P.4J5L 1858 ;^-i:Av^B«»4M mm** '^•f ^S*v^gv ^s"- - C ^' ^yv>^Hvu^*Ov ^uj^:^ ,.......^w ;• i^-W *»*"' ,u-wv vu^^ij . ■ V .„• * .*-- VVVWWVwvWwwvwwvwvV^WVJv¥vw . ^ srp^, jrs^A>T ;CQ4/i>J'L-iJ'C: 3 '(■'. Surgeon General's Office If! MIIIMMM®^ 1 Ij ^W/*<*:Tl.SU.QA.U..5..EfiT10f.^f ". «■ v ^ >/ \/ .'" ., w " ■ itoi^ VVVwy' ^vww-'^v_.v^, .JVV'VV.-, (yw^.v ,;»'^ww^^^v.............. „. b^W^WwuwlL....... v^ v w v ^ ^ w^/ jV ■------"■ / . „L.± i .. U. Sd-5 •»( A LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RELATION TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH, AND THE g , CD if HEALTH LAWS ° OF THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA: THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO QUARANTINES, HEALTH LAWS, AND PASSENGER VESSELS. ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY. THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH. —&—~—<—-^— a"Y:';KAItY. * PHILADELPHIA: (JRISSY & MARKLEY, PRINTERS, GOLDSMITHS HALL, LIBRARY STREET. 1858. ?HisL \2S% TABLE OF CONTENTS, Laws of Pennsylvania, ... - - 1—60 Laws of the United States, .... 61—72 Rules for the Government of the Board of Health, its Officers and Committees, ----- 75—85 Rules of Order, ------ 87—89 Rules of the Sanatary Committee and City Hospital, - 91—95 Rules of the Lazaretto, ----- 97-108 Rules and Regulations in relation to Privies, - - 109-112 General Index, ------ 113 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY RELATING TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH. ---------**m**-------- ACT OF ASSEMBLY, Passed 19th February, 1801. [3d Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, 464.] [6th Carey and Bioren's Laws, p. 182.] Section IV. [Vessels, goods and passengers, with their bedding: and clothing, coming from any port in the State of Delaware, were subject to the same regulations, restrictions and penalties, as if they had not stopped or been landed at any port or place in the United States.] This proviso was repealed by the following law, and other enactments substi- tuted in its place. To alter and amend the Health Laws of this State, so far as respects Vessels, Goods and Passengers coining from any port or place in the State of Delaware. Passed January 27, 1802.* [3d Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, p. 481.—Pamphlet Laws, p. 25.] Whereas the proviso contained in the fourth section of an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and one, entitled " An Act to incorporate a Company for the purpose of cutting and making a Canal between the river Delaware and the Chesa- * This law does not appear to have ever been repealed ; all the different laws and parts of laws on the subject, that were repealed, are set out in detail in the last section of the General Health Law of January 29, 1818. 2 ACT OF JANUARY 27, 1802. peake bay, and to authorize the clearing of obstructions in the river Susquehanna, down to the Maryland line, and for other purposes therein mentioned," has been deemed by some of the citizens of the State of Delaware, susceptible of a construction injurious to their interests ; and it is the wish of the Legislature of this Commonwealth to remove every reasonable cause of complaint on the part of the citizens of a sister State, therefore, Section I. Be it enacted, &c. That the proviso contained in the fourth section of the Act entitled " An Act to incorporate a Com- pany for the purpose of cutting and making a Canal between the river Delaware and the Chesapeake bay, and to authorize the clearing of obstructions in the river Susquehanna down to the Maryland line, and for other purposes therein mentioned;" and every matter and thing therein contained, be, and the same is hereby repealed. And that in future, such vessels and crews, goods and passengers, beds, bedding and apparel, as shall appear by the certificate of the Board of Health, or Health officer, or (where there is no Board of Health, or Health officer,) by that of any regular physician and three justices of the peace, at any port or district in the State of Delaware (reciting the quantity and quality, and, if any, the marks and numbers of such goods, beds, bedding and apparel, and the names of the crew and pas- sengers,) to have been landed at least fifteen days within the said State or district, and the said crew and passengers to be in [a healthy state, and the said goods, beds, bedding and apparel, to be well aired and purified, and to the best of their knowledge and belief, to be free from contagion and infection, shall, upon due examination of such certifi- cate, by the resident physician, or other proper officer at the Lazaretto of the port of Philadelphia, be permitted to proceed to Philadelphia or the port or place of their destination, in the same manner as if the said landing, airing and purification had taken place at the said Lazaretto : Provided, That nothing, hereinbefore contained, shall prevent the proper officers at the Lazaretto aforesaid, in cases where, after any bill of health as aforesaid has been granted at any port or place in the State of Delaware, any infectious or contagious disease shall exist, or be suspected to exist on board any such vessel, from directing such fur- ther quarantine or detention, cleansing, airing and purification, as in the judgment of the said officers and Board of Health, shall be requi- site and necessary for the preservation of the people of the city and port of Philadelphia from pestilential and contagious diseases. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 3 For establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of Pestilential and Contagious Diseases, and for other purposes. Passed January 29, 1818. [7th Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, p. 5—Pamphlet Laws, p. 38.] Section 1. From and after the first Monday in March next, a Board of Health shall be established in the manner hereinafter directed, which shall be and hereby is erected into a body corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style, and title of " The Board of Health/' who shall have perpetual succession, and enjoy all and every the rights, liberties and privileges, powers, authorities and immunities, incident or belonging to a corporation or body politic ;* and by that name may take and hold all the estate, real and personal, now vested in the pre- sent Board of Health, and shall moreover have and exercise the powers and authorities hereinafter mentioned, that is to say: ******* And the said Board, out of their own body, shall choose a President, who shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and whose place shall be supplied, in his absence, by the appointment of a chairman for the time; a secretary, whose duty it shall be to keep fair minutes of all the proceedings, rules and regulations of the Board. * * * And the said Board shall sit upon their own adjournment as they shall find necessary, but shall meet at least once in every day, between the first day of June and the first day of October, in every year; and also when the Board shall be specially convened by order of the President, or any two of the members. And the said Board shall have, and hereby is vested with full power and authority to make general rules, orders and regulations for the government and management of the Lazaretto, and the vessels, cargoes and persons there detained, or under quarantine, and of the Health office and Public hospitals, and for the mode of visiting and examin- ing vessels, persons, goods and houses. * By the 16th and other sections of the Consolidation Act of 2d February, 1854, and its Supplements, so much of this section is repealed as makes the Board of Health a body corporate, provides for the election of its members, or vests property in said corporation. 4 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. And shall also have power to appoint such officers and servants as may be necessary to attend the Health office, the Lazaretto, and the City Hospital, and convey communications and supplies to the said Lazaretto and Hospital, and such other officers and servants as may be necessary for the preservation of the health of the district; together with all temporary officers and servants that may be rendered neces- sary by the existence of any dangerous contagious disease in the city of Philadelphia, or in any other place within the United States: Pro- vided, that such officers and servants shall not hold any offices of profit or trust under the United States; and to remove any of the officers or servants by them appointed, and to appoint others in their places, and to allow and pay the said officers and servants so appointed, such com- pensation for their respective services as the said Board shall deem just and proper. And the Governor is hereby authorized and required to appoint one physician, who shall reside at the Lazaretto, and be denominated the Lazaretto physician, and one physician who shall reside in the city of Philadelphia, and shall be denominated the Port physician, one Health officer, and one Quarantine master, all of whom shall be under the direction and control of the Board of Health, [and shall be removed from office by the Governor at the request of a majority of the mem- bers of the Board of Health :]* and the said Lazaretto physician shall be entitled to occupy the house hitherto occupied by the resident phy- sician, and shall also be provided by the Board of Health with ground for a garden within the bounds of the Lazaretto, of such extent as the Board may think proper; and the Quarantine master shall be entitled to occupy the house hitherto occupied by the Quarantine master, and shall also be provided by the Board of Health with ground for a gar- den, within the bounds of the Lazaretto, of such extent as the Board shall think proper. Section II. The Health officer, on receiving from the captain or master of any ship or vessel, the certificate as directed by this act, or where no certificate is to be given on the arrival of the vessel, shall be entitled to receive from the captain or master, the following sums and no more, and to pay the same over, from time to time, as the Board may direct, * * * to wit: All American vessels sailing under coasting documents, arriving at * Part in brackets repealed by 3d Section of Act of 7th April, 1830. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 5 the port of Philadelphia, from any port or place in the United States, between the river St. Croix, and the river St. Mary, (except ports or places between Sandy Hook and Cape Charles) shall pay two dollars and fifty cents for each arrival, during quarantine months, and the said vessels during that time shall (if having goods capable of contain- ing contagion, persons, baggage, or clothing, from any foreign port or place, or any diseased person) stop at the Lazaretto, and there be ex- amined by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, under the rules, regulations, and penalties in this act contained. And all American vessels from any port in the United States where they may have touched or traded from a foreign port or place, shall pay the same sum as if they had arrived direct from such port or place. And all American vessels with coasting documents, arriving from any port or place between Sandy Hook and Cape Charles, including the bay and river Delaware, during quarantine months, having on board merchandise of foreign growth or manufacture, or persons, baggage, or clothing from any foreign port or place, or from any place to the northward or eastward of Sandy Hook, or westward of Cape Charles, shall stop at the Lazaretto for examination, under the rules, regula- tions, and penalties in this act contained, and shall pay for each arrival during quarantine months two dollars and fifty cents. All American vessels arriving from any port or place in New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia, Canada, or the islands or ports adjacent the river St. Mary's, the coast of Florida, Bay of Mexico, including New Or- leans and parts adjacent, and from thence along the Bay of Honduras and coast of Terra Firma, as far as the river Amazon, including all the islands generally denominated West India, Bahamas, or Bermudas, shall pay on arrival five dollars. All American vessels arriving from any place in Europe, in the Western, Madeira, Canary, or Cape Verd Islands, the west coast of Africa as far as latitude thirty-four degrees south, and from any place in the Mediterranean or straits thereof, or from any place from the river Amazon inclusive, and round the coast of Brazil, as far as lati- tude thirty-four degrees south, shall pay ten dollars each. And all American vessels arriving from any place beyond latitude thirty-four degrees south, or round Cape Horn, or the Cape of Good Hope, shall pay twenty dollars each. And all foreign vessels arriving as aforesaid, (except prizes to Ame- 6 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. rican vessels,) shall pay twenty-five per cent, each, additional, unless otherwise regulated by any treaty. And prize vessels taken by foreign armed vesssls, shall pay twenty- five per cent, each, more than is paid by American vessels. And prize vessels taken by American vessels, shall pay on arrival ten dollars each. And public armed vessels and privateers, shall pay six dollars each. And any vessel of the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons and upwards, arriving at the Lazaretto, from any foreign port or coastwise, may come to in the outer channel, as near to the west end of the island of Little Tinicum, opposite the Lazaretto, as her draft of water, wind, and weather will .permit, for the purpose of receiving the visit from the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master. And if the said vessel does not receive her visit in the inner channel, she shall pay an additional sum of five dollars, of which two dollars shall be paid to the Lazaretto physician, and one dollar to the Quaran- tine master, as a compensation for their extraordinary services, and two dollars shall be paid into the treasury of the Board. Section III. *The building now called the Lazaretto, and the ground therewith reserved and occupied, and all the property and estate of every kind whatsoever now vested in the present Board of Health, shall become and be fully vested in the Board of Health con- stituted by this act, immediately, and as soon as the same shall be or- ganized, for the uses and purposes for which the said Board is insti- tuted and established, and the same shall be fully and entirely under the direction and management of the said Board; and the said Board shall have power to erect such buildings, and to make such enclosures on the lot or tract adjoining the Lazaretto, as to them may seem proper and necessary. Section IV. From and after the passing of this act, every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place bound to the port of Phil- adelphia, between the first day of June, and the first day of October, in every year, shall come to anchor in the river Delaware as near the Lazaretto, as the draught of water and the weather will allow, before any part of the cargo or baggage be landed, or any person who came in such ship or vessel shall leave her, or any person be permitted to go on board, and shall submit to the examination hereinafter directed. * By the Consolidation Act and its Supplements this and all other property of the Board is vested in the city of Philadelphia. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 7 And if any master, commander, or pilot, shall leave his station before the said Lazaretto, or if any master or commander shall permit or suffer any part of the cargo or baggage, or any person or persons arriving in such ship or vessel from any port beyond the limits of the United States, to be landed on either shore of the Delaware bay, or river, or suffer any person, except the pilot, to come on board before such examination be duly had, and a certificate obtained as is herein- after specified, the person or persons so permitting, and the person or persons so landed, or going on board (unless imminent danger of the loss of the vessel or lives of the crew shall render assistance necessary,) being thereof convicted, upon indictment or prosecution under this act, by verdict, confession, or standing mute in any court, having jurisdic- tion of the offence, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein directed. And it shall be the duty of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master so soon as any ship or vessel shall be anchored near the Laza- retto, between sunrise and sunset, immediately, wind and weather per- mitting, to go on board the same, and there thoroughly examine, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed by the Board of Health, the said ship or vessel, the crew, passengers, cargo, and baggage on board the same, and to demand answers under oath or affirmation to be administered by either the said physician or Quarantine master, who are hereby severally empowered to administer the same, to all such questions as shall be put to any person on board such ship or ves- sel touching the health of the crew and passengers during the voyage, and the nature and state of the cargo, as the Board of Health by their rules shall from time to time direct to be asked; but it shall be the duty of the person so examining on oath or affirmation, before he shall proceed therein, to make known to the person interrogated the pen- alty imposed by this act upon the person who shall give false answers under oath or affirmation to the questions proposed in such examination. And if upon such examination it shall appear to the said physician and Quarantine master, that the said ship or vessel came from a port or place at which no malignant or contagious disease prevailed at the time of her departure, that the persons on board such ship or vessel are free from every pestilential or contagious disease, (the smallpox a?id* measles excepted,) and that the said vessel has had no malignant * By Act of March 29, 1824, cases of smallpox are no longer excepted, but treated in all respects like other pestilential or contagious diseases. 8 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. disease on board either during the homeward bound voyage, or during her continuance in a foreign port, and they shall see no cause to suspect that the cargo or any part thereof is infected, they shall forth- with deliver to the master or captain of such ship or vessel a certificate of the facts in such form as shall be directed by the Board of Health. And the said captain or master may, thereupon, proceed according to his destination, and shall present such certificate at the Health office in Philadelphia, within twenty-four hours after his arrival and safely mooring there. But if it shall appear, upon such examination, that the ship or ves- sel came from a port or place at which a malignant or contagious dis- ease prevailed, such vessel shall be detained at the Lazaretto for such time as the Board of Health shall deem necessary, not exceeding twenty days. And the letter bag of the vessel, when purified, and such letters as the master, commander or passengers shall think proper to write to their owners, consignees or friends, shall be transmitted to the Health officer in Philadelphia, who shall safely deposit the same in the post office. And thereupon the Board of Health shall determine and direct what measures shall be pursued to cleanse the vessel and cargo, purify the clothing and baggage, and restore the health of diseased persons on board, which directions shall be carried into execution under the in- spection of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, at the expense of the master, owners or consignees of the vessel and goods, respectively, in such manner as by the said orders shall be directed. Provided always, That wine, rum, salt, sugar, spirits, molasses, mahogany, manufactured tobacco, dye woods, preserved fruits, and such other articles as the Board of Health shall, by their general regu- lations specify and permit, may be conveyed immediately to the city, in lighters. And at the expiration of the said time, if it shall appear to the said physician and Quarantine master, that no person has been sick with a malignant or contagious disease, (the [small pox and*~\ measles except- ed,) on board said ship or vessel, either during the voyage homeward or during her continuance in a foreign port, nor any of the crew or passengers, or other persons from on board such vessel during the per- * Repealed. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 9 formance of quarantine, and the said physician and Quarantine master shall certify the said facts to the Board of Health, and that, in their opin- ion, the vessel, crew, cargo and passengers, may be safely suffered to proceed to the city, the said captain or master may proceed with the same according to his destination, unless the Board of Health shall deem it necessary to cause a further detention of the said vessel or cargo, or of the crew or passengers, or of any baggage on board said vessel, in which case the same shall be detained until the Board of Health shall authorize the same to proceed and enter the city. And upon the arrival of the said captain or master at Philadelphia, he shall present the said certificate of the physician and Quarantine master at the Health office, within twenty-four hours after his arrival. But if upon examination of any vessel by the said physician and Quarantine master, as aforesaid, or during the performance of quaran- tine by any vessel, it shall appear to the said physician and Quaran- tine master that there has been any person sick on board the said vessel with any malignant or contagious disease, either during the voyage homeward, or during the continuance of the vessel in a foreign port, or during the performance of quarantine at the Lazaretto, (or that any person on board such vessel has been affected with such disease,) then in such case, the vessel shall be detained such further time as the Board of Health may deem necessary. And the cargo and baggage, except such part thereof as in the opin- ion of the Board of Health may be supposed incapable of retaining infection, which said part may be transported to the city in lighters, shall, unless otherwise ordered and directed by the Board of Health, be unladen and thoroughly cleansed and purified, and the crew and passengers which were on board the said vessel, and the cargo and bag- gage on board the same, or any part thereof, except as before excepted, shall not be suffered to enter the city before the first day of October, then next ensuing, without the license and permission of the Board of Health, to that effect, first had and obtained. Provided nevertheless, That such ship or vessel, after she shall have been thoroughly cleansed and purified, if no malignant disease appear on board, may be allowed to take in freight at the Lazaretto by means of lighters, and proceed to sea. And if any master or captain, or other person, on board any vessel which shall be examined agreeably to this law, shall not true answers make to all such questions as the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine 10 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. master, or the said Health officer or Port physician shall ask, agreea- bly to this act, or the rules heretofore established, or which shall, from time to time, be established by the Board of Health in conformity with this act, or shall knowingly deceive, or attempt to deceive, the proper officers, as aforesaid, in his answers to their official inquiries, he having been duly informed and apprised of the penalties imposed by this act? on the person so offending, previous to his said examination, by the person making such examination, such person, for each and every offence, being thereof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter provided and directed, and moreover shall be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for any term not less than one year and not exceeding five years. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, shall neglect to present his certificate at the Health office, in any case in which he is hereinbefore directed so to do, within the time directed by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, or any other person on board the same, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the direction of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, which shall be made agreeably to this act or the regulations of the Board of Health, with respect to the detention of any ship or vessel, or the laud- ing from on board the same, of any person or persons, or of an}- goods, merchandize, bedding, baggage or clothing, or shall refuse to cany the same into effect, such person, for each and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter provided and directed. Section V. *Any ship or vessel coming from any port or place within the United States, at which port or place the said ship or vessel had only called in or touched, upon her arrival from a foreign port or place, shall be liable and subject to all the rules, regulations and restric- tions of the preceding sections of this act, and shall be examined and treated, as well the vessel itself as the cargo, crew, passengers, and baggage, on board, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had • By section 14th of Act of March 25th, 1852, the Board may suspend the operation of this section -whenever they deem it safe to do so. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 11 directly arrived at the Lazaretto from a foreign port or place without having first touched at a port or place within the United States. And all ships or vessels, as well vessels of war as merchant vessels, coming from any port or place within the United States, and bound to the port of Philadelphia, between the first day of June and the first day of October, in every year, and having on board any goods or merchandize, the growth or produce of any foreign place or country, or any person or persons, bedding or clothing, from any foreign port or place, shall come to anchor opposite the said Lazaretto, and shall be examined by the said Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master. And if the captain or master of any such ship or vessel shall pro- duce such satisfactory proof as the Board of Health shall in that case direct to be required, that the said goods or merchandize shall have been landed in the United States more than twenty days, and are free from damage, and that the said vessel, bedding, clothing and persons, are free from the infection of any dangerous contagious disease, (the [small pox and*~\ measles excepted,) then, and in that case, the said physician and Quarantine master shall give to the captain or master of such ship or vessel a certificate of the facts, permitting such ship or vessel to proceed to the city, which certificate the said captain or mas- ter shall present at the Health office, in Philadelphia, within twenty- four hours after his arrival, and safely mooring there. And if he should neglect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dol- lars, to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter directed and provided. And if the said captain or master shall fail to produce such satisfac- tory proof as aforesaid, of the wholesome state of the said vessel, goods, merchandize, bedding, clothing and persons, shall be detained at the Lazaretto, and shall be proceeded with in the same manner, and sub- ject to the same orders and regulations as are hereinbefore provided and directed in the case of vessels coming directly from a foreign port or place. And if the captain or master of any such ship or vessel coming from any port or place within the United States, and bound to the port of Philadelphia, having on board any goods or merchandize, bedding, clothing or persons, as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to come to * Repealed. 