WA B799r 1897 BRADFORD, PA/ BOARD UF HLALTIi RILES AND REGULATluNS ^H WA B799r 1897 62921000R NLn DSlETflST M NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM051298594 L LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEC \<% I 3NI3I03W JO ABVBBI1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO UV1SI1 IVNOIIVN INOIQiW JO AHVIIll 1VN E NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEI I ack to the Committee, who shall report to this board, at the earliest practicable moment, the character of said nui- sance and the probable cost of removing it; upon which report the board shall take action and instruct the Health Officer in regard to the same. HEALTH OFFICER. 16. He shall furnish the board, at its first meeting in every month, a detailed statement of the receipts of the office during the preceeding month. 17. He shall, whenever any bill is referred to him for collection, enter the same, together with a full description of the claim upon which the said bill is founded, upon a docket kept for that especial purpose, and note opposite to the side entry such action as may be taken, from time to time, in relation thereto. 18. He shall, at the expiration of four months after date of said bills, turn over to the City Solicitor for lien, all claims remaining unpaid, and furnish the City Solicitor with a transcript of the same. 19. He shall, in all business referred to him, and requiring legal proceedings, prosecute the same, but take such proceedings only in conjunction with the President. 28 20. He shall, whenever this board directs a nuisance to be removed under his supervision, abstain from employ- ing any person who is, or may be, under prosecution for any violation of the health laws. The same prohibition is hereby extended to any other agent of the board to whom such duty may be assigned. 21. He shall award all contracts for abating nuisances within twenty-four (24) hours after the order of the board has been placed in his hands, and shall impose a condition in said contracts that the work must be commenced within forty-eight (48) hours after acceptance, and prosecuted con- tinuously to completion. 22. He shall, from time to time, furnish to the Nui- sance Committee a list of the names of the licensed cleaners, with the number of their licenses, and shall also report to them at any time all information given him, or any knowl- edge he may have obtained respecting defalcations, breaches of faith, or violations of the law or rules on the part of licensed cleaners, or the men in their employ. 23. He shall keep a book, in which he shall record all cases of contagious or infectious diseases reported to the office, with the date of the report, the location and name of the patient, the disease under which he labors, and the name of the physician in attendance. 24. He shall have the general superintendence of the registration department, and see that the Secretary carries out the instructions of the board, and shall report any delinquencies on his part to the Committee on Registration 25. He shall publish monthly, over his signature, the returns of deaths as made to the office, in such form 29 and manner as shall be directed by the board; and annually prepare for publication a report of the births, deaths, and contagious diseases recorded in the office during the year, to be submitted to Councils and the Mayor (or to Council and Mayor) through the Board of Health. 26. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to have general supervision of garbage collection, and to report to the board any neglect on the part of the collectors. 27. He shall see that all special orders of the board relating to collection of garbage are faithfully obeyed, and report to the board any neglect of duty upon the part of the contractors. SANITARY POLICEMAN. 28. It shall be his duty to examine and report upon all complaints of nuisances placed in his hands within twenty-four hours thereafter. 29. He shall, whenever any nuisance may be found, immediately serve a notice upon the owner or agent of the premises upon which such nuisances exist, to abate said nuisance. In the event of the owner or agent not being found after diligent search, the notice shall be left upon the premises and the fact reported and entered upon the record. 30. He shall, in making his returns, give an accurate description of the property or properties whereon the nui- sance exists, together with the nature, character or cause of nuisance. 31. He shall strictly follow the schedule of time allowed in service of notices for the abatement of nuisances, when not otherwise specified by resolution of the board. 3° .32. He shall, at the expiration of notice (Sundays and days set apart as holidays excepted), re-examine said nuisance and report what action has been taken in the premises. 33. He shall, with all returns of non-compliance with notice (except in the case of privy wells), present an estimate of the probable expense of removing said nuisance and also give the offset of all privy wells, taken by accurate measurement. 34. He shall, whenever complaints are made and :verified, of dead animals lying on private property, have them removed by burial or otherwise. 35. He shall superintend the application of disinfec- tants to the streets when directed by the board. 