*# $Sfe": :sft- *®& [Sp> « NLM 3NiDi03w jo Aavaan ivnouvn 3Ni3ia3w jo Aavaan ivnouvn o CL SNOiasw jo Aavaan ivnoija NLM001055495 ^07 z X^ 5i|qnj 'ajDjia/vX puo -uoi|03np3 'u,l|D3H WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERED MAINLY FROM A Chemical and Sanitary Standpoint. BY WM. RIPLEY NICHOLS, •«. * PROFESSOR AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. FOURTH EDITION. SECOND THOUSAND. J ' *? fJj^JJ'Y NEW YORK: / '/ /j ~1 £ £> , JOHN WILEY & SONc 1894. rs.* -—/---- WAA 1294 Copyright, 1S83, By W. R. NICHOLS. PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE i. CO., NOS. 10 TO 20 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. PREFACE. The following pages contain, somewhat amplified, the sub- stance of a course of " Lectures on Water Supply " which the author has been in the habit of delivering before certain classes at the Institute of Technology. It is primarily as an aid to engineering and other students at this and similar institutions that the book is printed. It is hoped, however, that the book will be found of service to young engineers, to persons in charge of water works, to water committees, and to others who are interested in the matter of water supply. The aim is not to present a complete treatise on water supply for the civil engineer, nor a treatise on water analysis for the chemist, nor a treatise on mycology for the botanist, and certainly not a treatise on sanitary science for the physician, but, rather, to occupy a territory which encroaches on the fields of these and other professions and which belongs exclusively to no one alone —ground, in fact, with which all who are professionally inter- ested in water supply must be more or less familiar. The metric system of weights and measures is used, as well as the English; tables for the conversion of one system into the other will be found at the end of the volume. In the nomen- clature of chemical substances, the old and more familiar terms are generally—although not exclusively employed—such as car- bonate of soda and not sodic carbonate, sulphate of lime rather than sulphate of calcium. The author has quoted freely from other works on the sub- ject, and from his own earlier reports, now mostly out of print. iv PREFACE. He would acknowledge especial indebtedness to the Reports of the Rivers Pollution Commission, and to Fischer's chemische Technologie des Wassers, and regrets that Wolffhugels Wasser- versorgung did not come to hand until the manuscript was in the hands of the printer. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., May, 1883. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introductory Chapter.—Solution............... i- 16 Solution of solid substances.—Saturated and supersaturated solu- tions.—Condition of mixed solutions.—Various means of hastening solution.—Effects of dissolved solids.—Solution of gases.—Supersat- urated solutions of gases.—Facilitating gaseous solution.—Solubility of liquids in water.—Distinction between solution and suspension. Chapter I.—Drinking Water and Disease....... 17-28 Chapter II.—Water Analysis.................... 29- 47 Suspended matter.—Dissolved gases.—Total solids in solution.— Chlorine. —Hardness. — Combined nitrogen. — Organic matter.— Standards of purity.—Popular tests.—Collection of samples. Chapter III.—Rain Water as a Source of Supply. 48- 55 Examination of cistern water.—Natural and artificial ice.—Chemical examination of ice. Chapter IV.—Surface Waters as Sources of Sup- ply............................................. 56- 78 Turbidity of streams.—Pollution of streams.—Self-purification of streams.—Oxidation.—Deposition.—Dilution.—Prevention of pollu- tion. Chapter V.—Surface Waters as Sources of Sup- ply {continued/).................................. 79-104 Animal and vegetable life.—Odors and tastes.—Temperature.—Ex- amination of surface waters.—Variation of surface waters. Chapter VI.—Ground Water as a Source of Sup- ply............................................. 105-132 Methods of utilizing ground water.—Effects of pumping on ground water.—Driven wells.—Natural filtration.—Examination of ground water.—Pollution of domestic wells.—Examination of wells. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGES Chapter VII.—Deep Seated Water as a Source of Supply...................................... I33_I4S Artesian wells.—Deep wells.—Characteristics and examination of deep seated water. Chapter VIII.—Artificial Improvement of Natu- ral Water..................................... 146-180 Sedimentation.—Storage. — Aeration. — Filtration. — Principles of sand filtration.—Practical results of artificial filtration.—Sand filtra- tion in the United States.—Advantages of covered filter beds.—Ex- pense.—Other filtering materials.—Household filtration. Chapter IX.—Artificial Improvement of Natu- ral Water {continued)........................... 181-193 Softening of hard water.—Temporary hardness.—Permanent hard- ness.—Chemical processes.—Distillation. Chapter X.—Some General Considerations...... 194-215 Quantity and waste.—Conduits and distribution pipes.—Service pipes. Bibliography..................................... 216-220 Tables for Calculations........................ 221-225 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. SOLUTION. No water which occurs in nature is pure in the strict chem- ical sense of the term, but all natural waters, however free from suspended particles of foreign matter which are visible to the eye, invariably contain in solution more or less of substances which, in their ordinary condition, are solids or gases. It is therefore important, in the beginning, to understand some of the many things which might be said of solution in general. Solution of Solid Substances. If some pure salt be put into water, after a time the salt dis- appears from sight, and becomes incorporated with the water, so that it is no longer possible to distinguish it by the eye, or to remove it by ever so fine a filter. As far as we can make it out, the change that has taken place is as follows: The ultimate par- ticles of the salt (the molecules of the chemist) are no longer held together in a solid mass by that mutual attraction which we call cohesion, but have become separated from each other and distributed among the particles (molecules) of the water so as to form a homogeneous mixture. As far as we can perceive, it is, indeed, simply a mixture—a mixture of particles of salt with particles of water—we can discover no chemical change, we can trace no chemical action between the dissimilar substances, salt and water. This is an example of what is usually called physical solution. The solution differs, of course, essentially from the water. The transparency is not noticeably impaired,* but if * This would not be true if, instead of common salt, we had taken a strongly colored substance like the permanganate of potash. In such a case the strong color of the solution would perceptibly diminish its transparency ; otherwise the phenom- ena would be as above. 2 introductory chapter. much salt has been used the mobility of the water has been lessened, the boiling point has been raised, the freezing point and the temperature of maximum density have been lowered, the specific gravity, the specific heat and the electrical resistance have also been changed. If, now, the solution be allowed to evaporate at the ordinary temperature, or if the evaporation be hastened by artificially raising the temperature, the water passes off as vapor and the salt is recovered unchanged. If a strip of zinc be immersed in ordinary muriatic (hydro- chloric) acid somewhat diluted, the zinc gradually disappears, but at the same time there is a marked effervescence, due to the escape of hydrogen gas, as well as a considerable increase of temperature. There is, in fact, evidence enough that chemical change is taking place. When the action is over, we have a transparent liquid which is sometimes spoken of as a " solution of zinc," and the phenomenon is spoken of as chemical solution. If, however, we study the action that occurs, we find that it may be regarded as taking place in two steps: in the first place, the zinc acts on the acid to set free hydrogen gas, and to form a new compound, chloride of zinc; in the second place, the chloride of zinc thus formed dissolves in the liquid present, as did the salt in the previous example. Using the term solution in its ordinary sense, to cover all cases of the disappearance of a solid * in a liquid, there are many cases which can be assigned without hesitation to one or the other of the two classes of actions just described, but it is by no means easy in all cases to say whether we are dealing with a simple (physical) solution, or whether chemical action also takes place. Thus, if dry oxide of sodium be put into water, it dis- solves, that is, the solid disappears, but we are quite sure in this case that it is not the oxide of sodium which exists in the solu- tion; in fact, the oxide of sodium combines chemically with a portion of the water to form hydrate of sodium,f and it is this hydrate, and not the oxide, which actually dissolves in the mass of the water present. Again, if dry carbonate of soda be put into water, there is next to no doubt that it combines with a * The solution of gases and liquids will be considered further on. f The chemical change which takes place is thus symbolized : Na20 + HaO = 2NaOH. SOLUTION OF SOLID SUBSTANCES. 3 portion of the water, and that the compound which actually enters into solution has the same composition as the crystallized carbonate which contains, in addition to the elements of carbonate of soda, also a quantity of water. With regard to many solids, we are in doubt whether they dissolve simply as such, or first undergo chemical change. In cases like that of common salt, first mentioned, we can trace no such chemical change, but it is by no means certain that no chemical action takes place, and many regard the solution of salt and other similar substances as due to the same cause as that to which chemical action in gen- eral is due, manifested, however, to a slight degree.* The term solution is applied almost exclusively to cases where the dissolving substance, the solvent, is a liquid; the substance dissolved may be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Every liquid can act as a solvent for certain things, although, if the liquid is of a marked alkaline or acid character, solution is usually accompanied by chemical change. Water is spoken of as the universal sol- vent, and more than any other liquid does it dissolve various substances without evident change. In what follows, we shall use the terms soluble and insoluble to mean soluble and insoluble in water. Solids differ from each other very much in the facility with which they may be dissolved in water; thus, chloride of calcium, if merely left exposed to the air, readily absorbs from the atmos- phere enough water to dissolve it, and is an example of a so- called deliquescent substance ; on the other hand, sulphate of lead requires about 23,000 times its own weight of water (Fresenius), and quartz may be said to be insoluble. At a given temperature a certain quantity of water will always dissolve the same weight of a particular substance, and, as a general rule, the amount which can be dissolved increases with increase of temperature. The effect of increased temperature, however, differs greatly with different substances. Thus chloride of sodium (common salt) is more soluble in hot than in cold water, but only very slightly so; in the case of chloride of potassium, however, the amount dissolved increases regularly with the temperature, while in the case of nitrate of potassium the increase of solubility for a * See, for instance, a paper On Solution and the Chemical Process. Hunt's Chemical and Geological Essays, pp. 448 and foil. TRODUCTORY CHAPTER. Fig. i.— curves of solubility. given increase of temperature is greater the higher the tempera* ture: DIFF. FOR GRAMS. io". 34-70, 40.18 f 5 100 grams of water at o° C. dissolve of chloride of potassium. 29.23 I 403 f.o' 100 grams of water at o° dissolve of nitrate of potassium. 20° 40° 60° 45-66 } 5 13-32 j. l8 31.70 63-97 32 110.33 f 46 SOLUTION OF SOLID SUBSTANCES. 5 The diagram on the opposite page shows the relation of solu- bility to temperature in the case of a number of common salts. The horizontal lines indicate the number of parts by weight of the salt which ioo parts by weight of water will dissolve at the indicated temperature. There are some remarkable exceptions to the general rule that a larger amount of a substance can be dissolved in a given quantity of hot water than in the same quantity of water at a lower temperature. Sulphate of lime is one of these exceptions. This substance occurs in sea-water and in other natural waters, and, by virtue of the fact that its solubility decreases with increase of temperature, it gives much trouble in steam-boilers by separating out from the water and forming a coherent scale. The following table shows the solubility of sulphate of lime in sea-water at temperatures above 1030 Centigrade. TABLE I.—Solubility of Sulphate of Lime in Sea-Water.* Sea-water Saturated with Sulphate of Temperature in Degrees Lime Centigrade. Fahrenheit. Pressure in Atmospheres. Marks (at 150 C)on Beaum^'s hydrometer. Or has a specific gravity of Contains per cent of sulphate of lime. 103. 217.4 I. 12°.5 I.090 O.5OO 103.80 218.8 I. 12° I.085 O.477 105.15 221.3 I. 11° I.078 O.432 108.60 2275 1-25 '0° I 070 o-395 III.OO 231.8 1.25 9° I.063 0-355 113.20 235.8 1-25 8° I.056 0.310 115.8c 240.4 1.50 7° I 048 0.267 118.50 245-3 1.50 6° 1.041 0.226 121.20 250.2 I 50 5° I.034 0.183 124. 255-2 2. 4° I 027 0.140 I27.9O 262.2 2. 3° 1.020 0.097 130. 266.0 2.50 2° I-013 0.060 I33-30 271.9 2.5O 1° I.007 0.023 This table shows that when sea-water is boiled under a press- ure of one atmosphere, or at a temperature of 1030 C, it will become saturated with sulphate of lime, when, by evaporation, its density has been elevated to I2°.5 Beaum6, and it will then contain 0.5 per cent of the sulphate; at 1.25 atmospheres, or io8°.6 C, the water will be saturated with sulphate when it * Couste' : Annales des Mines, v (1854), p. 80. The second and fifth columns have been added to Couste's table. 6 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. marks io° B., and will then contain 0.395 per cent of the sul- phate. At a pressure of two atmospheres, that is, at a tempera- ture of about 1250 C, sea-water, in its natural state and without having undergone any concentration, is very near the point at which saturation occurs, for the density of sea-water is from 30 to 30.5 B., and this, according to the table, would correspond to a temperature of about 1250 C. Sulphate of lime becomes com- pletely insoluble, either in fresh or sea-water, at temperatures between 1400 C. and 1500 C. (284°-302° F.). Saturated and supersaturated solutions.—At any particular temperature a solvent can take up a definite amount of a sub- stance soluble in it, and no more. The solution is said to be saturated when it contains as much of the dissolved substance as can be taken up at the given temperature. It is, however, often possible to prepare what are called supersaturated solutions, by making a saturated solution at some higher temperature and allowing the liquid to cool. Suppose, for example, that a satu- rated solution of nitrate of potassium was made at 6o° using 100 c.c. of water; according to the diagram on page 4, at that temperature 100 grams of water would dissolve 110.33 grams of the salt. If, now, the solution were cooled to 200, we should expect that there would then remain dissolved 31.70 grams, and that 78.63 grams would separate in the solid condition during the cooling; in this particular case, the expectation would be approximately realized ; but, with many salts, if a saturated solu- tion be cooled quietly without agitation, it happens that, when cold, the liquid still retains more of the salt than it could take up at the lower temperature. In fact, Storer says:* "It is often exceedingly difficult thus to obtain normally saturated solutions, even of our most common and easily crystallized salts, within the limits of time which can be conveniently allotted to a single experiment." In the case of some particular salts the phenomenon of super- saturation is very marked. Thus, at a temperature of 330 C, water will dissolve about half its own weight of Glauber's salt (hydrated sulphate of sodium), and if the solution be protected from dust and allowed to cool quietly to the ordinary tempera- ture, the whole of the compound remains in solution. If, now, * Dictionary of Solubilities, Preface. SOLUTION OF SOLID SUBSTANCES. 7 a small crystal of the same kind as the original salt be dropped into the solution, about three-fifths of the salt separates out in the crystalline form, and the whole mass becomes nearly solid. Condition of mixed solutions.—Natural waters usually contain a variety of foreign substances, and it is worth while, at this point, to inquire into the condition of things which exist in a dilute solution containing at the same time several different salts. We will first take a simple case where chemical analysis shows the existence of, say a chloride and a sulphate, and of potassium and sodium. The question may be asked, whether the solution contains chloride of sodium and sulphate of potassium, or sul- phate of sodium and chloride of potassium, or whether all four of these compounds exist at the same time. Now, while the latter is believed to be the true state of the case, chemical analysis is powerless to answer the question, and two solutions undistinguishable from each other could be prepared by taking each pair of salts indicated above in the right proportion.* If a number of soluble salts are mixed together in solution, the matter becomes more complicated, but in stating the results of analysis, certain conventional forms of statement are adopted. Thus we might mix together in dilute solution and in the right proportion, sulphate of sodium and chloride of calcium, but if the solution were analyzed, it would be reported as containing sulphate of calcium and chloride of sodium, for the reason that the sulphate of calcium is much less readily soluble in water than the other compounds, and if the solution in question were gradually con- centrated by evaporation, the sulphate of calcium would separate in the solid form ; if the evaporation were carried to dryness, the sulphate of calcium and chloride of sodium would remain, each crystallized by itself. For this reason chloride of calcium would never be represented as existing in the presence of sulphate of sodium, although, in a dilute solution, it is probable that a por- tion of the calcium would actually exist in the form of chloride. It should be said that much difference of opinion and practice exists with reference to the best way to represent the constit- uents of a mixed solution, and two chemists will often report * We are not in absolute ignorance as to the laws which govern the partition of a base among different acids, or of an acid among different bases, or, indeed, of the acid and basic radicals among different salts. Our knowledge, however, is too limited to be applied practically to any considerable extent in such a case as that of a natural water. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. very different statements of the analysis of the same solution, while the numerical results actually obtained are the same. The following statement of the analysis of Croton water, by Professor Chandler, is an example of the form in which such reports are usually made : Solids Contained in one Gallon of Croton Water. Chloride of Sodium....... Sulphate of Potash...... Sulphate of Soda......... Sulphate of Lime......... Bicarbonate of Lime...... Bicarbonate of Magnesia.. Silica................... Alumina and Oxide of Iron Organic Matter........... Total........... 6.873 Summer, 1869. May 11, 1872. Grains. Grains. O.402 O.284 O.179 O.205 0.260 O.024 O.158 O.024 2.670 2-331 I-9I3 1.338 O.621 0.222 a trace O 058 0.670 O.874 5-360 The following statement represents the actual results of an- alysis, from which the previous statement was made up accord- ing to the conventional plan usually adopted : Solids Contained in one Gallon of Croton Water. Soda............................... Potash............................. Lime.............................. Magnesia........................... Chlorine............................ Sulphuric Acid...................... Silica.............................. Alumina and Oxide of Iron........... Carbonic Acid (calculated)............ Water in Bicarbonates (calculated)..... Organic and Volatile Matter.......... Less Oxygen equivalent to the Chlorine Total...................... Summer, if Grains. O.326 O.097 O.988 O.524 O.243 O.322 0.621 1 trace 2.604 0-532 0.670 6.927 0.054 6873 May 11, 1872. Grains. 0.157 0.109 O.819 O.369 0.172 O.124 0.222 O.058 2.074 O.42I O.874 5-399 0.039 5.360 Effect of the presence of one substance on the solubility of another substance.—When water has dissolved as much of a given sub- stance as it can under the existing conditions, it is still able to take up more or less of a second substance. In general the SOLUTION OF SOLID SUBSTANCES. 9 presence of one substance in a solution will modify the action of the liquid on another substance presented to it; thus, while cyanide of silver is insoluble in water, it dissolves readily in an aqueous solution of cyanide of potassium. Again, although car- bonate of lime dissolves only to a very slight extent in pure water, it dissolves to a considerable extent in water containing carbonic acid, and is a frequent constituent of natural waters. When such waters are boiled, the carbonic acid escapes, and as the water is no longer able to keep the carbonate of lime in solu- tion, this compound separates out and is one of the substances which cause trouble in steam boilers by forming an incrustation or scale. Undoubtedly, in such cases as those mentioned, chem- ical action takes place to a greater or less extent between the substances dissolved. Various means of hastening solution.—-The solution of a solid substance is facilitated by any means which tends to bring con- tinually fresh portions of the solvent into intimate contact with the substance to be dissolved. It is consequently of advantage to reduce the solid to a fine powder, and to agitate the mixture. Where there is no objection to heating the liquid, the solution is facilitated by so doing. Advantage may be taken of the fact that the solution has a greater specific gravity than the solvent, by suspending the solid near the sur- face of the liquid. This may be easily shown by putting crystals of some colored salt, as bichromate of potash or sulphate of copper, into a cone of wire gauze, or into a funnel, or into a tube over one end of which a piece of cloth is tied, and suspend- ing the apparatus in a vessel of water. The solution, as it is formed, falls toward the bottom of the vessel, marking its path through the water by colored threads, and this action continues until the solution is saturated. In preparing brine or a solution of copperas—as a disinfectant, for instance—much time may be saved by suspending the salt or the copperas in a basket or coarse bag near the top of the tub or barrel in which the solution is made, instead of putting the solid Fig. 2. 10 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. at the bottom of the water and endeavoring to hasten solution by stirring. Effect of dissolved solids on various physical phenomena.—The effect of dissolved solid substances is to increase the specific gravity, and in the case of many substances tables have been prepared from which the percentage of the substance dissolved can be learned by observing the specific gravity of the solution. Similar tables have also been prepared for solutions of gases and liquids. The presence of dissolved substances raises the boiling point of the solution, and the stronger the solution, the higher the boiling point. Thus, ordinary sea-water boils at about ioi° C. (2130.8 F.), while a saturated solution of acetate of potash does not boil until the temperature reaches 1690 C. (3040.2 F.). The effect of dissolved solids is to lower the freezing point and the temperature of maximum density. Thus, while pure water is at its maximum density at 4° C. (390.2 F.), and freezes at oc C. (320 F.), sea-water, according to Despretz, acquires its maximum density at 30.67 C. (380.6 F.), and freezes at —1°.88 C. (280.6 F.). Solution of Gases. It is true of gases as of solids that they vary very much in their deportment toward water, some being absorbed by it with very great readiness, while others may be kept in contact with it for a long time without suffering any considerable decrease of bulk. It is generally true, however, of gases, that they dissolve to a certain, even if to a slight, extent, and the amount is fixed and definite under the same conditions of temperature and press- ure. As a rule, increase of temperature decreases the solubility, and by prolonged boiling, water may be freed from the gases which it holds in solution.* The specific gravity of solutions of gases is sometimes lower and sometimes higher than that of water. The volume of a gas (expressed in cubic centimeters and measured at o° C, and under a pressure of 760 m.m. of mercury) which one cubic centimeter of water will dissolve at a certain * This is not invariably true. Thus, a strong solution of chlorhydric acid gas, when heated, gives off the gas until the amount of acid in the remaining solution has been reduced to 20.24 per cent by weight; the solution of this strength distills unchanged at no° C. SOLUTION OF GASES. II temperature, is called the coefficient of absorption at that tem- perature. The accompanying table gives the coefficient of absorp- tion at various temperatures for oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic acid, and ammonia.* TABLE II.—Coefficient of Absorption of various Gases. Temperature. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Carbonic Acid. Ammonia. o° C. O.04114 O.02035 I.7967 1049.6 i O.04007 O.OI981 I.7207 1020.8 2 O.03907 O.OI932 I.6481 993-3 3 O.03810 O.O1884 L5787 967.0 4 O.03717 O.OI838 I.5126 941.9 5 O.03628 O.OI794 I.4497 917.9 6 O.03544 O.OI752 I•3901 895.0 7 O.03465 O.O1713 1-3339 873.1 8 O.03389 O.OI675 1.2809 852.1 9 O.03317 O.O1640 1.2311 832.0 IO O.03250 O.OI607 1.1847 812.8 n O.03189 O.OI577 1.1416 794-3 12 O.03133 O.OI.549 1.1018 776-3 13 O.03082 O.OI523 1-0653 759-6 14 O.03034 O.O1500 1.0321 743-1 15 0.02989 O.OI478 1.0020 727.2 16 O.02949 O.OI458 0-9753 711.8 17 O.02914 O.OI44I 0.9519 696.9 18 O.02884 O.OI426 0.9318 682.3 19 O.02858 O.O1413 0.9150 668.0 20 O.02838 O.OI403 0.9014 654-0 From the table it is seen that the coefficient of carbonic acid is considerably, and that of ammonia enormously, greater than that of oxygen and nitrogen. In the case of gases like ammonia, hydrochloric acid, etc., we have no difficulty in believing that the great absorption is due to the fact that chemical combination takes place, and this is probably true also of carbonic acid, sul- phuretted hydrogen, etc. It is a curious fact that, with hydrogen, the coefficient of absorption in water is the same at ajl tempera- tures from o° to 200 C. If the pressure be increased, a greater weight of the gas is dissolved at a given temperature, and the increase is, in fact, proportional to the increase of pressure, but since the increased pressure diminishes the volume of the gas in the same propor- tion, the same actual volume of gas is dissolved whatever the pressure. In the case of gases which are easily liquefied by press- ure, or of those which are very soluble in water, this law does not hold good under all circumstances. Thus carbonic acid fol- * Bunsen : Gasometrische Methoden, Braunschweig, 1877. 12 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. lows the law only when the pressure is small, and ammonia gas only at high temperature. The law is, in general, true also when water is exposed to an atmosphere of mixed gases ; that is, each of the gases in the mixture is dissolved according to its own coefficient of solubility; but in determining the actual quantity of any one gas dissolved {i. e., the volume at o° and 760 m.m.), it must be remembered that the pressure exerted by the mixed gases is made up of the partial pressures of the several gases in the mixture. Thus, whether water at o° C. be exposed to pure oxygen with a pressure of 760 m.m., or to air at the pressure of 760 m.m., the same volume of oxygen will be dissolved in either case, namely, as we see from the table, 0.04114 c.c. of oxygen in each cubic centimeter of water; but in the one case we have 0.04114 c.c. of oxygen with a pressure of 760 m.m., whereas in the other case we have 0.04114 c.c. of oxygen with a pressure of one-fifth of 760 m.m., for in the air the oxygen forms only about one-fifth part by volume. It follows that the actual quantity of gas {i. e., the volume which it would have at o° and 760 m.m.) in the first case is about five times as great as in the second. It is possible, knowing the composition of the mixture of dissolved gases in any case, to calculate the composition of the atmosphere to which the water was exposed, but this does not hold in the case of a gas forming only a very small part of a mixture. Owing to the fact that the coefficient of absorption for oxygen is greater than that of nitrogen, water which has been exposed to ordinary air contains these two gases in quite a different propor- tion from that in which they exist in the air, and this is one of the proofs adduced to show that in the air the gases were simply mixed together, and not chemically combined. The relation is as follows: Composition of Air Composition of " Dissolved by Volume. Air " by Volume.* Oxygen................... 20.96 34-91 Nitrogen.................. 79.04 65.09 100.00 100.00 Supersaturated solutions of gases.—As in the case of solids, it is possible to prepare temporarily supersaturated solutions of gases. Thus, if ordinary " soda-water " be drawn from a siphon or from a fountain, a quantity of gas escapes as soon as the Bunsen : Gasometrische Methoden, p. 224. SOLUTION OF GASES. 13 excess of pressure is removed. Afterward the gas escapes more slowly, until eventually the water contains no more carbonic acid gas than it would take up under the conditions to which it is now exposed. That we really are dealing with a supersaturated solution after the first rapid escape of gas, may be shown by dropping into the soda-water a teaspoonful of sugar, or some sand, or almost any powder ; this causes immediate effervescence and escape of gas by furnishing free surfaces and sharp angles for the collection and liberation of the gas within the liquid. Facilitating gaseous solution.—In preparing a saturated solu- tion of a gas, the latter is generally allowed to simply bubble through the liquid to be saturated until the end is attained, the liquid being agitated or not, according to convenience. In the case of most gases, solution is facilitated by lowering the tem- perature, as, for instance, by surrounding the vessel in which the absorption takes place with cold water or ice. This is of especial use when the gas enters into chemical combination with the liquid, as is true of ammonia, hydrochloric acid, etc., when dis- solved in water, because the heat of chemical action raises the temperature of the solution. It is sometimes desirable to charge water with gas under increased pressure ; thus water is charged under pressure with carbonic acid gas, to bear thenceforth the name of " soda-water ; " sulphuretted hydrogen water, for use in chemical laboratories, is also prepared similarly. Solubility of Liquids in Water. Like solid substances, liquids differ among themselves as to their solubility in water, some liquids, as glycerine and common alcohol, mix with water in any and all proportions; others, like ether and amylic alcohol, dissolve to a limited and definite extent; others, like some oils and mercury, seem to be altogether in- soluble, although by long contact with the water such insoluble liquids may undergo chemical change, and give up something to the water. It is more difficult than with solids to determine whether and to what extent an insoluble or difficultly soluble liquid dissolves in water, and to distinguish between solution and suspension, especially if the liquid is colorless and has nearly the same refractive index as water. In this case it is impossible to 14 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. obtain satisfactory indications with the eye, and complete separa- tion of suspended particles is often impossible. The solution of a difficultly soluble colorless liquid may sometimes be watched by coloring the liquid with some substance which does not inter- fere with the action. Thus, if amylic alcohol be colored with a little iodine, the process of solution may be followed more readily than would otherwise be possible. As in the case of solids and gases, we have the same grada- tion from cases of marked chemical action, accompanied by dis- play of heat and decrease of bulk, to cases where we seem to be dealing with a simple mechanical mixture. Distinction between Solution and Suspension. There is a great deal of confusion, even among well-educated people, as to the proper use of the terms in solution and in suspen- sion, and in the same connection it may be said that a great deal of confusion exists with reference to the distinction between clear and colorless, terms which are by no means synonymous. The accurate use of the terms can probably best be made plain by illustrations. If, to take an example already made use of, we put some common salt into a quantity of water, after a time the salt disappears, the ultimate particles being distributed through the water so that they are no longer distinguishable by the eye, even aided by the most powerful microscope; the salt cannot be removed by simple filtration ; and, although the solution is some- what less mobile than water, it is still transparent. This, as we have seen, is a case of solution. Suppose that, instead of the salt, we take a quantity of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol). The phenomena will be similar, but the blue color of the compound shows itself in the solution. The more concentrated the solu- tion, the more will its transparency be diminished on account of the depth of color; it is easy, however, by taking a thin layer of the solution to satisfy one's self of the transparency of the liquid and of the absence of suspended particles. Such a liquid, although colored, is clear. Suppose, now, we take some clay, shake it with water, and then allow it to settle. The grosser particles will subside to the bottom of the vessel, but the finer particles will remain in sus- pension. Very finely divided clay will refuse to settle for weeks DISTINCTION BETWEEN SOLUTION AND SUSPENSION. 15 and sometimes even for months. In such cases the liquid appears somewhat turbid and opaque; and, although the individual par- ticles are too fine to be readily removed by ordinary filters and too small to be distinguished as particles by the eye, still the clay has not dissolved, and the very turbidity or opacity of the liquid shows the presence of solid particles, although they are extremely minute. Such an appearance is not to be described as "being colored," although finely divided clay and other material may be suspended in a liquid which does of itself possess a dis- tinct color. One often meets with the expression, and that, too, in standard works, " the water is discolored by clay," when really it is a question of a colorless water carrying particles of clay in suspension. As we shall see further on, surface waters are often highly colored by vegetable extractive matter in solution, but the water may at the same time be perfectly clear and transpa- rent. On the other hand, pond waters often appear decidedly green; but simple filtration gives a colorless water, and shows the green color to have been due to particles of green (vegetable) matter which were suspended in the liquid. While for practical purposes there is no difficulty in distin- guishing that which is really dissolved from that which is merely held suspended, and in applying the terms as already indicated, it is true that there are substances, generally considered insoluble, which admit of such minute subdivision that the finer particles will remain suspended in water for months, giving in some cases a faint opalescence to the liquid, but in other cases apparently only a color. Thus, by trituration with milk-sugar, metallic gold may be reduced to so fine a condition that it will diffuse through water, giving it a purple color, and it is hard to say that the gold does not exist in solution; after long standing, however, the metal separates out and settles to the bottom of the liquid, and this separation may be hastened by the addition of certain saline solutions.* The action of the saline solution is not fully under- stood, but it was noticed long ago that these minute particles showed under the microscope the so-called Brownian motion, and that the addition of small quantities of alum, glue, lime, car- bonate of ammonia or other salts, caused this molecular motion * Buchmann : Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen zum Nachweis der Loslich- keit von Metallen, etc. Leipzig, 1881, p. 54. i6 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. to cease, and the particles to flock together and settle out as minute, amorphous, curdy masses.* The same thing is illus- trated on the large scale by the phenomena which take place when a river, like the Mississippi, loaded with silt, meets the waters of the ocean. Dr. Huntf found that water taken neai the mouth of the Mississippi contained about -^^Vo °f suspended matter, mainly clay, which required from ten to fourteen days to subside. He, however, observed that the addition of sea-water or of salt, sulphate of magnesia, alum, or sulphuric acid, rendered the water clear in from twelve to eighteen hours, owing to this same flocculation of the suspended matter. * Naumann : Thermochemie, p. 33. f Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xvi, p. 301. WATER SUPPLY. CHAPTER I. DRINKING WATER AND DISEASE. WITH reference to their use for town and household supply, we shall roughly divide all natural waters into four classes, as follows: I. Rain water; 2. Surface water, including streams and lakes ; 3. Ground water, including shallow wells ; 4. Deep-seated water, including deep wells, artesian wells, and springs. Under each of these heads we shall study the advantages and disadvantages of the particular class of water, the liability of pol- lution, etc.; but first we will consider, in a general way, the con- nection which exists, or is supposed by some to exist, between drinking water and disease. A water containing a considerable amount of dissolved sub- stances—one which could properly be denominated a mineral water—would not be thought of for a public water supply, and would seldom be used as a regular beverage except for the sake of real or fancied medicinal effect ; a small amount, however, of mineral matter is generally considered an advantage. The pres- ence of the substances which ordinarily exist in solution in natu- ral waters must not be regarded as necessary, because experience on ship-board has shown that distilled water, properly aerated, is perfectly wholesome. It appears that distilled water, soft sur- face water, and moderately hard* spring or well water are all wholesome, and may be drunk without inconvenience by persons accustomed to their use. It is, however, true that a person who * A hard water is, generally speaking, one which contains compounds of lime or magnesia in solution. See pages 33 and 181, 2 i8 WATER SUPPLY. is in the habit of drinking a soft water generally experiences some derangement of the digestive organs on beginning to use hard water, and vice versa. It is contended by some that the human system needs salts of lime, etc., that these compounds are furnished in an assimilable form in water, and that, consequently, a somewhat hard water is more advantageous for town supply ; statistics have been brought together to support this view by comparing the death rate of various towns with the hardness of the water supply, but the death rate depends upon too many factors to be used as the chief argument in this connection. It is, however, the result of general observation that a hard water of which the hardness is due to salts of magnesia or to sulphate of lime is not well suited for drinking, and is injurious to most persons. Waters, especially surface waters, containing much vegetable matter are also, in some cases, unwholesome. The water of marshes is sometimes the cause of diarrhoea and other diseases of this character, and is supposed by some to cause malarial and other fevers (see also page ioo). The mere presence of vegetable organic matter, however, is not sufficient to produce these effects, because many waters which are quite deeply colored by vegetable matter are proved by experience to be perfectly wholesome.* While some waters are thus, in their natural condition, unwholesome and may be the cause of sickness, the attention of sanitarians and water experts is directed nowadays principally to the effect of water which is polluted by the waste materials from manufactories and dwellings, or by the sewage of towns and cities; and it is generally held, especially in England and the United States, that water thus polluted may be, and frequently is, the cause of certain specific diseases. Before discussing this question directly, it is important to have a general idea of the present prevailing view with reference to the so-called zymotic diseases, and to understand what is meant by the " germ theory." Many clear liquids containing organic matter of animal or vegetable origin—such, for instance, as infusions of hay, infusion of turnip, urine, etc., etc.,—if exposed to the air gradually be- come turbid or cloudy, or, perhaps, a film forms on the surface of the liquid, or a deposit upon the walls of the vessel which con. * See, however, a remark by Professor Mallet, page 26. DRINKING WATER AND DISEASE. 19 tains it. The cause of the turbidity is shown by the microscope to be the presence of countless minute organized bodies—some rod-like, others globular—which prove to be capable of self-prop- agation, and which are endowed with motion, at least under cer- tain conditions. Similar organisms are found in the " dust " which floats in the air, and which may be collected by causing a current of air to impinge upon a surface moistened with glycer- ine ; they occur in rain water, particularly in that which falls in the beginning of a shower, in surface waters and elsewhere. They are found especially where there is decomposing organic matter, and perform an active part in promoting or producing the chem- ical changes which take place. In certain diseases of men and of the lower animals, organisms which, in their general character, are similar to those thus described have been found in the blood or in the substance of various organs, and their connection with the disease seems to be something more than a coincidence ; there seems, indeed, to be a causal connection. The micro-organisms with which we are now concerned are referred to the vegetable kingdom ; they are regarded as related both to the fungi and to the alga, and are designated scientifi- cally as schizomycetes (Spaltpilze, Nageli) ;* their study requires the highest powers of the microscope and the greatest skill in observation. The development of certain forms has been care- fully studied, and it is known that they multiply not only by fission—as Nageli's classification impl:es—but also by the forma- tion of spores or permanent " germs." The " germ theory " of disease is that many diseases are due to the presence and propa- gation in the system of these minute organisms, which are popu- larly spoken of under the general name bacteria, under which term are included also organisms which, as far as known, are harmless. Some of the diseases which have, with more or less show of reason, been supposed to have their cause in such organ- isms are malarial (intermittent) fever, relapsing fever, typhus and typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. * Nageli : Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen zu den Infectionskrankheiten, Munich, 1877. Nageli distinguishes three natural groups among the lower fungi : (1) the mucorini, Schimmelpilze, mould fungi ; (2) the saccharomycetes, Sprosspilze, budding fungi ; (3) the schizomycetes, Spaltpilze, fission fungi. The second class includes the organisms which produce the fermentation of wine and beer ; the third class includes the fungi of putrefaction, the so-called bacteria. The terms microbes, microzymes, as well as several others, are also used to include all these micro-organisms. 