WA P246e 1895 63030210R NLH 05130601 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE * 'V * SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFK'E LIBRARY Section, Mo f+f&l THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF HYGIENE ( BY LOUIS C. PARKES, M.D., D.P.H.Lond. 3DICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH FpR CHELSEA; LECTURER ON PUBLIC HEALTH AT 9T. GEORGE S HOSPITAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY HENRY PARKES, A.M., INST.C.E. *Mm !^k^ : PHILADEL/PHIA P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO. 1012, WALNUT STREET 1895 PREFACE The intention of this little work—as its title explains—is to form an introduction to the study of Hygiene. The author's main idea has been to give some simple yet practical information and instruction on the preservation of individual or personal health in the ordinary routine of domestic life. An attempt has been made to place within the small compass of the following pages just that amount of practical knowledge in Hygiene which it is desirable that every individual should be in possession of. Matters relating to questions of Public Health—over which the individual citizen has little or no control—have for the most part been avoided. L. C. P. 61, Cadogan Sqtjabe, S.W. April, 1895. CONTENTS CHAPTER I WATER Sources of Supply Rain-water Streams and Rivers . Wells Springs Public Water Supplies Constant and Intermittent Supply Cisterns Purification of Water Domestic Filters Sand Filtration CHAPTER II DOMESTIC REFUSE Ashpits and Dustbins Privies, Middens, and Cesspools Pail, Ash, and Earth Closets Water-closets Soil-pipes Vlll CONTENTS House Drains Testing Drains Waste-pipes .... Gullies and Bell-traps The Flushing and Cleansing of Drains PAGE 55 58 60 67 71 CHAPTER III AIR AND VENTILATION Composition of Air .... Fouling of the Air by Respiration . „ „ „ Combustion . „ „ „ Rotting Organic Refuse Ventilation ..... Cubic Space and Floor Space Introduction of Fresh Air into Rooms Exhaustion of Fouled Air . Practical Examination of the Ventilation of Rooms Measurement of Cubic and Floor Space 77 81 86 93 99 99 104 112 117 118 CHAPTER IV WARMING Open Fireplaces .... . 121 Coal and Pollution of the Air by Smoke . 122 Gas Fires ..... . 127 Ventilating Fireplaces . 129 Ventilating and Close Stoves . 132 Hot-water Pipes .... . 134 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER V LIGHTING PAGE Daylight Illuminatioi i of Rooms . 135 Artificial Lighting . 137 Electric Light . 138 Gas . . 138 Lamps . 139 Candles . 139 CHAPTER VI HOUSE CONSTRUCTION IN ITS SANITARY ASPECT Damp Houses and Disease Subsoil Air and Subsoil Water Pollution of the Subsoil Prevention of Dampness in Houses . Ventilation under Floors Bad Design in the Planning of Houses Household Dust Floors, Walls, and Ceilings . 140 141 142 146 149 152 154 156 CHAPTER VII SITE AND SITUATION OF HOUSE Varieties of Soil Exposure of Site Elevation Bracing and Relaxing Localities Influence of Vegetation and Water 159 161 162 162 163 X CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII FOOD Classification of Foods Composition of Foods Animal and Vegetable Diets Digestibility of Various Foods Cooking Variety and Admixture Meal-times Appetite: Mastication of Food Excessive Meals The Digestive Process Soups, Broths, and Jellies . Meat, Fish, Tinned Foods . Oysters Milk .... Mother's Milk and Cow's Milk Suckling and Hand-feeding Infants' Foods Sterilisation of Milk Storage of Milk Butter and Cheese . Bread Farinaceous Foods Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Condiments . Alcoholic Beverages . Malt Liquors Wines Spirits . . Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Mineral Waters CONTENTS XI CHAPTER IX PHYSICAL EXERCISE Effects of Exercise on the Bodily Or Rest . Growth of the Body . Kinds of Exercise— Walking Running Jumping Rowing . Games . Feats of Strength Training or Preparation CHAPTER X CLOTHING Use of Clothing Amount and Character of Clothing . Underclothing and Chills Outdoor Clothes Wet Feet, Damp Beds, and " Draughts " Constricting Garments— Hats, Belts, Stays, Garters, and Boots Clothing in Childhood and in Old Age Cleanliness of Clothing CHAPTER XI THE CARE OF THE SKIN, TEETH, AND BOWELS The Skin as an Excretory Organ Soaps and Ablution . Hot and Cold Bathing Attention to the Teeth Importance of Regular Action of the Bowels CHAPTER I WATER Sources of supply—Rain-water—Streams and rivers—Wells— Springs—Public water-supplies—Constant and intermittent supply: Cisterns—Purification of water: Domestic filters, Sand filtration. Sources of Supply.—Our water-supplies are derived from the rain which falls upon the ground. Upon reaching the surface of the earth, the rain is disposed of in one of three ways, namely, (1) by evaporation, (2) by flowing off the surface, (3) by percolation, or sinking into the soil. By evaporation is meant that the water is con- verted into invisible vapour, which is absorbed into the atmosphere. Evaporation is always greatest when the temperature of the air is highest. Conse- quently it is at its maximum in summer, and at its minimum in winter. The amount of rain that flows off the surface depends on the inclination of the ground, and upon the character of the soil. If the surface slope is steep, and if the ground is hard and rocky, 1 2 THE ELEMENTS OV HEALTH most of the rain flows off the surface, and forms, or helps to swell, the brooks, streams, and rivulets, which uniting create rivers. Where on the contrary the surface is flat, and the ground is loose and porous, the larger portion of the rain, which is not evaporated, sinks into the ground or percolates. It is owing to this passage through the soil that the water is ultimately enabled to become collected into the underground reservoirs, which supply our wells and springs. Rain-water.