36. He shall see that the garbage and ashes are regularly and systematically collected, and that the street dirt, etc., is immediately removed after being collected to- gether; that all garbage and ash carts are properly covered, .and that the rules governing the collection and removal of garbage and ashes are rigidly adhered to. 37. He shall note all cases in which ashes, garbage .and waste material of every description is thrown into the streets, and where building material, accumulations of earth, stones, etc., have been left upon the streets in the violation of law, and notify the parties committing the offense. MISCELLANEOUS. 38. No communication shall be received by the board from its officers or servants, or from any other person 3i whatever, unless the same be in writing and directed to the board, or through the President or Secretary thereof officially. 39. When any nuisance is referred to a committee, with power to act thereon, the said committee shall report in writing what action they have taken in relation to it. 40. Each standing committee shall direct all expen- ditures that may be necessary to carry out the object of its appointment, provided the same shall not exceed $35.00 and no contract shall be made for any amount over that sum, unless first approved and directed by the board. 41. The minutes of all committees shall be read at any meeting of the board, upon the call of a member. 42. Police officers, constables, and watchmen are en- joined, and citizens are respectfully desired, to give infor- mation to the Board of Health of any violation of the health laws, or of the rules and regulations of the board, so that the sanitary measures adopted by the latter to insure the cleanliness and health of the city, may be fully carried out, and all offenders promptly punished. NUISANCES DEFINED. 43. That whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever renders the air or food or water or other drink unwholesome, and whatever building, erection, or part or cellar thereof, is overcrowded, or not provided with adequate means of ingress and egress, or is not sufficiently supported, ventilated, sewered, drained, cleaned or lighted, are declared to be nuisances, and to be illegal; and every person having aided in creating or continuing the same, 32 or who may support, continue or retain any of them, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this rule, and also be liable for the expense of the abatement and remedy therefor. HOUSE REFUSE, GARBAGE, &C, NOT TO BE EXPOSED. 44. No house refuse, offal, garbage, dead animals, decaying vegetable matter, or organic waste substance of any kind shall be thrown on any street, road, ditch, gutter or public place within the limits of this city, and no putrid or decaying animal or vegetable matter shall be kept in any house, cellar or adjoining out-buildings or grounds for more than twenty-four hours. SLAUGHTER HOUSES, CATTLE YARDS, HOG PENS, &C, TO BE KEPT CLEAN. 45. No person or persons, without the consent of the board of health, shall build or use any slaughter house within the limits of this city, and the keeping and slaughter- ing of all cattle, sheep and swine, and the preparation and keeping of all meat, tish, birds or other animal food, shall be conducted in the manner best adapted to secure and continue their wholesomeness as food; every butcher or other person owning, leasing or occupying any place, room or building wherein any cattle, sheep or swine have been, or are, killed or dressed, and every person being the owner lessee or occupant of any room or stable wherein any animals are kept, or of any market, public or private, shall cause such place, room or building, stable or market, to be thoroughly cleansed and purified, and all offal, blood, fat, garbage, refuse and unwholesome and offensive matter to be removed therefrom at least onc£. in every twenty-four hours. 33 after the use thereof for any of the purposes herein referred to, and shall at all times keep all woodwork, save floors and counters, in any building, place or premises aforesaid thoroughly painted or whitewashed; and the floors of such building, place or premises shall be so constructed as to prevent blood or foul liquids jr washings from settling in the earth beneath. 46. No blood pit, dung pit, offal pit or privy well shall remain or be constructed within any slaughter house. Any one offending against this rule shall be guilty of cre- ating and maintaining a nuisance prejucicial to public health, and shall be required to remove the nuisance with- in five days from the date of notice. 47. The owners, agents or occupiers of all slaughter houses are required, during the months of June, July, Aug- ust and September, to distribute twice in each week not less than twenty-five pounds of chloride of lime about their premises, and also to remove the contents of any manure pit or manure pile on the premises, once in each week, the said premises and contents of manure pits being hereby de- clared to be nuisances prejudicial to public health, unless subject to frequent disinfection and cleaning, as herein in- dicated. No pigs or hogs, chickens, geese or ducks shall be kept in the same enclosure with a slaughter house ; nor shall they be fed, there or elsewhere, upon the offal of slaughtered animals. BONE BOILING AND OTHER OFFENSIVE TRADES, HOW TO BE CONDUCTED. 