*^p. P5T8 \ I 8 52* , \ A J V ^-. v-A r >'■ •' .. • ilatrc lp J) fa: PUBLISHED BY W. G. PERRY & ERETY, BLANK ->o;ii; MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONER?, North Third Street. 18 52. PS7? Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1SJ2, by W. G. PERRY & ERETY, in the clerk's office of the district court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. VAN COURT, PRINTER. PREFACE. This publication is submitted to the Medical Profession, in the hope that it may meet their approval. It was prepared under the inspection of a gentleman who framed the Registration Act, and is in strict conformity with its provisions. An apprehension has been expressed, that the law will impose great additional labor on the profession without corresponding remuneration. It will be observed, however, that no penalty is imposed on the physi- cian for neglecting to register, except as to deaths occurring in the city and county of Philadelphia, where he is requested to furnish sextons, &c, with a Certificate in case of death. In those cases where the objects of the Act are approved, and he is disposed to aid its operation, much trouble may be saved if he provides himself with Blank Returns in the form framed upon another page. These will, in most cases, be cheerfully filled up by some member of the family upon which he is in attendance ; and as the return made by him is not under oath, but.merely upon information, and as far as the facts " can be ascertained," the law will be substantially complied with if he certifies to the facts contained in it. PUBLISHERS. BILL RELATIVE TO THE REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS. PASSED THE EIGHTH BAY OF JANUARY, 1852. Whereas, From the death of witnesses, and from other causes, it has often been found difficult to prove the marriage, birth, or death of persons, whereby the rights of many have been sacrificed, and great wrongs have been dene. And xvhereas, Important truths deeply affecting the physical welfare of mankind, are to be drawn from the number of marriages, births, or deaths, that during a term of years may be contracted, or may occur within the limits of an extensive commonwealth, Therefore :— Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the 'Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of July next, each register of wills in the several counties of this State, shall be supplied with separate books, in which he shall register, in the manner hereinafter directed, the marriages which may have been contracted, and the births and deaths which may have occurred within his county. Sec 2. That it shall be the duty of every clergyman, alderman, jus- tice of the peace, clerk, or keeper of the records of the religious society of Friends, and of every other person or society, by or before whom any marriage may hereafter be solemnized or contracted, to make at once a record of the same in a book to be kept for the purpose, and within the space of thirty days after such marriage, to return the same in the form of a certificate, duly signed by the person so certifying to the register of the county in which such marriage shall have been solemnized or con- 6 lra?ted, which said record and certificate shall set forth, as far as the same cm be ascertained, the full name of the husband, his occupation, and the name of the place of his birth, and residence, the full name of the wife previously to the said marriage, the names of the parents of said husband, and of the parents of said wife, also the color of the parties, and the time, place where, and ceremony by which such marriage was contracted, and if pronounced by any clergyman or other person as aforesaid, the place of residence of such person. Sec. 3. It shall be the duly of every physician, under whose care a birth shall hereafter take place, to make at once a record of such birth in a book to be kept for the purpose, and to return the same duly signed by him or her in the form of a certificate, to the register of the county in which such birth shall have taken place, in the manner, and within the period directed by the second section of this act, which said record and certificate shall set forth, as far as the same can be ascertained, the full name of such child, if any name should have been conferred, its. sex, color, names of any other child or children living, the full name as well as occupation of its parent or parents; and for better identification, the full name previously to marriage of the mother of such child, the day, hour, and place in, and at which such birth occurred, and any cir- cumrtances connected with such birth that may be deemed of intcres*. In case such birth shall have occurred without the superintendence of any person, and should no physician or other person be in attendance upon the parent immediately