocarditis and pericarditis in, 164; epistaxis in, 165 ; laryngeal ulcers in, 166 ; catarrh of the bronchi in, 166 ; hypostatic congestion of lung in, 167; oedema of lung in, 168; hemor- rhagic infarctions in lung in, 169; lobular pneumonia in, 170 ; gangrene of lung in, 172 ; general miliary tuberculosis, a sequel of, 173 ; phthisis, pulmonary, a sequel of, 172 ; pleurisy, a sequel of, 173; thyroid gland in, disease of, 174; brain in, effusion of blood in, 176; acute meningitis in, 176; irritation of the brain with depression of temperature in, 178 ; syncope in, 179; genito-urinary organs in, sequelaB in, 189 ; skin in, affections of, 183; bed-sores in, 181; alopecia following, 187; general disturbances following, 188; relapses in, 190; treatment, 194; prophylaxis of, 194; treatment, specific, 197; quinine in, 198; iodide of potassium in treatment of, 199; calomel treatment of, 200; comparison of modes of treatment of, 202, 220 ; treatment of, symptomatic, 204; cold-water treatment of, 206 ; cold-water treatment of, contra-indications to use of, 212 ; quinine treat- ment of, 214 ; digitalis treatment of, 217; vera- tria treatment of, 21S; complications, treat- ment of, 223 ; dietetic treatment of, 228 ; ven- tilation and temperature in, 230 ; nourishment in, 232 ; varieties of, 38 Fever, typhoid, i. 37 in etiology of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 857 FEVER, TYPHUS, L 301; bibliography, 301 ; history, 302 ; etiology, 304 ; geographical distribution of, 304 ; propagation, mode of, in, 307 ; sex and age in, 311; symptomatology in, 313 ; temperature in, 320 ; digestive system in, 328 ; respiratory system in, 329 ; urinary sys- tem in, 330 ; nervous system in, 330 ; compli- cations of, 331 ; duration and progress, 332; mortality of, 332 ; pathological anatomy, 333 ; diagnosis, 335 ; prognosis, 336 ; treatment, 337 Feverish cold, with herpes labialis, xvi. 240 Fevers, prevention of, by antiseptic sur- gery, xvi. 437 Fibrillary contractions, xiv. 123 Fibrillary fissuration of muscles, xiv. 167 Fibrillary twitehings in pseudo-hy- pertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 160 Fibrin, xviii 150 amount increased, in blood of bleeders, xvii. 45 deposition of, in endocarditis, vi. 83 Fibrin calculi, xv. 703 157 INDEX. S,Ipl,°ldl Fibrin dyscrasiae, vii. 247 Fibrin of the blood, condition of, in scurvy, xvii. 176 Fibrinous degeneration, in croup- ous diphtheria, i. 630 Fibrinous effusion in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 235 Fibrinous exudation of pericar- ditis, vi 562 Fibrocystic tumor of the uterus, x. 228 Fibroid sarcoma of the uterus, x. 306 Fibroids of the cervix uteri, x. 236 of the ovary, x. 436 of the uterus, 222 removal of, by laparotomy, x. 254 of the vagina, x. 508 Fibroma of the air-passages, in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 480 Fibroma of the kidneys, xv. 635 Fibroma of the larynx, vii 885 Fibroma of the mediastinum, v. 446 Fibroma of the oesophagus, viii. 169 Fibroma of the spinal mem- branes, xiii. 264 Fibroma of the stomach, vii. 229 Fibromata of the heart, vi. 286 Fibromata of the intestines, vii. 428 Fibromata of the lungs, v. 433 Fibromata of the nasal cavity, iv. 170 Fibromata of nerves, xi. 600 Fibromata of the palate, vi. 985 Fibromata of the tongue, vi. 753 Fibromata of the vulva, x. 551 extirpation, x. 551 Fibropericarditis, vi 650 Fibrosarcoma of the liver, ix. 354 Fibrous degeneration of mus- cles, xiv. 134 Fibrous polypi of the oesopha- gus, viii. 170 Fibrous screens, for filtering air, xviii. 712 Fibrous thickening of dura mater, in old age, xii 379 Fibrous thickening of valves, as a cause of aortic insufficiency, vi. 132 Fiedler, xii. 845, 847 Field hospital hygiene, xix. 160 Field's flush tank, xviii 493 Fievre bilieusc hematurique, ii. 618 lesions of, ii. 628 treatment of, ii. 676 FIFTH NERVE, NEURALGIA OF, xi. 100 ; etiology, 103 ; catching cold a cause, 102 ; disease of adjoining organs, 102; aneurismal dilatation of the internal carotid artery in eti- ology, 103; diseases of brain in etiology, 103; irritations of peripheral nerves, 104 ; excessive psychical activity, 104 ; symptomatology, 105 ; prodromata, 105 ; paroxysm of pain, 105 ; point apophysaire, 107; concomitant sensory phe- nomena, 107 ; disturbances of organs of special sense, 108; concomitant motor phenomena, 108; vasomotor disturbances, 109 ; secretory disturbances, 109 ; augmented lachrymal secre- tion, 109; trophic disturbances, 110; herpes zoster in symptomatology, 111; psychical dis- orders in symptomatology, 111; disturbances of health, 111 ; varieties of neuralgia of the face in symptomatology, 112 ; fifth nerve, neu- ralgia in first division, 112; neuralgia in sec- ond division, 113 ; neuralgia in third division, 114; prognosis, 117 ; duration of disease, 117; termination, 118 ; diagnosis, 118 ; cause of dis- ease, 119 ; treatment, 120; large doses of opium, ] 24 ; indications for operative interference, 127 Figures, loss of the understand- ing for, xiv. 777 Filaria sanguinis hominis, as a cause of chyluria, vi. 542 File-cutters, xix. 32 File-makers, liability of, to lead-poi- soning, xvii. 561 Filter, sand, action of, xviii. 272 Filter, silicated carbon, xviii 279 Filter, spongy iron, xviii. 279 Filter-beds. Food. INDEX. 158 Filter-beds, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., xviii. 269 at Zurich, Switzerland, xviii. 271 cleaning of, xviii. 270, 271 construction of, xviii. 269 covering of, xviii. 270, 273, 275 Filter-galleries, xviii. 245 Filters for large tanks or cis- terns, xviii. 277, 280 Filters, household, requirements of, xviii. 274 Filters, tap, objections to, xviii. 276 Filth, as a cause of disease, xviii. 27 Filth-diseases, of Mr. Simon, xviii. 399 relation of, to water-supply, xviii. 218 Filtration, of drinking-water, xviii. 264, 268, 283 Filtration, household, xviii. 274 Filtration, natural, rate of, xviii. 270 treatment of sewage by, xviii. 532 water obtained by, xviii. 248 Filtration on the large scale, cost of, xviii. 274 object and results of, xviii. 271 Filtrum laryngis, iv. 49 Finger, xii 522 Fingers, clubbed ends of, in ste- nosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 327 Fire-damp, xix. 236 Fire-eaters, xvii. 631 Fireplaces, xviii 687 Fire-proof staircases, in school- houses, xix. 599 Fire-room temperature of moni- tors, xix. 190 Fire service, dangerous to bleeders, xvii. 94 Fireworks, xix. 469 Fischer, xii. 658, 659, 660, 661, 664, 674, 799, 811, 814, 833 Fischer, II., xii. 11 Fischer's theory of concussion of the brain, xii 661 Fish as a source of nuisance, xix. 415 destruction of, by sewage, xviii. 527 poisoning by, xvii. 547 Fishermen, xix. 55 Fistula, gastro-duodenal, xii. 405 Fistula, hepatic, communicating with lung, in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 Fistula in ano, frequency of, in con- sumption, v. 557 Fistula, oesophago-tracheal, iv. 287 Fistula of the neck, iv. 289 Fistula, thoracic, iv. 683, 717 Fistula, tracheal, iv. 289 Fistulae, abdominal, passage of gall- stones through, ix. 735 Fistulae between the biliary pas- sages and air-passages, ix. 663 Fistulas, biliary, ix. 659 diagnosis and prognosis, ix. 666 treatment of, ix. 668 which empty into the urinary passages, ix. 662 Fistulae, cutaneous biliary, ix. 664 Fistulae, gastro-intestinal bili- ary, ix. 660 Fistulae, uro-genital, x. 513 their closure by sutures, x. 524 Fistulae, vagino-intestiiial, their closure by sutures, x. 530 Fistulae, vascular biliary, ix. 663 Flake White, injurious nature of, xviii. 371 Flatulence, vii. 176 Flax-hackling, xix. 41 Flax operatives, xix. 40 Flax-steeping, development of sul- phuretted hydrogen in, xvii. 492 Fleming's tincture of aconite, xvii. 747 Flemming, xii. 313 Flesh-worms, so-called, xviii 370 Fleury, xii. 151 Flexibilitas cerea, xiv. 369 theory of, xiv. 379 Flies, as carriers of anthrax poison, iii. 383, 409 stings of, iii. 533 159 INDEX. Flint, Austin, Jr., experiments upon the pedestrian Weston, xviii. 330 Floating liver,, ix. 48 Floors, construction of, in hospi- tals, xviii. 748 Floss-silk carders, xix. 45 Flour, adulteration of, xix. 364 explosion of, xix. 39 Flourens' theory as to the functional equality of the different parts of the cerebrum, xiv. 705 Flowers, odors of, as causing hay fever, ii. 544 Flowers, artificial, xix. 47 Fluctuation in acute diffuse peritoni- tis, viii. 245 Fluctuation of symptoms in cere- bral syphilis, xii. 322 Fluid, cerebro-spinal, xiii. 10 Fluid exudation of pericarditis, vi. 562 Fluor albus, x. 496 Flush-tank, Field's, xviii. 493 Flushing of sewers, xviii 473 Flushing-tanks, xviii. 474 Fluxionary hemorrhages, xvii. 37 Fluxions to the brain, as a cause of ventricular effusions, xii. 468 Fluxus coeliacus seu pancreati- cus, viii 568 Fly-fungus, poisoning by, xvii. 926 Foci, purulent and gangrenous, in etiology of perforation of the biliary passages, ix. 651, 652 Foerster, xii 91, 427, 694 Foetal blood-vessels, oblitera- tion of, xviii. 75 Foetal endocarditis, connection of, with congenital diseases of heart, vi 316 Foetus, condition of, in acute atrophy of the liver in the mother, ix. 268 Foetus in titero, effect of ergot upon, xvii. 903 uraemia of, in uraemic mothers, xv. 322 Folie circulairc, xii 869 Folic raisonnante, xiv. 545 significance of, with regard to the prog- nosis of hysteria, xiv. 557 Follicles, in catarrhal angina, vi. 892 Follicles of the tonsils, vi 866 Follicular catarrh of the oesoph- agus, viii. 140 Follicular hypertrophy of the lips of the os uteri, x. 149 Follicular pharyngitis, vii. 90 Follicular ulcer of the cervix uteri, x. 155 Folsom, on disposal of sewage, xviii. 523 on hospital construction, xviii. 746 Folsoin's plan of a hospital ward, xviii 759 Folsoin's radiator, xviii. 768 Folsoin's transom-window, xviii. 773 Fomentations for dysenteric colic, i. 562 Fontanellcs, condition of, in men- ingitis tuberculosa, xii. 538 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 219 Food, adulteration of, xix. 351 articles of, liable to be adulterated, xix. 357 classification of, xviii. 146 daily amount required, xvi. 424 deficiency of, as a cause of anaemia, xvi. 310 examination of, xix. 578 improper and defective, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 124 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 946 in typhoid fever, i 232 influence of, in causing dysentery, i. 530 influence of, on scrofulosis, xvi 767 of anaemic patients, xvi. 451 of scrofulous infants, xvi. 815 on shipboard, xix. 203 police supervision of, during cholera, i. 446 poor quality of, a cause of consumption, v. 492 proper daily amount of, xviii. 190 results of an excess of, xviii. 199 Food. Frustulla. INDEX. 160 Food, value of character of regurgitated, for diagnosis of diseases of the oesoph- agus, viii. 14 FOOD AND DRINK, xviii. 145 ; classifica- tion of food, 146; direct aliment, nitrogenous or albuminous principles, proteids, 148 ; olea- ginous principles of food, fats, hydrocarbons, 157; saccharine and amylaceous principles, amyloids, 160 ; indirect aliment, inorganic food, 167; organic indirect aliment, 169; accessory foods, 170 ; a mixed diet necessary, 1S3 ; modi- fications in the proportion of different alimen- tary principles demanded by differences in temperature and climate, 188; the effects of cooking, 188; the proper daily amount of food, 190; certain conditions and diseases resulting from the use of defective, deficient, excessive or diseased food, 196 Foot-and-mouth disease, iii. 513; see also Diseases of Animals dietetic treatment of, iii. 531 Foot-ball, game of, xviii. 364 Foramen ovale, effect of non-closure of, upon the induction of pulmonary stenosis, vi. 156 persistence of, vi. 318 Foramina of the heart, position of the vascular, vi. 8 Forcible contractions of the heart in haemophilia, xvii. 73 Ford, William II., on soil and water, xviii. 397 Forecastle, xix. 179 Forehead-band, Cramer's, for la- ryngeal mirrors, iv. 21 Fore-hold, xix. 178 Foreign bodies, a cause of gangrene of the lungs, v. 411 in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 715 of perforations of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 651 of stenosis and occlusion of the bili- ary excretory ducts, ix. 580 Foreign bodies in the ear as a cause of meningitis, xii. 602 Foreign bodies in the heart, vi. 271 propriety of removing, vi- 283 FOREIGN BODIES IN THE KIDNEY, THE PELVIS OF THE KIDNEY, AND THE URETER, xv. 6S7 Nephrolithiasis, 687; history and bibli- ography, 687 ; etiology, 689 ; pathologi- cal anatomy, 694; deposits and concre- tions in the kidneys, the renal pelves, and the ureters, 694; pathological changes produced in the kidney, the pelvis of the kidney, and the ureter, by renal concre- tions, 705 ; symptomatology, 708 ; com- plications and sequelae, 720; diagnosis, 724; duration, terminations, and prog- nosis, 728; treatment, 730 Foreign bodies in the oesopha- gus as a cause of obstruction, viii. 25 as a cause of pressure-diverticula, viii. 60 Foreign bodies in the portal vein, ix. 832 Foreign bodies in the vagina, x. 511 Foreign mass in the brain, as a cause of cerebral anaemia, xii. 13 Forests, influence of, on climate, xviii. 432 on moisture in the air, xviii. 662 Forgemen, xix. 58 Forget, xii 791 Form of syphiloma of the brain, xii 304 Formation of diverticula, vi. 549 Formative processes in focus of yel- low softening, xii. 696 Formic acid, as a solvent of false membranes, i 689 Formication as a premonitory sign of apoplexy, xii. 98 Forms of tubercular meningitis, xii. 500 Fornix pharyngis, iv. 62 Fort Foote, xix. 96 Fort Gibson, xix. 96 Fossa of Rosen in ueller, iv. 63 161 INDEX. Food. Fru*»tulta. Fosses mobiles, of Paris, xviii 516 Foundations of hospital build- ings, xviii 747 Foundling asylums, prevention of scurvy in, xvii. 227 Fowler's arsenical solution, poi- soning by, xvii. 647 in bronchial asthma, iv. 581 Fowls, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 Fox, on the disposal of the slop-water of villages, xviii. 571 Foyer Joly, xviii 689 Fracastor, xii. 294 Fractures of bones, in malacosteon, xvi. 215 Fraenkel, Bernard, biographical sketch of, vol. iv., v Fraentzcl, xii. 14 Fraentzel, Dr. Oscar, biographical sketch of, vol. iv., ix. Fraenulum linguae, ulcer on, in per- tussis, vi. 699 Fraeuulum penis, distortion of the, as a cause of impotence, viii. 886 Fraenum linguae, its influence on nursing, xviii. 83 shortness of, an obstacle to laryngoscopy, iv. 41 Frank, Joseph, xii. 301 Frank, J. P., xii. 71, 72, 86, 97 Frank, P., xii. 9, 12, 33 Frankenhaiiser, xii. 381 Frankland's process of water analysis, xviii. 302 Franklin stoves, xviii. 688, 696 Fraudulent adulterations, xix. 356 Free bodies in the pericardium, vi. 672 Fr6misscment cataire, vi. 38 discovery of, vi 62 Fremissemcnt felt on larger ves- sels, vi. 38 Fremitus, in pleuritis, iv. 661 669 in pneumothorax, iv. 758 in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 490 Vol. XX—11 Fremitus, pectoral, diminution of, in cases of foreign bodies in the bron- chi, iv. 516 Frenum, see Fraenum Frerichs, xii 81 on Bright's disease, xv. 174 on uraemic poisoning, xv. 112 Fresh air, importance of, in treatment of croupous pneumonia, v. 159 in the treatment of dementia paralytica, xii. 884 Fresh vegetables, the lack of, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 128 Fresh-water wells near salt water, xviii 250 Frey, xii. 659 Friction of extremities in cholera, i 460 Friction-sounds, in acute diffuse peri- tonitis, viii. 246 in pericarditis, vi. 571 Friedreich, xii. 245, 248 Friedreich's case of acute pan- creatitis, viii. 593 Friedreich's sign of pericardial adhesions, vi. 645 Friedreich's theory of pseudo- hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 172 Friedrichshall bitter water, in vicarious nose-bleed, iv. 168 Fright as a cause of aphasia, xiv. 799 Frigidarium, xviii. 374 Fritsch, xii. 110, 152, 198, 256, 877 Fritsch and Ilitzig, experiments on cerebral localization, xii. 258 Fritz, E., xii. 217 Frontal lobe of brain, abscess of, xii. 787 symptoms of localized disease in, xii. 789 Frontal lobe of the brain, as the seat of memory, xii. 878 Fruit-jellies, adulteration of, xix. 365 Fruits, an occasional source of nuisance, xix. 416 Frustulia ventriculi, in chronic gas- tritis, vii. 175 Fuclisin. t»al vauic current. INDEX. 162 Fuchsin, xvii. 520 Fuerstner's case of lesion of the corpus striatum, xiv. 684 Fullers, xix. 27 Fumigations, mercurial, in syphi- lis, iii. 288 Functional aphasia, xiv. 799 Functional diseases (neuroses) of the peripheral nerves, xi. 5 Functional murmurs, characters of, vi. 55 Fundamental types of symp- toms, in cerebral syphilis, xii. 319 Fundus oculi, hyperaemia of, in throm- bosis sinus cavernosis, xii 218 in compression of brain, xii. 667 Funerals of scarlatinal patients, ii. 300 Fungal mycelium, in relapsing fever, i. 239 Fungi, germs of, as agents of infection, i. 239 in chronic gastritis, vii 175 in expectoration of putrid bronchitis, iv. 398 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 369 Fungi, not found in blood in typhoid fever, i 240 poisoning by, xvii. 920 various forms of, xviii. 17 Fungoid vegetations, in course of pneumonia, giving rise to meningitis, xii. 622 Fungus, growth of, in umbilical fossa, xviii. 81 Fungus durae matris, xii. 262 Fungus of croup membrane, vi. 929 Fungus of thrush, vi 801 Fungus of vaccinia and small- pox, i 249 Fungus of whooping-cough, vi. 689 Fungus-spore, as a cause of measles, ii. 38 Furnaces, xviii. 691 Furuncles, as a cause of phlebitis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 212 Furuncles and abscesses, in typhoid fever, i. 183 Fusel-oil, xviii. 175 in the treatment of tremor, xiv. 393 G Gacthgens, xii 6 Gait, disturbances of, in abscess of cere- bellum, xii. 791 Gait of dementia paralytica, xii. 864 Gait, spastic, xiii. 628, 632 Gaits characteristic of spinal disease, xiii. 96 Galactagogues, xviii. 105 Galen, xii. 37, 832 Gall, xii. 832 Gall-bladder, accumulation of bile in, in etiology of dilatation of, ix. 634 anatomical changes in, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 257 cancer of, ix. 570 Gall-bladder, catarrh of, in etiology of gall-stones, ix. 714 chronic phlegmonous inflammation of, ix. 720 concretions in, ix. 718 constitution of the bile in dilatation of, iv. 636 croupous and diphtheritic inflammation of, ix. 542 dilatation of, ix. 632 cholecystotomy in, ix. 647 course, duration, termination, prog- nosis, ix. 642 puncture in, ix. 645 symptoms and diagnosis, ix. 638 treatment of, ix. 645 163 TNTkET Fuclisln. iUU l^DliX. Galvanic current. Gall-bladder, diphtheria and ulcers of, i 157 dropsy of, ix. 635, 636, 641 empyema of, ix. 545, 637, 641 faradization of, in catarrh of the bile- ducts, ix. 531 gall-stones in etiology of dilatation of, ix. 634 gangrene of, ix. 544 in yellow fever, i 505 inflammation of, ix. 541 mucous membrane of, ix. 505 myxoma of, ix. 568 phlegmonous inflammation of, ix. 545 polypoid growths of, ix. 567 round-worms in, vii. 743 rupture from dilatation, ix. 598 traumatism in etiology of dilatation of, ix. 034 ulcers of, ix. 542 Gall-duets, chronic obturation of, ix. 397 dilated, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 interstitial hepatitis arising from affec- tions of, ix. 213 purulent inflammation of, ix. 546 round-worms in, iii. 743 ulcers of, ix. 546 Gall-stones, ix. 686 as sequelae of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 524 atheromatous degeneration of the arteries with, ix. 712 belladonna internally and externally in, ix. 767 changes in, in the intestinal canal, ix. 738 chemical composition of, ix. 696 compound nucleated, ix. 694 containing cholesterine, ix. 698 course, terminations, and prognosis of, ix. 764 destitute of cholesterine, ix. 699 diagnosis of, ix. 759 diagnosis of obstruction of intestine, pro- duced by, vii. 625 etiology of, ix. 706 Gall-duets, expulsion of by vomiting, ix. 739 formation of, within the liver, in etiology of interstitial hepatitis, ix. 213 impaction of, in the intestine, ix. 739 in etiology of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 515 of dilatation of the gall-bladder, ix. 634 of occlusion of the biliary excretory ducts, ix. 580 of purulent diphtheritic and ulcera- tive inflammation of the bile-ducts, ix. 536 in the portal vein, ix. 832 mode of origin of, ix. 700 obstruction of intestines produced by, vii. 573 opiates in the hepatic colic of, ix. 766 passage of, into the abdominal cavity, ix. 734 into the colon, ix. 730 into the duodenum, ix. 729 into the portal vein, ix. 731 into the stomach, ix. 729 into the urinary passages, ix. 730 through abdominal fistulae, ix. 735 pathology and pathological anatomy, ix. 715 physical characteristic of, ix. 690 simple homogeneous, ix. 693 structure of, ix. 693 symptoms of ix. 742 treatment of, ix. 766 Gallic acid, in treatment of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 318 in the treatment of chyluria, vi. 543 Galloping consumption, v. 514 Galton's fireplace, xviii 687 Galton's hearth, xviii. 688 Galton's plan for disposition of hospital water-closets, xviii 761 Galton's stoves, xviii. 674 Galvanic current, in treatment of arterial spasm, or paralysis, vi 361 Galvanic current. Gas-wells. INDEX. 164 Galvanic current, in the treatment of paralysis agitans, xiv. 407 Galvanic excitability of the nerve-trunks in progressive mus- cular atrophy, xiv. 123 Galvanic excitability of the skin of the genital organs, viii. 895 Galvanic method of testing the sense of taste, xi 246 Galvanism, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 168 in dementia paralytica, xii. 885 in hemicrania, xiv. 28 in spermatorrhoea, vii. 877 in unilateral progresssive atrophy of the face, xiv. 74 mode of application of, in epilepsy, xiv. 285 Galvanization, in acute ascending paralysis, xiii. 746 in acute myelitis, xiii. 424 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 708 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 462 in compression of cord, xiii. 343 in paralysis in general, xi. 460 in spinal anaemia, xiii. 290 in spinul irritation, xiii. 368 in spinal neurasthenia, xiii. 381 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 613 Galvanization of the muscles, effect of direct, in progressive muscu- lar atrophy, xiv. 123 Galvanization over the neck, to establish respiration, in the new-born infant, xviii. 76 Galvanized iron service-pipes, xviii. 290 Galvano-cautery, in chronic nasal ca- tarrh, iv. 145 in chronic pharyngeal catarrh, iv. 98 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 57 in hyperplastic catarrh, vii. 90, 96 in hyperplastic catarrh of naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 95 in hyperplastic rhinitis, iv. 145 in morbid growths in naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 103 Galvano-cautery, in neoplasms of larynx, vii 908 Galvano-puncture, in the treatment of aneurism, vi. 455 Gama, xii. 659, 808 Gamblers, xix. 59 Gamboge, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 228 Gammacismus, xiv. 854 Gammeleira, in the treatment of the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 787 Ganglia of the crusta, xiv. 670 Ganglia of the tegmentum, xiv. 670 Ganglion-cells, changes in, about en- cephalitic focus, xii. 693 changes in, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 503 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 679 degeneration of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 862 in acute myelitis, xiii. 397 Ganglion-cells in cortex, calcifica tion of, after encephalitis, xii. 731 changes in, in encephalitis, xii. 753 Gangrene, complicating measles, ii. 100 diagnosis of, in diphtheria, i 663 in diabetes, xvi 922 in diphtheria, i 620, 641 in dysentery, i. 544 in erysipelas, ii. 456 in intussusception of intestines, vii. 621 in malarial fever, ii. 613 in measles, ii. 127 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 490 in scarlatina, ii. 211, 217, 224, 282 Gangrene of the gall-bladder, ix. 544 Gangrene of the intestinal mu- cous membrane, i 155 Gangrene of the intestine, ix. 741 GANGRENE OF THE LUNG, v. 407; his- tory and literature, 407; etiology, 408; influ- ence of sex, 408 ; of age, 408 ; various causes of its origin, 409 ; interruption or weakness of the blood-current in the lungs, 409 ; croupous pneu- monia, 409 ; embolism, 410; emboli from infec- tive purulent centres, 410; gangrene from per- 1P~ _„.„„ Galvanic current. IGO INDEX. Gas-Well«. foration into the lungs from neighboring parts, 411 ; from foreign bodies, 411 ; from stagnant contents of a cavity, 411 ; from lowering of the general nutrition, 411; from injury, 412; patho- logical anatomy, 412 ; the circumscribed form of gangrene, 412; its situation, 413; the size, form, and number, 413 ; mode of recovery, 413 ; bronchitis, 414 ; transition of circumscribed to the diffused form, 414; hemorrhage, 414; em- boli causing metastatic abscesses, 414; affec- tions of the pleura, 414 ; the diffuse form, 415 ; its general characteristics, 415 ; symptoma- tology, 415 ; the sputum, 416 ; its amount, 416 ; its characteristics, 416; chemical reactions, 417 ; microscopic appearances, 417 ; vibriones and other growths, 418; conditions of putre- faction, 419; the cough, 419; position of the patient, 419 ; haemoptysis, 419 ; symptoms fol- lowing pleurisy and pneumonia, 420; conse- quences of swallowing the putrid masses, 420 ; catarrh of the stomach, vomiting, and diarrhoea, 420 ; fever, 420; physical examination, 420; progress of the disease, 420 ; the diffuse form, 422; complications and terminations, 422; hemorrhage, 422; pleurisy, 4C2 ; pneumothorax, 422; rupture through the thoracic wall, 422; causes of death, 423 ; cases of imperfect re- covery, 423 ; of complete recovery, 424; prog- nosis, 424; influence of age, constitution, and vigor, 424 ; of causes of the disease, 424 ; situa- tion of the disease, 425 ; its size, 425 ; influence of complications, 425; diagnosis, 426; from putrid bronchitis, 426; from abscess of the the lung, 427; from pyopneumothorax, 427; treatment, 428 ; prophylaxis, 428 ; improve- ment of the expectoration, 428; various reme- dies, 428 ; inhalations, 429 ; general treatment, 431 ; symptomatic treatment, 431; of haemop- tysis, 432; of catarrh of the stomach, 432 Gangrene of the lungs, as a result of croupous pneumonia, v. 128 complicating measles, ii. 95 Gangrene of the mouth, from scor- butus, vi. 795 Gangrene of the spleen, viii. 442 Gangrene of the vulva, x. 546 Gangrenous diphtheritic angi- na, membrane of, vi. 931 Gangrenous dysentery, i 542 Gangrenous ergotism, xvii. 914 treatment of, xvii. 919 Gangrenous patches of intiina, in endarteritis, vi. 363 Gangrenous ulcers of the oesoph- agus, viii 160 Ganz, xii. 446 Garbage, removal of, xviii. 566 Gargles, in diphtheria, i 681 in diseases of the pharynx, iv. 87 in diseases of soft palate, vi. 880 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 Gargles, antiseptic, value of, i 682 Gargles, medicated, for the lower pharynx, vii. 30 Gargles of cold water, in prophy- laxis of croup, iv. 264 Gargling, in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 49 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 55 in diseases of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 27 Garlic, in treatment of tape-worm, vii. 699 Garlic odor of breath, in pulmo- nary infarction, vi. 105 Garrod's potassa theory of scurvy, xvii. 194 Gas, accumulation of, within the bowel, in etiology of rupture of intestine, vii 471 Gas, chlorine, in etiology of bronch:al catarrh, iv. 314 Gas, illuminating, a source of con- tamination of the air, xviii 638 poisoning by, xvii. 462 treatment of whooping-cough by, vi. 723 Gas - fixtures, ventilating, xviii. 783 Gas-lime, use of, in tanner's yards, xvii. 492 Gas-making, xix. 435 Gas-ventilators, xviii. 777, 778 Gas-wells of Pennsylvania, xix. 236 Gaseol. General principles. INDEX. 166 Gaseol, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 B. Ammonia (20° Beaume).. 1,000 parts. Acetone................ 10 parts. Benzine................ 10 parts. Naphthaline............ 1 part. Pix liquida............. 100 parts. Dissolve the naphthaline in the benzine, add the ammonia, and finally the other in- gredients. Gaseous substances, in drinking- water, xviii. 294 Gases, found in coal-mines, xix. 235 in water, determination of, xviii. 294 inhalation of, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 96 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 specific heat of, xviii. 655 Gases, acrid, in etiology of coryza, iv. 121 Gases of decomposition, xix. 456 Gasmen, nature of their occupation, xix. 18 Gastralgia, vii. 295 affection of bladder in etiology of, vii. 297 affections of the nervous system in eti- ology of, vii. 297 apomorphia hypodermically in, vii. 305 arthritis, in etiology of, vii. 299 chlorosis, in etiology of, vii. 298 cicatrization of ulcers in etiology of, vii. 299 coffee, in etiology of, vii. 297 diseases of brain, in etiology of, vii 297 diseases of female generative organs, in etiology of, vii. 297 diseases of the intestines, in etiology of, vii. 297 electricity in, vii. 308 hysteria, in etiology of, vii. 298 lactate of iron and hydrochloric acid in, vii. 306 malaria in etiology of, vii. 299 opiates in, vii 307 Gastralgia, quinine and arsenic in, vii. 307 tea in etiology of, vii. 297 veneral excesses in etiology of, vii 299 worms in etiology of, vii. 297 Gastralgia, gouty, hot foot-baths and sinapisms in, vii. 307 Gastrectasia, constant current in, vii. 333 emetics and cathartics in, vii. 332 stomach-pump and syphon-tube in, vii. 327 Gastric abscess, vii. 162 Gastric and intestinal symptoms in morbus maculosus, xvii. 256 Gastric disturbances in cerebral anaemia, xii. 30 in tonsillitis, vi. 918 Gastric fever, vii 141 identity with typhoid fever, i. 125 Gastric hemorrhage, ergotine hypo- dermically in, vii. 290 ether hypodermically in syncope from, vii. 291 ice-pills in, vii. 291 styptics in, vii. 290 transfusion in, vii 202 Gastric juice, vii. 121 abnormal acidity of, in etiology of ulcer of stomach, vii. 198 alterations, in chronic gastritis, vii. 172 increased acidity of, in etiology of ulcer of stomach, vii. 202 Gastric remittent fever, ii. 616 Gastric secretion, increase of, in some cases of hysteria, xiv. 528 Gastric symptoms, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 372 in hysteria, xiv. 513 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 616 Gastric ulcer, alkaline mineral waters in, vii. 221 as a cause of cicatricial stricture of the oesophagus, viii. 31 as a result of atheroma of gastric arteries, vi. 384 complicating nephrolithiasis, xv. 722 167 Gastric ulcer, contraindicates iron, xvi 570 counterirritants in, vii. 227 dietetic treatment of, vii. £19 ergotine subcutaneously in haematemesis from, vii. 227 following anaemia, xvi 411 in chlorosis, xvi. 551 meat-pancreas injections in, vii. 222 B. Take five ounces of finely scraped meat, chop it still finer, add to it one and a half ounces of finely chopped pancreas free from fat, then add about three ounces of lukewarm water, and stir to the con- sistence of a thick pulp. This is given as an enema, care having been taken to wash out the rectum with water before using. Gaseol. General principles. Gastritis, diphtheritic, vii. 163 Gastritis phlegmonosa, vii. 154 Gastrodynia neuralgica, vii. 296 Gastro-enteritis, a complication of croup, iv. 248 in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 91 in etiology of jaundice, ix. 13 Gastro-enteritis infantum, vii. 146 Gastro-intestinal catarrh, in pul- monary emphysema, v. 381 Gastro-intestinal symptoms, in morbus maculosus, xvii. 265 Gastromalacia, vii. 256 Gastrorrhcxis, stomach-pump in, vii. 339 Geist, xii 388 Gelatine, xviii 148 in infant's diet, xviii. 125 office of, in nutrition, xvi. 458 Gcndrin, xii. 74 General convulsions in acute trau- matic encephalitis, xii. 729 General debility, connection of, with spermatorrhoea, viii. 833 General dilatation of the ar- teries, vi. 398 GENERAL DISORDERS OF NUTRI- TION, xvi. 249 ; bibliography, 249 ; the essen- tial nature and general characters of disorders of nutrition, 250 ; introductory remarks, 250 ; general pathogeny, 257 ; general etiology, 260 ; anatomical alterations, 270; functional distur- bances, 272; general diagnosis, 274; course, issues, and prognosis, 275 ; general therapeu- tics, 278. General Government, its relations to the States in matters of public health, xviii. 59-62 General paralysis in lesions of pons, xii 140 General paralysis of the insane, xii. 852 ; see also Dementia Paralytica GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION, xviii. 737; location, 738; general character of the hospital, 740; mate- muriated tincture of iron in, vii. 226 opium and morphine in, vii. 220 silver nitrate in, vii. 226 stomach-pump in the treatment of, vii. 220 subnitrate of bismuth in, vii. 225 Gastritis, acute, vii. 131 antacids in, vii 146 apomorphia as an emetic in, vii. 144 diaphoresis in, vii. 145 dietetic treatment of, vii 143 dilute hydrochloric acid in, vii. 145 from action of corrosive substances, vii. 163 narcotics in, vii 145 relation to erysipelas, vii. 139 sinapisms to epigastrium in, vii. 146 Gastritis, chronic, vii 164 albuminoids in, vii. 186 alkaline mineral waters in, vii. 189 cathartic mineral waters in, vii. 182 creasote and benzine in, vii. 182 dietetic treatment of, vii. 184 digitalis in, vii. 180 emetics in. vii. 183 free carbonic acid in, vii 189 hydrochloric acid in, vii. 180 milk in, vii. 187 INI General strength. Glands, lymphatic. rial, 745; general arrangement, 749 ; arrange- ment in detail, 756; means of heating, 767 ; ventilation, 770 ; water-supply, 780 ; drainage, 781; lighting, 783; cottage hospitals, 783; bibliography, 7S7 General strength, in diphtheria, vi. 940 GENERAL SYMPTOMS OF RENAL DISORDERS, xv. 3; local symptoms, 4 ; pain, 4; inspection, 5; palpation, 6; percussion, 8 ; functional symptoms, which are proffered by the quantity and quality of the urine, 10 ; quan- tity, 12 ; color and other general features, 17 ; specific gravity, 19; chemical composition in diseases of the kidney, 23 ; reaction, 23 ; urea, 25; albuminuria, 30 ; chyluria, 32 ; doctrine of albuminuria, 34; haematuria, 66; the formed elements of the urine in renal disease, 72 ; uri- nary casts, 75; disorders manifested by the blood, by the general nutrition, and especially by the nervous system, when the kidneys cease to perform their functions properly, 96 ; dropsy that accompanies renal diseases, 96; its dis- trition. 107; uraemia, 109; convulsions, 109; amaurosis, 110 ; mental and digestive disturb- ances, 110 ; respiratory disturbances, 111 ; the causes, 112; symptoms due to disturbances of the general nutrition produced by renal dis- ease, 150 ; dyspepsia, 151; vomiting, 152 ; diar- rhoea, 154; hemorrhages, 156 General tension of cavity of skull, affected by local pressure, xii. 668 General weakness in cerebral syphi- lis, xii. 334 Generation, march of an English, through life, xix. 330-334 Generative functions, effects of ex- ercise on, xviii. 326 Generative organs, affections of the, that may lead to peritonitis, viii 231 Genital organs, anaesthesia of, in hys- teria, xiv. 509 defective development of, in stenosis of aorta, vi. 465 effects of sexual excess on the, viii 837 168 Genital organs, external condition of, in spermatorrhoea, viii. 856 functional affections of the male, viii. 823 in scarlatina, ii. 229 influence of diseases of the female, in the production of hysteria, xiv. 482 local affections of the, as a cause of mor- bid pollutions, viii. 842 malformations and defects of, as causes of impotence, viii. 885 Genitals, contagious purulent discharges from the, and their consequences, viii. 746 epilepsy excited from direction of the, xiv. 212 pain and hyperaesthesia in the, in hys- teria, xiv. 503 treatment of affections of the, in hysteria, xiv. 563 Genito-ttrinary apparatus, hemor- rhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 in typhoid fever, i 180 Genius epidemicus, i. 5 Genowille, xii. 218 Gentian, compound tincture of, in ty- phoid stage of cholera, i 462 in cholera, i. 462 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188 Gentianine, in malarial diseases, ii. 675 Geographic distribution of cho- rea, xiv. 425 Geographical distribution of in- fectious diseases, i 245 Gerardin, investigation of pollution of the river Seine, xviii. 295 Gerhardt, xii. 186, 187, 196, 201, 210, 217, 218, 219, 551, 761 Germ, definition of term, xviii. 18 specific for each infectious disease, i. 247 Germ-theory of cholera, i 367 of diphtheria, i. 577 of malaria, arguments in favor of, viii. 464 of relapsing fever, i 263 of typhoid fever, i 49 of typhus fever, i. 304, 306 )EX. 169 INDEX General strength. ' Glands, lymphatic. German method of education for deaf-mutes, xiv. 872 German Public Health Associa- tion, resolution of, on water-supply, xviii. 263 Germs, importance of, in the production of purulent meningitis, xii. 675 Germs, living, the cause of disease, i 10 Gesture-language, simplicity of the syntax of, xiv. 792 Gesture-speech, loss of the power of, in aphasia, xiv. 755 Gestures, emotional, common to men and animals, xiv. 642 Giant-cells in tubercles, v. 644 significance of, xvi. 784 Gibert's formula of biniodide of mercury, iii. 294 R. Hydrarg. f. Potass, xxxviij. Aq. destill...............TIL lxxx. Filter and add— Syr. simpl...............f. = j. Aq. destill...............f. 3 iv. M. Tablespoonful twice daily. Gibson, xii. 177 Gibson's vermin-killer, xvii 776 Giddiness, attacks of, as one form of the epileptoid state, xiv. 242 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 738, 742 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 22 in compression of the brain, xii. 666, 669 in dementia paralytica, xii. 865 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 57 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 612, 653 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 528, 530 Gilding, dangers of, xix. 18 development of prussic acid vapors in, xvii. 507 Gin-drinkers' liver, ix. 168 Ginger, adulteration of, xix. 364 use of, in scurvy, xvii 234 Gintrac, xii 709 Girdle pain,in spinal disease, xiii. 76 Girdle sensation in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 256 in spinal disease, xiii. 75 Girls, rapid growth of, at age of eleven or twelve onward, xix. 619 Gjor, xii. 313, 315 Glacial acetic acid, xvii. 346 Glanders, xix. 461 Glanders in horses, iii. 317 ; see also Diseases of Animals caustics externally in, iii. 347 salts of potash'internally in, iii. 347 Glanders in man, iii. 348 creasote and carbolic acid to ulcers of nose in, iii. 370 prophylaxis in, iii. 369 tonics and alteratives in, iii. 370 Glanders of the larynx, vii. 858 Glands, anatomical conditions of, in scarlatina, ii. 225 disease of, as a cause of dilatation of lymphatics, vi. 524 hypertrophy of, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 217 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 in scarlatina, treatment of, ii. 310 swelling and suppuration of, a cause of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 475 Glands, bronchial, affections of, in croup, iv. 260 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 506 condition of, in bronchiectasis, ix. 871 Glands, cervical, in croup, iv. 247 in diphtheria, i 617 Glands, intestinal, solitary, in croup, iv. 261 Glands, lymphatic, affections of, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 5C8 enlargement of, in etiology of obstruc- tion of the biliary passages, ix. 592 swelling of, in coryza, iv. 126 Glands, lymphatic, of the porta hepatica, condition of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 258 Glands, mesenteric. Gonorrhoea. INDEX iro Glands, mesenteric, disease of, in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 724 Glands, mucous, degeneration of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 384 Glands of bronchi and lungs, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 329 Glands, peptic, vii. 117 Glands, pulmonary, in croup, iv. 260 Glands, submaxillary, in croup, iv. 247 Glands, submaxillary and cervi- cal, in diphtheria, i. 600, 603, 611 Glands, thymus, changes in, in spasm of glottis, vii. 1013 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 478 Glands, thyroid, in etiology of bron- chial asthma, iv. 537 Glands, tracheal and bronchial, affections of, in etiology of spasm of glottis, vii. 1003 Glands, vascular, changes in, in syph- ilis, iii. 184 Glandular aggregatae latcrales, iv. 49 Glandular aggregate posteri- ores, iv. 51 Glans penis and prepuce, catarrh of, viii. 780 Glasgow, Scotland, water-sup- ply of, xviii. 267 Gas, manufacture of, xix. 36, 441 Glass-blowers, xix. 158 Glass-works, xix. 441 Glauber's salt, use of, in haemophilia, xvii. 97, 100 Glazing, poisonous, xix. 375 Gleet, acute exacerbations of, viii. 764 as a cause of morbid pollutions, viii. 843 injections of corrosive sublimate in, viii. 775 injections of nitrate of silver in, viii. 775 symptoms of, viii. 763 treatment of, necessity of examination with bougies, viii. 777 Glioma of brain, xii. 233 symptoms of, xii. 263 Glioma of the kidney, xv. 637 Glioma of spinal cord, xiii. 749 Glisson's capsule, abscess in, in eti- ology of pylephlebitis, ix. 812 Globulin, xviii 150 in albuminuria, xv. 39 Globus hystericus, xiv. 511 constant current in, xiv. 573 treatment of, xiv. 573 Globus hystericus of reflex ori- gin, xiv. 512 Globus pallidus, xiv. 684 Glomerulonephritis, xv. 271 Glono'in, xvii 533 Glossarithrax, vi. 747 Glossitis parenchymatosa, deep incisions in tongue in, vi. 751 definition, vi. 746 diagnosis, vi. 749 disinfecting gargles in, vi. 751 etiology, vi. 746 ice locally in, vi. 751 pathological anatomy, vi 747 prognosis, vi. 750 symptoms, vi. 748 treatment, vi. 750 Glottis, scarification of, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 Glottis, chink of, iv. 50 Glottis, false, iv. 49 Glottis, oedema of, diagnosis from croup, iv. 262 Glottis, paralysis of, in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 492 Glottis respiratoria, iv. 50 Glottis, spasm of, in bronchial asth- ma, iv. 570 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 403 Glottis vocalis, iv. 50 Glucose, xviii. 163 in sugar, xix. 371 Glue-makers, xix. 26 Glue-making, xix. 433 Gluten-bread, xvi 987 171 INDEX. Glands, mesenteric. Gonorrhoea. Glycerine, as a substitute for sugar, xvi. 989, 1001 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 87, 144 in erysipelas, ii. 480, 484 in small-pox eruption, ii. 398 in trichinosis, iii. 643 Glycerine, iodized, in chronic ca- tarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 in diseases of pharynx and larynx, iv. 96 Glycerine-refining, xix. 429 Glycin, ix. 10 Glycogen, xviii 164, 165 formation of, ix. 9 in the tissues, in diabetes, xvi. 892 Glycosuria, produced by ether, xvii 441 Goats, keeping of, xix. 399 Goat's milk, xviii 109 analysis of, xviii. 106 containing colchicine, xviii. 98 Godfrey's elixir, poisoning with, xvii. 844 Gogol's case of akataphasia, xiv. 797 Goitre, iv. 288 action of iodine in, xvii. 305 as a cause of stenosis of the oesophagus, viii 20 in etiology of paralysis of recurrent laiyn- geal nerve, vii. 946 in etiology of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 474 relations of, to phthisis, v. 507 Gold, chloride of, in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 Gold, compounds of, poisoning by, xvii. 628 Goldsmiths, nature of their occupation, xix. 13 Golgi, xii 6, 17, 48, 50 Golgi's case of chorea, xiv. 453 Goll, xii. 471 Goltz, xii. 11, 41, 429, 660 Goltz's central faculty of adap- tation, xiv. 699 Goltz's croaking experiment, xiv. 622 Gonagra, xvi 110 Gonorrhoea, anatomical characters of, viii. 752 Chopart's mixture, viii. 773 R. Copaibae, Syr. tolutani, Aq. menth. piperit., Alcoholis....................aa 3 j. Spts. aether is nitrosi............ 3 ss. M. Tablespoonful two, four, or six times daily. cold-water injections in, viii. 769 copaiba mixture, viii. 772 R. Copaibae.................... 3 j.-ij. Extr. glycyrrhizae............ 3 ij.-iv. Aq. destillat................. 3 vj. M. Three to six tablespoonf uls or more daily. cubebs and copaiba in, viii. 768 decoction of uva ursi in, viii. 776 decoctum turionum pini in, viii. 776 diagnosis, viii. 755 dietetic treatment of, viii. 769 effect of, on course of mumps, vi 843 general observations, it depends upon a specific principle, viii. 750 general observations, nature of the dis- ease, it is essentially distinct from syphilis, viii. 749 general treatment, viii. 757 historical sketch, viii. 746 injection, Zeissl's, viii 775 R. Aluminis.................... gr. xv. Zinci iv. Aquae.......................- Iiv- M. injections of port wine in, viii 775 Gonorroeha. 1^9 Graves' case. INDEX. 1 i -/ Gonorrhoea, iron formula, Ricord, viii. 776 R. Syr. tolutani............... \ xvj. Ferri citratis............... 3 ij.-iij. M. Tablespoonful four times a day in a glass of tar-water. large doses of cubebs in, viii. 771 nitrate of silver injections in, viii. 769 papillary outgrowths in persons suffering from, viii. 817 prognosis, viii. 756 symptoms and course, etiology, viii. 754 tannin injections in, viii. 774 tar-water internally in, viii. 776 Gonorrhoea in the male, anatomi- cal changes, chronic pyorrhoea, gleet, viii. 763 croupous form of catarrh, viii. 764 diagnosis, viii. 766 diseases of the bladder, ureters, and kid- neys dependent on extension of inflam- mation, viii. 791 etiology, viii. 758 incurability of, according to Noeggerath, x. 446 inflammation of the prostate complicat- ing, viii. 784 inflammation of the spermatic cord and of the epididymis, viii. 787 inflammation of the submucous connec- tive tissue and of the peri-urethral glands, viii. 783 inflammatory pyorrhoea, viii. 761 prognosis, viii. 767 secondary inflammation of the lymphatics and lymphatic glands, viii. 782 6light. superficial, sero-purulent, and mu- cous gonorrhoeo-catarrh, viii. 760 stricture of the urethra resulting from, viii. 794 symptoms, viii. 759 treatment: active measures, viii. 768 injections, viii. 774 treatment of chronic form, viii 777 Gonorrhoea in women, astringent injections in, viii. 806 diagnosis, viii. 804 different forms, viii. 801 injections of nitrate of silver in, viii 805 prognosis, treatment, viii. 805 Gonorrhoea of the glaus penis, viii. 780 Gonorrhoea of rectum, injections of nitrate of silver in, viii. 809 strong astringent injections in, viii. 809 symptoms, treatment, viii. 808 Gonorrhoeal affections as causes of aspermatism, viii. 904 as causes of azoospermism, viii. 911 Gonorrhoeal arthritis, xvi 71 counterirritation in, xvi. 75 rest and cold in, xvi. 75 Gonorrhoeal chordee, bromide of potassium in, viii. 770 pills for, viii. 770 R. Camphorae, Lupulini.............aa, gr. xxx.-xlv. Extr. opii.............. gr. ivss. Extr. glycyrrhizae....... q. s. M. Div. in pil. no. xxx. Three pills at night. ' Gonorrhoeal discharge of a syph- ilitic subject gives syphilis, hi 49 Gonorrhoeal injection, viii. 768 R. Acidi tannici................. 3 ss. Zinci xv. Aq. destillat................. 3 iv. M. To be injected thrice daily. Gonorrhoeal injection (Ricord), viii. 775 R. Zinci sulphatis, Plumbi acetatis............Sa gr. xx. Aq. rosae....................5 vj. M. 173 Gonorrhoea! ophthalmia, cold ap- plications in, viii. 814 diagnosis, viii. 811 leeches to temple in, viii. 813 mode of origin, viii. 809 prognosis, treatment, viii. 812 strong solution of nitrate of silver in, in, viii. 813 symptoms, viii. 810 thorough cauterization of conjunctiva in, viii. 813 venesection in, viii. 813 Gonorrhoeal rheumatism, symp- tomatology, prognosis, viii. 816 theories regarding it, viii 814 treatment, viii. 817 Gooch, xii. 21 GOUT, xvi. 101; bibliography, 101 ; history, 102; etiology, 103; pathology, 106; the acute paroxysm, 108 ; the irregular chronic form, 111; pathological anatomy and chemistry, 117; theory of the disease, 121 ; diagnosis, 129; course, duration, and issues, 130; prognosis, 131; treatment, 132; of the gouty diathesis, 132 ; of the paroxysm, 140; of the local effects of gout, 143 Gout, dry cupping of joint in, xvi 143 hot fomentations in, xvi 140 in etiology of atheroma, vi. 375 of bronchial asthma, iv. 537 of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 172 of gall-stones, ix. 711 of pleuritis, iv. 597 of waxy liver, ix. 414 lithia salts in, xvi. 144 potassium iodide in, xvi. 145 rest and warmth of part in, xvi. 140 Scudamore's colchicum mixture in, xvi. 141 B. Magnes. xv. Magnes. sulphat....... 3 ii.-v. Aq. menth. pip........f. § j. Acet. colchici.......... 1H. xiv.-lxxx. Syr. saffron............ Tf|. xiv. M. One dose. Gonorroelia. Gravies' case. Gouty abscess, xvi. 113 Gouty angina, vi. 896 Gouty diathesis, alkaline waters in, xvi. 136 colchicum and alkalies in, xvi. 139 dietetic treatment of, xvi. 132 sarkosin in, xvi. 139 Gouty kidney, xv. 414 Goux system of collecting and removing excreta, xviii. 513 Government of camps, hygienic, xix. 109 Graafian follicle, dropsy of, x. 362 Graefe, von, xii 26, 249, 302, 352, 563 Graeulich, xii. 705, 807 Grahamite and Trinidad as- phalt pavements, xviii 556 Gramatzki's case of rupture of the oesophagus, viii. 95 Grammatical faults of speech, xiv. 793 Granite-block pavement, xviii 553 Granular easts, xv. 79 Granular-cell myelitis in dementia paralytica, xii. 863, 874 Granular corpuscles in softening of the brain, xii. 193 Granular degeneration of mus- cles, i 108 Granular kidney, xv. 408 Granule-cells, origin of the, found in encephalitis, xii. 692 Grape-cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 352, 424 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 736 Grape-sugar, xviii. 163 Graphic method of investiga- tion, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 352 Graphospasmus, xi 345 Grasshopper plague, i 253 Gratiolct, xii. 147 Gravel, biliary, ix. 750 Gravels, xviii. 427 Graves, xii. 15, 51, 59 on Bright's disease, xv. 169 Graves' case of simple aphasia of recollection, xiv. 758 Graves' dfsease. -, ►. Gynecological. INDEX. 1 I Graves' disease, xiv. 75; see Base- dow's Disease Graves' disease and chlorosis, xvi. 553 Graveyards a source of danger to per- sons living in their neighborhood, xviii 539 emanations from, xix. 458 Gravidity in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 244 Gray ointment in croupous bronchitis, iv. 468 Grayness of the hair, xviii. 391 Grease-tank, xviii 493 Green Vision in santonin-poisoning, xvii. 884 Green vitriol as a disinfectant, xix. 562 Griesinger, xii. 210, 215, 300, 312, 388, 403, 410, 413, 417, 420, 505, 522, 570, 608, 618, 627, 734, 761, 798 Grinders, xix. 33 Grinders' asthma, xix. 33 Grindstones, danger of their bursting, xix. 34, 35 Grippe, ii. 515 ; see also Influenza in influenza, iv. 196 Grocers' itch, xix. 53 Groell, xii. 761 Gros, Leon, xii 296, 298, 301, 308, 313, 344, 366 Grossmann, xii 608 Grotto del Cane, xvii. 476 Ground-air, means of preventing pol- lution of, xviii. 406 Ground-air pollution, sources of, xviii. 408 Ground atmosphere, continual movement of, xviii. 405 Ground-water as a source of supply xviii. 238 as a source of household supply, xviii 240 as a source of town supply, xviii. 244 definition of the term, xviii. 238, 409 effect on cholera, i 379 general character of, xviii. 238, 251 Ground-water in cholera, i. 368 inclination of, xviii. 238 liability of, to pollution, xviii. 252 plan of, in Munich, xviii. 239 relation of, to various diseases, xviii 579 sanitary examination of, xviii. 304 velocity of its flow, xviii. 411 Ground-water and drinking- water, i 386 Ground-water supply, theory of, xviii. 248 Ground-water theory of cholera, i. 387 of typhoid fever, xviii. 581 Groups of epileptic seizures, xiv. 249 Growths of syphiloma of brain, xii. 304 Guaiac in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 in syphilis, iii. 278 Guarana, xviii. 181 Guaranta paste, in hemicrania, xiv. 24 Guarinoni, xii. 295 Gubian, xii 313 Gubler, xii 117, 141 on Bright's disease, xv. 170 Guddcn, xii. 405, 875 Gudden's experiments on the brain, xiv. 673 Gull, xii. 75, 704, 707, 717, 721, 722, 723, 724, 736, 737, 764, 778, 794 Gull and Sutton on Bright's disease, xv. 184 Gullies, xviii. 472 Gulliver, xii. 863 Gum, xviii. 164 Gum-arabic in infants' diet, xviii. 125 Gummata compressing spinal cord, xii. 338 fate of, xii. 599 in joints, iii. 175 in the periosteum, iii 171 in the pharynx, iii. 202 in the spleen, iii. 183 175 INDEX. Graves' disease. Gynecological. Gummata of the female sexual organs, iii. 233 Gummata of the heart, iii 216 Gummata of the larynx, vii. 870 Gummata of the liver, iii 187 Gummata of the muscles, iii. 179 Gummata of the naso-pharynx, potassium iodide and iodine locally in, vii. 86 Gummata of the spinal cord, xiii. 751 Gummata of the tongue, iii. 196 Gummata, subcutaneous, iii. 165 Gummous meningitis, xii. 308 Gummy tubercles of the lungs, iii 214 Gummy tumor of the brain, xii. 237 Gummy tumors, iii. 24 minute anatomy of, iii. 35 Gums, affection of, in scurvy, xvii. 151 appearances of, in stomacace, vi. 785 bleeding from, local astringents in, xvii. 238 condition of, in scurvy, xvii. 147, 170 scorbutic affections of, xvii. 180, 238 Gun-deck, xix. 178 Gusscrow, xii. 85 Gustatory anaesthesia, electricity in, xi. 253 GUSTATORY NERVES, NEUROSES OF, xi. 238; bibliography, 238; history, 239 ; nerves supplying the sense of taste to tongue, 239; pathological conditions, 241 ; etiology, 241; anaesthesia of the trigeminus a cause, 241; paralysis of the facial a cause, 242 ; regions of tonS ; etiology and pathogeny, 778; symptomatology, 779 ; diagnosis and treatment, 781 ; putrid sore-mouth, stomacace, stomati- tis mercurialis, 782 ; etiology, 782 ; path- ology, 7S5; symptomatology, 785, diag- nosis, 788 ; treatment, 7S9 Scorbutus of the Cavity of the Mourn, 791 ; bibliography, 791 ; etiology and pathogeny, 791 ; pathological anatomy, 703 ; symptomatology, 793 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 795 ; treatment, 796 Thrush, Fungus-Formations in the Mouth, 797; bibliography, 797; etiol- ogy, 798 ; pathological anatomy, 800; the fungus, 801 ; symptomatology, 803 ; di- agnosis, 8C5 ; prognosis, 806 ; treatment, 836 Gangrene of the Cheeks, Noma, bibli- ography, 807 ; etiology, 808; symptoma- tology, 810 ; pathological anatomy, 812 ; diagnosis, 813; treatment, 815 Neuroses of the Mouth, 817; bibliog- raphy, 817; sensory disturbances, 818 ; hyperesthesia, 818; anaesthesia, 819; anaesthesia of the nerves of taste, ageus- tia, 820 ; hyperaesthesia of the nerves of taste, hypergeustia, allotriogeustia, 821 ; treatment, 823; motor disturbances in the mouth, 823 ; general considerations, 823 ; protrusion of the tongue in uni- lateral paralysis, 824; bulbar paralysis of the tongue, 824 ; treatment, 826 ; diph- theritic paralysis of the soft palate, 82(5; etiology and pathogeny, 826 ; symptoma- tology, 827; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 828 The Parotid Gland, 829; anatomico- physiological remarks, 829; parotitis, 830; bibliography, 830; etiology, 831; pathological anatomy, 835; catarrh of the ducts of the gland, 836 ; metastatic paro- titis, 837; evacuations of the abscess, S3? complications, 838; symptomatol- ogy, 839 ; idiopathic parotitis, 839 ; swell- ing of the testicle, 842 ; deuteropathic or metastatic parotitis, 844 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 846 ; treatment, 847 Ptyalism. Salivatio, 849 ; bibliography, 849 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 850 ; symptomatology, 852 ; course, termina- tions, and prognosis, 854 ; treatment, 855 Deep Inflammation of the Connective Tissue of the Throat, Angina Ludo- vici, 857; bibliography, 857 ; etiology, 857; pathological anatomy, 858 ; symp- tomatology, course, and terminations, 859; treatment, 800 Lips, hypertrophy of, cod-liver oil in, vi. 741 Lipuria in disease of the pancreas, viii. 573 Liquid water, power of soil to retain it, xviii. 440 Liquids, specific heat of, xviii. 655 Liquor ferri ehloridi, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 Liquor ferri perchloridi, in hemor- rhages of mucous membrane of larynx, iv. 193 Liquor ferri sesquiehloridi as a gargle in small-pox, ii. 398 Liquor iodinii compositus, in chro- nic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Liquor potassa? arsenitis, in bron- chial asthma, iv. 581 Liquor sodas chlorinatae, in dis- eases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 Liquor Tillati, xvii. 349 Lisping of infants, reflex nature of, xiv. 629 Lisping speech, xiv. 853 Lister's apparatus. O/IA Liver. INDEX. -J4U Lister's apparatus for the in- halation of atomized fluids, iv. 88 Lister's method of preventing blood-poisoning after surgi- cal operations, xviii. 25 Lister's treatment in opening the pleural cavity in cases of purulent ef- fusion, iv. 718 Literal agraphia, xiv. 754 Literal phonation, role of the cor- pora striata in the mechanism of, xiv. 682 Literary men, xix. 65 Lithia, carbonate of, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 in gout, xvi. 139, 144 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 Lithia salts, in the treatment of gout, xvi 144 Lithographers, xix. 38 Lithontripticum, Durande's, ix. 772 Littre, xii. 658 Liver, acute phosphorus-poisoning in eti- ology of disease of the, ix. 454 adhesions of, to stomach, in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 196 affection of, due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 784 change in, in heart disease, vi. Ill change in position of, in etiology of re- tention-jaundice, ix. 594 changes in, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 374 in leucaemia, viii. 513 in melanasmia, viii. 540 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 282 condition of, in acute miliary tuberculo- sis, v. 621 in bilious typhoid, i 296 in bronchiectasis, ix. 872 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 203 in corpulence, xvi. 659 in croupous pneumonia, v. 96 in diphtheria, i. 647 Liver, condition of, in dysentery, i. 546 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningi- tis, ii. 706, 719 in erysipelas, ii. 461 in glanders in man, iii. 364 in malarial diseases, ii. 612, 627, 643, 650 in miliary fever, ii. 496 in pulmonary consumption, v. 558, 581, 600 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 374 in purulent inflammation of the j or- tal vein, ix. 817 in relapsing fever, i 281 in rickets, xvi. 198 in scarlet fever, ii. 228, 280 in small-pox, ii. 348, 386 in syphilis, iii. 185 in trichinosis, iii. 645 in typhoid fever, i. 105 in typhus fever, i 334 in yellow fever, i. 504 diminution in size of, in acute atrophy, ix. 262 diseased conditions of, in etiology of pylephlebitis, ix. 811 fatty stools in disease of the, viii 572 fistula of, communicating with the lung, in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 glycogenic function of, xvi. 930 hemorrhage of, ix. 83 lesions of, in diabetes, xvi. 884 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 172 processes in, that may lead to peritoni- tis, viii. 229 swelling of, in whooping-cough, vi. 719 LIVER, ABSCESS OF THE, ix. 88 (Hepatitis vera sive suppuratoria) ; bibliog- raphy, 88 ; historical account, 89 ; etiology, 90 (mechanical injuries, 90; extension of inflam- matory and ulcerative processes from conti- guous structures, 91; emboli in the blood-ves- sels of the liver, 92 ; changed condition of the blood, 103) ; pathology, 113 (general features of the disease, 113; anatomical changes, 115; 241 symptomatology, 121; complications, 139) ; diagnosis, 140; course, duration, termination, prognosis, 144 ; treatment, 152 Liver, abscess of the, i 555 ; ix. 398 aspiration in, ix. 159 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 596 LIVER, ACUTE ATROPHY OF THE (Hepatitis diffusa parench vmatosa, of Frerichs, Hepatitis cytophthora, of Lebert), ix. 338; bibliography, 238 ; historical account, 241 ; eti- ology, 242; pathology, 248 (general features of the disease, 248 ; anatomical changes, 250 ; symptomatology, 262 ; analysis of the promi- nent symptoms of the disease, 279 ; theory as to the disease, 290) ; diagnosis, 298 ; duration, termination, prognosis, 301; treatment, 304 Liver, acute atrophy of, laxatives in, ix. 305 Liver, acute fatty degeneration of, in the new-born, ix. 455 Liver, acute yellow atrophy of, in cholera Indica, i. 437 in typhoid fever, i 157 in typhus fever, i. 334 in yellow fever, i 504 Liver, adenoma of, ix. 322, 350 Liver, affections of, following bron- chial catarrh, iv. 331 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 235 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 69, 76 in anthrax, iii. 423 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 401 in cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 183 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 234, 246 in chronic endarteritis, vi. 385 in corpulence, xvi. 659, 664 in croup, iv. 261 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 884, 912 in dilatation of stomach, vii. 311 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 374 in diseases of the supra-renal capsules, viii. 654 in echinococcus disease, iii. 589 in encephalitis, xii. 724 Vol. XX—16 Lister's apparatus. Liver. Liver, affections of, in etiology of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 229 of chronic gastritis, vii 168 of hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 273 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 364 of spasm of the glottis, vii. 999, 1014 in foot-and-mouth disease, iii. 520 in glanders, iii. 342, 364 in hydrophobia, iii. 464, 497 in leucaemia, viii. 513 in melanaemia, viii. 540 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 507 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 398 in pericardial adhesions, vi. 636 in puerperal peritonitis, vii. 282 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 582 in snake-bite, iii. 550 in syphilis, iii. 185 in trichinosis, iii. 645 in tubercular peritonitis, viii 327 in whooping-cough, vi. 707 physical diagnosis of, ix. 33 LIVER, AMYLOID DEGENERATION OF THE, ix. 407 (Lardaceous or waxy degen- eration.—Lardaceous liver.—Waxy liver) ; lit- erature, 407 ; nature of the disease, 409 ; etiol- ogy, 412; pathological anatomy, 417 ; pathol- ogy, 428; general picture of the disease, 429 ; symptomatology, 430 ; diagnosis, 433 ; dura- tion, terminations, prognosis, 435 ; treatment, 437 Liver, amyloid degeneration of the, iii 192 ammonio-chloride of iron in, ix. 438 chloride of ammonium in, ix. 438 general picture of the disease, ix. 429 iodide of iron and iodide of potassium in, ix. 438 LIVER : ANATOMTCO - PHYSIOLOGI- CAL INTRODUCTION, ix. 3; topography of the liver, 4 ; structure of the liver, 6 ; func- tion of the liver, 8 INL Liver. INDEX. 242 LIVER : ANEURISM OF THE HEPATIC ARTERY, ix. 834 ; synopsis of cases on record, 835 LIVER, CANCER OF THE, CLINICAL ASPECTS OF, ix. 357; bibliography, 359; historical sketch, 300 ; etiology, 301 ; symptoms and diagnosis, 3G8; nutrition, physiognom)', changes in the skin, 3S2; gastro-intestinal symptoms, 391; differential diagnosis, 395; duration, 401; termination and prognosis, 4C2 ; treatment, 404 Liver, cancer of, duration of, ix. 401 gastro-intestinal symptoms, ix. 391 geographical distribution of, ix. 365 opium and chloral hydrate in, ix. 404 pathological anatomy of, ix. 321; see also Pathological Anatomy of Cancer of the Liver state of spleen in, ix. 379 termination and prognosis of, ix. 402 treatment of, ix. 404 Liver, chronic atrophy of, in eti- ology of thrombosis of the portal vein, ix. 789 Liver, cirrhosis of, ix. 398; see also Liver, Interstitial Inflammation of the balsam of copaiba in, ix. 208 choleate of soda in, ix. 207 Liver, cyanotic induration of, ix. 68 Liver, diffuse adenoma of, ix. 397 Liver, diffuse hyperplasia of, ix. 314 Liver, diseases of, ix. 3 LIVER : DISEASES OF THE BILIARY PASSAGES AND PORTAL VEIN, ix. 499; anatomo-physiological remarks concerning the biliary passages, 500 Catarrhal Inflammation of the Bil- iary Canals (Icterus Catarrhalis, Gas- tro-duodenalis, etc., Cholango'i'tis Ca- tarrhalis), 509 ; literature, 509 ; etiology, 511; pathological anatomy, 515 ; path- ology, 518; general clinical history, 518; complications and sequelae, 524; diagnosis, 525; duration, termination, prognosis, 527 ; treatment, 529 Purulent, Diphtheritic, and Ulcera- tive Inflammation of the Biliary Passages (Cholecystitis and Cholangitis Suppurativa, Diphtheritica, Exulcerans —Exudative Inflammation of the Bds- ducts of Frerichs—Cholecystitis and Angiocholitis of the French authors), 534 ; literature, 534 ; etiology, 536 ; path- ological anatomy, 541 ; symptoms, 550; diagnosis, 553 ; duration, course, termi- nations, 554 ; prognosis, 555 ; treatment, 556 Croup of the Biliary Passages (Chole- cystitis and Cholangioitis Crouposa), 557; literature, 557 Hemorrhage of the Biliary Passages, 561; literature, 561 New-Growtus and Tumors, especially Cancer of the Biliary Passages, 566; literature, 56G ; etiology, 572 ; symptoms, diagnosis, 574; duration, termination, prognosis, 576 ; treatment, 576 Disorders in the Canalization of the Biliary Passages, 57G ; introductory remarks, 576 Stenosis and Occlusion of the Biliary Excretory Ducts—Stasis and Re- tention of Bile, 578 ; literature, 578 ; etiology, 579 ; pathological anatomy, 595 ; general clinical history, 601 ; symptoms, 603; diagnosis, 613 ; course, termina- tions, duration, 62G ; prognosis', 629 ; treatment, 630 Dilatation of the Gall-Bladder, 632 ; (Simple Dilatation, Dropsy, and Empy- ema of the G ill-bladder); literature, 632 ; etiology, 633; pathological anatomy, 636; symptoms, diagnosis, 638; course, dura- tion, terminations, prognosis, 642 ; treat- ment, 645 Dilatation of the Bile-Ducts, 649 Disturbances in the Continuity of the Biliary Passages, 650 (Perfora- tions, Ruptures, Fistulae) ; literature, 650 1. Perforations of the Biliary Passages. Pathogeny and etiology, 651; symptoms and diagnosis, 654 ; terminations and prog- nosis, 655; treatment, 656 243 INDEX. Liver. 2. Ruptures of the Biliary Passages. 3. Biliary Fistulae. Pathology and etiology, pathological an- atomy, 659; diagnosis and prognosis, 666 ; treatment, 668 Parasites of the Biliary Passages, G69 1. Distoma hepaticum and distoma lan- ceolatum, liver leeches, 670 2. Ascaris lumbricoides, round worm, 675 3. Echinococcus, 683 Gall-Stones, Cholelithiasis (hepatic colic, gall-stone colic, colica hepatica), 686 ; literature, 686 ; history, 68S ; phys- ical characteristics of gall-stones, 690; chemical composition of biliary concre- tions, 696 ; mode of origin of gall-stones, 700; etiology, 706 ; pathology and patho- logical anatomy, 715 ; symptomatology, 742; biliary or hepatic colic, 744; diag- nosis, 759; course, terminations, progno- sis, 764; treatment, 766 LIVER, DISEASES OF THE HEPATIC VEINS, ix. 833; diffuse dilatation, 833 ; puru- lent phlebitis, 833 ; adhesive phlebitis hepatica, 833 ; cancer of the hepatic veins, 834 LIVER, DISEASES OF THE, PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS OF, ix. 33 ; preliminary observa- tions, 33 Liver, echinococcus of, iii. 589; ix. 483 prognosis of, ix. 490 therapeutics of, ix. 491 Liver, embolic abscess of, vii 510 Liver, enlarged, treatment of, ii 677 LIVER, FATTY, ix. 439 (fatty infiltration, fatty degeneration of the liver, hepar adipo- Bum) ; bibliography, 439; definition, 439; eti- ology, 444 ; pathological anatomy, 457 ; pathol- ogy, 462; symptoms, 466; diagnosis, 468; duration, termination, prognosis, 469; treat- ment, 470 Liver, fatty, ix. 439 amount and quality of bile in, ix. 465 cachexia in etiology of, ix. 448 Liver, fatty, diagnosis of, ix. 468 dietetic treatment of, ix. 470 dyscrasia of inebriety, in etiology of, ix. 453 etiology of, ix. 444 frequency of, ix. 456 in corpulence, xvi. 665 sinapisms locally in, ix. 472 Liver, fatty atrophy of, ix. 455 Liver, fatty degeneration of, al- kaline and saline mineral water in, ix. 471 Liver, fattj', nutmeg, ix. 455 LIVER, FLOATING, ix. 48 (Hepas mi- grans. Fegato ambulante) ; symptoms, 51 ; diagnosis, 55 ; treatment, 57 Liver-flukes, ix. 582, 670 LIVER, HEMORRHAGE OF THE, ix. 83 LIVER, HYPEREMIA OF THE, ix. 57; etiology, 57; anatomical changes, 66; symp- toms, 69; course, duration, mode of termina- tion, prognosis, 74 ; diagnosis, 76 ; treatment, 77 Liver, hyperaemia of, calomel and podophyllin in, ix. 80 cathartic and mineral waters in, ix. 79 course, duration, mode of termination and prognosis of, ix. 74 diagnosis of ix. 76 dietetic and hygienic treatment of, ix. 77 digitalis in, ix. 78 etiology of, ix. 57 leeches to the anus in, ix. 81 warm cataplasms in, ix. 82 LIVER, HYPERTROPHY OF THE, ix. 313 ; bibliography, 313 ; etiology, 314 ; path- ological anatomy, 314 Liver, idiopathic abscess of, ix. 824 Liver. Lugol's solution. INDEX. 244 LIVER, INTERSTITIAL INFLAMMA- TION OF THE (Hepatitis fibrosa. Cirrhosis of the liver), ix. 166 I. Usual or Genuine Form of Cir- rhosis, Cirrhosis of Laennec ; Gran- ular Induration or Granular Atro- phy of the Liver ; Granular Liver ; bibliography, 1G6; historical account, 167 ; etiology, 168 ; pathology, 175 (gen- eral features of the disease, 175 ; ana- tomical changes, 177 ; symptomatology, 183; complications, 198) ; diagnosis, 201 ; course, modes of termination, prognosis, 204; treatment, 206 II. Rarer Forms of Interstitial He- patitis, 211; bibliography, 211 Interstitial Hepatitis arising from Affections of the Gall-Ducts, 213 Hypertrophic Cirrhosis, Hypertro- phic or General Sclerosis of the Liver, 217 Syphilitic Hepatitis, 222; bibliog- raphy, 222; historical account, 223; etiology, 223 ; pathology, 224 ; symptom- atology, 231 Liver, melanaemic (or pigment liver), ix. 473 microscopical examination of the, ix. 476 Liver, multiple adenoid tumors of, ix. 397 Liver, nutmeg, ix. 68 LIVER, PARASITES OF THE, ix. 481; general observations, 483 Echinococcus, 483; bibliography, 483; case, 484; diagnosis, 487; prognosis, 490; treatment, 491 Cysticercus Cellulose, 492 Pentastomum Denticulatum, 492 Psorosperms, 494 Liver, pigmentary disease of, ix. 479 prognosis of, ix. 480 quinine in large doses in, ix. 480 Liver, primary melanotic endo- thelioma of, ix. 344 Liver, pulsation of, vi 31 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 81 Liver, pulsation of, in connection with jugular pulsation, vi. 35 Liver, round-worms in paren- chyma of, vii. 744 Liver, rust-brown atrophic, ix. 473 Liver, sarcoma of, ix. 322, 353 LIVER, SIMPLE ATROPHY OF THE, ix. 305; bibliography, 305; etiology, 306; pathological anatomy, 308 ; symptoms, 309 ; course, duration, 312; diagnosis, 312; treat- ment, 313 Liver sugar, xviii. 163 Liver, suppurative inflamma- tion of, ix. 88; see also Liver, Ab- scess of the Liver, syphilitic, ix. 400 Liver, tight-lace, ix. 42 Liver, wax-like, ix. 459 Liver, waxy, ix. 407; see also Liver, Amyloid Degeneration of the Living animals, keeping of, xix. 391 Living organisms, multiplica- tion of, i. 10 Livingstone, David, iii 19 ; vi 301; xvi. 765 Livingstone's African poison-fly, i 251 Lobelia, in bronchial asthma, iv. 582 Lobes, cerebral, symptoms following hemorrhage into, xii. 151 Lobular pneumonia, i 170 Local abstractions of heat, in typhoid fever, i 211 Local applications in erysipelas, ii 481 Local bleeding in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 163, 165 in congestion of brain, xii. 461 Local changes in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 82 Local contraction of the arte- ries, vi 471 Local depletion in neuralgia of the cervico-occipital nerve, xi 133 INDEX Liver. Lugol's solution. Local hysteria, xiv. 547 diagnosis of, xiv. 552 Local premonitory signs of ap- oplexy, xii 97 Local symptoms in ulcerative endo- carditis, vi, 72 Local treatment of diseases of soft palate, vi. 880 Locality, in etiology of bronchial asth- ma, iv. 538 Localization of contusion of the brain, xii 672 Localization of haematoma of the dura, xii. 393, 408 Localizations of a general disease, i 32. Localized cerebral disease, symp- toms of, in latent stage of chronic abscess of brain, xii 762 Localized disease, absence of symp- toms of, in abscess of brain, xii. 738 symptoms of, in abscess of cerebellum, xii 792 Lockhart Clarke, on changes in the cord in tetanus, xiv. 335 Lock-ja w, xi 301 from indiscreet corn-cutting, xviii. 387 Lockwood and Everett's tank for rendering fat, xix. 424 Locomotion, nerve-centres for, xiii. 92 Locomotive apparatus, diseases of, xvi. 3 Loechner, xii. 152 Ldschner, xii 627 Loeschncr's case of acute pan- creatitis, viii. 592 Logan, x. 424 Log-hut of the army of the Potomac, xix. 104 Logoncurosis, xiv. 613 Lohmeyer, xii. 788 Longet, xii. 5, 8, 44 Longevity, xix. 342 London, monthly frequency of typhoid fever in, i. 64 London Hospital, xviii. 751 London water-supply, xviii 215 Lordat, M., case of, 600, 771 Loring, Dr. E. €!., on near-sighted- ness in children, xix. 607 Loss of consciousness in apoplexy, xii. 103 Loss of electric irritability in sy- philis of the peripheral nerves, xii. 357 Loss of speech as a premonitory sign of apoplexy, xii. 97 Loss of will-power in cerebral syph- ilis, xii 321 Lossen, xii 788 Lostorfer, iii. 34, 40, 141 Lostorfer's syphilis corpuscles, iii 40 Lotio carnea, i 549 Lots, vacant, defilement of, xviii 566 Lott, x. 67, 140 Louis, xii 494 Louisiana, towns of, affected by yellow fever, xix. 501 Lourdes, waters of, in neuralgia of the joints, xi. 196 Lovcn, xii 434 Lovage root, in valvular diseases, vi 169 Lowell, Mass., water-supply of, xviii 245 LOWER EXTREMITIES, SPASM OF MUSCLES OF, xi. 359; bibliography, 359; general history, 359; particular muscles af- fected, 360; etiology, 360; treatment, 963 Lowndes, iv. 173 Lozenges, in diseases of the lower pharynx, vii. 31 Lubimoff, xii. 861, 862 Lucerne, vicinity ©f lake of, as a resort in pleuritis, iv. 691 Ludlow, viii. 60, 67 Ludwig, xii 438 Luckenreaktion, xiv. 162 Lugol's solution, action of, on bac- teria, i 680 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Lngol's solution. Luugs, cancer of. INDEX. 240 Lugol's solution, in diseases of the nose, iv. 145 in scrofulous rhinitis, iv. 145 Luhatschowitz, waters of, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 423 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188, 189 Lumbago, xvi 93 Lumbar and sacral nerves, pa- ralysis of muscles supplied by, xi. 563 Lumbar COlotomy, in strangulation of intestines, vii. 664 Lumbermen, xix. 68 LUMBO-ABDOMINAL NERVES, NEU- RALGIA OF, xi. 160; general characters of the disease, 161; etiology, 162 ; symptomatol- ogy, 163; seat of pain, 163; vomiting, 164; nervus cutaneus femoris lateralis in symptoma- tology, 164; nervus cruralis, 165 ; course and duration, 166 ; prognosis, 166 ; diagnosis, 166 ; treatment, 167 Lunar caustic,in treatmentof epilepsy, xiv. 291 Lung, case of primary perforation of the oesophagus, opening into the, viii. 122 compression of, by hypertrophy of left ventricle, vi. 107 Lung, acinus of,definition of the term, v.649 Lung-gymnastics, in interstitial pneu- monia, ix. 910 Lungs, changes in the, in leucaemia, viii. 514 chronic disease of, in etiology of hydro- thorax, iv. 734 collapsed position of, in diphtheria, i 644 condition of, in apoplexy, xii. 108 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 706, 721 in diphtheria, i 643 in dysentery, i 547 in erysipelas, ii. 443, 465 in glanders in horses, iii. 340 in glanders in man, iii. 362 in influenza, ii. 528, 533 Lungs, condition of, in malarial diseases, ii. 611, 627 in miliary fever, ii. 496 in measles, ii. 93, 95 in scarlet fever, ii. 223, 279 in syphilis, iii. 211 diagnosis of collapse of, from pericardi- tis, vi. 609 effects of different kinds of dust on, xix. 29 extravasations of blood in, during diph- theria, i. 644 how affected by fumes of nitrous acid, xvii. 343 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 171 quantity of pigment in the, in melanas- mia, viii. 541 secondary affections of the, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 376 Lungs, abscesses of, iv. 748 ; v. 123, 297, 301, 414; vii. 245, 492 as a termination of croupous pneumonia, v. 126 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 Lungs, acute oedema of, in spasm of the glottis, vii 1012 Lungs, affections of, as sequelae of foreign bodies in bronchi, iv. 511 as sequelae of pleuritis, iv. 070, 674 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 69 in acute myocarditis, vi 235 in anthrax, iii. 419 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 328 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 236, 243 in croup, iv. 260 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 456 in diabetes, xvi. 883, 913 in echinococcus disease, iii. 582 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 316 of chronic gastritis, vii. 168 of encephalitis, xii. 716, 723 of haematothorax, iv. 740 of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 45 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 58 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 364 i)A*7 ttvtt t?v- Lugol's solution. -'*' INDEX. Lungs, cancer of. Lungs, affections of, in etiology of metastatic abscess of the brain, xii. 723 in foot-and-mouth disease, iii. 523 in glanders, iii. 340, 342, 346, 362 in hepatic abscess, ix. 140 in hydrophobia, iii. 463, 465, 498 in hydrothorax, iv. 736 in hypertrophy of the left ventricle, vi. 107 in insufficiency of the mitral valve, vi. 124 in insufficiency of the pulmonary valves, vi. 154 in insufficiency of the tricuspid valve, vi. 150 in leucaemia, viii. 514 in melanasmia, viii. 541 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 506, 509 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 492 in pneumothorax, iv. 753 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 753 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 467 by nitric acid, xvii. 343 by sulphurous acid, xvii. 345 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 282 in scurvy, xvii. 171 in simple basilar meningitis, xii 582 in snake-bite, iii. 550 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1013 in stenosis of the ostium aorticum, vi. 145 in stenosis of the pulmonary ostium, vi. 157 in syphilis, iii. 211 in syphilis of the spinal cord, xii. 348 in trichinosis, iii. 636, 645 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 327 in whooping-cough, vi. 698 LUNGS, AN.EMIA OF THE, v. 204; eti- ology, 264; pathology, 2G4 ; the bronchi, 264; symptomatology, 264; the dyspnoea, 2J4; treat- ment, 265 Lungs, apoplexy of, a complication of croup, iv. 252 Lungs, apoplexy of, in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 740 LUNGS, ATELECTASIS OF THE, v. 3£2; history and bibliography, 322 ; definition, ^24 ; etiology, 324 ; congenital atelectasis, 324 ; col- lapse of the lung, 324; atelectasis from com- pression, IJ2 1; pathological anatomy, 326 ; con- genital atelectasis, 326 ; acquired collapse, 327 ; splenization, 328; atelectasis from compres- sion, 329; carnification, 329; patulousness of the fetal openings, 329; symptomatology and course, 330; the congenital form, 330 ; anoma- lies of circulation, 331 ; mode of death, 331; the acquired form, 331 ; the manner of respira- tion, 331; physical examination, 332 ; the cough. 332; atelectasis from compression, 332 ; com- plication, 333; prognosis, 333 ; the congenital form, 333; the form from compression, £34 ; diagnosis, 334; treatment, 335 ; of the con- genital form, 335 ; of collapse of the lung, 335 ; emetics, 335 ; stimulants, 336; other adjuvants, 336 Lungs, atelectasis of, a sequel of croupous bronchitis, iv. 465 a sequel of stenosis of trachea and bron- chi, iv. 485 in etiology of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 83 Lungs, atelectasis and collapse of, as sequelae of bronchial catarrh, iv. 329 LUNGS, ATROPHY AND HYPERTRO- PHY OF THE, v. 337; bibliography, 337; atrophy, 337; definition and etiology, 337; pathological anatomy, 338 ; general character- istics. 338 ; the pigment deposit, 339 ; the bron- chi, 339 ; the heart, 339; symptomatology, 340; the dyspnoea, 340 ; cyanosis, 340 ; inspection of the thorax, 340; results of percussion, 341 ; of auscultation, 341; diagnosis, 341; treatment, 342; hypertrophy, 342 ; general considerations, 343 Lungs, alveoli of, in diphtheria, i. 645 Lungs, cancer of, in etiology of ste- nosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 478 Lungs, carnification of. Lungs, inllaniniation of. Lungs, carnification of, in atelec- tasis, v. 329 Lungs, cavities in, in catarrhal pneu- monia, v. 197 LUNGS, CIRRHOSIS OF THE, ix. 837 (Interstitial pneumonia, and bronchiectasis) ; definition, 839; history, 840; etiology, 846; pathological anatomy, 864; pathology, 872; general clinical history, 873 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 902 ; treatment, 906 Lungs, collapse of, a complication of bronchial catarrh, iv. 402 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 195, 204 Lungs, congestion of, in typhoid fever, i 167 Lungs, consolidation of, in the di- agnosis of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 217 Lungs, echinococcus of, iii. 583 Lungs, emphysema of, a sequel of bronchial asthma, iv. 573 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 329 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 465 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 485 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 LUNGS, GANGRENE OF THE, v. 407; history and literature, 407; etiology, 408 ; influ- ence of sex, 408 ; of age, 408 ; various causes of its origin, 409 ; interruption or weakness of the blood-current in the lungs, 409 ; croupous pneu- monia, 409 ; embolism, 410; emboli from infec- tive purulent centres, 410 ; gangrene from per- foration into the lungs from neighboring parts, 411; from foreign bodies, 411; from stagnant contents of a cavity, 411; from lowering of the general nutrition, 411; from injury, 412 ; patho- logical anatomy, 412; the circumscribed form of gangrene, 412; its situation, 413; the size, form, and number, 413 ; mode of recovery, 413 ; bronchitis, 414 ; transition of circumscribed to the diffused form, 414; hemorrhage, 414; em- boli causing metastatic abscesses, 414; affec- tions of the pleura, 414 ; the diffuse form, 415 ; its general characteristics, 415; symptoma- tology, 415; the sputum, 416 ; its amount, 416 ; its characteristics, 416; chemical reactions, 243 417 ; microscopic appearances, 417 ; vibriones and other growths, 418; conditions of putre- faction, 419; the cough, 419 ; position of the patient, 419 ; haemoptysis, 419 ; symptoms fol- lowing pleurisy and pneumonia, 420; conse- quences of swallowing the putrid masses, 420; catarrh of the stomach, vomiting, and diarrhoea, 420 ; fever, 420; physical examination, 420 ; progress of the disease, 420; the diffuse form, 422; complications and terminations, 422 ; hemorrhage, 422; pleurisy, 422 ; pneumothorax, 422; rupture through the thoracic wall, 422; causes of death, 423 ; cases of imperfect re- covery, 423; of complete recovery, 424; prog- nosis, 424 ; influence of age, constitution, and vigor, 424; of causes of the disease, 424 ; sit- uation of the disease, 425 ; its size, 425 ; influ- ence of complications, 425; diagnosis, 426; from putrid bronchitis, 420 ; from abscess of the lung, 427; from pyopneumothorax, 427; treatment, 428; prophylaxis, 428; improve- ment of the expectoration, 428 ; various reme- dies, 428 ; inhalations, 429 ; general treatment, 431 ; symptomatic treatment, 431 ; of haemop- tysis, 432 ; of catarrh of the stomach, 432 Lungs, gangrene of, a complication of croup, iv. 252 a result of croupous pneumonia, v. 128 of infarction, v. 253 in typhoid fever, i 172 LUNGS, HEMORRHAGES OF THE, v. 289; bibliography, 289 ; history, 290 ; etiology, 292; bronchial hemorrhages, 292; vicarious hemorrhages, 293 ; hemorrhages associated with diseases, 293 ; influence of sex, 294 ; of age, 294; hemorrhagic infarctions, 295; their mode of formation, 205; metastatic abscesses, 297; their situation, 297; pulmonary apoplexy, 298 ; influence of sex, 298 ; of age. 298 ; pathological anatomy, 298; changes found after bronchial hemorrhage, 298; appearance of the bronchi, 299 ; the hemorrhagic infarction, 299; micro- scopical appearances, 300; after-changes in the infarction, 300; metastatic abscesses, 301; pul- monary apoplexy, 301; symptomatology, 302 ; haemoptysis, 302; the dyspnoea, 304 ; the ex- pectoration, 305; symptoms of pulmonary so- lidification, 305; the fever, 306; symptoms of )EX. 249 metastatic inflammations and abscesses, 306; of pulmonary apoplexy, 307; duration, termi- nation, and sequelae, 307 ; duration of bronchial hemorrhage, 307 ; hemorrhage as a cause or a result of phthisis, 307 ; course and termination of a haemoptoic infarction, 310 ; of metastatic abscesses, 311; of pulmonary apoplexy, 311 ; prognosis, 311 ; of bronchial hemorrhage, 311 ; influence of pulmonary disease, 311; hemor- rhages in connection with the menstrual flow, 311 ; hemorrhage in the early stage of tuber- culosis ; 312; hemorrhagic infarction, 312; di- agnosis, 312 ; differential diagnosis, 312 ; hemor- rhagic infarctions, 315 ; emboli of the bronchial arteries, 316 ; metastatic abscesses, 316; pul- monary apoplexy, 316 ; treatment, 316; vene- section, 316 ; prophylaxis, 317 ; preparations of iron, 317 ; chalybeate waters, 317; treatment during an attack of haemoptysis, 318 ; in hemor- rhagic infarction, 320; in metastatic abscesses, 320 ; in pulmonary apoplexy, 321 Lungs, hemorrhagic infarctions of, in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 595 Lungs, hyperaemia of, in nurslings, iv. 106 LUNGS, HYPERAEMIA AND (EDEMA OF THE, v. 265 ; etiology, 265; increased heart- action, 265; influence of cold drinks, 266; of cold baths, 268 ; influence of various diseases, 268; of cold air, 268 ; of the inhalation of irri- tating and irrespirable gases, 26S ; of rarefac- tion of the air in the pulmonary alveoli, 268; of acute inflammations of the parenchyma of the lungs, 268 ; of new-growths, 269 ; of acute and chronic tuberculosis, 269 ; etiology of pas- sive or obstructive hyperaemia, 269; insuffi- ciency of the mitral valves, 269 ; disease of the aortic valves, 269; compression of the pulmo- nary veins by tumors, 209 ; increased resistance to the heart's action, 269 ; weakened heart-ac- tion, 269 ; pathological anatomy, 270 ; the acute congestion, 270; the chronic form, 270; the general characteristics, 270 ; splenization of the lung, 271 ; hypostatic congestion, 271 ; bron- chitis, 271; pulmonary oedema, 271; a result of dropsy, 272 ; interstitial oedema, 273 ; the elas- ticity of the lung, 273; its color, 273; the amount of fluid and its characteristics, 273 ; condition of the bronchi, 274; the so-called Lungs, carnification of. Lungs, inflammation of. brown induration, 274 ; hypertrophy of the lungs, 274; symptomatology, 276 ; initial symp- toms, 276; the dyspnoea, 277 ; results of physi- cal examination, 277; later general symptoms, 277 ; symptoms following oedema, 278 ; physi- cal examination in hypostasis and hypostatic oedema, 278; oedema a result of a watery con- dition of the blood, 279 ; the so-called uraemic asthma, 279; course and termination, 281 ; prognosis, 2S2; diagnosis, 2S3 ; treatment, 284; general measures, 284 ; prophylactics, 284 ; pas- sive hyperaemia, 284 ; acute hyperaemia, 284 ; venesection, 285; promotion of expectoration, 285 ; derivation to the skin, intestines, and kid- neys, 286 ; digitalis, 286 ; treatment of irregu- larities in the respiratory acts, 287 ; of chronic passive hyperaemia with oedema, 287 ; of oedema following cardiac disease, 2S8 Lungs, hypertrophy of, v. 342 in nurslings, iv. 106 LUNGS, HYPOSTATIC PROCESSES IN THE, v. 236 ; bibliography, 236 ; history, 236 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 236; diminu- tion in the propelling power of the heart, 237 ; prolonged maintenance of the body in one po- sition, 237 ; extent of the process, 237 ; favor- ing causes, 237 ; position of the disease, 237; the question of existence of inflammation, 238; influence of various diseases, 239 ; of age, 239 ; development of catarrhal inflammation from these conditions, 239; pathological anatomy, 240 ; splenization, 240; the bronchi, 240; se- rous effusions into the pleural cavity. 240 ; ca- tarrhal pneumonic infiltrations, 240 ; symptom- atology and diagnosis, 241; general symptoms, 241 ; fever, 242; local symptoms, 242; termi- nation in resolution, 242 ; symptoms, if catar- rhal pneumonia be present, 242 ; duration and prognosis, 243; treatment, 243; preventing force of gravitation from acting in one direc- tion, 243 ; stimulation of the heart's action, 243 ; diet, 244 ; exercise of the respiratory mus- cles, 244 Lungs, infiltration of parenchy- ma of, a sequel of croupous bronchi- tis, iv. 465 Lungs, inflammation of, see Pneu- monia Lungs, inflammation of. McTurk. Lungs, inflammation of, in typhoid fever, i 170 Lungs, oedema of, a complication of cancer of stomach, vii. 236 in typhoid fever, i. 168 Lungs, senile atrophy of, v. 338 Lungs, tuberculosis of, see Tuber- culosis in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 746 in typhoid fever, i 172 Lupulinc, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 874 in gonorrhoea, viii. 770 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in incontinence of urine, viii. 723 in poisoning by opium, xvii. 876 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 706 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 874 Lupus, in etiology of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213 Lupus of the larynx, vii. 852 cod-liver oil and salt-baths in, vii 855 pure silver nitrate in, vii 855 Lupus of the vulva, x. 549 Lupus syphiliticus, iii 158 Luschka, xii. 376 Lutz, xii 723, 750 Luxeuil, waters of, in chronic articu- lar rheumatism, xvi. 84 Lycoctonine, xvii 744 Lyes, antidotes in cases of poisoning by, xvii. 370 Lyes, poisoning by, xvii. 367 Lying-in, in etiology of hysteria, xiv. 484 Lymnophysalis hyaliua, xviii. 26 Lymph-glands, changes in, in leucae- mia, viii. 510 Lymph-spaces, perivascular, their connection with the cerebral circula- tion, xii. 5 Lymph-vessels, in erysipelas, ii. 452, 456 Lymphadenitis, xvi 827 Lymphaeinia, viii. 504 Lymphangitis, cold locally in, vi. 519 iodine locally in, vi. 519 poultices and tepid baths in, vi. 519 250 Lymphangitis, vegetable and mineral acids in, vi. 519 Lymphangitis nodosa syphiliti- ca, v. 689 Lymphatic glands, affections of, xvi. 738 in cold in the head, iv. 126 in etiology of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 475 in pleurisy, iv. 606 changes in the, in melanaemia, viii 540 enlargement of, in scrofula, v. 640 extirpation of, xvi. 825 in diphtheria, i. 652; vi. 944 in diphtheritic angina, vi. 937 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 475 in pleuritis, iv. 606 in rubeola, ii. 421 in scarlatina, ii. 223, 242 in scrofulosis, xvi. 782 in syphilis, iii. 117, 180 in typhoid fever, i. 103 involvement of, in pseudo-leucaemia, viii. 474 removal of, when affected, to prevent tuberculosis, xii. 576 scrofulous affections of, xvi. 798 treatment of, xvii. 825 swelling of, in plague, i. 474, 477 Lymphatic glands of the jaw, in croupous angina, vi. 930 in tonsillitis, vi. 917 Lymphatic glands of the neck, not affected in simple stomatitis catar- rhalis, vi. 766 Lymphatic morbid formations of the soft palate, vi. 986 Lymphatic system, affections of, in syphilis, iii. 117, 180 Lymphatics, as a means of propagation of tubercle, xii. 518 involvement of, in parotitis, vi. 838 Lymphatics, deep, of the liver, ix. 8 Lymphatics, dilatation of, caus- tics locally in, vi. 528 "EX. 251 ttvtt^-c-v- Lungs, inflammation of. INDEX. McTurk. LYMPHATICS, DISEASES OF THE, vi. 2 ; bibliography, 512 ; introduction, 512 Lymphangitis, Angioleucitis, 513; bib- liography, 513 ; pathology, 514 ; etiology, 516; symptomatology, 517; prognosis, 518; treatment, 519 Degenerations, Neoplasms, 521; bib- liography, 521 ; calcification, 521; can- cer and tubercle, 521 Narrowing, Occlusion, and Dilata- tion, 523 ; bibliography, 523 ; etiology, 523 ; pathology, 525 ; symptomatology, 526 ; diagnosis and treatment, 52S; nar- rowing and dilatation of the ductus tho- racicus, 528 ; etiology, 529 ; symptom- atology, 530; treatment, 531 Rupture of the Lymphatics, Lympiior- Iihagia, 532 ; bibliography, 532 ; rupture of the thoracic duct, 533 ; composition of the lymph, 536; prognosis and treatment, 538; chyluria, 538 ; composition, 538; eti- ology, 539 ; symptomatology, 540 ; nat- ure of the disease, 541; the filaria san- guinis hominum, 542 ; treatment, 543 Lymphatics and lymphatic glands, inflammation of, in consequence of gonorrhoea, viii. 782 Lymphatics, inflammation of the, in consequence of gonorrhoea, viii. 782 Lymphatics of the large intes- tine, vii. 347 Maas, xii 378, 722, 724 Macadamized roadways, xviii 553 McClintock, x. 224, 242 McDowell, Ephraim, x. 405, 421 Machine-drills in mines, xix. 261 Machinists, xix. 66 Mackenzie's intralaryngeal electrode, iv. 97 Lymphatics of the liver, ix. 19 Lymphatics of the naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 9 Lymphatics of the small intes- tine, vii. 346 Lymphatics of the soft palate, vi 869 Lymphatics of the stomach, vii. 118 Lymphoma, malignant, xvi 829 anatomical changes of, xvi. 835 arsenic in, xvi. 845 course of, xvi. 832 diagnosis of, xvi. 842 electrolysis in, xvi. 845 etiology of, xvi. 831 symptomatology of, xvi. 839 treatment, xvi. 845 Lymphomas of leucaemia, viii. 510 Lymphorrhagia, caustics to rupture in, vi. 538 Lymphosarcoma, xvi. 829 arsenic in, xvi. 845 electrolysis in, xvi. 845 Lymphosarcoma of the liver, ix. 355 Lynn, Mass., polluted wells in, xviii. 243 Lyssa, iii. 431; see also Diseases of Ani- mals Mackenzie's rack-movement lamp, iv. 25 MackinwelPs plan of ventila- tion, xviii 776 « McNaughton, xii. 761 Macroscopical appearances of syphilitic changes of the brain, xii 334 McTurk, xii 808 m FJade-ground. Malefern. Made-ground, cautions with regard to, xviii. 573 deep drainage of, xviii. 417 Madeira, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 143 Magendie, xii 5, 105 ; xv. 690, 730 Magenta red, xvii. 520 Magnan, xii 833, 857, 859, 864 Magnesia, as an antidote in sulphuric acid poisoning, xvii. 336 in gout, xvi. 139 in poisoning by arsenic, xvii. 651 by barium compounds, xvii 379 by copper, xvii. 592 by lead, xvii. 560 by oxalic acid, xvh. 355 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 336 Magnesia, bicarbonate of, in ne- phrolithiasis, xv. 735 Magnesia, calcined, in acute gas- tritis, vii 143 Magnesia, citrate of, in acute hepa- titis, ix. 153 Magnesia, sulphate of, in fatty de- generation of the heart, vi. 259 in measles, ii. 122 in typhoid fever, i. 198 Magnetism, in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 Maingien, xii. 6 Main-hold, xix. 178 Mair, xii 722 Makroglossa, due to dilatation of lymphatics, vi. 529 Mai des bassines, xix. 45 MALACOSTEON, xvi. 209; bibliography, 209; history, 210; morbid anatomy and chem- istry, 211 ; etiology and pathogeny, 218 ; symp- tomatology and course, 222; duration, issues, and complications, 226; diagnosis, 226; prog- nosis, 227; treatment, 228 Malacosteon, cod-liver oil and iron in, xvi. 228 lime-water and carbonate of lime in, xvi 228 Malaise generate, in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 205 252 Malaise generale, in the fever brought on by catching cold, xvi. 238 Malaria, xviii. 575 as a cause of catalepsy, xiv. 371 of chronic nephritis, xv. 328 of neuralgia, xi. 30 as a complication of croupous pneumo- nia, v. 121 conditions of soil that favor the develop- ment of, viii. 408 in etiology of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 170 of gastralgia, vii. 299 of hydrothorax, iv. 735 of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 63 of intestinal catarrh, vii 365 origin of, xix. 91 prophylactic measure against, in fever countries, viii. 409 speculations with regard to its nature, xviii. 408 treatment of, as a prophylaxis of dis- eases of the spleen, viii 407 Malarial affections in the etiology of pulmonary consumption, v. 506 MALARIAL DISEASES, ii. 555 ; bibliog- raphy, 555 ; history, 557 ; definition of the dis- ease, 559 ; geographical distribution, 559 ; eti- ology, 563 ; soil, 563 ; heat, 568; the seasons, 569 ; the rain-fall, 569 ; the wind, as a vehicle of spreading disease, 571; predisposing causes, 573 ; race and age, 573 ; sex, 574 ; influence of pregnancy, 574 ; constitution, 575 ; weakening influences, 575 ; changes of temperature, 575; previous paroxysms, 576; previous residence, 577 ; epidemic forms, 577 ; relation to other diseases, 579; different grades of the disease, 582; nature of the malarial poison, 584 ; path- ology, 587 ; incubation, 587 ; general course of the disease, 588; simple intermittent, 588; stage of chill, 590; hot stage, 591; sweating stage, 592; deviations from this course, 593 ; intensity of the paroxysms, 594 ; different types, 595; time of attack, 597 ; intermit- tent in children, 597; masked fevers, 598; neuralgia, 599; other manifestations, 600; per- nicious fevers, 602 ; their characteristics, 604 ; the prodromata, 604 ; paroxysms, 605 ; disturb- >EX. 253 INDEX. OTade-gro und, Maleiern. ances of the nervous system, 6C5; cases of apparent death, 600 ; cerebral disturbance with delirium, 607; eclamptic and tetanic spasms, 608 ; the hydrophobic form, 608 ; the choleraic form, 608 ; the pernicious sweating form, 610 ; the dysenteric type, 610 ; pneumonic and pleu- ritic forms, 611; icteric form, 612 ; gangrene, 613 ; remittent and continued malarial fevers, 614; their characteristics, 614; the different grades, 616 ; " la fievre bilieuse hematurique," 61S ; malarial cachexia, 620 ; pathological ana- tomy, 624 ; blood-changes, 624 ; black pigment matter, 625 ; the nervous system, 620; lungs, 627; heart, 627; spleen, C27 ; liver, G27; in- testinal mucous membrane, 627 ; kidneys, 628 ; the skin, 028; changes in malarial cachexia, 629; the "ague-cakes," 629; analysis of the individual symptoms, 030 ; temperature of the body, 630 ; changes in the blood, 633 ; the skin, 63G ; the circulatory apparatus, 637 ; the respi- ratory apparatus, 63S; th3 urine, 638 ; excre- tion of urea, 039 ; other excretions in the urine, 640, dropsy, 041 ; disturbances of the intestinal canal, 042 ; the liver, 043 ; the spleen, 643 ; the blood the vehicle of the poison, 045 ; cause of rhythmical recurrence of paroxysms, 046 ; course and sequela, G47 ; relapses, 64S ; kidney diseases as sequelae, 649 ; liver diseases, 650 ; Bpleen, 059 ; other derangements, 650 ; progno- sis, 650; of the simple fevers, 650; masked fevers, 651; pernicious fevers, 651; the remit- tent and continued forms, 052 ; chronic malarial cachexia, 652 ; diagnosis, 652 ; treatment, 055 ; prophylaxis, 055; prophylactic action of qui- nine, 057 ; treatment of the paroxysm, 65S; in the pernicious fevers. 