HOUSE DOCUMENT No. 500. REPORT OF THE Massachusetts State Board of Health UPON A Metropolitan Water Supply. F E B R U A K Y , 1895. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office Square. 1895. AN ACT relative to procuring a Water Supply for the City of Boston and its Suburbs. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Section 1. The state board of health is hereby authorized and directed to investigate, consider and report upon the question of a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs within a radius of ten miles from the state house, and for such other cities and towns as in its opinion should be included in connection therewith. Sect. 2. The said board shall forthwith proceed to investigate and con- sider this subject, including all questions relating to the quantity of water to be obtained from available sources, its quality, the best methods of pro- tecting the purity of the water, the construction, operation and maintenance of works for storing, conveying or purifying the water, the cost of the same, the damages to property, and all other matters pertaining to the subject. Sect. 3. The said board shall have power to employ such engineering and other assistance and to incur such expenses as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of this act. Sect. 4. The said board shall report fully with plans and estimates to the legislature on or before the first Wednesday in January in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and shall append to its report drafts of bills intended to accomplish the recommendations of the board. Sect. 5. The total amount of money which shall be expended out of the treasury of the Commonwealth in carrying out the provisions of this act shall not exceed forty thousand dollars. The Commonwealth shall be reimbursed for the amount expended by the cities and towns which are to receive the benefit of the system recommended in the report, in proportion to the population of each. Sect. 6. Before incurring any expense the board shall from time to time estimate the amounts required and shall submit the same to the governor and council for their approval, and no expense shall be incurred beyond the amount so estimated and approved. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage, [ylpproved June 9, 1893. [Chapter 459, Acts of 1893.] RESOLVE extending the Time for the Report of the State Board of Health upon the Subject of a Metropolitan Water Supply, and pro- viding for the Continuance of the Investigation relative thereto. Resolved, That the time allowed for the filing of the report of the state board of health, required by chapter four hundred and fifty-nine of the acts [Chapter 4, Resolves of 1895.] iv METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. [Feb. '95. of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, relative to procuring a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs, is hereby extended until the first Wednesday in February in the present year ; and that there be allowed and paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars, to be expended under the direction of the said board in continuing and completing the investigations, plans and report relative thereto, said amount being in addition to the forty thousand dollars provided for in said act, and to be reimbursed to the Commonwealth in the manner therein provided. [Approved February 12, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE An act relative to procuring a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs, iii Report of the State Board of Health, ix Expenditures for metropolitan water supply investigations, .... xxi Metropolitan water act, xxii Report of the consulting engineer, xxxiv Report of the chief engineer: - Introduction, 1 List of cities and towns within ten miles of the State House, ... 3 Towns outside the ten-mile limit considered with reference to including them in the metropolitan district, 5 Consumption of water in the metropolitan district, and capacity of present sources of water supply 5 Future population and consumption of water in the metropolitan district, . 7 General remarks regarding sources of water supply, 8 Present condition of the water supply of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, and the opportunities for increasing the supply by independent action : - Boston, exclusive of Charlestown district, ...... 14 Charlestown district of Boston, Somerville, Chelsea and Everett, . . 19 Cambridge, 22 Lynn and Saugus, 25 Newton, 33 Malden, 35 Waltham, .37 Quincy, , 40 Hyde Park and Mil ton, 41 Woburn, 43 Wakefield and Stoneham, 46 Brookline, . 49 Medford, 51 Revere and Winthrop 53 Melrose, 55 Watertown and Belmont, .57 Arlington, 58 Winchester, 60 Swampscott and Nahant, 64 Lexington, 65 Outline of proposed plan for taking an additional water supply from the Nashua River, 67 Financial statement, 80 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Report of the chief engineer - Con. page A statement with regard to each city and town in the metropolitan district, as to whether it should enter the metropolitan water district or obtain its supply from independent works, 85 Boston, 86 Somerville, Chelsea and Everett, 87 Cambridge, 89 Lynn, 93 Saugus, 94 Newton, 94 Malden, 95 Waltham, 96 Quincy, 96 Hyde Park, 97 Milton, 97 Woburn, 98 Wakefield and Stoneham 98 Brookline, 99 Medford, 99 Revere and Winthrop 100 Melrose, 100 Watertown and Belmont, 100 Arlington, 101 Winchester, 101 Swampscott and Nahant, 101 Lexington, 102 Sources investigated, 102 1. Sources not to be used in connection with the Nashua River: - Merrimack River 103 Lake Winnipiseogee, New Hampshire, 108 Charles River at South Natick, Ill Shawsheen River at Old Middlesex Canal crossing, . . . . 113 Ipswich River, 114 Assawompsett and other ponds in Lakeville, 115 Sebago Lake, Maine, 117 2. Sources which may be used to supplement the supply taken from the Nashua river: - Tributaries of Assabet River, - • .117 Ware River, 118 Swift River, 120 Deerfield River, 121 Westfield River, ' ... 122 Squannacook River and other tributaries of the Nashua, . . .122 3. Sources which were known to be unworthy of extended investigation, 122 Water supply of cities and towns in and near the Nashua water-shed,. . 123 Detailed description of proposed plan for taking an additional water supply from the Nashua River: - The water-shed and its improvement, 125 Storage reservoir, 127 Main dam, 132 Dikes, 134 Removal of soil from reservoir, 136 Relocation of railroads and highways, 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii Report of the chief engineer - Con. PAGB Detailed description of proposed plan for taking an additional water supply from the Nashua River: - Nashua-Sudbury aqueduct,139 Improvement of the Sudbury River water-shed,140 Reservoir No. 5 to Chestnut Hill Reservoir,140 Pumping stations,141 Receiving and distributing reservoirs,142 Pipe systems,143 Future aqueduct from Reservoir No. 5 to the metropolitan district, . . 144 Estimates of cost,145 Summary147 Appendix No. 1. Growth of population in the Boston metropolitan district, 151 Appendix No. 2. Present and future consumption of water in the metropol- itan district, by Dexter Brackett, C.E.,157 Appendix No. 3. Improvement of the quality of the Sudbury River water by the drainage of the swamps upon the water-shed, by Desmond FitzGerald, C.E.,176 Appendix No. 4. On the amount and character of organic matter in soils and its bearing on the storage of water in reservoirs, by Thomas M. Drown, M.D., 188 Appendix No. 5. Chemical analyses of water from the sources investigated, 202 Appendix No. 6. Water supply of different qualities for different purposes, by Dexter Brackett, C.E.,217 Appendix No. 7. Sanitary examination of Nashua River water-shed, . . 222 Index,225 List of Maps, Plans and Diagrams. 1. A general map showing water-sheds of lakes and rivers investigated as possible sources of water supply for the metropolitan district, . . viii 2. Map showing present and proposed works for supplying water from the Nashua, Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds to the metropolitan dis- trict, xvi 3. Map showing works by which water may be taken from the Assabet, Ware and Swift rivers to supplement the supply from the Nashua, Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds,xx 4. Water-shed of the Nashua River above Clinton,48 5. Water-sheds of the Sudbury and Cochituate supplies, .... 64 6. Map showing proposed works for distributing water in the metropolitan district,74 7. Plan of proposed reservoir on the Nashua River,128 8. Plan and sections of masonry dam and gate houses at the proposed Nashua Reservoir,132 9. Comparative sections of masonry dams,134 10. Cross-sections of the proposed Nashua-Sudbury aqueduct, . . . 138 11. Growth of population of the Boston metropolitan district compared with that of other large centres of population,152 12. Plan of drainage of swamps above Basin IV. of the Boston waterworks, 179 13. Plan of drainage of Cedar Swamp, Boston water works, .... 185 14. System of piping for supplying water of inferior quality to the metro- politan district for mechanical, manufacturing and other similar pur- poses, 220 Plan No. 1 AREAS OF WATERSHEDSAND AIR LINE DISTANCES FROM STATE HOUSE. Present Sou r< :e s Sq. Miles Miles Sudbury .75.2jgj Cochituate. 18.9. 16.0 StonyBrook.23.5 10.2 Mystic 27.7 6.6 Saugus 16.0 9.7 Other Sources Investigated Ipswich .96.7.... 18.9 Shawsheen 34.1 .17.5 Charles .156.3 15.2 -Assawompsett. 62.1. 35.6 Assahei34.4. 30.4 Nashua 118.2 33.0 Upper Ware 99.6 51.0 LowerWare 56.157.8 Swift 185.7. 636 Deerfield . 454.4 88.7 Westfield 179.4 93.4 Wiiuapiseogee 360.0. 77.0 Squam. 60.4 96.5 Pernmigewasset... 399.0 102.0 State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply GENERAL MAP showing WATERSHEDS of lakes and rivers investigated as possible SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY for the METROPOLITAN DISTRICT December, 1894. (Joininantaltlr of REPORT OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH UPON A METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth in General Court assembled. The State Board of Health, acting under the authority of chapter 459 of the Acts of 1893, has investigated and considered the question of a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs within a radius of ten miles from the State House, and for such other cities and towns as, in its opinion, should be added thereto; and has also made the additional investigations set forth in the second section of the same act, and now desires to submit the following report: - The act under which the Board has conducted this inquiry appar- ently provides for the same general treatment of the question of water supply as was adopted by the General Court of 1887 for the creation of a sewerage system for a somewhat smaller district. Substantially all the arguments that were urged by this Board for the metro- politan sewerage system, which, built in accordance with our recom- mendations, is now nearly completed, may be used with even greater force in aid of any well-devised plan for giving to a still larger district a sufficient supply of the best water attainable. F. P. Stearns, C.E., chief engineer of the Board, has prepared the very full and accurate statement of the present and future resources of water available for this metropolitan district, together with all necessary details as to the structures at the great reservoir, the aque- duct leading from it, the new pipe lines and pumping stations, within the district; and, in addition to the information already in posses- sion of the Board, has been able to state the results of many new inquiries undertaken for the purposes of this report. The financial REPORT OF THE BOARD. [Feb. aspects of the problem are also treated by him in an instructive manner. J. P. Davis, C.E., who has been for a series of years entirely familiar with all the great municipal works for water and sewerage of the metropolitan district, has made a careful examination of the work of our engineer, and finds it to be well considered and trust- worthy. Mr. Davis was for many years city engineer of Boston, and in this capacity designed and had charge of the construction of the works for taking water from the Sudbury River. He has also been consulting engineer to the Aqueduct Commission of the city of New York, and was one of the experts consulted as to the pro- posed Quaker Bridge Dam. Dexter Brackett, C.E., has embodied in two appendices the re- sults of observations and studies to which he has devoted many years. Another appendix, numbered 3, contains a description by Des- mond FitzGerald, C.E., of plans for the draining of swamps, which are now under consideration for the improvement of the Sudbury water-shed. Dr. Drown's paper upon the influence exercised by organic matter in the soil of reservoirs upon the water stored therein has so much that bears upon the recommendations of this report that we again publish it in Appendix 4. All the special information that may be found necessary to explain or support the compressed conclusions of our own report will be supplied by the valuable reports of the eminent authorities above enumerated. The most familiar experience of this part of the world, at least m the matter of its w7ater supplies, has been the failure of sources originally supposed to be abundant to properly meet the wants ot their respective communities for any considerable length of time. The plans of the city of Boston, beginning with its first scheme for a general water supply in the year 1825, have proved no exception to this rule, and yet this city has had the services of the ablest men of their day. The reason for this constant disappointment is easily discovered. The quantity of water which the householder of to-day demands for the conveniences as well as for the necessities of his daily life has increased beyond all expectation. If this enlarged quantity can be secured without undue delay and without such injury as may easily 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xi be macle whole, it is evidently for the general welfare that such provision should be made; for it seems to us reasonable to claim that no small share in the improved and still improving state of the public health may be traced to the measures now adopted for the protection of the purity of waters and to the greater cleanliness of person, clothing and all surroundings which inevitably result from a practically unlimited freedom in the use of water. It is essential, then, to determine, if possible, the amount of water needed at the present day, with such forecast as to future requirements as can be safely made. It is, of course, true that a comparatively small amount of pure water would meet all the demands for drinking and cooking, and that a water of inferior quality would answer for other domestic purposes as well as for all municipal requirements and the demands of manu- factures ; but no satisfactory arrangement has as yet been made by which two kinds of water can be economically and safely distributed through the streets and buildings of cities and towns. It was discovered by this Board, some years since, that no incon- siderable portion of the cases of typhoid fever found in certain manu- facturing towns in this State was the result of the careless drinking of a dangerous water, which is used in the mills for mechanical purposes only, is understood to be dangerous and is distinctly so marked; but this inferior water was still used by the operatives, because it was sometimes cooler, was tasteless, and generally more accessible. The Board has hoped that it might be possible to devise some plan by which the very limited amount of quite pure water really needed in our houses might be secured and distributed; but no satisfactory method has as yet suggested itself, nor with the present outlook for an abundant supply of very good water does such a plan seem to be an urgent need either on grounds of health or economy. The average daily consumption of water in the metropolitan dis trict for the year 1894 was 79,046,000 gallons, the average daily capacity of the sources now in existence for the supply of this dis- trict was only 83,700,000 gallons; that is to say, the average daily supply is only 4,654,000 gallons in excess of the actual needs. Though some of the sources of supply to the district are capable of yielding larger quantities of water than are at present furnished (as will be shown in detail in the accompanying report of our engineer), we are satisfied that even a very thorough development of all these xii REPORT OF THE BOARD. [Feb. sources will barely carry the district safely through a year of unusual drought, should such a season occur before the date at which the works, hereafter to be described, can be put in condition to in- crease the supply; and this would be true even though the cities or towns which might find themselves possessed of a surplus supply could transfer it to their neighbor in want. The population of this metropolitan district was, by the United States census of 1890, 844,814. Estimates which have been care- fully made, and with a due regard to the diminution in rate of in- crease by reason of the depression in business, place the population for the year 1895 at 984,301. The water works of the city of Boston now supply nearly 75 per cent, of all the water used in the metropolitan district. The daily average consumption of those cities and towns receiving water from the Boston works was 99 gallons in 1893, and the average for the entire district now under consideration was, for the same year, 83 gallons. It seems to be generally true that the nearer we approach the centres of population the greater becomes the use of water; and, with the inevitable growth of Boston and its suburbs, it does not appear to us wise to calculate upon a requirement per inhabitant of less than 100 gallons for the long- period of years for which we seek a supply. We have not deemed it necessary or advisable to busy ourselves with the insoluble problem of the probable future increase of popu- lation in and about Boston. We have assumed that the growth will go on as it has gone on during the last quarter of a century ; and for a population determined by such principles we have made provision. While every effort has been made to reconcile the views of the local authorities with our own as to their respective requirements both in regard to quantity and quality of water needed and their capacity to meet such demands, the Board has in several cases ar- rived at results quite different from those held by these authorities. It is assumed that no portion of this large and intimately associated community will accept for any length of time a water inferior to that enjoyed by their neighbors, either in healthful qualities or attractive appearance and odor; and it will not be profitable as a municipal investment to offer the stranger seeking a new home anything so essential to his health and comfort as water is, that shall be decidedly poorer than the article distributed on the other side of the town's borders. It has, therefore, been assumed by us that the various communities under consideration will take, sooner or later, the better water, pro- 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xiii vided that the cost of taking it is not in excess or greatly in excess of that of an existing and inferior supply. It will also be found to be true, we think, that a very large amount of the best water can be provided for the district at a price per head far below that at which any municipality within the district, with the exception probably of Brookline, Newton and Waltham, can sup- ply a water of anything like an equal quality. Moreover, in our opinion, the most favored locality in this region has no prospect of obtaining beyond the next twenty or twenty-five years any source of supply that can be favorably compared, either on grounds of health or economy, with the source to be later described. It is by no means certain that Waltham, even with its present abundant and good supply, can continue to depend through a series of years upon water filtered uninterruptedly in ever-increasing quantities from a river more or less polluted. Of the communities composing the metropolitan district, those using 80 per cent, of the full amount of water will need the metro- politan supply nearly as soon as it can be furnished. It is probably possible for those using 10 per cent, of the full amount to extend their works so that they may give them a supply for twenty or twenty-five years, and the remaining 10 per cent, will need the metropolitan supply within a shorter time. The works of distribution have been so designed that the first cost will be increased as little as practicable, and that they may be in condition to supply these communities when they shall need the water, by additions to the works first constructed; but some expense must necessarily be incurred at first, on account of the prospective use by these communities. For the purpose of determining which cities and towns should be included in the district to be formed, a careful review has been undertaken of all the facts within our reach which have a bearing upon this question, - facts which will be found duly stated in the subjoined report of the engineer, Mr. Stearns; and we accordingly recommend that the cities of Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, Malden, Medford, Newton, Quincy, Somervillej Waltham and Woburn, and the towns of Arlington, Belmont, Brookline, Hyde Park, Lexington, Melrose, Milton, Nahant, Revere, Saugus, Stone- ham, Swampscott, Wakefield, Watertown, Winchester and Winthrop, twenty-eight cities and towns, containing, in 1890, 848,012 inhabi- tants, constitute the metropolitan water district. xiv REPORT OF THE BOARD. [Feb. Inasmuch as the cities of Cambridge, Lynn, Newton, Waltham and Woburn, and the towns of Brookline, Lexington, Nahant, Saugus, Swampscott and Winchester, together containing, in 1890, 210,252 inhabitants, believe that they have a sufficient supply for some years to come, we do not recommend that they be provided with water from the metropolitan supply until they formally express their wish for it. These municipalities contained about one-fourth of all the people living in the proposed district in the year 1890. We have no hesitation in recording our own belief that the period at which this supply will be demanded by them is much nearer than they now anticipate; but their participation in the scheme is not essential to the success of the undertaking, nor will their absence render the immediate procuring of a new water supply any the less necessary. After a thorough revision of all the sources of water which have been suggested or which we could discover, we selected three which seemed worthy of critical examination, - Lake Winnipiseogee in New Hampshire, the Merrimack River above Lowell and the Nashua River above Clinton. Lake Winnipiseogee has for many years been held to be the ideal of all that was needed in the way of a perfect source of pure water, and it is capable of furnishing an abundant and excellent supply. The clear depths of its waters and the apparent freedom from pollu- tion along its shores, unlike many of the artificial reservoirs hitherto constructed, have created so strong a popular belief in its necessary superiority to anything artificial that it may not be out of place to direct attention for a moment to some of the defects to be found even here. The permanent population on the territory draining to the lake is not large, - 35 persons per square mile; but the attrac- tive shores have become the favorite summer camping-ground of thousands, and the amount of the most serious forms of pollution directly entering the water of the lake must be large and ever-grow- ing. Even though the State of New Hampshire might allow a cer- tain amount of water to be taken from this lake for domestic water- supply within her own limits, it is not probable that she would con- sent to the withdrawal of amounts of water so large as to injure her own manufacturing industries, or to give to the people of another State any authority to interfere by police regulations with the un- hampered enjoyment by her own citizens of her beautiful pleasure- grounds. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. The expense, however, of constructing a conduit over the shortest and best route which it has been possible to discover, and for dis- tributing this water through the district, amounts to $34,000,000. This large sum does not include the cost of the damages inflicted by the diversion of water and charges incident thereto ; and we are con- fident that the water thus obtained would have no greater value than supplies which can be obtained at much smaller cost within the limits of this State and protected by our own laws. Examinations have also been made with the view of taking the water of the Merrimack River above Lowell, subjecting it to efficient filtration and bringing it down into the metropolitan district. The quantity of water that could be obtained in this way and for this pur- pose is unlimited; and, if there were no way of obtaining a better supply of water and one which was above suspicion, it would be practicable to introduce water from that source at a cost somewhat less than from any other source considered. The estimated cost of filtering and conveying this water to the metropolitan district is $17,500,000; but in the opinion of the Board it will be better to pay 10 per cent, more for a supply from a source that has not been polluted. The experiments carried on by this Board for a succession of years at an experiment station in Lawrence under the immediate direction of H. F. Mills, C.E., a member of this Board, and the filter constructed in connection with the water works of that city, have shown that waters as polluted as those of the Merrimack can be effectually filtered and rendered safe for domestic use; but it is also true that filtering areas require continuous care on the part of well-trained attendants, and that, in a few instances at least, inefficient administration or inherent defects of construction have allowed disease germs to pass through filters which were assumed, by good authority, to be a sufficient protec- tion. We are the more easily led to reject the filtered waters of the polluted Merrimack because we have found an entirely satisfactory water in the South Branch of the Nashua River above the city of Clinton. We find that the conduit of the Boston water works was built of much larger capacity than was needed for the conveyance of the amount of water to be derived from the Sudbury River, being capable of taking 50,000,000 gallons a day more than is at present supplied to it. The territory from which an additional supply for this district may be sought is thus moved out to the westerly end xv i REPORT OF THE BOARD. LFeb. of this conduit, or to the westerly end of the valley and reservoir connected with this conduit. The first source of considerable size found to the west of this point is the above-named South Branch of the Nashua, which, at the city of Clinton, has a water-shed of 118.23 square miles, consisting of a sparsely settled district containing but 69 persons to the square mile. The southerly and easterly slopes of Wachusett Mountain which bound this territory to the north and west are not well adapted to agriculture, and offer few inducements to the establish- ment of manufactures. In this section the rate of increase of popu- lation has been very slight, and the distance from centres of population is such that no more rapid rate of growth can be expected in the future. In this river, a short distance above the Lancaster Mills in Clin- ton, a dam can be built which will raise the water 107 feet above the surface of the existing mill-pond, and flowing to the average depth of 46 feet an area of 6} square miles, with its high-water mark 385 feet above the level of high tide in Boston harbor. This reser- voir will have a capacity of 63,000,000,000 gallons, and the terri- tory draining into it will supply, in a series of very dry years, 111,000,000 gallons of water daily, which, with the 62,000,000 gallons obtainable from the Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds, will make the total capacity of the combined sources 173,000,000 gallons, which is double the capacity of all the sources now utilized by the metropolitan district. The reservoir can be connected with the new Reservoir No. 5 now constructing by the city of Boston in the Sudbury River system. The connection would be made by an aqueduct a little less than 9 miles long, and an open channel about 3 miles long following the course of an existing brook. This aqueduct is designed to be built low enough to take water from the level of the present mill-pond in Clinton; so that, should it become necessary to increase the supply to the metropolitan district before the dam and reservoir are com- pleted, the ordinary flow of the river could be brought down into the Sudbury system as soon as the aqueduct is built. The very great merit of the plan now submitted is to be found in the fact that this extension of the chain of the metropolitan water supplies to the valley of the Nashua will settle forever the future water policy of the district, for a comparatively inexpensive conduit can be constructed through to the valley of the Ware River, and Plan No. 2 PROFILE Proposed Nashua River Reservoir to Spot Pond. STARBOARD OF HEALTH Metropolitan Water Supply. MAP SHOWING PRESENT AND PROPOSED WORKS FOR SUPPLYING WATER FROM THE NASHUA.SUDBURY AND COCHITUATE watersheds TO THE Y METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. December, 1894. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xvii beyond the Ware River lies the valley of the Swift; and, in a future so far distant that we do not venture to give a date to it, are portions of the Westfield and Deerfield rivers, capable, when united, of fur- nishing a supply of the best water for a municipality larger than any now found in the world. The expense of this great scheme is comparatively moderate, because the water-sheds in question are sparsely settled, lie among the higher regions of the State, and are not likely to become the seat of manufacturing industries. Moreover, all these streams can be brought dowm by their own natural flow from appropriate reservoirs to the existing distributing basins in the metropolitan district. The water in the South Branch of the Nashua River is at present of good quality, and, with the small population upon its drainage area, it will not be difficult to protect it from impurities in the future; but, in the opinion of the Board, the large reservoir to be constructed will serve as a means of very much improving the quality of the water; its area and depth are so great that it will contain, at nearly all stages at which it is proposed to hold the water, a full year's supply when double the quantity now used in the metropolitan district is drawn from it and the Sudbury and Cochituate areas. During the long period through which water remains in this reservoir a bleaching and purifying process will go on, which will probably cause the death of all the disease germs which may be turned into it from contributing streams, and the water thus become more agreea- ble to the sight and taste, and be, in fact, more wholesome than the present water from any of its contributing streams. In order that this may be the case, the Board has thought best to increase the depth of the reservoir by raising the dam, and to remove from its area the vegetable matter and soil which may cover it, and thus expend about $4,000,000 in rendering the water of the best quality practicable. So many advantages are offered by larger storage reservoirs, as compared with the smaller basins, which local geographical peculiar- ities have compelled the metropolitan district to build hitherto, that it has seemed advisable to us to urge the completest possible prepa- ration of this new reservoir. After this new water has been brought into the Sudbury system, it will pass down into Chestnut Hill Reservoir, where it will for the first time require'to be pumped to an elevation of 30 feet, sufficient to give an additional head to the Boston low-service system and to xviii REPORT OF THE BOARD. [Feb. carry over to Spot Pond the supply needed for the northerly portion flf the metropolitan district. In our estimates of cost a sum of money has been set aside for the improvement of Spot Pond, principally for removing its shallow flowage, and we believe it will then be a valuable distributing reservoir and restored to its normal height. It is estimated that no other conduit will be required in addition to the present one from Sudbury River to Chestnut Hill Reservoir for ten or more years; but before the end of this period it will be necessary to build an additional conduit, extending from Reservoir No. 5 of the Boston water works to a point in the town of Weston not far from the Charles River, at such a height that the water may be conveyed in pipes to Spot Pond, and be distributed through the low-service system in the metropolitan district by gravitv. This aqueduct will be miles long, and is designed to convey 250,000,000 gallons of water per day. Spot Pond is selected for a general distributing reservoir in order that the low-service district may have a pressure 30 or 40 feet greater than would be supplied by Chestnut Hill Reservoir; this increased pressure is rendered necessary in order to include large areas in the district which would be inadequately served by the lower reservoir and by the custom of constructing very high buildings upon the low-lying territory. The method of distributing the water over the metropolitan district is given in detail in the report of the chief engineer; it i8 designed to supply to each community within the district a sufficient quantity of Water for its use at a pressure sufficient for all requirements within its territory, and it will be feasible to supply all the highest portions of the district more efficiently than at present from a much smaller number of stations and at a much diminished charge for annual maintenance. In considering the plans for the proposed reservoir above the Lancaster Mills, we have been impressed by the very serious changes which will be produced in the towns of Boylston and West Boylston. It does not appear to us to be a very important objection to our plan that certain mill sites will be 80 feet beneath the surface of the basin, nor that the homes of many industrious people dependent upon these mills for their living will be also submerged, because all these can be paid for, and an equivalent will be given, -damages for which we have caused careful estimates to be made. But we have not deemed it to be within our province to decide upon a plan for making good 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xix the many other losses that must of necessity fall upon these sorely diminished townships, - the burden of a town debt for which much of the available security has been taken away, the loss of a near mar- ket for the farmer upon the outskirts of the town, and the many other losses which will naturally suggest themselves. We can only state that we recognize the existence of these losses, that we believe some form of compensation should be granted, and that the benefit to the metropolitan district by reason of a pure water supply in abundant quantity will be so great that this district, which contains more than half the taxable property of the State, can afford to pay for all the injury inflicted; at the same time we must leave the sug- gestion, even, of the nature of the remedy, to the wisdom of your honorable body. The total assessed valuation of West Boylston for 1894 was . $951,610 Assessed value of property to be taken, . 557,730 The total assessed valuation of Boylston for 1894 was . . 429,435 Assessed value of property to be taken, . 165,200 In preparing the estimates for the cost of the great work here sketched out, we have brought to our assistance the best expert aid, and believe that the works can be constructed within the estimates which have been liberally made with the usual allowance for contin- gencies. It may also be of interest to you to know that, of the whole water- shed of the Nashua River above the city of Nashua in New Hamp- shire, at which place the Nashua enters the Merrimack, the proposed reservoir cuts off 22 per cent.; but, with the provision which is in- serted in the draft of an act herewith submitted for allowing a stated quantity of water to be discharged into the mill-pond below the reservoir dam, the deprivation of water will not be so extensive as the proportion of reservoir water-shed to the whole water-shed of the Nashua would indicate. The estimates of cost have been made by Mr. Stearns, the chief engineer of the Board. They have been made from carefully pre- pared designs, and are intended to be sufficient to include the full cost of the completed work. The cost of the works necessary to supply all the communities of the metropolitan district for the next ten years with the main part of the works of sufficient capacity for a long future is estimated as follows: - XX REPORT OF THE BOARD. [Feb. Reservoir on Nashua River, including the cost of land, buildings and water rights taken, the relocation of roads and railroads, the re- moval of all soil from the site of the reservoir, the construction of dams and dikes and all incidental expenses, . $9,105,000 Improvement of the water-shed of the Nashua River and of the Stony- Brook branch of the Sudbury River by the diversion and purifica- tion of sewage and drainage of swamps, .... 513,000 Aqueduct from the Nashua River to the Sudbury water-shed and open channel from the end of the aqueduct to Reservoir No. 5, 2,265,000 Additional forty-eight-inch pipe from Dam No. 3 to Dam No. 1 and across the Rosemary valley, 78,800 Pumping stations, reservoirs and pipe systems for elevating and dis- tributing water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, including the improvement of Spot Pond, 5,584,000 Damages for the diversion of water from the Nashua River and inci- dental damages not included above, 1,500,000 Total first cost of proposed works for supplying water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, $19,045,800 The estimates of damages for the diversion of water from the Nashua River are believed by the Board to be ample to cover all reasonable demands, and are made large enough so that it is prob- able that some of the more important can be settled within the esti- mate without litigation. It is not proposed in the driest year to lower the water in the reservoir more than sixty feet, and there will always be a great fall between the surface of the water in the reservoir and in the aqueduct leading from it. It is estimated that this fall may be utilized to fur- nish 1,000 horse-power by day and 500 horse-power by night for the first fifteen years, and nearly as much for the following years. The estimated first cost of the proposed works for supplying water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district is, as above stated, . $19,045,800 Within the next ten years, if the water is used by all of the cities and towns, there will be required an additional expenditure for an aqueduct from Reservoir No. 5 to Weston, and for main pipes and an aqueduct therefrom to the existing distributing system and to Spot Pond of . 4,982,000 In the second ten vears a further expenditure will be necessary for additional pipes from W'eston and for improving a portion of the Sudbury River water-shed, not included in the first estimate, of . 1,300,000 Total expenditure for full development of Nashua River source, and for a supply of 173,000,000 gallons of water per day dis- tributed to all of the cities and. towns in the metropolitan district, . $25,327,800 After these twenty years, should the growth of the district be as esti- mated, additions will have to be made by adding certain tributaries of the Assabet River, or by extending the works to the valley of the Ware River, either of which can be done at a comparatively small cost. Pean No. 3 State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply. MAP SHOWING WORKS BY WHICH WATER MAY BE TAKEN FROM THE ASSABET, WARE AND SWIFT RIVERS TO SUPPLEMENT THE SUPPLY FROM THE NASHUA,SUDBURY AND COCHITUATE WATERSHEDS. Decernber,1894. yoie t'he profit between the 24*h and miles the channel oj'the Quinepojret River :VUch lancer than the straight iutuu-l between these points. "'VEH EXPLANATION Pr oposed Reservoirs are shown thus: PROPOSED NASHUA RIVER ft£St;RVOIR Areas of Water sheds Assabet34.41 Square Miles Nashua ] 18.23" Upper Ware99.63"._•* Lower Ware56. IO.'»♦_ Swift.185.66-- .... Total...... 494.03-r. HELroim n®w« c- bostok 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xxi The annual cost for interest, sinking fund and maintenance of the for supplying the whole district when the works are first completed is estimated to be ninety-three cents per inhabitant, and the cost will decrease with the growth of population. In conclusion, we desire to again call your attention to our pro- ound conviction of the need of prompt action in entering upon Vorks of construction which cannot for years be completed, and of vliich the absolute necessity will at an early day be forced upon this immunity ; and we are confident that we have pointed out an eco- nomical as well as practicable means of securing one of the most 3ssential conditions for healthy human life. H. P. WALCOTT, J. W. HASTINGS, H. F. MILLS, F. W. DRAPER, G. C. TOBEY, J. W. HULL, C. H. PORTER, State Board of Health. Expenditures for Metropolitan Water Supply Investigations. appropriations made in 1893 and 1894, . Expenditures to Feb. 1, 1895 : - . $40,000 00 Salaries of engineers, experts and assistants, . $30,152 36 travelling expenses and subsistence of engineers, 3,229 33 Laborers employed in making borings, . 3,545 05 Loring apparatus, repairs and materials, 1,818 90 digging test-pits, 254 30 Printing, . 50 32 Stationery and drawing materials, .... 368 46 Instruments and repairs,. ..... 149 73 Looks, maps and map mounting, .... 185 49 Office fixtures and furniture, 43 55 Small supplies and miscellaneous expenses,. 195 25 39,992 74 Balance, $7 26 An additional appropriation of $2,500, for continuing and com- pleting the investigations, plans and report, became available Feb. 12, 1895. xxii METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. [Feb. AN ACT to provide for the building, maintenance and operation of a system of water supply for the metropolitan water district. Section 1. The governor, by and with the consent of the council, shall appoint three men, inhabitants of the Commonwealth, who shall constitute a board to be known as the metropolitan water board, and who shall hold office, one for the term of five years, one for the term of four years, and one for the term of three years, from the first Monday in May in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five; and in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and annually thereafter, the governor shall appoint, as afore- said, one member of said board to hold office for the term of three years, beginning with the first Monday in May in the year of his appointment; and if any vacancy occurs in said board by resignation or otherwise the governor shall in like manner appoint a member for the residue of the term in which said vacancy occurs, and may, with the consent of the council, remove any member of the board. The chairman of the board shall leceixe a salary of $5,000 per year, and the other members a salary of $4,000 per year. Section 2. Said board shall, as soon as may be after its appointment and annually thereafter on the first Monday of May, organize by the choice of one of its members as chairman, and may from time to time appoint an engineer, a secretary, and such other agents, officers, clerks and servants as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this act, and may em- ploy counsel. It may determine the duties and compensation of such ap- pointees, remove the same at pleasure and make all reasonable rules and regulations. On or before the first Wednesday in January in each year said board shall make report of its proceedings to the general court, to- gether with a full statement of its receipts and disbursements, such report to be numbered as one of the series of public documents, and four thousand five hundred copies thereof shall be printed annually. Section 3. The cities and towns for which said board shall provide a water supply are the cities of Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, Malden, Medford, Newton, Quincy, Somerville, Waltham and Moburn, and the towns of Arlington, Belmont, Brookline, Hyde Park, Lexington, Melrose, Milton, Nahant, Revere, Saugus, Stoneham, Swampscott, Wake- field, Watertown, Winchester and Winthrop, which cities and towns shall constitute the metropolitan water district: provided, however, that the said board shall not furnish a supply of water to the cities of Cambridge, Lynn, Newton, Waltham and Woburn, and the towns of Brookline, Lexington, Nahant, Saugus, Swampscott and Winchester until requested to do so by the city, or by the inhabitants of the town voting in town meeting, in case the water works are owned by the city or town, or by the water company, acting by its board of directors, in case the city or town is supplied with water by a water company; but this provision shall not be held to pre- 1895. HOUSE -No. 500. xxiii vent the said board from furnishing by agreement, from pipes located in or passing through any city or town, water for extinguishing fires, or to prevent a failure of the supply in said city or town in the case of accident or other emergency. Section 4. The said board shall construct, maintain and operate a sys- tem of water supply for the benefit of the cities and towns before mentioned, which system shall be in substantial accordance with the plans reported and recommended by the state board of health in its report to the legislature of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five; and for this purpose it may make all necessary contracts for the construction of the dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, pumping stations, main-pipe systems and other works required for or incidental to furnishing the aforesaid cities and towns with a supply of pure water and for improving and protecting the purity of the supply, or may, where deemed advisable, carry on such construction or work by day labor. Section 5. Said board, acting in behalf and in the name of the Com- monwealth, may take and hold by purchase or otherwise, as far as may be necessary or advisable in the opinion of said board to carry out the pro- visions of this act, and convey to, into or through said metropolitan dis- trict, all or any part of the water, except as hereinafter provided, of the South Branch of the Nashua river at and above the dam at the Lancaster Mills in the town of Clinton, also the water of Sandy Pond, so-called, in said town of Clinton, and the waters which may flow into and from said river and pond, any water rights in or upon said river and pond at or above the points hereinbefore mentioned in said town of Clinton, and any lands in fee or rights and easements in land, and any existing reser- voirs, ponds, aqueducts, pipes, pumping stations, or other works now owned or controlled by any city or cities, town or towns or water company in the metropolitan district; and the said board may also contract with any city, town or water company for pumping or conveying through pipes any part of the water furnished by it for the supply of the metropolitan district. When any lands, water courses, rights of way or easements, or any reservoirs, ponds, aqueducts, pipes, pumping stations or other works are so taken or entered and used in any manner other than by purchase or agreement, said board shall, and in all cases may within thirty days of such taking or entering and using, cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county or district in which such lands, water courses, rights of way or easements, or reservoirs, ponds, aqueducts, pipes, pumping stations or other works lie, a description of the same as certain as is required in a common conveyance of land, with a statement of the purpose for which the same is taken or entered and used, which description shall be signed hy a majority of said board; and upon such record the fee of or easement the lands, water courses, rights of way or easements, reservoirs, ponds, aqueducts, pipes, pumping stations or other works so taken or purchased xxv i METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. [Feb. Section 9. Whenever said board shall dig up any road, street or way, as aforesaid, it shall, so far as practicable, restore the same to as good order and condition as the same was in when such digging commenced, and the Commonwealth shall at all times indemnify and save harmless the sev- eral cities and towns, within which such roads, streets or ways may be, against all damages which may be recovered against them respectively, and shall reimburse to them all expenses which they shall incur by reason of any defect and want of repair in any road, street or way, caused by the construction of any of said aqueducts, conduits or pipes, or by the main- taining and repairing of the same, provided that said board shall have due and reasonable notice of all claims for such damages or injury and oppor- tunity to make a legal defence thereto. Section 10. Said board may also alter or change the course or direction of any water course, or may, with the consent of the mayor and aidermen of cities or selectmen of towns, alter or change the location or grade of any highway, townway, public street or way of travel crossed by any aque- ducts, conduits or pipes constructed under the provisions of this act, or in which such aqueducts, conduits or pipes may be located, subject to the same provisions as to holding cities and towns harmless as are contained in the last section. Section 11. The said board may construct a storage reservoir on the South Branch of the Nashua river above the dam at the Lancaster Mills and over and near Sandy pond, which shall flood existing streets, roads, highways or other ways, and the Central Massachusetts and the Worcester, Nashua and Rochester railroads, now both operated by the Boston and Maine Railroad Company, in the towns of Clinton, Boylston and West Boylston; and as substitutes for the streets, roads, highways and other ways, except railways so flooded, the board shall construct new roads where necessary, near the margin of the said reservoir, the location, width, grade and manner of construction of said roads to be determined by mutual agreement between the said board and the selectmen of the towns or the county commissioners having authority over the same, or, if the parties cannot agree, the matter may be determined by an application of either party in writing to the Massachusetts highway commission, which is hereby authorized and directed to adjudicate finally upon the same. Section 12. The said board may raise, alter or construct upon the present or a new location or locations, a railroad or railroads to take the place of the existing railroads where they will be either flooded or other- wise rendered unavailable by reason of the construction of said reservoir; but the location, grades and manner of raising, altering or constructing said roads shall be such as may be mutually agreed between the said board and the board of directors of the respective railroad companies interested, or it may contract with such companies acting by their directors for the raising, altering and construction of the railroads upon the location and in 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xxvii the manner aforesaid. If the said board and the respective railroad com- panies cannot agree as to the location and manner of construction of said road, the matter may be determined by an application of either party in writ- ing, to the Massachusetts board of railroad commissioners, which is hereby authorized and directed to adjudicate finally upon the same. All damages done to such railroad corporations under the provisions of this section shall be estimated in the manner provided in sections six and seven; but in esti- mating the damages sustained there shall be taken into account the amount of benefit the railroad company may have received from the separation of grades or change of location, or otherwise, if any. The said metropolitan Water board is hereby authorized, acting for and in the name of the Common- wealth, with the approval of said board of railroad commissioners, to take in fee such lands and rights as may be necessary for constructing in a new location any part of the railroads aforesaid, and the said metropolitan Water board shall and is hereby authorized and required to convey the lands so taken to the respective railroad companies, and said railroad companies may if they desire also locate their lines over the land so conveyed to them. Section 13. The said board shall not reduce the flow of water in the South Branch of the Nashua River immediately above the dam at the Lan- caster Mills to less than twelve million gallons in each and every week, and in permitting this amount of water to flow, the said board shall as far as practicable, supply the water at such times during the week as to meet the requirements of the owners of said dam. Section 14. Nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the towns of Clinton, Lancaster, Sterling, Boylston, West Boylston, Holden, Rutland, Princeton, Paxton and Leicester, or the city of Worcester, from taking from the South Branch of the Nashua River or its tributaries, or from the reservoirs constructed under the provisions of this act, so much of the water as they have already been or may hereafter be authorized to take by the legislature ; but if before the taking of the water by any of the said towns or said city, the Commonwealth has taken and diverted the Water of the river or has constructed works which will be used by or benefit the said town or city, then the said town or city shall pay to the said Com- monwealth its fair proportion of the cost incurred by the Commonwealth for damages for the diversion of water or for the construction of the afore- said works. If the metropolitan water board and the said city or town cannot agree as to the amount to be paid to the said Commonwealth, the matter may be referred by an application of either party in writing, to the commission to be appointed, as provided in section twenty-seven of this act and its decision shall be final. Section 15. Any city, town or water company in the metropolitan water district may, before the introduction of a water supply by said board into said district, supply from its works any other city, town or water company in said district, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between xxviii METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. [Feb. the parties in interest, or it shall furnish such supply if so required by said board, to the extent that it can do so without endangering the sufficiency of the supply to the city or cities, town or towns regularly supplied from its works; and may, after the introduction of a water supply into the dis- trict as aforesaid, supply water as aforesaid, for such times and in such amounts as may be approved by the metropolitan water board in writing. In case of any disagreement as to the capability of the works for furnish- ing water the matter may be referred, by an application of either party in writing, to the state board of health for adjudication, and its decision as to the quantity of water to be supplied at such times and under such condi- tions as it may determine, shall be final. If an agreement cannot be made between the city, town or water company furnishing the water, and the city, town or water company receiving the water as to the sum to be paid for water, the matter shall be referred to the commission to be appointed by the supreme court as provided in section twenty-seven of this act for adju- dication and its decision shall be final. Section 16. Any city or town in the metropolitan water district shall have the right to use the water supplied by its own works without admixture with water from the metropolitan water supply if it shall so elect, provided the exclusion of the water of the metropolitan supply does not interfere with the carrying out of the plans reported and recommended by the state board of health in its report to the legislature of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five. Section 17. The metropolitan water board, acting in behalf of the Commonwealth, after taking the whole or any part of the water sources or water works of any city, town or water company, shall, in addition to all its powers under this act, as to such water sources and water works, have all the powers, rights and privileges which the said city, town or water company had at the time of said taking. Section 18. All general laws relating to the water supply of cities and towns shall hereafter be equally applicable to the water supply of the met- ropolitan district, unless such application is inconsistent with the purposes of this act. Section 19. The metropolitan water board shall furnish wafer for each city and town supplied by it, under sufficient pressure to supply the inhab- itants of said city or town without requiring the city, town or water com- pany supplying said city or town to pump the water, and it shall either discharge the water into a distributing reservoir or tank, or into a main pipe or pipes of said city, town or water company as said board may deter- mine, and the connections between the metropolitan and local systems shall be subject to the direction and control of said board: provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to authorize any city or town now supplied with water by a water company, to introduce water works supplied from the metropolitan system until it shall first have 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xxix acquired the works of the water company, or to prevent the metropolitan Water board from furnishing water to any city, town or water company Under a less pressure, by agreement with said city, town or water company. Section 20. When any city or cities, or town or towns in the metro- politan water district shall take the franchise, works and property of any Water company in said district, the compensation to be allowed and paid for the franchise of such company shall not be increased by reason of the provisions of this act. Section 21. The state board of health is hereby authorized and required to make rules and regulations for the sanitary protection of the waters of the South Branch of the Nashua River, and any other waters taken or used by the metropolitan water board for supplying water to the metropolitan district, and may impose penalties for the violation of or non- Compliance with these rules or regulations, not exceeding two hundred dollars in any one case to be recovered by complaint or indictment; and the metropolitan water board or its duly authorized agents may enter any lands, mills, factories, or other buildings for the purpose of ascertaining whether sources of pollution exist, and whether the rules and regulations made by the state board of health are complied with. On complaint by the metropolitan water board of the violation of said rules and regulations, the superior court in the county in which said violation is said to have occurred shall have jurisdiction to enforce the said rules and regulations by injunction or by other legal or equitable remedy. The rules and regulations made by the state board of health shall not take effect until they have been approved by the supreme judicial court for the Commonwealth. Section 22. When the state board of health shall for the protection of the water supply of the metropolitan water district make regulations, the execution of which will require the providing of some public means of removal or purification of sewage, the metropolitan water board shall con- struct and maintain such works or means of sewage disposal, and the expense of such construction and maintenance shall be borne by the Com- monwealth as part of the cost of construction and maintenance of the metropolitan water district water supply to be provided for and distributed Under the provisions of this act. Section 23. The metropolitan water board shall at all times keep full, accurate and separate accounts of its receipts, expenditures, disburse- ments, assets and liabilities, and shall include an abstract of the same in its annual report to the General Court. Section 24. The state board of health shall, on the organization of the metropolitan water board, transfer and deliver over to said board, such Plans, maps and other information acquired during the surveys and investi- gations as may be needed to give said board full information of the results °f the surveys and investigations made by said board of head th. XXX METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. [Feb. Section 25. The metropolitan water board is hereby authorized to utilize the fall of the water at the proposed dam to be built by it in the town of Clinton to produce and furnish power by any suitable means for use upon its works and for the use of the Lancaster Mills or its successors in said town, and it may produce and furnish power to the towns of Clinton and Lancaster and any person or corporation therein, or it may generate electricity and distribute the same to the towns of Clinton and Lancaster, or any person or corporation therein for any purpose : provided, however, that it shall not furnish or distribute power or electricity to said towns or any person or corporation therein, except the Lancaster Mills or its successors, without the consent of said towns, each for itself, obtained by vote of its inhabitants in town meeting. The said board is authorized to sell the power so furnished or supplied by contract or otherwise, and such contracts may be made for any length of time not exceeding fifteen years. Section 26. To meet the expenses incurred under the provisions of this act, the treasurer and receiver-general shall, with the approval of the governor and council, issue from time to time scrip or certificates of debt in the name and behalf of the Commonwealth, and under its seal, for an amount not exceeding nineteen million dollars, for a term not exceeding forty years. Said scrip or certificates of debt shall be issued as registered bonds or with interest coupons attached, and shall bear interest not exceed- ing four per cent, per annum payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year. Said scrip or certificates of debt shall be designated on the face as the Metropolitan Water Loan, shall be counter- signed by the governor, and shall be deemed a pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth, and the principal and interest shall be paid at the time specified therein, in gold coin of the United States or its equivalent, and said scrip or certificates of debt shall be sold and disposed of at pub- lic auction, or in such other mode, and at such times and prices, and in such amounts, and at such rates of interest, not exceeding the rate above specified, as the treasurer and receiver-general with the approval of the governor and council shall from time to time deem best. The treasurer and receiver-general shall, on issuing any of said scrip or certificates of debt, establish a sinking fund and apportion an amount to be paid thereto each year, sufficient with its accumulations to extinguish the debt at maturity. Any premium realized on the sale of said scrip or certificates of debt, shall be applied to the payment of the interest of said loan as it accrues. Section 27. The supreme judicial court sitting in equity shall, upon the application of the metropolitan water board, after notice to each of the cities, towns and water companies in the metropolitan water district, appoint three commissioners who shall not be residents of said cities or towns, who shall, after due notice and hearing, and in such manner as they shall deem just and equitable, determine the proportion in which each 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xxxi of said cities and towns shall annually pay money into the treasury of the Commonwealth for the term of five years next following the year of the first issue of said scrip or certificates, to meet the interest and sinking- fund requirements for each of said years, as estimated by the treasurer of the Commonwealth, and to meet the cost of maintenance and operation of said system for each of said years, as estimated by the metropolitan Water board and certified to said treasurer. In making their award the commissioners shall take into account the extent to which the sources or works belonging to the separate municipalities are used for furnishing, storing, pumping and conveying the water supplied to the metropolitan district by the metropolitan water board, and shall also take into account the capacity of the sources and works retained by any city, town or water company, for the supply of the city or cities, town or towns now supplied by them, and the amount of water actually supplied therefrom; and when said award shall have been accepted by said court, the same shall be a final and conclusive adjudication of all such matters herein referred to said com- missioners, and shall be binding on all parties. When any city or cities, town or towns, or parts thereof, are supplied with water by a water com- pany the said wrater company shall pay the sum apportioned to the city or cities, town or towns supplied by it, and in case said water company shall furnish only a part of the -water supplied to said city or cities, town or towns, it shall pay such proportion as may be fixed by said commis- sioners. The said commissioners shall also, in the manner aforesaid, adjudicate the matters which may be brought before them under the provisions of sections fourteen and fifteen, and its award when accepted by said court shall be final and conclusive. In the discharge of their duties the said commissioners may employ experts to advise them at the expense of the Commonwealth. Section 28. Before the expiration of said term of five years and every five years thereafter, three commissioners, who shall not be residents of any of the cities or towns constituting the metropolitan water district, shall be appointed as aforesaid, who shall in the manner aforesaid deter- mine the proportion in -which each of said cities, towns and water companies shall annually pay money into the treasury of the Common- wealth, as aforesaid, for the next succeeding terms of five years, together with any deficiency in the amount previously paid in, as found by said treasurer, and shall return their award into said court; and -when said award shall have been accepted by said court, the same shall be a final and conclusive adjudication of all matters herein referred to said commissioners and shall be binding on all parties. Section 29. The metropolitan water board shall annually estimate the cost of maintenance and operation of the works under its charge for the ensuing year, and certify the same to the treasurer who shall apportion said expenses in the manner provided in the following section. xxx ii METROPOLITAN WATER ACT. [Feb. Section 30. The amount of money required each year from each citv and town and water company of the metropolitan water district to meet the interest, sinking-fund requirements and expenses aforesaid, shall be esti- mated by the treasurer of the Commonwealth in accordance with the pro- portion determined as aforesaid, and shall be included in and made a part of the sum charged to each city or town, and be assessed upon it in the apportionment and assessment of its annual state tax, excepting such por- tions or the whole of the assessment against any city or town as are by the provisions of this act to be paid by the water company supplying said city or town or a part thereof ; and said treasurer shall in each year notify each city and town and water company of the amount of such assessment and the same shall be paid by the city or town into the treasury of the Com- monwealth at the time required for the payment of its state tax, and by the water company in quarterly payments on or before the last day of the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months of the calendar year. Section 31. The metropolitan water board may, from time to time, by public or private sale, dispose of any property, real or personal, no longer needed for the construction or maintenance of the works under its charge ; and the net proceeds of such sales, after deducting all necessary expenses incurred thereby, shall be paid into the treasury of the Commonwealth, and if any part of the appropriation or fund from which the payment for such property was originally made remains unexpended, shall be credited to said appropriation or fund, and otherwise shall be credited to and become a part of the sinking fund established under this act. Any other income or receipts derived from any operations carried on under the direction of said board shall be paid into the treasury as aforesaid and shah be applied to the payment of the interest on the metropolitan water loan as it accrues. Section 32. The supreme judicial court shall have jurisdiction in equity to enforce the provisions of this act and shall fix and determine the com- pensation of all commissioners, and of experts employed by them, ap- pointed by said court under the provisions hereof. Section 33. Whoever wantonly or maliciously corrupts, pollutes or diverts any of the water or any part thereof taken under this act, or injures any structure, work or other property owned, held or used by the Common- wealth under the authority and for the purpose of this act, shall forfeit and pay to the Commonwealth three times the amount of damages resulting therefrom, to be recovered in an action of tort brought in the county where the prohibited act is done, and this section shall apply to corporations as well as to natural persons. Section 34. Whoever wantonly or maliciously corrupts, pollutes or diverts any of the water or any part thereof taken under this act, or injures any structure, work or other property owned, held or used by the Com- monwealth under the authority and for the purpose of this act shall in xxxiii 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. addition to the forfeiture of treble damages provided for in the thirty-third section of this act, on indictment and conviction be punished by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding ten years in the house of correction, or in the state prison, in the discretion of the court; and this section shall, so far as may be, apply to corporations as well as to natural persons. Section 35. This act shall take effect upon its passage. xxxiv CONSULTING ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. REPORT OF THE CONSULTING ENGINEER. Boston, Feb. 5, 1895. To H. F. Mills, A.M., C.E., Chairman of Committee on Water Supply and Sew- erage of the State Board oj Health. Sir : - Your chief engineer, Mr. Stearns, has asked me to give my views regarding the best source from which to draw an additional supply of water for the cities and towns within w hat has been de- nominated the "metropolitan district,"and also upon the scheme of works proposed by him for utilizing the waters of the Nashua River. Investigations made for the city of Boston, some twenty years ago, make me acquainted w ith most of the sources within fifty miles of the city, discussed in his report. Last summer I visited with him the basin of the proposed reser- voir on the Nashua, and examined the sites of the dam and dikes and the area to be overflowed. Since then I have discussed with him, from time to time, various plans and questions relating to methods of construction, capacity of conduits, etc., and have read with care the reports and estimates placed in my hands. Mr. Stearns, on page 6 of his report, gives a table showing that the average daily capacity in a dry year of the works now supplying the metropolitan district is 83,700,000 gallons; that the average daily consumption of water in this district wTas, in 1894, 79,046,000 gallons, and that the estimated consumption in 1898 is 100,026,000 gallons. These figures point out, with more force than any argument can give, the necessity for prompt action to secure an additional sup- ply. The table also shows that this is a need not only of the district as a whole, but also of a majority of the cities and tow ns compris- ing it. General considerations would lead to the belief that this additional supply could be more economically obtained by joint than by inde- pendent action; and Mr. Stearns has pointed out, with considerable detail, the advantages to be gained in saving of cost and in purity of 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. XXXV water by building a single system of works to bring the supply from a source of large capacity. Considering the state of the existing supplies as to quantity and quality, the rate of growth of the populations and the increasing use of water per capita, it seems clear that the new source should have a capacity to supply not less than 100,000,000 gallons per day as an addition to the existing supplies that may be retained in use; and, unless of much greater capacity than above mentioned, it is desirable that it should be so situated that its supply may be largely supple- mented in a not distant future by providing a larger volume of stor- age on its water-shed or by connecting other sources with it. Of the sources available for supplying the metropolitan district, all but the Nashua, the Charles and the Merrimack rivers, Lake Winnipiseogee in New Hampshire and Sebago Lake in Maine, may be thrown out of consideration as obviously inferior either for want of capacity or because they would furnish unacceptable water; and on closer examination it is found that the Charles, although it has a drainage area above the suggested point of taking of 156 square miles, would not furnish a large supply. By building a dam at South Natick, and others higher up in the water-shed, it is prob- able the average daily yield of the Charles could be brought to 100,000,000 gallons, but the whole of it would not be available for a supply to the metropolitan district. From 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 gallons per day should be allowed to flow in the river bed for the benefit of the cities and towns on its lower reaches. Its available capacity of supply may be taken at gallons per day. Water to be derived from this source, as compared with that from the Nashua, would be much inferior in quality. The population per Square mile of water-shed is much larger, the water as it flows in the river has a higher color, and, above all, the opportunity for purifica- tion would be very much less in the shallow storage basin that might he built in the valley of the Charles than in the very large and deep hasin proposed for the Nashua. The Charles, therefore, may also be set aside from further consid- eration, for deficiency both in quantity of supply and in good Quality of water. The Merrimack River would furnish an abundant supply for all time, as its dry-weather daily flow at Lowell is estimated at fully gallons. But experience at Lowell and Lawrence xxxvi CONSULTING ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. has demonstrated that the unpurified water is not safe for domestic use ; to make it so, it must be filtered. The works for diverting the water from the river and conveying it to Spot Pond would consist of a pumping station at the river, a conduit from the river to the filter beds, covered filter beds in Wil- mington, a conduit from this point to a pumping station in Woburn, and force mains and conduit between this pumping station and Spot Pond. In estimating the value of this river as a source of supply, careful consideration must be given to the polluted condition of the water and to the difficulties to be met in operating and maintaining the works for purifying and conveying the supply. It is plain that, with a pumping station on the Merrimack, filters at Wilmington and a second pumping station at Woburn, at each of which places a considerable force of men must be employed, efficient administration would be more difficult and the possibility of an in- terruption to the service would be greater than with a gravitation supply. The cost of operating per million gallons supplied would, of course, be high, as the water must be both filtered and pumped. Experience abroad, and for one year with the supply to the city of Lawrence in this State, seems to demonstrate that water which has been considerably contaminated by sewage may be rendered reasonably safe for domestic use by filtering through sand. But the process must be thorough; that is, it must be carried on consci- entiously and under skilful management. The consequences of carelessness or inefficiency may be so serious that it appears quite unwise to select for a supply a polluted water that must be filtered, when sources yielding uncontaminated water can be utilized at a reasonable cost. The Merrimack as a source of supply must therefore be consid- ered inferior to the Nashua. Either Lake Winnipiseogee or Sebago Lake would furnish an abundant supply of very pure water. Both of them, however, are outside the limits of this State, and the cost of works for bringing their waters to the metropolitan district, even if the right to do so could be obtained, w'ould be so large that they must be classed as inferior to the Nashua as desirable sources of supply to this district. Mr. Stearns, in a chapter of his report entitled " General remarks regarding sources of water supply," makes an excellent statement of the general considerations that govern the selection of a source of 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. xxxvii Water supply for domestic purposes ; and in later chapters he demon- strates that a practically unlimited supply of very pure water may be obtained at a reasonable cost for works from the South Branch of the Nashua River and other water-sheds that can be readily connected with it. He also describes the works that he recommends to be built to impound and purify the water and convey it to and distribute it throughout the metropolitan district. He gives an estimate of the cost of the works, and, as a basis for the estimate, he has made designs for the dam, dikes, conduits and other structures. I have studied the general scheme of works and examined the designs of details and the estimates of cost with sufficient care to feel justified in saying I am of opinion that the general scheme is a good one, that the designs are ample for the purpose and well conceived, and that the estimates of cost are reliable. Considering the quantity, quality and cost of supply, I believe that the South Branch of the Nashua River is by far the best avail- able source from which to draw an additional supply of pure water for the metropolitan district. Respectfully submitted, JOS. P. DAVIS, Consulting Engineer. REPORT OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. To H. F. Mills, A.M., C.E., Chairman of Committee on Water Supply and Sewerage of the State Board of Health. Sir:-At the meeting of the State Board of Health on July 6, 1893, I was directed to take charge, as chief engineer, under the supervision of your committee, of the investigations relative to procuring a water supply for the city of Boston and its sub- urbs. The State Board of Health was authorized to make these investigations by chapter 459 of the Acts of 1893, and their nature is indicated by sections 1 and 2 of this chapter, which are as follows: - Section 1. The state board of health is hereby authorized and directed to investigate, consider and report upon the question of a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs within a radius of ten miles from the state house, and for such other cities and towns as in its opinion should be included in connection therewith. Section 2. The said board shall forthwith proceed to investigate and con- sider this subject, including all questions relating to the quantity of water to be obtained from available sources, its quality, the best methods of pro- tecting the purity of the water, the construction, operation and mainten- ance of works for storing, conveying, or purifying the water, the cost of the same, the damages to property, and all other matters pertaining to the subject. In order to make these investigations, the engineering force of the Board was largely increased, with the approval of your committee. Mr. Albert F. Noyes, for seventeen years city engineer of Newton, Was engaged as assistant chief engineer, to relieve me as far as practi- cable of the regular engineering work of the Board relating to water 2 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. supply and sewerage of cities and towns throughout the State, so that I might give more personal attention to the investigations for a new water supply for the metropolitan district; and to assist in making these investigations. Mr. Thomas F. Richardson, who was engaged from 1873 to 1879 in investigations for a new water supply for Bos- ton and upon the construction of the Sudbury River aqueduct, and who has since had an extended experience in the West, was engaged as principal assistant engineer. Messrs. X. H. Goodnough, William M. Brown, Jr., Sidney Smith, Arthur T. Safford, Horace Ropes, Morris Knowles, Chester W. Smith, B. F. Hancox, Jr., and Mar- shall Nevers have also been employed upon the work, in charge of special investigations, of surveying parties in the field or of office work. Mr. Dexter Brackett, who has been connected with the engineer's department of the city of Boston for the past twenty-five years, nearly all of the time in connection with the water supply of the city, has, by my request, made reports upon the probable future consumption of water in the metropolitan district, and upon the feasibility of supplying in the district water of different qualities for different purposes, as, for instance, a spring or ground water for drinking and cooking only, and an inferior water, not safe for drink- ing, for mechanical and manufacturing purposes, sprinkling streets, and other similar uses. Mr. Desmond FitzGerald, resident engineer of the additional water supply of the city of Boston, has, in accordance with a similar request, made a report upon the extent to which the water of the Sudbury River can be improved by the drainage of the swamps upon its water-shed, and the cost of such improvement. Mr. Allen Hazen, who has had a large experience in the filtration of water and sewage as chemist in charge of the Lawrence Experi- ment Station of the State Board of Health, and who has recently spent a year in Europe examining water filtration systems and ground water supplies, wTas requested to advise with regard to the purifica- tion of the Merrimack River water by filtration through sand. Mr. Charles T. Main of the firm of Dean and Main was engaged to advise with regard to the value of the mills upon the Nashua River, which would be flooded by a proposed reservoir above Clinton. Mr. Joseph P. Davis, the consulting engineer of the State Board of Health, was asked at the beginning of these investigations to advise 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 3 with regard to them as they progressed, and finally to make a report as consulting engineer. The chemical analyses referred to or printed in this report were made under the direction of Dr. Thomas M. Drown, chemist of the Board. In making my investigations for a new water supply, I have thought it best to include all of the cities and towns situated within ten miles of the State House, and, in addition, the town of Swamp- scott, which is intimately connected with the city of Lynn. For convenience this collection of cities and towns will be termed in my report the " metropolitan district." The results of my investigations and consideration of the subject will be presented in the following order : - 1. Statistics and estimates relating to the water supply of the metro- politan district as a whole. 