Societ- ies, Museums etc. WB N563r 1657 $?'/,''■ WASHINGTON, D.C. .•& fiiw-1 REVISED CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS . OF THE \ . * Inu *#nrk /(r ADOPTED OCTOBER 17, 1857. t vV8 A'565 i- 1851 ptAn ,v>0 . St 2lo ' d/1 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called the "New York Medical Union." ARTICLE II. Its objects shall be—The presentation of paper or any matter connected with medical or scientific subjects ; the narration of cases ; the exhibition of specimens, instru- ments, and books, with such discussions as may arise ; though the reception of the same, as not being consonant with the objects of the Union, or agreeable to its mem- bers, may be refused at any meeting, by a vote of a majority of the members present. ARTICLE III. It shall consist of acting and honorary members. The acting members shall be chosen from physicians engaged in the pursuit of the practice or science of medicine. The honorary members may be selected from those engaged in any scientific pursuit connected with the collateral branches of medicine. 4 ARTICLE IV. All proposals of candidates for membership shall be reduced to writing, and shall include the name, nativity, age, and residence of the candidate, the College 01 Colleges which he has graduated, the practice he has seen, and such other medical, moral, and literary advantages as the proposer may deem it expedient to designate ; and these written proposals, after having been read, shall be handed to the Secretary, who, if the candidate be elected, shall deliver them to the Librarian, for entry in a book devoted to that purpose, and to the subsequent record of the prominent professional and public events in the lives of the several members. ARTICLE V. Candidates for admission shall be nominated at one meeting and balloted for at a subsequent regular meeting —one negative vote to postpone, more than one to defeat the election. Any member voting in the negative at an election for new members, shall, if requested, state his objections to the society in executive session. At the subsequent regular meeting another ballot shall be insti- tuted, when two negative voles shall be sufficient to exclude the candidate. If no objections are presented, the presiding officer shall declare the candidate duly elected. ARTICLE VI. Members elect shall become full members on paying the initiation-fee, and signing the Constitution within Lhree months of the date of such election. \ 5 ARTICLE VII. Honorary members shall be elected iu the same man- ner as acting members, but shall not be required to pay the iniiiation-fee, or sign the Constitution, and shall not vote, save with the unanimous consent of the meeting. ARTICLE VIII. Members may dissolve their connection with the Union at any time, one month's notice to that effect having been previously given. ARTICLE IX. The Union shall have power to expel members as the By-Laws shall direct. ARTICLE X. Its officers shall consist of a President, a Vice Presi- dent, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, to be elected annually, at the regular meeting of December, or the first meeting thereafter, by a majority-vole of the quorum prescribed in the By-Laws. ARTICLE XI. It shall be the duty of the President to be present at and organize each meeting of the Union, to preside over and maintain order in the whole business thereof, and to vote on all questions. ARTICLE XII. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to supply the place of the President in his absence. 6 ARTICLE XIII. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify members elect of their election within one week after such election, and all members of the time and place of each meeting one week in advance. He shall preserve regular minutes of the proceedings of each meeting, and, as far as pos- sible, report the views of each member as advanced in debate. He shall have charge of the written communi- cations presented to the Union until the two next regular meetings have been held, when they shall be given in charge to the Librarian. ARTICLE XIV. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have charge of all funds belonging to the Union, and to pay all accounts certified by some other officer of the Union. ARTICLE XV. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to have exclusive charge of all books, specimens, instruments, communi- cated papers, and oiher movable property belonging to the Union, excepting such as may be required by mem- bers in an official capacity. A RTICLE XVI. In the temporary absence of the President and Vice President, the chair shall be filled by vote of the meeting Other temporary official vacancies may be filled by the chair. 7 ARTICLE XVII. A permanent official vacancy may be supplied at any regular meeting-. This shall be ordered by the Chair at a previous regular meeting, and each member shall be notified by the Secretary, as in case of amendments. ARTICLE XVIII. Members of this Union may resolve themselves into Clubs, for some specific purpose connected with the general plan of the Union, said Clubs being considered as branches of the Union, bearing its name, with such addi- tional titles as shall indicate their objects The propriety of such formation shall be decided on, and the right given, by a vote of a majority of the members of the Union present at a regular meeting, and the same shall be entered on its records. ARTICLE XIX. A written request for the formation of a Club, together with a statement of its designs, signed by at least three members of the Union, shall be handed to the President, when anv further information that may be demanded shall be given. This application shall be acted upon at the next regular meeting, or thereafter, from the time of its presentation. ARTICLE XX. Each Club may elect its own officers, and adopt rules for its government, provided that nothing is done to con- flict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Union. 8 ARTICLE XXI. If at any time the proceedings of a Club are found inconsistent with the interests of the Union, its right of organization may be rescinded by a majority vote <■{ the Union, notice having been given, as in case ol amend- ments to the Constitution. ARTICLE XXII. The Code of Ethics acknowledged by the "American Medical Association" shall be binding on the acting members of the Union. ARTICLE XX III. The "Medical Union" has the right to receive, hold, and own, for its exclusive use, any property of which it may become possessed bv gift or purchase; but no action for purchase, except of articles required by its officers in their official capacities, shall be taken, save with the concurrence of two-thirds of ihe quorum required for the election of members, notice having been given as in case of amendments to the Constitution. A R T1C L E XXIV. No article of this Constitution shall be altered, except by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a regular meeting which numbers two-thirds of all the acting members; such proposed alteration having been announced at a previous regular or special meeting, and such members having been notified thereof by the Secre- 9 tary. No article of the By-Laws shall be altered, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting, notice having been given as in case of amendments to the Constitution. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. The Union shall hold its meetings on ihe Urn* Satur- day of each month, at eight o'clock in the evening. A special meeting may be called by two members and the President, each member being notified thereof by the Secretary. ARTICLE II. The order of business shall be as foliows:—1. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Voluntary commu- nications at the call of the Chair, with remarks thereon. 3. Proposal and election of members. 4. General busi- ness of the Union. ARTICLE III. Written communications, designed for presentation to the Union, shall be made on ruled foolscap paper, with an inch margin, so that they may be placed in its » archives. 1 11 ARTICLE IV. The initiation-fee shall be one dollar. ARTICLE V. At the regular meeting in December, or the first meet- ing thereafter, a tax shall be levied for the ensuing year, which, with the initiation-fees, and receipts from other sources, shall be appropriated to defraying the expenses of the Union. ARTICLE VI. A vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting which consists of a majority of the acting mem- bers of the society (notice having been given as in case of amendments to the Constitution) shall be sufficient for the expulsion of a member. ARTICLE VII. Any member omitting payment of dues to the Union for three months, after notification by the Treasurer, shall be reported by him to the Union, who, if said mem- ber shall omit payment for three further months, shall, by a simple statement from the Chair, forfeit his con- nection with the Union. ARTICLE VIII. A number equal to that of the absentees from the two previous regular meetings having been deducted from the whole number of acting members, two-thirds of the remainder shall constitute a quorum for electing members. 12 ARTICLE IX. A fine of twenty-five cents shall be imposed by thj President upon each absentee from a regular meeting the Uniou (due notice of such meeting having beei received), except in cases of sickness or absence from th< city. Manufaclund by \ 6AYLORD BROS. Inc. L* Syracui*, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. IHHaHHIaHHH NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM D327fllD5 b NLM032781056