qJ^ONCS (~D^s.J ACTS OK THE QMMTURE OF LOUISIANA ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING QUARANTINE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE STATE; ORGANIZING AND DEFINING THE . POWERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, AND REGULATING THE PRAC- TICE OF MEDICINE, MIDWIFERY, DENTISTRY A^D PHARMACY: ALSO, RULES SND REGULATIONS'OF THE BOflRMEJEKLTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISE ' HEALTH ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLECTED AND CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1^0, JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President of the Boakd of HEALtHWT^E State of Louisiana. NEW ORLEANS J. 3. Rivers, Stationer and Printer, No. 74 Camp Street. 1880. WA L888a 1880 62980650R NLfl 0S13053Q T NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE &r o ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON. D.C. NLM051305309 v,- l^O^sfa.-.a. Law statutes, .-\c. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF LOUISIANA ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING QUARANTINE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE STATE; ORGANIZING AND DEFINING THE POWERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, AND REGULATING THE PRAC- TICE OF MEDICINE, MIDWIFERY, DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY; ALSO, RULES MD REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, AND HEALTH ORDINANCES OF TEE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS, COLLECTED AND CLASSIFIED IS ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880, £„^"~^ JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. NEW ORLEANS: J. S. Rivers, Stationer and Printer, No. 74 Camp Street. 1880. 431536 V/A BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE OF LOUISIANA, 1880. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President. JOS. C. BEARD, M. D. ROBERT BREWSTER, Esq. J. P. DAVIDSON, M. D. E. HERNANDEZ, Esq. FELIX FORMENTO, M. D. F. LOEBER, M. D. I. N. MARKS, Esq. EDWARD T. SHEPARD, M. D. S. S. HERRICK, M. D., Secretary. 1 PREFACE. Jpon assuming the duties of President of the Board of Health in April, 188O, the necessity of collecting and publishing all the laws of Louisiana bearing on Sanitary Science, was at once realized, as the acts of the Legis- lature, the ordinances of the City Council and the Rules a ad Regulations of the Board of Health were scattered through various official documents, or existed only in manuscrip in the archives of the City Hall and Board of Health. Measures were taken for the collection of the existing laws and ordinances, and the importance of their publication for the guidance of the officers and employees of the Board of Health, and the public in the execu- tion of sanitary measures and reforms, was urged upon the Board of Health. The labor by the President of the collection and classification of the Quarantine Laws of the State and city was indorsed by the Board of Health, and their publication at the earliest practicable moment granted. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health, State of Louisiana. Office Board of Health, State-House, New Orleans, October 14, 1880. 38737$ CONTENTS. PAGE. An Act to Establish Quarantine for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. Approved March 15,1855.......................... 1-8 An Act Granting to the United States the use of so much Land as may be necessary for the Construction of Warehouses at Quaran- tine Station, on th£ Mississippi River, below New Orleans, with Water Front and privilege of the Wharf now built, or hereafter to be built at said Station, and ceding the United States jurisdic- tion over the cite of such Warehouses........................ 9 An Act to exempt from taxation the property at Quarantine Station on the Mississippi river...................................... 10 An Act supplementary to an act entitled 'An Act relative to Quaran- tine," approved March 15, 1855. Approved March 18, 1858....... 10-12 An Act to amend an act to Establish Quarantine. Approved March 16, 1870..................................................... 12-15 An Act to authorize and empower the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to detain and disinfect, and to pass after disinfection, vessels from infected ports, at and from Quarantine Station, in lieu of a time of quarantine detention in certain cases, and to repeal conflicting laws. Approved March 24, 1876.............. 15-16 An Act to reorganize and render more efficient the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana 5 to define its powers aod prescribe its duties and those of Quarantine and other officers under its control; to provide for its expenses, and for the recording of births, deaths and marriages in the parish of Orleans, and to provide penalties for the enforcement of the same, and for the ordinances and orders made in pursuance thereof. Approved April 20, 1877.......... 16-20 An Act to provide for gauging and inspecting Coal-Oils and Illuminat- iug Oils, or fluids derh^ed wholly or in part from coal or petroleum; to regulate the sale or disposition of the same; to prohibit in cer- tain cases, the sale or disposition of illuminating oils or fluids dangerous to life and property, and to prescribe penalties for violations of this act. Approved April 2, 1877................20-23 An Act to provide for the Disposition of Offal, Garbage, Night Soil N and Dead Animals within the Parishes of Jefferson, Orleans and Saint Bernard, and to provide for the Disposition of Offal, Drop- pings of Slaughterhouses, and Dead Animals in said parishes. Approved March 23, 1877.................................... 24-25 An Act to authorize and regulate the cleaning of Vaults and Prives; providing for the use of Odorless Apparatus; to fix the limits of rates and charges; to establish penalties, and to repeal all laws in conflict herewith, and to repeal and to revoke all exclusive privileges heretofore granted, and the exclusive privileges granted to the New Orleans Sanitary and Excavating Company. Approved April 20, 1877.............................................. 25-26 VI CONTENTS. PAGE. Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana, pertainiug to Physicians, Mid- wives, Druggists, Corners and Dentists ........................ 27-35 Physicians................................................ 27 Druggists................................................ 28 Coroners.................................................. 29 Sections of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1879, relating to Public Health..........................................• • 33 An Act to regulate the Practice of Dentistry in the State of Louisi- ana. Approved March 10, 1880......"....................... 34 Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Louisi- ana for the Government of Quarantine Officers and Stations, and for the enforcement of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana, " Establishing and Regulating Quarantine for the Protection of the State."................................................... 36-52 Legislative Acts establishing and defining the Powers' of the Board of Health, State; of Louisiana, relative to Quarantine. Section 1.. 36 Powers of the Board of Health relative to Quarantine. Section 2... 37 Power of Board of Health to issue Proclamation of Quarantine. Sec- tion 3.....................,................................. 37 Visitation and Inspection of Vessels by Quarantine Physicians. Sec- tion 4.................................................. 37 Disinfection, Fumigation and Purification of Vessels from ports in which Yellow Fever usually prevails. Section 5................ 39 Vessels from Infected Ports to be detained at Quarantine Station not less than seventy-two hours. Section 6........................ 39 Vessels coming from healthy ports South of latitude 26° N. to be given free pratique after thorough inspection, fumigation and disinfec- tion. Section 8 .................................*.......... 39 Infected Vessels : Rules and Regulations governing Infected Vessels at Quarantine Stations. Section 9............................ 39 Discharge of Cargo and Purification of Infected Vessels. Section 10. 41 Rules governing sick at Quarantine Stations. Sections 11,12, 13___ 41 When necessary the public health to be protected by additional measures. Section 11....................................... 42 Classification of Merchandise at Quarantine Stations for Sanitary measures. Section 15 ___.................................. 42 Rules governing foul vessels. Section 16.......................... 42 Penalties of violation of Quarantine, Acts, Rules and Regulations. Section 17.................................................. 43 Duty of Quarantine Physician to report to the Attorney General, all violations of Quarantine Laws. Section 18.................... 43 Duty of Harbor Masters to demand permits of Resident Quarantine Physician. Section 19...... ............................. 43 Power of Board of Health to issue their warrant to the Sheriff of any City or Parish, where any vessel may be, having violated the Quarantine laws. Section 20................................ 44 Rules and Regulations governing the Captains and Masters of tow- boats. Sections 21, 22.................................. 44 Rules and Regulations governing' Pilots. Sections 23, 24........... 44 Duties and Powers of the President of the Board of Health. Section 25. 45 Duties of Resident Quarantine Physicians. Sections 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32,33...................'................................. 45 Sanitary Rules of the Board of Health, State of Louisiana, regulating shipping in the Port of NewT Orleans.......................... 47 CONTENTS. Vii PAGE. Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Louisi- ana, governing the Mississippi Quarantine Station. Adopted August 19, 1880............................................... 51 Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Louisi- ana, defining certain duties of its officers and employees........52-54 Secretary and Treasurer.............................. ....... 53 Recorder of Births, Deaths and Marriages *........... ... ___ 54 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana.. 55-74 Introduction of Hides, etc.................................... 55 Sale of Putrid Meats, Vegetables, etc.......................... 55 Adulteration of Food, etc ........... ...................... 56 Sale of Poisonous Drugs, etc............... ................. 56 Soap Boilers...........,.................................... 56 Sale of Adulterated Milk.................... .......... 56 Throwing any matter offensive to smell or injurious to health upon any yard, lot or way, etc....................—...... 56 Removal of Offensive matter.................................. 56 Cleanliness of Slaughter-houses, Stables, etc................... 57 Obstructing the flow of water in gutters ...................... 57 Dumping of Garbage, etc.................................... 57 Building lots required to be filled.............................. 57 Buildings to be declared uninhabitable........................ 57 Water Supply .............................................. 57 Covers for Cisterns.......................................... 57 Committing Nuisances......................................... 57 Defective Vaults............................................ 57 Vaults, when emptied................................ 58 Vaults, emptying of, time and manner........................ 58 Vaults to be emptied by odorless apparatus.................... 58 Vaults, disinfection of.............................. ........ 58 Dumping of Fcecal Matter.................................... 58 Reinspection of Vaults........ ............................. 58 Opening of Tombs, Vaults, etc.............................. 58 Sexton's Reports, when and how made......................... 58 Removal of Persons to Hospital.............................. 59 Diseases to be reported and by whom.. ...................... 59 Removal of Animals sick with contageous diseases.............. 59 Removal of Dead Animals ..... ............................ 59 Dead Animal Carrion or other offensive matter................ 59 Fees for permits issued..................................... 59 Lodging of Complaints...........,........................... 60 Resisting officers........................................... 60 Penalty for violation of Ordinance 6022....................... 60 Conduct of Vidangeurs....................................... 60 Powers of Members of Board of Health, agents, officers, etc--- 60 Ordinance Relating to Small-Pox............................ 61 Ordinance Conferring Power upon Board of Health to Circum- scribe Infectious and Contageous Diseases................... 62 An Ordinance relating to Contageous and Infectious Diseases--- 62 Cemeteries and Interments.................................... 63 Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Poisons .................... 64 A Law to prevent the Adulteration of Articles used as Food; to pre- vent the Sale of Unholesome and Tainted Provisions; the Slaugh- tering of Cattle, etc. for food, when in an unhealthy condition, and viii CONTENTS. PAGE. prevent the landing of diseased animals within certain prescribed limits. Approved March 3, 1880 .......................... 65 An Ordinance to Prevent the Sale of Adulterated Articles used as Food; to Prevent the Sale of Unwholesome or Tainted Provis- ions; the Slaughtering of Animals when in an Unhealthy Condi- tion, and to Prevent the Landing of Diseased Animals within the City Limits, adopted June 3, 1880.......................... 66 Shrimp Ordinances, etc., adopted June 15, 1880................ 66 An Ordinance Regulating the Building of Privies. Adopted August 7, 1877........................................... 67 An Ordinance Amending Section 5 of Ordinance 4077, Admin- istrat:on Series....................................... 68 Ordinances Relating to Hogs, Dead Animals, Stagnant Water, Filling of Lots with Offensive Matter........................ 69 Ordinance Regulating the Building of Stables.................. 69 Ordinance Respecting Hatchways and Staircases, approved November 25, 1873......................................... 70 Ordinance Regulating the Sanitary Condition of Hotels and Boarding* Houses...............'............................ 71 Ordinance providing for the proper Grading and Drainage of the Gutters of Streets parallel with the River. Adopted May 25, 1880...................................................... 71 Drainage Contract—Specifications for the Contracts for Repair- ing, Putting in Repair and Running of the Drainage Machines of the City of New Orleans for the term of two years......... 72-75 An Ordinance Relative to the Removal and Rendering of Dead Animals within the Limits of the City of New Orleans. Adopted September 28, 1880........................................ 76-78 Rules and Regulations Governing Sanitary Inspectors and Sani- tary Police of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana .. 79 Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by the Sanitary Inspectors of the City of New Orleans.................................... 80 Disinfection................................................ 81 Disinfctants................................................. 82 Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by the Sanitary Inspectors and Police of the City of JSew Orleans, with Reference to the Con- duct of the Nuisance Wharf, the Removal and Final Disposition of Night Soil............................................. 83 Forms of Notices of Abatement of Nuisances.................. 84 Certificate of Vaccination..................................... 85 Free Vaccination............................................ 85 Form of Report of Contagious Diseases........................ 85 Registration of Births........................................ 86 Registration of Marriages..................................... 86 Certificate of Birth.......................................... 87 Certificate of Death......................................... 87 Form of License for Marriage................................'. 88 Form of Certificate of Marriage............................... 89 Circular Relating to Contagious and Infectious Diseases........ 90 Circular to Retail Dealers in Coal-Oils and Consumers of the same 91 Form of Weekly Statement of Mortality.......................92-97 SCTS ESTABLISHING MD REGULATING QUARANTINE FOR THE PEOTECTION OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. AN ACT To Establish Quarantine for the Protection of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That there shall be a Quar- antine established below the city of New Orleans, on the River Mississippi, at a distance of not less than seventy miles, by the river, from the city, that the Board of Health to be elected under this act is hereby authorized to lo- cate the Quarantine ground, to receive the transfer of the necessary land in the name of the State and to draw upon the Treasurer of the State for the necessary amount, out of the fund appropriated under this act; provided, the consent of the Governor of the State is given to said purchase. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That there shall be a Board of Health com- posed of nine competent citizens of the State, to be elected as follows : Three by the Council of New Orleans, on joint ballot, and six to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; the said mem- bers shall be selected in reference to their known zeal in favor of a Quaran- tine system. All the members of the Board shall be commissioned by the Governor for the term of one year, after having filed and subscribed in the office of the Secretary of State an oath well and truly to enforce and comply with the provisions of an act entitled, 'An act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State/' and in case of neglecting or failing to comply with the above required oath within ten days after their appointment or elec- tion, their office shall be considered vacated. 2 Acts Establishing and, Regulating Quarantine Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, civ., That the Board of Health shall meet once a month from the first of November to the first of June, and once a week fiom the first of June to the first of November, and as often as they may deem necessary. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health shall meet and organize on the third Monday in April, and elect, out of their own num- ber, a President, whose duty it shall be to reside in New Orleans and super- intend the different Quarantine stations of the State; and it shall be his duty to visit them as often as the Board of Health shall deem necessary. He shall have the power to issue, during the adjournment, to constables or the sheriff, all orders and warrants provided by the provisions of this act, and shall report to the Attorney General all violations of the same. It shall be his duty to lay before the Board at each meeting the business to be trans- acted, and a book in which he shall enter copies of all letters written by him, orders and warrants issued, and a detail of all his acts. He shall present at each meeting all communications forwarded to him, and a report of the Resident Physicians and Treasurer, and perform such other duties as shall be assigned to him by the Board of Health. He shall only be removed by im- peachment, and shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars a year. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That four members of said Board shall form a quorum ; provided, however, that no contract for building shall be en- tered into without the consent of the majority of the Board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health shall author- ize the Resident Physician to employ, in case of need, an assistant physician at the Quarantine ground on the Mississippi river, who shall act as his depu- ty, and wiiose salary shall not be more than two thousand dollars a year. The Board of Health shall have power to employ nurses and assistants to at- tend the sick, and such other persons as may be necessary to carry out proper quarantine regulations, and to fix their compensation ; to fix the number of days of quarantine for vessels liable to it under sections ninth and thirteenth of tbis act, not to be less than ten days; to determine how said quarantine shall be performtd, and to make out all legal regulations not provided by this act, nor contrary to the same, and necessary to carry out a proper sys- tem of quarantiLe, and to enforce the same by a fine not exceeding five hun- dred dollars; to make rules and regulations for preserving good order and police within the limits of the Quarantine ground, and to impose penalties for the breach thereof; to contract for the necessary buildings at the Quar- antine grounds; to appoint a secretary who shall act as treasurer, whose sal- ary shall be fifteen hundred dollars a year, and who shall furnish security in a sum of ten thousand dollars. It shall be his duty to keep a minute of the proceedings of the board, and all vouchers and expenditures made by au- thority of said board. The Board of Health shall have power to remove or cause to be removed any substance which they may deem detrimental to the health of the city of New Orleans, and the commissioners of the streets shall execute their orders whenever not in conflict with the ordinances of the city, for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 3 or the laws of the State ; to pass and enforce sanitary ordinances for the city, provided the same are approved by the Council and published as city ordinances; to define the duties of officers employed by them, and impose additional duties to officers appointed under this act; to issue warrants to any constable, police officer or sheriff in the State; to apprehend and remove such person or persons as cannot be otherwise subjected to the provisions of this act, or who shall have violated the same, and whenever it shall be neces- sary so to do, to issue their warant to the sheriff of the city or parish where any vessel may be, having violated the provisions of this act, commanding him to remove said vessel at the Quarantine ground and arrest the officers thereof, all which warrants shall be executed by the officer to whom the same shall be directed, who shall possess the like powers in the execution thereof, and be entitled to the same compensation as if the same had been duly issued out of any court of the State. The Governor shall appoint a police officer to be designated as Marshal, who shall be under the control of said Board of Health, and reside at the Quarantine Station, on the Missis- sippi river, whose duties and powers shall correspond to those of a sheriff or constable, so far as regards the execution of warrants and arrests of person* for violation of said quarantine regulations, and for said services shall receive the annual allowance of one thousand dollars. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That there shall be a Quarantine station at some point on the Rigolettes, and another on the Atchafalaya river, two miles below " Pilot's Station," at the mouth of the Wax bayou; the Board of Health is hereby empowered and it shall be their duty to locate them agree- ably to the provisions of this section j but the provisions of this act shall only apply to the station at the Rigolettes from the day* of the issuing of the proclamation of the Governor as provided by section thirteenth, declaring any port on the lake shore or on the Gulf of Mexico to be an infected place, and shall remain in full force until suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Health. The provisions of this act shall apply to, and be enforced at the Quarantine station on the Atchafalaya river, from the first of May to the first of November of each year; and also when the Gov- ernor shall have issued his proclamation, as provided by the thirteenth sec- tion, and in such a case shall remain in full force until suspended by a reso- lution voted for by two-thirds of the members of the Board of Health. There shall be no permanent building erected at Pilot's Station on the At- chafalaya river, but the Board of Health shall use as an hospital for the re- ception of the sick, hulls and cabins of steamboats. The Board of Health shall employ an officer, whose duty it shall be, and who is hereby empowered, to require from captains of vessels, steamboats or crafts having passed the station at the Rigolettes, or on the Atchafalaya river, the permit of the Resi- dent Physician. The Board of Health shall appoint a Resident Physician for each of the two Quarantine stations on the Rigolettes and on the At- chafalaya, and such other persons as may be necessary; provided, their sal- ary shall run only during such time as they shall thus be employed, and 4 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine shall in no case exceed for the time they shall have been thus employed the salary of the same officers at the Quarantine Station for the same space of time, on the Mississippi. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Resident Physician of the Quarantine ground shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars ($5000), and shall be appointed by the Governor of the State, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and removable at pleasure. It shall be his duty to visit every vessel coming from any port and entering the mouth of the Mississippi river. He shall require the captain of every vessel thus inspect- ed to pay the following fees : For every ship, bark or sea-going steamer, the sum of twenty dollars, and fifteen for all other vessels; provided, nothiug contained in this section shall apply to any vessel or craft going from New Orleans to sea and returning without having touched at any port, or at the Quarantine, towboats excepted. To all vessels not coming from any infected district, as provided by section thirteen, or not having on board patients af- fected with cholera, yellow fever, pestilential, contagious or infectious dis- eases, or not in a foul condition, a certificate to that effect shall be given. It shall be his duty to return to the Secretary of the Board of Health a weekly list of vessels by*him inspected, together with the amount collected for such inspections, which shall form a fund for the support of the Quaran- tine. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Resident Physician shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to detain at the Quarantine ground, with their cargoes, crews and passengers, all vessels coming from an infected dis- trict, as provided by section thirteen, or in a foul condition, or having on board persons affected with cholera, yellow fever, pestilential, contagious or infectious diseases, during such time as he may deem necessary—not less than ten days—to compel the captain to land the sick at the Quarantine ground, to fumigate and cleanse all such vessels, and to submit to such rules and regulations as will be hereafter provided by the Board of Health, and that all costs incurred for vessels found in a foul condition, including the sum of five dollars for the support of each and every sick person landed at the Quarantine station, shall be borne by the captain and owners, and shall be paid to the Resident Physician, before a certificate, as provided by section eighth, shall be given. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Resident Physician shall have such other powers as may be delegated to him by the Board of Health, not contrary to the provisions of this act, and necessary to carry them into ef- fect. It shall be his duty to remain at the Quarantine grouud, attend the sick, and perform all such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Health. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, etc., Tin.t the Board of Health shall appoint a treasurer for the Quarantine ground on the Mississippi river, with a salary of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) per annum, and who shall furnish security in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). It shall be his duty to attend Jor the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 5 to the finances, collect all sums of money due by vessels in a foul condition, account and pay over to the Secretary of the Board of Health all monthly balances in his hands, and shall receive and deliver the freight of all vessels ordered to be unloaded, and perform such other duties as the Board of Health shall require of him. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Board of Health shall deposit in bank all moneys paid over to him and shall keep a correct account of the same. He shall, moreover, present at each meeting of the board a statement of its affairs, and cause his accounts to be approved by the Auditor of Public Accounts every three months, and shall act as com- missary for the purchase of provisions and supplies, aud shall deposit in bank all moneys paid over to him and perform such other duties as the Board of Health may assign to him. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Governor of the State shall issue his proclamation, upon the advice of the Board of Health, declaring any place where there shall be reason to believe a pestilential, contagious or in- fectious disease exists, to be an infected place, stating tbe number of days of quarantine to be performed. It shall be the duty of the Resident Physician to give timely notice to the Board of Health of the necessity of such procla- mation. After such proclamation shall have been issued, all vessels arriving in the port of New Orleans, or at the Rigolettes, or the Atchafalaya station, from such infected place, shall be subject to quarantine, and shall, together with their officers, crews, passengers and cargoes, be subject to all regula- tions passed by the Board of Health, provided by this act. Every master of a vessel subject to a quarantine or a visitation, arriving in the port of New Orleans, who shall refuse or neglect either—first, to proceed with and anchor his vessel at the place designated for quarantine at the time of his arrival; second, to submit his vessel, cargo and passengers to the examination of the physician, and to furnish all necessary information to enable that officer to determine what quarantine shall be fixed for his vessel; third, to remain with his vessel at the Quarantine ground during the period assigned for her quaran- tine, and while there to comply with the direci ions and regulations prescribed by this act, or by the Board of* Health, or with such directions prescribed for his vessel, crew and cargo and passengers, by the Resident Physician, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2000), or by imprisonment not exceeding twelve months, or by both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That every person who shall violate the provisions of this act by refusing or neglecting to obey or comply with any order, prohibition or rt gulation made by the Board of Health, in the ex- ercise of the powers herein conferred, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, pun- ishable by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court by which the offender shall be tried. It shall be the duty of the captain of every towboat towing a vessel subject to quarantine or visitation to leave such vessel at the 6 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine Quarantine ground, and to inform the captain of the penalties attending a non-compliance with the provisions of this act. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, ete.,.That the captain of any sea-going ves- sel, steamboat or towboat, violating the provisions of this act, or the rules and regulations established or to be established by the Board of Health, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and imprisonment not exceeding one year. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Resident Physician shall report to the Attorney General all violations of this act; and it shall be his duty to prosecute all persons thus offending; to collect the fines, and remit the amount thereof to the Secretary of the Board of Health, whose duty it shall be to keep a separate book for fines collected, to be approved of every three months by the Attorney General, who shall receive such compensation as the board may fix for his services. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Harbor Masters in their respective districts to demand of the captain of every vessel arriving from sea to New Orleans, the permit of the Resident Physician, and to report to the Secretary of the Board of Health all vessels having entered the port without such permit. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, etc., That from the first of May to the first of November, all towboats plying from the mouth of the river to New Orleans shall be liable to inspection and quarantine, and it shall be the duty of the different Harbor Masters to require from the captains of said towboats the certificate of the Resident Physician, as provided by section eight, which certificate shall not be granted before a detention of at least five days; provided, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to apply to tow- boats plying between New Orleans and the Quarantine ground, and no further. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, etc., That the captain of any towboat or steamboat who shall receive on board of his boat freight, goods or passen- gers from a vessel liable to inspection or quarantine, or who shall receive goods or passengers from the Quarantine ground, without the permission of the Resident Physician, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2000), and by imprisonment, at the discretion of the court; and all violations of the provisions of this act at the Quarantine station on the Mississippi river and at the Rigolettes shall be tried by the Criminal Court of New Orleans, and all violations of this act at the station on the Atchafalaya river shall be tried by the District Court of the parish of St. Mary. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health shall cause such extracts of this act to be made as they may deem necessary for the in- formation of masters jrf vessels arriving in this State, and shall cause a suffi- cient number,to be printed and delivered to the pilots, to be distributed to the masters of vessels arriving as before provided. for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 7 Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, etc., That every pilot, or any other person acting as such, shall deliver to the master of every vessel inward bound one copy of the printed extract from this act, which shall be furnished him by the Board of Health ; and any pilot refusing or neglecting so to do, or aiding or landing any passenger or other person, contrary to this act, shall-forfeit one hundred dollars for every offense. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, etc., That every person who shall go on board of any vessel while performing quarantine, without the permission of the Resident Physician or his assistants, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Quarantine stations shall be known by that name, and their limits shall be designated by boards placed on the boundaries, on which shall be printed in large letters: " These are the limits of the Quarantine station." Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, etc., That the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) be and is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to the Secretary of the Board of Health, on a resolution of the majority of the board, payable by install- ments ; provided, that the second and third installments shall not be paid until the accounts of the Secretary of the Board of Health shall have been audited and approved by the Auditor of Public Accounts, for former dis- bursements. Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, etc., That the buildings to be erected at the Quarantine station shall consist of—at the station on the Mississippi river, of two separate buildings, as hospitals for the sick, of a small house as residence for the officers appointed under this act, and of a well venti- lated store for the reception of the freight of such infected vessels as the Resident Physician may deem necessary to cause to be unloaded. The buildings at the Rigolettes shall be constructed of wood, and consist of an hospital for the sick and of a store for the freight of vessels or steamboats ordered to be unloaded. At the Atchafalaya station a good shade shall be provided for the freight of vessels ordered to be unloaded. The Board of Health shall receive the transfer of such lands as may be necessary at the Rigolettes and on the Atchafalaya river, in the same manner and under the same conditions as are required by section one, and all plans, specifications and contracts for the above buildings shall be submitt-ed to and approved by the Governor of the State; provided, that the cost of said buildings shall in no case exceed the amount hereinbefore appropriated. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Coun- cil of New Orleans, within ten days after the passage of this act, to elect three members of the Board of Health, as provided by section second of this act, and all acts, resolutions and ordinances passed by them after the expira- tion of the delay herein prescribed, and before the election of the members of the board to be elected by them, shall be null and void. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health and their 8 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine successors, is hereby created a body corporate, under the name of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, to sue and be sued under that title. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws incon- sistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same are heredy repealed. Sec. 29. Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. JOHN M. SANDIGE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. WH3KLIFFE, President of the Senate. Approved March 15, 1855. P. O. HEBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Andrew S. Hereon, Secretary of State. for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 9 AN ACT Granting to the United States the use of so much Land as may be necessary for the construction of Warehouses at Quarantine Station, on the Mississippi River, below New Orleans, with Water front and]privilege of the Wharf now built or hereafter to be built at said Station, and ceding the United States jurisdiction over the site of such Warehouses. Whereas, by the first section of act of Congress entitled " An Act mak- ing appropriation for certain civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth June, 1858," approved third March, 1857, the sum of fifty thousand dollars was appropriated for the construction of warehouses at Quarantine Station, on the Mississippi river, below New Orleans; provided, that no part of said sum shall be expended until the State of Louisiana shall pass a law ceding jurisdiction over the site of such warehouses to the United States, and shall grant to the United States the use of so much land as may be necessary for the construction of such warehouses, with water front, and privilege of the wharf now built or hereafter to be built on said station j therefore, in order to comply with said proviso, and to carry the said law into full force and effect: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the State of Louisiana does hereby cede to the United States jurisdiction over the site of such warehouses as shall be constructed under the act of Congress, approved the third of March, 1857, aforesaid, at Quarantine station, on the Mississippi river, below New Orleans, and doth hereby further grant to the United States the use of so much land as may be necessary for the construction of such warehouses, with water front, and privilege of the wharf now built or hereafter to be built on said station. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana be and they are hereby authorized and required to designate so much land at said Quarantine station as may be necessary for the con- struction of the warehouses aforesaid. WM. W. PUGH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WM. F. GRIFFIN, President pro tern, of the Senate. Approved February 8, 1858. ROBERT C. WICKLIFFE, Governor of the State of Louisiana, A true copy: Andrew S. Herron, Secretary of State. 2 10 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine AN ACT To exempt from taxation the properly at the Quarantine Station on the Missis- sippi river, granted to the United States for the purpose of building Gov- ernment Warehouses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Lou- isiana in General Assembly convened, That the property at the Quarantine station, on the Mississippi river, located in this State, the use of and jurisdic- tion over which has been granted by the State of Louisiana to the United States for the purpose of constructing Government warehouses, together with the improvements and buildings which the Government of the United States may erect thereupon, sball be and is hereby exonerated from all tax- ation and assessment by the State, or by any authorities acting under the State, so long as the said property is in the possession of the United States. WM. W. PUGH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. H. MOUTON, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 18, 1858. ROBERT C WICKLIFFE, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Andbew S. Herron, Secretary of State. AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled uAn Act relative to Quarantine," approved March 15, 1855. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the Board of Health of tbe State of Louisiana shall authorize the Resident Physician of the Quarantine station to employ an' assistant physician, whose salary shall be two thousand dollars. The Board of Health shall have power to employ nurses and assistants to attend the sick, and such other persons as may be requin d to carry out proper quarantine duties, and to fix their compensa- tion. Also, to make all needful rules and regulations for the maintenance of Quarantine, and to impose fines not exceeding five hundred dollars for con- for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 11 travention of established rules. The Board of Health shall have power to remove, or cause to be removed, any substance which they may deem detri- mental to the health of New Orleans, and the street commissioners shall execute their orders, whenever not in conflict with the ordinances of the city or the lawTs of the State ; to pass sanitary ordinances for the city, provided, such are approved by the Council and published as city ordinances; to define the duties of officers appointed by them; to issue warrants to any con- stable, police officer or sheriff in the State; to issue their warrants to the sheriff of the city of New Orleans, or of any parish where any vessel may be, to have such vessel, if they deem it necessary for the protection of health, removed to the Quarantine station. The fees of said officer shall be paid by the Board of Health. The Board of Health shall have power to extend the period of quarantine, should it be deemed necessary by them. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Resident Physician at the Quarantine station on the Mississippi river shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars ($5000) and shall be appointed by the Governor of the State, with the consent of the Senate, and shall be removable at the will of the Governor. It shall be the duty of the Resident Physician, or his assist- ant, to visit and inspect every vessel entering the port of New Orleans through the Mississippi river. Vessels free from disease, not in a foul con- dition, and not from an infected district (which shall be decided upon by the Resident Physician), shall be furnished with a certificate of health and allowed to proceed to the city. The Resident Physician shall require for every certificate thus furnished the following fees: Every sailing vessel of one thousand tons and over shall pay thirty dollars ($30); every ship of one thousand tons or less shall pay twenty dollars ($20); every bark shall pay fifteen dollars ($15); every brig shall pay ten dollars ($10); every schooner shall pay seven dollars and fifty cents ($7 50); every steamboat (towboats excepted) shall pay five dollars ($5); every steamship from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi or Texas shall pay ten dollars (010); every steamship from other ports shall pay twenty dollars ($20). The Resident Physician shall return to the Secretary of the Board of Health a weekly list of all vessels inspected by him as well as all fees collected by him, which shall form a fund for the support of quarantine. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That all vessels in a foul condition, or vessels whose crews or passengers are suffering, or have suffered while on the voyage, from contagious, pestilential or infectious diseases, shall be detained by the Resident Physician at the Quarantine station such time, not less than ten days, as may be deemed by him necessary. The Resident Physician shall have power, at his discretion, to grant permits to persons acclimated and healthy, to proceed to the city. He shall have power to compel the cap- tains of vessels to land their sick at quarantine, and to employ such means of purification of the vessel as may be directed by the Board of Health, and require the captains or owners of said vessels to defray the cost of purifica- tion. The captains or owners of vessels shall pay five dollars for such sick 12 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine person landed; nor shall a permit be fcssued until the payment of the same to the Resident Physician; which money shall be appropriated to hospital expenses. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That in cases of emergency the Board of Health shall have power to issue proclamation of quarantine, without ref- erence to the Governor, and to enact all needful regulations for the enforce- ment of the same. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That vessels out ten days from infected ports, presenting clean bills of health, not having nor having had sickness on board, and which are not in foul condition, shall be permitted to pass to the city after thorough fumigation by disinfecting agents; to effect which purpose the Resident Physician shall detain said vessels as long as he may deem necessary. The Resident Physician shall, in all such cases, require evidence under oath ; and he shall, by this act, be invested with the power to administer oaths whenever he may deem this necessary to attain the objects of quarantine. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That the office of assistant marshal, as created under the act relative to quarantine, approved March 15, 1855, be and the same is hereby abolished. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws contrary te the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. WM. W. PUGH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. H. MOUTOtf, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 18, 1858. ROBERT C. WICKL1FFE, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Andrew S. Herron, Secretary of State. AN ACT To amend an, act entitled An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Uepresentatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the title of an act en- titled "An Act to establish Quarantine for the protectioa of the State," ap- for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 13 proved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, be amended and re- enacted so as to read as follows: u An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State; to create a Board of Health, and to define its powers and duties." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That section second of said act be amend- ed and re-enacted so as to read as follows: There shall be a Board of Health composed of nine competent citizens of the Slate, three to be elected by the Council of New Orleans, on joint ballot, and six to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The said members shall be selected with reference to their known zeal in favor of a quarantine system. Tin1 members of said board shai be commissioned by the Governor for the term of one year, after having subscribed and filed in the office of the Secretary of State an oath well and truly to enforce and comply with the provisions of said act and this amended act; and in case of neglecting or failing to comply with said required oath within ten days after their appointment or election, their office shall be considered vacant. The said board shall have power to appoint sanitary inspectors, not to exceed six in number, one for each of the four districts of the city of New Orleans, and one for the city of Jefferson, and one for the portions of the parishes of Or- leans and Jefferson situated upon the right bank of the Mississippi river, which said inspectors for the said four districts of the city of New Orleans shall be in place and in lieu of the four health officers now appointed by the Council of New Orleans. The annual salaies of each of said inspectors shall not exceed the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars, and said salaries shall be paid by the respective cities and parishes for which said inspectors shall be appointed, the parish of Orleans, right bank of the Mis- sissippi river, paying two-thirds, and the parish of Jefferson, right bank, paying one-third of the salary of the inspector appointed for said portions of said parishes. Said inspectors shall be subject to removal at the pleasure of said board. Sec. 3. Be itftcrther enacted, etc., That section six of said act shall be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: Sec. 6. That the Board of Health shall have power to employ nurses and assistants to attend the sick, and such other persons as may be necessary to carry out proper quarantine regulations, and to fix their compensation; to fix the number of days of quarantine for vessels liable to it under sections ninth and thirteenth of this act, not to be less than ten days; to determine how said quarantine shall be performed, and to make all legal regulations not provided by this act, nor contrary to the same, and necessary to carry out a proper system of quarantine, and to enforce the same by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars; to make rules and regulations for preserving good order and police within the limits of the quarantine ground, and to impose penalties for the breach thereof; to contract for the necessary build- ings at the quarantine grounds; to appoint a secretary, who shall act as treasurer, whose salary shall be fifteen hundred dollars a year, and who shall 14 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine furnish security in the sum of ten thousand dollars. It shall be his duty to keep a minute of the proceedings of the board and all vouchers and expendi- tures made by authority of said board. The said board shall have the power to remove or cause to be removed any substance, matter or thing which they may deem detrimental to health, whether such substance, matter or thing be in the cities of New Orleans or Jefferson, or in the parishes of Orleans or Jefferson, on the right bank of the Mississippi river ; and the respective street commissioners of said cities, and police juries of said parishes shall, without delay, execute the orders of said board with reference to the removal of such substance, matter or thing ; and the expenses necessarily incurred in making such removal, as well as those incurred for purposes of disinfec- tion and removal of sick persons, shall be borne respectively by said cities, and said portions of said parishes from which such remoAal or wherein such disinfection shall take place. The said board shall have power to pass and enforce by adequate fine, not in any case to exceed fifty dollars, sanitary ordinances for and within the cities of New Orleans and Jefferson, and the parishes of Orleans and Jefferson, on the right bank of the Mississippi river, and for the purpose of enforcement of said ordinances, as well as of this act and the act entitled "An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State," and the amendments thereto; the said board shall have power to sue in its own name in any civil court having competent jurisdiction, for any fines or pecuniary liabilities imposed by said ordinances, or by said acts or amended acts ; and said fines or moneys so recovered shall become a por- tion of the funds of said board. And should any street commissioner, or street contractor, or any person contracting or employed to clean the streets, after having been duly notified, neglect or refuse to obey any necessary sanitary order or ordinance of said board coming within the purview of this act, such street commissioner or street contractor, or person contracting or employed to clean the streets, shall be held personally liable the same as if the matter or thing complained of was by his original fault. The board shall have control of the sanitary police within the aforesaid cities and the said portions of the aforesaid par- ishes where such sanitary police is upon duty ; which force shall at all times consist of not less than one officer for each of the four districts of the city of New Orleans, one for the city of Jefferson, and one for the parishes of Orleans and Jefferson on the right bank of the Mississippi river ; and, in case of actual or threatened epidemic, said board shall have power to call upon the Board of Metropolitan Police for such additional sanitary police force as said Board of Health shall deem proper. The Board of Health shall have power to define the duties of officers employed by them and impose addi- tional duties to officers appointed under this act; to issue warrants to any constable, police officer or sheriff in the State; to apprehend and remove such person or persons as can not otherwise be subjected to the provisions of this act, or who shall have violated the same, and whenever it shall brt necessary so to do, to issue their warrant to the sheriff of the city or parish for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 15 where any vessel may be having violated the provisions of this act, com- manding him to remove said vessel to the Quarantine ground, and arrest the officer thereof; all which warrant shall be executed by the officer to whom the same shall be directed, who shall possess the like power in the execution thereof, and be entitled to the same compensation as if the same had been duly issued out of any court of the State. ) (Signed) MORTIMER CARR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signed) OSCAR J.*DUNN, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 16, 1870. (Signed) H. C. WARMOTH, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy George E. Bovee, Secretary of State. AN ACT To authorize and empower the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to detain and disinfect, and to pass after disinfection, vessels from infected ports, at and from Quarantine Station, in lieu of a time of quarantine detention in certain cases, and to repeal conflicting ^ laws. Section 1. Be it enacted, by the Senate and, House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana be and is hereby authorized and empowered, at its discretion, at any time to cause the detention at Quarantine Stations for purposes of disinfection and fumigation, and to disinfect, fumigate and purify any or all vessels from ports in which yellow fever usually prevails, or from ports where other contagious or infectious diseases are reported to exist, and after such disinfection, fumigation and purification at quarantine, to permit the passage to the city of New [Orleans] of such vessel or vessels, without any prescribed time of detention, when it is satisfied that the same have been properly and sufficiently disinfected and purified so that said vessel or vessels may safely be permitted to pass without damage to the public health or risk of contagion. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws conflict- 16 Acts Establishing and Regulating Quarantine ing with this act be and the same are, so far as respects the operation of this act, hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. (Signed) E. D. ESTILETTE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signed) * O. C. ANTOINE, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 24, 1876. (Signed) . WILLIAM P. KELLOGG, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: P. G. Deslonde, Secretary of State. No. 80.] AN ACT To reorganize and render more efficient the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana; to define its powers and prescribe its duties and those of Quarantine and other officers under its control; to provide for its expenses, and for the recording of births, deaths and marriages in the parish of Orleans, and to provide penalties for the enforcement of this act and for violation of the same, and for the ordinances and orders made in pursuance thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana shall hereafter consist of nine members, four of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, aud five of whom shall be elected by the Council of the city of New Orleans. They shall hold their office for four years, unless sooner removed for cause. The members first appointed shall be so designated that the term of two of those appointed by the Governor and two of those elected by the Council of New Orleans shall expire in two years from the fifteenth day of March, 1877, and the time of the two others appointed by the Governor and the three others elected by the Council shall expire in four years from said date. At least one of the members of said board appointed by the Governor and two of the members elected by said Council shall be regularly licensed physicians, resident in New Orleans. And there- upon the Governor shall issue to each of them a commission for his respect- for the Protection of the State of Louisiana. 17 ive term of office. At any meeting of said board five members shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said board shall proceed to organization at its first meeting in the month of April of each alternate year, by electing one of its own number to be president, and a suitable person to be secretary and treasurer, whose powers and duties shall be those now prescribed by law for said officers, and such other powers and duties as may be herein devolved upoa them. The president of said board shall receive an annual salary not exceeding the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars, and the se> retary and treasurer shall receive an annual salary not exceeding the sum of tw.» thousand dollars, to be paid out of the funds of or appropria- tions to said board. No other member of said board shall receive any pay or compensation whatever. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That said board shall have power and authority to make all needful rules, regulations and ordinances upon the subject of vaccination within the parish of Orleans; provided, that nothing in this act shall be coustrued to render vaccination in any case compulsory; the said board shall encourage vaccination, and shall furnish pure and fresh vaccine matter to the district sanitary inspectors and city physicians for the purpose of gratuitous vaccination, and the furnishing of such vaccine matter shall be paid by the said Board of Health. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said board shall have power aud authority, on the concurrence of the City Council, to provide for, pro- tect and preserve, by adequate means, the health and salubrity of the city of New Orleans, and, in the exercise of such power and authority, may, with the assent of the City Council, incur such necessary and reasonable expense as occasion may warrant, which expense shall be paid by the city of New Orleans, after approval of the same by said board, out of the budget appro- priation as hereinafter provided; and no expense beyond such budget may or shall be incurred chargeable upon the city of New Orleans. It shad here- after be the duty of said board to forward to the Mayor and City Council annually, and in time to be included in the budget of expenses of the city of New Orleans, an estimate of the probable sum required to meet the expenses aforesaid for the ensuing year, and other expenses provided for in this act, to be paid by the city of New Orleans, and said estimate shall include the salaries of the sanitary inspectors appointed under existing laws for the dif- ferent districts of said city as well as the reasonable expenses of said sani- tary inspectors for rent of office and stationery for their official duties, and the said board shall also, at the same time, make to the City Council a detailed statement, verified by the oath of the president and secretary thereof, of all fees, fines, forfeitures and sums of money which have been received by the said board during the past year, as well as an estimate of the probable receipts for the ensuing year; and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council of the city of New Orleans, after considering such report and esti- mate, to make such appropriation as may be by them deemed necessary for 3 IS Act to Reorganize and Render more Efficient the expenses of said board, and place it in the annual budget of expenditures. And should the fees, fines, forfeitures and sums of money which have been received by the said board under the provisions of this act during the year exceed the expenses of said board, the said excess shall be paid to the Administrator of Finance of the city of New Orleans. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Health, through its president or other proper officer, shall have power and authority to call upon the police authorities for necessary aid and assistance in enforcing any of the authority or powers conferred upon it by this act, as well as enforcing any of its orders, rules and regulations. And it shall the duty of the police authorities to render to the Board of Health such necessary aid and assistance, when so called upon, by the use of the police force, as may effectually accomplish the intentions of this act, and of the orders, regulations and ordinances of said board. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, etc , That the said board shall, in any civil suit or proceeding in which it may be a party, obtain all writs, appeals or other process, without being compelled to furnish bond Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc, That the said board shall have power and authority to establish quarantine stations upon any of the approaches to the city of New Orleans whenever, in its discretion, such stations may be rendered necessary to protect the health of the city of New Orleans, or the State, and to make all needful rules aud regulations with reference to the management ami police of such stations. It shall regulate the duties and obligations of masters of vessels and other persons there arriving, and any master of a vessel or other person who shall violate any of the rules, ordi- nances or regulations of said board made with reference to the management or police of such stations, or to vessels or other means of conveyance or transportation at or arriving at such stations, or shall evade or refuse visita- tion of the proper health or quarantine officer, or shall refuse to allow such quarantine officer to inspect, disinfect or fumigate such vessel or other means of conveyance or- transportation, shall be liable to said board in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for each and every offense, to be recovered by civil suit wherever such offender, vessel or means of conveyance may be found, and said board shall have lieu and privilege for the payment of said liability on such vessel or other means of conveyance or transportation, to be conserved by writ of provisional seizure, in which case bond shall be given in amount to be determined by the judge issuing the writ, and the release bond shall be for an amount not exceeding six hundred dollars. All quaran- tine physicians and other officers and employees for quarantine stations, both for those now existing or that may be established hereafter, excepting the Mississippi Quarantine Station, shall be appointed and their salaries fixed by said board. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That the president of said board be ex- officio recorder of births, deaths and marriages for the parish of Orleans but shall, as such, be under the general direction and control of said board. All the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 19 fees collected by him shall be paid into and be a part of the funds of said board. The said board shall prescribe such blanks and forms as it may deem necessary for procuring vital statistics in said parish, and enforce the use of the same; and the president of said board shall cause to be prepared a-d shall keep suitable books of record for said office, which shall be carefully preserved in fire-proof buildings or vaults. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the attending physician or midwife, at the birth of any child in the parish of Orleans, to report the same to the office of the Board of Health within twenty-four hours of the same; audit shall be the duty of the father, or, in his default, of any person present at the birth of any child, to report within twenty-four hours from the date of said birth, at the office of the Board of Health, such birth, which report shall be recorded in presence of two witnesses, and shall as nearly as possible show the date, hour, street and number thereof of such birth, the sex of the child, and its name, the names of the father and mother, their nationality, age, occupation and residence, and the name of said witness. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That every death in the parish of Orleans shall be reported at said office within twenty-four hours after it has occurred; such report shall be made by the nearest relative, or the husband or wife of the deceased, if present iu the parish; otherwise by the executor, if designated, or landlord of the deceased, or the officiating undertaker. It shall be the duty of coroners to report all deaths coming to their official notice, and of the president, manager or superintendent of any State, parish, municipal, charitable or benevolent institutions; said report shall contain, as far as possible, the full name, sex, age, occupation, residence, color or race and nativity of the deceased, the cause of the death, the street and number where it occurred j shall show whether the deceased was married or unmar- ried, the name of surviving spouse, if any, and where residing; also the name, age and residence of the declarant, and his relationship, if any, to the deceased, and such other particulars as may be required by said board. No body shall be removed from said parish until a permit shall have been obtained from the president of said board, under his official seal, showing that the requirements of this section have been complied with. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That every marriage celebrated in the parish of Orleans shall be recorded in said office; such record shall show the full names of the contracting parties, their age, nativity, date of license of marriage and by whom issued, the names of the parents or tutors of the con- tracting parties, the name of the officer, priest or ecclesiastic celebrating the marriage, with the date of its celebration and the names of the witnesses thereto, and any such facts as the board may judge necessary for vital statis- tics. It shall be the duty of the officer, priest or ecclesiastic celebrating any marriage to return the hcense authorizing such marriage to said office after having indorsed on such license the date of such celebration: these hcenses so returned shall be preserved among the papers of said board. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the presi. 20 Act to Provide for Gauging and Inspecting dent of said board to cause the registry of any marriage celebrated prior to the passage of this act, on production of a certificate duly attested of the celebration of such marriage; and in case of the loss of such original certifi- cate, such registry shall be made on the production of the affidavits of the contracting parties, and at least one of the witnesses present, or of the officer, priest or ecclesiastic celebrating such marriage, and a certified copy of such registry shall be prima facie evidence of such marriage. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That there shall be collected for the recording, under this act, of any birth or death the sum of fifty cents, and like fee for any certificate of such record, and for recording any marriage the sum of one dollar, and like fee for certificate of the recording of the same. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall not be construed so as to deprive the Board of Health of any powers or authority it has under existing laws, and that all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. (Signed) LOUIS BUSH, Speaker of the House of Bepresentatives. (Signed) LOUIS A. WILTZ, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved April 20, 1877. (Signed) FEANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Will. A. Strong, Secretary of State. No. 37.] AN ACT To provide for gauging and inspecting Coal Oils and Illuminating Oils, or fluids derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum ; to regulate the sale or disposition of the same ; to prohibit, in certain cases, the sale or disposition of illuminating oils or fluids dangerous to life and property, and to pre- scribe penalties for violations of this act. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That in every city and town of this State of not less than two thousand inhabitants, except the parish of Orleans, the mayors, by and with the advice and consent of the councils of the said cities or towns, shall, within thirty days after the pro- Illuminating Oils Derived from Coal or Petroleum. 21 mulgation of this act, appoint one or more suitable persons to be gaugers and inspectors of coal oils and of all illuminating fluids or oils derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, and of all fluids commonly known in commerce as naphtha, deodorized naphtha, gasoline or benzine, or by any other similar name; the said person or persons shall, before entering upon the discharge of his or their duties, be duly sworn to perform truly and faithfully all the duties required of gaugers and inspectors under this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That in and for the city and parish of Orleans, the Board of Health of this State shall appoint one or more suit- able persons to be gaugers and inspectors in and for said city and parish, who shall subscribe to an oath in accordance with the provisions of this act, and who shall likewise bind themselves to perform such other duties as may at any time be required of them by said Board of Health, for the better execution of the purposes of this act. That the said gaugers and inspectors shall hold their offices during one year, and shall be removable for cause by the Mayor or Board of Health, as the case may be. That within ten days of their appointment they shall furnish bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, with good and solvent security, for the faithful performance of their duties, in favor of the Mayor or Board of Health, as the case may be. They shall receive such salaries as may be fixed by the Board of Health in the parish of Orleans, and in all other parishes by the mayors and councils of the different cities and towns. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That it is hereby made the duty of gaugers and inspectors appointed under this act, upon notice received in writing from parties interested, to ascertain: first, the correct number of gallons of oil or fluid each barrel or vessel contains; fcecondly, to inspect all coal oils or illuminating fluids or oils derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, and to ascertain by Tagliabuco's pyrometer, or by any othi r proper instrument approved by the Board of Health, the flashing point of such oils or fluids in degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and to mark upon each barrel or vessel containing such oils or fluids, in plain and distinct letters, characters or figures, by stencil plate or otherwise, as the Board of Health may direct, the name of the gauger and inspector making such inspection; the place and date of such inspection; the number of gallons and the flashing point, in degrees, as aforesaid, of the oils or fluids contained in said bairels or vessels. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That upon such inspection being com- pleted, the gauger and inspector shall furnish to the parties requiring such gauging and inspection a certificate of the same, made in duplicate, on*1 copy of which shall be delivered to the Board of Health. That in the parish of Orleans said board shall collect a fee of one quarter of one cent per gallon of fluid gauged or inspected, other than in barrels, and twelve aud one-half cents per barrel for gauging, inspecting oil, and replacing bung; provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to any oils destined for sale or 22 Act to Provide for Gauging and Inspecting consumption beyond the limits of the State, and that all such oils be branded by the seller " For export beyond the limits of the State." Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That it is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation, to sell or expose for sale, or dis- pose of, except as a common carrier, any coal oil or illuminating oil or fluid, derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, until the same shall have been gauged and inspected and marked, as provided in section three of this act; and any person, firm, company or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars for each and every offense, and shall be debarred from any suit at law to recover the price of such oils or fluids from the purchaser thereof. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to sell, give or deliver, except as a ctmmon carrier, or offer or expose for sale, any coal oil or illuminating oil or fluid, derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, whose flashing point shall be at less than the temperature of one hundred and twenty five degrees, to be ascertained as provided in section three of this act, unless the barrels or vessels containing the same shall have have been stamped with stencil or otherwise, in large letters, and in a conspicuous place, '• Explosive, and dangerous," at the time of its inspection. Any person, firm, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of two hundred dollars for each and every offense. It is further provided, that in the event of any injury or damage to person or property resulting from or caused by such oil or fluid not so stamped, the party thus suffering shall have a right of action in damages agaiust the person, firm, company or corporation selling, giving or delivering such oil or fluid, for the full amount of such injury or damage, together with all costs of court; provided this shall not apply to common carriers ; provided further, that such injury or damage shall not have been the result of gross negligence or carelessness. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That from and after this date it shall not be lawful for any person, firm, compaiy or corporation to sell, give or deliver, except as a common carrier, any illuminating oil or fluid, derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, and known commonly in commerce as naphtha, deodorized naphtha, gasoline or benzine, or by any other similar name, unless the same shall have been inspected in the manner provided for illuminatiug oils or fluids in section third; and it shall further be the duty of all gaugers and inspectors, besides gauging and inspecting such oils or fluids, to stamp the same with stencil or otherwise, in conspicuous letters, with the words " explosive and dangerous ;" and any person, firm, compaoy or corporation violating this sectiou, or any part thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars for each and every offense. They shall also be liable for injury or damage, as provided in section sixth of this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That in all parishes, except the parish Illuminating Oils Derived from Coal or Petroleum. 23 of Orleans, it is hereby made the duty of the District Attorney, or his assist- ant, of the parish in which any violation of this act shall have been com- mitted, to bring suit, in the name of the State of Louisiana, in any court of competent jurisdiction, against the offender for the recovery of penalties incurred under this act. In the parish of Orleans the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana shall prosecute, in its own name, before any court of competent jurisdiction, all parties guilty of any offense under this act. All penalties or fines collected under the provisions of this act in the city of New Orleans shall be paid into the treasury of* the Board of Health and become a part of its funds; and all fines collected under the provisions of this act in the cities of Shreveport and Baton Rouge shall be paid to the Shreveport Charity Hospital and the Baton Rouge Charity Hospital for the use of said institutions. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That in order to more effectually carry out the provisions of this act, and to prevent violations of sections five, six and seven, the Board of Health in the parish of Orleans, and the district attorneys or their assistants in other parishes may, at the time of fifing any suit, or during its progress, obtain a writ of injunction forbidding and restraining the defendant in such action from doing or suffering to be done any of the acts on account of which such action was brought, and said district attorney and Board of Health shall be dispensed with furnishing the bond required by law for issuing such writ. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act, or inconsistent therewith, are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. (Signed) LOUIS BUSH, Speaker of the House of Bepresentatives. (Signed) LOUIS A. WILTZ, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved April 2, 1877. (Signed) FRANCIS T. NICHOLLS, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Will. A. Stkong, Secretary of State. 24 Act to Provide for the Disposition of Offal, Garbage, etc. No. 14. J AN ACT To provide for the disposition of offal, garbage, night-soil and dead animals within the parishes of Jefferson, Orleans and Saint Bernard, and to provide for the disposition of offal, droppings of slaughter-houses, and dead animals in said parishes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any person, firm, company or corporation acting under any city or parish ordinance, or under any laws of this State, to cause or allow to be dropped from any wharves or landings within the parishes New Orleans, May 24, 1880.) LEGISLATIVE ACTS ESTABLISHING AND DEFINING THE POWERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE OF LOU1SI ANA, RELATIVE TO QUARANTINE. Section 1. The Board- of Health of the State of Louisiana establishes the following rules and regulations relative to Quarantine in virtue of the powers conferred by the several Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana, "establishing and regulating Quarantine for the protection of the State/' viz: "An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State,1' approved March 15, 1855. "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled 'An Act rela- tive to Quarantine,'" approved March 18, 1858. "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State,'" approved March 16, 1870. "An Act to authorize and empower the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to detain and disinfect, and to pass after disinfection, vessels from infected ports, at and from Quarantine Stations, in lieu of a time of quarantine detention in certain cases, and to repeal con- flicting laws," approved Miarch 24,1876. "An Act to reorganize and render more efficient the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana; to define its powers and prescribe its duties and those of Quarantine and other officers Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 37 under its control; to provide for its expenses, and for the recording of births, deaths and marriages in the parish of Orleans; and to provide penalties for the enforcement of this act and for violation of the same, and for the ordi- nances and orders made in pursuance thereof," approved April 20, 1877. POWERS OF BOARD OF HEALTH RELATIVE TO QUARANTINE. Sec. 2. In accordance with the said acts of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana, the Board of Health has power to fix the number of days of quarantine for vessels liable to it; to determine how said quarantine shall be performed, and to make any and all legal regulations not contrary to said acts, necessary to carry out a proper system of quarantine and to enforce the same ; to make rules and regulations for preserving good order and police within the limits of the quarantine grounds, and to impose penal- ties for the breach thereof; to contract for the necessary buildings at Quar- antine grounds ; to establish rules and regulations for the guidance of* the quarantine physicians, assistants and employes; to employ nurses and assistants to attend the sick, and such other persons as may be necessary to carry out proper quarantine regulations and to fix their compensation. POWER OF BOARD OF HEALTH TO ISSUE PROCLAMATION OF QUARANTINE. Sec. 3. In cases of emergency the Board of Health shall have power to issue proclamation of quarantine without reference to the Governor, and to enact all needful regulations for the enforcement of the same. VISITATION AND INSPECTION OF VESSELS BY QUARANTINE PHYSICIANS. Sec. 4. Vessels arriving at the Quarantine Station shall immediately proceed to the Boarding Station, and shall be visited by the Quarantine Physician, between sun-rise and sun-set; as soon as possible after such arrival. The quarantine officer shall inspect the ship, and require of the captain or master answers in duplicate to the following questions: QUESTIONS To be propounded by the President, Quarantine Ofl&cers and Deputy Inspectors of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to the Masters, Captains and Medical Officers of Vessels at the Port of New Orleans and Quarantine Stations of Louisiana. Port or Station..................................................................................................... Date of Inspection, .188 38 Rules and Regulations of the 1. Name of Vessel ? 2. Name of Captain or Master ? 3. Tonnage or Class of Vessel 1 4. From whence is the Vessel you Command 1 5. How many days have you been on the passage '? 6. At what port or ports have you touched % 7. Were any Contagious or Infectious Diseases prevailing at the port from whence your vessel sailed ? 8. If so, name the Diseases. 9. Were any Contagious or Infectious Diseases prevailing at the port or ports at which you touched ? 10. If so, name the Diseases. 11. Was any freight or passengers received at the ports at which your vessel touched 1 12. If so, give particulars. 13. Have you any Bills of Health ? 14. If so, produce them. 15. During the course of your Cruise or Passage what cases of disease have occurred on board f 16. At what dates ? 17. Have any deaths taken place on board your vessel since you left the last port ? 18. If so, at what dates, and from what causes % 19. Are there any sick on your vessel at this time % 20. Has Yellow Fever, Small-Pox, Cholera or Plague ever existed on this ship? 21. If so, when f 22. Wbat is the number of Officers f 23. What the number of the Crew % 24. What is the number of Passengers % 25. What is your cargo. 26. To whom is the cargo consigned ? 27. What is the present sanitary condition of the vessel, cargo, crew and passengers ? t 28. Have you a medical officer ? 29. Give the name of the Medical Officer. 30. Produce the Reports of the Medical Officer. Signature of Master or Captain. Subscribed to before me, Witness : ......................................" The preceding questions and answers shall be signed in duplicate one copy to be retained at the Quarantine Station and the other to be trans ritted to the President of the Board of Health. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 3d DISINFECTION, FUMIGATION AND PURIFICATION OF VESSELS FROM PORTS IN WHICH YELLOW FEVER USUALLY PRE- VAILS. Sec. 5. All vessels from ports in which yellow fever usually prevails, or from ports where other contagious or infectious diseases are reported to ex- ist, shall be detained at Quarantine Stations, for purpose of disinfection, fumigation and purification, and shall be disinfected, fumigated and purified. VESSELS FROM INFECTED PORTS TO BE DETAINED AT QUAR- ANTINE STATIONS NOT LESS THAN SEVENTY-TWO HOURS. Sec. 6. All vessels from ports in which yellow fever is prevailing, or from ports where other contagious or infectious diseases are reported to exist, shall be detained at Quarantine Stations, for observation, disinfection, puri- fication and fumigation, not less than seventy-two hours ; or for such length of time as the Board of Health may determine. Sec. 7. In oase yellow fever, cholera, or plague, or small-pox, or typhus fever, prevails in epidemic form at the port from which the vessel sailed, or at any port at which she has touched during the voyage, or on any vessel with which she has come in contact during the voyage, the detention shall not be less than sufficient to complete the full period of five days from the date of. exposure to such infection. VESSELS COMTNG FROM HEALTHY PORTS SOUTH OF LATI- TUDE 26° N., TO BE GIVEN FREE PRATIQUE AFTER THOROUGH INSPECTION, FUMIGATION AND DISINFEC- TION. Sec. 8. In case the condition of the vessel is satisfactory, and neither yellow fever, nor cholera, nor plague, nor small-pox, nor typhus fever, in epidemic form, existed at the port from which she sailed, or at any inter- mediate ports at which she may have touched, or on any vessel with which she has come in contact during the voyage, although said vessel may come from ports south of 26° north latitude, the Quarantine officer, after thorough inspection, fumigation and disinfection, may give free pratique, and the ves- sel may proceed to the usual wharf or landing in the harbor of New Orleans, *or other points where quarantine may be established by the Board of Health. INFECTED VESSELS—RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING INFECTED VESSELS AT QUARANTINE STATIONS. Sec. 9. In case yellow fever, cholera, small-pox, typhus fever, plague, or any other infectious or contagious disease, has attacked whilst in port, or during the voyage, or whilst lying at the Quarantine Station, one or more ot 40 Rules and Regulations of the the crew or passengers of the vessel, she shall be subject to the following rules and regulations: (a) The crew and passengers shall be inspected by the Quarantine Physi- cian, and if any are sick they shall be removed to the proper hospital. (b) The clothing, baggage, bedding and equipage of the crew and pas- sengers, both sick and well, shall be exposed to the air, and shall be venti- lated, purified, disinfected and fumigated. (c) The hatches shall be opened and the vessel as far as possible venti- lated; the hold and cabin of the vessel and all closets and clothing, linen, carpets, curtains and fabrics of every description, shall be thoroughly fumi- gated with sulphurous acid gas; baggage-rooms, cabins, lockers, water- closets, and all parts of the vessel to be thoroughly ventilated, fumigated, disinfected and cleansed. (d) The bilge-water shall be pumped out, and washed out with fresh water, until the bilge-water shall be clear and odorless. The following solu- tion of sulphate of iron (copperas) and Calvert's Carbolic Acid, No. 5, shall be introduced and allowed to remain. Disinfectant to replace bilge-water and also for cleansing water-closets and washing decayed or foul wood on shipboard. Sulphate of iron (copperas)......................fifty (50) pounds; Carbolic Acid (Calvert's No. 5)..................two (2) gallons; Water........................................fifty (50) gallons. This disinfectant is readily prepared by suspending 50 pounds of copperas in a straw basket, in the upper portion of a water-tight barrel or cask, and pouring water upon the copperas, until the barrel is nearly full, and then adding two (2) gallons of Carbolic Acid (Calvert's No. 5). The copperas will be dissolved during the filling of the barrel. This disinfecting, deodor- izing and antiseptic fluid may be extemporaneously prepared at any time on shipboard in the couse of half an hour. This solution should be used in the cleansing and purification of all unpainted wood-work in the hold, between decks, in the forecastle, cabins, lockers and water-closets. (e) The amount of sulphur consumed during the fumigation ot a vessel should be regulated by the size aud capacity of the craft, nature of cargo, and general hygienic condition. When sulphur is burned in iron pots, or pans, the fumigation should be continued until the sulphur is extinguished in the consumption of the oxygen of the air and the liberation of the sulphurous acid gas. At least two pounds of sulphur should be burned for every 1000 cubic feet of space in the vessel. The number of fumigations will in like manner depend upon the condition of the vessel, crew, passengers and cargo. (/) If in the judgment of the Board of Health, a vessel require it the Quarantine Physician may order the following sanitary measures:__Baths or other bodily care for the person; washing, or other disinfecting means for Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 41 clothing; displacement of merchandise on board, or complete breaking out; subjection to high steam, incineration, or submersion at a distance below the surface of the water, for infected articles ; the destruction of tainted or spoiled food, or beverages; the complete ejection of water; thorough cleans- ing of the hold, and the disinfection of the well. In short, the complete purification of the vessel in all her parts, by the use of steam, fumigation, force-pumps, Avind-blasts, scrubbing or scraping, and finally, detention at Quarantine anchorage until these means are perfected. [g) All articles which have been in contact with persons sick with contagious or infectious diseases, should be burned, or treated with a boiling hot solution of sulphate of zinc and common salt, dissolved together in water, in the proportion of four ounces of sulphate of zinc and two ounces of salt to the gallon. DISCHARGE OF CARGO AND PURIFICATION OF INFECTED VESSELS. Sec. 10. AYhenever it shall be deemed necessary by the Board of Health, the cargo of any vessel dangerously infected shall be discharged in lighteis, or transferred to the warehouse especially prepared for its reception. After the discharge of cargo, the vessel shall be thoroughly cleattsed, dis- infected and ventilated; the hold, the forecastle, or sleeping apartments of the crew, and the eabins for passengers, as well as bunks, or portable berths, shall be thoroughly, cleansed, disinfected and ventilated. All decaying wood shall be scraped and disinfected with strong solutions of sulphate of iron and carbolic acid. The decks and uupainted woodwork should be treated in like manner. Until the process of discharge of cargo and purification has been com- pleted to the satisfaction of the Quarantine Physician, there shall be no communication between the vessel and the shore, or other vessels, except by the written permit of the Quarantine Physician. Every person who shall go on board of any. vessel while performing quarantine without the permission of the Resident Physician, or his assist' ants, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars. RULES GOVERNING THE SICK AT QUARANTINE STATIONS. Sec. 11. The sick shall be detained in hospital until recovery, and for such a time afterwards as will insure that they will not communicate or transport the cause of disease. Sec. 12. Passengers under observation shall be detained at least five days from the time of the last exposure, or during the period of incubation of the disease or diseases for which the ship is detained. In case of the occurrence of other contagious or infectious diseases, they shall be detained until, in the judgment of the Quarantine officer, they may be safely permit* ted to proceed to their destination. 6 42 Rules and Regulations of the In the case of small-pox occurring on board a ship arriving at any port, the sick shall be sent to the hospital, and all not sick shall be immediately vaccinated, unless offering evidence of previous satisfactory vaccination, or of a previous attack of small-pox. Sec. 13. Persons employed at Quarantine Stations, who have been brought in contact with infected vessels, shall not be permitted to leave such station until their clothing has been washed and disinfected, nor until an interval of five days since their last exposure to infection. W7HEN NECESSARY, THE PUBLIC HEALTH TO BE PROTECTED BY ADDITIONAL MEASURES. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Quaiantine Physician to take the re- sponsibility of applying such additional means as may be deemed indispen- sable for the protection of the public health; but in all such cases the Quar- antine Physician shall report immediately and fully his action to the Board of Health. CLASSIFICATION OF MERCHANDISE AT QUARANTINE STA- TIONS FOR SANITARY MEASURES. Sec. 15. For the purpose of sanitary measures, merchandise shall be ar- ranged in three classes. 1. Merchandise to be submitted to an obligatory quarantine, and to purifi- cation. 2. Merchandise subject to an optional quarantine; and 3. Merchandise exempt from quarantine. The first class comprises all clothing, personal baggage and dunnage, rags, paper-rags, hides, skins, featheis, hair, and all other remains of ani- mals, cotton, hemp, woolens and coffee in bags. The second class comprehends sugar, silks and linen, and cattle. The third class comprehends all merchandise not enumerated in the other two classes. With existing quarantinable disease on board, or if there be any such disease on board within the ten days last preceding, merchandise of the first class shall be landed at the quarantine warehouse. Merchandise of the second class may be admitted to pratique immediately, or transferred to the warehouse, according to circumstances, at the option of the quarantine officer, with due regard to the sanitary condition of the port. Merchandise of the third class shall be declared free, and admitted without unnecessary delay. RULES GOVERNING FOUL VESSELS. Sec. 16. If any vessel, though not having had during the voyage any case of quarantinable disease, yet be found in a condition which the Quar- antine officer shall deem dangerous to the public health, the vessel and cargo Board of Health oj the State of Louisiana. 43 shall be detained until the case shall have been considered; the decision of the quarantine officer, however, in all such cases, shall be rendered within twenty-four hours. Vessels in an unhealthy and foul state, whether there has been sickness on board or not, shall not be allowed pratique until they shall have been duly cleansed and ventilated. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF QUARANTINE ACTS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Sec. 17. Every master of a vessel subject to a quarantine or visitation, arriving at the port of New Orleans, who shall refuse 01 neglect either, first, to proceed with and anchor his vessel at the place designated for quarantine at the time of his arrival; second, to submit his vessel, cargo and passen- gers to the examination of the physician, and to furnish all necessary information to enable that officer to determine what quarantine shall be fixed for his vessel at the quarantine ground during the period assigned for her quarantine, and while there to comply with the directions prescribed by the acts of the Legislature of Louisiana, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Health founded thereon, or with such directions prescribed for his vessel, crew and cargo and passengers, by the Resident Physician, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2000), or by imprisonment not exceeding twelve months, or by both, at the discretion of the court. DUTY OF QUARANTINE PHYSICIAN TO REPORT TO THE AT- TORNEY GENERAL ALL VIOLATIONS OF QUARANTINE LAWS. Sec. 18. The Resident Physician shall report to the Attorney General all violations of this act; and it shall be his duty to prosecute all persons thus offending; to collect the fines and remit the amount thereof to the Sec- retary of the Board of Health, whose duty it shall be to keep a separate book for fines collected, to be approved of every three months by the Attorney General. DUTY OF HARBOR MASTERS TO DEMAND PERMITS OF RESI- DENT QUARANTINE PHYSICIANS. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the Harbor-Masters, in their respective districts, to demand of the captain of every vessel arriving from sea to New Orleans, the permit of the Resident Physician, and to report to the Presi- dent of the Board of Health all vessels having entered the port without such permit. 44 Rules and Regulations of the POWER OF BOARD OF HEALTH TO ISSUE THEIR WARRANT TO THE SHERIFF OF THE CITY OR PARISH WHERE ANY VESSEL MAY BE, HAVING VIOLATED THE QUARANTINE LAWS. Sec. 20. The Board of Health shall have power to define the duties of officers employed by them, and impose additional duties to officers appointed under the acts entitled "An Act to establish Quarantine for the protection of the State," approved March 15th, 1855, and March 16th, 1870, to issue warrants to any constable, police officer, or sheriff in the State, to apprehend and remove such person or persons as cannot otherwise be subjected to the provisions of this act, or who shall have violated the same; and whenever it shall be necessary so to do, to issue their warrant to the sheriff of the city or parish where any vessel may be, having violated the provisions of the "Acts establishing and regulating Quarantine for the protection of the State," commanding him to remove said vessel to the quarantine ground, and arrest the officer thereof; all which warrant shall be executed by the officer to whom the same shall be directed, who shall possess the like power in the execution thf reof, and be entitled to the fame compensation as if the same had been duly issued out of any court of the State. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CAPTAINS OE MASTERS OF TOWBOATS. Sec. 21. From the first of May to the first of November, all tow boats plying from the mouth of the river to New Orleans shall be liable to inspec- tion and quarantine, and it shall be the duty of the different harbor-masters to require from the captains of said towboats the certificate of the Resident Physician; provided, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to apply to towboats plying between New Orleans and the quarantine ground, aud no further. Sec. 22. The captain of any towboat or steamboat who shall receive on board of his boat freight, goods or passengers from a vessel liable to inspection or quarantine, or who shall receive goods or passengers from the quarantine ground, without the permission of the Resident'Physician, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars (82000), and by imprisonment, at the discretion of the court; and all violations of the pro- visions of these quarantine laws at the quarantine station on the Mississippi river, and at the Rigolettes, shall be tried by the Criminal Court of New- Orleans, and all violations of this act at the station on the Atchafalaya river shall be tried by the District Court of the parish of St. Mary. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PILOTS. Sec. 23. The Board of Health shall cause a sufficient number of these Rules and Regulations to be printed and delivered to the pilots to be dis- tributed to the masters of vessels, arriving as before provided. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 45 Sec. 24. Every pilot, or any other person acting as such, shall deliver to the master of every vessel inward bound, one copy of the printed Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, relative to quarantine, which shall be furnished him by the Board of Health; and any pilot refusing or neglecting so to do, or aiding or landing any person or persons, contrary to the Quarantine Acts, shdl forfeit oue hundred dollars for every offense. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Sec. 25. It shall be the duty of the President of the Board of Health to reside in New Orleans and superintend the different quarantine stations of the State, and it shall be his duty to visit them as often as the Board of Health may deem necessary. He shall have the power to issue, during the ad- journment of the Board of Health, to constables or to the sheriff, all orders and warrants provided by the provisions of the "Acts of the Legislature of Louisi- ana, establishing and regulating Quarantine for the protection of the State;" and shall report to the Attorney General all violations -d" the same. Whenever it shall be necessary so to do, the President of the Board of Health shall have power to issue his warrant to the sheriff of the city or parish where any vessel may be, having violated the provisions of the "Acts establishing and regulating Quarantine for the protection of the State," commanding him to remove said vessel to the quarantine ground, and arrest the officers thereof, all which warrant shall be executed by the officer to whom the same shall be directed, who s1, all possess the like power in the execution thereof, and be entitled to the same compensation as if the same had been duly issued out of any court of the State. DUTIES OF RESIDENT QUARANTINE PHYSICIANS. Sec. 26. It shall be the duty of the Resident Physicians of the Quarantine staticns, established by the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, to faithfully carry out at all times and under all circumstances, the provisions of the "Acts establishing and regulating Quarantine for the protection of the State," and the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, founded upon said acts. Sec. 27. It shall be the duty of the Resident Physician of the Mississippi Quarantine Station, or his assistant, to visit and inspect every vessel coming from any port or entering the mouth of the Mississippi river. He shall require the captain of every vessel thus inspected to pay the fees fixed by the acts of the Legislature of Louisiana; provided, nothing con- tained in this section shall apply to any vessel or crafc going from New Orleans to sea and returning without having touched at any port, or at the Quarantine, towboats excepted. Vessels free from disease, not in a foul 46 Rules and Regulations of the condition and not from an infected district (which shall be decided upon by the Resident Physician); shall be furnished with a certificate of health and allowed to proceed to the city. The Resident Physician shall require for every inspection and certificate thus furnished the following fees: Every sailing vessel of one thousand tons and over shall pay thirty dollars ($30); every ship of one thousand tons or less shall pay twenty dollars ($20); every bark shall pay fifteen dollars ($15); every brig shall pay ten dollars ($10); every schooner shall pay seven dollars and fifty cents ($7 50); every steam- boat (towboats excepted) shall pay five dollars ($5); every steamship from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi or Texas shall pay ten dollars ($10); every steamship from other ports shall pay twenty dollars ($20). The Resident Physician shall return to the Secretary of the Board of Health a weekly list of all the vessels inspected bv him as well as all the fees collected by him, which shall form a fund for the support of quarantine. Sec. 28. The Resident Physician shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to detain at the Quarantine ground, with their cargoes, crews and passengers, all vessels coming from an infected district, or in a foul condi- tion, or having on board persons affected with cholera, yellow fever, pesti- lential, contagious or infectious diseases, dnring such time as the Board of Health may deem necessary—to compel the captain to land the sick at the Quarantine ground, to fumigate and cleanse all such vessels, and to submit to such rules and regulations as may be hereafter provided by the Board of Health, and that all costs incurred for vessels found in a foul condition, including the sum of five dollars for the support of each and every sick per- son landed at the Quarantine Station, shall be borne by the captain and owners, and shall be paid to the Resident Physician, before a certificate shall be issued giving free pratique. Sec. 29. The Resident Pnys cian shall have such other powers as may be delegated to him by the Board of Health, not contrary to the provisions of the acts of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana, necessary to carry them into effect. It shall be his duty to remain at the Quarantine ground, attend the sick, and perform all such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Health. Sec. 30. The Resident Physician shall have power, at his discretion, to grant permits to persons acclimated and healthy, to proceed to the city. He shall employ such means of purification, disinfection and fumigation of vessels as may be directed by the Board of Health, and shall require the captains or owners of said vessels to defray the costs of inspection, purifica- cation, disinfection and fumigation, and the Resident Quarantine Physician shall not release the vessel from quarantine until said costs are paid. Sec. 31. Vessels out ten days from infected ports, presenting clean bills of health, not having, nor having had sickness on board, and which are not in foul condition, shall be permitted to pass to the city after thorough fumi- gation by disinfecting agents; to effect which purpose the Resident Physician shall detain said vessel as long as the Board of Health may deem necessary. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 47 The Resident Physician shall, in all such cases, require evidence under oath ; and he shall, by this act, be invested with the power to administer oaths whenever he may deem this necessary to attain the objects of quarantine. Sec. 32. It shall be the duty of the Quarantine Physicians, at their re- spective stations, to enter upon suitable books, furnished by the Board of Health, the following facts with reference to the vessels inspected: 1. Name of vessel. 2. Name of captain. 3. Tonnage or class of vessel. 4. Port from whence the vessel sailed. 5. Length of passage. 6. Date of sailing. 7. Date of arrival at Quarantine Station. 8. Number of days detained. 9. Sanitary condition of vessel. 10. Number of cases of disease occuring during the voyage. 11. Number of deaths occurring during the voyage. 12. Number of cases occurring at Quarantine Station. 13. Number of deaths occurring at Quarantine Station. 14. Number and character of fumigations. 15. Sanitary measures instituted. 16. Number of officers. 17. Number of crew. 18. Number of passengers. 19. Sanitary condition of crew. 20. Sanitary condition of passengers. 21. Nature of cargo. 22. Name of consignee. Said books to be carefully preserved at the different quarantine stations. Sec. 33. It shall be the duty of the Resident Physicians at the different quarantine stations, to prepare for the use of the Board of Health an annual report, in which the statistics recorded in the books specified, shall be con- solidated and arranged in accordance with the months of the year. By order of the Board of Health, JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health, State of Louisiana. SANITARY RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, REGULATING SHIPPING IN THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS. At the regular meeting of the Board of Health, April 22, 1880, the President, Dr. Joseph Jones, submitted the following Sanitary Rules and 48 Rules and Regulations of the Regulations for the regulation of shipping in the port of New Orleans, which were unanimously adopted. The President was authorized by the Board of Health to cause the publi- cation and distribution of said rules. OFFICE BOARD OF HEALTH, V State-House, corner St. Louis and Royal Streets, > April 22, 1880.) I. Resolved by the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, That in order to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious and infectious diseases, therefore, the President of the Board of Health is empowered to inspect the shipping in the port of New Orleans, either in person or through the Sani- tary Inspectors, and to enforce the following rules and regulations: II. All captains, masters or medical officers of any water-craft, are hereby required to report within twenty-four hours to the President of the Board of Health, at the office of the Board of Health, all cases within their cogni- naze of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, remittent and congestive malarial fevers, typhus or ship fever, scarlet fever, small pox, varioloid, measles, diptheria, plague, leprosy, or any other case that may at any time be speci- fied by the Board of Health; and in default or failure to so report such cases, such person so failing or in default shall be liable to a fine not to exceed fifty dollars; provided, however, the said Board may declare it unnec- essary to report further cases, when any disease shall have bten pronounced epidemic. No case of disease shall be removed from any vessel in the port of New Orleans to any house, residence or hospital in the city, without a written permit from the President of the Board of Health, under a penalty of a fine of fifty dollars for each and every offense. III. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious and infectious diseases, every vessel or water-craft arriving from a foreign port shall be visited by the President of the Board of Health, or his deputy inspectors, between sun-rise and sun-set, as soon as possible after such arrival; and the President or his deputy inspectors shall examine the bill of health, and inspect the ship or vessel and require of the captain or master, answers in duplicate to the following questions : Date of Inspection, New Orleans,...............................................................188 1. Name of Vessel ? 2. Name of Captain or Master ? 3. Tonnage or Class of Vessel % 4. From whence is the Vessel you Command ? 5. How many days have you been on the passage 1 6. At what port or ports have you touched ? Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 49 7. Were any Contagious or Infectious Diseases prevailing at the port from whence your vessel sailed ? 8. If so, name the Diseases. 9. Were any Contagious or Infectious Diseases prevailing at the port or ports at which you touched % 10. If so, name the Diseases. 11. Was any freight or passengers received at the ports at which your vessel touched'? 12. If so, give particulars. 13. Have you any Bills of Health ? 14. If so, produce them. 15. During the course of your cruise or passage what cases of disease have occurred on board ? 16. At what dates ? 17. Have any deaths taken place on board your vessel since you left the last .port ? 18. If so, at what dates, and from what causes! 19. Are there any sick on your vessel at this time ? 20. Has Yellow Fever, Small-Pox, Cholera or Plague ever existed in this ship % 21. If so, when ? 22. What is the number of Officers f 23. What the number of the Crew % 24. What is the number of Passengers % 25. Wrhat is your cargo ? 26. To whom is the cargo consigned ? 27. What is the present sanitary condition of the vessel, cargo, crew and passengers? 28. Have you a Medical Officer f 29. Give the name of the Medical Officer. 30. Produce the Reports of the Medical Officer. Signature of Master or Captain............................................................... Subscribed to before me, an officer, Witness: ...............................................................................................Official Title. SANITARY RULES RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, TO BE OB SERVED BY VESSELS DURING THEIR STAY IN THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS, AND IN OTHBE PORTS, AND ON THEIR PASSAGE TO AND FROM NEW ORLEANS. (a) Each ocean-going steamship or sailing vessel should be provided with a competent medical officer versed in the sanitation and hygiene of ships sailing in tropical or semi-tropical waters. (6) Physicians attached to ships, steamships or vessels of any description should be considered as the Health Officers, and should be charged with the 7 50 Rules and Regulations of the duty of watching their sanitary condition, and with the conduct of those operations which will promote in the highest degree the health of the officers, crew and passengers, and prevent as tar as possible the introduction of con- tagious and infectious diseases. (c) As far as possible, the commerce of New Orleans with insular, tropi- cal and sub-tropical America, should be conducted by acclimated officers and crews. By the term acclimated is understood those who have suffered at some period of their lives with yellow fever. (d) The attention of the captain, master or medical officer shall at all times and under all circumstances be directed to the personal cleanliness of the crew, and to their food and drinking water. (e) None of the crew should be allowed to sleep on shore at night, or on deck, unless protected by an awning. (/) When in tropical and semi-tropical ports, the officers and men should hold as little intercourse with the shore as possible. ( City Hall, June 25, 1879. ] [No. 6022—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE for the better protection and preservation of the public health. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of New Orleans, ^wdf^etc °f ^hat no Person SDau bring or cause to be brought into the limits of the city of New Orleans any hides, bones, peltry, rags or other articles whatsoever which may tend to produce infection, or in any way to injure or endanger health. Sec 2. No person shall sell, or offer or expose for sale in public or private Sale of putrid any blown, stale, decaying, putrid, rotten or unwholesome pro- meats, vegeta- " ; ' " CT . ' r bies, etc. visions, vegetables, fruits or tainted meats or fish or any impure or unsound food, or any drink liable to be iujurious to health, or the flesh of any animal that has died of disease, or which was diseased when killed. 56 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. Sec. 3. No person shall adulterate, or cause to be adulterated, in any man- AfoUod?retc°n of ner liable to inJ'ure health, any substance intended for food, or any liquor intended for drink, or any drug or medicine, or shall offer for sale any such adulterated article. Sec. 4. No person shall sell, or offer for sale, any poisonous drugs, medr Saous°dfrugSe°tc: cines or chemicals, except on the prescription or written order of a physician; nor unless the receptacle or package containing such poisonous drug, medicine or chemical be marked "Poison"in plain and conspicuous characters. Sec. 5. No distiller, brewer or keeper of any workshop, manufactory or GbXS?,?n laborat°ry, or warehouse-keeper, or owner, or soap-boiler, chand- keefiagVuiler or any other person, shall have, keep or use, produce or store, mafter^n witnin the limits of the city of New Orleans, foul, fetid, putiidor premises. offensive or injurious matters, substances, odors or vapors liable to injure health, and on complaint of the Board ot Health, unless the evil complained of be at once discontinued, the Administrator of Police shall order such places to be forthwith closed, and such business stopped, the con- tinuance of which is liable to injure health. Sec. 0. No person shall sell, or offer for sale, any unwholesome, watered S1tedmudkuletc: or adulterated milk, or milk known as swillmilk, or milk from cows fed on swill, garbage or other unhealthful matters, or any butter or cheese made from any such milk, or any unwholesome butter or cheese. Sec. 7. No person shall keep, throw or deposit any offal, filth, foul or TmatteSoffeansy offensive matter, corrupt or putrid matter, or any shells, hay, SmiorVo straw> kitchen stuff, paper, cloth, vegetable matter, or any sub- any ^ard^o" stance whatever that may be offensive to smell, or injurious to way, etc. health, or liable to become so, in any yard, lot, space or budd- ing, sidewalk, gutter, drain, or canal, or shall permit the same to be done or to remain; provided, that ordinary refuse and sweepings from stores, dwell- ing-houses and other tenements, and kitchen offal, shall be deposited in tubs, boxes, barrels, or other suitable receptacles, and be placed on the outside of the banquettes, convenient for removal by the offal carts; and provided, that from the fifteenth of March to the fifteenth of October of each year, such deposits shall be made not earlier than 3 o'clock a. m. nor later than 7 o'clock A. m., and from the sixteenth of October to the fourteenth of March inclusive, such deposits shall be made not earlier than 3 o'clock a. m. nor later than 8 o'clock A. m., and the receptacles as above shall not be left on the banquettes later than half-past 9 A. m. throughout the year. All persons who are obligated by law or contract to remove or cause to be removed all such matters, substances, or things, shall attend to these duties before the hour of 9 o'clock A. m. on each day of the year. Sec. 8. The Administrator of Police shall, upon complaint of the Board of Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 57 Removal of aii Health, remove or cause to be removed any foul or offensive offensive mat- ' , , ters- matters whatever, to such place or places as may be selected by said board, at the expense of the owner of said matter, or the occupant or owner of the premises where the same may be. Sec. 9. All slaughter-houses, dairies, stables and other places where C1!ia!u£hterf animals are kept f°r any purpose whatever, shall be kept clean houseststabies an^ wholesome bv removal of all ordure, urine and other offens- etc. " ' ive matters, and by suitable cleansing as often as may be necessary. Sec. 10. No person shall impede or obstruct the flow of water in any obstructing.the gutter, canal, pipe or other conduit used for draining within the flow of water. *> ' " r * ° limits of New Orleans. Sec. 11. No person shall deposit or dump manure, offal or other foul and Dumping of offensive matters on any lots, enclosure, open areas or streets; garbage, etc. ./ 7 7 j- 7 provided, that the City Council shall designate certain localities to be used as dumping grounds for such matters, or direct such matters to be burned, when practicable. Sec. 12. No lot shall be used for building purpose s in the city of New Building lots re- Orleans uutil the same shall 'have been inspected by the City Suired to be . j. «/ .7 ued. Surveyor, who shall give a certificate that such lot is filled above the level of the banquette, and graded so as to be effectually drained into the street gutters, and upon such certificate all owners, agents, contractors and builders are required to obtain permits from the Board of Health before commencing the erection of any buildings. Sec. 13. The Board of Health may, in its discretion, for the protection of BdeciM?dt0une ^e anc* nea^n7 declare any structure or place unhealthy, and inhabitable. may order such structure or place forthwith to be vacated and closed; and the same shall not again be occupied until it shall appear to have been so cleansed or repaired as to be fit for human habitation, and permission shall have been granted accordingly by the Board of Health. Sec. 14. All owners and agents of dwelling-houses shall provide that the water supply, game be amply supplied with hydrant water, or with a cistern or cisterns having a suitable capacity, except in cases where a supply of river water is easily accessible. Sec. 15. All owners of premises and cistern builders, in the erection of cis- Covetern°3r cis~ terus for drinking and cuhnary purposes shall provide suitable covers for said cisterns, so as to exclude dust and other matters suspended in the atmosphere. Sec. 16. No person shall commit a nuisance in any public street, square or Committing 0ther place whereby the purity of the atmosphere is liable to suffer. Sec. 17. Whenever any privy vault shall be found defective or leaky the 8 58 Health Ordinances of the City of Neio Orleans, State of Louisiana. D e vaults1 v e Board of Health, through its proper officers, may order the same to be emptied and repaired, or to be rebuilt. Sec. 18. Whenever any privy vault shall be filled within one foot of the vaults when surface, or whenever the Board of Health, through its proper emptied. ' officers, shall so order, such privy shall be emptied by the owner, agent or tenant within forty-eight houts. Sec. 19. The emptying of privy vaults shall be made between the hours of vaults-empty- 5 A# M# ana g P. M ^t least twenty-four hours previous to such mg ot, time " and manner, emptying the contents of the vault shall be thoroughly deodor- ized by means of copperas and carbolic acid or other agents approved by the Board of Health, and immediately afterwards the vault shall be again de- odorized with lime and carbolic acid. Sec. 20. No privy shall be emptied otherwise than by some odorless ap- vauits to be paratus approved bv the Board of Health and the City Council, emptied by an * L * 7 odorless ap- an(j the solid matter shall be placed in air-tight barrels, under paratus. a tent, with the aid of such disinfecting measures as may be approved by the Board of Health. Sec. 21. Whenever, in the opinion of the proper officers of the Board of vaults — Disin- Health, any privy vault may require disinfecting or deodorizing, the same shall be done by the owner or tenant of the premises upon an order therefor, within thirty-six hours. Sec. 22 jSo person or persons engaged in the cleansing and removing Dumping of fee- from miyies, vaults, etc., of foecal matter, shall dispose of, or cal matter. L ' ' ' -1 ' _ dump the same except from the nuisance wharves established by the City Council; provided, that parries engaged in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers may use such foecal matters by special permit, and under regula- tions prescribed bv the Board of Health. Sec. 23. In all cases of permits or orders issued for the abatement of Heiusuection of nuisances the Board of Health will cause reinspections to be vaults, etc. L made after the expiration of the time allowed for compliance ; and no person concerned will be acquitted of the order uutil satisfactory compliance shall have been made. Sec. 21. No tomb, grave or vault containing any dead body shall be 0tombi vaults' °Pelied without permission, in writing, from the proper officers of etc. ' 'the Boaid of Health, and no human body or remains thereof, within the jurisdiction of said board, shall be disinterred or disentombed without its written authority, or be removed from or brought within the limits of the city of New Orleans without such authority first obtained. Sec. 25. Every sexton or other person having charge of any cemetery, Sextons'reports <.T;1V(>yard or burying ground shall, on Monday of each week, how made, before the hour of 9 A. m., make a written report and hand the same into the office of the Board of Health; which said report shall contain Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. the full name of each and every person buried in such cemetery, yard or ground during the seven days next preceding G o'clock P. m. of the last Sunday before making such report, together with a statement of the color, sex, age, nativity, the cause of death of such person, occupation, place of death, social condition and birth price of parents; also what interments were made in the ground and what interments in vaults or tombs, together with the numbers and owners of said vaults or tombs and such other infor- mation as the Board of Health may from time to time require. Sec. 2G. The Board of Health may remove or cause to be removed to hos- E!S£iratof hos- Pital or otner place of treatment any person or persons suffering pitai. from small-pox whenever such removal shall, in the discretion of said board, be deemed necessary for the proper treatment of such person or persons for the prevention or spread of said disease. Sec. 27. All practitioners of medicine, masters of any water-craft, hotel, Dise:ortedt0and Doardhig or lodging-house keepers, principals or masters of any by whom. public or private school, the chief officers or persons in charge of any public institution of charity or of punishment, and heads of families are hereby required to report, within twenty-four hours, to the office of the Board of Health all cases within their cognizance of Asiatic cholera, leprosy, yellow fever, typhus or ship fever, diphtheria, malignaut scarlet fever, small-pox, varioloid, trichiniasis, or any other case that may at any time be specified by the Board of Health. Sec. 28. Parents shall inform principals of schools attended by their chil- dren of any contagious disease occurring in their families. Sec. 29. All animals sick with any contagious or infectious disease shall Removal of ani- be removed at once beyond the limits of the city of New Orleans mals sick with , contagious by the person or persons owning or havmg charge of said ani- mals, and in default of such action said animals may be removed by the Board of Health at the expense of such person or persons. Sec. 30. Whenever any horse, mule, cow or other animal shall die within Removal of the limits under the control of the Board of Health, the owner or ■dead animals. ... , , 11,-1-, keeper thereof shall have it forthwith removed to properly located and au- thorized factories to be disposed of for useful purposes under proper regula- tions, or bury such animal beyond the inhabited portion of the city limits, or cast the same into one of the boats moored to the nuisance wharves. Sec. 31. No person shall hereafter deposit or throw any dead animal, carrion or other offensive or unhealthy matter into the river, except at the points and in the manner designated by law. Sec. 32. The fees for permits issued by the Board of Health shall be as Fees for per - follows: Building permits, twenty-five cents each: permit for mits issued. ° x ' ' r opening a cemetery vault, twenty-five cents; permit for bringing a corpse 60 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. into the city, twenty-five cents; permit for the removal of a corpse from the city, twenty-five cents; permit for emptying a privy vault, twenty-five cents. Sec. 33. All citizens are hereby authorized to lodge complaints at the Lpilint80f com' office of tne Board of Health, or with the sanitary inspectors, or with the sanitary police officers, of any violation of this ordinance; and in order to facilitate such complaints, books of complaint shall be hept at the office of the Board of Health, and at the office of each sanitary inspector, and said books shall be at all times open for entering therein any complaint or wrong. Sec. 34. No person shall willfully obstruct, hinder or resist any officer or Kcerstins °ffi' Person7 duly authorized by the Board of Health, in the execution or enforcement of any sanitary ordinance or order of said board, or in enter- ing into or upon any premises for the purpose of examining the same. Sec. 35. The penalty for violation of any section or portiou of this ordi PSn oTthfs nauce sna11 oe a nne not exceeding twenty-five dollars, recover- ordinance. able before the recorder of the district wherein the offense was committed; or, in default of payment of the fine, imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty days for each and every offense. Sec. 36. Any vidangeur, agent or employee of a vidangeur, or any other ^ondurto/v? Person wn0 snan convey through any street or public way of the dangems. cjty of New Orleans, any excrement not thoroughly deodorized, as required by sections 3 and 4 of Ordinance'4077, Administration Series, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and in default of pay- ing such fine, such offender shall suffer imprisonment in the Parish Prison not exceeding thirty days. Any person who shall convey through such street or public way other ordure, foul and (or) offensive matter, except in an air-tight tub, barrel or other vessel, so as not to be offensive to smell or injurious to health, shall be subject to alike penalty, and suffer in the same manner as prescribed above. Sec. 37. That the members of the Board of Health and its agents, officers and employees, and the members of the Crescent City Police and the Becor- ders of the several districts of this city are specially charged with the en- forcement of the provisions of the ordinance. Sec. 38. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordi- nance are hereby repealed in so far as they may conflict, aLd this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, June 24, 1879. Yeas—Glynn, Houston, Isaacson, Marks, Mealey. (Signed) I. W. PATTON, Mayor. A true copy: Robt, C. Wood, Secretary. Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 61 ORDINANCE EELATING TO SMALL POX. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, April 14, 1870. ] [No. 14—Administration Series.] AN OBDINANCE granting additional authority to the Board of Health to protect the health of the city. Whereas, tint loathsome and infectious disease, small-pox, is on the increase; and, whereas, energetic and effective measures ought to be made use of to secure the disappearance of said disease: Section 1. Be it ordained, That the Board of Health shall have authority to remove to hospital or other place for treatment, any person or persons suffering from smad-pox, whenever such removal shall, in the dis- cretion of said board, be deemed necessary for the proper treatment of such person or persons, or for the prevention of the spread of said disease. Sec. 2. That the Board of Health shall have authority, at its discretion, to prevent access to or egress from, or cause to be vacated, any infected build- ing, place or locality, and to fumigate, or otherwise disinfect any such building, place, or locality, whenever, in the discretion of said board such action shall be deemed necessary to prevent the spread of said disease. Sec. 3. That the Board of Health shall have authority to disinfect or destroy, by burning or otherwise, any infected clothing, bedding, or any sub- stance or material, whenever in the discretion of said board such action shall be deemed necessary to prevent the spread of said disease. Sec. 4. That the expenses incurred in the necessary performance of any ot the duties named in this ordinance shall, after their approval by the Board of Health, be borne by the city of New Orleans; provided, that no contract fixiug the price for the future keeping, maintenance and attendance upon small-pox patients shall be valid, without the previous approval of the Ad- ministrator of Police and the Mayor. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be repealed, so far as they may so conflict, and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, April 14, 1870. BENJ. F. FLANDEBS, Mayor. A true copy: A. Conquest Clark, Secretary. 62 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. ORDINANCE CONFERRING POWER UPON BOARD OF HEALTH TO CIRCUMSCBIBE INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Mayoralty of New Orleans, \ City Hall, July 9, 1879. ] [No. 6046—Administration Series.] AN OBDINANCE for the further protection and preservation of the public health. Be it ordained, etc., That the Board of Health may, at its discretion, regu- late or prevent access to or egress from, or cause to be vacated, any infected building, water-craft, place or locality, or cause to be fumigated or otherwise disinfected, any infected building or water-craft whenever, in the opinion of said board, such action shall be deemed necessary to prevent the spread of any dangerous and infectious diseases; and Be it further ordained, etc., That the Board of Health may disinfect any infected clothing, bedding or other substances whenever, in the discretion of said Board, such action shall be deemed necessary to prevent the spread of disease. Adopted by the Council of New Orleans, July 8, 1879. Teas —Houston, Isaacson, Marks, Mealey. I. W. PATTON, Mayor. A true copy: Bobt. C. Wood, Secretary. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, February 18, 1879. j [No. 4916—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE amending section 21 of Ordinance No. 235, new series, approved August 2, 1806, (article 435 of Leovy & Luzenberefs Digest of the Laws and General Ordinances of the city of New Orleans, edition of 1870.J Article 455 (21). The coroner or coroners, or his or their deputies, mas- ters of any water-craft, boirding or lodging-house keepers, principals or mas- ters of any boarding-school or seminary and all practitioners of medicine, surgeons, obstetricians or physicians, apothecaries, chemists, druggists, mid- wives and all persons who use or pretend* to use medical, obstetrical or surgi- cal means for the treatment of disease, disorder or lesson, are hereby required, each, any, or all of them, as the case may be, to report to the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, all cases of contagious, infectious epi- Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans,"State of Louisiana. 63 demological diseases, especially cholera, yellow fever, trichiniasis, typhus or ship fever, small-pox, diphtheria or any of the grades of such diseases, or any others that may be specified by the Board of Health, or may be gener- ally adjudged contagious or infectious, within t venty-four hours after the same may come under their treatment, cognizance or supervision. And the penalty for offending against this section, or any portion thereof, shall not be less than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense, and in default of payment thereof, the offender shall suffer imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, February 18, 1879. Yeas—Behan, Glynn, Isaacson, Marks, Mealey. I. W. PATTON, Mayor. CEMETERIES AND INTERMENTS. Article 159 (1). [Page 76 of Leovy & Luzenberg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.] That no keeper of any burial ground within the limits of the city shall receive or bury any corpse unless the bearers or carriers of the same shall deliver to him the certificate of a licensed physician, or of a magistrate, or of the coroner, containing a statement, specifying as nearly as possible, the death, name, age, birthplace, sex and color, and setting forth the location of the house or place whence said corpse was taken for burial, giving the name of the owner or lessee of said house or place, and the number and street where said house is situated; and if there is no number, as close a descrip- tion of the situation of said house as possible; and should any keeper of any burial ground refuse or neglect to perform auy of the duties required by this article, he shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars for each and every violation. Art. 160 (2). Whenever the keeper of any of the said burial grounds shall discover that the formalities required by this ordinance cannot be com- plied with by the bearers or the carriers of said corpse, or by any person or persons bringing the same for burial, he shall immediately inform the coroner thereof, in order that said officers may proceed to ascertain whether any crime has been committed ; and for any neglect to comply with this provision the said keeper shall be fined as provided for in the preceding section. Art. 161 (3). All tombs must be built of the best kind of brick or stone, laid in mortar, with the proper proportion of the best cement and sharp sand, and covered with bitumen on the ground floor of each tomb, with walls not less than nine inches in thickness, and plastered.. All the tombs must be kept in good order, and it shall be the duty of the sexton to notify the owners thereof to have them repaired, otherwise it shall be done by the city at the expense of the owners, who shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Art. 165 (7). All sextons shall enter, within the shortest possible delay all deceased persons who may be conveyed to their respective cemeteries in 64 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. graves to be dug not less than four feet in depth, and to be at a distance of at least three feet from each other, according to such limitation as shall be de- scribed by the City Surveyor, and in pursuance of such directions as they may receive from the Mayor ; and it shall be the duty of each of said sextons to keep a book, in which they shall insert, according to their dates, the name, sex, age, business and birthplace of each and every person they shall bury in the ground, or deposit in the tombs; and the said keeper shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, for each and every violation of the foregoing provisions. Art. 169 (11). No burial shall be permitted in any churchyard in this city, except the pastors of their churches, under a penalty of a fine of one hundred dollars. Art. 172 (14). It shall be the duty of every person at whose domicile any person shall have died to cause the same to be buried within forty-eight hours after his death ; and any person offending agaiust this section of this ordinance, shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense. Art. 180 (22). After the passage of this ordinance there shall not be established within the limits of this city any cemetery or depository of the dead, without first having obtained permission from the Common Council, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars per day foi each and every day such establishment shall exist. Art. 183 (2). Every burial certificate shall bear the indorsement of the Recorder of Births and Deaths of the parish of Orleans that such require- ments of existing State laws have been fully complied with. ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE, ETC. OF POISON. No poisonous medicines, drug, preparation or substance shall be held for sale, or sold, or given, or administered, except for lawful purposes, and with proper motives, and by persons competent to give the directions and precau- tions as to the use thereof. Nor shall any bottle, box, parcel or receptacle thereof be delivered to any person unless the same is marked " Poison" in large and legible letters, nor under any circumstances to any person who may be suspected, presumed or judged capable or desirous of using it for any illegal or improper purpose, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. [Health Ordinances for the city of New Orleans (9). The Laws and Gen- eral Ordinances of the city of New Orleans. Leovy & Luzenburo-. Art. 493 ; pp. 180,181.] Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 65 A LAW to prevent the adulteration of articles used as food; to prevent the sale of unwholesome and tainted provisions, the slaughtering of cattle, etc., for food, when in an unhealthy condition, and to prevent the landing of diseased animals within certain prescribed limits. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to adulterate,lb sell or offer for sale in the State of Louisiana, any article of food and sustenance, knowing the same to be adulterated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell or offer for sale any tainted provisions or stale vegetables, or other articles of food, the same being in a condition of decomposition, or unfit for food. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to slaughter for food and offer for sale any cattle, hogs or sheep, the same being in an unhealthy condition. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, railways, steamships, steamboats, water or other craft to dis- charge at any of the depots, wharves or landiugs within the city of New Orleans or any city within the State of Louisiana, or less than two (2) miles distant therefrom, any cattle, swine or sheep forwarded through them or shipped on their own account when the same is known to be in a diseased condition. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for the first offense shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dollars ($25) or three (3) months' imprisonment, and for a second or subsequent offense, shall be punished with a fine of fifty dollars ($50), or not less than six (6) months' imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Secretary of State, immediately upon the pa«aage of this act, shall notify all sheriffs, chiefs of pohce and other executive officers throughout the State to take cognizance thereof, and enforce its provisions. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. R. N. OGDEN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. S. D. McENERY, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Approved March 3, 1880. LOUIS A. WILTZ, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: Will. A. Strong, Secretary of State. 