"*&&*. vr-c?~ ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON Founded 1836 Section. Number A-J^A Fohm 113c, W. D.. S. G. O. on 3—10543 (Revised Judo 13. 1936) kvfc far o^.jp*c£> J^ fa e^^fcz^ DRAFT OK A Metropolitan Sanitary Code. (Reported to the Committee on Internal Hygiene,) By HENRY G. CLARK, M.D., of Boston, One of the Committee. i WA * C5S3d ^/av, /V«j.. i' 3c5 , Y~t 2. S > CONTENTS. Public Health Act, .... Municipal Sanitary Code, Sanitary Survey, Sewerage, .... Cleansing, .... Slaughter Houses, . Markets, .... Dram Shops and Drinking Houses, Epidemics and Contagious Difeases, Vaccination, Lodging Houses, . Cellars, . New Streets and Houses, Supplies of Water, Pleasure Grounds, Interment of the Dead, . General Provisions, Appendix, . DRAFT OF AN ACT FOR ESTABLISHING GENERAL AND LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH, AND FOR OTHER SANITARY PURPOSES. An Act, in addition to existing Acts, for promoting the Public Health. WHEREAS it is expedient that further and more effectual pro- Preamble. vision should be made for improving the sanitary condition of populous places: Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the 5 same, as follows; that is to say: I. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Public Health Act, Title. 1860." II. The Governor of the Commonwealth, with the advice and consent General of the Council, shall appoint five discreet and suitable persons, who, Board of 10 together with the Secretary of State for the time being, and the Gov- ernor, ex officiis, shall together be and constitute a board, to be called " The General Board of Health;" and shall have and execute all the powers and duties necessary for superintending and promoting the gen- eral sanitary affairs of the State. 15 III. They shall hold their offices for five years, or until others are Term of appointed in their place; and they shall be sworn to the faithful per- office' formance of their duty. IV. They shall meet at such convenient times as they deem expe- Meetings. dient, and their necessary official expenses shall be paid out of the treas- Expenses 20 ury of the State, but they shall receive no other compensation for their services. Act fur Pro11t<>tnig the J'ub/ic Health. s-.-.-ury. V. They shall appoint a competent person, who may also be the Reg- ister General, to be the Secretary or Actuary of the Board, who shall receive such a salary, not exceeding dollars per annum, a* the Board shall determine. They shall also appoint if need M...r,.-.,i be a competent physician, who shall be styled a Medical Health Officer, 5 oS-or aim anotner competent person for Surveyor, who shall be removable at Kn " lwo> w ^" making such W11 : The inspecting Medical Health Officer shall have the right to call upon the Chief of Police, who shall detail for this service a sufficient The Municipal Sanitary Code. 5 number of the regular patrol force, who shall act as inspecting health officers. Upon receiving his instructions, each officer will commence and dili- gently prosecute his inquiries; carefully noticing the state of the streets, 5 lanes, courts, passages, common stairs, houses, rooms, cellars,yards or vacant lots in his assigned district; reporting in detail, and in writing, all accu- mulations of filth; all cases where the drains or water-closets are foul or obstructed; all cases of prevailing sickness, especially where there is great over-crowding, or unusual destitution; also, all cases of dead 10 bodies found in single living-rooms. The reports may be made in the manner of the blank forms hereto annexed. (See Appendix.) VII. When any nuisance or other source of disease is discovered, Nuisances, ... ,i 0 . , i ■■ ,, , how abated. notice, in the proper form, is to be served upon the owners or occupants 15 forthwith to abate the same, and in case of refusal or neglect for a period of twenty-four hours, the Medical Health Officer is authorized and di- rected to cause the same to be abated or removed in the most summary manner; and he is hereby authorized to call upon the Chief of Police, the Engineer, the Registrar, and the Superintendents of Health, of 20 Streets, and of Drains, to aid him in such removal. The expense of such removals or abatements of nuisances (of which an accurate account is to be kept,) shall be chargeable to the owners or occupants of the premises. These measures shall be so continuously pursued as to prevent, as far 25 as possible, any re-accumulation of the causes of disease sought to be removed, and each officer will be considered strictly responsible for the sanitary condition of his assigned district. All