thereafter, it shall then become the duty of the parent or parents of such child, to return the same to the register in the manner, form, and within the period above required. S.:c. 4. Every physician, or surgeon, who shall hereafter be in at- tendance at the period of the death of any individual dying within this State, shall make at once a record of such death in a book to be kept by him for the purpose, and shall return the same duly signed in the form of a certificate, to the register of the county in which such indivi- dual may have resided at the time of death, in the manner and within the period directed in the second section of this act, which record and certificate shall set forth, as far as the same can be ascertained, the full name, sex, and color of the person deceased, and his or her age, also the name of his or her parents, the occupation, place of birth, the period, place, and disease, or cause of death, and if within his knowledge the name of the burial ground in which interred, and if married at the time of death, the name of the husband or wife, as the case maybe. And no person having the charge as sexton, or otherwise, of any vault or burying ground, within the City and County of Philadelphia, shall inter, or permit or cause to be interred, the dead bod}- of any person in such vault or burying ground, without first procuring a copy of such record duly certified as aforesaid by the person who made it; which certificate as aforesaid when obtained he shall sign, and before the expira- tion of thirty days from the time at which he may have received it, shall in 1 return the same to the register aforesaid. And every physician, coroner, or other person, who shall neglect or refuse to furnish such sexton, or other person, previous to such interment within the said city or county, the certificate required by this section, and every sexton or other person having the care or superintendancc of any vault or burying ground, who shall neglect to procure such certificate as aforesaid, or having pro- cured it, shall neglect or refuse to return it as aforesaid, shall each for every such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, which sum shall be recoverable as debts of the like amount are recover- able by any person who may sue for the same. All certificates or re- turns required by this act, shall be signed by the parties so certifying. Sec. 5. This act shall not be construed to prevent the registry of any marriage contracted, or birth or death happening, previously to its pas- sage, within the limits of this State ; nor of the marriage, birth, or death, of any person or persons who may have married, been born, or may have died elsewhere, but who were the child or children of citizens of this State ; nor of any marriage contracted previously or subsequently to the passage of this act, in any other part of these United States or their territories, or beyond the limits of the same: Provided, Either of the parties married were permanently residing in this State at the time, or at some time previously or subsequently to such marriage: such re- gistrations shall be in the form already prescribed, and shall be kept apart from the current registrations, and in separate books, as is already required in the case of other registrations, but shall be embraced in the general index. The proof of every such marriage shall be as follows, to wit: in the case of a marriage by the person who pronounced it, or if such proof cannot be made, or the marriage shall have been contracted accord- ing to the manner of the religious society of Friends, then it shall be made by some one who was present thereat: in the case of a birth, by some one who has actual knowledge of the pejriod at which such person was born, or of his or her parentage ; and in the case of a death, by some one who actually saw such person dead, or who has actual knowledge of the fact. Such proof shall be under oath or affirmation, and shall be in its character satisfactory to the register: Provided further, that should any person feel aggrieved at the decision of the register afore- said, he or she, or as the case may be, the next friend, or the represen- tative of the person on whose behalf such application is made, shall have the right of an appeal to the Orphans' Court of the proper county, in which case the testimony so taken shall be sent up with the appeal to the said court, by the said register, accompanied by a written state- ment of his reasons for rejecting it as insufficient. Sec. 6. That no letters of administration or letters testamentary shall be granted by any register upon the estate or effects of any person, hercafterdying within this State, or if granted, shall be valid, until the death of such person shall be duly certified to the said register, in order that the same may be duly