Proceedings, Constitution, ant RULES OF ORDER OF THE Medical Institute OF PHILLIPS COUNTY, ARK. MEMPHTF: 8. C. TOOK, PRINTER AND BINDER, 1874. Proceedings, Constitution, AND RULES OF ORDER OF THE Medical Institute OF PHILLIPS COUNTY, ARK. MEMPHIS: S. C. TOOF, PRINTER AND BINDER, 1874. PROCEEDINGS. By agreement, the hereinafter named Physicians met at Helena, on the 20th day of March, 1874, for the purpose of taking de- cisive action for the maintenance of a proper professional stan- dard. Upon motion, Dr. Fras. N. Burke was called to tire chair. A card of withdrawal from membership in the Medical Associa- tion of Phillips County was then fead, adopted, signed, and order- ed to be sent to the President of said organization. After which the meeting resolved to form a distinct Society, un- der the name of the Medical Institute of Phillips County; the objects and authority of which are amply defined in the Constitu- tion and By-Laws, which were adopted, and ordered printed. The Institute then proceeded to the election of officers for the current year-which resulted in the choice of Dr. P. R. Ford for President; Dr. D. E. Byrd for Vice President; Dr. F. N. Burke for Secretary and Treasurer. Upon motion, the Institute adjourned to meet at Helena, on the first Monday in April, at 12 M. 4 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, WITHDRAWAL CARD. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Medical Association of Phillips County, Arkansas : We the undersigned, members of your body, beg leave to an- nounce our determination to withdraw from your Association, for reasons that we deem sufficient and good The necessity for such course is deeply regretted by us ; having already devoted much time and labor to obtain for ours an honor- able position among Medical Societies ; to earn for it the respect and admiration of the thinking and reasoning multitude; to en- courage among our members a love of professional honor ; and to stimulate in them a desire for scientific attainment, a want of which has for so long a time brought upon us public ridicule, if not odium. Having watched the interests and growth of the Association with tender and earnest care, it is therefore with sadness that we feel it our duty to withdraw our names from membership with the Medical Association of Phillips County, on account of the evils that have crept in, and because of the much to be regretted want of co-operation among its members. The interest in it is dead. Those who have been hard workers in the organization, have grown apathetic-there not having been a meeting of said Association, which could be properly so called, for many months. Some of its members have been knowingly living in open violation of the Code of Ethics, almost from the very date of their admission, and who we fear have acted with a spirit of determination to destroy its usefulness, or to drown the peace and harmony that was existing among its members-the nec- essary sequence of which would be great good to the Medical pro- PHILLIPS COUNTY. 5 fession, and also beneficial to the community in which we live. Whether such has been the motive or not, certainly such a result has been accomplished. Rather than live in turmoil, we have concluded it best to with- draw ; for, the few who have attended our meetings for the past year, have had no time to devote to the progression of science-the whole time being taken up in the settlement of irregularities among its members. In thus acting, we do so with the fixed determination of taking the Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association-that by which your Association has professed to be governed-as our guide in our intercourse with the Medical world. In leaving you, permit us to express a desire, that you recon- sider your action, and that you speedily return to a constitutional and ethical form of government, such as will be recognized by your superior organizations, and without which no Medical Society can prosper. With great respect, we are your petitioners, P. R. FORD, M. D. A. A. HORNER, M. D. D. E. BYRD, M. D. R. A. BURTON, M. D. A. J. HUGHES, M. D. D. A. LINTHECUM, M. D. F. N. BURKE, M. D. J. II. VINEYARD, M. D. A. G. EDMONDSON, M. D. 6 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, INTRODUCTORY. From time immemorial societies have been held as inductive of a degree of social and friendly intercourse between individuals which, independently, does not exist. A common interest in the pursuit of knowledge of any character guarantees a greater unity of purpose. Our purpose, while scrupulously cultivating social and friendly relations among ourselves, aims at an increased interest in the ad- vancement of all the corollary branches appertaining to the science and application of our profession. While we accord equal privi- leges to all men, we claim specific ones to ourselves, and with this introductory, we announce the organization of our Society. PHILLIPS COUNTY. 