600; quinine and its mode of administration, 661, 675, 676 ; its mo- dus operandi, 667; the eucalyptus globulus, 669 ; arsenic, 671; its mode of administration, 072; carbolic acid, 672; chloride of sodium, 073 ; sulphites of soda and magnesia, 673 ; cold- water treatment, 673 ; alcoholics, 674 ; chloro- form, 674 ; piperine, 674 ; other remedies, 674 ; treatment of sequela?, 077 Malarial diseases, analeptics in chilly stage of, ii. 659 germ theory of, viii. 463 growth of eucalyptus globulus as a pro- phylactic against, viii 408 Malarial diseases, predisposing in- fluence of, in scurvy, xvii. 122 relations of cerebro-spinal meningitis to, ii. 692 Malarial enlargement of the spleen, alteratives in, ii. 678 chloride of bebeerine in, ii. 677 Malarial fever in etiology of diseases of the spleen, viii. 356, 407 Malarial fevers, xix. 145 alcoholics in, ii. 674 arsenic in, ii 671 bisulphate of quinine in, ii. 664 carbolic acid in, ii. 672 chloroform in, ii. 674 cold applications in pernicious, ii. 660 cold-water sponging and packing in, ii. 673 common salt and sea-salt in, ii. 673 eucalyptus globulus in, ii. 669 hydrochlorate of quinine in, ii 664 opium in cerebral symptoms of, ii. 660 piperine in, ii. 674 prophylaxis in, ii 656 quinine as a prophylactic in, ii. 657 quinine in the treatment of, ii. 661 rare salts of quinine in, ii. 665 stimulating enemata in course of, ii. 660 sulphate of buxine in, ii. 075 sulphites of soda and magnesia in, ii. 673 sulphotartrate of quinine in, ii. 664 tannate of quinine in, ii. 664 valerianate of quinine in, ii. 664 vegetable tonics in, ii. 675 vinegar clysters in hot stage, ii. 659 Malarial fevers, pernicious, calo- mel in large doses in, ii. 660 Malarial infection, theory of, i 242 Malarial infection, chronic, treat- ment of, ii. 677 Malarial nature of anthrax, hi. 375, 379 Malarial nephritis, xv. 383 Malarial regions, favorable to chol- era, i 379 Malefern, in chyluria, vi. 543 in tapeworm, vii. 702 Hale genital organs. Mastoid cells. INDEX. 254 MALE GENITAL ORGANS, DISEASES OF THE, viii. 823 ; introduction, 823 Abnormal Seminal Losses, 824; bibli- ography, 824 ; general description, 826 ; etiology, 832; pathological anatomy, 849; symptomatology and diagnosis, 850; course, terminations, prognosis, 864; treatment, 870 Impotence, 882 ; general description, 882 ; prognosis, treatment, 896 Sterility in the Male, 901 ; bibliogra- phy, 901; definition, 901; aspermatism, 902; general description, 902; prognosis, treatment, 909 ; azoospermism, 910; gen- eral description, 910 Malformation accompanying stenosis of the pulmonary artery, vi 333 Malformations of the bladder, viii. 772 Malformations of the mouth, in- fluence of, upon nursing, xviii. 82 Malformations of the ovaries, x. 348 Malformations of the spinal cord, xiii. 779 Malformations of the suprare- nal capsules, viii. 672 Malformations of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 280 Malformations of the urethra, viii. 741 Malformations of the uterus, x. 32 Malformations of the vulva, x. 537 Maliasmus, see Glanders Malic acid, as an indirect aliment, xviii. 170 Malignant growths, as a cause of anaemia, xvi. 330 Malignant lymphoma, xvi. 829 Malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 771 Malignant pustule, hi 404; see also Anthrax diagnosed from noma, vi 814 Malignant pustule, living organisms the cause of, i. 11 phenomena of, xviii. 19 Malinverni's case of atrophy of the corpus callosum, xii 841, 842 Malleus humidus, iii. 316 ; see also Glanders Malt extract, value of, in anaemia, xvi. 474 Malt extracts, use of, in treatment of consumption, v. 610 Malt liquors, xviii. 176 Malta, ground plan of hospital at, xviii. 741 Malum Aegyptiacum, i 574 Mamma, affections of the, in syph- ilis, iii 233 Mammae, atrophy of, as a result of the action of iodine, xvii. 305 Mammary angiomata of infants, xviii. 85 Mammary gland, neuralgia in, xi 158 pain in, in hysteria, xiv. 499 Mammary secretion of infants, xviii. 85 Manasse'in's test for sugar in the urine, xvi 976 Mandelstamm, xii. 250 Manganese, xix. 562 in chlorosis, xvi. 569 poisoning by, xvii. 626 Manganese salts as disinfectants, xix. 564 Man-holes for pipe-sewcrs, xviii 471, 479 Mania, peculiarities of speech in, xiv. 626 Mannite, as a substitute for sugar, xvi. 989 Mansergh's ventilating trap, xviii. 497 Mantelofcn of Germany, xviii. 696 Manufacturing refuse as a source of pollution of water, xviii. 228 Manure, disposal of, in cities, xix. 411 255 Manure, proper disposal of, xix. 395 Manz, xii. 5, 25, 249 Marasmic affections, as a cause of ventricular effusions, xii. 468 in etiology of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 469 of thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 210 Marasmic thrombi, vi. 293 Marasmus, xix. 281 as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 565 causation of, xvi. 371 due to hysteria, less dangerous than that caused by other diseases, xiv. 549 following typhoid fever, i. 189 in etiology of simple atrophy of the liver, ix. 305 of thrombosis of the portal vein, ix. 787 Marasmus of anaemia, xvi 351, 369 March of an English generation through life, xix. 330-334 Marching of troops, xix. 154 Maremma, Tuscan, unhealthi- ncss of, xviii. 435 Mare's milk, analysis of, xviii 106 Margarin, xviii 158 Marienbad, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 170 Marienbad, waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 414 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 in corpulence, xvi. 723 in gout, xvi. 138 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, xi. 178 Marine acid, xvii. 337 Maritime commerce the means of diffusing yellow fever, i. 494 Market-houses, cleansing of, xviii 564 Marls, xviii 427 Marquee, Indian, xix. 100 Marriage among those predisposed to consumption, v. 601 between epileptic families, xiv. 282 its influence on mortality, xix. 323 propriety of, in syphilitic persons, iii 270 question of, in bleeders, xvii. 89 male genital organs. mastoid cells. Marriage, question of early, in hysteri- cal persons, xiv. 560 Marriages, registration of, xix. 312 Marrow of the bones, changes in, in connection with acute splenic tu- mors, viii. 461 in leucaemia, viii 511 deposit of pigment in the, in melanasmia, viii. 540 Marshall's case of trichiasis ve- sicae, viii. 733 Marshes favorable to cholera, i 379 Marshes, salt, the breeding-place of malaria, xviii. 424, 435 Marsh-mallow, in acute laryngeal ca- tarrh, iv. 210 Marsh's test for arsenic, xvii. 645 Marshy districts, the haunts of mala- ria, xviii. 435 Martini, xii. 606, 617 Mason, Erskine, vii. 665 ; x. 543 Masons, xix. 56 Massachusetts State Board of Health, xviii. 55 Massage, in occlusions of the intestines, vii. 655 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 174 MASTICATION, PARALYSIS OP MUS- CLES OF, xi. 487 ; bibliography, 487 ; symp- tomatology of, 487 ; diagnosis, 489 ; prognosis, 489; treatment of, 489 MASTICATION, SPASM OF MUSCLES OF, xi. 301; bibliography, 301 ; symptomatol- ogy, 301; etiology, 302 ; catching cold a cause, 302 ; diagnosis, 303 ; prognosis, 303 ; treatment, 303 Masticatory facial spasm, xiv. 358 Mastodynia, xi 158 electricity in, xi. 160 etiology of, xi. 159 in hysteria, xiv. 499 Mastoid cells, diseases of, in connec- tion with abscess of the brain, xii. 720 Masturbation. Mechanical excitability. INDEX. 256 Masturbation as a cause of chorea, xiv. 424 as a cause of spermatorrhoea ; reasons why it exerts a more noxious effect than natural sexual excess, viii. 834 due to irritation produced by oxyuris vermicularis, vii. 764 in etiology of atrophy cf the cerebellum, xii. 846 of chorea, xiv. 423 of hysteria, xiv. 485 of impotence, viii. 893 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 of spasm of the bladder, viii. 701 of spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 371 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 525 of tremor, xiv. 380 in the prognosis of epilepsy, xiv. 279 Match-makers, xix. 20 Matches, poisoning by, xvii. 631 Mate, or Paraguay tea, xviii. ISO Matico, in chronic cystitis, viii. 697 Matrimony as a prophylactic of sper- matorrhoea, viii. 871 propriety of, in persons who have had syphilis, iii. 270 Matthieu's principle for inhala- tion of atomized fluids, iv. 88 Mattresses, materials ordinarily used for, xviii. 383 Maudsley, xiv. 597, 639 Maunder, xii. 794 Mauthner, xii 831 Maximum weight of healthy brain, xii. 831 Mayer's milk-colored glass spec- ulum, x. 28 Mayer's scarificators, x. 115 Mayo, xii 715 Meadow-saffron, poisoning by, xvii 734 MEASLES, ii. 31; bibliography, 31; history, 36; etiology, 37; nature of contagious prin- ciple, 38 ; vehicles of contagion, 41 ; suscepti- bility to contagion, 42 ; second and third at- tacks, 42; recurrent form, 45; influence of race, 46 ; pregnancy in, 40 ; abortion in, 40; other diseases during, 40; age, 48; sex, 52 ; epidemics of, 53 ; seasons of the year, 56 ; time of infection, 57 ; length of stage of incubation, 59 ; pathology, 62 ; anatomical changes, 6 i ; the measle-spot, 62; site of, C4 ; diversity of form, 64; outbreak of the eruption, 05 ; duration of maximum of eruption, 67; retrocession of eruption, 67 ; colorations of skin, result of erup- tion, 6S; desquamation, 70; affection of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, an;l air-passages, 71; of the conjunctiva, 72 ; of tho tongue, 73; of the mucous membrane of the intestines, 73; of the genital mucons mem- brane, 74 ; of the pleura pulmonalis, 74 ; of the spleen, 74 ; changes in the blood, 74 ; symp- tomatology, 75; stage of incubation, 75 ; pro- dromal stage, 75; stage of eruption, 78 ; con- valescence, 82; anomalies of the course, 83 ; measles without catarrh, 83 ; measles without eruption, 84 ; hemorrhagic measles, 85 ; varia- tions in the stage of incubation, 87 ; variations in the prodromal stage, 87 ; variations in the stage of eruption, 83 ; complications, 90 ; affec- tions of the skin, 90 ; the mucous membranes of nose and throat, 91; the larynx, 92 ; bronchi- tis, 92 ; pneumonia, 93 ; gangrene of lung, 95 ; diseases of the ear, 95 ; the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, 90 ; diseases of the ner- vous system, 97 ; the heart, 98 ; the liver, 98 ; the genito-urinary apparatus, 99 ; the glands, 99 ; acute miliary tuberculosis, 99 ; diphtheria, 99; ulcerous and gangrenous affections, 100 ; scurvy, 102 ; sequelae, 102 ; influence of consti- tution, 102; measles predisposing to other dis- eases,104; influence of measles upon pre-existing diseases, 104; diagnosis, 100 ; differential diag- nosis, 100; prognosis, 109; influence of anomalies and complications, 110; ago in the prognosis, 111; sex in the prognosis, 113; mortality of measles, 113; treatment, 116; isolation, 116; ventilation, 118; general hygienic treatment, 119 ; treatment of the various symptoms, 119 ; treatment of fever by cold water, 120; inunc- tions of oil, 121; quinine, 121; sulphate of magnesia, 122 ; inunctions of oil of turpentine, 122; treatment of convulsions, 123; of bron- chitis, 123 ; of broncho-pneumonia, 124 ; of 257 INDEX. Masturbation. Mechanical excitability. diarrhoea, 125 ; of epistaxis, 120 ; of affections of the eye, 126 ; of the ear, 120 ; of the larynx, 127 ; of gangrene, 127 ; of diphtheria, 128 Measles, xix. 532 artificial brine-baths in, ii. 121 as a complication of whooping-cough, vi 708 causative relations of, to consumption, v. 504 complicated with varicella, ii. 29 dietetic treatment of, ii. 118 emetics in, ii. 123 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 252 of acute tumor of the spleen, viii. 454 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 315 of croup, iv. 237 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 856 of metastatic meningitis, xii. 626 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 of pulmonary consumption, v. 504 of scrofulosis, xvi. 773 inoculability of, xix. 533 inunction in, ii. 121 laxatives in, ii. 119 mucilaginous drinks in, ii. 119 prophylaxis of, by isolation, ii. 116 quinine in, ii, 122 sulphate of magnesia in, ii. 122 turpentine inunction in, ii. 122 Measles and rubeola, distinctive characteristics of, ii. 146 Measles and small-pox, differential diagnosis between, ii. 389 Measly pork, iii. 601, 603, 607 Measurement of chest, in diseases of trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 in pneumonia, v. 75 Measurements of the heart, vi. 202 Meat, adulteration of, xix. 369 diseased, as a carrier of anthrax-poison, iii. 408 in dysentery, i 561 in spasm of glottis, vii 1020 Vol. XX.—17 Meat, of rabid animals harmless,iii. 446 symptoms after eating diseased, hi. 415 uncooked, use of, in etiology of tape- worm, vii. 688 Meat-broths, xviii. 117 concentrated, in diphtheria, i 694 good and bad, xix. 369 Meat-pancreas enemata, in hemor- rhage of the stomach, vii 289 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 222 Meat-poisoning producing a particu- lar disease, i 50 Meat-solution, in intestinal hemor- rhage, vii. 458 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 223 Meat-solution of Lcubc, recipe for preparation of, vii. 474 ; vol. xii., vi. " Take 1,000 grammes of beef, free from fat and bone, put into an earthen or por- celain jar, anil add 1,01)0 cubic centimetres of water, and 29 c. c. of pure hydrochloric acid. Place the jar in a Papin's digester, screw the cover tight, and boil for from ten to fifteen hours, stirring occasionally during the first few hours Then remove the con- tents of the jar to a mortar, and rub the mass until it has the appearance of an emulsion. Boil again for fifteen or twenty hours without raising the cover of the di- gester. Add pure potassium carbonate un- til the mass is nearly neutralized, then evaporate to a pulpy consistence." Meat-trichinosis, microscopical ap- pearances of, iii. 055 Mechanical appliances in tremor, xiv. 393 Mechanical dyslalia, xiv. 845, 855 Mechanical effect of aortic in- sufficiency, vi. 133 Mechanical effect of aortic ste- nosis, vi. 142 Mechanical effects of pulmo- nary insufficiency, vi. 153 Mechanical excitability of mo- tor nerves and muscles, xi. 270 mechanical instruction. Membrane, mucous, INDEX. 258 Mechanical instruction of deaf- mutes, xiv. 872 Mechanical means of prevent- ing morbid pollutions, viii. 879 Mechanical results of aortic stenosis with mitral insuffi- ciency, vi 163 Mechanical results of tricuspid insufficiency, vi. 147 Mechanical treatment of ca- tarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 531 Mechanical treatment of stut- tering, xiv. 841 Media, disease of, giving rise to aneurism, vi. 411 Median nerve, paralysis in the region of distribution of, xi. 554 Median portion of the cervix uteri, hypertrophy of, x. 87 Mediastinal abscess, following per- foration of a traction diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 78 Mediastinal cavities, enormous size of, produced by perforations of the oesophagus, viii. 117 Mediastinal neoplasms, distinguish- ed from aneurisms, vi. 447 Mediastinal tumors, v. 445 diagnosis of, from pericarditis, vi. 610 resection of ribs in, v. 461 Mediastinitis, in etiology of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 477 Mediastinitis, purulent, secondary to neoplasm of thyroid, vii 903 Mediastino-pericarditis, vi. 649 autopsy in case of, vi. 653 Mediastinum, abscess of, iv. 477; v. 457 Mediastinum, diseases of the, as cause of cardiac displacement, vi 182 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 477 Mediastinum, displacement of, in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 883 Mediastinum, inflammation of, a complication of pleuritis, iv. 672 Mediastinum, tumors of, in etiol- ogy of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 58 Medicaments as causes of cerebral hy- peraemia, xii. 42 for inhalation, iv. 94 Medicated fluids in diphtheria, i 687 Medulla oblongata, anatomy of, xiii. 825 changes in, following injuries, xiii. 891 changes in, in acute bulbar paralysis, xiii. 901 in epilepsy, xiv. 217, 265 in hyperaemia and hemorrhage, xiii. 867 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 910 disease of, causing diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1021 disturbances of circulation in, in encepha- litis due to lung diseases, xii. 745 lesions of, xii. 117, 118, 143 physiology of, xiii. 851 MEDULLA OBLONGATA, DISEASES OF, xiii. 825 Anatomical Introduction, 825; bibli- ography, 825 Physiological Introduction, 851; bib- liography, 851; motor conduction, 853 ; sensory conduction, 854; the respiratory centres, 857; centres for the cardiac movements, 858 ; centres of speech, 859 ; centre of deglutition, 860; vaso-motor centre, 861; nutrititive centres for cer- tain nervous regions, 862; centres for certain secretions, 862 Pathological Introduction, 863 Hyperemia and Hemorrhage, 865; bib- liography, 865; etiology and pathoge- nesis, 865 ; pathological anatomy, 867 ; symptomatology, 868 ; diagnosis, 874 ; prognosis, 875; treatment, 875 Anaemia, 876; bibliography, 876; patho- genesis and etiology, 877; pathological anatomy, 878 ; symptomatology, 880; di- agnosis, 884; prognosis, 886; treatment, 887 Injuries and Wounds, 887; bibliography, 887; pathogenesis and etiology, 888; 259 pathological anatomy, 891 ; symptoma- tology, 893 ; diagnosis, 897 ; prognosis, 899; treatment, 900 Acute Bulbar Myelitis, 900; bibliog- raphy, 900 ; etiology, 901; pathological anatomy, 901; symptomatology, 902; di- agnosis, 904; prognosis, 904; treatment, 904 Progressive Bulbar Paralysis, 905 ; bibliography, 905; history, 906; pathogen- esis and etiology, 908; pathological ana- tomy, 910; symptomatology, 915 ; course, duration, termination, 933 ; complica- tions, 933; theory of the disease, 938; diagnosis, 939; prognosis, 942; treat- ment, 943 Other Chronic Diseases, 947; bibliog- raphy, 947; sclerotic centres, 947; dif- fuse sclerosis, 949 Tumors of the Medulla, 950; bibliog- raphy, 950 ; pathological anatomy, 950; etiology, 953; symptomatology, 953 ; di- agnosis, 956; prognosis, 957 ; treatment, 957 Medulla oblongata and pons, reason why lesions of, are not always attended by disorders of articulation, xiv. 659 the seat of epilepsy, xiv. 232 Medulla oblongata, paralysis of, in meningitis of convexity, xii. 613 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 Medulla of bones, in typhoid fever, i 114 Medullary substance of the hemispheres, lesions of, xii. 153 Megabacteria, xviii 17 Megacoccus, xviii 17 Meinberg, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 171 Meissner, xii. 93 Meissncr's case of catalepsy, xiv. 378 Mclsena in diseases of the spleen, viii. 373 Melaena of the new-born, xviii. 75 Melanxmia, viii. 535; ix. 474 Mechanical instruction. Membrane, mucous. Melanaemia, anatomical conditions cf the liver in, ix. 476 bibliography, historical sketch, viii. 533 course, prognosis, therapeutics, viii. 546 diagnosis, viii. 545 etiology; appearances of the pigment, viii. 535 oil of eucalyptus in, viii. 547 pathological anatomy of, viii. 539 quinine in, viii. 547 symptoms, viii. 542 MELAN^EMIC LIVER; PIGMENT LIVER, 473; literature, 473; etiology, 474; anatomical conditions, 476; symptoms, 478; diagnosis, 479; treatment, 480 Melanaemic liver, quinine in large doses in, ix. 480 Melancholia, in diseases of the pan- creas, viii. 583 resulting from spermatorrhoea, viii 861 Melancholy, hysterical, xiv. 545 Melanoma, xii. 235 Melanoma of the spinal mem- branes, xiii 265 Melanosarcoma of the liver, ix. 343 Melanosis of the spleen, liver, and marrow, frequency of, in comparison with melanasmia, viii. 538 Melanuria, in cancer of the liver, ix. 387 Mclituria, in disease of the pancreas, viii 574 substances that will produce it, xvi. 942 theory of, xvi. 943 Membraua laryngis elastica, iv. 50 Membrana quadrangularis, iv. 48 Membrane,in croup, its characteristics, iv. 245 Membrane, false, structure of, in dif- ferent parts of the air-passages, iv. 259 Membrane, mucous, appearances of, in croupous bronchitis, iv. 455 atrophy of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 324 calcareous degeneration of nasal, iv. 175 IND Membrane, mucous. Meningitis of convexity. INDEX. 200 Membrane, mucous, color of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 320 hyperaemia of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 318 partial thickenings of, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 216 softening of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 324 swelling of, in abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 147 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 318, 321 in cold in the head, iv. 122 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 132 Membrane, mucous, of the la- rynx, abnormal color of, iv. 193 diseases of, iv. 185 epithelioma of, iv. 49 Membrane, mucous, of the pha- rynx, its characteristics, iv. 245 Membrane, mucous, ulcers of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 324 Membrane of haematoma of the dura mater, origin of, xii. 387 Membranes, condition of, in hypertro- phy of brain, xii. 827 Membranes, mucous, in tuberculo- sis, v. 661 Membranes of the brain, affections of, in leucaemia, viii. 514 Membranes of the spinal cord, changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 863 Membranes, serous, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 621 Membranes, serous and fibrous, coloring matter of bile in, ix. 20 Membranous dysmenorrhea, x. 334 intra-uterine injections of astringents and caustics in, x. 337 Memory, a fundamental power of the nervous system, xiv. 618 distinction between aphasia of recollec- tion and deeper disturbances of, xiv. 767 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 137 is a power closely allied to the principle of habit, xiv. 616 Memory, loss of, in epilepsy, xiv. 255 most general vital requirements of, xiv. 619 testing the, in diagnosis of dementia pa- ralytica, xii. 879 the two processes of which it consists, xiv. 616 weakening of, in epilepsy, xiv. 255 weakness of, in dementia paralytica, xii. 865 Memory of reflex centres, xii 243 Meningeal apoplexy, xiii 208 Meningeal apoplexy of new- born children, xii 173 Meningeal hemorrhage, xii 171; xiii. 209 diagnosis, xiii. 214 etiology of, xii 172 etiology and pathogenesis of, xiii. 209 pathological anatomy, xii. 173 ; xiii. 210 prognosis of, xii. 179 symptomatology of, xii. 175; xiii. 211 termination of, xii. 179 treatment of, xii. 179 ; xiii. 215 Meningeal hemorrhage of new- born children, xii. 177 Meningeal hemorrhages in con- tusion of the brain, xii. 671 Meningeal veins, dilatation of, vi 498 Meninges in acute myelitis, xiii. 390 in miliary fever, ii. 496 Meningitis, a complication of croupous pneumonia, v. 114 of pulmonary consumption, v. 575 of rheumatism, xii. 635 classification of, xii. 465 complicated by spasm of glottis, vii. 1012 danger of, in acute period of ostitis, xii. 076 following contusion of brain, accompa- nied by encephalitis, xii 678 frequent connection of cesophago-mala- cia with tubercular basilar, viii. 103 from caries of petrous bone, differential diagnosis, xii. 618 2G1 Meningitis, from decomposition in clots between skull and dura, xii 676 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 50 in course of Bright's disease, xii. 628 in course of diphtheria, a symptom of pyaemia, xii. 626 in course of whooping-cough, xii. 628 in dysentery, i. 547 in erysipelas, ii. 466 in etiology of deaf-mutism, xiv. 870 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 50 in scarlatina, ii. 231, 281 influence of atmospheric air in produ- cing, xii. 80G occurrence of, in phthisis, v. 575 occurring with encephalitis, xii. 710 recapitulation of injuries which lead to, xii. 673 secondary to traumatic ostitis: etiology, xii. 675 similarity of course of, to that of acute encephalitis, xii. 785 symptoms of, in encephalitis, xii. 726 in syphilis of the chord, xii. 348 tonic contraction of intestines in, vii. 593 venesection in, xii. 816 with cheesy affections of the lungs, xii. 635 with croupous pneumonia, v. 115 with diphtheritis, xii. 636 with measles or scarlatina, symptoms of, xii. 636 with pneumonia : diagnosis, xii. 632 with termination in chronic cerebral ab- scess : case, xii. 773 with typhoid fever, symptoms of, xii. 637 without miliary tubercles, complicating cheesy deposits, xii. 625 without tubercles in pia, complicating miliary tubercles of lungs, xii. 625 Meningitis, basilar, derivatives to bowels in, xii. 596 free use of narcotics in, xii. 596 ice-bag to head in, 596 local bleedings, xii. 596 Membrane, mucous. Meningitis of convexity. Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, differ- entiation between sporadic and epi- demic, ii. 731 Meningitis cerebro-spinalis ab- ort iva, ii 700 Meningitis cerebro-spinalis sidc- rans, ii. 699 MENINGITIS, EPIDEMIC CEREBRO- SPINAL, ii. 683 ; bibliography, 683 ; definition of the disease, 687; history, 687; etiology, 690; relations with other infectious diseases, 691; influence of seasons and weather, 693; age, 693; hygienic influences, 695; sex, 696; the question of contagiousness, 096; pathol- ogy, 697; general description of the disease, 697; meningitis cerebro-spinalis siderans, 699; meningitis cerebro-spinalis abortiva, 700 ; men- ingitis epidemica intermittens, 7C2; typhoid epidemic meningitis, 703; pathological anat- omy, 703; emaciation, 703 ; the skin, 704 ; the calvarium and membranes of the brain, 704 ; membranes of the spinal cord, 705 ; the brain- substance, 705; substance of spinal cord, 706 ; internal organs, 700 ; organs of special sense, 707 analysis of symptoms, 707; headache, 707 ; vertigo, 708 ; vomiting, 708 ; contraction of muscles of neck and spine, 708; trismus, 710; pain in the spine, 710; hyperesthesia, 710; cutaneous lesions, 711 ; temperature of body, 712; nervous symptoms, 717; the ear and eye, 718 ; digestive organs. 719 ; urinary organs, 720 ; organs of circulation, 720 ; respi- ratory organs, 720 ; complications and sequelae, 721 ; diagnosis, 730; course, duration, and ter- minations, 732; mortality, 733 ; prognosis, 733 ; treatment, 733; antiphlogistic means, 735; mercury, 736; antipyretic treatment, 737; quinine and narcotics, 737 ; iodide of potas- sium, 738; diet, 738 Meningitis, epidemic cerebro- spinal, ii 683 in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 63 Meningitis epidemica intermit- tens, ii. 702 Meningitis of convexity, cases, xii. 642 classification, xii 610 coma, xii 606 IN] Meningitis of convexity. Mental combinations. INDEX. 262 Meningitis of convexity, com- mencement of, xii. 612 course of inflammation starting from pe- trous bone, xii 605 dependent on neighboring inflammatory conditions, xii. 597 due to external and unknown causes : eti- ology, xii. 638 due to otorrhcea, xii. 600 enemata of chloral hydrate in, xii. 656 etiology, xii. 597 in pneumonia : cases, xii. 631 incidental causes, xii. 607 old intra-cerebral affections in, xii. 603 pathological anatomy, xii. 604 prognosis, xii. 619 prophylaxis, xii. 620 repeated cold baths in, xii. 655 stage of depression, xii 613 symptoms, xii. 608 treatment of, xi. 619 venesection in, xii. 655 Meningitis of convexity and tu- bercular meningitis, differential diagnosis of, xii. 648 Meningitis of convexity of un- known origin, xii. 642 prognosis, xii. 654 treatment, xii. 655 Meningitis, primary, as a result of perforating injury of skull: etiology, xii. 664 Meningitis, simple, of base, xii. 579 Meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 489 absence of primary focus, xii. 510 affections of facial muscles in, xii. 534 cases of, xii. 510, 512, 514 cases following an abnormal course, xii. 540 changes in other organs besides the brain, xii. 506 changes in the retina in, xii. 532, 562 changes in the retina in second stage of, xii. 536 cold douches and compresses in, xii. 578 Meningitis tuberculosa, conclu- sions in regard to origin of, xii. 555 convulsions and contractures, xii 531 course, xii. 526 derivatives to skin and bowels in, xii. 577 diagnosis, xii. 565 diagnosis of, from leptomeningitis infan- tum, xii 571 diagnosis of, from typhoid fever, xii. 549 differential diagnosis, xii 568 doubtful diagnosis in cases of recovery, 574 electric behavior of muscles in, xii. 540 emaciation in, xii. 539 exceptional appearances, xii 505 exciting cause of, xii. 522 forms of, xii. 500 headache in, xii. 529 hemiplegia and hemiparesis in, xii. 535 hydrocephalus in, xii. 557 lesions of the pia in, xii. 493 paralyses in, xii. 559 pathological anatomy, xii 492 prognosis, xii. 573 psychical disturbances, xii. 530, 556 pulse and fever in, xii. 532 removal of large glands in, xii. 576 second stage : respiration, xii. 537 stimulants and narcotics in, xii. 578 stomach and intestinal symptoms, xii. 531 suppuration in pia in, xii 496 symptomatology, xii. 524 symptoms of second stage, xii 533 taking of blood from the head in, xii 576 temperature-curve in, xii 539 third stage : coma, xii. 537 third stage : convulsions, xii. 538 third stage : pulse and respiration, xii. 539 third stage : return of consciousness be- fore death, xii. 538 treatment, xii. 575 variations of, with old affections of brain, xii. 551 Meningo-encephalitis, prognosis of, xii. 806 263 Menorrhagia, continuous cold vaginal douche in, x. 331 Menses in girls who are attending school, xix. 623 in stenosis of aorta, vi 468 Menses, suppression of, in etiology of acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 231 of chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 253 of myelitis, xiii. 390 of paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 735 Menstrual bleedings in haemophilia, xvii 77 Menstrual disturbances, in syphi- lis, iii. 233 influence of, in the production of hys- teria, xiv. 484 Menstrual irregularities, causing chlorosis, xvi. 513 Menstruation, as a cause of anaemia, xvi. 324 in anaemia, xvi. 407 in chlorosis, xvi. 521, 542 in hysteria, xiv. 525 in initial stage of small-pox, ii. 349 influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 275 its relations to nursing, xviii. 95 MENSTRUATION AND ITS DERANGE- MENTS, x. 313 Normal Menstruation, 313; bibliog- raphy, 313 ; definition, 314 ; ovulation and menstruation, 314; different views, 315 ; age of commencement of menstrua- tion, 319; influence of climate, 319; mode of life, 320 ; early marriage, 320 ; other influences, 320 ; continuation of menstruation, 321 ; the menopause, 321 ; precocious menstruation and conception, 322 ; prolonged menstruation, 322 ; ana- tomical changes during menstruation, 323; the Graafian follicle, 323 ; the Fal- lopian tubes, 323 ; the uterine mucous membrane, 323 ; the uterine parenchyma, 324; the mucous membrane of the va- gina, 324; secretion eliminated during menstruation, 324 ; the type of menstru- Meningitis of convexity. Mental combinations. ation, 325; duration of the periods, 325 ; amount of menstrual blood, 326 ; effects of menstruation upon the system at large, 326 Amenorrhea, 327 ; the persistent form, 327 ; temporary form, 327; psychical influences, 328 ; vicarious menstruation, 328; treatment, 329 Menorrhagia, 330 ; definition, 330; treat- ment, 330 Dysmenorrhea, 331; bibliography, 331; symptomatology, 331; diagnosis, 333; treatment, 333 Dysmenorrhea Membranacea.—De- cidua Menstrualis, 334 ; bibliography, 334 ; etiology, 334; pathological anatomy, 335 ; symptomatology, 336 ; course and results, 336 ; diagnosis, 336 ; prognosis, 337; treatment, 337 Menstruation, anomalies of, in eti- ology of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 444 Menstruation, disorders of, in Basedow's disease, xiv. 86 in chlorosis, xvi. 513, 542 in etiology of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 231 of anaemia, xiv. 324 of chorea, xiv. 424 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 63 of hysteria, xiv. 484 Menstruation, in croupous pneumo- nia, v. 75 in pneumothorax, iv. 758 Mental activity as a cause of cerebral congestion, xii. 42 Mental application in etiology of convexity meningitis, xii. 638 of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 42 proper amount of, for different persons, xix. 615 Mental causes of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 849 of leucaemia, viii. 507 Mental combinations that are con- summated without words, ability of many aphasics to follow out, xiv. 765 INE Mental condition. Mercury. INDEX. 264 Mental condition, alterations in the, in spermatorrhoea, viii. 860 Mental conditions, in cases of ab- normal seminal losses, viii. 840 Mental decay in apoplexy, xii. 113 Mental depression, a cause of scurvy, xvii 141 in cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 55, 64 in chorea, xiv. 431 in etiology of scurvy, xvii 141 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 211 Mental development, importance of attention to the, of children with ten- dency to hysteria, xiv. 559 Mental disease, as a result of cardiac affections, vi 116 following typhoid fever, i. 177 Mental diseases, cutaneous anaesthe- sia in, xi. 209 in dogs, iii. 468 Mental disturbances, in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 846 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 136 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 315, 320 in chorea, xiv. 429 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 764, 771, 776, 782, 792 in compression of the brain, xii. 666 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in dementia paralytica, xii. 865 in encephalitis, xii. 743 in epilepsy, xiv. 238 in etiology of habitual constipation, vii. 593 in hysteria, xiv. 543 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 613 of unknown origin, xii. 651 hi occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 203, 228 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 417 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 400 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 215 in tumors of the brain, xii 245 in uraemia, xv. 110 resulting from cardiac disease, vi. 116 Mental emotion, depressing, in eti- ology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 245 effect of violent, in epilepsy, xix. 282 Mental excitations of paralyzed muscles in apoplexy, xii 119 Mental excitement, as a cause of spermatorrhoea, viii. 849 in congestion of brain, xii. 64 influence of, on cerebral vessels, xii. 435 Mental exertion, influence of, in the production of epilepsy, xiv. 204 Mental functions, disturbances of, in abscess of the cerebellum, xii. 792 in lesions of cortex, xii. 153 Mental impressions, influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 275 Mental irritability in cerebral anae- mia, xii. 23 Mental irritation in congestion of the brain, xii. 53 Mental lesions of epilepsy, not the result of the seizure or of the epileptic change, but co-ordinate with the lat- ter, xiv. 276 Mental manifestations between epi- leptic seizures, xiv. 254 Mental masturbation, viii. 843 Mental operations are to a great ex- tent unconscious, xiv. 701 Mental readiness, influence of mor- bid conditions of the body in, xiv. 627 Mental strain, a cause of diabetes, xvi. 868 of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 476 of spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 371 Mental symptoms in abnormal semi- nal losses, viii. 860 in general paralysis, xii. 875 Mental torpor in cerebral anaemia, xii. 22 Mental weakness associated with deaf-mutism, xiv. 870 Mentone, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 166 265 INDEX. Kurr'"10"' Mcran, a resort for the grape- cure in anaemia, xvi. 459 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Meran, climate of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 413 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 in pleuritis, iv( 691 Merchant marine, hygiene of, xix. 177 Merchants, xix. 59 Mercurial baths, iii 289 Mercurial bichloride hypodermi- cally in syphilis, iii. 291 Mercurial fumes, injurious effects of, xix. 17 Mercurial inunction, in acute mye- litis, xiii 423 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 707 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in inherited syphilis, iii. 303 in pleuritis, iv. 6S6 in small-pox, ii. 397 Mercurial ointment, in diseases of the nose, iv. 129 in pleuritis, iv. 686 Mercurial oxides in syphilis, iii. 290 Mercurial pill, Sedillot's, iii 290 Mercurial poisoning, xvii. 601 ammonia vapor as a prophylactic, xvii. 618 flowers of sulphur as a prophylactic, xvii 618 hydrated ferrous sulphide in, xvii. 605 in etiology of tremor, xiv. 386 neuralgia in, xi. 31 potassium iodide in, xvii. 619 prompt emesis in, xvii 605 Mercurial preparations in neural- gia, xi 76 Mercurial salves and plasters, in small-pox eruption, ii. 397 Mercurial stomatitis, vi 784 chlorate of potassa in, iii. 284 Mercurial treatment, hygienic man- agement of patient during, iii. 283 Mercurial treatment of infantile peritonitis, viii 291 Mercurial treatment of syphilis, contraindications to, iii. 294 Mercurial tremor, electricity in, xvii 619 Mercurial vapor-bath, iii 288 Mercurials, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 to be avoided, in treatment of haemophi- lia, xvii. 103 Mercury, abuse of, as a cause of noma, vi. 809 action of, on typhoid poison, i 204 as a cause of stomacace, vi. 783 as a prophylactic in yellow fever, i. 512 care of the mouth during its use, iii. 284 effect of, in causing tertiary symptoms in syphilis, iii. 250 employment of, in treatment of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 234 found in saliva during salivation, vi. 853 fumigation with, iii. 2S8 hypodermic use of, iii. 292 B. Hydrarg. bichloridi............ gr. j. Glycerinae, Aquae......................aS TPL 1. M. Inject Tfl. iv.-vij. once daily. in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 258 in affections of the brain following in- jury, xii. 817 in basilar meningitis connected with la- tent syphilis, xii. 597 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 736 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 in constitutional syphilis, iii. 276 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 656 in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 587 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 190, 216, 249, 276, 357, 423 in diseases oE the spleen, viii. 420 in dysentery, i 568 in etiology of diseases of the spleen, viii. 361 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in human milk, xviii. 99 OT rcury. Miasma. INDEX. 200 Mercury, in infantile peritonitis, viii. 291 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 323 in meningitis, xii. 817 in metroperitonitis, viii. 276 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 408 in perinephritis, xv. 601 in primary stage of syphilis, iii. 280 in prostatitis, viii 787 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 276 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 249 in syphilis, iii. 275, 280 in syphilis of the brain and nervous sys- tem, xii. 365 in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 238 in tetanus, xiv. 360 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 577 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 in yellow fever, i 512 influence of, on general nutrition, xvii. 610 internal use of, iii. 289 ; vi. 784 inunction of, iii. 285 in syphilis of the larynx, vii. 874 methods of administration, iii 285 not a cause of chronic nephritis, xv. 329 salivation produced by, vi. 851 supposed injurious action of, on the spleen, viii. 361 tests for, xvii. 602 with chalk, in syphilis, iii. 289 Mercury and soda, chloro-albu- minate Of, for hypodermic use, iii. 292 Mercury, bichloride of, hypodermic use of, iii. 291 in syphilis, iii. 290 Mercury, chlorides of, in syphilis, iii. 290 Mercury compounds, for disinfect- ing purposes, xix. 566 Mercury, corrosive chloride of, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82, 95 Mercury, ethyl-sublimate of, for hypodermic use, iii. 292 Mercury, iodides of, in syphilis, iii. 292 Mercury, metallic, in intestinal ca- tarrh, vii. 391 in strangulation of intestines, vii. 650 Mercury, mild chloride of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417 in pleuritis, iv. 685 Mercury, oxides of, internally, iii. 290 Mercury, poisoning by, xvii. 601 Mercury, red oxide of, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Mergentheim, waters of, in chronic gastritis, vii. 183 Merkel, O., on diseases of the supra- renal capsules, viii. 633 Merrimack Kiver, Mass., chemi- cal examination of, xviii. 231 Mesarteritis, vi. 351 electricity and ergotine in, vi. 356 prognosis of, vi. 355 treatment of, vi. 355 Meschede, xii. 235, 837 Mesenbryanthemum crystalli- 11Uill, in spasm of the bladder, viii. 708 Mesenteric artery, aneurism of the superior, vi 439 Mesenteric glands, changes in the, in diseases of the spleen, viii 375 in bilious typhoid, i 297 in dysentery, i 546 in the plague, i. 477 in scarlatina, ii. 227 in scrofulosis, xvi. 801 in typhoid fever, i. 103 swelling and degeneration of, in Addi- son's disease, viii. 654 Mesentery, purulent deposit between the layers of, in etiology of pylephle- bitis, ix. 810 strangulation of intestine by, vii. 534 Mesobactcria, xviii 17 Mesococcus, xviii 17 Metal mines, gaseous impurities of, xix, 257 c\n*r ___ Mercury. 267 INDEX. Miasma. Metal mines, hygiene of, xix. 253 temperature of, xix. 258 METAL MINES, HYGIENE OF, xix. 253; physical exertion, 254 ; air, 255 ; temperature, 258; general conclusions, 262; metallurgical works, 263 Metalbumen, x. 369 Metallic salts as disinfectants, xix. 561 in etiology of softening of the stomach, vii. 267 Metallic tinkle in pulmonary con- sumption, v. 542 Metalloids, poisoning by, xvii 285 Metallurgical works, sanitary man- agement of, xix. 263 Metals, wet method of refining, xix. 13 Metamorphic respiration, v. 542 Metastatic abscess of the brain, xii. 723 Metastatic abscess of the pan- creas, viii. 597 Metastatic abscesses of the lungs, v. 297 Metastatic calcification of the intima, vi 391 Metastatic meningitis, etiology of, xii. 620 in the course of the acute exanthemata, xii. 626 in the course of pneumonia : symptoms of, xii. 631 pathological anatomy of, xii. 628 prognosis of, xii. 637 symptoms of, xii. 630 treatment of, xii. 637 Meteorisin, in acute diffuse peritonitis, treatment of, viii. 261 in carcinomatous peritonitis, viii. 343 in constrictions of the intestines, vii. 513 in etiology of displacements of the liver, ix. 47 in intussusception of the intestines, vii. 020 in obstruction of the intestines by gall- stones, vii. 575 Mcteorism, in occlusion of the intes- tines, vii. 501 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 333 in twisting of the intestines, vii. 564 Meteorisin and effusion, the physi- cal phenomena of, in acute diffuse pe- ritonitis, viii 242 Meteorological conditions, influ- ence of, on scurvy, xvii. 138 on typhus fever, i. 311 Meters, for preventing waste of water, xviii. 214 Methylene, bichloride of, as an anaesthetic, xvii. 453 poisoning by, xvii. 453 Metritis, acute, x. 96 leeches and ice to abdomen, x. 100 scarifications of cervix in, x. 100 warm Priessnitz' compresses in, x. 101 Metritis, chronic, x. 101 brine and carbonic acid baths in, x. 120 local applications of iodine in, x. 122 mild laxatives in, x. 117 Priessnitz' compresses in, x. 122 rest and repeated local depletion in, x. 113 scarification of cervix in, x. 114 warm and cold douche in, x. 121 Metroperitonitis, viii. 273 Metrotome of Coghill, x. 70 Metrotome of Simpson, x. 70 Mettenheimer, xii 627 Meyer, Ludwig, xii 193, 732, 859, 861, 864, 869, 881 Meyer, Rudolph, xii. 705, 717, 721, 740, 744, 769, 773, 776, 788, 794 Meyer's cases of acute fatal hys- teria, xiv. 549 Meynert, xii. 76, 144, 146,147,148, 334, 691, 693, 710, 733, 747, 791, 829, 831, 844, 845, 858, 861. 862, 878 Mezereon in neuralgia, xi 92 Miasm, definition of the term, i 25 Miasm, living, in yellow fever, i 493 Miasma, hypothetical, of dysentery, i. 527 Miasma. O/'O Miliary tubercles. INDEX. ^<>o Miasma, in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 247 Miasma of dyseutery, i 526 Miasma vivum, i. 8 Miasmatic contagious disease, diphtheria a, i 582 Miasmatic contagious diseases, i. 30; xviii. 26 typhoid fever among the, i. 45 Miasmatic diseases, xviii 15 Miasmatico-contagium diseases, xviii 15 Michel, xii 250 Microbacteria, xviii. 17 in diphtheria, i 588 Microcephalia,impairments of speech in, xiv. 822 Micrococci, i 577, 639 ; xviii. 16 action of, upon the cornea, i 591 effect of cold on, i 671 in the blood, i. 647 in the brain and spinal cord, i. 659 in cartilage and bone, i 640 in catarrhal diphtheria, i 628 in croupous diphtheria, i 630 in diphtheria, i 587 in dysentery, i. 527 in erysipelas, ii. 448 in the kidneys, i 650 in the lymphatics, i. 635, 637 in the lymphatics of diphtheria patients, i. 653 in measles, ii. 38 in mucous secretion from nose, iv. 124 in scarlatinal blood, ii. 163 in the secretion, in cold in the head, iv. 124 v no diphtheria without, i 592 Micrococci bacteria, i 638 Micrococcus, i 588, 589 ; xviii 16 action of, in diphtheritic tissues, i 590 not found on croupous exudations, i 590 Micrococcus septicus, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 103 Microdemes, xviii 16 Microphyte of diphtheria, xviii 21 Microphytes, xviii 16 Microscope, necessity of the use of the, for the diagnosis of spermatorrhoea, viii 851 use of, in the diagnosis of renal disease, xv. 72 value of, in the diagnosis of leucaemia, viii. 525 Microscopic appearances of the pia in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 474 Microscopical appearances of syphilitic growths of the brain, xii. 305 Microscopical changes, in fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 253 Microscopical examination of water, xviii. 293 Microspheres in small-pox, ii. 381 Microzymes, xviii 16 Micturition, mode of, in spasm of the bladder, viii 702 Micturition, difficult, in poisoning by atropine, xvii. 666 Micturition, disturbances of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 908 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 712 in tetanus, xiv. 331, 355 Micturition, frequent, in renal cir- rhosis, xv. 418 Micturition, painful,in hemorrhoids, vi. 505 Micturition, urgent, in enteralgia, vii 463 Middle coat of arteries, atrophy of, vi. 352 calcareous degeneration, vi 351 fatty degeneration of, vi 351 Middle meningeal artery, trephin- ing in wounds of, xii. 812 Mierzejewski, xii 6, 857, 8C2, 864 Migraine, xiv. 3 ; see also Hemicrania Migraine, gouty, xvi. 115 Migraine of renal cirrhosis, xv. 420 269 INDEX. Jdiasma. Miliary tubercles. Migration from vessels of cap- sule of old cerebral abscess, xii. 702 Migration of white blood-cor- puscles in encephalitis, xii. 691 MIGRATORY PARASITES, DISEASES FROM, iii. 555 ; introduction, 555 Ecuinococcus, 556 ; bibliography, 556 ; history, 557 ; natural history, 557 ; gen- eral pathology, 567 ; development and growth, 570; symptomatology, 571 ; di- agnosis, 572 ; prognosis, 574; treatment, 574 ; etiology and prophylaxis, 578 Echinococcus of the Brain, 579; of the spinal cord, 581; of the respiratory or- gans, 582 ; of the circulatory apparatus, 586; of the spleen, 587; of the kidney, 587; of the suprarenal capsule, 5S9; of the liver, 589 Cysticercus Cellulose, 595; bibliog- raphy, 595 ; history, 595 ; natural his- tory, 590 ; general pathology, 001 ; symp- tomatology, 602 ; diagnosis, 604 ; prog- nosis, 604; treatment, 004; etiology, 605; prophylaxis, 606; cysticercus of the brain, 007 Trichin.e, 613; bibliography, 614; his- tory, 614 ; natural history, 020 Trichinosis, 630 ; symptomatology, 630 ; stages of the disease, 630; temperature, C31 ; the digestive system, 631 ; the muscular system, 633 ; the nervous system, 634; the skin, 634, 637; the eye and ear, 635 ; circulatory apparatus, 635 ; organs of respiration, 636; urinary organs, 037 ; sexual organs, 637 ; course, duration, and termination, 638 ; diagno- sis, 639 ; prognosis, 641; treatment, 642; pathological anatomy, 644; the mucous membranes, 644 ; the spleen, liver, and kidneys, 645 ; the heart, 645 ; the lungs, 646 ; the muscular system, 646; etiology, 648 ; prophylaxis, 654 Mihan's tower-ventilator, xviii. 684 Milan, sewage-farms near, xviii. 537 Mildner, xii 301, 312, 313, 315 Milhau, Dr. J. J., report of, in con- nection with snow-water, xix. 132 Miliaria in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 Miliary aneurisms, how to examine clot for, xii. 90 in spontaneous cerebral hemorrhages, xii 76 origin of, xii. 78 Miliary carcinosis of the perito- neum, viii. 340 MILIARY FEVER, ii. 4S5; bibliography, 485; definition, 48(5; history and epidemiology, 487 ; etiology, 491 ; influence of the seasons, 491 ; condition of the soil, 492 ; individual pre- disposition, 493 ; exciting causes, 494 ; com- municability, 494 ; relation of miliary fever to other diseases, 494; anatomical changes, 495; decomposition, 496; the lungs, 496; the mu- cous membranes, 496; the heart, 496; the liver, 496; the kidneys, 496; the nervous sys- tem, 490 ; the blood, 496 ; contents of the vesi- cles, 490 ; symptomatology, 497 ; the eruption, 498 ; other symptoms, 499 ; complications, 500 diagnosis, 500; duration of the disease, 501 relapses, 501 ; mortality and prognosis, 501 treatment, 502 Miliary fever, antispasmodics and ner- vines in, ii. 503 cutaneous irritants in, ii. 503 diaphoretics in, ii. 502 diuretics in, ii. 503 quinine and opium in, ii. 504 warm baths in, ii. 503 Miliary syphilis of cord, xii 338 Miliary tubercle, etiology of, v. 616 Miliary tubercle of Bayle, v. 481 Miliary tubercles as secondary for- mations in pulmonary consumption, v. 572 in the pia, location, number, and stage of development of, in meningitis tuber- culosa, xii 494 mode of propagation, xii. 554 relations of, to caseous collections, xii 492 spread and mode of origin of, xii 513 ITHiliary tubercles. OTl Moist heat. INDEX. * < U Miliary tubercles of the cortex of brain, xii 502 Miliary tubercles of the pia mater, xii. 4811, 490 age of, xii. 495 origin of, xii. 491 secondary changes in, xii. 491 unobserved growth of, xii 548 Miliary tuberculosis, acute, v. 614 a complication of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 197 Miliary tuberculosis (acute) and catarrhal pneumonia, differen- tial diagnosis between the two, v. 219 Miliary vesicles in scarlatina, ii. 209 Military hygiene, xix. 82 Military service dangerous to bleeders, xvii. 94 Milk, adulteration of, xix. 365 animal substitutes for, xviii. 117 as a carrier of scarlatina, ii. 165 as a cause of the foot-and-mouth disease in man, iii. 521 of scrofulosis, xvi. 770 as a prophylactic against lead-poisoning, xix. 50 boiled, xviii. 108 changes in, in the foot-and-mouth disease in animals, iii. 517 condensed, xvi. 203 ; xviii. 107 as a prophylactic against scurvy, xvii. 221 contraindicated in fatty liver of con- sumptives, ix. 472 diluted, in rarefying dry catarrh, vii. 100 from one cow, xviii. 107 in diabetes mellitus, xvi 989 in dysentery, i 561 in etiology of scrofulosis, xvi. 770 in foot-and-mouth disease of cows, iii. 517 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 458 in poisoning by antimony, xvii. 624 by arsenic, xvii. 651 by lead, xvii. 560 by mercury, xvii. 605 Milk, in poisoning by silver, xvii. 601 by zinc, xvii. 596 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1020 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 219 influence of period of lactation on the constituents of, xviii 103 its character illustrated by its chemical composition, xviii. 101 not the vehicle of syphilitic poison, iii. 48 use of, in poisoning by corrosive subli- mate, xvii. 605 Milk-and-whey cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Milk, breast-, vegetable substitutes for, xviii 119 Milk cure, in chronic nephritis, xv. 406 Milk diet in epilepsy, xiv. 283 Milk of cows, the means of giving foot-and-mouth disease to man, iii. 521 Milk spots on the pericardium, vi. 550 Milk, sugar of, xviii. 163 Milkers' cramp, xviii 337 Millers, xix. 39 Milzbrand, iii. 372 ; xviii. 19 ; see also Anthrax explanation of the term, iii. 375 Mind, depression of, in dementia para- lytica, xii. 869 divisibility of the, xiv. 698 gradual development of, in man, xiv. 703 influence of the, on the sexual functions, viii. 890 Mineral acids, administration of, in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 dilute, in diphtheria, i 693 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 80 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 in erysipelas, ii. 483 in scarlatina, ii. 301 in scorbutic stomatitis, xvii. 238 poisoning by, xvii. 322 Mineral baths, in acute spinal paraly- sis, xiii. 709 Mineral constituents of the soil, xviii. 426 ^►-i ___„ Miliary tubercles. 2 i 1 INDEX. Moist ,',eat. Mineral matter in water, determi- nation of, xviii. 296 Mineral matters, storage and hand- ling of, xix. 417 Mineral springs, in Basedow's disease, xiv. 103 in corpulence, xvi 724 Mineral waters, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in chronic metritis, x. 118 in corpulence, xvi, 715, 723 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 469 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 996, 1004 in diphtheria, i 693 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 in enlarged spleen, ii. 678 in fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 259 in gout, xvi. 136, 143 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 in rickets, xvi. 206 in scrofulosis, xvi. 821 Mineral waters of Carlsbad, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 226 Mineral waters of Eilsen, in chro- nic catarrh of larynx, iv. 226 Mineral waters of Ems, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 227 Mineral waters of Ischl, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 227 Mineral waters of Kreuzbrun- nen, in Marienbad, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Mineral waters of Xenndorf, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Mineral waters of Reichenhall, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 227 Mineral waters of Weilbach, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Miners' life, description of, xix. 230 Miners' nationality, xix. 233 Miners' nystagmus, xviii 337 Miners' sickness, xvii 493 Mining, labor at, in etiology of poison- ing by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 493 Miraculous cures of hysteria, xiv. 570 Mirbane, essence of, xvii 513 Mirror, laryngeal, iv. 16, 19, 44 with uvula-holder, after Voltolini, iv. 44 Mirror, laryngoseopic, Czer- mak's and von Bruns', iv. 15 Mirror-makers, xix. 18 frequently the subjects of phthisis, xvii. 617 Mississippi, towns of, affected by yellow fever, xix. 502 Mistura ferri composita, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 420 Mitchell, Weir, xi. 40, 56, 97, 147, 151, 168, 187, 235, 297, 319, 331, 361, 393, 409, 439, 444, 468, 582, 587 ; xiii 126 ; xvi. 918 ; xvii. 869, 871 Mitral Stenosis, anatomical changes in, vi. 126 as a cause of hypertrophy of left auricle, vi 200 mechanical action of, vi. 126 Mitral valve, insufficiency of the, causes, vi. 119 course, vi. 123 diagnosis, vi. 124 objective symptoms, vi 121 prognosis, vi. 125 subjective symptoms, vi. 120 Mitscherlich's test for sugar in the urine, xvi. 976 Mixed diet, necessity of, xviii. 183 Mixed nuisance, definition of the ex- pression, xviii. 40 Mobility, excessive, of the ute- rus, x. 186 Mogilalia, xiv. 845 national and dialectic, xiv. 845 Mogilalia of deaf-mutes, xiv. 873 Mohs, xii. 217 Moist heat in diphtheria, i 675 Moisture. Mosler's quinine mixture. INDEX. 272 Moisture, amount of, in soil, xviii. 410 effect of, in producing malaria, ii. 570 in a ship, xix. 194 influence of, in causing scurvy, xvii. 138 Molasses, adulteration of, xix. 371 manufacture of, in etiology of poisoning by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 493 Molecular metamorphosis in anae- mia, xvi. 374 Molesworth trap, xviii 486 Molimina apoplectica, xii 95 Mollendorf, xii 242 Mollifies ossiuin, xvi 210 Monoblastic theory of diseases, xviii 26 Monro's case of polypus of the oesophagus, viii. 172 Monroe, xii. 4 Monsuminano, baths of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi 85 Mont-Dore, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Montreux, a resort for the grape cure, in anaemia, xvi. 459 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Montreux, climate of, in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 Moor-baths, xiii 170 Moore's test for sugar in the urine, xvi 975 Moos, xii. 602, 619,808 Moral influences, causing chlorosis, xvi 516 Moral management, importance of the, in the case of hysterical persons, xiv. 569 influence of, in psychical impotence, viii. 898 Morbid affections of the exter- nal arterial coat, vi 346 Morbid changes in meningitis originating from petrous bone, xii. 604 Morbid growths of the oesopha- gus, viii. 167 Morbid growths of the pharynx, excision and evulsion in, vii. 103 Morbid impulses in hysteria, xiv. 540 Morbific effect of high tempera- tures, xix, 191 Morbility, xix. 345 Morbus Addisonii, viii. 635 Morbus attonitus, xii 139 Morbus Basedowii, see Basedow's disease, xiv. 75 MORBUS MACULOSUS WERLHOFII, xvii. 243; bibliography, 243; definition of the disease, 243 ; etiology, 249 ; general features of the disease, 251; post-mortem appearances, 256; analysis of symptoms, 259 ; nature and patho- genesis of the disease, 265 ; complications and sequehe, 269 ; diagnosis, 270 ; duration, termi- nations, prognosis, 275 ; treatment, 276 Morchella fungus, xvii 922 Morgagni, xii 65, 72, 116, 295, 824 Morphine, chemical tests of, xvii. 880 endermically in cholera morbus, i 348 fatal dose of, xvii. 846 for the sleeplessness of typhoid fever, i. 224 for uraemic vomiting, xv. 304 hypodermically in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 683 hypodermically, in facial spasms, xi. 313 in miliary fever, ii. 503 in neuralgia of the face, xi. 123 in pain and sleeplessness of croupous pneumonia, v. 168 in sciatica, xi. 180 in vomiting of small-pox, ii. 396 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 210, 211 in acute cystitis, viii. 686 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 260 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 683 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 151 in bronchial asthma, iv. 575 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 254 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 737 in cervico-occipital neuralgia, xi. 133 in cholera, i 459 in cold in the head, iv. 128 in croup, iv. 268 in dementia paralytica, xii 886 273 Morphine, in diabetes, xvi. 994 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, ix. 79, 83, 95 in enteralgia, vii. 469 in glanders of larynx, vii. 860 in haematothorax, iv. 742 in the hemorrhages of interstitial pneu- monia, ix. 912 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 511 in hyperaesthesia of larynx, vii. 932 in hysteria, xiv. 566 in influenza, ii. 537 in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 157 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 391 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in metroperitonitis, viii. 276 in nervous palpitation of the heart, vi. 306 in neuralgia in general, xi. 83 in neuralgia of the cervico-brachial nerve, xi. 151 of the cervico occipital nerve, xi. 133 of the fifth nerve, xi. 123 of the intercostal nerves, xi. 157 of the sciatic nerve, xi 181 in neuritis, xi. 590 in pericarditis, vi. 618 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 829 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in pleuritis, iv. 689 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 397 in renal colic, xv. 738 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 69 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1022 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 797 in ulcer of stomach, vii 226 in uraemic convulsions, ii. 315 in valvular diseases, vi. 171 in whooping-cough, vi. 721 in wounds of the heart, vi. 284 in yellow fever, i 513 poisoning with, xvii. 841 subcutaneously in cholera, i. 459 Morphia, muriate of, in gastralgia, vii. 307 Vol. XX.—18 Moistnre. Mosler's qninine mixture. Morphia, sulphate of, in acute gas- tritis, vii. 145 in chronic gastritis, vii. 190 Mortality, in acute croupous bronchitis, iv. 448 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 221 in croup, iv. 264 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 466 in croupous pneumonia, v. 131, 178 effects of cold-water treatment upon, v. 161 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 733 in erysipelas, ii. 476 in influenza, ii. 536 in inhalation of chloroform, xvii. 425 in measles, ii. 113 in miliary fever, ii. 501 in the plague, i. 476 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 133 in relapsing fever, i 272 in scarlet fever, ii. 291 in small-pox, ii. 391 in whooping-cough, vi. 716 methods of statement, xix. 316 Mortality in the United States, standard of, xviii. 5 Mortality of bleeders, xvii 84 Mortification in contusion of the brain, xii. 710 Mortification of intestines, a rare complication of morbus maculosus, xvii. 269 Moses, xii. 406 Mosler, xii. 129 on diseases of the spleen, viii. 349 Mosler's quinine mixture for splen- ic diseases, viii. 413 R. Quiniae muriatis............ 3 j. Acidi hydrochlorici.........f. 3 ss. Aquae destillatae............f. § v. Mucilag. acaciae, Syrupi...................aa f. 3 v. Tinct cinnamomi........... f. 3 ijss. M. Tablespoonful at 6, 7, and 8 o'clock in the morning. IND Moss-bread. Mucous membrane. INDEX. 274 Moss-bread, xvi. 988 Mosso, xii. 20, 29 Mother's milk, adulteration of, xviii. 98 its influence on the infant's weight, xviii. 92 substitutes for, xviii. 106 Motility, xii. 151 disturbances of, in spinal disease, xiii. 79 increased, in spinal disease, xiii. 97 method of testing, xi. 267 Motion, active and passive, in the treat- ment of hysterical joint neuroses, xiv. 577 choreic disturbances of, xiv. 429 derangements of, after mutilation of the cortex cerebri, xiv. 715 disturbances of, in atrophy of the cere- bellum, xii. 846 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 320, 325 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in dementia paralytica, xii. 871 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 482 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 613 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 557 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 418 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 588 in syphilis of peripheral nerves, xii. 355 in syphilis of the spinal cord, xii. 345 in tumors of the brain, xii. 254 impairment of, in arthritis deformans, xvi. 154 Motion of the larynx, neuroses of, vii. 933 Motor centres, probable implication of, in athetosis, xiv. 410 Motor centres in the cortex for extremities, xii. 152 Motor conduction, in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 853 in the spinal cord, xiii. 37 retarded in spinal disease, xiii. 104 Motor disturbances, in acute myeli- tis, xiii. 406 Motor conduction, in articular neu- ralgia, xi. 192 in crural neuralgia, xi. 165 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 217 in neuralgia, xi. 49 in neuralgia of the fifth, xi. 108 in sciatica, xi. 174 in spasm, xi. 288 Motor functions, disturbances of, in chorea, xiv. 431 Motor ganglia, softening of, in cere- bral syphilis, xii. 330 Motor manifestations between epi- leptic seizures, xiv. 253 Motor nerves, degeneration of periph- ery, following apoplexy, xii. 93 disorders of, in anaemia of the brain, xii. 27 MOTOR NERVES, NEUROSES OF, xi 262; anatomical and physiological relations, 263 ; voluntary movements of the motor nerves, 265; automatic movements, 265; reflex move- ments, 266 ; combination and co-ordination of movements, 266; hyperkinesis in disturb- ances of motility, 267 ; akinesis in disturb- ances of motdity, 267; diagnosis, 267; mode of examining motility and motor apparatus, 267 ; testing by passive movements, 270 ; test- ing reflex movements. 270; electrical and me- chanical stimuli for investigation of the mo- tor nerves, 270; faradic and galvanic currents in investigation, 272 Motor nuclei of the medulla, in- fluence of, on the muscles of articula- tion, xiv. 656 Motor-oculi, paralysis of, in lesions of the pedunculus cerebri, xii. 145 Motor paralysis in abscess and tumor of the brain, xii. 802 in lesions of the pons, xii 140 in occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 201 in tetanus, xiv. 344 Motor phenomena of hysteria, pathogenesis of, xiv. 492 Motor sphere, disturbances of, in cere- bral hyperaemia, xii. 58 275 INDEX. Moss-bread. Mucous membrane. Motor symptoms in meningitis of con- vexity and tubercular meningitis, xii. 651 Motor tract, degeneration of, follow- ing apoplexy, xii. 92 Motor tracts, destruction of, in cere- bral hemorrhage, xii. 110 Motor weakness of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 571 Mottey's case of the idiot, xiv. 823 Moulds for castings, manufacture of, xix. 38 Mouldy fungi, poisoning by, xvii 940 Moule's earth-closet system, xviii 510 Mountain fever, ii 567; xix. 129,132 cause of, xix. 133 Mountain regions, effects of, on cholera, i 376 Mountains, unfavorable to yellow fever, i 490 Mouthy acid reaction of, in thrush, vi. 804 affections of, in pulmonary consumption, v. 553 in syphilis, iii. 195, 300 anaesthesia of, vi. 819 anomalies of tactile sensation in, vi. 818 care of, xviii. 388 diseases of, vi. 731 gangrene of the cheeks; noma, vi. 8j7 stomacace, vi. 782 stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 762 the tongue, vi. 741 diseases of the mucous membrane of, vi. 762 dryness of, in early stage of stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 765 experiments touching the cortical centre of movements of the, xiv. 720 fluids of, in thrush, vi. 798 herpes upon mucous membrane of, vi. 737 byperaesthesia of, vi. 818 in foot-and-mouth disease in animals, iii. 515 Mouth, in foot-and-mouth disease in man, iii. 526 local treatment of syphilitic lesions of, iii. 300 motor disturbances in the, vi. 823 parched state of, in hysteria, xiv. 528 Mouth and pharynx, in small-pox, ii. 360, 367 Movable kidney, xv. 763 Movements, co-ordination of, xiii. 39 ; xiv. 621 Moxa, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 227 Moxas, in spasm of glottis, vii 1025 Mucilaginous drinks in measles, ii. 119 Mucine, x. 368 presence of, in pneumonic sputa, v. 88 Muco-peptone, x. 368 Mucor mueedo, in a pulmonary cavity, v. 469 Mucous glands, condition of, in an- gina catarrhalis, vi. 891 Mucous membrane, anaesthesia of laryngeal, vii. 921 appearances of, in chronic gastritis, vii. 165 atrophy of, in bronchial catarrh, iv., 324 bronchial condition of, in bronchiectasis, ix. 809 in catarrhal dysentery, i 538, 539 microscopic appearances, in acute gastric catarrh, vii 358 in acute gastritis, vii. 135 Mucous membrane of the intes- tinal tract, appearance of, in spo- radic cholera, vii. 149 Mucous membrane of the larynx, affections of, in glanders, vii. 858 hyperaemia of, in croup, iv. 255 Mucousinembrane of themouth, in scarlet fever, ii. 219, 278 in small pox, ii. 360, 367, 379, 385 in varicella, h. 21 Mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, and air-passages, in diphtheria, i 636 Mucous membrane. Muscles, affections of. INDEX. 276 Mucous membrane of the pha- rynx in diphtheria, i 635 Mucous membrane of the stom- ach, appearance of, in gastritis phleg- monosa, vii 155 Mucous membranes, pigmentation of the, in Addison's disease, viii 656 Mucous membranes, affections of, in anthrax, iii. 419 in neuralgia, xi. 53 in syphilis, iii. 140 anaesthesia of, in hysteria, xiv. 508 in dengue, ii. 512 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 706 in erysipelas, ii. 442, 457 in foot-and-mouth disease, iii 515, 519, 526 in glanders, iii 341, 356, 359, 362 in hydrophobia, iii. 496 in influenza, ii. 528, 529 in malarial diseases, ii. 627 in measles, ii. 71 in miliary fever, ii. 496 in rubeola, ii. 141 in syphilis, iii 129 in trichinosis, iii. 644 Mucous membranes of the diges- tive organs in scarlatina, ii. 227, 280 Mucous papilloma, iii. 141 Mucous patches, iii 140 infectiousness of secretions of, iii. 142 Mucous polypi of the cervix uteri, x. 145 Mucous stools in dysentery, i. 534 Mucus, bloody, in intestinal ulcers, vii. 413 in intussusception of the intestines, vii. 619 in stools of intestinal catarrh, vii. 369 Mucus, cylinders of, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 369 Mud-baths, xiii. 170 in chronic metritis, x. 119 Mueller's muscle, xiv. 92 Muguet, its influence on feeding, xviii. 83 Multiple abscess of the brain, xii. 708 Multiple cerebral softening, xii 227 Multiple sclerosis, course, duration, terminations, xiii. 505 definition of, xiii. 474 diagnosis of, xiii. 507 diagnosis of, from atrophy of the cere- bellum, xii 852 different forms of, xiii. 504 differential diagnosis from paralysis agi- tans, xiv. 405 etiology and pathogenesis, xiii. 475 Multiple sclerosis of the brain and spinal cord, xiii 472 differentiation of hysteria from, xiv. 553 disorders of speech in, xiv. 660 pathological anatomy, xiii 477 symptoms, xiii. 483 treatment, xiii. 512 uncommon symptoms in, xiii. 502 Multiplication of living organ- isms, i. 10 Mumps, vi 831 does metastasis of, to the pancreas, ever take place ? viii 598 Munck's experiments in uraemia, xv. 123 Munde, Paul F., x. 207, 294 Munich, Bavaria, monthly frequency of typhoid fever in, i 66 Muriate of ammonia, in acute ca- tarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 230 in diseases of the nose and pharynx, iv. 86 Muriatic acid, in the treatment of hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 284 inhalation of the fumes of, in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 poisoning by, xvii. 337 277 Murmur, in dilatation of the ascending aorta, vi. 379 in narrowing of the aorta, vi 476 of abdominal aneurism, character of, vi. 438 of mitral stenosis, vi 127 of regurgitation heard in cervical veins, vi. 60 produced by narrowing of pulmonary ar- tery, vi. 480 Murmur, systolic, of fatty degenera- tion, vi. 255 Murmurs heard in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 74 in acute myocarditis, vi. 234 in aneurisms of ascending aorta, vi. 430 in nervous palpitation, vi. 305 in pneumopericardium, vi. 661 in the spleen, in intermittent and recurrent fevers, viii. 468 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 328 in ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 73 of aortic stenosis, vi. 144 of pulmonary insufficiency, vi. 154 of pulmonary stenos's, vi. 157, 160 of right venous stenosis, vi. 151 of thoracic aneurism, vi. 420 of tricuspid insufficiency, vi. 148 Murmurs, cardiac, vi. 48 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 81 Murmurs, circulatory, in anaemia, xvi. 397 in chlorosis, xvi. 520, 537 in progresssve pernicious anaemia, xvi. 580 Muscardine, i. 250 Muscarine, tests for, xvii. 937 Muscarine-poisoning, xvii 926 antidotes for, xvii. 936 atropine as an antidote in, xvii. 936 emetics and purgatives in, xvii. 935 Muscle, condition of, in pseudo-hyper- trophy of the muscles, xiv. 165 in true muscular hypertrophy, xiv. 177 Mucous membrane. k-^* Muscles, affections of. Muscle, growth of, xviii. 335 temperature of, xviii. 319 vascular changes in, xviii. 319 Muscle-measles, iii 602, 603 Muscle-sugar, xviii. 164 Muscle-trichinae, iii 626 Muscles, anatomical changes in, in scurvy, xvii. 169 behavior of, in the reaction of degenera- tion, xi. 433 changes in, in acute spinal paralysis, xiii 678 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 133 in unilateral progressive atrophy of face, xiv. 62 condition of in paralysis, xi. 402 contraction of smooth, of the orbit, in Basedow's disease, xiv. 92 degeneration of, in typhoid fever, i 108 effects of curare upon, xvii. 833 electrical excitability of, in paralysis, xi. 430 histological changes in, accompanying paralysis, xi. 417 hypertrophy of, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 390 lesions of, in glanders in man, iii. 363 insyphilis, iii. 179 in trichinosis, iii. 646 loss of sensibility in, in hysteria, xiv. 508 mechanical excitability of, in paralysis, xi. 434 nutrition of, in chronic myelitis, xiii. 445 pain in, in relapsing fever, i 269 rigidity of, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 558 in simple meningitis of the base, xii. 589 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 214 scorbutic affections of, xvii. 183 Muscles, affections of, in acute rheu- matism, xvi. 47 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 236 INE Muscles, affections of. Musk. INDEX. 278 Muscles, affections of, in anaemia, xvi. 379 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 257 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii 352 in glanders, iii. 363 in hemiplegia spinalis, xiii. 650 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 220, 224 in malacosteon, xvi 217 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 483, 486, 495 in myelitis, xiii 406, 432, 440 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 739 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 678, 683, 687, 700 in poliomyelitis anterior chronica, xiii. 718 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 916 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 118, 133 in scurvy, xvii 155 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 328, 335 in spasmodic spinal paralysis, xiii. 628 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 299 in syphilis, iii. 179 in syringomyelia, xiii. 800 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 539, 587 in tetanus, xiv. 330, 336, 340 in trichinosis, iii. 633, 646 in tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 267, 270 in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 62 Muscles, atrophy of, in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 690 in chronic spinal paralysis, xiii. 718 in paralysis, xi. 417 Muscles, bronchial, spasm of, in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 541 Muscles, facial, trembling of, in de- mentia paralytica, xii. 865 Muscles of the arm, spasms of, xi 331 Muscles of the eye in apoplexy, xii 116 Muscles of the face in apoplexy, xii 115 Muscles of the larynx, paresis of, in phthisis, vii. 844 Muscles of the tonsils, vi 867 Muscles of the trunk, in apoplexy, xii. 114 in lesions of the nucleus lenticularis, xii 146 Muscles of the trunk, contrac- tures of, in apoplexy, xii. 123 Muscles, posterior cricoaryte- noid, paralysis of, iv. 572 Muscles, pseudo-hypertrophy of the, xiv. 153 Muscles, striped, effects of atropine upon, xvii. 676 Muscles supplied by the hypo- glossal nerve, paralysis of, xi. 523 Muscular action, local phenomena of, xviii. 317 Muscular activity in etiology of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 114 Muscular affections, rheumatic, in bleeders, xvh. 59 Muscular anaesthesia, xi. 232 Muscular atrophy, complicating spasmodic paralysis, xiii. 639 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 914, 927; xiv. 655 Muscular atrophy, progressive, induced and constant current in, xiv. 150 medical gymnastics in, xiv. 150 Muscular atrophy, professional, xviii. 337 Muscular contractures, in spinal disease, xiii 98 Muscular degeneration in typhoid fever, i 107, 108 Muscular fibres, presence of undi- gested, in the stools, in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 573 279 Muscular hypertrophy, true, see True Muscular Hypertrophy, xiv. 175 Muscular layer, in catarrhal dysen- tery, i 541 Muscular layers of the aorta, diminution of, vi 352 Muscular movements of chorea, cessation of, during sleep, xiv. 430 Muscular pain, absence of, in chorea, xiv. 438 Muscular pains, rheumatoid, in scurvy, xvii 150 Muscular power, loss of, in poisoning by bisulphide of carbon, xvii. 481 source of, xviii. 332 Muscular rheumatism, xvi 86 cold douche and baths in, xvi. 90 massage in, xvi. 90 Muscular rigidity, post-mortem, in cholera, i. 432 Muscular sense, xi. 233 method of testing, xi. 234 Muscular sensibility, xi. 233 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 555 Muscular susurrus, xviii. 318 Muscular system in scarlatina, ii. 233 in trichinosis, iii 633 Muscular tension, xiii. 97 in catalepsy, xiv. 372 Muscular tissue, degeneration Oj., in diphtheria, i. 654 destruction of, in diphtheria, i 653 oesophageal strictures said to arise solely from hypertrophy of the, viii 32 Muscular tonicity, theory of, xiii. 59 Muscular tonus, increased, the cause of the cataleptic rigidity, xiv. 378 Muscular trembling, xiv. 385 in simple tremor, xiv. 387 Muscular weakness, in anaemia, xvi 379 in true muscular hypertrophy, xiv. 179 Muscles, affections of. Musk. MUSCTJLO-SPEEtALIS, PARALYSIS OF, xi. 544; etiology, 544 ; lead-poisoning a cause, 546; symptomatology, 548; diagnosis, 551 ; course and prognosis, 553 ; treatment, 558 Musculus accommodatorius, pa- ralysis of, xi 480 Musculus arytaenoideus, trans- versus, iv. 48 Musculus orbitalis, xiv. 92 Musculus thyreo-arytaenoideus interims, iv. 50 Mushroom-poisoning, cardiac stim- ulants in, xvii 926 emetics and purgatives in, xvii. 925 in etiology of spinal paralysis, xiii 818 Music, persistence of the faculty for, in congenital and acquired idiocy, xiv. 824 Musical feeling, existence of, in one of the gibbons, xiv. 643 power of expressing, is independent of phonetic speech, xiv. 648 Musical notes, loss of the understand- standing for, in aphasia, xiv. 777 Musical sense, influence of, in the de- velopment of articulation in the child, xiv. 630 Musicians (wind instruments), xix. 63 Musk, hypodermically, in dysentery, i 567 in malarial fevers, ii. 660 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 305 in anaemia, xvi. 493 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bilious typhoid, i 299 in cardiac weakness, v. 176 ; xvi. 493 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 165 in cholera, i 461 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in hysteria, xiv. 565 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 747 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 in typhoid fever, i. 224 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Musk. Myxoma of tlie brain. INDEX. 280 Musk, aminoniated tincture of, i. 285 B. Moschi..................... 3 j. Ammonii xxx. Aq. destill.................. fl. 3 v. Alcoholis................... fl. 3 ij. 01. menth.................. gtt. v. M. Thirty drops to be taken in a table- spoonful of sugar and water, or wine, every hour. in cholera collapse, i 461 in relapsing fever, i. 285 Musk, tincture of, in treatment of pulmonary congestion, v. 287 Mustard, adulteration of, xix. 365 externally, in hemorrhage of the stom- ach, vii. 289 in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 61 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in spasm of glottis, vii 1022 Mustard foot-baths, in nosebleed, iv. 164 Mustard plasters, effect of, on kid- neys, xv. 191 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 426 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 227 Mustard spirit, composition of, v. 320 in treatment of pulmonary congestion, v. 286 Mutilation of the cortex, results as to cerebral localizations furnished by, xiv. 712 Mutitas volant aria, xiv. 811 Myalgia, xi. 63 Myalgia cephalica, xvi 90 Myalgia cervicalis, xvi 91 Myalgia lumbal is, xvi 93 Myalgia pectoralis et intercos- talis, xvi 92 Myalgia rheumatica, xvi. 86 vapor-baths and wet-packing in, xvL 90 Mycelium, in dysentery, i. 527 Mycelium, fungal, in relapsing fever, i. 239 Myeetes disseminated through the air, i 399 Myeetes, specific, how to solve the question of, i 369 Mycetic theory of cholera, i. 367 Mycosis intcstinalis, iii. 409, 415 alterations of the spleen in, viii. 456 relation of, to other forms of charbon, viii. 457 Mycosis of the oesophagus, viii. 200 Mycotic origin of meningitis tubercu- losa, xii. 573 Mydriasis in abscess of the cerebellum, xii. 792 in lesions of pons, xii 140 Mydriasis paralytica, xi 479 Myelitis, xiii. 382 Myelitis, acute, actual cautery in, xiii. 424 course, duration, terminations, xiii. 414 definition of, xiii. 387 derivatives to intestines and kidneys in, xiii. 423 diagnosis, xiii. 418 etiology and pathogenesis, xiii. 388 galvanic current late in, xiii. 425 ice-bags in, xiii. 423 leeches and wet cups to spine in, xiii. 423 pathological anatomy, xiii. 391 prognosis, xiii. 420 symptoms, xiii. 402 tonics and stimulants late in, xiii. 425 Myelitis bulbi acuta, xiii. 900 Myelitis centralis, xiii 451 Myelitis centralis acuta, xhi. 400, 416 Myelitis centralis hemorrhagi- ca, xiii 401 Myelitis, chronic, course, duration, terminations, xiii. 448 definition, xiii. 426 diagnosis, xiii. 453 dietetic and hygienic treatment of, xiii. 464 different forms of, xiii. 449 ergot and belladonna in, xiii 463 281 INDEX. Musk. Myxoma of the brain. Myelitis, chronic, etiology and path- ogenesis, xiii. 427 explanation of lesions in, xiii. 436 galvanism in, xiii. 459 hot and cold brine-baths in, xiii 459 hydrotherapy in, xiii. 461 morphia hypodermically in, xhi. 466 nitrate of silver in, xiii. 463 pathological anatomy, xiii. 429 symptoms, xiii. 438 treatment, xiii. 457 Myelitis chronica disseminata, xiii 452 Myelitis, compression-, xiii. 451 Myelitis disseminata, xiii 417 Myelitis from pressure, galvanic current in, xiii 343 Myelitis hypcrplastica, xiii. 401 Myelitis transversa, xiii. 449 Myelitis transversa acuta, xiii. 416. Myelitis universalis progressiva, xiii 452 Myelomalacia, xiii. 467, 471 symptoms of, xiii. 470 Myelomeningitis acuta, xiii 418 Myelomeningitis chronica, xhi. 453 Myocarditis, as a cause of cardiac dila- tation, vi. 200 of fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 252 of rupture of heart, vi. 262 history of, vi. 225 in etiology of cerebral emboli, xii. 183 of spontaneous rupture of the heart, vi. 262 introduction, vi. 224 Myocarditis, acute, course, dura- tion, complications, and termination, vi. 237 diagnosis, vi. 236 etiology, vi. 226 pathological anatomy, vi. 228 pathological changes in other organs in- duced by, vi. 232 pathology, vi. 227 prognosis, vi 238 Myocarditis, acute, quinine and caf- feine in, vi. 239 rest and narcotics in, vi. 238 symptoms, vi. 233 treatment, vi 238 Myocarditis, chronic, course, com- plications, termination, prognosis, and treatment, vi. 242 diagnosis, vi. 242 etiology, vi. 239 pathology, vi. 240 rest in, vi. 243 Myocarditis, indurated, in syph- ilis, iii. 215 Myocarditis, syphilitic, vi 241 Myoma cysticum of the uterus, x. 228 Myoma of the oesophagus, viii. 169 Myoma of the uterus, x. 223 Myomas of the heart, vi. 287 Myomasof the palate, vi 985 Myomata of the intestines, vii. 428 Myoinata of the stomach, vii 229 Myopathia, xvi. 86 Myopathic contractures, xi 380 treatment of, xi. 385 Myopathic process, extension of the, to successive muscles in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 129 Myopathic theory of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 142 Myosin, xviii 150 Myosis in apoplexy, xii. 102 Myositis, xvi 87 Myrrh, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in chronic and nasal catarrh, iv. 146 in gangrene of the lung, v. 429 Myrrh, tincture of, in scorbutic sto- matitis, xvii 238 Myxoglioma of the spinal cord, xhi. 750 Myxoma cystoides of the perito- neum, case of, viii. 338 Myxoma in the region of the bile-ducts, ix. 566 Myxoma of the brain, xii. 238 Myxoma of the gall-bladder. Naso-pharyngeal cavity. INDEX. 282 Myxoma of the gall-bladder, ix. 568 Myxoma of the kidney, xv. 635 Myxoma of the lungs, v. 435 Myxoma of the medulla oblon- gata, xiii. 951 Myxoma of the nasal cavity, iv. 171 Myxoma of the peritoneum, viii. 338 Nails, affections of, in scurvy, xvii 155 in syphilis, iii. 162 changes in, following cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 134 condition of, in anaemia, xvi. 351 in diabetes mellitus, xvi 922 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 119 curving of, in phthisis, v. 563 driven into the skull of animals, effect of, xii. 675 Narceine, xvii 842 Narcosis of chloral, xvii 450 Narcotic liniments, use of, in treat- ment of purpura maculosus, xvii. 280 Narcotic ointments and embro- cations in neuralgia, xi. 85 Narcotic plasters in neuralgia, xi. 85 Narcotics, a cause of cutaneous anaes- thesia, xi. 205 employment of, in cases of hemorrhage from the lungs, v. 318 for inhalation, iv. 94 in acute bronchitis, iv. 426, 428, 430 in acute myocarditis, vi. 239 in angini pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 575 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 419 in cancer of the intestine, vii. 442 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 254 in cephalalgia, xi. 143 Myxoma of the spinal mem- branes, xiii 264 Myxoinata of the larynx, vii. 890 Myxomata of nerves, xi 601 Myxomatous degeneration of uterine fibroids, x. 226 Myxosarcoma of the liver, ix. 355 Myxosarcoma of the spinal cord, xiii 750 Narcotics, in chorea, xix. 468 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 433 in clonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 339 in clonic spasm of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi. 324 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 056 in croup, iv. 268 in croupous pneumonia, v. 168 in the delirium of inanition, xii. 578 in dementia paralytica, xii. 886 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in facial spasms, xi. 313 in hemicrania, xiv. 26 in hiccough, xi. 339 in incontinence of urine, viii 723 in influenza, ii. 537 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 in measles, ii. 119 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 578 in nervous palpitation, vi. 306 in neuralgia, xi. 81 in neuralgia of the cervico-brachial nerve, xi. 151 in neuralgia of the face, xi. 123 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 123 in neuralgia of the pudendo-haemorrhoid- alis nerve, xi. 187 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, xi. 180 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 425 in palpitation of the heart, vi 306 N 283 Narcotics, in scarlatina, ii. 308 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 596 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 313 in spasm of the muscles of mastication, xi. 304 in spasms, xi. 297 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 in syphilis of the brain and nervous sys- tem, xii. 370 in tetany, xi 376 in tremor, xiv. 393 in tumors of the brain, xii. 288 in valvular diseases, vi. 167 in wounds of the heart, vi. 284 Narcotine, xvii. 842 Nares, round worms in, vii. 741 Narrowing and obliteration of the veins, vi. 508 Narrowing and occlusion of the pulmonary artery, vi. 479 Narrowing of the anterior vagi- nal wall, operation for kolporaphia anterior (Sims) in, x. 209 Narrowing of the aorta, vi. 473 • Narrowing of the arteries, vi. 463 Narrowing of large arteries in haemophilia, xvii. 69 Narrowing of the oesophagus, viii. 17 Narrowing of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 470 Nasal affection, in glanders in man, iii. 356 Nasal catarrh, in syphilis, iii. 207 Nasal catarrh, chronic, iv. 137 solutions of salt and bicarbonate of soda in, vii. 55 solutions of silver nitrate in, vii 56 solutions of zinc sulphate and tannin in, vii 55 Nasal catarrh, purulent, iv. 129 Nasal cavities, affections of, in glan- ders in horses, hi. 344 in glanders in man, iii. 356, 359 disease of, in syphilis, iii. 207, 239, 301 hemorrhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 Myxoma of the gall-bladder. Naso-pharyngeal cavity. Nasal cavity, lesions of, in glanders in man, iii. 362 treatment of, in diphtheria, i. 684 Nasal cavity, abscess of, iv. 146 Nasal diseases causing anosmia, xi 260 Nasal douche, iv. 84 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 144 in diphtheria, i 684 in diseases of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 27, 49 Nasal douche of Weber, iv. 84 Nasal mucous membrane, in scar- latina, ii. 219 in syphilis, local treatment of, iii. 301 Nasal mucus conveys contagion of measles, ii. 40 Nasal polypi, iv. 168 Nasal Stenosis, forcible distention in, iv. 114 Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, chronic, insufflation of astringent powders in, vii. 56 potassium iodide and calomel in, vii. 58 Naso-pharyngeal cavity, gargling in diseases of the, vii 27 inhalations in diseases of the, vii. 30 injection through the nose in diseases of the, vii. 28 nasal douche in diseases of the, vii. 27 pharyngeal bath in diseases of the, vii. 29 NASO-PHARYNGEAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX, DISEASES OF, vii. 3; intro- duction, 3 ; general anatomy, 6; the individual parts, 10; participation in respiration, in de- glutition, and in speech, 13; relations to the ear, 15 ; bibliography on general symptomatol- ogy, diagnosis, and treatment, 17; symptoma- tology, 18; alterations of respiration and of speech, 18 ; motor disturbances, 19 ; manifes- tations dependent on anomalies of secretion, 19; subjective sensations, 20 ; symptoms refer- able to adjacent organs, 21 ; diagnosis, 22 ; in- spection of the naso-pharyngeal cavity from in front, 22 ; from below, 23; inspection of the lower pharynx, 24; exploration with sound and Naso-pharyngeal cavity. Neoplasms. forefinger, 24; treatment, 26 ; avoidance of in- jurious influences, 26 ; external influences, 26 ; removal of secretions, 26; inspiration of fluid through the nose, 28 ; thermic influences, 29 ; medicated influences, 29 ; operative procedures, general treatment, and prophylaxis, 32 Anatomical Alterations, 32; bibliog- raphy, 32; anaemia, 33 ; hyperaemia, 33 ; hemorrhage, 35; oedema, 37; parenchy- matous swelling, 38 ; increased and al- tered secretion, 40; cyst-formations, 40; bibliography of the most important dis- eases, 42 Acute Retko-nasal Catarrh, 44; eti- ology, 44 ; anatomical alterations, 44; clinical remarks, 47 ; treatment, 48 Chronic Retro-nasal Catarrh, 49; eti- ology, 49 ; anatomical alterations, 50; symptomatology, 53 ; treatment, 55 AcuteCatarrh of the Lower Pharynx, 58 ; etiology, 58 ; anatomical alterations, 58 ; symptomatology, 59 ; treatment, 59 Chronic Catarrh of the Lower Pha- rynx, 60; anatomical alterations, 60 ; symptomatology and treatment, 61 Retro-nasal Phlegmon, 62; etiology, 62; treatment, 64 Pharyngeal Phlegmon, 64; etiology and anatomical alterations, 64; symptom- atology, 65 ; diagnosis and treatment, 66 Pharyngeal Abscesses, 67; course and treatment, 67 Retro-Pharyngeal Abscesses, 67; eti- ology, 67 ; symptomatology, 68 ; progno- sis, diagnosis, and treatment, 69 Croupous and Diphtheritic Inflam- mation, 70; pathology, 70; affections of the ear, 71; symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment, 72 Condition of Naso-Pharyngeal Cavity and Lower Pharynx in Tuberculo- sis, 74 ; ulcerations, 76 ; Eustachian tubes and middle ear, 77; tubercles in lower pharynx, 78 ; treatment, 79 Condition of Naso-pharyngeal Cavity and Lower Pharynx in Syphilis, 79; ulcerations, 80; pathology, 80; Eusta- chian tube, 80; the middle ear, 81 ; the lower pharynx, 83 ; adhesions of the soft palate, 84 ; diagnosis, 85 ; treatment, 86 Hyperplastic Catarrh, 87; pathology, 284 87 ; symptomatology, 92 ; affections of the ear, 92 ; diagnosis, 93 ; treatment, 94 Rarefying Dry Catarrh, 96; pathology, £6; symptomatology, 99; diagnosis and treatment, 100 Morbid Growths, 101; symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment, 101 Neuroses, 103; anaesthesia, 103; hyper- esthesia, 103; neuroses of the palate and Eustachian tube, 104 Foreign Bodies and Traumatic Em- physema, 105 Naso-pharyngeal diphtheria, car- bolic acid douche in, vii. 73 nasal douche in, vii. 73 Naso-pharynx, atrophy of, douche of warm milk or salt solution, vii. 100 tobacco snuff in, vii. 100 Naso-pharynx, gummata of, po- tassium iodide and iodine locally in, vii. 86 Naso-pharynx, hypertrophy of, galvano-cautery in, vii. 96 pure silver nitrate in, vii. 95 Naso-pharynx, morbid growths of, excision and evulsion of, vii. 103 galvano-cautery in, vii. 103 Naso-pharynx, syphilis of, astrin- gent douches and sprays in, vii. 86 corrosive sublimate locally in, vii. 86 Naso-pharynx, tuberculous ul- cers of, narcotic and emollient inha- lations in, vii 79 Nasse, xii. 882 National Board of Health, xviii. 62 Nationality, influence of, in etiology of whooping-cough, vi. 684 in haemophilia, xvii. 31 in fecundity, xix. 315 on mortality, xix. 335 Natural filtration, water obtained by, xviii 248 Nauheim, baths of, in cerebral hem- orrhage, xii. 171 in paralysis, xi. 463 285 INDEX. , Naso-pharyngeal cavity. Neoplasms. Nauheim, waters of, in chronic ar- ticular rheumatism, xvi. 84 in myelitis, xiii 461 in spinal nervous weakness, xhi 381 in tabes dorsalis, xhi. 611 Naunyn, Bernard, biographical sketch of, vol. xvii, iii. on poisoning by heavy metals, xvii. 557 Nausea, in anasmia, xvi. 346 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 30 in compression of the brain, xii. 666 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii 612 in occlusion of cerebral cavities, xii. 228 in pulmonary consumption, v. 552 in thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses, xii 215 treatment of, in cholera diarrhcea, i 458 Nausea marina, xix. 187 Nauseants, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 420 in haemophilia, xvii. 97 NAVAL AND MERCHANT MARINE, HYGIENE OP THE, xix. 177; the ship, 178; the sailor, 182; air, 186; water, 201; food, 203 ; clothing, 209 ; light, 214 ; sleep, 214 ; dis- cipline, 216 ; statistics, 219; diseases, 220 ; fragments, 224 ; bibliography, 225 Naval hygiene, xix. 177 Naval service, examination of candi- dates for, xix. 185 Navalachin, xii. 20, 29 Navy ration, xix. 204 histogenetic and thermogenetic values of, xix. 208 Near-sightedness, see Myopia in school-children, xix. 605 Neck, cystic tumor of, iv. 288 fistula of, iv. 289 paralysis of muscles of, xi. 536 rigidity of, in convexity meningitis of unknown origin, xii. 653 in meningitis of convexity of the the brain, xii. 615 Neck, rigidity of, in metastatic menin- gitis due to pneumonia, xii 631 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 589 Necker hospital, xviii 752 Necrobiosis in neighborhood of embo- lism of brain, xii 192 Necrosis Of bones, in glanders in man, iii. 362 Necrosis of the brain, xi;. 687 Necrosis of brain-tissue following apoplexy, xii. 754 Necrosis of the kidney, see, under Kidneys, Degenerative Processes of the Necrotic softening about thrombosis or embolism in brain, xii. 747 Necrotic softening of the me- dulla oblongata, xiii 876 Needle-bath, xviii 373 Needle-makers, xix. 33 Needles used for galvano-puncture, vi. 456 Negro children, excessive mor- tality of, from tetanus, in the West Indies, xiv. 321 Negroes, immunity of, from yellowfever, i. 491 liable to small-pox, ii. 329 peculiarities of papular syphilide in, iii. 144 predisposition of the, to tetanus, xiv. 321 *cIpton, xii 659, 660 Nelaton's catheters in after-treat- ment of opening the pleural cavity for discharge of purulent effusions, iv. 718 Nelaton's forceps, x. 413 Nenndorf, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 171 Nenndorf, waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 in gout, xvi. 144 Neoplasm of peripheral nerves, due to syphihs, xii. 353 Neoplasms, constrictions of intestines produced by, vii 633 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of the liver, ix. 414 Neoplasms. ooj1 Nerves. INDEX. 280 Neoplasms, in etiology of intestinal ca- tarrh, vii. 365 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 446 of jaundice, ix. 14 of perforations of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 652 of stenosis and occlusion of the bili- ary passages, ix. 589 Neoplasms of abdominal organs in etiology of displacements of liver, ix. 45 Neoplasms of the intestinal wall, vii. 428 Neoplasms of the larynx, vii. 876 Neoplasms of the soft palate, vi. 984 Neoplasms of the Fallopian tubes, x. 346 Neoplasms of the vulva, x. 546 Nephritis, as a cause of ulcerative en- docarditis, vi. 71 in etiology of serous infiltration of the submucosa of the larynx, vii. 795 Nephritis, acute, a case of, in rheu- matism, xv. 258 course and symptoms of, xv. 262 dangers of, xv. 283 diagnosis of, xv. 292 drastic purgatives in, xv. 300 etiology of, xv. 246 hot baths in, xv. 300 nourishing diet in, xv. 296 sustained diaphoresis in, xv. 298 Nephritis, acute parenchyma- tous, xv. 244 post mortem appearances of, xv. 265 prognosis of, xv. 288 symptoms of, xv. 273 treatment of, xv. 295 Nephritis, acute parenchyma- tous, of pregnancy, xv. 304 induction of premature labor in, xv. 324 Nephritis, chronic, a case of, follow- ing syphilis, xv. 330 continued diaphoresis in, xv. 401 diagnosis of, xv. 393 dietetic treatment of, xv. 406 Nephritis, chronic, ferruginous preparations in, xv. 407 hypertrophy of the middle coat of arte- ries in, vi. 354 lesions of, xv. 343 prognosis of, xv. 381 tieatment of, xv. 397 Nephritis, chronic parenchyma- tous, xv. 324 case, xv. 386 diuretics in, xv. 399 etiology of, xv. 325 hot baths in, xv. 403 symptomatology of, xv. 336 Nephritis, desquamative, xv. 246 Nephritis due to haemoglobinu- ria, xvi 486 Nephritis, gouty, xvi 115 Nephritis, hemorrhagic, xv. 246 Nephritis of diphtheria, i 604 Nephritis of pregnancy, a case of, xv. 308 causes of, xv. 305 frequency of, xv. 311 lesions of, xv. 314 Nephritis, scarlatinal, ii. 244 cases of, xv. 277, 291 Nephritis, suppurative, xv. 543 ; see also under Kidney, Inflammations of the etioiogy of, xv. 545 ice applications in, xv. 561 pathological anatomy of, xv. 547 rest in, xv. 561 symptomatology of, xv. 552 treatment, xv. 561 Nephrolithiasis, xv. 687 alkalies and alkaline salts in, xv. 733 diagnosis, xv. 724 dietetic treatment of, xv. 731 diuretics in, xv. 732 etiology, xv. 689 mineral acids in, xv. 736 narcotic cataplasms and enemata in, xv. 738 natural mineral waters in, xv. 734 nephrotomy in, xv. 739 2S7 INDEX. Neoplasms. Nerves. Nephrolithiasis, pathological anat- omy, xv. 695 phosphate of soda in, xv. 733 symptomatology, xv. 708 treatment, xv. 730 warm baths in, xv. 738 warm brine-baths, xv. 732 Nephrophthisis, xv. 577 pathological anatomy of, xv. 579 preparations of iodine in, xv. 586 symptomatology, xv. 581 Nephrotomy in nephrolithiasis, xv. 740 Neptune's girdle, in dysentery, i 567 Neris, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Nerve, epilepsy after wounds of periph- eral, xiv. 205 function of recurrent laryngeal, vii. 918 function of superior laryngeal, vii. 914 Nerve-atrophy, causes of, xi. 594 Nerve-fibres, in acute myelitis, xiii. 397 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 434 Nerve-fibres of the hemispheres, effect of injury of, by abscess, xii. 727 Nerve-fibres of the peritoneum, viii. 249 Nerve-influences, in the etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 550 Nerve-paralyses in the domain of the recurrent laryngeal, vii. 941 in the domain of the superior laryngeal, vii. 935 Nerve-roots, affection of, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 135 Nerve-section, tremor, a secondary ef- fect of, xiv. 390 Nerve, splanchnic, paralysis of, in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 498 Nerve-stretching, xi 97 in sciatica, xi. 184 Nerve-trunks, excitability of the, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 161 Nerve, vagus, paralysis of, in croup, iv. 248 Nerves, regeneration of, after lesions, xi 415 Nerves, affections of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 141 in etiology of secondary degeneration of the spinal cord, xiii. 764 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 480 in myelitis, xiii. 410, 432, 447 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 678 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 539 NERVES, ATROPHY OP THE, xi. 591 ; bibliography, 591 ; secondary atrophy, 592 ; etiology, 593 ; symptomatology, 595; progno- sis, 596 ; treatment, 596 Nerves, auditory and facial, changes in the, in meningitis, xii. 606 NERVES, CERVICO-BRACHIAL, NEU- RALGIA OP, xi. 144; general characters of the disease, 145; seat of pain, 148; etiology, 146 ; exposure to cold a cause, 147 ; over-exer- tion of the arm a cause, 147 ; symptomatology, 147; course, duration, and termination, 149; diagnosis, 150 ; treatment, 150 NERVES, CERVICO-OCCIPITAL, NEU- RALGIA OF, xi. 129 ; etiology, 129 ; exposure to cold a cause, 130; disease of the upper cer- vical vertebras a cause, 130; symptomatology, 130 ; diagnosis, 132; prognosis, 133; treatment, 133 Nerves, changes in, from syphilis, xii 353 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 913 Nerves, compression of, in neural- gia, xi. 93 Nerves, division of, in treatment of tetanus, xiv. 362 Nerves, electrical excitability of, in paralysis, xi. 428 Nerves, histological changes in, accompanying paralysis, xi. 412 Nerves, hyperaemia of, xi 575 Nerves, hypertrophy and neo- plasms of, xi 597 Nerves, inflammation of, xi 576 Nerves. Nervous system. INDEX. 