48. No person or company shall erect or maintain within the limits of this city, nor within five miles thereof +3 34 any manufactory or place of business dangerous to life or detrimental to health, or where unwholesome, offensive or deleterious odors, gas, smoke, deposit or exhalations are generated, such as tanneries, refineries, manufactories of starch, glue, leather, chemicals, fertilizers, gas, etc., without the permit of the board of health, and all such establish- ments shall be kept clean and wholesome so as not to be offensive or prejudicial to public health; nor shall any offen- sive or deleterious or waste substance, refuse or injurious matter be allowed to accumulate upon the premises, or be thrown or allowed to run into any public waters, streams, water-course, street, road or public place unless by sewer connection. And every person or company conducting such manufacture or business shall use the best approved and all reasonable means to prevent the escape of smoke, gasses and odors, and to protect the health and safety of all operatives employed therein. THE BUSINESS OF BONE-BOILING FORBIDDEN. 49. The business of bone and impure meat or fat boiling shall not be allowed in the city limits without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Health. STABLES TO BE KEPT CLEAN. 50. The keeper or keepers of a livery or any other stable shall keep his or their stables and stable-yard clean and shall not permit more than one wagon load of manure to accumulate in or near the same at any one time except by express permission of the Board of Health; nor shall any manure be removed except in a tight vehicle, so nr tected that the manure, in process of removal, may not be 35 dropped or left in any street, road, lane or way of the city. Provided, however, that the Board of Health will cause to be removed all manure from any place in the city where one or more horses are kept by individuals or individual, if, in the opinion of the board, the same become offensive to the inhabitants. No cow stable shall be permitted to be kept or maintained within 25 feet of any dwelling house within the city limits. PIG PENS AND CHICKEN COOPS NOT TO BE ALLOWED. 51. No pig pen or chicken coop shall be built or maintained within the limits of this city, except by permis- sion of the Board of Health. 52. No person shall keep any geese, ducks, hens or poultry of any description nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from any dwelling within the City of Bradford, and when- ever the keeping of any poultry or poultry-yard shall disturb the peace and happiness of any citizen, the person so aggrieved shall make a complaint in writing to the said Board of Health, that the keeping of such poultry-yard or poultry is a nuisance to them ; then the same shall be abated by order of the Board of Health. PRIVIES NOT TO REMAIN NEAR WELLS OF DRINKING WATER. 53. No privy-vault, cess-pool or reservoir into which a privy, water-closet, cess-pool or stables or sink is drained, unless it is water-tight, shall be constructed, dug or per- mitted to remain within one hundred and fifty feet of any well, spring or other source of water used for drinking or culinary purposes, unless the surface of such vault, cess- pool or reservoir is at a lower level than the bottom of such 36 well. Earth privies and earth closets, with no vault, pit or depression below the surface of the ground, shall be cepted from this regulation, but sufficient dry earth or coal ashes must be used daily to absorb all the fluid part of the deposit, and the contents must be completely removed at least once every month. No open vaults or closets shall be constructed from this date within the sewer district of the City of Bradford, and all closets shall be properly connected with sewer. Bowl and scat back aired, ventilated by pipes running through roof above the eave of the main building. All sewers shall have fresh air inlet-trap outside of house, with inlet extended to surface of ground. All fixtures connected to sewer shall be properly trapped and properly ventilated, in accordance with Ordinance No. 310. All plumbing work must pass inspection by such person or persons as the Board of Health may designate. No devia- tion from the above rules, unless by a permit granted by the Board of Health. SEWER DRAINS NOT TO CONTAMINATE WATER SUPPLY. 54. All sewer drains shall be water tight within the limits of this city. 55. The sewage from each building on every street provided with a common sewer, shall be conducted into said sewer. 56. That portion of the house drain which is outside of the building and more than four feet from the foundation walls, shall be constructed of iron pipe or vitrified drain pipe. 37 HOUSE DRAINS--HOW CONNECTED WITH SEWERS. 57. That portion of the drain pipe outside or under the building, and within four feet of the foundation walls, together with the soil pipe, shall be constructed of cast iron with leaded joints, or of wrought iron pipe with screwed joints, and in either case protected from rust. The waste-pipe connected with the conductors from the roofs, and other pipes inside the building, or outside and within four feet of the foundation walls, shall likewise be con- structed of cast iron with leaded joints, or wrought iron with screwed joints. 58. The house drain and other pipes tor the con- venience of sewage shall be laid with uniform grade and with a fall of not less than one inch in four feet, except in those cases where the Board of Health may permit other- wise. 59. All soil pipes shall be canied at their full size through the roof and left open. A provision shall also be made for admitting air to the house drain side of the main trap, if such trap exists. 60. The joints in the vitrified pipe shall be carefully cemented, under and around the pipe, and the joints in the cast iron pipe shall be run and caulked with lead. 61. All changes in direction shall be made with curved pipes. All joints and pipes shall be made air-tight. The whole work shall be done by skillful mechanics, in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and satisfactory to the Board of Health. 