—The collection of rain-water from the roofs of houses is a matter of importance in many rural districts, more especially where other sources of supply are deficient in quantity, or bad in quality. Whilst stored rain-water is not very suitable for drinking purposes, owing to its becom- ing stale and flat when stored for any length of time, yet it is extremely useful for most other domestic purposes, on account of its softness. By softness is meant its freedom from chalk or other salts which produce hardness. Rain-water is soft because it has not come into contact with the soil. Most soils contain a considerable amount of chalk or other salts of lime—(chalk is a carbonate of calcium or lime). In percolating through the ground the water meets this chalk and dissolves it; the chalk is rendered invisible in the water, but it is none the less there. The water could not, how- WATER 3 ever, dissolve or take up the chalk unless there were present in the interstices of the soil a gas called carbonic acid. This gas renders the chalk soluble in water; if it is driven out of the water, as may be done by boiling the latter, the chalk becomes insoluble again, and forms a cloud or turbidity in the water, which cloud will be gradually deposited on the bottom and sides of the vessel holding the water. It is this deposit which forms the fur found in kettles, boilers, and saucepans in which hard water has been boiled. As is well known to most housewives, this fur deposit is highly objectionable. It corrodes the metals on which it is deposited; it forms a non- conducting medium between the source of heat and the substance to be heated, which causes a waste of fuel; it forms a coating on food under- going cooking, which obstructs the proper pene- tration of heat into the interior of the food, or prevents solution of the soluble materials, when this is the result aimed at, as in the making of tea, broth, beef tea, &c. In hot-water pipes the lime deposit tends to gradually narrow the calibre of the pipes, and such pipes may in time become completely blocked. In boilers the lime deposit forms a non-conducting lining, which when thick enough, seriously retards the passage of heat to the water. It is very difficult to obtain really hot 4 THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH water out of a furred boiler, and there is besides the risk of an explosion. If the iron boiler-plates are separated from the water by much fur, they become overheated, and even red-hot. Should then a crack form in the fur, the water comes suddenly into contact with red-hot metal, and is converted into steam with explosive violence. There is also much waste of soap where hard water is used for washing purposes. A good lather cannot be formed until the lime in the water has combined with certain of the constituents of the soap, and so been separated from the water. This combination is evidenced by the formation of whitish curds in the water. The production of these curds shows the waste of soap. If perfectly soft water is used, a good lather is very quickly produced with a very small quantity of soap. This is the reason why in towns where the supply of water is hard, most large laundry businesses soften the water prior to use. In most large towns—especially manufacturing towns—rain-water is too dirty to be used. In falling through the atmosphere the rain washes out of the air much of its soot, dust, and injurious gases, and is consequently impure upon reaching the ground. In country districts the atmosphere is purer, and the rain may be collected from the roofs of dwelling-houses, stables, and greenhouses, WATER 0 and stored in tanks. It should be stored in as cleanly a condition as possible, and for this reason it is advisable to reject the first portions of a shower, which contain the washings of dirty substances off the roof, and to allow such water to run to waste. This may be done by means of a rain-water sepa- rator, such as that invented by Roberts of Hasle- mere. If rain-water is collected in a dirty condi- tion, the storage receptacle becomes lined with a foul sediment, which putrefies, poisons the water, and renders it unfit for use. Rain and other soft waters have a very consider- able effect in dissolving metals with which they come into contact. Consequently rain-water which has been collected from lead roofs, or which has passed through lead pipes, or been stored in lead- lined cisterns, is very apt to contain traces of lead. Even so small a quantity of lead in water as half a grain to the gallon may produce in time symptoms of lead poisoning amongst habitual water-drinkers. Streams and Rivers.—Unless the stream from its source has passed through uninhabited and uncul- tivated land, it is very liable to furnish water which must in any case be regarded as suspicious from a health point of view, and in not a few instances as dangerously contaminated. Streams and rivers form the natural drainage channels of the localities they traverse, and tend, therefore, to receive the 6 THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH fluid refuse of habitations, villages, and towns on their banks. Human excreta will probably form some part of this refuse, and in that event the possibility of the spread of typhoid fever through the use of such water cannot be excluded. No one would willingly drink the water from grossly polluted streams, such as are to be found in many parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire. The appearance alone of such water is sufficiently