2S8 Nerves, motor and sensory, effects of atropine upon, xvii. 676 Nerves of the heart, thickening of, vi 205 Nerves of the large intestine, vii. 347 Nerves of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 9 Nerves of the pia mater, xii. 466 Nerves of sensation, disturban- ces of, in cerebral hyperaemia, xii. 57 Nerves of the small intestines, vii. 346 Nerves of the soft palate, vi 870 Nerves of the stomach, vii 119 Nerves, peripheral, changes in the, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 168 functional diseases of the, xi 5 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 140 lesions of the, in chorea, xiv. 454 secondary degenerations of cord, in dis- eases of the, xiii. 764 Nerves, sensory, peripheral, in- creased irritability of the, in hysteria, xiv. 491 Nerves, vaso-motor, paralysis of, in etiology of hyperasmia of the liver, ix. 63 Nervi erigentes, viii. 883 Nervines, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in clonic spasm of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi. 324 in facial spasms, xi 313 in hiccough, xi. 339 in neuralgia, xi. 78 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 313 in spasms, xi. 298 in tetany, xi. 377 Nervous apparatus of the heart, changes in, in angina pectoris, xiv. 39 Nervous attacks, in course of peri- carditis, vi. 603 Nervous cephalalgia, xi. 138 Nervous depression, influence of, upon heart's action, vi. 300 Nervous diseases, curative effect of measles on, ii. 105 Nervous disturbances in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in cholera, i. 422 in diabetes, xvi. 915 in typhoid fever, i. 86 Nervous elements, changes in, in en- cephalitis, xii. 694 NERVOUS PALPITATION OF THE HEART, vi. 297; bibliography, 297; history, 298 ; etiology, 298; relations of forces of inner- vation, 298 ; pathological anatomy, 303 ; symp- tomatology, 304 ; physical signs, 304; the pulse, 305; diagnosis, 305; course and prognosis, 306 ; treatment, 306 Nervous substance, points in favor of the production of a material altera- tion in, by every sensory impression, xiv. 617 Nervous supply of the dura mater, xii. 376 Nervous symptoms, following en- trance of foreign bodies into the tra- chea and bronchi, iv. 518 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 857 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 242, 252 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 236 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 363 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 628 in anasmia, xvi. 346, 348, 382, 411 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in bronchial asthma, iv. 563 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 345, 402 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 374 in chlorosis, xvi. 523, 540 in cholera, i 422 in convalescence from acute anaemia, xvi. 348 in croupous pneumonia, v. 101 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871, 914 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 384 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 047 in echinococcus of the spleen, viii. 492 289 \ervous symptoms, in infantile peri- tonitis, viii. 290 in leucaemia, viii. 519 in malacosteon, xvi 223 in melanaBmia, viii. 542 in multiple sclerosis, xiii 487 in myelitis, xiii 411, 447 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 713 in pleuritis, iv. 639 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii 686, 700 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 284 in pulmonary consumption, v. 560 in pyelitis, xv. 572 in rheumatism, xvi. 42 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 703 in spermatorrhoea, mode of origin of, viii. 857 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 543, 582 in thrombosis of sinus cavernosus, xii. 218 origin of the, in Addison's disease, viii. 659 Nervous system, effects of exercise upon, xviii. 324 every department of the, fulfils a psychi- cal function of its own, xiv. 698 hygiene of, xiii. 457 important phenomena relating to, in jaundice, ix. 23 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 704, 717, 720 in glanders, in man, iii. 364 in influenza, ii. 530 in malarial diseases, ii. 599, 605, 626, 646, 650 in measles, ii. 97 in miliary fever, ii. 496 in rheumatism, xvi. 42 in scarlatina, ii 223, 255, 258, 265, 275 in small-pox, ii. 379, 387 in syphilis, iii. 218, 219, 241 in trichinosis, iii. 634 lesions of, in typhoid fever, i. Ill relation of the mechanical, to the mental work of the, xiv. 696 Vol. XX—19 Nerves. !j"X" Nervous system. Nervous system, affections of, due to ascaris lumbricoides, vii. 738 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 77 in acute gastritis, vii. 140 in chronic gastritis, vii. 177 in difficult dentition, vi 775 in etiology of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 839 of enteralgia, vii. 460 of gastralgia, vii. 297 of impotence, viii. 888 of paralysis of the bladder, viii. 711 of spasm of the bladder, viii 701 of sporadic cholera, vii. 148 in fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 256 in gastritis phlegmonosa, vii. 161 in glanders in man, iii 357, 364 in haemophilia, xvii. 59 in pericarditis, vi. 603 in poisoning by acetic acid, xvii. 349 by alcohol, xvii. 394, 403, 409 by ammonia, xvii. 357 by anilin, xvii. 523 by arsenic, xvii. 648, 654 by atropine, xvii. 666, 668, 676 by barium compounds, xvii. 378 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii. 479, 481 by bromine, xvii. 318 by carbolic acid, xvii. 530 by carbonic acid, xvii. 475 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 465, 468 by cheese, xvii. 552 by choral hydrate, xvii. 448 by chloroform, xvii. 431 by cicuta virosa, xvii. 827 by colchicine, xvii. 736, 737 by confine, xvii. 816 by copper, xvii 591 by curarine, xvii. 831 by cytisine, xvii. 8£3 by digitalis, xvii. 710 by ergot, xvii. 893, 906, 915 by ether, xvii. 442 by fish, xvii. 550 by fungi, xvh. 929, 940 Nervous system. Neuralgia. INDEX. 290 Nervous system, affections of, in poi- soning by helleborin, xvii. 742 by lead, xvii. 570, 581 by mercury, xvii. 611 by nicotine, xvii. 769 by nitro-benzin, xvii. 517 by opium, xvii. 849, 856 by oxalic acid, xvii. 354 by phosphorus, xvii. 633 by potassium nitrate, xvii. 375 by prussic acid, xvii. 502 by santonin, xvii 885 by sausage, xvii. 542 by silver, xvii. 599 by solanine, xvii. 691, 693 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 495 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 330 by veratrine, xvii. 728 in stenosis of the ostium aorticum, vi. 145 in typhus fever, i 330 in valvular heart disease, vi. 115 in whooping-cough, vi. 706 Nervous system, changes in, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 167 Nervous system, derangement of circulation of, in heart disease, vi. 115 Nervous system, derangements of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 276 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 624 in angina pectoris, xiv. 40 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 87 in chorea, xiv. 447 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 198 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 704, 717, 726 in etiology of epilepsy, xiv. 232, 216 in hysteria, xiv. 488 in influenza, ii. 530 in malarial diseases, ii. 599, 605, 626, 646, 650 in measles, ii. 97 in miliary fever, ii. 496 Nervous system, derangements of, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 135 in relapsing fever, i. 277 in scarlet fever, ii. 226, 255, 258, 265, 275 in small-pox, ii. 379, 387 in snake-bites, iii. 544, 549 in tetanus, xiv. 333 Nervous system, development of the, in the child, xviii. 139 Nervous system, functions of, ef- fects of exercise on, xviii. 324 Nervous system, gradual devel- opment of the central, in man, xiv. 702 Nervous system, syphilis of, xii. 291 Nervousness, diagnosis of hysteria, from simple, xiv. 551 Nervus abducens, paralysis of, xi. 481 Nervus cruralis, neuralgia of, xi. 165 Nervus trochlearis, paralysis of, xi. 480 Nessler's reagent, xix. 125 Nessler's test for organic matter in the air, xix. 194 Nestle's food for infants, xvi. 203 in the prophylaxis of scrofulosis, xvi. 815 in the treatment of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 234 Neuenahr, mineral waters of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 996, 1004 in gout, xvi. 138 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 in pulmonary consumption, v. 604, 606 Neumann, E. A. O., xii. 42 NEURALGIA, xi. 18; bibliography, 18; de- finition, 20 ; location of pain, 20 ; general health, 20; limitation of pain, 21 ; paroxysms of pain, 21; neuralgia regarded as a symptom, 21 ; neuralgia different from hyperaesthesia, 22 ; etiology, 22; predisposition to, 23; psychoses, 23 ; epilepsy in, 23 ; chorea in, 23; hysteria in 23; hereditary neuralgia, 23 ; period of life, 24 • influence of sex in, 25; neuralgia of sciatic 291 INDEX. Nervous system. Neuralgia. nerve, 25 ; of fifth nerve, 25; neuralgia during sexual periods of life, 25 ; influence of puberty, 26; neuralgia during menstruation, 26; preg- nancy, influence of, 20 ; puerperal period in, 26 ; masturbation a cause, 20 ; neuralgia, influ- ence of education in predisposition to, 26 ; dis- turbed nutrition caused by, 26 ; anaemia in, 26 ; hydraemia in, 2C>; chlorosis in, 26 ; cachexia in, 26; premature senility in etiology, 27; senile degeneration of tissues in, 27; trophic dis- turbances in, 27; exciting causes, 27; injury to nerves a cause, 27 ; neuromata following amputation a cause, 28; pressure of foreign bodies a cause, 28 ; pathologico-anatomical changes in, 28 ; degeneration in nerve-trunks a cause, 2S ; softening in nerve-trunks a cause, 28 ; disease of periosteum a cause, 28; disease of bone a cause, 28 ; aneurism a cause, 29; va- ricosities a cause, 29 ; venous stasis a cause, 29 ; hernia a cause, 29 ; pregnancy a cause, 29 ; enlarged liver a cause, 29 ; changes in kidneys a cause, 29 ; changes in ovaries a cause, 29; fecal accumulations a cause, 29; cold a cause, 29; influence of seasons upon, 29; cold and moist weather, influence upon. 39 ; neuralgia, rheumatic, 30; poisons of the blood in, 30; malarial infection in, 30 ; malarial regions, ef- fects of, upon neuralgia, 30; neuralgia, malarial, in advanced age, 30; supra-orbital nerves af- fected by, in typhoid fever, 31 ; occipital nerves affec ted by, in typhoid fever, 31 ; typhoid fs- ver, first stage of, affected by, 31; typhoid fever, sequelaB of, affected by, 31 ; dyscrasias, causes of, 3L; syphilis a cause, 31; neuralgia of supra-orbital nerves in secondary syphilis, 31 ; neuralgia of sciatic nerves i:i secondary syphilis, 31 ; lead-poisoning a cause, 31 ; cop- per-poisoning a cause, 31 ; mercury-poisoning in, 31; alcohol a cause, 31; tobacco a cause, 31; diseases of the central organs of the nerv- ous system a cause, 32 ; hyperaemia a cause, 32 ; softening of brain and spinal cord a cause, 32 ; tumors a cause, 32; irritations of peripheral organs a cause, 32 ; neuralgia of fifth nerve due to injury of ulnar nerve, 32 ; neuralgia of fifth nerve due to injury of occipital nerve, 32 ; over- work of eyes a cause, 32; caries of the teeth a cause. 32; diseases of the generative organs a cause, 32; diseases of the intestine a cause, 33; suppressed cutaneous secretion a cause, 33 ; pathology, 33; anatomical changes in, 34 ; atrophy of nerves in, 34; degeneration of nerve- fibres in, 34 ; pathogeny in, 34 ; exciting causes of, 34; wounds in pathology of, 34 ; foreign bodies in pathology of, 34; mechanical com- pression in pathology of, 34 ; symptomatology, 37 ; general characters of the disease, 37 ; pre- monitory symptoms, 37; condition of nerve during attack, 38 ; painful spots, 38 ; hyperaes- thesia in, 38; anaesthesia in, 38; vaso-motor phenomena, 38; anomalies of the cutaneous circulation, 38 ; copious lachrymation, 38 ; pro- fuse salivation, 38; temperature, 38; pube, 38 ; psychical functions, 38 ; duration of attack of, 39 ; conditions inducing an attack. 39; mo- tor disturbances in old cases of neuralgia, 39 ; disorder of general health in old cases of neu- ralgia, 39; anaemia in chronic form, 40 ; analy- sis of the several symptoms, 40 ; pain a subjec- tive symptom, 40 ; points douloureux, 42 ; pressure upon painful points increases the intensity of the attack of, 42 ; '' apophysial point," 43 ; pathological significance of painful points, 44 ; concomitant sensory symptoms, 45 ; irradiation of the pain, 45 ; concomitant motor phenomena, 49; reflex motor phenomena of, 50; vaso-motor concomitant symptoms in. 50 ; concomitant secretory phenomena, 52 ; con- comitant trophic phenomena, 53 ; concomitant psychical symptoms, 57 ; electrical relations of sensory nerves, 59 ; terminations, 61 ; diagno- sis, 63 ; prognosis, 68 ; treatment, 70 ; prophy- laxis, 71 ; chloral combined with morphine, 77; cod-liver oil, 77 ; specific remedial measures in treatment, 78 ; electricity, 79 ; methods of ap- plying faradic electricity in treatment, 80 ; narcotics, 81; anaesthetics, 81 ; specific rem- edies, S7; derivatives, 90 ; rubefacients, 91 ; vesicants, 91; compression of nerves in treat- ment, 93 ; surgical interference, 94 ; neurec- tomy only called for in severe cases, 97; ampu- tation and resection in treatment, 97 ; arrest of arterial supply, by operation, 97 Neuralgia, actual cautery in, xi. 92 arsenic in, xi. 87 atropia hypodermica'ly in, xi. 84 bromide and iodide of potassium in, xi. 89 cod-liver oil in, xi. 77 compression of the nerves in, xi. 93 Neuralgia. Neuropathic theory. INDEX. 292 Neuralgia, dietetic treatment of, xi 71 electricity in, xi. 79 faradic electricity in, xi. 80 hydrate of chloral in, xi. 86 in hysteria, xiv. 498 in masked malarial fever, ii 599 morphine hypodermically in, xi. 83 narcotics and anaesthetics in, xi 81 nerve-stretching in, xi. 97 neurotomy and neurectomy in, xi. 94 phosphorus in, xi. 88 prophylaxis in, xi. 72 rest in, xi 77 turpentine internally in, xi. 89 vesicants in, xi. 91 zinc in, xi. 88 Neuralgia, anaemic: iron and strych- nia in, xi. 76 Neuralgia ano-vesicalis, xi 186 NEURALGIA, ARTICULAR, xi. 188; eti- ology, 190; influence of sex, 190; symptoma- tology, 191; seat of pain, 191; trophic disturb- ances, 193; course of the disease, 194; diagnosis, 194; prognosis, 195; treatment, 196; exercise of the joint in treatment, 197 Neuralgia cerebralis, xiv. 4 Neuralgia cervico-brachital, xi. 144 Neuralgia, cervico-occipital, xi 129 case of, xi. 132 Neuralgia coeliaca, vii 296 Neuralgia cordis, xiv. 33 Neuralgia, crural, xi 165 Neuralgia, cysto-urethralis, viii. 700 Neuralgia diaphragmatica, xi. 133 Neuralgia, femoral, xi 164 Neuralgia, hysterical, xiv. 498 treatment of, xiv. 575 Neuralgia, inflammatory, antiphlo- gistic measures in, xi. 74 Neuralgia inframaxillaris, xi. 114 Neuralgia infraorbitals, xi 113 Neuralgia, intercostal, xi 152 Neuralgia ischiatica, xi. 167 Neuralgia lumbo-abdominalis, xi 160 Neuralgia, malarial, quinine in, xi. 76 Neuralgia obturatoria, xi. 166 NEURALGIA OF INTERCOSTAL NERVES, xi. 152; general characters, 152; etiology, 153 ; age and sex, 153 ; catching cold a cause, 153 ; disease of some adjoining organ a cause, 153 ; aortic aneurisms a cause, 154 ; dis- eases of the spinal cord a cause, 154 ; symptoma- tology, 154 ; seat of pain, 154; diagnosis, 156; prognosis, 157 ; treatment, 157 Neuralgia of the bladder, viii. 700 Neuralgia of the external geni- tals, xi. 184 Neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi 99 anatomical lesions of, xi 103 etiology, xi. 101 symptomatology, xi. 105 NEURALGIA OF THE FIFTH NERVE, xi. 100; etiology, 100; catching cold a cause, 102; disease of adjoining organs, 102; aneu- rismal dilatation of the internal carotid artery in etiology, 103 ; diseases of brain in etiology, 103 ; irritations of peripheral nerves, 104 ; ex- cessive psychical activity, 104 ; symptomatol- ogy, 105 ; prodromata, 105 ; paroxysm of pain, 105 ; point apophysaire, 107, concomitant sen- sory phenomena, 107 ; disturbances of organs of special sense, 108; concomitant motor phe- nomena, 108 ; vasomotor disturbances, 109; secretory disturbances, 109; augmented lachry- mal secretion, 109 ; trophic disturbances, 110 ; herpes zoster in symptomatology, 111; psy- chical disorders in symptomatology, 111 ; dis- turbances of health, 111 ; varieties of neural- gia of the face in symptomatology, 112; fifth nerve, neuralgia in first division, 112 ; neuralgia in second division, 113; neuralgia in third di- vision, 114; prognosis, 117; duration of dis- ease, 117 ; termination, 118 ; diagnosis, 118 - cause of disease, 119; treatment, 120; large doses of opium, 124; indications for operative interference, 127 293 INDEX. Neuralgia. Neuropathic theory. \euralgia of the larynx, vii 929 Neuralgia of the mammary gland, xi. 158 Neuralgia of the penis, xi. 185 Neuralgia of the phrenic nerve, xi 134 Neuralgia of the uterus, x. 311 Neuralgia ophthalmica, xi 112 Neuralgia pudendo-haemor- rhoidalis, xi 184 Neuralgia, rheumatic, vapor and thermal baths in, xi 74 Neuralgia scrotalis, xi 186 Neuralgia spermatica, xi 164,186 Neuralgia supramaxillaris, xi 113 Neuralgia supraorbitalis, xi 112 Neuralgia, trigeminal, treatment of, xi 120 Neuralgia urcthralis, xi 186 Neuralgias in abscess of the brain, xii. 787 Neuralgic attacks in haemophilia, xvii. 59 in trichinosis, iii 634 Neuralgic pains in paralysis, xii. 131 Neurasthenia, xix. 621 Neurasthenia, spinal, xiii 369 chalybeate baths in, xiii. 381 dietetic and hygienic treatment of. xhi. 380 galvanic current in, xiii. 381 iron, quinine, and strychnia in, xiii. 381 Neurasthenic headache, xi 141 Neurectomy, xi. 94 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 151 in neuralgia, xi. 96 in neuralgia of the cervico-brachial nerve, xi. 151 in neuralgia of the face, xi 126 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi 126 in sciatica, xi. 184 Neureuther, xii. 834, 835 Neuritic anaesthesia, xi. 321 NEURITIS, xi. 576; bibliography, 576 ; eti- ology, 577 ; pathological anatomy, 579 ; symp- tomatology, 582; pain a symptom, 583; dura- tion, course, and termination, 586; diagnosis, 588 ; prognosis, 5S9 ; treatment, 589 STcuritis, a cause of cutaneous anaesthe- sia, xi. 206 of sciatica, xi 171 Neuritis, acute, of peripheral nerves, absolute rest in, xi 590 Neuritis, chronic, of peripheral nerves, cold baths and bandages in, xi. 590 counter-irritants in, xi. 591 galvanism in, xi. 590 Neuroglia, in acute myelitis, xiii 397 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 433 increase of, in hypertrophy of brain, xii. 833 Neuroma of brain, xii 235 Neuroma of the spinal mem- branes, xiii 265 Neuroma verum, xi 599 Neuromata, xi 599 diagnosis of, xi. 607 direct causes of, xi. 604 etiology of, xi. 603 extirpation of, xi. 608 treatment of, xi. 608 Neuromata of the vulva, x. 553 Neuromata spuria, xi. 600 Neuro-paralytic ophthalmia, xi 219 Neuropathic and myopathic paralyses, differential diagnosis of, xi. 443 Neuropathic contractures, xi 380 treatment of, xi. 385 Neuropathic diathesis, treatment of, xi. 75 Neuropathic disposition, xi. 23; xiii 146, 522 Neuropathic tendency, xi. 23; xiii. 146, 522 Neuropathic theory of progres- sive muscular atrophy, xiv. 142 Neuropathies. Nitrate of silver. INDEX. 294 Neuropathies, constitutional,xiv. 7 Neuro - retinitis, in abscess of the brain, xii. 795 Neuro-retinitis descendens in me- ningitis tuberculosa, xii. 562 of meningeal affections, xii. 564 Neuro-retinitis duplex in abscess of the brain, xii. 794 Neuroses of the bladder, viii. 700 Neuroses of distant nerve-tracts, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 369 NEUROSES OF THE GUSTATORY NERVES, xi. 238 ; bibliography, 238 ; history, 239; nerves supplying the sense of taste to tongue, 239; pathological conditions, 241 ; etiology, 241 ; anaesthesia of the trigeminus a cause, 241 ; paralysis of the facial a cause, 243 ; regions of tongue having the most exquisite gustatory sensibility, 245 ; testing bitter tastes for neuroses of, 246; galvanic method of test- ing the sense of taste, 246; hyperaesthesia gustatoria, 247 ; paresthesia gustatoria, 247; anaesthesia gustatoria, 248; anaesthesia of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, 249; chorda tympani nerve, injuries of, a cause, 250; paralysis of the facial nerve, a cause, 250; diagnosis, 252; prognosis, 253; treatment, 253 Neuroses of the larynx, vii. 914 Neuroses of the motor nerves, xi. 262 Neuroses of the mouth, vi 817 Neuroses of the oesophagus, viii. 202 Neuroses of the olfactory nerves, xi 253 Neuroses of the sensory nerves, xi 5 Neuroses of the stomach, vii 293 Neurotomy, xi 94 in blepharospasm, xi. 317 in cl >nic spasm of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi. 325 in epilepsy, xiv. 280 in facial spasms, xi 312, 314 Neurotomy, in neuralgia, xi. 94 in neuralgia of the face, xi. 126 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 126 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 314 in tonic spasm of the lids, xi. 317 Neurotomy of accessory nerve, xi. 325 Ncustadt, a resort for the grape- cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Neuth, xii 885 Nevrolysie, xii 105 New-born infant, acute fatty degen- eration of the liver in the, ix. 455 examination of the, xviii. 81 hygienic care of, xviii 75 ophthalmia in the, iv. 119 New formations of the perito- neum, viii. 337 New-growths in the heart causing rupture, vi. 262 NEW-GROWTHS IN THE LUNGS, v. 433; pathological anatomy, 433 ; fibromata, 443 ; li- pomata, 434 ; enchondroma, 434 ; osteoma, 434; cysts, 435; myxoma, 435 ; sarcoma, 435 ; osteo- sarcoma, 435 ; carcinoma, 435 ; epithelioma, 436 ; symptomatology, 437 ; the dyspnoea, 433 ; the cough, 438; the size of the thorax, 43S ; percussion, 438 ; the vocal fremitus, 438 ; aus- cultation, 438 ; the respiration, 439 ; cyanosis, 439 ; oedema, 439 ; the pulse, 439 ; fever, 439 ; course of the disease, with symptoms of phthi- sis, 439 ; analysis of the several symptoms, 440; prognosis, 442 ; diagnosis, 442 ; differential di- agnosis, 442; treatment, 443 NEW-GROWTHS IN THE MEDIASTI- NUM, v. 444 ; bibliography, 444 ; etiology. 445 ; pathological anatomy, 446; lymphadenomata, 446 ; lipomata, fibromata, and osteomata, 446 ; cysts, 446; carcinoma, 447; sarcoma. 447 ; situation of the tumors, 447; their size, 448; points of origin of mediastinal tumors, 448; results of pressure, 448; metastases, 450; symptomatology, 450 ; the respiration, 450; pains, 450; the cough, 451; the voice, 451; head-symptoms, 451 ; nausea, 451 ; circulatory symptoms, 451 ; position of the patient, 451 ; his general appearance, 451; percussion, 452; 295 the vocal fremitus, 452 ; the heart-sounds, 452 ; analysis of the several symptoms, 453 ; pains in the chest, 453 ; the dyspnoea, 453 ; head- symptoms, 454 ; dysphagia, 454; affections of the eye, 454 ; the pulse, 455 ; the heart, 455 ; cyanosis and oedema, 455 ; the thyroid gland, 455 ; the pleural and pericardial cavities, 455 ; the vocal fremitus, 450 ; duration, result, and prognosis, 450 ; diagnosis, 457; from abscess of the mediastinum, 457 ; from aneurisms, 458; from pericardial effusions, 459; from infiltra- tion in the lungs, 459 ; from pleural exudations, 460; diagnosis of tumors of the posterior me- diastinum, 460; treatment, 4C0 New-growths, malignant, in the pleura, iv. 771 New-growths in the bladder, viii. 735 New-leal her murmur, vi. 592 New Orleans, yellow fever at, in 1878, xix. 501 Newport, Sanitary Protective Association of, xix. 583 New York form of " pratique," xix. 485 New York Health Board's rules about the management of infants, xviii. 133 Nice, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 Nichols, Arthur H., on proper tem- perature of living-rooms, xviii. 681 Nichols, I*rof. Wm. Ripley, on composition of sewer-air, xviii. 453 on drinking-water and public water-sup- plies, xviii. 209 Nickel, poisoning by, xvii. 629 Nickel, sulphate Of, in hemicrania, xiv. 25 Nicoladoni's case of stagnation ecta- sias of the oesophagus, viii. 48 Nicotine, chemical tests of, xvii. 774 in treatment of angina pectoris, xiv. 52 of whooping-cough, vi. 726 Nicotine-poisoning, xvii. 759 cardiac stimulants in, xvii. 772 enemata of vinegar in, xvii. 772 Neuropathies. Nitrate of .silver. Nicotine-poisoning, in etiology of contracting and sclerotic endocarditis, vi. 99 Nieineyer, xii. 11, 42, 155, 467, 624 Night-blindness, see Hemeralopia Night-soil, disposal of, xix. 412 Night-sweats, cold douches and cognac externally in, v. 613 in pulmonary consumption, v. 586 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 329 Nightingale, Florence, on proper location of water-closets and lavatory in ward, xviii. 760 Nightshade berries, poisoning by, xvii. 664 Nipples of the newly-born, xviii. 84 Nitrate of lead as a disinfectant in bilgy ships, xix. 200 Nitrate of potassa, in bronchial asth- ma, iv. 579, 583 in pleuritis, iv. 686 in scurvy, xvii. 233 Nitrate of silver, in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in cephalalgia, xi. 144 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 224 in chronic endometritis, x. 135 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 463 in cold in the head, iv. 128 in croup, iv. 265 in diphtheria, i. 693 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76, 79, 82, 86, 94 in epilepsy, xiv. 291 in erysipelas, ii. 480 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in neuralgia, xi. 88, 91, 92 in noma, vi. 816 in nosebleed, iv. 163 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135, 145 in scarlatina, ii. 308 in scorbutic affections of the gums, xvii 238 in small-pox eruption, ii. 397 in spinal disease, xiii. 190 in tabes dorsalis, xhi. 614 IND Nitrate of silver. Nose. INDEX. 296 Nitrate of silver, in vulvular diseases, vi. 168 in whooping-cough, vi. 722, 727 poisoning by, xvii. 599 Nitrate of silver and opium pill, for cholera, i 456 Nitrate of silver enemas in cholera, i. 459 in dysentery, i 566 Nitrate of silver plaster, in sciatica, xi 179 Nitrate of soda, in pleuritis, iv. 686 Nitrates., qualitative test for, xviii. 298 Sprengel's test for, xix. 126 Nitrates and nitrites, presence of, in water, xix. 121 Nitre, in subacute verrucose endocarditis, vi. 92 poisoning by, xvii. 371 Nitric acid as a disinfectant, xix. 558, 561 different kinds of, xvii. 340 effects of, on the animal tissues, xvii. 341 for cauterization of initial syphilitic ul- cer, iii. 273 fumes of, xix. 13 inhalation of, in etiology of bron- chial catarrh, iv. 314 in anthrax, iii 428 in noma, vi. 816 in syphilis, iii. 299 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 poisoning by, xvii 340 presence of, in the air, xviii. 630 Nitrite of amy I, in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in an epileptic seizure, xiv. 295 in bronchial asthma, iv. 576 in cephalalgia, xi. 144 in ergot-poisoning, xvii 903 in headache, xi. 144 in hemicrania, xiv. 27 in neuralgia, xi. 86 in spinal anaemia, xiii. 290 in valvular diseases, vi 182 poisoning by, xvii 454 Nitro-benzine, poisoning by, xvii. 513 Nitro-glycerine, poisoning by, xvii 533 Nitrogen, excretion of, in the urine, in tetanus, xiv. 353 in the air, xviii 609 table of amount ingested and excreted, xvi. 456 Nitrogen dioxide as a disinfectant, xix. 200 Nitrogen gas, in coal-mines, xix. 244 Nitrogenous principles of food, xviii. 148 Nitrous acid, xvii. 340 poisoning by, xvii. 342 Nitrous fumes for disinfecting pur- poses, xix. 558 injurious effects of, upon health of hu- man beings, xix. 443 Nitrous oxide, poisoning by, xvii. 454 use of, as an anaesthetic, xvii. 454 Nocturnal asthma, due to tumors of the nose, iv. 107 Nocturnal incontinence of chil- dren, causes, viii. 721 Nocturnal occurrence of syphi- litic symptoms, xii 362 Nocturnal pollutions, abnor- mal, viii. 829 Nocturnal pollutions, normal, viii 828 Nodes, syphilitic, iii. 166 Nodularia, in pond waters, xviii. 238 Nodules of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 477 Nodus cursorius, of the nucleus caudatus, xiv. 679 Noise, as a nuisance, xix. 467 Nolan, < a pi a in, noteworthy march of, xix. 159 Noma, actual cautery in the treatment of, vi 817 charcoal dressings in, vi. 816 complicating measles, ii. 100 diagnosed from stomacace, vi. 789 diagnosis, vi. 813 disinfectant gargles in, vi. 815 297 Noma, etiology, vi 808 the hot iron in, vi 817 nervous origin of, vi. 811 pathological anatomy, vi. 812 powerful caustics in, vi. 816 quinine with stimulants in, vi 815 Bymptoms, vi. 810 synonyms, vi 808 treatment, vi. 815 Noma vulva* in a case of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 Nomenclature of diseases, xix. 311 Non-inflammatory softening of the brain, xii. 181 Non-specific affection of nerves in constitutional syphilis, xii. 351 Non-specific inflammation of the brain, due to syphilis, xii. 311 Nonat, xii. 157 Nonucngerausch, xvi. 400 Noose, thread-, of Tiirck, in rhi- noscopy, iv. 67 Normal position of the heart, vi. 176 North America, western prai- ries of, climate of, in pulmonary diseases, iv. 302 North Carolina State Board of Health, xviii. 56 Nose, application of fluids on sponge or brush in diseases of the, iv. 80 impairments of speech, due to defects in the, xiv. 859 itching of, due to ascaris lumbricoides, vii 738 Nose, diphtheria of, i 606 ; vi 943 NOSE, DISEASES OF, iv. 101; introduc- tion, 101 Stenosis and Atresia of the Nasal Cavity, 103; symptomatology, 103 ; nor- mal respiratory movements, 103 ; effects of closure of the nose in nursing infants, 104 ; asthmatic attacks, 105 ; hyperemia of the lungs, 106 ; asthma due to tumors, 107 ; nocturnal asthma, 107 ; emphysema of the lungs, 108 ; influence of reflex ac- Nitrate of silver. Nose. tion, 109; impairment of the sense of smell, 109; imperfect removal of secre- tions, 110; changes in the voice, 110; impairment of hearing, 111 ; diagnosis, 111; mode of occurrence and causes, 112 ; position of the stricture, 112 ; congenital errors of development, 112 ; other causes, 112 ; congenital bony closure 113 ; treat- ment, 114 " Cold in the Head," Rhinitis, Coryza, 115; history, 115 ; etiology, 117 ; question of contagion, 117 ; occurrence of epidemic forms, 117 ; susceptibdity to influence of gonorrhoeal matter, 118; coryza, of new- born children, 119; predisposition to coryza, 120; atmospheric influences, 120 ; irritants, 120 ; coryza a symptom of first stage of various diseases, 121 ; influence of age, 121; symptomatology, 121; swell- ing of the mucous membrane, 122; the secretion, 123; course of the disease, 124 ; mortality, 125 ; chronic form follow- ing the acute, 125 ; duration, 125 ; com- plications, 125; invasion of neighboring organs, 125 : the skin of the nose, 125 ; facial erysipelas, 125; pharyngitis and disease of the Eustachian tubes, 125; tinnitus ant deafness, 125 ; laryngitis and tracheitis, 126; inflammation of the lachrymal duct, sac, and the conjunctiva, 126; affections of the frontal sinus, cavi- ties of the ethmoid and sphenoid bones, and the antrum of Highmore, 1 26 ; swell- ing of the lymphatic glands, ] 26 ; retro- pharyngeal abscess, 127; pathological anatomy, 127; treatment, 127 ; general measures, 127; drugs employed, 128; prophylaxis, 129 Purulent Nasal Catarrh, Rhinitis Blennorrhoica, 129 ; definition, 129 ; etiology, 129; infection during biith, 129; from gonorrhoeal matter, 131; du- ring scarlet fever, small-pox, and diph- theria, 131 ; after burns and cauteriza- tions, 131; by extension from the conjunctiva or pharynx, 131; the circum- scribed inflammations, 131 ; symptom- atology, 131 ; the secretion, 132; com- plications, 132 ; course and terminations, 132 ; diagnosis, 133 ; diagnosis from diph- theria, 133; from laryngeal diseases, 134; Nose. Nuisance. INDEX. 298 from abscess, 134 ; gonorrhoeal infection, 134; treatment, 135 ; prophylaxis, 135 Diphtheria of the Nasal Cavity, 136 Erysipelas of the Nose, 136 Rhinitis Chronica (Oz^ena, Stock- SCHNUPFen, Stincknase), 136 ; etiology, 136 ; tendency of the acute and subacute forms to pass into the chronic form, 136; influence of scrofula and syphilis, 136; effects of deep lesions of the cavity, 137; symptomatology and course, 137; the hyperplastic and atrophic forms, 138; the secretion, 138 ; its stench, 139; influence of some dyscrasia, 140; com- plications, 141 ; acute exacerbations, 141 ; ulcerations, 141 ; affections of the pha- rynx and skin, 141 ; of the antrum of Highmore, 142 ; of the periosteum and perichondrium, 142; of the sense of smell, 142; diagnosis, 142; prognosis, 143; treatment, 143 ; various local treat- ments, 144 Submucous Inflammation and Abscess of the Nasal Cavity, 146 ; symptom- atolog3", 147; diagnosis, 148 ; course, ter- mination, and prognosis, 148; treat- ment, 148 Ulcerations of the Nasal Cavity, 148 ; etiology, 148 ; diagnosis, 149 ; treat- ment, 150 Nosebleed, Epistaxis, 150; etiology, 150; spontaneous nosebleed, 151 ; its local causes, 151; diseases giving rise to a hemorrhagic diathesis, 151; effects of disturbance of lateral pressure within the blood-vessels, 151 ; influence of state of the barometer, 151; infectious diseases, 151; diseases of the spleen, 152 ; habitual epistaxis, 152 ; the vicarious form, 152; frequency of habitual nosebleed, 154; inheritability, 154 ; an epidemic form, 154; symptomatology, 155; its site, amount, and duration, 155 ; color, 155 ; premonitory signs, 156 ; course, 157 ; evi- dences of anaemia, 157; syncope, 157; prognosis, 158 ; diagnosis, 158 ; differen- tial diagnosis, 159 ; treatment, 160 ; the question of arrest of the hemorrhage in cases evidencing hyperaemia of the head, 160; the same in regard to vicarious epistaxis, 161; external pressure, 161; internal pressure by the finger, 161; in- ternal pressure by a pledget of lint, the anterior tampon, 162; compression of the carotid artery, 163; application of cold, 163 ; various astringent drugs, 163 ; use of reflex action to produce spasm of the vessels, 163; derivatives, 163 ; plug- ging the posterior nares, 164; instru- ments employed, 164 ; time for removing the tampons, 160; method of their re- moval, 166 ; treatment of syncope, 167 ; transfusion, 167 ; internal use of haemo- statics, 167 ; prophylaxis, 168 Tumors of the Nasal Cavity, 168; char- acteristics of mucous polypi, 169 ; diag- nosis, 170; sarcomatous and fibromatous tumors, 170; their site of origin and mode of growth, 171; other varieties, 171; differential diagnosis from hernia of the brain, 171; symptomatology, 171 treatment, 172 Foreign Bodies and Concretions, 172 general considerations, 172 ; rhinoliths, 175 ; calcareous degeneration of the mu- cous membrane, 175; diagnosis, 176 treatment, 176 Parasites of the Nasal Cavity, 177 vegetable parasites, 177 ; the infusoria, 177; living creatures, 177; symptom- atology, 178 ; prognosis, 180 ; diagnosis, 180; treatment, 180 Nose, diseases of, in etiology of en- cephalitis, xii. 722 insufflation of powders in, iv. 78 Nose, hemorrhage from, the most frequent form of hemorrhage in haemo- philia, xvii 41 NOSE, PHARYNX, AND LARYNX, GENERAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERA- PEUTICS OF, iv. 3; inspection of the pharynx, 3 ; mode of procedure, 3 ; management of the tongue, 3; instruments, 5; method of illumi- nation, 6 ; the use of reflectors, 7 ; appearances of the velum palati, 7; of the mucous mem- brane, 9 ; mobility of the velum, 9; difficulties in the examination, 9; laryngoscopy, 11 ; bib- liography, 11 ; history, 12 ; means requisite for laryngoscopy, 15; the mirror, 16 ; illumination, 299 INDEX. Nose. Nuisance. 16; artificial illumination, IS; concave mir- rors, 19; Semeleder's spectacle-frame, 21 ; Cramer's forehead-band, 21; position of the mirror, 21; position of the light, 24 ; illumina- tion by means of lenses, 24 ; method of employ- ment, 24 ; Krishaber's apparatus, 25 ; Macken- zie's lamp, 25 ; combination of concave mirrors and lenses, 20 ; FraenkePs illuminating appa- ratuses; Tobold's apparatus, 30; the choice of a flame, 31 ; von Ziemssen's apparatus, 32 ; the use of daylight, 33 ; diffused daylight, 33 ; sunlight, 34 ; the performance of laryngoscopy, 36 ; method of instruction, 36 ; position of the patient, 37 ; management of the tongue, 38 ; of the laryngeal mirror, 38 ; obstacles to laryngo- scopy, 41 ; shortness of the frenum linguae, 41; irritability of the pharynx, 42 ; enlarged ton- sils, velum, and uvula, 43 ; obstacles presented by the epiglottis, 43 ; Voltolini's uvula-holder, 43 ; obstacles presented in refractory patients, 44 ; the appearances as seen in the mirror, 46 ; general anatomy of the larynx, 46; the com- plete examination, 52 ; the color, 53 ; form, 53 ; calibre, 54 ; movements, 54 ; demonstration of a laryngoseopic image, 54 ; auto-laryngoscopy, 55 ; examination through a tracheotomy wound, 57 ; inspection of the nose from the front, 57 ; the nares speculum, 57 ; Wertheim's concho- scope, 53 ; Voltolini's method, 58 ; parts that cau be seen in the examination, 59 ; rhinoscopy, 59; instruments, 60; method of examination, 61; the appearances as seen in the mirror, 62 ; pathological changes, C4 ; difficulties encoun- tered in the examination, 64; transillumina- tion, 68 ; palpation, 6S ; external and internal palpation, 69 ; palpation of the larynx1, 69 ; ex- amination by auscultation and the sense of smell, 70 ; general therapeutics, 73 ; introduc- tion of instruments, 74; purposes of treat- ment by medical agents, 76 ; the application of solids, 76; the simple direct method, 76 ; the principal drugs used, 70; instruments em- ployed, 76 ; insufflation of powders, 78 ; instru- ments and mode of application, 7S ; caustic darts, 80; ointments, 80; the application of fluids, 80; pencilling 80; instruments, SO; drugs employed, 82; syringing, S2; nasal douches, 84 ; objections to their use, 85 ; other methods, 85; drugs employed, SO; gargles. S7; inhalation of atomized fluids, SS ; principle of Matthieu, 88 ; principle of Bergson, 89; prin- ciple of Siegle, 91; mode of using the appara- tus, 93 ; duration and frequency of the inhala- tions, 93 ; drugs employed and their doses, 94 ; inhalation of gases, 96; submucous injections, 96 ; application of cold and heat, iv. 96; elec- tricity, 96 ; different points of application, 97 ; galvano-caustic treatment of chronic pharyn- geal catarrh, 98; tamponing the posterior nares, 98 ; Belloc's tube, the rhineurynter and rhinobyon, 98 Nose, scrofulous affections of, xvi. 794 Nosebleed, application of cold externally and internally in, ix. 163 derivatives in, iv. 163 in diseases of the spleen, viii 385 local astringents in, iv. 163 of scurvy, treatment of, xvii. 239 plugging the posterior nares in, iv. 164 severe, in scurvy, xvii. 160 tamponing of anterior nares in, iv. 162 Nostocbineae in sources of water-sup- ply, xviii. 237 Nothnagel, xii. 242, 259, 434, 659, 788, 877 Nothnagel, H., biographical sketch of, vol. xii, iii. experiments of, on cerebral localization, xii. 259 on anaemia, hyperaemia, hemorrhage, thrombosis, and embolism of the brain, xii. 3 on eclampsia, xiv. 299 on epilepsy, xiv. 183 Nouns and names, reason why they are more readily forgotten than verbs, etc., in aphasia of recollection, xiv. 759 Nucleus cursorius, xii. 260 Nucleus lenticularis, cyst of apo- plexy in, xii. 119 lesions of, xii. 146 lesions of, in apoplexy, xii. 128 Nuisance, definition of the term, xix. 381 its essence in law, xviii. 39 Nuisances. Occupation. INDEX. 300 Nuisances, public, xix. 381 Nuisances, public and private, distinction between, xviii 40 Nurse-room for hospital ward, xviii 763 Nurse's diet, xviii 105 Nurses as carriers of syphilis, iii. 58 Nursing as a business, xix. 298 in the etiology of pulmonary consump- tion, v. 493 rules for, xviii. 133 Nursing-bottles, xviii 130 Nurslings, asthmatic attacks in, iv. 105 hyperaemia of lungs by, iv. 106 swallowing the tongue by, iv. 106 Nutmeg liver, vi. 111. ; ix. 68 Nutmeg liver, atrophied, ix. 69 Nutrition, condition of, in different stages of pneumonia, v. 92 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 133 conditions of and changes in, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 339, 349, 402 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 374 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 460 definition of the term, xvi. 252 disturbances of, in abnormal seminal losses, viii 857, 863 in arterial spasm or paralysis, vi. 360 in cancer of the liver, ix. 382 in chorea, xiv. 440 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 863 influence of, upon tuberculosis, xii. 523 influence of renal disease on. xv. 150 state of the, in chorea, xiv. 440 Nutrition, general disorders of, xvi. 249 as a cause of fatty degeneration, vi. 248 diet in, xvi. 279 influence of ,in the production of epilepsy, xiv. 204 NUTRITION, GENERAL DISORDERS OP, xvi. 249; bibliography, 249; the essen- tial nature and general character of disorders of nutrition, 250 ; introductory remarks, 250 ; general pathogeny, 257 ; general etiology, 260 ; anatomical alterations, 270; functional disturb- ances, 272; general diagnosis, 274; course, issues, and prognosis, 275; general therapeu- tics, 278 Nutrition of cholera patients, i 461 Nutritive centre for certain ner- vous regions, xiii. 862 Nutritive erethism of the tissues, xvi 307 Nutritive processes, activity of, in childhood, xvi 304 Nux vomica, contra-indicated in diph- theritic paralysis, i 698 fatal dose of, xvii. 779 in abnormal semiual losses, viii. 879 in anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii 290 in diarrhoea of typhoid fever, i. 225 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 333 in diphtheritic paralysis, i. 698 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 188 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in impotence, viii. 899 in incontinence of urine, viii. 723 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 216 in paralysis, xi. 467 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 746 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 755 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 in spinal irritation, xiii. 368 in spinal nervous weakness, xhi. 381 poisoning with, xvii. 775 tincture of, in aconitine poisoning, xvii. 755 Nymphomania, produced by the oxy- uris vermicularis, vii. 764 Nystagmus, of tabes dorsalis, xiii 564, 578 of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 498 oai Nuisances. *'^1 INDEX. Occupation. o Oat starch, xvih. 161 Oaten grits, i. 232 Oatmeal, adulteration of, xix. 370 characteristics of a good quality of, xix. 370 in diet of infants, xviii. 121 Oatmeal gruel, in dysentery, i. 562 Obcrnier, xii 43 biographical sketch of, vol. xii., iv. on tumors of the brain and its mem- branes, xii 231 Obersalzbrunn, mineral waters of, in pulmonary consumption, v. 606 Oberselters, waters of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Obesity, xvi. 605; see also Corpulence predisposing to diabetes, xvi. 867 Obliquus capitis inferior, spasm of, xi. 329 Obliquus inferior, paralysis of, xi. 479 Obstruction of the bowels, vii. 477 Obstruction, prolonged, intes- tinal, caused by impaction of gall- stones, ix. 740 Obstruction-stenosis of the oesophagus, viii 25 prognosis of, viii. 41 Obturatorius nerve, neuralgia of, xi. 166 paralysis of, xi. 565 Occipital lobe, symptoms of localized disease in abscess of, xii. 790 Occipitalis major and minor nerves, neuralgia in, xi 129 Occlusion, congenital, of the biliary passages, ix. 588 Occlusion of the biliary excre- tory ducts, ix. 578 Occlusion of the bowels, vii. 477 OCCLUSION OF THE CEREBRAL VES- SELS, xii. 180; bibliography, 180 Occlusion of the Arteries, 181; eti- ology, 182 ; pathological anatomy, 187 ; experimental investigations, 193; symp- tomatology, 194 ; diagnosis, 205 ; progno- sis, 207; treatment, 208 Thrombosis of the Cerebral Sinuses, 209 ; etiology, 210; pathological anat- omy, 212; symptomatology, 214 ; course and prognosis, 222 ; treatment, 222 Occlusion of the Cerebral Capilla- ries, 223 ; etiology, 223 ; pathological anatomy, 226 ; symptomatology, 227 ; course, prognosis and treatment, 228 Occlusion of the cerebral ves- sels, tonics and stimulants in, xii. 209 Occlusion of the portal vein, ix. 785 Occlusion, permanent, of the bile-ducts, as a sequel of catarrh of the same, ix. 524 Occlusions of the intestines, vii. 477 Occupation, as a predisposing cause of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 86 effect of, in producing hemorrhoids, vi. 503 in the diagnosis of glanders in man, hi. 366 in the etiology of acute rheumatism, xvi 16 of aneurism, vi. 415 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 539 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212, 213 of intestinal parasites, vii. 676, 690 of neoplasms of the larynx, vii. 882 of retro nasal catarrh, vii. 50 in the prophylaxis of pulmonary con- sumption, v. 604 influence of, upon the frequency of pneu- monia, v. 18 Occupation. Oesophagus. INI Occupation, its influence on mortality, xiv. 324 OCCUPATION, HYGIENE OP, xix. 5 Occupations Involving the Introduc- tion of Deleterious Matters into the Body : occupations which expose persons to the inhalation of irritating gases or fumes, 12; occupations that expose persons to the inhalation of poi- sonous vapors or gases, 17-r occupations which expose persons to the inhalation of offensive vapors and gases, 25 ; occu- pations that expose persons to the inha- lation of irritating dust, 29 ; occupations which expose persons to the inhalation of poisonous dust, 46; occupations in- volving the introduction of deleterious matters into the body by absorption, 52 Occupations Involving Exposure to Conditions that Interfere witu Nu- trition : elevated or variable tempera- ture, 55; over-use of certain organs, 59 ; constrained attitude, 63 ; sedentary life, 65 Occupations Involving Exposure to Mechanical Violence : injuries from machinery, 66 ; preventable accidents, 68; injuries from variation in atmos- pheric pressure, 68 ; bibliography, 74 Occupations, injurious, classifi- cation of, xix. 10 Ocean currents, effects of, upon climate, xviii. 661 Oculo-motor nerve, affection of, in meningitis of convexity, xii. 615 Oculo-motor nerve, paralysis of, xi. 476 in basilar meningitis, xii. 560 in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 537 Oculo-pupillary symptoms, in pro- gressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 127, 146 Odenius, xii 705 Odier, xii. 468 Odler, xii. 864 Odor of normal semen, viii. 826 Odorless excavating apparatus, xviii. 519 302 (Edema about parotitis, vi. 840 acute, in etiology of stenosis of trachea, and bronchi, iv. 481 artificial, of the lower pharynx, vii. 108 behind the ear, in thrombosis of sinus transversus, xii. 217 causes of, after scarlatina, xv. 284 chronic, of larynx, vii. 800 in heart disease, vi. 109 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 797, 800 in naso-pharyngeal space, vii. 37 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 451, 455 in paralysis, xii. 132 in pleuritis, iv. 635 in pneumothorax, iv. 757 in pulmonary consumption, v. 563 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 365, 374, 381 in scarlatina, ii. 208, 258 in trichinosis, iii. 635 nature of the fluid of, vi. 533 the result of chronic catarrh of the la- rynx, iv. 220 CEdema, malignant, in anthrax, iii. 414 (Edema of the brain about apoplec- tic extravasation, inflammatory nature of, xii. 690 about old abscess, xii. 704 in croupous pneumonia, v. 171 in scarlet fever, ii. 258 in whooping-cough, vi. 698 CEdema of the extremities, due to occlusion of thoracic duct, vi. 532 CEdema of the eyelids and con- junctiva in thrombosis of the sinus cavernosus, xii. 218 CEdema of the feet, in pulmonary emphysema, v. 381 CEdema of the glottis, in erysipelas, ii. 459 in laryngeal diphtheria, i 615 in scarlet fever, ii. 258 in whooping-cough, vi. 702 CEdema of heart disease, causes of, vi 109 EX. Qno „TT^^„ Occupation. 803 INDEX. «E.ophagn.. CEdema of the larynx, vii. 791 ; see also Laryngitis Phlegmonosa in glanders of the larynx, vii. 859 CEdema of the lungs, a complication of cancer of the stomach, vii. 236 diuretics in, v. 286 drastic purgatives in, v. 286 emetics in, v. 285 following heart disease, vi. 107 in acute myocarditis, vi. 235 in chronic tuberculosis, v. 671 in croupous pneumonia, v. 171 in hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 242 in insufficiency of the mitral valve, vi. 124 in new-growths in the lungs, v. 439, 441 in scarlet fever, ii. 258 in typhoid fever, i. 168 stimulants in, v. 287 venesection in, v. 285 CEdema of opposite hemisphere in apoplexy, xii 117 CEdema of the skin in apoplexy, xii. 131 CEdema of flic soft palate, in scar- let fever, ii. 215 CEdcinatous border-zone of cn- ccplialitic focus, changes in, xii. 693 Ocdmanson, xii. 313, 323, 765 CEdogonium, figure of a species of, xviii. 236 CEnanlhc crocata, poisoning with, xvii. 828 Ocrf el, xii. 626 Ocrtel,THax Josef, biographical sketch of, vol. i, viii. on diphtheria, i. 569 (Esophageal dysphagia, viii. 6 Oesophageal hemorrhage, ice ex- ternally and internally in, viii. 133 styptics in, viii. 133 CEsophageal paralysis, electricity in, viii. 214 CEsophageal pock, viii. 145 CEsophageal polypi, viii. 26 CEsophageal sounding, method of, viii. 9 CEsophageal spasm, galvanic treat- ment in, viii. 211 CEsophageal stenosis, condition of the parts of the canal not involved in the stenosis, viii. 33 diagnosis, viii. 37 literature, viii. 17 mechanical dilatation in, viii. 44 pathology and etiology, viii. 17 symptoms, vii. 33 terminations and prognosis, viii. 41 treatment, viii. 43 (Esophageal tube, in paralysis of pharyngeal muscles, i 698 CEsophageal Ulcers, ice internally and externally in, viii. 165 CEsophagco-trachcal fistula, iv. 287 CEsophagismus, viii. 204 Oesophagitis, viii. 134 Oesophagitis, fibriiio-diphthcri- tic, viii. 142 Oesophagitis, phlegmonous, viii. 147 CEsophago-malacia an intra-mortem rather than a post-mortem process, viii. 100 anatomical appearances, viii. 98 conditions necessary for its development, viii. 106 connection with diseases of the brain, viii 10 i is a process identical with gastro-malacia, viii. 99 possibility of the development of, intra vitam, in healthy persons, viii 105 weakening of the circulation in the oesophagus in cases of, viii. 109 CEsophagomctry, viii. 11 CEsophagoscopy, viii. 7 CEsophagotomy for stenosis, viii. 44 CEsophagus, affections of, in syphilis, iii. 202 amount of force required to tear a heal- thy, viii 96 Oesophagus. Twmrv 304 Oesophagus, perforation of. mux***.. CEsophagus, changes in, in tetanus, xiv. 337 does tubercle occur in the, viii. 191 exemption of the, from true diphtheria, viii 144 general etiology of diseases of the, viii. 5 general statement of diseases of the, viii. 3 general symptomatology and diagnosis of diseases of the, viii. 5 general therapeutics of diseases of the, viii. 15 in syphilis, iii. 202 literature of diseases of the, viii. 3 CEsophagus, abscess of, viii. 149 CEsophagus and pharynx, paralysis of muscles of, in hysteria, xiv. 517 CEsophagus, animal and vegeta- ble parasites: mycosis oesophagi, viii. 200 round worms, viii. 201 trichinae, viii. 200 CEsophagus, cancer of, viii 172 case illustrating all three modes of sec- ondary extension, viii 184 causes of death in, viii. 185 duration and results, viii. 193 etiology, vi i 185 exciting causes, viii. 188 form of the diseased mass, viii. 176 in etiology of paralysis of recurrent la- ryngeal nerve, vii. 946 of pleuritis, iv. 596 location of the disease, viii. 174 perforation of the oesophageal wall in, viii. 178 primary form of, viii. 173 secondary extension by continuity and contiguity, viii. 179 secondary extension by dissemination, viii. 182 secondary extension by metastasis through the lymphatic and capillary circulation, viii. 183 secondary forms, viii. 190 stricture and ulceration in, viii 178 symptomatology and diagnosis, viii. 192 treatment, vih. 194 CEsophagus, carcinomatous strictures of, viii. 31 CEsophagus, catarrhal inflam- mation of: acute catarrh, viii. 136 erosions and ulcers, viii. 137 case of rapid exfoliation of the epithe- lial layer, viii. 140 chronic catarrh, vih. 138 hypertrophy and relaxation of the coats of the tube, viii. 139 desquamative catarrh, viii 135 CEsophagus, citatrices of the, are they disposed to undergo a cancerous transformation ? viii. 187 CEsophagus, corrosive inflam- mation of, viii. 155 report of a case of, due to swallowing of sulphuric acid, viii. 158 tubular expulsion of whole nervous mem- brane after sulphuric acid poisoning, viii 157 CEsophagus, dilatation of, elec- tricity in, viii. 89 literature, pathology and etiology, viii. 46 prognosis and treatment, viii. 88 Esophagus, diphtheritic affec- tion of, vi. 942 CESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF THE, viii bibliography, 3 General Etiology, 5 General Symptomatology and Diag- nosis, 5 General Therapeutics, 15 Stenosis, 17 ; bibliography, 17 ; pathology and etiology, 17 ; congenital stenosis, 18; stenosis by compression, 20 ; obstruction stenoses, 25; strictures, 27 ; spastic stenosis, 33; symptoms and diagnosis, 33; termination and prognosis, 41; treatment, 43 Dilatation, 46 ; bibliography, 46 ; simple ektasiae, 47; diverticula, 51 ; pressure diverticula, 52 ; etiology and pathogene- sis, 59 ; traction diverticula, 68 ; symp- toms, diagnosis, and terminations, 84; prognosis and treatment, 88 305 INDEX. Oesophagus. Oesophagus, perforation of. Ruptures and Perforations, 90; rup- tures, 90 ; bibliography, 91; cesophago- malacia, 98 ; perforations, 110 ; bibliog- raphy, 110 ; pathology, 111; symptom- atology and diagnosis, 120 ; prognosis and treatment, 126 Hemorrhages, 128 ; pathology and etiol- ogy, 12S ; diagnosis and prognosis, 132; treatment, 133 Inflammations,Ulcers, Gangrene,134 ; bibliography, 134 ; pathology and etiol- ogy, 134 ; catarrhal inflammation, des- quamative catarrh, 135 ; the acute form, 136; the chronic form, 138; follicular inflammation, follicular catarrh, 140 ; fibrinous, croupous, diphtheritic inflam- mations, 142 ; variolous or pustulous in- flammation, 145 ; phlegmonous inflamma- tion, 147 ; corrosive inflammation, 155 ; ulcers, 159; symptomatology and diag- nosis, 163; course, results, prognosis, 165; treatment, 165 Morbid Growths, 167 ; warts, 1C7 ; tuft- like papillae, 168; retention cysts, 168; adenoma polyposum, 168 ; fibroma, lipo- ma, myoma, sarcoma, 169 ; fibrous poly- pi, 170 ; bibliography, 170 ; general description, 170 ; carcinoma, 172 ; bib- liography, 172 ; general description, 172 ; etiology, 185; symptomatology, 192 ; diagnosis, 193 ; treatment, 194 Vegetable and Animal Parasites, 197; thrush, 197 ; mycosis, 200 ; trichinae, 200; ascaris lumbricoides, 201 Neuroses, 202 ; bibliography, 202 ; spasm, 204 ; symptomatology and diagnosis, 207; prognosis and treatment, 211 ; paralysis, 212 ; etiology, 212 ; symptomatology and diagnosis, 212 ; prognosis and treatment, 214 (Esophagus, diverticula of the, viii 51 symptoms and diagnosis, viii 86 (Esophagus,fibrinous(croupous) and diphtheritic inflamma- tions of, viii. 142 occurrence and etiology, viii. 143 (Esophagus, fibrous polypi of, vih. 170 Vol. XX—20 CEsophagus, follicular inflam- mation of, viii. 140 CEsophagus, follicular ulcers of, viii 141 CEsophagus, hemorrhages from, diagnosis and prognosis, viii. 132 pathology and etiology, viii. 128 treatment, viii. 133 CEsophagus, hemorrhages from, by communication with the large blood-vessels, viii 129 CEsophagus, hemorrhages from varix of, viii. 131 CEsophagus, hemorrhages from the vessels of the tube itself, viii. 129 CEsophagus, inflammations, ul- cers, and gangrene of, bibliog- raphy, pathology, and etiology, vih. 134 CEsophagus, morbid growths and vegetations of, pathology and etiology, viii. 167 CEsophagus, narrowing of the, viii. 17 CEsophagus, neuroses of, anaesthe- sia and hyperaesthesia, viii. 203 bibliography, viii. 202 CEsophagus, paralysis of the, di- agnosis, viii. 213 etiology and symptomatology, viii 212 in hysteria, xiv. 517 prognosis and treatment, viii. 214 CEsophagus, perforation of, analy- sis of cases with reference to frequen- cy of communication with different viscera, viii. 120 bibliography, viii. 110 causes of primary, viii. 113 causes of secondary, viii 114 changes in neighboring parts produced by primary, viii. 116 following dilatation, viii 77 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 750 location and size of, vhi. 116 primary and secondary, viii 111 prognosis of, vih. 126 (Esophagus, perforation of. Olfactory nerves. INDEX. 306 CEsophagus, perforation of, pyop- neumopericardium as a result of, vih. 121 results of the opening into neighboring viscera, viii. 119 Bymptoms and diagnosis of primary, viii 121 viscera that may be opened into by, viii. 117 (Esophagus, phlegmonous in- flammation of, causes, viii. 149 communications with neighboring organs and cavities, viii. 150 lesions, viii. 147 reports of two cases, viii. 151 (Esophagus,prcssurediverticula of the, absence of muscular wall in sac of, viii. 57 anatomical explanation of their location, at the boundary between the pharynx and oesophagus, viii. 63 appearances and anatomy of, viii. 55 are not congenital, viii. 62 etiology and pathogenesis of, viii. 59 location of, viii. 54 resume of reported cases, viii. 52 symptoms and course, viii. 65 (Esophagus, round worms in, vii. 741 (Esophagus, rupture of the, acci- dental causes of, viii. 108 all the cases may be referred to cesopha- go-malacia, viii. 97 literature, viii. 90 post-mortem appearances, viii. 95 predisposing and exciting causes of, viii. 107 symptomatology and diagnosis, viii 94, 120 treatment, viii 126 CEsophagus, simple congenital stenosis of the, viii 18 (Esophagus, simple ektasiae of the, viii. 47 fluctuations in the symptoms, viii 85 symptoms and diagnosis, viii. 84 CEsophagus, softening of the, viii 98 CEsophagus, solutions of con- tinuity in the : rupture and per- forations, viii. 90 CEsophagus, spasm of the, viii 204 diagnosis, viii. 210 duration of the attack, viii. 208 idiopathic form, viii. 206 Power's case of idiopathic spasm, viii. 209 prognosis, duration, and treatment of, viii. 211 symptomatic form, viii. 205 symptomatology of, viii. 207 CEsophagus, stenosis of, by com- pression, viii. 20 due to obstruction by foreign bodies or tumors, viii. 25 (Esophagus, strictures of, viii. 27 following poisoning by caustic and car- bonated alkalies, xvii. 369 CEsophagus, syphilitic cicatri- cial stricture of the, viii. 30 CEsophagus, traction diverticula of the, frequency of, viii. 68 history and pathological significance of, vih. 76 location of, viii. 69 pathogenesis of, viii. 73 perforation of the sac and its effects, viii. 77 remote causes of, viii. 75 structure of the walls of the sac, viii 71 treatment of, viii. 83 CEsophagus, tumors of, in etiology of stenosis of trachea, iv. 478 CEsophagus, ulcers of, course, re- sults, prognosis, and treatment, viii. 165 is there a perforating ulcer of the oesoph- agus? viii. 162 symptomatology and diagnosis, viii. 163 varieties, viii. 159 CEsophagus, ulcers of, gangre- nous and from decubitus, viii. 160 307 INDEX. Oesophagus, perforation of. Olfactory nerves. CEsophagus, variolous (or pus- tulous) inflammation of, viii 145 (Esophagus, varix of, vih. 130 CEsophagus, vegetable and ani- mal parasites of: complete stuff- ing of the tube by thrush-fungus, viii 197, 199 Oeynhausen, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 168 Oeynhausen, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi 84 in scrofulosis, xvi. 821 Ofcn bitter-water, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 Offal, disposal of, xix. 412 Officer of the day, xix. 110 Officers' wall-tent, xix. 98 Ogcz, Rul, xii. 301 Oidium albicans, i 589 ; vi. 798, 800 in expectoration of fetid bronchitis, iv. 398 in infants, xviii. 83 in the lungs, v. 470 in the vagina, x. 512 Oidium lactis, xviii. 83 Oil, anointing with, as a protection against the plague, i. 480 in small-pox eruption, ii. 398 Oil, animal, of Dippcl, in epilepsy, xiv. 294 Oil of cajeput, in cancer of the stom- ach, vii. 256 Oil of thyme, action of, on bacteria, i 681 in diphtheria, i 681 Oil of turpentine, in bronchial asth- ma, iv. 577, 583 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420, 434, 435 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 230 in fetid expectoration, v. 429 inhalation of, in gangrene of the lung, v. 430 Oil-pressers, xix. 26 Oils, as a source of nuisance, xix. 415 storage of, a source of danger by fire, xix. 417 Oina-mania, xvii. 400 Ointment, gray, in croupous bronchi- tis, iv. 468 Ointment, mercurial, in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 238 Ointments, in diseases of the nose, iv. 80 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 125 in proctitis, vii. 392 Ointments, narcotic, xi 85 Ointments, pustulating, in treat- ment of perichondritis laryngea, vii 828 Ointments, stimulating, in stenosis of the trachea, iv. 500 Old age, no protection against measles, ii. 48 Old cerebral abscess, capsule of, xii. 700 changes in brain caused by, xii. 704 enlargement of, xiii. 703 origin of, xii. 702 pus contained in, xii 702 Old people, danger of malarial fevers in, ii. 603 Oleaginous principles of foods, xviii. 157 Olcatc of mercury for inunction, iii. 302 ' Olein, xviii. 158 Oleum crotonis, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 Oleum ricini, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 Olfactory nerves in cerebral tumors, xii. 248 OLFACTORY NERVES, NEUROSES OF, xi. 253; bibliography, 253; history, 254; hy- peresthesia olfactoria, 255 ; anaesthesia olfac- toria, 256 ; etiology, 259 ; catarrh of the nasal mucous membrane a cause, 260; loss of the pig- ment in the olfactory mucous membrane a cause, 260; inhibition of conduction in the olfactory nerves a cause, 261; falls on the head a cause, 261 ; congenital anosmia, 261 ; embo- lism a cause, 261; seat of the disease, 262; prognosis, 262 ; treatment, 262 Ollgaemia. Opium. INDEX. 308 Oligaemia, xvi 282; see also under Anaemia in bleeders, xvii. 44 Oligochromremia, definition of, xvi. 500 Oligochrosis, xvi 526 Oligocythemia, xvi. 287 definition of the term, xvi 500 Oliguria, vii. 500 Olivary" bodies, influence of the, on Bpeech, xiv. 651 Ollivier, xii 84,133, 154, 737, 739 Omagra, xvi 110 Omentum, changes in the, in tubercu- lar peritonitis, viii. 326 strangulation of intestines by the, vii. 533 Onanism, effects of, xiii. 149 in atrophy of cerebellum, xii. 847 influence of, in the production of chorea, xiv. 424 One-horned uterus, x. 36 Onions, in the treatment of tape-worms, vii 699 Onomatopoiesis, the method by which speech is learned, xiv. 586 Ononis spinosa, decoction of, in treatment of general oedema, v. 405 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 Onychia sicca, iii 162 Onyxis, hi. 162 Oophoritis, x. 351 rest and warm applications in, x. 354 Open-air exercise, in chlorosis, xvi. 561 Operating-rooms in hospitals, xviii. 766 Operation, question of, following frac- tures of the skull, xii. 811, 818 Operation of opening the pleu- ral cavity in haematothorax, iv. 743 in pleuritis with effusion, iv. 692 in purulent pleuritic effusions, iv. 716 in pyopneumothorax, iv. 767 Operative interference, in sciatica, xi. 178, 184 erative measures, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 875 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 261, 269 in balanitis, viii. 781 iu cancer of the peritoneum, viii 344 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii. 302 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 424 in echinococci of the kidney, xv. 756 in hydronephrosis, xv. 657 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 291 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 323 in leucaemia, viii 532 in mechanical impairments of speech, xiv. 844, 860 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 739 in pericarditis, vi. 622 in perinephritis, xv. 602 in pointed condylomata, viii. 818 in prostatitis, viii. 787 in rupture of the spleen, viii. 499 in spina bifida, xiii. 792 in stricture of the urethra, viii. 799 in tetanus, xiv. 361 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 337 in wandering spleen, viii. 434 in wounds of the spinal cord, xiii. 318 Opercular or lidded sewer-pipe, xvhi. 469 Ophthalmia due to sewer-gas, xvhi 589 Ophthalmia, gonorrhoeal, viii. 809 Ophthalmia neonatorum, mode of origin of, in the newborn, iv. 119 Ophthalmia neuroparalytica, xi. 55, 219 a result of neuralgia, xi. 55 Ophthalmia pyorrhoica, viii. 809 Ophthalmia, scrofulous, xvi. 795 treatment of, xvi. 824 Ophthalmic nerve, neuralgia of, xi 112 Ophthalmoscopic appearances in cerebral tumors, xii. 244 Opiates in acute rheumatism, xvi 69 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 166 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 83 309 INDEX. Oligemia. Opium. Opiates in diabetes insipidus, xvi 1037 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 994 in extreme excitement of cerebral anae- mia, xii. 36 in gout, xvi. 141 in malignant growths in the pleura, iv. 775 in muscular rheumatism, xvi 91, 92 in pleuritis, iv. 689 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 Opiophagy, cannabis indica for sleep- lessness in, xvii. 87C phosphoric acid and tincture of lupuline in, xvii. 876 sudden arrest of the opium-habit in, xvii. 875 Opisthotonos, xiv. 318 in cerebral spinal meningitis, ii 709 in hysterical attacks, xiv. 532 in tetanus, mechanism of, xiv. 342 Opium, xviii. 183 fatal dose of, xvii. 840 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 874 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in acute cystitis, viii. 686 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 260, 269 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 250 in anaamia of the spinal cord, xhi. 290 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 681, 683 in breast-milk, xviii. 98 in bronchial asthma, iv. 575 in cancer of the stomach, vii 254, 256 in catalepsy, xiv. 382 in cholera diarrhoea, i. 456 in cholera infantum, i. 349 in cholera morbus, i 347 R. Extr. ij. Syr. aurant cort.............. § j. Aquae........................ § iv. M. Tablespoonful every half-hour. in chorea, xiv. 468 in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii. 302 Opium, in cold in the head, iv. 128 in cystitis, viii. 794 in delirium tremens, xvii. 414 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1037 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 994 in diarrhcea of typhoid fever, i. 225 in diphtheria, i. 693 in diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 396 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 192 in diseases of the spleen, vih. 422 in dysentery, i 563 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in epilepsy, xiv. 287 in gonorrhoea, viii. 770 in gonorrhoeal rheumatism, viii. 817 in hasmatothorax, iv. 742 in hemicrania, xix. 26 in hepatic colic, ix. 766 in hydrophobia in man, ih. 511 in hysteria, xiv. 566 in hysterical paroxysms, xiv. 572 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 291 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii 323 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 388, 391 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 456 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 425 in invagination of intestines, vii. 656 ' in large doses, in epileptiform neuralgia, xi. 124 in malarial fevers, ii. 660 in measles, ii. 126 in metroperitonitis, viii. 276 in morbid growths in the pancreas, viii 615 in myelitis, xiii. 465 in new-growths of the bladder, viii 740 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 in peforation of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 228 in peritonitis due to perforation of he- patic abscess into the abdominal cavity, ix. 165 in peritonitis from perforation of the biliary passages, ix. 656 Opium. Outhouses. INDEX. 310 Opium, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in pleuritis, iv. 689 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 414 by atropine, xvii. 681, 683 by colchicine, xvii. 739 by cytisine, xvii 826 by lead, xvii 573 by nicotine, xvii. 772 by picrotoxin, xvii. 813 by strychnine, xvii. 797 in proctitis, vii. 392 in prostatitis, viii 787 in ptyalism, vi. 856 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 276 in rupture of the intestines, vii. 474 in rupture of the spleen, viii. 499 in spasm of the bladder, viii 706 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 in spinal anaemia, xiii. 290 in spinal irritation, xiii. 368 in sporadic cholera, vii. 150 in strangulation of intestines, vii. 645 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 154,157 in syphilis, iii. 299 in tetanus, xiv. 362 in tremor, xiv. 393 in typhlitis, viii. 323 in typhoid fever : one-third to one-half a grain every half-hour at first, i. 226 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 226, 228 Opium-eating, xvii 855 Opium injection in cholera morbus, i.347 R. Tinct. opii..................gtt. xx. Starch-water............... 3 iv. M. Opium-poisoning, xvii 841 antidotes for, xvii. 866 atropine in, xvii. 873 coffee and stimulants in, xvii. 866 emetics in, xvii. 865 in etiology of spinal irritation, xiii. 360 of tremor, xiv. 386 tannin emetic in, xvii. 866 Opium-poisoning, chronic, xvii 855 Opium-smoking, xvii. 857 Opium suppositories in dysentery, i 566 Opium, tannin, and bismuth powders, in cholera, i 457 Opium with quinine, in tetany, xi. 376 Oppolzer, xii 183, 522, 654 Oppolzer's case of acute pancre- atitis, viii. 593 Optic nerve, atrophy of, in chronic alcoholism, xvii 410 in cerebral tumors, xii. 249 in syphilis, iii. 225 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 539, 579 sheaths of, xii 563 strangulation of, in tuberculosis of pia, xii. 564 syphilis of, xii. 358 Optic symptoms, in cerebral tumors, xii. 249 Optic thalami, have they any influ- ence in speech ? xiv. 671 Optic thalamus, lesions of, in apo- plexy, xii. 118 Orange County lactometer, xix. 367 Oral cavities, hemorrhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 Order of succession of paralyses, in syphilis of the cord, xii. 347 Organic indirect aliment, xviii 169 Organic matter, definition of the term, xviii. 299 determination of its amount, in the soil, xvhi. 439 in the atmosphere, tests for, xix. 187, 192,194 in the soil, xviii. 427 in water, determination of, xvhi. 299 Organic murmurs, diagnosis of, vi. 55 Organic poisons, liability of, to in- duce lymphangitis, vi 516 Oil v pi Hill. «*1J- INDEX. Outhouses. Organic substances, decomposition of, as producing typhoid fever, i. 49 in water, tests for, xix. 124 Organisms, living, multiplica- tion of, i 10 Organs of respiration in tubercular meningitis, xii. 506 Origin of hrcmatomaof the dura mater, xii. 388 Origin of pus in recent cerebral abscess, xii. 700 Origin of tubercle, v. 644 Orlop-deck, xix. 178 Orpiment, xvii 646 Orthographical changes in lan- guages, xiv. 847 Orthopaedic surgery, in paralysis of the lower extremities, xi. 574 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 711 in tonic spasm of the muscles, supplied by the accessorius, xi 327 Orthopnea, in pleuritis, iv. 628 in pneumothorax, iv. 755 Orthotonos, xiv. 318 in cerebral spinal meningitis, ii. 709 Os uteri, follicular hypertrophy of, x. 149 Osborn's case of choreic para- phasia, xiv. 788 Osccdo, xi 34;! Osmazom, xviii. 189 Osmic acid poisoning, xvii. 629 Osmium, xvii. 629 Ossification of arteries, vi 369 Osteoma of the lungs, v. 434 Osteoma of the mediastinum, v. 446 Osteoma of the nasal cavity, iv. 171 Osteoma of the spinal mem- branes, xiii. 265 Ostcomata of the brain, xii 238 Osteomyelitis, syphilitic, iii. 173 Osteosarcoma of the liver, ix. 355 Osteo-sarcoma of the lungs, v. 435 Ostia cardiaca, dimensions of, vi. 12 Ostia, right, of heart, stenosis of, vi. 314 Ostitis, scrofulous, xvi. 804 Ostium aorticum, stenosis of, causes, vi. 142 diagnosis, vi 145 prognosis, vi. 146 symptoms, vi. 143 Ostium pharyngeum laryngis, iv. 48 Ostium venosum dextrum, ste- nosis of, causes, vi. 150 diagnosis, vi. 152 symptoms, vi. 151 Ostium venosum sinistrum, ste- nosis of, vi. 125 diagnosis, prognosis, vi. 131 physical symptoms, vi. 127 Otitis, scrofulous, xvi 795 Otorrhoea, course of cerebral abscess in, xii. 799 giving rise to meningitis of convexity, xii. 600 influence of chronic, on tumor of brain, xii 799 necessity for treating, to prevent menin- gitis, xii. 620 preceding abscess of the brain, duration of, xii. 735 without caries, as a cause of meningitis, xii. 602 Otorrhoea, cerebral, xii. 720 Otorrhoea, scrofulous, xvi. 795 Otorrhoeal abscess of the brain, prognosis of, xii. 808 Otorrhceic encephalitis, xii 734 cases of, xii. 735 Otto's case of atrophy of the cerebellum, xii 845 Otto's case of rudimentary cere- bellum, xiv. 669 Outfit, naval, xix. 210 Outhouses, disinfection of, xix. 568 Out-patient. Oxalic acid poisoning. INDEX. 312 Out-patient department of hos- pitals, xviii. 767 Ovaralgia in hysteria, xiv. 502 Ovarian cysts, evacuation of contents of, x. 398 injection of iodine after puncture, x. 400 puncture of, through abdominal wall in, x. 398 puncture of, through vagina, x. 399 Ovaries, in yellow fever, i 505 painful affections of, in hysteria, xiv. 501 suppurative processes in, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 96 syphilitic affections of, iii. 232 Ovaries, affections of, in cancer of the stomach, vii. 235 Ovaries, changes in, in chlorosis, xvi. 531 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 838 OVARIES, DISEASES OF THE, x. 348 Complete Absence, 348; bibliography, 348 Rudimentary Formation, 348 Supernumerary Ovaries, 349 Hyperemia and Hemorrhage, 349; blood-cysts, 350; diagnosis, 350; re- sults, 350 Inflammation of the Ovary, Oophori- tis, 351; bibliography, 351; etiology and mode of occurrence, 351; pathologi- cal anatomy, 351; symptomatology and results, 352 ; diagnosis, 353; treatment, 354 Displacements of the Ovary, 354; ova- rian hernia, 354 ; etiology and anatomy, 354; symptomatology, 355 ; diagnosis, 356 ; treatment, 356 ; herniotomy, 356 ; removal of the ovary, 357; prolapse of the ovary, 357; bibliography, 357; eti- ology, 358; symptomatology, 358 ; diag- nosis, 358; treatment, 358 Cvsts and Cvstomata, 358; bibliography, 359; etiology and mode of occurrence, 359 ; influence of age, 359 ; frequency of double ovarian disease, 360; pathological anatomy, 361; follicular dropsy, 362; its origin, 363 ; formation from a corpus luteum, 363; ovarian cystomata, 363; their origin, 363; merging of several cysts into one, 365 ; continued develop- ment of the cyst-wall, 366 ; the cystoma proliferum glandulare, 366 ; the cystoma proliferum papillare, 366; their combi- nation, 367 ; microscopical features, 367; size of the tumors, 367 ; the pedicle, 367 ; contents of the cysts, 368 ; adhesions of the tumors, 309; hemorrhage into the cyst, 369; inflammation of the cyst, 370; its rupture, 370; fatty degeneration, 371; atrophy, 371; twisting of the cyst on its own axis, 371; mixed tumors, 372 ; symp- tomatology, 372; menstrual disturb- ances, 372; symptoms owing to pressure on the rectum and bladder, 373; con- stitutional symptoms, 374; progress of the disease, 375 ; spontaneous arrest of growth, 375; rupture of the cyst, 376; escape of its contents, 376 ; into the ab- dominal cavity, 376 ; into the intestines, 377 ; into the vagina, 377 ; into the blad- der, 377; externally through the abdo- minal wall, 378; diagnosis, 378; the smaller tumors, 378; their diagnosis from cysts of the broad ligament, 379 ; from tumors of the Fallopian tube, 379 ; from fibroids of the uterus, 379 ; from parametritic exudations, 380 ; from in- traperitoneal exudation, 380 ; cysts com- plicated with perimetritis, 381 ; in- traperitoneal exudation encysted in Douglas's cul-de-sac, 381 ; retro-uterine hematocele, 381 ; incarcerated uterine fi- broids, 382; retroflexion of the gravid uterus, 382; the larger tumors, 382; their diagnosis from pseudo-abdominal tumors, 382; from encysted peritoneal fluid, 384; from distended bladder, 385 ; from hydronephrosis, 385 ; from soft in- terstitial fibroids, 387 ; from a distended uterus, 388; from extra-uterine preg- nancy, 389; from tumors of the hver, 3S9; from tumors of the spleen, 389; from a movable kidney, 390; from tumors of the mesentery or peritoneum, 390; cases with complications, 391; ovarian cystoma and ascites, 391 ; ovarian cys- toma and pregnancy, 391; diagnosis of disease of right or left ovary, 391; ques- tion of double disease, 393 ; unilocular or INDEX. Out-patient. Oxalic acid poisoning. compound cyst, 392 ; diagnosis by punc- ture of the tumor, 393; characteristics of the fluid, 394 ; exploratory incision for diagnosis, 395; prognosis, 396; treat- ment, 396; general measures, 397 ; punc- ture of the cyst, 398 ; through the abdo- minal wall, 398 ; per vaginam, 399 ; per rectum, 399; puncture with subsequent drainage, 399; ovariocentesis vaginalis, 400 ; formation of a permanent opening between the cyst and the abdominal cavity, 400; Le Dran's operation, 404; electrolysis, 404 Ovariotomy, 404 ; bibliography, 404 ; his- tory, 404 ; indications for the operation, 406; diagnosis of adhesions, 411; the operative procedure, 412; general pre- liminary treatment, 412; instruments, 413 ; details of the operation, 415; diffi- culties encountered, 418; separation of adhesions, 419; adhesion of the omen- tum, 420 ; methods of treating the pedi- cle, 421 ; the extra-peritoneal method, 421 ; the serrenoeud, 422 ; the intra-peri- toneal method, 422 ; the actual cautery, 422; the ligature, 423; other means, 423; relative advantages of the two plans, 423; ovariotomy by enucleation, 424; cases in which the second ovary is diseased, 425; treatment of the perito- neum, 426; application of the sutures, 427; the after-treatment, 427; hemor- rhage, 428 ; peritonitis, 42S ; septic in- fection, 428 ; removal of intra-peritoneal exudation, 429; incarceration and per- foration of the bowel, 431; prognosis, 431; vaginal ovariotomy, 431 Dermoid Cysts, 432 ; bibliography, 432; etiology, 432; pathological anatomy, 433 ; symptomatology and course, 435; diag- nosis, 436; treatment, 436 Fibroids of the Ovary, 436; bibliog- raphy, 436; their characteristics, 436 ; symptomatology, 438; diagnosis, 438; prognosis, 439 ; treatment, 439 Carcinoma of the Ovary, 439; bibliog- raphy, 439 ; pathological anatomy, 439 ; symptomatology, 440; diagnosis, 440; treatment, 441 Sarcoma of the Ovary, 441; bibliog- raphy, 441 ; course of the disease, 442; prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment, 442 Papilloma of the Ovary, 442; bibli- ography, 442 ; general description, 442 Tuberculosis of the Ovary, 442; its rarity, 442 Ovaries, errors in development of, in etiology of chlorosis, xvi. 508 Ovaries, pains in, in hysteria, xiv. 501 Ovaries, hemorrhages from, x. 474 Ovariocele vaginalis, x. 504 Ovariocentesis vaginalis, x. 400 Ovariotomy, x. 404, 412 after-treatment in, x. 427 methods of treating the pedicle, x. 421 Ovary, affections of, in anthrax in ani- mals, iii 400 disease of, in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 724 gonorrhoeal inflammation of the, viii. 804 Overcrowding, effects of, table of the, xviii 642 its influence on infant mortality, xix. 296 Over-exertion, as a cause of cardiac dilatation, vi. 201 results of, xviii. 335 Over-training, xviii. 361 Over-use of certain organs, xix. 59 Ovula IVabothi, x. 139 Ovulation, x. 314 Oxalate of lime calculi, xv. 700 Oxalate of lime formations in nephrolithiasis, xv. 700 Oxalic acid, action of, on the nervous system, xvii. 352 as a solvent of false membranes, i. 689 corrosive action of, xvii. 352 fatal dose of, xvii. 353 Oxalic acid diathesis in etiology of nephrolithiasis, xv. 690 Oxalic acid poisoning, xvii. 351 antidotes for, xvii. 355 Oxford system ofrowing. Paiu. INDEX. 314 Oxford system of rowing, xvhi 353 Oxidation as a means of the self-purifi- cation of water, xvhi. 232 Oxide of mercury, red, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Oxide of zinc, in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in diseases of nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 79 in epilepsy, xiv. 290 Oxygen as a disinfectant, xix. 557 in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 in the atmosphere, xviii. 601, 602 in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in treatment of fetid expectoration, v. 429 in treatment of pertussis, vi. 723 inhalations of, in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 method of determining its presence in water, xviii. 295 Pachymeningitis, absence of symp- toms in, xii. 410 local causes of, xii. 405 Pachymeningitis, chronic, in cir- rhosis of liver, ix. 200 Pachymeningitis externa, patho- logical anatomy, xiii 218 Bymptoms, xiii. 219 treatment, xii. 385 Pachymeningitis haemorrhagi- ca, iv. 613 Pachymeningitis interna, xiii. 221 ice-bag to head in, xii 426 leeches to temples and behind ears in, xii 425 pathological anatomy, xiii. 222 purgatives and derivatives to skin in, xii. 426 symptoms, xiii 223 Pachymeningitis interna hemor- rhagica, xii 171, 173, 386 Oxygen, solubility of, in water, xviii 295 transfer of, to the system, and excretion of carbonic acid, xviii. 622 Oxyuris vermicularis, vii 752 in the vagina, x. 512 Ozoena, iv. 136 calomel locally in, iii. 302 carbolized oil and glycerine in, iv. 86 sulphocarbolate of zinc in, iv. 86 with chronic rhinitis, iv. 140 Ozone, or allotropic oxygen, xviii. 606 as a disinfectant, xix. 557 as causing hay fever, ii. 544 disinfecting influence of, on some marshes, ii. 564 inhalation of, in acute diphtheritic endo- carditis, vi. 81 in scarlatina, ii. 307 Ozonometer, Houzeau's, xvhi 608 Pachymeningitis of old age, xii 381 Pachymeningitis purulenta in- terna, xii. 385 Pachymeningitis spinalis exter- na, xih. 217 Pachymeningitis with affections of the blood, xii. 402 Pachymeningitis with affections of the brain, xii. 404 Pachymeningitis with affections of the heart and blood-ves- sels, xii 402 Pachymeningitis with affections of the kidneys, xii 402 Pachymeningitis with affections of the lungs, xii 402 Pachymeningitis with chronic alcoholism, xii. 404 Pachymeningitis with typhoid fever, xii 403 P 315 INDEX. Oxford system of vow lug. Pain. Packing, cold, in the treatment of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 232 Packing of the water-cure es- tablishments, xvhi 375 Paederasty, xix. 53 Panonin, xvii 520 Pagenstechcr, F., xh. 95, 104, 177, 666, 669 Paget, xii 74, 80, 842 Pail system of collecting ex- creta, xviii. 516 Pain as a symptom in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 265 as a symptom of cancer of the liver, ix. 380 as a symptom of cancer of the pancreas, viii. 612 beneath sternum, in aortic insufficiency, vi. 140 definition of the term, xi. 14 description of, xi. 12 due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 782 to the ascaris lumbricoides, vii. 738 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 205 in acute cystitis, viii. 667 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 239, 248, 265 diagnostic characters of, viii. 256 in acute hyperaemia of kidneys, xv. 193 in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 205 in acute pancreatitis, viii. 595 in acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 273 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 32 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 235, 237 in acute tumors of the spleen, viii. 467 in affections of the soft palate, vi 877 in anaemia, xvi. G48 in aneurism of the thoracic aorta, vi. 425 in angina pectoris, xiv. 37, 41 in apoplexy, xii. 110 in arthritis deformans, xvi. 153 in the back, in spinal neurasthenia, xiii. 373 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 147 Pain in bronchial catarrh, iv. 344 in calculus vesicae, vih. 728 in cancer of the bladder, vhi. 737 in cancer of the intestines, vii. 432, 637 in cancer of the kidney, xv. 670 in cancer of the larynx, vii. 893 in cancer of the oesophagus, vih. 192 in cancer of the pancreas, vih. 612 in cancer of the peritoneum, viii 342, 343 in cancer of stomach, vii. 239 in cervico-occipital neuralgia, xi. 130 in chorea, xiv. 438 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 388 in chronic cystitis, viii. 689 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, vhi. 293, 296, 299 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 441 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 256 in circumscribed peritonitis, vih. 307 in compression of the brain, xii. 666 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 349 in croupous pneumonia, v. 71, 168 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi 216 in cystitis, viii. 791 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 6 in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 580 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 75 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 365 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 645 in diseases of trachea and bronchi, iv. 281 in echinococcus of the kidney, xv. 749 in echinococcus of the lungs, v. 462 in echinococcus of the spleen, vih. 491 in endocarditis, vi. 88 in enteralgia, vii 462 in epididymitis, viii. 788 in etiology of epilepsy, xiv. 212 in gastralgia, vii. 300 in gonorrhoea, viii. 745, 759 in gonorrhoea in women, viii. 801 in gonorrhoeal rheumatism, vhi. 816 in gout, xvi. 108, 115 in the head in thrombosis of brain, xii 199 Pain. Painful points. INDEX. 316 Pain in hemicrania, xiv. 10, 18 in hemorrhagic infarction of the kidneys, xv. 606 in hydronephrosis, xv. 653 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 203 in hysteria, xiv. 491, 496, 498 in infantile peritonitis, vii. 289 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 319 in inflammation of the oesophagus, viii. 163 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 219, 223 in insufficiency of the aortic valves, vi. 140 in intercostal neuralgia, xi 154 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 370 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 414 in intussusception of the intestines, vii. 619 in lardaceous spleen, viii 483 in the larynx in croup, iv. 248 in malacosteon, xvi. 222 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 846 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 772 in mastodynia, xi. 158 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 211, 212 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 252 in movable kidney, xv. 769 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 484 in muscular rheumatism, xvi. 88 in myelitis, xiii. 402 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 709 in nephrophthisis, xv. 582 in nervous headache, xi. 138 in neuralgia, xi. 37 in neuralgia of the bladder, viii 702 in neuralgia of the cervico-brachial nerve, xi. 148 in neuralgia of the cervico-occipital nerve, xi. 131 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi 116 in neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, xi. 154 in neuralgia of the joints, xi 191 Pain in neuralgia of the lumbo-abdomi- nal nerves, xi. 163 in neuralgia of the mammary gland, xi. 159 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, xi. 172 in neuritis, xi. 583 in new-growths in the bladder, viii 737 in occlusion of the intestines, vii. 494 in oesophageal cancer, viii. 192 in the paralyzed limbs in apoplexy, xii. 130 in parotitis, vi. 840 in perforative peritonitis, viii. 265 in pericarditis, vi. 604 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 818 in perinephritis, xv. 593 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 846 in pleuritis, iv. 629 treatment of, iv. 689 in pneumonia, v. 71 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 257 in pneumothorax, iv. 751, 756 in poisoning by acetic acid, xvii 350 by alkalies, caustic and carbonated, xvii. 367 by alum, xvii. 381 by ammonia, xvii. 362 by antimony, xvii. 621 by barium compounds, xvii. 378 by calabar bean, xvii. 697 by carbolic acid, xvii. 530 by cheese, xvii. 552 by chlorine, xvii. 289 by cicuta virosa, xvii. 827 by colchicine, xvii. 735 by conii'ne, xvii. 815 by ergot, xvii. 907 by fish, xvii. 550 by hydrochloric acid, xvii 339 by hydrofluoric acid, xvii 344 by iodine, xvii. 300 by lead, xvii. 566, 570, 574 by mercury, xvii. 604, 611, 613 by nitro-glycerine, xvii. 534 by phosphorus, xvii 632 by potassium nitrate, xvii. 374 by solanine, xvii. 691 317 INDEX. Pain. Painful points. Pain in poisoning by sulphuric acid, xvii. Pain in thoracic aneurism, vi. 425 329 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii 221 by veratrine, xvii. 724 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 328, 332 by zinc, xvii. 597 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xiii in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 681, 954 700 in tumors of the spinal cord, xiii. 754 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 125 in tumors of the spinal membrane, xiii in prostatitis, viii. 785 268 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 204 xiv. 162 in ulcers of the oesophagus, viii. 163 in pseudo-leucaamia, viii. 475 in unilateral progressive atrophy of face, in psoitis, xvi 97 xiv. 61 in pulmonary consumption, v. 528, 546, in wounds of the heart, vi. 277 552, 554, 585 in wounds of the spinal cord, xiii 311, in pyelitis, viii. 793 ; xv. 571 313 in relapsing fever, i 277 origin of the, in diseases of the spleen, in renal cancer, xv. 675 viii. 367 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 420, 476 over the liver, in heart disease, vi. Ill in rupture of the spleen, viii. 498 paths for the conduction of, xi. 16 in saltatory spasm, xiii 808 Pain and tenderness, absence of, in in sciatica, xi. 172 puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. in scurvy, vi. 793 ; xvii. 144 283 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 328, in carcinomatous peritonitis, viii. 343 330 in tubercular peritonitis, viii 332 in spasm, xi 288 Pain of articular neuralgia, xi in spasm of the bladder, viii. 702 191 in spasm of the muscles supplied by the Pain of glossitis, vi 749 accessorius, xi.322 Pain of herpes labialis, vi 737 in spasmodic spinal paralysis, xiii. 627 Pain of nephrolithiasis, xv. 709 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 297 Pain of neuralgia, xi 40, 63 in spinal disease, xiii. 75 Pain of trigeminal neuralgia, xi in spinal irritation, xiii 361 105 in spinal meningeal tumors, xiii. 269, Pain, pleuritic, in the diagnosis of 271 tubercular and purulent exudations in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 373 from the sero-fibrinous (in pleuritis), in the spine, in cerebro-spinal meningitis, iv. 632 ii. 710 Pain, sympathetic, in diseases of the in the splenic region, as a symptom of spleen, viii. 368 splenitis, viii. 447 Painful points, xi 42 in splenitis, viii. 447 in articular neuralgia, xi. 191 in stricture of the urethra, vih. 796 in brachial neuralgia, xi. 148 in suppurative nephritis, xv. 552 in cervico-occipital neuralgia, xi 131 in symptomatology of renal disorders, in chorea, xix. 435 xv. 4 in crural neuralgia, xi. 165 in syphilis of the larynx, vii. 867 in intercostal neuralgia, xi. 155 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 541, 547 in lumbo-abdominal neuralgia, xi. 163 in tetanus, xiv, 331, 345 in mastodynia, xi. 159 Painful points. Palpitation of the heart. INDEX. 318 Painful points, in neuralgia of the face, xi. 112 in phrenic neuralgia, xi. 134 in sciatica, xi. 173 in trigeminal neuralgia, xi. 107 Painful symptoms of pericardi- tis, vi 604 Pains in apopletic encephalitis, xii. 752 in the chest, in pulmonary consumption, v. 528 in chronic myelitis, relief of, xiii. 465 in the joints, in paralysis, xii 131 in syphilis of the cord, xii 345 lancinating, of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 541, 547 of spinal irritation, xih. 361 Painters, xix. 49 liability of, to lead-poisoning, xvii. 561 Palatal mucous membrane, in measles, ii. 71 Palate, soft, changes in, in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 63 condition of, in catarrhal diphtheria, i. 597 in croupous diphtheria, i. 600 in diphtheritic angina, vi. 936 in apoplexy, xii. 115 position of, as a source of embarrassment in rhinoscopy, iv. 65 Palate, soft, chronic catarrh of, cauterization with solutions of argen- tic nitrate in, vi. 899 zinc and alum locally in, vi. 899 PALATE, SOFT, DISEASES OF THE, vi. 861; bibliography 863 ; anatomical remarks, 863; the anterior surface of the soft palate, 864 ; the uvula, 865 ; palatine arches, 865; the tonsils, 866 ; the posterior surface of soft palate, 868 ; the muscular apparatus, 868 ; the vascular sup- ply, 869; lymphatics, 869 ; nerves, 870 ; congen- ital variations in the soft palate ; 871; gen- eral symptomatology, 872; inspection, 872; palpation, 873; motor disturbances, 874 ; diffi- culty in swallowing, 874; difficulty in the speci- fic or modified movements of respiration, 875 ; difficulty in speech, 876; altered reflex move- ments, 876 ; sensory disturbances, 876 ; distur- bances of objective sensitiveness to pressure and temperature, 876; disturbances of taste, 877; disturbances of ordinary sensation, 877; pain, 877 ; substances removed in diseases of 878; odors, 878; symptoms of spreading of affections of the palate, 879; increase of mucus, 879; cough and vomiting, 879; general treat- ment, 880; local applications, 880; general treatment, 881 Disturbances of Circulation, 882; anaemia, 882; congestive hyperemia, 883; passive hyperemia, 884; hemor- rhage, 884 ; oedema, 886 Inflammation of the Soft Palate, An- ginas, 8S7; acute catarrhal inflamma- tion, 889; etiology, 889; pathological anatomy, 890; symptomatology, 893; rheumatic angina, 895 ; the gouty form, 896; cachectic angina, 890; treatment, 896; chronic catarrhal inflammation, 897; etiology, 897 ; pathology and symptom- atology, 898 ; treatment, 899; symptom- atic catarrhal anginas, 900; angina of measles, 900 ; of rubeola, 901; of scarla- tina, 901; of small-pox, 902 ; of erysip- elas 902; herpetic angina, 903; pemphi- gus, 905; treatment, 906 ; phlegmonous angina, 9C6 ; etiology, 906 ; pathology, 906; symptomatology, 908 ; diagnosis, 909; treatment, 910 ; inflammation of the tonsUs, 911; etiology, 911; path- ological differences, 911; symptomatol- ogy, 915 ; treatment, 920 ; anginas which regularly appear with stomatitis, 921; toxic anginas, 921 ; aphthous angina, 922; ulcerous angina, 922; angina my- cotica, thrush of the palate, 923 ; croup- ous and diphtheritic anginas, 924 ; the deposit, 926 ; pathological anatomy, 927 ; clinical considerations, 931; the milder forms, 932 ; the severe forms, 936; the gangrenous form. 945 ; diphtheria of the skin, 948; diphtheritic paralyses, 950; scarlatinous diphtheritis, 950; of mea- sles, 953 ; secondary diphtheritis, 953 ; noD -specific pharyngeal diphtheritis, 954; etiology, 955; incubation, 959 ; treatment, 960 Gangrene op the Soft Palate, 964; etiology, 964; symptomatology, 965 319 _...___,_ Painfnl points. INDEX. Palpitation of the heart. Atroph y of the Palate, and especial- ly of tde Tonsils, 960 ; etiology, 9G7; pathology, 90S Hypertrophy of the Tonsils, 972; bibliography, 972 ; pathology, 972; etiol- ogy, 974 ; symptomatology, 974 ; treat- ment, 977 Syphilis of the Soft Palate, 978; ery- thema, 979 ; alteration of the epithelium, 979; papules and patches, 980 ; nodes, 981; ulcers, 9S1; cicatrices, 982 ; treat- ment, 984 Morbid Growths, 984; neoplasms of con- nective tissue and vessels, of fatty tis- sue, of muscles, 985 ; lymphatic morbid formations, 986; epithelial morbid for- mations, 988 ; cancer, 988; cysts, 990 Nervous Affections of the Soft Pal- ate, 990 ; motor disturbances, 990; sen- sory disturbances, 993 ; disturbances of nutrition, 994 Palate, soft, paralysis of, i 622; xi. 496 Palate, soft, ulceration of, in syph- ihs, iii. 200 Palatine arch, oedema of, in ton- sillitis, vi 915 Palatine arches, vi 865 Paleness of face, in anaemia, xvi. 344 in consumption, v. 510 Palermo, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 Pali plague, i 482 Palisade worm, xv. 757 Palladium, xvii 629 Palmatin, xviii 158 Palmcllre in connection with malarial fevers, xix. 145 Palpation, evidences furnished by, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 393 in acute tracheo bronchitis, iv. 361 in acute tumors of the spleen, viii. 467 in cancer of the pancreas, viii. 613 in chlorosis, xvi. 519, 537 in circumscribed peritonitis, viii. 308 in diagnosis of corpulence, xvi. 685 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 8 in diseases of the pancreas, viii 583 , in diseases of the spleen, viii. 393 in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 in echinococcus of the spleen, viii. 492 in examination of the larynx, iv. 69 of the nasal cavity, iv. 68 of the pharynx, iv. 69 of the uterus, x. 8 in general symptoms of renal disorders, xv. 6 in hypertrophy of the bladder, viii. 725 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 320 in leucasmia, viii. 520 in melanaemia, viii. 543 in new-growths of the bladder, vih. 737 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 713 in pericardial adhesions, vi. 638 in the physical examination of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 209 of croupous pneumonia, v. 75 of pulmonary consumption, v. 534 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 386 in pleuritis, iv. 636, 643, 646, 661, 666, 669 in pneumothorax, iv. 759 value of, in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 8 Palpation of the abdomen in can- cer of intestines, vii. 637 in intussusception- of the intestines, vii. 620 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 502 Palpation of the chest in pneumo- nia, v. 75 Palpation of the heart, vi. 22 Palpation of the naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii 24 Palpation of the pancreas, viii. 583 Palpation of the stomach, vii. 242 in dilatation of that organ, vii. 320 Palpatory percussion of Wintrich, v. 75 Palpitation of the heart, caused by pericardial adhesions, vi 638 Palpitation of the heart. Pancreatin. INDEX. 320 Palpitation of the heart, in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 80, 94 in cardiac hypertrophy, vi 211 in endocarditis, vi. 88 in hysteria, xiv. 523 in spermatorrhoea and as a result of sex- ual excess, vih. 864 Pan-closets, ordinary form of, xviii. 