NEW YORK , I -1 Adopted, January 14th, 1884. NEW YORK » X » COUNTY mien ASSOCIATION. BY-LAWS. Adopted, January 14th, 1884. NEW YORK: Published by the Association, 1884. Angell's Printing Office, 354 Fourth Ave., N. Y. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR 1884.' President, WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D. Vice-President, CHARLES A. LEALE, M. D. Recording Secretary, EDWARD A. JUDSON, M. D., Residence, 59 East 59th Street. Corresponding and Statistical Secretary, WHITMAN V. WHITE, M. D., Residence, 1522 Park Avenne. Treasurer, ALLEN S. CHURCH, M. D., 104 West 48th Street. Elected Members of the Executive Committee, CHARLES HITCHCOCK, M. D. Term expires in Jan., 1885. WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Term expires in Jan., 1886. AUSTIN FLINT, Jr., M. D. Term expires in Jan., 1887. JOHN W. S. GOULEY, M. D. Term expires in Jan., 1888. BYLAWS. ARTICLE I. ORGANIZATION. Section 1. This Association shall be called The New York County Medical Association. Sec. 2. The objects of the Association shall be : First, The cultivation of the science of Medicine. Second, The maintenance of the honor and charac- ter of the Medical profession. Third, The promotion of public health. Sec. 3. The Association shall consist of regular practition- ers of Medicine and of regular graduates in Medicine residing in the County of New York. Sec. 4. The officers of the Association shall be the follow- ing : 1, President ; 2, Vice-President; 3, Recording Secretary ; 4, Corresponding and Statistical Secretary; 5, Treasurer ; 6, an Executive Committee, consisting of the titular officers of the Association, together with four additional members to be elected by the Association. Sec. 5. The officers of the Association shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting. They shall serve for one year or until their successors are chosen, to whom they shall, without delay, deliver up and transfer all moneys, books, manuscripts, vouchers, and other property of the Association which may be in their possession and take a receipt therefor. The four mem- bers of the Executive Committee shall first be elected to serve, one for one year, one for two years, one for three years, and one for four years. Afterward, one shall be elected each year to succeed the retiring member. 6 Sec. 6. The only standing committee shall be the Executive Committee ; but special committees may be appointed from time to time, when ordered by the Association. Sec. 7. Nominations for officers and for one member of the Executive Committee to be elected at an annual meeting shall be made at the stated meeting immediately preceding each annual meeting. The Becording Secretary shall have the names of all nominees printed on slips of paper, two of which slips shall be sent to each member, with the notice for the annual meeting. The first officers and four members of the Executive Committee may be elected, without nomination at a previous meeting, at any meeting of the Association, and they shall serve until the annual meeting of 1885 or until their successors are chosen. ARTICLE II. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS. Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, shall preserve order at such meetings, shall have the power to adjourn the meetings should they become disorderly, and shall appoint all special committees, not otherwise ordered by resolution. Sec. 2. The Vice-President, in the absence of or at the re- quest of the President, shall temporarily perform the duties of the President. In case of the death, disability, or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President until the next annual election of officers, and the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy in the office of Vice-President. Sec. 3. The Becording Secretary shall make and preserve accurate minutes of the meetings of the Association and shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office of Secretary, except those specially assigned to the Corresponding and Sta- tistical Secretary. Sec. 4. The Corresponding and Statistical Secretary shall conduct the official correspondence of the Association, except the issuing of notices for meetings and the notification to can- didates of their election as members, shall preserve all such correspondence, including copies of official letters written by him, and shall act as Secretary of the Executive Committee. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the Association in any way and from any source and shall dispose of the same as directed by the Executive Committee. He shall make a report to the Executive Committee of the condition of •the finances of the Association, whenever directed to do so by the committee, and shall make a full and complete report of the finances to the Association at each annual meeting. 7 ARTICLE III. Sec. 1. The Committee shall hold regular meetings at con- venient times, not more than ten and not less than five days before each stated meeting of the Association, and shall hold special meetings when called together by the President. The President shall call a special meeting of the Committee when requested to do so in writing by five members thereof, the request specifying the object of such meeting. Sec. 2. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 3. The Committee shall make suitable arrangements for the meetings of the Association, and the President, or, on the failure of the President so to do, the Committee shall pro- vide for papers to be read and discussions to be held at the open sessions of the Association. Sec. 4. The Committee shall authorize and direct all de- posits and investments of the funds of the Association, shall order all expenditures to be made by the Treasurer, and shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer so as to report upon the same at each annual meeting of the Association. Sec. 5. The Committee shall report to the Association upon the names of proposed members, as provided for in the Section relating to the "Admission, Resignation, and Reinstatement of Members." • Sec. 6. The Committee shall take cognizance of any and all apparently flagrant violations of the Code of Ethics of the Asso- ciation and shall act upon all charges brought by a member or members against another member or other members, as provided for in the Section relating to " Ethics, and the Disci- pline of Members." DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 8 Sec. 7. The Committee shall fill all vacancies in the offices of the Association, except in the office of President, and the officers so appointed shall serve until the next succeeding an- nual election; and the Committee shall, in the same manner, fill all vacancies that may occur in the number of members of the Committee who have been elected by the Association. Sec. 8. The Committee shall embody in their annual report a statement of the investments and of the condition of the funds of the Association and shall report upon the same at any stated meeting of the Association, when called upon by resolution to make such report. Sec. 9. The Committee shall take charge of all the real and personal property now or at any future time in the possession of the Association. Sec. 10. At each annual meeting of the Association, the Sec- retary of the Committee shall read, as the annual report of the Committee, its minutes for the year, except such portions thereof relating to the admission or discipline of members as are, according to the provisions of these By-Laws, of a confi- dential character. ARTICLE IV. ADMISSION, RESIGNATION, AND REINSTATEMENT OF MEMBERS. Sec. 1. Each and every candidate for membership must make an application in writing, accompanied with his pro- fessional credentials, to the Corresponding and Statistical Secretary, which shall be presented to the Executive Committee at its next succeeding meeting. If the Committee, after due investigation, find the candidate worthy of admission to membership, they shall so report at the next stated meeting of the Association or at any meeting of the Association immedi- ately following the meeting of the Committee at which they may decide favorably upon the application of the candidate. At the time of the reception of such report regarding a candidate or candidates for admission, the report may be adopted either entire or in part by the Association, or any two members may call for a ballot upon one or more of the candidates. When a ballot has been called for as herein provided, the negative votes of one-fourth of the members voting shall reject a candidate. 9 Sec. 2. The names of all candidates to be reported upon at any stated meeting of the Association, together with the names of all candidates whose applications are before the Executive Committee, shall be printed upon the notices of such meeting sent to members. Sec. 3. All communications received by the Executive Com- mittee, which relate to the character and standing of candi- dates, shall be treated by the Committee as confidential. Sec. 4. The Executive Committee shall not report to the Association the names of candidates whom they have decided to be unworthy of membership, unless directed to make such a report by the Association at a stated or annual meeting; and the names of candidates, when thus reported, shall not be entered upon the minutes of the Association. Sec. 5. Each candidate for membership shall be required to sign the By-Laws and pay the initiation-fee and current annual dues and assessments within three months after his election; otherwise his election shall be null and void, unless the candi- date be subsequently permitted, by a resolution of the Associa- tion, to qualify as a member by signing the By-Laws and paying the initiation-fee, dues, and assessments. Sec. 6. Each member who has regularly qualified as such by signing the By-Laws, paying the initiation-fee, current dues and assessments, shall be entitled to receive a certificate of member- ship, which certificate shall be in the following form : Certificate of Membership of the New York County Medical Association. This is to certify that is a member in good standing of the New York County Medical Asso- ciation, having been duly elected at a meeting of the Association held ,18 . , Recording Secretary. Presidents [l. s.] New York City, 18 . 