20 WATER SUPPLY. With reference to specific distinctions among the organisms themselves observers are not agreed. Some would very much restrict the number of true species, and refer the differences in appearance and action to differences in the attendant conditions; others believe that there are many species, as distinct as those observed in higher organisms, and that each disease has its own bacterium; they believe that the observed differ- ences are essential, and the inability to recognize, in all cases, satisfactory spe- cific characters is due to the imperfection of the means of observation. For pur- poses of study, at any rate, the various observed forms may be classified in genera and species. Referring to a few terms of *f ' Co 'O f p '. ■ ■ .* 4> 3 . »A,J, ;.#-;•%' a ' " % Fig. 3 in th: a. Micrococcus prodigiosus ; b. zooglcea stage ; c. M. Urea:. oQe the same 650:1. V\. ^A 32-68 2,083.33 100.03 233-95 196.08 58.82 17-47 66.6 Parts of Water for 1 part of I Sediment. Authority. 6.25 17.20 2,083.00 333-00 116.82 97-94 34.48 by by wg't. vol. 17,000 7,000 230 4? 2,000 50,000 . Daubree. 16,-00 Horner. 4,878 .. . iBischof. 57,800 " 1,282 .... IStiefensand. 100 Hartsoeker. 2,100 .... iChandellon. 71,420 .... 10,000 3,060 5,814 Hartley. 48 Spitieli. 300 Lombardini. 48 ___ iPayen. 1,000 4~8 856 Everest. 5io 1,021 1,700 ___ [Login. 5i725 ... | 1,500 2,900 Humphreys and Abbot. The Pollution of Streams. Owing to facilities for transportation, to available water- power, and also to the opportunities furnished for the discharge of waste material, running streams naturally attract to their banks manufactories and towns, and, in turn, become polluted by their refuse. In a thickly settled manufacturing country like England, where, moreover, the streams are comparatively small, the pollu- tion may become very serious. In Great Britain the matter has been the subject of thorough investigation by two Royal Com- missions, appointed respectively in 1865 and 1868, "to inquire into the best means of preventing the pollution of rivers." The statement of the Commissioners with reference to the Aire and Calder, although it has been frequently quoted, has not Lost in emphasis: 58 WATER SUPPLY. " The rivers Aire and Calder and their tributaries are abused by passing into them hundreds of thousands of tons per annum of ashes, slag and cinders from steam-boilers, furnaces, iron- works and domestic fires; by their being made the receptacle, to a vast extent, of broken pottery and worn-out utensils of metal, refuse brick from brick-yards and old buildings, earth, stone and clay from quarries and excavations, road-scrapings, street-sweepings, etc.; by spent dye-woods and other solids used in the treatment of worsteds and woollens; by hundreds of car- casses of animals, as dogs, cats, pigs, etc., which are allowed to float on the surface of the streams or putrefy on their banks; and by the flowing in, to the amount of very many millions of gallons per day, of water poisoned, corrupted, and clogged by refuse from mines, chemical works, dyeing, scouring and fulling worsted and woollen stuffs, skin-cleaning and tanning, slaughter- house garbage, and the sewage of towns and houses." " Bradford is an ancient town situated on a ' beck ' about four miles south of the river Aire, into which the water of this beck falls. It is the center of the worsted district." The Commis- sioners allude to the increase of population and to the increased pollution from dye-works, from soap-suds, and from refuse of various kinds produced in manufactures. " The whole of the sewage of Bradford, and of the populous district above the town, flows into the beck, producing an indescribable state of pollu- tion. It has become a Yorkshire proverb of comparison for any foul stream, to say of it that it is as polluted as Bradford Beck. At the time of our inquiry Bradford Beck was the source of supply of the Bradford Canal, the fluid of which became so cor- rupt in summer that large volumes of inflammable gases were given off, and, although it has usually been considered an impos- sible feat ' to set the River Thames on fire,' it was found practi- cable to set the Bradford Canal on fire, as this at times formed part of the amusement of boys in the neighborhood. They struck a match placed on the end of a stick, reached over, and set the canal on fire, the flames rising six feet high and running along the surface of the water for many yards like a will-o'-the wisp; canal boats have been so enveloped in flame as to frighten persons on board." The river Irwell, near its source, " is of excellent quality for all domestic purposes." It flows, however, through the midst of THE POLLUTION OF STREAMS. 59 a manufacturing district, and finally passes through Manchester before it empties into the Mersey. At Manchester the slug- gishly flowing stream is black as ink, and it is there joined by the Irk and Medlock, streams not less polluted than itself. Of the Clyde, the following are bits of evidence : "At one time the Clyde was comparatively pure and limpid— salmon fishing within the precincts of the harbor being very pro- ductive. Now, through Glasgow downwards, but diminishing below the mouth of the Cart, it is very foul and turbid ; in short a gigantic open sewer, noxious gases being continually evolved, which, during summer, are so overpowering as to force the bulk of the passenger traffic from the river to the rail." " The harbor is more like a gigantic cesspool than a harbor in the proper acceptation of the term." " In summer time there is a perfect commotion with air and gas bubbles over the whole surface of the water, and it is so bad that we cannot use it for the boilers of the little steam ferry- boats that ply across the river." While the rivers of Great Britain are probably polluted gen- erally to a greater extent than those of most other countries, the trouble is by no means peculiar. In France the condition of the Seine below Paris has led to the appointment of several depart- mental and municipal commissions, and to the proposal of exten- sive and costly plans for disposing of the sewage of the city. Other rivers of France, as, for instance, the Vesle, at Rheims, have become the receptacles of town and manufacturing refuse so as to call imperatively for restrictive action. In Germany the increasing pollution of the sluggish Spree by the sewage of Berlin was one of the moving causes which has led to an entire change of the system of sewerage, and to the attempt at purifi- cation and utilization of the entire sewage of the city on sewage farms. In this country, many of our streams carry such a volume of water that the refuse of the largest cities is soon lost; but some of the smaller rivers, for a portion of their course at any rate, are rendered unfit for domestic use. The Blackstone River, in Massachusetts, receives the sewage of Worcester and causes complaint from the towns and manufactories on its banks. The Schuylkill and Passaic rivers are no longer fit for water supply where water-works now exist. The Chicago River was an ex- 6o WATER SUPPLY. ceedingly foul stream—if stream it could be called—until it was diverted into the Illinois River; and other examples might be cited. The contamination of the water of the Great Lakes, in the neighborhood of cities like Cleveland, Chicago and Milwau- kee, is a very serious matter. There is a limit to the distance to which tunnels can be carried into the open lake, and the problem of disposing of the sewage of the cities, otherwise than by dis- charging it into the lake, is one which will soon compel solution. It is not our purpose to enter into details as to the nature and amount of the polluting materials which are discharged by various manufacturing industries, nor to discuss how far the indi- vidual substances are injurious to plants or to fish, or how far they render the water unfit for drinking and for other domestic purposes.* We may admit that certain substances are injurious, even in small amount; but, while this is true, it is also true that much manufacturing refuse is of such a character as to be, except in excessive quantities, of no appreciable influence on the human system. Thus, the addition to a water of most of the ordinary salts of lime, soda, potash, etc., would not produce any deleterious effect, although the addition of lime compounds would increase the hardness and render the water less desirable for washing. Again, in the case of many waste liquors of offen- sive appearance, the actual amount of matter which is really injurious or of suspicious character is comparatively small. Thus, in the case of some of the organic dyestuffs, the weak, spent dye-liquors, although they communicate a very foul appearance to the water for some distance, yet contain a comparatively small amount of solid matter, and, if discharged into a stream of con- siderable size, are soon disseminated through it, and diluted to a very great extent. Very different, however, in character and importance, from much of the refuse of manufacturing establishments, is, as we have seen, the sewage proper—that is, the excremental matters from factories and towns—and the refuse from particular opera- tions, such as tanning, slaughtering, rendering, wool-pulling, etc. * These matters are very fully discussed in the reports of the Rivers Pollution Commissions of Great Britain. A brief statement with reference to the chemicals and other materials used in various manufacturing operations and with reference to the liquid refuse discharged from them, is given in the Report of the Mass. State Board of Health, 1876 : Special Report on the Pollution of Rivers by J. P. Kirkwood, C.E. THE POLLUTION OF STREAMS. 61 With our present information, too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of preventing the discharge of such refuse, and of sewage in its more restricted sense, into any stream or pond used, or likely to be used, as a source of water supply. The importance of this matter is underrated for two reasons: first, because of a belief that an impure and polluted water rap- idly purifies itself by natural means ; and, second, because of the feeling that a water to be prejudicial to health must be polluted to such an extent that the animal matter may be recognized by chemical tests. That a polluted water in its flow does become purer, no one can doubt who has followed the course of a polluted stream; chemical analysis proves the same thing. There is, however, much difference of opinion as to the method by which the puri- fication takes place, and also as to the extent to which we may suppose that the disease-producing something is eliminated. TABLE VIII.—The Seine above and below Paris.* ' Kilometers. 31 78 93 log 150 242 Locality. Corbeil (above Paris)............. Pont de la Tournelle, Paris........ Auteuil (below the city but above the outlets of the main sewers)... Pont d'Asnieres (above main sewer) Epinay (below all sewers)......... Pont de Poissy................... Pont de Meulan.................. Mantes......................... Vernon ......................... Rouen.......................... Organic Nitrogen. Grams per cubic meter. O.85 I.26 0-45 O.40 Total Combined Nitrogen. Grams per cubic meter. Dissolved Oxygen. Cubic centimeters per liter. 9-32 8.05 5-99 5-34 1.05 6.12 8.17 8.96 10.40 10.42 Table VIII contains the results of partial examinations of the Seine above and below Paris. At Epinay, below all the sewers, the river is at its worst as regards the amount of nitrogen in the form of ammoniacal salts and organic compounds, and the dissolved oxygen is reduced to a minimum. After flowing some 75 or 100 kilometers, the river regains its purity as far as appear- ance and chemical tests can indicate. * Assainissement de la Seine, etc, deuxieme partie, II Annexes, p. S ; also Rap- port de MM. Schloesing et A. Durand-Claye. Congres international d'hygiene, Paris, 1878, p. 314. WATER SUPPLY. TABLE IX.—Self-Purification of Streams. [Results expressed in Parts in 100,000.] Miles. 5 25 o 13J Locality. Blackstone River, 1875. North Pond, above pollution............ City Reservoir, gate-house............. Mill Brook, below sewers............... Blackstone River, at sash factory........ Blackstone River, at Blackstone......... Merrimack River, 1873. Mean of 11 examinations above Lowell... Mean of 12 examinations above Lawrence. Mean of 11 examinations below Lawrence Merrimack River, 1879.* Mean of 2 examinations above Lowell.... Mean of 4 examinations above Lawrence . 1°™; ' Ammonia. Solids. 20 O.OI07 76 O.OO72 44 O.9600 04 O.0992 80 O.OO99 4.IO 4.IO 4-43 5-5Q 7-56 .0.0047 o.0044 0.0031 0.0021 0.0018 1 Albuminoid j Chlo- Ammonia." ! R1NE. O.O213 O.0235 O.IIO9 O.0307 O.OI39 O.OI14 O.OIIO 0.0127 0.0132 0.0131 0.18 O.I2 3.80 O.92 O.36 0.14 0.2O 0.18 O.4O O.44 Table IX contains results which are less striking but which point in the same direction. The Blackstone Valley is the seat of considerable manufacturing industries, there being on the stream and its tributaries 44 woolen mills, 27 cotton mills, 12 iron works, 1 tannery and 1 slaughter house. Some of the mills cause local pollution, but the chief source of contamination is the sewage of the City of Worcester—some 2,000,000 gallons in 24 hours—which flows into Mill Brook and thence into the river. " The water of Mill Brook, after it has received the sewage of Worcester, is shown to be very impure in this table, and on the Blackstone River, at the sash factory, about five miles lower down, it still gives unmistakable signs of the influence of this pollution ; but at Blackstone, twenty-five miles below Mill Brook, the dilution produced by numerous small streams delivering into the main river between these points has all but obliterated the evidence of impurity, so far as analysis can expose it, the only marked difference here in the table between the water at Black- stone and the head water of the river, being in the amount of chlorine, the increase, however, of this evidence of impurity not being so great as to condemn the water (by this test) for domestic or any other use. It is to be noted, however, that the river at this time was not at its very low dry-weather stage, * E. S. Wood, M.D. THE POLLUTION OF STREAMS. 6$ which usually occurs in October or November, when it occurs at all. In extreme low water, the river would give greater tokens of impurity." * Of the Merrimack River it may be said that, in 1873, when some of the examinations were made, Lowell had a population of about 41,000 and Lawrence of about 30,000; further, at Lowell there are some 75 mill buildings, in which about 16,000 operatives are employed. About 10,000 horse power is derived from the river, and, in addition, steam power is used to the extent of 6,000 horse power. The Merrimack Manufacturing Company alone consumes, among other things, 7,500 gallons of oil per annum, 225,000 pounds of starch, 1,100 barrels of flour, 2,500,000 pounds of madder, 50,000 of copperas, 170,000 of alum, 200,000 of sumac, 1,120,000 of sulphuric acid, 300,000 of bark, 350,000 of soda-ash, and 40,000 of soap.f At Lawrence there are some 25 mills (buildings), employing 9,000 operatives. The manufacturing industry is less at Law- rence than at Lowell, but it is still very considerable. The Pacific Mills, which is the largest corporation, use some 800,000 pounds of starch, 540 barrels of flour, 8,300 gallons of oil, etc. % The questions naturally arise, to what causes are we to ascribe the disappearance of the large amount of polluting material in the Seine, and in the Blackstone, and why, in the case of the Merri- mack River, are we not able to trace a greater effect as produced by the large manufacturing cities of Lowell and Lawrence. In studying the self-purifying power of streams, let us first take an instance of a substance whose course we can trace more easily than that of animal refuse, with which we are, of course, more concerned. The following account from the First Annual Report of the Mass. State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity (1880), will furnish the illustration : " On the night of June 2, 1879, a ^re occurred in a chemical works situated on a brook whose waters eventually find theirway into Mystic Pond, from which a portion of the city of Boston, Mass., obtains its supply of water. As a result of the destruc- * Seventh Annual Report of Mass. State Board of Health, 1876, p. 84. f These figures are taken from the " Statistics of Lowell Manufactures, January, 1873," published by Stone & Huse, Lowell. X " Statistics of Lawrence Manufactures, January, 1872." Published by Geo. S. Merrill & Co., Lawrence. 64 WATER SUPPLY. tion by fire of the sulphuric acid chambers, a considerable quan- tity of sulphuric acid, estimated at fifty tons of oil of vitriol, together with salt cake and other chemicals, was washed directly into the brook, or flowed upon the adjoining meadow-land, from which it would slowly find its way to the stream. Large num- bers of fish, driven before the acid water, or actually killed by it, passed into the mill-ponds below and through the wheels of the mills. Anxiety was felt lest the acid should reach Mystic Pond itself; and, five days after the fire, specimens of the water were collected for analysis. As far as Mystic Pond itself was con- cerned, the fears proved groundless; but in the brook and in some of the upper ponds there was an abnormal amount of dissolved matter and especially of sulphates. The most interesting point, however, was with reference to the acidity of the water. As a rule, our surface waters in Massachusetts are naturally slightly alkaline, and, when the water is evaporated to dryness, the residue effervesces, at least slightly, when treated with acid.* It was found that even five days after the fire the water of the brook itself and of the nearest ponds was distinctly acid. The amount of acid was estimated by means of a dilute solution of baryta, using rosolic acid as an indicator. " The acidity was found to be as follows, the results being expressed by stating how many parts by weight of sulphuric acid No. I IV VI III Date. 1879 June 7, June 7, June 7, June 7, June 7, June 8, A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M P.M Locality. From brook just below works....................... Lower end of Richardson's Pond, about x% miles below works.............................. ..... Frye & Thompson's Pond, about 3 miles below works. . . From brook midway between Chemical Works and Rich- ardson's Pond, about % mile below works.........___ From canal at Mont vale, about 2% miles below works..... Upper end of Richardson's Pond, X mile below II....... Acidity. •00 vo < § £< 0 0 a °0 Eefe rt — *" u Oh p. 1.74 57.500 0.74 135,000 0-37 270,000 0.18 S55.5°o °-37 270,000 0.15 666,600 (H2S04), or its equivalent, were present in 100,000 parts by weight of the water; and also by stating, in round numbers, with how * Whether the alkalinity is to be regarded as due in part to the presence of alka- line carbonates, or as solely due to the presence of dissolved carbonate of calcium, is uncertain, as there are no analyses which are sufficiently particular to determine. SELF-PURIFICATION OF STREAMS. 65 -many parts of water by weight one part of sulphuric acid was diluted. " From the point numbered VI, that is from the canal at Montvale, samples were taken at intervals until the water re- turned to its alkaline reaction. The results of the examination were as follows : t. a rs-u OJ V 0 i> "rt <.Si J3u > o-oO So '3 ■cSOT Date. Locality. 38 "o w W rt cO — (/) 58S .2 S c Remarks. "O >-H? t« ™ 5 — V .tiffi _ grant to departmental and municipal authorities power to preserve the purity of streams, and to interpose if the waters become a source of ill-health. A ministerial decision, dated July 24, 1875, reaffirms, in principle, the decrees of 1773 and 1777.* That the laws, even of well-policed countries like Germany and France, do not succeed in wholly accomplishing the object desired, is evident from the present condition of certain streams, notably of the Seine and Spree. In England, there were formerly laws similar to those existing in France ; but the enormous de- velopment of the manufacturing industry in that country, and the national sensitiveness as to the liberty of the subject, served, in course of time, to render them all dead letters. The Public Health Act, of 1848,! gave local authorities power to build sewers and discharge them into streams wherever they saw fit. Then began, on a large scale, the pollution of the rivers of the country which has since become so great an evil. By the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, provision was first made for en- joining individuals, towns and corporations against the pollution of streams. To provide for the full carrying out of the require- ments of the act, Section IX contains a clause that the local authorities shall appoint or employ a sanitary inspector or in- spectors. In 1858, local authorities were rendered liable to injunction for polluting streams. In the Sewage Utilization Act of 1865, we find this clause; " Nothing contained in this act or any other acts referred to therein (z. e., all the sanitary acts previously passed), shall author- ize any sewer authority to make a sewer so as to drain direct into any stream or water-course." By the same acts the powers of sewer authorities were extended as to the pollution of streams. * Schlcesing et Durand-Claye. Rapport. f This sketch of English legislation is condensed from the Seventh Annual Report of the Mass. State Board of Health. 74 WATER SUPPLY. Seventeen years had sufficed to reverse entirely the laws on the subject. In 1848, towns were urged to empty sewage freely into the most convenient water-courses. The first Rivers Pollution Commission was appointed in 1865 ; the second was appointed in 1868, and their last report (the sixth), was printed in 1874. Largely as a result of the careful and com- prehensive investigations of these commissions, and especially of the second one, there was passed, in 1876, a Rivers Pollution Prevention Act,* which was certainly a great step in advance, although the act is not satisfactory to sanitarians in all respects. The provisions of the act are, briefly, as follows : f I. Prohibition as to casting solid matter (ashes, dead animals, etc.) into water-courses. II. Prohibition as to casting sewage proper into water- courses. In case, however, of sewage discharged by channels in use or process of construction at the date of passage of the act, it will be sufficient to show that the best practicable and avail- able means are used to render harmless the sewage so discharged, and the Local Government Board may allow to sanitary author- ities time, in order to adopt such means. III. (1) Prohibition as to casting poisonous, noxious, or polluting refuse from manufactories into water-courses, with the same provision as above with regard to channels already in use or in process of construction. Proceedings against manufactories can be taken only by consent of the Local Government Board, who must be satisfied that means for rendering the manufactur- ing refuse harmless are reasonably practicable and available, under all the circumstances of the case, and that no material injury will be inflicted upon the interests of the manufacturers. (2) Restrictions as to solid matter from mines. The following definition was formulated by the Rivers Pol lution Commission (1868) of liquids which should be deemed polluting and inadmissible into any stream, but they have not been established by legal enactment. {a) Any liquid which has not been subjected to perfect rest in subsidence ponds of sufficient size for a period of at least six hours, or which having been so subjected to subsidence, contains * The text of this act may be found in the Eighth Annual Report of the Mass. State Board of Health, p. 73. f Quoted from Ninth Annual Report of the Mass. State Board of Health. PREVENTION OF POLLUTION. 75 in suspension more than one part by weight of dry organic matter in 100,000 parts by weight of the liquid, or which, not having been so subjected to subsidence, contains in suspension more than three parts by weight of dry mineral matter, or one part by weight of dry organic matter in 100,000 parts by weight of the liquid. {b) Any liquid containing, in solution, more than two parts by weight of organic carbon or 0.3 part by weight of organic nitrogen in 100,000 parts by weight. {c) Any liquid which shall exhibit by daylight a distinct color when a stratum of it one inch deep is placed in a white porcelain or earthenware vessel. {d) Any liquid which contains in solution, in 100,000 parts by weight, more than two parts by weight of any metal except calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. {e) Any liquid which in 100,000 parts by weight contains, whether in solution or suspension, in chemical combination or otherwise, more than 0.05 part by weight of metallic arsenic. (/) Any liquid which, after acidification with sulphuric acid, contains, in 100,000 parts by weight, more than one part by weight of free chlorine. {g) Any liquid which contains, in 100,000 parts by weight, more than one part by weight of sulphur, in the condition either of sulphuretted hydrogen or of a soluble sulphuret. {h) Any liquid possessing an acidity greater than that which is produced by adding two parts by weight of real muriatic acid to 1,000 parts by weight of distilled water. (?) Any liquid possessing an alkalinity greater than that which is produced by adding one part by weight of dry caustic soda to 1,000 parts by weight of distilled water. {k) Any liquid exhibiting a film of petroleum or hydrocarbon oil upon its surface, or containing in suspension, in 100,000 parts, more than 0.05 part of such oil. To these standards was attached the proviso, that " no effluent water shall be deemed polluting if it be not more contaminated with any of the above-named polluting ingredients than the stream or river into which it is discharged." In this country comparatively little has been done in the way of legislation from a sanitary point of view, as the polluted streams are still few in number, and the necessity for legislation 76 WATER SUPPLY. has not become pressing. In some States there are general laws against the obstruction and pollution of water-courses, or special provision for securing, to a certain extent, the purity of streams or other waters actually used as sources of supply. In the District of Columbia there is a law of the United States (1859), which provides penalty for committing any act by reason of which the supply of water to the cities of Washington and Georgetown becomes impure, filthy, or unfit for use. In Iowa, by an act of 1864, it is punishable by fine or imprison- ment to throw any dead animal into any river, well, spring, cistern, reservoir, stream, or pond. In Michigan, an act of 1865 prohibits the putting of offal, etc., into waters where fish are taken. In Nebraska, by act of 1873, there are penalties for putting carcasses or other filthy substances into well, spring, brook, or any running water of which use is made for domestic purposes ; the corrupting of any water-course is declared to be a nuisance. In Tennessee, by act of 1866-7, rendering water unwhole. some is declared a nuisance. In Vermont, by act of 1852, a penalty was enacted against any one putting any dead animal or animal substance into rivers, ponds, springs, etc. In Wis- consin there are laws providing against the erection of slaughter- houses on the banks of any river, stream or creek, or throwing any carcass or offal therefrom in or upon the bank of any such river, etc. In Texas, by act of i860, polluting or obstructing any water-course, lake, pond, marsh, or common sewer, or con- tinuing such obstruction or pollution, so as to render the same unwholesome or offensive to the county, city, town, or neighbor- hood thereabouts, or doing any other act or thing that would be deemed and held a nuisance at common law, is made a misde- meanor.* The Texas law, just alluded to, indicates very well what is generally the character and effect of legislation on this subject. If any persqn or corporation pollutes a stream in such a way that the result would be held a nuisance at common law, or if the pollution is so great that it can be absolutely proved that water, which is taken for domestic use, has become " impure, * These facts are gathered from " A Digest of American Sanitary Law, by Henry G. Pickering, Esq.," in Dr. Bowditch's Public Hygiene in America. Boston, 1877. PREVENTION OF POLLUTION. 77 filthy, or unfit for use," it is, under such circumstances, possi- ble in some cases to obtain an injunction against the offending parties. But to absolutely prove that a water is impure, filthy or unfit to use, is difficult unless one can present in court the body of some person who has died by the use of the water; and, according to certain decisions which have been made, it would seem that nothing short of this will suffice. In several States a local or a State Board of Health has some powers in these matters, but they are mostly nominal and rendered of no avail by rights of appeal. A great deal of attention has been given to the pollution of streams in the State of Massachusetts, and the two following sections from chap. 183 of the Acts of 1878 would seem sufficiently explicit : "Section 1. No person or persons, or corporation, public or private, shall discharge directly, or cause to be discharged directly, human excrement into any pond in this Commonwealth used as a source of water supply by any city or town therein, or upon whose banks any filter-basin so used is situated, or into any river or stream so used, or upon whose banks such filter- basin is situated, within twenty miles above the point where such supply is taken, or into feeders of such ponds, river or stream within such twenty miles. " Section 2. No person or persons, or corporation, public or private, shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, into any pond in this Commonwealth used as a source of water supply by any city or town therein, or upon whose banks any filter-basin so used is situated, or into any river or stream so used, or upon whose banks such filter-basin is situated, within twenty miles above the point where such supply is taken, or into any feeders of such pond, river, or stream within such twenty miles, any sew- age, drainage, refuse, or polluting matter of such quality and amount, as either by itself, or in connection with other such matter, shall corrupt or impair the quality of the water for domestic use, or render it deleterious to health." * It would seem that these provisions would give all necessary security, but two practical difficulties occur. Section 3 reads as follows: "The prohibitions contained in the two previous sections shall not be construed to destroy or impair rights already ac- * The italics are the author's. 78 WATER SUPPLY. quired by legislative grants, or to destroy or impair prescriptive rights of drainage or discharge, to the extent to which they lawfully exist at the date of the passage of this act : And nothing in this act contained shall be construed to authorize the pol- lution of any waters in this Commonwealth in any manner now contrary to law. "This act shall not be applicable to the Merrimack or Con- necticut rivers, nor to so much of the Concord River as lies within the limits of the city of Lowell." The deciding whether a prescriptive right exists is not always easy, but the chief difficulty lies in the fact that while the State Board of Health is given the power to issue orders " to cease and desist," the parties have a right of appeal to jury. This jeopardizes the whole matter at once, and, as the pollution often takes place in one county to the detriment or supposed detriment of water-users in another county, the jury are apt to be influenced by local interests. While it must be confessed that the present state of legisla- tion is unsatisfactory, it must be admitted that it is practically impossible absolutely to prevent the pollution of streams, and it will probably always be necessary that certain streams should serve as carriers of refuse. At the same time, the amount of pollution should be kept within bounds, so that the water, although it may not be fit or safe for domestic use, shall not be an actual nuisance; while some streams are thus devoted to viler uses, those which are reserved for purposes of water supply should be guarded with all possible care. It is evident that nothing is more unphilosophical than that one town should be allowed to discharge its sewage into a water-course which is the most available source of water supply for a town lower down on the stream. Each river basin should be under the control of some central authority by which conflicting interests should be harmonized. An accurate survey should be made of the whole area, and no town should be allowed to introduce a water sup- ply without due consideration being given to the future of the supply, and to the question of disposing of the sewage of the town supplied. Moreover, while sanitary considerations are of the highest importance, manufacturing interests must also be considered, and no undue burden laid upon legitimate indus. tries. CHAPTER V. SURFACE WATERS AS SOURCES OF SUPPLY. {Continued) Animal and Vegetable Life. No surface water is free from various forms of animal and vegetable life; it is seldom, however, that any trouble arises from this cause when the water is taken directly from running streams. On the other hand, the water in lakes and ponds and in storage reservoirs is extremely liable to be disagreeably affected by the growth and decay of animal and more especially of vegetable organisms. Animals.—The presence of fish in a source of supply is an advantage rather than otherwise. As far as known, any trouble arising from their presence is quite temporary and accidental. The sudden discharge into a stream of material injurious in itself, or which, by using up the oxygen of the water, makes it impos- sible for the fish to breathe, may cause their destruction in large numbers. Occasional epidemics, in some cases due to fungous growths, may affect large numbers of fish at the same time. In such cases, the sources of supply must be watched and the dead fishes removed as thoroughly and as rapidly as possible. Among the smaller forms of animal life we have the so-called water-fleas, of which the Daphnia pulex (Fig. 6) and the Cyclops quadricornis (Fig. 7) are fa- miliar examples. These or other similar animalcules swarm in many surface waters at certain seasons of the year, and occur more or less abun- dantly in all pond and river waters. They no doubt, to a certain extent, tend to purify the water by removing objec- tionable substances, and are in turn devoured by other animals. Fig. 6.—Daph- nia pulex. Fig. 7.—Cyclops quadri- cornis. 8o WATER SUPPLY. They are easily removed by the simplest sort of filtration, but there is no probability that they are unwholesome if taken with the water. These minute crustaceans secrete an oily substance under their shells (carapaces) which some have held to be the cause of certain bad tastes which have affected water supplies, but it is extremely doubtful if this is a correct explanation of the trouble. It may be said, however, that a fishy odor has been frequently noticed on the Lake of Geneva, very perceptible to the passengers on the passing steamboats, occasionally over the entire lake. This odor is ascribed by Dr. F. A. Forel * to an unusual mortality—from some unknown cause—among the en- tomostraca which swarm in the lake, and which usually by day descend to a depth of 5, 10, or 20 meters, rising to the surface at night. It is possible that some of the temporary bad tastes in surface waters may be due to a similar cause. In 1881, a portion of the water supply of Boston, Mass., was in a very bad condition. The water contained an unusual amount of organic matter and possessed a very disagreeable odor and taste. This bad condition of the water was found by Professor Remsen,f to be mainly due to the presence in one of the reservoirs of a large quantity of a Spongilla, or fresh-water sponge, in a more or less decayed condition. Several species of the fresh-water sponge occur in ponds and streams, and they are found even in the masonry conduits to a limited distance from the source of supply. The following cut will give a fair idea of the general appearance of the Spongilla fiuviatilis, al- though the details are somewhat unsatisfactory. The sponge belongs to the animal kingdom, and the animal substance is dis- tributed over a network of spicules. No. 2 in the figure at- tempts to show some of the "winter buds," or bodies by which the animal is propagated, held in a mass of spicules; No. 3 is a portion of the same enlarged. The sponge is harsh to the touch, and with a good lens something of its structure may be made out; for confirmation, however, it is well to burn off a little on a fragment of mica, moisten with water (or better, with acid, muriatic acid or dilute aquafortis) and examine with a good lens * Private communication. f Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Impurity of the Water Supply. Boston City Document, No. 143, 18S1. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 8l or a low-power microscope (say from 50 to 100 diameters) for the spicules. The larger spicules, which are observed by examining with a low power the sponge of the Boston water supply, appear as in Fig. 9 (drawn with a power of about 150 di- ameters). Other spic- ules are covered with short spines, and the so- called winter-buds, by which the sponge is propagated, are furnish- ed with minute spicules which are, in certain species, very character- istic : thus in 5. fluviat- ilis they are birotulate, as shown in Fig. 10, a. Some of the smaller spicules of the sponge which occurs in the Bos- ton water are shown in Fig. 10, b and c. Fig. 10 was drawn with a power of about 260 di- ameters. Although the spon- ges have caused trouble in Boston and perhaps elsewhere, the fact that they exist in a water supply need not neces- sarily awaken appre- hension. They prob- ably exist in nearly all surface waters, and the spicules are among the common objects found by a microscopic examination of the sediment in natural waters.* According to Dr. R. D. Thompson, the Fig. 8.—Spongilla Jluviatilis. *See for example, the plates in Hassall's Microscopical Examination of the Water supplied to the Inhabitants of London and the Suburban Districts. London, 1851. Also, Neuville, Des Eaux de Paris. Paris, 1880. 6 82 WATER SUPPLY. dried Spongilla fluviatilis contains 26 per cent of organic matter. This organic matter is highly nitrogenous, although no particular analyses seem to have been made of the fresh wa- ter sponges. The tissue- substance of salt water sponges—fibroin (Mulder) or spongin (Stadeler)— has the following compo sition : Posselt. Crookewit. Carbon.... 48-75 47.16 Hydrogen . 6-35 6.31 Nitrogen .. 16.40 16.15 Oxygen ... 28.50 26.90 Iodine I.08 Sulphur ... .... O.50 Phosphorus I.90 Fig 9.—Sponge spicules. 100.00 100.00 Among the other forms of animal life which may be here mentioned, is the Hydra, which is common enough in ponds, adhering to aquatic plants. The body is narrow and elongated; it is generally attached by the base to some plant or other solid ob- ject while the other ex- tremity of the body is furnished with long slen- der arms or tentacles, which move about in search of the animalcules on which it feeds. It may be worth while to mention the fact that in a conduit where a gate- house admits access to the interior, the author has seen the rapidly flow- FlG- ^.—Sponge spicules. ing water swarming with these creatures, so that, in dipping up a single glass of water, a dozen or twenty of the hydras would be taken at the same time. On the bottom and sides ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 83 Fig. 11.—Hydra viridis. of the conduit were, no doubt, hundreds of thousands of the little animals, but no recogniz- able effect was produced on the water by their presence or by their death and decay, which must have followed. Of course there are many other animal inhabitants of fresh waters, and when we descend to microscopic organisms we have a very great variety of forms. The term Infusoria is often used to cover all these minute animal organisms, which are grouped under orders and families and genera and species like the higher animals. Scarcely any natural water is free from these infusoria, and some of them are peculiar to impure waters, but, as they can be recognized and studied only under the microscope by those familiar with such matters, we need not dwell upon them here. Plants.—Generally speaking, the flowering aquatic plants, such as are known as eel-grass, pond-weed, pickerel-weed, etc., are in them- selves of no disadvantage, while growing, to the pond or reservoir in which they grow ; they are, indeed, of positive advantage, in oxygenating, and so, to a certain extent, purifying the water. If such plants, or portions of them, decay in a limited volume of water they produce a very of- fensive smell and taste. This is, in general, true of plants aquatic and non-aquatic. It is well known that the water in which flax is " retted " becomes very offensive.* In some experi- ments made by the author a few years ago, the worst smell obtained was from the seed- Fig. 12.—Pond-weed (Potamogeton). * In this connection see Reichardt, E., " Schadliche Wirkung des Rostwassers von Flachs und Hanf fur die Fischzucht." Arch. d. Pharm., ccxix, Heft 1, 1SS1. 84 WATER SUPPLY. bearing portions of a species of Potamogeton (a common water plant), and Professor Brewer, who has made much more exten- sive experiments, obtained a very fishy odor from the decay in water of the leaf-stalks of a pickerel-weed, Pontederia cordata, which grows on the margins of the pond from which New Haven receives its supply (Whitney Lake). While the odors and tastes obtained from different plants differ from each other, in a stream or pond where the volume of water is comparatively large and the opportunity for aeration is great, the various tastes seem to blend into a more or less marked marshy or pondy flavor. Sometimes, even in large bodies of water, a distinctive taste is noticed; thus, in the fall of the year, the water of pur ponds and lakes which are surrounded by woods acquires more of a bitter or astringent taste, which is to be referred to the dead leaves at that season most abundant. A word or two may be in place with reference to the action of fresh water upon vegetable matter in its bearing upon im- pounding reservoirs. When vegetable matter decays in moist soil, it is converted into a brown or black substance generally known as humus; this is really a mixture of a number of differ- ent bodies, and from it chemists have isolated a variety of sub- stances, such as humic acid and humin, ulmic acid and ulmin.* The acids of the humus, by oxidation, undergo chemical change, to be sure, being converted into crenic and apocrenic acids, which, or rather the salts of which, are found in surface waters ; but when the vegetable matter is thoroughly " humified," as in the case of peat, it exerts apparently no bad effect on the water, except by giving it a brown color and a somewhat earthy taste. When a recently felled tree is exposed to the action of the water, or when bushes or even grass and weeds are killed by being flooded with water, the sap and more soluble matters are leached out and putrefy, or, in the presence of much air, undergo other forms of decomposition. This action will take place, no mat- ter under what depth of water the vegetable matter may be placed, but the effect will be less marked as the amount and motion of the water is greater. * For a resume of the investigations on the composition of humus, see Julien: Proc. Amer. Assoc, xxviii (1879), p. 313 and foil. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 85 After the more soluble portions are extracted, the subsequent decay proceeds with extreme slowness, provided the remaining cellulose or woody fiber is kept continually covered with water, but alternate exposure to air and water soon causes decay, as every one knows. In a natural or artificial reservoir the inevita- ble variations of level are very disadvantageous. As the level is lowered, those aquatic plants which grow in shallow water die, and if the water rises after only a short interval it becomes impregnated with the products of their decay; if a considerable interval elapses, land plants grow upon the exposed surface, and, being drowned by the rising waters, tend to its contamination in the same manner. It appears from this, that in the construction of impounding reservoirs, the mass of growing plants, as well as the soil in which they have their roots, and which of itself contains more or less soluble organic matter, should be removed as thoroughly as possible, especially if the water is to be of no great depth above it when the reservoir is flooded. If the reservoir is filled with- out such removal of the organic accumulations, a long time may may be required before the chemical changes have completed themselves and the water become well suited for use, but the complete removal of the soil, that is, as far as such removal is practicable, is not a guaranty that no trouble will arise from a newly filled reservoir. Occasionally the vegetable decay in a new reservoir gives rise to much offence from the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen. A marked instance of this occurred in one of the basins of the Sudbury River supply, Boston, Mass., the summer after it was first filled. The whole mass of water in the basin was permeated with the odor, which was so strong on the leeward cide of the pond as to incommode the passers-by. The odor was not that of pure sulphuretted hydro- gen as prepared in the laboratory, and the gas was no doubt ac- companied by other chemical products. The water drawn from the depths of the pond had the odor of an antiquated privy. The presence of sulphuretted hydrogen was made very manifest by suspending in the gate-house cloths wet with a solution of acetate of lead ; these became yellowish-red, and finally jet black, owing to the formation of sulphide of lead. The formation of the sulphuretted hydrogen is readily ex- plained. The flooding of the basin started the decay of a large 86 WATER SUPPLY. quantity of organic matter; this taking place in the presence of the sulphates contained in the water changed them into sulph- ides, and from these sulphides thus formed sulphuretted hydrogen is liberated by the acid products of decay. This same change takes place to a less degree in almost all ponds and reservoirs. The gas is formed, however, mainly at the bottom, and as it dif- fuses upwards and mixes with the overlying water it comes into contact with the oxygen in the water and is decomposed. The sulphur is set free and sinks to the bottom, or in a very finely divided state flows off with the water. In salt or brackish water which receives sewage, these changes take place on a much greater scale. A while ago the author had occasion to examine a number of samples of mud from the lower part of the Charles River, a tidal stream which receives a portion of the sewage of Boston, Mass. In all cases sulphur in considerable quantity could be extracted from the mud by the use of proper solvents.* The plants which give the most trouble in connection with water supplies belong to the class of cryptogamous (non-flower- ing) plants which the botanists call alga—plants which grow in the water, or in moist places, and usually contain chlorophyll (green coloring matter) or some allied substance. Not all algae are, however, harmful. The so-called confervoid growths are made up of plants of fila- mentous structure, grass- green, or in some cases bluish-green in color, forming tangled masses readily removed from the water, and, when so removed, shrinking enor- mously in apparent bulk, and drying away to a grayish or colorless mass, in some cases looking al- most like coarse paper. Fig. 13.—a, Diatom (Slauroneis) ; b, Desmid {Euastrum) ; c, Desmid (Micrastetias). Eighth Annual Report Boston City Board of Health. (1879-80), pp. 12-18. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 87 Plants of this character grow in almost all reservoirs or other bodies of water exposed to the light and air, both in still and running water; they either float about in masses, or are attached more or less firmly to rocks and stones and other solid objects. By their growth they do no harm to the water in which they flourish ; and as they are readily arrested by ordinary wire screens, or easily removed by rakes or scoop-nets, their presence causes no serious inconvenience in water used for town supply. Then there are the diatoms and desmids (Fig. 13), which are interesting objects under the microscope, and occur in consider- able abundance and great variety ; they are not, however, as far as we know, of any significance in surface waters, at least, from a sanitary point of view. The vegetable organisms which cause the most trouble and inconvenience are those which appear as greenish specks, or mi- nute straight or curved threads, diffused through the water— visible enough if a large quantity of water be looked at, but per- haps almost escaping notice in the small quantity which would be taken up in a single glass. It is true that the individual plants are in some cases distinguishable by the naked eye ; but their form and structure can be made out only by use of the microscope. If collected together as a scum, which often hap- pens, especially on the windward shore of a pond, the scum is not coherent, is easily broken up, either by a wrind setting in the opposite direction, by a shower of rain, or by artificial agitation. The appearance has been sometimes described as that of meal or of fine dust scattered through the water. The number of indi- viduals is almost infinite; and under favorable conditions they increase with great rapidity. Their presence gives a decidedly green or greenish yellow tinge to large bodies of water; and their death and decay often cause considerable offence to the sense of smell of those sojourning in the neighborhood, and to the sense of taste of those obliged to drink the water. The troublesome species belong, almost all, to the family of Nostocs, and of these the number which have been known to produce difficulty is small; this may, of course, be due in part to imper- fect observation. A single species each of Ccelosphcerium and Clathrocystis, two or more of Anabama and one of Sphczrozyga have been observed in considerable quantities in the neighbor- hood of Boston, Mass. °o WATER SUPPLY. Fig. 14, c gives a general idea of the appearance of the Cla- throcystis ceruginosa when magnified some 300 diameters. This plant is often found in much larger masses than indicated in the Fig. 14. cut; in fact, the little sack-like masses are sometimes large enough to be made out by the unaided eye, although no idea of the structure can be thus obtained. Fig. 14, a attempts to give an idea of the Anabcena circinalis, one of the Nostochinece; this plant occurs very frequently in ponds and in sluggish streams. Another common variety of the same genus is similar, except that the filaments are straight instead of curved; and there are other genera of alga which occur in the same way as the Ana. bana, and present a similar appearance. These algse, when present in any considerable quantity, give a repulsive appearance to the water, and when they are in a'state of decay they communicate to it an offensive taste and odor. Fortunately, in most cases, the trouble which they cause is of short duration, although often recurring in the same water sup- ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE LIFE. 89 ply year after year. Their presence is not a sign of contamina- tion, as they occur in natural ponds removed from all polluting influences. While, however, they do grow in pure waters and in old and clean ponds, they seem to grow more abundantly in water containing mud and vegetable extractive matter, as in newly filled reservoirs; so that, while immunity from their presence cannot be guaranteed in the case of any pond, they may with some certainty be looked for in dirty and especially in shallow ponds. A warm temperature and shallow water are perhaps of even more importance than the products of decay of higher plants, for all surface waters contain the ammoniacal and mineral salts necessary for the growth of the algae. Whether the presence of these minute algae gives an unwhole- some character to a water which is otherwise suited for domestic use, is an open question ; but such information as the author has been able to get from various sources coincides with the state- ment of the Mass. State Board of Health, who investigated the matter when a certain portion of the water supply of Boston was affected in this way. They say * that the evidence " tends to show that the plant acts mechanically chiefly, perhaps like unripe fruit, when affecting the health at all, in causing diarrhoea; but that the filtered water is harmless." It is known that fish often die in ponds containing an abundance of the scum-forming algae, probably on account of the cutting off of the supply of air ; there is also one case on record where cattle have been killed by drink- ing pond water which contained large quantities of a species of Nodularia, a plant which has something of a resemblance to the Anabana.\ This was in Australia. No such cases have come to the knowledge of the writer here. When the algae are alive and fresh, horses and cattle drink the water readily, in preference to spring water: when decay takes place, the water sometimes becomes so offensive that they refuse to drink it. In this condi- tion it is manifestly unsuited for domestic use. As far as our present knowledge extends, there is nothing that can be done to exterminate the algae from ponds in which they occur. Sometimes in reservoirs, when the algae have col- lected as a scum, it is possible to float them off from the surface * First Annual Report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity, 1879. Supplement, p. xi. f Nature, xviii (1878), p. 11. 90 WATER SUPPLY. by means of properly arranged waste pipes, and in reservoirs the conditions favorable for their collection and decay may be re- moved by grubbing up the lilies and other pond-weeds around the borders. Special devices sometimes avail in special cases. The experience at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., is instructive. Here the Hudson River water was pumped on to filter-beds, thence, after filtration, into a small uncovered reservoir. In summer, after the temperature of the water reached 700 F., an alga, one of the oscillariacea, developed in the shallow water on the beds and in the reservoir, and by its death and decay in the pipes caused much trouble. The trouble occurred every summer, until the following method of procedure was adopted by Mr. The. W. Davis, the then superintendent. As soon as the temperature of the river water approached 700, careful watch was kept on the temperature and on the quality of the water delivered. As soon as the taste or odor was noticed in the city, the reservoir was shut off and the water pumped directly from the river into the mains. In this way all trouble was avoided and there were no complaints. With reference to the minute organisms, animal and vegetable, it is a curious fact that certain forms will sometimes suddenly appear in places where for years previous they have never been known to occur, and they may disappear as suddenly as they came. In other cases, forms which have been known to be pres- ent to a limited extent will increase enormously, owing to con- ditions of which we are quite ignorant. Odors and Tastes of Surface Waters. Surface waters often possess peculiar odors and tastes. These are sometimes explicable, as in the case of the odor of sulphu- retted hydrogen referred to on page 85. Then there are other odors (with accompanying tastes), which are quite certainly due to the algae. These odors are quite various. Mr. Fteley (Sud- bury River) speaks of a musty odor ; at Albany it was spoken of as a musty and cucumber odor; at Springfield (Ludlow Reservoir), the first summer after the reservoir was filled there was a most distinct odor of green corn, perceptible for a quarter of a mile from the pond on the leeward side. The pond was covered with a slime of algae, partially decayed; and the same marked odor was noticed at the water troughs along the line of the aqueduct. TEMPERATURE OF SURFACE WATERS. 91 When, under the excessive heat of summer, the algae are col- lected in masses and begin to decay, a most abominable pig-pen or horse-pond odor is sometimes noticed in the ponds ; but this is seldom noticed in the water drawn from the service pipes, al- though a foul odor similar to that common in "dead-ends" does occur when water containing the algae stagnates in the pipes. Besides the tastes and odors which may with reasonable cer- tainty be ascribed to the growth or decay of organized beings, there have been certain conditions of the water in the case of many water supplies which are very enigmatical, and for which no satisfactory explanation has been offered. The so-called " cucumber " taste, and the other tastes characterized as " fishy " or " oily," occur when the water is of its ordinary purity and in waters naturally pure. Some have maintained that the tastes ought to be due to the presence or to some peculiar condition of the algae, but as it is impossible to discover any unusual amount or condition of those algae, which are, so far as we know, harm- less, and which are always present, and as none of those algae which are known to produce bad tastes and odors are found, it is rather difficult to accept this explanation. Since Professor Rem- sen has found reason to believe that the recent condition of the water in Farm Pond is due in part, at any rate, to the decay of a sponge, it has been suggested that we have here the cause of the various difficulties heretofore unexplained. While it seems to be undoubtedly true that the sponge may, under certain cir- cumstances, produce what is properly spoken of as a " cucumber " taste, there are many cases on record where it is difficult to believe that this can be the cause; and with reference to such cases, for the present, we can only say, " We do not know." Temperature of Surface Waters. One of the great disadvantages to which surface water is subject is the variation in temperature. The water in winter is but a few degrees above the freezing point, and in summer the temperature is so high that the water is not agreeable as a bever- age unless artificially cooled. The use of ice is so general in the United States that much less stress is laid upon this point than in other countries, but, of course, a considerable proportion of the inhabitants in the thickly settled parts of our cities are unable to 92 WATER SUPPLY. supply themselves regularly with ice. Of late years iced water has been supplied at several public fountains in New York, and perhaps in other cities. It would be difficult to isolate the effect of the temperature of the water on the public health from the general effect of the hot weather, of eating unripe and decayed fruit, and of other causes, all of which affect particularly the poorer class of the population. In England, the increased death- rate of the warmer months has been connected directly with the temperature of the water supply. Thus, in the report of the Registrar General for July 22, 1878, we find: " The high mortality of the week is due to diarrhoea, which becomes fatal in London when the temperature of the Thames rises above 6o° F. Thus the Thames temperature, which had been 6o°, rose in the last week of June to 650; in the following weeks it was 68°, 66°, 67° F. The weekly deaths from diarrhoea and simple cholera, which had been 23, rose to 78, 156, 256, 349 in corresponding weeks." To show that this increase was not due simply to the increased atmospheric temperature and its attendant discomforts, it is stated that " the deaths from diar- rhoea are differently distributed in the fields of the water com- panies ; thus the deaths in the last four weeks were 786 in the districts supplied by the Thames and Lea waters, whereas the deaths in the districts supplied with water drawn from the chalk by the Kent company were 19; out of the same population, the deaths in the former were to the deaths in the latter as 3 to 1." The temperature of the Kent company's water at the wells was uniformly 520 F.; at the same time it must be noted that the waters differed not simply with respect to temperature. The water of the Kent company is harder, and, what is perhaps more important, it contains but little organic matter. Baldwin Latham, while believing that "the summer diarrhoea is governed by the influence of the temperature of our water supply, as invariably the disease becomes epidemic when the water, whatever be its source of supply, reaches a temperature of 620 F. (i6°.7C.)," attempts to show that the temperature of the water delivered to the consumers is much less dependent upon the original temperature at the source than is usually sup- posed, and that if the water is carried for any considerable dis- tance in the mains, it approaches or acquires the temperature of the ground in which the pipes are laid, as appears from the TEMPERATURE OF SURFACE WATERS. 93 following table.* Here the Kent water, alluded to as having a uniform temperature at its source, appears, when delivered, as variable as the water of the Thames. He asserts f that the general mortality in London from diarrhoea is practically the same in the districts supplied from the rivers as in those supplied by the Kent Water Company, but that the water in the latter region does not reach its highest temperature until later in the season, owing-to the advantage which the lower initial tempera- TABLE X.—Temperature of London Water Supplies. [The degrees are Centigrade.] Kent Company's Water. Thames The Ground at a depth Date. Water in OF METERS In the wells. In the mains. the Mains. O.838. 1.448. July, 1878...... IO.59 16.80 18.39 17.66 15-47 IO.67 16.62 17.70 I7.I6 16.05 10.71 14.78 14.92 15.28 15.04 October, ...... IO.68 12.90 12.87 12.53 13-05 IO.61 8.17 7-47 6.98 904 IO.50 5-98 5-M 3-72 6.12 IO.45 5.06 4-77 2.80 4.68 10.40 5-45 5-72 3-58 4.66 10.35 6.30 7.20 4-97 5-54 IO.44 8.38 8.20 6.80 6.85 IO.42 9-3& 10.20 7-32 8.31 IO.57 12.63 14.25 13-01 11.23 ture gives to it. It will be understood that Latham's figures have reference to the temperature acquired in the service pipes;\ the water passing through the main conduit or even through the large iron mains suffers much less change of temperature than Table X would indicate.§ Latham has patented an apparatus for " tempering " the water, which consists " of a vertical tube driven or screwed into the ground to a depth of about 25 feet, the water being admitted at the top and withdrawn at the bottom, and special arrangements being adopted for the protection of the ascending pipe." With such an apparatus interposed in the service connection of the house, " the range of temperature in * Quoted from Journal fUr Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, xxii (1879), p. 75°- t Journal of Society of Arts, Sept. 17, 1880. X The temperatures given in the reports of Dr. Frankland to the Registrar Gen- eral were taken in the company's mains at Deptford, near the source of the water. § This matter is discussed at length and mathematically by Perissini: Journ. fur Gasb. und Wasserv., xxiii (1880), pp. 608 and 644. 94 WATER SUPPLY. the water required for dietetic purposes need not exceed 30 F. throughout the year, when drawn from a 3-inch tube at a rate not exceeding one gallon every half-hour." The question of temperature is an important one in bodies of stored water, as the troublesome algae already alluded to seem to require a somewhat elevated temperature (approaching 700 F.) for their rapid and abundant development; when collected as a scum they are killed and enter into decay when the water be- comes strongly heated in midsummer. While it is, of course, impracticable to cover ponds and impounding reservoirs, it is of advantage to cover the smaller storage reservoirs which are fre- quently used in connection with water-works to contain a reserve supply, or a supply for a limited number of days, and thus to pre- vent, to a certain extent, the elevation of temperature to which TABLE XI.—Observations of Temperature in Fresh Pond, Mass.* Date. May 4, 1878, M, June 4, 12, 19, 25.. July 2, 9. 16, 23, August 6, 13, " 20, 27, November 7. December 7, January 2, 1879 M, 22, April 14, May 13, Temperature (expressed in Centigrade degrees) at a 0 u If y £ « oh H V u a b si 0 . 3 • 15 U) 4! 1) u u -- a > 0 3 Z-HB S| 8 0 0 „ 16.5 I2J-5 ' 8-5 14-5 14-5 r- 8-5 19. 16.5 8.8 17-3 16.8 8.6 20.5 16.8 8.7 22.2 16.6 9.2 28.0 16.7 9-3 26.0 16.4 9.2 25-3 16.8 9.6 24.0 16.8 9.9 24.0 17-3 10.1 24.0 20.1 10.0 24.0 20.0 10.2 22.3 20.0 10.0 9-5 9.2 8-7 4-5 4-3 4-5 o-5 1.0 1.0 0.7 i-3 i-7 0.9 2.0 1.8 6.0 5-o 4-4 18.5 13-0 8-3 * First Annual Report of Mass. State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity, 1880. Supplement, p. 98. TEMPERATURE OF SURFACE WATERS. 95 a small and comparatively shallow body of water is subject under a summer's sun. Table XI shows the variation in temperature of the surface water in a pond near Boston, Mass. (lat. about 420), which is used as a source of city supply; and also the variation at different depths. For making observations on the temperatures of bodies of water, especially below the surface, thermometer makers supply instruments surrounded by a copper tube in which some of the water is brought to the surface. Where samples for an- alysis are taken at the same time, a chemical thermometer may be inserted in the bottle used for the collection of the water. The bottle having been sunk to the required depth, the stopper is withdrawn, and after the bottle has filled it is allowed to remain until it is certain that the whole apparatus has acquired the actual temperature of the water. It is then drawn up and the reading of the thermometer is taken quickly while still sur- rounded by water. This method answers very well, with care, up to depths of 80 feet. A very convenient instrument for taking temperature at va- rious depths is the " New Standard Deep Sea Thermometer," made by Negretti and Zambra, London. The construction of the thermometer is shown in Fig. 15, c. To protect it against pressure, this thermometer is inclosed in a glass tube, hermet- ically sealed, the portion which surrounds the thermometer bulb being filled with mercury. The object of the mercury is to furnish a good conductor of heat between the outer wall and the thermometer bulb, and it is confined in place by a partition ce- mented on to the neck of the bulb. The whole apparatus is inserted into a hollow wooden frame containing a quantity of lead shot. When the thermometer is lowered to any depth, it descends as shown in Fig. 15, a, and the bulb of the thermome- ter is downward; it is allowed to remain at the required depth for a few minutes in order that the thermometer may acquire the temperature of the place, the mercury rising or falling in the capillary tube as in an ordinary thermometer. Finally, a sudden pull is made on the line, and the instrument, owing to the resist- ance of the water and the consequent displacement of the center of gravity (the shot falling to the other end of the frame), will turn over and be drawn upward with the thermometer in the 96 WATER SUPPLY. position shown in Fig. 15, b. When the thermometer is inverted, the mercury column breaks at the constriction A, and falls to the other end of the tube, from which the degrees are read off, as shown in the figure, with the bulb of the thermometer upper- most. As with any thermometer, it is necessary to determine the DESCENDING. ASCENDING. Fig. 15, c. Fig. 15, b. error of graduation once for all, and the error of the zero point from time to time. For very nice work, a correction should also be made for the temperature of the mercury column at the time of reading, but in ordinary work this is not neces- sary. Examination of Surface Waters. In choosing a surface water as a source of supply, there are EXAMINATION OF SURFACE WATERS. 97 certain concessions which must be made. In the first place, the water will be, almost inevitably, somewhat colored, especially if taken from a pond or lake ; in the second place, there will usually be a slight " pondy " taste, even in the best of surface waters. Considered simply as drinking water, surface water will always be at a disadvantage by the side of a pure, soft spring water, but, as stated on previous pages, a surface water may often be, on the whole, the best suited for a general supply. In examining as to the suitability of any source of surface water, after determining whether a sufficient amount can be ob- tained directly or by means of storage reservoirs, the desirability of the source can be ascertained better by a survey of the drain- age area, and by a knowledge of the present population and sources of pollution, and the probable increase in the future, than from the results of chemical examination of the water, the inter- pretation of which is sometimes attended with difficulty. It may be possible, it is true, to state from the chemical examina- tion of a single sample that no considerable or no appreciable contamination exists ; it is impossible to recommend a water for drinking without knowing something of the situation and sur- roundings of the source from which it is taken. The principal difficulties in the way of the satisfactory chemi- cal examination of surface waters are three in number: In the first place, the volume of water is generally so large that, even when polluting matter is known to be present, the dilution is so great as to prevent the detection of unmistakable evidence of contamination. In the second place, all surface waters contain more or less of organic substances—substances containing carbon and nitrogen—which it is impossible to refer definitely to animal or vegetable sources, or otherwise to distinguish as harmless and harmful. In the third place, the water of such streams and ponds is subject to very considerable variation, so that the ex- amination of a single sample is of comparatively little value. With reference to the second point something has already been said in the chapter on water analysis. It may be said further that the substances which form the most offensive part of the soluble vegetable matter are albuminous in character, and the chemical effect on the water is to increase the amount of what is designated as " albuminoid ammonia ; " that is, they contain nitrogen, which, under the analytical treatment, is evolved and 7 98 WATER SUPPLY. measured as ammonia. It is unfortunately impossible by ana- lytical means to distinguish whether this "albuminoid ammonia" is to be ascribed, in any given case, to vegetable or to animal origin. No doubt the excrement of fishes, their dead bodies so far as they are not consumed by their living comrades and by the animalcules, and the bodies of the animalcules themselves add to the nitrogenous organic matter in our surface waters. As a rule, in waters not contaminated by sewage, the animal matter forms only a trifling proportion of the entire organic matter, but the recent investigation of Professor Remsen shows that in some instances the animal matter (as from sponges) may be apprecia- ble and of practical importance. In the case of a bad condition of the water arising from the decay of an unusual amount of animal or vegetable matter on the bottom or sides of a reservoir, or from the presence of algae, the water is ordinarily characterized by an abnormal amount of soluble organic matter, which shows itself in the common method of analysis as " albuminoid ammonia," or in the Frankland method as " organic carbon " and " organic nitrogen." But, in order to judge whether the amount is abnormal or not, it is nec- essary to have an extended series of analyses, and this is seldom at hand. The effect of algae may be well seen by a study of the weekly analyses of the Springfield water for the years 1876 and 1877, and of the Mystic during 1879, as shown in the respective water reports.* As, in this country, waters have been and are most frequently examined by the " ammonia" process, attempts have been made to fix the limit of " albuminoid ammonia " which may be allowed in a surface water. Wanklyn, as stated on page 41, looks upon 0.010 part of "albuminoid ammonia" in 100,000 as suspicious, and upon 0.015 part as sufficient to condemn a water, and some analysts are inclined to adopt this standard for our sur- face waters; such an absolute standard is, however, impractica- ble, and would exclude many waters which are known to be free from contamination and to be perfectly well suited for domestic use. With reference to this matter Dr. Smart says: + * See Annual Reports of the W7ater Commissioners of the City of Springfield H M w a * These amounts of chlorine are approximate—not averages. f High Water. X Low Water. CHAPTER VI. GROUND WATER AS A SOURCE OF SUPPLY. A PORTION of the water which falls as rain or snow sinks into the earth, and where the surface deposit is gravel or other porous material overlying some impervious rock, the water col- lects to constitute the ground water of the locality, the water- table of the engineer. The rivers which flow through such a deposit, or the ponds and lakes which are situated in it, deter- mine the level of the ground water in their banks; but as we recede from the banks the water level is found to rise more or less regularly, according to the character of the porous stratum. Although subject to fluctuation, the ground water often main- tains a very uniform relative level over large areas: its height and fluctuations are important factors in the sanitary condition of any locality. The cause of the rise of the ground water as we recede from the wells—a fact which has been established by numerous obser- vations in this country and in Europe *—is evident : the water falling upon the whole water-bearing area would naturally raise the level of the ground water; that level cannot be permanently higher than the water in the natural drainage channels in their immediate neighborhood, as there is a continual passage of water through the porous material to the visible streams or lakes. Owing to the resistance of the material through which the water passes, the surface will be an inclined one, and the amount of inclination will depend upon the resistance encountered. On Long Island, N. Y., the inclination is quite uniform from the * A great many profiles resulting from actual measurements, and showing the inclination of the ground water, may be found in the Berlin and Munich reports, the titles of which appear on pages 217-218. In the latter the profiles include the sur- face levels, the level of the ground water, and the level of the underlying impervious stratum, and are very instructive. See also, The Brooklyn Water-Works and Sewers. New York, 1867. io6 WATER SUPPLY. central ridge to the ocean or to Long Island Sound, and averages about seven feet to the mile. In the valley of the Sacramento the general slope is about four feet in a mile. In some localities the inclination is much greater than this for limited distances; thus, in the neighborhood of the Taunton (Mass.), Water Works there is a fall, in what seems to be a continuous water-table, of about 14 feet in 1,000. Besides the slope towards a visible stream, there is often a fall in the ground water in the direction of the mouth of the stream, and a corresponding flow. It will be understood, however, that the " flow " has reference generally to a rather slow passage through the interstices of the ground: sometimes, however, on account of a lack of homogeneousness in the water-bearing stratum, veins of water occur, in which the flow may be quite rapid. The water obtained by sinking a well into a stratum of sand or gravel which has not been artificially disturbed, is, as a rule, bright and clear, and free, or nearly free, from organic matter. Although originally coming from the atmosphere, in its slow passage into and through the ground, the water has been sub- jected to a long process of sedimentation and filtration, com- bined with processes of oxidation. In this sense, the water may be said to have been purified by natural filtration: the process, however, is not brought about by the means taken to collect and utilize the water, but has been practically completed before the demand is made upon it. Utilization of the Ground Water. The most simple method of making the ground water availa- ble, and the one earliest adopted, is to sink a well, covered or open, into the water-bearing stratum, and to pump therefrom. Such a well, which draws its supply from the ground water proper, is generally called a shallow well, in distinction from a deep well, which may extend into a rocky stratum, and obtain its supply from a water-bearing fissure; and in distinction also from an artesian well sunk to a considerable depth into underlying strata which have no connection with the ground water of the particular locality. This method of obtaining water from shallow wells has been practised from time immemorial for the supply of single families and small communities, and is, nowadays, used on a large scale for furnishing town supplies. In many places the well, from GROUND WATER AS A SOURCE OF SUPPLY. IO? its dimensions and shape, may more properly be called a basin, and, like the ordinary circular wells, these basins may be either open or covered. A second method of collecting the ground water is by means of a covered gallery or tunnel constructed in part of porous material; often the top and sides are built of tolerably impervi- ous masonry or brickwork, while the bottom is of an open char- acter, so that the water which rises into the gallery shall come mainly from beneath. An example of this now quite common mode of collection is at Lowell, Mass.* The " filtering gallery " is situated on the northerly shore of the Merrimack River and parallel with it, about ioo feet from the water's edge. Its length is 1,300 feet, width 8 feet, and height (inside) 8 feet. The side walls have an average thickness of 2\ feet and a height of 5 feet, and are constructed of heavy rubble masonry, laid water-tight in hydraulic mortar. The walls support a semicircular brick arch, one foot thick, made water-tight. Along the bottom, stone braces, one foot square and eight feet long, are placed, ten feet from * A full description of the works is given in the Fifth Annual Report of he Mass. State Board of Health. Also, in the Third Annual Report of the Water Com- missioners of the City of Lowell, 1873. io8 WATER SUPPLY. center to center, between the walls, to keep them in position. The water comes in at the bottom, which is covered with screened gravel and small stones. One of the best examples of a filtering gallery in this country is that which supplies the city of Columbus, Ohio. This gallery is a brick and cement conduit, 36 by 42 inches, and is shown in process of construction in Figure 17. It is in all 5,715 feet in Fig. 17.—filtering gallery, columbus, ohio. length, and is situated in the gravel deposit at the junction of the Scioto and Olentangy rivers.* This method of construction has been followed also at Taunton, Mass. A third method is to substitute for the collecting gallery a line of iron pipes, i.e., practically water-mains, cast with a great number of narrow longitudinal slits, and laid with loose joints. These pipes collect the water, and conduct it to receiving wells, from which the supply is pumped. In filling the trench in which the pipes are laid, the pipes are surrounded on all sides with coarse material, of too large a size to fall into or through the slits, and the trench is then filled with screened material of decreasing size. Works of this kind are in use in various places in Germany, at Dresden, Hanover, etc. At Halle, glazed clay pipes are em- * Tenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Water-Works, Columbus, O., 1880. GROUND WATER AS A SOURCE OF SUPPLY. IOQ ployed, 47 cm. in diameter and 2.8 m. long; the total area of the slits in a single pipe is equal to the area of the cross section of the pipe. (See Fig. 18.) Still a fourth method consists in the use of the " driven- well," which is de- scribed on page 112 and fol- lowing pages, but as wells of this description are fre- quently sunk through a layer of clay into a stratum of water below the ground .ggjjl water proper, they partake also of the character of " artesian wells," which will be considered in the next chapter. ■ ■■•■'•■•-'_________1____ (FROM FISCHER.) The Effect of Pumping upon the Ground Water. For the purposes of this discussion, we will suppose that the water-bearing deposit into which a well is sunk is perfectly homo- , geneous When no water is re- moved, by pump- ing orotherwise,* the water in the well stands at the same level as in the ground; when pumping begins, the water falls at first rapidly, af- terward more slowly, until—if the discharge of the pump be uniform—a point Fig. 19. * If, as is exceptionally the case, the water is delivered by gravity, the effect on the ground water is essentially the same as if the water were removed by pumping. HO WATER SUPPLY. is reached where the water is supplied at exactly the same rate as delivered by the pump. Suppose, in Fig. 19, that the water stood originally at a b, and that an equilibrium has been estab- lished when the water in the well has fallen to c. The water flows from the gravel into the well by virtue of the head or dif- ference of level a c, but its flow is impeded by the resistance due to interstitial friction against the particles of sand or gravel, and the water surface assumes somewhat the form indicated by the line c d. The line c d approaches a b until it finally coincides with it; that is, there is a point beyond which no measurable influence is exerted on the natural level of the ground water, and its dis- tance from the center of the well depends upon the circumstances of each particular case. In certain experiments made by Sal- bach in the alluvial deposit on the banks of the Elbe, above Dresden, it was found that when the water in an experimental well was, by pumping, kept constantly 2.5 meters below its nor- mal level, the height of the ground water was measurably affected in every direction for a distance of some 60 meters (say 200 feet). In experiments made by Piefke, at Berlin, the influence of the well was felt to a distance of some 300 meters in wet weather, and to over 700 meters at other times ; but, while the effect could be traced to that distance, it was very small at the extremity of this radius. With the water in the well 2.33 meters below the normal level of the ground water, there was a lowering of only 0.35 meter at a distance of 50 meters, of 0.17 meter at a dis- tance of 100 meters; and at a distance of 260 meters the lower- ing was through only o. 10 meter. In the Berlin locality the natural movement of the ground water was very slow, and 524 meters from the river the water stood only 0.63 meter above that in the stream. Where the ground is homogeneous, or nearly so, and the water can come from one direction as easily as from another, we have what may be called a circle of influence, with the center of the well for the center of the circle; but if the deposit is not homogeneous, as is often the case, the water comes more easily from one direction than another, and the effect of pumping is felt to unequal distances from the well. As appears from Fig. 19, the effect of the flow of water into the well is to form a sort of crater from which the water is drained. This is often spoken of as a " cone," but it is not a cone, strictly speaking. The exact EFFECT OF PUMPING ON GROUND WATER. Ill form of the curve c d will depend upon circumstances, but it will always lie above the straight line joining the points c and d. Returning again to our well, if pumping ceases, the water will gradually flow into the well until finally it has found its level and stands as in the surrounding ground. If, on the other hand, starting with the water in the well at c, a larger quantity be pumped than before, the level in the well will fall, and as c sinks to e, the water in the ground also falls and the surface will be indicated by e f. In order that this new and larger quantity should be obtained, the circle of influence must become also en- larged, that is, a larger area must contribute to the supply. The absolute quantity of water which can be obtained from any well depends upon the amount of rainfall which finds its way into the ground water of the region from which the well draws its supply. If the deposit were in a basin, and no water came from the rain, the effect of pumping would be to gradually exhaust the water: thus, if the water in the well were kept at a constant level, say at c, the quantity of water delivered in a given time would grow less and less, and finally the surface of the ground water would be a horizontal plane passing through c; if, on the contrary, a constant quantity were pumped, the water in the well would sink lower and lower until the bottom was reached, and the further delivery of the same quantity would be impossible. Practically, wells are not sunk in such a deposit, but in one where the ground water is continually receiving accessions from the rain or melting snow, or, in some cases, from a neighboring stream. The amount which can be obtained from any deposit depends finally on the amount received, and no such well, how- ever great its diameter or its depth, can be inexhaustible, although practically it may never be called upon to furnish more than it can supply. A good illustration of the effect of a constant draught in permanently lowering the level of the ground water is afforded by the well in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. The well was constructed in 1869. The elevation of water table as first found, Nov., 1868, was. ..15.6 ft. above tide level. Elevation of water table, May, 1879.......................x5-2 Elevation of water table on completion of the well, Dec, 1869.14.55 Pumping began regularly on June 5, 1870; the effect has been as follows: 112 WATER SUPPLY. Year. Average Number of Gallons per Day. Average Elcvatica of Water Table. 1870 300,000 14 15 1871 272,000 13.03 1872 437,000 IO.56 1873 233,000 II.29 1874 333,000 IO.70 1875 294,000 9-83 1876 235,000 9-83 1877 252,000 9.21 It is seen here that an average draught of only 304,000 gal- lons per day has lowered the water table five feet in eight years, and also that the yield is diminishing, for while in 1873 a daily draught of 288,000 gallons permitted the water table to rise five inches, in 1876 a draught of 235,000 gallons was just equal to the supply, and in 1877 a draught of 252,000 gallons again lowered the water.* In the previous discussion we have spoken of a single well of ordinary diame- ter. If a series of wells be locat- ed near each other, the effect will be essen- tially the same, Fig. 20. except the circle of influence will become approximately an ellipse, as would be the case if several wells were connected so as to form an open basin or a covered gallery. In locating a series of wells, reference should be had to the character of the water-bearing deposit, in order that they may not be placed unnecessarily near together. Driven Wells. " Driven " wells, " tube" wells, or as they are sometimes called abroad, " American " or " Abyssinian " wells,f are formed by forcing wrought-iron (or galvanized iron) tubes, such as are used for gas or water pipes, down into the stratum from which * Croes and Howell, Newark Aqueduct Board : Report on Additional Supply, 1879, p. 61. \ Also called "Norton" wells, the English patent having been taken out by a Mr. J. L. Norton. DRIVEN WELLS. H3 the water is to be taken. The pipes are generally from iK to 2 inches in diameter, and furnished at the lower end with a wrought- iron or steel point ; above this point the pipes are perforated for some distance with holes to admit the water. The pipes with point attached may be driven with a mallet or falling weight, and when the top of one tube has reached the surface of the ground, a second length is attached to it with a common coup- ling, and the driving continued to the desired depth. In many localities it is better to first drive down a suitable steel-pointed rod or drill until water is reached, and to insert the well-tube in the hole thus made.* In the perforated points for such wells, the greatest variety exists, it being stated that about 150 patents have been issued for points and cognate portions of the pipe. The figure represents that known as Andrews' Patent. Fig. 21.—driven well point. Although pipes of larger dimensions than those mentioned are sometimes driven, it is usual when a large amount of water is required—as for manufacturing purposes or for town sup- ply—to drive a number of wells in the same limited area, and connect them to a common suction pipe leading to the pump. The driven well partakes of the character of the shallow well when its source of supply is the ground water, but it often par- takes of the character of the artesian well, as when it is driven through a layer of clay or other impervious material underlying the ground water into another water-bearing stratum below. When a driven well is forced into the ground water, and water is removed by pumping, the effect is essentially the same as has already been described (pages 109-112) with an open well. The driven well is valuable as a means of obtaining water on account of facility of construction, but it involves no princi- * Both methods of constructing the driven well are covered by the Reissue Let- ters Patent (No. 4,372) granted to Nelson W. Green, May 9, 1871, and the validity of the patent has been affirmed by several legal decisions. It is claimed, however, that the patent is antedated by a U. S. Patent granted to James Suggett, March 29, 1864, and by British Letters Patent granted to John Goode, Oct. 16, 1823. 