2. A statement of the present condition of the water supply of each of the cities and towns in the district, prefaced by some remarks regarding sources of water supply in general. 3. An outline of the plan recommended for t-aking an additional water supply from the Nashua River. 4. A financial statement with regard to the existing water works of the district. 5. A statement with regard to each city and town in the district, as to whether it should obtain its water supply independently or as a part of the ■district. 6. A statement regarding sources investigated but not recommended. 7. A detailed description of the works recommended, both for bringing water to the metropolitan district, and for distributing it to the cities and towns within the district, including estimates of cost. List of Cities and Towns within Ten Miles of State House. The following list includes the towns within the ten-mile limit, with the population of each as given by the census of 1890 and the estimated population in 1895 and 1898. The dates 1895 and 189,8 are selected as representing respectively the population at the time when this report will be before the Legislature and the population at the earliest date at which a metropolitan supply can become available. 4 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. CITY OR TOWN. Population in 1890. Estimated Population. 1895. 1898. Boston, . ✓ 448,477 504,702 541,532 Cambridge, 70,028 80,917 87,807 Lynn, . 55,727 61,146 67,982 Somerville, 40,152 51,583 58,658 Chelsea, • 27,909 30,975 32,850 Newton, 24,379 28,470 32,809 Malden, 23,031 30,240 35,196 Waltham, 18,707 21,700 23,500 Quincy,. 16,723 22,140 26,152 Woburn, 13,499 14,701 15,962 Brookline, 12,103 15,638 17,913 Medford, 11,079 14,812 17,685 Everett, 11,068 17,750 21,920 Hyde Park, 10,193 12,300 13,740 Melrose, 8,519 11,656 13,677 Watertown, 7,073 7,551 8,420 Wakefield, 6,982 8,119 8,996 Stoneham, 6,155 7,072 7,704 Revere,. 5,668 7,707 9,461 Arlington, ■ 5,629 6,573 7,519 Winchester, 4,861 6,930 7,782 Milton, . 4,278 5,800 6,730 Saugus, 3,673 4,638 5,290 Lexington, 3,197 3,645 4,104 Winthrop, 2,726 3,783 4,691 Belmont, 2,098 2,628 3,256 Nahant,. 880 1,125 1,203 Total, 27 cities and towns, . 844,814 984,301 1,082,539 The towns of Lexington and Dedham each have one village within the ten-mile limit, so that it was a question whether to include them or not. It was thought best to include the town of Lexing- ton in the district, because of the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient independent water supply for this town; while Dedham has been 1895.J HOUSE -No. 500. 5 omitted, because it has a more ample water supply and a better opportunity for obtaining an additional supply. Towns outside the Ten-mile Limit considered with Refer- ence TO INCLUDING THEM IN THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Outside of the ten-mile limit there are several towns which may have to obtain their water supply from the metropolitan district. These are Swampscott, Reading, Marblehead, Wellesley and Ded- ham. Of these places it was thought best to include in the district the town of Swampscott, which has only a limited water supply, and is closely connected with the city of Lynn, so that it could be sup- plied in connection with that city without difficulty. There were some reasons for including also Reading, Marblehead and Wellesley, but they are less closely connected with the district, and are not so large but that they could be included later without any serious modi- fication of the plans. Consumption of Water in the Metropolitan District, and Capacity of Present Sources of Water Supply. The following table gives the amount of water consumed by the different communities in the metropolitan district in 1890 and 1894, and the amount which would be consumed in 1898, if the increase from 1894 to 1898 were the same as from 1890 to 1894; also the estimated capacity of the sources now supplying the district. The capacity of the sources, as given in the last column of the table, is the capacity in a very dry year and with the works as they existed in 1894. In wetter years the capacity would be considerably greater; but it is a well-established principle, in supplying water to large communities, that the capacity of the sources should be reck- oned upon the driest year which is likely to occur, so that the supply of water may not be interrupted. The interests at stake are alto- gether too great to warrant the adoption of any other policy. The capacities as stated in the table are also, in some instances, somewhat less than the actual minimum capacities of the sources, the reduction being made in order to give the proper relation between the capacity and the average consumption for the whole year, which is less than the consumption during the portions of the year when the capacities of these sources are most severely taxed. 6 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Comparison of Amount of Water Consumed in the Metropolitan District with the Present Capacity of Sources of Supply. CITY OK TOWN. Average Daily Consump- tion. Estimated Average Daily Consumption, 1898. Average Daily Capacity of Sources. 1890. 1894. Boston (Cochituate works), (Gallons.) 33,872,000 (Gallons.) 46,576,000 (Gallons.) 59,280,000 (Gallons.) 48,000,000 Charlestown, Somerville, Chelsea and Everett (Mystic works), . 8,301,000 10,282,000 12,263,000 7,000,000 Cambridge, 4,566,000 5,777,000 6,988,000 7,200,000 Lynn and Saugus, 2,657,000 4,020,000 5,383,000 3,450,000 Newton, 985,000 1,623,000 2,261,000 2,000,000 Malden, * 1,460,000 1,800,000 1,520,000 Waltham, 626,000 1,237,000 1,848,000 3,100,000 Quincy 497,000 798,000 1,099,000 840,000 Hyde Park and Milton, 391,000 587,000 783,000 600,000 Woburn, 777,000 972,000 1,167,000 1,000,000 Wakefield and Stoneham, . 537,000 * 800,000 660,000 Brookline, 877,000 1,325,000 1,779,000 3,100,000 Medford, ♦ 699,000 950,000 900,000 Revere and Winthrop,. 427,000 774,000 1,121,000 800,000 Melrose, 581,000 681,000 781,000 800,000 Watertown and Belmont, 360,000 414,000 468,000 550,000 Arlington, ♦ * 450,000 750,000 Winchester, ♦ ♦ 430,000 9oo;ooo Swampscott and Nahant, 229,000 324,000 419,000 300,000 Lexington, * * 190,000 230,000 Total, 55,683,000 77,549,000 -■ - Estimated consumption in places marked with an asterisk, . 2,135,000 1,497,000 - - Total for metropolitan district, 57,818,000 79,046,000 100,026,000 83,700,000 1895.J HOUSE -No. 500. 7 A comparison of the average daily consumption of water in the whole district in 1894 with the aggregate capacity of the sources shows that the capacity is very little in excess; and, if the con- sumption increases from 1894 to 1898 at the rate that it did from 1890 to 1894, there will be a deficiency in the whole district of about 16,000,000 gallons per day, which will have to be met by ad- ditions to existing works or by the restriction of waste. The extent to which the capacity of existing sources may be increased W'ill be referred to in a subsequent chapter, giving in detail the pres- ent condition of the water supply of each of the cities and towns in the district, and the opportunities for increasing the supply by inde- pendent action. It is sufficient in this general statement to say that, even with complete development of existing sources, it will be diffi- cult, if a very dry year should occur, to provide all the water needed up to the earliest date when a metropolitan supply may be made available, even if those places which now have a surplus of water should assist those insufficiently supplied; and it is therefore of the utmost importance that there should be no delay in procuring a new and ample supply. Future Population and Consumption of Water in the Met- ropolitan District. Appendix No. 1 contains a complete statement of the past, pres- ent and estimated future population of the metropolitan district; and Appendix No. 2, which is a paper by Mr. Dexter Brackett upon the subject of the consumption of water, contains an estimate of the amount of water that should be allowed for each inhabitant. By a combination of the future population with the amount of water to be provided per inhabitant, the total amount of water required to supply the metropolitan district in the future may be obtained. An estimate of this kind is necessary in order to fix the sizes of aque- ducts and other works with reference to true economy; that is, in order not to make them so small that they will soon be outgrown, or so large as to provide for an unnecessary length of time in the future. It is obvious, however, that the future growth of popu- lation may be governed by many circumstances which cannot be fore- seen, so that the future population may differ much from the best estimate that can be made. It is also true that the amount of water which will be used per inhabitant in the future is liable to differ as 8 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. much from any present estimates as the future population. There- fore, while I give in a table below the estimated population and con- sumption of water for every five years from 1895 until 1930, I have ever had in mind in making the investigations that the amount of water required at any future period might be much more or less than the estimated amount. Estimated Population and Consumption of Water in the Metropolitan Dis- trict for Each Five Years from 1895 to 1930. YEAR. Estimated Population. Daily Consump- tion per Inhabitant. Total Daily Consumption. 1895, 984,301 (Gallons.) 85 (Gallons.) 84,000,000 1900 1,148,033 90 103,000,000 1905, 1,328,787 94 125,000,000 1910, 1,526,623 97 148,000,000 1915 1,743,510 99 173,000,000 1920, 1,979,930 100 198,000,000 1925, 2,238,500 100 224,000,000 1930, 2,521,875 100 252,000,000 General Remarks regarding Sources of Water Supply. It is proposed in the chapter which follows this one to consider the present condition of the water supply of each of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, and the opportunities for increasing the supply by independent action. I have thought it would aid those not intimately acquainted with the subject of water supply to a bet- ter understanding of the statements in that chapter, and would lead to the avoidance of repetition, to first make a brief statement with regard to sources of water supply in general. Sources may be divided into two general classes : those in which the supply is taken from the ground, known as ground waters, and those obtained from lakes, ponds, streams and storage reservoirs, known as surface waters. As a general statement, it may be said that the quantity of water to be obtained from the ground is quite limited, Newton, with a population of 24,379 in 1890, being the largest place within the State supplied in this way; and the amount to be obtained from any given place cannot be predicted as accurately as in the case of surface waters. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 9 Ground water supplies in this State are generally collected by means of large excavated wells, filter galleries or small tubular wells sunk to a moderate depth in porous ground; and the quality of water obtained by each of these methods is practically the same. In order that ground water may not deteriorate in quality after being taken from the ground by the growth in it of minute vegetable organisms, it is necessary to keep it from exposure to the light. Some ground waters are derived mainly or wholly from the rain which falls upon the territory draining toward the well or filter gallery and sinks into the ground to percolate gradually to the well, while others are derived mainly by filtration from a stream or pond near by. In many cases the water percolating from a stream or pond is purified by its passage through the ground, so that it cannot be distinguished from a true ground water. Ground water in unpopulated regions, where the mineral matter in the ground is of such a character that it does not dissolve and make the water hard, is better than any water which can be obtained from surface sources, because the water is wholly free from the minute organisms which at times cause disagreeable tastes and odors in nearly all surface waters, and also because the amount of soluble organic matter found in such ground waters is very small. There are, however, cases in which a ground water is not satisfactory. If the source of supply is situated in a populous district, where much foul water is turned into the ground through cesspools or otherwise, or is near a polluted stream or pond, the source is open to suspicion, even though chemical analysis may show that the organic matter has been very nearly all removed from the water by filtration; and the water may also be objectionable by reason of the hardness caused by the salts contained in the foul water, which cannot be removed from the water by filtration. A ground water may also be objectionable, owing to the presence of iron and other substances which are found in water which has been in contact with decomposable organic matter in the absence of free oxygen. These waters, which for convenience are termed " iron" waters, arc sometimes found when wells are sunk in swampy places, or in soil containing vegetable matter, like the deposits of silt along the banks of the Merrimack River; and in some instances continuous filtration for a long time from a body of surface water to a well has resulted in changing the character of the filtered water from a good ground water to an iron water. 10 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. There are some indications that all filtered river waters will after a sufficient time be affected in this way; but the experience at Wal- tham, Newton, Woburn and some other places shows that filtration from a surface source to a well may continue for twenty years with- out the filtered water showing signs of deterioration, and it is not known but that the filtration may continue to be satisfactory for a very much longer time. The fact that deterioration has occurred in some instances, however, shows that there is danger in any case that the water obtained in this way may become at some time unsuitable for use. Surface water derived from a water-shed which contains few inhab- itants or none, and is free from swamps in which the water can stand in contact with vegetable matter, is a satisfactory water for all the purposes of a public water supply; but, as before indicated, it is not equal in quality to the better class of unpolluted ground waters which may have been rendered nearly pure organically by the filtra- tion of the water through the ground. If a surface water is polluted by sewage it becomes dangerous to the health of the community consuming the water. The greatest danger occurs when the water is supplied to the consumer very soon after the polluting matter enters it; as, for instance, where water is pumped directly from a polluted running stream into the pipes which convey the water supply to a town. If, on the other hand, the water after being polluted is stored for a long time in a large storage reservoir, or passes through a series of reservoirs, so that there is opportunity for the sedimentation or death of the infectious matter, the water is thereby rendered safer for use. A polluted surface water may also be purified by filtration through artificial sand filters, if they are properly constructed and operated. If a surface water is taken from a water-shed containing many swamps, it will contain a large amount of dissolved organic matter and will have a brownish color. It is not known that such water is unwholesome, but it is not attractive to the water consumer either in appearance or taste. The improvement of such water may be effected both by the drainage of the swamps, so that the water will not stand in them, and by storage in reservoirs sufficiently large to permit the bleaching of the water and the decomposition of the or- ganic matter in it. So far as I know, the drainage of swamps upon a large scale has not yet been tried; but I see no reason to doubt that it will prove effective in improving the taste and appearance of such 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 11 Water. The water does not bleach to any considerable extent by storage in a reservoir if its capacity is small, so that the water is changed as often as once in two or three months in the summer season; but a marked effect is noticed in cases where the water is Hot changed on the average oftener than once in eight months ; and by storage for a year or more a water which is not too dark origi- nally will be rendered very nearly colorless. Water stored either in a pond, lake or reservoir is liable to contain at times growths of very minute animal or vegetable organ- isms, which give the water an objectionable taste and odor. There are many conditions which affect the frequency and extent of these growths, of which the most important seems to be the abundance of the supply of suitable nitrogenous food. This food may be fur- nished either by the nitrogenous matters contained in the water entering the reservoir, or it may be derived from the organic matter in the bottom of the reservoir. When a pond or reservoir receives its supply from a thickly pop- nlated district, the water entering the reservoir is almost certain to contain enough food to produce an abundant growth of organisms; and in the case of reservoirs constructed without the removal of the soil and vegetable matter from the area flowed, a similar effect hiay be produced on account of the nitrogenous matter taken up by the water from the bottom of the reservoir. It might be expected that the bad effects of neglecting to properly prepare a reservoir for the reception of water would pass away in a few years, and in some ca>ses this has been the result; but in others growths of organisms nave occurred year after year, with little or no diminution, for as hiany as twenty years. In ponds and well-prepared reservoirs supplied with unpolluted water these growths occur but seldom, Hnd as a rule do not seriously affect the water; so that it is im- portant from the standpoint of taste and odor, as well as of health, that unpolluted sources should be selected, and that the reservoirs should be carefully prepared for the reception of water by the Removal of all soil and vegetable matter. The quantity of surface water which may be obtained from a given Source depends upon the extent of the drainage area or water-shed the source, the amount of rainfall upon it, the proportion of the Winfall which finds its way into the streams, and the amount of water which can be stored in the wetter portions of the year for use during the drier portions. The rainfall in a series of years differs but little 12 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. in amount from place to place in eastern Massachusetts; and experi- ence has shown that there is not very much difference in the amount of water which eventually finds its way into the streams per square mile of different water-sheds. It is therefore feasible to estimate with a considerable degree of accuracy the amount of water which given water-sheds in connection with given amounts of storage will furnish, by using as a basis the accurate records kept by the city of Boston of the quantity of water which has flowed per square mile from the Sudbury River water-shed during each month of the past nineteen years. In the case of large communities which are wholly dependent for water upon their public water supply, it is obviously necessary that the supply should not be deficient at any time ; and it is therefore neces- sary to base all estimates of capacity of sources upon the records of the driest years or series of years which have occurred, and not upon the average of the records. It is extremely fortunate for this pur- pose that the Sudbury River records include two years, 1880 and 1883, which were drier than any other years in the last forty or fifty. Where the capacities of surface water sources are given in this report, they are based upon utilizing all available storage in the driest year or series of years included in the Sudbury River records, and due allowance has been made for evaporation from water sur- faces, for filtration past dams, and other causes which affect the quantity of water which a source will supply. In the case of ground-water supplies the capacity has been esti- mated from the best available information. In most ground-water supplies the capacity of the source is less in summer than at other seasons of the year; and it is at this time that the consumption of water, particularly in the suburbs, where much water is used for watering lawns, is liable to be the greatest. In comparing the capacity of a ground-water source with the consumption of water, it is therefore necessary to take into account the amount of water con- sumed in the drier portions of the year, rather than the average con- sumption for the whole year. This is much less necessary in simi- lar comparisons with surface-water supplies, because, usually, the amount of water stored is sufficient to maintain the supply for a much longer period. Most of the larger ground-water supplies in the vicinity of Boston are taken from works located by the side of a river or pond, and much of the water is derived by filtration from this surface-water 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 13 source. The capacity of the source, therefore, depends upon the amount of water which will filter into and through the ground from the bed of the river or pond, and upon the amount of rain which falls upon the territory from which water percolates directly to the source. It is of course true that in many cases the means of taking Water from the ground do not equal the supply to the ground ; but, as soon as the works for drawing water from the ground have suffi- cient capacity to take all of the water which the ground in the locality Will furnish, it is obvious that no multiplication of wells will increase the supply to any large extent. It may be feasible, however, to facilitate the filtration of water from a surface source into the ground, and to do so in such a way that the water so filtered will become as thoroughly purified as that Which filters by the natural course. The best way for doing this, ffi cases where the topography and character of the ground will permit, is to pump the water in comparatively small quantities per acre upon dry, porous land back of the filter gallery or wells, and there distribute it evenly and intermittently upon suitably prepared beds, so that it will filter into the ground. This is a method which has not, so far as I know, been tried upon a large scale in this Country; but, from the information now in existence with regard to the filtration of water, it seems altogether probable that satisfactory Results may be obtained in this way. It may be necessary, however, to adopt special precautions to prevent the filtration from being ffiterrupted during cold winters. The most important ground-water supplies in the vicinity of Bos- ton are along the banks of the Charles River, where the water sup- plies of Needham, Dedham, Brookline, Newton, Wellesley, Waltham Watertown are obtained. The Legislature has already granted these towns the right to take 15,000,000 gallons of water per day b'oni this river.* Measurements of the flow of Charles River at Newton Upper Falls from Aug. 21 to Oct. 14, 1845, showed an average daily flow during fifty days when gaugings were taken of 26,500,000 gallons, and an daily flow during the whole month of September of only 100,000 gallons. It is probable that these measurements do not Represent the minimum flow of the stream. j * The town of Wellesley is not restricted as to the amount of water which it may take, but r the purposes of this estimate the quantity is assumed to be 1,000,000 gallons per day. 14 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. It will therefore be seen that the amount of water to be obtained from these ground-water supplies near the Charles River may be limited not only by the amount which can be made available from the storage in the interstices of the porous ground, and which can be filtered through the ground to the works, but also by the yield of the river at times of extreme drought, unless some provision is made for increasing the minimum flow of the river by storage reservoirs upon it or its branches. Present Condition of the Water Supply of the Cities and Towns in the Metropolitan District, and the Opportuni- ties FOR INCREASING THE SUPPLY BY INDEPENDENT ACTION. The different water supplies of the different communities will be described in the order of their size, as follows : - Boston, exclusive of Charlestown district (Cochituate Works). Charlestown, Somerville, Chelsea and Everett (Mystic Works). Cambridge. Lynn and Saugus. Newton. Malden. Waltham. Quincy. Hyde Park and Milton. Woburn. Wakefield and Stoneham. Brookline. Medford. Revere and Winthrop. Melrose Watertown and Belmont. Arlington. Winchester. Swampscott and Nahant. Lexington. Boston, Exclusive of Charlestown District. [Population in 1890, 410,129; estimated population in 1895, 463,069.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. -The portion of Boston above indicated is supplied with water from Sudbury River and Lake Cochituate, and the works for taking water from both of these sources are known collectively as the " Cochituate Works." The total drainage area of these sources is 94.07 square miles. The water from the Cochituate water-shed is stored in Lake Cochit- 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 15 Hate, and that from the Sudbury River water-shed in five artificial storage reservoirs, and in Whitehall Pond, which is partly artificial. In addition to these reservoirs, another one, which will have a capacity nearly equal to the aggregate capacity of all of the reser- voirs now in use, is being constructed. This is known as Reservoir No. 5. The daily capacity of the works, as now constructed, is, in a very dry year, 48,000,000 gallons per day, and when the new reservoir (No. 5) is completed and filled will be 62,000,000 gallons per day. hhese figures represent the amounts which, if drawn every day in the year, would just empty the reservoirs in the driest years which have occurred since the Sudbury River was first used as a source of supply, and these years are as dry as any in the last forty or fifty. This basis of reckoning the capacity of the sources is the one Commonly used, and is therefore adopted in this report, though a Proper regard for the quality of the water supply requires that the Reservoirs should not be emptied, as it necessitates supplying water *o the city which has not had the benefit of storage in a reservoir. In years of ordinary rainfall the Cochituate Works would furnish the quantities above stated without drawing the reservoirs to an extremely low level. Consumption of Water. -The average daily consumption of water thom the Cochituate Works during the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Cochituate Works. YEAR. Population supplied. Annual Increase (Per Cent). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 410,129 33,872,000 83 4.1 3,815,000 11.3 *891, 427,231 37,687,000 88 1892, 3.3 3,625,000 9.6 441,232 41,312,000 94 1893, 2.3 6,141,000 14.9 451,399 47,453,000 105 1.2 877,000* 1.8* I894, 456,606 46,576,000 102 * Decrease. - All populations after 1890 are estimated, and the population in 1894 J)es not include Charlestown, which was supplied with water from the Cochituate °rks from Sept. 12, 1894, until the end of the year. 16 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. It will be noticed that the daily consumption for the past two years, as given in the above table, is substantially the same as the daily capacity of the existing works in a very dry year; and if the consumption should increase in the near future at the same rate that it has from 1890 to 1894, the capacity of the works, as they will be developed by the construction of Reservoir No. 5, would be reached in 1899. If the Cochituate Works had to supply in the future only the ter- ritory now supplied by them, the more effective restriction of waste might defer for a short time the necessity of constructing works to furnish an additional supply ; but this is not the case, as the Charles- town district of Boston, and the cities of Somerville, Chelsea and Everett are now supplied by the city of Boston with water from Mystic Lake, which is of unsatisfactory quality and inadequate in quantity. In a year no drier than that which has just passed * it has been found necessary to use a temporary pump at Mystic Lake to raise water into the aqueduct leading to the main pumps, and to supply Charlestown with water from.the Cochituate Works for several months. Under these circumstances it is obviously improper for the city of Boston to depend wholly upon the restriction of waste to prevent a shortage of water. Quality of Water. - The streams which feed Lake Cochituate sup- ply water of nearly the same character as those which feed the storage reservoirs upon the Sudbury River; but Lake Cochituate furnishes a water having but little color, while the Sudbury River reservoirs furnish water having a marked brownish tinge. This difference is due to the fact that Lake Cochituate has a much larger storage capacity in proportion to the quantity of water entering it than the * Although the year 1894 has been much drier than the average year, the flow from the Sudbury River water-shed during the months from June to November, inclusive, was two and one-half times that during the corresponding months in 1880. A comparison by months from April to November is as follows :- MONTH. 1880. 1894. MONTH. 1880. 1894- April, .... 1,168,000 1,640,000 August, 119,000 209,000 May 514,000 840,000 September, . 80,000 150,000 June 176,000 419,000 October, 101,000 374,000 July, .... 177,000 161,000 November, . 205,000 836,000 Yield of Sudbury River Watershed in Gallons per Day per Square Mile. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 17 reservoirs upon the Sudbury River, and the water in this lake there- fore has an opportunity to become very much improved by bleach- ing and other changes which take place from long storage. When the Sudbury water was first introduced into Bpston, Lake Cochituate continued for several years to furnish by far the larger part of the water used, so that the higher color of the Sudbury water did not produce any great change in the color of the water supplied to the city; but the proportion of Sudbury Water has been continually increasing, until at the present time about two-thirds of the supply comes from this source, and the Water supplied to the city has a much higher color than formerly. Both the Cochituate and the Sudbury water-sheds have a large population upon them for water-sheds used as sources of water sup- ply. The population on the Cochituate water-shed at the present time is estimated to be 14,500, equal to 770 per square mile; and Upon the Sudbury water-shed 28,300, equal to 376 per square mile. This makes the total population upon the two water-sheds 42,800, equal to 455 per square mile. Much has already been done toward the protection of these waters from pollution by diverting sewage to points outside of the water- sheds. Sewerage systems for this purpose have already been con- structed by Marlborough, Westborough and Framingham, the system at Framingham taking the sewage from the principal village, South Framingham, and from the Reformatory Prison for Women at Sher- born. The town of Natick is also preparing to divert its sewage to a point beyond the limits of these water-sheds. The sewerage sys- tems already constructed and that to be built by Natick provide for a portion of the territory containing about 26,900 people, leaving a population in the villages without sewers and scattered about the Water-sheds of 15,900, equal to 169 per square mile. In addition to the diversion of the sewage, the city of Boston now pumps the water of Began Brook, which flows from the main village of Natick into Lake Cochituate, upon filter beds and purifies it by filtration before permitting it to flow into the lake. Plans for filter- JUg in the same manner the water of a brook which flows from the city of Marlborough have been made and land has been acquired for this purpose. By the construction of reservoirs carefully prepared for the recep- tion of water by the removal of the soil and vegetable matter the city 18 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. has already improved to a considerable extent the quality of the Sud- bury water, and a still further improvement will result from the additional storage to be provided by the large reservoir which is now being constructed. The city has also obtained authority from the Legislature (chapter 434 of the Acts of 1892) to drain swamps in Westborough and Hopkinton, and plans have been prepared for this work, but they have not yet been carried out. A consideration of this subject, together with an estimated cost of draining all of the swamps upon the Sudbury water-shed, is given in a report of Mr. Desmond FitzGerald, resident engineer of the additional water sup- ply of the city of Boston, in Appendix No. 3. It will be feasible without excessive cost to divert still further and purify the sewage of the population upon the Sudbury water-shed. The water from the Sudbury River as now supplied to the city of Boston is not nearly as good a water as it is desirable to supply to the metropolitan district; but it is capable of being improved by the methods already indicated, and will continue to be valuable as an auxiliary source of supply after a better supply is obtained from some new source. With the sewage of Natick diverted, the Cochit- uate water will be better than the Sudbury, and this source, if prop- erly cared for, will probably continue to furnish a satisfactory water. Future Supply. -It has already been stated that the construction of Reservoir No. 5 will not obviate the necessity for taking imme- diate steps to procure a still further supply of water for the terri- tory now supplied by the city of Boston, or even for the territory now included within the city limits. The new reservoir will, how- ever, develop the Sudbury system to such an extent that no further development will produce results commensurate with the expense,* so that the further supply will have to come from some new source. While, from a financial standpoint, Boston may be amply able to obtain a new supply from almost any source which would be avail- able to the metropolitan district, works for storing and conveying large quantities of water can be built so much more economically in * In making this statement I have not taken into account a possible development of a small water-shed between the lowest permanent dam on the Sudbury River and the point at which the city took the waters of the river under the Sudbury River act, although it may be advisable to develop this territory so that it will furnish a portion, if not all, of the 1,500,000 gallons per day which the city of Boston is obliged to let flow down the Sudbury River below the point at which it took the water. The amount to be obtained from this development is so small that it does not materiallj' affect the general statement above made. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 19 proportion to the amount of water stored and conveyed than works upon a smaller scale, that it will undoubtedly be much cheaper for the city, as well as better for the other municipalities in the metro- politan district, that the city obtain its supply as a part of the district rather than independently. Charlestown District of Boston, Somerville, Chelsea and Everett. [Population in 1890, 117,477; estimated population in 1895, 141,941.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply.-These places are supplied from the Upper Mystic Lake by works owned by the city of Boston. The total area of the water-shed of the lake is 27.75 square miles. The only storage under the control of the city of Bos- ton is in the Upper Mystic Lake, which has been raised, by means of a dam, seven feet above the level of high tide in Boston harbor. The capacity of this source was estimated in 1874 to be 7,000,000 gallons per day in a very dry year, and in 1883, a very dry year, U'hen the average daily consumption of water from this source was a little less than 7,000,000 gallons per day, the lake was lowered to a level 7.89 feet below high-water mark, or, in other words, nearly to the level at which it would be necessary to pump the water from the lake into the aqueduct in order to maintain the supply, showing that the estimate made in 1874 was substantially correct. There are ponds upon the Mystic water-shed not controlled by the city of Boston, and in an emergency water might be obtained from these ponds, adding somewhat to the capacity of this source; and there is the other method of adding somewhat to the estimated capacity, which has been adopted on several occasions; namely, of pumping water with auxiliary pumps from the lake into the aqueduct supplying the main pumps. During the past year, notwithstanding the fact already stated, that the year was not an extremely dry one, and that Charlestown was supplied for several months from the Co- chituate Works, it was found necessary to pump from the lake until tts level was lowered 12.08 feet below high-water mark, and 3.58 feet below the level at which a full supply will run by gravity through the aqueduct to the main pumps. If the year had been as dry as the Vear 1880, I estimate that it would have been necessary to draw the feke 20 feet lower than it has been drawn this year, in order to sup- ply the quantity of water which has been used from the lake during 22 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. rFeb. u Cambridge. [Population in 1890, 70,028; estimated population in 1895, 80,917.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply.-The original source of supply of this city was Fresh Pond, which is located within the city limits. In 1887 an additional supply for the city was obtained from Stony Brook, which at the point of taking in Waltham is about miles from Fresh Pond. The water is con- veyed from Stony Brook to Fresh Pond through an iron pipe 39,350 feet long, 5,010 feet of which is 36 inches in diameter and the re- maining 34,340 feet 30 inches in diameter. The Stony Brook water-shed has an area of about 22.9 square miles, exclusive of the water-shed of Sandy Pond, which is at the extreme upper end of the brook, and from which practically all of the water which it will furnish in a dry year is used to supply the towns of Concord and Lincoln. At the point of taking, Stony Brook has been dammed, thereby creating a storage reservoir holding 354,000,000 gallons. The water-shed of Fresh Pond is very small, and the amount of water which it will furnish has been reduced from time to time by the construction of sewers. It is now used as a receiving and stor- age reservoir from which to pump water for use in the city. Its storage capacity down to a point where a sufficient quantity of water will flow by gravity from it into the pump-well at the pump- ing station (8.3.5 feet below high-water mark) is 430,000,000 gal- lons, making the total storage capacity of the combined works 784,000,000 gallons. The capacity of the works in a very dry year is 7,200,000 gallons per day. By setting up a temporary pump at Fresh Pond and pumping into the conduit leading to the main pumps, as has been done at Mystic Lake during the past year and as was done at Cambridge in 1887, the pond might be drawn down to a level 15 feet below high-water mark, making available an addi- tional storage of 285,000,000 gallons, and increasing the capacity of the sources in an emergency to 8,500,000 gallons per day. The capacity of the pipe leading from Stony Brook Reservoir to Fresh Pond, as given by the city engineer of Cambridge, is about 8,500,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. -The average daily consumption of water in Cambridge during the past five years has been as follows : - 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 23 Consumption of Water, Cambridge. YEAR. Population supplied.* Annual Increase (Per Cent). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). . Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1890, . 70,028 4,566,000 65 5.2 291,000 6.4 1891, . 73,640 4,857,000 66 4.1 552,000 11.4 1892, . 76,631 5,409,000 71 3.7 772,000 14.3 1893, . 79,469 6,181,000 78 0.5 404,000f 6.5f 1894, . 79,890 5,777,000 72 By reference to the above table it will be seen that the consump- tion of water has increased 1,211,000 gallons from 1890 to 1894; and if it should continue to increase at the same rate, the capacity of the present works in a dry year, without using an auxiliary pump at Fresh Pond, would be reached in 1899. These figures show that the consumption of water in Cambridge is approaching the full capacity of the present works.- Quality of Water. -Fresh Pond is situated in a thickly populated district, but its water has been protected from pollution to a con- siderable extent by taking a large area of land around its mar- gins, and by constructing sewers to prevent the portion of the surface water from the populated portions of its water-shed from flowing into it. Some water which has once been polluted enters it by filtration through the ground, particularly when the pond is drawn to a low level. When Fresh Pond derived its supply wholly from its own water- shed,- that is, before any water was turned into it from Stony Brook,-it contained a colorless water which had become hard owing to the wastes from the population upon the water-shed, which entered it mainly by percolation through the ground. These wastes, even if well purified by filtration, contained nitrogen in one form or another, which promoted the growth of the minute organisms found * The populations given in this column do not include a small section of Somerville which 18 supplied with water from the Cambridge water works. All populations after 1890 are esti- mated. + Decrease. 24 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. in water, and therefore caused, indirectly, disagreeable tastes and odors at times in the water of the pond. It seems probable that in the future, when the territory around Fresh Pond becomes still more densely populated than at present, it will be necessary, in order to prevent the pollution of the water, to provide sewers or drains all round the pond, to intercept surface water, and to keep the pond full so that there will be no underground flow into it. The water of Stony Brook is soft, and contains considerable vegetable coloring matter derived from the swamps upon the water- shed in which the water stands or through which it passes. The storage reservoir at the lower end ot the brook is not large enough to cause the water to bleach to any considerable extent. The esti- mated population upon the water-shed is 2,460, equal to 107 per square mile. The inhabitants upon the water-shed at the present time are largely engaged in farming and market gardening, although there is an increasing number of those who do business in the city of Boston who have summer homes upon it. As more and more of the Stony Brook water is diverted into Fresh Pond with the increasing consumption of water in Cambridge, the water in the pond is changing in character and approaching more nearly that of the water of Stony Brook; and in time the quality of the water in the pond may be expected to become nearly the same as that of the water in the brook. Future Supply. - The area of the Stony Brook water-shed is so large (22.9 square miles) that with sufficiently large storage reser- voirs upon it a much larger quantity of water than at present might be obtained. The city of Cambridge has already taken the preliminary steps toward increasing the capacity of its works by appropriating money for the construction of a storage reservoir on Hobbs Brook, a branch of Stony Brook, by making surveys and estimates, and by acquiring land for this reservoir. The approximate area, capacity and cost of this reservoir, as given in the report of the Cambridge Water Board for 1893, are respectively 350 acres, 1,500,000,000 gallons and $600,000.* As a result of surveys made by the city of Cambridge since these estimates were made, it has been found ad vis- o 7 * The letter of the city engineer of Cambridge, accompanying these estimates, states: " I have prepared an estimate of the probable expense of the proposed extension to the water sup- ply system of the city. The estimates given are prepared from such data as I could procure in the limited time, and must be considered as approximate only." 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 25 able to locate the dam farther down Hobbs Brook than was origi- nally intended, thereby forming a much larger reservoir. The area to be flowed by the dam in the new location is 653 acres, and the capacity of the basin is approximately 2,500,000,000 gallons. These figures will be modified somewhat, as the area will be decreased by the filling of shallow portions of the reservoir, and the capacity will be somewhat increased by the removal of soil. The depth of water at the dam of the proposed reservoir is about 23 feet, and the average depth, disregarding the changes due to the Removal of soil, 12 feet. At a point about half-way up the basin, Where the depth of water is 14 feet, it is proposed to construct a sec- ond dam, which will not raise the water any higher than the main dam, but will permit it to be held at high-water mark while the water in the lower portion of the basin is being drawn down. Above this intermediate dam it is intended to remove the soil and vegetable mat- ter, and to improve the reservoir by excavating and filling so that the water will have a minimum depth of 8 feet. Below the dam it is proposed to remove all of the soil from cultivated land and where the depth is less than 15 feet, but not to touch the flat meadow land in the bottom of the valley, where the peaty soil has considerable depth and its complete removal would be very costly. The area of the water-shed above the lower dam on Hobbs Brook, as measured from the State map, is 5.8 square miles, exclusive of the area of the i'eservoir. The capacity of the Cambridge works after the construction of this i'eservoir and the addition of a second pipe of sufficient size from the Stony Brook Reservoir to Fresh Pond will be 13,200,000 gal- lons per day in the driest year, increasing the capacity of the works 3,000,000 gallons. Another reservoir of the same size as the Hobbs reservoir would only increase the capacity of these works 3,000,000 gallons per day, and the cost would probably be too great ]u proportion to the results to be obtained to warrant the expendi- ture. Lynn and Saugus. [Population in 1890 : Lynn, 55,727; Saugus, 3,673; total, 59,400. Estimated population in l89a: Lynn, 61,146; Saugus, 4,638; total, 65,784.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - Both of these htaces are now supplied with water from works owned by the city Lynn. Water was first introduced into Lynn in 1871, and for years the supply was obtained from two artificial storage 26 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. reservoirs known as Breed's Pond and Birch Pond, which were built upon tributaries of the Saugus River; the former, in 1846, as a mill reservoir, and the latter in 1872. In 1884 an additional supply was obtained by taking two other tributaries of the river, known as Hawkes Brook and Penny Brook, and connecting them with the existing works. In order to still further increase the supply, two more artificial reservoirs, known as Glen Lewis Pond and Walden Pond, were built upon Penny Brook, and were filled for the first time in the latter part of 1889. The brush and wood were removed from these reservoirs, but the soil, mud and other vegetable matter were not removed ; and as a consequence, although this water is free from sewage pollution, it has contained such abun- dant growths of minute organisms during a large portion of the time as to be wholly unsuitable for drinking. In the latter part of 1893 the city exercised the authority granted it by the Legislature to take the water of Saugus River, and since then this water has been diverted from time to time either to the city or to the existing reservoirs. The State Board of Health, in a communication to the Lynn Water Board, dated April 4, 1893, expressed the opinion that the Saugus River, at the point from which Lynn now takes a portion of its water supply, receives so much polluting matter from the towns of Wakefield and Reading as to render it an unfit source from which to take a water supply unless the water is very thoroughly purified by filtration. It will therefore be seen that if the capacity of the Lynn sources is based upon the quantity of water which they will furnish, without regard to its quality, it will be much larger than if reckoned upon the basis of the amount of potable and wholesome water available. After the addition of Hawkes and Penny brooks, but before the construction of Glen Lewis and Walden ponds, the capacity of the Lynn sources was about 2,950,000 gallons per day. After the con- struction of these reservoirs, but before the addition of the Saugus River, the capacity was about 3,450,000 gallons of water per day. The natural flow of the Saugus River added to the existing sources increases the capacity to about 8,000,000 gallons per day, provided the water is taken regardless of its quality ; and if additional storage reservoirs can be built, or the present ones enlarged, a still larger quantity of water may be obtained. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 27 Consumption of Water.-The average daily consumption of Wter in Lynn and Saugus during the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Lynn and Saugus. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1890, . 1891, . 59,400 3.3 2,657,000 474,000 17.8 45 61,372 5.2 3,131,000 13.3 51 418,000 1892, . 64,570 5.9 3,549,000 5.5 55 195,000 1893, . 1894, . 68,378 4.8* 3,744,000 7.4 55 276,000 65,120 4,020,000 62 Note.-All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Decrease. It will be seen from this table that the consumption of water in Lynn and Saugus is already in excess of the safe capacity of the Sources, exclusive of the Saugus River, in a dry year; and as the Saugus River, considered as a whole, should be excluded, it is °bvious that Lynn and Saugus need an additional supply at the Present time, but it may be feasible to obtain this supply from por- tions of the Saugus River water-shed. Quality of Water. -There is only a very small population upon tile water-sheds of the four reservoirs of the city of Lynn, and the cHy has acquired large tracts of land about them to protect them ti'om pollution. It may therefore be said that if the Saugus River ater were excluded the Lynn water would be very nearly free from ny dangerous contamination. The waters have, however, the rownish color which water acquires from contact with vegetable Matter in swamps and very shallow ponds; and, as already indi- the water of Glen Lewis and Walden ponds contains such growths of minute organisms during much of the time as be wholly unsuitable for drinking. The water of Breed's Pond ls generally better than that of Birch Pond. The Sauirus River at Howlett's Dam has a drainage area of 16.64 '.Dare miles, as determined by measurements from the topograph- 1Cal map of the State, and upon this area there is estimated to be a 28 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. population of 11,800, equal to 709 per square mile of drainage area. It is the large amount of polluting matter which enters the stream from the more densely populated portions of this district which makes the water of the Saugus River, as a whole, unsafe for drinking. Future Supply.-The sources to which the city of Lynn would naturally look for an increase of its water supply are the Saugus and Ipswich rivers and their tributaries. I will consider first the possi- bilities of the Saugus River and its tributaries. The water-shed of this river may, for the purpose of this consid- eration, be divided into several parts, as follows : - Area of Water- shed (Square Miles). 1. The Wakefield branch, exclusive of Crystal Lake, . 3.08 2. Lake Quannapowitt and tributaries, 4.35 3. Beaver Dam Brook, 1.76 4. Pilling's Pond and tributaries, 2.05 5. The remaining area tributary to the main river above the dam of Howlett's Pond, 4.52 Total above Howlett's Dam, exclusive of Crystal Lake, . 15.76 6. Central Brook, 3.00 Total, including Central Brook, 18.76 The reason for excluding the water-shed of Crystal Lake from the water-shed of the Wakefield branch is that the waters of this lake are now nearly all taken, and in the future will be wholly taken by the Wakefield Water Company. Upon the remaining 3.0$ square miles of water-shed of the Wakefield branch there is a popula- tion of about 3,726, equal to 1,210 per square mile ; and this popula- tion is increasing rapidly, so that it is obvious that the waters of this branch should not be used for water supply purposes. Upon the 4.35 square miles of water-shed of Lake Quannapowitt are situated nearly the whole of the town of Reading and a portion of the town of Wakefield, making the total population about 5,854? equal to 1,346 per square mile. Regarding this lake, the State Board of Health advised the town of Reading, in March, 1889, that " th0 large population upon the water-shed of Lake Quannapowitt and th0 present quality of its water render it unfit for a domestic water 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 29 supply." On April 14, 1893, the State Board of Health advised the Wakefield Water Company that ' ' it has already expressed and still holds the opinion that the water of Quannapowitt Lake, one of the sources named in your original act of incorporation, is now unfit for the purposes of a domestic water supply. This opinion as to the Quality of Quannapowitt Lake water applies to taking water directly from the lake, but if the water was taken after it had been thoroughly purified by filtering for a long distance through the ground or by any other thorough method of filtration, it might be used." I certainly agree with the opinion that this is not a fit source from which to take Water for drinking. The 4.52 square miles of water-shed remaining tributary to the main river above Howlett's Dam, after excluding the other four areas given in the table, have very little population upon them; but this portion of the river receives the overflow of polluted water from Lake Quannapowitt at its upper end and toward its lower end the Waters of the Wakefield branch. Even if these polluted waters Were diverted, there still remains the objection to the utilization of this area, that there is along the river a very large area of wet sWamp and meadow, probably as much as one square mile; and Water flowing into this swampy area takes up so much vegetable mat- ter in standing in and passing through it as to become unsuitable for ''Vater supply purposes, if not dangerous to health. With the exclusion of these polluted waters and of the territory contains such large swampy areas, there remains, above How- lett's Dam, only Pilling's Pond and its tributaries and Beaver Dam Lrook, having together a water-shed of 3.81 square miles, to furnish a water supply. Pilling's Pond is an artificial reservoir, formed many years ago by Hooding a level meadow to a depth of four feet. Its area is about acres, and its average depth is about three feet. Regard- lllg this source the State Board of Health advised the Revere Water Company, in 1888, that "the water of Pilling's Pond, the proposed s°urce of additional supply, when examined in October, 1888, was fair quality; but, from the small depth of the pond, it will prob- ity be unfit for use when drawn down two or three feet during the Aty months, as it would be if used as a water supply for Revere and *' inthrop." If this pond were raised, a very large additional area be flooded to a small depth, and a reservoir would be formed A'hich would be even less satisfactory than the present one. I do 30 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. not see how this source can be made a wholly satisfactory one for supplying water for Lynn and Saugus; although, as it is near Hawkes Brook, one of the present sources, it may prove valuable for furnishing, temporarily, an additional supply until a better water can be obtained. Beaver Dam Brook is farther from Lynn than Pilling's Pond, and there is no pond or reservoir of any considerable size upon it at the present time. I am not fully informed as to whether or not it is feasible to build upon it a good storage reservoir. If Pilling's Pond and Beaver Dam Brook were connected with the existing reservoirs by conduits of ample size, and there should be constructed on Hawkes Brook a reservoir, for which there is said to be a suitable site, the capacity of the Lynn works would be increased about 2,130,000 gallons per day, making a total capacity of 5,580,000 gallons. The table already given shows that the consumption of water in Lynn increased from 2,657,000 gallons per day in 1890 to 4,020,000 gallons per day in 1894, making the average increase per year 341,000 gallons. With the same increase for each year after 1894, the capacity of the Lynn sources, with the addition of these two tributaries, would only provide a sufficient additional supply until the year 1899. Central Brook is a tributary of Saugus River which takes its rise in the village of Greenwood in the southern part of the town of Wakefield, and enters the river from the west below Howlett's Dam. The Revere Water Company asked the advice of the State Board of Health with regard to this source in 1889, and the Board then replied that " Central Brook, on account of the population upon the water-shed and the character of the valley immediately adjoin- ing the brook, will furnish a water of somewhat inferior quality, which will become worse with the growth of population, until before many years it will be unfit for water-supply purposes." Since this advice was given there has been a very rapid growth of population near the headwaters of this brook, and in my opinion it has become unfit for use for water-supply purposes. All the foregoing statements have related to taking water directly from the streams and ponds. None of these waters, with the excep- tion of the brook from Wakefield, are so much polluted but that if they were filtered a sufficient distance through the ground they 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 31 might become purified so as to be suitable for water-supply pur- poses. There is a large area of sandy land in Wakefield, lying near the Saugus River, adjacent to the extensive swampy area already men- tioned. With the view of ascertaining whether a ground-water supply, derived in part from the river by filtration, might be obtained at this place to supplement the present supply of Lynn and Saugus, I caused tests to be made by driving wells and pumping from them With a hand pump. The water so obtained was tested both by inspection and by analysis. There were in all fifteen of these wells, each two and one-half inches in diameter, and they were driven to depths ranging from seventeen to sixty-two feet and averaging thirty-seven feet below the surface. Eight of the wells were driven Until they reached ledge. The material penetrated was for the most part a moderately fine sand, from which water could not be pumped freely with a pipe having an open end, because as soon as the pumping was begun the sand would run in and fill the pipe ; but by Using a strainer at the end of the pipe, better results were obtained, and at most of the points where tests were made there is little doubt but that a moderate quantity of water might be obtained from driven Wells by using strainers adapted to taking water from the material penetrated. Chemical analyses were made of the water from eight of the wells, and in most cases it was found to be of good quality, while in the others the water either contained enough iron to make it somewhat objectionable for laundry purposes, or to lead to the expectation that it might become unsuitable if water were pumped regularly from the locality in which these wTells were driven. The territory covered by these tests was very irregular in shape, as arms of the sWamp in several places extended into the sandy and gravelly land, cutting it into islands and peninsulas. The greatest distance between extreme borings in one direction was about 4,100 feet, and lU the other about 3,000 feet. It was thought that if water were to be pumped from the ground at this place it would be necessary to throw dams across some of the arms of the swamp, so that the river vater would not run into them and injure the quality of the ground by filtering down through the mud. With the river water shut out in this way, it is thought that a 8Ystem of driven wells extending over most of the area tested might 32 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. furnish 1,000,000 gallons of water per day, but would not be likely to furnish more than this amount. As this quantity of water would only provide for about three years' increase in the consumption of water in Lynn and Saugus at the rate at which the consump- tion increased from 1890 to 1894, and the works would be quite costly in proportion to the amount of water obtainable, this does not seem to be a desirable plan for increasing the water supply of these places. It is not improbable that a somewhat larger quantity of good water could be obtained from the ground at this place if it were kept saturated by pumping water from the Saugus River upon the sandy areas in the vicinity of the wells and filtering it intermittently into the ground. This method has already been referred to on page 13 of this report; but owing to the fineness of the sand, which would interfere to some extent with the filtration of the water into the ground and through the ground in the vicinity of wells, and the pos- sible difficulty of satisfactorily filtering a water which has such a high color and contains so much organic matter as that of the Saugus River, it was thought that this place was an unfavorable one for adopting this experimental method of purifying water. I have also considered the question of filtering the water of this river through artificial filters ; but I should not advise the adoption of this plan if good water could be obtained in other ways. The other source of supply mentioned, namely, the Ipswich River, is the nearest available source other than the Saugus River which will furnish any large quantity of water for Lynn. This river does not have a very large population upon its water-shed, but it is polluted to such an extent that it cannot be regarded as a safe source from which to take a water supply unless the water is subse- quently filtered or stored for a considerable time. Moreover, there are so many swamps on the water-shed that its water has more color than that of any other source examined during the investigations for a metropolitan water supply, so that, even if the stream were entirely free from artificial pollution, its water would not be of satisfactory quality for domestic use without purification. It was thought possible that a good ground-water supply might be obtained from the valley of this river ; but a superficial examination of the valley indicated that it was very doubtful if this would be the case, and, even if a good ground-water supply could be obtained, it would 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 33 U'obably cost more than water from the proposed metropolitan system. In addition to the foregoing sources the Lynn authorities have lecently called my attention to Cedar Brook, a tributary of Sluice in the northerly part of Lynn, as a further available source of Supply, with a water-shed of 1.2 square miles. If the water of this s°Urce should prove to be of good quality the increase in the supply by adding it would be equal to the increase in consumption for two Mars at the rate at which the consumption increased from 1890 to There is an objection to taking the water of this brook per- manently because it is the main feeder of two large ponds in Lynn °U the borders of which there is a large population, and the water the brook is an important factor in maintaining the water of these b°Uds in proper sanitary condition. Newton. [Population in 1890, 24,379; estimated population in 1895, 28,470.] description and Capacity of Sources of Supply.-This city its supply of water from the ground near the Charles River 111 the town of Needham. When the works were first completed in the supply was taken from an open filter basin 1,575 feet long. 1890 the collecting system was extended along the river, making total length 3,795 feet. When this extension was completed it estimated that the works would furnish 2,000,000 gallons per in the driest months of the year. In 1894 the consumption of uter had so nearly reached the capacity of the works that it became lIecessary to make a farther extension of the collecting system up the and the total length of this system is now about 7,050 feet, be whole of this system is now a covered filter gallery or conduit, 11'Me in part of wood and in part of vitrified clay pipe; and con- noted with this conduit at intervals are many driven wells, extending into the more porous strata which are found at a considerable Sth. j portion of the water comes to the filter gallery from the side, but a large part of the supply is water which has filtered the ground from the river. The capacity of the source is there- l'e largely dependent upon the amount of water which can get into e ground from the river either by filtration through meadows and G bottoms of ditches when the river overflows its banks in the or by filtration through the river bottom and sloping banks 34 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. in the vicinity of the collecting system. The amount of water stored in the interstices of the porous ground in the spring of the year when the river is high is also an important factor, as this storage furnishes a reserve which can be drawn upon in the summer, when there is a diminished amount of water coming from the land side and filtering from the river into the ground. It is estimated that the works as now constructed will furnish 2,300,000 gallons of water per day in the driest portions of the year; but, as the con- sumption of water at such times is higher than the average for the whole year, the capacity of the works in a very dry year is likely to be reached by an average daily consumption throughout the year of about 2,000,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. - The average daily consumption of water in Newton during the past five years has been as follows : -• Con sumption of Water, Newton. YEAR. Popula- tion. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Con- sumption per Inhab- itant (Gallons). Average Daily Consumption, June to October, Inclusive. Gallons. Per Cent. Gallons. Gallons per In- habitant. 1890, . 24,379 4.2 985,000 80,000 8.1 40 1,115,000 46 1891, . 25,400 4.1 1,065,000 20.9 42 1,181,000 46 223,000 1892, . 26,450 4.0 1,288,000 6.0 49 1,445,000 55 82,000 1893, . 27,500 2.3 1,370,000 18.5 50 1,525,000 55 253,000 1894,* . 28,144 1,623,000 58 1,921,000 68 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Since May 1, 1894, an additional amount of about 350,000 gallons of water per day has been supplied for manufacturing purposes. This table shows that the consumption of water during the months from June to October, inclusive, has increased from 1,115,000 gal- lons per day in 1890 to 1,571,000 gallons per day in 1894, exclusive of the 350,000 gallons per day supplied for manufacturing pur- poses, making the annual increase 114,000 gallons. If the increase were to continue at the same rate in the future, the estimated capacity of the works with their present development would be reached in 1897 ; or if the city were to cease supplying the 350,000 gallons per day for manufacturing purposes, the present works would maintain the supply until 1900, when it would be nec- 1895.1 HOUSE -No. 500. 35 essary to still farther extend the present works or otherwise obtain an additional supply. Quality of Water.-The water obtained from the Newton works is of excellent quality, and, as it is kept from exposure to the light both before and after it is pumped, it is a very satisfactory water when delivered to the consumers. The water has been analyzed frequently by the State Board of Health for many years, and the analyses do not indicate that it is deteriorating. There is, however, the possi- bility already referred to on page 10 of this report, that any filtered fiver water may in time become of unsatisfactory quality. Future Supply. -The city of Newton has already taken the land along the Needham bank of the Charles River from a point a short distance below the end of its present works to the boundary line between Needham and Dedham, a total length of about 15,500 feet. It has also taken land on the opposite or Newton side of the river, Extending northerly from the Boston line, for a length of about 1,500 feet. This land was taken with a view to developing the sup- ply by extending through it collecting galleries or pipes, similar to those already constructed, in which the water can be drawn down Until it is about six feet below the normal level of the water in the fiver. It is estimated that a system of this kind can be made to supply 5,000,000 gallons of water per day during the driest portion °f the year, and that this quantity of water will be sufficient for the fequirements of the city of Newton until about the year 1908, at Mlich time it is estimated that the city will have a population of about 51,000. The city now has authority to take from the river 5,000,000 gallons of water daily. Malden. Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - This city is supplied from two sources, - Spot Pond, which is used jointly with Bedford and Melrose, each municipality being entitled to one-third its water, and wells in the vicinity of Maplewood, in the easterly Part of the city, which furnish a ground-water supply. Spot Pond when full has an area of 296 acres; a water-shed of 1'296 acres, including the area of the pond; a storage capacity of gallons down to a level 12 feet below high water, which 18 about the lowest level to which the pond has ever been drawn, ar*d a capacity of 837,000,000 gallons when drawn to a level of 15 below high water. In a series of dry years such as have [Population in 1890, 23,031; estimated population in 1895, 30,240.] 36 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. occurred in the past, it is feasible, by utilizing the storage in the first 12 feet of depth, to draw from the pond 1,560,000 gallons per day and have the pond fill up again. Maiden's share of water from this source may therefore be reckoned at 520,000 gallons per day. The Maplewood supply is obtained from a group of about 99 tubular wells, about half of which were driven in 1889 and the remainder in 1892 and 1894. These wells yielded an average of 1,205,000 gallons of water per day in 1894. In reckoning the capacity of the wells, it is not necessary to base it upon the amount of water which they will furnish in the driest year, because in such a year the large amount of water stored in Spot Pond could be drawn upon to prevent a deficiency in the supply. It does not seem prob- able, however, that they can be depended upon in a series of dry years, such as have occurred in the past, to furnish over 1,000,000 gallons of water per day; and this quantity may be reduced, as sewers are introduced into the district which will carry off a portion of the ground water and also divert that portion of the water sup- plied to this district which, after being used, is now turned into the ground through cesspools. The total capacity of both sources of supply may be reckoned at about 1,520,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. - It is only since a meter was placed on the main pipe in September, 1892, to measure the quantity of water drawn from Spot Pond, that the consumption of water by the city could be accurately obtained. The following table therefore con- tains only the record of consumption for the past three years, and the record for 1892 covers only the last four months of the year: - Consumption of Water, Malden. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1892, . 26,435 6.9 1,243,000 107,000 8.0 47 1893, . 28,253 4.2 1,451,000 0.6 51 9,000,000 1894, . 29,452 1,460,000 41 Note.-All populations are estimated. It will be seen that the consumption of water is already very nearly equal to the capacity of the combined sources in a series of 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 37 dry years. If, however, Spot Pond should be filled in the spring of 1895 or 1896, it would for the next two or three years furnish without becoming exhausted a much larger quantity of water than can be depended upon to furnish in a long series of years. Quality of Water. - Spot Pond has generally furnished water of satisfactory quality, but during the last two or three years, when the pond has been drawn to a very low level, the water has not been quite as good. The population upon the water-shed is about 476, equal to 305 per square mile of land surface. The water has been affected at times by disagreable tastes and odors, due to the presence of microscopic organisms, but these troubles have only occurred after long intervals. Much land has been taken around the Pond by the three municipalities controlling it, to protect it from Pollution ; and the Metropolitan Park Commission has acquired a Considerable portion of the water-shed as a part of the Middlesex hells reservation. The water from the Maplewood wells contains a very large and amount of mineral matter, and it is very hard, these characteristics being due to the presence of a very large population the territory from which the supply of these wells is derived; hut the analysis also shows a very thorough purification of the water, ing to its filtration through the ground, and that it is practically fr'ee from organic matter. Future Supply.-The city of Malden has been authorized by the legislature to take water from Martin's Pond in North Reading, and has made investigations relative to taking a water supply from source. The pond in its present condition will not furnish a Satisfactory water supply, and it does not seem probable that it can he improved in such a way as to make it furnish a good water except at a prohibitory expense. Investigations have also been made by the city of Malden to determine the feasibility of obtaining a supply pf water from the ground in the vicinity of the pond, but I am that the results are unfavorable to obtaining a supply in this way. The distance from Malden to Martin's Pond is about twelve miles, and the water •would have to be supplied by pumping, s° that the cost of the works and of their maintenance would be large. Waltham. [Population in 1890, 18,707; estimated population in 1895, 21,700.] description and Capacity of Source of Supply. -This city from to 1891 obtained its supply of water from a filter basin having 38 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. an area of a little less than one-fourth of an acre, dug in gravelly land close to the westerly side of the great millpond of the Boston Manufacturing Company on the Charles River. This filter basin had a depth of 8.4 feet below the water level in the river. In 1891, when the average consumption of water during the five months from June to October, inclusive, was 858,000 per day, a well 40 feet in diameter was sunk in the middle of the basin to an additional depth of 18 feet, and in 1893 the well was covered so as to prevent the growth of certain low forms of vegetation which injured the quality of the water. Very large quantities of water were pumped from this well during its construction, and it does not seem improbable that it will furnish from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 gallons per day in the driest times. The location of the well is very favorable for obtaining a large sup- ply of water, as the porous, gravelly land in which it was dug extends for a long distance on both sides of the river, and the millpond is broad and has arms extending up into the gravelly land, so that there is a very large area of millpond bottom through which water can filter from the river into the ground ; and there is little doubt but that a considerable portion of the water supplied by this well now comes from the river, and that a still larger porportion will be obtained in this way in the future. Consumption of Water. - The average daily consumption of water in Waltham for the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Waltham. YEAR. Popula- tion. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily- Con sumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily ( on- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Consumption, June to October, Inclusive. Gallons. PerCent. Gallons. Gallons per In- habitant. 1890, . 18,707 9.1 626,000 143,000 22.8 33 705,000 38 1891, . 20,400 4.7 769,000 19.5 38 858,000 42 150,000 1892, . 21,350 1.2 919,000 14.8 43 1,026,000 48 136,000 1893, . 21,600 2.3* 1,055,000 17.3 49 1,199,000 56 182,000 1894, . 21,100 1,237,000 59 1,385,000 66 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Decrease. Quality of Water. - The water as it now comes from the well is of excellent quality, but some of it on its way to the city passes through an open distributing reservoir in which there are abundant 1895. J HOUSE -No. 500. 39 growths of microscopic organisms, so that the water is not delivered the consumers in as good condition as it comes from the ground. lhere are two possible causes of future deterioration of the water coming from the well. The first is the possibility already referred to on page 10 of this report, that any filtered river water may in time become of unsatisfactory quality; but with regard to this it be said that the works have now been in use for twenty-one years, and the analyses do not show any signs of deterioration from this cause. The second is the danger from polluting matters turned mto the ground in the territory from which the well derives its supply. The water conies to the w'ell from the ground on both sides of the river, and on the side across the river from the well the land has been divided into lots, and many buildings have been con- structed from which the wastes are run into cesspools. Pollution of the ground water in this way can be prevented by providing an efficient system of sewers for removing the polluting wastes. Future Supply.-The city of Waltham has acquired land along the banks of Charles River for a distance of about 1,700 feet up stream from the pumping station, and for an average depth back from the river of about 1,200 feet. Owing to the many irregular- ities of the shore line, its total length is about 4,600 feet. It was thought desirable to ascertain from how great a distance the present ''Veil drew its supply, both to assist in determining the present capacity of the well, and in finding out whether there was gravelly territory in addition to that from which the well drew its supply from which an additional supply might be obtained. For this pur- pose the height of the ground water was determined at many points °n both sides of the river by ascertaining the level of the water in '"'ells, test pits and small ponds, these determinations extending to a distance of as much as a mile from the pumping station in some directions. After the levels were first taken the fluctuations in the height of the water in these wells, test pits and ponds was observed from time to time. From these observations it was concluded that the present well when pumped to a low level would draw water from a very long distance, but not from the whole area which might available for furnishing a ground water supply; and it was therefore thought probable that an additional well or wells might be Stmk at a considerable distance from the present well, that would fficrease the capacity of the works to 5,000,000 gallons of water 40 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. per day during the driest portion of the year. This quantity of water should be sufficient for the requirements of the city until about the year 1920. At the present time the city is authorized to take from the Charles River or from the ground near it not more than 3,000,000 gallons of water daily. Quincy. [Population in 1890, 16,723; estimated population in 1895, 22,140.] Description and Capacity of /Sources of Supply. - This city was first supplied with water from two wells constructed in 1884, but its main source of supply is now a storage reservoir on Town Brook in Braintree, which was first filled in 1888, and only one of the wells is now used. The storage reservoir when full has an area of 45 acres, a water-shed of 991 acres including the reservoir, and a storage capacity of about 167,000,000 gallons. After making allowance for considerable leakage past the dam and through the gravelly land at one side of the reservoir, this source will supply 750,000 gallons of water per day in the driest year, and the well will yield about 90,000 gallons per day, making the total daily capacity of the present sources 840,000 gallons. Consumption of Water. - The average daily consumption of water in Quincy for the past five years is given in the following table : - Consumption of Water, Quincy YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1890, . 16,723 6.9 497,000 68,000 13.7 30 1891, . 17,880 6.3 565,000 6.6 32 37,000 1892, . 19,000 5.8 602,000 21.1 32 127,000 1893, . 20,100 5.4 729,000 9.5 36 69,000 1894, . 21,194 798,000 38 Note. -All populations after 1890 are estimated. It will be seen from this table that the consumption of water in 1894 very nearly equalled the capacity of the sources in a very dry year, and an additional supply is now required. 41 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. Quality of Water. - The water-shed from which the reservoir derives its supply contains much swampy land, which gives the water a brownish color, and there are some piggeries upon it which are objectionable features. The reservoir was filled without remov- ing the soil and mud from the land flowed, and the water is affected to a considerable extent by growths of the minute organisms often found in reservoirs, which give the water at times a disagreeable taste and odor. The quality of the water has shown a slight tendency to improve during the past two or three years, but it cannot in its present condition be regarded as a satisfactory water for the pur- poses of a public water supply. There is very little doubt, however, but that the quality of the water may be greatly improved by remov- ing the piggeries from the water-shed, by draining the swamps and by removing the soil and mud from the bottom of the reservoir. The water-shed contains only a comparatively small population. Future Supply. - Outlines of a plan for increasing the water supply of this city have recently been submitted to the State Board of Health for its advice by the mayor and water board. The plan suggested is the construction of another storage reservoir upon a small brook very near the existing reservoir, and the diversion into the existing and proposed reservoirs of the water of Blue Hill River. The city officials were advised that this plan would probably increase the supply so that it would in the driest year meet the requirements of the city until the year 1905, and that, if it were feasible to build a large reservoir above the Taunton turnpike, referred to in a report published by the city of Quincy in 1890, the supply might be increased suffi- ciently to last until about the year 1921. The cost of the works for supplying a water of good quality from these sources would be large. There is no source, other than the Blue Hill River, within a reasonable distance of Quincy, from which any large additional supply of water of good quality could be obtained, which is not already controlled by other cities and towns. Hyde Park and Milton. [Population in 1890: Hyde Park, 10,193; Milton, 4,278; total, 14,471. Estimated population in 1895: Hyde Park, 12,300; Milton, 5,800; total, 18,100.] Description and Capacity of Source of Supply. -The Hyde Park Water Company supplies water to the town of Hyde Park and to the Milton Water Company, and the latter company supplies the water purchased from the Hyde Park Water Company to the town of Milton. The whole water supply is derived from wells located 42 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. near the Neponset River, only a short distance above the thickly settled portion of Hyde Park. Additional wells were driven to increase the capacity of this source in 1893 and 1894, but it is very doubtful if the works as extended will furnish in a very dry season any more good water than is needed to supply the present demands. Water was first introduced into Milton in 1890. Consumption of Water. - The consumption of water in Hyde Park and Milton for the past five years is given in the following table : - Consumption of Water, Hyde Park and Milton. YEAR. Popula- tion. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Con- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption for Maxi- mum Two Months in Summer. Gallons. Per Cent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant. 1890, . 14,471 391,000 27 465,000 32 5.3 107,000 27.4 33 1891, . 15,240 498,000 35 613,000 40 5.1 66,000 13.3 1892, . 16,020 564,000 678,000 42 4.4 64,000 11.4 38 1893, . 16,720 628,000 34 727,000 43 4.5 41,000* 6.5* 1894, . 17,469 587,000 1 713,000 41 The consumption of water in each town for the past three years is as follows : - Consumption of Water, Hyde Park. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1892, 11,100 464,000 42 3.6 35,000 7.5 43 1893, 11,500 499,000 3.9 41,000* 8.2* 1894, 11,948 458,000 38 Consumption of Water, Milton. 1892, 1893, 1894, 4,920 5,220 5,521 6.1 5.8 100,000 129,000 129,000 29,000 0 29.0 0 20 25 23 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Decrease. Quality of Water.-A portion of the water furnished by the wells of the Hyde Park Water Company is derived from rain which falls upon the land on both sides of the river at no very great distance from the wells, but it is probable that most of the water comes by fil- tration from the Neponset River, which is a highly polluted stream. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 43 Analyses of water from many of the wells and groups of wells controlled by the company show that some of them furnish water Which is not perfectly purified by filtration, while others furnish or have furnished water that is or was very thoroughly purified. The fact that a well furnishes good water at one time does not prove that it will continue to do so for an unlimited period, as the purifying powers of the soil may become exhausted. On the whole, it may be said, regarding the quality of the water from these wells, that while some of them furnish good water, - and possibly enough of them to provide such water for the present supply of Hyde Park and Milton, - Yet it is doubtful if both these places can be supplied without drawing from the territory which furnishes water that is not efficiently purified. Taking into account the high degree of pollution of the river, the inefficiency of the purification by filtration in a portion of the terri- tory and the tendency which the ground has to lose its purifying power with continued use, I believe that this source of supply -will always be regarded with suspicion, and that it should be abandoned When a better supply can be obtained. Future Supply. - There is apparently no available source within a reasonable distance of the present one which will furnish a suffi- cient amount of water of good quality for Hyde Park and Milton. "The Milton Water Company, however, has made investigations with Reference to obtaining a supply of ground water from low land in the town of Milton, on the east side of Harland Street and near Pine Iree Brook, and was advised by the State Board of Health that a Sufficient supply of ground water to meet the requirements of the town for a few years, and possibly for a much longer time, could Probably be obtained at this place. If the Milton Water Company should obtain this supply, the Hyde Park 'Water Company, having °uly the town of Hyde Park to provide for, could furnish a better water than it can supply to both towns; and the Milton Water Company 11J'ght obtain enough water to temporarily supply a portion of the water c'°nsumed in Hyde Park. .There seems to be no source, other than the one in the town of Milton, from which the Milton Water Company Cau obtain an independent supply of good water at a reasonable cost. Woburn. [Population in 1890, 13,499; estimated population in 1895, 14,701.] description and Capacity of Source of Supply. - This city Stains its supply from a filter gallery constructed in 1873 near the 44 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. southerly shore of Horn Pond, - a pond which is seriously polluted, owing to the presence upon its water-shed of a large population and of tanneries and other manufacturing establishments which produce offensive wastes. The salt used in the tanneries and discharged into the streams with the tannery wastes, and that contained in the other wastes which enter the pond, has increased the chlorine in the water to many times its normal amount; and the water of the filter gallery contains nearly as much chlorine as that of the pond, furnishing conclusive evidence that the water filters from the pond to the gallery. It is estimated, from analyses which have been made monthly for seven years, that about ninety-two per cent, of the water which entered the filter gallery during that time came by filtration from the pond. The supply furnished by the filter gallery has been sufficient for the needs of the city from the first, but in 1882, when the consump- tion of water in July and August averaged 1,056,000 gallons per day, it threatened for a time to prove.too small. Measures were then taken to hold the surface of the pond at a higher level, and during the very dry year of 1883 and every year since that time the supply has been sufficient for all purposes. • It should be added, however, that the consumption of water in 1883 was less than in 1882, the average amount during the month of highest consumption being 911,000 gallons per day, and the average for the three months from July to September being 832,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. - The consumption of water in Woburn for the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Woburn. YEAR. Popula- tion. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Con- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption for Maxi- mum Two Months in Summer. Gallons. Per Cent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant- 1890, . 13,499 777,000 51 969,000 72 1.9 47,000* 6.1* 1891, . 13,760 730,000 53 801,000 58 1.7 45,000 6.2 1892, . 13,990 775,000 55 956,000 68 1.6 125,000 16.1 1893, . 14,220 900,000 63 1,161,000 82 1.7 72,000 8.0 1894, . 14,460 972,000 67 1,295,000 90 1 - * Decrease. 1895.] HOUSE-No. 500. 45 It will be seen, by comparing the consumption during the two months in summer, as given in the table, with the summer consump- tion in 1882 and 1883, as previously given, that there had been prac- tically no increase up to 1892, - a result which is supposed to be due to a large loss by leakage from the reservoir and the distributing system in the earlier years, which has been greatly reduced in recent years. The increase in consumption in 1893 and 1894, how- ever, seems to show an increasing demand for water. The indica- tions are that the consumption of water has already reached the capacity of the present source in a dry year, and that measures should be taken for increasing the supply. Quality of Water.-It has already been stated that the filter gallery receives the greater part of its water by filtration from Horn Pond, and that this pond is seriously polluted. Analyses of the Water of the filter gallery which have been made monthly for the past seven years show that the character of the water is entirely changed by filtration, the organic matter being reduced to a very small amount and the water being rendered suitable for drinking. During the past two years the amount of free ammonia in the water of the filter gallery has been slightly larger than in previous years, Which is an indication that the purification is becoming less perfect; but the change has been so slight up to the present time that it cannot be regarded as more than an indication. It is essential, where water is derived by filtration from a polluted source, that the purification should be very nearly perfect, as the water otherwise becomes unsafe for drinking. There have been at times in the past complaints of bad tastes and °dors in the water supplied to Woburn, but it is believed that these caused by vegetable growths in the open distributing reser- voir, rather than by the imperfect purification of the water entering the filter gallery. Future Supply. - It may be possible, by the construction of Mother filter gallery or well in porous ground near the pond, and a considerable distance from the present filter gallery, to obtain a farther supply of filtered water, or it may be feasible to facilitate the boration of the pond water into the present filter gallery in such a A'ay as not to diminish the purity of the water. If these methods Hbould fail, the city of Woburn may take advantage of its nearness territory which is only sparsely populated to obtain a supply of water by the construction of a storage reservoir upon some 46 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. unpolluted stream. The population on the water-shed of Horn Pond is so large (975 per square mile) that it cannot be regarded as a safe source from which to take a water supply directly, even after a system of sewers has been constructed in \\ oburn. Wakefield and Stoneham. [Population in 1890: Wakefield, 6,982; Stoneham, 6,155; total, 13,137. Estimated popula- tion in 1895: Wakefield, 8,119; Stoneham, 7,072; total, 15,191.] Description and Capacity of Source of Supply. - These towns are supplied by the Wakefield Water Company with water from. Crystal Lake in Wakefield. The lake when full has an area of 85 acres, and a water-shed, including the area of the pond, of .94 of a square mile. A portion of the lake covering about 30 acres is very shallow. The capacity of this source in a series of dry years, such as has occurred in the past, is about 660,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. -The consumption of water in Wakefield and Stoneham for the four years, from 1890 to 1893, inclusive, is given in the following table : - Consumption of Water, Wakefield and Stoneham. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1890, . 13,137 3.3 537,000 4,000 0.7 41 1891, . 13,570 3.8 541,000 58,000 10.7 40 1892, . 14,080 3.2 599,000 46,000* 7.7* 43 1893, . 14,528 533,000 38 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Decrease. The consumption of water for 1894 is not given in the above table because the water company refused to furnish it. There is but little doubt, however, that the consumption during this year has been greater than in either 1892 or 1893, because the pond at the end of 1894 was lower than at the end of the other years mentioned ; and, judging from the yield of other sources in the eastern part of Massa' chusetts, the amount of water entering the pond from its water' shed, from the time it stopped overflowing in the spring of 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 47 until the end of the year, was as great as during the correspond- ing period in either 1892 or 1893. The consumption of water in 1892 was only a very little less than the estimated capacity of this source in a series of dry years, and the consumption in 1894 prob- ably equalled, if it did not exceed, this capacity. Quality of Water.-Crystal Lake furnishes a nearly colorless water, Which has generally been of satisfactory quality, though it has been affected on a few occasions by the presence of the minute organisms Which impart to the waters of many ponds and reservoirs a disagree- able taste and odor. The water-shed contains at the present time a population of about 335, equal to 356 to the square mile. This is a large population, and on account of the proximity of the water- shed to the thickly settled parts of Stoneham and Wakefield it is likely to increase rapidly in the future. Future Supply.-In addition to Crystal Lake, the Wakefield Water Company was authorized by the Legislature to take water from Quannapowitt Lake in the town of Wakefield. This lake has a water-shed of 4.35 square miles, including its own area, and upon this water-shed there is estimated to be, in the towns of Reading and Wakefield, a population of 5,854, equal to 1,346 per square mile; moreover, there are extensive swamps upon the water-shed, Which unfavorably affect the character of the water and render it less attractive than the water of Crystal Lake. The State Board of Health advised the Wakefield Water Com- pany, on April 14, 1893, that "it has already expressed and still holds the opinion that the water of Quannapowitt Lake, one of the Sources named in your original act of incorporation, is now unfit for the purposes of a domestic water supply. This opinion as to the Quality of Quannapowitt Lake water applies to taking water directly from the lake ; but if the water were taken after it had been thor- oughly purified by filtering for a long distance through the ground, or by any other thorough method of filtration, it might be used." * I have caused two test wells to be driven, one near the northerly Ond of this lake and another on the northerly side of its outlet, at Points where it seemed most probable from surface indications that a ground-water supply, derived mainly from the lake or its outlet hy filtration, might be obtained. The well near the northerly end of the lake was driven through Moderately coarse sand, from which water could be pumped quite * Annual Report of State Board of Health for the year 1893, page 58. 48 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. freely, to a depth of 31 feet, and was then driven 50 feet further through much liner sand which did not furnish water freely. A sample of water taken from this well at a depth of 81 feet was ana- lyzed, and was found to contain much iron, to be hard, and to have some other unfavorable characteristics which would make it unde- sirable for water-supply purposes. The well driven north of the outlet of the lake reached ledge 28 feet below the surface, but passed most of the way through porous gravel and sand from which water could be pumped freely. The analysis of a sample taken from this well showed that the water was of much better quality than the water from the well at the end of the lake. The analysis had some unfavorable features, however, and it would require further examinations to determine whether a water of suitable quality for water-supply purposes could be obtained at this place or not. The nearness of the ledge to the surface and the comparatively short distance from the well to ground which is nearly impervious render it very doubtful if any large supply of water could be drawn continuously from the ground near this w'ell. On the whole it may be said, with regard to these tests, that, while they were not carried far enough to enable definite conclusions to be drawn, they indicate that it would be difficult if not imprac- ticable to obtain a satisfactory ground-water supply from either of the localities tested. In the town of Wakefield, north of Lowell Street and near the Saugus River, there is a large area of sandy land from which it seems probable that a ground-water supply sufficient for the needs of Wakefield and Stoneham for the next ten or fifteen years, and pos- sibly for a longer time, might be obtained. This area has been tested by means of driven wells, and the results are given on pages 31 and 32 of this report; but, as this area is within the terri- tory from which the city of Lynn was authorized to take water by the Legislature of 1893, it is not probable that it can be made avail- able for the water supply of Wakefield and Stoneham; and if it were available, it may be questioned whether, after taking into account the first cost and maintenance of a pumping station, wells and other works for obtaining a supply from this place, together with the uncertainties regarding the amount of water which may be obtained from a ground-water source, it would not be cheaper to obtain the additional supply for Wakefield and Stoneham from the metropolitan system. Pl as No. 5 The portions of this map printed in red relate to works proposed by the State Board of Health tor the water supply ofthe Metropolitan District. BOSTON WATER WORKS VyA-r£*i"SH£©a OF THE COCHITUATE SUPPLIES DESMOND FITZGERALD RES' ENG" & SUP! 1894 ■Hm luap ■■ U»U ■r' -*""" *""rh*d * cu, r™- •<- nt»i. T.rr«rl,b'l s-r Th. ....U- -Hl... H- «•■" •k-J "™£ Th. DMd. II- x .k. r.KMi~l. »■.•-• k"", I.,.,.1. -~1 l--.l~l .1 «rh ««» Und m«rk. 50 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. supply must be filtered river water. The present collecting system extends through so large an area of porous ground that a large amount of water stored in the interstices of the ground is available for maintaining the supply when the river is low and there is conse- quently a smaller amount of water filtering from it into the ground. It is impracticable to make any very close estimate of the amount of water which works of this kind will furnish without exhausting the water in the ground, until the water has been pumped at a high rate for several months during the dry portion of the year. It does not seem unreasonable, however, to expect that the present works will furnish continuously during the dry portion of a dry year from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 gallons of water per day. Consumption of Water.-The average daily consumption of water in Brookline for the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Brookline. YEAR. Popula- tion. Annual Increase (Percent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Con- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption, June to October, inclusive. Gallons. PerCent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant- 1890, . 12,103 6.0 877,000 102,000 11.6 72 1,003,000 83 1891, . 12,830 6.0 979,000 67,000 6.8 76 1,078,000 84 1892, . 13,600 5.7 1,046,000 16.1 77 1,170,000 86 168,000 1893, . 14,380 1,214,000 84 1,379,000 96 5.4 111,000 9.1 1894, . 15,153 1,325,000 87 1,558,000 103 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated Quality of Water. - The water supplied by the collecting system of the Brookline works is of excellent quality, and, as the distrib- uting reservoir is covered so that the water is not exposed to the light in any place, it remains of excellent quality when delivered to the consumer. There are two possible causes of future deterioration of the water from these works, the first being the one already referred to on page 10 of this report, - that any filtered river water may in time become of unsatisfactory quality. With regard to this point it may be said that water has been drawn from the ground near the Charles River at this place and at Newton and Waltham for about twenty years, 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 51 without showing signs of deterioration; but it should also be added that the works have not yet had the severe test which they will have in the future, when much larger quantities of water will be drawn from them. The second is the danger from polluting matters turned into the ground within the drainage area which contributes directly to the ground-water supply. There is, on the West Roxbury side of the river, a rapidly increasing population within the territory from which a part of this supply comes; but the city of Boston is already con- sidering the question of constructing a system of sewers to divert the sewage of this territory into its main sewerage system. The dan- ger, therefore, of any serious deterioration of the water from either of these causes may be regarded as somewhat remote. Future Supply. - The town of Brookline has acquired a very large area of land on both sides of the Charles River, but mostly on the Dedham side, for developing and protecting its water supply. On the West Roxbury side the land extends along the river from the pumping station lot to the Newton line, a distance of about 4,400 feet, and on the opposite side the land acquired consists of two tracts with a total frontage on the river at and below the pumping station of 8,100 feet. One of these tracts extends across a neck of land about 2,400 feet wide to another part of the river which, measured along the river, is several miles above the pumping station. It does not seem improbable that these works can be developed so that they will furnish 5,000,000 gallons of water per day in the driest portion of a dry year; and, if the population of Brookline increases in accordance with the estimate given in Appendix No. 1, this quantity of water will provide 124 gallons per day per inhabi- tant during the months from June to October inclusive, until the year 1917. At the present time the town of Brookline is authorized to take from the Charles River 3,000,000 gallons of water daily. Medford. [Population in 1890, 11,079; estimated population in 1895,14,812.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - The main source of supply of this city is Spot Pond, which is used jointly with balden and Melrose, each municipality being entitled to one-third °f its water. A description of Spot Pond and a statement of its capacity has already been given on page 35 ; and, as there indicated, 52 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. it will supply 520,000 gallons of water per day to each place in a dry series of years. An auxiliary supply for Medford is now obtained by pumping water from three small streams or water courses just south of Spot Pond, on one of which Wright's Pond is situated. The total water- shed added in this way is one-half of a square mile. At the present time there is a small receiving reservoir into which the water of the three streams flows, and a temporary pumping station beside it. When the streams furnish enough water to warrant pumping, it is pumped directly into the main pipe leading from Spot Pond to the city, and if more is pumped than the city uses, the surplus goes back into Spot Pond. The city is now developing this source by the construction of a new dam at Wright's Pond, increasing the storage capacity of the pond to 30,000,000 gallons, and it is estimated that when this development is completed the total capacity of the Medford sources will be 900,000 gallons per day in a dry series of years. This estimate is made upon the assumption that Med- ford will be able to utilize its third of the storage capacity in Spot Pond for the storage of the water supplied by the auxiliary water- shed, and that the pond may be drawn down to a level 15 feet below high-water mark. An auxiliary supply was obtained for a time from a system of tu- bular wells in the valley of a small brook just north of the thickly settled portion of the city, but this source is not now used. Consumption of Water. - It is only since a meter was put on the main pipe, in September, 1892, to measure the quantity of water drawn from Spot Pond that the amount of water consumed could be determined. The following table, therefore, contains only the record of consumption for the past three years, and the record for 1892 covers only the last four months of the year: - Consumption of Water, Medford. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1892, . 12,600 6.0 568,000 43,000 7.6 45 1893, . 13,360 611,000 46 5.7 88,000 14.4 1894, . 14,122 699,000 49 Note. - All populations are estimated. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 53 If the consumption of water in Medford were to increase in the future at the same rate that it has during the past two years, the capacity of the works after being fully developed would be reached in 1897. If Spot Pond should be full in the spring of 1897, the large amount of water stored in it would insure a sufficient water supply to Medford for two or three years longer even if the con- sumption of water during these years should be somewhat in excess of the safe capacity of the works. Quality of Water.-A statement with regard to the quality of the Spot Pond water is given on page 37. By far the greater part of the water-shed of the auxiliary source south of Spot Pond is either owned by the city of Medford or is a part of the Middlesex Pells reservation controlled by the Metropolitan Park Commission. The population upon the water-shed at the present time is very small, and it is not likely to increase to any considerable extent. There is also some swampy land upon the water-shed, but this can readily be drained so that it will not seriously affect the quality of the water. On the whole, there seems to be no reason to doubt but that a water of good quality can be obtained from this auxiliary source. Future Supply. - In addition to the present auxiliary source, there are said to be several small water-sheds within the city limits Which it might be possible to develop so as to obtain a still further additional supply. I am not sufficiently informed with regard to these to know just how much water they will furnish, or whether the Water can be obtained at a cost which would make it desirable to add them; but as a general rule the addition of small supplies which soon become outgrown is not in the line of true economy. Revere and Winthrop. [Population in 1890; Revere, 5,668; Winthrop, 2,726; total, 8,394. Estimated population in !895 ; Revere, 7,707; Winthrop, 3,783; total, 11,490.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - These towns are supplied by the Revere Water Company with ground water from two sources, one located in the town of Revere and the other in the vicin- tty of Cliftondale in the town of Saugus. At Revere the water is obtained from two large wells and three groups of tubular wells located in the valley of a small brook. The ai'ea of the water-shed of this brook at a point opposite the wells is 130 acres. It is estimated that the wells will yield in a series of two 54 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. Feb. or more dry years an average of about 300,000 gallons of water per day; and, as the experience with these works has shown that there is a very large amount of storage in the ground, more water may be drawn during portions of the year provided the total amount indi- cated by the above estimate is not exceeded. Experience has also shown that an excessive draft upon these wells may cause an infiltra- tion of sea water. At Cliftondale the water is obtained from a system of tubular wells, which, with their present development, do not furnish sufficient water to supply the two towns without drawing upon the wells at Revere. Consumption of Water. - The consumption of water in Revere and Winthrop for the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Revere and Winthrop. YEAK. Population. Annual Increase (Percent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average I Daily Con- i sumption ; per Inhabitant 1 (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption for Maxi- mum Two Months in Summer. Gallons. Per Cent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant- 1890, . 8,394 5.3 427,000 46,000 10.7 51 662,000 79 1891, . 8,835 5.8 473,000 70,000 14.8 54 666,000 75 1892, . 9,345 6.3 543,000 180,000 33.2 58 711,000 76 1893, . 9,936 7.2 723,000 51,000 7.1 73 921,000 93 1894, . 10,651 774,000 73 1,089,000 102 Note. -All populations after 1890 are estimated. The table shows a very rapid increase in the consumption of water in these towns in recent years ; and, if the capacity of the works has not already been reached, there is little doubt that it will be very soon, if the consumption continues to increase as it has. Revere and Winthrop have a large additional summer population, which accounts for the large increase in the consumption of water in sum- mer. The large consumption of water per inhabitant in summer, as given in the table, is rather misleading, as in estimating it no account has been taken of the additional summer population. Quality of Water. - The water furnished by the wells at Revere has always been a hard water, owing to the population upon the water-shed and possibly also to the proximity of the wells to the sea- Since August, 1893, there has been a very large increase in the 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 55 amount of chlorine in the water, indicating beyond all doubt that a small amount of sea water has been finding its way into the wells. If the wells wTere to remain unused, there is little doubt that the water Would again become wholly fresh, but there is an uncertainty as to how long a time it would take. The wTells at Saugus furnish water of good quality. Future Supply. - There are no sources not now controlled by some other city or town for water-supply purposes, within a reason- able distance of Revere and Winthrop, from which these towns or the Revere Water Company could obtain, independently, any large additional amount of good water. It may be feasible to develop the present works at Cliftondale so that they will furnish a larger quan- tity of water than at present, but it does not seem probable that they can be made to furnish enough water to meet the rapidly increasing requirements of these tw'o towns. Melrose. Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply.-The main source of supply of this town is Spot Pond, which is used jointly with Malden and Medford, each municipality being entitled to one- third of its water. A description of Spot Pond and a statement of its capacity has already been given on page 35 ; and, as there stated, it will supply 520,000 gallons of water per day to each place in a series of dry years. A temporary additional supply is purchased from a private water company, which obtains water from tubular wells in the valley of Spot Pond Brook on the westerly edge of the thickly settled por- tion of the town. It is not necessary to base an estimate of the capacity of these wells upon the amount which they will furnish dur- ]ug the dry months of a dry year, because in such a year recourse can he had to the large amount of water stored in Spot Pond to prevent a deficiency in the supply. The capacity of these wells is not very definitely known, but it Uiay be reckoned at an average of about 280,000 gallons per day, in addition to the supply from Spot Pond, making the total capacity °f the present sources of supply about 800,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water.-The consumption of water in Melrose during the past five years has been as follows : - [Population in 1890, 8,519; estimated population in 1895, 11,656.] 56 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Consumption of Water, Melrose. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (Per Cent.). Average Daily Consumption (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Consumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Gallons. Per Cent. 1890, . 8,519 581,000* 68 8.6 135,000 23.2 1891, . 9,250 716,000* 77 8.3 4,000 0.6 1892, . 10,021 720,000* 72 8.8 68,000+ 16. OJ 1893, . 10,900 652,000f 60 5.0 29,000 4.4 1894, . 11,441 681,000f 60 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. • Pump measurement. t Meter measurement. X Decrease. The table indicates a marked decrease in the consumption of water from 1892 to 1893 ; but it may be questioned whether this is not due to the change in the method of measuring the water rather than to a decrease in the amount consumed, because a comparison of the two methods of measurement covering the same months showed that the pump measurement was considerably larger. The daily consumption of water per inhabitant in 1893 and 1894 was 60 gallons, and at this rate the present sources will supply a population of 13,333, which is the estimated population of Melrose in 1898. Quality of Water. - A statement with regard to the quality of the Spot Pond water is given on page 37. The wells from which the auxiliary supply is obtained derive their water from a territory upon which there is a large population, and the water is, consequently, high in mineral matter and hard, and the hardness is increasing- The water is, however, at the present time of suitable quality for domestic use, particularly when it is mixed with the softer water of Spot Pond. Future Supply. It may be feasible for Melrose to increase its water supply to a limited extent by means of driven wells at some place within the limits of the town; but there is no place within a reasonable distance from which it can obtain, by itself, at a reasonable oost, an abundant supply of good water. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 57 Watertown and Belmont. [Population in 1890: Watertown, 7,073; Belmont, 2,098; total,9,171. Estimated population in 1895: Watertown, 7,551; Belmont, 2,628; total, 10,179.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. -These towns are supplied by the Watertown Water Supply Company with Water taken from the ground near the Charles River in Watertown. The works for collecting water originally consisted of a filter gallery located near a portion of the river where the water is ponded by the dam of the jEtna Mills, and also near the line of a small brook which empties into the river below the dam. In order to provide a suffi- eient quantity of water to meet the increasing demands, the Works have been extended from time to time; first by a series of tubular wells near the filter gallery, which, like the filter gallery, furnish good water, and subsequently by a large well and by tubular Wells located farther down stream, which furnish water inferior in quality to that furnished by the filter gallery. The total capacity of these works is not definitely known, but during the drier portion of the year it is necessary to use the sources which furnish the poorer Water in order to maintain the supply to the towns. The company has mtfde very extended tests of the ground in the vicinity of its present works, and it does not seem probable that enough good Water can be obtained in this vicinity to supply these two towns for any long time in the future. Consumption of Water.-The consumption of water for the past five years has been as follows : - Consumption of Water, Watertown and Belmont. Year. Population. Annual Increase (PerCent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily < on- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption for Maxi- mum Two Months in Summer. Gallons. Per Cent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant. 1890, . 1891, . 9,171 3.7 360,000 27,000* 7.5* 39 464,000 51 9,515 333,000 35 413,600 43 1892, . 4.4 74,000 22.2 9,935 0.7 407,000 70,000 17.2 41 522,000 53 1893, . 10,003 0.1 477,000 13.2* 48 535,000 53 1894, . 63,000* 10,008 414,000 41 512,000 51 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. * Decrease. 58 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Quality of Water.-As already indicated, there is a difference in the character of the water obtained from different portions of the works of this company. The water of the original filter gallery and of the system of tubular wells near it is of excellent quality; while that from the wells farther down stream was found by special examinations in 1893 to contain iron and manganese, and not to show the high degree of chemical purification which water may at- tain when it filters for a sufficient distance through the ground under favorable circumstances. The water, however, was nearly free from bacteria, and was not then regarded as an unsafe water to supply to the towns. It would, however, be advisable to abandon the wells which furnish the inferior water when a better supply is available. Future Supply. - It has already been indicated that there is no likelihood of obtaining any large additional supply of water from the ground in the vicinity of the present works, and I do not know of any source within a reasonable distance of these towns from which they or the water company can obtain a sufficient independent supply of good water at a reasonable cost. The water commissioners of the town of Belmont recently caused investigations to be made of sources from which an independent sup- ply of water might be obtained for that town. The engineer em- ployed by them reported that a supply could be obtained from Clematis Brook at an estimated cost of $146,707, exclusive of land or water rights and of the cost of the distributing system which is now owned by the town. This sum equals $55.82 for each inhabi- tant in 1895, using the estimated population as given on page 4. Arlington. [Population in 1890, 5,629; estimated population in 1895, 6,573.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - This town is supplied with water by gravity from a storage reservoir which has an area of 31 acres, a capacity of 77,000,000 gallons and a water- shed, including the area of the reservoir, of 2.25 square miles. There is an additional water-shed of .49 of a square mile from which water flows into the Great Meadows, so-called, in Lexington ; and from these meadows, which can be flooded so as to form a very shallow reservoir, the water can be turned into the main reservoir when an additional supply is needed, or it can be wasted through another outlet. Along one side of the storage reservoir there is a filter gallery with branches running out beneath the reservoir, and 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 59 enough filtered water is obtained in this way to supply the town during more than half of the year. There is also a connection between the brook which feeds the reservoir and the filter gallery, hy means of which the brook water can be turned into the filter gallery and thence into the pipe leading to the town without passing through the reservoir. It is estimated that the storage reservoir will supply about 530,000 gallons per day in a dry year without any water being turned into it from the Great Meadows. This reservoir is at so low a level that it will not supply the whole of the town by grav- ity, and works are now nearly completed for taking water from the ground at one side of the Great Meadows and near the East Lexing- ton railroad station, and pumping it to supply the higher portions of the town. The total capacity of all the sources controlled by the town is somewhat indefinite, but it may be reckoned at about 750,000 gallons per day in the driest year. Consumption of Water. - The amount of water consumed by the town is not measured in any way. The large number of people to Whom the present water supply is not available would tend to make the consumption lower than in most towns, but on the other hand a Very large amount of water is used by the market gardeners in the town in summer. Quality of Water. - The water of the storage reservoir quite frequently contains abundant growths of the minute organisms which give water a disagreeable taste and odor, so that it is a very unsatis- factory water for drinking. The water of the filter gallery is of more satisfactory quality than that of the reservoir, notwithstand- ing the fact that the purification by filtration is far from being com- plete. The water of the brook feeding the reservoir comes from 3. territory where there is much manured land and some population, and, while it may be more attractive to the consumers than the Water drawn from the storage reservoir, it is not as safe for drink- ing when taken directly into the pipes as it would be after storage in the reservoir. The water of the driven wells, from which the high-service supply is to be taken, will probably be of better quality fhan any other water supplied to the town except the filtered water °f the filter gallery; but even the well water was found by analyses °f samples taken from test wells to contain an undesirable amount pf iron, which may increase with continuous pumping, so that it ls not expected to prove a water of wholly satisfactory quality. 60 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Future Supply. - Aside from the present sources of supply, there seems to be no available source within a reasonable distance of the town from which a satisfactory independent supply can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Winchester. [Population in 1890, 4,861; estimated population in 1895, 6,930.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - This town is supplied with water from three storage reservoirs situated in the Mid- dlesex Fells, and known as the North, Middle and South reservoirs. The North Reservoir, built in 1873, was the original source of supply of the town. It has an area of 59 acres, a storage capacity of 159,000,000 gallons in the upper ten feet, a total storage capacity according to an old report of 259,000,000 gallons and a water-shed of 442 acres, exclusive of the area of the reservoir. Making allowance for a leakage of 50,000 gallons per day past the dam, the source will yield by itself about 578,000 gallons of water per day in a series of dry years; but used in connection with the other sources, where the reservoirs are larger in proportion to the water-sheds, its capacity may be reckoned at about 640,000 gallons per day. The Middle Reservoir naturally forms a part of the South Reser- voir, but is separated from it by a dam. It was formed by flood- ing an extensive swamp to a depth of about 13 feet. It has an area of 58 acres and a water-shed of 134 acres, exclusive of the area of the reservoir. Its capacity is sufficiently large to make available practically all of the water which the water-shed will supply, amount- ing to about 209,000 gallons per day in a series of dry years. The water from this reservoir overflows into the South Reservoir. The South Reservoir, which was completed in 1891, has very bold shores to a depth of 20 feet or mpre below high-water mark, and a maximum depth of about 40 feet just above the dam. Its area is 82 acres, and the area of the water-shed contributing directly to it, exclusive of the reservoir, is 197 acres. Its storage capacity is so very large in proportion to the area of the water-shed that, like the Middle Reservoir, it will render available practically the whole flo'v from the water-shed, amounting to about 308,000 gallons per day i*1 a series of dry years; but as there is a leakage of about 116,000 gallons per day past the dam, the available yield, exclusive of th® overflow from the Middle Reservoir is about 192,000 gallons per day- 1895.] HOUSE-No. 500. 61 It is stated that there are certain outlying areas amounting to 43 acres, from which the surface water can easily be diverted into the South Reservoir, and when diverted the yield of this reservoir will he increased about 45,000 gallons per day, making the total yield 237,000 gallons per day. The foregoing statements, representing the quantity of water which each of the reservoirs will furnish, are subject to considerable modification when we take into account the present or future quality of the water which these reservoirs will furnish. • In the first place, there are 184 of the 442 acres of water-shed tributary to the North Reservoir upon which the populated part of the town of Stoneham has begun to encroach. Four hundred people How live upon these 184 acres, equivalent to 1391 per square mile. It is feasible to divert from the North Reservoir the water coming trom this territory, and it should be done; but when done, the daily yield of the North Reservoir, used in connection with the other reservoirs, will be reduced from 640,000 to 353,000 gallons per day. Owing to the large area of swampy land flowed by the Middle Ileservoir, the water contains so much organic matter that it is not of suitable quality to supply directly to the town or to turn into the other reservoirs without being filtered. It may be possible to divert into the other reservoirs a portion of the water which under present Conditions would flow into this reservoir, and possibly to filter into them a part or the whole of the remainder of the water which this reservoir will supply. The South Reservoir when first filled contained water of very poor Quality, but it has improved so much since that time that it has been Used during the past six months in one section of the town, and it Hiay be reckoned as one of the available sources of the town. The total capacity of the present sources of supply evidently spends much upon where the line is drawn between good and bad vater, and also upon whether it is feasible to purify the water of the Middle Reservoir, which is now unsuitable for use, and to recover which is lost by leakage through the dams. The quantities °btained by different assumptions are given in the following tabula- tion, beginning with the water of the best quality : - 62 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Gallons per Day. North Reservoir, excluding the 184 acres of populated territory in Stone- ham, ... 353,000 South Reservoir, exclusive of overflow from Middle Reservoir, . . 190,000 Additional from South Reservoir if water is diverted into it from a small outlying water-shed, 45,000 588,000 Middle Reservoir, assuming that a part of the water coming from its water-shed may be diverted into the other reservoirs and that the re- mainder may be filtered into the other reservoirs, .... 209,000 797,000 Leakage from dams if recovered and utilized : - South Dam,116,000 North Dam, 50,000 963,000 Consumption of Water. - No record is kept of the amount of water consumed by the town. From 1891 to 1894, when the whole supply of the town was taken from the North Reservoir, there were three periods varying from nine to eleven months in length during which the reservoir did not overflow; and by estimating the amount of water which the reservoir probably received from its water-shed and from the rain which fell directly into it during this period, and making proper deductions for the amount of water lost from the res- ervoir by evaporation and by leakage from the dam, it is feasible to ascertain approximately the amounts drawn for the use of the town. They amounted to an average of about 70 gallons daily per inhabitant. It is stated that, owing to the fact that the town has a supply of water in excess of its present needs, large quantities of water are supplied for irrigation purposes and for manufacturing, but that these extravagant uses of water would be promptly checked if there was danger that the supply would prove insufficient. While a reduction might be made in the amount of water con- sumed by preventing the use of water in the manner described, it does not seem probable, when the conditions in Winchester are com- pared with those in other towns, that the consumption would be reduced to less that 60 gallons per head per day. If the daily consumption of water per inhabitant in 1895 is reck- oned at 60 gallons, and allowance is made for an increase of font gallons every five years, we have, by using the estimated future pop- 1895.] HOUSE-No. 500. 63 ulation of the town as given in Appendix No. 1, the following esti- mated consumption up to the year 1915 : - YEAR. Estimated Population. Consumption per Day per Inhabitant. Total Consumption per Day. 1895, 6,930 60 415,800 1900, 8,350 64 534,400 1905, 10,125 68 688,500 1910, 12,225 72 880,200 1915, 14,725 76 1,119,100 By comparing this table of estimated consumption of water with the capacity of the sources as given above, and by making allow- ance for the fact that with the large amount of water which Winches- ter has stored in its reservoirs it can draw upon its surplus storage to maintain its supply for about two years after the permanent capac- ity of its sources has been reached, it is found that the North and South reservoirs, inclusive of the small outlying water-shed and ex- clusive of the Middle Reservoir, will furnish a supply until 1904. If the water of the Middle Reservoir is utilized the supply will last Until 1910, and if the leakage from the dams is also recovered and utilized the time will be extended until 1914. Quality of Water. - The water of the North Reservoir is gen- erally of good quality, but it has been affected at times by the pres- ence of large numbers of the minute organisms which give the water an unpleasant taste and odor. The water would be rendered much Safer for drinking and would be less likely to contain these organisms if the drainage from the 184 acres already referred to in Stoneham Were diverted from the reservoir. The South Reservoir, as already stated, contained a water of very Poor quality when it was first filled; but there has been a steady hnprovement in the quality, and it seems probable that the water Will be as good as that of the North Reservoir if the overflow of Water from the Middle Reservoir into the South Reservoir is Prevented. The quality of the water in the Middle Reservoir has already been fully stated. Future Supply. - There does not appear to be any source from the town of Winchester can obtain an additional water supply 64 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. when the capacity of its present sources is reached which will furnish water of good quality as cheaply as the proposed metropoli- tan system. Swampscott and Nahant. [Population in 1890: Swampscott, 3,198; Nahant, 880; total, 4,078. Estimated population in 1895: Swampscott, 3,592; Nahant, 1,125; total, 4,717.] Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - These towns are supplied by the Marblehead Water Company with ground water from wells in Swampscott. The pumping station and the original well, and many driven wells which have since been added to increa e the capacity of the works, are near Stacy's Brook only a short dis- tance from the sea, and there are other wells driven more recently in the valley of a tributary of this brook, from a quarter to a half mile from the original well, which are known as the Paradise Road wells. The wells located in the valley of Stacy's Brook have become affected by the infiltration of a small amount of sea water in the same manner as the wells of the Revere Water Company at Revere. The Paradise Road wells do not furnish enough water to meet the increased demands due to the large summer population from about the first of June to the first of October, and it is therefore necessary during this period to use some of the water from the sources near the pumping station which have become affected by the infiltration of sea water. Consumption of Water. - The average daily consumption of water in Swampscott and Nahant during the past five years has been as follows :- Consumption of Water, Swampscott and Nahant. YEAR. Population. Annual Increase (PerC'ent.). Average Daily Consump- tion (Gallons). Annual Increase. Average Daily Con- sumption per Inhabitant (Gallons). Average Daily Con- sumption for Maxi- mum Two Months In Summer. Gallons. PerCent. Gallons. Gallons per Inhabitant 1890, . 4,078 3.3 229,000 28,000 12.2 56 519,000 127 1891, . 4,212 3.5 257,000 2.3 61 535,000 127 6,000 1892, . 4,360 2.6 263,000 10.7 60 568,000 130 28,000 1893, . 4,475 2.2 291,000 11.3 65 647,000 145 33,000 1894, . 4,575 324,000 71 592,000 129 Note. - All populations after 1890 are estimated. □ '■■AN N<> |. STATE BOABD OF HEALTH METl-lDFOJJTAN WATER SUPPLY V\feran-3M£D or the NASHUA ABOVE CLfrlTON DECEMBER , 1894. This unp is taken from the orifnial sheet* of the Stnt»« Topographic nl Survey, except in the vicinity of the Nrtahi ti niul Qtrinepoxet Rivers.where exact surveys, matte hr the State Board (if Health, have been used. rm-oriM>n»itiM *> »f dir whole watershed. 65 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. Quality of Water. - The water of the wells in Paradise Road is of good quality, although somewhat harder than is desirable. The Water of the wells in the valley of Stacy's Brook, aside from the in- filtration of sea water, is derived from a territory containing a large population, so that it is hard and contains much mineral matter. The analyses, however, show that the amount of organic matter is Very small, indicating, as far as a chemical analysis can, a very efficient purification of the by filtration. Future Supply.-The water company is now engaged in an investigation with a view to obtaining an additional water supply from the ground in the northerly portion of the town; but, should this prove as large as can reasonably be expected, it is not likely to nieet the increasing needs of the towns for more than a short time. It is also possible that a further additional supply may be obtained from the valley of Forest di. pr in Salem; but, even if this should he the case, it may be questioned whether it properly belongs to Swampscott and Nahant or to Marblehead, which now has only a limited supply of water and already has works located in the valley (if this river. Aside from these sources, there seems to be no place Within a reasonable distance from which either Swampscott and N ahant or Marblehead can obtain independently any large additional Supply of water at a reasonable cost. Lexington. Description and Capacity of Sources of Supply. - This town is Applied with water by the Lexington Water Company. Water was in 1884 from wells on the border of a meadow near A ine in Lexington. Additional wells have been added from time time, so that there are now four large wells and one deep tubular Xvell in the vicinity of the pumping station, and another well and a Covered gallery nearer the village of Lexington. In addition to these sources a storage reservoir was built upon the portion of Vine Brook in 1894, which is now being filled water for the first time. It has a capacity of about 14,250,000 pilons, and, if raised an additional foot by flash-boards, of about gallons. Its area is about acres, and its water-shed, the area of the reservoir, is about .30 of a square mile. additional ground-water supply was also developed during the [Population in 1890,3,197; estimated population in 1895, 3,645.] 66 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. construction of the dam and the laying of the pipe from the reservoir to the pumping station, which has been turned into this pipe. The wells are said to furnish an ample supply to meet present requirements for all except four or five months in the drier portions of the year, so that until the consumption increases it will only be necessary to draw water from the reservoir during this period. It is impracticable, with the information now at hand, to estimate definitely the amount of water which these combined sources will furnish; but it does not seem probable that they will furnish during the dry months of a very dry year more than from 200,000 to 300,000 gallons per day. Consumption of Water. - No records are kept of the daily con- sumption of water, but it has been necessary in summer to place restrictions upon the amount of water used for some purposes. If we take the estimated population in 1895 as already given, and reckon upon a summer use of 50 gallons per inhabitant, the total daily consumption of water will be 182,250 gallons. While the foregoing figures cannot be regarded as other than approximations, it seems probable that, with the increasing popula- tion and the tendency in nearly all places for the consumption of water per inhabitant to increase, this town will need an additional supply about as soon as a metropolitan supply wTill be available. Quality of Water.-The water taken from the ground by the Lexington Water Company is of good quality. The quality of the water which the storage reservoir will furnish is not yet known, but it is expected that it will be suitable for use. Future Supply.-Extended investigations were made by the water company in 1893 for the purpose of obtaining an additional water supply for the town ; but, aside from the developement of the Vine Brook water-shed by the construction of the storage reservoir recently completed, no satisfactory source was found. The larger streams within a reasonable distance of the town contained water of unsatisfactory quality, owing to the large amount of low, swampy land draining into them; and by following these streams toward their head waters it was found that when a point was reached where the water was good, the quantity of water available was too small to warrant the construction of works or to supply the growing require- ments of the town. Investigations with a view to obtaining a ground-water supply near the larger streams indicated that it would not be feasible to obtain a supply in this way. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 67 Outline of the Proposed Plan for taking an Additional Water Supply from the Nashua River. An outline of the plan recommended for taking an additional Water supply from the Nashua River, and a statement with regard to the quality, quantity and cost of the water to be obtained from this source, will be given in this place so that it will be feasible to con- sider intelligently in a subsequent chapter the question of whether it is better for the different cities and towns to obtain their water sup- plies as a part of the metropolitan district or by independent action. A statement with regard to the sources investigated and not recom- mended, and a more detailed description of the works for taking Water from the Nashua River and for distributing it through the met- ropolitan district, will be given in the latter portion of my report. A careful preliminary examination of the sources from which any large additional water supply might be obtained for the metropoli- tan district indicated that the South Branch of the Nashua River just above Clinton, used in connection with the Sudbury River and Lake Cochituate, offered the greatest promise of furnishing an ample sup- ply of good water at a reasonable cost; and the surveys and inves- tigations with reference to obtaining an additional supply from this source were made with special care, in order to determine ''vith certainty the feasibility of the plan, its cost, and the oppor- tunities for supplementing the supply in the future from other Sources if the additional supply from the Nashua River should prove Insufficient. The situation of the Nashua River water-shed with relation to the Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds and to the metropolitan dis- trict, together with the location of present and proposed aqueducts leading to this district and for conveying the water from the Nashua Oliver to the Sudbury water-shed, is shown on Plan No. 2. The principal features of the proposed plan are as follows : - A very large storage reservoir upon the Nashua River. An aqueduct capable of conveying 300,000,000 gallons of water per day r°m this reservoir to the Sudbury water-shed. The use of the present Sudbury and Cochituate aqueducts of the city of for conveying water to Chestnut Hill Reservoir until their full opacity has been utilized. An additional aqueduct, capable of conveying 250,000,000 gallons of per day, to be built in the not distant future, for conveying water 68 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT [Feb. from Reservoir No. 5 of the Boston Water Works to the metropolitan district. A low-lift pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir and a system of main pipes for supplying all of the lower portions of the metropolitan dis- trict until the aqueduct last mentioned is built, and afterward to supply to these portions of the district the water brought by the Sudbury and Cochituate aqueducts. The use of Spot Pond in Stoneham as a low-service distributing reservoir. , The use of the present pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir and the construction of a new pumping station in Malden, with corresponding main pipe systems, for supplying respectively the southern and northern high-service districts. Two small pumping stations and pipe systems for supplying water to comparatively small populations at a still higher level. Description and Capacity of Source.