38 62. Before proceeding to construct any portion of the drainage system of a hotel, tenement, dwelling house or other building, the owner, builder or person constructing the same, shall file with the Board of Health a plan thereof, showing the whole drainage system, from its connection with the common sewer to its terminus, together with its location and sizes of all branches, traps, ventilating pipes and fixtures. 63. All drains now built shall be reconstructed when- ever in the opinion of the Board of Health it may be nec- essary. DISEASES DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH ENUMERATED. 64. The following named diseases are declared to be communicable and dangerous to the public health, viz. : Small pox, (Variola, Varioloid), Cholera, (Asiatic or Epi- demic), Scarlet Fever, (Scarlatina, Scarlet Rash), Measles, Diphtheria, (Diphtheritic Croup, Diphtheritic Sore Throat), Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Yellow Fever, Leprosy, Spotted Fever, (Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis), Relapsing Fever, Epidemic Dysentery, Hydrophobia, (Rabies), and Glanders, (Farcy), and shall be understood to be included in the following regulations, unless certain of them only are specified. HOUSEHOLDERS REQUIRED TO REPORT. 65. Whenever any householder knows that any person within his family or household has a communicable disease, dangerous to the public health, he shall immedi- ataly report the same to the secretary of the board of health, giving the name of the person, street and number or location of the house. 39 PHYSICIANS REQUIRED TO REPORT^SCHOOL TEACHERS TO BE NOTIFIED. 66. Whenever any physician finds that any person whom he is called upon to visit has a communicable disease dangerous to the public health, he or she shall immediately report the same to the secretary of the board of health, giving the name of the person, the street and number or location of the house ; on receipt of which report the secre- tary shall immediately notify the superintendant or princi- pals of all schools and the city superintendant, and he shall immediately notify the principal of the school in the district or districts where such communicable disease exists; to dis- pense with the attendance of all pupils residing in the family in which such disease exists. No physician who may, in good faith, in obedience to this rule, report a case as one of communicable disease which subsequently proves not to be such, shall be liable to a suit for damages for such error in reporting. It shall be the duty of such phy- sician and of all other attendants upon persons affected with such disease to avoid exposure to the public of any garments or clothing about their own persons that may have been subjected to the risk of infection. TO DISINFECT A ROOM. 67. Three pounds sulphur to 1,000 feet of room space, burned. The room should be thoroughly calked and closed for 8 to 12 hours, then fresh air admitted for 3 hours, and closed for 12 hours, or any other method that may be adopted by the board of health any time in the 40 future. All woodwork in room should be carefully washed with solution of i to 200 mercury chloride. All clothes soiled by discharges should be burned. Articles of bedding and wearing apparel should be ex- posed to sulphur fumes from 3 to 12 hours. Dead bodies should be wrapped in sheets thoroughly saturated with 1 to 500 mercury chloride. EXPOSURE OF INFECTED PERSONS OR THINGS FORBIDDEN. 68. No person shall, within the limits of this city, unless by permit of the board of health, carry or remove from one building to another any patient affected with any communicable disease, dangerous to the public health. Nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual so affected, or of the body of such individual, or of any article capable of conveying contagion or infection, or by any negligent act connected with the care or custody thereof, or by a needless exposure of himself or herself, cause or contribute to the spread of disease from any such individual or dead body. CLEANSING OF HOUSES IN CASE OF EPIDEMIC, AND ESTABLISHING OF HOSPITALS. 69. That in the case of the prevalence, or of reasonable ground to apprehend the prevalence, of malignant disease in the city, the board shall direct specially the cleansing of houses, cellars, yards, or such other places as they may consider requisite or prudent for the preservation of the health of the city, or for the mitigation of the disease ; and 41 shall establish hospitals, one or more, as they shall deem circumstances to require, and make provision and regulation for such hospitals. REMOVING PERSONS FROM FILTHY HABITATIONS. 70. In case of the prevalence of malignant disease in this city, the board shall remove persons from filthy and noxious habitations, or from noxious and peculiarly exposed places, to other habitations, whenever two thirds of all the members of the board shall determine that the faithful care of the health of the city, or any neighborhood thereof requires such a measure. SPREADING FALSE RUMORS OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 71. That for the purpose of preventing mischief arising from rumors of contagious disease existing in this city, if any person shall, without the authority of the Board of Health, publish any account of any contagious diseases in this city, or any case of such a disease, every such per- son shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars. PHYSICIANS' REPORT OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 72. The medical attendant, in all cases, of small-pox or