persons, acting under and by the authority of this order, are here- by authorized to enter upon and into any premises which it may be 30 necessary to visit in compliance with its provisions; but their object in so doing must be first stated to the occupants, and all unnecessary an- noyance to them most carefully avoided. Sewerage. VIII. The said Board of Health may, if they shall think fit, cause to Boardtopro- 35 be prepared, or procure, a map, exhibiting a system of sewerage for ef- vj,de a maP fectually draining their district for the purpose of this Ordinance, upon a erage. scale to be prescribed by the General Board of Health; and every such map shall be kept at the office of the said Board, and shall, at all rea- sonable times, be open to the inspection of the tax-payers of the district 40 to which it applies. IX. All sewers, whether at present existing, or which shall be here- Sewers to be after constructed, shall be entirely under the management and control of trol of Board the Board of Health. of HealtL c The Municipal Sanitary Code. Powers of Hoard as to sewerage in the district. X. The Board of Health shall cause their district to be effectually drained upon the plan recommended by the General Board of Health of Great Britain, and they shall have power within such district from time to time to do any of the following things : (1.) To repair, arch over, enlarge, lessen or otherwise alter any 5 existing sewer or drain. (2.) To construct any new sewer or drain, with a like power of repair- ing and altering the same. (3.) To discontinue, close up, or destroy any sewer or drain. (4.) To carry any sewer, drain, or pipe for the distribution of sewage 10 through, across, or under any turnpike or other road, or county bridge, or any street or place laid out as, or intended for a street, or under any cellar or vault which may be under the pavement or carriageway of any street or intended street, upon condition of making good all damage done by them ; or 15 if it is deemed necessary by the Surveyor of the Board, into, under, or through any lands whatever, upon making due com- pensation for the same; Subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions hereinafter mentioned; that is to say: 20 (1.) All sewers and drains shall be so constructed and kept as not to create a nuisance, or be injurious to health. (2.) If, by the exercise of any of the above powers, any person is deprived of the lawful use of any sewer or drain, the Board shall provide for his use some other sewer or drain equally 25 convenient. Powers of Hoard to make con- tracts for sewerage. XL The Board of Health are hereby empowered, upon making due compensation, to do the following things; that is to say: (1.) To construct, either above or under ground, such reservoirs and other works as may be necessary for holding the sewage flow- 30 ing from the sewers of their district, or to provide outfalls for the same. (2.) To cause the sewTers to empty into such reservoirs or outfalls, by means of connecting sewers, or such other means as they think nt 35 (3.) To contract with any company or person for the sale of such sewage, or for the distribution of it over any land ; and any such company for these purposes shall have the same privileges and be subject to the same conditions as would the Local Board. 4q The Municipal Sanitary Code. 7 (4.) To contract for, purchase, or take on lease any buildings, engines, materials, or apparatus for the purpose of receiving, storing, disinfecting, or distributing any such sewage, and to lease or assign such buildings, engines, materials or apparatus to any 5 company or person with whom the said Board of Health may contract, as aforesaid. (5.) To purchase or take on lease any land where such purchase or leasing is necessary for carrying into execution the above objects. 10 XII. No person shall, without the consent of the Board of Health, do ^'nauthor- L 7 7 ized drains the following things, or any of them : forbidden. (1.) Cause any sewer or drain to communicate with or be emptied into any sewer of the Board of Health. (2.) Cause any vault, arch, or cellar to be newly built or constructed 15 under any public street; and if any sewer, drain, vault, arch, or cellar is made, in contravention of this Ordinance, the Board of Health may cause the same to be pulled down, if they shall think fit, and the expenses incurred by them in so doing shall be repaid to them by the offender, and be recoverable from 20 him in a summary manner. XIII. Any owner or occupier of premises adjoining any district, may, Use °f sew- with the consent of the Board of