registered according to the forms and provi- 8 sions of this act, or as strictly in compliance therewith, as it may be in the power of the party so to do. Sec 7. That no appointment of any guardian to the person or estate of any minor, hereafter born, by any orphans' court within this State, shall be valid, until the date of the birth of such minor, and the date of the death, as well as the name of his or her parent or parents shall be duly registered according to the provisions of this act, or as strictly as the same can be complied with, unless from the death of any witness, or from some other cause deemed sufficient, upon strict investigation by the said court, such proof cannot be made, or cannot at the time be con- veniently made, in which latter case it shall be made as soon as it may be practicable. Sec 8. That the said books or registers, or- a certificate, duly certi- fied by the register and authenticated by his seal of office, as contain- ing a full copy of the record of any marriage, birth, or death, shall hereafter be admitted in any court of this State as prima facie proof of any marriage, birth, or death: Provid'd, however, That should no such registration exist, the proof of any marriage, birth or di at'.i shall be sufficient, if made in the manner now or hereafter required under the decisions of the Supreme Court of this Commonwealth. Sec 9. That if any register shall not, within fourteen days after an application made to him to register any marriage, birth or death, as aforesaid, register in the proper form and book, any such marriage, birth or death, as the same shall be certified to him, unless he has suffi- cient cause, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, to be recov- ered as debts of the same amount are recoverable by any person who may sue for the same ; the person aggrieved shall have the right of ap- peal provided by the 6th section of this act, and all certificates of mar- riages, births, or deaths, duly returned, shall be preserved and filed by the register. Sec 10. That if any person shf.il wilfully, knowingly, and falsely, swear or affirm to, or return any such certificate of such marriage, birth or death, or if any register shall, wilfully and knowingly, make, or cause to be made in the said books, a false entry of such marriage, birth, or death, the said person or register so offending shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court having the cognizance of such offences, the fine not to exceed eight hundred dollars, ami the imprisonment not to exceed seven years. Sec. 11. The registry of marriages, births, and deaths, shall be kept in separate books. There shall be general indexes to the records of alt marriages, births, and deaths ; which indexes of marriages, births, and deaths, respectively, shall be kept in separate books. Opposite to each name in the said index shall be affixed not only the reference to the record, but the day of the month and year in which any marriage may have been contracted, or birth or death may have occurred, as the case may be. 9 Sec 12. In order to secure uniformity, precision, and greater des- patch, in the aforesaid registration, the said books shall contain (upon each page of the same, and along the margin at the side of the said page) printed titles, duly numbered, opposite to which shall be left blanks or spaces in which entries shall be made corresponding to the particular subject of each of the said titles. The said titles in the books for registering marriages, shall be printed and arranged in the following words and order, to wit:—(see form.) At the bottom of each page in each of said books, there shall be left a blank for the registry of any fact, which any act or acts of assembly hereafter enacted may require, shall be registered, and all interlineations or erasures shall at the time be noted by the register. Sec 13. The said register, with the exceptions hereinafter named, shall receive, provided he comply with the provisions of this act, for registering any marriage, birth, or death, the sum of ten cents, which shall be paid to him, on his demand, by the treasurer of the proper county, except for registering any marriage contracted, or birth or death happening previously to the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty- one, in which case he shall receive twenty-five cents to be paid by the party ; for examining every witness, in which the testimony is reduced to writing and at length, twenty-five cents; for sending up the record upon an appeal, fifty cents; for granting a certified copy of the full record of any marriage, birth, or death, fifty cents; which shall also be paid to him by the party. He shall make no charges for administering an oath or affirmation, nor demand a fee from any person so register- ing. The Register for the City