-The streams which unite in West Boylston to form the South Branch of the Nashua River take their rise on the easterly and southerly slopes of Mt. Wachusett, in the central part of the State (Plan No. 4). The drainage area of the river above the proposed point of taking, in the town of Clinton, i» 118.23 square miles, and upon this area there are no large towns or villages. The largest town is West Boylston, which in 1890 had a population of 3,019, and has grown very little since 1870, when it had a population of 2,862. The construction of the proposed reservoir would materially decrease the population of this town by flowing the sites of mills and houses in the villages of West Boylston and Oakdale. In comparison with the Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds (Plan No. 5) and nearly all others in the vicinity of Boston, this water-shed contains a small area of swampy land. There are factories upon some of the streams above the proposed reservoir, but it is feasible to divert the objectionable portion of the manufacturing wastes and to purify them by filtration, and in the same way to prevent the contamination of the water by the wastes from the population in the villages. The proposed reservoir is so very large that all of the water flow- ing in this river in an ordinary year, amounting to an average d about 120,000,000 gallons per day, may be utilized. The reservoir will also equalize the flow of water in a series of years as dry any which have occurred in the last forty or fifty, so as to supply an average of 105,000,000 gallons per day. In addition to amount, if it should be found in these dry years that the reservoir had been drawn down so much that it would not be likely to fill i# 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 69 the spring if water should be drawn freely from it for the supply of the metropolitan district, the flow from this source could be restricted or stopped, and in its place the portion of the spring flow from the Sudbury water-shed, which now runs to waste over the lowest dam, might be used to furnish the supply to the district. This water which flows in the Sudbury River in the spring of the year does not have the benefit of any long storage ; but it is now used for the water supply the city of Boston, and by the drainage of swamps and the further diversion and purification of sewage from the villages upon the water-shed can be made better in the future than it is now. By utilizing this water which is now wasted from the Sudbury River, the capacity of the combined sources in a very dry series of years will be increased by an average for the whole year of 6,000,000 gallons per day, making the total addition attributable to the Nashua Kiver and the proposed reservoir upon it of 111,000,000 gallons. This quantity, added to the 62,000,000 gallons per day which the Sudbury and Cochituate water-sheds will supply after Reservoir No. 5 is completed, will make the total capacity of the combined sources 113,000,000 gallons. In making the above estimates I have reckoned upon drawing from the Nashua Reservoir but five-sixths of its storage capacity, so that there would remain for emergencies 10,500,000,000 gallons, equal to a supply of 105,000,000 gallons per day for one hundred days; and I have not taken into account the fact that the Nashua Water-shed, on account of its steeper slopes and smaller area ot swamps, gives less opportunity for evaporation, and will consequently yield a larger quantity of water per square mile than the Sudbury Water-shed, upon the flow from which these estimates have been based. In all ordinary years a draft of 100,000,000 gallons daily from the Nashua River would not draw from the reservoir more than one- sixth of its storage capacity, or lower it more than nine feet below high-water mark. Investigations have shown that, if the population of the metropoli- an district becomes so large that the Nashua River in connection 'W'ith existing sources will not furnish a sufficient quantity of water, an additional supply of water of good quality and of almost unlimited Quantity can be obtained from tributaries of the Assabet River and the Ware, Swift and Deerfield rivers. The cost of adding the tribu- taries of the Assabet River and the Ware River will be comparatively sniall; and if the population of the metropolitan district should ever 70 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. become so large as to require the addition from time to time of the other streams, the cost would not be large in proportion to the greatly increased population to be supplied at the time. Storage, Reservoir. - The proposed storage reservoir on the Nashua River has a capacity of 63,068,000,000 gallons, a depth of water near the dam above the level of the existing millpond of 107 feet, and an average depth of 46 feet. Its area when full is 6.56 square miles, which will make it the largest body of fresh water in Massachusetts, and its high-water mark is 385 feet above the level of high tide. In order to build the reservoir, it is necessary to con- struct a dam across the river and dikes to the north and south of the main dam, to prevent the water from overflowing from the reser- voir in other directions. It is also necessary to relocate many roads and the Central Massachusetts Railroad which now runs lengthwise through the proposed reservoir for nearly its whole length. The site of the reservoir is practically free from swamps ; but to insure an improvement in the quality of the water by storage it is proposed to remove all of the soil and vegetable matter before filling it with water. The entire cost of constructing the reservoir is estimated to be $9,105,000,-a very large sum of money, and yet not large in proportion to the quantity of water stored, as will be seen by the following comparative table : - Cost per Million Gallons of Water stored. CITY. Name of Reservoir. Acres Flowed. Storage, in Million Gal- lons. Cost per Million Gallons Boston, Reservoir, No. 1, 143 280 $918 " No. 2, 134 530 879 u . • " No. 3, 253 1,080 388 46 . • " No. 4, 167 1,400 581 " No. 6, 185 1,530 566 " No. 5, 1,220 7,438 336* Cambridge Proposed reservoir on Hobbs Brook,f 350 1,500 400 Proposed reservoir on Nashua River, 4,195 63,068 144 * Based upon estimated cost of reservoir. f The figures for this reservoir are based upon preliminary estimates of cost and capacity, as given in the annual report of the Cambridge Water Board fo* 1893. 1895.1 HOUSE-No. 500. 71 The proposed reservoir has been designed of larger capacity than 'vould be economical if the quantity of water to be obtained from it Wre the only consideration, and the removal of the soil from the site of the reservoir is obviously work which relates almost wholly to improving the quality of the water. Of the total cost of the res- ervoir, it may fairly be said that fully $4,000,000 has reference to the quality of the water rather than its quantity. The removal ot the soil will prevent the water from taking up organic matter from h, and owing to the very large size of the reservoir, the water will he stored long enough to permit it to improve very much in char- acter by bleaching and by the decomposition and disappearance ot the organic matter which the water entering the reservoir contains. Wor/rs/br conveying Water from the Washita Hirer to the Metro- politan District. - From the dam of the storage reservoir on the Nashua River it is proposed to construct an aqueduct 8.87 miles l°ng, capable of conveying 300,000,000 gallons of water per day. •Phis aqueduct will extend to a point in the Sudbury River water- shed 3.03 miles above the upper end of Reservoir No. 5. From the of the aqueduct an open channel formed by enlarging the channel an existing brook will convey the water to the reservoir. The total cost of the aqueduct and open channel is estimated to be $2,265,000. When the water has reached Reservoir No. 5 it will through the existing reservoirs and aqueducts of the city of Boston to Chestnut Hill Reservoir. The present sources of the city of Boston, as already stated, will yield when developed 62,000,000 gallons of water per day, and the a<lUeducts belonging to the city have enough surplus capacity to sup- ply the district until the average consumption becomes 100,000,000 gallons per day in excess of what local sources will furnish. It will be necessary, however, in order to utilize the full capacity the Sudbury aqueduct, to lay an additional 48-inch siphon pipe i, feet long across the Rosemary valley ; and, in order to convey water from the Nashua River and Reservoir No. 5 to the metro- politan district without permitting it to mingle with the water which t(jmes down the Sudbury River, it will also be necessary to lay a econd 48-inch pipe 5,185 feet long from Dam No. 3 to the gate °use at Dam No. 1. hen the amount of water to be conveyed exceeds the 100,000,000 6,11 *ons per day already mentioned, it will be necessary to have a new deduct ready for use for conveying the water to the metropolitan 72 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. district. It was found upon investigation that by starting this aque- duct from Reservoir No. 5 it would be feasible to reach the edge of the metropolitan district about 60 feet higher than the existing aque- ducts, and to provide for the lower portions of the district a gravity supply under a greater pressure than is furnished by Chestnut Hill Reservoir. It is also feasible, on account of the greater elevation of Reservoir No. 5, to give the new aqueduct for nearly half of its length twice as much slope as the Sudbury and about eight times as much slope as the Cochituate aqueduct; and this portion can, conse- quently, be made smaller in proportion to the amount of water to be conveyed. The remaining portions will have about the same slope as the Sudbury aqueduct. The proposed aqueduct has a length of 13.48 miles, and is designed to carry when running full 250,000,000 gallons of water per day. It is to be constructed of masonry except for a distance of 400 feet at Dam No. 5 and 4,100 feet at the crossing of the Sudbury River, where pipes will be used. The terminus of the aqueduct is upon high land in the easterly portion of the town of Weston, not far from the Charles River, and from it the water will be distributed to the metropolitan district through pipes, except at one place where a section of aqueduct may be used. The pipes for supplying the portion of the district south of Charles River will run to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, where they will be connected with pipes previously laid; and those for supplying the portion north of Charles River will run through Waltham and Belmont to Arlington and Medford, where they will connect with main pipes previously laid, communicat- ing with the cities and towns in the district and with Spot Pond, into which any surplus water brought by this aqueduct will flow. On the line of the pipe leading from the aqueduct in Weston to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, the land for 1.94 miles west from the res- ervoir is high enough so that an aqueduct may be substituted for the pipes. As additional pipes leading from the aqueduct at Weston can be laid from time to time, it may not be necessary to lay at first more than one line of pipes in each of the directions above indicated. The estimated cost of the aqueduct from Reservoir No. 5 to Wes* ton at the present prices is $3,226,000 ; of one line of 48-inch pipe and the section of aqueduct above mentioned leading to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, $1,160,000; and of the other line of 48-inch pipe, 1895.] - •) < o HOUSE- No. 500. completing a continuous line to Medford Centre, $596,000. It is estimated that the aqueducts and pipes just mentioned, costing in all should be ready for use in 1905. There is a favorable opportunity for building an equalizing reser- v°ir at the terminus of the aqueduct in Weston; but this will not be Necessary until a large quantity of water is run through the aqueduct. Distribution of Water through the Metropolitan District.-The following description relates to the distribution of water to all of the Cities and towns within ten miles of the State House. In order to avoid complicating my report, I will not attempt to describe what *hay be done if some of the cities and towns are either temporarily or Permanently omitted, because it is obvious in most cases that the cnly changes will be the omission of the branches leading to these cities or towns; but in some cases there will also be a reduction in the sizes of some of the remaining pipes. As already stated, the Nashua River water will for several years he conveyed through existing aqueducts to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, will have to be distributed to the metropolitan district from this Place. By far the larger part of the population of the district is Seated upon land at a comparatively small elevation above the sea and might be supplied by gravity with water from Chestnut hfill Reservoir. Much of this population, however, is already sup- plied with water from sources which are about 20 feet higher than Chestnut Hill Reservoir, and at or very nearly at the level of Spot in Stoneham; and it would not be advisable to diminish the existing pressures. Upon examining further into the question of the best pressure to (l°pt, it was found that the gravity supply from Chestnut Hill Res- was inadequate to the needs of the low-service district of the C1ly of Boston, now that so many high buildings are being built; taking this into account, and the many advantages of having the low-service district upon the same pressure, it was decided to P1 Ovide a pumping station near Chestnut Hill Reservoir to lift to a laH height all of the water required for the low-service district. lifting the water from 30 to 40 feet and extending large pipes rtherly through the district, it is feasible to utilize Spot Pond as a sMbuting and equalizing reservoir, and to furnish water to the low-service district with a pressure as great or greater than at Tn* 1 o esent. The increase in pressure in Boston would be that due to an head of from 30 to 40 feet, and in Cambridge the head in 74 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. the present high-service district would be increased about 30 feet and in the low-service district about 75 feet. Plan No. 6 shows the method of distributing water throughout the metropolitan district. It is proposed to lay two 48-inch pipes from the pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir to the centre of Med- ford, where these pipes will diverge, one continuing directly to the southern end of Spot Pond and the other to Malden. Another 48- inch pipe would run from the easterly side of Spot Pond to Malden, connecting with the pipe above mentioned, and providing at this place a very great supply of water. From this junction a 48-inch pipe would extend to Broadway in Everett, and a 42-inch pipe would be continued to Broadway in Chelsea, where a connection would be made with the existing pipes leading to East Boston. The existing pipes leading from Everett to Somerville, and from Chelsea through Charlestown to Boston, would furnish important connections for maintaining a supply of water to any of these places if it should be necessary to shut oft* the main lines, and for concentrating a very large supply at any of them if a great fire should occur. Other cities and towns in the low-service district would be provided for in an equally liberal manner from the main pipes already mentioned or from branches extending from them as indicated upon the plan. In order to supply the higher lands in the northerly portions of the metropolitan district, and the city of Lynn and the towns of Revere and Winthrop, it is proposed to establish a pumping station near the junction of the 48-inch pipes in Malden ; and from this as a centre to pump the water through a radiating system of pipes to the higher portions of Somerville, Medford, Malden, Everett, Chelsea and Winchester, and for the supply of the whole of Woburn, Stone- ham, Wakefield, Melrose, Revere, Winthrop, Breed's Island, Saugus, Lynn, Nahant and Swampscott. The main distributing reservoir of this system will be located in the Middlesex Fells at an elevation of 270 feet above high tide. This reservoir would be higher than the reservoirs in most of the cities and towns to be supplied from it, and these places could therefore he supplied under a higher pressure than at present, if it should be found desirable, or the water could be permitted to into the present reservoirs and tanks by using a regulating gate which would prevent them from running over. In any case, it is proposed to keep existing reservoirs filled so that they may be 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 75 utilized in case of fire or other emergency. In the remaining places Water would be supplied under about the same pressure as at the present time. The town of Lexington and a portion of Arlington are at too high a level to be reached by the high-service system just described, and it is therefore proposed to erect a small pumping station in Arling- ton, to pump from the low service for the supply of these elevated districts. On the southerly side of the district it is proposed to provide " high " and " extra high " service supplies, corresponding to those on the northerly side, all of the pumping to be done at Chestnut Hill Reservoir. The high-service pumping station will be the present high-service pumping station in the city of Boston, and it will be Used in connection with the high-service reservoirs of the city of Boston and the present open, and little used, reservoirs of the town of Brookline and the city of Newton. There would also be a large tank constructed in connection with this service in the city of Quincy, near Mt. Wollaston. This system would supply water for the high- service district of Boston, and for Watertown, Belmont, Waltham and Quincy, and the greater part of Newton, Brookline, Hyde Park nnd Milton. The southern extra high service would supply water to elevated districts containing a comparatively small population, in Boston, Newton, Brookline, Hyde Park and Milton, and the pumps, which be of small size, would be located in the low-service pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir. The works for distributing water throughout the whole metropoli- tan district, as shown upon Plan No. 6 and indicated by the forego- *Ug description, include two important pumping stations, at Chestnut Ilill and Malden, and a small one at Arlington, one new distributing Reservoir, one iron tank, and 95.22 miles of pipe; and the entire Estimated cost, including the improvement of Spot Pond is $5,5b4,- 000. Quality of Water. -The description already given of the Nashua source and the opportunities for developing it indicate that it furnish a water of unusually good quality. It will be instructive, however, to make a comparison with the larger sources now used foi purposes and with others which have been considered " !th reference to the water supply of the metropolitan district. 76 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. SOURCES. Population per Square Mile (1894). Deerfield River, above Shelburne Falls, 21 Swift River, at Belchertown, 30 Ware River, at Cold Brook, 32 Lake Winnipiseogee, 35 Assawompsett Pond, 36 Tributaries of Assabet River, 60 Nashua River, above Clinton, . . ..... 69 Ipswich River, at Danvers, 72 Stony Brook, at Cambridge dam, 107 Shawsheen River, at old Middlesex Canal Crossing, 123 Charles River, above South Natick, 179 Sudbury River, 376-165 Lake Cochituate, 770-185 Saugus River, at Howlett's dam, 709 Upper Mystic Lake, . 984 Note. - Where two figures are given for population per square mile, the first is the total population and the second is the population remaining after deducting the districts from which the sewage has already been or is soon to be diverted to a point outside of the water-shed. It will be seen, by reference to this table, that the Nashua Rive! stands seventh in order in population per square mile. Four of the sources which have a smaller population are those which may be used in the future to supplement the supply from the Nashua River. Th® population on the Nashua River water-shed is much less than that on the water-sheds now in'use, and less than upon any of the water' sheds nearer Boston, and will be reduced, as already indicated, by the construction of the proposed reservoir. While the most dangerous impurities in a water are derived froD1 the population upon the water-shed, a water may also take vegetable impurities from swamps and very shallow ponds and be thereby rendered less attractive, and, consequently, less suitable for water supply purposes. The color of water is a very good index of the amount of vegetable matter taken up in this way, and a compariso11 of sources with regard to color gives the results contained in the table on the next page. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 77 The scale of colors is the one commonly used in analyses of water blade by the State Board of Health, in which the higher colors are by the higher numbers. Water as drawn in Boston dur- ing the year 1894 had an average color of 0.69 on this scale. The table is divided into two parts, the first containing streams and sttiall reservoirs which do not retain the water long enough to cause a*iy considerable bleaching, and the other the ponds or large reser- voirs in which the water remains much longer and has an opportu- nity to bleach.* Streams or Small Reservoirs. SOURCES. *** Color. tributaries of Assabet River, 0.36 ®wift River, at Belchertown, 0.38 Nashua River, above Clinton, 0.40 Deerfield River, above Shelburne Falls, 0.40 Stony Brook, at Cambridge dam, 0.71 River, at Cold Brook, 0.75 Charles River, above South Natick, 0.86 Sudbury River, 0.87 River, at old Middlesex Canal crossing, .... 0.89 Saugus River, at Howlett's Dam, 1.16 Ipswich River, at Danvers, 1.36 Ponds or Large Reservoirs. ake Winnipiseogee, 0.01 Mystic Lake, 0.11 ake Cochituate, 0.22 Pond, 0.28 Pond, Cambridge, 0.30 ] In the first part of the table there are only two waters which have ®ss color and another that has the same color as the water of the ' ashua River, and all of these waters are from sources which may be in the future to supplement the supply from the Nashua River, second part of the table contains waters which have a low color * Full analyses of these waters may be found in Appendix No. 5. 78 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. on account of the bleaching due to long storage. It is expected that the Nashua River water, after being improved by the drainage of the swamps upon the water-shed and after being bleached in the very large proposed reservoir, will have as little color as any of those given in the table, with the possible exception of Lake Winnipi' seogee. The tables show that the Nashua water is much better thafl the Sudbury, and the question naturally arises as to whether a thoi'- oughly good water can be furnished by a combination of the two systems. For quite a long time in the future in dry years, and for & still longer time in years of average rainfall it will be feasible to take the whole water supply from the Nashua River and from the Stony Brook branch of the Sudbury River without including the flow of the main Sudbury River, which may be permitted to run to waste ovei' the dam. Nearly the whole of the city of Marlborough and the main village of Southborough are on the water-shed of Stony Brook; but, aS already stated on page 17 of this report, a sewerage system has been constructed for diverting the sewage of Marlborough to a point out- side of the water-shed, and the city of Boston has made plans and acquired land for filtering the water of the brook which takes tb® surface drainage from this city. This portion of the water-shed may be still further improved by the removal from it or purification of sewage and by the drainage of some large swamps ; and it is believed that, with these improvements and the improvement which w$ result from the storage of the water in the large reservoir now being constructed by the city of Boston, the mingled waters will be nearly as good as water taken directly from the Nashua reservoir. If tbe water of the main Sudbury River is improved by the drainage of swamps and by other proper measures, it is quite probable that tin9 water may be utilized in the future in connection with the water of the Nashua River even after the consumers have been educated by the introduction of the new supply from the Nashua River, so thaf they will demand a better water than at present. Estimates of Cost. - In making the estimates given below it M9 been the aim to make them sufficiently liberal, and to include a large enough amount for contingencies to make them represent as nearb as possible the actual cost of the work when completed. It should also be borne in mind that the proposed aqueducts have bee11 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 79 designed of very large capacity, so that they will be capable of tak- fog not only the water supplied by the Nashua River but also that to be supplied in the future from supplementary sources. Estimates of Cost. Reservoir on Nashua River, including the cost of land, buildings and Water rights taken ; the relocation of roads and railroads, the re- moval of all of the soil from the site of the reservoir, the construc- tion of dams and dikes, and all incidental expenses, $9,105,000 improvement of the water-sheds of the Nashua River and of the Stony Brook branch of the Sudbury River by the diversion and purification of sewage and drainage of swamps, .... 513,000 ■Aqueduct from the Nashua River to the Sudbury water-shed, and open channel from the end of the aqueduct to Reservoir No. 5, 2,265,000 Additional 48 inch pipe from Dam No. 3 to Dam No. 1 and across the Rosemary valley, 78,800 dumping stations, reservoirs and pipe systems for elevating and dis- tributing water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, including the improvement of Spot Pond, .... 5,584,000 damages for the diversion of water from the Nashua River, and incidental damages not included above, 1,500,000 first cost of proposed works for supplying water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, $19,045,800 Time Required for Construction. - The present level of the Nashua River is such that as soon as the aqueduct from it to the Sud- bury water-shed is completed the Nashua River water can be turned 1Jito Reservoir No. 5 and thence into Chestnut Hill Reservoir, this aqueduct is being constructed the pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir can be built, and the pipes extending from it Spot Pond, and to many, if not all, of the cities and towns in district, can be laid. The preliminary surveys and plans for these works have been carefully made, and the works are not so exten- Slve but that if they were authorized by the Legislature of 1895 they should be ready for use in 1898. The construction of the reser- voir on the Nashua River will take a longer time both on account of the magnitude of the work and the necessity for making more exten- Slye borings at the site of the main dam before making the final location and designs. 80 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Financial Statement. In order to fully understand the significance of so large a sum as that given in the foregoing chapter as the estimated cost of the pro- posed metropolitan supply, it is well to make comparsions with other expenditures for similar purposes and with the revenues which are available for paying for the works; also to ascertain the yearly cost to a city or town or to each inhabitant for comparison with other annual expenses. For this purpose I caused a careful compilation to be made of the total cost of the works in the metropolitan district at the end of each of the years from 1883 to 1893 inclusive, and of the net water-works debt of the whole district on the same dates. I have also caused the revenue from water rates and the cost of maintaining and operating the works to be ascertained. In most of the cities and towns in the district where the water works are owned by the municipalities, the annual reports contain a carefully prepared statement from which the items above enumerated can be taken; but there are others in which the book-keeping is less carefully done, and it is difficult to separate the expenditures for maintenance and for construction and to determine what proportion of the total receipts are a revenue from the sale of water; moreover, the water companies publish no reports, and it is consequently impracticable to ascertain with regard to their works exactly th® amount of the different items. It has therefore been necessary, where towns are supplied by water companies, to estimate the dif- ferent items from the best information available; and where there were no other means of determining items, such as maintenance and revenue from water, it has been assumed that they are the same per inhabitant supplied as the average for all of the cities and towns the district. As there were no water companies in 1883, and th® population supplied by them has never exceeded 6.7 per cent, of th® total population of the district, it will be seen that there might b® considerable inaccuracy in the estimates for the towns supplied by them without seriously affecting the accuracy of the total for th® whole district. The aggregate cost of the water works of the district and the net water-works debt at the end of each of the years from 1883 to 1893, inclusive, is given in the following table : - 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 81 Total Cost and Net Debt of TFixier Works of the Metropolitan District at the End of Each Year from 1883 to 1893 inclusive. YEAR. Population. Average Daily Consumption of Water (Gallons). Total Cost of Works. Net Debt. 1883 - - $26,883,000 $16,537,000 1884, 653,493 40,150,000 28,008,000 16,504,000 1885, ..... 688,047 42,931,000 29,904,000 17,014,000 1886, 729,718 46,046,000 31,284,000 17,399,000 1887, 759,958 50,683,000 32,146,000 17,847,000 1888, 789,094 55,554,000 33,392,000 17,790,000 1889, 816,408 54,260,000 34,539,000 17,806,000 1890, 848,012 58,060,000 36,206,000 18,574,000 1891, . . . . . 887,384 64,200,000 37,489,000 18,393,000 1892, 924,344 70,315,000 39,069,000 18,399,000 1893, 957,085 79,555,000 40,505,('00 18,655,000 From the above table we may deduce the following: - in total cost of works in ten years, in net debt in ten years, $13,622,000* 2,118,000 of increased cost of works paid for from revenue in ten years, for from tax levy, $11,504,000 1,469,000 Glance paid from water-works revenue, ...... $10,035,000 * This sum may be divided into two parts, as follows: - °rks for obtaining water, including pumping stations and distributing reservoirs °rks for distributing water, , $6,557,000 6,765,000 Total, . $13,622,000 The annual revenue from water rates and expenditure for main- tenance of works, exclusive of interest and sinking fund payments, Ul'e shown in the following table : - 82 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Revenue from Water Rates and Cost of Maintenance, Metropolitan District- YEAR. Revenue from Water Rates. Cost of Maintenance. Excess of Water Rates over Maintenance. 1883, 81,970,000 $562,000 $1,408,000 1884, 2,011,000 601,000 1,410,000 1885, 2,145,000 605,000 1,540,000 1886, 2,191,000 650,000 1,541,000 1887, 2,315,000 688,000 1,627,000 1888, •••••■• 2,456,000 797,000 1,659,000 1889, 2,537,000 733,000 1,804,000 1890, 2,617,000 724,000 1,893,000 1891, 2,758,000 836.000 1,922,000 1892, 2,822,000 801,000 2,021,000 1893, 3,123,000 872,000 2,251,000 The foregoing tables make a magnificent showing for the present financial condition of the water works of the metropolitan district. The statement deduced from the first table shows that during the ten years under consideration the net water works revenue paid $10,' 035,000 toward the increase in cost of works during that period, and the second table shows the very large revenue from water rates and the rapid increase in revenue in comparison with the increase in cost of maintenance of works. It would have been desirable to include in the second table the net interest, which is equivalent to the interest upon the gross debt less the interest upon the sinking funds; but it was not feasible to obtain the latter item from the published reports. There is n° doubt, however, that the net interest has not increased much, if any> during the ten years, because the net debt has increased only one' eighth and the interest rate has been materially diminished by the payment of five and six per cent, bonds and by refunding these bonds at four per cent. The increase of $843,000 from 1883 to 1893 i11 the last column of the table, therefore, represents very nearly the increase in the net annual water-works revenue during these ten years; and if in every year from 1893 to 1903 there should be the same increase in net revenue over the corresponding year in the pre' ceding decade, the amount which could be paid for new works in the 1895.] HOUSE - No. 500. 83 Second decade without increasing the net debt would be the sum of $10,035,000 and $8,430,000, equal to $18,465,000. These figures show that the metropolitan district by maintaining the present water rates could incur an expenditure of $18,465,000 tor new works and pay for them, or for an equivalent amount of ex- isting debt, very soon after their completion ; or, if it should adopt Avhat seems to be a more rational policy when the permanence of the is considered, and pay for them at a less rapid rate, it would soon be in a position to materially reduce the water rates. The following table contains additional statistics with regard to the present water works of the metropolitan district, and needs no explanation: - Statistics relating to the Cost and Net Debt of the Water Works of the Met- ropolitan District, the Revenue from Water Rates, and the Payments for Maintenance and for Interest on the Gross Debt. YEAR. Total Cost of Works per Inhabitant. Net Debt per Inhabitant. Revenue from Water Rates. Mainten- ance per In- habitant. Interest on Gross Debt per Inhabitant. Per Inhabitant. Per Million Gallons. 1883, .... $42.79 $26.23 $3.14 $111.93 $0.90 $1-74 1884, .... 42.86 25.25 3.08 136.84 0.92 1.73 1885 43.46 24.73 3.12 136.91 0.88 1.73 1886 42.87 23.84 3.00 130.39 0.89 1.70 1887 42.30 23.48 3.05 125.14 0.91 1.68 1888, .... 42.32 22.54 3.11 120.81 1.01 1.62 1889, .... 42.31 21.81 3.11 128.08 0.90 - 1.62 1890, .... 42.70 21.90 3.09 123.49 0.85 1.58 1891, .... 42.25 20.73 3.11 117.70 0.94 1.55 1892, .... 42.27 19.90 3.05 109.65 0.87 1.44 1893 42.32 19.49 3.26 107.55 0.91 1.44 The fact that a large expenditure is well within the financial ability of any community does not prove the wisdom of the expenditure. In the case of a water supply this is to be determined by a compari- son of different plans in regard to the quality of the water and the first cost and permanence of the works. The proposed metropolitan water works are of unusually perma- nent character ; and by this statement I mean not only that the works ai'e to be built largely of masonry, which will endure for all time, 84 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. and of other permanent material, but they are designed upon a very liberal scale, so that they will not soon be outgrown, and the situa- tion of the water-shed is such that it will be feasible to maintain the water in a pure condition for a very long time in the future. The pumping machinery, which is the most perishable part of the works, represents only a very small portion of their total cost. I do not see, therefore, why the works should not continue to have a large part of their original value after they have been in use for forty years; and, in making comparisons with other plans, I will reckon upon extinguishing the debt caused by the construction of these works in forty years. The cost of the water works built from the proceeds of a loan is made up of three items; the annual interest, the sinking fund pay- ments and the maintenance, the last item including all operating expenses, repairs and renewals. For estimating the cost for interest and sinking fund we have the recent experience with the metropolitan sewerage forty-year three per cent, loan of $5,500,000, which has been sold at a premium, so that the amount realized has been $5,638,300.30. The sinking fund payments in this case are fixed by the metropolitan sewerage act at one-eightieth of the whole loan in each of the first ten years, one- sixtieth in each of the second ten years, one-thirtieth in each of the third ten years, and the remainder equally divided in the last ten years. The payments for interest and sinking fund together are, therefore, 4.25 per cent, of the amount of the loan in each of the first ten years. If, instead of reckoning the sinking fund in this way, it were to be reckoned upon equal payments every year for the whole forty years, and the money in the sinking fund were to net 3 per cent, interest, the annual payments would amount to 4.33 per cent. If the total cost of the metropolitan water supply is assumed to be $19,000,000, the annual payments for the first ten years, upon the metropolitan sewerage basis, would be $807,500; and, as the esti- mated cost of maintaining the works is $260,000 per year, the total annual cost during the first ten years 'would be $1,067,500. The whole amount of money required for building the works would not be expended before the year 1900, at which time it is estimated that the population of the metropolitan district will be 1,148,033, and the annual cost per inhabitant at that time would therefore be ninety-three cents. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 85 There are many reasons why the apportionment of the annual cost May not be made in direct proportion to the population of each Municipality; but, as I could not at the present time reach a sat- isfactory solution of the question of apportionment, if I were to attempt it, I shall, in making comparisons in the next section, use the average annual payment of ninety-three cents per inhabitant. Before leaving the financial consideration of the question I will refer to one other point; namely, that about one-fourth of the total cost of the proposed system has reference to work which relates to furnishing a water of good quality rather than to increasing the Quantity. This work is the removal of soil and vegetable matter honi the site of the reservoir, so as to prevent the water from taking UP organic matter and thus promoting the growth of the minute organisms which give the water a disagreeable taste and odor; the building of the reservoir of extra large size, so that the water will be stored in it long enough to permit it to bleach and improve by the decomposition and disappearance of the organic matter ; and the of the water-shed by the diversion and purification of Sewage and manufacturing wastes, and by the drainage of swamps. The amount of money which it is proposed to expend for these Purposes is in the aggregate a very large sum, but the annual cost per inhabitant is small. In this instance it is not necessary to com Mder the item of maintenance, except to a very limited extent, because the cost of storing, conveying and distributing water is not Mcreased because the water is of better quality. The cost, there- fore, may be reckoned upon the interest and sinking fund only, and amounts to eighteen cents per year or four mills per week per inhabi- tant. I believe there would be no question among water consumers as to the desirability of having the much better water when it can be applied for so small an increase in cost. ■A- Statement with Regard to Each City and Town in the Metropolitan District as to whether it should enter the Metropolitan Walter District or obtain its Supply from Independent Works. The words " metropolitan district" have been defined and used in My report to include all of the towns within ten miles of the State and the town of Swampscott, and the works have been 86 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. planned with reference to this district as a whole. In a previous chapter I have made a statement of the present condition of the water supply of each of these cities and towns and the opportunities for increasing the supply by independent action. Now that the proposed plan for taking water from the Nashua River has been described, and a statement has been made of the average yearly cost per inhabitant for this supply, I propose to con- sider again the question of the future supply of each of the cities and towns, and to express my views as to whether it is for the interest of each of these communities to obtain its future supply by inde- pendent action or by becoming a part of the metropolitan water district. The different places will be considered in the same order as in fl- previous section, that is, generally, in the order of their size, begin- ning with the largest place, but keeping together those which are supplied jointly from one system of works. So much has already been said with regard to the future water supply of these communi- ties that in the case of many of them a very brief general statement will be sufficient. A reference to the pages of the report where the works are described will be given in each case. Boston. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 14-21.] The city of Boston and the cities supplied by it consumed 42,173,- 000 gallons of water per day in 1890 and 56,858,000 gallons in 1894, and with the same increase in the next four years the con- sumption in 1898 will be 71,543,000 gallons. The total minimum capacity of its sources when the Sudbury water-shed is developed by the completion of Reservoir No. 5 will be 69,000,000 gallons per day. A comparison of these figures shows that the capacity of the Boston sources in a very dry year is likely to be reached or exceeded at the earliest date that a metropolitan water supply can be made available if the work is authorized by the Legislature of 1895, even if Mystic Lake, which both the State Board of Health and the Boston Water Board have agreed in condemning, is retained. Admitting the need of immediate action with reference to obtain- ing an additional water supply for this city and the cities supplied bv it, the only remaining question is as to whether this supply should be obtained by the independent action of the city of Boston or by 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 87 combining with the other cities and towns in the district. In deter- mining this question the urgent needs of the other cities and towns should have great weight, because they cannot obtain by themselves a suitable water supply except at a large cost. Viewing the matter from the stand-point of the city of Boston, it is also very desirable that the supply should be obtained for the Whole district rather than for the city of Boston alone. If this city Were obtaining an additional supply of water for itself, the best source from which to take the water would be the Nashua River: and, in order to take the water and improve its quality, it would be Necessary to pay the full amount of damages for the diversion of the Water and to build the same storage reservoir and make the same improvements upon the water-shed as are now proposed for the Water supply of the whole district. There would be some saving by reducing the size of the aqueduct leading to the Sudbury water-shed and in constructing the pumping station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir, but the reduction in cost would be small in proportion to the reduc- tion in capacity. There would of course be a very large saving in the cost of distributing the water throughout the metropolitan dis- trict ; but, after making allowance for this, the cost would be much greater per inhabitant if the city of Boston were to introduce a supply from the Nashua River for itself than if the supply were introduced for the metropolitan district as a whole. My conclusion, therefore, is that the city of Boston needs an addi- tional water supply as soon as it can be obtained, and that it is for the best interests of the city, as well as of the other cities and towns in the metropolitan district, that this supply should be obtained by joint action. Somerville, Chelsea and Everett. [A description of the water supply of these cities may be found on pages 19-21.] cities own their distributing systems and purchase water from the city of Boston. The source of supply is Mystic Lake, and its safe capacity for supplying these places and the Charlestown dis- trict of Boston, or even for supplying these places alone, has already been exceeded. The inferior character of the water which this source furnishes has been referred to many times in this report. The fact that these three places own their distributing systems and make annual payments for the water supplied to them renders their situation somewhat analagous to what it would be if they were 88 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. to become a part of the metropolitan water district. In accordance with a contract made with the city of Boston in 1886 this city fur- nishes the water and collects the water rates, including a fixed price for hydrant service, and pays back to the three cities one-half of the amount collected. The amounts paid by the three cities for water since 1890 are as follows : - Amounts paid the City of Boston for Water supplied to Somerville, Chelsea and Everett from 1890 to 1894 inclusive. YEAR. Somerville. Chelsea. Everett. Total. 1890, .... $55,880 $35,600 $11,339 $102,819 1891, .... 60,151 36,447 12,974 109,572 1892, . . ' . 77,641 42,635 17,448 137,724 1893, .... 76,185 45,803 19,817 141,805 1894, .... 83,401 46,764 22,420 152,585 The average annual cost of the metropolitan supply was estimated in the last section to be ninety-three cents per inhabitant, and upon this basis the annual payments for water in the years from 1890 to 1894 would have been as follows : - YEAR. Somerville. Chelsea. Everett. Total. 1890 $37,341 $25,955 $10,293 $73,589 1891, .... 39,587 26,691 11,697 77,975 1892 42,009 27,435 13,339 82,783 1893, .... 44,834 28,214 14,945 87,993 1894, .... 46,879 28,631 15,801 91,311 It is probable that these cities, as they would not furnish any part of their supply from local sources and would not have any works to be utilized as a part of the' metropolitan system, would pay more than the average rate per inhabitant in the whole district; but a comparison of the tables shows that they might pay much more than the average and yet pay less than is now paid to the city of Boston, and for the payment they would receive an ample supply of water 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 89 of one which may prove deficient in a dry year, and a pure instead of a polluted one. There are still other advantages to these cities in obtaining a sup- ply from the proposed metropolitan system, as it provides for very large pipes running through the low-service districts of each of these Places, and would therefore increase the pressures and obviate the Necessity for laying additional supply mains for a very long time in the future; and in the high-service districts water would be furnished Under ample pressure without the cost of operating local pumping stations. Cambridge, [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 22-25.] This city has already begun the construction of works for adding th000,000 gallons daily to its supply and for increasing the water Pressure in the city. The prominent features of this plan, as de- scribed in the report of the Cambridge Water Board for the year are: - 1. The construction of a storage reservoir on Hobbs Brook. 2. The construction of a proposed distributing reservoir at Payson hark in Belmont. 3. The laying of two pipes from Fresh Pond to the distributing reser- voir and from this reservoir to the city. 4. The erection of a new pumping engine. 5. The laying in 1899 of a duplicate pipe from Stony Brook to Fresh bond. The estimated cost of these works, as given in the report, is when first completed, and $1,608,000 in 1899 after the pipe has been laid from Stony Brook to Fresh Pond. I Mil make a comparison of these works with the proposed metropoli- an works in regard to annual cost, and the quality and quantity of Mter which they will supply. Taking the average annual cost of the metropolitan supply per inhabitant, as already given ($0.93), abd the estimated population of Cambridge in 1900 (92,400), as §lven in Appendix No. 1, I obtain as the total annual cost $85,932. The annual cost of the additional supply from Stony Brook is up of interest, sinking fund and maintenance. The portion of the bonds already issued have thirty years to run, bear 4 per cent. 1 riterest and were sold at a premium of about per cent. Making allowance for this premium, the interest rate may be considered 3| 90 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb- per cent. The bonds run for thirty years, and I will reckon the sinking fund for this time ; although I believe that these works will not retain as large a proportion of their value at the end of thirty years as the metropolitan works at the end of forty years, for the reason that the distributing reservoir and the pipes leading to h will have comparatively little value when Cambridge takes a supply from the metropolitan works, and there is a serious question as to whether a water-shed as near Boston as that of Stony Brook will furnish a wholesome water thirty years hence. By reckoning that the sinking fund will net 3 per cent, interest, as has already been assumed for the metropolitan sinking fund, I find that the annual payments to it should be 2.10 per cent., which, added to the 3.75 per cent, interest, makes 5.85 per cent, annually for interest and sinking fund, equal to $94,068. To this sum there should be added the cost of maintaining the storage reservoir and pumping the additional water supplied, which in the metropolitan system would be furnished under a sufficient pressure for use with- out local pumping. The water which flows in the Nashua River under present condi- tions is better than the water which flows in Stony Brook. This i» indicated by the following comparisons : - Nashua River. Stony Brook. Population per square mile, 69 107 Color of water on scale used in analyses of State Board of Health, .40 .72 Excess of chlorine (parts per 100,000), .07 .11 Organic matter as indicated by albuminoid ammo- nia (parts per 100,000) : - Total, .0168 .0246 Dissolved, .0132 .0210 Suspended, .0036 .0036 The water of the Nashua'River is to be greatly improved by stor- age in a very large and thoroughly prepared reservoir and by in1" proving the water-shed; while the water of Stony Brook is likely to deteriorate with the growth of population and the increase 111 1895.] HOUSE-No. 500. 91 amount of market gardening upon the water-shed, owing to its proximity to Boston. If the Hobbs Brook reservoir were to be built in the manner originally proposed when a reservoir of 350 acres was contemplated, by removing all of the soil and vegetable flatter from the site of the reservoir, the water stored in it would in quality by storage; but with the reservoir of 653 acres tyhich is now contemplated, it is not feasible to make so thorough a Preparation for the reception of water -without greatly increasing the cost above the original estimate. Even if this reservoir were to be constructed in the best manner, it would receive the water from only about one-fourth of the water-shed of Stony Brook, and would be ased to supply the city when the other portions of the water-shed cbd not furnish a sufficient quantity of water. The average daily consumption of water per inhabitant in Cam- bridge in 1893 and 1894 was respectively 78 and 72 gallons, and in bie whole metropolitan district 83 and 81 gallons, indicating that Cambridge uses about 7 gallons less per inhabitant than the average for the whole district. The following table, giving the estimated future consumption of better in Cambridge, is obtained by deducting 7 gallons from the estimated future consumption per inhabitant in the metropolitan district, as given in a table on page 8, and multiplying the quanti- ses thus obtained by the estimated future population of Cambridge, given in Appendix No. 1. donated Population and Daily Consumption of Water in Cambridge for Each Five Years from 1895 to 1930. YEAR. Estimated Popu- lation. Daily Consump- tion per Inhabitant. Total Daily Consumption. ifo, 80,917 78 6,312,000 l900, 92,400 83 7,669,000 l905 104,720 87 9,111,000 1910, 117,880 90 10,609,000 Kk 131,880 92 12,134,000 1920, 146,720 93 13,645,000 1925, , 162,400 93 15,103,000 1930, 178,900 93 16,638,000 92 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. The estimated capacity of the Cambridge sources as it is now pro- posed to develop them is 13,200,000 gallons per day, and by the estimate in the above table the consumption will equal this capacity in 1919. This estimated capacity is upon the assumption that Cambridge may use the water of Stony Brook; although Waltham was author- ized by chapter 257 of the Acts of 1884 to take water from this source, and the act authorizing Cambridge to take water from Stony Brook provides ' ' that there shall be reserved from said waters sufli' cient for the town of Weston to supply itself and its inhabitants with pure water for the extinguishment of fires and for domestic and other purposes." I have already indicated my belief that the cost of still further developing the Stony Brook source would be too great in proportion to the results to be obtained to warrant the expenditure. The works proposed for the metropolitan supply include all that is necessary for supplying the whole metropolitan district with water until 1915, except an aqueduct from Reservoir No. 5 of the Boston Water Works to Weston and pipes leading from the end of the aqueduct into the metropolitan district. If enough of the local sources now used by cities and towns in the metropolitan district, other than the Sudbury and Cochituate sources of the city of Boston, were to be retained, to supply 20,000,000 gallons per day, the capacity of the proposed works would not be reached until 1919, which is the same year that the capacity of the Stony Brook supply would be reached, according to the above estimate ; but the Nashua plan would have this advantage, that the works from this source to the metropolitan district are designed of sufficient capacity for future needs, and by the addition of tributaries of the Assabet River and the upper portion of the Ware River the supply could be increased at a comparatively small cost, so as to provide for more than the estimated population in 1930, even if all local supplies were then abandoned, and beyond the Ware River there are other sources from which a supply of excellent water could be obtained at a reasonable cost. It may be said with regard to the above statements that the city of Cambridge is already committed to the development of the Stony Brook source and the increase of the water pressure in the city to the extent of having made contracts for the construction of a pumpi ng engine and the Payson Park distributing reservoir. It ha9 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 93 Mso taken land for the Hobbs Brook reservoir, and since Oct. 22, 1894, has had men at work clearing the site of this reservoir of trees Mid brush and removing soil. I am informed that the total amount °f payments and of obligations incurred upon this work to date is M)out $538,000. I believe, however, that if the Legislature of 1895 should author- Me the construction of the metropolitan system and thereby make it Practically certain that Cambridge would have an additional supply M a few years, it would be wiser for the city not to proceed with construction of the Hobbs Brook basin, the duplicate pipe line from Stony Brook to Fresh Pond and some other parts of the pro- posed work, as there would still be a large saving in the annual cost t°r interest, sinking fund and maintenance, which would nearly offset Miy probable annual charge to Cambridge for a supply from the Metropolitan works from which the city would obtain a better water Mid a more permanent supply. This plan, which I believe would not be opposed to the best inter- eMs of the city of Cambridge, would be greatly to the advantage of rest of the district, as the main pipes of the metropolitan system fr*ve to pass through Cambridge in any case, and its contribution to Me metropolitan system would be much more than the cost of sup- plying it with water under the circumstances. Lynn. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 25-33.] I have already stated so fully the present condition of the Lynn supply and the difficulties in the way of obtaining a satisfac- tory additional supply that no further explanation is necessary. Mie amount of wholesome water which the present works of the city furnish is not sufficient for present requirements, and an addi- supply of good water is therefore needed. 1 have not been Mie to find any source from which this city can obtain any large Mfrlitional supply of good water, and I have no doubt that it would e for the best interests of the city to obtain its supply from the etropolitan system. The situation of Lynn relative to the rest of 10 district, however, is such that it will cost more to supply it from le metropolitan system than other towns, and it may be questioned Mother the amount that it would pay will more than offset the addi- 1Qnal cost of supplying it with water. The decision, therefore, as 0 whether Lynn should be included in the water supply district, 94 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. should be settled wholly with reference to the interests of that city, and not with reference to the interests of the district as a whole. Saugus. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 25-33.] This town owns and maintains its system of water pipes, but pur- chases water from the city of Lynn, which collects the water rates and pays to the town of Saugus 50 per cent, of the receipts. Before April 1, 1892, the amount paid to the town was 37| per cent, of the receipts. The amounts retained by the city of Lynn for supplying water to Saugus during the last seven years are as follows : - 1888, $1,103 1889, 1,424 1890, 1,797 18912,161 1892$2,326 1893, 2,407 1894, 2,621 The cost of water from the metropolitan system in 1898, reckoned upon the average rate per inhabitant (93 cents) and the estimated population in that year (5,290), is $4,920. If the city of Lynn were to take a water supply from the metro- politan district, there would be a 36-inch pipe passing through Saugus which would give it a practically unlimited supply of water* If this city should not take water from the district, a smaller pipe could be extended from one of the metropolitan mains to SaugU9 without excessive cost. Taking into account the better quality and more ample quantity of water which the metropolitan supply will furnish, I believe would be for the interests of the town of Saugus to take its water supply from the metropolitan works. .Newton. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 33-35.] This city has a ground-water supply of excellent quality, but, already stated, the capacity of the present works in a dry year be reached soon after the earliest date at which a metropolitan water supply can be introduced. The city, however, has already acquired a large area of land through which its collecting system may be eX' tended, and it has been authorized by the Legislature to take fro111 the Charles River or from the ground near it 5,000,000 gallons of water daily; but, should it succeed in obtaining this quantity 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 95 Water, the supply will only last, according to estimates given else- where, until the year 1908. An estimate of the cost of works for developing the ground-water supply indicates that it will be some- what greater than for taking the additional supply from the metro- politan works ; but if the water retains its present excellent quality will be worth an extra price. It is not probable that a supply of more than 5,000,000 gallons daily can be obtained from the ground unless measures are taken to facilitate the filtration of the river water into the ground, by pump- Uig it upon porous land in the vicinity of the collecting system or by sonie other method. The demands upon the summer flow of the river will be so great When the cities and towns now authorized to take water from it take All of the water to which they are entitled, that they should not be Authorized to take a further quantity unless they compensate for the water taken by constructing storage reservoirs in some part of the water-shed above their works, which would add to the cost of developing the supplies beyond the limits at present authorized. I am of the opinion that it is for the interests of the city of Newton to continue to utilize its present works as long as the water is of Superior quality, and to develop the works if it shall be found that a further supply of water can be obtained in this way at a reasonable cost; but, in view of the comparatively short time that there is any Certainty of obtaining a sufficient supply from the ground, and the Uncertainty as to whether the water will remain good when much larger quantities filter into the ground from the river, I believe that Hie city should become a part of the metropolitan water district. Malden. This city will need an additional water supply at as early a date As it can be furnished by the metropolitan system. It has the right f° take water from Martin's Pond in North Reading; but, as already stated on page 37, this pond in its present condition will not furnish 91 Water of satisfactory quality, and it does not seem probable that it can be improved in such a way as to make it furnish a good water except at a prohibitory expense. There can hardly be a doubt that Hie annual cost of obtaining a water supply of inferior quality from Hiis source would be as great or greater than for an ample supply of hitich better water from the metropolitan works. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 35-37.] 96 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. There are other advantages in the metropolitan plan, as it pro- vides for keeping Spot Pond full and for its improvement and main- tenance. It also provides for very large pipes from Medford and Spot Pond to the centre of the city, and for furnishing water to both the high and low service under a pressure which will make local pumping unnecessary. Waltham. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 37-40.] This city has a supply of ground water of excellent quality, which will probably be sufficient for the requirements of the city for ten of fifteen years after a metropolitan supply is introduced; and it seems probable that the ground-water supply may be developed to furnish all of the water required until about the year 1920. The city is at the present time authorized to take from the Chari?9 River or the ground near it 3,000,000 gallons of water daily ; and it it should be authorized to develop its ground water supply - most of which would be filtered river water - so as to take more than this quantity, it might be required to compensate for the water taken from the river by providing storage in some part of the water-shed of the river above its works. The city is also authorized, by chapter 257 of the Acts of 1884, to take water from Stony Brook by paying the city of Cambridge a faif proportion of the amount expended by it for works and water dam' ages; but it is not probable that a supply from this source would have any advantages over the metropolitan supply. If the city of Waltham could be assured that its water would r?' main of as good quality as at present, with the much larger quanti' ties which will be needed in the future filtering from the river into the ground, its works "would have an advantage over the metropoli' tan system both in quality and cost; but with a very great uncer- tainty upon this point I think that it is desirable that some provision should be made by which this city could take water from the metro- politan system in the future, in the event of a failure of its o'vn supply. Quincy. This city is now in need of an additional supply of water, and may obtain a temporary supply to last until the metropolitan works ai'e [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 40, 41.] 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 97 in operation, or a more permanent supply from the Blue Hill River Which would suffice until about the year 1921. Upon estimating the cost of works for taking an independent sup- ply from the Blue Hill River, as well as it was feasible to do so from the limited information available, but on a conservative basis, it was found that the yearly cost to Quincy for obtaining its water from the Metropolitan supply was not likely to be more than two-thirds as Much as for obtaining it from independent works, and the metropoli- tan supply would furnish a water of better quality. Hyde Park. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 41-43.] I have already stated that the capacity of the source now supply- ing this town is limited, and that I believe that the water from this Source will always be regarded with suspicion, so that it should be abandoned when a better supply can be obtained. The difficulties in die way of obtaining an independent supply are such that I have no doubt that the metropolitan supply will be the most available one for this town. Millon. This town is supplied by the Milton Water Company with water Purchased from the Hyde Park Water Company, and, as indicated under the head of Hyde Park, this source cannot be regarded a suitable one for the future supply of the town either in the Amount or quality of the water. The Milton Water Company made investigations with regard to obtaining a ground-water supply near Pine Tree Brook in Mil- ton, and they indicated that a water of excellent quality could be obtained from the ground at this place, and in sufficient quantity to supply as much water as the town would require for a few years, possibly a much larger quantity. In view, however, of the un- certainties as to the quantity of water to be obtained from a ground- water source, the difficulty in maintaining the purity of a supply ti'oni a source so near Boston and the comparatively large cost of Constructing and maintaining works for supplying a small commun- Wy, I be'ieve it would be better for the town of Milton to obtain its Permanent supply from the metropolitan system. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 41-43.] [Feb. 98 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 43-46.] Woburn. As already stated, this city has a ground-water supply of excellent quality, but the capacity of the present source in a dry year has been so nearly reached that measures should be taken for increasing the supply. Various methods of doing this are mentioned on page and it is also stated that Horn Pond, which from its proximity to tbe city and its large size might be thought of as a possible source, can- not be regarded as a safe one from which to take water for drink- ing purposes. The plans which appear to be most feasible for increasing the water supply of this city have been very carefully considered, and the best information available has been utilized for making an estimate ol their cost upon a very conservative basis, and of the quantity ot water which they will supply. These estimates indicate that it be cheaper for the city of Woburn to obtain its additional water supply from the metropolitan system than from independent works* and the metropolitan supply will be more ample in quantity and of better quality than any water which the city of Woburn is likely to obtain. Wakefield and Stoneham. These towns are supplied with water by the Wakefield Water Coni' pany from Crystal Lake in Wakefield. The capacity of this source in a dry series of years has been reached, so that an additional sup' ply is needed for one or both towns ; and the water-shed from which the pond derives its supply is so near the thickly settled parts of these towns that the population upon it, which is already quite large, is likely to increase in the future to such an extent as to make the water of the pond unsuitable for drinking. I do not know of any source from which an adequate quantity of good water can be obtained except the metropolitan system, and pos- sibly some sandy land near the Saugus River within the water-shed now controlled by the city of Lynn. Even if the Wakefield Watei' Company or the towns supplied by it should obtain a right to take water from this place, I doubt if the additional water required could be obtained as cheaply as from the metropolitan system ; and, taking into account the danger that before very many years Crystal Lake may have to be abandoned, I believe that it is for the interests of [A description of the water supply of these towns may be found on pages 46-49.] Plan No. 6 State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply. . MAP SHOWING PROPOSED WORKSDISTRIBUTING WATER IN THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. December 1894. SCALE OF M I LES. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 99 these towns that they should take water from the metropolitan sup- ply as soon as it becomes available. Brookline. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 49-51.] This town has a supply of ground water of excellent quality, which Vfill probably be sufficient in quantity for the requirements of the town for about ten years after the introduction of a metropolitan sup- ply, and it now seems probable that the ground-water supply may be developed so as to furnish all of the water required until about the year 1917. The town is at the present time authorized to take from the Charles River 3,000,000 gallons of water daily; and, if it should wish to develop its ground-water supply beyond this limit, it might be required to compensate for the water taken by filtration from the river by pro- viding storage in some part of the water-shed of the river above its which would obviously add to the cost of this development. On account of the superior quality of the water now supplied from the Brookline works, I am of the opinion that the town should con- tinue to use its own supply, and should develop it when an additional Supply is needed if it can be done at a reasonable cost, as now seems Probable ; but, taking into account the uncertainty as to whether the may not deteriorate with the continuous filtration of larger Quantities from the river into the ground, and the difficulty which the t°vvn would have in obtaining a satisfactory independent supply if *ts present supply should fail in any way, I believe it to be for the of the town that provision should be made by which it may obtain an additional supply when needed from the metropolitan system. Medford. This city derives its water supply from Spot Pond and from an Auxiliary source just south of the pond which it is now developing, aild when developed it is estimated that the combined sources will furnish enough water to supply the city until 1899 or 1900, so that a further supply will be needed about as soon as a metropolitan sup- ply can be introduced. There is no source within my knowledge from which the city can °btain other than a temporary local supply of water, and the con- struction and maintenance of a supply of this kind is likely to cause [A description of the water supply of this city may be found on pages 51-53.] 100 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. a greater annual charge than would be made for water from the met- ropolitan system. Not only is water obtained from local sources likely to cost more than from the metropolitan system, but the introduction of water from this system will be of advantage to the city in other ways, as it would furnish an ample supply of pure water without the necessity on the part of the city of laying additional supply mains, and would furnish a high-service supply for the more elevated portions of the city from a large pipe passing near the centre of the city and College Hill without local pumping. It would also obviate the necessity for the construction of a permanent high-service pumping station and tank, and would keep Spot Pond full and relieve the city of all expense for its maintenance and for pumping water from it. Revere and Winthrop. [A description of the water supply of these towns may be found on pages 53-55.] The situation of these two towns with reference to their water sup- ply has already been so fully stated that I will only express the opin- ion that they will need a supply from the metropolitan system as soon as it can be made available. Melrose. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 55 and 56.] As already indicated, this town will need more water as soon as a metropolitan supply can be made available; and in my opinion it is clearly for its interests to take water from the metropolitan system, rather than to attempt to develop any local sources. This town noW purchases a part of its water from a private company at the rate of cents per thousand gallons up to 300,000 gallons daily, and at a somewhat smaller rate for larger quantities. At 71 cents per thou- sand gallons, 280,000 gallons daily (the estimated capacity of the auxiliary source) would cost $7,665 per year, which the town would not have to pay after the introduction of a metropolitan supply. There would also be an additional saving, as the town would be at no further expense for the improvement and maintenance of Spot Pond. Watertown and. Belmont. The statements already made with regard to the water supply of these towns are so complete that I will only add my opinion that [A description of the water supply of these towns may be found on pages 57 and 58.] 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 101 they w ill need an additional supply of water soon, and that it can be obtained from the metropolitan system much more cheaply than by independent works. Arlington. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 58-60.] This town has a very unsatisfactory water supply, on account of the poor quality of the water, and I know of no place where it can obtain a satisfactory independent supply at nearly as small cost as from the metropolitan system. Winchester. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 60-64.] This town has three reservoirs, one of which contains a water of poor quality, owing to its being formed by flooding an extensive swamp, and another is becoming seriously polluted by the encroach- ments of the town of Stoneham upon its water-shed. It is feasible, However, to divert from this reservoir the water coming from the portion of the water-shed where the pollution occurs; and the town Will then have two reservoirs fed from uninhabited water-sheds and containing water of good quality, which will furnish a supply to the town until about 1904 ; and it may be feasible for the town to main- tain its supply for about six years longer by utilizing a part of the inferior water of the Middle Reservoir and by recovering and utiliz- ing a part of the water which leaks past the dams. On account of the comparatively short time to elapse before the town will need more water, and the impracticability of obtaining an independent supply at a reasonable cost, I believe it to be for the interests of this town to have a connection with the metropolitan h'ater district, wffiich will enable it to take water from the metropoli- tan system whenever it becomes desirable to do so. Swampscott and Nahant. On account of the distance to these places from the central dis- tributing points, the metropolitan supply could not well be furnished to them except in connection with the city of Lynn; but if the water carried as far as Lynn, they could, on account of their situa- tion relative to that city, be readily supplied. Both towns are now Applied with water by the Marblehead Water Company, and it be difficult for this company or for the towns to maintain in [A description of the water supply of these to-tfns may be found on pages 64 and 6a.] 102 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. the future an adequate independent supply. I am therefore of the opinion that it will be for the interests of both of these towns to obtain water from the metropolitan system, if the works of this sys- tem should be extended as far as the city of Lynn. [A description of the water supply of this town may be found on pages 65-67.] Lexington. Owing to the limited capacity of the present sources of supply, and the difficulties in the way of obtaining a satisfactory additional supply for this town from independent sources, I believe it will be for its interests to take water from the metropolitan water system whenever the existing supply proves insufficient. Sources Investigated. In addition to the Nashua River at Clinton and the present sources of water supply of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, which have already been described, I have examined all of the larger sources in Massachusetts, east of the Berkshire Hills, and the more available sources in the States north of Massachusetts, in order to determine their relative value for the water supply of the metropolitan district. Next to the Nashua River above Clinton and the various sources which may be used to supplement it in the future, the Merri- mack River above Lowell and Lake Winnipiseogee in New Hamp- shire seemed most worthy of careful investigation. The sources examined are given in the following lists : - 1. Sources not to be used in Connection with the Nashua River. SOURCE. Air-line Distance from State House (Miles). Area of Watershed (Square Miles). Merrimack River, above Lowell, 25 4,097 Merrimack River, above Lawrence, 25 4,634 Lake Winnipiseogee, New Hampshire, .... 77 360 Charles River, at South Natick, 15 156.3 Shawsheen River, at old Middlesex Canal crossing, 18 34.1 Ipswich River, at Danvers, 16 53.8 Ipswich River, at Topsfield, 19 96.7 Assawompsett and other ponds, in Lakeville, . 36 62.1 Sebago Lake, Maine, 104 500 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 103 2. Sources which may be used in Connection with the Nashua River. SOURCE. Air-line Distance from State House (Miles). Area of Water-shed (Square Miles). Tributaries of Assabet River, 30 34.4 Ware River, at Cold Brook, 51 99.6 Ware River, near Gilbertville, 58 155.7 Swift River (dam at Belchertown), 64 185.7 Deerfield River, above Shelburne Falls, .... 