12 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. anchor opposite the Lazaretto, and shall pass the same with intent to proceed to the city without examination by, and certificate obtained from the said physician and Quarantine master as aforesaid, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter provided and directed, and the said vessels, goods, merchandize, bedding, clothing and persons, shall be sent back to the Lazaretto, there to be proceeded with in such manner as the Board of Health, agreeably to this act, shall, in that case, devise and direct. Section VI. Every ship or vessel coming from the Mediterranean, shall be subject to a strict examination, under similar regulations and penalties as are provided in the fourth section of this act. And if it appears that the said ship or vessel came from any place where the plague existed at the time of her departure, or has spoken with any vessel on board of which any person was affected with the plague, or if any person is affected with the said disease on his arrival at the Lazaretto, or has been affected during the voyage, the said vessel shall not be suffered to proceed to the city, the cargo and baggage shall be unloaded and thoroughly cleansed and purified, and no part shall be suffered to enter the city without the permission of the Board of Health first obtained ; and the crew and passengers shall perform a quarantine of not less than twenty days, nor more than forty, at the discretion of the Board of Health : Provided nevertheless, That such ship or vessel, after she shall have been thoroughly cleansed and puri- fied, may be allowed to take in freight at the Lazaretto by means of lighters, and proceed to sea. Section VII. Any person or persons, and all goods, merchandize, bedding, and clothing, arriving at any port or place, within the United States, from any foreign port or place at which any malignant or con- tagious disease (the [small pox and*"] measles excepted,) prevailed at the time of their departure, or in any vessel in which any such disease existed while they were on board the same, are hereby prohibited from entering the city or county of Philadelphia, or the county of Delaware, (except the township of Tinicum,) at any time between the first day of June and the first day of October in any year, either by land or water, without permission of the Board of Health first had and obtained, under the penalty of five hundred dollars for each and every offence, * Repealed. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 13 and the forfeiture of all such goods, merchandize, bedding, or clothing, to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter directed. And that all goods, wares, bedding, clothing, and merchandize, seamen or passengers, landed from on board any ship or vessel belong- ing to the port of Philadelphia, at any other port of the United States, shall be subject to perform twenty days quarantine, previously to entering the city or county of Philadelphia, under the same penalty as in the fifth section, without permission first obtained from the Board of Health. Section VIII. No person or persons, goods, wares, merchandize, bedding or clothing, from any port or place at which any malignant or contagious disease (the [small pox or*] measles excepted,) prevailed at the time of their departure, or from on board any vessel in which any such disease existed while they were on board, shall enter or be brought into the city or county of Philadelphia! at any time between the first day of June and the first day of October, in any year, by land or water, without the permission of the Board of Health, first had and obtained, under the penalty of any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for each and every such offence, and the forfeiture of all such goods, wares, merchandize, bedding, and clothing, to be recovered and appropriated as directed by the twenty-ninth section of this act. Section IX. Whenever the Board of Health shall receive informa- tion that any malignant or contagious disease (the [small pox and*] measles excepted,) prevails in any port or place within the United States, or on the continent of America, they shall make diligent inquiry concerning the same, and if it shall appear that the disease prevails as aforesaid, all communication with such infected port or place, shall be subject to such control and regulations as the Board of Health may from time to time think proper to direct and publish in one or more newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia. And thereupon every person or persons, and all goods, wares, mer- chandize, bedding, and clothing, from such infected port or place, and having entered and been brought into the city and county of Philadelphia, contrary to such regulations, shall be subject to the penalties and for- feitures provided by the next preceding section of this act. And all vessels from such port or place, and bound to the port of * Repealed. 14 GENERAL HEALH LAW OF 1818. Philadelphia, shall stop at the Lazaretto, and be proceeded with in the same manner, and under the same penalties and forfeitures as are pro- vided in cases of vessels coming from foreign ports. And every person or persons having entered or been brought into the city or county of Philadelphia, from such infected port or place aforesaid, shall also be conveyed by any person authorized by the Board, to such place for purification as the said Board may appoint or direct for that purpose, and be there detained at the pleasure of the Board any time not exceeding twenty days, and at the expense of such person or persons. And if the said Board shall have cause to suspect that any person or persons at the time, within the city and county of Philadelphia, have been at such infected port or place within fifteen days since such disease prevailed at such port or place next preceding, the said Board may lawfully require such person or persons to render satisfactory proof of their place or places of abode during the same period. And if such person or persons neglect or refuse to render such proof, or fail in proving their residence other than at such infected port or place, every such person shall be dealt with, by purification and deten- tion, as persons coming from such infected port or place. Section X. No Lazaretto physician, Quarantine master or other officer, or servant of the said Lazaretto, shall absent himself from the place of his duty between the first day of June, and the first day of October, on any pretence whatsoever, for any time, without leave first obtained in writing from the Board of Health, under the hand of the president or chairman for the time, attested by the secretary and en- tered on the minutes, under the penalty of forfeiting his office, and a fine of any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. Section XL It shall be the duty of the Lazaretto physician, im- mediately on the arrival of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Lazaretto in order to be cleansed and purified as aforesaid, to cause the sick, if any on board, to be removed to the building which shall be appointed by the Board of Health for their reception, and diligently and impartially with his best skill to attend upon and administer medi- cal assistance to each and every sick person that shall be therein lodged, and generally to superintend and cause to be executed such orders and regulations as the said Board shall from time to time ordain for the government and management of the Lazaretto, and of the ves- sels, cargoes, and persons under quarantine. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 15 Section XII. It shall be the duty of the Quarantine master, im- mediately after the arrival and examination as aforesaid, of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Lazaretto for purification as afore- said, to direct and cause such ship or vessel to be properly moored near the Lazaretto, at such distance from any vessel or vessels under quar- antine, as may prevent the communication of any infectious disease to or from the same. And the cargo, bedding, and clothing, or any part thereof, contained in such ship or vessel, to be landed, cleansed, and purified, under the direction of the Lazaretto physician. And it shall be the particular duty of the said Quarantine master to prevent any personal intercourse between the persons on board different vessels under quarantine, and for that purpose to take possession of and secure the boats of such vessels from sunset to sunrise of the succeed- ing day, until their respective terms of quarantine shall be completed, to preserve and enforce order and obedience to this act, and all such orders and regulations as the Board of Health shall from time to time ordain for the government and management of the Lazaretto, and the persons, vessels, and cargoes, under quarantine. Section XIII. It shall be the duty of the Port physician, upon receiving information from the Health Officer or other person whomso- ever, that any person or persons on board of any ship or vessel in the port of Philadelphia, is or are afflicted, or suspected to be afflicted, with any pestilential or contagious disease, or that there is just cause to sus- pect that the cargo or any part thereof, contained in any such ship or vessel, is infected with any such disease, the said physician, in either of the foregoing cases, shall visit and carefully examine such ship or vessel, and if he shall discover any sick person or persons on board any such ship or vessel, he shall thereupon have and exercise the au- thority to direct such sick person or persons to be removed to the said Lazaretto, or to some other safe place which may be specified by the Board of Health. And the said physician shall without delay report the state of said vessel, cargo, and crew, to the Board of Health, who shall direct and determine how the crew, passengers, vessel, and cargo, shall be dis- posed of and managed for the restoration of their health and purifica- tion. And on the arrival of any ship or vessel in the port of Philadelphia, from any foreign port or place, from the first day of October in any 16 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. year, to the first day of June in the next succeeding year, it shall be the duty of the said physician, provided such ship or vessel shall not have been previously visited and examined by the physician resident at the Lazaretto, and Quarantine master, and before any of the passen- gers, crew, cargo, or baggage are landed, to visit and carefully exam- ine such ship or vessel in manner and form as the said Lazaretto phy- sician and Quarantine master are bound to do, and to demand answers under oath or affirmation, to be administered by the said Port physician, who is hereby empowered to administer the same in conformity with this act. And if the crew, passengers, vessel and cargo, be in a healthy state, and if there shall be no ground to suspect that any of the crew or pas- sengers have died on the voyage, of any dangerous contagious disease, (the [small pox and*] measles excepted,) or that the cargo, bedding or clothing is infected; then, and in such case the said physician shall give to the master or commander a certificate of the facts, which the said master or commander shall present at the Health office within twenty-four hours after such examination; and if he shall ne- glect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein provided and directed. And if on examination, any suspicion shall arise in the mind of the said physician, touching the health of the crew or passengers, or the infectious state of the vessel, cargo, bedding or clothing, on board, no part thereof shall be landed, but the said physician shall immediately report the same to the Board of Health, who shall direct and determine what measures shall be pursued relative thereto. And the said physician, upon request of the Health officer, or the Board of Health, shall, from time to time, visit and examine such houses and persons as the said Board, or the Health officer, shall have reason to suspect are infected with any dangerous contagious disease, and make report thereof to the said Health officer.' And every ship or vessel, so as aforesaid arriving at the port of Philadelphia, shall be visited by the port physician previously to her being hauled to any wharf within the city or district aforesaid, or Wind- mill Island. And every captain or other person so hauling such ship or vessel to any wharf as aforesaid, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and * Repealed. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 17 pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be sued for and recovered as herein provided, unless it shall be made to appear by such captain or other person, that there was at the time imminent danger of the loss of such ship or vessel, or of the passengers or crew thereof. Section XIV. It shall be the duty of the Health officer at seasona- ble and proper hours, on each day, (Sundays excepted) to open and keep a public office, at such convenient place in the city of Philadel- phia as shall be directed by the Board of Health, whereat all masters or captains of ships or vessels shall deliver the certificates or bills of health to them granted by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, or Port physician as aforesaid. And the Board of Health shall there assemble and meet, as often as they deem needful, for the purpose of executing the duties and trusts of their appointment. And the said Health officer shall file and preserve in good order, all the certificates or bills of health, so delivered, aud shall keep a register of the ships or vessels, and the names of the captains or masters, owners or consignees, for which the same were respectively granted,. the port or ports from which the ship or vessel respectively sailed, or at which they touched during their respective voyages, and the number of persons on board thereof, respectively, at the time of their leaving their respective ports of departure, and also at the time of their arrival,. respectively, at the port of Philadelphia. And the said Health officer shall attend the Health office at the meetings of the Board of Health, and at such other times as shall be required for discharging the duties of his appointment, and generally enforce and execute the regulations and instructions of the Board of Health. And it shall be the duty of the said Health officer to collect, recover, and receive all forfeitures and penalties imposed, and sums of money directed to be paid by this act. And the said Health officer shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, give bond, with sureties to the satisfaction of the Board of Health, conditioned for the faithful execution of the duties of his office,, and to account for all moneys which may come into his hands in pur- suance thereof. And the said bond shall be a lien on the estates of the «aid Health officer and his sureties, respectively. 2 18 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. Section XV. The letter mail shall, during the quarantine season, leave the Lazaretto for the Health office in the city of Philadelphia, and return twice in each juridical day, at such hours as the Board of Health shall determine, and shall be free for the transmission of letters to and from persons who may be within the bounds of the Lazaretto, or on board of vessels which may be detained there.* And it shall be the duty of the Health officer immediately after the arrival of the Lazaretto mail, to deposit in the post office the letters received thereby, excepting those which shall be addressed to the Board of Health and the officers connected therewith. Section XVI. Every diseased person duly landed or sent to the Lazaretto, by either of the aforesaid physicians, Quarantine master, or Health officer, shall be there kept and maintained until the Lazaretto physician shall grant him or her, a discharge in writing. And if before obtaining a discharge as aforesaid, any such person shall elope or otherwise absent himself or herself from the Lazaretto, it shall be lawful for the Health officer, or any constable or other per- son whom he shall call to his assistance, and they are hereby enjoined and required to lend such assistance, to pursue and apprehend the per- son so escaping or absenting himself or herself from the Lazaretto, and there again deliver him or her, to be detained until he or she be duly discharged as aforesaid. And moreover, the person so eloping and absenting himself or her" self shall, for each and every offence, suffer such temporary confine- ment in the Lazaretto, not exceeding three months, as the Board of Health shall ordain and award. And if any master or captain shall, knowingly, receive or employ on board of his ship or vessel, or if any housekeeper or other inhabitant of this Commonwealth shall knowingly receive, harbor, or in any way entertain any person so eloping or absenting from the Lazaretto, each and every master and captain, and each and every housekeeper or inhabi- tant so respectively offending, shall, on being thereof legally convicted forfeit and pay a sum of two hundred dollars. And if any person arriving in and belonging to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall elope or absent himself or * By Act of June 11, 1832, section 1, the Board of Health may send letters packages, &c, to and from the Lazaretto or Fort Mifflin, once or twice a day, at their option. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 19 herself, without having first obtained a discharge, signed by the Laza- retto physician and Quarantine master, or if any person other than those detained at the Lazaretto, as aforesaid, shall go on board or along side of any ship or vessel whilst under quarantine, as aforesaid, or if any person not authorized by the Board of Health, shall go within the limits of the Lazaretto, such person or persons shall perform such quarantine as the Board of Health may direct; the person so offend- ing, upon legal conviction of such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as here- inafter directed. And if any diseased or other person landed and sent to the Lazaretto by any officer having authority to do the same, or any person arriving in or belonging to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as afore- said, shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the Lazaretto physician or Quarantine master, respectively, agreeably to this act, and the order and regulations by the Board of Health, which shall, from time to time, be ordained and established for the government and man- agement of the Lazaretto, and the persons, vessels and cargoes under quarantine, the person so refusing or neglecting, shall, for each and every offence, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as here- inafter directed. And the expense and charge of boarding, lodging, nursing, medicine, maintenance, and other necessaries, which shall have been provided for the diseased persons, landed and sent to the Lazaretto as aforesaid, and also of burying them in case of their death, shall be paid and dis- charged by the importer, master, or captain, owner or consignee of the ships or vessels, respectively, in which such diseased persons were respectively imported, agreeably to the rates in that behalf by the Board of Health, to be ordained and established: Provided always, nevertheless, That when the diseased persons are passengers and not servants, the said expense and charges shall be repaid by them, their executors or administrators, to the captain or master, owner or con- signee, who shall pay and satisfy, or be bound to pay and satisfy, the same as aforesaid. Section XVII. When any vessel shall come up to the city of Phil- adelphia, or the shore of Southwark or the Northern Liberties, al- though the said vessel may have obtained a certificate of health from the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, or the Port physician, 20 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. if the said vessel shall appear to the Board of Health to be infected with any contagious disorder, dangerous to the community, the said Board are hereby authorized to order the said vessel to the Lazaretto, there to undergo the necessary purification before she will be permitted to return to the city or the shores aforesaid. And the said Board are hereby authorized and empowered to remove any vessel or vessels from any part of the city or shore aforesaid, as shall be infected with such disorders as aforesaid, to such convenient distance as they may deem proper, although such vessel may not be infected. Section XVIII. Whenever by means aforesaid, or by the report of the Port physician, or any other physician appointed by the Board of Health, (whom the said Board are hereby authorized to send to places or houses suspected to be infected) it shall come to the know- ledge of the said Board, that any person within the city of Philadel- phia, the district of Southwark, the townships of the Northern Liber- ties, Moyamensing or Penn, is afflicted with any contagious disease, dangerous to the community, it shall and may be lawful for the said Board to take orders for preventing the spreading of the contagion, by forbidding and preventing all communication with the infected house or family, except by means of physicians, nurses or messengers, to convey the necessary advice, medicines and provisions, to the afflicted, and shall exercise all such other powers as the circumstances of the case shall require, and as shall, in their judgment, be most conducive to the public good with the least private injury. Section XIX. No pilot, bringing a ship or vessel to the Lazaretto in an apparent state of good health, shall be obliged to perform quar- antine, but the Lazaretto physician shall grant such pilot a certificate permitting him to proceed to the Capes of Delaware, in order that he may prosecute his profession, but such pilot shall not on any pretence come into the city of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, the district of Southwark, or the townships of Moyamensing or Penn, for twenty days from the date of such certificate, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, or one year's imprisonment, which penalty shall be recovered and applied in the manner hereinafter directed. And any pilot bringing to the said Lazaretto a ship or vessel infected or supposed to be infected, with any pestilential or contagious disease, may be permitted to go and remain on shore within the bounds of the Lazaretto during the time the ship or vessel brought thither shall be detained under quarantine : Provided always, That if the said vessel GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 21 shall be infected with any such disease as aforesaid, he shall be detained and treated in the like manner as seamen or passengers so infected are herein directed to be detained and treated : And provided further, That if he shall go without the bounds of the Lazaretto, he shall be liable to the same penalties as are by this act imposed on seamen or passengers escaping therefrom. Section XX. (Repealed.*') Section XXI. ( Obsolete.) Section XXII. The buildings and lot of ground situate to the north- west of Bush Hill, in the county of Philadelphia, shall be and continue a public hospital for the city of Philadelphia, the township of the Northern Liberties, and the districts of Southwark, Moyamensing, and Penn; and all persons other than persons on board of any ship or vessel, and liable to be sent as aforesaid to the Lazaretto, residing within the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing and Penn, who shall be afflicted with any pestilential or contagious disease, (the [smallpox andf~\ measles excepted,) may, upon the advice and order of the Port physi- cian, or any other physician or person authorized by the Board of Health to grant such order, be removed by the Health officer, and such assistance as he shall for that purpose employ, to the said public hospital, or to such other place as the physician or Board of Health shall approve, if the person afflicted with any contagious or pestilen- tial disease, cannot be properly and sufficiently attended at home, there to be lodged, nursed, and maintained, and kept until duly dis- charged by a permit in writing, signed by a physician of the said public hospital. Provided always, nevertheless, That each and every patient, and his and her estate, real and personal, shall be liable to pay, satisfy, and re- imburse all the charges and expenses on his or her account incurred in the said public hospital, unless the Board of Health award that he or she shall be exonerated and exempted therefrom. And the Board of Health is hereby directed to lease out the said public hospital and lot of ground belonging to it, except when wanted for the sick, on the best terms that can be obtained. J * By 3d Section of Act of April 7,1830. j- Repealed. J By subsequent laws the Bush Hill Hospital was ordered to be sold, and the Board was empowered to buy, and build, and maintain a new hospital, under which authority they bought a lot now in the Twenty-first Ward of the city. 22 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. Section XXIII. Whenever the said Board of Health shall receive information that any contagious disease rages in any port or place within the United States, or on the continent of America, they shall make diligent inquiry concerning the same; and it shall and may be lawful for the said Board to prohibit and to prevent all communication by land and water with such infected ports or places, by stopping all vessels coming into the port of Philadelphia, and at and before the Lazaretto, in the same manner and under the same penalties and for- feitures as are hereby provided in cases of vessels coming from foreign ports, and by stopping all persons coming from said infected places, in such manner as the circumstances and exigencies of the case shall require. And the said Board of Health are hereby authorized and required, whenever a fever of a contagious nature shall appear in any part of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing, or Penn, to adopt, without delay, such prompt measures as will effectually prevent all communication between the part or parts so infected, and any other part of the city, district, or townships. And all judges, justices, sheriffs, constables, and other civil officers and citizens of this state, are hereby authorized and empowered, en- joined and required, to aid and assist the said Board and their officers to the utmost of their power, in carrying into effect such rules, orders, and regulations, touching the stoppage of such intercourse, or the re- moval of the infected when they cannot properly be attended to at home, as the Board shall order and publish. Section XXIV. Every person keeping a boarding or lodging house in the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing or Penn, between the first day of June, and the fifteenth day of October, in any year, shall, within twelve hours after any seafaring man or sojourner shall become sick in such boarding or lodging house, report in writing, the name of such diseased person to the Health officer. And no master of a vessel or other person whatsoever, shall remove any sick person from any vessel lying in the river Delaware, before the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the township of the Northern Liberties, before such sick person has been visited by the Port physician, and a written permit granted by him for the purpose of such removal. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 23 And any person neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section, shall, on legal conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or to imprisonment for any term not ex- ceeding three months; and no person shall hereafter be subject to be punished by imprisonment by virtue of this act, without a previous conviction in due course of law : Provided, That nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to prevent the Board of Health from tempo- rarily confining any person within the Lazaretto bounds, for such time as the said Board may deem necessary for the safety of the public. Section XXV. Every person practising physic in the city, districts, and townships aforesaid, who shall have a patient laboring under a pestilential or contagious disease, ( [smallpox and*] measles excepted) shall forthwith make a report in writing to the Health officer, and for neglecting so to do he shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Section XXVI. Whenever any person shall die in the city, districts, or townships aforesaid, the physician or surgeon who shall have attended such person, as a physician or surgeon, during his or her last sickness, shall leave a note in writing signed with his name, with some one of the family in the house where such person shall have died, specifying the name and apparent age of the deceased, and the disease of which he or she shall have died. And every physician or surgeon refusing or neglecting to make and deliver such note, shall forfeit the sum of five dollars. And that no sexton of any church, or other person having charge of any cemetery, vault, or burial ground,"!" m *ne c^y> districts, or townships aforesaid, shall permit any dead body to be interred therein, until he has received such note in writing so signed as aforesaid, or in case no physician or surgeon shall have attended such deceased person, or the physician or surgeon who did attend shall have neglected or refused to leave such note, then a like note signed by some of the family in which such per- son shall have died. The contents of which note in writing shall be entered by such sex- ton on a blank schedule to be furnished by the clerk of the Health * Repealed. f By section sixth of the Act of March 19, 1838, the provisions of this sec- tion are extended to all burial grounds and cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia. 24 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. office, or such other person as the Board of Health shall direct, and delivered, together with the said schedule, on the Saturday of every week, to the Health officer for publication in such form as may be des- ignated by the Board of Health. And that every sexton or other person, having charge of any place of interment, neglecting or refusing to perform any of the duties required by this act, shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars. Section XXVII. The Board of Health or a committee of them shall have power, having first obtained a warrant from a justice of the peace in due form of law, founded on a complaint of two householders, under oath or affirmation, directed to the sheriff of the county of Phila- delphia, or his deputy, to enter and search all houses, stores, cellars, and other inclosures, between sunrise and sunset, where they may have just cause to suspect any nuisance to exist: Provided, however, That no sheriff or deputy sheriff shall execute any civil process either by arresting the body, or attaching the goods and chattels of any per- son or persons under color of any entry made for the purposes afore- said, unless such service could by law have been made without such entry; and all services so made under color of such entry shall be utterly void, and the officer making such service shall be considered a trespasser. And it shall be the duty of the said Board to cause all offensive or putrid substances, and all nuisances* which may have a tendency in their opinion to endanger the health of the citizens, to be removed from the streets, lanes, alleys, highways, wharves, docks, or any other part or parts of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, and the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing, and Penn, and to cause such of the privies within the limits aforesaid, to be emptied or corrected with lime or otherwise at the expense of the indiv;duals who are the owners of the houses to which the said privies are appur- tenant, as the said Board shall from time to time deem necessary for the health of the inhabitants thereof. * In the case of Kennedy vs. The Board of Health, 2d Barr's Fennsylvania State Reports, p. 366, the Supreme Court decided that the first part of this Section requiring a Justice's warrant, only applies to cases of houses and en- closures where the Board have cause to suspect a nuisance exists and wish to obtain an entrance by force, and had no reference as in that case to the removal of a nuisance from a vacant lot. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 25 And if the owners or occupiers of the premises on which any nui- sance may be found, and the owners of the houses to which the said privies are appurtenant, shall, on due notice thereof, refuse or neglect to have the same immediately removed, emptied, or corrected as afore- said, he, she, or they, so refusing or neglecting, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, any sum not less than twenty, nor more than two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as by this act directed. And the expense attending the removal of such nuisance shall be re- covered by the Board in any court having lawful jurisdiction, from all corporate bodies and individuals, in case due notice has been given to remove the same, and a refusal or neglect to do so within the time prescribed by the Board. Section XXVIII. If any person shall wilfully and knowingly ob- struct or resist the Board of Health, or any of the members thereof, or any persons by them appointed, in the execution of the powers to them given, or in performance of duties enjoined on them by this act, and the rules and regulations of the said Board, such person shall, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter directed. And if after the expiration of the quarantine, any mariner or other person who shall have complied with the regulations hereby established, shall commit any violence on the person of a member of the Board of Health, or any of the officers attached to the same, for any thing done in the execution of his duty, such person shall be subject, on con- viction thereof, to a fine of two hundred dollars, and shall also be sen- tenced to imprisonment at hard labor for any term not exceeding three years. Section XXIX. For payment and satisfaction of all forfeitures and penalties, which are imposed by this act, and all sums of money directed by this act to be paid, it shall be the duty of the Health officer to sue and prosecute, and the same to collect, recover, and receive, and the same shall be recoverable before any alderman, justice of the peace, or court of justice, having lawful jurisdiction, to the amount of such forfeitures, penalties, and sums of money respectively, or in the case, or upon the offence upon which the proceeding shall be had, and the same when recovered and received, shall be appropriated, and shall 2g GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. inure to the use of the institution, under the management and direction of the Board of Health* And no citizen or inhabitant of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamen- sing, or Penn, shall be disqualified from sitting as judges or jurors, or from giving testimony respecting any of the offences mentioned in this act, by reason of his, her, or their common interest in the appropria- tion of the sum or penalties imposed for such offence, nor shall any member of the Board of Health, or any officer entrusted with the exe- cution of this act, or any part thereof, be disqualified from giving testi- mony respecting any of the said offences. And the said members of the Board of Health shall, during their continuance in office, be exempted from the duties of jurors, and from militia duty. Section XXX. And the Quarantine master shall accompany the Lazaretto physi- cian, on the arrival of vessels at the Lazaretto, and shall have them moored, and when necessary, well cleansed and white washed, for which he shall be paid in addition to his salary, by the master, owner, or consignee, and shall be allowed to charge for lime and brushes, the usual prices at which such articles are retailed in the city of Philadel- phia. He shall also be authorized to receive all letters and papers to be forwarded to Philadelphia by the Lazaretto mail, and by any other conveyance he may think proper. And no person shall be permitted to go on board any vessel under quarantine, except the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, unless at the request of either of them to perform some necessary service. And the Quarantine master shall be furnished with such boats and crews as the Board of Health may judge necessary, for having the * For the different modes of recovering penalties, see Act of March 11, 1S16, Sect. 10, and Act of 3d February, 1848, Sect. 2. And by the Consolidation law and its Supplements, the suits are to be brought in the name of the city of Philadelphia, and the proceeds paid direct into the City Treasury. GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. 27 duties of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master carried into complete effect, and shall also be furnished with a good spy-glass. Section XXXI. All actions or prosecutions to be commenced against any master, captain owner, or consignee of any ship or ves- sel, or other person, by virtue of this act, shall be brought within twelve months next after the commission of the offence wherewith he is charged, and if any action or suit shall be commenced against any person or persons, for any matter or thing committed in violation of this act, the defendant or defendants may plead the general issue, and give this act and special matter in evidence, at any trial to be had thereupon. And for the payment and satisfaction of all forfeitures and penalties which are imposed, and all sums of money directed by this act to be paid by the masters, captains, owners, or consignees, as well the ships or vessels respectively, as the captains, masters, owner, or consignees thereof, shall be and are hereby declared liable. Section XXXII. (Repealed.*) Section XXXIII.f Section XXXIV.f Section XXXV. The act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health office, for otherwise securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for regulating the importation of German and other passengers/' passed the twenty-second day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, be and the same is hereby repealed, except the 21st and 22d sections of the said act; and the act entitled " A Supplement to the act entitled ' An Act for establishing a Health office, for otherwise securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for regulating the importation of German and other passengers, " passed the twenty-third day of September, seven- teen hundred and ninety-four; and the act entitled " An Act supple- mentary to the several acts establishing a Health office," passed the seventeenth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-five; and the act entitled "A further Supplement to the act entitled ' An Act for es- tablishing a Health office, for otherwise securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious dis- * By 5th Section of the Act of February 10, 1832. f Sections 33 and 34 repealed by the Consolidation law. 28 GENERAL HEALTH LAW OF 1818. eases, and for regulating the importation of German and other passen- gers,' " passed the seventeenth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-five; and the act entitled " An Act to amend and repeal cer- tain provisions in the Health laws of this commonwealth," passed the fourth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six; and the act entitled " An Act to alter and amend the Health laws of this commonwealth, and to incorporate a board of managers of the marine and city hospitals of the port of Philadelphia, and for other purposes therein mentioned," passed the fourth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight; and the act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health office, for securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases," passed the eleventh day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine; and the act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and conta- gious diseases," passed the seventeenth day of March, eighteen hun- dred and six; and the act entitled " An Act to continue in force an act entitled ' An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and supplementary thereto,' " passed the thirty- first day of March, eighteen hundred and twelve; and the act entitled " An Act to amend and continue l An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the intro- duction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and the supplement thereto,' " passed the twenty-fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirteen; and the act entitled " An Act to amend and continue ' An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious dis- eases,' " and the supplement thereto, passed the thirteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, be and the same are hereby repealed : Provided nevertheless, That all actions, prosecutions or other proceedings begun, all rights accruing, and all penalties incurred under the said acts, shall be carried on, prosecuted, vested in, sued for and recovered, by the Board of Health established by this act in all re- spects as if the said acts had not been repealed, and appropriated as is directed by this act. ACT OF MARCH 27, 1819. 29 To vest a certain burying ground in the Board of Health, and to provide for registering the births of children in the city of Phila- delphia and its vicinity. Passed 27th March, 1819. [7th Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, p. 450, in note—Pamphlet Laws, p. 197.] Section I. (Obsolete?) Section II. It shall be the duty of all persons who may pursue or practice midwifery in the city of Philadelphia, in the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties, in the township of Penn, and the distric =s of Southwark and Moyamensing, between the first day of March anu the first day of April, annually, hereafter, to leave their names in writing, and the places of their residence, at the office of the Board of Health. And when so left it shall be the duty of the clerk to receive and enter the same alphabetically in a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be open at all times during office hours to persons desirous to inspect the same. And all persons pursuing or practising midwifery as aforesaid, shall keep a true and exact register of the births that take place under their care and superintendence, and shall from time to time as they may- happen, enter the same, with the sex of the child so born, on a blank schedule to be furnished to them by the clerk of the Health office, which schedule shall be signed with the name of such person, and delivered on the last Saturday of each month to the clerk of the Health office, or other person calling for the same. And every person pursuing or practising midwifery, neglecting or refusing to leave their names and places of residence at the Health office as aforesaid, or to perform any other cf the duties required by this act, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered in the manner and for the uses prescribed in " An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purpose*." 30 ACT OF APRIL 2, 1821. 31 SttiMJiemeut To an Act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health Office," &c. Passed April 2, 1821. [7 Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, p. 458, &c—Pamphlet Laws, p. 210.] Section I. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, every ship or vessel coming from any port or place south- ward of Cape Fear, bound to Philadelphia, shall be subject to the examination directed by the fourth section of the act to which this is a supplement, for every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place. And the master, commander or pilot of every such ship or vessel, coming from any port or place southward of Cape Fear, shall be sub- ject to the same restrictions, and liable to the same indictment, prose- cution and penalties as by the said fourth section of the said act, is prescribed for the master, commander or pilot of any ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place. And the same duties shall be performed by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, and the same oaths or affirmations shall be by them administered, first making known to the person interrogated the penalty imposed by the said act to which this is a supplement, which penalty is hereby extended to every person who shall give false answers, under oath or affirmation, to the questions proposed under the authority of this act. And the said physician and Quarantine master, and the master or captain of such ship or vessel, shall proceed in the same manner in all respects as is directed by the said fourth section of the act to which this is a supplement; and the Board of Health shall have the same power to determine and direct what measures shall be pursued, and the same shall be carried, in like manner, into execution. Section II. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, every ship or vessel coming from a port or place in the United States, bound to the port of Philadelphia, and from which ship ACT OF APRIL 2, 1821. 31 or vessel shall have been, within thirty days then next preceding, unladen the whole or a part of the cargo or baggage, brought in the said ship or vessel from some foreign port or place, every such ship or vessel shall be liable and subject to all the rules, regulations and restrictions of the said fourth section of the said act to which this is a supplement, and shall be examined and treated, as well the vessel itself as the cargo, crew, passengers and baggage on board, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had brought the same cargo, crew, passengers or baggage, directly from such foreign port or place, and had the same then on board, at the Lazaretto. Section III. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, no ship or vessel which shall be laden with, or have on board any vegetables, fish or hides, shall be unladen at the port of Phila- delphia, until a permit shall be applied for and obtained from the Board of Health. And if any master, captain, owner or owners, consignee or con- signees, or other persons, shall presume to unlade from on board of any such ship or vessel, any vegetables, fish or hides, without first having applied for and obtained a permit from the Board of Health, every such master, captain, owner or owners, consignee or consignees or other person, so offending, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is directed in the act to which this is a supplement. Section IV. Between the first day of June and the first day of October, within forty-eight hours after the discharge of the cargo of every ship or vessel at the port of Philadelphia, it shall be the duty of the captain or master, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, and other person, having the direction of the discharge of the same, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as by the act to which this is a supplement is directed, to give or cause to be given, to the Board of Health, notice that the same cargo is discharged, and to permit and suffer the Board of Health, by them- selves or by their lawful agent by them for that purpose appointed, to examine the condition of the hold, ballast and limbers of such ship or vessel. And if the Board of Health shall deem it for the safety and health of the city of Philadelphia, they are hereby authorized and empowered to designate a proper place to which the said ship or vessel shall be 32 ACT OF MARCH 29, 1824. taken, and that her hold, ballast and limbers shall there be cleansed and purified, or at the expense of such captain or master, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other person, having the direction of the discharge of the cargo, to send or cause to be sent, such ship or vessel to a proper place, and have her hold, ballast and limbers cleansed and purified. Section V. Between the first day of June and the first day of Octo- ber, no person or persons shall, under the penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is directed by the act to which this is a supplement, be permitted to store or keep in any one house, store, cellar, or other enclosure, a greater quantity than one hundred bushels of vegetables which are in themselves of a perishable nature, without a permit from the Board of Health, which permit shall be granted for a limited time therein expressed, and may be renewed, from time to time, by the Board of Health. at Supplement To an Act entitled "An Act for establishing a Health Office," dr. Passed March 29, 1824. [8 Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, p. 274.—Pamphlet Laws, p. 125.] Section I. All ships and vessels arriving at the port of Philadel- phia, with smallpox on board, shall be subject to the same rules restrictions and regulations, as are provided and directed in the act to which this is a supplement, in relation to ships or vessels arriving with other malignant or contagious diseases. Section II. No practising physician, or other person or persons shall be allowed to communicate the infection of smallpox, by inocula- tion or otherwise, within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health unless ACTS OF JANUARY 29, 1827 AND APRIL 7, 1830. 33 by special permission of said Board, and any practising physician, or other person or persons so trangressing, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than seventy, for each person so inoculated or infected as aforesaid, to be recovered and appropriated as directed by the act to which this is a supplement. Section III. The Board of Health shall be invested with the same authority to make such general rules, orders or regulations, for the preservation of the district from the contagion of smallpox as they already possess in relation to other contagious diseases, dangerous to the health of the community. Supplement To an Act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health Office, &c. Passed January 29, 1827. [9th Smith's Laws, p. 263.—Pamphlet Laws, p. 28.] Section I. A free and unrestricted communication is hereby per- mitted, between the officers and crews of national vessels which may be detained at quarantine at the Lazaretto, in the port of Philadelphia, and the Naval Asylum on the river Schuylkill, any provisions in the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the Board of Health from interdicting communication between the said Asylum and the citizens of the city or county of Philadelphia, whenever in their opinion such interdiction may be necessary. % jfuvUjtv Supplement To an Act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health Office^ &c Passed April 7, 1830. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 348, &c.] Section I. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health, in all cases where the owner or owners of uuoccupied property, upon which a nuis- ance, in the opinion of the said Board, exists, reside out of the city, 3 34 ACT OF APRIL 7, 1830. districts, and townships subjected to the operation of the act to which this is a supplement, or cannot be found by the messenger of the said Board, after diligent search made, to cause the said nuisance to be at once removed, and the expense attending the removal of the same shall be recovered by the said Board in any court, or before any court, alder- man, or justice of the peace, having lawful jurisdiction as in and by the said act is provided. Section II. The expenses attending the removal of any nuisance shall be and remain a lien upon the premises from which such nuisance has been removed, and it shall be the duty of the said Board of Health to file the claim therefor against the owner or reputed owner in the office of the clerk of the District Court* for the city and county of Philadelphia, which said court shall in all cases have jurisdiction of the same, and the said claims may be filed, recorded and proceeded on by scire facias to recover the same, in like manner as mechanics' liensf are recoverable, upon the trial of which, the fact of the nuisance shall not be inquired into, and the defendant or defendants shall only be permitted to give evidence of payment, or that unnecessary expenses were incurred by the Board in the removal of the nuisance. Section III. The twentieth section of the act to which this is a further supplement, and so much of the first section of the act to which this is a supplement as requires the request of a majority of the mem- bers of said Board before the G-overnor can remove certain officers; and also such parts of said act as may be inconsistent with the provi- sions of this supplement, be and the same are hereby repealed. * By Act of April 10, 1845, the provisions of this section are declared and construed to be extended to the District Court created by Act of March 28, 1835, continued by Act of March 28, 1845, and all former proceedings are con- firmed. f The forms of the claim and proceedings thereon are regulated by the then existing Mechanics' Lien Law of 1808.— Kennedy vs. The Board of Health, 2d Barr, 366. ACTS OF JUNE 11, 1832 AND MARCH 19,1838. &u met Relating to the Board of Health of the Port of Philadelphia, and for other purposes. Passed June 11, 1832. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 620.] Section 1. Under the provisions of the fifteenth section of the act entitled " An Act to establish a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and con- tagious diseases, and for other purposes," passed the twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and eighteen, the Board of Health of Philadelphia are hereby authorized to send letters and other packages to the Lazaretto and to Fort Mifflin, and to receive letters and packages sent from either of said places, to the Health office of the said city once or twice a day, as they may deem expedient. Section II. From and after the first day of July next, no health fee or half pilotage shall be charged on any American vessel engaged in the Pennsylvania coal trade. &n Witt To Incorporate the Monument Cemetery of Philadelphia, and for other purposes. Passed March 19, 1838. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 127.] Section VI. The twenty-sixth section of an act, passed the twenty-ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eigh- teen, entitled " An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes," be and the same is hereby extended to all burial grounds and cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia. 36 ACTS OF APRIL 16, 1838 AND JUNE 13, 1840. W Supplement To the Act entitled " An Act to erect Shirleysburg in the county of Huntingdon, New Hope in the county of Bucks, and Hamburg in the county of Berks, into boroughs, and for other purposes." Passed April 16, 1838. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 570, &c] Section XXVI. [No ship or vessel arriving from any port in the United States, at the port of Philadelphia, shall be subject to detention at the Lazaretto, unless the Board of Health and Board of Wardens in joint meeting shall have determined that the port or place is infected with malignant contagious disease.*] Provided further, That the Board of Wardens of the port of Phila- delphia shall, from time to time, regulate the fees to be paid to the Health officer and Harbor master. Provided further, That the boats and vessels passing through the Baritan Canal, and Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, shall not be sub- jected to any fee whatever, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.! En &ct Regulating Election Districts, and for other purposes. Passed June 13, 1840. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 671.] Section XLI. So much of the twenty-sixth section of an act • passed the sixteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, a supplement to the act entitled an act to erect Shirleys- *Part in brackets repealed by forty-first section Act of June 13, 18.40. f This provision was made in consequence of a decision by the Supreme Court in the case of the Board of Health vs. Hand, 4th Wharton, p. 217, that vessels arriving at the port of Philadelphia through those Canals during quarantine months were subject to the Health fees. ACTS OF MAY 7, 1841 AND APRIL 10, 1845. 37 burg" in the county of Huntingdon, New Hope in the county of Bucks, and Hamburg in the county of Berks, into boroughs, and for other purposes, as provides that no ship or vessel arriving from any port in the United States at the port of Philadelphia, shall be subject to detention at the Lazaretto, unless the Board of Health and Board of Wardens, in joint meeting, shall have determined that the port or place is infected with malignant and contagious disease, be and the same is hereby repealed. Win Witt To confer on Elizabeth, John and Henry Mc Guire, Augustus Boyle, and Maria Mayberry, the rights and benefits of children born in lawful wedloclc, and for other purposes. Passed May 7, 1841. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 364.] < Section II. The several provisions of the second section of an act entitled " An Act to establish the District Court of the city and county of Philadelphia," passed twenty-eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and of the first section of the supplement thereto, passed eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty- six, be and they are hereby deemed and construed to extend to all actions of scire facias on claims, filed, or to be filed, by the Board of Health, for removing nuisances under the laws of the Commonwealth. % jfuvtiuv Supplement To an Act entitled " An Act to establish the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia," passed the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. Passed April 10, 1845. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 351.] Section I. The authority, power and jurisdiction given to the Dis- trict Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, by an act passed 38 ACT OF APRIL 16, 1845. on the seventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, entitled "A further Supplement to an Act entitled 'An Act for establishing a Health office, and to relieve the city and port of Phila- delphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes/ " are hereby declared to be vested in the court established by the act to which this is a further supplement, and that all former proceedings under said act, passed on the seventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, be and the same are hereby confirmed. Wi Supplement To an Act passed the sixth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, entitled " A Supplement to an Act entitled ' An Act for taking Lands in execution for the payment of Debts,' passed in one thousand seven hundred and five." Passed April 1Q, 1845. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 488.] Section II. No debt, charge, or assessment, for work hereafter done, or meterials furnished by or under authority of the Board of Health, or any municipal corporation, shall be a lien on real estate for more than six months from the time of doing such work, unless a claim for the same shall be filed in the office of the prothonotary of the proper court within that time, nor shall the same continue a lien longer than five years from the time of filing the claim, unless revived by scire facias, in the manner provided by law, in the case of mechan- ics' claims; and no lien for such debts, charges, or assessments, now existing, shall continue longer than six months from the first day of April, in this year, unless a claim for the same be filed as aforesaid within that time, in which case it shall continue, and may be revived in the same manner as in the cases above provided for. ACT OF MARCH 11, 1846. 39 Win Witt Relating to Registered Taxes and Municipal Claims in the County of Philadelphia. Passed March 11, 1846. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 115.] Section III. In the city and county of Philadelphia, all writs of scire facias on claims for taxes, municipal charges and assessments, and for expenses of removing nuisances^ shall be served by the sheriff of the said county, by posting a true and attested copy of the writ on a conspicuous part of the premises therein described, and by publishing a brief notice thereof in a daily newspaper in said county, twice a week for two weeks, before the return day; on which service being made, the plaintiffs in such suits may proceed to recover judgments as in suits on mechanics' liens. Section IV. Such claims may, in suits thereon, be read as evidence of the facts therein set forth; and no plea alleging non-joinder or misjoinder of parties, no plea averring want of notice to remove nuis- ances, no plea touching the rates or proportions of contribution among parties jointly interested, nor any plea touching the question of owner- *. ship, shall be allowed in any such action. Section V. In all writs of levari facias on such claims, the sheriff's handbills and advertisements shall contain, at the foot thereof, a mem- orandum setting forth the name of the party plaintiff, and the nature and character of the claim; in default whereof, the sale under such writ may be set aside by the court. Section VI. The lien of such claims shall not be divested by any judicial sale as respects so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale may be insufficient to discharge and pay. Section VII. (Obsolete.) Section VIII. (Obsolete.) Section IX. The fee to the prothonotary, for filing, docketing, and indexing each claim for taxes or liens, and transcripts of judgments therefor, in the city and county of Philadelphia, shall be twenty-five cents. Section X. All specific penalties and forfeitures inuring to the use of the Board of Health, or any municipal corporation of the county of Philadelphia, shall be recovered by suits, as debts of like amount are by law recoverable. 40 ACTS OF FEBRUARY 17, 1847 AND FEBRUARY 3, 1848. Win Witt Supplementary to the several Acts of Assembly, incorporating the Dis- trict of Penn, in the county of Philadelphia. Passed February 17, 1847. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 119.] Section XVIII. The jurisdiction of the Board of Health shall be and the same is hereby extended to said District: Provided* That nothing in this act, or any other act of Assembly, shall be construed to prohibit the citizens of the said incorporated district (subject to such rules, regulations and restrictions, as shall be established by the com- missioners thereof,) from using privy manure for farming and agricul- tural purposes within the limits of the said district; nor to prevent the citizens of any other district from disposing and using of the same for like purposes: Provided, The same be removed in the same manner and at the times as now ordained by the said Board of Health. Wi iFurt&er supplement To an act entitled "An Act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes," passed January twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and the several supplements thereto. Passed February 3, 1848. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 18.] Section I. The jurisdiction, powers, duties, and authority of the Board of Health, shall extend to and over the city of Philadelphia the incorporated districts of the Northern Liberties, Kensington, Richmond Spring Garden, Penn and Southwark, and the township of Moyamen- sing; and all violations of health laws now punished, or hereafter to be punished by fine, forfeiture, imprisonment, or otherwise, shall be * This proviso repealed by the third section of the Act of Feb'y 3 1848. ACT OF FRBRUARY 3, 1848. 41 prosecuted and sued for, if committed within the jurisdiction of the Board, in like manner, and as fully, and to all intents and purposes, as if any of the said places had been especially named. Section II. Whenever any penalty given by law to the Board of Health, is not fixed and definite in amount, but varies at the discretion of the court, the same shall in such cases be collected and recovered only by indictment. Sections III, IV, V, VI. (Repealed.) Section VII. It shall and may be lawful for the Board of Health to sell and dispose of absolutely in fee simple, with or without reserva- tion of a ground rent or ground rents, the buildings and lot of ground, situate to the northwest of Bush Hill, in the district of Spring Garden, in the county of Philadelphia, now used by them as a public hospital, and to make and execute one or more good and sufficient deed or deeds in fee simple to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, without any liability on the part of such purchaser or purchasers, to see the application of the purchase money or any part thereof, and with the proceeds of such sales and dispositions they shall purchase a suitable tract or piece of land within three miles of the city of Philadelphia, and shall forthwith erect thereon suitable buildings for a public hospital, and the same when finished, shall be taken and used as and for a public hospital, to all intents and purposes, as the said hospital near Bush Hill is at pre- sent taken and used : Provided, That the county of Philadelphia shall not be called on to defray any portion of the expenses incurred in the purchase of the ground and erection of the new hospital. Section VIII. No vessel shall be permitted to leave the Lazaretto, without first giving security, to be approved by the Board of Health, for the payment of all expenses of said vessel, and of passengers and other persons imported therein, which said vessels, their captains, owners, or consignees, are by law. made liable. Section IX. (Obsolete.) Section X. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with any of the provisions of this act, or supplied thereby, are hereby repealed. 42 ACT OF JANUARY 23, 1849. Win gict Relating to the Lien of Mechanics and others, and to sales to enforce the payment of liens. Passed January 23, 1849. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 686.] Section III. In all cases of registered taxes or municipal claims* filed in the office of the county commissioners of Philadelphia, or in the prothonotary's office of the District Court, or the Court of Common Pleas of the city and county of Philadelphia, before any sale shall be had thereon, notice of three months shall be given in two of the daily newspapers of Philadelphia, once a week, before a suit shall be commenced for the recovery of the same, and that after sale, one year shall be allowed for the redemption of said property: Provided, That upon such redemption the party redeeming the same shall pay all costs and charges which shall have accrued, and twenty per cent. upon the amount for which said property shall have been sold. Section IV. The lien of a mortgage upon any real estate situate in the City or County of Philadelphia, shall not be destroyed, or in any way affected by the sale of the mortgaged premises under or by virtue of any process to enforce the payment of any tax, claim or assessment whatsoever, which by existing laws may be a lien on said real estate, unless said sale shall be made under a judgment obtained upon a claim which was duly registered in the proper office, prior to the recording of such mortgages. Section V. The estate which may be held in a ground rent in fee, issuing out of any real estate in.the city and county of Philadel- phia, shall not be divested by the sale of the land out of which said ground rent may issue, for the non-payment of any tax, charge, or as- sessment imposed on said real estate; but said ground rent shall be assessed as a distinct estate, and payment of any tax, charge, or assess- ment imposed thereon, shall be enforced in like manner as in other cases of real estate. * See acts of April 26, 1855 and May 13, 1856, post. pp. 57 and 58. ACT OF APRIL 5, 1849. 43 Wi iFtm&er Supplement To an act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes," passed January twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and the several supplements thereto. Passed April 5,1849. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 346, &c] Section I. It shall and may be lawful for the Board of Health, under the provisions of the seventh section of the act supplemen- tary to the Health Laws, passed on the third day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, to buy lands and erect build- ings for a public hospital, out of and from any of their funds; and so much of said section as directs that such purchase and building shall be made exclusively from the proceeds of sale of the present City hos- pital, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Section II. The general health law, passed on the twenty- ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, shall be taken and construed as if the words " small-pox" had never occurred therein. Section III. Whenever any nuisance shall be found anywhere within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, by reason of the keeping of hogs or other animals, the Board of Health, in addition to their power of destroying the pens or other enclosures containing such animals, or of otherwise abating and removing such nuisance, be, and they are hereby empowered to seize such animals, and deliver them over as forfeited to " The Guardians for the Relief and Employment of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, the District of Southwark, and the Townships of the Northern Liberties and Penn," for the use of said poor; and it shall be the duty of said Guardians of the Poor, on notice from the Board of Health, to receive the said animals, and pay the expense of their removal: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to interfere with the keeping of well regulated markets for the purchase and sale of cattle, excepting swine. Section IV. (Obsolete.) 44 ACT OF MARCH 25, 1850. Section V. The Board of Health shall have full power and authority to remove the cause of all nuisances that exist now, or may be hereafter created, in the same manner and by the same authority as the existing laws now authorize them to remove all nuisances. Wi Supplement To an Act entitled " An Act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes; and in relation to the Cattle Market in Callowhill street." Passed March 25, 1850. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 268.] Section IV. For the purpose of more effectually securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, every ship or vessel arriving from a foreign port, shall, in addition to the visitation and examination now prescribed, be visited by the Lazaretto physician before passing the Lazaretto, or the Port physician before being hauled to any wharf within the city or port of Philadelphia, and such Lazaretto physician or Port physi- cian, as the case may be, shall rigidly examine the baggage, effects and property of the passengers and crew; for which service he shall then receive and pay over to the Board of Health the sum of fifty cents for each and every person on board such vessel: Provided, That in advance of such visit or payment of money, and in lieu thereof, the Board of Health may take security from the master, owner, or consignee of the vessel, or importer of or agent for the passengers, conditioned for the payment of all such sums immediately on the arrival of such ship or vessel at the city or port of Philadelphia; and if any master, pilot, owner, or consignee of such ship or vessel, or any other person, shall bring or cause to be brought, such ship or vessel from the Laza- ACT OF MARCH 20, 1852. 45 retto, or haul or cause her to be hauled to any wharf before paying such money, or giving security as aforesaid, he or they so offending, shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay to tha Board of Health the sum of five hundred dollars; to be recovered as penalties of like amount are now by law recoverable. Win Witt Relative to the Board of Health of the City and County of Philadel- phia ; relative to shop taxes and tavern licenses in the burnt district of Philadelphia ; authorizing J. Engle Negus and Edwin L. Poalk, trustees, to sell certain real estate; authorizing the trustees of the Bustleton Academy to lease or transfer said Academy to the Con- trollers of Public Schools ; to the Waterford and Erie Plank road; and to vacate Jasper Street, in the County of Philadelphia. Passed March 20, 1852. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 172.] Section V. Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Health, any person afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease, and received for treatment in their hospital, shall be unable to pay the expenses of his attendance and treatment there, it shall be the duty of the Guardians for the relief and employment of the poor of the city of Philadelphia, the District of Southwark, and the Townships of the Northern Liberties and Penn, to repay to the Board of Health all the expenses incurred in and about the attendance and treatment of such person, according to the rates to be fixed by the said Board of Health, and in case of his or her death, to repay also the cost of interment: Provided, That the charge for board and attendance shall not in any case, exceed the rate of three dollars per week. 46 ACTS OF MARCH 25, 1852 AND FEBRUARY 8, 1853. Win Witt Incorporating the Osceola Plank Road Company ; relating to a Board of Assessors ; to changing the name of Middletown ; relative to Lar- ries Creek and Lawrenceville State Road; and relative to the Wellsborough and Tioga Plank Road, in the County of Tioga; and relative to the Borough of Greenfield, Washington County, Perry County Fire Insurance Company; to the Board of Health of the Port of Philadelphia ; to the destruction of fish in certain streams in Washington County. Passed March 25, 1852. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 179.] Section XIV. When, in the opinion of the Board of Health, the interest of the port of Philadelphia may require it, and it can be done without prejudice to the health of the citizens, they may suspend the operation of section fifth of the act of eighteen hundred and eigh- teen, under such rules and regulations as the Board of Health may make on the subject. Win Witt To regulate the Salary of the Health Officer of the Port of Philadel- phia. Passed February 8, 1853. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 45.] Section I. From and after the passage of this act, the salary of the Health officer of the port of Philadelphia shall be twelve hun- dred dollars per annum, to be paid by the Board of Health in even and equal quarterly payments; and all acts inconsistent herewith are here- by repealed and made void. ACTS OF MARCH 11 AND APRIL 6, 1853. 47 Win Witt To incorporate the Shrewsbury and Hopewell Plank Road Company of York County; to authorize the School Directors of Clarksville, Mercer County, to sell a certain school-house and lot, and relative to the salary of the Port Physician of Philadelphia. Passed March 11, 1853. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 169.] Section V. From and after the passage of this act, the salary of the Port physician of the port of Philadelphia shall be eight hundred dollars, payable in equal quarterly payments. Win Witt To prohibit the deposit of filth in the vicinity of the Kensington and Richmond Districts, in the County of Philadelphia. Passed April 6, 1853. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 312.] Section I. No privy filth shall be deposited within the Ken- sington and Richmond districts, in the county of Philadelphia, or out- side of the said districts, at any place within a mile of the boundary line of the said districts, and any such deposit is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the party or parties depositing, or procuring or causing the same to be deposited, to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction thereof by the Court of Quarter Sessions for the county of Philadelphia, such party or parties shall for each offence be sentenced to pay a fine not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by non-compliance be imprisoned in the Moyamensing prison, for a period not less than thirty days nor more than six months. 48 ACTS OF APRIL 18, 1853 AND FEBRUARY 2, 1854. Win Witt Authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Germantown and Wissa- hickon Turnpike Road Company; authorizing Joseph Barr to sell certain ground rents; to authorize the sale of certain real estate of Maria Myers ; to vacate a portion of Timber Lane in the district of Penn, Philadelphia county ; relative to the claim of Ann Weaver; authorizing the sale of certain church property in Millersburg, Dau- phin county; and to prohibit the erection of Poudrette Pits in the district of Moyamensing, Philadelphia county. Passed April 18, 1853. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 576.] Section IX. From and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, to own, occupy or possess, in the district of Moyamensing, in the county of Philadelphia, any poudrette pit or pits, or deposit places of any kind or description, for the deposit of poudrette or privy filth; that any person or persons erecting or sinking, or causing to be erected or sunk, or owning any poudrette pit or pits, or deposit places for poudrette or privy filth in the said district, after the passage of this act, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, and for every month that the same shall remain in said district, the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by an action at law, in the District Court of the county of Philadelphia, in the name of the commissioners and inhabitants of the district of Moyamensing, one half of which said penalty shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the county of Philadelphia, for the school fund of said county, and the remaining one halt shall be recovered for the use of said district. Wi iFtm&ev Supplement To an act entitled " An act to incorporate the City of Philadelphia." Passed February 2, 1854. ' [Pamphlet Laws, p. 21, &c] Section XVI. Ou the first Tuesday in June, 1854, and en the first Tuesday iti May in every year thereafter, until otherwise provided by ACT OF FEBRUARY 2, 1854. 