and County of Philadelphia shall re- ceive but six cents for making any registry, as aforesaid, which shall be paid by the County Treasurer as aforesaid. All emoluments arising from the registration, except the amount paid by the several counties to the registers, which shall exceed the sum cfi one thousand dollars, shall be paid into the State Treasury. In order the more effectually to guard against injury from the loss by fire or otherwise, of the records of any county, and for other purposes, it shall be the duty of each register (under the penalty of twenty dollars for every neglect, recoverable as aforesaid,) in each of the counties semi- annually, between the fifteenth and twentieth day of January and July in each year, to transmit a copy of the record of marriages, births, and deaths, before specified, with a copy of the index, duly certified by him, to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who shall file the same in his office, and annually transmit to the legislature an abstract of the number of marriages, births, and deaths, which have occurred in each county in the State during each year next preceding the first day of January, and for which purpose the said secretary shall furnish, at the cost of the commonwealth, each of the said registers with proper blanks, prepared in the form required by the thirteenth section of this act; and shall also furnish to each of the said registers, at the cost of the commonwealth. 10 the blank books and indices required by the first or any other section of this act; and shall also, at the same time, transmit a printed copy of this act, which shall be bound with said blank books, and such instruc- tions on the subject of the law as he may see fit to prepare, and gene- rally to do whatever may be required to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Sec. 14. Every clergyman, justice of the peace, physician, sexton, or undertaker, whose duty it is to make any return under this act, shall, on or before the first day of October next, return his name and residence to the register of the county in which he may reside, who shall record the said return in a book to be kept for the purpose, to be provided at the expense of the county ; and such person shall notify the register of his removal to any other place in or out of the said county, within thirty days after such removal, except where he may cease to act in a profes- sional or official capacity. Sec. 15. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith, or supplied as aforesaid, are hereby repealed. [PGirffSQSllAIH^ IB1@®IBID ©F ©OtETfSlS 1 Full name of child. Louisa Jane Smith. Z fecx. Male. 3 Color. White. 4 INames of other issue living. None living, 5 Full name of father. Algernon Smith. 6 Occupation of father. Farmer. 7 Name of mother pre-vious to marriage. Hannah Jones. 8 Hour, day of week, of month, and the year of birth. 6 o'clock, A. M., Wednesday, March 30th, 1852. 9 Place, town, or town-ship and county in which born. Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. ■< w /r i" hereby certify tl ue, as far as the fact Residence, Jiristo at the foregoing Return is correct and 5 can be ascertained by me. JOHN WILLIAMS, M. D. / Township, Bucks County, Pa. GOTSIKBQAiSS* IS1!S®1E® ®{? ©SAIfia^ 1 2 Full name of deceased. Lewellyn Smith. Color. White. 3 4 Sex. Male. Age. Sixty. 5 Name of father of de-ceased. Joshua Smith. 6 Name of mother of de-ceased. Esther Smith. 7 Occupation. Farmer. 8 9 Place of Birth. Burlington, New Jersey. Name of wife of de-ceased. Nancy Smith. 10 Name of husband of deceased. 11 12 Date of Birth. Date of Death. June 1st, 1792. June 1st, 1852. Cause of Death. Apoplexy. 13 Name of the place, town, or township, and county where the person died. Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 14 Name and location of burial ground in which interred. Burial ground of the Society of Friends, Burlington, N. J. ti I hereby certify t) •ue, as far as the fact Residence, Bristo lat the foregoing Return is correct and s could be ascertained by me. JOHN WILLIAMS, M. D. / Township, Bucks County, Pa. v <&, dauiuSt^uL *^-yu^\^. -^^ui^^/ Hour, day of week, of 81 month, and the year I of birth. /ET8- Place, town, or town- ship and county in which born. H E M O U A N 1) A . 11J&jvoJ*- sJie^-c^*- '•J'*W>c Sex. 3 Color. 5 Names of other issue living. Full name of father. Occupation of father. ,. Name of jpp^her pre- ^▼^vious to marriage. Hour, day of week, of month, and the year of birth. Place, town, or town- ship and county in which born. m e m o n a x u A LPIRr8Q£0i\!r]3> EKcEiiaD Wf ©aSsTCJ* ljFull name of child. 2 Sex. ; Color. 4 Names of other issue living. 5 Full name of father. 6 7 8 Occupation of father. Name of mother pre-vious to marriage. Hour, day of week, of month, and the year of birth. 