89 454.4 Westfield River, middle and east branches, at Chester and Huntington, 93 179.4 Squannacook River and other tributaries of the Nashua from the west, in Groton and Shirley, .... 41 76.7 5. Sources which were found to be Unworthy of Extended Investigation. Neponset River. Taunton River. Concord River, blackstone River. Nashua River (north branch and main stream). Quaboag River. Miller's River. Connecticut River. 1. Sources not to be used in Connection with the Nashua River. Merrimack River. This river approaches nearest the metropolitan district at a point between Lowell and Lawrence. It has a drainage area above the dam at Lowell of 4,097 square miles, and above the dam at Law- rence of 4,634 square miles. At either of these places it will fur- bish a practically unlimited supply of water for the metropolitan district, as its dry-weather flow is rarely if ever less than 1,000,- gallons per day. The places considered with reference to taking the water are above the thickly settled portions of the cities of Lowell and Lawrence, "the point above Lowell is 1.4 miles more distant from the metro- politan district by the route selected than the point above Lawrence, but it has the advantage that the water is much less polluted, so that P is the most appropriate point upon the river from which to take the water. 104 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. If it were not for the cities and towns upon the banks of this river and its tributaries the water would be of good quality, although at times it is liable to be turbid and to have a high color. The principal cities and towns upon the river above Lowell, with their populations in 1880 and 1890, are given in the following table : - Population In 1880. Population in 1890. Nashua, N. H., 13,397 19,311 Manchester, N. H., 32,030 44,126 Clinton, Mass., 8,029 10,424 Concord, N. H., 13,843 17,004 Leominster, Mass., 5,772 7,269 Fitchburg, Mass., 12,429 22,037 Franklin, N. IL, 3,265 4,085 Laconia, N. H., 3,790 6,143 93,155 130,399 Careful and extended investigations made by the State Board of Health at Lowell and Lawrence have shown that a very high death rate from typhoid fever has resulted from the use of the unpurified Merrimack River water.* In view of the dangerous character of the water when taken directly from the river, it is obvious that it should not be used for the water supply of the metropolitan district unless thoroughly purified. The most feasible way of purifying a water like that of the Merri- mack River is by filtering it through sand, a method which has been tested at the Experiment Station of the State Board of Health at Lawrence for many years, and has been in actual use for filtering the public water supply of this city for more than a year. At this place a sand filter (which is fully described in the annual report of the State Board of Health for 1893, pages 543-560) was completed and put in operation in September, 1893. It has an area of two and one-half acres, and consists of a bed of sand about five feet thick, through which water is filtered at a rate not exceeding 2,000,000 gallons per acre per day. The sand was very carefully selected, with a view to having its grains of such sizes that they would remove * See annual reports of'State Board of Health for 1890, pages 523-543 ; 1892, pages 667-704. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 105 from the water the germs of typhoid fever. The practical results obtained with this filter have been very satisfactory indeed, as there Jias been a very great reduction in the death rate from typhoid fever and some other diseases in Lawrence since it was put in operation. The principal features of the works planned for taking water from this river are: - A pumping station on the banks of the river above Lowell, for raising file water about forty feet. A masonry aqueduct, extending from Lowell to a point near Silver Lake Station in Wilmington. Covered filter beds, near Silver Lake. An aqueduct at a lower level, for conveying the filtered water to the easterly part of Woburn. A pumping station, force main and short section of aqueduct, for lifting and conveying the water to Spot Pond. The portions of the works capable of being enlarged, such as the Pumping stations, force mains and filter beds, are designed for a safe daily capacity of 65,000,000 gallons; while those which cannot be enlarged, such as the aqueducts, are designed with reference to an average daily consumption of 200,000,000 gallons per day, and have a maximum capacity of 300,000,000 gallons per day. A very favorable route was found for the aqueduct from the Merri- mack River to the filter beds, but from the filter beds to East Woburn die conditions were less favorable. The location near Silver Lake is well adapted to the construction °f filter beds, as it is generally flat, and there is a large amount of Sand of suitable quality for making the beds. The study of the filtration of the Merrimack River water at this Place was assigned to Mr. Allen Hazen; and two methods were con- sidered, one of which proposed the filtration of the water into the Natural ground and its collection by means of drain pipes or tubular ; and the other the filtration of the water through artificial filter k°ds, such as are in use in many places in Europe and at Lawrence, Mass. To filter by the first of these methods, a large area of land would e divided up into beds of convenient size, separated by embank- ments and made level by suitable grading. The water would be con- ned to these beds by a system of conduits and distributed over intermittently, to filter into the ground, from which it might be 106 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. taken by means of an elaborate system of driven wells connected with pumps or low-lying conduits, or by deeply laid drains. It is not often that extensive beds of porous sand can be found without occa- sional layers of finer and less pervious sand, which retard filtration; and this is one of the reasons why, in filtering water through natural sand beds, it is necessary to estimate upon a smaller quantity per acre than with artificial beds which are made of selected sand of nearly uniform grain. The necessities of the water supply of a great centre of population require that the supply should be furnished each day without the possibility of failure; and it is very doubtful if filtration could be carried on without interruption in the severe cold weather which sometimes occurs in this climate, without covering the area with a roof or making provision for flooding the beds with water to a considerable depth and filtering continuously during the cold weather. The method of filtering through natural areas has advantages where large areas of entirely suitable land are available, because the cost of preparing the beds is comparatively small, and the slower rate of filtration will cause these filters to yield an effluent of greater chem- ical purity and less color than that from artificial filters operated at a higher rate. It was found, however, by surveys in the vicinity of Silver Lake, that, on account of intervening swamps and greater differences in the level of the surface than were noticeable when the territory was first reconnoitered, the natural filter beds would have to be scattered over a very large territory, and that the expense would probably be as great or greater than for artificial beds. The estimates have therefore been based upon the use of artificial beds; and, in order to prevent any question as to interference with their proper operation at any season of the year, provision was made for covering them. In calculating the area of filter beds required it was assumed that the consumption of water would be at times one-third above the annual average, and that at such times the amount filtered per acre would be 2,570,000 gallons daily. With the average rate of con- sumption, this would leave one-fourth of the entire area out of use, or it would permit a lower rate of filtration to be used. The estimates of first cost include 32 acres of filters, which are estimated to meet all requirements until 1905, and additional bed* will be required from time to time, increasing the area to 90 acres in 1925. The estimates for the first cost of this plan are as follows : -' 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 107 Estimate of First Cost of Works for taking Water from the Merrimack River at Lowell. Pumping station at Lowell, for raising water 40 feet, and connec- tions with river and aqueduct, Aqueduct 9.23 miles long, from Lowell to filter beds at Silver Lake, $879,000 Wilmington, and all appurtenances, including connections from the end of the aqueduct to the filter beds, 2,410,000 Thirty-two acres of filter beds and appurtenances, and the main drain required for beds to be built subsequently, Aqueduct 7.95 miles long, from filter beds to pumping station near 2,180,000 Stoneham Branch Railroad in East Woburn, and all appurte- nances, 2,202,000 Pumping station at East Woburn, for raising water 65 feet, and force main, 966,000 Aqueduct 0.82 of a mile long, from end of force main to Spot Pond, Works for distributing water from Spot Pond to the cities and towns 191,000 in the metropolitan district, 6,011,000 Total first cost of works, exclusive of damages for the diversion of water, $14,839,000 Cost of operating filters and pumping stations at Lowell and East Woburn, capitalized at 5 per cent., and damages for the diver- sion of 65,000,000 gallons of water per day, .... 2,624,000 $17,463,000 The capitalized cost of operating the filter beds and pumping stations has been added to this estimate, so that it may be compared with the cost of the Nashua plan, in which the water is not to be filtered and will reach the metropolitan district by gravity. The estimated first cost of this plan is, therefore, $17,463,000, or 8 per cent. less than the cost of the Nashua plan. In regard to the cost °f future additions, the difference will not be large. Of these two plans, I have no hesitation in recommending the one for taking water from the Nashua River, mainly because I believe that the small advantage which the Merrimack River plan has in regard to cost does not outweigh the disadvantage of taking a water Which requires purification to make it suitable for drinking. Even d it were admitted that sand filtration with scientifically constructed filters and intelligent management will entirely remove disease germs from water, there is still the chance in the administration of a work this kind that the preparation may be unscientific and the man- agement unintelligent, which may cause the water to be either 108 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. imperfectly purified by filtration, or, by accident, carelessness or the necessity of maintaining the supply, sent to the metropolitan dis- trict without any filtration whatever. There is another objection to the Merrimack scheme which I regard as of importance, that there is a greater danger that the supply may be interrupted through some accident at the pumping stations or filter beds, or by a temporary failure of the supply of coal or of skilled labor required to operate the works. Lake Winnipiseogee, Were Hampshire. With the exception of Moosehead Lake, this is the largest body of water in New England, and its immense size, together with the clear and colorless character of its water, has led to a popular belief that it might at some time prove to be the best source of water supply for Boston. The distance from the State House in Boston m a direct line to the outlet of the lake is 84 miles, and to the head of Alton Bay, which is the part of the lake nearest to Boston, 77 miles. The sur- face of the lake is about 500 feet above mean sea level, so that it has sufficient height for furnishing water by gravity. The area of the lake is 70 square miles, and it has a water-shed, exclusive of the lake surface, of 290 square miles. The lake can now be drawn down three or four feet below its ordinary high-water level. If the right could be obtained to draw the water of the lake down five feet below this level, and to take all of the water which the lake will furnish, it would supply 208,000,000 gallons of water per day in the driest year, which will be an ample supply of water for the metropolitan district for a long time in the future, - although not an inexhaustible supply, as the estimates already given on page 8 indicate that this amount of water may be required in 1922. Even if the metropolitan district should be granted the right to take water from this source, it is not at all probable that it would be permitted to take all of the water, because of the many important water powers supplied by it. Those at Lakeport and Laconia depend wholly upon the flow from this lake, which also furnishes nearly all of the water used by the water powers farther down the Winnipiseogee River at Tilton and Franklin Falls. At the last two places there are ten dams, utilizing a total fall of about 139 feet. Lake Winnipiseogee not only furnishes very nearly all of the 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 109 Water used upon the Winnipiseogee River, but it also has a very great value as a reservoir for maintaining during the summer the flow of the Merrimack River, on which are situated the three great Water powers of Manchester, N. H., and Lowell and Lawrence, Mass., and other important powers. If, on account of the restrictions which might be placed upon the amount of water to be taken from Lake Winnipiseogee, or on ac- count of the future growth of the metropolitan district, the supply should prove insufficient, there is no serious engineering difficulty Ui supplementing the supply from this lake by turning into it, through a comparatively short tunnel, the waters of Squam Lake, Which has an area of 11.7 square miles and a water-shed exclusive of the area of the lake of 48.7 square miles. It would also be possible, although involving a greater expense, to divert into Squam Lake the upper waters of the Pemigewasset River. Samples of water were collected from Lake Winnipiseogee for analysis every month from June, 1887, to May, 1889, and the water Was found to be practically colorless at all times, to be very soft, and to contain only a small amount of organic matter. The very excellent Quality of the water is due largely to the excellent opportunity Which it has in this great lake for bleaching and otherwise becoming Purified by storage. Some of the streams entering the lake contain Water which is far inferior to the water taken from the lake itself. The permanent population upon the water-shed is 35 per square *Uile ; but there is a large additional summer population. There are Public water supplies at Weirs, Alton Bay, Wolfeborough and Meredith, and the hotels at other places have a supply of water brought to them in pipes. At Weirs and Alton Bay there are sew- ers which discharge directly into the lake, and I have no doubt that the same method of sewage disposal is used at other places where I not make investigations. With a view to ascertaining the cost of works for conveying Water from Lake Winnipiseogee to the metropolitan district, all of the information to be obtained from existing maps and records was and a careful reconnoissance was made of the territory Wtween Lake Winnipiseogee and Spot Pond. During this recon- naissance additional elevations were obtained at a great many points T simultaneous readings of two barometers, one being located at a station of known height and the other being read by the engineer in (harge of the reconnoissance. From these examinations it was found 110 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. that a conduit could be built from Alton Bay to Spot Pond by a mod- erately direct route which would be much cheaper than if built from any other place upon the lake. The conduit line finally adopted starts from a point near the shore of the lake, about three miles out from the head of Alton Bay. It is necessary to extend the conduit to at least this point, because the water at the head of the bay is polluted by sewage and discolored by the brownish water from the Merrymeeting River, which enters at this place. The topography of the country between Lake Winni- piseogee and Spot Pond is such that the water can be taken from the lake at Alton Bay with a comparatively small amount of tunnelling, and for eighteen miles support can be found for an aqueduct with a light grade. Beyond this point the land falls rapidly, and there are many low valleys to cross on the way to Spot Pond. It was found upon examination that it was either necessary to use pipes under pressure all of the way from this point to the pond, or to permit the water to fall about 160 feet in a comparatively short distance, so as to obtain support for a masonry aqueduct most of the way. The latter plan was found by estimates to be the cheaper one. The line adopted includes 52 miles of aqueduct, 13.4 miles of tunnel and 19.1 miles of pipe line, making a total of 84.5 miles. The route selected passes through Alton, New Durham, Farming- ton, Strafford, Barrington, Nottingham, Epping, Fremont, Dan- ville, Hampstead, Plaistow and Atkinson in New Hampshire; and Haverhill, Bradford, Boxford, North Andover, Andover, North Reading, Reading, Wakefield and Stoneham in Massachusetts. The total estimated cost of works is as follows : - Estimate of Cost of Works for taking Water from Lake Winnipiseogee. 65.4 miles of masonry aqueduct and tunnel, including inlet gatehouse and all other appurtenances and land damages, .... $18,187,000 19.1 miles of steel pipe line, including bridges over Merrimack and other rivers, and all other appurtenances and land damages, 10,324,000 Works for elevating and distributing water through the metropoli- tan district, 6,011,000 Total, exclusive of water damages, $34,522,000 The water damages would be very large, on account of the eleva- tion of the lake, the large area of its water-shed, its value as fl- storage reservoir for maintaining the summer flow of the streams below it, and the importance of the water powers upon these streams. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. Ill The masonry aqueducts and tunnels for taking water from this lake are designed to be of the same size as those for taking water from the Nashua River; namely, to have a carrying capacity of 300,000,000 gallons per day when running full. The pipes across the valleys are designed to be of steel, 85 inches in diameter, and to be capable of carrying 100,000,000 gallons per day when one pipe is out of use ; that is to say, when the hydraulic gradient is such that one pipe will carry 100,000,000 gallons, a second pipe is provided; and with a lower gradient, where two pipes are required to carry 100,000,000 gallons, a third pipe is provided. There are difficulties in the way of obtaining a permanent right to take the water of this lake which are probably insurmountable; but, even if such a right could be obtained, I should not feel war- ranted in recommending this plan for adoption, when an ample sup- ply of water, which would be but little if at all inferior in quality, can be obtained from the Nashua River and other portions of the high lands in the central part of Massachusetts at a much smaller cost. Charles River. The Charles River was carefully investigated as a source of water supply for the city of Boston in 1874. Plans and estimates were then made for taking water at several points along the river from Newton Lower Falls to a point a short distance above South Natick. The preference was given to the point above South Natick, and at the present time this is the best place for taking water from this river for the metropolitan district. It was proposed to construct a dam at this place, raising the water 15 feet and flowing 3,915 acres (6.12 square miles) to an average depth of 9.08 feet. Surveys were also made for raising the water 6 feet higher, flowing a total area of 5,083 acres (7.94 square miles) and making the average depth of water 12 feet. At the lower level the available capacity of the reservoir was esti- mated to be 9,000,000,000 gallons and at the higher level 18,000,- 000,000 gallons. The area of the water-shed of the river above the site of the pro- posed dam is 156.3 square miles, and, with the available storage capacities above stated, should yield in the driest year respectively 63,000,000 and 93,000,000 gallons of water per day. The quantity of water available for water-supply purposes would be smaller, because it would be necessary to let much water flow past the dam 112 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. for the benefit of the cities and towns farther down the river, which take water from filter galleries or wells near the river, and to main- tain the stream in proper sanitary condition as it flows through the middle of the metropolitan district. Not less than 20,000,000 gal- lons per day should be allowed to flow past this dam, and a larger flow is desirable. Assuming the amount to be 20,000,000 gallons per day, the quantities remaining for the water supply of the metro- politan district would be respectively 43,000,000 and 73,000,000 gallons. The larger of these quantities would not be likely to fur- nish a sufficient supply for the district after 1911. The water of the Charles River compares unfavorably in quality with the water of the Nashua River, as will be seen by reference to the following table : - Charles. Nashua. Population per square mile of water-shed, 179 69 Color, 0.88 0.42 Residue on evaporation, total, 4.69 3.64 Loss on ignition, 1.83 1.16 Ammonia: - Free, 0.0010 0.0010 Albuminoid, 0.0251 0.0166 Excess of chlorine, 0.15 0.07 Hardness, 1.5 1.2 It will be seen by reference to the above table that the population per square mile of water-shed upon the Charles River is about two and a half times and the color of the water about twice as great as the corresponding figures for the Nashua, and that in the other chemical determinations the quantities relating to the Charles River are the larger ones. These figures, with the exception of the popu- lation per square mile, relate to the relative qualities of these waters as they flow in the streams; but, after storage in the reservoirs which it is feasible to construct in the two cases, there would be a much greater difference in the quality of the waters. The reservoir on the Charles River would not only have a small depth, but would flow 3.2 square miles of wet meadows or swamps, 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 113 and it would be very costly if not impracticable to remove all of the mud from them, and if the mud and soil were not removed, there is little doubt that the water would contain abundant growths of the minute organisms which give water a disagreeable taste and odor. No new estimates have been made of the cost of taking water from this source, and the old ones are not of much value, since they relate to taking a supply of only 50,000,000 gallons of water per day, and do not include the cost of removing the soil and mud from the bottom of the reservoir. It is probable that the cost of taking water from this source would be nearly if not fully as much in proportion to the quantity of water obtained as for taking water from the Nashua River; and, as the water would be far inferior in quality, and would be di- verted from a stream where the water has a large value on account of the situation of the lower part of the stream relative to the metro- politan district and to the water supplies of several cities and towns in it, I believe it is not a source to be recommended for supplying water to the metropolitan district. The Shawslieen River has been brought to the attention of the pub- lic by several attempts on the part of the cities of Boston and Cam- bridge to obtain authority from the Legislature to take this river as a source of water supply. In all cases the point selected for taking the water has been at the crossing of the river by the old Middlesex Canal, and very near the main line of the Southern Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad. Investigations of this source were first made by the city of Boston in 1874, and more extended investigations were made in 1886-87. The drainage area above the proposed point of taking is 34.1 square miles. It was proposed to construct three reservoirs, having a total area, of 1,270 acres and a total capacity of 4,000,000,000 gallons. The estimated cost of these reservoirs was $1,700,000, which included the removal of the soil and vegetable matter. This source will furnish in the driest year 20,000,000 gallons of water per day, - a quantity which is less than the increase in the amount of water consumed in the metropolitan district from 1890 to 1894, and is obviously too small to furnish an additional supply for the whole metropolitan district for more than a very few years. The Shawsheen River, therefore, needs to be considered further Shawslieen River. 114 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. only as a temporary source of supply for the whole district or as a permanent source for a small portion of the district. The plan of works contemplated in 1874 and 1886 included the conveyance of the water from this river by an aqueduct to a pump- ing station in Winchester, and the raising of the water at this point to a reservoir of sufficient height to supply the low service district now proposed. The length of the aqueduct was ten and two-thirds miles, and the cost of the works to and including' the reservoir was estimated to be $4,722,000, which includes the removal of soil from the site of the storage reservoirs. This amount is so large in proportion to the quantity of water to be obtained from this source that in my opinion it would be unwise to take the Shawsheen River either for the purpose of putting oft* the larger expenditure for an adequate water supply or for furnishing a supply to a part of the district from this source. It was the general opinion from 1874 to 1887 that the water of the Shawsheen River was of satisfactory quality for the purposes of a public water supply; but the investigations of the State Board of Health since the latter year have Shown that this is not the case. The population upon the water-shed (123 per square mile) is not very large, but the head waters of the stream are in the town of Lexington, within ten miles of the State House, where there is likely to be a large growth in the future, and the territory in and beyond Lexington is used to an increasing extent for market gardening. The water-shed also contains many swamps, from which the water acquires a high color and takes up much nitrogenous organic matter. The color of the water is more than twice as great as that of the Nashua River. Ipswich River. The lowest point at which it seemed desirable to consider the Ipswich River as a source of water supply for the metropolitan district is in the town of Topsfield, nearly opposite the main village, about half a mile below the point where a large tributary known by the name of Fish Brook enters from the north and above the point where the river flows through Wenham Swamp. At this point the river is 18.9 miles in a direct line from the State House, and it has a drainage area of 96.7 square miles. A nearer point from which to take the water of the river is in the town of Danvers, about three-fourths of a mile from a line drawn across the river from the Danvers Insane Asylum to the main village 1895.] 115 HOUSE -No. 500. of Middleton. This point is 15.6 miles in a direct line from the State House, and the river above it has a drainage area of 53.8 square miles. The river has a very slight fall, the total amount from its head Waters to the lower point above referred to being only about 40 feet; and for this reason, and because of the general flatness of the terri- tory for a considerable distance from the river, it would not be feasible to construct storage reservoirs without a large amount of shallow flowage. The population upon the water-shed is small, being nearly the same per square mile as upon the Nashua River, and the amount of manufacturing is also small. The water-shed contains an unusually large proportion of swampy land, and as a result the water has a very much higher color and contains more nitrogenous organic matter than any other of the streams investigated in connection with the water supply of the Metropolitan district. I would not recommend the use of this water Without purification for water supply purposes. Owing to the unfavorable opportunities for storing the water of spring freshets for summer use, the yield of this source would be very small in proportion to the size of the water-shed, probably less than 300,000 gallons per day per square mile. At this rate the total yield of the river at the upper and lower points respectively be 16,000,000 and 20,000,000 gallons per day. As the water of this river is of such poor quality as to require puri- fication and the quantity of water is too small to furnish other than a very temporary additional supply for the metropolitan district, it 18 obviously undesirable to adopt this source for supplying the district as a whole. The possible use of the water of this river for applying the city of Lynn has already been referred to on page 32. Assawompsett and other Ponds in Lakeville. There is a group of ponds lying south of Middleborough, mostly 111 the town of Lakeville, which are the largest bodies of fresh ''Mer in the State, and on account of their size they have some- toues been thought of as a possible source of water supply for The areas of these ponds are as follows : - Ssawompsett, . 2,488 acres. (' c" ' * ■ , 1,804 " "reat Quittacas, . 1,110 " Little Quittacas, . 320 acres. Elder's, 145 " Total, . 5,867 acres 116 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb- Assawompsett Pond is the lowest one of the series, and emptied through the Nemasket into the Taunton River. These ponds drain a swampy country, and are consequently fed by streams containing a very dark colored water ; but, owing to their very great size, the water bleaches and is otherwise improved by storage so that when it flows out from Assawompsett Pond, which is the lowest one of the series, the water is of good quality. The area of the combined water-sheds of these ponds is 50.4 square miles, including water surfaces, and 41.2 square miles, excluding water surfaces. A little more than a mile in a direct line below the point where Assawompsett Pond outlets into the Nemasket Rivet there is a tributary known as Fall Brook which could be diverted into the pond. Including this brook, the total water-shed exclusive of water surfaces is 53.0 square miles. These ponds are not very deep, and the shores have such gradual slopes that the water could not be drawn very low without uncover' ing large areas. If the ponds were to be raised, very large areas of boggy land would be flowed. It does not therefore seem proba* ble that more than an average of 5 feet in depth could be made available for storage, and even this draft upon the storage might injuriously affect the quality of the water. With this amount of stoi'' age the yield of the ponds would be approximately gallons per day in the driest periods. The city of New Bedford now takes water from Little QuittacaS Pond, and has the right to take water from Great Quittacas Pond* The city of Taunton takes water from Assawompsett and Elder - ponds. As this source is 35 miles from Boston, is at so low a level tba* the water woidd have to be pumped, and the topography of tbe territory between the ponds and the metropolitan district is favorable to the cheap conveyance of the water, I have no queS' tion but that accurate surveys and estimates would show th* water from this source would cost much more per million gall°iv than from other sources; moreover, the total quantity of which this source will furnish is not enough for the metropolis11 district for any long time, and if we look very far into the future is not improbable that the cities now taking water from these soui'ce? and other cities in the southeasterly section of the State may requlie nearly all of the water which these ponds will furnish without maki an excessive draft upon them. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 117 This lake is referred to because, with the exception of Winnipi- seogee, it is the only great lake within about one hundred miles of Boston, and may therefore be thought of as a possible source of water supply for the metropolitan district. The following comparisons are made between it and Lake Winni- piseogee : - Sebago Lake, Maine. Sebago Lake.* Lake Winnipiseogee. distance from State House, Boston, .... 104 77 Area of water-shed including, water surfaces (square miles), 500 360 Area of lake, 50 70 Elevation above the sea, 251 500 ' * The statistics with regard to Sebago Lake are taken from tlie United States Census of 'Vater Power, 1880, Part I. Sebago Lake would furnish fully as much water as Lake Winni- piseogee, and, owing to its lower elevation, the amount of water damages would be less. On the other hand, on account of its lower elevation and the greater distance from Boston, works for taking 'Vater from it would be more costly, particularly if it should be found impracticable to convey the water to Boston by gravity. The water supply of Portland, Me., is now taken from this lake. It has the same objection as Lake Winnipiseogee with regard to being situated outside of Massachusetts. 2. Sources which may be used to supplement the Supply from the Nashua River. Tributaries of the Assabet Barer. The aqueduct from the Nashua River to the Sudbury water-shed crosses the Assabet River about three-fourths of a mile below the Village of Northborough, but at this point the river is below the level of the aqueduct; moreover, owing to the polluting matters 'vhieh enter the stream at Northborough, to the very large area of sWampy land along the river between Northborough and the Boston & Albany Railroad, and to the disposal of the sewage of West- 118 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb- borough upon the banks of this section of the river, the water at the aqueduct crossing is not of suitable quality for water supply puT" poses. The portion of the river above the Boston & Albany Railroad and portions of the tributaries of the river from the west drain a total area of 34.4 square miles, containing a population of only 60 per square mile. These tributaries, including the upper waters of the mai11 river, can be diverted either into the aqueduct or into the upper end of the Sudbury water-shed by gravity. One of the more important tributaries passes directly over the tunnel on the line of the aqueduct, and the water can be diverted into the tunnel by making an opening into it; and others are so situated as to require only a short com necting pipe to divert their waters into the aqueduct. The uppe1' waters of the river can be diverted into one of the feeders of Reset' voir No. 5 by a small aqueduct two and one-half miles long. The water of these streams as a whole is as good as the water of the Nashua River, and, although they would not have the advantage of storage in the Nashua reservoir, they would be stored in Reservon' No. 5. In view of the fact that this water need be used only if the Nashu® reservoir should not fill in the spring, I think it probable that will prove to be the best source for first supplementing the Nashu® River supply. No surveys have been made as a basis for estimating the cost of obtaining these waters; but estimates made from the best inform®' tion available indicate that the total cost would not exceed $600,000, exclusive of damages for the diversion of water; and the available yield would be increased about 28,000,000 gallons per day, making the total daily capacity of the metropolitan sources 201,000,000 gallons. As will be seen by reference to Plan No. 3, the Ware Rivel water-shed lies directly west of that of the Nashua River, and the divide between the two is also the divide between the streams ru°' ning easterly toward the Atlantic Ocean and those running westei'b to the Connecticut River. At Cold Brook, a village in the towns of Oakham and Barre, where the Ware River has a water-shed of square miles, the river is 645 feet above the level of high tide and feet higher than Lake Winnipiseogee. At this point there is an tremely favorable location for a reservoir, and from it a tunnel Ware River. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. Ill) long can be constructed to convey the water to a point on the Quinepoxet River, which is 15 feet lower than the Ware River at Brook, thence to flow down the Quinepoxet River into the Proposed Nashua River reservoir. The water-shed of the Ware River above Cold Brook is hilly, con- cns a very small population (32 per square mile), and the factories and mills upon it are small and not of a character to produce objec- tionable wastes. From a sanitary point of view, therefore, this is very favorable indeed, but there are some large stamps upon it, in which the water acquires a brownish color, and they would have to be drained in order to make the quality of the entirely satisfactory. The reservoir will be formed by building a masonry dam across the river, a short distance below the village of Cold Brook, at a Point where the distance across the valley 70 feet above the level of the stream is only 785 feet. This dam would flow an area of 1,035 acres (1.62 square miles) to an average depth of 33 feet. The site 18 an extremely favorable one for a reservoir, as there is scarcely any swampy land within its limits and no shallow flowage. The Ullage of Cold Brook, which contains 31 houses, would be flooded, aBd a portion of the Ware River branch of the Boston & Albany Railroad, but this railroad could be located at a higher level without 'Buch difficulty. The length of the tunnel from Cold Brook to the Nashua River has been carefully determined, and it is estimated to cost $3,600,000. entire cost of the reservoir, including the land taken, the con- traction of the dam, the relocation of the railroad and the removal all soil, would be approximately $2,000,000. If $500,000 more allowed for the cost of improving the water-shed, the total cost f°r adding the upper portion of the Ware River, exclusive of water damages, will amount to $6,100,000. As the head of the tunnel may be located below the level of the are River, a large portion of the water of the stream could be diverted into the Nashua water-shed without constructing the reser- v°ir, and its construction might, therefore, be deferred for many ears. If the upper Ware River is added after the tributaries of the Assabet to the other metropolitan sources, it will increase the daily Supply 71,000,000 gallons, making the total daily capacity 272,- gallons. About nine miles farther down the Ware River, and only a short 120 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. distance above Gilbertville, there is an additional area of w'ater-shed of 56.1 square miles, which is hilly and contains a population of only 54 per square mile. At this point the elevation of the rivet above high tide is 534 feet, and the water could be turned into a proposed tunnel, which will be described subsequently, running from the Swift to the Nashua River. Swift Hi ver. The Swift River lies west of the Ware River, and at a point be- low Enfield, where the river is 376 feet above high tide, there is & favorable location for a dam. The river at this point drains an area of 185.7 square miles, containing a population of only 30 per square mile. The water-shed contains few swamps, and the water has a light color and is of excellent quality. The river is made up of three branches, and the topography is remarkable, as, notwithstanding the hilly and almost mountainous character of the water-shed, the streams have very little fall and the valleys are wide, so that it is possible by the construction of a main dam 2,470 feet long, raising the water 144 feet above the present level of the river, and of a secondary dam 2,065 feet long and 114 feet high, to flood an area of 36.9 square miles, forming a reservoir which will hold 406,000,000,- 000 gallons of water and have an average depth of water of 53 feet. It is difficult to comprehend an enormous figure like that indicating the capacity of this reservoir; but its relation to the water supply of the metropolitan district may be understood from the statement that the reservoir when full would supply the district at the present rate of consumption of water for thirteen years if no water flowed into the reservoir during the time. The reservoir would have a length of 17 miles and a maximum width of 3.9 miles, and would in fact be an artificial lake half aS large as Lake Winnipiseogee, containing several mountainous islands. The high-water level in this reservoir is 520 feet above high-tide, and consequently 135 feet above the high-water level in the proposed Nashua reservoir. For conveying water to the Nashua reservoir a tunnel is proposed upon the line indicated upon Plan No. 3, and with the grade shown upon the profile given in connection with that plan. The total length of the tunnel is 27.66 miles. Its upper end is 75 feet belo'v the high-water mark in the Swift River reservoir, and its inclination about one in 2,100. The tunnel from the upper Ware River to the 1B95.] HOUSE -No. 500. 121 Nashua might be constructed so as to form a part of this tunnel by Placing it at the proper level, as indicated upon the profile, and building a shaft at each end through which the water could enter aud leave the tunnel. If this were done, the additional length of tunnel required to reach the Swift River would be 18.94 miles. The addition of the lower Ware and the Swift River would increase the daily capacity of the metropolitan sources 200,000,000 gallons, Caking a total capacity of 472,000,000 gallons per day. The distance in a direct line from the Swift River Reservoir to the State House is 64 miles; but, owing to the utilization of natural channels, only 50 miles of artificial channel are required to convey the water to the terminus of the aqueduct in Weston, notwithstand- Cg the indirect course which such channels necessarily take. This distance is 34.5 miles less than the length of the conduit from Lake innipiseogee to Spot Pond. The Deerfield River takes its rise in Vermont, and flows easterly through the north-westerly portion of Massachusetts into the Con- River. In order to obtain water from it by gravity and eyond the danger of pollution, it will be necessary to take the water at a point above Shelburne Falls, 89 miles in an air line from the State House. At this point the river is, according to the topographi- cal survey of the State, 460 feet above tide water; and it seems Probable that a reservoir could be constructed by damming the river, would be high enough above the level of the Swift River Res- GfVoir go water could be turned into the latter by gravity, are several streams which unite in Colrain to form the North lVer, a tributary of the Deerfield, and which are high enough so that they could be diverted into the proposed reservoir above Shel- burne Falls. The water-shed of the Deerfield River, including these breams, is 454.4 square miles. The water of the river is of very good quality.* The population the water-shed is only 21 per square mile. The color of the Cater is the same as that of the Nashua and more than that of the Swift. The Deerfield River is so far from Boston that it is obviously an source of supply for the metropolitan district, except in Deerfield River. * Analyses of the water of this river are given in Appendix No. 5. 122 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb- connection with the Swift River, if that source should ever need to be supplemented. The distance from the Deerfield River above Shelburne Falls to the upper end of the Swift River Reservoir is 24 miles. Westfield River. The Middle and East branches of the Westfield River at Chester and Huntington drain a mountainous territory of 179.4 square mile?, which contains only 21 inhabitants per square mile. At the points referred to these streams are of such a height that their waters could be diverted by gravity into the Swift River Reservoir. The dis- tance, however, to this reservoir is somewhat greater than from the Deerfield River. The Westfield River is so far from Boston (93 miles) that it obviously does not need to be considered except as a possible supplementary source of supply in the far distant future. The Squannacook River and Other Tributaries of the Nashua from the West in Townsend and Shirley. The Squannacook River takes its rise in New Hampshire, and Hows in a south-easterly direction through Townsend and between the towns of Groton and Shirley into the Nashua River. Judging from the topographical map of the State, it would be feasible to di- vert the water of several streams, of which the Squannacook is the most important, having a total water-shed of 76.7 square miles, by means of an aqueduct about 25 miles long, into the head of the aque- duct leading from the Nashua River to the Sudbury water-shed; and an additional area of water-shed of about 25 square miles might be added by pumping the water. It seemed so obvious that these sources were inferior to other? for supplementing the supply from the Nashua River, that no extended investigation of them was made. 3. Sources which were known to be Unworthy of Investigation. It is unnecessary to refer to these in detail. The Neponset and Blackstone rivers are well known as streak which are too much polluted to be of any value for water-suppb purposes. The North Branch of the Nashua River has the city of Fitchburg and the town of Leominster near its upper end, and is seriously P 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 123 luted. The main stream also is affected by this pollution and the additional polluting matter contributed by the town of Clinton. The Taunton River has near its head waters the city of Brockton and the towns of Abington, Whitman, East Bridgewater, Bridge water and Easton, and is unsuitable for water-supply purposes, both on account of the polluting matter which enters it from these places and the swampy character of its water-shed. The Concord River receives polluting matter from Northborough, Hudson and Maynard upon the Assabet River and from Saxonville upon the Sudbury River. The sewage-disposal areas of Marlborough and Framingham are also located upon tributaries of the Sudbury River. The Sudbury and Concord are noted for the vast area of Wet meadows along their course from Wayland to Billerica. Both the Quaboag River, which runs westerly near the line of the Boston & Albany Railroad, and the Miller's River, which has a cor- responding relation to the Fitchburg Railroad, have large towns near their head waters, and other towns and factories at frequent inter- vals along them. The Connecticut River is both a polluted and a silt-bearing stream, and is so far from Boston that it obviously compares unfavorably With the Merrimack River as a source of water supply for the met- ropolitan district. Water Supply of Cities and Towns in and near the Nashua Water-shed. I he act under which the investigations for a water supply for the Metropolitan district have been made requires the State Board of Health to investigate, consider and report, not only with reference to the water supply of the metropolitan district, but of other cities mid towns which in its opinion should be included in connection therewith. It is obvious that the taking of a large water-shed for the water supply of the metropolitan district may have an influence upon the present or future water supplies of the cities and towns in mid near the water-shed. The town of Clinton obtains its supply at the present time from ekepeke Brook in the town of Sterling, and in 1892 obtained Authority from the Legislature to take the water of Waushacum Lake Ui the town of Sterling, which is within the water-shed of the Nashua !Ver above the proposed dam. This town now has authority to take enough water to supply it for a long time in the future, and its 124 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. water supply needs no further consideration at present. The town of Lancaster obtains its water supply from the Clinton water works, and should, therefore, receive the same consideration as Clinton. Of the towns within the water-shed, I see no reason why they should not all be permitted to take water from any appropriate source within it as freely as if the water-shed were not taken for the water supply of the metropolitan district. The city of Worcester is situated only about five miles from the southerly boundary of the Nashua water-shed, and its water supply is taken by gravity from two comparatively small sources west and north-west of the city. One of these, known as the Lynde Brook source, supplies all of the water for the high service and a part of the water for the low service; while the other, known as the Tatnuck Brook or Holden source, supplies the low service only- The Lynde Brook Reservoir has been exhausted this year by the draught upon it, and a temporary supplementary supply has been obtained from a stream in its vicinity know as Kettle Brook. The city of Worcester petitioned the Legislature Jan. 28, 1895, for authority to take permanently the waters of this brook. While this addition to the water supply is an important one, further additions will be necessary before many years, and the most obvious source from which to obtain this supply is Asneybumskeit Brook, one of the tributaries of the Nashua River above the proposed dam. As it is undesirable that the city of Worcester should take any of the water from the Nashua water-shed if another source equally of nearly as good could be found, I caused careful examinations to be made of all of the sources within a reasonable distance of the city of Worcester. Samples of water from these sources were analyzed, their elevations were determined from the State map and by the use of a barometer, and their capacities were estimated as well as prac- ticable from the best information obtainable without making actual surveys. As a result of all of these examinations, it became evident that a portion of the Nashua River water-shed, having an area of square miles, from which the water could be diverted into the Holden Reservoir by gravity, would be the most appropriate source ft'0131 which to take a further additional supply for the city of Worcester when the capacity of its other sources was reached. This area 19 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 125 indicated upon Plan No. 4, and marked " Area recommended for Worcester water supply." In the estimates which have been given of the capacity of the Nashua River source I have not deducted anything for the amount of water which might be taken from the water-shed by the city of Worcester. If this city should take all of the water from the portion of the water-shed above indicated, the daily capacity of the Nashua Hi ver source would be reduced 8,500,000 ; but if a part of the water of the spring freshets should continue to flow down into the Nashua Reservoir, the reduction would be less. In any case the taking of this water by Worcester would not prevent the metropolitan district from obtaining a sufficient supply of water, although it might require the addition of the tributaries of the Assabet River or the Ware River at a somewhat earlier date than would otherwise be necessary. The town of Leicester is situated just west of the city of Worces- ter, and its water supply is now taken by gravity from the head waters of Kettle Brook, only a short distance from Asneybumskeit Pond, in which Asneybumskeit Brook takes its rise. When the Leicester water Works were first constructed this pond was regarded as a possible Source for obtaining a supplementary supply in the future ; and, on Account of its situation, I regard it as an appropriate source for this purpose. I do not know of any other cities or towns near the Nashua water- shed which have any claim upon its waters. I recommend that reservations be made in the metropolitan water act which will permit the towns of Clinton, Lancaster, Sterling, Roylston, West Boylston, Holden, Rutland, Princeton, Paxton and Leicester and the city of Worcester to take water from the Nashua River water-shed when authorized to do so by the Legislature. Detailed Description of Proposed Plan for taking an Addi- tional Water Supply from the Nashua River. The Watershed and its Improvement. The map of the Nashua River water-shed contained in this report (Plan No. 4) is based mainly upon the recent topographical map of State; but the results of careful surveys of the proposed reser- v°ir and of the Quinepoxet River, from the reservoir up to a point hear Ruralville, where the proposed future tunnel from the Ware River will empty, have also been utilized. The boundary of the 126 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. water-shed was reconnoitered for its whole length, and carefully located upon the State map. Every part of the water-shed ha? been visited, and all of the swamps, ponds and reservoirs have been located with care. Sanitary statistics have been obtained with regard to all of the mills and villages upon the water-shed, and are given in Appendix No. 7. Many analyses have been made of samples of water from and ponds in different parts of the water-shed, and the color of the water of every brook of considerable size has been determined and tabulated. Using the results of the examinations above indicated as a basis* plans have been devised for improving the character of the water flowing in the streams and for preventing its pollution. The greater part of the water-shed contains no mills which produce objectionable wastes, or villages of more than 100 inhabitants; but, near the head of the proposed reservoir and upon the Quinepoxet River and it" branches, not more than five miles in a direct line from the head oi the reservoir, there are several manufacturing villages from which it is proposed to lay sewers which will unite in one main sewer ruD' ning down the valley of the Quinepoxet River to a sewage disposal field near Oakdale. The upper ends of these sewers are to b<? located at Chaffinville, Holden, Eagleville and Ruralville, and the sewers are intended to take the sewage from any public sewers that may be constructed in these villages or the villages below them, and the sewage and more objectionable portion of the manufacturing wastes from the various mills. Four of the mills next above Oak' dale and the villages of Oakdale and Boylston Common are at to° low a level to permit the discharge of the sewage and manufacturing wastes from them upon the disposal area by gravity; and it is thei'e' fore proposed to provide a pumping station near Oakdale to pump the sewage and wastes from these places to this area. In order to further improve the quality of the water entering the reservoir, it is proposed to drain the swamps upon the water-sb so that the water will not stand in or upon them, and to clean out 0 drain certain shallow millponds which unfavorably affect the quaW of the water passing through them. It is estimated that the work which has been indicated and soine other miscellaneous items of work incidental to the sanitary protec' tion of the water-shed will cost $450,000. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 127 Statistics relating to the Nashua River Watershed. Area of water-shed (square miles), 118.23 Elevation of highest point in water-shed above sea level (feet), . 2,002 Including Reservoir Site. Excluding Reservoir Site. Estimated population upon water-shed in 1894, 8,188 6,477 Population per square mile of water-shed, 69 58 Number of villages containing a population of more than 100, 10 9 Population of these villages, 4,446 2,979 Earming and scattered population, .... 3,742 3,498 Area of swamps (acres), 2,322 2,300 Area of swamps (square miles), .... 3.63 3.59 Area of existing ponds and reservoirs (acres), . 1,402 1,223 Area of existing ponds and reservoirs (square miles), 2.19 1.91 As already stated, the proposed reservoir will be created by build- big a dam across the Nashua River in the town of Clinton, and by constructing certain dikes to prevent the water from overflowing in °ther directions. A survey was made in much detail of the whole territory to be flowed, and a large map has been prepared with con- tours every five feet, from which the capacity and area of the reser- voir at different levels, as given in the following table, have been : - Nashua Storage Reservoir. direct and Capacity of Proposed Nashua River Reservoir at Different Elevations. Elevations above Boston , Water " orks Base (Feet). Area. Total Capacity below Elevation, given in First Column (Gallons). Capacity in the First Five Feet below Elevation, given in First Column (Gallons). Square Feet. Acres. Square Miles. 260 18,000 - - - 265 155,000 4 .01 3,231,000 3,231,000 270 419,000 10 .02 13,969,000 10,738,000 275 1,154,000 26 .04 43,388,000 29,419,000 280 4,622,000 106 .17 151,403,000 108,015,000 128 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Area and Capacity of Proposed Nashua River Reservoir at Different Elevations - Concluded. Elevations above Boston Water Works Base (Feet). Area. Total Capacity below Elevation, given in First Column (Gallons). Capacity in the First Five Feet below Elevation, given in First Column (Gallons). Square Feet. Acres. Square Miles. 285 9,194,000 211 .33 409,777,000 258,374,000 290 13,711,000 315 .49 838,100,000 428,323,000 295 17,057,000 392 .61 1,413,451,000 575,351,000 300 24,907,000 572 .89 2,198,166,000 784,715,000 305 34,502,000 792 1.24 3,309,098,000 1,110,932,000 310 41,396,000 950 1.48 4,728,389,000 1,419,291,000 315 49,648,000 1,140 1.78 6,430,911,000 1,702,522,000 320 60,186,000 1,382 2.16 8,465,540,000 2,034,629,000 325 67,721,000 1,555 2.43 10,876,674,000 2,411,133,000 330 75,222,000 1,727 2.70 13,549,715,000 2,673,041,000 335 81,935,000 1,881 2.94 16,488,553,000 2,938,838,000 340 87,010,000 1,997 3.12 19,647,830,000 3,159,277,000 345 92,764,000 2,130 3.33 23,009,606,000 3,361,776,000 350 99,713,000 2,289 3.58 26,608,920,000 3,599,314,000 355 108,590,000 2,493 3.90 30,504,190,000 3,895,270,000 360 117,469,000 2,697 4.21 34,731,499,000 4,227,309,000 365 127,800,000 2,934 4.58 39,318,027,000 4,586,528,000 370 145,640,000 3,343 5.22 44,431,351,000 5,113,324,000 375 160,356,000 3,681 5.75 50,173,467,000 5,722,116,000 380 173,761,000 3,989 6.23 56,401,453,000 6,247,986,000 385 182,720,000 4,195 6.56 63,067,648,000 6,666,195,000 The reservoir is shown in considerable detail by Plan No. 7. A dotted line within the reservoir indicates a depth of 25 feet below the full reservoir, and figures indicate the depths at many other points. The shores of the reservoir are as a rule very abrupt, but in the northerly half of the lower portion of the reservoir there is a con* siderable area of elevated sandy land which will be covered with water to a depth of only about 15 feet. For a distance of miles up stream from the main dam the depth of water near the present river channel will equal or exceed 100 feet. Tn the next 3 miles it will be between 55 and 100 feet, and a depth of from 30 to 50 feetrt found very nearly up to the head of the reservoir. Pean No. 7 State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply. PLAN OF PROPOSED RESERVOIR ON THE NAS HUA RIVER. Pecember,1894 Outline of full reservoir (E lev. 385) thus: -... "" reservoir when lowered twenty-five feet (Elev. 360)thus: Water area atElev.3856,56 Sq.miles ". ."....360 4.21..." " Capacity ...""38563,068,000000 gallons """..36034,73 2,000,000" Figures t£ive depths of water when reservoir is full. HELIOTYPE FRIHTONU Ce, BOSTOlt 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 129 Although the dam is smaller than several others which have been constructed, the capacity of the reservoir is greater than that of any existing reservoir of which I have information, and the average depth is unusually large. Comparison with other large reservoirs, as given in the following table, may be of interest. It has been compiled mainly from accurate information, but in a few instances approximate figures have been used : - Comparative Table of Areas, Depths and Capacities of Storage Reservoirs, with Heights and Lengths of Dams. and location of reseb- VOIK. Area (Square Miles). Average Depth (Feet). Maximum Height of Dam. Length of Dam (Feet). Capacity (Million Gallons). Above Ground. Above Kock. Swift River, Mass., 86.96 53 144 - 2,470 406,000 Nashua River, Mass., . 6.56 46 129 158 1,250 63,068 Nira, near Poona, India, 7.25 27 100 - 3,000 41,143 Tansa, Bombay, India,. 5.50 33 127 131 8,770 37,500 whadakvasla, Poona, India, . 5.50 32 100 107 5,080 36,737 Mateo, Cal., . - - 170 - - 32,000 Croton, N. Y., - - 157 225 1,270 32,000 --Ian and Claerwen, Birming- ham, Eng, water works (total for six reservoirs),. 2.34 43 5 98to I 128 - 4,460 20,838 All Boston water works res- ervoirs combined, 5.82 14 5 14to ) 65 - 15,867 Liverpool, Eng., . 1.75 - 84 129 1,350 14,560 River, Mass., 1.62 33 71 - 785 11,190 Sodom, N. Y., - - 72 89 500 9,500 Bernet, San Jacinta, Cal., - - 150 - 200 8,500 Reservoir No. 5, Boston Water works. 1.91 19 65 70 1,865 7,438 Chieus, N. Y., - * 105 115 - 7,000 liobbs Brook, Cambridge Water works, 1.00 12 23 - - 2,500 Cochituate, Boston water Works, .... 1.35 8 - - - 2,160 Reservoir No. 6, Boston Water works, 0.29 25 52 Ab 1,500 1,500 France, . - - 146 184 422 re^0TE-The heights of dams are given from the ground and rock up to the level of full The lengths of dams are the distances across the valleys at the level of full reservoir 'he line of the main dam. The capacities are given in United States gallons. 130 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. General statistics relating to the Nashua Reservoir and the prop' erty to be taken in the different towns for its construction are given in the following table : - Area of water surface (acres), 4,195 Area of water surface (square miles), . . . . 6.56 Total contents (gallons) 63,068,000,000 Length (miles), 8.41 Maximum width (miles), 2.05 Total length of shore line, not including islands (miles), 35.4 Maximum depth (feet), 129 Average depth (feet), 46 Mills within limits of reservoir: - Cotton mills, 4 Grist mill, • . 1 Saw-mill, 3 • 1 Total, 6 Length of railroad flooded (miles), • 6.56 Length of roads flooded (miles) : - Clinton, West Boylston, 3.71 10.95 4.20 Sterling, .' 0.33 Total, • • 19.21 Character of area to be flooded (acres) : - 2,000 Cleared land, • • Wooded land, • 1,801 Stump land, • 81 Water surfaces, 3P 4,195 Additional area required around margin of reservoir, including islands (acres), 90" Total area required for reservoir (acres), Division of land required for reservoir, by towns (acres) : - 5,163 1,125 2 761 Clinton, • • Boylston, • • 870 West Boylston, • • 407 Sterling, . • • 5,163 Statistics relating to the Nashua River Reservoir. 1895.] HOUSE-No. 500. 131 •Assessed value of real estate :- Clinton: - Total in town, 1894, $5,246,500 Total in town, 1892, 4,892,070 Total required for reservoir, 1892, 45,600 Per cent, required for reservoir, . 1 Boylston: - Total in town, 1894, ,...., $429,435 Total in town, 1893, 428,975 Total required for reservoir, 1893, 165,200 Per cent, required for reservoir, .... 39 West Boylston: - Total in town, 1894, $951,610 Total in town, 1893, 933,945 Total required for reservoir, 1893, 557,730 Per cent, required for reservoir, .... . . 60 Sterling: - Total in town, 1894, $749,770 Total in town, 1892, 751,450 Total required for reservoir , 1892, 10,340 Per cent, required for reservoir, .... 1 Inhabitants. - Total in Town, by Census of 1890. On Land required for Reservoir 1895. Numbers. Per Cent. Hinton, 10,424 95 1 770 302 39 Boylston, 3,019 1,305 43 Erling, 1,244 9 1 Totals, 15,457 1,711 11 Dwellings. Total in Town by Assessor's Re- port, 1894. On Land required for Reservoir. Numbers. Per Cent. Hinton, 1,442 19 1 ...... 155 46 30 Boylston, 480 157 33 Erling,. ...... 545 2 .4 Totals, 2,622 224 9 132 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Churches and School-houses within Limits of Reservoir. Churches. School-houses. Boylston, 1 2 West Boylston, 3 4 Totals, 4 6 Main Dam. This dam is located across a narrow gorge about 3,000 feet above the dam of the Lancaster Mills at Clinton. At several points U1 this gorge the solid rock appears at the surface of the ground, and it is not far below it at any place ; on this account, and because of the topography, it is proposed to build the dam entirely of masonry- Its general features are shown on Plan No. 8. The general form of the cross-section is the same as that adopted for the New Croton dan1 which is now being constructed by the city of New York, and is sin1' ilar in many respects to other dams which have been constructed upon the Croton water works, to the Furens dam upon the River in France, completed in 1866, and to the Tansa dam of the Bombay water works, completed in 1891. The top of the dam is 10 feet above the level of the full reservoir' At the water level it has a thickness of 19 feet, and 145 feet belo'f this level a thickness of feet. The total distance across tbe valley on the line of the main portion of the dam, at high-watel level, is 1,250 feet; but only 750 feet of this length has a dep^1 from high water to the rock exceeding 40 feet, and but 270 feet h:lr a depth exceeding 120 feet. The maximum depth from high waP1 to the rock at the down-stream edge of the dam is 158 feet. Advantage has been taken of the favorable topography at the northerly end of the dam to provide a very long overfall and a wa^e channel for wasting the water during floods without permitting it flow over or near the high part of the dam. The overfall has J length of 450 feet, and will discharge a quantity of water equal t° 8 inches in depth over the whole water-shed in twenty-four hour ' without raising the water in the reservoir to an excessive height' The greater part of the overfall is to have a masonry crest at level of the full reservoir; but for a length of 120 feet it is prop096 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 133 keep the masonry crest 3 feet lower, and to retain the water at the frill height by means of stop planks or movable gates. Gate-houses are provided on the up-stream and down-stream sides j the dam, with four 48-inch pipes connecting them, which are to Crve the joint purpose of supplying water to the aqueduct leading 0 the Sudbury water-shed and of conveying the waste water to the hver below. These pipes, with the large head upon them when the Cservoir is nearly full, have sufficient capacity to take the waters of 4 large freshet. In order to determine the best place in the gorge at which to the dam, many borings were made by driving into the ground pipes, and bringing the material inside of them to the Crface by means of a strong stream of water forced down to die bottom through a 1-inch wash and drill pipe. Preliminary brings were made for a distance of about 600 feet along the gorge; W these, taken in connection with the topography of the ground the points at which the rock appeared at the surface, showed inclusively that the dam should be located substantially as indi- cted upon the plan. After it was located borings were made to ick in and near the bottom of the gorge every 25 feet along the Cntre line of the dam, and generally at the corners of 50-foot on both sides of the centre from a line 100 feet above the to 200 feet below it. Up the slope from the bottom of the ?orge, toward the south end of the dam, the borings were made 100 feet apart on the line of the dam, and additional borings made on each side - opposite those on the centre line. On die north slope of the gorge, test pits were dug to the rock at Sequent intervals, the boring apparatus not being used. Very * W boulders were encountered in making the borings or in digging i die pits; and, as the results of the different borings corresponded in regard to depth and the character of the rock upon which I dley stopped, it seems probable that the ledge was reached in nearly | case. As, however, the upper portion of the ledge is likely be broken and seamy, it is estimated that the masonry will extend I d> an average depth of 10 feet below the surface of the ledge as determined by the borings, and further provision has been made preventing the filtration of water by cutting two trenches 8 feet into the ledge to a further depth of 8 feet, and filling them masonry. j-fel'' 134 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. In order to ascertain the total cost of the dam, designs have beeI1 . . ,i to made for the temporary dams and flume which will be protect the deep excavation for the main dam from water. The 0 , tom of the valley where the dam is to be built is at present occupy by the millpond of the Lancaster Mills. It will be necessary drain this pond during the construction of the dam, and in o^e to prevent the water from backing up during heavy floods and flU the deep excavation, it will be necessary to take down a portion the Lancaster Mills dam, which can be rebuilt after the work up the main dam has been raised above the water level. The cost this work, including an allowance to the Lancaster Mills for da° ao'es due to interference with its dam, is included in the estima of the cost of the main dam, which amounts to $1,723,010. Plan No. 9 shows comparative sections of several masonry d^n1 and of the valleys where they are located. The New Croton dam, which is now being constructed, is very more extensive both in height and in the length of the high port10 than the proposed Nashua dam. The Furens dam is somewhat higher and has less length, and t Tansa dam somewhat lower and has much greater length, than t1 Nashua. c The greater part of the dam of Reservoir No. 5 is being built 0 earth with a masonry core wall, and as the section of masonry sho" upon the plan is to be used only where the water is to overfl0' ' it is designed of a different form from the other masonry da10 shown. . . The Tansa dam is thin at the top, but it is situated in a / climate, where it does not have to resist the expansive force of On the north side of the lower portion of the reservoir ther the extensive sandy plain already referred to, which has a level about 15 feet lower than the high-water level of the reserV^1 ' and the water would flow out over it if not prevented by a dike. plain contains some valleys and many bowl-shaped depressions, which Sandy Pond is the largest. After extended surveys and many borings, it was concluded locate the northerly dike as shown upon Plan No. 7, and to const1 it mainly of the soil taken from the reservoir, using the cross-sect1 shown upon Plan No. 8. Dikes. Plan No. 9 TAN SA , RE5.NO. 5. NEW CROTON FURENS NEW CROTONJ NASHUA , SWIFT WARE 1865 y RESERVOIR: NO. 5. State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply. COMPARATIVE SECTIONS OF MASONRY DAMS December, 1894-. TA NS A Heliqtyfc Pajntino Co., Boston. 1895. ] HOUSE -No. 500. 135 The borings, which ranged in depth from 16 to 175 feet below the surface of the ground, showTed that the portion of the plain where the dike was finally located is composed mainly of very fine sand which is nearly impervious to water; but, as already indicated by the great depth which the borings reached, the rock is so far below the surface that it would be impracticable to extend any cut-off wall down to it. The impervious character of the material is well illustrated by the faults found while making the boring 175 feet deep. This boring as made at a point where the surface of the ground was 15 feet above the ground-water level. The casing pipe was driven to a depth of 23 feet; and the 1-inch wash pipe, with a stream of water from a hydrant flowing through it, was forced down 152 feet farther. Notwithstanding the opportunity thus afforded for the from the 1 inch pipe to percolate into the ground, it did not do so, but came up to the surface in a strong stream. Many of the °ther borings showed similar results. In view of these conditions, and the fact that a dumping place needed for the vast amount of soil to be removed from the site the reservoir in order to improve the quality of the water, it was decided to make this dike of very great width, as indicated by the Motions, and thereby insure safety and a minimum amount of per- colation from the reservoir. The top of the dike is raised 15 feet above the high-water level in the reservoir, and is made 50 feet wide, The slopes are four hori- zontal to one vertical on either side, so that the distance through the embankment at the water level is 170 feet. From this point the down-stream side of the embankment is to have a slope of only 3 ec't in 100. The reservoir slope of the embankment is to be formed °f a thick bed of gravel, covered with broken stone and paving or riP~rap. Where the dike crosses the outlet of Sandy Pond it attains maximum height of about 68 feet up to the level of the water in e reservoir, and at this place it has a width, measured along the lne of the outlet, of more than two-fifths of a mile. The dike is divided into two portions by a rocky hill which rises °Ve the level of the plain. The length of the easterly portion, Measured at the level of high water, is 3,815 feet, and of the west- P \ portion 4,735 feet, making the total length 8,550 feet. The ' cost of the easterly portion is $321,370 and of the west- r J portion $130,570, making the total estimated cost $451,940. 136 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. About two-thirds of a mile south of the main dam there is another low place, where a dike is required to prevent the water of the reser- voir from overflowing. The conditions at this place are different from those at the location of the north dike, as the ground is gener- ally higher, and rock is found close to the surface of the ground most of the way and only about 24 feet below the surface in the deepest place. This dike is therefore designed, as shown on Plan No. 8, to consist of an earth embankment, with a concrete core wall extending to the solid rock. The top of the dike is 50 feet wide and 10 feet above the level of the water in the reservoir. The slopes are two horizontal to one vertical, and the one toward the reservoir is to be protected with heavy paving resting upon broken stone. The length of this dike at the level of the water line is 2,500 feet, and its estimated cost is $206,110. Experience has shown that the waters of many storage reservoirs which have been flowed without removing the soil and vegetable mat- ter from them frequently contain abundant growths of the minute organisms which give water a disagreeable taste and odor, and more organic matter than is desirable in a drinking water. In some cases, and more particularly in those where swampy land has been flooded, the unfavorable effect of flooding the reservoir without cleaning it has continued for twenty years or more without any apparent diminution. In some other cases the bad effect of such flooding, while very marked at first, has diminished, and this might be the case with the reservoir under consideration. In the case of thoroughly prepared reservoirs which are supplied with unpolluted water, the experience has been very favorable. Re- servoir No. 4 of the Boston water works was prepared in this way, and from the time it was first filled, in 1886, its water has always been comparatively free from the organisms referred to. It has also stood certain tests relative to the accumulation of the products of decomposition in its lower layers during the period of stagnation in summer much better than any of several natural ponds tested in a similar manner, with the exception of Lake Winnipiseogee. In view of the certainty that the water of the Nashua reservoir would contain less organic matter and be much less liable to be affected by disagreeable tastes and odors if the soil were removed, it was concluded to make provision for removing the whole of it. Removal of Soil from Reservoir. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 137 The estimated cost of this work is $2,909,600, which is a very large sum, but not large in proportion to the great capacity of the reser- voir. By estimates made in the same manner as those given on page 85, I find that the interest and payments to the sinking fund which would extinguish in forty years the debt due to the removal of the soil would amount to only eleven cents per year per inhabitant. In order to determine the amount of soil to be removed, a number of test pits were dug in representative locations to a depth of 3 feet, and from the sides of these pits samples of the soil were carefully collected at different depths. Near the surface the samples were taken two or three inches apart, and further down at somewhat greatei intervals. These samples were analyzed, with the results given in Appendix No. 4. The analyses demonstrated that the amount of organic matter in the ground was generally so small below the layer of black loam that it would be necessary to remove only this layer. In order to determine the average depth of this layer, 814 holes veie dug in different portions of the reservoir, and it was found that in the wooded land the average depth was 6.95 inches and in the cleared iand 10.18 inches. This difference is occasioned largely by the fact that the slopes are generally wooded and the bottom lands are cleared. As it would not be feasible to remove all of the black loam without taking some of the material beneath it, it was assumed that an aver- of 9 inches would be removed from the wooded land and 11£ Iuches from the cleared land. There are areas near the edges of the reservoir from which the s°il could be removed to a suitable point outside of it by teams, sciapers or other well-known means for conveying earth a short dis- tance ; but by far the greater part w'ould have to be carried so far raised to so great a height to take it to a suitable place of deposit at the use of a railroad and trains would be necessary. A favor- a he opportunity for running trains out of the reservoir and for amping the soil is furnished at the location of the north dike. As e soil would be utilized in the dikes and would be placed where it Z°?ld n°l unfavorably affect the quality of the water in the reservoir, is proposed to dispose of most of it in this way. a estimating the cost of this work, a study was made to determine e locations where the soil from each portion of the reservoir could th aCed ' an(I where it is to be removed by trains the cost of all of various operations required to take the soil from its original posi- 1 and finally dispose of it is included in the estimates. 138 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. As already stated in the statistical table, the proposed reservoir will flood the present location of the Central Massachusetts Railroad for a distance of 6.56 miles and to a maximum depth of 94 feet. As it would be impracticable to raise the road in its present loca- tion, surveys have been made for its relocation. Four routes have been surveyed ; two of them provide for carry- ing the railroad near the southerly margin of the reservoir from the south dike to Boylston, and crossing the reservoir at this place by means of a bridge resting upon stone piers having a maximum height of 110 feet. After crossing the reservoir one route follows along its northerly side to Oakdale, and the other runs about a mile and a half to the Worcester, Nashua & Rochester Railroad, which, like the Central Massachusetts, is operated by the Boston & Maine Railroad Company; thence to follow the Worcester, Nashua & Rochester Railroad to Oakdale. The bridge at Boylston would be 1,800 feet long and it would be costly on account of the great depth of the water and the necessity for making the stone piers extremely heavy to enable them to withstand the expansive force of the ice. The other two routes provide for leaving the present location of the Central Massachusetts Railroad at West Berlin, crossing the river below the main dam and joining the Worcester, Nashua N' Rochester Railroad in Clinton. The bridge over the river for these routes would be high; but as the piers would not be in deep water, iron trestles could be used instead of stone piers, materially reducing the cost. If a railroad bridge were to be built across the reservoir at Boyl- ston, it could be made to carry also a highway across the reservoir at this place. If it should be considered necessary to provide for a highway crossing at Boylston in any case, the railroad could be con- structed more cheaply upon the route crossing the reservoir at this place and running to the Worcester, Nashua & Rochester Railroad than by any other route; but if a highway bridge were not consid- ered necessary, there would be little difference in the cost of the railroad on the route just mentioned and on those nearer Clinton. The Worcester, Nashua & Rochester Railroad passes through the upper end of the reservoir at Oakdale, but the tracks are slightly above the high-water level of the reservoir. It would be necessary, Relocation of Railroads and Highioays. Pl.AN No. 10. State Board of Health Metropolitan Water Supply. CROSS SECTIONS OF THE PROPOSED NASHUA-SUDBURY AQUEDUCT December, 1894- HALF SECTION IN ROCK. HALF SECTION IN EARTH. HALF SECTION UNLINED TUNNEL. HALF SECTION LINED TUNNEL. Sc *1 « of feet 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 139 however, to raise the tracks further above the water and to protect the embankment from washing. The various roads and highways in the reservoir would be flooded to such a depth that they could not be raised; and it is therefore proposed to construct marginal roads around the reservoir and bridges across it at West Boylston and Oakdale. Nashua-Sudbury Aqueduct. This aqueduct starts from a gate chamber on the lower side of the proposed Nashua River dam, as shown upon Plan No. 8, and runs 8.87 miles to a point in the Sudbury water-shed just beyond the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. The route of the aqueduct is shown on Plan No. 2 and in more detail on Plans Nos. 4 and 5 ; and a profile on a small scale is shown on Plan No. 2. The aqueduct is to have the cross-section indicated upon Plan No. 10, and to be as a rule 11 feet 4 inches wide and 10 feet 5 inches high; but is to be made larger in the portions of the tunnel which do not require lining with brickwork. The aqueduct has an in- clination of 1 in 2,500, and a maximum capacity of 300,000,000 gallons per day. 4 or 1.94 miles from the dam, to a point near the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, one-fourth of a mile south of the village of West Berlin, the aqueduct will be in tunnel. From the end of the tunnel to the lower end of the aqueduct an easy line can be ob- tained everywhere except at and near the crossing of the Assabet River, where some heavy cutting on either side of the river, and a bridge, consisting of masonry arches, will be required. From the lower end of the aqueduct to Reservoir No. 5 it is pro- posed to excavate a channel in the bottom of the valley having a <fepth of about 10 feet, a bottom width of 20 feet and side slopes of four horizontal to one vertical. This channel, which has a total length of 3.03 miles, would have a grade of 1 in 2,500, and would l>e provided with dams across it at two points, having adjustable openings by which the velocity could be regulated so as to prevent the scouring of the bottom of the channel. These dams could also he used to maintain a sufficient depth of water in the channel, so that there would be a sufficient passage for the water beneath the 1Ce that might form in winter. The portions of the work which would require the longest time or their completion are the tunnel and the bridge over the Assabet Rix er; but it is making a liberal allowance for delays to estimate 140 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. that, if the metropolitan water supply should be authorized by the Legislature of 1895, the aqueduct would be ready for use in 1898. The estimated cost of the aqueduct and open channel, including land damages, is $2,265,000. Improvement of the Sudbury River Watershed Appendix No. 3 is a report by Mr. Desmond FitzGerald upon improving the quality of the Sudbury River water by the drainage of the swamps upon the water-shed, and he there estimates the total cost of carrying out all the drainage schemes to be $350,000. By far the greater proportion of the swampy land is within the water-shed drained by the main Sudbury River, and not upon the Stony Brook branch, through which the waters of the Nashua River will pass. As the Nashua River and the Stony Brook branch of the Sudbury River water-shed will furnish all of the water required for many years after the works are first built, I have not included in the present estimates the improvement of any portion of the Sud- bury water-shed other than that which drains into Stony Brook. Upon this portion there is one large swamp at the head of the valley into which the Nashua-Sudbury aqueduct will flow, and it is proposed to drain this swamp and others upon the Stony Brook water-shed; and for this purpose and for other sanitary improve- ments upon this water-shed $63,000 have been included in the estimates. Reservoir JVb. 5 to Chestnut Hill Reservoir. When the water is turned into the upper end of Reservoir No. 5 it will flow through existing channels to Chestnut Hill Reservoir; but on account of the increased quantity of water it will be necessary to provide larger culverts than would otherwise be necessary through the roads and railroads crossing the portion of Reservoir No. 5 through which this water is to flow, and larger openings through Dam No. 5. In order to prevent this water from mingling with the water of the main Sudbury River, a second 48-inch pipe will be re- quired from Dam No. 3 to the head of the Sudbury aqueduct at Daui No. 1, a third 48-inch pipe will also be required across the Rosemary valley. The city of Boston, having in view the future supply from the Nashua River, has provided openings through Dam No. 5 of suffi' cient size to take all of the water which will come from this source. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 141 B hen the first reservoirs were built upon the Sudbury works, a 48-inch pipe was laid from Dam No. 3 to Dam No. 1, but no pro- vision was made for a second one. It is feasible, however, by cut- ting through the masonry of the gate houses, by enlarging certain gates and by drawing down Reservoir No. 1, which is little used, to lay the second pipe without any great difficulty. At the crossing of the Rosemary valley provision was made in the original plan for a third pipe, and portions of the pipe already extend beyond the walls of the siphon chambers. No difficulty will therefore be encountered in laying the third pipe. The total cost ot these pipes and of the enlargement of gates and other incidental work is estimated to be $78,800. Pumping Stations. High-service Pumping Station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir.-It is proposed, as has already been stated, to utilize the present high- service pumping station of the city of Boston for pumping water for the southern high service. This pumping station contains two 8,000,000 gallon pumps, which were put in when the station was built, and one 20,000,000 gallon high-duty pump, which has been in use but a short time. The building was originally designed with a view to its extension, and by building this extension and adding another 20,000,000 gallon pump the capacity will be increased so as to meet all requirements for a long time in the future. The esti- mated cost of the extension of the building and the additional pump is $211,750. Low-service and Extra High-service Pumping Station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir. - It is proposed to combine both of these services in one new building. Provision has been made for three high-duty low-service pumps, each capable of lifting 40,000,000 gallons of Water per day with great economy to a height of 40 feet, and with less economy to a height of 60 feet, if so great a lift should at any time be necessary. The extra high-service pumps will be very small in comparison ith the others, as they would only need to have a 'capacity of 2,000,000 gallons per day. There would be two of these pumps, °ne to be kept in reserve while the other is in use. In order to supply these pumps with water it is proposed to make much larger connections with Chestnut Hill Reservoir, and to lay 142 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. an additional 48-inch pipe from the terminal chamber of the Sudbury aqueduct to the pumping station. The estimated cost of this pumping station with pumps and boilers complete and the enlarged connections above referred to, including all incidental expenses, is estimated to be $781,214. Northern High-service Pumping Station. - This pumping station is to be located in Malden, at some place where coal can be readily obtained and where salt water will be available for condensing purposes. It is proposed to provide three high-duty pumping engines, each capable of lifting 15,000,000 gallons daily against the pressure due to a head of 140 feet. The cost of this pumping station and all appurtenances, including the cost of land, is estimated to be $560,000. Northern Extra High-service Pumping Station. - This station is to be located in the town of Arlington, and is intended to supply Arlington Heights and Lexington, and in the future small portions of Belmont and Waltham. This station is very small in comparison with the others and is estimated to cost $25,875. Chestnut Hill Reservoir, which has an area of 125 acres and con- tains 557,000,000 gallons in the first 25 feet in depth, forms an ample receiving basin and will require no changes, except slight ones, where the enlarged connections with the pumping station before referred to will be made. Spot Pond, which has an area of 296 acres and contains 733,000,- 000 gallons in the first 12 feet and 837,000,000 gallons in the first 15 feet below high-water level, will serve as an equalizing and distribut- ing reservoir for the low service, and with Chestnut Hill Reservoir will provide a very large and important reserve of water within the metropolitan district, if in any event the supply from the more dis- tant sources should be temporarily interrupted. The proposed improvement of Spot Pond, for which $181,840 has been included in the estimates, provides for removing the mud from shallow portions to a depth of 12 feet below high-water mark, and for using the material excavated to fill other portions. It also pro- vides for covering the exposed slopes of the filled portions with a thick layer of gravel. The proposed distributing reservoir for the northern high service, located in the Middlesex Fells, is to have its water surface 270 feet Receiving and Distributing Reservoirs. 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 143 above Boston water works base, and to contain 13,100,000 gallons. Owing to the abundance of rock at the site of this reservoir, it is proposed to retain the water in it by means of walls of stone masonry laid in cement. The estimated cost of the reservoiris $125,140; and for an additional $118,000 the reservoir can be enlarged when- ever it becomes necessary so as to have a capacity of 32,000,000 gallons. The only other reservoir to be built in connection with the metro- politan supply is the iron tank, already referred to, in the city of Quincy, which will have a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons, and, with such architectural additions as may be necessary to prevent it from being unsightly, is estimated to cost $80,320. In addition to these reservoirs there are 37 other reservoirs and tanks now owned by the different cities and towns, most of which it is proposed to utilize to a greater or less extent, either to provide a reserve for the individual cities and towns, or for larger portions of the district. Pipe Systems. Plan No. 6 and the descriptions already given indicate so fully the general method of distributing the water throughout the district that no additional description is necessary. The estimates have been based wholly upon the use of cast-iron pipe, and the largest pipe used is 48 inches in diameter. The routes have been selected with reference to directness, to utilizing streets which are not now too much occupied with pipes, and to encountering a minimum amount of rock. All of the pro- posed pipe lines have been examined in detail, and the amount of rock to be encountered has been determined as well as practicable from information obtained by inspection upon the ground and from local authorities who had laid water pipes and sewers in the streets where the pipe lines are located. The pipes are of larger sizes than have usually been adopted, but careful estimates have shown that this is a measure of ultimate econ- omy, as well as a present advantage in supplying an abundance of water for all emergencies; moreover, with the increasing number of pipes and conduits to be laid in the streets for different purposes, it 18 desirable not to increase the number unnecessarily, and it is obviously desirable to avoid the frequent digging up of the streets. The following table gives the length of each size of pipe and the amount included in each service : - 144 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Length in Miles of Pipe required for distributing Water to the Cities and Towns in the Metropolitan Water District. DIAMETER OF PIPE (Inches). Low Service. Northern High Service. Northern Extra High Service. Southern High Service. Southern Extra High Service. Total. 48, 26.60 - - 4.00 - 30.60 42, 1.53 .64 - - 2.17 36, .08 6.25 - 5.72 - 12.05 30, - 2.73 - - - 2.73 24, • • • • • - 1.18 - 7.35 - 8.53 20, • • • • • .70 3.41 - 1.89 3.61 9.61 18, • • • • • - 4.88 - .82 - 5.70 16, 1.75 1.82 1.14 - 4.21 8.92 14, - 1.75 - - - 1.75 12, - 3.45 2.53 - 6.85 12.83 6 (blow-off pipe),. .17 .07 .01 .03 .05 .33 Total, 30.83 26.18 3.68 19.81 14.72 95.22 The total estimated cost of the piping is $3,617,861. Future Aqueduct from Reservoir No. 5, to the Metropolitan District. The route of this aqueduct, including the proposed future pipe lines from its terminus in Weston to Chestnut Hill Reservoir and to a connection with pipes previously laid at Arlington, is shown on Plan No. 2 ; and a profile of the aqueduct is also shown upon this plan. The route is a very favorable one, as the cuttings are compara- tively light, and support can be obtained for an aqueduct for the whole length with the exception of 4,100 feet at the crossing of Sudbury River, where pipes will have to be used; there is only one tunnel on the line, and that only 700 feet long. From the beginning of the aqueduct at Reservoir No. 5 to the siphon, a distance of 5.61 miles, the aqueduct is to have an inclina- tion of 1 in 2,500, and is to be 10 feet 6 inches wide and 9 feet 8 inches high. From the siphon to the terminus of the aqueduct in Weston, a distance of 6.88 miles, it is to have a grade of 1 in 5,000 and to be 12 feet wide and 11 feet high. The capacity of this aque- 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 145 duct when running full will be 250,000,000 gallons per day. Its route is, as a rule, away from centres of population, and the land damages will therefore be small, The estimated cost of the aque- duct, including land damages, at present prices, is $3,226,000. The pipe lines from the terminus of the aqueduct to Chestnut Hill Reservoir and to Arlington have not been as carefully located as the aqueduct, because it was obvious that, as they are not to be built for about ten years, a location could be selected better in the future than at the present time, as there would be many new streets in which the pipes might be laid, thereby avoiding the damages occasioned by passing through private land. It was found, as has already been stated, that for 1.94 miles west of Chestnut Hill Reser- voir the ground was high enough so that an aqueduct might be used instead of the pipes; and the estimates for the line to this reservoir include an aqueduct 10 feet 6 inches wide, 9 feet 8 inches high, and of sufficient capacity to carry as much water as four 48-inch pipes would bring to it. The future pipe lines from the aqueduct at Weston would not necessarily all run either to Chestnut Hill, or Arlington and Med- ford, but some of them might run to the main pipe lines at inter- mediate points. The following tables contain estimates of the cost of the proposed Works in greater detail than they have been given on page 79 : - Estimates of Cost. Improving Nashua River Watershed. Main sewers for villages and mills in the Quinepoxet val- ley, including the cost of making connections with the mills, $152,000 Pumping station and force mains, 36,000 Pilfer beds, 19,000 draining swamps, Cleaning out or draining mill ponds, and miscellaneous 143,000 items of work incidental to the sanitary protection of the water-shed, 100,000 L_ $450,000 Storage Reservoir. Main dam, ....... . SI,723,010 North dike, easterly portion, 321,370 North dike, westerly portion, 130,570 South dike, 206,110 Amounts carried forward, . . $2,381,060 $450,000 146 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. Amounts brought forward, $2,381,060 $450,000 Removal of soil from reservoir, Relocation and raising of roads and railroads, including bridges across the reservoir at Boylston, West Boyl- 2,909,600 ston and Oakdale, Land, buildings and water rights to be taken, including 1,516,500 taxes during construction, 2,297,840 9,105,000 8.87 miles aqueduct, including tunnel, bridge over Assa- bet River, land damages and all appurtenances except gate house at upper end, which is included in the cost of the dam, $2,101,000 3.03 miles open channel from terminus of aqueduct to Reservoir No. 5, including land damages, and appur- tenances, 164,000 2,265,000 Nashua-Sudbury Aqueduct. Improving Stony Brook Branch of Sudbury Watershed. Draining swamps and miscellaneous items of work inci- dental to the sanitary protection of this water-shed, . 63,000 Additions to Existing Works, Reservoir No. 5 to Chestnut Hill. One 48-ineh pipe 5,185 feet long, from Dam No. 3 to Dam No. 1, including connections with gate houses and en- largement of gates, $57,300 One 48-inch pipe 1,800 feet long across Rosemary valley, with blow-off, 21,500 - 78,800 High-service Pumping Station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir. Addition to present building, $49,500 Additional 20,000,000 gallon high-duty pumping engine and all appurtenances, 162,250 211,750 Low-service and Extra High-service Pumping Station at Chestnut Hill Reservoir. Connections with Chestnut Hill Reservoir, including land damages, $84,700 One 48-inch pipe from terminal chamber of Sudbury aqueduct to pumping station, 22,700 Pumping station building and foundations, 165,400 Three 40,000,000 gallon and two 2,000,000 gallon pumps, with foundations, boilers, connections and all appurte- nances complete, 508,414 781,214 Amount carried fortvard, . . $12,954,764 1895.] HOUSE -No. 500. 147 Amount brought forward, $12,954,764 Northern High-service Pumping Station at Malden. Three 15,000,000 high-duty pumping engines, including all appurtenances, buildings and cost of land, . • 560,000 Northern Extra High-service Pumping Station at Arlington. Pumping station complete, including cost of land, . . 25,875 Distributing Reservoirs. Improvement of Spot Pond, $181,840 Northern high-service distributing reservoir in Middle- sex Fells, 125,140 Iron tank on Forbes Hill, Quincy, 80,320 387,300 Pipe Systems. Low service, . $1,981,700 Southern high service, . 724,000 Northern high service, 675,900 Southern extra high service, 194,000 Northern extra high service, 42,261 3,617,861 Damages for Diversion of Water from the Nashua River and Incidental Damages not included above. Total estimated amount, 1,500,000 Total first cost of proposed works for supplying water to all of the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, $19,045,800 The urgent need of an additional water supply for the metropolitan district is shown by the following figures : - Summary. Average daily consumption of water in 1890, .... Gallons. 57,818,000 Average daily consumption of water in 1894, .... 79,046,000 Estimated daily consumption of water in 1898, ' 100,026,000 Average daily capacity of present sources in a very dry year, 83,700,000 The additional water supply required cannot be obtained by de- veloping the present sources. There are many cities and towns in the metropolitan district which are in more urgent need of an additional water supply than the dis- trict as a whole, a few which have a sufficient supply for the near future, and a very few which might obtain by themselves a supply for the next fifteen or twenty-five years. 148 CHIEF ENGINEER'S REPORT. [Feb. '95. Classifying the cities and towns by the date at which they will reach the capacity of their present sources of supply when fully de- veloped, I obtain the following results : - Population in 1895. Per Cent. On or before 1900, 834,238 84.4 1901-1910, 35,400 3.6 1911-1920, 118,255 12.0 Total, 987,893 100.0 Investigations and estimates show that an additional water supply can be furnished by combined action at much less cost than by inde- pendent action, particularly if existing works are utilized to avoid duplication. The South Branch of the Nashua River is by far the best source from which to take an additional water supply, because it will fur- nish by gravity, with the least delay and at the least cost, a very large quantity of pure water; and it is capable of being supple- mented, from time to time, from other sources, which will furnish a practically unlimited supply of still purer water at a comparatively small cost. Respectfully submitted, FREDERIC P. STEARNS, Chief Engineer. Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1895. APPENDICES TO REPORT OF CHIEF ENGINEER. Appendix No. 1. Gi^WTH of POPULATION in the boston metropolitan DISTRICT. to C Remaining the future needs of the metropolitan district with regard Up01ie arQount of water to be supplied, it is obvious that much depends le uture growth of population in the district. It is also obvious Hiap110 e8timate of future population can be other than a rough approxi- fact^0' because the future growth of the district depends upon so many > Which are at present unknown. cle.) estbnating the future growth of any given community, we have to ipn . f Mainly on the indications furnished by the past growth of the com- ' but the recorded growth of other communities, after reaching the community under consideration, also affords valuable informa- lati0 *8 always best, in estimating the growth of large centres of popu- Use U' *° ignore the arbitrary limits of city and town boundaries, and to Parta limit which will include all of the inhabitants that properly form a iiniij; tbe centre under consideration. In the case of Boston the ten-mile iudie Seetns be a satisfactory one. Within this limit the growth as by the censuses from 1850 to 1890 has been as follows: Year. 1850, . 1855, t i860, . I865, ; 187q, . ' ' Population. Increase per Year. YEAR. Population. Increase pel Year. 269,754 328,412 384,672 416,763 490,798 11,732 11,252 6,418 14,807 1875, . 1880, . 1885, . 1890, 583,050 631,944 708,239 844,814 18,450 9,779 15,259 27,315 152 APPENDIX. By using the partial censuses of population, such as the assessed polls, the names in the directory and the enumeration of school children, and by making a comparison of other statistics which indicate to some extent the growth of communities, such as the number of buildings erected and the number of water services added, it has been feasible to obtain the popula- tion of the district for the years 1891 to 1894 with much greater accuracy than they could be obtained by a prediction based upon the previous rate of growth alone. The results obtained in this way are as follows : - YEAR. Population. Increase per Year. YEAR. Population. Increase per Year. 1890, . 844,814 - 1893, . 953,625 32,671 1891, . 884,094 39,280 1894, . 966,842 13,217 1892, . 920,954 36,860 In addition to the basis for estimates furnished by the past growth of the community under consideration, and of other larger communities, we may use our judgment as to whether the causes which have induced growth in the past are likely to operate more or less effectively in the future. In the case of Boston I have not found any reason to modify the estimate of future population based upon its past growth and the growth of other cities. There has been a tendency to predict a slower growth for Boston in the future, because of its remoteness from the sources of raw materials and the principal markets of the United States. In opposition to this prediction we have the fact that the growth of the district has been very much more rapid during the past nine years than in any previous nine years ; and it can hardly be said that the conditions are any less favorable for rapid future growth at the present time than they were nine years ago. The estimated future population of the Boston metropolitan district upon the basis already indicated is as follows: - YEAR. Population. Increase per Year. YEAR. Population. Increase per Year. 1895, . 984,301 - 1915, . 1,743,510 43,377 1900, . 1,148,033 32,746 1920, . 1,979,930 47,284 1905, . 1,328,787 36,151 1925, 2,238,500 51,714 1910, . 1,526,623 39,567 1930, . 2,521,875 56,675 GROWTH OF POPULATION 0F1 IE BOSTON METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COMPARED WITH THAT OF OTHER LARGE CENTERS OF POPULATION. Plan No. 11 Boston (Ten-miLt circle) reached a population or 967,000 in 1894 London(Inner circle,) " t- » - " " 1802 *• I New Yor<(Ten-mile circle) » •» » " " » 1855 Berlin (including suburbs) " " " " " " 1872 PhiLADEljPHIA(TEN-MILC circle) - " "1882 Chicago (Ten-mile circle) « » « >» " " 1888 NUMl JER OF YEARS BEFORE AND AFTER REACHING POPULATION OF 967,000. APPENDIX. 153 Both the past and estimated future growth of the Boston metropolitan district are shown graphically upon an accompanying diagram, in compari- son with the growth of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, London, and Berlin. The lines representing the population of each of these places are so placed upon the diagram as to coincide at the point where the popula- tion is 967,000, - the estimated population of the Boston metropolitan dis- trict in 1894. The populations of New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago are the populations within a radius of ten miles from the business centre. New York reached the population of 967,000 in 1855, and its growth since that time has been much more rapid than the estimated future growth of the Boston metropolitan district, notwithstanding the occurrence of the civil war, which materially retarded the growth of New York between the censuses of 1860 and 1870. In 1890, when the last official census was taken, the populations of Phil- adelphia and Chicago were not enough in excess of the population of the Boston district in 1894 to furnish a satisfactory guide to the future growth of this district. It may be said, however, that Philadelphia continued to grow after reaching this population at the same rate as before, and more slowly than Boston, while Chicago is shown both by the returns and by more recent information of a less accurate character to be growing very much more rapidly than Boston. Of the foreign cities, London reached the population of 967,000 at the beginning of this century, when the conditions with regard to transportation and many other things were so different from those existing at the present time that the growth of this city does not furnish a satisfactory guide for estimating the future growth of modern cities. "Greater London," how- ever, furnishes an interesting example of how rapidly a city may grow after it has reached an immense size, since it has for the last fifty years maintained a nearly constant rate of increase of twenty per cent, every ten years, as will be seen by the following table, taken from the " Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Water Supply of the Metropolis : " - Population of " Greater London." CENSUS OF Population. Increase per Cent. In the Previous De- cennium. CENSUS OF Population. Increase per Cent, in the Previous De- cennium. 1841, . 2,235,344 - 1871, . 3,885,641 20.6 1851, . 2,680,735 19.9 1881, . 4,766,661 22.7 1861, . 3,222,720 20.2 1891, . 5,633,332 18.2 154 APPENDIX. Berlin with its suburbs reached a population of 967,000 in 1872, and its growth since that time has been even more rapid than that of New York. The growth of Paris has not been placed upon the diagram, mainly because censuses of population prior to 1861 of certain territory annexed to the city between 1856 and 1861 are not available, and also because the growth of the city was practically stopped for two five-year periods, which included, respectively, the Revolution of 1848 and the Franco-German war. The statistics which are available are as follows : - Population of the City of Paris since 1800. YEAR. Population. YEAR. Population. 1800, .... 547,756 1856 1,174,346 1811, .... 622,636 1861 1,696,741 1817, .... 713,966 1866, .... 1,825,792 1831, .... 785,862 1872, .... 1,851,792 1836, .... 868,438 1876 1,988,806 1841, .... 935,261 1881, .... 2,269,023 1846, .... 1,053,897 1886, .... 2,344,550 1851, .... 1,053,262 1891, .... 2,447,957 After estimating the future population of the whole district within the ten-mile limit, the several municipalities were taken separately, and the results obtained in this way were so adjusted as to make the total popula- tion agree with that already obtained for the whole district. The results of these estimates of future population of each of the cities and towns, together with the past population for each half decade since 1850, are given in the large folded table. The Charles River divides the metropolitan district into two nearly equal parts, that upon the north side of the river containing at the present time a somewhat smaller population than that upon the south side ; but, owing to the more rapid growth of the north side, it is estimated that its population will equal that of the south side in 1902 and exceed it by about one-fifth in 1930. Tables which follow contain statistics of the growth of population of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, within a radius of ten and fifteen miles from the centre of population, and the population of London and Berlin with and without suburbs : - Table showing Grrowth of Population of the Boston IVEetropolitan .District. The populations from 1850 to 1890 are from the Census reports; those from 1895 to 1930 are estimated. CITY OR TOWN. 1 850. Increase. isr»r». -- Increase- 1 860. Increase. 1 K65. Increase. 1870. Increase. 1875. Increase. 1880. Increase. 1885. Increase. 1890. Increase. 1895. Increase. 1900. Increase. 1905. Increase. 1910. Increase. 1915. Increase. 1920. Incre/he. 1925. Increase. 1930. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per- cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. Tn Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. Per 1 Cent. In Numbers. Per Cent. In Numbers. , Per Cent. In ! Numbers. Per Cent. 1 Boston (city proper), 113,721 12,575 11.1 126,296 7,267 5.8 133,563 7,520 5.6 141,083 *2,302 *1.6 138,781 1 1,888 1.4 140,669 6,406 4.6 147,075 63 0.0 147,138 14,192 9.6 161,330 3,370 2.1 164,700 2,700 1.6 167,400 2,700 1.6 170,100 2,700 1.6 172,800 2,700 1.6 175,500 2,700 1.5 178,200 2,700 1.5 180,900 , 2,800 1.5 183,700 1 i 2 East Boston, . 9,861 6,102 61-9 i 13,963 3,393 21.3 19,356 2,516 13.0 21,872 3,644 16.7 25,516 3,831 1 15.0 29,347 579 2.0 29,926 1,493 5.0 31,419 5,511 17.5 36,930 6,138 16.6 43,068 7,332 17.0 50,400 7,459 14.8 57,859' 7,117 12.3 64,976 6,173 1 9.5 71,149 4,263 6.0 75,412 3,788 5.0 79,200 ! 3,600 4.5 82,800 2 3 South Boston, . 13,309 3,603 27.1 16,912 8,009 47.4 24,921 4,442 17.8 29,363 9,852 33.6 39,215 14,932 38.1 54,147 2,222 4.1 56,369 5,165 9.2 61,534 5,257 8.5 66,791 2,859 4.3 69,650 4,952 7.1 74,602 3,350 4.5 77,952 2,639 3.4 80,591 2,537 3.1 83,128 2,132 2.6 85,260 2,030 2.4 87,290 1,910 2.2 89,200 3 4 Roxbury,.... 18,364 105 0.6 18,469 6,668 36.1 25,137 3,289 13.1 28,426 6,327 22.3 34,753 15,676 45.1 50,429 6,694 13.3 57,123 8,842 15.5 65,965 12,446 18.9 78,411 15,686 20.0 94,097 15,996 17.0 110,093 13,211 12.0 123,304 10,481 8.5 133,785 7,665 5.7 141,450 5,740 4.1 147,190 5',010 3.4 152,200 4,900 j 3.2 157,100 4 5 Dorchester, 7,969 371 4.7 ■8,340 1,429 17.1 9,769 1 948 9.7 10,717 ' 1,544 14.4 12,261 3,527 28.8 15,788 2,102 13.3 17,890 2,827 15.8 20,717 8,921 44.3 29,638 13,302 44.9 42,940 13,150 30.6 56,090 15,705 28.0 71,795 17,374 24.2 89,169 19,851 22.3 109,020 23,112 21.2 132,132 25,868 19.6 158,000 28,500 18.0 186,500 5 6 West Roxbury, - - - 4,812 1,498 31.1 6,310 1 602 9.5 6,912 * 1,771 25.6 8,683 3,100 35.7 11,783 2,249 19.1 14,032 3,392 24.2 17,424 7,573 43.5 24,997 7,931 31.7 32,928 10,702 32.5 43,630 12,653 29.0 56,283 14,352 25.5 70,635 16,065 22.7 86,700 17,340 20.0 | 104,040 18,360 17.6 122,400 19,500 15.9 141,900 6 7 'Brighton,.... 2,356 539 22.9 2,895 480 16.6 3,375 j 479 14.2 3,854 1,113 28.9 4,967 1,233 24.8 6,200 493 8.0 6,693 1,830 27.3 8,523 3,509 41.2 12,032 3,654 30.4 15,686 4,264 27.2 19,950 5,287 26.5 25,237 6,461 25.6 31,698 7,766 24.5 39,464 9,116 23.1 48,580 10,220 21.0 58,800 11,100 18.9 69,900 7 8 Charlestown, 17,216 4,484 26.0 21,700 3,365 15.5 25,065 1,334 5.3 26,399 1,924 7.3 28,323 5,233 18.5 33,556 175 0.5 33,731 3,942 11.7 37,673 675 1.8 38,318 3,285 8.6 41,633 2,287 5.5 43,920 1,560 3.6 45,480 1,320 2.9 46,800 1,020 2.2 47,820 780 1.6 48,600 600 1.2 49,200 400 0.8 49,600 8 9 Total, Boston, 182,796 32,591- 17-8 215,387 32,109 14.9 247,496 21,130 8.5 268,626 23,873 8.9 292,499 49,420 16.9 341,919 20,920 6.1 362,839 27,554 7.6 390,393 58,084 14.9 448,477 56,225 12.5 504,702 61,383 12.2 566,085 61,925 10.9 628,010 62,444 9.9 690,454 63,771 9.2 754,231 65,183 8.6 819,414 68,576 8.4 887,990 72,710 8.2 960,700 9 10 Somerville, 1 3,540 ! 2,266 64.0 5,806 2,219 38.2 8,025 1,328 16.5 9,353 5,332 57.0 14,685 7,183 48.9 21,868 3,065 14.0 24,933 5,038 20.2 29,971 10,181 34.0 40,152 11,431 28.5 51,583 11,792 22.9 63,375 11,305 17.8 74,680 11,120 14.9 85,800 10,530 12.3 96,330 10,530 1 10.9 1 106,860 10,140 9.5 117,000 9,900 8.5 126,900 10 11 Chelsea, .... 6,701 3,450 51.5 10,151 3,244 32.0 13,395 1,008 7.5 14,403 4,144 28.8 18,547 2,190 11.8 20,737' 1,045 5.0 21,782 3,927 18.0 25,709 2,200 8.6 27,909 3,066 11.0 30,975 3,125 10.1 34,100 3,190 9.4 37,290 3,520 9.4 40,810 3,740 9.2 44,550 3,960 8.9 48,510 4,290 8.8 52,800 4,600 8.7 57,400 11 Everett, .... - *» - - - - - - - 2,220 1,431 64.5 3,651 508 13.9 4,159 1,666 40.1 5,825 5,243 90.0 11,068 6,682 60.4 17,750 6,950 39.2 24,700 8,052 32.6 32,752 9,007 27.5 41,759 10,216 24.5 51,975 11,383 21.9 | 63,358 12,542 19.8 75,900 13,700 18.1 j 89,600 12 13 Cambridge, 15,215 5,258 34-6 20,473 5,587 27.3 26,060 3,052 11.7 29,112 10,522 36.1 39,634 8,204 20.7 47,838 4,841 10.1 52,669 6,989 13.3 59,658 10,370 17.4 70,028 10,889 15.5 80,917 11,483 14.2 92,400 12,320 13.3 104,720 13,160 12.6 117,880 14,000 11.9 131,880 14,840 11.3 146,720 15,680 10.7 162,400 16,500 10.2 178,900 13 14 Brookline, 2,516 1,221 48.5 3,737 ' 1,427 38.2 5,164 98 1.9 5,262 1,388 26.4 6,650 25 0.4 6,676 1,382 20.7 8,057 1,139 14.1 9,196 2,907 31.6 12,103 3,535 29.2 15,638 3,792 24.2 19,430 4,690 24.1 24,120 5,789 24.0 29,909 7,118 23.8 37,027 8,701 23.5 45,728 10,522 23.0 56,250 12,350 22.0 68,600 14 15 Malden, .... 3,520 1,072 30.5 ,592 1,273 27.7 5,865 975 16.6 6,840 527 7.7 7,367 3,476 47.2 10,8 3 1,174 10.8 12,017 4,390 36.5 16,407 6,624 40.4 23,031 7,209 31.3 30,240 8,260 27.3 38,500 9,000 23.4 47,500 9,250 19.5 56,750 10,000 17.6 66,750 11,348 17.0 78,098 12,902 16.5 91,000 14,800 16.3 105,800 15 16 Medford, .... 3,749 854 22-8 ,603 239 5.2 4,842 *3 *0.1 4,839 878 18.1 5,717 910* 15.9 6,627 946 14.3 7,573 1,469 19.4 9,042 2,037 22.5 11,079 3,733 33.7 14,812 4,788 32.3 19,600 5,950 30.4 ' 25,550 7,350 28.8 32,900 9,541 29.0 42,441 12,393 29.2 54,834 15,166 27.7 70,000 18,000 25.7 88,000 16 17 Revere, .... 935 *142 *15.2 793 128 16.1 921 *63 *6.8 858 339 39.5 1,197 406 33.9 1,603 660 41.2 2,263 1,374 60.7 3,637 2,031 55.8 5,668 2,039 36.0 7,707 2,924 37.9 10,631 3,933 37.0 14,564 5,214 35.8 19,778 6,586 33.3 26,364 8,120 30.8 34,484 9,766 28.3 ■ 44,250 11,350 25.6 55,600 17 18 Winthrop, - - 407 137 33.7 544 89 16.4 633 *101 *16.0 532 95 17.9 627 416 66.3 1,043 327 31.4 1,370 1,356 99.0 2,726 1,057 38.8 3,783 1,513 40.0 5,296 1,854 35.0 7,150 2,145 30.0 9,295 2,455 26.4 11,750 2,700 23.0 14,450 3,150 21.8 17,600 3,700 21.0 , 21,300 18 ■ 19 Total, 6-mile radius, 218,972 46,977 21.4 2(5,949 46,363 17.4 312,312 27,614 8.8 339,926 49,122 14.4 389,048 73,340 18.8 462,388 34,947 7.6 497,335 53,873 10.8 551,208 101,033 18.4 652,241 105,866 16.2 758,107 116,010 15.3 874,117 122,219 14.0 996,336 128,999 12.9 1,125,335 137,963 12.3 1,263,298 149,158 11.8 1,412,456 162,734 11.5 1,575,190 177,610 11.3 1,752,800 19 20 Newton, . . • • 5,258 1,510 28.7 6,768 1,614 23.8 | 8,382 593 7.1 8,975 3,850 42.9 12,825 3,280 25.6 16,105 890 5.5 16,995 2,764 16.3 19,759 4,620 23.4 24,379 4,091 16.8 28,470 7,231 25.4 35,701 8,854 24.8 44,555 10,426 23.4 54,981 11,711 21.3 66,692 12,138 18.2 78,830 11,830 15.0 90,660 12,040 13.3 102,700 20 21 Hyde Park, - - - - - - - - - - - 4,136 2,180 52.7 6,316 772 12.2 7,088 1,288 18.2 8,376 1,817 21.7 10,193 2,107 20.7 12,300 2,400 19.5 14,700 2,730 18.6 17,430 3,150 18.1 20,580 3,910 19.0 24,490 4,947 20.2 29,437 6,263 21.3 35,700 7,900 22.1 j 43,600 21 2$ Quincy, • 5,017 904 18.0 5,921 857 14.5 6,778 *60 *0.9 6,718 724 10.8 7,442 1,713 23.0 9,155 1,415 15.5 10,570 1,575 14.9 12,145 4,578 37.7 16,723 5,417 32.4 22,140 6,686 30.2 28,826 7,956 27.6 36,782 9,208 25.0 45,990 10,395 22.6 56,385 9,835 17.4 66,220 9,380 14.2 75,600 8,800 11.6 j 84,400 22 23 \ Melrose, . 1,260 716 56.8 1,976 556 28.1 2,532 333 13.2 2,865 549 19.2 3,414 576 16.9 3,990 570 14.3 4,560 1,541 33.8 6,101 2,418 39.6 8,519 3,137 36.8 11,656 3,369 28.9 15,025 3,700 24.6 18,725 4,100 21.9 22,825 4,475 19.6 27,300 5,100 18.7 32,400 5,850 18.1 38,250 6,550 17.1 ; 44,800 23 24 Arlington, 2,202 468 21.3 2,670 11 0.4 2,681 79 2.9 2,760 501 18.2 3,261 645 19.8 3,906 194 5.0 4,100 , 573 14.0 4,673 956 20.5 £,629 944 16.8 6,573 1,577 24.0 8,150 1,793 22.0 9,943 2,107 21.2 12,050 2,500 20.7 14,550 2,925 20.1 17,475 3,325 19.0 20,800 3,800 18.3 , 24,600 24 25 ' Watertown, 2,837 744 26.1 3,578 *308 *8.6 3,270 509 15.6 3,779 I 547 j 14.5 4,326 773 17.9 5,099 327 6.4 5,426 812 15.0 6,238 835 13.4 7,073 478 6.8 7,551 1,449 19.2 9,000 1,755 19.5 10,755 2,151 20.0 12,906 2,672 20.7 15,578 3,303 21.2 18,881 3,919 20.8 22,800 4,500 19.7 j 27,300 25 ' Belmont.®* ; 1 I - 1,198 81 i 6.8 1,279 234 18.3 .1,518 424 28.0 1,937 *322 *16.6 1.5 1,639 ' 459 28.0 2.098 530 25.3 2,628 1,047 39.8 1,275 34.7 4,950 6,584 1,991 30.2 ' 8,575 2,425 28.3 11,000 25.5 I 1W 3<00 ' 17,000 ' 26 24; 1 jUOt 27 i Lexington, 1,893 , 656 34.6 2,549 6,049 | *220 ! *8.6 2,329 1 *109 *4.7 2,220 57 j 2.6 2,277 228 10.0 2,505 *45 *1.8 2,460 258 10.5 2,718 479 17.6 3,197 448 14.0 3,645 765 21.0 4,410 865 19.6 5,275 1,000 19.0 6,275 1,155 18.4 7,430 1,295 17.4 8,725 1,475 16.9 10,200 1,700 16.7 11,900 27 28 i Waltham, 4,464 1,585 1 35.5 348 5.8 6,397 499 ; 7.8 6,896 2,169 31.5 9,065 902 10.0 9,967 1,745 17.5 11,712 2,897 24.7 14,609 4,098 28.1 | 18,707 2,993 16.0 21,700 3,000 13.8 24,700 5,607 22.7 30,307 6,607 21.8 36,914 7,678 20.8 i 44,592 8,785 19.7 53,377 9,623 18.0 63,000 10,700 17.0 73,700 28 29 Winchester, 1,353 1 448 33.1 1,801 1 136 7.6 1,937 31 1.6 1,968 677 34.4 2,645 454 17.2 3,099 703 22.7 3,802 588 15.5 4,390 471 10.7 4,861 2,069 42.6 6,930 1,420 20.5 8,350 1,775 21.3 10,125 2,100 20.7 12,225 2,500 20.4 14,725 2,925 19.9 17,650 3,350 19.0 > 21,000 8,800 18.1 24,800 29 30 Woburn, .... 3,956 1,492 37.7 5,448 839 15.4 6,287 712 11.3 6,999 1,561 22.3 8,560 1,008 11.8 9,568 1,363 14.2 10,931 819 7.5 11,750 1,749 14.9 13,499 1,202 8.9 14,701 2,102 11.3 16,803 2,453 14.6 19,256 2,850 14.8 22,106 3,316 15.0 25,422 3,915 15.4 29,337 4,663 15.9 ' 34,000 5,400 15.9 39,400 30 31 i Mil ton, .... 2,241 415 18.5 2,656 13 0.5 2,669 101 3.8 2,770 *87 *3.1 2,683 55 2.0 2,738 468 17.1 3,206 349 10.9 3,555 723 20.3 4,278 1,522 35.6 5,800 1,550 26.7 7,350 1,900 25.8 9,250 2,294 24.8 11,544 2,724 23.6 14,268 3,167 22.2 17,435 3,565 20.4 i 21,000 4,100 19.5 - 25,100 31 32 I Stoneham, 2,085 433 20.8 2,518 688 27.3 3,206 92 2.9 3,298 1,215 36.8 4,513 471 10.4 4,984 *94 *1.9 4,890 769 15.7 5,659 496 8.8 6,155 917 14.9 7,072 1,054 14.9 8,126 1,219 15.0 9,345 1,411 15.1 10,756 1,635 15.2 12,391 1,896 15.3 14,287 2,213 15.5 16,500 2,500 15.2 19,000 1 32 33 Saugus, .... 1,552 236 15.2 '1,788 236 13.2 2,024 *18 *0.9 2,006 241 12.0 2,247 331 14.7 2,578 47 1.8 2,625 230 8.8 2,855 818 28.7 3,673 965 26.3 4,638 1,087 23.4 5,725 1,300 22.7 7,025 1,553 22.1 8,578 1,822 21.2 10,400 2,125 20.4 12,525 2,475 19.8 15,000 2,850 19.0 17,850 33 3'4 | Lynn, .... 14,257 1,456 10.2 15,713 3,370 21.4 19,083 1,664 8.7 20,747 7,486 36.1 28,233 4,367 15.5 32,600 5,674 17.4 38,274 7,593 19.8 45,867 9,860 21.5 55,727 5,419 9.7 61,146 11,394 18.6 72,540 13,260 18.3 85,800 15,600 18.2 101,400 17,120 16.9 118,520 18,370 15.5 136,890 20,310 14.8 157,200 22,500 14.3 179,700 ' 34 35 Nahant, .... - - - 270 110 40.7 380 *67 *17.6 313 162 51.8 475 291 61.3 766 42 5.5 808 *171 *21.2 637 243 38.1 880 245 27.8 1,125 130 11.6 1,255 225 17.9 1,480 265 17.9 1,745 305 17.5 2,050 355 17.3 2,405 395 16.4 2,800 425 15.2 3,225 35 36 Wakefield, 2,407 351 14.6 2,758 449 16.3 3,207 37 1.2 3,244 891 27.5 4,135 1,214 29.4 5,349 198 3.7 5,547 513 9.2 6,060 922 15.2 6,982 1,137 16.3 8,119 1,461 18.0 9,580 1,868 19.5 11,448 2,381 20.8 13,829 3,015 21.8 16,844 3,756 22.3 ; 20,600 4,400 21.4 25,000 5,000 20.0 30,000 36 - - . - - ' - -- ■ - - 1 -- - - - - - --• - - ■yi - ■--. - - - 37 Total, 10-mile radius, 269,754 58,658 21.7 3:1 s, 412 56,260 17.1 384,672 32,091 8.3 416,763 74,035 17.8 490,798 92,252 18.8 583,050 48,894 8.4 631,944 76,295 12.1 708,239 136,575 19.3 844,814 139,487 16.5 984,301 163,732 16.6 1,148,033 180,754 15.7 1,328,787 197,836 14.9 1,526,623 216,887 14.2 1,743,510 236,420 13.6 1,979,930 258,570 13.1 2,238,500 283,375 12.7 2,521,875 37 1 • - * Decrease. APPENDIX. 155 CITY. Area of Land Sur- face, Square Miles. isao. 1 830. 1840. 1850. 1855. I860. 1865. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1800. Boston, . 223 84,362 1 115,051 167,843 *269,754 *328,412 *384,672 *416,763 *490,798 *583,050 *631,944 *708,239 *844,814 New York, 256 148,402 236,842 394,935 720,091 - 1,245,104 - 1,626,119 . - 2,131,051 " I 2,821,802 Philadelphia, . 290 149,609 203,136 275,409 437,918 - 605,614 - 726,247 - 921,458 1,162,577 Chicago, .... 166 - 250 5,455 31,374 - 117,601 310,996 - 550,618 1,075,158 Fifteen-mile Radius. Boston 518 126,217 160,693 220,792 338,259 406,997 1 468,757 499,628 I 582,436 I 681,040 736,015 ! 815,312 962,618 New York, 549 179,043 278,352 439,239 ' 785,001 - 1,360,401 - 1,795,616 2,354,092 1 3,136,543 Philadelphia, • ■ 674 176,963 233,272 311,814 ■ 482,317 - 660,683 - J 796,780 1,012,712 - 1,275,434 Chicago, . . . . 1 383 , 250 5,877 ' 34,560 I - 124,815 - I 321,294 576,866 - 1,153,758 * These populations are the aggregate of the cities and towns within ten miles of the State House, and exceed the populations within a ten-mile circle by an amount increasing from 2,434 in 1850 to 14,635 in 1890.. Population of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, within a Radius of Ten and Fifteen Miles from the Business Centre. Ten-mile Radius. 156 APPENDIX. Population of London, with and without Suburbs.* 1821. 1831. 1841. 1851. 1861. 1881. 1891. Inner ring, or munici- pal London,! 1,378,947 1,654,994 1,948,417 2,362,236 2,803,847 3,253,785 3,815,544 4,211,056 1 Outer ring, . - - - - 418,873 631,856 951,117 1,422,276 Total, or " Greater London," . - - - - 3,222,720 3,885,641 4,766,661 5,633,332 * These statistics of the population of London are taken from the " Report of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, Appendices to Minutes of Evidence," pages 131, 132. They were pre- sented to the Commission by Mr. A. R. Binnie, chief engineer to the London county council. t The area of inner or registration London is given by the registrar-general as 121 square miles, and includes tidal water and foreshore. Population of Berlin, with and without Suburbs. 1860. 1865. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. Berlin 493,400 657,690 760,000 966,858 1,122,330 1,291,359 1,548,279 Berlin and suburbs, . 575,000 760,000 887,000 1,131,119 1,314,286 1,557,778 1,956,466 The population of Berlin and of Berlin and suburbs was taken from several sources, and is believed to be accurate, with the exception of the combined population of Berlin and suburbs for 1860, 1865 and 1870. The available statistics of the population of the suburbs for these years were incomplete, and ths figures are therefore only approximate. APPENDIX. 157 Appendix No. 2. PRESENT AND FUTURE CONSUMPTION OF WATER IN THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. By Dexter Brackett, C.E. Boston, Nov. 1, 1894. Frederic P. Stearns, C.E., Chief Engineer, State Board of Health. Sir : - The following report is submitted as the result of my inves- tigations in regard to the present and future consumption of water per inhabitant in the Boston metropolitan district. REPORT. The earlier works built for furnishing public water supplies in the United States were designed upon the assumption that a supply of 30 gallons per inhabitant w'ould prove ample for all requirements. The experience of a few years proved that this estimate of the quantity required was much lower than the actual quantity demanded to meet the wants of the communities, and the constant tendency during the past forty years has been toward an increase in the quantity used. The following table, showing per capita the consumption in various cities of the United States, very clearly illustrates this point. It will be noticed that in almost every city there has been an increase in the consumption per capita during the past twenty years, and in many 'nstances this increase has been enormous. In Philadelphia the population has increased about 25 per cent, since 1880, while the quantity of water hsed has increased about 300 per cent., and 150 gallons per capita are now lequired for daily use. The increase in the consumption in Boston has not been in so large a proportion, owing to the efforts which have from time to tune been made to control the waste, which forms a large proportion of the total consumption. 158 APPENDIX. Table No. 1. - Daily Average Consumption of Water in gallons per capita per day in various cities in the United States. Years. Boston, Cochituate Works. Boston, Mystic Works. Chicago. Phila- delphia. Brook- lyn. St. Louis. Cincin- nati. Cleve- land. Detroit. 1850, . 139,800 - 29,963 121,376 96,838 77,860 115,435 17,034 21,019 1860, . 177,900 - 109,260 565,529 266,661 160,773 161,044 43,417 45,619 1870, . 225,100 87,071 298,977 674,022 396,099 310,864 216,239 92,829 79,577 1880, . 306,000 107,700 503,185 847,170 566,663 350,518 255,139 160,146 116,340 1890, . 410,130 117,500 1,099,850 1,046,964 806,343 451,770 296,908 261,353 205,876 Population. Gallons per Capita. 1850, 42 - - - - - 20 - - 1855, 64 - - - - - 25 - 44 1860, 97 - 43 36 - - 30 14 52 1865, 66 27 42 50 29 - 29 22 55 1870, 66 44 73 55 47 - 48 31 64 1871, 60 56 72 55 47 - 53 36 76 1872, 63 70 74 54 53 45 54 40 88 1873, 72 77 88 56 59 51 50 43 98 1874, 72 73 96 58 54 55 55 45 97 1875, 69 86 100 69 59 61 60 44 120' 1876, 71 80 103 - 57 62 68 49 111 1877, 72 75 - 58 59 66 64 56 111 1878, 80 76 123 64 58 67 66 51 110 1879, 87 88 - 66 60 72 68 63 125 1880, 87 87 112 68 54 72 76 65 130 1881, 94 80 - 71 56 76 87 77 145 1882, 95 73 110 76 58 76 69 68 132 1883, 97 74 - 76 58 75 66 76 146 1884, 73 65 114 74 61 63 74 83 159 1885, 73 68 116 72 64 67 64 93 176 1886, 74 72 118 80 65 73 74 91 176 1887, 80 72 120 . 89 65 73 88 96 197 1888, 87 75 119 100 67 74 99 95 204 1889, 81 69 123 110 67 73 99 , 99 172 1890, 83 71 127 132 68 78 115 106 155 1891, 90 75 135 140 70 83 138 111 144 1892, 96 79 134 143 79 89 123 118 140 1893, • 107 86 147 150 86 96 124 130 148 APPENDIX. 159 Table I. - Daily Average Consumption of Water in gallons per capita per day in various cities in the United States - Concluded. Population. ' Years. Mil- waukee. Louis, ville. Provi- dence. Lowell. Fall River. Cam- bridge. Lynn. New Bedford Salem. 1850, . 20,061 43,194 41,513 33,383 11,524 15,215 14,257 16,443 20,264 I860, . 45,246 68,033 50,666 36,827 14,026 26,060 19,083 22,300 22,252 1870, . 71,440 100,753 68,904 40,928 26,766 39,634 28,233 21,320 24,117 1880, . 115,587 123,758 104,857 59,475 48,961 52,669 38,274 26,845 27,563 1890, . 204,468 161,129 132,146 77,696 74,398 70,028 55,727 40,733 30,801 Gallons per Capita. 1850 - 1855, - 1860, - - - - - 1865, - 18 - - - - - - - 1870, - 23 - - 44 - - 31 1871, - 21 - 43 - - 38 1872, - 22 - - - 38 - - 45 1873, • - 22 - - 48 41 - 05 1874, - 24 - - 1 12 50 42 - 51 1875, 29 24 - 24 18 57 40 - - 1876, 45 27 - 29 25 « 32 - 59 1877, • 69 29 24 30 26 53 32 - 58 1878, 85 30 26 32 25 45 32 - 53 1879, • 96 33 30 35 27 47 34 - 55 1880, • 106 42 34 38 28 46 32 - 55 1881, 109 56 35 40 30 46 32 86 59 1882, • 114 47 33 43 36 45 37 82 63 1883, • . 108 52 37 46 31 47 36 78 61 1884, • • 101 56 34 48 26 46 39 72 60 1885, 105 62 37 56 26 51 42 85 62 1886, 110 65 37 59 27 56 44 86 64 1887, • 117 ' 64 37 62 25 60 48 85 77 1888, • 105 62 40 69 28 63 45 88 71 1889, • 116 67 41 62 27 ( 62 43 89 68 1890, * 114 71 46 69 28 | 65 45 98 69 1891, • 112 ! 78 48 74 30 i 67 49 92 87 1892, • 101 81 57 73 27 71 53 88 81 1893, • 108 75 63 79 27 80 54 "I 66 - 1G0 APPENDIX. Table Showing Average Daily Water Consumption oj the Boston Metropolitan District, 1880-1893. Note -The figures in the first row represent the total consumption in gallons and those in the second row the consumption in gallons per capita Numbers printed in italics are estimated. OCOCOOCOQOQOOOGOOOOOQOOOQO Date of Introduction of Water. CITY OR TOWN. 4-4-COC003COtObObObCCOWCObO j'Jj-'j-l<CO>fcQCQJO>ClCDC3bOt-'k-'<p 4- CO Qi 00 O w 00 0i *cs 'o 'bo O *O Cri g p ® 5 »go 2 oo S » 2 g g g j, 5 j, g ®_" *3 ®§ oo _g o o o o o o o *o 'o "o "o *O *o 'o OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1848 Boston Cochit- uate Works. - 1 O Ci O O O 00 O CO 00 to , Ci X». *to 'bo *Cri "Z-* "co r->-I O' O 01 c: Cl I<J O CJ m 0) 2. -1 -1 21 CO r' a> rz, «C co O'- -* co H- _ O JO CJ' QO to tc< o GO CJ< o 4- CO o £T, -I (X ooooooooo ~o O O O O oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo 1864 Boston Mystic Works,includ- ing Charles- town, Somer- ville, Chelsea and Everett. ho *"* 00 CO *►-* 7-* -q m o b« o w w a bi Io qo g p g p g p gp gp gp 3." Sp Sp 2P gp Sp Sp Sp oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo Total Cochitu- ate and Mystic tO JO bO to to >-1 CO GO cn 1-' ' CO 4- *O '*o "ci *C3 *4- >4*- , oo , G)' C _ O _ GO O O „„ C-I . -q - o> t-* _ ci ►. to XJ'-'ij002?^l£iO^,O®:,0'2,"' £?00<-?4-^O*',(X)£^C7'£o't*Ci 00 x O- Ci- O'- tO- 4-*- i-»- O- tO- O- -4- Ox 0-0- oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo 1856 Cambridge. t-» j-4 k-i t-i i_» 71 V Vj ?? y *- W O '-1 b< "b to.-To S55 w.° fer1 o ox» Sr* JoP oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo 1871 1887 Lynn and Sau- gus. S p Sp fcp Sp ss." Sp Sp gp S2p gp £p gp gp 5p oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo 1876 Newton. * p p p p _M_i-itoi~4<oC>toOooo<,<>cjcscj 2 Oo 2 S § &l 01 ®1 to p S 1-1P ° C ° ° © C © ° © ° © 0 © ® C © £§©©©©©©©©<©©©© oo©©©©©©©©©©©© 1870 Malden. O O -1 O Cn cn cn O'. C3 C O CJ' 4- 4- op wp «P gp gp SP gp gp gp s P gtp £p gp gp oooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooo 1873 Waltham. Co Co -i m *- *- i- co, P, J? to c-.p toPioP0Po>P<oP-tPc<©i'© t | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S§g8SS8gg oooooooCO 1884 Quincy. Ox" i i i i i i i i i i i i oooooooo OOOOOOOO oooooooo 1885 1890 Hyde Park and Milton. 00OCl"400-<I-4 3 p W-® g? Ox50 g j® g ® S W go g S £ QO g o oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo S w Woburn. ho f.cPj-cn.ePj, co co 9? Cv q, *k, zjs 4- . Oi i i i i i i i -----xx O- Ox o. <o o o o o o o O O O r< ooooooooo'O 1883 Wakefield and Stoneham. * From meter measurements September 1 to Dec. 31, 1892, inclusive Table No. 2. 1(31 APPENDIX. Table Showing Average Daily Water Consumption of the Boston Metropolitan District, 1880-1893. Note. 1 he figuies in the first row represent the total consumption in gallons and those in the second row the consumption in gallons per capita. Numbers printed in italics are estimated. <§ § 8 .K> oo 92 2 o - 00 oo © oo oo oo oo OO 00 oo JTi 00 oo O' oo S 00 « oo oo 1° 00 oo 1880, u « Q •i • • O © *< • • • • • *! o w • • * • > - * i-3 - • « • • • • • • • • • M © 53 d • a c i • • • • • • © 5 21 - - k-* H* s 8 cn O' cr ® cn i 05 oo Brookline. S ,£ "'s S -* © r? .T* v§ _ C» © oo *8 © <°'8 © i -s o o 1 Cl OO i Cl -1 o © «-© o © to 3 o 8 °-o © © - © © * ® g fe2 51'» s s o, ft ?i O o ®i >k 4,1 Ki c*o®©®© © © 2 Ch Ch O o e 3 Ch o C© e o Ik Ik -1 © ft oft is c>©<='© © © © © Ch Ch 3 >k Ch o °b 3 O 375,000 50 390,000 50 404,000 50 oo © Medford. 8 8 £4 r O si'i eM "s % tO _., 00 05 4- "8 to gi5 8 o to qo © o o "-e 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 1 00 oo 00 GO -1 O' Watertown and Belmont. © <=> Co Co to to to to Oi to to 8 - £5 SJ-'s-g § i -1 O' _ & Ss © 2 g s O' o> 2 i _ © © tD "8 © 0C 8 to Ch?' o o o 3> e ChC» 30 O o 00 Ch°« 30 3 3> ©~1©K ©c,©© © 2 © © ft, oo ©©C© ® 2 © © © Melrose. Co co o oo oo Revere and O' 05- GC- © £ © - © © bo O' CO - I *~2 *8 g©Cc©©©_-i g«©G®©®© £ © 9> 2 Ch>> 30 o 1 1 1 1 Winthrop. 8 8 © © ■ 1 co »0 s-i-o 5 o ,.g.g Ts g« o 8 © © O O' W© o o gS 8 "'s i s-l 8 A 00 K.o 8 III* 00 oo H-* Dedham. S s « £ °BaS 2 1 to K> Ki -q © © 5, © © © © K. ©'©©©©© © © 2 © © © to 30 O O to 10 Ki *2 S g © Co © -5 01> C'?' 2'-?1 © ©> © © © © © © © ©c2 o © © © 2 © © © © © © © oo 03 Arlington. o 3 -71 e,©>? °§°§ jo k =>' fe i, oo ~ ©©oo © 2 © © to Co (> oo 3o o o to Co Ch 3*0 o o to 2 S § © j, ® © £ © © s-?c 2-05 g©g©^©cg°g°g g © © © ® ° 190,000 50 195,000 50 oo Winchester. © o <J © ©o'©© © 2 © © J, Co © © ©©©<© © 2 Ch Ch** 3*0 o o Ch 5° 3o o o 3 0 o Co 013 30 O o o 3> 1 1 1 1 i ■ 1 1 1 GO i Lexington. o 3 u_4 ®o®2°§ © kk Co 01 to Ch 3o°3 o 3 Co Ch3 3 O o o Co © k ©© © © 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 co oo O' Nahant. © © © o o o --- 4~. **• ~o co § 1 ~ £ 8 -X5 Vg © CO ® 5 05 o g O' o» O' 2] 0" © © s Ci o ■© Q o Ci 00 o O w o'S 3.°° 8 o To 8 So CO -8 o o © © co -J 00 ®-O 8 571 © S © co 'CO ►4 © © © Entire District. © O O' Total Population of to © 2, g 1 -c, 1 u. 23 © oc 00 CO O' ' g ' 5 CO -< 00 © oo • 2 © O' Cn 1 oo CD O co I.® co o 2 1 CJ' CZ) © O' 1 -M co o s 'g o © © 1 € 03 © oo © Places Supplied. * From meter measurements Sept. 7 to Dec. 31,1892, inclusive. t Dump measurements. J Meter measurements. Table No. 2. 162 APPENDIX. Table No. 2 shows the daily average consumption, in gallons and the consumption per capita in each of the cities and towns of the metropolitan district since 1880, together with the total consumption and population sup- plied in each year. From this table it appears that the works of the city of Boston now fur- nish between 70 and 75 per cent of the total quantity used in the entire metropolitan district. From 1880 to 1883, inclusive, the daily average con- sumption of the entire district was from 74 to 77 gallons per capita, but in 1884 the quantity dropped to 62 gallons, from which point there has been a gradual rise, and in 1893 83 gallons were used. The abrupt fall in the consumption in the year 1883 was the result of the introduction of the Deacon waste detection system in Boston. The figures given for the city of Fall River (Table 1) show a most strik- ing contrast to those of all of the other cities. Here is a city of 75,000 inhabitants, where the daily consumption is only 27 gallons per capita, and where there has been no increase in the amount during the past fifteen years ; in fact, taking into consideration the number of consumers rather than the total population, the present consumption per capita is 30 gallons, as compared with 41 1877. The question naturally arises, If 27 gallons per capita are found to be all that are required to meet all demands in a manufacturing city of 75,000 inhabitants, why is double that amount needed in the suburban cities and towns near Boston, and three times that quantity for the Entire metropolitan district? In order to intelligently answer this question, and also to deter- mine what may be considered as proper quantities to be used for domestic, manufacturing and public purposes in designing works to meet the require- ments of future years, a careful study has been made of the conditions which obtain and of the quantities which are actually used for various pur- poses in different cities and towns. In the first place, it may be stated that the low consumption in Fall River is due in a great measure to the fact that the use of meters on a large per- centage of the services has been the practice of the department ever since the building of the works ; and a further cause is that the use for manu- facturing purposes is small, most of the manufacturers taking their supply from the river and not from the city works. The total consumption for mechanical purposes during the year 1892, as measured by meters, was about 2 gallons per head per day. The water used in any city or town may be sub-divided under four heads : - 1. Quantity used for domestic purposes. 2. Quantity used for trade and manufacturing purposes. 3. Quantity used for public purposes. 4. Quantity wasted. APPENDIX. 163 Under the first head should be included not only the household uses of the inhabitants, but also the quantity required for provision stores, fish markets, laundries, stables, - in fact, all the requirements of a residential community, with the exception of the public uses of fountains, street water- ing, fires, etc fable No. 3 embodies the results of data collected, showing the actual consumption per capita for domestic use of different classes of people in a number of cities, as determined by yearly meter records : - 1. Quantity Used for Domestic Purposes. Consumption per Capita for Domestic use in Boston, Brookline, Newton, tall River, Worcester and London, Eng., as determined by Metei Measurement. Table No. 3. City ok Town. Numbe of Houses r Numbe of • Familie r Numbe of 3. Persons r Consumption, Gallons per - Remarks. • ' Family.' Capita Boston,. 31 402 1,461 1 22 59 Highest-cost apartment houses ii Boston,. 46 I 628 2,524 1 185 46 the city. First-class apartment houses. Boston,. 223 2,204 8,432 123 32 Moderate-class apartment houses. Boston,. 39 413 1,844 80 16.6 Poorest-class apartment houses. Boston,. 1 339 3,647 14,261 139 35.6 Average of all apartment houses Boston,. 1 ' 40 1,699 - 46.1 supplied by meter. Boarding-houses. Brookline, . 1 1 828 4,140 221.5 44.3 Average of all dwellings supplied by Newton, 490 490 2,450 132.5 26.5 All houses supplied with modern Newton, 619 3,005 6.6 These families have but one faucet Newton, 278 1,390 34.5 6.9 These1 families have but one faucet Ba]] River, . 28 34 170 127.5 25.5 The most expensive houses in the Ball River, . Worcester, . 64 148 20,514 90,942 1 42.0 8.4 16.8 Average class of houses, generally having bath and water-closet. Whole domestic consumption " orcester, . 81 327 | 80.2 19.9 Woodland Street, best class of Worcester, . - 37 187 118.1 23.4 j Cedar Street, best class of houses. Worcester, . . • 93 447 1 95.0 19.8 Elm Street, houses of moderate cost. "'orcester, . - 245 1,104 55.1 12.2 Southbridge Street, cheaper houses. Worcester, . - 229 809 J 55.0 15.6 Austin Street, cheaper houses. London (Eng.), . 1,169 - 8,183 - 25.5 Houses renting from $250 to $600; each having bath and two water- London (Eng.), . 1 727 _ 1 5,089 l| 18.6 M iddleclass, average rental $200. AH of the examples cited in Boston are of apartment and hoarding- houses, and do not include any private stables or conservatories; and the 164 APPENDIX. proportion of hand hose per capita is small. The average number of per- sons per house is about 40. The consumption per capita varies from 59 gallons in the most expensive houses, provided with all the modern con- veniences of water supply, to 16.6 gallons in the cheapest class of apart- ment houses. The average amount used per capita by the 15,960 persons was 36.7 gallons. In the town of Brookline the average consumption per capita was 44.3 gallons, including the amount used for private stables, conservatories, lawns, etc. It is probable that the domestic use of water, not including waste, is larger in Brookline than in any of the suburban towns about Boston. In Newton 490 families show a consumption of 26.5 gallons per capita in 1892, assuming 5 persons per family. These are all in modern houses, costing from $5,000 to $15,000, containing all modern plumbing conven- iences, but with few stables, and the houses are on smaller estates than many of those in Brookline. The total quantity used in Newton through 3,566 meters during the year 1892 was 175,000 gallons; and, taking an estimated population of 18,000 (which is thought to be very nearly correct), we find the daily average per head to have been 26.5 gallons, including the quantity used for stores and stables. In Worcester and Fall River the quantity used is very much smaller. The daily average consumption of 90,942 people in Worcester, as deter- mined by meter measurements during 1892, was but 16.8 gallons, and 70,000 people in Fall River during the same year used daily but 11.2 gal- lons per capita. Thirty-four families living in some of the most expensive houses of Fall River, some of these having private stables, used but 127 gallons per family, or 25.5 gallons per capita; while 148 families residing in houses of moderate cost, generally provided with water-closet and bath, used but 42 gallons each, or 8.4 gallons per person. The figures given for London were taken from the report of the Royal Commission on the Water Supply of the Metropolis. The consumption per capita in English cities is generally much smaller than in the United States, but these figures indicate that the actual quantities used in buildings having water fixtures of similar character are the same there as in our cities. In the above examples the quantities given are the records of actual use, as determined by meters on every service; and the amount used for man- ufacturing purposes, together with the quantity used and wasted from the street mains and services, is not included. The quantities vary from 11.2 gallons in Fall River to 44.3 gallons in Brookline. As most if not all of the meters after a few years' use fail to register the total quantity used, an addition of probably 10 per cent, should be made to these quantities, mak- ing them 12.3 and 48.7 gallons respectively Although the number of water fixtures used in dwellings is increasing from year to year, I am of the opinion that, taking into consideration the APPENDIX. 165 class of population occupying the metropolitan district, the quantity required for domestic use should not, at the present time, exceed 30 gallons per capita where the premises are generally metered. 2. Quantity used for Mechanical, Trade and Manufacturing Purposes. The principal users of water for mechanical purposes are railroads, gas, electric light and power companies, sugar refineries, breweries, cordage and rubber works, shipping, slaughtering establishments and elevators. The use of water for mechanical purposes shows a great variation in dif- ferent communities. In residential districts like Brookline and Newton but little water is required in addition to the domestic use ; but in Boston, Cam- bridge and Somerville there is a large and growing demand for water for mechanical purposes. As all of the large users of water for trade and mechanical purposes take their supplies through meters, we can determine the quantities used for different purposes. Table 4 shows the daily quan- tities of metered water used for trade and mechanical purposes from the Cochituate and Mystic works and in Cambridge, during the year 1892 : Table No. 4. Metered Water used for Trade and Mechanical Purposes in Boston, Chelsea, Somerville, Everett and Cambridge, in 1892. NAME OF BUSINESS. Daily Average Amount in Gallons. Cochituate and Mystic. Cambridge. Total. Sugar refineries, . 729,000 200,200 929,200 Bakeries, 13,030 - 13,030 Breweries and bottling, 420,940 - 420,940 Chemical works, . 87,270 - 87,270 Distilleries, . 10,780 - 10,780 Electrical companies, . 320,500 101,600 422,100 Elevators and motors,. 1,337,700 - 1,337,700 Factories, 1,177,500 296,500 1,414,000 Gas companies, .... 355,530 - 355,530 Iron works, . 83,730 - 83,730 Laundries, 91,660 - 91,660 Marble and stone works, 52,950 - 52,950 Markets, 12,050 - 12,050 Mills and engines, 62,680 - 62,680 166 APPENDIX. Table No. 4 - Concluded. Metered Water used for Trade and Mechanical Purposes in Boston, Chelsea, Somerville, Everett and Cambridge, in 1892 - Concluded. NAME OF BUSINESS. Daily Average Amount in Gallons. Cochituate and Mystic. Cambridge. Total. Offices, stores and shops, 2,458,700 - 2,458,700 Oil works, 17,250 - 17,250 Restaurants, .... 164,800 - 164,800 Shipping, 351,700 - 351,700 Slaughter houses, 374,500 138,300 512,800 Stables, 309,600 - 309,600 Street railways, .... 422,900 - 422,900 Steam railways, .... 1,604,600 178,800 1,783,400 Saloons, 120,500 - 120,500 Tanneries, 16,800 - 16,800 Wharves, 39,800 - 39,800 Fish stores, 18,200 - 18,200 Greenhouses, .... 9,550 - 9,550 Hotels (transient), 596,200 - 596,200 Theatres, 36,100 - 36,100 Miscellaneous, .... - 255,000 255,000 Totals, ..... 11,236,520 1,170,400 12,406,920 Iii addition to the water metered for manufacturing and trade, there is quite a large quantity paid for by schedule rates. This amount cannot be accurately determined, but it has been estimated in the following manner: the actual amount received in Boston for the unmetered water during the year 1892 was $0.0813 per thousand gallons, and this price has been applied to the amounts received for different purposes, to estimate the pro- portionate quantity used. This method I think gives fairly accurate results. Applying it to the receipts for 1880 and 1892, we find that in 1880 16.08 gallons of unmetered water were used for manufacturing and trade pur- poses, to which must be added 9.27 gallons which were metered, giving a total of 25.35 gallons used for these purposes. In 1892 the total for the same purposes was 30.27 gallons, of which 7.67 gallons were not metered. Table No. 5 shows in detail the number of gallons per inhabitant, both metered and unmetered, which were required for different purposes in 1880 and 1892 : - APPENDIX. 1G7 Table No. 5. Table showing Consumption in Gallons per Capita for Various Purposes from the Cochituate Works, in 1880 and 1892. 1880. 1892. Metered. | metere(] • Total. Meteret h metered Total. Manufactures and Trade. 11.17 Office buildings and stores, . 0.844 10.200 11.044 5.63 5.54 Steam railroads, 1.139 _ 1.139 2 26 - 2.26 Sugar refineries, 0.811 _ 0.811 1.70 - 1.70 Factories, machine shops, mills and 0.966 2.120 3.086 2.15 - 2.15 engines. Iron works and foundries, 0.573 _ 0.573 0.24 - 0.24 Marble and stone works, 0.143 - 0.143 0.12 - 0.12 Gas companies, 0.324 - 0.324 0.75 - 0.75 Electric light companies, _ - 0.69 - 0.69 Breweries, 0.556 _ 0.556 0.89 - 0.89 Oil and chemical works, 0.214 • 0.214 0.19 - 0.19 Laundries, 0.150 0.150 0.15 0.35 0.50 Restaurants, 0.129 0.650 0.779 0.37 0.29 0.66 Stables, . . 0.443 - 0.443 0.60 - 0.60 Steamers and shipping, . 0.325 1.000 1.325 0.82 0 08 0.90 Elevators and motors, 1.033 1.033 2.95 - 2.95 Street railways, _ _ - 0.90 - 0.90 Saloons, . 1.500 1.500 0.27 0.89 1.16 Hotels, . . 1.454 0.150 1.604 1.55 0.07 1.62 Theatres and halls,. _ _ 0.10 0.09 0.19 Markets and cellars, 0.150 0.150 - * Greenhouses, . 0.160 0.160 - 0.08 0.08 Miscellaneous 0.314 - 0.314 0.27 0.28 0.55 Totals, 9.268 16.080 25.348 1 22.60 7.67 30.27 Domestic Uses. 14.06 -Apartment hotels, . 0.047 5.850 5.897 1.72 12.34 Dwelling-houses, _ 50.000 50.000 - 43.90 43.90 Stables, 1.500 1.500 - 1.38 1.38 Hand hose, 1.250 1.250 - 2.25 2.25 Olub houses, . 0.040 0.040 018 0.07 0.25 Churches, 0.250 0.250 - 0.18 0.18 Miscellaneous, ..... - 1 - - 0.22 0.22 TotMs 0.047 58.890 58.937 1.90 60.34 62.24 Public Uses. 0.51 Hospitals,. 0 200 0.200 0.30 0.21 Schools, 0.400 0.905 0.30 0.12 0.42 City, State and Government buildings, Hrinals, fountains, etc., .... - 0.400 0.400 0.83 0.52 0.14 1.35 0.14 Miscellaneous,. ... - 0.500 0.500 - - - Totals, 0.505 1.500 2.005 1.43 0.99 | 2.42 168 APPENDIX. That the use of water for mechanical and trade purposes is increasing at a more rapid rate than the population is evident from the fact that 30.27 gallons were used in 1892, while 25.35 gallons sufficed in 1880. In order to illustrate this fact more forcibly, I have selected from Table No. 5 the quantities used for the more important manufacturing and mechanical uses in 1880 and 1892, and have grouped them in the following table. All of the water used by these classes of takers is metered: - Gallons per Capita. 1880. 1892. Steam railroads, .... 1.14 2.26 Sugar refineries, «... • .81 1.70 Gas works, .32 .75 Electric light and power, • • • 0 .69 Breweries, • • .56 .89 Elevators, . 1.03 2.95 - - Totals, 3.86 9.24 The daily quantity used in 1880 for the above purposes was 1,242,900 gallons, and in 1892 3,973,200 gallons,-a difference of 2,731,000 gallons, or more than 20 per cent, of the total increase in the consumption of the works. The present requirements for trade and mechanical purposes in Boston, Somerville, Chelsea, Cambridge and Everett is about 25 gallons per capita. In considering the whole metropolitan district this amount per head should be slightly reduced; but in view of the fact that there is a constantly increasing demand for water for these purposes, and also considering that an allowance of about ten per cent, should be made to cover shortage in meter measurement, I think that at least 35 gallons per capita should be allowed in providing for future years. 3. Amount required for Public Purposes, including Public Buildings, Institutions, Hospitals, Schools, Street Sprinkling, Flushing Sewers, Ornamental and Drinking Fountains and Fires. The metered consumption of the Cochituate and Mystic works for the year 1892, for public buildings, schools and hospitals, was 1.5 gallons, and the unmetered quantity I estimate at 0.8 gallons, making 2.3 gal- lons per capita used for these purposes. A careful study of the quantity required for different public uses, based upon such information as I APPENDIX. 169 have been able to obtain, gives the following requirements for the different purposes. Public buildings, schools and hospitals,.... Gallons. . 2.30 Street sprinkling, . 1.00 Flushing sewers, public urinals, ..... • .10 Ornamental and drinking fountains, .... 25 Fires, 10 Total for public purposes, . 3.75 Probably 4 gallons per capita should cover all the requirements for public purposes. C onsideration of the preceding statements of the amounts actually required for domestic, trade, manufacturing and public uses, in connection with the quantities given in tables Nos. 1 and 2, shows that a very large percentage of the total consumption in most of the large cities and towns is wasted; and in the quantity wasted I do not include water which is lavishly used, but only that which is either negligently or wilfully permitted to escape from the pipes or otherwise without performing any useful service. The Deacon waste water meters, which have been used for the measuie- ment and detection of waste in Boston since 1880, furnish conclusive evi- dence of the existence of an enormous amount of waste. This meter records upon a diagram the rate of flow through the meter at all times of the day or night, and also furnishes a record of the water drawn from the mains during the hours of the night when the legitimate use of water should be very small. In 1880 a very thorough trial of these meters was made in the Charles- town district. In a residential section containing 21,760 persons the daily consumption per capita was found to be 58.5 gallons, and between the hours of one and four a.m., when the legitimate use was least, it was at the rate of 37.5 gallons per head per day. A careful examination of the street mains and house fixtures was made, and after two or three inspections the meters showed a reduction in the dailv average consumption of 20.8 gal- lons, and in the night rate of 21.7 gallons. The total daily consumption after the inspection was 37.7 gallons, or the same as the night rate before the waste had been stopped. It is noticeable that the reduction in the day and night rate was practically the same. The use of these meters was in 1883 extended so as to cover the greater part of the residential portion of the city, and at the present time 84 are in use. By their use, aided by a house-to-house inspection, the daily average consumption per capita was reduced from 91.8 gallons in 1883 to 71 gal- 4. Amount Wasted. 170 APPENDIX. Ions in 1884, - a saving of 20.8 gallons per capita. The use of the meters has been continued, but the reduction in the waste which was accomplished in the first experiments in Charlestown and East Boston has not been obtained throughout the city. Table No. 6 shows the population included in the Deacon meter districts, the consumption per capita and the night rate for a number of years: - Table No. 6. - Cochituate Works. YEAR. Popu- lation in Meter Districts. Before Inspection. j After Inspection. Daily Con- sumption per Capita. Night Rate per Capita, One to Four A.M. ' Daily Con- sumption per Capita. Night Rate per Capita, One to Four A.M. 1888, . 