WARNER’S Pocket Medical Dictionary —OF— T O'DAY COMPRISING PRONUNCIATION ADEFINEtIQN -OF- 10,000 ESSENTIAL WORDS AND TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND ASSOCIATED SCIENCES -BY WILLIAM R. WARNER William R. Warner & Co. Philadelphia COPYRIGHT: l897 PREFACE. In compiling this dictionary of medicine, the publishers have endeavored to render a concise, yet perfectly compre- hensive pronunciation and definition of each word classified. A very complete list of medical terms is presented as in vogue at the date of publication. Many of the very common medical words and terms have been omitted because their definitions are so well known as to obviate the necessity of their classification. This is done in order that the work will be what its title signifies, viz., a medical dictionary that can be carried in the pocket. We especially recommend “Warner’s Pocket Medical Dic- tionary of To-day ’’ to the student for class-room service and to the profession at large, to whom a larger dictionary is many times impracticable, because, being so bulky. Diphthongs have been omitted, except in instances where the plural of a word is intended as amygdalae, diarrhea, hemorrhage, etc., etc. Wm. R. Warner & Co. Philadelphia, 1897. Warner’s Pocket Medical Dictionary of To-day. A. Prefix, denoting absence of. AA. From ana, meaning of each. AB. Prefix, denoting away from. ABALIENA'TION (ab-al-yen-a'-shun). State of death or decay ABAXTAL. Relating to insertion of muscle away from me- dian line. ABDO'MEN. The belly. ABDOM'INAL PREGNANCY. When the fetus is in the ovi- duct. ABDOM'INAL REFLEX. Contractions of the muscles of the abdomen involuntarily. ABDOM'INAL RINGS. Abdominal openings through which the spermatic cord and ligament pass. ABDU'CENS. Muscle drawing from median line; sixth cranial nerves. ABDU'CENS OCULI. Ocular muscle which draws the eyeball outward. ABDUC'TION. Act of moving from the median line, ABDUC'TOR AURIS. A muscle of the ear. ABER'RANT. Abnormal type. ABERRANT ARTERIES. Slender branches of the brachial artery. ABERRA'TION. Abnormal deviation of action. ABERRA'TION, CHROMATIC. Images resulting from pris- matic action of lens. ABERRA'TION, DISTANTIAL. Confused sight due to dis- tance of objects. ABERRA'TION, SPHERICAL. Indistinct images due imper- fect refraction of a convex lens. ABEVACUA'TION (ab-e-vak-u-a'-shun). Unnatural fluid evacu- ation from body. ABIOGEN'ESIS (ab-i-6-jen'-e-sis). Spontaneous generation of life. 6 ABIOT'IC, Not compatible with life. ABIRRITA'TION. Absence of irritation. ABLACTA'TION. Weaning of infants. ABLA'TION. Removing any portion of body. ABLEPH'ARON (ah-blef'-a-ron). Without eyelids at birth. ABLEP'SIA, or ABLEP'SY, Blindness; sightless. AB'LUENT. Medicine used to cleanse the blood. ABLU'TION. Washing away; purifying. ABNORMAL. Not natural; unusual. ABNORM'ITY. Irregular; malformed; unusual; abnormal. ABOLI'TION. Complete cessation of action. ABOMA'SUM (ab-o-ma'-sum). The fourth stomach of rumi- nants; the rennet. ABORT'. To stop growth at an immature stage. ABOR'TICIDE. Destroying the fetus in utero. ABORTICID'IUM. Agent destroying a fetus. ABORTIFA'CIENT. Agent causing abortion. ABOR'TION. Premature fetal birth. ABOR'TION, ARTIFICIAL. Induced abortion. ABOR'TION, CRIMTNAL. Artificial abortion when patient’s life is in no danger. ABOR'TION, EMBRYONIC. Abortion before expiration of fourth month after conception. ABOR'TION, FETAL. Abortion succeeding fourth month after conception. ABOR'TION, INCOMPLETE. Non-expulsion of membranes or placenta after an abortion. ABOR'TION, MISSED. Non-expulsion of a dead fetus. ABOR'TION, OVULAR. Abortion before expiration of third week after conception. ABOR'TION, SPONTANEOUS. Natural abortion. ABORT'IVE. Inducing abortion. ABOUCHE'MENT (ah-boosh'-mong). The opening of one vessel into a larger one. ABOULOMA'NI A. Total or partial absence of will-power. ABRACH'IA (ah-bra'-ke-ah). Absence of arms at birth. ABRA'SION. A rubbing off or excoriation of skin. A'BRIN (a'-brin). The toxic principle of jequirity. ABRO'SIA. Atrophy of a part. ABRUP'TION. Rupture or fracture without any warning. A'BRUS (a'-brus). Jequirity. See Abrin. AB'SCESS. A circular pus cavity. AB'SCESS, CHRONIC. Abscess of long-continued growth, without inflammatory symptoms. AB'SCESS, COLD. See Chronic Abscess. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 7 AB'SCESS ROOT. Alterative, diaphoretic and expectorant root. ABSCIS'S/E. Horizontal lines of a geometrical figure. The perpendicular lines intersecting the abscissa are called its. ordinates. ABSCIS'SION. Excision. ABSCON'SIO (ab-skon'-she-o). A cavity or canal of abscess. AB'SINTHISM. Mental and muscular debility caused by drinking too much absinthe. ABSINTH'IUM. Wormwood; a digestive tonic. ABSORB'ENTS. Agents causing absorption. ABSORPTION. The taking up of one body by another. ABSTE'MIOUS. Practicing abstinence in diet. ABSTER'GENT. Application for cleansing sores. AB'STINENCE. Self-denial in food and drink. AB'STRACT. Active principle of a drug, evaporated to a powder and incorporated with sugar of milk. ABSTRACTION. The process of distilling a liquid from some- substance. ABU'LIA (a-bu'-le-a). Diminished or defective will-power. ABUT A (a-bu'-ta). Pareira brava. ABVACUATION. Same as Abevacuation. ACA'CIA (a-ka'-she-ah). Gum arabic; a clear gum. ACAMP'SIA. Inability to flex a limb. ACAN'THA. The spinal column. Spina-biflda. ACAN'THULUS. An instrument used to extract thorns. ACARDTA. A fetus without a heart. ACARDTAC. Having no heart. AC ARDIOTRO'PHIA (a-car-de-6-tro'-fe-ah). Atrophy of heart. AC'ARUS (ak'-a-rus). The mite; genus acaridse, AC'ARUS SCABIEI. Parasite producing the itch. ACATALEPSY. Doubtful diagnosis; dementia. ACCEL'ERANS NERVE. A nerve which, when stimulated, quickens the action of the heart. ACCELERATOR URIN®. A penis muscle aiding ejaculation of semen and urine. AC'CESS (ak'-sess). Approach of a disease. ACCESSORY. Auxiliary; a helper. ACCESSORY GLANDS OF THE PANCREAS. Brunner’s glands. ACCESSORY OF THE PAROTID. Separated portion of parotid gland. ACCESSORY WILLISII. The accessory nerve of the spine. ACCLIMATION. Naturalization to a foreign climate or con- dition. ACCLIMATIZATION. See Acclimation. 8 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYE. Adaptation of the eye to vision at different distances. ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYE, NEGATIVE. Eye When not active. ACCOUCH'EE (ah-koo-sha). A woman who has recently been delivered. ACCOUCHE'MENT (ah-koosh'-mong). Parturition. ACCOUCHEUR' (ah-koo-shur'). An obstetrician. ACCOUCHEUSE (ah-koo-shu'-z). A midwife. ACCRETE' (a-kret'). United; joined, ACCRETION. An accumulation. ACE'DIA (a-se'-de-ah). Melancholy; despondency. A. C. E. MIXTURE. An anesthetic, alcohol one, chloroform two, ether three parts. ACEPHA'LIA (a-sef-al'-ya). Having no head. ACEPHALOBRA'CHIA (a-sef-a-16-bra'-ke-ah). Having no head and arms. ACEPHALOCAR'DIA. Having no head and heart. ACEPHALOCHEI'RIA (a-sef-al-o-ki'-re-ah). Having no head and hands. ACEPH'ALOCYST. A hydatid; the bladder worm. ACEPHALOGASTRIA. Having no head and belly. ACEPHALOPO'DIA, Having no head and feet. ACEPHALORA'CHIA (a-sef-al-o-ra'-ke-ah). Having no head and spinal column. ACEPHALOTHORA'CICA. Having no head and chest. ACEPH'ALOUS (a-sef'-al-us). Without a head. A'CERATE (as'-e-rat). A combination of aceric acid with a salifiable base. ACERBITY (a-serb'-it-e). Having acid and astringent prop- erties. ACERTC ACID. An acid of the maple. ACERV'ULUS CEREBRI. Brain-sand, ACES'CENCE (a-ses'-ens). The turning of a wine to acid. ACES'CENCY. Slight acidity; moderate sourness. ACETAB'ULUM. Hipbone cavity holding head of femur. AC'ETAL (as'-e-tal). A fluid devoid of color with hypnotic properties. AC'ETATE. A salt derived from acetic acid. ACETTC (a-set'-ik). Relating to acetic acid; sour. ACET'IC ACID. Acid of vinegar. AC'ETONE. Methyl acetyl; naphtha; pyro-acetic acid; pro- duced by fermentation of organic matter. ACETONE'MIA. Acetone in the blood. ACETONU'RIA (as-e-ton-u'-re-ah). Acetone present in the urine. ACETOPHE'NONE (as-e-to-fe'-non). Hypnone. ACHE (ak). A persistent pain. ACHEI'LIA (a-ki'-le-ah). Absence of the lips at birth. ACHEI'RIA (a-ki'-re-ah). Absence of the hands at birth. ACHEI'RUS. See Acheirla. ACHILLE'A (ak-i-le'-ah). A bitter tonic plant. ACHIL'LES, TENDON (a-kil'-es). Strong tendon which is inserted in the heel. ACHLOROPSTA (a-klo-rop'-se-ah). Green blindness. ACHO'LIA (a-ko'-le-ah). Deficiency or absence of bile. ACHO'LOUS. Relating to Acholia. A'CHOR (a'-kor). A small ulcer of the scalp. ACHO'RION (a-ko'-ri-on). A collection of fungus material in the skin. ACHO'RION KERATOPH'AGUS. The parasite causing ony- chomycosis. ACHO'RION LEBER'TII. The parasite causing tinea ton- surans. ACHOR'ION SCHONLEI'NII (shan-li'-ne-i). The parasite caus- ing ringworm. ACHROIOCYTHE'MIA (a-kroi-6-si-the'-me-ah). See Oligochro- memia. ACHROMAT'IC (ak-ro-mat'-ik). Free from color or chromatic aberration. ACHROMAT'IC LENS. A lens used to rectify chromatic aber- ration. ACHRO'MATINE. The substance of the nucleus filament before division, ACHRO'MATISM. See Achromatic. ACHROMATOPS'IA (a-kro-ma-tops'-e-ah). Complete color- blindness, ACHROODEX'TRIN (a-kro-6-dex'-trin). Supposed constituent of common dextrin. ACHY'LOSIS (a-ki'-16-sis). Deficient chyle formation and absorption. ACHY'MOSIS (a-ki'-mo-sis). Deficient transformation of food into chyme. ACIC'ULAR (a-sik'-u-lar). Needle-shaped. A'CID (as'-id). A sour substance; very pungent; reddens lit- mus paper. A'CID AL'BUMIN. Albumin resulting from acid reaction on serum or egg albumen. ACIDIM'ETER. Instrument for ascertaining amount of free acids in a liquid. ACIDIM'ETRY. Examination of a liquid for free acid. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 9 10 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ACIDOS'TEOPHYTE (ac-id-os'-te-o-fit). A needle-shaped osteo- phyte. ACINE'SIA (as-i-ne'-se-ah). See Akinesia. ACIN'IFORM (a-sin-i-form). Clustered, similar to bunch of grapes. AC'INUS (as'-i-nus). Lobule of a racemose gland. AC'ME (ak'-me). Crisis or extreme condition of a disease. AC'NE (ak'-ne). A pustular affection of the sebaceous glands and surrounding tissue. AC'NE HYPERTROPH'ICA. Small tumors caused by acne rosacea. AC'NE MENTA'GRA, Barber’s itch. ACNE'MIA. Imperfect development of the calf of leg. AC'NE RHINO PH'YM A. See A. Hypertrophica. AC'NE ROSA'CEA. Chronic skin disease of the face. AC'NE VULGA'RIS. See Acne. ACCE'LIUS (a-se'-le-us). Having no belly. ACOL/OGY (ak-ol'-6-ge). Therapeutics. ACO'MIA (a-ko'-me-ah). Baldness; without hair. ACONITINE (a-kon'-i-tin). The active alkaloid of aconite, ACON'ITUM. Wolfsbane; anodyne; very poisonous. ACO'RIA (a-ko'-re-ah). Hunger that cannot be satisfied. Bulimia. AC'ORIN (ak'-6-rin). Bitter principle of calamus; a glucoside. AC'ORUS. See Calamus. ACCOU'METER. Instrument used to determine deafness and to what degree. ACOUS'TIC (a-koos'-tic). Pertaining to sound or hearing. ACOUS'TICS. The science treating of sound. ACRA'NIA (a-kra'-ne-ah). Absence of cranium, in whole or part. ACRA'SIA (a-kra'-ze-ah;. Debility; impotence. ACRA'TIA (a-kra'-she-ah), Disappearance of strength; weak- ness. See Acrasia. ACRATURE'SIS (a-krat-u-re'-sis). Lack of bladder-power to urinate. AC'RID (ak'-rid). Burning; acid; irritating. ACRIN'IA (a-krin'-e-ah). Imperfect or deficient secretion. ACROCHOR'DON (ak-ro-kor'-don). A pedunculated tumor or wart. ACRODYN'IA. An epidemic disease resembling ergotism. ACRO'LEIN (ak-ro'-le-ln). Product of heated glycerine. ACROMA'NIA. Incurable Insanity. ACROMEGA'LIA. Unusual hypertrophy of hands, feet and face. ACROMEG'ALY. See Acromegalia. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 11 ACRO'MION. The apex of the scapula. ACR OMPH'ALUS (a-krompf'-a-1 us). Umbilicus centre to which cord is attached. ACRO'NIA. Mutilation. AC'RONYX. (ak'-ron-iks). Ingrowing nail. ACROPOS'THIA (ak-rb-pos'-the-ah). Prepuce. ACROTHY'MION (ak-ro-thi'-me-on). A wart consisting oi various elevations. ACROTIS'MUS. Want of pulse; asphyxia. ACTIN'IC, Capable of producing chemical action. ACTINOM'YCES (ak-tin-om'-i-sez). Parasites of a vegetable. ACTINOMYCO'SIS- An animal disease, infectious. AC'TION. The work of a function; a morbid process. ACTIVE. Energetic; not indolent. ACT'UAL CAUT'ERY. Red-hot iron cautery. ACUITY (a-ku'-i-te). Acuteness; sharpness. ACU'METER. An instrument used to test the hearing. ACU'MINATE (ak-ku'-mi-nat). Pointed. AC'UPRESSURE (ak'-u-press-ur). The act of pressing needles across blood-vessels to prevent bleeding. AC'UPUNCTURE. Bleeding due to pricking the body with needles. A'CUS (a'-kus). Needle used in surgery. ACUTE'(a-kut'i. Active; energetic; quick; short. ACUTENAC'ULUM. A needle-holder. ACUTE'NESS. Fierce stage of a disease; relating to acute. ACYANOBLEP'SY (a-si-a-no-blep'-se). Unable to perceive blue. ACYANOPS'IA (ah-si-an-ops'ea). See Acyanoblepsy. ACYE'SIS (ah-si-e'-sis). Barrenness of the female. ADAC'RYA (a-dak'-re-ah). Insufficient secretion of tears. AD'AM’S AP'PLE. External prominence of thyroid cartilage. AD'DISON’S DISEASE. Fatal kidney disease, with browning of skin. ADDUCTION (ad-duk'-shun). Drawing toward median line. ADDUCTOR. Used in connection with muscles causing ad- duction. ADEMO'NIA. Mental worry; anxiety. A'DEN (a'-den). A gland; a bubo. ADENAL'GIA (ad-e-nal'-je-ah). Pain in a gland. ADENECTO'PIA. Glandular dislocation. ADENEMPHRAX'IS (ad-o-nem-frax'-is). Filling up of a gland. ADE'NIA (a-de'-ne-a). Hypertrophy of lymphatic glands. ADEN'IFORM. Gland-shaped. AD'ENINE (ad'-e-neen). A glandular leucomaine; non- poisonous. 12 ADENI'TIS (ad-e-nl'-tis). Glandular inflammation. ADEN'OCELE (ad-en'-o-sel). Pee Adenoma. ADENODYN'IA (ad-e-no-din'-e-ah). See Adenalgia. ADENOG'RAPHY. Written description of the glandular system. AD'ENOID (ad'-en-oyd). Glandular appearance. AD'ENOID TISSUE. Resembling a gland or its tissue. ADENOL'OGY. Study of the glandular system. ADENO'MA (ad-e-no'-ma). Tumor of a gland. ADENOMYXO'MA (ad-e-no-mix-6'-ma). An adenomatous and myxomatous growth. ADENOPATHY (ad-e-nop'-a-the). Science of glandular dis- eases. ADENOSARCO'MA. A sarcomatous adenoma. ADENOSCIR'RHUS. Scirrhus of a gland. ADENOSCLERO'SIS. Glandular swelling with induration. ADENO'SES (ad-c-no'-soz). Glandular disease; scrofula. ADENOT'OMY. Surgical opening of a gland. ADEPHA'GIA Voracious appetite. A'DEPS. Lard. A'DEPS ANSERI'NUS. Rendered goose fat. A'DEPS OVTLLUS. Mutton suet. ADER'MIA. Congenital absence of the skin, complete or partial. ADHE'SION. Joining of surfaces. ADHE'SIVE. Capable of adhesion. ADHE'SIVE PLAS'TER. Resin plaster. ADIAPHORE'SIS (ad-I-af-o-re'-sis). Lack of perspiration. ADIAPNEUS'TI A See Adiaphoresis. ADIATHE'SIA. An acquired condition. ADTNINE. See Adenine. ADIP'IC ACID. A product from oxidation of fats by nitric acid. ADTPOCERE (ad'-i-po-seer). Corpse wax resulting from de- composition of animal matter in moist places. ADIPOG'ENOUS (ad-ip-oj-en-us). Fat producing. AD'IPOSE. Pertaining to fats; fatty. AD'IPOSE ARTERIES. Arteries in fatty tissue of heart and kidneys. AD'IPOSE TISSUE. Union of fat-cells with tissue. ADIP'SIA (a-dip'-se-ah). Total absence of thirst. ADIPS'ON. A drink relieving thirst. ADIP'SOUS. Allaying thirst. AD'JUVANT. That part of a prescription which aids the principal ingredient. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL AD'NATE. Grown together; connected. ADOLES'CENCE. Interval between puberty and legal maturity. ADO'NIS ESTIVA'LIS (a-do'-nis). A cardiac tonic plant. ADOSCULA'TION. Pregnancy due external contact only. ADRE'NALS. The supra-renal capsules. ADULTER A'TION. Debasing any material with cheaper sub- stance. ADUS'TION. Cauterization. ADVENTI'TIA (ad-ven-tish'-e-ah). Outer coat of blood- vessels. ADVENTITIOUS. Not inherited; acquired; accidental. ADYNA'MIA (ad-i-na'-me-ah). Weakness; want of vital strength. ADYNAM'IC. Affected with adynamia. AERA'TION (a-e-ra'-shun). To till with air. AERHEMOCTO'NIA (a-er-hem-ok-to'-ne-ah). Death caused by air in the veins. AERIF'EROUS. That which carries air. AERO'BIA. Capable of living in oxygen, AERO'BIC. Living best on oxygen, as some microbes. AEROGON'ISCOPE. Instrument for gathering matter in the air. AEROL'OGY. Science treating of the atmosphere. AEROM'ETER. Apparatus for measuring density of a gas. AEROPHO'BIA (a-e-ro-fo'-be-ah). Fear of air currents. A'EROPHYTE (a'-e-ro-fit). Plant existing only in air. A'EROSCOPE. Apparatus for examining air-dust. AEROTHERAPEU'TICS. Science of using air of different pressure or composition for cure of disease. AERTERIVER'SION. Arresting hemorrhage by arterial eversion. AFE'TAL, Having no fetus. AFFEC'TION. Disease. AF'FERENT. Carrying in a central direction. AFFIN'ITY. Relationship; tendency toward attraction. AFFIN'ITY, CHEM'ICAL. Force by which two or more chemi- cals are united. AFFIN'ITY, ELECTIVE. Preferring one of two or more sub- stances. AFFLA'TUS. An acute erysipelas; air-current. AF'FLUX. Excessive local flow of blood. AF'RICAN LETHARGY. African “ Sleeping Sickness.” AF'TER-BIRTH. The placenta and membranes expelled after fetus. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 13 14 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL AF'TER-IM'AGES. Continued vision of an object after it has been removed. AF'TER-PAINS. Pains resulting from delivery. AGALACTIA (ag-a-lak'-te-aL). Defective secretion of milk. AGAMOGEN'ESIS. Non-sexual reproduction. A'GAR-A'GAR, Japanese isinglass, from which glue is made. AGAR'ICIN. Fatty substance in the mushroom. AGAR'ICUS. The mushroom. AGE. Period, beginning at birth and ending with death. AGENE'SIA (a-jen-e'-se-ah). Rudimentary condition of the reproductive organs; impotence. AGEN'ESIS. See Agenesia. AGENOSO'MIA (a-jen-o-so'-me-ah). Imperfect development of genitals. A'GENT. A substance or compound that changes existing conditions. AGEU'SIA (a-gu'-se-ah). See Ageustia. AGEUS'TIA (a-gus' te-ah). Absence of sense of taste. AGGLUTINA'TION. Adhesion of parts; union. AGGLU'TINATIVES, Adhesive agents. AG'GREGATE. To collect in one mass. AGITA'TION. Intense excitement. AGLOBU'LIA Deficient supply of red blood corpuscles; anemia. AGLOS'SIA, Absence of tongue at birth. AGLUTI'TION (ag-lu-tish'-un). Inability to swallow. AG'MINATED. Grouped in a mass ; clustered. AG'NAIL. Hang-nail. AGNA'THIA (ag-na'-the-ah). Congenital absence of the Jaws. AGNE'SIS. Sterility; impotence. AGOMPHO'SIS. Looseness of the teeth. AGO'NIA (a-go'-ne-ah). Sterility; barrenness; impotency. AG'ONY. The throes of death; violent pain. AGORAPHO'BIA (ag-or-a-fo'-be-ah). Fear of vacant places. AGRAM'MATISM. Inability to speak properly. AGRAPHTA (ag-ra'-fe-ah). Inability to write ideas. A'GRIA (a'-gre-ah). A severe skin disease. AG'RIMONY. Astringent and stimulant root. AGRIP'PA. A child born feet foremost. AGRIPPI'NUS PAR'TUS. Foot presentation. A'GUE (a'-gu). Malarial or intermittent fever. A'GUE-CAKE. Splenic enlargement due to malaria. A'GUE-DROP. Fowler’s solution of arseniate of potash. AHYP'NIA (a-hip'-ne-ah). Sleeplessness. AIL'MENT. Disease. AIN'HUM (an'-hum). Disease suffered by tropical negro, in which the little toes decay. AIR, TI'DAL. Respiratory currents. AKANTHESTHE'SIA. A sensation as though a sharp point is felt. AKATAMATHE'SIA. Inability to understand. AKINE'SIA. See Akinesis. AKIN'ESIS. Loss of motion power. AKROPOSTHI'TIS (ak-ro-pos-thl'-tis). Foreskin inflammation. AKYANOPS'IA. Blue-blindness. ALA'LIA (a-la'-le-ah), Imperfect speech due to paralysis. AL'BICANS. White. AL'BINISM. Lack of pigment in the skin, eyes, etc. ALBI'NO (al-bi'-no). A person affected with albinism. ALBINU'REA (al-bi-nu'-re-ah). White urine. ALBUGIN'EA (al-bu-jin'-e-ah), White or relating to white. ALBUGIN'EA OC'ULI. White fibrous tissue of the viscera. ALBUGIN'EA, TES'TIS. Tunica albuginea of the testicle. ALBUGIN'EOUS. See Albuginea. ALBUGINI'TIS (al-bu-jin-i'-tis). White fibrous tissue inflam- mation. ALBU'GO (al-bu'-go). White opacity of cornea. ALBU'MEN. The white of egg. ALBUMIM'ETER. Apparatus for estimating albumin in urine. ALBU'MIN. Important proteid substance, the constituent of the animal body. Contains C, H, N, 0 and S. ALBU'MIN ATE. A compound of albumin with a base. ALBU'MINOID DISEASE. Starch-like effusion of tissues. ALBU'MINOIDS. Albuminous substances. ALBU'MINOSE. Peptone. ALBUMINO'SIS. Abnormal secretion of albumin in the blood. ALBUMINU'RIA. Albumin in the urine. Bright's Disease. AL'CHEMY (al'-ka-me). Ancient supposed science of trans- forming an ordinary metal into gold; also treating of the discovery of Elixir of Life. AL'COHOL. Distillation product of fermented saccharine fluids. AL'COHOL, AB'SOLUTE. Undiluted or pure alcohol. AL'COHOL ATE (al'-ko-hol-at). Alcohol and salt combination. AL'COHOLISM. Condition produced by excessive use of alcohol. ALDEHYDE (al'-de-hid). Colorless, volatile, inflammable. pungent liquid. ALE (al). Fermented infusion of malt combined with hops, ALEM'BIC (a-lem'-bik). A distillation vessel. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 15 16 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ALEM'BROTH. Chloride of mercury and ammonia. ALEP'PO BOIL, BUTTON or EVIL. Endemic facial malady of Syria and Africa. AL'ETRIS (al'-e-tris). Bitter stomachic. ALEXAN'DER’S OP'ERATION. Inguinal Incision to shorten the uterine round ligaments, restoring womb normally. ALEXTA (a-leks'-e-ah). Without power to read. ALEX'INS. Albuminous protective agents, in the blood. ALEXIPHARMTC (a-lek-se-farm'-ik). An agent counteracting a poison. ALEXIPYRET'IC (a-lex-se-pi-ret'-ik). A febrifuge; antipyretic. ALEZE' (a-laz'). Cloth used to protect bed from purulent dis- charges. AL'G/E (al'-je). An order of cryptogramic plants. ALGE'SIA (al-je'-ze-ah). Excessive sensibility of pain. AL'GID (al'-jid). Cold; absence of warmth. AL'GOR. Abnormal feeling of coldness. ALTBLE. Fit for food. ALICES (aT-i-ses). Spots preceding small-pox eruption. ALIEN ACTION (al-yen-a'-shun). Various forms of insanity. A'LIENIST (al'-yen-ist). One treating diseases of the mind. ALIF'EROUS. Possessing wings. ALTFORM. Wing-shaped. ALIMENT, Nourishing food ; nutriment. ALIMENTARY. Having nourishing qualities. ALIMENTARY BO'LUS. Masticated food. ALIMENTARY CANAL. Membranous tube and glands ex- tending from mouth to anus. ALIMENTARY DUCT. The thoracic duct. ALIMENTA'TION. The act of nourishing; feeding. ALISPHE'NOID (al-is-fe'-noid). The great wing of the sphenoid. ALKALESCENT. Becoming alkaline. AL'KALI. A substance capable of forming neutral salts with acids. ALKALIM'ETER. Instrument used to measure strength of alkalies. ALKALINU'RIA (al-ka-lin-u'-re-ae). Alkali in the urine. AL'KALGID. Similar to alkali; an organic basic substance. AL'KANET. A red dye root. ALLANTIASIS (al-an-ti'-a-sis). Poisoning from sausages. ALLAN'TOIN (a-lan'-td-in). A uric acid oxidation product. ALLAN'TOIS (a-lan'-to-is). A fetal umbilical appendage. ALLANTOTOXTCUM (a-lan-to-tok'-si-kum). The sausage poison. ALLESTHE'SIA. See Allochiria. ALLIA'CEOUS (al-i-a'-she-us). Similar to garlic. ALLOCHTRIA (al-o-ki'-re-ah). A tabetic symptom consisting of inability to locate sensations in sides of body. ALLOPATHY. The science of curing one disease by establish- ing a condition of a different kind. ALLORHYTH'MIA (al-lor-rlth'-me-ah). Variation of pulse beats. ALLOTRIOPHAGY (a-lot-re-of-a-je). Abnormal appetite for unnatural things. ALLOT'ROPISM. The existence of a substance in two or more conditions having physical variations but the same chemi- cal composition. ALLOXAN. Product of action on uric acid by nitric acid. ALLCXAN'TIN. Crystalline substance of alloxan formation. AL'MEN’S TEST. Test for hemoglobin or blood in the urine, using guaiacum and ozonized ether. ALO'CHIA (al-o'-ke-ah). Without lochia. AL'OE (al'-6). Inspissated juice of the aloe. AL'OiN (al'-o-in). Active principle of aloe. ALOPE’CIA (al-6-pe'-se-ah). Complete or partial loss of the hair. AL'TERATIVE. A remedy improving nutrition and excretion; process establishing the normal condition of body. ALTHEA (al-the'-ah). Marsh-mallow root; a demulcent. AL'UM or AL'UMEN. Potassium sulphate and aluminium. AL'UM WHEY. Alum violently shaken with milk. ALUMINIUM. A whitish metal; very light weight. ALVE'OLAR. Relating to the alveoli. ALVE'OLUS. Socket of a tooth; a small cavity or socket. ALVEUS. A cavity, tube, or channel. AL'VINE (al'-vin). Relating to the intestines or belly. AL'VINE DISCHARG'ES. The feces. AL'VUS. The belly. AMADOU (am'-a-doo). Surgeon’s agaric, used for dressing wounds. AMAL'GAM, A mercuric alloy. AMARA. Bitters. AMARIN. Alkaloid of bitter almonds. AMA'RO. See Amara. AMAS'TIA (a-mas'-te-ah). Having no breasts. AMAURO'SIS (am-a-ro'-sis). Loss of vision. AM'BERGRIS. Excretion from intestines of the sperm whale. AMBIDEX'TROUS. Equal skill of both hands. AMBIO'PIA (am-be-o'-pe-ah). Double vision. AMBLYO'PIA (am-ble-6'-pe-ah). Dimness of vision. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 17 18 AM'BULANCE. Four-wheeled vehicle for removing- the sick or injured. AMBUS'TION. A scald or burn. AME'BA, A colorless microorganism, changing its shape. AME'BA CO'LI. Microorganism of dysentery. AME'BOID. Similar to an ameba. AME'LIA. Having no limbs., AM'ELUS. A monster having no limbs. AMENORRHEA. Irregular menstruation. AMEN'TIA (a-men'-she-ah). Absence of intellect. AMERICAN COLUM'BO. Tonic, cathartic root. AMERICAN I'VY. Tonic and expectorant drug. AMER'ICAN SPIK'ENARD. Diuretic and alterative drug. AME'TRIA (a-me'-tre-ah). Having no womb. AMETROM'ETER. Instrument for measuring amount ametropia. AMETRO'PIA (a-mo-tro' pe-ah). Defective refraction of the eye AM'IDIN. Soluble interior of starch. AMID'ULIN (a-mid'-u-lin). Soluble starch. AMIMTA lnability to gesture properly when communicating a thought. AM'INES (am'-ins). An ammonia compound in which an organic radical is substituted for equivalents of hydrogen. AMMONIE'MIA (am-mo-ni-e'-me-ah). Abnormal amount of carbonate of ammonia in the blood. AMMO'NIUM. A hypothetical radical; the base of ammonia AMNE'SIA (am-ne'-se-ah). Loss of memory. AMNES'TIA (am-nes'-tc-ah). See Amnesia. AM'NION. Innermost fetal membrane. AMNI'TIS (am-ni'-tis). Inflammation of the innermost fetal envelope. AMORPH'OUS (a-morfl-us). Without form; non-crystallized. AMOR'PHUS. An acardiac monster having no head, arms or legs. AMPHIARTHRO'SIS (am-fo-ar-thro'-sis). Joint formed by fibrous tissue allowing slight motion. AMPHI-CREATINE. A loucomaine of the muscle. AMPHI-CREAT'ININE. Muscular poisonous leucomaine. AMPHIDIARTHRO'SIS. Joint with gliding motion. AMPHORIC RES'ONANCE. A sound similar to blowing into a bottle, heard during auscultation, caused by lung-cavity. AMPUTA'TION. Cutting off a projecting part of the body. AMY'ELUS (a-mi'-e-lus). Monster having no spinal cord. AMYENCEPHALUS. Monster having no cord or brain. AMYG'DALA (a-mig'-da-lah). Fruit-kernel of almond-tree. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL AMYG'DAL® (a-mig'-da-le). The tonsils. AMYG'DALIN. Crystallizable glucoside of bitter almonds. AMYGDALI'TIS (a-mig-da-lit'-is). Tonsilitis. AMYGDALOT'OMY. Removal of the tonsils. AM'YKOS (am'-e-kds). A Russian antiseptic fluid. AM'YL (am'-il). A hypothetical radical of amylic alcohol. AM'YL AL'COHOL. See Amylic Alcohol. AMYLA'CEOUS(am-i-lu'-she-us). Starch-like; containing starch. AM'YLENE, A pleasant but dangerous anesthetic. AM'YLENE HY'DRATE. An alcoholic hypnotic. AMYL'IC AL'COHOL. Fusel-oil; an hypnotic. AM'YL NIJRITE. Product of action of mixed nitric and sul- phuric acids upon amylic alcohol. AM'YLOID. Starch-like; containing starch. AMYLOLYT'IC (am-e-16-lit'-ik). Having power to convert starch into sugar. AMYLOP'SIN. Constituent ferment of pancreatin. AM'YLUM. Starch. AM'YON (am'-i-on). Want of muscle. AMYOSTHE'NIA (a-mi-6-sthe'-ne-ah). Lack of muscular power. AMYOSTHEN'IC. Relating toamyosthenia; tending to weaken muscular action. AMYOTROPH'IC (a-mi-d-trof'-ik). Relating to atrophy of mus- cles. AM'YOUS (am'-i-us). Lack of muscle. AN'A. Of each. ANABI'OSIS. Recovering activity and strength. ANAB'OLISM. Building up; constructive. ANACAR'DIUM. Cashew nut, remedy for leprosy. ANACATHAR'SIS. Cough accompanied by expectoration. ANACATHAR'TIC. Producing vomiting or expectoration. AN ACROT'IC. See Anacrotism. ANAC'ROTISM. Vibration of ascending sphygmogram. AN®'MIA. See Anemia. AN®STHE'SIA. See Anesthesia. ANAKU'SIS (an-a-ku'-sis). Complete deafness. A'NAL (a'-nal). Relating to the anus. ANALEP'SIS. Recovery of health. ANALEP'TIC. Agent restoring health and vigor. AN ALGE'SIA (an-al-je'-se-ah). Not sensible to pain. ANALGE'SIC. An agent relieving pain. ANAL'OGOUS. Similar. ANALOGUE. Performing same function as some other part or organ. ANAL'YSIS. An examination to determine contents of a body. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY, 19 20 ANAMNES'TIC. Bringing to mind ; remembering. ANAM'NIA. Having no amniotic sac. ANAPEIRAT'IC (an-a-pi-rat'-ik). Caused by continued use of a part, as writer’s cramp. ANAPHRODIS'IA (an-af-ro-diz'-e-ah). Without venereal desire, ANAPHRODIS'IAC. Agent producing anaphrodisia. ANAPLAS'TIC. Relating to anaplasty. ANAPLASTY. Plastic operation ; grafting. ANAPLEROT'IC. Tissue-renewing, as in cicatrization. ANAP'NOGRAPH. Apparatus registering pressure and speed of inspiration and expiration. ANAR'THRIA. Defective articulation. ANARTHROUS. Jointless. ANASAR'CA, Dropsy throughout the body. ANASPA'DIAS. Congenital opening into urethra, on the dorsum of penis. ANASTAL'TIC (an-a-stal'-tik). Styptic; astringent. ANASTATIC. Convalescence; relating to recovery. ANASTOMO'SIS. The union of vessels. ANATOMY. The science relating to the structure of organic bodies. ANATOMY, COMPARATIVE. Anatomical comparison of animal groups. ANATOMY, MOR'BID. Science treating of structural disease. ANATOMY, RE'GIONAL. Description of regions of the body. ANAZOT'IC. Without nitrogen. ANAZOTU'RIA. Defective secretion of urea in the urine. AN'CHYLOPS (ang'-ki-lops). Abscess near inner canthus of eye. ANCHYLOSTOMIASIS. Anemia caused by infection of Anky- lostomum duodenale. ANCHYLOSTO'MUM. An intestinal worm. AN'CON (ang'-kon). The elbow. AN'CONAD. Toward the elbow. ANCONA'GRA. Pain of the elbow-joint. AN'CONAL. Relating to the elbow. ANCONE'US. Muscle on the outside of elbow. AN'CONOID. Shaped like an elbow. ANCYLOGLOS'SUM. Tongue-tie. ANDRANAT'OMY. Dissection of a human being. ANDRO'GYNUS (an-dro'-Jin-us), Hermaphrodite. ANDROL'OGY. Treatise on man. ANDROMA'NIA. Nymphomania. ANE'MIA (an-e'-me-ah). Lack of blood and decreased amount of red corpuscles. ANE MIC. Relating to anemia. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 21 ANE'MIC MUR'MUR. Soft blood murmur, heard in anemia. ANEMOM'ETER. Apparatus registering the force and velocity of a current of air. ANEM'OSCOPE. Apparatus determining course of the wind. ANEMOT'ROPHY. Lack of nourishment of blood. ANENCEPH'ALOUS. Having no brain. ANEN'TEROUS. Without intestinal canal. ANERO'BIA. Microbrganisms that live without oxygen. ANERYTHROP'SIA (an-er-i-throp'-se-ah). Red-blindness. AN'ESIS. Cessation of a disease. ANESTHE'SI A. State of unconsciousness. ANESTHESIM'ETER. Apparatus registering amount of anes- thetic administered. ANESTHETIC. An agent producing freedom from sensa- tion. Allaying pain; an anodyne. AN'ETUS. Term for intermittent fevers. aN'EURISM (an'-u-rizm). Abnormal arterial dilatation. ANEURIS'MAL VA'RIX. Swelling of vein with absence of sac between vein and artery. ANFRACTUOUS (an-frak'-tu-us). Winding; sulcate. A.NFRACTUOUSTTY. Winding of sulci of brain. ANFRES'SEN. To corrode. ANGEI-, SeeAngi-. ANGIEC'TASIS (an-je-ek'-ta-sis). Dilatation of a vessel. ANGIITIS (an-ji-i'-tis). Inflammation of vessels. ANGILEUCI'TIS. See Angioleucitis. ANGI'NA (an-ji'-na). A feeling as of suffocation. ANGFNA ACUTA. Plain sore throat. ANGI'NA PECTORIS. Pain and sense of suffocation about the heart. ANGI'NA PAROTIDE'A. The mumps. ANGI'NA TON'SILLANS. The quinsy. ANGI'NA TRACHEA'LIS. The croup. ANGIOCARDI'TIS (an-ji-6-kar-di'-tis). Inflammation of heart and neighboring vessels. AN'GIOGRAPH (an'-ji-o-graf). Sphygmograph. ANGIOG'RAPHY. Written description of the vessels. ANGIOLEUCITIS (an-ji-o-lu-si'-tis). Lymphangitis. ANGIOL'OGY. See Angiography. ANGIOLYMPHO'MA. Lymphatic tumor. ANGIO'MA. Vascular tumor connected with blood-vessels, ANGIONO'MA See Angioma. ANGIONEURO'SIS. Affection of vaso-motor nerves. ANGIOPAR ALY'SIS. Vaso-motor paralysis. 22 ANGIOSARCO'MA. Vascular sarcoma of capillary develop- ment. AN'GIOSPASM. A vaso-motor spasm. AN'GLE. Union of lines running in different directions. AN'GOR. See Angina. ANGUIL'LIDAJ (ang-gwil'-i-de). Genus of nematoid worms. ANGUIN'EOUS. Snake-like. AN'GULAE. Relating to an angle. AN'GULAR AR'TERY. Facial artery terminal. AN'GULAR GY'RUS. Convolution of inferior parietal lobule. ANGUSTU'RA. A febrifuge bark. ANHELA'TION. Panting; shortness of breath. ANHIDRO'SIS (an-hi-dro'-sis). Insufficiency of sweat. ANHIDROT'IC. Remedy preventing sweating. ANHYDRE'MIA. Lack of serum in blood. ANHY'DRIDE (an-hi'-drid). An oxide without water. ANHY'DROUS. Containing no water. ANI'DOUS. Formless; a monster without shape. ANIDRO'SIS. See Anhidrosis. AN'ILINE (an'-i-lin). An inflammable oily coal-tar product. AN'ILISM. Condition caused by exposure to aniline fumes. ANIMAL. Living organic structure with power of locomotion. AN'IMAL HEAT. Normal heat of an animal. AN'IMAL MAG'NETISM. Mesmerism; hypnotism. ANIMAL'CULE (an-i-mal'-kule). A minute organism. ANIMALIZA'TION. The process of assimilation. ANIRID'IA (an-i-rid'-e-ah). Lacking or defect of the iris. ANISCHU'RIA (an-is-ku'-re-ah). Incontinence of urine. ANISOCO'RIA (an-i-so-ko'-re-ah). A condition where the pupils are unequal in size. ANISOMETROPTA. Term applied where the refraction of eyes is different. AN'ISUM. Anise; an expectorant. AN'KLE. Joint immediately above the heel. AN'KLE CLO'NUS. Series of contractions of the ankle-joint in certain diseases. ANKYLOBLEPHARON. Adhesion of upper and lower eyelids ANKYLO'SIS. Stiff joint due ossification. ANKYLO'TIA (an-ke-ld'-she-ah). Joining of auditory meatus walls. AN'NULAR. Ringshaped. AN'NULUS. Ring; a circular or rounded margin. AN'NULUS ABDOMINA'LIS. Internal abdominal rings. AN'NULUS ABDOM'INIS. The inguinal ring. AN'NULUS UMBILTCUS. The umbilical ring. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. AN'ODE (an'-od). The positive electrode of a battery. AN'ODYNE (an'-o-dln). Medicine which relieves pain. ANODYN'IA (an-o-din'-e-ah). Having no pain. ANOM'ALOUS. Deviating from the normal function; unusual. ANOM'ALY (an-om'-a-le). That which is anomalous. ANONYCH'IA (an-o-ni'-ke-ah). Absence of nails. ANOPHTHAL'MIA (an-of-thal'-me-ah). Congenital absence of the eyes. ANOPS'IA (an-ops'-e-ah). Absence of vision; blindness. ANOR'CHUS (an-or'-kus). Absence of testicles in scrotum. ANOREX'IA (an-or-6ks'-e-ah). Without appetite. ANORTHO'PIA (an-or-tho'-pe-ah), Condition in which straight lines appear as though bent; squinting. ANOS'MIA (an-os'-me-ah). Absence of sense of smell. ANOSTO'SIS. Imperfect bone development. ANO'TUS (an-6-tus). Having no ears. ANOU'ROUS (an-oo'-rus). Having no tail. ANOVES'ICAL, (a-no-ves'-ik-al). Relating to anus and bladder. ANTACTD (ant-as'-id). An alkali; prevents acid formation. ANTAGONIST. Opposition in the action of one drug to that of another. ANTAL'GIC (ant-al'-jik). Agent relieving pain ; anodyne. ANTAL'K ALINE. Opposed to alkalies. ANTAPHRODIS'IAC. Agent relieving or diminishing sexual desire. ANTARTHRIT'IC. Remedy giving relief in gout. ANTASTHMAT'IC. Agent relieving asthma. ANTEBRACH'IAL (an-te-brak'-i-al). Relating to the fore- arm. ANTEFLEX'ION (an-te-flek'-shun). A bending forward, as of uterus. ANTEMET'IC. Agent checking vomiting. ANTEVER'SION. A tilting or bending forward. See Anti- flexion. ANTHELMIN'TIC. Remedy destroying worms. AN'THEMIS. Chamomile; mild tonic. AN'THER. The male sexual organs in plants. ANTHONY’S FIRE, ST. See Erysipelas. AN'THRACOID. Similar to a carbuncle. ANTHRACO'SIS. Chronic inflammation of lung. ANTHRAX. A carbuncle caused by Bacillus Anthracis. ANTHROPOG'ENY (an-thro-poj'-e-ne). Doctrine of the descent of man. ANTHROPOG'RAPHY. Treatise on anthropogeny. ANTHROPOID. Similar to man. 23 24 ANTHROP'OLITE (an-throp'-o-lit). Human body turned to stone. ANTHROPOM'ETRY. Various measurements of the strength and weight of body. ANTHROPOMOR'PHOUS. Having shape of man. ANTHROPOPHAGY. Cannibalism. ANTHROPOPHO'BIA. Fear of society; abnormal desire for solitude. ANTHROPOSOMATOL'OGY. Treatise on structure of the body. ANTHROPOT'OMY. Dissection of the human body. ANTHYPNOTTC (ant-hyp-not'-ik). Agent to prevent sleep. ANTIADES (an-ti'-a-dez). The tonsils. ANTI-ALT3U MIN. Product of albumin acting on pepsin. ANTIARTHRITTC. A gout remedy. ANTIBILTOUS (an-ti-bil'-yus). Curing or relieving biliousness. ANTIBRACHTUM (an-te-brak'-e-um). The forearm. ANTIBRO'MIC. A deodorant. ANTICAR'DIUM. The upper part of abdomen. * ANTIDINTC. Curing or preventing vertigo. AN'TIDOTE. An agent neutralizing the effect of a poison. ANTID'YNOUS (an-tid'-e-nus). Similar to an anodyne. ANTIDYSENTERTC. Dysentery remedy. ANTIEMETTC. Opposed to emesis. ANTIEPHIAL'TIC (an-te-ef-e-al'-tik). Nightmare remedy. ANTIFEB'RILE. Antipyretic; fever remedy. ANTIFEB'RIN. A white, crystalline, antipyretic powder; ace- tanilid. ANTIGALAC'TIC. Drug diminishing secretion of milk. ANTIHE'LIX. Ridge of the concha posterior, opposite helix. ANTI HYDRO PTC. Remedy for relief of dropsy. ANTIHYDROTTC. Diminishing sweat secretion. ANTILEP'SIS. Counter-irritation. ANTILETH AR'GIC. Agent preventing sleep. ANTILITHTC. Agent preventing urinary calculi formatb i. ANTILYS'SIC. Hydrophobia remedy. ANTILO'BIUM. Conical prominence of ear opposite the lobe; the tragus. ANTIMO'NIUM. Antimony; lustrous volatile metal. ANTINEPHRITTC. An agent relieving inflammation of kidneys, ANTIPARASITTC. Agent used to destroy insects. ANTIPATHY (an-tip'-a-the). Aversion; opposed to. ANTI-PEP'TONE. Product of pancreatic digestion of proteids. ANTIPERIODTC. Remedy checking recurrent diseases. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ANTIPERISTAL'SIS. Upward contractions of bowels. ANTIPHLOGISTIC (an-ti-flo-jist'-ik). Agent checking and relieving inflammation. ANTIPHTHIS'IC (an-te-tiz'-ik). Agent opposed to phthisis. ANTIPLAST'IC. Preventing formation of new tissue. ANTI PROS'T ATE (an-ti-pros'-tat). Applied to Cowper’s Glands. ANTIPRURITTC. Relieving itching of pruritus. ANTIPY'IC (an-te-pi'-ik). Preventing suppuration. ANTIPYRE'SIS. Use of antipyretics. ANTIPYRET'IC. Agent lowering temperature; a febrifuge. ANTIPY'RIN. A coal-tar febrifuge. ANTIPYROT'IC. A remedy for burns. ANTISCORBU'TIC (an-te-skor-bu'-tik). A remedial agent for scurvy. ANTISEP'TIC, An agent used to prevent putrefaction. ANTISIAL'IC. Agent diminishing salivary secretion. ANTISPASMODTC. Preventing or curing spasmodic affections. ANTISPAS'TIC (an-te-spas'-tik). An antispasmodic; revulsive. ANTISYPHILITTC. Remedy for syphilis. ANTITH'ENAR (an-tith'-e-nar). Opposed to the thenar portion. ANTITHER'MIC. Cooling. ANTITOX'IC (an-te-toks'-ik). Antagonistic to poisoning; an antidote. ANTITRA'GUS. That part of external ear behind meatus opposite the tragus. ANTIZYMOTTC (an-te-zl-mot'-ik). Agent arresting or prevent- ing fermentation. ANT'LIA (ant'-le-ah). A syringe; a pump. ANTODONTAL'GIC. Toothache remedy. ANT'OZONE. Hydrogen dioxide. ANTRI'TIS (an-tri'-tis). Cavity inflammation. AN'TROPHORE (an'-tro-for). A gelatin, medicated bougie. AN'TRUM. A bone cavity. AN'TRUM OF HIGH'MORE. Cavity in bone of upper jaw. AFU'RIA (an-u'-re-ah). Absence or lack of urine. A'NUS (a'-nus). Rectal extremity. AOR'TA (a-or'-tah). The main arterial trunk, AOR'TIC (a-or'-tik). Relating to the aorta. AORTI'TIS (a-or-ti'-tiß). Inflammation of aorta. APANTHRO'PIA. Unnatural desire for solitude; melancholy. APATHY. Absence of desire or passion. APEL'LOUS (ah-pel'-us). Having no skin. APEP'SIA (ah-pep'-se-ah). Dyspepsia. APE'RIENT (ah-pe'-re-ent). Opening; laxative. APERISTAL'SIS. Lack of movement in intestines. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 25 26 AP'ERTURE (ap'-er-tur). An opening; a hole. A'PEX (a'-peks—plural, ap'-ices). The highest point. APHA'GIA (ah-fa'-je-ah). Not having ability to swallow. APHA'KIA (ah-fa'-ke-ah). Eye without crystalline lens. APHA'SIA (ah-fa'-ze-ah). Inability to speak due to injury to speech-centres. APHE'MIA (ah-fe'-me-ah). Inability to articulate words. APHO'NIA (ah-fo'-ne-ah). Loss of voice due to paralysis or hysteria. APHO'RIA (ah-fo'-re-ah). Sterility; barrenness. APHRA'SIA (ah-fnV-zc-ah). See Aphasia. APHRODIS'IAC (af-ro-diz'-e-ak). Agent exciting sexual desire. APH'THAJ (af'-the), An affection of mucous membrane of the mouth in which small white ulcers appear. APHTHONG'IA. Aphonia caused by spasm. APICES (ap'-i-sez). Summits; heights. See Apex. APLANAT'IC (ah-plan-at'-ik). Absence of spherical aberration. APLA'SIA (ah-pla'-se-ah). Imperfect development of a func- tion; atrophy. APLAST'IC. Structureless; not organized. APNE'A (ap-ne'-ah). Want of breath; labored respiration. APNEUMATO'SIS (ap-nu-ma-to'-sis). Insufficient inflation of the lungs after birth. APNEU'MIA (ap-nu'-me-ah). Absence of lungs at birth. APOCEN'OSIS (ap-o-sen'-o-sis). An emptying; evacuation. APO'LAR. Without a pole. APO'LAR CELLS. Nerve cells having no prolongations. APOMOR'PHINE (ap-6-mor'-fen). Artificial alkaloid of mor- phine; a prompt emetic. APONEUROG'RAPHY (ap-o-nu-rog'-ra-fe). Description of fascia. APONEUROL'OGY (ap-o-nu-roT-o-ge). Treatise on fascia. APONEURO'SIS (ah-pon-u-ro'-sis). A thickened sheet of tissue. APOPHRAX'IS (ap-o-fraks'-is). Amenorrhea. APOPH'YSIS (a-pof'-e-sis). A normal bony protuberance. APOPLEC'TIC. Relating to or affected with apoplexy. APOPLECTIG'ENOUS. Tending to produce apoplexy. AP'OPLEXY. Paralysis due hemorrhage of an intracranial vessel. APO'SIA (ap-o'-se-ah). Without thirst. APOSIT'XA (ap-o-sit'-e-ah). A morbid abhorrence of food. APOS'TASIS. Formation of an abscess. APOSTO'LI’S METH'OD. Electrical treatment of fibrous tumors of uterus. APOTHE'CA (a-po-the'-kah). An apothecary shop. APOTH'ECARY. A druggist; one who retails drugs. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 27 APOTH'EMA (a-poth'-e-mah). A powdered extract resulting from the evaporation of vegetable Infusion. APOZ'EMA (a-poz'-e-mah). A decoction. APPARA'TUS (ap-a-ra'-tus). A collection of instruments or organs. APPEN'DAGES OF EYE. Brows, lids, conjunctiva, etc. APPENDICI'TIS (ap-pen-di-ci'-tis). Inflammation of the ap- pendix vermiformus. APPEND'IX (plural, appen'-dices). An appendage. APPEND'IX VER'MIFORM. Canal of cecum resembling a worm. AP'PETITE (ap'-e-tit). Desire for necessities; lust. APPOSI'TION (ap-po-zish'-un). Contact; being together. APRAX'IA (a-prak'-se-ah). Loss of memory. APROC'TIA (ah-prok'-te-ah). Imperforate anus. A'PRON, HOT'TENTOT. Artificially enlarged nymphse. APROSEX'IA (ah-pro-sek'-se-ah). Inability to think about a subject. APROSO'PIA (ah-pro-so'-pe-ah). Congenital absence of face. APSELAPHE'SIA(ah-sel-a-fe'-se-ah). Absence of sense of touch. APSY'CHIA (ah-si'-ke-ah). Unconsciousness. APTY'ALISM (a-ti'-a-lism). Lack of saliva. A'PUS (a'-pus). Absence of feet or legs at birth. APYREX'IA (ah-pi-reks'-e-ah). Having no fever. A'QUA FOR'TIS. Commercial nitric acid. AQUAPUNC'TURE. Piercing the skin by application of fine water-jets. A'QUA RE'GIA. Compound of nitric and hydrochloric acid. A'QUEDUCT (a'-kwe-dukt). A canal. A'QUEDUCT OF FALLO'PIUS. Facial nerve canal in temporal bone. A'QUEDUCT OF SYL'VIUS. Canal connecting third and fourth ventricles of brain. A'QUEOUS (a'-kwe-us). Watery; relating to water. A'QUEOUS EX'TRACT. Solid extracts, to prepare which water is used as a menstrum. A'QUEOUS HU'MOR. Clear alkaline fluid in aqueous chamber of eye. ARACHNI'TIS (ar-ak-ni'-tis). Inflammation of arachnoid membrane. ARACH'NOID (ar-ak'-noid). Having the appearance of a web. ARACH'NOID CAV'ITY. Cavity separating arachnoid and dura mater. ARACH'NOID MEM'BRANE. Delicate membrane between pia mater and dura mater. 28 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL AR'BOR VFTAJ. A ramous section of the cerebellum, having appearance of a tree. ARACHNOIDI TIS (a-rak-noi-d!'-tis). See Arachnitis. ARCH. Term applied to structures that are curved. ARCHEBI'OSIS (ar-ke-bl'-o-sis). Spontaneous generation. ARCHEGEN'ESIS (ar-ke-gen'-e-sis). See Archebiosis. ARCHESPO'RIUM (ar-ke-spo'-re-um). The nucleus cells of spore mother-cells, AR'CHETYPE (ar'-ke-tip). The first or original type. AR'CHIL (ar'-kil). A reddish-purple coloring agent. ARCHPTIS (ar-ki'-tls). Inflammation of the rectum. AR'CHOCELE (ar'-ko-seel). Rectal hernia. ARCHOPTO'SIS (ark-op-to'-sis). Rectal prolapse. ARCHORRHAGTA (ark-or-raj'-e-ah). Hemorrhage of the rectum. ARCHOSTENO'SIS (ark-os-te-no'-sis). Stricture of the rectum. AR'CIFORM (ar'-se-fcfrm). Bow-shaped; curved. ARCTA'TION. Constriction; contraction. AR'CUATE (ar'-ku-at). Arch-like. AR'CULUS (ar'-ku-lus). Arched support for bed-clothes to protect diseased parts. AR'CUS, An arch or ring. AR'CUS DENTA'LIS. The dental arch. AR'CUS SENI'LIS. Circular corneal opacity in aged person. AR'DENT. Burning; very hot. AR'DENT SPIR'ITS. Liquors containing alcohol. AR'DOR, Intense heat or burning. AR'DOR URPN./E. Stinging sensation during urination. A'RJEA (a'-rc-ah). A space having definite boundaries. A'REA GERMINATI'VA. Germinal area of embryo. A'REA PELLU'CIDA. Germinal area surrounding embryo. AREFAC'TION. Desiccation; drying process. ARE'NA. Sand; gravel. ARENA'TION. A hot sand-bath. ARE'OLA. A circular discoloration of skin. ARE'OLAS (a-re'-o-le). Interstitial space in connective tissue. ARE'OLAR, Relating to the areola. AREOM'ETER. Apparatus for determining specific gravity of liquids. ARGEN'TUM. Silver. ARGEN'TI NFTRAS. Lunar caustic; nitrate of silver. ARGIL'LA. Potter’s clay. ' /.R'GOL. Crude tartar. ARGYLL-ROB'ERTSON PUPIL. Pupil that responds to efforts of accommodation but not to light. ARGY'RIA. Discoloration of skin from prolonged use of silver salts. ARHI'NIA (ah-ri'-ne-ah). Absence of nose at birth. ARHYTH'MIC (ah-rith'-mik). Having no rythm; Irregular. ARISTOLO'CHIA (ar-is-to-16'-ke-ah). See Serpentaria. ARISTOLO'CHIN (ar-is-to-lo'-kin). Bitter principle of serpen- taria. ARM. Limb extending from shoulder to wrist. ARMIL'LA. The round ligament of the wrist. AR'NICA. Cardiac stimulant; stimulant to bruises. AR'NICIN. Arnica glucoside. ARO'MA (ah-ro'-mah). Odor. AROMAT'IC. Fragrant; spicy. ARREST'. To stop; delay. AR'ROWROOT. Pure starch of Maranta. ARSE'NIATE (ar-se'-ne-ate). Salt of arsenic acid. AR'SENIC. See Arsenium. ARSEN'IUM. A crystalline substance with metallic lustre; very poisonous. ARTE'RIA (ar-te'-re-ah). See Artery. ARTERIALIZA'TION. Oxidation of blood. ARTERIOG'RAPHY. Treatise on the arteries. ARTERIO'LiB REC'T.®. Yasa recta of kidney pyramids. ARTE'RIOLE (ar-te'-re-ol). A minute or ultimate artery. ARTE'RIO-SCLERO'SIS. Thickening of connective tissue of walls of artery. ARTERIOT'OMY. Cutting or opening of an artery. ARTERI'TIS (ar-te-ri'-tis). Inflammation of an artery, AR'TERY. Tubular canal conveying blood from the heart. ARTHRA'GRA (ar-thrag'-rah). Gout. ARTHRAL'GIA. Pain in a joint. AR'THRIC. See Arthritic. ARTHRIT'IC. Relating to a joint. ARTHRI'TIS (ar-thri'-tis). Inflammation of structures of a joint. ARTHRI'TIS DEFOR'MANS. Rheumatic affection of joint, with deformity. ARTHROC'ACE (ar-throk'-a-se). Arthritis with fungus granu- lations; caries. AR'THROCELE (ar'-thro-sel). Tumor of a joint. ARTHROCLA'SIA (ar-thro-kla'-se-ah). Operation correcting ankylosed joint. ARTHRODE'SIS (ar-thro-de'-sis). Curetting a joint. ARTHRO'DIA (ar-thro'-de-ah). Joint, nearly flat, having sliding movement. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 29 30 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ARTHROEMPY'ESIS (ar-thro-em-pi'-e-sis). Articular suppura- tion. ARTHROG'RAPHY. Treatise of the joints. ARTHROL'OGY. Treatise on the joints. ARTHRON'CUS. Inflammatory swelling of a joint. ARTHROP'ATHY (ar-throp'-a-the). Disease of a joint. ARTHROPYO'SIS (ar-thro-pi-o'-sis). See Arthroempyesis. AR'THRO-RHEU'MATISM. Articular rheumatism. ARTHRO'SIS. Connection by joints; asuture. ARTHROT'OMY (ar-throt'-o-me). Incision of a joint. ARTIC'ULAR. Relating to a joint. ARTIC'ULAR RHEU'MATISM. Rheumatism affecting a joint. ARTIC'ULATE. Jointed; clear; distinct. ARTIC'ULATE SPEECH. Pronunciation of words. ARTICULA'TION, A joint; distinct speech. ARTIC'ULO MOR'TIS. Moment of death. ARTIFI'CIAL. Not natural. ARTIFI'CIAL A'NUS. False opening in abdomen to allow feces to pass out. ARTIFI'CIAL RESPIRA'TION. Respiration by artificial means during asphyxia. ARYTE'NOID (ar-i-te'-noid). Shaped like a cup or pitcher. ARYTE'NOID CAR'TILAGES. Laryngeal cartilages. ARYTE'NOID MUS'CLE. A laryngeal muscle. ASAFET'IDA. A strong antispasmodic and stimulant. ASAPHI'A (as-a-fe'-ah). Imperfect articulation; muttering. ASBES'TOS. A fibrous mineral. ASCAR'ICIDE. Medicine destroying ascarides. ASCARIDI'ASIS. Presence of ascarides in the intestines. AS'CARIS (as'-ka-ris). A genus of nematoid worms. ASCEL'LA. Axilla. ASCHISTO-DAC'TYLUS (as-kis-to-dak'-ti-lus). Syndactylus; union of two or more digits. ASCI'TES (as-sl'-tez). Abdominal dropsy. ASCLE'PIAS (as-kle'-pe-as). Root of asclepias tuberosa; dia- phoretic and expectorant. AS'COS PORE. A sac-like fungus cell spore. ASEP'SIS (ah-sep'-sis). Without septic poisoning. ASEP'TIC. Not septic. ASEP'TOL. Antiseptic liquid resembling carbolic acid. ASITTA (a-sish'-e-a). Want of appetite. ASPAR'AGIN. Active crystalline principle of asparagus; a ' diuretic. ASPARAGUS. Diuretic root; mild in action. ASPERGIL'LUS (as-per-jil'-lus). Certain species of fungi. ASPER'MATISM. Absence or non-emission of semen. ASPER'MOUS. Not containing seed. ASPER'SION. Sprinkling. ASPHAL'TUM (as-fal'-tunD. Native bitumen or mineral pitch. ASPHYX'IA. Literally without pulse due to lack of oxygen in the blood. ASPHYX'IA NEONATO'RUM. Asphyxia of new-born infants. ASPIDIOSPER'MINE. Crystalline alkaloid found in Que- bracho. ASPIRATION. Inspiration ; employment of aspirator. AS'PIRATOR. Apparatus for abstracting fluid or hair from cavities. ASSIMILATION. Absorption of nutritious elements. ASSO'CIATED MOVEMENTS. Simultaneous movements of muscles but not essential to complete movement. AS'SURIN, Certain brain tissue substance. ASTA'SIA (as-ta'-se-ah). Restlessness; absence of equilibrium. ASTEATO'SIS. Insufficient sebaceous secretion. ASTER. Karyokinetic changes in cell-division during fertili- zation. ASTER'ION. Junction of lamboid, parieto-mastoid, occipito- mastoid sutures. ASTERN'AL. Having no connection with the sternum. ASTER'NIA (ah-ster'-ne-ah). Absence or imperfect develop- ment of the sternum. ASTHE'NIA (ah-sthe'-ne-ah). Debility; weakness. ASTHENTC. Weak; feeble. ASTHENO'PI A (ah-sthe-no'-pe-ah). Term for painful vision. ASTH'M A (as'-mah). Periodic dyspnea with oppression due to spasm of bronchioles. ASTIG'MATISM. Defective vision due imperfect corneal meridians. ASTIGMOM'ETER. Apparatus for determining degree of astigmatism. ASTO'MATOUS, ASTO'MOUS. Mouthless; without an opening. ASTRAGALUS. The ankle bone; also a plant. ASTRAL. Pertaining to, or resembling stars. ASTRAPHO'BIA. Insane fear of lightning. ASTRICTION. Constipation; effect produced by an astrin- gent. ASTRIN'GENT. Agent contracting tissues, or stopping dis- charge; binding. ASY'LUM. A refuge for the Incapable and destitute. ABYM'METRY. Absence of symmetry. ASYNER'GIA. Want of cooperative action. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 32 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ASYNE'SIA (a-si-ne'-se-ah). Stupidity; unable to understand. ATAC'TIC (ah-tak'-tik), Irregular. ATAXAPHA'SIA. Inability to speak proper sentences. ATAX'IA, ATAX'Y. Abnormality of pulse; muscular incoor- dination. ATAX'IC. Relating to or affected with ataxia. ATE'LIA (a-te'-le-ah). Monstrosity due to imperfect ment of a part. ATHELAS'MUS (a-thel-as'-mus). Inability to suckle due im- perfect nipple. ATHERO'MA (ath-e-ro'-ma). An encysted tumor containing soft substance. ATHER'OMA DEGENERA'TION. Fatty degeneration of arte- rial walls. ATH'ETOID. Affected with athetosis. ATHETO'SIS. Involuntary irregular tremor of the hands and feet. ATHREP'SIA (a-threp'-se-ah). Imperfect or faulty nutrition, especially in children; anemia. AT'LAS. First cervical vertebrae. ATLEC'TASIS. Absence of dilatation or expansion of air-cells In fetal lungs. ATLOD'YMUS, Two-headed monster. ATMIDIAT'RICA. Vapor-treatment of disease. AT'MOGRAPH. A spirograph. ATMOM'ETER. Apparatus measuring exhalations. AT'MOSPHERE. The air, composed of oxygen, nitrogen, etc. ATMOSPHERIC. Relating to atmosphere. ATO'CIA (a-to'-se-ah). Sterility; barrenness. AT'OM. The smallest mass of a molecular element. ATOM'IC, Relating to an atom. ATOMTC WEIGHT. Ratio of weight of a given atom to an atom of hydrogen. AT'OMIZER. Apparatus converting a liquid into a tine spray. ATONTC. Affected with atony. AT'ONY (at'-d-ne). Lack of muscular tone ; debility. ATRABIL/IARY. Melancholy; relating to suprarenal bodies. ATRE'SIA (ah-tre'-se-ah). Imperforation; constriction, as im- perforate anus. ATRICH'IA or ATRICHI'ASIS (ah-trik'-e-a). Absence of hair. A'TRIUM. Cavity of cardiac auricle into which venous blood empties. ATROPHTA (ah-trof-e-ah). See Atrophy. ATROPHODER'MA. Dryness and atrophy of skin, usually hereditary. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 33 AT'ROPHY (at'-ro-fe). Decrease in size of a function or part, with loss of power. AT'ROPISM. Condition caused by using atropine. AT'TAR OF ROSE. Oil of rose. ATTEN'UANT. Diluting; thinning; increasing fluidity. ATTEN'UATED. Wasted; thinned; weakened in power. ATTENUATION. Dilution; weakening; thinning. ATTOL'LENS. Term given to muscles that “ lift up.” ATTRAC'TION. Force causing particles to unite. ATTRA'HENS. Applied to muscles that draw. ATTRI'TION (at-trish'-un). Chafing or rubbing of the skin. ATYP'IC (ah-tip'-ik). Unusual; irregular; not typical. AUD'IPHONE. Rubber instrument held between the teeth to increase sense of hearing. AUDITION (au-dish'-un). The act or sense of hearing. AUD'ITORY. Relating to hearing or organs of hearing. AUD'ITORY MEATUS. Temporal bone canals connected with ear. AUDTTORY NERVE. The nerve of hearing. AUD'ITORY OS'SICLES. Small bones of the middle ear. AU'RA (o'-rah). Sensation as of a soft blowing of air, usually preceding an epileptic fit. AU'RAL (o'-ral). Relating to the ear. AURAN'TIUM. The orange. AU'RIC (o'-rik). Relating to gold. AU'RICLE (o'-rikl). The external cartilage of ear; superior cavities of heart. AURIC'ULAR, Relating to the ear. AU'RIFORM, Having shape of an ear. AU'RIS. The ear. AU'RIST. An ear specialist. AU'RIUM TIN'NITUS. Ringing sounds in the ear. AU'RUM. Gold. AUSCULTA'TXON (os-cul-ta'-shun). Listening to sounds of an organ to determine its condition. AUTOCHTHONOUS (aw-tok'-thon-us). Formed where found; original. AUTOCINE'SIS. Voluntary. AUT'OCLAVE (awt'-o-clav). Steam-heat sterilizing apparatus. AUTOC'RASY. Independent force. AUTODIGES'TION. Digestion of stomach itself from action of gastric juices, AUTOGEN'ESIS. Spontaneous generation. AUTOGENETTC. Self-generating. AUTOGENOUS. Self-produced. 34 AUTO-INFEC'TION. Pelf-infection. AUTO-INOCULA'TION. Inoculation of a person caused by virus obtained from himself. AUTO-LARYNGOS'COPY. Self-examination of larynx. AUTOMATIC. Involuntary; having independent action. AUTOMATISM, State of doing things without consciousness. AUTON'OMY. Self-ruled; independent. AUTO-OPHTHALMOS'COPY. Self-examination of interior of eye. AU'TOPSY (aw'-top-sy). Examination after death. AUT'OSCOPE. An instrument used to examine one’s seif. AUTOS'COPY. Examination of one’s self. AUT'OSITE. The part of a double monster having proper organs that nourishes the other. AUTO-TOXE'MIA. Poisoned by one’s own secretions. AUTUM'NAL FE'VER. Malarial fever. AVE'NA SATI'VA. Oat. AVEU'GLE. Blind. AVOIRDUPOIS' (av-or-du-poiz'). A weight which gives 16 ounces to the pound. AVUL'SION. Tearing a part away; extraction. AXIL'LA. The arm-pit. AX'ILLARY. Relating to the axilla. AX'ILLARY GLANDS. Lymphatic glands in the axillary space. AX'ILLARY PLEXUS. Network of axillary nerves. AX'IS. The second vertebra. AXUN'GIA (aks-un'-je-ah). Lard. AZ'OTE. Nitrogen. A'ZOTIZED. Nitrogenized. AZOTU'RIA. Unusual amount of urea in the urine. AZ'YGOS (az'-i-gos). Applied to parts that are single. AZ'YMOUS (az'-i-mus). Not fermented. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL B. BACCHIA (bak-ke'-ah). Acne rosacea. BAC'CIFORM (bak'-se-form). Berry-shaped. BACTLLAR (bas'-l-lar). Shaped like little rods. BACIL'LUM (ba-sil'-lum). A cylindrical rod or pencil; a caus- tic pencil, BACIL'LUS. Genus of Schizomycetes. BACIL'LUS, COM'MA. The cholera bacillus. BACIL'LUS, KOCH’S. The tuberculosis bacillus. BACIL'LUS, KREBS-LOFF'LER (lef-ler). Diphtheria bacillus. BACTE'RIA (bak-te'-re-ah). Microorganisms; generally used as a synonym of Schizomycetes. BACTERID'IUM. Genus of bacteria; not universally accepted. BAC'TEROID. Rod-like to a bacterium. BACTERIOL'OGY. The science relating to bacteria. BACTE'RIUM. Rod-shaped microorganism. BAC'ULIFORM. Shaped like a rod. BAGNTO (ban'-yo). A bath house. BAG OF WATERS. Fetal membranes filled with the liquor amnli. BA'KERS’ ITCH. Psoriasis; inflammation caused by yeast. BA'KERS’ SALT. Subcarbonate of ammonia. BAL'ANO. The glans penis or clitoridis. BALANI'TIS (bal-a-ni'-tis). Superficial inflammation of the glans penis or clitoridis. BAL'ANUS. The glans penis or clitoridis; a suppository. BALBU'TIES (bal-bu'-shi-ez). Stammering. BALD'NESS. Absence of hair on part of head where it should be. BALLOTTE'MENT (bal-lot'-mong). A method of ascertaining pregnancy, by elevating womb with the finger in order to feel fetus fall back. BAL'MONY. A cathartic. BALNEOL'OGY (bal-ne-ol'-o-Je). The science of baths and bathing. BALNEOTHERAPY. Bath-treatment of diseases. BAL'NEUM. A sand or water bath. BALSAMA'TION. The act of embalming. BANT'INGISM. Dieting to reduce obesity. BAPTIST A (bap-tiz'-e-ah). Wild indigo; a laxative. BAR'BIERS (bar'-berz). Acute paralytic form of beriberi, fre- quent in India. BARESTHESIOM'ETER. Pressure-testing apparatus. BAROS'MA (bar-oz'-mah). South African shrubs from which buchu is obtained. BAR'REN. Sterile; not capable of bearing offspring. BARTHOLFNI’S GLANDS (bar-to-le'-nez). Two reddish glands at entrance of vagina. BARTHOLINI'TIS (bar-to-le-ni'-tis). Inflammation of glands of Bartholini, BAR'TON’S BAN'DAGE, Bandage for head and lower jaw. BAR'TON’S FRACTURE. Fracture of lower extremity of radius. BARYECOIA (bar-i-e-koi'-ya). Impaired hearing; deafness. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 35 36 BARYGLOS'SIA (bar-i-glos'-se-ah). Slow speech. BARYPHO'NIA (bar-i-fo'-ne-ah). Hesitating speech. BARYTA (bar-e'-ta). Barium. BA'SAL GAN'GLIA. Ganglia situated at lower portion of brain. BASCULA'TION. Movement correcting retroversion of uterus. BASE. The lower extremity; a body capable of union with an acid. BA'SEDOW’S DISEASE'. Exophthalmic Goitre. BASE'MENT MEM'BRANE. Structureless delicate membrane below epithelium. BAS-FOND' (bah-fong'). Base of bladder. BA'SHAM’S MIX'TURE. Mixture of acetate of iron and am- monium. BASIARACHNI'TXS (bas-o-ar-ak-ni'-tis). Inflammation at lower portion of brain. BA'SIC. Relating to a base; bacillar. BASIFA'CIAL. Pertaining to the face as related to the base of skull. BASIHY'AL (bas-e-hi'-al). The hyoid arch bones. BAS'ILAR AR'TERY. Artery at base of brain. BAS'ILAR MEM'BRANE. Delicate cochleal membrane. BAS'ILAR PRO'CESS. Thick narrow part of occiput in front of great foramen. BASIL'IC VEIN. Largest arm-vein. BASIL'ICON OINT'MENT. A resin cerate. BA'SILYST. Apparatus for crushing fetal skull. BASIOCES'TRUM (baz-e-6-ses'-trum). See Basllyst. BA'SIO-GLOS'SUS. Hyo-glossus muscle arising from hyoid bone. BA'SION (ba'-se-on). Point on border of anterior occipital foramen lying in median line. BA'SIOTRIBE. See Basilyst. BASIOT'RIPSY. Crushing of the fetal head to permit delivery. BAS'TARD. An illegitimate or natural child. BATTARIS'MUS (bat-ta-riz'-mus). Stuttering. BAT'TLEDORE PLACEN'TA. Placenta, having cord inserted near the edge. BAUN'SCHEIDTISM (boun'-shit-ism). Counter-irritation caused by acupuncture and use of epispastics. BAYCU'RU (ba-koo'-roo). An astringent root. BDEL'LIUM (del'-e-um). An emmenagogue gum resembling myrrh. BEAK'ER (be'-ker). A glass vessel with a wide mouth. BEAR'BERRY. Uva Ui’si; a diuretic. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL BEAR'ING-DOWN. Contraction of uterus during parturition. BEBEE'RIN (be-be'-rin). Alkaloid from bebeeru-bark. BEBEE'RU (be-be'-roo). A febrifuge bark. BED'-SORE. Sore from continued occupation of a bed. BEEF-TEA'. An infusion of beef. BELLADON'NA. Anodyne; antispasmodic; mydriatic; very poisonous. BELLI'NI, DUCTS OF. Collecting tubules of kidneys. BELL’S PARAL'YSIS. Facial nerve paralysis, BEL'LY. The abdomen. BELT. A waist band; a zone. BELT, ABDOM'INAL. Elastic abdominal support. BENIGN', BENIG'NANT. Mild. BENZO'IC AC'ID. An antiseptic vegetable acid obtained from benzoin. BEN'ZOIN. A balsamic resin; antiseptic, stimulant and ex- pectorant. BEN'ZOL. Hydrocarbon ; coal-tar constituent. BER'BERIN. Barberry alkaloid; supposed tonic. BER'GAMOT, OIL OF. Essential oil; a perfume. BERTBERI (ber'-e-ber-e). Endemic Asiatic disease, with dysp- nea, anemia and paralysis. BER'TIN, BONES OF. Two small sphenoidal bones. BESTIALITY. Sexual intercourse with a beast. BE'TAIN (be'-tah-in). Alkaloid derived from sugar-beet; a leucomame. BETA-NAPH'THOL (ba-ta-naf-thol). See Naphthol BE'TEL (bc'-tel). A crystalline powder, composed chiefly of fragments of Areca nuts. BE'TOL. Naphthol-salicylic ether. BE'ZOAR (be'-zor). Concretion in Intestines of herbivorous animals. 81. Prefix meaning “ two.” BIAC'CA. Lead carbonate. BIB'ULOUS. Having absorbent qualities. BICAP'ITATE. Possessing two heads. BICAP'SULAR. Possessing two capsules. BICAU'DATE. Possessing two tails. BICEPH'ALUS (bi-sef-a-lus). Possessing two heads. BI'CEPS (bi'-seps). Having two heads; applied to muscles. BICHAT', CANAL OF (be-shaw'). Artificial opening in pia- mater. BICIP'ITAL (bi-sip'-i-tal). Relating to the biceps. 81-CON'CAVE. Concave on both surfaces. 81-CON'VEX. Convex on both surfaces. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 37 38 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL BICUS'PID. Having two cusps or points. BID'DER’S GANG'LION. Ganglion cells in auriculo-ventricu- lar groove of heart. BIDET' (be-da'). Apparatus for washing perineum and genitals. BIEN'NIAL (bi-en'-e-al). Occurring every other year. BI'FID. Cut into two parts; forked. BIFO'CAL. Having double focus. BIFO'RATE. With two pores. BIFUR'CATE. Having two branches. BIGEMTNAL BODIES. The corpora quadrigernina. BILAT'ERAL. With two sides. BILE PIG'MENTS. Bile-coloring matter. BILHAR'ZIA HEMATO'BIA. Worm in urinary organs pro- ducing hematuria. BIL'IARY. Relating to the bile. BIL'IARY DUCTS. Canals, connected with liver, carrying bile. BILICY'ANIN (bil-e-si'-a-nin). Violet-blue pigment resulting from oxidation of bilirubin. BILIFLAVTN (bil-e-flav'-in). Yellow pigment derived from bilirubin. BILIFULVIN (bil-e-ful'-vin). See Bilirubin. BILIFUS'CIN (bil-e-fus'-in). Deep-brown pigment of human bile. BILTN. Impure mixture of bile salts. BIL'IOUS. Pertaining to the bile. BILIPHE'IN (bil-e-fe'-in). Impure bilirubin. BILIPRA'SIN (bil-e-pra'-sin). Blackish-green pigment of gall- stones. BILIPUR'PIN. Purple extract of biliverdin. BILIPYR'RHIN (bil-e-pir'-in). Red pigment of bile. BILIRU'BIN. Red coloring matter of bile. BILIVER'DIN. Chief pigment in bile of herbivora. BILOB'ULAR (bi-lob'-u-lar). Possessing two lobes. BILOC'ULAR (bi-lok'-u-lar). Possessing two cells. BI'MANOUS (bi'-ma-us). Possessing two hands. BIMAN'UAL. Two-handed. BI'NARY (bi'-na-re). Combination of two elements. BINAU'RAL. Pertaining to both ears. BIND'ER. Abdominal bandage worn subsequent to labor. BINOC'ULAR. Pertaining to the two eyes. BINCC'ULUS. An eye bandage. BI'OBLAST (bi'-o-blast). Any kind of formative cell. BIOGEN'ESIS. The production of living things from living things; opposed to abiogenesis. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 39 BIOL'OGY (bi-01-o-je). The science of nature and living things. BIOL'YSIS (bi-ol'-i-sis). The cessation or destruction of life. BPOPLASM (bi'-o-plazm). Living matter; germinal matter. BI'OPLAST. A definite mass of bioplasm. BIOS'COPY. Examination to determine the presence of death. BIOSTAT'ICS. Vital statistics. BI'OTAXY (bi'-o-taks-e). A morphological classification of animals and plants. BIOT'IC (bi-ot'-ik). Relating to life. BIOT'ICS. Science of physiology. BIOT'OMY. Vivisection. BIPARI'ETAL (bi-pa-ri'-e-tal). Pertaining to parietal bones. BIP'AROUS (bip'-a-rus). Giving birth to twins. BIPO'LAR. Having two poles or prolongations. BIRD’S-NEST CELLS. Epithelial cell masses, in certain forms df cancer. BIRTH. Producing living things; act of being born. BISCHE (bish). Severe tropical endemic dysentery. BIS'MUTH. Light red crystalline metal with metallic lustre. BIS'TORT. Unofficial rhizome; mild astringent. BIS'TOURY (bis'-too-re). Small surgical knife. BIU'RET REACTION (bi-u'-ret). Violet color produced by adding a few drops of caustic potash and cupric sulphate to peptones; proteid test. BIVEN'TRAL. With two bellies. BLACK ASH. An astringent and tonic. BLACK DRAUGHT. Compound Infusion of senna. BLACK DROP. Vinegar of opium. BLACK HEADS. See Comedo. BLACK LEAD. Graphite; plumbago. BLACK TONGUE. Localized blackening of the papillae. BLACK WASH. Black mercurial lotion. BLAD'DER, The membranous sac receiving urine; any sac, BLAD'DER-WRACK. See Fucus Vesiculosis. BLANC (blong). >Vhite. BLAND. Of a mild nature; not irritating. BLANKS. Epileptic vertigo. BLASTE'MA (blas-te'-mah), Protoplasm ; formative matter. BLAS'TIDE (blas'-tid). The clear spot preceding nucleus in segments of ovum. BLASTOCAR'DIA. Germinal spot. BLASTODERM. The germinal, membranous cells of ovum. BLASTODER'MIC VESTCLE. Membranous covering of the yolk. 40 BLAS'TOMERES (blas'-to-meers). Cell production of early period of segmentation of ovum, BLAS'TOSPHERE. Cell containing the blastomeres. BLAT'TA ORIENTA'LIS. Common cockroach powdered; action diuretic. BLAUD’S PILL, Chalybeate pill of one part of ferrous sulphate and two parts potassium carbonate. BLEACH'ING-POW'DER. Chlorinated lime. BLEAR EYE. An eye having ulcerated lids. BLEB. See Bulla. BLENNADENI'TIS (blen-ad-e-ni'-tis). Inflammation of folli- cles of mucous membrane. BLENNOPHTHAL'MIA. Catarrhal affection of conjunctiva; conjunctivitis. BLENNORRHA'GIA. Gonorrhea; purulent discharge from vagina. BLENNORRHE'A (blen-o-re'-ah). See Blennorrhagia. BLENNO'SIS. A mucous membrane disease, BLEPHARADENI'TIS (blef-ar-ad-e-ni'-tis). Inflammation of the Meibomian glands. BLEPHARI'TIS (blef-ar-i'-tis). Marginal Inflammation of eye- lids. BLEPHARO-ADENI'TIS. See Blepharadenitis, BLEPH'ARON. Eyelid. BLEPHARONCO'SIS. Formation of tumor of eyelid. BLEPHARON'CUS. A tumor of the eyelid. BLEPHAROPHIMO'SIS. Abnormal narrowness of opening between eyelids, BLEPHAROPLASTY. Formation of a new eyelid. BLEPHAROPLE'GIA (blef-a-ro-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of eyelid. BLEPHAROPTO'SIS (blef-a-rop-to'-sis). See Blepharoplegia. BLEPHAROPYORRHEA. Purulent conjunctivitis. BLEPHAROSPASM. Spasmodic contraction of orbicularis palpebrarum muscle. BLEPHAROSTAT. Instrument holding eyelids apart during an operation. BLEPHAROSTENO'SIS. Constriction of palpebral Assure. BLIND. Inability to see; having no opening. BLIND'NESS. Condition of being blind. BLIND SPOT. Point where optic nerve enters retina. BLIS'TER. A large vesicle. BLOOD. Fluid coursing through veins, arteries, etc. BLOOD CASTS. Matter found in urine, being coagulated renal blood. BLOOD-CELLS. Blood corpuscles. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. BLOOD COR'PUSCLES. Reddish disks found in the blood; blood-cells. BLOOD CRYS'TALS. Hematoidin. BLOOD PLAS'MA. Liquid which carries the blood corpuscles. BLOOD POI'SONING. See Septicemia. BLOOD PLATES. Small circular discs of healthy blood. BLOOD'SHOT. A surface reddened by inflamed blood vessels. BLOOD'Y FLUX. Dysentery. BLOOD'Y SWEAT. See Ephidrosis. BLOW'PIPE. A tube employed to guide a small flame. BLUE DISEASE'. See Cyanopathy. BLUE FLAG. See Iris. BLUE MASS. Mercurial mass. BLUE OINTMENT. Mercurial ointment. BLUE PILL. Blue mass pill. BOD'Y. Entire animal organism; a corpse. BCET'TCHER’S BIS'MUTH TEST (bet'-cher’s). Test for sugar in urine using bismuth subnitrate. BOIL. Rounded inflammation skin, containing pus. BOL'DUS. Tonic and stimulant extract of Peumus Boldus. BO'LUS. A very large pill. BONE ASH. Remains of bones after burning. BONE'SET, See Eupatorium. BONE SET'TER. A quack surgeon. BORAC'IC AC'ID. See Boric Acid. BO'RAGE. Diaphoretic and demulcent plant. BO'RAX. An antiseptic; sodium borate. BORBORYG'MUS. Rumbling sounds caused by gas in the intestines. BOR'IC AC'ID. Mild antiseptic and detergent. BO'RO-GLYC'ERIDE. Mixture of 92 parts of glycerine and 62 parts of boric acid. BOSS. Wide, flat projection. BOT. An insect depositing its eggs in the skin. BOTAL'LI, FORA'MEN OF. Oval opening connecting auricles of fetal heart. BOTHRIOCEPH'ALUS LA'TUS. The broad tapeworm. BOTULIN'IC ACTD. Substance found in decayed sausages. BOUGIE' (boo-zhe'). A steel or rubber rod for exploring or dilating canals, usually the urethra. BOUGIE', FIL'IFORM. A very small bougie. BOU'HOU (boo'-hoo). A certain form of malaria. BOUILLON (boo'-i-yong). Abroth; nutritive culture medium. BOUR'DONET (boor'-do-na). Small roll of lint. BOURDONNE'MENT (boor-don'-mong). A buzzing sound. 41 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL BOUTONNIERE OPERA'TION (boo-ton-ne-ar'). An operation on urethra for cure of stricture. BOU'TONS TER'MINALS (boo'-tong). Abnormal size of sen- sory nerve terminals. BOW'ELS. The intestines. BOW LEG. Outward curvature of lower legs. BOW'MAN’S GLANDS. Tubular glands having yellow pig- ment, in submucous layer of olfactory region of nose. BRACH'IAL (brak'-e-al). Relating to the arm. BRACHTAL ARTERY. Main arterial branch for upper arm. BRACH'IAL GLANDS. Lymphatic glands of the arm. BRACHIAL'GIA (brak-e-al'-je-ah). Pain in the arm. BRACHTUM. The upper arm above elbow. BRACHYCEFHAL'IC (brak-e-se-fal'-ik). Term applied to a very broad skull. BRACHYDAC'TYLOUS, Short-flngered; short-toed. BRACKYMETRO'PIA (brak-e-me-tro'-pe-ah). See Myopia. BRADYCAR'DIA. Slow action of pulse or heart. BRADYLA'LIA (brad-i-la'-le-ah). Hesitating utterance. BRADYPEP'SIA (brad-e-pep'-se-ah). Slow, sluggish digestion; dyspepsia. BRADYPH A'SIA (brad-e-fa'-ze-ah). Impediment of speech. BRAIDTSM. Hypnotism. BRAIN FE'VER. See Meningitis. BRAIN PAN. Cranium. BRAIN SAND. Cerebral mineral matter. BRANCH. An arm-like division; an off-shoot. BRASH. An affection of the skin; alimentary canal disorder. BRASH, WAT'ER. See Pyrosis. BRAYE'RA (bra-e'-ra). An anthelmintic plant. BREECH. The buttocks. BREECH PRESENTATION. Fetal buttocks presented at mouth of uterus. BREG'ENIN. Crystalline matter in cerebral tissue. BREG'MA. Point of union of sagittal and coronal sutures; the anterior fontanel. BRICK-LAYER’S ITCH. Cutaneous affection of hands. BRICK-MAKER’S ANE'MIA. See Anchylostomiasis. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Kidney disease with persistent albu- minuria. BROAD LIG'AMENT. Suspensory ligament of uterus and liver. BRO'MAL HY'DRATE. Soluble crystalline substance used as > a local irritant. BRO'MIDE (bro'-mid). Compound with bromine as a base. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 43 BROMIDRO'SIS (bro-mi-dro'-sis). Perspiration having a foul odor. BRO'MINE, BRO'MUM. A volatile liquid, brownish red, poisonous and having deadly fumes. BRO'MISM. Condition produced from continued use of bro- mides. BRO'MOFORM. Colorless bromide having anesthetic prop- erties. BRON'CHI (bron'-ki). Plural of bronchus. BRON'CHIAL. Relating to the bronchi. BRONCHIEC'TASIS(brong-ke-ek'-ta-sis). Bronchial dilatation. BRON'CHIOLE (brong'-ke-ol). Very small bronchial division, BRONCHIOLI'TIS (bron-ke-o-li'-tis). Inflammation of the bronchioles. BRONCHI'TIS. Inflammation of bronchial tubes. BRON'CHOCELE (bron'-ko-sel). Goitre. BRONCH'OPLASTY. Plastic tracheal surgery. BRON'CHO-PNEUMON'IA. Bronchitis and lung inflamma- tion. BRONCHORRHE'A. Bronchial discharge. BRONCHOT'OMY. Surgical opening of larynx, trachea or bronchus. BRONCH'US. One of two tracheal branches. BROOD-CELLS. Cells that develop other cells. BROOM. See Scoparius. BROWN MIX'TURE. Compound glycyrrhiza mixture. BRU'CINE (bru'-sin). C2=H261Sr204; alkaloid of nux vomica. BRU'IT (brew'-e). Sound detected during auscultation. BRUTT DU DPABLE (brew'-e-du-de'-ah-bl). Buzzing sound in a vein. BRUN'NER’S GLANDS. Racemose glands of duodenum. BRYG'MUS (brig'-mus). See Odontoprisis. BRYO'NIA (br!-o'-ne-ah). Hydragogue cathartic root. BRYOPLAS'TIC. Applied to fungoid tissue growth. BU'BO. Inflammation of Inguinal lymphatic gland. BUBONAL'GIA (bu-bon-al'-ge-ah). Inguinal pains. BUBON'IC (bti-bon'-ik). Relating to a bubo. BUBON'OCELE. Inguinal hernia, but not through external ring. BUBON'ULUS. Dorsal lymphangitis of penis. BUC'CA (buk'-ka). The cheek. BUC'CAL (buk'-al). Relating to the cheek. BUC'CINATOR (buk'-si-na-tor). A muscle of the cheek. BU'CHU (bu'-ku). Genito-urinary tonic; diuretic leaves of Barosma. 