varioloid, of epidemic or Asiatic cholera, or contagious fevers, shall report, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Health, within three hours after knowledge of such case or cases, occurring between six o'clock a. m. and six p. m., if after six o'clock p. m , to be reported before nine o'clock the following day ; such report shall state the name, sex, age, color, nation and number exposed, (Sec. 12 of Ordinance provides that report shall be made forthwith), 42 and residence, and duration of disease at the time of report; and in case of small-pox or varioloid, shall state the time of vaccination, and the said report, or reports, shall be filed and recorded by the Secretary of the Board of Health. If any medical attendant shall fail to observe and comply with the above regulations, he shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars for the first offense and twenty-five dollars for each subsequent offense. Whenever a case of communicable disease is reported strict quarantine shall be established by prohibiting intercourse with the outside world, except by a messenger provided for that purpose. When a quarantine is once established it shall not be raised until the patient or patients have fully recovered. In diphtheria when the throat has fully recovered its normal condition, all dis- charges from nose have ceased, and glandular enlargement disappeared, etc. In scarlet fever when all signs of desqua- mation or scaling have ceased, when sores about the mouth and nose have healed, and the bowels, appetite and temper- ature have assumed a normal condition. Children shall not go to school until three weeks from the disappearance of the above signs and symptoms. The secretary of the board shall notify the superintendent or principal of schools, under the order of the board of health, when the three weeks have expired. If in any case the board thinks that a quarantine can be raised or children allowed to go to school before the foregoing time, they shall appoint three physicians to examine the case and report to the board and their decision shall be final. Children who have been exposed to either diphtheria or scarlet fever will not be allowed to go to school for twelve days, at which time the secretary of the board of health will by order of the board 43 so notify the superintendent or principal of schools, and the superintendent or principal of schools must not permit any children so exposed to go to school until they get an order from the board. EXPENSE OF QUARANTINE. 73. Whenever it. becomes necessary to quarantine a house by the authority of the board of health, the expense, if any, shall be paid by the owner or occupant of- the premises If any person or persons refuse to comply with the rules and regulations of the board, or the instructions of the health officer, they shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction before the mayor or any alderman shall be fined in such sum as the mayor or alder- man may impose, in a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, and in default of payment that they may be committed to the city lockup or county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days ; Provided, however, that any one so quarantined that are absolutely unable to care for them- selves, the board of health will cause proper care to be taken of any such person or persons. If any person shall enter upon or go into a house that is under quarantine without the permission of the board of health or health officer in charge, they shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum'not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in default of payment of fine shall be committed to the city lockup for a period not exceeding 30 days HEALTH OFFICER TO PLACE NOTICE ON DOORS OF HOUSES AFFECTED WITH DISEASE. 74. Upon the return of cases of small-pox or other 44 contagious diseases, the health officer shall cause a printed notice, not less than six inches square, to be fastened upon the front door or other conspicuous place of each house in which such sickness prevails, and to be maintained during the existence of the disease, and until the health officer is satisfied that the house has been properly cleansed, disin- fected and purified ; and in case such notice is removed, without permission from the board, before the danger of contagion has ceased, the name of the person, head of the family occupying such house, together with the locality of the house, shall be published, and the person or persons removing the notice, or causing such removal, shall be fined in the manner herein provided. And whenever quarantine shall be declared, the same shall continue for a period of three weeks, unless the attending physician shall before the end of that time, report to the board of health that such quarantine can be safely raised, or that the same should be extended for a longer period, thereupon, if there shall be any doubt upon the safety of the sooner raising thereof, or that the same should be extended over a longer period, than the time herein prescribed, the board of health shall appoint two other physicians, who, with the attending physician, shall examine the patient and locality, and if the three physicians shall make unanimous report that the quarantine may then be raised or that the same should be extended beyond the period prescribed, the board of health shall make its order in compliance with such recommenda- tion. In case of death by either scarlet fever or diphtheria the quarantine shall be raised by the health officer by instructions of the board of health, whenever they deem it advisable. 