Health, cause any sewer or drain from sons out of such premises to communicate with any sewer of the Board, upon such x e lstnct conditions as they shall mutually agree. lo XIV. Whenever it appears to the Board of Health that any house Dt^a,"yn exs" or other building, already built, is without any drain, or water-closet, and emptying into such place as is sufficient for effectual drainage, the Board may by notice require the owner of such house or building, within a reasonable time therein specified, to make a sufficient drain of a con- 30 struction approved by the Board of Health, emptying as follows; that is to say, if the sea, or a sewer of the Board of Health, or any sewer which they are entitled to use, is within one hundred feet of the site of such house or dwelling, emptying, as the Board may direct,, either into the sea or such sewer; but if no such means of drainage are within that 35 distance, then emptying into such covered cesspool or other place, not being under any house, and not being within such distance from any house, as the Board of Health directs; and if the person on whom such notice is served fails to comply with the same, the Board may them- selves do the work required, and assess the expenses to the owner or 40 occupant aforesaid. s The Municipal Sa?itiary Code. XV. The following rules shall be observed with regard to drains of houses not already built: Drams m ,-j j rm> ,]nijnP of every such new house or building as aforesaid, shall new houses v J m °. be covered in, and be of such size and materials, at such level, and with such fall, as may be effectual, in the opinion of the 5 Surveyor or Engineer of the Board, to secure a proper drainage of such house or building, and its appurtenances. (2.) If the sea. or a sewer of the Board of Health, or a sewer which they are entitled to use, is within one hundred feet of any part of the site of such new house or building, the drains so to 10 be constructed shall communicate with such one of those means of drainage as the Board directs. (3.) If no such means of drainage are within that distance, then the last-mentioned drains shall communicate with and be emptied into such covered cesspool or other place, not being under any 15 house, and not being within such distance from any house, as the Board of Health directs. (4.) Any house or building which, during the process of repairs, shall be pulled down to the ground floor, shall be subject to the same regulations as if it were a new house or building. 20 XVI. If any house or building is built or rebuilt, or any drain con- structed, contrary to the foregoing provisions, the owmer of such house or building shall be subject to the following liabilities ; that is to say : Penalties for (1.) He shall incur such a penalty for each offence as the Board may determine; or, 25 (2.) The Board of Health, after due notice and his failure to comply therewith, may thereupon proceed to do the work required, and assess the expenses upon said owner. Cleansing. XML The following works shall be done in respect to scavenging : 30 (1.) All public streets, together with the foot pavements thereof, shall be properly cleansed and watered ; all roads shall be properly cleansed, and the whole or any part of such roads may, in the discretion of the Board of Health, be watered. (2.) All dust, ashes, and rubbish shall be carried away from the prem- 35 ises of the inhabitants. (3.) All privies and cesspools shall be from time to time emptied and cleansed. And the Board of Health may themselves un- dertake, or contract with any person to undertake the aforesaid works, or any of them. 40 unauthorized drains, &c. The Municipal Sanitary Code. 9 XVIII. No person, except by direct authority of the Board, shall under- No person to take to remove any of the substances mentioned in the preceding sec- 0uTpIrm?t. tion, or obstruct the Board or its agents in so doing. XIX. In cases where the Board of Health do not themselves under- Authorized to make by- 5 take, or contract with any person to undertake, the wrorks heretofore laws and named, they may make by-laws imposing on the occupier of any prem- ^iesx pena ises any or all of the duties of cleansing. They may affix reasonable penalties for the breach of said by-laws. XX. Whenever the Board of Health shall be satisfied that the num- ^°^d au; thonzed to 10 ber of persons occupying any tenement or building is so great as to be compel own- the cause of nuisance, or sickness, or a source of filth; or that any tene- p^sto put ments or buildings are not furnished with vaults constructed according theiV Premi- .... . . . ses into