8 ii4 WATER SUPPLY. l(/r/WfA^mik pie which is new as far as bringing the water to the surface is concerned. It is asserted that a driven well differs from an ordinary well in two essential respects. In the first place, the well, which is always of very small diameter, is not dug or bored, but sunk with- out removal of the earth * in the manner already described, either directly or by first driving down an iron rod, and after its re- moval, inserting the well tube; in either case the result is a nar- row well with air tight walls, fitting closely in the earth about it: the tube is the well. It is further asserted that when a suction pump is attached to the pipe a new element is introduced, and peculiar effects are produced by "exhausting the air," or "producing a vacuum," and that thus the water is drawn to the pump by a force independent of gravity, and to which gravity is, in this case, but auxiliary. These claims are, however, fallacious. The diagram, Fig. 22, may represent the suction pipe of a pump inserted in a narrow open well, the normal level of the ground wa- ter being at ab. Now, although with a driven well much stress is laid upon the "air-tight" tube, it is the tube alone that is air- tight, as any suc- tion pipe must practically b e. The soil, even if compacted about the tube, is not air-tight, and as far as transmitting pressure goes, the air which is about * This is Col. Green's method, but well tubes are also driven into the earth at the same time that their passage is facilitated by forcing into the tube, which in this case is open at the bottom, a stream of water. This water washes out and brings to the surface the sand and clay from the bottom in advance of the driving. ■=± Fig. 22. DRIVEN WELLS. H5 the tube in Figure 22, and which rests on the surface of the water at a, is in no different condition whether the tube be in natural ground, or in a dug well, as indicated in the figure. The air circu- lates freely in the ground; it responds at once to any change in the barometric pressure, and at once takes the place of any water which may be removed from the interstices of the soil. Again, below the water-level, the water, like the air above, circulates, although less freely, owing to interstitial friction, and, of course, fills all the pores of the ground close up to and around the pipe. The statement that the pipe is the well, is misleading. If we start (Fig. 22) with the tube as a suction pipe in an open well, and imagine the well to be gradually narrowed in diameter by filling in around the circumference, the tube will continue to be practically a suction pipe, even when the well has been finally filled up—the well finally having become a hollow cylinder of water, of the thickness of a mere film if the soil is very compact. It is quite inconceivable that the filling of the well with gravel or sand, no matter how closely compacted the sand may be, could produce any other effect than that due to the increased resist- ance to the passage of water in the annular space about the suc- tion pipe. To show further the fallacy of the claims alluded to, let us return to Fig. 22, in which the normal level of the ground water is represented at a b. If, now, a given quantity of water be taken continually from the point c, in a given interval of time, the slope c d, which the water surface will assume, will be precisely the same whether the water is drawn in buckets, or by a tube in an open well, or by a driven well, because the same amount of water must reach the same point c in the same time, and starting from the same original position. If the claim be true that more water can be obtained by one method than by another, it follows that the water must be supplied faster in one case than in the other, and there are two necessary consequences: first, if the point c remains unchanged, this increased rapidity of flow must result in an alteration of the slope of the water surface. On the other hand, if the quantities pumped in the same time are made equal, then in the first case the point c will not fall as low as in the second. While we should reject, a priori, the consequences to which these assumptions necessarily lead, recent experiments made by u6 WATER SUPPLY. Mr. J. C. Hoadley * show that the slope is the same whether the given yield of water be from an open well or from a driven tube; and that, with the same delivery, the level of the water in the well or pipe is lowered to the same point. The particular exper- iment alluded to was performed as follows: A 3-inch open pipe was driven in pervious soil, into, and considerably below the sur- face of the ground water, forming an open well—the earth being removed from within. Into this pipe a suction pipe of i^-inch diameter was dropped and wedged into position, so as not to close the opening of the 3-inch pipe. Water was pumped for a certain time, as much as the well would supply. Subsequently, by means of a cap, the suction tube was se- cured in the 3-inch pipe and the opening of the latter pipe hermetically sealed. The suction pipe thus became, practically, a driven well. Under these circumstances, every other condition being unchanged, the yield of water was approximately the same as in the previous case, the slight difference which existed being in favor of the open well. It should be noted that in what has been said above, the yield of a driven well is com- pared with that of a dug well of no great diameter. If the well be increased in di- ameter to 30, 50, or 100 feet, so that the distance c c' (Fig. 22), becomes considerable, the limit of measurable effect on the ground- water level will be removed farther from a, and the yield of the well will be appreciably greater—or, in other words, with the same delivery, the point c will not fall so low. With regard to the absolute amount of water which can be utilized in a given locality, common sense, as well as science, tells us that the amount of water which a given deposit can furnish must be a definite quantity, although to us unknown; and al- though the driven wells may enable us to obtain this water more conveniently than other methods, the absolute amount obtain- able is no greater, and the supply cannot be inexhaustible, as * Private communication: this statement is absolutely true only when the wells are of the same diameter. NATURAL FILTRATION. 117 some of the enthusiastic advocates of the driven-well system would have us believe. One great advantage which the driven wells possess is the facility with which they may be sunk for experiment or temporary use. For example, they were exten- sively used by the British army in the Abyssinian expedition, 1867-68 ; and hence, in England, they are frequently called Abys- sinian wells. It should also be noted that the driven well ordinarily takes its water from a lower point than that to which a dug well would be sunk in the same locality. For this reason, a driven well may continue to furnish water when a neighboring dug well has be- come dry, and thus the impression that the driven well is inex- haustible gains ground. On this account also, the driven well is somewhat less liable to pollution than a dug well in the same locality, as the polluting material may be rather more diluted in the mass of the ground water. Moreover, as has been said, the driven well often passes through an impervious stratum of clay, so that the water ob- tained is entirely distinct from the ground water of the locality. In this way good water may sometimes be obtained where the surface conditions are very unfavorable, but there is always an element of risk involved in sinking a well among sources of pol- lution. " Natural Filtration!' The ultimate source of the ground water is the rain, and that the rain is the proximate source of the water obtained from a well sunk into a gravel deposit far removed from any stream or pond, scarcely any one can doubt. Such a well is that in Pros- pect Park, Brooklyn, alluded to on page in. This well is nearly two miles from tide-water, and, although the natural level of the water has been lowered by pumping, it is still a number of feet above tide level. Generally, however, a gathering well, basin, or gallery is located near a lake or river. This location is chosen mainly because at such a place there is almost always a decided movement of the ground water toward, or in the same direction as, the stream ; but such a location is also chosen in order that the river may make up any deficiency caused by the removal of the ground water. It was formerly supposed, and is so even now, by many per- n8 WATER SUPPLY. sons who have not made a study of the subject, that in sucn cases the water is derived directly from the river, and filtered by passing through the intervening sand and gravel. Undoubtedly, in some cases, a considerable proportion is thus derived, but, as a rule, the contrary is true, and, where the location is such that most of the water must come from the visible body of water, the supply generally proves inadequate. The beds of ordinary streams furnish a poor filtering surface, and the experience with artificial filters shows how soon an originally clean surface be- comes clogged.* That the view just expressed is correct, appears from a va- riety of considerations. From the discussion of the effect of pumping on the ground water (pages 109-112), it is evident that, from a well situated near a stream, a certain amount of water can be drawn without calling upon the stream at all for supply; if, however, the circle of influence includes a portion of the stream, some of the water may come from this source, unless, as is indeed generally the case, it is easier for the water to come a greater distance through open water-bearing deposits than to force its way through the silted-up and more or less impervious bed of the stream. If we consider the character of the water, there are certain general facts that are at once and readily noticeable : the water thus obtained is generally clear and colorless ; it is of a quite uniform temperature, cool therefore in summer, and in winter much warmer than the water of neighboring ponds and rivers, which, of course, approach in temperature very close to the freezing point; the water also differs in chemical character from that of neighboring streams or ponds, generally being somewhat harder. With regard to the temperature, the difference is very marked, even where the water is collected in an open basin and thus exposed to the heating (or cooling) influences of the air. For instance, in the filtering gallery at Lowell, Mass., during the month of September, 1873, the highest temperature was 500 F., the lowest 490 F. ; during the month of October, observations * The term natural filtration is objectionable only so far as it implies that the water is obtained from the lake or stream by a process of filtration : that the rain fall, ing upon the ground may be said to be filtered naturally by passing through the inter' stices of the water-bearing deposits is, of course, true. NATURAL FILTRATION. II9 were made on thirteen different days showed identically the same temperature, namely, 500 F. Between September 6 and January 1, the highest recorded observation is 520 F., on No- vember 8, and the lowest is 470 F., December 31. There is no corresponding record of the temperature of the river, nor is such necessary, as every one knows that river water varies with the temperature of the surrounding air, and in December must have been nearly at the freezing point. At Waltham. Mass., where the water is taken by means of an open shallow basin, more marked differences have been observed between the tem- peratures at different seasons. Thus in winter, when the river was frozen, the temperature in the basin was about 440 F., and the average of nineteen observations made at intervals from August 23 to August 26, showed for the river an average tem- perature of 740.1 F., and for the basin water an average tempera- ture of 62°.8 F. Such instances might be multiplied indefinitely, and it seems quite impossible to account for the observed differ- ences by the continuous passage of water through 100 feet or so of gravel. In fact where no such differences are observed, it may be a sign that the water does come from the stream, and the water is likely to be otherwise unsatisfactory ; thus the city of Toulouse, in France, is supplied by a number of filtering gal- leries in a gravel deposit on the banks of the Garonne. The original gallery was built in 182- at a distance of about 60 meters (200 feet) from the river. This furnished water acceptable in quality, but deficient in quantity; an increase of the length of the gallery failed to furnish a corresponding increase in quantity of water obtained. A second filtering gallery, or rather series of connected wells, was constructed nearer to the river, at a distance, in fact, of only ten meters. In this case, the water obtained man- ifestly did come, in part at any rate, from the river: the water was somewhat turbid, and what is very instructive, the passage through a bank of thirty feet, and admixture, of course, with some ground water, failed to bring the water to anything like the uniform temperature of the other galleries. The tempera- ture fell in winter to 2° C. (35°.6 F.), and in summer rose above 21° C. (700 F.).* This gallery was therefore abandoned, and others constructed at a greater distance from the stream. These * D'Aubisson. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1838. 120 WATER SUPPLY. furnish water which is satisfactory, except when in time of flood the river covers the whole territory in which the galleries are built, and the galleries become filtering galleries in the true sense. As marked differences as in the matter of temperature are also observed in the chemical character of the water. This often appeals to the eye by the absence of color in the (so-called) fil- tered water, while the water of the river may be strongly colored ; or. if the gallery be alongside of a pond, the latter may be filled with algae in a state of decomposition, without producing the slightest effect on the gallery water. It is, however, the hardness of the water which generally attracts attention, being noticed where the water is used for washing or in steam boilers. Usu- ally the ground water is harder than the surface water of the same region, but occasionally the reverse is true. Belgrand gives a number of examples from French localities, from which may be cited the following: * Water of Rhone, at Lyons.................................. l6° Water of filtering gallery at Lyons........................... 17-94 Water of Loire, at Nevers................................... 4.96 Water of collecting well.................................... 20.70 Water of Loire, at Blois.................................... 7.76 Water of the gallery (which is beneath the bed of the river)..... 14-45 Sharpies has found f that the water in the filter gallery near Little Pond, Cambridge, contains nearly twice as much lime as that of the pond, and instances might be multiplied indefinitely. In the case of the Dresden water supply the river water is harder than that obtained from the collecting wells. % Even when the gallery or well is sunk directly in the bed of the river, or in an island surrounded on all sides by the river or pond, the ground water still contributes largely or wholly to the supply. Many experiments have shown that the water in a gravel deposit directly beneath a river differs essentially from that of the stream itself. The belief that a well or gallery located near a pond or stream * La Seine, etc., pp. 463 and following. \ Twelfth Annual Report of the Cambridge Water Board, for the year 1876. Boston, 1877 ; page 30. X Salbach. Das Wasserwerk der Stadt Dresden ; 3r Theil, page 7. NATURAL FILTRATION. 121 does not necessarily derive its supply from the visible body of fresh water, finds confirmation in the well-known fact that springs are often observed to issue from the sand along the sea shore, even below low-water mark,* and fresh water is often obtained by sinking wells very near the shore. Generally, in such cases, the surface of the ground and the water table rise as they recede from the shore, the ground water, derived from the rain, passing with more or less resistance to the sea. In such wells, the water rises and falls with the tide, as the water must enter the sea under the pressure of a varying height of salt water, but the salt water itself does not penetrate the soil and reach the well itself. From such wells a certain amount of water can be pumped. If the amount pumped exceeds that which the ground water can furnish, salt water may then be drawn into the con- tributing area, and the water become brackish. Even where the ground near the sea is level, the mere effect of the rain falling upon the sandy area is sufficient to create a deposit of fresh water which may crowd out or prevent the entrance of salt water. Darwin, in the voyage of the " Beagle," discovered this to be the case in low coral islands of the Pacific, close to the sea; and in Holland, Amsterdam, the Hague and Leyden obtain their water from collecting canals in the sand-dunes which form an almost barren strip of country from 2 to 5 kilometers wide, hav- ing only a few elevations of surface. Sometimes fresh water overlies the salt, so that shallow wells furnish fresh water, while deeper wells give brackish or salt water. McAlpine has made the interesting observation that where, as on Long Island, N. Y., the water table slopes down to the sea, the underlying deposit of salt water slopes away from the sea—the higher and conse- quently heavier column of fresh water at some distance inland being able to displace the salt water to a greater depth : thus, the vertical section of the body of fresh water, in the direction of its flow, would be that of an elongated wedge. Salt water has been found underlying the fresh water in other localities— * A remarkable example of this occurs at the four iron forts at Spithead, Eng. Here wells are sunk on artificial islands, at a considerable distance from the shore, and, although two of them are over 550 feet deep, they pass entirely through sand and gravel. In spite of this location, the water of the wells contains only a small propor- tion of chlorine (18.6, 11.4, 4.1, 7.6 parts in 100,000 respectively^, showing that almost no sea water finds its way into the wells.— The Analyst, April, 1883. 122 WATER SUPPLY. for instance, at Hull, in England *—where the salt water is sup- posed to be due to the infiltration of sea water, and not to the mineral character of the rock. Preliminary Examination of a Proposed Ground Water Supply. The least satisfactory point in connection with ground-water supplies is that the amount of water to be obtained in any one locality is limited in amount, and it is very difficult to tell in advance how large an amount a given region can be relied upon to supply, except as a result of thorough surveys and long- continued experiments. The effect of pumping upon the level of the ground water and information as to the direction of its flow may be obtained by driving a number of iron pipes with perforated " points " at regular distances, preferably in two lines at right angles to each other, intersecting in the experimental well. Observations should be made on the natural level of the ground water before pump- ing is begun ; and the pumping is best conducted by keeping the level of the water in the well at a constant distance below the natural level of the ground water, or below the level of the water in the pond or stream. Although absolute equilibrium cannot be established for a considerable time, unless the water comes very freely, and in the absence of rain, sufficient indications can be obtained to form judgment, within limits, as to the probable yield of the well. In locating a gallery or elongated basin, refer- ence will be had to the direction of the greatest movement of the ground water, which is sometimes in the direction of the flow of the visible stream and sometimes at right angles to it. A preliminary examination with reference to a future supply should include a careful survey of the entire drainage area, and in all cases the preliminary examinations should be made by those conversant with the matter, as there is great liability to overestimate the probable yield of water. As a rule, the amount obtained from any such well is greater at first, as it requires time to drain out the water naturally occupying the territory which hereafter is to flow into the well. On the other hand, the effect of the draught of water toward a single point is to open chan- nels in the porous material so that in some cases the yield * Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Gr. Br., lv, p. 257. EXAMINATION OF GROUND WATER. 123 increases with time. Besides an assurance that the quantity of water obtainable is and will be sufficient, it is necessary to know that the water is satisfactory in quality. As far as the character of the water is concerned, it is in New England generally good when sufficiently abundant ; it is almost always harder than the river water, but in most localities this difference in hardness is small, although appreciable. In limestone regions, however, the ground water is often so hard as to be unsuited for use ; and sometimes the presence of streaks or beds of clay or of ochre makes it impossible to obtain clear water. The absence of such injurious deposits should be ascertained, not only at the point at which it is proposed to locate the actual well or gallery, but also in the immediate neighborhood, espe- cially in the direction in which the gallery is likely to be ex- tended or where additional wells may be sunk. Leipzig, in Germany, has had a ground-water supply since 1866. The water, which was of good quality, proved insufficient for the wants of the city, and the supply was increased (1871-72) by the construction of an additional collecting gallery. Appar- ently the work was done without sufficient preliminary examina- tion, for the works were scarcely opened before trouble was experienced, and it was found that the locality into which the gallery had been extended was generally unsuitable. There was, however, one peculiar and instructive difficulty. The gravel of the deposit in which the gallery was located contained—as grav- els frequently do—oxide of iron. This ordinarily would give no trouble, but the gallery intersected an old river-bed containing many partially decayed stumps and other organic matter which, in the presence of water, reduced the oxide of iron to the pro- toxide condition, forming soluble protosalts of iron. These com- pounds dissolving in the ground water, found their way into the collecting gallery in large quantity. As soon as these soluble protosalts of iron come into contact with the air they are oxi- dized, and a deposit of the red hydrated oxide is formed. In Leipzig the oxidation generally took place before the water reached the consumers, and the complaint was with reference to the muddy, red appearance of the water when drawn; this was easily overcome by filtration. Sometimes, however, the water reached the consumers before the oxidation was complete, in which case the filtered water tasted " like ink," and on standing 124 WATER SUPPLY. deposited a further quantity of a red sediment.* It may be stated that the remedy in this case consisted in seeking a new supply in a more favorable locality. As we have seen, even where a well or gallery is located near a stream or pond, the proportion of water received from the visible stream or pond is usually small; therefore, to obtain in- formation as to the character of the water to be obtained, it is much more important to examine the ground water than the water of the river. The examination of the latter should not, however, be neglected, and it would scarcely ever, if ever, be advisable to locate " natural filtration " works on the banks of a stream which was seriously polluted. Further, although there is less liability to pollution than in the case of small shallow wells sunk near dwellings, slaughter houses, factories, or stables, it must be remembered that the ground water is fed by the percolation into it of the atmospheric water, and that it is possible to pollute even a large body of water. This fact should be taken into account in choosing a locality for the collecting wells. TABLE XVII.—Examination of Ground Water. [Results expressed in Parts per 100,000.] Locality. Aver, Mass, 1880................................ Newton, Mass., basin near Charles River, 1877. Taunton, Mass., basin, Aug., 1877............., " " river, " " .............. Waltham, Mass., basin, Dec, 1873.............. " " river, " " ........___ Lowell, Mass., gallery, Jan., 1874___.......... " " river, " ".............. Cambridge, Mass., gallery, Dec, 18-6.......... " " pond, " " .......... Chautauqua, N. Y., filter chamber.............. " Lake ........................... Indianapolis, Ind , well, 1880........... " " White River, 4k ___....... oi Q 13 0 (A J $ 0 H < z 0 s s < 0. p n * •J 2 « w z 2 0 -1 5 U 3-3 0.008 0.008 0.1 3-9 0. 0.002 0 3 5-6 0.009 0.010 5-8 0.005 0.021 6.5 5-7 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.016 0 0 4 4 6.4 0.006 0.003 0 3 4-5 0.005 0.010 0 2 18.6 0.080 0.005 3 1 14.0 0.070 0.016 1 7 10.2 7.0 0. O.OOI 0.005 0.006 0 7 8 34.o 0.003 0 °5 29.0 0.005 0 2 Authority. W. R. Nichols J. M. Merrick W. R. Nichols S. P. Sharpies S. A. Lattimore 05 T. C. Van Nuys * Hofmann, Dr. Franz : Die Wasserversorgung zu Leipzig. Pph. 8vo, pp. 62. Leipzig, 1877. EXAMINATION OF GROUND WATER. 125 In Table XVII are given the results of the partial analyses of some ground-water supplies, together, in most cases, with the analysis of the neighboring pond or stream. The chemical ex- amination of a water under discussion directs itself, mainly, to proving the freedom from organic matter and other signs of pol- lution, and to ascertaining that the hardness is not excessive. In this connection we may mention a peculiar trouble which has occurred at several foreign water works.'* Since September, 1877, a portion of the Berlin water supply has been taken from the neighborhood of the "Tegeler See," by means of a series or line of 23 wells running parallel with the shore of the lake. Shortly after the introduction of the water, complaints arose as to its quality, and investigation proved the difficulty to be twofold. It is frequently noticed that water—and especially , water from a driven well—although apparently clear when first drawn, becomes turbid on standing and deposits an ochreous sedi- ment. This is generally due to the presence in solution of the protocarbonate or to some organic protosalt of iron, which—on exposure to the air—becomes oxidized and changed to an insoluble hydrated sesquioxide. This was the cause of the trouble which occurred at Leipzig, and this was one of the difficulties with the Tegel ground water, but the microscope showed that the ochre- ous sediment which settled from samples of the water, and which accumulated in the reservoirs and in the pipes, especially in " dead ends," was by no means made up wholly of amorphous mineral matter, but consisted very largely of alga, dead and alive. Most noticeable among the alga was the Crenothrix Kiihni- ana {Crenothrixpolyspora, Cohn). This plant was first discovered by Kiihn in 1852, in the drains of a cultivated field in Silesia, but has since been found in wells in various parts of Europe, and is probably very widely distributed. In Berlin, it was found in the wells, in the reservoirs and in the service pipes, in various stages of development and decay. The spores are minute spherical or oblong bodies from one one- thousandth to six one-thousandths of a millimeter in diameter. From these spores, and by other means of development, the * This is abridged from an account of the trouble given by the author in the Jour- nal of the Franklin Institute, March, 1882. 126 WATER SUPPLY. plants grow into comparatively long threads, each of which on examination is seen to be made up of a number of individual cells, end to end, inclosed eventually in a gelatinous sheath. The general appearance of a mass of these threads is shown in the figure, and the masses are sometimes a centimeter or more in di- ameter. Fig. 24.—Crenothrix Kuhniana. 450 : 1. The threads are at first, like the spores, transparent and colorless, but by the absorption of iron in some form or other they become colored from olive-green to a dark brown. They eventually, in many cases, become incrusted with the hydrate of iron to such an extent that their structure becomes invisible, but it may be made evident by dissolving away the hydrate of iron by very dilute chlorhydric acid. Under favorable circum- stances the plants may develop with great rapidity, and Pro- fessor Kiihn speaks of their having frequently stopped up agricul- tural drain pipes. Also, the pipes in which water is taken from a well ten meters deep, in the neighborhood of the Plotzensee near Berlin, have in summer been choked and nearly filled up by the multiplication of the same organisms. In the reservoirs and in the " dead ends " of the service pipes they seemed to accumu- EXAMINATION OF GROUND WATER. 127 late by growth as well as by deposition. While the plants develop more rapidly in the warm season, they are found at all times of the year in all stages of development. It may be remarked, in this connection, that the Crenothrix has great vitality; thus, Dr. Zopf exposed a quantity in water out-of-doors from the first of January to the middle of February. The water was, of course, frozen, and during the time the tem- perature fell as low as to —8°R. (n°F.), but after being thawed out the plants had, in a few weeks, contrary to all anticipation, revived again or new ones had grown from the spores. The Crenothrix seems to live and develop in the ground itself, and in an examination which was made of the water from a number of wells in different parts of Berlin, the same plant was found in many cases, in one instance at a depth of more than 24 meters from the surface. Whether its presence would be revealed in the preliminary examination of a ground water is doubtful, but it ought certainly to show itself if pumping experiments were carried on for any considerable length of time. There seems to be no remedy for this trouble. It was found possible in Berlin to filter the water artificially through sand— after exposing it to the air—so as to obtain the supply perfectly clear; but, of course, the filters were very much fouled, and, on account of the difficulty of washing the sand thoroughly and the risk that the spores of the plant would eventually find their way into the lower part of the filters and thence into the service, it was thought best by those in charge of the works to abandon the wells altogether, and to make use of water taken directly from the lake and filtered in the usual manner. The same trouble occurred in Halle, and it is stated that it was overcome by sinking other wells in a different locality. In the second locality the water was much harder and free from the Crenothrix ; in fact, when it was mixed with water from the previous source it brought about the extermination of the plant; hence it has been inferred that the presence of a considerable amount of car- bonate of lime is fatal to the plant, but this is very doubtful in view of what follows. The same trouble has occurred recently at Lille, in France. The source of supply is here a subterranean reservoir in marl and water-bearing chalk lying near the surface. The water comes to 128 WATER SUPPLY. the surface in actual springs which originate at no great depth. The hardness of the water is about 259 (French), and the ex- amination made in 1864 showed 44 parts of total solids in 100,000, a large proportion being carbonates of lime and mag- nesia. The water was then considered of good quality,* but for some time there has been complaint of a red color and of an un- pleasant taste and odor. The matter becoming very serious in the spring of 1882, led to the discovery that the trouble was mainly due to the Crenothrix. The previous winter had been very dry, and the water level had been lowered about five meters. The rains of the spring raised the water level, and seem to have washed out the plants into the sources of supply; f it is possible also that contamination of the overlying soil had increased the amount of soluble iron salts which are necessary to the growth of the Crenothrix. The Pollution of Domestic Wells. In isolated dwellings and in villages and small towns not yet provided with a public water supply, drinking water must, as a rule, be obtained either by collecting the rain water and storing it in tanks and cisterns, or else by sinking wells. On account of the clearness and nearly uniform temperature of the ground wa- ter, the latter method is usually preferred when practicable. In the majority of cases the location of the well is dictated simply by convenience, and it frequently happens that it is in close prox- imity to a privy, or to cesspools, or to a barn or stable. The result is that the well is very liable to pollution, and, more often than not, it is simply a question of time when the water shall become unfit for use. The pollution of the well generally takes place gradually. The ground gradually becomes charged with the soakage from the privies and manure heaps, and percolating rain water carries the impure matter into the ground water from which the well draws its supply. In other cases, actual channels are formed, by which the foul liquid trickles or flows into the well itself, or a leaky drain, laid near the well, may be the source of the trouble. Whatever views may be held of the effect upon the human * Masquelez : Ville de Lille. Etablissement de la Distribution d'Eau, Paris, 1879. f Alf. Giard : Comptes rendus, xcv (1882), 247-249. POLLUTION OF WELLS. 129 system of drinking such water, there is no question whatever as to the pollution itself, and although the water may appear clear and bright, and be inoffensive to the senses, chemical examina- tion may show that it is highly charged with the products of de- composition. Moreover, there are hundreds of cases on record where sickness has been coincident with the use of polluted well water, and, although the evidence is of necessity circumstantial (see Chapter I), it is too striking to be disregarded. In the present state of knowledge, it must be said that the continued use of a well water proved to be polluted is as unjustifiable as suicide generally is. It is often difficult to persuade the owner of a polluted well to abandon its use. The water tastes good and has been used for years without producing any bad effects. Meanwhile, how- ever, in these years the neighborhood has become thickly settled, the various possible sources of contamination have increased, and the whole ground water of the region has felt the effect. At the same time, in urging the abandonment of the well, one cannot say that, in spite of the pollution, it may not be used for years more without noticeable ill effects. Under what conditions the water may become injurious, and when, no one can say. It is also difficult to realize the distance from which the pol- lution may come. Until the water of the well becomes contam- inated to a very great extent, the taste gives no evidence of con- tamination, but occasionally accidental evidence is furnished of the distance from which communication with the well may exist. An illustration of this point, and a further illustration of certain chemical changes which have been already alluded to is the following. In Wernigerode, Germany,* a certain well which had always been nearly free from iron, suddenly began to furnish a chalybeate water. Clear when drawn, the water soon became turbid, and deposited on standing a copious ochrey sedi- ment. It was finally discovered that this sudden change was due to the emptying of several casks of spoiled beer into the ground at a distance of some 35 meters (115 feet). The organic matter thus introduced into the ground acted as a reducing agent on the ferric oxide contained in the soil, and the iron, dissolved as * Wockowitz, E.: Wernigerode's Trinkwasser. Wernigerode, 1873. 9 130 WATER SUPPLY. protocarbonate, found its way into the body of water from which the well was supplied. In some places, owing to the very nature of the locality, shallow wells are to be rejected as sources of supply. Thus, Dr. Smart * says, with reference to New Orleans: " The well waters of New Orleans are unfit for use. They are but little less impure than the sewage water carried off by the drainage canals, yet they are reported as being employed for family use, in bakeries, and for stock, especially in summer, when the cistern supply fails. The site of the city is waterlogged to within a few feet of the surface. One well, on Chestnut street, the least impure of those examined, is only 10 feet deep, and contains 7 feet of water. The saturated soil is of great depth, and the ground water is practically stagnant. The filtration into the wells is insufficient even to free the water from turbidity. Or- ganic matter is unaffected by the process. The water contains alkaline carbonates, chlorides, large amounts of free ammonia, but no nitrates or even nitrites. In four wells examined, the ammonia from organic matter amounted to 0.039, 0.041, 0.044, 0.080 part ; while in the sewage from the Orleans canal it only reached 0.120 part. These samples are so impure that the use of well water in New Orleans should be interdicted.! Even care- ful filtration should not be relied on to purify such waters. Fil- tration is not a process by which dangerous waters may be util- ized, but simply a guard against the possibility of danger in doubtful waters." We have thus far spoken only of wells which are sunk into the ground water. These are the most common, but many wells are sunk into a more or less compact rock, and the water comes through fissures in the rock. In such cases it is often difficult to tell where the water does come from, and the well is liable to contamination from distant sources. The pollution is liable to be even more serious than in wells sunk into the ground water, because the contaminating substances carried by the stream of water do not have the same opportunity to be oxidized as they do when the water passes with comparative slowness through a body of sand or gravel. * Bulletin National Board of Health, April 17, 1880. t Such use is now prohibited by law, 1883. EXAMINATION OF WELL WATERS. 131 Of the well waters which are submitted to chemical examina- tion a limited number show by the absence of ammonia, nitrog- eneous organic matter, and chlorides in appreciable quantity, that they are free from all contamination; on the other hand, a considerable proportion (not, however, one-half according to the experience of the author) may be condemned at once ; the re- mainder can only be considered doubtful or suspicious. In the cases of those suspicious wells which cannot be absolutely con- demned, the proper course is to have, for a time at least, some- what frequent examinations made of the water to see whether the impurity is on the increase. For this particular purpose, it is usually sufficient to follow a single ingredient, say, for exam- ple, the chlorine existing as chlorides. If the amount of chlorine increases to any considerable extent, the source of impurity should be ascertained and the water be protected therefrom, if possible, or else be rejected from use. It may be said, in a general way, that a good well water should not contain over 0.005 Pai"t °f ammonia in 100,000, or over 0.010 part " albuminoid ammonia," and, in most places, not over 1.0 part of chlorine (as chlorides). The amount of solid matter in solution depends necessarily upon the locality, and what might be a reasonable amount in one region would be very abnormal in another. The presence of nitrates is also suspicious. but, unless the quantity is very considerable, cannot alone con- demn the water. Dr. Charles Smart, U. S. A., accepts 0.010 albuminoid ammonia in 100,000 as suspicious, and 0.015 as a limit in the case of well waters " in the denser settlements, and in every case where an animal origin to the organic matter is indicated by careful survey or chemical analysis." In the case of doubtful waters, the greatest satisfaction may be obtained when it is possible to find in the same immediate neighborhood a well of whose freedom from contamination there can be no doubt. The comparison of the waters of the two wells will probably enable one to decide the question as to the contamination of the first well. The next most satisfactory course of procedure is to throw a quantity of salt (or brine) into the various cesspools, drains, etc., and to determine at frequent intervals the amount of chlorine (as chlorides) in the water of the well. As instances in which this method was used with good results, the two following may suffice: 132 WATER SUPPLY. In No. I, the well was located ioo feet from the privy ; a bushel of coarse salt was put into the privy-vault October 24, and a bushel of fine salt on October 31. This caused an evident increase of the amount of chlorides in the well, as appears from the figures. In case No. II, two bushels of salt were put into a cesspool which was 75 feet from the well. A sample of water was then taken and afterward at intervals of three days. The effect on the well water was not as marked as in No. I, but the results were confirmed by a subsequent examination of the locality: Date of Examination. as Parts in October 17 3-3 26 3-9 29 3-9 November 2 4.0 5 4.4 8 3-5 13 3-4 17 3-4 20 3-3 23 3-1 II. II. No. of Sample. Chlorine I 1.4 5 1-5 3 1.6 4 1-7 5 1-7 6 1.9 7 2.6 8 2.0 9 2.0 10 I.g In Table XXIII are brought together the results of the examination of a few well waters from various localities. The table might be extended to an indefinite length, as the reports of boards of health and water committees would, in almost every case, contribute to the list. TABLE XVIII.—Examination of Well Water. [Results expressed in Parts in 100,000.] Locality. Sauffus, Mass......... v> Another...... Williamstown. Mass.. " Another " Another North Adams, Mass.. Gloucester, Mass...... Watertown, N. Y___ Croton Falls, N. Y... Lockport, N. Y..... Southampton, L. I.. . Q Q 0 < 2 < H z 0 s S z, s 0 3 s S X 0 Quality. Authority. 0 s << X H < u 7 3 0.001 0,002 I.I Good. W. R. Nichols. 21.0 0.002 0.002 3 1 Suspicious 19-3 0.002 0.009 i-7 4k 11 63.1 0.006 0.015 I0.2 Polluted. " 112.1 0.005 0.013 40.0 " " 3i-7 0.014 0.009 2.2 " »» 68.6 0.230 0.029 9-5 " " 37-4 0.002 0.005 9-3 Good. E. Waller. 