45 FUNERALS AFTER INFECTIOUS DISEASES FORBIDDEN. 75. There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person who has died of Asiatic cholera, small-pox, typhus fever, diphtheria, yellow fever, scarlet fever or measles, and the family of the deceased shall in all such cases limit the attendance to as few as possible, and take all precautions possible to prevent the exposure of other persons to contagion or infection ; and the person author- izing the public notice of death of such person shall have the name of the disease which caused the death appear in such public notice. That every person dying of any of the above diseases except measles in this city, shall be removed and buried from the place of his or her death within six hours after such death. PUBLIC CONVEYANCES NOT TO BE INFECTED, AND ALL IN- FECTED CONVEYANCES NOT TO BE USED UNTIL DISINFECTED. 76. No person suffering from, or having very re- cently recovered from, small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, yellow fever or measles, shall expose himself, nor shall any one expose any one under his charge in a similar con- dition, in any conveyance, without having previously noti- fied the owner or person in charge of such conveyance of the fact of such condition as above stated. It shall be the duty of the board of health to have this section printed on a card, and to furnish the owner of each public conveyance with a copy thereof; and it shall be the duty of the owner of such conveyance to display such card in such convey- ance. And the owner or person in charge of such con- veyance must not, after the entry of any person so infected 46 into his conveyance, allow any other person to enter it without having sufficiently disinfected it under the direction of the board of health. INFECTED HOUSES OR ROOMS NOT TO BE LET. yy. No person shall let or hire any house, or room in a house, in which a communicable disease, dangerous to the public health, has recently existed, until the room or house and premises therewith connected have been disin- fected to the satisfaction of the board of health ; and for the purposes of this section, the keeper of a hotel, inn or other house for the reception of lodgers, shall be deemed to let or hire part of a house to any person as a guest into such hotel, inn or house. DISINFECTION REQUIRED. 78. The clothing, bed clothing and bedding of per- sons who have been sick with any communicable disease, dangerous to the public health, and the rooms which they have occupied during such sickness, together with their furniture, shall be disinfected under the direction of the board of health. INFECTED ANIMALS TO BE EXCLUDED. 79. No animal affected with a communicable disease' dangerous to the public health, shall be brought or kept within the limits of this city, except by permission of the board of health ; and the bodies of animals dead of such disease or killed on account of thereof, shall not be buried within five hundred feet of any residence, nor disposed of otherwise than as the said board; or its health 47 officer shall direct. The health officer shall have power to order animals to be killed that may be affected with any communicable or dangerous disease. MILK NOT TO BE ADULTERATED 80. No milk which has been watered, adulterated, reduced or changed in any respect from its natural condi- tion by the addition of any foreign substance, shall be brought into, held, kept or offered for sale at any place in this city. Ordinance No. 365. Sec. 1. That the office of Milk Inspector for the City of Bradford, be and is hereby created. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of said Milk In- spector to vigilantly inspect the vehicles and places of business of all persons selling, or offering for sale any milk in the City of Bradford, from time to time, and whenever requested so to do by any citizen who can show reasonable grounds for said request. Sec. 3. That in the performance of his official dut- ies, the said Milk Inspector shall have power to enter at any reasonable hour of the day or night, upon, or into the place of business, or vehicle of any person selling, or keep- ing for sale any milk, and to test and inspect any milk there kept. Sec. 4. That said Milk Inspector shall have power to immediately confiscate and destroy any impure or adul- terated milk he may find in the place of business, or vehicle he inspects. 48 Sec. 5. That the Health Officer shall be exofficio the Milk Inspector of the city. Ordinance No. 364. Sec. 1. That from and after the passage of this or- dinance, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell or keep for sale, or offer for sale, any impure or adul- terated milk in the City of Bradford. Sec. 2. Any and all persons who shall engage in, or carry on the sale, exchange or traffic in milk, shall have the carriage or vehicle from which the ' ; VtfS<./ • \ .WS7 TOST / • \ *Xr&J IW JO AHVIUI1 IVNOIIVN iNDIOiW JO ABVBBI1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO A B V II 8 I 1 IVNOIIVN INI Al LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N ^V\ I V :- 3W JO ABVBflll IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO ABVBBU IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO ABVBSI1 IVNOIIVN 3NI Al LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NA1 AL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NA1 3W dO ABVIBI1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO ABVBBI1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO ABVBflll IVNOIIVN 3NI 1 1 » Ifr! 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