7 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This organization shall be known as the Medical Institute of Phillips County, and its members styled Fellows. ARTICLE II. The authority of this organization originates and exists only in the full support of its individual members. Its chief object is to enable its members to keep pace frith the progressive spirit of the age ; and not only in the science and practice of Medicine and Surgery as publicly taught at the pres- ent day, but in all those co ordinate branches inseparably con- nected with it. And while we may never fulfill the measure of our design, or derive that amount of profit contemplated, we neverthe- less can expect that degree of recompense commensurate with our zeal and energy. Our observance of Medical Ethics will be in strict conformity with the Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association. ARTICLE III. This Institute may receive as members any Physician or Sur- geon who posesses the hereinafter specified qualifications, and who resides within Phillips County. Corresponding or honorary members may reside in any other County in this State, or in any other State in the United States. ARTICLE IV. This Society has authority to enact laws for the maintenance and government of its members; of changing or repealing any portion of said laws whenever essential; and the adoption of such other rules and regulations or by-laws as may from time to time appear requisite. 8 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ARTICLE V. Section 1. The applicant must possess a good moral character in the community in which he lives. 2d. He must produce sat- isfactory evidence that he has availed himself of the advantages of a thorough Medical Education, and has graduated at some recog- nized Medical College or University, of good repute with the American Medical Association. Sec. 2. Whenever the name of an applicant is proposed for membership, the same shall be referred to the Committee on Cre- dentials, who will report at the next regular monthly meeting succeeding, before said application can be entertained or acted up- on by the Institute. Sec. 3. Every admission to membership must be by ballot, and any applicant receiving two dissenting votes shall be considered as rejected. Sec. 4. That no member shall allow personal feeling to preju- dice the eligibility of an applicant. Sec. 5. Honorary and Corresponding members are eligible to election the same meeting their names are proposed. Provided that two members will vouch for their Medical Education and stand- ing in the community in which they reside. Sec. 6. The fee for admission tomembership in this Institute, shall be Five Dollars. Honorary and Corresponding members exempted. Sec. 7. The Institute shall have power to make such annual assessment upon its members as may be deemed necessary to meet its current expenses. ARTICLE VI. Sec. 1. The officers of this Institute shall consist of a Presi- dent, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elec- ted annually at the January meeting of the Institute, and shall hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are elected. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, when present; to give the casting vote when the mem- bers are equally divided upon questions before the Institute; to see PHILLIPS COUNTY. 9 that the rules of order and decorum are enforced in debate ; to sign the approved proceedings of each monthly meeting ; and to endorse such orders as may be drawn on the Treasurer for expen- ditures ordered by the Institute. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside in the absence of the President, and at all times to assist the President in the performance of his duty. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Treasurer in his dual capacity : 1st. To keep a true and faithful record of the proceedings of each meeting; preserve all papers, and any other property belonging to the Archives of the Institute ; keep a reg- ister of the members, the date of their admission, and place of residence. He shall collect all moneys due from the members. He shall attend all Committees appointed by this Institute, with such documents as may be necessary for reference ; report such unfin- ished business of previous meetings as may appear on his books requiring action ; and attend to such other business as the Insti- tute may direct. Also, to hold correspondence with other Medical Societies ; to keep a list of the same ; and attend to all the gen- eral correspondence, at the will and pleasure of the Institute. 