9 66 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, June 23, 1880. J [No. 6533—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE to prevent the sale of adulterated articles used as food, to prevent the sale of unwholesome or tainted provisions, the slaughtering of animals when in an unhealthy condition, and to prevent the landing of dis- < eased animals within the city limits. Be it ordained, 1. That no person shall sell or offer for sale in the city limits any article of food and sustenance knowing the same to be adulterated, tainted, stale, or in a condition of decomposition or unfit for human food. 2. That to prevent meat being sold in an unhealthy condition, no person or persons or corporation shall slaughter for human food and offer for sale in this city, until previously inspected, any cattle, hogs or sbeep. 3. That no person or persons, railways, steamships, steamboats, water and other craft, or common carriers, shall discharge or land at any of the depots, wharves or landings within the city any cattle, swine or sheep, for- warded through them or shipped on their account, when the same is known to be in a diseased condition 4. 'lhat any person, persons or corporation, violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall be fined for the first offense, not less than $15, and imprisoned at the discretion of the Recorder not more than ten days, and for the second and subsequent offenses not more than $25, and imprisoned not over thirty days. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, June 22, 1880. Yeas—Behan, Chevalley, Collins, Glynn. ALF. H. ISAACSON, Mayor ad interim. E. L. Bower, Acting Secretary. I certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 6533, Administration Series, adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, June 22, 1880, and that the same has been duly promulgated in the official journal. ROBT. C. WOOD, Secretary. SHRIMP ORDINANCE. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, June 15, 1880. j [No. 6527—Administration Series.] Be it resolved by the Council of the city of New Orleans, That from and after the first day of May to the first day of October all stalls or stands where fresh crabs or shrimps are sold in the various markets of this city be required to be closed by 10 o'clock A. m. each and every day. Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 67 Be it further resolved, That the selling of fresh shrimps and crabs by peddlers upon the streets be forbidden under all circumstances during the months above stated. Be it further resolved, That for every violation of the above ordinance there shall be a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) or ten days' imprisonment, nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25) or thirty days' imprisonment, per- misable before the recorder of the district in which the offense is committed. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, June 15, 1880. Yeas—Behan, Che valley, Collins, Glynn, Isaacson. (Signed) I. W. PATTON, Mayor. A true copy: Robt. C. Wood, Secretary. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUILDING OF PRIVIES. Mayoralty of New Orleans, \ City Hall, August 20, 1877. ] [No. 4077—Administration Series.] Section 1. Any privy hereafter constructed shall be not to exceed two feet below the surface of the ground, and be walled with brick or stone, laid in cement with sharp sand, its whole depth, with water-tight bottom, and said wall, shall be raised at least one foot above the surface of the ground, and shall be so constructed as not to have any issue or opening on any street, way, yard or place; nor shall it be within three feet of any street or way, and shall, if built adjacent to any wall, whether a party wall or otherwise, be separated therefrom by solid masonry of not less than two feet in thickness, laid in cement, and thoroughly water-proof; and shall have a flue or ventila- tor sufficient for ventilation, extending above the surrounding windows or communicating with a chimney. Any person building or causing any privy to be built in contravention to this section, or any part of it, shall be liable to a fine not to exceed twenty dollars. And the court before which suit may be brought for violation of this section, or any part of it, shall, in rendering its judgment, order such privy to be reconstructed in accordance with the provisions of this section, within a reasonable time, and in default of such compliance with such order, the party so failing to comply shall be subjected to hke penalty and punished as in the first instance; and the Board of Health may cause such order to be complied with at the expense of the person ordered as aforesaid, said expense to be recovered in any count of competent jurisdiction at the suit of said Board. Sections 2, 3 and 4 superseded by sections 18, 19 and 20 of Ordinance No. 6022. Section 5 superseded by Ordinance No. 6462. 68 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. Sec. 6. Whenever, in the opinion of the proper, officer or officers of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, any privy or privy vault shall be in a condition such as to require the same to be deodorized or disinfected, he or they shall cause notice thereof to be given to the owner or tenant of the premises, where such privy or privy vaults may be, to deodorize or disinfect such privy or privy vault within a delay of thirty-six hours; and for any refusal or neglect to obey such notice, within said time, such offender shall be liable to a fine not exceeding the sum of ten dollars. Sec. 7. No person or persons engaged in the cleaning and removing from privies, vaults, etc., of foecal matter, shall dispose of or dump the same except from the nuisance wharves established at the head of------------; provided, that parties engaged in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers may receive and use such foecal matters by special permit and under the regulations prescribed by the Board of Health. In all cases of permits or orders issued for the abatement of nuisances, the Board of Health will cause reinspection to. be made after the expiration of the time allowed for compliance, and no party concerned will be acquitted of the order until saisfactory compliance shall have been made. Resolved, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and are hereby repealed. Adopted by the Council tf the city of New Orleans, August 7, 1877. Yeas—Brown, Cavanac, Denis, Diamond, Edwards, McCaffrey, Rengstorff. ED. PILSBURY, Mayor. A true copy: Thos. G. Rapier, Secretary. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall May 5, 1880. } [No. 6462—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 4077, Administra- tion Series. Be it ordained, That section 5 of Ordinance No. 4077, Administration Series, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : " No privies shall be emptied without a permit from the Board of Health directed to the owner, agent or tenant of the premises, under a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars." Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, May 4 1880. Yeas—Chevalley, Collins, Glynn, Marks, Mealey. !• W. PATTON, Mayor. A true copy: J Robt. C. Wood, Secretary. Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 69 ORDINANCES RELATING TO HOGS, DEAD ANIMALS, STAGNANT WATER, FILLING OF LOTS WITH OFFENSIVE MATTERS. HOGS. [Article 438 (4), page ISO of Leovy & Luzenburg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.] It shall not be lawful for auy person to keep a hog or hogs within the pound limits of this city, nor permit the same to run at large, under the penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. DEAD ANIMALS OR OTHER OFFENSIVE MATTERS. [Article 495 (25), page 184 of Leovy & Luzenberg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.] Any person who shall hereafter throw dead animals, carrion, ordure or other offensive or injurious matter into the river above the waterworks shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. STAGNANT WATER. Art. 658 (4). No person shall suffer stagnant water to remain on his premises, or in any lot owned by him; and any person who shall fail, after sixty days' notice given to him by the street commissioner, to fill up his said lot or premises so as to cause the water to run off into the streets, and not on the adjacent lots, shall be fined in the sums hereinafter mentioned. FILLING OF LOTS. Art. 695 (5). It shall be unlawful to fill up, or partly fill up, any lot with manure or other offensive or deleterious matter. Art. 660 (6). Any person or persons committing any of the offenses, or violating any of the provisions hereinbefore named, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and in default of the payment of the penalty, he shall be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUILDING OF STABLES. [Page 472 of Leovy & Luzenberg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.] Art. 1060 (1). It shall not be lawful to erect within the following limits: East of Apollo, between the upper line of the city and Felicity; east of Ben- ton, between Felicity street and New Canal; east of Galvez street, between the New Canal and Canal Caroudelet; east of Broad street, between Canal Caron- delet and Esplanade street; east of Goodchildren street, between Esplanade and Independence; above Independence, from Goodchildren to the river, any livery stable, or to erect or keep any stable or shed, for the purpose of keeping more than two cows, without first obtaining leave of the City Coun- 70 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. cil. Any person violating these provisions shall be fined not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars, and five dollars a day for every day he shall use the said stables after notice from the Street Commissioner. Art. 1064 (5). No stable shall be erected within five feet of the sidewalk of any public street or road, unless the line of the stable along the street be a brick wall without opening thereon, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. [Article 1066. Page 472 of Leovy & Luzenberg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.] It shall not be lawful for any persou or persons to build any stable or stables for the accommodation of more than two horses or two cows, without having obtained a permission from the Common Council; any person or per- sons violating the foregoing shall pay a fine of ten dollars per day for every day they shall be in contravention. That all ordinances or resolutions contrary to the foregoing are hereby repealed. ORDINANCE RESPECTING HATCHWAYS AND STAIRCASES. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, November 26, 1873. } [No. 2400—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE respecting hatchicays and staircases. Be it ordained by the Council of the city of New Orleans, That article 674 of the Revised City Laws and Ordinances be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: The proprietor or proprietors of every store, warehouse, or other building, wherein there shall be hatchways, staircases or other exposed openings in the floor, unprovided with trap doors, shall construct a strong and durable railing around said openings, the same to be movable, if so desired; said railings or trap-doors to be suitably adjusted each evening upon the closmg of the building. For any violation of the foregoing provisions the occupant or occupants of the building shall be subjected to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction- and for further protection to firemen while in the discharge of their duties, and to prevent the deplorable accidents resulting from staircases and hatch- ways left unprotected as aforesaid, the police of the city are hereby author- ized and required to inspect, at suitable hours, all warehouses etc., upon their respective beats, and to report all violations of this ordinance through the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police to the Mayor, in order that the proper fines may be inflicted, and that this ordinance may be effectually enforced. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, November 25 1873. LOUIS A. WILTZ, Mayor! A true copy: ' J Daniel Scully, Secretary. Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. 71 ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SANITARY CONDITION OF HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOUSES. [Article-467 (1). Page 191 of Leovy & Luzenberg's Revised Ordinances of 1870.1 Hereafter, any proprietor of any hotel or boarding-house kept in this city, and capable of accommodating more than seventy-five boarders or lodgers, shall keep a cart well covered and so constructed as to be capable of carrying off all the slops and offals from said hotels, as well as the sewerage from their water-closets and privies, without emitting any offensive odors, at the hour hereinafter designated. Art. 468 (2). It shall be the duty of the proprietor of every such hotel or boarding-house to cause all such slops, offals and sewerage from their re- spective establishments to be removed in a cart, constructed' as aforesaid, and emptied into the Mississippi river at the nuisance wharves of the city, every night, between the hours of 11 o'clock p. m. and 3 o'clock A. M.; and on failure to do so every night, as above ordained, each and every proprietor so offending shall be liable to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, recoverable before any of the recorders of the city, or any court of competent jurisdic- tion, for the use of the city. Art. 469 (3). Hereafter it shall be unlawful for the proprietors of any hotel or boarding-house in this city to empty, or cause to be emptied, the slops or offals of their respective establishments in the streets of this city, or to establish and maintain, or to maintain and carry on, if already established, any sewer from their water-closets or privies into the gutters of the streets of the city; and every proprietor of any hotel or boarding-house violating this section of the above-named ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, recoverable before any of the recorders of this city or any court of competent jurisdiction, for the use of the city, for each offense and for every day that such sewer may exist. GRADING AND DRAINAGE OF GUTTERS. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, May 26, 1880. ) [No. 6493—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE providing for the proper grading and drainage of the gut- ters of streets parallel with the river. Whereas, section 25 of the City Charter provides " that the City Coun- cil shall, whenever it may deem it for the public interest, by ordinance pro- vide for the improving, repairing, grading and regrading of any street or streets, or any portion thereof, by contract;" and 72 Drainage Contract. Whereas, a perfectly sanitary condition of the gutters can be obtained only by a constant flow of water through the gutters of the streets leading from the river, and in those of the streets parallel with the river the preserva- tion of a state of absolute dryness; and Whereas, by means of a pipe along the river front the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association are about to provide for the flushing of all streets perpendicular to the river, Be it ordained, That whenever one-half of the owners of real property on any single square fronting on a parallel street shall by petition, signed by the petitioner or petioners, and addressed to the Council, ask for the regrad- ing of the gutters of said square, so that the flow of storm or other water may be rapid and uninterrupted from the centre of said square to each cor- ner of the next perpendicular street above and below, the Council shall, by resolution, order said regrading to be done in accordance with lines and levels to be furnished by the City Surveyor, and the whole cost of said im- provement shall be borne by the owner or owners of real properties fronting on said street in equal proportion, according to the running foot frontage. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, May 25, 1880. Yeas—Chevalley, Glynn, Isaacson, Marks, Mealey. I. W. PATTON, Mayor, A true copy: Robt. C. Wood, Secretary. DRAINAGE CONTRACT. SPECIFICATIONS for the contracts for repairing, Tceeping in repair and running the Draining Machines of the city of New Orleans for the term of two years. FIRST CONTRACT. First Section—The Dublin and Melpomene Machines. The draining section to comprise all that portion of the city bounded by the river, the upper limits of the city, Carrollton, Melpomene and Claiborne streets, New Canal and Julia street. SECOND CONTRACT. Second Section—The Bienville Street Machine. The draining section to comprise all that portion of the city bounded by Julia street, the New Canal, Metairie Ridge, Bayou St. John, Carondelet Canal, Toulouse street and the river. THIRD CONTRACT. Third Section—The London Avenue Machine. The draining section to comprise all that portion bounded by the river Drainage Contract. 73 Toulouse street, the Carondelet Canal, Bayou St. John, Marigny Canal, the Gentilly Ridge, Elysian Fields, Liberal, Mandeville, Solidelle, St. Ferdinand, Claiborne and Poland streets. The contractor for the first section shall bind himself to furnish immediate- ly to the Dublin Avenue Machine a new set of three boilers to be of 42 inches in diameter, 24 feet long, of the best charcoal hammered iron, 4-16 of an inch thick, free from blisters, flaws or any injurious defects, well and closely riveted and caulted with wrought iron heads of half an inch iron, well braced, the boilers to receive two 15-inch flues, made of similar iron as that comprising the shell; said flues to be well and securely fastened to the end of the boilers, and to have the usual main and hand holes, with plate arches, etc. The boilers, after completion, shall be tested by a State inspector to a pressure of 150 pounds to the square inch, all the necessary steam and water gauges to be furnished and fitted by the contractor. The engines, boilers, buildings, apparatus, draining-wheels, sluices, gates, enclosures, etc., shall be delivered to the contractor in whatever condition they may be on the day of their delivery by the city, and it shall be the duty of the contractors immediately thereafter to cause all necessary repairs to be made to the same, so as to keep them in running order and capable to per- form the required work, drainage of their respective sections, and it shall be the duty of the contractors during the continuation of their contract to always keep the same in the best repair, order and condition to the entire satisfaction of the Administrator of Improvements and the City Surveyor and at the expiration of their contracts, to return the same to the city in the most perfect order and condition satisfactory to the City Surveyor and the Administrator of Improvements jointly. The contractors shall be bound to keep, at all times, their entire respective drainage section free of all rain sewerage and lake waters coming from the river through pipes or drains also of all water admitted from the navigation canals, and also of all water discharged fiom waterworks which are. now or may hereafter be established through the city, to a depth of three feet below the surface of the lowest ground in their respective sections. The contractor shall be bound to clean and always keep cleaned the tail races of the draining-wheel or wheels, so that the flood-gates may at all times have free and proper action required by the contract. An inventory of all the tools, oil, fuel, etc., 'shall be taken at the time of the delivery of the same to the contractor. This inventory to specify cor- rectly the condition and quantity of every article: the contractor at the expiration of his contract shall return the same to the city in like good order and condition, and in equal quantities. The contractors shall be bound to call at the City Surveyor's office once a week to receive orders relative to the work to be done by them, and all orders written in the order book in said office shall be considered equivalent to written orders served upon the contractor in person at the date thereof. The whole work shall be performed to the entire satisfaction of the City 10 74 Drainage Contract. Surveyor and Administrator of Improvements. Good and solvent security to an amount of $5,000 shall be required from the contractor to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract. A deposit of $500 will be required to be made with the Administrator of Finance to insure the faithful performance of the notarial contract after the adjudication is made, said deposit to be returned. No bids will be opened unless accompanied by a receipt of the Adminis- trator of Finance that the above-required deposit has been made. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and readvertise and resell, if deemed necessary; all parties whose bids are declined shall have their deposit money returned upon the day of adjudication of contract. Payments to be made monthly, on presentation of the certificates of the City Surveyor and approved by the Administrator of Improvements. Whenever the City Council shall order any of the drainage canals to be cleaned, deepened or widened or any new canal to be dug, the contractor shall be bound to drain daily the water from the canals of the section as low down as the draining wheels will admit until the work on said canal or canals is completed. From the 1st of May to the 1st of November following the contractors shall be bound to open daily the sluice-gates or stop-cocks of the sluices or pipes connecting with the navigation canals which are now, or which may hereafter be constructed, and allow the water from said navigation canals to flow into the draining canals for the purpose of washing out and cleaning the said draining canals, and they shall also be bound to drain the water thus admitted. All engineers, firemen, laborers, fuel, oil, etc., and all materials and work- manship requisite for the faithful performance of the contract shall be of the best qualLy, and shall be furnished by the contractor, and paid for by him. The contractor shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars for each and every neglect of duty, said fine to be imposed by the Administrator of Im- provements and retained by the City Surveyor out of the monthly payments to be made to said contractors, and shall also be liable for all damages that may accrue to the property-holders and residents of the section from over- flows occurring by his neglect or failure or incapacity to perform the same, the city retaining in guarantee, until the expiration of each and every year during the continuance of the contract, ten per cent, of the amount of each and every monthly certificate, which ten per cent, of the amount shall then be paid to the contractor on final certificate, to be issued only in case said machine, building, etc. be found in the most perfect order and condition; otherwise the said ten per cent, and the amount of the last month by certifi- cates to be forfeited for the use of the city. The contract shall be adjudicated for the term of two years from the 1st day of July, 1879. Bids to be per year for the whole work included in each and everycontract. Drainage Contract. 75 GENERAL CLAUSES. It is well understood that, in case of failure by the contractor to begin or finish the work or any part of the same within the time fixed, or in case the City C»uncil be dissatisfied with the manner in which the work is being exe- cuted, the City Council shall have the right to annul the contract without putting the contractor in default, as required by article 1905 of the Civil Code, or any law or laws, and without applying to a court of justice to annul the same, and without indemnity; and it is well understood also that, in case the contractor shall at any time abandon the work, or not finish and com- plete the same in conformity with this contract, the said contractor shall for- feit all claims he may have for any part of the work done by him up to the date of his abondonment, and that the city shall be thereby discharged and released from any and all liabilities therefor; and it is also well understood that, in case the contract be sold, the contractor and his securities shall be held and bound in solido to pay into the city all loss or difference between the price at which the contractor originally contracted to perform the work and the price at which it may be adjudicated at a resale, or readjudicated by the contractor, expressly agreeing and understanding that this contract is in all things binding, and that such contractor or his heirs, legal representa- tives or assignees shall at no time in any court of justice by pleas, answers, exceptions, motion, objection of any sort, kind or description, or under any circumstances set up, urge or in any way allege, plead or claim that the con- dition in this specification is not in all respects legal, binding and obligatory on such contractor, his legal representative or assignees. (Signed) W.' C. BROWN, City Surveyor, Few Orleans, July 19,1879, 76 Removal and Rendering of Dead Animals REMOVAL AND RENDERING OF DEAD ANIMALS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Mayoralty of New Orleans, ) City Hall, September 29,1880. J • [No. 6648—Administration Series.] AN ORDINANCE relative to the removal and rendering of dead animals ivithin the limits of the city of New Orleans. Whereas, it has been brought to the knowledge of the Council, by com- munications from the Board of Health, that great abuses and nuisances en- dangering the public health and welfare now exist, arising from the modes of removing and rendering dead animals within the limits of this city : and, Whereas, the disposition of the carcasses of dead animals within the limits of a large and populous city, situated in a semi-tropical climate, is eminently a matter of public regulation, calling for stringent laws from the health and police authorities. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the city of New Or- leans, with the concurrence of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, That from and after the expiration often days from the passage of this ordi- nance, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corpora- tions, to remove, for the purpose of rendering, or to render, the remains and carcass of any dead horse, mare, mule, ox, steer, cow, calf or ass that may be found within the limits of the city of New Orleans, except such as are law- fully slain for the purposes of human food, unless such removal and render- ing are done under and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That before any person or persons, corporation or corporations, shall have the privilege of removing or render- ing the remains and carcasses of the dead animals above mentioned, they shall present a petition to the Board of Health, setting forth the locality to which the removal is to be made, and where the rendering is to be done, the apparatus to be used in such rendering, and the products to be derived there- from. If the Board of Health is, after examination and inspection, satisfied of the eligibility of the locality and the sufficiency of the apparatus, it shall indorse its permission upon said petition, which shall thereupon be filed in the office of the Mayor of the city of New Orleans, accompanied by a bond in the sum of $5,000, with securities resident in this city, satisfactory to the Mayor, conditioned that the said petitioner will faithfully comply with all the provisions of this ordinance. The Mayor shall thereupon issue to such petitioner a certificate that the provisions of this ordinance have been com phed with, and that said petitioner is licensed to remove and render the dead animals herein mentioned. This certificate and hcense shall, be strictly per- sonal and shall not be liable to sale or transfer to any other person. within the Limits of the City of New Orleans. 77 Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of persons or companies hcensed as in the foregoing section, within five hours after being notified by the Chief of Police, or any member of the Crescent City Police; or any sanitary inspector, or any authorized agent of the Board of Health, to remove the carcass of any of said animals, the same to be con- veyed away in the most inoffensive mannner possible, causing them to be covered with tarpaulins or otherwise. The drivers of teams conveying away said carcasses shall not stop on the way, unless detained by some unforeseen accident, under a penalty of not less than $5 or more than $25 fine, for each offense, or imprisonment not exceeding ten days, to be enforced against the driver before the recorder of the district in which the offense occurs. The dead animals removed or rendered under the provisions of this ordinance shall be so removed and rendered without any cost or expense whatever to either the city of New Orleans or the owner of such carcass. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the police department to notify the person or company, their officers or agents, the locality of whose licensed rendering establishment is nearest to the place where any such carcass may be found, of the whereabouts of such carcass, and if, within five hours of such notification, the person or company so noti- fied does not remove such carcass, they shall be liable to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $25, or to imprisonment for ten days; and in case the person thus delinquent is an incorporated company, the president thereof shall be the person on whom the penalty shall be imposed. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That none of the products of render- ing any carcass,' specified in section 1 of this ordinance, shall be employed or utilized for purposes of human food, and that all grease and other products, except such as are manufactured as fertilizers, rendered or manufactured, or packed for use or transportation to or from market in the city of New Or- leans or elsewhere, shall be branded on each and every package with a burning brand, as follows: "Product of dead animals, New Orleans." Any violation of the provisions of this section shall ipso facto cancel the license granted as provided in section 2 of this ordinance, and operate as a forfeiture of the bond given as herein provided, the amount of such bond being hereby fixed as a penalty in the nature of liquidated damages to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of each and every owner or proprietor of any of the above-named animals, or persons having such animals in his custody or under his control, within three hours after the death of such animal, to cause the same to be removed to some licensed place of rendering, or within the same time to notify the nearest police or sanitary officer of the whereabouts of said carcass, and permit the same to be removed by the licensed person notified as provided in this ordi- nance, without delay or hindrance, on due application for that purpose by the licensee, his agents or servants. 78 Removal and Rendering of Dead Animals. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shaU be adjudged guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof before the recorder of the district in which the offense is committed shall be fined in a sum of not less than $10 or more than $25 for each offense, or imprisoned not less than ten or more than thirty days. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances contrary to the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Adopted by the Council of the city of New Orleans, September 28, 1880. Yeas—Behan, Chevalley, Collins, Glynn, Isaacson, Marks, Mealey. I. W. PATTON, Mayor. A true copy: N. S. Abrams, Assistant Secretary. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVEIE SANITARY INSPECTORS Al SANITARY POLICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. CIRCULARS AND FORMS OF REPORTS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITARY IN- SPECTORS, AND SANITARY POLICE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. At the regular meeting of the Board of Health, on the 30th of September, 1880, Dr. Formento submitted the following report of the special committee, which was unanimously adopted: 1. The Sanitary Inspector of each city district shall have an office located in a central and convenient portion of his district, and which shall be open every day for the benefit of the public from 8 o'clock, a. m., to 4 o'clock, p. m. Said office shall contain all the official archives, books, papers, etc., of the district; also a special book for " complaints," in which all complaints and notices of nuisances shall be accurately entered. 2. The Sanitary Inspector shall keep regular office hours, from 12 to 2, p. M., during which hours he will attend personally to the transaction of his office duties. 3. He shall, once a day, report at the office of the Board of Health, either in person or through his sanitary officer. 4. He shall strictly enforce all the rules and regulations of the Board of Health, and see that all sanitary laws are rigorously carried out. He shall give his special attention to sanitary measures concerning markets, pubhc schools, prisons, hospitals, asylums and other charitable institutions, and shall report on their condition; also on that of streets and gutters, of privies wharves, tenement-houses, slaughter-houses, dairies, cisterns, etc. 80 Rules and Regulations Governing Sanitary Inspectors and Police. 5. He shall inspect personally all the shipping in his district on the river front, as well as in the Old and New Basins, and report on their exact sani- tary condition and health of their crews. 6. He shall make out, in his monthly report, a complete and accurate tableau of the total number of deaths, and causes of same, occurring in his district, with the age, nativity, sex and color of each case. 7. It shall be his duty to report all cases of contagious or infectious dis- eases in his district, viz : Cholera, diphtheria, yellow fever, typhus or typhoid fever, small-pox, scarlatina, etc., and to see that the premises in which such cases have occurred be properly cleansed, fumigated, disinfected, etc., and to see that the cases are isolated. 8. He shall vaccinate, free of charge, the poor children in his district. 9. He shall distribute gratuitously in his district the disinfectants recom- mended by the Board of Health, giving necessary instructions as to the proper manner of using them. 10. He shall also distribute among the people all the printed rules and regulations and circulars of the Board of Health, giving to those seeking them free advice and instruction on all sanitary matters, in order to secure a more general and uniform adoption by the people of hygienic measures. 11. All reports and communications of sanitary inspectors, whether writ- ten or verbal, shall be addressed directly to the President of the State Board of Health, or to one of the members of said board, and no person outside of the president or members shall receive any information of an official charac- ter from any of the district sanitary inspectors. Neither shall any publica- tion relating to the sanitary operations of the Board of Health be made by any sanitary inspector, except by order of the Board of Health. 12. The sanitary police officers shall be assigned to their respective duties by the President of the Board of Health, and shall carry out all instructions and orders emanating from the Board under the direction and supervision of the sanitary inspectors. It shall be their duty to enforce all sanitary laws and regulations enacted by the city. F. FORMENTO, M. D., Chairman Committee. J. C. BEARD, M. D., I. N. MARKS, E. T. SHEPARD, M. D., E. HERNANDEZ, R. BREWSTER. BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE OF LOUISIANA. [Circular No. 1.] Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by the Sanitary Inspectors of the City of Neiv Orleans. Office of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana ) State-House, April 22, 1880. ' J 1. House-to-house inspections must be pressed as rapidly as possible. 2. Order the abatement of all nuisances. 3. Order the emptying and disinfection of all foul privies. Circulars and Forms of Reports. 81 4. Order the periodic disinfection at intervals of not less than seven days of all privies and water-closets. 5. Order the cleansing and disinfection of all foul alleys and yards. 6. Enforce the ordinance which compels all citizens to place the garbage and refuse matters of dwellings, hotels, stores, markets, manufactories and stables in boxes or barrels, or other suitable receptacles, for removal by the garbage carts. DISINFECTION. The Board of Health of the State of Louisiana deem it important that the people should be instructed with regard to the value and importance of disin- fection, for the removal of foul gases and emanations, and for the destruction of the poisons of infectious and contagious diseases. To accomplish the greatest good for the preservation of the health of the people, disinfection should be practiced at regular intervals throughout the entire year; but more fully and frequently in the city of New Orleans during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October. By disinfection and household sanitation, the people should seek to avert or prevent pestilence, and should not delay the practice of these important measures until disease is actually developed, by the neglect and violation of sanitary laws. Each citizen, therefore, by obeying rigidly sanitary laws be- comes the guardian of the health of his household. New Orleans is without sewers, and the privies necessarily contain at all times an immense amount of foecal matter. Even under the most energetic system of removal of the contents of the privies, it is essential that disinfect- ants be used in this hot, moist climate, at regular intervals. It should be borne in mind, however, that dismfection cannot be substituted for want of cleanliness or of ventilation, but should be used for the prevention of those putrefactive processes, which result in the generation of compounds and agents deleterious to man. In the selection of disinfectants reliable agents should be secured, which can be procured in a state of purity, and at so small a cost that they can be used in adequate quantities and at stated intervals.* *n i i i,„+„ ~p iwvn\ n Carbolic acid (Calvert's No. 5)........................................................ * -» Water (50 gallons)........................................................................ Total cost per 50 gallons......................................................i !?Jh! Costper gallon.....................................................................4 cents Proprietary and patent disinfectants have not been recommended on account of their uncertain composition ^CoSas tos °blen recommended as a reliable and cheap disinfectant and deodorizer,in preference to the go-caUedzinc iron disinfectant, because the latter, as sold in the oity of New Orleans, has been found, upon annlvsis to be variable in composition and in value. ,.«,.<• , « A, This will be illustrated by the following table, presenting the results of analysis of various samples of ttw sine-iron disinfectant offered in the market of New Orleans; 11 82 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the DISINFECTANTS. DISINFECTION OF PRIVIES AND WATER CLOSETS. For the disinfection of privies, cess-pools, water closets and vaulfs, use the following: Sulphate of Iron (green vitriol, or copperas)............8 pounds. Calvert's Carbolic Acid, No. 5...............'..........1 pint. Wafer........,......................................4 gallons. Diss >lve the green vitriol in hot water, and when cool add the carbolic acid. Add one gallons of this mixture fo the privy or water closet to be dis- infected, and thereafrer one quart every fifth day, or oftener, if foul smell be evolved from the privy. Lime should not be used in the disinfection of privies, as it decomposes the salts of ammonia. This objection, however, does not apply to the sulphate of lime (plaster of Paris), which may be used with advantage in combination with carbolic acid and copperas. The walls of privies and all unpainted wood-work should be whitewashed. FOUL DRAINS, DAMP FOUL YARDS, STABLES, COW-HOUSES, MARKETS AND SLAUOHTER-HOUSES. Fresh-slaked lime, chloride of lime, plaster of Paris and sulphate of iron should be sprinkled over damp and foul places, drains and yards. For dis- infection of such places a simple solution of sulphate of iron or copperas, in proportion of one and a half pounds to the gallon, may be used. The cop- peras solution may be prepared in large quantities for markets, stables and slaughter-houses, foul yards, drain's and gutters, by hanging a basket con- taining about seventy pounds of copperas in a barrel of water. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health. RESULTS OP CHEMICAL ANALYSTS BY JOSEPH JONES, M. D., PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE OP LOUISIANA, OF ZINO-IRON DISINFECTANT, AS OFFEKED IN THE MARKET OF NEW ORLEANS, 1879 AND 1880. From whence obtained— A. K Fiulay........................... Stern's Fertilizing Company............ I. L. Lyons........................... Erich Brand............................ First District Sanitary Office Free Distribution San'ty Aux. Ass'n. -. Solid Matte)-. Oxide of Iron. Sulphuric Acid. Specilic In one gal. In ono gal. In one gal. gravity. Grains. Grains. Grains. 1,350 19,392 16,640 323.02 1,330 21.056 12,800 5,383 68 1,355 23.S52 10,752 10,013.64 1,358 24,832 10,240 10.(559.68 1.310 20,672 10,496 13,997.56 1.295 20,352 8.448 10,090.38 Chlorine. Iu ono gal. Grains. 4,306.73 8.053.36 2,913.38 4,623.41 3.166 72 2,660.04 It will be seen from the preceding table that the solid saline ingredients in one gallon varied from 19,392 grains to 24,832 grains; the oxides of iron from 8,448 grains to 16,640 grains ; the sulphuric acid from 323 grains to 13,997 grains ; the chlorine from 2 660 to 8,053 grains. The only sample which approached the theoretical standard was that manufactured by A. K. Fiulay. It is evident that the so-called zinc-iron disinfectant consisted largely of a mixture ot sulphate of iron and hydrochloric acid. The large amount of sulphuric acid, as shown by the analysis, existed in combination with iron, constituting sulphate of iron. Each gallon of the most concentrated samples of the zinc-iron disinfectant yielded less than four pounds (7,000 grains per piund) avoirdupois, of saline matter, composed largely of sulphate of iron. This disinfectant was sold in this market in prices varying from 40 to 60 cents per gallon ; or at the rate of from ten to fifteen cents per pound of saline matter, composed largely of the sulphate of iron. It is evident, therefore, that four gallons of the so-called zinc-iron disinfectant would cost as much as fifty gallons of the disinfectant recommended by the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 83 BOARD OF HEALTH, STATE OF LOUISIANA. [Circular JSo. 2.] Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by the Sanitary Inspectors and Police of the City of New Orleans with reference to the conduct of the Nuisance Wharf and the removal and final disposition of Night Soil. Office of the Borad of Health of the State of Louisiana, ) State-House, August 3, 1880. ) After a careful inspection of the nuisance wharf, and after the considera- tion of the complaints of citizens concorniag the apparatus, the mode of dis- infection and manner of removal and final disposition of night-soil by indi- viduals and companies, the following regulations are established for the guidance of the Sanitary Inspectors and Police of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana: 1. The contents of privies are not properly and thoroughly disinfected by the various excavating companies. In order to remedy this difficulty each Sanitary Inspector should carry out the following rules, and order his police officers to compel the night-soil men and excavating companies to comply fully with the specifications of this circular : (a) Copperas (sulphate of iron), should be used in the preliminary disin- fection of the contents of privies in. the proportion of four pounds to each barrel of excrement to be removed ; one-half this amount of copperas to be used in solution twenty-four hours before the contents of the vaults are dis- turbed, and the remainder during the emptying of the privy. Therefore two disinJections should be practiced, namely: The first twenty-four hours before, and the second during the removal of the contents. (b) In order to secure the proper and thorough disinfection of the night- soil, the Sanitary Inspectors should issue special orders to the Sanitary Police, detailing them during certain days, or at certain specified periods, to superintend the labors of the vidangeurs during the disinfection and excava- tion of privies and privy vaults. Stringent orders should be issued by the Sanitary Inspector of each district, through his Sanitary Police, commanding the night-soil men to execute the proper disinfection, and at the same time requiring full and specific reports from the police officers. 2. Grave complaints have been made against the imperfect construction and action of the apparatus (pumps, tanks, barrels, etc.,) of the various excavating companies. In order to rectify this difficulty, each Sanitary Inspector will at once pro- ceed to inspect and carefully test the apparatus for the excavation of night- poil in his district, and at once report all imperfections to the Board of Health. The charges should be specific, so that the necessary legal steps may be taken. The Sanitary Inspectors of each district should, at intervals of not more than one month, execute similar inspections as previously detailed. 84 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the 3. In all cases where orders have been issued for the emptying of privies, the Sanitary Inspector should order reinspections for the verification of the execution of the sanitary order. The Sanitary Inspector of each district should also verify the execution of the sanitary ordinances relating to privies, by a comparison of the date and number of the original order, with the date and number of the permit granted by the Board of Health. 4. One or more policemen shall be detailed to superintend the execution of the law with reference to the filling, towing, emptying and cleansing of the nuisance boats. Said policemen shall be under the immediate direction of the sanitary officer or officers of the district or districts in which the nuisance boat or boats are located. 5. With reference to the nuisance wharf and boats the following points should be observed: (a) The windows of the house devoted to the reception of the night-soil should be closed during the emptying of the contents of the barrels into the hold of the nuisance wharf. (b) During the discharge of the excrement into the hold of the nuisance boats fresh air should be fully supplied to the house by means of bellows. (c) The opening for ventilation upon the roof of the house should be suffi- ciently large, and should be supplied with charcoal furnaces, in which fire shall be kept burning during the discharge of the contents of the barrels. (d) The furnaces covering the ventilation of the nuisance boat should be kept suppbed with burning charcoal both during and after the emptying of the contents of the barrels or tanks into the hold of the nuisance wharf. (e) All joints and openings on the nuisance boat should be rendered air- tight by means of canvass saturated with coal-tar. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health, State of Louisiana. Joseph Jones, M. D., S. S. Herrick, M. D., President. Secretary and Treasurer. Office Board of Health, State of Louisiana, ) State-House, New Orleans,......188.. ) Take notice that you are hereby required to.......................... within......days from the service of this notice, and in case of non-compli- ance with the requisites of the above notice you will be dealt with according to law. Secretary Board of Health. Served by Officer.................... Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 85 No......... BOAED OF HEALTH. Office Sanitary Inspector.....District, .Street, New Orleans,.........188 New Orleans,.....*.....188.. N°.......... Mr.....................Owner or Occupant. Upon whom served........ Sir—Take Notice that you are hereby re- Date of service............ quired to........................within___ By whom served.......... hours from the service of this Notice, and in Nuisance.................. case of non-compliance with the requisites of No. of Lot or Dwelling___ the above Notice, you will be dealt with ac- Complainant............... cording to law. Disinfect with.............. ................M. D., Sanitary Inspector......District. Served by Officer................ BOARD OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION. New Orleans,. ...........188.. I hereby certify that on the........day..............188.., I vaccinated (examined)..................of number..............street,............ aged---years____months___weeks, and that the evidence of successful vaccination are satisfactory. ........................M. D. Residence...................... free vaccination Every Wednesday and Saturday, from 1 to 2 o'clock, at the office of the Sanitary Inspectors of each district. School children furnished gratuitously with certificates of vaccination by Sanitary Inspectors every Wednesday and Saturday, from 1 to 2 o'clock. New Orleans,..................188.. To the Board of Health : I hereby report a case of......at number.......street. Name.........„ age......, nativity......, color......; date of attack......; length of time in the city...... ..........................M. D, Address......................... 86 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the BOARD OF HEALTH. Office of Recorder of Births, Marriages and Death, State-House, corner Royal and St. Louis streets, New Orleans,................188.. M, You are hereby notified that a fine of Ten Dollars will be assessed against you for neglecting to record the birth of your child, born at ........street,..................188.., within three days from the service hereof. Recording Fee, 50 Cents. ........................M. D., President Board of Health, and ex-officio Recorder Births, Marriages and Deaths. Reported by.............,....... PARISH OF ORLEANS. Office of Board of Health and Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Received from M............the sum of fifty cents (50 cents) for Regis- tering the Birth of..............in Book......Folio...... New Orleans,..............188.. Born.................. ............................, Recorder. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health and Ex-officio Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Office of Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths, ) Parish of Orleans, State-House, New Orleans......188 ) Received from Mr............the sum of one dollar for registering the marriage of M............and M............in book___folio___ ......................Recorder. [Every marriage celebrated in this parish must be recorded in this office within ten days thereafter.] JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health and ex-officio Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 87 CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH. Name of child...... Sex................ Color or race........ Place of birth....... Time of birth....... Legitimate......... Age of father....... Residence of Parents Remarks:............, I certify that I attended the mother during child-birth. Names of witnesses: t^Physicians are reminded of the importance of filling out these blanks with accuracy, as they are the basis of the vital statistics of the city. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Name........cause of death......date of death......place of death..... color or race......sex......occupation......place of birth......time in this city---age___year___month---days. Condition : Single......manied ......widow......birth place of father---birth place of mother.......... Remarks:.................................. I certify that I attended the person above named, who died of the disease stated on the day named. ......................M. D. Address...................... No.................. Street, New Orleans, La. [^Physicians are reminded of the importance of filling out these certifi- cates with accuracy, as they are the basis of the vital statistics of the city. Name of father....... Maiden name of mother Birth place of father--- Birth place of mother.. Occupation of father... Occupation of mother.. Age of mother........ 88 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the Office of Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths, > No..... For the Parish of Orleans, New Orleans,........188.. J License is hereby granted to...............to join in the Bonds of Matri- mony............aged......years, a native of..........(issue of.......... and..........). And...........aged......years, a native...........of ............(issue of............and............) on complying with the formalities required by law. Witnesses. Ex-officio Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. The marriage shall be recorded, and this license returned to the office of Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths, within ten days after its celebra- tion, under the penalty of law. ....................I do hereby certify, that on the .............188.. after having received the mutual consent of the contracting parties in presence of the undersigned witnesses, I have celebrated the maniage of the within named parties: ................, native of............, son of........... and................, native of................daughter of.............. and................ Contracting (........................ Parties. \........................ Witnesses: <........................ [The Minister is respectfully requested to give the residence of the Contracting Parties.] Office Board of Health, State of Louisiana, \ New Orleans,..........188.. } Rev..........Dear Sir : Your attention is earnestly invited to Act No. 80, passed at the extra session of the Legislature of Louisiana, of 1877 : Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That every marriage celebrated in the parish of Orleans shall be recorded in said office j such record shall show the full names of the contracting parties, their age, nativity, date of license of marriage, and by whom issued, the names of the parents or tutors of the contracting parties, the name of the officer, priest or .ecclesiastic cele- brating the marriage, with the date of its celebration, and the names of the witnesses thereto, and any such facts as the board may judge necessary for vital statistics. It shall be the duty of the officer, priest or ecclesiastic cele- brating any marriage, to return the license authorizing such marriage to said office after having endorsed on such license the date of such celebration • these licenses so returned shall be preserved among the papers of said board. Your co-operation in a matter of so much importance to science, and to society, is particularly solicited. Very Respectfully, JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President S. S. Herrick, M. D., Secretary. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 89 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans. Office of the Board of Health, Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. This is to certify, that it appears from the Records of this office, that on this day, to-wit: the___ .. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and..............and the................of the Independence of the United States of America, (......... 18..,) was registered a Marriage, cele- brated in the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, United States of America, by.............on the......day of............18.., between ..................., aged..................years (___years), a native of .................., son of..................and..................., and .................., aged..................years (___years), a native of ..................., daughter of............and.............. The cele- bration of the marriage was performed in the presence of the witnesses : The License was issued on the........day of........18..., by............ in presence of the witnesses.................. I do certify, the foregoing to be a true and faithful copy from the original recorded in the Book of Marriages, No....., folio--- In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the City of New Orleans, this............day of............in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty......and the......of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health, Ex-officio Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. 