49 law or ordinance, the qualified voters of each of the wards of the said city shall elect one citizen, who shall have and possess the qualifica- tions that the members of the Senate are required to possess, to serve as a member of the Board of Health. They shall each take the usual oath of office, and enter upon the duties thereof on the first Monday in July next succeeding their election. The members of the Board of Health elected in the city of Philadelphia on the first Tuesday of June, A. D. 1854, shall meet on the morning of the first Monday in July of the same year, at ten o'clock, and on the first Monday of July in each year at the same hour, and organize into a Board, and shall elect a President and such other officers as may be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the said Board; and upon such organi- zation, shall thereby supersede the present members and officers of the Board of Health; and thereupon all the estate whatsoever, real, perso- nal and mixed, that shall then be by law or otherwise vested in or in possession of the Board of Health, shall be forthwith vested in the city of Philadelphia, subject to all the trusts, conditions and liabilities now legally applicable thereto, and all laws of this Commonwealth creating, governing, and regulating the Board of Health not inconsistent here- with shall continue in force and operation, and shall govern and regu- late the Board of Health of the city of Philadelphia, except as to far- mers manuring land and keeping stock in the strictly agricultural dis- tricts, except as the same may hereafter be altered by law or ordinance; and all sums of money due, payable to, or received by the Board of Health, shall be paid into the city treasury; and all sums expended by or for the purposes of the Board of Health, shall be paid by the city treasurer upon orders drawn upon appropriations regularly made by Councils. Section XXXIX. The fiscal year of the City of Philadelphia, the Board of Guardians of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, the Board of Health and of the Controllers of Public Schools of the City of Phila- delphia, and Inspectors of Prison, shall commence on the first day of January in each and every year. It shall be the duty of the Guar- dians of the Poor to furnish the Councils of the city of Philadelphia, on or before the first day of March in every year, an estimate of the amount that in their judgment will be required duriag the current fiscal year for the maintenance and support of the alms-house estab- lishment of the said Board ; and the Controllers of Public Schools, and the Board of Health, the Port Wardens and Inspectors of the Prisons, 4 50 ACT OF FEBRUARY 2, 1854. severally shall, in like manner, on or before the same day in each year, furnish to the said Councils the amount that in their judgment will be necessary for the support of public schools and the necessary expenses of the Board of Health, the Port Wardens and Inspectors of the Pri- son, respectively, for the current fiscal year; and the said City Councils shall fix the rate and levy all the taxes now authorized by law within the limits of said city and county, except the State tax, and direct the amount to be applied and paid by the City Treasurer to health, school, poor, city and other purposes, according to law. The said taxes shall be voted so as to show how much is raised for said objects respectively; they shall be collected and accounted for to the treasurer as one city and county tax. ****** Section XLV. All officers elected by the qualified voters under this act shall be subject to removal from office on impeachment for misdemeanor in office, or other sufficient cause, on charges to be pre- ferred by the Common Council and tried by the Select Council in man- ner prescribed by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, as to the impeachment by the House of Bepresentatives and trial thereof by the Senate. All officers shall be subject to removal for sufficient cause in such manner as Councils may determine. Section XLVI. The City Councils shall fix the compensation and prescribe the duties of all officers of said city in such manner as to carry out the purposes of this act, and as the welfare of said city may require, not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this Com- monwealth and of the United States. Whenever any elective officer of said city shall die, or become incapable of fulfilling the duties of his office, his place, except where other provision is made for filling the vacancy, shall be filled by a joint vote of the City Councils until the next city election and the qualification of a successor in the office : Provided, That such vacancy shall exist at least thirty days before the next city election, otherwise such vacancy shall be filled at the next election thereafter. Section XLVII. No salary of any officer to be elected accord- ing to the provisions of this act, by the qualified voters of the city hereby incorporated, shall be increased or reduced by any act or ordi- nance to take effect during the term for which he shall have been elect- ed ; and in all cases where the salary of any officers shall not be fixed by law, it shall be fixed by Councils : Provided, That it shall not be lawful for Councils at any time to pass an ordinance or by other means ACT OF FEBRUARY 2, 1854. 51 provide for the payment of any money, in the shape of per diem pay or compensation of any kind, for services rendered by them in their capacity as Councilmen, or members of committees emanating from Councils. Section XLVIII. No person shall, at the same time, be a member of more than one of the following bodies, to wit: The City Councils, the Guardians of the Poor, the Board of Health, the Con- trollers of the Public Schools, the Directors of the Public Schools* and the Inspectors of the County Prison ; nor shall any person be a mem- ber of any of these bodies who is at the same time a salaried officer under the same or under any of them : Provided, That this shall not be construed so as to prevent a Controller of the Public Schools from being at the same time a School Director. Section XLIX. Every officer or agent receiving moneys for the city, and payable to the City Treasurer, shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duty, and shall be required to make return to the City Controller once in every week, or oftener, if Councils shall direct, under oath or affirmation, of each item of the moneys received by him, and immediately upon making such return to pay the amount in his hands to the City Treasurer. The said City Controller is hereby authorized to administer such oath or affirmation, and any person false- ly making such oath or affirmation, or guilty of falsehood in any other oath or affirmation required by the provisions of this act, or by any or- dinance of Councils made in pursuance thereof, shall be guilty of perjury. Section L. It shall be the duty of the City Councils to pro- vide by ordinance for the establishment and regulation of all the de- partments indicated by this act and other laws in force in said city, under the proper heads, and with the necessary clerks, officers, and as- sistants, to wit: for law, police, finance, surveys, highways, health, water, gas, fire, the poor, the city property and public grounds, and such others as may from time to time be needful; and, through the Mayor and proper committees, the said Councils shall maintain a super- vision of each department, whether corporate or otherwise, and over the Inspectors of the County Prison, for the exposure and correction of all evils and abuses, and for that purpose may require the production of and inspect all books and papers, and the attendance of witnesses by subpoenas, and examine them under oath or affirmation; but no member or members of Council, whether as a committee or otherwise, * School directors may hold any office or appointment. See section 28 act April 21, 1855, postea, p. 57. 52 ACT OF APRIL 6, 1854. shall make any disbursement of corporate moneys, nor audit the ac- counts thereof, nor perform any other executive duty whatever. * * Section LI. If any Councilman, Guardian of the Poor, mem- ber of the Board of Health, Controller or Director of the Public Schools, or Warden, Inspector of the Prison, or any other member, officer or agent of the said City Corporation, or of any corporation or department by this act recognized, or clerk therein, shall at any time be directly or indirectly interested in any sale to, or contract for sup- plies to be furnished to said city, or to any corporation or department by this act recognized or placed under the supervision of Councils, of which he shall be a member, or officer, clerk, or agent, or shall receive any gratuity, money or property whatsoever, by reason of such sale or contract, or shall take any fee beyond that prescribed by law, he, if a Councilman, or elective officer, or officer appointed by court, shall be impeached in manner hereinbefore provided, and if found guilty shall forfeit and vacate his seat; and if any officer or clerk appointed by Councils, shall be removed from his office or appointment; and any vendor or contractor participating in such act, shall be incapable of recovering any demand thus infected by fraud, and all such offenders shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of such offence in the Court of Quarter Sessions for said city and county, shall be fined and imprisoned at the discretion of said court. Section LII. The meetings of the said City Councils, and all corporations and boards authorized or recognized as existing under this act, except the Board of Health and Board of Inspectors of County Prison, shall be at all times open and accessible to all citizens deport- ing themselves with order and decorum. Wi SfuxVbtx Supplement To an act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of Pestilential and Con- tagious Diseases, passed twenty-ninth of January, one thousand eiqht hundred and eighteen. Passed April 6, 1854. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 305.] Section I. The Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master shall from and after the passage of this act, receive annually the fol- ACT OF MARCH 16, 1855. 53 lowing salaries, that is to say, the Lazaretto physician the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, and the Quarantine master the sum of one thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly, by an order drawn by the Board of Health on their treasurer, any thing in the thirtieth section of the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding; and so much of said act as fixes the salary of the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, be and the same is hereby repealed. Win Witt Supplementary to the Health Laws of the City and Port of Phila- delphia. Passed March 16, 1855. [Pamphlet Laws, p. 89.] Section I. From and after the passage of this act, no person shall remove, or cause or allow to be removed the contents of any privy well or sink within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, without first being licensed by the Board of Health to do so, and every person offending against the provisions of this section shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the Board of Health the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered as debts of that amount are by law recoverable, and also be liable to indictment at common law for creating or maintaining a nuisance: Provided, That the City Councils shall, from time to time, exempt from the operation of this or any other statute law conferring on the Board of Health jurisdiction of the subject of nuisances, such portions of the territory under their juris- diction, being a rural district or sparse in population, as in their opinion they can do with safety to the health and comfort of the inhabitants thereof, which exemption shall at all times be revocable by the like authority. Section II. Every person desirous of being licensed to empty or remove the contents of privy wells and sinks, within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, shall make application in writing to the Board of Health, who on being satisfied with the charac- ter of the applicant, and the security and tightness of his carts, and that he is the owner of such horses and carts as represented in his 54 ACT OF MARCH 16, 1855. application, and that he is not in collusion or combination with other persons to deceive and defraud the Board, may under such rules and regulations as they shall make in regard thereto, both as to their own protection from fraud and imposition by such person, and as to their supervision and control of such person in his said vocation, grant him a license for one year, and renew the same from year to year, as they may deem proper, and for each license so granted, and every renewal thereof, he shall pay therefor to the Board of Health the sum of fifty dollars; and whenever any such person shall desire, under his license, to empty or cleanse any privy well or sink, he shall first take from the Board of Health a permit to do so, at which time he shall furnish to the clerk the name of the owner, agent, or occupant of such property as shall have so employed him, and the name of such owner, agent or occupant shall be mentioned in said permit and recorded in the office, which permit shall particularly specify the privy well or sink to be emptied or cleansed, and the days and hours within which it shall be done; and if any such person shall, by himself, his agents or ser- vants, remove, cause, or allow, or assist in removing the contents of any privy well or sink within portions of said city not excluded from the operation of this act, without first having obtained such permit, or shall do so on any other day or days, or at any other hour or hours, than those specified in such permit, he shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the Board of Health the sum of twenty-five dollars: Provided, That nothing herein, or in any other act contained, shall prevent farmers and others living in rural sections from cleansing their privies, without any license and without any penalty therefor. Section III. The price of the permit shall be paid to the Board of Health when issued, and shall in all cases be re-paid by the person or persons whose privy well or sink shall be emptied and cleansed, and when such work shall be done by order of the Board of Health, to any premises declared a nuisance, the price of the permit shall also be recovered by the Board of Health, as part of the expenses of the removal of such nuisance. Section IV. The price of each permit issued in the months of June, July, August and September, shall be five dollars, the price of each permit issued at other times shall be fifty cents, except in cases declared by the Board of Health to be a nuisance, when the price of a permit in those eight months shall be one dollar: Provided That in all cases of permits for removing the contents of privies and ACT OF MARCH 16, 1855. 55 sinks which are in the way of building or of improvements, as also for removing the contents of all privies and sinks that have accidentally become a nuisance, the charge for a permit shall be at all times fifty cents. Section V. If any person or persons shall deposit the contents, or any part thereof, of a sink or privy well anywhere within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, so as thereby to create and maintain a nuisance, or shall deposit or spill the same on any street, lane, alley, court, road, bridge or other highway of the city and county of Philadelphia, such person or persons so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the Board of Health the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered as debts of like amount are by law recoverable, and shall also be liable to indictment at common law for creating and maintaining a nuisance. Section VI. Every licensed person shall give bond to the city of Philadelphia, for the use of the Board of Health, with surety, in the penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be approved by the Board, conditioned for the faithful performance of all duties enjoined by this law, and the regulations of the Board of Health, and for the payment to them of all sums by this act directed to be paid to them; and the Board of Health shall in addition have power, by a vote of the majority of the whole number of members of the Board, to revoke or suspend any license for good cause shown. Section VII. Every person in the city or county of Phila- delphia, whether owner, agent or occupant of property, who shall employ or contract with any unlicensed person to cleanse his or her privy well or sink, or who shall receive from any unlicensed person any portion of the contents of a privy well or sink, emptied and cleansed within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the Board of Health the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered as debts of like amount are by law recoverable. Section VIII. The first four sections of the act of April first, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, entitled "An Act to empower the Board of Health to purchase and hold certain real estate, and for other purposes;" the first, second, third and fourth of a series of resolutions, passed May twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and forty, entitled " Resolutions relative to James Lyon, and for other purposes;" the third, fourth, fifth and sixth sections of act of Feb- 56 ACT OF APRIL 21, 1855. ruary third, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, entitled " A further supplement to the act, entitled 'An Act for establishing a Health office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other pur- poses,' passed January twenty-nine, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen," and the several supplements thereto; the first and second sections of the act of March twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, entitled " An Act relative to the Board of Health of the city and county of Philadelphia; relative to shop taxes and tavern licenses in the burnt district of Philadelphia; authorizing J. Engle Negus and Edwin L. Poalk, trustees, to sell certain real estate; author- izing the trustees of the Bustleton academy to lease or transfer said academy to the controllers of public schools; to the Waterford and Erie plank road, and to vacate Jasper street, in the county of Phila- delphia," and all other laws establishing, or in any way or manner relating to depositories for the contents of privies in the city and county of Philadelphia, or regulating the measurements, contracts or charges for emptying or cleansing the same, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section IX. All contracts made by or with the Board of Health, and all recoveries of penalties, and suits for other causes of action, under this and other acts to which this is a supplement, shall be in the name of the city of Philadelphia, for the use of the Board of Health; and nothing herein contained shall in anywise impair the authority of the city corporatkn over said Board of Health, as one of the departments of said city. Wi Supplement To the Act consolidating the city of Philadelphia. Passed April 21, 1855. [Pamphlet Laws, page 267.] Section XL All bonds, contracts and obligations heretofore exe- cuted, judgments entered, claims filed, and suits now pending in the name of any department of said city, formerly having had a corporate -existence, are declared to be good and valid and to inure to the use of ACT OF APRIL 26, 1855. 57 the city; but no such department shall be taken to have had, since the passage of the act to which this a supplement, a separate corporate ex- istence, and hereafter all suits growing out of their transactions, and all claims to be filed for removing nuisances, together with all bonds, contracts and obligations hereafter to be entered into or received by the said departments shall be in the name of the city of Philadelphia, and that all indentures of apprenticeship by the Guardians of the Poor of the said city shall be executed in the name of the said city; and the assent of the city thereto, and to all contracts, bonds and obligations entered into by any of the said departments, shall be evidenced by the signatures of the President and Secretary of such department affixed thereto. Section XX. No contract for the construction of any new build- ing, school house, bridge, culvert, new paving of streets, redemp- tion of the tolls of any turnpike or plank road, to be paid for by the city, shall become binding thereon without an ordinance therefor duly enacted. No contract shall be made by the head of any department for work or materials for the city, unless for objects authorized by Councils, and if for new work, the contract and sureties be approved by the City Solicitor and Councils, and the supervision of Councils shall extend to adjudge the character of all work and materials done and furnished for the city, and to the scrutiny of the accounts and vouchers therefor; but such supervision and scrutiny shall in no wise relieve the Controller from the performance of the like duty in respect to such accounts and vouchers. Section XXVIII. Nothing contained in the act to which this is a supplement shall prevent School Directors from holding any office or appointment. % Supplement To an Act entitled " An act relating to the lien of mechanics and others, and to sales to enforce the payment of liens. Passed April 26th, 1855. [Pamphlet Laws, page 303.] Section I. So much of the third section of the act entitled " An act relating to the lien of mechanics and others, and to sales to 58 ACTS OF MAY 2, 1855 AND MAY 13, 1856. enforce the payment of liens," approved January twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, as provides for the redemption, within one year, of property sold for registered taxes or municipal claims, is hereby declared and construed to extend and apply to all sales for liens or charges, for the expenses of removing nuisances, and that this is and shall be taken to be the true intent and meaning of the aforesaid section of the said act. Win Witt Supplementary to the Health Laws of the city of Philadelphia. Passed May 2, 1855. [Pamphlet Laws, page 391.] Section I. From and after the first day of July next, no bone boiling establishment or depository of dead animals, shall be kept or erected within the limits of the city of Philadelphia, without the per- mission of the Board of Health of said city, which is hereby authorized, under the control of the Councils of said city, to make all necessary regulations therefor; and every person offending against the provisions of this act shall, for every such offence, and each month's continuance of the same after notice, forfeit and pay to the city of Philadelphia the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered as debts of that amount are by law recoverable, and also be liable to indictment at common law for crea- ting and maintaining a nuisance. Wi iFuttlier Supplement To an Act Consolidating the City of Philadelphia. Passed May 13, 1856. [Pamphlet Laws, page 569, &c] Section XL All sales for registered taxes, municipal claims, as- sessments for removing nuisances, or other charge by the city assessed on real estate, shall be subject to redemption by the owner at any time ACT OF MAY 13, 1856. 59 within two years from the date of the acknowledgment of the sheriff's deed therefor, upon payment of all costs and charges, and twenty per cent, upon the amount for which the property had sold; and any person entitled so to redeem, may present a petition to the court from which the process to make sale had issued, setting forth the facts and his rea- diness to pay the redemption money as aforesaid ; whereupon the court shall grant a rule to show cause why the purchaser shall not re-convey to him the premises sold, to be served as a summons in actions of par- tition ; and if the petitioner shall prove the facts, to give him a right to redeem, the court shall make such rule absolute, and enforce it by attachment. Section XXII. The head of every department shall, by the first of November of each year, report to the Controller the estimate of the appropriations that will be required for his department for the ensu- ing year, and of said Controller to communicate at all times to the Mayor and the committees of Councils such information upon the con- dition of the finances and the accounts of all officers expending or re- ceiving the moneys of the city, as his department can afford. Section XXIII. Every head of department, officer or agent of the city, who shall have made default in the rendering of any account or report, or the payment over of any moneys or bills collected for the city, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be by Councils dismissed from his office, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by law. Section XXIV. It shall not be lawful for any department or com- mittee of said city, or the officers thereof, or for the prison inspectors, to draw any moneys out of the city treasury, or to use any savings or the proceeds of the sales of any work or materials for or in any office, department or prison, or any revenues whatsoever thereof for any en- tertainment, eating, drinking, or smoking furnished to any members or officers of said city, corporation, departments or offices thereof, or of said prison, but shall pay the whole of said moneys to the city treasu- ry ; and every warrant drawn for the expenses of every department of the public service and prison shall contain the declaration that no part thereof has been used for said purposes; and it shall be lawful for the City Controller, and his duty, whenever required by any citizen, to ad- minister an oath or affirmation to any person presenting a bill against the city as to its accuracy, the prices actually paid or contracted to be paid therefor, whether others and who are interested therein, and as to 60 ORDINANCE OF AUGUST 22, 1854. whatsoever matter he may deem needful to protect the interests of said city. Section XXVI. Hereafter all goods, merchandize and other arti- cles of any kind, and labor and service required for the city of Phila- delphia, in any department thereof, shall be purchased or contracted for only in such manner as shall be prescribed by ordinance, and for that purpose the councils of said city are hereby required to direct by ordinance the manner and time of making the yearly estimates by the several departments of said city, and of receiving sealed proposals for such supplies as aforesaid, which proposals shall be preceded by adver- tisement, and no contract shall be awarded to any but the lowest bid- der, who shall give the requisite security therefor. ^Exttntt From an Ordinance of the City of Philadelphia, passed August 22, 1854, establishing the Law Department of the City. Section III. * * * He [the City Solicitor] shall perform all the duties now enjoined by law or ordinance upon the Solicitors of the various districts, municipalties, corporations, and bodies, including the Board of Health, Guardians of the Poor, Prison Inspectors, and Con- trollers of the Public Schools, which are superseded by the act entitled " A further Supplement to an Act entitled ' An Act to incorporate the City of Philadelphia,' " or whose estates have thereby been vested in the city of Philadelphia. ******* ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO QUARANTINES, HEALTH LAWS, AND PASSENGER VESSELS, Win Witt Respecting Quarantines and Health Laws. Passed Feb'y 25, 1799. [1st Story's Laws United States, p. 564—1 U. S. Statutes at large, p. 619.] Section I. The quarantines and other restraints which shall be required and established by the health laws of any State or pursuant thereto, respecting any vessels arriving in or bound to#any port or dis- trict thereof, whether from a foreign port or place, or from another district of the United States, shall be duly observed by the Collectors and all other officers of the revenue of the United States appointed and employed for the several collection districts of such State respec- tively, and by the masters and crews of the several revenue cutters, and by the military officers who shall command in any fort or station upon the sea coast, and all such officers of the United States shall be, and they hereby are authorized and required faithfully to aid in the execu- tion of such quarantines and health laws, according to their respective powers and precincts, and as they shall be directed, from time to time, by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States; and the said Secretary shall be and he is hereby authorized, when a conformity to such quarantines and health laws shall require it, and in respect to 62 ACT OF CONGRESS OF FEBRUARY 25, 1799. vessels which shall be subject thereto, to prolong the terms limited for the entry of the same, and the report or entry of their cargoes, and to vary or dispense with any other regulations applicable to such reports or entries: Provided, That nothing herein shall enable any State to collect a duty of tonnage or impost without the consent of the Congress of the United States thereto: And provided, That no part of the cargo of any vessel shall, in any case, be taken out or unladen therefrom, otherwise than as by law is allowed, or according to the regulations hereinafter established. Section II. When by the health laws of any State, or by the regulations which shall be made pursuant thereto, any vessel arriving within a collection district of such State, shall be prohibited from coming to the port of entry or delivery, by law established for such district, and it shall be required or permitted by such health laws, that the cargo of such vessel shall, or may be unladen at some other place within or near to such district, the Collector authorized therein, after due report to him of the whole of such cargo, may grant his especial warrant or permit for the unlading and discharge thereof, under the care of the Surveyor, or of one or more inspectors at some other place, where such health laws shall permit, and upon the conditions and re- strictions which shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or which such Collector may, for the time, reasonably judge expedient for the security of the public revenue: Provided, That in every such case, all the articles of the cargo, so to be unladen, shall be deposited at the risk of the parties concerned therein, in such public or other warehouses or enclosures as the Collector shall designate, there to remain under the joint custody of such Collector, and of the owner or owners, or master or other person having charge of such vessel, until the same shall be entirely unladen or discharged, and until the goods, wares or merchandize, which shall be so deposited, may be safely removed without contravening such health laws; and when such removal may be allowed, the Collector having charge of such <*oods, wares or merchandize, may grant permits to the respective owners or consignees, their factors or agents, to receive all goods, wares and mer- chandize, which shall be entered, and whereof the duties accruing, shall be paid or secured according to law, upon the payment by them of a reasonable rate of storage, which shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, for all public warehouses and enclosures. Section III. There shall be purchased or erected, under the ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1855. 