WAA B875r 1897 63120300R NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 4S SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. Section,.............................. .........-\..... 8 /.SW73 No NLM051469436 "^' vv wl • ' .: e-«i * R EPORT ROCKVILLE CENTRE LABORATORY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN, Z. TAYLOR EMERY, JVL D. COMMISSIONER OF HEAL TH. ON THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE SANITARY CON- DITION OF THE BROOKLYN WATER SUPPLY BY IIIBBERT HILL, M. B., Biologist Aid Dirjfl;J |> JJ A 1>"V SURGEON GCNCRALSjOmCE JOSEPH W. ELLMS, Chemist. "r MUE E. II. WILSON, M. D., Consulting Bacteriologist, - , ,f _ Brooklyn, N. Y. Stevenson & Marsters, Stationers and Printers, 391 Fulton Street. i897- B&7SV TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 1. Letter of Commissioner of Health to the Mayor. ... 3 2. Letter to Commissioner of Health................ 6 3. Introduction.................................; 7 4. Part I........................................ 9 General Description of Water shed............. 9 Synopsis of Analytical Results................. 13 Surface Supplies.......................... 13 Ridge wood Reservoir..................... 81 Driven Wells............................. 96 Summary and Conclusions..................... 106 Chemical...............................,. 106 Bacterial.............................. 120 Microscopical............................. 135 Discussion and Classification of Sources of Supply. 141 5. Part II .................................... 159 Routine Operation of the Laboratory............ 159 Methods of Analysis........................... 162 Chemical............................... 162 Microscopical............. .............. 163 Bacterial............................... 164 Interpretation of Analytical Results............ 170 Chemical................................. 170 Microscopical............................. 175 Bacterial................................. 175 6. Introduction to Tables........... ............. 178 7. Tables—Chemical, Microscopical, Bacterial & Special 181 OF THIi CITY OF BROOKLYN. 3 BROOKLYN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. commissioner's office, 38 and 40 CLINTON street, Brooklyn, December 15th, 1896. Hon. F. W. Wurster, Mayor. Sir : I have the honor to present to you herewith the report of the operations of the members of the Department at the Rock- ville Centre Laboratory, for the year 1S97. It is fitting at this time to recall the preliminary steps which have led up to the establishment of the laboratory and of the development of the plan of the work which has thus far been accomplished. ■ Early in the spring of 1894 I directed a systematic inspection of the water-shed constituting the drainage area of the water supply of Brooklyn, and early determined that some of the individual sources of supply seriously menaced the public health of this city. It was found that Baiseley's Pond received the drainage of the village of Jameco, and chemical analysis showed it to be badly contaminated. Upon my advice that source of supply was cut out of service. The condition of Horse Brook, supplying Hempstead Storage Reservoir, was also found to need serious attention, but the necessity for keeping up the quantity of the general supply did not admit of as summary treatment of this source of pollution as was possible in the case of Baiseley's Pond. The same was true of Springfield Pond and its feeders. These and similar investigations of other sources of the water supply, led to the report of 1895 ; advising the establishment 4 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY of a laboratory for the exclusive chemical and biological examinations by the Department of Health. In the beginning of 1892 the condition of the funds of the Department was found inadequate to carry out these recom- mendations upon the scale proposed. A large number of chemical analyses were made of samples selected and delivered to this Department by the City Works Department. Detailed inspections of the water-shed were continued throughout the year. A large number of bacteriological and microscopical examinations were also made. This plan was believed to be unsatisfactory for the reasons which have been fully discussed in my annual report of 1895, page 168 to 171, and the following plan of work was outlined (page 171). "I. Quantitative and qualitative bacteriological examination of the entire water-shed, beginning with the stations already mentioned and gradually including all the feeders. This work would have to be continued over a number of years to be of any value. " II. Parallel chemical analyses ; samples being taken at the same time as the bacteriological ones. " III. A general examination of the higher flora of the water-shed, especially of bodies of still water where such growths are apt to alter the composition of the water and produce disagreeable tastes and odors. " IV. Experimental work in filtration, to determine the best methods of purifi- cation of those sources of supply which may be already contaminated, but which, for economic reasons, cannot be discarded.'1 Owing to the still greater inadequacy of the Department funds in January, 1896, the work was limited to the lines of 1895, with the exception that we were unable to continue our inspections. During the summer the tastes and odors of the water furnished to the city became extremely offensive, causing general dissatisfaction and uneasiness among our citizens. Believing that you would sustain me under the emergency OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 5 act, I immediately caused a series of inspections to be made, to- gether with chemical and biological examinations, in order to determine the specific cause and source of the tastes and odors, and their effects upon the public health. I reported to you September 8th,1896,the results of these investigations together with recommendations for the proper remedy. Promptly recognizing the importance of the situation and of my recommendations in view of the same, you authorized the expenditure of a sufficient sum to establish and carry on a labor- atory at Rockville Centre for a representative and continuous investigation of the sources of the water supply. The laboratory was established and put in operation in due course of time, and the results obtained during the first year's work are herewith transmitted. Much has been accomplished, but more remains to be done, and 1 strongly urge the continuance of the work so well begun. Respectfully submitted, Z. Taylor Emery, M. D., Commissioner of Health. (i REPORT on the water supply Rockville Centre Laboratory, Rockville Centre, L. I., Dec. 1st, 1897. To the Honorable Z. Taylor Emery, M. D., Commissioner of Health. Sir: We herewith submit a report on the sanitary condition of the water supply of the City of Brooklyn, based on an investigation made by this Laboratory, pursuant to your instructions of October, 1896. You directed that the water supply be examined analytically and by means of personal inspection for a period of one year, in order that the fluctuations, seasonal and otherwise, in the character of the supply might be studied, and that their real significance in relation to the sanitary condition of the supply might be determined. Your instructions have been carried out, and it remains only to submit to you the results. Respectfully yours, Hibbert Hill, Joseph W. Ellms. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 7 INTRODUCTION. ORGANIZATION OF THE ROCKVILLE CENTRE LABORATORY. The Rockville Centre Laboratory was established by the Com- missioner of Health of the City of Brooklyn in the month of Octo- ber, 1896, for the purpose of investigating the sanitary condition of the ^Brooklyn water supply. This involved the obtaining of com- parative and continuous records of analyses, chemical, microscopi- cal and bacteriological, from each individual source of supply. Up to that time no extensive information of this nature was on record. Only by such data could the normal fluctuations of each supply at various seasons of the year and under various meteorological con- ditions be followed, and departures from the normal be detected. The sanitary inspection of the water shed was also undertaken, in order that the origin of pollution as indicated by analytical re- sults might be located, and recommendations made for the abate- ment of the same. The site for the laboratory was selected as nearly as possible at the centre of the water-shed. Every provision for thorough equip- ment was made, and in December, 1896, the work was commenced. In its earlier course the work was conducted by a resident biolo- gist and a resident assistant chemist, responsible, respectively, to the chiefs of the Bureaus of Bacteriology and of Chemistry of the Brooklyn Department of Health. Early in July the Laboratory was organized by the Commissioner of Health on an independent basis in order to meet the increasing requirements of the work. The resident biologist was appointed as Director. The assistant chemist severed his connection with the Laboratory about this time, 8 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY and was succeeded by Mr. J. W. Ellms of the Massachusetts State Board of Health Laboratory, whose services were secured in July. Dr. E. H. Wilson, Director of the Hoagland Laboratory, was appointed Consulting Bacteriologist. The time allotted for the compiling of the report has been un- avoidably short. Many points of special interest have been omitted, therefore, in order that the main object of the work, in determining the sanitary condition of the supply, might be exhaustively treated. Especial attention has been given to the question of the relative purity7 of the present sources of supply in order that the problem of the future supply of Brooklyn may be better understood, and intel- ligent efforts directed to placing the supply on the best possible san- itary footing. The report is submitted in two parts. The first part consists of descriptions of the sources of supply and synopses of the analyses made, together with the conclusions and recommendations based upon the whole work, so far as it has been carried. The second part presents the methods followed in the conduct of the work and in the interpretation of results, together with tables showing the analyses in detail, and tables illustrative of special points. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 9 REPORT ON THE Water Supply OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. PART 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WATER-SHED. The drainage area which yields the whole of the Brooklyn water supply with the exception of that derived from a few driven wells at Gravesend and New Utrecht, consists of the level plains of the western end of Long Island, lying between a ridge of low hills on the north, and the Atlantic Ocean on the south. The eastern limit is, approximately, aline running north and south through the village of Massapequa. The western limit reaches East New York in the city of Brooklyn. The greater part of this area lies therefore in the conntyr of Queens, and is divided into the towns, Oyster Bay, Hempstead and Jamaica on the south, Northampton and Flushing on the north. A nnmber of small streams, rising in the northern portion of this water-shed, flow southward towards the sea. The lengths and the drainage areas of these streams vary widely, the eastern streams being usually the longer. The removal of timber, drainage of swamps,and other accompaniments of advancing popula- tion, have reduced the western streams to mere brooks of three or four miles or less in length. Some of these have been diverted into the Brooklyn Supply, From Rockville Centre eastward, five ponds have been formed 10 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY alonir the line of the southern division of the L. I. R., by damming streams at Massapequa, Wantagh, Newbridge, East Meadow and Millburn, constituting the water-shed. From Rockville Centre westward, the supply is derived principally from streams formerly dammed for use as mill ponds. A conduit passes along the line of the ponds, receiving the water from them directly, on the new shed, and through branch conduits or pipelines on the old shed. Those ponds situated north of the conduit, Massapequa, Wantagh, Newbridge, East Meadow, Hempstead Stor- age Reservoir, Hempstead Pond, Schodack Brook, Pine's Pond, Tanglewood Pond, Valley Stream Reservoir, Clear Stream Pond, Twin Ponds and Baiseley's Pond, and one, Millburn Pond, situated on the southern side, deliver their water by gravity. Those situated on the southern side of the conduit, Smith's Pond, Watt's Pond and Springfield Pond, have their waters lifted by pumps to the conduit level. At the western end of the new shed is situated the Millburn Pumping Station, with a capacity of from 50,000,000 gallons to 60,000,000 gallons per diem, designed to force the water of the new shed to the Ridgewood Pumping Station in East New York, and also connected with the Millburn Reservoir, situated about a mile to the westward. This reservoir was intended for the storage of surplus water from the new shed. The sub surface soil <>f Long Island consists of different kinds of sand, gravel and clay, mixed in various proportions or arranged more or less irregularly in strata of varying depths. Ground waters are naturally abundant in such a soil, and use of this source of supply has been made since 1883, when the plants at Clear Stream and Forest Stream were established. Since that time, driven well plants have been erected at Massapequa, Wan- tagh, Newbridge, Merrick and East Meadow, on the new shed, and at Watt't Pond, Jameco Park, Baiseley's, Oconee, Shetucket and Spring Creek on the old shed. All of these, except the five last mentioned, are south of the conduit line. The Hempstead Storage Reservoir, situated north of Rockville Centre, was completed in 1877. The water-shed, as here described, falls naturally into three sec- tions. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 11 The eastern section contains the ponds and driven wells east of Rockville Centre, namely : Massapequa Pond. Wantagh " Newbridge " East Meadow Pond. Millburn Driven Wells. Massapequa Wantagh " Newbridge (Matawan) " Merrick " East Meadow (Agawam)" The central section contains: Hempstead Storage Reservoir. Hempstead (De Mott's) Pond. Schodack Brook. Pines (Rockville) Pond. Tanglewood Pond. Smith's Pond (with pumping station). The western section contains: Valley Stream Reservoir. Watt's Pond (with pumping station). Clear Stream Pond. Twin (Simonson's) Ponds. Watt's Driven Wells. Clear Stream Driven Wells. Forest Stream Driven Wells. Springfield Pond (with pumping station). Baiseley's Pond. Jameco Park Driven Wells. Baiseley's " Oconee Shetucket " Spring Creek " 12 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The division of the shed into these sections is based on their topographical relationship. The eastern section is the farthest from Brooklyn, it contains the smallest population, and presents on the whole the most abundant woodland and swamp. The western section is more thickly populated, and more under cultivation; it is largely cleared of timber, and swamps are com- paratively few and small. The central section presents conditions more or less intermediate between the other two as regards the features given above. This section contains at present no driven-well plants. The engineering information given in the following synopsis has been obtained from reports of the Department of City Works, and from " Water Supply of Brooklyn"—Peter Milne. C. E.,Proc. Am. W. W. Assn. 1896. SYNO PSIS —OF— ANALYTICAL RESULTS. MASSAPEQUA POND AND FEEDERS. This pond, formed by building a low dam across the small stream called Massapequa, is situated 10.5 miles east of Rockville Centre, immediately north of the L. I. R. R., and of the Brooklyn conduit. It lies in the town of Oyster Bay, which is about 30 miles from Brooklyn, and is 22.3 miles distant from the Ridgewood Pumping Station at East New York. It is fed by two small streams flowing in a southerly direction towards the pond. The western feeder is a very short brook, which occasionally dries up during the summer months ; the eastern feeder is the main source of supply. These two streams pass through swampy ground, and like all the streams in this section have a sluggish current. The drainage area, which is sparsely settled, is flat and low, and covers 36.2 square miles. The water from the pond flows by gravity into the conduit which has its eastern terminus at this point. One waste weir carries off the surplus water from the pond. The area of the pond is 17.2 acres and it is said to furnish 3,900,000 gallons of water daily. Its capacity is stated as 31,000,000 gallons. Sources of contamination have not been found of such a nature as to form a sanitary menace, and a detailed description of the inspections made is unnecessary. The water from the pond has been examined chemically thirty- two times between December, 1896, and October, 1897. On account of the swampy character of the ground about the pond, the water at certain times takes considerable vegetable mat- ter into solution. After periods of heavy rain this is shown by the yellowish-brown color of the water. Such a rain occurred during the month of July, 1897, when 10.31 inches fell between 14 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY' the 10th and the 31st of the month. The color on the 19th of the month was 1.6, and it only fell to 1.4 by the 2nd of August. The rainfall diminished during the month of August (4.12 inches rain for the month), and the color gradually disappeared. The two inches of rain w7hich fell during the week of August 23d- 30th does not seem to have materially affected the color or the oxygen consumed. The odor of the water increased with the increase of color, and had that peculiar " decidedly vegetable " smell, so characteristic of colored waters having the origin above described. The compara- tively sudden diminution of the color, as compared with many New England waters, shows the transitory effect of the heavy rains. It is only to be explained by the sandy character of the soil, which acts like a filtering bed in removing the vegetable coloring matter of the water passing through it. The water, in consequence, as is shown by the albuminoid ammonia determination, exhibits at certain times during the year the characteristics of a colored water, and at certain other times those of a colorless water. The effect of the heavy rains in introducing vegetable coloring matter into the water, causes the albuminoid ammonia to rise as the color rises, and therefore the fluctuations are to a considerable extent coincident with the rain-fall. No effect on the albuminoid ammonia of the winter precipitation of rain and snow is evident, on account of the frozen ground preventing the passage of the water through it, and therefore giving no chance for the solvent action of the water on the decomposing vegetable matter in the soil. The albuminoid ammonia on February 8th was .0026 parts, but on June 10th, .0386 parts, and was as high as .0242 parts in August, thus showing the effect of the rain-fall during these latter months. The color had so far diminished by September 30th as to be only 0.12, while the albuminoid ammonia on the same sample was .0052 parts. The albuminoid ammonia results group themselves as follows ; Percentage of results below .0100 [Parts Per 100,000] = 40.6 " " between .0100 and .0150 " " =25.0 .0150 and .0300 " " = 21.8 • 03G0 and .0400 " " =12.6 OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 15 The free ammonia ranges from zero to .0030 parts, the latter re- sult being obtained on July 26th. The higher amount given above is comparatively low. No nitrites have ever been found. As the color and albuminoid ammonia decreases, as shown by the results between July 19th and October 1st, the nitrates increase, due to the filtering action of the soil by which the organic nitrogen is converted into the oxidized form of nitrates. The following table of results taken from the records illustrates these relations : 1897. Albuminoid Ammonia. Color. (Parts per 100,000.) Nitrates. July 19th.........1.60 .0328 .0070 July 26th.........1.45 .0316 .0050 Aug. 2d.........1.40 .0242 .0070 Aug. 9th ........0.70 .0102 .0070 Aug. 16th........0.45 .0158 .0150 Aug. 23d.........0.43 .0098 .0150 Aug. 30th.........0.40 .0106 .0200 Sept. 13th.........0.20 .0106 .0150 Sept. 30th ........0.12 .0052 .0170 The oxygen consumed during this period also exhibits an inti- mate relation with the color. The mineral constituents of the water show it to be a soft water, having the usual variations. The majority of the results on total solids range between 3.80 parts and 5.00 parts, while the fixed solids are between 1.80 parts and 2.50 parts. The hardness as determined by the soap method is about 1.0 part. Two determinations of iron in the water gave .0100 parts, and .0120 parts, respectively. Such an amount is quite com- mon in surface waters and is in no way objectionable. A study of the chlorine shows very slight fluctuations in the amount present throughout the year. The highest chlorine result obtained was on April 1st, when the sample contained 0.65 parts, the lowest was on July 26th, when 0.44 parts were found. Averages by months were as follows: 16 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100.000.] January.................................. .55 February................................, .56 March.....................................60 April.......................................61 May.................................. ......60 June........................................60 July......................................48 August.....................................55 September..................................57 In July the average of two analyses was 0.48 parts, probably the result of dilution by the heavy rains at that time. The average of the thirty-two analyses gave 0.57 parts of chlorine, and doubtless represents approximately the normal chlor- ine of the water, for the year during which examinations were made. The chemical examination of the feeders to Massapequa Pond has consisted in analyzing the water from the eastern stream eight times and from the western four times. They show no very marked peculiarities, and do not differ on the whole from the result obtained on the pond. Twenty-eight microscopical examinations from January to Octo- ber, averaged 35 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 179 organisms per C. C, in May; the lowest, 3 organisms per C. C, in March. About seventy per cent, of the results were lower than the average. Previous to the heavy rains of July and August, an average of 27 organisms per C. C. was obtained. During the heavy rains the average was 48 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera present was 6. Diatoms occurred in 93 per cent of the samples, Algae in 64 per cent, Infusoria in 80 per cent. The total number of genera found was 42. No one genus occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. Massapequa Pond presents no extraordinary microscopial charac- teristics. During the period of observation organisms such as As- terionella, Anabaena, Uvella, Uroglenaand Dinobryon, known to be capable of producing at times unpleaasnt odors or tastes,were found OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 17 never in significant quantities. For the whole period the counts were low, while the total number of genera found was large. It will be seen that the amount of rain-fall affects the count con- siderably. Thirty-one bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October show an average count of 567 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 2,500 bacteria per C. C.,once in August, once in September; the lowest count was 140 bacteria per C C, in May. About 74 per cent, of the counts were lower than the average. Previous to the heavy rains of July and August the average was 357 bacteria per C C.; for the subsequent period, 1,320 bacteria per C C. General species work has not been carried on to an extent justify- ing final conclusions. Thirteen examinations for intestinal bacteria were made; a posi- tive reaction was obtained once, in May. The eastern feeder of Massapequa Pond was examined eight times microscopically at its inlet. The counts were higher here than at the outlet in six cases, and about the same in the other two cases. The genera found included Diatoms, Ulothrix and Spirogyra in addition to those already enumerated as found at the outlet. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations were made at the eastern inlet, three counts being lower than the corresponding counts on the outlet, four higher, and one about the same. Four microscopical counts from the western inlet gave results uniformly lower than the eastern inlet; three of the four being higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet. The effect of the heavy rain-fall of July and August is quite evident. Four bacterial counts from the western inlet shows two counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, two lower. The counts on the inlets compare reasonably well with each other in their fluctuations. The results of all three forms of analysis on Massapequa Pond depend somewhat upon rain-fall, and to this extent are comparable with each other. 18 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The other variations which each series of results present are in themselves comparatively slight, and it is not surprising to find that the variations in any one series do not correspond very closely with those of the other series. The odor of the water recorded does not correspond with the number or character of the microscopical organisms found, and is to be traced to vegetable matters in solution, derived from the swampy soil through which the feeders run. The bacterial counts are such as are reasonably characteristic, in their amounts and variations, of this class of water, and corre- spond with the chemical results in the fact that the latter also are reasonably characteristic of the same class of water. Special re- lationships cannot be traced, not because such relationships do not exist, but because they are of a character which do not yield features sufficiently striking to be readily recognizable without more minute investigation than has been possible in the course of this work. WANTAGH POND AND FEEDERS. Wantagh Pond, situated immediately north of the L. I. R. R., and of the Brooklyn conduit, has been formed by intercepting a small stream called RidgewTood by a low dam as it flows in a southerly direction towards the sea. The pond is a little over two miles west of Massapequa and is similar to it in character. Its drainage area, which comprises 19.7 square miles, is like that of Massapequa, excepting that the ground is less swampy and includes more cultivated land. It has two feeders, the eastern and the western, the latter being somewhat larger than the former. The pond furnishes 4,000,000 gallons of water daily, covers 16.7 acres, and has a capacity of 23,- 500,000 gallons. The water flows by gravity into the conduit. Two waste weirs are provided for removing the surplus water, which flows into the sea. The village of Wantagh is situated in the vicinity of the pond on the east, and a small graveyard somewhat over 300 feet from the pond on the west. Sources of contamination of sanitary significance were not found. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 19 The water has been examined chemically thirty-two times between December, 1896, and October, 1897. Its color on July 10th was .80, but diminished gradually during the subsequent months, as the following table shows : Wantagh Pond Rain-fall for Week Color. preceding. July 19 th, .80 4.70 July 26th, .40 3.17 Aug. 2d, .50 2.25 Aug. 9th, .28 1.03 Aug. 16th, .23 .81 Aug. 23d, .23 .23 Aug. 30th, .25 2,00 Sept. 13th, .15 .00 Sept. 30th, .15 1.17 The water gave a vegetable odor which diminished as the color disappeared. The nitrogen as indicated by the albuminoid ammonia is a little high for the amount of color present. The lowest amount of nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia was found on February 2d, when .0013 parts were obtained. The results dur- ing the winter and early spring months show less nitrogen present than later, when the'spring rains began to have their effect, and dur- ing the rainy periods of summer months. The highest albuminoid ammonia obtained was .0287 parts on June 10th. The distribution of the albuminoid ammonia results is as follows; Percentage of results below .0100 [parts per 100.000] = 43.7 " between .0100 and .0150 " " " = 37.5 « " " .0150 and .0300 " " " = 18.8 The free ammonia is uniformly low, being .0012 parts or under, with one exception. In only two instances are nitrites recorded, and in each case .0001 part was obtained. The nitrates during July, August and September ranged between .0200 and .0330 parts. The oxygen consumed followed the color closely. 20 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The average amount of chlorine found during each month is as follows: In no case are there less then two analyses averaged. 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January ,........ .......................52 February.................................53 March....................................57 April....................................53 May ...................................56 June....................................53 July........................,...........50 August..................................54 September...... ........................52 The average of the thirty-two analyses made between December, 1896, and October, 1897, gave 0.54 parts chlorine. The total solids range between 3.80 parts and 5.80 parts and the fixed solids between 1.80 and 3.50 parts. The hardness determin- ations show it to be a soft water. The results of two iron determinations gave .0120 and .0100 parts respectively. The analyses of the water from the feeders to this pond indi- cate no very marked differences from those made on the pond. Twenty-eight microscopical examinations from January to Octo- ber, averaged 16 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 95 organisms per C. C, in July, the lowest 1 organism per C. C., once in each of the months, February, April, May and June. About 64 per cent, of the counts were lower than the average. For the period ending June 19th, the counts averaged 6 organ- isms per C. C. For the subsequent period the counts averaged 30 organisms per C. C, corresponding with the heavy rains of the latter period. The number of genera averaged 5. Diatoms were found in 86 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in 68 per cent. The total number of genera found was 36. No one genus occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. Wantagh Pond presents no extraordinary characteristics from the standpoint of the microscopical examinations. During the OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 21 period of observation, organisms were found known to be capable of producing at times disagreeable odors and tastes, such as Tabel- laria, Uroglena and Dinobryon, but never in significant quantities. For the whole period the counts and the total number of genera found were low. A general relation may be traced between the number of organisms and the rain-fall. Thirty-three bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October show an average count of 382 bacteria per C. C. The high- est count was 1,600 bacteria per C. C, in August; the lowest, 80 bacteria per C. C, in June. About 66 per cent, of the counts were below the average. For the period preceding June 19th the average count was 199 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period of heavy rain-fall the average was 825 bacteria per C. C. General species work has not been carried on to an extent justi- fying final conclusions. Thirteen examinations for intestinal bac- teria were made without a single positive result. Seven microscopical examinations of the eastern feeder at its inlet show six counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one count the same. The genera do not differ from those of the outlet. Seven bacterial quantitative examinations at the eastern inlet show uniformly higher counts than the corresponding counts at the out- let. The fluctuations correspond in a general way. The effect of the wet weather of July and August is evident. Five microscopical examinations at the western inlet show counts uniformly higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, and at the eastern inlet. The genera do not differ from those of the outlet. Five bacterial quantitative examinations at the western inlet show four counts higher, one count lower, than the corresponding count at the outlet. The fluctuations do not correspond. The western inlet gives three counts higher than the eastern inlet and one count lower, out of four parallel determinations. No close relationship between the results of the three forms of analysis are evident, although the general deductions from each are confirmatory of the others. All three correspond in their main fluctuations with rain-fall and hence with each other. 22 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The vegetable odor of the water is not due to microscopical or- ganisms, but to vegetable matter in solution, derived from the dis- trict through which the feeders flow. NEWBRIDGE POND AND FEEDER. Newbridge Pond, situated about one and a half miles west of Wantagh Pond, is much smaller than the former and has a drain- age area of only 2.7 square miles. It lies immediately north of the conduit and was formed by building a low dam across Newbridge Stream. It has but one feeder flowing through a partially cultivated country. The water from the pond flows by gravity into the con- duit, and furnishes 1,100,000 gallons daily. Two waste weirs are provided for the escape of the surplus water into creeks flowing toward the sea. Inspection of the pond and feeder shows nothing of direct sani- tary significance. The number of chemical examinations made between December, 1896, and October, 1897, was thirty-two. The color of the water during the time determinations were made showed the effect of the July rains. The color subsequently diminished with the rain-fall. The water had the characteristic vegetable odor. The albuminoid ammonia results follow the rain-fall fairly well, rising as the precipitation increases and falling as it diminishes. The distribution of the albuminoid ammonia results is shown by the following table : Percentage of res.ults below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 50. " between .0100 and .0150 " " = 31.2 .0150 and .0300 " " = 18.8 The free ammonia appears quite uniform, only rising above .0016 parts in one instance. No nitrites have been found. The nitrates obtained during July, August and September were very uniform. The oxygen consumed figures appear to follow the fluctuations in the color readings quite closely. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 23 The average of the 32 chlorine determinations gave 0.65 parts chlorine per 100,000. The averages by months beginning in January are as follows : 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. January.................................55 February................................61 March....................................65 April;...................................70 May.....................................68 June.................................68 July....................................58 August............,....................63 September...............................61 The total solids vary between 4.00 parts and 6.50 parts and the fixed solids between 1.90 parts and 4.00 parts. The water is quite soft as shown by the soap method for hardness. Two de- terminations for iron gave .0050 and .0160 parts respectively. The eight analyses of water at the inlet show no marked varia- tions from those obtained on the pond. Twenty-eight microscopical examinations from January to Oc- tober average 11 organisms per C. C. The highest count was about 48 organisms per C. C. obtained once in June,once in October ; the lowest was 1 organism per C. C, in July. About 70 per cent. of the counts were lower than the average. The averages for the periods before and after June 19th do not differ materially from each other, nor from the general average. The number of genera averaged 4. Diatoms were found in 90 per cent, of the samples examined. Infusoria in 53 per cent. The total number of individual genera found was 28. No one genus occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. Newbridge Pond presents no extraordinary characteristics from the standpoint of microscopical examination. During the period of observation, organisms were found known to be capable of pro- ducing at times disagreeable odors and tastes, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria and Dinobryon, but not in significant quantities. For the whole period the counts were low, and the total number of 24 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY genera were not relatively high. The effect of rain-fall was of a very transitory nature. Thirty-two bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October averaged 396 bacteria per C. C.; the highest count was 3,600 bacteria per C. C, in August; the lowest, 70 per C. C, in July. About 84 per cent, of the counts were below the average. For the period ending June 19th the average count was 192 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period, the average was 1,141 bacteria per C. C. The effect of rain-fall on the bacterial counts is more marked and lasting than on the microscopical counts for the same period. General species work has not been carried on to an extent justify- ing final conclusions. Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria show one positive reaction. Eight microscopical examinations at the inlet of the feeder yield five counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one lower and two about the same. The genera found in addition to those enumerated at the outlet were Ceratoneis, Oscillaria, Conferva, Euastrum, Arcella and Rotifer. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations at the same inlet yield five counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one lower and two about the same. The fluctuations do not correspond with those of microscopical organisms, however. The effect of the heavy rain-fall of July and August is evident. No marked relations exist between the fluctuations in the results of the three forms of analysis, except that all are affected in a general way by the rain-fall. The odor of the water is not tracea- ble to the microscopical organisms found, but to vegetable matter in solution derived from the swampy land through which the feeder runs. EAST MEADOW POND AND FEEDERS. This pond lies immediately north of the conduit, somewhat less than a mile-and a half west of Newbridge Pond and was formed by building a low dam across the small stream, East Meadow, which rises five or six miles to the north. A short stream also enters the pond on its northeastern side. The drainage area is approximately OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 25 26.7 square miles in extent, and has the same general character as those of the ponds previously described. Several smaller ponds are to be found in the course of the main stream, which drains a low swampy region. The supply ponds them- selves contain large growths of aquatic plants, sedges, etc., during the summer months. The current in both the feeders is extremely sluggish. The area of the pond is 16.7 acres and yields about 6,300,000 gallons daily. The water flows by gravity into the conduit. Inspection of the feeders show inhabited dwellings, few in number but close to the banks of the ponds and streams feeding into the supply. Thirty-two chemical examinations have been made of the water from this pond during the nine months between December, 1896, and October, 1897. The< color of this water during the months of July, August and September showed fluctuations due to rain-fall. The odor of the water has often been unpleasant and sometimes disagreeable. This is probably partly due to the rank vegetable growths in the series of small ponds from which the supply is derived. The nitrogen as free ammonia was low, but at times it rose to quite an appreciable amount. The free ammonia was at its highest in the winter months of January and February, and during the sum- mer months of July August and September. The albuminoid ammonia results group themselves as follows: Percentage of results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 50. " " between .0100 and .0150 " " " =25. .0150 and .0300" " " =25. The highest results were obtained in June, July and August, immediately following the heavy rains of that period. Nitrites have been found twice, but never over .0001 part. The nitrites are fairly uniform, ranging between .0170 parts and and .0350 parts from July to October. The oxygen consumed varies with the color and in the usual ratio. 26 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The total solids range between 3.80 parts and 5.50 parts and the fixed solids between 1.60 parts and 3.50 parts. The hardness deter- minations show that this is a soft water. The average of the thirty-two chlorine determinations gave 0.61 parts of chlorine. The averages of the chlorine determinations by months are as follows : 189? Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January...................................57 February...................................55 March.....................................61 April......................................62 May.......................................65 June.......................................53 July......................................56 August....................................63 September.................................59 Two determinations of iron gave respectively .0200 parts and .0100 parts. The eight analyses of the feeder at the inlet to the pond gave no distinct variations from those obtained on the pond. Twenty-two microscopical examinations from January to October averaged 16 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 190 organisms per C. C, in January ; the lowest, 1 organism per C. C, in August. About 70 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th the average count was 23 organisms per C. C. Omittiug the first count of the series,which is exceptionally high, the average for this period becomes 15 organisms per C. C. For the period subsequent to June 19th, the average is about 7 organisms per C. C. Diatoms were present in 86 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in 70 per cent. The average number of genera was 5. The total number of individual genera found was 22. No one genus occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. East Meadow Pond presents nothing unusual from the stand- point of its microscopical contents. The connection between the rain-fall and the count is not marked. In fact,the average is lower during the heavy rains than before. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 27 The counts on the whole low, and the number of individual genera is not particularly large. Tabellaria, a diatom capable of producing odors in water of a disagreeable nature was found, but in quantities too small to be of importance. Thirty-four bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October averaged 509 bacteria per C.C., The highest count obtained was 2,100 bacteria per C. C, in August; the lowest, 95 bacteria per C. C, in April. About 70 per cent, of the counts were lower than the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 287 bacteria per C. C. The average for the subsequent period was 1250 bacteria per C. C, showing a marked increase in relation to increased rain-fall. General species work did not give results sufficiently extensive or detailed for final conclusions except in the case of one organism, which was satisfactorily indentified as a variety of the bacillus prodigiosus. Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, three yielding positive reactions. Seven microscopical examinations at the inlet of the western feeder show three counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one lower and three about the same. The genera found in addition to those enumerated as occurring at the outlet were Asterionella, Cosmarium, Scenedesmus, Spiro- gyra, Actinophrys, Glenodinium, Synura and Trachelomonas. Seven bacterial quantitative examinations at the same inlet yielded five counts higher than the corresponding outlet counts, two lower. The effect of the heavy rain-fall in July and August is evident. The relationship between the three forms of analysis is here somewhat apparent. While no close relation between the smaller variations in the three series of results has been traced, a general relation to rain-fall, and hence to each other, obtains. It is to be noted that in January and February, and again in July, August and September, the free ammonia was relatively high as compared with the remaining portion of the period of ob- servation, and that the bacterial counts for the corresponding pe- riods were also relatively high. The odors obtained from the water have been attributed to the 28 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY larger aquatic vegetable growths, and the absence of microscopical organisms in sufficient numbers to account for the presence of odors, is confirmatory of this conclusion. MILLBURN POND AND FEEDER. Millburn Pond, situated about two miles west of East Meadow Pond, is formed by intercepting Millburn stream by a dam, about a mile from where it empties into the sea. It lies immediately south of the conduit and of the L. I. R. R. The water flows by gravity into the pumpwell of the Millburn Pumping Station. It has but one feeder, which drains an area of 3.2 square miles, and includes in it considerable cultivated land. The pond furnishes 2,400,000 gallons daily and has an area of 13.8 acres. One waste weir is built into the embankment at the southern end of the pond. Inspection showed that an inhabited dwelling with stables and outbuildings was situated close to the western bank of the pond itself. The village of Millburn lies in its vicinity on its western side. On the feeder were found also a small number of inhabited dwellings, which with their outbuildings form a possible source of pollution. Near the head of the feeder lies the Greenfield Cemetery. Thirty-three chemical examinations of the water from this pond have been made. It has had little odor, turbidity or sediment and the color has been low, for the time during which it was deter- mined. The free ammonia ranges between .0002 parts and .0024 parts. The albuminoid ammonia was as low as .0014 parts in Decem- ber, 1896, and rose to .0334 parts in July, 1897. The albuminoid ammonia results group themselves as follows: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 54.5 " " between .0100 & .0150 = 33.3 .0150 & .0300 = 12.2 The oxygen consumed follows the color in its variations. Nitrites were found several times during the months of August and September, ranging between .0001 parts and .0005 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 29 The nitrates found during July, August and.September are rather high, ranging between .0400 parts and .0670 parts. The thirty-three determinations of chlorine averaged 0.73 parts per 100,000. The averages by months are as follows: Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January..................................77 February................................75 March.................................74 April...................................70 May................. ... ...............75 June.....................................77 July...................................6y August.... ............. ................73 September...............................72 The total and fixed solids as determined during the investigation are somewhat higher than were obtained from the other ponds of this section, and the hardness is slightly higher also. Two determinations of iron gave .0070 and .0050 parts respect- ively. The eight chemical analyses of the feeder to Millburn Pond are similar in character to those of the pond itself. Twenty-six microscopical examinations from January to Sept- ember averaged 24 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 138 organisms per C. C, in September; the lowest, 1 organism per C. C, once in May, once in August. About 80 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 23 organisms per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 15 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera was 5. Diatoms occurred in 90 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in 65 per cent. The total number of individual genera found was 37. No one organism occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. Millburn Pond presents nothing extraordinary from the stand- point of microscopical examination. The average count was low, the total number of genera found somewhat high. 30 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The increased rain-fall of the second period of observation corre- sponds with a decided diminution in the count. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Dinobryon, Synura and Spongidae were found, but not in significant quantities. Forty-six bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October averaged 532 bacteria per C. C. The highest count was 3,000 bacteria per C. C, in July, the lowest 150 bacteria per C. C, in June. About 74 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 411 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period, the average was 1,125 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not sufficiently elaborated to yield re- sults of final value. Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, yielding one positive result. The relation of bacterial counts to rain-fall is evident. Eight microscopical examinations of the feeder at the inlet show one count higher than the corresponding count at the outlet, five lower and two about the same. The genera found in addition to those already enumerated at the outlet were Gomphonema and Spirogyra. There is no evident re- lation to rain-fall. Seven bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet show seven counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one about the same. The counts on the inlet correspond closely with the rain-fall for the same period. A general relation obtains between the variations in the bacterial and chemical results as compared with the rain-fall. Free ammonia and bacterial counts are relatively higher at three periods, in Jan- uary and February, in May, and in July, August and September. The odor obtained was vegetable. The absence of microscopical organisms in sufficient quantity to account for this odor, points to its origin from dissolved vegetable matter, derived from the low land drained by the feeder. A comparison of the nitrates, microscopical organisms and bac- teria, as found at the inlet and outlet of the pond, shows a general tendency towards the following relations. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 31 The bacteria and the nitrates are usually higher at the inlet than at the outlet, the microscopical organisms are higher at the outlet than at the inlet. MILLBURN PUMPING STATION. This pumping station is situated at the northern end of Millburn Pond and immediately north of the southern division of the L. I. R. R. The brick conduit which collects the water from the driven well plants and ponds east of Millburn Pond, termi- nates at this point. The water flows by gravity into the pump- well at the terminus of the conduit. The water from Millburn Pond is also admitted to this well and is pumped together with the water entering from the conduit through a forty-eight inch main direct to Ridgewood Engine House, a distance of 79,000 feet. The water may be diverted so that it passes through a thirty-six inch main to the gate-house at Pine's Creek. Pipe connections are also provided for between this pumping station and Millburn Reservoir. This reservoir was built for the purpose of storing the surplus water of the supply obtained east of Millburn, instead of allowing it to waste in times of high water as had been previously done and as is done now. The reservoir covers an area of 76 acres and was to have 56 acres of water area when full. Its capacity was to be 402,875,000 gallons. On account of defects in its construction the reservoir has never been water-tight, and therefore never has been used. Thirty-three samples of water collected from the tap in this station were analyzed chemically between December, 1896, and October, 1897. The color of the water gradually diminished from .75 to .12, from the 19th of JulyT to the 30th of September. Turbidity and sediment were very slight during the above period, and the odor was usually vegetable in character. The odor is recorded once as grassy and once as earthy. The free ammonia was uniformly low, ranging between zero and .0028 parts, averaging only .0006 parts. The albuminoid ammo- 32 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY nia, which was .0008 parts on January 5th and rose to .0242 parts on the 16th of July, was on the whole quite low. The higher re- sults were due to the heavy rains of July, which caused the albu- minoid ammonia to rise to such high figures in the eastern ponds. The albuminoid ammonia results may be grouped as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 72.7 " " between .0100 and .0150 =18.1 « '< " .0150 and .0300 = 9.0 Nitrites were obtained once in the thirty-three examinations, and the quantity was then only .0001 part. Nitrates, between July 19th and the October 1st, ranged from .0230 parts to .0500 parts. There seemed to be a tendency towards a gradual increase during July, August and September. The oxygen consumed followed the changes in color fairly well. The total solids varied between four and six parts, and the fixed solids were about three parts. The average of nine hardness de- terminations gave 1.2 parts. The average of the thirty-three chlorine determinations was .70 parts, and the averages by months were as follows ; Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January..................................67 February.................................75 March...................................63 April................................65 May.................................. .66 June................................... .65 July....................................59 August...................., .............65 September..............................60 Two iron determinations gave .0070 parts and .0050 parts respectively. As has been previously stated, the water taken from the tap in the Millburn Pumping Station represents the mixture of the surface water from the five eastern ponds and the ground water from the driven well plants situated south of the conduit and east of Mill- burn. As no data are at our disposal relative to the proportionate OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 33 amounts of water derived from each of these several sources, it is not worth while to more than present the results as given above. Thirty-two microscopical examinations from Januaryto October show marked fluctuations, ranging between 1 organism per C. C. and 57 organisms per C. C. There is no definite relation between weekly averages of counts of organisms found on the water-shed supplying this pumping station and the counts obtained at the pumping station itself for corresponding periods. It is probable that the action of the pumps themselves in disin- tegrating the microscopical organisms may affect the results. Moreover the pump-well contains a mixture of surface and ground water exposed at times to light, admitted by removing one of the plates covering the well ; at such times it is possible that some small amount of multiplication may obtain in the pump-well. Furthermore the admission of water to the conduit from a height of some feet, at those points where the pipes from the driven-well plants deliver into it, causes considerable agitation of the water already present in the conduit at those places. Massapequa Pond water is subjected to this agitation five times in the course of its flow from Massapequa Pond to Millburn Pump- ing Station, when all the driven well plants are in service. Wantagh Pond water is subjected to a similar agitation four times, New- bridge Pond water twice and East Meadow Pond water once under the same circumstances. Changes in the service of the different plants on different days variously affect these conditions and allow a large number of possible combinations to arise. The five driven-well plants, at Massapequa, Wantagh, New- bridge, Merrick and East Meadow, built under the Edwards- Monahan contract, were sources of supply during part of the period of observation. The ground water derived from these plants has been practically free from miscroscopical organisms, so that the whole amount of surface water reaching the pumping station on any given day is diluted, as far as its microscopical contents is concerned, by that amount of ground water which may have been pumped on the same day. Records made by us of the service of the several supplies cover only those days when samples were collected from them, and do not 34 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY therefore form more than a very rough outline, insufficient for complete deductions. Actual observation has shown that at times back flow from the conduit occurred into Newbridge Pond, and from the Millburn pump-well into Millburn Pond; it is not in evidence that similar back flowage may not have occurred at other points. This back-flow water probably sometimes consisted of nearly equal mixtures of surface and ground water, sometimes of surface water with but a small quantity of ground water, sometimes of ground water alone or nearly so. Such back flowage tends to modify the counts obtained at the ponds where it occurred. These considerations prevent any close comparisons between the analyses made at Millburn Pumping Station and those made on the several sources of supply. Averages have not been attempted. Fifty bacterial quantitative examinations were made from the water pumped at Millburn, taken from a tap on one of the engines in the Pumping Stations between January aud October. Previous to June 19th, the highest count was 540 bacteria per C. C, in May, the lowest, 46 bacteria per C. C. in April. For the period of heavy rain-fall, the highest count was 1,000 bacteria per C. C, in September; the lowest, 200 bacteria per C. C, in July. During the first period of observation, especially in the earlier months, samples were collected two or three times each week and showed remarkable fluctuations, even in the same week. The factors which are probably responsible for these fluctuations have already been discussed. After June but a small proportion of ground water reached Mill- burn Pumping Station, and the results obtained during this period do not differ so widely or constantly from the average results on the ponds for the corresponding weeks, although they are still some- what lower, as a rule. Thirty-seven bacterial examinations for the period from January to June, of the water entering the Millburn pump-well, parallel with examinations of water from the tap in the Pumping Station, show close agreement with the latter. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 35 Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded one positive re- sult in May. HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR AND FEEDER (HORSE BROOK.) Hempstead Storage Reservoir lies a little to the north-east of the village of Rockville Centre. It is about two miles in length, with an average width of less than a quarter of a mile. Horse Brook flows into the reservoir at its northern end. The brook is less than two miles in length and flows in a general south-westerly direction. The reservoir has a direct pipe line connection with Hempstead (Demott's) Pond. Provision is also made for conducting the water around Hempstead Pond through a pipe line connecting with that of Schodack Brook. The latter pipe line enters the branch conduit which leads from Hempstead Pond to the main conduit. This branch conduit joins the main conduit near the head of Smith's Pond. The drainage area comprises 25.79 square miles and includes the large village of Hempstead, which lies within a mile of the northern end of the reservoir, and the small village of Mineola situated two or three miles to the north. Cultivated land is to be found on both sides of the reservoir and quite an extent of low marsh land at its head, through which flows Horse Brook. The construction of this reservoir was commenced in 1872 and was completed in 1877. It was prepared by broadening and deep- ening a series of small ponds which lay above Hempstead Pond, until the estimated capacity of the reservoir was 1,055,000,000 gallons. The estimated yield is about 5,000,000 gallons daily. Thirty-three samples of water collected at the gate house at the southern end of the reservoir have been examined chemically during this investigation. The color during the summer months ranged between .03 and .10. The odor has been vegetable in character, sometimes grassy, and occasionally earthy or mouldy. The turbidity and sediment have been very slight except in two instances, when considerable sedi- ment was observed. 36 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The nitrogen as free ammonia varied between zero and .0050 parts, but seventy-three per cent, of the determinations showed less than .0012 parts. The albuminoid ammonia, like the free ammonia, was lower during winter and early spring months than during the summer months. In grouping the results the following distribution was obtained: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 39.4 " between .0100 and .0150 = 21.2 .0150 and .0300 = 39.4 The large percentage of albuminoid ammonia results between .0150 and .0300 parts is quite significant, when the very low color which this water usually has, is considered. Nitrites have been found in over 63 percent, of the thirty-three determinations, ranging between .0001 part and .0014 parts. Forty- five per cent, of these results were .0004 parts or over. Nitrates varied between .0270 parts and .0500 parts, with an average of .0387 parts during the time between July 20th and October 1st. The oxygen consumed results are low and were quite uniform for the time during which determinations were made. The residue on evaporation was from 4.00 parts to 6.00 parts on the filtered samples, and the fixed solids were between 3.00 parts and 4.00 parts. The hardness ranged between 0.9 and 1.6 parts as determined by the soap method. From the thirty-three chlorine determinations an average of 0.67 parts were obtained. The averages of the chlorine results by months were as follows : Chlorine [parts per 100.000] January..................................67 February ................................68 March..................................61 April...................................65 May.......................................70 June....................................71 July....................................64 August......,...........................6S September.........,......................70 Two iron determinations gave zero and .0050 parts respectively. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 37 Hempstead Storage Reservoir Feeder, Hobse Brook. This brook, which empties into the reservoir at its northern end, flows directly through the village of Hempstead. In the business section of the place many of the buildings which stand very close together along its banks, in some places actually overhang them. Above the business section are to be found several dwelling- houses, some of whose outbuildings and stables stand from twenty to thirty feet from the banks, and in some cases even nearer. A small pond lies in the course of the stream on the northern side of Fulton Street, and between Fulton and Front Streets are situated the Hempstead Gas Works, close to the western bank of the brook. The village of Hempstead has no sewerage system. Surface drainage readily finds its way into the feeder and at various points pipes are so laid as to conduct street drainage directly into it. The Department of City Works of Brooklyn have made arrange- ments for the cleaning of certain streets in order to prevent, as far as such a method will, the pollution of the feeder from this source. The closets are not panned excepting immediately along the line of the feeder, where it has been undertaken by the Depart- ment of City Works. Eight chemical analyses of water at the inlet to the reservoir have been made, and besides these, seven others at different points in the course of the stream for special purposes. The water taken at the inlet to the reservoir showed little color as a rule, although it was sometimes turbid. Considerable sedi- ment was observed at different times. The peculiar featnre of the odor determinations was the distinct tarry odor observed in all the samples taken during August and September. This is the result of the contamination of the brook about a mile above where the samples were collected, by the tar liquor which escapes from the tar well of the Hempstead Gas Works. This will be more fully explained below in relation to some spe- cial work done in October. The free ammonia, is with one exception, very high, ranging be- tween .0070 parts and .0635 parts. Seventy-five per cent, of the results are above .0300 parts. 