2d. As Treasurer, it shall be his duty to receive all moneys de- livered to him, passing his receipt for the same ; and to pay out moneys only by order of the Institute, endorsed by the President. ARTICLE VII. No member of this Institute, shall bid for the practice of any institution, or for any public practice, but may accept the position of Surgeon or Physician in any institutions where the authorities have fixed the salary. ARTICLE VIII. In case of the resignation or death of any officer of this Insti- tute, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next monthly meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE IX. This Constitution may be altered or amended by the consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Institute. 10 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, BY-LAWS. The Medical Institute of Phillips County, shall meet at Helena, monthly, on the first Monday, at 12 M., for the transaction of any business coming before the Institute. LAW I. LAW II. One-third of the members of the Institute shall constitute a quorum for business. LAW III. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. The President shall call the meeting to order ; call for the reading of the minutes of previous meeting, by the Secretary, and correcting the same, which after approval, shall be adopted, 2. The consideration of all unfinished business from the previous meeting. 3. Report of Committees. 4. New Business. 5. Written Communications. 6. Proposals for Membership. 7. General Discussion of Medical Subjects. LAW IV. In case there is no quorum for the transaction of business, the members present, may adjourn the meeting from time to time, or until the next regular monthly meeting, unless sooner convened by the President. LAW V. The fee of admission to membership in this Institute, shall be (as stated in the Constitution), Five Dollars; and such other sums may be assessed upon its members as circumstances may demand. PHILLIPS COUNTY. 11 LAW VI. That Cushing's Manual be the guiding authority in the transac- tion of business in this Institute. All questions of business before this Institute shall be deter- mined by a majority of the members present, and no member shall be excused from voting, unless by the consent of the majority. LAW VII. LAW VIII. Should any member in good standing desire to change his place of residence, and remove from Phillips County, he shall upon on written application to this Institute, be furnished with the fol- lowing : M. D., of Phillips County. Arkansas, having exhibited to this Insti- tute his Diploma of Graduation as a Physician and Surgeon, from a regu- larly recognized Medical College, and having also produced satisfactory evidence of possessing a good moral character, was admitted a member of the Medical Institute of Phillips County, State of Arkansas, on the day of A. D. 18 Since admission to membership, M. D., has . assiduously attended to the duties of his profession, with commendable zeal and energy, and by his conduct has gained many friends among all classes of people. This Institute recommends him to the public generally, and fervently wish him prosperity and happiness. Given by order of the Medical Institute of Phillips County, and sealed with our seal, this the day of A. D. 18 [Seal of the Institute.] President. Attested by Secretary. DIPLOMA. LAW IX. Sec. 1. The President shall, at each annual meeting, appoint the following standing committees, consisting of not less than three, nor more than five members each, to-wit: 1. Committee on the Science and Progress of Medicine. 2. A. Judicial Council. 3. Committee on Printing, Finance and Claims. 4. Committee on Credentials. Sec. 2. The Committee on the Science and Progress of Medi- 12 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, cine, shall collect and preserve such specimens and publications of interest, as may be of benefit to the Institute, and render such aid by lecture or otherwise, as may be required. Sec. 3. The Judicial Council shall consider all Ethical subjects, all questions of a personal character, or controversy including complaints and protests, which may be referred to it. The Coun- cil shall organize by choosing a President and a Secretary, and shall keep a permanent record of its proceedings. It shall report to the Institute at the earliest practical moment, and its decisions shall be final and binding upon all parties. Sec. 4. The Committee on Printing. Finance and Claims, shall procure such printing as the Institute may order, investigate any claim that may be presented, and report annually the finances, receipts, expenditures, etc., as exhibited by the books and papers of the Secretary and Treasurer. Seo. 