503 Pancreas, adhesions of, to stomach, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 196 affections of, due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 784 affections of, following cancer of the oesophagus, viii. 183 affections of, in cancer of stomach, vii. 234 in corpulence, xvi. 664 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 887 in dilatation of the stomach, vh. 311 in etiology of acute diffuse periton- itis, viii 230 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 839 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 507 in scarlatina, ii. 227 in scurvy, xvii. 172 in syphilis, iii. 205 in typhoid fever, i 113 affections of the, that may lead to peri- tonitis, viii. 230 anomalies in position of, bibliography and general description, viii. 629 arrest of secretion of, by the act of vom- iting, viii. 562 case of partial extirpation of the human, viii. 566 difference in the, when at rest and when in action, viii. 561 does metastasis from the parotid to the, ever take place ? viii. 597 effects of experimental destruction or re- moval of, viii. 566 in typhoid fever, i 113 infusion of, in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 588, 615 lesions of, in diabetes, xvi. 887, 1005 Pancreas, minute structure and func- tions of, viii. 558 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 172 removal of a portion of, by sloughing, viii 630 topographical and general anatomy of, viii. 555 Pancreas, accessory, bibliography, viii. 626 mode of development, size, and position, vhi. 627 Pancreas, cancer of, causes, symp- tomatology, viii. 611 diagnosis, viii. 613 duration, viii. 614 primary form : effects on neighboring or- gans, viii. 609 extension to neighboring organs, viii. 610 secondary form, viii. 611 Pancreas, chronic abscess of,viii 605 Pancreas, concretions in, bibliog- raphy, viii. 618 effects of : diagnosis, viii. 620 general description, viii. 619 treatment, vhi. 621 Pancreas, congenital syphilis of the, viii 604 Pancreas, cysts of, atrophy of the gland: contents of the cysts, viii 616 bibliography, nature, and mode of origin, viii. 615 causes of the retention of secretion re- sulting in, viii. 616 death from rupture into neighboring or- gans: treatment, viii. 618 diagnosis, vhi. 617 PANCREAS, DISEASES OP THE, vih. 551; bibliography, 551; history, 553 General Anatomical and Physiologi- cal Remarks, 555 General Pathology and Symptoma- tology, 563 ; emaciation, 565 ; flow of saliva like fluid from the mouth, 567; 321 diarrhoea, 568 ; fat in the intestinal dis- charges, 509 ; diabetes mellitus, 574 ; connection with Addison's disease, 578 ; intestinal symptoms, 579 General Etiology, 585 General Treatment, 586 Hyperaemia and Anaemia, 590; general remarks, 590 Hypertrophy and Atrophy, 590; bibli- ography, 590 ; general remarks, 590 Acute Pancreatitis, 592 ; bibliography, 592; acute primary pancreatitis, 592; pathological anatomy, 504 ; etiology, 594 ; symptomatology, 595 ; treatment, 596 ; acute secondary pancreatitis, 596; eti- ology, 596 ; diagnosis, 597 Chronic Pancreatitis, 599; bibliog- raphy, 599 ; pathological anatomy, 600 ; symptomatology, 605; treatment, 608 Morbid Growths, 608; bibliography, 608; etiology, 611 ; symptomatology, 611 ; di- agnosis, 013; treatment, 015 Cysts, 615 ; bibliography, 615; etiology, 015 ; diagnosis, 017 ; treatment, 618 Concretions, 618 ; general description, 019 ; diagnosis, 620 ; treatment, C21 Hemorrhages, 621 ; bibliography, 021 ; general description, 621 Fatty and Amyloid Disease, 624 ; bib- liography, 024 ; peneral description, C24 Accessory Pancreas, 020 ; bibliography, 626; general description, 027 Anomalies in Position, 629; bibliog- raphy, 629 ; general description, 629 Foreign Bodies, 630; bibliography, 630; general description, 030 Pancreas, diseases of the: acute pancreatitis, viii. 592 bibliography, viii. 551 etiology, viii. 585 general symptomatology and diagnosis : connection with Addison's disease, viii. 578 difficulties of diagnosis, viii. 563 emaciation in, viii. 565 fatty stools in, viii. 569 flow of a saliva-like fluid from the mouth in, viii. 567 intestinal symptoms, viii. 579 Vol" XX—21 Palpitation of the heart. Pancreatiu. Pancreas, diseases of the : physi- cal examination in, viii 583 presence of undigested muscular fibres in the stools, viii. 573 subjective symptoms, viii 580 historical sketch, viii. 553 hyperaemia and anaemia ; hypertrophy and atrophy, viii. 590 preliminary remarks, anatomical and physiological, viii. 555 rarity of. viii. 564 treatment of, viii. 586 Pancreas divisum, viii 629 Pancreas, fatty and amyloid diseases of, bibliography, viii 624 Pancreas, fatty degeneration of, appearances, causes, viii. 625 Pancreas, foreign bodies in, bib- liography, general description, viii. 630 Pancreas, hemorrhages of, bibli- ography, general description, viii. 621 cause of sudden death in, viii. 623 death from, viii 622 Prancreas, morbid growths of the, viii 608 treatment of, viii. 015 Pancreas, parenchymatous de- generation of the, in acute in- fective diseases, viii 596 Pancreas, sarcoma of the, viii. 614 Pancreas, tubercle of the, viii. 614 Pancreas, tumors of, in etiology of occlusion of the biliary passages, ix. 591 Pancreatic j nice, characters and com- position of the, viii. 560 functions of the, vii. 350; viii. 558 secretion of, not continuous, vhi. 561 Pancreatic salivation, does it exist? viii. 568 Pancreatic stone colic, viii 621 Pancrcatin, administration of artifi- cially prepared, in diseases of the pan- creas, viii. 587 best method of preparing, vhi 588 Pancreatitis. ,,,.-^„-n. QOO Paralysis. INDEX. ^w Pancreatitis, infusion of calf's pan- creas in, viii. 588 Pancreatitis acuta hemorrhagi- ca, viii. 594 Pancreatitis, acute, bibliography, forms, viii. 592 ice and effervescing mixtures in, viii. 596 Pancreatitis, acute primary, pathological anatomy, etiology, viii. 594 prognosis, therapeutics, viii. 596 records of reported cases, viii. 592 symptoms and diagnosis, viii. 595 Pancreatitis, acute, secondary, metastatic abscess and general metas- tatic inflammation, viii. 597 parenchymatous degeneration in acute infectious diseases, vih. 596 Pancreatitis, chronic, bibliography, viii. 599 cases due to syphilis, viii. 603 chronic interstitial inflammation, viii. 600 chronic suppurative infiltration and ab- scess, viii. 604 localized chronic inflammation, viii. 602 prognosis, viii. 607 symptomatology, viii. 605 Pandemic diseases, definition of, i 1 Pandemic waves of Lawson, xvhi. 23 Panhistophyton, i 239, 251 Pankration, xviii. 344 Panophthalmitis as a cause of menin- gitis, xii. 603 Panthel's case of aphthongia, xiv. 843 Panuin's test for albumen, xv. 30 Papaverine, xvii 843 Papavoine, xh. 489, 826 Papers, poisonous, xix. 375 Papilla, changes of, in neuro-retinitis of tubercular meningitis, xii. 532 Papillae filiformes, vi. 743, 744 Papillae f ungiformes, vi 743, 745 Papillae vallatae, vi 744 Papillary erosion of the os uteri, x. 154 Papillary growths in the genitals, viii. 817 of the vulva, x. 549 Papillary proliferations in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 218 Papillary tumors of the uterus, x. 268 Papilloma of the ovary, x. 442 Papilloma of the uterus, malig- nant, x. 277 Papillomata of the larynx, vii. 882 Papillomata of the oesophagus, viii. 168 Papillomata of the palate, vi. 985 Papillomata of the stomach, vii. 229 Papillomata of the uterus, x. 268 Papule of syphilis, hi 79 Paracelsus, xii. 300 Paracentesis, in chronic hyperaemia of liver, ix. 83 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 210 in complications of cancer of the stom- ach, vii. 256 in diagnosis of ovarian cysts, x. 39'j Paracentesis abdominis, in cardiac dropsy, xv. 222 Paracentesis of cavities of the lung in consumption, v. 612 Paracentesis of the pericar- dium, vi 622 case of, v. 113 Paracentesis thoracis, in hydrotho- rax, iv. 738 in pleuritis, iv. 693 in the diagnosis of pleuritic effusion, com- plicating pneumonia, v. 109 in pleurisy, complicating scarlatina, ii 311 Paracystitis, viii. 682 Paradigitonine, xvii. 708 Paradoxical pulse, vi. 649 Paraesthesia, how produced, xi 9 in neuralgia, xi. 46 323 index. J.7.Y;.*"'"- Paresthesia, in sciatica, xi. 174 in spinal disease, xiii. 74 Paresthesia of the larynx, vii. 929 Paresthesia of smell, xi 256 Paraesthesia of tabes dorsalis, xhi 550 Paresthesia of taste, xi. 247 Parresthcsiae, xi 199, 216 ParafHne, employment of, for detection of leaks in drain-pipes, xviii. 508 Paragammacismus, xiv. 854 Paragraphia, xiv 789 Paragraphia and agraphia, xiv. 608 Paralalia, xiv. 845 Paralambdacismus, xiv. 852 Paralbumcn, x. 369 Paralexia, xiv. 790 Paralexia and alexia, xiv. 608 Paralogia, xiv. 816 Paralyses, constitutional, treatment of primary disease in, xi. 455 following an epileptic seizure, xiv. 245 from cerebral tumor, xii. 759 hysterical, diminution of electro-muscu- lar sensibility in, xiv. 519 in acute encephalitis, xii. 727, 739, 744 in anaemia of the brain, xii 27 in cerebral syphilis, xii. IJ20, 333 in chronic abscess of brain, xii. 762, 77 2, 775, 776, 789 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 99, 110 in compression of brain, xii. 667, 669 in concussion of brain, xii. 660 in contusion of brain, xii 072 in dementia paralytica, xii. 872 in hysteria, xiv. 492, 516 in meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 176 in meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 613, 651 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 532, 534, 538, 542,559 in metastatic meningitis due to pneumo- nia, xii. 631, 633 in occlusion of cerebral vessels, xii. 196, 201 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 215 Paralyses, in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 418 in simple basilar meningitis, xii 582, 586, 588, 592 in syphilis of nervous system, xii 320, 346, 355 in syphilitic apoplexy, xii. 324, 326 in tetanus, xiv. 344 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 in tumors of brain, xii. 254 order of succession of, in syphilis of the cord, xii. 347 Paralyses, intermittent spinal, xiii. 814 Paralyses of cranial nerves in cerebral syphilis, xii. 329 Paralyses of the larynx, vii 933 Paralyses of lower extremity, electricity in, xi. 574 gymnastic exercise in, xi. 574 E orthopaedic surgery in, xi 574 Paralyses of the muscles of the eye, xi. 469 Paralyses of sensation, classifica- tion of, xi 200 Paralyses of the upper extrem- ity, electricity in, xi. 558 surgical treatment of, xi. 558 Paralyses, peripheral, removal of , all compressing agents in, xi. 453 Paralysie atrophique de 1'cn- fance, of Duehcniie, xiii. 663 Paralysie generale spinale an- terieure subaiguc, of Dueh- cniie, xih. 712 Paralysie myosclerosique, xiv. 616 PARALYSIS, xi. 386; bibliography, 386 ; definition, 387 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 389; classification, 390; peripheral, spinal, andcere- ' bral paralyses of conduction, 392 ; caused by wounds, 392; pressure a cause, 393; diseases of the nervous system, causes, 394; disturb- ances of the circulation, 394 ; caused by lead- > poisoning, 396; paralysis from syphilis, 397; catching cold a cause, 398 ; caused by exhaus- ii tion of the nervous system, 398 ; reflex paraly- Paralysis. INDEX. EX. ooi ™rrnrv Parotid gland. U'JX XiNUJ^A. Pectoral fremitus. 5. Sarcoma and Related Forms from the Series of Connective Substances (with the Exception of Melano-Sar- COMa), 353 ; fibro-sarcoma, 354 ; myo- sarcoma, osteo-sarcoma, and lympho- sarcoma, 355 Pathological discharges in etiology of anaamia, xvi. 328 Pathological processes in etiology of general disorders of nutrition, xvi. 267 Pa tliologieo-anatomical changes in nerves, a cause of neuralgia, xi. 28 Pathology of acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 196 of acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 620 of anasmia of the lungs, v. 264 of anthrax of animals, iii. 399 of anthrax in man, iii. 418 of atelectasis, v. 326 of atrophy of the lungs, v. 338 of bronchial asthma, iv. 555 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 317 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 100 of catarrhal pneumonia following capil- lary bronchitis, iv. 366 of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 214 of cold in the head, iv. 127 of croup, iv. 255 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 451 of croupous pneumonia, v. 32 of the echinococcus, iii. 567 of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 697 of erysipelas, ii. 441 of foreign bodies in trachea and bronchi, iv. 510 of gangrene of the lung, v. 412 of glanders in horses, iii. 333 of glanders in man, iii. 361 of baematothorax, iv. 740 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 298 of hydrophobia in animals, iii. 461 of hydrophobia in man, iii. 495 of hydrothorax, iv. 735 thology, of hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 270 of hyperaemia of larynx, iv. 190 of hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 240 of influenza, ii. 527 - of malarial diseases, ii. 587 of measles, ii 137 of miliary fever, ii. 495 of neuralgia, xi. 33 of new-growths in the lungs, v. 433 of new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 444 of paralysis, xi. 401 of pleuritis, iv. 600 of pneumonia from embolism, v. 252 of pneumothorax, iv. 751 of pulmonary consumption, v. 508 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 366 of rubeola, ii. 137 of scarlatina, ii. 202 of small-pox, ii. 340 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 481 of syphilis, iii. 74 of trichinosis, ih. 644 of varicella, ii. 10 Patients, proper number of, in a hospital ward, xviii. 757 Patulousness of the fetal open- ings of the heart, a consequence of congenital atelectasis, v. 329 Pau, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, v. 413 in valvular disease of the heart, vi. 166 Pavement of streets, xviii 552 Pavilion system of constructing hospitals, xviii 741 Pavy's experiments on the pedes- trian Weston, viii. 331 Peacock, xii 794 Pea-jackets for sailors, xix. 212 Pearl disease of cattle, xvi. 770 Pectin, xviii 165 Pectoral fremitus, diminution of, in cases of foreign bodies, in bron- chi, iv. 516 Pectoral fremitus. __TT.__ qqo Perforation. INDEX. OOZ Pectoral fremitus, diminution Of, in pleuritis, iv. 661, 669 Pecuniary loss from preventable sickness and mortality, xviii. 6 Pedicle of ovarian tumor, meth- ods of treating it, x. 421 Pedunculis cerebri, anaesthesia in lesions of, xii. 130 lesions of, xii. 144 Peipers, xii 794 Poliosis rheumatica, xvii 247 Pellagra, xviii 201 Pelveo-peritonitis, x. 445 Pelvic abscesses resulting from stric- ture of the urethra, viii. 797 Pelvic cellulitis, x. 462 Pelvic connective tissue, tumors of, x. 487 Pelvic peritoneum, tumors of, x. 487 Pelvis, deformities of, xvi 216 in rickets, xvi 195 Pemphigus cachecticus, iii 238 Pemphigus neonatorum syphi- liticus, iii. 238 Pemphigus of the soft palate, vi. 905 Pemphigus scorbuticus, xvii. 153 Pemphigus syphiliticus, iii. 152 Pencilling, a means of applying reme- dies in diseases of no.=e, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 80 Penicillus of the spleen, viii 353 Peniform hypertrophy of the cervix uteri, x. 76 Penis, affections of, in etiology of impo- tence, viii. 885 nervous centres governing erection of the, viii. 883 neuralgia of, xi. 185 physiology of erections of, xiii. 56 special mechanism of erection of the, viii. 884 tumors and induration of, as causes of impotence, vhi. 885 Pentastomum denticulatum, in the kidney, xv. 758 Pentastomum denticulatum, in the liver, ix. 492 Pentathlon, xviii 343 Pepper, a domestic remedy for inter- mittent, viii. 419 adulteration of, xix. 370 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 419, 531 in etiology of hyperaamia of liver, ix. 61 Peppermint, in enteralgia, vii. 468 Peppermint Oil, as a means of detect- ing leaks in drain-pipes, xviii 508 in cholera collapse, i 461 Peppermint tea, in cholera, i. 460 Pepsin, in chronic gastritis, vii. 190 in diseases of the larynx, iv. 82 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 82 in gastric juice, vii. 122 Peptone, xviii 152 Peptones, accumulation of, in the di- gestive tract, vii. 123 accumulation of, in etiology of chronic dyspepsia, vii. 173 in etiology of softening of the stom- ach, vii. 267 Percepto-motor faculty, localiza- tion of the, in the infra-cortical gangli- onic apparatus, xiv. 697 Percepto-motor reflex action, xiv. 696 Perchloride of iron, precipitation of sewage by, xviii. 531 Percussion, after the third day, in croupous pneumonia, v. 36 as a means of diagnosis, discovery of, vi. 62 auscultatory, in pneumothorax, iv. 760 evidence furnished by, in diseases of the spleen, viii 394 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 623 in acute myocarditis, vi. 233 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 360 in aneurism of aorta, vi. 418, 429, 432, 433 in atelectasis, v. 332 in atrophy of the lungs, v. 341 in bronchial asthma, iv. 563 333 Percussion, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 353 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 370 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 209 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 387 in chronic endarteritis, vi. 378 in congenital diseases of the heart, vi. 328 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 461 in croupous pneumonia, v. 78 in diagnosis of corpulence, xvi. 685 in dilatation of the heart, vi. 212 in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 in echinococcus of the lungs, v. 463 in examination of the heart, vi. 23, 46 in examination of the uterus, x. 8. in fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 255 in gangrene of the lungs, v. 420 in general symptoms of renal disorders, xv. 8 in hydrothorax, iv. 737 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 277 in hypertrophy of the heart, vi. 207 in hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 242 in insufficiency of the aortic valves, vi. 134 of the mitral valve, vi. 121 of the pulmonary valves, vi. 154 of the tricuspid valve, vi. 148 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 in nervous palpitation, vi. 304 in new-growths in the lungs, v. 438, 441 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 452 in pericarditis, vi. 585 in the physical examination in hemor- rhages of the lungs, v. 304 in pleuritis, iv. 641, 043, 648, 662, 668, 731 in pneumothorax, iv. 759 in pulmonary consumption, v. 534, 584, 586, 587 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 364, 387 .,„ Pectoral fremitus. ^X" Perforation. Percussion, in stenosis of the ostium aorticum, vi. 143 in stenosis of the pulmonary ostium, vi. 157 in whooping cough, vi 696 in wounds of the heart, vi. 278 information afforded by, in oesophageal stenosis, viii. 36 results of, in cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 207 value of, in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 11 Percussion of the abdomen in cancer of stomach, vii. 243 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 321 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 503 Percussion of the heart, vi 23 Percussion of the left ostium venosum, vi 127 Percussion of the right ostium venosum, vi 151 Percussion, palpatory, of Win- trich, v. 75 Percussion-sound in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 244, 267 in acute tumors of the spleen, viii. 468 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii. 294, 296 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 11, 36 in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 584 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 394 in hypertrophy of the bladder, viii. 725 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 289 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 320 in leucaemia, viii. 520 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 712 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 274, 283 in splenitis, viii. 448 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 329 Perflation, ventilation by, xvih. 772 Perforating ulcer of the oesoph- agus, viii 162 Perforation in cancer of the stomach, vii. 244 in occlusion of the intestine, vh. 490 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 196, 211 INI) Perforation ot the intestine. Perichondritis. INDEX. 334 Perforation of the intestine, ix. 741 death before inflammation can be set up, viii. 264 in typhoid fever, i. 150 treatment of, i 226 Perforation of the skull by cere- bral tumors, xii. 261 Perforation of a vein, influence of, in dissemination of tubercle, xii. 515 Perforation, ulcerative, of the bile-ducts, ix. 549 Perforations and ruptures of the (esophagus, viii 90 Perforations of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 651 Perforations of the intestine, i 150 Perforative peritonitis, vhi 238, 262 Peri- and paranephritis, xv. 586 Periarteritis, vi. 346 leeches and cold applications in, vi. 348 Periarteritis, chronic, as a cause of miliary aneurisms of brain, xii. 78 Periarteritis nodosa, vi. 349 Peribronchial tubercular le- sions, v. 663 Pericardial effusion in etiology of atrophy of heart, vi. 221 Pericardial emphysema, i.*645 Pericardial friction, discovered by palpation, vi. 38 Pericardial hydatids, vi 672 Pericarditis, a complication of cirrho- sis of liver, ix. 201 of pleuritis, iv. 669 of pneumonia, v. 112 ot pulmonary consumption, v. 576 a complication of suppurative hepatitis, ix. 139 as a cause of fatty degeneration, vi 250 as a cause of upward displacement of the heart, vi. 28 aspiration of pericardial sac in, vi. 622 cardiac stimulants in, vi. 621 continuous vesication in, vi. 620 Pericarditis, digitalis in large doses in, vi. 617 diuretics in, vi. 619 following perforation of traction diverti- cula of the oesophagus, xiii. 80 hemorrhagic variety of, in scurvy, xvii. 204 hot and steam baths in, vi. 620 ice-bag locally in, vi. 618 in amyloid degeneration of kidneys, xv. 629 in etiology of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 of fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 250 of pleuritis, iv. 596 in scarlatina, ii. 232, 281 in scurvy, xvh. 161 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 132 in typhoid fever, i. 164 narcotics in, vi. 621 occurrence of, in phthisis, v. 579 quinine in large doses in, vi. 622 Pericarditis, purulent, in etiology of metastatic meningitis, xii. 624 Pericardium, abnormal contents of, in etiology of displacement of the liver, ix. 43 affections of, following dilatation of the oesophagus, viii. 80 following perforation of the oesopha- gus, viii. 118 affections of, in leucaemia, viii. 514 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 254 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 282 in scurvy, xvii. 204 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 327 condition of, in wounds of the heart, vi. 274 description of, vi. 10 disease of the, in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 455 effusion into the, in progressive perni- cious anaemia, xvi. 579 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 137 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 171 puncture of, in hydropericardium, vi. 671 333 INDEX. Perforation of the intestine. Perichondritis. Pericardium, sanguinolent effusions into, in scurvy, xvh. 186 PERICARDIUM, DISEASES OF THE, vi. 545 ; history, 547 Absence of the Pericardium, 549; bib- liography and remarks, 549 Formation of Diverticuli, 549; bibliog- raphy and remarks, 550 Tendinous Spots (Milk Spots), 550; bibliography, 550 ; pathology, 551 Inflammation of the Pericardium, 552; bibliography, 552 ; pathogenesis and eti- ology, 554 ; divisions of the disease, 555 ; its rarity as a primary affection, 555; the secondary form, 556 ; influence of rheu- matism, 556 ; time of occurrence of the heart affection, 557 ; influence of kidney affections, 557; of pytemia, 558 ; its oc- currence in the course of other diseases, 558 ; its frequency, 560; influence of age and sex, 560 ; pathological anatomy, 561 ; Btage of hyperaemia, 561 ; the fibrinous exudation. 561 ; its characteristics, 502. quantity of the fluid exudation, 562 ; its characteristics, 56:) ; formation of pus, 564; methods of progress toward cure, 565 ; transition into chronic inflamma- tion, 566 ; character of the effusion, 567 ; circumscribed form, 567 ; changes in the muscular structure of the heart, 567; fatty degeneration, 568; other patho- logical changes, 569; symptomatology, 570; subjective symptoms, 570; the fever, 571; physical signs, 571; friction- sounds, 571; cardiac dulness and the apex-beat, 571 ; grades of intensity of the disease, 572 ; the hemorrhagic form, 578; chronic forms, 579; the affection in children, 5S1; inspection, 581; palpa- tion, 583; percussion, 585; the pericar- dial friction-sound, 591 ; endocardial murmurs, 595 ; the pulse, 596 ; pressure of the effusion, 597; disturbances in the venous circulation, 599 ; the heart's cavi- ties, 600; the respiration, 601 ; dyspnoea, 602; dysphagia, 603; nervous symp- toms, 603; affections of the eye, 603; pain. 604 ; condition of the urine, 605 ; diagnosis, 607; character of the exuda- tion, 637; the physical signs, 608 > course, terminations, and prognosis, 612; treatment, 617 ; digitalis, 617 ; ice over the heart, 618; use of morphine and chloral, 618; diet, 618; diuretics, 619; diaphoretics, 619; after-treatment and treatment of complications, 620 ; treat- ment by operation, 622 Tubercular Pericarditis, 624; path- ology, symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment, 625 Carcinomatous Pericarditis, 626; path- ology and symptomatology, 626 Adhesions between the Heart and Pericardium, C27 ; bibliography, 627 ; history, 628; etiology, 629; pathology, 631 ; general description of the disease, 635 ; analysis of individual symptoms, 638 ; palpitation, 638 ; hypertrophy, 638 ; valvular insufficiencies, 640 ; absence of the apex-bean, 640 ; the cardiac dulness, 641; cystolic depression in the place of the deficient apex-beat, 641 ; diastolic heart-beat, 645 ; diagnosis, 646; course and prognosis, 648; treatment, 649 Indurated Mediastino - Pericarditis and Paradoxical Pulse, 649 Pneumopericardium, 657; bibliography, 657; etiology, 658; composition of the gas, 658; symptomatology, 600; diag- nosis, 603 ; treatment, 66:3 Hvdropericardium, 664; bibliography, 664 ; composition of the fluid, 665 ; eti- ology, 667; symptomatology, 668 ; diag- nosis, 670; prognosis, 670 ; treatment, 671 H.emopericardium, 671; etiology, 671 ; symptomatology, 671 Free Bodies in the Pericardium, 672 Pericardium, diseases of, compli- cating catarrhal pneumonia, v. 215 complicating croupous pneumonia, v. 43, 112 in etiology of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 477 Perichondritis, a sequel of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 220 in cancer of larynx, vii. 894 in etiology of laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 794 Perichondritis. 00-, Peritoneum. LNDEX. ->->t> Perichondritis arytaenoidca, vii 820 Perichondritis cricoidca, vii. 821 Perichondritis laryngea, vii 791 abscess in, vii. 818 in etiology of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213 phthisis, in etiology of, vii. 820 ulcers, in etiology of, vii. 815 Perichondritis syphilitica, vii. 873 Perichondritis thyroidca, vii 825 Perichondrium, affections of, in chro- nic nasal catarrh, iv. 142 Pericystitis, viii 682 Peridiastolic murmur, vi. 50 Perihepatitis, ix. 84 anatomical changes in, ix. 85 auscultation in diagnosis of, ix. 185 blisters in, ix. 87 differential diagnosis of, ix. 80. 87 etiology of, ix. 84 ice-bags in, ix. 87 in etiology of stenosis of the biliary pas- sages, ix. 587 Priessnitz' compresses in, ix. 87 prognosis and treatment of, ix. 87 symptoms of, ix. 85 Perihepatitis, chronic, differential diagnosis of, from cirrhosis, ix. 201 Perimetritis, x. 445 ice-bags and leeches in, x. 400 opium in large doses in, x. 400 Priessnitz' fomentations in,x; 461 Perin, I>r., on the army ration, xix. 137 Perineauxesis of Hegar, x. 212 Perineoplasty, x. 555 in rupture of the perineum, x. 555 Perineorrhaphy, x. 555 Perinephritic abscesses, import- ance of opening, nephrotomy, xv. 739 Perinephritis, diagnosis, xv. 597 etiology, xv. 587 from renal concretions, xy. 717 mercurials in, xv. 601 pathological anatomy, xv. 590 poultices in, xv. 601 rest and ice-bags locally in, xv. 601 Perinephritis, symptomatology, xv. 593 treatment, xv. 601 Perineum, injury of, in etiology of aspermatism, viii. 900 Perineum, rupture of, x. 554 perineoplasty in, x. 555 Perineum, wounds of. as causes of aspermatism, viii. 903 Periodic appearance of hysteri- cal delirium, xiv. 544 Periodic returns isi malarial disease, explanation of, xix. 147 Periosteum, affections of, in chron- ic nasal catarrh, iv. 142 in scarlatina, ii. 232 in scrofulosis, xvi. 789 in scurvy, xvii. 162, 170, 184 Periosteum, scorbutic affec- tions of, xvii 184 Periostitis as a cause of neuralgia, xi. 28 in scarlatina, ii. 233 Periostitis syphilitica, iii. 170 Peripachymeningitis, xiii. 217 actual cautery in, xiii. 221 iodine internally and externally in, xiii. 221 Peripheral galvanization in cere- bral hemorrhage, xii. 169 Peripheral impressions, the cause of the general spasms in tetanus, xiv. 343 Peripheral irritation, as a cause of congestion of pia, xii. 437 Peripheral nerves, characters of epi- leptic seizures secondary to injury of, xiv. 258 irritative condition of, in tetanus, xiv. 327 lesions of the, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 140 neoplasm of the, due to syphilis, xh. 353 state of the, in tetanus, xiv. 335 stimulation of, in poisoning by carbonic oxide, xvii. 471 syphilis of, xii. 351 337 INDEX. Perichondritis. Peritoneum. Peripheral organs, irritations of, in neuralgia, xi. 32 Peripheral paralysis, diagnosis of, xi. 444 Periphlebitis, chronic hepatic, in eti- ology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 58 Peripneumonia of the Greek and Roman writers, v. 5 Periproctitis, vii. 356 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 372 Periproctitis, idiopathic, vii. 377 Pcripylcphlcbitis syphilitica, ix. 814 Peritonsillar abscess, vi. 914 usual termination of, vi. 915. Peritoneal cavity, sanguinolent effu- sions into, in scurvy, xvii. 186 Peritoneal effusion, development of gas from decomposition of, viii. 262 Peritoneum, effect upon, produced by bile, ix. 658 mode of termination of nerve-fibres in the, viii. 249 Peritoneum, affection of, following ulcer of stomach, vii. 196, 211 in cancer of stomach, vii. 234, 245 in corpulence, xvi. 664 in croupous pneumonia, v. 43 in dysentery, i. 546 in etiology of accumulation of fasces, vii. 5S4 of constriction of the intestines, vii. 630 of diseases of the spleen, viii. 438 of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 196, 211 in intestinal ulcers, vii 416 in melanoemia, viii. 545 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 254 in occlusion of intestines, vii. 489 in rupture of intestine, vii. 47o in scurvy, xvii 2J4 Peritoneum, affections of, in me- ningitis tuberculosa, xh. 507 in syphilis, iii. 206 Peril oneu in, cancer of the, course and issue, viii. 343 diagnosis, treatment, viii. 344 Vol. XX—22 Peritoneum, cancer of the, etiol- ogy, viii. 339 pathology, viii. 340 symptoms, viii. 341 PERITONEUM, DISEASES OF THE, viii. 217 Inflammation of the Peritoneum, 217; bibliography, 217; history, 219 Acute Diffuse Peritonitis, 221 ; patho- genesis and etiology, 221; pathological anatomy, 232; symptomatology, 239 ; analysis of symptoms, 242 ; course, dura- tion, results, prognosis, 253; diagnosis, 256; treatment, 258; perforative peri- tonitis, 262 ; etiology, 262 ; pathological anatomy, 263; symptomatology, 265; course, diagnosis, treatment, 268; puer- peral peritonitis, 269 ; bibliography, 269; metroperitonitis, peritonitis without py- aemia, 273 ; symptomatology, 273; treat- ment, 275; peritonitis lymphatica. pyae- mia with peritonitis, 277 ; symptomatol- ogy ~^3 i treatment, 286; infantile peritonitis, 287; bibliography, 287; pathogenesis and etiology, 287; symp- tomatology, 288 ; treatment, 291 Chronic Diffuse Peritonitis, 292; chronic stage supervening on an attack of general acute peritonitis. 292 ; patho- logical anatomy, 292 ; symptomatology, 293; chronic peritonitis arising in the course of old-standing ascites, 296 ; latent general peritonitis, 297; diagnosis, 300; prognosis and treatment, 302 Circumscribed Peritonitis, Acute and Chronic, 302 ; bibliography. 302 ; path- ological anatomy, 306 ; symptomatology, 307 Typhlitis and Perityphlitis, 312 ; bib- liography, 312 ; etiology, 314 ; pathologi- cal anatomy, 317 ; symptomatology, 319; duration and diagnosis, 321 ; prognosis and treatment, 323 Tubercular Peritonitis, 324; bibliog- raphy, '524 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 3:25 ; pathological anatomy, 325 ; symp- tomatology, 327 ; prognosis and diagno- sis, 3o4 ; treatment, 336 New Formations and Carcinomatous Peritonitis, £37 ; bibliography, 337 ; Peritoneum. T„^^^ ooo Perrin. INDEX. 668 general remarks, 338 ; carcinoma, 339 ; etiology, 339; pathological anatomy, 340; symptomatology, 341 ; diagnosis and treatment. 344 Ascites, 344 ; general description, 344 Peritoneum, inflammation of the, viii 217 Peritoneum, new formations of the, and carcinomatous peri- tonitis, bibliography, viii. 337 Peritoneum, tuberculosis of the, and tubercular peritonitis, viii. 324 Peritonitis, a complication of cancer of stomach, vii. 256 of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 201 of pleuritis, iv. 672 of pulmonary consumption, v. 576 from discharge of bile into the abdominal cavity, ix. 653 from perforation of bile-ducts, ix. 555 general, in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 131 in ulcer of intestines, vii. 416 history of, viii. 219 in amyloid degeneration of the kidney, xv. 514, 629 in erysipelas, ii. 465 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 596 in movable kidney, xv. 770 in nephrophthisis, xv. 584 in perinephritis, xv. 591 in pylephlebitis, ix. 819 in renal abscess, xv. 558 in scarlet fever, ii. 232, 282 manner in which a localized inflamma- tion extends, viii. 224 occurrence of, in phthisis, v. 576 ovariotomy not contraindicated by it, x. 408 rarity of true idiopathic, viii. 222 with effusion, a sequel of cancer cf the liver, ix. 377 with perforation, in typhoid fever, i. 152 without perforation, in typhoid fever, i. 154 Peritonitis, acute diffuse, course, duration, results, and progress, viii. 253 diagnosis, xiii. 256, 257 diffusible stimulants in, viii 261 general description of the disease, viii. 239 ice-bladder and ice-compresses in, viii. 259 large doses of opium in, viii. 260 leeches in, viii. 259 much more frequently secondary, viii. 224 pathogenesis and etiology, viii. 221 pathological anatomy, viii. 232 pathology, analysis of individual symp- toms, circulation and temperature, viii. 250 meteorism and effusion, the physical phenomena, viii. 242 outward condition, sensorium, viii. 252 pain, viii. 248 respiration, viii. 251 vomiting and fecal evacuations, viii. 247 processes in neighboring organs which most frequently lead to, viii. 225 treatment, viii. 258 Peritonitis, carcinomatous, viii. 339 Peritonitis, chronic, cirrhosis of liver supplementary to, ix. 173 in etiology of pylethrombosis, ix. 790 of simple atrophy of the liver, ix. 308 of stenosis of intestines, vii. 631 Peritonitis, chronic diffuse, 1, chronic stage supervening on attack of general acute peritonitis: duration and results, viii. 294 2, chronic peritonitis arising in the course of old-standing ascites, viii. 296 3, latent general peritonitis, vhi. 297 diagnosis, viii. 300 prognosis and treatment, viii. 302 symptoms, viii 299 339 INDEX. ?:rr!„rUm* Peritonitis, chronic hemorrha- gic, viii. 297 Peritonitis, circumscribed, acute and chronic, absence of Bymptoms in chronic adhesive form, viii 311 bibliography, viii. 302 etiology and location, viii. 303 may occur during intra uterine life, viii. 305 pathological anatomy, viii. 306 symptoms, viii. 307, 308 Peritonitis deformans, viii. 237 Peritonitis, diffuse chronic, dif- ferential diagnosis from cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 202 Peritonitis, infantile: cold to ab- domen in, viii. 291 course and results, viii 290 diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, viii. 291 mercury internally and externally in, vhi. 291 pathogenesis and etiology, viii. 287 symptoms, viii. 288 Peritonitis, localized purulent, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 96 Peritonitis, perforative, course, di- agnosis and treatment of, viii. 268 mode in which perforation occurs, vhi. 262 pathological anatomy, viii. 263 physical signs of air in the peritoneal cavity, viii. 266 special forms of, viii. 262 symptoms, viii. 265 Peritonitis, puerperal, opium and iced compresses in, viii. 276 Bpecial forms of, viii. 269 Peritonitis, rheumatic, viii. 222 Peritonitis, tubercular, analysis of individual symptoms, viii. 332 bibliography, viii. 324 course, duration, issue, prognosis, diag- nosis, viii. 334 diagnosis from latent general peritonitis, vih. 301 Peritonitis, tubercular, general form of the disease: examples of cases, vhi. 329 Kaulich's three groups of cases, viii. 327 pathogenesis and etiology, pathological anatomy, viii. 325 treatment, viii. 336 Peritonitis ulcerosa, viii 237 Peritonitis, uriemic, iv. 598 Perityphlitis, vii 356 injections in, viii. 323 opium in, viii. 323 Perityphlitis and typhlitis, viii. 312 Periurethritis circumscripta, viii. 743 Peri-uterine lymphangitis, vi 520 Perivaginitis phleginonosa dis- secans, x. 496 Perivascular lymph-shcaths, di- latation of, in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 50 Perivascular lymph-spaces, con- nection of, with the cerebral circula- tion, xii. 5 in anasmia of the brain, xii. 17 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 74 in cerebral hypoxemia, xii. 48 Permanganate of potash, action on bacteria, i. 681 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 in croup, iv. 268 in diphtheria, i 679, 681 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 82, 86, 95 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 inhalation of, in gangrene of the lung, v. 430 Permanganates as disinfectants in cholera, i 453 Pernice, xii. 178 Pernicious anaemia with pachyme- ningitis, xii. 402 Pernicious fevers, ii 602 Perosmic acid, xvii. 629 Perrin, xii 404 Perry and cider. Pharynx and palate. INDEX. 340 Perry and cider, xviii 177 Persistence of symptoms in throm- bosis of cerebral vessels, xii 203 PERSON, CARE OF THE, xviii. 369; ana- tomy and physiology of the skin, 369; the bath, 370; cosmetics, 371 ; general bathing, 371; the Turkish bath, 374 ; sea-bathing, 376; public baths, 378 ; clothing, 379 ; beds, 383 ; the feet, 385; the hands, 387 ; the mouth. 388 ; the hair, 389 Personal consciousness, xiv. 694 Perspiration, constant, in tetanus, xiv. 345 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 620, 624 in paralysis, xii. 132 in pulmonary consumption, v. 562, 569 Pertussis, vi. 673; see also Whooping- cough causative relations of, to consumption, v. 504 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 315 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 403 of pulmonary consumption, v. 504 Pertussis convulsiva, see Whooping- cough Peru, balsam of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in chronic cystitis, viii. 697 Peruvian bark, use of, in treatment of bronchial asthma, iv. 582 of consumption, v. 609 Pessaries, vaginal, x. 202 Pessary, intra-uterine, x. 173 Pest, i 465 Pestis siderans, i 475 Petechia? in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 in typhus fever, i. 317 Petersthal, waters of, in rickets, xvi. 206 Petit mal, xiv. 190, 220, 234 Petroff on urasmia, xv. 118 Petrous bone, caries of, in menin- gitis tuberculosa, xii. 570 Petrow, xii 335, 354 Pettenkofer, on drinking-water in cholera, i 385 Pettenkofer and Buhl, " ground- water " theory of, xviii. 581 Pettenkofer's experiment to show porosity of soils, xviii. 401 Pettenkofer's formula, xviii. 26 Pettenkofer's investigations with regard to conditions of the soil, xviii. 412 Pettenkofer's method for showing amount of carbon dioxide in air, xix. 193 Pettenkofer's nomenclature of infecting agents, iii. 315 Peyer's glands, swelling of, in Addi- son's disease, viii. 654 Peyer's patches, anatomy of, vii. 344 disease of, in syphilis, iii. 203 in cholera Indica, i 435, 436 in typhoid fever, i 98, 100 in typhus fever, i. 334 Pfaffers, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 167 in neuralgia, xi. 93 in paralysis, xi. 463 in tremor, xiv. 393 Pfaffers, waters of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 171 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 in gout, xvi. 138 Pflueger on the "spinal soul," xiv. 695 Phagedenic chancres, local treat- ment of, iii 274 Phagedenic ulcer of the uterus, x. 156 Pharyngeal abscess, a sequel of dis- eases of the nose, iv. 127 Pharyngeal catarrh, galvano- cautery in, iv. 98 Pharyngeal catarrh, acute, cata- plasms externally in, vii. 59 inhalations of muriate of ammonia in, vii 59 341 Pharyngeal catarrh, chronic, nitrate of silver in strong solutions in, vii 61 Pharyngeal diphtheritis, disin- fectant solutions and inhalations in, vi 963 nitrate of silver locally in, vi. 961 of measles, vi. 952 quinine in large doses in, vi 963 solvent inhalations and solutions in, vi. 962 Pharyngeal muscles, want of reflex action in, in poisoning by bromine, xvii. 319 Pharyngeal phlegmon, astringents and caustics locally in, vii 66 ice externally and internally in, vii 66 scarification and leeches in, vii. 66 Pharyngitis, a complication of cold in the head, iv. 125, 127 in scarlatina, ii. 216 Pharyngitis, chronic, in etiology of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213 Pharyngitis, chronic catarrhal, galvano-caustic treatment of, iv. 98 in etiology of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 213 Pharyngitis granulosa, vii. 60 Pharyngitis leucaemica, vii. 102 Pharyngitis scrofulosa, vii 75 Pharyngitis sicca, vii. 99 Pharyngitis villosa, vii 102 Pharyngo-palatine muscles, pa- ralysis of, vi. 992 Pharyngocelc, viii 57 Pharynx, affections of, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 141 in pulmonary consumption, v. 546 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 132 application of astringents and caustics to, iv. 76 application of fluids, in the treatment of diseases of, iv. 80 application of solids, in the treatment of diseases of, iv. 76 atomized fluids in diseases of, iv. 88 changes in, in tetanus, xiv. 337 „— Perry and cider. X- Pharynx and palate. Pharynx, chromic acid to the, iv. 78 difficulties in the way of examination of, iv. 9 diseases of, iv. 3 application of fluids on sponge or brush in, iv. 80 cauterization in, vii. 31 general therapeutics of, iv. 73 in etiology of deaf-mutism, xiv. 867 examination of, by auscultation and by the sense of smell, iv. 70 by palpation, iv. 68 fornix, or vault of, iv. 62 general diagnosis and therapeutics of, iv. 3 hyperesthesia of, in laryngoseopic ex- amination, iv. 42 hypertrophy of, galvano-cautery in, vii 95 nitrate of silver in substance for, vii. 95 strong tincture of iodine in, vii. 95 in erysipelas, ii. 458 inspection of, iv. 3 insufflation of powders in diseases of, iv. 78 irritability of, an obstacle to laryngos- copy, iv. 42 irritability of, in laryngoseopic examina- tion, iv. 41 matters of practical importance before making local applications, in diseases of, iv. 75 method of illumination of, iv. 6 oedema of, in tonsillitis, vi 917 paralysis of, i 622 in hysteria, xiv. 517 treatment of diseases of, by gargles, iv. 87 by pencilling, iv. 80 by syringing, iv. 82 ulceration of, in syphilis, iii. 201 various purposes for which medicinal substances and solutions are applied to the mucous membrane of, iv. 76 Pharynx and palate in rubeola, ii 142 Phenilic acid. Physical causes. INDEX. 342 Phenilic acid, xvii. 524 Phenyl, hydrate of, poisoning by, xvii. 524 Philadelphia Obstetrical Soci- ety's rules for the manage- ment of children, xviii 132 Philbrick's annular ventilating- tube, xvih. 502 Philbrick's grease-tank, xviii 493 Phillip's case of trichiasis vesi- cae, viii. 734 Phlebectasis laryngea, iv. 217 Phlebitis, acute, causes of, vi. 487 in etiology of cerebral sinuses, xii 211, 219 poultices in, vi 489 symptoms, vi. 488 treatment, vi. 489 Phlebitis, adhesive, hepatic, ix. 833 Phlebitis, purulent, hepatic, ix. 833 Phlebitis umbilicalis, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 93 Phlegmon, following wounds of the bile-ducts, ix. 540 Phlegmon, pharyngeal, vii 64 Phlegmon, retro-nasal, vii. 63 Phlegmonous angina, vi. 900 diagnosis, vi. 909 duration, vi 908 termination, vi. 908 treatment, vi. 910 Phlegmonous oesophagitis, vhi 147 Phlegmonous processes, in eti- ology of fatty degeneration of kidneys, xv. 603 in the vulva, x. 546 Phonation, derangements of, in gen- eral paralysis, xiv. 809 laryngoseopic image in, iv. 46 Phoneentallaxis, xiv. 849 Phonetic speech, possibility of ac- quiring, without the help of the senses of sight or hearing, xiv. 635 Phonetic speech, the sensory reflex sources of, and the regulating sen- sory principle of articulation, xiv. 63 > Phonic centre, share of the basal, in the formation of articulate sounds, xiv. 650 situation below the corpora quadrigemi- na, xiv. 650 Phonophobia, xiv. 836 Phosphate of soda, in dysentery, i. 565 Phosphate process of treating sewage, xviii. 531 Phosphates, earthy, in diabetes in- sipidus, xvi. 1026 in nervous diseases, xvi. 1026 in poisoning by lead, xvii. 560 in urine of malacosteon, xvi. 224 Phosphates, triple, formation of, in nephrolithiasis, xv. 697 Phosphatic calculi, xv. 703 Phosphide of zinc in the treatment of tremor, xiv. 393 Phosphoric acid, xvii 630 diluted, in diphtheria, i 693 in dengue, ii. 514 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 284 in relapsing fever, i 285 R. Acid, phosphor, dii, gtt. x. every second hour in typhus, i 339 R. Dilute phosphoric acid........ 3 jss. Raspberry syrup............... 1 j. Water........................ § iv. M. Tablespoonful every two hours. Phosphorus, in chronic myelitis, xiii 463 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 191 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in the etiology of rickets, xvi. 176 in impotence, viii. 899 in myelitis, xhi. 463 343 INDEX. Phenilic acid. Physical causes. Phosphorus, in neuralgia, xi. 75, 88 Phthisis, beneficial effects of high alti- in poisoning by bisulphide of carbon, tudes in, xviii. 669 xvii. 484 diagnosis of, from echinococcus of the in spinal disease, xiii. 191 lungs, v. 465 in tabes dorsalis, xiii 615 from new-growths in the lungs, v. presence of, in the air, xviii. 629 442 Phosphorus fumes, injurious effects effect of influenza on, ii. 534 of, xix. 17 effect of, on mortality of typhoid fever, presence of, in the air, xviii. 629 i 144 in etiology of acute atrophy of the liver, following whooping-cough, vi. 705 ix. 246, 296 frequency of the coincidence of phleg- of catarrh of the bile-duct, ix. 514 monous oesophagitis with, viii. 150 of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 172 from neuropathic predisposition, xi. 24 of fatty degeneration, vi. 250 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of of fatty degeneration of kidneys, xv. the kidneys, xv. 614 003 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. of jaundice, ix. 14 213 of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 of perichondritis laryngea, vii. 820 Phosphorus-poisoning, xvii. 629 in nephrophthisis, xv. 578 jaundice in, ix. 28 in parents, does it entail a tendency to oil of turpentine in, xvii. 641 epilepsy in children, xiv. 202 treatment of, xvii. 641 the result of croupous pneumonia, v. 49 Phosphorus-poisoning, chronic, the sequel of typhoid fever, i 172 xvii. 642 Phthisis, chronic pulmonary, in Phosphorus, white, tests for, xvii. etiology of waxy liver, ix. 413 630 Phthisis florida, v. 514 Photographers, xix. 24 Phthisis of the larynx, vii. 832 Photophobia, xii 57 climate of Mentone in, vii. 850 Phrenic nerve, faradization of, in poi- climate of Meran in, vii. 850 soning by carbonic oxide, xvii. 471 climate of Montreux in, vii. 850 sensibility of, in pericarditis, vi. 604 morphia in, vii. 850 Phrenic neuralgia, xi. 133, 134 opium in, vii. 850 Phthiriasis, i 16 paresis of laryngeal muscles in, vii. 844 Phthisic cotonneusc, xix. 40 Phthisis, pulmonary, v. 475 Phthisis, a cause of chronic nephritis, following pertussis, vi. 704 xv. 326 in etiology of interstitial pneumonia, ix. a complication of anaemia, xvi. 410 855 of chlorosis, xvi. 549 principal varieties of, v. 668 of diabetes mellitus, xvi. 913 relations of, to chlorosis, xvi. 549 of mitral stenosis, vi. 130 transmission of, by vaccination, ii. 408 of poisoning by arsenic, xvii. 655 Phthisis, syphilitic, hi 211 of poisoning by lead, xvii. 567 Phymosis as a cause of epilepsy, xiv. of poisoning by mercury, xvii. 204 614 of pyelitis, xv. 563 among workers in dust, xix. 30 of spermatorrhoea, viii. 846 as a result of croupous pneumonia, v. Physical causes of diseases of 130 the spinal cord, xhi 152 Physical development. Pigmentation oi tl.c skin. INDEX. 344 Physical development, importance of attending to the, of children with tendency to hysteria, xiv. 558 Physical examination, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 623 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 360 in atelectasis, v. 332 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 350 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 370 in cases of foreign bodies in trachea and bronchi, iv. 519 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 208 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 387, 392, 399 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 461 in croupous pneumonia, v. 35, 74 in diseases of trachea and bronchi, iv. 281 in gangrene of the lung, v. 420 in haematothorax, iv. 741 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 304 in hydrothorax, iv. 737 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 277 in hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 242 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 in parasites of the lungs, v. 463 in pleuritis, iv. 641 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 257 in pneumothorax, iv. 759 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 383 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 328 PHYSICAL EXERCISE, xviii. 317; effects of exercise: local phenomena of muscular ac- tion, 317; general effects of exercise, 320 ; source of muscular power, 332; growth of muscle, 335 ; results of over-exertion, 335; gymnastic and athletic exercises : historical sketch, 342 ; row- ing, 352; training, 356 ; gymnastic exercises, 365 Physical exertion as a cause of pal- pitation, vi. 303 excessive, a cause of scurvy, xvii. 139 Physical signs of acute myocarditis, vi 233 Physical signs, of aortic insufficiency, vi. 134 of aortic stenosid, vi. 143 of fatty degeneration of heart, vi. 255 of palpitation, vi. 304 of pericarditis, vi. 571 of pulmonary stenosis, vi. 158 of tricuspid insufficiency, vi. 148 of wounds of the heart, vi. 278 Physician, influence of the, on hysterical patients, xiv. 569 Physicians, xix. 59 Physiognomy in cancer of the liver, ix. 382 Physiological constitution, its in- fluence on general disorders of nutri- tion, xvi. 267 Physiological discharges, in- creased, in etiology of anaemia, xvi. 823 Physiological paraphasia, xiv. 784 Physiological significance of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 636 Physiology of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 851 of the spinal cord, xiii. 33 Physometra, x. 53 Physostigmine, chemical and physio- logical tests of, xvii. 705 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 681, 682 in tetanus, xiv. 363 Physostigmine - poisoning, xvii. 695 subcutaneous injections of camphorated oil in, xvh. 704 PIA MATER, AFFECTIONS OF, xii. 426; anaomical remarks, 427 Hyperemia of the Pia Mater, 428 etiology, 428; pathological anatomy, 442 symptomatology, 444; prognosis, 459 treatment, 460 Acute Inflammations of the Pia Ma- ter, 463; classification, 463; leptome- ningitis infantum, 467 ; etiology, 467 ; pathological anatomy, 473; symptoma- 345 INDEX. Physical development. Pigmentation ol the skin. tology, 480; prognosis and treatment, 488; meningitis tuberculosa, 489; the element of miliary tubercles, 490; origin and secondary changes, 491; pathologi- cal anatomy, 492 ; pathology, 511; symp- tomatology, 524 ; diagnosis, 565 ; prog- nosis, 57.5; treatment, 575 ; simple basilar meningitis, 579; pathological anatomy, 579; symptomatology, 583; diagnosis, 593 ; prognosis, 594 ; treatment, 596 ; meningitis of the convexity dependent upon neighboring inflammatory condi- tions, 597 ; etiology, 597 ; pathological anatomy, 604 ; symptomatology, 608 ; diagnosis, 618 ; prognosis and treatment, 619; metastatic meningitis, 620; etiology, 621; pathological anatomy, 628; symp- tomatology, 630; prognosis and treat- ment, 637 ; meningitis of the convexity due to extern d and unknown causes, 638 ; etiology, 618 ; pathological ana- tomy, 640 ; symptomatology, G42 ; prog- nosis, 654; treatment, 655 ; traumatic meningitis, 656; different forms, 057 ; meningitis subsequent to simple concus- sion, commotio cerebri, 65S; etiology, 058; pathological anatomy and symptoma- tology, 660; diagnosis, 662 ; meningitis subsequent to injury to the soft parts alone of the skull, 662; etiology, 662; primary meningitis subsequent to a per- forating injury, compressio cerebri, 664; etiology, 664 ; symptomatology, 665; con- tusio cerebri, 670 ; etiology, 670 ; patho- logical anatomy, diagnosis and symp- tomatology, 671; secondary meningitis subsequent to a perforating injury, C75 ; decompositition in clots between the skull and the dura, the former being per- forated, 676 ; tardy meningitis during traumatic necrosis, 677; pathological anatomy, 677 ; symptomatology, 679 Pia mater, changes in, in dementia pa- ralytica, xii. 858 Pia mater and spinal arachnoid, inflammation of, xiii 226 Pianists, xix. 63 Pianoforte players' spasm, xi. 352; xviii 337 Pickles, adulteration of, xix. 370 presence of copper in, xix. 370 Picric acid as an antiseptic, xix. 561 in anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 787 in intestinal trichinae, ih. 642 in trichinosis, iii. 642 use of, in the manufacture of artificial flowers, xix. 47 Picronitrate of potassa and so- da in intestinal trichinae, iii. 642 Picrotoxiu, chemical and physiological tests of, xvii. 813 Picrotoxin-poisoning, xvii 810 narcotics and stimulants in, xvii 813 Pierret, xii 844, 847 Pigment, form and location of, in me- lanaemia, viii. 535 general loss of, causing anosmia, xi. 260 in apoplectic cyst, xii. 91 in the alveoli of the lung, vi. 107 in atrophy of the lungs, v. 339 in the blood, in melanaemia, viii. 535 in the mucous membrane of the stomach, in chronic gastritis, vii. 165 origin of the, in melanaemia, viii. 536 Pigment-accumulations in the blood, effects of, ii. 635 Pigment-bacteria, i 248 Pigment-cells in melanaemia, viii. 535 Pigment-degeneration of the brain in typhoid fever, i. 112 Pigmcnt-cmbolisins in cerebral capil- laries, xii. 223 Pigment-induration of the lungs, v. 274, 343 PIGMENT-LIVER; MELAN^EMIC LIVER, 473 ; literature, 473 ; etiology, 474 ; anatomical conditions, 476 ; symptoms, 478; diagnosis, 479 ; treatment, 480 Pigment-matter in malarial diseases, ii. 625, 634 origin of, ii. 625 Pig-styes, xix.399 Pigmentation of the skin and other parts in Addison's disease, viii 655 Pigs. Pleura. INDEX. 346 Pigs, keeping of, xix. 398 killing of, xix. 407 Piles, cold clysters and enemata in, vi. 507 narcotics internally and locally in, vi. 507 rest and leeches in the treatment of, vi. 507 Pilimictio, viii. 731 Pillows, xvhi 384 Pilz, xh. 16, 26 Pine-shoots, young, infusion of, in treatment of gangrene of the lungs, v. 430 Pinole, xix. 140 Pin-pointers, xix. 33 Piperine, action of, on the spleen, viii. 419 in leucaemia, viii. 531 in malarial diseases, ii. 674 in melanaemia, viii. 547 Pipes, different kinds for house-drainage, xviii 482 et seq. Pirogoff, xii. 817 Pisa, climate of, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 413 Piscinae limariae, xviii 265 Pitting in small-pox, ii. 365 in varicella, ii. 13 Pityriasis linguae, vi 760 Pityriasis versicolor in pulmonary consumption, v. 562 Placenta, syphilis of, iii. 235 PLAGUE, THE, i. 465 ; bibliography, 465 ; history, 465; etiology, 466 ; contagiousness of, 467; incubation in, period of, 471; auxiliary causes of, 471 ; climate in, 471; symptomatol- ogy, 473 ; stage of invasion, 473 ; second stage, 473 ; third stage, 474 ; bubo in, 474 ; carbuncle in, 474 ; convalesence in, 474; termination of, 475; mortality of, 475; anatomical changes, 477; treatment, 477 ; prophylaxis, 477 Plague, The, abortive cases, i. 475 contagious-miasmatic form, i 470 etiology of, i. 446 fatality of, i. 3, 4 Plague, The, from dead bodies, i 471 indirect contagion, i. 470 isolation system in, 478 mild cases of, i 475 not autochthonous, i. 466 propagated only by continuous transmis- sions, i 469 prophylaxis in, i 477 recent epidemics, i. 466 sanitary improvements in Egypt, i 479 sequelae, i. 474 sex and age in, i. 472 Plague, of Justinian, i 465 Plaster-burners, xix. 36 Plaster-burning, xix. 448 Plaster-of-Paris bandage in rheu- marthritis, xvi. 69 Platinum, xvii. 629 Plenum system of ventilation, xviii. 712 Plessimeter in examination of the heart, vi 23 Plethora, as a cause of hysteria, xiv. 483 of palpitation, vi. 302 Plethora ad vasa, in haemophilia, xvii 70 Plethora serosa, xvi 528 Plethora universalis, xii. 39 Plethoric habit as a predisposing cause of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 86 Plethoric hemorrhages, xvii. 37 post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 171, 186 Pleura, abnormal contents of, in eti- ology of displacement of liver, ix. 43, 44 Pleura, affections of, following dila- tation of the oesophagus, viii. 79 following perforation of the oesophagus, viii. 118 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 50 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 329, 402 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 197 in croup, iv. 260 in croupous pneumonia, v. 42, 87, 108 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 883 347 INDEX. Pleura, affections of, in etiology of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 230 of encephalitis, xii. 724 of metastatic meningitis, xii. 624 in gangrene of the lungs, v. 414, 422 in hydrothorax, iv. 736 in leucaemia, viii. 514 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 506, 509 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 254 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 455 in perinephritis, xv. 597 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 252, 253 in poisoning by lead, xvii. 567 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi 579 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 282 in scurvy, xvii. 161, 171, 186, 204 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 327 in whooping-cough, vi. 693, 705 Pleura, changes in, in tetanus, xiv. 336 PLEURA, DISEASES OF, iv. 589 Pleuritis, 5S9; bibliography, 589; history, 592; etiology, 593; catching cold, 594; external injuries, 594 ; pneumonia, 595 ; bronchial catarrh, 595 ; hemorrhagic in- farctions and gangrene of the lung, 595 ; circumscribed inflammation of pleura leading to secondary pleuritis, 596; pneu- mothorax and its results, 596 ; pleuritis produced by an extension of disease from neighboring organs, and vice versa, 596; pleurisy a complication of other diseases not directly connected with the pleura, 597; age and sex, 599; pathology, 600; various forms and general course of pleuritis, 600 ; anatomical changes, 605; injected blood-vessels, 606; extravasa- tions of blood, 606 ; color of the pleura, 606; the neighboring lymphatics, 606; the exudation on surface of the pleura, 606 ; its source, 607 ; fatty degeneration of the fibrine, 607; formation of adhe- Bions, 607; their conversion into fully organized and vascular connective tissue, Pigf*. Pleura. 607; the process of organization, 60S; the fluid effusions, 609 ; chemical analy- ses, 609; division of various forms of effusion, 610 ; the fibrino-serous effusion, 610 ; its frequency, 610 ; deposition of fibrinous portion of exudation, 610 ; other elements of the exudation, 610; changes in the pleura, 610 ; proportion between the fibrine and the albuminous serum, 611 ; the purulent effusion, 611; its character- istics, 611 ; rarity of primary purulent pleuritis, 611 ; question of origin of pur- ulent exudations, 612; the hemorrhagic effusion, 613; characteristics and causes, 613 ; relapsing inflammation of the serous membrane, 613; influence of tuberculo- sis, 614 ; the hemorrhagic diathesis, 614; amount of effusion influencing the dis- placement of organs, 615; site of adhe- sions, 616 ; multiloeular form of exuda- tion, 616; influence of rapidity of forma- tion of exudation, 617 ; changes induced by the quality of the exudation, 618 ; necrosis of pulmonary or costal pleura, 618 ; shape of the opening, 619; pyopneu- mothorax, 619; the empyema necessita- tis, 620 ; empyema a result of an ex- ternal abscess, 620 ; perforation through the diaphragm, 020 ; other courses, 620 ; recovery in fibrino - serous effusions, 621; changes where the exudative de- posits become organized into connective tissue, 622; symptomatology: general aspects of the disease, 624 ; fever, 624 ; initial chills, 624 ; the pulse. 625 ; respi- ration, 626; dyspnoea, 627 ; position of the patient, 628; orthopnea, 628 ; pleu- ritic pain, 629; its site, 629; intensity and duration, 630 ; reappearance of pain, 631 ; influence of age and other con- ditions upon the pain, 631 ; pain in diagnosis of tubercular and purulent exudations from the sero-fibrinous, 632 ; relation between the pain and the local disease, 632; cough and expec- toration, 632 ; cause of cough, C33; its character, 634; character of expectora- tion, 634 ; perforation of the pulmonary pleura, 634 ; aspect of the countenance, emaciation, loss of strength, 635; cyanosis, 635 ; oedema, 635; palpation, Pleura. INDEX. 636 ; tension of and pulsation in inter- costal spaces, 637; special features of the disease, 639; the nervous system, 639 ; the digestive organs, 639 ; the urine, 640; physical signs, 641; in the com- mencement of pleuritis, when there is httle or no fluid effusion, 641; inspection, 641; percussion, 641; auscultation, 642; the respiratory murmur, 642; friction- sounds, 642 ; palpation, 643 ; when there is fluid effusion, without displacement of adjacent organs or expansion of the tho- rax, 643; level of the effusion, 643; in- spection, 643 ; percussion, 643 ; influence of change of position, 644; percussion note in subclavicular region, 644 ; auscul- tation, 640; palpation, 646; in fluid effusions leading to displacement of ad- jacent organs and dilatation of the' thorax, 646 ; inspection, 646 ; percussion, 648; displacement of organs, 651 ; the half-moon-shaped region, 653 ; influence of change of position of patient upon percussion - sounds, 655 ; auscultation, 658; bronchial breathing, 658; metallic bronchial breathing, 659; rales, 659; friction-sounds, 659 ; bronchophony and aegophony, 659 ; displacement of the heart, 660 ; palpation, 661; pectoral fre- mitus, 661 ; when the effusion becomes absorbed, without leaving any deformity of the chest, 662 ; percussion, 662 ; in- spection, 663 ; auscultation, 664; friction- Bounds, 664 ; rales, 665; palpation, 666; in diminution of the effusion, with con- sequent more or less circumscribed re- traction and deformity of the chest, 666; various deformities, 667 ; their causes, 668; inspection, 668 ; percussion, 668 ; auscultation, 669; bronchophony and aeg- ophony, 669 ; rales, 669; vocal fremitus, 669; palpation, 669; complications and sequelae, 669 ; pericarditis, 669 ; endocar- ditis, 670; influence of tuberculosis in double pleurisy, 670; affectiors of the lungs, 670; bronchial catarrh, 672; in- flammations of the mediastinum and peritoneum, 672; pleuritis a complica- tion and sequel of other diseases, 673; caries of ribs and spine, 673; adhesion of the pleural walls to one another, 673 ; 348 caseous pneumonia, 674 ; other sequelae, 674 ; diagnosis, 674 ; quality of the effu- sion, 675 ; differential diagnosis, 67'5; duration, results, and prognosis, 680; treatment, 684; the expectant method, 684; the antiphlogistic method: vene- section, 6S5 ; digitalis and calomei 685; nitrate of potash or soda, 686 ; acetate of potash, 686 ; inunction with mercurial ointment, 6S0 ; cupping and blistering, 686 ; sinapisms, 687 ; flying blisters, 687; painting with tincture of iodine, 687; application of cold, 688; quinine and aperients, 68S ; the compound infusion of senna, 688; emetics, 688; influence of age upon the antiphlogistic treatment, 683; the relief of pain, 6S9 ; warm appli- cations, 689 ; opiates, 689; the bitter-al- mond water, 6S9; extract of henbane, 690; diet, 690 ; diuretics, 690 ; their combina- tion with tonics, 690 ; diaphoretics, 691; Schroth's method, 691; residence in an elevated region, 691 ; removal of the fluid by operation, 692 ; choice of operation in relation to character of effusions, 692; aspiration, 694 ; indications for operative interference, 695; difference between operative treatment of purulent and other effusions, 696 ; choice of apparatus, 698; avoidance of admission of air into pleural cavity, 699; choice between the hollow needle or trocar, 700 ; descrip- tion of the author's trocar, 704 ; time for operation, 705 ; place for the puncture to be made, 705 ; the operation itself, 706; precautions to be taken before operating, 708 ; fits of coughing upon the removal of the effusion, 710 ; quantity of fluid to be withdrawn, 710; accidents following the operation, 711; hemor- rhage, 711; application of cold to point of puncture, 712 ; objections by authors to the operation, 712 ; the author's re- sults, 713 ; after-sensations at point of puncture, 714; constitutional effects, 714; changes in the residual fluid, 714; prognosis in cases of hemorrhagic effu- sion, 714 ; prognosis in cases of purulent effusions, 715 ; encapsulation of purulent effusions, 715; discharge of purulent effusions into the bronchi, 715; the radi- cal operation, 716; preliminary punc- ture, 716 ; the operation itself, 717 ; after-treatment of wound, 718 ; introduc- tion of a canula, 718 ; after-treatment of the cavity, 720; percussion and auscul- tation sounds after healing of the wound, 722 ; results of the author's operations, 722; other methods of treatment, 724 ; necessity of a large opening into the pleural sac, 726 ; danger of wounding an intercostal artery, 72:5; resection of a portion of rib to facilitate the after- treatment, 727 ; insertion of a metallic canula in the wound, 727; trephining a rib, 728 ; advantages of use of a canula, 728 ; influence of temperature of patient upon the after-treatment, 729 ; healing processes of the pleural surfaces, and how the compressed lung becomes per- meable to air, 730; retraction of thorax after the operation, 731 ; results of aus- cultation and percussion, 731 Hydrothorax, 732; bibliography, 732; introductory observations, 732 ; history, 732; etiology, 733 ; catching cold, 733 ; scarlatina, 734; decided anatomical changes within the body, 734 ; compres- sion of the thoracic duct, 734 ; high pres- sure in the venous system, 734 ; diseases in which there is loss of albumen of the blood, 735 ; other conditions, 735 ; path- ology, 735 ; form and general course of the disease, 735 ; anatomical changes, 735; nature of the fluid, 736; its quantity, 736; conditions of the pleura and sub- pleural connective tissue, 736; of the lung, 736; symptomatology, 737; cough, 737 ; absence of intercostal pain, 737; results of auscultation and percussion, 737 ; dyspnoea, 737 ; complications, se- quelae, and diagnosis, 738; duration, re- sults, and prognosis, 738; treatment, 738; puncture of pleural cavity, 738; incisions into subcutaneous tissue, 738; diet, 739 HvEMATOTHORax, 739; bibliography, 739; definition, 739; etiology, 739; pathol- ogy, 740; course and mode of attack, 740; anatomical changes, 741; symp- tomatology, 741 ; physical signs, 741 ; complications and sequelae, 741; diag- nosis, duration, results, and prognosis, 742 ; treatment, 742 ; rest and morphine, 742; application of cold and antiphlo- gistic diet, 743; hypodermic injection of ergotine, 743; opening the pleural cavity by incision, 743 Pneumothorax, 744 ; bibliography, 744 ; introductory remarks, 744 ; history, 745 ; etiology, 745 ; question of development of gas in closed pleural sac, 745 ; external injuries, 746; pulmonary tuberculosis, 746 ; other diseases, 748 ; form and gen- eral course of the disease, 750; pain and dyspnoea, 751 ; cyanosis, 751; death from collapse, 751 ; pathology and anatomical changes, 751; appearance of chest, 751 ; escape of air on puncture of pleural cav- ity, 751; amount of air in the cavity, 752; composition of the gas, 753; ques- tion of air producing purulent inflamma- tion, 753; condition of the lung, 753 ; the opening, 753; displacements of or- gans, 754 ; the circumscribed pneumo- thorax, 754 ; symptomatology, 754 ; body temperature, 754; pulse, 754; respira- tion, 754; dyspnoea, 754; orthopnoea, 755; various positions of patients, 756; pain, 756; voice, 756 ; cyanosis, 757; oedema of face and extremities, 757; sub- cutaneous emphysema, 757; condition of the urine, 757 ; displacement of organs, 758 ; the pectoral fremitus, 758 ; appear- ance of thorax ; 759; palpation and per- cussion, 759; succussion, 761; ausculta- tion, 762; complications and sequelae, 762; diagnosis, 763; duration, results, and prognosis, 765 ; treatment, 767 ; the radical operation by incision, 767 ; mor- phine and cupping, 768 ; antiphlogistics, 768 ; question of venesection, 768 ; diet, 768; puncturing the pleural cavity in cases of threatened suffocation, 768; cu- taneous emphysema, 770 Tubekcdlosis OF the Pleura, 771; gen- eral characteristics, 771 Malignant New-growths in the Pleura, 771 ; sarcoma, cancer, 771 ; their origin and progress, 772; symp- tomatology, 772; dyspnoea and dyspha- gia, 772; pain, 772 ; emaciation and condition of the skin, 773 ; enlargement Pleura. Pneumonia. INDEX 350 of lymphatic glands, 773 ; physical signs, 773; diagnosis, 773 ; duration, results, prognosis, 774; treatment, 775 Pleura, diseases of, in etiology of hyperaemia of liver, ix. 58 Pleura, fluid exudation into, in hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 240 in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 337 Pleura, opening of hepatic ab- scess into, ix. 136 Pleura, perforation of, in whoop- ing-cough, vi. 698 Pleura pulinonalis in measles, ii. 74 Pleurae and diaphragm, affections of the, that may lead to peritonitis, viii. 230 Pleural cavity, cleansing by aspira- tion, in empyema, iv. 725 Pleurisy, iv. 589 ; see also Pleuritis as a caise of pericarditis, vi. 559 a complication of cancer of the stomach, vii 236 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 213 of chronic renal disease, iv. 597 of gout, iv. 597 of pulmonary consumption, v. 574 of rheumatic polyarthritis, iv. 597 of scarlet fever, iv. 597 of tuberculosis of the lungs, v. 658 of various diseases, iv. 673 of whooping-cough, vi. 705 a sequel of pneumothorax, iv. 762 of typhoid fever, i 173 differential diagnosis from new-growths in the lungs, v. 442 associated with bronchiectasis, ix. 862 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 629 in erysipelas, ii 465 in etiology of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 of paralysis anterior acuta, xiii. 735 of pulmonary consumption, v. 500 in the prognosis of pulmonary consump- tion, v. 598 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 50 Pleurisy, in tuberculosis, v. 658 relations of, to consumption, v. 500 Pleurisy, with effusion, diagnosis of, from echinoccocus of the lungs, v. 464 in course of croupous pneumonia, v. 108 Pleuritic effusion, as a cause of car- diac displacement, vi. 181 Pleuritic form of malarial fever, ii 611 Pleuritis, iv. 589; see also Pleurisy a complication of suppurative hepatitis, ix. 139 aspiration of chest in, iv. 697 associated with cancer of the liver, ix. 393 cold compresses in, iv. 688 cupping and blistering in, iv. 686 digitalis and calomel in, iv. 686 diuretics in, iv. 690 drastic purgatives in, iv. 688 in scarlatina, ii. 232 in scurvy, xvii. 161 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 132 mercurial inunction in, iv. 686 method of opening pleural sac where pus is suspected, iv. 717 of the Greek and Roman writers, v. 5 paracentesis of chest in, iv. 695 Schroth' s method of dry diet in treating, iv. 691 venesection in, iv.685 Pleuritis, ichorous, following per- foration of traction-diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 79 Pleurodynia, xi 156 ; xvi. 92 Plcuro-pericardial friction- sound, vi 595 Pleuro-pneumonia, a complication of ulcer of stomach, vii. 197 purulent pericarditis associated with, vi. 560 Pleurothotonos, xiv. 318 Plexus chorioidei, changes in, in lep- tomeningitis infantum, xii. 474 Plexuses, changes in, in simple menin- gitis of base, xii 580 3W-. Plenra. 01 INDEX. Pneumonia. Plica, the, or arcus pharyngo-epiglotti- cus, vi 865 Plica ary-epiglottica, iv. 48 Plica glosso-epiglottica latera- lis, iv. 47 Plica glosso-epiglottica media, iv. 47 Plica pharyngo-epiglottica, iv. 47 Plica salpingo-palatina, iv. 64 Plica salpingo-pliaryngea, iv. 64 Plombieres, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 167 in paralysis, xi. 463 Plombieres, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 in gout, xvi 138 Plumbers, liability of, to lead-poisoning, xvii. 561 Plumbi acetas, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in nosebleed, iv. 168 Plymouth Chemical Works, condensing apparatus of, xix. 446 Pneumatic cabinets in treatment of bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 399 Pneumatic method, in the treat- ment of valvular diseases, vi. 170 Pneumatic system of removing excreta, xviii 518, 523 Pneumatic treatment of corpu- lence, xvi 729 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 910 of valvular diseases, vi. 170 Pneuinatometer, Holden's, xviii. 355 Pneumatometry, in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 in phthisical patients, v. 543 Pneumatometry ,Waldenburg's, v. 399 Pneumo-cnteritis, infectious, xviii. 19 Pneumogastric nerves, influence of, upon heart's action, vi. 300 Pneumogastric nerves, pneumonia following section of the, v. 198 Pneumonia, a cause of cardiac dis- placement, vi. 181 a cause of pericarditis, vi. 559 a complication of cancer of stomach, vii. 236, 245 of capillary bronchitis, iv. 365 of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 201 of croup, iv. 251 of measles, ii. 93, 103 of occlusion of intestines, vii. 492 of poisoning by carbonic oxide, xvii. 467 of poisoning by lead, xvii. 567 of pulmonary consumption, v. 574 of scurvy, xvii. 203 of suppurative hepatitis, ix. 139 of whooping-cough, vi. 703 differential diagnosis of, from new- growths in the lungs, v. 442 form of, following section of pneumo- gastric nerves, v. 198 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 629 in the course of diphtheria, vi. 944 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 883, 913 in erysipelas, ii. 460, 465 in etiology of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 of acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv.257 of croup, iv. 238 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 153 of pleuritis, iv. 595 of pulmonary consumption, v. 499 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 528 in influenza, ii. 534 in relapsing fever, i. 280, 286 in scarlet fever, ii. 223 in trichinosis, iii. 636 in whooping-cough, vi. 703 relations of, to consumption, v. 499 symptoms of meningitis in, xii. 631 Pneumonia and sewer emana- tions, xviii 589 Pneumonia, broncho-, of cachectic children, iv. 368 Pneumonia. INDEX. 352 Pneumonia, caseous, a sequel of pleuritis, v. 595, 674 followed by empyema, iv. 747 PNEUMONIA, CATARRHAL, v. 183; Bynonyms, 183; bibliography, 183; history, 183 ; etiology, 186; its alliance with the etiology of catarrhal bronchitis, 187 ; its frequency after diseases associated with catarrh, 187 ; the pre- disposing chronic diseases, 188; predisposing local diseases, 188 ; influence of age, 188 ; influ- ence of sex, 189; of constitution, 189; of ex- ternal influences, 189; of seasons, 190; influ- ence of derangements in the walls of the thorax, 190; influence of catching cold, 190; pathology, 190 ; symptomatology, course of the disease, in general, 190; the two forms of the disease, 190 ; origin of the acute form, 190 ; its symptoms, 191; the chronic form, 192 ; its symp- toms, 192 ; the disease in adults, 193 ; a com- plication of diphtheria, 193 ; influence of pre- vious state of health, 193; the so-called passive infiltrations, 194; the traumatic forms, 194; anatomical changes, 194 ; the bronchial catarrh, 194 ; changes in the lungs before the condition of true inflammation, 195; collapse of the lung, 195 ; its extent, 195 ; mode of progress, 196; emphysema as a complication, 196; changes in the lungs after the condition of true inflammation ; 196; infiltrations, 196; the ab- sence of granulation, 196; condition of the pus exuded, 196 ; condition of the seat of the infiltration, 196 ; formation of cavities, 197 ; affections of the pleurae, 197; the bronchial glands, 197 ; recapitulation of the anatomical changes, 197; acute miliary tuberculosis as a complication, 107 ; the form of pneumonia af- ' ter section of the pneumogastric nerves, 198 ; its description, 198 ; views as to its pathology, 198; its mode of regression, 199; analysis of the symptoms, 200 ; the temperature, 200 ; want of regular type of fever, 200 ; heights of tem- perature, 200; state of the circulation, 201; quality of the pulse, 202 ; changes in the heart, 202; the relations of tissue metamorphosis, 203; the appetite, 203; diarrhoea, 203; the spleen and liver, 203 ; collapse of the lung, 204 ; its mode of occurrence, 204; collapse in isola- ted portions, 205 ; the question of collapse as being essential to the development of catarrhal pneumonia, 206; emphysema, 208; results of physical examination, 208; inspection, 208; jalpation, 209 ; fremitus, 209 ; percussion, 209; auscultation, 210; the exanthemata, 211 ; al- buminuria, 211; noma vulvae, 211; brain symp- toms, 211; complications and sequelae, 212; bronchitis, 212; pleurisy, 213 ; stenosis of the larynx, 213 ; tuberculosis, 215; croupous pneu- monia, 215 ; pneumothorax, 215 ; diseases of the pericardium and endocardium, 215; the chronic pneumonias as sequelae, 216; bronchi- ectasia and emphysema, 216 ; pleuritic adhe- sions, 216; tuberculosis and rachitis, 216; in- testinal disease, 216 ; later vulnerability of the lungs, 216; the heart, 216; glandular affec- tions, 216; diagnosis, 216; the existence of catarrh, 216 ; consolidation of the lung, 217; the vocal fremitus, 217 ; inspection of the chest, 217; aggravation of the general symptoms, 217; the non-typical character of the fever, 217; the indefinite limitation of the disease, 217 ; differential diagnosis between collapse and catarrhal pneumonia, 218 ; between catarrhal and croupous pneumonia, 219; acute miliary tuberculosis, 219 ; duration, 220; time of death, 220; prognosis, 221; the rate of mortality, £21 ; influence of age, 222 ; extent of the pneu- monic process, 222 ; powers of resistance of the patient, 222; other influences, 223 ; treatment, 223; prophylactic measures, 227; against ca- tarrhs, 227 ; the use of baths, 227 ; the dress, 228 ; the prevention of collapse, 228 ; fresh air, 228; in the acute stage, 228 ; in the chronic forms of the disease, 228 ; moisture in the air, 229; the use of muriate of ammonia, 230; of carbonate of soda, 2 )0; of oil of turpentine, 230; the use of baths, 231; affusion over region of the medulla oblongata to produce increased respiratory efforts, 231; the use of cold packs, 232 ; treatment of the diminution of the cough, 232 ; emetics, 233; the use of apomorphine, 233 ; tartar emetic, 233 ; quinine and stimulants, 233 ; nutrition, 234 ; former methods of treat- ment, 234; treatment of the laryngitis, 234; residence in the country after recovery, 235 Pneumonia, catarrhal, a complica- tion of bronchial catarrh, iv. 402 anisated spirits of ammonia in, v. 232 apomorphine hypodermically in, v. 233 cold affusions in, v. 231 353 INDEX. Pneumonia. Pneumonia, catarrhal, in etiology of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 853 in pleuritis, iv. 595 muriate of ammonia and carbonate of soda in, v. 230 oil of turpentine in, v. 230 quinine in, v. 234 secondary to capillary bionchitis, iv. 365 stimulants in, v. 233 vapor-bath in, v. 229 Pneumonia, cheesy, in scrofulous persons, xvi. 807 Pneumonia, cheesy, lobar, in chronic tuberculosis, v. 673 Pneumonia, chronic, a complica- tion of pleuro-pneumonia, v. 110 Pneumonia, chronic dissemina- ted, in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi 3C0 PNEUMONIA, CROUPOUS, v. 3; bibli- ography, 3; history, 4 ; etiology, 12; its pro- portion to other diseases, 12 ; influence of cli- mate, 12; geographic distribution, 13; the season of the year, 13 ; influence of an insular or continental climate, 14; influence of eleva- tion, 16 ; barometric pressure, 16; temperature, 17 ; moisture of the air, 17 ; influence of soil, 18 ; confinement in buildings, 18 ; influence of sex, 20 ; of age, 22 ; of constitution, 25; abor- tion following the disease, 25 ; influence of pre- vious attacks, 26; of social position, 26; the disease among the lower animals, 27 ; question of epidemic occurrence of the disease, 27; the annual recurrence of the disease, 28 ; compari- son of other diseases in point of time, 28; ex- citing causes, 30; traumatic causes, 30; chill- ing of the body, 31 ; inhalation of dust, 31 ; pathology, 32; general course of the disease, 32 ; mode of invasion, 33 ; duration of the dis- ease, 33 ; the prodromata, 34 ; physical signs in first stage, 35; temperature in first stage, 35 ; pulse and respiration, 35 ; condition of the skin, 3") ; the cough, 35 ; the sputa, 36; the urine, 36 ; percussion and auscultation on and after the third day, 36 ; abatement of symptoms at end of the first week, 37 ; crisis, 37; lysis, 38; mode of death, 38; outline of the morbid anatomy, 40; the first stage: inflammatory Vol. XX.—23 engorgement, 41 ; the second stage : hepatiza- tion, 41 ; the third stage : purulent infiltration, 42; affections of the pleura, 42; of the peri- cardium, 43; of the peritoneum, 43; of the bronchial glands, 43 ; of the bronchi, 43; of the heart, 43; changes in the stage of inflamma- matory engorgement, 43 ; in that of red hepa- tization, 43; source of the exudation, 44; changes in the state of purulent infiltration, 47; caseation of the exudation, 49 ; variations in the form of the pneumonia, 50; variations in the site of the disease, 50; in the disease in childhood, 51 ; analysis of the individual symp- toms, 52 ; chronology, 52 ; use of the thermo- meter, 63 ; the chill, 53; reckoning the days of the disease, 53; fixing the time of deferves- cence, 53; critical days, 54; the fever, 55 ; temperature, 55 ; general type, 56 ; during the forming stage, 56 ; at the height of the disease, 57; influence of locality of the disease, 57; in- fluence of age, 57 ; of sex, 57; deviations from regular curve, 57 ; the quality of the fever, 58 ; influence of treatment upon the temperature, 58 ; the stage of defervescence, 59 ; symptoms of the circulation, 61; the pulse, 61 ; dicrot- ism, 63; the heart, 63 ; collapse, 65; the ini- tial chdl, 66; sweating, 66; the respiration, 67; relative frequency of pulse and respira- tion, 67 ; type of the respiration, 69 ; position of the patient, 69; the cough, 69; the pain, 71; pain on the non-inflamed side, 72; the sense of oppression, 73; the relations of the pain to the cough, 73; physical examination, 74 ; inspection, 74 ; cyanosis, 74 ; acceleration of the breathing, 74; difference in motion of the sides of the chest, 74; mensuration, 75; palpation, 75; palpatory percussion, 75; the vocal fremitus, 76; percussion, 78; variations in the tone, 78; WilUams's tracheal tone, 79; rules for percussion, 80; methods of percus- sion. 82; auscultation, 82; the crepitant rale, 82 ; its occurrence in other diseases, 83 ; its fre- quency in pneumonia, 84 ; the rale redux, 84 ; its duration, 85; signs before the pneumonia has reached the surface of the lung, 85 ; their causes, 85; blowing respiration and broncho- phony, 85; intensity of the rales, 85; cases which seem to indicate infiltration on the hitherto sound side, 86; points in diagnosis, 87 ; signs of pleuritis occurring in the disease, 87 ; the expectoration, 88 ; its characteristics, Pneumonia. 88; the mucine, 88; the red blood-cor- puscles, 88; casts of the bronchi, 89 ; pus-cor- puscles, 89 ; epithelial cells, 89 ; chemical ana- lysis of the sputum, 89; presence of sugar, 89 ; of bile-pigment, 89; time of first appearance of the expectoration, 90 ; its quantity, 90 ; its absence, 90 ; expectoration with actual hemor- rhage, 90; effects produced by oedema of the lungs, 91 ; the ceasing of expectoration at ap- proach of death, 91; condition of nutrition, 92; examination of nitrogenous changes in the body, 92; discharge of carbonic acid, 94; me- tamorphosis of the inorganic matters, 94; in- fluence of social position and occupation upon renewing work, 94; organs of digestion, 94; anorexia, 94; vomiting, 95; its causes, 95; constipation, 96; diarrhoea, 96; the tongue, 96; the stomach and intestines, 96; the liver, 96; the spleen, 96; the kidneys, 97; the urine, 97; abnormal substances in the urine, 99; condition of the skin-eruptions, 100; herpes facialis, 100; its frequency, 100; its prognostic value, 100; furuncles, 101; gan- grene of the skin, 101 ; cerebral and nervous symptoms, 101 ; their causes, 101; the fever, 101; its special character, 102; influence of the site of the pneumonia, 102; influence of age, 103 ; of alcoholism, 103 ; of anaemia and debd- itating treatment, 104; symptoms in intel- lectual persons, 104; local affections of the brain, 105; blood and hemorrhages, 106; changes in the blood, 106; various hemor- rhages, 106; complications, 106; influence of local differences, 107; influence of hospital conditions, 108; affections of the respiratory and circulatory organs, 108 ; pleurisy with effu- sion, 108 ; its influence upon the pneumonia, 109 ; its diagnosis, 109 ; by paracentesis, 109 ; influence of pleurisy upon the mortality, 110; catarrh of the smaller bronchi, 110; emphy- sema, 111; heart-comphcations, 111; valvular affections, 112; acute heart diseases, 112; chronic heart diseases, 112; pericarditis, 112; its mode of orign, 113 ; tapping the pericar- dium, 113; endocarditis, 114 ; valvular insuffi- ciency and degenerations of the substance of the heart, 114; meningitis, 114; infectious meningitis, 115 ; its result, 116 ; icterus, 116 ; its importance in prognosis, 116; its anatom- ical cause, 117; dangerous symptoms due to icterus, 117; the epidemic "bilious pneumo- 354 nia," 118 ; pneumonia a complication of kid- ney diseases, 119 ; rheumarthritis acuta, 119 ; intermittent fever, 119; pneumonia among drunkards, 119 ; its varieties, 119; pneumonia complicated by malaria, 121; its two forms, 121 ; inflammation of the parotid gland, 122; different forms of pneumonia, 123; abortive forms of pneumonia, 123 ; typhoid pneumonia, 124 ; its characteristics, 124 ; the cerebral form of pneumonia, 126; relapses of pneumonia, 126; terminations, 126; abscess of the lung, 126 ; its etiology, 126 ; its site, 127 ; diagnosis, 127 ; characteristics of the expectoration, 127 ; the results of abscess, 128; gangrene of the lungs, 128 ; its etiology, 128; general character- istics, 130; its results, 130; phthisis and cir- rhosis, 130 ; etiology, 130 ; mortality in croup- ous pneumonia, 131 ; difficulty of arriving at just conclusions, 131; various statistics, 132 ; general estimate, 134 ; diagnosis, 134 ; its difficulties, 135; differential diagnosis, 136; prognosis, 138; influence of age, 138 ; from childhood to puberty, 138; the age of vigor, 139; the age of decline, 140 ; influence of sex, 140; of pregnancy, 140; influence of com- plications, 140 ; heart disease, 140 ; severity of the epidemic, 141 ; resisting power of the pa- tient, 142 ; extent of the disease, 142; the fever, 142 ; pulse and respiration, 142 ; the cough, 142; the bronchial catarrh, 142 ; infiltration of the lung, 142 ; the expectoration, 143 ; eruption of herpes, 143 ; cerebral symptoms, 143 ; previous health, 143 ; treatment, 143 ; definition of the disease, 144; its etiology in comparison with other diseases, 144 ; the relation between local and febrile symptoms, and the dependence of one upon the other, 146; the typical course of the disease, 147 ; indications for treatment, 150; the abortive method, 150 ; venesection, 150; causes of death, 152; insufficiency of heart-action, 153 ; increased resistance in pulmonary circu- lation produced by the exudation, 153 ; changes produced in and near the lung diminish the amount of force to be furnished by the heart, 154 ; diminution of surface of lung for exchange of gases, 155 ; the local disturbances brought to expression by the fever, 156; the fever indu- cing increased heart-action, 156; elevation of temperature, 156; the pulse, 156; increased formation of carbonic acid gas, 156 ; degener- ation of the muscular tissues of the heart, 156; IND 355 INDEX. Pnenmonla. prophylaxis against exhaustion of the heart, 157 ; control of already existing exhaustion, 157; treatment of the fever, 157; relative values of pulse and temperature as guides to treatment, 157; modes of combating the fever, 158; the question of direct abstraction of heat by the cold bath, 158; the so-called danger of catching cold, 159; the amount of heat to be withdrawn, 161; temperature of the bath, 161; its duration, 162; its application among the aged or among fat people, 162; among children, 162; stimulants before and after the bath, 163 ; indications for treatment by warm bathing, 164; the use of quinine, 164 ; tartar emetic and veratrine, 164; digitalis, 164 ; venesection, 165 ; reduction of heat by quinine, 165 ; mode of administration, 165 ; question of diet, 167 ; stimulants, 167 ; pain and sleepless- ness, 168 ; their treatment by hypodermic injec- tion of morphine, 168; by quinine, 168; by chloral hydrate, 169 ; the question of darkened rooms, 169 ; treatment of existing exhaustion of the heart, 169 ; of collapse, 170 ; manifestation of oedema, 171 ; oedema of the brain, 171; treat- ment of oedema, 173 ; venesection, 173 ; stimu- lants, 175 ; the use of camphor, 175 ; of musk, 176 ; the question of baths during cardiac ex- haustion, 176 ; the use of quinine, 177 ; occur- rence of collapse at the time of crisis, 177 ; its treatment, 177; preparations of iron, 177; mortality, 178; complications and sequelae, 181; their treatment, 181; cirrhosis and gan- grene of the lung, 182 ; administration of the oil of turpentine, 182 Pneumonia, croupous, a complica- tion of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 215 an occasional complication of scurvy, xvii. 203 cold baths in, v. 158 cold packing in, v. 162 diagnosis of, from pleuritic effusion, iv. 677 dietetic treatment of, v. 167 hypodermic injection of camphor in, v. 176 in the etiology of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 857 intercurrent in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 876 Pneumonia, croupous, musk and camphor in, v. 176 opiates in, v. 168 quinine in large doses in, v. 164 stimulants before and after cold baths, v. 163 stimulants in, v. 17o venesection in, v. 173 with cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 722 Pneumonia, desquamative, in tu- berculosis, v. 664 Pneumonia due to foreign bo- dies in the lungs, in ileus, vii 492 Pneumonia due to inhalation of cotton-dust, xix. 31, 40 Pneumonia, embolic, in constric- tions of intestines, vii. 492 Pneumonia, fibroid, associated with pleurisy, iv. 595 PNEUMONIA PROM EMBOLISM, v. 245; bibliography, 245 ; history, 245 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 245; source and nature of the emboli, 246; site of the embolus, 246; the heart as point of origin, 246 ; original forma- tion in the veins of the general circulation, 247; the size as influencing the extent of the pneumonia, 248 ; influence of non-infectious plugs, 248; of infectious plugs, 248; method of development of hemorrhagic infarctions, 249 ; their location, 251 ; their shape, 251 ; the shape of abscesses, 251 ; pathological anatomy, 252 ; condition of the lung, 252; the site of the embolus, 252; the bronchi, 252; the pleura, 252; microscopic examination, 252 ; character of embolic abscess, 253 ; changes undergone by an infarction of long standing, 253 ; pulmonary gangrene, 253; the impossibility of suppura- tion of the infarction, 253 ; perforation into the bronchi, pleural cavity, or externally, 253 ; the greater liability of the right lung to infarc- tions, 254 ; symptomatology and diagnosis, 254; diseases which may give rise to the formation of thrombi, 255; the general symptoms, 255 ; increased frequency of respiration, 255; the fever, 256; chills, 256; the local symptoms, 256; the quality of the sputa, 256; length of continuance, 257 ; its amount, 257; the cough, 257 ; the pain, 257; physical exploration, 257; Pneumonia. Poisons. INDEX. 35G prognosis, 258; treatment, 259; the effect of the pleural exudation, 259 ; cardiac stimulants, 259; digitalis, 259 Pneumonia, interstitial, ix. 837 about bronchiectatic cavities, ix. 861 alcoholics in, ix. 915 arsenious acid in, ix. 911 diagnosis and prognosis, ix. 902 etiology of, ix. 846 general clinical history of, ix. 873 hygienic treatment of, ix. 909 ice-bags for the hemorrhages of, ix. 913 local and general nutrition in, ix. 907 morphine in, ix. 912 oil of turpentine in, ix. 910 pneumatic treatment of, ix. 910 pathological anatomy of, ix. 864 pathology of, ix. 872 treatment of, ix. 906 Pneumonia,lobular,see Pneumonia, Catarrhal a complication of kidney disease, v. 119 of typhoid fever, i 167 Pneumonia of glanders, in horses, hi 340 Pneumonia, recurrent, case of amyloid degeneration following, viii. 482 Pneumonia serosa, a sequel of pleuritis, iv. 671 Pneumonic form of malarial fe- ver, ii 611 Pneumonoconiosis, xix. 32 Pneumonomycosis (Virchow), v. 468 Pneumo-pericardial friction- sound, vi. 595 Pneumo-pericardium, vi. 657 analysis of the gas in, vi. 658 diagnosis, vi. 663 origin of gas in, vi. 658 prognosis, vi. 663 progress and termination, vi. 662 puncture of sac in, vi. 664 resulting from perforation of the oesoph- agus, viii. 81 treatment, vi. 663 Pneumo-peritonitis, development of, by diffusion of gases from the in- testines, vih. 263 development of, from decomposition of effusion, viii. 262 disappearance of gas by absorption, viii 263 physical signs of, viii. 266 Pneumothorax, iv. 744 as a cause of cardiac displacement, vi. 181 as a complication of catarrhal pneumo- nia, v. 215 diagnosis from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 differential diagnosis from diaphragma- tic hernia, vii. 559 dry-cupping in, iv. 768 following cancer of stomach, vii. 245 following ulcer of the stomach, vii. 212 in whooping-cough, vi 710 narcotics and ice in, v. 612 occurrence of, in phthisis, v. 576 potassium and sodium nitrate in, iv. 768 Podagra, xvi 102, 110 in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 597 Podophyllin, in hepatic colic, ix. 770 in hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 80 Pointed condylomata, vhi. 817 Poison of syphilis, xii. 297 Poison of typhoid fever, its vital- ity, i. 54 Poisoning, as a "jause of congestion of pia, xii. 438 of tetanus, xiv. 329 congestion of brain in, xii. 452 Poisoning of the skin from hired bathing-clothes, xvih. 382 Poisoning theory of paralysis ascendens acuta, xhi 736 POISONOUS ANIMALS, STING OR BITE OF, iii. 532 Stings of Insects, 532; bibliography, 532; infection by the sting of insects, 533; by the sting of bees, wasps, and hornets, 533 ; by the sting of scorpions, 357 INDEX. Pneumonia. Poisons. 534; by the bite of spiders, 536 ; by the bite of centipedes, 538 ; treatment of the above, 538 Snake-bites, 539 ; bibliography, 539 ; classification of the venomous snakes, 541; viper-bites, 542 ; symptomatology, 543 ; nervous symptoms, 544 ; mortality, 544 ; sequelae, 544 ; diagnosis, 545 ; treat- ment, 545; bites of other venomous snakes, 547; their general characteris- tics, 547; symptomatology and path- ology, 549; treatment, 550 Poisonous character of pus of pyaemia, xii. 623 Poisonous clothing, laws with re- gard to, xviii. 382 POISONS, xvii. 285 Poisoning by Metalloids, 285; poison- ing by chlorine, 285 ; poisoning by iodine, 290 ; poisoning by bromine, 306 Mineral Acids, 322; poisoning by sul- phuric acid, 322; poisoning by hydro- chloric acid, 337; poisoning by nitric acid, 340; poisoning by hydrofluoric acid, 343; poisoning by sulphurous acid, 344 Vegetable Acids, 346; poisoning by acetic acid, 316; poisoning by tartaric and citric acid, 351; poisoning by oxalic acid, 351 Poisoning by Alkalies, Earths, and tiieiu Salts, 355 ; poisoning by ammo- nia and sal ammoniac, 355; poisoning by caustic and carbonated alkalies, 366 ; poisoning by salts of the alkalies and earths, 370; poisoning by barium com- pounds, 375 ; poisoning by alum, 379 Poisoning by Anaesthetics and other Poisonous Carbon Compounds, 382 ; poisoning by alcohol, 382 ; poisoning by chloroform, 416; poisoning by ether, 439; poisoning by chloral hydrate, 445 ; poi- soning by amylene, 453; poisoning by bichloride of methylene, 453 ; poisoning by ethylidene, 454 ; poisoning by nitrous oxide, 454 ; poisoning by carbonic oxide, 456; poisoning by cat borne acid, 472; poisoning by bisulphide of carbon, 477 ; poisoning by sulphuretted hydrogen, 484; poisoning by prussic acid and al- lied substances, 498 ; poisoning by ben- zin, 512 ; poisoning by nitro-benzin, £13 ; poisoning by anilin and analin dyes, 519 ; poisoning by carbonic acid, 524 ; poison- ing by nitro-glycerine, 533 Poisoning by Tainted Articles of Diet, 535 ; sausage-poisoning, 535 ; poi- sonous fish, 547 ; poisonous cheese, 551 Poisoning by the Heavy Metals, 557 ; lead-poisoning, 557 ; bibliography, 557 ; detection of the compounds of lead in the animal fluids and tissues, 558 ; acute lead-poisoning, 558 ; chronic lead-poison- ing, 560; general description of chronic lead-poisoning, 565; treatment of lead- poisoning in general, 568; lead-colic, 570 ; arthralgia saturnina, 574 ; lead-pai- alysis, 576; encephalopathia saturnina, 581; theory of the action of lead and of lead-poisoning, 583; copper-poisoning, 589; bibliography, 589; acute copper- poisoning, 590; chronic copper-poison- ing, 592 ; zinc- and cadmium-roisoning, 594 ; bibliography, 594 ; acute zinc-poi- soning, 595 ; chronic zinc-poisoning, 597; silver-poisoning, 599 ; bibliography, 599 ; acute and chronic poisoning, 599 ; treat- ment, 601 ; mercurial poisoning, 601; bibliography, 601; the corrosive action of mercurial preparations upon the intes- tinal tract, 603 ; mercurial poisoning by absorption of the poison into the circu- lation.