63 orders of the President of the United States, suitable warehouses, with wharves and enclosures, where goods and merchandize may be unladen and deposited from any vessel which shall be subjected to a quarantine or other restraint, pursuant to the health laws of any State, as afore- said, at such convenient place or places therein, as the safety of the public revenue and the observance of such health laws may require. Win Witt To regulate the Carriage of Passengers in Steamships and other Vessels. Passed March 3, 1855. [U. S. Statutes at large, p. 715, &c] Section 1. No master of any vessel owned in whole or in part by a citizen of the United States, or by a citizen of any foreign country, shall take on board such vessel, at any foreign port or place other than for- eign contiguous territory of the United States, a greater number of pas- sengers than in proportion of one to every two tons of such vessel, not including children under the age of one year in the computation, and computing two children over one and under eight years of age as one passenger. That the spaces appropriated for the use of such passen- gers, and which shall not be occupied by stores or other goods, not the personal baggage of such passengers, shall be in the following propor- tions viz :—On the main and poop decks or platforms, and in the deck houses if there be any, one passenger for each sixteen clear superficial feet of deck, if the height or distance between the decks or platform shall not be less than six feet; and on the lower deck, (not being an orlop deck,) if any, one passenger for eighteen such clear superficial feet if the height or distance between the decks or platforms shall not be less than six feet, but so as that no passenger shall be carried on any 64 ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1855. other deck or platform, nor upon any deck where the height or distance between decks is less than six feet, with intent to bring such passen- ger to the United States, and shall leave such port or place and bring the same, or any number thereof, within the jurisdiction of the United States; or if any such master of any vessel shall take on board his vessel, at any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, any greater number of passengers than in the proportion aforesaid, to the space aforesaid, or to the tonnage aforesaid, with intent to carry the same to any foreign port or place other than foreign contiguous terri- tory as aforesaid, every such master shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, before any circuit or district court of the United States, shall, for each passenger taken on board beyond the limit aforesaid, or the space aforesaid, be fined in the sum of fifty dollars, and may also be imprisoned, at the discretion of the judge before whom the penalty shall be recovered, not exceeding six months; but should it be necessary, for the safety or convenience of the vessel, that any portion of her cargo, or any other articles or article, should be placed on, or stored in any of the decks, cabins, or other places appropriated to the use of passengers, the same maybe placed in lockers or enclosures prepared for the purpose, on an exterior surface im- pervious to the wave, capable of being cleansed in like manner as the decks or platforms of the vessel. In no case, however, shall the places thus provided be deemed to be a part of the space allowable for the use of passengers, but the same shall be deducted therefrom, and in all cases where prepared or used, the upper surface of said lockers or enclosed spaces, shall be deemed and taken to be the deck or platform from which measurement shall be made for all the purposes of this act. It is also provided, that one hospital, in the spaces appropriated to pas- sengers, and separate therefrom by an appropriate partition, and fur- nished as its purposes require, may be prepared, and, when used, may be included in the space allowable for passengers, but the same shall not occupy more than one hundred superficial feet of deck or platform : Provided, That on board two-deck ships, where the height between the decks is seven and one half feet or more, fourteen clear superficial feet of deck shall be the proportion required for each passenger. Section 2. No such vessel shall have more than two tiers of berths and the interval, between the lowest part thereof and the deck or plat- form beneath, shall not be less than nine inches, and the berths shall be well constructed, parallel with the sides of the vessel, and separated ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. 65 from each other by partitions, as berths ordinarily are separated, and shall be at least six feet in length, and at least two feet in width, and each berth shall be occupied by no more than one passenger; but double berths of twice the above width may be constructed, each berth to be occupied by no more, and by no other, than two women, or by one woman and two children under the age of eight years, or by husband and wife, or by a man and two of his own children under the age of eight years, or by two men, members of the same family; and if there shall be any violation of this section in any of its provisions, then the master of the vessel, and the owners thereof, shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each passenger on board of said vessel on such voyage, to be recovered by the United States in any port where such vessel may arrive or depart. Section 3. All vessels, whether of the United States or any foreign country, having sufficient capacity or space, according to law, for fifty or more passengers, (other than cabin passengers,) shall, when em- ployed in transporting such passengers between the United States and Europe, have, on the upper deck, for the use of such passengers, a house over the passage-way leading to the apartments allotted to such passengers below deck, firmly secured to the deck or combings of the hatch, with two doors, the sills of which shall be at least one foot above the deck, so constructed, that one door or window in such house may at all times be left open for ventilation; and all vessels so employed, and having the capacity to carry one hundred and fifty such passen- gers or more, shall have two such houses; and the stairs or ladder, leading down to the aforesaid apartment, shall be famished with a hand- rail of wood or strong rope; but booby hatches may be substituted for such houses. Section 4. Every such vessel so employed, and having the legal capacity for more than one hundred such passengers, shall have at least two ventilators to purify the apartment or apartments occupied by such passengers; one of which shall be inserted in the after part of the apartment or apartments, and the other shall be placed in the forward portion of the apartment or apartments, and one of them shall have an exhausting cap to carry off the foul air, and the other a receiving cap to carry down the fresh air ; which said ventilators shall have a capacity proportioned to the size of the apartment or apartments to be purified, namely : if the apartment or apartments will lawfully authorize the reception of two hundred such passengers, the capacity of such venti- QQ ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. lators shall each be equal to a tube of twelve inches diameter in the clear, and in proportion for larger or smaller apartments; and all said ventilators shall rise at least four feet six inches above the upper deck of any such vessel, and be of the most approved form and construction; but if it shall appear, from the report, to be made and approved, as hereinafter provided, that such vessel is equally well ventilated by any other means, such other means of ventilation shall be deemed and held to be a compliance with the provisions of this section. Section 5. Every vessel carrying more than fifty such passengers, shall have, for their use on deck, housed and conveniently arranged, at least one camboose or cooking range, the dimensions of which shall be equal to four feet long and one foot six inches wide for every two hun- dred passengers; and provision shall be made in the manner aforesaid, in this ratio, for a greater or less number of passengers; but nothing herein contained shall take away the right to make such arrangements for cooking between decks, if that shall be deemed desirable. Section 6. All vessels employed as aforesaid, shall have on board, for the use of such passengers, at the time of leaving the last port whence such vessel shall sail, well secured under deck, for each passen- ger, at least twenty pounds of good navy bread, fifteen pounds of rice, fifteen pounds of oatmeal, ten pounds of wheat flour, fifteen pounds of peas and beans, twenty pounds of potatoes, one pint of vinegar, sixty gallons of fresh water, ten pounds of salted pork, and ten pounds of salt beef, free of bone, all to be of good quality; but at places where either rice, oatmeal, wheat flour, or peas and beans cannot be procured, of good quality and on reasonable terms, the quantity of either or any of the other last named articles may be increased and substituted there- for; and, in case potatoes cannot be procurred on reasonable terms, one pound of either of said articles may be substituted in lieu of five pounds of potatoes; and the captains of such vessels shall deliver to each passenger at least one tenth part of the aforesaid provisions weekly, commencing on the day of sailing, and at least three quarts of water daily; and if the passengers on board of any such vessel in which the provisions and water herein required shall not have been provided as aforesaid, shall, at any time, be put on short allowance during any voyage, the master or owner of any such vessel shall pay to each and every passenger who shall have been put on short allowance, the sum of three dollars for each and every day they may have been put on short allowance, to be recovered in the circuit or district court of the ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. 67 United States; and it shall be the duty of the captain or master of every such ship or vessel to cause the food and provisions of all the passengers to be well and properly cooked daily, and to be served out and distributed to them at regular and stated hours, by messes, or in such other manner as shall be deemed best and most conducive to the health and comfort of such passengers, of which hours and manner of distribution, due and sufficient notice shall be given. If the captain or master of any such ship or vessel, shall wilfully fail to furnish and distribute such provisions, cooked as aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any cir- cuit or district court of the United States, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, and shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year : Provided, That the enforcement of this penalty shall not affect the civil responsibility of the captain or master and owners, to such passengers as may have suffered from said default. Section 7. The captain of any such vessel so employed, is hereby authorized to maintain good discipline and such habits of cleanliness among such passengers as will tend to the preservation and promotion of health ; and to that end he shall cause such regulations as he may adopt for this purpose to be posted up, before sailing, on board such vessel, in a place accessible to such passengers, and shall keep the same so posted up during the voyage; and it is hereby made the duty of said captain to cause the apartments occupied by such passengers to be kept at all times in a clean, healthy state ; and the owners of every such vessel so employed, are required to construct the decks and all parts of said apartment so that it can be thoroughly cleansed; and they shall also provide a safe, convenient privy or water-closet for the exclusive use of every one hundred such passengers. And when the weather is such that said passengers cannot be mustered on deck with their bedding, it shall be the duty of the captain of every such vessel to cause the deck, occupied by such passengers, to be cleansed with chloride of lime, or some other equally efficient disinfecting agent, and also at such other times as said captain may deem necessary. Section 8. The master and owner, or owners of any such vessel so employed, which shall not be provided with the house or houses over the passage-ways, as prescribed in the third section of this chapter, or with ventilators, as prescribed in the fourth section of this chapter, or with the cambooses or cooking ranges, with the houses over them, as prescribed in the fifth section of this chapter, shall severally forfeit and 68 ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. pay to the United States the sum of two hundred dollars for each and every violation of, or neglect to conform to the provisions of each of said sections, and fifty dollars for each and every neglect or violation of any of the provisions of the seventh section of this chapter, to be recovered by suit in any circuit or district court of the United States within the jurisdiction of which the said vessel may arrive, or from which she may be about to depart, or at any place within the jurisdic- tion of such courts, wherever the owner or owners, or captain of such vessel may be found. Section IX. The collector of the customs at any port of the United States, at which any vessel so employed shall arrive, or from which any such vessel shall be about to depart, shall appoint and direct one or more of the inspectors of the customs for such port, to examine such vessel, and report in writing to such collector, whether the require- ments of law have been complied with in respect to such vessel; and if such report shall state such compliance, and shall be approved by such collector, it shall be deemed and held as prima facie evidence thereof. Section X. The provisions, requisitions, penalties, and liens of this act, relating to the space in vessels appropriated to the use of passen- gers, are hereby extended and made applicable to all spaces appropria- ted to the use of steerage passengers in vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and navigation from, to, and between the ports, and in manner as in this act named, and to such vessels and to the masters thereof; and so much of the act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act to provide for the better security of the lives of passen- gers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and for other purposes/' approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty- two, as conflicts with this act, is hereby repealed; and the space appro- priated to the use of steerage passengers in vessels so as above pro- pelled and navigated, is hereby subject to the supervision and inspec- tion of the collector of the customs at any port of the United States at which any such vessel shall arrive, or from which she shall be about to depart; and the same shall be examined and reported in the same manner and by the same officers by the next preceding section directed to examine and report. Section XL The vessels bound from any port in the United States to any port or place in the Pacific Ocean, or on its tributaries or from any such port or place to any port in the United States on the Atlantic ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. 69 or its tributaries, shall be subject to the foregoing provisions regulating the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels, except so much as relates to provisions and water; but the owners and masters of all such vessels shall in all cases furnish to each passenger the daily supply of water therein mentioned; and they shall furnish a sufficient supply of good and wholesome food, properly cooked; and in case they shall fail so to do, or shall provide unwholesome or unsuitable provisions, they shall be subject to the penalty provided in the sixth section of this chapter, in case the passengers are put on short allowance of water or provi- sions. Section XII. The captain or master of any ship or vessel arriving in the United States, or any of the territories thereof, from any foreign place whatever, at the same time that he delivers a manifest of the cargo, and if there be no cargo, then at the time of making report or entry of the ship or vessel, pursuant to law shall also deliver and report to the collector of the district in which such ship or vessel shall arrive, a list or manifest of all the passengers taken on board of the said ship or vessel at any foreign port or place; in which list or mani- fest it shall be the duty of the said master to designate particularly the age, sex, and occupation of the said passengers respectively, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the voyage, the country to which they severally belong, and that of which it is their intention to become inhabitants ; and shall further set forth whether any and what number have died on the voyage; which list or manifest shall be sworn to by the said master, in the same manner as directed by law in relation to the manifest of the cargo; and the refusal or neglect of the master aforesaid to comply with the provisions of this section, or any part thereof, shall incur the same penalties, disabilities, and forfeitures as are provided for a refusal or neglect to report and deliver a manifest of the cargo aforesaid. Section XIII. Each and every collector of the customs, to whom such manifest or list of passengers as aforesaid shall be delivered, shall quarter-yearly return copies thereof to the Secretary of State of the United States, by whom statements of the same shall be laid before Congress at each and every session. Section XIV. In case there shall have occurred on board any ship or vessel arriving at any port or place within the United States or its territories, any death or deaths among the passengers, (other than cabin passengers,) the master, or captain, or owner, or consignee of such ship 70 ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. or vessel, shall, within twenty-four hours after the time within which the report and list or manifest of passengers mentioned in section twelve of this act, is required to be delivered to the collector of the customs, pay to the said collector the sum of ten dollars for each and every passenger above the age of eight years, who shall have died on the voyage by natural disease; and the said collector shall pay the money thus received, at such times and in such manner as the Secre- tary of the Treasury, by general rules, shall direct, to any board or commission appointed by and acting under the authority of the State within which the port where such ship or vessel arrived is situated, for the care and protection of sick, indigent, or destitute emigrants, to be applied to the objects of their appointment; and if there be more than one board or commission who shall claim such payment, the Secretary of the Treasury, for the time being, shall determine which is entitled to receive the same, and his decision in the premises shall be final and without appeal: Provided, That the payment shall, in no case, be awarded or made to any board, or commission, or association, formed for the protection or advancement of any particular class of emigrants, or emigrants of any particular nation or creed; and if the master, cap- tain, owner, or consignee of any ship or vessel, refuse or neglect to pay to the collector the sum and sums of money required, and within the time prescribed by this section, he or they shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, in addition to such sum of ten dollars, for each and every passenger upon whose death the same has become paya- ble, to be recovered by the United States, in any circuit or district court of the United States where such vessel may arrive, or such mas- ter, captain, owner, or consignee may reside ; and when recovered, the said money shall be disposed of in the same manner as is directed with respect to the sum and sums required to be paid to the collector of customs. Section XV. The amount of the several penalties imposed by the foregoing provisions regulating the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels, shall be liens on the vessel or vessels violating those provisions, and such vessel or vessels shall be libelled therefor in any circuit or district court of the United States, where such vessel or vessels shall arrive. Section XVI. All and every vessel or vessels which shall or may be employed by the American Colonization Society or the Colonization Society of any State, to transport, and which shall actually transport ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. 71 from any port or ports of the United States to any colony or colonies on the west coast of Africa, colored emigrants, to reside there, shall be, and the same are hereby subjected to the operation of the foregoing provisions regulating the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels. Section XVII. The collector of the customs shall examine each emigrant ship or vessel, on its arrival at his port, and ascertain and report to the Secretary of the Treasury the time of sailing, the length of the voyage, the ventilation, the number of passengers, their space on board, their food, the native country of the emigrants, the number of deaths, the age and sex of those who died during the voyage; to- gether with his opinion of the cause of the mortality, if any, on board, and, if none, what precautionary measures, arrangements, or habits are supposed to have had any, and what agency in causing the exemption. Section XVIII. This act shall take effect, with respect to vessels sailing from ports in the United States on the eastern side of the con- tinent, within thirty days from the time of its approval; and with re- spect to vessels sailing from ports in the United States on the western side of the continent, and from ports in Europe, within sixty days from the time of its approval; and with respect to vessels sailing from ports in other parts of the world, within six months from the time of its approval. And it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of State to give notice, in the ports of Europe, and elsewhere, of this act, in such man- ner as he shall deem proper. Section XIX. From and after the time that this act shall take effect with respect to any vessels, then, in respect to such vessels, the act of second March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, entitled " An act regu- lating passenger ships and vessels," the act of twenty-second of Feb- ruary, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, entitled " An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels;" the act of second March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, entitled " An act to amend an act entitled { An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels,' and to determine the time when said act shall take effect;" the act of thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, enti- tled " An act exempting vessels employed by the American Coloniza- tion Society in transporsing colored emigrants, from the United States to the coast of Africa from the provisions of the acts of the twenty- second February and second of March, eighteen hundred and forty- 72 ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH 3, 1855. seven, regulating the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels;" the act of seventeenth May, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled " An act to provide for the ventilation of passenger vessels, and for other purposes;" and the act of third March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled " An act to extend the provisions of all laws now in force relating to the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels, and the regulation thereof," are hereby repealed. But nothing in this act con- tained shall in anywise obstruct or prevent the prosecution, recovery, distribution, or remission of any fines, penalties, or forfeitures, which may have been incurred in respect to any vessels prior to the day this act goes into effect, in respect to such vessels, under the laws hereby repealed, for which purpose the said laws shall continue in force. But the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, and upon such conditions as he shall think proper, discontinue any such prosecu- tions, or remit or modify such penalties. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, ITS OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. I. The Board shall be organized by the election of a President and Secretary, and shall annually elect a Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Messen- ger and four Assistant Messengers, Runner, Physician and Matron to the City Hospital, and Steward of the Lazaretto. II. The Board shall hold stated meetings once a week, from the first day of October until the first day of June, and at least once in every day, Sundays excepted, between the first day of June and the first day of October, in every year. III. The Board may be specially convened by order of the Presi- dent, or any two of the members. THE PRESIDENT. IV. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Board, pre- serve order and decorum, and appoint the members of committees, un- less otherwise directed. V. In the absence of the President a Chairman for the meeting shall be appointed. THE SECRETARY. VI. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Board in a book provided for that purpose; and conduct such correspondence as the Board may direct and approve. 