5. The Committee on Credentials shall satisfy themselves that the applicant for membership is possessed of the proper quali- fications to entitle him to become a member of this Institute, as defined in Article V of the Constitution, made and provided for such cases, and shall report the result of their investigation to the Institute for final decision. The members of this Institute shall, at any monthly meeting, be at liberty to give a history of results in practice, in any im- portant case, together with any new discoveries, or peculiar inci- dents that may have transpired; and the Institute may, if deemed proper, appoint a member annually, or biennially, to deliver a pub- lic address, in behalf of the Institute, upon the general outlines of the importance and progress of the Medical Profession. LAW X. LAW XI. At called meetings of this Institute, no business shall be trans- acted except that for which the meeting was specially called. LAW XII. Should any member demean himself in an ungentlemanly and unprofessional manner, although not strictly or wilfully violating any of the rules and regulations governing this Institute, it shall be the duty of the President, upon learning the same, to possess 13 PHILLIPS COUNTY. himself of all the facts, and gently yet firmly remonstrate with such member, and endeavor to dissuade him from such conduct. Should such member then persistently continue this reprehensible course, and openly violate any of said rules and regulations es- tablished for our governance, and charges and specifications be- ing preferred against him, the whole matter shall then be referred to the Judicial Council; and should this Council, after a full in- vestigation, having given the member so offending proper notice, time and opportunity to defend himself before them, deem him deserving of expulsion, and so declare it their opinion, the Insti- tute shall thereupon expel him. It is expressly stipulated herein, that any member being ex- pelled from this Institute, is debarred from being reinstated by civil process or suit in any of the courts in this District or State. LAW XIII. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Institution, as soon as any Physician settles in the County or District, to pre- sent him with a copy of the Constitution, By-Laws and Rates of Charges, and in the event of his refusing to sign them, the Fellows of this Institute shall not consult with him. Sec. 2. It is the duty of the Fellows of this Institute, to re- ceive such pecuniary acknowledgements from their patients, for their services, as are contained in their Fee-Bill, and to make a settlement of the same on the first day of January of each year, or as much sooner as the Physician attending the case may see fit.' Sec. 3. We hereby pledge ourselves to adhere to the Constitu- tion, By-Laws and Fee-Bill herein adopted, and herwith attest with our individual signatures, as gentlemen and physicians, our intention to be governed by the same. LAW XIV. The attention of the profession is called to the following construction of Art. IV, Sec. 1, Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association, in session at New Orleans, in 1869 : " Whereas, the proper construction of Article IV, Sec. 1, Code of Ethics, American Medical Association having been called for, relative to consultations with irregular practitioners, who are graduates of regular schools, Resolved, That said Article IV, Sec. 1, Code of Ethics, A. M. A. percludes all such practitioners from recognition by the regular profession." ADDENDA. 14 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, FEE-BILL. 1. Visit in town, (in day,) $2 50 " " (after dark,) ... 5 00 2. On board a ship or boat in a stream, (in day,) 5 00 On board a ship or boat in a stream, (after dark,) 10 00 3. Rising from bed at night and prescribing, 2 50 4. Office Prescription, ... 1 50@20 00 5. Visit under two miles in the country, (in day,) 2 50 Visit under two miles in the country, (after dark,) 5 00 Visit over two miles, (per mile,) 1 00 Visit over two miles, after dark, per mile 2 00 6. Consultation visit, (mileage extra,) 10 00 After the first, only the ordinary Fees will be charg- ed by the Consulting Physician. 7. Written advice for continued or entire treatment of a case, not being on the footing of a single prescription, 10 00 8. For a certificate of the state of health, ... 5 00 9. Examination for Life Insurance', at office, 5 00 Examination for Life Insurance, visit and mileage extra. OBSTETRIC FEES. 1. Simple obstetric cases with one after visit, (visit and mileage extra,) $20 00 2. Tedious cases not requiring instruments, charge for detention, over six hours, per hour, 2 00 3. For turning or instrumental labor, ... 