a to the provisions of this Ordinance ; or with a sufficient number of privies healthy Con- or water-closets with underground drains; with proper ash-pits, or with 15 a proper water supply ; or that, from any cause, they are in a condition which is prejudicial or dangerous to the public health, or to the health of the occupants themselves; they may thereupon issue notice in writing to such persons, or any of them; that is to say, the owner, agent, or occu- pant, or either of them to cause either or all of these deficiencies to be 20 supplied, and the premises put into a cleanly and proper condition, within such reasonable time as they shall appoint: and in case of neglect or refusal to obey such notice, they may themselves cause the alterations And to va- and cleansings to be done forthwith, and the expense of it shall be paid or^leanse06 by such owTner, agent, occupant, or other person. Or they may, if they the premises 25 think fit, issue notice to the persons inhabiting such tenement, or to the tion. owner or agent, requiring them to remove from and quit the premises, within such time as the Board may deem reasonable; and if the person or persons so notified, or any of them, shall neglect or refuse to remove from said tenement or building, the Board of Health are hereby fully 30 authorized and empowered thereupon forcibly to remove them. XXI. The Board of Health may make and issue by-laws for the pre- Board may vention of nuisances arising from filth, dust, ashes, and rubbish, or from kws% in certain butcher s meat, poultry or fish, or as a slaughter-house; and to examine an^des^y. any animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh or fish which may be 40 The Municipal Sanitary Code. 11 therein; and in case either of them, being intended for the food of man, shall appear to be unfit for such food, the same may be seized; and if it prove to be unwholesome, he shall order the same to be de- stroyed, or be so disposed of as to prevent its being again exposed for 5 sale. XXIX. No person shall be permitted to bring into town for sale, or Fresh fish, sell, or offer for sale any fresh fish, until the same shall have been ^Zsold and cleansed of their entrails and refuse parts; and such entrails and parts shall be thrown overboard below low-water mark; and shall never be 10 kept beyond the flowing of the next tide; and until so thrown over- board, they shall be kept in a close and safe manner on board the to be re- vessels or boats in which the fish were brought. And no person shall JJ^town* °f sell or offer for sale fish, of any kind, unless the same be kept in limit9- covered stalls, fish boxes or other houses, which shall always be clean 15 and in good order,— or in clean covered carts, or boxes, well secured from the rays of the sun. XXX. No person shall have in his possession for sale, or shall sell or Vegetables, offer for sale within the limits of the town, any vegetables whatever, ex- ~$ cepting green peas in the pod, and green corn in the inner husks, which 20 have not previously been divested of such parts or appendages as are not commonly used for food. XXXI. No person shall land on any wharf or other place, or shall Damaged bring into town any decayed or damaged grains, vegetables, or fruit, and decayed without a permit from an officer of the Board of Health, and in such &c. 25 manner as he may direct. XXXII. No person shall sell any adulterated or unwholesome food or sale of adui- drink; and if, upon being notified by the Board to discontinue suchprac- *"^nk*°v^ tice, he shall neglect or refuse to obey such order, he may be ejected hibited. from the precincts of the market, and such articles of food or drink may 30 be seized and destroyed. XXXIII. And the Board of Health is also hereby authorized to make, Regulation 35 promulgate, and enforce such by-laws for the government of the market houses. houses and the sale of provisions, as they may think expedient. Dram-Shops and Drinking Houses. XXXIV. All unlicensed dram-shops and drinking houses for the sale Dram-shops of intoxicating drinks, are hereby declared to be nuisances, and may be Jng-housw" abated as such by the Board of Health. bow abated. 12 The Municipal Sanitary Code. Epidemic and Coutuy'mnx Disrupt's. Kpid.mi.. XXXV. When anv epidemic, endemic, or contagious disease shall endemi.