38 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The albuminoid ammonia figures vary between .0070 parts and .0340 parts. The nitrites also show the evidences of contamina- tion, and range between .0008 parts and .0052 parts, 87.5 per cent being above .0020 parts. Nitrification is evident in spite of the large amount of unoxi- dized or only partially oxidized nitrogen. The nitrates vary be- tween .1700 parts and .3500 parts, 75 per cent, of them being be- tween .2000 parts and .3000 parts. Determinations of the residue on evaporation gave for the month of August and September results varying between 10.90 parts and 13.20 parts. The fixed solids averaged 8.60 parts and the hardness 2.6 parts for the same period. The average of the eight chlorine determina- tions made on samples taken at the inlet to the reservoir gave 1.43 parts. The chlorine was never lower than 1.00 part, nor higher than 1.60 parts. One determination of iron gave .0070 parts. In order to trace the effect of the pollution more closely a series of samples were taken at different points on the brook in the village of Hempstead, as given below. Sample No. 1, Horse Brook. Sample collected from small pond north of gas works on Fulton Street. Sample No. 2,Horse Brook, about 1,000 feet from the place where the first sample was taken, at the Front Street culvert, and below the gas works. Sample No. 3, Horse Brook, about 1,000 feet below Front Street culvert in the business section of the village. Sample No. 4, Horse Brook at small bridge, near inlet to reservoir. Sample No. 5, Hempstead Storage Reservoir at gate-house. The results of the analyses of these samples are given below: lo. Appearance. Odor. Nitrites. Nitrates. Chlorine. Turb Sed. Cold. 1 Slight, Heavy Dis. musty .0000 .0050 0.54 2 Opaque, Heavy Off en. tarry .0360 .0050 5.29 3 Dis. mlk, Heavy F'tly. tarry and musty .0060 .2250 1.18 4 None Slight F'tly. veg. .0030 .2500 1.32 5 None Slight v. f'tly veg. .0001 .0550 0.67 OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 39 A glance at these figures shows at once the effect of the pollution of the brook by the tar liquor from the gas works and by the sewage from the houses and stables immediately below the latter. The large amount of nitrogen is very evidently derived from the drainage of the gas works. The tar liquor, which results as a by- product in the manufacture of gas, is collected in a brick well,from which a short over-flow pipe extends into the coal ashes in which the well is built. The amount of liquor which is allowed to escape by this pipe is not very large, as it has a commercial value. Neverthe less a sufficient amount does escape to saturate the ashes immediately about the well and the rain washes this gradually out of the ashes into the brook, a distance of about twenty feet. The nitrogen which thus escapes, is largely in the form of ammonia compounds, as was very evident from a qualitative test of samples 2 and 3. Nitrification soon commences after these compounds become dissolved in the brook water, and the very high nitrites obtained in samples 2, 3 and 4 together with the increase of nitrogen as nitrates, make this very evident. The drainage from the gas works is by no means all the pollution the brook receives. A study of the chlorine shows that a large amount is probably derived from the works and by dilution disappears farther down the stream. The subsequent rise of the chlorine be- low the village as shown by sample No. 4 indicates the drainage from the village. The result of the analysis of the sample taken at the opposite end of the storage reservior near the gate house has been given in order to show the effect of the dilution and purification which the water undergoes in its passage through the reservior. Thirty-two microscopical examinations from January to Septem- ber averaged 362 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 953 organisms per C. C, in Ma)7, the lowest, 1 organism per C. C, in February. About 56 per cent, of the counts was below the average. Previous to June 19th the average count was 224 organ- isms per C. C. For the subsequent period the average count was 564 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera found was 11. Diatoms were found in 100 percent, of the examinations, Alga in 87 per cent., and Infusoria in 80 per cent. 40 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY The total number of individual genera was 57. Melosira was found in 75 per cent, of the samples. No other genus occurred in 50 per cent, or over of the samples. Hempstead Storage Reservoir presents great extremes in the number of organisms found at different times. The average is somewhat high and the total number of genera found includes a wide range of the more ordinary forms. Melosira was particularly constant, and sometimes abundant. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Anabaena, Dinobryon and Spongi- dae were found, some of them with frequency, but never in sig- nificant quantities. A high average count was obtained during the period of heavy rain-fall as compared with the average of the preceding period. Thirty-three bacterial examinations from January to October averaged 630 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 10,000 bacteria per C. C, in August, the lowest, 15 bacteria per C. C, in January. About 80 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th the average count was 253 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 1,828 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not carried on to an extent sufficient to justify final conclusions. Twenty examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded but one positive result. Eight microscopical examinations of the feeder at the inlet showed all the counts lower than the corresponding counts on the outlet ; six of these counts show the number of organisms to be less than 5 per cent, of the number of organisms in the correspond- ing outlet counts. The genera found in addition to those already enumerated at the outlet are Achnanthes, Stauroneis, Spirogyra, Euglena and Synura. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations show all the counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet. In five counts the number of bacteria at the outlet were less than 20 per cent, of the number of bacteria in corresponding counts at the inlet. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 41 The general relation of the amount of rain-fall to the number of microscopical organisms at the inlet and to bacteria is evident. The result of all three forms of analysis show a general relation to rain-fall, and hence to each other. The nitrates, microscopical organisms and bacteria as found at the inlet and outlet of the Hempstead Storage Reservoir show the following relations : The nitrates and bacteria are much higher at inlet than at the outlet, the microscopical organisms are much higher at the outlet than at the inlet. The general results of the chemical and bacterial work agree in showing the high degree of pollution of Horse Brook throughout its course and at the entrance to the Reservoir. They agree also in showing a decided dimunition in the chemical and bacterial constituents at the outlet of the Reservoir. The odors of the water at the inlet are traceable directly to the condition of the feeder already described. The odors at the outlet are vegetable in character. The micro- scopical organisms are not present at this latter point in sufficient quantity to account for these odors, which are probably traceable to vegetable matters in solution, derived from the feeder in the lower part of its course, and from the swampy area at the head of the Reservoir. SCHODACK BROOK. This brook runs in a southerly direction a short distance to the west of the Hempstead Storage Reservoir. It formerly was a feeder to Hempstead Pond, but is now utilized as a separate source of supply. Its water is carried by a pipe line around the margin of Hemp- stead Pond, and enters the branch conduit just below the latter. The brook flows through a Avooded and somewhat swampy country. Inspection showed the presence of a pond which is used for an ice supply during the winter months upon the brook in the upper part of its course. In the immediate vicinity of the pond are several dwellings with outbuildings and stables. The lower part of the feeder runs through a low swampy district, the ground rising on each side in a 42 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY somewhat abrupt slope. On this highland and its sloping sides a number of dwellings are situated Avith out-buildings, stables and pig-pens. The closets immediately along the brook are panned. The brook is estimated to furnish about 1,000,000 gallons of water daily. TAventy-eight chemical analyses have been made of the water from this brook. Its color during the summer months was low and the turbidity and sediment observed were very slight. The odor, however, for the same period was persistently unpleas- ant, and sometimes disagreeable. The free ammonia ranged between .0024 parts and .0114 parts, the higher results being obtained between May and October. The albuminoid ammonia results lay between .0019 parts and .0316 parts, and are distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 67.8 " between .0100 and .0150 '• " " = 17.8 " " " .0150 and .0300 " " " = 14.2 Nitrites were found quite constantly during the summer months and were as high as .0007 parts. Nitrates for the same period are also someAvhat high, the average for the results between July 20th and October 1st, being .0552 parts. The oxygen consumed was somewhat low and ran parallel with the color. The determinations of the residue on evaporation show the water to have usually over 5.00 parts of total solids and over 3.50 parts of fixed solids. The hardness is about the same as that of the other waters of this section. The average amount of chlorine as obtained from the twenty- eight determinations gave 0.64 parts. The monthly averages were as follows : 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000.] February................................60 March...................................64 April...................................65 May.....................................64 June..........................„..........65 July.....................................64 August..................................64 September...............................63 OP THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 43 Two determinations of iron gave .0100 parts and .0050 parts re- spectively. Twenty-seven miscroscopical examinations from February to October average 14 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 54 organisms per C. C, in August, the lowest, 3 organisms per C. C, in June. About 55 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th the average count was 10 organisms per C. C.; for the subsequent period, 22 organ- isms per C. C. The average number of genera was 6. Diatoms occurred in 100 per cent, of the samples. Alga? in 80 per cent. Infusoria in 63 per cent. The total number of individual genera found was 29. Tabellaria was present in about 75 per cent, of the samples, but only once in quantity of five or more. Navicula also was present in about 75 per cent, of the samples, occurring in quantities of five or more but twice. Eunotia occurred in 55 per cent, of the samples, only once in the quantity of five or more. Schodack Brook does not present any unusual features. The fluctuations in its microscopical contents are not quantita- tively wide. The counts are lo^ and the genera found, not very numerous. Organisms such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Dinobryon and Synura capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in water were found, but never in significant numbers. The higher average of the counts during the second period corresponds with the increased rain-fall. Twenty-six bacterial quantitative examinations from Frebuary to October averaged 812 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 3,600 bacteria per C. C, in August, the lowest 200 bacteria per C. C, once in May, once in June, once in October. About 80 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 571 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period, the average was 1,400 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not carried on to a sufficient extent for final conclusions. 44 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY Seven examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, all yield- ing negative results. The correspondence between the bacterial counts and the rain- fall is marked. A general relationship of the results of all three forms of analyses to rain-fall exists. The odors of the water are recorded as unpleasant and disagree- able. The microscopical organisms were not present in sufficient quantity to account for these odors, which are traceable rather to drainage of the surrounding swamp land. HEMPSTEAD (DEMOTT'S) POND. This pond is situated immediately south of Hempstead Storage Reservoir, which has a direct pipe line connection with it. It is connected by a branch conduit with the main couduit at the head of Smith's Pond. The narrow strip of ground between these two ponds is low and swampy. The water wasted from Hempstead Pond passes into Smith's Pond through the latter's eastern inlet. The pond is estimated to furnish about 1,000,000 gallons of water daily. Inspection showed that the chief, if not the only, possibility of pollution to which this pond is exposed, consists of the arrange- ments made for the admission to it at will of the water from Hemp- stead Storage Reservoir. On the east bank of the pond an inhab- ited dwelling with outbuildings is found, and still further to the east, is a part of the village of Rockville Centre. These latter as sources of contamination are of comparatively little significance. Thirty-three chemical examinations have been made of the water from this pond. The average color of the water as determined during July, August and September was 0.20, which as compared with the color of the water from Hempstead Storage Reservoir for the same period was nearly three times as much. This may perhaps be accounted for by the character of the drain- age area immediately surrounding the pond from which it doubtless receives a large proportion of its water. It had a vegetable and OP THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 45 sometimes a marshy odor during the summer months, and showed very- little turbidity or sediment. The nitrogen as free ammonia varied between zero and .0062 parts, and steadily decreased from the middle of December, 1896, to the following May. It continued quite low with two exceptions until October. The highest albuminoid ammonia result obtained was .0275 parts, in June, 1897, and the lowest, .0060 parts, in December, 1896. The higher results were obtained during May, June, July, • August and September. • The distribution of the results according to the grouping previously used is as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] =40.6 " between .0100 and .0150 =10.9 " .0150 and .0300 =48.5 Nitrites have never been found, and the nitrates determined be- tween July and October were very low, ranging between zero and .0050 parts. The oxygen consumed results obtained during the same period follow the color quite closely. The mineral constituents, as represented by the total solids and hardness, show it to be an average surface water, and to contain very little lime. The chlorine determinations gave an average of 0.67 parts for the thirty-three examinations made. The monthly averages, beginning in January of the present year, are as folloAVS: 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. January..................................65 February...............................72 March....................................66 April....................................65 June.................................., . .70 May.....................................70 July................................... ,66 August................................. .65 September............... ...............67 Two iron determinations gave .0100 and .0120 parts respectively. 46 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY Twenty-six miscroscopical examinations from February to October averaged 45 organisms per C. C. Omitting one excep- tionally high count in March, this average becomes 24 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 560 oganisms per C. C, in March the next highest was 67 organisms per C. C.,in July, the low- est, 1 organism per C. C, in April. About 80 per cent, of the counts Avere below the second average (24 organisms per C. C). Previous to June 19th, the average count was 49 organisms per C. C. Omitting the exceptional count in March, this average becomes 13 organisms.per C. C. For the sub- sequent period the count averaged 38 organisms per C. C, thus showing a relation to rain-fall. The average number of genera was 6. Diatoms were found in 90 per cent.of the samples, Algae in 63 per cent, and Infusoria in 90 per oent. The total number of individual genera found was 40. Navicula was found in about 58 per cent, of the samples, Tabellaria, Peridinium and Dinobryon in about 50 per cent. each. Hempstead Pond does not present extraordinary miscroscopical features. The miscroscopical contents resembles to some extent that of Hempstead Storage Reservoir, but is much less in quantity. The counts obtained are not usually very high, the genera some- what numerous. Organisms sometimes associated with disagreeable odors and tastes such as Tabellaria, Dinobryon, and Spongidae have been found, but in quantities usually too small to have any effect. Thirty-four bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October averaged 392 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 3,000 bacteria per C. C, in June, the lowest about 43 bacteria per C. C, in May. About 68 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19tb, the average count was 371 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period, the average was 490 bacteria per C. C. Omitting the highest count 3,000 (bacteria per C. C, in June), the average previous to June 19th becomes 251 bacteria per C. C, OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 47 emphasizing the effect of the heavy rains of the period subsequent to June 19th. General species work has not been carried on to an extent justify- ing final conclusions. Four examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, without positive result. The bacterial quantitative results are fairly uniform and rather low previous to June 19th, with one or two single exceptions corresponding with heavy rain-fall. Subsequent to June 19th the counts are much higher, but still not excessive. The result of the three forms of analysis show a general relation- ship to rain-fall, and hence to each other. The vegetable odors predominate in this water, and cannot be accounted for by the number or character of its microscopical organisms, but are due rather to the vegetable matters in solution. PINE'S POND AND FEEDER. Pine's Pond lies a short distance west of Schodack Brook. It is fed by a stream, which rises about three or four miles to the north and includes in its course several small ponds. A branch conduit, which has not been in use for some time, con- nects this pond with the main conduit at the head of Smith's Pond. The pond is provided with a gate-house and waste-water at its southern end, from which latter the water flows through Tangle- wood Pond into Smith's Pond, forming its western feeder. The drainage area from which this supply is drawn comprises 8.3 square miles, and includes some population on its southern portion. The pond has an area of eight acres, and furnishes about 600,000 gallons of water daily. Twenty-three chemical examinations have been made of the water from the pond. The color of the wrater was not very marked ; at times consider- able sediment has been observed, and the odor was usually vege- table in its character, often quite strongly so. The free ammonia ranged from zero to .0062 parts, the latter result being obtained in July. 48 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY The albuminoid ammonia varied between .0061 parts and .0340 parts. The results are distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] 21.7 " " between .0100 and .0150 = 39.1 .0150 and .0300 = 30.4 .0300 and .0400 = 8.8 Nitrites have been found in 43.4 per cent, of the results. They were obtained in all the results between July and October, but never above .0005 parts. Nitrates for the same period varied between .0320 parts and .0600 parts, averaging for the nine results .0431 parts. The oxygen consumed results show the effect of the rains in Julyr, and they diminish in amount in the months following. The mineral constituents of the water are similar to those of the other waters of this section. The average of the twenty-three chlorine determinations gave 0-66 parts, and the averages for the different months were as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000] March...................................62 April...................................64 May....................................70 June....................................68 July....................................62 August.................................66 September,............. .................64 Two determinations of iron gave .0070 and .0100 parts respec- tively. Eight chemical examinations have been made of the water entering the pond. No very marked differences are evident from a comparison of these results with those obtained on the outlet of the pond, excepting in the case of the chlorine, which is higher at the inlet. The average of these eight analyses for chlorine gave 0.71 parts against 0.68 parts for samples from the outlet examined on the same dates. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 49 Twenty-six microscopical examinations from January to September averaged 225 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 1,468 organisms per C. C, in May. About 80 per cent, of the counts Avere below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 370 organisms per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 29 organisms per C. C. From February to May the pond was in process of cleaning ; the water, consequently, was very low and held in suspension a great deal of the matter stirred up from the bottom of the pond. Unusually high counts were obtained in May. The average number of genera found was 8. Diatoms occurred in 96 per cent, of the samples, Algae and Infusoria in 80 per cent. each. The total number of genera found was 43. Navicula was found in 70 per cent, of the samples, Synedra in 77 per cent., Tabellaria in 70 per cent., Dinobryon in about 50 per cent. Pine's Pond presents a series of high counts during the period previous to June, and following the cleaning of the pond ; the samples being collected as the water passed from the overflow to the stream by which it reaches Smith's Pond. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in water at times, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Anabana, Dino- bryon, Synura, Uvella and Uroglena were found at intervals, but usually in insignificant quantities. Thirty-four bacterial examinations from January to October averaged 879 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 5,500 per C. C, in June, the lowest 90 bacteria per C. C, once in May and once in June. About 76 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th the average was 939 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 725 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not sufficiently detailed for extensive deductions. Seven examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded but one positive result. Pine's Pond presents an unusual feature, in that the average count was lower during the period of heavy rain than before. This, however, is without doubt due to the fact that during the earlier period the pond was in process of cleaning. The average of the counts is rather high for the whole period, 50 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY but the conditions already described prevent any very valuable deductions from them, either absolute or relative. Eight microscopical examinations at the inlet show four counts lower than the corresponding counts on the outlet. These counts were all made in the period immediately subsequent to the clean- ing of the pond, and the comparatively high counts obtained from the latter are thus explained. The four subsequent counts obtained at the inlet are higher than those at the outlet. Both show a general tendency downward. In addition to the forms already enumerated as found at the outlet the following also occurred: Achnanthes, Microcvstis, Closterium and Daphnia. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet show uni- formly higher counts than the corresponding counts at the outlet. The fluctuations in each series are fairly parallel, and show some relation to periods of heavy rain-fall. A general relation of the results of the three forms of analysis to rain-fall exists. During the earlier part of the year, ending about the first of May, the pond was in process of cleaning. The effects of this cleaning have already been discussed in relation to the bacterial and microscopical results. The vegetable and marshy odors recorded are traceable to vege- table matters in solution derived from the low land through which the feeder flows and at the head of the pond. The microscopical organisms were not present in sufficient quantity to account for them. The nitrates and bacteria are uniformly higher at the inlet than the outlet, in the eight analyses made. TANGLEWOOD POND AND FEEDER. This pond lies directly south of Pine's Pond and receives its sup- ply of water from the latter. It empties into Smith's Pond form- ing its western feeder. It is a very small pond and has the same drainage area as that of Pine's Pond with the addition of the low land intervening between the two. No data concerning its area, capacity or daily yrield, could be obtained. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 51 Inspection showed the presence of a dwelling with out-buildings in close proximity to the pond. A duck pond on the premises drains directly into the feeder. Twenty-five chemical examinations have been made of samples collected at the outlet of the pond, three from the centre, and ten at the inlet. The color is practically the same as that found for the water from Pine's Pond. Little turbidity or sediment have been noticed, and the usual vegetable odor has been obtained in a large proportion of the samples. The free ammonia, as determined on the centre and outlet samples, varied between zero and .0072 parts, 53 per cent, of Avhich were .0010 parts or below. The albuminoid ammonia on these samples ranged between .0040 parts and .0185 parts, and are distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 60.6 between .0100 and .0150 = 32.3 " " .0150 and .0300 = 7.1 Nitrites were found quite constantly between July and October but never over .0002 parts. The nitrates for the same period aver- aged .0394 parts, or a little lower than was obtained from the out- let at Pine's Pond. The oxygen consumed results are similar to those obtained from Pine's Pond and run parallel with the color. The total solids, fixed solids, and hardness are not materially dif- ferent from those of the above-mentioned pond. The average of the twenty-eight chlorine results on the outlet and centre samples gave 0.64 parts ; the monthly averages Avere as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts 100,000] February...............................63 March..................................68 April...................................64 May....................................70 June ................... ...............67 July....................................59 August...................................63 September.................,.............61 52 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY The inlet gave results similar to those from the outlet and centre. The average of the chlorine results on the inlet and the outlet for the same period was .65 parts in each case. Twenty-four microscopical examinations from February to Sep- tember averaged 58 organisms per C. C. The highest count ob- tained was 398 organisms per C. C, in May, the lowest, 4 organisms per C. C, found once in April, and once in September ; 5 organisms per C. C. were found once in August, once in September. About 75 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 97 organisms per C. C. ; subsequently the average fell to 11 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera was five. Diatoms occurred in 100 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in 63 per cent. The total number of genera found was 33. Synedra was found in 90 per cent, of the samples, Tabellaria in 63 per cent. Tanglewood Pond presents no striking peculiarities in regard to microscopical contents. The relatively high counts of the period preceding June 19th corresponds with the cleaning of Pine's Pond. Organisms capable of producing odors and tastes in water were found, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Dinobryon, Uvella, Uro- glena and Spongidse, but never in significant quantities. Twenty-eight bacterial quantitative results from January to October average 1,133 bacteria per C. C. The highest count ob- tained was 11,000 bacteria'per C. C, in August ; the lowest, 130 bacteria per C. C, in June. About 82 per cent, of the counts Avere below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 838 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 1,913 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not done in sufficient detail to justify conclusions. Seven examinations for intestinal bacteria show one positive re- sult in May. This is, however, but a small indication of the con- ditions usually present, on account of the fact that the pond sup- plying Tanglewood was in process of cleaning for a part of the period of observation, Tanglewood Pond showed relatively high counts. The period OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 53 of heavy rain-fall showed also a decided corresponding increase in bacteria. Eight microscopical examinations at the inlet of the feeder show three counts higher than the corresponding counts obtained at the outlet, four lower, one about the same. The higher counts were obtained soon after cleaning of the pond supplying Tanglewood Pond. The genera found in addition to those enumerated at the outlet were Closterium and Spirogyra. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet show three counts higher than the corresponding eounts at the outlet, three counts lower, and two counts about the same. A general relation to rain-fall is evident. There is a general relation between the results of the three forms of analysis and rain-fall, although a number of factors already decribed in the physical condition of this pond tend to make the relation less close than at certain other points. There is no definite relation between nitrates bacteria and micro- scopical organisms at the inlet and outlet; nor is there any relation between the odors found and the microscopical organisms, the former being- probably traceable to vegetable matter in solution, derived from the aquatic vegetation of the pond itself and its feeder. SMITH'S POND AND FEEDER. Smith's Pond is situated on the western side of the village of Rockville Centre. It lies immediately south of the conduit and north of the south- ern division of the L. I. R. R. track. This pond acts as a reservoir for all the water of Pine's and Tanglewood Ponds and also for the surplus water of Hempstead Pond. From the two former sources of supply the water enters Smith's Pond through its western feeder, and from the latter through its eastern feeder. The pond overflows through a waste weir into a creek which empties into the sea. Excavations have been made in this pond to increase its capacity. Its estimated daily yield is 5,000,000 gallons. 54 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The level of the pond is lower than that of the conduit which passes along its northern end, and in consequence the water is lifted by pumps into the conduit. Inspection showed a dwelling situated on the western side of the pond; on the eastern side, but at an appreciable distance, is situated the village of Rockville Centre ; on the western side also at some distance from the pond, is the village of Lynbrook. A cemetery of some size is situated within 1,000 feet of the western side of the pond, standing on high ground from which there is a direct slope towards the pond. Twenty-seven chemical analyses have been made of the water taken from the pump-well at the pumping station, situated on the northwestern side of the pond. Six analyses of the water taken from samples collected from tap in the pumping station during March, April and May gave results similar to those from the pump-well. The results of these analyses have not been introduced into the following averages: The color of the samples ranged between .10 and .25 dnring July, August and September. The sediment and turbidity have been very slight, and the odor, while at times mouldy and occa- sionally grassy, was as a rule simply vegetable. The free ammonia ranged between zero and .0075 parts, the latter result being obtained in July following the heavy rains of that month. The albuminoid ammonia fluctuated between .0026 parts and .0221 parts. Over 83 per cent, of the results obtained after June 1st were above .0100 parts. The following table shows the distribution of the results according to the amounts obtained : Percentage of results below .0100 [parts Per 100,000] = 55.5 " " between .0100 and .0150 =29.6 .0150 and .0300 = 14.8 The nitrites never exceeded .0001 part and were found only during the summer months. The nitrates for this period ranged between .0170 parts and .0330 parts, averaging .0223 parts. The results obtained from the determination of the total solids and hardness indicate the similarity of its mineral constituents to the other surface water of this section. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 55 Two determinations of iron gave .0130 and .0300 parts respec- tively. Tha averge of the twenty-seven cholorine determinations gave 0.60 parts. The monthly averages were as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January...................................60 February ........,.........................56 March.....................................61 May......... .............................65 June.......................................63 July......................................58 August....................................62 September.................................62 One chlorine determination in December gave .55 parts and one in April gave .60 parts. An average of six chlorine determina- tions made on the samples collected from the tap in the pumping station gave .64 parts. This would make the average for the thirty- three determinations .62 parts instead of .60 parts. It is evident that some dilution of the water of this pond takes place by the drainage it receives from the territory immediately about it, and that the water thus entering the pond is less in chlorine than the water of the ponds which to a certain extent act as feeders to it. The eight samples collected at the inlets for chemical analysis gave results similar to those obtained from the pond itself. Twenty-eight microscopical examinations averaged 66 organ- isms per C. C The highest count obtained was 396 organisms per C. C, in May ; the lowest, 7 organisms per C. C, once in April, once in August; 8 organisms per C. C. were found once in August, once in September. About 70 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th the average was 93 organisms per C. C. Subsequently the average fell to 23 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera was about 9. Diatoms occurred in 100 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in about 67 per cent. The total number of genera was 33. Tabellaria was present in about 90 per cent, of the samples, 56 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY Navicula in 82 per cent., Synedra in 75 per cent., Dinobryon in 67 per cent, and Melosira in 64 per cent. Smith's Pond presents nothing unusual microscopically. The high counts during the first period of observation corresponded with the cleaning of Pine's Pond which forms part of its supply. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes, such as Asterionella, Tabellaria, Meridion, Ceathrocystis, Oscillaria, and Synedra were present, but never in excessive amount. Thirty-four bacterial quantitative examinations from January to October, averaged 846 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 7,000 bacteria per C. C , in March; the lowest, 170 bacteria per C. C, once in May; 180 bacteria per C. C. were found once in May, once in June. About 70 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 891 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 875 bacteria per C. C. Omitting the single high count of 7,000 bacteria per C. C, the average for the first period of observation becomes 636 bacteria per C. C, standing a little lower than that for the subsequent period. General species work was not sufficiently detailed for final con- clusions. Nine examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, all yielding negative results. Smith's Pond presents no unusual bacterial features. The counts are relatively somewhat high. During the period of heavy rain- fall, the average is less than during the preceding period. The higher average count of the earlier period corresponds with the cleaning of one of the ponds supplying Smith's Pond. Four microscopical examinations of the eastern feeder at its inlet showed one count higher than the corresponding count at the out- let, two lower, one about the same. The genera found in addition to those already enumerated at the outlet were Stauroneis, Closterium and Pediastrum. Three bacterial quantitative examinations at the eastern inlet showed two counts about the same as the corresponding counts at the outlet, one lower. Four microscopical examinations of the western feeder showed three counts lower than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one count about the same. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 57 Three bacterial quantitative examinations of the western inlet showed two counts higher than the corresponding counts on the outlet, one lower. The fact that the number of samples from each feeder were few in number and taken at different periods prevents any general conclusions from their comparison. A general relation exists between the results of the three forms of analysis and the rain-fall. The odors do not correspond with the characters or numbers of the microscopical organisms found, and are traceable to vegetable matters in solution derived from the aquatic plants growing in considerable quantities in the pond and to the swamp soil through which the feeders run. Nitrates, bacteria and microscopical organisms show no definite relations at the inlet as compared with the outlet. VALLEY STREAM RESERVOIR AND FEEDER. Valley Stream Reservoir lies over two miles and a half west of Smith's Pond and about 2,000 feet north of the main conduit, with which it is connected by a branch conduit. The reservoir is fed by a stream which divides a short distance above it into two branches. The western branch flows through a wooded and swampy country, sparsely populated, while the eastern branch includes several small ponds in its course and passes through a fairly well- settled section. The drainage area comprises 6.3 square miles, and includes in its northern portion a part of the village of Hyde Park. This pond covers an area of about seventeen acres, and the estimated daily yield of the reservoir, together with a small pond (Watts) directly south of it, is 3,800,000 gallons. This reservoir was in process of cleaning between December, 1896, and April, 1897- Inspections showed the presence of one dwelling near the outlet of the reservoir. The western branch of the main feeder passes in the vicinity of two or three dwellings in its course. The eastern branch runs nearly parallel with and to the west of the Franklin Square Road. Situated in the intervening area, rarely more than three hundred feet in width, are a number of dwellings, with out- 58 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY buildings, stables and privy-vaults. The slope of the land tends to permit drainage directly toward the feeder. A still larger num- ber of houses and outbuildings are situated on the east side of the Franklin Square Road, and the slope is also in general toward the feeder. Twenty-six chemical analyses of samples of water collected at the gate house have been made since March 1st. The color of the water during July, August and September de- creased from .40 to .07. The turbidity and sediment were slight, and the odor vegetable, sometimes marshy. The free ammonia on March 2nd, immediately following the cleaning of the reservoir, was .0055 parts; but after that date never rose above .0018 parts, while nearly 77 per cent, of the whole num- ber of results were .0012 parts or under. The albuminoid ammonia results ranged between .0071 parts and .0264 parts, and were distributed as follows: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000]=46.1 " " between .0100 and .0150. =23.1 .0150 and .0300 =30.8 The higher results usually occurred during the summer months. Nitrites were found in over 31 per cent, of the results, and were as high as .0014 parts on the 15th of September, but in all the other determinations were below .0006 parts. The average of the nine determinations of nitrates between July and October gave .0703 parts. The total and fixed solids for the same period ranged between 5.60 parts and 6.90 parts for the former and 3.70 parts and 4.90 parts for the latter. The hardness averaged 1.6 parts for the same period. The average of the twenty-six chlorine determinations was 0.65 parts. The monthly averages were as follows: 4897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. March....................................64 April----................................66 May ............................... ... .67 June ....................................65 July.......................,...........66 August..................................64 September..............................64 OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 59 Nine chemical analyses of the water collected at the inlet to the reservoir were made between April and October. The results ex- hibit the same general features, characteristic of the results obtained on the pond, except that the nitrates were slightly higher in several instances and that the free and albuminoid ammonia figures were also somewhat higher. Twenty-seven microscopical examinations, from January to Sep- tember, averaged 22 organisms per C. C. The highest count ob- tained was 136 organisms per C. C, in January; the lowest, 1 organism per C. C, once in March, once in June. About 70 per cent, of the counts were lower than the average. Omitting three counts obtained in January, February and March, during the process of cleaning the pond, the averages become, for the total period, 14 organisms per C. C.; for the period previous to June 19th, 17 organisms per C. C.; for the subsequent period 11 organisms per C. C. The average during the cleaning process was 85 organisms per C. C. Diatoms were found in about 93 per cent. and Infusoria in about 74 per cent, of the samples. The average number of genera was five. The total number of geuera was 29. Synedra was found in about 50 per cent, of the samples. Valley Stream Reservoir showed generally a low count ; during the cleaning of the reservoir, which was finished in March, the a Average was considerably higher than at any other time. Organisms capable of producing odors in water, such as Meridion, Tabellaria, Dinobryon and Uroglena were found, but not in sig- nificant quantities. Thirty-one bacterial quantitative examinations, from January to October, averaged 1,441 bacteria per C. C. The highest count was about 8,000 bacteria per C. C, obtained in January ; the lowest count was 64 bacteria per C. C, obtained in May. About 70 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 1,513 bacteria per C. C- For the subsequent period the average was 1,325 bacteria per C. C. During the process of cleaning, the average of seven examinations (2.916 bacteria per C. C.) was considerably higher than the average for the period of heavy rain-fall. Omitting the samples collected at this time the average for the period preceding June 19th becomes 60 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY about 540 bacteria per C. C, which is considerably lower than the average for the subsequent period of heavy rain already given. General species work was not carried out in sufficient detail to justify final conclusions. Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded one positive re- sult. The process of cleaning in the earlier part of the first period of observation lessens the value of these results to some extent. Eight microscopical examinations at the inlet of the feeder show four counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet; two counts lower, and two counts about the same. The genera found in addition to those enumerated as occurring at the outlet were Asterionella, Cymbella, Epithemia, Surirella, Staurastrum, Euglena and Tintinnidium. Seven bacterial quantitative results at the inlet gave six counts distinctly higher than the corresponding counts on the outlet and one count lower. A general relation to rain-fall obtains. A general relation exists between the results of the three forms of analysis and the rain-fall. During the process of cleaning the pond terminating in March, the microscopical and bacterial results are distinctly affected. The odors cannot be traced to the microscopical organisms found and are due to the swampy land through which the feeder and its branches run, and the aquatic vegetation there present. Nitrates and bacteria were higher at the inlet than at the outlet as a rule in the eight analyses made. The microscopical organisms do not, however, show any constant relationship to the other de- terminations, although the tendency seems to be for the inlet counts to exceed the outlet counts. WATT'S PUMPING STATION. Watt's Pond, situated south of the main conduit, and about half a mile southwest of Valley Stream Reservoir, receives the overflow water from the latter. The small stream which connects these two sources of supply receives additional water from a branch which enters it on the western side, a short distance above the point where the conduit OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 61 crosses the main feeder. This branch divides into two streams, the western being very short and the eastern extending a mile or two to the north and a short distance west of Valley Stream Reservoir. The land drained by this small stream is more or less cultivated. The country which lies between Valley Stream Reservoir and Watt's Pond along the main feeder is low and swampy. Inspection showed the presence of a few dwellings and out- buildings situated in the immediate neighborhood of the main feeder and others on the western branch of the same. In one case a pig-pen was found within twenty feet of the branch feeder. Watt's Pond is provided with a waste weir at its southern end. On account of the fact that it lies lower than the main conduit, pumps are employed to lift the water from the pond to the conduit. A system of driven wells, situated on the western side of the pond and connected with the same pumps is drawn upon for a portion of the supply. At times pond water alone had been pumped ; at times driven-well water alone, and at still other times mixtures of both, varying usually from one-fourth to one-third of pond water and the rest driven-well water. The samples collected from the tap in the pumping station were therefore sometimes surface water only, sometimes ground water only and sometimes mixtures of both. The exact source of the water being pumped could not be ascertained for some of the samples collected. In most instances, however, general statements were obtained from those in charge of the pumping station, and these have been noted below the corresponding samples in the tables. Valley Stream Reservoir which was being cleaned during the months of December, January and a part of February, was allowed to waste into Watt's Pond, which was during that period used as a source of supply. Thirty-three samples in all were collected from the tap in the pumping station. Nine of these samples were pond water, six driven-well water, and eleven mixtures. The exact source of seven other samples could not be ascertained. The unmixed pond water samples were all taken prior to the middle of April. G2 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Of these, the five samples collected during the latter part of January and in February, showed high free ammonia varying be- tween .0066 parts and .0082 parts. The four samples collected between the middle of March and the mindle of April, also gave high free ammonia with one exception, which was probably due, as in the first instance, to the effect of the wasting of Valley Stream Reservoir water into Watt's Pond, during the cleaning of the former. The albuminoid ammonia obtained from these nine samples ranged between .0058 parts and .0118 parts, and 77.7 per cent, of them were above .0090 parts. The average of the nine chlorine determinations on these samples gava 0.65 parts. The eleven mixed pond and well water samples were collected between the 20th of May and the 28th of September. The sample of May 27th contained but one-tenth pond water; the sample of May 20th contained one-fourth pond water; the other samples con- sisted of mixtures of one-third pond water and two-thirds well water. Omitting the sample first mentioned the remaining ten gave the following results: The free ammonia ranged between .0012 parts and .0062 parts, and averaged .0037 parts. The albuminoid ammonia results ranged between .0038 parts and .0278 parts; the latter result was obtained July 15th, and was probably due to the very heavy rains during that week. Omitting this high result the average becomes .0056 parts. Seven of the samples gave .0001 part of nitrites, and one .0002 parts. Eight of the ten samples gave an average of .1033 parts of nitrates.* The ten chlorine determinations gave an average of .75 parts or .10 parts higher than the nine pond water samples gave for the winter and spring months. Seven of the samples examined for hardness gave an average of 2.0 parts. The six driven-well water samples were scattered over six months' time, two samples being collected in March, one in April, two in May and one in August. * Phenol Sulphonic Acid Method. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 63 The free ammonia of these samples ranged between .0008 parts and .0036 parts, and averaged .0028 parts. The albuminoid ammonia fluctuated between .0024 parts and .0070 parts, and gave an average of .0046 parts. The chlorine results gave an average of 0.76 parts. Three samples collected at the inlet to this pond have been an- alyzed. Twenty-eight microscopical and twenty-five bacterial examina- tions were made from January to September. From the samples, whose exact sources were identified, the fol- lowing results Avere obtained : Seven microscopical counts obtained from unmixed driven-well water gave an average of 3 organisms per C. C, the highest count being 4 organisms per C. C; the lowest, 1 organism per C. C. Seven bacterial counts showed an average of 53 bacteria per C. C. The highest count was 145 bacteria per C. C, the lowest, 5 bacteria per C. 0. Five microscopical counts from unmixed pond water averaged 21 organisms per C. C, the highest being 39 organisms per C. C, the lowest, 10 organisms per C. C. Eight bacterial counts aver- aged 3,305 bacteria per C. C, the highest count being 11,200 bac- teria per C. C, the lowest, 440 bacteria per C. C. Twelve microscopical counts from mixtures of one-third or one- fourth pond water to two-thirds or three-fourths driven-well water averaged 6 organisms per C. C, the highest being 34 organisms per C. C, the lowest showing no organisms. The bacterial counts averaged 341 bacteria per C. C, the high- est being 1,500 bacteria per C. C, the lowest, 30 bacteria per C. C. The microscopical counts obtained when driven-well water alone was examined were low,and the samples usually contained numerous fungoid filaments. The bacterial counts also were low at such times. The pond water samples examined were somewhat higher in micro- scopical organisms, distinctly higher in bacterial counts, and showed few or no fungoid filaments. When the surface and ground waters were mixed, the results showed somewhat low microscopical counts, the fairly constant presence of fungoid fila- ments, and bacterial counts ranging between those obtained from 64 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY the ground water alone and those obtained from the surface water alone. The counts on the unmixed pond water are relatively high dur- ing the period of observation, because at this time Valley Stream Reservoir, the pond supplying Watt's Pond, was in process of cleaning. Counts from thirteen samples obtained at Watt's Pumping Sta- tion during this time averaged 2,910 bacteria per C. C The difference in the characters of the two classes of water pumped at different times from this station prevent close serial comparisons of the results of the three forms of analysis. The free ammonia and the microscopical and bacterial counts showed corresponding increases during the cleaning of Valley Stream Reservoir. Changes from unmixed ground to unmixed surface water gave corresponding fluctuations in the chemical, bac- terial and microscopical results. The pumpage of mixtures of ground and surface waters gave results lying between the extremes obtained from the unmixed waters. The odors obtained show no relation to the microscopical organ- isms, and are traceable to vegetable matter in solution. CLEAR STREAM POND AND FEEDER. Clear Stream Pond is situated nearly a mile west of Valley Stream Reservoir ; it lies 2,000 feet north of the main conduit and is connected with it by a branch conduit. The pond is a very small one, about an acre in extent, and is fed by two small streams, one entering on the northern side and the other on the western. The former stream, which is bounded by a narrow strip of low land, flows through a cultivated country. The western branch is shorter, and two or three houses are sit- uated near its banks. In one case a privy-vault stands within twenty feet of the feeder, the character of the ground permitting free drainage toward the feeder. The pond is estimated to furnish 800,000 gallons of water daily. The water flows by gravity into the conduit. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 65 Thirty-three chemical examinations have been made of the water from the pond. The color of the Avater was never above .20 during the time the color was estimated. The odor has been unpleasant and often dis- agreeable; at times it has been offensive. The turbidity and sediment were not very marked, except in a few instances, when considerable was obtained. The free ammonia ranged between .0003 parts and .0130 parts, with 57.7 per cent, of the results below .0050 parts, and the remainder above .0050 parts and below .0130 parts. The albuminoid ammonia results lie between .0056 parts and .0235 parts, and are distributed as follows: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 39.1 between .0100 and .0150 =33.6 " " 0150 and .0300 =27.3 Nitrites were absent in only two of the thirty-three determina- tions made. The range for those samples in which nitrites were present, was between .0010 parts and .0044 parts, about 45 per cent, of the results being above .0020 parts.* The nitrates were very high during the whole time. The average of the twenty-three results obtained previous to June 19th,was .3711 parts, and of nine results obtained, between July 15th and Sep- tember 2Sth, the average was .2740 parts.* The total solids ranged between 6.00 parts and 11.00 parts, with the majority of the results above 9.00 parts. * The fixed solids are correspondingly high, as is also the loss on ignition. The hardness, as determined by the soap method, average 2.2 parts for the nine determinations made. The average of the thirty-three chlorine de- terminations gave 0.79 parts. The averages by months were as follows : 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. January.................................87 February................ ...............76 March....................................76 April....................................77 May.....................................82 June .................................80 July....................................82 August............ ....................83 September.............................80________l * I. Note.—Results obtained for nitrates previous to June 19th were determined by the Copper-Zinc Couple Method, but after that date by the Phenol-Sulphonic Process. G6 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The extremes in the chlorine results were 0.70 parts and 0.90 parts, and were obtained in February and June, respectively. Twelve chemical examinations were made of the water from the two inlets to the pond, eight being made on the western feeder and four on the eastern. The average of the eight determinations of chlorine on the west- ern feeder gave 0.72 parts and the average of the four determina- tions on the eastern feeder gave 0.91 parts. Twenty-seven microscopical examinations, from February to September, averaged 31 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 374 organisms per C. C, in April. One sample, in August, showed no organisms. About 90 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 37 organisms per C. C. For the subsequent period the average was 17 organisms per C. C. Omitting one exceptionally high count, 374 organisms per C. C, in April, the average previous to June 19th becomes 15 organisms per C. C, showing much closer relation between these two periods, The average number of genera was 6. Diatoms were present in 96 per cent, of the samples, Algae in 80 per cent. The total number of genera found was 33. Navicula was found in 93 per cent, of the samples, Tabellaria in 55 per cent., Scenedesnius in 55 per cent. Clear Stream pond shows nothing remarkablein iis microscopical contents. The heavy rain-fall of the second period of observation does not affect the average count to any extent. Organisms capa- ble of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in the water at times, such as Meridion, Tabellaria, Anabaena, Dinobryon and Synura, were found, but not in significant quantities. Thirty bacterial quantitative examinations, from January to October, averaged 2,654 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 13,400 bacteria per C. C, in January, the lowest, 120 bacteria per C. C, in July. About 70 per cent, of the samples were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 2,816 bacteria per C. C, after that date 2,353 bacteria per C. C. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 07 General species work was not carried out on a sufficiently ex- tensive scale to justify final conclusions. Iutestinal bacteria were obtained three times in seventeen exam- inations, twice in the pond, once in the western feeder. Clear Stream Pond yields relatively high average counts. The fluctuations are not very wide or frequent. There seems to be little definite relation between the rain-fall and the count. Eight microscopical examinations from the western feeder showed five counts higher than the corresponding counts obtained at the outlet, three counts lower. The following genera were found in addition to those already enumerated as occurring at the outlet : Achnantbes, Stauroneis, Euglypha, Euglena, Glenodinium, Anurea. Eight bacterial quantitative results showed six counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one lower, one about the same. A general relation to rain-fall obtains. Four microscopical examinations from the eastern feeder show all the counts higher than the corresponding counts on the outlet. The following genera were found in addition to those already enumerated at the outlet : Cyclotella, Epithemia, Stauroneis. Four bacterial quantitative examinations showed two counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, two lower. Compared with each other the western feeder was richer in mi- croscopical organisms, and decidedly higher in bacterial contents, as a rule, during the period of parallel observation. A general relationship exists between the results of the three forms of analysis and rain-fall. The odors recorded do not corre- spond with the microscopical organisms found. Nitrates and bacteria were usually distinctly higher at the inlets than at the outlet. The microscopical organisms were also usual- ly higher at the inlets. TWIN PONDS (SIMONSON'S POND) AND FEEDER. Twin Ponds is situated a little over a mile west of Clear Stream Pond, about 3,000 feet north of the conduit. It is connected with the latter by a branch conduit. 68 REPORT ON THE WATKlt SUPPLY The Merrick Road divides the pond in two parts, which commu- nicate with each other by a culvert under the road. The southern portion has at its lower end a waste weir for the removal of the surplus water, and a gate house at the entrance to the branch conduit. The stream which feeds the pond enters at the upper end of the northern portion, and is about three miles in length. The drainage area of this pond is 8.87 square miles. The area of the pond itself is 8.75 acres, and is estimated to furnish 2,000,000 gallons of water daily. Inspection showed six dwellings in the vicinity of the pond, the slope of the ground permitting drainage to take place towards the pond. The feeder runs parallel with, and to the west of, the Foster Meadow Road, rarely at a distance of more than three hundred feet. On the intervening strip of land are situated twenty-one closets in close proximity to the feeder, at distances ranging between twenty and two hundred feet. On the date of the last inspection, in November, these closets were unpanned. Ten stables, four pig- pens and eight chicken runs were found, all of which were within two hundred feet of the feeder, and many of them much nearer. There are four cemeteries close to the feeder on the eastern side of the Foster Meadow Road. Numerous dwellings and outbuild- ings, in addition to the above, are situated on the eastern side of this road also. The slope of the land is toward the feeder. Thirty-four chemical examinations of samples of water collected at the gate house have been made. The color was uniformly low, the highest reading having been 0.12. The turbidity and sediment have been very slight and the odor vegetable for the time during which determinations were made. The free ammonia ranged between zero and .0160 parts, 47 per cent, of the results being above .0030 parts. The highest albu- minoid ammonia result is .0274 parts, and the lowest .0028 parts. They are distributed according to the grouping previously adopted as follows : OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 69 Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 73.5 " " between .0100 and .0150 = 20.6 .0150 and .0300 = 5 9 Nitrites were found in 76.4 per cent, of the results, and ranged between .0004 parts and .0128 parts; 54.6 per cent, of the positive nitrite results were above .0020 parts. The nitrogen as nitrates was persistently high, and averaged .3073 parts, previous to June 16th, and .2521 parts after that date. The total solids and hardness are rather high. The average of the thirty-five chlorine determinations gave 0.81 parts. The monthly averages were as follows : Chlorine [parts per 100,000] January..................................85 February...............................69 March.................................77 April....................................81 May....................................82 June....................................82 July.....................................90 August...................................86 September................................85 Two iron determinations gave .0200 parts and .0050 parts, respec- tively, at different times. The analyses of the samples collected at the inlet gave in gene- ral results similar to those obtained on the pond. The odor of the water from the feeder was unpleasant at times, and considerable sediment has been noted. Special analytical examinations of the feeder at various points in its course were made, yielding results confirmatory of the above. Twenty-seven microscopical examinations from January to Sep- tember averaged 29 organisms per C. C. The highest count ob- tained was 130 organisms per C. C, in August; the lowest, 3 organ- isms per C. O, once in March, once in August. About 70 percent. of the counts were below the average. i Notb.