13.2 0 0 0.8 fc* n 96.8 0.001 O.007 8.9 Doubtful. i> 45.0 0.006 0.018 4.0 Bad. " CHAPTER VII. DEEP SEATED WATER AS A SOURCE OF SUPPLY. While a portion of the rainfall which soaks into the ground soon encounters an impervious stratum, above which it collects to form the ground water of the locality, much of the water pre- cipitated from the atmosphere falls upon the edges of upturned rocky strata, or upon rock deposits which are either themselves porous or so fissured that they afford a more or less free passage for water. When the peryious stratum has an outcrop at some lower level, the water may issue in the form of springs, more or less copious. Where the course of the water has not been too long, and it has not, consequently, taken up a large amount of mineral matter, such springs furnish one of the best sources of drinking water, although the water is very often, in fact usually, less well- suited for technical purposes, on account of its hardness. The advantage of spring water over surface water for drinking is con- sidered by some so great as to justify the incurring of very con- siderable expense in order to procure it. Thus, the city of Vienna constructed extensive water works for the sake of bringing water from springs which are sixty miles distant. Artesian Wells. When the water precipitated from the atmosphere is absorbed by a pervious stratum which is situated between two impervious strata, the water may exist under considerable hydrostatic press- ure. The occurrence of a " fault " in the strata may allow the water to rise to the surface of the ground as springs, but often the water can be utilized only by sinking or boring artesian wells. An artesian well is a well which is sunk or bored through an impervious stratum so as to reach a water-bearing stratum in which the water is under hydrostatic pressure; so that, as soon as the well is opened, it rises through the impervious stratum and often to, or higher than, the surface of the ground. Arte- 134 WATER SUPPLY. sian wells may, therefore, be regarded as artificially opened springs. The term artesian is frequently applied to non-flowing deep wells, but, while the question of flowing or non-flowing may be unes- sential, the term is improperly applied to wells, however deep, when the water is taken from the deposit into which the well is bored or sunk, and where the water collects from the fissures and cavities of the rock itself. Thus, in England, there are many deep wells in the chalk or in the new red sandstone which collect and utilize water from the chalk or from the sandstone itself, and which are not properly to be char- acterized as artesian. In this country, driven wells are often called artesian wells, and they may be properly so designated if they pass through a stratum of clay, so that the water rises from an underly- ing deposit not in communication with the ground or surface water of the same locality : driven wells, however, as we have already seen, often utilize simply the ground water where they are driven. Although, within modern times, improvements have been made in the methods and apparatus employed for boring wells, wells of this description are of great antiquity. They are found in China, and many such wells have existed for a long time in North Africa, in the oases of the Sahara. Here, until recently, they were excavated by hand, the earth and other material being drawn up in baskets. Finally, a thin stratum of rock was reached beneath which experience had shown that water existed. This rock stratum was cautiously perforated, and as soon as it was pierced the workman was drawn up rapidly—and not always safely—as he was sometimes overtaken by the rush of water. The French in the province of Constantine (Algeria), between the years 1856 and 1878, bored over 400 wells. The flowing wells numbered 158, with an average depth of 85.5 meters; the tem- perature of the water was generally betwen 21° C. and 260 C, and the total solids between 300 and 600 parts in 100,000.'* There are a great many artesian wells in various parts of the * Les Forages arte'siens de la province de Constantine (Algerie). Resume^des Travaux executes de 1856 a 1878. Par M. Jus. 8vo, pp. 97. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1878. ARTESIAN WELLS. 135 United States. Thus, Professor Winchell, in 1856,* mentions as many as 74 such wells in a single and somewhat circumscribed region of middle Alabama, and, of late years, many wells have been sunk in the southwestern part of the country with favora- ble results. The sinking of artesian wells is attended with great uncer- tainty as regards both the quality and the quantity of the water to be obtained, and many wells have been sunk which have failed to reach water at all, or from which only water unfit for any do- mestic use has been obtainable. To judge of the probability of success in sinking a well in a new locality, a knowledge of the geological character of the underlying strata is essential. At Charleston, S. C, where are several successful artesian wells, f the possibility of obtaining such wells was inferred from a knowledge of the geology of the region. More than 100 miles from the city, starting from Augusta, Ga., and proceeding northeastwardly, a granite ridge rises to the surface of the earth, exposed to view in favorable positions, elsewhere covered with superficial drift sands and clays. The line may be followed northward through North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. On the broad surface of this granite ridge, and on its seaward slope, the sands drink in the rain water that falls. The streams from the up country that cross the ridge may also supply their quota. The water thus imbibed sinks down by the force of gravity, ever seeking the low- est attainable position. Now, the tertiary beds of the Charles- ton Basin, the cretaceous beds under them, and any other sedi- mentary beds beneath the cretaceous, must rest against this eastern slope of the granite ridge, and their sandy layers must drink in the water filtering through the sands. As all of these beds have a gentle slope toward the coast, the water will follow them down in their course. These formations, no doubt, continue their course under water for many miles, and, indeed, there is evidence that the water contained in them finds a discharge into the sea. To this cause are attributed the springs of fresh water that have been observed to rise, bubbling up at times in notable quantity through the salt water at points along the coast, fifteen or twenty miles from the shore. Moreover, in all the deep wells in * Proc. Amer. Assoc, x (1857), p. 83. f Municipal Report of the City of Charleston, S. C. Artesian Wells, 1881. I36 WATER SUPPLY. Charleston, varying from 60 to 1,260 feet in depth, the level or head of water in the pipes has been observed to oscillate at tidal intervals to an extent varying from 4 to 6 inches. The explana- tion is simple. In issuing from its natural vent under the sea the fresh water must lift the column of salt water above, the weight of which acts as an obstruction. When the tide at sea is high, this column is greater than it was at low tide. The con- sequence is a diminution of the escape of water by that channel, and a compensating increase of the discharge through other channels not so obstructed, and an increase in the head of water in the wells.* One disadvantage of sinking artesian wells for town supply is the great uncertainty as to the quality of the water, and the fact that water from considerable depths is often of ele- vated temperature, and therefore not fit to drink unless cooled. Moreover, the water is apt to be charged with a large amount of mineral matter derived from the strata through which it has flowed or percolated, or in contact with which it has remained for a long period of time. The widely-known well at Gre- nelle, Paris, which is about 1,800 feet deep, has a temperature of 270 C. (8o°.6 F.), and contains only about 14 parts in 100,000 of dissolved solids, whereas a well in St. Louis, Missouri, sunk at the sugar refinery of Belcher and Brothers to a depth of over 2,000 feet, and at an expense of $10,000, furnishes about 75 gal- lons per minute of water emitting a strong odor of sulphuretted hydrogen, and containing 879.1 parts of dissolved matter in 100,000 parts; this water is entirely useless for the purposes of the refinery or for domestic use. As already stated, the artesian wells in Algeria contain from 300 to 600 parts of dissolved solids in 100,000 parts of water, and would, in most localities, be at once rejected even for purposes of irrigation. In the absence, however, of better water, such wells as these are regarded as godsends by the inhabitants. The fact of a considerable amount of dissolved solids does not necessarily prove that an artesian water is unfit for use, although usually the salts present are objectionable in character. Sometimes the dissolved matter, in the absence of lime, magne- * The above statement is condensed from the Charleston Municipal Report already cited. ARTESIAN WELLS. 137 sia and sulphates, may be unobjectionable in character, although the large amount present may be undesirable. For example, the water of the Wentworth Street artesian well in Charleston, S. C, which contains 273.66 parts of total solids in 100,000, has been used for years. In this case the dissolved matter is almost entirely common salt and carbonate of soda, and the use of the water is held to be beneficial in dyspepsia and kindred diseases. The water of the more recent Citadel Green well contains only 111.55 parts in 100,000 of solid matter, likewise consisting mainly of these two salts. The water is considered wholesome as a drink, and, for washing, the presence of the carbonate of soda makes it an excellent water; the principal objection found to it is that the carbonate of soda gives to rice, hominy and other farinaceous articles cooked in it a light golden tinge, owing to the action of the carbonate of soda on the starch in such arti- cles. In the laundry, also, it cannot be used in the mixing of the starch for the same reason. It may be here noted that the quantity of water obtained from an artesian well is often seriously diminished by the sinking of other wells into the same water-bearing stratum. This has been the experience in many localities. With reference to wells in the neighborhood of London, Eng., De Ranee says: " The outcrop of the lower London tertiaries is about 100 feet above the Thames, whilst their depth below it varies from 200 to 300 feet, the only notch in the rim of the basin being the valley of the Thames at Deptford and Greenwich, where the outcrop is 100 feet lower than the remainder of the margin of the basin ; the sectional area of the depressed portion being much less than the elevated portion, far less water can escape than can be absorbed by the sands, which are practically water- logged by the overlying, impermeable clay, through which borings were carried to a depth of 80 to 140 feet at the beginning of the century; at that time the liberated water flowed up the bore- holes, and rose permanently above the level of the Thames until the supply was over-pumped, and it has fallen to 70 feet below Trinity high-water mark. To supply the deficiency, most of the artesian wells in London have been carried down to the chalk beneath, to intercept the water which circulates freely in the fis- sures and lines of joints. The level to which water will rise is steadily decreasing." 138 WATER SUPPLY. Deep Wells. In certain geological formations, the nature of which does not admit of the construction of artesian wells proper, water may often be obtained in large quantities by sinking shafts, in which the water collects and from which it may be raised to the surface by pumps. Horizontal tunnels may be carried from the shaft, at one or more levels, so as to intercept the water flowing through the fissures or along the planes of stratification. Sometimes, in- deed, the water may be obtained solely by means of a horizontal tunnel, the opening being made in the face of a bluff. Thus, Dubuque, Iowa, is supplied from a tunnel or adit penetrating the bluffs and extending for about a mile in length at a depth, from the surface of the ground, of from ioo to 200 feet. Deep wells are used as sources of public supply, to some extent, but the greater number the world over are sunk or bored for private establishments, notably for breweries. It is stated that in the city of New York there are as many as 40 wells on Manhattan Island, although some of them are not now in use. Nearly one-half this number are owned by breweries. The wells vary in depth from 26 to 2,000 feet. Eighteen are 500 feet or more in depth. The diameter also varies, being from 2\ to 10 inches, although the majority are 6 or 6^ inches. The capacity of the wells ranges from 2,000 gallons to 126,000 gallons in 24 hours; and the temperature of the water, so far as noted, is between 500 and 590 F. As might be expected from the geolog- ical formation of the island, the wells are, in most cases, bored in gneiss and mica schist.* In England, where deep wells are used to a considerable ex- tent as sources of town supply, the water-bearing capacity of the various geological formations, and the character of the water to be obtained therefrom, has probably been studied more carefully than elsewhere.f Of the water supply of Liverpool, 5,500,000 (imperial) gallons are daily pumped from the wells in the new red sandstone, and London receives daily some 8,000,000 (imperial) gallons from deep wells in the chalk. * Sanitary Engineer, October 12, 1882. f See Sixth Report of Rivers Pollution Commission ; also, the various (annual) reports of the Underground Water Committee of the British Association ; also, De Ranee, Water Supply of England and Wales. DEEP WELLS. 139 Fig. 26 shows a well which is sunk in the new red sandstone, at Whiston, England.* Two wells, each 9 feet in diameter and 12 feet apart, were sunk to a depth of 135 feet and then continued to a depth of 225 feet as a single well, 30 feet long and 9 feet broad. The bottom of the well is 25 feet below mean sea level, and when first sunk, supplied some 400,000 gallons in 24 hours, with a depth of about 9 feet of water in the well. The manner in which the well cuts the strata of the sandstone is evident from the figure, the water having a natural tendency to flow along the planes of stratification toward the fault shown at the left, which presents a barrier to its farther progress. The works were sub- sequently extended by sinking and boring the auxiliary well in the right of the figure, and connecting the two wells by means of a tunnel. The supply obtained from the combined wells, was, in 1876, about 900,000 (imperial) gallons in 24 hours. The capacity of a rock for storing and absorbing water varies with its texture and character; and when, after long continued rains, the rock has become fully saturated, no more water can be absorbed, and all additional supplies pass off as floods, as abso- lutely as if the precipitation took place on an impermeable for- mation. Many rocks thus contain, in their natural and undis- turbed condition, water which was derived from the atmosphere long ago, and in some cases the rocks may contain saline solutions which have filled their pores from the time of their formation.f When a well is sunk into such a deposit, the water may be grad- ually forced out by the pressure of the water accumulated in other parts of the same stratum, or in communicating strata, but it may take a very long time to exhaust the subterranean reser- voir. In some cases, near the sea, there may be communication with the ocean, which may thus produce the hydrostatic pressure, but which may not contribute by its waters directly, or at least not for a long time after the well is opened. Some deep wells near the sea gradually become more brackish, probably from the fact that the purer water which originally filled the pores of the rocks, and perhaps subterranean reservoirs, is gradually exhausted, and other water—in this case sea water—comes in to replace it. Some idea of the vast amount of water stored below the sur * Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Gr. Britain, xlix (1877), p. 221. f See Hunt's Chemical and Geological Essays, p. 104 and elsewhere. SECTION SHOWING .THE. POSITION OF THE STRATA PIERCED BY THE WELLS. TUNNEL, AND SORE HOLES. ScaU of Yards. &.,f;,,,T,.......«.,„• 36 i ,V........£-----■------'------■-----------*° FlG. 26.—WATER WORKS AT WHISTON, ENGLAND. DEEP WELLS. I4I face of the ground may be obtained from the following extract (De Ranee): " In the Thames and east coast district are not less than 4,000 square miles of pervious cretaceous rocks, receiving not less than 5 inches of rain annually, or a daily absorption of 800,000,000 gallons. It is readily understood with these figures, how the dry weather flow of the Thames is kept up by chalk springs; one- fifth of the yield is sufficient for 4,000,000 people, and taking the oolite supply, the total volume of water absorbed by underground sources in the Thames and east coast river basins may be taken as 1,125,000,000 gallons—a supply equal to the wants of 22,000,000 people, or nearly that of the total inhabitants of England, sup- posing that the whole of the 5 inches of rainfall absorbed could be pumped up." It is, of course, impossible to utilize all the water actually contained in any rock. From a compact rock like chalk or lime- stone, a portion of the water is furnished by cracks and fissures, and this is readily given up ; another portion passes through the rock itself, and although the water may be received and absorbed with great rapidity, it is delivered with extreme slowness, and a struggle is maintained, as it were, between capillarity and gravity. Baldwin Latham * has called attention to the influence of the barometric pressure on the volume of water discharged by springs (or yielded by deep wells). When the barometer falls, the air confined in the fissures of the rocks tends to expand and force out the water, and the volume of the springs increases; when there is a rise in the barometer, there is a diminution of the flow. A more or less marked coincidence between barometric changes and variations in the amount of water discharged by mineral springs was noticed long ago, and various explanations have been offered to account for the phenomenon.f When a well is opened in a water-bearing rock, the level of the water, or plane of saturation, will be found to vary within certain limits, being governed by the amount of rainfall absorbed. This level, after extensive pumping, is artificially and locally lowered, but, on the cessation of pumping, the original level is restored by a sufficient interval of rest, provided the volume " Nature, September, 1881. f See, for example, Alois Novvak : Ueber die barometrischen Ergiebigkeits- Schwankungen der Quellen in Allgemeinem. Prag, 1880. 142 WATER SUPPLY. abstracted annually is not more than is supplied by the rainfall. If the demand upon a deep well is greater than the supply re- ceived directly or indirectly from the rainfall, the well will show signs of exhaustion ; the supply may, however, be kept up by deepening the well, that is, by taking the water from a lower level. Many wells gradually furnish less and less water, because in the beginning there was a quantity of water stored in the rock, which has gradually become exhausted. On the other hand, some wells furnish a supply increasing in abundance, owing to the fact that the passages through which the water comes become less obstructed and of larger size. Thus, according to the Rivers Pollution Commission, every 1,000,000 (imp.) gallons of water drawn from the chalk carries with it, in solution, on an average 11 tons of chalk through which it has percolated, causing an ad- ditional storage room for 110 gallons of water; so that the yield of a well draining a given area in the chalk, other things being equal, ought to gradually increase until the maximum limit of permeability is reached. As a further example of the same thing, it may be mentioned that, during the construction of the tunnel at the Whiston water works, upward of 350 tons of sand were in a few years washed from the fissures of the rocks, thus increasing the storage capacity of the rock. Characteristics and Examination of Deep-seated Water. The questions of the amount of water to be obtained from springs and deep wells, and of the probability of procuring water by means of artesian wells in any given locality are questions for the engineer and geologist. The fact that all such waters are liable to contain an excess of mineral matter has been sufficiently noticed: the chemical examination concerns itself mainly with the amount and nature of the dissolved salts. These deep waters are characterized, in general, by an absence of organic matter, but that even deep wells are liable to pollution may be easily realized by an inspection of Figure 26. It is very evident that any polluting matters in the soil might easily find their way into the well, being carried downward by the water passing along the planes of stratification. In the case of the water works at Whiston, all the wells in the immediate neighborhood were affected, most of them losing their water altogether. This in- DEEP WELLS. 143 fluence was felt at least i£ miles to the southeast and more than a mile to the south. Where the water flows underground through cracks and fissures the polluting substances do not have the opportunity to become oxidized and harmless, as when the water passes slowly through a gravel deposit. Mr. Baldwin Latham has connected the periodic outbreaks of fever in the parish of Croydon, England, with the intermittent appearance of springs called the Bourne. The water which is reabsorbed by the chalk lower down, is supposed to carry the objectionable substances to the wells in the center of the old town. When the springs are low and the Bourne begins to run, after a sudden and copious rainfall, the water line under the town is elevated and an outbreak of enteric fever results. Even with artesian wells there is not perfect security, for many such wells—espe- cially when first opened—throw out fragments of vegetable sub- stances, and even living fish and other small aquatic animals, showing that they must have a more or less direct communica- tion with the surface. Signs of pollution in such waters must be sought mainly in the " organic matter" as variously determined : chlorides are often present in considerable amount, but are not evidence of impurity; nitrogen in the form of nitrites and nitrates is also often present in notable quantity in water of deep wells, espe- cially in the chalk, and is no sign of contamination; ammonia may also be allowed in amounts which would be suspicious in shallow wells. While the artesian wells often furnish water the temperature of which is objectionably high, the water of many springs and of ordinary deep wells is usually of nearly uniform and of compar- atively low temperature. In fact, the sinking of deep wells in connection with breweries is partly due to the fancied necessity for hard water in brewing certain kinds of beer, and partly to furnish an abundance of cold water for cooling purposes. It is a curious fact that the hard water from springs and deep wells, though clear and bright when first obtained, becomes covered with a confervoid growth when exposed to the sunlight in open reservoirs, and the tubes of some artesian wells become lined with a growth of algae. If it is necessary to store the water from deep wells, this should be done in covered reservoirs ; this is, of course, desirable also as a means of avoiding elevation 144 WATER SUPPLY of temperature in summer if the water remains in the reservoir for any considerable time. Table XIX contains some details with reference to artesian TABLE XIX.—Examination of Artesian and Deep Wells. Locality. Artesian Wells. Grenelle, Paris................ Passy, Paris .................. Boston, Mass.................. Chicago, 111................... Louisville, Ky., Dupont's Well St. Louis, Mo................ " Mo., Asylum Well.. Charleston, S. C, Wentworth Street " " Citadel Green__ " " Chisholm Mill___ Coosaw, S. C....................... Deep Wells. Birkenhead, Eng.................... Birmingham, Eng.................. " Another.............. Bradford, Eng..................... Brighton, Eng..................... Liverpool, Bootle Well............. London, Trafalgar Square......... Jersey City, N. J., Secaucus Works Newark, N. J., Celluloid Works___ "■ " Lister Bros ........ Paterson, N. J., Burton Brewing Co h z W fa k a a 55 X h W h x a < 0 a K Z S S zo SuQ [/> z u «> 9 2 h X « 5 0 <0h s °5« t/J in 8 j h 8 Q H ffi H i,806 27 14.2 1,914 28 14.1 i,75° 1878.7 700 14 2,086 24.3 1570.0 2,199 23 879.1 3.843 4°-5 1,260 3°-7 273.7 1,970 37-5 m.6 425 369-7 760 82.7 527 5-7 14.2 300 10.2 15.8 3i-3 400 10.8 IS-1 19.3 360 12.8 14.1 55-4 1,285 9.9 4-4 35-4 312 10.4 12.6 34-4 !«! 5-9 83-4 600 117.7 250 213.0 61 s 13.0 262.0 200 20.6 Authority. Peligot, 1857. Poggiale & Lambert, 1862. J. MT Merrick. J. Lawrence Smith. A. Litton, M.D. C. C. Broadhead. C. U. Shepard, Jr. S. T. Robinson, Jr. Wm. Robertson. F. F. Chisholm. Rivers Pollution Com. G. H. Cook, Geol. Rep. and deep wells in various localities. Although there are so many of these wells in the United States, the author has found it extremely difficult to obtain reliable information with reference to the chemical character of the water. The depth of the well, whether the water is palatable or undrinkable, how it acts to- ward soap and in steam boilers—these observations, which do not require the aid of an expert or involve additional expense, usually complete the stock of available information. Table XX contains the results of more complete analyses obtained by the Rivers Pollution Commission of Great Britain from the examina- tion of a large number of deep-well waters from various geolo- gical formations. In the same table also—for convenience of arrangement—are inserted the results obtained by the same commission in the examination of unpolluted waters of various descriptions and from many different localities in Great Britain. Table XXI contains results derived from the examination of the water from wells and springs in the different geological forma- tions in Bohemia,* the total number of analyses being about 125. * Belohoubek: Ueberden Einflussder geologischen Verhaltnisse auf die chemische Beschaffenheit des Quell- und Brunnenwassers. Pph. 8vo, pp. 46. Prag, 1880. EXAMINATION OF VARIOUS WATERS. H5 TABLE XX.—Examination of Deep-Well Waters and of Unpolluted Waters from various Sources. [Results expressed in Parts in 100,000.] Geological For- mation. Deep Wells. DevonianRocks and Millstone Grit___ Coal Measures..... Magnesian Lime- stone............. New Red Sand- stone............ Lias................ Oolites.......... Hast i n g s Sand, Green Sand, and Weald Clay... Chalk........... Chalk beneath Lon- don Clay...... Thanet Sand and Drift.......... Unpolluted Waters. Class I. Rain Water...... Class II. Upland Surface Water......... Class III. Deep Well Water Class IV. Spring Water.... 32.68 83.10! 61.14 30.63 70.98 33.60 45-20 36.88 78.09 53-84 2-95 9.67 43-78 28.20 0.068 o. 119 0.076 0.036 0.146 0.037 0.068 0.050 0.093 0.113 0.070 0.322 0.061 0.056 0.012 0.034 0.014 0.027 O.OIO 0.014 0.017 0.028 0.020 0.032 0.018 0.005 0.044 0.003 O.OOI 0.022 0.016 O.OOI 0.002 0.012 O OOI 0 Q 0.294 0.207 1.426 o 717 0.389 0.625 0.196 0.610 0.068 0.116 0.003 0.009 0.495 0.383 III J 9, < o O H 0.310 0.278 1.456 o 734 0.417 0.654 0.223 0.628 oi35 0.202 o 042 0.042 0.522 0.396 U S u < < H S z [Tl O 3 < o s -* z CL, 2,671 2,243 6,895 3,73° 6,118 797 ,517 2.70 18.05 2 94 4.42 2.69 5-38 2.76 15.02 6.32 42 0.82 4,743 3,595 1.13 5-" 2.49 Hardness. b a rt e B "<3 3 U u X i-< 1877 Nov. 13, Nov. 13, Nov. 19, Nov. 19- Nov. 27, Nov. 27. Dec. 10, Dec. 10, 1878 Jan. i 8, Jan. 1 8, Locality. Poughkeepsie. River............ Clear-water basin. River............ Clear-water basin. Hudson. River............ Filtered water... . River............ Filtered water... . Top of filter bed, i.e., unfiltered Filtered water.. < Solid Residue. K SB til u < z 0 S s < a 0 2. CO z, < 2 < X. U) X 0 h 3 z 0° -1 $ X " Organic and Volatile." Total at 212° Fahr. 0.0109 0.0197 1-7 12.1 10.1 0.0077 0.0139 I.I 9.1 9.0 0.0104 0.0157 1-5 10.5 8.6 O.OII2 0.0155 i-3 9.4 9.0 O.OO59 0.0152 1-13 8.21 O.OO4O 0.0123 O.OO5I 0.0152 0.72 8.40 O.OO56 0.0131 1.02 8.14 O.OI23 0.0133 1.12 IO.64 10.00 0.0237 0.0163 0.92 II.12 10.60 Remarks. Very turbid. Clear. Very turbid. Slightly turbid. Turbid. Slightly turbid. Turbid. Slightly turbid. Turbid. Slightly turbid. Sand Filtration in the United States. Up to the present time there has been very little done in this country in the way of systematic filtration of water supplies, partly, perhaps, from indifference and lack of information, but 162 WATER SUPPLY. mainly on account of the expense. The numerous complaints which arise in the case of almost every city and town supplied with surface water render the question of filtration an important one, and attempts have been made in various places to accom- plish the desired object with a less expensive and elaborate plant than that required by the English system. Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson River, in the State of New York, was the first city in the Union to adopt a scheme for the artificial filtration of the entire water supply. The filtering works consist * of a settling-basin 25 x 60 feet in plan and 12 feet deep, in three compartments, arranged with reference to the deposition of the heavier particles of mud before the water passes on to the beds. The two filter beds are each 200 by 73^ feet in plan, and 12 feet deep, built with vertical walls ; each has, therefore, 14,700 square feet of filtering area. The 6 feet of filtering materials, beginning at the top of the bed, are disposed as follows : 24 inches of sand. 6 " " -jf inch gravel. 6 " " £ " 6 " "1 " 6 " "2 " broken stone. 24 " " 4 to 8 in. " " Total, 72 inches. The beds have a concrete bottom or floor 12 inches in thick- ness, upon which are arranged open stone culverts to conduct the filtered water to the intermediate basin. The flow of water from each bed to this intermediate basin is controlled by a gate, so that while one bed is being cleaned the other may be used. The filtration is conducted in the usual manner, as is also the clean- ing and renewal of the sand, an inch or so of sand being removed at a time, and the sand being washed and replaced only when the upper layer has been much reduced in thickness. The intermediate filtered-water basin is 6x85 feet in plan, and 16 feet deep. This retains the filtered water until it is allowed to pass into the filtered-water reservoir. This reservoir is 28x88 feet in plan, and 17 feet deep, and from it the water is pumped to the uncovered distributing reservoir from which the * See Fourth Annual Report of the Water Commissioners of the City of Poueh- keepsie for the year ending Dec. 31, 1872. COVERED FILTER BEDS. I63 service pipes are fed. Sluice gates and drain pipes permit the lowering of the water on the beds in any or all of the basins. The city of Hudson, N. Y., is also supplied from the Hudson River. The river water is pumped to the summit of a hiil over^ looking the town, on which are situated the filter bed and the distributing reservoir. The filter basin * is 13^ feet in depth, is built with sloping sides, and has an area, at the surface of the sand, of 9,081 feet. The filtering material is six feet deep, and is arranged pre- cisely as in the Poughkeepsie works which have been already described. The fragments of broken stone rest upon a concrete floor six inches in thickness, having a slight inclination toward the middle or axial line, and this line toward the outlet. Along this line runs an openly-laid stone culvert 18x24 inches, which is connected by a cast-iron pipe under the division embankment with the clear-water well. From the clear-water well the filtered water passes over a gate or weir, where it is measured and its flow regulated, to the clear-water basin or distributing reservoir. Thence it passes ordinarily into the effluent chamber through fine copper-wire screens to the 18-inch supply pipe ; but the clear-water well can be connected directly with the supply main, so that the city may be supplied from the bed without passing the water through the basin or distributing reservoir. The dis- tributing reservoir is 20 feet deep ; its capacity is 3,200,000 gal- lons. Chemical examinations of the water from these localities have been given in Table XXIV. Advantages of Covered Filter Beds. The exposure of a comparatively thin layer of water on the surface of the filter beds has at least two disadvantages. In the first place, in summer the water becomes heated and is, conse- quently, in a condition to favor the growth of the lower orders of plant life; in the second place, in winter there is likely to be inconvenience from the freezing of the water. In the climate of England neither of these difficulties is as serious as in countries which are either much warmer or much colder, and the filter beds are universally uncovered. On the Continent, however, * See Third Report of the Water Commissioners of the City of Hudson, 1875. 164 WATER SUPPLY. the beds and the clear-water reservoirs are sometimes covered as at Berlin, Magdeburg and other places. With reference to the first point—vegetable growth—some trouble is experienced even in England, and the beds become clogged with a confervoid growth, which forms, as it were, a sort of carpet on the surface of the sand, and this, when the beds are cleaned, can be raked off or rolled up in a coherent sheet. This trouble might be lessened somewhat by the use of covered beds, but where the water to be filtered contains an abundance of minute algae, as is the case with the water of the Spree, at Berlin, there is no perceptible difference in the condition of the covered and un- covered beds. With reference to the second point alluded to above—the freezing of the water in winter—the European practice, in loca- tions where the ice freezes to any thickness, may be learned by the following quotation from Kirkwood's account of the Berlin works: " The long and severe winters here made special care and precaution necessary in the use of filters during the months of severe frost. The filter beds cannot be laid bare in mid- winter; for the frost would in that case penetrate the body of the filter and render it useless. All the filters are, in conse- quence, during the winter months, kept constantly covered with their maximum depth of water, four feet. Luckily the river water during the winter months is in its best state as regards freedom from turbidity, and also as regards freedom from vege- table discoloration or impurity. The filters, therefore, have comparatively little to intercept, and the river water is flowed continuously upon them, and passes through them without very sensibly impairing their efficiency. To make provision, however, for an unusually long winter, or for an exceptional condition of the river then, which may occasionally occur, it is evident that a larger filtering surface is desirable than would be necessary in a milder climate. "The ice forms upon the filter beds 15 inches thick, and sometimes, though rarely, 24 inches thick. To protect the en- closing walls of each filter from damage, the ice is kept separated from the walls, 6 to 12 inches, by attendants appointed to that duty; and, so long as the cake of ice is kept floating in this way, the masonry is safe from any danger by its thrust. That this service has been well performed, is demonstrated by the condi- FILTRATION IN WINTER. I65 tion of the walls, which are in the best of order, and nowhere out of line, or abraded, that I could perceive." Since the date of Mr. Kirkwood's report, covered filter beds have been built, and it is stated that the uncovered beds are not cleaned during the winter, the burden of the work being thrown upon the covered beds. At Poughkeepsie and at Hudson, the filtering area is not sufficient to deliver the water throughout the winter without occasional cleaning. The ice has therefore to be broken up and thrown, or rather, dragged out. There is no question but that water once filtered should be distributed as soon as possible to the consumers. If it is neces- sary that the water should be stored, it should be in covered reservoirs of small size, which can be readily emptied and cleaned in case of necessity. Apparently, the spores of certain algae are not removed by filtration: at any rate, it has been found that if, after filtration, the perfectly clear Spree water is allowed to stand for eight or ten days, algae are developed. This fact is of no practical consequence in a case like that of Berlin, where the clear-water reservoir is too small to hold a single day's consump- tion, and where, consequently, the water is delivered at once into the service mains. Expense of Sand Filtration. The most valuable accessible data of the expense of filtration, as drawn from actual experience, are found in the reports of the Poughkeepsie Water Works. From these data it seems that the expense may be set at from $2.50 to $3.50 per million gallons, not allowing for the interest on the plant or for the cost of pump- ing. The original cost of the beds was 854,000, the interest on which would exceed the cost of maintenance. In 1879, Mr. J. P. Davis, City Engineer of Boston, Mass., estimated the cost of constructing and operating artificial filters for the Mystic water supply of the city—10,000,000 gallons daily. He allowed for seven beds, each with an area of 33,000 square feet, and esti- mated that the cost of pumping and of operating the filters would be about $5 per million gallons, and the interest on the neces- sary works, at five per cent, would be nearly $6.00 per million gallons, making the total cost about $11.00. 166 WATER SUPPLY. Filtering Materials other than Sand. Many other substances have been proposed from time to time as suitable to replace the sand wholly or in part, and to accomplish more than sand can by chemical action on the impu- rities of the water filtered. The so-called carbide of iron, of Mr. Thomas Spencer, is used in several towns of England with some success. The carbide of iron is prepared by roasting a mixture of hematite iron ore and sawdust, and is held to consist mainly of the magnetic oxide of iron : it is, no doubt, an efficient puri- fying agent. It is, however, expensive, and could hardly be pre- pared for less than $20 or $2$ per ton, and for the best effect should be preceded by a rough sand filtration. At Wakefield, England, where, to be sure, the water is extremely filthy, and the bed confessedly overworked, the Rivers Pollution Commis- sion found that " the water, owing in part to putrescent fermen- tation and subsidence, and in part to filtration, was chemically lesf contaminated than might be expected, yet on both occasions it contained a large proportion of nitrogenous organic matter. It was of a greenish-yellow color, and on one occasion very turbid." Various attempts have been made to use iron as a filtering medium since Medlock, in 1857, patented the process for purify- ing water by allowing it to stand for some time in contact with a considerable quantity of metallic iron. It is claimed that " spongy iron " is now being used with success at Antwerp.* This mate- rial, which was introduced as a medium for household filters a few years ago by Prof. Bischof, is prepared by reducing hema- tite ore, and is in a peculiarly porous or spongy condition. The filters at Antwerp are said to have been laid out to treat over two million gallons per day, but it does not appear that anything like that amount is yet treated. The works went into operation in June, 1881, and after twelve months Dr. Frankland was re- quested to examine and report on them. The following is taken from his report: " The water, which was abstracted from the river Nethe, about fifteen miles above Antwerp, is first impounded in two reservoirs, where it is allowed to subside for from 12 to 24 hours ; from these reservoirs it is pumped on to the spongy iron filters, whence it flows by gravitation upon sand filters. * Circular of " The Spongy Iron Water and Sewage Purifying Company," London. FILTRATION THROUGH SPONGY IRON. 167 " The spongy iron filters consist of two layers of bricks loosely laid upon a bed of concrete. On the bricks rests a layer 3 feet in thickness, formed of 5 m.m. gravel mixed with one-third of its bulk of spongy iron. Then comes a layer 3 inches thick of fine gravel, and lastly a stratum of sand 2 feet deep, making in all 5 feet 3 inches of filtering material. " The sand filters are similarly laid upon bricks and concrete. They consist of a layer of 5 m.m. gravel 1 foot thick, covered with 3 inches of fine gravel and topped with 2 feet 6 inches of sand, making altogether 3 feet 9 inches of filtering material. " The area of filtering surface of each filter amounts to 7,302 square feet, and the rate of filtration varies from 300 to 500 gallons per minute, or from 60 to 100 (imp.) gallons per square foot per 24 hours. " The result of the analysis of the three samples of water show that even after subsidence for nearly 24 hours, the water of the Nethe is exceedingly impure, being still turbid and loaded with an unusually large proportion of highly nitrogenized organic matter. The composition of the water as it passed on to the spongy iron filters is stated to have been: Total solids (mostly dissolved)....................... 21 parts in 100,000. Organic Carbon.................................... 0.623 Organic Nitrogen................................. 0.219 Ammonia......................................... 0.028 Chlorine (combined)................................ 1.8 Hardness—temporary.............................. 4.60 '' permanent.............................. 6.90 " total..................................11.5° The water in this condition was very unpalatable. " The aggregate effect produced by one filtration through spongy iron was as follows: Total percentage reduction. Total solids........................................ 4*-3 Organic carbon..................................... 60.9 Organic nitrogen.................................... 74-9 Ammonia........................................... — Total combined nitrogen.............................. 77-3 Chlorine........................................... o. Temporary hardness................................. 13-° Permanent " ................................. 35-3 Total "................................27.O 168 WATER SUPPLY. " The nitrogenous character of the organic matter was dimin- ished from the initial proportion, nitrogen to carbon = I : 2.84, down to 1 :4.4. By boiling, the hardness of the doubly filtered water is reduced to 4.4 parts per 100,000, or 30 on Clark's scale. " Lastly, from being muddy, unpalatable, colored and much polluted, the water of the Nethe was rendered colorless, bright, palatable and fit for dietetic and domestic purposes." Wood-charcoal is often used in filters of small size, mixed with sand. Practically, however, it adds nothing to the efficiency of a properly managed sand filter. One way in which charcoal is used is illustrated by the works of Marshalltown, Iowa. Here a filter basin, 32 x 16 feet, was built of masonry; and a filter floor of two-inch plank was supported on joists laid crosswise. The floor was pierced with three-fourth inch holes, and covered with wire gauze. On this there is a layer of charcoal four inches thick, and above this 14 inches of clean gravel and sand. At Clinton, Iowa, a number of boxes, 16 in fact, filled with charcoal, gravel, and sharp sand, rest upon the conduit. The water flows on to the boxes, and through the material into the conduit. The boxes can be raised one at a time for cleaning. In case of fire, how- ever, the water is taken into the conduit without filtration. Sponge, which is much used in filtering water for manufacturing operations, such as paper-making, has been used to a limited ex- tent in connection with sand and gravel, even on the larger scale of a town supply. Alton, 111., pumps from the Mississippi River; and the water is filtered through sponge contained in a cast-iron filter box of 54 cubic feet capacity : this box fits into a tight chamber in the aqueduct leading from the river to the pump- well, and can be raised by machinery. The box can be raised, the sponges renewed, and the box replaced, in three hours. The amount of water filtered is about 150,000 gallons a day. When the river is muddy the sponges are cleaned every three or four weeks: sometimes, when the river is clear, not oftener than once in three months. An attempt was made at one time to filter the supply of the village of Malone, N. Y., through a filter of soft brick, but it was not found practicable to filter with sufficient rapidity. Many other water works, in this country, make some attempt to " filter " their water by passing it through broken stone, gravel or gravel and charcoal, or even through sand and gravel. In HOUSEHOLD FILTRATION. 