337,000 Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. , 45.9 Gallons. 27.4 1889, . 337,000 55.3 32.5 48.4 27.1 1890, . 356,600 52.1 29.6 47.7 27.0 1891, . 360,200 52.1 31.8 53.7 33.2 1892, . 337,900 52.8 32.9 53.2 35.0 1893, . 379,450 54.5 36.7 54.8 37.9 Mystic Works. 1888 - - - 37.8 22.0 1889, 47,700 47.7 28.7 40.1 23.5 1890 51,000 43.5 25.2 36.1 21.3 1891 46,200 45.1 27.3 45.2 29.6 1892, 42,600 39.7 23.8 43.0 27.3 1893, 39,850 44.1 28.2 44.1 28.2 That there is still a consumption at the rate of from 30 to 35 gallons per capita during the hours of the night when little water should be used proves that a large amount of preventable waste still exists. In the Chai'lestown experiments the night rate was reduced to 15.3 gallons per capita, and in East Boston, during the years 1882 and 1883, even better results were obtained. In the latter district the night rate was reduced to about 12 gallons in a district containing 25,000 inhabitants. This system of waste prevention is in use to a large extent in England, where greater attention has been paid to the question of waste prevention than in the United States. The records of the Deacon meters do not include the waste due to allow- ing the water to run for the purpose of preventing the freezing of services, as the meters are not operated during the winter. APPENDIX. 171 The average daily consumption of the Cochituate and Mystic works for the months of November, 1892, and May, 1893, was 51,924,600 gallons, while for the intervening winter months it was 60,149,600 gallons. The difference of 8,225,000 gallons per day, equivalent to 3,380,000 gallons per day or 6 gallons per capita for the entire year, may properly be charged to the cold weather waste. That this cause of waste is not con- fined to places where the buildings and plumbing are old is shown by the records of consumption in Brookline, where the houses are generally modern and heated throughout. In Brookline the consumption during the month of January, 1893, was 41 per cent, greater than during the previous month, of November, while the increase in Boston was 34 per cent. Measurements taken in Brookline from June to December, 1891, showed that the consumption from midnight to four a.m. was at the rate of 210,000 gallons per day, or 44 per cent, of the total consumption ; and after a careful inspection of every fixture the night consumption was still at the rate of 144,000 gallons, or 17.7 gallons per capita. In both Newton and Brookline a large percentage of the taps are metered. Measurements made on the Mystic works during the week ending Aug. 20, 1893, gave the following rates of consumption for different portions of the twenty-four hours : - Time. Gallons. One A.M. to four a m. 40.8 Four a.m. to seven a.m. . 58 6 Seven a.m. to ten a.m. . . 103.8 Ten a.m. to one p.m. 93.0 One p.m. to four p.m. 98.2 Four p.m. to seven p.m. . • . . . • 79,5 Seven p.m. to ten p.m. . 61.9 Ten p.m. to one a.m. . 529 Average, 73.6 Rate per Head per Day. In this case the minimum rate was nearly sixty per cent, of the average and forty per cent, of the maximum. As it is probable that at least 30 gallons of the night rate was wasted, and as we may consider this a uniform rate of waste in the twenty-four hours, the difference between 73.6 and 30, equal to 43.6 gallons, represents quite closely the actual necessary con- sumption with some allowance for unavoidable leakage. Deducting 15 gallons per capita, which is the quantity used by meter measurement for trade and manufacturing purposes, there remains 28 gallons as the actual requirements for domestic purposes on the Mystic works. That there exists a waste of from 40 to 50 per cent, of the total consump- tion in most cities and towns where meters are not generally used is an 172 APPENDIX. accepted fact by those who have studied the question; but it is, I think, the popular idea that this enormous waste can be and is almost entirely prevented by the use of water meters on the services. The advocates of the use of meters have pointed to the low consumption of those places where meters are used as a proof of this statement; but, while there is no doubt as to the beneficial effect of the use of meters in preventing waste, I do not think that they will accomplish all that is generally claimed. The results obtained in the cities and towns where the largest number of meters are in use show that while the consumption per capita is smaller than in unmetered places of the same general character, still, a very large proportion of the water which the pumping records show is pumped into the mains is not recorded by the service meters. A very striking proof of this statement is furnished by one of the towns in the metropolitan district. All the water used in the town is measured by a meter on the supply main, and every service pipe is provided with a meter. The works are but four years old, have 18 miles of cast-iron mains, 376 services supplying about 2,300 persons, and, with the exception of water used for flushing mains, street sprinkling, street construction, and for fires, all of the water used is measured by meters on the service pipes. The daily average amount registered by the meter on the supply main in 1893 was 128,560 gallons, while the total recorded by the service meters was 65,180 gallons. Allowing 2,000 gallons per day for blowing off pipes and fires, there remains 61,380 gallons, or nearly 50 per cent, of the total consumption which is unaccounted for. During the months of May and June, 1894, a careful inspection was made of all the mains and services, resulting in the suppression of leaks, so that during July and August about 90 per cent, of the total quantity recorded by the meter on the supply main was accounted for by the service meters. In Newton and Fall River, Mass., and Woonsocket, R. I., similar results are shown. In the city of Newton all services, with the exception of houses having a single faucet, are metered; and yet making a liberal allowance for the amount used by the unmetered takers, the quantity of water delivered into the premises of the water takers during the year 1892 was but little more than one-half of the total quantity pumped. Of a daily average consump- tion of 1,288,000 gallons, 595,600 gallons were used for public purposes or wasted from the street mains or services, or passed through the meters without being recorded. In the city of Fall River, during 1892, 2,217,370 gallons per day, equiv- alent to 27.24 gallons per capita, were pumped into the mains; and 1,274,500 gallons, or 15.66 gallons per capita, were sold ; leaving 942,870 gallons, or 11.58 gallons per inhabitant. A small portion of this was used in city buildings and for other public uses; but at least 10 gallons per APPENDIX. 173 capita, or 814,000 gallons per day, more than one-third of the total con- sumption, cannot be accounted for. In Woonsocket, R I., all but a very few of the services are metered, and those few are all provided with self-closing faucets and have no hose connections The quantities recorded by the meters and the amounts pumped during the year 1893 are as follows : - Pumped. Recorded by Meters. Percentage. December 1 to March 1, 46,662,321 21,233,500 45.5 March 1 to June 1, 45,763,500 26,995,684 58.9 June 1 to September 1, 61,589,227 31,943,211 51.8 September 1 to December 1, 50,193,139 26,802,669 53.4 Total for year, 204,208,187 106,975,064 52.4 Estimated quantity used for street watering, fountains, etc., . 25,000,000 - Quantity used by takers paying schedule rates, - 10,000,000 - Total, 204,208,187 141,975,064 69.5 In the calculation of the quantity pumped, an allowance of 5 per cent, has been made for the slip of the pumps. Notwithstanding the fact that More than 80 per cent, of the taps are metered, the records show that 62,000,000 gallons per annum, or more than 30 per cent, of the total quantity pumped, is wasted from the mains and services. these great differences can only be attributed to errors in the quantities registered by the pumps and meters, or to waste and leakage from the street mains and service pipes. It does not seem probable that the loss due to the slip of the pumps and the loss in registration of the meters is more than 20 per cent, of the quantity registered by the pumps, in which case there seems to be com elusive evidence that the leakage from the mains is an important factor, and that the use of meters will not prevent all waste of water. The determination of the quantity to be allowed for domestic use in the Metropolitan water supply district depends largely upon whether it be assumed that the use of meters is to be made general, and a more thorough inspection made for waste than has been the rule in past years, or whether the theory that it is cheaper to supply water than to prevent waste is to be carried out in the future as it has been in the past. The records of the cities and towns where the most attention has been given to the prevention Proper Allotcance per Capita. 174 APPENDIX. of waste, indicates that at the present time the legitimate demand for domestic use is not more than 30 gallons per capita. In estimating the quantity to be provided for future years, consideration should be given to the great increase in the number of water fixtures. Table No. 7 gives the number of the different varieties of water fixtures in use on the Sudbury and Cochituate works in 1870, 1880, 1890 and 1892, together with the percentage of increase, as compared with the increase in population and consumption : - Table No*. 7. Number of TFater Fixtures in Use and Fixtures per Capita, etc., on the Cochituate JFbr&s, from 1870 to 1892. NAME OF FIXTURE. 1870. Per Cent. In- crease. 1880. Per Cent. In- crease. 1890. Per Cent. In- crease. 1892. Taps, . • . . . 5,893 56.6 9,228 61.7 14,922 12.0 16,706 Sinks, . . . o . 53,010 59.4 84,498 39 7 118,066 6.0 125,151 Bowls, 23,961 92.5 46,116 39.8 64,462 6.2 68,448 Bath-tubs, .... 8,892 93.8 17,230 85.2 31,914 17.5 12 5 37,495 Water-closets, . . • 25,050 107.7 52,030 75.4 91,280 102,687 Urinals, 2,447 65.1 4,041 20.7 4,879 -2.6 4,754 Wash tubs, .... 9,615 99'1 19,139 126.7 43,389 23.0 53,360 Private hydrants • • • 547 -63.9 197 -81-7 36 -50.0 18 Slop hoppers .... 723 32.2 956 56.2 1,493 -4.1 1,432 Foot baths, * > • . 73 90.4 139 101,4 280 -7 1 260 Hydraulic rams, . . * 13 -100.0 - - - - - Totals 130,234 79.3 233,574 58.7 370,721 10.7 410,311 Total population, . . . 250,500 31.7 330,000 24 4 410,600 4.8 430,200 Daily average consumption, . 16,257,700 72.2 28,000,000 21.0 33,871,700 22.0 41,312,400 Fixtures per capita, . . 0.520 36.2 0.708 27.5 0.903 5.6 0.954 Consumption per capita, 64.9 31.0 85.0 -2.9 82.5 16.4 96.0 Consumption per fixture, 124.8 -3.9 119.9 -23.8 91.4 10.5 101.0 The proportion of fixtures per capita was nearly twice as large in 1890 as in 1870. Although it is not to be expected that a person will double the use of water because he has twice as many opportunities of drawing it, yet increased use will surely follow from the increase in the number of fixtures. Another cause of increased consumption is increased pressure in the mains and services. The constant tendency towards increased height of APPENDIX. 175 buildings creates a continued demand for increased pressure in the supply mains, and with a large pressure there is more lavish use of water and a greater waste by leakage. Taking into consideration all of the facts of past experience, I am of the opinion that 35 gallons per capita is a liberal allowance for domestic use in the metropolitan district for the next thirty years. For trade and mechanical purposes there is, as before stated, at present a demand for nearly 30 gallons per capita, a large proportion of which is metered, and must, therefore, be considered as legitimate use. The quantity per capita has increased rapidly during the past few years, and it does not appear to me that it will be safe to estimate upon less than 35 gallons per head for these purposes. The present requirements of public use I have estimated as 4 gallons per capita, and for the future increase I have added 1 gallon, making 5 gallons. We have now considered the three uses of water, and find that for domestic use 35 gallons should be sufficient; that the demand for trade and manufacturing will before many years require at least 35 gallons more, and that 5 gallons are needed for public purposes, or a total of 75 gallons. This quantity represents the amount estimated as required to supply the actual needs of a community similar in character to that within ten miles of Boston, with no allowance for waste ; for, although it is probable that a portion of the water sold and paid for by meter measurement is thrown away, it seems to me that in considering the question we must consider water paid for* by meter measurement as legitimately used. To this amount of 75 gallons must be added an allowance for waste. From my knowledge and experience in the operation of the Deacon waste detection system in* Boston, and judging from the facts as to the quantity of water pumped which cannot be accounted for in cities and towns using meters, I do not think it possible that the waste can be maintained below 15 gallons per capita; and, if the use of meters or some efficient system of waste prevention is not adopted, the amount wasted will be, as it now is in some of our large cities, from 30 to 60 gallons per inhabi- tant. The allowance of 15 gallons per inhabitant for leakage and waste is a minimum quantity, and could only be maintained by a thorough meter system and constant inspection. AA hile I am very firmly of the opinion that stringent measures should be adopted to prevent unnecessary use and waste of water, still, in view of the uncertainties of the accomplishment of the desired results, it seems to me that it will be unsafe to estimate upon less than 25 gallons as an allow- ance for waste. This added to 75 gallons gives 100 gallons per capita as the quantity which should be used in estimating the requirements of the next thirty years. Respectfully submitted, DEXTER BRACKETT. 176 APPENDIX. Appendix No. 3. IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE SUDBURY RIVER WATER BY THE DRAINAGE OF THE SWAMPS UPON THE WATER-SHED. By Desmond FitzGerald. Boston, Aug. 20, 1894. Frederic P. Stearns, Esq., Chief Engineer, State Board of Health. Dear Sir : - The following report is submitted in answer to your request for a statement as to the improvement that can be expected in the color of Sudbury River water by draining the swamps upon the water-shed, together with the estimated cost of the work. Studies made during the past four years upon the colors of the waters forming the Boston water supply have assumed important proportions, and have revealed some interesting and valuable facts. In the seventeenth annual report of the Boston Water Board for the year 1892 it was shown that the color found in surface waters, such as brooks, rivers and upper levels of lakes, is not due to iron, but almost entirely to the presence of organic matter. Observations made upon the Boston water works have proved that the color is a measure of the vegetable matter. Any improvements, therefore, which tend to reduce the color after it has once been taken up, or to prevent it from getting into the water, may be estimated as of value in proportion to the reduction of color. Large sums were expended upon the Boston storage reservoirs in remov- ing the loam and other organic matter from the sites of the reservoirs. In consequence partly of this outlay it is found that instead of acquiring color during storage, the water, if sufficient time is allowed, actually loses color. During the summer it bleaches to a greater or less degree. We must, therefore, look elsewhere for the source of color. Careful investigation has shown that the swamps upon the water-sheds are principally responsible. These swamps have been surveyed in many instances, and the colors of the waters determined at various seasons of the year at many places, both where the waters of the inlets come into the APPENDIX. 177 swamps and where the brooks flow out of the swamps. The colors in the storage and distributing reservoirs and at several points in the pipe system m the city have also been recorded at the same time, and in this way a mass of information has been obtained to furnish data for an intelligent study of the most effective way to reduce the color. Much perplexity has arisen from the inability to measure colors accu- rately and easily and to represent them by a true scale. A detailed report Upon this subject will be found in a report to the Boston Water Board, pub- lished in the "Annual Report of the Water Supply Department for the year 1893." It is unnecessary to repeat here what has been so fully set forth in that report. The colors given in the present report have all been reduced to the platinum-cobalt standard, which represents a true scale of <iolor, and one which can be at any time reproduced with accuracy. The colors now observed upon the Boston water works are all taken by means of the colorimeter, described and illustrated in the report referred to, using the platinum standard. For this standard we are indebted to Mr. Allen Hazen, chemist of the State Board of Health ; and if its advantages could be appreciated, no other standard would be used. In the nesslerized ammonia oi other standards there are errors of intervals in the scale, to say nothing of other sources of error. Of course the colors here given cannot be compared with those based Upon the Nessler scale without a correction, which can, however, be made hy means of the following table : Table for Converting Nessler Scale to Platinum. Fessler, . .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 Platinum, . . .18 .26 .33 .39 .46 .52 .58 .63 .70 .81 Nessler, 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 Platinum, . .88 .95 1.02 1.09 1.16 1.22 1.29 1.36 1 43 1.50 The average color of Sudbury River water as delivered at Chestnut Hill Reservoir is 0.68 ; and of the Cochituate, delivered at the same point, 0.27, the mixture of these two waters after passing through Chestnut Hill Reservoir is delivered into the mains with a color of 0.48. In the centre of the city at Park Square the color is 0.48, and at Mattapan it is 0.44. I he quantity of water delivered to the city of Boston from the Cochituate Source is a definite daily amount. As the consumption increases, a greater Proportion of water has to be supplied from the highly colored Sudbuiy, uhich raises the color of the mixture. While it is probably possible to 10v er the color of the Cochituate somewhat, it would not be worth while to Undertake the task, as this is practically a colorless water. With the Sud- ury, however, the case is different, and to this water we will now turn our attention. 178 APPENDIX. Considering the waters of Reservoirs II. and III., which are the lowest reservoirs upon the two branches of the Sudbury, in proportion to their water-sheds, we find that the water is almost exactly the same as that de- livered at Chestnut Hill Reservoir; so that, as we should expect, there is no material improvement in color arising from the passage underground through the brick aqueduct sixteen miles in length. The color of the Sud- bury at the point of diversion may therefore be placed at 0.70 in round numbers, with the present development; that is to say, this is the average color after passing through the storage reservoirs, with their various fluctu- ations of level. If Reservoirs II., III. and IV. did not exist, the color would probably be 0.81, which has been determined by combining the colors of the influents in proportion to their drainage areas. The effect of these reservoirs in reducing the color may be placed at about 14 per cent. Reservoir IV. (see accompanying plan) covers an area of 167 acres and contains 1,400,000,000 gallons. Its water-shed has an area of 6.43 square miles. The depth of water is about 50 feet at the dam. The daily yield is estimated at 4,900,000 gallons. The water is received almost entirely at the upper end, "A." The color of the water has here been observed weekly for nearly four years, and from these observations the average of the twelve monthly colors has been found to be 1.04; but, as the amount of water flowing varies very much in the different months, the monthly averages have been multiplied by factors corresponding to the flows, and the summation of these products divided by the factor corresponding to the total flow, which gives 0.94 as the true average color of all the water entering at "A." In order to determine the effect of the reservoir itself in reducing the color of the water, we have to make an allowance for the portion of the water-shed below "A," which has been assumed as supplying water of a color of 0.40. When this figure is combined with 0.94, we have finally 0.88 as the probable color of all the watei' entering the reservoir, which is filled during the winter and spring months, and is emptied generally during the months of August, Sep- tember and October. During these months the water at the outlet now averages 0.56 for color. With 0.88 as the coloi- of the water entering the reservoir, and 0.56 as the color at the outlet, we have 36 per cent, reduc- tion in color due to storage. In Reservoir VI., just completed, it is estimated that a reduction of color will take place in about the same ratio. As Reservoirs IV. and VI. are large compared with the others, and as the organic matter has all been removed from their bottoms and the drainage areas are small, their great value in removing color can be understood. It is expected that Reservoir V., now building, will reduce Stony Brook from 0.66 where it enters the reservoir to 0.40 at its outlet; and, combin- ing this color with the others in proportion to their water-sheds, the color No. 12 Boston Water Works Plan of Drainage of 5 WAMPS ABOVE BASIN /V /894 APPENDIX. 179 of the Sudbury when the new reservoir is completed will probably be about 0.60, instead of 0.70. Having now considered the effect of the reservoirs in reducing the colors of the waters, it remains to discuss the seasonal changes in color of the brooks. As observations have not been taken with the same frequency or regularity at all points on the brooks, it is necessary to inquire whether an approximate average can be found from a few scattered observations at any given point. Many observations, both upon Cold Spring Brook and elsewhere, have shown that there is a certain regularity of seasonal change in the colors of the brooks upon the Sudbury water-shed. Curves have been constructed, showing the ratios of the monthly colors to the annual mean. From an inspection of these curves we find that the water attains its highest color in the month of June, that it then rapidly loses color until September, that towards the end of October the color increases rapidly until December, when the curve forms a second maximum, although one lower in color than that of June. After December the color decreases to the middle of March, when the lowest point is reached, as low as in September, after which it increases steadily to the June maximum. In the spring of the year the swamps are overflowed, and the color is low on account of dilution ; but as the yields of the water-sheds diminish, the color increases until June, at which time the pools standing upon the swamps are discharging their last water into the brooks. After this time many of the smaller swamps, particularly at the head waters, yield no flow. The water standing in them may be highly colored, but the effect is not felt until later. The color in the brooks consequently falls until evaporation diminishes in the autumn, and the yield of the streams begins to increase. When heavy rains occur during the summer, the color of the streams increases temporarily, as has been found by plotting the daily flow of Cold Spring Brook at "A," together with the rainfall and the color. The effect of such storms as those in August and September, 1892, is thus clearly shown. In the autumn, the freshly fallen leaves and decaying vegetable matter give a slightly different hue to the water, which is rather more greenish than in June, when the color comes from the older peat, which gives a reddish- brown color. So persistent is this seasonal variation in amount of color that it is dis- tinctly noticed even in the tap water in the city, although of course mod- ified by storage in the large reservoirs. The distinctive character of this cycle of changes may be contrasted with conditions prevailing in Lake Cochituate. There the two maxima occur in April and November. Dur- ing the winter, when the surface is frozen, the bleaching effects are dimin- ished, and the color of the water increases until April. During this month the ice disappears and the sun and air begin the work of bleaching, and the 180 APPENDIX. color decreases. In November, when the period of stagnation at the bot- tom ceases, and the highly colored water at the bottom comes to the sur- face after the great turn-over, we have a second maximum, due partly to the iron in the water at the bottom. With the assistance of the curves already referred to, the observed col- ors have been transformed into averages of the twelve monthly colors, and further into the mean color of the total quantity of water flowing, in order to place them upon the same basis as the average 0.94 already found at "A." Investigations have shown that when planning improvements for the drainage of the swamps, which are the chief sources of color in the water, every swamp must be studied by itself, and that the methods of treatment will differ in detail, although the general principles may remain the same. Two areas of swampy ground have been selected for illustration in this report. The first lies at the head waters of Reservoir IV. in Ashland and Hopkinton, and the second is the largest swamp upon the Sudbury River water-shed, and lies between Rocklawn Mills and Westborough, upon the main line of the Boston & Albany Railroad. In the first of these cases the method of treatment proposed is by ditches, while in the second these ditches rise to the magnitude of canals of consid- erable cost, furnished with structures of careful design. Head Waters of Reservoir IV. The plan shows in detail the situation of the swamps upon the feeders of Reservoir IV. About a mile above its inlet are two small mill-ponds, and above these ponds is a succession of swamps on the different branches of the brook. The places where the colors have been observed are designated by the letters and numbers which are seen on the plan and in the first column of the subjoined table of colors. Column 2 gives the areas of the water-sheds above the points designated. The mean colors of the total quantities flow- ing at these points are given in column 3, and beside them in column 4 are the colors which it is estimated will be found after the contemplated improve- ments have been made. These are called "future colors." The latter have been obtained by beginning at the upper portions of each feeder, and estimating the effect of each particular local improvement upon the brook at the successive points. The peculiarities of each case have been studied by an examination of the ground. The depth of the peat, its present effect upon the color of the water and the character of the drainage proposed have entered as factors into the problem. The key to the solution lies in the fact that with the data at hand the present effect of any given piece of swamp can be detected. We have the average color of the various influent waters to compare with APPENDIX. 181 Table of Average Colors of All the Water flowing at Various Points upon the Branches of Cold Spring Brook, feeding Reservoir IV. Column 1. LOCATION ON PLAN. Column 2. Areas in Million Square Feet. Column 3. Present Colors. Column 4. Future Colors. A, ••««•••• 152.7 .94 .70 B, ....... . - 1.00 .73 C, 122.5 1.04 .75 D, 105.4 1.17 .84 E, ........ - 1.03 .70 F, 83.3 1.37 .73 G, ........ - 1.44 - H, 9.4 .55 .40 No. 1, 10.7 1.09 1.09 2, 2.8 .85 .85 • 4, 17.4 .57 .48 Of • 2.5 1.00 .50 6, ...... . 5.7 .47 .47 7 - .32 .32 8, ...... . 28.5 1.14 .77 9, - .57 .57 10, 6.9 1.16 .54 11, .52 .30 12, - .52 .52 13, 1.9 .44 .44 14, 11.4 1.39 .72 15, 14.6 .37 .25 18, 85.5 1.40 .74 19 10.4 .27 .27 21, 10.3 .62 .48 32, - 1.33 - 33, ....... 26.0 .48 .46 the effluent. The difference is evidently the effect of the swamp. If all the influent water is carried through or around the swamp in channels of sufficient capacity and at a proper grade to prevent contact with the swamp, it is evident that the effect of the swamp will be very much reduced, although it has not been found practicable to plan the channels in such a manner as wholly to eliminate the effect of the swamps. The ditches which are pro- posed are shown by heavy lines on the plan. When the swamp is long and narrow, as above No. 15 and No. 4, it has been decided to dig a single deep channel through the middle ; where the swamp lies in a more rounded form, as between No. 14 and No. 10, intercepting channels have been planned around the swamp. One of these channels will generally be larger than the other, to take the influent water from the larger portion of the water-shed ; and the other channels will be more in the nature of surface ditches discharging into the former. 182 APPENDIX. To render the method of procedure clearer, the following example has been selected from this group of swamps, and the calculations are given in full. It is desired to know what is the present effect of Cedai' Meadows above No. 8, and what the future effect will be when drained. Present Conditions. Areas in Product, Millions of Colors. Expressive of Square Feet. Coloring Matter. No. 8, . . 28.5 X 1.14 == 32.49 19, . • • . . 1014 X 0.27 = 2.85 21, • • . 10.3 X 0.62 .= . 6.39 Upland, • . 27.1 X 0.38 = 10.30 Totals, . 76.3 X 0.68 = 52.03 Cedar Meadows, • 7.0 X 8.87 == 62.09 Grand totals, . 83.3 X 1.37 = 114.12 In the above table the colors of the first three numbers are from observa- tions. The color 0.38 for the upland adjoining Cedar Meadows is deduced from other considerations. These four items make up the influents feeding the meadows. The grand total product 114.12 is from observations at F, the outlet of the meadows, where the average color is 1.37 and the area 83,300,000 square feet. It is obvious that the difference between 114.12 and 52.03 must represent the product value of the meadows, viz., 62.09, which, divided by their area, 7,000,000 square feet, gives 8.87 as the color now attributed to Cedar Meadows. Future Conditions. Areas in Millions of Square Feet. Colors. Product, Expressive of Coloring Matter. No. 8, . 28.5 X 0.77 = 21.93 19, . 10.4 X 0.27 2.85 21, . 10.3 X 0.48 = 4.98 Upland, . 27.1 X 0.38 = 10.30 -■ ... - Totals, . 76.3 X 0.52 = 40.06 Cedar Meadows, 7.0 X 3.00 = 21.00 Grand totals, . 83.3 X 0.73 = 61.06 61.06 4- 83.3 = 0.73, the new estimated color at the outlet F. It will be noticed that in the foregoing calculations the future average colors of the influents entering Cedar Meadows will be 0.52, deduced from proposed local improvements upon these feeders ; and that the present color of this water, taken from the first table, is 0.68, and that the color attrib- uted to the Cedar Meadows area of 7,000,000 square feet is reduced APPENDIX. 183 from 8.87 to 3.00. This latter is an assumption made upon consideration of the fact that the water will be carried rapidly in the new channels, and that the character of Cedar Meadows will be changed to hard land by the lowering of its water table. The depth of peat in Cedar Meadows is about 2.5 feet on the average, and by digging holes at a number of places it has been found that the colors of the water standing in the peat vary from 5.00 to 14.00. The peat is underlaid by white sand, in which the water is practically colorless, if reli- ance can be placed on the results of a test well. By the successive applications of the same method in a direction towards the mouth of the stream at "A," we estimate that the future mean color at this point will be 0.70 instead of 0.94, the present mean. It now remains to ascertain the effect of Reservoir IV. itself upon these colors. It is estimated that the future color 0.70 will be reduced about 36 per cent., which is the same proportion as the present reduction already discussed, and that the future color at the outlet when the water is drawn off will be 0.45. This, then, is the final reduction of color which it is esti- mated will result from carrying out the drainage of the swamps upon the head waters of Reservoir IV., as suggested. It remains to give a brief description of the work, with the estimate of cost. Fortunately, there is ample fall to carry out the improvements at moderate expense. Starting at the head waters and working down stream, we have at No. 11 two small ditches of 10 square feet cross-section, with a combined length of 1,800 feet, 2 feet deep, slopes two to one, and 1 foot wide on the bottom. These will unite in a stream which will discharge into a channel to be cut along the easterly margin of the swamp below No. 13. For a length of 1,000 feet this channel -will be 4 feet deep, with a cross-section of 24 square feet. For the next 1,000 feet, coming down to No. 10, the water will flow very nearly in the present channel. Above No. 10 and below the railroad crossing (No. 13) there will be an intercepting ditch along the westerly margin of the swamp, 2,200 feet long and 3 feet deep. The culvert in the road at No. 10 is to be lowered 2.5 feet, to grade 275.50. Below No. 10 the main channel will extend 1,700 feet in length, 3 feet wide at bottom and 3.5 feet deep. The intercepting ditches just below No. 10 will be 3,000 feet in length, with 12 square feet cross-section. The improvement on the branch of the brook above No. 15, extending north-easterly to the fine springs on Chetola farm, consists in a main channel of 20 square feet cross-section, 3,000 feet in length. At II the culvert is lowered 1.5 feet, to grade 314.50, and the stream lowered a short distance below the culvert. This brings us to Cedar Meadows, through which there are to be two main channels, one on each side ; that on the north side will be 2,200 feet long as far as No. 8, 4.5 deep and 2 feet wide at bottom. The remaining portion below No. 8 to F will be 3,100 feet long, 7 feet wide at bottom and 4.5 feet deep. The southerly channel is to be 4,200 feet long, 5 feet wide 184 APPENDIX. and 4 feet deep. The culvert at F is to be lowered 3 feet, to grade 260- A small intercepting ditch is proposed at the north-west end of Cedar Meadows, about 1,600 feet long and 3 feet deep. From F to E the main channel will be 1,700 feet long, 10 feet wide on bottom, with an average depth of 4.5 feet. On the branch of the brook above No. 4 we shall have, above No. 5, a ditch of 10 square feet area, 600 feet long. The culvert at No. 5 is to be lowered 2.5 feet, to grade 263-5- Below No. 5 there will be a channel following nearly the present brook, 1,600 feet long and with an additional cross-section of 8 square feet. Above the junction of the brook flowing from No. 6 there will be a ditch 700 feet long, of 10 square feet sectional area, and below this junction a channel 1,100 feet long, of 12 square feet additional section. The channels have been designed to carry three-quarters of an inch of rainfall collected in twenty-four hours, with a velocity of about 2 feet pet second. In the main channels in Cedar Meadows this amount of w'ater will give a depth of about 2 feet, leaving the surface still 2.5 feet below the present surface of the swamp. It is expected that the surface of the swamp will be lowered about 0.75 feet from shrinkage after the improvements are car- ried out. The cost of carrying out all this work should be about $12,000, which is about $44 per acre of swamp, or $8.57 per million gallons of storage capacity in Reservoir IV., or about $2,000 per million gallons of available daily yield. Cedar Swamp. The second area adopted for illustration embraces Cedar Swamp, at the head waters of Sudbury River in Westborough. The outlet of the swamp is controlled by a dam at Rocklawn Mills, now owned by the city of Bos- ton. The water-shed above this point is 20.2 square miles, of which n1 round numbers 3 are included in the swamp. The Boston & Albany Railroad divides this swamp lengthwise into two portions, the larger of which lies upon the southerly side of the railway and has a water-shed of 14.8 square miles. The portions of the swamp on the northerly side, with a water-shed of 5.4 square miles, are broken into irregular masses by the topography of the country, making the studies for drainage schemes exceedingly complicated. There are three large brooks entering the swamp from the south and a number of smaller ones from the north. An accompanying plan shows this territory. A sufficient number of soundings and borings have been put down to give an accurate idea of the materials to be encountered in building the canals. To the eastward of Cedar Swamp Pond the mud or peat is on an average about 4 feet in depth, but from the pond westerly the peaty deposits rapidly deepen over quite a large area, attaining a depth of 40 feet in some places. Plan No. 13 Boston Water Works P1-an of Drainage of cedar SWAMP 1894 APPENDIX. 185 ere are also some deep pockets of mud in the detached portions of the north of the railway. The shallower portions of the swamp at the "er end are underlaid by a fine white sand, and quicksand is found in I Velvets upon portions of the territory. the purpose of studying the colors of the waters, ten stations were lected, eight of these being at the inlets of the brooks into the swamp. A °y 9 is just below Cedar Swamp Pond, and No. 10 at Rocklawn Mills. 1 he following table shows the areas of the separate portions of the water- ehs above the points selected : - 1, Small brook, north side, .... Square Miles . • . . .64 2, Small brook, north side, .... . . . . .56 3, Small brook, north side, .... .... .52 4, Small brook, north side, .... 06 Denny Brook, south side, .... • , • . .37 6, Jackstraw Brook, south side, . . . . . . . 1.64 Piccadilly Brook, south side, • • • • 1.78 8, Whitehall Brook, south side, . . . . 6.93 Upland below these points on the brooks, . . . . . 4.70 9, Swamp, . . . . 3.00 40, Total, Rocklawn Mills, . . . . 20.20 Table of Areas. estimate of the present colors due to Cedar Swamp is based upon the Ovations recorded in the following table: - Table of Colors at Ten Points, Cedar Swamp. Date. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. 14,1892, .58 .29 .22 .36 .24 .70 .24 .81 1.29 1.16 ' Une 2,1892, .66 .31 .29 1.16 .30 .35 .24 .88 1.85 1.65 Jul? 12,1892, .58 .22 - - .26 .15 .22 .75 .81 .81 4,1892, .63 .32 .47 .61 .49 .09 .32 .62 .61 .88 .41 .13 .15 - .29 .11 .18 .66 1.75 1.32 ec- 12,1892, .45 .09 .20 .49 .21 .40 .20 .75 1.22 1.29 UUe 4,1894, .56 .20 .30 .87 .33 .40 .33 .80 2.80 2.40 - Sum, 3.87 1.56 1.63 3.49 2.12 2.20 1.73 5.27 10.33 9.51 Mean, . .55 .22 .27 .70 .30 .31 .25 .75 1.48 1.36 186 APPENDIX. The first eight columns in the above table represent the colors in de brooks entering the swamp. No. 9 is in the swamp and No. 10 is at de outlet. The mean color of the effluent No. 10, as thus observed, 1.36, has beelJ reduced 13 per cent, to bring it to the average of the twelve monthly col°1S found by comparison with the seasonal curves already referred to, gives 1.18. This color has been reduced 10 per cent., to 1.06, the averag® color of the total quantity of water flowing at No. 10. The mean of the observed colors of the eight influents with their drainage areas is 0.52, which, when similarly reduced for the twelve month® and for the fluctuating flow, gives 0.36 as the mean color for the total qua11' tity of influent water from 12.5 square miles of water-shed. If the 4.7 square miles of upland adjoining the swamp be debited v'flh the same color, we shall have 17.2 square miles x 0.36 = 6.192. The | effluent No. 10 = 20.2 x 1.06 = 21.412. If from 21.412 we subtract 6.192, we shall have 15.22 as the product for the swamp, which, divide*4 by 3 square miles, gives 5.07 as the present color attributed to the swain? itself. It is estimated that this will be reduced to 2.0 by the construct^11 of the proposed channels. If, now, we add 3x2 = 6.00 to 6.192, th®! product for the influents, we have 12.192; and if this be divided E' 20.2, we have 0.60 for the color of the water at No. 10 after the canal' have been built; that is to say, it is estimated that the average color of th6 water will be improved from 1.06 to 0.60, or 43 per cent. Description of Canals. The scheme of works by which it is hoped to secure this reduction 111 color and organic matter in the water may be briefly described as follows : Two main intercepting canals are projected, skirting the sides of swamp upon the northerly and southerly sides of the railway, as shown oi1 the plan. The southerly canal is to be very much the larger. It will drah* 14.8 square miles on the south and also 2.5 square miles of the Westbof' ough end of the swamp lying to the north of the railway, making 17 square miles. This leaves 2.9 square miles for the northerly canal, which is in consequence comparatively inexpensive. The latter is to be carried across the railway below Rocklawn Mills, and will there discharge into the river near the outlet of the southerly canal. The general plan upon which these canals have been designed is a® follows : - Their capacity has been fixed to discharge 0.75 inches of rainfall cd' lected in twenty-four hours on their respective water-sheds, the depth to be such that the ordinary flow leaves the water line in the canal about 6 feet below the present level of the swamp ; the velocity in the canals at all times, even when running full, to be limited to 1.5 feet per second; they nmst APPENDIX. 187 be constructed to overflow safely at several points along their course, ln times of extraordinary freshets. In the lower portions of the southerly canal the top width will be 38.22 feet. It will be 10 feet deep and 8.22 feet wide on the bottom, with slopes 1.5 to 1. The sides and bottom will be of gravel. It is to be built just beyond the edge of the hard land, and, for purposes of economy, within the swamp. The channel has been located so as to avoid quicksand. As fur as possible, a good bottom has been selected. As the outlet is to be a free discharge, even in times of high back water *U the river, it is necessary to provide some method for using up the head. I he canal will pass under a highway at Rocklawn Mills, and at this point the water will pass through a culvert 112 feet long, of 30 square feet sec- honal area. A heavily protected channel will extend a short distance below the culvert, and will be provided with a massive triangular notch at its out- below which the water will tumble over a mass of boulders into the river. By means of the notch the head will be held up in the culvert and the velocity regulated in the canal. The total cost of the works has been estimated at $250,000, a large sum, bUt this expenditure it is believed is justified by the great benefits to be realized. This makes a cost of about $125 per acre of swamp. Owing to the magnitude of the work and the various difficulties attending its execu- u°n, a special act was procured from the Legislature in 1892 to facilitate the carrying out of the plan. If all the swamps existing upon the Sudbury River water-shed are 'Uiproved upon the same general lines here laid down, it is estimated finally that when taken in connection with the effect of the storage, the color of Sudbury River water delivered at Chestnut Hill Reservoir may be reduced to 0.37. The estimated cost of carrying out all the drainage schemes is $350,000. In conclusion, I desire to add that the estimated improvements in the c°lor of the water have been made upon a conservative basis ; but, even if the improvements in the color of the water are found to be no greater than bere estimated, it will, I believe, be impossible to produce the same effect v an equal expenditure of money in any other way now known to science. Very truly yours, DESMOND FITZGERALD. 188 APPENDIX. Appendix No. 4. ON THE AMOUNT AND CHARACTER OF ORGANIC MATTJP IN SOILS AND ITS BEARING ON THE STORAGE WATER IN RESERVOIRS.* By Thomas M. Drown, M.D., Chemist of the Board. Many statements have been made in previous reports of the Board, cod' cerning the injurious effect on impounded water of the organic matter 10 the bottoms and sides of reservoirs, and great stress has been laid on the importance of removing all vegetation, as well as the upper layers of tbe soil, before filling a new basin with water.f In order to determine in any case just how far it is necessary to go 111 the removal of the surface soil, a knowledge of the composition of soil, based on chemical analysis, is a much surer guide than the unaided eye. It is not merely a question of the effective cleaning of the bottofl1 and sides of the reservoir, but also of avoiding the expense involved 1,1 stripping the soil to a greater depth than is necessary. In connection with the investigations of the State Board of Health, relative to a water supply for the city of Boston and its suburbs, surveys have been made fQ1 an immense storage reservoir on the south branch of the Nashua Rive1 f above Clinton, and it was thought desirable that a thorough knowledge 01 the character of the soil should be obtained as a basis for determining tbe amount which it would be necessary to remove to obtain a clean bottom1 and sides practically free from organic matter. Samples of soils, repi'e' senting sections of the ground to a depth of three feet, were taken at nine places in Clinton, Sterling, West Boylston, and Boylston, and in one c»se at the bottom of a mill pond. * Reprinted from the 25th annual report of the Mass. State Board of Health for 1893. t Compare special report of the State Board of Health upon the Examination of Supplies, 1890, pages 748, 772, 773; annual report of State Board of Health for 1891, page 38 ' APPENDIX. 189 Each of these nine sections were divided into six or seven samples for analysis, the upper portion being divided into thin layers of two to three the lower portions, with less organic matter, into layers of six lQches to one foot in depth. amount of organic matter in these samples was determined (after ireful drying to a constant weight at 100° C.) by heating the samples to a bright red heat. The loss on ignition thus obtained represents approxi- mately the organic matter in the samples. But in order to get a better nowledge of the character of this organic matter, the amounts of carbon ail(l of nitrogen were also determined in each sample,- the former by C01nbustion in oxygen, the latter by the Kjeldahl method. In series 9 and the amount of hydrogen was also determined.* Owing to the heterogeneous character of many of the samples, composed <J^en of a mixture of soil, roots and large stones, it is sometimes ex- b'dnely difficult to get a sample for analysis that shall fairly represent the ver in question. Perhaps some of the apparent irregularities in the results may be due to this cause. But though this difficulty is inherent in investigation, it is not believed to seriously affect the results, or the delusions drawn from them. The results obtained in the analyses of the nine sections of soil, and the from the bottom of the mill pond, are given in the accompanying Dies. The largest amount of organic matter found was from a swamp at the head of Boylston Mill Pond (Series 7), and the next largest in arr*ount from the hillside near the site of the proposed dam (Series 4). ae other series, from very dissimilar ground, did not differ very widely in amount of organic matter present, although they included both un- °oded and uncultivated land and wooded and manured pasture land. in all the series there is usually a rapid falling off in the amount of the °rganic matter below a depth of nine to eleven inches. At the depth of feet the amount of organic matter, as shown by the loss on ignition, J1 case reaches two per cent., and in the majority of the cases it is e'°w one per cent. The mud taken from the bottom of the Mill Pond at l"erent points contained very variable amounts of organic matter, from nothing at one place in the shallow portion to nearly 15 per cent, in deeper portion. It Was thought that the relation of the amount of nitrogen to the amount carbon in the organic matter might throw some light on its character its likelihood to undergo decomposition. This relation is given to the headed The only series in which the nitrogen ratio is noticeably 'gner than the rest is No. 5, from low pasture land. Series Nos. 4 and ' both from hillsides, show a noticeably high carbon ratio, and the others aie not very dissimilar in their proportion of carbon to nitrogen. * All the analyses in this investigation were made by Miss Elizabeth Mason. 190 APPENDIX. An attempt was made to imitate the conditions which would obtain if the reservoir should be filled with water without removing the soil, 1° order to determine what would be the effect of each of the soils examined on water in contact with it. It is obvious that no laboratory experiment could exactly reproduce the conditions which would exist in a reservoir- Thus it would not be easy to imitate the period of long stagnation of the water during the summer, when the deeper layers of the water are in con- tact with the soil without an opportunity to get a fresh supply of oxygeI1 from the air. Still it was thought that some idea of the effect of the dif' ferent soils on the water could be obtained by treating the samples wit** water for a definite time, and then examining the solutions thus obtained with respect to the character of the organic matter dissolved. In order to hasten the action of the water on the soils, it was heated to 65° C., and the time of contact at this temperature was six hours. The waters were then filtered and the filtrate examined by the usual methods used in the sanitary analysis of water. After standing one week the waters were again tested for free ammonia, to ascertain the amount of decomposition which had gone on in this time, thus obtaining information as to the char- acter of the organic matter dissolved. The actual amounts of organic matter found in these solutions, as indicated by the albuminoid ammonia and oxygen consumed, are not especially significant, since they would probably have been very different if another temperature or a greater or less time of treatment had been adopted. But a comparison of the amounts dissolved from the soils in each series, and a comparison of the series with each other, yield information as to the relative facility with which each of the samples examined gives up organic matter to water with which it comes in contact. In the various experiments tried the proportion of soil to water differed, and in some cases distilled water was used and in others Cochituate water- But in the tables the results of series 1 to 8 have been calculated to repre' sent the effect of the treatment of. 100 grams of soil with two litres of pure water at 65° C. for six hours. In series 9 and 10 no heat was eifl* ployed. In these experiments 250 grams of each sample were placed in bottle with two litres of pure distilled water. After one week, one litre of this water was filtered off and analyzed, and at the end of the second week the remaining water was examined. In comparing these tables of analyses of the waters with the corre' spending tables giving the percentage determinations of loss on ignition, carbon and nitrogen, a general agreement will be noticed ; that is to say, the samples containing the most organic matter give, as a rule, the most concentrated solutions of organic matter. But the analyses do not indicate more than a very general correspondence of this kind. It will also be noted that the amount of decomposition going on in these solutions, indicated by the increase of free ammonia on standing one week, is, in general, al»° APPENDIX. 191 Proportional to the amount of organic matter present. The most notable lucrease in the free ammonia is generally in the solutions prepared from surface samples. In solutions from the deeper samples there is gener- ally a decrease of free ammonia indicating doubtless its oxidation to U1trates. The samples from the bottom of the Mill Pond (series 8) give Solutions which have little or no tendency to develop free ammonia. This be expected from the fact that the organic matter they contain has l°ug been in contact with water. I'he effect of the soil on the color of water is given both for colorless distilled water, and for Cochituate water having an original color of about 0-55 on the scale used in the analyses of the State Board of Health. In these color determinations the water was not heated, and the length of time of contact with the soil was about 18 hours. It will be noticed that 111 some cases the deeper samples actually diminished the color of the Cochituate water. As a preliminary conclusion, based on the facts determined in this 1QVestigation, it may be said that the effect of the organic matter in these Various soils on the water in contact with them is simply a question of its aiUount, and that its origin and composition seem to be without marked The watershed from which the samples were taken is very sparsely populated, and the organic matter in all cases is mainly of vege- table origin. It is probable, therefore, that we need only concern ourselves with the aiUount of organic matter in a soil of this character in determining the of its removal, and as a provisional standard we may perhaps 1.5 to 2 per cent, of organic matter, as determined by the loss on igni- of the sample dried at 100° C., as the permissible limit of organic mat- that may be allowed to remain on the bottom and sides of a reservoir. 192 APPENDIX. From a Cornfield One-quarter Mile below Clarendon Mills, West Boylston. C'idl1 vated Fertilized Ground in Bottoms. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet below Surface. All Samples dried at 100° C. Series 1. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio c n la. Surface to 2 in. below, .... 8.54 5.12 0.47 10.9 16. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 6.83 3.55 0.21 16.9' 1c. 4 in. to 6 in. below surface, 7.43 3.47 0.30 11.5 Id. 6 in. to 9 in. below surface, 4.27 2.03 0.21 9.7 le. 9 in. to 14 in. below surface, 1.37 0.26 0.04 6.5' If. 14 in. to 20 in. below surface, . 1.07 0.16 0.02 8.0 Iff. 3 feet below surface, 0.78 0.15 0.05 3.0 Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described- [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. Effect of Soils o° Color of Cochituate Water ot Color O.55- la. Surface to 2 in. below, 0.0343 0.1107 0.1914 2.2368 Not det'd. Not det'fi' lb. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 0.0424 0.0984 0.1437 2.0837 «4 1c. 4 in. to 6 in. below surface, 0.0317 0.0913 0.1538 2.5290 •• •< Id. 6 in. to 9 in. below surface, 0.0317 0.0359 0.0881 0.9733 <« 4< le. 9 in. to 14 in. below surface, . 0.0212 0.0076 0.0351 0.4947 •« «< If. 14 in. to 20 in. below surface, . 0.0194 0.0076 0.0189 0.2515 4< 3 feet below surface, . 0.0229 0.0374 0.0105 0.2763 < APPENDIX. 193 Series 2. p rorn a very Steep Slope One-quarter Mile below Clarendon Mills, West Boylston. Not wooded or cultivated. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet below Surface. All Samples dried at 100° C. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (PerCent.) Ratio. c n • Surface to 2 in. below, .... 4.55 2.26 0.14 16.1 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 10.19 5.00 0.27 18.5 c' 4 in. to 7 in. below surface, 7.62 2.52 0.36 7.0 in. to 10 in. below surface, 7.70 2.93 0.21 14.0 e' 10 in. to 16 in. below surface, 1.01 0.18 0.05 3.6 16 in. to 22 in. below surface, . 1.63 0.24 0.13 1.8 3 feet below surface 0.80 0.23 0.03 7.7 Sanitary analysis of water with which the Soils had been treated as described. Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. Effect of Soils on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.55. Surface to 2 in. below, 0.0340 0.0669 0.0852 1.4732 0.40 0.90 • 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 0.0227 0.1215 0.1372 2.3334 0.48 1.00 2c a • 4 in. to 7 in. below surface, 0.0227 0.0335 0.1261 2.3092 0.35 0.85 7 in. to 10 in. below surface, . 0.0178 0.0062 0.1349 2.6945 0.52 0.85 10 in. to 16 in. below surface, . 0.0307 0.0130 0.0205 0.5428 0.15 0.70 16 in. to 22 in. below surface, . 0.0190 0.0000 0.0196 0.4560 - - 3 feet below surface,. . . 0.0323 0.0213 0.0267 0.3756 0.00 0.45 [Parts per 100,000.] 194 APPENDIX. Series 3. From Pasture Land One Mile North of South Clinton Station. Sandy and Grave V and Nearly Level. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet below Surface All Samples dried at 1OOQ C. Loss on Ignition. (Per Cent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio c n 3a. Surface to 2 in. below 7.85 3.51 0.27 13.0 3b. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 5.85 2.18 0.24 9.1 3c. 4 in. to 6 in. below surface, 4.93 2.28 0.20 11.4 3d. 6 in. to 11 in. below surface, 1.73 0.50 0.03 16.7 3e. 11 in. to 16 in. below surface, 1.43 0.13 0.04 3.3 3/. 16 in. to 36 in. below surface, • 0.81 0.02 0.02 1.0 Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described- Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with ' Distilled Water. Effect of Soil® on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.& 3a. Surface to 2 in. below, 0.0341 0.0541 0.1540 1.4423 0.30 0.60 36. 2 to 4 in. below surface, . 0.0457 0.0693 0.1041 1.4855 0.22 0.65 3c. 4 in. to 6 in. below surface, 0.0857 0.0745 0.0888 1.2000 0.15 0.60 3d. 6 in. to 11 in. below surface, . 0.0427 0.0138 0.0321 0.4361 0.12 0.50 3e. 11 in. to 16 in. below surface, . 0.0400 0.0290 0.0125 0.1689 0.00 0.18 3/. 16 in to 36 in. below surface, . 0.0214 0.0121 0.0067 0.1000 0.00 0.33 [Parts per 100,000.] APPENDIX. 195 Series 4. r°ni a very Steep, Clayey Hillside near Site of Proposed Dam. Samples taken rom Surface to 3 feet below surface. All Samples dried at 100° C. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio. c n Surface to 2 in. below, .... 17.79 8.19 0.56 14.6 46. 2, >n. to 4 In. below surface, 11.04 5.85 0.38 15.4 4c. 4. *D. to 6 in. below surface, 8.55 4.31 0.12 35.9 4<Z. e ° *U. to 11 in. below surface, 4.04 1.26 0.05 25.2 4e. n • 1 in. to 16 in. below surface, . 2.80 0.47 0.03 15.7 o f ° r®et below surface, 1.76 0.10 0.01 10.0 Ct Unitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described. [Parts per 100,000]. Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. Effect of Soils on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.55. Surface to 2 in. below, 4x 0.0622 0.3555 0 4240 7.7333 0.30 0.75 2 i *n. to 4 in. below surface, 0.2581 0.4749 0.8032 8.0323 0.30 0.75 4 io. to 6 in. below surface, 0.0454 0.1513 0.1968 4.2622 0.48 0.80 to 11 in. below sutface, 0.0071 0.0267 0.0542 1.0422 0.32 0.55 Je. . . 1 in. to 16 in. below surface, . 0.0077 0.0154 0.0369 0.5427 0.12 0.55 .A 3 f below surface, . 0.0138 0.0092 0.0155 0.3000 0.40 0.70 196 APPENDIX. From Level Pasture Land near River, Half a Mile East of Boylston Station. p Formation. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet Six Inches bel° Surface. All Samples dried at 100° C. Series 5. Loes on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio* c n 5a. Surface to 2 in. below, .... 9.40 4.19 0.43 9-7 5b. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, . . 3.94 1.33 0.15 8.9 5c. 4 in. to 7 in. below surface, 3.04 1.02 0.11 9.3 5d. 7 in. to 10 in. below surface, 2.12 0.63 0.10 6.3 5e. 10 in. to 15 in. below surface, 2.51 0.73 0.09 8.1 5/. 15 in. to 20 in. below surface, . 0.88 0.16 0.03 5.3 off. 3 ft. 6 in. below surface, .... 1.09 0.21 0.02 10.5 Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described" [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. EffeC'n of Soils f Color o' Cochitu»'e Water o' Color 5a. Surface to 2 in. below, . 0.0349 0.2573 0.5556 2.7619 0.20 0.70 5b. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 0.0533 0.0195 0.0636 1.5876 0.20 0.65 5c. 4 in. to 7 in. below surface, . 0.0380 0.0099 0.0670 0.8444 0.20 0.70 5d. 7 in. to 10 in. below surface, 0.0166 0.0325 0.0316 0.2882 0.20 0.60 5e. 10 in. to 15 in. below surface, . 0.0182 0.0117 0.0519 0.6127 0.25 0.70 5f. 15 in. to 20 in. below surface, . 0.0188 0.0041 0.0199 0.2726 0.00 0.45 5g. 3 ft. 6 in. below surface, . . 0.0295 0.0533 0.0116 0.2036 0.05 0.50 APPENDIX. 197 0)4 Three-quarters of a Mile West of Boylston Centre on Wooded Hillside East of Muddy Brook. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet below Surface. ■All Samples dried at 100° C. Series 6. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio. c n Surface to 2 in. below, .... 9.69 8.93 0.11 81.2 ,, 4 in. to 4 in. below surface, «c. . . * in. to 7 in. below surface, 4.31 1.30 0.04 32.5 4.06 0.91 0.11 8.3 6<f. 7. ' m. to 10 in. below surface, 2.83 0.69 0.02 34.5 6«. tn- lu in. to 16 in. below surface, 2.50 0.30 0.02 15.0 " ft. below surface, 1.77 0.16 0.01 16.0 Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described. [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. Fffect of Soils on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.55. R. t ''urface to 2 in. below, 0.0800 0.2921 0.4726 7.0009 0.60 1.00 9 ■ " in. to 4 in. below surface, 0.0392 0.0574 0.0770 1.5740 0.30 0.70 6e. a ■ * m. to 7 In. below surface, 0.0361 0.0323 0.0519 1.0977 0.38 0.60 ' in to 10 in. below surface, . 0.0209 0.0116 0.0243 0.3368 0.10 0.53 10 in to 16 in. below surface, . 0.0340 0.0142 0.0288 0.5060 0.20 0.55 3 ft. below surface, . 0.0142 0.0077 0.0110 0.1478 0.00 0.10 198 APPENDIX. From Swamp at Head of Boylston Millpond, about Three-quarters of a Mile Boylston Station. Samples taken from Surface to Three Feet Three IncheS below Surface. All Samples dried at 1 OOa C. Series 7. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (Per Cent.) Ratio c n la. Surface to 2 in. below, .... 22.31 12.53 0.96 13.0 7b. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 24.59 13.05 0.54 24.2 7c. 4 in. to 8 in. below surface, 17.12 8.75 0.86 10.2 7<Z. 8 in. to 12 in. below surface, 9.14 3.96 0.21 18.9 7e. 12 in. to 21 in. below surface, 3.93 1.44 0.09 16.0 7/. 21 in. to 39 in. below surface, 1.98 0.51 0.04 12.8 39 in. below surface 0.66 0.06 0.00 - Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described- [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with Distilled Water. Effect of Soils on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.55- 7a. Surface to 2 in. below, 0.1360 0.4000 0.4970 6.4000 0.40 0.70 76. 2 in. to 4 in. below surface, 0.1486 0.5429 0.4486 7.4286 0.50 0.90 7c. 4 in. to 8 in. below surface, 0.1360 0.3440 0.4970 4.6000 0.12 0.55 Id. 8 in. to 12 in. below surface, . 0.0274 0.0709 0.0937 2.7429 0.50 1.00 1e. 12 in. to 21 in. below surface, . 0.0305 0.0267 0.0438 1.0857 0.30 0.70 If- 21 in. to 39 in. below surface, . 0.0173 0.0220 0.0502 0.8471 0.10 0.55 7<7- 39 in. below surface, 0.0179 0.0245 0.0080 0.1365 0.02 0.45 APPENDIX. 199 Series 8. J? *rom Bottom of Oakdale Millpond from Depths of Three to Twelve Feet. All Samples dried at 100° C. Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Carbon. (PerCent.) Nitrogen. (PerCent.) Ratio. c n Near head in 3 it. of water, 0.91 0.07 0.01 7.0 Ol 4 mile below head in 5 ft. of water, 0.11 0.06 0.00 - s mile below head in 7 ft. of water, 10.16 4.10 0.36 11.4 1 mile from head in 9 feet of water, 10.45 4.17 0.35 11.9 500 ft. above W. & N. R.R. in 12 ft of water, 14.75 6.56 0.53 12.4 V500 ft. below W. & N. R.R. in 12 ft. of water, . 4.72 2.18 0.15 14.5 Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described. [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Free Ammonia after Standing One Week. Albumi- noid Ammonia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color with (Distilled Water. Effect of Soils on Color of Cochituate Water of Color 0.55. Near head, in 3 ft. of water, 0.0186 0.0121 0.0251 0.2224 0.01 0.55 8Z> • 1 mile below head in 5 ft. of 8 water. 0.0162 0.0027 0.0144 0.1854 0.00 0.60 • 4 mile below head in 7 ft. of 8r? , water. 3 mile from head in 9 ft. of 8 water. 0.2100 0.2000 0.2042 3.1408 0.50 0.90 0.1707 0.2240 0.2227 3.8500 0.50 0.70 €' 500 ft. above W. & N. R.R. in 8 , 12 ft. of water. 500 It. below W. & N. R.R. in 12 ft. of water. 0.1943 0.2286 0.1838 2.7500 0.30 0.75 0.1103 0.0855 0.0790 1.3707 0.55 0.85 200 APPENDIX. From Pasture Land about One and One-quarter Miles below West 0 South Side of Railroad, which had never been cultivated. Samples from Surface to Twenty Inches below Surface. Samples dried at 100° Series 9. Moisture. (PerCent.) Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Hydrogen. (Per Cent.) Carbon. (Per Cent.) Nitrogen. (PerCent.) Rati0' c n 9a. Surface to 2 in. below, . 31.13 19.89 1.45 11.92 0.66 1S.06 96. 2 in. to 4 in. below, . 29.17 11.52 0.66 5.32 0.48 11." 9c. 4 in. to 1 in. below, . 26.17 8.37 0.62 3.56 0.26 13." 9d. 7 in. to 10 in. below, 26.19 5.16 0.42 1.38 0.03 46.0° 9e. 10 in. to 15 in. below, 22.55 3.16 0.31 0.87 0.06 14." 9/. 15 in. to 20 in. below, 18.47 2.43 0.22 0.85 0.08 10." Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described- [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Albuminoid Am- monia. Oxygen Con- SUMED. Color. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. After 3 Days. After Week. After 3 Days. After 1 Weefc' 9a, 0.0096 0.0024 0.0530 0.1436 1.8330 2.1840 1.15 1.50 9b, .. . 0.0056 0.0008 0.0254 0.0228 0.3003 0.4368 0.15 0.25 9c, . . . 0.0040 0.0072 0.0188 0.0180 0.1170 0.1326 0.04 0.10 9d, • . . 0.0016 0.0048 0.0066 0.0078 0.0429 0.0702 0.00 0.00 9e, ... 0.0096 0.0104 0.0066 0.0072 0,0156 0.0585 0.00 0.00 9f, . . . 0.0048 0.0016 0.0050 0.0052 0.0195 0.0624 0.00 0.00 APPENDIX. 201 Series 10. x Orn Land recently cleared of Good-sized Timber and never cultivated, about Midway between Boylston and South Clinton, South Side of Valley. Samples taken from Surface to Two Feet Six Inches below. Dried at 100° C. Moisture. (PerCent.) Loss on Ignition. (PerCent.) Hydrogen. (Per Cent.) Carbon. (PerCent.) Nitrogen. (PerCent.) Ratio. c n Surface to 2 in. below, . 62.87 26.65 1.92 18.07 0.94 19.22 2 in. to 4 in. below, . 54.26 19.63 1.15 10.47 0.58 18.02 lop . . * 4 m. to 7 in. below, . 44.23 11.12 0.63 5.66 0.32 17.69 7 in. to 12 in. below, 32.21 3.40 0.34 1.54 0.20 7.70 10f • 12 in. to 17 in. below, 29.57 2.85 0.28 0.85 0.31 2.74 2 ft. 6 in. below, 17.60 0.52 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.36 Sanitary Analysis of Water with which the Soils had been treated as described. [Parts per 100,000.] Free Ammonia. Albuminoid Am- monia. Oxygen Con- sumed. Color. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. After 3 Days. After 1 Week. 0.0560 0.0384 0.0902 0.1420 4.0560 6.3180 - 7.50 lOfc, 0.0232 0.0224 0.0382 0.0320 0.8970 1.0257 0.80 4.50 0.0064 0.0032 0.0264 0.0208 0.5144 0.6512 0.80 1.00 10<Z, 0.0056 0.0024 0.0240 0.0254 0.2440 0.6448 0.30 1.20 0.0056 0.0072 0.0738 0.0436 0.1584 1.3280 0.08 1.00 10/, 0.0096 0.0024 0.0074 0.0066 0.0864 0.1008 0.03 0.12 202 APPENDIX Appendix No. 5. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF WATER FROM THE INVESTIGATED. In the following tabulations are given, first, the analysis of water fro111 the larger surface water sources now used by the cities and towns in the metropolitan district, arranged alphabetically by towns; and, second, tbe analysis of water from other sources wrhich have been investigated with 8 view to obtaining from them an additional supply of water for this district' arranged alphabetically by sources. The State Board of Health began in June, 1887, to make analyses water from many of the sources which it then thought might possibly he used in the not distant future for the supply of the metropolitan district- These examinations w'ere made monthly, and were continued for two years- Since the Legislature authorized and directed the State Board of Health to make the investigation which is the subject of this report, many addi' tioual analyses have been made. In order to present the results in a concise form, the average of analyse8' made in the same calendar month of different years, is given in the table8' instead of the individual analyses, and is assumed to represent the char' acter of the water at the portion of the year represented by that month- In most cases the tables contain an analysis of the water for each month in the year, and the average analysis given at the bottom of the table represents, in a fair way for purposes of comparison, the average characte1 of the water during the whole year.* The water from most of the new sources examined is not polluted to such an extent as to make the chemical analysis differ much from what it would be if such pollution did not exist, although the excess of chlorine over the normal amount, as given at the bottom of each table, may be regarded as an approximate measure of the amount of artificial pollution- * The individual analyses, from 1887 to 1893 inclusive, may be found in the special rep°rJ of the State Board of Health upon the Examination of Water Supplies, 1890 and the ann°* reports of the Board for the years 1890 to 1893 inclusive. Those made in 1894 will appear the annual report of the Board for that year. APPENDIX. 203 The analyses do, however, show clearly the amount of impurity in the 'Water due to natural causes ; and in comparing them for this purpose the determinations to be particularly noted are the color, the total albuminoid ammonia and the oxygen consumed. In the case of water flowing in streams these natural impurities are de- rived mainly from the contact of the water with vegetable matter in swamps and very shallow ponds; and, of the three determinations, the color is the best one to use as an index of the amount of this impurity. The color of water is expressed by numbers which increase with the amount of color. The standard used is nesslerized ammonia, as described on page 531 of the special report of the State Board of Health upon the Examination of Water Supplies, 1890, and on page 329 of the annual report for the year 1892. The average color of Boston water as drawn from a tap at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the year 1894 has been 0.69. The odor is obtained by agitating the water which has stood for some time in a half-filled closed gallon bottle, and smelling the air in the bottle the moment the stopple is removed. It is obvious that a much stronger odor is obtained by this method than would be obtained from water in an open vessel which had not been agitated. An opinion as to the relative quality of the water which the various sources will supply should not be based wholly upon the character of the water now flowing in the stream, because a storage reservoir built upon it may furnish a water of very different character. If the reservoir is care- fully prepared for the reception of water by the removal of all soil and vegetable matter from its bottom and sides, and is deep, the water will improve by storage- If, on the other hand, the soil and vegetable matter are not removed, or the reservoir is very shallow, the water will deteriorate. A small reservoir in which the water is replaced frequently will cause less change in the character of the water than a large one; and a very large, well-cleaned and deep reservoir, in which the water is not replaced more frequently than once a year, will cause a very great improvement in the quality of the water by bleaching and the decomposition of dead organic matter, and by giving time for the death of disease germs which may find their way into the streams feeding it; moreover, by the drainage of swamps upon the water-shed the water can be prevented to a very large extent from taking up the organic matter which is represented in the analysis by the three determinations to which attention has already been called. The analyses have all been made under the direction of Dr. Thomas M. Drown, chemist of the Board. 204 APPENDIX. Boston Water Works. Sudbury River Supply. - Chemical Examination of Water from Reservoir No. 2, Framingham. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen as Oxygen Consumed. ■ ' i CO aa 3 [ Turbidity. Sediment. Color. Total. Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. Dissolved. 4 January, . V. slight. Slight. 1.07 5.13 2.13 .0011 .0236 .0205 .0031 .35 .0163 .0001 1.2111 1.7 1.3 1.3 0.9 1.0 February,. Slight. V. slight. 0.91 4.57 1.81 .0011 .0193 .0166 .0027 .29 .0174 .0000 .9614 March, Blight. V. slight. 0.73 4.15 1.69 .0005 .0202 .0176 .0026 .27 .0116 .0001 .8448 April, V. slight. Slight". 0.74 3.25 1.35 .0003 .0172 .0150 .0022 .23 .0083 .0001 .6884 May, . Slight. Slight. 0.95 3.59 1.66 .0005 .0233 .0193 .0040 .28 .0073 .0001 .8353 June, Distinct. Slight. 1.21 4.35 2.09 .0010 .0276 .0221 .0055 .24 .0073 .0001 1.3256 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 July,. Slight. Slight. 1.04 4.37 2.10 .0010 .0304 .0255 .0049 .24 .0038 .0001 .8913 August, . Distinct. Slight. 0.83 4.36 1.77 .0010 .0297 .0244 .0053 .28 .0038 .0001 .6635 September, Distinct. Slight. 0.84 4.15 1.80 .0008 .0294 .0235 .0059 .27 .0033 .0001 .6896 October, . Slight. Cons. 1.02 4.74 2.15 .0007 .0290 .0252 .0038 .32 .0045 .0001 ,6528 November, Slight. Slight. 1.00 4.26 1.54 .0011 .0266 .0226 .0040 .36 .0063 .0002 .7716 1.3 1.6 December, Slight. Slight. 1.01 5.03 2.08 .0010 .0251 .0223 .0028 .36 .0141 .0002 .9321 Average, 0.95 4.33 1.85 .0008 .0251 .0212 .0039 .29 .0087 .0001 .8723 1.2 This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to November, 1894, inclusive- The samples were collected from the reservoir, near the gate-house, at a depth of eight feet beneath the surface. Excess of chlorine, 0.09. Odor, generally vegetable, occasionally mouldy or unpleasant, som0' times none; on heating, the odor is generally stronger. Sudbury River Supply. - Chemical Examination of Water from Reservoir No 3, Framingham. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTH. Appearance. RESIDUE on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen as Oxygen Consumed. cfi cfi a? & S S Turbidity. Sediment. JO o Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrates. ■ Nitrites. Total. 'S g 2 January, . Slight. Slight. 0.87 5.93 2.03 .0032 .0247 .0220 .0027 .47 .0249 .0002 .9113 2.2 February,. Slight. Slight. 0.79 5.55 2.03 .0054 .0202 .0178 .0024 .41 1.0360 .0002 .9091 1.8 March, Slight. Slight. 0.69 4.92 1.69 .0071 .0203 .0175 .0028 .36 .0309 .0002 .8048 1.8 April, Distinct. Slight. 0.59 4.12 1.58 .0039 .0191 .0159 .0032 .30 .0249 .0002 .6770 1.4 May, . Slight. Cons. 0.74 4.13 1.63 .0007 .0225 .0185 .0040 .36 '.0214 .0002 .7733 1.4 June, Distinct. Slight. 0.97 4.94 2.00 .0023 .0280 .0230 .0050 .35 .0150 .0002 .9429 1.5 July,. . Slight. Slight. 0.90 5.13 2.15 .0025 .0307 .0264 .0043 .34 .0256 .0002 .9819 1.7 August, . Slight. Slight. 0.77 4.89 1.85 .0020 .0305 .0256 .0049 .39 .0056 .0002 .7796 1.9 September, Slight. Slight. 0.82 5.06 1.82 .0051 .0319 .0255 .0064 .41 .0043 .0002 .7175 2.0 October, . Distinct. Cons. 0.78 5.44 2.05 .0023 .0322 .0254 .0068 .42 .0065 .0001 .7384 1.8 November, Slight. Slight. 0.98 5.41 2.19 .0025 .0307 .0258 .0049 .48 .0108 .0002 .7587 1.8 December, Blight. Slight. 0.76 5.33 1.85 .0026 .0282 .0242 .0040 .51 .0213 .0002 .6435 2.0 Average, 0.81 5.07 1.91 .0033 .0266 .0223 .0043 .40 .0189 .0002 .8032 1.8 This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to November, 1894, inclusive. The samples were collected from the reservoir, near the gate-house, at a depth of eight feet beneath the surface. Excess of chlorine, 0.19. Odor, vegetable, sometimes mouldy or unpleasant, and occasionally disagreeable. APPENDIX. 205 Cochituate Supply.- Chemical Examination of Water from Lake Cochituate, in Wayland. [Parts per 100,000.] Month. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. Hardness. Turbidity. Sediment. s o Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. . Slight. Slight. 0.28 5.01 1.35 .0027 .0174 .0144 .0030 .46 .0162 .0002 .3246 2.1 Slight. Slight. 0.29 5.08 1.57 .0029 .0169 .0137 .0032 .45 .0229 .0001 .3868 2.0 March, £PriI. • Slight. Slight. 0.34 4.96 1.39 .0017 .0180 .0151 .0029 .48 .0247 .0001 .5008 2.0 Slight. Slight. 0.28 4.99 1.44 .0009 ;0184 .0147 .0037 .46 .0221 .0002 .3199 1.8 Alay. . June, July,. U9t, . Slight. Cons. 0.28 4.60 1.48 .0010 .0199 .0161 .0038 .45 .0206 .0002 .3879 1.9 Slight. Slight. 0.23 4.49 1.44 .0022 .0184 .0145 .0039 .45 .0181 .0002 .4352 1.7 Slight. Slight. 0.16 4.41 1.50 .0014 .0193 .0158 .0035 .44 .0145 .0004 .4450 2.0 Slight. V. slight. 0.14 4.74 1.34 .0010 .0185 .0152 .0033 .46 .0080 .0003 .3649 2.0 yuptember, Slight. Slight. 0.11 4.58 1.29 .0007 .0198 .0158 .0040 .46 .0044 .0002 .3514 2.1 jJctober, . Slight. Slight. 0.12 4.76 1.39 .0004 .0177 .0143 .0034 .47 .0076 .0001 .3553 2.0 "Ovember, Slight. Slight. 