10 The person mentioned in this certificate has this day resigned his membership and has thereby relinquished all right and title to any share in the property of the Association. Recording Secretary. New York City, 18 . The person mentioned in this certificate has this day been again received into full membership in the Association. Recording Secretary. New York City, 18 . Sec. 7. A member removing from the County or desiring to resign his membership shall send to the Recording Secretary his resignation in writing, by which act he severs his connection with the Association. If the dues and assessments of the mem- ber resigning be paid in full to the date of his resignation, the Recording Secretary shall, at the request of such member, endorse upon his certificate of membership the fact and date of the resignation and shall return the certificate so endorsed to the member, who shall then be considered as having formally resigned from the Association and as having relinquished all right and title to any share in the property of the Association. Sec. 8. No member shall be permitted to resign while his dues and assessments or any part thereof remain unpaid or while he is under charges which may lead to his expulsion, unless he be permitted to resign by special resolution of the Association. Sec. 9. Each and every resignation shall be reported by the Recording Secretary at the next succeeding stated meeting of the Association. Sec. 10. An application for reinstatement to membership in the Association shall be submitted to and considered by the Executive Committee in the same manner as an original appli- cation for membership; except that, on the presentation of a duly authenticated certificate of former membership, together with satisfactory evidence of good professional standing during the time following the resignation of former membership, pay- ENDORSEMENT. ment of the initiation-fee shall not be required when the former member is reinstated. In case of the reinstatement of a former member, the Recording Secretary shall endorse upon the certif- icate of former membership the fact and date of reinstatement. Sec. 11. No former member who has been expelled or who has been dropped from membership for non-payment of dues or assessments can be reinstated according to the provisions of Sec- tion 10 of this Article ; but such former member may be re- elected according to the provisions for the election of members, if his back dues and assessments be paid in full up to the date when his previous membership had ceased. 11 ARLICLE V. ETHICS AND THE DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS. Sec. 1. The Code of Ethics of the American Medical Asso- sociation shall be the ('ode of Ethics of this Association. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall hear all complaints against a member or members, of violation of its Code of Ethics, and shall decide all questions of medical ethics sub- mitted to them by the Association. They shall notify to appear before them any and every member against whom a charge or charges have been preferred. With the said notification to appear before them, they shall furnish to the accused member a copy of the charge or charges made against him. They shall also notify the accusing member or members to be present with the member against whom the charge or charges have been made, when the said charge or charges shall be carefully investigated. The Committee shall decide upon the said charge or charges at as early a day as practicable and shall report their decision to the Association at the stated meeting next succeeding the day on which their decision shall have been made. In case the accused or accusing members, or both, be not present at the time appointed for the investigation, the Committee may, at their pleasure, either adjourn the investigation once, and once only, for a period not longer than one month, or they may de- cide upon the charge or charges at the time first appointed for the investigation and report their decision to the Association ; provided, always, that the accused member shall be entitled to one such adjournment upon his personal or written application for the same to the Committee. 12 Sec. 3. The Executive Committee shall investigate all ap- parently flagrant violations of medical ethics by a member, such as improper publications that come to their knowledge or are brought to their notice in any way. They shall investigate such apparent violations in the same manner as provided for in Sec- tion 2 of this Article, except that it shall not be necessary that any formal charge or charges be made by a member. Sec. 4. A charge against a member shall be made in writing, signed by the member or members making the charge, en- closed in a sealed envelope endorsed, "Charges against a mem- ber/' and shall be sent to the Corresponding and Statistical Secretary, to be by him presented to the Executive Committee at its next regular or special meeting. Sec. 5. The only kind and degree of discipline of members, except the dropping of names from the list of members for non- payment of dues and assessments, shall be expulsion from the Association. Sec. 6. A member can be expelled only at a stated meeting of the Association, upon recommendation of such action by the Executive Committee, and then by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting. ARTICLE VI. INITIATION-FEE, DUES, AND ASSESSMENTS. Sec. 1. The initiation-fee shall be five dollars, and the annual dues for each current year, payable in advance