-.con- * ,«. n i "j i.i uj-ioiw and threaten the town, or affect any part of the same, in order that measures S'S*nt ot Precaution may be taken with promptitude, according to the exi- nnwures to «renev of the case, the Board of Health mav issue such directions and reg- 5 against. ulations as they may think fit; and they shall provide for the frequent cleansing of streets and public ways, and for the cleaning, purifying, ventilating, and disinfecting of houses by the owners or agents; for the removal of nuisances; to provide for the sick by establishing and opening temporary hospitals, and for the speedy interment of the dead; and gen- 10 erally for preventing or mitigating such malignant diseases, in such man- ner as to the said Board seems expedient. And if any vessel, having any contagious or other malignant disease on board, or having come from ports where such diseases are prevailing, shall arrive at either of the vessels to be wharves, or come to anchor near them, she shall be ordered by the 15 antine°qUa Health Officer to proceed to Quarantine, there to report herself to the Quarantine Physician. Public Vaccination. Vaccination XXXVI. In order to prevent the spread of small pox, and to diffuse to be free. .... . the benefits of vaccination, it is hereby ordained, that there shall be pro- 20 vided a suitable apartment for the Medical Officer of the Board, at which place he shall attend at such times as the Board may direct; and he shall vaccinate without charge any inhabitant of this town not previously vaccinated, who may apply for that purpose. And he shall give certifi- Children not cates of said vaccination, without which no child shall be admitted to the 25 admitted to public schools. And he shall also always have on hand, as far as practi- school with- out. cable, a sufficient quantity of vaccine lymph to supply the physicians of the public institutions. Common Lodging Houses. Lodging- XXXVII. No person shall keep a common lodging house without a 30 registered * license from the Board of Health, after inspection by the Medical Health and licensed. Officer of the Board. And a register shall be kept, in which shall be entered the name of every person applying to register any common lodging-house kept by him, and the situation of every such house ; and the said Board shall from time to time make by-laws for fixing the 35 number of lodgers who may be received into each house so registered ; for promoting cleanliness and ventilation therein ; and with respect to the inspection thereof, and the conditions and restrictions under which such inspection may be made : and the person keeping any such lodgino-- An-ess to by house shall give access to the same when required by any person who 40 JfaiUiw' snaU Prodllce the written authority of the Board, for the purpose of The Municipal Sanitary Code. 13 inspecting the same, or for introducing or using therein any disinfecting process ; and the expenses incurred by the said Board in such process, shall be assessed and collected from the keeper of said house; and if any such keeper of such lodging-house shall neglect or refuse to obey the 5 directions of the " Board of Health," he shall forfeit his license. Cellars. XXXVIII. No cellar or underground room shall be let or occupied Cellars, under separately as a dwelling, without being registered and licensed by the tions they Board, and unless it possesses the following requisites; that is to 5Sted%nd 10 say: let. (1.) Unless the same is in every part thereof at least seven feet in height, measured from floor to ceiling thereof; nor, (2.) Unless the same is at least one foot of its height above the sur- face of the street or ground adjoining or nearest to the same ; 15 nor, (3.) Unless there is outside of and adjoining such cellar or room, and Open area extending along the entire frontage thereof, and upwards from six inches below the level of the floor thereof, up to the surface of the said street or ground, an open area of at least three 20 feet wide in every part; nor, (4.) Unless the same is well and effectually drained, and secured Also, drains. against the rise of effluvia from any sewer or drain; nor, (5.) Unless there is appurtenant to such cellar or room the use of a Water-closet water-closet or privy, as the Board may require ; and of an ash- 25 pit, furnished with proper doors and coverings ; nor, (6.) Unless the same has a fireplace, with a proper chimney or flue ; Fireplace. nor, ing flue. (7.) Unless the same has an external window of at least nine super- ficial feet in area, clear of the sash frame, and made to open in 30 such manner as is approved by the Surveyor of the Board. And whosoever lets, occupies, or continues to let, or knowingly suffers License for- to be occupied, any cellar or underground room, contrary to this section, shall be liable to forfeit his license, and shall be subject, if he persists, to such