—Results obtained for nitrates previous to June i6ih were determined by the Copper- Zinc Couple Method, but afier that date the Phenol-Sulphonic Acid Protess was used. 70 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Previous to June 19th, the average was 20 organisms per C. C.; for the subsequent period the average was 46 organisms per C. C. Omitting from the latter period one exceptionally high count (130 organisms per C. C. in August) the average for the second period of observation becomes 31 organisms per C. C, still showing an increase over the average of the previous period. Diatoms were found in 100 per cent, of the samples, and Algae in 70 per cent. The average number of genera was six. The total number of individual genera found was 31. Navicula was present in 77 per cent, of the samples, Synedra in 70 per cent. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in water were found, such as Meridion, Tabellaria, Anabaena, Pandorina and Dinobryon, but never in significant quantities. A brown floating scum, consisting largely of Oscillaria filaments, together with numerous Diatoms, Infusoria and other minute ani- mal and vegetable life, was found frequently on the surface of this pond towards the upper end, sometimes in considerable quantity. Thirty-one bacterial quantitative examinations, from January to October, average 5,979 bacteria per C. C The highest count ob- tained was 48,700 bacteria per C. O, in January ; the lowest 300 bacteria per C. C., in September. About 84 per cent, of the samples were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 7,791 bacteria per C. C. Omitting four very high counts, the average for this period becomes 2,105 bacteria per C. C. For the subsequent period the count averaged 1,619 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not carried ou in sufficient detail to warrant final conclusions. Sixteen examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded positive re- sults five times, once each in January, February, March, May and June. Twin Ponds yielded relatively high individual bacterial counts,and also a relatively high average. The fluctuations are wide and numerous, suggesting a constantly varying condition of the water. Eight microscopical examinations at the inlet of the feeder show OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 71 six counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, one count lower, one about the same period. The genera found in addition to those occurring at the outlet were Gomphonema, Stauroneis, Clathrocystis, Pediastrum, Anguil- lula. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet gave three counts higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet, three counts lower and two about the same. A general relation of counts to rain-fall may be seen. A general relationship between the results of the three forms of analysis and the rain-fall exists. The odors found are not explained by the number or character of the organisms present, but are traceable to the marshy soil through which the feeder flows and the character of the drainage it receives. SPRINGFIELD POND AND FEEDER. This pond known as the Lower Springfield Pond, in distinction to the pond just north of it, called the Upper Springfield Pond, lies about three-quarters of a mile west of Twin Ponds and less than a thousand feet south of the main conduit. It is fed by a small stream which rises about two miles to the north and includes in its course, Upper Springfield Pond also known as Durland's or No- strand's Pond. A branch which joins the feeder between the Upper and Lower Springfield Ponds is somewhat over a mile in length and includes in its course a small pond called Gross' Pond. The course of the main feeder is close to the Springfield Road and dwellings and out-buildings constituting a part of the village of Springfield intervene between the street and the stream for more than half its length. Dwellings and out-buildings are also to be found on the opposite side of the road in considerable numbers. The whole section is thickly setttled and the natural drainage is directly into the stream. The closets immediately along the feeder are panned, but the drainage of stables, pig-pens and fowl runs, which are situated close to the banks, have full access to it. These conditions have been made the subject of a special report to the State Board of Health, 72 REPORT ON THE "WATER SUPPLY since which time this source of supply has been placed out of service. The ground is low about the feeder and the pond, and consider- able rank vegetation is to be found during the summer months in and along the edges of the Upper Springfield Pond, and also about Gross Pond on the branch feeder. The banks of the Lower Springfield Pond are very flat and low with more or less vegetation. The pond is provided with a waste weir at the lower.end. The pond is estimated to furnish 1,500,000 gallons of water daily. The drainage area of the pond and feeder is 8.12 square miles, and consists largely of cultivated land in the northern portion, in- cluding the village of Floral Park. A pumping station at the northern end of the pond lifts the water into the main conduit. Previous to May, sixteen samples were collected for chemical analysis at the pumping station. Between July 2lst and Octo- ber 1st, nine samples were collected from the overflow at the southern end of the pond. The sixteen samples from the pumping station are discussed to- gether, as are also those from the overflow. The free ammonia results obtained previous to May 1st ranged between .0008 parts and .0118 parts, 50 per cent, of them being above .0050 parts. The albuminoid ammonia results varied between .0042 parts and .0234 parts, and are distributed as follows: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 62.5 ' " between .0100 and .0150 =18.7 " .0150 and .0300 = 18.8 The average of the results below .0100 parts gave .0074 parts. Nitrites were found in 50 per cent, of the results and ranged between .0002 parts and .0012 parts. The nitrates were quite uniform and relatively high. The total solids are somewhat high and the fixed solids and hard- ness are in proportion. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 73 The average of the sixteen chlorine determinations gave 0.95 parts, and the averages by months were as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. January..................................92 February.................................98 March....................................96 April....................................91 The nine samples collected from the overflow between July 21st and October 1st, may be summarized as follows : The color of the water has been rather high, ranging between 0.80 and 0.15. It decreased gradually after the heavy rain-fall in July, the oxygen consumed decreasing with it. The water showed very little turbidity, but considerable sedi- ment. The odors were vegetable, disagreeable, fishy and aromatic. The free ammonia ranged between .0006 and .0386 parts. The three results of July 21st, .29th and August 4th gave .0198, .0386 and .0152 parts respectively, and seem to be due to the heavy rain-fall of that period, as both the color and the albuminoid am- monia were high in the same analyses. The albuminoid ammonia ranged between .0122 parts and .0354 parts, and the results are distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 11.1 " " between .0150 and .0300 = 66.6 " " " .0300 and .0400 = 22.2 Nitrites were present in all the determinations made. The highest result obtained was .0040 parts and the lowest, .0007 parts. The average of all the analyses was .0019 parts. The* nitrates were somewhat high and averaged .0893 parts. The total and fixed solids varied between 11.30 and 8.80 parts, and 5.90 and 8.70 parts, respectively. The hardness averaged 3.1 parts. The results of the chlorine determinations averaged 1.11 parts. The average by months were as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. July................................... 1.15 August............................... 1.11 September.............................1.10 *Phenol Sulphonic Acid Method. 74 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The feeders to this pond were examined chemically several times. Six special analyses were made in March. They confirm the results of the analyses made of the water from the pond and from the inlet to the pond. Three samples in August and one in September, collected at the inlet to Lower Springfield Pond, gave results quite similar to the results obtained on parallel samples collected at the overflow on same dates. Twelve microscopical examinations of the water at the pumping station, from January to April, averaged 46 organisms per C. C.; the highest count was 190 organisms per C. C., in January; the lowest, 2 organisms per C. C, in April. About 75 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Omitting the highest figure obtained, as given above, the aver- age became 33 organisms per C. C Diatoms were found in 100 per cent, of the samples, Algae and Infusoria in about 75 per cent. The average number of genera was 8. The total number of individual genera found was 35. Navicula and Tabellaria were present in 75 per cent, of the samples, Synedra in 80 per cent., Eunotia in 50 per cent. It was considered advisable^ to continue examinations of Springfield Pond after it was cut out of the supply in April. The samples were then taken from the overflow, at the lower end of the pond, beginning in July. Nine microscopical examinations, from July to September, aver- aged 717 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 1828 organisms, in August; the lowest, 151 organisms per C. C, in September. About 66 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Diatoms, Algae and Infusoria were found in 100 per cent, of the samples. The total number of individual genera found was 36. Melosira and Synedra were found in 100 per cent, of the samples; Navicula in about 90 per cent., Nitzchia and Tabellaria in about 80 per cent., Dinobryon and Euglena in about 66 per cent., Monas in about 90 per cent. Springfield Pond, as examined at its pumping station, did not OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 75 show anything unusual for the period of observation terminating in April. The counts were usually low, and the organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes were not strongly in evidence. The microscopical examinations made at the overflow during the period of heavy rain-fall, the pond being out of service, showed a much higher average count. The genera were numerous, and many forms were present in high numbers. Of the organisms associated with disagreeable odors and tastes in water, Dinobryon was prominent during August and the first week in September, reaching its maximum count in the third week of August: During the period from January to April, the bacterial quantita- tive examinations were made on water from the pumping station. Fifteen such examinations yielded an average for this period of 3,820 bacteria per C.C. The highest coount was 14,200 bacteria per C. C., in March, the lowest, 265 bacteria per C. C, in April. Sixty- six per cent, of the counts were below the average. For the period from July to September, the samples were taken from the overflow at the lower end of the pond. Nine examinations show an average of 1,311 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 5,000 bacteria per C. C, in August, the lowest, 200 bacteria per C. C, in September. About 77 per cent, of the counts were below the average. General species work was not sufficiently detailed to justify final conclusions. Seventeen examinations for intestinal bacteria resulted in but one positive reaction. The results obtained from Springfield Pond at the pumping station are not directly comparable with those obtained at the over- flow, the former being situated at the upper end of the pond, near the entrance of the feeder, the latter at the lower end of the pond. Again the wide differences in the meteorological conditions exist- ent at the two periods, further prevent any close comparisons. It is noteworthy that the average from the pumping station is much higher than that from the overflow, in spite of the heavy rain-fall of the period during which the latter was examined. 76 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Four microscopical examinations were made in August and September from the feeder at the inlet to the pond. The four microscopical counts were in every case much lower than the corresponding counts at the overflow. The following genera were found in addition to those already enumerated as occurring at the overflow : Asterionella,Glenodinium and Trachelomonas. Of the four bacterial quantitative examinations three counts were decidedly higher than the corresponding counts at the overflow, one lower. The analyses made of water from Springfield Pond are some- what limited in number,' and the locality at which the water was collected varied in the two series of examinations. Nevertheless, a general relationship obtained between the three forms of analysis and the rain-fall. The odors obtained at Springfield have not borns direct relation to the microscopical organisms found,except during the period from August 11th to the 25tb. A table showing the comparison of these results with the odors is here submitted. Date. Odors. Dinobryon. July 21st.. Dist. veg. and disagreeable....................... " 29th .. Dist. vegetable................................. Aug. 4th .. Dist. veg. and aromatic......... ............. 12 •' 11th.. Dist. veg and fishy,.......................___ 223 18th .. Dist. fishy,.................................. 880 Aug. 25th.. Dist. veg. and fishy,.......................... 372 Aug. 31st. .Faintly veg........................,......... 124 Sept. 15th .. Faintly veg............................,......... " 28th.. Faintly veg. and unpleasant...................... It will be seen that Dinobryon appears previous to the presence of the fishy odor and persists beyond its disappearance. The lowest count obtained corresponding with a fishy odor was 223. It is to be noted that this odor was at no time detectable without heating the water. The total number of genera found in this source of supply for the whole period was 57. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 77 Nitrates and bacteria were usually higher at the inlet than at the outlet for the four determinations made, microscopical organisms showing the inverse relation. BAISELEY'S (JAMAICA) POND AND FEEDER. This pond lies about one and three-quarter miles west of Spring- field in the town of Jamaica. It has an area of forty acres, and is connected by a branch conduit with the main conduit, which lies about 3,000 feet south of it. It is 5.4 miles distant from the Ridgewood Pumping Station, as measured along the conduit. The pond is fed by a stream which enters at the northern end, and which is formed by the junction of two branches a short dis- tance above, the pond. One branch comes from the northeast and the other from the northwest, the latter rising near the village of Jamaica. A small stream also flows into the pond on its south- eastern side. The pond overflows at its southern end into Beaver Creek, which empties into the sea. The drainage area is 10.88 square miles, and includes the village of Jamaica and one or two other smaller places. Very evident opportunities for the pollution of the pond exist. This source of supply has been out of service for two years or more, and it is not considered necessary to give detailed records of its sanitary condition. Thirty-three chemical examinations were made of the water col- lected at the waste weir. The color during July, August and September ranged between .80 and .17, and fluctuated considerably during the whole period The pond showed considerable turbidity and sediment during the summer months. This was due to the vegetable organisms which infested the pond during the greater part of the period of observa- tion. The odor during July, August and September was decidedly vegetable and grassy. The free ammonia ranged between zero and .0118 parts, and of the thirteen results between .0030 parts and .0118 parts, 69.2 per cent. were obtained previous to the middle of March. With one or two exceptions it may be said that the free ammonia decreased as the albuminoid ammonia increased. The total albuminoid ammonia 78 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY increased enormously as the growth of the organisms increased, and very high figures for this determination were obtained. The albuminoid ammonia results may be grouped as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 6.0 " " between .0100 and .0150 = 24 2 " " " .0150 and .0300 = 9.0 " " .0300 and .0500 = 15.1 " " " .0500 and .1200 = 45.4 All the results above .0500 parts were obtained after the 20th of May. The highest result, .1168 parts, was obtained on the 28th of September. The dissolved albuminoid ammonia determined in August and September was, with one exception, between .0200 parts and .0250 parts, while the suspended albuminoid ammonia during the same period varied between .0500 parts and .0916 parts, thus further showing the excessive amount of suspended matter present. Nitrites were found twice in July, once in August and twice in September. The amounts were never above .0007 parts. The nitrates during the months just mentioned fluctuated be- tween zero and .0270 parts, and were very variable. The oxygen consumed figures varied between 0.26 parts and 0,56 parts, and did not follow the color very closely. These results were obtained on the filtered samples. Determinations made on the unfiltered samples gave very high results on account of the organisms present. Two examples will suffice to show the reduc- ing action of the suspended organisms on the potassinum perman- ganate employed in the determination. Oxygen Consumed [parts per 100,000.] Unfiltered. Filtered Aug. 4th, Baiseley's Overflow.......... 1.07 .56 " 19th, " " .......... 1.56 .27 The total solids determined have been uniformly high, averag- ing about ten or twelve parts. The loss on ignition and the fixed solids have also been proportionately high. The hardness results averaged for the fifteen determinations made, 4.3 parts. Thirty-three chlorine determinations gave an average of 0.98 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 79 The averages by months wTere as follows: 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000.] January.................................1.02 February........................... ... .91 March...................................96 April...................................96 May....................................1.00 June.....................................97 July.....................................94 August.................................1.03 September..............................1.08 Eight chemical examinations of the water collected at the north- ern inlet have been made. The nitrates at the inlet were very high as compared with those obtained at the outlet. The inverse relation holds in the case of the albuminoid ammonia. Twenty-eight microscopical examinations, from February to Sep- tember, averaged 3,173 organisms per C. C. The highest count obtained was 16,130 organisms per C. C, in August; the lowest, 46 organisms per C. C, in February. About 60 per cent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average was 2,449 organisms per C. C.; for the subsequent period 4,384 organisms per C. C. The average number of genera was 10. Omitting the exceptionally high count of 16,130 organisms per C. C. in August, the average for the second period of observation becomes 3,077 organisms per C. C, which is still decidedly greater than for the preceding period. From the end of April to the middle of June the average was 4,424 organisms per C. C. As compared with this average, the period of heavy rain-fall shows a decidedly smaller number of organisms. Diatoms were found in about 92 per cent, of the samples, Cya- nophycese in 75 per cent., Algae in 90 per cent., Infusoria in about 57 per cent. The average number of genera was 10. The total number of genera found was 43. Asterionella was present in about 50 per cent, of the samples, Melosira in 79 per cent., Navicula in 53 per cent., Synedra in 79 per cent., Clathrocystis in about 71 per cent., Oscillaria in 53 per 80 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY cent., Pediastrum in 71 per cent., Scenedesmus in 82 per cent., Staurastrum in 60 per cent. Baiseley's Pond presents unusually high counts, wide fluctuations, high averages, large quantities of certain forms, and a large num- ber of individual genera. The principal organism in point of fre- quency was Melosira; the most prominent as affecting the appear- ance and odor of the water was Clathrocystis, a blue-green Alga which was very abundant from the end of March onward, often in such numbers that the surface of the pond presented a green appear- ance. The designation Oscillaria has not been restricted to the ordinary blue-green filaments characteristic of this genus, but has been made to include also a form, the exact biological relations of which were not completely determined, but which nevertheless is evi- dently allied to the members of this genus. In the earlier part of the year, one such Oscillariatoid organism was found presenting most of the features of a variety of Sphae- rozyga. Of organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in water, the following were found, usually in quantities in- sufficient to give rise to their characteristic odors : Asterionella, Meridion, Tabellaria, Anabaena, Pandorina and Dinobryon. The effect of the presence of Clathrocystis is described further on. Thirty-two bacterial quantitative examinations, from January to October, ^averaged 1,841 bacteria per C. C. The highest count obtained was 17,000 bacteria per C. C, in January ; the lowest, 45 bacteria per C. C, in June. About 80 percent, of the counts were below the average. Previous to June 19th, the average count was 2,365 bacteria per C. C; for the subsequent period, the average was 492 bacteria per C. C. General species work was not carried on to an extent justify- ing any final conclusion. Ten examinations for intestinal bacteria yielded, two positive re- sults. Eight microscopical examinations of the main feeder at the inlet to the pond show all the counts very much lower than the cor- responding counts at the outlet. The genera found in addition to OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 81 those already enumerated as occurring at the outlet, were Amphora, Cyclotella, Closterium, Cryptomonas and Tracbelomonas. Eight bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet show all the counts but one very much higher than the corresponding counts at the outlet. A general relationship between the three forms of analysis and the rain-fall exists. The odors recorded were traced to the microscopical organisms present, one form Clathrocystis, being especially responsible for the grassy odor. A table is appended, giving this relation in detail : Microscopical Organisms. Odor. Total (Jlathro- Date. Cold. Hot. Organisms. cystis. July loth, Veg. and grassy. Veg., grassy and aromatic... 915 653 Juiy 21st, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 2,156 772 July 29th, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 4,520 1,400 Aug. 4i.h, Veg. Veg. and grassy . 4,450 590 Aug. 12th, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 2,700 650 Aug. 19th, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 2,640 600 Aug. 26th, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 16,130 600 Aug. 31st. Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 6,600 300 Sept. 16th, Veg. and grassy and aromatic. Veg. and grassy . 2,780 1,000 Sept. 28th, Veg. and grassy. Veg. and grassy . 3,380 1,300 Nitrates and bacteria were uniformly higher at the inlet than at the outlet, the microscopical organisms and albuminoid ammonia uniformly presenting the inverse relation. RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR AND PUMPING STATION. The Ridgewood Reservoir is situated on the crest of a hill in East New York, part of the ridge of hills forming the backbone of Long Island. The Reservoir receives all the water of the water shed of Long- Island connected with the city supply, from Massapequa Pond to the Spring Creek Driven-Well Plant in East New York. It is about one hundred and seventy feet above the tide level, and is 82 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY used as a distributing reservoir for the city. A large brick conduit with its several branches and extensions, together with a forty- eight-inch main from the Pumping Station at Millburn, brings the water of the shed to the Ridgewood Pumping Station. From this point the water is lifted by the pumps to the reservoir. From the reservoir the wTater descends by gravitation through large distribut ing mains to the various sections of the city. The Ridgewood Pumping Station is situated at the foot of the Ridgewood Hills, near the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Norwood Street, in East New York. It consists of two separate plants, the Old Plant situated on the northern side of Atlantic Avenue and the New Plant directly south of the Old Plant, on the opposite side of Atlantic Avenue. The L. I. R. R. passes between the two. Provision is made, it is stated, for the admission to either plant of the water brought to this point by both conduit and force main. A full description of these plants could not be obtained. The reservoir consists of three basins, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, in order from east to west. Nos. 1 and 2 have areas of 11.85 acres and 13.73 acres respec- tively, giving a total of 25.58 acres and a capacity of 161,221,385 gallons. These basins together form the old reservoir. They lie side by side, and have a common influx chamber, situated between the southwestern angle of No. 1 and the southeastern angle of No 2, connecting with both. Force mains from the old and new plants of the Ridgewood Pumping Station empty into this chamber, the water escaping thence into both basins. Basin No. 3 was completed in 1891, forming the new reservoir. It lies on the western side of basin No. 2, and has a capacity of 160,000,000 gallons, being therefore approximately equal in capacity to both the old basins together. The influx chamber is situated at the southeastern angle ; force mains enter it from the new plant of the Ridgewood Pumping Station. Basins No. 1 and No. 2 are therefore fed from the same pipes ; Basin No. 3 from a separate supply. Nevertheless, it is understood that the connection between the old and the new plants is such that no uniform division of the different classes of water from the water OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 83 shed is there made, and therefore no general and constant differences are presented by the waters reaching the respective influx chambers. Moreover, a siphon connection exists between Basins 2 and 3, so that the waters of the two basins may interchange as the levels in each vary. The distributing trunk mains, five in number, receive the water from these basins at efflux chambers, situated at the northern ends of the basins, opposite the influx chambers. The exact section of the city supplied by these different mains can only be given approximately ; the second and fourth trunk mains are stated to lead into the heart of the city, and the third trunk main into the northeastern section. Further than this no definite information could be obtained ; nevertheless, the connec- tions of the smaller mains in the city with each other are so inti- mate that the engineering data on this subject does not elucidate definitely the question of the final admixture of the waters as they reach the taps. Inasmuch as these facts were recognized in beginning the work of the Laboratory, and have since been confirmed by investigations carried on to determine the relation existing between the water drawn from certain of the city taps and the reservoirs without satisfactory result, few city tap samples have been examined, and the examinations made have been limited to the determination of the microscopical organisms found, and the color, odor, turbidity and sediment. These results are tabulated below those obtained at Ridgewood. The total capacity of the three basins is about 320,000,000 gal- lons. Allowing an average daily supply to the city of about 80,000,- 000 gallons, it will be seen that the reservoir holds approximately four days' supply. It would appear that the water entering the inlets to the reservoir on any given day reaches the outlets about four days later. However, this cannot be regarded as absolute. The water entering on any given day does not flow in a direct stream to the outlet, but becomes more or less mixed with the water already present in the reservoir when it first enters, and with the water which follows it. It is therefore not by any means to be expected that close relations 84 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY would exist between the characters of the water at the inlet and those of the water at the outlet on the same day. The characters of each of the waters of the different surface and ground supplies vary from day to day, and the proportion of the waters coming from each also vary from day to day. Different lengths of time are consumed by each water in reaching the reservoir, and the general result is an admixture, the physical characters and exact sources of which for any given day could not be deduced from the available engineering data by any method of calculation. Since this is the case, it has been impossible to do more than determine that the analytical characters of the reservoir water agree in a general way with those of the water of the shed. RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR ; OUTLET TO BASIN NO. 1 (EASTERN). Sixteeen samples, collected at the outlet of this basin, were ex- amined chemically between May and October. The color of the water ranged between .27 and .07, with a gen- eral tendency downward, from the middle of July to the first of October. The turbidity was very slight and the sediment slight, excepting in the latter part of August and through September. The odor was vegetable for most of the time. An aromatic odor was obtained on the 27th of September. The free ammonia was uniformly low, with one or two excep- tions. The albuminoid ammonia ranged between .0060 parts and .0212 parts, and the results may be grouped as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000]=12.5 " between .0100 and .0150 =56.2 .0150 and .0300 =31.3 Nitrites were found eight times during July, August and Sep- tember, but never above .0005 parts. Nitrates, following the middle of July, ranged between .0450 parts and .0830 parts, and averaged .0603 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 85 The oxygen consumed in the main followed the color in its varia- tions. The total solids are about 12.00 parts and the fixed solids about 9.00 parts. The hardness averaged 4.4 parts for nine determina- tions, made between July and October. The chlorine results give 2.19 parts as an average of sixteen de- terminations, and the monthly averages were as follows : 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100,000] May................................1.82 June...................................2.05 July...................................2.25 August.................... ............2.34 September.............................2.57 The microscopical results group themselves naturally as follows: Nine microscopical examinations in April,May and June.averaged 3,733 organisms per C. C, in June. The highest count obtained was 7,584 organisms per C. C, the lowest count, 698 organisms per C. C, in May. Six examinations during the period of heavy rain-fall, from July 17th to August 21st averaged 247 organisms perC. C. The rain-fall for these six weeks averaged two inches per week. The total rain- fall for the six weeks was a little less than one-third of the average yearly rain-fall for this section of the country. There was more or less steady diminution in the rain-fall, how- ever, from July 17th to August 21st, while at the same time the microscopical organisms increased, reaching a count of 2,528 in the week ending August 28th. During this week over two inches of rain fell. A diminution in the count followed in the subsequent week, rising again to 5,532 organisms on September 18th. Diatoms weie present in 100 percent.of the samples, Cyanophycae in 57 per cent., Algae in 89 per cent, and Infusoria in 89 per cent. The total number of genera found was 38. Asterionella was found in 100 per cent, of the samples, Melosira in 79 per cent., Synedra in 79 per cent., Dinobryon in 57 per cent. and Monas in 52 per cent. Of the organisms capable of producing unpleasant odors and 86 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY tastes in water, the following were found : Asterionella, Meridion, Tabellaria, Anabaena, Clathrocystis, Eudorina, Volvox and Uro- gkma. Of these, only Asteroinella was found in sufficient quantity to be of significance. It is noteworthy that in each case where a considerable precipita- tion of rain occurred in any one week, a corresponding diminution in organisms was evident in the following week at the reservoir. Seventeen bacterial quantitative analyses at the outlet showed a general relation to rain-fall, and the fluctuations corresponded more or less closely, but in inverse ratio, to the microscopical counts. RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR; OUTLET TO BASIN NO. 2 (CENTRAL). There were sixteen samples collected, at the outlet of this reser- voir, for chemical analysis. The color ranged between .37 and .06, gradually diminishing from July to October. The turbidity was very slight and the sediment slight for the whole time during which determinations were made. The odor was vegetable and never very decided. The free ammonia ranged between zero and .0040 parts, and the albuminoid ammonia between .0035 parts and .0254 parts. The albuminoid ammonia results may be grouped as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] =50.0 " " between .0100 and .0150 =43.8 " " " .0150 and .0300 = 6.2 Nitrites were found seven times in the nine determinations, made between July 14th and October 1st, but never rose above .0002 parts. Nitrates for the same period ranged between 0.430 parts and .0800 parts, and averaged .0653 parts. The oxygen consumed figures followed the color variations quite well. The total solids are between eleven and twelve parts, and the fixed solids about eight parts. The average of the nine hardness determinations was very nearly 4.0 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 87 The chlorine results gaye an average for the sixteen determina- tions of 1.93 parts, and the monthly averages were as follows : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000] May................................. 1.56 June................................... 1.77 July................................. 1.94 August... ............. . ............. 2.14 September.............................. 2.32 Eight microscopical examinations at the outlet of Basin No. 2, in May and June, showed a fairly steady increase from 54 organisms per C. C, on May 1st, to 4,740 organisms on June 19th. Ten subsequent examinations, from July 17th to October 2d, covering the period of heavy rain-fall, showed a remarkable diminution, ending with a slight rise, corresponding roughly with the variations in the rain- fall. The total number of individual genera found was 34. Diatoms were found in 100 per cent, of the samples, Cyanophy- ceae in 66 per cent., Algae in 77 per cent., Infusoria in 88 per cent. Asterionella occurred in 77 per cent, of the samples, reaching a quantity significant with regard to odor only in June. Melosira occurred in 88 per cent., the fluctuations being to some extent in inverse ratio to the Asterionella. Organisms capable of producing disagreeable odors and tastes in water, such as Asterionella, Clathrocystis, Dinobryon, etc., were found. Only Asterionella, ho^ ever, occurred in numbers sufficient to justify its connection with odors actually produced, and this but a few times. The bacterial quantitative results at the outlet of this basin pre- sent a more or less inverse relation to the counts of the micro- scopical organisms. RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR; INLET TO BASIN NO. 1 (EASTERN). Seventeen chemical analyses were made of the water entering this basin. The color ranged between .30 and .05 from July to October. The turbidity was very slight for most of the time between May and October. From the middle of July considerable sediment was 88 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY noted, with but one exception. The odor was vegetable in char- acter and not very decided. The free ammonia results varied between zero and .0080 parts, of which about 81 per cent, were between .0030 parts and .0050 parls. The albuminoid ammonia fluctuated between .0022 parts and .0148 parts, and the results were distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 64.7 " between .0100 and .0150 = 35.3 Nitrites were obtained six times during August and September, but never were above .0002 parts. The nitrates, during July, August and September, averaged .0698 parts, rising as high as .0930 parts, and falling as low as .0530 parts. The oxygen consumed followed the color quite closely. The total solids are about twelve or thirteen parts and the fixed solids nine or ten parts. The ten hardness results gave an average of 4.7 parts. The sixteen chlorine determinations gave an average of 2.31 parts. Two iron determinations gave .0070 and .0050 parts, respectively. As has been previously described, the entrance to Basin No. 1 is practically the same as the entrance to Basin No. 2. Parallel an- alyses made of the water from this influx chamber, as it entered Basin No. 2, showed it to be essentially the same water, and there- fore the results are not discussed. It was noted that in comparing the water entering Basin No. 1 with the water leaving it, practically no change in the color oc- curred, and the sediment had largely disappeared. The albuminoid ammonia increased somewhat. The nitrates decreased slightly for the period between July and October. The chlorine averaged 2.31 parts as it entered the basin, and only 2.19 parts as it left it. In Basin No. 2, similar conditions prevailed respecting the color, turbidity and sediment. The albuminoid ammonia increased a very little, but not as much as in Basin No. 1. The nitrates decreased very little. The chlorine averaged 2.32 parts as it entered the basin, and only 1.93 parts as it left it. The probable causes of these changes will be taken up later. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 89 The inlet of Basin No. 1 gave microscopical counts almost uni- formly very much lower than the outlet. On July 14th this rela- tion was reversed. The genera found at the inlet of this basin were practically the same as those found at the outlet, but in far smaller quantities and with much less constancy. One source from which the Asterionella has been derived is shown by the occurrence of Asterionella at the inlet of this basin on one occasion. It is not reasonable to believe that Asterionella could exist in the supply ponds of the water shed, as has been pre- viously shown to be the case, without occasionally reaching the Reservoir. The Droof is here given that such transfer does actual- ly take place. Seven bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet, during May and June, showed all the counts higher than the corresponding- counts on the outlet, except on May 10th. For the subsequent period the counts approximated each other more closely. The inlet of Basin No. 2 gave counts on seven microscopical ex- aminations, previous to the period of heavy rain-fall, uniformly lower than those on the outlet. For the subsequent period the counts approximated each other more closely. The genera found at the inlet corresponded more or less with those of the outlet, but are found with less constancy and in smaller quantities. At this inlet the bacterial counts, up to the end of July, were fairly parallel with those obtained from the outlet. After that time the relation is less close. RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR; OUTLET TO BASIN NO. 3 (WESTERN). Seventeen chemical analyses were made of the water collected at the outlet to this basin. The color ranged between 0.40 and .07, with a general tendency downward, from the latter part of July to the 1st of October. The turbidity and sediment were slight, and the odor usually vegetable, but aromatic on the 14th of July and on the 16th of September. The free ammonia ranged between zero and .0056 parts, and the 90 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY albuminoid ammonia between .0076 parts and .0255 parts, The latter results are distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000]=25.0 " " between .0100 and .0150 =50.0 " " " .0150 and .0300 =25.0 Nitrites were found five times in the nine analyses, between July and October, but never above .0002 parts. Nitrates for the same period ranged between .0350 parts and 0.670 parts, and averaged .0530 parts. The oxygen consumed followed the color quite closely. The total and fixed solids were about ten parts and seven parts respectively, and the average of the nine hardness results obtained between July and October gave 3.4 parts. The chlorine determinations gave an average of 1.70 parts for the seventeen determinations. The monthly averages were as follows : 1897. Chlorine [parts per 100.000]. May.....................................157 June...................................1.67 July...................................1.74 August..................................1.95 September.....,.........................1.77 RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR; INLET TO BASIN NO. 3 (WESTERN). Seventeen chemical analyses were made of the water collected at the inlet to this basin. The color varied between .45 and .05 during July, August and September. Very little turbidity was observed, but from the middle of July considerable sediment was found in every sample, excepting one. The odor was, as a rule, vegetable, and not very marked. The free ammonia ranged between .0012 parts and .0056 parts and the albuminoid ammonia between .0049 parts and .0146 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 91 The latter results were distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000]=76 5 " between .0100 and .0150 =23.5 Nitrites were found in only three instances, and then never above .0001 part. Nitrates, for the months of July, August and Sep- tember, varied between .0430 parts and .0650 parts, averaging .0543 parts. The oxygen consumed figures followed the color very closely. The total solids were about nine or ten parts and the fixed solids six or seven parts. The average of ten hardness determinations gave 3.3 parts. The average of the chlorine results was 1.5 parts. Two iron determinations gave .0050 parts each. A comparison of the analyses of the water as it enters and leaves this basin showed it to have undergone little change in color, tur- bidity or odor. The suspended matter seems to have largely settled out in the passage of the water through the basin. The albuminoid ammonia increased somewhat in the passage, and the chlorine appeared also in larger amounts at the outlet than at the inlet, averaging for the seventeen determinations 1.70 and 1.57 parts, respectively. MICROSCOPICAL AND BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF BASIN NO. 3 (OUTLET). Six microscopical examinations of the water from the outlet of Basin No. 3, from April 24th to May 29th, showed a gradual in- crease from 983 organisms per C. C. to about 20,000 organisms per C. C. A heavy rain-fall at this time corresponded with a diminu- tion in the number of the organisms, which by the end of July fell to a count of 17 organisms per C. C, followed at the end of September by a slight rise. The total number of individual genera was 31. Diatoms were found in 100 per cent, of the samples, Infusoria in 63 per cent. Asterionella occurred in 100 per cent, of the samples, reaching its maximum quantities in May and June ; Melo- sira was found in about 70 per cent., Synedra in about 73 per cent. Asterionella was the only organism found in quantities sufii cient to account for disagreeable odors and tastes in the water. 92 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Seventeen bacterial quantitative examinations at the outlet, from April to October, showed a general relation to rain-fall and, very distinctly, an inverse relation to the microscopical organisms. MICROSCOPICAL AND BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF BASIN NO. 3 (INLET). The microscopical examinations at the inlet of Basin No 3j gave in general the same genera as those at the outlet, but with less con- stancy and in mnch smaller quantity. The bacterial quantitative examinations at the inlet to this basin yielded counts uniformly low, and with no definite relation to the counts at the outlet, although the fluctuations correspond to some extent with the rain-fall. During the period of high microscopical counts at the outlet the bacterial counts at the inlet were higher than those at the outlet. During the period of heavy rain-fall, when the microscopical organisms were few in number, this relationship was lost. RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, OLD PLANT. Sixteen chemical analyses were made of water collected from a tap in this pumping station. The color ranged between .30 and .07 from the 14th of July to the 1st of October, and slowly diminished from the former to the latter date. The turbidity was, as a rule, very slight. The sedi- ment was slight except during the latter part of July and the first of August, when considerable was noted. The odor was vegetable in character and not very marked ; an aromatic odor was obtained on the 14th of July. The free ammonia ranged between .0026 parts and .0064 parts, and was, on the whole, quite uniform. The albuminoid ammonia results varied between .0059 parts and .0206 parts, and were distributed as follows: Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 68.8 " " between .0100 and .0150 = 25.0 .0150 and .0300 = 6.2 Nitrites were found five times during August and September, but OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 93 never above .0001 part. Nitrates varied between .0400 and .0750 parts from July to October, and averaged 0.556 parts. The total solids were about twelve or thirteen parts, and the fixed solids about eight or nine parts. The average of the ten hard- ness determinations was 4.6 parts. The sixteen chlorine results gave an average of 2.19 parts, and the monthly averages were as follows: 1897 Chlorine [parts 100,000 ] May...................................1.90 June ................................1.90 July...................................2.46 August..................................2.46 September..............t.......,.......2.68 A comparison of the chemical analyses made of the water col- lected at this Pumping Station, and of the water entering Basins Nos. 1 and 2 of the Ridgewood Reservoir show a marked similar- ity. Eighteen microscopical examinations, from April to September, showed a general quantitative relation to the corresponding exam- inations at the inlets of Basins Nos. 1 and 2, with occasional wide differences. Considering the agitation the water undergoes on entering the influx chamber of these two basins and the numerous currents there set up, it is natural that such differences should occur. The genera found correspond in kind with those of the water- shed and of the Keservoir as would naturally be the case. Asterionella was found on June 7th in this Pumping Station, forming another link in the chain of evidence demonstrating the infection of the reservoirs with Asterionella derived from the water-shed. Seventeen bacterial examinations for the same period yielded counts running more or less parallel with those of the inlets of Basins Nos. 1 and 2, but usually somewhat higher. RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, NEW PLANT. Seventeen chemical analyses of water collected from a tap in this station were made. The color varied from .42 to .06 from July to October, with a general tendency to diminish during this time. 94 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The turbidity and sediment were slight, excepting that twice, during the heavy rain-fall in the latter part of July, considerable sediment was noted. The odor was vegetable in character for the whole period covered by the examinations. The free ammonia fluctuated between .0012 parts and .0042 parts, and was quite uniform. The albuminoid results ranged between .0038 parts and .0184 parts, and were distributed as follows : Percentage results below .0100 [parts per 100,000] = 64.8 " between .0100 and .0150 = 29.4 « " .0150 and .0300 = 5.9 Nitrites were noted only three times, and these all occurred in September, but were never over .0001 part. Nitrates ranged be- tween .0430 parts and .0750 parts during July, August and Sep- tember, and averaged for this period .0581 parts. The total solids were about ten parts and the fixed solids about seven parts. The average of the nine hardness determinations gave 3.2 parts. The average of the seventeen chlorine determinations was 1.62 parts, and the monthly averages were as follow : 1897 Chlorine [parts per 100,000] May.................................. 1.46 June................................... 1.60 July.................................. 1.63 August............................... 1.71 September.............................. 1.81 A comparison of the chemical analyses made of the water col- lected at this Pumping Station and of the water entering at the inlet to Basin No. 3 of the Ridgewood Reservoir showed a marked similarity. Seventeen microscopical and bacterial examinations, from May to October, showed a general relation between the results at this pumping station and those obtained at the inlet to Basin No. 3, but the relation is not close. Asterionella was obtained once at this pumping station. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 95 No attempt has been made to differentiate the genera obtained at the two pumping stations from each other. Most of the genera found on the water-shed have been found also at the Ridgewood Reservoir or its Pumping Station, at various times. Fifteen examinations for sewage bacteria made at the Pumping Stations and at the inlets and outlets of the three Basins yielded one positive result, in June. 96 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY DRIVEN-WELL PLANTS. The increasing demand in the City of Brooklyn during the last fifteen years for a larger quantity of water has obliged the city to develop to the utmost the old sources of supply and to seek new ones. The surface supply from the small streams, which had been utilized for many years, began to prove inadequate, and as far back as 1870 suggestions were made that the surplus water in certain of the ponds should be pumped out to supply the deficiency. The suggestion was acted upon later; but still the quantity of water was insufficient. In 1882 the first contract for driven-well plants was made and the two pumping stations at Forest Stream and Clear Stream were erected. In 1888 a driven-well plant was started at Baiseley's ; and in 1891, a water famine becoming imminent, another driven-well plant was started at Jameco Park. The need of the surface supply east of Rockville Centre became more press- ing and the contract for this extension was awarded, the work being completed in 1893. Even this increase was not sufficient, and in 1894 contracts were made to still further develop the supply on the new water-shed by means of a series of driven well plants. The following driven-well plants, situated east of Rockville Centre, and south of the conduit, were erected in consequence : Massapequa Driven Well Plant. Wantagh " Newbridge or Matawan Merrick " " East Meadow or Agawam " The Massapequa, Wantagh, Newbridge and East Meadow driven- well plants are all situated immediately south of the respective ponds after which they are named. The Merrick plant is situated between the Newbridge and East Meadow plants, and about equi- distant from each. All of these plants discharge the water from the pumps into weir- boxes, from which it flows by gravity through iron pipes into the brick conduit. The samples for analysis were taken from the weir-boxes, and represented the water entering the conduit at that time. The OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 97 driven wells at these pumping stations comprise both deep and shallow wells ; but no attempt was made to analyze the water from them separately. The Watt's Pond Driven Well Plant, situated on the western and northwestern sides of Watt's Pond, has been previously described and the analyses discussed. West of Watt's Pond and south of Clear Stream Pond is the Clear Stream plant. A short distance west of the pumping station of the latter, and east of Springfield Pond, is situated the Forest Stream plant. The Jameco Park plant lies directly south of Baiseley's Pond and north of the conduit. Water is obtained from both deep and shallow wells at this station. Southwest of Baiseley's Pond, imme- diately north of the conduit, and a short distance west from the Jameco pumping station, is situated Baiseley's Driven-Well Plant. About two and one-half miles west of Baiseley's pumping station is situated the Spring Creek plant. This consists of two pumping stations, known as the Old and the New Plants. Water is obtained in the old plant from both deep and shallow wells, but in the new plant from shallow wells only. These wells all lie north of the con- duit. Between the Spring Creek pumping station and Baiseley's pump- ing station, and about a mile west of the latter, are located two new driven-well plants, called the Oconee and Shetucket plants. These also lie north of the conduit and discharge the water from the pumps through weir-boxes and thence by iron pipes into the conduit. With the exception of samples of water collected from the weir- boxes at the Oconee plant and at the Spring Creek plant, all the other samples from the driven-well plants west of Rockville Centre have been collected from the taps in the pumping stations. No examinations have been made of the water from the New Utrecht and Gravesend pumping stations. The estimated yield of these various driven-well plants is as follows :* * Report City Works Dept, Div. Water Supply, 1897. 98 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY PUMPING STATIONS. U. S. GALLS. Massapequa, deep and shallow wells...... 5,200,000 Wantagh, " " " " .....2,000,000 Newbridge, " " " " ...... 4,500,000 Merrick, " " " " ...... 4,300,000 East Meadow, " " " " ...... 4,000,000 Watt's Pond, driven wells.............. 2,000,000 Clear Stream, " " ............3,000,000 Forest Stream, " " ............. 3,000,000 Jameco, deep wells.................... 4,500,000 Jameco, shallow wells................... 2,000.000 Baiseleys, deep wells................... 2,200,000 Spring Creek, deep wells............... 2,000,000 Spring Creek, shallow wells (old plant).. . 3,000,000 Spring Creek, " " (new plant)... 3,500,000 New Utrecht, " " .............. 900,000 Gravesend............................ 1,700,000 The following facts are to be noted in connection with the posi- tion of certain of the driven-well plants. A small private cemetery is situated within 200 feet and to the west of one of the well-mains of the Wantagh plant; the slope of the land is from the cemetery towards the wells. At the Forest Stream and Jameco Park plants some of the wells are sunk in the beds of the streams formed by the overflow from Twin Ponds and Baiseley's Pond respectively. The Spring Creek plant is situated on the outskirts of East New York. The chemical analyses of the water made from the different driven-well plants were scattered over a period between the middle of December, 1896, and the 1st of October, 1897. An inspection of the results of these analyses brings out the fol- lowing facts : The free ammonia of the wells east of Rockville Centre—i. e., on the new water-shed, did not rise above .0026 parts, and the average was considerably less. The albuminoid ammonia was also low, rising to .0062 parts in only one* instance, and, as a rule, was much below .0038 parts. The nitrates are somewhat variable and ranged between zero and .0500 parts, the latter result being obtained on the Merrick Wells. No nitrites are recorded as having been found. * Phenol sulphonic acid method. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 99 The averages of the total solids results ranged between 4.48 parts for the Wantagh Wells and 10.10 parts for the Agawam Wells. The hardness averages ranged between .9 and 1.5 parts. The averages of the chlorine results were as follows : Place. No. of Analyses. Chlorine (parts per 100,000). Massapequa Weir Box.. 13 .57 Wantagh " 16 .46 Newbridge ) i€ 58 or Matawan ) Merrick " 14 .58 Agawam " 4 1.89 The iron determinations were limited in number and the inter- pretation of the results has only such weight as the few figures at hand will permit. It would appear that more iron was present in the Massapequa and Wantagh Wells than in either the Matawan or Merrick Wells. An unpleasant odor of sulphur and the rusty appearance of the weir boxes at Massapequa and Wantagh seems to confirm the fact of the presence of considerable iron. But doubtless the quantity in the water is variable and depends a great deal on the extent to which the wells are pumped. The Clear Stream and Forest Stream Wells appear to be similar to each other in some respects. The free ammonia in the Clear Stream Wells fluctuated between zero and .0024 parts and the albuminoid ammonia between .0003 and .0038 parts. Nitrites were recorded once, and the nitrates* ap- peared each time in considerable amount. The latter ranged between.1200 and .2000 parts. The Forest Stream Wells showed higher free ammonia, ranging between .0021 and .0088 parts, and the albuminoid ammonia results varied between zero and .0044 parts, with but one exception, when .0092 parts were obtained. Nitrites were recorded once, and the nitrates were considerably lower than in the Clear Stream Wells, not rising above .0350 parts. The averages of the hardness, total solids and chlorine determina- 1. Phenol sulphonic acid method. 100 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY tions are given in the following table. They are, with the excep- tion of the chlorine results, distinctly higher than the correspond- ing results obtained on the water from the eastern wells just described. Averages of the Total Solids, Hardness, and Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. No. Total No. Hard- No. Chlo- Place. Analyses. Solids. Analyses, ness. Analyses, rine. Clear Stream Pumping Station Tap.......... 9 8.28 5 2.5 17 0.61 Forest Stream Pumping Station Tap.......... 9 7.09 6 2.3 17 0.60 The determinations of iron gave higher results for the Forest Stream Wells than for any of the wells east of them. The aver- age of two determinations was .0700 parts. An average of three determinations on the water from the Clear Stream Wells gave .0290 parts. This latter result is more comparable with the results obtained at Massapequa and Wantagh than with those from Forest Stream. The Jameco Park Wells are of two kinds, deep and shallow. While they show certain similar characteristics, they are apparently derived from different sources, which is chiefly indicated by their chlorine contents. The free ammonia obtained from both the deep and shallow wells was about the same, ranging between .0354 parts and .0660 parts. The average of the albuminoid ammonia results gave .0065 parts for the deep wells and .0056 parts for the shallow wells. The nitrites were absent in the water from the deep wells, but practically always present in the water from the shallow wells, hav- ing been found in the latter twelve out of thirteen times. The nitrates* are quite low in the deep wells, ranging between .0030 and .0050 parts, while in the shallow wells they range between .0120 and .0330 parts. * Phenol sulphonic acid method. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 101 An inspection of the total solids results indicates that the shallow wells were slightly higher in mineral contents than the deep wells. The hardness was about the same in both, but the chlorine was over three times as great in the shallow wells as in the deep wells. It has been stated that the difference in the mineral constituents of the deep and shallow wells of this section, at the Jameco Park, Baiseley's and Spring Creek, was due to the partial infiltration of sea-water into the-shallow wells. This explanation is probably true, as the chlorine results in these cases point to quite different sources for the water in the two classes of wells. The differences are well brought out in the following table : Averages of Total Solids, Hardness and Chlorine [parts per 100,000]. No. Total No. Hard- No. Chlor Place Analyses Solids. Analyses ness Analyses ine. Jameco Park, Shallow Wells 9 12.88 8 6.6 17 0.68 Jameco Park, Shallow Wells 7 14.67 5 5.8 13 2.39 Baiseley's Wells 9 38.51 9 9.8 17 11.45 Spring Creek, Old Plant, Shallow Wells 7 66.23 7 21.4 9 17.14 Spring Creek, Old Plant, Deep Wells 7 18.16 7 11.6 9 0.61 Spring Creek, New Plant, Shallow Wells 7 23.61 7 11.6 9 1.12 The iron obtained from the Jameco Park shallow wells showed .1100 parts as the result of an average of two analyses. This is a larger amount than was obtained from any of the other wells. The water sometimes developed a milky appearance on standing, show- ing that the iron was present originally as a ferrous salt, and on exposure to the air began to oxidize and to precipitate out of the water. The free ammonia derived from Baiseley's wells is very much 102 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY less than that obtained from the Jameco Park wells, ranging be- tween .0014 and .0038 parts. The albuminoid ammonia varied between .0002 and .0048 parts. Nitrites were recorded three times, but were never above .0005 parts. Nitrates* showed amounts during August and September ranging between .0430 parts and .0700 parts. The total solids in the water are higher, as the above table shows, than in any of the other wells, with the exception of the Spring Creek (old plant) shallow wells. This is also true of the chlorine- The hardness is higher than in the Jameco Park wells, but lower than in the Spring Creek wells. The iron, as far as the three determinations in August and September showed, averaged only .0287 parts, which was much lower than the Jameco Park wells for the same period. The deep and shallow wells of the Spring Creek plants, as the table previously given shows, are somewhat different as regards the amounts of the mineral constituents which they respectively contain. They differed very little as regards the amount of nitrogen present as free and albuminoid ammonia, only varying between zero and .0044 parts for the former, and between zero and .0044 parts for the latter. Nitrites are recorded twice in the case of the shallow wells of the new plant, but never in the others. The nitrates, however, were quite high in August and September in the shallow wells of the old plaat, ranging between .1850 parts and .2650 parts, while the new plant shallow wells showed very much higher amounts, varying between .5700 parts and .6700 parts. The nitrates of the deep wells of the old plant for the same period ranged between .0070 and .0120 parts. The total solids from the shallow wells of the old plant averaged 66.23 parts for seven determinations, which is the highest average obtained from any of the wells of the water-shed. The chlorine and hardness results were also higher than on any of the other wells examined. 1. Phenol sulphonic acid method. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 103 The old plant deep wells corresponded fairly well in solids with the new plant shallow wells, except that the latter are somewhat higher. The hardness was the same on these two sets of wells, and averaged 11.6 parts. The chlorine of the deep wells was, however, quite low, being only a little over half the quantity present in the shallow wells. Reference to the preceding table will show the relative amounts of chlorine and total solids present in these three sets of wells. The iron in the shallow wells of the old and new plants, in August and September, was between .0050 and .0080 parts. The deep wells of the old plant, however, gave an average for three determinations, .0250 parts. One analysis was made of the water from the Oconee Driven- Well Plant, and is given in the tables. MICROSCOPICAL AND BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF DRIVEN WELLS. The driven wells on the water-shed have been examined only occasionally for microscopical organisms and for bacteria. This has been due, partly, to the fact that certain of the eastern driven- well plants were in service for short periods only, and that these periods often failed to correspond with those days on which samples could be collected; partly to the fact that the microscopical and bacterial results from ground waters have but slight significance as a rule, compared with their significance where surface waters are concerned ; partly, also, because the chief object of the wTork was to determine the general condition of the water-shed, and the sur- face waters naturally called for closer and more constant attention. The results obtained have confirmed the generally established rule that ground waters yield but few microscopical organisms. For the microscopical results, tables have been arranged, giving the number of times the water from each driven-well station was an- alyzed, and the number of times each genus was found in quanti- ties of five or more per C. C, and in quantities less than five per C. C. The bacterial quantitative results indicate the existence of a gen- eral relation between the number of bacteria found and the relative 104 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY purity of the different ground Avaters examined. Comparatively little attention has hitherto been given to this question. It will be seen that wide bacterial variations occur in the ground waters of both the relatively polluted and unpolluted sections of the shed. Nevertheless, the relatively pure waters present few fluctuations which are at all high, rarely reaching the counts typi- cal of the average " good " surface water of this shed. Certain of these high counts may further be explained by local conditions. For instance, those of September 13th at Massapequa, Wantagh and Merrick correspond with the resumption of pumping at these stations, after more or less prolonged periods during which they were out of service. The weir boxes from which the samples were taken had been lying unused and contained some stagnant water; it seems reason- able to conclude that to this stagnant water exposed for some time to the air, the high counts were, in part at least, due, and this is confirmed by the return of the counts to the usual low point after the plants had been running for some time, as shown by the samples of September 30th. It may be also that more or less multiplica- tion had taken place in the pipes of the well plants, while out of service. The averages have been obtained by omitting such high counts. The figures thus omitted have been printed in heavy type. It will be seen that the average of the usual low counts does not exceed about 10 bacteria per C. C. for the unpolluted section. The relatively impure ground waters of the shed show, on the other hand, counts which are more constantly high, yield higher averages, and present more frequent and wider fluctuations. The averages have been compiled as before, omitting the very high counts. It is not intended that due weight shall not be given to these high counts, but their extreme variation from the counts usually obtained would render averages of little significance if they were included. It would appear, then, that notwithstanding the natural filtration which ground waters undergo before being drawn from a driven-well, the number of bacteria present, while certainly fewer 1. But See "Mass. State Board of Health Report. 1894. Sedgwick and Prescott." OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 105 as a rule than those of most surface waters, correspond to a certain extent with the relative purity of the source of supply. Comparison with the results of the parallel chemical examina- tions on these wells, together with the knowledge of the wells themselves and their surroundings, obtained by inspection, bears out the general proposition as stated above. 106 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. CHEMICAL. In order to logically arrive at the relative condition of the sev- eral surface supplies, it is necessary to draw comparisons between them, with respect to the nature and extent of the organic and mineral matter which they contain. Sixteen sources of supply are compared below in this way. Watt's Pond has not been classed in this list on account of the fact that well water was often mixed with the surface water, and a dis- cussion of this pond by itself is more proper. The physical characteristics of these sixteen waters vary to some extent. They are, as a rule, free from any considerable amount of turbidity or sediment. In this respect they are affected by heavy rains only to a slight degree. Springfield and Clear Stream Ponds and Hempstead Storage Reservoir have shown more sediment than any of the others. Baiseley's Pond, ou account of the large number of microscopical organisms it contained, showed more turbidity than any of the other ponds. The odors obtained from these sixteen waters were vegetable in character, sometimes marshy, but never very strong. Schodack Brook and East Meadow Pond were persistent in giving unpleasant and disagreeable odors also, which were probably due to the de- caying vegetable matter with which the water came in contact. The fishy, aromatic and grassy odors were in several instances traced to microscopical organisms. Springfield Pond and Baiseley's Pond afford the best examples of the latter class of odors. The differences in color of the various waters and the extent to which some of the ponds are affected by the heavy rains, while others are either not affected at all or only slightly, are quite re- markable. Averages of the color readings, between July and Oc- OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 10? tober(the period during which determinations were made), showed the following grouping: Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Twin Ponds, Pine's Ponds, Schodack Brook, Tanglewood and Clear Stream Ponds gave averages between .07 and .13 of color. Valley Stream Reservoir, Smith's, Hempstead, Millburn and Wantagh Ponds gave averages ranging between .18 and .33 of color. Springfield, Baiseley's, East Meadow, Newbridge and Massa- pequa Ponds gave averages ranging between .38 and .75 of color. The five eastern ponds, Massapequa, Wantagh, Newbridge, East Meadow and Millburn, were very much affected by the heavy rains in June and July. Their color gradually diminished during the subsequent months. Valley Stream Reservoir, Springfield and Baiseley's Ponds were also affected in about the same degree. The remaining ponds were either affected very little or not at all. The coloring matter in the eastern ponds is due principally to the low swampy country through which their feeders run. The organisms in Baiseley's Pond have influenced the color to some extent, while the color of the water at Springfield Pond must be attributed to the large amount of decaying vegetable matter in and about Durland's and Gross' Ponds, which are feeders of Sprino-field Pond, and the low land in the immediate vicinity. The coloring matter of all the other ponds is also due to vegetable matter, dissolved out of the soil. But as they receive their supply of water from areas more or less cultivated, they ex- hibit relatively less color. The correspondence of the color with the oxygen consumed has been marked on all the waters, and as checks upon each other the two determinations have been valuable. The amount of organic matter which a water contains is well shown by the nitrogen obtained as albuminoid ammonia. But the significance of the amount so determined is dependent on its char- acter rather than on its quantity. It must therefore be constantly borne in mind that a knowledge of the source of the organic mat- ter, its physical characteristics and its susceptibility to change are necessary for an intelligent interpretation of such results. The heavy rains during June and July and the consequent rise of the water with the flooding of the low areas, particularly on the 108 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY eastern portion of the water-shed, caused a marked increase in the albuminoid ammonia during that period. This increase was coinci- dent with the rise in color of the water, and the nitrogen obtained must therefore be attributed to the vegetable matter introduced as above described. To show this effect, Massapequa and Wantagh ponds may be taken as examples. The following table shows the monthly averages of the total albuminoid ammonia results on each of the ponds, be- ginning in January and running to October, and the monthly rain- fall for the same period : Monthly Averages of Total Albuminoid Ammonia Results for massarequa and wantagh ponds AND Monthly Rain-fall from January to October. (parts per 100,000). 1897 Massapequa Pond. Wantagh Pond. Total Albuminoid. Ammonia. Rain-fall in Inches. January........0047 .0042 4.14 February .0062 .0039 3.20 March........0076 .0067 3.36 April ..........0130 .0097 3.12 May...........0211 .0123 5.44 June..........0243 .0184 4.02 July..........0322 .0235 11.19 August........0153 .0149 4.07 September.....0789 .0110 1.90 It will be seen that from March until the end of July there was a gradual increase in the amount of albuminoid ammonia obtained from these ponds, and that June and July show the highest results. Thirty-seven and one-half percent, of the total rain-fall for the nine months fell in these two months of June and July. The rapid decrease in the amount of albuminoid ammonia dur- ing August and September is surprising, unless the decrease in rain-fall and the sandy character of the soil are taken into consid- eration. As was shown in the discussion of the analyses of the water from Massapequa Pond, the decrease in the albuminoid am- monia ran nearly parallel with the decrease in color and the rise in nitrates. It would seem that as the level of the ground water fell during OF THE CITY OP BROOKLYN. 109 August and September the rain which was precipitated, passed into the subsoil to a relatively greater depth than when the ground water level was higher. The fine gravel and sand of this subsoil acted as a filter, removing and oxidizing, with the assistance of the bacteria, the vegetable matter derived from the surface soil. A considerable amount of this now colorless ground water found its way into the streams and ponds, and mingling with the more or less colored surface water, caused a diminution in the color, a fall in the albuminoid ammonia and rise in the nirtates. What was true in the case of Massapequa Pond was also true of all the other eastern ponds to a limited extent. In discussing the color of the surface waters, Valley Stream Reservoir, Springfield Pond and Baiseley's Pond were all noted as having been affected by the heavy rains of July. Valley Stream Reservoir and Spring Pond showed, also, in the monthly average of their albuminoid ammonia results, a gradual rise to July and a subsequent"fall. Baiseley's Pond, on the other hand, increased regularly each month from January to September, except that the rains of July caused a diminution instead of an increase in that month. This was due probably to the effect of dilution and to the checking of the very rich microscopic growths which infested this pond. The following table shows the regularity of the increase in the albuminoid ammonia and the microscopical organisms in the water from Baiseley Pond : Monthly Averages of Total Albuminoid Ammonia and of Total Organisms for Baiseley's Pond, from January to October. Total Albuminoid Ammonia Total Organi: 1897 (parts per 100,000.) (per c. c, January........0118 February........0132 54 March...........0151 386 1,245 May ..........0501 3,996 June____.......0897 4,154 July............0779 2,134 August..........0942 6,480 September.......0954 4,690 110 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The ponds which gave rather low color and which do not seem to have been seriously affected by the heavy rains of June and July in this respect, have also shown a similar regularity in the rise of their albuminoid ammonia between January and July, and in its sub- sequent fall. While a certain amount of vegetable coloring matter was washed into these ponds, the larger proportion of the organic matter was colorless, nevertheless showing itself as albuminoid am- monia. Clear Stream pond and Hempstead Storage Reservoir showed the highest monthly average for albuminoid ammonia in May. Twin, Smith's and Hempstead Ponds, on the other hand, showed the high- est averages in June and July. Schodack Brook had two high averages approximately the same, in May and July. Pine's and Tanglewood Ponds are somewhat irregular, due to the cleaning of the former pond in the early spring. In considering the variations in thf albuminoid ammonia results, considerable attention has been given to the effect of the heavy rains of July. Their effect was more noticeable on the eastern ponds because of the fact that the color acted there as a sort of indicator, and also because the vegetable organic matter introduced showed itself in proportionately larger amounts than it did on the western ponds. But it is true that, with but one or two exceptions already accounted for, all the surface supplies increased in albuminoid ammonia, from January to July, and decreased during the subsequent months (see table, Part II). It is evident that the increase in the albuminoid ammonia was co- incident with the increase in temperature. It would appear that, leaving out the effect of the rains, the warm summer months caused an increase in the organic matter, as evidenced by this determina- tion. This is what might be expected, since the vegetable and animal life in surface waters increases at this season of the year. It is, therefore, probable that two factors—the natural increase of vegetation in the water and the heavy rains of July—combined to cause the increase under discussion. The average of the albuminoid ammonia results for each of the surface supplies for the whole period covered by the investigation, OF THE CITY OP BROOKLYN. Ill is shown by the following table. The table also includes the aver- ages of the free ammonia for the same period. Total Averages of Albuminoid Ammonia and Free Ammonia For Nine Months. Total Albuminoid Ammonia. Free Ammonia. [Parts per 100,000.] Massapequa Pond .. . .0145 .0006 Wantagh " .. . .0110 .0006 Newbridge " . .0109 .0005 East Meadow " .. . .0114 .0010 Millburn . .0101 .0008 Hempstead Storage Reservoir.. . .0141 .0009 . .0094 .0044 Hempstead Pond.. . .0140 .0016 Smith's " .. . .0100 .0022 Pine's " .. . .0144 .0009 Tanglewood " .. . .0097 .0014 . .0159 .0047 Clear Stream Pond . .0123 .0051 . .0086 .0040 . .0150 .0067 Baiseley's " .. . .0467 .0033 The albuminoid ammonia figures in the above table may be taken as indicating the relative amounts of organic matter present in these waters. It will, therefore, be seen that no very wide differences in the amounts of organic matter were found in the surface waters of the shed, writh one or two exceptions, capable of being explained by local causes. A distinction should be drawn, however, between waters having practically the same amount of albuminoid ammonia, but coming from different sections of the water shed. The high color of the water of Massapequa Pond accounts for its high average in albuminoid ammonia. Approximately the same average is obtained for Hempstead Storge Reservoir, but is there doubtless due to the rich microscopical growths so constantly present in the reservoir, and to other nitrogenous matter of a differ- ent character from that in Massapequa Pond, as shown by the pres- 112 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY ence in the water of nitrites and nitrates in considerable quantities. Hempstead Pond would appear to derive its albuminoid ammonia from stable vegetable organic matter. Its color is considerably greater than Hempstead Storage Reservoir, although it is situated so close to the latter. The same is true in regard to Valley Stream Reservoir, except that a certain amount of its nitrogenous matter is unstable, as shown by the frequency with which nitrites occur, and by the high nitrates. At Springfield Pond the high albuminoid ammonia must be attributed to vegetable coloring matter, and to unstable nitrogenous matter of a doubtful character. Clear Stream and Twin Ponds gave averages of .0123 parts and .0086 parts, re- spectively. These amounts are rather low, and between them lie the averages of the best waters of the shed. Nevertheless, from the large amount of nitrites and nitrates present, it must be inferred that the organic matter in these two ponds is capable of rapid change, indicating sewage pollution. It is more the susceptibility of nitrogenous matter to change which awakens suspicion, than the actual quantity present. The two supplies, Schodack Brook aud Millburn Pond are, to a certain extent, open to doubt, from the fact that they both contain high nitrates, relatively high chlorine, and have shown the pres- ence of nitrites to a greater or less extent. Schodack Brook pre- sents high free ammonia also. The extremes obtained in the nitrogen, as represented by the free ammonia, were .0005 parts and .0067 parts. Newbridge, Wantagh, Massapequa, Millburn and Pine's Ponds, and Hempstead Storage Reservoir gave averages below .0010 parts for the year. East Meadow, Tanglewood, Hempstead and Smith's Ponds gave averages between .0010 parts and .0025 parts ; and Baiseley's, Twin, Schodack, Clear Stream and Springfield Ponds and Valley Stream Reservoir between .0033 parts and .0067 parts. It will be seen that all the supplies east of and including Smith's Pond, with the exception of Schodack Brook, gave resnlts below .0025 parts, the average being only a little over .0010 parts. Scho- dack Brook gave an average result of .0044 parts for the year. All of the ponds west of Smith's Pond gave results above .0033 parts, and the average was .0047 parts. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 113 • This fact very clearly marks a line between the eastern and cen- tral sections of the water-shed on the one hand, and the western section on the other. When it is understood that the popu- lation increases as Brooklyn is approached, and that the drainage areas necessarily become more polluted, the significance of this fact is evident. The relation which the free ammonia bears to the nitro- gen in the form of nitrites is of significance in this connection. Of those ponds east of Smith's Pond, Newbridge, Massapequa and Hempstead showed no nitrites at all during the year. They were present in Wantagh and East Meadow Ponds twice, and in Millburn, Pine's, Tanglewood and Smith's Ponds from six to ten times, but never above .0005 parts. Hempstead Storage Reservoir, on the contrary, showed nitrites present twenty-one times, ri^ng as high as .0014 parts. Of the above sources of supply, Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Millburn and Pine's Pondsareopen to the most suspicion, although they are relatively low in free ammonia. This latter is due to the oxidation of the ammonia into nitrous compounds through the agency of bacteria. The efficiency of the oxidation is made evi- dent by the low free ammonia, and, as will be shown later, by the relatively high nitrates. Of those ponds west of Smith's Pond, nitrites were obtained in Baiseley's Pond 5 times. Twin Pond 26 times, Valley Stream Res- ervoir 8 times, Clear Stream Pond 31 times and Springfield Pond 17 times. Twin Ponds, Clear Stream Pond and Springfield Pond are the sources of supply in which this form of nitrogen was most constantly present, and also those in which the highest amounts were obtained. These figures furnish one of the most valuable indications of the sanitary condition of the shed, and show well the relative im- purity of the western section. A study of the nitrates* substantiates the inferences already drawn from a consideration of the nitrogen in the three forms of albu- minoid ammonia, free ammonia and nitrites. Considerable caution must be observed, however, in making deductions based upon the * The nitrate averages are based on results obtained by the Phenol Sulphonic Acid Method duiing July, August and September. 114 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY relative amounts of nitrates present, without a knowledge of the physical characteristics of the soil and the extent of the cultivation of the land upon the drainage areas. If it is remembered that the soil consists almost exclusively of sand and fine gravel, and that the large demand for water keeps the ground level of the water very low, it is easily understood that all the water, practically, falling on the shed receives natural filtra- tion before it reaches the streams and ponds. On the western portion of the water-shed in particular, and in the central and eastern sections to some extent, the streams and ponds are in the midst of cultivated fields. The organic nitrogen derived from the manure and fertilizers used on the land becomes changed through the action of bacteria into soluble ammonia compounds, which, after further oxidation by means of the same agents, are converted first into nitrous compounds and finally into nitric com- pounds. It seems reasonable, therefore, to conclude that the rather high nitrates present on this water-shed are the results of the above conditions. Another factor which must also be included, however, is the pollution of the drainage areas by household and stable sew- age. This is well shown by the relatively higher nitrates found on the more thickly populated western section of the watershed than on the less populated eastern section. Baiseley's Pond is an ex- ception in showing very low average nitrates. This is* due to the microscopical growths, so abundant in this pond. Nitrates furnish soluble nitrogen in a form particulaily suitable for the nourishment of plant life. The high nitrates at the inlet to this pond indicate the polluted sources from which the water is de- rived. The disappearance of the nitrates in the pond shows that they have been again transformed by the microscopical plants into organic nitrogen. Hempstead, Baiseley's, Massapequa, Smith's, Newbridge, Wan- tagh and East Meadow Ponds alf show averages below .0270 parts. It will be seen that all of the eastern ponds are included in this list excepting Millburn Pond. Besides having more than double the amount of nitrates for the same period than the highest averages obtained for any of the ponds east of it, this pond shows high chlorine and quite often the presence of nitrites. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 115 Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Tanglewood and Pine's Ponds, Schodack Brook and Millburn Pond show averages between .0379 parts and .0590 parts. All these sources of supply have exhibited nitrites with more or less frequency, showing with the nitrates the effect of pollution. Valley Stream Reservoir, Springfield, Twin and Clear Stream Ponds all show averages above .0700 parts, the two latter giving .2427 parts and .2717 parts respectively. The constancy with which nitrites are found in these supplies, combined with the high nitrates, leaves no doubt regarding their contamination, and that to a dangerous degree, with, perhaps, the exception of Valley Stream Reservoir. The chlorine results exhibit features of some importance, considered from a sanitary standpoint. The situation of the water- shed on the southern side of Long Island, within a short distance of the sea, and the fact that the flat surface of the island offers no hindrance to the passage of storms from the ocean over it in any direction, causes the surface waters to contain considerably more chlorine than would be the case if the sources of supply were sit- uated some distance inland. This investigation has not been carried on long enough to deter- mine the normal chlorine of this region exactly. However the results permit the assignment of approximate limits for the normal chlorine during the period of observation and a comparison of the various sources of supply on this basis. If from other data the purity of one or more of the sources of supply can be approxi- mately fixed, then we may consider that the chlorine there found represents fairly well the normal of the region. Waters which contain chlorine in excess of these limits must, therefore, be con- sidered with suspicion, as subject to sewage pollution, unless local conditions permit of another explanation. The drainage areas of the eastern streams and ponds are sparsely populated, and, presumably, the chlorine found in them is derived principally from natural sources. The farther west one goes the greater the population and the more exposed to direct pollution the supplies become. The following table gives the averages of the chlorine results obtained in the ten months' work : 116 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLV Averages of Chlorine Results on Sixteen Surface Supplies From December 1896, to October, 1897. Chlorine. [Parts per 100,000.] Massapequa Pond.........................59 Wantagh Pond...........................54 Newbridge Pond.... .....................65 East Meadow Pond......................61 Millburn Pond............................74 Hempstead Storage Reservoir..............67 Schodack Brook...........................64 Smith's Pond.............................62 Hempstead Pond ....... .................67 Pine's Pond . . .........................66 Tanglewood Pond........................64 Valley Stream Reservoir...................65 Clear Stream Pond.......................79 Twin Ponds..............................81 Springfield Pond................,.........1.19 Baiseley's Pond...........................98 The lowest average was obtained from Wantagh Pond, the next from Massapequa Pond. If an average of the results on these two ponds is made, a little over .56 parts is obtained. An average of the results on Massapequa, Wantagh and East Meadow Ponds is .58 parts, and if Newbridge Pond is included, the average becomes very nearly .60 parts. The lowest chlorine results obtained were from the Wantagh Wells. Sixteen analyses averaged .46 parts. The average of the chlorine on the surface waters east of Mill- burn is considerably above that of the ground water at Wantagh, although the ground water at Massapequa averages .57 parts of chlorine. It is, therefore, probable that a representative amount of chlorine for a surface water on the unpolluted section of the water-shed in its southern part near the sea, lies between .50 parts and .60 parts. The greater the drainage areas and the farther from the ocean they extend, the less will be the normal chlorine. The restricted drainage area of Newbridge Pond (2.7 square miles) may be responsible for the rather high chlorine which this OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 117 pond shows. East Meadow Pond is open to suspicion more from its bacterial than from its chemical results, although its chlorine is a little above .60 parts. Millburn Pond may have high chlorine on account of its small drainage area, but other determinations point to a certain amount of pollution; and when it is seen that it has higher chlorine than any surface supply east of Clear Stream Pond, this view is confirmed. The whole of the central group of surface supplies give aver- age results between .64 parts and .67 parts, excepting Smith's Pond, which is .62 parts. Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Hempstead and Pine's Ponds, give the highest results, and from other data the first and last sources of supply are certainly open to suspicion on account of sewage pollution. Valley Stream Reservoir has high average chlorine although somewhat less than certain of the central group of ponds. Its high free ammonia, nitrates and albuminoid ammonia,together with the not infrequent presence of nitrites, cause it to be regarded as sub- ject to sewage pollution. The remaining ponds, Clear Stream, Twin, Springfield and Baiseley's have averages ranging between .79 parts and 1.19 parts. The bacterial and chemical analyses as a whole very plainly point to the pollution which these four ponds receive. The mineral contents of the waters of the eastern ponds are low. The total solids range approximately from four to six parts and the fixed solids from two to four parts. The central group of ponds does not show very much increase in total solids nor does Volley Stream Reservoir. But all the surface supplies west of the latter are considerably higher ranging approxi- mately from six to twelve parts for total solids and from four to nine parts for fixed solids. The organic matter which the surface waters contain is readily burned off on ignition and no marked blackening occurs, except at those times when the water of the eastern and certain of the central and western ponds becomes very much colored. The hardness results of the surface waters group themselves in much the same order as do the total solids. Averages of the hardness determinations made on all the supplies 118 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY east of Valley Stream Reservoir gave figures ranging between .7 parts and 1.2 parts. Valley Stream Reservoir gave an average of 1.6 parts, while all the ponds west of the latter ranged between 2.3 parts and 4.4 parts. Baiseley's Pond gave the highest average result, and the average of the results on Springfield Pond was intermediate between Baiseley's Pond and Twin Ponds. Clear Stream and Twin Ponds were the same. It has been considered advisable to treat Watt's Pond separately, from the fact that few samples of the unmixed pond water have been obtained. Such samples as have been obtained, however, show the water to contain considerable free ammonia. The albuminoid ammonia was rather low; the nitrates were quite high, and also the chlorine; nitrites were not infrequently found. The water of the pond is similar in character to that of Valley Stream Reservoir from which it receives a portion of its supply, and may be classed with it from a sanitary standpoint. Detailed descriptions and comparisons have been made of the various driven-wells, and it only remains to consider their relative sanitary standing and to show their effect on the supply as a whole. The wells east of Rockville Centre show very low free and al- buminoid ammonia, comparatively low nitrates, no nitrites, and with the exception of the Agawam Wells, low chlorine. The iron is not very large in amount and probably would never cause trouble in the supply as a whole. They are safe and wholesome waters and are likely to remain so for some time to come. The wells west of Rockville Centre are variable in quality. They show some evidences of contamination and other features of an objectionable character. They are, with the exception of the Forest Stream AVells and the Jameco Park Deep and Shallow Wells, rather low in free ammonia. On the other hand, the Jameco Park Wells are extremely high, and on examination of the water from the Oconee Wells also gave very high free ammonia. The nitrates of the Clear Stream and Spring Creek Shallow Wells are very high; the other wells of this section, with the exception of the deep wells, are also somewhat high in nitrates. Nitrites have been found in the wells at Clear Stream, Forest OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 119 Stream, Jameco Park (Shallow Wells), Baiseley's and Spring Creek (New Plant, Shallow Wells). They were found most constantly in the shallow wells at Jameco Park. The chlorine is very high in the Jameco Park Shallow Wells and excessive in the wells at Baiseley\s and the shallow wells at Spring Creek (Old Plant). With the exception of the wells at Forest Stream and Clear Stream, all the wells of this section show a great deal of hardness. They also show some iron, but the wells at Jameco Park give by far the largest amount. The infiltration of sea water into the shallow wells at Spring Creek, Baiseley's and Jameco Park is the probable cause of their high mineral contents. While the use of water from these wells is not perhaps actually dangerous, it is decidedly objectionable to be obliged to admit them into the city supply. Moreover, these well waters, contain- ing sulphates of lime and magnesium, must have, if introduced into the supply in sufficient quantity, an injurious effect on steam boilers. A comparison of the water found in the Ridgewood Reservoir with the water found in the various surface supplies or of the shed shows that the former differs considerably in character from the latter. Its mineral constituents are high, as compared with most of the surface waters of the shed, while its organic matter is, as a rule, somewhat lower. This, of course, is due to the well waters which form so large a proportion of the city supply. The quantity of organic matter present is affected by so many factors, as has been previously shown, that any deductions are worthless from a sani- tary standpoint. The water supplied to the city is hard, as compared with any of the surface waters of the shed and the majority of the well waters, and must be due principally to the ground water derived from the Jameco Park, Baiseley's and Spring Creek Wells. To these wells must also be attributed the relatively high chlorine found in the water at Ridgewood Reservoir. 120 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY BACTERIAL. The bacterial examinations made during this investigation dealt only with the determination of the numbers present in the waters of the different supplies and with the search for bacteria indicative of pollution from intestinal discharges. The determination of spe- cies is discussed elsewhere. Careful consideration of the figures obtained in the quantitative determinations show certain relations, which are exhibited in the table on the opposite page. The numbers of bacteria found at the outlet of each of the sur- face supplies of the shed have been averaged for the whole period of observation (column 1). Averages for the period before the heavy rain-fall of July (column 2) and for the period of heavy rain-fall itself (column 3) have also been made, and the relations of these averages to each other are given (column 4). The averages at the outlets of the ponds are compared with the averages at the inlets for the period during which the latter were examined (columns 5 and 6), and the ratios of the outlet averages to the inlet averages are shown (column 7). The averages for the whole period, when arranged in order of magnitude, show a remarkable relation to the topography of the watershed. The ponds of the eastern section of the shed all give averages lying below 600 bacteria per C. C, and from Wantagh Pond to Millburn Ponds inclusive, the averages increase in order from east to west. Massapequa Pond, the most easterly of all, presents a departure from this rule in showing the highest average of this section. The central section gives averages lying between 600 and 1200 bacteria per C. C. These averages also increase in exact relation to the order of the ponds from east to west. Hempstead (DeMott's) Pond is the only exception, and is properly classed with the eastern ponds. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 121 Column 7 ■ 9 • IOD O} (_■ •\O0 JO OpB>J o c o o OO u- O in O ** r^ i-i N 1 ■**■ C* N O O OO w u o FEEDERS. Baiseley's . .. Smith's, west. Millburn..... Hempstead.,. Clear Stream . Valley Str. Res Wantagh, east Springfield .. Smith's, east.. Tanglewood .. Wantagh, west Massa'qua, eas East Meadow. Newbridge... Massa'qua, wes Clear Stream . o — 'S)3pnO)B "AB JOD B{J3PBg »tO flfl rj-^O NnO O l ii©c<-)'-ir~~r^'ONOO^" i^O W O OS D O Hemp. Res . . Newb'dge P'nd E Meadow P'nd Wantagh Pond Mass'qua Pond Millburn Pond Schodack Brook Tanglew'd P'nd DeMott's Pond Smith's Pond.. Valley Str. Res Clear Str. Pond Pine's Pond. . . Sp'field Pond. . Twin Pond.. .. Baiseley's Pond 1 z s I-) o u •jdsg oj X|nf O M in m m u> m O i-i O mo (?Ocon ^ONOjr^NTTm— n M o « o 11 in Tf ^-r^CD CO li m M fintTTiOM Oc<-> w u at O IT. DeMott's Pond Baiseley's Pond Pine's Pond. . . Wantagh Pond Smith's Pond.. Millburn Pond. Newb'dge Pond E Meadow P'nd Sp'field Over'fl Mass'qua Pond Valley Str. Res Schodack Brook Twin Pond... Hemp. Pond. . Tanglew'd P'nd Clear Str. Pond z ! u •aunf OJ 'UBf c< or^r^r^— m i-ioo i-i oou-io o — C> O mco mr^w r^coOcOMO i-i d O* ►h i-i C4 cj nni'inco to o^>n wco oo r-» w N n ci r^ Source. Newb'dge Pond Wantagh P'nd Hemp. Sto. Res. E Meadow P'nd Mass'qua Pond DeMott's Pond Millburn Pond. Schodack Brook Tangle'wd P'nd Smith's Pond.. Pine's Pond ... Valley Str. Res. Baiseley's Pond Clear Str. Pond Springfield PS Twin Pond . . z s lj o u •po °i 'UBi wc'iciooc^r^OPJ'Oomi-'i-iTj-o* oo tMJO c^o wn t1- r^ tn ^J- >t in t~-c«"> c") c<"> >r> in ino wooto h ■^-co O O l-l M I-I O XII w" u D O 1/2 Wantagh Pond DeMott's Pond Newb'dge Pond E Meadow P'nd Millburn Pond. Mass'qua Pond Hemp. Sto. Res. Schodack Brook Smith's Pond . Pine's Pond . . Tanglew'd P'nd Valley Str. Res. Baiseley's Pond Clear Str. Pond Twin Pond .. 122 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The western section gives averages all lying above 1,200 bac- teria per C C, and the order of increase from east to west is broken only by Baiseley's Pond, the most westerly in this section. Watt's and Springfield Ponds are omitted, because of irregulari- ties in service. It is evident that in general a definite and progressive increase in the number of bacteria occurs as the population on the drain- age areas of the ponds increases, from Wantagh Pond on the new shed to Twin Ponds on the old shed. The exceptions are thus accounted for. Massapequa Pond, al. though it has practically no population on its drainage area, re- ceives from the swamps which lie above it, a larger amount of vegetable organic matter than any other pond on the water-shed, as shown by its color and its chemical constituents, especially dur- ing periods of heavy rain. Hempstead Pond receives some at least of its supply from Hempstead Storage Reservoir, and thus represents a relatively populous drainage area. On the other hand, the chemical analyses show a remarkable diminution in the evidences of pollution in the pond, as compared with the reservoir. Baiseley's Pond, which drains one of the most populous areas, has presented a very large number of microscopical organisms, thus introducing a factor somewhat unusual on this shed, the relation of which to the bacterial counts is described beyond. Considering now the relations between the averages obtained previous to the exceptionally heavy rain-fall of July (column 2), the western section yields results all above 1,200 bacteria per C. C. and presents the same order of increase in the averages as for the whole period (column 1). Springfield Pond, not considered in the previous list, is an exception to the rule of progressive increase towards the west, in being lower than Twin Ponds, although situ- ated west of the latter. Of the remaining ponds, the three whose averages rise above 600 bacteria per C. C, lose their strict comparability with the others more or less, from the fact that one of them, supplying the other two, was in process of cleaning during part of this period. The eastern ponds maintain the relation to each other shown in the previous list fairly well. A reversal is found in the relation of OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 123 Wantagh Pond to Newbridge Pond which, however, is of com- paratively little significance, because their averages lie very close to each other in both periods. Massapequa and Millburn Ponds are also reversed in order. This change is of somewhat greater significance as is shown below. Hempstead Storage Reservoir gives an average which places it with the eastern section. For the period of heavy rain-fall, the ponds arranged in the order of magnitude of their averages, show the following relations (column 3). On the eastern section these ponds follow the same order for this period that they did for the whole period (column 1), except that Millburn Pond stands lower than Newbridge Pond. The ponds of the central and western section do not hold the same order which obtained in the period previous to heavy rain-fall, (column 2), or in the whole period (column 1). Hempstead (De Mott's) Pond stands lowest on the scale, Baiseley's coming next. Valley Stream Reservoir, Twin Ponds, and Clear Pond are amongst the highest. Of the eastern section, East Meadow and Massapequa Ponds only rise about 1,5200 bacteria per CO,Schodack Brook.Hemp- stead Pond, and Tanglewood Pond in the central section and all the supplies of the western section, except Baiseley's Pond, also show more than 1,200 bacteria per C. C. The low average on Baiseley's Pond is in part due to the presence of the very large number of microscopical organisms there found. The significance of these changes wTill appear by reference to the list (column 4) which gives the ratios of the averages during the heavy rain-fall,to the averages on the same ponds for the period preceding the rain- fall. It will be seen that all the ponds east of Smith's Pond,except Pine's Pond,show averages distinctly higher during the heavy rain- fall than during the previous period. The ponds west of Smith's Pond show,on the other hand,a decrease, the order of the decrease following more or less closely the order from east to west. Smith's Pond itself shows no change. The explanation offered for these relations is as follows : Two principal factors are recognized as affecting bacterial counts obtained on surface waters. The first is the amount of rain-fall, the second is the amount of organic matter present fit for bacterial food. A heavy rain-fall acts in part mechanically, stirring up the pre- 124 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY viously quiescent surface waters and washing into them bacteria from the surrounding soil ; in low-lying regions by washing in also stagnant waters in which bacteria were previously present in large uumbers. Heavy rain, also, however, affects bacterial counts by washing into the surface waters increased quantities of organic matter, which furnish the bacteria already present, as well as those introduced by the rain-fall itself, an increased quantity of food. The mechanical action of rain on any given supply is continued beyond the time at which precipitation ceases. The volume of water deposited on the drainage area during a rain takes some time to es- cape into the supply, and during the period which elapses from the beginning of the rain fall until the usual conditions of drainage and rate of flow are re-established, the supply is subjected to more or less unusual agitation. This mechanical effect of rain-fall is seen best in rivers, and increases, other things being equal, with the ex- tent of drainage area. On the small streams and ponds of the Brooklyn water-shed, the effect even of heavy precipitation is not lasting. The water soon disappears from their small drainage areas, part, of it running off into the supplies and part of it passing directly into the porous soil of the water-shed, reaching the sup- plies, if at all, by percolation. The second effect of rain-fall, that of furnishing an increased supply of bacterial food, depends more on the nature of the drain- age area than on its extent. A drainage area, rich in organic mat- ter, will naturally yield more to its water-courses, during a heavy rain, than will a drainage area similar in all respects, except in that its organic matter is less abundant. Accepting these propositions, it becomes evident that the relation of the averages obtained on the water-shed, under discussion, before the heavy rains to the averages obtained during the heavy rains, must be interpreted with due regard to the conditions existent on the drainage areas of the various supplies. The ponds which show definite increases as the result of rain-fall, are the ponds which have drainage areas rich in organic matter, but organic matter which does not reach the ponds in a form suitable for bacterial food under usual meteorological conditions. This is particularly true of the eastern ponds, which drain areas where vegetable organic mat- ter is very abundant, but ordinarily undergoes decomposition in the OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 125 swamps where it lies, showing comparatively little evidence of reaching the water of the ponds. A heavy rain-fall washes this matter in quantities into the supply and an increase in bacteria results. The ponds which show definite decrease in bacteria, on the other hand, are, as a rule, those which drain more or less populous districts. In such districts, the organic matter is derived largely from com- paratively well drained but polluted areas. The organic matter is not stored up as it is in the uninhabited districts, but has free access to the water supplies at all times. The effect of this constant drainage is well shown in the high counts obtained from such ponds in fair weather, as compared with the low counts of the un- polluted ponds under similar conditions. In periods of heavy rain-fall when uninhabited areas, without artificial drainage, are being flushed out into their water-courses, the populous areas also, without doubt, contribute an increased amount of, organic matter to their streams. But the organic matter reaching the first class of ponds is the accumulation of time, and is abundant in amount. The organic matter reaching the second class of ponds has been prevented from accumulating to anything like the same extent, and the reserve stock, so to speak, is small. A heavy rain-fall, therefore, soon ex- hausts the amount of organic matter, which can be readily washed into the supplies, and because the pollution of these populated dis- tricts is a factor subject to little variation, the subsequent precipi- tation increases the volume of the water reaching the supplies with- out proportionately increasing its organic contents. In other words, an actual dilution occurs. The absolute amount of organic matter is undoubtedly increased ; but in relation to the amount of water it is decreased, and the bacteria decrease with it. The albu- minoid ammonia determinations, covering the period immediately preceding and during the heavy rains, support the hypothesis above advanced, in so far as they show a great increase on the eastern ponds due to the rains, followed by a relatively gradual diminution ; whereas the western ponds show in general a proportionately smaller increase due to the rain, and a very considerable diminution im- mediately following. The general proposition, then, that on this water-shed and during the progress of this investigation, a rise in bacterial counts during 126 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY heavy rain-fall is dependent, principally, upon the presence of swampy areas contributing to the supplies, a fall under similar conditions to areas well drained and populated holds true. New- bridge, East Meadow and Wantagh Ponds are the best examples of the former conditions, Twin Ponds of the latter. Massapequa Pond presents, perhaps, the greatest amount of swampy land with the smallest population on the shed. But the nature of the swamp allows, even during fair weather, a somewhat high amount of organic matter to reach the supply, as shown by its relatively high counts during fair weather wdien compared with the counts on the other eastern ponds. Hempstead Storage Reservoir, on the other hand, presents one of the most polluted drainage areas on the shed. The analytical results, as a whole, however, show that in fair weather at least a considerable amount of self-purification and dilution of the pol- luted water reaching it through its feeder obtains. In wet weather, on the other hand, not only is this pollution somewhat increased, but the swamp lands at the head of the reservoir also contribute more or less organic matter in excess of the usual amounts. Fur- ther, it must also be remembered that^this is the largest body of water on the shed; that the small amounts withdrawn from it in proportion to its capacity reduces the rate of flow through it far b:low the rates obtaining on the smaller supplies, giving greater chance for sedimentation in good weather, and that these very fac- tors allow rain-fall to show exaggerated mechanical effects. The remaining ponds show ratios intermediate between those of the eastern ponds and those of the western ponds. The relation of the ratios to what may be called potential pollu- tion from swamplands and actual pollution from inhabited districts is closely consonant with the actual conditions. The ratio obtained on Pine's Pond is probably lower than it would have been had not the counts of the fair weather period been raised by the cleaning of the pond during part of that period. The same statement holds with regard to Tanglewood and Smith's Ponds, and to some extent with regard to Valley Stream Reservoir; the two former receiving the waste from Pine's Pond, the latter hav- ing been itself in process of cleaning during the earlier months of observation. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 127 The columns 5 and 6 show side by side the averages of parallel counts obtained at the inlets and outlets of the ponds during a por- tion of the period of observation. The period during which these parallel counts were obtained was limited and included parts both of the fair weather and bad weather periods, as shown in detail in the tables of Part II., thus accounting for the somewhat high aver- ages given. Column 7 gives the ratio existent between each inlet and its corresponding outlet for this period. These ratios show, under the limitations imposed by the particu- lar circumstances of each case, the relative effect of each feeder upon the water of the pond it supplies. In those cases where a pond is supplied by a single feeder the problem of determining the effect of that feeder on the pond is comparatively simple, and is treated therefore first. The relations obtaining between the inlets .and outlets at New- bridge Pond and East Meadow Pond show that but small change in the bacterial contents from a quantitative standpoint takes place. The other ponds supplied by a single feeder show a more or less marked diminution in the counts at the outlet as compared with those at the inlet, the differences increasing in the order, Tanglewood Pond, Pine's and Twin ponds, Springfield Pond, Valley Stream Reservoir, Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Millburn and Baiseley's ponds. The factors entering into this diminution are principally sedimentation, occurring during the passage of the water from the inlet to the outlet, and diminution in food supply due to its ex- haustion by the activities of the bacteria themselves, and to the natural chemical oxidation of the organic matter, which probably goes on to some extent, even independently of bacteria, in the presence of light and air. Further, the porous nature of the soil of the water-shed permits the entrance to the ponds of a more or less constant amount of ground water, derived by percolation, which is free from bacteria, and which does not apparently itself contribute largely to the supply of bacterial food suitable for the forms whose numbers are estimated by the methods employed, thus producing a certain amount of dilution. Of these factors, sedimentation and exhaustion of food are the most prominent. 128 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Sedimentation plays, perhaps, the most important part at Hemp- stead Storage Reservoir, although exhaustion of food and dilution are also prominent. At Baiseley's Pond the exhaustion of food is probably the controlling factor, the very high albuminoid ammonia at the outlet being due to the large amounts of living microscopical organisms there found. In the remaining ponds the controlling factor cannot be so readily picked out; but it would appear in general that the richer the suppty of food at the mlet the higher the bacterial counts there obtained and the greater the diminution at the outlet. That this general rule shows many variations is not strange when the factors of sedimentation and dilution varying on each pond are taken into consideration also. Of those ponds which are supplied by two feeders, Clear Stream presents most typically the difficulty in judging from a comparison of the figures obtained at the inlets with those at the outlet, the amount of pollution which each feeder contributes to the pond. Here the relation of the averages on the feeders to each other fur- nishes the best evidence and shows a remarkable agreement with the physical conditions of their respective drainage areas. The whole problem requires a much more exhaustive examination than has been possible under the conditions of this investigation, and nothing more than a mere outline of the subject has been attempted. The discussion of the relative purity of these supplies, as indi- cated by the bacterial counts, would be incomplete without some reference to the question of the establishment of a bacterial " standard of purity." The difficulties which lie in the way of de- termining any fixed standards applicable for all waters and at all times is discussed elsewhere. The attempt has been made by Miquel ; but the factors influencing the results in any given exami- nation are so numerous that it has been found just as impossible to judge the character of a water from a single bacterial examination as it would be to do the like from a single chemical determination. For a limited section of country it might be possible to deter- mine roughly the reasonable limits within which the counts might vary without indicating unsanitary conditions ; but, even so the meteorological and other factors influencing the supply at the time OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 129 of each examination would require consideration, and to such limits liberal interpretation in specific cases must be grauted. If, however, an extended investigation be made covering a suffi- cient length of time to eliminate the exaggerated effects of tempo- rary and unusual conditions, the general run of the counts obtained is, without doubt, a very strong indication of relative purity when properly interpreted. On this water-shed the relations of numbers of bacteria per C. C. to purity is fairly definite. A table illustrating these points is given below. Column I Source. Wantagh Pond E.Meadow P'nd Mass'qua Pond DeMott's Pond Millburn Pond. Newb'dge Pond Schodack Brook Pine's Pond . . Smith's Pond Valley Str. Res. Hemp. Sto. Res. Tanglew'd P'nd Clear Str. Pond Sp'field Pond.. Baiseley's Pond Twin Pond .. Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Source. -u 1600 2 ion 3000 3000 3600 3600 5500 7000 8000 toooo 11000 13.100 [4200 [ 7000 48700 DeMott's Pond Vewb'dge Pond Wantagh P'nd Hemp.mo Res. Mass'qua Pond Millburn Pond. E. Meadow P'nd ^chodac!: Brook Smith's Pond. . Tangle'wd P'nd Valley Str. Res. Pine's Pond . . . Baiseley's Pond Clear Str Pond Sp'field Pond.. Twin Pond ^/^ c ^ Source. is '-3 0 ,^0 0 -urn 88.2 NTewb'dge Pond 80.6 DeMott's Pond 78.8 Hemp. Sto Res 75-8 Wantagh Pond 74-2 Mass'qua Pond 73-9 Millburn Pond. 67.6 E. Meadow P'nd 61.s Pine's Pond. . 55-9 Tanglew'd P'nd 53-6 Schodack Brook 48.4 Smith's Pond. . 44.1 Valley Str. Res 34-4 Twin Pond . . 16.7 Baiseley's P'nd 16.7 Sp'field Pond. 16.1 Clear Str. Pond Wantagh Pond DeMott's Pond schodacK Brook Smith's Pond Mass'qua Pond Newb'dge P'nd Millburn Pond Hemp. Res Pine's Pond... Tanglew'd P'nd Valley Str. Res Sp'field Pond. . Baiseley's Pond E. Meadow P'nd Clear Str. Pond Twin Pond. . . . Ridgew'd Res. In column 1 the ponds are arranged in the order of the magnitude of the highest counts obtained on each for the whole period ; it will be seen that the grouping agrees well with that division of the shed as regards purity, which is based on the whole evidence obtainable from sources other than bacteriological. 130 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY It is reasonable to conclude, then, that for any of these supplies the limit to which the counts may rise, is dependent to some extent upon their relative purity; and that probably the "highest count" is some indication of the existing possibilities of pollution. The evidence derived from the " highest counts " while it does agree in general terms with other known conditions, is necessarily based on a single determination. It is true, however, that the next lower counts of each supplysupport similar conclusion. Neverthe- less, in deciding the relation of the supplies to each other on the basis of the magnitude of the counts obtained, more reliable evidence is yielded by the percentage of counts below certain arbi- trarily chosen figures which each supply shows. These percentages are listed in columns 2 and 3. It would appear that when seventy-five per cent of the bacterial counts are below five hundred bacteria per C. O, or ninety per cent, are below one thousand bacteria per C. C, the supplies may be considered in a fairly satisfactory sanitary condition. Of course, in dealing with these results, as with all'other analytical results, unusual local and temporarv conditions, modifying the results from any one supply, must be taken into account. To sum up the conclusions as to the sanitary significance of the bacterial results on these waters, the following outline of the principles upon which the interpretation has been conducted may be of use. It is not intended that the principles should be considered as applicable to all waters in every part of the country, but it is hoped that they may form a basis for future investigation on the same lines. 1. The average count for a prolonged period yields evidence bearing on the amount of organic matter present during that period. The higher the average count, the greater the quantity of organic matter present and the more probable the derivation of the organic matter from animal rather than from vegetable sourct s. 2. The highest count obtained in a series on any one supply points to the relative limit of possible pollution from organic matter dur- ing the period covered, although such results must be accepted with caution. 3. The proportion of high counts to the whole number obtained OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 131 on a given supply yields evidence as to the constancy of pollution from organic matter. 4. A low average count during average fair weather periods, followed by a relatively high count during heavy rains, points to potential rather than actual pollution of the supply from organic matter. 5. A high average count during average fair weather, points to actual pollution from organic matter, and if the average count is less during heavy rains, it may be concluded that the pollution obtaining during fair weather represents most of the possible pollution of the supply, and that during heavy rain, dilution of the impurities takes place. 6. The relation of the average count on the inlet of a supply to the average on the outlet is some indication of the locality of origin of the organic matter, aud of the amount of self-purification which may take place in the supply between the points of examination. 7. A given amount of nitrogen as estimated by the albuminoid ammonia determination, derived from animal sources (sewage, drainage of stables etc.), corresponds with a very much higher bacterial average, than an equivalent or much greater amount of nitrogen estimated by the same method, derived from vegetable sources. Hence the source of the nitrogen of the albuminoid ammonia determination maybe approximately fixed by a considera- tion of the parallel bacterial counts in many cases. The treatment of these results from the standpoint of averages is natural in reviewing the work of this investigation, but should * not be considered as indicating that single examinations are of no value. It is true that the fluctuations in the counts obtained from any one source are wide. Nevertheless, an inspection of the counts obtained during any one week from the different supplies of the shed, does allow conclusions in general harmony with those deduced from the whole evidence accumulated during the whole period. The bacterial quantitative results on this water.shed, as a whole, furnish one of the most definite indications of relative pollution which is presented by this investigation, and this is true, notwith- standing the fact that the explanation of the relation of bacterial counts to pollution is not yet on a wholly satisfactory basis. 132 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY It must be confessed that the value of bacterial quantita- tive examinations on public water supplies, by ordinary methods at least, has of late years been somewhat disregarded. The prob- lem was approached during this investigation, therefore, with some doubts as to its ultimate practical value, and with every effort to secure the greatest possible uniformity of methods, and working precision, in order that the sources of error dependent upon the technique should be ruled out as far as might be. It is believed that the results obtained justify the statement that bac- terial quantitative analyses carefully interpreted lead the investiga- tor to very much the same final conclusions, with regard to this water-shed at least, as the other and longer established methods of analysis more widely accepted for sanitary investigations. The fact that the figures obtained cannot be compared with an arbitrary standard, and definite conclusions be immediately based on their relation to that standard, is no more a reason that the information to be obtained from them should be disregarded, than that a like course should be pursued with the results of chemical or micro- scopical examinations. The relation of variations in bacterial results on public water supplies to variations in chemical results at the same time and place, and to the results of microscopical examinations, promises a most interesting field for future work. Certain relations of this nature were evident in this investigation and are touched upon elsewhere. The time at our disposal has been limited, and only a • very general treatment of the subject has been attempted. The determination of the species of the bacteria found, other than those associated with sewage pollution, has not been at- tempted for the following reasons : The significance of most of the ordinary species found in water in relation to the characters of the waters containing them has not been worked out up to the present time, and, therefore, deter- minations of such species would be of little practical value. It is true that pathogenic spirilla have been isolated from the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia *; but it is yet to be demonstrated that their pathogenic properties affect the health of the consumer. The in- i. Jour. Exp. Med. i., 1898—A. C. Abbott, M. D., and Jour. Exp. Med., Sept.,'97,—A. C. Abbott, M. D., and D. H. Bergey, M. D. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 133 vestigations devoted to the determination of the anaerobic organ- isms connected with putrefactive processes1 were not made public sufficiently early to be utilized in this work. Both of these points deserve attention in the near future. The work of determining new bacterial species cannot be done rapidly, with the slightest hope of establishing the results on a basis worthy of lasting recognition,2 and it was considered more advisable to devote the available time to subjects which could be brought more nearly to completion. To any one familiar with the present chaotic condition of species work, especially as regards water forms, there is no attraction in opportunities for species work which do not allow of exhaustive study. It was early seen that any species work here attempted must, necessarily meet with many interruptions, and that within the time allotted, little could be contributed to the subject in general that would not add to the confusion in names and characters already existent. Bacterial forms, apparently giving characteristics not heretofore described, may be found in abundance by any investigator who chooses to devote himself to the task, but the investigator who wishes to establish a single form as a new and constant species, or even as a new and constant variety of any known species, must devote time and work to that subject which will usually prevent his giving much attention to any other. Again, if one such new species were firmly established by elaborate and careful work, an almost equally large amount of work must be done in order to identify with it any form apparently similar, subsequently isolated. The descrip- tion of new species, and the identification of forms with species previously recognized, is work lost unless it is done with an elab- oration of detail, which, under existing circumstances here, was impossible. The determination of the colon bacillus stands upon a different footing. The elaborate work of Dr. Theobald Smith has made the recognition of this species and its near allies comparatively simple. The methods devised by htm are readily applied in prac- tice, and the results obtained are of practical significance. i. "The Value of a Bacteriological Examination of Water"—E. K. Dunham, Jour. Am" Chem. Soc, Aug., '97. 