after each annual meeting, shall be two dollars. Sec. 2. The annual dues of members elected at the stated meetings in October, November, and December shall begin with the current year next following the date of their election as members; but such members, after payment of the initiation- fee and signing the By-Laws, shall immediately be entitled to all the privileges of membership. Sec. 3. The Executive Committee may, at their discretion, make an assessment or assessments upon members, such assess- ment or assessments not to exceed three dollars for each mem- ber for any one current year. Sec. 4. The Treasurer, in his annual report for each year, shall read the names of all members whose dues or assessments or both for the past year are unpaid. He shall send notices to- 13 the usual addresses of such members before the next stated meeting of the Association, that they will be dropped from the list of membership unless their indebtedness to the Association be paid in full before the stated meeting in April. At the stated meeting in April in each year, the Treasurer shall read the names of those who have failed to pay their indebtedness for the past current year, and such members shall thereby forfeit their membership in the Association. Sec. 5. Members whose dues and assessments are not fully paid shall not be candidates for any official position in the Association nor shall they be entitled to vote in its executive sessions. ARTICLE VII. DELEGATES TO OTHER MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Sec. 1. All delegates to other Medical associations or socie- ties shall be appointed at the proper time and for the proper period by the Executive Committee, and the Committee shall fill all vacancies in the number of such delegates. Sec. 2. Delegates to other Medical associations or societies shall be required to carry out, in their representative capacity, the views and wishes of the Association; and such delegates shall act in strict accordance with the instructions of the Asso- ciation. Any action taken by a delegate or delegates, in willful opposition to the instructions of the Association, shall render such delegate or delegates liable to expulsion from membership in the Association, under the provisions of Sec. 6 of the Article relating to ''Ethics and the Discipline of Members." Sec. 3. The Association may or may not, at its pleasure, instruct its delegates ; but all instructions to delegates shall be in the form of a resolution or resolutions passed at an annual, stated, or special meeting. ARTICLE VIII. Sec. 1. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on the third Monday in January of each year. Sec. 2. The annual meetings shall be conducted in accord- ance with the rules of order of the Association, except as re- gards the order of business. ANNUAL MEETINGS. 14 Sec. 3. The following shall be the order of business for the annual meetings: I. Reading of the minutes of the previous stated meeting. II. Appointment by the President of three Inspectors of Election and the declaration by the President that the poll is open for the election of officers and of a member of the Executive Committee. III. Report of the Executive Committee. IV. Report of the Treasurer.. V. Reports of special committees. VI. Unfinished business. VII. New business. VIII. Adjournment. Sec. 4. The poll for the annual election shall remain open for one hour; or until every member present at the meeting has had an opportunity to vote, after which the poll shall be de- clared by the President to be closed and no additional votes shall be received. Sec. 5. On the first ballot, all the officers and one member of the Executive Committee to be elected shall be voted for upon one ticket,and the said officers and member of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast. Sec. 6. At the close of the poll, the Inspectors of Election shall immediately proceed to canvass the votes and shall, with- out delay, report the result of such canvass to the President, who shall then announce the result to the Association. If it should appear that no choice has been made in the case of one or more of the officers or of the member of the Executive Com- mittee, a new balloting for such as are still to be elected shall forthwith take place, the poll for which shall be kept open until all members present have had an opportunity to vote ; and such balloting shall be repeated until all the officers and the member of the Executive Committee shall be elected. At the second and at each succeeding ballot, the name of a candidate having the fewest number of votes shall be withdrawn. Sec. 7. Ballots folded in each other, blank votes, and ballots containing a greater number of names than the number of offi- cers and the member of the Executive Committee to be elected shall be rejected by the Inspectors. 