other penalty as the Board may determine: and every cellar, or 35 underground room, in which any person passes the night, shall be deemed to be occupied as a dwelling within the meaning of this Ordi- nance; but the above rule shall be qualified in respect to areas as follows : (1.) In any area adjoining a cellar or underground room, there may Stepstocei- be placed steps necessary for access to such cellar or room, if be made. 40 the same are so placed as not to be over or across the said external window. It The MunirijKil Sanitary Code. Stej* to up- p«T a|> irt- ments. Over or across any such area there may be stops necessary for access to any building above the cellar or room to which such area adjoins, if the same be so placed as not to be over or across anv such external window. New «t root•*, how laid out and con- structed. Sewerage. Security ajjainst fire Ventilation. Drainage, water-clos- ets, &c. Nen' Streets and Houses. XXXIX. The Board, with the consent of the town councils, and with the advice and aid of the engineer or surveyor, shall fix and determine the following matters; that is to say: (1.) With respect to the level and width of new streets, and the provisions for the sewerage thereof. (2.) With respect to the structure of walls of new buildings, in reference to stability and the prevention of fires. (3.) With respect to the sufficiency of the space in connection with buildings, to secure a free circulation of air, and the ventilation of buildings. (4.) With reference to the drainage of buildings, to water-closets, privies, and cesspools in connection with buildings, and to the closing and prohibition of buildings or parts of buildings unfit for human habitation. 10 15 They may annex such penalties, and further provide for the observance 20 of these regulations by such by-laws as they think necessary; and may Right of ap- alter or pull down any work begun or done in contravention of such by- peal m all j;lws . Provided, however, that no person shall be deprived by any by- law of such right of appeal as is hereinafter given in respect of by-laws. Supply of water. To be under control of commission- ers. Shall be sup- plied for do- mestic use. For baths and wash- rooms. Supply of Water. 25 XL. The following provisions shall be observed with respect to the supply of water : — (l.) All public wells, pumps, conduits, or other works used for the gra- tuitous supply of water to the inhabitants, shall vest in, and be under the control of, a Board of "Improvement Commis- 30 sioners," or such persons as may be chosen for that purpose by the town councils, writh the approbation of the Board of Health, who shall have the right to direct the use of the water for any sanitary purpose. (2.) A sufficient quantity shall be supplied for domestic purposes, the 35 takers paying such fixed rates therefor as may be determined ; and (3.)- May be supplied to any public baths or wash houses, or for manufacturing purposes, on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon. 4y The Municipal Sanitary Code 15 (4.) A sufficient quantity shall be provided for flushing sewers and For drains, sewers fires drains, for putting out fires, for cleaning and watering the cleaning, streets, and for other public purposes. &c" (5.) The expense of providing a supply of water for the foregoing Cost, how 5 purposes, over what shall be paid by the takers, shall be as- pai sessed on the inhabitants, or paid in such other way as the councils shall determine. XLI. Any person who wilfully wastes or fouls the water, or injures any Penalties for of the works for its supply, shall be liable to such penalties as the Board ing, or injur- 10 or the Commissioners shall determine, and shall be also liable to a suit ^frkghe for damage at common law. XLII. When it shall appear that any house or tenement let to other persons than the owners thereof is not in any way supplied with water, the owners of such house or tenement shall be notified by the Board of 15 Health to supply tjie same; and in case of refusal or neglect to do so within a reasonable time, the Board may supply the same at the ex- pense of the owner, or, at its option, vacate the premises. Pleasure Grounds. XLIII. The Board of Health may, with the approval of the town May lay out 20 council, hold, purchase by agreement, take on lease, maintain, lay out, pleasure-11 plant, and improve land for the purpose of being laid out as public grounds. walks or pleasure grounds, and support or contribute towards any prem- ises provided for such purposes by any person whomsoever. Interment of the Dead. 25 XLIV. The Board of Health, with