2. Jour. Am. Pub. Health Assn., Oct., '95, 134 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY During the period of observation here, two hundred and four examinations for intestinal bacteria were made, yielding twenty-one positive reactions. In other words, the colon bacillus was found in about ten per cent, of the examinations made. These twenty- one positive results were distributed as shown in the preceding table, and confirm still further the general conclusions previously arrived at. This bacillus is derived from feces. When found fre- quently in a supply, direct sewage pollution may be inferred. The isolation of the typhoid bacillus from water is a problem presenting, at the present time, so many difficulties and so much uncertainty that it vvas not considered advisable to attempt it. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 135 MICROSCOPICAL. A table showing in brief certain of the principal features of the microscopical work is appended, and is largely self-explanatory : AVERAGES OF MICROSCOPICAL ORGANISMS (No. per c c.) Column i. II Column 2. Column 3- Column 4. Average Genera. Total Genera a. Sci 0 O £ If} O O Source. O ; Source. 0 Source. O Source. u 0 Source. 0 Source. 0 c c >. 3 2 a e 1—1 -> 1—1 ^CO 1—, PONDS. PONDS. PONDS. PONDS. PONDS PONDS. Newbridge II Wantagh 6 E. M'dow. 7 Springfield IS. I Newbridge 4 E. M'dow. 22 Schodack . 14 Newbridge 10 Newbridge 10 Wantagh.. 6.0 Wantagh.. 5 Newbridge 28 Wantagh.. 16 Schodack . 10 Tanglew'd 11 Hemp. Rsr. 2.4 E. Meadow s Schodack . 2q E. M'dow. 2o:V. b. Rsvr. n 2.3 Millburn . . s V. S. Rsvr. 2q V. S. Rsvr. 22 E. M'dow. 23I Millburn .. 15 Schodack.. 2.2 Tanglew'd s Twin..... 31 Millburn . . 24 Millburn . . 23' CI. Stream 17 Baiseley's.. 1.8 V. S. Rsr.. s Tanglew'd W 29 Mass..... 27! Schodack . 22 Massa'qua. 1.8 Massa'qua. 6 Smith's . . 33 CI. Stream 31 V. S. Rsvr. 29' Smith's . . 23 Newbridge 1.0 Schodack.. 6 CI. Stream 33 Mass..... 3S CI. Stream 37' Pine's .... 29 De Moti's. • 77J De Mott's. 6 Wantagh 36 DeMott's . 45 Springfield 46 Wantagh. 30 Millburn . . • 64 CI. Stream. 6 Springfield 36 Tanglew'd ^8 DeMott's . 49 DeMott's . 38 jCl.Stream. .46 Twin ... 6 Millburn .. 37 Smith's ... 66 Smith's . .. 93 Twin..... 46,V. S. Rsr.. ■ 37: Smith's ... 7 DeMott's . 40 Pine's .... 225 Tanglew'd 97 Mass ..... 48 E. Meadow •3o 8 42 Hemp.Rsr. 362 Hemp. Rsr. 224 Memp.Rsr. 464 'Smith's .. . .24| Springfield 8 Pine's .... 43 Baiseley's . 3173 Pine's ... 370 Springfield 717 'Tanglew'd. . Hi liaisley's . . 10 Baiseley's . 43 Baiseley's . 2449 Baiseley's . 4384 Pine's... . .08: Hernp.Rsr. 11 Hemp. Rsr. 57 (i 1 Spgfd. ovfl. 15 It will readily be seen that microscopical organisms were found in abundance at but few points on the water-shed—i. e., Hempstead Storage Reservoir, Pine's, Tanglewood, Smith's and Baiseley's Ponds. The comparatively large numbers found at these points 136 REPORT OX THE WATER SUPPLY are due to the presence of food suitable for the microscopical or- ganisms in unusual amounts, especially at Hempstead Storage Res- ervoir and Baiseley's Pond. The feeders of these two supplies bring to them large quantities of nitrates, while, moreover, both of these supplies are drawn upon for use to a very limited extent, and it is a matter of observation that under such circumstances the organisms increase. The other three ponds are affected, principally, by the cleaning of . one of them (Pines Pond) supplying the other two. Springfield Pond illustrates the correspondence of lessened use to increased microscopical growths very well. Previous to the rains the average obtained was low. For the subsequent period the count increased more proportionately than at any other place. These two periods, however, correspond, the first with active ser- vice of the pond, the second with the cutting of the pond out of the supply. The effect of the rain-fall, as shown by the ratios in column four, varies on different ponds, but evidently the seasonal diminution usually characteristic of the midsummer months, is obscured by this factor. The relation of microscopical organisms to the odor and taste of the water has not been prominent on the water-shed, except in the case of Baiseley's Pond, and for a short period at Springfield Pond, described in detail under each in the Synopsis. During the earlier spring and summer months, Asterionella was very prominent in certain basins of the Ridgewood Reservoir, as shown in detail in the tables of Part II. During the summer months this organism, as well as the other forms found previously in abundance, diminished very much. While it is true that Dia- toms usually are lower in number at this season of the year than in the earlier months, and that Asterionella in particular usually flourishes best in the spring and fall,* yet the exaggerated differ- ences here observed show a relation to the heavy rains which can- not be misunderstood, and is probably dependent, to some extent, at least, on the increased volume of water reaching and passing through the Reservoir. The odor observed in the water from the * ''Seasonal Distribution of Microscopical Organisms"—Gary N. Calkins, Report Mas--. State Board of Health, 1892. OP THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 137 taps during the spring months was aromatic and fishy, character- istic of Asterionella. During the heavy rains this odor practically disappeared, in marked contrast to the conditions described as hav- ing been observed during the corresponding period of 1896, and previous to the commencement of the investigation carried on by this Laboratory. A report of an investigation, carried on by the Department of Health, submitted in the early part of September, 1896, and made public under date of September 9th, 1896, ascribes the odors then existent in the water as it reached the consumer, to "living and decomposing vegetable material in the ponds, reservoirs and distri- bution systems." Attention was especially directed to vegetable matter in the sources of supply and to the presence of Asterionella in the Reservoir. Subsequent changes in meteorological conditions and the cleaning of several of the ponds during the winter months changed the whole complexion of affairs within a short time after this report was made. The investigations carried on, therefore, during the winter of 1896-1837 cannot be considered as bearing on the condition of the water supply during the previous summer, nor can the results obtained during the summer of 1897 be considered as applicable to the conditions of the summer of 1896, when the very marked differences in the meteorological conditions are taken into account. The summer of 1896 was exceptionally hot and dry, the water of the supply ponds was low and every opportunity for the conditions described as found at that time existed. The sum- mer of 1897 was characterized by exceptionally heavy rains and lower temperature, while the water of the supplies was high. It may be added that vegetable odors derived from dissolved vegetable matter, as distinguished from microscopical organisms, has been a feature of the waters of the supplies during this investi- o-ation, and that it is not improbable that a return of the extreme conditions of the summer of 1896 may produce in the future an ex- aggeration of these odors, even if the Asterionella growth in the Reservoirs diminish or disappear. In connection with the question of the relation of odors to the presence of vegetable organisms of other than microscopical size, an investigation was carried out by this Laboratory during the lat- ter part of the summer of 1897, directed to the identification of the 138 REPORT OX THE WATER SUPPLY larger aquatic plants existing in the ponds and streams of this sup- ply, and to the determination of any relation which they might have to the odors of the water, as a result of their life processes in distinction to the odors derived from their decomposition. Owing to the fact that the meteorological conditions did not favor the ex- cessive growth of these larger forms, nor give opportunity for the development of special relations of their odors to the water, this investigation did not yield any striking results. Various members of the families Cyperaceae, Naiadaceae, Ty- phaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Cruciferae, Lemnaceae and Haloragidaceae were found in abundance. A variety of Utricularia was especially plentiful in Smith's Pond. All of the eastern ponds, except Massapequa, and some of the central and western ponds showed the presence of a species of Myriophyllum (water-milfoil), the only form of the larger aquatic plants identified with which a distinctive disagreeable odor was associated. This plant was found growing attached to the bottom of the ponds, sometimes reaching the surface in shallow places. It con- sists of a central stem with very numerous filamentous leaves, ver- ticellate or alternately arranged. When freshly gathered the whole plant yields a very strongly marked fishy odor. Thoroughly washed to remove any adherent material to which the odor might be ascribed, no difference in the quality or degree of the odor was detected. The dried plant still retained its fishy odor, although in less degree. While the conditions were unfavorable to the full study of this plant in relation to odor, it is not impossible that if present in suf- ficient amount it may affect the water in which it is growing disa- greeably. The water-shed presents many of the microscopical organisms known to be capable of producing at times odors or tastes of a dis- agreeable nature, and these are shown in a table in Part II. A list of organisms which have been associated with such odors by various investigations is here quoted from an article of recent issue* dealing with the subject. * On Odors and Tastes in Surface Waters.—D. D. Jackson and J. W. Ellms. Technology Quarterly, vol. x., December, 1897. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 139 ORGANISMS. DiatomaceaD___ Asterionella Tabellaria ..... Meridion ..... Cyanophycea) .. Anabrena....., Rivularia..... Clathrocystis ... Coelosphrerium Aphanizomenon Chlorophyce* .. Volvox........ ' Eudorina Pandorina...... Infusoria...... Uroglena...... Synura ........ Peridinium Dinobryon ..... Cryptomonas .. Mallomonas . . Bursaria........ NATURAL ODOR. ODOR OF DECAY. aromatic aromatic aromatic moldy, grassy moldy, grassy sweet, grassy. . sweet, grassy.. faintly grassy fishy . - faintly fishy. faintly fishy. fishy and oily....... like ripe cucumbers.. fishy; like clam shells. fishy; like rock weed . like candied violets... fishy Irish moss or salt marsh. pig-pen. pig-pen. pig-pen. pig-pen pig-pen. The general relation of bacteria to microscopical organisms is not clear from the results of the investigations carried out by this laboratory. The observations have not been of sufficient extent, and the meteorological conditions have been unusual during their progress. There appears to be generally some tendency to an in- verse proportion between the counts of the total organisms and the numbers of bacteria per C. C, While it is true that the pres- ence of decaying vegetable matter increases the number of bacteria somewhat, living microscopical vegetation appears to exercise some restraining action, although this statement is made with certain reservations, A marked inverse relation obtains between the proportion of the bacteria to the micro-organisms at the inlets and outlets of cer- tain ponds, and is usually accompanied by a change in the amount of nitrates, parallel with the change in the bacteria. The explana- tion offered is that the high nitrates of such inlets as those of Hempstead Storage Reservoir and Baiseley's Pond represent the result of the activities of the bacteria. The organic matter of these inlets is in a process of active change towards the mineral uo REPORT OX THE WATER SUPPLY form ; consequently, the bacteria are numerous. During the pas sage of the inlet water through the pond, the original organic mat- ter of pollution becomes more or less completely converted into nitrates. The microscopical organisms, therefore, iucrease while the bacteria diminish from lack of food. It is natural to suppose that such relations will be chiefly evident where the inlets are richest in matter fit for bacterial food and most capable of ultimate conversion into a form suitable for the microscopical organisms. Where such an inlet empties into a pond, the water of which is in slow movement, as is the case with Baiseley's Pond particularly, and with Hempstead Storage Reservoir to some extent, the changes are most marked. Where the flow through the pond is more rapid, the changes cannot advance to the same stage, and the relations become less definite. Time has not sufficed to trace the relation of particular species to bacteria ; the material for such investigations is presented in the tables of Part II. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 141 DISCUSSION AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE Sources of Supply It is self-evident that every public water supply should be suf- ficient in quantity to meet all the legitimate wants of consumers for domestic and manufacturing purposes, and for fire protection. But the quality of the water supply is as important as its quantity, since it directly affects its value for all these purposes except the last. The first requisite of a water supply from the standpoint of quality is the absence of substances capable of producing disease. Unless this freedom is guaranteed, either by the purity of the source of supply or by purification of the water before it reaches the consumer, its use for domestic purposes constitutes a constant menace to the health of the community. But the quality of the supply may be objectionable on grounds other than that of its danger to health. Water perfectly free from the suspicion of carrying specific disease-producing constituents, may contain iron, lime or silt to such an extent as to render it unfit for certain do- mestic purposes or in the arts ; or it may present features of taste, odor or appearance, more objectionable from an aesthetic stand- point than from any other. An ideal water for public consumption should, therefore, be free from substances injurious to health, and from those interfering with its use for domestic and manufactur- ing purposes. It should also be acceptable as regards appearance, odor and taste. The character of many public water supplies, es- pecially those of the larger cities, falls short of this standard in one or more particulars. The determination of the extent of deprecia- tion in quality, which may exist without involving actual danger, is a matter which requires extended investigation in case, and a careful consideration of the many factors entering into the problem. 142 REPORT ON* THE WATER SUPPLY The substances which water may contain,capable of producing dis- ease, are one or two metals very rarely found, and the specific bac- teria of certain diseases, most prominent of which in this country is the typhoid bacillus. If it were possible to detect this bacillus in water with ease and certainty, it would appear that the sanitary condition of a supply could be determined directly. But it is not possible to isolate and identify this organism from public water supplies at the present time. It is, however, closely associated with sewage, and evidences of the presence of sewage in a supply are also evidences of the possibility of the presence of the typhoid bacillus. Hence it is that the energies of the sanitarian are directed to the detection of the admission of sewage rather than to the presence of specific bacteria of disease. Furthermore, the detec- tion of such specific bacteria would not necessarily demonstrate more than their presence at the time when they were found. The exact source from which they entered the supply would still be left in doubt, and the probability of their recurrence would be left un- determined. Even if it were possible to detect them readily, then, the examination for evidences of sewage in the supply would still be a matter of necessity, in order to trace them to their most prob- able source. It is well known that while the most carefully guarded supply may become infected through a rare combination of circum- stances from the excreta of some isolated or sporadic case of typhoid fever, by far the most dangerous source is certainly the general sewage of a community, into which passes the excreta of many people, amongst whom cases of typhoid fever may develop at any time. The detection of sewage in potable water is, therefore, the chief object of sanitary water analysis. But it is by no means always a simple task. If sewage can be seen directly emptying into a sup- ply, the question of its admission is, of course, instantly settled. But sewage may, and usually does, reach public water supplies by sources not so readily determined, such as general surface and sub- soil drainage from areas upon which sewage material has been de- posited—the common practice in communities which have no sewer- age system. In such cases the determination of the character and amount of sewage reaching the supply is. effected by chemical and biological examinations of the supply itself, by which even slight OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 143 evidences of the admission of sewage can be detected. There is, however, no one substance typical of sewage alone as distinct from natural waters, the detection of which is, in itself, proof positive of the presence of sewage or of its derivatives. It is upon the amounts and the combinations in which certain substances are found, sub- stances present both in natural waters and in sewage, that the evi- dence is based. These substances differ considerably in exact character and amount at different times, but they may be broadly classified as organic matter and mineral matter. An intimate knowl- edge of these various constituents, under their various forms, and of the changes they undergo, is necessary to the ready recognition of their significance. Again, sewage reaching a water supply does not maintain its original characters for any great length of time. The organic matter undergoes gradual transition to a mineralized form, in the presence of bacteria and of light and air. Solid par- ticles may sediment out from it, and the bacteria originally intro- duced with the sewage tend also to sedimentation and to disap- pearance by death. The determination of the stage of decomposition which the organic matter may have reached, and the diminution in the number of bacteria found, indicate to some extent the degree of self-purification which the water, originally receiving direct sewage pollution, may have attained subsequently. At the same time the relation of these changes to the real diminution of danger to health, where the supply has been actually infected through sewage con- taining disease producing bacteria, is not as yet absolutely deter- mined ; so that recognized sanitary authorities have maintained that, in this respect at least, a water which receives sewage at any point cannot be thereafter considered absolutely free from dan- ger. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the greater the evi- dence of self-purification the smaller the chances of danger from the water may be considered. In treating of the evidence of the presence of sewage or its derivatives in the Brooklyn supply, the following statements are submitted : The term "sewage pollution " must be understood as covering all the conditions resulting from the admission to the supply of the "waste matters of human life and industry," as distinct from the products of vegetable decomposition, or of the other natural pro- 144 REPORT ON THE "WATER SUPPLY cesses found in uninhabited districts. In speaking of polluted water it is therefore the intention to convey the idea that the water has at some time come in contact with such " waste matters." Its classification as questionable or unsafe depends upon the evidence obtained of the amount of purification which it may have undergone since it was polluted. When the extent of such purification is con- siderable, and the original pollution is more or less remote, a water cannot be absolutely condemned, nor can unqualified indorsement of its use be accorded. It is plainly the duty of the sanitarian to point out as far as may be the actual condition of the supply and to give warning of the possible danger incurred in its use. Where the evi- dences of recent and extensive sewage pollution exist, it is as plainly the duty of the sanitarian to pronounce the supply a menace to health, and therefore unfit for public use. Sources of supply, show- ing no evidences of sewage pollution and not otherwise objection- able, must be approved. As the result of detailed consideration of the analyses and inspec- tions made during this investigation, elsewhere described in full, the following conclusions have been reached The surface waters have been divided into five classes, on the basis of the relative pollution which they present : SAFE REASONABLY SAFE QUESTIONABLE UNSAFE No evidence of Pollution Very slight evi-dence of Pollution Slight evidence of Pollution Distinct evidence of Pollution Decided evidence of pollution Mass'qua Pond Wantagh Pond Newb'dge Pond E. Meadow P'd Hempstead (DeMott's) P'd Millburn Pond. Schodack Brook Pine's Pond.... Hemp. Str. Res Valley Str. Res. Watt's Pond... TanglewoodP'd Smith's Pond.. Baiseley's and Springfield ponds are evidently polluted, but are not now in active service. Their condition is such that at no time should they be readmitted to the supply. On the basis of the menace to health which these surface waters present, the unpolluted ponds must be classified as safe and perfectly fit for drinking purposes. The more or less polluted ponds are, in their present condition, open to suspicion. Those classified as hav- ing decided evidences of pollution constitute a menace to the health OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 145 of the city. Those in which the pollution is less evident are cor- respondingly less open to this objection. There is a border line between the condition of unsafe and merely questionable, and the attempt to set exact limits on such a matter is difficult. Hempstead Storage Reservoir lies on this border line. The pollution it receives from Horse Brook is evident, but the subsequent dilution and puri- fication is extensive. Hempstead Pond, on the other hand, judged from the analyses alone, shows but small traces of pollution, but opportunities for in- creased pollution by the admission of water from Hempstead Storage Reservoir always exist. East Meadow Pond also shows only very occasionally signs of the possibility of pollution which exists upon its feeder, and both of these ponds rest therefore on the borderline between questionable and safe. The unpolluted surface waters of the shed present no objection- able features unless a slight vegetable odor and taste and a brownish color, most marked during heavy rain-fall, be so considered. The characteristics usually disappear before the water reaches the con- sumer or are lost by dilution with other waters. The more or less polluted supplies present objectionable features other than their menace to health. No consumer relishes the idea of drinking water which is known to receive the drainage of in- habited districts, of manured fields, stables, pig-pens, and the like, even though he could assure himself that no danger were involved in so doing. Some of these supplies also yield odors which are characterized as unpleasant, disagreeable or even offensive. It is true, however, that these odors are lessened, to a great extent, or even lost entirely, by subsequent dilution due to admixture with other waters in the general supply. The driven wells of the shed contribute waters which have passed through the subsoil of the water-shed before they reach the general supply, and have, therefore, undergone more or less thorough fil- tration. The closer the texture of the subsoil through which they pass, and the longer they are in contact with it, the greater is the extent of the purification that they receive, other things being equal. Surface waters, which receive direct sewage pollution, and which subsequently percolate through the soil, may thus become completely free from organic matter in forms characteristic of sew- 146 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY age. Should the subsoil be very open, so that large interstices or fissures exist, or should channels be formed in the subsoil by the constant flow of ground water in one direction, this filtering action is partially lost, and, under such circumstances, a driven well may become a source of danger. This is particularly true of shallow wells. It is probable that the driven wells of the Brooklyn supply are sunk in soil, which would guarantee the removal of the typhoid bacillus from polluted waters, should the latter obtain admission to the ground water by percolation from surface drainage. Never- theless, this guarantee cannot be looked upon as absolute. Certain of the driven wells of the shed are situated in populous districts. Others are driven directly through the beds of streams formed by the overflow of surplus waters from polluted ponds. A considera- tion of these facts, with the evidence derived from the analytical work, justifies the division of the driven wells into two classes, safe and questionable. None of the driven wells, show such positive evidence of recent and direct sewage pollution that they can be classed as unsafe or directly menacing to health. The presence of sewage derivatives, which certain of the driven wells of the western section show, proves that their waters have been polluted previous to their passage through the soil. But that very passage is a safeguard against the admission of really injurious matter. Where no such evidences of provious sewage pollution exist, the driven-well supply may be declared perfectly safe. On this basis the following classification has been made : Safe. Questionable. Massapequa driven wells. Jameco Park shallow wells. Wantagh '* Baiseley's " Newbridge " Spring Creek " (Old plant). Merrick Spring Creek " (New plant). East Meadow " Watts " Clear Stream " Forest Stream " The deep wells at Jameco Park and Spring Creek furnish water of an inferior quality, but are probably safe, from a sanitary standpoint. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 147 The general sanitary condition presented by the Brooklyn Water Supply is, therefore, as follows : The relation of the amount of water derived from the polluted sources alone to the amount derived from the whole supply should be considered ; this relation cannot be fixed exactly, however, probably varying widely from time to time. A simple calculation based on the figures given in a Report of the Department of City Works, March, 1897, makes the proportion of surface water from " unsafe " sources about 6 or 7 per cent, of the whole supply. The surface water derived from questionable sources as based on the same figures, forms about 10 per ceut. more. The water from questionable driven wells forms about 10 per cent, of the wThole. It would appear from these calculations that the really unsafe waters form a relatively small portion of the whole supply. But the per- centages given above are based upon the supposition that all the driven-well plants of the new shed supply regularly at least four million gallons each, daily. It is self-evident that under con- ditions when it is impossible to use to the full the driven wells of the eastern section, on account of the insufficient pumping capa- citv at the Millburn Pumping Station, or for any other reason, the proportion of polluted and questionable water reaching the city is much larger. Far more important, however, than the actual amount of polluted water reaching the city, is the fact that some polluted water reaches the city constantly, and in that fact lies the chief menace. The serious infection of a single source would mean the infection of the whole supply, because of the intimate admix- ture of the waters from the different sources which exists in the distribution system. No part of the city would in such case be exempt from the possibility of infection except the limited area supplied directly from the driven wells of Gravesend and New Utrecht. The probability of such infection occurring is another matter. The Department of City Works has taken steps to provide against infection by panning the closets at certain points of special danger. The Department of Health has made every effort to detect cases of typhoid fever developing in the neighborhood of the supplies, and has in several instances found such cases, isolated 148 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY the patient and directed proper disinfection of the premises. It is due to the vigilance of these authorities in the face of much local opposition that the health of the City of Brooklyn has not yet been seriously threatened by occasional outbreaks of typhoid fever, in view of the unsanitary condition of a portion of the w7ater-shed itself. Again, typhoid fever is not common in this part of Long Island, and the nature of the soil is in part a safeguard to the sup- ply in so far as it absorbs polluting material to a considerable extent instead of allowing it to flow over its surface to the nearest water course. Yet the interests of nearly 1,200,000 people should not depend upon such partial and at best unsatisfactory safeguards. Typhoid fever cases cannot in the nature of things be discovered and isolated before they have developed, nor has the panning of closets been carried out at certain points, notably at Clear Stream. Twin Ponds, and Valley Stream Reservoir, which are particularly polluted. Moreover,this latter precaution is by no means absolute, even when carried out rigidly. The problem of the cause of the odor in the Brooklyn Water Supply has received attention. During the progress of this in- vestigation the odors, which were so prominent last year, have given rise to comparatively little complaint. The surface waters of the supply in general have yielded vegetable odors, due to decom- position of vegetable matter in the ponds and streams of the water- shed. These have not been, however, sufficiently striking to be objectionable. During a part of the period of observation, large growths of Asterionella were obtained in Ridgewood Reservoir and the objectionable odor, taste and appearance of the Brooklyn water at such times was traced to this source. The large develop- ment of these growths in the Reservoir is due in part to the mixture there of ground and surface waters. This practically colorless mixture, exposed to light and air, is peculiarly favorable to such growths. Other factors, chief amongst which are meteorological conditions, not entirely understood, affeci the growths also. The conclusion, is that while changesin the amount and character of the growths may be expected at different times, their recurrence at intervals with their accompanying odors is certain in the future as long as the present physical conditions of the supply are un- changed. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 149 Both the deep and shallow wells at the extreme western end of the water-shed furnish an inferior quality of water for domestic and manufacturing purposes, on account of the large amount of mineral matters which they contain. The fact that they are drawn upon very heavily at times, and thus render the whole supply of a much poorer characters extremely unfortunate when the wells at the eastern end of the shed are able to supply a good quality of water if proper pumping facilities were provided at Millburn Pumping Station together with adequate pipe or conduit connec- tions with Ridgewood Reservoir. The problem of the present and future treatment which the Brooklyn Water Supply should receive is too large to be discussed in its entirety without a more extended investigation, and a more intimate knowledge of the engineering features of the question than are available at the present moment. From the sanitary stand- point, however, the following propositions obviously grow out of the conclusions already arrived at. The statement that the health of the City of Brooklyn is menaced through the sanitary condition of a portion of her water-shed is fully justified by the foregoing report. With the interests of the large population involved,immediate steps to rectify these conditions are required; so much is obvious. It would seem at first sight, a simple matter to cut out of the general supply those ponds which show decided pollution,to rectify the unsanitary conditions to which the ponds less polluted are sub- jected, and to take measures for the preservation of the whole supply on a sanitary basis. But the statement has frequently been made by the authorities concerned in maintaining the proper quantity of water, that the resources of the present supply cannot be used to the full on account of the lack of pumping and conduit capacity, and that if it could, the inadequacy of the whole of the present supply itself to meet the increased demands of the near future has become a problem requiring immediate solution. Accepting these statemeuts, then, it would appear that to place these polluted ponds out of service would cause serious embarrassment in the maintenance of a sufficient quantity of water for the city's needs. It has been admitted, however, that the present supply would meet all present demands and also those of the next few 150 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY years but for a considerable waste of water by the consumers. On the basis of a supply of 90,000,000 gallons daily, a conservative estimate, and a population of 1,200,000, a figure probably some- what in excess of the actual number, the average daily supply per capita is 75 gallons, which is more than is usually considered necessary even in a manufacturing centre like Brooklyn. As long as this rate of consumption continues, however, the difficulty of * maintaining a sufficient quantity must be met. The placing of meters throughout the city would probably reduce the per capita demand very materially. The expense of such a measure would be considerable. An increase in the present supplv, then, or, on the other hand a diminution in the present demand, would permit the shutting out of the polluted waters of the western section entirely. The amount of dangerously polluted water probably does not exceed ten or twelve million gallons daily, and it should not be impossible to effect readily an increase in the supply or a decrease in the demand to this extent. Had the Millburn Reservoir been available for use the storage of • surplus waters from the eastern section might have furnished a re- serve which would have rendered the city more or less independent of the waters from the polluted western section, and it might ap- pear advisable that this reservoir be rendered water-tight and placed in service immediately. It must be remembered, however, that the eastern section of the shed furnishes both surface and ground water. The attempt to store such water in an open res- ervoir, like that at Millburn, exposed freely to light and air, offers all the necessary conditions for the development of microscopical growths similar to those at Ridgewood Reservoir. This fact must be kept steadily in view, lest in attempting to provide for increased storage, provision be made also for the development of objection- able odor, taste and appearance in the water supplied to the city. Recognized authorities state,* and the experience of other cities has shown, that additional facilities for direct pumpage within cer- tain limits are cheaper than increased storage capacity, and when * Report on Water Supplyfor the City of Philadelphia—Allen Hazen, 1896. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 151 properly managed just as efficient in maintaining the quantity of a supply. In view of the expense involved in making the reservoir water- tight in the first place, and the added cost of covering the reservoir to insure freedom from microscopical growths, it would appear that increased facilities at Millburn combined with adequate pipe line, or a conduit capacity to accommodate the increased supply, would be more satisfactory. It is obvious that all these proposed measures for increase of the supply or diminution in the demand are matters which will take much time and thought to mature, and during this interval it is claimed that the use of water from the polluted sources already described must continue. If such be the case then the existing un- sanitary conditions should receive immediate attention. Sweeping reforms will aione place the polluted sources above suspicion. The more thoroughly these reforms are carried out the better. Certain cities have considered the value of a pure water supply of such paramount importance that the correction of unsan- itary conditions has been carried to the extent of condemning and acquiring the property adjacent to the sources of supply and wiping out all existing, causes of direct pollution entirely. Other cities have been content with providing for the sewering of populated districts situated on their water-shed areas. It is a question whether the cost of such proceedings on the Brooklyn water-shed would be justified on account of the small quantity of water derived from decidedly polluted sources. The fact that these sources of supply are situated in districts cleared, drained and populated insures, moreover, a more or less gradual diminution in the quantity they furnish. Obviously, it would be better to abandon such supplies than to spend large sums in main- taining them in a sanitary condition. But if these supplies must be continued in service it is just as necessary that they be kept properly. The changes above advocated are essential to a thorough refor- mation of the present unsanitary conditions. During the period while these reforms or their equivalents are being carried out, or failing their accomplishment for any reason, the actual menace 152 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY involved in the use of these supplies may be minimized more read- ily, although certainly less efficiently, by minor charges. The present panned closet system existing in the vicinity of some of the supplies should be extended to all, without exception, and particularly to Twin Ponds and Valley Stream Reservoir. The disagreeable features of pollution from manure, stables, pig-pens, etc., may be largely rectified by insistence on the observ- ance of the regulations of the State Board of Health of NewYork, relating to such nuisances. The careful supervision of typhoid fever on the water-shed, car- ried out by the present Commissioner of Health, should be ex- tended, and the proper legal authority to deal with these cases, now lacking, should be accorded. Legislation requiring the regu- lar reporting of typhoid fever cases on the water-shed to the local Boards of Health and the immediate transmission of such reports to the health authorities of Brooklyn should be secured. Facili- ties for the proper isolation of the patient and disinfection of the premises should be provided. The diversion of Horse Brook now contemplated would trans- form Hempstead Storage Reservoir from a supply open to grave suspicion, as it is at present, to a supply of value. The use of the shallow driven wells of the "questionable" class should be abandoned as earty as circumstances will permit. In addition to measures for the sanitary improvement of the shed, the cleaning of the ponds and reservoirs should be continued. Constant analytical supervision of the whole supply is necessary in order to detect future deterioration in those sources of supply now in good condition, as well in as th>se now more or less polluted. The extension of the supply has been proposed, and if neither development of the present supply nor reduction in the present demand can be effected, will become a necessity. It is to be re- membered that both the surface and ground waters of the shed are less abundant than formerly, on account of the constant drain upon them for the Brooklyn supply. Further, the villages situated on the water-shed have, many of them, instituted driven-well plants for their own use. As population on the water-shed in- creases, the demand for such local plants will also increase. There will be then even less water available for the City of Brooklyn OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 153 than there is at present. In the event of extension every care should be taken to provide that the new supplies shall be not only sufficient in quantity, but also of thoroughly good quality and free from pollution, and every effort should be made to maintain them in that condition. Investigations have been made, from the engineering side of the question, to determine the quantity of water available toward the eastern end of Long Island ; but little has been done to determine the quality of the water to be obtained. However, it is presumable similar in character to that found at the eastern end of the present water-shed, and may be equal to it in quality. This, however, is a matter for separate investigation. The proposed new shed is at present sparsely settled. But the City of Brooklyn, which is so soon to become a part of Greater New York, has a population already estimated at 1,180,000, and is steadily growing larger. With increased facilities for transpor- tation between New York proper and Brooklyn, which are sure to come in time, the increase of population is extremely difficult to estimate. The tendency toward suburban life about the large cities and the increase of rapid transit facilities is certain to cause the population of Brooklyn to extend eastward. Already the suburban population has pushed out twenty or twenty-five miles and large villages are numerous and growing on that section of the Island which forms the available water-shed for the Brooklyn sup- ply. It is too self-evident to require statement that with increased population; increase of the water supply must necessarily follow. The extension of the present supply, then, while it provides for the necessities of the immediate future, is not a final solution of the problems of either the quantity or the sanitary quality of the water. There are two plans which offer themselves, in view of this situation, from a sanitary standpoint. Which of the two is chosen depends upon financial and engineering considerations, which it is not in the province of this report to discuss. The first plan consists of purification of the present supply and, in the future, of the supply which may be obtained from the exten- sion, by filtration. It must be remembered that extension of the supply does not mean simply the acquisition of new ponds and streams. The conduit capacity of the present system is now over- 154 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY taxed and cannot accommodate all the waters even of the present eastern section. The conducting of the water of the proposed ex- tension to the city will mean new conduits or new pumping stations and force mains, or both. Moreover, there is a great opposition to the acquirement by the city of water rights in Suffolk County. While it is certainly preferable to obtain a supply so free from the possibility of pollution that it may be used with perfect safety, the growth of the population and the development of the whole country is so evident and so rapid that this becomes more difficult from year to year. The preservation of several hundred square miles of territory in an unpopulated condition, in order to preserve the purity of the supply of a large city, is a vast and costly undertak- ing. The evident alternative is purification of such supplies by filtration, which, in one or other of its forms, is the solution of this problem which will ultimately be adopted. The immediate de- mands of the present Brooklyn supply, as far as purification goes, is limited to the sources described as "unsafe" or "question- able." The filtration of these waters may be undertaken succes- sively, beginning with those now showing decided pollution, and gradually developed with increasing needs, until the whole surface supply is thus treated. The construction of a by-pass about the Ridgewood Reservoir, now contemplated, and the increase of pumping facilities at the Ridgewood Pumping Station, would en- able the filtered water to be delivered direct to the consumer with- out storage. If it be necessary to store the filtered waters, it will be also necessary that the reservoirs be covered, in order to pre- vent the development of microscopical growths. The cost of the extension, and the probability of its proving inadequate in time, makes this plan worthy of consideration. The second plan consists in seeking some new supply on the main- land. Investigations of the Ramapo water-shed within the State of New York, and of Ten Mile River, a branch of the Housatonic, partially within the State limits, have been made and a report sub- mitted by Messrs. William E. Worthen and Robert Van Buren, engineers in charge. The foregoing propositions relating to the treatment of the sup- ply as a whole, on a practical basis, may be summarized as follows : 1. Suspension of the use of the decidedly polluted ponds. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 155 2. Abatement of nuisances and rectification of unsanitary condi- tions at all other points. 3. Preservation of the unpolluted sources of supply in their present sanitary condition. 4. Rigid sanitary supervision of the whole water-shed with special attention to typhoid fever. 5. Maintenance of the feeders, ponds and reservoirs of the sup- ply in a condition free from rank vegetable growths. 6. For the prevention of microscopical growths, the covering of all reservoirs used for the storage of ground water, either alone or mixed with surface water; as an alternative, the direct pumpage of such waters to the consumers. 7. Proper engineering facilities for the development of the pres- ent supply and its extension eastward, to compensate for the aban- donment of the polluted sources. 8. Filtration of a part or of the whole of the present supply. 9. The acquiring of an entirely new supply outside of the Island. In view of the complicated problem presented by the present condition of the Brooklyn water supply, it is distinctly advisable that the question, as a whole, should be further investigated not only on the sanitary side, but also on the engineering side, and that all the available evidence should be accumulated and placed in the hands of an independent expert, or committee of experts. A systematic, comprehensive and economical plan, based on this evi- dence, should be devised, which shall provide for the future as well as the present, which shall utilize to the full the plant and the supplies now in service, so far as may be, without detriment or danger to public interests, which shall call for only such additional supplies and such modifications of present conditions as may prove really essential and which shall so deal with the whole problem that the water supply of Brooklyn may ultimately be placed on a thoroughly efficient and satisfactory basis. The City of Brooklyn will soon form a part of Greater New York, The new charter will give to its officials authority which will simplify, in many respects, the difficulties connected with this problem, and the complexion of the whole question will be more or less modified on the legal and financial sides. 156 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY But the sanitary and engineering problems will remain the same, and Avill demand as immediate and painstaking attention after con- solidation is accomplished as they do at the present moment. PART II. Routine Operation OF THE LABORATORY. The situation of the laboratory in the centre of the shed has permitted the ready inspection of, and sample collection from, the several sources of supply. A covered wagon with two horses made four trips each week to the three different sections of the water-shed and to Ridgewood Reservoir to collect the samples, covering between eighty and ninety miles in the four trips. The sources of supply wrere situated at such distances from each other and from the laboratory, as to " allow of the samples reaching the laboratory within three or four hours of the time of collection. After the arrival of the samples in the laboratory, which was rarely later than 1 p. m. each day, the analyses were immediate- ly begun. The work was in such shape by the time the next day's samples arrived that the latter could immediately be handled as on the preceding day. By collecting samples only four days each week it was possible for one chemist to analyze thirty-five or forty chemical samples during the week. An equal number also of bac- terial samples and of samples for microscopical examination could be examined by the biologist in the same time. The me- thodical system on which the whole routine was conducted per- mitted the analytical work to be thus covered by two analysts only. The chemical work subsequent to July was carried out in more detail than during the previous period, and it was found that the additional determinations were made without additional help. It is a matter of regret that the chemical work previous to the reor- ganization in July was incomplete, but the then existing circum- stances did not permit of its being otherwise. 160 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY In the collection of samples it was intended that each source of supply should be examined weekly. Chemical, microscopical and bacterial samples were to be taken at the same place and time each week in order to secure exact parallelism in conditions. The inlets of the surface supplies were to be examined at the same time as the outlets, and analyses at various points on the feeders were also to be made. It was found that the complications existent in the earlier part of the year prevented the carrying out of this pro- gram in full. Nevertheless, the results obtained represent fairly well the value of this method of procedure. In order to allow of more easy handling, separate bottles were employed for the collection of the samples intended for each form of analysis. Those for the chemical samples had a capacity of one gallon ; those for the microscopical samples, a capacity of one quart. The bacterial sample bottles held about an ounce. All three were pro- vided with ground glass mushroom stoppers. The chemical and microscopical bottles were prepared for use by the ordinary meth- ods of cleaning and drying. The bacterial bottles were, in addi- tion, sterilized, each in a separate covered tin case of its own, at a temperature of 200° C. for an hour and a half. An ordinary gas stove oven, such as is used for domestic purposes, was found to be more efficient for this work than the more elaborate dry-air steril- izers usually employed in bacterial laboratories. The chemical and microscopical bottles were carried, each in separate wooden boxes, similar in design to those of Banker's patent. The bacterial bottles, in their cases, were placed in a single large zinc-lined box, so planned that ice could be packed about the cases. The technique of collection from surface water was somewhat simplified by the use of an apparatus described elsewhere,1 which avoided the necessity of placing the hands in the water each time, a decided advantage in cold weather, and ensured the withdrawal and replacement of the stopper of the bottle at any depth desired. The village of Rockville Centre, in which the laboratory was situated, is unprovided at present with gas for lighting purposes. i Journal American Pub. Health Ass'n. Proceedings of Philadelphia, Meeting 1897. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 161 It was necessary, therefore, to install a gasoline plant for the use of the laboratory. A reservoir capable of holding three barrels of gasoline was sunk in the ground at the back of the laboratory building, and a Tirrill gas machine was placed in the cellar. The latter was operated by a water motor. This arrangement was found quite satisfactory. The analytical results obtained were recorded in the books of the laboratory. Copies were sent each week by the biologist and chemist respectively to the chiefs of the Bureaus of Bacteriology and Chemistry and of the Brooklyn Department of Health up to June. After that time all reports were made direct to the Commis- sioner of Health. A clerk and two assistants were found ample to do the necessary work other than the strictly analytical. In addition to the analytical routine, systematic inspections were made of the sources of supply. Diagrams of conditions constituting nuisances found were prepared, drawn to scale, and records kept of the sanitary condition of the supply. In several instances reports were made to the Commissioner of Health respecting these sources of pollution, but the necessary legal authority for their abatement was lacking under the existing charter of the City of Brooklyn. In one case an appeal to the State Board of Health was made. Action as a result of this appeal was not taken, however, until after the supply on which existed the nuisances complained of, had been placed out of service. The attention of the State Board of Health was called to the fact that its regulations did not apply in any instance to the minimum dis- tance of sources of pollution in the case of driven wells. Although of less importance than in the case of surface waters, it was deemed advisable to ask for regulations bearing on this point. The inspec- tion of several classes of typhoid fever in proximity to sources of supply was carried out and the disinfection of the premises directed. 162 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY Methods ok Analysis. chemical. The methods followed in the chemical examination of the water were those usually employed in sanitary water analysis. Differ-. ences in the methods used in certain determinations previous to July from those subsequent to that time are stated beyond in the section preceding the tables. With these exceptions the methods used were approximately the same in both periods, and together with the additional determinations carried on during the latter part of the work, are described as follows : A set of terms was employed to describe the turbidity, sediment and odor, making use of appropriate words to designate the relative degree of each as far as such a method would permit. The color was estimated by a comparison with Hazen's platinum-cobalt color standards. The nitrogen as free and albuminoid ammonia was determined by the Wanklyn, Chapman and Smith method, with such modifica- tions as more recent authorities have recommended. The nitrogen as nitrites was estimated by Warrington's modifica- tion of the Griess method and the nitrates by the phenol-sulphonic process of Grandval and Lajoux. The copper-zinc couple method, for the estimation of the nitrates in the water, was used up to June and the phenol-sulphonic process after that time. The two methods have given such widely differing re- sults that no attempt has been made to deduce any conclusions from the two sets of figures taken together. As the phenol-sulphonic method gave results which seemed to be very much more probable as approximating the actual quantity of nitrates present, and were confirmatory in a general way of results obtained at other places in this section of the United States, they alone, with one or two exceptions, have been used in compiling averages and in drawing conclusions. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 163 The Kubel hot acid method was employed in the determination of the oxygen consumed. The residue on evaporation was determined on the filtered sam- ple and the loss on ignition was obtained, after heating the platinum dish containing the residue by radiation from a larger platinum dish within Avhich the former was placed. The hardness was determined by Clark's soap method. The chlorine was estimated in the usual way by concentration of 200 C C. of the water to about 25 C. C. and titration with a standard solution of silver nitrate, using potassium chromate as an indicator. The iron was determined by a colorimetric method based upon the formation of ferric thiocyanate and a comparison of the samples in tubes with standards prepared at the same time (Thompson Jour. Chem. Soc, Vol. XLVII., p. 493, 1885). For full descriptions of these methods the reader is referred to Wanklyn's " Water Analysis," Leffman's " Examination of Water," and Reports of Massachusetts State Board of Health for 1889. MICROSCOPICAL. The microscopical examination of the water during this investi- gation was carried out on the lines and by the methods first estab- lished by Prof. W. T. Sedgwick and George W. Rafter, and further developed by D. D. Jackson, formerly of the Massachusetts State Board of Health Laboratory, and George C. Whipple, formerly Biologist of the Boston Water Board. This form of analysis was described as applicable to drinking water, in order to determine, for hygienic purposes, the character of the contents visible under the microscope, by MacDonald, in 1875. In the hands of various in- vestigators, the method of examination has been refined, but the primary object remains the same. The quantity as well as the kind of each species of animal or vegetable organism observed may be recorded. Matter other than organic may be quantitatively esti- mated by the use of a standard unit of size, and this method of estimation has been applied to the organisms themselves. The essentials of the process are well described elsewhere.* *D. D. Jackson. On an Improvement in the Sedgwick-Rafter Method Technology Quar- terly Vol. IX., 4896. G.C.Whipple. Experience with the Sedgwick-Rafter Method, ibid. 164 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY BACTERIOLOGICAL. The bacteriological examination of the water was limited during this investigation to the quantitative estimation of the bacteria found, and to the search for the colon bacillus.. A number of species were isolated and worked out, but the unsatisfactory state of species differentiation with regard to water forms, made it appear advisable to withhold a set of descriptions which would only add to the con- fusion already existing. The isolation and identification of a variety of bacillus prodigi- osus, so far as the literature of the subject permitted, was the only complete work in this line accomplished. The quantitative bacterial work was conducted on the lines and methods elaborated by George W. Fuller, formerly of the Lawrence (Mass.) Experiment Station, now of Louisville. The medium selected for the work was nutrient gelatin, since the consensus of opinion amongst bacteriologists pointed to this as the most generally satisfactory for this purpose. Most of the quantitative work hitherto done has been based on the use of gelatin, and for the sake of comparability of results, if for no other, its use here was thought desirable. In order to further secure comparability of results great care was exercised in following a rigidly uniform technique in the prepara- tion and treatment of the media, and in the process of plating and counting. Experience demonstrated that amongst the other essentials to uniformity of results insisted on by previous writers, one in particu- lar should not be neglected. It is a common practice to make up a considerable amount of gelatin at one time, to tube some of this at once and to preserve the remainder by sterilizing it in bulk ; when the tubes filled at the time of making the gelatin are ex- hausted, some of the bulk gelatin is tubed and used as before. This is continued until the whole of the original gelatin is ex- hausted when a fresh batch is made up. If, however, the gelatin first tubed be compared with the gelatin of the same batch kept in bulk and subsequently tubed, by plating from the same sample of water on both gelatins, it will be found that the bulk gelatin usually gives counts lower than the tube gela- tin. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 165 This is, perhaps, due to the repeated sterilization of the bulk gelatin which is necessary after each withdrawal of a portion for tubing, and to the fact that sterilization of media in bulk requires a longer time in order to insure thoroughness tfcan sterilization of small quantities. The heating which the bulk gelatin thus receives in excess of that which the tube gelatin receives, seems to deteri- orate its nutritive quality in some way or other. The rule has been followed, therefore, of tubing all the gelatin from each batch made up at once, keeping none in bulk, with very satisfactory results (see table beyond). Comparisons between nutrient gelatin and nutrient agar as media for quantitative estimation of bacteria were made, the evidence apparently pointing to the former as the most generally advisable. A large number of checks were used throughout the work, with results confirmatory of the general precision of the methods followed. Comparison of the counts obtained by plating one C. 0. of water from a sample directly, and by plating the same water after dilution with sterilized water, usually in the proportion of 1 to 100, brought out the following general conclusions: The calculated number of bacteria per C. C. obtained from the diluted water was usually higher than the number obtained directly from the undiluted water itself. A sufficient number of blanks hav- ing shown that this was not due to any marked difference in the sources of error of one method as compared with the other, the conclusion has been reached that several factors other than techni- cal are to be considered. It is true that the amount of shaking which the sample is given in order to ensure thorough admixture may affect the results. It has been held that the shaking tends to break up chains of bacteria and zooglea masses to some extent, and thus allows the development of more single colonies, propor- tionately, from the diluted than from the undiluted water. This is, probably, more evident in dealing with sewage than with ordi- nary potable waters. To secure, as far as possible, a greater comparability of results from diluted and undiluted samples, the plan of shaking each one hundred times before plating has been followed, but without en- tirely obviating the discrepancy previously observed. Another factor which must be considered, is the number of bacteria which 166 REPORT ON THE AVATER SUPPLY the amount of media (5 C. C), used in plating, is capable of supporting. It is a well-known fact that, in pouring plates from successive dilutions of a pure culture, the individual colonies are largest in the plates containing the fewest total number of colonies. In other Avords, the fewer the number of bacteria in proportion to the available food, the greater the development of the colonies. Moreover, it is true, also, of pure cultures that the calculated num- ber per C. C. from high dilutions is greater than the calculated number per C. C. from the lower dilutions or from the undiluted sample. It would appear, then, that the overcrowding of a plate, where pure cultures are used, results in the suppression of certain individuals presumably the weaker ones, which may, nevertheless, develop in a less crowded plate. Water usually yields mixed cultures and the suppression of cer- tain forms in an overcrowded plate in such cases results, to some extent, from a certain direct interference of the colonies of one species with those of another, more apparent than the interference of colonies of the same species with each other, and in addition to the mere excess of absorption of food by stronger individuals. This point is confirmed by the fact that calculated counts from diluted water approximate counts from the same water undiluted much more closely Avhen both are low in number than when the former are very high. The increased effect of liquefaction in crowded plates does not appear to be a wholly satisfactory explana- tion. Indeed, it may be stated in general terms that up to 500 bacteria per C. C. fairly uniform results may be obtained by either method of plating. When the water contains more than this num- ber the counts obtained from the undiluted water are often very much lower than the counts from the diluted water. The discrepancies found in duplicate plates, either both diluted to the same extent or both undiluted, a subject of discussion amongst water bacteriologists, are not greater than might be ex- pected when it is remembered how wide may be the discrepancies in duplicate determinations in certain physical and chemical work. It is hardly to be expected that successive quantities of one C. C, each withdrawn from a sample, just after violent agitation, should always contain exactly the same number of bacteria, which in such cases may be looked upon as nothing more than minute particles OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 167 of matter suspended in the rapidly moving water. Nor if the sample is allowed to stand will the discrepancy be less, since the factor of sedimentation amongst others is then introduced. As a matter of fact, the discrepancies observed do not affect the general value of the results. Differences in the significance of bacterial counts do not depend on differences of ten or even of fifty colonies per C. C. in the count, and variations within such limits do not in- validate general deductions. In very high counts particularly the significant difference becomes a matter of thousands of colonies and not of individuals. Certain tables are appended, showing results bearing on these different points, obtained during this investigation. Tables Illustrating Discussion of Bacterial Quantitative Technique. Blanks. The working error due to bacteria reaching the plates from the air or apparatus used in the process of plating is shown below. It will be seen that in pouring plates, without the addition of any water at all, the error is smaller than when they are poured from the sterile water used for dilution, probably because the latter pro- cess nearly doubles the manipulations necessary, the apparatus used and the time of exposure. Plates poured without the addition of water. Number of plates 132. Number of colonies on fourth day 73. Number of colonies per plate 0.5. Plates poured, with the addition of one C. C. of the sterile water, used for dilution of samples. Number of plates 52. Number of colonies on fourth day 86. Number of colonies per plate 1.6. Duplicates. The working error due to the technical difficulties in making an exact estimate of the number of bacteria present in a sample of water, even of those capable of growing in the nutrient media used under the ordinary conditions, are shown in the two following tables : 168 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY The obtaining of two counts exactly alike from the same sample, at the same time and under the same conditions, is not always ac- complished; the reasons have been discussed above, Duplicates giving counts below ten bacteria per C. C. Number of counts made in duplicate, 17. Average for first plate poured, 3.0 bacteria. Average for second plate poured, 3.5 bacteria. Duplicates giving counts between ten and one hundred bacteria per C. C. Number of counts made in duplicate, 15. Average for first plates poured, 28.5 bacteria. Average for second plates poured, 27.2 bacteria. Duplicates giving counts above one hundred bacteria per C. C. Number of counts made in duplicate, 35. Average for first plate poured, 487.0 bacteria. Average for second plate poured, 484.6 bacteria. The difference between the two counts obtained was less than ten per cent, of the first count, in one-half the determinations; less than twenty per cent., in three-fourths of the determinations; less than thirty-three per cent, in all the determinations. The obtaining of two plates alike from the same sample is even more difficult, when one of the plates is poured with that modifica- tion of technique involved in diluting the water, as may be neces- sary when high counts are expected. The table given shows that such results are comparable only when the number of bacteria in the water is low. RELATION OF COUNTS ON UNDILUTED TO COUNTS ON DILUTED WATER. T3 1 c 1 a "5 .5-6 E 3 n . "Is 3 £ C..2--°-5 c which dilute coun wate 5 E vt o- o Is o 01 «J MS U-n v I1* 2 c fc 3 22 « 0) aS £ 0*- — 01 rt a. 5 Z-a < < 0. £ 18% 79 220 270 80$ 37$ 7i 400 773 50% 4°$ 22 630 1240 5C$ 5*% 14 755 1800 42^ bb% 30 1723 4700 37$ Samples showing- number of Bacteria. Below 500 per c. c............ Between 500 and 1,000 per c. c.. Between 1,000 and 1,500 per c. c Between 1,500 and 2,000 per c. c Above 2,000 per c. c......... 96 65 37 33 90 OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 169 Comparison of consecutive batches of media: The degree of uniformity obtained in the making of media with the special precaution before described as insuring uniformity in the number of bacteria estimated is shown by the following table, which gives the counts made from the same sample at the same time on gelatin from the last tubes of a nearly exhausted batch and some of the tubes of the succeeding batch. I lo. of Sam; pies Bacteria per Bacteria per Gelatins compared. plated. C. C. on old batch. C. C. on new batch. Batch 1 with batch 2 5 132 150 Batch 2 with batch 3 6 250 243 Batch 3 with batch 4 9 273 269 Batch 4 with batch 5 6 156 168 Batch 5 with batch 6 9 231 223 Batch 6 with batch 7 6 379 394 Batch 7 with batch 8 10 191 184 170 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY INTERPRETATION OK ANALYTICAL RESULTS. CHEMICAL. The substance sought for in the chemical examination of a water may be divided into two distinct classes, namely, the mineral and the organic. In considering a water from a sanitary point of view, it is chiefly the organic matter which it contains that requires attention. Cer- tain of the mineral constituents, however, play important parts, some as indicators of changes which are taking place, and others as showing certain events connected with the past history of the wa- ter. The organic matter present in a water, which is exposed to light and air, is derived from the particles floating in the air and washed out by the falling rain ; from the vegetable matter on the surface and in the upper layers of the soil, and from the passage into it of the "waste matters of human life and industry." It is the material from the last mentioned source which is the most dangerous. The present theory of water-borne diseases indi- cates that direct infection is the result of the entrance into the body of pathogenic bacteria, and that their subsequent passage from the infected individual into this "waste matter" is the natural course which they pursue. It is evident, therefore, that the history of this organic matter, with which such bacteria may be associated, should be carefully studied. The organic matter found in water is composed principally of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen in varying proportions. It may be either living, as in microscopical plants, bacteria and animal organisms, or dead, as in broken down vegetable and animal tissue. The dead matter may have passed beyond the first stage of de- composition and become partially or wholly mineralized by the OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 171 conversion of the nitrogen into ammonia, nitrites or nitrates, and the carbon into carbonic acid or carbonates. These changes are constantly going on ; the mineral matter thus formed is absorbed by plants, which in turn break down and pass again into the miner- alized condition. The relative proportion of nitrogen and carbon, which the organic matter of a water contains, may throw some light on its nature. Animal tissue and the products of its disintegration contains a relatively larger proportion of nitrogen to carbon than does the vegetable matter commonly dissolved in surface waters. The former material is much more rapidly disintegrated than the latter, which is very stable in character. The products of these changes and the rapidity with which they develop, yield evidences of the nature of the material in the water. Surface waters are much more open to direct pollution of a dan- gerous character than ground waters, which, by the filtration they receive in passing through the ground, and the purifying action to which the organic matter they may contain is subjected, are rendered less liable to become carriers of disease. In order that the meaning of the results of the chemical analysis of water may be understood, a consideration of the relations in- volved in the various determinations is necessary. These are briefly discussed below : Nitrogen is a necessary constituent of all organized matter, and since it can be readily detected, is the substance sought for as in- dicating, by its various combinations, the presence, character and approximate amount of the organic matter. There are four condi- tions of nitrogen for which a water is examined, namely, nitrogen, determined as "albuminoid ammonia," "free ammonia," "nitrites," and "nitrates." These represent, in the order given, the changes which the nitrogen undergoes in its passage from the organic con- dition through the several stages of oxidation to its completely oxidized form as nitrates. The nitrogen determined as "albuminoid ammonia " represents the nitrogen obtained from the organic matter before decompo- sition has commenced, and which is set free by the oxidizing agents employed in the determination. The amount of nitrogen thus obtained depends on the nature of the organic matter from 172 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY which it is derived. The character of this material, therefore, rather than its absolute quantity, as indicated by the amount of nitrogen, is the important point. The nitrogen determined as " free ammonia" is the nitrogen obtained from the products of the first stages of oxidation of the organic matter. In organic matter of an unstable character, such as is found in water as a result of the admission of sewage, this change takes place rapidly and in consequence a great deal of nitrogen is found in this form in water recently polluted. Free ammonia, therefore, is an evidence of pollution, but such evidence should be carefully substantiated by other proof since the amount varies from time to time and may even be considerable as a result of natural conditions. The nitrogen found as " nitrites" shows the next stage of oxidation through which the nitrogen of the organic matter passes before sending its completely oxidized condition in the form of " nitrates." It is probably through the activity of the bacteria present in the water that this change is effected. Nitrites may be regarded as an evidence of the instability of the organic matter in the water, and points to an improper balance between reduction and oxidation, which seems to be so accurately ad- justed in most natural water. Nitrites, when in considerable amount, therefore, may be considered just as in the case of the "free ammonia" as an evidence of pollution, although there are exceptions which are the result of special conditions, and which are not to be interpreted in the usual way. The nitrogen found as "nitrates" represents the fully oxidized state of the nitrogen and may be considered as in the form farthest removed from the condition in which it first existed as a constituent of living matter. It there- fore indicates in water known to be polluted the extent to which purification has taken place. Normal surface water usually contains nitrates, but not in large amounts, although they may be present in considerable quantity for some special reason connected with the character of the soil with which the water comes in contact. Ground water usually shows very much higher nitrates than surface water, on account of the op- portunity afforded for the nitrogen in the water to become oxidized OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 173 in its passage through the ground. The meaning of the amount of nitrates found in a wate.r must be considered with reference to the other forms of nitrogen present and not to the absolute quantity. The significance of the results obtained in the determination of the nitrogen in its four forms, rests upon the relation which these forms bear to each other rather than to their absolute amounts. The term " oxygen consumed " in the chemical analysis of water refers to the amount of oxygen used in oxidizing the organic mat- ter under the conditions imposed in the determination. The car- bonaceous matter is attacked almost exclusively by this process, but is never entirely oxidized. The varying character of the organic matter in different waters and even in the same water at different times, renders this determination of doubtful value as an accurate measure of the organic matter present. But as a means by which the variations in the amounts of the organic matter in the same class of waters may be approximately estimated it is certainly of some use. There is some relation between oxygen consumed and color in surface waters, probably due to the carbonaceous character of the vegetable coloring matter. This relation, however, is not uniform. The presence of oxidizable salts in a water effects in value this determination, if they are present in appreciable amounts. The residue left on the evaporation of a water comprises those organic and mineral matters present in it which are not volatile at the temperature employed. The mineral matter consists principally of iron, alumina, lime, magnesia, soda and potash combined with hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, carbonic and silicic acids. From a sanitary point of view, the soluble mineral constituents of a water have no particular significance. The " loss on ignition," if determined by the method previously described, represents approximately the total organic matter preseut in the water, but the determination has no special sanitary significance. If in a surface water the " loss on ignition " is large and considerable blackening of the residue occurs, it may indicate vegetable organic matter, or possibly the presence of iron salts. The hardness of a water depends principally on the salts of lime and magnesia which it contains and may be measured by their action upon a solution of soap. These salts consists largely of sulphates, chlorides and carbonates. The latter salts produce " tem- ] 74 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY porary hardness," while the two former cause " permanent hardness." "Temporary hardness," strictly speaking, is that hardness which is removed by boiling the water. The carbonic acid which holds the carbonates of lime and magnesia in solution, is thus removed, and they precipitate out. However, boiling will not throw all the carbonates out of solution, and about three parts per hun- dred thousand (expressed in terms of CaC03) will still remain. Upon the fact that the " temporary hardness " is due to carbonates in solution, is based Hehner's acid method^ which is a direct titra- tion with acid for the carbonates present in the water. The hardness, due to the presence of the sulphates and chlorides of lime and magnesium, is termed "permanent hardness." Water containing sulphates of lime and magnesia is particularly detri- mental when used in boilers on account of the hard scale which they form. The chlorine contained in a water is of considerable sanitary sig- nificance, provided the normal chlorine of the region is known. In normal surface waters the chlorides present are not very large in amount, but vary according to the distance from the sea. The rain precipitated near the coast contains a larger proportion of salt than that which falls farther inland. Ground waters do not usually vary very much in the chlorine they contain from surface waters, but may sometimes contain very much higher amounts, due to the soluble chlorides with which they come in contact in their passage through the soil. Chlorides are found in sewage in considerable quantities and since they always remain dissolved, form one of the most valuable indicators of the contamination of a water by sewage. The excess of chlorine present in a water over the amount normal to it indi- cates sewage pollution. The iron which a water contains has no particular sanitary sig- nificance. Its presence in considerable amounts renders the water unserviceable for domestic purposes, and undesirable for drinking. Surface waters rarely contain iron in objectionable quantities, and it is chiefly in ground water derived from wells that difficulty from its presence arises. When the iron in a ground water is held in solution by carbonic acid, it becomes oxidized and precipitates out within a very short time after being exposed to the light and air. Iron present in this form is easily removed, but if present as a sulphate, or if it is kept OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 175 in solution by the presence of organic matter, then a very much more difficult problem presents itself. MICROSCOPICAL. The sanitary significance of the results obtained from the micro- scopical examination of water rests rather on the recognition of sub- stances derived from waste matters than of micro-organic life typi- cal of sewage. These substances consist of the general debris of house drainage, muscle fibre, starch grains, epitheliun, etc., and are not usually found unless the sewage pollution is recent and con- siderable in amount. The detection and enumeration of organisms by this method is valuable in determining the cause and source of certain disagree- able features of odors, taste and appearance, which are at times found in the water, and which are more fully discussed elsewhere. In this connection, and as a means of tracing relations between dif- ferent classes of water, the microscopical examination is valuable. BACTERIAL. Bacterial quantitative analysis, as at present made, does not allow the determination of the absolute number of bacteria present in the water examined. An approximation to the number of those bacteria present in the water at the moment of examination, which are capable of devel- oping in the particular medium used under the particular treatment to which the medium is subjected, both before and after plating, can, however, be obtained. A quantitative bacterial result is then simply the bacterial reaction of the water examined to the media employed, under the conditions imposed. Similar statements are also more or less true of the chemical an- alysis of water. The fact that all of the bacteria present in a given water cannot be determined finds a parallel in the fact that but about half the organic nitrogen of a water can be determined by the ordinary "albuminoid ammonia" process. The fact that a given number of bacteria does not always have the same sanitary significance is comparable with the fact that a given amount of chlorine likewise may have widely different meanings at different times or in different places. The working error of bacterial analysis is large, it is true, but the differences between different determinations are much larger still, before they become of sanitary significance. 176 REPORT ON THE WATER SUPPLY' A rigidly uniform technique is as necessary to comparability of results in chemical as in bacterial work. Granted, then, that quantitative bacterial work is reasonably pre- cise, compared with other forms of analysis, when properly carried out, the significance of the results actually obtained remains to be discussed. With the foregoing proposition, as a basis, the interpretation of bac- terial results is relegated to a position bearing the same relation to final conclusions that the results of any other single determination holds. The number of bacteria in a given water is dependent on a large number of factors. The problem is to so determine these factors and their relationships as to permit of deductions being made of practical value. At first sight this would appear impossible. The factors which control the development and multiplication of bac- teria in water supplies are but partially understood. Temperature, the amount of agitation of the water, the exposure to light and air, the composition of the water, and, perhaps, meteorological con. ditions not known definitely, all enter into the result. It must be remembered, however, that the chemical constituents of water vary also, and, to some extent, with the factors above enumerated. It is true that the chemical constituents are devoid of life, nevertheless the rapidity with which they change in composition and the com- plexity of these changes, are little short of those displayed in biolo- gical processes. Indeed, many of the chemical changes continually occurring in water result from and keep pace with the presence and activity of living organisms. Yet chemical analyses are of great value in determining the condition of a water, because in spite of the immense number of factors involved, the general trend of the processes, as a whole, is understood sufficiently well to allow the drawing of general conclusions. On the same grounds, and with the same limitations, must bacterial results also be interpreted. From the nature of the case, and growing out of the admissions already made to the effect that comparatively little is known in de- tail of the ultimate processes, either chemical or biological, occur- ring in water, it is evident that many of the conclusions arrived at as to the significance of both chemical and biological results must be based on knowledge at least partially empirical. The application of the interpretation of bacterial results has been discussed elsewhere in this report ; certain general statements may be made, however. OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. 177 A consideration of the results obtained from bacterial quantita- tive examinations of water show at once that great differences exist between ground and surface waters, as regards the number of bacteria they contain. Surface waters, as a rule, show higher counts than ground waters. The latter, however, show propor- tionately greater fluctuations. In surface waters there is a more or less definite relation between the amount of agitation of the water and their bacterial count. The greater the agitation the higher the counts ; the less the agita- tion, up to a certain point, the lower the counts. This is especially marked in rivers and streams having swift currents. Rain-fall, as a factor, is marked, sometimes increasing, some- times decreasing the counts. The temperature does not appear to have much influence. The amount of organic matter present in the water would appear to be the controlling factor, where violent agitation of the water is not constant, as in ponds and sluggish streams. A given quantity of organic matter, as determined by the albuminoid ammonia pro- cess, of vegetable origin does not appear to have the same effect on bacterial counts as the same amount or even a much smaller amount of organic matter of animal origin. In general, it may be stated that the results of this investigation show, as a whole, that bacterial quantitative examinations have a distinct value, not only in so far as they appear to correspond closely with known physical conditions of relative purity, but also in so far as they coincide with, confirm and explain certain of the evidence obtained from chemical sources. The value of a decision regarding the character of a water and its suitability for a public supply is dependent on the character and amount of evidence presented. If the evidence is partial, then the value of the decision is limited ; if the evidence is complete, so far as the present knowledge of the subject will permit, then the decision is final. From the standpoint of quality there are two principal methods of obtaining this evidence. The first consists of thorough physical examination of the sources of supply, the second of analytical ex- amination of the water itself for a sufficient length of time by chemical, microscopical and bacterial means. The first method determines conditions which cannot be recognized in detail by analytical processes, while the second determines conditions other- wise dependent only on inference. These two methods, therefore, supplement, each other, and together yield, as far as present knowledge goes, all the evidence available. The proper weight to be given to each of the various facts thus obtained requires careful consideration, and it is only by the systematic study of all the factors in the problem that a correct judgment can be reached. CHEMICAL, MICROSCOPICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA. The following tables show the results of the analytical work car- ried on between December, 1896, and October, 1897. The chemical results, previous to the organization of the labora- tory on the present basis in July, were obtained by one of the assist- ant chemists of the Health Department. Certain of the methods then used differed from those employed subsequently ; these are described below. The total solids determination was made on the unfiltered sam- ple. The fixed solids were determined after ignition over a free flame. The nitrates were estimated as ammonia by the copper-zinc couple method. A different set of terms were used in describing the physical characteristics. These terms are given, with their abbreviations, below, together with the scale of terms used subsequent to July. The chemical, microscopical, and bacteriological results are given for each of the sources of supply, and are grouped together for ready comparison. The results of the analyses of the feeders are given immediately following those of the ponds they supply. The well waters are tabulated by themselves. The chemical analyses have been tabulated in the usual form, except that the order of the determinations has been slightly changed. The microscopical results are arranged in tabular form as follows. Each individual analysis is arranged in a vertical column, showing from above downward the number of the sample in the microscopical series, the date of collection and the temperature, when obtained, of the water at the time of collection. Then follow the numbers in heavy type, representing the total number of organisms belonging to each family of plants or animals found in each sample. Under the numbers for each family are placed the numbers representing the genera belonging to that family which were' found in quantities of five or more organisms per c.c. The names of genera occurring in quantities of less than five per c.c. have been omitted from the tables to save space, but their numbers have been included in the totals for the different families wherever they were found. At the bottom of each column is placed the total number of organisms for that sample, which is the sum of the totals of each family record- ed. Below the number of total organisms is placed the number of genera found, including both those tabulated as occurring in quanti- ties of five or more per cc. and those occurring in quantities less than five. In the same column with the microscopical analysis of each sample is placed the corresponding bacterial quantitative result for the same place and day. All the microscopical results obtained from January to October have been included in the tables. Inasmuch as a larger number of bacterial analyses than of microscopical analyses were made, these have been omitted when no corresponding microscopical result was recorded. These tables do not therefore give the full results of the bac- terial work, which will be found tabulated by themselves, but only those which were made parallel with the microscopical work. The omitted figures have nevertheless been used in compiling the averages for the whole period of observation. Below each bacterial quantita- tive result is given the rain-fall in inches computed for seven days immediately preceding the date given at the head of the columns— i. e., the date of collection of the sample. Below the figure for the rain-fall is given the mean atmospheric temperature for the week in which the sample was collected. Finally, below each table of microscopical and bacterial results for each locality is appended a list of those microscopical genera which were found at any time during the whole period of observa- tion at that locality, but which never occurred in quantities of five or over per c. c. NOTE—The meteorological statistics have been compiled from the weekly summaries furnished to the Health Department by Prof. W. C. Peckham, of the Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn. NOTE. The descriptive terms used under "Appearance " in the chemical tables are classified as follows : The terms used previous to July were different from those following that period, and are given first. Turbidity is characterized as " slight," "medium," " minute vegetable" and "opalescent." Abbreviations—turb., si., md , min., veg. and opal Sediment is described as "slight," "slight vegetable," "me- dium vegetable," " considerable vegetable" or "considerable earthy." Abbreviations similar to above : con. for "considerable." Odor is described as "slight marshy," "marshy," "vegetable" "medium vegetable," "offensive " and "offensive vegetable." Color is characterized as "normal," "slight straw" and "me- dium straw." Following July the terms employed to express the degree of turbidity were : " very slight," " slight," " distinct " and " decided," and the degree of sediment by " very slight," " slight," " consider- able " and "heavy." The odor is described as " vegetable," " marshy," " grassy," "sweetish," "unpleasant," "disagreeable," "mouldy," "musty," " earthy," " offensive," " aromatic," " fishy " and " tarry," and the strength of the odor by " very faintly," " faintly," " distinctly" and '' decidedly." The abbreviations used are self-evident. I* M 0 O vO *U M oo oo covj vi vj o> 004^ O 0>CO M CO oocn to O Co io en On 0"icn en 4s> *. CO O0.U vO 4^- to M M vl 4^4^4iCOCOeOeOlOlOlOwwii OW O oocn to O CT>cn ii O en *» vO vl Ji to in^ On to vl (0 CCMO * M*D >-< CO 4^ to vj M Z en n July Aug '—1 C B ft 3 ^ g. 5- » CO D n " O CO 5'f ! MM W H H 10 tO W 10 1 10 H M 4^> OOl CiOUmiQ n CO O n CO M.O 1.1 j> vl Co to oo « ^ w O O O O OOOOOO OOOO0O0 33BBU) r& wT o _. ^. ~. rt ft rt ^ ■ UO. ■ QTQ QrCxSfq • • • CfQ 3" • 3- 3" 3* - ' - 3* n o o o o o o -■H ? ."* .< 5 . ui - " K1 M M ^ ^ " i-r r* H3 P (13 rr i-f ■i -l < < ^ -i -1 p (13 < < < (13 £1 35 * ' n W S n w X -a M C > o o -• o > H W ac !§ co ' JT> D. O- D. O. O- G. . 52. s;' "> (* tx~ s* ft 5 S 2. 2. S S 2, . EL ' D. Q. ' ' D. c< «£ • ' «j <■ • OoPS arq • • orq 3 : < < O- O- O- Cu CL D. Cu C/)Ul'u> (/»(/} UlUl £>. £. •"■•"■" ^ f r* f 33<^^< ui 3 i/i ui 3 .—.— .~ o ~ ~ O 3 3 3 g 3 3 S P P P p p "• "< 3 ■ i i Ul Ul w . uv Ul 3* 3-3/ . s- CT n< ■< *-< >< c< OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO O O O O O o o o o r o o o o o OCOtO to to oooocooo oooooooo OOOOOOOOO O M H O H H MUW ui O O*" CT-*. i-i to to o On co co to to On co OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO toeontoeoii.-.O-'loiiOOOOOiiOOOO i-i COCO vj 4i 11 M * O W OMOO^^J m 0> » * Ui ■ m OQ Q O h^l Q>Q Pen QN O COCOO On ~ On On CO O o c o o o o O i-i 11 O i-i i-i M Ul O OvO* B* u » Okbo O>0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o In Solu- tion In Sus- pension oooooooooo oooooooooo ooooocoooo o o o o o o o o o o o c - o o o ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo o o o o O O o C o o o o o o o O O o o o O O O O o O O O O O O O c o o 0 0 o o o o n n o o 0 o o o 0 o _l O o o o o o r. o 0 O n o O to t; o <) (5 -j vl o*. OO v4 VJ to en (x: 4- *> 4- Co en Oocn 4^ CO VI (/I (■> CM en vi v| v| *. VI ^ vD n 4- (o vl to to coco (<: tic to to o o o o O o o o o ^ ~ j a- *-l CO 10 O o •-- en O to *. oo en CO 4i CO oocn VJ CO .£• Oi»* to to I-I CO l-l •o en en 4^ co . to oo» M M -H M 10 tO CO co to to 10 M to n O O ii en O 1 O O CO CO O O COvO o o O o O o o o C OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO O O O o en en OS Ovuiui ui 4^ 4i ui ■ C *- CO 0>O 4^ to • 00^00>0>OsCsOiOOsO^OsO' OOOOOOCOOOOenO O^O^O'Cn O^cncnen OOOcnQencnO o I5 Har.Jne?;!; Chlorine o o o o en en O O CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MASSAPEQUA POND; WEST INLET. (Parts per 100,000). 496 631 643 1 )aU- of Col- lection May ig 26 June 10 14 APPEARANCE Tur- bidit\ Color 52c!sl turb. con veg 1 si. straw. 5^ 53c &4C clear . icon.veg clear . . con.veg clear . . si. veg.. si. straw.. si. straw.. md. straw Cold si. marshy. none..... none .. si. marshy. AMMONIA ALBUMINOID ,0005 OOOO OOI5 OOOO .0220 .OIOO .0225 .OII5 Ni- trates 0000 .0490 0000 .0450 •0358 .OOOO .OOOO •0535 S.B RKSlDl'K ON EVAPORATION Fix- ed CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MASSAPEQUA POND; EAST INLET. (Parts per 100,000). 495 May 19 53° si. turb. si. veg.. 539 26 52u clear con.veg 630 June 10 53° clear .. none .. 642 14 650 clear .. si. veg.. 803 Aug 9 6c° v. slight slight. . 846 16 6gu v. slight cons .. 889 23 70° v. slight slight.. 1045 Sept 30 49u none... cons. si. straw si. straw md; straw md. straw 0.70 o.45 0.27 o. 10 dist. veg.......... dist. veg. & marshy. faintly veg........ v. faintly veg ...... si. marshy. . none...... si. marshy.. md. marshy. faintly veg......... dist. veg. & marshy. dist. veg ........ faintly veg...... .0024 .0003 .0027 .0015 ,0002 ,0016 0010 .0016 .0121 .0207 .0418 .0205 .0132 .0132 .0164 .0128 .0068 .0066 .01781.0044 .OOOO .0036 .0002 .0134 OOOO .0598 OOOO •0513 OOOO .0842 OOOO .0729 OOOO .OIOO OOOO .0130 OOOO .0130 OOOO .0270 0.64 0.43 0.27 0.08 4.90 4.60 2.20 2.00 2.70 2.60 "MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MASsAI'EQUA POND; GATE HOUSE. (No. pei c.c.) Table Number.... Date of Collection •] Temperature...... 20 1897 Jan 12 39 Jan 21 49 Feb 2 89 Mch 13 IOI Mch 16 r 0 108 Mch 18 *9 117 Mch 23 M7 Apl I 158 Apl 6 191 Apl 13 50° 13 5 214 Apl 21 5o° 8 249 Apl 29 54° 9 277 May 5 51° 8 312 May 13 57° 18 346 May 19 59° 3 392 May 26 58° 0 435 J'ne 3 59° 0 486; 498 J'ne J'ne 10 14 55°; 650 10! 1 j 540 July 8 74° 19 557 July 12 74° 21 584 July 19 71' 3 610 July 26 68° 5 638 Aug 2 65B 974 Aug 9 66° 717 Aug 16 6gQ 9 760 Aug 23 700 13 803 Aug 30 6i° 74i Sept 13 912 Sept 3o 55° 48 Diatomacea' .. 7 14 8 3 4 4 18 12 1 1 7 5 Meridion....... 8 7 6 6 5 9 9 2 21 21 5; 6 5 26 Synedra......... 8 .... 7 13 *2 7 7 '*38 17 Cyanophyceae ... 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 9 7 'ii 1 1 7 Alg»......... 46 12 10 21 85 4 4 3 1 1 Dictyosphserium.. 1 6 30 | t-1 0 (/1 1 1.... 1 58 8 1 Fungi .......... 23 1 Rhizopoda. .... "3 3 13 .8 5 ...... 31 1 ' I q 1 1 16 7 1 82 123 5 37 n 25 1 I -, 9 CO OO CO NO NO nC ssaupjBfj ..... Z* - hi< o • • • O O O O O O O x-o *H S " o CNl ■ • ■ to CNI CO w M N M CO uoijiuSj o . O . . . o • • O • o • • o • • • O O o o o o o t~. no sso'r o . CNI ■ • . o • • . . N . . M - ~o ~ . . o • • • • o • . . o • • • o • • • • o o o o o o c 2 00 0 en . mininrj-^f^Tj'm pscunsuoo. - | uaSXxQ cni coo N Nino h -OOOOOOOO r ! o- oo O »nOO nisOoo Oeo co on 000 O O t O O •+ w •OOOOOOOOO m oo Tfoo oo oo oo moo r-» n oo m toco cni r>. O t~. •> r^ rr ■ co O in co in co o coo Z « 00 co O* r^ O* Qi O1 on m QnO to ^iO rv.ONco O OOO in r*. OOOOOOOi-iO"'-iOOOOOi-'Oi-iOOO • NMCNlNNCOCOCOCO o c o •OOOOOOOOO o QOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOCOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •0000>-OOOw o ■OOOOOOOOO Z'E o ogoooooooooooooooocooo oooooooooooooooooooooo ■OOOOOOOOO Z o •OOOOOOOOO 00 CO •* TtNO cni o uoisuad ............. O O *"* *-* l-l M h-o o o o o o o i 1 < a o -sng uj o o o o o o o O oo nO oo •*■ CnI O ON CNl CO o z w i-i w i-i i-i i-i O J < -rtl°S uj o o o o o o o Tt nOCni to i- oo TfO NO TfdooO NOO N coo a* r~ in ■ o o co >e o cni o 'S-no s in CNI nO m TfMNONO Tfu-iM MNinC i r^, o coco r^ N oo co •co ONONCOinCN <3- i- O o OOOOOOOOOiiOO'-'i- iOhh-OhNh < H o OOOOOOOOOOOOOC JOOOOOOOO ■OOOOOOOOO 1 NO OOmtONONnOOOOOnO'JONO'OnO ■COCOnOnOCNIOCnICnICnI o OMtoOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOO OOOOOm-mw o ogoooooQogoooc ooooooooooococ OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO i o ) o o c C o o c O •OOOOOOOOO 1 o X I j : bio b 0 : m : be 'Oll'llt)' •>n>n>>^>>>, 4JU0J4J4JO4J4J . *■" *-" . •<-> . . *J bz> bio > Mbibiotab«:>>N> > >n >>>>>^>nc3>, >,g a> i/i in w t/i .« *" .S .2 "*- ^"•o^^^vS >'n5>5 > : ■* -j & > £ £ & ■ O O Oco cocoininin o CO ifuiM N N N H H !_ W 1- 1_ 1- U 1- ^ 0 U Jjl/lt/ltfltflt/ll/ll/) O _; _- _• _• _• _• _; ■OOOOOOOOO z < Ct/)(/!tflt/l £ £ .£ 5 .£ £ £ : : X o/icjjcvoWt; bt m he« •t; z: — S — -^ z: ;3 -jr -3 •« oiKiKiinMmaiiniiiM < S , V V U O V u u . c a c c a c c a> . O O O O O O O • 3 C 3 3 3 3 3 >>t>>w>>>w"> . . . X) . . . J3£J£XXXJ2X* .. >. b«bJOejrbeb/!biCcjOozibiobiO =;■§ rt rt *-» aj 03 rt rt ' 1) >!.>>&.>>>> O O 0 0 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOO ■ On Q. CM CNl CO CO N O^NN-tmMnOO ^ in uinO nO no invO rv.t^.t^t~>.t^.r^.r^rv.rv.NC i j u-ico n» rN,*(n o*oo to ■« no to w On in tO OnnO CO O "+ CNl OnnO CnI 0>nO to O CO O "» . § o M r- „ — N M W m N N M IH M -HI- : 5(J £ < ©N 0> » uoo M V M a CNl »!, i! S <: >N « 2> % a 3^ r> co oo oo o N o NO CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND; EAST INLET. (Parts per ioo.oco.) Dak- of Col- Tem. lection APPEARANCE Tur- biditv Color 49S 542 633 645 804 847 S90 Mav 19 66° clear .. sl. veg.. 26 S9U clear . . con.veg |une 10 S8° clear . . none .. 14 68° clear . sl. veg.. Aug 9 73° v. slight cons.. 16 720 v. slight cons. 23 66° v. slight slight.. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. 0.28 0.25 0.23 ODOR Cold dist. veg........... dist. veg. & marshy. faintly veg....... dist. veg. dist. veg. dist. veg. AMMONIA AI.UUMINOID Total Nitrogen as •a RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION M 5 5 « Ni- Ni- x c Fix- trites trates U^ Total 2'3 ed none............. I.0002 none..............0015 none.............. sl. marshv......... 0033 0013 .0006 .0008 .0012 0160 0145 .0227 .0067 .0136 .0186 .0090 0126 0158 .0088 .0010 .0028 .0002 0000 .09041 OOOOI . IjQ3 OOOO OOOO ,0796 .1389 .OOOO; .0230 .0000 .0300 .0000 .0370 0.36I 5.00|2.IO 0.35!...... 0.24J 4.70 1.30 2.90 3 40 0.9 0.8 0.9 ■55 ■55 •55 •55 • 54 •53 •55 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND; WEST INLET. (Parts per ioo.coo.) SOI May 19 66° sl. turb. none . S4S 26 64° clear .. sl. veg.. 636 June 10 6o° clear . none .. 648 14 62° clear .. none .. 1047 Sept 30 56° v. slight slight.. sl. straw. sl. straw, sl. straw. sl. straw. 0.10 v. faintly veg none..... none..... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. .0006 .0148 .0002 .0128 .0002 .0148 ,0014 .0086 .0044 C044 . OOOO .0000 .0000 .0000 • 0571 .0245 •0575 .0647 .0450 ..... 0.13 0.6 •55 •55 •55 .60 ■54 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND ; EAST BRIDGE. (Parts per roo.ooo.) Table No. Date of Col- Tem. lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 499 543 &34 646 May 19 26 June 10 14 640 630 5 8° 670 clear . clear.. clear . clear . Sediment Color sl. veg.. sl. veg.. none... none... sl. straw, sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. Cold ODOR none..... none .. sl. marshy none..... AMMONIA Free 0002 0002 0020 OOOO ALBUMINOID w.S OI26 .0188 0150 •OI45 Ni- trites .OOOO .OOOO OOOO .OOOO Ni- trate? .OS22 •0734 .0642 .0905 RESIDUE ON •0 EVAPORATION 01 v 0 a a a .*» ul X C °.i Fix- O 1 otal ° be ed X y •55 • 55 ■55 ■55! Iron CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND ; WEST BRIDGE. (Parts per 100,000.) Taiilk — -,00 May 19 640 sl. turb. none... S44i 26 630 clear .. none... 3 51 June IO 59° clear . . none... 647| M: 67° clear . sl. veg.. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. 1. straw none none sl. marshy. sl marshy. .0002 .0000 .0017 .0004 ,0152 ,0150 .0243 0151 ,0000 .0822 .0000 .0988 .OOrO .0562 .0000 .1067 • 55 •55 ■55 ■5" MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND, GATE HOUSE. (No.perc.c) Taiilk Number.......... Date of Collection ^ Temperature.. . . . 21 l897 Jan 12 40 Jan 21 50 Feb 2 90 Mar 3 Jliatouiacca". Melosira...... 3 0 1 Cynnopliyceat..... Alga* ......... Fnngri........... 1 Dinobryon Cases 4 Vermes.......... Total Organisms. . . Total Genera . ... 3 3 2 0 1 1 5 2 Mar 16 1091 lib Mar Mar 23 148 Apl 1 160 Apl 6 192 Apl 13 52° 15 215 Apl 21 47° 32 3i 250 Apl 29 54° 1 278 May 5 59° 1 313 May 13 59° 35i May 19 62° 1 398 May 26 62° 437 J'ne 3 63° 2 491 J'ne 10 58° 503 J'ne 14 66° 1 541 8 76° 11 558 July 12 585 July 19 611 July 26 720 7 639 Aug 2 72° 12 8 677 Aug 9 74° 0 720 Aug 16 75' 6 763 Aug 23 720 2 ! 804, S43 Aug ISept 3° 1 13 72°) 700 8 38 6 916 Sept 30 1 3 70 74-41 4 1 bo° 37 •■■'!'■• [ ■ • - • 9 9 1 23 1 1 4 1 1 "3 "l 1 1 8 2 3 1 l!... 8; 5 10 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 6 •4 1 5 3 1 1 .. 1 4 82 75 5 15 26 10 14 6 6 11 ... 10 "28 9 i '7 5 23 7 1 7 4 2 13 6 0 95 7 1 38 13 22 8 11 7 20' 45 9. 7 38 5 2 0 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 17 7 6 3 39 7 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND; GATE HOUSE. (No.perc.c.) Table Bacteria ...... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches ) week preceding ) Date............\ Mean temperat week e rature \ nding/ 353 223 170 92 '218 160 146 282 210 175 200 340 .09 2.21 .98 .c6 1.30 1.15 .81 .00 .62 1.50 1.00 .08 1.40 2.14 Jan 16 Jan 23 Feb 6 Mar 6 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 27 Apl 3 Apl 10 Apl 17 Apl 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 290 3i° 270 35° 35° 35° 42° 42° 47° 47° 46° 53° 54° 6c° 260, 220 90 2.66 .9511.64 May Mayjj'ne 22 1 29 j 5 6o° 6o° 620 135 80 2.16 i-73 •75 • M J'ne 12 J'ne 19 July 10 July 17 6i° 68° 780 75° 1500; 1000 1 HOC 500: 600 400 July 24 74° 3 17 2.24 July, 31 Aug 7 70° 73° I.03J .81 Augi Aug 14 I 21 73°! 73c 400 700J1200 •23 2.00 .00 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 7o° 690 68° 1200 1.17 Oct 2 6oQ In addition to the Species tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C.C, in any one examination, the following were also found' phomena, Surirella, Tabellaria; Cyanophycea — Clathrocystis, Microcystis, Oscillaria; Alga-—Arthrodesmus," Closter'iuiiT Conferva 7nZi',rn Diatoms- Cymbella, Eunotia, Epithemia, Gom- Zypnema, Protococcus, Dictyosphaerium: Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Euglena, PeriJinium, Trachelmonas, Uroglena. Mallomoras; r«rwres-Anurea Po^arthT' iSK)^phk3lum'.Scenedesmus Hyalotheca, MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND. (No. per c.c.) Table 1 East Inlet West Inlet Number................. Date of Collection..........-j Temperature.................. Diatomaceae ............... Melosira............. 347 1897 May 19 66° 3 393 May 26 59° 3 487 J'ne 10 54° 10 499 J'ne 14 650 676 Aug 9 73° 23 719 Aug 16 72° 11 762 Aug 23 66° 13 350 May 19 66° 10 396 May 26 640 20 490 J'ne 10 6o° 12 5 502 J'ne 14 62° 11 10 915 Sept 30 56° 69 6 1 2 "6 3 "3 2 "i 1 12 7 "l 15 "is 7 2 26 11 5 6 1 57 6 Tabellaria ............. Fungi ...................... Glenodinium................ 6 14 5 3 3 5 5 1 18 8 5 1 32 11 10 6 26 11 2 1 1 "17 8 25 5 16 7 Vermes........ ..... "ii 2 1 1 64 14 70 4 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH POND. (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria Meteorological Statistics Rain-fall in inches week preceding Date......................| Mean temperature week ending... East Inlet 370 240 260 1801000 2800 1300 340 2.66 •95 2.16 i-73 1.03 .81 •23 2.66 May May J'«e J'ne Aug Aug Aug May 22 29 12 i<) 14 21 28 22 6o° 6o° 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 6o° West Inlet U0 370 1200 240 500 ■95 2.16 May J'ne 29 12 6o° 61 ° t-73 J'ne 19 68° 1.17 Oct 2 6o° < o Q O Cl. O Q 5 z o W r-1 < o o H CO M N M II *- H O in in t m * ^ in psmnsuoo, usSXxq £ £ « Z-Z noisuad -sng ui OOOOOOOO M — in i-i CO m p» o N co coo in OO O N Ooo O M ►< « • O 8 o o o o o o o oo i-i O i~» Ooo oo o o O co OO oo r^-co o oo o oo m r-- • o Cl 0 r^ in co in CO inoo O Ooo COOO O Oi-oo O OO OO O O O >- O M N IN CM M CO N CO 0 O O M 0O«O«i-i0O0momOi-iO0Oi-ih • o o 0 o o 0 0 o O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • o OOOOOOOO o OOOOOi-OO OOOOOOOO o o OOOOOOOO • oo O O O O W o w - O o o o o ■ o o o o o o o • o o o o o o o uou -nl°S UI o -J- tO OO O t O i-i 1" o o o o H H M O - O O o o o o o o o O O r^oo in t o O OO N cooo Np»o>-iOOoocom Ttin^t-couioo m o in»-oo O N r^ r-> co co — O 0>t^ t OOOOOOOOOi-iOi-i|-|i-|OOi-ii-|'-iOnih 0 0-00000000000000000000 OOO : be" > be > bjo be^r be > >?>? > —' ** > .5 > Ji\S .S in.« ii « «i .2 •5 <5 "5 -3 > -5 ^2 > > > be be be > > > > > s? C ■" ■" 4-1 i wi tfl 1/1 i "5 -o -o •iS >iS liS •£. ■ : st £ is & is & * c3 cfl c3 cfl c3 ctf rt i-i.ui_i.ui_ ^cnwiauiinuivi 0 _•_;_;_;_•_• _; C t/i i/i c/i c/i "in c/i "en wmOOOOOOO .......43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 c c c c a c c m'— ooooooo ^ c a c c c c c > > in > > > > >' ca rt co en cd cc a . v C C > > > >^c > 6 o o o o o o o o~i rt moo pi 00 r^ ^t co O M r^ 1-1 M M O O oo o ao -m u i-i £ 42 V (la « O if* § CO O -i- f^ CO O CO — M -+ r- 0 to o - - — PI so in o O O O ten r^ r-^ co r~. inoo O -.mO-NvnooOcooO<*oocom n N 53 Dec 29 1897 Jan 7^5 74i 769 809 852 895 934 979 1055 Feb Mar Apl May J'ne Aug July 14 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 Sept 13 30 6o° 6o° 630 630 64 59' 68° 780 75° 73° 74° 75° 720 700 690 6o° clear.. . clear... sl. turb. clear. .. clear.. . clear.. . clear. . . v. slight v. slight v. slight slight slight v. slight slight none.. v. slight none.. none., none. none. none.. none.. none.. none., none.... sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. sk straw. md. straw sl. straw. sl. straw. slight v. sl slight ght v. slight v. slight ght ght ght ght sli ght 0.65 0-75 0.60 0.40 o.43 0.47 0.55 0.23 0.15 dist. veg.......... dist. veg & grassy.. . dist. veg & unpleasant dist. veg ... ■ ;...... faintly veg..... dist. veg & marshy.. . faintly veg.......... faintly veg & disag'ble faintly veg...... faintly veg....... none...... none...... none. none..... none...... none..... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. dist. veg and grassy.. faintly veg....... dist. veg.......... dist. veg ........... faintly veg.......... dist. veg & unpleasant faintly veg....... faintly veg......... faintly veg........ .0002 .0010 .0019 .0022 •0035 .0022 .0013 .0011 .0009 .0002 .0004 .0002 .0002 .0000 .0003 ,0000 OOOO 0002 OOOO OOOO 0002 OOOO OOOO .0008 .0036 .0028 .0006 .0020 .0010 .0018 .0022 .0018 .0010 ,0036 0071 .0040 0067 0028 oosg 0051 0053 0118 0124 0096 0092 0108 0112 0078 0098 0090 0105 0150 0083 0240 0230 0218 0264 0224 0126 0166 0152 0164 0108 OIOO .0200 .0124 .0164 .0138 .0024 .0002 .0002 .0024 .0164! .0000 .0102 . ooo<> .0088 .0012 ,0000 OOOO O0( IO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOI OOOO OOOO OOOO 0001 ■0739 .0651 .109(1 .1464 . I20() .1382 . 1142 .0979 .1310 • 1063 . 1067 • 1316 .0987 .0988 .1150 ■ 1153 • 1153 .uq8n .0823 4.40 1.40 4.40 1.50 430 1.30 4-50 3-80 10701 1153 ■ 4.70 .0170 .0300 ■ 0330 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0270 .03500 5-5° 5.00 5.00 4.90 5.10 2.70 2.00 2.90 2.20 4.70,1.90 3.8<>!i.20 4.80 1.30 3-oo 2.90 3.00 2.30 I..] 1.60 2.30 3.00 2.00 2.90 2.80 2.60 3-5i' 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM EAST MEADOW POND; INLET. (Parts per ioo.ooo.) No. 505 549 640 652 851 894 1054 Date of Col- lection Tem. ODOR May 19 640 " 26 62° Tune 10 6o° " 14 640 Aug 9 640 '• 16 700 " 2.3 6S° Sept. 30 6o° sl. turb. clear.. clear... none.. . sl. veg.. none.. . clear.. . sl. veg slight slight slight v. slight slight. cons.. slight. slight. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw sl. straw. 0.20 0.30 0.22 0.12 Cold faintly veg. & unpleas't dist. veg........... faintly veg........ v. faintly veg...... sl. marshy. none .... none ..... sl. marshy. dist. veg............ faintly veg........ dist veg. & unpleasant faintly veg........ .0003 .0007 .0013 .0021 .0028 .0014 .0012 .0024 ALBUMINOID Total g S in' .OO97 .OI83 .0292 .OI99 Nitrogen as 0116 .0070 .0046 0148 .0142 .0006 0082 .0078 .0004 0076 .0076 .OOOO Ni- ( Ni- trites | tratei! .0000 .1144 .0000 .1147 .0000 .0978 .0000'. 1383 .ooooj .0250 . ooooj. 0200 . 0000'. 0330 .ooool .0350 RESIDUE ON •0 c S EVAPORATION V c M§ a a >. w 0 0 Total •j'c 0 be Fix-ed X U .70 •6* .60 •65 .61 •59 .60 .61 0.21 O.32 o:i6 0.05 5-30 2.20 3.10 0.6 1.1 0.8 0.9 4.90 1.40 3-5° MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM EAST MEADOW POND; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c. c.) Table Date of Collection. .. ■< 33 1897 Jan 18 35 96 Mch 9 13 120 Mch 23 13 150 Apl 1 14 194 Apl 13 53° 5 217 Apl 21 50° 11 252 Apl 29 53° 15 281 May 5 6o° 23 5 315 May 13 6o° 9 355 May 19 64° 10 402 May 26 630 7 441 J'ne 3 640 3 495 J'ne 10 f 0 IS, 507 J'ne 14 68Q 1 543 July 8 780 3 560 July 12 780 r 0 587 July 19 75° 1 5 613 July 26 73° r 0 w 641 Aug 2 74° 681 Aug 9 75° 6 724 Aug 16 "*4 767 Aug 23 720 2 806 Aug 30 700 847 Sept 13 690 3 923 Sept 30 6o° 95 66 3 5 1 4 2 1 1 77 16 1 "l 8 1 16 1 5 2 6 1 i l 2 "i "1 6 ..._. "8 8 1 1 "4 15 7 6 1 10 10 27 9 2 1 1 5 Dinobryon.......... 18 Total Organisms..... Total Genera ...... 11 9 5 4 6 3 1 1 7 2 6 5 1 % 3 109 9 14 4 19 3 17 4 16 4 12 5 16 5 51 7 11 7 13 7 2 2 11 4 4 3 18 4 10 5 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM EAST MEADOW POND; GATE HOUSE. (No.perc.c.) Table Bacteria. Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for week preceding Date................j- Mean temperature for £ week ending ; for ) 324 .16 Jan 3 3i° .60 Mch 13 37° 220 Mch 27 42° 177 .co Apl 3 42° 180 1.50 Apl 17 47° 95 Apl 24 196 .08 May 1 46° 53' 210 1.40 May 8 54° 2.14 May 15 6o° 115 2.66 May 22 6o° 160 190 ■95 1.64 May 29 J'ne " 5 6o° 62° 450 2.16 J'ne 12 6i° 170 i-73 J'ne 19 68° •75 July 10 780 900 14,4-76 July; July 17 . 24 75°! 74c 600 1800 1900 1600 2100 800 300 317 2.24 1.03 .81 •23 2.00 .00 July 3i Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 700 73° 73° 73° 7o° 690 68° 155 1.17 * Oct 2 6o° In addition to the o bella, MeriJion, Nitzscliia. —Euglena, Glenodinium, Pe r<> inisms tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. in any one examination, the following were also present: Diat otns—Cym" Pleurosi^ma, Eunotia; Cyanophycete—Clathrocystis Oscillaria; JUgrrr—Closterium. Protococcus, Staurastrum, Xanthidium, Zygnema; Infusoria 'eridinium; Vermes — Rotifer MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM EAST MEADOW POND; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table Number, Date of Collection. Temperature.. . . Diatomaceae.. Navicula ... Tabellaria .... Algae........ Raphidium .*. . . Rhizopoda___ Infusoria... . Total Organisms. Total Genera.... 354 1897 May 19' 64s 35 401 May 26 620 19 494 J'ne 10 6o° 32 506 680 723 766 J'ne Aug Aug Aug 14 640 2 1 9 66° 1 16 700 4 23 650 2 1 "l 2 3 1 7 3 3 1 5 3 922 Sept 30 93 72 21 4 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM EAST MEADOW POND ; INLET. Table Bacteria............................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding....... Date.................................\ Mean temperature week ending............. 140 230 320 270 300 3600 600 2.66 •95 2.16 1-73 1.03 .81 ■23 May May J'ne J ne Aug Aug Aug 22 29 12 19 14 21 28 6o° 6o° 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 1900 1.17 Oct 2 6o° *2 • O O 0 • • i>. in in inOOOininOmOmOminO 0 m in in in O inin ■OOWfOCOMCOtlHCO 3DUC r^ r^ao r-* r->.co r^ao o r^-co r^o r^ r^ t-^ r*. r^ r-> r^co r^ r> •OOOOOOOOOO . i-i T i-i COO O CO sssupxEj-j . IH l-H M M HH O ^H Zq K-O O O • O • CO o ■ • • • o . . . T • • • • CO • . :8 • & ; ■ • O O O O O O 0 . . in O r^co CO M co 0~ uoijiuSj co • H in ■ T . . . r-» • • .in . o O • ■ TO OOO in in in PJ • incococOM ci m w aSXxQ 66666666 «: W r^ O O r~* COCO OO CO TO Ooo O r^OTi^oo c->ao com OOOOOOOOO r^. r-~*-< Too O r^M coin ui i> o -t ^-NiO O « in O Ooo MnO cocoO coffin 2 M o o Z g T T r-^ O oo oo o r^r^r-O n coo o r^ t co co « co oo T ino T m ino ino O MMN — MMI-ll-ll-lN«l-il-l MM»>-I-IMMI-II-I OOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOO OOOO o OOOOOOOOO •OOOOi-iP»i-iincocO oooooooooo ■ oooooooooo •OOOOOOOO 5 5 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOO fc-n 0 OOOOOOOO OOOOC OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO £ O OOOOOOOOO • • O O -X) Too O T <; 0 0 2 uoisuad -siig UI • . o 0 n t O co N • • O 5 O O O Q O • • o o c 5 o 5 o • • M O Too Odd • M O t-l O N O HI fc -njog u] • O O O O O O O o < _4 t ^•iD O CO TO 00 O O N O OO vC O 00 00 OiCvO N Ooo • TN TWO N NCOCOO S M 1^ O coo Moo M in mo O O ac r-» r^ ino O oo oo o — • coOiniHOTi-iCMcoco O OOOOOOmOOOOmC OO'-iOi-iOOO'-1 ■COCMW^Hi-ll-IIHI-ll-IIM -iO>-"OOOOC OOMOOOO-O • NwwOOm-'I-ii-'M •OOOOOOOOOO • oo5ooo5ooo l. c OOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOO fe O OOOOOOOOOOOOC o_o o o o o o o o o '. • > > -, >* >> ! be '. . '. a ; . . . . as . .... "> . : . « . . . . u . •;;"&_ • M • • § bi • t> • • r, *> : > be be* > • • J3 .C J3 J3 . bob«> Mb«J> > M^T . 1- i- i- u. oi o o rgsgssssa • o „• o O O _• _• __■ • ouiacBc/itnu) * W id •» wi in .S .5 en ". "•o'-o^'-a'-a >" ^2 ^2 "-5 >' o 2 "o . . . C . . . . in . rt • • JS • ; ; ;"a ; • bio : S bio • U • "^ K u ! bi bio ^ be* > b«!Mc«ltuObC> >X^> bo-g1 *j*j4->*j*j c c>*i c-^ii; '•v '-5 ^ '-5 '-3 £ ^S > v2 =5 > :: : 1 si j : * : : •mOOOcoOmTN 0 " f S'Sr; ca -~ • j ■ t^incOCONWNi-lH w O | i0ti)tnSStnSS •OOOOOOOOO u ■ • O _: _• o O _• O O Z • •CtntnSCmaa c • • V V 4) 1) ■S .Sf.^.^.Sf.^.^.Sf.Si11 •.£* w -a ■ . . a S 5 c c c a Oh Pi m • . . o ° o O O O o • • u c c c c c a (fl>>>S.>>>>y> , >, '• '. '. -o -o. : : • • . . 1- 1- • ' • • • H E u *" •" •- u • . cd rt c8 aj rt • . a; qj u t> i> ^j3^£^^^ : :jEs ; M b* bu be be be be be G ■ w tn o o o o o >t«>>>>>cc>o g • • o o o o o o o • N vO o coo in in Oc~OOinin "Ocooco r^. r^ r>-o o t~* • o r^o o o . S o o w o inoo h o mnnoiind o<3 ( r, M MHM 11 N CO ► O < Ooo ■, be « •—> ■< rn ^ Q A fa 2 <» 0) N CM N CO < 3 in o I O CO CO ~^o s > * 0 CO noo 1- it n *Nin ^- O in no o o o o m r^ co 0 m T r>. t^ t^ M I-I r>. w r-»00 < T r^O m r^ in O coco in » oo o> o> o CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN POND ; INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Table Date of Col- lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Color ODOR Cold AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates * a O o O RKSIDUE ON EVAPORATION Fix- ed 484 528 608 656 812 855 898 IO58 1897 May 18 25 June 8 15 Aug. 9 16 23 Sept. 30 750 sl. turb. none... 6o° sl. turb. none... 540 clear... none... 540 clear... sl. veg. 580 none... v. slight ... v. slight v. slight 59°]none... v. slight 54°,v. slight 1 slight.. sl. straw normal.. normal.. normal. . 0.1a 0.35 0.17 0.17 faintly veg.......... faintly veg.......... v. f'tly veg. & unpleas't v. faintly veg........ none ... . sl, marshy. sl. marshy. sl. veg. ... faintly veg.... v. faintly veg faintly veg. .. v. faintly veg. .0011 0015 .0010 ,00.6 ,0010 .0026 .0062 .0054 .0063 .0205 .0062 .0108 .0034 .0072 ,0062 .0108 .0034 .0068 OOOO OOOO OOOO 0004 OOOO • 1565 OOOO .1482 OOOO .1633 OOOO .1476 OOOO .0570 OOOO . 5.00 OOOO .0650 OOOO .0900 0.23 0.42 0.18 0.02 6.IO 6.10 2.60 3-50 3-50 2.60 6.20 1.70 4-50 1.4 1.1 i-3 1.6 8 ■ OOO** inoo on O 3 luomo H inoo r-~ r-oo r^o OOOO t^O OOOO r^o OOO M oooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO O ......o C"N M H C^CO U1 SSSUpjBJJ CM : : : : : " : : ::::::: : : : O i-i i-i ►-" i-i O O *-a O o o • • • • o O ■ • • • T • o • • • O O . . . r^ • • • co • • • o OOOOOOO r-- co N co O O O £ u CO CM • CO . N • N ■ ■ CM CM CO CM CO CO T T uoijiuSj O in O • C • T • • • • in . . O . ■ o • • o ... _ ....... CO • ■ OOOOOOO r> moo OOO O T do ssoq t-i N • • • • N . cm ■ ■ co - -co N N CM i-i M O •"• . . . o • • • o • • o •OOOOOOOO a< <« T o • • • • o . . . co • • • T • • • O • TTTO Nco OT &> ^w H in in • • • -in T • in • • \n • O inTwiinTTin • oo co T i-i mco co T pa uinsuoQ •OO COCOCM N i-i O V 33Xxq OOOOOOOO (/) en in O OO OO cor-.M i-i cor^O OO n oo ooo ObO in OOOOOOOOO .J. ^ T inm oo Ooo coco r^TN i-hO — mwOO <, 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO O O O M COO CMOOOcMNTOOOOOOOOO OOOOONOOCONON OOmmOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooo ■ MNMMOC4IXI-IMM •OOOOOOOOOO h o oooocooooooooooc o o o o o o • ooo O C O O O O 0 bug bio bio bio V tu V V ffi • be be > h. > > ► ......>-, • .....43 -43 • .c 43 43 > ontK> > bejt~> S ^^^ > v ti D4->'^'^!j->*j . . rt . cj ctf ^ ^ ■ >>>,>1>c>,ccc •«2S£H£E£a . . *j *^ • rt -ti rt rt rt .*-»■*-' c C ■*-» »^^ c i.. ^ vi C C c - . . . . O _j O _• O _• _• _; -Cc/iGcnCBcnwcn ■ '•o^JS^^ >^3 >' > > :*, • • 43 " >, V) ■ >-. • . "1 :s :£ ■ 2 "o ■ be • t * e e t fbe> v M^>biO^M> > > > >?>• >>>>>>,>>>>>>ac ^»««BCCB^ lie ^ iS 1^ '^ ^ rt rt rt .• • : > : '. > : % • mOOinocor^NCM 2, 4 . : . . : ;"« £ "3 *« 2 *«3 s . . . ,ufl«aBiifii: .....aE • t-~.r~.r>.cococ< cm w »-i w o U •OOOOOOOOO o ......00_j00 • O _z < W Ph pn • ■ • • GCenCCmCm OJ .......be...... J3 J3 43 J= 43 J3 J3 J= J3 . . OJOMtuOb/lMbiOMb/JtuOJ-' « 13 .......^ a a a a c a ......._■ O O O O O O >' >" >' > >' >' t>' > Ui "^ • • ■. . . 4-»4-»4-,4_»+J4_»4_, *j*j 43 43 43 43 J3 ja M .43 43 . bx> be be be be be be • be be . ,-• T3 "w in in "« " O 4> 4) OJ • • • - -OOOOOOO >>>>>>>C>>c ~ ......OOOOOOO .......TO O CO COCO O coOcoinTin .inOinO H ' ........in ino in in ino O r^o OOO • O r^O in 'c c o ~ CM inoo i-i o in co co o in cm OO TOco T CM co m n co in ^ m ii-,pi n N n 11 CM N WI-lCI w N O OO N OO CO O CO o I-i M I-i W. rtNCOMCO a°^ o CO o _, u Q 3 5 w •—> < en in >h i^-Oco T CM Ti-> Tcooo Of^TCOO r-~. CM O COO T co TO h M uiO N fl moo N O N O cm inoo N no in 4 1 c 4 N M CO CO CO CO ' T T T in ins D O o t^ r^ r> r^< » c O ( ooo 0 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN POND; GATE HOUSE. Table Number.......... Date of Collection \ Temperature . . . . 1897 Jan 13 "28 65 Feb 10 b on 5 67 Feb 15 98 Mch 15 112 Mch 22 134 Mch 30 166 Apl 6 184 Apl 12 207 Apl 20 242 Apl 28 5i° 8 270 May 4 52° 121 66 24 305 May 12 56° 332 May 18 62° 2 378 May 25 640 2 428 J'ne 2 56° 10 461 J'ne 8 55° 9 509 J'ne 15 65* 9 545 July 8 75° 7 562 July 12 70° 3 577 July r 0 on 615 July 26 66° 9 643 Aug 2 65° 4 683 Aug 9 75° 8 726 Aug 16 3 769 Aug 23 690 808 Aug 30 73° 3 849 Sept t3 690 4 925 Sept 30 630 134 Diatomaeea^ . Eunotia......... 6 14 17 8 3 16 14 Melosira........ 8 10 Navicula ....... 6 "l "l 7 108 Synedra .... 10 6 1 U 13 5 2 7 5 7 1 3 Tabellaria..... 21 "2 1 1 "i i 1 6 1 2 8 1 26 Cviiiiophywai___ 1 6 6 1 0 1 1 0 "4 6 32 15 15 2 1 Uiothrix........ 3 1 Fungi.......____ 31 13 3 8 16 1 14 9. 4 Dinobryon....... Dinobryon Cases . 5 Glenodinium.... 7 7 6 12 12 Vermes.......... "2c 5 'is 6 1 40 1C "io 4 ""3 2 16 3 "l9 5 1 11 7 8 5 4 4 1 18 5 Total Organisms .. 124 9 1 1 8 2 34 4 19 9 9 3 13 6 41 8 9 5 21 6 1 1 18 6 13 5 138 5 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN POND; GATE HOUSE. Table Bacteria......... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches | week preceding ) Date............\ Mean temperature week ending 282 .00 381 .82 b60 1.11 360 1.30 cont .76 310 •59 400 .62 800 1.84 180 1.00 195 .08 2100 1.40 500 •35 700 2.81 210 •95 220 1.64 Lost •54 150 i-73 3000 4.76 1400 3.17 1200 2.24 1100 1.03 500 .81 500 • 23 800 2.00 500 .00 •75 .14 Jan 16 Feb 13 Feb 20 Mch 20 Mch 27 Apl 3 Apl IO Apl 17 Apl 24 May 1 Mav 8' May 15 May 22 May 29 J'ne 5 J'ne 12 J'ne 19 July IO July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 290 33° 34° 35° 42° 42° 47- 47° 46° 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 780 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 70° 690 68° 270 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the forms tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C.C, in any one sample, the following were also found: Diatoms—Asterionella, Cyclotella, Cymbella, Diatoma Epithemia, Meridion, Surirella, Stauroneis. Vyanophyceee—Clathrocystis, Microcystis,. Nostoc, Oscillaria. Alga'— Closterium, Cosmarium, Dictyosphaerium. Euastum, Raphidium, Scenedesmus. Zygnema. Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Euglena, Peridinium, Synura. Vermes—Anguillula, Anurea, Crenothrix. Sponge spicules. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN POND ; INLET. (No. per c.c.) Table 333 1897 May 18 57° 9 5 379 May 25 6o° 14 462 J'ne 8 54° 7 5io J'ne 15 54° 2 684 Aug 9 5 8° 727 Aug 16 "2 770 Aug 23 59° 3 926 Sept 30 54° 100 6 6 62 ?8 Cyanophyceae......................... 1 1 2 1 "l 1 *"l 3 2 2 "2 7 3 11 6 16 6 7 2 "2 1 ion 6 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN POND; INLET. (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria .............................. Meteorological Statistics Rain-fall in inches week preceding............ Date.................................. -j Mean temperature week ending.............., 5000 540 2000 800 1700 4800 1100 2.81 •95 •54 r-93 1.03 .81 •23 May May J'ne J'ne Aug Aug Aug 22 29 12 19 M 21 28 6o° 6ou 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 230 1.17 Oct 2 6o° MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN PUMPING STATION; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Number........... Date of Collection -1 Temperature...... 12 189!) Die-29 22 1897 J.ui 12 29 Jau 15 45 Pel. I 58 Feb 5 64 Feb IO 97 Mm-9 m Mar 22 121 Mar 23 151 Apl I 165 Apl 6 183 Apl 12 206 Apl 20 240 Apl 28 54° 2 269 May 4 54° 6 282 May 5 580 7 304 May 12 56° 2 33i M»v 18 6o° 377 May 25 58° 17 427 Jane 2 53° 9 460 June 8 58° 3 508 June 15 6o° 7 544 juii 8 65° 7 56i July 12 63° 4 588 July 68° 3 614 July 26 69° 1 642 Aug 2 640 4 682 Aug 9 650 5 725 Aug 16 3 768 Aug 23 68° 1 807 Aug 30 77° 13 848 Sept 13 6i° 1 924 Sept 3° 6o° Diatomacetv... Asterionella..... 3 9 18 1 1 14 2 3 1 5 46 6 8 25 1 104 6 n 63 8 5 1 "7 1 "3 38 1 "3 2 1 1 "*2 1 2 1 "4 2 4 2 1 53 Fungi........... 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 10 5 5 42 8 33 1 3 "9 5 1 6 1 4 5 Infusoria. 2 Dinobryon Cases. i 10 7 53 7 1 11 4 11 8 19 8 5 4 Total Organisms. .. Total Genera...... "'0 3 1 21 6 1 1 1 1 14 5 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 7 48 9 0 2 6 3 4 4 1 1 23 9 45 4 11 5 16 3 9 3 4 3 8 5 9 3 10 3 57 4 21 5 106 4 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MILLBURN PUMPING STATION ; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria....... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches ) week preceding f Date............\ Mean temperature / week ending... ) 28 127 103 76 76 198 110 263 177 46 240 250 230 190 405 135 175 540 240 130 110 85 200 500 400 Lost 400 1700 1000 • 50 .09 •03 .98 • 32 .82 .60 .76 .81 .00 .62 1.84 1.00 .08 1.40 1.40 •35 2.81 •95 1.64 •54 1-73 75 .14 4.26 3-17 2.24 1.03 .81 • 23 2.00 JftU 2 Jan 16 Jan 16 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb U3 Mar 13 Mar 27 Mar 27 Apl 3 Apl IO Apl 17 Apl 24 1 May 8 May 8 Mar 15 May 22 May 29 June 5 June 12 June 19 Julv IO July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Ang 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 29° 29° 290 270 270 33° 37° 42° 42° 420 47° 47° 46° 53° 54° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 78° 75° 74° 70° 73° 73° 73° 700 690 600 Sept 18 68° 75 1.17 Oct 2 6o° 3nuo[q3 SS3UpjBJ-J 5 c -2: uo|jiuS] uo ssoq £< *> psuinsuoo, uaSXxQ < > V 2 £ jj u 0 3 OS h £-c A uoisusd □ -sng u] < o a -njog ui s < < rt 0 H ta .......O 0 ......."1 O ........o o ........ o o Co"ii~Tt-rr« O^CO O^CT-COOO OvO>C C 6 6 O C o o o o ii c«-> o co ooo coo m M M O H H w »1 co co co -l- ci nci CM CO «o t CM co CM HI M M HI i PI n n O o o o o o o o o ID o in 0 CM r^ O CM 0*00 1-1 m U") r^ in m in t in TJ- TfvO in •>* O CO n CM T*0 M M M M M 1 1 o o o o o O o o o ^ IT) O oo on CM O co n in -+ IT) ^1- r^ r^ r^ n O^vO in ino o o o o o O o o o O CM o tn O to T to O 0> O co oo C*> co oo M O <) r-» O l^ o 0 co r^co C! m on no rtO 00 O to r^oo i-^ OO COO co r^o t 1/ CO -t- co ** •"! 1-1 1-1 CM " "" M M M M M IN ** M M CM M H M M M *" w o o o u u u o O o O O O O O CM O O O O • ^fO oo O r^ in<3 CT> CM r^rno in rt *T -+ n O m CM CMnrM^t N^t OOOOOOOOOOOOnCMiCMCMCM~CM — CM MHMWMI1I1I1 — n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo TTOO O T ^t O CM CM 00~"0000 OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO O O cm o OOOcocMO^OcOMin 0«0000 — wNm OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo CM CM CO o o o 0 o o o OOOOOOO u a v a B C C C ° —: ° —; >, >s >. 3 in js XI O If, 4-, *-» rj rt >- >- C i-" rt rt *. be v i> °o B ^ *J *-l <-. *J C 4^ u .!£ ." .i2 .2 ■" ■ (fl Ul JJ 1/1 I/) IT IT .S I« .« T3 *0 *0 T3 *t3 "O "O **-, *X3 ^*- *J tc tcbe V U V W tuc br be > b£ b*o > > > U l) OJ u U «J > > > > ^ > > ^—Jt' 4-i 4-1 4-1 *J e *j -fci c c c in in m m .3 i/i t/) .^, .^. .— ~ 13 ir^ 13 rt 13 13. rt rt rt g g rt rt « rt rt ° —' — ° _• —• O O CmmCtni/iCC OOOOOOOOO < be...... ii V V V V V V ? c a a a a c __: o o o o o o a> c c a o c a be~ . « « . . .m « . 3: jrj » JX i/i m££ vi «) WC tuOfcuCC C MMC • 13 OSS O OSS O > i> v n ui u u in in u 4-. 4J 4J 4J « — rt __;__. . . JU . «J « tn "in ~in v In o OOOOOOO -e.3x:.c.flje.fl.fi,cc WbacjXltiiObfiMbjCbiOWM tfitfiuimcni/ii/ii/ivii/i >' > >' > > > >' > > > o o o o o O r^ i- o t o^ i II CM CO M N 5^ si ao U co - H OJ H 5 Q -1 O "* O O O Tt co coo O O n >i O O oo O^O O in O co comr^cM cm inco m coo O^cm mr^O N moo cor^Min hmmhnmmn nnntt^Ttifl mo o OOO -fcM rJ-r^O r--CM (M_ O i tJ- r^ n in O coco "t i^ i^n M» ao OOOO CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR; INLET. (Partg per 100,000.) APPEARANCE Date of Col- Tem. lection Tur-bidity Color 485 May 18 6o° sl. turb. cons. veg. 529 25 58° sl. turb. none.. 609 June 8 54° sl turb. none... 657 15 58" clear ... sl. veg . 813 A.ug. 10 66° slight.. cons. . 