0.20 4.88 1.30 .0030 .0174 .0141 .0033 .48 .0106 .0002 .3476 2.1 December, Slight. Slight. 0.22 4.99 1.43 .0051 .0202 .0170 .0032 .47 .0141 .0004 .4017 2.3 Average, 0.22 4-79 1.41 .0019 .0185 .0151 .0034 .46 .0153 .0002 .3851 2.0 This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to November, 1894, inclusive. 1 be samples were collected in the gate-house. Excess of chlorine, 0.22. Odor, generally faintly vege- able, occasionally mouldy or disagreeable, sometimes none; during the last two years the odor has been stronger and frequently unpleasant. Mystic Supply. - Chemical Examination of Water from Mystic Lake. [Parts per 100,000.] '/ ? (t> 93 /r B o £ o B, <D UD (t> £ B > P TO P a. C* f?s". S-gJS 0 3 TO <r> 6 * J1 • • • u UU £ u u tr®£ ® o X TO 2.(jq ® OS §09 n" o g-B 2.S e-t- <T S CL <T> d" o b-ete'I S' ' w S' ? s Turbidity. • o QQ OQ_ OD o GQ QO® £<£ O O o P CTTO O rB* ° o o D B TO ® ® B* 9 ET P ® ® F o <g ® TO D * ft ET r*TO r TO_r Sediment. a w *< B ® B cr r D 2. © o © © © © O © © © © © © Color. * a Z- 1-1 ■ * © a-a >_a 1-4 © © © >-• co -1 to to to O' o« 00 to to > ». 1 I a a ■-a h-* k--1 < a l_U 1-1 L_1 CT 4- F5 to to 1- to 03 CT CT Total. O © CT © CT CT © CT © O' © CT CT to w co to CO to to to to >-* to to h-» Loss on hs ct W to CT CT CT © © O' © © © co © 858 r- O' CO CT CT © Ignition. o © © © © © © © © © © © Free. 03 CO to © © © o 0 W -1 2 3 QO CT © to © CT o © © © © © © © © © © © Total. to ct to to g to © to to to GO CO © © 03 CO > ct o © © GO CT © 4- GO to to © O" 2 S 0 3168 to s 82 CO -4 CT tO CT to 8 CT 8 -4 CT CT 4- CO 4- to 4- 00 Dissolved. B F 8 8 © © © O 8 © 8 288 888 Sus- p CT "4 CT to -4 CT 4- GO CT CT GO CT CT CT CO 4- CT pended. w CT -4 to to to to to to tO tO 03 ,h CO tO cO GO QO b-* 4* © © Chlorine. co CT CT -• 4* © _ tO © 00 to 03 GO tO o © O © © © © © © © © © !Z CT CT CO 03 CT CT CT OO CT CT -1 CT © CO OO © -4 --1 © CT Nitrates. 03 o O O © © © © © © © © © > w ® 0 © o 8 §O 8 © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © Nitrites. 0 M SO CT co CT to © 0O CT GO CT CT tO 10 to to to to to to tO CO tO 4* tO tO ct © 8 (-» to CT CT O' CT © CT © © CO CT O CT 225 Oxygen Consumed. co w CT »-• CT O' GO 4- © 4*- 00 CT 00 <CT -4 CT O' 4* 4* CT CT CT Hardness. io F© 4- © <P QO to tO © CT OHH „ Owing to the change from time to time in the character of the water of Mystic Lake, it has been bought best to give the analyses for 1894, instead of the average for a series of years, in order to repre- t®nt most nearly the present character of the water The samples were collected from the lake near ne gate-house. The excess of chlorine, amounting to 8.14, is due in part to tannery wastes, and during Of t-j 1 three months of the year may also be due in part to the lowering of the lake below the level tide water, so that it is not a correct measure of the amount of pollution bv sewage. Odor, generally ""W or disagreeable. 206 APPENDIX. Cambridge Water Supply. Chemical Examination of Water from Fresh Pond, Cambridge. MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen as Oxygen Consumed. CO co a> a IS Turbidity. Sediment. o o O Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrites. Total. 1 Dissolved. 1S94. 3.? January, . Slight. Con., gr'n. Slight. Slight. 0.25 7.35 1.90 .0114 .0172 .0152 .0020 .64 .0200 .0014 .4251 February,. March, Slight. Slight. 0.30 0.35 6.70 6.80 2.10 1.85 .0084 .0004 .0174 .0208 .0142 .0182 .0032 .0026 .65 .62 .0150 .0300 .0005 .0002 .4600 .4920 3.0 3.0 April, V. slight. Con., gr'n & brown 0.32 6.65 1.80 .0000 .0198 .0164 .0034 .66 .0280 .0003 .4004 3.1 flocks. 2-7 May,. Distinct. Con., gr'n. 0.30 6.15 1.90 .0008 .0192 .0158 .0034 .64 .0200 .0002 .4520 June, Distinct. Con., yel 0.30 6.15 1.85 .0010 .0228 .0194 .0034 .58 .0330 .0004 .4235 2.0 low gr'n. 2-7 July,. Distinct, Sli't, gr'n. 0.28 6.65 1.85 .0064 .0270 .0198 .0072 .63 .0100 .0006 .4543 gr'n scum. 2-0 August, V. slight. Sli't, gr'n. 0.23 6.65 1.90 .0016 .0188 .0166 .0022 .60 .0030 .0006 .3696 September, Slight. Sli't, gr'n. 0.18 8.50 1.50 .0002 .0202 .0150 .0052 .67 .0225 .0005 .3388 3.1 October, . Blight, Sli't, gr'n. 0.20 7.00 1.50 .0012 .0182 .0150 .0032 .74 .0100 .0003 .3357 3.1 November, Slight. Con., gr'n. 0.40 7.35 1.70 .0274 .0168 .0128 .0040 .78 .0150 .0008 .3542 3.6 December, Slight. Con., li'ht 0.50 7.75 1.85 .0164 .0204 .0154 .0050 .71 .0130 .0022 .3657 3.5 green. Average, 0.30 6.98 1.81 .0063 .0199 .0162 .0037 .66 .0183 .0007 .4059 3.1 [Parts per 100,000.] The character of the water in Fresh Pond is changing from year to year with the increasing amount of Stony Brook water turned into it, so that, in order to represent most nearly the present character of the water the analyses for the year 1894 only are given, instead of the average for a series of years. The samples were collected from the pump well, at the pumping station. Odor, generally distinctly vegeta- ble, becoming somewhat stronger and frequently unpleasant on heating. Chemical Examination of Water from Stony Brook Storage Reservoir, Waltham- MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. CO co cy & s s Turbidity. | Sediment. 1 1 Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . V. slight. V. slight. 0.68 5.63 1.94 .0019 .0209 .0188 .0021 .38 .0391 .0002 .6838 2.3 February,. V. slight. V. slight. 0.51 5.20 1.64 .0035 .0159 .0137 .0022 .37 .0413 .0001 .5847 2.2 March, Slight. V. slight. 0.57 5.06 1.80 .0023 .0210 .0185 .0025 .36 .0233 .0001 .7028 2.0 April, Slight. Slight. 0.60 4.53 1.67 .0009 .0227 .0195 .0032 .34 .0207 .0001 .6497 1.5 May,. Slight. Slight. 0.77 4.83 1.82 .0011 .0229 .0204 .0025 .38 .0147 .0002 .7916 1.8 June, V. slight. Blight. 1.05 5.56 2.28 .0025 .0322 .0277 .0045 .35 .0098 .0002 .8225 1.8 July,. Slight. Slight. 0.76 5.45 2.12 .0018 .0291 .0233 .0058 .37 .0108 .0002 .6177 2.1 August, Distinct. Slight. 0.75 5.37 1.86 .0018 .0287 .0247 .0040 .39 .0020 .0001 .4393 2.2 September, Distinct. Slight. 0.57 5.30 1.77 .0029 .0267 .0214 .0053 .40 .0066 .0001 .5183 2.1 October, . Slight. Slight. 0.75 5.64 1.96 .0041 .0281 .0242 .0039 .42 .0059 .0001 .4547 2.2 November, Slight. Cons. 0.76 5.64 2.81 .0029 .0242 .0206 .0036 .48 .0150 .0001 .5784 2.3 December, Slight. Slight. 0.72 5.86 2.09 .0016 .0234 .0193 .0041 .43 .0263 .0002 .5694 2.5 Average, 0.71 5.34 1.98 .0023 .0246 .0210 .0036 .0180 .0001 .6177 2-1 [Parts per 100,000.] This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to November, 1894, inclusive. Th® samples were collected from the reservoir near the surface at the dam. Excess of chlorine, 0.11. Odor, generally vegetable, rarely mouldy or unpleasant, becoming somewhat stronger on heating. APPENDIX. 207 Lynn Water Supply. Chemical Examination of Water from Birch Pond, Lynn. [Parts per 100,000.] Month. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. | Hardness. S Er* Sediment. © 3 Q Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. nd 'C cc i © a January, . February,. Distinct. Slight. 0.58 5.05 1.93 .0063 .0370 .0225 .0145 .64 .0085 .0001 .5427 1.4 Slight. Slight. 0.64 4.50 1.70 .0207 .0295 .0229 .0066 .60 .0110 .0003 .5716 1.5 March, Slight. Slight. 0.65 4.65 1.90 .0171 .0237 .0218 .0019 .63 .0070 .0001 .5064 1.4 April, Distinct. Cons. 0.52 3.65 1.13 .0017 .0279 .0213 .0066 .49 .0040 .0002 .4726 0.7 *ray,. Slight. Cobs. 0.41 3.00 1.15 .0007 .0228 .0175 .0053 .42 .0015 .0001 .5321 0.7 dune, July,. Distinct. Cons. 0.60 3.95 1.53 .0015 .0230 .0192 .0038 .51 .0015 .0001 .5042 0.7 Distinct. Slight. 0.48 4.00 1.80 .0008 .0291 .0214 .0077 .50 .0000 .0000 .5018 1.1 August. . Slight. Slight. 0.55 3.83 1.63 .0017 .0244 .0212 .0032 .51 .0000 .0000 .4769 0.8 September, Distinct. Cons. 0.70 3.90 1.45 .0018 .0301 .0214 .0087 .50 • 001C .0000 .5166 1.1 October, . Slight. Slight. 1.10 4.08 1.88 .0018 .0342 .0256 .0086 .52 .0050 .0001 .5960 0.8 Slight. Slight. 1.60 6.20 2.90 .0026 .0370 .0345 .0025 .60 .0225 .0003 .9990 1.5 ■December, Distinct. Cons. 1.00 4.53 1.80 .0043 .0391 .0293 .0098 .46 .0210 .0001 .7761 1.5 - - - - - - - Average, 0.74 4.28 1.73 .0051 .0298 .0232 .0066 .53 1 .0069 .0001 .5830 1.1 These analyses represent the two years from December, 1892, to November, 1894, inclusive This reservoir has received its supply in recent years not only from its own water-shed but also from other reservoirs and streams from which the city of Lynn has authority to take water. The samples were collected from the reservoir, near the gate-house, one foot beneath the surface. Excess of chlorine, 0.09. Odor, generally vegetable, frequently mouldy or unpleasant; on heating, the odor is generally stronger and sometimes disagreeable. Chemical Examination of Water from Breed's Pond, Lynn. [Parts per 100,000.] month. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. 1 Hardness. Turbidity. Sediment. 2 o o Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. , Nitrates. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. January. • Slight. Slight. 0.88 4.63 1.75 .0027 .0273 .0218 .0055 .66 .0105 .0001 .6113 1.4 February,. Slight. Slight. 0.55 3.73 1.43 .0118 .0213 .0179 .0034 .59 .0060 .0003 .4599 1.2 March, Slight. Slight. 0.55 3.53 1.33 .0064 .0163 .0143 .0020 .55 .0085 .0001 .5053 1.1 April, Slight. Slight. 0.60 3.60 1.25 .0019 .0184 .0164 .0020 .53 .0060 .0003 .4972 0.7 May, . Slight. Slight. 0.52 3.55 1.40 .0009 .0210 .0185 .0025 48 .0000 .0000 .5688 0.7 'June, Distinct. Cons. 0.62 3.75 1.58 .0015 .0188 .0155 .0033 .53 .0030 .0001 .5396 0.7 July,. Slight. Slight. 0.50 3.40 1.33 .0005 .0218 .0192 .0026 .58 .0015 .0001 .5598 1.1 August, . September, Distinct. Slight. 0.57 3.38 1.23 .0008 .0235 .0181 .0054 .56 .0000 .0000 .4508 1.1 Slight. Blight. 0.65 3.38 1.35 .0007 .0219 .0188 .0031 .55 .0010 .0001 .4595 0.9 October, . November, Slight. Slight. 0.62 3.68 1.73 .0014 .0249 .0210 .0039 .52 .0025 .0001 .4572 0.9 Slight. Slight. 0.85 3.68 1.38 .0031 .0233 .0207 .0026 .62 • 005C .0002 .5517 0.7 December, Distinct. Cons. 0.80 3.78 1.55 .0039 .024? .020? .0046 .49 • 011C .0001 .5655 1.3 - - ■ - - - - - 1.0 Average, 0.64 3.67 1.44 1.0030 .0219 .0185 .0034 .56 .0046 .0001 .5189 These analyses represent the two years from December, 1892, to November, 1894, inclusive. The Samples were collected from the pond, near the gate house, about one foot beneath the surface. Excess of chlorine, 0.12. Odor, generally distinctly vegetable and frequently unpleasant, becoming stronger on heating. 208 APPENDIX. Chemical Examination of Water from the Saugus River at Howlett's Pond, SauguSr [Parts per 100,000.] Average, ! PI "Bog g. • - s> f cr * Z3 !* ® ® m c s <1 2E2?Z?2 29®< rj3 ® 0Q (JQ (W (k'(JQ (K Oq' cd - - etet ty-ETETEr etes-es {S- {S.•"*■ •* r r r Turbidity. g G ■ 7 o o E oeeo2.ce:- X g- D D JG O-DCiqrjQ S " EK « zrZL- 15 -.-, • r2- ~r ' S.- rr r § ?- ? tr Sediment. H- I-• o H* »-' O -• H* O © Hi -1 ®CO <-* © G CC G G -* © O 00 O ©©©© OOP Color. 00 G oo co G O © CO ►-' H» © G G G G G H* © © G to 00 00 CO © CO G O O' O O' © G © © G G Total. § iz 5 4-. 03 4- CO 4- to 00 CO tO tO tO © CD 00 co CDDCO© to CO 4» G OQ«U1 © © G G © o © Loss on Ignition. .0056 © ©©© ©©©© OOO © © © © co o © © © © © © H IGO 4-0-'I- © © CO © tO OO IO 0004-00 G G © Free. o O GOO ©©©© ©O© CO CO 4- CO COCOCOCO - tO tO G CD •-• 4- I-* -• © tO D IO H G OO © G D tOGCH G OO G Total. g 2. © tO to © OOO OOOO CO© 03 CO tD tO tO tO tO tO -' 10 -• CO G©© CO »-l © © GO© © tO 00 tO 4- G © OO tO tO Dissolved. g co GO © ©©© © © © © © © © o © -* © © o © © oo© to c*3 -' O' co co -* to co to to G G to 4- to G G G H* ©JtO Sus- pended. 1.02 r . rr © -10 4- OO M O' D G On G 4- G 4- © ©©GO© O' OH © Chlorine. 1.0112 |l '© ©©© oo©o o © © to © © to 03 O O © H* <-I © to CO On to C © CO G CO G G O ©OO OOOO OOO Nitrates. Nitrogen AS .0014 g ggg egg's ggg o o to to ©OOO OOO CO h-*OG O H* o IO H• to to Nitrites. .9529 CO -1 G G G-lOtO G GO © QO t- © 00 GGG© G -• G G G O G CO G G -4 -J O O O O - IO -1 4- G IO 03 4- O Oxygen Consumed. li £ 03 CO G O' 4- 4- tO tO V0 -' VO \ G G O *G '-4 O to 03 H* G © .Hardness. The analyses of samples from this source cover only the period from February to December, inclu- sive, 1894. The samples were collected from Howlett's Pond, at the place where water is diverted from the river for the water supply of the city of Lynn. Excess of chlorine, 0.70. Odor, generally decidedly vegetable and very frequently mouldy or unpleasant; on heating, the odor is sometimes disagreeable. Ass abet River. Chemical Examination of Water from the Assabet River, below Northborough. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. (0 c <■ Turbidity. .1 •g OQ © Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Total. ' Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . V. slight. V. slight. 0.30 3.20 0.85 .0006 .0142 .0122 .0020 .23 .0100 .0002 - February,. V. slight. Cons. 0.50 4.43 1.53 .0040 .0279 .0209 .0070 .24 .0140 .0001 - - March, V. slight. V. slight. 0.40 3.73 1.25 .0030 .0232 .0190 .0042 .23 .0075 .0002 - - April, Slight. Slight. 0.55 3.43 1.40 .0011 .0319 .0297 .0022 .19 .0075 .0002 * - May, . Slight. Slight. 1.20 4.50 1.90 .0019 .0300 .0279 .0021 .17 .0055 .0001 1.6 June, Slight. Slight. 0.80 4.84 1.84 .0025 .0216 .0216 .0000 .20 .0115 .0003 - - July,. Slight. V. slight. 0.50 4.69 1.31 .0038 .0235 .0214 .0021 .23 .0075 .0002 - - August, . Slight. Slight. 0.60 5.03 1.29 .0057 .0259 .0210 .0049 .28 .0060 .0002 -> - September, Slight. Slight. 0.55 4.93 1.70 .0036 .0273 .0229 .0044 .28 .0065 .0001 - - October, . Slight. Slight. 0.98 4.88 1.53 .0016 .026" .0256 .0011 .28 .0090 .0002 - November, Slight. Slight. 0.75 4.88 1.33 .0009 .0225 .0203 .0022 .26 .0075 .0000 * - December, Slight. Slight. 0.68 4.13 1.38 .0029 .0189 .0151 .0038 .25 .0080 .0002 Average, 0.65 4.39 1.44 .0026 .0245 .0215 .0030 .24 .0084 .0002 - This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to May, 1889, inclusive. The samples were collected from the river, at Wood's Mill Pond, about one mile below the village of North* borough. Excess of chlorine, 0.07. Odor, faintly vegetable. APPENDIX. 209 Assawompsett Pond. Chemical Examination of Water from Assawompsett Pond, Lakeville. --J Month. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. I Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. 1 7? Turbidity. g V w Color. Total. Loss on Ignition. 1 Albuminoid. Nitrates. | Nitrites. 3 o Dissolved. Sus- pended. January. . Slight. Sl't, white. 0.20 3.55 1.30 .0002 .0268 - .46 .0050 .0000 - March, Slight. Slight. 0.53 3.10 1.25 .0000 .0174 .0128 .0046 .48 .0040 .0000 .5460 0.6 May,. Slight. Slight. 0.5O 1 3.95 1.30 .0000 .0175 .0140 .0035 .44 .0020 .0001 .5655 0.8 June, July,. Slight. Slight. 0.52 3.59 1.75 .0002 .0168 .0139 .0029 .47 .0017 .0000 .5392 0.4 V. slight. V. slight. 0.30 3.40 1.40 .0000 .0126 .0112 .0014 .53 .0000 .0000 .4273 0.8 August, . Slight. Slight. 0.20 3.80 1.70 .0000 .0146 .0132 .0014 .51 .0030 .0000 .3542 0.6 September, Slight. Slight. 0.14 3.15 1.08 .0007 .0170 .0138 .0032 .53 .0025 .0000 .3752 0.5 October, . Slight. Sl't, white. 0.15 3.25 1.20 .0000 .0168 .0146 .0022 .58 .0030 .0000 .3041 0.8 Slight. Slight. 0.25 2.95 1.10 .0006 .0164 .0132 .0032 .51 .0030 .0000 .3936 0.6 December, Slight. Slight. 0.06 j 2.72 1.02 .0002 .0161 .0125 .0036 .49 .0027 .0000 .3590 0.4 - - - - - - - Average, 0.28 | 3.35 1.31 .0002 .0162* .0133 .0030 .50 .0027 .0000 .4293 0.6 . [Parts per 100,000.] This table is based upon analyses of seventeen samples, collected in the years 1887, 1888, 1891,1893 and 1894. The samples were collected from the pond, at various points. Excess of chlorine, 0.05. Odor, generally faintly vegetable, occasionally mouldy, sometimes none. * January omitted in making the average. Charles River. Chemical Examination of Water from the Charles River at South Natick. [Parts per 100,000.] Average, 2 2 5 S- = &3.£?B' - ® 5' ® - MONTH. ® 09 ® 0'S ® ® ® 09 t» OS OS ® S-n- - n' - st - S' - n'Er - o5" r rs" r* os os os r 09 r* r* 09 B* a* Ertrcr tr o' e* e* «-*■ e* e* e* e* Turbidity. Appearance. © © n of n of ® ® ££09 ofos o5 rz, - tr - - - if ro9 r*0909 ?rrr?« 5- ts- trtr £ e*. e* e* f* Sediment. OOOOOOHJH-iOOOO -^©©©•^©O'to©©©-1 cn©!-* w ootn cn CO Color. 3 00 to tcow T1 wto Total. Residue on Evapora- tion. l-'J°747JIJ7'V37474747474 QO to OO 00 -M -4 bO © ~-1 © **■ © Loss on Ignition. .0010 2gSg§§i§§SSg ©CP©- Free. Ammonia. S O> p-1 OCOOOOOOOOOO H-*tOtOtOtOtOWWbOJOtOh-* ©©co-Mto©©©4*bi7t22 OO to © © © IO JO w co © ©©©©OOOCOOOO Z-KJi-^tO'-'tOCOtOtO'-'t-' -ltO©©<OCOtO-4tO©<O© ©00 Total. Albuminoid. | Dissolved. .0028 gggggggggggg JSSgSSSfe-SSZS Sus- pended. co Chlorine. 1.0067 ©co®o©o©ooo© © © co to co co co 4* l-» © ©OOQOCOC5 4--1CO-1©QO-1 Nitrates. z O 0 K .0001 gggggggggggg ooo©ooo©oooo _H-»0 - Ot0~4>-'tOi-toto Nitrites. .7806 Oxygen Consumed. T4 1 1 M©©©b-'©COCO©C0CO4*. Hardness. This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to May, 1889, inclusive, two analyses made in July, 1890, and analyses made monthly from August, 1893, to November, 1894, inclu- sive. The samples were collected from the river, just above the dam at South Natick. Excess of chlorine, 0.16. Odor, generally distinctly vegetable, frequently mouldy, rare'y disagreeable. 210 APPENDIX. Deerfield River. Chemical Examination of Water from the Deerfield Diver at Shelburne Falls. MONTH. Appear ance. RESIDUE on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. 1 Nitrogen as Oxygen Consumed. 1 92 02 V s Turbidity. Sediment. 3 u Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . None. V. slight. 0.15 3.35 0.95 .0000 .0058 .0046 .0012 .08 .0150 .0000 .2270 1.4 March, Distinct. Slight. 0.10 3.50 1.00 .0000 .0074 .0062 .0012 .11 .0090 .0000 .2520 1.6 May, . Slight. Slight. 0.48 3.25 1.45 .0006 .0154 .0140 .0014 .11 .0000 .0000 .5453 1.7 June, None. V. slight. 0.45 4.05 1.25 .0000 .0142 .0126 .0016 .13 .0030 .0000 .4173 1.7 July,. V. slight. Slight. 0.30 3.60 0.65 .0006 .0132 .0118 .0014 .16 .0000 .0000 .3480 2.0 August, . V. slight. Slight. 0.50 3.70 0.95 .0004 .0158 .0142 .0016 .13 .0000 .0000 .4697 1.4 September, Slight. Slight. 0.56 3.78 1.40 .0006 .0116 .0103 .0013 .14 .0025 .0000 .5618 1.6 October, . None. V. slight. 0.50 3.20 9.35 .0000 .0112 .0090 .0022 .10 .0000 .0000 .5913 1.6 November, V. slight. Slight. 0.65 3.40 1.20 .0000 .0108 .0084 .0024 .11 .0030 .0000 .6583 1.4 December, Distinct. Heavy. 0.35 2.90 1.50 .0006 .0180 .0116 .0064 .06 .0100 .0001 .5796 0.5 Average, 0.40 3.47 .0003 .0123 .0103 .0020 .0042 .0000 .4650 1.5 [Parts per 100,000.] This table is based upon analyses of eleven samples, collected from September, 1893, to November, 1894, inclusive. The samples were collected from the river, about a mile above the bridge in the village of Shelburne Falls. Excess of chlorine, 0.03. Odor, faintly vegetable or none, becoming somewhat stronger on heating. Ipswich River. Chemical Examination of Water from the Ipswich River, near Howe's Station, between Danvers and Middleton. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTHS. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen AS 00 30 • 8 5 S Turbidity. 1 | Sediment. £ Total. Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrates. o Dissolved. j 1892. January, V. slight. Slight. 1.20 6.55 3.10 .0000 .0194 .0180 .0014 .49 .0100 .0001 1.6 February, . V. slight. Slight. 1.00 6.35 2.35 .0006 .0204 .0180 .0024 .51 .0120 .0001 1.7 March, V. slight. V. slight. 1.20 5.90 2.00 .0000 .0226 .0176 .0050 .38 .0070 .0000 1.1 April, . V. slight. V. slight. 1.10 4.50 2.20 .0000 .0248 .0236 .0012 .39 .0070 .0000 1.3 May, . Slight. Slight. 1.30 4.85 1.85 .0028 .0370 .0342 .0028 .34 .0100 .0000 1.3 June, . Slight Slight. 1.60 6.20 2.55 .0006 .0278 .0252 .0026 .43 .0000 .0000 1.3 July, . V. slight. V. slight. 1.70 | 5.90 3.10 .0006 .0334 .0282 .0042 .40 .0000 .0000 1.6 August, V. slight. V. slight. 0.55 4.75 1.55 .0022 .0190 .0162 .0028 .67 .0090 .0000 2.0 September, . V. slight. Slight. 1.40 7.55 2.95 .0006 .0370 .0290 .0080 .58 .0100 .0000 1.9 October, V. slight. Slight. 0.90 6.75 2.50 .0006 .0262 .0230 .0032 .57 .0090 .0001 2.1 November, . V. slight. V. slight. 2.50 8.10 4.65 .0000 .0440 .0370 .0070 .48 .0070 .0001 2.6 December, . V. slight. V. slight. 1.90 7.05 3.50 .0012 .0326 .0290 .0036 .43 .0180 .0001 2.5 Average, . 1.36 6.20 2.69 .0008 .0287 .0250 .0037 .0082 .0000 1.7 These analyses were made monthly during the year 1892. The samples were collected from the river, at the bridge, near Howe'c station. Excess of chlorine, 0.16. Odor, vegetable and grassy, or> sweetish, rarely mouldy. APPENDIX. 211 Chemical Examination of Water from the Merrimack River above Lowell, opposite the Intake of the Lowell Water Works. Merrimack River. Average, Us|r' • 5 » m c 222E2ES®2°0££®<1 cK'w'«'(i5'aq'<K'a5'®wkw ® o'D'trtrtrtrtrS; er c- b- - rrrrrrrgrrr« r Turbidity. Appearance. CDGQCQCKOQODQDQQQODGQ ssssssso o o ~~- (KJ (KJ CJQ CJQ UQ (JQ (JQ 0 O DOQOQ zrn'Erto'ertJ'Er® ® » tr©- e*r*e4-e+<-**"*r** • • e-» <-r Sediment. 0.34 oooooooooooo 4-COtOtO<-»K)OOCn4"*-COCO CO QO C« CD co O tO O to O« tn in Color. 3.47 1.22 □< OO C ►"* H D k-i O O) OG'WGCG-'OXGCWOWO Total. < a WOCOO'OCOWGDQiWCO Loss on Ignition. o 3 C© OOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo Free. .0142 oooooooooooo ui w w Total. | Albuminoid. o 22S2g22S2222 J-OOtOOi-'OOObOWO 4- -1 Dissolved. .0028 oooooooooooo oooooooooooo MtOWHWKJUiNMWWU) »fc-O »u oo »- o co Sus- pended. s p-' I-' >-* >-* to to >-* »-* ►-• h-' H-' to ooQoaocootootocnocnH-* Chlorine. 8 GO OOOOOOOOQOCO to c;i Cn O' 4- G' G' -1 4- O' O M C' o O' U> O O O O O O O' m Nitrates. Nitrogen AS .0001 oooooooooooo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo MOOMtGW-JKiMO'-'M Nitrites. .4283 0}»-i-q4*Ol-'QOOCO>-'OCO G0^-00>-'CCtO-1-lOOOCO Oxygen Consumed. to Hardness. [Parts per 100,000.] The amount of polluting matter turned into this river is increasing from year to year, and, in order [o show the character of the water at a recent period, the average of analyses for the two years from November, 1892, to October, 1894, inclusive, is used, instead of the average of all of the analyses that have been made. The samples were collected from the river, about one foot beneath the surface. Excess °f chlorine, 0.08. Odor, distinctly vegetable and musty, becoming somewhat stronger on heating. Chemical Examination of Water from the Merrimack River above Lawrence opposite the Intake of the Lawrence Water Works. [Parts per 100,000.] Month. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen as Oxygen Consumed. m Q S Turpidity. Sediment. Color. Total. Loss on Ignition. Free. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. o Dissolved. Sus- | pended. January, . Slight. Slight. 0.38 4.18 1.58 .0058 .0157 .0135 .0022 .26 .0080 .0003 .4973 1.3 J'ebruary,. Slight. Slight. 0.38 3.85 1.50 .0038 .0193 .0158 .0035 .22 .0135 .0001 .4796 1.3 March, Distinct. Cons. 0.50 2.93 1.10 .0030 .0204 .0155 .0049 .14 .0095 .0001 .5588 0.7 April, Slight. Slight. 0.44 3.25 1.30 .0014 .0157 .0115 .0042 .15 .0050 .0001 .4733 0.7 May, . Distinct. Cons. 0.52 3.05 1.13 .0027 .0163 .0140 .0023 .16 .0115 .0002 .5132 1.9 *June, Distinct. Cons. 0.41 3.73 1.33 .0079 .0187 .0157 .0030 .19 .0040 .0002 .4515 1.2 July,. Slight. Slight. 0.21 3.50 1.33 .0103 .0184 .0146 .0038 .25 .0035 .0003 .3874 1.4 August, Slight. Slight. 0.23 4.05 1.48 .0102 .0171 .0126 .0045 .29 .0045 .0002 .3648 1.1 September, Slight. Slight. 0.28 4.08 1.53 .0098 .0163 .0134 .0029 .24 .0060 .0001 .3340 1.3 October, . Slight. Slight. 0.62 4.65 1.88 .0087 .0175 .0144 .0031 .23 .0035 .0003 .6659 1.4 Distinct. Cons. 0.48 4.10 1.40 .0025 .0159 .0135 .0024 .21 .0120 .0003 .5580 1.7 -December, Slight. Slight. 0.44 4.03 1.43 .0030 .0191 .0155 .0036 .20 .0125 .0062 .5994 1.1 Average, 0.41 3.78 1.42 .0058 .0175 .0142 .0033 .21 .0078 .0002 .4920 1.3 The amount of polluting matter turned into this river is increasing from year to year, and, in order io show the character of the water at a recent period, the average of analyses for the two years from November, 1892, to October, 1894, inclusive, is used, instead of the average of all of the analyses that have been made. The samples were collected from the river, opposite the intake of the Lawrence Water Works, about one foot beneath the surface. Excess of chlorine, 0.08. Odor, distinctly vegetable and musty. 212 APPENDIX. Chemical Examination of Water from the South Branch of the Nashua Ril'6r at Clinton. Nashua River. MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. _ oO tfi ■a 2 Sediment. © o © Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . Slight. Slight. 0.32 3.50 1.12 .0014 .0177 .0147 .0030 .18 .0113 .0001 .5499 February,. Slight. Slight. 0.33 3.43 0.98 .0012 .0143 .0120 .0023 .23 .0097 .0001 .4029 March, Slight. Slight. 0.27 3.53 0.82 .0009 .0127 .0095 .0032 .19 .0090 .0001 .5080 April, Slight. Slight. 0.32 2.80 0.98 .0002 .0132 .0110 .0022 .17 .0050 .0001 .4335 °n May, . Slight. Slight. 0.50 3.30 1.28 .0009 .0175 .0131 .0044 .15 .0043 .0001 .5440 0-' June, V. slight. Slight. 0.42 3.89 0.97 .0021 .0155 .0116 .0039 .18 .0063 .0001 .6622 0«' July,. Slight. Slight. 0.62 3.89 1.27 .0014 .0227 .0179 .0048 .20 .0060 .0001 .3634 O'y August, Slight. Slight. 0.43 3.73 1.13 .0011 .0181 .0147 .0034 .24 .0043 .0001 .3378 i'6 September, V. slight. Slight. 0 29 4.08 1.30 .0016 .0171 .0128 .0043 .26 .0045 .0001 .2873 October, . Slight. Slight. 0.36 3.98 1.34 .0009 .0209 .0148 .0061 .25 .0001 .2321 It November, Slight. Slight. 0.54 4.15 1.53 .0007 .0155 .0122 .0033 .30 .0078 .0002 .5019 December, Slight. Slight. 0.38 3.52 1.15 .0006 .0163 .0143 .0020 .21 .0050 .0001 .6474 0-? Average, 0.40 3.65 1.16 .0011 .0168 .0132 .0036 .21 .0066 .0001 .4559 1.1 [Parts per 100,000.] This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to May, 1889, inclusive, analyses made in October, 1891, and analyses made monthly from August, 1893, to November, 1s , inclusive. The samples were collected from the river, above the dam of the Lancaster Mills CompatO' Excess of chlorine, 0.07. Odor, vegetable, occasionally mouldy. Quinepoxet River. CAenu'caZ Examination of Water from the Quinepoxet River, a tributary of W Nashua River, in Holden. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. ao 2 Sediment. i I Total. Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. Total. Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . Slight. Slight. o.« 3.48 1.18 .0003 .0131 .0115 .0016 .20 \0090 .0000 .6809 0-s February,. Decided. Cone. °-f 3.23 1.00 .0006 .0118 .0094 .0024 .21 .0110 .0000 .5293 March, Distinct. Cons. 0.52 3.03 1.30 .0002 .0148 .0104 .0044 .17 .0075 .0000 .6024 0> April, Slight. Cons. 0.48 2.58 1.23 .0000 .0165 .0116 .0049 .21 .0040 .0001 .4658 0.7 May, . Slight. Cons. 0.70 3.20 1.68 .0000 .0209 .0182 .0027 .17 .0015 .0001 .7280 0.-* June, Slight. Slight. 0.63 3.83 1.53 .0023 .0238 .0195 .0043 .18 .0025 .0001 .6391 0.' July,. Slight. Slight. 0.60 4.05 1.53 .0136 .0229 .0176 .0053 .28 .0025 .0001 .5844 l.o August, . Slight. Cone. 0.64 3.78 1.82 .0043 .0217 .0183 .0034 .26 .0067 .0001 .5124 September, V. Blight. Slight. 0.53 4.02 1.52 .0014 .0247 .0208 .0039 .28 .0053 .0002 .4184 0.8 October, . Slight. Slight. 0.48 3.97 1.38 .0041 .0207 .0157 .0050 .27 .0053 .0001 .4037 0.8 November, V. slight. Slight. 0.65 4.80 1.85 .0016 .0265 0218 .0047 .36 .0033 .0002 .9147 1.0 December, Slight. Slight. 0.85 3.95 1.73 .0002 .0193 .0160 .0033 .24 .0080 .0000 .8229 0.0 Average, 0.60 3.66 1.48 .0024 .0197 .0159 .0038- .24 .0056 .0001 .6084 o5 This table is based upon analyses made monthly, during the year 1892, and from August, 1893, November, 1894, inclusive. The samples were collected from the river, at a highway bridge, about one mile above the line between Sterling and West Boylston. Excess of chlorine, 0.11. Odor, generally faintly vegetable, rarely mouldy or unpleasant; on heating, the odor becomes somewhat stronger and frequently mouldy. 213 APPENDIX. Stillwater River. Qi wnvical Examination of Water from the Stillwater River, a tributary of the Nashua River in Sterling. [Parts per 100,000 ] Appearance. Kesidue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia . | Chlorine. Nitrogen AS Oxygen Consumed. i Hardness. £ S CQ £ o o o £ All umiii o a jid. OD <j? "ci feUary, . ruary,. Aa'ch. >il, . ry>. Se, JUly) \ ' (/Member, . I°vember, None. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. Slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. V. slight. Cons. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight Slight. Slight. Slight. V. slight. 0.52 0.35 0.42 0.35 0.68 0.48 0.43 0.41 0.43 0.23 0.77 0.54 3.00 3.23 2.88 2.80 3.20 3.35 3.30 3.35 3.63 3.25 4.18 3.30 1.08 1.00 0.90 1.13 1.33 1.38 1.08 1.25 1.33 1.02 1.53 1.35 .0003 .0002 .0000 .0005 .0008 .0005 .0013 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0013 .0000 .0094 .0087 .0103 .0108 .0180 .0163 .0146 .0157 .0139 .0140 .0203 .0117 .0082 .0072 .0078 .0096 .0136 .0130 .0138 .0130 .0121 .0121 .0173 .0101 .0012 .0015 .0025 .0012 .0044 .0033 .0008 .0027 .0018 .0019 .0030 .0016 .17 .17 .13 .14 .12 .14 .14 .14 .12 .17 .25 .16 .0055 .0075 .0090 .0040 .0010 .0025 .0025 .0033 .0043 .0043 .0033 .0035 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .0000 .0001 .0001 .5288 .4226 .4320 .3873 .6120 .4620 .5621 .3712 .3764 .2830 .5942 .6357 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.3 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.8 ■Average, 0.47 3.29 1.20 .0005 .0137 .0115 .0022 .15 .0042 .0000 .4723 This table is based upon analyses made monthly, during the year 1892, and from August, 1893, to <N°vember, 1894, inclusive. The samples were collected from the river, at a highway bridge, about one above the line between Sterling and West Boylston. Excess of chlorine, 0.01. Odor, vegetable, °ccasionally mouldy, sometimes none. Shawsheen River. Chemical Examination of Water from the Shawsheen River at Wilmington. [Parts per 100,000.] Average, S 2 * S-a 2 g g-va?*?3;g.s g SB 8g ®• • • " ef o'."1 §■• 2 2® • J* . "* * . 1 g 22<K<H<-<£<12M!3 cf ~ » r CJQ 7Q <n (JQ (JQ 0Q r*0Q TOO ' gggggg g g Turbidity. Appearance. ® ® crcTrc'crq' jQ ® o5' ® rrroQOQ rrrr« gg g g Sediment. 0.89 O'QOQOO'WtO-4-1OC3CJ1O Color. O' OJCX>O'O'^1CO>- OCtOQOO'QOtO-JG'QOO'QO Total. Residue on Evapora- tion. 1.80 HtOMLCtOMHtJHrJMM b'OiCOCOOCOOOCOO'O'dtO Loss on Ignition. .0015 .0249 oooooocooooo oooooooooooo C -< O O O - O H IO H COtOO'OOQOCOGOCOl-»0»t00> Free. c obbboboooobb tOCOtOi-'COtOtOtOtOtOtO-* *-* tO CO -JOCDCOCOOtOCOrf* Total. Albuminoid. .02191.0030 1 obbbbbbbobbo -• to to -* to to »o to tc to 10 <-' o qo -* as co o o -4 co c oto iOCOCOlOtOlOGOtOOCJtOOOO Dissolved. bboboooboooo oooooooooooo - U'tOtOCOtOtOi-4 Sus- pended. CO Oi tO£-4-COCOCOCOtOC04~COCO <M-lW<OCi4-fcOQOaiCOa>i-» Chlorine. 1 1 1 1000Y800" 2gg88SS8§SSS O XW-4«4-4WMOO<C3Ui 888888888888 S22S28SS8888 Nitrates. > 3 Ml O Q M Nitrites. .6816 h-* 00 co to to 4- o> -J 1 1 1 tO-4CJ«C>C3tO-4W COCi - to O O O CO Oxygen Consumed. >-* 00 ,,, to kO -M *4 cn <3> O Hardness. This table Is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to May, 1889, inclusive, one analysis made in November, 1893, and analyses made monthly, from May to November, inclusive, 1894. samples were collected from the river at the point where it is crossed by the old Middlesex canal, between the towns of Wilmington and Billerica. Excess of chlorine, 0.11. Odor, generally faintly veg- etable, rarely mouldy; on heating, the odor is generally somewhat stronger. 214 APPENDIX. Chemical Examination of Water from the East Branch of the Swift River t/l Greenwich. Swift River. [Parts per 100,000.] Average, 1894. April, October, . g c V. slight. V. slight. Turbidity. Appearance. Cons. Slight. Sediment. 0.5S 0.35 Color. 3.10 2.55 3.65 Total. Residue on Evapora- tion. K* O o io O o Loss on Ignition. .0011 .0022 .0000 Free. Ammonia. .0146 .0172 .0120 Total. Albuminoid. ! .0136 .0098 Dissolved. .0029 .0036 .0022 Sus- pended. 5 £ Chlorine. .0015 .0000 .0030 Nitrates. Nitrogen AS .0000 .0000 .0000 Nitrites. *5 03 Qi -1 03 03 QO Oxygen Consumed. \\ ® \ t* ? \ Hardness. \\ or \ oa oa \ The samples were collected from the east branch of the Swift River, just above its confluence with middle branch. Excess of chlorine, 0.05. Odor, faintly vegetable. Chemical Examination of Water from the Middle Branch of the Swift River Greenwich. Average, 1*94. April, October, . C V. slight. Slight. Turbidity. Appearance. Slight. Slight. Sediment. o co 00 0.43 0.32 Color. I 3.15 2.65 3.65 Total. 5 >-* o CO O H* © ►-* cn o Loss on Ignition. .0012 .0024 .0000 Free. Ammonia. .0115 .0124 .0106 Total. | Albuminoid. o o © -I .0106 .0088 Dissolved. .0018 .0018 .0018 Sus- pended. £ K Chlorine. .0000 .0000 .0000 Nitrates. Nitrogen as 8 o o .0000 .0000 Nitrites. .3887 .4424 .3349 Oxygen Consumed. \\ ? \\ to \ *7* ? \ Hardness. \ \ oo w \ \ [Parte per 100,000.] The samples were collected from the middle branch of the Swift River, just above its confluence with the east branch. Excess of chlorine, 0.03. Odor, faintly vegetable. APPENDIX. 215 Examination of Water from the West Branch, of the Swift River in Enfield. [Parts per 100,000.] < 2 - <Z p OQ (D cr * s V. slight. Slight. Turbidity. Appearance. Slight. Heavy, gray. .Sediment. © to to 0.20 0.23 Color. £ 00 1 1 1.85 3.10 Total. Residue on Evapora- tion. 0.88 0.70 1.05 Loss on Ignition. .0017 .0026 .0008 Free. p .0108 .0108 .0108 Total. | Albuminoid. 8 oo to .0100 .0064 Dissolved. © o to o .0008 .0044 Sus- pended. £ to 5 Chlorins. © © co O' .0000 .0070 Nitrates. i Nitrogen AS j.oooo i i Nitrites. i to 1 <° .3065 .2772 Oxygen Consumed. © 1 O' © © GO tO Hardness. The samples were collected from the west branch of the Swift River at a road crossing the river M)out half a mile above its confluence with the main stream. Excess of chlorine, 0.04. Odor, very faintly vegetable. Ware River. Chemical Examination of Water from Ware River, at Cold Brook Station, Barre. [Parts per 100,000.] Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. Nitrogen AS 75 S 8 Month. Albuminoid. co C >• c p £ T5 X3 co 6 CO to 1 c ©S> q5 O i c to ® f E G Q 3Q fa Q n Pi s E o B January, . Slight. Slight. 0.73 3.90 1.55 .0004 .0166 .0148 .0018 .17 .0030 .0000 .7215 0.6 februar^,. Slight. Slight. 0.60 3.50 1.50 .0016 .0116 .0096 .0020 .18 .0070 .0000 .5783 0.8 March, V. slight. Slight. 0.75 3.55 1.25 .0006 .0166 .0122 .0044 .14 .0030 .0000 .6760 0.8 April, V. slight. Slight. 0.70 2.90 1.30 .0004 .0132 .0112 .0020 .13 .0030 .0000 .5505 0.2 May, . Slight. Slight. 0.95 2.90 1.75 .0000 .0184 .0168 .0016 .13 .0000 .0000 .8520 0.2 June, Slight. Slight. 1.30 3.70 1.70 .0010 .0246 .0226 .0020 .08 .0050 .0000 .9471 0.3 July,. V. slight. Slight. 0.85 3.60 1.45 .0008 .0190 .0172 .0018 .10 .0000 .0000 .5644 0.8 August, . Slight. Slight. 0.70 3.30 1.68 .0000 .0203 .0176 .0027 .12 .0000 .0000 .5938 1.0 September, Slight. Slight. 0.63 3.25 1.25 .0006 .0222 .0164 .0058 .14 .0000 .0001 .4004 0.9 'Jctober, . Slight. Slight. 0.45 3.15 1.05 .0000 .0170 .0152 .0018 .15 .0000 .0000 .4180 0.6 V. slight. Slight. 0.73 3.88 1.67 .0005 .0180 .0148 .0032 .19 .0000 .0000 .7899 1.0 December, V. slight. Slight. 0.65 3.70 1.35 .0000 .0152 .0126 .0026 .17 .0000 .0000 .6513 0.9 0.75 3.44 1.46 .0005 .0177 .0151 .0026 .14 .0018 .0000 .6453 0.7 This table is based upon analyses of fifteen samples collected from August, 1893, to November, 1894, 'nclusive. The samples were collected from the river, at the railroad bridge near Cold Brook station, >U the southeasterly part of the town of Barre. Excess of chloride, 0.03. Odor, generally distinctly veg- etable, rarely mouldy or unpleasant. 216 APPENDIX. Lake Winnipiseogee, New Hampshire. Chemical Examination of Water from Lake Winnipiseogee, N. H. [Parts per 100,000.] MONTH. Appearance. Residue on Evapora- tion. Ammonia. | Chlorine. Nitrogen as 1 Oxygen Consumed. 00 09 a •g Turbidity. fl Q a • o Total. Loss on Ignition. Albuminoid. Nitrates. Nitrites. © Dissolved. Sus- pended. January, . V. slight. V. slight. 0.03 1.98 0.53 .0001 .0074 .0058 .0016 .11 .0045 .0000 - - February,. V. slight. V. slight. 0.00 2.15 0.58 .0005 .0093 .0083 .0010 .12 .0055 .0000 - March, V. slight. V. slight. 0.02 2.03 0.58 .0016 .0108 .0097 .0011 .12 .0055 .0001 April, Slight. Slight. 0.00 2.03 0.53 .0000 .0096 .0083 .0013 .12 .0040 .0000 May,. V. slight V. slight. 0.02 2.10 0.58 .0000 .0088 .0075 .0013 .11 ■0015 .0000 - June, Slight. Slight. 0.00 2.34 0.77 .0001 .0083 .0079 .0013 .13 .0040 .0000 - July,. None. None. 0.00 2.10 0.55 .0001 .0091 .0077 .0014 .12 .0010 .0000 August, V. slight. V. slight. 0.00 2.26 0.51 .0006 .0088 .0072 .0016 .13 .0025 .0000 - September, V. slight. V. slight. 0.00 2.19 0.63 .0000 .0092 .0075 .0017 .13 .0065 .0000 - October, . V. slight. V. Blight. 0.03 2.05 0.53 .0000 .0099 .0095 .0004 .09 .0030 .0000 - November, Slight. Slight. 0.00 1.98 0.63 .0000 .0093 .0087 .0006 .10 .0045 .0000 - December, V. slight. Slight. 0.00 1.88 0.40 .0000 .0106 .0077 .0029 .12 .0035 .0000 - 0.01 2.09 0.57 .0002 .0093 .0079 .0014 .0038 .0000 - This table is based upon analyses made monthly, from June, 1887, to June, 1889, inclusive. The samples were collected at the Lake Company's dam at Lakeport, N. H. Excess of chlorine, 0.02» Odor, generally none, rarely vegetable. APPENDIX. 217 Appendix No. 6. WATER SUPPLY OF DIFFERENT QUALITIES FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES. By Dexter Brackett, C.E. At times during a number of years the water from the Sudbury River W1 Lake Cochituate has been subject to offensive tastes and odors, and at times it has more or less color, which renders it somewhat objectionable for table use. For this reason a large quantity of spring water has been sold in Boston, showing that many people are willing to pay an increased Price for drinking water which is pure, colorless and palatable. Surface water supplies where the water is received from a swampy ter- ritory, or where it is stored in artificial reservoirs from which the soil has hot been removed, generally furnish a water of high color that is subject to tastes and odors which may not be detrimental to health, but are certainly objectionable to the senses. The water from springs or wells is, on the other hand, in almost all oases colorless and free from objectionable tastes and odors ; the tempera- ture of the water is lower in summer than that of the surface waters ; and Mien obtained from a source which is not contaminated by sewage, a sup- ply of ground water is much preferable to a supply from a river or pond. Taking into consideration the great expense of removing all the soil from storage reservoirs or of constructing works for the filtration of the entire sUpply of the metropolitan district, the question naturally arises as to the Practicability of some division of the supply, either by supplying a spring °r ground water for drinking and cooking purposes, or by furnishing an Inferior water which would not be suitable for drinking or cooking, but '"'hich would be suitable for mechanical, manufacturing and other uses. The question will then be considered under these two heads : - First. - A supply of spring or ground water for drinking and culinary Purposes. Second. - A supply of water of inferior quality, not suitable for drink- ing or cooking, for mechanical, manufacturing and other purposes. 218 APPENDIX. A Supply of Spring or Ground Water for Drinking and Celina#1 The cities of Newton and Waltham and the town of Brookline now havC supplies of ground water of excellent quality, which are obtained from the gravelly soil in the valley of the Charles River. Some other towns in th1' metropolitan district now have supplies of ground water, but the quality of water is inferior to that furnished by the three places just mentioned. By combining and developing the supplies of Newton, Waltham Brookline, a daily supply of at least 12,000,000 gallons of excellent water can probably be obtained ; but it is evident that this quantity would be but a very small proportion of the total amount required for the metropolitan district for all purposes, and that, in order to utilize these works to supply water for drinking and cooking purposes to the whole district, a separate system of works would be required. The quantity of water actually required for drinking and culinary pui" poses is probably not more than three gallons daily per person ; and if the water were to be delivered by the jug or barrel, as the spring water now is» a much smaller quantity would suffice ; but in any public system of supply' where the water is distributed by pipes and can be had by opening * faucet, the quantity used would be much larger, and the unavoidable leak- age from the 1,600 miles of mains and the 150,000 house services required f01' distribution of the water would also be a very considerable amount, even if the greatest care were used in laying them. Considering these facts, it appears to me that six gallons daily per inhab- itant is the minimum quantity which should be estimated upon as a supply for drinking and cooking purposes, and this quantity will not be sufficient unless very stringent regulations are adopted to prevent the unnecessary use and waste of water. All the water should be supplied through meters, and the number and size of the faucets should be restricted, so that the opportunities for extrav- agant use and waste may be as few as possible. On this basis of six gallons per capita, the 12,000,000 gallons which the works of Newton, Waltham and Brookline can be expected to furnish will be sufficient for the needs of the whole metropolitan district until about the year 1920. It will then be necessary to obtain an additional quantity, and, although no careful study has been made, a general knowledge of the avail- able sources indicates that a limited supply may possibly be obtained in the upper portion of the Charles River valley, but that the most feasible source would be among the numerous ponds in the sandy soil in the vicinity of Plymouth. As before indicated, the utilization of the Newton, Waltham and Brook- line supplies for furnishing a supply of ground water to the entire metro- politan district will necessitate a distinct system of works, with pumping Purposes. APPENDIX. 219 stations, reservoirs and an entirely distinct system of pipe distribution. No surveys have been made for such a system, but in order to furnish an Hlea of the cost of this system of supply the following approximate esti- mate has been made, based upon the general cost of obtaining ground- water supplies, with a pipe distribution system of the same length as that how in use, but of much smaller sizes. As the introduction of a duplicate supply will necessitate additional plumbing in all houses, entailing additional expense to every water taker, the cost of this work should be considered in the estimate. It appears to hie that $40 per service is afair allowance for the cost of this house plumb- lug, and this amount has been included in the following estimate: - Works for collecting 12,000,000 gallons per day, . $1,200,000 Pumping stations and engines, 300,000 Reservoirs, 100,000 forcemains, 300,000 75,000 feet of twenty-four-inch pipe, at $4, . . . 300,000 25,000 feet of twenty-inch pipe, at $3.20, 80,000 116,000 feet of sixteen-inch pipe, at $2.40, . 278,400 25,000 feet of twelve-inch pipe, at $1.75, 166,250 175,000 feet of ten-inch pipe, at $1.50, .... 262,500 235,000 feet of eight-inch pipe, at $1.20, . . . 0 • 282,000 1)500,000 feet of six-inch pipe, at $1, . . . . . 1,500,000 6)400,000 feet of four-inch pipe, at $0.70, . 4,480,000 150,000 service pipes from mains to buildings at $10, . • . 1,500,000 150,000 meters, at $10, . 1,500,000 House plumbing, 150,000 services, at $40, . . . • • . 6,000,000 $18,249,150 Add ten per cent., for contingencies,. • • . 1,824,915 $20,074,065 Taking into consideration the cost of maintenance, including the depre- ciation of the 150,000 meters, the total yearly cost of maintenance has been estimated at 8400,000, to which must be added the interest and sink- ing fund requirements on the cost of the works, which can be estimated at four and one-half per cent., or $903,332.92, making the yearly cost of a supply °f ground or spring water for drinking and cooking purposes §1,303,332.92, or $1.30 for each inhabitant. A Supply of Water not Suitable for Drinking or Cooking, for Mechanical, Manufacturing and Other Purposes. There are many purposes for which the public water supply is now used for which a water of quality inferior to that required for drinking and cooking would be equally good. This statement applies not only to the 220 APPENDIX. supply for mechanical and manufacturing purposes, but also to that p of the domestic supply which is not used for drinking or cooking; but # the inferior water were introduced into houses, it would be very difficult if not impossible to so regulate the supply as to prevent its use for drinking purposes, with the consequent danger from typhoid fever and other kindred diseases caused by polluted drinking water. This difficulty is well illustrated by the experience of the city of Lav'' rence, as stated in the annual report of the State Board of Health for the year 1893 (page 559). As there stated, the city of Lawrence is non- furnished with a supply of filtered water, but in some of the factories a supply of unfiltered water from the canals is distributed to the sinks f°r washing purposes; and, although notices have been posted to warn the employees against drinking the canal water, nine deaths from typhoid fever occurred among the mill operatives from October, 1893, to May, 1894, and in every case they had drunk the unfiltered canal water. Th® total number of deaths in the city from this disease during the same time was seventeen. While it would not be advisable to use water of an inferior quality places where there would be danger of its being used for drinking, there are many places where its use would be attended with little if any danger to the health of the community. For the supply of steam boilers, railroads and elevators, for street sprinkling and for many manufacturing purposes, an inferior water not suitable for drinking or cooking would be equally good. If Mystic Lake should be abandoned as a source of water supply for drinking and cooking, as has been suggested by both the Boston Water Board and the State Board of Health, it can be utilized at a comparatively small expense to supply water of the inferior quality for the purposes above mentioned. The railroads, sugar refineries and many of the large manufacturing establishments of the metropolitan district are so located that they can be supplied by a very short system of pipe distribution. The accompanying plan shows a proposed system of distribution from the Mystic Works, which is designed to reach many of the largest consumers of water for mechanical and manufacturing purposes in Somerville, Cam- bridge, Charlestown, South Boston and Boston proper. It is estimated that the consumers on these lines of pipe now use between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 gallons of water per day for purposes for which the inferior water might be substituted. Under present conditions of operation, the safe capacity of the Mystic Works in a dry year is about 7,000,000 gallons per day; but a supply of 10,000,000 or 12,000,000 gallons can be obtained in most years, and when necessary the takers from these works could be supplied from the other sources, the distribution systems being connected. Plan No. 14*. APPENDIX 221 At seasons of the year when there is a surplus of water in the other sources of supply, and until the consumption of the district reaches the capacity of the present works, it may not be advisable to use the Mystic supply, as there will be an additional cost for pumping. The estimated cost of the mains is as follows: - From the Mystic distributing reservoir through Somerville and Charlestown, across the Charles River bridge and around the water front to Congress Street, 35,000 feet of thirty-inch pipe at $5.50, $192,500 Through the city of Cambridge, across Essex Street bridge, through Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue, Albany Street, Lehigh Street, South Street, Kneeland Street, Federal Street and Atlantic Avenue to Congress Street, 42,400 feet of twenty-four-inch pipe, at $4, 169,600 Across Congress Street bridge, through Congress and A streets to Dorchester Avenue, 6,200 feet of twenty-inch pipe at $3.25, 20,150 Through Huntington Avenue, Boylston, Eliot and Kneeland streets, 9,000 feet of twenty-inch pipe, at $3.25, 29,250 Through Charles, Leverett, Minot, Lowell, Lancaster, Merrimack, Travers and Charlestown streets, 10,400 feet of twenty-inch pipe at $3.25, • 33,800 Siphons and bridge crossings, 75,000 Add ten per cent., for contingencies, $520,300 52,030 $572,330 222 APPENDIX. Appendix No. 7. SANITARY EXAMINATION OF NASHUA RIVER WATER- SHED. The tables which follow contain the results of an inspection of the mills and villages upon the Nashua River water-shed, made by Mr. Chester W. Smith. The mills which will be flooded by the proposed reservoir are not included in the tables. A summary of the results of the inspection is given below. Summary. Kind of Mill o r Factory. Number of Mills or Factories. Operatives Employed. Woolen, 7 550 Cotton, . 3 110 W ood-working, 16 108 Shoddy, 6 30 Tannery, 1 15 Emery wheel, 1 15 Pottery, 1 12 Grist and cider, 3 7 Total, . 38 847 Number of villages in water-shed having a population of more than 100, 10 Population in villages, 4,446 Population in villages, exclusive of those living within limits of proposed reservoir, 2,979 Statistics of Mills and Factories on ISTaslnia River Water-shed. TOWN. Stream. Description of Mill or Factory. Power Used. Horse- power of Steam- Head and Fall in Feet. Size and Kind of Water Wheel. Number of Hands em- ployed. Character and Amount of Material used per Year, as far as known. Disposal of Human Wastes. Disposal of Manufact- uring Wastes. Character of Manufacturing Wastes. 1 West Boylston, Malden Brook, .... Goodale's excelsior mill, . Water, - 18 18" Tyler scroll, 2 - - - - - Privies, . r Taken away, . Sawdust and shavings, 1 2 West Boylston, Quinepoxet River, .... Harris cotton mill, .... Water and steam, 50 16 Holyoke turbine, . 90 Raw cotton, Privies over stream, No waste, 2 3 West Boylston, Quinepoxet River, .... Whiting cotton mill, .... Water and steam, 85 20 96" Hunt horizontal wheel, . Raw cotton, Privies over stream, - No waste, 3 4 West Boylston, Quinepoxet River, .... Benson's shoddy mill, W ater, - 12 48" Turbine, .... 5 300 tons of rags, Privy over stream,. Burned, .... Sweepings and some waste rags, 4 5 West Boylston, Quinepoxet River, .... Warfield's cotton yarn mill, W ater, - 19 48" Turbine, ...» 20 Raw cotton, Privies, . - No waste, 5 6 West Boylston, Stillwater River, .... Howe's saw mill, .... Steam, 35 - - " 25 1,200,000 feet of logs, .... Privies, • Taken away, . Sawdust and shavings, 6 7 Holden, . Quinepoxet River, .... Glen woollen mill, .... Water and steam, 50 17 Two 30" Hunt turbines, 35 Shoddy and cotton warp, Privies over stream, Into stream, . 1,100 gallons daily of spent speck dye stuff and wash water, . 7 8 Holden, . Quinepoxet River, .... Canada shoddy mill, .... Water and steam, 30 10 36" Turbine, .... 3 300 tons of rags, Privies, . Burned, .... Sweepings and some waste rags 8 9 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Farmer's saw and shoddy mill, . Water, - 27 30" Whitney turbine, 2 1,000,000 feet of timber, Privies, . Principally burned, Sawdust, . 9 10 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Howe's shoddy mill, .... Water, - 14 60" Leffel turbine, . 3 225 tons of rags, Privies, . Into stream, . 22 tons of waste rags and sweepings annually,...... 10 11 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River. . Bryant's cider, grist and planing mill, Steam, 10 - - 2 Product 1,200 barrels of cider, Privies, . Into stream, . Pomace and shavings, 11 12 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Chaffinville shoddy mill, . W ater, - 15* Two 15" Hercules turbines, . 2 150 torts of rags, Privy over stream,. Burned, .... Sweepings and some waste rags, ........ 12 13 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Dawson's woollen mill, Steam, 100 - _ - 65 Wool, 65 tons of woollen shoddy, 15,000 Privies over stream, Into stream, . Discharge annually the refuse from 15,000 pounds of logwood and 500 13 pounds of logwood. pounds of aniline dyes, besides considerable soda-ash and soap [24 21" Turbine, .... 14 Holden, . Asnebumskit Brook, Lovellville woollen mill, . Water and steam, 50 i is 21" Turbine, .... 50 Cotton warp and rags, .... Privies over stream, Into stream, . 1,000 gallons daily of spent dye stuff and wash water, .... 14 [14 30" Turbine, .... 15 Holden, . Asnebumskit Brook, Day's shoddy mill, .... Water and steam, 25 23} 21" Turbine, .... 15 900 tons of rags, Privies, . Burned, .... Sweepings and some waste rags, 15 16 Holden, . Branch of Asnebumskit Brook, Warren's tannery, .... Steam, 50 - - 15 10,000 hides, Privies, . Into stream, . 4,000 gallons daily of spent tanning liquor, containing lime, etc., . 16 ( 9 33" Hercules turbine, 17 Holden, . Asnebumskit Brook, Jefferson woollen mill (lower), Water and steam, 150 < 1150 Product 300,000 yards of | cloth, wool Closets into stream, Into stream, . Discharge daily 3 pailfuls of soda-ash and 1 pailful of soap, also consid- 17 (13 30" Hercules turbine, and woollen shoddy. erable quantities of refuse from logwood and aniline dyes. 18 Holden, . Asnebumskit Brook, Jefferson woollen mill (upper), Water and steam, 150 26 27" Hercules turbine, 100 Woollen shoddy, cotton warp and wool. Product 900,000 yards of | cloth. Closets into stream, Into stream, . Considerable quantities of waste from speck dyeing and fulling, . 18 19 Holden, • Quinepoxet River, .... Quinepoxet woollen mill, , Water and steam, 100 25 27" Turbine, .... 100 Cotton warp and woollen rags, Closets into stream, Into stream, . 3,000 gallons daily of spent dye stuff and wash water, .... 19 20 Holden, . Quinepoxet River, .... North Woods woollen mill, Water and steam, 40 19 21" Holyoke turbine, 50 Wool and woollen shoddy, Closets into stream, Into stream, . One barrel of waste logwood and aniline dye stuff, also three pailfuls of soap, discharged daily. 20 21 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Austin's saw mill, .... Water, - 24 15" Orange turbine, ( 3< 100,000 feet of timber, .... Privies, . Burned, .... Sawdust, 21 22 Holden, . Branch of Quinepoxet River, . Austin's moulding mill, Water and steam, 45 19 14" Orange horizontal wheel, ( / _____ Privies, . Burned, .... Sawdust and shavings, 22 23 Paxton, . Asnebumskit Brook, Harrington's saw mill, Water, - 22 20" Houston turbine, ? J 350,000 feet of timber, . Privies, . Into stream, Sawdust, ............. 1 23 24 Paxton, . Asnebumskit Brook, Harrington's box shop, Water, - 28 9" Hercules turbine, 5 ( 200,000 feet of boards Privies, . Burned, .... Sawdust and shavings, . 1 24 25 Sterling, . Waushacum Brook, Sterling basket factory, Water and steam, 28 8 40" Leffel turbine, . 6 100,000 feet of oak timber, Privy over stream, . Burned, .... Sawdust and shavings, .......... 25 26 Sterling, . Waushacum Brook, W mshacum pottery, .... Steam, 10 - - 12 - - - - - Privies, . Dumped near by, • Broken ware and ashes, .......... 26 27 Sterling, • Stillwater River, .... Sterling emery wheel factory, • Water and steam, 8 11 Two 18" Orange turbines, 15 310,000 pounds of emery, Privy over stream,. - No waste, 27 f 36" Blake turbine, . 28 Sterling, . Stillwater River, .... Alien's grist and cider mill, Water, - 13 (36" Clark turbine, . ) 3 18,000 bushels of apples, 12 carloads of grain. Privies, . Principally taken away, Pomace, 28 29 Sterling, . Justice Brook,. .... Washington saw and grist mill, Water, - 11 Two 36" turbines, . 2 1,000 bushels of grain, 175,000 feet of timber. Privies, Partly into stream, Sawdust, 29 30 Princeton,, Branch of South Wachusett Brook, Bigelow's saw and grist mill, . Steam, 45 - - 9 30 car loads of grain, 700,000 feet of timber. Privies, Burned or taken away,. Sawdust, 30 31 Princeton, East Wachusett Brook, . Buck's chair shop, .... Water and steam, 15 24* 15" Hercules turbine, 20 1,200 cords of timber, . Privy over stream, . Principally burned, Sawdust and shavings, . 31 32 Princeton, East Wachusett Brook, . Parker's turning and grist mill, . Water, 23 22" Leffel turbine, . 4 200 cords of timber, . . . • Privy over stream,. Into stream, . Sawdust and shavings, 32 33 Princeton, East Wachusett Brook, . Buck's saw mill,..... Water, - 14 44" Leffel turbine, . 2 1,200 cords of timber, . . • • Privies, Principally taken away, Sawdust, . • • • 33 34 Princeton, Keyes' Brook, Keyes' toy shop, J W ater, - 10 6 ~ - - _ - _ - - - 34 ♦ f 30" Tyler turbine, . 1 35 Princeton, Keyes' Brook, . . . . • Temple's saw mill and chair shop, . Water and steam, 25 17 24" Tyler turbine, . j 12 300,000 feet of timber, . . • ■ Privy over stream, • Into stream, . Sawdust and shavings, . . 35 ( 24" Whitney turbine, 36 Princeton, Keyes' Brook, . Stewart's chair shop, . • ■ • W ater, - 16 30" National turbine, 9 200,000 feet of lumber, . • • • Privy over stream, • Burned, . . • • Sawdust and shavings, ....... 36 37 Leominster, Justice Brook, . . . • Bartlett's chair shop, . • • ■ Water, - 8 24" Leffel turbine, . f product 10,000 chairs. . • • • Privies, Into stream, . Sawdust and shavings, 37 (" 24" Tyler turbine, . 38 Leominster, Justice Brook, .... Bartlett's saw mill, .... Water, *- 15 (30" Whitney turbine, 1 100,000 feet of timber, .... Privies, . Into stream, . Sawdust and shavings, . 38 * Ilaceway receives water from bottom of dam; 10 feet more head could be utilized. t Raceway receives Water froBa bottora of dam; 20 feet more head could be utilized. | Not run at present; owner dead. APPENDIX. 223 NAME. Number of Houses. Number of People. Occupation. Nationality. Water Supply. Disposal of Human Wastes. Remarks. Jefferson, 73 500 Woolen mill opera- tives. French Canadian, Irish and American. Wells, Privies. Holden, .... 86 400 Farmers and tanners, American, . One-third by pipe from spring, balance wells. Privies. East Princeton, 31 120 Farmers and chair- shop employees. American, . One-half by pipe from spring, balance wells. Privies. Princeton, 50 200 Farmers, . American, . . Wells, Privies, For three months in summer the population is increased to 500. Sterling Centre, . 90 550 Farmers, . American, . Wells, Privies, The natu ral drainage of ninety per cent, of village is to- ward a branch of the Still- water River, and of ten per cent, toward Wekepeke Brook. Sterling Camp Ground, 155 American, . Public wells, .... Privies, For three months in summer population is 550 and for one week it is increased to 3,000. Forty per cent, of village, in- cluding all of poorer por- tion, obliterated by pro- posed reservoir. Oakdale, ... 141 1,256 Cotton mill opera- tives. French Canadian and American. Wells, Privies, West Boylston, . 127 732 Cotton mill opera- tives. French Canadian, American and Irish. Wells, Privies, Sixty-five per cent, of village obliterated by proposed reservoir. Boylston Common, 95 398 Farmers, ... American, . Wells Privies, Fifteen, per cent, of village obliterated by proposed reservoir. Boylston Centre, . 20 110 Farmers, . American, » Wells Privies. Boylston, . . 19 180 Cotton mill opera- tives. French Canadian, Eng- lish, Irish and Amer- ican. Eighty per cent .fromNashua River, balance wells. Privies and cess- pool nearriver. Entire village obliterated by proposed reservoir. STATISTICS OF VILLAGES ON NASHUA RIVER WATER-SUED. * No permanent population. INDEX. • PAGE Act providing for investigation of metropolitan water supply, iii Act, metropolitan water xxii Analyses of water from sources investigated, 202 Aqueduct, Nashua-Sudbury, description of, 139 Estimated cost of, 146 Reservoir No. 5, Boston water works, to Weston, 144 Estimated cost of, 72,145 Arlington: - Population 154 Description of source, 58 Capacity of source 6, 58 Consumption of water, 6, 59 Quality of water 59 Future supply, . 60,101 Included in metropolitan water district xxii Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether the town should enter metropolitan water district, .... 101 Assabet River xx Investigations of, as a source of water supply 117 Estimated cost of works for taking water from, 118 Analyses of water, 208 Assawompsett and other ponds in Lakeville, investigation of, as a source of water supply, . 115 Analyses of water ' . 209 Belmont: - Included in metropolitan water district xxii Cost of independent supply for 58 See also " Watertown." Berlin, Germany, growth of population in, . 156 Boston: - Population, . .......... 4,154 Description of sources 14,19 Capacity of sources, . . • . • • . . 6, 14, 19,86 Consumption of water 6, 15, 20, 86, 160 Quality of water, - 16,21 Future supply, 18, 21, 86 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in *74 Statement as to whether it should enter metropolitan water district 86 Amounts received from Somerville, Chelsea and Everett for water from 1890 to 1894, . . 88 Boy Is ton : - Assessed valuation of real estate in whole town and in portion to be taken, .... xix, 131 Reference to incidental damages xviii Water supply of xxvii, 125 Brackett, Dexter, C.E.: - Report upon present and future consumption of water in the metropolitan district, . . 157 Report on water supply of different qualities for different purposes, ..... 217 Reference to 2 Brookline: - Population, 4,154 Description of source, 49 226 INDEX Brookline : - Con. page Capacity of source, 6, 49 Consumption of water, 6, 50, 161 Quality of water, 50 Future supply, 51,99 Included in metropolitan water district with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether it should enter metropolitan water district, 99 Cambridge: - Population, 4, 154 Description of source 22 Capacity of source 22 Consumption of water * . , 6, 22, 160 Quality of water, 23 Future supply, 24, 89 Included in metropolitan water district with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether it should enter metropolitan water district 89 Analyses of water 206 Central Massachusetts Railroad, reference to in act, xxvi Charles River, referred to in report of consulting engineer, xxxv Investigations of, as a source of water supply Ill Flow of, 13 Analyses of, 209 Charlestown. See "Boston." Chelsea: - Population, 4, 154 Description of source 19 Capacity of source 19 Consumption of water, 6, 20, 160 Quality of water, 21 Future supply 21, 87 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether it should enter metropolitan water district 87 Amounts paid city of Boston for water from 1890 to 1894, . 88 Chicago, growth of population in Chief engineer, report of, 1 Cities and towns within ten miles of the State House 4 Cities and towns recommended to constitute the metropolitan water district, .... xtii, xxii Clinton, water supply of, 123 Cochituate Lake, quality of water 16 Analyses of water, 205 Cochituate works defined 14 Consumption of water 6, 15 Consulting engineer, report of, xxxiv Consumption of water: - Report by Dexter Brackett upon consumption of water, 157 In cities in United States, 159 In cities and towns in metropolitan district xi, 5,160, 161 Per inhabitant for domestic use, 175 For mechanical, trade and manufacturing purposes 165, 175 For public uses, 175 Amount to be allowed per inhabitant 175 Future, in metropolitan district, 7,175 Cost, estimated, of works to supply metropolitan district, 145 Damages, for diversion of water from Nashua River and incidental damages, estimated cost of, 147 • Method of assessing, Sxiv Davis, Joseph P., consulting engineer, report of, xxxiv Reference to 2 Dedham, not included in metropolitan district, 4 Consumption of water in, 161 INDEX 227 j. PAGE ■Deerfield River, investigations of, as a source of water supply, 121 Analyses of water 210 ®rown, Thomas M., M.D., report on the amount and character of organic matter in soils and its hearing on the storage of water in reservoirs, ......... 188 Reference to x 3 Everett: - Population 754 Description of source, 19 Capacity of source 6 19 Consumption of water 6, 20,160 Quality of water, 21 Future supply, 21 87 Included in metropolitan water district xxii Hap showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether it should enter metropolitan water district, 87 Amount paid city of Boston for water from 1890 to 1894, 88 Expenditures for metropolitan water-supply investigation, xxi Filtration of water of Merrimack River, xxxvi, 104 Financial statement, 80 FitzGerald, Desmond, C.E., report by, on the improvement of the quality of the Sudbury River water by the drainage of swamps, 176 Reference to x 3 Future population in metropolitan district, 7,154 Ground water supplies, 9 Capacity of 12 In the vicinity of Boston, 13 Quality of water of, 9 Hazen, Allen, reference to, 105 Holden, water supply of, xxvii, 125 Hyde Park : - Population, 4 154 Description of source, 41 Capacity of source 41 Consumption of water, 6, 42,160 Quality of water, 42 Future supply, 43,97 Included in metropolitan water district , . xxii Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 97 Ipswich River, investigations of as a source of water supply, . 114 Analyses of water, • 210 Lake Winnipiseogee. See " Winnipiseogee, Lake." Lancaster, water supply of xxvii, 125 Lancaster Mills, provision for taking down and rebuilding dam Supply of power to, Leicester, water supply of xxvii, 125 Lexington: - Population, z 154 Description of source, ... 65 Capacity of source, 65 Consumption of water, Quality of water, 66 Future supply, 66,102 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 102 London, Eng., growth of population in, Lynn and Saugus: - Population, 4,154 Description of sources, 25 Capacity of sources, 25 Consumption of water 27,160 Quality of water, 27 228 INDEX Lynn and Saugus: - Con. PAGE Future supply, 28, 93 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Map, showing main pipes in, Statement as to whether these places should enter the metropolitan water district, . . 93,94 Analyses of water, 207, 208 Main, Charles T., reference to, - Malden: - Population, 4,154 Description of sources 35 Capacity of sources, 6, 36 Consumption of water, . . 6,36 Quality of water, 37 Future supply,. . . 37,95 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 95 Marblehead, not included in metropolitan district, 5 Massachusetts Board of Railroad Commissioners, reference to, in act, xxvii Massachusetts Highway Commission, reference to, in act xxvi Medford: - Population, 4, 154 Description of sources, 51 Capacity of sources, . 6, 51 Consumption of water, . • 6, 62 Quality of water, 53 Future supply 53,99 Included in Metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 99 Melrose- Population, 4,154 Description of sources, . . 55 Capacity of sources, . • 6, 55 Consumption of water, . - 6, 55,161 Quality of water, 56 Future supply, 56,100 Included in metropolitan water district xxii Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, . . . 100 Merrimack River, referred to in report of Board xv Referred to in report of consulting engineer, xxxv Referred to in report of chief engineer 103 Filtration of water from 105 Estimated cost of works for taking water from 107 Analyses of water, .... 211 Metropolitan district: - Defined 3 List of cities and towns within ten miles of State House 3 Population within ten miles of State House, 4, 154 Present condition of water supply of cities and towns in, 14 Capacity of sources now supplying, 6 Consumption of water in, 1890, 1894, 1898 6 Per inhabitant 8 Future population and consumption of water in 8 Report upon present and future consumption of water in, by Dexter Brackett, C.E., . 157 Proposed distribution of water through, 73 Pumping stations, 141 Estimated cost of 146, 147 Receiving and distributing reservoirs, 142 Estimated cost of, 147 Pipe systems, 143 Estimated cost of, 147 INDEX. 229 Metropolitan district: - Con. page Cost of existing water works, 1883 to 1893, 81 Net water debt, 1883 to 1893, 81 Revenue from water rates, 1883 to 1893 82 Cost of maintaining water works, 1883 to 1893 82 Estimated cost of proposed works for supplying water 84, 145 Report upon water supply of different qualities for different purposes, by Dexter Brackett, G.E 217 See also " Metropolitan water district." Metropolitan water act, xxii Metropolitan water board, provision for appointment of,' xxii Metropolitan water district, cities and towns to be included in, xxii See also " Metropolitan district." Metropolitan water loan xxx Amount required for interest and sinking fund 84 Metropolitan water-supply investigations, appropriations and expenditures for, .... xxi Milton: - Population, 4,154 Description of source, 41 Capacity of source 6, 41 Consumption of water 6, 42,160 Quality of water 42 Future supply, 43,97 Included in metropolitan water district xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 97 Mystic works, consumption of water, 20 Mystic Lake, quality of water, 21 Analyses of water, 205 Nahant. Bee " Swampscott." Nashua River: - Point of taking defined xxiii 12,000,000 gallons of water per week to be let run past lowest dam xxvii Capacity of as a source of supply, 69 Quality of water, 75, 212 Compared with other sources, 76, 77 Time required to introduce water from, 79 Estimated cost of damages for diversion of water from, and incidental damages, ... 147 Analyses of water, 212, 213 Report of consulting engineer on, xxxvii Outline of proposed plan for taking water from, 67 Detailed description of proposed plan for taking water from 125 Water-shed: - Description of, 68,125 Improvement of 125 Estimated cost of, Statistics relating to, Mills and factories on, 222 Sanitary examination of . • 222 Reservoir: - Description of, Area and capacity of at different elevations, Compared with other large reservoirs 129 Removal of soil from, 188 Statistics relating to, 130 Estimated cost of, Compared with other reservoirs, 70 Main dam, Dikes, Relocation of railroads and highways around reservoir, 138 Nashua-Sudbury aqueduct. See " Aqueduct." Newton: - Population, 4,154 Description of source, 33 230 INDEX Newton : - Con. page Capacity of source 6, 33 Consumption of water, 6,34,160 Quality of water 35 Future supply, 35, 94 Included in metropolitan water district with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 94 New York, growth of population in ' ... . 155 Noyes, Albert F., reference to 1 Organic matter in soils, on the amount and character of, and its bearing on the storage of water in reservoirs, by Thomas M. Drown, M.D., 188 Paris, France, growth of population in 154 Paxton, water supply of xxvii, 125 Philadelphia, growth of population in, 155 Pipe systems for distributing water through metropolitan district 74, 143 Estimated cost of, 147 Population, past, present and future in metropolitan district 151, 152, 154 Growth of, in London 153, 156 Paris 154 New York, Philadelphia and Chicago 155 Berlin, 156 Of villages on Nashua River water-shed, 223 Princeton, water supply of, .... . xxvii, 125 Pumping stations 141 Estimated cost of, 146 Quincy: - Population, 4, 154 Description of source 40 Capacity of source 6, 40 Consumption of water 6, 40, 160 Quality of water, 41 Future supply 41, 96 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in, • . . 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 96 Reading, not included in metropolitan district, 5 Report of State Board of Health ix Report of chief engineer 1 Report of consulting engineer xxxiv Reservoirs, receiving and distributing, in metropolitan district 142 Estimated cost of, 147 Resolve extending time for report upon metropolitan water supply, ill Revere and Winthrop : - Population, . ... • 4, 154 Description of source 53 Capacity of source 6, 53 Consumption of water, . .* 6, 54, 161 Quality of water 54 Future supply 54, 100 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether these places should enter the metropolitan water district, . . 100 Richardson, Thomas F., reference to 2 Rutland, water supply of, xxvii, 125 Sanitary examination of Nashua River water-shed, 222 Saugus, statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, . . 94 See also " Lynn." Sebago Lake, Maine, Investigations of, as a source of water supply, 117 Shawsheen River, investigations of, as a source of water supply 113 Analyses of water, 213 Soil, removal of, from reservoirs, 11, 188 Removal of, from Nashua reservoir 136 INDEX. 231 Somerville:- page Population 4,154 Description of source, 19 Capacity of source, 6,19 Consumption of water, 6, 20,160 Quality of water, 21 Future supply, , 21,87 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in • 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 87 Amount paid city of Boston for water from 1890 to 1894, 88 Sources of water supply, general remarks regarding, 8 Capacity of, now supplying metropolitan district, 6 Of supply investigated 102 Chemical analyses of water from, 202 South Branch of Nashua River. See " Nashua River." Spot Pond, xviii Squannacook River and other tributaries of the Nashua 122 State Board of Health, report of ix To make rules and regulations for sanitary protection of metropolitan water supply, . . xxix Stearns, F. P., chief engineer, report of, 1 Sterling, water supply of xxvii, 125 Stoneham. Bee " Wakefield." Sudbury River, improvement of water-shed of, 140 Estimated cost of, 146 Quality of water 16 Analyses of water: Reservoir No. 2, 204 Reservoir No. 3, 204 Cost of aqueduct and open channel from Nashua River to Reservoir No. 5, . . . . 146 Cost of additional pipe from Dam No. 3 to Dam No. 1, 146 Surface water supplies 10 Quality of, 10 Effect of storage in reservoirs, 11 Capacity of sources, 11 Swamps, drainage of, 10, 176 Swampscott and Nahant: - Population, 64 Description of sources, 64 Capacity of sources, ' 6, 64 Consumption of water, . . 6, 64 Quality of water 65 Future supply, 65,101 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Statement as to whether these places should enter the metropolitan water district, . . 101 Swift River: - Investigations of, as source of water supply 120 Water-shed, 120 Reservoir 120 Compared with other large reservoirs 129 Tunnel from, to Nashua River Reservoir, 120 Analyses of water 214, 215 Referred to in report of Board xvii Wakefield and Stoneham : - Population, / 4, 154 Description of source 46 Capacity of source, . . . • 6,46 Consumption of water 6, 46, 160 Quality of water, 47 Future supply, 47,98 Included in metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether these places should enter the metropolitan water district, . . 98 232 INDEX. Waltham: - page Population 4, 154 Description cyf source, 37 Capacity of source, 6, 37 Consumption of water, 6, 38, 160 Quality of water 39 Future supply 39, 96 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii . Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether this city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 96 Ware River: - Investigated as a source of water supply 118 Water-shed 119 Reservoir 119 Compared with other large reservoirs, 129 Tunnel from, to the Nashua River, 119 Estimates of cost for taking water from 119 Analyses of water, 215 Referred to in report of Board, xvi Water: - Consumption of, in metropolitan district xi, 5,161 Chemical analyses of, from sources investigated 202 A separate supply of spring or ground water for drinking and culinary purposes, . . 218 A separate supply of water of inferior quality for mechanical, manufacturing and other purposes, 219 Water debt of cities and towns in metropolitan district, 81,83 Water revenue, metropolitan district, 82, 83 Water-sheds, improvement of, by drainage of swamps 10, 125,140 Water supply, general remarks regarding sources of, 8 Watertown and Belmont: - Population 4,154 Description of source, 57 Capacity of source, 6, 57 Consumption of water 6, 57,167 Quality of water 58 Future supply, 58, 100 Included in Metropolitan water district, xxii Map showing main pipes in 74 Statement as to whether they should enter metropolitan water district 100 Water works in metropolitan district, total cost of, 81, 83 Wellesley, not included in metropolitan district 5 West Boylston, assessed valuation of real estate in whole town and in portion to be taken, . xix, 131 Reference to incidental damages, xviii Water supply of xxvii, 125 Westfield River, investigated as of water supply xvii, 122 Winchester: - Population 4, 154 Description of source, 60 Capacity of source, 60 Consumption of water 62 Quality of water, 63 Future supply, 63, 101 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced xxii Map showing main pipes in, 74 Statement as to whether the town should enter the metropolitan water district, . . . 101 Winnipiseogee, Lake: - Referred to in report of Board xiv Referred to in report of consulting engineer xxxvi Investigations of, as a source of water supply 108 Estimated cost of works for taking water from, 110 Analyses of water, 216 Winthrop. See ''Revere." INDEX. 233 Woburn:- page Population, 454 Description of source 43 Capacity of source, 43 Consumption of water 44 igO Quality of water, 45 Future supply 45, 98 Included in metropolitan water district, with local option as to when metropolitan supply shall be introduced Map showing main pipes in, • , 74 Statement as to whether the city should enter the metropolitan water district, ... 98 Worcester, Nashua & Rochester Railroad, reference to, in act, xxvi Worcester, water supply of, xxvii 124