repellent. But in the case of streams which have been previously contaminated with sewage or other waste matters, but not to an extent to be evident to the senses at places lower down and several miles from the point of pollution, it often becomes an important question as to whether the water furnished by such a stream can be safely used. A perusal of the recent report of the Royal Commis- sion on Metropolitan Water Supply (1893) would lead one rather to think that an exaggerated value had been attributed to the possibly dangerous qualities of such water. The bacteriologists have tried to show that the bacillus of typhoid fever— the microbe supposed to be causative of this disease—does not find an easy resting-place in flowing water; that it is attacked by harmless micro-organisms, normally present in river water, and eventually destroyed ; or failing such active enmity, that at least the typhoid bacillus is less WATER 7 well adapted to such modes of existence as are inherent in river water, than the harmless species invariably present there, and that the disease-producing organism in consequence ulti- mately fails in the struggle for existence, and dies out. Actual experience, however, seems to point more to the view that there is a danger in consuming contaminated river water, especially at times when the river is in an abnormal state from flood or from prolonged drought; and that it is never quite safe to place at all times implicit reliance on such water, unless it has been previously boiled, steri- lised by filtration, or efficiently filtered by sand filtration on a large scale by a public company or corporation. The mineral ingredients (hardness) of stream and river waters are various. Near its sources, a stream may consist of little but surface water, which is soft, having merely run over the soil, and not percolated through it. In the lower reaches, the water is usually much harder, the volume of sur- face water having been largely added to by springs in the bed of the river—by water, therefore, which has been in contact with the chalk and other salts contained in considerable thicknesses of soil. Wells.—There are two kinds of wells—shallow and deep. As a general rule, to which, however, 8 THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH there may be many exceptions, the water from shal- low wells should be regarded with suspicion, whilst that from deep wells may inspire confidence. In the subsoil containing surface or shallow wells, the rain which percolates from the surface of the ground through the porous soil, is prevented at a certain distance down—usually from ten to thirty or forty feet—from sinking deeper into the earth by reason of a layer or stratum of impermeable soil, such as clay, which does not permit water to per- colate through it. Sands, gravels, chalk, various sandstones, and limestones, are more or less perme- able to water, whilst clay, slates, granites, and other hard rocks are impermeable. This underground or subsoil water, so collected in the porous soil on the underlying impervious one, is not as a rule stagnant, but is moving slowly yet steadily in one constant direction— namely towards its outlet, which usually consists of a spring or springs at a lower level. As those who rely upon wells are aware, the underground water, which is visible or can be sounded in a well, is not always standing at the same level. As a general rule, to which of course there may be exceptions depending upon exceptional seasons, the level of the water in wells is highest in the early spring (February or March), and lowest in autumn (October or November). The reason of WATER 9 this annual fluctuation is simply that during the cold months of the year there is but little evapo- ration, and much of the rain percolates into the earth, and so renews the volume of the underground water; whilst during the warmer months, when evaporation is active, there is but little percolation, and the underground water being insufficiently replenished to make up for the loss occasioned by the outflow in springs, its level falls continuously until autumn is reached, and percolation recom- mences. The water of shallow wells (Fig. 1) having only percolated through a few feet (ten to thirty or so) of porous soil, since it descended as rain on the surface of the earth, surface impurities lying on the ground, which are taken up by the rain, are subjected to but little purification by soil filtration before they reach the well. Again, shallow wells in the neighbourhood of habitations are extremely likely to receive filth which has soaked into the porous ground from manure heaps, privy-pits, leaky cesspools, and drains. Liquid filth of this character, in its pas- sage through small thicknesses of porous, sandy, or gravelly soil, is merely strained of its grosser impurities, and not filtered in any such way as to render it innocuous. Indeed, the latest bacteriological research would Fig. 1. WATER 11 appear to show that whilst the bacillus of typhoid fever does not survive very long in ordinary sew- age, after its ejectment from the human body, yet should this sewage be filtered through small thicknesses of soil, certain salts called nitrates are formed by oxidation of ammonia and organic matters in the sewage, the presence of which enables the bacillus to retain its vitality for a con- siderable period, and to undergo at the same time rapid and continuous multiplication. This may explain why it is that polluted shallow well waters can retain for such long periods the active infection of typhoid fever—the specific typhoid bacillus being favoured in its growth by the presence of the nitrates derived from the Fl