50 00 4. Vaginal examination with speculum, 5 00 5. Adjusting displacements of uterus,... 5 00@10 00 6. Reducing prolapsus uteri, and retaining by pessary, 10 00 7. Delivering placeuta alone, 10 00 8. Attendance upon a case of abortion, 20 00 Visit and mileage extra. 15 PHILLIPS COUNTY. SURGICAL FEES. 1. Treatment of Gonorrhoea, $10 00@20 00 2. " " Syphilis, (primary,) $25 00 " . " " (secondary,) ... 50 00 " " " (tertiary,) 75 00@150 00 3. Opening abscesses, 1 00@5 00 4. Venesection, 1 50 5. Extracting tooth, 1@5 00 6. Scarification and cupping, 2 50@5 00 7. Vaccination, 1 00 8. Reducing luxation of jaw, 10 00 9. " " " Clavicle, 10 00 10. " " " Wrist, ... 10 00 11. " " " Shoulder, 25 00 12. " " " Elbow, ... 25 00 13. " " " Hip, 50 00 14. " " " Knee, 25 00 15. " " " Ankle, 15 00 16. " " " Finger, toe, or patella, 5 00 17. Extirpation of tumors, 10 00@50 00 18. Adjusting simple fracture of lower jaw, 10 00 19. Adjusting simple fracture of nose, ... 5 00 20. " " Clavicle, 10 00 21. " " Arm or forearm, ... 10 00 22. " " Thigh, 50 00 23. " " Leg, 25 00 24. Dressing simple fracture of Cranium, 10 00 25. Adjusting simple fracture of patella, 10 00 26. " " Finger or toe, 5 00 27. " " Rib, .... 5 00 28. Adjusting compound fractures double. Visit and mileage extra. Regular price for after treatment. AMPUTATIONS AND OPERATIONS. 1. Amputation of arm, $100 00 2. " at hip-joint, ... 200 00 3. " of thigh or leg ... 100 00 4. " of finger or toe, 10 00 5. " of penis, 50 00 6. " of metatarsal or metacarpal bones, 20 00 7. Operation for fistula in ano, 50 00@75 00 8. " for phimosis or paraphimosis, 10 00@25 00 9. "• for paracentesis abdominis, 10 00@50 00 10. " for lithotomy, ... 200 00 16 MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 11. Dressing common wounds, $ 5 00 12. Ligating arteries, 10 00@50 00 13. Introducing catheter, (at discretion,) ... 5 00 14. Excision of mamma, 50 00 15. Division of fraenum linguae, ... .' 2 50 16. Reducing strangulated hernia (by taxis) 10 00 17. " " " (by operation,) 50 00 18. Tapping hydrocele, 10 00 19. Radical treatment of hydrocele, 25 00 20. Formation of artificial anus, 10 00 21. Excising external haemorrhoids, 10 00@25 00 22. " internal " 25 00@50 00 23. Autopsies, 50 00 Visit and mileage extra. 1. Attendance upon contagious diseases, double the usual charge. 2. Detention in all cases, per hour, Two Dollars. 3. The foregoing table contains the standard Fees of the Medi- cal Profession of Phillips County. All bills shall be rendered in conformity with the above Fee table. They may be increased, according to the judgment of the practitioner, in all cases of extraordinary detention or attendance; also in proportion to the importance of the case, the responsibility attached to it, and of services rendered, when those are extraordinary. It shall be con- sidered unprofessional to diminish the standard Fees with a view to mercenary competition. 4. It is not designed by these regulations to prevent gratuitous services to those who are incapable of making remuneration with- out distressing themselves or families. 5. When circumstances permit, every physician should pre- sent his account upon the dismissal of the patient. 6. A reduction of 20 per cent, for cash payments will be made. O. F. RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals ' PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE-STUFFS, Brushes of all kinds, Coal and Illuminating Oils, Pure Liquors in great variety, best brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Balsam, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumery and Soaps, Stationery, WINDOW-GLASS AND DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, HELENA, ARKANSAS. PRESCRIPTION'S A. SPECIALTY, And Carefully Compounded at All Hours, by a Graduate in Pharmacy. PHCENIX DRUG STORE. JACKS & CO., HELENA, . . . ARK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. ' Monthly Shipments of POWERS & WEIGHTMAN'S Chemicals Received. A full line of Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, &c. Full stocks of Tilden's & Thayer's Fluid Extracts, Sugar Coated Gran- ules, Elixirs, &c., &c. Special inducements to Physicians who pur- chase Medicines for dispensing. Our Prescription Depart- ments and Laboratory is complete in all the late appliances. We have the largest Stock of Drugs, and do the largest Drug business of any house in the State of Arkansas. We are alive and not asleep, and propose to be fully up to the times. GIVE US Ax TRIAL. Always on hand a large Stock of Pure Old Kentucky Whiskies, which we hold and ripen in our old building; also full lines of all Imported Brandies, Wines, Gins, &c. All we ask is a fair trial. Respectfully, JACKS & CO. Any Memphis or Eastern bills duplicated in price and quality.