76 RULES OF THE THE CLERK. VII. The Clerk shall transcribe the minutes taken by the Secretary into a fair Minute Book. VIII. He shall keep a record of all moneys received by him for permits of all kinds, licenses, fines, &c, in a book provided for that purpose, and pay the same over weekly to the Health Officer, who shall deposit the same in the City Treasury, with the other receipts of the office. He shall also report weekly to the Board, the amount so paid to the Health Officer. IX. He shall keep a list of all coasting vessels subject to health fees, the arrival of which is reported in the marine lists of the daily papers. X. He shall keep a register of births, as returned by the different practitioners of midwifery in the city. XL He shall insert in a letter book, copies of all communications written by the Secretary to the officers of the Lazaretto, and also keep copies of all agreements and letters made or written by order of the Board, and such other documents as the Board may direct. XII. He shall copy, in a book to be provided for the purpose, all resolutions not of a temporary nature, that may be hereafter passed by the Board, with marginal notes. XIII. He shall notify the chairmen of all committees, of the busi- ness referred to them by the Board. XIV. He shall fill up notices to remove nuisances, and file copies of the same. XV. All notices for removing nuisances shall have appended to them that part of the 27th section of the General Health Law impos- ing a penalty for neglect or refusal to remove such nuisance. XVI. He shall issue, agreeably to the form adopted by the Board, permits for removing the contents of privies. XVII. He shall grant licenses under the rules of the Board, when the character of the applicant and his ability to perform the duties required by law, shall have been approved by them, for each of which he shall receive for the use of the Board, the sum of fifty dollars, and he shall renew the said licenses from time to time, as the Board may direct, upon the payment of the like sum. XVIII. The Clerk shall grant orders for the admission of small- BOARD OF HEALTH. 77 pox patients into the City Hospital, (he being first furnished with the usual certificate of a physician,) upon satisfactory security being given to him for the payment of the board and medical attendance of the said patients. XIX. Whenever any bill is referred to the Health Officer for col- lection, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to enter the same, together with a full description of the claim upon which the said bill is founded, upon a docket kept for that especial purpose, and to note opposite to the said entry such action as may be taken, from time to time, in rela- tion thereto, until the final settlement of said claim. And it shall be the duty of the Committee of Accounts to examine monthly, the said docket, in order to see that it is regularly kept, and that the recovery of no claim therein recorded is in any way impeded or prevented by neglect on the part of the Board or of its officers. XX. When application is made for a permit to land hides, the Clerk shall direct the Inspector of Vessels to examine said hides, and if he reports them to be sound, a permit is forthwith to be issued; but if he reports them to be unsound, the same shall be referred to the Board for their action. XXI. He shall keep an accurate account of all carriages ordered for the different committees of the Board, and by whom authorized. XXII. From and after this date, this Board will not pay any sum for the probate of any bill to be contracted against this Board, and the Clerk is directed to inform all persons having bills against the Board, of the passage of this resolution. XXIII. He shall perform such other services as the Board may direct. XXIV. He shall receive for his services, the sum of $1,200 per annum, payable monthly. And before entering upon the duties of his office, enter into bonds in the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance of the same, which security shall be approved by the Board. ASSISTANT CLERK. XXV. That the Assistant Clerk be required perform such duties as the Board may delegate to him, and that his salary be 9600 per annum, payable monthly. 78 RULES OF THE MESSENGERS. XXVI. The Messenger or Assistant Messengers shall once, in each and every year hereafter, leave with each practitioner of midwifery in the city, twelve blank monthly schedules, on which they shall return the number of births and the sex and color of the children born, which reports, signed by the said practitioners, shall be collected monthly by the Messenger or Assistant Messengers. XXVII. They shall examine all nuisances complained of, when of an important nature, or when directed so to do by the Board or any member, and make an accurate report in writing, relating thereto, and shall take such order on them as the Board may from time to time direct. XXVIII. In all reports made by the Messenger or Assistant Mes- sengers upon complaints of nuisances, consisting of stagnant water upon lots, he shall present an estimate of the probable expenses of removing the said nuisance. XXIX. They shall serve notices on the persons directed to remove nuisances; and at the expiration of the allotted time, they shall report whether the same be complied with or not. XXX. They shall serve notices on the members to attend meetings of the Board or of Committees, and perform such other services as may be required of them, and when not engaged in out-door duties, they shall remain at the Health Office while it is open. XXXI. They shall make a weekly report of nuisances coming under their immediate charge; what action was taken, and whether the action of the Board was carried out. XXXII. Neither the Messenger, Assistant Messengers, nor Runner, shall leave the office during business hours, without permission or direc- tion of the Clerk or a member of the Board. XXXIII. The salary of the Messenger and Assistant Messengers shall be forty-five dollars per month. RUNNER. XXXIV. The Runner shall attend to keeping the office, rooms, fur- niture, &c. of the Board, always in good and complete order, perform errands for the members and officers, and such other duties as the Board may from time to time direct: He shall receive as a compensation for his services, the sum of thirty dollars per month. BOARD OF HEALTH. 79 COMMITTEES. XXXV. The following Standing Committees shall be appointed annually, at the first meeting after the organization of the Board : 1. Sanitary Committee, consisting of seven members. 2. Committee on the Lazaretto, consisting of seven members. 3. Committee on Accounts, consisting of three members. 4. Committee on Office, consisting of three members. 5. Committee on Poudrette, consisting of seven members. 6. Committee on Burial Grounds, consisting of five members. 7. Committee on Bills of Mortality, consisting of two members. 8. Committee on Library, consisting of three members. 9. Committee on Nuisances, divided according to the number of Wards embraced by each district respectively: For the First District, embracing the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Wards, 5 members. For the Second District, embracing Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Wards, 5 members. For the Third District, embracing the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Wards, 5 members. For the Fourth District, embracing the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, 5 members. For the Fifth District, embracing the Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, 4 members. XXXVI. When any nuisance is referred to a committee, with power to act thereon, the said committee shall report in writing what action they have taken in relation to it. XXXVII. Each Standing Committee shall direct all expenditures that may be necessary to carry out the object of its appointment, pro- vided the same shall not exceed twenty-five dollars; but no contract shall be made for any amount over that sum, unless first approved and directed by the Board. XXXVIII. The minutes of all Committees shall be read at any meeting of the Board, upon the call of a member. COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS. XXXIX. All bills, being first certified as correct by a majority of the Committee by whose order the bills were incurred, shall be pre- 80 RULES OF THE sented to the Board, and by it referred to the Committee on Accounts for examination, previously to an order being passed for their payment. XL. The monthly accounts of the Health Officer shall, when pre- sented to the Board, be referred to the Committee on Accounts; and in the adjustment and settlement of the same, the Committee shall compare the said accounts for each month, from the first day of June to the first day of October annually, with the bills of inquiry trans- mitted to the Board by the Lazaretto Physician, with the monthly list of vessels permitted up by the board without bills of inquiry, and with the monthly list of coasting vessels, the health fees of which have been paid to the agents of the Board; and from the first day of October to the first day of June annually, the Committee on Accounts shall com- pare the accounts of the Health Officer with the monthly list of vessels visited by the Port Physician, and the Clerk's list of vessels subject to health fees, but not liable to a visit from the physician of the port. XLI. In reporting the monthly account of the Health Officer to the Board, the Committee on Accounts shall certify its agreement with the above specified vouchers; or should it be found not to agree therewith, they shall state the particulars in which the discrepancy consists; and it shall be the duty of the Board to take such order thereon as they may deem just and proper. COMMITTEE ON OFFICE. XLII. The Committee on Office shall have the charge and general superintendence of the building occupied -as the Health Office, and of the fixtures and furniture belonging thereto; and they shall direct to be procured all the necessary supplies for the use of the said office, and for the accommodation of the Board at its meetings. COMMITTEE ON POUDRETTE. XLTII. The Poudrette Committee shall have the power to carry out the laws relating to the cleansing of privies, and see that all penalties incurred by infringement of said laws be collected and paid over to the Clerk, for the use of the Board. COMMITTEE ON BILLS OF MORTALITY. XLIV. The duties of the Committee on Bills of Mortality shall be to assist the Health Officer with their advice in the publication of the BOARD OF HEALTH. 81 said bills, and the annual statement of deaths, and generally to superin- tend the preparation and publication of the same, in detail, weekly. XLV. The committee shall furnish the following form of certificate for deaths to the physicians of the city, with a request that they would make use of the same in reporting the cases of deaths which may occur among the patients under their care. CERTIFICATE. • Philadelphia,-----------, 18—. --------------------------, residing at No.----,---------■---- street, died---------------------------day of-------------, aged ----years. Color ] Occupation | Married or Single | Native of | Has resided in Philadelphia. M. D. HEALTH OFFICER. XLVI. He shall compare the monthly accounts of the Inspectors of vessels with the list kept by the Clerk, of coasters subject to health fees, and shall report monthly to the Board any differences which exist between the list of the Clerk and the monthly list of said Inspectors, and the Board may take such order in regard to the same as they shall deem just and proper. XLVII. He is required to furnish to the Board, at its first meeting in every month, a list of all accounts placed in his hands for collection, stating what action has been had thereon individually, and communi- cating such other information in relation thereto as he may be in pos- session of. XL VIII. He is required to enter daily, upon the office registers, all vessels to which he shall give certificates, upon the same days on which the said certificates were granted. XLIX. A cash book shall be kept by the Health Officer, in which entries shall be made daily, as the receipts occur. L. In all business referred to the Health Officer by this Board, it is his duty to take legal proceedings in relation to the same, only in con- junction with the City Solicitor. LI. Whenever the Board shall direct the Health Officer to have a vessel sent down to the Lazaretto, he is required to see and be certain 6 82 RULES OF THE that the said order of the Board is immediately and strictly complied with. LII. The Health Officer shall receive from the captains, owners, or consignees of such vessels as are required by law to pay the outer channel fee, the entire amount of the said fee, and pay the same over to the City Treasurer, with such other moneys as he may receive from the Clerk of the Board, for permits, &c, as provided for in Article 8. LILT. Whenever this Board directs a nuisance to he removed under the supervision of the Health Officer, or any agent of the Board, the said agents or Health Officer s*hall not employ any person who is or may be under any prosecution for any violation of the health laws. PORT PHYSICIAN. LIV. On the last Wednesday of every month, from the first day of October to the first day of June, the Port Physician shall file with the Clerk of the Board a list of all foreign vessels boarded by him during the month. LV- The Board does not permit the Port Physician to perform his duty by deputy, unless by their express vote and approval. INSPECTORS OF VESSELS. LVI. At the first meeting of the Board in the month of May an- nually, there shall be appointed an Inspector of Vessels for the Dela- ware, and an Inspector of Vessels for the Schuylkill, whose duty it shall be to see that no hides or fish, nor any sick person is landed from any vessel in either river without the special permit of the Board of Health. They shall likewise demand and collect from the captain, owner, or consignee of all vessels arriving in either river during quarantine season, which are not required to stop at the Lazaretto, the health fee with which by law they are respectively chargeable, and pay the same over to the Health Officer. Previous to entering upon his duties, each Inspector shall give security for their faithful performance, in the sum of one thousand dollars. LVII. Each Inspector shall receive per month during the quaran- tine season, the sum of forty-five dollars, as a full compensation for all his services. BOARD OF HEALTH. 83 BILLS OF HEALTH. LVIII. It shall be the duty of the President and Secretary to furnish, under their hands and the seal of the Board, bills of health to vessels sailing from the port of Philadelphia, whenever the same shall be ap- plied for: Provided always, that no contagious or malignant disease is prevailing at the time. LIX. For every bill of health so furnished, the Clerk shall receive, for the use of the Board, the sum of one dollar. DISINTERMENT OF BODIES. LX. The removal of any body from its place of original interment is declared to be a nuisance, and is prohibited, unless the same be done under the direction and by permission of the Board. For every per- mission granted for such removal, the Clerk shall receive, for the use of the Board, fifty cents. HOG PENS. LXI. The keeping of hogs in pens is declared to be a nuisance within the City of Philadelphia, except in the rural portions. NUISANCES. LXII. All bone and horse-boiling establishments at present con- ducted within the consolidated city, are nuisances prejudicial to public health. LXIII. The business of bone and horse-boiling shall not be allowed, except in sparsely settled rural districts, subject always to the judg- ment of this Board; and under no circumstances shall it be allowed unless conducted under cover, be provided with smoke consumers, and in every other respect a due regard be had to care as well as cleanliness in the disposition of the offal. LXIV. Any violation of the above resolutions shall subject the indi- viduals thus offending, upon conviction, to the fine for maintaining a nuisance, in accordance with Section 27 of the General Health Laws of 1818. 84 RULES OF THE EXPENSE OF REMOVING NUISANCES. LXV. In all cases in which nuisances are removed under the superintendence of the Health Officer, a charge shall be made for every incidental expense incurred in the removal of said nuisance. LXVI. All nuisances, the cost of removing which shall exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, shall be referred to the Committee on the District in which it is situated, who shall report to this Board at the earliest practicable moment, the character and cost of removing the same; upon which report the Board shall take action, and instruct the Health Officer in regard to the same. LXVII. When this Board directs by resolution or otherwise a nuisance to be abated, the number of days named in the resolution be the time given for the abatement of the same. LXVIII. In all cases, until otherwise ordered, where nuisances are directed to be removed forthwith, if the same are not removed within twenty-four hours, the Health Officer be and is hereby directed to have the same done at the expense of the owner, &c, &c. LXIX. In all cases of nuisances to be removed by the owners of property who have been notified by this Board to remove the same; it shall be understood that should he or they commence the removal within the time mentioned, the Board will not interfere. COMMUNICATIONS. LXX. No communication shall be received from the Officers or servants of the Board, or any other person whatever, unless the same be in writing and directed to the Board, or through their President or Secretary, officially. RULES OF BOARD TO BE READ QUARTERLY. LXXI. It shall be the duty of the Secretary, at the first stated meetings of the Board held in the city of Philadelphia, in the months of January, April, July, and October, to read all alterations and addi- tions that may have been made to the printed rules and regulations for the government of the Board, its Officers and Committees, during the preceding three months. BOARD OF HEALTH. 85 PERMITS FOR LAZARETTO. LXXII. No permission shall be granted to others than the wives and children of the members of the Board, or members of the families of the residents, to enter the Lazaretto on Sabbath during quarantine season. MISCELLANEOUS. LXXIII. Any member or chairman of committee employing a car- riage, shall state to the Clerk the committee for which it is intended, and the Clerk shall register the name of the member who orders it, and the date thereof, in a book kept for that purpose. RULES OF ORDER. I. The order of business shall be as follows; 1. A quorum (i. e. ten members) being present, the President shall take the chair, and call the Board to order. 2. The minutes of the last meeting shall be read, and, if necessary, corrected and adopted. 3. Communications may be presented and disposed of', provided, however, that from the first of June until the first of October, business appertaining to the Lazaretto shall have the precedence. 4. Reports of committees may be made and considered. 5. Resolutions may be offered and discussed. II. When a member is about to speak in debate, or to communicate any matter to the Board, he shall rise and respectfully address him- self to " Mr. President," confining his remarks to the subject before the Board. III. Those members desiring to be heard upon any motion or reso- lution before the Board, shall not be allowed to speak more than five minutes on any one subject; nor shall they speak oftener than twice on any motion or resolution. IV. The President shall not speak on any question before the Board while in the chair; should he desire to engage in debate, he must call another member to the chair. V. if any member, in debate, transgresses the rules of the Board, the President shall, or any member may, through the President, call 88 RULES OF ORDER. him to order; the member so called, shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain. VI. On questions of order there shall be no debate, except on an appeal from the decision of the President, sustained by two members. VII. No member, when speaking, shall be interrupted, unless by a call to order, or by a member to explain, or by a motion for the previ- ous question. VIII. Hereafter, no member of the Board shall leave his seat during the session of the Board, unless by permission of the chair; and no member shall leave the room whilst another is on the floor. IX. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, without leave of the Board. X. Every motion made and seconded, shall be distinctly announced from the chair, before any debate on it can take place; and when the discussion is closed, the President shall put the question in the follow- ing form ; " As many as are in favor of the motion say Aye;" and after the affirmative is expressed, he shall reverse the question thus: " As many as are of the contrary opinion, say No." But the Presi- dent or any member may call for a division of the Board, when the President shall again put the question distinctly in the following manner : " As many as are in the affirmative will rise," and when he has announced the number in the affirmative, he shall put the opposite side of the question : " As many as are in the negative will rise."— Two members may require the yeas and nays on any question, and have them entered on the minutes; but the President shall always vote last. XL A motion shall be committed to writing, at the request of any member. XII. A motion may be withdrawn by the mover and seconder before amendment or decision, and if withdrawn, the proceedings had thereon shall not appear on the minutes. XIII. A member may call for a division of the question, if it com- prehends distinct questions. XIV. No business regularly before the Board shall be interrupted, except by motion for adjournment, for the previous question, viz :— " Shall the main question be now put ?" and which shall be decided without debate; or for postponement, for commitment, or for amend- ment. RULES OF ORDER. 89 XV. A motion for the previous question must be sustained by at least four members, and shall be decided without debate. XVI. A motion for postponement shall preclude commitment; that for commitment shall preclude amendment or decision on the original subject. XVII. No motion for reconsideration shall be received, unless made and seconded by members who voted in the majority, nor unless offered within two stated meetings of the one at which the decision was had on the original question. XVIII. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken on the largest sum, greatest number, and remotest day. XIX. Corrections to the minutes may be moved by any member at the ensuing meeting, provided it shall be shown that the said correc- tions are required in order to render the minutes an accurate detail of the business transacted at the meeting. XX. When cases occur not provided for in the above rules, the prac- tice and rules laid down in Matthias's Manual shall govern. XXI. No rule shall be suspended, rescinded, or altered, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, unless the same shall have been proposed at a previous stated meeting. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SANITARY COMMITTEE AND CITY HOSPITAL, I. To the Sanitary Committee shall be entrusted, subject to the general superintendence, orders, and by-laws of the Board, the exercise and performance of those powers and duties vested by law in the Board of Health, so far as relates to the prevention and spread of contagious diseases, (See Section 18th of the General Health Law,) and likewise the management of the City Hospital, and such temporary hospitals as the Board shall at any time order to be opened, provided that no im- portant addition, alteration or improvement, be undertaken in relation to the same without the sanction of the Board. II. The said Committee shall hold stated meetings once every month, and special meetings upon the call of the Chairman, or of any two members of the Committee. The Clerk of the Board shall regularly notify the members of the Committee of the said meetings on the day preceding. III. At the first stated meeting subsequent to their appointment, the Committee shall elect from among themselves, a Secretary, who shall keep in a book provided for that purpose, fair minutes of all their pro- ceedings and present the same to the Board at its next meeting. IV. The Matron for the City Hospital shall be liable to removal by the Board at any time, upon the recommendation of the Sanitary Committee • she shall have apartments in the Hospital for the accom- modation of herself and family, receive thirty-three and a-third dollars 92 RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF per month for her own services, two dollars and seventy-five cents per week for the board of servants and nurses, and one dollar and fifty cents per week for the board of each patient. V. The Committee shall cause every reported case of malignant or contagious disease existing within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, to be visited without delay, and shall be authorized to take such other measures in relation thereto, as a majority of its members shall deem proper. VI. Whenever a report shall be received at the Health Office, that any case of malignant or contagious disease has occurred within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Board of Health, one of the members of the Committee, or should no member be present, the Clerk of the Board shall forthwith give notice thereof to the Port Physician, or any other physician appointed to inquire into the nature of the case, who shall visit the same, and send to the Health Office without delay a written report in relation thereto. If the report of the physician be such as to require the attention of the Committee, the Clerk shall notify the members of the same immediately. VII. When necessary, the Board shall appoint one or more physi- cians to perform the duties specified in the preceding section, and shall determine the compensation to be paid for the services of the same. VIII. Whenever the Board, upon a representation from the Sanitary Committee, shall determine it to be expedient to provide and hold in readiness any temporary hospital or hospitals, the Committee shall select the location of the same, and put them in readiness to be opened as soon as they shall be required. IX. As soon as practicable after the Board has determined to pro- vide temporary hospitals, the Sanitary Committee shall arrange and submit to the Board for its approbation, a plan of hospital operations, so that every thing may be conducted calmly, economically, and effi- ciently, from the day the hospital shall be opened. X. The physician for the City Hospital shall receive at the rate of five hundred dollars per annum for his services, payable quarterly. XL The Committee shall appoint one male servant for the Hospital, whose duty it shall be to attend to the horses belonging to the institu- tion, to drive the carriage, either for the conveyance of patients, or for the burial of the dead, and to perform such other services as may be required of him by the Matron or Committee. THE SANITARY COMMITTEE AND HOSPITAL. 