—Constitutional mercurial poison- ing, 605 ; treatment, 617 ; antimony-poi- soning, 619; bibliography, 619; general description, 621; treatment, 624; poi- soning by salts of iron, 624; poisoning by preparations of manganese, 626 ; poi- soning by preparations of chromium, 626; poisoning by compounds of tin, 627 ; poi- soning by subnitrate of bismuth, 628; poisoning by compounds of gold, 628; poisoning by thallium, 628 ; poisoning by osmic acid, 629 ; phosphorus-poisoning, 629 ; bibliography, 629 ; acute phospho- rus-spoisoning, 631 ; treatment, 641 ; chronic phosphorus-poisoning, 642 ; poi- soning by arsenic and arseniuretted hy- drogen, 644; bibliography, 644; acute arsenic-poisoning, 648 ; chronic arsenic- poisoning, 652 Vegetable Poisons, 661; poisoning with atropine, 671; etiology, 661; nature and course of the illness, 665; analysis of symptoms, 681; diagnosis, 678; treat- ment, 680; changes which atropine undergoes in the bodies of men and animals, and tests for atropine, 686; hyoscyamus-poisoning, 688; solanine- poisoning, 689; symptoms and course, 690; diagnosis and prognosis, 694; treat- ment, 695; changes which solanine un- dergoes in the bodies of animals, and tests, 695 ; poisoning by physostigmine, 695 ; etiology, 696; symptoms and course, 697 ; diagnosis, prognosis, and treat- ment, 704; changes which physostig- mine undergoes in the bodies of animals, and tests, 705; poisoning by digitalis, 706; etiology, 708; symptoms and course, 709; diagnosis and prognosis, 718 ; treat- ment, 719; changes which digitalis un- dergoes in the organism, and tests, 720 ; poisoning by veratrine, 722; etiology, 723 ; symptoms and course, 724; diag- nosis, 730; prognosis and treatment, 731; changes which veratrine undergoes in the system, 731; chemical tests, 732 ; poisoning with colchicine, 734 ; etiology, 734; symptoms and course, 735; diag- nosis, 737 ; prognosis, 738; treatment, 739 ; changes which colchicine undergoes in the bodies of animals, 739; chemical tests, 740; poisoning with helleborin and helleborein, 741; symptoms, 742; poisoning with aconitine, 744 ; etiology, 745; symptoms and course, 747 ; diag- nosis, 753; prognosis, 754 ; treatment, 754; changes which aconitine under- goes in the bodies of animals, and chemical tests, 755 ; poisoning with del- phinine, 757 ; general description, 757 ; poisoning with nicotine, 759; etiology, 760; symptoms and course, 764; diag- nosis, 771; prognosis, 772; treatment, 772; changes which nicotine undergoes in the organism, 773; chemical tests, 774; poisoning by strychnine, 775; eti- ology, 776; symptoms and course, 780; diagnosis, 791; prognosis, 793; treat- ment, 794; changes which strychnine undergoes in the organism, 806 ; chemi- cal tests, 807; poisoning with brucine, 810 ; poisoning with picrotoxin, 810 ; eti- ology, 810 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 812 ; treatment, 813; chemical tests and changes which the poison undergoes in the organism, 813 ; poisoning with coni- i'ne, 814; etiology, 814; symptoms and course, 815; diagnosis and prognosis, 819; treatment, 820 ; changes which co- nfine undergoes in the system, and chemical tests, 820; poisoning by cyti- sine, 821; etiology, 822 ; symptoms and course, 823; diagnosis, 825; progno- sis and treatment, 826; changes which cytisine undergoes in organism, 827; poisoning by cicuta virosa, etc., 827; symptoms, 827; treatment, 828; poi- soning by curarine, 829 ; etiology, 830; symptoms and course, 831; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 837; changes which curare undergoes in the organism, 838; chemical tests, 840; poisoning by opium and morphine, 841; etiology, 844; symptoms and course in the acute form, 849; chronic poisoning, 855; diagnosis and prognosis, 864; treatment of acute poisoning, 865; of chronic poisoning, 875 ; changes which opium and morphine undergo in the organism, 877; chemical tests, 880; poisoning by santonin, 882; etiology, 882; symptoms and course, 883; diagnosis and prognosis, 888 ; treatment, 889 ; changes which santonin undergoes in the organism, 889; chemical tests, 890 ; poisoning by ergot, 890 ; acute er- got-poisoning, 892; etiology, 892 ; symp- toms, 893; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 902 ; changes which ergot un- dergoes in the organism, and chemical tests, 904 ; spasmodic ergotism, 904; eti- ology, 904 ; symptoms, 906 ; diagnosis, 910; prognosis and treatment, 911; changes which ergot undergoes in the organism, 912 ; chemical tests, 913 ; gan- grenous ergotism, 914; etiology and Bymptoms, 915; diagnosis, 918; progno- sis and treatment, 919; poisoning by poisonous fungi, 920; mushrooms, 921; symptoms, 923; diagnosis and treatment, 359 INDEX. Poisons. Polypi. 925; fly-fungus, muscarine, 926; etiology, 927 ; symptoms, 928 ; diagnosis, 934 ; prognosis and treatment, 935; changes which muscarine undergoes in the or- ganism, and tests, 937; amanita phal- loides and agaricus bulbosus, 938; eti- ology, 938 ; symptoms, 939; russula In- tegra and boletus luridus, 941; mouldy fungi, 942 ; dust-like fungi, 944 Poisons, as causes of fatty degeneration, vi. 250 of nervous palpitation, vi. 299 of paralysis, xi. 395 in etiology of catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. 514 of corrosive inflammation of the oesophagus, viii. 155 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 153 of diseases of the spleen, viii. 362 of hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 201 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 363 of myehtis, xiii. 429 of spinal irritation, xiii. 360 Police power as applied to sani- tary matters, xviii. 37 Poliomyelitis anterior acuta, of Kussmaul, xhi. 417, 663 diagnosis, xiii. 703 etiology and pathogeny, xiii. 667 local bleeding and ice in, xiii. 708 paralysis in, xiii. 687 pathological anatomy, xiii 670 Bymptoms, in adults, xiii. 699 in children, xiii. 681 treatment, xiii. 707 Poliomyelitis anterior chronica, xiii. 451, 712 a case of, xiii. 727 definition of the term, xiii 713 diagnosis, xiii. 728 etiology, xiii. 714 galvanic current in, xiii. 731 prognosis and treatment, xhi 731 Bymptoms, xiii. 717 Politzcr, xii. 607, 626 Politzer's method, in acute retro- nasal catarrh, vii. 49 Pollen, action of, on mucous mem- branes, ii. 545 quantity present in the air, ii. 546 Pollen of grasses, as a cause of hay- fever, ii. 544, 545 ; xvii. 944 Pollini's decoction, iii 299 Pollution of drinking-water, xvhi 218 et seq. Pollution of ground-air, how to prevent it, xviii. 406 Pollution of the soil, xviii 445 by coal-gas, xviii. 547 by interments, xviii. 538 by surface-defilement, xviii. 549 Pollution of streams, xviii 228 Pollutions, abnormal, noctur- nal, viii. 824, 829 Pollutions, diurnal, viii 824, 830 Pollutions, normal, nocturnal, viii. 828 Polyarthritis produced by lactic acid, xvi 28 Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta, xvi. 12 carbolic acid hypodermically in, xvi. 68 wet compresses and ice-bags in, xvi. 68 Polymyositis chronica progres- siva, xiv. 133 Polypi as a cause of oesophageal stenosis, viii. 26 in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213, 218 in etiology of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 213 Polypi, aural, as a cause of meningitis, xii. 602 Polypi, fibrous of the uterus, x. 259 Polypi, intestinal, vii. 633 Polypi, mucous, nasal, iv. 169 Polypi, nasal, iv. 168 asthma produced by, iv. 108 Polypi, nasal and naso-pharyn- geal, in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 581 Polypi of the air-passages. Potash, chlorate of. Polypi of the air-passages, in eti- ology of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 480 Polypi of the bladder, viii. 736 Polypi of the gall-bladder, ix. 567 Polypi of the larynx, vii. 889 Polypi of the oesophagus, fibrous, viii. 170 Polypi of the vagina, x. 508 Polypoid growths in the blad- der, viii 736 Polysarkia, see Corpulence Polyuria, xvi. 1008 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 431 causes of, xv. 466 Pomegranate-root, bark of, in tape-worm, vii. 702 Pomer's case of idiopathic spasm of the oesophagus, viii. 209 Ponds as a source of water-supply, xviii. 234 liable to vegetable growths, xviii. 235 Pons and medulla oblongata, functional changes in the, in epilepsy, xiv. 265 the seat of epilepsy, xiv. 262 Pons cerebri, disorders of articulation in diseases of, even when the bulbar nuclei are unaffected, xiv. 657 Pons Varolii, abscesses of, xii. 791 anaesthesia in lesions of, xii. 130 changes in, in epilepsy, xiv. 265 effect of lesions of, xii 125 lesions of, xii. 138 diminution of electrical irritability in, xii. 126 in apoplexy, xii. 117 Pontine marshes, efforts to reclaim the, xviii 421 Poorness of the blood, see Anaemia Popliteal space, affection of, in scurvy, vi. 794 Poppell, xii 17 Porcelain, manufacture of, xix. 36 360 Porcelain-lined soil-pipes, xviii. 499 Poren-ventilation of Scharrath, xviii. 674 Pork-packers, xix. 26 Pork-packing, xix. 432 Porosity of soils, xviii. 401 method of determining it, xviii. 403, 440 Portable earth commode, xviii. 510 Portal vein, calcification and ossification of, ix. 830 Portal vein, closure of, in etiology of cirrhosis of liver, ix. 173 PORTAL VEIN, DISEASES OF THE, ix. 777; historical sketch, 777; anatomical and physiological remarks concerning the portal vein, 779 Thrombosis, and Occlusion of the Por- tal Vein (Pylethrombosis; Pylephlebi- tis Adhesiva; Pylephlebitis Chronica), 785 ; literature, 785; etiology, 787 ; path- ological anatomy, 793; general clinical history, 798 ; symptoms, 799; diagnosis, 802; course, duration, terminations, prognosis, 803 ; treatment, 804 Purulent Inflammation of the Por- tal Vein (Pylephlebitis, Suppurativa, Ulcerosa), 805 ; literature, 805; etiology, 807 ; pathological anatomy, 813 ; general clinical history, 815; diagnosis, 822; course, duration, terminations, 825; prog- nosis, 825; treatment, 826 Cancer of the Portal Vein (Pylethrom- bosis Carcinomatosa), 826 Various other Diseases of the Por- tal Vein, 829 1. Dilatation of the portal vein (pylephle- bectasis), 830 2. Chronic pylephlebitis (calcification and ossification of the portal vein), 830 3. Rupture of the portal vein, 831 4. Foreign bodies, gall-stones, and disto- mata in the portal vein, 832 Portal vein, embolism of, in eti- ology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 361 INDEX. Polypi of the air-passages. Potash, chlorate of. Portal vein, hemorrhage from, in etiology of cholaemia, ix. 17 Portal vein, obliteration of branches of, in etiology of hyper- aemia of liver, ix. 64 Portal vein, occlusion of, astrin- gents in haematemesis due to, ix. 804 differential diagnosis from cirrhosis of liver, ix. 202 Portal vein, perforation of, by hepatic abscess, ix. 138 Portal vein, syphilitic disease of, vi 493 Portal vein, thrombosis of, in cir- rhosis of liver, ix. 200 in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 96 Porte-caustiquc for pharynx and la- rynx, iv. 77 guarded, according to Tobold, for pha- rynx and larynx, iv. 77 Portland cement, manufacture of, xix. 36 Portland, Maine, city of, xix. 89 Portland's powder, in gout, xvi 140 Portsmouth Hospital, xviii 744 Position, change of, of heart, vi 13 in treatment of anaemia of brain, xii. 34 of hyperaemia of brain, xii 47, 66 Position and anatomy of the heart, vi. 7 Position of the body, in acute dif- fuse peritonitis, viii. 240, 252 in anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii. 290 in catalepsy, xiv. 372 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, . xiii. 207 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 305 influence of, in inspection of heart-im- pulse, vi. 22 prolonged maintenance of, a cause of hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 237 Position of the pancreas, anoma- lies in, viii. 629 Position of patient in croupous pneu- monia, v. 69 Position of patient in gynecological examinations, x. 5 in pleuritis, iv. 628 Position of the spleen, anomalies in, viii 430 Position of tubercular tumor of the brain, xii. 237 Post-mortem appearances, in scurvy, xvii. 166 Post-mortem conditions found in bodies of bleeders, xvii 53 Post-mortem heart-clots, vi. 293 Post-mortem signs of valvular diseases, vi. 97 Potash, amount of, in the blood of scurvy patients, xvii. 175 deficiency of, in the food, supposed to be a cause of scurvy, xvii. 133 in the dropsy of anaemia, xvi. 492 in pericarditis, vi. 618 percentage of, in different articles of diet, xvii 134 Potash, acetate of, in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 82 in pleuritis, iv. 686, 690 in valvular diseases, vi. 169 Potash, and soda salts in water, xix. 121 Potash, borotartate of, in amyloid degeneration of kidneys, xv. 633 Potash, carbonate of, in diseases of nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 in gout, xvi. 139 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 in thrush, vi. 806 in valvular diseases, vi. 169 Potash, caustic, in poisoning by atro- pine, xvii. 680 Potash, chlorate of, in acute catarrh of lower pharynx, vii. 59 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 144 ' in croup, iv. 265 in diseases of larynx, iv. 82 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- ryDx, iv. 94 in noma, vi 816 Potash, chlorate of. 0 n c\ Potteries. INDEX. 362 Potash, chlorate of, in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 851 in prophylaxis of mercurial stomatitis, vi. 790 in scorbutic stomatitis, xvii. 238 in stomacace, vi. 789 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 in syphilis of naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 Potash lye, poisoning by, xvii. 368 Potash, neutral salts of, in passive hyperaemia of kidneys due to heart- disease, xv. 218 Potash, nitrate of, in bronchial asth- ma, iv. 579, 583 in etiology of acute hyperaemia of kid- neys, xv. 192 in pleuritis, iv. 686 Potash, permanganate of, in chro- nic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 in croup, iv. 268 in croupous and diphtheritic inflamma- tion of pharynx, vii. 73 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 82, 86, 95, 135, 145 in empyema, iv. 721 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 inhalation of, in gangrene of the lung, v. 430 Potash, picronitrate of, in tape- worms, vii. 703 Potash salts, in passive renal hyper- aemia, xv. 217 in scurvy, xvii. 233 Potash salts, in combination with iron, in anaemia, xvi 471 Potash, sulphate of, in poisoning by lead, xvii. 560 Potash, vegetable salts of, in treat- ment of scurvy, xvii. 233 Potassa theory of scurvy, xvii 194 Potassa? et antimonii tartras in cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 219 Potassic phosphate acid in food, xviii. 168 Potassium bichromate, manufac- faoture of, xix. 17 Potassium bromide, effects of, on the animal organism, xvii. 311 in abnornai seminal losses, viii. 874 in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 211 in anaemia, xvi. 495 in angina pectoris, xiv. 53 in athetosis, xiv. 410 in bronchial asthma, iv. 577, 583 in chorea, xiv. 466 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 224 in combination with iron, in chlorosis, xvi. 571 in cystitis, vhi. 794 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1037 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 995 in diseases of the larynx, iv. 82 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 82, 94, 96 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 191 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 420 in epilepsy, xiv. 292 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in glanders of the larynx, vii. 860 in gonorrhoea, viii. 770 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in hyperaesthesia of the larynx, vii. 932 in hysteria, xiv. 572 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vh. 812 in myelitis, xiii. 465 in neuroses of the naso-pharyngeal cav- ity, vii. 104 in oesophageal spasm, viii. 211 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 406, 409 in perichondritis laryngea, vh. 829 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 in poisoning by strychnine, xvii. 800 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 707 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023, 1025 in spasm of the oesophagus, viii 211 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 874 in spinal irritation, xiii. 369 in tabes dorsalis, xih. 615 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in tumors of the brain, xii. 289 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 its power to suspend the reflex excitabil- ity of the throat and palate, xvh. 319 363 Potassium bromide, poisoning by, xvii 306 Potassie cyanide, poisoning by, xvii. 507 Potassie iodide, in acute mhiary tu- berculosis, v. 630 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 537 in aneurism, vi. 460 in arthritis deformans, xvi. 162 in basilar meningitis, xii. 597 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 82 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii 58 in chronic spinal meningitis, xiii. 261 in chyluria, vi. 543 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 356 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 468 in dementia paralytica, xii. 885 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 1003 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 80, 95, 96 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 190 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 664 in enlargement of lymphatic glands fol- lowing gonorrhoea, viii. 782 in epididymitis, viii. 790 in general dilatation of arteries, vi. 404 in glandular swellings occurring during gonorrhoea, viii. 782 in gonorrhoeal rheumatism, vhi. 817 in gout, xvi. 145 in human milk, xvhi. 99 in malignant lymphoma, xvi. 845 in myelitis, xiii 423, 426, 463 in myelomalacia, xiii. 471 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xhi 746 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 408 in pericarditis, vi. 619 in pleuritis, iv. 691 in poisoning by antimony, xvii 624 by arsenic, xvii. 658 by lead, xvii 568, 579 by mercury, xvii 619 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 707 Potash, chlorate of. Potteries. Potassie iodide, in poliomyelitis ante- rior chronica, xiii. 731 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xhi. 945 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 149 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 174 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 490 in slow compression of the spinal cord, xhi. 342 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 708 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 305 in syphilis, iii. 295 in syphilis of the brain, xii. 366 in syphilis of the larynx, vii. 875 in syphilis of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 237 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 in tumors of the brain, xii. 288 in tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 276 poisoning by, xvii. 290 value of, in hastening the ehmination of mercury, xvii. 619 Potassium nitrate in pneumothorax, iv. 768 poisoning by, xvii. 371 Potassium oxalate, poisoning by, xvii. 351 Potassium permanganate as a dis- infectant, xix. 564 in croupous and diphtheritic inflamma- tion of pharynx, vii. 73 in syphilis of naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii 86 Potassium picronitrate, in tape* worm, vii. 703 Potassium salts, paralyzing action of, on the heart, xvii. 372 poisoning by, xvii. 366 Potato-poisoning, xvii 690 Potato-starch, xviii. 160 Potatoes, in dysentery, i. 561 preservation of, for long voyages, xix 206 Potteries, xix. 441 INI Proctitis. INDEX. 364 Potters, liability of, to lead-poisoning, xvii. 561 Potters' asthma, xix. 37 Pottery, manufacture of, xix. 36 Potton's disease, xix. 45 Pott's disease, actual cautery in, xiii. 343 Poughkeepsie, water-supply of, xviii 269 Poultices, in cholera diarrhoea, i. 457 in diseases of the nose, iv. 129 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 426 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 828 in typhlitis, vii. 391 Poultry, keeping of, xix. 400 killing of, xix. 408 Poverty, influence of, on infant mor- tality, xix. 294 Powders, insufflation of, in the treat- ment of diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 78 Power of accommodation of the brain, xii. 242 Power of the State with reference to private hygiene, xviii. 41 Poyet's plan of a hospital, xviii. 751 Practice, influence of, in the develop- ment of speech, xiv. 615 Precordial anxiety in anaemia, xvi. 346 Precordial anxiety of cholera, treatment of, i 460 Pratique, free, xix. 475, 484 Precipitate ejaculation, impotence from, viii. 894 Precipitate, red, in chronic nasal ca- tarrh, iv. 145 Precipitation, treatment of sewage by, xviii. 529 Precocious menstruation and confinement, instances of, x. 322 Predisposing causes to nerve-syphi- - lis, xii. 300 Pregnancy, acute parenchymatous ne- phritis of, xv. 304 Pregnancy, as a cause of hypertrophy of heart, vi. 196 as a cause of malacosteon, xvi 218 as affecting the liability to typhoid fever, i 74 in etiology of acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 244 of acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 304 of acute tumor of the spleen, viii 452 of anaemia, xvi. 298 of bronchial asthma, iv. 581 of chlorosis, xvi. 515 of chorea, xiv. 424 of chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 326 of contracting and sclerotic endocar- ditis, vi. 98 of diseases of the pancreas, viii. 585 of eclampsia, xiv. 306 of hysteria, xiv. 484 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 446 of malacosteon, xvi. 218 of movable kidney, xv. 767 of multiple sclerosis, xiii 476 of progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 577 of retention jaundice, ix. 595 of subacute endocarditis, vi. 86 in prognosis of insufficiency of the mitral valve, vi. 125 in typhoid fever, i 144 increases the danger from typhoid fever, i 143 influence of, on the course of epilepsy, xiv. 275 on the prognosis of croupous pneu- monia, v. 140 on syphilis, iii. 250 neuralgia in, xi 29 relations of chorea to, xiv. 427 relations of, to nursing, xviii. 94 Pregnancy and anaemia, relations between, xvi. 298 Pregnant women, rarity of pneu- monia among, v. 25 365 INDEX. Potters. Proctitis. Preponderance of left hemi- sphere of brain over right, xii 246 Prepuce, morbid conditions of, as causes of morbid pollutions, viii. 846 Preservation, permanent, of the dead body, xix. 453 Preserved fruits, adulteration of, xix. 370 Pressmen, xix. 64 Pressure in neuralgia of the face, xi. 126 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi 126 in thrombosis of the renal vein, xv. 782 Pressure diverticula of the oeso- phagus, viii. 52 Pressure, external, in nosebleed, iv. 161 Pressure on the brain, during la- tency of chronic abscess, xii. 764 symptoms of, in abscess of the brain, xii. 738 Pressure on nucleus of the vagus nerve in apoplexy, xii. 107 Pressure on the prostate gland, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 878 Pressure-points in blepharospasm, xi. 315 in clonic facial spasm, xii. 308 in headache of syphilis, xii. 318 in spasm, xi. 291 Presystolic murmur, vi. 56 Presystolic murmur of mitral stenosis, vi. 128 Preventable diseases, loss to a com- munity from, xviii. 6 Preventive medicine, xix. 573 Previous history, value of, in tu- berculosis of pia, xh. 568 Previous sewage contamina- tion, explanation of the term, xvhi. 297 Prcvost, xii. 100, 194, 196, 227 Priapism, in acute myelitis, xiii. 409 in enteralgia, vii. 463 in myelitis, xih. 409 in traumatic spinal lesions, xih. 313 Priessnitz' compresses, in chronic metritis, x. 122 in haemophilia, xvii. 103 in parametritis, x. 467 Primary bleedings in haemophilia, xvii. 65 Primary epilepsy, xiv. 189 Primary focus of encephalitis, further transformations in, xii. 695 Primary lateral sclerosis, xiii. 620 Primary syphilitic affection of peripheral nerves, xii 352 Principe legislatcur de la pa- role, xiv. 726 Printers, xix. 64 liability of to lead-poisoning, xvii. 561 Prisons, prevention of scurvy in, xvii 227 Private nuisance, definition of the term, xviii 40 Privies, a source of ground contamina- tion, xviii. 446, 449 closure of, during cholera, i. 449 nuisance of, in villages, xviii. 568, 570 proper arrangement of, in school-houses, xix. 604 Privy-vaults, xviii. 516, xix. 456 emptying and disinfection of, i. 197; xviii. 597 objections to, xviii. 522 Prize-fighters, xix. 63 Probabilities, mathematics of, xviii 32 Probing a wound of the heart, vi. 279 Process, healing, in tuberculosis, v. 682 Process of changes in ventricular effusions, xii. 479 Processes, offensive, xix. 390 Processus vocalis, iv. 50 Proctitis, vii. 356 abscess following, vii. 377 cold, warm, and astringent enemata in, vii. 392 fistule following, vii. 377 narcotic suppositories in, vii. 392 Prodromes of apoplexy. Prophylaxis. INDEX. 366 Prodromes of apoplexy, xii 96 of chorea, xiv. 429 of croupous pneumonia, v. 34 of the epileptic attack, significance of, xiv. 270 of meningitis of the convexity and tuber- cular meningitis, xii. 649 of syphilitic apoplexy, xii. 323 Prodromal periods of meningitis tu- berculosa, xii. 555 Prodromal symptoms of cerebral syphilis, xii. 319 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 481 Production of ventricular effu- sion, xii 477 Productivity, xii. 151 Professional muscular atrophy, xvhi. 337 Professional neuroses, xi. 347 Prognosis in cases of foreign bodies in trachea and bronchi, iv. 520 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 774 of abscess of nasal cavity, iv. 148 of acute bronchitis, iv. 406 of acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 207 of atelectasis, v. 333 of bihous typhoid, i. 298 of bronchial asthma, iv. 573 of capillary bronchitis, iv. 406 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 221 of cholera indica, i 440 of cholera morbus, i 347 of chronic bronchitis, iv. 406 of chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 221 of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 143 of croup, iv. 263 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 464, 466 of croupous pneumonia, v. 138 of dengue, h. 513 of diphtheria, i 665 of dysentery, i 559 of echinococcus of the lungs, v. 467 of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 733 of erysipelas, ii. 476 of gangrene of the lung, v. 424 Prognosis of haematothorax, iv. 742 of haemophilia, xvii. 86 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 311 of hydrothorax, iv. 738 of hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 282 of hypostatic processes in the lungs, v. 243 of influenza, ii. 536 of malarial diseases, ii. 650 of measles, ii. 109 of miliary fever, ii. 501 of new-growths in the lungs, v. 442 of new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 456 of nosebleed, iv. 158 of parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 of pleuritis, iv. 680 of pneumonia from embolism, v. 258 of pneumothorax, iv. 765 of pulmonary consumption, v. 595 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 392 of putrid bronchitis, iv. 400 of relapsing fever, i. 283 of rubeola, ii. 147 of scarlatina, ii. 287 of small-pox, ii. 391 of stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 498 of tracheitis, iv. 405 of tracheotomy in croup, iv. 272 of typhoid fever, i. 131 of typhus fever, i 336 of varicella, ii. 29 of yellow fever, i. 509 Prognostic value of individual syphi- litic symptoms, xii. 364 Progressive atrophy, unilateral, of the face, xiv. 57 Progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 905 as a complication of progressive muscu- lar atrophy, xiv. 144 complications, xiii. 933 definition, xiii. 908 diagnosis, xiii. 939 hydrotherapy in, xiii. 944 367 Progressive bulbar paralysis, pathogenesis and etiology, xiii. 908 pathological anatomy, xiii. 910 symptoms, xiii. 915 theory of the disease, xih. 938 treatment, xiii. 943 Progressive locomotor ataxy, xiii. 513 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATRO- PHY, xiv. 105; bibliography, 105; history, 108 ; etiology, 110 ; symptoms and course, 117 ; path- ological anatomy, 133; theory of the disease, and analysis of symptoms, 141; diagnosis and prognosis, 147 ; treatment, 148 Progressive muscular atrophy, xiii. 933 electricity in, xiv. 150 medical gymnastics in, xiv. 150 PROGRESSIVE PERNICIOUS ANAE- MIA, xvi. 572; bibliography, 572; history, 572 ; general definition, 575 ; etiology, 577 ; course, 578 ; pathological anatomy, 583 ; special symp- tomatology, 588 ; nature and pathogeny of the disease, 594 ; complications and sequelae, 595 ; diagnosis, 597 ; duration, issues, prognosis, 601; treatment, 601 Progressive pernicious anaemia in etiology of corpulence, xvi. 647 large doses of iron and quinine in, xvi. 602 Prolapse of the ovary, x. 357 Prolapse of the uterus, x. 188 Prolapse of the uterus and va- gina, x. 81 Prolapsus ani, hepatic abscess follow- ing operation for, ix. 95 in dysentery, i. 536 Prolapsus vaginae, x. 500 Proliferations,papillary, in chron- ic catarrh of larynx, iv. 218 Prominence of eyeball in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 82. in thrombofeis of sinus cavernosus, xii. 218 Prodromes of apoplexy. Prophylaxis. Propagation of heart-murmur, vi. 57 Prophylactic measures against ty- phoid fever, i 195 Prophylaxis against abscess of brain, xii. 810 against exhaustion of the heart in croup- ous pneumonia, v. 157 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 227 in the plague, i 477 in yellow fever, i 510 international, in Asiatic cholera, i 443 of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 208 of anthrax in animals, iii. 402 of anthrax in man, iii. 427 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 407 of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 160 of cholera indica, i 443 of chronic bronchitis, iv. 431 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 223 of cold in the head, iv. 129 of croup, iv. 264 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 469 of cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 231 of cysticercus cellulosae, iii. 606 of dysentery, i 559 of the echinococcus disease, iii. 578 of erysipelas, ii. 477 of foot-and-mouth disease in animals, iii. 530 of foot-and-mouth disease in man, iii. 530 of gangrene of the lung, v. 428 of glanders in man, iii. 369 of haemophilia, xvii. 88 of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 317 of hydrophobia, in animals, iii. 503 of hydrophobia in man, iii. 505 of hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 284 of malarial diseases, ii. 655 of meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 575 of neuralgia, xi. 71 of nosebleed, iv. 168 of the plague, i 477 of pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 of purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135 INI Prophylaxis. TNDEX 368 Psychrometer. 1JN1A&A. Prophylaxis, of scurvy, xvii 216 of small-pox, ii. 400 of spermatorrhoea, viii. 870 of syphilis, iii. 266 of trichinosis, hi. 654 of tumors of the brain, xii. 287 of typhoid fever, i 194 of yellow fever, i 510 Propulsion, ventilation by, xvhi. 778 Propulsion forwards or back- wards in paralysis agitans, xiv. 399 Prosopalgia, xi 100 operative procedures in, xi 126 Prosopoplegia, xi 489 Prospect Park, Brooklyn, well in, xviii. 244 Prostate gland, affections of the, as causes of aspermatism, viii. 905 of hypertrophy of the bladder, viii. 725 Prostate gland, caseous affec- tions of the, in the etiology of acute mhiary tuberculosis, v. 617 Prostate gland, diseases of the, in the etiology of hysteria, xiv. 485 Prostate gland, enlargement of the, in etiology of hypertrophy of the bladder, viii. 725 in etiology of pyelitis, xv. 564 Prostate gland, gonorrhoeal ab- scess of, viii. 785 Prostatic compressor, treatment of spermatorrhoea by the, viii. 878 Prostatitis, mercurial inunctions in perineum in, viii. 787 rest and sedatives in, viii. 786 warm enemata in, vhi. 787 Prostatitis, gonorrhoeal, vhi. 784 prognosis, treatment, viii. 786 simple catarrh, viii. 784 suppurative form, viii. 785 Prostatorrhoea, viii. 855 Prostitutes, xix. 54, 461 Prostitution, xix. 53 official supervision of, iii. 266 Proteid food, uses of, xviii. 153 Proteids, xviii 148 Protomyces, i 247 Protomycetes, i 244, 367 absence of, in last Breslau epidemic, i 282 globular form, i. 249 in relapsing fever, description of, i. 263 relations of, to severity of relapsing fever, i 274 Protomycetes, malarial, i 242 Protomycetes, spiral, i 249 Prout's classification of food, xvhi. 147, 148 Prurigo, a complication of difficult den- tition, vi. 775 Pruritus, in chronic jaundice, ix. 631 in jaundice, ix. 533 Pruritus vulvae, x. 537 alum tampons in, x. 559 chloroform liniment in, x. 559 solutions of carbolic acid in, x. 559 Prussic acid, action on bacteria, i. 680 fatal dose of, xvii. 507 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 683 poisoning by, xvh. 498 Psammoma, xii. 235 Pseudo-croup, iv. 198 Pseudo- hermaphroditismus, x. 542 PSEUDO - HYPERTROPHY OF THE MUSCLES, xiv. 153 ; bibliography, 153 ; his- tory, 154 ; etiology, 156; symptoms and course, 157 ; pathological anatomy, 104 ; theory of the disease, and analysis of the symptoms, 169; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 173 Pseudo - hypertrophy of mus- cles, electricity in, xiv. 174 localized gymnastics in, xiv. 174 massage and hypertrophy in, xiv. 174 Pseudo-leucaemia, vhi 470 different forms of, viii. 474 etiology, symptomatology, viii 474 history, viii. 472 pathological anatomy, viii. 471 I prognosis, therapeutics, viii. 476 369 INDEX. Prophylaxis. Psychro meter. Pseudo-leucaemia and leucae- mia, distinction between, viii 381 Pseudoleukhaemia, xvi 830 Pscudo-melanosis, viii. 642 Pseudo-membranous bronchi- tis, iv. 438 Psoas abscess, xvi. 96 Psoas muscle, affections of, in etiology of perinephritis, xv. 597 of suppurative nephritis, xv. 546 Psoitis, cold and warm compresses in, xvi. 98 leeches and cupping in, xvi. 98 Psoitis and pcripsoitis, xvi. 96 Psoriasis palmaris andplantaris, iii. 138 Psoriasis syphilitica, iii 146 Psorospermia, vii. 685 Psorosperms in the liver, ix. 494 Psychical causes of abnormal semi- nal losses, viii. 841 of chorea, xiv. 424 of epilepsy, xiv. 211 of hysteria, xiv. 481, 485, 564 Psychical constitution, peculiari- ties of the, that favor the development of hysteria, xiv. 481 Psychical contagion as a cause of chorea, xiv. 424 influence of, in the causation of stutter- ing, xiv. 834 Psychical defects caused by circum- scribed encephalitis, xii. 727 Psychical disturbances in chorea, xiv. 438 in epilepsy, xiv. 221 in hysteria, xiv. 495 in spasm, xi. 290 in trigeminal neuralgia, xi 111 Psychical disturbances, mala- rial, ii 601 Psychical excitement or infec- tion, prognosis of hysteria due to, xiv. 556 Psychical hyperaesthesia in hyste- ria, xiv. 495 Psychical impotence, viii. 890 Vol. XX. —24 Psychical impotence, form termed irritable weakness, vhi. 893 prognosis and treatment, vih. 897 Psychical impressions in treatment of clonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 338 in the treatment of hiccough, xi. 338 influence of, in the production of epilep- sy, xiv. 211 Psychical influence as a cause of tubercular meningitis, xh. 522 Psychical influences as causes of anaemia, xvi. 325 in etiology of anaemia, xvi 325 of chlorosis, xvi. 517 of general disorders of nutrition, xvi. 269 of syphilis of nervous system, xii 301 influence of, in the production of hys- teria, xiv. 485 Psychical irritability of the hysteri- cal, xiv. 537 Psychical phenomena of hysteria, relation of, to the symptoms, xiv. 547 Psychical symptoms following en- cephalitis, xii. 731, 733 in abscess and tumor of the brain, xii. 757, 801, 805 in cerebral syphilis, xii. 319, 333, 361 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 764, 771, 792 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xh. 651 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 530, 533, 556 in neuralgia, xi. 57 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 587 in spinal irritation, xiii. 363 Psycho-motor acts, as contrasted with simple and percepto-motor reflex acts, xiv. 699 Psychoses, connection between chorea and the true, xiv. 453 following encephalitis, xii 732 Psychoses, hysterical, xiv. 543 Psychrometer, xviii. 652 Ptarmus. Pulmonary consumption. Ptarmus, xi 342 Pterygium among workers in alkaline dust, xix. 32 Ptosis, xi 477 as a symptom of syphilis of the oculo- motorius, xii. 355 in tubercular meningitis, xii. 515 Ptyalism, vi 849 as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 567 astringent gargles in, vi. 856 atropia in, vi. 856 chlorate of potassa in, vi. 855 course, terminations, prognosis, vi. 854 etiology and pathogenesis, vi. 850 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 371 influence of nervous system on, vi. 850 symptoms, vi. 852 treatment, vi. 855 Ptyalism, spontaneous, vi. 854 Public baths, xviii 378 Public health, xix. 264 its protection in densely crowded areas of population, xviii. 43 standing committee on, xviii. 6 Public hygiene, benefits of, in dimin- ishing mortality, i. 5 in the prevention of typhus fever, i 337 in the United States, xviii. 38 Public nuisance, definition of the term, xviii. 40 PUBLIC NUISANCES, xix. 371; classifica- cation, 384 Offensive Trades : keeping of living animals, 391; killing of animals, 402; storage and handling of animal matters, 411; storage and handling of vegetable matters, 416; storage and handling of mineral matters, 417; storage and han- dling of mixed matters, 417 ; sand-blast, 420 ; carpet-cleaning, 420; hair-picking, 421; street-sweeping, 421; street-vend- ing, street-music, junk-dealing, 422 Offensive Processes : fat-rendering, 423; lard-refining, 428; soap-making, 428; glycerine-refining, 429; gut-clean- ing, 429; bone-boiling, 430; tripe and 370 offal-boiling, 430; blood-boding, 431; pork-packing, 432 ; tanning and leather- dressing, 432 ; glue-making, 433 ; shell- burning, 434 ; brewing, 434; gas-making, 435 ; distilling, 437; sugar-refining, 437 ; vinegar-making, 437 ; varnish-making, 438 ; cooking, 438 ; manufacture of chem- icals, 439 ; glass-works, 431; potteries, 441; bleaching-works, 441; brick-mak- ing, 441; smelting, 441; refining, 441; assaying, 442 ; jewelry manufacture,442; plaster-burning, 448 ; lime-burning, 448 ; coffee-roasting, 449 Other Nuisances : dead bodies, 450; privy vaults, 456 ; sewer-openings and street-gutters, 458; cemeteries, 458; prostitutes, 461; diseased animals, 461; bibliography, 469 Public water supplies, xviii 211 Puccinia, in glanders in horses, hi. 330 Puchclt, xii 129, 209 Pudendo - hemorrhoidal nerve, neuralgia of, xi 184 Puerperal atrophy of the ute- rus, x. 94 Puerperal condition, in etiology of acute rheumatism, xvi. 19 of pulmonary consumption, v. 505 Puerperal diseases in etiology of myelitis, xiii. 390 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 399 of splenitis, viii 438 Puerperal eclampsia, xv. 313 a case of, xv. 308 causes of, xv. 319 Puerperal exostosis in etiology of pachymeningitis externa, xii. 379 Puerperal fever, viii 269 form of jaundice in, ix. 13 forms of, viii 271 history of, viii. 270 in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, 246 of acute tumor of the spleen, vhi. 452 of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 395 )EX. 371 INDEX. Ptarmns. Pulmonary consumption. Puerperal fever, influence of, in eti- ology of ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 70 mode of extension of the morbific poison, viii. 278 theories of the origin of, viii. 277 Puerperal infection as a cause of peritonitis lymphatica in new-born children, vhi. 287 Puerperal peritonitis, viii. 269 causes, anatomy, and symptoms, viii. 273 course, results, viii. 275, 285 literature, viii. 269 opium and iced compresses in, viii. 276 pathological anatomy, viii. 273, 280 peritonitis without pyaemia, viii. 273 pyaemia with peritonitis, the most fre- quent form of puerperal fever, viii. 277 symptoms, viii 273, 282 treatment, viii. 275, 285 Puerperal processes in etiology of acute myocarditis, vi 227 of fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 250 Puerperal scarlatina, ii. 183; viii 275 Puerperal state, influence of the, in the production of hysteria, xiv. 484 Pulmonary abscess, how formed, v. 49 Pulmonary affections causing renal congestion, xv. 200 Pulmonary apoplexy, v. 245 a complication of croup, iv. 252 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 the solution of the chloride of iron in, v. 231 Pulmonary artery, affections of, in etiology of hypertrophy of the heart, vi. 196, 197 atresia of, vi. 317 case of perforation of, from traction-di- verticulum of the oesophagus, viii. 81 dilatation of, vi. 403 diseases of the valves and of the ostium of the, vi 152 Imonary artery, inflammatory origin of stenosis of, vi. 316 intensification of second sound of, in en- docarditis, vi. 89 in mitral insufficiency, vi. 122 narrowing of, vi. 479 pulsations of, vi. 31 stenosis of, vi. 317 digitalis and morphia in, vi. 341 followed by tuberculosis, vi. 330 symptomatology, vi. 324 Pulmonary circulation, interfer- ence with, as a cause of hypertrophy of right ventricle, vi. 196 Pulmonary collapse, v. 322 Pulmonary congestion, following heart disease, vi. 106 PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, v. 473; bibliography, 473; introduction, 475; history, 477; etiology, 481; the question of inherita- bility, 482 ; " sickliness," 483 ; scrofula, 484 ; vaccination as a cause of the manifestation of scrofula, 485 ; influence of the conformation of the chest upon the site of the disease, 485; changes in the cartilages of the ribs, 485; di- minished respiratory capacity, 486 ; bad air and improper food, 488 ; climate, 490 ; temperature, 491; elevated position of land, 491; change of climate, 491; deficiency of light, 492; poor quality of food, 492 ; general influences in early life, 493; the milk, 493; wet-nursing by con- sumptives, 493 ; influence of faulty carriage of the body, 494; position of the body during sleep, 495; the experiments of inoculation of tubercles in animals, 495; contagiousness, 497 ; pulmonary consumption following other dis- eases, 497; bronchial catarrh as a cause, 498 ; pneumonia, 499; pleurisy, 500; haemoptysis, 501 ; retained decomposing blood, 502 ; measles, 504; pertussis, 504 ; diabetes mellitus, 505 ; the puerperal condition, 505; influence of age, 505 ; of sex, 506; the connection of malarial affec- tions with phthisis, 506 ; cancer, 507; goitre, 507; emphysema, 507; valvular diseases of the heart, 507 ; contraction of the chest, 507 ; pathology, 508 ; general description and course of the disease, 508; modifications of the gen- eral course, 512; periods of arrest of the dis- ease, 514; the phthisis florida, 514; analysis Pulmonary consumption. Pulmonary resonance. INDEX. 372 of individual symptoms, 517 ; the cough, 517 ; the expectoration, 520 ; the haemoptysis, 524 ; pain, 528; dyspnoea, 529; inspection of the • thorax, 531; alterations in the form of the chest, 531; anomalies in its movements, 533 results of palpation, 534 ; of percussion, 534 auscultation, 536; laryngeal symptoms, 543 hoarseness, 543 ; syphilitic affections, 544; dif- ficulty in deglutition, 546; pain from pha- ryngeal affections, 546; pain from laryngeal affections, 546; stenosis of the lar}Tix, 547; symptoms of the organs of circulation, 548; the heart, 548; the pulse, 548 ; appearances of the praecordial region during the disease, 548 ; glandular affections, 549 ; the digestive organs, 561; the stomach, 551; anorexia, 551; nausea, vomiting, and pain, 552; aphthae of the mouth and throat, 553 ; thirst, 553; the intestinal canal, 554; pain, 554; diarrhoea, 555 ; anal diseases, 557 ; diseases of the liver, 558 ; of the spleen, 559; of the kidneys, 559 ; of the urinary apparatus, 559; the urine, 559; ner- vous symptoms, 560; the brain, 560; indi- vidual peculiarities, 561; affections of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, 561; cuta- neous symptoms, 561 ; changes in the skin, 561 perspiration, 562; eruptions of the skin,' 562 bed-sores, 563 ; oedema, 563 ; the nails, 563 the hair, 564; the teeth and gums, 564; the emaciation, 565; the fever, 567; its vari- ous forms, 567; perspirations, 569; complica- tions, 572 ; the formation of secondary mfiiary tubercles, 572; pneumonia, 574; pleuritis, 574; meningitis, 575 ; pericarditis, 576 ; pneu- mothorax, 576 ; acute peritonitis, 578 ; affec- tions of the digestive organs, 579 ; amyloid de- generations, 580 ; of the spleen and liver, 581 ; of the kidneys, 581; diagnosis, 582 ; the three different forms of pulmonary lesions, 584; diagnosis of the first form, 584; percussion, 584; auscultation, 585; the cough and other symptoms, 585 ; diagnosis of the second form, 585 ; the general rational symptoms, 586 ; the fever and perspiration, 586; percussion and auscultation, 586 ; diagnosis of the thirl form, 586 ; the cough, 587 ; other symptoms, 587 ; the differential diagnosis between the different forms, 587; course and termination, 591; progno- sis, 595 ; influence of parentage, conformation of the chest, age, etc., 596; the cough, 597; the expectoration, 597; haemoptysis, 598; the laryngeal symptoms, 598; pleuritis, 598 ; pneu- mothorax, 598; the pulse, 599; the fever, 599; the loss of weight, 599; symptoms of the di- gestive organs, 599; affections of the liver, spleen, and kidneys, 600; treatment, 600; the prophylaxis, 601; marriage, 601; nursing of the infant, 601; his after-rearing in child- hood, 602 ; during puberty, 603 ; treatment of inflammatory processes, 604 ; climate, 604; min- eral waters, 604; the selection of an occupa- tion in the prophylaxis, 604 ; attention to scro- fulous symptoms, 604 ; extirpation of enlarged glands, 605 ; treatment of the chronic pneumo- nia, 605; general measures, 605; respiratory exercises, 606 ; residence in an elevated region, 606 ; the use of mineral waters, 606; the pre- vention of relapses, 606; inuring the skin to the influences of cold, 607 ; the use of baths, 607; treatment of the broncho-pneumonic form, 607; general measures, 607; spray- ing of the respiratory organs with saline solu- tions, 608; the use of fats, 608; inhalation of various remedies, 609 ; treatment of the fever, 610 ; treatment of the stage of arrest, 610 ; in- fluence of climate, 611; revulsive measures, 611; treatment of the laryngeal affections, 611; profuse suppurations, 612 ; pneumothorax, 612; haemoptysis, 612; dyspepsia, 612 ; diarrhoea, 613 ; perspirations, 613 Pulmonary consumption, choice of occupation in, v. 604 counter-irritants in inflammatory symp- toms in, v. 606 dietetic treatment of children with, v. 602 exercise in, v. 604 malt extracts in, v. 610 Pulmonary embolism in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 221 stimulants in, v. 320 PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA, v. 334; bibliography, 344; history, 345; definition, 346 ; etiology, 347 ; heredity, 347 ; influence of sex, 348 ; of age, 348 ; vocation and mode of life, 348; the exciting causes of vicarious emphy- sema, 348; of substantive emphysema, 349; interlobular and subpleural forms, 351; mode of development, 352; vicarious emphysema, 353; effects of inspiratory pressure, 354; the 373 INDEX Pulmonary consumption. Pulmonary resonance. expiration theory, 355 ; lesions of nutrition, 356 ; influence of age, 358 ; lesions of nutrition in the costal cartilages, 359 ; general features of the disease, 360; diseases associated with emphysema, 360; the dyspnoea, 361; the speech and voice, 361; the influence of cli- mate, 361; the expectoration, 362; the asth- matic form, 362; general course, 362; the heart, 363 ; percussion and auscultation of the lungs, 364 ; further progress of the disease, 364 ; characteristics of vicarious, interstitial, inter- lobular, and subpleural emphysema, 366 ; path- ological anatomy, 366; the lungs in the cy- anotic cases, 366; in vicarious emphysema, 367; situation of the emphysema, 367; con- sistency of the lung, 369; its color, 369; the individual alveoli, 369; microscopic ap- pearances, 369; the consequences of emphy- sema, 373 ; the heart, 373 ; the brain and other organs, 374 ; relations with other diseases, 375 ; with tuberculosis, 375; with heart disease, 376 ; analysis of individual symptoms, 376 ; the respiration, 376; the difficult expiration, 377; asthma, 379 ; disorders of the circulation, 379 ; the heart, 380; cyanosis, 381; hyperaemia of the brain, 381 ; oedema of the feet, 381; disturbances of portal circulation, 381; the pulse, 382 ; the urine, 382; disturbances of nu- trition, 382; dropsical effusions, 383; cough and expectoration, 383 ; physical examination, 383; inspection and palpation, 383; various forms of the thorax, 383 ; appearance of the abdomen, 386; the pectoral fremitus, 386 ; per- cussion, 387; auscultation, 388; the cardiac sounds, 389; symptoms of vicarious, interlob- ular, and subpleural emphysema, 390; dura- tion and results, 391; prognosis, 392; diag- nosis, 393 ; differential diagnosis, 394 ; from simple dilatation, 394; from pneumothorax, 394; from diseases of the heart and large ves- sels, 395; treatment, 396 ; emetics and tonics, 396; prophylaxis, 396 ; the bronchial catarrh, 397; the dyspnoea, 398 ; internal remedies, 39S ; inhalation of compressed air, 399 ; the appara- tus, 400 ; modes of employment, 401; compres- sion of the thorax, 404; faradization of the phrenic nerves and abdominal muscles, 404; the asthmatic attacks, 404; cyanosis and dropsy, 405 ; venesection, 405; diuretics, 405; stimulants, 406; roborants, 406; treatment of interlobular and subpleural emphysema, 406 Pulmonary emphysema, oom- pressed air in, v. 399 compression of the thorax in, v. 404 diuretics in the dropsy of, v. 405 expectorants in, v. 398 in etiology of pneumothorax, iv. 748 relations of, to phthisis, v. 507 sinapisms in, v. 398 stimulants in, v. 406 Waldenburg's apparatus for aiding ex- piration in, v. 400 Pulmonary gangrene, a complica- tion of croup, iv. 252 acetate of lead in, v. 428 disinfectants internally and by inhalation in, v. 429 inhalations of bromine in, v. 429 of carbolic acid in, v. 430 of turpentine in, v. 429 quinine in large doses in, v. 431 Pulmonary hemorrhages, a cause of consumption, v. 501 absolute rest necessary in, v. 318 astringents in, v. 319 cold externally and internally in, v. 318 digitalis in, v. 320 ergot in, v. 318 mineral acids in, v. 319 preparations of iron in, v. 317 tannic and gallic acids in, v. 318 Pulmonary infarctions, vi 104 Bymptoms of, vi. 105 termination of, vi. 105 Pulmonary oedema following heart disease, vi. 107 of chronic nephritis, xv. 341 Pulmonary ostium, stenosis of, diagnosis, vi 160 prognosis, vi. 161 symptoms, vi. 158 Pulmonary phthisis, see Pulmonary Consumption amyloid kidney in, xv. 614 f oho wing anaemia, xvi. 410 following typhoid fever, i. 172 Pulmonary resonance affected by large pericardial effusion, vi. 590 Pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulvermacner. INDEX. 374 Pulmonary tuberculosis (see Tu- berculosis), as a complication of steno- sis of pulmonary artery, vi. 330 Pulmonary valves, diseases of, vi. 152 Pulmonary valves, insufflciency of the, vi 153 prognosis, vi. 155 Pulsatilla in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Pulsatio epigasl rica, vi 445 Pulsation, value of, in diagnosis of aneurism, vi. 445 Pulsation of abdominal aneu- rism, character of, vi. 437 Pulsation of a thoracic aneu- rism, vi 417 Pulsations in cervical vessels, in diseases of the heart, vi. 32 Pulsations unconnected with the apex, in diseases of heart, vi 30 Pulse, acceleration of, in Basedow's dis- ease, xiv. 94 alterations in rhythm, vi. 44 changes in celerity, vi. 44 character of, in cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 210 in mitral stenosis, vi. 129 condition of, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 201 in poisoning by iodine, xvii. 300 diminution in the frequency of, in chron- ic jaundice, ix. 609 extreme retardation of, xii. 785 frequency and quality of, during pericar- ditis, vi. 596 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 241, 250, 265 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi 76 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 619, 623 in acute myocarditis, vi. 234 in acute pancreatitis, viii. 595 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 32 in acute spinal meningitis, xhi. 235 in anaemia, xvi. 344 in aneurism of the aorta, vi 422, 431 in angina pectoris, xiv. 38 Pulse, in aortic insufficiency, character of, vi. 136 in arterial spasm or paralysis, vi. 358 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 80, 94 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 349 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 373 in catalepsy, xiv. 374 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 201 in cholera, i. 423 in chorea, xiv. 436, 439 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii 293, 299 in chronic endarteritis, vi. 380 in circumscribed peritonitis, viii. 308 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 349 in croup, iv. 247 in croupous pneumonia, v. 35, 61 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 143 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii, 646 in the epileptic seizure, xiv. 229 in the examination of the heart, vi. 41 in the fever brought on by catching cold, xvi. 239 in gangrene of the lung, v. 420 in gout, xvi. 109 in hemorrhage of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 872 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 205 in hypertrophy of the heart, vi 210 in hysteria, xiv. 523 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 289 in insufficiency of the aortic valve, vi. 136 of the mitral valve, vi. 123 of the tricuspid valve, vi. 149 in leucaemia, viii. 519 in local contraction of an artery, vi. 472 in malignant lymphoma, xvi 841 in myelitis, xih. 412 in narrowing of the aorta, vi. 475 in nervous palpitation, vi. 305 in neuralgia, xi. 38, 50 in new-growths in the lungs, v. 439, 441 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 451, 455 375 in Pulse, in pericardial adhesions, vi 636, 647 in pericarditis, vi. 596 in the plague, i. 473 in pleuritis, iv. 625 in pneumonia, v. 61 in pneumothorax, iv. 754 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii 394 by alum, xvii. 381 by ammonia, xvii. 359, 364 by anilin, xvii. 523 by atropin, xvii. 666 by bromine, xvii 320 by calabar bean, xvii. 698 by carbonic acid, xvii 475 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 458, 467 by chloral hydrate, xvii. 450 by chloroform, xvii. 421 by curarine, xvii. 831 by digitalis, xvii. 710 by ergot, xvii. 893 by ether, xvii. 442 by iodine, xvii. 300 by lead, xvii. 565, 572 by nitro-benzin, xvii 518 by nitro-glycerine, xvii. 534 by opium, xvii. 850, 875 by phosphorus, xvii. 633 by potassium nitrate, xvh. 374 by prussic acid, xvii. 504, 510 by sausage, xvii. 544 by solanine, xvii. 691 by strychnine, xvii. 782 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 488, 495 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 330 by veratrine, xvii. 724 in prognosis of croupous pneumonia, v. 142 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 274, 283 in pulmonary consumption, v. 548, 599 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 364, 382 in relapsing fever, i 273 in scurvy, xvii. 146 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 337 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 703 in spinal disease, xiii 141 Pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulvermacber. Pulse, in stenosis of the left ostium venosum, vi. 129 in stenosis of the ostium aorticum, vi. 144 in stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 491 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 589 in tetanus, xiv. 331, 347 in thoracic aneurism, vi. 422 in trichinosis, iii 631 in tricuspid insufficiency, vi. 149 in tubercular peritonitis, viii 329, 334 in typhoid fever, i. 82 in typhus fever, i 325 in wounds of the heart, vi. 277, 278 irregularity of, in heart diseases, vi. 41 resistance and tension of, vi 45 retardation of, in lead colic, xvh. 572 in migraine, xiv. 17 in pericarditis, vi. 598 Pulse and temperature as guides to the treatment of croupous pneumo- nia, v. 157 Pulse curves, in typhoid fever, i. 84 Pulse, dicrotic, in typhoid fever, i 83 Pulse of aortic stenosis, character of, vi. 144 Pulse of croupous angina, vi 934 Pulse of diphtheria, vi 939 Pulse, paradoxical, vi. 45, 649 Pulsion, ventilation by, xviii. 712 Pulsus alternans, vi 42 Pulsus bigcminus, vi. 42 Pulsus eerebralis, xh. 102 Pulsus coturnisans, vi 42 Pulsus deficiens, vi 42 Pulsus differens, xii 133 Pulsus inspiratione intermit- tens, vi 650 Pulsus intercurrens (or inci- dens), vi 42 Pulsus intermittens, vi. 42 Pulsus tardus of chronic endarteritis, vi 381 Pulverisateur des liquides of Sales-Girons, iv. 88 Pulvermacher, chain of, in para- lysis agitans, xiv. 406 Pulvis anti-epilepticus. Pyopericardium. INDEX. 376 Pulvis anti-epilepticus, xiv. 290 Puncture in dilatation of the gall-blad- der, ix. 646 in etiology of hyperemia of the liver, ix. 63 Puncture, explorative, in diagno- sis of fluctuating tumor of the gall- bladder, ix. 641 in ovarian cysts, x. 393 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 133 Puncture of intestine in enteralgia, vii. 469 in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 658 Puncture of ovarian cyst through the rectum, x. 399 through the vagina, x. 399 Punishment in the navy, xix. 218 Pupils, contraction of, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 127 dilatation of the, in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 668 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 99 effects of atropine upon, xvii. 671 in apoplexy, xii. 102, 116 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 84 in cerebral anaemia, xii. 34 in cerebral tumors, xii 251 in chorea, xiv. 437 in compression of the brain, xii. 667 in dementia paralytica, xii 866 in haematoma of the dura, xii. 419 in lepto-meningitis infantum, xh. 484 in lesions of the pons, xii. 139 in meningitis of the convexity, xii 615 in opium-poisoning, xvii. 850 in pachymeningitis, xii 409, 410, 412 in poisoning by calabar bean, xvii. 702 in spinal disease, xiii. 142 Purgatives, in acute hepatitis, ix. 153 in acute nephritis, xv. 296, 300 in aneurism, vi. 459 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 419 in chronic gastritis, vii 191 in erysipelas, ii. 478 in etiology of intestinal catarrh, vii. 363 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 445 Purgatives, in hyperemia of the brain, xii. 67 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423 in malarial fevers, ii 661 in miliary fever, ii. 503 in sciatica, xi. 178 in scurvy, xvh. 236 in typhlitis, viii. 323 in uremic convulsions, xv. 302 Purpura febrilis et non febrilis, xvii 246 Purpura hemorrhagica, xvh. 243 acetate of lead in, xvii. 278 dietetic treatment in, xvii. 279 in etiology of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 445 quinine and iron in, xvii. 280 stimulants in, xvii. 280 Purpura rhcumatica, xvii 247 Purpura simplex, and purpura hemorrhagica, xvii 245 Purpura variolosa, ii 353, 369 Purpuric efflorescences, different varieties of, in haemophilia, xvii 47 Purpuric eruptions, mode of origin of, in haemophilia, xvii 48 Purring vibrations of mitral steno- sis, vi 127 Purulent effusion in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 237 Purulent infiltration of the membrane in diphtheria, i 631 Purulent infiltrations in uremia, xv. 149 Purulent inflammation of the dura mater, case, xii 381, 382 Purulent meningitis, importance of germs in the production of, xii. 675 Purulent meningitis and menin- gitis tuberculosa, differentiation of, xii. 569 Purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 129 Purulent pleuritis and pericar- ditis, meningitis in the course of, xii. 624 377 Purulent softening of the mu- cous membrane in dysentery, i. 540 Pus, acid fermentation of, xv. 295 calcification of, between layers of the pericardium, vi. 631 formation of, on the dura mater, xii. 380 found in old abscess of the brain, xii. 705 in acute myocarditis, origin of, vi 229 in albuminous urine, xv. 31 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 412 in ischaemia, xv. 237 in the pericardium, origin of, vi. 564 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 418 in the secretion, in cold in the head, iv. 124 in the secretion of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 196 of croupous pneumonia, v. 89 of intestinal ulcers, vii. 412 in the urine, meaning of, xv. 74 Pus-cells, in embolism of cerebral ca- pillaries, xii 224 Pus-corpuscles in pneumonic sputa, v. 89 Putrid dysentery, i. 542 Putrid infection, the cause of puer- peral peritonitis lymphatica, viii 280 Putrid sore-mouth, vi 782 Pyaemia, a complication of scrofulosis, xvi. 811 following exarteritis, vi. 348 form of jaundice in, ix. 13 haematogenous jaundice in, ix. 27 hepatic abscesses in, ix. 100 in erysipelas, ii. 466 in the etiology of acute myocarditis, vi. 227 EX. 385 INDEX. Reflex action. Renal veins. tomy in, 281; diagnosis, 283 ; prognosis, 283 ; treatment, 283 Relapsing fever, acute nephritis in, xv. 252 combined with scarlatina, ii. 193 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 252 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 399 liver in, i. 269 modes of contagion, i. 243 no specific therapeutics, i 285 pain in, i. 269 pathogenetic elements, i. 243 prophylaxis of, i 284 pulse in, i. 269 quinine in, i. 285 spleen in, i. 269 transportation of its germs by ships, xix. 221 Relapsing fever and bilious ty- phoid, identity of, i. 287 RELAPSING FEVER, TYPHUS FEVER, AND CHOLERA : introduction, i. 237 Rcmak, xii. 154, 108 Rcmak's case of paralysis agi- tans, xiv. 407 Remission of symptoms in throm- bosis of the cerebral sinuses, xii. 221 Remissions in course of hysteria, xiv. 547 Remittent and continued mala- rial fevers, ii 614 lesions of, ii. 628 treatment of, ii. 675 Remittent fever, forms of, ii 616, 617 Renal abscesses, xv. 543 Renal calculi, xv. 687 chemical composition of, xv. 699 Renal catarrh complicating gonor- rhoea, vih. 793 RENAL CIRRHOSIS, xv. 408; etiology, 409 ; progress of the disease, 415; pathological Vol. XX.—25 anatomy, 451; analysis of the symptoms, 462; retinitis albuminurica, 476 ; duration of genu- ine contracting atrophy of the kidneys, 480; prognosis, 482 ; diagnosis, 484 ; treatment, 488 Renal cirrhosis, dietetic treatment of, xv. 490 digitalis and narcotics in, xv. 491 iodide of potassium in, xv. 490 iron in, xv. 493 tincture of iodine and creasote in the vomiting of, xv. 493 transfusion of blood in, xv. 496 Renal colic, xv. 709 treatment of, xv. 737 Renal cysts, xv. 638 Renal diseases, see under Kidney influence of, on general nutrition, xv. 150 Renal disorders, functional symp- toms of, xv. 10 general symptoms of, xv. 4 local symptoms of, xv. 4 pain in, xv. 4 Renal disturbances from heart disease, a case of, xv. 208 causes of, xv. 207 Renal echinococci, diagnosis, xv. 752 etiology, xv. 743 operative treatment of, xv. 757 pathological anatomy, xv. 745 symptomatology, xv. 748 treatment, xv. 756 Renal gravel, xv. 687, 698 Renal stones, xv. 698 Renal tumors, local objective symp- toms of, xv. 5 RENAL VESSELS, DISEASES OF, xv. 780; bibliography, 780 Diseases of the Renal Artery, 780; pathology, 780 Diseases of the Renal Vein, 781; eti- ology, 782; general description, 783 Renal veins, thrombosis of, xv. 197 Renchthal. Respiratory disturbances. INDEX. 386 Renchthal, in Baden, waters Of, in rickets, xvi. 206 Renz, xii 819 Repetition of dictated words is impossible, in ataxic aphasia, xiv. 753 Repetition of words, phrases, and sentences, as a physiological or morbid peculiarity of speech, xiv. 815 Replacement in displacements of the womb, x. 172 Repose, prolonged, in etiology of anaemia, xvi. 316 Reproduction of infectious dis- eases, i 9 Resection of the larynx, vii. 912 Resection of ribs, in chronic empy- ema, iv. 727 in mediastinal tumors, v. 461 Reservoirs, vegetable growths in, xviii. 235 Reservoirs, impounding, xviii. 238 Residence, influence of nature of, in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 539 Residuum in encephalitic foci, xii. 695 Resolvents, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 416, 426 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 86, 94 Resolvents for inhalation, iv. 94 Sodii chlorid., gr. j.-xv. to 3 j. of water. Amnion, muriat., gr. j.-xv. to 3 j. of water. Sodae carb. (pure), gr. j.-x. to § j. of water. Potassae carb. (pure), gr. j.-x. to 3 j. of water. Sodae bicarb., gr. j.-xv. to § j. of water. Potass, chloratis, gr. j.-x. to § j. of water. Potass, bromidi, gr. j. -xv. to § j. of water. Resorption of deposits in the brain, xii. 288 Respiration, condition of, in the newly born infant, xviii. 75 effects of exercise on, xviii. 320 frequency of, in first stage of croupous pneumonia, v. 35 Respiration, in prognosis of croupous pneumonia, v. 142 insufficiency of, in trichinosis, iii. 636 interfered with by pericarditis, vi. 601 spasmodic movement of, in hysteria, xiv. 514 Respiration and circulation, changes in the, in diseases of the spleen, viii. 376 Respiration, artificial, in hemor- rhage in the medulla oblongata, xih. 876 in poisoning by calabar bean, xvii. 704 by carbolic acid, xvii. 532 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 471 by chloroform, xvii. 438 by coniine, xvii. 820 by cytisine, xvh. 826 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 519 by opium, xvii. 867 by potassium nitrate, xvii 375 by prussic acid, xvii. 511 by santonine, xvii. 889 by strychnine, xvii. 803 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 497 Respirator of Jeffrey, use of, in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 Respirators, xix. 34 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 96 Respiratory apparatus, complete absence of, iv. 287 condition of, in glanders in man, hi 357 Respiratory centre, paralysis of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 163 Respiratory centres, in the me- dulla oblongata, xiii. 857 Respiratory disturbances from hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 871 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 240, 251 in acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 75 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 622 in acute myelitis, xiii. 412 in acute pancreatitis, viii. 595 in acute rheumatism, xvi 32 387 Respiratory disturbances in acute spinal meningitis, xiii 236, 241 in acute tracheo-bronchitis, iv. 362 in anaemia of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 880 in aneurism of the aorta, vi. 425, 432 in angina pectoris, xiv. 37, 38 in bronchial asthma, iv. 561 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 331, 350 in bulbar paralysis, xiii. 925 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 368 in catalepsy, xiv. 374 in chlorosis, xvi. 519, 541 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 391 in chronic diffuse peritonitis, viii. 293, 299 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 349 in corpulence, xvi. 674 in croup, iv. 239, 249 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 461 in diphtheria, vi. 940 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 140 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 376 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 646 in echinococcus of the lungs, v. 463 in emphysema of the lungs, v. 376 in enteralgia, vii. 463 in etiology of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 864 of bronchiectasis, ix. 842 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 60 of spasm of the glottis, vii. 998 in fatty degeneration of the heart, vi. 256 in glanders in man, iii. 357, 359 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 871 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xiii. 204 in hysteria, xiv. 514 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 290 in infants, xix. 278 in interstitial pneumonia, ix. 873 in later stages of croupous pneumonia, v. 07, 74 in leucaemia, vhi. 518 in multiple sclerosis, xhi. 498 Renchthal. Respiratory disturbances. Respiratory disturbances in my- elitis, xiii. 412, 447 in new-growths in the lungs, v. 439 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 450 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xhi 738 in pericarditis, vi. 601 in pleuritis, iv. 626 in pneumonia, v. 67 in pneumothorax, iv. 754 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 749, 752 by ammonia, xvii. 357, 362 by anilin, xvii. 523 by atropine, xvii. 668, 675 by bisulphide of carbon, xvii. 478 by carbonic acid, xvii. 474 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 466 by chloral hydrate, xvii. 448 by chloroform, xvii. 442 by colchicine, xvii. 736 by conime, xvii. 816, 818 by curarine, xvii. 831 by cytisine, xvii. 824 by digitalis, xvii. 710 by ergot, xvii. 894, 908 by fish, xvii. 550 by lead, xvii. 572 by mercury, xvii. 604 by nicotine, xvii. 768 by nitrobenzine, xvii. 518 by nitroglycerine, xvii. 534 by opium, xvii. 850, 875 by picrotoxin, xvii. 811 by potassium nitrate, xvii. 374 by prussic acid, xvii. o02 by santonin, xvii. 885 by sausage, xvii. 542 by solanine, xvii. 691 by strychnine, xvii 782 by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 494 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 330 by sulphuric ether, xvii. 442 by veratrine, xvii. 724, 729 in spinal disease, xiii 140 in spinal meningitis, xiii. 241 in tetanus, xiv. 346 in thoracic aneurism, vi 425 INI Respiratory disturbances. Rheumatic affections. INDEX. 388 Respiratory disturbances in ul- cerative endocarditis, vi. 75 Respiratory exercise in diseases of the spleen, viii. 406 Respiratory insufficiency the prin- cipal cause of death in catarrhal pneu- monia, v. 226 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 284 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 337 in stenosis of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 276, 486 in tetanus, xiv. 331, 346 Respiratory muscles, contrac- tures of, in apoplexy, xii. 123 RESPIRATORY MUSCLES, SPASMS OF, xi. 335 ; bibliography, 335 Tonic Spasm of the Diaphragm, 335; symptomatology, 335 ; dyspnoea a symp- tom, 335 ; etiology, 336; treatment, 336 Clonic Spasm of the Diaphragm, 336; etiology, 337; prognosis, 338; treat- ment, 338 Inspiratory Spasm, 339; different from hiccough, 340; symptomatology, 340 ; sneezing, 342 ; phenomena of, 342 ; dura- tion, 342 ; attacks of yawning, 343; spas- modic cough, 343; fits of laughing and crying, 343; pathogenesis and etiology, 343; treatment, 344 Respiratory organs, abnormal ap- pearances of, in hepatitis, ix. 131 affections of, in chlorosis, xvi. 541 in renal abscess, xv. 558 in rickets, xvi. 199 in small-pox, ii. 379 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 197 effects of atropine upon, xvii. 675 effects of calabar bean upon, xvii. 699 in acute myocarditis, vi 235 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii 720 in cholera, i 434 in erysipelas, ii. 443 in relapsing fever, i 299 in syphilis, iii. 206 in trichinosis, iii. 645 inflammation of, in children, xix. 278 Respiratory organs, innervation of, xiii 53 perforation into, of echinococci of the kidney, xv. 751 Rest, effect of, upon the contracted mus- cles of paralysis, xii. 123 in the treatment of acute cystitis, viii. 685 of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 260, 269 of acute myocarditis, vi. 238 of acute parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 295 of aneurism, vi. 458 of chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 402 of concussion of the spinal cord, xhi 356 of dementia paralytica, xii. 884 of diseases of the suprarenal cap- sules, viii. 664 of epididymitis, viii. 790 of gonorrhoea, viii. 770 of haematuria following cancer of the kidney, xv. 684 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 456 of meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 216 of myelitis, xiii. 422 of pericarditis, vi. 618 of perihepatitis, ix. 87 of perinephritis, xv. 601 of periproctitis, vii. 392 of prostatitis, viii. 786 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 490 of suppurative hepatitis, ix. 158 of suppurative nephritis, xv. 561 of typhoid fever, i. 228 Rest and abstinence in the treat- ment of acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 260 Rest harrow root in valvular dis- eases, vi. 169 Rest in bed, in anaemia, xvi. 462 Retardation in the conduction of mo- tor impulses in paralysis, xii. 125 Retching, in inspection of the pharynx, iv. 4 389 Respiratory disturbances. Rheumatic affections. Retention-cysts of the pancreas, vih. 615 Retention of urine, viii 708 from paralysis of the bladder, viii. 708 in etiology of suppurative nephritis, xv. 545 in gonorrhoea, treatment of, viii. 777 Retention of urine, spasmodic, in hysteria, xiv. 515 Retentive strata, xix. 93 Retentive surfaces, xix. 93 Retina, alterations of, in abscess of the brain, xii 793 in meningitis, xii. 617 in meningitis of the convexity, xii. 651 in meningitis of pneumonia, xii. 634 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 532, 562, 651 in the second stage of tuberculosis of the pia mater, xii. 536 apoplexies into, in abscess of brain, xii. 795 congestion of, in abscess of brain, xii. 794 hemorrhages into, in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 198 pulsation in, in aneurism of the aorta, vi. 425, 432 venous congestion of, in encephalitis due to lung-affections, xii. 744 Retinal artery, unilateral pulsation of, vi 435 Retinal hemorrhage, xii 76 Retinitis albuminurica, xv. 476 Retinitis pigmentosa, iii. 224 Retinitis syphilitica, hi 224 Retraction of abdomen, xii 486, 559, 572, 683 Retraction of inferior portion of sternum and ribs, with sys- tole of the heart, vi. 29 Retroflexion of the uterus, x. 163, 168 Retrogressive process of syphilitic neoplasms, xii 363 Retro-pharyngeal abscess, a re- sult of diseases of the nose, iv. 127 Rctrotonsillar abscess, vi. 914 Retro-uterine haeinatocele, x. 467 Retroversion of the uterus, x. 163, 169 Retting of flax and hemp, xix. 469 Retzius, xii 6 Reversible blowing-fan, xix. 199 Revulsives, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 418 Reye, xii 855 Reynolds, xh. 61, 68, 83 Reynolds' case of paralysis agi- tans, xiv. 407 Reynolds' man-hole and trough, xviii. 487 Reynolds' theory of epilepsy, xiv. 187 Rhaehisagra, xvi. 110 Rhachitis, causes of, vol. xviii, iii. Rhagades with hypertrophied lips, vi 740 Rhatany, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in dysentery, i. 566 Rheumarthritis, bicarbonate of soda in, xvi. 70 condition of the joints in, xvi. 38 salicin in, xvi 1040 salicylic acid in, xvi. 1039 Rheumarthritis acuta, as a compli- cation of croupous pneumonia, v. 119 Rheumatic affections, complicating haemophilia, xvii. 57 in etiology of acute myocarditis, vii. 227 of aneurism, vi. 416 of chorea, xiv. 425 of chronic endarteritis, vi. 375 of chronic myocarditis, vi. 239 of contracting and sclerotic endocar- ditis, vi. 98 of myelitis, xiii. 390 of pericarditis, vi. 556 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 Rheumatic affections. Rhythmic exercises. INDEX. 390 Rheumatic affections, in etiology of subacute verrucose endocarditis, vi. 84 of tabes dorsalis, xih. 528 in scarlatina, ii. 266 RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS OF THE JOINTS AND MUSCLES—RHEUMATISM, xvi. 3 ; bibliography, 3 ; introductory remarks, 4 Polyarthritis Rheumatica Acuta, xvi. 12 ; bibliography, 12 ; etiology and path- ogeny, 14 ; pathology, 32 ; general out- line of the disease, 32; pathological anat- omy, 35; analysis of individual symp- toms, 38; condition of the joints, 38; state of the skin, 39; state of the urine and urinary organs, 40; state of the ner- vous system, 42 ; febrile phenomena, 44 ; complications, 46 ; course and duration, 52 ; diagnosis, 54; issues and sequelae, 56 ; prognosis, 56 ; treatment, 58 Gonorrheal Arthritis, xvi. 71; bibli- ography, 71; etiology, 72; symptoma- tology, 73; treatment, 74 Arthritis Rheumatica Chronica, xvi. 75 ; etiology, 75 ; pathological anatomy, 76; symptomatology, 77 ; diagnosis and prognosis, 80 ; treatment, SI Myopathia, or Myalgia Rheumatica ; Muscular Rheumatism, xvi 86; bibli- ography, 86 ; etiology, 88 ; symptomatol- ogy, 88 ; diagnosis, 89 ; treatment, 90 ; rheumatism of the head, 90; of the cer- vical muscles, 91; of the pectoral and intercostal muscles, 92; of the humeral and scapular muscles, 93 ; lumbago, 93 Psoitis and Peripsoitis, xvi. 96; bibliog- raphy, 96; pathology, 96 ; symptomatol- ogy, 97; treatment, 98 Rheumatic anaesthesias, xi 221 Rheumatic angina, vi 895 Rheumatic arthritis in etiology of pleuritis, iv. 597 Rheumatic arthritis, chronic, cod-liver oh and tonics in, xvi. 82 counter-irritants in, xvi. 82 mineral spring baths in, xvi. 84 Rheumatic arthritis, clironic, Niemeyer's liniment in, xvi. 82 R. Veratrin.................. gr. vj.-ix. Chloroform............... % ss. Hoffman's balsam of life... 3 xv. M. warm baths in, xvi. 83 Rheumatic cutaneous anaesthe- sia, xi 221 Rheumatic diathesis, relationship of, to haemophilia, xvii. 61 Rheumatic dysentery, i 532 Rheumatic facial paralysis, xi 515 Rheumatic headache, xi 141 Rheumatic peritonitis, viii. 222 Rheumatic polyarthritis, acute, alkalies in, xvi. 61 as a complication of chorea, xiv. 426 blister treatment in, xvi. 65 cardiac stimulants in, xvi. 67 colchicum in, xvi. 64 frequency of, in children, xiv. 426 hygienic and dietetic treatment of, xvi 66 in etiology of acute diphtheritic endo- carditis, vi. 70 lemon-juice in, xvi. 61 narcotics in, xvi. 69 quinine in large doses in, xvi. 67 trimethylamine in, xvi. 63 Rheumatic sciatica, treatment of, xi. 179 Rheumatic symptoms in the joints, in morbus maculosus, xvh. 264 Rheumatism, see under Rheumarthri- tis and Rheumatic Polyarthritis acute nephritis in, xv. 258 as a complication of gonorrhoea, viii. 814 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 258 of atheroma, vi. 375 of bronchial asthma, iv. 537 of endocarditis, vi. 85 391 INDEX. Rheumatic affections. Rhythmic exercises. Rheumatism, in etiology of enteral- gia, vii. 461 of metastatic meningitis, xii. 624 of fat people, xvi. 679 relations of chorea to, xiv. 425 treatment of, as a preventive of endo- carditis, vi. 92 Rheumatism and pericarditis, connection between, vi. 556 Rheumatism, gonorrheal, viii. 814 endocardial and pericardial affections in, vi 86 Rheumatism, syphilitic, iii. 177 Rheumatoid symptoms in syphhis of infants, iii. 240 Rhincurynter, iv. 98, 164 for tamponing posterior nares, iv. 98 Rhinitis, iv. 115 erysipelas with, iv. 125 from inflammation of neighboring or- gans, iv. 121 pharyngitis with, iv. 125 propagation of, to epidermis, iv. 125 Rhinitis, acute, termination of, iv. 125 Rhinitis blenorrhoica, iv. 129 Rhinitis, chronic, iv. 136 astringents and disinfectants in, iv. 144 Hedenus' snuff in, iv. 146 R. Animal xv.-lx. Cinchona, Myrrh..................aa gr. xl. Cloves................... gr. vj.-x. M. A pinch every hour. with ozaena, iv. 140 Rhinitis, hyperplastic, galvano- cautery in, iv. 145 Rhinitis, purulent, iv. 129 nitrate of silver in, iv. 135 Rhinitis, scrofulous, Lugol's solu- tion in, iv. 145 Rhinitis, syphilitic, corrosive subli- mate locally in, iv. 145 Rhinitis, syphilitic, Trousseau's powder for, iv. 145 R. Calomel..................... gr. xl. Hydrarg. ox. rubr............ gr. xv. Sacch. albae.................. § ss. M. A pinch five or six times a day. Rhinobyon, iv. 98 Rhinolalia clausa, xiv. 862 Rhinolalia operta, xiv. 859 Rhinoliths, iv. 175 Rhinophonia, iv. Ill Rhinoscope, Fraenkel's, iv. 60 Rhinoscope, with uvula-holder, of Raxt, iv. 66 Rhinoscopic picture, demon- stration of, iv. 67 Rhinoscopy, iv. 59; vii 23 difficulty of, occasioned by position of soft palate, iv. 64 instruments required for, iv. 60 position of patient in, iv. 61 special obstacle to complete performance of, iv. 67 thread-noose of Tiirck in, iv. 67 Rhodium, xvii. 629 Rhomboideus, paralysis of, xi. 528 Rhomboideus, spasm of, xi 329 Rhotaeismus, xiv. 850 treatment of, xiv. 851 Rhubarb, in acute gastritis, vii 143 in chronic oral catarrh of topers, vi. 769 in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 207 in enteralgia, vii 468 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 in stomatitis catarrhalis, vi. 769 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 228 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 168 Rhubarb and orange-peel, in cholera, i 462 Rhubarb infusion in typhoid stage of cholera, i 462 Rhythmic exercises, in the treat- ment of stuttering, xiv. 841 Ribs. Roth. INDEX. 392 Ribs, resection of, in radical operation for removal of pleuritic effusions, iv. 727 trephining of, in radical operation for re- moval of pleuritic effusions, iv. 728 Ribs, caries of, a complication of pleuritis, iv. 673 a sequel of empyema, iv. 620 in etiology of haematothorax, iv. 740 with erosion of intercostal artery in eti- ology of haematothorax, iv. 740 Ribs, cartilages of, changes in, in the etiology of pulmonary consumption, v. 485 Rice-starch, xviii 161 Rice-water discharges, in Asiatic cholera, i 439 in cholera morbus, i. 345 Richardson, xii. 42 RICKETS, xvi 165; bibliography, 165 ; his- tory, 169 ; etiology, 170 ; pathology, 179 ; gen- eral outline of the disease, 179; morbid ana- tomy and chemistry, 184; analysis of symptoms, 190; deformities of the skeleton, 190 ; disorders of the digestive apparatus, 197 ; complications, 199; diagnosis, 200; course, duration, and issues, 201; prognosis, 202; treatment, 202 Rickets, cod-liver oil in, xvi 206 complications of, xii. 199 course, duration, and issues, xvi. 201 diagnosis, xvi. 200 etiology and pathogeny, xvi 170 general outline of the disease, xvi. 179 hygienic and dietetic treatment of, xvi 202 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 613 of epilepsy, xiv. 204 iron and organic acids in, xvi. 206 lime-water in, xvi 205 morbid anatomy and chemistry, xvi. 184 treatment, xvi. 202 warm salt-water baths in, xvi 204 Ricord, xii. 296, 315 Riecke, xh. 761 Riegel, xii. 434, 659 Riegel, Franz, biographical sketch of, vol. iv., vi. on diseases of trachea and bronchi, iv. 275 Riegel's stethograph, iv. 426 Right-handedness, causes of, xiv. 741 connection of, with the more frequent occurrence of aphasia after lesion of the left hemisphere, xiv. 738 Rigidity in paralysis agitans, xiv. 398 in syphilis of the cord, xii. 345 Rigidity of muscles of neck in meningitis of convexity, xii. 613, 615 in meningitis with pneumonia, xii 633 in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 214 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 Rigidity of nape of neck, in men- ingitis tuberculosa, xii. 558 Rilliet, xii. 468, 627, 639, 652, 715 Rima glottidis, iv. 50 Rimula sine incisura interary- taenoidea, iv. 48 Rindfleiseh, xii. 236, 237, 388, 392, 427, 490, 491, 498, 513, 519, 520, 691, 694, 701, 748 Rindfleiseh, Geo. Edward, bio- graphical sketch of, vol. v., iv. on chronic and acute tuberculosis, v. 633 Rivers as a source of water-supply, xvhi. 227 carriers of waste, xviii. 229 condition of, in England, xviii. 228 injury to, from accumulation of sewage, xviii 527 self-purification of, xviii. 230 Rivers Pollution Commission, examination of rain-water, xviii. 225 examination of Thames water, xviii. 258 experiments on self-purification of water, xviii 230 393 INDEX. Rivers Pollution Commission, report on condition of English rivers, xviii 228 Riviera, climate of, in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 Roads, public, protection of, from surface defilement, xviii 568 Roberts' test for sugar in the urine, xvi 976 Robin, xii. 5 on Bright's disease, xv. 170 Rochdale system of removing excreta, xvhi 517 Rochoux, xii 4, 59, 73, 88 Rocks, granite, metamorphic, and trap, xvhi. 426 limestone and magnesian limestone, xvhi. 426 Rod-bacteria, i 249 Roemerbad, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 167 Roemerbad, 'waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Roetheln, or German measles, see Rubeola in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 252 Rohitsch, waters of, in intestinal catarrh, vii 389 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 222 Roisdorf, waters of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Rokitansky, xii. 73, 80, 90, 150, 387, 427, 436, 660, 690, 696, 827, 834 on lesions of the cord in tetanus, xiv. 334 Romberg, xii 116,147 Romberg's case of atrophy of the corpus striatum, xiv. 685 Romberg's case of lesion of the left corpus striatum, xiv. 676 Rommelaere on uraemia, xv. 124 Ronda, waters of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Roofers, xix. 68 Rooms, disinfection of, with sulphurous acid, xix. 554 Roots of trees, entrance of, into sewer- joints, xviii. 468 Rosanilin, xvii 520 Rose, xii 662 Rosenmueller, fossa of, iv. 63; vh. 13, 46 Rosenstein, xii 152, 650, 653, 654 introduction to diseases of the heart, vi. 3 on Bright's disease, xv. 181 on diseases of the endocardium, vi. 61 Rosenstein's mixture for valvu- lar disease of the heart, vi. 168 R. Tinct. digitalis..............2 parts. Tinct. Valerianae............2 parts. Tinct. ferri acetatis ether.... 3 parts. M. Twenty-five drops three times daily. Rosenstein's potash mixture for valvular disease of the heart, vi. 169 R. Potass, acetat................ 3 ij. Tinct. ferri acetat ether.......1T|_ xiv. Raspberry syrup............. 3 v. Aquae ad.................... § vj. M. Rosenthal, xii. 126,127,129, 149, 592, 675 Roseola syphilitica, iii 134 differentiation of, from other skin affec- tions, iii 135 of typhoid fever, i 93 of typhus fever, i 317 Roseola and measles, differentia- tion of, ii 108 Roser and Scanzoni hystero- phor, x. 205 Roses, inhalation of perfume of, a cause of coryza, iv. 120 Rosolic acid, xvii 520 Rostan, Leon, xh. 51, 59, 181, 386 Roth, xii. 77, 694 Roth's formula. Salisbury's fungus. INDEX. 394 Roth's formula for Aubree's asthma mixture, iv. 585 R. Lactucarii................ gr. ix. Potass, lxxvii Spts. ether, chloric........ TH. xvhi. Aquae.................... fl. I v. Syr. simpl................fl. § j. M. One-sixth part at a dose. Roughing-it, healthfulness of, xix. 173 Round ligament of the uterus, hydrocele of, x. 443 Round ligaments of the uterus, diseases of, x. 443 Round worms, in the biliary passages, ix. 675 presence of, in the pancreas, viii. 630 Rovida, on urinary casts, xv. 83 Rowing, analysis of the muscular move- ments in, xviii. 353 as an exercise, xviii 352 Roy, Andrew, on poisonous gases of mines, xix. 236 Royal Free Hospital, xvhi. 751 Roy at, waters of, in chronic gastritis, vii. 189 Rubefacients, in intestinal ulcers, vii 426 in neuralgia, xi. 91 RUBEOLA, ii. (Rotheln, German measles), 129; bibliography, 129 ; history, 130; etiology, 134; age in, 136; subsequent attacks, 136; contagiousness, 136 ; epidemics of rubeola, 136 ; pathology, 137 ; the eruption and its site, 137 ; the size of the spot, 138 ; duration of the spots, 139 ; desquamation, 139 ; diagnosis between the rubeola and measles spot, 140; symptomatology, 141; stage of incubation, 141; the mucous membranes, 141; lymphatic glands, 142; the urine, 143; the stage of eruption, 143; the temperature, 145; complications, 147; prog- nosis, 147; treatment, 147 Rubeola, confounded with measles, ii. 43 with scarlatina, ii. 186 dietetic treatment of, ii 147 Rubeola, in etiology of deaf-mutism, xiv. 870 of encephalitis, xii. 715, 722 Rubeola and measles, differentia- tion of, ii. 106 Rudimentary cases of haemo- philia, xvii. 23 Rudimentary uterus, x. 33 Ruehle, xii 276 Ruchle, Hugo, biographical sketch of, v. iv. on acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 614 on pulmonary consumption, v. 473 Ruge, xii. 406 Rullier's case of acute fatal hys- teria, xiv. 549 Ruin, adulteration of, xix. 370 Rumex acetosella, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Rumination in pressure-diverticula of the oesophagus, viii 66 Rumsey, of Cheltenham, on the disadvantages of covered corridors, xviii. 755 Running, as an exercise, xviii 343 Rupia, iii. 154 Rupia scorbutica, xvii. 153 Rupture in narrowing of the aorta, vi. 476 Rupture and perforation of the oesophagus, viii 90 Rupture and wounds of veins, vi. 509 Rupture of aneurism of the aorta, vi. 427, 431, 433, 434, 438 Rupture of the aorta, in stenosis of that vessel, vi. 467 Rupture of arteries, vi. 480 Rupture of the biliary passages, ix. 656 Rupture of cerebral arteries, vi. 449 Rupture of the heart, vi 242 from myocarditis, vi. 228 Rupture of the intestines, vii. 470 Rupture of the lymphatics; lymphorrhagia, vi 532 395 INDEX. Roth's formula. Salisbury's fungus. Rupture of the perineum, x. 554 Rupture of the spleen and its vessels, viii. 494 Rupture of the stomach, vii. 337 Rupture of thoracic aneurism, vi 427 Rupture of vessels in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 213 Rush on aphasie disturbances, xiv. 621 Sabadalline, poisoning by, xvii. 733 Sabadine, poisoning by, xvii. 733 Sac and duct, lachrymal, affec- tion of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 Saccade, see Jerking Respiration. Saccharated lime, its value as an an- tidote in poisoning by carbolic acid, xvh. 532 Saccharine and amylaceous principles of food, xvhi 160 Saccular aneurisms at base of brain, in heart disease, vi. 116 Sacral pain, a symptom of cervical (uterine) polypi, x. 148 Sacral plexus of veins, dilata- tion of, vi 506 Saddle-piece of sewer-pipe, xvhi. 469 Saemisch, xii. 271 Saffron-plaster, in neuralgia of the Bciatic nerve, xi. 180 ingredients of, xi. 180 Sago, adulteration of, xix. 370 Sago-spleen, vhi. 478 Sailing-vessels, more liable to yellow fever infection than steamers, xix. 484 purification of, xix. 491 Sailor, the, xix. 182 Sailors, classification of, xix. 184 physical examination of, xix. 185 Saint Vitus' dance, see Chorea Rusma, use of, in the preparation of morocco leather, xvh. 492 Russian bath, xviii 374 Russian steam-bath, dangers of, xv. 220 Russian stove, xviii. 692 Russula integra, poisoning by, xvii 941 Rust, xii 808 Rye asthma, ii 540 Sal ammoniac, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417, 427 poisoning by, xvii. 355 Salesmen, xix. 65 Saleswomen, xix. 65 Salicin, in acute rheumatism, xvi 1039 in malarial diseases, ii, 675 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 1040 Salicylate of soda, in pericarditis, vi 620 Salicylic acid, doses of, in fevers, xvi. 735 effect of, on temperature-curves, xvi. 448 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii 656 in diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 80 in febrile anaemia, xvi. 446 in glanders of the larynx, vii. 860 in hemorrhagic scarlatina, h. 312 in pyelitis, xv. 576 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 1039 Salicylic acid and salicin, xvi. 1039 Saline cathartics, use of, in haemo- philia, xvii. 97, 100 Salines, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 225 Salisbury, on the cause of malarial dis- eases, xix. 145 Salisbury's fungus, i 242 s Saliva. Scanning utterance. INDEX. 39G Saliva, chemical changes in, du- ring salivation, vi 853 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 910, 1028 increase of, in acute gastritis, vii. 140 in hemicrania, xiv. 15 Saliva-like fluid, flow of, in the mouth, in diseases of the pancreas, viii. 567 Salivary disturbance, in bulbar paralysis, xiii. 924 Salivary glands, in typhoid fever, i 113 Salivary secretion, in chronic gas- tritis, vh. 169 in facial paralysis, xi 498 in neuralgia, xi. 110 in progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii. 924 Salivatio abdominalis, existence of a, by no means proved, viii. 568 Salivatio pancreatica, vhi 567 Salivation, vi. 849 as a symptom of disease of the pancreas, viii. 567 in constitutional mercurialism, xvii. 611 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 371 in hydrophobia in man, hi. 487, 491 in hysteria, xiv. 528 in poisoning by mercury, xvii. 611 prophylaxis against, iii 284 Salpingitis, x. 345 Salt, as an antidote in silver-poisoning, xvii. 601 importance of, as an article of diet, xvih. 167 in the treatment of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 224 of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 144 of cold in the head, iv. 128 of diseases of the nose and pharynx, iv. 86 of gangrene of the lung, v. 429 of hemorrhages of the lung, v. 319 of neuralgia, xi. 92 of purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135 Saltatory spasm, cases of, xiii. 801 Salt herrings, in the treatment of tape-worms, vii. 699 Salt meat, a factor in the production of scurvy, xvii. 128 Saltpetre, see Potash, Nitrate of fumes of, in bronchial asthma, iv. 579, 583 Salt water, injurious effects of, upon the ear, xviii. 393 Salt water baths, artificial, xviii. 377 Salts, Carlsbad, in acute gastritis, vii. 143 Salts, neutral, in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 in perihepatitis, ix. 87 Salzbriinn, mineral waters of, in diseases of nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 734 Salzschlief, waters of, in gout, xvi 145 Sand-baths, in chronic rheumatism, xvi. 85 Sand-blast, xix. 37 dust from, a nuisance to neighboring establishments, xix. 420 Sander, xii. 717, 761 Sander, J., xii. 841 Sander, W., xii. 855 Sander's case of amnesia, with severe disturbances of the intellect, xiv. 769 Sand-filters, xviii 269 Sands, xviii 427 Sandstone as a filter, xviii. 277 Sandstones, xviii. 427 Sandy soil occasionally malari- ous, xviii. 437 Sangalli, xii 833 Sanguification, impaired, from disease of the cytogenic organs, in eti- ology of anaemia, xvi. 335 Sanguinolent effusions, in scurvy, xvii. 161 Sanitaria for scrofulous children, xvi. 822 397 INDEX. Saliva. Scanning utterance. Sanitary administration, unit of area for, xviii 44 Sanitary boards, duties and powers of, xviii 45 Sanitary boards in villages, xviii. 569 Sanitary condition of Basle, i 63 Sanitary examination of deep wells, xviii. 307 of ground water, xviii 304 of surface waters, xviii. 308 Sanitary legislation, general princi- ples of modern, xviii 35 Sanitary management of scarlet fever, measles, and other contagious diseases, xix. 535 Sanitary matters, common law as applied to, xviii. 38 Sanitation, its influence on mortality, xix. 339 San Rcmo, climate of, in phthisis of larynx, vii 850 Santonica, xvii 882 Santonin, in treatment of ascaris lum- bricoides, vii. 749 of malarial diseases, ii. 675 Santonin-poisoning, xvii 882 emetics in, xvii. 889 stimulants in, xvii. 889 Santorini, cartilage of, iv. 48 Saoria, in tape-worm, vii. 702 Saphenous veins, dilatation of, vi 499 Sappers and miners' disease, xvi. 463 Sarcinaventriculi, in cancer of the stomach, vii. 241 in chronic gastritis, vii. 175 Sarcinae in the lungs, v. 469 Sarcocele, syphilitic, iii 230 Sarcoma of the brain, xii. 238. Sarcoma of the intestine, vii. 428 Sarcoma of the kidney, xv. 636 Sarcoma of the larynx, vii. 900 Sarcoma of the liver, ix. 322, 349, 353 Sarcoma of the lungs, v. 435 Sarcoma of the mediastinum, v. 447 Sarcoma of the nasal cavity, iv. 170 Sarcoma of the oesophagus, viii. 169 Sarcoma of the ovary, x. 441 Sarcoma of the palate, vi. 985 Sarcoma of the pancreas, viii 608, 614 Sarcoma of the pleura, iv. 771 Sarcoma of the spinal cord, xiii. 750 Sarcoma of the spinal mem- branes, xih. 264 Sarcoma of the stomach, vii. 229 Sarcoma of the suprarenal cap- sules, viii. 653 Sarcoma of the uterus, x. 303 extirpation of, x. 309 Sarcoma of the vagina, x. 510 Sarcoma of the vulva, x. 553 Sarcomata of nerves, xi 601 Sarkosin, in treatment of gout, xvi. 139 Sauerkraut, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 219 Sausage-poisoning, xvii 535 Savage's intra-uterine injection for fibroids, x. 258 B. Iodine............. 68 grains. Iodide of potassium.. 116 grains. Alcohol............. 18 fl. drachms. Distilled water...... 6 fl. ounces. Sayre, xii 788. Scab of herpes labial is, vi 737 Scalding, in etiology of laryngitis phleg- monosa, vii. 793 Scalp, irritation of, as a cause of meningitis, xh. 639 Scammony, in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 332 in valvular diseases, vi. 170 Scanning speech, in insular sclerosis, xiv. 661 Scanning utterance, xiv. 749 Scarification. Scarlet fever. INDEX. 398 Scarification for removing oedema fol- lowing valvular diseases, vi. 170 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in cardiac dropsy, vi 170 in hyperplastic catarrh of naso-pharyn- geal cavity, vii. 95 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 828 Scarification of the glottis, in acute catarrh of larynx, iv. 212 Scarifications of the cervix Uteri, in chronic metritis, x. 114 Scarlatina, see Scarlet Fever Scarlatina anginosa, vi 901; xix. 528 Scarlatina latens, xix. 528 Scarlatina, puerperal, viii. 275 Scarlatina simplex, xix. 528 Scarlatinal nephritis, xv. 248 cases of, xv. 277, 291 lesions of, xv. 266 Scarlatinous diphtheritis, vi 950 clinical aspects, vi. 952 pathological anatomy, vi. 951 SCARLET FEVER, ii. 149 ; bibliography, 149; history, 159 ; etiology, 161; contagiousness of scarlatina, 161; isolation of patients, 161 ; inoculation of the poison, 162 ; length of time of exposure to the poison, 164; milk as a vehicle of contagion, 165; spread of the disease by clothing of nurses, 165 ; animals as a medium of contagion, 166; the tenacity of the poison, 166; incubation, 167 ; variations in time of in- cubation, 168 ; when a patient may communi- cate the disease, 170 ; individual predisposition, 172 ; family predisposition, 173 ; influence of Bocial position, 175; of soil, 176; of locality, 177; age in, 178; sex in, 182; influence of menstruation, 183; of pregnancy, 183; of childbirth, 183; of lactation, 183 ; of occupa- tion, 183 ; the disease in those who have under- gone surgical operations, 184 ; influence of pre- vious disease, 185 ; of race, 185; second attacks of the disease, 186; relapse, 190: third attacks, 191; the recurrent form, 192; sporadic and epidemic forms, 193; the influence of the sea- sons, 194; of weather, 195; of the drinking- water, 196 ; elevation and geological structure of the ground, 196 ; location, 196 ; condition of the subsoil, 196; personal intercourse in the spread of the disease, 197; slaughter-house offal as means of contagion, 198; variations in the severity of epidemics, 198 ; periodicity of epidemics, 199; supposed relation between scar- latina and measles, 201 ; pathogenesis of scarla- tina, 202; pathology, 202; anatomical changes, 202 ; the skin-eruption, 202 ; its site and gen- eral characteristics, 203 ; description by other authors, 204; progress of the eruption, 205; deviations from the above descriptions, 207; the miliary eruption, 209 ; exudations of blood in the skin, 210; cutaneous diseases following scarlatina, 210 ; post-mortem appearance of the eruption, 211; the desquamation, 212 ; subse- quent desquamations, 214; desquamation affect- ing the nails and hair, 214; affections of the throat, 214; gangrene of the tonsils, 217; of the connective tissue of the neck, 217 ; diph- theria, 217; the tongue, 218; the gums and mucous membrane of the cheeks, 219; the mucous membrane of the nose, 219; the eye, 220; the ear, 231; the larynx, 222 ; the bron- chi, 222 ; pneumonia, 223 ; lymphatic glands, 2:23 ; cellulitis of the neck, 225 ; changes in the brain, 226; the mucous membrane of the diges- tive organs, 226 ; the pancreas, 227; the liver, 228; the spleen, 228; the genital organs, 229; the kidneys, 229; the serous membranes, 231; the synovial membranes of the joints, 232 ; the periosteum and bone, 232; the muscular sys- tem, 233; the vascular system, 233; the blood, 234 ; different forms of scarlatina, 234 ; symp- tomatology in the usual forms of the disease, 237; initiatory symptoms, 237; the throat, 238 ; the temperature, 238; the eruption, 239; affections of the lymphatic glands, 242; of the joints, 243; nephritis, 244; the urine. 