169 general, the most that can be said of these arrangements is that they act with greater or less efficiency as strainers, removing some of the coarser matters ; the infrequency of the cleansing showing that the work done cannot be very great. As an illus- tration of this point, may be mentioned a locality where the filter beds were constructed as long ago as 1853. They are built with sloping sides and measure 50x60 feet. The filtering material, which consists of sand, gravel, and pebble stones, has an entire thickness of 24 inches, and filtration is carried on under a head of from 10 to 15 feet. The beds are not used in winter, but when in use the amount of water filtered daily is 1,500,000 gallons. The beds are cleaned not oftener than once a year. This is an extreme case, but inadequate area and infrequent cleansing are the common faults of many so-called filters. Of course, occa- sionally, the character of the suspended matter which is to be re- moved is such that a very simple straining process is all that is required: this is the case with some of our streams on which are a number of saw-mills, and where the comparatively coarse par- ticles of sawdust comprise the main part of the impurity. In such a case, as, for instance, at Eangor, Me., simple passage through a limited amount of sand is all sufficient. Household Filtration. In localities where there is a public water supply, it is, with- out doubt, the duty of the water board or company to deliver the water to consumers in a condition fit for domestic use. If the source which is, on the whole, the most available for the water supply is such that filtration is absolutely necessary, the water should be filtered on the large scale by the authority con- trolling the works. Practically, however, in the case of most existing water supplies, the water as delivered to the consumers may be appreciably improved by filtration ; household filtration is also often necessary in country residences and in the smaller towns where there is no public supply, and where it is necessary to use rain water which has been stored in tanks or cisterns. For filtration on the household scale, numerous devices have been made and patented, and the greatest variety of material has been proposed : many sorts of porous stone, sand, powdered glass, bricks, iron in turnings and other forms, vegetable and animal charcoal, sponge, wool, flannel, cotton, straw, sawdust, 170 WATER SUPPLY. excelsior and wire-gauze—these are some of the substances which are used. A filter suitable for household use must be made of a material which cannot communicate any injurious of offensive quality to the water which passes through it; it must remove from the water all suspended particles, so as to render the water bright and clear; and it must either be readily cleaned, or the filtering material must be such as to be readily renewed. In addition to these requirements, it is of great advantage if the filter is able to remove a noticeable amount of the dissolved organic matter which most waters contain. As to the filtering material, the author * is satisfied that there is nothing, on the whole, better than well-burned animal charcoal (bone-coal). This material, as is well known, possesses great power in removing organic matter from solution, and is used in the arts to decolorize colored solutions : on many organic substances it acts, not simply by adhesion, but apparently by bringing them into contact with oxygen, and thus absolutely destroying them. Its power does not last indefinitely, and a bone-coal filter, like a filter of any other material, requires cleans- ing and renewal at proper intervals. Other materials to be mentioned render good service, and in certain sorts of filters, as, for instance, those made for attachment to ordinary cocks or faucets, the bone-coal possesses no essential advantage. We will consider first the filters of small size, intended to be attached to the faucet, where the water is brought in pipes either from the service-mains of a general supply, or from a tank in the building; second, the portable filters intended to occupy a more or less permanent position, and to be filled with water, either by some ball-cock or other similar arrangement, or by means of smaller supplies continually renewed ; third, the more permanent and fixed devices which are inserted or built into underground and other cisterns, or are introduced into the course of the service-pipes so that all the water used in the house passes through them. Considering the volume of water which must flow through an extremely limited amount of material, no filter'capable of being screwed on to an ordinary water-tap can act in any other way than as a strainer, and all that can be required of such a filter is that it shall remove suspended particles and be readily * See Nichols : Filtration of Potable Water. New York, Van Nostrand. HOUSEHOLD FILTRATION. 171 cleansed or renewed at trifling expense. The older forms of filters, which could be cleaned only by unscrewing from the tap and reversing either the whole apparatus or some inside receptacle of the filtering medium, were all open to objection, and no one of them was to be recommended as superior to the primitive and unpatentable device of attaching to the faucet a bag of cotton-________________ We come now to the larger forms of filters, to those which are portable, but which are intended to occupy a permanent position in the room, or in some cases to be placed in the tank from which the supply is -drawn. The material which, next to simple sand, has probably been used as long as anything for the purpose, is stone. Some varieties of sandstone are particularly porous, sufficiently so to allow of the use of slabs of the stone as filters ; other similar substances, such as pumice stone or unglazed earthenware, have been employed ; the most common 9999557 172 WATER SUPPLY. arrangement being to insert the stone as a horizontal partition in a small tank or vessel: the action is, in the main, mechanical, and the sediment which collects upon the upper surface of the block is removed by washing and brushing. A material which is used to a considerable extent in England is the so-called sili- cated carbon : it is the residue of the distillation of a certain variety of bituminous shale. Thus it is a coke mixed with min- eral matter, and is compressed into blocks for use. In the com- mon form of household filters of this make, the block is cemented as a partition into an earthen jar, and is not readily cleaned, but there is no doubt that, until the filter becomes clogged, it is very efficient in purifying water even from the dissolved organic water, being separated as they FlG- 34' * A very similar filter made in Boston, England, is on salein this HOUSEHOLD FILTRATION. 173 always are, mainly at the surface of the filtering material, may fall away from it and deposit elsewhere ; the consequence of this is, that the filtering material requires less frequent cleansing. Bone coal is also used compressed into cylindrical blocks with an aperture in the center into which the delivery pipe is inserted, and one or more of these may be placed in the tank from which the water is taken. As a rule, the pre- viously described method of using the bone coal is to be preferred. Another material which has late- ly come into use to a considerable extent in England, is what is known as " spongy iron," which has already been alluded to in the description of the filtration works at Antwerp. The portable filters are constructed in various forms, but on the same general plan. Fig. 35 represents one form, where the water is sup- plied from an inverted bottle, which must be refilled as often as empty. In other forms the reservoir of un- filtered water is kept full by being connected with the service pipe by means of a ball-cock attachment. The vessels are of earthenware, but the spongy iron is also furnished in filters which can be inserted in tanks or cisterns. Although, at any rate with the smaller forms of filter, it is difficult or impossible to obtain a water free from iron, there is no doubt that a considerable portion of the dissolved organic matter is removed, and it is claimed that bacteria and bacterial germs are completely removed. These claims are borne out by the experi- mental investigations of Bischof* Hatton,f and others, and give ^//////////////////////////W/^//////^/. Fig. 35. * Proc. Roy. Soc, xxvii, p. 258. \ Journ. Chem. Soc., xxxix, p. 247. 174 WATER SUPPLY. to the material a great theoretical advantage. Practically, how- ever, it is extremely doubtful whether in the ordinary use of the spongy iron in filters such results can be obtained ; and at the best, the water must pass very slowly through the filter in order that purification may take place. Like other materials used for the purpose, it affords a means for improving an undesirable water, and for lessening the risk in using a doubtful water: it does not afford an excuse for employing a water known to be impure, on the ground that possible danger will thus be certainly averted. Wood-charcoal is sometimes used in household filters, but, practically, it has next to no chemical action. The author had occasion some time since to examine an American filter which is much used in certain sections of the country, and in which the filtering medium is wood-charcoal with clean quartz pebbles. The filtering material is arranged in an oak tub and the water is placed in a zinc pan at the top, and passes first through a hand- ful of sponge and then downward through the pebbles and char- coal. The experiments extended over several months, and the water was examined by Frankland's and by Wanklyn's method. In the case of the Boston water, when the filter was in constant use, absolutely no effect was produced on the water—the water which issued from the filter containing exactly the same amount of organic matter as when it entered. If the sponge were taken out, thoroughly washed and replaced, there was for a short time a slight difference between the filtered and unfiltered water, but the effect was temporary and soon ceased. In spite of the bulk and weight of this filter (the smallest size of which weighs about 150 lbs.), the entire work with water of this character seems to be done by the handful of sponge at the top. The filter is one of a class which claim to be chemical in their action, but which cannot do more than remove suspended matter ; and the action on clayey waters, with which the filter is sometimes used to ad- vantage, is probably largely due to the principle illustrated on page 153 (Fig. 30). The following simple form of filter is described by. Dr. Smart, and answers fully as well as many patented contrivances. " The filter is made of tin and consists of a modified funnel, the body of which rests on a tin bucket or receiver, while the tube projects downward to the bottom of the said bucket. The lower end of HOUSEHOLD FILTRATION. 175 the tube is tied over with some filtering cloth. Three-fourths of its length is filled with granulated bone charcoal and the upper fourth with sand. The upper end of the tube projects about half an inch into the body of the funnel to permit of tying a filtering cloth over the top of the sand. The angle between this projec- tion and the sloping sides of the funnel will serve to trap solid matter. To clean this filter, the filtering cloth guarding the top of the tube will have to be removed, washed, and replaced. At longer intervals, when the filter shows signs of clogging, half an inch of the upper layer of sand may be removed and replaced by fresh material. At yet longer periods, depending upon the length of time during which the charcoal retains its powers of oxidation, the whole contents of the tube may be dumped out and re- newed. Earthenware is more durable than tin, and would pre- serve the water cooler during the warm months." There are various filters in the market which are arranged for use where there is a public water supply, by being connected with the service pipes in such a way that all the water entering the building passes through the filter. By proper arrangement of valves it is possible to reverse the current and cleanse the filter from the collected impurities. In some cases the valves are so arranged that the filter can be cleaned by a reverse current of hot water or steam. The revolving filters, mentioned on page 171 as adapted to faucets, are also made on the larger scale for insertion in the service-pipes of houses and other buildings and for manufacturers' use. We come now to the discussion of filters suitable for cisterns of considerable size, and especially for the underground cisterns in which rain water is usually stored. The collection of water from the roofs of houses involves the collection of dust and dirt more or less objectionable in character, especially in places where soft coal is burned. Although it is possible by automatic con- trivances to avoid the collection of the first portions of the water coming at any time from the roof, yet these do not perfectly ac- complish their intended object, and are not at all commonly em- ployed. Moreover, the construction of ordinary cisterns is such that, after the water is once collected, it is liable to deterioration and to contamination by various foreign matters which fall into it, so that, if not absolutely necessary, filtration is certainly very desirable. Where the water is stored in tanks in the roof of the 176 WATER SUPPLY. building, one of the various forms of filters just alluded to may be placed beneath the tank and so connected that all the water used shall pass through it. The outlet pipe from the tank should start several inches from the bottom, in order that the sediment may deposit itself as far as possible on the floor of the tank and not be drawn into the filter: the tank should, of course, be cleaned from time to time. The disadvantage of .this method is the inability to command a sufficient head of water to properly clean the filter by reversing the current. The tank may be divided by a partition and the water be required to pass through a filter constructed in the tank itself and filled with sand and charcoal or bone-coal, or one of the patent tank filters already described may be employed. (See Figs. 33 and 34.) With underground cisterns, it is not uncommon to construct them so that the water is not pumped directly from the cis- tern, but from a sort of pump- well, to enter which the water must pass through a porous partition wall made of bricks. These walls are constructed in various ways: one form is rep- resented in the accompanying cut, taken from " Scribner's Monthly Magazine" for Sep. tember, 1877. When the brick partition is new, it is undoubtedly of good service; but it soon becomes clogged, and covered on the outside with a deposit of organic matter, so that after a time the water which passes through the brick wall must first have an opportunity to leach out what it can from this mass of decaying matter.* As a rule, the interiors of cisterns are not very accessible, and when the cistern is relied upon as the sole or as a principal supply for the household, it is impossible to renew frequently the filtering wall, or even to thoroughly clean the outer surface. The best that can be done under ordinary circumstances is to clean the outer surface of the wall as thoroughly as may be with a stiff brush every few months * Some analyses of cistern waters thus filtered have been given in Table V HOUSEHOLD FILTRATION. 177 and to renew the wall completely whenever the probability of a rainy season allows. If the body of the cistern be divided by a partition wall into two compartments which may be made to communicate or not at will, the two may be cleaned at different times and thus the danger of a water-famine be averted. Other methods for accomplishing filtration in the cistern Fig. 37 (from Fischer). Fig. 38. have been suggested for attachment to the suction pipe of the pump, two of which are shown in Figs. 37 and 38. Fig. 37 is a German device for using bone-coal compressed into blocks : Fig. 38 is an American device for taking the water as free from the sediment as possible. The cylinder contains silicious sand for the filtering medium and is buoyed up by an air-tight chamber at one end. The pipe has a swivel-joint which allows the filter 12 178 WATER SUPPLY. to accommodate itself to the level of the water in the cistern 01 reservoir.'"' Still another method of accomplishing the desired object con- sists in placing the filtering material in a frame capable of sliding in a groove and of being readily lifted from its place. The fil- tering material may consist of porous tiles or of blocks of animal charcoal; and, if duplicate frames are provided, the grooves may be so arranged that a fresh frame can be lowered into place be- fore the old one is taken away. Figure 39f represents a cistern constructed with such frames containing blocks of animal char- coal, as prepared by Atkins & Co., London. These blocks can be readily cleaned by scraping the outer surface (at some expense, to be sure, of the material of the blocks), and they can be renewed when necessary. They are made of various densities; the most dense permitting the passage of 30 to 40 gallons per square foot per day, while the most porous pass some 250 to 300 Fig. 39. gallons. For use in ordinary cisterns tolerably porous blocks would probably answer well enough, and for such use as this the * Scientific American, Jan. 10, 1880. f This cut is taken from Fanning's Water-supply Engineering. FILTRATION FOR MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. 179 charcoal is more conveniently employed in this form of blocks than as fragments. The arrangement which has been described is rather expen- sive for common use; although, if the necessary provision were made in the original plan for the construction of the cistern, it would, on the whole, be more satisfactory than other plans which involve less outlay at the start. The author is not aware that the blocks of compressed animal charcoal are prepared in this country, but there would probably be no difficulty in obtaining them if there were any demand. There is one point worth noting in connection with domestic filtration, namely, that in this country we are in the habit of putting ice directly into the pitchers or small tanks from which drinking water is served. Natural ice is not always clean, and frequently, after the ice is melted, the water, even if clear at the start, will be found full of suspended particles, or having an abundant sediment. Filters are made so that the ice cools the water before the filtration takes place and the difficulty can also be obviated to a large extent by inclosing the ice in a clean flan- nel or cotton-flannel bag. Filtration for Manufacturing Purposes. For the majority of manufacturing purposes the object of filtration is accomplished if a thorough removal of suspended matter is effected. Sand, wood-charcoal, bone-coal, flannel and various other substances are employed as filtering media; very good results are obtained by the use of sponge, and this mate- rial is employed to a considerable extent; in some cases, the water is filtered through sand filters, similar to those used in connection with town supplies but on a smaller scale. Two filters have recently been offered in the market to effect rapid filtration for manufacturing purposes and also for town supply. The " Multifold Filter," manufactured by the Newark Filter Company, may be of various sizes, and each apparatus consists of a number of shallow cast-iron pans ranged one above the other. Each pan has a false perforated bottom, on which rests a layer of sand, 6 inches or less in thickness, and each works as an independent filter. The water passes in the di- rection of the arrows shown in the cut under a greater or less pressure. The chief peculiarity of the filter consists in the ar- i8o WATER SUPPLY. rangements for cleansing. When the sand becomes clogged, water is introduced under pressure through the hollow axis of the cylinder, and issues in fine jets from the radial ■*- arms, stirring up the sand and washing away the lighter sub- stances. The arms can be revolved from the outside, so that the sand may be com- pletely washed. Another filter (system Piefke) has been recently adver- Fig. 40. tised in Germany,* where the filtering medium consists of cellu lose (vegetable fiber) which has been impregnated with some anti- septic substance. This material is disposed on a number of cir- cular sieves arranged one above another in an apparatus some- what similar to the preceding, and a thin layer suffices. The filter is cleaned by revolving the vertical axis of the apparatus, which is a rod to which scrapers are attached ; the water contin- ues to flow through the filters, and the material is kept in sus- pension until the impurities are washed away. This involves some loss of the prepared cellulose, but it is claimed that the filtration is efficiently and cheaply accomplished. No details from disinterested sources are at hand with reference to the practical value of either of these devices, which seem to possess certain merits. * Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, March, 1883. The ratus is figured and described in the Scientific American, April 28. 1883. CHAPTER IX. ARTIFICIAL IMPROVEMENT OF NATURAL WATER {Continued). The Softening of Hard Water. As has already been explained (page 33), the hardness of water is generally due to the presence of compounds of lime or magnesia. While a moderately hard water may be perfectly well suited for drinking, for almost all the other purposes of a water supply a soft water is preferable, other things being equal. If common soap be added to hard water the water seems to curdle, but no permanent froth or lather is formed until, by the mutual action of the soap and the compounds of lime (and mag- nesia) on each other, the latter are completely converted into a lime (or magnesia) soap, an insoluble substance which forms the curd alluded to. After this point is reached, any additional soap becomes available for washing, but the curdy water is less effi- cient as a detergent. Hard water is, as a rule, much less desir- able for culinary purposes than soft water. Finally, hard water is also objectionable on account of the " scale " which forms in steam boilers in which it is used: in manufacturing towns this becomes a matter of great importance. Temporary hardness.—The temporary hardness is due to the presence of carbonate of lime or magnesia: these compounds are soluble in water to a slight extent only, but are brought into solution by carbonic acid, as has been explained on page 9: it will be convenient to consider them as existing in solution as ^carbonates. The temporary hardness of a water may be re- moved in various ways: in the first place, by adding soap, as is actually done when an attempt is made to wash with hard water —a method uneconomical on the small scale, and impracticable on the large scale on account of the expense; in the second place, by adding ordinary washing-soda (carbonate of soda)—a method employed very generally on the small scale, but also impracticable on the large scale on account of expense. The 182 WATER SUPPLY. chemical explanation of the second method is this: when car- bonate of soda is added to water containing bicarbonate of lime there result bicarbonate of soda and carbonate of lime ; the former is soluble in water and remains in solution, the latter being in- soluble separates as a fine powder. A simpler method still, as the explanation of the term " temporary " shows, consists in boiling the water for half an hour or more: the ^carbonate of lime (or magnesia) is decomposed, losing half its carbonic acid ; this carbonic acid escapes as gas, and the simple carbonate of lime separates as a white powder. On account of this action, carbonate of lime is one of the chief constituents of boiler scale, and a similar deposit forms in the water-backs of kitchen ranges, and, in fact, in any vessel in which the water is boiled. Some natural waters are so highly charged with carbonate of lime that slight agitation suffices to drive off the " extra " carbonic acid and to allow the carbonate to separate; large deposits of car- bonate of lime occur in nature which owe their origin to such an action. Fig. 41 (from the Scientific American) shows a portion of the feed-pipe of a boiler which was nearly choked up by the calcareous matter. From a water which possesses temporary hardness, the car- bonate of lime may be caused to deposit, and the water thus become softened, not simply by expelling the " extra " carbonic acid by heat or other- wise, but also by caus- ing this carbonic acid to unite chemically with some substance capable of thus decomposing the bicarbon- ate. Caustic soda or caustic potash will produce this effect, but the cheapest and most available substance is ordinary lime. The lime unites with the extra carbonic acid to form carbonate of lime, which settles out as a fine powder along with the carbonate originally held in solution. As carbonate of lime is not abso- lutely insoluble in water, a small amount remains in solution after the softening has been completed, not enough, however, to be seriously objectionable. SOFTENING OF HARD WATER. 183 The use of lime was invented and patented about the year 1844 by Thomas Clark, professor of chemistry in the University of Aberdeen, but the patent expired long since. The process has been used in England at works furnishing as much as 1,000,000 gallons daily. The proper amount of lime is added in the form of lime-water or milk of lime. After thorough mixing the water is allowed to subside for from 12 to 24 hours, and drawn off from the sediment. The readiness with which the finely divided carbonate of lime settles depends somewhat upon the character of the water ; and, as it settles, it drags down with it and removes from the water a not inconsiderable pro- portion of the organic matter present; if the water is colored by peaty matter, a very appreciable decolorization is effected. Experience, however, would seem to show that the process gives the best results with water which is naturally clear, such as spring water; and, in the case of turbid river waters, the soft- ening process should be followed by filtration. The economy of the process and the advantage of softening a hard water on the large scale, rather than by the use of soap in the household, is evident when we consider that, to soften a quantity of water requiring one hundred-weight of quicklime, the expense of materials would be (approximately): 1 cwt. of lime, say............................. .. $ 0.50 5 cwt. of sal soda (at 1.2 cents per lb.).............. 6.00 20 cwt. of soap (at 6£ cents per lb.)................. 130.00 Of course, on a large scale the cost of labor, and especially of handling the sludge, may make the actual difference less than the theoretical, but, in any event, the saving in soap by the use of the softened water is very great. On account of the difficulty with which the carbonate of lime settles in waters containing much organic matter,.of the length of time required and of the necessarily large area of settling- basins, the process is seldom carried out according to the original plan. There are various modifications of the process which aim to accomplish the object with greater economy of time and space, using, however, the same material. These modified processes involve some form of filter by which the precipitated carbonate of lime may be removed at once without waiting for the sub- 184 WATER SUPPLY. sidence to take place. It will suffice to describe one of these processes. In England a number of manufacturing establishments and several towns have introduced Clark's process as modified by J. H. Porter, C. E.* The lime is employed in the form of a saturated solution, and the mixing with the bulk of the water to be softened takes place in a separate tank from that in which the solution is prepared. When thorough mixture has been effected, the liquid is at once filtered through cloth. The arrangement and construction of the tanks varies with the quantity of water Fig. 42. to be softened. Fig. 42 represents an apparatus for treating 300 gallons of water per hour. The preparation of the lime-water * The Porter-Clark Process for the Softening, Purification and Filtration of Hard Waters, by John Henderson Porter, London. SOFTENING OF HARD WATER. I8S takes place in the left-hand cylinder, which is furnished with a mechanical stirrer; the mixing takes place in the right-hand cylinder ; the other details of the apparatus are evident from the figure. The filtration of the mixture may be accomplished by any one of a variety of filter presses; that employed by Mr. Porter is shown in Fig. 42 and more plainly in Figures 43, 44 and 45. Fig. 43 shows a portion of the filters used by the Lon- Fiu. 43. don and North-western Railway Company at Liverpool, where over 200,000 U. S. gallons of water are softened daily. Each filter is made up of a series of cast-iron plates and cast-iron open frames of the form shown in Figs. 44 and 45. " Over these filtering Fig. 44. Fig. 45. chambers, of about I inch in thickness, is dropped (as a towel plac- ed upon a towel-horse) a cloth of superior quality of cotton twill, having worked in it holes to correspond with the holes through the upper corners of both water-space frame and filtering chambers. When these alternate water spaces and filtering chambers with 186 WATER SUPPLY. the cloths are tightly pressed together by a powerful end screw, it will be seen that the holes become, collectively, tubular chan- nels of the length of the ' battery,' the channel of the one side admitting its chalky water to the circular water-spaces, whence, being inclosed and under pressure, it can only escape through the adjoining cloths into the concentric and radiating grooves which conduct it by a small outlet to the channel on the other side." In the figure (Fig. 43) the left-hand filter is represented as un- screwed and with two of the cloths raised for purposes of clean- ing. The cloths are readily removed and replaced by a fresh set as often as may be necessary—how often depends upon the amount and the character of the impurity, other than the chemically formed chalk, present in the water. At Liverpool and other places where the waters are from deep wells in the chalk or red sandstone, the filters run for 15 hours without changing the cloths and the labor of one man is found sufficient to cleanse cloths, and filters and to attend to other details of the process in softening 150,000 to 180,000 (imperial) gallons for the day's work. In other places, where the water contains a larger proportion of magnesia or surface impurities, the filters may not run for more than 6 or 7 hours without cleansing. From the application of Clark's process, in whatever form, there results a large quantity of chalk or "whiting," more or less pure according to the amount of impurity in the water softened. If the water contains organic matters, a portion is precipitated along with the chalk, together with any sediment which the water may contain. In some localities there is a market for the whiting which tends to offset the expenses of the process. A portion might be burned into lime and used over again in soft- ening afresh portion of water, but being in a fine powder it could not be burned in ordinary kilns. Permanent hardness.— The permanent hardness is usually caused by the presence of the sulphates (or other soluble salts) of lime and magnesia, gypsum (sulphate of lime) being the most common; the action on soap is the same as that of the bicar- bonates, which has been discussed under temporary hardness. Water containing sulphate of lime may be softened by adding carbonate of soda, and this is the method commonly employed in the laundry The chemistry of the process is this: when car- TREATMENT BY CHEMICAL PROCESSES. 187 bonate of soda in solution is mixed with sulphate of lime in solu-' tion, there are formed carbonate of lime (which settles out in the solid form) and sulphate of soda (which remains dissolved); a similar action takes place with other soluble compounds of lime and magnesia. The expense of this treatment makes it imprac- ticable to soften, in this way, the entire water supply of a town, a large portion of which is used for purposes where the hardness of the water is a matter of indifference. We have seen (page 5) that sulphate of lime becomes insoluble in water at high tem- peratures and contributes to the formation of scale in steam- boilers ; hence, for technical purposes, it is desirable to remove the sulphate, and the process just indicated, or some other method, may be employed to advantage. Treatment by other Chemical Processes. On the large scale, attempts are seldom made to improve a natural water except by processes which have already been de- scribed ; there are, however, a number of substances which may be used to advantage in purifying the small quantity necessary for drinking in localities where no really drinkable water exists. One of the longest used and best known substances is common alum, which is often added to a turbid water. Where the water contains carbonate of lime in solution, a chemical action takes place between it and the alum, resulting in the formation of sul- phate of lime, which remains dissolved, of carbonic acid, which es- capes as gas, and of hydrate of alumina, which separates out as a solid. As the hydrate of alumina forms and settles down, it entan- gles and drags down with it the finely divided suspended matter to which the turbidity is due : in fact, it enters into some sort of chemical combination with some of the dissolved organic matter which is thus removed. When the water does not contain enough carbonate of lime or other substance capable of decom- posing the aliim, the addition of the alum may be followed by the addition of a proper amount of carbonate of soda. Per- chloride (or other soluble persalt) of iron acts very similarly to alum. Instead of hydrate of alumina, it is the hydrate of iron (ferric hydrate) which is formed, and this also, in settling, carries with it some organic matter. It was at one time proposed to treat the water of the Seine at Paris with alum, and the use of 188 WATER SUPPLY. perchloride of iron and carbonate of soda were talked of for ren- dering potable the water of the Maas in Holland. Another substance which has more recently come into notice is permanganate of potash. The action is the same as that de- scribed when discussing the use of this substance as a means of determining analytically the amount of organic matter present in a water. (See page 37.) In attempting to purify an impure water by this means, the highly colored solution of the perman- ganate must be added in quantity sufficient to impart a pink color, which remains permanent for from five to ten minutes. The permanganate, in destroying the organic matter, is itself decomposed, and oxide (or hydrate) of manganese separates as a finely divided solid. This may be removed by filtration, or it may simply be allowed to settle to the bottom of the tanks in which the water is treated. Other permanganates may be used as well as that of potash. For the treatment of the water which the British army was likely to meet with upon the Gold Coast, Professor Crookes,* in 1873, recommended a mixture of 1 part of permanganate of lime, 10 parts of sulphate of alumina, 30 parts of fine clay. He stated that this mixture, when added to London sewage in the proportion of 20 to 10,000, afforded a very satisfactory puri- fication. The most simple manner of treating a water known or sus- pected to be impure is to boil it, although it is by no means cer- tain that immunity from harm is thus, in all cases, assured. There is, however, evidence to show the value of the treatment; if, after the boiling, the water is iced, it becomes, of course, more palatable. It is stated that the Chinese and Japanese drink no water that has not been boiled ; and when we consider the un- sanitary conditions which exist in those countries and the char- acter of the water used, it seems as if boiling the water must prevent ills that would otherwise befall the people. In some instances lime has been added to water which is used for domestic supply—the lime being added for purposes other than the softening of a water containing the bicarbonates. Thus in Australia, at Sandhurst, Victoria, the impounded surface water Chemical News, xxviii (1873^ p. 244. DISTILLATION. I89 which is used contains at times as much as 30 or 40 grains of yellowish-brown clayey matter in the (imperial) gallon, i.e., say about 50 parts in 100,000. Here it was found that sand filters did not thoroughly intercept the clay in suspension, and that the water, after filtration, still remained cloudy and opalescent. Lime was added at the rate of 7 grains to the (imperial) gallon, and after standing 10 hours the water became clear: five-sevenths of the added lime went down with the precipitate, the other two- sevenths remained in solution in the water, and of course gave it a slight hardness. At several other works lime is used in the same proportion, and this treatment is, in some cases, followed by filtration, in others not. The capacity of one of the works where this treatment is employed is as great as 1,000,000 imperial gallons per day.* Distillation. The ordinary process of distillation is sufficiently familiar. When water is boiled, the gaseous substances which it holds in solution are expelled almost completely, either while the water is heating up to the boiling point, or with the first portion of the steam: the dissolved solids, on the other hand, remain be- hind while the water evaporates. If the water be boiled in an Fig. 46. ordinary still—such, for instance, as is shown in Fig. 46—and the steam be subsequently condensed, the water which issues from the condenser will be tolerably pure, especially if the first * Brady : Froc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Gr. Br. lvi, p. 134 and foil. I90 WATER SUPPLY. portions be rejected and the evaporation be not carried too far. Distillation is, of course, a somewhat expensive process, for be- sides the cost of the necessary apparatus, each pound of water evaporated requires the consumption of from one-twelfth to one- seventh of a pound of coal, according to the quality of the coal used and the efficiency of the boiler employed. On this account, distilled water for drinking, cooking, and other domestic uses is seldom prepared on any considerable scale except on shipboard. Here, the steam is usually taken from one of the boilers used to generate steam for the motive power of the ship, and the differ- ent systems consist in differences in the condensers (aerators and purifiers), although the term " distiller " is often applied to this part of the apparatus. The condensers are of various forms— the ordinary worm, the flat worm or zigzag, and the tube con- denser, consisting of a cylinder with tubes inside running verti- cally, the steam passing through the tubes and the water being on the outside, or vice versa. Ordinary distilled water has a flat and nauseous taste, owing partly to the fact that the dissolved gases, notably oxygen and carbonic acid, have been expelled, and partly to the presence of certain volatile organic compounds which have been formed during the distillation. This is often remedied by allowing the water to remain for from 10 to 15 days in partly filled tanks where it will be exposed to the air and more or less agitated by the motion of the ship. A number of devices have been con- trived and patented which aim to accomplish this aeration and oxidation at once, and thus to produce a distilled water fit for immediate use. In the United States navy, a condenser invented by Passed Assistant Engineer G. W. Baird is largely used. The essential feature of this system is the introduction of air into the apparatus in such a way that it mixes with the steam, and the water which forms is condensed in the presence of an abundance of oxygen, and thus becomes fully aerated. It is further claimed that the air so introduced oxidizes the organic matter carried forward by the steam. This it no doubt does, if not at once, at least when the water, thus aerated, is subsequently passed through a filter of purified animal charcoal. Fig. 47 represents the condenser in section. The steam enters at a and, on the principle of an injector, draws air in through b; the mixture of air and steam DISTILLATION. I9I enters the system of cooling pipes B, where the steam is con- densed. The pipes are usually of cylindrical section and are Fig. 47. —Baird's Condknskr. made of tin or tinned copper; they are coiled into helices, the ends terminating in the common T-heads, C, C, at the upper and lower ends respectively. The refrigerating water enters at d and is discharged at c, and the condensed water flows out at f and thence passes to the filter. In the U. S. navy the water is net salified and is regarded as perfectly wholesome. It is stated * that in the Russian navy there is added to each 1,000 liters of distilled water a mixture consisting of 4.8 grams salt, 3.4 grams * Fonssagrives : Hygiene et assainissement des villes ; Paris, 1874, p. 316. 192 WATER SUPPLY. sulphate of soda, 48 grams bicarbonate (sic) c * lime, 14 grams bicarbonate of soda, and 6 grams carbonate of magnesia. The British navy uses Normandy's system, and essentially the same apparatus is used in the German navy, as shown in Figs. 48 and 49 * The apparatus consists essentially of two cylinders, the two sectional views of B being taken at right angles to each other. Steam is generated in a separate boiler and enters the cylinder A through the pipe d, and passes into the sheaf of tubes b which are surrounded by water which is to be distilled. The watei Fig. 48. Fig. 49. formed by condensation collects in the reservoir e at the base of the sheaf of pipes, and from here it flows into the vessel g, shown only in Fig. 48; if the water is required warm, it may bt * Fischer : Chemische Technologie des Wassers. p. 205 and foil. DISTILLATION. 193 drawn from g directly, otherwise it flows through a connecting pipe into the lower sheaf of tubes in the cylinder B. The level of the water in A—which flows in from B—is so regulated that the steam which is formed may free itself from any salt water which it carries mechanically, by passing first through the per- forated copper plate a, and then by striking against c, before it passes through the pipe m into the sheaf of tubes n in the upper part of the cylinder B. The water which is here condensed flows, for further cooling, into the lower sheaf of tubes in B, into which the water condensed in b also flows, and which is the set of tubes with which the cooling water entering at i comes in contact. The water, thus fully cooled, is either discharged directly through the tube r, or is conducted through s to a simple filter filled with animal charcoal. The water used in cooling enters through the tube i and flows off through k, except so much as is necessary to keep the level of the water in A at the proper height. The air which escapes from the water as it becomes warm is conducted through the tube t into the steam space of the distilling ap- paratus, in order that the water, as it condenses, may dissolve it again and thus become more palatable. By means of the con- nection y the return steam from the steam pump may be allowed to enter A, to be utilized in the production of distilled water. Finally, when the water in the distilling apparatus, A, becomes too concentrated, it may be withdrawn by means of a cock not shown in the figures. While distilled water is seldom prepared on a large scale ex- cept on shipboard, there are some localities where drinking water cannot otherwise be procured, and distillation must be resorted to. For example, the island of Walcheren, in Holland, is de- pendent for its supply of fresh water for drinking on the rainfall, all other water being brackish. For the supply of ships leaving the harbor of Flushing (Vlissingen), it has been necessary to have recourse to the condensation of steam, as being the only avail- able source of fresh water independent of rain; Normandy's ap- paratus is employed. It is stated * that the plant cost 20,000 Dutch florins (about $12,000), and that 18 kilograms of distilled water are produced for each kilogram of coal burned, the water being distilled at the rate of one cubic meter per hour and being of satisfactory quality. *Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Gr. Br., lxii, p. 408. 13 CHAPTER X. SOME GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Quantity and Waste. Whatever source may be chosen for the supply of a city or town, it is essential that the quantity of water should be suffi- cient for the needs of the population for a number of years. The experience of many places has been similar to that of New York City. Within eight years after the completion of the Cro- ton aqueduct, the New York Water Department wrote : " This Board warns the City Council, and through it every citizen, that every drop of water which the works in their present state can supply is now being delivered in the city." What is, however, a sufficient quantity ? The following table gives the amount of water per head of population consumed in certain European cities: TABLE XXVI.—Consumption of Water in European Cities. Cities (iS Glasgow. Paris........ Edinburgh.. Dublin..... Hull ....... Birmingham, Blackburn... Leeds....... Liverpool . .. Manchester . Sheffield .... Daily Average Supply PER HEAD, IN U. S. Gallons. Litres. 60 227 50.2 iqo 48 181 45-6 172 39-2 148 30 "3 30 "3 27.9 107 27 104 24 9i 21.6 82 Cities. + Karlsruhe...... Bonn......... Hamburg..... Dresden....... Frankfurt a. M. Coin......... Altenburg..... Braunschweig . Bamberg...... Kassel........ Hannover...... Altona........ Leipzig....... Daily Average Supply per head, in U. S. Gallons. Litres. 154 76 63 60 59 53 43 4i 39 33 3i 3i 23 58i 289 237 228 223 200 163 154 143 124 116 H5 86 The estimates of European experts as to the amount of water necessary for an adequate supply must be received with * Brackett: Journ. Assoc. Eng. Soc, I (1882), p. 261. f Grahn : Journ. f. Gasbeleuchtung u. Wasserversorgung, xx (1877). QUANTITY AND WASTE. 195 some caution as applied to American circumstances, owing to difference in a variety of conditions. The following table shows the actual consumption in a number of American cities:'"' TABLE XXVI.—Consumption of Water in American Cities. American Cities, Fall River.. Providence . Lowell..... Cambridge.. Brooklyn . .. Philadelphia St. Louis .., Cincinnati ., New York.. Boston..... Chicago... . Detroit---- Year. 1880 1881 1880 < i 1879 18S0 1881 1880 1881 Population. 