1 0 Place, town, or town-ship and county in which bom. > MESOIUSIH, [P£PJ8Q8QM]§> issssia® ©if mm®* i 1 Full name of child. j 2JSex. 3 j Color. _. . Names of other issue living. 5 Full name of father. 6 Occupation of father. Name of mother pre- vious to marriage. Hour, day of week, of 8 month, and the year of birth. Place, town, or town- 9 ship and county in which born. M i. M O It A N II A . GOT©Q®QM§* &1£®IB[D ©^ IBOgTO» 1 Full name of child. 2 Sex. 3 Color. INames of other issue living. 5 Full name of father. 6 Occupation of father. 7 Name of mother pre-vious to marriage. 8 ! Hour, day of week, of month, and the year of birth. 9 Place, town, or town-ship and county in j which born. MEMORANDA. ! PffiYSiKBlIAlH©* IElS©IfiD m ©IMS* \/%*n~4-*^ fri&^j A^r^^L^^c^ Name of father of de- ceased. Name of mother of de- ceased. cr&n^^J fetA^-^a-^rt-t^dlJ Occupation. Place of Birth. Name of wife of de ceased. 10 11 12 13 14 Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. Date of Death. /P^^Uju^^j^ /h^yi^^<^> jr* c&*^~^^^^ Cause of Death. Name of the place town, or township and county where the person died. Name and location of burial ground in which interred. *4L^o M K Mt O U A N H A EOTSQiBQAElS* ©&®®IB® ®P ©lATTEU 1 Full name of deceased. 7$iU£i/s^~cL> jVc^Mq-eA*- 2 Color. /K/LitZ> 3 Sex. x^^u^ 4 Age. iylis-e^t*-^^i ^=r>«-<_. 5 6 Name of father of de-[ ceased. /Ll-&Ll*ji~a */h&-£D%C*^ Name of mother of de-ceased. ^/^edesn-As ^fc%J/s7-&4-, 71 Occupation. a^-^~-^*o 8 Place of Birth. i I 9 Name of wife of de-ceased. „^---—^ 10 Name of husband of deceased. 11 Date of Birth. Date of Death. 12 Cause of Death. to~4~~*>— 13 Name of the place, town, or township, and county where the person died. 2ZU*u*c*q*-£<^ 14 Name and location of burial ground in which interred. ,3V [EMORANUA. EOT©Q®QAfigg» E!S@©IBiD m m&7?®< Full name of deceased Color. Sex. Age. //^^Zi^M-l? ^r^c^z. %/i». Y- .^^jL /%£ o^'^^-J'tCf i 6 Name of father of de- ceased. Name of mother of de- ceased. Occupation. Place of Birth. Name of wife of de- ceased. 10 11 12 13 14 Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. Date of Death. Cause of Death. Name of the place town, or township. and county where the person died. Name and location of burial ground in which interred. (^A^~l^^/ ^ f£<-^i iy7~"-*Z£c^ £&i^> (^U^^^^^e^c^l Sy^tn+-s>^>-^'Cc~*7 (fX^l^^c*^-/-- &~&~x:£-<^e^~*-*C i L^tsi^e^ZU. <* MEMORANDA, MtfSflSQ&EIS* IB!S@®ia® ®F ®g&™* 1 Full name of deceased. < 2 Color. ~7r£^ 1 3 Sex. | ; ] •4^*t—«-^ 4 Age. ,. Name of father of de-ceased. 4r^^^^^-^ R Name of mother of de-ceased. «/t^wa_ 7 Occupation. i 8 Place of Birth. „ Name of wife of de-ceased. ft Name of husband of deceased. Date, of Birth. 11 Date of Death. 12 Cause of Death. Name of the place. 0 town, or township. ° and county where the person died. jZ^-^*-~£***C^. JJ E MORA NBA. EOTSflSQAElQ* EOI@®IBiD ®Motj&y yTa^Zi^^ 2 Color. Sex. 4 A< Name of father of de- ceased. ' Name of mother of de- ceased. j 7 Occupation. ! 8 Place of Birth. Name of wife of de- ceased. 10 11 12 13 14 Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. Date of Death. &*«-*' (fttZ <^ J'tTzL-%*— /7l3^2ZiC-isrv *r* /fct-gZ^ '>: J%<^L^£*^^Z€J~ ^^ ^a^%Csr^o ~^ Cause of Death. Name of the place. town, or township. and county where the person died. Name and location of burial ground in which interred. JZ. ■7 y {7&4-^L-&£4. ±*/± sL*. ff-/L {£L£r7 jZla. 7-?*- S^ MEMORANDA. [PEITOIKSQAISS* E!E©®IB1D ®{? ■ ®&&ra* 1 Full name of deceased.! 1^2-^^^ (//Z*^**^ 2 Color. y^Czi-, 3 Sex. i ss-'^£a*£z— 1 4 Age. ^i^t^L^y 0t^-£*^rz7 , Name of father of de-ceased. „ Name of mother of de-ceased. 7 Occupation. ' i 8 Place of Birth. \ q Name of wife of de-ceased. . ft Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. 11 Date of Death. 12 Cause of Death. S^ . " s±__ <^Z^f>^^7 Name of the place. town, or township, and county where the person died. Name and location of 14 burial ground in which interred. MEMORANDA. Full name of deceased. L$£ryn^- ~cl£~ J Name of mother of de-O I ceased. (^i^^r^x^^ */Y-t-*-f<>cM-^ ! 7 j Occupation. i 8 Place of Birth. \ Q Name of wife of de-ceased. *-. ,-..-* »-... ,.,—' ft Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. 11 Date of Death. 23A^> * /&J4 /4 ^^ /*3 $ 12 Cause of Death. (^^Uxv^O X^^, Name of the place, town, or township, and county where the person died. /%c^^^^<^^ Name and location of 14 burial ground in which interred. X^^^*&*>£c^ MEMORANDA. EOTSllSQ&Ei©* [B^SS© ©? ©SATF'So Full name of deceased. 2! Color. 3 Sex. 4 Arc. Name of father of de ceased. Name of mother of de- ceased. 7 Occupation. Place of Birth. Name of wife of de ceased. 10 Name of husband of deceased. Date of Birth. Date of Death. 13 14 Cause of Death. Name of the place town, or township. and county where the person died. Name and location of burial ground in which interred. MEMORANDA, / A r t