12 90 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans. Office of the Board of Health, Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Be it remembered, that on this day, to-wit: the...............in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and....................., and the ..................of the Independence of the United States of America, before me,.....................duly commissioned and sworn Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths, in and for the City of New Orleans and Par- ish of Orleans, personally appeared: .................................... Thus done at New Orleans in the presence of the aforesaid.............. as also in that of Messrs................., of this City, witnesses by me re- quested so to be, who have hereunto set their hands, together with me, after the reading hereof, the day, month and year first above written. Signed:............................................................ I do certify, the foregoing to be a true and faithful copy from the original recorded in Book marked No....., folio .... In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the City of New Orleans this......day of......in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty..........and the one hundred.......of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health. Office Board of Health, State of Louisiana, ( New Orleans,..........188.. J ...........,M.D. Dear Sir : Your attention is invited to the following Ordinance, May 18, 1870: Section 28. All practitioners of medicine, masters of any water craft hotel, boarding or lodging house keepers, principals or masters of any board- ing school or seminary, the chief officers or persons in charge of any public institution of charity or asylum, or otherwise, are hereby required to report within twenty-four hours, to the office of the Board of Health, all cases within their cognizance of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus or ship fever malignant scarlet fever, small pox, varioloid, trichiniasis, or any other case that may at any time be specified by the Board of Health, and in default or failure to so report such cases, such person so failing or in default shall be liable to a fine not to exceed fifty dollars; provided, however, that said Board may declare it unnecessary to report further cases, when any disease shall have been pronounced epidemic. In addition to the list of diseases named above, the Board of Health desire cases of diphtheria to be reported in like manner, and trust that you will never neglect to give timely information at this office, in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance. Very respectfully, JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President. S. S. Herrick, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 91 TO RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL OILS AND CONSUMERS OF TUB SAME. By act of the Legislature it is made a part of the duties of the Board of Health to provide for the inspection of all coal-oils brought to this market, and intended for illuminating purposes within the limits of Louisiana. One of the sections of this act requires that oils flashing at a lower temperature than 125° F. shall have the brand " Explosive and Dangerous," upon the package containing them. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That hereafter it shall not be lawful tor any person, firm, company or corporation, to sell, give, or deliver, except as a common carrier, or offer or expose for sale any coal-oil or illuminating oil, or fluid derived wholly or in part from coal or petroleum, whose flashing point shall be less than the temperature of 125°, to be ascertained as pro- vided in section 3 of this act, unless the barrels or vessels containing the same shall have been stamped with stencil, or otherwise, in large letters, and in a conspicuous place, " Explosive and Dangerous," at the time of its in- spection. Any person, firm, company or corporation, violating any of the provisions ot this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of $200 for each and every offense. It is further provided, that in the event of any injury or damage to person or property resulting from, or caused by such oil or fluid not so stamped, the party thus suffering shall have a right of action in damages against the person, firm, company or corporation selling, giving or delivering such oil or fluid, for the full amount of such injury or damage, together with all costs of court; provided, this shall not apply to common carriers; provided further, that such injury or damage shall not have been the result of gross negligence or carelessness. The intent of this provision is not to prohibit the sale of oils of any grade, but to enable all interested to learn their qualities and govern themselves accordingly. Inasmuch as a very large portion of the coal-oils consumed here falls be- low the approved standard, it is important for dealers and consumers to know whether the oils which they purchase answer the test or not; they should therefore observe the brand, or require a statement on this point from the vendor. It is hoped that the inspection of oils and branding of packages with their qualities, will induce people to select carefully such as reach the test adopted, and so avoid those frequent accidents which have resulted in needless loss of life and property. 1 JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President Board of Health. S. S. Herrick, M. D., Inspector of Coal-Oils, 92 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, CORNER ROYAL AND ST. LOUIS STREETS, (STATE-HOUSE), NEW ORLEANS, LA. '^WEEKLY STATEMENT OF MORTALITY^ FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY,......................................1880, ACCOMPANIED BY DAILY METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. . PT7BLISHED B"3T -A."U'T23:OI2,Z1,-Z_ OP THE BOABE OP ZEXE-A.XjT:!!. S. S. HERRICK, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., President. MORTALITY FOR THE WEEK ENDING 1880. Population as per U. S. Census of 1870—white..........140,953 Population as per U. S. Census of 1870—colored........50,465 Total...................191,418 Present population—white___159,128 Present popoulation—colored. 57,231 Total...................216,359 GENERAL DISEASES. Smallpox................... Measles.................... Scarlatina.................. Dengue..................... Typhus Fever............... Cerebro-Spinal Fever....... Enteric or Typhoid Fever___ Simple Continued Fever..... Yellow Fever............... Ataxic Fever................ (Intermittent..... Malarial J Remittent......... Fevers, j Congestive........ I Typho-Malarial___ Malarial (unclassified)....___ Catarrhal Fever............. Simple cholera(cholera morbus) Malignant Cholera........... Cholera Infantum........... Diphtheria.................. W C GENERAL DISEASES. Whooping Cough........., Influenza................ Malignant Pustule........ Phagedsen a.........__ Hospital Gangrene........ Erysypelas (variety stated), Septicaemia.............., Addison's disease........., Leprosy .................. Pyaemia................., Sclerema................. Puerperal Fever.........., Acute Rheumatism........ Chronic Rheumatism......, Acute Gout............... Syphilis................... Syphilis (Congenital)...... Cancer of the Abdomen___ Cancer of the Breast....... Cancer of th« Face. ....... W C Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 93 GENERAL DISEASES. Cancer of the Liver.......... Cancer of the Bowels......... Cancer of the Womb........, Cancer of the Tongue........ Cancer of the Stomach....... Cancer of................. Cancer..................... Leprosy .................... Scrofula........ ........ Tubercular Meningitis........ Phthisis Pulmonalis.......... Tabes Mesenterica........... Rickets..................... Diabetes.................... Purpura.................... Scurvy...................., Anaemia.................... General Dropsy (Anasarca).. LOCAL DISEASES. Diseases of the Nervous System Brain Diseases (unclassified).. Congestion of the Brain...... Encephalitis (Inflammation 01 the Brain)___.......... Meningitis................ Softening of the Brain..... Abscess of the Brain....... Apoplexy................. Sunstroke................. Chronic Hydrocephalus--- {Atheroma .. Ossification . Aneurism... Thrombosis . Embolism... Spinal Meningitis.......... " Hemorrhage........ Myelitis.................. ( Hemiplegia. .. Paralysis. J parapiegia___ Paralysis (unclassified)..... Locomotor Ataxia......... m i Idiopathic...... Tetanus j Traumatic...... Trismus-Nascentium....... Hydrophobia.............. Convulsions............... Convulsions, Infantile...... Epilepsy.................. W C LOCAL DISEASES. W C Diseases of the Nervous System Hysteria................... Delirium Tremens......... Mania..................... Paralysis of the Insane..... Chorea.................... In flam, of middle ear....... Laryngismus Stridulus...... Atrophy.................. Diseases of the Circulatory System. Pericarditis................. Dropsy of Pericardium..... Endocarditis............... Valve Disease of ( Aortic--- the Heart. \ Mitral___ Hypertrophy of the Heart... Dilatation of the Heart..... Angina Pectoris............ Fatty Degeneration of the Heart..................... Rupture of the Heart........ Degeneration of i Fatty...... Arteries. ( Calcareous . Embolism (locality stated)--- Thrombosis................. Aneurism of Heart.........., Phlebitis................... Phlegmasia Dolens......... Heart Disease (unclassified).. Diseases of the Uespiratory System. Croup (Membranous)........ Laryngitis.................. QMema of Glottis........... Bronchitis-{chmnic::::::::: Asthma.................... Pneumonia.................. Abscess of Lungs..........., Gangrene of Lungs.......... Emphysema of Lungs........ Atelectasis (Pulmonary Col lapse)..................... Pneumonic ( Acute........ Phthisis. ( Chronic....... Haemoptysis................ QMema of Lungs............ Pleurisy................... Empyema.................. Hydrothorax................ 94 Circular and Forms of Reports of the LOCAL DISEASES. W C DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. W C Diseases of the Digestive System. Haematemesis................ ( Ulcerative Stomatitis ^Gangrenous... ... Haeinaturia Renalis........ ... Teething ................... Ulcerative Sore Throat....... AFFECTIONS CONNECTED WITH PARTURITION, Abortion or Premature Labor Difficult Labor (cause stated). Haemorrhage. ........ Sloughing Sore Throat....... Goitre................. Abscess of Pharynx........ Stricture of the Oesophagus .. Rupture of the Uterus....... Metroperitonitis , Puerperal Convulsions ., Puerperal Septicaemia . Psoas Abscess........... Haemorrhage of the Bowels .. DISEASES OF Q'HE ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. Ostitis................... Intussusception of Bowels.... Diarrhoea............., Colic....................... ... Constipation................ Hernia, Strangulated........ Necrosis.... ............. Stricture of Rectum......... Mollifies Ossium............. Hepatitis................... Psoas Abscess...... Ulceration of Leg......... Cirrhosis of the Liver........ Caries of Vertebrae.......... Atrophy of Liver.......'..... DISEASES OF THE CELLULAR AND CUTANEOUS SYSTEM. Carbuncle (Anthrax) Degeneration \ ™., J-\ ^.f4-^„ t;„„ \ Fibroid..... ( Amyloid .... Splenitis.................... Senile Gangrene.. Elephantiasis....... Peritonitis.................. Bedsore............... Scald head........ Abscess of Rectum.......... DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. Bright's j Acute............ CONDITIONS NOT NECESSARILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DISEASES. Premature Birth Disease j Chronic........... Suppression of Urine........ Difficult Birth Rupture of the Bladder...... Umbilical Hemorrhage....... Enlargement of Prostate..... Old Age................., Stricture of the Urethra...... Infantile Debility.......... Calculus.................... Senile Debilitv.......... Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. to Conditions not necessarily asso- ciated with General or Local Diseases. Accidental Poisoning by- Arsenic ................. Alkalies............ Acids.............\\\\ Opium............ Alcohol..........] W.. W. Carbonic Acid___'......] Chloroform.............' Bites or Stings___...... Dead Animal Matter, etc. Lead......... GENERAL INJURIES. Burns..................... Scalds..................... Burns by Coal Oil.......... Lightning Stroke........... From Surgical Operation— Shock................... Haemorrhage............. Multiple Injury............. Asphyxia from— Drowning................ Strangling............... Obstruction of air passages Overlying................ Starvation................. Exposure to Cold___....... Infant Exposure............ Neglect ................... W LOCAL INJURIES. Concussion of the Brain.., Compression of the Brain. Fracture of— Skull.................. Spine.................. Leg................... Femur................. Ribs................... Gunshot Wound of— Head.................. Chest.................. Abdomen.............. Not stated............. C LOCAL INJURIES. Incised or penetrating wound of Neck................... Chest................... Abdomen............... Head................... Fistule of Anus........... HUMAN PARASITES. Intestinal Worms, Echinococcus..... Trichinosis....... TUMORS—NON-MALIGNANT. Of Abdomen. Of Brain..... Of Leg...... Of Neck.. .. Of Ovary.... Of Womb.... W c CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS, Imperforate Anus. Open Foramen Ovale nosis)............... Umbilical Hemorrhage. Malformation of Heart. SUICIDE. (Cya. By Drowning.......... By Hanging............ By Shooting........... By Cutting or Stabbing. By Opium.............. By Laudanum......... KILLED OR MURDERED. By Shooting............. By Stabbing............. By Poisoning............ By Beating.............. Infanticide (mode stated).. Unknown................ Total Deaths 96 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the AGES. Under 1 year___ From 1 to 2 years From 2 to 5 years From 5 to 10 years From 10 to 15 yrs From 15 to 20 yrs From 20 to 25 yrs From 25 to 30 yrs From 30 to 40 yrs White. Colored. M. F. M. F. --- --- ... --- From 40 to From 50 to From 60 to From 70 to From 80 to From 90 to 100 yrs.and Unknown Total.. 50 yrs 60 yrs 70 yrs 80 yrs. 90 yrs. 100 yrs. upward White. M. F. Colored. M. F. COLOR. SEX. White. Colored. Total. Males....................................... Not Stated................____.......___ Total.......... NATIVITIES. Africa......... Austria......... British America. Belgium........ Canada......... China......___ Denmark....... England........ Finland........ France........., Germany....... Greece.......... Holland........ Ireland........ Italy........... Louisiana....... Mexico...................... Norway and Sweden........... Poland....................... Portugal.................... Russia....................... Scotland..................... At Sea...................... South America............... Spain....................... Switzerland.................. United States (other than Lou- isiana) ..................... Wales....................... West Indies.................. Not stated................... Total...................... DEATHS IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Charity Hospital........... Small-Pox Hospital......... Hotel Dieu................ Touro Infirmary............ Orleans Infirmary.......... St. Vincent Infant Infirmary. Other Orphan Asylums..... Boys'House of Refuge. Insane Asylum........ Parish Prison___..... Other Institutions..... Total Deaths Certified by the Coroner —-—. Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. 97 STILL BIRTHS. Male, White. Female, White. Male, Colored. Female, Colored. Total. Death Rate per 1.000 per annum per week---; Whites, ----; Colored, WEEKLY BULLETIN of Meteorological Observations taken at the office of the Signal Service, U. S. A , in Neiv Orleans, La., during the week ending Saturday,-------, 1880. BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. Rain. MONTH AND DAY. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. M. Meam Maxi-mum. Mini-mun. Range Mean. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. M. Meau In. Wednesday Thursday .. •• Friday ___ -- Mean .. The rain-guage is exposed at an elevation oflljeet above the ground. Barometer is corrected for temperature and elevation. 15 INDEX. PAGE. Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana establishing and Regulating Quarantine.................................................. Act approved March 15, 1855.................................... 1_8 Act approved February 8,1858.........■,.........................• Act approved March 18,1858.................................... 10-12 Act approved March 16,1870..................................... 12"15 Act approved March 24,1876..................................... 15 Act approved April 20,1877...................................... 16 Act to reorganize and render more efficient the Board of Health, etc., approved April 20,1877...................................... 16 Act for Gauging and Inspecting Coal-Oils, approved April 2,1877.... 20 Act to provide for the Disposition of Offal, Garbage and Night-Soil, approved March 23,1877.....................................• 24 Act to Regulate the Cleaning of Vaults and Privies, approved April 20, 1877..................................................... 23 Acts Relating to Physicians, Midwives, Druggists, Coronors and Dentists.................................................... 27"35 Adulteration of Food............................................56,65 Animals—Dead..................................................69> 76 Animals—Dead, Removal and Rendering of........................ 76 Births—Registration of........................................... 19 Board of Health—Constitution and Powers of...................... 1, 8,10,13,15, 16, 20-23, 24, 29, 34 Bones, etc...................................................... 55 Building Lots.................................................... 57 Buildings to be Declared Uninhabitable............................ 57 Building of Privies.............................................. 67 Circulars and Forms of Reports of the Board of Health............ 79-97 Circulars of Board of Health...................................... 80-84 Circular No. 1—Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by Sanitary Inspec- tors of the City of New Orleans............................... 80 Circular No. 2—Sanitary Measures to be Enforced by the Sanitary In- spectors and Police of the City of New Orleans with Reference to the Conduct of the Nuisance Wharf and the Removal and Final Disposition of Night-Soil..................................... 83 Circular Relating to Contagious Diseases.......................... 90 11 INDEX. I'AGK. Circular to Retail Dealers iu Coal-Oils............................. 91 Certificate of Vaccination........................................ 85 Certificate of Births.............................................. 87 Certificate of Deaths ............................................ 87 Certificate of Marriage.........---............................ 89 Coal-Oils—Acts for Gauging and Inspection of..................... 20 Copperas as a Disinfectant........................................40 50 Cemeteries and Interments....................................... 63 Coroners........................................................ 29 Cargo of Infected Vessels........................................ 41 Contract—Drainage............................................. iZ Cisterns......................................................... 57 Contagious Diseases........ ................................. .59, 61 62 Deaths—Certificate of............................................ 87 Deaths—Record of............................................... 19 Deaths—Monthly Reports of...................................... 92 Disinfection of Vessels___......................................40 50 Disinfection of Privies and Water-Closets..........................82 83 Disinfection......................................___........... 81 Disinfectants.................................................40 81 82 Dentists........................................,............... 34 Druggists......................................................27,28 Diseases—Classification of................................ ___ 92 DruSs........................'..WWW............................ 56,64 Drainage Contracts....................... ••-----................................... 72 Dead Animals..........................___........ 69 76 Employees of Board of Health—Rules and Regulations Governing... 52^ 79 Fumigation of Vessels..___........................\ ;........... 40 Foecal Matters—Dumping of..___...................... 58 Gutters—Drainage and Grading___.................. 71 Gutters—Obstruction of........................ 57 Gauging of Coal-Oils........................'_ t 20 Garbage Boats___...........___.......... 24 Health Ordinances of the City of New Orleans—No. 6022........ 55 Hides W... WWW.. W.. W. ...'...'.'..'„;.'.'.................. 55 Health Ordinance Relating to Small-Pox................ 61 Health Ordinance Relating to Infectious and Contagious Diseases.... 62 Cemeteries and Interments.................. 63 Sale of Poisons..................... g4 Adulteration of Food...___....... gg Shrimp and Fish.................... 66 Health OrdinanceTtelating to Building of Privies............... 67 H°Pi-"- •.................................... ..... . 69 Building of Stables_______............\ 69 index. iii PAGE. Respecting Hatchways and Staircases......................... 70 Grading aud Drainage of Gutters............................. 71 Inspectors—Sanitary.......................................... 13-17 Inspectors—Sanitary, Inspections of Ships by...................... 48 Inspectors—Sanitary, Rules and Regulations Governing............ 79 Inspectors—Sanitary*, Circulars Issued to......................... 80-83 Interments...................................... 63 Jury—Examination of Witnesses before, by Coroner................ 31 Mortality—Form of Statement of.................................. 92 Marriages —Record of............................................19 89 Marriage License—Form of....................................... 88 Milk—Adulteration of.......................................... 56 Matter Offensive to Smell, etc.................................... 56 Nuisances.....................................................56 57 Nuisance Boats.................................................. 1>4 Nuisance Wharf................................................ 24 Ordinances of City of New Orleans Relating to Public Health—Ordi- nance No. 6022, Administration Series........................ 54-60 Ordinance Relating to Small-Pox.................................. 61 Ordinance Relating to Infectious and Contagious Diseases........... 62 Ordinances Relating to Cemeteries and Interments.................. 63 Ordinance Regulatiog the Sale of Poisons.......................... 64 Ordinance to Prevent the Sale of Adulterated Articles.............. 66 Ordinance Relating to Shrimp, Fish, etc.......................... 66 Ordinance Regulating the Building of Privies..................... 67 Ordinance Relating to Hogs, Dead Animals, etc.................... 69 Ordinance Relating to Building of Stables........................ 69 Ordinance Respecting Hatchways and Staircases.................... 70 Ordinance Providing for the Grading and Drainage of Gutters....... 71 Privies—Act Regulating Cleaning of Vaults and Privies, approved April 20, 1877.............................................. 25 Privies—Ordinance Regulating.................................57-58, 60 Privies—Ordinance Regulating the Building of..................... 67 President Board of Health......................................2, 17, 45 Putrid Meats, Vegetables, etc..................................... 55 Poisons—Sale of................................................. 64 Quarantine—Acts Relating to..................................... 1-20 Quarantine -Regulations of Board of Health for the Government of Quarantine Officers and Stations .. .......................... 36-52 Rules and Regulations of Board of Health for the Government of Quarantine Officers and Stations............................. 36-52 Rules and Regulations of Board of Health Defining Duties of Secre- tary and Treasurer, Recorder of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Privy Permits, Coal-Oil Inspectors, etc........................ 52-54 Iv INDEX. PAGE. Rules and Regulations of Board of Health Governing Sanitary In- spectors and Sanitary Police.................................. 79 Rules and Regulations Governing Quarantine Officers and Stations.. 36-52 Legislative Acts establishing and defining the Powers of the Board of Health, State of Louisiana, relative to Quarantine. Section 1.. 36 Powers of the Board of Health relative to Quarantine. Section 2... 37 Power of Board of Health to issue Proclamation of Quarantine. Sec- tion 3...:.................................................. 37 Visitation and Inspection of Vessels by Quarantine Physicians. Sec- tion 4.................................................... 37 Disinfection, Fumigation and Purification of Vessels from ports in which Yellow Fever usually prevails. Section 5................ 39 Vessels from Infected Ports to be detained at Quarantine Station not less than seventy-two hours. Section 6........................ 39 Vessels coming from healthy ports South of latitude 26° N. to be given free pratique after thorough inspection, fumigation and disinfec- tion. Section 8............................................... 39 Infected Vessels: Rules and Regulations governing Infected Vessels at Quarantine Stations. Section 9............................ 39 Discharge of Cargo and Purification of Infected Vessels. Sec- tion 10...................................................... 41 Rules governing sick at Quarantine Stations. Sections 11,12, 13___ 41 When necessary the public health to be protected by additional measures. Section 14........................................ 42 Classification of Merchandise at Quarantine Stations^for Sanitary measures. Section 15....................................... 42 Rules governing foul vessels. Section 16.......................... 42 Penalties of violation of Quarantine, Acts, Rules and Regidations. Section 17................................... 43 Duty of Quarantine Physician to report to the Attorney General, all violations of Quarantine Laws. Section 18............... 43 Duty of Harbor Masters to demand permits of Resident Quarantine Physician, Section 19......................... 43 Power of Board of Health to issue their warrant to the Sheriff of any City or Parish, where any vessel may be, having violated the Quarantine laws. Section 20................... 44 Rules and Regulations governing the Captains and Masters"of tow- boats. Sections 21, 22..................... ,* Rules and Regulations governing Pilots. Sections 23, 24....... ' 44 Duties and Powers of the President of the Board of Health. Section 25. 45 Duties of Resident Quarantine Physicians. Sections °6 °7 '>8 °9 30 31,32,33................................ >">->-> > Sanitary Rules of the Board of Health, State of Louisiana'plating shipping in the Port of New Orleans....... n TNDEX. V PAGE. Rules and Regulations Defining Certain Duties of its Officers and Employees.................................................. 52 Rules and Regulations Governing the Sanitary Inspectors and Sani- tary Police Officers........................................... 79 Staircases....................................................... 70 Stables.......................................................... 69 Secretary and Treasurer....................................2, 4, 5, 17, 53 Slaughter-Houses................................................ 24 Small-Pox....................................................... 61 Sexton's Reports................................................. 58 Tombs—Opening of.............................................. 58 Tombs—Cemeteries and Interments............................... 63 Vaults—Defective............................................... 58 Vaults—Emptying of............................................ 58 Vaidts—Disinfection of........................................... 58 Vidangeurs.............................................24, 25, 60, 68, 83 Weekly Mortality Report......................................... 92 jUH H*46 WA L888a 1880 62980650R NLM 05130530 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE .-.« • ' '<* 4>' 'V-jV. 7 ?' 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