856 17 v. slight cons. threads 899 24 6o° decid .. cons. . 043 Sept. 29 5 6° none. . v. slight normal.. sl. straw. normal. . normal.. 0.07 0.07 0.23 0.03 Cold faintly veg. & tarry. faintly veg. & tarry. faintly veg. & tarry. dist. tarry........ none vegetable. none. none faintly veg. & tarry. decid. veg. sweetish decid. tarry......... dist. tarry........ AMMONIA Nitrogen as -0 X c O c 0 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION c •0 a Free Al BUMINOID I Total .2 Fix-ed 'Z. Total in 2 a" S.2 c — Q. Ni-trites Ni-trates u ■0515 0115 .0070 • 0635 .0396 .0408 • 0552 .0328 •0155 .0205 .0340 .0125 .0132 .0148 .0280 .0070 .0116 .0104 ,0204 ,0070 .0016 .0044 .0076 .OOOO .0022 . 000S .0022 .0022 .0030 .0045 .0052 .0030 •2513 .1709 .2168 .2090 .2300 .2650 .2150 . 3500J0.04I13. IO o. 10 10.91 12 .... 0.31:13.20 3.40 3-7" 4-3'J 9.50 8.80 2.6 1 2.61 2.61 2.61 0070 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR; GATE HOUSE. TAliI.E Date of Collection j 3 1896 Dec 8 rO c p_ »T <' a 1 4 Dec 18 rO c K. p <' n 2 24 1897 Jan 13 3" 15 38 j h 11 20 46 Feb I 68 Feb 15 84 I 94 Mar 8 99 Mar 15 "3 Mar 22 29 8 i35 Mar 30 21 6 157 Apl 5 '94 32 185 Apl 12 132 4i 208 Apl 20 442 92 243 Apl 28 54° 802 211 271 May 4 580 217 80 306 May 12 6o° 865 417 335 Mav 18 65° 463 55 38i May 25 64° 687 306 429 Jun 2 640 85 75 464 Jun 8 65° 26 22 512 Jun 15 69° 3 546 Julv 8 830 144 137 578 July 15 8o° 583 574 59° July 20 78° 611 428 5 75 616 July 27 73° 572 564 644 Aug 3 75° 202 191 686 Aug IO 77° 402 400 729 Aug 17 755 750 772 Aug 24 75° 737 723 6 809 Auk 30 780 427 420 7 850 Sept 14 74° 816 800 910 S»pt 29 630 831 772 ?R lHatomncea'___ Melosira...... 20 18 31 1 101 21 86 8 93 Nitzschia. .. . 94 7 8 21 8 52 Synedra...... 78 8 207 132 57o 11 128 436 8 392 *6 20 3&5 IO 5 6 16 7 66 63 17 7 8 8 Pleurosigma .... Cyanophyceae ... 2 32 1 11 3 49 20 6 2 1 "3 2 10 "J9 '45 "l9 1 21 "l8 1 13 2 13 ii 20 3 2 4 18 5 1 3 5 10 6 16 30 Cosmarium. .. Dictyosphaerium IO 7 8 6 5 5 9 9 5 8 5 5 18 7 40 IO 6 Raphidium.... IO 12 12 Scenedesmus .., 6 7 5 6 6 7 12 M Staurastrum .... Infusoria...... Dinobryon Cases 1 4 4 0 2 15 11 4 18 4 13 22 23 18 8 TO 51 15 13 14 26 16 15 1 7 34 47 34 24 8 9 8 23 17 11 19 19 7 8 9 :;.....r" 1 5 35 6 3 ...j....... 23 7 17 8 6 6 34 34 22 T« Glenodinium.... Vermes......... 1 1 3 4 1 1 5 5 2 164 15 2 0 1 3 1 2, 4 Polyarthra..... Crustacea ...... 24 6 18 3 33 5 1 1 121 9 2 953 20 500 14 723 14 1 92 11 '31 8 *6 5 602 11 665 16 627 11 274 20 455 10 796 13 761 18 Total Organisms. . Total Genera . 26 8 101 13 116 11 34 6 37 10 121 9 168 12 489 14 889 21 243 12 449 it |848' sss 1 10 19 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FRO.M HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR; GATE HOUSE. Table 12. Bacteria ...... Meteorological Statistics. Rainfall in inches | week preceding f Date......... j Mean temperature week ending . . I Con Dec 12 42l 8911 308 202 115 341 505 485 Liq • 47 19 .00 Jan l6 .16 Jan 23 Fell 20 .66 13 440 430 88 203 1.30 .76 -59 Apl 20 27 3 40U Apl 17 120 210 Apl 24 .08 112 1.40 May 77 40 2.81 May 22 35° 29°.29° 31° 27° 34° 35° 37° 35042°42°470 47° 460 53° 54° 60° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 78° 75° 74° 70o 73O 73° 73°! 7qQ | 690 68° 60 52 50 260 1-74 JUD 65 ....... 501500 •541-73 Jun I Jun 19 •754-37 Julyjjuly IO; I? 3-91 July 24 70 3.12 2.24 July 31 Aug 7 800 700100001 8001700 1.06.86 Aug 14 1-35 2.00 An- !Sept Sept 18 100 1.17 Oct. 2 In addition to the. oigar ella, Cymbella, Eunotia, Kp t'oelastruin, Conferva, l)esn lirtnes—Anurea, Rotifer, is tabulated above as Recurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. in anyone sampl*, the following were also found : Diatoms— Amphiprora, Amphora, Asterionella, Cyclot- '<■<•»»■ —Anabaena Clathrocystis, Microcystis, Oscillaria ; Alga'—Arthrodesmus, Hotrycoccus, Chlorococus, Closterium, hernia, Gomphonema, Meridion, Surirella; Cyanophyce iklium, Pandorina, Micrasterias, Ulothrix, Zygnema ; lihizopoda— Actinophrys, Euglypha ; Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Euglena, Glenodinum, Trachelomonas, Mallomonas"- 1'riarthra ; Crustacea—Cyclops, Daphnia, Acarina ; Sponge spicules. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR ; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table 334 1897 May 18 6o° 3 380 May 25 58° 157 "36 22 12 47 26 9 1 17 8 5 *3 4 463 J'ne 8 54° 22 10 5" J'ne 15 S8° 3 685 Aug 10 6o° 6 728 Aug 17 io 77i Aug 24 6o° 10 911 Sep 29 56° 19 "i 7 5 9 8 12 Cyanophyccje........................ 1 2 "3 1 1 1 3 "2 1 '*3 3 8 7 17 7 12 7 1 26 8 10 5 5 2 '9 6 1.82 16 23 6 22 ~7 22 7 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM HEMPSTEAD STORAGE RESERVOIR ; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria, Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding. ........ 2.81 Date....... ....................... | Mean temperature week ending........... 2600 500 3800 420 2000 3600 22000 2.81 ■95 •54 1-73 1.06 .86 1-3S May May J'ne J'ne Aug Aug Aug 22 29 12 19 M 21 28 6o° 6o° 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 1000 1.17 Sept 4 690 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SCHODACK BROOK: GATE (Parts per 100,000). Date of Col- lection 1897 Feb 15 Mar Apl 127 155 182 212 237 261 291 320 3521 3771 401 429 May 460 487 53i 576 June 2 611 S (>59; x5 707 July 16 719 20 745• 27 773A»S - 815 858 901 938! 30 983 Sept 14 1041■ 29 23 ;8° 56° 57° 59° 54° 55° r.90 (,2° ()<)° 59° 0o° APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 24; <>«> ()Ou - .0 sl. turb, si. turb. sl. turb clear. ., clear... clear... clear. .. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v slight none . . v. slight v. slight v. slight sl. veg. sl. veg. none .. none .. none .. none ., none Color slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight cons. .. slight slight.. slight v. slight none . . normal . sl. straw normal . sl. straw sl. straw normal . normal . 0.09 o. 10 0.15 o. 12 0.15 0.12 O. 12 o. 10 0.07 Cold dist. veg & disagr'ble.. faintly veg & unpl'sant dist. veg & unpleasant dist.veg & disagr'ble.. faintly veg & unpl'sant dist. veg & disagr'ble . dist. veg & unpleasant faintly veg & diagr'ble faintly veg & unpl'sant faintly veg & disagr'ble AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Total ki-.Mi HLf, EVAI'DKA'l v e S? = c c Ni- Ni 1- 0 trites trates 0 ° 0 T. tal = U 0032 0024 0030 0042 0036 0040 0046 0036 ...................' .0040 ...................j-w)44 none.............! .0024 sl. marshy.......... [. 004S sl. marshy........ . .0048 sl. marshy.........j. 0054 none ............ 1.002S sl. marshy..........!. 002S none...............!. 0060 si. marshy ..........;. 006-1 dist. veg.......... dist. veg........... decid. veg......... dist. veg............ dist. veg......... dist veg.......... dist. veg .......... faintly veg & disagr'ble faintly veg & disagr'ble j .0052 faintly veg & unpl'sant .003 .0032 .0062 .0114 .003S .0034 .0028 .0058 0056 .0048 .0060 . 0040 .0038 .0034 . 0316 .0079 .0019 .0032 .0161 .0061 .0(192 .0207 • oi 30 .0082 .0092 .OIK) .OI2I .OI22 .00SS .0156 .0076 .0076 .0074 .0080 .0076 .0104 .0054 0076 0068 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO . OOOO ,0000 . OOOO ,0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .1785 .1792 .1787 .1859 .1699 .2438 .1856 .1699 • 1367 .1446 .1792 .1360 .1690 • 1332 .1294 .2118 ■ 1350 .1429 0000: 0008 00621.0012 0072) .0008 00621.0014 0102 .0002 0054, .0000 .0003 ... .0005 .0500 .0002 .0650 (). .0005 .055<)!o. .0004 .04500, .0005 .04700. .0007 .0500,0. 2 6 13 OOOI .06000. 12 0005l.0550j0.16 ooool. 0700 0.05 30 80 2.20 4 2.30 3-00 6. 2.30 2.20 1.90 2.20 1.70 1.60 2.10 .70 I (). 4 0. 90. 40. 3Jo. 4.0. IiO. .60 .60 •55 .70 .60 . 70, ■H 5 .70 .(>=>■ .6^1 .65 .65 .60! .60! ,65| .701 ■59 .69 .(,4 .02 .64 .64 (>(> 64 (>2 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SCHODACK BROOK; GATE. (No. per c. c.) Table Number........... Date of Collection •] Temperature...... 66 1897 Feb 10 69 Feb 15 83 Mch 1 114 Mch 22 136 Mch 30 156 Apl 5 186 Apl 12 209 Apl 20 244 Apl 28 272 May 4 580 4 307 May 12 560 (i 336 May 18 57° 4 382 May 25 59° 8 430 J'ne 2 54° 1 465 J'ne 8 55° 6 513 J'ne 15 68° 2 547 July 8 640 4 579 July 11) 59' July 20 68° 12 617 July 27 59° 3 645 Aug 3 68° 7 687 Aug 10 58° 6 730 Aug 17 "9 773 Aug 24 6o° 4 810 Aug 30 62° 5 851 Sept 14 6o° 7 909 Sept 29 Diatoniacesv Asterionella...... 4 17 9 4 8 8 5 8 17 12 54 6 •• 6 6 9 6 Melosira ........ 5 6 Navicula........ 1 8 10 2 9 Tabellaria....... 6 Cyanophycesi' .. 1 1 1(1 16 28 28 6 6 19 17 2 "i 5 5 ] 1 Oscillaria ...... 1 AlS;v............. 1 5 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 (I ° • 1 3 9 9 8 8 3 Closterium....... 5 7 1 6 3 Funyi............ 4 1 0 0 1 17 8 2 "i 1 1 1 "3 3 2 3 17 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 ] Total Organisms . . . 8 3 31 8 8 6 8 3 8 3 8 5 10 6 21 7 5 3 7 5 7 4 12 7 14 8 22 5 2-i 9 8 6 20 t 19 8 54 6 29 6 12 4 14 5 11 5 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SCHODACK BROOK ; GATE. Table 14 Bacteria......... Meteorological Statistics Rain-fall in inches \ week preceding \ Date ........... Mean temperature week ending 355 380 210 390 2sr> .82 1.11 •56 .76 •59 Feb Feb Mch Mch Apl 13 20 6 27 3 33° 34° 35° 420 420 jiq. 300 800 200 1100 .28 1.84 1.00 .08 1.40 ^.pl Apl 10 i 17 Apl 24 May 1 May 8 47° 47° 460 53° 54° 1300 800 • 35 2.81 May: May 15 22 6o°| 6o° 490 •95 May 29 6o° 400 1.64 J'ne 5 620 600 •54 J'ne 12 6i° 200 i-73 J'ne 19 •75 July 10 780 4-37 July 17 75° 1000 500 400 2900 600 3-91 3.12 2.24 1.06 .81 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 3600 i-35 Aug 28 700 400 2800 2.00 Sept 4 690 Sept 18 200 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the genera tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C, the following were also found . Diatoms -Cymbella, Meridion, Curirella. Caano- phjieea- -Oscillaria. Algtv -Cosmarium, Desmidium, Pediaslrum, Protococcus, Scenedesmus, Staurastrum, Spirogyra. Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Dinobryon, Euglena, Monas Peridinium, Synura, Glenodinium. Vermes—Anguillula. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM HEMPSTEAD (DE MOTT S) POND; GATE HOUSE. (Parts per 100,000 ) No. 40 55 7i 121 128 156 181 211 238 262 292 3*9 353 378 402 430 461 488 532 577 612 660 708 720 746 774 816 859 902 939 984 1040 Date of Col- lection 1896 Dec. 16 1897 Jan Feb Mch Apl May June July Am APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 580 sl. turb. 630 sl. turb, 640 65 630 64 7i 10 77u 17 24 72° 3° 78u Sept 14 73u 29 6o° sl. turb sl. turb clear ., clear.. , clear.. . v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight sl. veg. none. .. 1. veg.. none ... none... none... Color none,. . normal.. sl. straw. normal.. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. normal.. slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. v. slight v. slight slight.. slight.. slight slight ODOR Cold 0.05 o.35 0.20 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.25 o. 17 O. 12 faintly veg........ dist. veg.. ........ dist. veg........... dist. veg. & unpleasant faintly veg. & unpl't dist. veg. & grassy.. dist. veg. & marshy. v. faintly veg. ..... v. faintly veg...... v. faintly veg..... none..... sl. marshy. none...... none..... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. none . ... sl. marshy. AMMONIA faintly veg........... faintly veg. & grassy. . dist. veg. & unpleasant faintly veg........... faintly veg. & unpl't.. dist. veg. & unpleasant dist. veg. & marshy .. faintly veg.......... faintly veg.......... faintly veg.......... ,0048 .0042 .0028 .0038 .0026 .0024 .0026 .0018 .0022 .0012 .0014 . 0004 .0018 .0000 .0008 .0000 .0040 .0000 .0004 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 0008 0008 0062 0006 0012 0010 001 o 0014 0006 0012 ALBUMINOID .0060 .0062 .0060 .OO66 .0082 .0070 .OO76 .OO86 .0074 .0074 .OO86 .OIOO .OO66 .OO86 .0172 .0150 ■OI75 0132 .0236 .0205 .OI75 .0205 .0275 .0216 .0202 .0242 .0226 .OI88 .OI58 .01^2 .OI66 .0166 .0120 Nitrogen as Ni- trites .0210 .0016 OI76 .0012 .OI481.OOIO . OI 5 2' . ()(>O0 .Ol66j .OOOO ,OI48|.OOl8 .OIl6| .0004 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO Ni- trates ■ 0454 .0542 .0801 .0958 .0802 .0886 • 0555 .0644 .0641 .0814 .0812 • 0571 .0562 •0577 .0569 •°E,76 • 0379 .0306 .0244 .0123 .0494 .0288 .0082 .0050 .0050 .0030 .0050 .0000 .0000 .0030 .0000 .0050 S.B o 43 0.25 0.22 0.18 0.13 0.24 0.20 O.II RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION Total 5-3Q 5-20 50 70 90 O o 2.80 2.90 70 70 Fix- ed 2.50 3-20 1.30 1.70 CIO 1.40 1.60 1.20 1.00 60 Iron ■65 80. Sjo " o. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM DE MOTT'S POND; GATE HOUSE . (No. p< :r c. < :•) Table Number.......... Date of Collection ■< Temperature. ... . Diatomacese..... 15 1896 Dec 30 rO c n 4 47 1897 Feb 1 13 6 82 Mch 1 333 20 173 127 1 18 5 93 Mch 8 11 115 Mch 22 1.") 137 Mch 30 155 Apl 5 187 Apl 12 1 210 Apl 20 23 245 Apl 28 54° 5 273 May 4 58° 10 308 May 12 630 3 337 May 18 640 8 383 May 25 650 6 431 J'ne 2 630 10 5 466 J'ne 8 640 11 514 J'ne 15 f 0 in 548 July 8 830 36 3i 580 July 15 8i° 4 592 July 20 77° 3 618 July 27 73° .) 646 Aug 3 77° 3 688 Aug IO 77° 14 14 731 Aug 17 "l7 n 774 Aug 24 720 11 IO 811 Aug 30 70° 5 852 Sept 14 73° P 908 Sept 29° 60 11 6 6 10 1 2 12 9 i 1 9 1 1 "a "l 1 5 Cyauophyceii' .... Aljra*....... Arthrodesmus.... 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 8 8 31 28 9 6 Fungi............ 1 2 2 61 61 1 33 15 15 19 27 1 Rhizopoda...... 1 3 Infusoria........ 207 207 3 10 6 4 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 8 29 5 16 21 12 15 Dinobyron Cases. 9 12 5 "l5 10 IO 13 "33 r i 5 0 26 7 9 13 47 7 IO 6 2 33 8 15 6 9 J4 13 5 2 560 17 1 13 7 19 Vermes......... 4 46 9 *67 6 "40 6 27 1 1 Total Organisms. .. 14 6 29 8 4 1 1 1 4 2 27 8 7 4 12 4 6 4 30 6 26 10 58 8 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM DE MOTT'S POND; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c. c) Table Bacteria..... 171 128 320 470 280 118 420 400 280 164 115 270 500 250 180 3000 180 220 300 500 900 500 500 400 600 1fl0 Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches \ week preceding J Date..........| .10 .98 • 56 .66 .76 •59 .28 1.84 1.00 .08 1.40 • 35 2.81 •95 1.64 •54 i-73 •75 4-37 3-91 3.12 2.24 1.06 .86 1-35 2.00 .00 1.17 Jan 2 Feb 6 Mch 6 Mch 13 Mch 27 Apl 3 Apl IO Apl 17 Apl 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 J'ne 5 J'ne 12 J'ne 19 July IO July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 Oct 2 Mean temperature ) week ending.' ) 29° 27° 35° 37° 42° 42° 47° 47° 46° 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 78° 75° 74° 70° 73° 73° 73° 70° 69° 68° 6o° In addition to the genera tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. in any sample, the following were also found : Diatoms—Amphora, Cyclotella, Cymbella. Epithemia, Eunotia, Meridion, Navicula, Synedra, Stauroneis, Pleurosigma ; Cyanophycea; -Clathrocystis, Oscillaria ; Alga- Chlorococcus, Closterium, Cosmarium Dictyosphaerium, F.uastrum. Pediastrura, Staurastrum, Ulothrix, Spirogyra, Zygnema: Ithizopoda—Difflugia; Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Euglena, Monas, Trachelomonas; Vermes—Anurea, Polyartha, Rotifer : Sponge spicules CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM PINE'S POND ; OVERFLOW. (Parts per 100,(300.) No. Date of Col- lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Cold AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates 0° RESIDUE ON I EVAPORATION Total j if Fix- ed 263 Mar 22 203 318 Apl 354 379 403 431 May 462 4S9 533 578 613 661 25 June 2 709 July 721 747, 775 Aug 817 860 903 940 9§5 1038 Sept 59' 630 65° 6( 64 sl. turb. sl turb. clear .. clear . clear .. 63°!clear .. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight none .. v. slight v. slight v. slight 15 7i° 16 780 20 75u 27 69" 2 75u IO 72° 17 24 68° 30 780 14 68° 29 58° sl. veg. none .. none .. none . none . none .. none .. slight.. v. slight slight.. cons. .. cons. • v. slight v. slight cons. .. v. slight v. slight none ... normal , sl. straw normal . sl. straw sl. straw sl. straw normal . 0.05 o. 10 0.17 0.12 O. 12 O.I2 O.08 O. 12 O.07 dist. veg............ dist. veg. & unpleasant dist. veg........ dist. veg .......... faintly veg........... faintly veg........... faintly veg......... v. faintly veg ....... v. faintly veg....... faintly veg......... none .... none..... none..... sl. marshy. none..... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. dist. veg......... faintly veg........... dist. veg......... faintly veg......... dist. veg........... faintly veg........... faintly veg. & marshy v. faintly veg......., v. faintly veg......, v. faintly veg........ 0014 0018 0010 0004 0014 OOOO 0000 .0000 .0000 ocoo .0000 ,0000 0004 .0004 .0006 .0062 .0006 .0026 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0012 .0006 .0300 .0112 .0085 .0221 .0061 .0110 .0160 .0340 .0150 .0120 .0150 .0125 .0111 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO • OOOO .0000 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0144;... .OI52I. .0234J . .01621.0116 .0122! .0108 .0104 .0076 .0082 .0074 .0120 .0084 .0086 .0082 .0078 .0078 , 0046 .0014 .0028 . <)(.»>8 .0036 .0004 .OOOO .0001 .0003 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0001 .0005 .0001 .0001 1388 2044 1368 1808 1306 1811 1482 0906 0988 1318 1070 ,1149 .0350 .0400 .0320 0.32 0.24 5-50 6.30 2.40 4-30 3.10 6.20 4.70 .0400 o. 1 3 .0430! o. 16 .04000.13 .04500.13 .0530 0.12 .0600 0.08 r.50 . oo|.., .90 2.30 .50 1.80 3 .00 o. 70 4 . 90 1. So 4 .10 1.70 3 1-3013 1 • 80 3 o 60 I.4;0 70| I. IO 3o! i.ro IO, I.10 40 0.90 45\. ,69!. ,64|. .65 .0100 .64 j. 0070 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM PINE'S POND; INLET. (Parts per 100,000). No. 490 53-1 6ij 662 818 861 904 1039 Date of Col- lection May 18 25 June 8 15 Aug 10 17 24 Sept 29 APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 6o° 620 58° 66° sl turb. clear. .. clear.. . clear... 66° v. slight v. slight 630 v. slight 560 v. slight Sediment sl. veg. none.. . none... sl. veg. v. slight cons... v. slight v. slight normal.. sl. straw. sl. straw. normal.. 0.15 0.15 o. 14 o. 12 ODOR Hot AMMONIA faintly veg........... faintly veg........ faintly veg & marshy.. faintly veg & marshy.. sl, marshy...........j .0004 sl. marshy...........,. 0004 sl. marshy..........., .0032 sl. marshy..........j. 0020 dist. veg...........'.0016 faintly veg & marshy.. .0014 faintly veg & marshy.. .0020 faintly veg..........0034 ALBUMINOID .OIII .OIII .OO43 .OIIO .0112 .0102 .OO72 .0080 .0106 .0006 .0074' .0028 .0072} .OOOO .OO78! .0002 Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates se.e OOOO • 1397 OOOO • 1397 OOOO .1456 OOOO • 1383 0001 .0470 0001 .0450 0002 .0450 OOOO .0750 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.08 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION Total 5- OO I .70 3-30 O.I O.70 O.70 0.75 O.69 O.69 O.71 O.69 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OP WATER FROM PINE'S POND ; OVERFLOW. (No per c. c.) Table Date of Collection ■< M 1896 Dec 30 25 1897 Jan 13 59 Feb 5 100 Mch 15 138 Mch 30 154 Apl 5 188 Apl 12 *50 211 Apl 20 295 246 Apl 28 500 64 274 May 4 59° 309 May 12 63° 338 May 18 65° 1441 277 100 384 May 25 66° 402 39 432 J'ne 2 640 115 467 Jn'e 8 630 186 515 J'ne 15 7i° 24 549 July 8 780 21 581 July 16 780 12 593 July 20 75° 9 619 July 27 690 2 647 Aug 3 75° 6 689 Aug IO 720 10 732 Aug 17 "l 775 Aug 24 68° 8 812 Aug 30 780 1 853 Sept 14 68° 906 Sept 29 58° 82 25 64 3 12 11161214 3 13 30 4i 17 8 5 16 10 16 10 10 6 10 10 5 47 8 7 13 38 6 16 33 162 12 7 7 43 6 6 5 1100 10 1200 6 1042 353 in 170 9 1 15 15 8 "3 Algx............ 2 2 1 5 7 2 4 14 10 2 ' 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 "*4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 8 8 2 3 1 Infusoria ....... 1 1 3 6 68 12 6 24 6 '7 1468 U 157 104 53 564 9 40 27 6 7 157 8 1 67 11 34 22 1 260 14 "11 7 "i 12 8 114 13 13 8 4 2 4 11 5 Dinobryon Cases. 52 "3 1°37 "lO 29 83 5 125 10 9 5 "2 12 7 13 9 1 1 4 3 Total Organisms. .. Total Genera "4 85 8 25 6 67 11 3 1 19 9 Ji3 1 312 15 72 8 1188 5 37 9 37 7 24 5 20 6 23 13 ^6 9 5 15ACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM PINE'S POND; OVERFLOW. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria........ Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches \ week preceding J Date.........i Mean temperature ) week ending. . . ) 502 Jan 2 29° 525 Jan 16 29c 915 .32 Feb 6 270 440 1.30 Mch 20 35° 195 •59 Apl 3 420 300 .28 Apl 10 47° Apl 17 47° 1200 3000 Apl May 24 I 46° 53° 700 1.40 May 8 54° 900 •35 May 15 6o° 90 2.81 May '22 6o° 155 ■95 May 29 6o° 140 1.64 J'ne 5 620 5500 90 54 1-73 J'ne 12 6i° J'ne 19 68° 300 500 800 800 400 1600 700 700 •75 4-37 3-91 3.12 2.24 1.06 .86 1-35 2.00 .00 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 780 75° 74° 700 73 73° 73° 700 690 68° 600 1.17 Oct 2 6o° ; 7T- ~. foK„,Q.^ ,hove as occurrinc in quantities of five or more organisms per c. c. in any one sample, the following were also found : Diatoms—Amphora. In add.uon to the genera^tabula ted above^» »l ^n//n^ , ,, .„._AnabaenaKCialhroc)Stis, Oscillaria: Alga- -Co>marium. Protococcus, Kuastrum. Scenedesmus. Stau- ra0strum.'s,^ *»^™> ^enod.niutn, Synura, Trachelomonas, Uvella, Uroglena; IVrw.e—Anurea, Polyar.ha. Rotifer ; Fungi-Mold^. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM PINE'S POND ; INLET. (No. per c.c.) Table 339 1897 May 18 6o° 9^ 385 May 25 62° 161 468 J'ne 8 58° 28 516 J'ne 15 66° 20 16 1 "l 5 690 Aug 10 66° 5 *8(> 733 Aug 17 "io 8 "l 5 5 "8 776 Aug 24 650 26 16 8 "l "l 907 Sept 29 56° 13 7 82 158 5 12 "l 1 4 2 Fungi.......................... Infusoria ......................... 8 73 58 8 1 79 7 2 87 5 105 9 236 7 *29 7 27 7 1 25 9 '28 6 'i-i 6 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM PINE'S POND ; INLET. (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria.................... . Meteorogical Statistics Rain-fall in inches week preceding . Date.......................... Mean temperature week ending.... 150 194 8400 Lost 2600 1400 2400 2.81 •95 •54 i-73 1.06 .86 1-35 May May J'ne J'ne Au^ Aug Aug 22 29 12 19 14 21 28 6o° 6o° 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 1000 1.17 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND; OUTLET. (Parts per 100.000.) Date of Col- lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment Cold Hot AMMONIA Free ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates RESIDUE ON EVAPORA TIOX •S Fix 1897 Jan 20 Eeb 1 Mar Apl May June 8 15 July 16 20 27 Aug 2 10 17 24 30 Sept 14 29 58° 6o° 630 640 59° 620 6 70 75° 68° 630 760 670 68° 720 650 56° clear. . . sl. turb. sl. turb clear. .. clear.. . clear... clear. . slight none... slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight none. none. sl. veg none.. none. . none.. none.. none.. none.. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight /. slight v. slight slight slight slight none.... normal . sl. straw. normal . normal . sl. straw. sl. straw. normal . 0.20 0.10 0.17 0.12 o. 12 0.12 O. 12 O.IO 0.05 dist. veg & sweetish. dist. veg..... ..... dist. veg.......... dist. veg & aromatic. faintly veg ....... faintly veg........ v. faintly veg...... faintly veg...... faintly veg...... faintly veg......... none...... sl. marshy. none...... si. marshy. none...... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. dist veg dist. veg .... dist. veg..... faintly veg , . faintly veg .. faintly veg ... v. faintly veg. faintly veg ... v. faintly veg. faintly veg.... .0008 .0012 .0028 .0022 .0020 .0004 .0018 .0014 .0010 .0020 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0010 .0014 .0004 .0022 .0066 .0072 .0008 0014 .0010 .0002 .0012 .0006 .0108 .0084 .0074 .0094 .0058 .0096 0054 .0044 .0040 .0148 .0060 .0135 .0124 .0185 .0120 .0085 .OIOO .0136 .0096 .0078 .0176 .0128 .0086 .0072 .0058 .0066 .0114 .0068 .0126 .0128 0086 .0072 0056 .0066 .0110 0068 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .ooco .0000 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0000 .OOOO . OOOO . OOOO . OOOO 0050 0000 OOOO OOC >o 0002 0000 0004 OOOO . ()OO0 . 0001 .0001 OOOI .0001 .0001 .0001 .0002 .OOOI .OOOO 0982 0978 1318 0970 1631 1397 1879 1471 1886 1383 1318 1482 "53 0988 IOI2 1400 0986 .1224 . 0200 .04500.15 .0330I0.I8 .03500.16 .04000.15 .03700.16 4.60 7.90 6.40 6.50 5.40 6.00 5-io 4.60 5.00 .03500.12 4.9011.603.30 .05000.10 4 40.1.10 3.301 1 .06000.06. 4.oo'i.6013.30 o 2.30 5-40 3.80 3.60 2.30 2.50 2.60 .90 2.40 3.60 1.60 3. 50 1.40 3.20 1.90 4.00 .601. 65!. .65'. .601. •7o|. • 70,. .65|, .65;. .6o:. .70 , .60 •75 .70 .65 .70 .70 ■65 ■65 . 0.61 1 0.56 0.59 4 o. 60 9 o. 64 90.64 I 0.64 1 0.65 60.61 ,90.61 NOTE—Samples numbered 56, 72 and 122 were collected from the centre of the pond. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND; INLET. (Parts per ioo.ooo.) No. Date of Col- lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity ODOR Cold Hot AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates RESIDUE ON •o EVAPORATION Z p ^3 <= c O c O o O Total 3* ed 180 2IO 491 535 615 663 819 862 9°5 1037 1897 Mch 1 8 May 18 25 June 8 15 Aug 10 17 24 Sept. 29 630 630 6o° 670 670 63° sl. turb. clear.. clear... clear. v. slight v. slight none... none none none normal.. normal.. sl. straw. sl. veg.. normal 56°|none. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.07 sl. veg ... sl. marshy. none...... sl. marshy. faintly veg.......... faintly veg.......... faintly veg........... faintly veg. &unpleas't faintly veg... faintly veg... faintly veg. faintly veg.. , 0CI8 .0078 0024 .0034 000 .0240 0004 .0096 0014 .0076 0018 • 0157 0016 .0132 0012 .0070 0014 .0066 0012 .0058 0072 0068 0064 0058 .0060 0002 .0002 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI . 000c 0973 1463 0988 1067 1059 1138 ,04500.16 04500.14 ,03700. IO 06000.05 14.70 6.50 3.70 1.60 4.90 0.9 I. 0.9 I.I 0.9 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND; OUTLET. (No. per c. c.) Table Number............... 48 1897 Feb 1 139 Mch 30 153 Apl 5 189 Apl 12 212 Apl 20 247 Apl 28 52° 13 275 May 4 58° 356 310 May 12 6o° 111 34i May 18 630 393 387 May 25 640 48 433 J'ne 2 59° 54 470 J'ne 8 62° 18 5i8 J'ne 15 67° 11 550 July 8 76° 15 6 582 July 15 75° 10 594 July 20 68° 7 620 July 27 630 2 648 Aug 3 76° 3 692 Aug 10 670 11 735 Aug 17 "4 778 Aug 24 68° 5 813 Aug 30 720 1 854 Sept 14 65° 3 Date of Collection. .. -J 904 Sept 29 56° 4 29 18 4 9 96 13 8 12 25 24 8 6 15 5 5 15 5 3 8 334 5 108 374 13 46 5i 14 9 8 7 Cyanophycese........ 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 14 7 7 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 5 1 8 4 31 28 28 25 1 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 6 5 30 1 Total Organisms..... Total Genera ..... 29 7 26 11 4 4 9 5 103 13 15 6 364 6 111 2 398 8 78 5 85 5 14 3 15 3 12 4 17 3 22 5 5 5 15 1 5 3 10 5 8 4 i 5 3 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND; OUTLET. (No.perc.c.) Table Bacteria. Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for ) "3 930 400 340 400 240 1350 700 250 240 1953700 130 600 300 500 11000 800 600 700 800 .98 •59 .28 1.84 1.00 .08 1.40 •35 2.81 •95 1.64 •54 i-73 •75 4-37 3.91 3-12 2.24 1.06 .86 1-35 2.00 .oc Feb 6 Apl 3 Apl IO Apl 17 Apl 24 May I May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 J'ne 5 J'ne 12 J'ne *9 July IO July 17 July 24 July 3i Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 270 420 47° 47° 460 53° •54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 780 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 690 68° week preceding Date................| Mean temperature for [ week ending ......\__ In addition to the genera tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. in any one sampk- the following were also found: Diatoms—Ast. n,,- nella Cyclotella, Cymbella, Fragilarirf, Uomphonema, Meridion. Nitzschia; Cyanophyceee—Oscillaria ; Algw—Conferva. Cosmarium, Pandorina, IV jia-trum, Scenedes- mus Staurastrum; Infusoria—Cryptomonas, Glenodinium, Monas, Uvella, Uroglena ; Vermes—Anguillula, Polyartha ; Sponge spicules. 500 1.17 Oct 2 6o° MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table 340 1897 May 18 630 300 386 May 25 630 89 6 82 469 J'ne 8 6o° 11 9 2 517 J'ne 15 670 6 691 Aug 10 700 734 Aug 17 "2 1 777 Aug 24 68° 2 905 Sept 29 56° 8 Melosira............................. 298 6 6 6 Rhizopoda....... ................. "5 18 7 1 1 '"s 5 5 42 38 135 7 6 6 6 1 2 "5 3 1 "3 2 1 311 4 "9 3 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TANGLEWOOD POND INLET. (No. per c. c ) Table Bacteria............................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding......... Date ,................................. -I Mean temperature week ending ........... 150 260 20000 1100 13C0 200 900 2.81 •95 • 54 r-73 1.06 .86 1-35 May Ma) J'ne J'ne Aug Aug Aug 22 29 12 19 M 21 28 6o° 6o° 6i° 68° 73° 73° 700 400 1.17 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S POND; PUMPING STATION. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection f) 41 57 73 123 129 158 179 209 240 265 4<>5 433 ?37 5 So 617 665 7H 723 749 777 821 864 907 942 987 1034 295 316 356 381 464 493 1896 Dec 16 1897 'eb Mar Apl 28 May 4 25 June 15 July 16 77° 20 73u 27 68u Aug 2 75° 10 73u 17 24 7ou 3° 70° Sept 14 68u 29 57° Mch Apl May APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 570 sl. turb. 640 69 6i' 68° 6i° 630 clear clear clear clear v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight slight slight v. slight slight slight Color Cold AMMONIA Nitrogen as V P X c °<5 RK.SIDL'K O.N EVAPORATION c •a a X Free ALUl'MINOID Ni-trites Ni-trates Total 5 = Fix-ed U Total D O S m = c " 1 c 5.2 in" c u 1— '-I. none none none none none v. slight slight.. cons. slight.. slight slight slight v. slight v. slight v. slight sl. turb. clear .. none none none . .. normal.. normal. . sl. straw. sl. straw. normal.. 0.20 0.12 0.17 straw straw dist. veg. & mouldy . dist. veg........... dist. veg........... dist. veg. & earthy .. faintly veg. & grassy faintly veg......... faintly veg......... faintly veg......... faintly veg........ faintly veg........ marshy none .... sl. marshy. sl. marshy none .... sl. marshy. dist. veg............ dist. veg.......... dist. veg......... dist. veg. & earthy.... dist. veg........... faintly veg.......... faintly veg......... faintly veg........ v. faintly veg. & mouldy faintly veg.......... none . none . 0008 .0056 0024 0024 ,0024 0026 ,0024 .0020 ,0028 ,0018 ,0018 ,0018 ,0004 ,0012 ,0008 ,0000 ,0006 ,0024 .0008 0038 0076 0062 0036 0018 0022 .0006 ,0012 .0030 .0050 .0050 • 0054 .0062 .0026 .0080 .0054 .0050 .0096 .0110 .0091 .0183 .0082 .0120 .0119 .0221 .0062 .0128 .0206 .0160 .0130 .0104 .0098 .0108 .0112 .0098 0018 .0086 0016 .0076 0004j. 0156 oor2' .0128 0004(.0236 0000 .0115 .0190 .0160 .0128 .0094 .0086 .0102 .0108 .0084 0016 OOOO 0002 OOIO OOI2 0006 0004 0014 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOI .OOOI .0001 .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0982 .1051 . 1051 • 1133 .1213 .1298 . 1219 .0965 .1056 .1220 • 0973 .0903 . 1061 .0652 ■ 1235 • 0571 .0886 0270 0170 0180 0170 0250 0250 0330 .0230 0250 ,1303 , 1140 ■ 1233 . 1061 .0985 • 1235 0.24 0.26 0.21 O.II 0.16 O.I 0.14 0.15 .70 4.40 I.40 4.20 6.20 6.00 3-70 4.00 4.80 5-io 4.90 4-30 5-50 4.40 4.80 4.90 5.60 2.80 3-00 1.50 2.70 2.50 2.20 2.80 1.4 0.9 3-70 3-50 3.10 4.10 3-20] 0.9 3.60 1.4 3.80 0.8 Note.—Sam pies numbered 295, 316, 356, 381, 464 and 493 were collected from the tap in the pumping station. All the other samples were collected from the pump-well. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S POND; WEST INLET. (Parts No. Date of Col- lection Tem. APPEARANCE 494 May 18 6o° 538 25 650 822 Aug 10 68° 865 17 908 24 66° 1035 Sept 29 55° Tur- bidity sl. turb. clear .. v. slight v. slight v. slight none Sediment Color none .. none .. slight., slight.. v. slight cons... normal . normal . o. 12 0.23 0.14 0.07 Cold ODOR faintly veg ...... faintly veg......... faintly \eg & disag'ble v. faintly veg....... Hot none..... sl. marshy. faintly veg ... faintly veg.. . . faintly veg ... v. faintly veg AMMONIA .OOOO .0004 ,0038 ,0016 ,0016 0012 ALBUMINOID .OO95 .0071 .0106 .OO66 .O064 OO74 O a in.S OI02 0062 0064 0060 1-1 a. Nitrogen as Ni- trites ,0004 .0004 .OOOO 0014 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0002 .OOOI .OOOO Ni- trates RESIDUE ON •0 KVAPORATION m blB a a 0 § 0 *■ a Fix- ^6 1 otal ed X O .1070 ,0285 0430 ,0400 0430 0550 0.16 0.23 o. 14 0.06 5-4Q 5-50 1.50 1.40 3-9° 4.10 .6; .60 0.9 .61 0.9 .61 I. I .64 0.8 .64 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S POND ; EAST INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) 618 666 June 8 570 sl. turb. 15 640 clear .. sl. veg..\normal. none .. normal. none...............0006 sl. marshv..........0022 .0119 .0108 .0000 .0489 .ooooj .0475 .60 .60 Number. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S PUMPING STATION ; TAP. (No.perc.c.) Table Date of Collection -J Temperature.. Diatomacese..... Cymbella....... Eunotia........ Melosira ....... Navicula...... Tabellaria...... Synedra........, Pleurosigma.... Cyanophycea*___ Algae........... Fungi........... Rhizopoda....... Infusoria....... Dinobryon ..... Dinobryon Cases Monas........, Vermes.......... Total Organisms... Total Genera..... 13 Dec 30 3i Jan 15 17 44 Jan 22 15 60 Feb 5 92 Mar 13 116 Mar 22 40 140 Mar 30 1(3 75 152 Apl 5 10 190 Apl 12 213 Apl 20 24 102 14 248 Apl 28 54° 61 6 31 7 9 6 276 May 4 57° 323 10 284 1 396 11 3u May 12 6i° 251 242 342 May 18 630 356 4i 5 299 5 1 9 10 6 261 9 366 8 388 May 25 64° 31 19 434 J'ne 2 59° 10 32 20 14 47i J'ne 8 6i° 16 29 12 30 519 J'ne 15 68° 18 55i July 8 76° 10 583 July 16 77° 12 595 July 20 73° 31 38 621 July 27 68° 62 10 649 Aug 3 75° 4 693 Aug 10 73° 3 736 Aug 17 "*2 779 Aug 24 700 19 11 814 Aug 30 74° 2 855 Sept 14 68° 13 902 Sept 29 57° 13 5 2(i BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S PUMPING STATION ; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Bacteria ....... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches { week preceding j Date............\ Mean temperature 1 week ending/ 360 550 •03 Jan Jan 2 16 29°i 290 1200 398 2.18 •32 Jan 23 Feb 6 3i° 27° 7000 .66 Mar 13 37° 360 250 • 76 •59 Mar Apl 27 3 42° 42° 400 .28 Apl 10 47° 400 1.84 Apl 17 47° 2600 1.00 Apl 24 46° 170 .08 May 1 5j 1700 1.40 May 8 54° 1400 180 •35 2.81 May 15 May 22 6o° 6o° 900 •95 May 29 6o° 220 1.64 J'ne 5 620 Lost • 54 J'ne 12 6i° 180 i-73 J'ne 19 68° •75 July IO 780 4-37 July 17 75° 700 3.91 July 24 74° 700 3-12 July 31 700 1400 2.24 Aug 7 73° 400 1.06 Aug 14 73° 1000 900 600 1300 ■86li.35 2.00 .00 Aug Aug 21 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 73° 70° 690 68° Table 400 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the genera tabulated above as occurring in quantities of five or more per C C, in any one sample, the following were also found 7>,Vi/n*„ <• a.k„ .u a . Epithemia, Gomphonema, Meridion, Nitzschia, Surirella; Cyanophycea-—Anabaena. Clath.ocvsiis, Oscillaria: .-IV^r—Conferva Closterium rn^r,,m c"A™Mn,h*s' Amphora. Cyclotella, Raphidium, Scenedesmus, Staurastrum, Spirogyra, Z>gnema; Jt/iizopoda-Acl\nopbrys : Infusoria-Eug\cna, Glenodinium, Peridinium Synura- Vermes An p , 'th d°^?CCUS' Pandorl'na MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S POND. (No. per c.c.) Table Number Date of Collection Temperature .... Diatomacese.., Eunotia ...... Melosira...... Synedra ..... Tabellaria .... Cyanophyceae. Algae ......... Desmidium . .. Fungi........ Infusoria ... . Dinobryon...... Yermes ....... Total Organisms. Total Genera.... East Inlet 343 1897 May 18 6o° 301 299 312 6 389 May 25 30 24 472 J'ne 8 57° 167 22 42 93 189 12 520 J'ne 15 690 28 29 West Inlet 694 Aug 10 68° 1 737 Aug 17 780 Aug 24 66° 8 903 Sept 29 56° 10 5 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SMITH'S POND. (No.perc.c.) Table Bacteria................ ................. Meteorological Statistics Rain-fall in inches week preceding.................. Date........................................... -j Mean temperature week ending..................... East Inlet 190 2.81 May 22 6o° 210 •95 Ma\ 29 6o° 2200 .54 J'ne 12 6i° 165 I; 73 J'ne IQ 68° West Inlet liq. 600 1300 7000 1.06 .861.35 1.17 Aug Aug Aug Oct 14 21 28 2 73° 73° 70° 6o° OOOO C» C»vjm v| vl Ui vO en mmu coun to O to to vj vj 4^ i-i oocn O UJ C/3 > «—I •S a = 0* 0*.^«WlilU to to to M vj to vO Omvj4» i-iO P4^ O (XiuiUiOU O OOvJ 0 0<->i CO 4*. o>Oimoi M HU OOO 3 u ~ M n „ r, l . > OOOO ooooo <<333<<«3<< ' 'ooo..... uiui333U>uiuiuiui ^•—*rt rt rt ^ nt at nn —. orq crq • • • otq orq crq crq GrQ 3" 3"; • • ar a- s- a* 3" o OOOO o ■ £2. £2. 2. 2. 2. — rt rt rt rt rt " [0 ^ P P P c-r ■-t "i "i i-i i-t a 3 3 3 w 3 3 3 UlUlCTquiC/lUlUlUlUlul crq" crq" rtCrq" ui ui g p y ^ p &i si 51 •—* 3 3 | 3 3 3 3 [13 () p . p p J^t 5' 5* 3' jj. 3' 3 S- v^v^v^ 5'><"^* < rt rt rt >■< rt oi Cfq Crq orq < orq orq , » g • 71 p ' rt^ 3' a' r* rtPrtr»P_rtr-f- p ' EI E. I !"* v<5 >< 5y X - < < $• < < crq rt rt ^ rs m orq orq < orq jrq ■ 3 S ui3uiuiuiuiui3 r- g .-.-.- r-.- g qj rt [6 u m CT =1 Crq »q =t =t x Ul ui ui B* 3" OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO O O m m O O o O *- 4> J> O 4> O OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOO Client 004*, OOO O *in» OOOOOOOOOO OwwOOOi-iiHito 00m wvOOO to ooooo CO 0+1 C» CB g C» OOOOOOOOOOC mwioi-ii-ii-ii-iOi-'OC _ cou> en o oocn MvOOJvO^OvO cooovjo to o coihw ffw m 11 h m> ~ CO 11 en to OOOOOOO- O i-i O O O O 1-1 • 00 O 0O>C OOvO 1-1 • OO tO P4> OOCM» b b b b o o o ■ OOOOOOO' 5 O to O O O O ' Q 00 00 to O O J* ' OOOOOOO OOOOO" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOOOO OOOO OOOOOOOOO iO vl vim C^V vl V M OenOOeoenOOO O OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO la Oi^n en O O*. ,] h H H HHHU i* o o o vi to-t*. to o o 000000 vj o IHMMMMMMMMI-tlHIHMMMMM O UJ O w UJ O M COOOO OOvO O O 1-1 o o vj 1- O tO COvI 4i 1-1 O 4* "vlvlvj NWW 04^0 COvO !-| loui4» to O m OO 1-1 —J ja. vj 4*. O O OO O04- 0000000 c c O O O 0"> o>c>c> ~ jiui4k 4a vO 0>0j0_4» — s 1-: 0 E > In Solu- G tion - 0 In Sus- 5 pension ~-z p % Oxygen Consumed c $2 Loss on Ignition >T Hardness Chlorine CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM VALLEY STREAM RESERVOIR; INLET. (Parts per ioo,ooo). No. 397 517 56i 629 677 832 875 918 1033 Date of Col- lection Tem. I897 Apl 23 May 20 27 June g 16 Aug 11 18 25 Sept 29 620 6i° 640 630 6i° 50° APPEARANCE Tur- bidity- clear . . clear .. sl. turb. clear .. v. slight none ... v. slight v. slight Sediment ODOR Cold Hot none .. sl. veg.. none .. sl. veg.. slight. slight.. cons. . . cons. . sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. 0.16 0.15 o. 14 O. 12 faintly veg. & unpleas't faintly veg.......... v. faintly veg. .. faintly veg..... sl. veg. .., sl. veg. ... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. faintly veg.... v faintly veg. faintly veg.. .. Jfaintly veg.... AMMONIA ALBUMINOID 0044 .0066 0018 .0162 0032 .0208 002c .0200 OOOO .0128 0018 .0076 0016 .0056 0020 .0108 0012 .0066 ,0066 0052 0054 Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates .OOIO .OOO4 .OO54 OO52 .OOI4 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OCOI OOOO .OOOI ,0000 • 1775 .1962 .1785 .1136 .1482 .0970 .0850 .1000 • 1350 n o. 17 O.IO 0.06 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION I a a 0 § 0 Total °be Fix-ed X O 7.00 6.70 6.20 3.20 2.30 1.90 3.80 4.40 4-30 1-4 1.6 1.6 1.4 •65 •65 .70 .65 .60 .66 .61 .64 .61 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM VALLEY STREAM RESERVOIR; GATE HOUSE. (No.perc.c.) Table Number......... Date of Collection Temperature....... Diatomacese .. Eunotia......... Gomphonema.... Melosira........ Meridion..... Navicula ....... Synedra......... Tabellaria....... Cyanophyceae ... Algae......... Protococcus.. .. Scenedesmus..... Fungi............ Infusoria........ Dinobryon Dinobryon Cases. Uroglena........ Vermes.......... Total Organisms... Total Genera 1896 Dec 28 o> 28 1897 Jan 14 *133 61 5 '*6 37 15 3 136 10 54 Feb 3 "80 26 82 Mch 2 *34 6 38 107 Mch 17 127 Mch 24 146 Mch 31 177 Apl 7 200 Apl 14 55° 228 Apl 23 58° 4 257 Apl 30 620 291 May 6 640 45 6 53 320 367 May 14 59° 6 May 20 66° 2 414 May 27 64° 24 45t J'ne 4 68° 5 J'ne 9 32 530 556 574 601 J'ne 16 74c July 9 82C July 15 75c 4 July 21 72C 627 660 July Aug 28 66° 7°3 Aug 11 720 1 746 Aug 18 789 Aug 25 700 3 860 900 Sept 15 700 1 Sept 28 59° 1 BACTERIAL E^II^TI^N OF WATeTTrOM VALLEY STREAM RESERVOIR; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria......... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches ) week preceding J Date............| Mean temperature { 1300 • 50 Jan 2 29f 1000 Jan 16 29' 1500 1.30 Feb 6 27° 2100 .06 Mch 6 35° 350 1.21 Mch 20 35° 460 1.22 Mch 27 42° 300 .it Apl 3 42< 200 185 .62 1.50 Apl IO Apl 17 47° 47° 125 • 49 Apl 24 461 64 .08 May 1 53° 280 1.4c May 8 54° 2200 2.94 May 15 6oQ 300 .87 May 22 6o° 130 •95 May 29 6o° 320 1.74 J'ne 5 620 Liq 110 600 6600 200 1000 200 800 800 100 1.18 •99 •75 4-37 2.21 2.42 2.31 1.14 • 58 1.50 .00 1.17 J'ne 12 J'ne 19 July IO July 17 July 24 July 3i Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 18 Oct 2 6i° 68° 780 75° 74° 7o° 73° 73° 73° 70° 68° 6o° week en ing... ) _______>____I----l_---"-----^_^;Tlh^-o7 more per C. C in any one sample, the following: were also found : Diatoms—Cyclotella. Nitzschia " In addition to the genera tabulated abo^s occurring in ^an^esj^rium, Desmidium, Dictyosphaerium, Raphidium, Spirogyra; rn/tMorta-Cryptomonas. Glenodinium, • Cwatio»fc»ce«-Anabaena, Microcystis. U »««» • ; h» us matter. Tabel- Monas, laria ; Cyuuophvce^^a^^^y^ —--Amorphous matter. Peridinium, Synura ; JPtingv — moius , MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM VALLEY STREAM POND; INLET. (No. per C. C.) Table Number Date of Collection. Temperature .... Diatomaceae .. Eunotia ...... Navicula..... Synedra...... Tabellara ... Cyanophyceae . Algae ........ Fungi......... Infusoria ..... Total Organisms Total Genera ... 368 1897 May 20 620 26 10 7 5 415 May 27 57° 44 7 483 J'ne 9 41 7 11 8 1 1 53i J'ne 16 640 12 704 Aug 11 650 747 Aug 18 790 Aug 25 6i° 26 19 901 Sept 29 50° 1 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM VALLEY STREAM POND; INLET. Table Bacteria....................... Meteorological Statistics Rainfall in inches for week preceding . Date........................... Mean temperature week ending....... 1500 450 400 100 1600 1500 900 .....1 .87 May 22 900 •95 May 29 6o° 1.18 J'ne 12 6i° •99 J'ne !9 68° 1.14 Aug 14 73° •58 Aug 21 73- 1.50 Aug 28 700 1.17 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S POND ; PUMPING STATION. (Parts per 100,000) No. 12 37 66 84 116 159 173 195 232 250 280 304 340 365 413 447 472 515 559 596 627 675 702 728 754 787 829 872 915 956 991 1029 Date of Col- lection Dec 15 17 1897 Ian 6 27 3 9 16 25 2 10 17 24 31 7 M 30 6 M 20 27 4 9 16 Feb Mar Apl May June July Aug 18 25 3i Sept 15 28 55 53 59' 36° 63 6S° 75 64 61 64 620 620 6i° 59° 560 APPEARANCE Tur- bidity clear . , clear .. clear . . clear .. clear . . clear .. clear .. v. slight v. slight v. slight none none none v. slight none none none Sediment Color ODOR none . . none .. none .. none none . . none .. none .. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight none .. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight normal. . normal.. sl. straw normal.. normal.. normal.. normal. . o. 10 0.07 0.12 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.00 Cold AMMONIA NlTROC Free ALBUMINOID Ni-trites Total 3 co .2 1 c 3.2 in" C V Ni- trates dist. veg none....... faintly veg .. faintly veg none...... none....... none....... none...... v. faintly veg. none...... none ... . none .... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. ,0000 ,0100 .0048 .0082 .0074 .0080 .0082 .0066 .0056 .0056 .0008 .0064 .0096 .0034 .0072 .0033 .0012 .0026 .0028 .0020 .0052 .0032 .0018 faintly veg........0062 .0044 .0040 .0012 .0034 .0036 .0024 .0036 .0060 none............. faintly veg......... faintly veg & unpl'sant none............... none............... faintly veg.......... faintly mouldy....... v. faintly veg none...............1.0032 .0188 .0070 0084 0054 0058 OIOO 0098 OIOO 0048 0038 0036 .0118 .0090 .0106 .0118 .0059 .0070 .0024 .0040 .0076 .0056 .0084 .0077 .0278 .0070 .0084 .0070 .0040 .0052 .0040 .0044 .0068 .0038 .OOOO • OOOO .OOOO • OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI OOOI OOOI OOOI OOOI .OOOI .0002 .OOOO .1812 • 1565 .1607 .2078 .1916 .1910 .2074 • 2334 .1936 .1861 .2299 ■4277 .2227 .1619 .2082 • 2443 .2296 .3602 .2118 .i960 .1992 .2009 .1632 IIOO IIOO 0850 IOOO ,0800 .0770 .0950 .1300 .1400 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION c a c a 0 Total Fix-ed rt X O 5-8o 7-30 7.10 2.70 2.30 3-20 8.40 3-40 7-30 8.20 9.20 4.20 3.10 5.00 3-9° 5.00 3-5o 4.00 4.70 4-5Q 0.15 0.13 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.02 7.70 6.60 7.10 7.60 7-30 7.00 7.80 7.00 2.90 2 1.6 2-5 i-7 2-3 2-3 2-3 1.8 Note.—Samples numbered 66, 84, 116, numbered 515- 559. 702, 728, 75*. 787.872, 9151 not be ascertained. 130, i73. z8°. 3°4- 340 and 365 were unmixed pond water. Samples numbered 195, 250,413. 447. 472 and 829 were unmixed driven-well water. Samples 956', 991 and 1029 were mixtures of pond and well water. Samples numbered 5, 12, 37, 232, 596, 627 and 675 consisted of water whose exact source could CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S POND ; INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection 873 Aug 18 916 25 1031 Sept 29 Tem. APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 62° 52° v. slight v. slight v. slight Seliment Color v. slight v. slight cons. .. o. 12 o. 12 0.07 ODOR Hot faintly veg.. . v. faintly veg faintly veg.. . v. faintly veg. faintly veg... faintly veg... AMMONIA 0042 OOI8 0028 ALBUMINOID .0060 .OO66 .OO76 .OO56 OO64 0052 Ni- trites OOO4 ,0002 OO24 .OOOI .OOOI OOOO Ni- t rates RESIDUE ON •0 u EVAPORATION m v a c c C 'd C 0 0 X c O 0 T<:tal •S 1 PlX-3«! X 0 ,0770 .0670 0930 0.13 O.II 0.07 6.60 1.80 4.80 1.7 1.6 1.6 0.66 0.69 0.64 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S PUMPING STATION; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table 1H97 Jan 53 Feb 3 '87 87 Mch 2 "'4 106 Mch 17 126 Mch 24 6 145 Mch 11 176 199 256 Apl 3° 640 4 290 May 6 55° 3 319 330 ^66 4n 450 481 529 555 574 July 15 75° 32 23 600 626 1 July July 21 | 28 64°; 6i° 1 ... 659 Aug 4 640 701 Aug 11 650 2 744 Aug 18 "3 787 Aug 25 690 823 859 897 Date of Collection ■< Temperature...... Apl .7 Apl 14 5 5° May 14 53° May 17 65° May 20 59° 7 May 29 6o° 66 J'ne 4 63° 5 J ne J ne 9 16 1 68° 7 0 July 8 760 3 Aug 3i 6i° Sept 5 59° 3 Sept 28 59° IHiilomaceiV . Asterionella .... Eunotia ....... 14 tu 14 5 61 6 .... 6 ! ' 7 ' 8 0 1 Tabellaria....... Cvaiiopliyoeji'--- Funtri. . .......... 2 2 6 1 3 3 . . . 1 1 pres pres pres 4 2 1 pres 1 1 pres pres pres pres i 2 pres 12 8 "78 6 5 3 1 pres pres 1 pres albd 4 pres 4 pres pres pres 1 1 9, Infusoria ........ ! "7 oil (i 'io 8 "4 2 "3 2 3 2 ' 7 3 "34 8 1 4 3 0 3 Total Organisms... 4 1 1 '"io 16 7 'io 9 0 10 6: 4 3 3 ..... 1 4 2 3 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 1 3 3 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S PUMPING STATION; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria...... Rain-fall in inches week preceding Date ...... f I Mean temperature I week ending \ 5601 460 .00 1.30 [an .Feb '16 I 6 29L 27C pd. .06 Mch 6 35° d.W. 39 1.21 Mch 20 35° d.w. 3300 1.22 Mch 27 420 pd. S00 .18 Apl 3 42° pd. 415 .62 Apl 10 47° pd. 440 1.50 Apl 17 47° pd. 61 611 03 . OS ! I . 4<-> 2 . 94 May I 53° d.w May 8 54° d.w. May 15 6o° d.w 100 04 160 Liq 60 ....... 250 700 135 145 150 1500 230 158 30 3.01 •87 •59 1-74 1.18 .99 .75 4-37 2.21 2.42 2.31 1.14 •58 1.50 .80 .00 T.17 May 22 May •22 May 29 J'ne 5 J'ne 12 J'ne 19 July 10 July 17 July July 24 , 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 Oct 2 6oQ 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 780 75° 74° 70° 73° 73° 73° 700 690 68° 6o° d.w. ipd pd. Nixed ? ? Mixed ^pd. jpd. ipd- ipd. d.w. ipd. ipd. jpd. 1 ipd. ipd. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S POND; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table Number....... Date of Collection Temperature .. . Diatomacese ... Algae ......... Infusoria ...... Dinobryon Total Organisms Total Genera... 745 1897 Aug 18 1 788 Aug 25 62° 1 1 1 3' 3 Sept 29 520 6 2 1 9" H BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WATT'S POND : INLET. Table Bacteria............................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding ........... Date.......♦........................... | Mean temperature week ending............... 1600 4000 .58 i-35 Aug Aug 21 28 73° 700 1500 1.17 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM POND; GATE HOUSE. (Parts per 100,000.) APPEARANCE Date of Col- Ti lection Tur- bidity Sediment Color ODOR AMMONIA Cold ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION Total Fix- ed IO 36 65 82 114 137 171 193 230 2 278 302 338 304 395 412 445 47i 5M 558 594 626 674 Dec 17 1897 Jan 6 27 3 9 16 25 2 IO 17 24 3i 7 14 23 30 May 6 14 20 27 June 4 9 16 Feb Mar Apl 701 July 727i 753' 7851 Aug 828] 871 914 954 990 1027 Sept 64 56° 6i° 6o° 65° 55° 68° 650 640 6o° 6s° 66° 640 54° 6i° 6o° sl. turb. sl. turb. sl. turb. sl. turb. turb. clear. .. clear. .. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight oone v. slight v. slight none... veg--- md. veg none .. con.veg none . sl. veg none . sl. veg slight v. slight slight v. slight cons. cons. cons. slight slight v. slight normal . normal . sl. straw sl. straw normal . sl. straw sl. straw. normal . 0.20 0.07 o. 14 0.12 0.15 0.14 o. 12 0.15 O.IO dist. veg & unpleasant dist. veg............. faintly veg. & marshy. dist. veg & unpleasant dist. veg & disagr'ble.. faintly veg & disagr'ble faintly veg & disgr'ble faintly veg & marshy.. faintly veg & disagr'ble faintly veg. . ........ .0054 .0006 .0003 .0022 .0006 .0026 .0024 .0056 .0040 .0030 .0032 .0042 . 0036 .0022 .0078 fishy................ . 0036 marshy.............■. 0048 offen veg.............0130 offen veg............0088 offensive.............0070 md. veg..............0088 sl. veg............0096 md. veg............0100 faintly veg & unpl'sant faintly veg...... dist. veg........... dist veg & unpl'sant.. dist.veg & disagr'ble.. faintly veg & unpl'sant faintly veg & disagr'ble dist. veg. & marshy.. . faintly veg & disagr'ble faintly veg & unpl'sant .0098 .0048 .0068 ,0034 .0056 .0106 .0046 .0050 .0026 .0022 .0088 .0092 .0073 .0056 .0060 .0074 .0080 .0090 .0064 .0074 .0098 .0110 .0116 .0078 .0152 .0159 .0182 .0225 .0232 .0235 .0187 .0119 .0180 .0178 .0124 .0138 .0096 .0096 .012S . 009E .onol .ooSd .0126 .00S4 .0124 .0088 .0112J .0102 .0100' .0088 .OOOO .0030 ,0000 OOOO ,0014 .0010 0014 ,0014 .0014 ,0014 .0016 .0016 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0018 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0024 .0024 .0026 .0024 .0044 .2756 .3618 • 4431 .4419 .4428 .3918 .0872 .3622 .3410 •3747 .2101 •2751 .3568 •2933 .2718 ■3174 •4552 .2673 .2045 •3542 .2179 7-< 2.60 6.20 5.00 2.80 3.40 5.30 4.90 9.90 5-40 9.80 4-i 9-5< 5.20 .00191 . . .0030 .230()j . . j. . .0016 .21000. 23I 9. .0028 .2800 (). 13:10. 18000.17 8. .0032 .0024.0036 .3000 0.15 .0042 .0032 .32500.13 .0036; .0027 .0010 0036 .0012 .001/!, .3350 o. 14 .2500 o. 13 .33500.16 4.60 5-40 3-20 3-00 20I3.70 60! 3.70 2.80 3.60 4-50 5.00 4-3Q 5-3Q 5.00 5-4o 8.00 5-5Q 5 90 6.90 5 -50 2-5 2.2 2. 2.2 1.9 2-5 2. 2. 2.1 •83 .0070 .0050 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM POND; EAST INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection 1897 May 20 27 625JJune 9 673 16 59' 56° 53 6o° APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment sl. turb md.turb sl. turb. clear .. con.veg con earth con.veg sl. veg.. ODOR sl. straw.. md. straw sl. straw.. normal. . . Cold AMMONIA Hot md. veg . . sl. veg . . sl. veg sl marshy. .0004 .0060 .0054 .0014 ALBUMINOID 0436 1320 O566 ,028l Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trate* .OOOO ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 .2631 • 3245 .2261 • 2459 RESIDUE ON -a EVAPORATION y 50 3 =*c £ X c 0 0 Total w'.i F ix rt 0 ° bo i—1 •—1 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM POND ; WEST INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) May 20 6c° sl. turb. sl. veg.. 27 59u clear . sl. veg.. June 9 54u sl. turb. con.veg 16 6o° clear .. con.veg Aug 11 62° v. slight cons. .. 18 none... cons.. 25 64° none... cons. .. Sept 29 5i° v. slight v. slight sl. straw. normal.. sl. straw. normal.. o.og 0.07 0.06 0.03 faintly veg & marshy. v. faintly veg........ faintly veg......... faintly veg........... offen veg. sl. veg.... sl. veg... sl. marshy. faintly veg ... v. faintly veg. faintly veg . . . faintly veg .. . .0022 .0030 .0050 .0006 .0012 .0100 .0018 .0014 .0608 .0207 .0470 .0294 .0062 .0074 .0126 .0076 ,0052 .0054 ,0058 .0048 .0010 .0020 .0068 .0028 .OOOO ,0000 .OOOO ,0000 OOOI OOOI OOOI ,0000 .2123 ■3599 ■2759 .2136 .3800 .2750 •3750 .4000 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.06 11.30 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c.c.) Table Date of Collection ■] 6 1896 Dec 25 26 1897 Jan 14 52 Pebr 3 63 Pebr 9 72 Pebr 16 86 Mar 2 125 Mar 24 144 Mar 31 174 Apl 7 198 Apl 14 54° mi 8 33 227 Apl 23 54° 9 255 Apl 30 6o° 7 288 May 6 r 0 318 May 14 14 329 May 17 59° 12 365 Mai 20 6i° 11 412 Mav 27 64 14° 448 June 4 65° 0 480 June 9 55° 19 528 June 16 68° 9 5 554 July 9 74° 63 573 Julv 15 650 2 599 Jlllv 21 640 17 625 Julv 28 6o° 5 657 Aug 4 650 4 700 All? II 62° 743 Auk 18 10 786 Aug 25 64° 21 821 Auk 31 64° 8 858 Sept 15 6i° 20 895 Sept 28 58° 4 4 14 20 20 4 6 5 7 6 5 3i 6 12 8 6 5 7 7 5 5 7 8 5 16 Synedra ....... 25 12 5 ' 8 8 11 "2 1 Cyanophyceae ... 1 6 "*5 1 3 1 13 "3 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 8 8 4 22 14 6 1 1 7 1 Spirogyra . 5 9 8 2 1 1 1 9 5 2 1 1 1 Infusoria......... • •■ 6 4 2 2 1 11 5 1 4 6 4 374 9 10 6 14 8 1 72 11 4 20 2 4 0 23 8 28 7 46 8 21 11 18 9 25 8 17 6 5 4 23 9 12 6 3 3 18 7 9 5 5 2 0 0 11 4 21 5 8 Total Genera..... 2 5 6 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria........ Meteorological Statisticts Rain-fall in inches ) week preceding. ) Date............| Mean temperature ( week ending.. ) 1000 • 50 1220 16 29C 1485 1.30 Pebr 6 27l lost 2700 1.07 Pebr 20 34' 1300 .06 Mar 6 35' 6000 27 42° 800 1200 .62 Apl IO 47c 1000 1.50 Apl 17 47' 1500 • 49 Apl 24 46° 2500 .08 May I 53l 480 1.40 May 8 54° 3900 2 94 May 15 6o° 22 6o° 1400 .87 May 22 6o° 350 •95 Mhv 29 6o° 1500 1.74 June 5 62° 4200 1800 •99j-75 June June Juh 12 19 |IO 6i°, 68°7S° 1200 July 24 74C 5000 2.42 July 31 700 1200 2.31 Auk 7 73° 3300 1.14 Aug 14 73° 2100 • 58 Aug 21 73° 2800 Auk 28 70° 2700 .80 Sept 4 690 1500 S ept 18 68° 1700 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the irenera tabulated above, an occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. in any one sample, the following were also found : Diatoms—C>clotella, Cvmliclla Eunotia, Gomphonema, Nitzschia, Surirella ; CyanopIu/eew—Anabxna, Microcystis. Oscillaria; Algos—Cosmarium, Desmidium, Hyalotheca, Protococcus, Raphidium, Staurastrum, Zygnema • Infusoria— Cryptomonas, Dinobryron, Monas, Synura ; Vermes Anguillula, Rotifer; Fungir-Molds. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM POND. (No. per c.c.) Table West Inlet East Inlet Date of Collection............-j Diatomaceae................. 362 1897 May 20 6o° 89 5 1 409 May 27 59° 1340 478 J'ne 9 54° 39 526 J'ne 16 6o° 20 699 Aug 11 62° 5 742 Aug 18 "4 1 785' 898 i Aug Sept 25 29 6-1°! 510 17 10 3&3 May 20 59° 36 410 May 27 56° 47 9 479 J'ne 9 53° 47 23 5 9 9 527 J'ne 16 6o° 18 18 19 11 5 25 5 1 2 1 93 11 .. 7 Melosira................... 1266 25 55 8 i 1 1 1343 11 12 "2 "i 9 7 1 1 4 15 10 9 11 10 2 1 1 27 10 '"20 5 Cyanophyceae................ 1 43 7 26 7 5 3 1 1 6 4 1 17 3 11 2 40 11 67 5 47 5 18 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM CLEAR STREAM POND. (No. per c.c.) Table West Inlet East Inlet ! 7500 300 19000 2200 6400 4100 1'300 2800 1800 500 900 1600 Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding Mean temperature week ending. . .87 May 22 6o° •95 May 29 6o° 1.18 J'ne 12 6i° •99 J'ne 19 68° 1.14 Aug 14 73° •58 Aug 21 73° 1-35 Aug 28 700 1.17 Oct 2 6o° .87 May 22 6o° •95 May 29 6o° 1.18 J'ne 12 6i° • 99 J'ne 19 68° a . . . o O • . • O ""> ...NO " • • • O 0 in min0 0inin0m0"">"">0mm0>nin0in0 0"'>0 oo nooovuai nuj too 3auo|H3 ao ooco r>r> inoo r-~ r^oo r^oo o co co o>co co oo co co oo co co O*oo oooocooococococo O O O c 3 O OOOO O___ no* m in en O<-• r^ - ••• co • in e ssaupjEjj .NC1NNNNNN v£ • • O O • • O • O OOOOOOOO x-a • • r^ mmh ^co tMilM fa u to . in • • ■ • O • rt \n • ■ • ^ • in in< O C ) mb ino r^ in 3 O O O O O O uoijiuSj o • o • • • • en • inoo rf en n en ino no ssoq in ■ en • - . m • Tf rt . . in • • . r^ inM N nnnn en o . o • • • • o • . . o O • • • O • O OOOOOOOO ci i-i • o • • • • en • . . o o ■ ■ *t • ■ o OeOMt^OOOco ■v> o -H i-i Ooo O O O O co . M • *~> M M MM H/mo r^co r^ O o ua3XxQ «o>-iOOO>-iO OOOOOOOO in w oo ininOoocii-iOO'-ii-ir^inOinr-»cooi-iini-iiHc->c<-),cnciNNcni-iNc<->i-iCN Cn -i •NNCJMNCJNC-ICn O OOOOOOOoo^f-'Mr^-ONNOOcONNCNcoO r^oo r- ti-co o oo n O n O OOOOOOOOONcoOMONcoNr^OmNO-' Oi-iOt-iM,-'MNfr>*- H £•§ O OOOOOOOOOOOi-i«0-iO-OOOOOC OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO 55 c ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO uoisuad • • m o O O O >-" O . . -OOOOOOO < z o 5 □ 5 -sng ui s o < uou O in r^O co co O -n10g ui vC oonOr^^J"f^,*Oao>OvO'^-NvOl-iini-iOi-iooincoin ^-■^■OooOO too *t »» s rt oc N m cno ino c->ao tJ-co intsfO o>inO t N "ti^O>'r r^co m t> inr^Noo O O r OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi-i-(-ii-ii-iO>- NO'-'OOOOO'-'O < H c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO r O OO O COCO O>0 t N O '^•CO COTtO*TtNONO «-Cl MCOO NO ^1-NO V t OOO^i-i^^i-ii-imcoinini-iinTl-mOONOinm hci«ciOmOnmO t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi-iwi-OC ►-OOOOOOOOO fa c > O O O O O o c O O C O O OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO O • 2 • "a . O • S .M bjo be • be oi • °y w > • ..Mb- ^'"M^bi^bOMMcjO bio : tV bi •3-3 > — > ^ > > > > . . g 2 !C tc „• _■ ^ „ • ccooifli/iCtfi <& v« >« _c ^ _c v2 c c _c a o o o >•" >»2 > rt«iS>iSJ3 •a b e bJ3 Mb«> M> >■ >^> > > > j? > >>>,>>c >%>>>>>>G *j a .£ .S «2 .S S .S I ^ •SifSiiS^iS&i^^^^^ J ^ '■ i & • O^dw o^r^o m in in o •OOOOOOOOO w o •OOOOOOOOO . . 0 O O _• O _• __• c • • C C C in S»« c . c < ■be..... . -JSJZJSJ3J3 . ja J3 6 ■ . d . . . > l> 1) OJ D I) '>>>' ►'3 > >' . . u a a J= a u u ; x £ £ 5 . : : £ 5 H,5 • m be be M^ „ „% be be . . . rt <-■ *J rt ■<-■ c« n • • • — -;_• D._- JJ ^ -^ "in m "ui In a a C m Hi • o « wi o m ij c *0>>>>ccc>> E • ■ OOOOOOO OOOOO -OOOO • • • Tf O en i-i Tf r^oc H • • O ino O O ino r>» r^o f^ r^> • r>. r^o O ° ■ 0 N o " O t^ t OO ON O r-» Tt m r--co tnoo ttO r^ Tf oo 1-^ « M N H m C4 -i co u M u Q °° c -o i; — >» £ >—. < en 3 cn m t N coo in N eno o>m n^o M M M M O r-•> N ■* N C net 3 OK ) m to C ) i- ina > O O i T in 3 N r o CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER PROM TWIN PONDS (SIMONSON'S); ENLET. (Parts No. Date of Col- lection Tem. APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 511 May 20 62° 555 27 61° 623 June 9 54° 671 16 65° 826 Aug. 11 62° 869 18 912 25 6t;° 1026 Sept. 28 6o° sl. turb, clear .. clear... v. slight slight none. . slight.. Sediment cons. veg. sl. veg.. none... cons. veg. cons. .. cons... cons. .. heavy.. Color sl. straw. normal.. sl. straw. normal.. 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.07 Cold ODOR Hot fainvly veg. & marshy. faintly veg. & unpl'sant faintly veg. & unpl'sant faintly veg. & unpl'sant offen. veg sl. veg.... sl. veg. .. sl. marshy. AMMONIA ALBUMINOID faintly veg........... faintly veg ....... faintly veg........ faintly veg & unpl'sant .0026 .0036 .0030 .0004 .0006 .0022 .0012 .0032 .0114 •0334 .0090 .0126 .0066 ■ 0054 .0060 .0372 .0036 .0044 .0050 .0044 .0030 .0010 .0010 .0328 Nitrogen as Ni- trites .OOOO ,0002 0005 0004 0005 0002 Ni- trates ■2779 ■2935 •5573 •2465 2400 2200 3000 4250 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION O.08 O.04 0.05 O.06 Fix- ed 7.40 2.2 2.1 2-3 2-3 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TWIN POND; GATE HOUSE (No. per c. c) Tab LE Number.......... 19 1897 Jan 11 43 Jan 22 57 Feb 4 62 Feb 9 71 Feb 16 124 Mch 24 143 Mch 31 173 Apl 7 197 Apl 14 56° 1 226 Apl 23 56° 4 254 Apl 30 6i° 4 28S May 6 64° 72 53 M 317 May M 59Q 17 358 May 20 63° 11 405 May 27 6i° 10 447 J'ne 4 64° 31 553 July 9 77° 27 572 15 76° 19 598 July 21 73° 20 624 July 28 640 30 656 Aug 4 74° 12 697 Aug 11 72° 3 740 Aug 18 ' 61 39 783 Aug 25 70° 23 820 Aug 31 73° 6 857 Sept 15 68° 2 Date of Collection < 475 J'ne 9 57° 10 b^3 J'ne 16 68° 5 893 Sept 28 Dialoinaeea* ..... 28 8 w 0 M-l 12 2 2 4 6o° 9 14 10 6 8 9 12 8 6 16 "2 14 1 19 5 22 12 19 2 7 12 5 9 6 6 3 9 6 6 3 "2 "*5 "2 Cyanophyeea* .... 1 1 0 "l 1 9 6 6 2 4 1 5 4 ii Algiv............ 0 3 1 23 3 10 21 12 6 1 22 6 5 "l 1 9 2 1 3 Rhi/opodii . 1 1 4^ 1 5 'l8 4 20 86 61 34 5 12 40--- Dinobryon Cases . 43 10 17 6 "7 3 "29 6 23 6 5 87 9 "27 9 19 4 13 6 Total Organisms . . G ~4 10 3 12 3 3 0 0 3 •> 6 6 23 4 5 4 10 G J4 03 4 "30 3 "*3 2 99 13 20 130 11 12 0 14 ■... 47! 10 r 3 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM TWIN POND; GATE HOUSE. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria ........ Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches j week preceding f Date--- ...... Mean temperature week ending 4S700 Jl 2.IJ Jan 16 Jan 23 1200 .46 Feb 6 290 31°! 27' 2S800 I.IO Feb 13 33° 000 7100 r.07 Feb |.\ 20 34' 27 42< 1700 .18 Apl 3 42° GOO .62 Apl 10 47° 2300 1.50 Apl 17 47° 4oe •49 Apl 24 46° 1000 .08 May 1 53° 3200 1.40 May 8 54° 9000 2-94 May 15 6o° 700 May 22 6o° 700 •95 May 29 60° 3000 1.74 J'ne 5 62° 16000 J'ne 12 6i° 1800 ■99 J'ne 19 6S° •75 July 10 780 4-37 July 17 75° 1200 July 24 74° 2000 2.42 J"iy 31 700 400 2.31 \ug 7 73° 2300 1.14 Aug 14 73° 700 .58 Aug 21 73° 3800 r.50 Aug 28 70° 4600 300 SeptjSept 4 I 18 69°! 68° 3400 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the sroiur. .... ella Itliizopoda— Actinophn, s. ra tabulated above as being found in quantities ot five or more per C.C, in any one sample, the following were also found: Diatoms—Achnanthes Cvrlofo.i, Cymbella Eunotia. 1 -Ya.uillari.i, Meridion, Tabellaria. Pleurosigma. Cyanopliyeea- Anauaena. -.-lff/ ... Alga> .......... Raphidium ...... Scenedesmus Staurastrum..... Fungi......... Infusoria....... Cryptomonas Dinobryon ..... Dinobryon Cases. Euglena........ Monas ......... Mallomonas..... Trachelomonas .. Termes.......... Anurea......... Rotifer.......... Total Organisms... Total Genera...... 597 1897 July 21 74° 96 73 623 July 28 650 482 5 324 5 120 118 5 231 14 10 133 4 14 584 19 654 Aug 4 74° 6U0 8 44-1 16 64 12 56 12 4 120 696 Aug 11 720 91 46 225 223 739! 782 I \ug Aug 18 ; 25 720 560 1076 16 496 16 335 14 1216 12 444 436 . 12 284 28 1828 16 64 1000 16 536 52 172 200 1636 15 818 Aug 3i 73° 80 24 136 IOO 24 221 13 856 Sept 15 hept 28 70" 58c 127 176 15 14 25 142 "4 186 12 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRINGFIELD POVD ; OVERFLOW. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria........................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding...... Date........................... j Mean temperature week ending........ 500 600 5000 900 1700 1000 200 700 2.21 2.42 2.31 1.14 •58 1.50 .80 .00 July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept Sept 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 18 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 70" 690 68° 1200 1.17 Oct 2 6o° In addition to the genera tabulated above as occurring in quantises of five or more per C. C. in any one sample; the following were also found: Diatoms—Amphiprora, Amphora, Cyclotella, Gomphonema, Meridion; Cyanophijceai—Oscillaria: Algus—Closterium, Cosmarium, Eudorina. Pandorlna Pedias- trum. Protococcus. Staurastrum; Infusoria—Paramoecium, Phacus Vorticella Vermes—Polyartha, Brachionus, Triarthra; Fungi—Molds ; Sponge spictiles—Amorphous matter. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRINGFIELD POND; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table 695 1897 Aug 11 68° 3 738 Aug 18 11 781 Aug 25 65° 35 891 Sept 28 56° 22 5 Nitzschia......................... 7 i 6 26 12 14 I* 1 5 1 7 6 1 54 12 Infh soria......................... 1 3 3 Vermes ............................ 11 7 15 7 26 7 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRINGFIELD POND; INLET. Table Bacteria.................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding Date......................... Mean temperature week ending... 2100 1.14 Aug 14 73° 1700 •58 Aug 21 73° 6000 1-35 Aug 28 700 2300 1.17 Oct 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND ; OVERFLOW. (Parts per 100,000 ) Date of Col- lection 18 9O Dec. 22 1897 Jan 6 Feb Mch Apl May June 699 July 15 724! 750 7791 Aug 836! 8S6 929 Sept APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment Color OUOR Hot 640 6l° 630 63° 640 6l° 70° 76° 74° 68° 74° 75° 72° 74° 700 56° marked md turb md turb md turb md turb md tnrb md turb md turb decid . decid decid . dist . . decid . d cid . decid . decid . decid . decid . fltgm'tt none. .. none ... none ... none... none... min veg min veg g'ns'm* cons . .. g'ns'n.