245; parenchymatous nephritis, 247 ; irregular course of the disease, 250; angina, 251; cases of scanty eruption, 252 ; rudimentary symptoms, 252 ; cases with blood-poisoning, 253 ; absence of local lesions, 254 ; cases of normal beginning and subsequent irregularity, 255; irregularity of the fever, 255 ; nervous delirium, 255; inter- current nervous attacks, 255 ; sudden collapse, 256; hemorrhagic diathesis, 256; irregularity in the eruption, 256; in the angina, 256 ; in the 399 INDEX. Scarification. Scarlet fever. inflammation of the cervical glands, 256; in the joint-affections, 256; in the results of the renal inflammation, 256; ascites, 257; hydro- thorax, 258 ; hydropericardium, 258 ; hydroce- phalus, 258 ; frequency of dropsy and albumi- nuria, 258; date of appearance of dropsy, 259 ; Bymptoms of dropsical patients, 259; cases irregular from the beginning, 262 ; high fever, 262; the eruption, 262 ; the throat, 264; cer- vical glands, 264 ; the eye, 264 ; diarrhoea, 264 ; kidneys, 264; cerebral symptoms, 265; rheu- matic affections, 266 ; peculiar odor of patients, 266 ; duration of irregular cases, 267 ; causes of death, 267 ; progress in favorable cases, 267; typhoid scarlatina, 268 ; secondary eruptions, 270; hemorrhagic form of the disease, 272; scarlatina occurring in the course of other dis- eases, 274 ; complications, 274; nervous symp- toms, 275 ; the eye, 276 ; the ear, 277 ; the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, .27S ; cellullitis of the neck, 278 ; the air-pas- Bages and lungs, 279; intestinal mucous mem- brane, 280; the liver, 280 ; the spleen, 281; the serous membranes, 281; purulent arthritis, 282; gangrene, 282; sequelas, 283 ; diagnosis, 284; differential diagnosis, 286; prognosis, 287; mortality, 291; influence of the seasons, 292; the city and country, 293 ; poverty and opulence, 293; good nursing and medical ad- vice, 294 ; influence of sex, 294; influence of age, 294; influence of mortality of scarlatina upon the general mortality, 295; treatment, 297; prophylaxis and general sanitary meas- ures, 297 ; specific and non-specific treatment, 301; bloodletting, 301; cathartics and emetics, 302; anointing with lard, 302; symptomatic treatment, 302 ; temperature of the room, 303; care of the patient's skin, 303; cold-water bathing, 304 ; quinine, 306 ; digitalis, 306 ; car- bolic acid, 307 ; sulphocarbolate of soda, 307 ; transfusion of blood, 307; yeast, 307; the warm bath, 307; treatment of brain-symptoms, 308; of the angina, 308; diphtheria, 309; the ear, 309 ; the eye, 309; cellulitis of the neck, 310 ; isolation of cases of diphtheria and gan- grene, 310; bronchial and pulmonary compli- cations, 310; intestinal disturbances, 311; rheumatism, 311; inflammation of serous mem- branes, 311; hemorrhages, 312; nephritis, 312 ; dropsy and anasarca, 313 ; ascites, 314; urae- mic convulsions, 314 Scarlet fever, xix. 527 a complication of subacute exanthema- tous endocarditis, vi. 86 a prolific cause of death among children, xix. 276 a specific cause of acute nephritis, xv. 247 antizymotic remedies in, ii. 307 baths in, h. 305 belladonna in, ii. 301 cauterization of tonsils in, ii. 308 complicated with varicella, ii. 29 digitalis in, ii. 306 disinfectants in, ii. 297 disinfecting gargles in, ii. 308 ear symptoms in, ii. 221, 277 epidemic character of, xix. 531 eye symptoms in, ii 220, 264, 276, 309 hydrotherapy in, ii. 303 in children, xix. 276 in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 247 of acute rheumatism, xvi. 19 of acute tumor of the spleen, viii. 454 of chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 326 of croup, iv. 238 of deaf-mutism, xiv. 870 of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 394 of encephalitis, xii. 715, 722 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 468 of metastatic meningitis, xii 627 of pachymeningitis interna, xh. 399, 404 of hydrothorax, iv. 734 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 63 of infantile peritonitis, viii. 288 of leptomeningitis infantum, xii 468 of metastatic meningitis, xii. 627 of pachymeningitis interna, xh. 399, 404 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 of pleuritis, iv. 597 of scrofulosis, xvi. 773 of unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 59 Scarlet fever. Scorbutus of the mouth. INDEX. 400 Scarlet fever, isolation of the pati in, ii. 299 laryngitis, a complication of, iv. 201 leeches to the neck in, ii. 308 period of incubation of, xix. 528 prophylaxis in, ii 297 purulent nasal catarrh, a complication of, iv. 131 quinine in, ii. 306 second attack of, xix. 529 spread of, through sewer-air, xviii. 590 urinary casts from, xv. 81 Scarlet fever and measles, differ- entiation of, h. 106 Scars of typhoid ulcers, i 102 Scavengers, xix. 27 Schaefer's case of rudimentary left hemisphere, xiv. 739 Scheele's green, xvii. 646 Schenkel, Elise, case of the micro- cephalus, xiv. 823 Schiff, xii 18, 19, 27, 41, 110, 116, 132 Schinznach, waters of, in chronic articular rheumatism, xvi. 84 Sellizomycetcs, i 241; xviii. 17 in diphtheria, i. 587 Schlagcr, xii. 732 Schlangenbad, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 167 in neuralgia, xi. 93 in paralysis, xi. 463 Schmidt, E., xii 788 Schmucker, xii 808 Schneider, xii 405 Schnitzler's apparatus for inha- lation, iv. 89 Schoen, xh. 795, 797 School-house, selection of site for, xix. 597 School-houses, drainage of site of, xix. 604 heating of, xix. 599 proper construction of, xix. 598 ventilation of, xix. 599 SCHOOL HYGIENE, xix. 597; site, 597; some points in construction, 59S ; heating and ventilation, 599 ; drainage 604 ; contagious, diseases, 605 ; hygiene of the eye, 6C5 ; school desks and seats, 614 ; mental application, 615; bodily exercise, 623 ; bibliography, 625 School-rooms, proper lighting of, xix. 611 proper size and position of windows in, xix. 611, 612 Schooling, age of, xviii. 138 Schools as foci for the dissemination of measles, ii. 42 of scarlet fever, ii. 197; xix. 605 spread of contagious diseases in, xix. 605 Schott, xii 703, 707, 717, 761 Schottin, on uraemia, xv. 115 Schroeder, Carl, biographical sketch of, vol. v., hi on diseases of the female sexual organs, x. 1 Schroeder's operation for hy- pertrophy of the cervix uteri, x. 90 Schroeder van dcr Kolk, on the localization of articulate phonation, xiv. 651 Schroetter on changes in the position of the heart, and diseases of the heart- substance, vi. 175 Schroetter's laryngeal sound, iv. 44 Sehroth's treatment of pleuritis, iv. 691 Sell uberg, xii 388 Schuele, xii 316, 856, 864, 883 Schueller, xh. 435 Schueppel, xii 520 Schtietzemberger, xh. 296 Schuetzenberger's method of determining dissolved oxy- gen, xviii 295 Schultze's pessary, x. 177 Schultzen, xii. 261 Schwalbach, baths of, in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. 357 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 170 401 Sellwalbach, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 103 in chronic cystitis, viii 698 in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 718 in rickets, xvi. 206 Schwalbe, xii. 5, 244, 250, 563 Schwartz, xii. 178 Schwartz's case of catalepsy, xiv. 377 Schwartz e, xii 608, 720 Schweinfurt green, xvii 646 SCIATIC NERVE, NEURALGIA OF, xi. 168; general characters, 168; etiology, 169; accidental causes, 170; neuritis a cause, 171; diseases of the vertebras a cause, 171 ; symp- tomatology, 171; seat of pain, 172; general disturbance of the health in symptomatology, 175 ; course, duration, termination, 175 ; diag- nosis, 176 ; prognosis, 178 ; treatment, 178 ; specific remedies, 179; surgical operations, 184 Sciatic nerve, paralysis of mus- cles supplied by, xi 567 Sciatica, actual cautery in, xi. 180 counter-irritants in, xi. 179 electricity in, xi. 181 narcotics subcutaneously in, xi. 180 pressure bandage in, xi. 178 Scilla, see also Squill in pleuritis, iv. 690 Sclerose lateralc amyotro- phiquc, xiii 640 Sclerose inusculaire, xiv. 166 Sclerosing phlebitis, vi. 487 Sclerosis about infarcts of brain, xii. 748 in etiology of hemiplegia and hemipara- plegia spinalis, xiii. 649 Sclerosis, diffuse, of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 949 Sclerosis, general, of the liver, ix. 217 Sclerosis, insular, xiii 472 Sclerosis, multiple, of the spinal cord, nitrate of silver in, xiii. 512 Vol. XX—26 Scarlet fever. Scorbutus of the mouth. Sclerosis, multiple, of the spinal cord and brain, xiii. 472 Sclerosis of arterial tracts in eti- ology of hypertrophy of the heart, vi. 193 Sclerosis of brain and cord, dis- seminated, disorders of speech in, xiv. 660 Sclerosis of the ganglion-cells after encephalitis, xii. 693 Sclerosis of the lateral columns, xhi. 620 Sclerosis of the posterior col- umns, xiii 513 Sclerosis of the spinal cord, xih. 426 Sclerosis, renal, xv. 408 Sclerosis uteri, x. 102 Sclerotic capsule about apoplectic foci in the brain, xii. 749, 754 Sclerotic centres of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 947 Sclerotic changes in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 845 Sclerotic induration of ence- phalitic foci, xii. 697 Sclerotic nodules, microscopical ap- pearances of, xiii. 481 Scolopendra, bites of, hi 538 Scorbutic dysentery, i 556 treatment, i. 568 Scorbutic ulcers, local treatment of, xvii. 239 Scorbutic ulcers of the mouth, dilute hydrochloric acid in, vi. 797 Scorbutic ulcers of the skin, xvii. 154 Scorbutus, xvh. 105 ; see also Sourvy in etiology of hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 275 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 445 when the term was first used, xvii. 108 Scorbutus of the mouth, vi. 791 alum in, vi. 797 diagnosed from stomacace, vi. 788 diagnosis, vi. 795 etiology and pathogeny, vi. 793 IND Scorbutus of the mouth. Seasons of the year. INDEX. 402 Scorbutus of the mouth, patholo- gical anatomy, vi. 795 prognosis, vi. 795 symptoms, vi. 793 treatment, vi. 796 Scorpions, sting of, iii 534 Scott's process of treating sew- age, xviii. 531 Scoutetten, xii. 824, 828 Scriveners' palsy, xi 345 ; xviii. 337 Scrofula, xvi. 742; see also Scrofulosis as a basis of tuberculosis, xii. 519 in children, xix. 279 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of kidneys, xv. 499, 612 of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 137 of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 50 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 446 of diseases of the spleen, viii. 358, 482 of epilepsy, xiv. 204 of nephrolithiasis, xv. 721 of papilloma of the larynx, vii 883 of pseudo-hypertrophy of the mus- cles, xiv. 157 of pulmonary consumption, v. 484 of rickets, xvi 199 of stomatitis ulcerosa, vi. 779 of tumors of the spinal cord, xih. 752 ozaena with, iv. 136 predisposes to consumption, v. 484 to tuberculosis, v. 635 transmission of, by vaccination, ii. 408 Scrofula and nephrolithiasis, xv. 721 Scrofula and syphilis, mutual rela- tions of, iii 242 SCROFULOSIS AND AFFECTIONS OF THE LYMPHATIC GLANDS IN GENE- RAL, xvi. 739; introduction, 739 Scrofulosis, xvi. 742; bibliography, 742; history, 743 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 754; definition of scrofulosis, 761; path- ology, 775 ; general course of the disease, 775; pathological anatomy, 781; symp- tomatology, 791 ; complications and se- quelae, 809 ; diagnosis, 811 ; duration, termination, and prognosis, 812 ; treat- ment, 814 Idiopathic Adenitis, 827; general de- scription, 827 Malignant Lymphoma (Lymphosar- coma), 829 ; bibliography, 829 ; history, 830; etiology, 831 ; pathology, 832; general course of the disease, 832; ana- tomical changes, 835; symptomatology, 839 ; complications, 842 ; diagnosis, 842; duration, termination, prognosis, 844; treatment, 845 Scrofulosis, balneo-therapeutics in, xvi 822 cod-liver oil in, xvi. 819 daily cold sponging in, xvi. 817 dietetic treatment of, xvi. 815 hygienic treatment of, xvi. 816 iodine in, xvi. 820 lactate of iron in, xvi. 821 sea-baths in, xvi. 821 Scrofulous diathesis in etiology of tumors of the spinal membranes, xih. 268 Scrofulous disease among infants, xix. 279 Scrofulous glandular tumors, extirpation of, xvi. 825 iodine injections in, xvi. 825 Scrofulous ulcer of the soft pal- ate, vi 987 Scrofulous ulcers, i 238 Scrotal nerve, neuralgia in, xi 186 Scudamore, xii. 624 Scurvy, xvii. 105; xix. 142; see also Scorbutus analeptics in, xvii. 238 blindness in, xvii. 164 boiled wine in, xvii. 233 canned meats and condensed milk in, xvii 221 cause of, xix. 143 complicating measles, ii. 102 complications and sequelae, xvh. 201 403 INDEX. Scorbutus of the mouth. Seasons of the year. Scurvy, determining causes of, xvii. 123 diagnosis of, xvii 207 due to improper and defective food, xvh. 124 duration of, xvh. 212 early symptoms of, xvii 144 etiology of, xvii. 120 fearful devastations of, xvii. Ill following measles, ii. 104 general definition of, xvii. 119 general description of, xvii. 143 good drinking-water in, xxii 223 historical sketch of, xvii. 107 in etiology of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 83 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 63 of pachymeningitis interna, xii 403 of pericarditis, vi. 578 of pyelitis, xv. 563 juicy fruit in, xvii. 220 local epidemics of, xvii. 114 malt liquors in, xvii. 223 nature and pathogenesis of, xvii. 192 nitrate of potassa in, xvii. 233 post-mortem appearances, xvii. 166 prognosis of, xvii. 215 prophylaxis in, xvii. 216 pure and aromatic bitters in, xvii. 235 relationship of, to haemophilia, xvii. 63 sauerkraut in, xvii. 219 special symptomatology of, xvh. 177 symptoms of, xix. 142 terminations of, xvii. 213 treatment of, xvii. 216 vegetable salts of potassa in, xvii. 233 ventilation and cleanliness in, xvii. 224 yeast in, xvii 234 Sea, discharge of sewage into, xvih. 528 Sea-bath i u g, xviii. 376 as a prophylactic against acute laryngeal . catarrh, iv. 209 effects of, xviii. 376 in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 in chronic metritis, x. 120 in diphtheritic paralysis, i 697 in gastralgia, vii. 306 in haemophilia, xvii. 102 Scurvy, in hysteria, xiv. 568 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in prophylaxis of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 209 in scrofulosis, xvi. 821 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 873 in spinal disease, xiii 174 precautions in, xvih. 376, 393 Sea-coast, favorable to yellow fever, i. 490 Seamen, in the technical sense, xix. 184 Seamen, ordinary, xix. 184 Seamstresses, xix. 61 Sea-sickness, cause of, xix. 187 Seasons of the year, in etiology of acute rheumatism, xvi. 14 of anaemia, xvi. 320 of bronchial asthma, iv. 538 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 305 of cerebral hemorrhage, xii 86 of chlorosis, xvi. 512 of congestion of the brain, xii. 40 of croup, iv. 236 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 444 of diphtheria, vi. 956 of gall-stones, ix. 709 of infantile diarrhoea, xix. 286 of intestinal parasites, vi. 677, 691, 737 of meningitis, xii. 640 of poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 668 of scurvy, xvii. 138 of sporadic cholera, vii. 147 of whooping-cough, vi. 684 influence of, in anthrax in man, iii. 411 in cholera, i. 391 in diphtheria, i. 583 in dysentery, i. 523 in epidemic cerebro-spinal meningi- tis, ii. 693 in erysipelas, h. 431 in hay fever, ii. 543 in hydrophobia, iii. 450 in malarial diseases, ii. 569 in measles, ii. 56 Seasons of the year. Sensation. INDEX. 404 Seasons of the year, influence of, in mhiary fever, ii. 491 in the plague, i 471 in scarlet fever, ii. 194 in typhoid fever, i 64 in yellow fever, i. 494 upon frequency of pneumonia, v. 13 Seat, most frequent, of contusion of brain, xii. 670 of abscess of the brain due to injury, xii 718 of acute partial aneurism of heart, vi. 243 of cerebral hemorrhage, xh. 77, 88 of chronic endocarditis, vi. 95 of sub-acute endocarditis, vi. 82 of syphilitic growths of the brain, xii 306 of thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses, xii 212 Seats and desks in school-rooms, xix. 614 Seborrhea, xviii. 392 Second sound of heart, intensity of, in carotids, with aortic insufficiency, vi.57 Secondary bleedings, in haemophi- lia, xvii 65 Secondary changes of other parts of the brain than the pons and medulla oblongata, in epilepsy, xiv. 263 Secondary degeneration of the spinal cord, xiii. 757 etiology and pathogenesis, xiii. 759 symptomatology, xiii. 774 Secondary epilepsy, xiv. 189, 257 Secretion, characteristics of, in cold in the head, iv. 123 in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 205 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 318, 324 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 215 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 138 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 132 innervation for processes of, xiii. 58 Secretions of mucous mem- brane, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 318, 324 Secretions of mucous mem- brane, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 138 in cold in the head—its characteristics, iv. 122 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 132 Secretions, certain centres for the, in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 862 cessation of the, as a cause of cerebral congestion, xii. 44 Secretory disturbances, in spasm, xi. 289 Section of facial nerve, in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 314 Sedatives in spasm of the bladder, vih. 706 in stenosis of trachea, iv. 500 Sedentary life, xix. 65 Sedillot, xii. 222, 619, 808 Sedillot's mercurial pills, hi 290 R. Ungt. hydrargyri. Saponis. Pulv. althaeae. M. To be given in the same way as blue pill. Sedimentation, xvhi. 264, 265 Sedum acre, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Seewen, waters of, in anaemia, xvi 471 Segmental stoneware sewer, xvih. 470 Seine, pollution of, xvhi 295 Seitz, xii 498, 505, 506, 512, 523, 542, 583 biographical sketch of, xiv. vi. on slight disorders caused by catching cold, xvi. 231 Self-consciousness, xiv. 695 Self-mutilation in hysteria, death from, xiv. 550 Self-purification of water, xviii. 230 Seltzer water, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 in cancer of stomach, vii. 254 405 INDEX. Seasons of the year. Sensatiou. Seltzer water, in cholera, i 459 ---------------------——■----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*»»-—-Senega, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 417 in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in spasm of bladder, viii. 708 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 232 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 436 Semeleder's spectacle-frame, for in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, laryngeal mirrors, iv. 21 v. 286 Semen, age at which it ceases to be Senega, decoction of, in treatment formed, viii. 828 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 232 composition of, viii 826 Senile amnesia, xiv. 760 effect of frequent evacuations on the Senile dementia, diagnosis of, from composition of the, viii. 827 dementia paralytica, xh. 879 escape of, with the urine and faeces, viii. Senile marasmus, vi 385 831 Senn, case of aphasia, xiv. 761 properties and composition of normal, viii. 826 Senna, in acute parenchymatous nephri-tis, xv. 300 Semilunar ganglia, lesions of the, in in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 157 Addison's disease, viii. 640 Senna, compound infusion of, in Semilunar valves, area of, vi. 13 pleuritis, iv. 688 situation of, vi 9 Senna, confection of, in acute ca- Seminal losses,abnormal, vhi. 824 tarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 bromide of potassium in, viii. 874 Sensation, common, method of testing, camphor and lupuline in, viii. 874 cold-sponging and pack in, vih. 873 cupping and blisters to spine in, viii. 873 xi. 214 constitutes the elementary physical func-tion of the nervous system, xiv. 704 disturbances of, after mutilation of the in etiology of neuralgia of larynx, vii. 930 cortex cerebri, xiv. 714 disturbances of, in abnormal seminal iron and cinchona in, vhi. 872 losses, viii. 859 local application of astringents to urethra in, viii. 875 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii. 903 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 236, sedatives in, viii. 874 239 Seminal passages, affections of, in etiology of azoospermatism, viii 911 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 26 in anaemia of the medulla oblongata, Seminal plethora, viii. 829 Seminal vesicles, abscess of, in eti- xiii. 880 in anaemia of the spinal cord, xih. ology of acute diffuse peritonitis, vii 230 286 in athetosis, xiv. 410 acute and chronic inflammation of, as in atrophy of the brain, xii. 847 causes of spermatorrhoea, viii. 845 affection of, in cancer of stomach, vii 235 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 128 in chorea, xiv. 429, 438 in chronic abscess of the brain, xh. Seminal vessels, relaxation of, as a cause of spermatorrhoea, viii. 844 Senator, biographical sketch of, xiv. vi 771, 773, 787 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii. on diabetes mellitus and insipidus, xvi. 851 349 in congestion of the brain, xii. 53 on diseases of the locomotive apparatus, xvi. 3 in dementia paralytica, xii. 873 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 7 Sensation. Service-pipes for water. INDEX. 406 Sensation, disturbances of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 66 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 365 in encephahtis, xii. 742 in epilepsy, xiv. 222 in hemiplegia et hemiparaplegia spi- nalis, xiii. 650 in hemorrhage in the medulla oblon- gata, xih. 871 in hyperaemia of the spinal meninges, xhi. 203 in hysteria, xiv. 491, 495 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 220, 224 in injuries of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 895 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 481 , in lesions of the nucleus lenticularis, xii. 146 in meningeal hemorrhage, xiii. 212 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 616 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 532, 535, 653 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 484 in myelitis, xiii. 402, 438 in myelomalacia, xiii. 471 in pachymeningitis interna, xii. 417, 419 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 400 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 739 in poliomyelitis anterior chronica, xiii. 717 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 125 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the mus- cles, xiv. 162 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 589 in slow compression of the cord, xih. 328, 333 in spasmodic spinal paralysis, xhi. 627 in spinal apoplexy, xiii. 297 in spinal irritation, xiii. 361 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 373 in syphilis of the brain and nervous system, xh. 327, 345, 357 Sensation, disturbances of, in syringo- myelia, xhi. 800 in tabes dorsalis, xih. 542, 545, 547, 553 in tetanus, xiv. 345 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 in true muscular hypertrophy, xiv. 177 in tumors of the brain, xii 252, 759, 802 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xiii. 954. in tumors of the spinal cord, xiii. 753 in tumors of the spinal membranes, xiii. 268 in wounds of the spinal cord, xiii. 811, 312 methods of testing, xi. 212 normal processes of, xi. 5 physiology of, xi. 202 Sensation-memory, xiv. 618 Sensation, neuroses of, in the larynx, vii. 920 Sensations, classification of, xi. 199 problem of the elaboration of elementary, into perceptions, with reference to the localization of the mind, xiv. 691 Sense, muscular, xi 233 method of testing, xi. 234 Sense of locality, method of testing, xi. 214 Sense of muscular effort, xi. 233 Sense of pressure, method of testing, xi 212 Sense Of smell, method of testing, xi. 254 physiology of, xi. 254 Sense of space, xi. 214 Sense of taste, anaesthesia of, xi 249 galvanic method of testing, xi. 246 method of testing, xi. 245 physiology of, xi. 239 Sense of taste, and the salivary secretions, behavior of, in facial paralysis, xi. 497 Sense of temperature, method of testing, xi. 213 407 INDEX. Sensation. Service-pipes for water. Sense of touch, method of testing, xi. 212 Senses, special, disturbances of, in anaemia of the brain, xii 25 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 135 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 57 in occlusion of the cerebral vessels, xii. 202 in tumors of the brain, xii. 248 Sensibility, disturbances of, in pro- gressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 125, 145 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the mus- cles, xiv. 162 in spinal disease, xiii. 66 in true muscular hypertrophy, xiv. 177 electro-muscular, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 162 state of, in chorea, xiv. 438 Sensibility, muscular, xi 233 Sensibility of body, centre presiding over, xii. 797 Sensorial receptivity, xii 151 Sensory channels of language, xiv. 690 Sensory conduction, in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 854 in the spinal cord, xih. 35 Sensory disturbances, in acute my- elitis, xiii 405 in compression of the cord, xiii. 333 in neuralgia, xi. 107 in paralysis, xi. 405 in spasm, xi. 288 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 859 Sensory impression, material change in the nervous system caused by every, xiv. 617 Sensory impressions, retardation of, in spinal disease, xiii. 70 Sensory manifestationsbetween epi- leptic seizures, xiv. 254 Sensory neuroses, xi 5 Sentence, conditions necessary for the correct diction of a, in the grammati- cal languages, xiv. 795 Sentence, forces that influence the de- velopment of the long, in speaking, xiv. 794 Septic form of diphtheria, i 616 Septicaemia, definition of, xviii. 24 diagnosis of, from tuberculosis of pia, xh. 572 due to microphytes, xviii. 25 in diphtheria, i. 619 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 122 in etiology of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 Septico-pyoemia, in etiology of diph- theritic enteritis, vii 394 Sequelae of convulsions, xi. 291 of haemophilia, xvii. 55 of neuralgia, xi. 58 Sequestration, place of, in quarantine, xix. 480 Sero-librinous effusion, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 237 Sero-mucous secretion from con- junctiva and mouth, in congestion of brain, xii. 458 Sero-purulent infiltration of dys- entery, i. 538 Sero-purulent inflammation of dysentery, i 538 Serous effusions in acute diffuse peri- tonitis, viii. 237 Serous layer of the stomach, af- fection of, in chronic gastritis, vii. 166 Serous membranes, in erysipelas, ii. 465 in malarial diseases, ii. 611 in scarlatina, ii. 231, 381 in small-pox, ii 336 Serous transudation from dilated veins, vi 497 Serpents, bite of, iii 547 Serratus anticus major muscle, paralysis of, xi. 530 Serre-no3ud, definition of the term, x. 422 Serum-albumen, xviii 149 Service-pipes for water, xvhi. 2S9 Setons. Slgmund's ointment. INDEX. 408 Setons, in treatment of perichondritis laryngea, vii 828 of spasm of the glottis, vii. 1025 Sewage, comparative results of the dif- ferent methods of purification of, xviii 536 et seq. composition of, xviii. 461 discharged into running streams, xviii. 528 discharged into the sea, xviii. 528 disposal of, xviii. 526 by precipitation, xvih. 529 effects of, on drinking-water, xviii. 220 influence of its disposal on surface-water, xviii. 463 Sewage contamination, pre- vious, definition of term, xviii. 297 Sewage irrigation, xviii. 533 purification of, xvhi. 530 Sewage-works of Dantzic, xvih. 419 Sewer-air, effect of, upon workmen, xviii. 586 Sewer and drain combined, xviii 419 Sewer, circular, xvih. 467 Sewer, egg-shaped, xvhi 467 Sewer-gas in the air, xviii. 636 Sewer-gases, their influence in produc- ing typhoid fever, i. 50 Sewer-openings, xvhi 458 Server-water, results of examination of, xviii. 453 Sewers, air of, xviii. 452 construction of, xviii. 464 flushing of, i 196 ; xviii. 473 necessity of, in large towns, xviii. 460 objections to, xviii. 526 sectional forms of, xviii. 466 various forms of, xviii. 468 et seq. ventilation of, xviii. 475-478 Sewing-machines, influence of, upon health of women, xix. 61, 62 Sex, all reported cases of rupture of the oesophagus were in men in the prime of life, vih. 106 Sex, comparative infrequency of stutter- ing in the female, xiv. 834 in cholecystitis, ix. 541 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of the liver, ix. 417 of bronchiectasis, ix. 864 of cancer of the biliary passages, ix. 572 of cancer of the liver, ix. 364 of chorea, xiv. 476 of gall-stones, ix. 708 of leucaemia, viii. 506 of oesophageal cancer, viii. 186 of pressure-diverticula of the oesoph- agus, viii. 64 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 112 of pseudo-hypertrophy of the mus- cles, xiv. 156 of whooping-cough, vi. 684 in haemophilia, xvii. 20 in neuralgia, xi. 25 in yellow fever, i. 509 influence of, in the production of chorea, xiv. 423 influence of, upon frequency of pneu- monia, v. 21 predominance of phlegmonous oesopha- gitis in the male, vhi. 151 Sexual appetite, non-gratification of, in etiology of hysteria, xiv. 485 Sexual desire, abnormal, in hyste- ria, xiv. 538 Sexual desire, congenital ab- sence of, viii. 896 Sexual excesses as a cause of anaemia, xvi. 323 effects of, on the constitution, viii. 838 in the etiology of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 834 of epilepsy, xiv. 203 of impotence, viii. 893 of simple inflammation of the ure- thra, viii. 743 of spermatorrhoea, vih. 834 of spinal disease, xiii. 147, 714 of spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 371 409 Sexual excesses in the etiology of spinal irritation, xih. 360 of tabes dorsalis, xhi. 525 manner in which they produce their ef- fect on the genital functions, vhi. 836 mode in which they act on the constitu- tion at large, viii. 838 Sexual functions, disturbances of, in anaemia, xvi. 407 in corpulence, xvi. 659 in diabetes, xvi. 909 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii 136 in tabes dorsalis, xih. 543, 585 Sexual intercourse, in the etiology of gonorrhoea, viii. 754, 758 Sexual periods of life, neuralgia in, xi. 25 Shade, excessive, xix. 579 Shade-trees near dwelling-houses, xviii 444 Shaking palsy, see Paralysis Agitans, xiv. 395 Sharp spoons, in local treatment of uterine cancer, x. 292 Sharpies, S. P., on adulteration of food, xix. 349 Sheafer, H. C, on hygiene of coal- mines, xix. 227 Shearer, xii. 154 Sheep, keeping of, xix. 399 slaughtering of, xix. 408 Sheep and goats, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 Sheep's milk, analysis of, xviii. 106 Sheets, xviii. 384 Shell-burning, xix. 434 Shelter-tent of the U. S. army, xix. 102 Sherringham ventilator, xviii. 774 Ship, names of its different parts, xix. 178 Ship-fever, see Typhus Fever Ship-fever and quarantine, xix. 494 Ships, ventilation of, xix. 199 Ship's lungs of Hale, xix. 199 Shock in apoplexy, xii. 105 Setons. Sigmund's ointment. Shoemakers, xix. 64 Shoemakers' spasm, xi 352 Shoes, xviii 885 Shoots for soiled clothing, xvhi. 755 Shortness of breath, in pulmonary emphysema, v. 361 Shortsightedness, see Myopia Shoulder, pain in, as a symptom of suppurative hepatitis, ix. 125 SHOULDER AND ARM, SPASM OP MUSCLES OF, xi. 328; bibliography, 32S; spasm of the splenius capitis, 329 ; of the obli- quus capitis inferior, 329 ; of the deep muscles of the neck, 329; of the rhomboidei, 329; of the levator anguli scapulae, 330 ; of the deltoid, 330; symptomatology, 332; etiology, 333 ; di- agnosis, 334; prognosis, 334; treatment, 334 Shower-bath, xviii 373 Sialorrhoea, vi 849 Sialorrhoea pancreatica, vhi. 567 Sibley tent, xix. 99 Sickliness in the etiology of pulmonary consumption, v. 484 Sick-room, temperature of, i. 230 Siderosis, xix. 32 Siegle's steam atomizer, iv. 91 Siemens' furnace for cremation, xix. 455 Sight, affection of, in course of whooping- cough, vi. 698. disturbance of, after mutilation of the cortex cerebri, xiv. 714 disturbances of, in hysteria, xiv. 510 hyperaesthesia in the region of the organ of, in hysteria, xiv. 496 Sigmatismus, xiv. 852 treatment of, xiv. 854 Signiund, xii. 367 Sigmund's ointment for syphilitic papules, iii 302 B. Corrosive xxx. Collodion................. A. 3 iij. Castor-oil................. HI xxiij. IND Sign-language, Skin. INDEX. 410 Sign-language, loss of the power of, Silver, nitrate of, in the treatment in aphasia, xiv. 755 of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 56 syntax of the, the most simple of ah lan- of cold in the head, iv. 128, 129 guages, xiv. 792 of croup, iv. 265, 269 Signs, physical, in croupous bronchitis, of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 396 iv. 461 of diseases of the lower pharynx, vii. in haematothorax, iv. 741 31 in hydro thorax, iv. 737 of diseases of the nose, pharynx, and in malignant new-growths in the pleura, larynx, iv. 77, 79, 82, 86, 94, 129, iv. 773 135, 145 in pleuritis, iv. 611 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. in pneumothorax, iv. 759 190 Silferberg, xh. 764 of epilepsy, xiv. 291 Silicated carbon as a filter, xviii. 279 of gastralgia, vii. 307 Silk, chemical peculiarities of, xix. 212 of gonorrhoea of the rectum, viii. 808 microscopic appearances of, xix. 211 of gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii 813 Silk operatives, xix. 45 of hemicrania, xiv. 25 Silk-worm diseases, i 12, 238, 254 of hemorrhage from the bladder, Sillar process of purifying sew- viii. 727 age, xviii. 530 of hyperplastic catarrh of the naso- Silvering, development of prussic acid pharyngeal cavity, vii 95 vapors in, xvii. 507 of hysteria, xiv. 565 Silver, nitrate of, as an injection in of intestinal catarrh, vii. 388 gonorrhoea, viii. 775 of intestinal ulcers, vii. 423, 425 in the abortive treatment of gonorrhoea, of laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in men, viii. 768 of lupus of the larynx, vii. 855 in women, viii. 805 of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 512 in the curative treatment of gonorrhoea of myelitis, xiii 425, 463 in women, viii. 807 of neuroses of sensation of larynx, in the treatment of abnormal seminal vii. 933 losses, viii. 875 of noma, vi. 816 of acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. of nosebleed, iv. 163 211 of paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 of angina pectoris, xiv. 53 of pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 66 of bronchial asthma, iv. 583 of phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 of cholera infantum, i 349 of poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xhi 710 of proctitis, vii. 392 of progressive bulbar paralysis, xiii Teaspoonf ul hourly. 945 of progressive muscular atrophy, of cholera morbus, i. 348 xiv. 149 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. of purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135, 224 145 of chronic catarrh of the lower of spasm of the glottis, vii. 1023 pharynx, vii. 61, 100 of spasmodic spinal paralysis, xhi of chronic gastritis, vii. 191 645 411 INDEX. Sign-langua< Skin. Silver, nitrate of, in the treatment of sporadic cholera, vii. 151 of syphilis of the larynx, vii. 875 of syphihs of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 87 of tabes dorsalis, xiii. 614 of tuberculous ulcers of the pharynx, vii. 79 of tumors of the larynx, vii. 906 of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 226 of valvular diseases, vi. 165 of whooping-cough, vi. 721, 727 injections of, in chronic cystitis, vih. 699 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 875 locally in small-pox, ii. 397 Silver-poisoning, xvii. 599 albumen in, xvii. 601 common salt in, xvii. 601 Silversmiths, nature of their occupa- tion, xix 13 Simaruba, in dysentery, i 566 Simon, xii 72 Simon, Theodore, xii 152, 225, 235, 731 Simon's rectal examination, x. 13 Simon's sharp spoons, in local treat- ment of uterine cancer, x. 292 Simon's specula, x. 31 Sims, John, xii. 826, 827, 830, 831, 833 Sims' (Marion) operation for am- putation of the cervix uteri in hypertrophy of that organ, x. 80 Sims' speculum, x. 30 Simulation of epilepsy, xiv. 297 Sinapism, in acute catarrh of the lower larynx, vii. 145 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 419 in etiology of acute hyperaemia of the kidneys, xv. 191 in hepatic colic, ix. 758 in neuralgia, xi 91 in pleuritis, iv. 687 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 Singers, public, xix. 63 Singing, persistence of power of, inapha- sic persons, xiv. 648 Singultus, xi 336 Singultus, as a symptom of cancer of the liver, ix. 314 in hysteria, xiv. 514 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 132 Sink-traps, xvih. 494 Sinks, disinfection of, xix. 567 position of, in camps, xix. 113. Sinks and waste-water pipes, xviii 492 Sinus cavernosus, symptoms of thrombosis of, xh. 218 Sinus, frontal, affection of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 parasites in, iv. 177 Sinus longitudinalis, thrombosis Of, xh. 217 Sinus pyriformis, iv. 48 Sinus trausversus, thrombosis Of, xii. 217 si on, a resort for the grape-cure, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Site, selection of, for a camp, xix. 90 for a house, xviii. 441 for a school, xix. 597 Sitz-baths, xviii. 373 in chronic metritis, x. 122 Size of abscess of the brain, xii. 707 of the heart, vi. 11 Skill, anatomy and physiology of the, xvih. 369 care of in diabetes, xvi. 991 in the newly-born, xviii. 88 changes in, in cancer of the liver, ix. 382 in epilepsy, xiv. 215 in measles, h. 62 in scurvy, xvii. 145 color of, in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 234 condition of, in abscess of the nasal cav- ity, iv. 147 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 33, 39 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 338, 349 in capillary bronchitis, iv. 373 in chlorosis, xvi. 519, 532 in cholera, i. 428 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 141 in corpulence, xvi. 657, 671, 678 in dengue, ii. 512 Skin. Small-pox. INDEX. 412 Skin, condition of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 873, 881, 920 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1029 in dysentery, i. 547 in erysipelas, ii. 441, 444, 451 in fatty liver, ix. 468 in gout, xvi. 109, 113 in influenza, ii. 531 in malarial diseases, ii. 628, 636 in malignant new-growths in the pleura, iv. 773 in meningitis, xii 654 in metroperitonitis, viii. 275 in neuralgia, xi. 53 in pneumonia, v. 100 in tetanus, xiv, 345 in typhoid fever, i 183 in typhus fever, i. 326 in yellow fever, i. 503 derivation to, in oedema of the lungs, v. 286 discoloration of the, in Addison's disease, viii. 647-655, 660 in yellow fever, i 498, 499 disposition to inflammation of, in heart disease, vi. 110 hemorrhage from, in haemophilia, xvii. 40 lesions of, in erysipelas, ii 441, 444, 451 oedema of, in constriction of the intes- tine, vii. 492 over inflamed parotid gland, vi. 840 secondary affections of, in confluent small-pox, ii. 368 Skin, affections of, in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 623 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 242 in amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 534 in anthrax in man, iii. 418 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85, 86 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 in cholera, i. 428 in chronic gastritis, vii. 176 in chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 348 in cold in the head, iv. 125 Skin, affections of, in croupous pneu- monia, v. 35, 100 in difficult dentition, vi 774 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 119 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 388 in diseases of the suprarenal capsules, viii. 646, 647, 655 in erysipelas, ii. 469 in glanders in horses, iii. 340 in glanders in man, iii. 355, 359, 361 in hemiplegia et hemiparaplegia spinalis, xiii. 650 in infantile peritonitis, viii. 289 in inflammation of the spinal dura mater, xiii. 224 in leucaemia, viii 519 in measles, ii. 90, 102, 105 in melanaemia, viii. 541 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 483 in myelitis, xih. 403 in paralysis ascendens acuta, xiii. 740 in perinephritis, xv. 595 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 394 by ammonia, xvii 357 by antimony, xvii. 621 by arsenic, xvii. 649, 654 by atropine, xvii. 666 by bromine, xvii. 320 by carbolic acid, xvii. 525 by carbonic oxide, xvii. 465 by chloral, xvii. 451 by copper, xvii. 593 by ergot, xvii-906, 915 by iodine, xvii. 304 by lead, xvii. 565 by mercury, xvii. 609 by opium, xvii. 850, 852 by phosphorus, xvii. 633, 635 by santonin, xvii. 885 by silver, xvii. 600 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 333 by veratrine, xvii. 726 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 680, 693, 700 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 126 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 162 413 INDEX. Small-pox. Skin, affections of, in puerperal peri- tonitis, viii. 284 in pulmonary consumption, v. 561 in scurvy, xvii. 145, 152, 167, 183 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 028, 330, 336 in spina bifida, xiii. 788 in spinal disease, xiii. 119 in syphilis, iii. 129 classification of, iii. 133 local treatment of, iii. 302 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 540, 574, 586 in tetanus, xiv. 331, 345 in trichinosis, iii. 634, 637 in true muscular hypertrophy, xiv. 178 in typhoid fever, i. 182 in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 60 Skill, anaemia of, in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 499 Skill, chronic eruptions of, in eti- ology of spasm of glottis, vii. 1004 Skill, diphtheria of, vi 948 Skin, gangrene of, a complication of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 201 Skin, scorbutic affections of, xvii 183 Skull, abnormities of, in epilepsy, xiv. 215 changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 860 deformities of, in rickets, xvi. 191 development of, in hypertrophy of the brain, xii. 827 effect of opening of, in producing menin- gitis, xii. 674 epilepsy following injuries of the, xiv. 207 exposed fracture of, without depression, trephining in, xii. 812 fracture of, summary of treatment, xii. 814 treatment of fragments in, xii 814 inflammation of bones of, as a cause of meningitis of convexity, xii. 597 wounds of, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 100 Slate - colored induration of lungs in phthisis, v. 672 Slaughter-house, plan of, xix. 406 Slaughter-houses, when first erected, xix. 402 Sleep, disturbances of, in Basedow's dis- ease, xiv. 85 in hysteria, xiv. 534 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 129 hygienic influence of, xix. 214 importance of, and how to secure it, in chorea, xiv. 463 Sleeplessness in cerebral syphilis, xii. 318 in congestion of the brain, xii. 52 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 409 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 403 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 374 in tetanus, xiv. 344 Sleeplessness of typhoid fever, morphine in, i. 224 SLIGHT DISORDERS CAUSED BY CATCHING COLD, xvi. 231; introductory remarks, 231; how we catch cold, 232 ; period of incubation, 236; the fever brought on by catching cold, 238 : feverish cold, with herpes labialis, 240; local disorder brought on by catching cold, in which fever is the dominant symptom, 242; fever brought on by catching cold, and attended by a variety of local mani- festations, either simultaneous or successive, 243; treatment of fever caused by catching cold, 244 Slops, form of sink for, xviii. 762 Slow compression of the cord, xiii 319 Slowing of blood-current as a cause of thrombosis, xii. 184 Small intestines, condition of upper part of, in dysentery, i. 546 SMALL-POX, ii. 319; bibliography, 319; history, 320; etiology, 325; influence of age, 326 ; sex, 328; race, 329; influence of existing diseases, 329; immunity from subsequent at- tacks, 331; earliest origin and mode of exten- Small-pox. Soda. INDEX 414 sion, 333; nature of the contagion, 333; the most liable period of infection, 335 ; infection through clothing, 336; through dead bodies, 336 ; through gases, 336 ; conditions favorable to rts spread, 338 ; pathology, 340 ; symptoms and course of the disease, 340; incubation, 340; the initial stage, 342; the rigors, 343 temperature, 344 ; pulse, 344 ; respiration, 344 appetite, 345; nausea, 345 ; headache, 346 brain-symptoms, 346; pain in the back, 347 the spleen, 348; the liver, 348; the urine, 348; menstruation, 349; the initial erup- tions, 349; their frequency, 351 ; varieties of the initial stage, 352; small-pox without eruption, 352 ; hemorrhagic small-pox, 353 ; its symptoms, 354 ; regular course of the disease, 355; stage of eruption, 355 ; stage of suppura- tion, 357 ; the mucous membranes, 360 ; febrile symptoms, 361; stage of desiccation, 363 ; the itching, 364; the resulting scars of the skin, 364 ; date of convalescence, 366 ; confluent va- riety, 366; the mucous membranes, 367; the fever, 368 ; vomiting, 368 ; the skin affections, 368; desiccation, 369; pustulous hemorrhagic small-pox, 369; varioloid, 372; complications and sequelae, 378 ; the skin, 378 ; nervous sys- tem, 378; the eye, 379 ; the ear, 379; mucous membrane of nose, 379 ; the joints, 379 ; bron- chitis, 379; diphtheria, 380; laryngitis, 380; the salivary glands, 380; abdominal viscera, 380 ; anatomy of the pock, 380 ; changes in the skin, 382; the mucous membranes, 385; the serous membranes, 386; the liver, 386; the kidneys, 386 ; the spleen, 386; the heart, 387 ; the nervous system, 387; diagnosis, 388; dif- ferential diagnosis, 389; prognosis, 391; mor- tality, 391; influence of seasons, 393 ; of age, 393; of sex, 393; of physical condition, 393; treatment, 395; specific methods, 395; treat- ment of the eruption, 397 ; diet, 399 ; compli- cations, 399 ; prophylaxis, 400 ; vaccination, 401; variola of the lower animals, 401; course of vaccinia, 403; its efficacy, 405; length of time of protection, 406 ; objections to vaccina- tion, 407; transmission of disease, 409; per- formance of vaccination, 411; preservation of vaccine virus, 412 ; choice of patients, 413 ; the operation, 414 ; compulsory vaccination, 416 Small-pox, xix. 515 as a cause of cicatricial strictures of the oesophagus, viii 30 Small-pox, cold compresses in, ii. 398 cost of the disease to the city of Phila- delphia in 1871-72, xviii. 8 deaths from, among infants, xix. 277 duration of eruptive stage, xix. 515 enema of chloral hydrate in, ii. 399 R, Chloral hydrat.............. 3 iss.-ij. Mucilag. acaciae, Aquae....................aa 3 j. M. in etiology of acute parenchymatous ne- phritis, xv. 252 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 315 of croup, iv. 238 of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 394 of inflammation of the oesophagus, viii. 145 laryngitis a complication of, iv. 201 latency of contagious element in, xix. 519 management of cases of, xix. 521 mercurial inunction in, ii. 397 natural history and propagation of, xix. 516 on shipboard, xix. 221 period of incubation in, xix. 515 prophylaxis in, ii. 400 purulent nasal catarrh during the course of, iv. 131 question of contagion, xix. 518 quinine in, ii. 396 relations of, to acute nephritis, xv. 252 resemblance of, to other eruptive dis- orders, xix. 515 vaccination in the stage of incubation of, ii. 395 xylol internally in, ii. 397 SMALL-POX AND OTHER CONTA- GIOUS DISEASES, xix. 515; small-pox, 515 ; scarlet fever, 527 ; measles, 532 ; whooping- cough, 533 ; the sanitary management of scarlet fever, measles, and other contagious diseases, 535 415 INDEX. Small-pox. Soda. Small-pox and quarantine, xix. 495 Small-pox pustules, iodine locally for, h. 397 Smart, Charles, on hygiene of camps, xix. 79 Smell, disturbance of sense of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii 136 in diseases of the nose, iv. 109, 142 in facial paralysis, xi. 500 in hysteria, xiv. 497, 509 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 500 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 582 in tumors of the brain, xii. 248 impairment of, produced by closure of the nose, iv. 109, 142 loss of, in syphilis, iii. 208, 221 Smell and taste, hyperaesthesia of the sense of, in hysteria, xiv. 497 relations of, xi 257 Smelters, xix. 23 Smelting, xix. 441 Smith, Andrew H., investigations with regard to caisson disease, xix. 69 Smith, J. L., on infantile diarrhoealdis- ease, xix. 289 Smith-Shepard bleeder family, xviL 19 Smith's experiments with alco- hol, xviii. 173 Smith's street - sweeping and loading machine, xvhi 560 Smith's two-horse side-sweeper, xviii 559 Smoke as a nuisance, xix. 464 Smoke-consumers, xix. 466 Smoky chimneys, xviii 685 Snake-bites, iii. 539, 547 Halford's method in, iii. 551 jaundice in, ix. 28 ligature of limb, cauterization, and alco- holic stimulants in, iii. 550 Sneezing, a form of respiratory spasm, xi. 342 attacks of, xi. 342 Snow, removal of, from streets, xviii. 561 Snow, Dr., on small-pox, xix. 517 Snow-water, character of, xix. 132 Snuff, for chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 146 Snuff-makers, xix. 42 Snuff-takers, liability of, to lead-poi- soning, xvii. 561 Soap-makers, xix. 26 Soap-making, xix. 428 Soaps, proper kind to use, xviii 371 Soapstonc-furuace, xvih. 693 Soap water, poisoning by, xvii. 368 Socin, xii. 592 Sociology, its relations to hygiene, xvhi. 9 Soda, biborate of, in cold in the head, iv. 128 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135 Soda, bicarbonate of, in acute gas- tritis, vh. 146 in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 55 in dementia paralytica, xii 887 in gall-stones, ix. 776 Soda, carbolate of, in diseases of the nose, iv. 86 Soda, carbonate of, in chronic gas- tritis, vh. 189 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 144 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 86, 94, 135, 144 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 in retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 55, 56 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 221 Soda, chlorinated, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 146 in diseases of the nose, iv. 86, 95 Soda, choleatc of, in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 207 Soda factories, xix. 15 Soda hypochlorite, in diphtheria, i. 679 Soda hyposulphite, in diphtheria, i. 679 Soda lye, poisoning by, xvii 368 Soda, manufacture of, xix. 440 Soda, muriate of. . , n Sound of Iieart. INDEX. 41b Soda, muriate of, in hepatitis, ix. 156 Soda, nitrate of, in pleuritis, iv. 686 Soda, santonate of, in ascaris lum- bricoides, vii. 750 Soda, sulphate of, in acute hepatitis, ix. 153 in chronic gastritis, vii. 182, 189 in gall-stones, ix. 776 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 221 Soda-water," in cholera, i 459 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 731 Soden, waters of, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 424 in pulmonary consumption, v. 604 Sodic chloride, xvhi 167; see also Sodium, Chloride of Sodic phosphate, alkaline, in food, xviii. 168 Sodium, poisoning by salts of, xvii. 366 Sodium, chloride of, importance of, as an ingredient of the infant's food, xviii. 115 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii 48, 49 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 224 in chronic gastritis, vii. 183, 189 in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 144 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii 55, 56 in cold in the head, iv. 128 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 86, 94, 135 in empyema, iv. 720 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 851 in poisoning by silver, xvii. 601 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 135 in rarefying dry catarrh, vii. 100 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 221 presence of, in intestinal catarrh, vii. 368 Sodium hypochlorite, poisoning by, xvii. 307 Sodium nitrate, in pneumothorax, iv. 768 Sodium salicylate, xvi. 1039 Soft chancre, iii. 91 Soft chancre, character of the poison of, iii. 94 minute anatomy of, iii. Ill not syphilitic, iii. 104, 108 Soft palate, Diseases of the, vi. 861 ; see also Palate, Soft, Diseases of the Softening, in the etiology of rupture of . the stomach, vii. 337 Softening of the brain, xh. 181 in cerebral thrombosis, xii. 200 in the course of heart disease, xii. 686 in the etiology of cerebral hemorrhage, xh. 73 Softening of hard water, xviii. 283 Softening of motor ganglia, in cer- ebral syphilis, xii. 330 Softening of the mucous mem- brane, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 324 Softening of the oesophagus, viii 98 Softening of the stomach, vii. 256 Soil, character of, as affecting cholera, i. 377 as affecting scarlatina, ii. 176 condition of, in diphtheria, i 582 in the etiology of diseases of the spleen, viii. 357 in the etiology of gall-stones, ix. 709 in the etiology of pulmonary con- sumption, v. 490 conditions of, affecting health, xviii. 399 conditions of, influencing attacks of an- thrax in animals, iii. 380 considered in relation to heat, light, ma- laria, etc., xviii. 432 constituents of, xviii. 400 drainage of the, xviii. 416 effects of its composition on temperature, xviii. 663 examination of, xviii. 437 influence of, in miliary fever, ii. 492 in producing malaria, ii. 563, 565 on scrofulosis, xvi. 766 nature of, in etiology of croup, iv. 236 pollution of, xviii. 445 by coal-gas, xviii. 547 by interments, xviii. 538 417 VNTVirx Soda'murlate of- *Li lJNUJiA. Sound of heart. Soil, pollution of, by surface defilement, xviii. 549 porosity of, xviii. 401 method of determining it, xviii. 440 solid constituents of, xviii. 425 specific heat of, xviii. 654 temperature of, influenced by drainage, xviii 434 water in the, xviii. 409 SOIL AND WATER, xvhi. 399; conditions of the soil affecting health, 399; constituents of the soil, 400; air in the soil, 400 ; water in the soil, 409; drainage of the soil, 416; solid constituents of the soil, 425; mineral matters, 426; organic matters, 427 ; examination of the soil, 437; selection of site, 441; pollution of the soil by excreta, 445; removal of excreta, 450; the amount and products of excreta, 450 ; methods of removal of excreta : the water sys- tem, 456; the dry system, 508 ; other systems, 516 ; the disposal of sewage, 526; pollution of the soil by interments, 538; pollution of the soil by coal-gas, 547; pollution of the soil by surface defilement, 549; diseases connected with certain conditions of the sod, 575 Soil moisture in connection with the etiology of disease, xviii. 412 Soils considered in relation to heat, light, malaria, etc., xviii. 432 Solanidine and solanine, distinc- tions between, xvii. 692 Solanine, poisoning by, xvii. 690 tests for, xvii. 695 Solanine and plants containing it, poisoning by, xvii. 689 Solar ganglion and plexus, disease of the, the cause of the diabetes ac- companying disease of the pancreas, viii. 577 Soleil-Ventzke's test for sugar in the urine, xvi. 976 Solid matter, total, in water, de- termination of, xviii. 296 Solidification of the lung, evi- dences of, in cases of hemorrhage from the lungs, v. 305 Vol. XX.—27 Solids in water, determination of, xvih, 296 Solitary follicles, intestinal, in ty- phoid fever, i 100 Soltmann's experiments on the brain, xiv. 683 Soltmann's nursing-bottle, xvhi 131 Solutio carnis, xvi 453 in anaemia, xvi. 453 Solution illustrated, xviii. 264 Solvents in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 87, 95 Somnambulism in hysteria, xiv. 534 Somnolent condition in syphilitic apoplexy, xii. 325 in uraemia, xv. 110 Sopor from cerebral tumor, xii 759 in apoplexy, xii. 99 in traumatic meningitis, xii. 683 Sores, venereal, see Chancre and Chancroid Sore-throat, vi. 887 Sormani, xii. 85, 86 Sorrel, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Souffle voile of Laennec, v. 542 Soul, the, a composite force, xiv. 698 Soul, the spinal, of Pflueger, xiv. 695 Sound, evidence afforded by the, in cases of cesophagismus, viii 207 introduction of the, in cases of ulcer of the oesophagus, vhi. 164 passage of the, in diverticula of the oeso- phagus, viii. 86 use of the, in cancerous stricture of the oesophagus, viii 194 Sound-gestures, xiv. 644 Sounding the bladder, in the diag- nosis of stone in the bladder, viii. 729 Sounding the oesophagus, viii. 9,40 Sound-metaphor, the principle of, xiv. 588 Sound-mimicry, influence of, in the acquirement of speech, xiv. 586 Sound of heart, cause of increased in- tensity of first, vi. 49 Sound of heart. Spastic symptoms. Sound of heart, cause of increased intensity of second, vi. 49 weakness of first, vi. 50 Sounds, information afforded by passing, in oesophageal stenosis, viii. 35 introduced into the oesophagus in tonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi. 339 introduction of, in cancer of the oesopha- gus, viii. 194 in pressure diverticula of the oesoph- agus, viii. 67 in spasm of the oesophagus, viii. 211 significance of, in the word, xiv. 632 Sounds, friction, in pleurisy, iv. 642, 659, 664 Sounds, laryngeal, iv. 44 Sounds of heart, origin of, vi. 18 Sounds, uterine, x. 4 mode of introducing, x. 15 Soups, xviii. 189 Spa, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 Space, superficial and cubic, per patient, in hospital wards, xviii. 757 Spaltpilze, xviii 16 Spameuiia, see Anaemia Spanish or Texas cattle fever, xvhi 20 Spanish fly, see Cantharides Spar-deck, xix. 178 SPASM, xi. 274 ; bibliography, 274; different forms of spasm, 275 ; definition, 275; tonic and clonic spasms, 275 ; cramp, a form of, 277 ; eti- ology, 279; irritation of the muscular fibres a cause, 279 ; irritation of the peripheral motor channels of conduction a cause, 279; irritation of the conducting paths and central apparatus in the brain a cause, 280; special convulsive cen- tre in etiology, 281; increased irritation and augmented excitability of the centripetal fibres a cause, 282 ; increase of the excitability of the reflex centres in the spinal cord and brain a cause, 282; removal of the activity of those cerebral centres which inhibit reflex actions a cause, 282; mechanical stimuli in etiology, 284; chemical stimuli, 284 ; disturbances of circula- tion, 284; caused by venous hyperaemia and 418 stasis, 284; caused by alterations of the blood, 285 ; predisposition to convulsions, 285; symp- tomatology, 286 ; mode of onset, 287 ; concomi- tant phenomena in symptomatology, 287; mo- tor disturbances, 288; sensory disturbances, 288; vaso-motor and secretory disturbances, 289 ; psychical disturbances, 290 ; disturbances of the general health, 290; pressure-points in pathology and treatment, 291; prognosis, 293; treatment, 293; treatment of the general pre- disposition, 294; direct treatment, 295 ; special surgical treatment, 299 Spasm, in spinal disease, xiii 97 Spasm, clonic, of the tensor pal- ati, vii. 104 Spasm, inspiratory, xi 339 cases of, xi 341 Spasm, local, of blood-vessels, in etiology of partial anaemia of the brain, xii. 16 Spasm of the bladder, vhi 700 Spasm of cerebral arteries, as a cause of cerebral anaemia, xii 12 Spasm of the eyelids, xi 315 SPASM OF THE FACIAL MUSCLES, xi. 304 ; bibliography, 304 ; diffused spasm of the facial muscles, 306 ; paroxysms in facial spasms, 306 ; convulsive tic different from tic doulour- eux, 307; symptomatology, 308; vaso-motor and trophic phenomena in symptomatology, 308; pressure-points, 308 ; tonic spasm of the facial muscles, 309; trismus in tonic spasm of the facial muscles, 309; etiology, 310; predispo- sition in etiology, 310; catching cold a cause, 310 ; caused by reflex irritation, 310 ; irritation of the facial in its central course, 310 ; psychi- cal conditions a cause, 311; facial spasm oc- curring as a secondary symptom, 311; course, duration, termination, 311; diagnosis, 312; prognosis, 312 ; treatment, 312 Isolated Facial Mdscles, Spasm or, 314; tonic spasm of the lids a form of, 314 ; pressure-points, location of, in tonic spasm of the lids, 314; etiology, 316 ; treatment, 317 ; clonic spasm of the lids a form of, 318; etiology, 318; treatment, 319. •EX. 419 INDEX. Sound of heart. Spastic symptoms. SPASM OF THE GLOTTIS, vii. 987; bib- liography, 987 ; history, 989 ; definition, 992; etiology, 996; symptoms and course, 1005; complications, 1012; pathological anatomy, 1012; diagnosis, 1014 ; prognosis, 1017; treat- ment, 1020 Spasm of the glottis, chloral hydrate and potassium bromide in, vii. 1024 cold affusions in, vii. 1022 counter-irritation in, vii. 1022 electricity to phrenic nerves in, vii. 1022 equable temperature in, vii 1021 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii 483 musk and castor in, vii 1023 tracheotomy in, vii. 1023 Spasm of the middle coat of ar- teries, vi 356 Spasm of leg-muscles, cupping to the spine in, xi. 363 SPASM OF THE MUSCLES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, xi. 359; bibli- ography, 359 ; general history, 359 ; particular muscles affected, 360; etiology, 360; treatment, 363 SPASM OF THE MUSCLES OF MASTI- CATION, xi. 301; bibliography, 301 ; symp- tomatology, 301; etiology, 302; catching cold a cause, 302; diagnosis, 303; prognosis, 303; treatment, 303 Spasm of the muscles of the neck, a case of, xi 332 Spasm of the muscles of the shoulder, a case of, xi. 332 Spasm of the muscles of the shoulder and arm, xi. 329 Spasm of the muscles of the tongue, xi 319 Spasm of the muscles supplied by the accessorius, xi 320 Spasm of the oesophagus, viii 204 use of pharyngeal sounds in, viii. 211 Spasm of the soft palate, vi 993 Spasm, saltatory, xih. 801 Spasm, tonic, in voluntary muscles, xiii. 808 Spasmodic contractions of para- lyzed extremities in hemorrhage into the lateral ventricle, xii 150 Spasmodic contractions of the vagina, x. 536 Spasmodic cough, in spasm of the respiratory muscles, xi. 343 Spasmodic ergotism, xvh. 904 ; xviii. 200 Spasmodic spinal paralysis, xih. 621 complications, xiii. 638 definition, xiii. 623 diagnosis, xiii 642 etiology and pathogenesis, xhi. 624 symptoms, xiii. 627 theory of the disease, xhi. 636 treatment, xiii. 645 Spasms, muscular, dietetic treat- ment in, xi. 294 electricity in, xi. 295 hypodermic injection locally of atropine in, xi. 297 in hydrophobia in man, iii 489 in tetanus, xiv. 330, 340 section of reflex sensory nerves in, ix. 300 narcotics and anaesthetics in, xi. 297 Spasms of hysteria, resemblance of, to chorea, xiv. 419 Spasms of muscular coat of stomach and bowels, in hys- teria, xiv. 593 Spasms of the respiratory mus- cles, xi 335 Spasms of writers' cramp, xi 349 Spasms, tonic or clonic, in vari- ous parts of the body in hysteria, xiv. 515 Spasmus inspiratorius, xi 339 Spasmus nictitans, xi, 318 Spasmus oesophagi, viii. 204 Spastic stenosis of the oesopha- gus, vhi 33. diagnosis of, viii. 41 prognosis of, viii. 43 Spastic symptoms in chronic myelitis, xiii. 442 Spastic walk. Spina bifida. Spastic walk, xiii 442 Spatulas, tongue, iv. 6 Speakers, public, xix. 63 Speaking, essential points for the act of, xiv. 595 Special senses, affections of, in cu- taneous anaesthesia, xi. 217 in spermatorrhoea, viii 862 Specific blood-poison, in yellow fever, i 505 Specific emboli of cerebral capillaries, xii. 226 Specific gravity of hypertrophied brain, xii. 833 of urine in pneumonia, v. 97 Specific heat, xviii 653 Specific origin of gonorrhoea, viii 750 Specific poison of typhoid fever, i 49, 61 Specific remedies for epilepsy, xiv. 286 Speciflcness of infectious diseases, i. 14 Spectacle-frame, Semeleder's, for laryngoseopic mirrors, iv. 21 Spectroscope, as a test for bloody urine, xv. 70 Spectroscopic test for carbonic oxide, xvih. 625 Specula, for examination of the vagina, x. 4, 27 Speculum narium of Fraenkel, iv. 57 Speech, affections of, in abscess of the cerebellum, xii. 792 in apoplexy, xii. 112, 118 in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 847 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 762, 789 in contusion of the brain, xii. 673 in dementia paralytica, xii. 865 in encephalitis, xii 744 in lesions of the corpus striatum, xii. 147 in lesions of the pons, xii. 141 in meningitis of convexity of the brain, xii. 613 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 548, 558, 570 420 Speech, in occlusion of the cerebral ar- teries, xii 197, 203 difficulty in, from affections of the soft palate, vi. 876 Speech centres in the medulla oblon- gata, xiii. 859 SPEECH, DISTURBANCES OF, xiv. 581; human speech, 581; as an act of expression, 582; as an acquired reflex, 583; interjection and imitative gesture, 584; the principle of sound metaphor, 588; origin of speech from word-roots, 590 ; intuition and intelhgent con- ception, 593; the three stages of language, 595 ; speech as an agent of intelligent cognition, 596 ; independence of conceptions upon words, 597; words as symbols, 603; definition of disturb- ances of speech, 610; speech a product of habit, 614 ; memory and recollection, 616 ; co-ordina- tion of movements, 621 ; readiness of speech, 625; development of articulation, 629; stam- mering and stuttering, 633 ; sensory reflex sources of phonetic speech, 634 ; acoustic sound reflexes, 638; inter jectional or emotional speech, 642; automatic speech, 646; situation of the phonic centre, 650; significance of the bulbar nuclei, 655 ; bradylalia and scanning utterance, 661; stammering and stuttering, 663 ; atactic and amnesic aphasia, 667; aphasia and diseases of cerebellum, 668; channels traversed by speech-impulses, 669; the corpora striata in relation to speech, 681; the corona radiata, 6S7; the sensory channels of language, 690; the excito-motor faculty, 693 ; the existence of a spinal soul, 695; percepto-motor reflex acts, 697 ; development of the mind, 703 ; functions of the cerebral cortex, 705 ; anatomy of the cerebral cortex, 710; the law of substitution, 713; cortical functions of speech, 717; local- ization of the power of speech, 725 ; the two great classes of cortical derangements of speech, 747 ; dysphasias and dysphrasias, 749 ; atactic aphasia, agraphia, and amimia, 751; amnesic aphasia, 757; aphasia with more intense dis- turbances of memory, 767; word-deafness, 770; word-blindness, 775 ; schematic diagram of the centres and track of speech, 778; paraphasia, 783 ; importance of advertency for correct speech, 785; choreic paraphrasia, 787; para- graphia, 789 ; syntactic disturbances of speech, 791; agrammatisms, 793 ; akataphasia, 795 ; )EX. 421 INDEX. Spastic walb. Spina bifida. aphasia as a disease, and its causes, 798; prog- nosis of aphasia, 803; syllable-stumbling, 805 ; impairment of speech in progressive paralysis with dementia, 809 ; dysological derangements of speech, 811; hemming and hawking, 815; cluttering, 817 ; delusions of speech, 819 ; para- phrasia, 821 ; perversions of speech in micro- cephalia, 822 ; stuttering, 825 ; differential di- agnosis between stuttering and stammering, 837 ; treatment of stuttering, 839 ; aphthongia, 842; stammering, its etiology, 844; sounds that are lacking in different languages, 846 ; rhota- cismus and pararhotacismus, 850; lambdacis- mus and paralambdacismus, 852; gammacismus and paragammacismus, 854; mechanical im- pairments, 855 ; dyslalia laryngea, 856 ; dyslalia nasalis et palatina, 858; dyslalia lingualis, 862; dyslalia dentalis, 864; dyslalia labialis, 864; deaf-mutism and education of deaf-mutes, 865 Speech, disturbances of, in bulbar paralysis, xiii. 915, 919 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 487, 496 in spinal disease, xiii. 143 in tabes dorsalis, xiii 563 Speech, impairment of, in bronchial asthma, iv. 565 in chorea, xiv. 435 Speech, readiness of, attained by deaf-mutes, xiv. 873 Sperling, xii. 171, 388, 406 Spermatic cord, gonorrhoeal in- flammation of the, viii. 787 Spermatorrhoea, bibliography, viii. 824 characters of the semen discharge, viii. 852 course and terminations, viii. 866 electrical treatment of, viii. 877 ergot and nux vomica in, viii. 879 etiology, viii. 832 external condition of the genitals in, vih. 856 from injections of brandy into theurethra, viii. 843 general considerations; various forms of, viii. 825 pathological anatomy, viii 849 Spermatorrhoea, preceding and ac- companying symptoms, viii. 850 prognosis, viii. 869 prostatic compressor in, viii. 878 special treatment of, viii 871 Spermatozoa, absence of, in cases of abnormal pollutions, vhi. 853 characters of the, in the semen of sperma- torrhoea, viii. 852 discovery of, i. 6 entrance of, into cervical canal, how ef- fected, x. 67 Sphaerobacteria, in diphtheria, i 588 Sphenoid bone, cavities of, affec- tions of, in cold in the head, iv. 126 Sphincter iridis, paralysis of, xi 479 Sphincters, action of, in acute myelitis, xiii. 409 condition of, in chronic myelitis, xiii. 44G in syphilis of cord, xii. 347 Sphincters of the bladder and rectum not affected in chorea, xiv. 430 Sphygmographic records of altera- tions in elasticity in arterial walls, vi. 40 Sphygmographic tracing, in arte- rial paralysis, vi 358 of aortic insufficiency, character of, vi. 136 of aortic stenosis, vi. 144 Sphygmographic tracings, in ty- phoid fever, i 83 Spices, adulteration of, xix. 371 in etiology of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 61 Spices, irritant, in etiology of cirrho- sis of the liver, ix. 169 Spider-cells, development of, in de- mentia paralytica, xii. 861 Spiders, infection by the bite of, iii. 536 Spiegelberg's classification of puerperal diseases, viii 272 Spiess, xh. 627 Spina bifida, anatomy of, xiii. 785 compression of tumor in, xiii. 793 Spina bifida. Spinal cord. Spina bifida, injection of sac with tinc- ture of iodine, xiii. 793 puncture of sac in, xiii. 793 Spina ventosa, xvi. 806 Spinal anaesthesia, xi 222 Spinal apoplexy, cold applications to spine in, xiii. 304 ergotin subcutaneously in, xih. 305 local and general bleeding in, xiii 304 Spinal cord, absence of, xih. 780 affection of, in jaundice, ix. 23 alterations in the, in chorea, xiv. 454 in dementia paralytica, xii. 863, 864 in diphtheria, i. 656 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 505 concurrence of epilepsy with diseases of the, xiv. 209 effects of atropine upon, xvii. 676 effects of sexual excess upon, vhi 839 enlargement of central canal in the, xiii. 783 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 705 increased irritabhity of the sensory por- tions of the, in hysteria, xiv. 491 injuries of the, cause cutaneous anaesthe- sia, xi. 206 lesions of, in a case of diphtheritic ataxia, i.658 in diabetes, xvi 882 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 135 reasons for believing that it plays a part in chorea, xiv. 457 relation of the, to the genital organs, vih. 839 role of the, in general convulsions, xiv. 198 state of the, in tetanus, xiv. 333 Spinal cord, anaemia of, galvaniza- tion of spine in, xih. 290 hot sand-bags in, xiii. 290 opium and nitrite of amyl in, xiii. 290 strychnia and phosphorus in, xiii 290 Spinal cord and its membranes, syphhis of, xii. 337 Spinal cord, concussion of, rest and stimulants in, xhi. 356 422 Spinal cord, concussion of, sina- pisms and vesicants in, xiii. 356 SPINAL CORD, DISEASES OF, xih 279 Hyperemia of the Cord, 280; general remarks, 280 Anjemia of the Cord, 281; bibliography, 281 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 282; pathological anatomy, 285 ; symptoma- tology, 286; course, duration, termina- tion, 288 ; diagnosis, prognosis, 289 ; treatment, 290 Spinal Apoplexy, 291 ; bibliography, 291 ; pathogenesis and etiology, 292; pathological anatomy, 294; symptoma- tology, 297; course, duration, termina- tion, 301; diagnosis, 302; prognosis and treatment, 304 Wounds, 305; bibliography, 305; etiolo- gy, 306 ; pathological anatomy, 308 ; symptomatology, 310 ; course, duration, termination, 316 ; diagnosis and progno- sis, 317; treatment, 318 Slow Compression of the Cord, 319; bibliography, 319; etiology and patho- genesis, 320 ; pathological anatomy, 324 ; symptomatology, 327; course, duration, termination, 338; diagnosis, 339; prog- nosis, 341; treatment, 342 Concussion of the Spinal Cord, 344; bibliography, 344 ; etiology and patho- genesis, 345 ; pathological anatomy, 346 ; symptomatology, 348; diagnosis, 353; prognosis, 355 ; treatment, 356 Spinal Irritation, 357; bibliography, 357 ; etiology, 360; symptomatology, 361; course, duration, termination, 363; diagnosis, 365; prognosis and treatment, 367 Spinal Nervous Weakness, 369; bibliog- raphy, 369; etiology, 371; symptoma- tology, 372 ; course, duration, termina- tion, 376; diagnosis, 378; prognosis, 379; treatment, 380 Myelitis, 382 ; bibliography, 382 ; intro- duction, 383 ; history, 385 ; myelitis acu- ta, 387 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 388; pathological anatomy, 391; symptoma- tology, 402; course, duration, termina- tion, 414; diagnosis, 418 ; prognosis, 420; )EX. 423 INDEX. Spina bifida. Spinal cord. treatment, 422 ; myelitis chronica, 426 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 427 ; patholo- gical anatomy, 429; symptomatology, 438 ; course, duration, termination, 448; different forms of chronic myelitis, 449 ; diagnosis, 453; prognosis, 456; treat- ment, 457 Myelomalacia, 467; bibliography, 467 ; pathogenesis, 468; pathological anato- my, 470 ; symptomatology, 470 ; diagno- sis, prognosis, treatment, 471 Multiple Sclerosis, 472; bibliography, 472; history, 473 ; etiology and patho- genesis, 475 ; pathological anatomy, 477; symptomatology, 483 ; course, duration, termination, 505 ; diagnosis, 507; treat- ment, 512 Tabes Dorsalis, 513 ; bibliography, 513; history, 517 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 522; pathological anatomy, 531; symp- tomatology, 540 ; analysis of symptoms, 547 ; course, duration, termination, 596 ; theory of the disease, 599; diagnosis, 603 ; prognosis, 607 ; treatment, 608 Spasmodic Spinal Paralysis, 620; bibli- ography, 620; introduction and histo- ry, 621; etiology and pathogenesis, 624; pathological anatomy, 625; symptoma- tology, 627; course, duration, termina- tion, 635; theory of the disease, 636; complications, 638; diagnosis, 642; prog- nosis, 644; treatment, 645 Hemiplegia et Hemiparaplegia Spina- lis, 646 ; bibliography, 646 ; history, 646 ; etiology and pathological anatomy, 648; symptomatology, 649 ; pathological physiology, 654; course, duration, ter- mination, 660; diagnosis, 661 ; progno- sis, 662; treatment, 662 Poliomyelitis Anterior Acuta, 663 ; bibliography, 663; history, 664 ; defini- tion, 666 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 667 ; pathological anatomy, 670 ; symp- tomatology, 681 ; poliomyelitis anterior acuta in children, 681 ; poliomyelitis an- terior acuta in the adult, 699; course, duration, termination, 701; diagnosis, 703 ; prognosis, 706 ; treatment, 707 Poliomyelitis Anterior Chronica, 712; history, 713 ; etiology, 714 ; pathological anatomy, 716; symptomatology, 717; di- agnosis, 728 ; prognosis, 731; treatment, 731 Paralysis Ascendens Acuta, 732; bibli- ography, 732 ; history, 732 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 735; pathological anatomy, 736; symptomatology,737; diagnosis,743; prognosis, 745 ; treatment, 746 Intramedullary Tumors, 747; bibliog- raphy, 747; pathological anatomy, 748; etiology, 752 ; symptomatology, 753; di- agnosis, 755; prognosis and treatment, 756 Secondary Degenerations, 757; bibliog- raphy, 757 ; history, 758 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 759; pathological anato- my, 767 ; symptomatology, 774; diagno- sis, 776; prognosis, 777 ; treatment, 778 Deformities and Malformations, 779 ; bibliography, 779 ; general classifica- tions, 779; symptoms of spina bifida, 787 ; diagnosis, 790 ; prognosis, 791 ; treatment, 791 Rare and Doubtful Diseases, 794; syringomyelia, 795 ; bibliography, 795 ; pathogenesis and pathological anatomy, 796; symptomatology, S00 ; saltatory spasm, 801; bibliography, 801; symp- tomatology, 801; etiology, 806; treat- ment, 806; tonic spasms, 808; bibli- ography, 808; symptomatology, 813 ; treatment, 814; intermittent spinal pa- ralysis, 814 ; bibliography, 814 ; symp- tomatology, 815 ; diagnosis, 817 ; treat- ment, 817; toxic spinal paralysis, 817; bibliography, 817 ; general remarks, 818; paraplegia dependent upon idea, 819 ; bibliography, 819 ; etiology, 819 ; symp- tomatology, 819 ; diagnosis, 821; treat- ment, 821 Spinal cord, diseases of, arsenic, phosphorus, and zinc in, xiii. 191 bloodletting in, xiii. 185 brine-baths in, xiii. 168 chalybeate baths in, xiii. 169 cold applications in, xiii. 162 conii'ne and ergotin in, xiii. 189 curare and calabar bean in, xiii. 189 differentiation of hysteria from, xiv. 552 electricity in, xih. 178 Spinal cord. Spinal soul. INDEX. 424 Spinal cord, diseases of, external frictions in, xiii. 186 hygienic treatment in, xiii. 196 in etiology of paralyses of the intestines, vii. 587 iodide and bromide of potassium in, xiii. 190 moor-baths and mud-baths in, xiii. 170 nitrate of silver in, xiii. 190 sea-baths in, xiii. 174 sodio-chloride of gold in, xiii. 191 strychnia in, xiii. 188 tonics in, xiii. 193 warm applications in, xiii. 163 warm baths in, xih. 165 SPINAL CORD, DISEASES OF MEM- BRANES OF, xiii. 199 Hyperemia of the Meninges of the Cord, and of the Cord itself, 199; bibliography, 199; etiology and patho- genesis, 200 ; pathological anatomy, 202; symptomatology, 203 ; diagnosis, 206; treatment, 207 Meningeal Hemorrhage, 208 ; bibliog- raphy, 208 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 209; pathological anatomy, 210; symp- tomatology, 211; course and termina- tion, 213; diagnosis, 214; prognosis and treatment, 215 Inflammation of the Spinal Dura Ma- ter, 216 ; bibliography, 216 ; pachyme- ningitis spinalis externa, 217; patho- logical anatomy, 218; symptomatology, 219; diagnosis, 220; prognosis and treat- ment, 221 ; pachymeningitis interna, 221; etiology and pathological anatomy, 222; symptomatology, 223; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, 225 Inflammation of the Spinal Pia Ma- ter, 226 ; bibliography, 226 ; the acute form, 229; etiology, 229; pathological anatomy, 231; symptomatology, 234 ; course, duration, termination, 244; di- agnosis, 245; prognosis, 247; treatment, 248; the chronic form, 252; etiology, 252; pathological anatomy, 253; symp- tomatology, 255; course, duration, re- sult, 257; diagnosis, 258 ; prognosis, 259; treatment, 260 Tumors of the Spinal Membranes, 262; bibliography, 262 ; pathological anato- my, 264 ; etiology, 268 ; symptomatolo- gy, 268; course, duration, termination, 273; diagnosis, 274 ; prognosis and treat- ment, 276 Addendum—Anatomical changes in the spinal membranes, without chnical sig- nificance, 277 Spinal cord, duplication of, xiii. 781 Spinal cord, gray degeneration of, xiii 426 Spinal cord, inflammation of the, xiii 382 SPINAL CORD, INTRODUCTION TO DISEASES OF, xiii. 3 Anatomical Introduction, 7; bibliog- raphy, 7 Physiological Introduction, 33; bib- liography, 33 ; sensory conduction, 35; motor conduction, 37 ; co-ordination of movements, 39; vaso-motor paths and centres, 42; trophic centres and paths, 44; reflex action, 46 ; inhibition of re- flex action, 51; centres and paths for the innervation of the viscera, 52 General Symptomatology, 66; dis- turbances of sensibility, 66 ; diminution of sensory action, anaesthesia, 67 ; exag- geration of sensory action, 73; disturb- ances of motihty, 79; diminution of motility, weakness, and paralysis, 79; imperfect co-ordination of movements, ataxia, 83 ; various characteristic gaits, 96; increase of motility, spasm, 97; al- teration in the velocity of the motor con- duction, 104; electric reaction of the motor apparatus, 105; disturbances of reflex activity, 107; vaso-motor disturb- ances, 111; trophic disturbances, 113; disturbances of the urinary and sexual apparatus, 129; disturbances of diges- tion and defecation, 138 ; disturbances of respiration and circulation, 140; dis- turbances of the oculo-pupillary fibres, the various cerebral nerves, and the brain itself, 141 425 INDEX. Spinal cord. Spinal soul. General Etiology, 146; neuropathic disposition, 146 ; sexual excesses and ir- regularities, 147; influence of age and Bex, 150 ; general disturbances of nutri- tion, 151; direct propagation of neigh- boring morbid processes, 151; exposure to cold, 151; disturbances of circulation, excessive exertion, and psychical influ- ences, 152; poisonings and the local de- velopment of various infectious diseases, 153 ; acute diseases, 153 ; irritation and disease of peripheral organs, 154 General Diagnosis, 155 General Therapeutics, 160; external remedies, 162; cold, 162; warmth, 163; baths, 164; climate, 175; electricity, 178 ; bloodletting and derivatives, 185 ; external frictions, 186; internal reme- dies, 187; symptomatic remedies and methods, 192; general observation, me- thod of life, 196 Spinal cord, multiple sclerosis of, galvanic current in, xiii. 513 hydrotherapy in, xiii. 512 nitrate of silver in, xiii. 512 Spinal cord, secondary degene- ration of the, galvanic current in, xiii. 778 Spinal cord, slow compression of the, derivatives and counter-irri- tants in, xiii. 342 rest and support in, xiii. 342 tonics and iodide of iron in, xiii. 342 Spinal cord, wounds of, trephining the spinal column in, xiii. 318 Spinal curvature, in rickets, xvi. 194 Spinal disease, contractures in, xi 383 Spinal epilepsy, xiv. 191 Spinal irritation, xi. 64; xiii. 357 derivatives and counter-irritants in, xiii. 368 galvanic current in, xiii. 368 Hammond's mixture in, xih. 368 R. Extr. nucis 1 Zinc, rV M. et ft. pil. One several times a day. Spinal irritation, hygienic treatment of, xiii. 367 in hysteria, xiv. 504 strychnia in, xiii. 368 tonics and alcoholics in, xiii. 367 Spinal irritation and neurasthe- nia, xix. 621 Spinal meningeal hemorrhage, powerful purgatives in, xiii. 216 rest and ice locally in, xiii. 216 Spinal meningitis, hyperaemia of, cupping and leeches in, xiii. 207 Spinal meningitis, xiii. 226 course, duration, termination, xiii. 244 diagnosis, xiii. 245 interpretation of the symptoms, xiii. 237 pathological anatomy, xiii. 231 prognosis, xiii. 247 symptoms, xiii 234 treatment, xiii 248 Spinal meningitis, chronic, diag- nosis of, xiii. 258 etiology of, xiii. 252 pathological anatomy of, xiii. 253 symptoms of, xiii. 255 treatment of, xiii. 260 Spinal nerves, in diphtheria, i 652 Spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 369 Spinal paralysis, diagnosis of, xi 445 Spinal paralysis, acute, galvanic current in, xiii. 708 massage and friction in, xiii. 711 strychnine and ergot in, xiii. 710 Spinal paralysis, chronic, deriva- tives and counter-irritants in, xiii. 731 Spinal paralysis, intermittent, quinine and arsenic in, xhi. 817 Spinal paralysis of Brown-Se- quard, xiii 646 Spinal paralysis, spasmodic, the galvanic current in, xiii. 645 < hydrotherapy in, xiii. 645 Spinal paralysis, toxic, xiii 817 Spinal reflex acts are attended by sensation, xiv. 694 Spinal soul of Pflueger, xiv. 695 Spindle-cells. Spleen. INDEX. 426 Spindle-CClls of capsule of old cerebral abscess, xii 701 Spine, caries of, a complication of pleu- ritis, iv. 673 deformity of the, in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 158 rigidity of, in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 235 Spinning-rooms, high temperature of, xix. 41 Spiral tray, Latham's, xviii. 481 Spirillum tenue, i 588, 589 Spirillum undula, i 588, 589 Spirit Of ants, formula for, xi. 231 Ants, recently gathered and bruised, 10 parts; alcohol, 15 parts ; water, 15 parts. Macerate for two days, then distd off 20 parts. in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 231 Spirit of mustard, composition of, v. 320 Oil of mustard, 1 part; alcohol, 50 parts. —Germ. Pharm. in treatment of pulmonary congestion, v. 286 Spirit of salt, xvh. 337 Spirituous drinks, in dysentery, i. 561, 567 Spirituous liquors, consumption of, in different countries, xvii. 390 Spirobacteria, in diphtheria, i, 588 Spirochaeta-like fungi, i 243 Spirochaete Obermeieri of Cohn, xviii 20 Spirochaete plicatilis, i 264 Spirochaete recurrentis, i 264 Spirogyra, figure of, xviii. 236 Spirometry, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 357 in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 in phthisical patients, v. 543 in pleuritis, iv. 663 Spiroptcra homiiiis, xv. 760 Spleen, abscess of, in etiology of pleuri- tis, iv. 597 abscesses of, in relapsing fever, i. 272 acute tumors of, cold applications to, viii. 469 adhesions of, to stomach, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 196 affections of, in convexity meningitis, xii 654 in croup, iv. 261 in haemophilia, xvii. 55 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 507, 537, 539 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 258 in scurvy, xvii. 165, 172, 188 in simple basilar meningitis, xii. 582, 589 anatomical changes in, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 261 in amyloid degeneration of the kid- neys, xv. 522, 629 in chlorosis, xvi. 531 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 887 chronic tumors of, preparations of iron in, viii. 476 condition of, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 269 in bronchiectasis, ix. 872 in cancer of the liver, ix. 379 in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 188 in haemophilia, xvii. 55 in hypertrophic cirrhosis of liver, ix. 218 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 258 in purulent inflammation of the por- tal vein, ix. 818 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 132 in syphilis, iii. 183 in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 234 disease of, due to the anchylostomum duodenale, vii. 784 disease of, in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 311 in etiology of hemorrhage of stom- ach, vii. 276 427 index. sEEr*"" Spleen, effect of quinine in reducing the size of the, ii 667 in bilious typhoid, i 290, 292, 296 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 706, 719 in cholera, i 437 in diphtheria, i. 647 in erysipelas, h. 444, 449 in glanders in man, hi. 364 in intermittent fever, i 242 in malarial diseases, ii. 627, 643, 650 in mahgnant lymphoma, xvi. 837 in measles, ii 74 in the plague, i. 477 in relapses of typhoid fever, i. 193 in relapsing fever, i 279, 281 in rickets, xvi. 198 in scarlet fever, ii. 228, 281 in small-pox, ii. 387 in typhus fever, i. 316, 329, 334 in variola and varioloid, ii. 348 in yellow fever, i 505 Mosler's quinine mixture in diseases of the, viii 413 5. Quiniae muriatis............. 3 ]. Acidi hydrochlorici..........f. 3 ss. Aquae destillatae.............f. 1 v. Syrupi..................... f. 3 v. Tinct. cinnamomi...........f. 3 ijss. Mucilag. acaciae............. f. 3 v. M. Tablespoonful at six, seven, and eight o'clock in the morning. post-mortem appearances of, in scurvy, xvii. 172 processes in the, that may lead to peri- tonitis, viii. 228 purulent focus in the, in etiology of py- lephlebitis, ix. 810 source of uric acid in the, xvi 124 swelling of the, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 290 tendinous spots on, vih. 438 SPLEEN, DISEASES OF THE, viii 349; bibliography, 349 General Anatomical and Pathologi- cal Remarks, 350 General Etiology, 355; geographical distribution, 355; climate, sex, age, and diet, 357 ; infectious diseases, 360; med- icines, poisons, nervous influence, con- gestion, 361 General Symptomatology and Diag- nosis, 364; local sensations in the neighborhood, 365; sympathetic pains, 368; disturbances of the digestive organs, 369 ; changes in the liver and mesenteric glands, 374; changes in the respiration and circulation, 376; imperfect forma- tion of blood, 379 ; hemorrhagic diathe- sis, 385 ; febrile symptoms, 387 ; changes in the urinary secretions, 388 ; palpation, 393; percussion, 394 General Therapeutics, 404; prophy- laxis, 405 ; splenic drugs, 412; local treat- ment of splenic tumors, 424 Anomalies in the Structure and Posi- tion of the Spleen, 429; bibliography, 429 ; absence, 429; atrophy, 429; acces- sory spleens, 429 ; anomalies in position, 430; wandering spleen, 431; diagnosis and treatment, 434 Splenitis, 434; bibliography, 434; etiol- ogy, 435; pathological anatomy, 439; symptomatology and diagnosis, 446; prognosis, 449 ; treatment, 450 Acute Tumors, 450; bibliography, 450; frequency, anatomical appearances, mode of origin, 451; symptoms and diagnosis, 467; treatment, 469 Chronic Tumors, 470; hypertrophy (pseudo-leucaemia), 470; etiology, 474; symptomatology, 474; prognosis and treatment, 476 Lardaceous Spleen, Amyloid De- generation, 477 ; bibliography, 477 ; anatomical and chemical characters, 477 ; etiology, 481 ; symptomatology, 483; prognosis, 484; treatment, 485 Syphilitic Tumors, 485; bibliography, 485; general description, 485 Tuberculosis of the Spleen, 488; bibli- ography, 488 ; general description, 488 Carcinoma of the Spleen, 489; bibliog- raphy, 4S9; general description. 489 Echinococcus of the Spleen, 490; bib- Spleen, St. Anthony's fire. INDEX. 428 liography, 490 ; symptomatology, 491; diagnosis, 492; prognosis and treatment, 494 Ruptures, 494 ; bibliography, 494; symp- tomatology, 497; diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, 498 Leucaemia, 499 ; bibliography, 499 ; his- tory, 500; nature of the disease, 503 etiology, 506; pathological anatomy, 509 character of the leucaemic blood, 515 symptomatology, 517; complications, 521; diagnosis, 522; course of tb,e dis- ease, prognosis, 526 ; treatment, 529 Melanaemia, 533 ; bibliography, 533; his- tory, 533 ; etiology, 535 ; pathological anatomy, 539 ; symptomatology, 542 ; diagnosis, prognosis, 545; treatment, 546 Spleen, diseases of the, a cause of anasmia, xvi 335 amorphous muriate of quinine in, vhi. 416 in etiology of epistaxis, iv. 152 prophylaxis in, viii. 405 quinine hypodermically in, viii. 413 Spleen, echinoeocci of, double puncture in, vhi. 493 Spleen, embolic abscess of, viii 440 Spleen, enlargement of, alterative vegetable extracts in, ii. 678 cold douche locally in, viii. 416 in relapsing fever, i. 269 in scurvy, xvii. 165, 188 in typhoid fever, i. 104 treatment of, ii. 677 Spleen,hemorrhagic infarctions of, i 156 Spleen, hyperplasia of, in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1012 Spleen, rupture of, i. 156; ii 603 ergot hypodermically in, viii. 498 in typhus fever, i. 334 in yellow fever, i. 505 injection of large amounts of cold water in, viii 498 stimulants in, viii. 499 Spleen, tumors Of, arsenic injected into splenic parenchyma in, viii. 420 eucalyptus globulus in, viii. 420 in malarial cachexia, ii. 629 Spleen, wandering, ice-bags in hori- zontal position for, viii. 434 Splenic artery, aneurism of, vi 439 perforation of by gastric ulcer, vi. 482 Splenic diseases, cinchona alkaloids in, vih. 415 Splenic fever, xviii 19 Splenic leucaemia, iron in large doses in, viii. 422 Mosler's iron formula in, viii 423 R. Ferri lactatis, Sacch. lactis...............53 3 ijss. M. Half a teaspoonful with noon and evening meal. Mosler's iron formula in, vhi. 423 R. Ferri redacti................ gr. jss. Quiniae muriatis............. gr. ss. Pulv. aromatici, Sacch. albi...............aa gr. iij. M. et ft. pulv. no. 20 One morning and evening, in a wafer. Splenic tumors, electricity in, vhi 426 extirpation of spleen in, viii. 424 faradization in, viii. 427 formula for tincture of pepper in, v. 419 B. Piperis Hispanici.............. § j. Piperis nigri, Piperis albi, Piperis longi................a£, 3 ij. Liq. potassa? acetatis, Liq. ammon. vinosi..........aa § vj. M. 20 drops five times daily. galvano-puncture in, viii. 427 hypodermic injection of arsenic in, viii. 419 429 Splenic tumors, injection of iodine and carbohc acid into spleen in, viii. 426 Splenisatio pulmonum, v. 328 Splenitis, acute, counter-irritants in, viii. 450 ice-bags to splenic region, viii 450 Splenization of the lung, i 167 Splcnotomy, for tumors of spleen, vih. 424 Splinters, effect of, in producing men- ingitis, xii 674 Spondylitis, scrofulous, xvi 805 Sponge, used as a water-filter, viii. 276 Sponge-bath, xviii. 372 Sponge-holder, for pharynx, iv. 80 Sponge, laryngeal, iv. 80 Sponge-tents for dilatation of cervix uteri, x. 22 Spongy iron as a filter, xviii. 279 Spontaneous attacks of pain in apoplexy, xii. 130 Spontaneous circumscribed in- flammation of the brain, xii. 716 Spontaneous enucleation of uterine fibroids, x. 243 Spontaneous epilepsy, xiv. 210 Spontaneous generation, no posi- tive proof of, i 240 Spontaneous hemorrhages in the brain, seat of, xii 75 Spontaneous pulse of retinal artery, in aortic insufficiency, vi. 138 Spontaneous tetanus, xiv. 327 Spontaneous umbilical hemor- rhages, xvii. 28 Spoonwort, use of, in scurvy, xvii 218 Spotted fever, ii 687 Spray-urinal, xviii. 762 Sprcngcl's test for nitrates, xix. 126 Spring-mattresses, xviii 384 Springs, xviii. 261 as a source of water-supply, xvhi. 263 formation of, xviii. 262 Spleen. St. Anthony's fire. Springs, infection of, i. 63 why more infecting when low, i 71 Sprinkling of streets, xvhi. 562 Spruce-beer, use of, in prophylaxis of scurvy, xvh. 223 Sputa, chemical examination of, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 343 microscopical examination of, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 341 Sputa cocta, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 325, 341 Sputum, character of, in gangrene of the lungs, v. 416 Sputum crudum, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 325, 341 Squill, in pleuritis, iv. 690 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 in splenic disease, viii. 405 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 169 Squinting, see Strabismus Stables, disinfection of, xix. 568 sanitary condition of, xix. 392 Stachelberg, a resort in pleuritis, iv. 691 Stadium prodomorum, in typhoid fever, i 89 Stages of tubercular meningitis, xii. 524 Staggering gait in cerebral tumors, xii. 253 Stagnant pools, disinfection of, xix. 567 Stagnation of blood in heart- disease, effects of, vi. 106 Stagnation ektasiae of the oeso- phagus, vhi. 47 Staircases in hospitals, xvih. 754 Stallions, spermatorrhoea and masturbation in, viii. 841 Stammering, xiv. 633, 844 causes of, xiv. 844 definition of, xiv. 665 diagnosis of, from stumbling speech, xiv. 805 differential diagnosis of, from stuttering, xiv. 837 St. Anthony's Are, ii 417 IND St. Antoine's hospital. Stimulants. St. Antoine's hospital in Paris, xvhi. 744 Starch, action of the pancreatic juice on, vih. 558 in poisoning by iodine, xvii 306 proportion of, in different kinds of grain, xviii. 162 Starch enemata for tenesmus in dy- sentery, i 562, 565 Starches, xvhi 160 manufacture of, in etiology of poisoning by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 492 Stasis in the retina in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 563 State Boards of Health, functions of, xviii. 55 State interference in the prevention of hereditary diseases, xviii. 42 State medicine, xviii 46 in the prophylaxis of typhoid fever, i 194 Statistics, naval, xix. 219 Statistics of iodine and calomel treatment, in typhoid fever, i 201 Status epilcpticus, xiv. 249 Status typhosus, i 41, 87 Stavesacre, xvii 757 Steam as a local application in diphthe- ria, i 675 heating by, xviii. 698 Steam-atoinizer of Siegle, iv. 91 Steam-baths, in chronic nephritis, xv. 404 Steam-boilers, incrustation of, xviii. 216 Steam inhalations, mode of use, i 677 not applicable to the nose, i. 685 not indicated in laryngeal diphtheria, i. 686 Steam-whistles, xix. 468 Steamers less liable to yellow fever in- fection than sailing-vessels, xix. 484 Stearin, xviii 158 Stearrhrea in chronic jaundice, ix. 606 Steben, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 430 Steel, tinctures Of, in anaemia, xvi. 472 Steenberg, xii. 313, 315, 316, 330 Steffen, xii 406 on spasm of the glottis, vii. 987 on whooping-cough, vi. 675 Steiner, xii 834, 835 Steiner, Johann, biographical sketch of, iv. v. on croup, iv. 231 Steiner's emetic in croup, iv. 268 R. Pulv. ij. Tartar £ Sacch. albae.................. gr. v. M. et ft. pulv. Every 10 minutes. Stem, intra-uterine, x. 180 Stcno's duct, vi 829 Stenosis, cicatricial, of the in- testines, vii. 628 Stenosis as a complication of mitral in- sufficiency, vi. 119 in chronic valvular diseases, vi. 96 in etiology of dilatation of the oesophagus, viii. 47 Stenosis, intra-tracheal and in- tra-bronchial, iv. 480 Stenosis, laryngeal, iv. 239 diagnosis from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 Stenosis, nasal, treatment of, iv. 114 Stenosis of the bile-ducts, ix. 549, 577, 578 Stenosis of cardiac orifices, ef- fects of, vi. 101 Stenosis of the heart, vi 241 Stenosis of the larynx, as a compli- cation of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 213 diagnosis of, from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 3ue to infiltration of the vocal cords, vii. 797 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 819 tracheotomy in, iv. 500 Stenosis of the nasal cavity, iv. 103 'EX. 431 INDEX. St. Antoine's hospital. Stimulants. Stenosis of the oesophagus, vih. 17 as a favoring cause of pressure diverti- cula, viii. 61 from compression, viii. 20 Stenosis of the pulmonary ar- tery, with closure of the septum, vi. 317 Stenosis of the pyloric region in the etiology of dilatation of the stom- ach, vii. 311 Stenosis of the right ostia car- diaca, vi 314 Stenosis of the uterus, xiv. 65 Stenosis, tracheal, diagnosis from croupous bronchitis, iv. 464 Stercoraceus vomiting, in peritoni- tis, viii 248 Sterility, a common result of perime- tritis, x. 456 due to anteflexion of the uterus, x. 167 due to cervical (uterine) polypi, x. 148 from stenosis of the uterus, x. 67 Sterility in the male, viii 901 Sterno-cleido- mastoid muscle, paralysis of, xi. 520 Sternum, diseases of, in etiology of stenosis of trachea, iv. 478 pain in neighborhood of, in hysteria, xiv. 500 Stcrnutatio convulsiva, xi. 342 StCthograph, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 352 in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 Stethograph of Riegel, iv. 426 Stethography, v. 399 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 352 in diseases of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 284 Stethoscope, in the diagnosis of dis- eases of the liver, ix. 40 Stewart, Grainger, xii. 854 on Bright's disease, xv. 182 on the causes of dropsy, in renal disease, xv. 105 StifT-neck, see Torticollis Stiffness in syphilis of the cord, xii 345 Stiffness of the neck, in cerebro- spinal meningitis, ii 708 Stigmatization in hysteria, xiv. 527 Still-births, registration of, xix. 308 Stimulants, abuse of, in cholera, i. 4C0 in etiology of gonorrhoea, viii. 758 in etiology of spasm of the bladder, viii. 701 contraindicated, after haemophilia bleed- ings, xvii. 101 great importance of, in croupous pneu- monia, in connection with cold-water treatment, v. 163 in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 872 in acute bronchitis, iv. 429 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 261 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 630 in acute myocarditis, vi. 239 in acute rheumatism, xvi 67 in bilious typhoid, i 299 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 320 in cancer of stomach, vii. 256 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 233 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 164 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 433 in chronic cystitis, viii. 697 in convexity meningitis of unknown ori- gin, xii. 656 in croup, iv. 272 in croupous pneumonia, v. 163, 167, 175 in erysipelas, ii. 483 in etiology of corpulence, xvi. 643 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in hepatic colic, ix. 769 in influenza, ii. 537 in measles, ii. 123 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 578 in miliary fever, ii. 503 in pericarditis, vi. 621 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 754 by calabar bean, xvii. 704 by cicuta virosa, xvii. 828 by colchicine, xvii. 739 by delphine, xvii. 759 by digitalis, xvii. 719 by ergot, xvii. 903 by nicotine, xvii. 772 Stimulants. Stomach. INDEX. 