93 XII. The Committee shall appoint one female servant, whose duty it shall be to wash, iron and scrub, and to perform such other domes- tic services as may be required of her by the Matron; and also one nurse for every five patients at any one period in the wards of the Hospital. The Committee shall determine what wages are to be paid to each of the nurses and the male and female servants, in addition to their board in the Institution. XIII. All requisitions for medicines and hospital supplies shall be made in writing, upon the Chairman of the Committee, by the physi- cian in attendance, and for all other articles necessary for the proper conducting of the Institution, a requisition in writing shall be made by the Matron. XIV. No patient shall be admitted into the City Hospital, under any circumstances whatever, excepting upon an order signed by a member of the Board, the Clerk, or the Port Physician, excepting pauper pa- tients, who may be received upon an order of the Guardians of the Poor, endorsed by the Clerk or a member of the Board. The rate of board to be paid by the patients shall be fixed by the Sanitary Com- mittee, agreeably to the provisions of the health law. XV. At its first meeting in May and November annually, the Com- mittee shall take an inventory of all the household goods and other property belonging to the Hospital, and shall present a copy of said inventory to the Board. PHYSICIAN. XVI. The Physician shall visit the Hospital once every day, or oftener if the circumstances of the patients shall, in his opinion, require it. XVII. He shall have the entire direction of the medical treatment of the patients. XVIII. He shall record, in a book to be provided for the purpose, the name of every patient, with the date of admission, the age, sex, color, disease, and such other matters as he or the Committee may consider important or interesting. XIX. He shall make a monthly report to the Sanitary Committee, stating the number of patients admitted since the last report, with the deaths, recoveries, and such other information as he or the Committee may think requisite. 94 RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF MATRON. XX. The Matron shall superintend the management of the Institu- tion, and see that it is conducted with the greatest possible regularity, cleanliness and economy. XXI. She shall visit all the wards at least twice a day, and shall ascertain from the patients whether their medicines are regularly administered, and whether they are properly attended and well used by the nurses. She shall also inquire into the conduct of the patients. XXII. She shall take care that each patient has the diet prescribed, superintend its preparation, and have it served at a regular stated hour. XXIII. She shall, in no instance, permit intoxicating liquors, or any provisions to be given to the patients, except by the direction of the physician. XXIV. She shall invariably treat the patients with kindness and civility; and never suffer any degree of cruelty, insolence, neglect, or unkindness in the nurses or servants towards them, to pass unnoticed. XXV. She shall employ no patient in the work of the house without the consent of the physician, nor in any case contrary to the will or desire of the patient. XXVI. In case of the neglect or improper behaviour of nurses, servants, or patients, she shall complain to the Physician or Sanitary Committee XXVII. She shall take charge of the effects of all patients who may be admitted into the Institution, and return them to the owner when discharged; or, in the event of the decease of the patient, a report of such effects shall be made to the Sanitary Committee. XXVIII. She shall be required to make a written report to the phy- sician, every morning, of any deaths that may have occurred since his last visit, and of any occurrence that may require his notice. THE NURSES. XXIX. The Nurses shall suffer no foul linen or bed clothes to remain in the wards, but shall take them to a place to be designated by the Matron. Whenever a patient is discharged, the bed clothes shall immediately be cleansed, the bed exposed to the external air, and when circumstances require it, newly stuffed, or destroyed: the sheets shall be changed twice a week, and the shirts three times a week, except in THE SANITARY COMMITTEE AND HOSPITAL. 95 cases where more frequent changes are deemed necessary by the Physician. XXX. The Nurses shall scour their respective wards with soap and warm water, or ley, every Friday, before 8 o'clock A. M., from the first of March until the first of December, and before 9 o'clock A. M. from the first of December until the first of March; and they shall mop their respective wards once a week, on an intermediate day, before the same hours, or oftener when necessary, and keep the wards clean in the meantime, by sweeping. XXXI. They must not, on any account, neglect to administer the medicines punctually as prescribed, and remove, as soon as possible, all empty phials, boxes, &c. XXXII. The close-stool pans are to be scalded every morning, and scoured every Tuesday and Friday, and kept out of the wards during the day, except in cases of absolute necessity. ^ XXXIII. The most implicit obedience to the orders of the Physician and Matron will be exacted from the Nurses, and they shall not neglect, quarrel with, nor manifest any unkindness to the patients on any pre- tence whatever. PATIENTS. XXXIV. Persons afflicted with yellow fever, smallpox, malignant typhus, malignant cholera, or scarlet fever, shall be received into the hospital. XXXV. No patient shall be permitted to leave the Hospital until furnished with a regular discharge from the Physician. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE LAZARETTO. I. The Lazaretto shall be under the management of the Lazaretto Committee. II. The Committee shall, at its first meeting, elect from among its own number a Secretary, who shall keep a full and accurate record of its proceedings. III. It shall hold stated meetings monthly, and special meetings as often as occasion may require. IV Previously to the first of June, the Committee shall select six Bargemen to serve at the Lazaretto during the ensuing quarantine season, which selection shall be subject to the approval of the Board. V. The Committee shall take an inventory of the effects of the Board at the Lazaretto, at its first meeting in June and October, or whenever directed by the Board. LAZARETTO PHYSICIAN. VI. During the entire quarantine season, the Lazaretto Physician is required to confine himself within the bounds of the Lazaretto. On any important occasion, however, by application to the Board, a war- rant for his absence, during a limited period, may be obtained. But the right will always be reserved by the Board to judge as to the pro- priety of his absence, and to refuse to permit it under any circum- 7 98 RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. stances, should they consider that it would interfere with his official duties. VII. He is required to hold himself in readiness to visit without delay, all vessels that come to at the Lazaretto, between sunrise and sunset, whether in the inner or outer channel. No visit is to be delayed on any consideration whatever, provided the wind and weather will permit it to be made without danger to the boat and its crew. VIII. On boarding a vessel, before administering to the captain the oath or affirmation required by law, he shall assemble the crew and passengers on deck, and examine personally into the state of their health; such as may be sick, to be visited below. In this manner he shall ascertain that all on board are free from sickness, and correspond in number with the captain's statement. IX. Such vessels as upon a close examination made in conjunction with the Quarantine Master, he shall ascertain to have arrived from healthy ports, with healthy crews, to be in a perfectly clean condition, to have a sound cargo, not liable to produce infection should it be allowed to enter the city, and that no person has died on board during the voyage of any malignant, contagious or otherwise suspicious disease, he shall at once permit up, giving to the master thereof a certificate of the facts, directed to the Health Officer. In every case, previously to permitting a vessel to pass up, he is required to ascertain that the bilge water has been changed by pouring fresh water into the pumps, and continuing to work them until nothing but pure water is discharged. No vessel whatever is to be permitted up, until the bilge water is ren- dered entirely pure. X. All vessels not answering to the above description, he shall de- tain at the Lazaretto, and await the orders of the Board in relation to them. Sick persons, however, are to be landed without delay; venti- lation of the hold, cabin, and forecastle, at once commenced, and all articles of an offensive nature taken from on board. XL Whenever he shall have any doubt as to the propriety of per- mitting up a vessel, he may detain her until he receives orders from the Board. Great discretion and judgment must be exercised by the Lazaretto Physician in deciding the question, as well of permitting up as of detention ; for while it is important that nothing be permitted to enter the city that may create alarm or excite disease, as little interruption as possible must be given to the commerce of the port. RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. 99 XII. In his inspection of vessels, the Lazaretto Physician is required to be perfectly minute, strict and accurate, as the Board will hold him responsible for all violations or evasions of the health law, evidently arising from his inattention or neglect. XIII. All vessels coming from ports in the United States, north of Sandy Hook, which shall have for their cargoes plaster, salt, brimstone, and iron only, and no other articles of foreign produce and manufacture, shall be allowed to proceed to the city without being subjected to a visit from the Lazaretto Physician, as in the opinion of this Board these articles are not capable of containing contagion. XIV. He is required to transmit daily to the Board, the bills of inquiry of all vessels visited by him, and also a letter containing a list of the vessels visited, their masters' names, the ports from whence they came, and the nature of their cargoes, together with such remarks as he may deem necessary for the information of the Board. XV. When vessels are detained under quarantine, or for purifica- tion, or when sick persons are removed from on board into the Hospi- tal, he is required to transmit to the Board daily, an account of every thing done in relation to the said vessels, as well as the state of the several patients treated in the Hospital. XVI. In conjunction with the Quarantine Master, he is required to visit and inspect, daily, every vessel under quarantine, or undergoing purification. XVII. So soon as vessels have completed their quarantine, or have been fully cleansed and purified, and whenever any sick person in the Hospital is entirely recovered, he shall inform the Board thereof, and await their orders before the vessels are permitted up, or the patient discharged from the Lazaretto. XVIII. Vessels sent down from the city by order of the Board, or for purification, are to be proceeded with in the same manner as though they had stopped at the Lazaretto in their passage up. XIX. The sick in the Hospital are to be carefully attended, to the best of his skill and abilities, and to be made as comfortable as circum- stances will permit. XX. He shall register in a book to be provided for that purpose, the names of all patients received into the Hospital, with their ages, sex and color, the vessel from whence landed, the name of their disease, and the time of their admission, and of their discharge or death. XXI His prescriptions are invariably to be entered at length in the 100 RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. prescription book, and his directions, as to diet and regimen, in the diet book, for the use of the Steward and Nurses. XXII. Whenever medicines, hospital stores, or anything else are wanted, which may, in his opinion, be necessary for the proper treat- ment and comfort of the sick, or which may conduce to the advantage of the institution, he will communicate the same to the Board, or to the Lazaretto Committee. XXIII. So often as he shall deem the same necessary, he shall direct the Steward to have the Hospital cleansed and ventilated. XXIV. All violations of the Health Law which come under his notice, and any manifest neglect of duty he may detect on the part of any officer or servant attached to the Lazaretto, he is required at once to communicate to the Secretary of the Board. XXV. At the termination of each month of the quarantine period, he shall report to the Board a list of vessels passed up. XXVI. He is not to permit any person to pass within the bounds of the Lazaretto, or to leave the same during the quarantine season, nor any person during the same period to land at the wharf, or United States property attached to the institution, without a special permit of the Board, communicated lo him in writing. And should any person enter, leave or land as aforesaid, without a permit as above, he is required to communicate the fact to the Board, that the persons so offending may be dealt with according to law. The United States stores, and the ground and houses occupied by the Inspector, are included within the quarantine bound, and subject to the same rules and regulations as the Lazaretto proper. XXVII. The Bargemen are placed under the direction of the Laza- retto Physician and Quarantine Master conjointly, so far as regards any duties appertaining properly to their station, or which may be necessary for the preservation of the Board's property at the Lazaretto ; but the Lazaretto Physician is not to require them to perform any ser- vices for himself, individually, or for his family. XXVIII. The Lazaretto Physician shall deliver to the Quarantine Master daily, at or before the hour of closing the mail, the letters and documents which he is required to transmit to the Board, in order that they may be enclosed in the mail-bag; any letters he may wish to send to his friends, or others in the city, be will also deliver at the same time. In no case is any letter or note to be sent up by the mail carrier; small packages and bundles may, however, be sent by the latter. RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. 101 XXIX. Whenever any doubt or difficulty may arise in his mind as to the proper meaning or operation of any part of the said law, he shall state the same in a communication to the Board, and await their decision. * XXX. All letters and communications made by him to the Board, are to be sealed up and addressed to the Secretary, in his official capacity. XXXI. Such other orders and regulations as the Lazaretto Physician may be called upon to obey, will be transmitted to him, from time to time, by the Secretary of the Board. QUARANTINE MASTER. XXXII. The Quarantine Master is required, whenever the wind and weather will permit, to visit without delay, in conjunction with the Lazaretto Physician, all vessels which shall come to at the Lazaretto, between sunrise and sundown, whether in the outer or inner channel, to examine carefully into the condition, in regard to cleanliness, of the hold, cabin and forecastle of such vessels, to have the bilge water pumped out, and, by the introduction of fresh water, to purify, com- pletely, the run and limbers of the said vessels, and also to ascertain whether any part of the cargo is in a damaged or infectious condition, and to report the result of his examination to the Lazaretto Physician. XXXIII. He shall take charge of the boats belonging to the Laza- retto, together with their furniture and tackling, see that they are kept in proper order and condition, and at all times fit for immediate ser- vice; have them properly moored when not in use, so that they shall neither be damaged nor lost, and at the termination of the quarantine season, have them carefully removed from the water to the storehouse, and there well secured. XXXIV. The bargemen are placed under the direction of the Quarantine Master and Lazaretto Physician conjointly, in all things relating to their proper duties; but the Quarantine Master is especially required to ascertain whether they conduct themselves with decorum and sobriety, that they keep their persons and clothing clean, and that they are attentive and punctual in the performance of their duties. He is not to require them to perform any services individually, or for his family. 102 RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. XXXV. He shall have the flag hoisted on the flag-staff daily, at sun- rise, and carefully taken down and deposited in its case at sunset. XXXVI. He shall have a watch set in front of the station during the night, and generally preserve order in #nd about the Lazaretto, and enforce obedience to, and prevent, as far as it lies in his power, any neglect, evasion, or violation of the Health Law, or of the rules, resolu- tions and ordinances of the Board. XXXVII. He is required to remain within the bounds of the Laza- retto during the whole quarantine season, unless by permission of the Board; and he is to be always in readiness to accompany the Lazaretto Physician in his official visits, and to aid him, to the best of his abili- ties, in the performance of his duties. XXXVIII. He is not to permit any one to enter into, or leave the bounds of the Lazaretto or Quarantine station, or to land at the wharf or United States property attached to the institution, on any pretext whatever, during the Quarantine season, unless by the special per- mission of the Board communicated to the Lazaretto Physician in writing. And if any person should enter, leave or land as aforesaid, without such permit, he is required to communicate the fact to the. Board, that the person so offending may be dealt with according to law. XXXIX. All violations or evasions of the health law which come under his notice, and any manifest neglect of duty he may detect on the part of any officer or servant attached to the Lazaretto, he is at once to communicate to the Board. XL. Whenever he shall find, upon examination, that any vessel stopping at the Lazaretto is in a perfectly clean condition, and no part of her cargo is in a damaged or infected state, and the Lazaretto Physi- cian shall decide that the said vessel may be permitted up, he will sign with him the permit to that effect. XLI. Whenever a vessel is detained at the Lazaretto, with a sick crew, for purification or under quarantine, it will become the duty of the Quarantine Master to have her properly and safely moored at such distance from the Lazaretto and all other vessels at the station, as shall prevent the communication of disease to or from the same. He shall prevent any person from going on board vessels so detained, except for the performance of some essential duty, and then only with the consent of the Lazaretto Physician; and he is required to take under his charge and effectually secure the boats of all such vessels detained as above every night, from sunset to sunrise. RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. 103 XLII. The purification of vessels detained at the Lazaretto, by ven- tilation, scrubbing and white washing, is to be performed under the direction and superintendence of the Quarantine Master, whenever the same shall be directed by the Lazaretto Physician. XLIII. Whenever a vessel is detained at the Lazaretto, he is in every instance to examine into the state of the men's clothing, and if any is found to be foul or infected, to have the same sent on shore, to be washed by the Steward. He shall in no case whatever, charge for lime and brushes used in cleansing vessels, more than the retail price in Philadelphia of such articles, agreeably to the positive directions of the Health Law; the Board will never countenance a deviation from this injunction. XLIV. He is required, under the orders and direction of the Laza- retto Physician, to have all the sick removed from on board of vessels stopping at the Lazaretto, also such portions of the cargo, baggage, and stores, as the said Physician may deem necessary, to be cleansed and purified : the cleansing and purification of the same are also to be superintended by him. XLY. When a vessel has undergone purification, or has completed her period of quarantine, he is required to certify to the fact in con- junction with the Lazaretto Physician. He is required to visit daily, in company with the latter officer, every vessel under quarantine or undergoing purification, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of her crew, hold, and cargo. XLVI. He shall take charge of the letter bags of all vessels detain- ed at the Lazaretto, and also of all letters and papers delivered to him at any time by the captain, crew, or other persons belonging to the said vessels, or by the Lazaretto Physician, Steward, or any person or persons within the Lazaretto, and carefully enclosing them in the mail bag, to transmit them by the Lazaretto mail to the Health Office in Philadelphia. By enclosing them in the mail bag, he may also convey letters to his friends and others in Philadelphia, and he is permitted to send and receive by the mail carrier any small package or bundle. XLVII. The Lazaretto mail is to be made up by the Quarantine Master, and despatched every day at such hour as the Board shall di- rect, and on it3 return in the evening, he is immediately and without fail to open the same and distribute the letters and papers to the per- sons to whom the same are respectively directed. 104 RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. XLVIIL Whenever any thing is required for the proper execution of his official duties, he is to inform the Lazaretto Committee of the fact. XLIX. Such other orders and regulations as the Quarantine Master may be called upon to obey, will be transmitted to him, from time to time, through the Lazaretto Physician. THE STEWARD. L. The Steward shall reside permanently at the Lazaretto, and be allowed, for himself and family, such apartments in the main building as the Lazaretto Committee shall designate. LI. He shall be allowed the use of so much of the beds and bedding, furniture, and cooking utensils, belonging to the Lazaretto, as may be deemed proper by the Lazaretto Committee. LLL He shall be allowed the use of so much of the ground attached to the Lazaretto, not appropriated for garden or other purposes, as the Board may, from time to time permit; Provided, That no injury be done by him to the fruit and other trees planted thereon, nor any of the straw or manure removed from the premises. LIII. He shall also be allowed the use of the barn, stabling, carts, &c, belonging to the Lazaretto, and so much of the produce of the garden as is not otherwise appropriated by resolutions of the Lazaretto Committee, or by the rules of the Board. LIV. He shall have the general charge of the buildings, grounds and property of the Board at the Lazaretto, see that the same are kept in good order, and the different apartments of the houses perfectly clean. LV. He shall, under the direction of the Lazaretto Committee, keep in good order and condition the grounds appropriated by the Board as a garden or gardens, for which he shall be allowed annually, the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars. LVL He shall have the general superintendence of the Hospital Buildings, and have the same kept clean and properly ventilated, and scrubbed and white-washed as often as the Lazaretto Physician or Committee shall consider proper and necessary. LVII. He shall see that all persons under his charge are clean and decent in their apparel, and that the beds of the sick are supplied with RULES OF TnE LAZARETTO. 105 clean straw, and kept free from vermin, and the bed-clothing renewed as often as the Lazaretto Physician or Committee shall consider neces- sary. LVIII. He shall invariably treat the patients with kindness and civility; and never suffer any degree of cruelty, insolence, neglect, or unkindness in the nurses or servants towards them to pass unnoticed, and he shall see that the nurses and attendants treat the sick with care and humanity, that the diet directed by the physician is properly prepared and supplied, and generally, that the orders of the physi- cian, in relation to the treatment of the sick, are fully and regularly executed. LIX. He shall see that all fires and lights are extinguished in every apartment of the premises under his control, before 10 o'clock at night, excepting such as may be absolutely necessary, and these he shall leave under proper care. LX. He shall supply and have prepared, agreeably to the orders of the physician, all such articles of diet as may be required for the sick; and shall be allowed for the same, for each patient, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents per week, during the time the patient shall remain at the Lazaretto. LXI. He shall receive at the slip, all patients sent on shore by the Lazaretto Physician, and see that they are properly and carefully con- ducted to the Hospital. LX1I. He shall take charge of all clothing and effects of the patients landed, have them well ventilated, washed and ironed, and safely and carefully kept until the patients are discharged; and shall be allowed to charge for washing and ironing the sum of thirty-seven and a half cents per dozen. LXIII. Whenever a patient dies in the Hospital, the Steward shall have his or her body decently interred in the burial ground of the In- stitution, and see that such of his or her clothing as require it, are, within twenty-four hours after the decease of the patient, properly washed, ironed, and put away, (or destroyed when directed by the Physician •) and for washing and ironing such clothing, he shall be allowed to charge the sum of thirty-seven and a half cents per dozen for the same. LXIV. He shall take a full and accurate inventory of the clothing and other effects belonging to the persons who die at the Lazaretto, and forthwith transmit a copy to the Board. 106 RULES OF THE LAZARETTO. LXV. So soon as a patient is discharged from or dies at the Laza- retto, the Steward shall make out and transmit forthwith to the Board, a bill against the r\r*f\r\ri-r< ^,.^'>r> - ^«. »•»<"-..'■» ~ t.r>r ^^r r*ftWmy*,- r+JwF*'*****fr **■*..*^M.* ,**w VWA^Ai MrvwWVs V^ aW**-^^"""^^ v ^•AaAAaAA* ■ «^«r/' ^/"' "VA ^aa ,Pft_«^ -aaa/wW***" •A/V ^A^^***.^ *A, rv^vW^^^yy^ >r^.A^^r,^ *V»*.A. ^^a,,^-.: - *o*A'*V ^£^~£*/»^ ,5. rf*hff* ■ a/»aa ifofaM^F >r^A./> ^**At*f A^^A^r v« ^ «/*>'* a ^ **>/ ^n. * *> K^ ' ***».».. »s*,j tfT^Kfffc >^«'V »A_ a' fW- - "^/ ^^a^^ax^^w^'^",,*^\',i**i^^a^^^! ^<- - n" A. A „ *. A n ~ a' ~»A~A A.^n. AA* _ .."-.-, ~ . _***A'k^ ^ r r A - a £~ AS * ~ *■ . ^- • ' aW^V " " * A *^A ^A'A^a,^^ ;;;; a£ a* a ;-^^^a^ AaaAA^•*^~'v' _~ ;'f«^^^»r A*a*W J?_^S*!£3*aWaC . ^^-^^^.^O WVVV/VrW aa.aaa"' 'flU a - ■" „ X - A.jAJ.r ~ ~ . ,;i^r:^R?/,AA"^^; £ : A A^ * A A* ./ ^A^:--c-A^-:^ '"^^Waa^aa" ** ■ * ^^^Ar,AA^A a */V%A^ AAa. 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