49>43Q 102,500 59.485 52,880 566,689 847,542 346,000 256,708 1,206,590 416,000 503.304 118,000 Average Daily Gallons Consumption. per head Gallons. per day. 30.I 1,448,247 3.716,937 36.3 2,252,197 37-9 2,472,108 46.7 30,744.590 54-2 57.707,082 68.1 24,958,000 72.1 19.476,739 75-9 95,000,000 78.7 38,214,900 92. 57,384,376 114. 17,926,377 151-9 Litres per head per day. 114 137 143 177 205 257 273 287 297 343 431 574 From this table it is evident that there is a great difference in the amount of water consumed in different places, and if from 30 to 50 gallons suffice in certain cities, the use of 90 or 100 gallons in others presupposes a considerable waste: in fact, it is generally agreed by those in charge of water supplies that from a quarter to one-half of the water furnished is actually wasted. Mr. Thos. J. Whitman, of the St. Louis water works, said, a few years ago, that it cost the city fully $300,000 annually in fuel alone to simply supply the waste, and similar statements come from all large cities. For domestic and household uses 20 gal- lons per person per day is a sufficient allowance: taking into account the water used for manufacturing and mechanical pur- poses, that necessary for street sprinkling, extinguishing fires, for use in stables, etc., 60 gallons per day for each inhabitant is a liberal quantity in the case of large cities and manufacturing towns. In the case of the smaller, non-manufacturing towns 35 or 40 gallons should suffice. Mr. Dexter Brackett, in a valuable paper on the waste of water, from which Table XXVI and a part of Table XXV have been taken, considers 50 gallons per head as sufficient to provide for all the demands of the largest cities of the country. The great waste which takes place being acknowledged, the * Brackett: Journ. Assoc. Eng. Soc, I, p. 261. 196 WATER SUPPLY. question arises how to prevent, or at least diminish it. There are two general methods which suggest themselves. The first is a rigid system of inspection in order to detect all leakage from the pipes and from imperfect fixtures, as well as all unlawful use o( the water; the second is the general and compulsory intro- duction of meters. With reference to the first method, although the authorities in charge of the distribution of water reserve the right to inspect the fixtures at any time, yet such inspection is annoying and repugnant to the average householder, and the system admits of abuse. A modification of this system, which obviates the necessity of entering the building except in cases where abnormal use of water is already known to exist, is that devised by Mr. G. F. Deacon, Borough Engineer, Liverpool, England.* The following description of the system is taken from a report on waste of water made to the City Council of Bos- ton, Mass.+ " In the Deacon system the waste-water meter is used to locate sources of waste. This meter does not, like the ordinary meter, record the number of gallons consumed, but it indicates the rate of flow at any given time, and whether the discharge is due to steadily flowing waste, or to intermittent and ordinary use. It therefore enables the observer to determine, by observations taken at those hours when no water, or a very small quantity, is used for legitimate purposes, whether waste is going on. " The meter (Fig. 50) \ consists of a hollow cone, having its small end upwards, and containing a composition disk, of the same diameter as the small end of the cone. A vertical spindle, attached to the upper surface of this disk, is suspended by a fine German- silver wire, which passes, practically water-tight, through a small hole in the top of the chamber, over a pulley, and supports a weight. This weight is so adjusted as to retain the disk at the top of the cone when the water is at rest. When any water is drawn through the meter, the disk is pressed downward towards the bottom of the cone, its position depending upon the amount * A valuable report of Mr. Deacon is reprinted in the Report of the Cochituate Water Board of the City of Boston, for the year ending April 30, 1874. City Docu- ment No. 55, pages 84-112. f Reporton Waste of Water (May 25, 1882). Boston City Document No. 78,1882. X Figure 50 is reduced from a plate in a paper on The Constant Supply and Waste of Water, by Geo. F. Deacon, in the Journal of the Society of Arts, May, 1882. FOUR INCH DEACON WASTE WATER METER. Inlet. Outlet. Gauge Cone. Disk. Stem of Disk. Guide for Stem. Wire connecting Disk with Pen- cil Carriage. Gland with Bushes. Pencil Carriage. Counter balance. Clock. Drum carrying Paper. 0 113 4 I S 7 I 9 » It IZlNCHa Fig. 50. 198 WATER SUPPLY. of water passing through the meter. O, Jo By means of a pen- z cil attached to the 1? wire the motions of the disk are record- ed on a drum, which revolves by clock- work, once in 24 hours. " A fac-simile, about one-fifth full size, of a dia- gram drawn auto- matically by a waste-water meter, is shown in Fig. 51. It is obvious that when water is being drawn off for use the rate of flow from minute to minute must be va- riable ; and this is accordingly shown by the irregular vertical lines from noon to midnight, and from 4 A. M. to noon. When con- t i n u o u s—that is, preventable, waste alone is taking place —the flow must evi- dently be uniform; and this condition is indicated by the comparatively uni- form and horizontal * line from 1 to 4 a.m.. only occasionally broken by vertical lines, caused by persons drawing water during the night. QUANTITY AND WASTE. I99 "The meter is placed in a box under the sidewalk or roadway, and so located as to control the flow of water supplied to a cer- tain district, the limits of which have been previously determined. All the water used in this district is drawn through the meter, and the quantity and rate recorded. After a few diagrams have been taken, to show the ordinary rate of consumption, inspection is commenced. Every service pipe is provided with a stopcock, which is accessible from the sidewalk by means of an iron wrench about seven feet long. When this wrench is applied to the stop- cock the sound caused by water passing through the service pipe can be easily distinguished. When no noise is heard, with the stopcock fully open, it is partly closed, and the increased velocity always causes a distinct sound, although the quantity of water passing the stopcock may be very small. A night inspector be. gins his work about midnight, and tests, by means of his shutting- off wrench, each service pipe. If he discovers any flow through the service pipe, the stopcock is closed, and a note made of the time and the number of the house. He continues this operation through the district until about 4 A.M., when he retraces his steps, and opens all the stopcocks he had found wasting. Dur- ing this time the meter is recording the consumption, and the diagrams show the amount of water wasted by each of the ser- vice pipes that were closed, the time the inspector began and finished his work, and the time each stopcock was closed. The day inspector receives the night inspector's report, visits the premises where waste was noted, and ascertains the cause. In cases of waste from defective fixtures the owners are notified to repair the same, and the visits are continued until the notices have been complied with. " The economy of this system, as compared with house-to- house inspection, is apparent. The attention of the inspector is at once directed to the place where the waste is going on, and the time lost in indiscriminate inspection is saved." The Deacon system has given very satisfactory results where- ever tried. The chairman of the Liverpool Water Committee, in his address in 1879, sa'^ : "We have given the city a constant service* of water, with a * Before the introduction of the Deacon system of inspection, the supply of Liv- erpool was an intermittent one, the water being on only 9^ hours out of the 24. 200 WATER SUPPLY. decline in the death-rate, and it now remains for me to show what other effects have arisen from the change of system. In the year 1871 we delivered an average of 122,000,000 gallons weekly ; in 1880 our deliveries will be about 115,000,000 gallons; and this, notwithstanding an increased sale for trade purposes of 12,250,000 gallons weekly, and an increased population of 104,000. The saving has been so great as to meet the increasing demands of the city and district for eleven years. "The change to constant service has already yielded nearly a quarter of a million of money (£250,000), and the ultimate saving to the rate-payers, when the 7,000,000 gallons per week yet un- sold are absorbed, will be £50,000 per annum." The conditions under which this system of waste detection has been tried in Glasgow correspond more nearly with those existing in Boston and other American cities, than do those of other European cities where the system has been used. The supply furnished is constant and ample, and the proportion of water fittings to the population is larger than is common in most European cities. The following table (Brackett) shows the results obtained in Glasgow from an inspection similar to the one made in Boston: TABLE XXVII.—Waste Water Inspection in Glasgow. CO & H X B. Gallons per Head per Day. 3 U X u 0 P. H It °5 At starting of meters. After first three inspec-tions. X H w£2 w in M CO 0 0 3 a. 0 Z <-> Night rate Night rate D & Total. per Total. per 55 £ S3 £ 24 hours. 24 hours. I 9 14,972 25-8 71.O 540 40.9 21.1 II 6 10,002 22.4 79 0 72.2 50.4 33-o III 3 4,986 35-4 73 7 62.4 44.2 21-7 IV 6 7,629 30.6 79 0 57-o 50.5 24.8 V 7 9.815 37-8 55 1 36.8 37-7 17-3 VI 8 12,614 39-7 37 2 29-5 27.1 17.8 VII 2 4.132 25-5 45 5 30.6 41.9 25.8 VIII 3 6,306 37-1 44 9 27-5 33-6 i5-i IX 4 7,821 32.1 44 9 3i-7 30.8 15-2 X 2 3.012 34-6 44 2 33-4 25.0 12.8 averages. 50 81,289 30.6 55-8 45.2 38-4 21.0 The results of a trial of the Deacon system on a portion of QUANTITY AND WASTE. 201 the water service of the city of Boston, Mass., are shown in the following table (Brackett). TABLE XXVIII.—Waste Water Inspection in Boston, Mass. 1 1 Gallons per Head per Day. u 0 Number of z o '-fe After two or three Reduction. £2 O « H K B, W CO * g g 8 Before inspection. inspections. Section. Total. Night rate per 24 Total. Night rate per 24 On total. On night rate. w £ hours. hours. I 2,8lO 9.2 53-5 39-1 26.4 10.6 50.7 72.9 I andiA 3.675 9.1 52 39-0 34-1 13-7 34-4 64.9 2 2,170 8.1 49 9 33-1 36-7 13-2 26.5 60.6 3 2,030 6.2 71 8 43-2 45-' 20.2 37-2 53-2 4 1,880 5-9 68 4 42.2 47 8 22.3 30.1 47.2 5 1,790 5-9 72 7 53-3 47.8 17.8 34-3 66.6 6 1,875 7.2 60 44.6 35-3 I5-I 41.2 66.1 7 2,540 6.8 55 2 3i-9 39-6 19.2 28.3 39-8 8 2,400 6.6 55 40.8 37-9 18.5 3i-i 54-7 9 2,150 5-5 62 9 40.1 36.2 13-7 42-4 65.8 IO 1,790 5-6 52 3 28.1 46.1 18.7 11.9 33-4 n 2,800 6.5 43 7 17-5 25.7 9-5 41.2 45-7 12 2,300 7.6 6.86 80 4 55-2 31.2 37-7 12.5 15-8 61.2 77-4 Averages 58 5 37-5 35-6 57-9 From the above it appears that on the whole district covered by the inspection, containing a population of 21,760 persons, the average daily consumption was reduced from 58.5 to 37.7 gallons, a saving of 35.6 percent, or 20.8 gallons for each person supplied, while the night rate was reduced from 37.5 to 15.8 gallons per head per day, a saving of 58 per cent. The Boston experiments being continued for a short time only, seem to have cost more than the value of the water saved ; this is not the case where the system forms a part of the regular operation of the water works. The Cincinnati Board of Public Works use a device invented by Mr. Thomas J. Bell, the Assistant Superintendent of the Water Works, which takes advantage of a fact long known, namely, that it is possible to detect a leak by taking advantage of the conduction of the sound caused by that leak through the metal pipes by some metallic connection, to the ear. Mr. Bell's device consists of a diaphragm inclosed in a hollow piece of wood, shaped like a telephone, and about the same size. A piece of iron extends through the middle of the neck of the " detect- or," one end projected and threaded, and the other communicat- ing with the diaphragm. A threaded hole is bored in the top 202 WATER SUPPLY. of the key used to turn water on and off at the cocks on the edge of the pavements, and, when it is desired to make a test, the de- tector is screwed into the top of the key and the ear applied to the detector. The least leakage or the smallest stream running from a hydrant can be distinctly heard. Inspections are made at night. A waste-water indicator, invented by Mr. Benj. S. Church, resident engineer of the Croton aqueduct, N. Y., is thus de- scribed in The Sanitary Engineer, to the publisher of which we are indebted for the use of the cut (Fig. 52). " The device consists of a pressure gauge, with arrangements for attach- ing it to the pipe through which water is suspected of leaking. Its most ex- tensive application is de- signed to be to service pipes from street mains to houses. For this pur- pose, a special stop-cock is placed on the service pipe under the sidewalk instead of the ordinary kind, and from it a pipe or hollow stem, instead of a solid rod, runs up to the stop-cock box. The shank of the key, also, is hollow, and has a pressure gauge attached at the top. By means of a coupling, turned by a wheel at its top (shown just below the handles of the key on either side of the gauge), an air tight connection is made between the stem and the key. When the cock is closed (by turning the cross-arms, and with them the gauge, which is fastened to them), a small' port' in the stopcock plug establishes a connection between the street main and the gauge ; the air of the stem is compressed, and the hand on the gauge indicates the Fig. 52.—Church's Detector. QUANTITY AND WASTE. 203 hydrostatic pressure on the main. By turning the plug to another position, a second ' port ' is opened, allowing the water to flow through, if there be any escape from the pipes in the house. If that be the case, the gauge will indicate a diminished pressure, depending on the amount of the discharge. The plug can also be turned to a third position, leaving it open to the house and closed against the street. By this means the approximate height of the leak (if such is found) is ascertained. The exact position of the ports is indicated on a scale with vernier, which slides up and down the coupling, to be clamped at the level of the side- walk for convenience in making reference marks thereon. The gauge is said to indicate a flow of five gallons an hour, and ' re- veal the least leakage even to the size of a pin-hole.' The ap- paratus may also be applied to street mains to detect leaks in them." * The second general method for checking waste is the universal introduction of meters. There can be no question of the justice and propriety of measuring the water used for manufacturing purposes or in hotels and other large establishments. It is, how- ever, objected that the adoption of meters for private dwellings will cause an injurious economy in the use of water among the very class of the population where it is important that water should be used freely. This objection is obviated to a great extent, at least, in some places where meters are employed, by fixing a minimum tax—to be paid by all water-takers—which shall cover a certain quantity, based on a reasonable estimate of domestic needs. Water used in excess of this quantity is paid for by measurement, and special arrangements may be made for tenement houses and the dwellings of the very poor. It is further said that the cheaper meters are not very reliable, that it is often possible to pass a considerable amount of water with- out its being registered, provided the water be allowed to flow slowly, and that the meters are continually needing repairs and giving rise to dissatisfaction and complaint on the part of the water-takers. Meters are in very general use in Providence and Pawtucket, R. I., and in Fall River, Mass., having been introduced with the water supply: Providence, with 9,780 services has 4,816 meters, and consumes 36.3 gallons per head of population; in Fall River * The Sanitary Engineer, January 18, 1883. 204 WATER SUPPLY. 60 per cent, of the services are metered, and the consumption is 30.1 gallons per head. The introduction of meters is, of course, much more easy with new works than with works already estab- lished. No statistics have come under the author's observation with reference to the matter of repairs in those American cities where the use of meters is anything like general. The following statistics are compiled from German sources: In Magdeburg it was decided in 1879 to introduce meters universally, and the water rate was fixed at 33 marks (say $8.00) per house for any amount up to 300 cubic meters per annum (about 215 U. S. gallons per day). Above this amount the charge was made at the same rate, i. e., 11 pfennige per cubic meter. The introduction of meters was decided upon almost as a necessity, but, according to subsequent official reports, has been in every way successful. At the close of the year 1880 there were 2,792 meters in use. During the year 168 meters had required repairs, and 70 had been tested at the request of consumers. The meters are all tested before introduction, and a record kept for future comparison. In Berlin meters are in uni- versal use. Eighty-two per cent of the water supplied is measured and paid for; the remainder includes what is used for flushing the pipes, for extinguishing fires, for sprinkling streets, etc., and also loss by leakage. Of the 15,853 meters in use in 1880-81, 2,093, or 13.2 per cent, were removed for more or less serious defects, the number registering incorrectly or not at all being 1,580, or ten per cent of the whole number in use. In Breslau the number of meters in use in 1880-81 was 5,141 ; of these, during the year, 1,085 were tested by request of the con- sumer or at the instance of the inspector. Of the 1,085 tested, 740 were found to need repairs of some sort, 406 (i. c., 7.9 per cent) registered incorrectly or not at all. It should be said that the error in registering is generally to the benefit of the con- sumer. Of the methods indicated to check waste, local considerations must determine which shall be adopted. If a city " has at its disposal 150 million gallons daily for a population which does not consume 30 millions," as is stated to be now the case in Balti- more, Md., there is certainly no occasion for introducing meters at all; but in places where the available water is limited in quantity, or where, without economy, the existing supply is QUANTITY AND WASTE. 205 likely to prove insufficient in the immediate future, or in places where the rates are of necessity high, the introduction of meters would be advisable. The waste in Northern cities during the winter is enormous, as it is very common to leave the faucets open during the night, in order to prevent freezing. This cold weather waste can never be completely stopped until property owners are obliged to arrange their plumbing so that the water can be completely drawn from the pipes when liable to freeze. By the use of meters it can be largely reduced, as the waste would be reduced to the minimum amount required to prevent the pipes from freezing, and it would become a question to the water-taker whether it was economy to waste water or remodel his fixtures. Next in importance to the special form of waste just alluded to, is that due to defective or improper fixtures. Such sources of waste may be readily detected by systematic inspection, and should be controlled by municipal regulation, as is indeed done in some cities. " Providence, New York, Brooklyn and other American cities license their plumbers, and to a certain extent inspect the fixtures used; but in English cities the ordi- nances and regulations are much more rigid than those in this country. Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and other English cities test and stamp all of the water fittings used. In Glasgow, during the year 1877, when this plan was first adopted, of 4,369 fittings examined, 14.6 per cent were rejected, while in 1880, of 27,517 examined, but 3.92 per cent were rejected. In the latter city certain varieties of fittings are proscribed. When any of these are found wasting water twice during three months, they are removed, and their use is not allowed at all in new prem- ises. " All cisterns are provided with overflow pipes, which are brought outside the building or made to discharge inside where they can be seen. The service pipes, except in special cases, are required to be of lead, and their weight is prescribed. No pipe or fitting can be covered until inspected, to see that it conforms to the regulations. " Water-closets and urinals are not allowed to be supplied direct from the service pipe, but must be supplied from cisterns, so constructed, that in water-closets not more than two gallons can be used at a single flush, and in urinals not more than i£ 206 WATER SUPPLY. gallons, and so that they cannot be made to flow continuously either by intention or neglect. " The adoption of the above or similar regulations in Ameri- can cities, while not in the least curtailing the legitimate use of water, would be the means of preventing a very large proportion of the present enormous amount of willful and useless waste." * In view of the difficulty of supplying large cities with water against which no complaints can arise, the question is often raised whether it is not advisable, in some cases, to introduce a double supply. As the author has remarked elsewhere: f "It is true that for many purposes, as for extinguishing fires and for sprinkling streets, a water would answer which would not be suitable for drinking, and such a supply might in many cases be easily procured, while to procure an abundance of water well suited for drinking would involve a large outlay. To the double system there is no (sanitary) objection, if the poorer water can be drawn only from street hydrants, which are under municipal control; but it is not practicable to supply two sorts of water to private dwellings, with any security that the distinction between them will be regarded; no domestic, and indeed no average in- habitant, will fail to use for all purposes that water which is most handily obtained, unless, indeed, it be actually repulsive to the taste." It should be said, moreover, that the introduction of a second (inferior) water, where works already exist, would often prove nearly or quite as expensive as the extension of the exist- ing works and the increase of the supply of water fit to drink. Conduits and Distribution Pipes. Where the source of supply is at a considerable distance, the water is usually carried by gravity in brick or other masonry con- duits to a storage or distributing reservoir. Open canals are dis- advantageous, especially on account of the liability of pollution, but also as giving opportunity for considerable changes of tem- perature and for vegetable growths. The water in passing through a long conduit has some action on the mortar or cement, and may become slightly harder ; generally, however, the volume of water is so great that there is very little perceptible effect. Except in this respect, the water undergoes almost no change. * Brackett, loc. cit. \ Buck's Hygiene, vol. i. p. 215. CONDUITS AND DISTRIBUTION PIPES. 207 Even the change of temperature in a properly covered conduit with constant flow is small, Thus, Kerner found, in the hottest days of the summer of 1875, that the water of the Frankfort supply increased in temperature from 90 C. to only io° C, in flowing from the source to the main reservoir, a distance of 82 kilometers. In passing through the city mains, a further distance of six kilometers, the temperature increased 2°.?$ C* (Compare page 93.) Where the source of supply is a river or pond, a con- siderable growth of the fresh-water sponge is often found on the walls of the conduit for some distance. For this and other reasons, such conduits should be subjected to periodical cleansing, if inspection shows it to be necessary. The distances of the sources of supply of various cities is as follows: Altenburg (springs)......... 15.5 miles. Munich (springs)........ 24.9 miles. Danzig (springs)............ 12.4 " Paris (River Dhuis)..... 81.4 " Frankfort a. M. (springs)... 52. " Paris (River Vanne).....107.2 " Glasgow (lake)............. 36. " Vienna (springs)........60.3 " Gotha (springs)............. 20.5 " Boston (Lake Cochituate)... 16. " New York (Croton River) 40.6 " From the distributing reservoir, or directly from the source of supply, the water passes into the main distribution pipes, which are usually of cast iron. Although there are some waters which experience has shown to have almost no action on cast iron, with most waters the pipes soon begin to rust. The rust often begins at numerous isolated points, or nuclei, forming "tubercles," which increase in size, become merged together and finally—aided by the collection of sediment from the water—nearly choke the pipe. The presence of iron in the water, either in solution or in suspension, can hardly be regarded as deleterious to health, but the water is sometimes rendered unfit for washing and cooking. The presence and growth of the deposit of iron-rust, has, how- ever, a very serious effect on the flow of the water, and it be- comes necessary to remove the deposit by scraping the inside of the pipes. Several special tools have been devised for this purpose. The following tables (Tables XXIX and XXX) will show the effect of the accumulation of rust in diminishing the Wolffhugel: Wasserversorgung, p. 227. 208 WATER SUPPLY. capacity of the pipe and the flow of water: they are the results of observations made in Aberdeen, Scotland.'" TABLE XXIX.—Diminution of Available Capacity of Corroded Pipes. Internal Diameter. Amount of Capacity of Rust per line- clean Pipe per Percentage op No. Age of Pipe. Character. ar Yard. linear Yard. Space occupied bv Rust. Years. Inches. Cu. Inches. Cu. Inches. I 20 Uncoated. 3 63.84 254-44 25.O 2 29 «i 3 86.94 254 44 34-i 3 38 " 3 IIO.44 254 44 43-4 4 29 " 4 182.37 452 37 40.3 5 22 " 4 244-37 452 37 54-0 6 14 " 5 180. 706 86 25-4 7 15 Coated. 7 190. 1,385 42 13-7 8 15 " 10 240. 2,827 44 8.4 9 40 15 1,320. 6,361 74 20.7 TABLE XXX.—Discharge from Corroded Pipes. Approximate Head in Feet. Discharge per Minute. Diam- Age Amount of Cor- No. eter OF of rosion per linear Before After Pipe. Pipe. Yard. Before Cleaning. After Cleaning. Cleaning. Cleaning. Inches. Years. Cu. Inches. Imp. Gallons Imp. Gallons 1 3 29 86.99 42 47 47 143 2 3 29 93- 54 56 79 188 3 3 29 93- 70 74 143 200 4 3 32 190. 77 82 16 150 5 3 32 190. 72 72 115 187 6 3 26 80. 56 62 35 220 7 3 26 88. 36 43 65 130 8 4 29 100. 40 45 69 H5 9 4 29 100. 38 42 125 107 These results are the average gaugings of five different trials taken once a week on the same day. On account of the action of most waters on cast-iron pipes it is usual at the present time to protect the surface in some way from corrosion. The process commonly employed is that devised by Dr. R. Angus Smith: the newly cast pipes, which must be free from rust, are heated to a temperature of some 5000 Fahr., and then dipped perpendicularly into a hot bath of coal-tar pitch mixed with a small proportion of heavy coal oil. In this bath they are allowed to remain for a short time and then with- drawn. The coating thus formed is firmly coherent and is unob- * M. B. Jamieson : The internal corrosion of cast-iron pipes. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Gr. Br., lxv (1881), p. 323. CONDUITS AND DISTRIBUTION PIPES. 209 jectionable from a sanitary point of view. It does not afford absolute protection against rust, but it delays and diminishes the action of the water to a great extent. The first line of pipes of this description laid in this country was laid in Boston in 1858. In 1876-77 some of these (20 in.) pipes were removed. "As they were taken up their condition was observed. Their inner surfaces were not entirely free from tuberculation, but were very much more so than are the surfaces of uncoated pipes in this city after they have been laid but a few years. The tubercles were isolated, and were not in sufficient numbers or of sufficient size to very materially interfere with the capacity of flow of the pipes. They were very easily removed—more easily than from uncoated pipes—seeming to have very little hold upon the tar surface. " Upon cleaning off the surface under a tubercle one would at first suppose there had been simply a deposit, that no action had been had either upon the iron or upon the coating; but a more careful examination would show that under the center of the tubercle a portion of the iron, from the size of a pin head to that of a small pea, had been transformed into a black substance that could be easily cut with a knife, and had the appearance of plum- bago. The inference drawn from the general appearance of the pipes was that they would have lasted for an indefinite period." * Some time since Professor Barff, of London, proposed to protect articles of iron, among other things water pipes, from corrosion, by covering them with an artificial coating of the black oxide of iron. The coating is produced by exposing the metal to superheated steam at a high temperature, and when once formed it protects the iron from atmospheric and other agencies which would corrode it. The process has been some- what modified and is now known as the Bower-Barff process, and promises to become a practical and valuable means of protecting cast-iron pipes. Some wrought-iron pipes of this description have been introduced as service pipes in Altona, and probably elsewhere, but it is too soon for definite statements as to their durability. Cast-iron pipes are usually connected by the hub and spigot joint ; the joints are first packed with tow or jute and then * First Annual Report of the Boston Water Board. City Document No. 57. Boston, 1877. 14 2 10 WATER SUPPLY. melted lead is run in and driven up firmly. It has been found that the tow sometimes gives an unpleasant taste to the water, and the Rivers Pollution Commission recommended that the joints of the larger mains should be pointed up with Portland cement on the inside to prevent the water from coming in con- tact with the tow. The sediment which accumulates in the pipes, especially in low-lying districts, although it has generally a rusty appearance, is not simply iron rust from the pipes. With the iron rust there is always more or less earthy matter, and sometimes the sedi- ment contains a large proportion of vegetable organisms, such as the Crenothrix, already described. The following results were obtained from the analysis of the rust in the Aberdeen pipes already referred to : From uncoated 4-in. Pipe From coated 10-in. Pipe 21 years in use. 15 years in use. Organic and volatile matter....... 16.62 18.05 Sulphuric acid (SOa)............. 0.60 1.08 Phosphoric acid.............. Slight trace trace. Magnetic oxide of iron........... 32.47 0.36 Peroxide of iron................. 9.04 37-55 Insoluble sandy matter........... 41.27 42.78 Lime........................... trace o. 18 Wrought-iron pipes, coated with cement inside and out, have been sometimes used, generally from motives of economy. They are made by rolling up sheet iron and riveting the edges of the sheet together as shown in Fig. 54. A longitudinal rib is some- times employed as shown in Fig. 53. The lengths of pipes may be telescoped together, but are usually connected by means of an iron sleeve, filled in with cement. The durability of the pipes is very dif- ferent in different localities, owing mainly to dif- ference in the quality of the workmanship. Where the pipes have been made under the direc- tion of the water department, by day labor, they have sometimes Fig. 54. CONDUITS AND DISTRIBUTION PIPES. 211 proved very satisfactory, but where the work is done by con- tract it is difficult always to obtain the best results. In the extreme West, wrought-iron pipes are used for con- veying water for hydraulic operations and for purposes of water supply, sometimes under a very great head. Water is conveyed to Virginia City, Nevada, through such a main, the maximum thickness of which is 0.34 inch, and which is exposed in some parts of its length to a pressure of 1,800 feet head of water. The pipes are coated with asphaltum to prevent rusting. Wooden pipes, generally bored logs, have been used more or less for conveying water, and are still employed in some sections of the country. Detroit had at one time 130 miles of wooden pipe, and 1% miles were laid in 1880. The logs used are sound green tamarack, not less than 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet long. The joints are covered with iron thimbles, and the pipes last for 16 years or more and cost (or did cost) only about one- fifth as much as iron. Service pipes.—The service pipes for house distribution in connection with a public water supply are generally of lead, this metal being employed on account of the facility with which it may be worked. Lead pipes are also sometimes used for convey- ing well or spring water to individual residences. Various waters act very differently upon lead, some corroding it rapidly, others only to a very slight extent, under similar circumstances. The cause of the corrosion is to be sought in the dissolved oxygen, of which all waters contain more or less, and in certain saline sub- stances the presence of which determines a more violent action. It is generally felt, for instance, that the presence of nitrates, nitrites, and ammoniacal salts increases the action of water on lead, while carbonates, sulphates, and notably phosphates, hinder such action; but while certain general statements may be truth- fully made as the result of laboratory experiment and from the analysis of waters whose action on lead has been learned by experience, it is a rather hazardous thing for a chemist to pre- dict, a priori, what will be the effect of a particular water on lead pipe under the conditions of ordinary practice. Next to no value attaches to experiments made by immersing strips of sheet lead in open or closed vessels containing the water under examina- tion. In actual practice, many waters which would be pro- nounced dangerous on the strength of such experiments, prove 212 WATER SUPPLY. entirely harmless. The pipes very soon become covered with a naturally formed protective coating of difficultly soluble com- pounds of lead; and after a slight initial action, corrosion prac- tically ceases if the pipes are kept constantly filled. If it is felt necessary to make or to have made preliminary laboratory experiments, they should be made by imitating as nearly as possible the conditions of actual practice, and sufficient time should be employed. The following extract from the report on the examination of a soft surface water (where the time at disposal was somewhat limited), will serve as an example: * "A coil of ioo feet of new one-quarter inch lead pipe was taken and filled with the water under examination. The pipe held 64 cubic inches of water, and the surface of lead was equal to about 900 square inches. The water was allowed to remain in the pipe for 50 hours and then removed, a fresh supply being introduced without allowing the air to come into contact with the inside surface of the pipe. The water as drawn was quite turbid, from the presence o«f the oxycarbonate of lead, and was found to contain (the lead being calculated as metallic lead): Metallic Lead. Parts per 100,000. Grains in U. S. gallon. In solution........................... 0.055 0.032 In suspension........................ 1-257 ° 733 Total....................... 1.317 0.765 " At the end of 70 hours the water in the pipe was drawn out and found to contain : * Metallic Lead. Parts per 100,000. Grains in U. S. gallon. In solution........................... o. 573 o. 334 In suspension........................ 0.137 0080 Total...................... 0.710 0.414 "The pipe was then thoroughly washed from any loosely adhering coating by allowing a rapid stream of Cochituate water to flow through for some time. The Cochituate water was then displaced by the water under examination, and this water was allowed to remain in the pipe for 30 hours. This water, when drawn, contained, both in solution and suspension, o. 157 part of metallic lead in 100,000, or 0.092 grain to the U. S. gallon. The * Report on the Waters of Flax Pond, made to the City Council of Chelsea Mass 1875- SERVICE PIPES. 213 amount in suspension was not determined separately, as there was no very considerable quantity visible to the eye. A fresh portion was allowed to remain in the pipe for 40 hours, and then contained in solution and suspension 0.184 part in 100,000, or o. 107 grain to the U. S. gallon." At the conclusion of the experiment the action on the lead had not ceased, even practically, but it had diminished very much, and there was no doubt that, in practice, the water would act very slightly on the pipes when in continuous use, as has proved to be the case in Boston, New York, Glasgow, Manchester, and many other places where the question has been discussed. It may be said that, while with most waters the action on the lead practically ceases, it probably never ceases absolutely. The water of Lake Cochituate, as supplied in Boston, Mass., through lead pipes, always contains traces of lead in solution. The amount of lead taken up by the water in passing through some 150 feet of pipe which had been in use for some years, was found to be only 0.03 part in 100,000, or less than 0.02 grain in the U. S. gallon. Water which is allowed to remain in the pipe for some time, or is drawn from the hot-water faucets, may contain as much as o. 1, or even 0.2 part in 100,000 (from 0.06 to o. 12 grain in the gallon), and wherever lead distribution pipes are in use, it is safer always to run to waste enough water to clear the pipes, and never to use, for drinking or for cooking, water which has passed through the pipes while hot. A similar precaution should be used in the case of new pipes: the water should be wasted intermittently but freely for a number of days. There is great difference in the susceptibility of different persons to lead poisoning. It is thought that as little as one-fortieth of a grain to the gallon has caused sickness, but one-tenth of a grain is usually regarded as an outside limit. It is doubtful whether there are any well authenticated cases of lead poisoning from the use of the Cochituate water.* The Croton water supplied to New York city is similar to the Boston water in its action on lead,f although at least one case of poisoning has been reported, which was sup- posed to be due to the daily use for some time of water which had stood over night in the pipes. The practical experience in * See Report of the Mass. State Board of Health, 1871. f See Report of the Metropolitan Board of Health, New York, 1869, p. 420. 214 WATER SUPPLY. the use of lead pipe in the cities mentioned, and in many others, shows that, as a rule, there is no danger in using lead pipes for house distribution in connection with a public supply. The most unfavorable situation for lead pipe is as suction pipes in wells. Here the corrosion is often very rapid, and it is rendered more violent by the fact that the continual changes of level expose a longer or shorter portion of the pipe to the alter- nate action of air and water. There are instances enough of lead poisoning from this cause. It may be remarked, in this connection, that the lead pipe now in use, at least in the eastern part of the country, is much inferior in strength and durability, and apparently more readily corroded than that formerly in use. The lead now in the mar- ket has been desilverized by the zinc process, and this seems to give it a particular and disadvantageous character. Other materials besides lead are used in the house service. To block tin or to tin-lined lead pipes, if the latter are properly made and properly put together, there is no objection on sani- tary grounds. The corrosion of the tin by ordinary waters would result in the formation of insoluble and harmless substances. As to the suitability of the brass pipes which have been proposed, there seems to be no exact information. To the various sorts of " enameled" wrought-iron pipes which are in the market there is no sanitary objection. The coating or enamel is gener- ally some preparation of coal tar, with or without linseed oil, and this sort of pipe is particularly adapted for use in wells, where a portion of the outer surface is exposed alternately to the action of air and water; unfortunately, the coating is not always per- fect, and when the original surface of the pipe is exposed, rusting begins. Zinced or " galvanized " iron, as it is called, is fully as bad in respect to rusting. The pipes are prepared by dipping the iron, previously well cleaned by means of dilute acid, into a bath of melted zinc. The zinc adheres firmly to the surface of the iron, and penetrates it to a certain extent, so that we do not deal with a simple coating, such as we have on tinned iron, or on the various forms of enameled pipe. The idea is that the zinc shall protect the iron by virtue of a galvanic action between the two metals, and it does protect the iron for a time. When the pipes are exposed to the action of water, corrosion begins at once : at first, the action is on the zinc alone, provided the origi- SERVICE PIPES. 215 nal iron was free from rust, and the treatment with zinc was thorough; but after a time the zinc which remains will cease to protect the iron, and iron rust will begin to form. As regards this action, it is simply a question of time. Water that has passed through zinced pipes will be found almost always, if not invariably, to contain zinc compounds, either in solution or in suspension ; the amount, however, is generally very small. As to the effect of such water on health, there is some difference of opinion, but it is generally believed that the pipes may be safely used.* One of the best materials for service pipes is wrought iron protected by the Bower-Barff process, provided practical experi- ence justifies the theoretical expectations. To such pipes, coupled without the use of red or white lead, there can be nothing supe- rior from a sanitary point of view, and for use in wells and cis- terns they will supply a very serious want. Ordinary wrought- iron pipes, although possessing many advantages, have the great disadvantage of rusting very readily : the iron rust is harmless but unsightly in drinking water, and may render the water unfit for culinary purposes and for use in the laundry. * For a full discussion of this subject, see Dr. Boardman's paper in the Report oi the Mass. State Board of Health for 1874. BIBLIOGRAPHY. THE following list of books makes no claim to being exhaustive. It includes most of the works referred to in the preceding pages, and may perhaps be described as a list of such works as would together make a fair nucleus for a library of water supply, other than from a strictly engineering standpoint. Papers in periodical publications are not included. I.—Works of a General Character, mainly from an Engineering Point of View. Fanning, J. T. : A Practical Treatise on Water-Supply Engineering, etc. 8vo, pp. 650. Van Nostrand, New York, 1877. Grahn, E. : Die stadtische Wasserversorgung. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. Mi'in- chen, 1877. [Contains Statistik der stadtischen Wasserversorgung: Beschrei- bung der Anlagen in Bau und Betrieb.] Humber, William : A Comprehensive Treatise on the Water Supply ot Cities and Towns, etc. Folio, pp. 378, and many plates. London, Crosby, Lockwood & Co., 1877. [An American edition was published by Geo. H. Frost, Chicago.] II.—Works of a General Character, mainly from a Chemical or Sanitary Point of View. Buck : Hygiene and Public Health. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, Wm. Wood & Co., 1879. Denton, J. Bailey : Sanitary Engineering. 8vo, pp. 429, with many plates. Spon, London, 1877. Fischer : Die chemische Technologie des Wassers. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1878-80. Fodor : Boden und Wasser. Braunschweig, 1882. Great Britain : Report of the Royal Commission on Water-Supply, with Minutes of Evidence. Parliamentary Documents. 4to. London, 1869-70. Great Britain : Sixth Report of the Commissioners appointed in 1868 to in- quire into the Best Means of Preventing the Pollution of Rivers. Domestic Water Supply of Great Britain. 4to. London, 1876. [This report contains, besides complete statistics of the water supply of Great Britain, considerations and accounts of experiments on the following topics : On the alleged self-purification of polluted rivers. On the propagation of epidemics by potable water. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 217 On the alleged influence of the hardness of water upon health. On the superiority of soft over hard water in cooking. On the softening of hard water. On the improvement of potable water by filtration. On the deterioration of potable water by transmission through mains and service pipes. On the constant and intermittent systems of water supply.] Lefort, Jules : Traite" de Chimie Hydrologique. 8vo, pp. 798. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1873. Lersch, Dr. B. M. : Hydrochemie oder Handbuch der Chemie der natiir- lichen Wasser, 2 Auflage. 8vo, pp. 718. Bonn, 1870. Parkes, E. A., M.D.: Manual of Practical Hygiene. Fifth edition. 8vo. London and Philadelphia, 1878. Reichardt: Grundlagen zur Beurtheilung des Trinkwassers. 3te Auflage. 8vo, pp. 107. Jena, 1875. Sander, Dr. Friedrich : Handbuch der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege. 8vo, pp. 503. Leipzig, 1877. Wolffhi'igel : Wasserversorgung. [Aus dem Handbuch der Hygiene und der Gewerbekrankheiten, von Pettenkofer und Ziemssen. ] 8vo, pp. 244. Leipzig, 1882. III.—On the Pollution of Streams. Great Britain : Rivers Pollution Commission, appointed in 1865. Three Reports. Parliamentary Documents. 4to. London, 1866-67. Great Britain : Rivers Pollution Commission, appointed in 1868. Six Re- ports. Parliamentary Documents. 4to. London, 1870-74. Massachusetts: Seventh Annual Report of the State Board of Health, containing a special report on the pollution of streams, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Paris : Assainissement de la Seine. Epuration et Utilisation des Eaux d'Egout. Documents administratifs ; Enquete ; Annexes. 3 vols. 8vo, with plates. Paris, 1876. IV.—On Filtration, Ground Water, Wells, etc. Belgrand, M. : Les Travaux souterrains de Paris. Etudes pre"liminaires. La Seine. Regime de la Pluie, des Sources, des Eaux courantes. Applica- tions a PAgriculture. 8vo, pp. 612, with atlas. Paris, Dunod, 1875. [Espe- cially chap, vii, Des nappes d'eau souterrains, and chap, xxvi, Du filtrage des eaux, etc.] Berlin : Vorarbeiten zu einer zukiinftigen Wasserversorgung der Stadt Berlin. Ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1868 und 1869 von L. A. Veitmeyer. Svo, pp. 368, with atlas. Berlin, Reimer, 1871. [Especially pp. 109-130— experiments on the ground water in the neighborhood of the Tegeler See.] Berlin : Reinigung und Entwasserung Berlins. Berichte iiber mehrere auf Veranlassungdes Magistrats der ktfnigl. Haupt-und Residenzstadt Berlin Versuche und Untersuchungen. 12 Hefte, with 3 Anhange. 8vo. Berlin, 218 WATER SUPPLY. Hirschwald, 1870-76. [Especially Heft v, "iiber die Grundwasserverhalt- nisse," with a great number of profiles.] Brooklyn, N. Y. : The Brooklyn Water Works and Sewers. Prepared and printed by order of the Board of Water Commissioners. 4to, pp. 159, with 59 lith. plates. New York, Van Nostrand, 1867. Darcy, Henry : Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon. 4to, pp. 647, with atlas. [Especially Appendix D, Filtrage.] Dresden : Das Wasserwerk der Stadt Dresden erbaut in den Jahren 1871- 1874, von B. Salbach. 8vo. In three parts, with atlases containing many plates. Halle, Knapp, 1874-76. Dupasquier, A. : Des Eaux de Source et des Eaux de Riviere comparees, etc. i2mo, pp. 414. Paris et Lyon, 1840. Dupuit, J. : Traite de la Conduite et de la Distribution des Eaux, etc. Suivi de la Description des Filtres naturelles de Toulouse par D'Aubisson. 4to, with atlas. Paris, 1854. Fischer, Dr. F. : Das Trinkwasser, seine Beschaffenheit, Untersuchung und Reinigung unter Beriicksichtigung der Brunnenwasser Hannover. 8vo, pp. 63. Hannover, 1873. Gottisheim: Das unterirdische Basel. 8vo, pp. 72. Basel, 1868. [2d Edition, 1873.] Grahn and Meyer : Reisebericht einer von Hamburg nach Paris und Lon- don ausgesandten Commission iiber kiinstliche centrale Sandfiltration zur Wasserversorgung von Stadten, und iiber Filtration in kleinen Massstabe. Von E. Grahn und F. Andreas Meyer. 8vo, pp. 153. Hamburg, Meissner, 1877. [Especially Anlage 3, " Historische Notizen iiber kiinstliche Filtration im kleineren Massstabe."] Grimaud, de C ux : Des Eaux publiques, etc. 8vo, pp. 348. Paris, Dezo- bry, 1863. [Especially chap, xiv, " de la clarification des eaux publiques."] Halle: Das Wasserwerk der Stadt Halle, erbaut in den Jahren 1867 und 1868. Von B. Salbach. Folio, with atlas. Halle, Knapp, 1871. Kirkwood, J. P. : Report on the Filtration of River Waters for the Supply of Cities, as practised in Europe. 4to, pp. 178, with 30 plates. New York, Van Nostrand, 1869. Munich : Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen und die Arbeiten der Commis- sion fur Wasserversorgung, Canalisation, und Abfuhr. Erster Bericht, 1874- 75 ; Zweiter Bericht, 1876, und Anhange, 1877. 4to, with plans and profiles. Munchen, Miihlthaler, 1876, 1877. Nichols, W. R. : On the Filtration of Potable Water. Reprinted from the Ninth Annual Report of the Mass. State Board of Health. 8vo, pp. 93. New York, Van Nostrand, 1879 Pieike : Mittheilungen iiber natiirliche und kiinstliche Sandfiltration, nach Betriebsresultaten der Berliner Wasserwerke vor dem Stralauer Thor. 8vo, pp. 75. Berlin, 1881. Schorer, Th.: Liibeck's Trinkwasser, 8vo, pp. 284. Liibeck, Seelig, 1877. [Especially pp. 248-257, describing the deterioration of water by vegetable growth and decay, etc.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 219 Spon, Ernest: The present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells. i2mo, pp. 216. London, Spon, 1875. Ward, F. O.: Moyens de cre"er des sources artificielles d'eau pure pour Bruxelles. 8vo, pp. 106. Bruxelles, Decq, 1853. Wiebel, Dr. F,: Die Fluss- und Bodenwasser Hamburgs. Chemische Beitrage zur Analyse gewohnlicher Lauf- Nutz- und Trinkwasser sowie zu der Frage der Wasserversorgung grosser Stiidte von sanitaren und gewerb- lichem Standpunkte, 4to, pp, 152. Hamburg, Meissner, 1876. Wolff": Der Untergrund und das Trinkwasser der Stadte. 2te Auflage. 8vo, pp. 60. Erfurt, 1873. V.—On the Sanitary Examination of Water. Eyferth, B. : Die mikroscopischen Siisswasserbewohner in gedrangter Uebersicht. 8vo, pp. 60. Braunschweig, 1877. Fox, Cornelius B., M.D. : Sanitary Examination of Water, Air and Food. 8vo, pp. 508. London, 1878. Frankland, Dr. E.: Water Analysis for Sanitary Purposes. i2mo, pp. 139. London, Van Voorst, 1880. Hassall : Microscopical Examination of Water Supplied to the Inhabitants of London, etc. London, 1851. Kubel, Dr. Wilhelm: Anleitung zur Untersuchung von Wasser, u. s. w. 8vo, pp. 184. Zweite Auflage von Dr. Ferd. Tiemann. Braunschweig, 1874. Macdonald, J. D., M.D.: A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. 8vo, pp. 65 and 24 plates. London and Philadelphia, 1875. Neuville: Des Eaux de Paris. Essai d'Analyse micrographique compare'e. 4to, pp. 63. 15 plates. Paris, 1880. Schutzenberger: On Fermentations. i2mo, pp. 331. Intern. Sci. Series. New York, 1876. [This contains a description of Schiitzenberger's method of determining dissolved oxygen, pp. 108 and foil.] Wanklyn, J. A.: Water Analysis: a Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. By J. A. W. and E. T. Chapman. l2mo, pp. 182. Fifth edition, re-written by J. A. Wanklyn. London, 1879. VI.—Miscellaneous. Boston, Mass.; Report of Cochituate Water Board, 1874. [Contains a re- print of a report by Geo. F. Deacon, Borough Engineer, Liverpool, Eng., on the subject of " Waste."] Boston, Mass.: Report on Waste of Water (May 25, 1882). Boston City Document No. 78, 1882. Bowditch: Public Hygiene in America. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Deacon: The Constant Supply and Waste of Water. A paper read before the Society of Arts, May 19, 1882. 4to, London, 1882. Magnin: The Bacteria, translated by Dr. Geo. H. Sternberg, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 227. Boston, 1880. Nageli: Die niederen Pilze. Miinchen, 1877. 220 WATER SUPPLY. Nageli: Untersuchungen iiber niedere Pilze. 8vo, pp. 285. Miin'.'hen und Leipzig, 1882. [This contains Buchner's paper referred to on page 21. J De Ranee: The Water Supply of England and Wales. 8vo, pp. 623. Lon- don, 1882. Kuessner und Pott: Die acuten Infectionskrankheiten. 8vo, pp. 460. Braunschweig, 1882. Parry: Water, its Composition, Collection, and Distribution. i2mo, pp. 184. London, 1881. Rowan: Boiler Incrustation and Corrosion. l8mo, pp. 48. New York, Van Nostrand, 1876. Wilson: Treatise on Steam Boilers. Third edition. i2mo, pp. 328. Lon- don, 1875. i^uiuiUi^^^^I-^^^^^UUUUUUUUUUKKIOMHIOKMMUhhhhhhhhhh ldtOwOOOOv4 0ln4-ldlOMOOCOv4C>in4^ldtOMOOaOvjo^l"4-ldtOMOOOOvlC>in4_ldtOMOOCOvj^ln*.ldt3MO I I I I I I M I I I I II ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m 1-1 o OO Cooo^.i-4 o* Oin in 4i. id Id to to m m o O O i-i <-> 10 touoi4>uiu< O Ovi vi Co coo OOwi- 4^ COld VI H 0>MUI Ul H Q> 10 vl U CO*. in M CMOMW 004^. 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OO COGOvlvi O CMn in 4- Id Id tJ to <-> n Z H in 4- Gold vl tO O 1-1 in 4* cold vj to 0~ h in 4- cold vt to O M in +. cold vl to O 1-1 in 4-COldvJtOOMin 4- COld vj 10 C?> t0l0t0»0t0t0t0t0t0t0IOt0t0MMMI-M^WHWHMMMMWHMI-IMMI-ll-MMI-ll-ll-ll-ll-IIHI-IMMI-ll-IMIHI-l'HI-l m -1 1-1 O O O O O O O O O 0*£>*0*OyO\0*Oy&^00'0 nococococococooococovtvjvjvivjvjvjvi^j^i o> tM> (3> (J 0> C> 0> 0> O B H OO COM OvUlJiW N H OO COM CMn+iU B H OiO COM 0>Ui4-U B H C€ COM O1UI+.U M H QiO OOvJ OiUl^W MHO O 4-. COld vj tO O M in 4i. COld M K O^HUi 4i. COld vl to O H 1 4^ COld vl tO O M 4^ Cold vi to CT* m 4^ COld vl to CN M 222 WATER SUPPLY. TABLE XXXII.—. For the Conversion of Degrees of the Centigrade Thermometer into Degrees of Fahrenheit's Scale. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. 0 320 26 78.8 51 123.8 76 168.8 I 33-8 27 80.6 52 125.6 77 170.6 2 356 28 82.4 53 127.4 78 172.4 3 37-4 29 84.2 54 129.2 79 174.2 4 39-2 30 86.O 55 I3I-0 80 176.0 5 41.0 31 87.8 5ft 132.8 81 177-8 6 42.8 32 89.6 57 134.6 82 179.6 7 44.6 33 9I.4 58 136.4 83 181.4 8 46.4 34 93-2 59 138.2 84 183.2 9 48.2 35 95o 60 I40.O 85 185.O 10 50.0 36 96.8 61 141.8 86 186.8 n 51.8 37 98.6 62 143.6 87 188.6 12 53-6 38 100.4 63 145-4 88 190.4 13 55-4 39 102.2 64 147.2 89 I92.2 14 57-2 40 104.0 65 149.0 90 194.O 15 59.0 41 105.8 66 150.8 9i 195.8 16 608 42 107.6 67 152.6 92 197.6 17 62.6 43 109.4 68 154-4 93 199.4 18 64.4 44 111.2 69 156.2 94 201.2 19 66.2 45 1130 70 158.0 95 203 0 20 68.0 46 114.8 7i 159.8 96 204.8 21 69.8 47 116.6 72 161.6 97 206.6 22 71.6 48 118.4 73 163.4 98 208.4 23 73-4 49 120.2 74 165.2 99 210.2 24 75-2 50 122.0 75 167.0 100 212.0 25 77.0 Metric System of Weights and Measures. Weights. I Milligram mgm. 1 Centigram 1 Decigram 1 Gram grm. = 0.001 gram. = 0.01 " = 0.1 " = 1.0 " I Gram 1 Dekagram r Hectogram 1 Kilogram kilo grm. = 1 gram. = 10 grams. = 100 " = 1000 " 1 Millimeter m.m. I Centimeter cm. 1 Decimeter d.m. 1 Meter m. Measures of Length. = 0.001 meter. = 0.01 " = 0.1 " = 1.0 " 1 Meter I Dekameter 1 Hectometer 1 Kilometer kilom. = 1 meter. = 10 meters. = 100 " = 1000 " Measures of Volume. 1 Cubic Centimeter c.c. or c.m.! 1 Cubic Decimeter dm.' 1 Cubic Meter ~^T' = 0.001 liter. = 1.000 " = 1000.000 " TABLE XXXIII.—Equivalents of Various Measures of Volume.* Its Equivalent in Name of Measure. U. S. Gallons. Imperial Gallons. Liters. Cubic Feet. Cubic Meters. Cubic Inches. Pounds avoirdupois (of water). I. 1.20032 O.2641866 7.480152 264.18657 O.833111 I. O.220097 6.232102 220.096714 3.785203 4-543457 I. 28.315289 1,000. 0.133681 O 160459 O.035317 I. 35.316609 O.OO37852 0.0045434 O.OOI 0.028315 I. 231. 277.274 61.0271 1,728. 61,027.0963 I. 8.3388822f 2.204737 62.37916 2,204.737 O.036099 i Cubic Meter........... * This Table is taken from Kirkwood's Filtration of River Waters, p. 167. f The exact number of pounds or of grains in a gallon is differently given by different authorities, the discrepancies arising from a difference in the value assigned as the weight of a cubic inch of water. The weight of a cubic inch of water is usually stated to be, according to the English standard, 252.458 grains, at 620 F. and under 30 inches barometric pressure. The English imperial gallon contains 277.274 cubic inches of water, the weight of which is taken to be 10 pounds avoirdupois or 70,000 grains. The old wine gallon of 231 cubic inches, according to this standard, would contain 58,318 grains, but some authorities give the amount as 58,333.3. The United States standard gal- lon of 231 cubic inches, contains, at 390 83 F. (the temperature of the maximum density of water adopted by Hassler), and under a barometric pressure of 30 inches, 58,372.175 grains of pure water : this fixes the weight of a cubic inch of water, at that temperature, as 252 6933 grains. CENTIMETERS. 7 8 10 11 12 13 lllllllll mmm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiii in 1 \ 3 w »—I o X H > U w > a w en INCHES. to to 00 Cubic Meters. ooOTi-iOtvincOM in hi o N rv coco co a* _, „_^„^.^,^,-* co rv m moo MOOT 1- O coco N rv h. o O £££>£" *?°, £"£ R O Oh -mnh nn O O h m n N nn* OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO 66666666 6 666666666 666066666 X Id OI-vOTCOwOcorv TOOcotvi-iOO'+O tvincoi-iOrvincoO mOOnirvwcococo co rv i-< inoo' MOOT 4(? coco eirvwod m M co T ino rvco O hi hi •- M M CO CO hi hi M M CO CO T <; z X ° Id j 5 < co rv 0 co rv 0 coo O n "TO co 0 m TO co co 0 mcowoooom cm to co -. co m rv o O hi N co T in ino rv h « n-t mo rvco Cf> ddOOHMHHH . Z (/) O O OOOOOOOOO ocooinocoinwoo M TO 00 O N TO co m in rv 0 co inco m co m n co t ino rvco O m ci co to rvco & 6 CidOi-inti-ii-MM * 0 inino hi o M co M co T 0 coco m rv hi 0 O ddiHi-icicicocoT hi n co T ino rvco 0 Id J 2 M TO O 1-1 co in rv 0 O Moo T>-i rv co O m Oi- oiTOcdi-iCOinrvO M HI I-I I-I M 1 in O OL J Id s hi N co T ino rvco O •X X a H id 2 OmmMMCOCOTT COO ON moo p-i T rv OOOi-imi-icmcnw hi m co T ino rvco 0 ■ * O K J id fi8 hi m co T ino rv rvco O M 00 TOO MOO T m co TO od O m M T HI HI HI Id Id coo T CM O O rv in co N inoo-M TO Ooi in HI M CO T ino rvco 0 coo' 0 coo' 0 m 0 O HI HI hi M N M W 2 1-4 cm coTinO rvco CT> TABLES FOR CALCULATION. 225 TABLE XXXV.—For the Conversion of Parts per 100,000 into Grains per Gallon, and vice versa : also, for Comparing Degrees of Hardness. Degrees of Hardness. Grains in Grains in English : Grains CaC03 in Parts in 100,000. U. S. Standard Imperial French: German : Gallon. Gallon. Parts CaCOa Parts CaO in 100,000. imp. Gallon. in ico,ooo. I 0.5837 0.7 I 0.7 0.6 2 I.1674 1.4 2 1.4 I.I 3 I-75I2 2.1 3 2.1 i-7 4 2-3349 2.9 4 2.8 2.2 5 2.9186 3-5 5 3-5 2.8 6 3-5023 4.2 6 4.2 3-4 7 4.0861 4.9 7 4-9 3-9 8 4.6698 5-6 8 5-6 4-5 9 5-2535 6-3 9 6-3 5-o I-7I3I 1 1.1992 i-4 1 0.8 3.4262 2 2-3983 2.9 2 1.6 5-1393 3 3-5975 4-3 3 2.4 6.8524 4 4.7967 6-7 4 3-2 8.5655 5 5-9958 7-1 5 4.0 10.2786 6 7-I950 8.6 6 4.8 11.9917 7 8•3942 10.0 7 5-6 13.7048 8 9-5934 11.4 8 6.4 15.4179 9 10.7925 12.8 9 7-2 1.4286 0.8339 1 1.8 1.2 1 2.8571 1.6678 2 3-6 2-5 2 4-2857 2.5017 3 5-4 3-8 3 5-7143 3-3356 4 7-i 5 0 4 7.1428 4-1695 5 9.0 6-3 5 8.5714 5-0033 6 10.7 7-5 6 10.0000 5-8372 7 12.6 8.8 7 11.4286 6.6711 8 14-3 10.0 8 12.8571 7-5050 9 16.1 "•3 _?____\ 15 INDEX. Aberdeen, corrosion of pipes in, 208. Absorption of gases, 11. Aeration, 150. Africa, artesian wells in, 134. Air, composition of, 12. Aire and Calder rivers, pollution of, 58. Alabama, artesian wells in, 135. Albuminoid ammonia, 39. Algae at Berlin, 157. in deep-seated water, 143. in water supplies, 86. spores not removed by sand filtra- tion, 165. Algeria, artesian wells in, 135. Altenburg, consumption of water in, 194. water supply of, 207. Alton, 111., filters at, 168. Altona, consumption of water in, 194. filtration at, 156. use of Barff's process in, 209. Alum, treatment of water with, 187. Ammonia, coefficient of absorption of, 11. determination of, 37. Ammonia method of water analysis, 37, 38. Amsterdam, water supply, 121. Anabaena circinalis, 87, 88. Analyses, methods of reporting, 8, 30. Analysis, methods of, 29. Animal life, 79. Anthrax, 20. Aquamalarial fever, 52, 100. Artesian wells at Grenelle, Paris, 137. St. Louis, 137. Charleston, S. C, 135. in Alabama, 135. Algeria, 134. China, 134. examination of (Table), 144. pollution of, 143. uncertainty of, 137. Artificial ice, 53. Atkins's cistern filters, 178. Bacillus, -li, 20. anthracis, 20. subtilis, 21. Bacteria, 19, 45, 67. removed by spongy iron, 173. Baird's system of distillation, 190. Baltimore, Md., water supply, 204. Bamberg, consumption of water in, 194. Bangor, Me., filters at, 169. Barff's process, 209, 215. Belgium, pollution of streams in, 72. Belgrand, quoted, 120. Bell's waste detector, 201. Berlin, experience with meters, 204. filtration at, 157. ground water measurement at, 110. water supply, trouble in, 125. Bibliography, 216. Biological examination of water, 45. Birmingham, consumption of water in. 194. Bischof's experiments on bacteria, 173. spongy iron for niters, 166, 327. Blackburn, Eng., consumption of water in, 194. Blackstone River, pollution of, 59, 62. Bohemia, spring and well waters in, 145. Boiler scale, 181. Bone coal for filters, 170, 334, 336. Bonn, consumption of water in, 194. Boston, consumption of water in, 195. corrosion of iron pipes in, 209. lead pipes in, 213. waste water inspection, 201. water, examination of, 101, 104. Bower-Barff process. See Barff. Brackett, Dexter, quoted, 194, 195, 200, 201, 205. Bradford Beck, pollution of, 58. Braunschweig, consumption of water in, 194. Breslau, experience with meters, 204. Brewer, Dr., quoted, 52. Brick for filters, 168, 332. Brooklyn, daily consumption in, 195. inspection of plumbers' fittings, 205. water supply of, 105. well in Prospect Park, in. Buchanan, quoted, 15. Buchner's experiments on Bacillus an- thracis, 21. Cambridge, Mass., consumption of water in, 195. 228 INDEX. Carbide of iron for filters, 166. Carbonate of lime, solubility of, 9. Carbonic acid, coefficient of absorption, 11. solution of, 12. in natural waters. 31. Cast-iron pipes, corrosion of, 207. method of coupling, 209. Cellulose used for filters, 180. Chandler, analysis of Croton water, 8. Charbon, 20. Charleston, S. C, artesian wells at, 135. Chemical analysis, value of, 44. solution, 2. treatment of water, 187. with alum, 187. with lime, 183, 188. with perchloride of iron, 187. with permanganate of pot- ash, 188. Chicago, consumption of water in, 195. River, pollution of, 59. China, artesian wells in, 134. Chlorides, significance of, 33, 68. Chlorine, a means of tracing pollution, 131- in natural waters, 33. estimation of, 33. Cholera and drinking water, 22. Church's waste indicator, 379. Cincinnati, consumption of water in, 195. detection of waste, 201. Cistern filters, 176. water, examination of, 50. (Table), 51. Cisterns, sediment in, 50. Clark's process, 183. Classification of waters, 17, 42, 43. Clathrocystis aeruginosa, 88. Clinton, Iowa, filters at, 168. Clyde, pollution of, 59. Coelosphoerium, 87. Cologne (Coin), consumption of water in, 194. Color, method for estimating, 149. Conduits, 206. growth of sponge in, 207. various, length of, 207. Consumption of water in American cities, 195. European cities, 194. Corroded pipes, diminished flow through, 207. Corrosion of cast-iron pipes, 207. Couste, quoted, 5. Crenothrix Kuhniana, 126, 210. Crookes, Prof., quoted, 188. Croton water, action on lead, 213. analysis of, 8. Cucumber taste, 91. Cyclops quadricornis, 70. Danube, suspended matter in, 57. Danzig, water supply of, 207. Daphnia pulex, 79. Davis, J. P., cost of sand filtration, 165. Deacon's system in Liverpool, 199. Glasgow, 200. Boston, 201. Deacon's wastewater meter, 196-199. Deep-seated water, algae in, 143. as a source of supply, J33-I45- characteristics of, 142. examination of, 142. (Tables), 144, 145. pollution of, 143. Deep sea thermometer, 95. Deep wells, 134, 139. examination of (Table), 144. Degrees of hardness, 34. different thermometers com- pared, 221, 222. Deposition as means of self-purification, 67. De Ranee, quoted, 137, 141. Desmids, 86. Detroit, consumption of water in, 195. wooden pipes in, 211. Diatoms, 86. Dilution as means of natural purification, 68. a guaranty of safety, 71. Discharge from corroded pipes, 208. Disease and drinking water, 17-28. Dissolved solids, effect of, 10. estimation of, 32. Distillation, 189. Baird's system, 190. Normandy's system, 192. Distribution pipes, 206. Double supply, 206. Dresden, consumption of water in, 194. ground water measurements, 110. water supply of, 108, 120. Drinking water and disease, 17-28. best, 133. theory, 22. Drinking, water most suitable for, 27. Driven wells, 109, 112-117. principle of, 114. Dublin, consumption of water in, 194. Dubuque, Iowa, water supply of, 138. Durance, suspended matter in, 57. Edinburgh, consumption of water in, 194. Elbe filtered at Altona, 156. pollution of, 71. Emmerich, Dr., quoted, 24, 26, 45. England, pollution of streams in, 73. Fall River, Mass., consumption of water in, 195. use of meters in, 203. INDEX. 229 Ferrous sulphate test, 35. Filter, Piefke's, 180. the multifold, 179. Filter basin at Waltham, Mass., 119. Filter beds, advantage of covering, 163. construction of, 151, 155. frequency of cleaning, 157. method of cleaning, 152. Filter gallery at Columbus, O., 108. Halle, 108. Lowell, 107. Taunton, 108. Filters, household, bone coal for, 170, 172. for cisterns, 176-178. requirements of, 170. reversible, 171. silicated carbon for, 172. simple form of, 174. spongy iron for, 173. wood charcoal for, 174. Filter press, Porter's, 185. Filtration, 151. at Alton, 111., 168. Altona, 156. Antwerp, 166. Bangor, Me., 169. Berlin, 157, 158, 160, 164. Clinton, Iowa, 168. Hudson, N. Y., 161, 163. London, 159, 160. Magdeburg, 164. Malone, N. Y., 168. Marshalltown, Iowa, 168. Poughkeepsie, N. Y , 162. Wakefield, Eng., 166. Zurich, 157. extent of, 151. expense of, 165. for manufactories, 179. household, 169. materials used, 169. in winter, 164. natural, 106, 117. principles of, 152. rate of, 152, 156, 158. (See also Filters, household.) Flint, Dr. Austin, quoted, 23. Flushing, water supply of, 193. Forel, Dr., quoted, 80. Fox, Dr. C. B., quoted, 44. France, pollution of streams in, 59, 73. Frankfort, consumption of water in, 194. temperature of water, 207. water supply, 207. Frankland, Dr., quoted, 35, 40, 4*- Frankland's classification of water, 41. method of analysis, 37, 39. report on Antwerp filters, 166. Galvanized iron, corrosion of, 214. Ganges, suspended matter in, 57. Gases, coefficient of absorption, 11. Gases in natural waters, 31. solution of, 10. supersaturated solutions of, 12. Germ theory, 18. Germany, pollution of streams in, 59. Glasgow, consumption of water in, .94. inspection of fittings in, 205. lead pipe in, 213. water supply of, 207. waste water detection, 200. Glasgow water, examination of, 101. Gold, solubility of, 15. Gotha, water supply of, 207. Grahn, quoted, 151. Great Britain, pollution of streams in, 58, 73- Greaves, Mr. Chas., on filter sand, 155. Crenelle, Paris, artesian well at, 137. Ground water as source of supply, 105, 132- defined, 105. effect of pumping on, 109- 112. examination of, 122. (Table), 124. hardness of, 120. inclination of, 105. temperature of, 118. utilization of, 106, 109. Ground-water supplies, difficulties of, 123, 128. at Berlin, 125-127. Halle, 127. Leipzig, 123. Lille, 127. Halle, water supply of, 108. trouble with, 127. Hamburg, consumption of water in, 194. Hannover, consumption of water in, 194. Hardness, degrees of, 34. determination of, 33. permanent, 33, 186. temporary, 34, 181. Hard water, 17, 181. softening of, 181-187. wholesomeness of, 18. Hatton, experiments on spongy iron, 173. Head, term defined, 156. Heisch's test, 46. Hoadley, J. C, quoted, 116. Hooghly, character of water, 16. Household filtration (See Filtration). Hudson, N. Y., filtration at, 161, 163. Hull, Eng., consumption of water at, 194. Humus, 84. Hunt, T. Sterry, quoted, 16. Ice, chemical examination of, 54, 55. impure, 52. in filtered water, 179. natural and artificial, 52. 3EX. 23O INI Impounding reservoirs, 85. Improvement of natural water, 146. by aeration, 150. chemical processes, 187. Clark's process, 181. distillation, 189. filtration, 151. sedimentation, 147, softening, 181. storage, 149. Infusoria, 83. Iron, carbide of, 166. compounds of, in ground water, 123, 125, 129. perchloride of, 187. pipes, corrosion of, 207. protection of, 208. sediment in, 210. spongy, 166. Irrawaddy, suspended matter in, 57. Irwell, pollution of, 58. Jamieson, M. B., quoted, 207. Karlsruhe, consumption of water in, 194. Kassel, consumption of water in, 194. Kerner, quoted, 207. Kirkwood, quoted, 155, 164. Koch, quoted, 20. Koch's biological method, 46. Latham, quoted, 92, 141, 143. Latham's apparatus for tempering water, 93- Lawrence, Mass., manufacturing indus- tries at, 63. Laws against pollution of water supplies, 71-78. Lead pipes, action of water on, 211-214. Lead poisoning, 213. Leeds, Eng., consumption of water in, 194. Leipzig, consumption of water in, 194. water supply of, 123. Leyden, water supply of, 121. Lille, trouble with water supply, 127. Lime, water treated with, 183, 188. Liverpool, Eng., consumption of water in, 194. inspection of fittings in, 205. softening of water at, 185. water supply, 138. London, results of filtration at, 159, 160. temperature of water supplies, 93- water, examination of, 102. water supply, 102, 138. wells in and near, 137. Long Island, N. Y., ground water on, 105, ill, 121. Loss on ignition, 37. Lowell, Mass., consumption of water in, 195. filtering gallery at. 107. manufacturing refuse at, 63- Maas, suspended matter in, 57. Magdeburg, experience with meters, 204. filter beds at, 164. Manchester, Eng., consumption of water in, 194. inspection of fittings in, 205. lead pipe in, 213. Mallet, Prof., quoted, 24, 25, 35, 40, 42. Malone, N. Y., filters at, 168. Marshalltown, Iowa, filters at, 168. Memphis, cisterns in, 50. Merrimack river, pollution of, 62, 63. Meters for checking waste, 203. German experience with, 204. Microbes, 19. Micrococcus, -ci, 20. Microzymes, 19. Milzbrand, 20. Mississippi filtered at Alton, 168. sediment in, 16, 57. Mixed solutions, condition of, 7. Mountain fever, 52, 100. Multifold filter, 179. Munich, water supply of, 207. Natural filtration, 106, 117. Nageli, quoted, 19. Nessler test, delicacy of, 34. New Orleans, cisterns in, 49. wells in, 130. New River water, filtered, 160. New York, inspection of fittings, 205. lead pipes in, 213. water supply, 194, 207. wells in, 138. Nitrites and nitrates, 35. significance of, 36. Nitrogen, coefficient of absorption, II. (combined) in water, 34. in natural waters, 31. organic, 34. Nodularia, 89. Normandy's system of distillation, 192. Nostocs, 87. Odors and tastes of surf ace waters, 80, 84, 85, 90. Ohio River, pollution of, 70. Organic and volatile matter, 37. Organic c-rbon, 40. matter, 24, 36, 38. nitrogen, 34. Oxidation, a means of purification, 66. Oxygen, coefficient of absorption, 11. in natural waters, 31. IND Paris, consumption of water in, 194. water supply of, 207. Passaic River, pollution of, 59, 170. Pawtucket, R. I., use of meters in, 203. Permanganate method of analysis, 37. of potash, a purifying agent, 188. in analysis, 37. Philadelphia, consumption of water in, 195- Physical solution, 1. Piefkc, quoted, 157, 161. Piefke's filter, 180. Pipes, brass, 214. enamdei, 214. galvanized iron, 214. iron (See Iron pipes). lead, 211. service, 211. tin-lined lead, 214. wooden, 211. wrought iron, 210. Plants, aquatic, 83. Polluting liquids defined, 74. Pollution of streams, 57, 78. prevention of, 71-78. of wells, 128. Popular tests, 46. Porter-Clark process, 184. Po, suspended matter in, 57. Potamogeton, 83. Potash, permanganate of, 37, 188. Poughkeepsie, alga; at, 90. filtration at, 161, 162. Previous sewage contamination, 35. Protection of iron pipes, 208. Providence, consumption of water in, 195. inspection of fittings, 205. use of meters in, 203. Prussia, pollution of streams in, 72. Purification of water by freezing, 53. (See also Improvement.) Quantity and waste, 194, 206. necessary for public supply, 194. Rain water, analyses of. 48. as source of supply, 48-55. requires filtration, 175. storage of, 49. Remsen's investigations at Boston, 80, 91. Rhine, suspended matter in, 57. Rhone, suspended matter in, 57. River Lea water filtered, 159, 160. Rivers Pollution Commission, quoted, 41, 48, 66, 74, 102, 103, 144, 145, 159. 160, 166. Rivers Pollution Prevention act (1876), 74. Salbach's photometer, 148. Samples, collection of, 47. •EX. 23I Sand filtration, 151. character of sand, 154. details of practice, 154. expense of, 165. in the U. S., 161. principles of, 152. results of, 159. Saturated solutions, 6. Schizomycetes, 19. Schiitzenberger's oxygen method, 31. Schuylkill River, pollution of, 59. Sediment in iron pipes, 210. river waters, 57. Sedimentation, 147. Seine, pollution of, 59, 61. Self-purifying power of streams, 63. Service pipes, 211-215. Settling basins, 146, 147. Sharpies, quoted, 120. Sheffield, consumption of water in, 194. Silicated carbon for filters, 172. Smart, Dr., quoted, 49, 52, 99, 100, 130. simple form of filter, 174. Smith's process for coating pipes, 208. Soda-water, 12, 13. Softening of hard water, 181. Solids in solution, estimation of, 32. solution of, 1. Solubility, curves of, 4. of ammonia, 11. carbonic acid, 11. gases, 10, 11. liquids, 13. metallic gold, 15. nitrogen, 11. solids, I. sulphate of lime, 5. Solution and suspension distinguished, 14. Solution, 1. chemical, 2. means of hastening, 9, 13. of gases, 10. liquids, 13. solids, 1. physical, I. Solutions, mixed, 7. saturated, 6. supersaturated, 6. Solvent, term defined, 3. Spaltpilze, 19. Spencer's carbide of iron, 159, 166. Sphaerozyga, 87. Spirillum, -la, 20. Spithead, England, wells at, 121. Splenic fever, cause of, 20. Sponge for filters, 168. fresh-water, 80. growth of in conduits, 207. Spongilla fluviatilis, 80. analysis of, 82. figure of, 81. spicules of, 81 82. 232 INDEX. Spongy iron for filters, 166, 173. Spree filtered at Berlin, 157, 160. Springfield, Mass., algje at, 90. Springs, 133. effect of barometric pressure on, 141. Standards of purity, 40. St. Louis, artesian well at, 137. consumption of water at, 195. settling basins at, 147. waste of water at, 195. Storage, effect of, 149. Storer, Prof., quoted, 6. Streams, pollution of, 57. self-purification of, 63. turbidity of, 56. table, 57. Sulphate of iron test, 35. lime, solubility of, 5. Sulphuretted hydrogen in ponded water, 85. Supersaturated solutions, 6, 12. Surface water, animal and vegetable life in, 79-90. as a source of supply, 56. examination of, 96. (Tables), 103, 104. tastes and odors of, 90. temperature of, 91. variations of, 100. Suspended matter, determination of, 29. in Missouri R., 147. in streams, 57. Suspension defined, 14. Tables for facilitating calculations, 221- 225. Tank filters, 172. Taunton, Mass., filter gallery at, 108. ground water near, 105. Temperature, change of in conduits, 207. means of measuring, 95. of Fresh Pond, Mass., 94. ground water supplies, 118. London water, 93. surface waters, 91. Thames water filtered, 159, 160. The Hague, water supply of, 121. Thermometers, 95. Tidy, Dr., classification of waters, 42. Toulouse, filter gallery at, 119. Turbidity, estimation of, 148. of streams. 56. Turbid water, clarification of, 15. Typhoid fever and drinking water, 22. UlXiK, quoted, 71. Unpolluted water from various sources (Table), 145. Vegetable growth on filter beds, 164. Vibrio (-nes), 20. Vienna, water supply of, 133, 207. Virginia City, Nev., conduit, 211. Vistula, suspended matter in, 57. Vlissingen. See Flushing. Wanklyn, quoted, 41. Wanklyn's method of analysis, 38. Waste of water, 194-206. detection of, Bell's system, 201. Church's method, 202. Deacon's system, 196. in winter, 205. prevention of, 196. Water analysis, 29. Waters, classification of, 17. Weights and measures, tables of, 221- 225. Well at Whiston, Eng., 139, 140. Brooklyn, N. Y., ill. Wells, artesian, 133. deep, 134, 139. effect of pumping from, 109. near salt water, 121. pollution of, 128. shallow, 106. Well water, examination of, 131. (Table), 132, Whiston, Eng., deep well at, 139, 140. Whitman, T. J., quoted, 195. Wood charcoal for filters, 168, 174. Wooden pipes, 211. Worcester, sewage of, 62. Wrought-iron pipes, 210. Zurich, filtration at, 157. Zymotic diseases, 18. HYDRAULICS. Water-wheels—Windmills—Service Pipe—Drainage, Etc. WEISBACH. DU BOIS. SMITH. NICHOLS. BRESSE. MAHAN. WOLFF. HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC MOTORS. 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Text-books and Practical Works. (See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings..................12mo, 2 50 Benjamin's Wrinkles and Recipes.......................12mo, 2 00 Carpenter's Testing Machines and Methods of Testing Materials..........................................8vo. Chordal's Letters to Mechanics.....................---12mo, 2 00 Church's Mechanics of Engineering....................8vo, 6 00 Notes and Examples in Mechanics..............8vo, 2 00 Crehore's Mechanics of the Girder........................8vo, 5 00 Cromwell's Belts and Pulleys......................... 12mo, 1 50 " Toothed Gearing..........................12mo, 150 Compton's First Lessons in Metal Working..............12mo, 1 50 Daua's Elementary Mechanics.........................12mo, 1 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making....................12mo, 2 00 Dredge's Trans. Exhibits Building, World Exposition, 4to, half morocco, 10 00 Du Bois's Mechanics. Vol. I., Kinematics..............8vo, 3 50 Vol. II., Statics.................8vo, 4 00 Vol. III., Kinetics.............. .8vo, 3 50 Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist...........................18mo, 1 00 Flather's Dynamometers.......■.........................12mo, 2 00 Rope Driving................................12mo, 2 00 Hall's Car Lubrication.................................12mo, 1 00 Holly's Saw Filing....................................18mo, 75 Johnson's Theoretical Mechanics. An Elementary Treatise. (In the press.) t Jones Machine Design. Part I., Kinematics..............8vo, 1 50 Part II., Strength and Proportion of Machine Parts. Lanza's Applied Mechanics..............................8vo 7 50 MacCord's Kinematics..................................8vo, 5 00 Merriman's Mechanics of Materials.......................8vo, 4 00 Metcalfe's Cost of Manufactures..........................8vo 5 00 Michie's Analytical Mechanics............................8vo, 4 00 12 Mosely's Mechanical Engineering. (Mahan.)..............8vo, $5 00 Richards's Compressed Air.............................12mo, 1 50 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism.................... 8vo, 3 00 Smith's Press-working of Metals.........................8vo, 3 00 The Lathe and Its Uses................................. 8vo, 6 OO Thurston's Friction and Lost Work......................8vo, 3 00 " The Animal as a Machine...................12mo, 100 Warren's Machine Construction..................2 vols., 8vo, 7 50 Weisbach's Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. (Du Bois.)..8vo, 5 00 " Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. III., Part I., Sec. I. (Klein.)...................................8vo, 5 00 Weisbach's Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. III., Part I., Sec. II. (Klein.).................................8vo, 5 00 Weisbach's Steam Engines. (Du Bois.)...................8vo, 5 00 Wood's Analytical Mechanics............................8vo, 3 00 " Elementary Mechanics.........................12mo, 125 " " " Supplement and Key........... 1 25 METALLURGY. Iron—Gold—Silver—Alloys, Etc. Allen's Tables for Iron Analysis..........................8vo, 3 00 Egleston's Gold and Mercury............................8vo, 7 50 " Metallurgy of Silver......................... 8vo, 7 50 * Kerl's Metallurgy—Copper and Iron....................8vo, 15 00 * " Steel, Fuel, etc.....................8vo, 15 00 Kunhardt's Ore Dressing in Europe.......................8vo, 1 50 Metcalf Steel—A Manual for Steel Users...............12mo, . 2 00 O'Driscoll's Treatment of Gold Ores......................8vo, 2 00 Thurston's Iron and Steel................................8vo, 3 50 " Alloys.......................................8vo, 2 50 Wilson's Cyanide Processes............................12mo, 1 50 MINERALOGY AND MINING. Mine Accidents—Ventilation—Ore Dressing, Etc. Barringer's Minerals of Commercial Value---oblong morocco, 2 50 Beard's Ventilation of Mines.......................12mo, 2 50 Boyd's Resources of South Western Virginia..............8vo, 3 00 " Map of South Western Virginia.....Pocket-book form, 2 00 Brush and Penfield's Determinative Mineralogy..........8vo, 3 50 Chester's Catalogue of Minerals..........................8vo, 1 25 .< " " " ........................paper, 50 " Dictionary of the Names of Minerals.............8vo, 3 00 Dana's American Localities of Minerals...................8vo, 1 00 13 Dana's Descriptive Mineralogy. (E. S.) ... .8vo, half morocco, $12 50 " Mineralogy aud Petrography (J.D.)............12mo, 2 00 " Minerals and How to Study Them. (E. S.).......12mo, 1 50 " Text-book of Mineralogy. (E. S.).................8vo, 3 50 ^Drinker's Tunnelling, Explosives, Compounds, aud Rock Drills. 4to, half morocco, 25 00 Eglestou's Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms...........8vo, 2 50 Eissler's Explosives—Nitroglycerine and Dynamite........8vo, 4 00 Goodyear's Coal Mines of the Western Coast............12mo, 2 50 Hussak's Rock-forming Minerals. (Smith.)...............8vo, 2 00 Ihlseng's Manual of Mining.............................8vo, 4 00 Kunhardt's Ore Dressing in Europe......................8vo, 1 50 O'Driscoll's Treatment of Gold Ores......................8vo, 2 00 Rosenbusch's Microscopical Physiography of Minerals aud Rocks. (Iddings.)................................8vo, 5 00 Sawyer's Accidents in Mines............................8vo, 7 00 Stockbridge's Rocks and Soils............................8vo, 2 50 Walke's Lectures on Explosives..........................8vo, 4 00 Williams's Lithology....................................8vo, 3 00 Wilson's Mine Ventilation.............................16mo, 125 " Placer Mining...............................12mo. STEAM AND ELECTRICAL ENGINES, BOILERS, Etc. Stationary—Marine—Locomotive—Gas Engines, Etc. (See also Engineering, p. 6.) Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings.................12mo, 2 50 Clerk's Gas Engine..................................12mo, 4 00 Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers.................18mo, 1 00 Hemenway's Indicator Practice.........................12mo, 2 00 Hoadley's Warm-blast Furuace...........................8vo, 1 50 Kneass's Practice and Theory of the Injector.............8vo, 1 50 MacCord's Slide Valve..................................8vo, 2 00 * Maw's Marine Engines..................Folio, half morocco, 18 00 Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction.................4to, 10 00 Peabody and Miller's Steam Boilers.......................8vo, 4 00 Peabody's Tables of Saturated Steam.....................8vo, 1 00 " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine......... 8vo, 5 00 " Valve Gears for the Steam-Engine..............8vo, 2 50 Pray's Twenty Years with the Indicator............Royal 8vo, 2 50 Pupin and Osterberg's Thermodynamics................12mo, 1 25 Reagan's Steam and Electrical Locomotives............12mo, 2 00 Rontgen's Thermodynamics. ' (Du Bois.).................8vo, 5 00 Sinclair's Locomotive Running.........................12mo, 2 00 Thurston's Boiler Explosion...........................12mo, 1 50 14 Thurston's Engine and Boiler Trials......................8vo, $5 00 Manual of the Steam Engine. Part I., Structure and Theory...............................8vo, 7 50 Manual of the Steam Engine. Part II., Design, Construction, and Operation...............8vo, 7 50 2 parts, 12 00 Philosophy of the Steam Engine.............12mo, 75 Reflection on the Motive Power of Heat. (Carnot.) 12mo, 1 50 Stationary Steam Engines...............___12mo, 1 50 Steam-boiler Construction and Operation.......8vo, 5 00 Spangler's Valve Gears..................................8vo, 2 50 Trowbridge's Stationary Steam Engines...........4to, boards, 2 50 Weisbach's Steam Engine. (Du Bois.)...................8vo, 5 00 Whitham's Constructive Steam Engineering.............. ..8vo, 10 00 Steam-engine Design.........................8vo, 6 00 Wilson's Steam Boilers. (Flather.).....................12mo, 2 50 Wood's Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, etc...............8vo, 4 00 TABLES, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. For Actuaries, Chemists, Engineers, Mechanics—Metric Tables, Etc. Adriance's Laboratory Calculations.....................12mo, 1 25 Allen's Tables for Iron Anah/sis..........................8vo, 3 00 Bixby's Graphical Computing Tables.........,.........Sheet, 25 Compton's Logarithms.................................12mo, 1 50 Crandall's Railway and Earthwork Tables...............8vo, 1 50 Egleston's Weights and Measures.......................18mo, 75 Fisher's Table of Cubic Yards.....................Cardboard, 25 Hudson's Excavation Tables. Vol.11....................8vo, 100 Johnson's Stadia and Earthwork Tables..................8vo, 1 25 Ludlow's Logarithmic and Other Tables. (Bass.).......12mo, 2 00 Thurston's Conversion Tables............................8vo, 1 00 Totten's Metrology......................................8vo, 2 50 VENTILATION. Steam Heating—House Inspection—Mine Ventilation. Baldwin's Steam Heating...............................12mo, 2 50 Beard's Ventilation of Mines...........................12mo, 2 50 Carpenter's Heating and Ventilating of Buildings..........8vo, 3 00 Gerhard's Sanitary House Inspection............Square 16mo, 1 00 Mott's The Air We Breathe, and Ventilation............16mo, 1 00 Reid 's Ventilation of American Dwellings..............12mo, 1 50 Wilson's Mine Ventilation..............................16mo, 1 25 15 HISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 4 00 2 50 1 00 1 50 3 00 Alcott's Gems, Sentiment, Language...............Gilt edges, $5 00 Bailey's The New Tale of a Tub.................,........8vo, 75 Ballard's Solution of the Pyramid Problem...............8vo, Barnard's The Metrological System of the Great Pyramid. .8vo, Davis's Elements of Law................................8vo, Emmon's Geological Guide-book of the Rocky Mountains. .8vo, Ferrel's Treatise on the Winds...........................8vo, Haines's Addresses Delivered before^the Am. Ry. Assn. ..12mo. Mott's The Fallacy of the Present Theory of Sound. .Sq. 16mo, Perkins's Cornell University......................Oblong 4to, Ricketts's History of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.....8vo, Rotherham's The New Testament Critically Emphasized. 12mo, 1 50 " The Emphasized New Test. A new translation. Large 8vo, 2 00 Totten's An Important Question in Metrology.............8vo, 2 50 Whitehouse's Lake Mceris.............................Paper, 25 * Wiley's Yosemite, Alaska, and Yellowstone.............4to, 3 00 HEBREW AND CHALDEE TEXT=BOOKS. For Schools and Theological Seminaries. Gesenius's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to Old Testament. (Tregelles.)....................Small 4to, half morocco, 5 00 Green's Elementary Hebrew Grammar..................12mo, 1 25 " Grammar of the Hebrew Language (New Edition).8vo, 3 00 " Hebrew Chrestomathy...........................8vo, 2 00 Letteris's Hebrew Bible (Massoretic Notes in English). 8vo, arabesque, 2 25 Luzzato's Grammar of the Biblical Chaldaic Language and the Talmud Babli Idioms............................12mo, 1 50 MEDICAL. Bull's Maternal Management in Health and Disease.......12mo, 1 00 Hammarsten's Physiological Chemistry. (Mandel.)........8vo, 4 00 Mott's Composition, Digestibility, and Nutritive Value of Food. Large mounted chart, 1 25 Ruddiman's Incompatibilities in Prescriptions............8vo, 2 00 Steel's Treatise on the Diseases of the Ox................8vo, 6 00 Treatise on the Diseases of the Dog................8vo, 3 50 Worcester's Small Hospitals—Establishment and Maintenance, including Atkinson's Suggestions for Hospital Archi- tecture.........................................12mo, 125 16 JO juamuodsQ 5 ft %> PW 'op^aiiag a Miaj3£ M*loaH £ 3Wnd '3l0llaM Puo <* •< 0 tioijojnpj '4i|Q3H £ J» |uauu.iodaQ$n <* ■< 0 pw "opssmag „ aiiAjas suoaH <* >!iqnct'8JDjl'M Pu0 5 'u°M°3"'" jo luaiuuodaQ 5 n » Pw 'opsaijiag ac 3311135 H'I03H £ 3!|qnj 'aJO)|a>w puo £ 'uoiiojnpj 'iiipaH x> J° |u3u»i»odaQ$ n a pw -ops3ijjaa £ aaiAjaj u,ii03h ce Jiiqnj •ajO)|a/A puo < jo luatuijodarj 9'f) £ PW 'opsaqiag ajj'ia; u,i|aaH £ 3'iqid'ajO||a/v\ puo « 'oouoiopg u,iid3h J jo tuauiuodaasn a < < -< < pw 'opsaniag 95IAJ3S 4I|°3H a >t|q"di 'aJDi|a/\ft, puo > 'uoiiojnpj. U S. Department oi Health, Education, ond Welfare. Public Heotth Service Bethesdo, Md US DeporlmenI of Health. Education, ond Welfare. Public /^Sk I r4Ss\ I s^&k-, I r4S^\ I y^Ek 1 /^X 1 v^Sk 1 ^S^\ I y^Ssk 1 NATIONAL IIBRARY Of MEDICINE 3NOI03W jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NOia3w jo Aava8n tvnouvn 3Noia3w jo Aavaan ivn s^ J NLM001055495