432 Stimulants, in poisoning by opium, xvii. 866 by picrotoxin, xvii. 813 by santonin, xvii. 889 by veratrine, xvii 731 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 602 in puerperal peritonitis lymphatica, viii. 286 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 406 in pulmonary hemorrhage, ix. 914 in rupture of the spleen, viii. 499 in scurvy, xvii. 238 in spinal irritation, xih. 367 in spinal nervous weakness, xiii. 380 in sporadic cholera, vii. 152 in stenosis of the trachea, iv. 500 in typhoid fever, i 223 in typhus fever, i. 340 Stimulating enemata, in asphyxia or debility of the newly-born, xviii. 76 Stimulation, phenomena of, following lesion of the cortex cerebri, xiv. 724 Sting-belly, poisonous nature of, xvii. 548 Stings of insects, see Poisonous Ani- mals, Sting or Bite of Stinknase, iv. 136 St. John's dance, xiv. 415 St. Louis, water-supply of, xviii. 266, 268 St. Luke's Hospital, ventilation of, by means of a chapel, xviii 777 St. Mary's thistle, as a splenic remedy, viii. 405 St. Moritz, baths of, in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 170 St. Moritz, waters of, in anaemia, xvi. 471 in chronic cystitis, viii 698 in corpulence, xvi. 715 in gastralgia, vii. 306 in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 718 Stockbridge's theory of the ori- gin of dew, xviii. 652 Stockings, xviii 386 Stockschnupfen, iv. 136 Stokers, xix. 57 Stokes, xii 15, 537, 634 Stokes' cognac mixture, ii. 299 B. Cognac opt., Aquae.....................5a 5 ij. Vitell. 1. Syr. sacch................... 3 viss. M. Tablespoonful every two or three hours. Stokvis, on albuminuria, xv. 36 Stoll, xh. 71, 624 Stomacace, contagiousness of, vi. 782 course of idiopathic, vi. 787 diagnosis of, vi. 788 etiology, vi. 782 pathological anatomy, vi. 785 symptoms, vi. 785 treatment, vi. 789 Stomach, affections of, in anaemia, xvi. 347 in anthrax, iii. 420 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 883 in dysentery, i. 546 in heart disease, vi. xii in hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 72 in poisoning by arsenic, xvii. 650 in poisoning by carbonic oxide, xvii. 470 in poisoning by chloroform, xvii. 436 in pulmonary consumption, v. 551, 579 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 130 opening of hepatic abscess into, ix. 134 passage of gall-stones into the, ix. 729 STOMACH AND INTESTINES, DIS- EASES OF, vii. Ill; introduction, 111 Affections of the Stomach, Anatomi- cal Remarks, 112; position, 112; structure of stomach, 113; muscular coat and mucous membrane, 113; the gland layer, 117; vascular and lymphatic supply, 118; nerve-supply, 119 Physiological Remarks, 119; theory of digestion, 119 433 INDEX. Stimulants. Stomach. Gastritis, 131; bibliography, 131 Acute Gastritis, 132; pathology, 134; etiology, 135; symptomatology, 139; diagnosis, 141; prognosis and treatment, 143 Sporadic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, 146; symptomatology, 146; etiology, 148; pathology, 149; diagnosis, 149; prognosis, 149; treatment, 150 Gastritis Phlegmonosa, 154; pathologi- cal anatomy, 155; etiology, 157; symp- tomatology, 158 ; diagnosis, 162 ; prog- nosis, 162 ; treatment, 163 Diphtheritic Gastritis and the Re- sults of Action of Corrosive Sub- stances, 163 Chronic Gastritis, 164; pathological anatomy, 165 ; etiology, 167 ; symptom- atology, 169 ; diagnosis, 178 ; prognosis, 179 ; treatment, 180 Ulcek of the Stomach, 192; bibliog- raphy, 192 ; history, 193 ; pathology, 194 ; characteristics of the ulcer, 194; its lo- cation, 195 ; varieties in number of ul- cerations, 195; relative frequency of open or cicatrized ulcers, 195; perfora- tion into abdominal cavity, 196; adhe- sions to other organs, 196 ; fistulae and perforations, 197; hemorrhages, 197; relapses, 197 ; other complications, 197 ; frequency of the disease, 198 ; etiology, 198 ; diminution of normal alkalescence of wall of stomach, 199; abnormal in- crease of acidity of gastric juice, 202; sex and age, 203 ; individual constitution, climate, and mode of life, 204; burns of skin and trichinosis, 204; symptoma- tology, 204 ; pain, 204 ; vomiting, 207 ; haematemesis, 208; dyspepsia, 209; nu- trition, 210 ; constipation, 210; depres- sion of spirits, 211; amenorrhoea, 211 ; complications, 211 ; perforation, 211; tuberculosis, 212 ; course of the disease, 213 ; sequelae, 213 ; diagnosis, 214 ; prog- nosis, 217; treatment, 218; prophylactic measures, 218; diet, 219; use of the stomach-pump, 220; the alkaline-saline mineral waters, 221; meat and pancreas enemata, 222 ; meat solution, 223; drugs, 225 Tumors of toe Stomach, 229 Vol. XX.—28 Cancer of the Stomach, 231; bibliog- raphy, 231; pathology, 232 ; the different varieties, 233; position of the tumor, 234; implication of other organs, 234; etiology, 236 ; age, 236 ; sex, 237 ; here- dity, 238 ; symptomatology, 238 ; general cachexia, 238 ; dropsy, 238; hypertrophy of lymphatic glands, 239 ; pain and gas- tric disturbances, 239; fever and presence of a tumor, 241; complications, 244; perforations, 244; hemorrhages, 245; affections of the liver and lungs, 246 ; of the kidneys, 247 ; course and duration of the disease, 247; diagnosis, 248; prog- nosis, 251; treatment, 252 ; cundurango, 252; regulation of diet, 253; relief of pain, 254; treatment of haematemesis, 255 ; of pyrosis and abnormal fermenta- tive changes, 255; of complications, 256 Softening of the Stomach, Gastroma- lacia, 256 ; bibliography, 256 ; patho- logical anatomy, 257; etiology, 258 Hemorrhage of the Stomach, 269 ; bib- liography, 269 ; history, 269 ; pathologi- cal anatomy, 271 ; color, quantity, and source of the hemorrhage, 271 ; etiology and pathogenesis, 272 ; direct injury to the gastric vessels, 273 ; diseases of the wall of the vessei 273 ; venous stases in the wall of the stomach, 273 ; scorbutus, yellow fever, and acute yellow atrophy of liver, 275 ; chronic diseases of spleen, 276; extraneous causes of hemorrhage, 276; sex and age, 278 ; symptomatology, 279; diagnosis, 282; prognosis, 287; treatment, 288; prophylactic measures, 288 ; means to be employed when hemor- rhage has occurred, 288 Neuroses of the Stomach, 293 ; defini- tion, 293 Gastralgia, 295 ; bibliography, 295 ; defi- nition, 296; etiology, 296 ; abnormal character of the irritants which act upon the gastric nerves, 297; abnormal con- ditions of the gastric nerves, 298 ; symp- tomatology, 300 ; course of the diseases, 302; diagnosis, 302 ; prognosis, 304 ; treatment, 305; removal of abnormal in- gesta, 305; treatment of diseases causing sympathetic gastralgia, 306 Dilatation of the Stomach, 309; bib- Stomach. Strangury. INDEX. 434 liography, 309; pathological anatomy, 310; etiology and pathogenesis, 311; symptomatology and diagnosis, 316; course and prognosis, 325; treatment, 326 ; diet, 326 ; use of the stomach-pump or syphon apparatus, 327 ; limitations to their use, 331; emetics and cathartics, 332; other measures, 332 Contraction of the Stomach, 333 ; eti- ology, 333 ; symptomatology and diag- nosis, 334 ; prognosis and treatment, 335 Anomalies in the Shape of the Stom- ach, 335 Anomalies in the Position of the Stomach, 335 Rupture of the Stomach, 337 ; bibliog- raphy, 337; etiology, 337 ; symptom- atology, prognosis, and treatment, 339 Intestines, General Anatomy of, 340 ; position, 340; structure of small intes- tine, 343 ; the villi, 344 ; intestinal glands and follicles, 344 ; epithelium, 345 ; vas- cular, lympathic, and nerve-supply, 346 ; structure of large intestine, 347 ; glandu- lar, nerve, and lymphatic-supply, 347; the mucous membrane, 347 ; the muscu- lature and vascular-supply, 348 Physiological Remarks, 349; action of bile, 349; of pancreatic secretion, 350; the intestinal juice, 351; intestinal di- gestive changes, 351 Intestinal Catarrh, 356; bibliography, 356 ; pathological anatomy, 358 ; differ- ent varieties of the disease, 360 ; etiology, 362 ; symptomatology, 366; the diarrhoea, 366; abdominal pain, 370; the general health, 370; physical examination, 371 ; catarrh Umited to the duodenum, 372; catarrh limited to the jejunum and ileum, 373; colitis, 374; inflammation of the caecum and appendix vermiformis, 375; proctitis, 376; the chronic or intermit- ting forms of diarrhoea in early life, 377; diagnosis, 379; prognosis, 382; treat- ment, 384; diet, 384; enemata, cathar- tics, and rest, 385 ; quinine and diapho- retics, 387 ; opium and astringents, 388 ; mineral waters, 389; mountain-air and sea-bathing, 389 ; cold-water treatment, 390; strychnine and belladonna, 390; treatment of typhilitis, 391; of periproc- titis and proctitis, 392 Phlegmonous and Diphtheritic In- flammations, 392 ; pathology and eti- ology, 392; symptomatology and prog- nosis, 395; treatment, 396 Intestinal Ulcers, 396; bibliography, 396; history, 397; etiology and pathologi- cal anatomy, 399; catarrhal ulcers, 399 ; peptic ulcers, 403 ; tuberculous ulcers, 406; symptomatology, 410; diarrhoea and constipation, 411; character of the stools, 412; vomiting and icterus, 413; pain and fever, 414 ; the general health, 415 ; presence of a tumor, 415 ; perfora- tion and peritonitis, 416 ; diagnosis, 417 ; prognosis, 422 ; treatment, 423 ; prophy- lactic measures, 423 ; direct treatment, 423 Neoplasms of the Intestinal Wall, 428 ; different varieties, 428 Cancer of the Intestines, 429; bib- liography, 429; pathological anatomy, 430; etiology, 431; symptomatology, 432; pain, 432 ; cachexia and emaciation, 433 ; presence of a tumor, 433; symptoms of intestinal stenosis, 434; rupture and fis- tulae, 435; effects of location of disease upon symptoms, 435; diagnosis, 438; prognosis, 441; treatment, 442 Intestinal Hemorrhage, 443; bibliog- raphy, 443; etiology and pathogenesis, 444 ; pathological anatomy, 448 ; symp- tomatology and diagnosis, 449; progno- sis, 455; treatment, 456 Enteralgia, Colic, 459; bibliography, definition, and etiology, 459 ; symptom- atology, 462 ; diagnosis, 464 ; prognosis and treatment, 467 Rupture of the Intestines, 470; bib- liography, definition, and etiology, 470; pathological anatomy, 472; symptom- atology, 473; prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment, 474 Stomach, cancer of, condurango in, vii 252 dietetic treatment of, vii. 253 narcotics in, vii. 254 Stomach, croup of, iv. 248 435 INDEX. Stomach. Strangury. Stomach, dilatation of, dietetic Stomatitis catarrhalis, chlorate of treatment of, vii. 326 potassa in, vi. 769 in etiology of hyperasmia of the liver, course and prognosis, vi 766 ix. 60 etiology, vi. 763 Stomach, hemorrhage from, in medicated gargles in, vi. 769 haemophilia, xvii 40 rhubarb locally in, vi. 769 in scurvy, xvii. 160, 185 symptoms and pathological anatomy, vi. Stomach, paralysis of. in hysteria, 764 xiv. 516 treatment, vi. 767 Stomach, perforating ulcer of, Stomatitis, mercurial, prophylaxis a complication of chlorosis, xvi. 551 against, iii. 284 Stomach-pump, in acute gastritis, vii. treatment of, xvii. 619 144 Stomatitis, scorbutic, xvii. 181 in cancer of the stomach, vii. 255 Stomatitis ulcerosa, vi. 777 in chronic gastritis, vii. 183 Stone in the bladder, viii. 728 in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 327 following measles, ii. 104 in gastralgia, vii. 305 Stone-cutters, xix. 36 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii 413 Stoneware - sewer, segmental, by arsenic, xvii. 651 xviii 470 by atropine, xvii. 680 Stools, constitution of, in chronic icterus, by calabar bean, xvii. 704 ix. 606 by carbolic acid, xvii. 532 presence of fat in the, as a symptom of by coniine, xvii. 820 disease of the pancreas, viii. 569 by digitalis, xvii. 719 Stories or floors, number of, in hos- by lead, xvii. 560 pitals, xviii. 751 by mercury, xvii. 605 Storm-overflows, xvii. 463 by nicotine, xvii. 772 Stothert's process of treating by nitro-benzin, xvii. 519 sewage, xviii. 531 by opium, xvii. 866 Stoves, ventilating power of, xviii. 695 by phosphorus, xvii. 641 Stoves and furnaces, xviii. 691 by picrotoxin, xvii 813 Strabismus during the latent stage of by strychnine, xvii. 794 chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 763 by sulphuric acid, xvii. 337 in tetanus, xiv. 344 in rupture of the stomach, vii. 339 Strabismus divergens, in tubercular in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 220 meningitis, xii. 513 Stomach, suppurative process Strain, mental, xix. 618 in the, in etiology of pylephlebitis, Stramonium, in bronchial asthma, iv. ix. 810 578 Stomach, vestibule of the, viii. 50 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and Stomatitis complicating scarlet fever, ii. larynx, iv. 95 278 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 371 in hysteria, xiv. 565 Stomatitis aphthosa, vi. 778 in neuralgia of the fifth nerve, xi. 123, diagnosis, vi. 781 124 etiology and pathogeny, vi. 778 Strangulations, internal, of the symptoms, vi. 779 intestines, vii 526 treatment, vi. 780 Strangury, in acute cystitis, viii. 677 Straw -hat makers. Sublimate, corrosive. INDEX. 43G Straw-hat makers, xix. 14 Streams, self-purification of, xviii 230 Street-cleaning, xviii 557 Street-gullies and traps, xvii 472 Street-gutters, xix. 458 Street-music a nuisance, xix. 422 Street-pavements, xviii 552 Street-sprinkling, xviii. 562 Street-sweepers, xix. 46 Street-sweeping as a nuisance, xix. 421 Street-sweeping machines, xvih. 558 Street-pavements, xviii. 552 Street-vending as a nuisance, xix. 422 Street-washings, manurial value of, xviii. 463 Streets and public places, disinfec- tion of, xix. 567 Strength, physical, loss of, in pleu- ritis, iv. 635 in pseudo-leucaemia, viii. 475 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 422 Stricture, cicatricial, in etiology of stenosis of the biliary passages, ix. 585 Stricture of the oesophagus, cancerous, viii. 178 Stricture of the urethra, vih. 794 as a cause of aspermatism, viii. 904 treatment of, viii. 694 Strictures, annular, of the intes- tines, vii. 633 Strictures of the oesophagus, viii 27 Stridor, nasal, iv. 106 Stripe-pneumonia, in pertussis, vi. 703 Stromeyer, xii. 659, 811, 817 Strongylus gigas, in the kidney, xv. 757 Strongylus longevaginatus (Die- sing) of the lungs, v. 467 Structural changes after cerebral hemorrhages, xii 90 Struma of Basedow's disease, xiv. 81, 89 cause of the, xiv. 89 Struma, primary, with consecutive irritation of sympathetic, xiv. 100 Strumous tumor of the supra- renal capsules, in Addison's dis- ease, viii. 653 ychuinc, chemical and physiological tests of, xvii 807 contraindicated in diphtheritic paraly sis, i. 698. in spasmodic paralysis, xiii. 645 employment of, in treatment of lead paralysis, xvii. 579 fatal dose of, xvii 778 in acute spinal paralysis, xiii. 710 in anaemia of the spinal cord, xiii. 290 in anaesthesia of laryngeal mucous mem- brane, vii. 929 in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 167 in chorea, xiv. 466 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188 in concussion of the spinal cord, xiii 356 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 231 in dengue, ii. 514 in diphtheritic paralysis, i 698 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 188 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 422 in epilepsy, xiv. 294 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 390 in malarial diseases, ii. 675 in myelitis, xiii. 426, 464 in myelomalacia, xhi 471 in neuralgia, xi. 89 in paralysis of the larynx, vii. 977 in paralysis, xi. 467 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 408 in poisoning by lead, xvii. 579 in poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xiii. 710 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 149 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 396 in slow compression of the cord, xiii. 343 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi. 313 in spinal anaemia, xiii. 290 in spinal disease, xiii. 188 in spinal irritation, xiii. 368 INDEX. Straw-hat makers. Sublimate, corrosive. Strychnine, in spinal nervous weak- ness, xiii 381 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 615 in writers' cramp and allied affections, xi. 358 influence of on paralyzed muscles, xii. 119 objectionable, in chronic myelitis, xih. 464 x uselessness of, in chorea, xiv. 466 Strychnine-poisoning, xvii 775 antidotes for, xvii. 794 bromide of potassium in, xvii. 800 camphor in, xvii. 803 chloroform in, xvii. 797 drastic aperients in, xvii. 795 emetics in, xvii. 794 hydrate of chloral, xvii. 799 narcotics in, xvii. 797 tannin in, xvii 794 tobacco as an antidote in, xvii. 801 Students, xix, 65 Stueve, xii. 751 Stuffs, comparative value of, for clothing, xviii. 379 Stumbling over syllables, xiv. 633, 805 Stiirgis, Dr. F. R., on the hygiene of syphilis, xix. 537 Stutter operations, xiv. 842 Stutterers, inability of, to obtain the correct rhythm in speaking, xiv. 831 inability of, to correctly combine the consonantal and vocalic muscular ac- tions, xiv. 830 letters that present most difficulties to, xiv. 833 want of the necessary control over respir- ation in, xiv. 829 Stuttering, xiv. 633 absence of, in multiple sclerosis, xiv. 664 as a symptom of cerebral and spinal le- sions xiv. 830 definition of, xiv. 665 diagnosis of, from syllable-stumbling, xiv. 838 Stuttering, differential diagnosis of, from stammering, xiv. 837 from cluttering, xiv. 810 gutturo-tetanic form of, xiv. 832 is a dysarthria syllabaris, and not liter- alis, xiv. 826 labio-choreic form of, xiv. 832 literature of, xiv. 827 paroxysms of, xiv. 830 prognosis of xiv. 838 relative frequency of, in different coun- tries, xiv. 834 theories of, xiv. 836 treatment of, xiv. 839 St. Vitus' dance, xiv., 413, see also Chorea Styptics, against hematemesis in cholera, i 513 in hemorrhage of mucous membrane of larynx, iv. 193 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 290 Subarachnoid space, xii 465 Subbotin's experiments with al- cohol, xviii 172 Subclavian artery, cause of the dila- tation of the first portion of the, when it runs an anomalous course, viii 24 Subclavian artery, influence of an anomalous course of the, in causing compression of the oesophagus, viii. 22 Subcutaneous injections of ar- senic in the treatment of chorea, xiv. 465 Subcutaneous injections of brandy in asphyxia or debility of the newly born, xviii. 76 Subcutaneous interstitial bleed- ings, in haemophilia, xvii. 49 Subcutancus colli inferior, neu- ralgia of, xi. 129 Subjective sensations of light in cerebral tumors, xii 251 Subjective symptoms of aortic insufficiency, vi. 139 Sublimate, corrosive, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Subluxations. Sulphurous acid. Subluxations, in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 122 Submucous fibroid of the uterus, x. 232 Submucous inflammation and abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 146 Submucous injections in hypertro- phied tonsils, iv. 96 Submucous layer, changes in, in ca- tarrhal dysentery, i 539, 541 in diphtheritic dysentery, i. 543 Submucous layer of the stom- ach, affection of, in chronic gastritis, vii. 166 Subnitrate of bismuth, see Bismuth, Poisoning by, xvii. 628 Subpial space, xii 465 Subpleural emphysema, v. 351 Subserous fibroid of the uterus, x. 230 Subsistence diet, xix. 135 Subsoil-drainage, xviii. 417 in connection with irrigation, xviii. 533 Substantive emphysema, v. 346, 376 Substitutes, animal, for milk, xvhi. 117 Substitutes, vegetable, for breast-milk, xvhi. 119 Substitution, the law of, for the cerebral functions, xiv. 713 necessity of, for the explanation of the clinical experiences as to the results of circumscribed lesion of the cortex cerebri, xiv. 725 Substitution, Vulpian's law of, for the cerebral functions, xiv. 706 Subsultus tendinum, i 92 Succinic acid, as a solvent of false membranes, i. 689 Succussion, in pneumothorax, iv. 761 Succussion sounds, in the tympanites of peritonitis, viii. 267 Sudamina, i 94 Sudor anglicus, ii. 486 438 Siivern's disinfectant: a mixture of lime, magnesium, chloride, and tar, i 453 Suffocation, as a cause of cerebral con- gestion, xh. 46 by the detachment of a false membrane, i. 615 in miliary fever, ii. 499 Sugar, adulteration of, xix. 370 in acute atrophy of the hver, ix. 258 in the blood, xvi 933 in the blood and organs, in diabetes mel- litus, xvi. 891 in the expectoration of croupous pneu- monia, v. 89 in the treatment of poisoning by copper, xvii. 592 in the urine, xvi. 896 detection of, xvi. 973 detection of, in ischaemia, xv. 239 manufacture of, in the etiology of poi- soning by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 492 not formed from pure albumen in the organism, xvi 876 origin of, in the system, xvi. 931 presence of, in the urine, after epileptic attacks, xiv. 233 presence of, in the urine, in tetanus, xiv. 353 tests for, xvi. 973 Sugar lime, as an antidote in oxalic acid-poisoning, xvii. 355 Sugar production, influence of ner- vous system on, xvi. 939, 965 Sugar puncture, Bernard's, xvi 939 Sugar-refiners, xix. 27 Sugar-refining, xix. 437 Sugars, xviii. 162 Suggilations of the skin, in scurvy, xvii. 148 Suicide, case of, by taking javelle water, xvh. 288 Sulphate of copper, for cauterizing initial syphilitic ulcer, iii. 273 in croup, iv. 267 EX. i on Subluxations. ^J INDEX. Sulphurous acid. Sulphate of copper, in diphtheria, i 687 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76 Sulphate of iron, as a disinfectant, xix. 200 in cholera, i 453 as a prophylactic in typhoid fever, i. 195 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 388 Sulphate of magnesia, in measles, ii. 122 Sulphate of soda, in chronic gastritis, vii. 182, 189 Sulphate of zinc, in dysentery, i. 560 in nosebleed, iv. 163 Sulphates, in dysentery, i 565 Sulphates of iron and copper, action on bacteria, i 680 Sulphates of iron and zinc, em- ployment of, for disinfecting purposes, xviii. 564 Sulphites, the, as disinfectants, xix. 554 Sulphites of soda and magnesia, in malarial diseases, ii. 673 Sulpho-carbolate of soda, hypo- dermically, in erysipelas, ii 482 in scarlatina, ii. 307 Sulpho-carbolate of zinc in ozcena, iv. 86 Sulphoxysm, xvii. 322 Sulphur, action on bacteria, i 680 as a disinfectant, i 339 ; xix. 200 in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in constitutional syphilis, iii. 306 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 79 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 732 in tremor, xiv. 392 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 neutralizing action of, upon mercurial vapor, xvii. 618 sublimed, in croup, iv. 265 Sulphur baths, in chronic zinc-poison- ing, xvii. 597 in diphtheritic paralysis, i 697 in spasm of the bladder, vih. 707 Sulphur baths, in syphilis, iii. 305 Sulphur compounds, presence of, in the air, xviii. 629 Sulphur dioxide, xvii 344 Sulphur flowers, in diphtheria, i. 679 Sulphur fumigation in typhus fever, i 339 Sulphuretted hydrogen, effects of, on the blood, xvii. 486 injurious effects of, xix. 17 poisoning by, xvii. 484 presence of, in the urine in perforative peritonitis, viii. 266 Sulphuric acid as a disinfectant, xix. 561 case of corrosive oesophagitis, due to poisoning by, viii. 158 effect of, on the tissues, xvii. 323 elimination of, in the form of sulphates in the urine, xvii 324 frequency of poisoning by, xvii. 326 in noma, vi. 816 in pyelitis, xv. 576 lesiors in the oesophagus, following in- gestion of, viii. 156 Sulphuric acid fumes, effects of, upon vegetation, xix. 443 in the etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 Sulphuric acid lemonade, inef- ficacy of, in the treatment of lead- poisoning, xvii. 569 Sulphuric acid poisoning, xvii. 322 in the etiology of fatty degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 603 symptoms of, xvii 327 treatment of, xvii. 335 Sulphuric ether, xvii. 439 in bronchial asthma, iv. 577 in diphtheria, i 694 poisoning by, xvii. 439 Sulphurous acid as a disinfectant, xix. 553 in cholera, i. 452 experimentation with, xvii. 345 for disinfecting linen of cholera patients, i. 449 Sulphurous acid. Syllable-stumbling. Sulphurous acid, poisoning by, xvii. 344 Sulphurous acid funics, xix. 12 effects of exposure to, xvii 346 value of, for disinfecting purposes, xix. 553 Sulphurous oxide, xvh. 344 Sumbul-root in the treatment of de- lirium tremens, xvii. 415 Summer catarrh, ii 540 Summer complaint, vii. 146 ; see also Cholera Infantum Summer heat, influence of, upon mor- tality from diarrhoea, xix. 287 Slimmer season favors typhoid fever, i. 65 Sun, effects of the, in etiology of convex- ity meningitis of unknown origin, xii. 638 of hyperaemia of the brain, xii. 43 of hyperaemia of the pia mater, xii. 439 Sun-bath in hospital ward, xviii. 764 Sun-flowers, as a means of combating malaria, ii. 565 Sun-light, effects of deprivation of, xix. 233 use of, in laryngoscopy, iv. 34 Sun-light and heat, as causing hay fever, ii. 544 Sunstroke, cerebral vessels in, xii. 439 in army service, xix. 157 Superior laryngeal nerve, func- tion of, vii. 914 paralysis in the domain of, vii. 935 Supernumerary ovaries, x. 349 Superphosphate of lime, manufac- ture of, xix. 440 Superphosphate works, odor from, xix. 445 Suppositories, in dysentery, i. 566 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 390 in proctitis, vii. 392 Suppression of urine, xv. 193 Suppuration around tumors of the brain, xii. 722, 750 440 Suppuration as a cause of amyloid de- generation of the liver, ix. 412 in the brain, cause of, xii. 718 in encephalitis, xii 692 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 496 stage of, in small-pox, ii. 357 ways by which it may extend to the dura mater, xii. 378 Suppuration, diffuse, termination of phlegmonous laryngitis in, vii 800 Suppuration, diffuse, of the walls of the stomach, vii. 159 Suppuration of the pia, in traumatic meningitis, xii. 078 Suppuration of the spleen, vhi 440 Suppurations cause acute nephritis, xv. 254 Suppurative affections, as causes of chronic nephritis, xv. 326 Suppurative inflammation of the liver, ix. 88 Supraclavicular nerves, neuralgia of, xi. 129 Supramaxillary nerve, neuralgia of, xi 113 Supraorbital nerve, neuralgia of, xi. 31 Suprarenal capsules, affections of, in syphilis, iii. 184 SUPRARENAL CAPSULES, DISEASES OF THE, viii. 633 ; bibliography, 633 ; intro- duction, 635 ; etiology, 613 ; symptomatology, 644; pathological anatomy, 650; analysis of symptoms, 657; diagnosis, 662; prognosis, 663; treatment, 664 Abnormal Development and Imper- fections, 665 ; general description, 6Co Atrophy, 666; general description, 666 Hemorrhages, 666; general description, 666 Syphilis, 666 ; general description, 667 Echinococcus, 667; general description, 667 Suprarenal capsules, diseases of the, malt liquors and alcoholics in, viii. 664 )EX. 441 Suprarenal capsules,echinococ- cus of, hi 589 ; vhi. 667 Supravaginal portion of the cer- vix uteri, hypertrophy of, x. 80 Surface defilement by fcecal matters, xviii 573 in small towns and villages, xvhi. 568 pollution of soil by, xviii. 549 Surface-trenches for supplying water to camps, xix. 119 Surface-Avaters, sanitary examination of, xvih. 308 variation in the composition of, xviii. 308 Surgeons, death of, from typhus, i. 45 Surgical treatment of stuttering, xiv. 842 Surgical treatment of tetanus, or of the wound that causes it, xiv. 362 Suspended matter in water, defi- nition of the term, xviii 264 method of determining the amount of, xviii. 292 microscopical examination of, xviii 293 Susquehanna, the yellow fever ship, xix. 222 Susumbcr berries, poisoning by, xvii 689 Susurrus, muscular, xviii. 318 Sutton, xii. 75 Sutures, how they should be applied, in ovariotomy, x. 427 Swallowing, physiological considera- tions concerning the act of, vhi 204 possible interference with, in traction diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 82 sounds produced in the oesophagus in, viii 13 Swallowing, difficulty in, due to affections of the soft palate, vi 874 in cancer of the larynx, vii. 894 in diseases of the oesophagus, viii 6 in pressure diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 66 in stenosis of the oesophagus, viii. 34 in syphilis of the larynx, vii. 807 Sulphurous acid. Syllable-stumbling. Swansea Hospital, ground-plan of, xviii 743 Sweat and tears, blood-staining of, in hysteria, xiv. 527 Sweat-glands, action of, in jaundice, ix. 22 Sweating, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 339, 349 in consumption, v. 569, 586 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 460 in croupous pneumonia, v. 66 in leucaemia, vhi. 519 in mhiary fever, ii. 497 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 589 Sweating stage of miliary fever, death in, ii. 500 Sweatmann, xii. 833 Swedish movement cure, in paral- ysis, xi 464 Sweet almonds, in enteralgia, vii. 468 Swelling of the mucous mem- brane in bronchial catarrh, iv. 318, 321 Swete's plan of a cottage hospi- tal, xviii 786 Swiderski's ergot solutions for uterine fibroids, x. 250 1. 2. 3. 4. R. Aq. extr. ergotae. gr. 38 31 38 15 139 92 46 27 Glycerinae...... Tfl 92 123 154 37 Aq. destillat..... Tfl — — — 68 Swimming, xviii. 377 Swine, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 Swinging-cap (Bosc, I*eclet),xvhi 084 Swinging signs, dangerousness of, xix. 464 Swiss milk, xviii 124 Sydeiiham'sdecoction,indysentery, i. 562 Syllable-stumbling, xiv. 633, 805 definition of the term, xiv. 666 diagnosis of, from stammering, xiv. 805 from stuttering, xiv. 838 prognostic importance of, xiv. 808 IND Syllables. Syphilis. INDEX. 442 Syllables, conditions on which the suc- cessful construction of, depend, xiv. 664 essential conditions for the correct artic- ulate formation of, xiv. 828 role of the corpora striata in the articula- tion of, xiv. 682 Sylvian fissure, symptoms of obstruc- tion of arteries of, vi. 115 Symbolic function, partial disturb- ances of, xiv. 607 role of the, in speaking, xiv. 606 Symbols, a component and essential part of all mental operations, xiv. 605 are the coin of intellectual intercourse, xiv. 604 necessity of, for the conception of ideas, xiv. 603 written, spoken, and mimic words as, xiv. 603 Sympathetic, cervical, disease of the, in chlorosis, xvi 553 implication of, in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 70 Sympathetic ganglia in syphilis, hi. 220 Sympathetic nerve, changes in, in constitutional syphilis, xii. 354 influence of, upon activity of heart, vi. 299 lesions of, in progressive muscular atro- phy, xiv. 139 state of the, in tetanus, xiv. 336 Sympathetic nervous system, changes in the, in Addison's disease, vhi. 641 condition of the, in Addison's disease, viii. 654 connection of lesions of the, with Addi- son's disease, viii. 640 in diabetes, xvi. 882 Symphonallaxis, xiv. 849 Symptomatic epilepsy, xiv. 186 Symptomatic treatment of aneu- rism, vi 460 of meningitis of convexity, xii. 656 of typhoid fever, i. 204 Symptomatology, see Different Dis- eases Syncope in anaemia, xvi. 345. 391 in convalescents, xii. 33 in corpulence, xvi. 691 in enteralgia, vii. 463 in typhoid fever, i 179 in wounds of the heart, vi. 276 Synetic principle, xiv. 017 Synovitis, in scarlatina, ii. 232 Syntactic disturbances of speech, xiv. 791 Syntonin, xviii. 151 SYPHILIS, iii. 3 ; bibhography, 3, 5, 33, 39, 51, 61, 77, 86, 109, 125, 129, 166, 179, 180, 185, 194, 206, 215, 218, 221, 226, 229, 235, 271, 307; definition of the disease, 3 ; history, 5; geo- graphical distribution, 19; influence of climate, 20 ; general course of the disease, 21; different stages, 26; general pathological anatomy, 33 ; the blood, 33 ; local manifestations, 34; eti- ology, 39; the poison, 89; its vehicles of con- tagion, 42 ; hereditary transmision, 51; differ- ent modes of infection, 57 ; by vaccination, 61 ; susceptibility to the poison, 69 ; disposition in general to incur infection, 69; local predisposi- tion, 73 ; pathology, 74 ; symptomatology, 74 ; period of incubation, 74; the primary affection, 77 ; doctrines of unity and duality of the syph- ilitic and chancre poisons, 86 ; conclusions, 104 • microscopic anatomy of the primary affection, 109; enlargement of lymphatic glands in the region of primary affection, 117; the so-called second incubation, 123 ; its duration, 124 ; the syphilitic eruption fever, 125; its frequency, 126; general symptoms, 127 ; location of the disease in the different organs, 129 ; affections of the skin and mucous membranes, 129; the color, 130; polymorphous character of the eruption, 131; its annular form, 132; absence of itching, 132; classification of affections of the skin and mucous membranes, 133 ; the macular syphilide, 134; the papular syphilide, 137 ; the squamous syphilide, 146; lichen, 148; acne, 150; impetigo, 151; pemphigus, 152 ; ec- thyma, 153; rupia, 154; tubercular syphilide (gummoua formation), 156; affections of the hair and nails, 161; affections of the sub- cutaneous and submucous tissues, fasciae, 164; 443 INDEX. Syllables. Syphilis. affections of the bones, 166; affections of the ligaments, tendons, bursae and joints, 175; af- fections of the muscles, 179; affections of the lymphatic apparatus, 180 ; affections of the liver, 185; diffuse infiltration, 1S6; circum- scribed infiltration, 186; gummy tumor, 187 ; amyloid degeneration, 192; general signs of disease, 192 ; the digestive tract, 194; the mouth and fauces, 195; the tongue, 195; teeth, 197; isthmus faucium, 198 ; tonsils, 199 ; pha- rynx, 201; oesophagus, 202 ; stomach, 203 ; small intestine, 203; large intestine, 204; the rectum, 204 ; salivary glands and pancreas, 205; the peritoneum, 206 ; the respiratory or- gans, 206 ; nasal cavities, 207; the larynx, 208 ; trachea and bronchi, 210 ; the lungs, 211; the circulatory system, 215; the heart, 215; the larger blood-vessels, 217 ; the nervous systein, 218 ; organs of special sense, 221; the sense of smell, 221; the eye, 221; the ear, 225; the urinary organs, 226; the genital organs, 229; the testicles, 229 ; the female organs, 232 ; the mammary gland, 233 ; hereditary syphilis, 235 ; the placenta, 235; the foetus, 237; children born alive, 238; general retrospect, 244 ; diag- nosis, 254 ; the primary stage, 255 ; the second- ary stage, 25(i; the tertiary period, 257 ; visceral affections, 257; hereditary forms, 257; progno- sis, 259 ; influence of age, 263 ; sex, 263; habits, 263 ; treatment, 264; the question of cure, 264 ; treatment, 266; prophylaxis, 266; regulation of prostitution, 266; vaccination, 269; choice of wet-nurses, 270 ; question of marriage, 270 treatment of the initial lesion, 272 ; mercurial treatment, 280; general hygienic rules, 283 modes of administration of mercury, 285 ; in unction, 285; fumigation, 2S8; baths, 289 internal administration, 289 ; hypodermic method, 291 ; the combinations of iodine and mercury, 292; contra-indications to use of mercury, 294; use of iodide of potassium, 295 other iodide salts, 298; other remedies, 299 local manifestations and their treatment, 300 treatment of hereditary syphilis, 303; hydro- therapeutics in general treatment, 305; syphil- ization, 307 Syphilis, a case of inveterate, xv. 330 affection of muscles in, xiv. 114 amyloid kidney in, xv. 613 Syphilis, as a cause of acute ascending paralysis, xiii. 735 of acute myelitis, xiii. 390 of acute myocarditis, vi. 226 of cerebral aneurism, vi. 441 of chronic myelitis, xiii. 428 of chronic nephritis, xv. 326 of cicatricial stricture of the oesoph- agus, vhi. 30 of leucaemia, viii. 507 of meningitis, xii. 599 of neuralgia, xi. 31 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 of paralysis, xi 397 of rickets, xvi. 173 as a complication of ulcer of the stom- ach, vii. 197 baths of corrosive sublimate in, iii 289 blue mass internally in, iii. 289 cauterization of initial lesion of, if an ulcer, hi. 273 constitutional, in etiology of waxy liver, ix. 413 constitutional, mercury in, iii. 276 diffuse hepatic, ix. 225 effect of, on health and longevity, xix. 541 enlargement of the spleen in, viii. 455 hereditary, mercurial treatment in, hi. 303 hypodermic injection of corrosive subli- mate, iii 291 importance of correct treatment of, as a prophylactic of splenic disease, viii. 407 in etiology of amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, xv. 499, 612 of atheroma, vi. 376 of cerebral embolism and thrombo- sis, xii. 183, 186 of dementia paralytica, xii. 855 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 213 of chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 137 of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vh. 50 of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 169 Syphilis. Tabic symptoms. INI Syphilis, in etiology of croupous bron- chitis, iv. 446 of diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. 153, 390, 428, 528, 649, 735, 752 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 855 of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 403 of stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 479 means adopted for its control, xix. 542 mercurial chlorides in, iii. 290 mercurial fumigation in, iii 288 mercurial inunction with blue ointment in, iii. 285 mercurial oxides in, iii. 290 neuralgia in, xi. 31 ozcena with, iv. 136 prophylaxis in, iii. 266 red biniodide of mercury in, iii. 293 sulphur, in the treatment of, iii. 305 tincture of iodine in, iii. 298 transmision of, by vaccination, h. 409 yellow iodide of mercury in, iii. 293 Zittmann's decoction in, iii. 299 Syphilis and scrofulosis, relations of, xvi. 762 SYPHILIS, HYGIENE OF, xix. 539; intro- ductory, 539; the contagious character of, and danger resulting from the disease, 539 ; its effect upon health and longevity, 541; means adopted for its control, 542 Syphilis of arteries at base of brain, xii. 309 Syphilis of the brain, mercury and iodide of potassium in large and fre- quent doses in, xii. 366 SYPHILIS OF THE DRAIN AND NERV- OUS SYSTEM, xii. 293; bibliography, 293; history, 294; etiology, 297; pathology, 302 The Brain and its Membranes, 303; new-growths, 303; inflammation, 311 ; absence of all gross anatomical lesions, 315 ; symptomatology, 317 ; duration, 335 The Spinal Cord and its Membranes, 337 ; neoplasms, 337; eullus, 339; simple 444 softening, 344; absence of anatomical lesions, 344 ; symptomatology, 345 The Peripheral Nerves, 351; pathologi- cal anatomy, 351 ; symptomatology, 355 ; general diagnosis, 358; general progno- sis, 362; general treatment, 365 Syphilis of cerebral arteries, xii 330 Syphilis of the larynx, viii 860 inhalations of corrosive chloride in, iv. 95 rapid mercurialization in, vii. 874 Syphilis of the naso-pharynx, as- tringent douches and sprays, vii: 86 corrosive sublimate locally in, vii. 86 Syphilis of the nervous system, liquor of van Swieten in, xii. 368 Sedillct's pills in, xii. 368 Syphilis of the skin, oleate of mer- cury in, iii. 302 Syphilis of the spleen, vhi 485 Syphilis of the suprarenal cap- sules, viii. 666 Syphilis, secondary, analgesia of, xi. 211 apt to be confounded with small-pox, xix. 516 Syphilis, tertiary, iodine and iodide of potassium in, iii. 280 Syphilitic alteration of the epi- thelium of the soft palate, vi 979 Syphilitic anaesthesia, xi. 222 Syphilitic cicatrices of the soft palate, vi 982 Syphilitic disease of the arteries, vi. 394 Syphilitic disease of the pan- creas, vih. 603 Syphilitic disease of the veins, vi. 493 Syphilitic erythema of the soft palate, vi. 979 Syphilitic gummata in the cerebral nerves, xi. 602 Syphilitic gummata of the tongue, vi. 753 )EX. 445 TTNrTVFX Syphilis. **° UN UJi-A. Tabic symptoms. Syphilitic headache, vi 141 Syphilitic liver, xiv. 400 Syphilitic lymphangitis nodosa, v. 689 Syphilitic myocarditis, vi. 241 Syphilitic papules and patches on the soft palate, vi. 980 Syphilitic paralyses, treatment of, xh. 370 Syphilitic phagedaena, permangan- ate of potash in, iii. 274 Syphilitic stenosis of the oeso- phagus, diagnosis of, vih. 40 Syphilitic tumors of the spleen, viii 485 diagnosis and prognostic value of, viii. 487 Syphilitic ulcers of the larynx, corrosive subhmate locally in, vii. 875 Syphilitic ulcers of the oesopha- gus, viii. 162 Syphilitic ulcers of the soft pal- ate, vi. 981 Syphilization, iii. 307 Syphiloma of the brain, xii. 303 Syphiloma of the spinal cord, xii. 338, 751 Syphiloma of the spinal mem- branes, xhi. 266 Tabaeosis, xix. 32 Tabes, different forms of, xiii. 590 Tabes dorsalis, xhi. 452,513 anaesthetic zone in, xii. 852 bromide of potassium in, xiii. 620 cold-water treatment of, xiii. 611 definition of the term, xhi. 521 diagnosis, xiii. 603 dietetic and hygienic treatment of, xiii. 616 differentiation of, from multiple sclero- sis, xih. 510 Syphiloma of the spleen, viii. 485 Syphiloma of the trachea and bronchi, iv. 482 Syphon apparatus in dilatation of the stomach, vii. 327 Syphon-trap, ventilated, xvih. 495 Syphon-traps, xviii. 494 Syringe, nasal, Weber-Liel's, iv. 84 Syringes, laryngeal, iv. 83 Syringomyelia, xiii. 795 pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of, xih. 796 Systemic circulation, interference with, as a cause of hypertrophy of the heart, vi. 191 Systolic bellows-murmur in steno- sis of pulmonary artery, vi. 328 Systolic depressions over the heart, in pericardial adhesions, vi. 642 Systolic murmur of mitral insuffi- ciency, vi. 121 of ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 74 over cranium, in cerebral aneurism, vi. 442 Systolic murmurs heard during course of pericarditis, vi. 595 Systolic retraction of chest- walls, vi 29 Tabes dorsalis, etiology and patho- genesis, xiii 522 galvanic current in, xiii. 613 nitrate of silver in, xiii. 614 pathological anatomy of, xiii. 531 prognosis, xiii. 607 saline thermal baths in, xih. 611 theory of the disease, xiii. 566, 599 treatment, xiii. 609 Tabes dysenterica, i 555 Tabic symptoms in multiple sclero- sis, xhi 503 T Taenia. Telangiectasia;. Taenia, vii. 706, 723 Taeniae, xviii. 205 Tailors, xix. 65 Tailors' cramp, xviii. 337 Tailors' spasm, xi 352 Tainted articles of diet, poisoning by, xvii. 535 Taking cold as a cause of meningitis, xii. 638 Talipes, a result of poliomyelitis anterior acuta, xhi 695 methods of preventing, xiii. 711 Talking, essential points in the process of, xiv. 595 Tamarinds, in dysentery, i 565 Tampon, for anterior nares, iv. 162 for posterior nares, iv. 98, 164, 166 in arresting hemorrhage in bleeders, xvii 99 in intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 427 Tangle, in corpulence, xvi. 730 Tank-system of removing ex- creta, xvhi 519 Tannate of alumina, in treatment of bronchial hemorrhage, v. 319 Tanners and Leather-dressers, xix. 26 Tanners' yards, development of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas in, xvii. 492 Tannic acid, see also Tannin as a solvent of false membranes, i 689 in the abortive treatment of gonorrhoea, viii. 768 in the treatment of gastric catarrh, ac- companying gangrene of the lungs, v. 432 Tannin, see also Tannic Acid in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 211 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 680 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 420 in bronchial hemorrhage, v. 318 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 223 in chronic catarrh of the lower pharynx, vii. 61 in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 56 446 Tannin, in colchicine-poisoning, xvii. 739 in cold in the head, iv. 128 in diphtheria, i. 693 in diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 396 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 79, 82, 86, 94, 128, 145 in dysentery, i. 566 in ergot-poisoning, xvii. 902 in gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, viii. 814 in hemorrhage of stomach, vii. 290 in hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 318 in incontinence of urine, viii. 724 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 388 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423, 425 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 812 in nosebleed, iv. 163, 165, 168 in opium-poisoning, xvii. 866 in phthisis of larynx, vii. 850 in purulent nasal catarrh, iv. 145 in scorbutic affection of the gums, xvii. 238 in syphilis of the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 86 injections of, in chronic cystitis, viii. 699 in gonorrhoea in men, viii. 774 in gonorrhoea in women, viii. 806 Tanning, xix. 432 in etiology of poisoning by sulphuretted hydrogen, xvii. 492 Tape-worms, vii. 686; xviii. 205 bark of pomegranate-root in, vii. 702 dietetic treatment of, vii 699 kameela in, vii. 702 koossin in, vii. 701 kousso in, vii. 700 male-fern in, vii. 702 oil of turpentine in, vii. 702 prophylaxis very necessary in, vii. 704 saoria in, vii. 702 starvation treatment for, vii. 639 Taper-pipe, xvhi. 484 Tapping, to remove purulent effusion in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 261 Tar in the treatment of pruritus vulvae, x. 559 IEX. INDEX. Taenia. Telangiectasia?. Taraxacum officinale, use of, in scurvy, xvii. 218 Tardy Meningitis during stage of traumatic necrosis, xii. 677 Tartar emetic, antidotes for, xvii. 624 fatal dose of, xvii 620 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in bronchial asthma, iv. 580 in bronchial catarrh,, iv. 417, 418 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 233 in croup, iv. 267 in croupous pneumonia, v. 164 in delirium tremens, xvii. 415 in dysentery, i 564 in hyperaemia and oedema of the lungs, v. 285 in poisoning by alcohol, xvii. 415 poisoning by, xvii. 619 Tartaric acid, as an indirect aliment, xviii. 170 poisoning by, xvii. 351 Tartarized antimony, in diphtheria, i. 687 Tartrate of iron and potassa, in treatment of scurvy, xvii. 233 Tartrates, in dysentery, i 565 Taste, affection of, in stomatitis catarrh- alis, vi. 765 anaesthesia of the nerves of, vi. 820 anomalies of, vi. 820 hyperaesthesia of the nerves of, vi. 821 in cerebral tumors, xii. 251 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 910 in facial paralysis, xi. 497 in jaundice, ix. 23 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 500 in paralysis, xii 136 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 582 in trigeminal anaesthesia, xi. 225 Taste and smell, relations of, xi. 257 Taurin, ix. 10 Taxis, in strangulation of the intestines, vii. 655 Taylor, R.C, table of mine-gases, xix. 235 Taylor's pail system of removing excreta, xviii. 517 Tea, xvhi 177 adulteration of, xix. 371 as a cardiac stimulant, vi. 219 in etiology of tremor, xiv. 386 in gout, xvi. 133 in renal affections, xv. 296 in scurvy, xvii. 223. physiological effects of, xviii. 178 use of, in prophylaxis of scurvy, xvii 223 Tea and coffee, physiological effects of, xviii. 177 Tea-tasters, xix. 60 Teachers, xix. 65 Teeth, affections of, in syphilis, iii. 197 care of, xviii. 388 caries of, as a cause of neuralgia, xi. 104 carious, extraction of, for neuralgia, xi. 120 changes in, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 911 in scurvy, xvii. 151 in syphilis, iii. 258 dangers attending extraction of, in hae- mophilia, xvii. 95 delayed eruption of, in rickets, xvi. 192 diseased, care of, in infants, xviii 137 effect of, on the production of salivation, vi. 851 effects of defects of the, on speech, xiv. 864 extraction of, a cause of death in haemo- philia, xvii. 85 order of eruption of, vi. 770 pericarditis due to swallowing a set of false, vi. 555 presence of, in dernoid cysts of the ovary, x. 434 transmission of syphilis by transplanta- tion of, iii. 68 Teeth of infants, care of xviii. 134 Teething, convulsions of, xiv. 305 cutaneous eruptions during, vi 774 difficult, vi. 770 nervous symptoms in, vi. 775 Telangicctasiae, vi 752 Telegraph-operators. Terra ponderosa salita. INDEX. 448 Telegraph-operators, xix. 63 Temperament in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 137 in haemophilia, xvii. 31 Temperance, a safeguard against yel- low fever, i 495 Temperature, causes of elevation of, in malarial fevers, ii. 632 conditions of, in scurvy, xvii. 192 depression of, with irritation of the brain, in typhoid fever, i 178 effects of, on diet, xviii. 188 effects of, on the liver, i. 105 elevation of, causing parenchymatous de- generations, i 116 extraordinarily high, just before death in different affections, xiv. 351 extreme remissions of, in relapsing fever, i 275 fall of, in cholera, i. 404 high atmospheric, in etiology of hyper- aemia of liver, ix. 62 inflence of, in the production of tetanus, xiv. 325 post-mortem increase of, in tetanus, xiv. 352 Temperature-curves, in cerebro- spinal meningitis, ii. 713 in febrile anaemia, xvi. 447 Temperature of affected limbs in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 126 Temperature of the air as affect- ing yellow fever, i 490 Temperature of bath for newly- born, xviii. 87 for hemiplegic patients, xii 171 Temperature of the body, after epileptic attacks, xiv. 232 in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 241,250, 289 in acute encephalitis, xii. 729, 744 in acute endocarditis, vi. 75 in acute miliary tuberculosis, v. 649, 624 in acute myocarditis, vi. 235 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 32, 44 in anaemia, xvi. 377 Temperature of the body, in apo- plexy from cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 107 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 192, 200 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 712 in cholera, i. 423, 424 in chorea, xiv. 440 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 771 in compression of the brain, xii. 667 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in corpulence, xvi. 660 in croupous diphtheria, i 599 in croupous pneumonia, v. 17, 35, 53, 55, 142, 157 in crushing of the spinil cord, xiii 314 in the defervescence of measles, ii. 82 in dementia paralytica, xii. 873 in dengue, ii. 510 in the differential diagnosis of variola and varicella, ii. 23 in difficult dentition, vi. 776 in dysentery, i 554 in eruptive stage of measles, ii. 79 in erysipelas, ii. 442, 463 in hydrophobia, iii. 491 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, vhi. 319 in intermittent fever, ii. 630 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 483 in malarial diseases, ii. 630 in meningitis, xii. 529, 532, 536, 539, 585, 612, 616, 633, 649, 682 in neuralgia, xi. 38, 57 in paralysis agitans, xiv. 400 in pericarditis, vi. 571 in pneumonia from embolism, v. 256 in poisoning by carbonic oxide, xvii. 467 in the prodromal stage of measles, ii. 76 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 582, 591 in psoitis, xvi. 98 in puerperal peritonitis, viii. 274, 282 in relapsing fever, i 275 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 44 in rubeola, ii. 145 in scarlatina, ii. 239 in septic diphtheria, i. 619 449 Temperature of the body, in spi- nal diseases, xiii. 127 in tetanus, xiv. 331 in trichinosis, ih. 631 in typhoid fever, i 70, 80 in typhus fever, i. 320, 325 in uraemic convulsions, xv. 146 in varicella, ii. 19 in whooping-cough, vi. 693 in yellow fever, i. 497 increase of, in tetanus, xiv. 348 maximum of, in yellow fever, i 498 occasional excessive rise of, in tetanus, shortly before death, xiv. 348 Temperature of limbs paral- yzed, xii. 131 Temperature of metal mines, xix. 258 Temperature of the newly born, xvhi. 85 Temperature of soil influenced by drainage, xviii. 434 Temperature, uniform, of wa- ter-supply, xviii. 221 Temperatures of rock, at different depths, xix. 258 Temporal bone, inflammation of pet- rous portion of, in etiology of inflam- mation of the dura mater, xii. 378 Temporal lobes, abscesses of, symptoms of localized disease in, xii. 790 Tenderness on pressure in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 249 Tendinous reflexions, xiii 48. See also Tendon reflex in compression of the cord, xiii. 335 Tendinous spots (milk spots), vi 550 on the pericardium, vi. 550 on the spleen, vhi. 438 Tendon reflex, xiii 109, see also tendinous reflexions in secondary degenerations of the cord, xhi. 775 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 575 increase of, xiii. 628, 633 Vol. XX.—29 Tel egraph-operators. Terra ponderosa salita. Tendons, changes in, in arthritis defor- mans, xvi. 158 reflex actions of, xiii. 48 Tenesmus, of dysentery, i. 534, 551 starch and laudanum enemata for, i 562 Tenesmus, vesical, in acute cystitis, viii. 677 Tenner, xii, 5, 10, 18, 19, 32, 668 Tenotomy, in contractures, xi. 384 in writers' cramp, xi. 359 Tension, interference with, in mitral insufficiency, vi. 120 Tension of arterial wall, as a cause of rupture, vi. 481 Tension of fontanelle, in throm- bosis of cerebral sinuses in infants, xii 219 Tenting out, xix. 173 Tents, different forms of. xix. 97 for hospital patients, xviii. 765 material of which they are made, xix. 97 Tepid bath, temperature of, xviii. 374 Tcplitz, baths of, in cerebral hem- orrhage, xii. 171 Terebration, in chronic empyema, iv. 728 Terminal arteries, influence of, in producing infarctions, vi. 104 of Cohneim, vi. 67 Terminal arteries of the brain, xii. 188 Terminal artery, definition of the term, v. 296 Terminal oedema of the brain, in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 770 Terminal symptoms of cerebral tu- mors, xii. 262 Termination of cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 158 of cerebral syphilis, xii. 336 of chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 769 Terra alba, use of, for adulteration of candy, xix. 363 Terra ponderosa salita, poisoning by, xvii. 375 INE Tertian fever. Thrombosis. INDEX 450 Tertian fever, ii. 558, 583, 595, 597 Tescudo, lake of, near the city of Mexico, xviii. 435 Testa preparata, xvi. 206 Testicle, swelling of, in parotitis, vi. 842 treatment of, vi. 848 Testicles, affections of, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii 148 in syphilis, iii. 229 atrophy of, after parotitis, vi. 843 Testis, atrophy of the, following gonorrhoeal epididymitis, viii. 789 Testis, disease or loss of the, as a cause of impotence, viii. 886 Testis, irritable, xi. 186 Tests, chemical, for determining na- ture of fabrics, xix. 211 Tetanic form of malarial fever, ii. 608 Tetanic rigidity in meningitis tuber- culosa, xii 551 Tetanic spasms in strychnia poisoning, xiv. 329 Tetanic symptoms, in hysterical at- tacks, xiv. 532 TETANUS, xiv. 315; bibliography, 315; in- troduction, 316 ; etiology, 319 ; general descrip- tion of the disease, 330 ; pathological anatomy, 333; pathogenesis, 337 ; analysis of symptoms, 340; processes of decomposition, 352 ; termina- tions and prognosis, 355 ; diagnosis, 358; treat- ment, 360 Tetanus, calabar bean and physostigmin in, xiv. 363 chloral hydrate in, xiv. 362 curare in, xiv. 363 diminution in frequency of. under im- proved methods of healing wounds, xiv. 326 in strychnine poisoning, xvii. 785 opiates in, xiv. 362 section of the nerves in, xiv. 362 warm baths in, xiv. 364 Tetanus hydrophobicus, iii. 481 Tetanus neonatorum, xiv. 320 treatment of, xiv. 365 Tetanus, spontaneous, xiv. 327 Tetanus, traumatic, and rabies, relations between, iii. 480 TETANY, xi 366 ; bibliography, 366 ; defi- nition, 367; literature, 367; etiology, 367 ; cold a cause, 368; ergotism a cause, 368; caused by intestinal disease, 368 ; symptomatology, 369 ; motor symptoms, 370; sensory symptoms, 371 ; electrical relations, 372 ; essential nature of the disease, 373; course, 374; duration and termination, 375; prognosis, 375 ; diagnosis, 375; treatment, 376 Tetany, differentiation of, from tetanus, xiv. 359 electricity in, xi. 376 narcotics and anaesthetics in, xi. 376 warm baths in, xi. 377 Tetrodon ocellatus, xvii. 548 Text-blindness, possibility of the ex- istence of complete, although the sight, speech, and intellect are intact, xiv. 775 speech-tracks that are available in, xiv. 783 Texture, importance of, in clothing, xviii. 380 Thalamus opticus, lesions of, xii. 148 Thallium, poisoning by, xvii. 628 Thallus filaments of thrush, vi. 802 Thebaine, xvii 843 tetanic spasms excited by, xiv. 329 Theine, xvhi 177 Theiss river, regulation of its course, xviii. 425 Thematic paralogia, xiv. 821 Theobromine, xvih. 180 Thermaesthesiometer, xi 213 Thermometer, different forms of, xviii. 656 importance of in treatment of croupous pneumonia, v. 157 in private practice, i 82 451 INDEX. Tertian fever. TIi ro 111 bosls. Thermometers, modes of protecting Throat, deep inflammation of the con- and verifying, xviii. 657 nective tissue of the, vi 857 Thirst, in diabetes, xvi. 9C9 follicles of. in syphilis, hi 183 in diseases of the spleen, viii. 370 painful affections in the region of the, in in the plague, i 473 hysteria, xiv. 499 in poisoning by atropine, xvii 666 Throat symptoms, in scarlatina, ii. Thiry, xh. 429 238 Thomas, Louis, biographical sketch treatment of, ii. 308 of, vol. ii, v. Throat troubles complicating mea- on measles, ii. 31 sles, ii. 91 on rubeola, ii 129 in scarlet fever, ii. 214 on scarlatina, ii 149 Thrombi, in typhus fever, i 335 on varicella, ii 1 Thrombosis, a complication of cancer Thompson, George, xii. 885 of the stomach, vii. 236 Thompson's treatment, for nephro- in erysipelas, ii. 467 lithiasis, xv. 736 in etiology of anaemia of the brain, xii. Thompson's trocar, x. 398 16 Thomson, xii. 797 of encephalitis, xii. 747 Thoracic aneurism, vi. 417 of gastric ulcer, vii. 200 subjective phenomena, vi. 425 of hepatic abscess, ix. 93 Thoracic duct, compression of, in eti- of meningeal hemorrhage, xii 172 ology of hydrothorax, iv. 734 in typhoid fever, i 164 diagnosis of injury to, vi. 534 Thrombosis and embolism, as effect of ligature of, vi. 530 causes of myelomalacia, xih. 468 inflammation of, vi. 520 in the medulla, xiii. 877 narrowing and dilatation of, vi. 529 diagnosis, xiii. 884 prognosis of injury to, vi. 534 symptoms, xiii 880 rupture of, vi 533 Thrombosis of abdominal aorta, Thorax, change in shape of, from peri- a cause of spinal anaemia, xiii. 282 cardial effusion, vi. 572 Thrombosis of ascending vena compression of, in the treatment of pul- cava, case of, xv. 45 monary emphysema, v. 404 Thrombosis of the brain, symp- contraction of, following pleurisitis, iv. toms of, xii. 199 666 Thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, deformity of, in rickets, xvi. 193 xii 209 dilatation of left side of, in pericardial chnical history of the phlebitic variety, effusions, vi. 582 xii. 220 effect of hypertrophy of tonsils on the etiology, xii. 210 shape of, vi. 976 occurrence of, in children, xii 214 paralytic form of, v. 486 pathological anatomy, xh. 212 Thorn-apple, poisoning by, xvii. 663 phlebitic variety, xii 219 Thought, discursive and intuitive, xiv. symptomatology, xii. 214 700 treatment, course, prognosis, xii. 222 mechanism of the development of the, Thrombosis of dilated veins, vi. in a long sentence, xiv. 794 497 probably the entire cortex cerebri takes Thrombosis of the portal vein, part in, xiv. 719 ix. 785 Thrombosis. Tongue spatulas. Thrombosis of the portal vein, cardiac stimulants in,- ix. 804 in etiology of simple atrophy of the liver, ix. 307 Thrombosis of renal veins, xv. 197 Thrombosis of sinus, diagnosis of meningitis of convexity from, xii. 618 in abscess of brain, xii 721 symptoms of, xii 618 with abscess of brain, xii. 782 Thrombotic softening and ab- scess of the brain, differentiation of, xh. 804 Thrombus of the medulla ob- longata, stimulants and tonics in, xih. 887 Thrombus of the vulva, x. 554 Thrush, acid reaction of secretion of mouth in, vi. 800 alkaline solutions locally in, vi. 806 communicability of, vi. 799 diagnosis, vi. 805 etiology, vi. 798 fungus of, vi. 797, 801 in the oesophagus, viii. 197 differentiation of, from croupous membrane, viii. 142 membrane of, vi. 801 nitrate of silver locally in, vi. 807 pathological anatomy, vi 800 prognosis, vi. 806 symptoms, vi. 803 treatment, vi. 806 Thrush of the palate, vi 923 Thudichum, xii 185 on wine, xix. 373 Thymol, xix. 559 Thymus gland, affection of, in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1013 congenital enlargement of, in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 478 enlargement of the, in leucaemia, viii. 510 Thyreotomy, vii. 909 Thyro-arytaenoideus interims muscle, paralysis of, vii. 973 Thyroid gland, changes in, in Base- dow's disease, xiv. 81 452 Thyroid gland, changes in, in typhoid fever, i. 174 congenital enlargement of, in etiology of bronchial asthma, iv. 537 enlargement of, in etiology of oedema of larynx, vii. 795 of stenosis of the oesophagus, viii. 21 its influence on the cerebral circulation, xii. 5 Thyroidcal veins, dilatation of, vi 498 Tic douloureux, xi 99 Tic rotatoire, xi 321 Tidal-valves, xviii. 473 Tide, effects of, upon the air of sewers, xviii. 476 upon wells near the sea, xvih. 251 Tiedemaun, xh. 829 Tiles, vitrified stone-ware, xviii. 414 Time elapsing between injury of head and appearance of meningeal symp- toms, xii. 675 of appearance of meningitis following in- jury to soft parts, xii. 663 Tin, compounds of, poisoning by, xvii. 627 Tin-lined lead pipe, xviii 290 Tinctura ferri acetici aetherea, formula for, viii. 423 3. Sol. ferri acetatis............9 parts. Alcohol.................... 2 " Acetic ether................ 1 part. M. It contains six per cent, of iron. Dose: fifteen drops, morning and eve- ning, in a glass of red wine. Tincture of cinchona, in relapsing fever, i. 286 Tincture of iodine, in smallpox eruption, ii. 397, 399 Tincture of iron gargles, in small- pox, ii. 398 Tinkling, metallic, vi 49, 209 Tinnitus aurium, in cold in the head, iv. 125 ►EX. 453 TTSTTYirx Thrombosis. *°° lJNUJiA. Tongue spatulas. Tintcmcnt metallique, vi 209 Tin-ware made of terne-plate, xix. 375 Tissue changes diminished by alcohol, xvii. 387 induced by heart-disease, in the lung, vi. 106 Tissues surrounding cerebral abscess, alterations in, xii. 699 Titeca, xii. 715 Titrir method, xv. 26 Tobacco, xvh. 759; xviii. 182 as an antidote in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 801 as a protection against the plague, i 480 effect of, on corpulence, xvi. 712 enemas of, in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 in bronchial asthma, iv. 578, 579 in dementia paralytica, xii. 884 in etiology of angina pectoris, xiv. 36 of cancer of the tongue, vi. 752 of tremor, xiv. 386 in parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 801 in tetanus, xiv. 363 in training, xviii. 361 in valvular disease, vi. 165 Tobacco amaurosis, strychnine hy- podermically in, xvii. 773 Tobacco-dust, effects of, xix. 41 Tobacco-poisoning, antidotes for, xvii 772 in etiology of spinal paralysis, xiii. 818 of tabes dorsalis, xiii 529 use of stomach-pump in, xvii 772 Tobacco-smoking, in etiology of can- cer of the lip, xvii. 767 predisposes to salivation, iii 284 Todd, xii. 73, 115, 122 Tolerance of excessive losses of blood, a characteristic of bleeders, xvii. 43, 70 Tolu, balsam Of, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 Tone-field of language, xiv. 691 Tone, tracheal, of Williams, v. 79 Tongue, abolition of taste in anterior half of, from anaesthesia of the tri- geminus, xi. 241 from paralysis of the facial, xi. 242 anatomico-histological observations, vi. 741 arteries of, vi. 742 base of, in laryngoscopy, iv. 46 characters of the coatings of, vi. 759 deviation of, in apoplexy, xii 115 effect of hypertrophy of the, on speech, xiv. 864 form, surface, and outlines, vi 758 impression of teeth on, vi. 764 in dysentery, i 552 in measles, ii. 73 in the plague, i. 473 in scarlatina, ii. 218 in secondary syphihs, iii. 195 in yellow fever, i 497 inclination of, to paralyzed side, vi. 824 influence of defects of the, on speech, xiv. 862 management of, in inspection of the larynx, iv. 38 in inspection of the pharynx, iv. 3 mannner of protrusion of, vi. 57 moisture of, vi. 760 mucous membrane of, vi 743 muscles of, vi. 742 in typhoid fever, i. 110 nerves of, vi. 743 paralysis of, xi. 523 pathological coatings of, vi. 757 position of, during sleep, iv. 105 preservation of speech after amputation of the, xiv. 863 spasmodic action of, vi. 823 in hysteria, xiv. 512 swallowed by nurslings, iv. 106 swelling of, in glossitis, vi 748 Tongue, cancer of the, disinfecting gargles in, vi. 756 Tongue, epithelioma of the, milky juice of, vi. 754 Tongue spatulas, iv. 5, 6 Tongue, tumors of the. Trachea and bronchi. INDEX. 454 Tongue, tumors of the, vi 751 diagnosis, vi. 755 etiology, vi 752 extirpation of, vi. 756 pathological anatomy, vi 752 symptoms, vi. 754 treatment, vi. 756 Tongue, ulcer on, in whooping- cough, vi. 699 Tonic contractions in lesions of the pons, xii. 139 in paralysis, xii. 122 Tonic spasm, definition of the term, xi. 275 in apoplexy, xii. 101 in traumatic meningitis, xii 683 Tonic spasm of the diaphragm, xi 335 Tonic spasm of the lids, xi 314 Tonic spasms, case of, xiii. 809 in the epileptic seizure, xiv. 227 in tetanus, xiv. 340 Tonics in catalepsy, xiv. 382 in chronic cystitis, vih. 698 in diphtheria, i 694 in dysentery, i 568 in gonorrhoea, viii. 776 in haemophilia, xvii. 96 in pseudo-hypertrophy of the muscles, xiv. 173 in spermatorrhoea, viii. 872 in spinal irritation, xiii. 367 in spinal nervous weakness, xih. 381 in tremor, xiv. 392 Tonnele, xii. 209, 212 Tonsilla pharyngea, iv. 63 Tonsillar abscess, vi. 914 opening of, vi. 921 Tonsillitis, clinical considerations, vi. 915 duration, vi. 919 etiology, vi. 911 general symptoms, vi 917 lacunal or follicular, vi. 912 local symptoms, vi. 916 onset of the disease, vi. 918 superficial, vi. 911 Tonsillitis, termination of, vi. 919 treatment of, vi. 920 Tonsils, affection of, in acute retro-nasal catarrh, vii. 45 anatomy of, vi. 866 atrophy of, vi. 967 caustic darts in hypertrophy of the, iv. 80 chronic ulcers of, vi. 920 clinical value of atrophy of, vi. 971 conformation of countenance and thorax in hypertrophy of, vi. 976 hypertrophied vi. 972 extirpation of, vi 978 galvano-cautery in, vi. 978 inflammation of, vi 973 section of, vi. 973 submucous injections in, iv. 96 symptoms, vi. 974 treatment of, vi. 977 in diphtheritic angina, vi 936 in scarlatina, ii 216 . in secondary syphilis, iii. 199 in syphilis, iii. 183 inflammatory atrophy of, vi. 967 syphilitic cicatrices of vi. 983 Tooth powders for children's teeth, xviii. 137 Tophi, xvi. 112 Tophi, syphilitic, iii 167, 170 Torpid variety of haemophilia, xvii. 30 Torticollis, xi. 320 treatment of, xi. 327 Torticollis rheumaticus, xvi 91 Tottenham, England, Sanitary Association of, xix. 583 work done by, xix. 588 Touch, incredible delicacy of the sense of, sometimes attained by deaf-mutes, xiv. 874 Toughened patches on menin- ges due to syphilis, xh. 312 Toulouse, France, 'water-supply of, xvhi 250 Town supply of ground-water, xviii. 244 Toxaemic epilepsy, xiv. 186 455 INDEX. Tongue, tumors of the. Trachea and bronchi. Toxic anaesthesia, xi 210, 222 Toxic angina, vi 921 Toxic headaches, xi 140 Toxic spinal paralysis, xhi 817 Toxic tetanus, xiv. 329 differentiation of, from true tetanus, xiv. 359 Toxiresine, xvii 708 Toynbee, xii 378, 608, 619, 721 Toy nbee's formula, xh. 721 Trachea, in syphhis, iii. 210 ulcerations of, in pertussis, vi. 710 TRACHEA AND BRONCHI, DISEASES OF, iv. 275; prefatory remarks, 275; results of variations in calibre of the trachea, 276; dyspnoea, 276 ; respiration, 276; cough, 277 ; its causes and results of experiments, 277; pain, 281; the sputa, 281; physical exploration, 281; inspection, 2S1; tracheoscopy, 281 ; pal- pation, 284 ; percussion and auscultation, 284 ; the spirometer and tape-measure, 284; steth- ography and pneumatometry, 284 Malformations, 286 ; bibliography, 2S6 ; absence of the trachea, 237; atreasia, blind termination of, and closure of both branches of trachea, 287; oesophageal fistula, 287; absence, coalescence, and excessive number of tracheal cartilages, 288; abnormal shortness, narrowness. lack of division, and unusual curvature, 2S8; abnormal formations of the bronchi, 288; the third bronchus, 288; doubling of the trachea, 289; fistula of the neck, 289; diagnosis of tracheal fistula, 291; treatment, 291 Catarrh of the Tracheal and Bron- chial Mucous Membrane ; Trache- itis, Bronchitis, Catarrhalis ; Bron- chial Catarrh, 292; bibliography, 292; prefatory remarks, 297; etiology, 301 ; geographical distribution, 301; influence of temperature and humidity of atmos- phere, 302 ; influence of condition of the earth's surface, 303; influence of indi- vidual months of the year, 305 ; individ- ual predisposition to catarrhal inflam- mations. 306; influence of sex, 307; of age, 3^8; special exciting causes, 310; "catching cold," 310; its physiological action, 311 ; injurious admixtures in the atmosphere, 512 ; inhalation of dust, 312 ; effects of different kinds of dust, 313; inhalation of gases and vapors, 314 ; in- fluence of various gases, 314; foreign bodies, 315 ; transient contagions, 315 ; diseases of the heart, 315 ; diseases of the lungs, 316; bronchitic affections as se- condary conditions of other diseases, 316 ; pathological anatomy, 317 ; origin of the term catarrh, 317 ; the prominent lesions, hyperaemia, swelling of the mu- cous membrane, and alterations in the secretion, 318; absence of anatomical demonstration of lesions after death, 319; color of the mucous membrane, 320 ; degree of injection, 320; extent of the hyperaemia, 320; the swelling, 321 ; bronchiectasis, 322 ; microscopic appear- ances, 322; ulcers, softening, and trophy, 324; the secretion, 324; its microscopic appearance, 326; conditions of the pa- renchyma of the lung, 328 ; emphysema, collapse, and atelectasis, 329; affections of the pleura, 329; affections of lym- phatic glands, 329; affections of the heart, 330; dropsical symptoms, 331 ; changes in the liver and kidneys, 331 ; symptomatology, 331; alterations of breathing, 331; fever, 332 ; cough, 335 ; influence of consistence of secretions upon the cough, 337; condition of the skin, 33S; cyanosis, 33S; dropsy, 339; secretion of the sweat, 339 ; condition of nutrition, 339; the expectoration, 340; thoracic pains, 344 ; nervous symptoms, 344 ; chilliness, 345 ; headache, 345 ; so- porific manifestations, 346; disturbances of the digestive organs, 346; condition of the urine, 347 ; febrile symptoms, 347; sweating, 349; nutritive changes, 349; condition of activity of the heart and the pulse, 349 ; symptoms furnished by phy- sical exploration, 350 ; inspection, 350 ; deviations from normal breathing, 350; spirometry, 351; pneumatometry, 352 ; the graphic method, use of the stetho- graph, 352 ; percussion, 353 ; ausculta- tion, 353 ; varieties of rales, 353 ; altera- tion in the respiratory murmur, 353 Acute Tracheo-Bronchitis ; Acute Trachea and bronchi. INDEX. 456 Catarrh of the Trachea and Larger Bronchi, 356; its mode of commence- ment, 357; chdls, 357; fever, 357; cough, 358 ; the expectoration, 360; physical examination, 360 ; percussion, 360 ; aus- cultation, 360; various rales, 360; pal- pation, 361; inspection, 362 ; respiration, 362; dyspnoea, 362; general appearance of the patient, 363; gastric symptoms, 363 ; nervous symptoms, 363 ; termina- tions, 364 Acute Catarrh of the Medium-sized and Minuter Bronchi ; Bronchitis Capillaris ; Acute Diffuse Bron- chial Catarrh, 364; its origin, 365; secondary catarrhal pneumonia, 365 ; its pathology, 366; severity of capillary bronchitis, 367; the respiration^ 367; dyspnoea, 3C8; the type of breathing, 369; results obtained by percussion, 370; by auscultation, 370; the respiratory murmur, 371; various rales, 371; cough, 372; febrile symptoms, 372 ; action of the heart and pulse, 373 ; the skin, 373; gen- eral appearance of the patient, 374 ; the urine, 374; cerebral symptoms, 374; gastric symptoms, 374; the subjective symptoms, 374 ; the expectoration, 374 ; course of the various forms, 375; the acute diffuse form, 375 ; capUlary bron- chitis, proper, 378; chronic forms of bronchitis, 383; origin of the chronic form, 383 ; its site, 384 ; glandular de- generations, 384; symptomatology, 385; the cough and expectoration, 385; results of physical examination, 387 ; percus- sion, 387; auscultation, 387 ; the various rales, 387; remissions and intermissions, 388; fever, 388; pain in right hypochon- drium and epigastrium, 388; albumin- uria, 389; prospects of recovery, 3S9; affections of the heart, 390 ; hypertrophy of various muscles, 390; varieties of chronic bronchitis, 391; the dry catarrh, 391; the form with moderate expectora- tion, 393 ; forms with excessive amount of expectoration, 393 ; fetid or putrid form, 396 ; its etiology, 397 ; the expec- toration, 397; the breath, 399 ; physical examination, 399 ; fever 399; extension of the process upon the parenchyma of the lung, 399 ; diagnosis from empyema perforating the lung, 400 ; from bronchi- ectatic cavities, 400; prognosis and course, 400; cause of the fetor, 401 ; complications and sequelae of the various forms of bronchitis, 401 ; diagnosis of tracheitis and bronchitis, 403; termina- tion and prognosis, 405 ; treatment, 407; prophylaxis, 407; special treat- ment, 411; removal of exciting causes, 411; effects of different climates, 412; removal of injurious existing influences in the patient, 413 ; local treatment, 415; inhalations, 415 ; internal remedies, 416 ; venesection, 421; various mineral waters, 423; milk-and-whey cures, 424; the grape cure, 424; the use of condensed and rarefied air, 424 ; treatment of acute bronchitis, 426 ; general measures, 426 ; treatment of the chronic forms of bron- chitis, 430; prophylaxis, 431; special therapeutics, 431; the dry variety of bronchitis, 431; winter-cough, 433 ; the bronchitis associated with various dys- crasiae, 334; the fetid form, 434 ; bronco- blenorrhcea and serous bronchorrhoea, 435 Pseudo-Membranous, Croupous, or Fibrinous Bronchitis ; Bronchial Croup, Bronchitis with the forma- tion of Fibrinous Casts, 438; prefa- tory remarks, 438; bibliography, 439; various names for the disease, 442 ; eti- ology, 422; its frequency, 443; influ- ence of sex, 443 ; of age, 443; previous health and vigor, 443; position in life, 444; locality and nationality, 444 ; relation to frequency of bronchitis, 444; climate and season of the year, 444; atmospheric influences and taking cold, 445 ; tuberculosis and haemoptysis, 445 ; syphilis, rachitis, and scrofulosis, 446; forms and course of croupous bronchitis in general, 446; the acute form, 440; its general course, 446 ; duration, 448 ; mortality, 448; the chronic form, 448; its general course, 448 ; transition forms, 449 ; duration of the chronic form, 450 ; duration of individual attacks, 550; in- terval between them, 450; irregnlaritv of recurrence of attacks, 451; pathologi- 457 INDEX. Trachea and bronchi. cal anatomy, 451 ; the fibrinous cast, 451; its general appearance, 451; its length and thickness, 452 ; its structure, 453 ; its consistence and color, 454; mi- croscopic appearances, 454 ; chemical re- actions, 455; the mucous membrane of the affected bronchi, 455; mode of for- mation of the croup membrane, 456; condition of parenchyma of lungs, 456; symptomatology, analysis of individual symptoms, 456; quantity of the casts, 457; rapidity with which they appear, 457; mode of expulsion, 458; haemop- tysis, 458 ; the voice, 459 ; febrile move- ments, 460; sweating, 460; venous hyperaemia and cyanosis, 460; dropsy, 460; the nutrition, 460; the subjective symptoms, 460; pleurodynia, 461; sen- sations of pressure and feelings of anx- iety, 461; physical signs, 461; percus- sion, 461 ; auscultation, 461 ; the respiratory murmur, 461; rales, 462; inspection, 462 ; diagnosis, 463 ; expec- toration of casts, 463 ; differential diag- nosis, 463; complications, duration, ter- mination, and prognosis, 464 ; the acute form, 464; the chronic form, 465; em- physema, chronic bronchial catarrh, and infiltration of parenchyma of the lung as sequelae, 465; atalectasis of lung and obliteration of individual peripheric bronchial ramifications, 465 ; treatment, 467 ; emetics, 467 ; inhalations, 468; mer- curial treatment, 468; iodide of potas- sium, 468 ; mineral waters, 469 ; prophy- laxis, 469. Narrowing of the Trachea and Bron- chi ; Tracheostenosis ; Bronchial Stenosis, 470; bibbography, 470 ; pre- liminary remarks, 473 ; etiology, 474; stenosis from goitre, 474; seat of tra- cheal stenosis when muscular pressure predominates, 475 ; swelling of lymphatic glands, 475 ; suppuration of the glands, with perforation into the trachea, or a bronchus, 476 ; aneurism of the aorta, 476; of the innominate artery, 476; pressure upon left recurrent nerve, 476; diseases of the mediastinum, 477; of the pericardium, 478 ; of the thymus gland, 478 ; of the sternum, clavicle, and verte- bral column, 478; emphyseatous tumors and tumors of the oesophagus, 478; can- cer of the lung, 478; alterations in the tracheal and bronchial walls, 479 ; cica- trices, 479; their syphilitic and other origins, 479 ; tumors of the air-passages, 480; thickening of the walls of the air- passages, 480; acute oedema, 481; patho- logical anatomy, 481; stenoses from com- pression, 481; form of the stenosis, 482 ; intra-tracheal and intra-bronchial steno- ses, 482 ; syphiloma, 482 ; seat of syphi- loma, 483; morbid growths, 483; in- flammatory thickening of the tracheal and bronchial walls, 484; anatomical consequences of such stenosis, 484; bron- chiectasis, 484; emphysema and atelec- tasis, 485 ; symptomatology, 485 ; alter- ations in respiration, 486 ; influence of site of obstruction, 486 ; prolongation of respiration, 487; movements of larynx, 489 ; auscultation, 489 ; exploration of the sound, 490; with mirror, 490; the vocal fremitus, 490; appearance of the chest-walls, 491 ; general aspect of pa- tient, 491; pulse, 491; temperature, 492; cough and expectoration, 492 ; dyspnoea, 492; experiments in artificial constriction of the trachea in auimals, 494 ; diagnosis, 495; from laryngeal stenosis, 495; for- eign bodies, 497 ; duration, terminations, and prognosis, 498 ; treatment, 499 Foreign Bodies in the Trachea and Bronchi, 501; bibliography, 501; eti- ology and pathogenesis, 506 ; the modes of entrance, 507 ; deep inspiration in re- lation to entrance of foreign bodies from without, 508; impaction of the body in the larynx, 508; frequency of foreign body falling into right or left bronchus, 508; change of position of foreign body, 509 ; natural methods of expulsion, 509; re- sults of its retention, 509 ; time of reten- tion, 509 ; pathological anatomy, 510 ; alterations produced in the lungs, 511 ; symptomatology, 511; symptoms imme- diately following the entrance of a for- eign body into the air-passages, 512; where the foreign body has entered the trachea, 513; change of its location, 513; tracheitis and laryngitis, 514; dyspnoea, Trachea and bronchi. Traumatic influences. INDEX. 458 514 ; laryngoscopy, 514; inspection through the wound after tracheotomy, 515 ; bronchial stenosis, 515 ; wheezing respiration, 516 ; diminution of pectoral fremitus, 516 ; thrilling of chest-wall on inspiration and expiration, 516 ; second- ary symptoms, 517 ; course, 517 ; causes of sudden death, 518; cerebral symp- toms, 518 ; other symptoms, 519 ; fever, 519 ; duration, 519; diagnosis, 519; prognosis, 520 ; treatment, 520; emetics, 521; inversion of the body, 521; trache- otomy, 522 Bronchial Asthma, 523; bibliography, 523; introduction, 530; etiology and pathogenesis, 533 ; inheritance, 536; sex, 536; age, 536 ; connection of asthma with other diseases, 537 ; influence of climate, 538 ; of locality, 538 ; of seasons, 538 ; of taking cold, 538; of different winds, 538 ; of time of day, 539 ; influence of occupation, 539; of residence, 539; na- ture and causes of the disease, 540; dif- ferent theories, 541; spasm of the bron- chial muscles, 541; spasm of the diaph- ragm, 546; spasm of bronchial muscles and diaphragm combined, 546 ; theory of crystals in the expectoration being the cause of attacks, 548 ; of tumefaction of bronchial mucous membrane in con- sequence of dilatation of its blood-ves- sels through vaso-motor nervous influ- ence, 549; choice of theories, 551; pathological anatomy, 555 ; congestion of bronchial mucous membrane, 556; symp- tomatology and course, 557; mode of occurrence of an attack and its general features, 557; differences from the above, 558 ; prodromata, 558 ; time of day for the paroxysm, 559; the catarrhal form, 559; analysis of individual symptoms, 561; dyspnoea, 561; position of the pa- tient during the paroxysm, 561; number of respirations during the paroxysm, 562; character of the respiration dur- ing the paroxysm, 562; results obtained by percussion, 563 ; auscultation, 564 ; speech and cough, 565 ; the sputum, 565 ; temperature of the body, 566; the sub- jective symptoms and disorders on the part of the nervous system, 566; number and modes of occurrence of attacks, 566; spontaneous stoppage of the disease, 566 ; differences between the essential or idio- pathic form, and a symptomatic form, 567; diagnosis, 568 ; difference between inspiratory and expiratory dyspnoea, 569; diagnosis from spasm of the glottis, 570; from spasm of the diaphragm, 572 ; from dyspnoea the result of paralysis of posterior crico-arytenoid muscles, 572; prognosis and terminations, 573 ; emphy- sema, 573; chronic bronchial catarrh, 574 ; influence of age, 574 ; duration of the disease, 574 ; discovery of the excit- ing cause, 575 ; treatment, 575 ; during the paroxysm, 575 ; fresh air, 575 ; nar- cotics, 575; chloral hydrate, 576 ; nitrite of amyl, 576; belladonna and atropia and cannabis Indica, 577; inhalations of chloroform, sulphuric ether, and oil of turpentine, 577 ; bromide of potassium, 577; stramonium, 578 ; tobacco, 578 ; Espic's cigarettes, 578; the fumes of ar- senic, 579; of saltpetre paper, 579; the use of ammonia, 579 ; emetics, 580 ; ipe- cac, 580 ; tartar emetic, 580 ; muriate of apomorphia, 580; inhalations of oxygen, 580; use of strychnia, 580; ergotine, 580; rarefaction of the air, 580; treat- ment between the paroxysms, 581; re- moval of exciting causes, 581; various medicines, 581; constitutional treatment, 584; employment of rarefied air, 585; change of residence, 5S6 Tracheal tone of Williams, v. 79 Trachelismus, xiv. 228 Traeheo-bronchitis erouposa, a complication of croup, iv. 249 Tracheotomy, for oedema glottidis, in small-pox, ii. 398 for removal of foreign bodies in the la- rynx, iv. 522 in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212 in cancer of the larynx, vii. 900 in chronic swelling of the under portions of the vocal cords, iv. 219 in croup, iv. 268 in diphtheria, i. 691 mortality after, i. 692 INDEX. Trachea and bronchi. Traumatic influences. Tracheotomy, in diphtheria, when indicated, i. 692 in epilepsy, xiv. 286 in erysipelas, ii 483 in glanders of the larynx, vii. 860 in hemorrhagic infiltration of the sub- mucous tissue of the larynx, iv. 193 in laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 800, 812 in morbid growths in the naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii. 103 in paralysis of the posterior crico-arytae- noideus muscle, vii. 971 in perichondritis laryngea, vii. 826. 828 in pharyngeal phlegmon, vii. 666 in poisoning by strychnine, xvii. 805 in scarlatinal diphtheria, ii. 309 in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023, 1025 in stenosis of the larynx, iv. 500 in strychnine-poisoning, xvii. 805 in syphilis of the larynx, vii. 875 Tracheotomy wound, diphtheritic infection of, i. 655 Trachoma of the vocal cords, iv. 217 Traction diverticula of the oesophagus, viii 68 Tracy, Dr. R. S., on the hygiene of occupation, xix. 3 on public nuisances, xix. 379 on village sanitary associations, xix. 571 Trade-winds, xviii. 646 Trades, offensive, xix. 390 Training, physical, xviii. 356 cautions to be observed on abandoning, xviii. 362 duration of, xviii 357 reduction of weight in, xviii. 357 Trance, hysterical, xiv. 534 Transfusion of blood in anaemia, xvi. 475 in cerebral anaemia, xii 35 in cholera, i 460 in haemophilia, xvii 101 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vh. 292 in hydrophobia in man, iii. 510 in intestinal hemorrhage, vh. 457 in leucaemia, viii 532 Transfusion of blood in morbus maculosus, xvii. 280 in nosebleed, iv. 167 in opium-poisoning, xvii 867 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 602 in small-pox, ii. 400 in yellow fever, i 513 Transfusion of salt-water, in chol- era, xv. 244 Transfusion with warm water in hydrophobia, iii 510 Transillumination in examination of the nasal cavity, iv. 68 Transitory stuttering, xiv. 835 Transmission of inflammation to dura mater, xii. 377 of tuberculous inflammation of pia, xii. 497 Transoin-window,Folsom's, xviii 773 Transport, soils of, xvhi 425 Transudation of serum in hyper- aemia of the brain, xii. 49 Transudations, hemorrhagic, in cancer of the liver, ix. 393 Transudations, serous, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 262 Trapezius, paralysis of, xi 520 Trapping of drain-pipes, xvhi 486 Trapp's muriatic acid test for veratrine, xvii. 733 Traps, different forms of, xviii. 494 Traube, xii. 82, 102, 205, 209, 505, 525, 541, 543, 545, 551 on Bright's disease, xv. 175, 180 on uraemia, xv. 121 Traumatic anaesthesia, xv. 220 Traumatic anosmia, xi 261 Traumatic encephalitis, diagnosis of, from meningitis, xii. 727 symptoms of, xii. 726 Traumatic extravasations, source of, xii. 668 Traumatic influences in the produc- tion of nerve-syphilis, xii. 301 Traumatic meningitis. Trousseau's powder. INDEX. 460 Traumatic meningitis, classifica- tion of, xh. 657 condition favoring development of, xii. 674 duration, xii. 685 effect of 6eat of, xii 678 etiology, xii. 656 following injury to soft parts, xii. 662 following simple concussion, xii 658 from any cause, similarity of symptoms in, xii. 680 indications of, xii 681 pathological anatomy, xii. 677 prognosis, xii. 805 symptoms, xii. 679 termination of purulent, xii. 684 Traumatic muscular atrophy, primary, xiv. 116 Traumatic necrosis of skull, meningitis in, xh. 677 Traumatic paralysis, xi 453 Traumatic suppuration of the dura mater, prognosis, xii. 385 Traumatism as a cause of hypertrophy of brain, xii. 826 of leucaemia, viii. 508 of meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 172 in etiology of dilatation of the gall-blad- der, ix. 634 of hemorrhage of the liver, ix. 83 of hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 61 of invagination of intestines, vii 616 of pylephlebitis, ix. 807 of rupture of the biliary passages, ix. 656 of suppurative inflammation of the liver, ix. 90 Travellers, detention of, by quarantine authorities, xix. 507 Treatment, see Different Diseases Trees, effect of, on drainage of soil, xvhi. 430, 431 Trembles, The, see Paralysis Agitans, xiv. 395 Trembling, explanation of the phenom- enon, xiv. 390; see also Tremor Trembling of muscles, in tetanus, xiv. 343 TREMOR, xiv. 385 ; bibliography, 385; eti- ology, 386 ; symptomatology and course, 387 ; theory of the disease, 389 ; treatment, 392 Tremor, due to nicotine, xiv. 389 in mercurialism, xvii. 612 in paralysis of hysteria, xiv. 523 subcutaneous injections of arsenic in, xiv. 393 Tremor cordis, xiv. 388 Tremor, mercurial, xiv. 388 hyoscyamin in, xiv. 393 phosphide of zinc in, xiv. 393 Tremor of multiple sclerosis, xiii. 485 cause of, xiii 494 peculiarities of, xih. 490 Tremor of opium-eaters, xiv. 389 Tremor potatorum, xiv. 389 Tremor saturninus, xiv. 388 Trephining, after injury, without ex- posure of bone, xii. 815 as a guard against meningo-encephalitis, xii. 810 Bergmann's opinion with regard to, xii. 813 in treatment of epilepsy, xiv. 281 in fracture of the skull, not compound, xii. 811 in injury to the skull, xii. 818 in wounds of the middle meningeal ar- tery, xii. 812 indications for, according to Fischer, xii. 814 in encephalitis, xii. 818 Trephining the ribs, in empyema, iv. 728 Triangle Of dulness, in mitral insuf- ficiency, vi. 121 Trichiasis of the urinary pass- ages, developed intrinsically, viii 731 Trichiasis vesicae, vhi 731 due to the bursting of a dermoid cyst, viii. 732 461 INDEX. Traumatic meningitis. Trousseau's powder. Trichiasis vesicae, due to the intro- duction of hairs into the bladder from without, viii. 734 Trichinae, intestinal, picric acid in, iii. 642 Trichinae spiralcs, iii 613; see also Migratory Parasites, Diseases from Trlchiniasis, xviii 201 Trichinosis, hi 613, 630; see also Trichuriasis and Migratory Parasites, etc. Trichinosis oesophagi, viii. 200 Trichocephalus dispar, vii. 770 Trichomonas vaginalis, x. 512 Tricuspid insufficiency, diagnosis, vi. 150 frequency of, vi. 147 prognosis, vi. 150 symptoms, vi. 148 Tricuspid valve, insufficiency of, vi. 146 relative insufficiency of, vi. 147 situation of, vi. 9 Tricuspid valves, arrest of develop- ment of, from foetal endocarditis, vi. 323 insufficiency of, as a cause of jugular pulsation, vi. 34 reproduction of communication after complete closure, vi. 323 Trifling injuries dangerous in haemo- philia, xvii. 34 Tri Co I in in, in gout, xvi 140 Trigeminal anaesthesia, xi. 223 Trigeminus, dental branches of, af- fected in haemophilia, xvii. 59 implication of, in unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 67 syphilis of, xii. 357 Trimethylamine, in acute rheumatic polyarthritis, xvi. 63 Tripe and offal boiling, xix. 430 Tripe-cleaners, xix. 26 Tripler, Dr., on the organization of army hospitals, xix. 164 Trismus, xi 301 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 710 Trismus, in poisoning by arsenic, xvii 648 treatment of, xi. 304 Trismus of tetanus, diagnosis of, xiv. 358 Trocadero, Palace of, ventilation of, xviii. 723 Trocar, Veit's, x. 414 Troeltsch, xii. 378, 600, 608 Trolard, xii. 6 Trommer's malt extract in anaemia, xvi. 474 in atelectasis, v. 336 Trommer's test for sugar in the urine, xvi 973, 1006 Trophic centres, situation of, xiii 116 Trophic centres and paths, in the spinal cord, xiii. 44 Trophic disturbances due to neuri- tis, xi. 585 in articular neuralgia, xi. 193 in chronic myelitis, xiii. 445 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 218 in neuralgia, xi. 52 in paralysis, xi. 407 pathology of, xi. 422 in sciatica, xi. 174 in spinal disease, xiii. 113 in trigeminal neuralgia, xi. 110 Trophic nerves, arguments in favor of their existence, xiv. 67 Trophic theory of unilateral progres- sive atrophy of the face, xiv. 66 Trophoneurosis, xiv. 68 Tropical countries, prevalence of tetanus in, xiv. 320 Trousse-galant, i 342 Trousseau, xii 104, 105, 106,113, 161, 198 Trousseau's powder for syphi- litic rhinitis, iv. 145 R. xi Hydrarg. ox. rubr............ gr. xv. Saach. alba?................. § ss. M. A pinch five or six times a day. True and false neuromata. Tuberculosis. INDEX. 462 True and false neuromata, ix. 597 TRUE MUSCULAR HYPERTROPHY, xiv. 175; bibliography, 175; etiology, 175; symptomatology, 176; theory of the disease, 178 Tube, Belloc's, for plugging posterior nares, iv. 98 Tubercle, anatomy of the, v. 642 Bayle's miliary, v. 481 definition of, v. 643 does occur in the oesophagus, vih. 191 miliary, etiology of, v. 616 mode of development of, v. 644 ; xvi. 759 relations of, to inflammation, xvi. 756 Tubercle granulum, of Laennec, v. 648 Tubercle of the heart, vi. 288 Tubercle of the pancreas, viii 614 Tubercle of the spinal cord, xiii 750 Tubercle of the stomach, vh. 229 Tubercle of the suprarenal cap- sules, the most common lesion of Addison's disease, viii. 643 Tubercles, anatomy of, v. 642 Tubercles, miliary, of the pia, xii. 489 Tubercles of the kidney, xv. 685 Tubercles of the piay without symp- toms, xii 518 Tubercular bronchitis, v. 660 Tubercular cirrhosis of the lungs, v. 690 Tubercular consumption, see Tu- berculosis and Consumption Tubercular disease in infants, xix. 279 Tubercular form of glanders in horses, iii. 334 Tubercular masses in the supra- renal capsules in Addison's dis- ease, viii 650 Tubercular meningitis, xii 464, 489 diagnosis of meningitis of convexity from, xii 618, 648 diagnosis of simple meningitis of base from, xii. 594 Tubercular peritonitis, vhi. 324 Tubercular poison, The, xii. 513, 520 Tubercular tumors of the brain, xii 236 symptoms of, xii. 264 Tubercular ulceration of mu- cous membrane, v. 662 TUBERCULOSIS: Chronic Tuberculo- sis, v. 633; tuberculosis and scrofula, 633; history, 633 ; scrofula, 635 ; its characteristics, 635; how scrofulous persons become tubercu- lous, 639 ; disease of the lymphatic glands, 640 ; the anatomy of tubercles, 642; definition of tubercle, 643 ; origin of tubercles, 644 ; conclu- sion, 646 Chronic Tuberculosis ; Phthisis, 648; commencement of the disease, 648 ; ca- tarrhal bronchitis and tuberculosis, 648; the tubercle granulum, 648; its characteristics, 648; its situation, 649; definition of an acinus of the lung, 649; mode of formation of the tubercle granulation, 650; the short- ened centre of the granule, 652 ; errone- ous explanations of the granule, 653; catarrh of the bronchi, 653; its general characteristics, 664; the cause of the disease in apices of the lungs, 654; in- fluence of their position, 655; hemor- rhages and pleurisy, 656; the initial haemoptysis, 656; its causes, 656 ; char- acter of the blood, 65S ; results, 658 ; the pleurisy, 658; its characteristics, 658; development of new blood-vessels, 659; the later stages of the disease: cheesy broncho-pneumonia, 660 ; the crude tu- bercle of authors, 660 ; the lesions of the mucous membrane, 661; tubercular ul- ceration of the mucous membrane, 662; the peribronchial lesions, 663; desquama- INDEX. True and false neuromata. Tuberculosis. tive pneumonia, 664; the pulmonary epithelium, 665; cheesy degeneration, 668; principal varieties of pulmonary phthisis, 668; the ordinary chronic variety, 668 ; the acute varieties, 670; ata- lectasis, 670 ; oedema, 671; slate-colored induration, 672 ; cheesy lobular masses, 672; cheesy lobar pneumonia, 673; cavities, 676 ; definition, 676 ; bronchiec- tatic conditions, 676 ; the early stage of the formation of cavities, 077; the open- ing and enlargement of cavities by the mechanism of respiration, 678; enlarge- ment of cavities, 679 ; the fully-formed cavities, 681; haemoptyses, 681; pneu- mothorax, 682 ; healing processes, 682 ; calcification, 682 ; shrinkage of the infil- tration, 683 ; the rarer varieties, 687; the disease in children, 687; affections of the lymphatics, 688 ; cirrhosis of the lungs, 689 ; bronco-phthisis, 690 Acute Tuberculosis, 691 Tuberculosis, Miliary, Acute, 614; introduction, 614 ; etiology, 616; absorp- tion of caseous matter, 616 ; location of the disease, 617 ; general description and course of the disease, 618 ; pathological anatomy, 620; analysis of individual symptoms, 622; the cough, 622 ; the ex- pectoration, 622 ; character of the breath- ing, 622 ; dyspnoea, 622 ; physical signs, 623 ; percussion, 623 ; auscultation, 623; the pulse, 623; the skin, 623; fever, 624; perspirations, 624; the nervous symptoms, 624 ; symptoms of the diges- tive organs, 625; the spleen, 625; the appetite, 625; the discharges from the bowels, 625 ; the urine, 625; complica- tions, 625; diagnosis, 626; differential diagnosis from typhoid fever, 636; from acute bronchial catarrh, 628 ; duration, terminations, prognosis, 629 ; treatment, 630; iodide of potassium, 630; cardiac stimulants, 630 Tuberculosis, acomphcation of cancer of the stomach, vii. 236, 247 of ulcer of the stomach, vii. 197, 212 absence of general, in diagnosis of simple meningitis of the base, xii. 593 Tuberculosis, affections of lymphatics in, vi 521 changes in the bile-ducts caused by, ix. 566 comparative frequency of, as a complica- tion of diseases of right and left side of heart, vi. 336 complicating measles, ii. 99 effect of bronchial catarrh upon, iv. 402 following measles, ii. 103 historical sketch of, xvi. 744 in connection with catarrhal pneumonia, v. 215 in etiology of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 of chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii 75 of croupous bronchitis, iv. 445 of double pleuritis, iv. 670 of hemorrhagic pleuritis, iv. 614 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 856 of papilloma of larynx, vii. 883 of pneumothorax, iv. 746 relations of, to pulmonary emphysema, v. 375 Tuberculosis, acute, v. 691 Tuberculosis, acute miliary, a complication of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 197 Tuberculosis and malarial fe- ver, relations of, ii. 580 Tuberculosis and nephrolithi- asis, xv. 721 Tuberculosis and scrofula, rela- tions of, v. 633 Tuberculosis, miliary, complicating scrofulosis, xvi. 809 Tuberculosis of the bladder, vhi 375 Tuberculosis of the Fallopian tubes, x. 347 Tuberculosis of the lungs, diagno- sis of, from whooping-cough, vi. 714 Tuberculosis of the ovary, x. 442 Tuberculosis of the peritoneum, and tubercular peritonitis, viii. 324 Tuberculosis of the pia. Turpentine, oil of. INDEX. 