* g'n s'm* g'n s'm* g'n s'm* g'n s'm* g'n s'm* g'n s'm* z'n s'm* md straw md. straw md. straw md. straw md. straw md. straw md. straw 0.50 0.80 0.60 o.35 0.24 0.25 o. 17 0-33 o.37 dist. veg. & dist. veg. & dist. veg & dist. veg.. . dist veg. & dist. veg. & dist. veg & dist. veg. & dist. veg. & faintly veg grassy. grassy. grassy. grassy .. grassy.. grassy... grassy .. aromatic. & grassy marshy............ marshy .......... md. veg........... md. veg.......... md. veg........... veg............. sl. veg............ sl. marshy........ faintly veg. & aromatic dist. veg. & grassv. . . d'cid. veg. & grassy . . decid. veg. & grassy. . decid. veg. & grassy dist. veg & grassy. . decid. veg. & grassy. . decid. veg. & grassy. decid veg & grassy.. dist. veg. & grassy. 0070 0036 0094 00? 4 0102 o 112 0118 0060 o<>46 0026 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO ,0004 .0006 .OOOO .0006 .0006 .0008 .0004 .0024 ,oni8 .0018 .0012 ,0036 ,0092 .0076 .0048 .0012 AMMONIA ALUl'MINlMI) OI 14 OO9O ()136 0126 OII8 OIl6 Ol66 OI42 OI26 OI54 0245 OO9O O380 OI04 0355 .O36O .O466 O489 .0525 .0524 .O564 . 1012 ,IIl6 .O666 .06l6 ■1054 .0790 .IO64 .O9O4 . iri2 .0840 .0740 .11 0254 0278 ,0208 , 042c .0200 .0240 .0252 0536 0786 0696 0692 0640 0500 0916 Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni trates 0000 .2742 .0000 . OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO . OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .2440 .3217 • 2756 .2881 • 2543 .3032 •2751 • 1939 .2778 .2965 .2471 .1976 .2800 .1812 .1812 .1479 • 1313 • 1153 ■ 1313 .1148 .0982 .1149 OOOO OOOI 0005 .0006 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0007 .OOOI .0270 .0070 .0120 .0030 .OOOO .OOOO .0030 .0170 .0120 0.56 0.48 o 44 0.27 0.34 o.:6 0.26 0.35 RESIDUF. ON RVAPORATION Total II .70 11.60 12.80 12. 70 12.50 12.30 12.00 10.40 11.00 io.go 10.00 11.00 11.00 5 <= C O ' ... »e ! ed 1 jj a c CO X U 4.00 3-9° 6.50 5-30 3-60 5.10 3-30 2.70 2.20 2.40 2.3c 2.00 2.30 2.10 7.70 7.70 6.30 6.70 9.10 7.40 9.00 9 30 8.20 8.60 S 60 8.00 8.70 8.90 3-o 3-7 3-3 3-7 6.4 4.2 4.2 6.7 4.2 4-4 3-6 4.2 4-4 4.6 4.0 1.05 I.05 1.00 1.10 1.03 0.50 1.00 o-95 o.95 1 00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 r .00 0.85 1.05 1.00 1.00 o.95 1.00 1.00 0.90 o 93 0.95 0.93 1.91 1 03 1.00 1.05 Note.—Samples numbered 17, 33, 131 and 226 were collected at the gate h >use. ■(•floating matter. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND ; INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Tem. APPEARANCE ODOR AMMONIA Nitrogen as •0 &)| x c °c3 RESIDUE EVAP()RAr ON HON c •0 X a 0 U Date of Tur-bidity Sediment Color Cold Hot ALBUMINOID Ni-trites Ni-trates Total n c °.2 «'c 9 be Col-lection Free Total 1 B 3-2 - o> ■— a. Fix-ed Iron 508 May 20 552, 27 ()2o|June 9 6681 16 835 Aug. 12 887 19 930 2() IOl8 Sept. 28 sl. turb. con veg 56° sl. turb. sl. veg. 54° md ... con veg 58" clear.. . con veg 64° v. slight cons... slight. cons... (.2° decid . . cons... 49° v. slight cons. threads sl. straw. normal .. sl. straw normal.., 0.15 0.24 0.40 0.15 faintly veg— v. faintly veg faintly veg.. .. faintly veg... med. veg.. sl. marshy. sl. veg. ... sl. marshy. decid veg.......... faintly veg & unpl'sant faintly veg........ faintly veg.......... ,0014 .0022 .0068 .0032 ,0022 ,0038 0058 .0096 .0123 .0562 .0183 .0070 .0078 .0180 0034 .0050 . 0070 .0074 .0122 .0048 .ooooj. 2129 , 0000 .3605 ,0000 .1097 .0004 .2440 ,0000 .0001 .12000.13 .0004 .0002 .25000.10 .0058 .0004 .20000.19 I I . 0002 . ooc) 1 j. 2400 o. 11 12.00 10.90 2.90 3-7Q 2.90 8.10 8.30 1.00 1.05 4.3 1.01 4.0J1.02 4-4; -93 8.00 4.4 .93 .0120 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND; OVERFLOW. (No.perc.c.) Table Number......... Date of Collection •] Temperature...... 17 1897 Jan II 55 Feb 4 61 Feb 9 85 Mch 2 104 Mch x7 122 Mch 24 141 Mch 3i 168 Apl 7 195 Apl 14 53° 1064 224 Apl 23 54° 809 5 253 Apl 30 6o° 2288 96 283 May 6 640 2724 16 316 May 14 6i° 4270 356 May 20 630 2984 16 403 May 27 630 4812 24 443 J'ne 4 640 1119 473 J'ne 9 6i° 4220 521 J'ne 16 700 552 July 8 8o° 348 571 July 15 760 242 596 July 21 74° 140 622 July 28 68° 1000 651 Aug 4 74° 185 715 Aug 12 75° 758 Aug 19 '380 801 Aug 26 720 100 816 Aug 3i 74° 100 870 Sept 16 700 860 887 Sept 28 6o° 1900 Diatomacese..... 14 18 6 482 20 8 30 42 8 28 42 280 18 801) 26 31 6 lSOi 148 845 13 Asterionella .... Eunotia........ Cyclotella....... 23 247 5 5 IO 90 4180 55 59° 5 353o 75 360 IOO IOO 740 120 1820 1000 820 80 13 600 3800 '28 2400 4000 68 776 204 183 72 600 Melosira....... 8 6 6 695 811 5°3 1900 2152 1000 1320 Navicula..... 44 6 100 44 c 72 134 247 298 ■ 738 288 924 508 1488 20 68 1400 224 436 1050 ios6 152 8 552 12 808 248 560 56 720 339 3200 20 3200 2720 140 508 57 653 68 1980 400 3460 60 1400 2000 60 560 670 20 650 io 20 2260 460 600 1200 60 15800 200 600 15000 30 6400 IOO 300 6000 100 Cyanophycea; .... 884 36 504 344 80 8 1050 1380 Anabaena....... Clathrocystis ... 77 68 7 5 20 52 68 28 66 670 27 120 800 120 1050 '44 3200 "80 2720 '20 468 40 88 653 "l9 772 1208 36 1380 Microcystis. . 116 50 6 Algae....... 23 10 "'46 Cosmarium ... 28 20 Pediastrum ..... 6 14 26 8 20 8 11 7 5 - 12 5 52 12 28 20 24 96 52 32 8 120 12 8 28 16 16 40 16 13 8 11 11 20 20 8 5 5 IO 20 IO 20 Protococcus ..... 40 20 64 16 IO 28 20 20 70 20 20 20 IOO 60 40 Ulothrix....... Continued on next page MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND ; OVERFLOW.—Continued Fungi.......... 6 6 108 1 1 1 1 4 9 5 Infusoria ........ 32 44 22 8 5 1 5 11\ S 20 20 5 200 IOO 20 ao 20 32 44 108 8 ■•■■!•■• 5 20 5 ... . IOO Monas ......... 5 16 20 17 Yoriues .. 0 4 5804 14 6 6 222* 13 944 1 915 9 40 Rotifer......... 5484 12 3848 11 7500 7 2740 2 2156 4520 8 j 2640 8 1(5130 8 6600 5 2780 7 40 Total Organisms. .. 8 46 3 62 4 712 17 409 15 38 1430 8 13 875 11 1095 11 1580 1(1 :134S 4448 12, 16 4450 12 2700 8 3380 7 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND; OVERFLOW. (No. per c. c) Table Bacteria....... 1800 1600 3600 1500 2600 3300 1400 600 1400 400 500 5200 3300 320 1200 1400 4000 45 400 1100 100 95 140 100 700 1300 600 Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches "1 week preceding J Date..........| .81 Jan 16 .46 Feb 6 1.10 Feb 13 .06 Mch 6 1.21 Mch 20 1.22 Mch 27 .18 Apl 3 .62 Apl IO 1.50 Apl 17 •49 Apl 24 .08 May 1 1.40 May 8 2.94 May 15 •87 May 22 •95 May 29 i-74 J'ne 5 1.18 J'ne 12 •99 J'ne 19 •75 July IO 4-37 July 17 2.21 July 24 2.42 July 31 2.31 Aug 7 •39 Aug • 58 Aug 21 2.15 Aug 28 .80 Sept 4 .00 Sept 18 1.17 Oct 2 Mean temperature ) week ending... ) 290 270 33° 35° 35° 420 420 47° 47° 460 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 780 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 690 68° 6o° In addition to the genera above tabulated as being found in quantities of Ave or more per C. C. in any sample, the following also occurred: Diatoms—Achnanthes, Amphiprora, Cymbella, Gomphonema; Alga- Protococcus, Spirogyra; Infusoria— Uroglena: Vermes—Polyartha. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND; INLET. (No. per c.c.) Table Number......... Date of Collection Temperature .... Diatoniaceae .. Melosira...... Navicula....... Synedra ..... Cyanophyoeiv Algae.......... Fungi........ Infusoria..... Trachelomonas Total Organisms. Total Genera ... 357 1897 May 20 55° 4 404 May 27 56° 71 49 7 15 1 1 474 J'ne 9 54° 64 37 13 9 1 1 66 522 J'ne 16 58° 38 14 15 716 Aug 12 64 ° 1 759 Aug 19 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S POND; INLET. 802 Aug 26 620 7 sept 28 49° 3 12 12 21 5 (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria ............................ Meteorological Statistics Rain-fall in inches week preceding............ Date . .............................. j Mean temperature week ending............... 2000 .87 May 22 6o° 470 •95 May 29 6o° 1.18 J;ne 12 6ic 3000 •99 J'ne 19 3900 •39 Aug 14 73° 2700 6200 •58 Aug 21 73' i-5f Aug 28 700 24.00 1.17 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, NEW PLANT; TAP. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment, Color 1897 Ap! 19 May June July Aug Sept 57 59 61 64 63' 62' 65° 720 701 64° 68° 670 68° 690 66° 55° slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. clear .. slight.. slight slight v. slight slight slight slight v. slight v. slight v slight slight. sl. veg none . none ., none .. none . sl. veg. slight. cons. , cons. . slight. slight. slight. slight. slight. slight. slight. sl. straw sl. straw sl. straw sl. straw normal.. sl. straw normal.. o.37 0.42 0.32 0.15 0.25 0.19 0.18 0.06 0.07 Cold faintly veg.... dist. veg...... dist. veg...... faintly veg.... v. faintly veg. faintly veg.... v. faintly veg. faintly veg ... faintly veg — v. faintly veg. marshy..... sl. marshy.. sl. marshy.. sl. marshy.. none....... sl. marshy • md. marshy dist. veg...... dist. veg..... dist. veg..... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... taintly veg.... v. faintly veg v. faintly veg. AMMONIA ALBIMINOID ,0023 ,0020 .0020 .0021 .0022 .OOI8 .0030 ,0026 .0022 .0032 .0042 .OO42 .OOi2 ;0030 .0028 .0030 .0030 •0053 .0038 .0052 .0065 .0053 .0082 .0130 .0184 .0132 .Ollf) .0084 .0112 .0108 .0082 .0068 .0068 .0074 .0112 .0076 .0092 .0066 .006S .0054 .0010 .0000 .0008 .0016 .0010 .0000 .0014 Nitrogen a? Ni- trites ,0000 . OOOO .0000 .0000 .0000 . OOOO .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .OOOI .OOOI Ni- trates RESIDUE ON •a EVAPORATION v E MS 0 c 0 0 Kix- O 0 Total 0 °bc 1299 2289 1466 1383 1052 1138 1128 1296 0600 0750 0550 ,0650 .0430 0550 ,0650 ,0450 ,0600 0.48 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.20 O.07 O.O9 IO.70 IO.60 9.20 8.80 IO.4O IO.OO IO.OO IO.3O 5-20 3-40 3-9° 2.70 3.00 2.50 2.80 3-oo 3.00 2.80 6.70 6 7 6 6 7 7 7.00 7-5Q 3-i 2.9 3-i 3-i 2.7 3-9 3-i 3-8 3-i £ in O in m m in O m O OO O O O o r» 00 l • en I, r> O O r-» O O r-s n rf 11 o O co in i-i N N I-i i-i fi n n « w m w a C^O t O O O rt en in\nrtrtrtrt\nrt — < UOIJIUSJ X-x uo ssoq J:-< 71 «e; p= uinsuo~) usSaxq ? -. ----- 7- .i. 2 £-n * o o in rf • o 00 • O OOOO o o • O " O O " co o o O vn *3- >n o • en OOOOOOO rt en rt en rt m co o o in o i-i N 70 M • CO oo r-~co mo 0 co ■ *- M I-I I-I i— I-I W ' ' • O NO ^f *t f". 0s ■ -OOOOOOO 1 ~ £ 1 O t 1 - M in r-s OO r^co OO r-~ r^o en M i-l M M M OOOOOOOO . m co O nmNMn ■ r^O **■ t mo -T m OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OO — Oi-ii-it-ii-i OOOCOOOO noisuad j _ -Mis; UJ UOU i D|-»1"S Ul| O O O O O M i-i O O i-i O ii O O O O O O o o o o o o N N O to O 00 O r— O mo O w O O O O o o o o o o inC" i^ . ^f **0 r- in OO r-- Oca O OOOOOOCW OOOOOOOO c*"> w nmOO —■ O rfTttnrtenenrtrt ~ O O •*r ; , CO M O <* w CO M O 0 r-s o o i^. M O « o H 0 () o o 0 o u o o o Ooo •*}• O *9-oo M O m o r^r^r^ooco o» c* o CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, NEW PLANT, TAP. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- Tem, lection I APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment Color Cold AMMONIA ALBI'MINOIU Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trate? RESIDUE ON •a EVAPORATION Ul v e M3 0 c 0 0 O X c 0 0 0 Total ,3.5? Fix-ed x u 1897 369 Apl 19 422 May 3 456 10 481 17 525 24 569 June I 605 7 685 17 698 July 14 737 23 7<»5 29 798 Aug 3 844 11 885 19 928 26 967 Sept 1 IOOI 16 IOI2 27 57° 59° 6i° 640 630 620 650 72' 70' 64' 68° 67 68° 69 66° 55 slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. clear .. slight.. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight slight v. slight v. slight slight I slight.. sl. veg. none .. none .. none .. none . sl. veg. slight. cons. , cons. . ght. slight. slight. slight. slight. slight. slight. sl. straw sl. straw sl. straw sl. straw normal.. sl. straw normal.. 0-37 0.42 0.32 0.15 0.25 o.ig 0.18 0.06 0.07 faintly veg.. .. dist. veg...... dist. veg...... faintly veg.... v. faintly veg. faintly veg.... faintly veg. faintly veg ... faintly veg ... faintly veg. marshy..... sl. marshy.. sl. marshy.. sl. marshy. . none....... sl. marshy . md. marshy dist. veg...... dist. veg..... dist. veg..... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... faintly veg.... taintly veg.... v. faintly veg v. faintly veg. .0023 . 0020 .(X>20 .0021 ■0053 .OO38 .OO52 .OO65 .0022; .OO53 ,OOl8 .0030 .0026 .0022 .0032 ,0042 .0042 .OO 1 2 OO30 .0028 ,0030 ,0030 .OO82 .OI30 .OI84 .OI32 .OIK) .OII2 .0084 .0108 .0082 .0068 .0068 .OO74 .OII2 .OO76 .OO92 .OO66 .OO68 .OO54 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 OOOO .1299 .2289 . 1466 .1383 . 1052 .1138 .1128 .1296 .0010 • OOOO .0008 .0016 .0010 .OOOO .0014 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0001 .OOOI .0001 .0600 .0750 ■0550 .0650 .0430 •0550 .0650 .0450 .0600 0.48 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.07 0.09 10.70 10.60 9.20 8.80 10.40 10.00 10.00 10.30 5.20 3-4° 3-90 2.70 3 2 2 3.00 3.00 2.80 4.80 6.70 6.80 7.90 00I6.20 506.30 80 7.60 7.00 7.00 7-5Q CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM IUDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, OLD PLANT; TAP. (Parts per ioo.ooo.) No. Date of Col- lection 368 421 455 480 524 568 604 684 697 736 764 797 843 884 927 966 1897 Apl ig May 3 10 17 24 June 1 7 17 July 14 23 29 Aug 5 12 19 26 Sept 1 27 APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 59^ 64c 6i< &5C 63c 62< 67c 73c 78< 65c 68° 6gc 6gc 7o< 62< slight. slight. . slight.. slight. . slight.. slight.. clear .. slight.. v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight sl. veg.. veg.. none . . sl. veg.. none .. none . . none .. slight slight cons. cons. slight v. slight slight.. cons... slight.. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. normal.. sl. straw. normal.. 0.30 0.30 0.20 o. 12 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.07 Cold aromatic & faint, veg. faintly veg.......... dist. veg ........ faintly veg.......... v. faintly veg........ faintly veg........ . v. faintly veg........ v faintly veg........ v. faintly veg........ marshy..... sl. marshy. . sl. marshy.. sl. marshy.. none ..... sl. marshy . md. marshy dist. veg .... dist. veg .... dist. veg . dist. veg faintly veg... faintly veg. .. faintly veg.. v.faintly veg. v.faintly veg. AMMONIA Nitrogen as •0 be | XC O 0 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION a ■0 X Free ALBUMINOID Ni-trites Ni-trates Total 0 a °.S 0 bo Fix-ed Total 3 c/3.2 c " 1 c 3.2 C 1— a. .0043 .0041 .0033 .0045 .0030 .0036 .0041 .0049 .0026 .0038 .0044 .0050 .0044 .0054 .0044 .0042 .0075 .0059 .0091 .0067 .007 .0094 ,0084 0206 ,0114 OIII 0098 0102 0076 0104 0062 .0078 .0082 0102 0070 0094 0056 0066 .0016 OOOO 0006 .0010 0006 0012 ,0000 ■ OOOO .OOOO .OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OLOI .OOOO .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI .OOOI 1611 2437 1784 1775 1787 i6gg 1366 1442 0750 ,0630 ,0400 0430 0550 0670 0470 0550 0.36 0.22 o. 16 o. 14 14 o. 17 0.09 80 4.00 5-50 3.80 4-50 3-20 4.00 3.60 4.10 2.70 3.20 30 70 90 n.30 8.60 1.65 t .90 1.65 ■I2.05 4)2.05 11.90 r-75 92.38 62.55 4 2.40 012.16 g|2.67 9|2.6o 4|2.8o 3|2-57 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, NEW PLANT; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Tari.e Temperature............................... DiilloilliH'OH'.............................. 239 1897 A Mill 26 57° (* i 265 May 3 57° 10 300 32S May May IO | 17 59° 6o° 76 22 376 May 24 64° 30 26 423 June I 63° 25 20 459 June 7 62° 21 539 June 17 65° 4 57o July 72° 28 19 "4 5 1 60 July 23 72 Asterionella............................... Melosira.................................. 10 57 16 16___ "28 28 Cvaiiopliveese............................... 1 i "l 7 "l 6 5 Algie.................................. 1 I""1 3 0 Infusoria................................ 6 4 2 6 2 n Vermes..................................... 11 6 11 2 83 26 8 8 31 3 35 7 41 8 34 4 38 10 ] ) 637 670 714 757 800 835 869 880 July AUK Aug Aug Auk Sept Sept Sept 29 5 12 19 26 I 16 27 64° 67° 67° 68° 69° 66° 62° 2 28 22 18 17 io 103 2 85 81 6 IOO 83 72 1 1 5 2 "l 1 1 *4 "3 1 1 1 1 . . . 4 1 2 2 1 5 1 ( 5 1 6 34 25 14 107 4 1)3 SO 0 8 8 5 7 4 (i 8 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, NEW PLANT; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria....................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for week preceding. .. Date................................. Mean temperature for week ending....... .02 May 53c 2000! 500 240 j 1.39 .073.01 May Ma May 8 ! 15 | 22 540! 6o°! 6o° ISO 200 200 300 300 1200 400 400 2800 1100 400 900 .38 1.54 Miiy June 29 i 5 .70 .01 June ;juue 12 ig 3.67 July 17 2.21 Jlllv 24 3-85 J "ly 31 1.03 Aug 7 •39 Aug 14 •58 Auk 21 2.15 AUK 28 .00 Sept 4 .00 Sept ' 18 60°. 62° 6i°; 68° 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 70° 690 68° 6o° ROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION OLD PLANT; TAP. ________________ (No. per c. c.) Table Number............... 201 1897 Apl 19 238 Apl 26 620 20 264 May 3 59° 13 299 May IO 64° 66 327 May 17 6i° 86 375 May 24 650 86 422 J'ne 63° 24 458 J'ne 7 62° 14 6 6 "lO 10 1 538 J'ne 17 67° 16 569 July 14 73° 43 608 July 23 7i° 64 6361 669 July Aug 29 1 5 65° 67* 50 18 713 Aug 12 690 9 756 Aug 19 "7 799 Aug 26 690 113 834 Sept 1 700 10 879 Sept 27 6i° 165 7 Diatomacese .. ............ 20 Melosira.................. 13 13 10 17 48 78 6 75 10 5 11 6 1 7 5 63 63 1 33 63 47 15 7 "3 6 Synedra .................... 152 1 1 2 "3 9 9 21 ^9 1 6 3 '3 6 6 4 4 3 Dictyosphaerium................ 2 1 1 2 6 6 "4 2 "4 7 Fungi.................... 3 2 2 3 Infusoria...................... 2 3 1 5 7 8 5 5 0 13 13 2 1 3 5 5 7 25 8 1 27 9 23 6 15 5 72 5 86 4 99 8 35 10 30 7 80 7 49 11 86 4 77 11 16 6 18 8 127 6 27 8 171 7 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD PUMPING STATION, OLD PLANT; TAP. Table Bacteria. Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for week preceding. Date___........................... Mean temperature for week ending.. . 170 2000 105 160 240 235 30 75 140 1200 3200 70 400 600 700 1.00 .02 i-39 •07 3 01 •38 i-54 • 70 .01 3-67 2.21 3-8.5 1.03 •39 • 58 2.15 .00 Apl May May May May May J'ne J'ne J'ne July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 46u 53u 54u 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 690 1.20 Oct 2 6o° CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN NO. 1 (EASTERN); OUTLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of No. tol- led ion I897 372 Apl 19 415 May 3 449 10 474 17 518 24 562 J'ne 1 598 7 678 17 691 July 14 730 23 758 29 791 Aug 5 8.37 12 S78 19 921 26 960 Sept 1 995 16I 1005 27 APPEARANCE Tur- bidity 57° sl. turb. 6i°|sl. turb. 62° sl. turb. 62°|sl. turb. 6i°jsl. turb. 620 sl. turb. 650 clear... 720 720 6 70 700 700 69° 690 66° 6o° v, slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight Sediment sl. veg. sl. veg. sl. veg. m. veg. none... none... none... v. slight v. slight slight.. slight.. slight.. v. slight cons... cons... cons... cons... ODOR Cold sl. straw, sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. normal .. sl. straw. normal.. . 0.20 0.25 0.27 0.20 0.17 o. 14 o. 14 0.05 0.07 sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. med. veg.. sl. marshy med. veg.. faintly veg..........dist. veg . faintly veg.........|dist. veg. faintly veg____......dist. veg faintly veg. & unpleas't dist. veg. faintly veg.. dist. veg ..... v. faintly veg....... v. faintly veg........ faintly veg......... faintly veg & aromatic faintly veg .. faintly veg .. faintly veg , v. faintly veg faintly veg . . faintly veg... AMMONIA OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 0002 OOOO 0013 0005 0080 0034 0006 0002 0024 0020 0006 0012 0012 ALBUMINOID Total OI36 OI50 OI24 O060 0153 OIOO OI12 OIOO OI94 OO94 0I4h OI36 OIOO 0212 OI28 OI96 OI36 OIOO 0102 0076 OIOO 0076 0088 0060 RESIDUE ON 5 £ EVAPORATION 3 599 (,79 (192 731 759 792 838 879 922 961 996 1006 1897 May 3 IO 17 24 June 1 7 '7 July 14 23 29 Aug 5 Sept 16 57 62 6i° 61 6i° 630 f>4° 7i° 700 66° 690 690 690 68° 66° 6o° APPEARANCE Tur- bidity sl. turb sl. turb sl. turb clear. . sl. turb. sl. turb clear.. slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight slight sl. veg. sl. veg. none.. none. . none.. none.. slight.. v. slight slight.. slight slight.. v. slight slight . v. slight slight.. slight.. Color sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw. normal . sl. straw. normal . 0.30 o.37 0.32 0.20 0.19 0.17 o. 16 0.06 0.07 Cold faintly veg . .. dist. veg.... dist. veg ..... faintly veg ... faintly veg -. dist. veg...... v. faintly veg v. faintly veg. faintly veg ... v. faintly veg. ODOR sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. none...... sl. veg ... none...... sl. marshy. dist. veg .... dist. veg..... dist. veg____ dist veg ... . faintly veg ... faintly veg .. faintly veg... v. faintly veg faintly veg . .. faintly veg... . AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 0016 0038 0026 OOIO ,0032 0040 ,0018 ,0012 .0006 0078 0118 0068 0060 0060 0035 0245 .0128 .0122 .0112 .0122 .0114 .0096 0086 .0114 .0072 0092 0114 oog2 ,0090 0078 ,0070 .0062 0020 ,0008 ,0022 ,0006 .0008 .0044 .0010 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOCO OOOO .0000 .0001 .0000 .0001 .0000 .0001 .0001 .0002 .0002 .0001 .1647 .1647 .1647 .1070 .1482 .1812 .1400 0700 0630 0800 0800 0750 .0650 .0430 .0630 .0500 0.40 0.30 0.22 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION in V a a 0 § 0 Total •—1 1—1 Fix-ed rt X S. Iron 4-50 n.80 6.20 12.20 11.50 10.70 0.17 12.30 0.14112.00 0.15112.30 o.09 11.60 o. 16T0. 5.00 3.20 80 3-70 3-50 3-30 3.20 2 60 5.60 5-60 7.20 8.30 7.go 9.60 8.50 9.00 8.40 1.So 1 . 70 11-25 i-75 1. 70 |i-»5 81 91I 3-V 3-2i 3-92 4-3!i 3-9J2 4-4j2 4-4:2 4-32 3.62 .0050 .0100 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 1; OUTLET. (No.perc.c.) Table Date of Collection •< Temperature..... 205 1897 Apl 19 231 Apl 26 6o° 1040 1636 7 258 May 3 57° (iSli 667 M 5 11 5 293 May 10 6i° 900 782 IOO 7i 321 May 17 62° 1236 944 284 8 3f'9 May 24 62° (14(10 6000 220 240 40 20 20 60 416 J'ne 1 6i° 452 Jn'e 7 noO 532 J'ne 17 650 728(1 7040 563 July •4 74° 111 17 602 July 23 72° 3: JO 329 630 July 29 670 75 20 663 Aug 5 700 99 18 707 Aug 12 75° 105 4i 750 Aug 897 96 793 Aug 26 690 2243 30 828 Sept 1 690 1036 48 863 Sept 16 66° 5490 1336 873 Sept 27 6o° Dintomncfiv..... Cyclotella....... 4970 35oo 464 1005 75123583 7200 2400 300 IOO 8 16 10 4400 1008 Melosira........ Navicula...... 240 0 53 1 62 64 12 284 15 92 16 160 192 Synedra...... 14 ... 15 16 2118 38 972 38 4000 3200 4 Anabaena........ t6 Microcystis .... Oscillaria........ IO 5 11 17 6 3 8 4 33 0 4 38 78 75 38 124 112 8 10 Algae........... 2 8 3 23 16 Dictvosphserium.. 9 5 8 20 20 24 8 17 5 1 20 Rhizopoda....... >) 0 1 H Continued on next page. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 1; OUTLET.—Continued. Table Infusoria ...... Dinobryon Cases. Euglena...... 1 1 1 10 9 8 16 8 8 44 2S 10 12 9 1 147 6 188 24 179 5 3° 8 16 16 6 6 IO 111 17 168 30 16 129 1 200 16 20 20 0580 9 7548 i 2GG8 9 7304 0 1 20 3 1 352 10 83 8 1 2S6 18 8 8 5532 10 8 8 Total Organisms.. Total Genera 4973 (i 1064 5 698 6 974 10 1252 0 447 17 2538 14 1280 10 4444 1(1 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 1 ; OUTLET. (No. per c. c.) Table Bacteria....... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches \ week preceding J Date....... • ■ \ Mean temperature week ending. . . 135 140 200 80 70 120 1.00 .02 i-39 •07 3.01 ■38 1-54 Apl 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 J'n e 5 460 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 80 80 220 3000 700 800 400 300 100 800 •70 .01 3-67 2.21 3-85 1.03 •39 ■58 2.15 .00 .00 J'neJ'ne 12 19 July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 6i° 68° 75° 75° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 6g° 68° 100 1.20 Oct 2 6o° The ^(iif-ra. 'n addition to those enum-rated in the tables as present in qmntities of five or more organisms per c. c. in any one sample, wc v: Diatoms Amphiprora. Gomph meraa, Mrridion. Tabellaria: Cganophgcete—Anabaena, Clathroc\ stis, Oscillaria Alga'— Ar hro.lesmu<, Cnelast-rium, Clostrum, Cosmarium, Eudorina, Pediastrum, R Cyanophycere................................. V- 3 57 55 1 2 17 14 1 0 8 6 0 21 21 1 8 11 7 1 0 5 2 4 Fnngi........................................ 1 0 1 1 1 7 6 "43 5 1 5 "3 4 149 10 1 ' id 5 100 5 3 0 1 2 0 12 8 Vermes....................................... 7 5 3 10 5 1 150 11 ...., 2 10 5 '71 5 28 4 32 4 22 4 77 8 20 1 39 9 88 8 18 7 111 11 16 1 233 8 328 4 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR; BASIN No. 1. INLET Table Bacteria Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding. Date............................. Mean temperature week ending .02 May 1 53° 1500 r-39 May 8 54° .07 VI ay 15 6o° 225 3.01 May 22 6c ° 160 •38 May 29 6o° 330 i-54 J'ne 5 b2Q 1320 .70 J'ne 12 6i° 110 .01 J'ne 19 3-67 July 17 75° 210 2.21 July 24 74° 2000 3-85 July 3i 7oc 400 600 1.03 Aug 7 73° •39 Aug 14 73° 1600 600 500 300 58 Aug 21 73° 2.15 Aug 28 70° .00 Sept 4 69° .00 Sept 18 68° 400 1.20 Oct 2 6o° MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR. BASIN No. 2; INLET. (No. per c. c.) Table 22g Apl 26 6o° 25 16 5 262 May 3 58° 16 14 "4 297 May 10 6o° 325 May 17 6i° 49 39 10 1 373 May 24 6i° 59 50 8 4 420 J'ne 1 620 456 J'ne 7 64° 3 536 J'ne 17 640 567 July 14 6g° 54 42 606 July 23 6g° 39 39 634 July 29 66° 27 27 667 Aug 5 68° 22 19 711 Aug 12 66° 5 754 Aug '"8 6 797 Aug 26 68° S2 81 832 Sept 1 67° H 867 Sept 16 65° 154 .5. 877 Sept 27 6o° 296 2g6 07 19 6 Cyaiiopliycea? ............................. 1 « 47 47 1 5 5 7 1 4 4 12 6 0 8 7 1 0 "l 2 - 5 1 1 3 Alga> ......................... 1 1 1 7 a 2 4 1 2 ' 1 1 Infusoria .................................. 4 13 6 7 1 44 9 8 8 19 7 3 1 1}.... 5 "■jo 8 47 1 1 40 0 30 8 21 s 3 2 51 4 1 00 47 11 4 29 8 20 10 17 0 87 6 15 7 163 8 306 5 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. (No. per c. c.) INLET. Bacteria....................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for week preceding... Date................................ Mean temperature for week preceding... .02 May 1 53° 540 1-39 May 8 54° 10 •07 May- lS 6oQ 190 3.01 Ma\ 22 6o° 140 330 •38 1-54 May J'ne 29 5 6o° 62° 150 .70 J'ne 12 6i° 100 230 .01 3-67 2.21 J'ne July July 22 17 24 68° 75° 74° Table 25000 900 1 400 300 1 3-85 1.03 •39 ■58 July Aug Aug Aug 3i ! 7 M 21 70°, 73° 1 73° 73° 200 200 700 2.15 .00 .00 Aug Sept Sept 28 i 4 18 j 700 690 68° 600 1.17 Oct 2 6o° \IH KOSCOI'IOAL EXAMINATION OF WA' PER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR BASIN No. 2 ; OUTLET. (No. per c c.) 232 i8q7 259 2g2 322 37o 417 453 533 564 603 631 664 708 75i 794 829 864 87* Date of Collection........... ...... . \ Apl May May May May J'ne J'ne | 'ne July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept Sept Sept < 2b 3 10 17 24 1 7 17 14 23 29 5 12 19 26 1 ib 27 6o° 58° 62° 6i° 6i° 6i° 630 640 7i° 7i° 66° 6q° 6q° 6q° 68° 66° 65u 42 •d> 104 64 300 516 1280 4708 182 89 39 41 49 9 44 38 45 333 6 12 105 450 1240 4272 63 5 8 8 37 8 8 28 15 30 50 L33 56 10 20 86 8q 33 37 48 9 36 303 (, 17 2 68 59 4 28 408 32 6 6 26 7 1 4 10 8 4 7 3 5 1 6 13 IO "2 6 "l "l 7 2 3 1 9 8 2 9 5 10 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 7 "8 6 "io 2 2 7 4 4 5 2 51 18 32 32 32 12 11 1° 16 17 IO 6 6 .... 6 5 321 536 1340 4740 1 °11 114 " 62 58 55 39 57 54 38 113 7° 50 15 354 12 5 9 8 11 9 12 6 ,3 0 10 9 3 6 9 3 8 11 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 2; OUTLET. (No. per c.c.) Table Bacteria........................... Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding ...... Date............................... Mean temperature week ending........ 7°.0 155 150 160 180 170 0.2 i-39 •07 3-oi •38 i-54 .70 May Ma\ May May May J'ne J'ne 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6l° 115 155 26500 190 160 600 500 lS.'iOd 200 .01 3-67 2.21 3-85 1.03 •39 • 58 2.15 .00 .00 Jne July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept Sept 19 I 17 24 .31 7 14 21 28 4 18 68° 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 6g° 68° 200 1.20 Oct* 2 6o° I lie .genera found in addition to those above tabulated as occurring- in quantities of five or more per C.C. in any one sample, were as follows: Diatoms— Amphora. Cvclotella, I'.un.tii, Cynibi-llH, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma; Cyanophycew—Microo stis; Alga}—Arthrodesmus, Cosmarium, DicU""ph;er urn, l'anciorina, Pediastrum, Raphidium. Staurastrum, Spirogyra; Infusoria—Glenodinium, Peridinium, Trachelomonas; Vermes—Anguillula, Anurea. Crustacea- i )aphnia ; Fungi—Molds. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 3 (WESTERN) ; OUTLET. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection Tem. APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment Color ODOR Cold 370 417 451 476 520 564 600 680 6g3 732 760 793 839 880 923 g62 997 1007 1S97 Apl ig May 3 10 17 24 June 1 7 17 July 56° 59° 6i° 6i° 6i° 63 sl. turb. sl. turb. min veg sl. turb sl. turb Aug Sept 14 23 29 51 12 19 26: I; l6| 27 640 sl. turb. 700 v. slight 700 v. slight f>7°iV. slight 6g° v. slight 69° v. slight v. slight 69° v. slight 68° v. slight 55°jv. slight 6o° v. slight sl. sed.. sl. veg. none... none... none .. none .. min veg slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. slight.. v. slight slight.. v. slight cons... slight.. sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw normal.. sl. straw normal.. o.35 0-43 0.40 0.30 0.20 o.ig 0.17 0.06 0.07 aromatic & faint. dist. veg...... faintly veg .... faintly veg...... faintly veg...... faintly veg..... v. faintly veg .. v. faintly veg .. faintly veg...... v. faintly veg ... veg. marshy sl. marshy. sl. marshy. sl. marshy. md. veg.. sl. marshy md. veg... AMMONIA Free ALBUMINOID Total OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO dist. veg......... dist. veg.............0056 dist. veg............0034 dist. veg.......... .0022 faintly veg..........0012 faintly veg........... 0022 faintly veg..........0012 v. faintly veg.........0012 faintly veg & aromatic; .0012 faintly veg..........0006 .0104 .0132 .0138 .0190 .0255 •0195 .0125 0130 OIOO 0120 0178 OO86 OO76 .OOgO ,OI28 .OO98 .0080 .OI70 . OO76 .0072 .OO64 .OO94 .OO66 . OO40 ■ OOOS .OOIO .0OO4 .0026 .0034 .0032 Nitrogen as Ni- trites Ni- trates RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION Total °bc Fix- ed ,0000 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO 1318 1482 •1341 ,1812 ,1760 •I 341 .0988 .1647 . OOOO . OOOO . OOOO . OOOO .0001 .0001 .0001 . 0002 .0001 .0670 .0600 .0630 • 0350 ■ 0450 .0600 •0550 .0470 ■ 0450 0.47 0.35 0.28 0.19 0.17 0.18 O. II 0.14 9.20 8.go 3-6o 4.70 10.20 5.00 5-6o|. 4.20 . II .00 4.go'6.10 9. 70 3.10 6.60 9.00 2 . 50 IO.503 11 . IO I I . 2() IO.40 9 60 6.50 6.70 7-30 3.00 8.20 2.90 7.50 2.507.10 •30 .50 .80 •50 •50 •55 •55 .90 1.71 . r.78|. 1.7S . 1.62 , 3-9 4-3 2.7 3-2 3-i 3-5 3-8 1.9S 3.5 1.96 3-2'i.gi S7 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD Date of Col- lection 1897 Apl 19 May 3 10 17 24 June 7 17 July 14 23 29 5 12 19 26 1 16 27 Aug Sept 560 59° 6o° 59° 6i° 6i° 630 6g° 68 63 67 66° 68° 66° 65 6i° APPEARANCE Tur- bidity slight. . slight.. slight.. clear .. slight. . slight clear . . slight. v slight v slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight Sediment sl. veg. none .. sl. veg. sl. veg. sl. veg. none .. sl. veg. cons. . cons. . cons. . cons. . cons. , slight cons. . cons. . cons. . cons. . Color sl. straw sl. straw. sl. straw. sl. straw normal.. sl. straw normal.. 0.30 0-45 0.30 0.17 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.07 ODOR Cold faintly veg ... dist. veg faintly veg... faintly veg . . v. faintly veg. faintly veg ... v. faintly veg. faintly veg. .. faintly veg.... v. faintly veg. marshy ... sl. marshy. sl. marshy. none ... . sl. marshy.., md. marshy. dist. veg..... dist. veg..... dist. veg..... dist. veg..... faintly veg... faintly veg . .. faintly veg... faintly veg faintly veg. faintly veg. ., BASIN NO. 3 (WESTERN) ; INLET. (Parts per 100,000.) AMMONIA ALBUMINOID .OOI2 .ooig .0017 .0017 .0026 .0020 .0025 .0024 .0022 .0034 .0034 .0056 .0018 .0036 .0028 .0038 .0012 .0064 .0055 .0073 •0073 .oo4g •0075 .0050 .0146 .0120 .oog8 .0086 •0134 .0088 .0102 .0076 .0066 .0060 0076 0134 0088 oogo .0070 0062 ,0056 .0010 .0000 .0000 .0012 .0006 .0004 .0004 Ni- trites OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOI .OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOI OOOO OOOI Ni- trates .IIO8 .1631 .1468 •I633 •1378 •1383 . I461 .I2g8 RESIDUE ON ■a EVAPORATION Si a; v a MiS 0 c ^3) 0 S 0 x c Fix- O ° O Total ed X U ,0650 ,0630 ,0630 .0650 0400J0.2I 0500J0.2 .0430 0.49 0.28 0.24 ,0450 .0550 0.07 0.08 8.60 10.00 9.70 9-5° 10.30 9.20 9.40 10.80 9-30 9.70 9.20 3.20 5-30 3-30 3-50 2.50 2.60 3.10 3.20 2.80 3.00 2.20 5-40 4.70 6.40 6.00 7.80 6.60 6.30 7.60 6.50 6.70 7.00 3-6 3-1 2-9 3-5 3-5 2-7 3-8 3-4 3-5 3-2 1-35 1.40 1.20 1-55 i-55 i-35 125 1.50 1-55 1 62 I.g6 1.64 1.67 1.84 I. 76 1.66 .0050 1.86 .0050 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 3; OUTLET. (No. per c.c.) Number.......... 202 1897 Apl 19 235 Apl 26 58° 1377 1317 200 May 3 560 295 May 10 323 May 17 6i° 3596 3400 68 92 36 "4 37i May 24 6l° 20280 2COOO 418 June 1 6i° 10964 10800 45-1 June 7 63p 16037 16000 IO 20 6 534 J 'ne " 17 64° 8016 Sooo 565 July 14 70c 9912 9800 604 July 23 700 1220 1212 632 July 29 670 14 5 665 Aug 5 68° 29 22 709 Aug 12 690 25 14 752 Aug 19 29 5 795 Aug 26 690 00 9 830 Sept 1 690 53 21 865 Sept 16 65° S2S 2S 875 Sept 27 Date of Collection ....... .............■{ ) 968 845 1205 99.\R 1534 1141 2144 6ft 23 95 5 (i 6 13 4i 28 35 16 40 16 8 IOO "l20 44 120 16 96 7 s 6 18 12 1 29 1 340 460 858 610 *8 4 6 1 1 Cyanophyceae...................... 3 1 Hi 8 120 20 16 .. . . 11 11 1 6 1 Algre .............................. 8 5 3 4 14 .4 4 4 2 s Eudorina ..«....................... 20 Protococcus ..................... 5 6 5 13 13 Infusoria......................... 1 3 4 8 "8 2 24 6 1 3 32 8 36 Dinobryan Cases..................... 20 6 5 18 16 ..... 17 31 5 1 Vermes.......................... 20 20 20440 (J ..... 2 0 Rotifer.............................. 2228 0 3G04 6 1228 4 Total Organisms....................... 983 9 13S8 1209 10980 16067 4 11 8020 6 9924 5 58 9 37 7 25 6 6S| 860:15*0 Total Genera........................... 10 7 •"», 7 s 6 13 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 3; OUTLET. Table Bacteria Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding Date.............................. Mean temperature week ending 90 185 85 85 200 260 160 90 120 6000 1100 300 300 600 600 1.00 .02 I.39 .07 3.01 • 38 i-54 .70 .01 3-67 2.21 3-85 1.03 •39 •58 2.15 .00 Apl May May May M ay May June June J'ne July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept 24 1 8 L5 22 29 5 12 19 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 460 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 68° 75° 74° 700 73° 73° 73° 700 6g° 200 .00 Sept 18 68° S00 1.20 Oct 2 6o° I lu genera found at the out'et of this basin, in addition to the forms tabulated abov, as occurring in quantities of five or more per C. C. ia any one sample, are as follows: lHatoms—luti'ta, Meridion, Navicula, Pie inwifma ; t'ganopligcetv—Aphanocapsa ; -llga-—I'andorina, Pediastrum, Raphidium, Gonium, Euastrum; Infusoria Cryptomonas. I'nidinium, Trachelomonas; lermes—Anurea. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 3; TNLET. (No.perc.c.) Table. ( 203 1897 236 263 2g8 326 374 421 457 535 568 607 635 668 712 755 798 833 868 878 Date of Collection ■< Apl Apl May May May May J'ne )'ne J'ne luly July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Sept Sept Sept ( 19 26 3 10 17 24 1 7 17 14 23 29 5 12 19 26 1 16 27 57° 1* 1 57° 6 59° 51 6n° 59° 45 6r° 6i° 63° r10° r>8u 63°! 670 10 24 6fiu 0H° 66u 6su 6TU 42 14 10 0 33 6 16 4 75 7 83 22 Melosira........ (> 7 33 10 37 29 5 8 22 M 74 5 83 20 Synedra........ Tabellaria 15 5 9 3 1 4 0 19 1 1 1 0 5 9 1 *9 8 Alga>.......... 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Infusoria........ 1 3j.... 3 2 0 3 1 3 2 2 1 0 .... 1 Total Organisms . . 48 s 7 55! 18 52 18 9 22 34 10 14 27 20 12 87 7 86 22 11 2 4 5 6 8 8 0 2 6 4 1 (i 6 6 7 3 4 2 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OP WATER FROM RIDGEWOOD RESERVOIR, BASIN No. 3; INLET. (No.perc.c.) Table. Bacteria........ Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches \ week preceding. \ Date..........-j Mean temperature / week preceding. J 205 540 120 180 135 200 700 1.00 .02 i-39 •07 3.01 •38 1.54 • 70 Apl 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 J'ne 5 J'ne 12 460 53° 54° 6o° 6o° 6o° 62° 6i° 110 ... .01 J'ne •9 68° 3-67 luly 17 75° 130 July 24 74c 10400 1300 600 500 1300 100 400 3.85 1.03 •39 •58 2.15 .00 .00 July Aug 3i' , 7 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 18 700 73° 73° 73° 700 6g° 68° 300 1.20 Oct 2 6o° EXAMINATION OF WATER FOR APPEARANCE, ODOR AND COLOR ; TAP ; 108 DeKALB AVENUE, BROOKLYN. Date of Col-lection Tem. APPEARANCE ODOR No. Tur-bidity Sediment Color Cold Hot 789 833 876 gig 958 97i 993 1003 Aug 4 12 18 25 3i Sept g 15 23 Oct 1 7> 700 63° v. slight none... v. slight v. slight none... v. slight v. slight r. slight v. slight cons. . . cons. .. slight.. cons. .. cons. .. slight.. slight.. cons. .. cons. .. O.40 O.25 0.18 O.I6 O.15 O.I2 O.08 O.07 O.IO v. faintly veg..... v. faintly veg...... iosg EXAMINATION OF WATER FOR APPEARANCE, ODOR AND COLOR. TAP; COR. FOURTH AND ATLANTIC AVENUES, BROOKLYN. 757 July 28 v. slight slight.. 790 Aug 4 v. slight cons. . 834 12 70° v. slight cons. .. 877 18 v. slight cons. .. 920 25 690 v. slight cons. .. 959 3i none . cons. .. 972 Sept 9 v. slight cons. .. 994 15 v. slight slight.. 1004 23 v. slight cons. .. 1060 Oct 1 65° v. slight slight.. 0.35 0.35 0.20 0.18 O.I7 0.15 0.12 O.06 O.O7 O. 10 faintly veg......... faintly veg........ v. faintly veg....... v. faintly veg... ... v. faintly veg ...... v. faintly veg...... v. faintly veg...... v. faintly veg. & unpl't v. faintly veg....... v. faintly veg........ dist. veg.... faintly veg.. faintly veg... v. faintly veg v. faintly veg v. faintly veg v. faintly veg v. faintly veg none....... v. faintly veg MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM 108 DeKALB AVENUE ; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Number.......... 661 I8g7 Aug 4 2392 2352 40 705 Aug 11 700 175 159 14 748 Aug 18 150 114 35 79i Aug 24 700 297 134 5 839 Sept 9 353 29 97 861 Sept 16 1596 316 20 871 Sept 22 2124 308 736 10S0 Date of Collection.......... . J Temperature................. Oct 1 Diatomaceae................ 1890 310 573 Asterionella................ Synedra................. 157 726 1260 I3 978 16 Tabellaria............. 8 12 "*4 2 3 1 2 1 11 8 2 1 4 1 1 17 6 10 Infusoria ....................... 43 37 13 10 3 4 8 3 324 13 1 858 8 4 1608 6 2416 6 198 12 196 9 2132 5 1894 8 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM 108 DeKALB AVENUE ; TAP. Table • 58 Aug 21 73° Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches for week preceding ... •I 2.31 Aug 7 73° 1.14 Aug 14 73° 1-35 Aug 28 700 .02 Sept II 73° .00 Sept 18 68° •03 Sept 25 58° .00 Oct 2 6o° MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BROOKLYN, COR. 4TH & ATLANTIC AVES; TAP. (No. per c. c.) Table Number. Date of Collection . Temperature.... Diatomac^ae . Asterionella ... . Melosira....... Navicula........ Synedra ....... Tabellaria ...... Cyanophyceae___ Alsae... '...... Dictyosphaerium . Raphidium .... Scenedesmus Fungi .......... Rhizupoda...... Infusoria..... Dinobryon Cases. Monas ......... Trachelomonas .. Total Organisms .. Total Genera...... 62g i8g7 July 28 133 127 140 6 662 Aug 4 109 70b Aug 12 7lP 40 39 749 Aug 18 "84 20 24 '38 '*4 3 46 7g2 840 862 Aug 24 6gc 211 56 19 133 "3 18 24 20 256 14 Sept 9 1228 36 88 [104 242 7 ^>ept 16 1386 116 70 1200 872 Sepi 22 2216 184 672 1360 928 Oct 1 2051 2gi 659 33 1051 16 1390 5 2230J2063 7 12 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BROOKLYN, COR. 4TH & ATLANTIC AVES; TAP. (No. per c. c ) Table Meteorological Statistics. Rain-fall in inches week preceding ..... Mean temperature week ending ....... "] 2.42 July 31 70° 2.31 Aug 7 73° •39 Aug 14 73° •58 Aug 21 73° r-35 Aug 28 700 .02 Sept 11 73° .00 Sept 18 68° .03 Sept 25 5 8° .00 Oct 2 60° CI IEMICAL EXAMI NATION OF WATER FROM MASSAPEQUA DRIVEN WELL PLANT ; WEIK BOX. (Parts per ioo.coo.) 13 58 75 99 142 160 1 215 307 323 582 974 1046 Date of Col- M' ■m. lection APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Color ODOR Cold AMMONIA Nitrogen- as •0 Si x a O ° RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION c -0 a 0 G ALIIIMINOI1) Ni-trites Ni-trates Total 5 e .2 Fix-ed Eree !n Solu-tion 1 c S.2 C V 1— a, iSg6 Dec 21 1897 Jan 21 Feb 2 8 17 24 Mch 3 9 Apr 1 6 June 3 Sept 13 30 S31 clear none... none.. . none ... none ... normal. 0.00 0.00 faintly unpleasant faintly unpleasant none none. 0024' .0002 I 0011 .0021 0015 .0031 0010 .0022 0014 .0012 .0011 .0023 .0016 .0010 .0009 .0013 .(JO 19 .0021 .0011 .0011 .0016 .003S .0026 .0024 .0006 .0010 .0000 .0639 .0000 .0485 .0000; .08 12 .ooooj .081 5 .0000! .068S .OOOO .0000 . OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO , OOOO ,0000 •09791-- .0522 .. .o6g2'.. .080SJ. . .0522 . . 3-5Q 5-8o 5.10 5-5o 6.00 .0200^.041 4.20 ,0000.0.09! 4.50 1.1 o.g CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM WANTAGH DRIVEN WELL PLANT; WEIR BOX. (Parts per 100.000.) 14 59 77 101 144 162 200 217 254 268 309 325 436 584 876 49 i8g6 Dec 21 1897 Jan 21 Feb 2 Mch Apr May June hept 13 541 30 s6c 52L 54c clear clear none. none. v. slight none.. , none.. . v. slio-ht normal normal 0.00 faintly unpleasant O.00 none........ none none none ................0024 .0022 none................0012 0022 .0016 .0007 . 00 io .0007 ■ OOOO • OOIO .0010 .0004 .0012 ,0012 .0002 ,0002 ,0003 ,0004 .001 g .0026 .0005 .OOOO .0016 .0008 .0014 .0016 . 0012 ,0022 ,0038 ,0023 ,0026 . OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO ■ OOOO • OOOO • OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 .0217 .04S8 .0651 • 0554 .0865 .0609 .0527 ■ 0573 • 0525 • 0525 • 0657 ■ 0534 .0697 .0697 .000.-1 .00700.02 3.90 ,0000.00700.00 4.50 2.80 2.90 6.00 5-60 5-30 4.80 0.6! i-3 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM NEWBRIDGE DRIVEN WELL PLANT (MATAWAN); WEIR BOX. (Parts per 100,000.) ODOR No. 15 60 78 102 145 IO50 Date of Col- lection i8g6 De 21 1897 Jan 21 Feb 2 8 17 Sept 30 Tem, APPEARANCE Tur- bidity Sediment Color Cold AMMONIA ALBUMINOID Nitrogen as Ni- trites 54l v. slight 0.05 .0016! .0062 0016, .0024 ,ooioj .0018 0000 .0014 0010! .0016 0014] .0018 .OOOO . OOOO .00-0 .9000 .OOOO Ni- trates K. E • O382 •0553 .0651 • o6sg .o6g2 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION 3-5° 5-30 4.00 Fix- ed CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM MERRICK DRIVEN WELL PLANT ; WEIR BOX. (Parts per 100,000.) 16 61 80 104 147 20 219 256 270 3" 327 586 Dec 21 i8g7 Jan 21 Feb 2 17 Mch 3 9 1 23 Apr 1 6 June 3 5i( clear. g7S Sept 13 540 none... none .. 0.00 none 1053 30 520 none .. v. slight 0.05 none normal none................0014 .0014 none.............0010.0030 0016 .0016 ,0007 .0003 ,0007 ,0005 ,0007 ,0007 ,0010 0007 ,0002 ,0002 ,0006 .0026 .0003 .0012 .ooog .0005 .0001 .0016 ■0045 .0014 . 0004 .0034 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .0006 .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO .OOOO ,0000 .OOOO •0893 .ogoo .og86 •1394 •1395 .0982 .106^ .1068 ■0982] . 1069 .0987' . 1066 .0450 0.00 .05000.00 4-30 5-2 4.8. 5.00 5-50 4 • 20] 5-60 i-5 O O »J (0 en oo OOCn O « W en.p.ijJOitotOtOwwww iO^U 0~4-t>W>O^IU i-l OOOI w en OO W vO O w4i io oocn Ui U w <_n en O oo oocn O O s r?J vO ~-J 0 3 3 2.2. in m m 3 3 ""•-=!•.? « rt 3 3 OO OOOOOOOOOOOOO o OO OOOOOOOOOOOOO o iowo OOOOwONOOOOOO w O ■£■ O CO O-t* Q H»j^ O OOvQ to O O to b b b b b b b o b b b b b o o b OO OOOOOOOOOOOOO o UUU OOIOMwWOMwwwwOIO O oooo o^ »iooiii»i;>j>iji o-e> -c> cr bob bb'obbbbbbbbb'o b ooo OOOOOOOOOOOOO o OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO o QwQ OOOOOOOOOOOOO Q to w w UMIODMUKIOHHUIOH to O "~4 10 >J-J*\OMBMiO-JMMCO^ M >en^jmwwi-i^oujtoMOLn Q bo .::.;■.;; w b b • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o»».........._______•__ oo oo- ■ • • iO • • • • h en O OO Q Q Q • • • . Q • • • • Q Q M 10 w W............ (0 MOO (j3..........._______4^ O O^l 04^ O^J »J 0*4 O Oui A en en O OvOw QenenOOOuienOenQOO Q bob '..'.'.'.'.'.'. I '.'.'. ' w^Oi ............. - O o •........... ooo............. *. o o o o o-c» to to i- j Date of No. 1 Col-1 lection rt ]f w $?m CT p co o oo o o w (0^»°v ~j coen w o P 5~? > *o W > > Z 0 M isi a a. 3' n 3 n 0_ n G O X 0 .0008 .0006 .0003 .0002 .0002 7 > 2 OOOO 0 OOOO 0 OOOO 0 -fc. e>5 to Ui O ^ 2 In Solu-tion In Sus-pension c 0 ■ 0 • c - DO O DO O DO O DO O %Z 2; 73 0 0 n z sg O w O O O 0000 ~-i C to 0 w w -fc. O 00O3 ** Oxygen Consumed w 00 w i. 00 0 0 0' E. \ Loss on Ignition n ^ o-S' co Hardness to w w w UvlvJ 00 O en O O Chlorine 0 P rt - w re I- cr 3 co o cc u io h h tow w^Jto C^J -~ 4- vl Q to en QO 4- O to OOO .p. Co en 04i *• 6 o c Ln co ui c c c o o 3 3 rt rt ooo 33 cooococo en en OCO en en en en 4- 4* oo cn» » i; OOOOOOO c ■~ J. -i rt —i "3 ■WCHtJtotOwwww Co c^'-t- to o ^i co w o en | O C COCI)mCui|0-I0 o »q :^ 'tz. tt o ' -i -J. cr 3 co o go ""' o o CO 10 w w to w w *J ~ ^ ' vj -4-sl Q to en OQ 4^ Q ^j M ' ' - \-J m m in te —. =: ~ sJ jrq orq OTQ r 3-crB" o = o 3W 3 n -T m 3 3 EL 5> io cr o oo w m oooooooococco OOOOOOOOOOC*-to Ow w co 0"-J O^J-J OOC-J w - ! x ir I ^ o o o o c c o 5 o o c z OCO *- » ui co 4^ to O co io C 4> to w o ooooccccoococ ooooccc_ogccw O 4* O OC^OO O O O coco C OOCCOCCOOOOC 4- CO HUl 10 4- IO CO vj CO 10 CO 10 vl O CO CO o co i-i 10 O -f^ -t- C O oocn C i-i C Co en to vl O 0 0 b b OCO CO 10 o CO to -- i 0 10 4- tO • • ■ CO • C^4- i • • • <£ • o c o ■ • • • o w w ■ vj to VI VJ OiO : : : • : : : * : vl c ui r>0' • • • en ■ CO o co •____•_ O ■ — • cn • CO ._. en O O O w to OGOvOvJvI-J^l^l ^ «ui C en en C en _ w c r -^i en^'c Xs io O 8^ --J ::.:::::: ! tO to ZOO HUvJvO OO w O — 4- o O O co o w w to COO CO p > Oxygen Consumed -j — 'J. Loss on Ignition >-? Chlorine ^CnEMICAI^EXAMINATION^OF WATER FROM JAMFCO PARK DRIVEN WELL PLANT, SHALLOW WELLS Date of No. Col- lection I897 50 [an 19 88 Feb 4 no 9 1.33 16 168 25 187 Mch 2 225 10 241 17 334 Apr 7 442 May 6 59i June 4 781 Aug 4 1021 Sept 2S TAP. (Parts per 100,000.) 57u 59° 59° 56° appearance Tur- bidity clear . . sl. turb. Sediment none none slight. . v. slight milkv . slight .. Color normal. . md. straw O.05 o.37 ODOR Cold Hot AMMONIA Nitrogen as ALIUIMINOID Ni- Ni- 3 1/1 E Kree IS).?. 3 a: trites trates e " c 1-1 a. v. faintly disagr'ble. faintly unpleasant. . none none none. none .0600 .0510 .0590 •0550 .0470 . 0_|00 0040 .0050 .0070 . 0040 0080 0490, .0050 0510! .0030 0560J .0120 .0460! .0050 0430!. 0030 0354J.0056 04001 .0052 RESIDUE ON •a EVAPORATION t* a 9 e 0 5 X c °c3 Total ° w ■—{»—1 Fix-ed Iron . 0016 . 0014 . 001 (j 0014 ,0014 0012 OOOO 0006 0010 OOOO 0008 0003 0005 • 0593 .0810 .1217 .1476 0851 .0918 • 0749 .0892 .0517 • 0445 ■ 0379 .0120 0330 17.70 j A 15.70 13 70 13-80 13.90 13.00 14.00 6.0 6.7 6.4 5-6 0 og 0.10 3-05 3-io 2-95 2. go 2.85 2.70 2-35 2.50 1.85 1.80 1.70 1.68 .1200 1.64'. 1000 ^CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM BAISELEY'S DRIVEN WELL PLANT ; TAP. (Parts per 100,000.; 48 85 107 130 165 184 223 243 272 2g6 331 439 778 948 1017 Dec 22 1897 Jan 19 Feb 4 9 16 25 Mch 2 10 17 24 3i Apr 7 May 6 June 4 Aug 4 31 Sept 27! 55u 54° 57° 66° 5 6° sl. turb. clear .. v. slight v. slight slieht.. none. none. slight slight slight normal. . sl. straw. o. 12 o. 10 0.0? none. none. none. none. none. none none nnne .0026 ,0026 ,0014 .0022 ,0024 .0040 ,0024 .0028 .0030 .0026 .0016 .0038 .0032 .0036 .0024 .0054 .0014 .0018 .0024 .0002 .0022 .OOIO .0040 .0012 .0004 .0020 .0020 .0024 .0020 .0046 .0048 .0040 0038 .0034 ,0000 .OOOO .OOOO . OOOO , 0000! , OOOO OOOO ,0000 ,0000! .0000 OOOO ,0000 ,OOOO, ,0000 .0002 ,0001 .OOOt .2g44 2943 .3612 .3605 .2780 • 3590 • 2939 .2612 •3599 .0884 ■ 3769 ■ 3429 •'950 •3194 .0700.0 .04300 .0670.0 3I-30 37 40 70 6.7 8.2 9 -5o 10 45 10 70 10 98 II 20 II 3° II 25 II II 65 45 10 45 10 II 95 11 [I 80 IO 50 13 20 . !4 11 . 14 11 , 0180 0500 0180 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM OCONEE DRIVEN WELL PLANT; WEIR BOX. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col-lection Tem. APPEARANCE ODOR AMMONIA XlTKIH jHN AS Tur-bidity Sediment Color Cold Hot Free ALHI.'MINOID Ni-trites No. E In Solu-tion £ 0 ?■'£ — 0. Ni-trates T016 1897 Sept 27 56° v. slight v. slight O. IO faintly unpleasant .... .0362 .<><>48|. ... .OOOO RESIDUE. ON EVAPORATION 5 c I" i Fix &"e ed R bo J~ 9.50.50I.0230 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRING CREEK DRIVEN WELL [OLD] PLANT SHALLOW WELLS ; TAP. (Parts per 100...00.) 95 176 206 313 423 570 799 968 1013 1S97 Feb 8 Mch 1 8 ^pr 5 May 3 June 1 \ug Sept 54u 56° 580 560 54° clear.. . clear... none .. none . none . . none. . none .. v. slight none .. none .. normal . normal . 0.00 0.00 0.00 none............ none............ faintly unpleasant. none none. none none none .0002 0002 ,0004 ,0000 .OOOO .OOOO .0024 ■ OOIO .0012 .0004 .0016 .0032 .0014 .0016 .0018 .0044 .00261 .0040! OOOO .5928 OOOO .6239 OOOO 0570 OOOO ■ 5141 OOOO •3788 OOOO .2964 OOOO .2250 OOOO .1850 OOOO 2650 0.06 0.05 0.07 54-50 55.60 59-5Q 65.00 70.70 74.50 83.80 15.8 n.8o ■3-35 •3-3° 16-4 8.65 »6-3li5.3S '5 • 7 14.00 29.5 23.3* 27 0J26.26 29. 5I28.22 .0000 .00S0 0050 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRING CREEK DRIVEN WELL [OLD] PLANT, DEEP WELLS; TAP. (Parts per 100,000.) 96 177 207 3M 424 57i 800 9^9 1014 1897 Feb 8 Mch 1 8 Apr 5 May 3 June 1 Aug Sept 58° 54° 55° 54° 53° clear... clear... v. slight sl.milky sl.milky none .. none .. v. slight v. slight v. slight normal normal. 0.10 0.12 0.13 none............ none.......... faintly unpleasant none none Done. none. none .0000 .0000 .0000 .0002 .0000 .0000 .0002 .0006 .0013 .0006 .0011 .0026 .0012 0014 OOOO .0018 .0016 .0024 OOOO OOOO .0000 OOOO OOOO .0000 .0000 OOOO .0000 .0560 .0740 0247 .0287 .0412 .2141 .0070 .0050 16 80 17 30 17.80 18.60 0.02117.go 0.02J18.70 .01200.03 20.00 9.1 10.6 9-7 n.5 12.5 14-5 13.(i •5o|..... .50:... . • 5"'..... .60..... .60..... .80'..... 0.611.0230 .68 .02711 .67! .0250 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM SPRING CREEK DRIVEN WELL [NEW] PLANT, SHALLOW WELLS ; TAP. (Parts per 100,000.) Date of Col- lection Apr May June Aug Sept APPEARANCE Tem. 1897 Feb 1 Mch Tur- bidity 27 53l 55' 56° 54r 55( clear. clear. none. none. none. Sediment Color ODOR Cold none .. none . none .. none .. v. slight normal. normal. 0.04 0.00 0.00 none none. none none none none none none AMMONIA ALBUMINOID .OOO3: .OOI5 .0002 I .OO34 .OOIO .0032 .OOO5 | .O031 .O000| .002 2 .0000 .0004 . 0008 .0012 .0012 .0024 .0014 .0038 Ni- | Ni- trites ! trates .OOOO 822g .0000 -5351 .0000 .5341 .0000 .5g25 .0000 .2635 .0000 .2141 .0000 .5700 .0002 .6000 .0001 .6700 RESIDUE ON •a be 5 x c EVAPORATION c a 0 9 e .2 Fix- O ° Total 2 c ° DO I—* 1—1 ed X O O.OI 0.02 0.02 22.80 24.00 24.00 24. 22.70 22.20 25-50 g.4 10.o 10.g 13.0 15-5 1.05 1-25 1.40 ■75 •75 .65 1.40 i.43 r3-5]i-37 MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER FROM DRIVEN WELLS. No. of Samples . Massa-1 pequa Weir Box 4- Wantagh Weir Box 6. New-bridge Weir Box 2 Merrick Weir Box 6. Clear Stream Pumping Station. 6. Forest Stream Pumping Station. 6. Jameco Park Artesian Wells. 6. Jameco Park Shallow Wells. 5- Baiseley's Pumping Station. 3- Old Sp. Creek Shallow Wells. 4- Old Sp. Creek Artesian Wells. 4- New Sp. Creek Shallow Wells. 4- Oconee Weir Box 1. in o ""3 X in > o X a _o X in n > o XI rt in ft "v X in V > 0 X rt in _o X 4) > o XI 01 in •S _o ~v X in u > O X a in u X > O X rt in _o "aS X in > O X JO V > 0 X rt in ■S _o O X S3 in iS _o V X in V > 0 X a it 0 X in V > O X rt IT, ■s _o V X in V > O X rt in ■e _o "v X in V > 0 X rt 1 1 I I Cymbella....... Epithemia . . . . Melosira . .... . I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 2 I 3 I I 2 I I I 3 4 I I 1 2 2 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 5 Alga>........... Closterium...... I I "2 r I Ab. 2 -- I Ab. 1 .... I i Ab. 1 2 ' 1 Ab. 0 "2 1 pres. Staurastrum..... "3 o 1 2 Infusoria ..... 1 I I pres. I Dinobryon Cases. ... I 2 I I I I I I I I I I Ab. pres. Amorphous Matter. pres. Ab. I The organisms found in the waters of the driven wells are shown only as occurring so many times in quantities less than five, and so many times in quantities or five or more, per c. c, in order to save space. p : .2 > -13 rt - - c 3 Ji cr UN N H H U rt rt tOtOtOWMrtMIH OitOtOMMMIHIHIH OvO covju ih hui^|> ih o en ed ~J o en ooih-^j c* vO oooi *• W IOO to hvO co .£» to w oooen mo c»c»Mm * « OO Co -j O • O M • . C5 •••-••••'•• tO •• • • • ... . . . . • ih • to • • • • >h • tO • IS) • ■ ©•■ ...... vj . . . O • ->H --tO- tO-KJ-Ld-M-O *J • >H td-rt Massapequa GO Or co . tO ■ • • - • "• • • i ! ■ •..........^.......CO • CO.......... ... . ... .. . . . . «o . ^| . . . . -CO ©• ....... ed • • o ■ • to • • - hi . . w • e>) • m • O • #■- • O • • • • >o - en • o • Wantagh -3 O O '.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'„'.'.. '. '. '.'.'. '. '. . '. '. . rt . . . . rt . -C . ...............O- . OJ • • • O • • Ol M • -U • M vO - M ■ • ■ O • O ' CO Newbridge ~3 OS to - • co...... ..... ....... - • • • • ■ • • ... CO ■ • • ...... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . w • ^j • • O • ... ••10- .«• -O .6. • ■ ed • hi tO-O'iH hi • to • - ed - en •• Merrick © • •' o - ■ ................hi* •- -• -hi. .en«iH*iH.'t0. • • .......O- OH to • ■ -P. • O hi en hi O to ■ • 10 • to • o ■ East Meadow l_i ..... . . .... ...... • • • • o ©...... ... .... ...... ..... . o • • ... • M l») • Id - • M..... .....td • • • ■ • tO • M • -a C0--en.-.o-OO'-t»-en--- • ed O • • ••*>■• ^j ed • hi • O O w ih h h ■ h • ui ■ n Clear Stream hrt- - ■ ■ • • c- ■ • - -4^... ... . |_| ..|_|. ... |_t;t, ... . . H • • • • • • • • M • • • c* ■ - • en . to to ed ■ • O.....© i en......hi • to • ed • m • hi • • • to to • 10 ■ O • to -q - • e>i • - 4i ■ en o oo-o .... o* to • to • • CT< «-J oo-4i. Forest Stream CO • .. ..... . ...... • • • -3 • • ..... . m . to • • • • ... . . - . . • CO • • ■ • • to.....toen-oo-co.....toto--ed.to-to-.fc>.- . — • to • • ►* . hv -O • • • • o oo • O Or.....en 4^ . . . o ■ • O • 0> to • O ■ Oi O -t» -co to ed o Jameco Park Shallow Wells. -^! • • • Ot • • ..... ... . . • .Cd'-'CO. wQ0-.rt,,t0..... •• M • • o» • • " -3 . .p. ■ to to © • hi . • o -• Med-- tH..oooo.o)-ed-Oto ed • • • • . h • hi ■ • -fci. ■ ed en Jameco Park. Artesian Wells 00 • • • • • ■ tO • • ..... ... . . • ■ • w.-ed co-ih.....m ... ..ed- • • ■ m • m iO i_i. i-i 4^to © •-! - • tOM- . en • • oo ■ en • to O en O 4^ '. ''.'.'.'. Baiseley's • • • ed ....... - • CO - - - .......; ■ *■ ' Oconee. to....... O ■ • l-i • • ^ . . . -j . w . 00 • • . . . ^j . 4- . O • tO CJt - • O • en © -to ,, o . ' o . . ........... • - ed3- • •—•••■........... - o • h o>i • • • 2. ...hi....... ... co . Cien • ■ O ...... ........• Old Spring C'k. Artesian Wells. 00 • © • • ■ HI • • tO • • • • o • -j • cr- • • • • oo o • O • • • ■ ►£-■ • • ..... • © • • .................. • O' ' UnDU ■ • . Q\ . • . . hi........... © • ■ to o oo • ■ o ■ • ■ O ■ • ■• .... Old Spring C'k. Shallow Wells. CO - • © . . © • • • to • • - rt • © • • • O ■ en • © • • *. • -p. . O • ©• • O Ol • • ....... ....... • © • • .................. • © • • • • 'HI............... - O' 'WOW' • . CO • • • • o .... .... NewSpringC'k. Shallow Wells. . - .1 w U O 10 VJ HI O HI O en o O ed to to to en hi O O O en co O m to -rt to 4» en O rt OOOO to to to rt O O en o OOOO tO tO M M to vj en en O O oo Co rt»4^ to to O O Co O O ed co f -P. -P. S'-rt ed 4^ •" oo O O en e>) ed -p. O oo to en o ed 10 M tO 4- vj to O coed to M M en ooen. O coed O O to M O OvJ vj O en ed en en 4* eo ed O O 4> en en o m ed Massapequa Pond M HI ed ■ Cd M to oed • ccvj cr 4^ en en ed m to to ■ to eo -P- o o • o o vj vj vj . tn en m ed ed • Oen vj to to • e>) M co 4* to • en O Wantagh Pond Newbridge Pond East Meadow Pond Hempstead Storage Res. coed t-1 to o O S" co e»> 4* 4^ to Schodack Brook o o o CO to ed 4^- ed co oovj to o o O o w to to -rt o ed «- Oen DeMott's Pond to coed m OOOO O O O en Cd 4- to ed O *■ Geo O O O en O O ed O O O 4^ m O O O en Pine's Pond to -p. to -p. o ed OOO to to -1 to O O Tanglewood Pond ed to o to ooiom O en O " ed o to ed ed o to o O en vj oo' Smith's Pond hi hi to ed to oo o O en en O O rt co HI rt to to O ih o m ed o ed o O en O O O O Valley Stream Reservoir £Tm -P> ed Ovj g 4> O W O Ji O tO 10 O O en o O en vj vj vj o en O vj o CO OOOOO Clear Stream Pond Twin Ponds 5 to --j to co S O O O O O O en O sr « H (»„ ed o Jr O ed O O rt en 4. en O O O Springfield Pond 4- 4*. O-P- HI vj rt en o oovj ed O O O to O ooooo Baiseley's Pond Rain-fall for O m o o o ooooo O to oo o -rt ed ed o o o • oo o ed o o to O c CO C to to 0 o O ed C Co o C ih C week co • • to CC • - • CO • • • Oi • • cc to © ■ J>" • - *- • • Rain-fall for month. HI M 4^ en OC Q OOO M vj o ed to to -P-to to vj ed O ui o O ed ed rt CO O M to -rt ■rt M to en vj en ed vj o O en Millburn Pond M OO CO o ■ O 0 • ed o • ed • • • o ■ ■ ■ o : -rt • o ■ O ed O 4- co to O to oo to ed • to • en • Millburn Pond. Extra Samples. ed ... ed ... oo to CO O oo ■ en Millburn Pond. Extra Samples. to to ed en -P» OOO tO tO IH HI 4- O-rt tO 0 ed oo hi o o en o vj o IH ed O to vj O -rt vj rt Millburn Pump-ing Station HI 10 to IH O -rt OOO • vj vj M • vJUl Q IH O O O Co o M o CO -2 o -p. • -p. • Millburn P. S. Extra Samples. • to • vj • • o ■ en • O vj vj -rt to ■ co • en • Millburn P. S. Extra Samples o I hH Ml Ch Ph u <1 H, Ph OQ o OQ H H & O f. W > hJ c: M HI CM O in in o O O O in • • o o <-> 4-< in CO M oo • . • • o o n 0 rt) o o • • cm in t t rv M o • o in O O O O O Hi M CM IT) CM o O O O 8 gS, : : njh : ■ • o o r> o o o o o o o n o o o 0 ■ • O rt CM in in 00 in CM CO M M M "# • • « • ■ © t- © . . .© • • - »M © • © • ia • • •■<* • • • rH •-* • t-i .' '. ' '""' OO o M o o CO CO M CO O t-v •* O o o O rt- o en in O rv.j_, cm co O CO O O o co in m rv£_ o cm c o M CO O O CM M O O «f CO CM M o O CM o o o o o O O O O O in • • • O O Cl in o o O o u O O O ■* • • • O O o O -3- 0 o O "- o ■ • Tt M rt M rv o HI M- • - o o o o o o o o o • • o o o o o o 0 o o mo o orv CM rv CM in rt rt HI o o O O 0 o o o • • • o o O o o o O O o o u u O 0 o o o • • • o o o o in O O O o 0 u O O CO • CM O ^1" CO COCO o o o COO m - M CM CM CO T M o o O O O o o o • • • o o O o o o O o o O oo u O in o o o • ■ ■ CM O C) o o o o o o ir in CM CO • • • M O CM c- HI CO rv in rv M Tt■ M - in w co CM CM CM M HI 1- o o O C O -rt o - • • o o O o o o O o o O oo u O co cm cr m . ■ • o o o C> o o o o o CM O M ^j ~ : . . O o CM <) CM CO •* CO M CM co . . o o o O O O ooo . . o o O o o o o o o rv o ■J X> O CM O CO • • o o C) o o o o o o rv t CM rv, M ■ • rv rv. *r •3" O o CO •^ M M rt M HI rt o o o O O in o O • o o o O o o o O o Tt 111 o in «r O O CO • • • o o o o O a o o o cm CO M CM CM m rv. m O co O co 1^ 00 in H " CO M o o o O co ooo- o o o O O o o o o o 0 o O in rt- o o • • . o o <) I) o o o O o o IV. o ih in . . . co m 00 on rtO rv rv o M in rt **• in o O O o o o • o o o O o o o O o o rv. O in tr> O OO . • • « o C) O o o o O CM rt CM M CM M O M • • • • CM CO in O in in •* o m CO o o o O O ooo ■ • o o O O o o o O o o () o O o O o O • • • o o O O o o o O o CM HI cooo 1- •JO CI • . O in t OO o 1- 00 CM HI M • HI CM CO CM o 0) rv. o N O O m • • o o O o o o o o o fv o »n ino O • • in O rv o o o o o o CM M o CM in . M 00 rv o o M 00 rv o o in in O O O O • • • o o O o o o o o in o CM M O O in rv. . • - o o o o o o o o in CM CM HI M M ^- M • . . . o^o 00 OO rt co CO M M M CM o o o O O OOO • o o o o o o c o u o o CO Ooo rv. m oo rv. m - ■ • rv. o *t- o O co o -3- IH CO CO CM M M M • . . in CM n-) CO CM CI CM M in o o O O O m O ■ • O O o o o o o O O tv. O rtO CM O cooo ■ ■ • O O o o o o o O 0 1-1 CM CO CM CM M • • o o • M o m O t rv CM M CM M o o o a ° 9 oo OOO- • • o tt o O o o o O o <* rtO oo in rt . . rv. > > >'—'■—i1—,<—,<_v_<-rt<_i—, rt, 5* -, s* ►> rtftrtrtj-SJiri-rccccccccc:— — rr*^ -*- > 0 to p. Week Ending. tOMM to to » edtOM -n oo m .p. 0OM4ivj m4-vj H tO •- M tO tO M O ed OO to en o to en co hi . > 0 M w S3 > m £L o o o 3 OO rt ed 4* OOvJ O tO • O • OOOOOOto-O • OOOOOOO- M 10 M . M CO CD U VI oo o * • ed • OCOOOOO- en Ridgewood Basin i. to o o ' M tO ' en o to. enenOMHienM. O . OOO OO Q en . O. OOOOOOen. . . « vj co Om\ en to . . en O O O O en 0 . Ridgewood Basin 2. ^3 rt p p OO O o m o to • o oed ed >h o — • O • OOOOOOto-O • ooooooo_ • ■ hi to to m . ■ OOOOOOOOOO- O OOOOenenen O Ridgewood Basin 3. 4--rt en • m to en • to en 4» to to ed ed • e>o ed -rt co o coen to to • O covj o oed to o • • -J to vj CJ\ rt M -P. • • ed oen en to O O OO O O-P- coenvjo Ovj • -1- co co O to 4* 004- eo Ridgewood Basin i. n c m n 0 n > r O 7> 0 ed ■P- rt to • en- edenrttnenOrtM. vj. oenenOCOtOJ^M- • vj e>j en ed m 4^4-Cd to vl rtOJCn • ■ c O O rt (0 ed 004» • Ridgewood Basin 2 M en oo O m o CO to O o otoedenedMtoto O | coen vj co m vj co-p. . ' ' rt rt to . . OOOOOCdtO —M . . O O O -rt ON lOCdO to O 004*. O to O OO CO . . O vj o O -p- ooo coed Ridgewood Basin 3. > in en Mg . i otoOO — toed*. OO MtoOOCdrtO 0 0 Rain-fall For Week. rt r. O to O >vj huiU OO Oed O coto ,vj O en ed O -h O O O O '"3 O en co4i O O -rt vj o eo m Ted coo O m O co c O £P >^r^ 2 > 2 ^ ed ed to ed O ed en ed to ed vj 0 m ed -rt h vj en 00 to to M O COvj 0 tO O MM tO M M • O 0M4*O-rt0envj. vO edMMMM>>3MtO to Cootoco4^0t00ooco CO Oin en O04- V| M coo to en 0 to -P- OO O O tO ed to -P. O m en M m ed M m ed rt vj co 0 O ed en ■ en to ed -rt co coe>i en to MM O M • -P. M O M ed • coed 0 to en 0 O 0 to 00 rt ^M vimifl en OO vj 4^ 0 ed to • ed ed 0 • O ■ to tOMMCdtOedenCd M O m 0 OO 00 0 en 0 vj HI M M vj O M - « to m coed 0 0 vj 0 10 0 m to — rt 0 to to coen 0 oed 0 O 0 O • m Cd OCd O 0 ed vi to ed m m to to to O en m 00 co coed 0 0 CO 0 CO ■ • M to 0 to to • • 0 ed 0 0 Cd -P- O to 4^ -P» m ed O-P- m m en to ed COO ooed en co-P* coen • O O O 4- -P. Ou^ Oi-P • O n •n m "O > c irq c 3 rt 2 •< > -a H O 3" rt cr h 3 to M to to to X» Cd to ed 0 0 vj OC -rt en 0 O n " ed 0 O en 0 COO O M to 0 vj cc M to HI to to O vj 0 O ed 0 O Cd O 0 00 0 to 0 0 0 -rt vl M M to m to to to to M to -p. t) en coen en -rt O en 0 0 en en ed O O OO vl O ,_ en 00 vj to to en ed en vl 00 4- u to 0 en O 0 O 0 rt ed to 004- to to 0 OC 10 M oed ed ed -p. vj en to n coed to 4- eo O C en 0 en ed 4i. M en eo to M vj COvj 10 to -p. O 0 vj Id vl O 0 ed O O e>» en en O ed to 0 00 M ^ to O COVJ ■P. vl ■P> Cd to C O vj n vl Ou\ O O O 'J» 0 0 '/J ro eo C/l m en 0 to Id Cd ed HI to O 0 O to CX O 00 0 0 O 0 O 0 O en ed vl ed OvJ O ■P- O vl Oen vl -P. 0 0 0 O O to 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 4- 0 4- 0 Id M to en vj to 4- ed oe>) to Oen O en 10 -H en OC O O < n O to O CO en eo en 4^ O O vj vl COO O 4- ■P- O Id n v| VI 0 CO O O en 0 O O ed -U en ed Id CO to M Oen O to to 0 to O O en n eo 0 vl OO O O O 0 en en ed O vl ed ^ to 10 to to M to 10 4» vj Id en Ul vl O n O 0 O O to to O O en O c O O 0 0 in O eo — to M 10 0 to C O t) O -t. v.| OO 0 to en to O O ed to en 0 en 00 O O ed O eo 0 O 0 0 c to |p- in en ed to 4- _n vl to O 0 ■rt vl vl 0 O O O :_ ■_ ~_ O y_ " _ _ to to to -p. 0 n VI co 0 O to 0 0 n -n Oui 0 () 0 0 0 0 O en 4- O 0 O 0 rt 7. a a **£ mh „J w . . — d . OOOOOOOOO OMCdtOtOrtOOO M en to 4- rte>ivi o4- oedtoedMOOtovi OOOOOOOOO rt-iioi-irtOOOO m 4- eo co to O cw 4. 00 to Massapequa Pond Wantagh Pond -----— -.....--- OOOOOOOOO OMtOMMMOOO Oed ed vi to "-, vi u\ 4» 04-vj4_ oed4- Ooo Newbridge Pond OOOOOOOOO rtrtKiwrtOOOO O 04- CO M O co4-en 4- O rt 4- — en vi 0 4- E. Meadow Pond OOOOOOOOO rtMtoOrtOooo ed toedO O COvjen CO vJOvloedOtOtOen Millburn Pond OOOOOOOOO wiHMtotOrtOOO OuyO m to Ovj en -P. to -i- 4- eo en — ed oed Hempstead Storage Res. OOOOOOOO oortrtMO-o-vjvitoOtovioen. O 0 to COO - Hi. ■ Schodack Brook OOOOOOOOO MMtOtOMMOOO 4i vj to — co m oovi 0 eo COO 00vJO4^4. hi DeMott's Pond OOOOOOO- • O HI HI — M rt tO - • CO HI vl tO O rt O • • to co vi 0 eo O O ■ Pine's Pond O- OOOOOOO O • mmmOOOm O • mO-P-vioooO ri • vl vj — ed O -M CO Tanglewood Pond OOOOOOOOO rtM — rtMOOOO O toCdenedOvjenen en 0 tvedeo « 0000 Smith's Pond OOOOOOO- O O M (J M M H O ■ M O O — 0 en O co • to O -rt to — en to O • to Valley Str'm Reservoir OOOOOOOOO rtMMMtOMOOO O rt 4l> O m to 004* CO OvJ vl too Ovi coed Clear Stream Pond OOOOOOOOO OOMrt-oOOO covi en ed to 0 o^n ed -P. ed O co coen m en O Twin Ponds OOO - OOOO rt to ed • • hi m 0 0 4s. 0 -rt • • O to vj en u\ 0 0 • OOCd ed en Springfield Pond OOOOOOOOO O O vi coen Cd m •-, m ui4> vio O OenCd m ■4>t0OvIrt0Mt0CO Baiseley's Pond ORGANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH ODORS FOUND IN THE PONDS OF THE HKOOKLYN SUPPLY. Showing Number of Times Found. Asterio-nella. Tabel-laria. Meridion Ana-baena. Vol VOX. Eudo-rina. Pando-rina. Uro-glena. Dino-bryon. Synura. u ° V > o £ E m > m ec ■J s X ° V £0 4 2 I 5 6 13 1 6 9 6 8 4 1 1 aJ in > m ec -J C —' « 6 5 b 6 10 13 20 8 9 11 17 5 6 0 6 2 0 ££ 2 1 1 1 in > in ec 8 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 4 3 6 3 2 ° «:8J - 1 j c £ B.Jj 1 1 0 0)' 1) £ec "h n X ° 4; £ 0 £ E en ec 1—1 a X 2 0 u £E 4) tn > m ec -* ra X I oi £ec 1) c i-5 « -C 2 9 u. 0 6 u 1-> 0 HH E in <43 *> rt HH C4 3 rt 0 V > 0 li m > m ec i-5 c« I 7 2 2 4 3 3 I 1 3 6 Millburn Pond ........... I I I I I I 8 7 5 7 9 4 11 7 3 3 5 1 1 i 3 5 2 9 3 1 1 4 2 1 I I 1 1 I I 3 3 14 1: 10 1 2 I I I I I I 3 1 3 6 8 2 2 1 1 3 ....j 6 .... 7 1 3 I 3 1 4 I I 8 5 3 12 •9 13 19 9 9 I 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 I 3 8 3 9 , . . i I ... I 1 1 2 4 f NLM051469436