15 Sec. 8. The regular order of business may proceed during balloting and the canvass by the Inspectors or the Association may direct that the regular order be temporarily suspended, at any time, for the purpose of facilitating the election. Sec. 9. No member who has been recommended by the Ex- ecutive Committee and elected at any annual meeting shall be permitted to vote at the same annual meeting. Sec. 10. All the proceedings of the annual meetings shall take place in executive session. ARTICLE IX. STATED MEETINGS. Sec. 1. The stated meetings of the Association shall take place on the third Monday in February, March, April, May, June, October, November, and December of each year. Sec. 2. The following shall be the order of business for the stated meetings: I. Calling of the meeting to order in open session. II. The scientific paper or papers of the evening, with the discussions of the said paper or papers. III. The presentation of specimens, and voluntary com- munications IV. Motion that the Association go into executive session. V. Minutes of the last meeting. VI. Report of the Executive Committee and the election of new members. VII. Report of the Treasurer. VIII. Report of the Corresponding and Statistical Secretary. IX. Reports of special committees. X. Unfinished business. XI. New business. XII. Adjournment. Sec. 3. At the stated meeting in February of each year, the open session shall be devoted to an address to be delivered by the President. Sec. 4. At the stated meeting in December of each year, nominations of officers and of the member of the Executive Commitete to be elected shall be in order immediately after the reports of officers and of committees. 16 Sec. 5. In the open sessions of the Association, it is not intended to exclude practitioners of medicine, medical students, or other proper persons, who are not members ; and the Presi- dent or any member through the President may invite any one present who is not a member of the Association to partici- pate in the discussions during the open sessions, provided that no objection be made by a member present. Sec. 6. All persons not members of the Association shall be excluded from the meetings during the executive session. ARTICLE X. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Sec. 1. At the written request of fifteen members or at the request of the Executive Committee, the President or the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the Asso- ciation ; but in all cases the call for a special meeting and the notices to members of such meeting shall be accompanied with a statement of the object or objects of the meeting, and no business other than that so specified shall be transacted at such special meeting. Sec. 2. Except as otherwise provided, special meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the " Rules of Order" of the Association. ARTICLE XI. RULES OF ORDER. Rule 1. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in executive session, and the presiding officer shall declare any meeting in executive session adjourned when it appears that a quorum is no longer present; but a meeting may be called to order in open session when a quorum is not present. Rule 2. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presi- dent, the meeting may elect any member present to act as Pres- ident pro tempore. Rule 3. When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be received except motions to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone, to refer, or to amend, which 17 several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are enumerated in this Rule. Rule 4. Motions to adjourn, to lay on the table, and for the previous question, shall be decided without debate. Rule 5. During the open sessions, a motion to go into exec- utive session shall be in order at any time except while a mem- ber has the floor, and such motion shall be decided without debate. Rule 6. Every member present at a meeting shall vote on all questions in executive session, unless excused from voting by the President, with the consent of the meeting. Rule 7. The ayes and nays on any question, when called for by five members present, shall be decided without debate and recorded in full in the minutes. Rule 8. After a question has been decided, except one of indefinite postponement, any two members who voted with the majority may, at the same or at the next stated meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof, without which no discussion of such question shall be allowed. Rule 9. Every member shall have the right to speak once on any question under consideration, but not oftener, unless by permission of the meeting. Rule 10. All questions of order not provided for in these Rules shall be determined in accordance with the rules of order embodied in Cushing's " Manual of Parliamentary Practice." ARTICLE XII. Sec. 1. Amendments, alterations, or additions to these By- Laws may be made by a two-thirds" vote of the members voting at an annual meeting or at any stated meeting ; provided that notice of such amendments, alterations, or additions shall have been presented in writing at the stated meeting immediately preceding, and that a copy of such amendments, alterations, or additions shall have been'sent to each member, with the notice for the meeting at which they are to be considered. AMENDMENTS. 18 Sec. 2. Notice of amendments, alterations, or additions to the By-Laws may be given at any annual meeting, the same to be acted upon at the next succeeding stated meeting. Sec. 3. These By-Laws may be temporarily suspended at any annual or stated meeting during such meeting by a three- fcurths' vote of the members present and voting ; but they shall not be suspended at any special meeting.