464 Tuberculosis of the pia, frequency of, xh. 523 Tuberculosis of the pleura, iv. 771 Tuberculosis of the soft palate, v vi 986 Tuberculosis of the spleen, viii. 488 Tuberculosis of the urethra, viii. 744 Tuberculosis of the uterus, x. 309 Tuberculosis of the vagina, x. 510 Tuberculous ulcers of naso-pha- rynx, narcotic and emollient inhala- tions in, vii. 79 Tuberculum epiglottidis, iv. 47 TUBES, FALLOPIAN, DISEASES OF, x. 338 Anomalies of Formation, 338 Deformities of the Mouths of the Tubes, 338 ; bibliography, 338 ; general description, 338 Constriction and Closure of the Tubes, with their Results ; Hy- drops Tubarum, Hydrosalpinx, 339; bibliography, 339; etiology, 339; path- ological anatomy, 341; hydrosalpinx, 342 ; its contents, 342; natural mode of evacuation, 342; symptomatology, 343 ; diagnosis, 343; prognosis, 344; treat- ment, 344 Hemorrhage of TnE Tube, 344 Inflammation of the Tubes ; Salpingi- tis, 344 ; bibliography, 344; pathological anatomy, 345; symptomatology and diag- nosis, 346 Displacements of the Tubes, 346; eti- ology, 346 Neoplasms of the Tubes, 346; fibroids, 346; carcinoma, 347; lipomata, 347 ; tuberculosis, 347 Tubo-ovarian cysts, x. 370 Tungel, xii 583, 589, 594 Tiirck, xh. 92, 129, 149, 563, 863, 874 Tuke, xii. 826, 827, 828, 833 Tumbler water-closet, xviii 506 Tumor, biliary, ix. 545, 633 Tumor in the neck in diverticula of the oesophagus, viii. 87 Tumor in the right iliac fossa in typhilitis, viii. 320 Tumor, inflammatory, of the gall-bladder, ix. 643 Tumor of the brain, symptoms of inflammation around, xii. 756 Tumor of the pancreas, in cancer of that organ, viii. 613 Tumor, renal, of nephrophthisis, xv. 583 Tumors causing sciatica, xi. 170 compressing the medulla, xiii. 890 in etiology of encephalitis, xii. 749 of meningitis of convexity of brain, xii. 604 of pylethrombosis, ix. 792 of stenosis and occlusion of the bil- iary passages, ix. 589 Tumors, apparent, of abdomen, in hysteria, xiv. 573 Tumors at base of the brain, symp- toms of, xii. 269 Tumors at convexity of the brain, symptoms of, xii. 265 Tumors, hydatid and multiloeu- lar, of the liver, ix. 399 Tumors, intramedullary, iodide of potassium in, xiii. 756 Tumors, multiple adenoid, of the liver, ix. 397 Tumors of the abdomen due to encysted effusion in circumscribed pe- ritonitis, viii. 308 Tumors of the biliary passages, ix. 566 Tumors of the brain, effect of pres- sure of, xii. 240 following injury, xii. 733 iced compresses to skull in, xii. 287 mercury and iodide of potassium in, xii. 288 TUMORS OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRANES, xii. 231; bibliography, 231; etiology, 232; pathological anatomy, 233; 465 symptoms in general, 241 ; disturbances of the psychical functions, 245; disturbances of the nerves of sense, 248; disturbances of motion, 254 ; other disturbances, 261; special groups of symptoms, 262; according to their course, 262 ; to the nature of the neoplasm, 263 ; to the situation, 264 ; diagnosis, 283 ; prognosis, 286 ; treatment, 287 Tumors of the brain and its membranes, Case I., xii. 265 Case II., xii. 269 Case III., xii. 271 Case IV., xii. 274 Case V., xii. 276 Tumors of the cerebellum, xii 271; xiii. 891 Tumors of the corpora quadri- geinina, xh. 274 Tumors of the corpora striata, influence of, on speech, xiv. 686 Tumors of the corpus striatum and nucleus lenticularis, Bymptoms of, xii. 271 Tumors of the kidney, position of, xv. 7 TUMORS OF THE KIDNEYS, OF THE PELVIS, AND OF THE PERINEPHRITIC TISSUE, xv. 635; bibliography, 635; intro- ductory remarks, 635 Renal Cysts and Cystic Degeneration of the Kidneys, 638 ; bibliography, 638; cyst-formations in extra-uterine life, 639 ; congenital cysts, 641 Hydronephrosis, 643 ; bibliography, 643; history, 644 ; etiology, 644 ; pathological anatomy, 648; symptomatology, 651; complications and diagnosis, 654; dura- tion, termination, and prognosis, 656; treatment, 656 Cancer of the Kidney, 658; bibliog- raphy, 658 ; history, 658 ; etiology, 658; pathological anatomy, 662 ; symptoma- tology, 670 ; complications, 677 ; diag- nosis, 678; duration, course, prognosis, 683; treatment, 684 Lymphatic Neoplasms, 685 Tubercles of the Kidneys, 685; bib- liography, 685, pathology, C86 Vol. XX.—30 Tuberculosis of the pia. Turpentine, oil of. Tumors of the larynx, vh. 876 Tumors of the medulla oblonga- ta, xii 276 ; xiii. 950 cases of, xiii 896, 952 diagnosis, xhi. 956 symptoms, xiii 953 Tumors of the pons, xh. 274 Tumors of the spinal cord, xiii. 747 pathological anatomy, xhi. 748 Bymptoms, xiii. 753 Tumors of the spinal mem- branes, xiii 262 mercury and arsenic in, xiii. 276 potassium iodide and ioduretted mineral waters in, xiii. 276 trephining the vertebral column in, xih. 277 quinine in large doses in, viii. 469 Tumors of the stomach, vii. 229 Tumors of the tongue, vi. 751 Tumultus sermonis, xiv. 749, 817 Turkish bath, xviii. 374 body temperature in, xv. 220 during the use of mercury, iii. 285 in chronic nephritis, xv. 404 in neuralgia, xi. 78 in neuralgia of the sciatic nerves, xi. 179 in passive renal hyperaemia, xv. 219 in sciatica, xi. 179 Turn of life, see under Menstruation Turnbull's Ave cardinal direc- tions for vessels, xix. 224 Turner, Dr. T. J., on the hygiene of the Naval and Merchant Marine, xix. 175 Turning of the heart on its axis, vi 177 Turpentine, ethereal spirits of, in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 209 Turpentine, oil of, as an antidote in phosphorus-poisoning, xvii 641 effect of, on kidneys, xv. 192 externally, in measles, ii. 122 in the treatment of anchylostomum du- odenale, vii. 787 IND Turpentine, oil of. Typhus. INDEX. 466 Turpentine, oil of, in the treatment of bronchial asthma, iv. 577, 582, 583 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 420, 434 of catarrhal pneumonia, v. 230 of chronic bronchitis, iv. 435 of croupous pneumonia, v. 182 of echinoccocus of the kidney, hi. 589 of erysipelas, ii. 481 of gangrene of the lung, v. 182 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 910 of morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 of neuralgia, xi. 89, 91, 125, 151, 182 of obstruction of the intestines, vii. 653 of parasites of the nasal cavity, iv. 180 of poisoning by phosphorus, xvii. 641 of putrid bronchitis, ix. 915 of sciatica, xi. 182 of tape-worm, vii. 702 Turpentine inunction, in measles, ii. 122 Turpentine poisoning, a case of, xv. 195 urinary symptoms of, xv. 193 Tussis convulsiva, vi 673; see also Whooping-cough Twisted suture, use of, in arresting hemorrhage in bleeders, xvii. 99 Twisting of an ovarian cyst on its own axis, x. 371 Tympanic cavity in meningitis of convexity, xii. 601 perforation of roof of, leading to abscess of brain, xii. 719 Tympanites peritonei, in hysteria, xiv. 516 in tubercular peritonitis, viii. 333 physical signs of, viii. 266 Tyndall's respirators, xix. 264 Type-founders, xix. 49 Type-setters' cramp, xviii. 337 Typhlitis, vii. 356 ; viii. 312 enterotomy in, vii. 391 ice-water injections in, vii. 391 Typhlitis, injections in, viii. 323 leeches and ice-bags in, vii. 391 opium in, viii. 323 Typhlitis and perityphlitis, bib- liography, viii. 312 duration, results, and diagnosis, viii. 321 pathogenesis and etiology, viii. 314 pathological anatomy, viii. 317 prognosis and treatment, viii 323 symptoms, physical signs, tumor in the right iliac fossa, viii. 320 Typhlitis stercoralis, viii 315 Typhoid character in remittent fe- ver, ii 617 Typhoid epidemic meningitis, ii 703 TYPHOID FEVER, i. 37; bibliography, 37; varieties of typhus, 38 ; fundamental dif- ference between typhus and typhoid fever, 41 ; synonyms of, 42 ; history, 42 ; etiology, 44 ; bibliography, 44 ; contagiousness of, 46; pytho- genic theory of origin of, 49 ; introduction of, 52 ; excrements as means of propagation of, 53 ; vitality of poison of, 54 ; incubation in, period of, 55; infection in, mode of, 56; infection from drinking-water in, 58; development of, conditions of, 62 ; seasons in, influence of, 64 ; water-level in, influence of, 68; age in, influ- ence of, 72; sex in, influence of, 74; symptoma- tology, 77; temperature in, 80; pulse in, 82; nervous disturbances in, 86; stadium prodro- morum in, 89 ; week, first, of, 90 ; week, sec- ond, of, 91; week, third, of, 93 ; week, fourth, of, 94; lesions of, 96; Peyer's patches in, le- sions of, 98; glands in, mesenteric, lesions of, 103; glands in, lymphatic, lesion of, 103 ; spleen in, changes in, 104 ; liver in, changes in, 105; kidneys in, changes in, 106; albu- minuria in, 106; muscular tissue of heart in, degeneration of, 107; vessels in, degeneration of, 107; blood in, changes in, 108; muscles in, voluntary, degeneration of, 108; brain in, morbid changes in, 112; glands in, salivary, changes in, 113; pancreas in, changes in, 113; medulla of bones in, changes in, 114; symp- toms and lesions of, connection between, 114; lesions of, due to the fever, 116; cases which run an irregular course in, 118 ; mild and abor- tive cases of, 120 ; afebrile cases of, 124 ; diag- 467 INDEX. Turpentine, oil of. Typhus. nosis of, 126; termination and prognosis of, 131; individual peculiarities in, 139 ; prognosis of, in pregnancy, 144; complications and se- quelae, 145; hemorrhage from the bowels in, 147 ; perforation of the intestine in, 150; peri- tonitis from perforation in, 152; peritonitis without perforation in, 154; diphtheria of the intestinal mucous membrane in, 155; hemor- rhagic infarctions in, 156; spleen, rupture of, in, 156 ; liver, acute yellow atrophy of, in, 157 icterus in, 158; catarrh, pharyngeal, in, 159 parotitis in, 160; venous thrombosis in, 164 endocarditis and pericarditis in, 164 ; epistaxis in, 165; laryngeal ulcers in, 166; catarrh of the bronchi in, 166 ; hypostatic congestion of lung in, 167; oedema of lung in, 168; hemor- rhagic infarctions in lung in, 169; lobular pneumonia in, 170 ; gangrene of lung in, 172 ; general miliary tuberculosis, a sequel of, 173; phthisis, pulmonary, a sequel of, 172 ; pleurisy, a sequel of, 173; thyroid gland in, disease of 174 ; brain in, effusion of blood in, 176 ; acute meningitis in, 176 ; irritation of the brain with depression of temperature in. 178 ; syncope in, 179 ; genito-urinary organs in. srqueke in, 180; skin in, affections of, 183 ; bed-sores in, 184 ; alopecia following, 187; general disturbances following, 188; relapses in, 190; treatment, 194; prophylaxis of, 194 ; treatment, specific, 197; quinine in, 198; iodide of potassium in treatment of, 199; calomel treatment of, 200 ; comparison of modes of treatment of, 202, 220; treatment of, symptomatic, 204; cold-water treatment of, 206; cold-water treatment of, contra-indications to use of, 212 ; quinine treat- ment of, 2l4 ; digitalis treatment of, 217 ; vera- tria treatment of, 218; complications, treat- ment of, 223; dietetic treatment of, 228; ventilation and temperature in, 230; nourish- ment in, 232 ; varieties of, 38 Typhoid fever, chloride of zinc as a prophylactic in, i 196 diagnosis of, from acute diphtheritic endocarditis, vi. 79 from meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 549, 572 from simple meningitis of base, from, xh. 593 due to impure drinking-water, xviii. 593 Typhoid fever, enlargement of the spleen in, viii. 458 " ground-water theory " of its causation, xviii. 581 in etiology of acute atrophy of liver, ix. 246 of bronchial catarrh, iv. 316 of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 213 of croup, iv. 238 of diphtheritic enteritis, vii. 394 of diphtheritic inflammation of the bile- ducts, ix. 538 of encephalitis, xii. 715, 722 of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 of hyperemia of the liver, ix. 63 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 445 of metastatic meningitis, xii 627 of pachymeningitis interna, xii 403 of pleuritis, iv. 598 in military camps, xix. 149 laryngitis, a complication of, iv. 201 origin of, xviii. 576 relations of, to miliary tuberculosis, v. 626 sulphate of iron a prophylactic in, i 195 Typhoid fever and polluted water-supply, xviii. 593 Typhoid fever and sewer-air, xviii. 587 Typhoid form of pneumonia, y. 124 Typhoid form of ulcerative en- docarditis, vi 72 Typhoid scarlatina, ii. 268 Typhomania, i 37 Typhus, anatomical definition at- tempted, i. 37 classified according to etiology, i. 39 different forms have distinct poisons, i. 39 early divisions of, i 38 in etiology of catarrh of the bile- ducts, ix. 514 of cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 170 of deaf-mutism, xiv. 870 Typhus. Cnguenlnm hydrargyri. Typhus, in etiology of hypertrophic cir- rhosis of the liver, ix. 221 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii. 448 of pachymeningitis interna, xii 399 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vii. 795 inflammation of the Malpighian corpus- cles of the spleen in, viii. 442 jaundice in, ix. 28 non-identity of different forms, i 39 parotitis in course of, vi. 845 statistics of contagiousness, i. 45 Typhus abdominalis, see Typhoid Fever synonyms of, i 42 Typhus ambulatorius, i 141 Typhus and relapsing fever, mutually predisposing, i 273 Typhus and typhoid fevers, fundamental difference between, i. 41 Typhus cerebralis apoplecticus, ii. 687 Typhus biliosus, i 287 Typhus exanthematicus, i 301, see also Typhus Fever Ulcer of the mucous membrane of the gall-bladder, ix. 542 Ulcer of the skin following gout, xvi. 113 Ulcer of the stomach, vii 192 as a cause of cicatricial stricture of the oesophagus, viii. 31 as a complication of anaamia, xvi 411 of chlorosis, xvi. 551 in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 92, 94 Ulcer of syphilis, iii. 79 Ulcer, solitary, of the stomach, vh. 195 Ulcer, syphilitic, of the larynx, vii. 871 468 TYPHUS FEVER, i. 301; bibliography, 301; history, 302; etiology, 304 ; geographical distribution of, 304; propagation, mode of, in, 307 ; sex and age in, 311 ; symptomatology in, 313 ; temperature in, 320; digestive system in, 328; respiratory system in, 329; urinary sys- tem in, 330; nervous system in, 330; compli- cations of 331 ; duration and progress, 3o2; mortality of, 332; pathological anatomy, 333; diagnosis, 335; prognosis, 336; treatment, 337 Typhus fever, on shipboard, xix. 221 Typhus fever and measles, dif- ferentiation of, ii 107 Typhus, petechial, i 301 Typhus recurrens, in etiology of jaundice, ix. 18 Typhus, spotted, in etiology of hyper- aemia of liver, ix. 63 Typhus-spleen, influence of cold water on, viii. 418 Tyrosin, in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 258, 273 in expectoration of bronchiectasis, ix. 894 Tyson, James, on food and drink, xviii 143 Ulcera scorbutica, xvii 154 Ulceration, in etiology of amyloid de- generation of the liver, ix. 412 Ulceration of endocardium, pro- cess of, vi. 66 Ulceration of the intestine, ix. 741 Ulceration of the oesophagus from cancer, viii. 178 Ulceration of the tongue from teething, vi. 772 Ulceration, tubercular, of mu- cous membrane, v. 662 Ulcerations, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 216, 220 u )EX. 469 INDEX Typhus. Uugueutum hydrargyri. Ulcerations, in etiology of chronic na- Ulcers of the intestines, vh. 396 sal catarrh, iv. 137, 141 Ulcers of the larynx, vii. 832 Ulcerations of the aorta, in etiol- Ulcers of the oesophagus, viii ogy of haematothorax, iv. 740 159 Ulcerations of mucous mem- ice internally and externally in, viii. branes, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 324 165 Ulcerations of the nasal cavity, revulsions and astringents in, vhi. 166 iv. 148 catarrhal form of, viii. 137 Ulcerative endocarditis, vi 64; corrosive form of, viii 157 see also Endocarditis, Acute Diphthe- diphtheritic form of, viii. 143 ritic follicular form of, viii. 141 as a cause of meningitis, xh. 622 variolous form of, viii. 146 symptoms of meningitis in, xh. 634 Ulcers of the os uteri, x. 153 Ulcerous angina, vi 922 Ulcers of the stomach and intes- Ulcers, aphthous, of the larynx, vh. 838 tines, liability of, to lead to peritoni- catarrhal, of intestines, vii. 399 tis, viii. 226 cicatrization of, in etiology of constric- Ulcers, peptic, of the intestines, tion of the intestines, vii. 629 vii 403 of gastralgia, vii. 299 Ulcers, phthisical, follicular, of following poisoning by sulphuric acid, the larynx, vii. 835 xvii. 331 Ulcers, stercoral, vii 491 in etiology of chronic gastritis, vii. 167 Ulcers, tuberculous, of the intes- of hemorrhage of the biliary pas- tines, vii 406 sages, ix. 564 Ulnar nerve, paralysis of, xi 556 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 365 Umbilical cord, xvhi 77 of intestinal hemorrhage, vii 446 falling off of, in etiology of tetanus, xiv. of laryngitis phlegmonosa, vii. 794 320 of perichondritis laryngea, vii 815 ligation of, xviii. 79 of rupture of the stomach, vii. 337 treatment of the normal and pathological of stenosis of the biliary passages, conditions of, xviii 77-80 ix. 584 Umbilical hemorrhages of new- in the naso-pharyngeal cavity, in syphhis, born children, xvii. 27 vh. 80 Umbilical vein, syphhitic disease of, in tuberculosis, vii. 76 vi. 493 intestinal, affections of peritoneum in Umbilicus, condition of wounds at, in etiology of, vii. 416 trismus neonatorum, xiv. 327 intestinal, in erysipelas, ii. 461 inflammatory redness, etc., about the, in in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 95 tubercular peritonitis, viii. 333 h) typhoid fever, i. 99 Unconsciousness due to anaemia, xvi. prolonged coprostasis in etiology of, 391 vii. 609 in compression of the brain, xii. 666 pus in, vii 412 sudden, in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. laryngeal, from corrosion or infection, 549 vii. 839 Unguentum hydrargyri, in croup- rendered sluggish by sewer-air, xviii. ous bronchitis, iv. 468 590 in pleuritis, iv. 686 Ulcers of the gall-ducts, ix. 546 in whooping-cough, vi 727 Unguentum plumb! tannic!. I) rinary casts. Unguentum plumbi tannici, con- stituents of, i. 233 1. Freshly precipitated tannate of lead. 2. Glycerite of starch. in bed-sores, i. 227 Unilateral anaemia of the brain, xii. 16 Unilateral convulsions, in epileptic attacks, xiv. 246 Unilateral haematometra, x. 58 Unilateral lesion of the spinal cord? xiii. 646 UNILATERAL PROGRESSIVE ATRO- PHY OF THE FACE, xiv. 57; bibliography, 57 ; history, 58 ; etiology, 59 ; symptomatology and course, 60 ; analysis of the symptoms, 64 ; vaso-motor and trophic theory, 65 ; implication of the trigeminus, 67 ; implication of the facial nerve, 69; implication of the cervical sympa- thetic, 70; theory of Lande, 71; diagnosis and prognosis, 72; treatment, 74 Unilateral weakness in cerebral syphilis, xii. 321 Unit of area for sanitary administra- tion, xviii. 44 Upper lid, impaired motion of the, in ■Basedow's disease, xiv. 82, 93 Uraemia, acute form of, xv. 109 cases of, xv. 133, 136, 142 cephalalgia in, xi. 140 chronic form of, xv. 110 iin explanation of the brain symptoms in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 284 . in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 570 in the nephritis of pregnancy, xv. 313, 319 of the f oetus in utero, xv. 323 solid constituents of blood in, xv. 131 sudden deaths from, xv. 141 Uraemia and tumor of the brain, differential diagnosis of, xii. 285 Uraemic attacks in scarlatina, ii. 314 of chronic nephritis, xv. 369 Uraemic convulsions, a case of, xv. 526 470 Uraemic convulsions, hydrate of chloral in, xv. 303 temperature in, xv. 146 treatment of, xv. 301 venesection in, xv. 302 Uraemic symptoms, causes of, xv. 130 in chronic nephritis, xv. 342 in scarlatina, ii. 260 treatment of, xv. 299 Urea, amount of, in diabetes insipidus, xvi 1024 converted into carbonate of ammonia, xv. 114 deposited on the skin in uraemia, xv. 129 diminution of, in intermittent hepatic fever, ix. 756 effect of, in the body, xv. 126 excreted in diabetes, xvi. 927 in the blood of patients affected with re- nal cirrhosis, xv. 450 in diabetic urine, xvi. 898 in the urine of chronic nephritis, xv. 361 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 446 in vomited matter, in hysteria, xiv. 529 increased secretion of, in malarial dis- eases, h. 639 influence of diet on excretion of, xv. 29 mean average amount of, in healthy urine, xv. 28 proportion of, in blood of uraemia, xv. 130 quantities excreted under different bodily conditions, xviii 328 varying percentage of, in healthy urine, xv. 27 way of ascertaining quantity of: Liebig's titrir method, xv. 26 Uretero-vaginal fistula, x. 519 Urethra, cauterization of the prostatic portion of, in the treatment of sper- matorrhoea, vhi 876 chronic inflammation of, as a cause of morbid pollutions, viii. 843 congenital defects, viii. 741 discharge of an albuminoid fluid from, with the urine, or while at stool, in healthy men, viii 855 )EX. 471 Urethra, discharge of a mucous fluid from, during erection, in healthy men, viii. 854 pain in, in hysteria, xiv. 503 URETHRA, DISEASES OF THE, vih. 741 Congenital Defects, 741 ; general de- scription, 741 Simple Inflammation, 743 ; general de- scription, 743 Tubercular Inflammation,744 ; general description, 744 Gonorrhoea, 746; history, 746; nature of the disease, 749; anatomical charac- ters, 752; symptoms and course, 754; etiology, 754 ; diagnosis, 755 ; prognosis, 756; treatment, 757; gonorrhoea in the male, 758 ; etiology, 758; symptomatol- ogy, 759; slight, superficial, sero-puru- lent, and mucous gonorrhoeo-catarrh, 760; inflammatory pyorrhoea, 761; path- ological anatomy, 763 ; chronic pyorrhoea, gleet, 763; diagnosis, 766; prognosis, 767 ; treatment, 768; treatment of chronic pyorrhoea, 777; balanitis, 780; treatment, 781; inflammation of lymphatics and lymphatic glands in consequence of gon- orrhoea, 782 ; inflammation of the sub- mucous connective tissue and of the peri-urethral glands, 783; prostatitis, 784; catarrh, 784; suppurative prosta- titis, 785; prognosis, 786; treatment, 786 ; inflammation of the spermatic cord and of the epididymus, 787; prognosis, 790; treatment, 790; cystitis, etc., 791; prognosis, 793 ; treatment, 793 ; stricture of the urethra, 794 ; etiology, 794 ; symp- tomatology, 795; diagnosis, prognosis, 798 ; treatment, 799 ; contagious pyor- rhoea in females, 801; symptomatology, 801; diagnosis, 804; prognosis, treat- ment, 805; gonorrhoea of the rectum, 808; general description, 808; treatment, 808 ; gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, 809; symp- tomatology, 810; diagnosis, 811; prog- nosis, 812 ; treatment, 812 ; gonorrhoeal rheumatism, 814 ; symptomatology, 816 ; prognosis, 816; treatment, 817; pointed condylomata, 817; general description, 817 Unguentum plumbl tannici. Urinary casts. Urethra, diseases of the, in etiology of hysteria, xiv. 485 Urethra, simple inflammation of, forms, symptoms, vih. 743 prognosis, treatment, viii 744 Urethra, stricture of the, as a cause of aspermatism, vih. 904 diagnosis, prognosis, viii. 798 dilatation of bougies, viii. 799 mode of development, vih. 794 secondary changes dependent on, viii 795 symptoms, viii 796 treatment, viii. 799 urethrotomy in, viii 800 Urethra, tubercular inflamma- tion of, prognosis, treatment, viii. 745 symptoms, viii. 744 Urethral nerve, neuralgia in, xi 186 Urethral pyorrhoea in the male, viii 758 Urethritis contagiosa in the male, viii. 758 Urethritis, gonorrheal, in females, viii. 801 Urethritis mucosa simplex, symp- toms, viii 743 Urethritis, syphilitic, iii. 50 Urethritis, tubercular, viii. 744 Urethro-vaginal fistula, x. 519 Uric acid in the blood of gouty patients, xvi. 119 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1025 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 900 in urine of heart disease, xv. 211 increase of the excretion of, in leucaemia, viii 389 source of, in gout, xvi. 124 Uric acid calculi, xv. 700 Uric acid infarctions, xv. 694 Urinals, xvih. 506, 762 Urinary apparatus, in spinal menin- gitis, xiii. 240 Urinary casts, xv. 75 chemical nature of, xv. 82 IND Urinary casts. Uterine cancer. INDEX. 472 Urinary casts, mode of origin of, xv. 83 Urine, changes in, in chlorosis, xvi. 521 of amyloid kidney, xv. 511 in chronic cystitis, vih. 689 significance of, xv. 87, 93 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 196 Urinary casts and albumen, rela- in concussion of the brain, xii 660 tions of, xv. 88 in the course of pericarditis, vi. 605 Urinary disorders, a common accom- in diabetes insipidus, xvi 1005, 1022 paniment of anteflexion of the uterus, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871, 893 x. 168 in diphtheria, i 603 Urinary fistulae resulting from stric- in diseases of the spleen, viii. 388 ture of the urethra, vhi. 797 in echinococcus of the kidney, xv. Urinary passages, anaesthesia of, in 750 hysteria, xiv. 509 in gout, xvi. 109, 112, 120 passage of gall-stones into the, ix. 730 in jaundice, ix. 21, 22 Urinary secretion, centre of, in me- in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 487 dulla oblongata, xiii. 862 in leucaemia, viii. 521 changes in, in hysteria, xiv. 529 in malacosteon, xvi. 224 in renal disorders, xv. 10 in meningitis, xii. 536, 540, 608, 616, Urinary symptoms, in diseases of the 642, 654 spinal cord, xiii. 132 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 715 Urination, disturbances of, in acute in pylethrombosis, ix. 801 cystitis, viii. 677 in renal cancer, xv. 674 in acute spinal meningitis, xiii. 236, in spinal apoplexy, xiii 299 240 in spinal disease, xiii. 131 in calculus vesicae, viii. 728 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 132 in chronic cystitis, viii. 689 in syphilitic hepatitis, ix. 234 in cystitis, viii. 791 in tumors of the brain, xii. 261 in gonorrhoea in women, viii. 801 chemical composition of, in diseases of in new-growths in the bladder, vhi. the kidney, xv. 23 737 chylous, xv. 32 in spinal irritation, xiii 363 appearances of, vi. 538 in stricture of the urethra, viii. 796 circumstances affecting amount of secre- in tumors of the medulla oblongata, tion, xvi 1017 xhi. 955 color and other general features of, xv. Urine, after cholera, xv. 234 17 appearance of blood in the, xv. 69 condition of, during attacks of renal causes influencing the quantity of, xv. colic, xv. 711 12 in a case of nephritis during preg- changed composition of, in scurvy, xvii. nancy, xv. 317 165 in acute cystitis, viii. 677 changes in, after epileptic attacks, xiv. in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 253 233 in acute myocarditis, vi. 236 in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 273 in acute parenchymatous nephritis, in acute rheumatism, xvi. 33, 40 xv. 274 in amyloid disease of the kidneys, in anaemia, xvi 406 xv. 507, 624 in apoplexy, xii. 102 in anaemia, xvi. 347, 353, 406 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 345, 402 in cancer of the bladder, viii 738 in cancer of the liver, ix. 386 473 INHFX Urinary casts. *'° UNUliA. Uterine cancer. Urine, condition of, in caphlary bron- chitis, iv. 374 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 720 in cholera, i. 427 in chorea, xiv. 441 in chronic jaundice, ix. 607 in chronic parenchymatous nephritis, xv. 353 in dengue, ii. 511 in dysentery, i. 553 in erysipelas, ii. 460 in influenza, ii. 531 in malarial diseases, ii. 638 in measles, ii. 31, 81 in miliary fever, ii. 499 in pleuritis, iv. 640 in pneumonia, v. 97 in pneumothorax, iv. 757 in progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 128 in progressive pernicious anaemia, xvi. 579 in relapsing fever, i. 276 in scarlet fever, ii. 241, 245, 259 in simple atrophy of the liver, ix. 311 in small-pox, ii. 348 in tetanus, xiv. 352 in typhoid fever, i 106 in typhus fever, i 318, 330 in valvular heart disease, xv. 205 in yellow fever, i. 498 decrease of its solid elements, in scurvy, xvii 166 diminution in quantity of, in acute atro- phy of the liver, ix. 287 effects of exercise on, xvhi. 326 elimination of, in the newly-born, xvih. 84 examination of, in renal disorders, xv. 11 formed elements of, in renal disease, xv. 72 incontinence of, viii 719 meaning of pus in the, xv. 74 normal average quantity of, xv. 15 of nephritis in pregnancy, xv. 312, 316 of nephrophthisis, xv. 581 Urine, of perinephritis, xv. 596 cf pyelitis, xv. 570 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 431 of suppurative nephritis, xv. 553 origin of epithelium in the, xv. 74 peculiarities of, in heart disease, vi. 112 presence of fat in the, in disease of the pancreas, viii. 573 reaction of, xv. 23 retention of, viii 708 from paralysis of the bladder, viii 708 in acute cystitis, viii. 678 in concussion of the spinal cord, xhi. 350 in etiology of acute and chronic cys- titis, viii 676, 688 in new-growths in the bladder, viii 737 specific gravity of, xv. 19 , suppression of, in poisoning by ergot, xvh. 908 in poisoning by iodine, xvii. 300 in poisoning by mercury, xvii 604 in poisoning by opium, xvii. 850 in yellow fever, i 500 table of, in a case of nephritis following syphilis, xv. 333 tables of, in chronic nephritis, xv. 354 theory of the secretion of, xv. 375 Urine analysis, important points in, xv. 24 Urine and faeces, alleged escape of, from unnatural situations, in hysteria, xiv. 539 Uro-genital fistulae, x. 513 their closure by sutures, x. 524 Urticaria, a complication of difficult dentition, vi. 774 among carders of cotton, xix. 40 an occasional complication of morbus maculosus, xvii. 269 in neuralgia, xi. 54 Uspensky, xii 120,121 Utensils, disinfection of, xix. 568 Uterine cancer, actual cautery in, x. 293 Uterine cancer. Uterus. INDEX. 474 Uterine cancer, bromine locally in, x. 291 excision and cauterization of, x. 289 iodoform locally in, x. 296 scraping by sharp spoons in, x. 292 Uterine contractions, innerva- tion for, xhi. 57 Uterine displacements causing sci- atica, xi. 170 Uterine fibroids, ergot for hemorrhage of, x. 257 hypodermic injection of ergotine in, x. 250 intra-uterine injections in, x. 258 laparotomy in, x. 254 Uterine fibroids, interstitial, enu- cleation of, x. 252 Uterine fibroids, submucous, enu- cleation of, x. 252 Uterine fibrous polypi, excision of, x. 264 ligation of, x. 264 UTERINE LIGAMENTS AND THE ADJACENT PORTIONS OF THE PERI- TONEUM, DISEASES OF THE, x. 443 Diseases of the Ligamenta Rotunda, 443 ; bibliography, 443 Hydrocele of the Round Ligament, 443 ; bibliography, 443 ; its characteris- tics, 444 Perimetritis, or Pelveo-Peritonitis, and Parametritis, 444; bibliography, 444 ; their relations, 445 Perimetritis, Pelveo-Peritonitis, 445; etiology, 445; pathological anatomy, 448; symptomatology and course, 452; the chronic form, 452; the acute form, 453 ; adhesions, 454; their results, 456; diagnosis, 458; prognosis, 460; treat- ment, 460 Parametritis, 462; etiology, 462 ; patho- logical anatomy, 462; symptomatology and course, 463; diagnosis, 466; prog- nosis, 467; treatment, 467 Retro-Uterine Hematocele, 467; bib- liography, 467; definition and mode of occurrence, 468; pathological anatomy, 469; etiology, 470; Bources of the hem- orrhage, 472 ; from the Fallopian tubes, 473 ; from the ovaries, 474; from the broad ligaments, 474 ; from the pelvic peritoneum, 474; hemorrhagic diathesis, 475 ; symptomatology, 475 ; partial peri- tonitis, 476 ; internal hemorrhage, 477; pelvic tumor, 477 ; course of the disease, 480; the ultimate result, 480; perfora- tions, 480; diagnosis, 481; the differen- tial diagnosis, 482; from perimetritis, 482; from retroflexion of the gravid ute- rus, 482; from ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids, 482; from extra-uterine preg- nancy, 482; from retro-uterine carcino- mata, 483; prognosis, 483; treatment, 484; artificial evacuation, 484 Ante-Uterine Hematocele, 485; defi- nition, 485; etiology, 485 Thrombus or Hematoma of the Con- nective Tissue (Hematocele Extra- Peritonealis), 486; general charac- teristics, 486 Cysts, 487; bibliography, 487; general description, 487 Myoma, Fibroma, and Fibbo-myoma, 488; their origin, 488 Carcinoma and Tuberculosis,488; their characteristics, 488 Uterine lymphangitis, vi. 519 Uterine papillomata, removal of, by scissors or eeraseur, x. 272 Uterine sarcoma, extirpation of, x. 309 Uterine secretion, increase of, in hysteria, xiv. 530 Uterine sound, x. 15 Uterus, action of ergot upon, xvii. 899 atresia of, the surgical treatment of, x. 57 congenital atrophy of, tonics in, x. 43 , the uterine sound and intra-uterine pessary in, x. 43 displacements of: methods of replace- ment in, x. 172 use of intra-uterine pessary in, x. 173 use of various pessaries in, x. 176 gonorrhoeal inflammation of the, viii. 803 in yellow fever, i 505 475 INDEX. Uterine cancer. Uterus. Uterns, inversion of, amputation of ute- rus in, x. 221 the colpeurynter in, x. 219 rubber tampons in, x. 219 pain in, in hysteria, xiv. 503 physiology of contractions of, xiii. 37 prolapse of, amputation of cervix in, x. 206 elytrorrhaphy in, x. 208 episiorrhaphy in, x. 211 kolporraphia anterior in, x. 209 vaginal pessaries in, x. 202 various hysterophors in use for, x. 204 round worms in, vii. 745 Btenosis of, dilatation by bougies and tents in, x. 69 dilatation by Simpson's metrotome, x. 70 division of cervix in, x. 70 suppurative processes in, in etiology of hepatic abscess, ix. 96 UTERUS, DISEASES OF THE, x. 32 Malformations, 32; bibliography, 32; entire absence and rudimentary develop- opment of the uterus, uterus bipartitus, 33; bibliography, 33 ; uterus unicornis, with or without a rudimentary horn of the opposite side, 36 ; uterus duplex, 38 ; uterus bicornis, 38; uterus septus, 39; uterus fcetalis and infantilis, 40; bibli- ography, 40; congenital atrophy of the uterus, 42; bibliography, 42 ; atresia of the uterus, vagina, or vulva ha?mato- metra, hydrometra, 43; bibliography 43; congenital malformations, 44; atre- sia of the hymen, 44; atresia of the va- gina, 44; atresia of the uterus, 45; ac- quired atresia, 46; various effects, 47; the Fallopian tubes, 48; symptomatol- ogy, 51; results, 51 ; diagnosis, 53; prognosis, 56; treatment, 57 Unilateral Hematometra, with Du- plication of the Genital Canal, 58; bibliography, 58; etiology, 58; pathological anatomy, 60 ; different vari- eties of the malformation, 60; symptoma- tology, 61; terminations, 62 ; diagnosis, 62; prognosis, 64; treatment, 64 Stenosis of the Uterus, 65; etiology and pathological anatomy, 65 ; symp- tomatology, 66 ; dysmenorrheas, 66; me- tritis and perimetritis, 67; sterility, 67; diagnosis, 68 ; prognosis, 69 ; treatment, 69; by dilatation, 69; by operation, 69 Hypertrophy of the Uterus, 72; gen- eral hypertrophy, 72; bibliography, 72 ; etiology, 72 ; pathological anatomy, 74 ; symptomatology, 74; diagnosis, 75; treatment, 75 Hypertrophy of the Cervix, 75; bibli- ography, 75; hypertrophy of the infra- vaginal portion, 76 ; bibliography, 76; etiology, 76 ; pathological anatomy, 76; symptomatology, 77; diagnosis, 78 ; prognosis, 78; treatment, 79; hyper- trophy of the supravaginal portion of the cervix, 80 ; bibliography, 80 ; etiology, 81 ; pathological anatomy, 82; symp- tomatology, 83; diagnosis, 84; prog- nosis, 85 ; treatment, 85 ; hypertrophy of the median portion of the cervix, 87; etiology, 87"; pathological anatomy, 88; symptomatology, 89; diagnosis, 90; treatment, 90 Atrophy of the Uterus, 93; bibli- ography, 93; etiology and pathological anatomy, 93; senile atrophy, 93 ; puer- peral atrophy, 94; atrophy from other causes, 95 Inflammation of the Parenchyma of the Uterus, Metritis, 96; acute me- tritis, 96 ; bibliography, 96 ; etiology, 96 ; pathological anatomy, 96; symptoma- tology, 97; the formation of abscess, 98; diagnosis, 99 ; prognosis, 100; treat- ment, 100; chronic nephritis, infarction of the uterus, 101 ; bibliography, 101; question of name, 101; etiology, 103; pathological anatomy, 105; symp- tomatology, 106; subjective symp- toms, 106; objective symptoms, 108 ; terminations, 109; diagnosis, 110; prognosis, 111; treatment, 112 ; general measures, 112; local depletion, bloodlet- ting, 113; apphcation of cold, 116 ; regu- lar evacuations of the bladder and rec- Uterus. I villa-holders. INDEX. 476 turn, 117; resort to various mineral springs, 118; comparative values of mineral waters and local treatment, 121; internal administration of iodine, 121; the douche, 121; sitz-baths, 122; Priess- nitz' compresses, 122; local application of iodine, 122; amputation of the cer- vix, 123 ; various methods, 1& Inflammation of the Mucous Mem- brane, 126; acute endometritis, 126; bibliography, 126; etiology, 126; path- ology, 126; symptomatology, 127; prog- nosis, 128; diagnosis, 128; treat- ment, 128; chronic endometritis, ca- tarrh of the uterus, 129 ; bibliography, 129; general considerations, 129.—Ca- tarrh of the whole Mucous Membrane, 130; etiology, 130; pathological anat- omy, 130; symptomatology, 131; diag- nosis, 133; prognosis, 133; treatment, 133; bibliography, 133; prophylaxis, 134; general regimen, 134; baths, 134; the question of local treatment, 134; various methods, 135; intra-uterine in- jections of fluids, 137; objections to their use, 137; selection of cases, 138; different drugs, 139; the use of the gal- vano-cautery, 139.—Endometritis Cer- vicis, Catarrh of the Cervix, Ectropion of the Os Uteri, Enlarged Follicles, Ovula Nabothi, 139; bibliography, 139; etiology, 139; pathological anatomy, 140 ; sympto- matology, 143 ; diagnosis, 143; prognosis, 143 ; treatment, 143 ; caustics, 143; eva- cuation of contents of the follicles, 144 ; actual cautery, 145 ; amputation of the cervix, 145 Mucous Polypi, 145; bibliography, 145; etiology, 145; pathological anatomy, 146; symptomatology, 147; diagnosis, 148; prognosis, 148; treatment, 149 Follicular Hypertrophy of the Lips of the Uterus, 149 ; bibliography, 149; etiology, 150; pathological anatomy, 150; symptomatology, 152; diagnosis, 152; treatment, 152 Erosions and Ulcers of the Vaginal Portion of the Uterus, 153; bibliog- raphy, 153; the simple erosion, 153 ; the papillary erosion, 153; follicular ulcer, 155; phagedenic or corroding ulcer of the uterus, 156; chancre of the vaginal portion, 156 Displacement of the Uterus, 157; versions and flexions, 157; bibliography, 157; history, 157; definition and eti- ology, 158; pathological anatomy, 164; sequelae, 167; symptomatology of ante- flexion, 167; of retroflexion, 168; of ante- version, 169; of retroversion, 169 ; diag- nosis, 169 ; prognosis, 170 ; treatment, 171; general measures, 171; mechanical means, 172; replacement of the womb, 172; by manual means, 172; by instru- mental means, 173; methods of retaining the uterus in position, 175; vaginal pessa- ries, 175; intra-uterine pessaries, 178; se- lection of cases for the use of intra-uterine pessaries, 182; operations, 183; pallia- tive treatment, 184; lateral deviations of the uterus, 185; bibliography, 185; etiology, 185; symptomatology, 186; treatment, 186; excessive mobility of the uterus, 186; etiology, 186; symptom- atology, 187 ; diagnosis, 187 ; treatment, 186; descent and prolapse of the uterus, 188; bibliography, 188; history, 188; etiology, 189 ; pathological anatomy, 191; different grades of prolapse, 191; changes in the vagina, 192; changes in the uterus, 193 ; changes in the cervix uteri, 193; changes in relations of other pelvic viscera, 194; symptomatology, 196; pain and dragging in the back, 197 ; urinary disorders, 197 ; mechani- cal injuries to the tumor, 197; men- struation and sterility, 198; diagnosis, 198; differential diagnosis, 199; prog- nosis, 199; spontaneous cure, 199; treat- ment, 200; general measures, 200; re- duction of the uterus, 201; means of retention, 202; pessaries, 202 ; the Roser and Scanzoni hysterophor, 205; band- ages, 205 ; radical cure, 206; amputation of the cervix, 206; cauterization, 208; elytrorrhaphy, 208; kolporraphia anterior (Sims), 209; episiorrhaphy, 210; episioel- ytrorrhaphy, 212 ; kolporraphia anterior (Simon), 212 ; perine-auxesis, 213; am- putation of the entire uterus, 214; eleva- tion of the uterus, 214; etiology, 214 • pathological anatomy, 214 * 477 INDEX. Inversion of the Uterus, 215; bibliog- raphy, 215 ; etiology, 215; pathological anatomy, 216; different degrees of inver- sion, 216 ; symptomatology, 217 ; diag- nosis, 217 ; prognosis, 218 ; treatment, 218; reduction of the tumor, 218; by instrumental means, 219; by manipula- tion, 219; the use of ergot, 220; gastro- tomy, 220; amputation, 221; different methods of operation, 221 Hernia of the Uterus, 222; bibliog- raphy, 222; etiology, 222; diagnosis, 222; treatment, 222 Fibroids of the Uterus (myorr a, fibro- myoma, leiomyoma), 222 ; bibliography, 222; etiology, 223 ; pathological anatomy, 224; softening, 226 ; induration, 226; calcification, 227; suppuration, 228 ; the mixed tumors, 228; degeneration into carcinoma, 229; into sarcoma, 229; fibroid of the body of the uterus, 230; the subserous fibroid, 230; the submu- cous fibroid, 232 ; the interstitial, intra- parietal, or intramural fibroids, 233; fibroid of the cervix, 236; symptomatol- ogy, 237; the subserous fibroids, 238 ; the fibrocystic tumors, 239; the sub- mucous fibroids, 239; the interstitial fibroids, 240; the cervical fibroids, 241 ; termination of fibroids, 241; arrest of growth, 241; disappearance of the tumor, 241; expulsion of the tumor, 243 ; per- foration into other organs, 244; diag- nosis, 245 ; the subserous fibroids, 245 ; the interstitial fibroids, 246; the sub- mucous fibroids, 248; prognosis, 248; treatment, 249; internal general treat- ment, 249; hypodermic use of ergotine, 250; electricity, 251; removal of fibroids through the vagina, 251 ; bibliography, 251; the operation, 252; its dangers, 253; removal of fibroids by laparotomy, 254; bibliography, 254; the operation, 254 ; symptomatic treatment, 255 Fibrous Polypi, 259; bibliography, 259 ; pathological anatomy, 259; symptoma- tology, 261; diagnosis, 262; prognosis, 263; treatment, 263; ligation, 264; ex- cision, 264; symptomatic treatment, 267 Uterine Cysts, 268; papillary tumors of Uterus. Uvula-holders. the uterus, 268 ; bibliography, 268 ; eti- ology, 269 ; pathological anatomy, 270 ; symptomatology, 271; diagnosis, 271; prognosis, 272; treatment, 272 Cancer of the Cervix Uteri, 272; bib- liography, 272 ; etiology, 273 ; influence of race, 273; of age. 273; of sexual in- dulgence, 275 ; hereditary descent, 275 ; depression of mind, 276; pathological anatomy, 276; symptomatology, 283; duration of the disease, 286; diagnosis, 287 ; prognosis, 288 ; treatment, 289 Carcinoma of the Body of tde Uterus, 297; bibliography, 297; etiology, 297; influence of age, 298; of child-bearing, 298 ; pathological anatomy, 298; symp- tomatology, 299; diagnosis, 301 ; treat- ment, 302 Sarcoma of the Uterus, 302; bibliog- raphy, 302; sarcoma of the mucous mem- brane, 303; etiology, 303; influence of age, 303 ; pathological anatomy, 304 ; symptomatology, 304; diagnosis, 305; prognosis, 305; sarcoma of the paren- chyma, 306; etiology. 306 ; influence of age, 306; pathological anatomy, 306; symptomatology, 307 ; diagnosis, 309; prognosis, 309 ; treatment, 309 Tuberculosis of the Uterus, 309 ; bib- liography, 309 ; symptomatology, ,310; diagnosis, 310 Echinococci OF THE Uterus, 310; bib- liography, 310; history, 311 Hysteralgia, 311; bibliography, 311; etiology, 312; pathology, 312; symptom- atology, 312; treatment, 312 Uva ursi in chronic cystitis, viii. 696 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 Uvula, as a source of embarrassment in rhinoscopy, iv. 65 chronic inflammation of, vi. 899 elongated, in etiology of chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 213 in apoplexy, xii 115 oedema of, in chronic angina, vi. 898 Uvula-holder, with rhinoscope, iv. 66 Uvula-holders, iv. 66 Vaccination. __^^^, A^d Valsalva. INDEX. 478 V Vaccination, ii. 401; xix. 523 as a cause of infantile peritonitis, vih. 288 of scrofulosis, xvi. 773 compulsory, xix. 277, 526 course of, ii. 403 danger of conveying syphilis by, ii. 409 ; iii. 61, 269 danger of profuse hemorrhage from, in bleeders, xvii. 35, 95 dangers of, ii. 407 discovery of, by Jenner, ii. 401 effect of, on mortahty of smah-pox, ii. 392 efficacy of, ii. 405 in early stages of small-pox, ii. 395 in the etiology of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 114 of scrofula, v. 485; xvi. 773 in the stage of incubation of small-pox, ii. 395 in, the treatment of syphilis, iii 309 influence of, on varicella, ii. 25 mode of performing, ii. 414 period of immunity secured by, ii. 406 precautions to be observed, ii. 409, 411 proper age for, in children, ii. 413 rules to prevent conveying syphhis by, iii. 269 should be made compulsory by law, ii. 416 transmission of syphilis by. iii. 61 transmission of various other eruptions by, ii. 410 Vaccination and syphilis, iii 64 Vaccine lymph, mixture of, with gly- cerine, h. 413 preservation in capillary tubes, ii. 412 when to be obtained, ii. 412 Vaccinia and small-pox, identity of fungus, i 249 Vacuum system of ventilation, xviii 712 Vagi, influence of, on congestion of pia, xh. 438 Vagina, round-worms in, vii. 745 Vagina, acute inflammation of, x. 492 Vagina, affections of, in scrofulosis, xvi. 798 Vagina, atresia of, x. 44 Amussat's operation for, x. 57 Vagina, cancer of, x. 509 Vagina, chronic catarrh of, x. 497 Vagina, croupous and diphthe- ritic inflammation of, x. 494 VAGINA, DISEASES OF THE, x. 488 Complete Non-development and Ru- dimentary Formation, 488; bibliog- raphy, 488; their characteristics, 489 Vagina Unilateralis, 489 Vagina Septa, 490 Congenital Smallness of the Vagina, 490; treatment, 490 Atresia of the Vagina, 491 Inflammation of the Vagina, Vagini- tis, Colpitis, Elythritis, 491; bibli- ography, 491 Acute Catarrhal Inflammation, 491; etiology, 491; pathological anatomy, 492; symptomatology, 493; treatment, 493 Croupous and Diphtheritic Inflam- mation, 494; etiology, 494; pathological anatomy, 494 ; symptomatology, 495; di- agnosis, 495; treatment. 496 Perivaginitis Phlegmonosa Dissecans, 496; bibliography, 496 Chronic Catarrh, Fluor Albus, Leu- corrhosa, 496; etiology, 496 ; patholo- gical anatomy, 497; symptomatology, 498; treatment, 498 Prolapse, 500; bibliography, 500; etiol- ogy, 500; pathological anatomy, 503; 479 cystocele, 503 ; reotocele, 503 ; enterocele and ovariocele, 504; symptomatology, 505; diagnosis, 505; prognosis, 505 ; treatment, 506 Cysts, 506 ; bibliography, 506; etiology, 506; pathological anatomy, 506; symp- tomatology, 507 ; diagnosis, 507; treat- ment, 508 Fibroids, 508 ; bibliography, 508 ; general characteristics, 508 ; treatment, 508 Polpi, 508; bibliography, 509; their characteristics, 508 ; treatment, 509 Carcinoma, 509; bibliography, 5C9 ; path- ological anatomy, 509; symptomatology, 509; treatment, 510 Sarcoma, 510; bibliography, 510; symp- tomatology, 510; treatment, 510 Tuberculosis, 510; bibliography, 510; its rarity, 510 Foreign Bodies, 511; bibliography, 511; general considerations, 512 Entophyta and Entozoa, 511; bibliog- raphy, 511; general remarks, 512 Injuries, 512 Uro-Genital Fistule, 513 ; bibliog- raphy, 513 ; history, 513 ; etiology, 514; pathological anatomy, 516; symptoma- tology, 520 ; diagnosis, 521; prognosis, 522; treatment, 523; operative proce- dures, 524 Vagino-Intestinal Fistule, 528; bib- liography, 528 ; pathological anatomy, 529; symptomatology, 529 ; diagnosis, 530; prognosis, 530; treatment, 530; operative procedures, 530 Vaginismus, 531; bibliography, 531, defi- nition and etiology, 531; pathological anatomy, 534 ; symptomatology, 534 ; prognosis, 535; treatment, 535; other Bpasms of the vagina, 536 Vagina, diseases of the, disinfecting injections in, iv. 135 Vagina, fistulae of, x. 516, 529 Vagina, gonorrhoeal inflamma- tion of the, viii. 802 Vaginal cysts, iodine injections in, x. 508 puncture and excision of piece of wall of, x. 508 Vaccination* Valsalva. Vaginal examination, x. 9 Vaginal excretion, increase of, hi hysteria, xiv. 530 Vaginal speculum, early history of. x. 4 Vaginismus, x. 531 gradual dilatation by cylindrical specula in, x. 535 lead and silver nitrate locally in, x. 535 Sims' operation for, x. 536 Vaginitis, rest and warm hip-baths in. x. 494 Vaginitis erouposa, carbolic acid lo- cally in, x. 496 Vagino-intcstinal fistulae, their clo- sure by sutures, x. 530 Vagus centre, paralysis of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 163 Vagus nerve, effect of pressure on nu- cleus of, xh. 107 influence of, upon heart, xii. 666 Valentin, on Bright's disease, xv. 170 Valerian, in abnormal seminal losses, viii. 874 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in chorea, xiv. 465 in diabetes insipidus, xvi. 1037 in enteralgia, vii. 468 in epilepsy, xiv. 287, 290 in gastralgia, vii. 307 in hysteria, xiv. 565 in myelitis, xiii. 465 in paralysis of the bladder- viii. 716 in valvular diseases of the heart, vi. 167 in whooping-cough, vi 727 Valerianate of zinc, in neuralgia, xi. 89 in spasms, xi. 298 in tetany, xi. 377 in whooping-cough, vi. 727 Valleculas of the larynx, iv 47 Vals, waters of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 996 Valsalva, xii 72 IND Valve, aortic. Vegetable alkalies. INDEX. 480 Valve, aortic, insufficiency of, in eti- ology of hypertrophy of the heart, vi. 194 Valve, bicuspid, situation of, vi. 9 Valve, semilunar, situation of, vi 9 Valve, tricuspid, situation of, vi. 9 Valves of heart, action of, in produ- cing heart-sounds, vi 18 affections of, following chronic endarte- ritis, vi. 379 anomalies of, in stenosis of pulmonary artery, vi. 320 Valves, tidal, xviii 473 Valvular affections, combinations of, vi. 161 Valvular defects, frequency of, vi. 99 general effects of, vi. 100 Valvular disease of the heart, cold locally in, vi 167 digitalis and iron in, vi. 167 diuretics in, vi. 169 hygienic and dietetic treatment in, vi. 166 indications for treatment, vi. 166 inspiration of compressed air in, vi. 170 nitrate of silver in, vi 168 nitrite of amyl in, vi. 172 preparations of hydrocyanic acid in, vi. 167 prophylaxis, vi. 164 treatment of, vi. 164 warm saline baths in, vi. 167 Valvular disease of the heart, acute ulcerating, in scurvy, xvii 204 Valvular lesions, as causes of fatty degeneration of the heart, vi 251 from stenosis of the aorta, vi. 468 relations of, to pulmonary emphysema, v. 376 Van Buren, x. 371 Vander Poel, Dr. S. O., on quaran- tine, with reference solely to seaport towns, xix. 471 Van Harlingen, Dr. Arthur, on the care of the person, xviii. 367 Van IVoorden's chimney-cap, xviii. 683 Van Swieten's liquor, in syphilis, iii. 290 Vapor-bath, xvih. 374 in neuralgia, xi. 93 in spasm of the facial muscles, xi Sl2 in tetanus, xiv. 364 temperature of, xviii. 374 Vapor, hot, in diphtheria, i. S?3 Vapors and gases, in the treatment of bronchial catarrh, iv. 415 inhaled in certain occupations, xix. 10 inhalation of, in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 314 VARICELLA, ii. 5; bibliography, 5; his- tory, 6 ; etiology, 8 ; pathology, 10 ; anatomical changes, 10 ; the vesicles, 11 ; their appearance, 11; duration, 13 ; symptomatology, 15 ; incu- bation, 16; eruption, 16 ; temperature, 19; relapses, 20; affection of mucous membranes, 21; diagnosis, 22; prognosis, 29; complica- tions, 29; treatment, 30 Varicella, dietetic treatment of, ii. 30 often mistaken for small-pox, xix. 51 fl Varicella and measles, differentia- tion of, ii. 108 Varicella and variola, identity of, i 22 Varices, in etiology of hemorrhage of the stomach, viii. 130 Varices of the spleen, case of, with fatal rupture, vhi. 496 Varices of the veins of the blad- der as a cause of hematuria, vhi 727 Varicocele, vi 499 in corpulence, xvi. 664 Varicose condition of the veins, following chronic endarteritis, vi 383 Varicosities of the lymphatic*, vi. 527 Variola, see Small-pox as a cause of cicatricial stricture of the oesophagus, viii. 30 in etiology of encephalitis, xii 715, 722 481 Variola, in etiology of pachymeningitis interna, xii. 399, 404 of phlegmonous laryngitis, vh. 795 in the lower animals, ii. 401 localized encephalitis in, xii. 715 tumors of the spleen in, viii. 454 Variola and measles, differentia- tion of, ii. 108 Variola and varicella, differential diagnosis of, ii 23 identity of, i 22 non-identity of, ii. 340 Variola confluens, ii 366 Variola hemorrhagica pustu- losa, h. 369 Variola vaccinia, ii 402 origin of, ii. 402 Variola sine exanthemate, ii. 352 Variola vera, regular course of, 355 Varioloid, ii 372 as a complication of whooping-cough, vi. 709 initial eruption, ii. 374, 375 initial fever, ii. 374 mucous membranes in, ii. 378 stage of desiccation, ii. 376 various forms of, ii 377 Variolois miliaris, ii. 377 Variolois verrucosa, ii. 377 Variolous angina, vi. 902 Variolous eruptions in the oesophagus, viii 145 Varix of the oesophagus, viii. 130 Varnish-making, xix. 438 Vascular hypoplasia, hereditary in bleeders, xvii. 76 Vascular spasm, in dementia paraly- tica, xii. 885 Vascular system, abnormal condition of, in haemophilia, xvii. 52 diseases of the, vi. 343 effects of ergot upon, xvii. 896 Vaso-dilator nerves, theory of their action, xiii. 43 Vaso-motor anaesthesia, xi 221 Vol. XX.—31 Valve, aortic. Vegetable alkalies. Vaso-motor centre, coincident exci- tation of the, and the muscular centre, in epileptic attacks, xiv. 268 Vaso-motor centres, located in the medulla oblongata, xiii. 861 Vaso-motor disturbances, in ar- ticular neuralgia, xi. 192 in cutaneous anaesthesia, xi. 218, 221 in diseases of the spinal cord, xiii. Ill in myelitis, xiii. 410, 443 in neuralgia, xi. 50, 109 in neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, xi. 155 in paralysis, xi. 407 pathology of, xi. 421 in sciatica, xi. 174 in spasm, xi 289 in spinal disease, xiii. 110 in spinal irritation, xiii. 362 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 586 Vaso-motor influence on cerebral vessels, xii. 433 Vaso-motor nerves in cerebral hem- orrhage, xii. 131 in lesions of medullary substance, xii. 154 in paralysis, xii. 133 Vaso-motor paralysis of cere- bral vessels, xii 440 Vaso-motor paths and centres in the spinal cord, xiii. 42 Vaso-motor system, influence of, in cerebral hyperaemia, xii 41 Vaso-motor theory of haemophi- lia untenable, xvii. 74 Vaso-motor theory of unilateral progressive atrophy of the face, xiv. 65 Vegetable acids, employment of, in morbus maculosus, xvii. 278 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 737 supposed antiscorbutic action of, xvii 133 Vegetable albumen, xviii 152 Vegetable alkalies, in nephrolithia- sis, xv. 736 IND Vegetable parasites. Venesection. INDEX. 482 Vegetable and animal parasites of the oesophagus, viii 197 Vegetable casein or legumin, xvhi. 152 Vegetable fibrin, xviii 152 Vegetable growths in sources of wa- ter-supply, xviii. 235 Vegetable matters found in the soil, xviii. 428 storage and handling of, xix. 416 Vegetable parasites of the lungs, v. 468 Vegetable poisons, xvii. 659 Vegetable substitutes for breast- milk, xviii. 119 Vegetables, canned, xix. 361 Vegetables, fresh, absence of, the chief cause of scurvy, xvii. 130 Vegetarianism, xvhi 187 Vegetation, influence of, on conditions ■ of the soil and atmosphere, xviii. 430 Vegetations of the oesophagus, viii 167 Vegetations on the valves of the heart, nature of, vi. 83 Vein, hepatic, ramifications of, ix. 6 Vein, portal, anatomical and physio- logical remarks concerning the, ix. 779 cancer of, ix. 826 course, duration, terminations, and prog- nosis of purulent inflammation of the, ix. 825 of thrombosis and occlusion of the, ix. 803 diagnosis of purulent inflammation of the, ix. 822 diagnosis of thrombosis and occlusion of, ix. 802 dilatation of, ix. 830 diseases of, ix. 777 etiology of purulent inflammation of, ix. 807 etiology of thrombosis and occlusion of, ix. 787 fungi-like bodies and distomata in the, ix. 832 Vein, portal, passage of gall-stones into the, ix. 731 purulent inflammation of the, ix. 805 general clinical history of, ix. 815 pathological anatomy of, ix. 813 symptoms of purulent inflammation of the, ix. 817 treatment of, x. 826 ramifications of, ix. 6 rupture of, ix. 831 thrombosis and occlusion of the, ix. 785, 798 pathological anatomy of, ix. 793 symptoms of, ix. 799 treatment of, ix. 804 Veins along the falx, in haematoma of the dura, xii. 400 carcinoma of, vi. 492 changes in, in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 185 in corpulence, xvi. 664, 677 in gout, xvi. 113 compressed by thoracic aneurism, vi 424 development of, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 217 dilatation of subcutaneous, in suppura- tive pylephlebitis, ix. 820 distention of, from pericardial effusion, vi. 599 overfilling of, in heart disease, vi. 109 pulsation of, in tricuspid insufficiency, vi. 149 pulsation of subcutaneous, in arterial paralysis, vi 359 rupture of, in etiology of meningeal hemorrhage, xii. 172 ulceration of, in etiology of haemato- thorax, iv. 740 VEINS, DISEASES OF THE, vi. 486; bib- liography, 486 Acute Phlebitis, 486; pathology, 486; etiology, 487 ; symptomatology, 488; treatment, 489 Chronic Phlebitis, 489; etiology, 489; pathology, 490 ; symptomatology, 490; treatment, 491 Hypertrophy/, Atrophy, Degenera- 483 tion, Neoplasms of the Venous Coats, 491; general pathology, 491 Syphilitic Disease, 493; bibliography and pathology, 493 Dilatation of the Veins, 494; bibliog- raphy, 494; pathology, 494; etiology, 495; symptomatology, 496; individual veins affected, 497 ; treatment, 500 Dilatation of the Hemorrhoidal Veins, 501; pathology, 501; etiology, 502 ; symptomatology, 504; diagno >is and prognosis, 506 ; treatment, 507 Narrowing and Obliteration, 508; eti- ology and pathology, 508 Rupture and Wounls, 509; etiology, 509; symptomatology, 510; prognosis and treatment, 511 Veins, hemorrhoidal, tumefaction of, in hyperasmia of liver, ix. 72 Veins, hepatic, cancer of, ix. 834 diseases of, ix. 833 Veins, jugular, distention of, with forced inspiration, vi. 654 Veins, laryngeal, obstructions of, in etiology of serous infiltration of sub- mucosa of larynx, vii. 795 Veins of the skull and face in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 216 Veins of the soft palate, vi 869 Veins on the chest, dilatation of, from aneurism of descending thoracic aorta, vi 434 Veins, varicose, in chronic endarteri- tis, vi. 383 Veit's trocar, x. 414 Vena cava, perforation of, by hepatic abscess, ix. 138 position of, vi. 10 Vena cava inferior, dilatation of, vi 499 lateral pressure on, in etiology of hyper- aemia of the liver, ix. 58 pressure on, as a cause of jugular pulsa- tion, vi. 35 Vena cava superior, dilatation of, vi. 497 Vena interlobularis, ix. 6 Vegetable parasites. Venesection. Vena intralobularis, or centra- lis, ix. 6 Venena cyanica, xvii 498 Venereal diseases, aggravated by sewer-emanations, xviii. 590 transported by sailors, xix. 223 Venereal excesses, in etiology of an- aemia, xvi. 323 of dementia paralytica, xii 855 of epilepsy, xiv. 203 of gastralgia, vii. 299 of gout, xvi. 106 of progressive muscular atrophy, xiv. 113 of tremor, xiv. 386 Venerismus pyorrhoicus, vhi 446 Venesection, as a cause of fatty de- generation of the heart, vi. 249 dangers attending, in haemophilia, xvii. 97 in abortive treatment of croupous pneu- monia, v. 150 in acute bronchitis, iv. 427 in aneurism, vi 461 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 421 in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 234 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 161 in congestion of the pia, xii. 460 in croupous pneumonia, v. 150, 165, 173 in dysentery, i 562 in hemorrhage of the lungs, v. 316, 320 in hemorrhage of the stomach, vii. 289 in hepatic colic, ix. 769 in hepatitis, ix. 152 in hydrophobia, iii. 510 in hyperaemia of the liver, ix. 78 in hyperaemia of the lungs, v. 285, 287 in meningitis, xii. 816 in meningitis of convexity, xii. 655 in morbus maculosus, xvii. 277 in nosebleed, iv. 164 in pleuritis, iv. 685 in pneumothorax, iv. 768 in pulmonary emphysema, v. 405 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 492 in urasmic convulsions in scarlatina, ii. 314 IND Venesection. Vicarious menstruation. INDEX. 484 Venesection, in wounds of the heart, vi. 284 when indicated, in croupous pneumonia, v. 173 Venice, rain-water cisterns in, xvih. 226 Venous dilatation, central compres- sion by truss in, vi. 501 galvano-puncture in, vi. 501 injections of ergotine in, vi. 501 Venous foramina, situation of, vi 9 Venous infarctions of the spleen in recurrent fever, viii 443 Venous pressure, in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 83 Venous pulsations, in dilatation of veins of the neck, vi. 497 Venous pulse, in pericardial effusion, vi. 600 Venous stasis as a cause of thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, xii. 210 Venous thrombosis in typhoid fever, i 164 Ventilating shafts and pipes, xix. 457 Ventilation, xviii. 671, 702 artificial, xviii. 712 distribution of air in, xvhi. 718 importance of, in coal-mines, xix. 247 in measles, ii. 123 in putrid bronchitis, ix. 915 in scurvy, xvii. 224, 228 in hospitals, xviii. 770 methods of, xviii. 708 natural, xviii. 708 of drain-pipes, xviii. 486 of sewers, xviii. 475-478 of the ship, xix. 199 of the sick-room, i 230 Ventilator, the Sherringham, xviii. 774 Ventricle, left, of the heart, situ- ation of, vi. 8 Ventricle, left, of the heart, simple and excentric hyper- trophy of, vi 213 Ventricle, right, hypertrophy of, vi. 196 diagnosis of, vi. 214 Ventricle of Horgagni, iv. 49 Ventricle, supernumerary, vi 319 Ventricles of the brain, acute effu- sions into, xii 468 changes in, in dementia paralytica, xii. 857 in hypertrophy of the brain, xii. 827 dilatation of, in atrophy of the corpus callosum, xii 840 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 498 effusion into, in metastatic meningitis, xii. 629 hemorrhage into, xii. 88 mode of production of effusion into, xii. 477 symptoms following hemorrhage into, xii. 149 Ventricles of the heart, diagnosis of dilatations of, from pericarditis, vi. 609 Ventricular cavity, in meningitis of the convexity, xii. 641 Veratrine, chemical tests of, xvh. 732 in acute rheumatism, xvi. 65 in angina pectoris, xiv. 52 in atropine-poisoning, xvii. 681 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 101 in croupous pneumonia, v. 164 in erysipelas, ii. 478 in hemicrania, xiv. 27 in malarial diseases, ii. 675 in myelitis, xiii. 465 in pericarditis, vi 619 in poisoning by atropine, xvii. 681 in rheumarthritis, xvi. 65 in typhoid fever, i. 218 Gr. -rV every two hours until vomiting occurs. in whooping-cough, vi. 726 Veratrine ointment, in brachial neu- ralgia, xi. 151 in spasm of the glottis, vh. 1025 485 INDEX. Venesection. Vicarious menstruation. Veratrine-poisoning, xvii. 722 Veratrum viride, in the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy, vi. 218 of erysipelas, ii. 478 Veratroidinc-poisoning, xvh. 733 Verbal agraphia, xiv. 754 Verbal anarthria, xiv. 748 Verbal paraphrasia, xiv. 820 Verde Hi's case of atrophy of the cerebellum, xiv. 669 Vermiform appendix, affections of the, that lead to typhlitis, vih. 316 suppuration of, in etiology of pylephlibi- tis, ix. 809 Verneuil, xh. 185 Vcrrucae oesophagi, viii. 167 Verrucose endocarditis, vi 81 diagnosis, vi 90 Verrucose products of endocar- ditis, nature of, vi. 82 Vert-de-gris (cladosporium her- barum), poisoning by, xvii 943 Vertebrae, carcinoma of, xiii. 322 differentiation of hysteria from diseases of, xiv. 552 diseases of, in etiology of compression of the cord, xiii. 321 in etiology of epilepsy, xiv. 216 in etiology of various diseases of the spinal cord, xhi. 209, 230, 253, 268, 306, 321 dislocation of first two cervical, xiii. 889 fractures of, xiii. 306 pain over the, in hysteria, xiv. 503 rarity of sensitiveness of the, to pressure in chorea, xiv. 438 Vertebral caries, treatment of, xih. 342 Vertebral column, diseases of, in stenosis of the trachea, iv. 478 Vertigo, a result of dyspepsia, vii. 177 in cerebral tumors, xh. 253 in tuberculosis of the pia, xii. 530 Vertigo, epileptic, xiv. 242 Vesicants, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 419 in neuralgia, xi. 91 Vesicants, in neuralgia of the cervico- brachial nerve, xi. 151 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 155 Vesication, in preventive treatment of subacute verrucose endocarditis, vi. 92 repeated, in hepatic congestion, ix. 82 Vesicles in catarrhal angina, vi 892 mode of production of, vi 735 of varicella, ii 11 on the mucous membrane in stomatitis aphthosa, vi. 779 Vesicles, seminal, affection of, in can- cer of stomach, vii 235 in etiology of abnormal seminal losses, viii. 845 Vesiculae seminales, acute and chro- nic inflammation of, as causes of sper- matorrhoea, viii 845 Vesicular emphysema, v. 346 Vessels, amount of blood in, in meningi- tis, xii. 640 condition of, in encephalitis, xii. 691 degeneration of, in typhoid fever, i 107 disease of, in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 75 in hyperaemia of the brain, xii 48 in tetanus, xiv. 347 influence of defective development of, in etiology of ulcerative endocarditis, vi 71 origin of, in haematoma of the dura mater, xii 392 Vessels near the heart, sounds heard in, vi. 58 Vessels of inflamed pericardi- um, condition of, vi. 561 Vessels of the Pacchionian gran- ulations of the arachnoid in haematoma of the dura, xii. 401 Vestibule of the stomach, viii 50 Vestibulum laryngis, iv. 48 Veyssiere, xii 129 Vibriones, in dysentery, i. 237 in gangrene of the lung, v. 418 in hay fever, ii 542 Vicarious menstruation, x. 328 in hysteria, xiv. 526 Vicarious emphysema* Vomiting. Vicarious pulmonary emphy- sema, v. 347, 390 Vichy, waters of, in diabetes mellitus, xvi 996, 1004 in gout, xvi. 138 in myelitis, xiii. 423 in spasm of the bladder, viii. 708 Vienna opera-house, ventilation of, xviii. 725 Vienna paste in dilatation of the gall- bladder, ix. 645 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 76, 78 Vienna water-supply, xvhi 263 Vigilance, malarial, ii. 601 Vigla's statistics of perforations of the oesophagus, viii. 112 Village sanitary associations, xix. 573 Vinegar, adulteration of, xix. 372 in nosebleed, iv. 163 Vinegar-making, xix. 437 Vinegar of digitalis, for oedema of the lungs, v. 284 R. Digitalis leaves, cut......... 1 part. Alcohol.................... 1 part. Pure vinegar............... 9 parts. Macerate for eight days, express, and filter. Violent emotions regarded by some as determining causes of haemophilia, xvii. 33 Violinists, xix. 63 Violinists' cramp, xi 352; xvhi 337 Viper-bites, hi 542 cauterization of, iii. 546 cupping-glass in, iii. 545 diffusible stimulants in, iii. 546 prognosis of, iii 544 symptomatology of, iii. 543 treatment of, iii 545 Virchow, xii 73, 76, 80, 91, 171, 174, 179, 181, 191, 193, 226, 233, 235, 237, 296, 300, 339, 351, 353, 387, 393, 433, 436, 490, 513, 661, 686, 692, 723, 731, 750, 824, 827, 832, 834, 836, 857, 860 48G Virchow, on Bright's disease, xv. 178, 182 Viridine, poisoning by, xvii 733 Virus, collection of, for purposes of vaccination, xix. 526 Vision, abnormities of, in jaundice, ix. 23 disturbances of, in diphtheria, i. 623 in renal cirrhosis, xv. 421 in tabes dorsalis, xiii. 576 effects of muscarine upon, xvii. 932 in cerebral hemorrhage, xii. 136 VITAL STATISTICS, xix. 302; the census, 302 ; registration, 304 ; statistical results, 313 ; births, 313; mortality, 316; longevity, 342; morbility, 345 Vitality of poison of typhoid fever, i 54 Vitellin, xviii 151 Vitrified stoneware tiles, xviii. 414 Vitriol, oil of, xvii. 322 Vocal apparatus, spasmodic affec- tions of the, in hysteria, xiv. 514 Vocal cords, absence of the, in two deaf-mutes, xiv. 867 alterations in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 217 altered vibratility of, in croup, iv. 244 condition of, in hysterical aphonia, xiv. 518 epithelium of, iv. 49 false, iv. 48 paralysis of, in a case of pericarditis, vi. 603 in hysteria, xiv. 517 position of, in laryngeal paralysis, i. 624 stenosis produced by infiltration of sub- mucous tissue of, vii. 797 true, iv. 49 Vocal fremitus, in croupous pneumo- nia, v. 76 in echinococcus of the lungs, v. 463 in new-growths in the lungs, v. 242 in new-growths in the mediastinum, v. 452, 456 in pleuritis, iv. 661, 669 IEX. 487 INDEX. Vicarious emphysema. Vomiting. Vocal fremitus, in stenosis of trachea and bronchi, iv. 490 Vocal gymnastics in the treatment of Btuttering, xiv. 840 Vocalization, derangement of, in acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 202 Vocation, influence of, in producing pulmonary emphysema, v. 348 Voelckcrs on retinitis albuminuria, xv. 476 Vogel on diseases of the lips and cavity of the mouth, vi. 733 Vogt, xii. 816 Vohl's fat-rendering apparatus, xix. 427 Voice, pre-eminence of the, over ges- tures, as a medium of communication, xiv. 588 Voice-centres in the medulla oblon- gata, xiii. 859 Voice, disturbances of, in acute ca- tarrh of the larynx, iv. 197, 199, 202 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 212, 214, 215 in croup, iv. 239, 244 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 459 in dementia paralytica, xii. 866 in diseases of the nose, iv. 110 in hysteria, xiv. 514 in leptomeningitis infantum, xii. 484 in meningitis tuberculosa, xii. 534 in multiple sclerosis, xiii. 487, 497 in pneumothorax, iv. 756 Voit, on uraemia, xv. 126 Volatile and fixed disease-poi- sons, i. 25 Vol liner, xii 778 Voluntary muscles, state of the, in tetanus, xiv. 336 Voluntary power in lesions of thala- mus opticus, xii. 149 Volunteer aid societies in time of war, xix. 169 Volvulus, vii. 479 Volvulus sanguineus, Hippocrates' description of, xvii 108 Vomiting, an evil omen in yellow fever, i 510 a frequent symptom in pneumonia of children, v. 95 as a symptom in acute atrophy of the liver, ix. 266, 277 cause of, vii. 131 expulsion of gall-stones by, ix. 739 in acute bulbar myelitis, xiii 903 in acute cystitis, viii. 678 in acute diffuse peritonitis, vih. 240, 247, 268 in acute endocarditis, vi. 76 in acute spinal meningitis, xih. 241 in affections of the soft palate, vi. 879 in anaemia, xvi. 346, 390 in anaemia of the brain, xii. 30 in angina pectoris, xiv. 44 : in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii 851 in Basedow's disease, xiv. 85 in bronchial catarrh, iv. 346 in cerebral abscess, xii. 738 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 708 in chronic abscess of the brain, xii. 771, 791 in circumscribed peritonitis, viii. 308 in compression of the brain, xh. 666, 669 in concussion of the brain, xii. 660 in croupous pneumonia, v. 95 in diabetes mellitus, xvi. 871 in diseases of the spleen, viii 372 in dysentery, i 553 in encephalitis, xii. 729, 739, 744 in gangrene of the lung, v. 420 in hysteria, xiv. 574 in inflammation in the right iliac fossa, viii. 320 in lesions of the cerebellum, xii. 154 in meningitis, xii 528, 531, 588, 590, 612, 616, 631, 637, 653, 683 in poisoning by aconitine, xvii. 749 by alcohol, xvii. 394 by alkalies, xvii. 368 by arsenic, xvii. 648 by calabar bean, xvh. 697 by digitalis, xvii. 709 by ergot, xvii. 893, 907, 915 Vomiting. Warts of the oesophagus. INDEX. 488 Vomiting, in poisoning by nicotine, xvii. 764 by opium, xvii 852 by prussic acid, xvii. 510 by veratrine, xvii. 724 in puerperal peritonitis, viii 283 in pulmonary consumption, v. 552 in spinal irritation, xiii 362 in tumors of the brain, xh. 261 in tumors of the medulla oblongata, xih. 954 in whooping-cough, vi. 695, 719 in wounds of the heart, vi 277 mechanism of, vii. 129 of amyloid kidney, xv. 513 of anaemia, xvi 390 of cholera, i 403, 421 of renal cirrhosis, xv. 493 of renal disease, xv. 152 of yellow fever, i 498 stoppage of the pancreas secretion by the act of, viii. 562 treatment of uraemic, xv. 304 Vomiting and fecal evacuations in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 247 Vomitus aeruginosus seu herba- ceus, in acute diffuse peritonitis, viii. 247 Vomitus matutinus aquosus, viii 567 Von Boeck, Hermann, biographical sketch of, vol. xvii., v. on vegetable poisons, xvii 661 Vox anserina, vi 426 Vulpian, xii. 77, 84, 92, 388, 416 experiments of, on the brain of rats, xiv. 639 Vulpian's " Loi de Suppleance " for the brain, xiv. 706 VULVA, DISEASES OP THE, x. 537 Malformations, 537; complete atresia, 538; hypospadia, 540; epispadia, 540; absence of the vulva, 540 ; hermaphrodi- tism, 541; artresia of the labia minora, 542 Hypertrophy, 542; the nymphae, 542; the clitoris, 543 Acute Catarrh, 544; bibliography, 544; etiology, 544; pathological anatomy, 54-i; symptomatology, 545 ; diagnosis, 545; treatment, 545 Hernle, 546; diagnosis, 546 Elephantiasis, 546; bibliography, 546; etiology, 547; pathological anatomy, 54T; symptomatology, 548 ; treatment, 548 Lupus, 549; bibliography, 549 ; diagnosis, 549; prognosis, 549; treatment, 549 Papillary Growths, Condylomata, 549; bibliography, 549; etiology, 549; general characteristics, 549 Cysts, 550; bibliography, 550; etiology, 550; diagnosis, 550; general character- istics, 550 Lipomata, 551; their size, 551 Fibromata, 551; bibliography, 551; theii characteristics, 551; treatment, 551 Carcinoma, 552; bibliography, 552; diag- nosis, 552; treatment, 552 Sarcoma, 553 Neuromata, 553 Thrombus or Hematoma, 554; etiology, 554; general characteristics, 554 Rupture of Perineum, 554; bibliog- raphy, 554; treatment, 554; perineo- plasty, 555; the after-treatment, 556 Pruritus, 557 ; bibliography, 557 ; etiol- ogy) °57; pathological anatomy, 557; symptomatology, 558; treatment, 558 CocCYGODrNiA, 559 ; bibliography, 559; etiology, 559; pathological anatomy, 560; symptomatology, 560; treatment, 561 Vulva, gonorrhoea of the, vhi 802 Vulva, noma of the, in catarrhal pneumonia, v. 211 Vulvitis, acute, rest and astringent washes in, x. 545 489 INDEX. Vomiting. Warts of the oesophagus. w Wachsmuth, xii. 115 Wagner, xii 224, 301, 304, 338, 351, 388, 406, 416 Wagner, E. L., on diseases of the soft palate, vi. 863 Wakefulness, in hysteria, xiv. 534 Waldenburg's apparatus for aid- ing expiration in emphysema, v. 400 for compressed or rarefied air, v. 400 Waldenburg's oesophagoscope, viii. 7 Waldenburg's pneumatic appa- ratus in the treatment of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 910 Walker, Eliza, xii 196 Walker, General F. A., on relations of race and nationality to mortality in the United States, xix. 336 Wall-paper, colored with arsenical green, xix. 47 Wall-paper, arsenical, poisoning by, xvii. 653 Wall-ties, xviii. 415 Waller, Elwyn, on disinfectants, xix. 545 Walls, damp-proof, xviii. 747 hollow, xviii. 415 inside, and ceilings, xvih. 747 permeability of, to air, xviii 710 Walls of apoplectic cyst, xii 91 Walnut-tree, European, leaves of, in scrofulosis, xvi. 818 Waltham, Mass., water-supply Of, xviii. 250 Wandering spleen, vhi. 431 Wanklyn's process of water- analysis, xvih. 301 Wanklyn's standard of milk, xix. 366 Want of exercise, influence of, in causing scurvy, xvii. 141 Ward, number of patients in, xviii. 757 Ward, proper size of, xvhi. 756 Ward adjuncts, xviii. 761 Wards, convalescent, xvih. 764 fallow, xviii. 758 isolating, xviii. 765 private, xviii. 764 square versus long, xviii. 759 Waring's system of subinven- tion, xviii. 535 Waring's trap, xviii 781 Warm applications, in the treat- ment of acute cystitis, vhi. 685 of cholera, i. 460 Warm aromatic drinks in cholera collapse, i 460 Warm bath, temperature of, xviii. 374 Warm baths, effects of, xvhi. 372 in acute cystitis, viii. 686 « in chronic cystitis, viii. 695 in dengue, ii. 514 in dysentery, i 567 in gononhceal prostatitis, vih. 786 in miliary fever, ii. 503 in spasm of the bladder, vhi. 706 in tetanus, xiv. 364 Warm baths and douche in scarla- tina, ii. 307 Warm dressings, in rheumarthritis, xvi. 68 Warm drinks, in hemicrania, xiv. 28 Warm vapor, in abscess of the nasal cavity, iv. 148 Warmth, application of, in cerebral anaemia, xii. 35 in pleuritis, iv. 689 in the treatment of acute diffuse perito- nitis, viii. 259 of arterial spasm or paralysis, vi. 361 of spinal anaemia, xiii 290 of spinal disease, xhi. 163 Warm of the oesophagus, viii 167 Wash, black. Waters of Alx-la-Chapelle. INDEX. 490 Wash, black, in the treatment of the local manifestations of syphhis, iii 300, 302 Washerwomen, frequently attacked by cholera, i. 374 special liability of, to salt-rheum, xix. 152 Wash-stands, stationary, xviii 493 Wasps, sting of, iii. 533 Wassenaer (Admiral Baron), case of, viii. 92 Waste of ivater, xviii. 213 methods for lessening it, xviii. 214 Waste-water pipes, xvhi 492 Watchmakers, xix. 50, 61 Water, administration of, to typhoid fe- ver patients, i 231 aeration of, xviii. 267 analysis of, by Frankland's process, xviii. 302 by Wanklyn's process, xviii. 301 mode of expressing the results, xvhi. 293 as a prophylactic against acute laryngeal catarrh, iv. 208 chemical treatment of, xviii. 286 contamination of, by cemeteries, xviii. 544 contamination of, in the etiology of ty- phoid fever, i 56 dread of, in hydrophobia in man, iii. 485 effect of, on climate, xviii. 660 effects of conduits and service-pipes on, xviii. 287 effects of free use of, xviii 168 in the air, xviii. 602 in the soil, xviii. 409 inhalation of warm vapor of, in chronic bronchitis, iv. 431, 433 injection of, into veins, generally fatal, i 460 injection of cold, in catarrh of the bile- ducts, ix. 530 not found pure in nature, xviii 215 organic matter in, xviii. 217 permanent hardness of, xviii. 298 pollution of, xvhi 218 et seq. Water, purification of, by iron, xviii 279 quality of, xviii. 215 quantity of, necessary for public Bupply, xviii. 211, 213 relations between that of drink and that of urine, in health, xv. 99 relations between that of drink and that of urine, in dropsy, xv. 101 rise and fall of springs of, influencing typhoid fever, i 68 sanitary examination of, xviii 290 seat of disease-germs, i 244 self-purification of, xviii. 230 softening of, xviii. 283 storage of, on board ships, xix. 201 suspended matter in, xviii. 290 temperature of, xviii. 221 too little given to infants, xviii. 113 unpalatable when pure, xviii. 216 waste of, xviii. 213 Water, bitter, of Friedrichshall, in vi- carious nosebleed, iv. 168 of Ofen, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 225 Water, bitter-almond, in pleuritis, iv. 689 Water, chalybeate, in the prophy- laxis of hemorrhages of the lungs, v. 317 Water, chlorine, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 95 Water-closet trap of Eassie, xviii. 496 Water-closets, xviii. 498 disinfection of, xviii. 597 ; xix. 567 disposition of, in hospitals, xviii. 761 Water, cold, baths of, in the treat- ment of croupous pneumonia, v. 158 of erysipelas, ii. 479, 481 of measles, ii. 120 of scarlet fever, ii. 305 of small-pox, ii, 398 of typhoid fever, i. 206 Water-cures, in chorea, xiv. 465, 468 in epilepsy, xiv. 284 in hemicrania, xiv. 25 in neuralgia, xi. 92 491 Water-cures, in paralysis agitans, xiv. 408 Water, deep-seated, as a source of supply, xvhi 253 Water, distilled, improvement of, xviii 216 Water, drinking, contamination of, in etiology of the ascaris lumbricoides, vh. 736 in nephrolithiasis, xv. 731 Water-gas, xviii 640 Water, hard, softening of, xvih. 283 Water, hard and soft, comparative merits of, xviii. 216 Water-hemlock, poisoning with, xvii. 827 Water, lead, in chronic nasal catarrh, iv. 145 Water-level, in etiology of typhoid fe- ver, i 68 Water, lime, in croup, iv. 265 Water-mains, cast-iron, xviii 287 Water, natural, improvement of, xviii. 264 Water-pipes, manner of connection, xviii 287, 288 Water-pipes, wrought-iron, xviii. 288 Water, pure, objections to its use, in the nasal douche, iv. 87 Water, Seltzer, in cancer of the stom- ach, vii 254 Water-stove, xviii 699 Water-supply affected by vegetable growth, xviii. 235 classification of the sources of, xviii 223 consideration of the cost of, xviii 222 double, xviii. 214 importance of, xviii 211 in villages, xix. 577 intermittent, xviii. 215 literature of the subject, xviii 310 of a hospital, xvih. 780 of American cities, xvhi. 212 of camps, xix. 119 v of Continental cities, xviii. 213 of English cities, xvih. 214 Wash, black. Waters of Alx-la-Chapelle. Water-supply, of Wiirtemberg, xvhi. 222, 230 ponds as a source of, xvhi. 234 quality of, xviii 215 rain-water as a source of, xviii. 227 rivers as a source of, xviii. 227 Water-system of removing ex- creta, xvhi. 456 Water, warm, baths of, in the treat- ment of croupous pneumonia, v. 164 of spasm of the glottis, vii. 1022 Water-wheel sounds, vi 662 Waters, alkaline mineral, in the treatment of gall-stones, ix. 774 'Waters, bitter, in cholelithiasis, ix. 769 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 Waters, mineral, in amyloid degen- eration of the liver, ix. 438 in catarrh of the bile-ducts, ix. SCO in catarrhal jaundice, ix. 533 in chronic bronchitis, iv. 432 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 in chronic jaundice, ix. 631 in cirrhosis of the liver, ix. 206 in croupous bronchitis, iv. 463 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 in exudative inflammation of the biliary passages, ix. 556 in fatty liver, ix. 471 in gall-stones, ix. 704 in hepatic congestion, ix. 79 in suppurative hepatitis, ix. 156 Waters, mineral, of Bertrieh, in ulcer of the stomach, vh. 222 Waters, mineral, of Carlsbad, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 226 "Water*, mineral, of Eilsen, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Waters, mineral saline, in para- sites of the biliary passages, ix. 675 Waters, mineral sulphurous, in chronic hepatic fistula, ix. 164 Waters of Aix-la - Chapelle, in chronic catarrh of lower pharynx, vh. 62 INI Waters of Baden-Baden. Wells. INDEX. 492 Waters of Baden-Baden, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 424 Waters of Bilin, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Borszek, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Carlsbad, in chronic gas- tritis, vii 182, 189, 191 in dilatation of stomach, vii. 332 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222 Waters of Eldpatak, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Elster, in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 222, 227 Waters of Ems, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423, 424 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 227 in chronic catarrh of lower pharynx, vii. 62 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188, 189 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 in phthisis of the larynx, vii. 850 Waters of Fachingen, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Franzenbad, in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222, 227 Waters of Oeilnau, in chronic gas- tritis, vii. 189 Waters of Geishiibel, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Gleiehenberg, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Hcilbrunnen, in chronic gastritis, vii 189 Waters of Homburg, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 414, 424 Waters Of Ischl, in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 227 Waters of Kissingen, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 414, 424 in chronic gastritis, vii. 183, 191 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 424 Waters of Kochcl, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Kreuznach, in chronic catarrh of lower pharynx, vii. 62 Waters of Euhatschowitz, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 423 in chronic gastritis, vii. 188, 189 Waters of marienbad, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 414 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 in chronic catarrh of the lower pharynx, vii 62 in chronic gastritis, vii. 182 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 424 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 222 Waters of morgentheim, in chronic gastritis, vii. 183 Waters of Nenndorf, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 226 Waters of Oberbrunnen, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 424 Waters of Oberselters, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Pyrmont, in chronic gas- tritis, vh. 191 Waters of Ragoczy, in chronic gas- tritis, vh. 191 Waters of Reichenhall, in chronic catarrh of the larynx, iv. 227 Waters of Rohitsch, in intestinal catarrh, vh. 389 in ulcer of the stomach, vii. 222 Waters of Roisdorf, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Ronda, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Royat, in chronic gastritis, vii. 189 Waters of Salzbrunil, in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 Waters of Schwalbach, in chronic gastritis, vii. 191 Waters of Selters, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Soden, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 424 Waters of Spa, in chronic gastritis, vh. 191 493 __,„___ . Waters of Baden-Baden. INDEX. Weng. Waters of St. Uloritz, in gastralgia, vii. 306 Waters of Tarasp, in chronic gas- tritis, vii 182, 189 in intestinal catarrh, vii. 389 in ulcer of stomach, vii. 222 Waters of Tonnissteiner, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 423 in chronic gastritis, vii. 189 "Waters of Vichy, in chronic gastritis, vii. 189 "Waters of Weilbach, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 in chronic catarrh of larynx, iv. 226 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 94 Waters of "Wiesbaden, in bronchial catarrh, iv. 424 Waters of Wiesenburg, in bron- chial catarrh, iv. 423 Waters of Wipfeld, in bronchial ca- tarrh, iv. 424 Waters, Seltcrs, in acute catarrh of the larynx, iv. 210 Waters, sulphur, in hyperaemia of liver, ix. 80 Watson, xii. 4 Watson's plan of ventilation, xviii. 776 Waukcnphast shoes, xviii 385 Wax bougies, use of, in paralysis of the bladder, viii. 717 Wraxy casts, xv. 79, 95 peculiarities of, xv. 90 Waxy degeneration of muscles, i 108 Waxy kidney, xv. 609 Waxy liver, ix. 407 Weakness of mind, in atrophy of the cerebellum, xii. 847 in dementia paralytica, xh. 876 Weakness of muscles, in true mus- cular hypertrophy, xiv. 179 Weakness of vessels, as a cause of hyperemia of pia, xii. 436 Weaning, in etiology of intestinal ca- tarrh, vii 378 Weaning, period of, xvih. 93 Weavers, liability of, to lead-poisoning, xvh. 561 Webber, xii. 723, 750 Weber, xh. 144 "Weber, E. H., xii. 129 "Weber, Ouido, xii. 388, 393, 397, 399, 406 "Weber, H. xii. 24 Weber-Uel's coniantron, iv. 89 Weber, O., 270 "Weber, Th., nasal douche of, iv. 84 Wedge-tent, xix. 98 Wedl, xii. 80 Weight, loss of, in the infant, xvih. 90 in the prognosis of pulmonary consump- tion, v. 599 in training, xviii. 357 Weight of corpulent persons, xvi. 652 Weight of healthy brain, xii. 829, 858 Weight of heart, vi 11, 203 Wciglltman, statements of, with re- gard to workers in quinine, xix. 16 Weil, on percussion of the spleen, viii. 398 Weissbach, xii. 829, 831 Well, infected, a cause of cholera, t. 380 Well-water, microscopic examination of, i. 383 Wells, absorbing, xviii. 259 artesian, xviii. 253 advantage of, xviii. 261 liability of pollution of, xviii. 258 subject to variation, xviii. 260 contamination of, by ground-water, i 385 by privy vaults, i. 382 driven, xviii. 253 effect of pumping on shallow, xvhi. 241 in Brooklyn, N. Y., xviii. 244 infected from privies, i 57 poisoning of, a supposed cause of epi- demics, i 6 pollution of, xviii 242 INDEX. "Wells of fresh water. Woman's milk. 494 Wells of fresh water near the sea, xviii 250 Wendt, xii 719, 720, 722, 736, 783, 785, 791, 809 Wendt, Dr. Hermann, biographical sketch of, vol. vii., iii. on diseases of the naso-pharyngeal cavity and pharynx, vii 3 Wendt's case of abscess of the brain, with thrombosis of a sinus, xii. 783 Wendt's case of abscess of the pons, xii. 791 Wcpfer, xii. 72 Werlhof s disease, xvii 243 Wernher, xii. 152, 788 Wertheim's conchoscope, iv. 58 Westfleld river, mass., collecting gallery in, xviii. 246 "Weston, the pedestrian, experi- ments upon, xviii. 330, 331 Westphal, xii. 119, 626, 715, 862, 863, 864, 869, 871, 873 Wet-bulb thermometer, xviii 653 Wet-nurse, selection of, iii 270; xvih. 102 Wheat, in diet of infants, xviii. 121 Wheat starch, xviii 161 Wheeler's xvater-closet disinfec- tor, xvhi 502 Whitall, Samuel, on cancer of the uterus in negro women, x. 273 White beer, in cholera, i.^59 White blood-corpuscles about ves- sels in the neighborhood of cerebral abscess, xii. 700 behavior of, in scurvy, xvii. 176 method of examining blood microscopi- cally, to determine increase of, viii. 525 migration of, in encephalitis, xii. 691 probably the carriers of the leucaemic poison, viii. 505 proportion of the, in leucaemia, viii. 516 White-damp, xix. 244 White-lead workers, liability of, to lead-poisoning, xvii. 561 White of eggs in silver-poisoning, xvii. 601 While softening of the brain, xii 190 "White substance near the third left frontal convolution, influence of le- sions of, on speech, xiv. 688 White vitriol as a disinfectant, xix. 563 WHOOPING-COUGH, vi. 675; bibliog- raphy, C75 ; history, 679 ; definition, 682; mode of occurrence and causation, 683 ; geography, 683; climate, 6S4; seasons of year, 684 ; race and nationality, 6S4 ; sex, 684 ; age, 685 ; indi- vidual predisposition, 686; immunity from the disease after one attack, C86 ; various theories as to causation of the disease, 686 ; the author's theory, 688; infection, 688; secretion of a specific virus in the air-passages, 689 ; mode of communication of the poison, 689 ; question of carrying the disease in clothing of non-infected persons, 689 ; other theories, 690 ; predisposing causes of attacks of coughing, 691; symptoms and course, 691 ; the prodromal stage, 692 ; cases of cessation of the disease at end of this stage, 693; the second or spasmodic stage, 694; auscultation and percussion, 696; dura- tion and time of occurrence of the attacks, 697; hemorrhages, 697; affections of the brain, 698 ; the lungs and pleurae, 698; ulceration of the tongue and fraenulum, 699; duration of the spasmodic stage, 700 ; the stadium decrementi, 700; it* duration, 701; complications, 701; capillary bronchitis, 702 ; pneumonia, 703; atelectasis, 704; phthisis, 705 ; pleurisy, 705; nervous symptoms, 706 ; the eye and ear, 706; the acute exanthemata, 707; pathological an- atomy, 709; diagnosis, 712; prognosis, 715; treatment, 719; prophylaxis, 720; internal remedies, 721; treatment during the attacks of coughing, 721; inhalations, 723; external remedies, 729 Whooping-cough, xix. 533 belladonna and atropia in, vi. 726 bromine compounds in, vi. 727 causative relations of, to consumption, v. 504 derivatives to skin in, vi. 722 495 INDEX. Wells of fresh water. Woman's milk. Whooping-cough, expectorants in, vi. 721 external irritants in, vi. 730 in etiology of bronchial catarrh, iv. 315 of croup, iv. 238 of interstitial pneumonia, ix. 856 of metastatic meningitis, xh. 628 of scrofulosis, xvi. 773 inhalations of illuminating-gas in, vi. 723 of nitrate of silver in, vi. 723 of oxygen in, vi. 723 of quinine and ergot in, vi. 724 narcotics in, vi. 726 quinine in large doses in, vi. 728 Wicker baskets, for the burial of the dead, xix. 453 "Wicker-work coffins, xviii 545 Wicks, for tamponing the nose, iv. 165 Wiggers' ergotine, xvii. 891 Wild animals, hydrophobia in, iii. 460 Wildbad, baths of, in cerebral hemor- rhage, xii. 171 Wilde, xii 619, 808 Wilks, xii. 301, 306, 320, 403, 512, 522, 623 Will, the, a sensory motor process, xiv. 707 an act of, is the result of both motor and sensory processes, xiv. 708 ganglionic formation of the key-board of, xiv. 708 not a simple force, but a combination of associative and reflex processes in the nervous system, xiv. 594 the act of, as a realized and a suppressed movement, xiv. 710 Will-power, increase or diminution of, in hysteria, xiv. 542 Wllle, xii 320 "Willebrand's solution for typhoid fever, i. 199 5. Iodine..................... 1 pari. Potass, iodid............... 2 parts. Water..................... 10 parts. Three or four drops every two hours. Williams' tracheal tone, v. 79 Willis, xh. 338 "Wilson, xii. 792 on baru-yard nuisances in villages, xviii. 572 Wind, designations of the, according to velocity, xviii. 665 velocity of, xviii. 664 Wind-colic, vii 460 Window-ventilation, xvih. 711 Windows, proper number of, in hospi- tal ward, xviii. 7o8 proper size and position of, in school- rooms, xix. 612 "Winds, influence of, in disseminating malaria, ii. 571 influence of, on yellow fever, i. 490 Wind-sails, xviii. 712; xix. 199 Wine, boiled, in treatment of scurvy, xvh. 233 injection of, in gonorrhoea, vhi. 775 use of, in anaemia, xvi. 461 in cholera, i 461 in cirrhosis of liver, ix. 207 in croupous pneumonia, v. 167 in dementia paralytica, xii. 884 in diphtheria, i 694, 695 in the prophylaxis of scurvy, xvii. 223 in spasm of the glottis, vii. 1020 Wine and liquors in typhoid fever, i 232 Wines, xviii 175 adulteration of, xix. 372 Winter-cough, iv. 433 Winter-hut for four men, xix. 107 Wintrich's aspiration-murmurs, vi 56 Wintrich's hydrokonion, iv. 90 Wire, introduction of, into aneurismal sac, vi. 454 Wirsung, canal of, vhi. 557 chronic interstitial pancreatitis from closure of the, vih. 60 Witherite, poisoning by, xvii 375 Wolff, xh. 133 Woman's milk and cow's milk compared, xviii 109 Women. Yellow fever. INDEX. 496 Women, education of, xix. 622 Wood charcoal, in treatment of fetid expectoration, v. 429 Wood creasote, xix. 559 "Wood, Edward S., on analysis of hos- pital air, xviii 720 Wood, James R., case of phosphorus necrosis, xix. 21 Wooden pavements, objections to, xviii. 554 Woodworth, John M., facts relat- ing to yellow fever epidemic of 1878, xix. 501 on hospital construction, xviii 745 Woody fibre, xvhi 165 Wool, as a carrier of anthrax poison, iii. 407 microscopic appearances of, xix. 211 Wool and cotton, chemical differ- ences between, xix. 211 Wool-spinners, xix. 44 Woolwich, old marine hospital at, xviii. 744 Woolwich Hospital, ground plan of, xviii. 742 Woorara, see Curare in facial spasms, xi. 313 in spasm of muscles of neck, xi. 324 Word amnesia, physiological and pathological, xiv. 760 relation of, to the intellect, xiv. 765 Word-blindness, xiv. 770 diagnosis of, from hemiopia, xiv. 774 Word-deafness, xiv. 770 diagnosis of, from genuine deafness, xiv. 774 Word-deafness and word-blind- ness, with amnesic aphasia, xiv. 772 Word-deafness with parapha- sia, speech-tracks that are avahable in, xiv. 782 Word-images, central laboratory of, xiv. 691 existence of double paths between the acoustic centre for, and the motor centre for written words, xiv. 777 Word-roots, origin of intelligent speech from, xiv. 590 Word-sense, of Gall, xiv. 726 Words, as conception-reflexes, xiv. 594 as symbols and the facultas signatrix, xiv. 603 conditions necessary for the perfect co- ordination of, xiv. 807 distracting influence exerted by the, on the thoughts, xiv. 819 inflection of, a property not common to ah languages, xiv. 791 locations of the automatic and voluntary powers of uttering, xiv. 646 mode of formation of, xiv. 593 the recollection of, is a double function, xiv. 750 the symbols of ideas, xiv. 593 Workmen, sanitary condition of, xix. 6 Worm abscesses, vii 747 of the peritoneum, vhi. 227 Worm-seed, poisoning with, xvii. 884 Worms, generation of, in the intestinal canal, not favored by the splenic ca- chexia, viii. 374 in etiology of enteralgia, vii. 460 of gastralgia, vii. 297 of intestinal catarrh, vii. 363, 378 of hepatic abscess, ix. 92 Worms, round, in the intestines, vii. 729 Worms, suctorial, in the intestines, vii. 728 Wormwood, in epilepsy, xiv. 288 Wounds, as a cause of diaphragmatic hernia, vii. 556 of neuralgia, xi. 27 of paralysis, xi. 392 of sciatica, xi. 170 of ulcerative endocarditis, vi. 70 influence of, on erysipelas, ii. 469 influence of the nature, extent, seat, and condition of, in the production of te- tanus, xiv. 322 Wounds, crushing or tearing, of the spinal cord, xhi. 305 Wounds, diphtheritic, i 655 497 INDEX. Women. Yellow fever. "Wounds of arteries, vi 481 Wounds of cerebrum, how they produce epilepsy, xiv. 262 Wounds of the medulla oblon- gata, xiii. 887 Wounds of the spinal cord, xiii 305 Wreden, xii. 705, 784, 809 W red en's case of abscess of the brain with thrombosis of sinus, xii. 784 Wrestlers, xix. 63 Wright, xii. 333 Wrisberg, cartilage of, iv. 48 Wrist-drop, xi. 548 Writers' cramp, xix. 63 electricity in, xi. 357 mechanical means of treatment in, xi 358 tenotomy in, xi. 359 WRITERS' CRAMP AND ALLIED AF- FECTIONS, xi. 345 ; bibliography, 345 ; histo- ry, 346; symptomatology, 348; spasmodic dis- turbances in symptomatology, 349 ; paralysis a symptom, 350; pain in affected part, 351 course, duration, 353; symptomatology, 353 etiology, 353; diagnosis, 355; prognosis, 356 treatment, 356 Written speech, a means of proving the retention of the memory for words in complete aphasia, xiv. 752 earliest germs of, xiv. 587 Written words, loss of the power of understanding, xiv. 775 Wry neck, xvi 91 Wurtemberg, water-supply of, xviii. 223, 230 Wunderlich, xii. 233, 288, 650 Wunderlich's case of acute fatal hysteria, xiv. 549 Wyes, xii. 717, 725, 762 Wylie, Dr. W. O., xvii. 35 on hospitals with one-story wards, xviii 753 Xanthine calculi, xv. 703 Xanthopsia, ix. 23, 519 Xanthopsia, in chronic jaundice, ix. 609 Xylol, in small-pox, ii. 397 Yawning, attacks of, xi. 343 in hysteria, xiv. 514 Yeast, administration of, in scurvy, xvii 234 in scarlatina, ii 307 Yeast-fungus, in vomited matters of chronic gastritis, vii. 171 YELLOW FEVER, L 487; bibliography, 487; history, 488; etiology, 488; climate, in- fluence of, 489; race, influence of, 491; seasons, influence of, 494; terrestrial relations, influence of, 495; occupation, influence of, 495; course Vol. XX.—52 of, 496; symptomatology, 497; first stage, 497; second stage, 498 ; third stage, 499; black vomit in, 500; urine in, suppression of, 500; parotid gland in, 500; death in, 500; convalescence in, 501; abortive forms of, 501; cases of, 501; pathological anatomy, 503 ; skin, 503 ; mucou3 membranes, 503 ; brain, 503; heart, 504; stom- ach, 504; intestines, 504; liver, 504; spleen, 505 ; kidneys, 505 ; analysis of symptoms, 505; diagnosis, 507; prognosis, 509; treatment, 510; prophylaxis, 510 Yellow fever, calomel in, i. 513 xeuowiever« ACiQ Zymotic diseases. INDEX. 4y<5 Yellow fever, hemorrhages from the stomach and intestines in, in etiology of jaundice, ix. 18 how its spread inland should be repressed, xix. 507 in etiology of hemorrhage of stomach, vii. 275 in military camps, xix. 153 jaundice in, ix. 28 morphia in, i. 513 on shipboard, xix. 221 origin of, xviii. 576 prophylaxis in, i 511 Yellow fever and quarantine, xix. 487 Zambaco, xii 296, 300, 308, 315, 338, 344, 350, 352 Zeigler, xii. 718 Zeissl's mercurial bath, iii 289 R. Corrosive sublimate........ 3 ijss. Ammoniae muriatis......... gr. lxxx. Aquae destill...............f. § iij. M. To be added to the bath. Zenker, xii 77, 78, 80 on diseases of the oesophagus, viii. 3 von Ziemssen, xii. 126, 357, 656 von Ziemssen, Hugo Wilhelm, biographical sketch of, vol. i, v. on chorea, xiv. 413 on diseases of the larynx, iv. 185; vii. 791 on diseases of the oesophagus, viii 3 on epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ii. 681 Ziemssen's illuminating appara- tus, iv. 32 Zinc in breast-milk, xviii. 99 in chronic catarrh of the lower pharynx, vii 61 YeIlowr Fever Commission, inves- tigations of, xix. 501 Yellow^ hepatization of the lung, in pneumonia, v. 46 Yellow softening of the brain, xh. 190, 687 caused by encephalitis, xii. 711 formative processes in focus of, xh. 696 relation of, to encephalitic foci, xii. 734 tendency of, to extend, xii. 712 without inflammation, xii. 713 Yellow vision, ix. 23, 519 in chronic jaundice, ix. 609 in santonin-poisoning, xvii 884 Yvaren, xii 367 Zinc in neuralgia, xi. 88 in syphilis of naso-pharyngeal cavity, vii 86 Zinc, acetate Of, in gonorrhoea, viii 775 Zinc, chloride of, as a prophylactic in typhoid fever, i. 196 in tuberculous ulcers of pharynx, vii. 79 Zinc, cyanide of, in spasm of glottis, vii. 1023 Zinc-fumes, injurious effects of, xix. 17 Zinc, oxide of, in bronchial asthma, iv. 583 in delirium tremens, xvii. 415 in diseases of the nose, pharynx, and la- rynx, iv. 79 in epilepsy, xiv. 290 Zinc-poisoning, xvii 594 albumen and milk in, xvii. 596 carbonates and phosphates in, xvii. 596 sulphur-baths in, xvii. 597 Zinc preparations, in the treatment of chorea, xiv. 465 of epilepsy, xiv. 290 of gonorrhoea, vih. 768, 775, 778 779, 806 z 499 INDEX. Yellow fever. Zymotic diseases. Zinc salts as disinfectants, xix. 562 Zinc-smelters, xix. 20 Zinc, sulphate of, as a disinfectant, xviii. 564 ; xix. 563 in chronic retro-nasal catarrh, vii 55, 56 in intestinal ulcers, vii. 423 in nosebleed, iv. 163 Zinc, sulpho-carbolate of, in dis- eases of the nose, pharynx, and larynx, iv. 86, 87 Zinc, valerianate of, in whooping- cough, vi. 727 Zittmann's decoction in basilar me- ningitis connected with latent syphilis, xii. 597 in syphilis, iii. 299 Zone, epileptogenous, xiv. 194 Zoogloa, in cholera discharges, i 419 Zoster, see Herpes Zoster Zuelzer, Wilhelm, biographical sketch of, ii. v. on dengue, ii. 505 on erysipelas, ii. 417 on hay fever, ii. 539 on influenza, ii. 515 on mhiary fever, ii. 585 Zwank and Schilling hystero- phor, x. 204 Zygnema, figure of, xviii. 236 Zymotic diseases, i. 10 acute infections of infancy, xix. 276 \ aNiDiasw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn ^ ^% 1<