the consent of the councils, shall, provision to from time to time, provide, in such places as, having regard to the public j* made for health, may appear to them expedient, and within or without the limits ment of the of the district, burial grounds of sufficient extent for the decent inter- ment of the bodies of all persons dying within the district; and it shall 30 be lawful for the said Board, in case it appears to them necessary or ex- pedient so to do, to enlarge any burial ground provided by them under E™*£ smay this Ordinance, and to make any road to such ground, or to enlarge or burial- improve any existing road for facilitating the approach to such burial ground ; and for providing any such burial ground, or improving it, they 35 may purchase any lands which it may appear to them expedient to pur- chase for that purpose. XLV. They may inclose and layout the burial grounds thus pro- ^n(jma-ia vided, and build therein suitable chapels for the performance of the out and en- burial service, and such other buildings and works as may appear to for that pur- 40 them fitting and proper. pose- 16 The Municipal Sanitary Code. XLVI. When the said Board shall be of opinion that interment (other- wise than in the burial ground provided in this Ordinance), should be discontinued, wholly, or subject to any exception or exceptions, in any May discon- part or parts of the town [or district,] they shall, after due notice, order riaTplaces." their discontinuance; and the grounds so discontinued shall be closed 5 or fenced up in such a manner as to protect the public health, and secure proper respect to the bodies interred therein. And this section shall also be considered as applying to vaults under churches and chapels as well as to the open burial grounds. XLVII. No burial shall take place or be permitted in any of the so 10 hibited9 ex^ closed grounds, or under or in any churches or chapels to which this cept under orcier shall have been applied, except in the cases following; that is to certain cir- A A *• ° cumstances. Say : (1.) In case of long previously existing private rights of sepulture, the Board may in their discretion give a license, under such re- 15 strictions as may seem to them proper. * (2.) Or if, on representations properly made to them, they may deem the permission, if granted in exceptional cases, not prejudicial to the public health. Compensa- XLVI1I. But any and all persons who may have, by any such discon- 20 madeto^pro- tinuance or closure of any burial ground, as provided for in section prietors of XLV., been deprived of any rights of sepulture, shall have in the newly burial rights. iii . , , ., , -, , consecrated ground the same rights as they respectively would have had in the burial places thus closed and discontinued; or they shall be otherwise equitably compensated therefor. 25 Relatives XLIX. The relatives of any deceased person, with the consent of the may remove . bodies by per- Registrar, or other person having charge of the closed ground in which mission. tne k0(iy 0f the deceased has been interred, and subject to the regula- tions of the Board, may cause such body to be removed to, and rei'n- terred in any burial ground provided under this Ordinance. 30 Board to reg- l The Board from time to time may make regulations as to the ulate depth of. J ° graves, &c. depth and formation ot the graves and places of interment, the nature of the coffins to be received in the burial grounds thus provided, the time and mode of removing bodies, and generally, as to all matters connected with the good order of such burial grounds, and as to the conduct of 35 Funeral cere-funeral processions, and the convenient exercise of the rights of inter- ment therein : and such regulations shall be printed and published, and shall be fixed and continued on some conspicuous part of every such burial ground. The Municipal Sanitary Code. 17 LI. All burials shall be registered in books to be kept for the purpose, All burials to in the manner directed, and by the officer whose duty it shall be made tered!818" by the Board of Health. LII. No burial shall take place except upon the written permit of the No burial 5 Registrar or Coroner, who, before issuing said permit, shall require to be pen^iJVrom furnished with the name, sex, age, rank, profession or occupation, and *he registrar. the residence at the time of death of said person ; nor shall such permit be issued be then issued, except the cause of the death of said deceased person JiysSin'a shall be fully certified to the Registrar or other permitting officer, by certificate of m # lot- c