44 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL BUCK'BEAN. Bitter tonic and vermifuge. BUCNE'MIA (buk-ne'-me'-ah). Inflammatory disease of the leg. BUF'FY COAT. White upper layer of blood clot. BUGAN'TIA (bu-gan'-she-ah). A chilblain. BU'GLEWEED, Mild astringent plant. BULB. Rounded enlargement of vessel or canal. BUL'BAR. Pertainlngto eyeball, medullaoblongata or a bulb. BUL'BAR PARALYSIS. Paralysis duo to medullary lesion. BUL'BUS ARTERIO'SUS. Dilatation of aortal bulb. BULIM'IA (bu-lim'-e-ah). Morbid appetite. BUL'LA. Rounded cutaneous inflammation containing serous fluid; a part of the ear. BUL'LATE (bul'-at). Having vesicles ; blistered. BUN'ION (bun'-yun). Painfully enlarged bursa of foot. BUR'DOCK (bir'-dok). Root having diuretic and aperient qualities. BURETTE' (bu-ret'). A graduated, narrow-necked tube. BUR'SA (ber'-sa). A pouch or sac usually separating parts of skeleton. BUR'SAL (ber'-sal). Relating to a bursa. BURSI'TIS (ber-si'-tis). Inflammation of a bursa. BUT'TER. Fatty matter of milk; vegetable substance re- sembling butter. BUT'TER OF AN'TIMONY. Liquor antlmonii chloridl. BUT'TER OF CACA'O. See Theobroma. BUT'TER OF TIN. Stannic chloride. BUT'TER OF ZINC. Zinc chloride. BUT'TERNUT. See Juglans. BUT'TOCKS, The nates. BUT'TONBUSH. Bark having tonic and febrifuge properties. BUTTON SNAKE'ROOT. Root having diuretic and em- menagogue properties. BU'TYL CHLO'RAL. See Chloral Butylicum. BUTYRA'CEOUS (bu-te-ra'-se-us). Having appearance of or pertaining to butter. BUTY'ROUS (bu-ty'-rus). See Butyraceous. c. CACA'O (ka-ka'-o). See Theobroma. CACA'TION (kak-a'-shun). Defecation. CACE'MIA (kak-e'-me-ah). Abnormal condition.of the blood. CACHELCOM'A (kak-el-kom'-ah). A malignant ulcer. CACHEX'IA (kak-ex'-e-ah). Defective nutrition caused by constitutional diseases, as syphilis, etc. CACHINNA'TION (kak-in-a'-shun). Loud, unrestrained laugh- ter. CACHOU' (ka shoo'). A small aromatic granule used as a breath perfume. CACOCHO'LIA (kak-o-ko'-le-ah). Abnormal condition of bile. CACOCHYLTA (kak-o-ki'-le-ah). Defective chyle formation and absorption. CACOCHYM'IA (kak-o-ki'-me-ah). Unhealthy state of humors. CACOCOL'PIA (kak-o-kol'-pe-ah). Vulvular gangrene. CACOD'ES (kak-od'-ez). Having a foul odor. CACOE'THES (kak-d-e'-thez). Having an undesirable habit; a bad condition. CACOGALAC'TIA (kak-o-gal-ak'-te-ah). Producing unhealthy milk. CACOGAS'TRIC (kak-o-gas'-trik). Dyspeptic. CACOGEN'ESIS. Production of abnormal or malformed species. CACOPH'ONY (kak-off'-o-ne). Disordered, unpleasant voice. CACOPLAS'TIC. Imperfect organization. CACOSO'MIUM (kak-o-so'-me-um). A pest house. CACOSPER'MIA. Unhealthy state of semen. CACOSPHYX'IA. Imperfect condition of pulse. CACOSPLANCH'NIA (kak-o-splank'-ne-ah). Condition caused by indigestion. CACOTHANA'SIA (kak-o-than-a'-se-ah). Term applied to a violent death. CACOTHY'MIA (kak-o-thy'-me-ah). Mental aberration; de- pravity. CACOTRICH'IA (kak-o-trik'-e-ah). A hair disease. CACOT'ROPHY. Disordered nutrition. CADA'VER. A dead body ; a corpse. CADAV'ERINE. Ptomaine found in decaying animal tissue. CAD'MIUM. A silver-white metal. CADU'CA. Thickened mucous membrane of uterus. CADU'CITY. Weakness of old age. CAF'FEA. Coffee. CAF'FEIN (kaf-fene). Alkaloid of coffee. CAFFE'INISM. Condition due to overdose of caffeine. CAIS'SON DISEASE (ka'-son). Phenomena produced by work- ing in compressed atmosphere. CAL'ABAR BEAN. See Physostigma. CALAMUS. Aromatic digestive stimulant. CALAMUS SCRIPTO'RIUS. Inferior angle of fourth ventricle. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 46 CALCA'NEUM (kal-ka'-ne-um). The heel-bone, the largest bone of the foot. CALCA'REOUS. Pertaining to or containing lime. CALCIFICATION. Impregnation of tissues with lime salts. CALCIG'EROUS CELLS. External dentine cells. CALCINATION. Expulsion of volatile constituents of a sub- stance by exposing to great heat. CAL'CIS, OS. The heel-bone. CAL'CIUM. A pale yellow metal, the basic principle of lime. CALCULIF'RAGOUS. Agent capable of dissolving stone in the bladder. CAL'CULUS. Concretion resembling a stone, forming in an animal. CAL'CULUS, NA'SAL. See Rhinolith. CAL'CULUS, RE'NAL. Stone in the kidney. CAL'CULUS, VESTCAL. Stone in the bladder. CALDA'RIUM. A hot bath. CALEFA'CIENT. Producing sensation of heat. CALEN'DULA, The marigold; stimulant and resolvent. CAL'ENTURE. Tropical term for sunstroke. CALF (kaf). The bunch of muscles below the knee. CA'LICES OF KID'NEYS. Urine-collecting tubes of kidneys. CAL'IPER. Compass used to ascertain diameters. CALISA'YA. Cinchona. CALISTHEN'ICS. A system of methodical movements in gymnastics. CALLOS'ITY. Cutaneous induration. CAL'LOUS. Hardened; indurated; insensible. CAL'LUS. Bony tissue-growth forming around a fracture. CAL'MATIVE. Agent producing quiet; a sedative. CAL'OMEL. A purgative composed of mercurous chloride. CALOR'IC. Heat. CALORIFA'CIENT. Agent producing heat. CALORIM'ETER. Apparatus for determining heat in a body. CALUM'BO. A bitter tonic. CALVA'RIA. The upper skull bone. CALVIT'IES (kal-vish'-e-ez). Baldness. CALX (kalks). The heel; an oxide; calcined lime. CA'LYX (ka'-liks). Singular of calices. CAMBO'GIA. Gamboge; a drastic hydragogue cathartic. CAM'ERA COR'DIS. The membrane which surrounds the heart. CAM'ERA OC'ULI. Chamber of the eye. CAM'OMILE. Chamomile; anthemis ; atonic. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CAM'PHOR. A stearopten, volatile oil; antispasmodic; ano- dyne. CAMPIM'ETER. See Perimeter. CAMP'SIS. Curvature of limb without fracture. CANADA BAL'SAM. Balsam of flr. CANADA SNAKE'-ROOT. Wild ginger; a stimulant. CANA'DIAN HEMP. An emetic and cathartic. CANADOL. A local anesthetic obtained from petroleum. CANAL'. A tubular vessel for conveyance of fluids. CANAL' OF COR'TI. Cochleal canal. CANAL' OF COCH'LEA. Spiral tube in cochlea. CANAL' OF FONTANA. Canal supposed to exist between iris and ciliary muscle in lower animals. CANAL' OF NUCK. A cylindrical canal formed around the round ligaments of uterus. CANAL' OF SCHLEMM. A small canal at junction of cornea and sclerotica. CANALIC'ULUS (kan-a-lik'-u-lus). A small channel. CAN'CELLOUS. Having the appearance of lattice work. CAN'CER. See Carcinoma. CAN'CROID. Resembling a cancer; an epithelioma. CAN'CRUM (kang'-krum), A canker or cancer. CAN'CRUM O'RIS. Gangrenous stomatitis. CANE SU'GAR. See Saccharum. CANINE' (ka-nin'). Relating to a dog. CANINE' MAD'NESS. Hydrophobia. CANINE' TEETH. The cuspids. CANIT'IES (ka-nish'-e-ez). Grayness of hair. CAN'KER. A sore having nature of a cancer. CAN'NABIS. An aphrodisiac and antispasmodic. CAN'NULA (kan'-u-lah). A small metal or rubber tube. CAN'THAL. Relating to the canthus. CANTHARTDES. A vesicant; Irritant to genital organs. CANTHAR'IDIN. Blistering principle of cantharides. CAN'THARIS. Spanish Fly. See Cantharides. CANTHI'TIS (kan-thi'-tis). Inflammation of canthus. CANTHOT'OMY. Excision of the canthus. CAN'THUS. Angle resulting from union of upper and lower eyelids. CAOUT'CHOUC (koo'-chook). Milky juice of a tree; elastic and insoluble in ordinary liquids. CAP'ILLARY. A hair-like blood-vessel. CAP'ITAL. Chief; important. CAPITA'TUM. The os magnum. CAPSEL'LA. Shepherd’s purse; a hemostatic. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY". 47 48 CAP'SICUM. Cayenne pepper; vesicant and tonic. CAP'SULE (kap'-sul). An enclosing membrane. CAP'SULE OF GLIS'SON. Connective tissue around liver vessels. CAP'SULE, SUPRARE'NAL. Triangular flattened body at top of kidneys. CAPSULI'TIS (kap-su-li'-tis). Inflammation of capsule of crystalline lens. CAPSULOT'OMY. Capsular division of crystalline lens. CAP'SULAR. Relating to a capsule. CAP'UT. The head. CAP'UT CO'LI. See Cecum, CAP'UT SUCCEDA'NEUM (suk-se-da'-ne-um). Edematous con- dition of scalp of presenting fetus. CAR'AMEL. A product of burnt sugar. CAR'AWAY. See Carum. CARBOLTC ACTD. Antiseptic and disinfectant; phenol. CAR'BON. A non-metallio element, the constituent of atmos- phere, coal, charcoal, diamond and graphite. CAR'BONATE. Product resulting from union of carbonic acid and a base. CAR'BONATED. Charged with carbonic acid. CARBONE'MIA. Excessive amount of carbon in the blood. CARBON'IC AC'ID. Name commonly used for carbon dioxide or carbonic anhydrid. CARBONIZA'TION. The formation of carbon from various substances. CARBUN'CLE. A rounded, sloughing, subcutaneous inflam- mation. CARCINO'MA (kar-se-no'-ma). Cancer; a tumor consisting of epithelial elements. CARCINO'MA, ENCEPH'ALOID. Term applied to soft can- cer. CARCINO'MA, MELANO'DES. A melanotic cancer. CARCINO'MA, SCIR'RHUS. A hard tumor. CARCINOM'ATIS. Relating to a carcinoma. CARCINO'SIS. Rapid formation of cancer. CAR'DAMOM. A spicy aromatic seed. CAR'DIA (kar'-de-ah). The heart. CAR'DIAC. Relating to the heart. CARDIAG'RA (kar-de-ag'-rah). See Cardlalgia. CARDIAL'GIA. Heartburn; pain in the heart. CARDIATRO'PHIA. Atrophy of heart. CARDIEC'TASIS (kar-de-ek'-ta-sis). Cardiac dilatation. CAR'DINAL. Principal part; important. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 49 CAR'DINAL VEINS. Reins that are parallel with dorsal aorta. CAR'DIOCELE (kar'-de-o-sel). Cardiac hernia. CARDIODYN'IA (kar-de-o-din'-e-ah). See Cardialgia. CARDIOG'MUS. Cardialgia; a vague term for various heart diseases. CAR'DIOGRAPH. Instrument which records cardiac move- ments. CARDIOG'RAPHY. Graphic description of heart. CARDIOL'OGY. treatise on the heart. CARDIOPAL'MUS (kar-de-o-par-mus). Cardiac palpitation. CARDIORHEX'IS. Rupture of the heart. CARDIOSTENO'SIS. Stenosis of cardiac orifices. CARDIOT'OMY. Excision of heart. CARDIOT'ROMUS (kar-de-ot'-rd-mus). Cardiac fluttering. CARDI'TIS (kar-dl'-tis). Cardiac inflammation. CAR'DUUS (kar'-du-us). A bitter tonic. CA'RIES. Inflammation and decay of bone. CA'RIOUS (ka'-re-ous). Relating to caries. CARMINATIVE. Agent expelling gas from stomach and intestines. CAR'MINE. A red coloring agent obtained from cochineal. CARNAU'BA (kar-no'-ba). A Brazilian alterative. CAR'NEOUS. Fleshy; relating to flesh. CARNIFICA'TION. Conversion of a part to a mass similar to flesh. CAR'NIN. A meat extract leucomaine. CARNIV'OROUS. Flesh-eating. CAR'NOSE. Flesh-like. CARO'BA. Brazilian tonic and alterative. CAROT'IC (ka-rot'-ik). Stupefying. CAROT'ID (ka-rot'-id). Term applied to great arteries of neck. CAR'PAL (kar'-pal). Relating to the wrist. CARPHOL'OGY (kar-fol'-o-ge). Clutching the bed-clothes dur- ing delirium. CAR'PUS. The wrist. CAR'RON OIL. Equal parts of linseed oil and lime water; a remedy for burns. CAR'THAMUS, American saffron. CAR'TILAGE. Gristle; embryonic bones of fetus. CAR'TILAGE OF SANTORI'NI. The corniculum laryngis. CAR'TILAGE OF WRIS'BERG. Cuneiform cartilage. CA'RUM (ka'-rum). Caraway seeds; an aromatic fruit. CAR'UNCLE (kar'-rung-kl). A small, painful, rounded growth of flesh. 50 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CARUN'CULAi (kar-ung'-ku-le). The nymphse. CARUN'CUL/E MYRTIFOR'MES. Shriveled remains of ruptured hymen. CA'RUS (ka'-rus). Deep coma. CARYOPHYL'LUS (kar-i-o-fil-us). Cloves. CAS'CA BARK. A drug whose action resembles that of digitalis. CASCA'RA SAGRA'DA. Sacred bark; a remedy for constipa- tion. CASCARIL'LA (kas-ka-ril'-ah). Aromatic stimulant, CA'SEIN (ka'-se-in), Principal proteid of milk. CA'SEOUS. Relating to cheese. CAS'SIA, A gentle laxative. CASTA'NEA. Chestnut leaves. CAS'TOR OIL. See Ricini. CASTRA'TION. Removal of testicles or ovaries; unsexing. CATACAU'SIS. Spontaneous combustion. CATAC'LASIS (kat-ak'-la-sis). Fracture ; palpebral eversion. CATACLEI'SIS (kat-a-kly'-sis). Palpebral adhesion. CATACLYSM (kat-a-klizm). A violent shock. CATALEPSY (kat'-a-lep-se). A nervous disease, with loss of consciousness and muscular power. CATAL'YSIS (kat-al'-i-sis). Change in a substance caused by a body which is not affected itself. CATAME'NIA (kat-a-me'-ne-ah). The menses. CATAME'NIA ALBA. Leucorrhea. CATAPHA'SIA (kat-af-a'-ze-ah). Speech disorder, characterized by continued repetition of same words. CATAPH'ORA (kat-af'-o-rah). Periodical coma. CATAPLASM (kat'-a-plazm). A poultice. CATARACT (kat'-a-rakt). Opacity of crystalline lens. CATARRH' (kat-tar'). Inflammation of a mucous membrane. CATASTAL'TIC (kat-as-tal'-tic). Agent checking evacuations. CATAT'ONY (kat-at'-o-ne). See Katatonia. CAT'ECHU (kat'-e-chu). A powerful astringent. CAT'-GUT. Narrow cord made out of intestines of sheep; a ligature. CATHAR'SIS (kath-ar'-sis). Action of a cathartic. CATHAR'TIC. A medicine causing intestinal evacuations. CATHAR'TIN (kath-ar'-tin). Bitter principle of senna. CATH'ETER (kath'-e-ter). Instrument used to empty the bladder. CATH'ODE (kath'-6d). A negative electrode. CATHOL'ICON. A “ cure all.” CATLING. A double-edged, pointed knife. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 51 CAT'NEP. Tonic and antispasmodic; a popular remedy. CATOPTRICS (kat-op'-triks). Science treating of reflection of light. CAT’S'EYE. An affection of the eye characterized by a yellow reflection behind pupil. CAT’S'PURR. Thrill heard in some cases of cardiac diseases. CAU'DAD (kaw'-dad). Relating to posterior extremity. CAU'DAL (kaw'-dal). Relating to a tail. CAU'DATE (kaw'-dat). Having a tail. CAUL. The omentum; the amnion. CAULIFLOWER EXCRES'CENCE. Epithelioma of uterus. CAUS'TIC. A burning substance used locally to destroy tissues. CAUS'TIC, LU'NAR. Silver nitrate pencils. CAU'TERY. An agent destroying tissues. CAU'TERY, ACTUAL. Hot iron applied locally. CAU'TERY, POTENTIAL. The using of a caustic. CAV'A (kav'-ah). A large vein emptying its contents into the right auricle. CAV'ERNOUS (kav'-er-nus). Having or relating to cavities. CAV'ERNOUS BODTES. Corpora cavernosa of penis or clitoridis. CAV'ERNOUS SI'NUS. Channel on both sides of sphenoid. CAV'ERNOUS TU'MOR. Angioma. CAV'ITY (kav'-i-te). A hole; a rounded depression. CAY'ENNE PEPPER (ka'-Cn). See Capsicum. CE'CAL (se'-kal). Relating to the cecum. CE'CUM (se'-kum). The caput coli or blind intestine, a portion of large intestine. CEL'ANDINE (sel'-an-d!n). See Chelidonium. CEL'ERY (sel'-e-re). A valuable nervine and tonic. CE'LIA (se'-le-ah). The belly. CE'LIAC (se'-le-ak). Relating to the belly. CE'LIAC AXIS. Arterial trunk of abdominal aorta. CE'LIAC GANG'LION. Semilunar ganglion CELIADELPH'US (se-le-ah-delf'-us). Abdominal-joined mon- ster. CELIAL'GIA (se-le-al'-je-ah). Abdominal pain. CELL (sfil). A minute mass of protoplasm, generally contain- ing a nucleus. CELL'ULAR (sel-u-lar). Having cells or relating to cells. CELL'ULAR TIS'SUE. Areolar connective tissue. CELL'ULE (sel'-ul). A small cell, or cavity. CELLULITIS (sel-u-li'-tis). Inflammation of areolar tissue. CELOSO'MUS (sel-o-so'-mus). A monster with abdominal malformation. CELOT'OMY. See Herniotomy. CEMEN'TUM (se-men'-tum). Cement. CENESTHE'SIS. Sensibility; the knowledge of self-existence. CENO'SIS (sen-o'-sis). A discharge. CEN'TER. A middle point. CEN'TIGRADE THERMOM'ETER. A thermometer having 100 degrees between freezing and boiling points. CEN'TIGRAMME. 0.01 gramme, 0.154323 grains. CEN'TILITRE. One-hundredth part of a litre; 0.6102 cubic inches. CEN'TI METRE. One-hundredth part of a meter ; 0.39371 inches. CEN'TRAD (sen'-trad). In a central direction. CEN'TRIC. Relating to a centre. CENTRIF'UGAL (sen-trif'-u-gal). Flying from a central point. CENTRIP'ETAL (sen-trip'-e-tal). Moving in a central direction. CENTRUM. See Center. CEN'TRUM COMMU'NE. Solar plexus. CEPHALA'GRA (sef-al-a'-grah). Pain in the head; headache. CEPHALAL'GIA (sef-al-al'-ge-ah). See Cephalagra. CEPHALEDE'MA (sef-al-e-de'-mah), Edema of the head. CEPHALHEMATO'MA. A tumor of the head. CEPHALTC (sef-al'-ik). Relating to the head. CEPHAL'IC VEIN. Vein of upper arm emptying into axillary vein. CEPHAL'IC VER'SION. Fetal inversion to induce head pres- entation. CEPHALI'TIS (sef-al-i'-tis). Cerebral inflammation. CEPHALODYN'IA (sef-a-10-din'-e-ah). Headache ; pain in the head. CEPHALOG'RAPHY (sef-al-og'-rii-fe). A description of the head. CEPH'ALOID (sef'-a-loid). Resembling a head. CEPHALOL'OGY. A treatise on the head. CEPHALO'MA (sef-al-6m'-ah), Encephaloid tumor. CEPHALOM'ETER. An instrument for measuring the head. CEPHALOM'ETRY. Science of head measurement. CEPHALOP'AGUS. Double monster joined only by the heads. CEPH'ALOSTAT. A head supporter. CEPHALOT'OMY (sef-a-lot'-6-me). Craniotomy. CEPH'ALOTRIBE. Instrument used to perform craniotomy. CEPH'ALOTRIPSY (sef-a-16-trip-se). See Craniotomy. CE'RA (se'-rah). Wax. CERA'CEOUS (se-ra'-she-ns). Waxy. CE'RATE (se'-rat). An unguent, with wax the vehicle. CERATI'TIS (ser-a-ti'-tis). See Keratitis. CE'RATO. See Kerato. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CER'ATOCELE (ser'-a-to-sel). See Keratocele. CERA'TUM (se-ra'-tum). A cerate. CERCH'NUS (serk'-nus). Hoai-seness. CERCOMO'NAS INTESTINA'LIS. Protozoa present In some cases of diarrhea. CE'REAL (se'-re-al). Grain; relating to grain. CEREBELLI'TIS (ser-e-bel-i'-tis). Inflammation of the cere- bellum. CEREBEL'LUM (ser-e-bel'-lum). Posterior portion of brain; the little brain. CER'EBRAL (ser'-e-bral). Pertaining to the brain. CEREBRASTHE'NIA (ser-e-bras-the'-ne-ah\ SeePhrenasthenia. CEREBRA'TION (ser-e-bra'-shun). Action of the brain. CER'EBRIN (ser'-e-brin). Substance extracted from brain- tissue. CEREBRIN'ACIDES. Cerebrose matter of brain-tissue. CEREBRI'TIS (ser-e-bri'-tis). Inflammation of the brain. CER'EBROSE (ser'-e-bi’oz). Sacchariferous substance in the brain-tissue. CER'EBROSIDES. See Cerebrinacides. CER'EBRO-SPI'NAL. Pertaining to spinal cord and brain. CER'EBRO-SPI'NAL FE'VER. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. CER'EBRO-SPI'NAL MENINGI'TIS. Usually fatal disease, consisting of inflammation of meninges of brain and spinal cord, fever and skin eruption. CER'EBRUM (ser'-e-brum). Upper and principal part of the brain. CE'RIUM (se'-re-um). A metal resembling iron in appear- ance. CERO'MA (se-ro'-mah). Amyloid degeneration. CERU'MEN (ser-u'-men). Ear-wax. CER'VICAL (sir'-ve-kl). Pertaining to the neck, as neck of uterus. CER'VIX (sir'-viks). The neck. CESA'REAN OP'ERATION. Removal of fetus through an opening made in uterus and abdomen. CEST'ODE. A genus of broad worms. CETA'CEUM (se-ta'-se-um). Spermaceti. CETRA'RIA (se-tra'-re-ah). Iceland moss, CETRA'RIN. The bitter tonic principle of Iceland moss. CHALA'ZION (ka-la'-ze-on). Tumor of a Meibomian gland. CHALICO'SIS (kal-c-ko'-sis). Inflammation of lung due to dust deposit. CH AL'INOPLASTY (kal'-e-no-plas-te). Plastic surgery at angle of mouth. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 53 CHALK (chawk). Calcium carbonate; an insoluble, tasteless substance. CHALK'-STONE. Gouty concretion. CHALYB'EATE (ka-lib'-e-at). Containing or relating to iron. CHAM'OMILE (kam'-o-mil). See Anthemis. CHAN'CRE (shang'-ker). Ulcer appearing with primary syphilis. CHAN'CROID (shang'-kroid). Resembling a chancre; anon- infectious chancre. CHANGE OF LIFE. The menopause. CHAR'COAL (char'-kol). See Carbon. CHAR'COT’S DISEASE' (shar'-cos). Articular disease occur- ring in Locomotor Ataxy. CHAR'PIE (shar'-pe). Shreds of lint. CHAR'RIERE’S GUIL'LOTINE. Instrument for removal of amygdalae. CHART A (char'-tah). A medicated paper; a powder wrapper. CHAULMU'GRA OIL. Alterative tonic for scrofula and lep- rosy. CHEEK (chek). Lateral side of face. CHEESE-REN'NET. See Ladies’ Bed-straw. CHEILITIS (kil-i'-tis). Inflammation of lip. CHEIL'OPLASTY (kil'-o-plas-te). Operation correcting de- formity of lips. CHELIDO'NIUM. A violent purgative. CHE'LOID (ke'-loid). See Keloid. CHE'LONIN (ke'-10-nin). Balmony ; a cathartic. CHEMO'SIS (ke-mo'-sis). Inflammation of conjunctiva. CHENOPO'DIUM (ke-no-po'-de-um), American wormseed; vermifuge; anthelmintic. CHER'RY (cher'-e). Juice of cherry bark, made into a syrup, and used in medicine. CHEST. The thorax. CHEST'NUT. See Castanea. CHI'ASM (ki'-azm). Applied to the optic commissure. CHICKEN-POX. See Varicella. CHIL'BLAIN. Inflammation of fingers or toes due to intense cold. CHILD'BED. Confinement; labor; illness attendant upon child birth. CHILD'BED FE'VER. See Puerperal Fever, CHIMAPHTLA (ki-maf'-i-lah). Pipsissewa leaves. CHIN'-COUGH. Whooping cough. CHINOID'IN (ki-noid'-in). Amorphous alkaloid, the by-product of quinine. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CHINOLI'NA (kin-6-le'-nah). A drug frequently substituted for quinine. CHIRA'GRA (kl-ra'-grah). Gout in the hand. CHIRARTHRI'TIS (kl-rarth-ri'-tis). Inflammation of joints of hands. CHIRET'TA (ki-ret'-tah). A bitter tonic. CHIROP'ODIST (ki-rop'-o-dist). A hand and foot specialist. CHIRUR'GIA (kl-rur'-ge-ah). Surgery. CHIRUR'GICAL (ki-rur'-ge-kl). Pertaining to surgery. CHIT'TIM BARK. See Cascara Sagrada. CHLIAS'MA (kll-az'-mah). A heated poultice. CHLOAS'MA (klo-az'-mah). See Tinea Versicolor. CHLO'RAL. An anesthetic and hypnotic. CHLO'RAL BUTYL'ICUM. An anodyne and anesthetic. CHLO'RAL HY'DRATE. Product obtained by adding water to anhydrous chloral. CHLO'RATE. Chloric acid with a base. CHLORE'MIA (klo-re'-mia). See Chlorosis. CHLO'RIC E'THER. See Ethyl Chloride. CHLO'RIDE (klb'-rid). The result of combining chlorine and a radical. CHLO'RINE (klo'-ren). A deadly poisonous gas. CHLO'RODYNE (klb'-ro-din). A nostrum having anodyne properties. CHLO'ROFORM. A volatile liquid, inhaled is an anesthetic; a local irritant; internally a stimulant and narcotic. CHLORO'MA (klo-ro'-man). A facial tumor of greenish color. CHLO'ROPHANE (klo'-ro-fan). Yellowish-green pigment of retina. CHLORO'SIS (klo-ro'-sis). An anemic disease of girls. CHLO'RUM (klo'-rura). See Chlorine. CHO'AN/E (ko'-an-e). The posterior nares. CHOKED DISC. See Papillitis. CHOL'AGOGUE (kol'-a-gog). Purgative causing evacuation of bile. CHOLA'LIC AC'ID. See Choloidinic Acid. CHOLECYSTEC'TOM Y. Operation for excision of gall-bladder. CHOLECYSTENTEROS'TOMY. Operation for joining bowel and gall-bladder. CHOLECYSTITIS (kol-e-sist-i'-tis). Inflammation of gall- bladder. CHOLECYSTOT'OMY. Abdominal incision of gall-bladder. CHOLEDOCHI'TIS (ko-led-6-kT-tis). Inflammation of gall- duct. CHOLED'OCHUS (ko-led'-o-kus). Bile receiving. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 55 56 CHOLE'IC (ko-le'-ik), Pertaining to bile. CHOLEME'SIA (kol-e-mo'-se-ah). Bilious vomiting. CHOLEPYR'RHIN (kol-e-pir'-rin). Biliphein. CHOL'ER A. ’An epidemic disease, with Inflammation of small Intestine, vomiting, diarrhea and great prostration. CHOL'ERA INFANT'UM. Summer complaint of infants characterized by emesis, diarrhea and prostration. CHOL'ERA MOR'BUS. Sporadic cholera. CHOL'ERINE. Mild form of cholera. CHOLEROPHO'BIA. Fear of cholera. CHOLESTEATO'MA. Tumor caused by cellular degeneration. CHOLESTERE'MIA. Cholesterin in the blood. CHOLES'TERIN. A fatty substance in the brain and blood; a bile excretion. CHOLET'ELIN. Yellow pigment; the oxidation product of biliverdin. CHO'LIC (ko'-lic). Pertaining to the bile. CHOL'IN (kol'-in). See Neurine. CHOLOIDIN'IC ACID. Product of bilious decomposition. CHOL'OLITH (kol'-o-lith). Gall-stone. CHOLORRHE'A (kol-or-re'-ah). Bilious diarrhea. CHOLO'SES (kol-6'-sez). Bilious diseases. CHOLU'RIA (kol-u'-re-ah). Bile-pigment in urine. CHONDRAL'GIA (kon-dral'-je-ah). Pain in a cartilage. CHON'DRIN (kon'-drin). Cartilaginous glucoside. CHONDRI'TIS (kon-dn'-tis). Inflammation of cartilage. CHON'DROGEN (kon'-dro-jen). Basic substance of cartilage. CHONDROGEN'ESIS. Production of cartilage. CHONDROG'RAPHY. Description of cartilages. CHON'DROID (kon'-droid). Resembling a cartilage. CHONDROL'OGY (kon-drol'-6-je). Treatise on cartilage. CHONDRO'MA (kon-dro'-mah). Tumor formed of cartilage. CHONDRO'SIS (kon-dro'-sis). Cartilaginous production. CHONDROT'OMY. Dissection of cartilage. CHON'DRUS (kon'-drus). Irish moss. CHOR'DA (kor'-dah). A cord or tendon. CHOR'DA DORSA'LIS. See Notochord. CHOR'DA TEN'DINAS. Tendinous strings connecting papil- lary muscles of heart to auricular valves. CHOR'DA TYM'PANI. Nerve giving sense of taste to anterior portion of tongue. CHORDEE' (kor-de'). Intensely painful erection, with down- ward incurvation, during a gonorrheal attack CHORDI'TIS (kord-i'-tis). Inflammation of a cord, as spermatic cord, vocal cord, etc. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CHORE'A. St. Vitus’ dance; irregular, involuntary muscular contractions. CHO'RION (ko'-re-on). External membrane enclosing fetus. CHO'ROID (ko'-roid). Middle coat of eye. CHOROIDI'TIS (ko-roid-i'-tis). Inflammation of choroid. CHOROMA'NIA. Dancing mania. CHRO'MATE (kro'-mat). A salt containing chomic acid. CHROMAT'IC (kro-mat'-ik). Pertaining to color. CHROMATODYSO'PIA (kro-ma-to-dis-o'-pe-ah). False percep- tion of colors. CHROMATOPHO'BIA (kro-ma-to-fo'-be-ah). Fear of a color. CHROMIDRO'SIS (kro-mi-drd'-sis). Coloration of sweat. CHRO'MOPHANE. Retinal coloring matter. CHROMOPTOM'ETER (kro-mop-tom'-e-ter). Instrument to test accuracy of color-vision. CHRON'IC (kron'-ik). Of long standing; slow and continued. CHRON'OGRAPH. An electrical instrument measuring and recording time. CHRYSARO'BIN. A remedy for cutaneous affections. CHRYSOPHANTC ACID. See Chrysarobin. CHTHONOPHA'GIA (thon-6-la'-je-ah). Dirt eating. CHYLE (kil). Fluid product of intestinal digestion. CHYLIF'EROUS (ki-lif-e-rus). Chyle-bearing. CHYLOPOIET'IC (ki-10-poi-et'-ik). Chyle-forming. CHYLORRHE'A (ki-lor-re'-ah). Excessive chylous flow. CHYLU'RIA (k!-lu'-re-ah). Milky urine. CHYME (kirn). Masticated food mixed with gastric juice. CHYMIFICA'TION. Formation of chyme. CHYMO'SIN (ki-mo'-sin). Pepsin. CICATRI'CIAL (sik-a-trish'-al). Pertaining to a cicatrix. CICATRIC'ULA (sik-a-trik'-u-lah). Spot in yolk of egg where segmentation begins. CICA'TRIX (si-ka'-triks). A scar resulting from healed wound. CICATRIZA'TION (sik-a-tri-zii'-shun). The healing of a wound. CIL'IA (sil'-e-ah). The eyelashes; hair-like cellular process. CIL'IARY (sil'-e-ii-rc). Pertaining to the cilia. CILTARY AR'TERIES. Minute ophthalmic arteries. CIL'IARY GANG'LION. Ophthalmic ganglion. CIL'IARY MUS'CLE. Ophthalmic muscle permitting accomo- dation. CILTUM (sii'-e-um). An eyelash. CILLO'SIS (si-16'-sis). Quivering of the eyelid. CIMICIF'UGA. Black Snake root; cardiac tonic. CINCHO'NA (sin-ko'-nah). A bark whose alkaloids have tonic and antipyretic qualities, such as quinine, quinidine, etc. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 57 58 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CINCHON'ICINE. An artificial alkaloid of cinchona. CINCHONTDINE. An alkaloid of the red cinchona. CIN'CHONINE. Cinchona alkaloid, weaker than quinine. CIN'CHONISM. State produced by excessive use of quinine. CINERITIOUS (sin-e-rish'-us). Having an ashy color. CINETTCA (si-net'-i-kah). Muscular disease. CING'ULUM (sing'-gu-lum). A girdle; herpes zoster. CIN'NABAR (sin'-a-bar). Red sulphide of mercury. CIN'NAMON (sin'-a-mon). An aromatic bark. CIONI'TIS (sl-on-i'-tis). Uvular inflammation. CIONOT'OMY (si-on-ot'-6-me). Excision of uvula. CIRCULATION. Flow of blood through vascular system. CIRCUMCISTON (sir-kum-sizh'-on). Removal of prepuce In whole or part. CIR'CUMFLEX. Wound around. CIRCUMVAL'LATE. Bounded by an enclosing ridge. CIRRHON'OSUS (si-ron'-o-sus). Yellow discoloration of fetal membranes. CIRRHO'SIS. Induration of connective tissue. CIR'SOCELE (ser'-so-sel). A varicocele, CIR'SOID (ser'-soid). Having the appearance of a varix. CIRSOM'PHALOS (ser-som'-fa-los). Navel varicosity. CIRSOPHTHAL'MIA (ser-sof-thal'-me-ah). Vascular varicosity of cornea. CIRSOT'OMY (ser-sot'-o-me). Excision of a varix. CIT'RATE (sit'-rat). A salt of citric acid with a base. CIT'RIC ACID. Acid obtained from lemon or lime-juice. CLAMP (klamp). An instrument used for vascular compres- sion. CLAP. See Gonorrhea. CLARIFICATION. Elimination of impurities in a liquid. CLASSIFICATION. Division into classes. CLAUSTRUM (klaws'-trum). Layer of gray matter in brain. CLAU'SURE (klaw'-zhur). Without an opening; imperfora- tion. CLAV'ICLE. A curved bone at the base of neck; the collar bone. CLAV'US. A corn. CLEANS'INGS. The lochia. CLEFT PALATE. Fissure of palate at birth. CLIMACTERIC (kll-mak'-te-rik). Pertaining to periods of life, such as menopause, etc. CLIMATOL'OGY (kli-ma-tol'-o-je). Science treating of climates. CLIMATO-THERAPY. The use of climate to assist in curing a disease. CLIN 'I C (klin'-ik). Teaching medicine at the bedside of patients. CLIN'ICAL (klln'-i-kal). Pertaining to a clinic. CLI'NOID (kli'-noid). Like a bed. CLISEOM'ETER (klis-e-om'-e-ter). Instrument used to meas- ure angle of pelvis. CLITORIDEC'TOMY (kli-to-ri-dek'-to-me). Excision of clitoris. CLI'TORIS (kli'-to-ris). Erectile organ in the female. CH'TORISM (kli'-to-rism). Enlarged clitoris. CLITORI'TIS (kli-to-ri'-tis). Inflammation of clitoris. CLOA'CA (klo-a'-kah). A drain, applied to urethral and rectal openings. CLON'IC (klon'-ik). Irregular, non-persistent spasms. CLO'NUS (klo'-nus). Spasmodic, muscular contraction. CLOT. See Coagulum. CLOUD'Y SWELLING. A form of cellular degeneration. CLOVE (klov). See Caryophyllus. CLUB'-FOOT. See Talipes, CLYS'TER (klis'-ter). An enema. COAGULATION (ko-ag-u-la'-shun). A clot. COAG'ULATIVE NECRO'SIS. Death and coagulation of a mass of tissue. COAG'ULUM. A clot of blood having consistency of gela- tine. COALES'CENCE (ko-a-les'-ens). The act of growing together. COARCTA'TION. Vascular contraction or compression. CO'BALT. Tough metal, often found with arsenic. CO'CA (ko'-kah). See Erythroxylon. CO'CAINE (ko'-kah-in). Nerve stimulant and local anes- thetic, COCCOBACTERTA. Bacteria found in putrefying animal matter. COC'CULUS IND'ICUS. Fish berries. See Picrotoxin. COCCYG'EAL (kok-sij'-e-al). Pertaining to the coccyx. COCCYGODYNTA (kok-si-go-din'-e-ah). Coccygeal pain. COC'CYX (kok'-siks). Terminal bone at base of spinal column. COCH'INEAL. Insect employed as a coloring agent. COCH'LEA (kok'-le-ah). Anterior portion of internal ear. COCILLA'NA (ko-sl-la'-nah). Emetic and expectorant drug. CO'DEINE (ko'-de-in). An opium alkaloid having hypnotic properties. COD'-LIVER OIL. See Morrhuse. CCE. SeeCe. COF'FEE. A seed or berry from which caflfeine is derived; also a popular beverage. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 59 60 COHABITA'TION (ko-hab-i-ta'-shun). Sexual intercourse. COHE'SION (ko-hc'-shun). The force of atomic attraction. CO'HOSH, BLACK. See Cimicifuga. COI'TION, CO'ITUS. Sexual congress; cohabitation. COL'CHICINE (kol'-chi-sin). Active principle of colchicum. COL'CHICUM. A diuretic and cathartic. COLD. Catarrhal affection of respiratory tract. COLD-BLOOD'ED. See Poikilothermic. COLEC'TOMY (ko-lek'-to-me). Partial excision of colon. COL'EOCELE (kol'-e-o-sel). Hernia of the vagina. COL'IC (kol'-ik). A painful intestinal disorder. COLTCA PICTO'NUM. Painter’s or lead colic. COLI'TIS (kd-li'-tis). Inflammation of the colon. COLLAPSE'. Complete exhaustion and prostration. COL'LAR BONE. See Clavicle. COLLAT'ER AL. Following side by side; assisting. COLLO'DION. A solution of ether and gun-cotton, making an extemporaneous plaster. COL'LOID. Resembling glue. COL'LUM (kol'-um). Front portion of neck. COLLYR'IUM (ko-lir'-e-um). A wash for the eyes. COLOBO'MA (kol-o-bo'-mah). Fissure or cleft of portions of eye, as the optic nerve, etc. COL'OCYNTH. Drastic hydragogue cathartic. COLOCYNTH'IN. Active glucoside principle of colocynth. CO'LON (ko'-lon). Upper portion of large intestine. COLONI'TIS (kol-6-ni'tis). Colitis. COLOSTRA'TION. Disease of the new born due to colostrum. COLOSTRUM (ko-los'-trum). Milk secreted during ninth month of pregnancy. COLOT'OMY (ko-lot'-o-rne). Opening of the colon. COLPAL'GIA (kol-pal'-je-ah). Vaginal pain. COLPATRE'SIA (kol-pa-tre'-ze-ah). Vaginal irnperforation. COLPI'TIS (kol-pi'-tis). Vaginal inflammation. COL'POPLASTY (kol'-po-plas-te). Plastic vaginal surgery. COLPOPTO'SIS (kol-pop-to'-sis). Vaginal prolapse. COLPORRHA'GIA (kol-po-ra'-je-ah). Vaginal hemorrhage. COLPOR'RHAPHY (kol-por'-a-fel. Vaginal suture to repair laceration. COLPORRHE'A (kol-po-re'-ah). See Leucorrhea. COLPO'SIS (kol-po'-sis). Vaginal inflammation. •, COLPOT'OMY (kol-pot'-o-me). Vaginal incision. See Elytrot- omy. COLT’S FOOT. A demulcent leaf. COLUM'BO. See Calumbo. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY, 61 COLUM'NA (kol-um'-nah). A column. CO'MA, Deep stupor or sleep; unconsciousness; lethargy. CO'MA VIG'IL. Raving during unconsciousness. CO'MATOSE (ko'-ma-tos). Affected with coma. COMBUS'TION (kom-bus'-chun). The act of burning. COM'EDO (kom'-e-do). Black-head; affection of sebaceous glands; face-worm. COM'FREY (kum'-fre). An astringent and demulcent. COM'MA BACIL/LUS. Cholera bacillus. COMMINUTION. Breaking; shattering. COM'MISSURE. Union of two parts. COM'MISSURE, OPTIC. Point of union of optic nerves. COMMU'NICANS. Communicating. COMMU'NICANS NO'NI. Branch from third cervical nerve. COM'PASS PLANT. See Rosin Weed. COMPAT'IBLE. Admitting of admixture. COMPLEX'US MUS'CLE. Large muscle of the back. COMPLICATION. Appearance of other phenomena than the original. COMPOSITION. A mixture of different ingredients. COM'PRESS (kom'-pres). Folded cotton or woolen cloths for pressure on a part. COM'PRESS, FEN'ESTRATED. Compress provided with openings. COMPRES'SOR. Instrument for vascular compression. CONA'RIUM (ko-na'-re-um). The pineal gland. CON'CAVE (kon'-kav). Hollow; a rounded cavity. CONCA'VO-CON'CAVE. Concave on both sides. CONCA'VO-CON'VEX. Concave on one side and convex on opposite side. CONCEN'TRIC. Having a common centre. CONCEP'TION (kon-sep'-shun). Ovular fecundation. CON'CHA (kong'-kah). The external ear. CONCOC'TION (kon-kok'-shun). A boiled mixture. CONCOM'ITANT (kon-kom'-e-tant). Accompanying; asso- ciated. CONCRETION (kon-kre'-shun). Deposit of a solid matter in the body, as a calculus, CONCU'BITIS (kon-kti'-bi-tus). Coitus; sexual congress. CONDENSA'TION (kon-den-sa'-shun). Act of condensing; concentration, CON'DIMENT (kon'-di-ment). A seasoning substance; a spice. COND'OM, CUN'DUM. A very delicate rubber covering used during coition. 62 CONDURAN'GO BARK. An alterative used in cancer and syphilis. CON'DYLE (kon'-dil). Curved articular process, as humerus. CON'DYLOID (kon'-di-loid). Pertaining to a condyle. CONDYLO'MA (kon-di-lo'-mah). Warty excrescence near the genitals. CONE'IN (ko-ne'-in). See Conine. CONFECTION (kon-fek'-shun). A saccharine substance to disguise bitter drugs. CONFINEMENT (kon-fin'-ment). Lying-in; labor; parturi- tion. CON'FLUENT (kon'-flu-ent). Union; meeting. CONFORMATION (kon-for-ma'-shun). Natural form. CONGEN'EROUS (kon-jen'-e-rus). Belonging to same class. CONGENITAL (kon-jen'-i-tal). Term applied to malformations or peculiarities which are present at birth. CONGESTION (kon-jes'-chun). Abnormal accumulation of blood to a part. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. See Pneumonia. CONGESTIVE. Pertaining to congestion. CONGESTIVE FEWER. Malarial fever. CON'GIUS (kon'-je-us). A gallon. CONGLOM'ERATE. Joined or mixed together. CONGLUTIN. Nitrogenous ferment in almonds. CONGLUTINATE. Joined; united. CON'GRESS, SEX'UAL. Cohabitation ; copulation. CON'ICAL COR'NEA. See Keratoglobus. CO'NINE (ko'-nin). Alkaloid obtained from conium, very poisonous, one drop being a fatal dose. CONI'UM (ko-ni'-um). Hemlock ; anodyne and aphrodisiac. See Conine. CONJUNCTIVA (kon-jungk-ti'-vah). Mucous membrane of eye. CONJUNCTIVITIS (kon-jungk-ti-vi'-tis). Inflammation of con- junctiva. CON'NATE (kon'-iit). Present at birth; congenital union. CONNECTIVE TIS'SUE. Tissue element supporting animal body. CONSANGUINTTY (kon-sang-guin'-i-te). Relationship; ofsame blood. CONSENSUAL (kon-sen'-su-al). Independent of will; invol- untary. CONSERVATIVE (kon-ser'-va-tive). Preventing destruction. CONSERVE' (kon-serv'). A mass mixed with sugar. CONSISTENCE. Density of a substance. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 63 CONSTIPA'TION (kon-sti-pa'-shun). Delayed defecation; cos- tive. CONSTITU'TION. The state or physical condition of an animal; composition. CONSTITUTIONAL DISEAS'ES. Diseases affecting the entire animal body; not localized. CONSTRICTOR. Applied to muscles that contract. CONSTRIN'GENT (kon-strin'-jent;. See astringent. CONSULTATION. Exchange of professional counsel and advice regarding a patient. CONSUMPTION (kon-sump'-shun). Phthisis; a pulmonary disease, characterized by waste of tissue. CONTAGION. The process of propagation of disease. CONTA'GIOUS (kon-ta'-jus). Disease communicated by contact. CONTAGIUM. Germs causing propagation of a disease. CONTORTED (kon-tor'-ted). Twisted; distorted. CONTRACTILITY. Capable of contraction. CONTRACTION. Act of drawing together. CONTRA-INDICATION. Non-prescription of a remedy be- cause of another ailment being irritated by it. CONTU'SION. A bruise. CO'NUS (kd'-nus). Marginal crescent of optic disc. CONVALES'CENCE. Period of gradual improvement succeed- ing an illness. CONVERGENT (kon-ver'-jent). Having a common point of union. CON'VEX (kon'-veks). Outward curvature; opposed to concave. CONVOLUTION. Tortuous winding of an organ. CONVUL'SION. Severe involuntary muscular contraction. COORDINATION. Working together for a common result. COPAI'BA (ko-pa'-bah). A resinous stimulant, exhibited in diseases of mucous membranes. COPHO'SIS (ko-fo'-sis). Deafness. COP'PERAS. Green vitriol; commercial ferrous sulphate. COP'ROLITH (kop'-ro-lith). An intestinal concretion. COPROSTASIS (ko-pros'-ta-sis). Non-expulsion of feces; con- stipation. COPTIS. Goldthread. COPULATION (kop-u-la'-shun). Cohabitation; coitus. CORD, UMBIL'ICAL. Fetal attachment to placenta. COR'DIAL (kord'-yal). A stimulating aromatic liqueur. COR'DIFORM (kor'-di-form). Having a cardiac shape. CORECTASIS (ko-rek'-ta-sis). Dilatation of pupil of eye. CORECTOME (ko-rek'-tom). Instrument to perform corec- tomy. 64 COREC'TOMY (ko-rek'-to-me). Excision of iris to establish an artificial pupil. COREMOR'PHOSIS (kor-e-mor'-fo-sis). See Oorectomy. COREON'CION (kor-e-on'-se-dn). Iris forceps used in corectomy. COR'EPLASTY. Operation establishing artificial pupil. CORET'OMY (ko-ret'-d-mc). See Iridotomy. CORIAN'DER (kd-re-an'-dcr). A stimulant and carminative. CO'RIUM (kd'-re-ura). The derma. CORN. Cutaneous induration on top of toe. COR'NEA (kor'-ne-ah), Anterior transparent portion of eye. CORNEI'TIS (kor-ne-i'-tis). See Keratitis. CORNIC'ULA LARYN'GIS. Two laryngeal, cartilaginous nod- ules. CORN'SMUT. See Stigmata Maydis. COR'NU (kor'-nu). A pointed process. COR'NU-CER'VI. Hartshorn. COR'NUS (kor'-nus). Dogwood; an astringent tonic. COR'NUTIN (kor'-nu-tin). Principal constituent of ergot. CORO'NA (kd-rd'-nah). A crown, CORO'NA DEN'TIS. Crown of a tooth. CORO'NA GLAN'DIS. Periphery of glans penis. CORO'NA VEN'ERIS. Syphilitic affection of forehead. CORO'NAL (kor-6'-nal). Pertaining to a crown. COR'ONARY (kor' o-na-re\ Encircling. COR'ONER. A public officer who determines cause of a sup- posed unnatural death. COR'ONOID (kor'-6-noid). Having appearance of or pertaining to a crown. COR'PORA (kor'-po-rah). Plural of corpus. COR'PORA CAVER NO'S A. Penile erectile structure. COR'PORA QUADRIGEM'INA. Nucleated eminences at apex of brain-stem. CORPSE (korps). A dead body. COR'PULENT. Obese; of large proportions; fat. COR'PUS (kor'-pus). A body. COR'PUS CALLO'SUM. Fibrous matter Joining two hemi- spheres of brain. COR'PUS SPONGIO'SUM. Bulbous extremity of penis. COR'PUSCLE (kor'-pus-l). A very small body. COR'PUSCLES OF BLOOD. Reddish discs in the blood. COR'PUSCLES, MALPIG'HIAN. The splenic corpuscles. CORPUS'CULATED. Containing corpuscles. CORREC'TIVE (kor-rek'-tiv). Agent mollifying effect of a drug. CORRELA'TION (kor-e-la'-shun). Mutual or common relation. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. CORROB'ORANT (korob'-6-rant). A strengthening remedy, CORRO'SIVE (ko-ro'-siv). Agent that consumes or eats away. CORRO'SIVE SUB'LIMATE. Mercuric chloride. COR'TEX. Outer layer of an organ, as of brain, etc. A bark. COR'TICAL (kor'-te-kal). Pertaining to the cortex. CORY'ZA (ko-ri'-zah). Inflammation of nasal mucous mem- brane. COSMET'IC (koz-met'-ik). Unguent used to improve the skin. COS'MOLINE (koz'-md-lin). Petrolatum. COS'TA (kos'-tah). A rib. COS'TAL (kos'-tal). Pertaining to a rib. COS'TIVE (kos'-tiv). A symptom of constipation. COS'TOTOME (kos'-td-tdm). An instrument for costal section. COT'TON. See Gossypium. COT'YLOID CAV'ITY. See Acetabulum. COUCH'-GRASS. See Triticum. COUGH (kawf). Momentary pulmonary convulsion, causing noise, as air is violently expelled from lungs. COUN'TER-EXTENS'ION. Method employed to assist exten- sion. COUN'TER-IRRITA'TION. Irritation of a part to benefit another affected part. COURS'ES. See Menses. COURT PLAS'TER. Isinglass composition on silk to protect wound. CONVEUSE'. A brooder for new-born infants. COW'PER’S GLANDS, Two racemose glands above bulb of urethra. COW'POX. Disease of cows with cutaneous eruption; the virus of pustules used as vaccine. COX'A. The hip. COXA'GRA (koks-a'-grah). Pain in the hip. COXAL'GIA (koks-al'-je-ah). See Coxagra. COXA'RIUS. Pertaining to the hip-joint. COXARTHRI'TIS (koks-ar-thri'-tis). Coxarius gout. COXI'TIS (koks-i'-tis). Inflammation of hip-joint. CRACKED-POT SOUND. Metallic reverberation, present when percussion is made over a cavity. CRA'DLE. Arch protecting a part from bed-clothing. CRAMP. Painful spasm and contraction of muscles. CRA'NIAL (kra'-ne-al). Pertaining to the cranium. CRA'NIOCELE (kra'-ne-o-sel). See Encephalocele. CRA'NIOCLASM. Using of cranioclast to break fetal skull. CRA'NIOCLAST. Instrument used to perform cranioclasm. CRANIOL'OQY. Science relating to skulls. 65 66 CRANIOM'ETER. Instrument used to measure a skull, CRANIOM'ETRY (kra-ne-om'-e-tre). Using the craniometer. CRANIOP'AGUS (kra-ne-op'-a-gus). See Cephalopagus. CRANIOPLAS'TY. Plastic surgery of skull. CRANIOS'COPY. See Phrenology. CRANIOSTO'SIS. Fetal cranial sutures ossified. CRA'NIOTOME. Instrument used in craniotomy. CRANIOT'OMY. Crushing the fetal skull. CRA'NIUM (kra'-ne-um). The skull. CRE'ASOTE. A powerful antiseptic; wood-tar product. CRE'ATIN. See Kreatin. CREAT'ININ. See Kreatinin. CREMAS'TER (kre-mas'-ter). A muscle situated around sperm- atic cord. CREMA'TION (kre-ma'-shun). Burning of animal or vegetable matter. CRE'MOR. Cream. CRE'NATE (kre'-nat). Indented; nicked. CRE'OLIN. A local antiseptic; a coal-tar product. CREST (krest). Apex; crown. CRE'TA (kre'-tah), Chalk. CRETA'CEOUS (kre-ta'-she-us). Of a chalky nature. CRE'TIN (kre'-tin). A cretinic subject. CRETIN'IC (kre-tin'-ik). Relating to cretinism. CRE'TINISM. An Alpine disease, with Imperfect development accompanied by dullness of senses. CRIB'RIFORM (krib'-re-form). Having appearance of a sieve. CRI'COID (kri'-koid). Ring-shaped. CRI'COID CAR'TILAGE. Laryngeal cartilage having shape of a ring. CRIMTNAL MALPRAC'TICE. Abortion induced when not therapeutically indicated. CRI'SIS (krl'-sis). Height of a disease. CRITICAL (krit'-i-kal). Pertaining to a crisis; precarious. CRO'CUS (kro'-kus). Saffron. CROTCH'ET. Hook for drawing out product of a craniotomy. CRO'TON CHLO'RAL. An anodyne and anesthetic. CRO'TON OIL. A potent drastic purgative. CROUP (kroop). Tracheal and laryngeal inflammation with exudation. CRU'CIAL (kru'-she-al). Cross-shaped. CRU'OR (kru'-or). Clotted or coagulated blood. CRU'ORIN (kru'-or-in). Hemoglobin. CRU'RA (kru'-rah). Plural of Crus. CRU'RAL (kru'-ral). Pertaining to the crura. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CRURE'US (kru-re'-us). A muscle of the thigh. CRUS (krus). A leg or resembling a leg. CRUS'TA (krus'-tah). A scab or crust; the basal portion of Crura Cerebri. CRYPT (kript). A small cavity. CRYPTS OF LIE'BERKUHN (le'-ber-ken). Minute, tubular intestinal glands. CRYPTOCEPH'ALUS. Monster with undeveloped head. CRYPTODID'YMUS. A fetus within a fetus. CRYPTO PHTH AL/MOS (ki-ipt-off-thal'-mos). Congenital pal- pebral union, with defective eyeball. CRYPTOR'CHID, CRYPTOR'CHIS (kript-or'-kid, kript-or'-kis). One afflicted with cryptorchidism. CRYPTOR'CHIDISM. Abdominal or inguinal retention of testicles. CRYS'TALLIN (kris'-tal-in). Globulin. CRYS'TALLINE LENS. Transparent structure of the eye. CRYS'TALLOID (kris'-tal-oid). Resembling a crystal. CU'BEBS. A stimulant to a mucous membrane, used in gonorrhea. CU'BIT (ku'-bit). The forearm. CU'BOID BONE. A small tarsal bone. CU'CA (ku'-kah). See Erythroxylon. CUCUR'BIT (ku-ker'-bit), A cupping glass. CUIRASS' CAN'CER (kwe-rahs'). Cancer of breast forming a hard mass resembling a breast-plate. CUL'-DE-SAC (kool'-de-sak). A blind passage. CUL'TURE. The generation of germs in a broth or any nutri- tious substance. CUNETFORM CAR'TILAGE. Small cartilaginous nodules oi larynx. CUNEIFORM BONES. Three tarsal bones. CUNE'US (ku-ne'-us). A cerebral convolution. CUN'NUS (kun'-nus). The vulva. CUP'PING. Bleeding a person by use of cupping glass. CU'PRUM (ku'-prum). Copper. CURA'RE (ku-rah'-re). A deadly poison causing motor-nerve paralysis, used in spasmodic diseases. CURETTE' (ku-ret'). Spoon-shaped instrument for cleaning cavities. CUSP (kusp). Point on top of a tooth. CUS'PIDATE TEETH. Canine teeth. CUTA'NEOUS (ku-ta'-ne-us). Pertaining to the skin. CU'TICLE (ku'-ti-kl). The epidermis. CU'TIS (ku'-tis). The derma. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 67 68 CU'TIS ANSERI'NA. See Goose Skin. CYANHIDRO'SIS (si-an-hi-drd'-sis). Bluish perspiration. CY'ANIDE. Combination of cyanogen with an element. CYANODER'MA (si-a-no-der'-mah). See Cyanosis. CYAN'OGEN. A poisonous gas; a compound radical. CYANOP'ATHY (si-an-op'-a-the). See Cyanosis. CYANO'SIS. Bluish, cutaneous discoloration caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. CYANOT'IC (sl-an-ot'-ik). Pertaining to cyanosis. CYCLI'TIS (si-kli'-tis). Inflammation of the ciliary body. CYCLOCEPH'ALUS. Monster affected with cyclopia. CYCLO'PIA (si-klo'-pe-ah). Union of orbits, making one eye in centre of face. CYCLOPLE'GIA (si-klo-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of ciliary muscle. CY'CLOPS (si'-klops). A monster affected with cyclopia. CYCLOT'OMY. Surgery of ciliary muscle. CYDO'NIUM (si-dd'-ne-um). Quince-seed; a demulcent. CYESIOL'OGY (s!-e-se-ol'-o-je). Science of pregnancy. CYESIOGNO'SIS (si-e-se-og-no'-sis). Diagnosis of pregnancy, CYNAN'CHE (si-nang'-ke). Sore throat. CYNAN'CHE TONSILLA'RIS. See Quinsy. CYNOPHO'BIA (si-no-fd'-be-ah). See Pseudo-hydrophobia. CYOPHO'RIA (s!-6-fo'-re-ah). Pregnancy. CYPHO'SIS (sl-fo'-sis). Spinal curvature. CYPRIPE'DIUM. Lady's slipper. CYRTOM'ETER. An instrument for measuring curves of chest. CYRTO'SIS (sir to'-sis). Spinal curvature. CYST (sist). An abnormal membranous sac containing fluid. CYSTAL'GIA (sis-tal'-je-ah). Pain in the bladder. CYSTATRO'PHI A (sis-ta-tro'-fe-ah). Atrophy of bladder. CYSTEC'TASY (sist-ek'-ta-se). Dilatation of the bladder. CYS'TIC (sis'-tik). Pertaining to a cyst. CYSTIFELLEOT'OMY. See Cholecystotomy. CYSTINU'RIA (sis-tin-u'-re-ah). Deposit of cystin in the urine. CYSTIRRHA'GIA (sis-ti-ra'-Je-ah). Hemorrhage of the bladder. CYSTIRRHE'A (sis-ti-re'-ah). Catarrh of the bladder. CYST'IS (sis'-tls). See Cyst. CYSTI'TIS (sist-I'-tis). Inflammation of the bladder. CYST'ITOME (sist'-i-tom). See Cystotome. CYSTOBUBON'OCELE. Inguinal hernia with bladder com- plications. CYST'OCELE (sist'-o-std). Hernia of the bladder. CYSTODYN'IA (sist-o-din'-e-ah). Neuralgia of the bladder. CYST'OLITH (sist'-o-lith). Calculus formed in the bladder. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL CYSTOLITHIASIS. Calculus in the bladder. CYSTOLITHTC (sist-o-lith'-ik). Pertaining to vesical calculus. CYSTO'MA (sist-o'-mah). Cystic tumor. CYST'OPLASTY. Plastic vesical surgery. CYSTOPLE'GIA (sist-o-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of the bladder. CYS'TOSCOPE. Instrument for vesical examination. CYST'OSPASM. Spasm of the bladder. CYS'TOTOME (sist'-o-tom). Instrument used in vesical sur- gery. CYSTOT'OMY (sist-ot'-o-me). Incision of the bladder. CYTI'TIS (si-tl'-tis). See Dermatitis. CY'TOBLAST (si'-td-blast). The cell-nucleus. CYTODIER'ESIS (s!-to-di-er'-e-sis). Cell division. CYTOGEN'ESIS (si-to-gen'-e-sis). Formation of cells. CYTOG'ENY (si-toj'-c-ne). See Cytogenesis. CY'TOID (si'-toid). Resembling a cell. CYTOL'OGY (si-tol'-o-je). Science relating to cells. CY'TO PLASMA (sl'-to-plaz-mah). See Protoplasm. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 69 D. DACRYADENAL'GXA (dak-re-ad-e-nal'-j e-ah). Pain in lachry- mal gland. DACRYADENI'TIS (dak-re-ad-en-i'-tls). Inflammation of lach- rymal gland. DACRYQELO'SIS (dak-re-je-16'-sis). Repeated weeping spells followed by hysterical laughter. DACRYOCYSTAL'GIA (dak-re-o-sist-al'-je-ah). Pain in lachry- mal sac. D ACR YOCYSTPTIS (dak-re-o-sist-i'-tis). Inflammation of lach- rymal sac. DAC'RYOLITE. Lachrymal calculus. DACRYOSOLENPTIS. Inflammation of lachrymal ducts. DACTYL (dak'-til). A finger. DAC'TYLATE (dak'-ti-lat). Resembling a dactyl. DACTYLTON (dak'-til-e-on). Fingers joined by a membranous web. DACTYLI'TIS (dak-til-i'-tis). Inflammation of finger or toe. DAMIA'NA (dam-e-a'-nah). An aphrodisiac. DAN'DELION (dan'-de-li-on). See Taraxacum. DAN'DRUFF. The scaly product of a scalp affection. DAR'TOID (dar'-toid). Resembling the dartos. DAR'TOS. Covering of the testes under the scrotal skin. DARTRE (dar'-tr). Term for scabby skin diseases. 70 DAR'WINISM. Theory of Darwin, maintaining the evolution of animals. DAT'URINE. Alkaloid of stramonium. DAY-BLIND'NESS. Dimness of vision in daylight. DEAF (def). Totally or partially unable to hear. DEAF-MU'TISM (def-mu'-tlzm). Unable to hear or speak. DEAF'NESS (def'-nes). State of being deaf. DEATH (deth). Extinction or destruction of life. DEATH'-RATTLE. Sound in larynx of one in throes of death. DEBILTTATE (de-bll'-i-tat). To weaken. DE'BOVE’S MEM'BRANE. Bronchial layer of germinal cells. DECAGRAMME (dek'-a-gram). Ten grammes ; 154.32 grains. DECALCIFICATION. Elimination of lime from bone or other substance. DECALITRE (dek'-a-le-ter). Ten litres; 2.61 gallons. DECAMETRE (dek'-a-me-ter). Ten metres; 32.8 feet. DECANTA'TION. The act of removing a liquid, leaving the sediment remaining. DECAPITATION. Cutting off fetal head to facilitate delivery. DECID'D A (de-sid'-u-ah). Uterine membrane enveloping ovum. DECID'UOUS TEETH. Milk teeth. DECIGRAMME, One-tenth of a gramme. DECALITRE. One-tenth of a litre. DECTMETRE. One-tenth of a metre. DECOCTION. Solution resulting from boiled vegetable drugs. DECOLLATION (de-ko-la'-shun). See Decapitation. DECOMPOSITION. Putrefaction; decay; reduction to its elements. DECU'BITUS (de-ku'-bi-tus). See Bed-sore. DEDENTITION (de-den-tish'-on). Losing the teeth. DEFECATION (def-e-ka'-shun). Fecal evacuation. DEF'ERENS (def'-er-enz). See Yas Deferens. DEFERVES'CENCE (de-fer-ves'-ens)i Decline of temperature. DEFIBRINATION. Elimination of fibrin. DEFLORATION (de-flo-ra'-shun). Cohabitation with a virgin. DEFORMATION (de-for-ma'-shun). Act of being deformed. DEFORM'ITY (de-for'-mi-te). Abnormal formation or growth; disfiguration. DEGENERATION. Change of a part or function to a lower state. DEGENERATION, AM'YLOID. Albuminous infiltration of a tissue or organ. DEGENERATION, CALCA'REOUS. Formation of lime in tissues. DEGENERATION, FATTY. Change of a tissue to fat. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DEGLUTI'TION (deg-lu-tish'-on). Swallowing. DEHYDRA'TION (de-hi-dra'-shun). Elimination of water from a substance. DEJEC'TION (de-jek'-shun). Voiding of fecal matter. Melan- choly. DELACTA'TION (de-lac-ta'-shun). To deprive of the breast. DELIQUES'CENCE (del-e-kwes'-ens). Process of becoming moist by absorption of water. DELIR'I ANT (de-lir'-e-ant). Capable of producing delirium. DELIR'IUM (de-lir'-e-um). Unconsciousness, with wild inco- herent speech ; wandering of the mind. DELIR'IUM TRE'MENS. Condition caused by excessive use of alcohol. DELIV'ERY (de-liv'-er-e). Child-birth. DEL'PHINiE O'LEUM. Porpoise oil. DEL'PHININE(deI'-fln-in). Poisonous alkaloid of staphisagria. DEL'TOID. Resembling a right-angled triangle; triangular muscle of the shoulder. DELU'SION (de-lu-zhun). The state of being deluded. DEMEN'TIA (de-men'-she-ah). Insanity; idiocy; mentaljdecay. DEMONOMA'NIA. Insanity in which the hallucination is the presence of many devils. DEMUL'CENT. Agent soothing external irritation. DEMUTIZA'TION. Teaching deaf-mutes to articulate words. DENG'UE (dang'-ga). Intensely feverish disease, ostalgia and eruption. DENS(denz). A tooth. DEN'SITY. State of being compact; closeness. DENTA'GRA (den-tag'-rah). Toothache; instrument for pull- ing teeth, DEN'TAL. Pertaining to the teeth. DEN'TAPHONE. Instrument placed between the teeth to promote sense of hearing. DENTA'TA (den-ta'-tah). The second cervical vertebra. DEN'TES SAPIEN'TI.®. Wisdom teeth. DENTIFICA'TION. The process of forming teeth. DEN'TIFRICE (den'-ti-fris). Dental cleansing substance. DEN'TINE. Hard external substance of a tooth. DEN'TISTRY (den'-tis-tre). The science relating to the cure and care of teeth. DENTI'TION Period when teeth first appear. DEN'TOID. Resembling a tooth, DENUDA'TION (den-u-da'-shun). The surgical uncovering of a part. DENUTRI'TION (de-nu-trish'-on). Insufficient nutrition. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 71 72 DEO'DORANT (de-o'-do-rant). Agent destroying an odor. DEODORI'ZER (de-6-do-ri'-zer). See Deodorant. DEOXIDA'TION. Elimination of oxygen. DEPILA'TION (dep-i-la'-shun). Loss of hair, natural or in- duced. DEPILATORY (de-pil'-a-to-re). Substance used to remove the hair. DEP'ILOUS (dep'-i-lus). Absence of hair. DEPLETION. Withdrawal of humors from the body. DEPRES'SANT. Medicine causing decreased activity of heart. DEPRESSION. A hollow; melancholia. DEP'URANT (dep'-u-rant). Eliminating impurities; purifying. DEPURA'TION (dep-u-ra'-shun). The work of a depurant. DERADELPH'US (der-a-delT-us). Double monster having but one head. DERADENI'TIS (der-ad-en-i'-tis). Inflammation of glands of the neck. DERANGE'MENT, Mental decay; insanity. DERBYSHIRE NECK. Goitre. DER'MA (der'-mah). The true skin or corium. DER'MAL. Pertaining to the skin. DERMAL'GIA (der-mal'-je-ah). Painful affection of skin. DERMATA'GRA (der-rnat-ag'-rah). See Pellagra. DERMATAL'GIA (der-mat-al'-je-ah). See Dermalgia. DERMATI'TIS (der-mat-i'-tis). Cutaneous inflammation. DERMATOG'RAPHY (der-mat-og'-ra-fe). Description of the skin. DER'MATOID (der'-mat-oid). Resembling skin. DERMATOL'OGY (der-mat-ol'-d-je). Science relating to the skin. DERMATOMYCO'SIS. Fungoid affection of the skin. DERMATONEURO'SIS. Neurosis of the skin. DERMATON'OSIS (der-mat-on'-6-sis). Term for various cuta- neous affections. DERMATO'SES (der-mat-o'-sez). Diseases of the skin. DERMATOT'OMY (der-matrot'-o-me). Incision of skin. DERMATOZOA (der-mat-o-zo'-ah). Animal parasites of skin. DER'MIC (der'-mik). Pertaining to the skin. DER'MIS (der'-mis). See Derma. DERMOG'RAPHY. See Dermatography. DER'MOID (der'-moid). See Dermatoid. DER'MOPHYTE (der'-mo-fit). Vegetable parasites of the skin. DERMOT'OMY (der-mot'-o-me). See Dermatotomy. DERODID'YMUS (der-d-did'-e-mus). A double-headed monster. DESAULT’S SPLINT. Splint used in femoral fractures. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DESCEND'ENS. Descending. DESCEND'ENS NO'NI. Branch from hypoglossal nerve. DESICCA'TION (des-i-kii'-shun). Drying; elimination of moist- ure from a substance. DES'ICCATIVE. Agent eliminating moisture from tissues. DESMI'TIS (des-mi'-tis). Inflammation of a ligament. DESMODYN'IA (des-mo-din'-e-ah). Pain in a ligament. DESMOG'RAPHY (des-mog'-ra-fe). Description of the liga- ments. DES'MOID. Having the appearance of a bundle. DESMOL'OGY des-mol'-o-ge). A work relating to ligaments. DESMOP'ATHY (des-mop'-a-the). Disease of a ligament. DESMOT'OMY (des-mot'-o-me). Dissection of ligaments. DESPUMA'TION (des-pu-ma'-shun). Foaming; frothing. DESQUAMA'TION (des-kwa-ma'-shun). Cutaneous exfoliation. DESUDA'TION (des-u-da'-shun). Abnormal sweating. DETER'GENT (de-ter'-jent). Agent having cleansing and purifying qualities. DETRI'TION (de-trish'-on). Wearing away or atrophy of a part. DETRI'TUS (de-tri'-tus). Substance resulting from destruction of a part. DEUTEROP'ATHY (du-ter-op'-a-the). Secondary form of a disease. DEVEL'OPMENT (de-vel'-op-men t). State of undergoing changes, tending to completion. DEVIA'TION. Progressing in an abnormal direction. DEVI'TALIZE (de-vi'-tal-iz). The act of destroying life. DEWEES’ CARMINATIVE. A compound of asafetida and magnesia. DEXIOCARD'IA. State in which heart is on the right instead of left side. DEX'TRAD (deks'-trad). In a direction to the right side. DE'XTRAL (deks'-tral). Pertaining to the right side. DEX'TRINE. A substance resembling gum arable. DIABE'TES INSIP'IDUS, Abnormal secretion of urine. DIABE'TES MEL'LITUS. Polyuria containing sugar. DIABET'IC (di-a-bet'-ik). Pertaining to diabetes. DIABROT'IC (di-a-brot'-ik). Agent destroying tissues. DIACETU'RIA. Acetic acid in the urine. DIACH'YLON PLAS'TER (di-ak'-e-lon). Lead plaster. DIACLA'SIA. Operation of crushing a bone, preceding ampu- tation. DIAC'RISES (dl-ak'-ri-ses). Diseases with changing of secre- tions. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 73 DI ACRISIOG'RAPHY (di-a-kris-e-og'-ra-fe). Descriptive treatise upon secretory apparatus. DIAGNOSIS. Distinguishing a disease by its symptoms. DIAL'YSIS (di-al'-e-sis). Process of separating parts of a body. DIAPEDE'SIS (di-a-pe-de'-sis). Exudation of blood corpuscles without vascular rupture. DIAPHANOSCOPE. Apparatus having electric light used to examine cavities. DIAPHANOUS (dl-af-a-nus). Permitting passage of light. DIAPH ORE'S IS (di-a-fo-re'-sis). Production of perspiration. DIAPHORET'IC (di-a-fo-ret'-ik). Agent producing secretion of sweat. See Sudorific. DIAPHRAGM (di'-a-fram). Muscles separating thoracic and abdominal cavities. DIAPHRAGMAL'GIA (di-a-frag-mal'-je-ah). Pain in the di- aphragm. DIAPHRAGMI'TIS (dl-a-frag-mi'-tis). Inflammation of di- aphragm. DIAPHRAGMODYN'IA (dl-a-frag-mo-din'-e-ah). See Diaphrag- malgia. DIAPH'YSIS (di-af'-e-sis). Middle part of long cylindrical bones. DIAP'LASIS (dl-ap'-la-sis). Replacing in its correct position. DIAPLEX'US (di-a-plek'-sus). Choroid plexus of third ventri- cle of brain. DIAPYE'SIS (di-a-pi-e'-sis). Suppuration. DIAPYET'IC (di-a-pi-et'-ik). Promoting suppuration. DIARRHEA (di-a-re'-ah). Excessive number of watery stools; abnormal flow. DIARTHRO'SIS (di-ar-thro'-sis). Articulation allowing motion in any direction. DIASTAL/TIC (di-a-stal'-tik). See Reflex. DIASTASE. Nitrogenous product of grain fermentation. DIASTE'MIA (di-a-ste'-mah). A Assure. DIAS'TOLE (di-as'-to-le). Moment of cardiac dilatation; op- posed to systole. DIASTOL/IC (di-a-stol'-ik). Pertaining to the diastole. DIATHER'MAL (di-a-ther'-mal). Capable of transmitting radiant heat. DIATH'ESIS (di-ath'-e-sis). A condition predisposed to a cer- tain disease. DICEPHALOUS (di-sef'-a-lus). Two-headed monster. DI'CHROISM (di'-kro-izm). Peculiar property of a substance, apparently changing color when moved. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICOR'YPHUS (d!-kor'-e-fus). See Bicephalous. DICROT'IC (di-krot'-ik). Double beating as of pulse. DIDACTYLE (di-dak'-til). Having but two fingers or toes. DIDYMAL'GIA. Pain in a testicle. DIDYMI'TIS (did-e-mi'-tis). See Orchitis. DID'YMOUS (did'-e-mus). Growing in pairs. DIENCEPH'ALON (di-en-sef-a-lon). Middle brain containing pineal gland, etc. DIER'ESIS (di-er'-e-sis). Process of division. DI'ET (di'-et). Foods ; victuals; to eat sparingly. DI'ETARY (di'-e-ta-re). Pertaining to diet; systematic diet. DIETET'IC (di-e-tet'-ik). Pertaining to diet. DIETETICS. Science relating to diet. DIETHYL'AMINE. A non-toxic ptomaine of putrefaction. DIFFRACTION. Deviation of rays of light upon entering a small aperture. DIFFUSE'. Spread out. DIGAS'TRIC (di-gas'-trik). Having two bellies; applied to digastric muscle. DIGEN'ESIS (di-jen'-e-sls). Having two methods of generation. DIG'ERENT (dij'-e-rent). A digestive. DIGEST' (di-jest'). The change of food in the stomach before assimilation. DIGEST'ANT. Agent promoting and assisting digestion. DIGES'TION (di-jest'-shun). See Digest. DIGTT (dij'it). A finger or toe. DIG'ITAL (dij'-i-tal). Pertaining to a finger or toe. DIG'ITAL EXAMINATION. Local examination using a finger. DIGITA'LIN (dij-it-a'-lin). Active principle of digitalis. DIGITA'LIS (dij-it-a'-lis). Foxglove; stimulant to the heart. DIG'ITATE (dij'-it-at). Ramous processes, resembling fingers. DIGNA'THUS (dig-na'-thus). A double-jawed monster, DIGLOS'SIA (di-glos'-se-ah). A person with two tongues. DILATATION (dil-a-ta'-shun). Enlargement of orifice or canal. DILATOR. Instrument used to perform dilation. DIL'UENT (dil'-u-eut). An attenuating agent. DIMETRIA (di-me'-tre-ah). Having a double uterus. DIMORPH'OUS (di-morf-us). Having two distinct forms. DIN'NER PILLS. A pill of aloes, cinchona, etc. DIOPTRICS (dl-op'-triks). Science of optics relating to refrac- tion. DIORTHO'SIS (di-or-tho-sis). Setting a dislocated bone. DIOSCO'REA. Diaphoretic; a remedy for colic. DIPHTHE'RIA (dif-the'-re-ah). Dangerous, infectious, feverish disease, with deposits on mucous membrane. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 75 76 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DIPHTHERI'TIS (dif-ther-i'-tis). See Diphtheria. DIPHTHERIT'IC (dif-ther-it'-ik). Pertaining to diphtheria. DIPHTHON'GIA. Vocal affection due to laryngeal disease. DIPLACU'SIS. Hearing of a double sound from the production of a single sound. DIPLE'GIA (di-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of same parts on both sides. DIPLOBLAS'TIC (dip-16-blas'-tik). Having two germ layers. DIPLOCOCCUS (dip-10-kok'-us). Micrococci occurring in pairs; united. DIP'LOE (dip'-10-e). Bony tissue separating tables of skull. DIPLOGEN'ESIS. Abnormal formation of two parts instead of one. DIPLO'IC (di-plo'-ik). Pertaining to the diploe. DIPLOMYE'LIA. Apparent duplication of spinal cord, due to a fissure of same. DIPLO'PIA (di-plo'-pe-ah). Seeing a single object double. DIPSETTC (dip-set'-ik). Exciting thirst. DIPSOMA'NIA. Temporary insanity, in which there is a craving for alcoholic drinks. DIPSO'SIS. Abnormal thirst. DIPY'GUS (di-pi'-gus). Monster with lower extremities dupli- cated. DIRECT'OR (di-rek'-tor). An instrument aiding the direction of another instrument. DIS. Prefix denoting double; also away from. DISARTICULA'TION (dis-ar-tik-u-la'-shun). Disjointing; am- putation at joint. DISC (disk). A plate or surface, circular in form. DISCIS'SION (di-sish'-on). Incision of crystalline lens. DISCRETE' (dis-kret'). Separate; scattered. DISCU'TIENT (dis-ku'-shi-ent). Remedy for a swelling or congestion. DISEASE' (di-zez'). Abnormal condition of any part of the body. DISINFECTANT (dis-in-fek'-tant). Substance destroying in- fectious germs. DISLOCA'TION. State of being disjointed; not in correct position. DISPEN'SARY. A place where medicine and medical atten- tion is given free. DISPEN'SATORY. A descriptive book on the uses and prep- aration of drugs. DISSECTION. The act of cutting up parts of the body for examination of same. DISSEMINATION, Appearance of disease germs in various parts of body. DISSOCIA'TION (dis-so-she-il'-shun). Division of constituent parts of a compound. DISSOLUTION (dis-o-lu'-shun). The act of dissolving; death. DISSOLVENT (diz-oT-vent). Possessing power of dissolving. DISTAL (dis'-tal). Most distant from centre or middle line. DISTICHI'ASIS (dis-ti-kl'-a-sis). Having two rows of eyelashes, one above the other. DISTILLATION. The process of converting a liquid to a vapor and condensing the latter to a liquid. DISTOMA (dis'-to-mah). Parasitic worm found in the intes- tines; liver fluke, DISTORTED. Having improper shape. DISTRIX (dis'-triks). Division of hair terminals. DIURE'SIS (di-u-re'-sis). Excessive urinal secretion and dis- charge. DIURETTC (di-u-ret'-ik). Remedy producing increased urinal secretion. DIVER’S PARAL'YSIS. See Caisson Disease. DIVERTIC'ULUM (di-ver-tik'-u-lum). A blind pouch. See Cul-de-sac. DIVERTIC'ULUM, MECK'EL’S. Pouch at lower end of Ileum. DIVUL'SION (di-vul'-shun). A tearing apart. DIVUL'SOR (di-vul'-sor). An instrument used for dilation. DOCH'MIUS DUODENA'LIS (dok'-me-us). See Anchylosto- miasis. DOCTOR (dok'-tor). One authorized to practice medicine. DOG BUTTON. See Nux Vomica. DOG'WOOD. SeeCornus. DOLICHO-CEPH'ALIC (dol-i-ko-sef-al-ik). Head of abnormal length. DOLICHOHIER'IC. Applied to a lengthy sacrum. DOLICHOPELVIC (dol-i-ko-pel'-vik). Applied to a narrow pelvis. DO'LOR (do'-lor). A pain. DOLORIF'IC (dol-o-rif-ik). Producing pain. DON'NE’S TEST. Test for pus in the urine. DON'OVAN’S SOLUTION. Compound containing iodide of arsenic and mercury. DOR'SAD. Toward the back. DOR'SAL. Pertaining to the back. DOR'SUM. The back. DOSE. Amount of medicine given at one time. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 77 78 DOSIM'ETER (do-sim'-e-ter). Instrument for measuring doses of medicine. DOSIM'ETRY (do-sim'-e-tre). Methodical prescription of cer- tain drugs in fixed doses. DOS'SIL (dos'-il). Small cone of lint. DOTHIENTERI'TIS (doth-i-en-te-ri'-tis). Enteric fever. DOUB'LE VIS'ION. See Diplopia. DOUCHE (doosh). Jet of water applied to a part. DOUG'LAS’, CUL-DE-SAC. See Cul-de-sac. DOUG'LAS, POUCH OF. See Cul-de-sac. DOVER'S POW'DER. Powder of ipecac and opium. DRACHM (dram). A weight of 60 grains; 3.888 grammes. DRACUN'CULUS (dra-kun'-ku-lus). See Guinea Worm. DRAGEE' (dra-zha'). Sugar-coated pill. DRAG'ON ROOT. Expectorant and diaphoretic drug. DRAINAGE. Constant removal of pus by means of artificial canals, etc. DRAS'TIC (dras'-tik). Violent active purgative. DRAUGHT (draft). Liquid preparation constituting one dose. DRES'SING. Bandage, plaster, etc., wrapped about a wound. DROM'OGRAPH. Instrument for measuring velocity of blood. DROPPED'-HAND. Muscular paralysis of forearm. DROP'SICAL. Pertaining to dropsy; affected with dropsy. DROP'SY. Extravasation of serous fluid into cavities or areolar tissue. DRUG. Substance from which medicinal preparations are made. DRUM'-BEL'LY. See Tympanites. DRUM OF EAR. See Tympanum. DRY BEL'LY-ACHE. See Girdle Pain. DRY CA'RIES (ka'-rez). See Onychomycosis. DRY CUP'PING. Cupping without scarification. DUBINTS DISEASE. See Electrical Chorea. DUBOIS'IA. Leaves furnishing duboisine. DUBOI'SINE. Alkaloid of duboisia, resembling hyoscyamine. DUCHENNE’S' PARAL'YSIS. See Pseudo-hypertrophic Par- alysis. DUCT (dukt). Canal conveying a fluid. DUCT OF BAR'THOLIN. Sublingual gland duct. DUCT OF STE'NO. Excretory duct of parotid gland. DUCT OF WHAR'TON. Excretory duct of sublingual gland. DUC'TUS (duk'-tus). A canal; duct. DULCAMA'RA(duI-ka-ma'-rah). Bittersweet; remedy exhibited in skin diseases. DUMB (dum). Without power to speak. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DUMB A'GUE (dum-a'-gu). Intermittent, fever without chill. DUODE'NAL (du-o-de'-nal). Pertaining to the duodenum. DUODENI'TIS (du-6-den-i'-tis). Inflammation of the duode- num. DUODENOS'TOMY (du-d-den-os'-to-me). Making an opening through abdominal wall and duodenum. DUODE'NUM (du-d-de'-num). First part of small intestines. DU'RA MATER. External membranous covering of spinal cord and brain. DWARF. Abnormal smallness of size. DYNAM'IC (di-nam'-ik). See Sthenic. DYNAM'OGRAPH. Instrument recording strength of muscular contractions. DYNAMOM'ETER. Instrument used to measure strength ol muscles. DYSACOU'SIS (dis-a-koo'-sis). See Hyperakusis. DYSAR'THRIA (dis-ar'-thre-ah). See Dyslalia. DYSBA'SIA (dis-ba-se-ah). Impaired power of locomotion. DYSCHRE'A (dis-kre'-ah). Cutaneous discoloration. DYSCHROMATOP'SIA. Inability to easily distinguish colors. DYSCOPHO'SIS. Impaired hearing. DYSCRA'SIA (dls-kra'-se-ah). Imperfect health due to morbid condition of blood. DYSE'MIA (dis-e'-me-ah). A certain form of blood poisoning. DYS'ENTERY. Intestinal inflammation with bloody stools, DYSESTHE'SIA (dis-es-the'-se-ah). Impaired sensibility. DYSGEN'ESIS (dis-Jen'-e-sis). Impaired generative power; unfertile. DYSHIDRO'SIS, DYSIDRO'SIS. See Pompholyx. DYSKINE'SIA (dis-ki-ne'-se-ah). • Difficult movement. DYSLA'LIA (dis-la'-le-ah). Impaired speech due deformity. DYSMENORRHEA (dis-men-o-re'-ah). Painful or difficult menstruation. DYSOP'SIA (dis-op'-se-ah). Impaired vision. DYSOREX'IA (dis-o-rek'-se-ah). Morbid appetite. DYSOS'MIA (dis-oz'-me-ah). An offensive odor. DYSOSPHRE'SIA (dis-os-fre'-se-ah). Impaired sense of smell. DYSPAREU'NIA (dis-pa-roo'-ne-ah). Difficult or painful coitus. DYSPEP'SIA (dis-pep'-se-ah). Defective digestion; indigestion. DYSPER'MIA (dis-per'-me-ah). Morbid state of semen. DYSPHA'GIA (dis-fa'-je-ah). Difficulty in swallowing. DYSPHA'SIA (dis-fa'-se-ah). Impaired speech. DYSPHO'NIA (dis-fd'-ne-ah). Difficult speech due to hoarse- ness of voice. DYSPHRA'SIA (dis-fra'-ze-ah). Defective speech. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY, 79 80 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DYSPNE'A (disp-ne'-ah). Difficult breathing. DYSTA'SIA (dis-tii'-se-ah). Inability to stand properly. DYSTHE'SIA. See Dyscrasia. DYSTO'CHIA (dis-td'-se-ah). Painful and difficult labor. D YSTRO'PHIA (dis-trd'-fe-ah). Impaired nutrition. DYSU'RIA (dis-u'-re-ah). Difficult or painful urination. E. EAR (er). The organ of hearing. EAR'-ACHE (er'-ak), See Otalgia. EAR-COUGH (er'-koff). Reflex cough caused by auditory irri- tation. EAR'-TRUMPET. An instrument assisting sense of hearing, by Intensifying sound. EAR'-WAX (er'-waks). See Cerumen. EARTH'-BATH. See Arenation. EARTH', FUL'LER’S. Finely powdered absorbent earth. EAST'ON’S SYR'UP. Syrup of the phosphates of iron, quinine and strychnine. EB'NER’S GLANDS. Serous glands of the tongue. EBURNA'TION (eb-er-na'-shun). Hardening of bone, resem- bling ivory. ECAU'DATE (e-kaw'-dat). Without a tail. ECBOL'IC (ek-bol'-ik). Abortive ; abortifacient. ECCHONDRO'MA (ek-on-dro'-mah). A tumor forming in a cartilage. ECCHONDRO'SIS (ek-on-dro'-sis). See Ecchondroma. ECCHYMO'MA. Discolored, cutaneous swelling, due effusion of blood. ECCH YMO'SIS. Effusion of blood in tissue, causing cutaneous discoloration. ECCOPROT'IC (ek-6-prot'-ik). A laxative. EC'CRISIS (ek'-ri-sis). Excretion of waste matter. ECCRIT'IC (ek-rit'-ik). Agent causing eccrisis. ECCYE'SIS (ek-si-e'-sis). Extra-uterine fetation. ECCYLIO'SIS (ek-sil-e-6'-sis). A disease affecting develop- ment. ECDEMTC (ek-dem'-ik). Opposed to endemic. ECDEMIOMA'NIA. Intense desire for travel. EC'DYSIS (ek'-di-sis). Cutaneous exfoliation. ECHOLA'LIA (ek-6-la'-le-ah). Involuntary duplication of an- other’s words. ECHOPHRA'SIA (ek-6-fra'-se-ah). See Echolalia. ECLAMP'SIA (ek-lamp'-se-ah). Convulsions. See Puerperal Convulsions, ECLEC'TIC. A graduate of eclecticism. ECLEC'TICS. Branch of medicine consisting of extracts of the teachings of all medical schools. E'COID (e'-koid). Brack's term for red corpuscles after they have lost their color. ECON'OMY (e-kon'-o-me). The animal organism. ECOUVIL'LONAGE (a-koo-ve'-yong-aj). A swabbing out, as of uterus, etc. EC'PHLYSIS (ek'-fli-sis). Superficial vesicular formation. ECPHRO'NIA (ek-fro'-ne-ah). Melancholia; insanity. ECPHY'MA (ek-fi'-mah). A growth on the skin. ECRASEUR' (a-krah-zuhr'). An instrument with a wire loop for removal of tissue, etc. EC'STASY (ek'-sta-se). In a condition resembling a trance. EC'TASIS (ek'-ta-sis). Dilatation of a part. ECTHY'MA (ek-thi'-mah). Pustular eruption of skin. ECTOCAR'DIA (ek-to-kar'-de-ah). Malposition of the heart. ECTODERM (ek'-to-derm). See Blastoderm. ECTOPAGUS. Double monster, connected by sides of chest. ECTOPARASITE (ek-to-par'-a-sit). Parasite on surface of body. EC'TOPHYTE (ek'-to-fit). Superficial vegetable parasite of animals, ECTO'PIA (ek-to'-pe-ah). Malposition. ECTO'PIA COR'DIS. See Ectocardia, ECTO'PIA LEN'TIS. Malposition of crystalline lens. ECTOP'IC (ck-top'-lk). Pertaining to ectopia. ECTOP'IC GESTA'TION. Extra-uterine fetation. EC'TOPLASM. External layer of cell. See Protoplasm. ECTOS'TEAL. Pertaining to external surface of a bone. ECTOSTO'SIS. Cartilaginous ossification between cartilage and perichondrium. ECTOZO'A (ek-to-zo'-ah). Superficial parasites. ECTRODACTYL'IA. Congenital absence of any fingers or toes. ECTROM'ELUS. Monster with stunted growth of limbs. ECTRO'PION, ECTRO'PIUM. Palpebral eversion. ECTROT'IC (ek-trot'-ik). Tending to abort. EC'ZEMA. Pustular disease of skin with intense itching and exudation. ECZEM'ATOID (ek zem'-a-toid). Resembling eczema. ECZEMATOUS (ek-zem'-a-tus). Having nature of eczema. ECZEMATO'SES (ek-zem-a-to'-sez). See Eczematous. EDEA (e-de'-ah). See Genitalia. EDEI'TIS (e-de-i'-tis). Inflammation of genital organs. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 81 82 EDE'MA (e-de'-mah), Infiltration of tissues with serous fluids. EDEM'ATOUS (e-dem'-a-tus). Pertaining to edema. E'DENTATE, EDENTULOUS (e'-den-tat, e-den'-tu-lus). Tooth- less. EDENTATION. The process of becoming edentulous. EDEOL'OGY (e-de-ol'-o-je). Treatise on genital organs. EDTBLE (ed'-i-bl). Fit to be eaten; proper food. EDOCEPHALOUS (e-do-sef'-a-lus). Monster with penis where nose should be. EF'FERENT (ef'-er-ent). Carrying in an outward direction. EF'FLEURAGE (ef'-flur-azh). A stroke used in massage. EFFLORES'CENCE (ef-16r-es'-ens). Scarlet condition of skin. EFFLU'VIUM (e-flu'-ve-um). Obnoxious odor; exhalation. EFFLUXTON (ef-fluk'-shun). Abortion quickly following im- pregnation. EFFU'SION. A pouring out; infiltration of tissues with a fluid. EGES'TA (e-jes'-tah). Rectal excretions. EGG. See Ovule. EGLAN'DULAR (e-glan'-du-lar). Without glands. EGOPH'ONY (e-goff'-o-ne). A bleating sound heard during auscultation. EGYPTIAN CHLORO'SIS (e-jip'-shan-klo-ro'-sis). See Anchy- lostomiasis. EGYPTTAN OPHTHAL'MIA. See Ophthalmia, Purulent. EHR'LICH’S METH'OD. Staining tubercle bacilli with methyl violet. EI'LOID (i'-loid). Applied to tumors with rolling or coiling of skin. EISANTHE'MA (is-an-tne'-mah). Exanthem forming on a mucous membrane. EISOD'IC (is-od'-ik). Nerves branching out from spine. EJACULA'TION (e-jak-u-la'-shun). Seminal discharge during coition. EJEC'TA (e-jek'-tah). A substance which is expelled. EJECTION (e-jek'-shun). Act of expelling. ELABORATION (e-lab-6-ra'-shun). Process of a substance preparatory to assimilation. ELATN (e-la'-in). Fluid portion of oils. ELASTIC BANDAGE. Rubber strips for compressing a part. ELASTIC TIS'SUE. A certain kind of connective tissue. ELASTIN (e-las'-tin). Albuminoid of elastic tissue. ELAT'ERIN (e-lat'-e-rin). Active principle of elaterium. ELATE'RIUM. Hydragogue cathartic obtained from the squirting cucumber. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 83 EL'BOW (el'-bo). Joint uniting radius and humerus. ELCO'SIS (el-ko'-sisl. Ulceration. ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL. Pertaining to electricity. ELECTRICAL CHOREA. An Italian disease, with contraction of muscles, paralysis, etc. ELECTRICITY. A force produced by friction. ELECTRO-CAU'TERY (e-lek'-tro-kaw'-ter-e). Using of electric- ity for destroying a part. ELECT RO-THERAPEU'TICS (e-lek'-tro-ther-a-pu'-tiks). The science of electricity as related to medicine. ELECTROGEN'ESIS (e-lek-tro-jen'-e-sis). Generation of elec- tricity. ELECTROL'YSIS. Decomposition of a substance by electricity. ELECTROLYTE. Compounds admitting electrolysis. ELECTRO-MASSAGE'. Massage with use of electricity. ELECTUARY (e-lek'-tu-a-re). A medicine disguised by a sweetened substance. ELETDIN (e-le'-i-din). Substance of stratum granulosum of skin. EL'EMENT (el'-e-ment). A simple substance; the last sub- stance of an analyzed compound. EL'EPHANT LEG. See Elephantiasis. ELEPHANTIASIS (el-e-fan-ti'-a-sis). Chronic hypertrophy of skin, with induration. ELEPHANTIASIS ARABUM. See Elephantiasis. ELEPHANTIASIS GR/ECO'RUM. See Leprosy. EL'EVATOR. Muscle holding up a part; a surgical instru- ment. ELIMINATION (e-lim-i-na'-shun). Process of expelling. ELIN'GUID (e-ling'-guid). See Tongue-tie. ELIXA'TION (e-lik-sa'-shun). Boiled or digested vegetable drugs. ELIX'IR (e-lik'-ser). Aromatic alcoholic compound, as elixir calisaya. ELM. See Ulmus. ELO'DES (e-16'-dez), Malarial fever. ELUTRIA'TION (e-lu-tri-a'-shun). Separating particles of a compound by immersing in water. ELYTRI'TIS (el-e-tri'-tis). See Vaginitis. ELY'TROCELE (el-e'-tro-sel). Vaginal tumor or hernia. ELY'TROPLASTY (el-e'-tro-plas-te). See Colpoplasty. ELYTROPTO'SIS (el-e-trop-to'-sis). Vaginal prolapse. ELYTRORRHA'GIA (el-e-tror-a'-je-ah). Vaginal hemorrhage. ELYTROR'RHAPHY (el-i-tror'-a-fe). Vaginal suture. ELYTROT'OMY (el-i-trot'-6-me). Vaginal incision. 84 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL EMACIA'TION (e-rmi-se-a'-shun). Becoming lean. EMANA'TION (em-a-na'-shun). A foul odor. EMAN'SIO-MEN'SIUM. Interrupted menstruation. EMASCULA'TION (e-mas-ku-la'-shun). Castration; unsexing. EMBALMING. Removing organs and tilling cavities of cadaver -with aromatic preservative liquids. EMBOLE'MIA (em-bo-le'-me-ah). State of blood causing em- bolism. EMBO'LIA (em-bo'-le-ah). See Embolism. EM'BOLISM. Embolus blocking a blood vessel. EM'BOLUS (em'-bo-lus), Blood clot causing embolism. EMBROCA'TION (em-bro-ka'-shun'. A synonym of liniment. EM'BRYO. Fecundated germ before third month after which it is the fetus. EMBRYOCAR'DIA. Heart disease with beat resembling those of fetal heart. EMBRYOC'TONY (em-bre-ok'-to-ne). Destruction of unborn fetus. EMBRYOG'ENY (em-bre-oj'-e-ne), Embryonal formation. EMBRYOG'RAPHY (em-bre-og'-ra-fe). Description of embryo. EMBRYOL'OGY (em-bre-ol'-o-je). Treatise on embryonic de- velopment. EMBRYO N'AL. See Embryonic. EMBRYON'IC (em-bre-on'-ik). Pertaining to the embryo. EM'BRYOTOME(em'-bre-6-t6m). Instrument for embryotomy. EMBRYOTO'CIA. See Abortion. Embryonic. EMBRYOTOMY (em-bre-ot-o-me). Fetal surgery to permit delivery. EMBRYOTROPHY (em-bre-ot'-ro-fe). Petal nutrition. EMBR YUL'CIA (em-bre-ul'-se-ah). Extracting the fetal product of craniotomy, EM'ESIS (em'-e-sis). Vomiting. EMETIC (e-met'-ik). Agent causing vomiting. EM'ETIN (em'-e-tin). Alkaloid of ipecacuanha. EM'ETO-CATHAR'SIS. Condition of vomiting and being purged at same time. EMETOL'OGY (em-e-tol'-6-je). Treatise of emesis and emetics. EMIC'TION (e-mik'-shun). Urination. EMIC'TORY (e-mik'-to-re). A diuretic. (em'-i-nens). A process or prominence. EMISSA'RIUM SUPE'RIUS. Cranial emissary vein. EMTSSARY. An abrupt canal for fluids. EMIS'SION (e-mish'-on). Throwing out; ejaculation, as of semen. EMMEN'AGOGUE (e-men'-a-gog). A menstrual stimulant. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 85 EMME'NIA (e-me'-ne-ah). See Menses. EMMENOL'OGV (em-e-nol'-o-je). Treatise on menstruation. EMMETRO'PIA (em-e-tro'-pe-ah). Normal condition of the eye. EMMETROP'IC. Relating to emmetropia. EMOL'LIENT (e-mol'-yent). Agent with softening properties. EMOTIONAL (e-mo-shun-al). Affected with emotion. EMPASM' (em-pazm'i. A deodorizer. EMPATHE'MA (em-pa-the'-mah). Without control of the passions. EM'PHLYSIS (em'-fli-sis), Eruption of vesicle or tumor. EMPHRAC'TIC. An obstructive agent. EMPHRAXTS (em-frak'-sis). An obstruction. EMPHY'MA (em-fi'-mah). See Tumor. EMPHYSE'MA. Gaseous infiltration of tissues. EMPIRTC. A quack. EMPIR'ICISM (em-pir'-i-sizm). Quackery. EMPLAS'TIC (em-plas'-tik). An agent with constipating prop- erty. EMPLAS'TRUM (em-plas'-trum), A plaster. EMPROSTHOT'ONUS. Violent spasmodic contractions caus- ing the body to bend forward. EMP'TYSIS (crnp'-ti-sis). Pulmonic hemorrhage. EMPYE'MA (em-pi-e'-mah). See Pleurapostema. EMPYE'SIS (em-pi-e'-sis). An abscess. EMPY'OCELE (em-pi'-o-sel). Pus in the scrotum. EMUL'GENT. Pressing or forcing out. EMUL'SIN (e-mul'-sin). Ferment of sweet and bitter almonds. EMUL'SION (e-mul'-shun). Product of oil suspended in water. EMUNC'TORY (e-mungk'-to-re). Organ discharging waste mat- ter. EMUN'DANT fe-mun'-dant). Cleansing. ENAM'EL (en-am'-el). Hard, white envelope of exposed part of teeth. ENANTHE'MA (en-an-the'-mah). An eruption on a mucous membrane. ENANTHE'SIS (en-an-the'-sis). Cutaneous eruption resulting from internal complications. ENANTIOPATHTC (e-nan-te-o-path'-ik). Easing; temporary relief. ENANTIOP'ATHY (e-nan-te-op'-a-the). Allopathy. ENARTHRO'SIS (en-ar-thro'-sis). Ball-and-socket joint. ENCANTHUS. Abnormal size of lachrymal caruncle. ENCEINTE' (ong-sant'). Pregnant. ENCELI'TIS (en-sel-i'-tis). Inflammation of organs in abdomen. ENCEPHALAL'GIA (en-sef-al-al'-je-ah). See Cephalalgia. 86 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ENCEPHAL'IC (en-sef-al'-ik). Pertaining to the brain. ENCEPH'ALIN. Cerebral glucoside. ENCEPHALITIS (en-sef-al-i'-tis). Cerebral inflammation. ENCEPH'ALOCELE (en-sel'-al-6-sel). Cerebral hernia. ENCEPH'ALOID (en-sef-a-loid). Resembling the brain. ENCEPH ALOL'OGY (en-sef-a-lol'-6-je). Description of enceph- alon. ENCEPHALO'MA (en-sef-al-o'-mah). Cerebral tumor. ENCEPH ALOMALA'CI A (en-sef-al-o-ma-la'-seah). Softening of the brain. ENCEPH'ALON (en-sef-a-lon). The brain. ENCEPHALOP'ATHY (en-sef-al-op'-a-the). Cerebral disease. ENCEPHALORRHA'GIA (en-sef-al-or-ra'-je-ah). Cerebral hem- orrhage. ENCEPH'ALOTOME. Instrument to perform encephalotomy. ENCEPHALOT'OM Y (en-sef-al-ot'-6-me). Incision of the brain. ENCHONDRO'MA (en-kon-dro'-mah). Tumor of a cartilage. ENCHYLE'MA (en-ki-le'-mah). Substance in protoplasm. ENCOLPITIS (en-kol-pi'-tis). Inflammation of mucous mem- brane of vagina. ENCYST'ED (en-slst'-ed). Enveloped in a cyst. ENDAN'GIUM (end-an'-je-um). Inner lining of vessels. ENDARTERITIS (end-ar-ter-I'-tis). Inflammation of inner membrane of artery. END'BULBS. Nerve terminals. ENDEM'IC (en-dern'-ik). Disease caused by conditions of the locality where it originates. Confined to a certain locality. ENDEMIOL'OGY (en-dem-e-ol'-o-je). Description of endemic diseases. ENDERMATTC, ENDER'MIC. Medicine applied locally after removing epidermis. END'OBLAST. Nucleus. ENDOCAR'DIAL (en-do-kar'-de-al). Within the heart. ENDOCARDITIS (en-do-kar-di'-tis). Inflammation of endocar- dium. ENDOCAR'DIUM, Membranous lining of cardiac cavities. ENDOCOLPITIS (en-do-kol-pT-tis). See Colpitis. ENDOCHO'RION (en-do-ko'-re-on). Inner membrane envelop- ing fetus. EN'DODERM (en'-do-derm). See Blastoderm. ENDODONTITIS (en-do-dou-ti'-tis). Inflammation of tissues in pulp cavity of a tooth. ENDOENTERITIS. Membranous inflammation of small in- testines. ENDOGASTRITIS. Membranous inflammation of stomach. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 87 EN'DOLYMPH. Fluid in aural membranous labyxdnth. ENDOMETRI'TIS (en-do-me-tr!'-tis). Inflammation of endo- metrium. ENDOMETRIUM (en-do-me'-tre-um). Inner membrane of uterus. ENDONEU'RIUM. Delicate web of connective tissue between nerve-fibres. ENDOPAR'ASITE (en-do-par'-a-sit). Parasite found in the body. ENDOPATH'IC. Advance of a disease due to internal phe- nomena. ENDOPERICARDI'TIS. Pericarditis complicated by endo- carditis. ENDOPHLEBI'TIS (en-do-fle-bi'-tls). Inner membranous in- flammation of vein. EN'DOPLAST. See Endoblast. EN'DOSCOPE. Instrument used in examining cavities. ENDOS'COPY. Using of the endoscope. ENDOSMOM'ETER. Instrument measuring endosmosis. ENDOSMO'SIS. Passing of one liquid into a cavity containing a thicker fluid. ENDOSMOT'IC (en-dos-mot'-ik). Pertaining to endosmosis. ENDOSTEI'TIS (end-os-te-x'-tis). Inflammation of endosteum. ENDOS'TEUM. Medullary membrane of bone. ENDOS'TOMA (end-os'-to-mah). Ossification of cartilage. ENDOSTO'SIS (end-os-to'-sis). See Endostoma. ENDOTHELIO'MA (end-o-the-le-o'-mah). Tumor due to cell genesis of endothelium. ENDOTHE'LIUM. Membranous linings of cavities, as of the peritoneal cavity. END' PLATE. End of filament of a nerve in muscular fibre. EN'EMA (en'-e-mah). Injection per rectum of liquid nourish- ment or medicine. ENEPIDER'MIC. Epidermal application of medicines. EN'ERGY (en'-er-je). Potency; power of the human economy. ENER'VATE (e-ner'-vat). To deprive of strength. ENG'LISH WAL'NUT. Leaves and seeds used in medicine, ENGOMPHO'SIS (en-gom-fo'-sis). See Gomphosis. ENGORGE'MENT (en-gorj'-ment). Congestion of a vessel, due to plethora. ENOMA'NIA (e-no-ma'-ne-ah), See Delirium Tremens. ENOPHTHAL'MIA (en-off-thal'-me-ah). Abnormal depth of eyeball in socket. ENOSTO'SIS (en-os-to'-sis). Medullary tumor of bone. EN'SIFORM APPEN'DIX, Final sternal segment. 88 ENSOM'PHALUS. Double monstrosity joined slightly on the surface. EN'STROPHE (en'-stro-fe). Involution. ENTA'SIA (en-ta'-se-ah). Continued muscular spasm. ENTERADENOG'RAPHY. Treatise of intestinal glands. ENTERADENOL'OGY. Science of intestinal glands. ENTERAL'GIA (en-ter-aT-je-ah). Pain in the bowels. ENTEREC'TOMY (en-ter-ek'-to-rae). Intestinal surgery. ENTER'IC. Relating or pertaining to the intestine. ENTER'IC FE'VER. See Typhoid Fever. ENTER'ICA. See Enteric. ENTERI'TIS (en-ter-!'-tis). Intestinal inflammation. ENTEROBRO'SIA (en-te-ro-bro'-se-ah), Intestinal perforation. EN'TEROCELE (en'-ter-o-sel). Hernia with intestines as con- tents. ENTEROC'LYSIS (en-ter-oc'-li-sis). The giving of an enema. ENTERO-COLI'TIS (en-ter-o-col-i'-tis). Inflammation of small intestines and colin. ENTERO-CYST'OCELE. Vesical and intestinal hernia. ENTERODYN'IA (en-ter-6-din'-e-ah). Pain in the intestines. ENTERO-EPIP'LOCELE. Hernia containing intestine and omentum. ENTERO-GASTRI'TIS. Inflammation of stomach and intes- tines. ENTERO-GAS'TROCELE (en-ter-d-gas'-tro-sel). Hernia of stomach and intestines. ENTEROG'RAPHY. Description of intestines. ENTERO-HY'DROCELE. Enterocele and hydrocele. EN'TEROLITE, EN'TEROLITH, Intestinal stone. ENTEROLITHI'ASIS. Formation of enterolite. ENTEROL'OGY. Science of the intestines. EN'TERON (en'-te-ron). The intestinal canal. ENTEROPATHY (en-ter-op'-a-the). Intestinal disease. EN'TEROPLASTY, Plastic intestinal surgery. ENTERRHA'GIA. Hemorrhage of the intestines. ENTEROR'RH APHY (en-ter-or'-a-fe). Intestinal suturing. ENTERORRHE'A (en-ter-or-re'-ah). See Diarrhea. ENTERO'SES (en-ter-d'-sez). Diseases of intestines. ENTEROSTENO'SIS. Intestinal stricture. ENTEROS'TOMY (en-ter-os'-to-me). Forming of a fistula in the intestines. EN'TEROTOME. Instrument used in enterotomy. ENTEROT'OMY. Incision of the Intestines. ENTEROZO'ON (en-ter-d-zo'-on). Intestinal animal parasite. ENTHELMINT'HA. Worm found in the intestines. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 89 ENTHET'IC (en-thet'-ik). Extraneous causes as inoculation. EN'TOBLAST (en'-to-blast). Germinal spot of the nucleus. EN'TOCELE. Internal hernia. EN'TOCYTE (en'-to-sit). That which is contained in a cell. EN'TODERM. See Blastoderm. EN'TOPHYTE (en'-to-fit). A vegetable parasite inside of animals. ENTOP'TIC (ent-op'-tik). Inside the eye. ENTOT'IC (ent-ot'-ik). Pertaining to the inner ear. ENTOZO'ON. See Enterozoon. EN'TRAILS (en'-tralz). The intestines. ENTRO'PION, ENTRO'PIUM. Marginal, palpebral inversion. ENURE'SIS (en-u-re'-sis). Incontinence of urine. ENVIRONMENT. Phenomena complicating a disease. EN'ZYMES (en'-zims). Chemical ferments. E'OSIN (e'-o-sin). See Fuchsin. EOSINOPHTLOUS. Easily stained with eosin. EPAC'TAL, (e-pak'-tal). Term applied to inter-parietal bone. EPEN'DYMA (e-pen'-di-mah), Membranous lining of inner cavities of brain and spinal cord. EPENDYMI'TIS (e-pen-di-mi'-tis). Inflammation of the epen- dyma. EPHE'LIS (e-fe'-lis). See Lentigo. EPHEM'ERA (e-fern'-e-rah). Short-lived; brief; as a fever of one day. EPHEM'ERA MALIG'NA. A sweating fever. EPHEM'ERAL (e-fem'-e-ral). See Ephemera. EPHIAL'TES (ef-i-al'-tez). See Nightmare. EPHIDRO'SIS (ef-i-dro'-sis). Excessive sweating. EPHIDRO'SIS CRUEN'TA. See Hemathidrosis. EP'IBLAST (ep'-i-blast). See Blastoderm. EPICAN'THUS. Cutaneous fold over inner canthus of eye. EPICAR'DIUM (ep-i-kar'-de-um). Visceral portion of pericar- dium. EPICHRO'SIS (ep-e-kro'-sis). Cutaneous discoloration. EPICON'DYLE. Condyle of humerus. EPICRA'NIUM. Sheet of connective tissue covering cranium. EPIC'RISIS (e-pik'-ri-sis). Subsequent crisis. EPICYSTI'TIS (ep-i-sist-i'-tis). Structural inflammation above bladder. EPICYSTOT'OMY. Suprapubic vesical dissection. EPIDEMTC. Applied to a disease affecting the masses. EPIDEMIOG'RAPHY. Description of epidemics. EPIDEMIOL'OGY. Science of epidemics. EPIDER'MAL (ep-i-der'-mal). Relating to epidermis. 90 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL EPIDER'MATA (ep-i-der'-ma-lah). Epidermic excresence. EPIDER'MIC (ep-i-der'-mik). Pertaining to the epidermis. EPIDER'MIS (ep-i-der'-rnis). Outer covering of derma. EPIDER'MOID (ep-i-der'-moid). Resembling epidermis. EPIDID'YMIS (ep-i-did'-e-mis). Small oblong body over the testis. EPIDIDYMITIS (ep-i-did-e-mi'-tis). Inflammation of epididy- mus. EPIDU'RAL SPACE. Interstice between dura mater and pereosteum. EPIGASTRAL'GIA (ep-i-gas-tral'-je-ah). Neuralgia of the epi- gastrium. EPIGASTRIC (ep-i-gas'-trik). Pertaining to the epigastrium. EPIGASTRIUM (ep-i-gas'-tre-um). Upper part of abdomen, over stomach. EPIGASTROCELE (ep-i-gas'-tro-sel). Epigastric hernia. EPIGEN'ESIS (ep-i-jen'-e-sis). A new formation. EPIGLOT'TIS (ep-i-glot'-tis). A laryngeal cartilage assisting the act of swallowing. EPIGLOTTITIS (ep-i-glot-i-tis). Inflammation of epiglottis. EPIG'NATHUS. Double monster, united by maxilla. EPILATION (ep-i-la'-shun). Destruction of the hair. EPILATORTUM (ep-i-la-tor'-re-um). Agent for epilation. EP'ILEPSY. Disease characterized by fits, clonic spasms, unconsciousness, EPILEPTIC (ep-i-lep'-tik). Pertaining to epilepsy. EPILEPTIC MA'NIA. Mental derangement subsequent to an epileptic convulsion. EPILEPTIFORM (ep-i-lep'-ti-form). Resembling epilepsy. EPILEPTOG'ENOUS (ep-i-lep-toj'-e-nus). Causing epileptic seizures. EPI'LOSE (e-pi'-lose). Hairless; bald. EPINEU'RIUM (ep-i-nu'-re-um). Sheath protecting a nerve. EPIPASTIC (ep-i-pas'-tik). See Epispastic. EPIPH'ORA (e-pif'-o-rah). Flood of tears due lachrymation. EPIPH'YSIS (e-pif'-e-sis). A bone having cartilaginous union with another bone. EPIPHYSITIS (e-pif-i-si'-tis). Inflammation of epiphysis. EP'IPHYTE (ep'-e-fit). Superficial vegetable parasite. EPIP'LOCELE (e-pip'-10-sel). Hernia, the contents of which are only the omentum. EPIPLO'IC (ep-i-plo'-ik). Relating to the Omentum. EPIPLOITIS (ep-e-plo-i'-tis). Inflammation of epiploon. EPIPLOME'ROCELE (ep-e-plo-me'-ro-sel). Femoral hernia con- taining omentum. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 91 EPIP'LOON (e-pip'-10-on). The omentum. EPIPLOS'CHEOCELE (ep-e-plos'-ke-o-sol). Scrotal hernia con- taining omentum. EPISCLERITIS (ep-is-cle-ri'-tis). Inflammation of the subcon- junctival tissues. EPISIOI'TIS (ep-e-si-o-i'-tis). Vulvular inflammation. EPISIORRHA'GIA (ep-e-si-o-ra'-je-ah). Vulvular hemorrhage. EPISIOR'RHAPHY. Operation for supporting prolapsed uterus. EPISIOT'OMY. Labial incision preventing perineal laceration during labor. EPISPA'DIAS (ep-e-spa'-de-as). Congenital malformed urethra with dorsal opening. EPISPAS'TIC (ep-e-spas'-tik). A vesicant; agent causing blister. EPISPLENITIS. Membranous inflammation of spleen. EPISTAXTS (ep-is-tak'-sls). Nasal hemorrhage. EPISTER'NUM (ep-i-ster'-num). The manubrium. EPISTHOT'ONOS (ep-is-thot'-o-nos). See Emprosthotonos. EPITHELIO'MA (ep-i-the-le-o'-mah). Carcinoma or cancer forming in epithelium. EPITHE'LIUM (ep-i-the'-le-um). Thin outer layer of skin. EPITROCH'LEA (ep-e-trok'-le-ah). The inner condyle of hum- erus. The outer condyle is called the epicondyle. EPIZO'ON (ep-i-zo'-on). Animal parasite of the skin. EPONYCHTUM (ep-o-nik'-e-um). Epidermis clinging to base and sides of finger-nails. EPOSTOMA (e-pos'-to-mah), Abnormal osseous growth. EP'SOM SALTS. Magnesium sulphate. EPU'LIS (ep-u'-lis). Gingival tumor. EPULO'SIS (ep-u-lo'-sis). Cicatrization; the process of healing. EQUIN'IA (e-kwin'-e-ah). Glanders. EQUINA'TION (e-kwin-a'-shun). Inoculation with horse-pox. EQUIV'OCAL GENERATION. See Abiogenesis. ERECTILE TIS'SUE. Tissue having turgescent qualities. ERECTION (c-rek'-shun). Stiff-, hard condition of genital organs during sexual excitement, due to plethora. ERECTOR (c-rck'-tor). Muscle producing erection. ERECTOR Pi'Ll MUS'CLES. Erector muscles of hair. ER'ETHISM. Abnormal, excessive irritability. ER'GOT. Substance forming on rye; a hemostatic; also used to contract uterus. ER'GOTIN (ur'-got-in). Active principle of ergot. ER'GOTISM (ur'-got-izm). Condition caused by excessive use of ergot. ERIG'ERON (e-rij'-e-ron). Diuretic and tonic. 92 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL ERIODIC'TYON (er-e-o-dik'-te-on). An expectorant used in pulmonary diseases. ERO'DENT (e-ro'-dent). A substance used locally to destroy tissue. ERO'SION (e-ro'-zhun). Ulceration that is slowly eating away tissue. EROT'IC (e-rot'-ik). Pertaining to sexual desire. EROTOMA'NIA (e-ro-to-ma'-ne-ah). Insanity resulting from excessive venereal desire. ERRAT'IC (e-rat'-ik). Abnormal; irregular; wandering. ER'RHINE (er'-in). Agent increasing nasal secretions; » sternutatory. ERUCTACTION (e-ruk-ta'-shun). Violent expulsion of gas from the stomach. ERUP'TION (e-rup'-shun). Outbreak; rash; exanthem. ERUP'TIVE (e-rup'-tiv). Attended with eruptions. ERYSIP'ELAS (er-i-sip'-e-las). Inflammatory skin disease with fever. It is infectious. ERYSIPELATOUS (er-i-si-pel'-a-tus). Pertaining to erysipelas. ERYTHE'MA (er-i-the'-mah). Inflammatory disease of skin with abnormal redness of latter. ERYTHEMATOUS (er-i-them'-a-tus). Pertaining to erythema. ERYTHRAS'MA (e-ri-thras'-mah). Exfoliating skin disease with reddish demarcations. ERYTH'ROBLAST (er ith'-ro-blast). See Leucocyte. ERYTHROCHLORO'PIA (er-i-thro-klo-ro'-pe-ah). Color-blind- ness with negative results except with red and green. ERYTHRODEX'TRIN (er-i-thro-deks'-trin). Dextrin resulting from saliva acting on starch. ERYTHROMELAL'GIA (er-ith-ro-mel-al'-je-ah). Disease of extremities with pain and redness of same. ERYTHROP'SIA (er-ith-rop'-se-ah). Condition in which all objects appear red. ERYTHRO'SXS (er-i-thro'-sis). Congestion. See Plethora. ERYTHROX'YLON. Leaves furnishing cocaine. ES'CHAR (es'-kar). A crust of dead tissue ; dry slough. ESCHAROT'IC (es-kar-ot'-ik). Agent destroying tissues, or establishing a slough. ES'CULIN (es'-ku-lin). Active crystalline substance of horse- chestnut. ES'ERINE (es'-e-rin). Active principle of physostigma. ESODTC (e-sod'-ik). Term applied to a branch of the spinal cord. ESOGASTRI'TIS (e-so-gas-tri'-tis). Inflammation of gastric mucous membrane. ESOPHAG'EAL (e-sof-aj-e-al). Pertaining to the esophagus. ESOPHAGIS'MUS (e-sof-aj-is'-mus). Esophageal spasm. ESOPHAGI'TIS (e-sof-aj-I'-tis). Inflammation of esophagus. ESOPHAG'OSCOPE. Instrument for examining esophagus. ESOPH'AGOSPASM. See Esophagisraus. ESOPHAGO-STENO'SIS. Esophageal stricture. ESOPHAGOS'TOMY. Establishing a fistula of esophagus. ESOPH'AGUS (e-sof'-a-gus). Musculo-mernbranous canal con- necting pharynx and stomach. ESOTER'IC (es-o-ter'-ik). Resulting from internal causes. ES'SENCE (es'-ens). An alcoholic solution of a volatile oil. ESSEN'TIAL (es-en'-shal). Pertaining to an essence. ESTHESIOM'ETER (es-the-se-om'-e-ter). Instniment used to determine the condition of the sense of touch. ESTRUA'TION (es-tru-a'-shun). Craving for coition. ES'TRUM (es'-trum). An intense desire for coition ; orgasm. E'THER (e'-ther). Volatile anesthetic, usually preferred to chloroform. ETHE'REAL (e-the'-re-al). Pertaining to ether. E'THERISM (e'-ther-izm). See Etherization. ETHERIZA'TION (e-ther-i-za'-shun). Producing anesthesia by administering ether. ETHMOCEPH'ALUS. See Cyclopia. ETH'MOID (eth'-moid). Perforated bone back of base of nose. ETHMYPHI'TIS (eth-mi-fi-tis). See Cellulitis. ETHNOG'RAPHY (eth-nog'-ra-fe). Treatise on the races of men. ETHNOL'OGY (eth-nol'-6-je). Science relating to races of men. ETHYL'AMINE. A caustic product of putrefying yeast. ETH'YL, CHLO'RIDE. A local anesthetic. ETIOLA'TION (e-te-o-la'-shun). Becoming pale, ETIOL'OGY (e-te-ol'-6-Je). Science explaining causes of a disease; causation. EUCALYPT'OL (u-kal-ip'-tol). The active principle of oil of eucalyptol. EUCALYP'TUS (u-kal-ip'-tus). Leaves used in malarial fever. EU'CHYMY (u'-ki-me). Healthy state of the humors. EUCRA'SIA (u-knl'-se-ah). Healthy; opposed to dyscrasia. EU'GENOL. Active principle of oil of cloves. EULACHO'NI O'LEUM. Candle-fish oil. EU'NUCH (u'-nuk). A male who has been emasculated. EUON'YMUS (u-on'-e-mns). Liver stimulant; cathartic. EUPATO'RIUM (u-pa-to'-re-um). Diuretic and diaphoretic leaves. EUPEP'SIA (u-pep'-se-ah). Opposed to dyspepsia. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 94 EUPEPTIC (u-pep'-tik). Pertaining to eupepsia. EUPHOR'BIA (u-for'-be-ah). A cathartic; used in asthmatic affections. EUPHO'RJA (u-fo'-re-ah). A feeling of perfect health. EUPLAS'TIC (u-plas'-tik). Admitting of healthy development or growth. EUPNE'A (u-pne'-ah'. Natural breathing. EUSTA'CHIAN CATH'ETER. Instrument used to dilate Eus- tachian tube. EUSTA'CHIAN TUBE. Passage connecting pharynx and middle ear. EUSTA'CHIAN VALVE. Membranous fold in right auricle of heart. EUTHANA'SIA (u-than-a'-se-ah). Death without pain. EUTO'CIA (ti-to'-se-ah). Normal parturition. EU'TROPHY (u'-tro-fe). Normal nutrition. EVAC'UANT (e-vak'-u-ant). Causing evacuation. EVAC'UATION (e-vak'-u-a-shun). A discharge. See Defecation. EVENTRATION (e-ven-tra'-shun). Abnormal position of ab- dominal viscera, as hernia. EVER'SION OF EYE'LID The turning outward of eyelid. EVISCERATION (e-vis-e-ra'-shun). Visceral excision, EVOLUTION (ev-6-lu'-shun). Successive stages of develop- ment. EVOLUTION, SPONTANEOUS. Voluntary fetal expulsion with shoulder presentation. EVUL'SION (e-vul'-shun). Violent separation or laceration. EXACERBATION (eg-zas-er-ba'-shun). Intensification of symp- toms. EX'ANGIA (eks-an'-je-ah). See Plethora. EXANIMATION (eg-zan-i-ma'-shun). In a state of coma; with- out life. EXANTHEM, EXANTHEMA. A cutaneous eruption. EXANTHEMATOUS (eks-an-them'-a-tus). Pertaining to an exanthem. EXARTERITIS (eks-ar-tor-i'-tis). External arterial inflamma- tion. EXARTICULATION (eks-ar-tik-u-la'-shun). See Disarticula- tion. EXCARNATION. The process of corroding away surrounding tissue from injected blood-vessels. EXCES'SIVE. Superfluous; violent; immoderate. EXCIPTENT (ek-sip'-e-ent). A medium for administering a medicine, as a sugar-coated pill. EXCIS'ION. Removal by cutting away. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL EXCITANT (eks-si'-tant). Agent causing renewed activity of an organ. EXCORIA'TION (eks-kd-re-a'-shun). Epidermal abrasion. EX'CREMENT (eks'-kre-ment). Discharges of the body, as the feces, EXCREMENTITIOU3 (eks-kre-men-tish'-us). Pertaining to the feces. EXCRES'CENCE (eks-kres'-ens). Abnormal superficial growth, as a tumor. EXCRETA (eks-kre'-tah). See Excrement. EXCRETIN (eks-kre'-tin). Matter in the human feces. EXCRE'TION (eks-kre'-shun). The process of expelling waste matter from the human body ; also the ejected matter. EX'CRETORY (eks'-kre-to-re). Pertaining to excretion. EXENCEPH'ALUS. Monster with brain on external cranium, EXENTERATION (eks-en-te-ra'-shun). See Evisceration. EXFETATION eks-fe-ta'-shun). Extra-uterine pregnancy. EXFOLIATION (eks-fo-le-a'-shun). Peeling off of dead tissue. See Desquamation. EXHALATION (eks-ha-la'-shun). Vapor or odor arising from the body. EXHAUST'ION (eg-zaws'-tchun). State of fatigue. The process of obtaining the active principles of drugs. EXHIB'IT (eg-zib'-it). To prescribe of a remedy. EXHIL'ARANT (eg-zil'-a-rant). Agent producing animation and cheerfulness; a stimulant. EXHUMATION (eks-hu-raa'-shun). The act of disinterring. EXOCAR'DIAL, (eks-o-kar'-de-al). Without (not in) the heart. EXOCOLITIS (eks-o-ko-li'-tis). Inflammation of external coat of colon. EXOD'IC (eks-od'-ik). Proceeding from spinal marrow. EXOGENETTC (eks-o-je-uet'-ik). Occasioned by external causes. EXOM'PHALOCELE (eg-zom'-fal-6-sel). Umbilical hernia. EXOM'PHALOS (eg-zom'-fa-los). See Exomphalocele. EXOPATH'IC. Pertaining to exogenetic diseases. EXOPHTHAL'MIA (eks-off-thal'-me-ah). See Exophthalmos, EXOPHTHAL'MIC (eks-off-thal'-mik). Pertaining to exoph- thalmos. EXOPHTHAL'MIC GOITRE. Anemia accompanied by en- larged thyroid gland, abnormal action of heart and pro- trusion of eye-ball without the orbit. EXOPHTHAL'MOS (eks-off-thal'-mos). Protrusion of eye-ball without the orbit. EXOR'MIA. Papular eruption. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 95 96 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL EXOSMO'SIS (eks-os-mo'-sis). Outward passing of a fluid from a cavity through membranous substances. EXOSTO'SIS (eks-os-to'-sis). External osseous growth. EXOTER'IC (eks-o-ter'-ik). See Exopathic. EXPEC'TANT (eks-pek'-tant). System of treatment before the character of a disease is determined. EXPEC'TORANT. Medicine causing additional bronchial mucous secretion. EXPECTORA'TION. Spitting out thoracic secretions. EX'PERT (eks'-pert). A skilled workman. EXPIRA'TION (eks-pl-ra'-shun). Expulsion of air from lungs. EXPLORA'TION (eks-plo-ra'-shun). Searching examination. EXPLORATORY. Pertaining to exploration. EXPRESSION. Expelling by pressure. EXPULSIVE (eks-pul'-siv). Agent producing expression of substance. EXSAN'GUINE (eks-sang'-gwin). Containing no blood; blood- less. EXSICCA'TION (eks-sik-a'-shun). See Dessication. EXSTROPHY (eks'-stro-fe). Organic eversion, or absence of its external wall. EXTENSION (eks-ten'-shun). Force used to reduce dislocation of a limb. EXTENSOR (eks-ten'-sor). Applied to muscles elongating a part. EXTIRPA'TION (eks-tir-pa'-shun). Absolute eradication. EX'TRACT (eks'-trakt). Active product resulting from evapor- ation of drugs. EXTRACT'OR (eks-trakt'-or). An instrument used to remove foreign bodies. EXTRACT'UM (eks-trakt'-um). See Extract. EXTRA'NEOUS (eks-tra'-ne-us). Foreign; not essential. EX'TRA-U'TERINE (eks'-trah-u'-ter-in). Outside the uterus. EX'TRA-U'TERINE FETA'TION. See Extra-uterine Preg- nancy. EX'TRA-U'TERINE PREG'NANCY. Applied to fetal growth when not inside of uterus. EXTRAVASA'TION (eks-trav-a-sa'-shun). Fluid infiltration of tissues. EXTREMITY (eks-trem'-i-te). A limb or end of a part, as the leg. EXTRINSIC (eks-trin'-sik). Extraneous; external. EXTROVERSION (eks-tro-ver'-shun). See Exstrophy. EXUDA'TION (eks-u-da'-shun). An oozing out. EXU'VLE (eks-u'-vi-e). Product of epidermic exfoliation. EYE (i). The organ of vision. EYE'-BALL. Globe of eye. EYE'-BROW. Curved sheet of tissue, covered with hair, above the eye. EYE'-GLASS. Framed glass worn to assist the organ of vision. EYE'-LASH'ES. Hairs on edge of eye-lids. EYE'-LIDS. Movable skin-covering protecting eye-balls. EYE'-STRAIN. Painful affection arising from abusive use of eyes. EYE'-TEETH. Canine teeth of upper jaw. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 97 F\ FABEL'LA (fii-bel'-lah). Sesamoid bones of gastrocnemius over condyles of femur. FACE (las). Anterior portion of head. FAC'ET (fas'-et). Plane articular cavity of a bone. FA'CIAL (ia'-shal). Pertaining to the face. FAC'ULTY (fak'-ul-te). Having power to act; collegiate pro- fessors. FAHR'ENHEIT’S THERMO M'ETER. Thermometer with boil- ing point 212° and freezing point 82°. FAINT (lant). Syncope; weakness. FAE'CIFORM (fal'-se-form). Having shape of a sickle. FALL'ING OF WOMB. Uterine prolapse. FALL'ING SICK'NESS. See Epilepsy. FALLO'PIAN LIG'AMENT. Round ligament of uterus. FALLO'PIAN TUBES. See Oviducts. FALSE MEM'BRANE. Dangerous exudation covering the fauces, pleura, peritoneum, etc. FALSE PAS'SAGE. Unnatural opening resulting from inser- tion of instrument, as urethral laceration caused by a bougie. FALSE RIBS. The asternal ribs. FALX CEREBEL'LI. Sickle-shaped process of dura mater. FALX CER'EBRI Sickle-shaped process between lobes of cerebrum. FANG. Process at root of a tooth and which is in the socket. FARCINO'MA (far-si-no'-mah). See Glanders. FAR'CY (far'-sc). A certain form of glanders. FARI'NA (fi-re'-nah). Product of finely ground cereals. FARINA'CEOUS (far-i-na'-se-us). Pertaining to flour; starchy. FAS'CIA (fash'-e-ah). Connective tissue enveloping muscles. FAS'CIA LA'TA. Deep fascia of thigh. 98 FAS'CICLE, FASCIC'ULUS. A bundle; applied to a bunch of fibres. FAT. Oily principle of adipogenous tissues. FATIGUE'. Weary; tired. FAU'CES (faw'-sez). Canal connecting pharynx and mouth. FA'VUS (fa'-vus). Contagious cutaneous disease, characterized by yellow crusts. FEBRIC'ULA (feb-rik'-u-lah). Mild fever. FEBRICULOS'ITY (feb-rik-u-los'-i-te). In a feverish condition. FEBRIFA'CIENT (feb-ri-fa'-se-ent). Agent causing fever. FEBRIF'EROUS (feb-rif-er-us). Causing fever. FEB'RIFUGE (feb'-re-fuj). Agent allaying fever. FE'BRILE (fe'-bril). Pertaining to fever. FE'CAL (fe'-kal). Pertaining to the feces. FE'CES (fe'-sez). Excrement discharged by the bowels, FEC'ULA (fek'-u-lah). Synonym of starch; amy’.um. FECUNDA'TION (fek-un-da'-shun). Impregnation. FECUN'DITY (fe-kun'-di-te). Productive power of animals. FEED'ING (fed'-ing). Partaking of nutriment, FEH'LING’S SOLU'TION (fa'-lings). Test for glucose in urine, consisting of copper sulphate, added to tartrate of soda and potash. FEE BO'VIS. Ox-gall. FEL'LIC ACTD. An acid of the bile. FELLI F'LUOUS (fe-lif'-lu-us). Containing bile. FEL'ON (fel'-on). See Paronychia. FE'MALE (fe'-miil). The sex with womb, ovaries, etc. FEM'ORAL (fem'-o-i’al). Pertaining to the femur. FEM'ORAL CANAL'. Funnel-shaped canal in the thigh. FEM'ORAL RING. Upper termination of femoral canal. FEM'OROCELE (fem'-6-ro-sel), See Hernia, Femoral. FE'MUR (fe'-mur). The long thigh bone. FENES'TRA (fe-nes'-trah). Applied to window-like openings, as fenestra laryngea. FE'NESTRATED (fe'-nes-trat-ed). Supplied with openings. FEN'NEL (fen'-el). Carminative seeds. FER'MENT (fer'-ment). Substance causing chemical changes in organic matters when exposed to atmospheric influences. FERMENTA'TION. Organic decomposition by a ferment. FER'RIC (fer'-rik). Pertaining to iron. FERRICY'ANIDE. Compound of ferricyanic acid with a base. FERROCY'ANIDE. Compound of ferrocyanic acid with a base. FERRU'GINOUS (fe-ru'-ji-nus). Containing iron. FER'RUM (fer'-um). See Iron. FER'TILE (fer'-til). Productive; fruitful; not sterile. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PES'TER. A small ulceration; the process of suppuration. FESTINA'TION. Walking with hesitating steps, observed in paralysis agitans. FE'TAL (fe'-tal). Pertaining to the fetus. FETA'TION fe-ta'-shun). See Pregnancy. FE'TICIDE (fe'-ti-sid). Fetal destruction. See Abortion, Crim- inal. FET'ID. Foul, offensive odor. FE'TUS. The unborn resultof fecundation after the embryonic stage (four months). FE'VER. Abnormal increase of temperature. FEWER, EPHEM'ERAL (e-fem'-e-ral). Fever lasting but a day. FE'VERFEW (fe'-ver-fu). Stomachic and eramenagogue. FFBER (fi'-ber). Fililorm composition of a structure. FIBRIL'LA (fi-bril-ah). A minute fiber. FI'BRILLAR (fi'-bril-ar). Pertaining to flbrillse. FIBRILLA'TION (fi-bril-la'-shun). Fibrous formation. FI'BRIN. Chief constituent of a superficial blood-clot. FIBRINA'TION. Formation of fibrin in the blood. FIBRIN'OGEN, Chief constituent of fibrin, obtained from blood plasma. FIBRINOPLAS'TIN (fi-brin-o-plas'-tin). See Paraglobulin. FI'BRINOUS (fl'-brin-ous). See Fibrous. FI'BROBLASTS. Cells developing in fibrous tissue. FI'BROGEN (fl'-bro-jen). Primary state of fibrin. FI'BROID (f i'-broid). Similar to fibrous tissue. See Fibroma. FIBRO'MA (fi-bro'-mah). A tumor consisting of fibrous tissues. FIBRO-PLAS'TIC. Forming of fibrous tissues. FIBRO'SIS (fl-bro'-sis). Organic formation of fibrous tissue. FI'BROUS (fi'-brus). Pertaining to or made up of fibres. FIB'ULA (flb'-u-lah). Outer bone of lower leg. FI'CUS (fi'-kus). See Fig. FIG. A laxative fruit. FILA'CEOUS (fi-la'-se-us). See Fibrous. FIL'AMENT (fll'-a-ment). A thread or fibre. FILA'RIA (fl-la'-re-ah). Genus of nematoid worms. FILA'RIA MENDINEN'SIS. See Guinea Worm. FILA'RIA SAN'GUINIS HOMTNIS. Nematoid worms found in urinary passages. FILTFORM (fll'-i-form). Resembling a thread. FIL'TER. Agent used to eliminate solids from a liquid by straining. FILTRA'TION (fll-tra'-shun). The process of filtering a liquid. FI'LUM TERMINATE. Filiform terminus of spinal cord. FIM'BRIAJ (fim'-bre-e). Applied to threads or a fringe. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 99 100 WARNER'S POCKET MEDICAL FIM'BRIATED (flm'-bre-a-ted). Fringed. FINQ'ERS. Long, narrow extremities of hands. FIRST INTENTION. The immediate superficial union of a wound with absence of suppuration and granulation. FISH'-SKIN DISEASE'. See Ichthyosis. FIS'SION (fish'-un). Division by splitting. FISSIP'AROUS (fis-sip'-a-rus). Reproduction by fission. FIS'SURE (fish'-ur). A groove or crack. FIST, The clenched hand. FIS'TULA (fis'-tu-lah). Abnormal opening of body discharging morbid secretions. FIT. A sudden convulsion. FIXATION (flks-a'-shun). Fixing; making stable. FLAC'CID (flaks'-sid). Not firm; relaxed. FLAG'ELLATE (flaj'-e-lat). Having a flagellum. FLAGELLUM (flaj-el'-um). A single long cilium. FLANK. That part of body between ribs and ilium. FLAP. Tissue and skin partly separated from body by cutting under it with a knife. FLAT'-FOOT. A foot with flat instep. FLAT'ULENCE. Intestinal flatus. FLA'TUS (fla'-tus). Wind or gas in the digestive tract. FLAX'SEED (flaks'-sed). See Llnum. FLEA'BANE (fle'-ban). See Erigeron. FLEAM (flem), Lancet used in opening a vein. FLESH. The tissues of the body, as the muscles, etc. FLESH, PROUD. Mortifying tissues around a wound. FLEX'IBLE (fleks'-i-bl). Elastic; capable of being bent. FLEX'ILE (fleks'-il). See Flexible. FLEX'ION (flek'-shun). The act of bending a part. FLEX'OR (fleks'-or). Applied to muscles producing flexion. FLOATTNG RIBS. Two lower ribs on each side. FLOCCILA'TION (flok-si-la'-shun). See Carphology. FLOC'CULENCE (flok'-u-lens). Cloudiness; containing small filiform substances. FLOC'CU LUS (flok'-u-lus). Superficial lobule of the cerebellum. FLOOD'ING (flud'-ing). Violent uterine hemorrhage. FLOW'ERS (flow'-erz). Popular term for menses. FLUCTUATION (fluk-tu-a'-shun). Undulating motion; change- able. FLUSH To redden. To cleanse a cavity by use of a fluid. FLUX (fluks). A copious discharge; diarrhea. FO'CAL (fo'-kal). Pertaining to a focus. FO'CUS (fo'-kus). Common centre of rays which have been refracted or reflected. Central seat of a disease. FOL'LICLE (fol'-i-kl). A email sac, applied to tubular glands. FOL'LICLE, GRAA'FIAN. Small ovarian sacs. FOL'LICLE, SEBA'CEOUS. Glands of the skin, having oily secretion. FOLLICULAR (fol-ik'-u-lar). Consisting of, or pertaining to follicles. FOLLICULI'TIS (fo-lik-u-li'-tis). Follicular inflammation. FOLLIC'ULOSE (fo-lik'-u-16s). See Follicular. FOMENTA'TION (fo-men-ta'-shun). A cloth, or similar sub- stance saturated with warm liquid and applied to body. FO'MES (fo'-mez). Substance capable of taking up and giving off contagion. FO'MITES (fo'-mi-tez). Plural of Fomes, FONS PULSATI'LIS. Anterior or frontal fontanelle. FONTANELLE'. Space between cranial bones of infant before they unite. FONTICULUS. Fontanelle. FOOD. Nutriment; aliment. FOOT. Multi-articulated lower extremity of leg below ankle. FORA'MEN (for-a'-men). Aperture; orifice; hole. FOR A'MEN MAG'NUM. Large occipital opening. FORA'MEN OVA'LE. Applied to cardiac oval openings. FORA'MEN OF WINS'LOW. Opening allowing communica- tion between abdominal cavity and omentum. FOR'CEPS (for'-seps). Surgical pincers; instrument with two prongs for removing, etc. FOR'CIPRESSURE. Arterial compression with spring forceps, arresting hemorrhage. FORE'-ARM. Lower arm from elbow to wrist. FORE'HEAD. Upper anterior portion of head. FOR'EIGN BOD'Y. Extraneous substance in a wound. FOREN'SIC (for-en'-sik). Pertaining to law. FORE'SKIN (for'-skin). The prepuce. FORMICA'TION. An intense itching sensation. FOR'MULA (for'-mu-lah). Quantity and character of constitu- ents of a compound and method of making. FOR'MULARY (for'-mu-la-re). A bock of formulae. FOR'NIX. An arch; a dome, applied to a portion of the brain. FOS'SA (fos'-ah). A channel; cavity; hollow. FOSSETTE' (fos-et'). A dimple; applied to various parts of the body, as the depression of auditory meatus. FOURCHETTE' (foor-shet'). Membranous fold; labia majora of virgins. FO'VEA (fo'-ve-ah). Shallow depression. See Fossa. FO'VEATE (fo'-ve-at). Having small pits. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 101 102 FOWLER’S SOLU'TION. Solution of potassium arsenite. FOX'-GLOVE. See Digitalis. FRAC'TURE (frak'-tiir). Breaking of a bone. FRAGIL'ITAS (fra-jil'-i-tas). Frangible; easily broken. FRAGMENTATION (frag-men-ta'-shun . The act of reducing to fragments. FRAMBE'SIA (fram-be'-ze ah). Yaws; papular, endemic, con- tagious tropical disease. FRAN'GULA. A bark with purgative and cathartic properties. FRECKLE (frek'-l). See Lentigo. FREMTTUS (frem'-I-tus). A vibration, as thoracic vibration due to talking. FREN'ULUM, FRE'NUM. Fold of mucous membrane holding a part, as frenum of tongue. FRIABLE (fri'-a-bl). See Fragilitas. FRICTION (frik'-shun). Rubbing together. FRIED'REICH’S DISEASE'. Ataxic paraplegia due to hered- itary influences. FROG'-FACE. Abnormal facial appearance due to tumors or nasal polypus. FRONTAL (fron'-tal). Pertaining to the forehead. FROST'-BITE Inflammation due to exposure to extreme cold. FRUIT (frut). The product of plants. FUCH'SIN (fuk'-sin). See Rosanilin. FU'CUS VESICULO'SIS (fu'-kus). Bladder-wrack; an alter- ative. FUL'MINATE. Fulminic acid and a base. FUMIGATION (fu-mi-ga'-shun). Exposing to disinfectant or deodorizing fumes. FUNCTION (funk'-shun). Special organic action. FUNCTIONAL (fnnk'-shun-al). Pertaining to a function. FUNCTIONAL DISEASE'. Impaired action of an organ with no apparent structural lesions. FUN'DAMENT (fun'-da-ment). The anus. FUN'DUS. Visceral base. FUN'DUS GLANDS. Minute esophageal glands, FUN'GIFORM, FUN'GOID. Mushroom-shaped. FUN'GOID. Having appearance of or pertaining to a fungus. FUNGOS'ITY (fun-gos'-i-tc). A fungus growth. FUN'GUS. Mushroom; morbid ulcerous growth. FUN'GUS FOOT. See Madura Foot. FU'NIC (fu'-nik). Pertaining to the funiculus. FU'NICLE (fu'-ni-kl). A cord-like bundle of fibres. FUNIC'ULUS (fu-nik'-u-lus). The umbilical cord. FU'NIS (f&'-nis). See Funiculus. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL FUR (fir). Coating on tongue due disordered digestion. FURFURA'CEOUS (fer-fu-ra'-se-us). Having appearance of bran. FU'ROR UTERI'NUS. See Nymphomania. FU'RUNCLE (fu'-run-kl). A boil. FURUN'CULOID. Resembling a boil. FURUN'CULOUS Pertaining to a furuncle. FURUN'CULUS (fu-run'-kti-lus). See Furuncle. FURUN'CULUS ORIENTA'LIS. Ulcerous facial disease of India. FUS'CIN (fus'-ln). Matter found in animal fats. FU'SEL OIL (fu'-sil). Amy lie alcohol. FU'SIBLE (fu'-si-bl). Admitting of fusion. FU'SIFORM (fu'-se-form). Spindle-shaped. FU'SION (fu'-zhun). Liquefaction, heat being the agent. FUSTIGA'TION (fus-te-ga'-shun). Massage stroking. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 103 GAD'ININ. Non-poisonous fecal ptomaine. GAD'UIN (gad'-u-in). Active principle of cod-liver oil, without taste. GAD'US MORRHU'A (gad'-us-mor-ru'-ah). Codfish. GAF'SA BUT'TON. See Furunculus Orientalis. GAG. Instrument keeping jaws apart. GALAC'TAGOGUE (gal-ak'-ta-gog). Agent increasing milk secretion and flow. GALACTE'MIA (gal-ak-te-me-ah). Accumulation of blood in the milk. GALAC'TIA (ga-lak-te-ah). See Galactorrhea. GALACTIDRO'SIS (gal-ak-ti-dro'-sis). Milky perspiration. GALAC'TINE (gal-ak'-tin). See Lactose. GALAC'TOCELE. Tumor with milky contents. GALACTOM'ETER. See Lactometer. GALACTOPHORI'TIS (gal-ak-tof-6r-i'-tis). Inflammation of the milk-ducts. GALACTOPH'OROUS (gal-ak-IoP-6-rus). See Lactiferous. GALACTOPH'ORUS. An artificial nipple. GALACTOPHTHI'SIS (gal-ak-to-te'-sis). Emaciation from gal- actorrhea. GALACTOPOIET'IC (gal-ak-to-poi-et'-ik). See Galactagogue. GALACTOPO'SIA (gal-ak-to-pd'-se-ah). Milk diet. GALACTOPYRE'TUS (gal-ak-to-pi-re'-tus). Milk fever. GALACTORRHE'A (gal-ak-to-re'-ah). Abnormal flow of milk. G. 104 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL GALAC'TOSCOPE (gal-ak'-to-skop). See Lactoscope. GALAC'TOSE (gal-ak'-tos). Product of dilute acids acting on lactose. GALACTO'SIS (gal-ak-to'-sis). Production of milk. GALACTOTHER'APY (gal-ak-to-ther'-a-pe). Treating nursing infants, by giving drugs to mother, the former deriving the benefit through the changed milk; milk treatment of a disease. GALACTU'RIA (gal-ak-tu'-re-ah). See Chyluria. GAL'BANUM. Stimulant and expectorant. GA'LEA (ga'-le-ah). A helmet-shaped bandage; the amnion. GALL (gawl). The bile; cutaneous abrasion. GAL'LA (gal'-ah). Nut-gall; an astringent. GALL'-BLAD'DER. Pear-shaped sac in liver, containing bile. GALL'-CYST (gawl'-sist). See Gall-bladder. GALL'-DUCTS (gawl'-dukts). Bile-bearing ducts. GAL'LIC (gal'-ik). Pertaining to nut-gall. GAL'LIC A'CID. Astringent acid of nut-gall. GAL'LIPOT (gal'-i-pot). Small earthen jar. GAL'LON. Eight pints. GALL'-STONES. Biliary concretions. GAMBOGE'(gam-boj'). SeeCambogia. GANG'LIFORM (gang'-le-form). Resembling a ganglion. GANGLI'OLUM (gang-li'-6-lum). A minute ganglion. GANGLIO'MA (gang-le-6'-mah). Inflammatory affection of a lymphatic gland. GANG'LION (gang'-le-on). A small nervous centre; a lym- phatic gland. GANGLIONI'TIS (gang-le-on-i'-tis). Inflammation of a gang- lion. GAN'GRENE (gang'-gren). Decomposition of a part of the body. GAN'GRENE, DRY. Death and shriveling of a part of the body. GAN'GRENE, MOIST. Gangrene with morbid discharge. GAN'GRENE, SE'NILE. Dry gangrene of the aged. GAN'GRENOUS (gang'-re-nus). Pertaining to gangrene. GAR'GARISM, GARGARIS'MA. A gargle. GAR'GLE (gar'-gl). Throat-wash. GAR'LIC (gar'-lik). Stimulant and diuretic plant. GAS. Aeriform matter. GAS'EOUS (gas'-e-us). Pertaining to or resembling gas. GASP. To labor for breath; to pant. GASTERASTHE'NIA (gas-ter-as-the'-ne-ah). Gastric debility. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 105 GASTERHYSTEROT'OMY. Opening of the uterus through the abdomen. GAS'TRAL. Pertaining to the stomach. GASTRAL'GIA (gas-tral'-je-ah). Gastric pain. GASTREC'TASIS (gas-trek'-ta-sis). Dilatation of the stomach. GASTREC'TOMY. Excision of portion of stomach. GASTRELCO'SIS (gas-trel-ko'-sis). Ulcerous condition of stomach. GAS'TRIC (gas'-trik). Pertaining to the stomach. GAS'TRIC FE'VER. Fever and disordered stomach, GAS'TRIC JUICE (juse). Glandular secretion of stomach. GASTRI'TIS (gas-tri'-tis). Inflammation of stomach. GASTROBRO'SIS. Perforation of stomach. GAS'TROCELE (gas'-tro-sel). Hernia of stomach. GASTROCNE'MIUS (gas-trok-ne'-me-us). Large muscle of calf of leg. GASTRODID'YMUS. Double monster with single abdomen. GASTRODYN'IA fgas-tro-din'-e-ah). Pain in the stomach. GASTRO-ENTERI'TIS. Gastritis and intestinal inflammation. GASTRO-EPIPLOTC. Pertaining to the stomach and omen- tum. GAS'TROLITH (gas'-tro-lith). A gastric concretion. GASTROLITHI'ASIS. Forming of one or more gastroliths. GASTROL'OGY (gas-trol'-o-je). Written description of the stomach. GASTRO-MALA'CIA (mal-a'-se-ah). Softening of walls of stomach. GASTROM'ELUS. Monster with abdominal limbs. GASTROME'NIA (gas-tro-me'-ne-ah). Gastric menstruation in place of normal uterine flow. GASTROP'ATHY (gas-trop'-a-the). Gastric disease. GASTROPERIODYN'IA. Violent periodical gastralgia. GASTRORRHA'GIA (gas-tror-ra'-je-ah). Gastric hemorrhage. See Hematemesis. GASTROR'RAPH Y (gas-tror'-a-fe). Suture of gastric wounds. GASTRORRHE'A (gas-tror-re'-ah). Abnormal amount of gas- tric secretions. GAS'TROSCOPE. Instrument for looking into living stomach. GASTROS'COPY (gas-tros'-ko-pe). Using of the gastroscope. GASTRO'SES (gas-tro'-sez). Gastric diseases. GASTROS'TOMY (gas-tros'-to-me). Abdominal operation es- tablishing fistula of stomach. GAS'TROTOME (gas'-tro-tom). Instrument used in gastrotomy. GASTROT'OM Y (gas-trot'-o-me). Abdominal or gastric incision. GATH'ERING. Abscess; suppuration; ulcer. 106 GAULTHE'RIA (gawl-the'-re-ah). Wintergreen; an aromatic stimulant. GAUZE (gawz). A delicate transparent cloth. GAVAGE (gav'-ahzli). Compulsory feeding. GELATIN (jel'-a-tin). The transparent nitrogenous product of boiled bones, skin, tissue, etc. GELATIN'IFORM. Resembling gelatin. GELATINOUS (jel-at'-i-nus). Pertaining to or resembling gelatin. GEL'OSE (jel'-os). Gelatinous constituent of ichthyocolla. GELSEMTUM (jel-sem'-e-um). Yellow jasmine; antispas- modic. GEMEL'LI (jem-el'-li). Plural of gemellus. GEMEL'LUS (jem-el'-us). One part of a double structure. QEMEL'LUS MUS'CLE (mus'-el). See Gastrocnemius. GEMTNATE, GEMTNOUS. Occurring in pairs. GEN'ERATE (jen'-er-at). To beget; to bring into existence, GENERATION (jen-er-a'-shun;. The act of generating. A race. GENER'IC (jen-er'-ik). Belonging to the same genius. GENE'SIAL (jen-e'-se-al). Pertaining to generation. GENESIOL'OGY (jen-e-si-ol'-o-je). The science of generation. GEN'ESIS (jen'-e-sis). Production. GENETTC. Pertaining to generation. GENIAL (jen-i'-al). Pertaining to the chin. GENIC'ULATE (jen-ik'-u-lat). Resembling the bend of a knee. GENPOPLASTY (jen-!'-o-plas-te). Plastic surgery of the chin. GENTTAL (jen'-i-tal). Pertaining to the genitalia. GENITA'LIA (jen-it-a'-le-ah). Organs of generation. GENTIAN (jent'-shun). Bitter stomachic tonic. GE'NU (je'-nu). The knee. GE'NU EXTROR'SUM. See Genu Varum. GE'NU VAL'GUM. Knock-knees. GE'NU VA'RUM. Bow-legs. GEN'UFLEX (jen'-u-fleks). Flexion of the knee. GEN'VPLASTY (jen'-e-plas-te). Plastic operation of cheek. GEOPHAGISM (je-of-a-gizm). Filth or dirt-eating. GERA'NIUM (jer-a'-ne-um). Mild astringent. GERATOL'OGY (jer-at-ol'-o-je). Science pertaining to old age. GERM (jirm). The vital point of embryo from which an ani- mal or plant is produced. GERM DISEASE'. Disease caused by bacilli. See Schizomy- cosis. t WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL GER'MICIDE (jer'-mi-sid). Agent killing germs. GER'MINAL (jer'-mi-nal). Pertaining to a germ. GERMINA'TION. Germinal development. GER'MINAL, MEM'BRANE. The blastoderm. GERM THE'ORY. The belief that germs are the cause of certain diseases. GEROMORPH'ISM. Aged appearance of youth. GERONTOX'ON (jer-on-toks'-on). See Arcus Senilis. GESTA'TION (jes-ta'-shun). See Pregnancy. GI'ANT (ji'-ant). Abnormally developed adult. GIBBOS'ITY (gib-os'-i-te). A hump or projection. GIB'BCUS (gib'-us). Convexity; a rounded swelling. GID'DINESS. See Vertigo. GIN (jin). An aromatic alcoholic liquor. GIN'GER (jin'-jer). See Zingiber. GINGI'V.® (jin-ji'-ve). The gums. GINGI'VAL (jin-ji'-vai). Pertaining to the gums. GINGIVI'TIS (jln-ji-vi'-tis). Inflammation of the gums. QING'LYMOID (ging'-le-moid). Having the appearance of a hinge. GING'LYMUS (ging'-le-mus). Hinge-joint. GIN'SENG (jin'-seug). A tonic root, used largely by the Chinese. GIR'DLE (gir'-dl). A body belt or band. GIR'DLE PAIN. A feeling of pelvic compression. GLABEL'LUM (gla-bel'-lum). Space above nose and between eyebrows. GLADI'OLIN (glad-i'-o-lin). Matter found in cerebral tissue. GLADI'OLUS (glad-i'-6-lus). Sternal center. GLAIR'Y (glar'-e). Resembling egg albumen. GLAND. An organ secreting or excreting a substance. GLAN'DERS. A contagious equine disease. GLAND'ULAR. Pertaining to a gland. GLAND'ULE (gland'-yul). A small gland. GLANS (glanz). Bulb-like end of penis and clitoris. GLAU'BER’S SALT. Sodium sulphate. GLAUCI'NA (glaw-s!'-nah). Cow-pox. GLAUCO'MA (glaw-ko'-mah). Hardening of eye-ball from dis- ease. GLEET, Disease sometimes succeeding gonorrhea; chronic gonorrhea. GLE'NOID. A shallow cavity. GLI'ADIN (gll'-a-din). An organic constituent of gluten. GLIO'MA (gli-o'-mah). Tumor made up of nerve-tissue. GLIOMATO'SIS (glI-6-mat-6'-sis). Growth of a glioma. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 107 108 GLIS'SON’S CAP'SULE. Membranous envelope of hepatic vessels. GLO'BATE (glo'-bat). Resembling a globe. GLOBE OF THE EYE. The eye-ball. CLO'BIN. Proteid of decomposed hemoglobin. GLOB'ULAR (glob'-u-lar). Resembling a globe. GLOB'ULE (glob'-ul). A small globe. GLOB'ULIN (glob'-u-lin). Proteid of crystalline lens; albumi- noid of blood corpuscles. GLO'BUS (glo'-bus). A globe. GLO'BUS HYSTERI'CUS. Hysteria with choking sensation as though a ball were lodged in the throat. GLOM'ERATE (glom'-er-at). A mixed mass. GLOM'ERULE. A cluster of vessels. GLONO'IN (glo-no'-in). See Nitro-glycerin. GLOS'SA (glos'-ah). The tongue. GLOSSA'GRA (glos-a'-grah). See Glossalgia. GLOS'SAL (glos'-al). Pertaining to the tongue. GLOSSAL'GIA (glos-aT-je-ah). Pain in the tongue. GLOSSEC'TOMY (glos-ek'-to-rae). Glossal excision. GLOSSI'TIS (glos-i'-tis). Inflammation of the tongue. GLOS'SOCELE (glos'-o-sel). Abnormal swelling of the tongue. GLOSSOG'RAPHY. Description of the tongue. GLOS'SOID (glos'-oid). Resembling the tongue. GLOSSOL'OGY (glos-ol'-o-je). Treatise on the tongue. GLOSSOL'YSIS (glos-oT-e-sis). Glossal paralysis. GLOSSOPHY'TIA (glos-o-fi'-to-ah). See Black Tongue. GLOSSOPLE'GIA. See Glossolysis. GLOSSOT'OMY (glos-ot'-6-me). Glossal excision or dissection. GLOS'SY SKIN., See Atrophoderma. GLOT'TIS. Space between arytenoid cartilages. GLUCOHE'MIA (glu-ko-he'-me-ah). Sugar in the blood. GLU'COSE (glu'-kos). Sugar of grapes and other fruits. GLU'COSIDE. Organic compound of glucose and another substance. GLUCOSU'RIA (glu-kos-u'-re-ah). See Glycosuria. GLUTE'AL. Pertaining to the nates. GLU'TEN. Constituent of flour. GLU'TEI (glu'-te-l). The nates. GLU'TIN. See Gelatin. GLU'TINOUS (glu'-tin-us). Resembling glue. GLUTI'TIS (glu-ti'-tis), Inflammation of glutei muscles. GLYC'ERIN. Sweet liquid obtained from decomposed fats. GLYC'ERITE, GLYCERPTUM. Glycerin; a vehicle for some medicinal agent. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL GLY'CIN (gli'-sin). See Glycocoll. GLYCOCHOL'IC AC'ID. A bile acid. GLY'COCOLL (gli'-ko-kol). Substance in bile and also in gelatin. GLY'COGEN. Animal starch; matter in liver, muscles, etc. GLYCOGEN'ESIS (gli-ko-jen'-e-sis), Generation of glycogen. GLYCOHE'MIA (gli-ko-he'-me-ah), See Glucohemia. GLYCORRHEA. Flow of sugar-bearing fluids. GLYCOSURIA (gli-kos-u'-re-ah), Sugar in the urine. GLYCYRRHI'ZA (glis-i-ri'-zah), A demulcent; laxative. GNATHAL/GIA (nath-al'-je-ah). Facial pains. GNATH'IC (nath'-ik). Pertaining to the jaws. GNATHI'TIS (uath-i'-tis). Inflammation of the jaws. GNATHOCEPHALUS (nath-o-ser-a-lus). Monster with rudi- mentary head in which only the jaws are distinguishable. GNATH'OPLASTY (nath'-d-plas-te). Plastic surgery of the jaw, GOG'GLES (gog'-ls). Dark-colored spectacles. GOI'TRE. Abnormal swelling of thyroid gland. GOI'TRE, EXOPHTHAL'MIC. See Exophthalmic Goitre. GOLD'-THREAD. A bitter tonic. GOL'DEN SEAL. See Hydrastis. GOMPHI'ASIS (gom-fi'-a-sis). Pain or looseness of teeth. GOMPHO'SIS (gom-fo'-sis). Articulation of bones not permit- ting movement; processes received in sockets, as the teeth. GONA'GRA (gon-a'-grah). Gout in the knee. GONARTHRI'TIS (gon-ar-thri'-tis). Inflammation of knee- joint. GONARTHROCACE (gon-ar-throk'-a-se). White swelling of the knee. GONARTHROT'OMY (gon-ar-throt'-o-me). Incision or excision of knee-joint. GON'ECYST (gon'-e-sist). The seminal vesicles. GONECYST'IC (gon-e-sist'-ik). Pertaining to the seminal vesicles. GONEPOIET'IC. Pertaining to seminal secretions. GONOCOC'CUS (gon-6-kok'-us). Gonorrheal micrococcus. GO'NION. The outer angle of lower jaw. GONORRHEA (gon-or-e'-ah). Urethral or vaginal inflamma- tion, with a discharge in which gonococci are foufld. GONORRHEAL (gon-or-e'-al). Pertaining to gonorrhea. GONORRHEAL RHEU'MATISM. Rheumatism succeeding gonorrhea. GGNOS'CHEOCELE (gon-os'-ke-6-sel). See Spermatocele. GONYAL'GIA (gon-e-al'-je-ah-). Pain in the knee. GON'YOCELE (gon'-e-o-sel). See Gonarthrocace. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 109 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL GONYON'CUS (gon-e-ong'-kus). Tumor of the knee. GOOSE' SKIN. Momentary bulbous expansion of skin sur- rounding the hair. GOR'GET. Terra applied to several instruments used in urethral operations.* GOSSYP'IUM. Cotton; root is an emmenagogue; blossom furnishes absorbent cotton, etc. GOUGE. A chisel used to cut bones in surgical operations, GOU'LARD’S EX'TRACT. Solution of subacetate of lead. GOUT (gowt). Articular inflammation, uricemia, etc. GRACTLIS (gras'-i-lus). A slender muscle of the thigh. GRAD'UATE. A glass tube marked for measuring liquids. GRAFT. Living tissue transplanted from one person to another. GRAIN. 9. Cereals. GRAMME. Unit of weight of the metric system; 15.4323 grains troy. GRANA'TUM. Pomegranate used as a vermifuge. GRANU'LAR. Pertaining to granules or granulations. • GRANU'LAR LIDS. See Trachoma. GRANULA'TION. New tissue formation during healing of wound. GRAN'ULE (gran'-yul). A small pill or grain. GRANULC'MA. Tumor or growth of granulation tissue. GRAN'ULOSE (gran'-u-16s). Applied to soluble portion of starch corpuscle. GRAPE SU GAR. See Glucose. GRAPH'OSPASM (graf-6-spazm). Cramp in muscles of hand due to writing. GRA'TING (gra'-ting). Irritating sound heard when uneven or coarse surfaces are rubbed together. GRATTAGE' (gra-tahzh'). The act of curetting. GRAVE'DO (gra-ve'-do). See Coryza. GRAV'EL, Urinary deposit. GRAVE’S DISEASE'. See Exophthalmic Goitre. GRAVE'-WAX (grav'-waks). See Adipocere. GRAV'ID. In a pregnant condition. GRAVTDIN. Urinary precipitate of pregnant women. GRAV'ITY (grav'-i-te). Weight; centripetal force. GRAVITY, SPECIFIC. Comparison by weight of any body with an equal volume of pure water. GREEN SICK'NESS. See Chlorosis. GRINDE'LIA (grin-de'-le-ah). A remedy for diseases of the air-passages. GRIND'ERS (grind'-erz). The molar teeth. GRIND'ER'S ASTH'MA (az'-rnah). Pulmonary irritation due to metallic dust deposit, occurring in scissor-grinders, etc. GRlPPE'(grip'). See Influenza. GRO'CER’3 ITCH. An eczematous affection of the hands. GROIN. Angular curve above thigh. GROWING PAINS. Popular term for pains in limbs of the young. GRU'EL (gru'-el . Boiled meal; porridge. GRU'MOUS (gru'-mus). Clotted; thick. GRU'TUM (grti'-tum). See Milium. GRYPO'SIS (gri-po'-sis). Curved ingrowing of nails. GUAI'ACOL (gwi'-a-kol). Active principle of creasote. GUAI'ACUM (gwi'-a-kum). Expectorant and alterative resin. GUIL'LOTINE igil'-d-ten). Instrument used in tonsillotomy. GUIN'EA WORM (gin'-c-wirm). A genus of nematoid or thread- worms. GUL'LET. See Esophagus. GUM. Sticky exudation of some plants. GUM AR'ABIC. See Acacia. GUM'-BOIL. Gingival abscess. GUM'MA. Syphilitic formation resembling a caseous mass. GUMS. See Gingiva. GUN COT'TON. See Pyroxylin. GURG'LING (girg'-ling). Bubbling sound heard as a fluid in a cavity is replaced by air. GUR'JUN BAL'SAM. An oleo-resin used in genito-urinary diseases. GUS'TATORY (gus'-ta-to-re). Relating to the taste. GUT. See Intestine. GUT'TA PER'CHA. Gummy juice of plant, used to make surgical appliances. GUT'TA SERE'NA. See Amaurosis. GUTTURAL. Pertaining to the throat. GYMNA'SIUM (jim-ua'-ze-um). A place fitted up for practice of gymnastics. GYMNAS'TIC (jim-nas'-tik). Pertaining to exercise. GYMNAS'TICS. Science of methodical exercise. GYNAN'DRIA (jin-an'-dre-ah). Hermaphroditism. GYN ATRE'SIA (jin-a-tre'-ze-ah). Vaginal atresia. GYN'E (jin'-e). A woman. GYNECOL'OGY (jin-o-kol'-o-je). Science relating to the dis- eases of women. GYNECOL/OGIST. One who makes a specialty of treating diseases of women. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 112 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL GYNECOMASTIA (jin-e-ko-mas'-te-ah). Abnormally enlarged mammary glands of the male. GYNOPLASTIC. Relating to plastic surgery of female geni- talia. GYP'SUM (jip'-sura). Native calcium sulphate. GYRATION (ji-ra'-shun). Circular movement. GY'RI (ji'-ri). Convolutions, as intestinal gyri, cerebral gyri, etc. GY'RUS (ji'-rus). Singular of gyri. H. HABE'NA (ha-be'-nah). See Frenum. A certain bandage. HABEN'ULA (ha-ben'-u-lah). Structure resembling a frenum. HAB'IT. Accustomed practice; constitution; condition. HAB'ITAT. Natural place where a plant or animal lives. HABITATION. Abiding place. HABROMA'NIA (hab-ro-ma'-ne-ah). Hilarous delirium. HAS. See He-, HAIR. Filiform growth on the skin. HAIR-FOL'LICLE. Minute cavity receiving root of hair. HALISTERE'SIS. Softening of bone and losing their salts. HAL'ITUS. Vapor; odor. HALLUCINATION. Illusion of sense; delusion. HAL'LUS, HAL'LUX. Great toe. HA'LO (ha'-lo). Brownish discoloration around the nipple. HA'LOGEN. Bodies capable of forming salts with metals; chlorine, iodine, fluorine, bromine. HALOG'ENOUS (hal-oj'-e-nus). Capable of forming salt com- pounds. HA'LOID. The salts of halogenous bodies. See Halogen. HAM. The femur and its surrounding muscles, tissues, etc. HAMAME'LIS. Witch hazel, sedative and hemostatic. HAM'MER-TOE (to). Upward curvature of toe. HAM'STRINGS. One of the thigh tendons. HAM'ULAR. Hook-shaped. HAM'ULUS (ham'-u-lus). Process resembling shape of a hook. HAND. Extremity of arm, below the wrist. HANG'NAIL. A shred of cuticle about base of finger nails. HARE'-LIP. Congenital division of lip. HARTS'HORN. Popular term for ammonia. HASH'ISH. See Cannabis. HATTERS’ DISEASE'. Consumption from inhalation of particles of felt, etc. HAUNCH. Hips and buttocks. HAUS'TUS (haws'-tus). See Draught. HAWK'ING. Noisy displacement of phlegm for expectoration. HAY ASTH'MA (az'-ma). See Hay Fever. HAY FE'VER. Conjunctivitis, coryza, nasal catarrh, etc. HEAD (tied). Bound body above the neck. The upper portion of a part. HEAD'-ACHE (ak). Pain in the head. HEAD'-LOCKTNG. Catching together of fetal heads during delivery of twins. HEAL'ING (he'-ling). Healthy union of wound. HEALTH (helth). Absence of disease. HEALTHY PUS (hel'-the). Pus formed during normal granu- lation of a wound. HEARING (her'-ing). Sound-perceiving sense. HEART (hart). The organ receiving and sending forth the blood; the circulatory system center. HEART'BURN (hart'-birn). A form of dyspepsia in which a burning sensation is located near heart. HEAT, PRICK'LY. See Urticaria, HEAT'-STROKE. See Sunstroke. HEBEPHRE'NIA (he-be-fre'-ne-ah). Pubescent mental abtaera- tion. HEB'ETUDE (heb'-e-tud). State of mild stupidity. HECTIC (hek'-tik). Applied to continued phthisical fever. HECTOGRAMME. One hundred grammes. HECTOLITRE. One hundred litres. HECTOMETRE. One hundred metres. KEDEO'MA (he-de-o'-mah). Pennyroyal; emmenagogue and carminative, KE'DRA. The anus. HED'ROCELE (hed'-ro-sel). Anal prolapse; hernia through sciatic canal. HEEL (hel). Rounded posterior portion of foot. HEL'COID (hel'-koid). Ulcerous HELCOL'OGY (hel-kol'-o-je). Science relating to ulcers. HEL'COPLASTY (hel'-ko-plas-te;. Curing ulcers by skin grafting. HELCO'SIS (hel-ko'-sis). An ulceration. HEL'ENIN. Antiseptic constituent of inula. HELTCINE (hel'-i-sin). Coiled; winding. HELTCINE ARTERIES. Winding arteries of penile ereci tissue. HEL'ICOID (heT-i-koid). See Helicine. HELIENCEPHALITIS (hel-e-en-sef-a-li'-tis). Brain-fever fr< sunstroke. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 113 114 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL HELIOTHERAPY (hel-e-o-ther'-a-pe). Sun treatment of dis- ease. HE'LIX (he'-liks). The rim of the external aural prominence. HEL'LEBORE, AMERICAN, See Veratrium Viride. HEL'LER’S TESTS. Nitric acid test for albuminuria and caustic potash test for hematuria. HELMIN'THAGOGUE. Atenicide. HELMINTHIASIS. State resulting from worms. HELMIN'THICS. Science relating to worms. HELMINTHOGEN'ESIS. Growth of intestinal worms, HELMINTHOL'OGY (hel-min-thol'-o-je). Treatise on helmin- thics. HELMIN'THOUS (hel-min'-thus). Resembling or pertaining to worms. HELO'DES (hel-o'-dez). Malaria. HEMACHROTN (hem-a-kro'-in). See Hematin. HEM'ACHROME (hem'-a-krom). Red hemal coloring matter. HEMACHRO'SIS. Condition with abnormal hemachrome. HEMACYANIN (hem-a-si'-a-nin). B1 ue hemal coloring matter. HEMACYTOM'ETER (hem-a-si-tom'-e-ter). Apparatus for de- termining amount of corpuscles in the blood. HEM ADYN AMOM'ETER. Apparatus registering hemal press- ure. HEM'AGOGUE. Agent producing normal monthly flow. HE'MAL (he'-mai). Pertaining to the blood. HEMALO'PIA. Hemal extravasation of eye. HEMAPHE'IN (hcm-a-fe' in). Brown hemal coloring matter. HEMAPOIE'SIS (hem-a-poi-e'-sis). See Hemogenesis. HEMARTHRO'SIS. Hemal effusion of a joint. HEMASTATTC. Agent checking hemorrhage. HEMASTHENO'SIS. Impoverished blood. HEMATANGION'OSIS (hem-at-an-je-on'-o-sis). Applied to vari- ous diseases of the blood-vessels. HEMATEM'ESIS (hem-at em'-e-sis). Hemal emesis. HEMATENCEPHALON. Cerebral hemorrhage. HEMATHER'MOUS (hem-a-ther'-mus). Warm condition of the blood. HEMATHIDRO'SIS (hem-at-hi-dro'-sis). See Hematidrosis. HEMAT'IC. Pertaining to or resembling blood. HEMAT'ICA (hem-at'-ik-a). Applied to hemal remedies. HEMATIDRO'SIS. Perspiration impregnated with blood. HEMATIN. Red hemal coloring matter. HEMATIN'IC (hem-at-in'-ik). Agent bettering hemal condi- tions. HEMATINUR'IA (hem-at-in-u'-re-ah). Hematin in the urine. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 115 HEMATO'BIUM. A blood corpuscle. HEMATOBLASTS (hem'-at-6-blasts). See Blood-plates. HEMATOCELE (hem'-at-o-sel). A tumor the contents of which is chiefly blood. HEMATOCEPH'ALUS. Cerebral hemal extravasation. HEMATOCHE'ZIA (hem-at-b-ke'-ze-ah). Bloody-stools. HEMATOCOL'POS (hem-at-b-kol'-pos). Vaginal hemorrhage. HEMATOCVST. Cyst containing blood. Vesical hemorrhage. HEMATOCYTE (hem'-at-b-sit). A blood corpuscle. HEMATO'DES (hem-at-b'-dez), Impregnated with blood. HEMATOGENTC(hem-at-b-jen'-ik). Pertaining to hemogenesis. HEMATOG'ENOUS (hem-at-oj'-e-nus). Of hemal origin. HEMATOGLO'BIN (hem-at-o-glb'-bin). See Hemoglobin. HEMATOG'RAPHY (hem-at-og'-ra-fe). Description of the blood. HEMATOHIDRO'SIS (hem-at-b-hi-drb'-sis). See Hematidrosis. HEM ATOID (hem'-at-oid). Pertaining tb or resembling blood. HEMATOKRIT (hem'-at-b-krit). Instrument used for same purpose as the hemacytometer. HEMATOL'OGY (hem-at-ol'-b-je). Treatise on the blood. HEMATOL'YSIS (hem-at-ol'-e-sis). Abnormal fluidity of the blood, coagulating with difficulty. HEMATOLY'TIC (hem-at-o-lit'-ik). Agent causing hemasthen- osis. HEMATO'MA (hem-at-b-mah). Bloody tumor. HEMATOM'ETER. Same as Hemadynamometer. HEMATOME'TRA (hem-at-b-me'-tra). Uterine hemorrhage. Uterine hemal effusion. HEMATOMPHAL'OCELE. Bloody, umbilical tumor. HEMATOMYE'LIA (hem-at-b-mi-e'-le-ah). Bloody effusion of spinal cord. HEMATOMYELI'TIS. Inflammation of spinal cord from hematomyelia. HEMATOPERICAR'DIUM. Hemorrhage into pericardium. HEMATOPHYTE (hem'-at-b-fit). Hemal microphyte. HEMATOPLAS'TIC (hem-at-b-plas'-tik). See Hemogenesis. HEMATOPOIE'SIS (hem-at-b-poi-e'-sis). See Hematosis. HEMATOP'SIA (hem-at-bp'-se-ah). See Hemalopia. HEMATORACHIS (hem-at-or'-a-kis). Hemorrhage of the spine. HEMATORRHEA (hem-at-b-re'-ah). Moderate hemorrhage. HEMATOSAL'PINX. Hemal effusion of Fallopian tube. HEMATOS'CHEOCELE (hem-at-os'-ke-b-sel). Hemal scrotal tumor. HEMATOSCOPE. Instrument used in examination of the blood. 116 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL HEM ATOS'COPY. Using the hematoscope. HEMATOSEP'SIS (hem-at-6-sep'-sis). See Septicemia. HEM'ATOSIN. See Hematin. HEMATO'SIS. The sanguification of blood. HEMATOTHO'RAX (hem-at-o-tho'-raks). See Hemothorax. HEMATOX'IC (hem-a-toks'-ik). Applied to agents poisoning the blood. HEMATOX'YLON (hem-at-oks -i-lon). Astringent principle of logwood. HEMATOZO'ON (hem-at-o-zo'-on). An animalcule in the blood. HEMATU'RIA (hem-at-u'-re-ah). Blood in the urine. HEMAX'IS (hem-aks'-is). See Phlebotomy. HEMERALO'PIA (hem-er-al-6'-pe-ah). Night-blindness. HEMIABLEP'SIA (hem-i-a-blep'-se-ah). Visual defect in which half of an object is not seen. HEMIACHROMATOP'SIA. Color-blindness involving one-half of object seen. • HEMIALBU'MINOSE. See Plemialbumose. HEMIAL'BUMOSE. Mixture resulting from action of pan- creatic juice on albumin. HEMIANESTHE'SIA. Anesthesia involving one-half of the body. HEMIANALGE'SIA. Without pain on one-half of the body. HEMIANOP'SIA (hem-e-an-op'-se-ah). See Hemiablepsia. HEMITAX'IA (hem-i-taks'-e-ah). Incoordination Involving one- half of the body. HEMIATHETO'SIS (hem-e-ath-et-Q'-sis . Athetosis Involving one-half of the body. HEMIAT'ROPHY (hem-e-at'-ro-fe). Atrophy involving one-half of the body. HE'MIC (he'-mik). See Hemal. HEMI-CATALEP'SY. See Hypnotism. HEMICEPH'ALUS. A half-headed monster. HEMICHORE'A. Unilateral chorea. HEMICRA'NIA (hem-l-kra'-ne-ah). Unilateral cephalic neu- ralgia. HEMIDIAPHORE'SIS. Sweating involving one-half the body. HEMIDRO'SIS. See Heraathedrosis. HEMIDYSESTHE'SIA (hem-e-dl-ses-the'-se-ah). Partial hemi- anesthesia. HEMIENCEPH'ALUS (hem-i-en-sef-a-lus). Monster with half a brain. HEMIEPTLEPSY. Epilepsy involving one-half of the body. HEMIHIDRO'SIS. See Hemidiaphoresis. HEMIM'ELUS (hem-im'-e-lus). See Phocomelus. HEMIO'PIA (hem-i-6p'-e-ah). See Hemiablepsia. HEMIP'AGUS. See Thoracodidymus. HEMIPARAPLE'GI A (hem-i-par-a-ple'-je-ah). Unilateral para- plegia. HEMIPAR'ESIS. Unilateral paresis. HEMIPHO'NIA (hem-i-lo'-ne-ah). Speaking in a very soft voice. HEMIPLE'GIA (hem-i-ple'-je-ah). Unilateral paralysis. HEM'ISPASM. Spasm involving one-half the body. HEMISPHERE (hem'-is-fer). Half a sphere; unilateral por- tion of cerebellum. HEMLOCK (hem'-lok). See Conium. HEMOCRYS'TALLINE. See Hemoglobin. HEM'OCYTE (hom'-o-sit). A blood corpuscle. HEMOCYTOL'vSIS (hem-6-si-toT-i-sis). See Hemolysis. HEMOCYTOM'ETER (hem-d-si-tom'-e-ter). See Hemacytom- eter. HEMODROMOM'ETER (hem-d-dro-mom'-e-ter). Instrument determining hemal velocity. HEMODYNAMOM'ETER. See Hemadynamometer. HEMOGEN'ESIS (hem-o-jen'-e-sis). Blood-making. HEMOGLO'BIN (hem-d-gld'-bin). Matter giving red corpuscles their color. HEMOGLOBIN©M'ETER. Instrument used to approximate number of hemoglobin in the blood. HEMOGLOBIN U'RI A. Hemoglobin in the urine. HEM'OID (hern'-oid). Resembling blood. HEMOL'YSIS. Dissolution of red-blood corpuscles. HEMOM'ETER. See Hemadynamometer. HEMOME'TRA. See Menostasis. HEMOPHIL'IA (hern-6-fll'-e-ah). Hemorrhagic diathesis. HEMOPHTHAL'MIA. Ophthalmic hemorrhage. HEMOPNEUMOTHO'RAX. Condition of pleura containing air and blood. HEMOP'TYSIS (hem-op-ti-sis). Bloody expectoration. HEM'ORRHAGE (hem'-or-aj). Escape of blood from incision or rupture of blood-vessels. HEMORRHAG'IC (hem-or-aj'-ik). Pertaining to a hemorrhage. HEMORRHE'A (hem-or-e'-ah). See Hematorrhea. HEM'ORRHOIDS. Piles; small anal tumors. HEMOSPA'SIA. Withdrawing blood by means of vacuum apparatus. HEMOSPAS'TIC. Instrument used to perform hemospasia. HEMOSTA'SIA. Interrupted flow of blood in some portion of the body. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 117 118 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL HEMOSTAT'IC (hem-o-stat'-ik). Styptic; agent Checking hemorrhage. HEMOTACHOM'ETER (hem-o-tak-om'-e-tcr). Instrument used for same purpose as hemodromometer. HEMOTHO'RAX (hem-6-tho'-raks). Thoracic hemal effusion. HEN'BANE (hen'-ban). See Hyoscyamus. HEPATAL'GIA (hep-at-al'-je-ah). Pain in the liver. HEPATEC'TOMY (hep-at-ek'-to-me). Hepatic surgery. HEPAT'IC (hep-at'-ik). Pertaining to the liver. HEPAT'IC LOBES. See Lobes of Liver. HEPAT'ICA (hep-at'-i-kah). See Liverwort. Liver Remedy. HEP'ATINE (hep'-at-in). Glycogen. HEPATI'TIS (hep-at-i'-tis). Inflammation of the liver. HEPATIZA'TION (hep-at-i-za'-shun). Conversion of substance to resembling hepatic tissue, HEP'ATOCELE (hep'-at-o-sel). Hepatic hernia. HEPATOCIRRHO'SIS (hep-at-o-sir-o'-sis). Hepatic cirrhosis. HEPATOCYS'TIC (hep-at-6-sis'-tik). Pertaining to the liver and gall bladder. HEPATODYN'IA (hep-at-o-din'-e-ah). Pain in the liver. HEPATOGEN'IC (hep-at-o-jen'-ik). Formed within the liver, HEPATOG'RAPHY (hep-at-og'-ra-fe). Description of the liver. HEP'ATOLITH. Hepatic stone or concretion. HEPATOLITHI'ASIS. Formation of hepatic concretions. HEPATOL'OGY (hcp-at-ol'-o-je). Treatise on the liver. HEPATOM ALA'CI A (hep-at-d-mal-a'-se-ah). Malacia of the liver. HEPATOPOSTE'MA (hep-at-o-pos-te'-mah). Hepatic abscess. HEPATORRHE'A. An hepatic flow. HEPATORRHEX'US (hep-at-or-eks'-isl. Rupture of the liver. HEPATOT'OMY (hep-at-ot'-o-me). Incision of liver. See Hep- atectomy. HERED'ITY (her-ed'-i-te). Due to inheritance. HERED'ITARY (her-ed'-i-ta-re). Applied to conditions and diseases transmitted by ancestors. HERMAPH'RODITE (her-maf-ro-dlt). A being with male and female genitalia, one of which is usually rudimentary. HERMAPH'RODITISM. The state of being an hermaphrodite. HERMETTC. Sealed air-tight; secret. HER'NIA (her'-ne-ah). Abnormal visceral protrusion, due to ruptured cavity. HER'NIAL. Pertaining to hernia. HER'NIA CER'EBRI. Hernia of the brain, due to injury. HER'NIA, FEM'ORAL. Abdominal hernia through femoral ring. HERNIOPUNC'TURE. Opening a hernia. HERNIOT'OMY (her-ne-ot'-6-me). Hernial surgery. HERO'IC (he-rd'-ik). Treatment involving maximum doses and severe methods in general. HER'PES (hir'-pez). A vesicular skin disease. HER'PES ZOS'TER. See Zoster. HERPETIC (hir-pet'-ik). Pertaining to herpes. HERPETTFORM (hir-pet-i-form). Resembling herpes. HERPETOL'OGY (h'ir-pet-ol'-o-je). Treatise on herpes. HETERO-AUT'OPLASTY (het-er-d-awt'-d-plas-te). See Hetei’O- plasty. HETEROCEPH'ALUS (het-er-d-sef-a-lus). Double-headed mon- ster, both heads being unequal. HETEROCHRONTC (het-er-o-kron'-ik). Periodic; intermittent. HETERODEN'IC. Relating to abnormal gland-tissue. HETERODID'YMUS (het-er-6-did'-i-mus). Double monster with two heads, one of which is rudimentary. HETEROGE'NEOUS. Dissimilar; unlike; mixed; of different class. HETEROGEN'ESIS (het-er-d-jen'-e-sis). See Abiogenesis. HETEROGENET'IC (het-er-o-jen-et'-ik). Pertaining to hetero- genesis. HETEROINFEC'TION. Infection due to extraneous causes; infection from a person free from the disease himself. HETEROL'OGOUS. Applied to dissimilar structures. HETEROMOR'PHISM (het-er-o-mor'-flsm). Of abnormal shape. HETEROP'AGUS (het-er-op'-a-gus). Monster with parasite over epigastric region. HETEROP'ATHY (het-er-op'-a-the). See Allopathy. HETEROPHA'SIA (het-er-d-la'-ze-ah). Mental aberration, using wrong words to convey ideas. HETEROPHE'MIA (het-er-d-fe'-meah). The attempt to say one thing but conveying an entirely different meaning. HETEROPHO'NIA (het-er- d-fd-ne-ah). Vocal aberration. HETEROPLA'SIA (het-er-o-pla'-se-ah). Abnormal tissue devel- opment, HETEROPLAS'TIC. See Heterologous. HETEROPLAS'TY. Transposition of skin grafts from one person to another. HETEROTAXTA (het-er-d-taks'-e-ah). Abnormal structure due to organic displacement. HETEROTO'PXA (het-er-d-td'-pe-ah). Congenital organic mal- position. HETEROTROPH'IA (het-er-o-trdf'-fe-ah). See Malnutrition. HETEROXANTH'INE (het-er-d-zanth'-in). Urinary leuco- maine. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 119 120 HEXADAC'TYLOUS (heks-a-dak'-ti-lus). Having six Angers. HEXICOL/OGY. Treatise comparing an animal and his sur- roundings. HIA'TIS (hi-a'-tus). An aperture or opening. HIA'TUS OF FALLO'PIUS. Petrosal groove. HIA'TUS OF WIN'SLOW. See Foramen of Winslow. HICCOUGH (hik'-kup). A spasmodic catch in the breath during inspiration, accompanied by a gutterai sound. HIDE'-BOUND DISEASE'. See Scleroderma. HIDROADENI'TIS (hl-dro-ad-en-i'-tis). InAammation of sweat- glands. HIDROPEDE'SIS (h!-dro-pe-de'-sis). Abnormal sweating. HIDROPOIE'SIS (hi-dro-poi-e'-sls). Formation of sweat. HIDROPOIET'IC. Sweat-producing. HIDROS'CHESIS (hi-dros'-ke-sis). Checking sweat. HI'DROSE (hi'-dros). Sweaty. HIDRO'SIS (hi-dro'-sis). Process of sweating. HIGH'MORE, AN'TRUM OF. See Antrum of Highmore. HI'LUM. Fissure; shallow concavity. HINGE'-JOINT. See Diarthrosis. HIP. The broad upper portion of thigh. HIP'-JOINT DISEASE'. Arthrocace of the hip-joint. HIPPOCAM'PUS. Applied to major and minor cerebral con- volutions. HIPPOCRATTC FACE. Appearance of countenance during and after throes of death. HIPPU'RIA . Growth of disease. PATHOGENTC (path-o-jen'-ik). Prolific of disease. PATHOG'ENY (path-oj'-e-ne). See Pathogenesis. P' T JOGNOMONTC (path-og-no-monMk). Applied to symp- toms which are especially indicative of a certain disease. P ATHOG'R APHY. Description of diseases. PA HOLOG'ICAL (path-o-loj'-l-kal). Pertaining to pathology. PATHOL'OGY (path-ol'-o-je). Science relating to diseases. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 201 202 PATHOL/YSIS (path-ol'-is-is). Decomposition of tissues. PATHONO'MIA, Scientific study of diseases and their laws. PATHOPHO'BIA (path-d-fo'-be-ah). Abnormal fear of disease. PATHOPOIE'SIS (path-o-poi-e'-sis). Production of disease. PA'TIENT (pa'-shent). A physician’s client; one being at- tended for ill-health. PAT'ULOUS (pat'-u-lus). Open. PAUNCH (pawnch). The abdomen and viscera. PA'VY’S DISEASE', Periodical appearance of albumin in the urine. PEAR'LY BOD'IES. See Bird-nest Cells. PEC'CANT (pek'-ant). Morbid; impregnated with impurities. PECTINE'US. Flat thigh-muscle. PEC'TORAL. Pertaining to the breast. PECTORA'LIS (pek-tor-a'-lis). Applied to several thoracic muscles. PECTORIL'OQUY (pek-tor-ll'-o-kwe). Chest-sound resembling the voice, heard while using stethoscope over diseased chest area. PE'DAL (pe'-dal). Pertaining to the foot, PED'ERASTY (ped'-er-as-te). Applied to coitus with youths. PEDIAL'GIA (ped-e-al'-je-ah). Pain in the foot. PEDIAT'RXCS (ped-e-at'-rlks). Science of diseases of children. PED'ICLE (ped'-ik-l). Constricted neck of a tumor. PEDIC'ULAR (ped-ik'-u-lar). Pertaining to a pedicle, PEDICULA'TION. Sub-cutaneous Infection of lice. PEDICULO'SIS (ped-ik-u-ld'-sis). Cutaneous irritation due to lice. PEDIC'ULUS (ped-ik'-u-lus). A louse. PEDICURE. One treating the feet; a chiropodist. PEDILW'VIUM fped-il-u'-ve-um). Foot-bath, PEDIONAL'GIA. See Pedialgia. PEDUN'CLE (ped-unk'-l). Constricted neck of an organ by which it is joined to a part. BEDUNCULA'TION (ped-unk-u-la'-shun). State of betog pedunculated. PEDUNCU'LAR (ped-unk'-u-lar). Relating to a peducle. PEINOTHER'APY. Curing a disease by keeping patient hungry. PELLA'GRA (pel-a'-grah). An Italian skin disease. PELLETIERTNE (pel-et-e-er'-in). Alkaloid of pomegranate, used as an anthelmintic. PEL'LICLE (pel'-ik-l). A delicate membrane. Superficial film on certain liquids after standing. PEL'LITORY (peT-it-o-re). Root of pyrethrum. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PELVIC. Pertaining to the pelvis. PELVIM'ETER. Instrument for measuring the pelvis. PELVIM'ETRY (pel-vim'-e-tre). Science of using the pelvim- eter. PELVIOT'OMY (pel-vi-ot'-o-me). Pelvic section; see Symphys- iotomy. PELVIS. Bony structure immediately below abdomen. PELYCOG'RAPHY. Description of pelvis. PELYCOL'OGY (pel-e-col'-o-je). Scientific treatise on pelvis. PEM'PHIGUS (pem'-flg-us). Disease of skin with appearance of bullse. PENDIN'SKI UL'CER. See Furunculus Orientalis. PEN'DULOUS AB'DOMEN. Flabby hanging down of ab- domen. PENETRATING (pen-e-tra'-ting). Piercing; passing through surface. PENICIL'LIUM. Species of fungi. PE'NILE (pe'-nil). Pertaining to the penis. PE'NIS (pe'-nis). Male organ inserted in vagina during coitus. PENITIS (pe-ni'-tis). Inflammation of penis. PENJ'DEH SORE. See Furunculus Orientalis. PENNYROYAL (pen-e-roi'-al). See Hedeoma. PEOT'OMY (pe-ot'-o-me). Removal of penis. PE'PO 'pe'-po). Pumpkin seed; an anthelmintic. PEP'PER. A stimulant to digestion; see Piper. PEP'PERMINT. Distilled oil from leaves of mentha piperita; used to advantage in intestinal flatus; stimulant. PEP'SIN. Chief constituent of gastric juice, A scaly prepara, tion from mucous membrane of stomach of hog, calves, etc. PEPSIN'OGEN (pep-sin'-o-jen). Substance which develops into pepsin. PEPTIC (pep'-tik). Pertaining to or assisting digestion. PEPTONE. Substance resulting from digestion of an albu- minoid by pepsin. PEPTONE'MIA (pep-ton-e'-me-ah). Peptones in the blood. PEPTONIZED (pep'-ton-leed). Changed into peptones. PEPTONU'RIA (pep-ton-Q'-re-ah). Peptones in the urine. PERACEPH'ALUS. Headless monster with imperfectly formed chest. i PERACUTE'\per-ak-ut/). Very sharp or acute, PERCEPTION (per-sep'-shun). Observation. PERCOLATION (per-ko-la'-shun). Filtration. PBR'COLATOR (per'-ko-la-tor). Apparatus for percolation. PERCUS'SION (per-kus'-shun). Tapping the body with the bauds to learu condition of part investigated. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 204 PER'FORANS fper'-fo-ranz). Perforating. PERFORA'TION (per-for-a'-shun). Piercing; penetration, PERFORATOR (per'-for-a-tor). An instrument used in cranial surgery. PERIAL'GIA. Abnormal pain. PERIARTERITIS. Inflammation of superficial coat of ar- tery. PERIARTHRI'TIS. Inflammation about a joint. PERIARTIC'ULAR (per-e-ar-tik'-u-lar). About a joint. PERIBLEP'SIS. Maniacal, expressionless stare. PERICAR'DIAC (per-e-kar'-de-ak). Pertaining to the pericar- dium. PERICARDIOT'OMY. Incision of pericardium. PERICARDI'TIS (per-e-kar-di'-tis). Inflammation of pericar- dium. PERICAR'DIUM (per-e-kar'-de-um). Membrane enveloping the heart. PERICE'CAL (per-e-se'-kal). About the cecum. PERICHOLOUS. Excessive bilious secretion. PERICHONDRI'TIS (per-e-kon-dri'-tis). Inflammation of per- ichondrium. PERICHON'DRIUM (per-e-kon'-dri-um). Membrane of fibrous nature surrounding cartilage. PERICHOROIDAL. About choioid or middle coat of eye. PERIC'LASIS (per-ik'-las-is). Fracture in which injured part is broken into a number of small pieces. PERICOLONI'TIS (per-e-kol-6-n!'-tis). Inflammation about colon. PERICOLPITIS (per-e-kol-pi'-tis). Inflammation around vagina. PERICON'CHAL (per-e-kon'-kal). Around the aural cavity. PERICOR'NEAL (per-e-kor'-ne-al). Around the cornea. PERICR A'NIUM (per-e-kra'ne-um). Membrane around skull. PERICYSTITIS (per-e-sis-ti'-tis). Inflammation around blad- der. PERIDESMI'TIS (per-e-des-mi'-tis). Inflammation of perides- mium. PERIDES'MIUM (per-e-des'-me-um). Membranous sheathe enveloping a ligament. PERIDID'YMIS (per-e-did'-im-is). Testicular covering. PERIDIDYMI'TIS (per-e-did-e-mi'-tis). Inflammation of peri- didymus. PERIGLOT'TIS (per-e-glot'-is). Membranous covering of tongue. PERIHEPATITIS (per-e-hep-at-i'-tis). Inflammation of mem- branous envelope of liver. POCKET MEDICAL PERILARYNGITIS (per-c-lar-in-ji'-tis). Inflammation about larynx. PERILYMPH (per'-e-limf). Thin, transparent fluid about membranous labyrinth of ear. PERIMENINGITIS (per-e-men-in-ji'-tis). Same as Pachymen- ingitis. PERIM'ETER. Circumference of a plane body. PERIMETRI'TIS (per-e-me-tri'-tis). Inflammation about the uterus. PERIMYS'IUM (per-c-mis'-i-um). Tissue enveloping the mus- cles. PERINE'AL (per-in-e'-al). Pertaining to the perineum. PERINE'OCELE (per-in-e'-d-sCd). Hernia of perineum. PERINE'OPLASTY. Perineal surgery for restoring lacerated perineum. PERINEOR'KAPHY. Suturing ruptured perineum. PERINEPH'RIC (per-e-nef-rik). Around the kidneys. PERINEPHRITIS (per-in-e-fri'-tis). Perenephricinflammation. PERINE'UM. Space between anus and genital organs bounded on the right and left by inner side of thigh. PERIOC'ULAR SPACE (per-e-ok'-u-lar spas). Intervening space between eye-ball and orbit. PE'RIOD (pe'-ri-od). A certain time. PERIODICAL (pe-re-od'-i-kl). Applied to intermittent fever. PERIODONTITIS. Membranous inflammation of tooth socket. PERIOR'BITAL (per-C-or'-bit-al). About the orbit. PERIORBITIS. Inflammation of tissues around orbit. PERIORCHITIS (por-e-or-ki-tis). Inflammation of membran- ous covering of testes. PERIOSTEUM. White fibrous covering of bones. PERIOSTITIS (per-e-os-ti'-tis). Inflammation of periosteum. PERIOSTO'MA (per-e-os-to-mah). Bony growth on periosteum. PERIOSTO'SIS (per-e-os-td'-sis). Growth of periostoma. PERIOTIC (per-e-ot'-lk). Around the ear. PERIPH'ERAL (per-if-er-al). Pertaining to the periphery. PERIPHERY (per-if'-er-e). The circumference. PERIPLEURITIS (per-e-plu-ri'-tis). Inflammation about the pleura. PERIPROCTITIS (per-e-prok-ti'-tis). Inflammation of tissue about anus. PERIPROSTATTC (per-e-pros-tat'-tic). Around the prostate. PERIPROSTATITIS (per-e-pros-ta-tP-tis). Inflammation around the prostate. PERISCOP'IC (per-is-kop'-ik). Applied to concavo-convex lenses. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 206 PERISTAL/SIS. "Worm-like movement of the intestines. PERISTAL'TIC. Pertaining to peristalsis. PERIS'TOLE. See Peristalsis. PERISTRO'MA. Mucous intestinal coat. PERITENDIN'EUM (per-e-ten-din'-e-urn). Tissue covering a tendon. PERIT'OMY (per-it'-d-ml). Operation removing a portion of conjunctiva for corneal opacity. PERITONEAL (per-it-on-e'-al). Pertaining to the periton- eum. PERITONE'UM (per-it-on-e'-urn). Serous membranous lining of abdominal cavity and covering viscera. PERITONITIS (per-it-on-I'-tis). Inflammation of peritoneum. PERITYPHLITIS (per-it-if-li'-tis). Inflammation about cecum. PERIVAS'CULAR. About a vessel. PERIVASCIILI'TIS. Inflammation around a vessel. PERIVIS'CERAL (per-vis'-ser-al). About the viscera. PERIZO'MA. A girdle; abdominal band. PER'MANENT TEETH. Last teeth. PERNICIOUS (per-nish'-us). Destructive to life. PERNIC'IOUS ANE'MIA. Gradual anemic wasting away. PER'NIO (per'-ne-d). See Chilblain. PEROBRA'CHIUS (per-6-bnV-ke-us). Deformity or absence of arms. PER ACEPHALU3 (per-d-sef-al-us). Having malformed head. PEROCHI'RUS (per-6-ki'-rus). Malformation of hand. PEROM'ELUS (pe-rom'-el-us). Monster with dwarfed arms or legs. PERONE'AL (per-d-ne'-al). Pertaining to the peroneus. PERONE'US (per-6-ne'-us). Muscle of the leg. PER'OPUS (per'-d-pus). Pedal deformity. PERO'SIS (per-d'-sis). Applied to parts Imperfectly formed. PEROSO'MUS (per-d-sd'-mus). Monster with malformed trunk. PEROXIDE (per-oks'-id). An oxide with the greatest amount of oxidation. PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN. An antiseptic fluid. PERPLICA'TION (per-ple-ka'-shun). A method of arterial ligation. PERSPIRATION. Sweat. PERTUS'SIS (per-tus'-sis). Whooping cough; an acute con- tagious disease with spasmodic cough. PERUWIAN BARK (pe-ru'-ve-an). See Cinchona. PERVIGIL'IUM (per-vlj-il'-e-um). Inability to sleep. PES. The foot. PES'SARY (pes'-sa-re). Uterine supporter. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PESSI'M A (pes-si'-mah). A pustular disease of the skin. PEST. The plague, q. v. PESTIF'EROUS (pes-tif'-er-us). Pertaining to or prolific of a pest. PEST'ILENCE. See Pest. PES'TILENT. Resembling a pest. PES'TLE (pes'-l). Bulbous rod for grinding and mixing sub- stances in a mortar. PETE'CHIA (pe-te'-ke-ah). Circumscribed cutaneous spots of a purplish color. PETTT (pet'-lt). Small. PETIT’S OPERATTON. A mode of herniotomy. PETRIFACTION (pet-rif-ak'-shun). Morbid change to a petrous substance. PETROLA'TUM. Ointment prepared from petroleum; a popular remedy. PETROL'EUM. Coal-oil, internally it is an expectorant, locally a stimulant. PETRO'SAL (pe-tro'-sal). Petrous portion of temporal bone. PE'TROUS (pe'-trus). Pertaining to stone; stony. PHACI'TIS (fa-si'-tis). Inflammation of the capsule of the crystalline lens. PHACOM ALA'CIA (fa-ko-mal-a'-se-ah). Softening of the crys- talline lens. PHACOSCLERO'SIS (fa-ko'-skle-ro'-sis). Sclerotic affection of crystalline lens. PHAGEDE'NA (faj-ed-e'-nah). Ulcerous affection with eating away of tissues. PHAKI'TIS (fa-kl'-tis). See Phacitis. PHALACRO'SIS. Baldness. PHALAN'GES (fa-lan'-jez). Articulated bones of fingers and toes, PHA'LANX. Singular of phlanges, q. v. PHALLAL'GIA (fal-al'-je-ah). Penile pain. PHAL'LIC. Pertaining to the penis, PHALLI'TIS (fal-i'-tis). Inflammation of penis. PHALLODYNTA (fal-o-din'-e-ah). Pain in the penis. PHAL'LOID (fal'-oid). Resembling the penis. PHALLON'CUS (fal-ong'-kus). Penile tumor. PHALLO'PLASTY. Plastic surgery of the penis. PHAL'LUS (fal'-us). The penis. PHANTOM (fan'-tom). A manikin. An illusive vision. PHANTOM TU'MOR. Abdominal distension indicating pregnancy or tumor, but which is simply intestinal flatus. PHAR'MACAL (far'-raak-l). Pertaining to pharmacy. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 207 208 PHARMACEUTICAL (far-mah-su'-tik-kal). Pertaining to pharmacy. PHARMACEUTIST (far-mah-su'-tist). See Pharmacist. PHAR'MACIST (far'-mah-sist), A druggist; one who makes a business of compounding drugs. PHARMACOGNO'SIS. Science relating to medicines. PHARMACOLOGY (phar-ma-kol'-o-je). Treatise on the effect of various medicines. PHARMACOPE'IA (far-ma-ko-pe'-yah). An authoritative book describing preparation of medicines. PHAR'MACY. A drug-store. The science of drugs and making preparations therefrom. PHARYNGAL'GIA (far-ing-al'-je-ah). Pain in the pharynx. PHARYNGEAL. Pertaining to the pharynx. PHARYNGECTOMY. Fractional removal of pharynx. PHARYNGIS'MUS (far-in-jiz'-mus). Spasmodic pharyngeal contractions. PHARYNGITIS (far-in-jl'-tis). Inflammation of the pharynx. PHARYN'GOCELE (far-in'-go-sel). Enlargement of upper portion of pharynx. PHARYNGODYN'IA (far-in-go-din'-e-ah). Pain in the pharynx. PHARYNGOL'OGY (far-in-gol'-o-je). Scientific treatise on the pharynx. PHARYNGOPLE'GIA (far-in-go-ple'-je-ah). Pharyngeal paraly- sis. PHARYNGOS'COPY (far-in-gos'-ko-pe). Investigating con- dition of pharynx, PHARYN'GOSPASM (far-in'-go-spasm). Convulsion contrac- tions of pharynx. PHARYN'GOTOME. Instrument used in pharyngotomy. PHARYNGOT'OMY (far-in-got'-d-me). Cutting into the phar- ynx. PHAR'YNX (far'-inks). Musculo-membranous canal through which food passes on its way to the stomach. PHENAC'ETIN (fen-as'-et-in). A valuable coal-tar product; an analgesic and antipyretic. PHENGOPHO'BIA (fen-gd-fd'-be-ah). Morbid fear of light. PHE'NOL (fe'-nol). Carbolic acid. PHENOM'ENON (fe-nora'-e-non). A remarkable change of any part of the body, A symptom or indication of disease. PHEN'YL (fen'-ll). Antiseptic powder obtained from carbolic acid. PHIAL fi'-al). A small bottle; see Vial. PHIMO'SIS (fi-md'rsis). Inability to uncover: glans penis on account of constriction of prepuce in front of same. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PHLEBEC'TASIS (fle-bek'-tas-is). Vascular dilatation of veins. PHLEBECTO'PIA (fle-bek-to'-pe-ah). Malposition of veins. PHLEBIS'MUS (fle-biz'-mus). Bulging or swelling of veins from plethora. PHLEBPTIS (fle-bi'-tis). Inflammation of veins. PHLEBOG'RAPHY (fleb-og'-ra-fe). Description of the veins. PHLEB'OLITH (fleb'-o-lith). Stone forming in a vein. PHLEBOL'OGY (fleb-ol'-o-je). Scientific treatise on veins. PHLEBORRHA'GIA (fleb-or-a'-je-ah). Escape of blood from a vein. PHLEBORRHEX'IS (fleb-or-eks'-is), Veinous rupture. PHLEBOTHROMBO'SIS. Coagulated clot in vein. PHLEBOT'OMIST. One who bleeds his patients by opening the veins. PHLEBOTOMY. Incision of vein; venesection. PHLEGM (flem). Mucus expectorated from throat. Excre- mentitious humor. PHLEGMA'SIA (fleg-ma'-se-ah). Febrile inflammation. PHLEGMA'SIA AL'BA DO'LENS. See Milk Leg. PHLEGMAT'IC (fleg-mat'-ik). Pertaining to phlegm. Dull; sluggish; indifferent. PHLEG'MON (fleg'-mon). Inflammation of connective tissue, with final suppuration, PHLEG'MONOUS (fleg'-mon-us). Resembling phlegmon. PHLOGIS'TIC (flo-jis'-tik). Producing inflammation. PHLOGO'SIS (flo-go'-sis). Inflammation. PHLYCTE'NA (flik-te'-nah). A serous vesicle. PHLYCTE'NOID (flik-te'-nold). Having nature of phlyctena. PHLYCTEN'ULA (flik-ten'-u-lah). Small phlyctena. PHLYCTEN'ULAR (flik-ten'-u-lar). Resembling phlyctenula, PHLYC'SIS (flik'-sis). Small phlyctena. PHLYZA'CIUM (fli-za'-se-ura). See Phlyctena. PHOCOM'ELUS (fo-kom'-e-lus). Limbless monster with hands and feet where arms and legs should be. PHONA'TION (fo-na'-shun). Using the voice. PHON'ICA (fon'-ik-ah). See Phonopathy. PHONOPATHY. Diseases involving the organs of voice. PHON'OSPASM. Convulsive contractions of the organs of voice. PHOS'PHATE (fos'-lat). A salt of phosphoric acid and a base. PHOSPHAT'IC (fos-fat'-ik). Resembling or pertaining to phos- phates. PHOSPHORHIDRO'SIS (fos-for-id-ro'-sis). Perspiration of a phosphorescent nature, easily perceptible in the dark. PHOS'PHORISM. Poisoning from excessive use of phosphorus. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 209 210 PHOSPHORU'RIA (fos-for-ii-re-ah). Urine of a phosphorescent nature. PHOS'PHORUS (fos'-for-us). A luminous poison obtained from bones; a valuable tonic. PHOS'PHORUS NECRO'SIS (fos'-for-us ne-kro'-sis). Maxillary necrosis from excessive use of phosphorus. PHOSPHU'RIA (fos-fu'-re-ah). Abnormal amount of phos- phates in urine. PHOTAL'GIA (fot-al'-je-ah). Suffering due to light. PHOTODYSPHO'RIA (fo-to-dis-fo'-re-ah). Inability to stand light. PHOTOM'ETER (fo-tom'-e-ter). Instrument used to determine the strength and intensity of light. PHOTON'OSUS (fo-ton'-6-sus). Disease from intense light, as sunlight. PHOTOPHO'BIA (fo-to-fo'-be-ah). Morbid fear of light. PHO'TOPHORE (fo'-to-for). Minute incandescent light for in- vestigating cavities. PHOTOP'SIA (fo-top'-se-ah). Perverted perceptibility of light. PHOTU'RIA (fo-tu'-re-ah). See Phosphoruria. PHRENAL'GIA (fren-al'-je-ah). Melancholiac pain in the head. PHRENASTHE'NIA (fren-as-the'-ne-ah). Mild paralytic stroke involving the diaphragm. PHRENE'SIS (fren-e'-sis). Violently delirious. PHRENET'IC (fren-et'-lk). Condition of phrenesis, q. v. PHREN'IC (fren'-ik). Pertaining to the diaphragm. PHREN'ICA (fren'-ik-ah). Diseases of the mind. PHRENI'TIS (fren-i'-tis). Cerebral inflammation. Violently delirious. PHRENOL'OGIST. One versed in phrenology. PHRENOL'OGY (fren-ol'-o-je). Doctrine of describing charac- ter by various elevations of head. PHRENOP'ATHY (fren-op'-a-the). See Phrenica. PHRENOPLE'GIA (fren-5-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of tiie mind. PHTHIRI'ASIS (thir-i'-a-sls). Infested with lice. PHTHIS'ICAL (tiz'-ik-al). Pertaining to or affected with phthisis. PHTHISIOL'OGY. Treatise on phthisis. PHTHI'SIS (ti'-sis). Tuberculosis of the lung causing pro- i. gressive emaciation of body. PHTHI'SIS BUL'BI. Ocular atrophy. PHYGOGALAC'TIA (fi-go-gal-ak'-te-ah). See Dactifuge. PHY'MA (fl'-mah). A small tumor. PHY'MATOID (fi'-mat-oid). Having nature of a tubercle. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PHYMATO'SES (fi-mat-o'-sez). Morbid conditions due to pres- ence of tubercules. PHYS'IC (fiz'-ik). Medicine or a medicinal agent. Active evacuation of feces. PHYS'ICAL (flz'-ik-al). Pertaining to physics. Pertaining to animal structure. PHYS'ICAL EXAMINATION. Body investigation for phe- nomena. PHYS'ICAL SIGNS. Phenomena observed during palpation, etc. PHYSI'CIAN (flz-ish'-un). One authorized by law to attend the sick. PHYS'ICIST (flz'-is-sist). One versed in physics. PHYS'ICS (flz'-iks). Science of nature and energy. PHYS'ICS, MEDICAL. Application of physics to medicine. PHYSIOG'NOMY (flz-e-og'-no-me). Science of determining character by the general appearance of face. PHYSIOL'OGY (flz-e-ol'-6-je). Science relating to function of any organized body. PHYSIOL'YSIS. Decomposition of tissue. PHY'SOCELE (fi'-so-sel). Scrotal hernia, contents of which are gas, PHYSOME'TRA (fi-so-me'-trah). Distention of uterus from gas. PHYSOSTIG'MA (fi-so-stig'-mah). Calabar bean from which physostigmine is derived. PHYSOSTIG'MINE(fi-so-stig'-min). Alkaloid of physostigma; depressent to the nervous system. PHYTE (fit). Termination denoting growth of, as osteophyte. PHYTOLAC'CA (fi-to-lak'-kah). Poke-root; an alterative. PHYTO'SIS (fi-to'-sis). Parasitical skin disease. PI'A MA'TER (p!'-ah ma'-ter). Membranous envelope of brain and spinal cord. PI'AN (pi'-an). See Yaws. PIARRHE'MIA (pi-ar-e'-me-ah). Fatty state of the blood. PI'CA (pi'-hah). See Bulimia. PI'CHI (pc'-she). Remedy for vesical diseases. PIC'RIC AC'ID (pik'-rik as'-id). A test for albuminuria. PIC'ROMEL (pik'-ro-mel). Bilious constituent having a bitter taste. PICROTOX'IN (pik-ro-toks'-in). Agent opposed to parasites; relieves spasms. PIE'BALD SKIN (pi'-bald skin). Condition in which there are white spots on a jaundiced skin. PIG'MENT. Coloring matter of various organs of body, as bilurubin, etc. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 211 212 PI'LEOUS (pi'-le-us). Pertaining to hair; hairy. PILES (pilz). See Hemorrhoids. PILL. See Pilula. PIL'LAR. A long body sustaining a part. PILOCAR'PINE (pi-16-kar'-pin). Alkaloid of jahorandi; sudor- ific and lately used largely in treatment of consumption. PILOCAR'PUS. Sudorific from which pilocarpine is obtained. PILOCYS'TIC (pi-16-sis'-tik). Fatty tumor, contents of which are hair, tissue, etc. PI'LOSE (pl'-los). Hairy; full of soft hair. PIL'ULA (pil'-yu-lah), Small rounded mass of the active prin- ciples of various medicines, may be plain or coated with sugar or gelatin. PIMELI'TIS (pim-el-i'-tis). Inflammation of fatty tissue. PIMELO'MA (pim-el-d'-mah). Tumor with fatty contents. PIMELORRHE'A (pim-el-or-e'-ah). Discharge of morbid adi- pose matter. PIMELO'SIS (pim-el-o'-sls). See Degeneration, Fatty. PIMELU'RIA (pim-el-u'-re-ah), Fatty condition of urine, PIMEN'TA (pi-men'-tah). Allspice; seasoning and stimulant. PIM'PLE (pim'-pl). A very small inflammation containing pus. PIN'EAL. Resembling shape of pine cone. PIN'EAL GLAND. Small body resembling shape of pine cone at lower posterior portion of brain. PINGUIC'ULA (pin-gwik'-u-lah). Conjuntivitis due to fatty tumor. PIN'HOLE PUPTL. Intensely contracted pupil. PINK'-EYE. Disease of horse, in which there is intense in- flammation of conjunctiva, with exudation of pus; has been transmitted to man. PINK'-ROOT. See Splgelia. PIN'NA. Fleshy external portion of ear. PINT. Half of a quart. PIN'TA DISEASE'. Cutaneous disease of South America, due to parasite. PIN'WORM. Intestinal nematoid worm. PIONE'MIA (pi-on-e'-me-ah). Adipose matter in the blood. PI'PER (pi'-per). See Pepper. PIPER'IDINE (pl-per'-id-in). Derivative of piperine. PI'PERINE (pi'-per-in). Mild alkaloid of pepper. PIPETTE' (pi-petO. Small hollow tube for passage of liquids either in or out. PIPSIS'SEWA (pip-sis'-e-wah). Chimaphila, an agent increas- ing flow of urine. PISCID'IA (pis-id'-e-ah). Jamaica dogwood; soporific. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PIS'IFORM BONE. Small round bone of the wrist. PIT. Small rounded depression due to small-pox, chicken- pox, etc. PIT OF STOM'ACH. Region immediately above umbilicus. PIT'TING. Process of becoming covered with small pits. PITU'ITA. Bronchial secretion; mucus; phlegm. PITU'ITARY. Pertaining to the pituita. PITUITARY BOD'Y. Small bi-lobular body. PITYRI'ASIS (pit-e-ri'-a-sis). Cutaneous disease with exfolia- tion. PIX (piks). Pitch exuding from wounds of certain trees. PIX LIQ'UIDA (piks Uk'-wid-ah). Tar; distilled product of pine-pitch. PLACE'BO (pla-se'-bd). Harmless mixture for patients who believe they are sick (see Malingerer), as water slightly bitter. PLACEN'TA (pla-sen'-tah). Membranous sac, with bloody contents from which fetus derives its sustenance; the after- birth. PLACEN'TA, BATTLEDORE, Applied to cases where cord is attached to the border of placenta. PLACEN'TA PRE'VIA. Premature presentation of placenta preceding fetus. PLACEN'TAL (pla-sen'-tal). Pertaining to the placenta. PLACEN'TAL SOUF'FLE. Slight hissing auscultation sound emanating from wound during pregnancy. PLACENTI'TIS (pla-sen-ti'-tis). Inflammation of placenta. PLADARO'SIS. Flaccid, warty palpebral tumor. PLAGIOCEPH'ALUS (pla-je-6-sef-al-us). Lateral over-develop- ment of opposite sides of head, appearing as if head is half turned around. PLAGUE (plag). Pestilent fatal disease attacking a whole country, in which a great many die. (The deaths from the bubonic plague in India at time of writing this average 500 per day.) PLAN'TAR. Pertaining to or belonging to the sole of the foot. PLAN'TAR ARCH. Curved portion of sole of foot just under- neath instep. PLANTA'RIS. Muscle inserted in heel bone and accomplish- ing extension of foot. PLANU'RIA (plan-yu'-re-ah). Vicarious flow of urine. PLAS'MA (plaz'-mah). Fluid of blood ; it is without color. PLAS'MINE. Proteid of blood plasma. PLAS'TER. A cloth covered with a medicated resinous sub- stance, as belladonna plaster. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 213 214 PLAS'TIC (plas'-tik). Admitting of plastic surgery; easily formed. PLAS'TIC SURGERY. Operation giving natural shape to an injured or malformed part. PLASTIC'ITY (plas-tis'-e-te). See Plastic. PLATE (plat). Thin, broad layer of bone. PLATE'-CUL'TURE. Gelatin covered plate on which micro- organism are propagated. PLAT'INUM. Metal having appearance of aluminum, used largely in dentistry. PLATY-. Prefix meaning broad. PLATYCEPH'ALOUS (plat-e-sef-a-lus). Wide flat appearance of top of head. PLATYCO'RIA (plat-ik-6'-re-ah). See Mydriasis. PLATYPEL'VIC. Applied to pelvis of unusual width. PLATYGLOS'SUS. Applied to a broad-tongue. PLATPO'DIA (plat-e-po'-de-ah). Applied to broad flat feet. PLATYS'MA MYOI'DES (plat-is'-rnah ra!-oid'-ez). Thin, broad layer of muscle about shoulders. PLED'GET (pled'-jet). Small flattened roll of lint. PLE'GIA (ple'-je-ah). Termination signifying paralysis. PLEOMAS'TIA. Having more than two nipples on the breast. PLE'ONASM (ple'-d-nazm). Abnormal size or duplication of parts. PLEONEXTA (ple-on-eks'-e-ah). Abnormally avaricious or grasping. PLESSIM'ETER. See Pleximeter. PLES'SOR See Plexor. PLETH'ORA (pleth'-o-rah). Distension of blood-vessels due to abnormal amount of blood. PLETHORTC (pleth-or'-ik). Pertaining to plethora. PLEU'RA (plu'-rah). Membrane surrounding lungs. PLEURAL'GIA (plu-ral'-je-ah). Pain in the pleura. PLEURAPOS'TEMA. Abscess or purulent deposit within the pleura. See Empyema. PLEU'RISY (plu'-ris-e). Inflammation of pleura. PLEURI'TIS (plu-ri'-tis). See Pleurisy. PLEU'ROCELE (plu'-ro-sel). Hernia of protrusion of the lung. PLEURODYNIA (plu-ro-din'-e-ah). See Pleuralgia. PLEURO-PNEUMO'NIA. Pulmonary inflammation involv- ing pleura. PLEURORRHE'A (plu-ror-e'-ah). Fluid accumulation within pleura. PLEUROTHOT'ONOS. Spasmodic affection causing body to bend to one side. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 215 PLEXIM'ETER (pleks-im'-e-ter). Plate put over suspected area on chest which is lightly struck during auscultation. PLEX'OR (pleks'-or'. Instrument used during percussion. PLEX'US (pleks'-us). Net-work; applied to bundles of nerves and blood-vessels. PLI'CA (pli'-kah). Certain condition of hair, occurring in little folds or bunches caused by filth. PLI'CATE (pli'-kat). Folded. PLUM'BISM (plum'-bizm;. Poisoning from plumbum or lead. PLUM'BUM. Lead. PLURICEPH'ALUS. Monster with more than one head. PLURILOC'ULAR (plu-ril-ok'-u-lar). Having a number of cells. PLURIPAR'ITY (plu-rip-ar'-it-e). Condition of a multipara. PNEODYNAM'ICS (ne-6-di-nam'-iks). Science relating to respiration. PNEOM'ETRY (ne-om'-ebre). Process of determining amount of air breathed in and out. PNE'OSCOPE (ne'-o-skop). Instrument to measure thoracic action. PNEUMARTHRO'SIS (num-arth-rb'-sis). Arthritis due to air in a joint. PNEUMATHE'MIA (num-ath-e'-me-ah). Gaseous state of blood. PNEUMAT'IC Cnu-mat'-ik). Pertaining to air. PNEUMATOCELE, Tumor or hernia due to'gaseous infiltra- tion of a part. PNEUMATO'SIS. Gaseous distention of a part. PNEUMATOTHO'RAX (nu-mat-b-thb'-raks). See Pneumotho- rax. PNEUMATU'RIA (nu-mabu'-re-ah). Gaseous urine. PNEUMEC'TOMY (nu-mek-tb-me). Removal of part of lung. PNEU'MOCELE (nu'-mb-sel). See Pneumatocele. PNEUMOCOC'CUS (nu-mo-kok'-us). Pulmonary bacilli. PNEUMOCONI'OSIS. Dust deposit in lungs. PNEUMOGAS'TRIC (nu-mo-gas'-trik). Pertaining to lungs and stomach. PNEUMOGAS'TRIC NERVES. Nerve plexus supplying lungs and stomach, heart, etc. PNEUMOG'RAPHY (nu-mog'-ra-fe). Description of lungs. PNEUMOHEMORRHA'GIA. Hemorrhage of the lungs. PNEUMOHEMOTHO'RAX. Deposit of gaseous blood within the pleura. PNEUMOHYDROTHO'RAX. Deposit of gaseous water within the pleura. PNEU'MOLITH. Pulmonary stone. 216 PNEOMOLITHEC'TOMY. Removal of pneumolith. PNEUMOL'OGY (nu-mol'-o-je). Treatise on the lungs. PNEUMOMALA'CIA. Pulmonary softening. PNEUMOM'ETER (nu-mom'-e-ter). Instrument used to deter- mine amount of exhalation. PNEUMONEC'TASIS (nu-mon-ek'-tas-is). Gaseous infiltration of lung, causing pulmonary hernia. PNi UMONEC'TOMY. See Pneumcctomy. PNEUMONE'MIA (nu-mo-ne'-me-ah). Pulmonary congestion. PNEUMONAL'GIA, Pain in the lungs. PNEUMO'NIA (nu-mo'-ne-ah). Inflammation of lungs due to cold. PNEUMONIC (nu-mon'-ik). Pertaining to the lungs. PNEUMONI'TIS (nu-mo-ni'-tis). Inflammation of the lungs. PNEUMON'OCELE (nu-mon'-d-sel). Pulmonary hernia or tumor. PNEUMONO'SIS. Pulmonary diseases. PNEUMONOT'OMY (nu-mo-not'-d-me). Opening the lung. PNEUMOPERICAR'DIUM. Gaseous distention of pericardium. PNEUMOPHTHI'SIS. See Pulmonary Phthisis. PNEUMOTHER'APY (nu-md-ther'-a-pe). Therapeutics of air. PNEUMOTHO'RAX (nu-md-thd'-raks), Gaseous distention of pleura. PNEUMOT'OMY (nu-mot'-o-me). Opening the lung. POCK (pok). Smallpox pustule. POCK'MARKED. Having pitted scars resulting from small- pox, chicken-pox, etc. PODA'GRA (pd-da'-grah). Gout of the foot. PODAL'GIA (pd-dal'-je-ah). Pain in the feet. PODAL/IC (pd-dal'-ik). Pertaining to the feet. PODARTHRI'TIS (pdd-arth-ri'-tis). Arthritic inflammation of the feet. PODELCO'MA (pod-el-ko'-raah). Ulcerous disease of the foot. PODIS'MUS. Spasmodic affection of the foot. PODOPHYL/LIN (po-do-fll'-in). Purgative principle of root of May apple; mandrake. PODOPHYL'LUM (po-do-fil'-um). Root of May apple; see Podophyllin. POIE'SIS. Termination signifying production of, POIKIL'OBLAST. See Poikilocyte. POIKIL'OCYTE (poi-kil'-o-sit). Distorted blood-corpuscle. POIKILOCYTO'SXS. Blood in which there are poikilocytes. POIKILOTHER'MIC. Uncertain changeable temperature. POINTILLAQE' (pwantril-ahj'). Massage stroking with ends of fingers. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL POI'SON (poi'-zon). A substance 'which (except in minute doses) destroys life; valuable tonic in methodical minute doses. POKE'-ROOT. See Phytolacca. POLIOENCEPHALITIS. Cerebral inflammation involving cortex. POLIO'SIS (pol-e-o'-sis). See Canities. POLLAKIU'RI A (pol-ak-I-u'-re-ah. Repeated urination at short intervals. POL'LEX (pol'-eks). Thumb. POL'LEX PEP'IS. Great toe. POLLUTION. Onanism; emission; artificially produced orgasm. POLY-. Prefix denoting many. POLYAD'ENOUS (pol-e-ad'-e-nus). Supplied with many glands. POLYAN'DRY (pol-e-an'-dre). Marriage of a woman who has one or more husbands. POLYARTHRITIS. General inflammation of joints. POLYE'MIA (pol-e-e'-me-ah). Excessive amount of blood; see Plethora. POLYESTHE'SIA (pol-e-es-the'-se-ah). Perverted sensation in which pain is duplicated, for instance if a cut be made on the hand it feels as though several cuts were made. POLYCHYLTC. Excessive secretion of chyle. POLYCLINTC (pol-e-klin'-ik). Hospital treating all diseases and conditions. POLYCO'RIA Duplication of pupil in eye. POLYCYE'SIS. Pregnant with more than one child at a time. POLYCYST'IC (pol-c-sist'-ik). Supplied with many cysts. POLYCYTHE'MIA (pul-e-si-the'-me-ah). Abnormal amount of red blood corpuscles. POLYDAC'TYLISM. State of having duplicated fingers on same hand. POLYDIP'SIA (pol-c-dip'-se-ah). Abnormal desire for water or drink. POLYGALACTIA (pol-e-gal-ak'-te-ah). Abnormal secretion of milk. POLYGAMY (pol-ig'-am-e). Having more than one wife. POLYGRO'MA (pol-e-gro'-mah). Very large cyst with serous contents. POLYHE'MIA (pol-e-he'-me-ah). See Polyemia. POLYHYDRAM'NIOS. Abnormal quantity of amniotic fluid. POLYIDRO'SIS (pol-e-id-ro'-sis). Abnormal flow of sweat. POLYMASTIA. Abnormal duplicature of breasts. POLYMA'ZIA. See Polymastia. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 217 218 POLYM'ELUS. Monster with abnormal duplicature of limbs. POLYMORPHOUS (pol-e-mcrf-us). Having many forms. POLYNEURI'TIS (pol-e-nu-rl'-tis). Inflammation of many nerves. POLYO'PIA (pol-e-o'-pe-ah). Duplication of vision. POLYOR'CHIS Having more than normal amount of testes. POLYPAR'ESIS. Complete paralysis. POLYPATH'IC (pol-e-path'-ik). Applied to concomitant diseases of a patient. POLYPHA'GIA (pol-e-ta'-je-ah). Unnatural or morbid appetite; acute abnormal hunger. POLYPHAR'MACY (pol-c-far'-ma-se). “Shot-gun” prescription, writing or putting too many ingredients in a compound. POLYPIF'EROUS (pol-ip-if'-er-us). Prolific of a polypus. POL'YPLAST. See Multilocular. POL'YPOID. Having nature of a polypus. POLYP'OTOME (pol-ip'-d-tom). Instrument for removing polypuses. POL'YPUS (pol'-e-pus). Tumors of various mucous mem- branes, especially nose and ears. POLYSAR'CIA (pol-c-sar'-se-ah). Obesity. POLYSAR'COUS. Pertaining to polysarcia. POL'YSCOPE Instrument illuminating cavities for exami- nation. POLYS'KELUS (pol-is'-kel-us). See Polymelus. POLYSO'M IA (poi-e-so'-me-ah). Monster with body duplication. POLYTRICH'IA (pol-e-trik'-e-ah). Excessive hirsute growth. POLYTRO'PHIA (pol-c-tro'-fe-ah). Abnormal nutrition. POLYU'RIA. Abnormal flow of urine. POMADE' (pora-ad'). An aromatic unguent. POMA'TUM (po-ma'-turn). See Pomade. POME'GRANATE (pum'-gran-at). See Granatum. POM'PHOLYX (pom'-lb-liks). Acute vesicular skin disease of hands and feet. PO'MUM ADA'MI (ad-a'-mi). “Adam’s apple,” q. v. POND’S Ex'TRACT. Proprietary extract of witch-hazel. PONS (ponz). Structure joining two parts. POPLITEAL (pop-lit-c'-al). Relating to ham of leg. POPLITE'US. A muscle of the leg. POP'PY. Plant from which opium is obtained; see Papaver. PORE (por). Minute vent or hollow tubular depression in skin. PORO'MA (por-6'-mah). Induration. PORO'SIS (por-6'-slg). Growth of poroma. POROT'OMY (por-ot'-6-me). Opening urethral meatus. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PO'ROUS (pd'-rus). Supplied with pores. PO'ROUS PLAS'TER. Adhesive resinous piaster perforated here and there. POR'RIDGE (por'-rij). See Gruel. PORRI'GO (por-i'-go). Scaly scalp disease; scurf. POR'RO’S OPERA'TION. Excision of uterus and fetus by abdominal section. POR'TA. Applied to the entrance or normal opening of an organ. POR'TAL. Pertaining to a porta or the portal vein. POR'TAL VEIN. Principal abdominal vein and its branches. PORTE-CAUS'TIC. An instrument used to apply nitrate of silver. POR'TIO (por'-she-o) Signifying a part or portion of. POR'TIO DU'RA. The facial nerve. POR'TIO MOL'LIS (por'-she-6 moT-is). The auditory nerve. PORT'-WINE MARK. Birth-mark. See Nevus. POSOLOGTCAL (po-so-loj'-ik-al). Pertaining to posology. POSOL'OGY (po-sol'-o-je). Treatise relating to dosage. POSTE'RIOR (pos-te'-re-or). Pertaining to the dorsum. Ap- plied to muscles of the hands and feet. POSTHET'OMY (pos-thet'-6-me). See Circumcision. POSTHI'TIS (pos-thi'-tis). Preputial inflammation. POST-MOR'TEM. Examination. See Autopsy. POST-OP'ERATIVE. Occurring after operation. POST-PAR'TUM (post-par'-tum). Succeeding labor. POST-PAR'TUM HEMORRHAGE. Hemorrhage just after labor. POT'ASH. Carbonate of potassium. POTAS'SA. Hydrated protoxide of potassium, used to destroy tissues. POTAS'SIUM. Metallic element resembling color of aluminum. PO'TION (po'-shun). A liquid dose of medicine. POTT’S DISEASE'. Curvature of spine due to vertebral inflammation and decay. POUCH (powch). A small sac or cavity. POUL'TICE (pol'-tis). Pasty medicated substance for local use, as bread poultice for felon. POUND. Maximum weight of several systems, 16 ounces avoir, and 12 ounces troy. POU'PART’S LIG'AMENT (poo'-partz). Margin of sis of abdominal external oblique muscle between ilium and pubis. POW'DER. Pulverized product of a substance. POX (poks). See Syphilis. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 219 220 PRACTICE. Pertaining to the clientele of a physician. PRACTITIONER (prak-tish'-on-er). A physician. PRECIPITANT (pre-sip'-it-ant). Substance causing precipita- tion. PRECIPITATE (pre-sip'-it-at). Powder-like sediment of a liquid, due to chemical action of a precipitant. PRECOC'ITY (pre-kos'-it-e). Condition in which children have an unusally bright intellect; developed too soon. PRECOR'DIA. The epigastric region. PREDISPOSITION (pre-dis-po-zish'-un). Diathesis; previous inclination. PREGNAN'CY (preg-nan'-se). The condition of bearing a fetus, applied to term of embryonic development before birth. PREG'NANT. In a state of pregnancy, q. v. PRE'MATURE LA'BOR. See Miscarriage. PREMON'ITORY. Precursory symptoms of a disease. PRENATAL (pre-na'-tal). Before birth. PREPARATION (prep-ar-a'-shun). A mixture; a compound. PRE'PUCE (pre'-pus). Foreskin of penis. PREPUTIAL (pre-pu'-shal). Pertaining to prepuce. PRESBYKOU'SIS. Deafness due to old age. PRESBYO'PIA. Defective vision due to old age. PRESCRIPTION. Written directions of a physician for mak- ing a compound. PRESENTATION. Applied to appearance of portion of fetus at the os uteri. PRESTER'NUM (pre-ster'-num). The manubrium. PRI'APISM (pri'-ap-izm). Involuntary penile erection, accom- panied by intense pain. PRICK'DY HEAT. See Miliaria. PRIMIP'ARA (prim-ip'-ar-ah). Applied to a women in first pregnancy. PRIMIP'AROUS (prim-ip'-ar-us). Pertaining to a primipara. PRIMOR'DIAL. The origin of; the beginning. PRIN'CIPLE (prin'-sip-l). Chief or important constituent. PRISM (prizm). Small triangular column of glass. PRISMATTC. Having form of a prism. PRI'VATES (prl'-vates). Outer genitalia, PRO'S AN G. A small laryngeal instrument. PROBE (prob). Small metal rod for examining wounds and cavities, as for a bullet. PRO'CESS (pro'-sesb An eminence or prolongation. PROCIDENTIA (pro-sid-en'-she-ah). See Prolapsus. PROCREATION (pro-kre-a'-shun). Act of generating; pro- ducing. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PROCTA'GRA (prok-ta'-grah), See Proctalgia. PROCTAL'GIA (prok-tal'-je-ah). Rectal or anal pain. PROCTATRE'SIA (prok-ta-tre'-se-ah). Congenital closure of anus. PROCTEN'CLISIS (prok-ten'-klis-is). Anal compression. PROCTEURYN'TER (prok-tu-rin'-ter). Instrument used to dilate anus. PROCTI'TIS (prok-ti'-tis). Inflammation of anus and rectum. PROC'TOCELE (prok'-to.sel). Inversion and falling down of mucous membrane of rectum. PROCTOCYSTOT'OMY (prok-to-sis-tot'-6-me). Operation through rectum, for stone in the bladder. PROCTODYN'I A (prok-to-din'-e-ah). See Proctalgia. PROCTOPARAL'YSIS. Paralysis of rectal muscles, as sphincter. PROCTOPLAS'TY. Surgical operation for correction of rectal diseases, as for piles, etc. PROCTOPLE'GIA (prok-to-ple'-je-ah). See Proctoparalysis. PROCTOPTO'MA. Inversion and falling down of mucous membrane of rectum. PROCTOPTO'SIS (prok-top-to'-sis). See Protocele. PROCTOR'RAPHY (prok-tor'-a-fe). Repairing rectal wounds by suturing. PROCTORRH A'GIA (prok-tor-a'-je-ah). Bloody rectal flux. PROCTORRHEA (prok-tor-e'-ah). Unnatural rectal discharge. PROCTOT'OMY (prok-tot'-o-me). Surgical opening of rectal walls. PRO'DROME (pro'-drorn). Morbid symptom. PROENCEPH'ALUS (pid-en-sef-al-us). Monster with anterior cerebral hernia. PROFES'SOR. Sclentiflc instructor in medical or pharmaceu- tical college. PROG'ENY (proj'-en-e). Offspring; descendents. PROGLOS'SIS. Anterior termination of tongue. PROGNA'THOUS (prog-mV-thus). Having a very prominent jaw-bone. PROGNO'SIS (prog-no'-sis). Anticipation or prediction as to difficulties to expect in a disease. PROGNOS'TIC (prog-nos-tik). Pertaining to prognosis. PROGRES'SIVE. Applied to gradual intensification or gradual abatement of a disease. PROLAPSE'. A falling down, as of the uterus. PROLAP'SIS. See Prolapse. PROLEP'SIS (pro-lep'-sis). See Prognosis. PROLEP'TIC (pro-lep'-tik). Pertaining to prolepsis. PROLIF'IC (pro-lif'-ik). Productive; fruitful. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 221 222 PROLIG'EROUS (pro-lij'-er-us). Prolific of germs. PROMINENCE. See Process. PROM'ONTORY. An eminence. Process of inner ear. PRONA'TION (pro-na'-shun). Turning of hand so that palm will be underneath. PRONA'TOR (prd-na'-tor). Muscle accomplishing pronation. PROPAGATE. To disseminate, as bacteria. PROPHYLAC'TIC (prof-il-ak'-tik). Agent used to guard against disease; a preventive. PROPHYLAX'IS (prof-il-aksMs). The using of a prophylactic. PROPH'YSIS (prof-is-is). Morbid palpebral adhesion. PROPTO'SIS. Hernia; see Prolapse. PROPYLAMINE (pro-pil'-am-in). An alkali having smell of salt and ammonia. PROSEC'TOR (pro-sek'-tor). Applied to one who takes some portion of a cadaver and dissects it while lecturing. PROSOPAL'GIA (pros-o-pal'-je-ah). Pain in the face. PROSOPECTA'SIA (pros-op-ek-ta'-se-ah). Facial hypertrophy. PROSOPODYN'IA. Neuralgia of the face. PROS'OPON. The face. PROSOPONEURAL'GIA (pros-op-on-u-ral'-je-ah). See Prosop- odynia. PROSOPOSTERNODYMTA. Double monster joined anteriorly from sterum up. PROSOPOTO'CIA (pros-op-o-to'-se-ah). Presentation of fetal face at os uteri during labor. PROSTADYN'IA. See Prostatalgia. PROSTATAL'GIA. Pain in the prostate gland. PROSTATEC'TOMY. Removal of part or whole of prostate gland. PROS'TATE GLAND. Gland about urethra at neck of bladder. PROSTATTC. Pertaining to the prostate. PROSTATI'TIS (pros-tarti'-tls). Inflammation of prostate gland. PRG3TATORRHEA (pros-tat-or-e'-ah). Morbid prostatic dis- charge. PROSTITU'TION (nros-tit-u'-shun). State of women who have coitus with different men. PROSTRA'TION (pros-tra'-shun). Exhaustion from loss of strength due to extreme dissipation or disease. PRO'TAGON (pro'-tag-on). A cerebral glucoside. PRO'TEIDS (pro'-tidz). Substances throughout the economy; see Albumin. PROTE'IFORM (pro-te'-lf-orm). Having changeable appear- ance. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PROTH'ESIS. Science of supplying an imitation of an absent part. PROTOPATH'IC (pro-to-path'ik). Primary change of tissues to disease. PRO'TOPLASM (pro'-to-plazm). Substance which develops into an organized living structure. PROTOPLAST (pro'-to-plast). First germ. PROTRACTOR. An instrument for removing foreign body from a wound. PROTU'BERANCE. A part jutting out from the body. PROUD'-FLESH. Superfluous granulation ; fungus. PROXIMAL. Nearest. PROXIMATE (prox'-im-at). See Proximal. PRU'NUS VIRGINIA'NA. Wild cherry bark used to advan- tage in diseases of respiratory tract. PRURIGTNOUS (pru-rij'-in-us). Resembling prurigo. PRURI'GO. Chronic inflammation of skin, with papules and extreme itching. PRURITUS (pru-ri'-tus). See Prurigo. PRUS'SIC AC'ID. See Hydrocyanic Acid. PSAMKO'MA (sam-o'-mah). Meningeal tumor. PSELLIS'MUS (sel-iz'-mus). Imperfect articulation; stam- mering. PSUEDACU'SIS. False hearing. PSEUDARTHRITIS (su-darth-ri'-tis). Spurious arthritis. PSEUDARTHRO'SIS (su-darth-ro'-sis). A false joint. PSEUDESTHE'SIA. Spurious sensation. PSEU'DO (su'-db). False. PSEUDOBLEP'SIS (su-do-blep'-sis). Deceptive or false vision. PSEUDOCRI'SIS (su-do-kri'-sis). Apparent height of a dis- ease. PSEU'DO-CROUP (siV-do-kroop). Spurious croup; spasm of the glottis. PSEUDOCYE'SIS (su-do-si-e'-sis). In a condition simulating pregnancy. PSEUDO GANG'LION. Spurious ganglion. PS EUDO-HYDROPHO'BIA (su-do-hi-dro-fo'-be-ab). Simulation of hydrophobia. PSEUDO-HYPERTRO'PHIC PARALYSIS Hypertrophy of muscles which become exhausted of their power. PSEUDO-LEUKE'MIA (su-do-lu-ke'-me-ah). See Hodgkin’s Disease. PSEUDO-MEM'BRANE. Spurious membrane. PSEUDOPHTHI'SIS (su-dop-ti'-sis). General wasting away, as from phthisis, but due to other causes. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 223 224 PSEUDOPLE'GIA (su-do-ple'-je-ah). Condition simulating par- alysis. PSEUDOSCLERO'SIS. Simulation of sclerosis, but without lesions. PSEUDOS'MIA (su-doz'-me-ah). Deception of the sense of smell. PSILO'SIS (s!-16'-sis). Cutting away of flesh or hair. PSOAS (so'-as). The loins. Applied to muscles of the loins. PSOD'YMUS (sod'-im-us). Two headed monster. PSOI'TIS (so-i'-tis). Inflammation of the psoas muscle. PSO'RA (so'-rah). See Scabies, PSORELCO'SIS (so-rel-ko'-sis). Scabetic ulceration. PSORIASIS (so-ri'-a-sis). Chronic scaly disease of skin; very sensitive. PSOROCO'MIUM (so-ro-ko'-me-um). Institution or department where skin diseases are treated. PSO'ROUS (so'-rus). Resembling or relating to itch. PSYCHAL'GIA (si-kal'-je-ah). Headache, due to morbid melan- choliac trend of thoughts. PSYCHIATRY (si-ki'-ab-re). Science of mental diseases. PSY'CHIC (si'-kik). Pertaining to the mind. PSY'CHICAL. See Psychic. PSYCHOL/OGY (si-kol'-o-je). Science relating to the mind. PSYCHOPATHY (si-kop'-a-the). Mental diseases. PSYCHO'SES (si-ko'-sez), See Psychopathy. PSYCHO'SIS. Certain cerebral matter. PSYCHROPHO'BIA (si-kro-fo'-be-ah). Abnormal dread of oold, PSYDRA'CIA (si-dra'-se-ah). Applied to small pustules. PTAR'MIC (tar'-mik). Drug causing sneezing; sternutatory. PTERYG'IUM (ter-ij'-e-um). Conjunctival induration at inner angle of palpepral union. PTER'YGOID (ter'-e-goid). Wing-shaped. PTILO'SIS (ti-16'-sis). See Madarosis. PTISAN (tiz'-an). Weak infusion of a medicine. PTO'MAi’NES (td'-ma-ins). Product of animal putrefaction. PTO'SIS (to'-sis). Prolapse of upper eyelid, usually due to paralysis. PTYALAGOGUE (ti-al'-a-gog). See Sialogogue. PTYALIN (ti'-al-in). A constituent of saliva. PTYALISM (ti'-al-izm). Abnormal flow of saliva. PTYAL'OCELE (ti-al'-o-sel). Tumor due to infiltration of saliva. PU'BERAL (pu'-ber-al). Pertaining to puberty. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PU'BERTY (pu'-ber-te). Applied to male capable of producing pregnancy in the female; and applied to female capable of conceiving. PU'BES (pu'-bez). Prominence covered with hair just over genitalia. PUBES'CENCE (pu-bes'-ens). Puberty. PUBES'CENT. Relating to puberty. PU'BIC (pu'-bik). Pertaining to the pubes. PUBIOT'OMY (pu-be-ot'-6-me'. Pubic section or incision. PUDEN'DA (pu-den'-dah). That portion of female genitalia which is exposed. PUDENDA'GRA (pu-den-da'-grah). Pudendal pains. PUDENTAL. Pertaining to the pudendum. PUDEN'DUM. See Pudenda. PU'DIC (pu'-dik). Pertaining to the genitalia. PU'ERILE (pu'-er-il). Pertaining to childhood; childish. PUER'PERA (pu-er'-per-ah). Applied to a woman during her confinement. PUER'PERAL (pu-er'-per-al). Pertaining to labor. PUER'PERAL CONVUL'SIONS. Convulsions of pregnant females. PUER'PERAL ECLAMPSIA. See Puerperal Convulsions. PUER'PERAL FE'VER. Fever resulting from absorption of septic matter during labor. PUERPE'RIUM (pu-er-pe'-re-um). Pregnant term of female. PULLULA'TION (pul-u-la'-shun). A budding. PULMOM'ETER (pul-mom'-et-er). Lung-measuring instru- ments. PUL'MONARY. Pertaining to the lungs. PUL'MONARY PHTHI'SIS. Lung disease with progressive emaciation of body. PULMON'IC. Pertaining to the lungs ; see Pulmonary. PULMONEC'TOMY (pul-mon-ek'-to-me). Excision of lung. PULMONI'TIS (pul-mo-ni'-tis). Inflammation of lung. PULP. Mushy pliable substance. PULPI'TIS (pul-pi'-tis). Inflammation of pulp of a tooth. PULSATIL'LA (puls-at-il'-ah). An emmenagogue herb; su- dorific. PULSA'TION (pul-sa'-shun). A beating, as of the pulse. PULSfe. Arterial throbbing due to blood being literally pumped through them. PULSIM'ETER (pul-sim'-e-ter). Instrument for measuring pulse. PULTA'CEOUS (pul-ta'-she-us). Resembling pulp. PUL'VER. Powder. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 225 226 PUL'VERIZE (pul'-ver-iz). To convert a solid to a powder by crushing. PULVERIZATION (pul-ver-i-za'-shun). The act of pulver- izing. PUL'VIS. See Pulver. PUMP'KIN SEED. See Pepo. PUNC'TA (punk'-tah). Plural of punctum. PUNCTATE. Supplied with puncta. PUNCTUM (punk'-tum). A point. PUNCTUM PROX'IMUM. Applied to nearest point permit- ting clear vision. PUNCTUM REMOTUM. Applied to farthest point permitting clear vision. Opposed to Punctum Proximum, q. v. PUNCTURE (punk'-tur). Small incision, as with a lancet. PUN'GENT (pun'-jent). Burning; sharp, PU'PIL (pu'-pil). Opening of iris of eye, permitting passage of rays. PU'PIL, ARGYLL-ROB'ERTSON. See Argyll Robertson. PUPILLARY (pu'-pil-a-re). Pertaining to the pupil. PUPILOM'ETER (pu-pil-om'-et-er). Instrument for determin- ing size of pupil. PURGATION (per-ga'-shun). The action of a cathartic; active fecal discharge. PUR'GATIVE. An agent producing active fecal discharge of a fluid nature. PURGE. See Purgative. PU'RIFORM (pu'-re-form). Resembling pus. PU'RIFY (pu'-re-fi). To eliminate impurities. PUROMU'COUS. See Mucopurulent. PUR'PURA(per'-pu-rah). Livid cutaneous patches, with gen- eral debility; scurvy. PUR'PURATE. Purpuric acid and a base. PURPUR'IC. Pertaining to or resembling purpura. PURPUR'IC AC'ID. A constituent of uric acid. PUR'PURINE (per'-pu-rin). Abnormal red urinary substance. PU'RULENT (pu'-ru-lent). Resembling or relating to pus; pus-producing. PUS. Substance having consistency of cream forming about Inflammation. PUSTULA. Pustule, q. V. PUSTULA MALIG'NA. See Anthrax. PUSTULAR. Pertaining to or resembling pustules. PUSTULATION (pus-tu-la'-shun). Pustular production. PUSTULE (pus'-till). Small rounded inflammation of cuticle, due to sub-cutaneous collection of pus. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL PUTREFACTION (pu-tre-fak'-shun). Fetid dissolution and decomposition of animal or vegetable substance. PUTRES'CENT (pu-tres'-ent). Becoming decayed; see Putre- faction. PU'TRESCINE (pu'-tres-in). Non-poisonous ptomaine, product of putrefaction. PU'TRID (pu'-trid). A fetid condition resulting from putre- faction. PU'TRID FE'VER. See Typhus Fever. PUTRIDTTY. See Putrid. PYARTHRO'SIS. Purulent inflammation ot a joint. PYELI'TIS (p!-el-T-tis). Pelvic renal inflammation. PYELOM'ETER. Instrument for measuring pelvis. PYE'MIA (pi-e'-me-ah). Purulent condition of blood, due to absorbtion of septic matter. PYE'SIS. See Suppuration. PYGODID'YMUS. Gluteal joined double monster. PY'IN. Purulent constituent. PYLEPHLEBI'TIS (pi-le-fleb-i'-tis). Inflammation of the portal vein. PYLOREC'TOMY (pi-lor-ek'-to-me). Pyloric excision. PYLORTC (pi-lor'-ik). Pertaining to the pylorus. PYLOR'OPLASTY (pi-lor'-o-plas'-te). Surgery restoring normal function of pylorus. PYLOR'US (pi-16r'-us). That part of stomach which connects immediately with bowels. PYOCOL'POS (pi-6-kol'-pos). Purulent matter in the vagina. PYOGEN'ESIS (pi-o-jen'-e-sis). Production of pus, PYOGEN'IC (pi-o-jen'-ik). Having nature of pyogenesis. PYOHE'MIA (pi-6-he'-me-ah). See Pyemia. PY'OID (pi'-oid). Pus-like. PYOME'TRA (pi-6-me'-trah). Purulent matter in the womb. PYOPNEPHRO'SIS (pi-6-nef-ro'-sis). Nephritis with formation of purulent matter. PYONEUMOTHO'RAX (pi-o-nu-mo-tho'-raks). Gaseous empy- ema. PYOPOIE'SIS (pi-6-poi-e'-sis). See Pyogenesis. PYORRHE'A (pi-or-e'-ah). Purulent flow. PYOSAL'PINX. Purulent matter in the oviduct. PYO'SIS. SeePyesis. PYOSTAT'IC. An agent opposed to suppuration. PYOTHO'RAX (p!-6-tho'raks). See Pleurapostema. PYR'AMID (piF-am-ld), Applied to a part with a base which tapers to a point on top. PYRAMIDAL. Pyramid-shaped. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 227 228 PYRAMIDA'LE. Small bone of the wrist. PYRAMIDA'LIS. Applied to a number of abdominal pyram- idal muscles. PYRE'THRUM. A certain root, increasing salivary secretion. PYRET'IC (pl-ret'-ik). Pertaining to fever. PYRETOGEN'ESIS (pi-ret-o-jen'-es-is). Production of fever. PYRETOG'RAPHY (pi-ret-og'-ra-fe). Description of fever. PYRETOL'OGY (pi-ret-ol'-o-je). Descriptive treatise on fevers. PYREX'IA (pi-reks'-e-ah). See Fever. PY R'IDIN (pir'-id-in). Coal-tar derivative used in some diseases of the respiratory tract. PYR'IFORM (pir'-if-orm). Resembling shape of a pear. PYR'ODIN (pir'-d-din). Febrifuge powder. PYROMA'NI A. Mental aberration in which there is an intense desire to burn property. PYRO'SIS (pi-rd'-sis). Burning sensation in stomach. PYROT'IC (p!-rot'-ik). Applied to an agent causing a burning; see Lunar Caustic. PYROX'YLIN (pi-roks'-il-in). Gun-cotton, used to make col- lodion. PYTHOGEN'IC FE'VER (pl-tho-Jen'-ik). See Enteric Fever. PYU'RIA (pi-u'-re-ah). Purulent urine. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL Q QUACK (kwak). One who claims to have a knowledge of the science of medicine but who only has a smattering of it; one who advertises to cure all diseases. QUACK'ERY (kwak'-er-e). Relating to the practice of a quack. QUADRANG'ULAR. Applied to a four-angled body. QUADRA'TUS. A square; applied to muscles resembling a square. QUAD'RICEPS (kwod'-re-seps). Applied to number of muscles of the hip. QUADRIGEMINAL BOD'IES. See Corpora Quadrigemlua. QUADRILAT'ERAL (kwod-ri-lat'-er-al). Four-sided. QUAD'RUPED (kwod'-ru-ped). An animal having four feet. QUAL'ITATIVE (kwol'-it-a-tiv). Pertaining to quality, as qual- itative analysis In which only the ingredients are sought without the quantity. QUAN'TITIVE. Pertaining to quantity, as quantitative anal- ysis in which the quantity of each ingredient is sought. QUAN'TUM SUFFICIT. A sufficient quantity. QUARANTINE (kwar'-an-tcn). The act of detaining before admitting to residence, persons coming from a place in- fected with disease. QUART (kwort). Two pints. QUAR'TAN FE'VER. Malaria returning every fourth day. QUAS'SIA (kwos'-she-ah). Wood used as a bitter tonic. QUAS'SIN (kwos'-in). Active bitter principle of quassia. QUEBRA'CHO (ke-brah'-ko). Cardiac tonic. QUEEN’S ROOT. See Stillingia. QUER'CUS (kwer'-kus). Oak. QUICK'ENING. Applied to time when a gravid female feels fetal movements in the uterus. QUICKTIME (kwik'-lim). Oxide of calcium ; see Lime. QUICK'SILVER. See Mercury. QUILLATA (kwil-a'-yah), Soap bark ; a sternutatory. QUINCE'-SEED. See Cydonium. QUINTA (kwin'-e-ah). See Quinine. QUIN'IC FE'VER, Febrile disease with eruption of skin some- times affecting one making quinine preparations. QUIN'IDINE. An alkaloid of cinchona. QUININ'A. See Quinine. QUIN'INE (kwin'-en). White alkaloid of cinchona, very bitter taste; tonic, stimulant, antiperiodic. QUININ'ISM (kwin-en'-izm). Condition from excessive use of quinine. QUINOIDTNE (kwin-oid'-in). See Chinoidin. QUIN'ONE. Derivative of quinine. QUIN'SY (kwin'-zy). Febrile disease with acute tonsillitis. QUINTAN (kwin'-tan). Malaria returning every fifth day. QUINTES'SENCE (kwin-tes'-sens). Extract of a substance containing the active ingredients in condensed form. QUIZ (kwiz). Interrogation of students by a teacher who pro- pounds “knotty” questions after they have attended lectures on a subject. QUOTIDTAN FE'VER. Malaria with paroxysm each day. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 229 R. RAB'ID. Condition of one who has the rabies. RAB'IES (rab'-ez). Hydrophobia of dumb brutes. RAC'EMOSE (ras'-e-mos). Applied to cells and glands clustered like grapes, RACHIAL'GIA (ra-ke-al'-je-ah). See Rhachialgia. 230 RACHID'IAN (ra-kid'-e-an). See Rhachldian. RACHITIS (ra-ki'-tis). See Rhachltis. RACH'IOTOME (rak'-e-o-tom). See Rhachlotome. RA'DIAL (ra'-de-al). Pertaining to the radius. RADTCAL. A substance which admits combination with a simple body. Applied to active treatment for elimination of a diseased condition. RADTCLE. Rootlet of a plant, for absorption of nutritious elements from earth. RA'DIUS (ra'-de-us). Small outer bone of the forearm. RA'DIX (ra'-diks). A root. RAG'WORT. Drug increasing flow of urine; also an emmen- agogue. RAIL'WAY SPINE. Spinal disturbance due to riding on a train. RALE (rahl). Abnormal rattling sound emanating from bronchi. RAMIFICATION (ram-if-ik-a'-shun). Applied to the offshoots or divisions of a part. RAMOLLISSEMENT (rah-mo-les'-mong). Softening or degen- eration of a part. RA'MUS (ra'mus). A branch. RAN'CID (ran'-sid). Having a rank smell as old butter. RA'NINE ARTERY (ra'-nin). Lingual artery. RAN'ULA (ran'-u-lah). Under the tongue. RAN'ULA TUMOR. Small sub-lingual tumor. RAPE (rap). Coitus with a female, attended with force and assault, she being opposed to the action; knowledge of female under age of consent. RAPHA'NIA (raf-a'-ne-ah). Articular spasm, caused by eating raphanus, q. v. RAPHA'NUS (raf-a'-nus). Wild radish. RATHE (ra'-fe). A suture; lines of the body resembling a suture. RAPTUS, Forcible seizure, RAREFACTION (rar-e-fak'-shun). Act of making less dense. RASCETA (ras-e'-tah). Several transverse wrinkles or lines on wrist just above palm of hand. RASH. Prickly disease of the skin. RAS'PATORY (ras'-pat-6-re). Instrument for scraping necrotic bone. RATIONS (ra'-shuns). Daily meals. RATS'BANE, Arsenious acid. RATTLE. See Rale. RAUCE'DO (raw-se-'do). Hoarseness, q. v. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL 231 REAC'TION (re-ak'-shun), That which is produced by a re- agent. REA'GENT (re-a'-jent). A substance used to estimate ingredi- ents and quantity of a compound by analysis. REAUMUR THERMOMETER. Thermometer with freezing point at 0° and the boiling point 80°. See Thermometers. REC'IPE (res'-ip-e). A prescription; abbreviation it. RECLINA'TION (rek-lin-a'-shun). Assuming a reclining position. RECREMENT (rek'-re-ment). A secretion which admits of reabsorption. RECRUDES'CENCE. See Relapse. RECTAL (rek'-tal). Pertaining to the rectum. RECTAL'GIA. Pain in the rectum. RECTIFIED (rek'-ti-fid). Corrected. Applied to substances which have been distilled. RECTI'TIS (rek-tl'-tis). Inflammation of the rectum. RECTOCELE (rek'-to-sel). Hernia of the rectum, RECTOSCOPE (rek'-to-skop). Instrument used to keep rectum open while being examined. RECTOSTENO'SIS. Stenosis of the rectum. RECTOT'OMY. Rectal incision. RECTUM (rek'-tum). That portion of intestines from colon to anus. RECTUS. Applied to a number of straight muscles. RECUPERATION (re-ku-per-a'-shun). Process of regaining health. RECUR'RENT. Disease with periodical attacks. RED'-GUM. Rash observed in children during dentition. REDU'CIBLE, Capable of being reduced. REDUCTION (re-duk'-shun). Replacing a part which has been displaced. REDUPLICATION. The act of doubling. REFLECTION (re-flek'-shun). The throwing back of rays of light. RE'FLEX (re-fleks). Involuntary muscular or organic move- ment, due to excitement of nerves. REFRACTION (re-frak'-shun). Bending or breaking of light- rays, due to passing through dissimilar media. REFRACTURE (re-frak'-ture). Operation of breaking a bone, which has been fractured and united improperly. REFRIG'ERANT (re-frij'-er-ant). Agent causing lowering temperature; see Limon. REFRIGERATION (re-frij-er-a'-shun). The act of reducing temperature of the body. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 232 REGENERATION (re-jen-er-a'shun). Second production of a part. REG'IMEN (rej'-im-en). Systematic diet. RE'GION (re'-jun). A portion of the body. REGIONAL (re'-jun-al). Pertaining to a region. REG'ULAR. Applied to a methodical proceeding. REGURGITATION (re-ger-jit-a'-shun). Abnormal backward expulsion of the contents or secretions of a part. REIMPLANTATION. Putting a tooth back in its socket. RE-INFECTION. Repeated infection. REINOCULATION. Repeated inoculation. REINSCH’S TEST. Using copper to test for arsenic. REISS'NER’S MEM'BRANE. A cochleal membrane. REJUVENES'CENCE (re-ju-ven-es'-ens). Restoration to con- dition of youth. RELAPSE'. Return of disease after patient has nearly re- covered. RELAP'SING FE'VER. Acute remitting fever, usually attack- ing a community. RELAX'ANT (re-laks'-ant). An agent producing relaxation. RELAXATION. An unbending; a loosening. Opposite of con- traction. Abatement of a disease. REMAK’S GANG'LION. A ganglion of the heart. REME'DIAL (re-me'-de-al), Pertaining to or resembling a remedy. REM'EDY (rem'-e-de). A curative agent. REMIS'SION (re-mish'-un). Applied to a temporary cessation of a disease, REMITTENT. Disease with continued temporary ceasing and returning of paroxysms, as remittent fever. REMITTENT FE'VER. Fever with marked abatement, but which returns again during the day. RE'NAL (re'-nal). Pertaining to the kidneys. REN'IFORM. Resembling shape of the kidney. REN'NET. Inner membrane of calfs stomach; also an in- fusion made from same. REPEL'LENT. Having power to repel or drive away a con- dition. REPLETION (re-ple'-shun). Condition of fulness. REPOSITION (re-pd-si'-tion). A replacing in Its normal posi- tion. REPOS'ITOR. Instrument used to accomplish reposition. REPRODUCE' (re-pro-dus'). To generate young. REPRODUCTION. The act of producing offspring. REPRODUCTIVE, Pertaining to reproduction. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL RESEC'TION (re-sek'-shun). Cutting away of part of a bone and joining separated ends. RESID'D AL (re-zid'-u-al). Pertaining to residue. RES'IDUE. That which is left. RESID'UUM (res-id'-u-um). See Residue. RESILIENCE (re-zil'-yens). Relating to elasticity of a part. RES'IN (rez'-in). A semi-solid oil. RES'IN PLASTER (rez'-in). A plaster in which the vehicle for the medicament is a resin. * RES'INOUS (rez'-in-us). Pertaining to or resembling a resin.. RESOLU'TION (res-6-lu'-shun). Disappearance of a disease; analysis. RESOLV'ENT (re-zolv'-ent). An agent causing swelling and tumors to disappear. RES'ONANCE (rez'-on-ans). Auscultation chest sound, signifi- cant of lung disease. RESOR'CIN (re-sor'-sin). A valuable antiseptic; also a febri- fuge. RESORP'TION (re-sorp'-shun). Absorption of purulent mat- ter, etc. RESPIRA'TION (res-pir-a'-shun). Inspiration and expiration, q. v, RES'PIRATOR (res'-pir-a-tor). Instrument to eliminate im- purities from Inspired air. RESPIRATORY. Pertaining to respiration. RES'TIFORM. Resembling a cord. RESURREC'TIONIST. A grave-robber. RESUSCITA'TION (re-sus-it-a'-shun). Revival of latent vitality in those who have inhaled gas or been very nearly drowned. RETCH. Violent attempts to vomit. RE'TE (re'-te). A net-work or plexus. RETEN'TION. Delayed normal discharge, as retention of the urine. RETIC'ULAR. Resembling a net. RETIC'ULUM. A net-work. RET'INA. Reticular expansion of optic nerve. RETINAC'ULUM (ret-in-ak'-u-lum). A restraining ligament. RET'INAL. Pertaining to the retina. RETINI'TIS (ret-in-i'-tis). Inflammation of the retina. RETINOS'COPY. See Ophthalmoscopy. RETORT'(re-tort'). Vessel with long curved tube, an imple- ment of distillation. RETRAC'TILE (re-trak'-til). Permitting retraction. RETRAC'TION (re-trak'-shun). Making shorter or drawing backward. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 233 234 RETRAC'TOR. Applied to muscles accomplishing retraction. An instrument used in surgical operations. RE'TRAHENS. Applied to muscle accomplishing retraction of the ear. RETROCES'SION (re-trd-sesh'-un), Progressing backward. A relapse. RETROCLU'SION. A method of acupressure, q. v. RETROCOL'IC (ret-rd-kol'-ik). Pertaining to muscles at pos- terior portion of neck. RETROFLEX'ION (re-trd-flek'-shun). Bending backward. RETROGRADE (ret'-rd-grad). Proceeding backward. RETROOC'ULAR (re-trd-ok'-u-lar). Situated behind the eye- ball. RETROPHARYNGEAL (re-trd-far-in-je-al). Behind the phar- ynx. RETROPUL'SION (re-trd-pul'-shun). Forcing back. RETROVACCINA'TION (re-tro-vak-sin-a'-shun). Vaccinating a cow with virus obtained from man. RETROVER'SION (re-trd-ver-'shun). Barkward bending of the womb. REU'NION (re-un'-yun). Union of parts which have been separated. REVIVIFICA'TION (re-viv-if-ik-a'-shun). See Resuscitation. REVUL'SANT, Agent causing revulsion. REVUL'SION. Drawing morbid fluids away from a diseased part. REVUL'SIVE (re-vul'-siv). Agent producing revulsion. RHACHIAL'GIA (ra-ke-al'-je-ah). Pain in the spine. RHACHIDIAN. Pertaining to the spine. RHACHIOCAMP'SIS (ra-ke-d-kamp'-sis). Spinal curvature. RHACHIOCHY'SIS (ra-ke-d-ki'-sis). Dropsical inflammation of the spine. RHACHIOCYPHO'SIS (ra-ke-d-si-fd'-sls). Crooked-back; hunch- back, RHACHIODYN'IA (ra-ke-d-din'-e-ah). Pain in the spine. RHACHIOMYELX'TIS (ra-ke-d-ml-el-I'-tis). Inflammation of spinal cord. RHACHIOPLE'GIA (ra-ke-e-ple'-je-ah). Paralysis of the spine. RHACHIOSCOLIO'MA (ra-ke-d-skd'-le-d-mah). Bending of spine to one side. RHACHIOSCOLIO'SIS (ra-ke-d-skd-le-d'-sis). Spinal curvature. RHA'CHIOTOME (ra'-ke-d-tdm). Instrument for opening spine. RHACHIOT'OMY (ra-ke-ot'-d-me). Using of rhachiotome, q. v. RHA'CHIS. The spine. RHACHIS'CHISIS (ra-kis-kis-is). Fissure of the spine. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL RHACHIT'IC. Pertaining to rhachitis. RHACHI'TIS (ra-kl'-tis). See Rickets. RHACO'MA (ra-ko'-mah). Roughness of skin; chapping. RHACO'SIS (ra-ko'-sis). Condition due to rhacoma. RHAG'ADE. Ulcerous chapping or Assure. RHAM'NUS PURSHIA'NA. See Cascara Sagrada. RHAT'ANY (rat-an-e). See Kramerla. RHEG'MA (reg'-mah). Vascular or vesicular rupture. RHE'I (re'-i). See Rhubarb. RHE'UM (re'-um). Fee Rhubarb. RHEUMARTHRO'SIS (rum-arth-ro'-sis). Rheumatic articular inAammation. RHEUMATAL'GIA. Persistent rheumatic pain. RHEUMAT'IC. Pertaining to rheumatism. RHEUM'ATISM (rum'-at-izm). Feverish affection with pains in bones and joints. RHEUM'ATOID (rum'-at-oid). Resembling rheumatism. RHEUM'ATOID ARTHRI'TIS. Deformity and inAammation of a joint. RHI'NAL, (ri'-nal). Pertaining to the nose. RHINAL/GIA (ri-nal'-Je-ah). Pain in the nose. RHINENCEPH'ALUS. Cyclopian monster with rudimentary nose. RHINEURYN'TER (ri-nu-rin'-ter). Tiny apparatus for stop- ping up nostrils. RHINI'TIS (rin-i'-tis). InAammation of the inner membranes of nose. RHINO'BYON. Tampon for stopping up nostrils. RHINOCEPH'ALUS (ri-no-sef'-a-lus). See Rhinencephalus. RHINOCLEPSIS. Stopping up of nose. RHINODYN'IA (ri-no-din'-e-ah). Pain in the nose. RHIN'OLITH (ri'-no-lith). Stone in the nose. RHINOLITHPASIS (ri-no-lith-I'-a-sis). Production of rhinolith. RHINOL'OGIST (ri-nol'-d jist). One who treats diseases of the nose. RHINOL/OGY (ri-nol'-6-je). Treatise on diseases of the nose. RHINONECRO'SIS (ri-no-ne-kro'-sis). Decay of bones of nose. RHINOPHO'NIA (ri-no-fo'-ne-ah). Sound as though “talking through the nose.” RNINOPHY'MA (ri-no-fi'-mah). Nasal swelling due to inAam- mation of nasal tissue. RHIN'OPLASTY (rin'-6-plas-te). Operation correcting nasal deformity whether acquired or not. RHINOPOL'YPUS (ri-no-poT-ip-us). Nasal polypus ; see Poly- pus. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 236 RHINORRHA'GIA (ri-nor-a'-je-ah). Hemorrhage from the nose. RHINORRHE'A (ri-nor-e'-ah). Discharge from nose. RHINOSCLERO'MA (ri-no-skler-d'-mah). Indurated condition of nasal membranes. RHINOSCOPE (rl'-no-skop). Instrument for examining nose. RHINOS'COPY (rl-nos'-ko-pe). Using the rhinoscope. RHINOSTEGNO'SIS (ri-no-steg-no'-sis). Stopping up of nostrils. RHI'ZOME (ri'-zom). Applied to plants in which rooDstalk runs along earth. RHOM'BOID. Resembling shape of rhombus. RHOMBOI'DEUS (rom-boi'-de-us). Rhomboid muscle of the shoulder. RHON'CUS (ron'-kus). Abnormal bronchial sound. RHU'BARB A purgative agent; rheum. RHUS GLA'BRA (rus Poisonous shrub with astrin- gent properties. RHUS TOXICODEN'DRON. Poison-oak; poison-ivy. RHYTHM (rithm). Applied to regular order of movements, as pulsation. RHYTH'MICAL (rith'-mik-al). Pertaining to rithm. RIBS. Long, curved, transverse bones protecting thoracic contents. RICE. See Oryza. RICI'NI OL'EUM (ris-i-ni ol'-e-uml. Castor oil; gentle cathartic. RICK'ETS (rik'-ets). Disease of the spine, beginning in child- hood, in which portion of it becomes humped. RPDER’S-BONE. Growth of bone on thigh muscle, due to saddle riding. RIGIDTTY (rij-id'-it-e). Stiffness; inflexibility. RPGOR (rl'-gor). Rigidity, with lack of warmth. RI'GOR MOR'TIS. Stiffness of a corpse. RI'MA (ri'-mah). An opening; a crack or fissure. RPMOUS (ri'-mus). Having fissures. RING. A continuous substance inclosing a plane circular space, as femoral ring. RING'WORM. Term used by the laity to express a chronic form of herpes, occurring in little circles. RPNOLITE. See Rhinolith. RI'OLAN’S MUS'CLE. A muscle of the eyelid. RIPE. Mature; fully developed. RISO'RIUS (ri-sd'-re-us). A muscle springing from parotid gland. RI'SUS SARDON'ICUS. Sardonic facial expression witnessed in tetanus. ROB'ORANT (rolY-or-ant). Remedy with tonic properties. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL RO'BUST. Hale; hearty. ROCHELLE' SALT (ro-sheT sawlt). Tartrate of potash and soda. ROCK' CAN'DY. A mass of crystals of sugar. RO'DENT UL'CER. Morbid ulcer slowly but gradually en- larging. ROENT'GEN RAYS (ro-ent'-gen). See “X ” rays. ROL'LER (rol'-er). A roll of narrow bandaging material. ROM'BERG’S SIGN. Inability to stand steadily when eyelids are closed, significant of locomotor ataxy, q. v. ROOT. Ramifications of a plant under the earth, by which it absorbs sustaining elements. RO'PY (ro'-pe). Viscous; glutinous. RO'SA. Rose. ROSA'CEA (ro-za'-she-ah). See Acne Rosacea. ROSAN'ILIN (ro-zan'-il-in), Applied to several salts used in albuminuria. ROSE (roz). See Erysipelas. Rose-plant. ROSE-CATARRH' (roz-kat-ar'). See Hay Fever. ROSE'MARY (roz'-ma-re). Local stimulant; see Rosmarinus. ROSE'OLA (ro-ze'-6-lah). Rose-like Inflammation of the skin. ROSE'-RASH. See Roseola. See Erysipelas. ROS'IN (roz'-in). See Resin. ROSTN-WEED. Compass-plant; produces emesis and diar phoresis. ROSMARI'NUS (ros-mar-i'-nus). See Rosemary. ROS'TRATE. Resembling: a beak. ROST'RIFORM. See Rostrate. ROS'TRUM. A beak or similar projection. RO'SY. Resembling a rose; red. ROTACIS'MUS (ro-ta-sis'-mus). See Lallation. ROTA'TION (ro-ta'-shun). Moving on its axis. ROTA'TOR (ro-ta'-tor). Applied to a muscle causing rotation of a part. ROT'HELN (ra'-teln). Mild attack of rubeola. ROT'TEN. See Putrefaction. ROTT'LERA (rot'-ler-ah). See Kamala. ROT'ULA (rot'-u-lah). The knee-pan, so named from its resem- bling shape of a little wheel. ROT'ULAR. Pertaining to the patella, ROUND LIGAMENTS. Applied to ligament of uterus and also of the liver. RUBE'DO (ru-be'-do). Reddening of the skin. RUBEFA'CIENT (ru-be-fa'-shent). Medicine producing red- ness of skin. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 237 238 RUBEFAC'TION (ru-be-fak'-shun). Action of a rubefacient. RUBEL'LA. See Rubeola. RUBE'OLA (ru-be-6-lah). Measles; disease attacking air- passages of children, attended with an eruption of small reddish exfoliating circles. RUBIG'INOUS (ru-bij'-in-us). Rusty-colored. RUBES'CENT. Scarlet appearance of skin due to action of rubefacient. RU'BUS (ru'-bus). Blackberry; tonic and astringent. RUCTATIO (ruc-ta'-she-o). See Eructation. RUC'TUS (ruk'-tus). Same as Ructatio. RUDIMEN'TARY (ru-dim-en'-ta-re). Referring to primitive state. Applied to deformity which will never develop properly. RUE (ru). See Ruta. Emmenagogue and tonic. RU'GA (ru'-gah). A wrinkle, as of a membrane. RUGINA'TION (ru-gin-a'-shun). Scraping. RUGI'TIS (ru-ji'-tis). See Tinnitus Aurium. See Flatulence. RUGOS'ITY (ru-gos-it-e). Having a number of rugse or wrinkles. RU'GOUS. See Rugosity, RUM. An intoxicating beverage. RU'MEN. The cud or first stomach of ruminating animals. RU'MEX (ru'-meks). Yellow-dock; alterative and tonic. RUMINATION (ru-min-a'-shun). Act of chewing food after it has been deposited in the rumen. RUMINOT'OMY (ru-rnin-ot'-d-me). Incision of the rumen. RUMP. The coccyx. The glutei. RUN. Popular term for purulent discharge or exudation. RU'PIA (ru'-pe-ah). Fetid ulcerous disease in which the ulcer is covered by a scab. RUPTURE (rup'-tur). Protrusion of a part without its normal container; a breaking of a vesical body. RUS'SIAN. Pertaining to or coming from Russia. RUT. Heated desire of animals for connection. RU'TA (ru'tah). Alterative and emmenagogue; see Rue. RUTA'C.® (ru-ta'-ka). See Rue. RUTXDO'SIS (ru-tid-o'-sis). Rugous condition of cornea. RYE (ri). Grain used for bread and making liquors. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL s. SABI'NA (sii-bi'-nah). See Savine. SAB'ULOUS (sab'-u-lus). Gritty. SAB'URRA (sabMlr-ah). Foulness of stomach. SAC (eak). Envelope or pouch. SAC'CATE (sak'-at). Pouched. SACCHARA'TED. Impregnated with sugar. SACCHAREPHIDRO'SIS (sak-ar-ef-id-ro'-sis). Perspiration con- taining sugar. SACCHARIF'EROUS (sak-ar-if-er-us). See Saccharated. SAC'CHARIN (sak'-ar-in). Intensely sweet substance obtained from coal-tar. SACCHAROGEN'ESIS. Generation or production of sugar. SACCHAROM'ETER (sak-ar-om'-e-ter). Instrument to deter- mine proportion of sugar in a solution. SACCHAROMY'CES (sak-ar-6-mi'-sez). Yeast fungi. SACCHARORRHE'A (sak-ar-or-e'-ah). Sugar in the urine; see Glycosuria. SAC'CHARUM (sak'-ar-urn). Sugar made from cane sugar. SAC'CUS. See Sac. SACHET' POW'DER (sash-a'). A highly perfumed powder. SACCHOLAC'TIN (sak-o-lak'-tin). See Sugar of Milk. SAC'CIFORM. Having shape of sac. SAC'CULA'TED (sak'-u-la-ted). See Saccate. SAC'CULE (sak'-ul). A small sac. SAC'CULUS. Same as saccule. SAC'CUS. See Sac. SA'CRAD (sa'-krad). Toward the sacrum. SACRADYN'IA (sa-kra-din'-e-ah). Pain in the sacrum. SACRAL'GIA (sa-kral'-je-ah). Same as sacradynia. SA'CRAL (sa'-kral). Pertaining to sacrum. SA'CRED BARK. See Cascara Sagrada. SA'CRUM (sa'-kruxn). Small bone separating final lumbar vertebra and coccyx. SAD'DLE-NOSE (sad'-l-noz). Caving in of bridge of nose. SAF'FRON. An aromatic vegetable tonic. SAF'ROL. Active principle of oil of sassafras. SAGE (saj). See Salvia. SAGE-FEMME'(sahj-fem'). A midwife. SAGTTTAL (saj'-it-al). Having shape of an arrow. SAG'ITTAL SU'TURE. Suture of parietal bones. SAG'ITTATE. Shaped like an arrow. SA'GO (sa'-go). Starchy pith obtained from palm, furnishing nutritious food. SA'GO SPLEEN, Spleen with amylaceous infiltration of its tissues. SAGRA'DA. See Cascara Sagrada. SAINT AG'ATHA’S DISEASE'. Inflammation of female breast. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 239 240 SAINT ANTHONY’S FIRE. See Erysipelas. SAINT CLAIR’S DISEASE'. Inflammation of conjunctiva. SAINT IGNAT'IA BEAN. See Ignathia. SAINT JOB’S DISEASE'. See Syphilis. SAINT LAZARUS’ DISEASE. See Leprosy. SAINT VITUS’ DANCE. See Chorea. SAL. Salt. SALA'CIOUS. Intense desire of the male for female. SALAC'ITY (sa-las'-it-e). See Salacious. SALERA'TUS (sal-er-a'-tus). Commercial bicarbonate of potas- sium. SALTCIN (sal'-is-in). Valuable antiperiodic. SALICI'NUM. See Salicin. SALICYL'AS. See Salicylate. SALICYL'ATE (sal-ls-il'-at). Salt of salicylic acid and a base. SALICYLA'TED COTTON. Cotton saturated with salicylic acid. SALICYLTC AC'ID (sal-ls-il'-ik). An acid product of carbolic acid, exhibited in rheumatism; also an antiseptic. SALIFIABLE. That which may be salified. SALIFICA'TION. Process of salifying. SAL'IFY. To convert to a salt. SALIG'ENIN (sal-lj'-en-in). A product obtained by manipula- tion of salicin. SA'LINE (sa'-lln). Pertaining to or resembling salt. SALI'VA (sa-li'-va). Secretion discharged in the mouth from salivary gland. SAL'IVANT. Agent causing flow of saliva. SALT VARY (sal'-iv-a'-re). Pertaining to saliva. SALIVA'TION (sal-iv-a'-shun). See Ptyalism. SA'LIX (sa'-liks). Mild tonic obtained from white willow. SA'LOL. Used in febrile and rheumatic affections. SALPINGEC'TOMY. Removal of Fallopian tube. SALPINGEMPHRAXTS (sal-pin-jem-fraks'-is). Obstruction of Fallopian tube. SALPIN'GIAN (sal-pin'-ji-an), Pertaining to Fallopian tube. SALPINGI'TIS. Inflammation of Fallopian tube. SALPINGOCYE'SIS (sal-ping-go-si-e'-sis). Fetal development in oviduct. SALPINGOR'RHAPHY (sal-ping-gor'-a-fe). Sewing laceration or incision of Fallopian tube. SALPINGOS'TOMY (sal-ping-gos'-to-me). Operation forming a fistulous opening in Eustachian tube. SALPINGOT'OMY (sal-plng-got'-6-me). Excision of Fallopian tube. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SAL'PINX (sal'-pingks). A tube, applied especially to the Fallopian tube and Eustachian tube. SALT (sawlt). Choride of sodium. An acid compound with a base. , SALTA'TION (sal-ta'-shun). Disease in which patient gives spasmodic jumps. SAL'TATORY (saT-ta-tor-e). Pertaining to saltation. SAL'TER’S SWING. Swing-like suspension for resting a broken leg. SALTPE'TER (sawlt-pe'-ter). Nitrate of potassium. SALT'-RHEUM'. Chronic eczematous disease. SALTS (sawltz). Epsom salts; see Magnesium Sulphate. SALU'BRIOUS. Pertaining to salubrity. SALU'BRITY (sal-u'-brit-e). Healthy condition. SALU'TARY (sal-u'-ta-re). Prolific of good health. SALVATEL'LA (sal-vatreT-ah). Small vein of hand and foot. SALVE. See Unguent. SAL'VIA (sal'-ve-ah). Stimulating leaves of sage. SANAB'ILIS. That which admits of curing. SANA'TIO (san-a'-she-o). See Sanative. SAN'ATIVE. See Salutary. Healing. SANATORY, See Sanative. SAND'-BATH. Sand prepared for arenation, q. v. SAN'DALWOOD. See Santalum. SAN'DARAC (san'-dar-ak). A resin used for plasters; also a varnish. SANGUIF'EROUS (san-gwifi-er-us). Blood-bearing. SANGUIFICA'TION (san-gwe-flk-a'-shun). Conversion of chyle into blood. SANGUINA'RIA. Blood root, useful in pulmonary diseases. SANGUINAR'IN (sang-win-ar'-in). Constituent of sanguinaria. SAN'GUINE. Pertaining to blood. In a hopeful frame of mind. SANGUIN'EOUS (san-gwin'-e-us). Bloody ; plethoric. SANGUIN'OLENT (san-gwin'-d-lent). Stained here and there with blood. SANGUINO'SUS (san-gwin-o'-sus). See Plethora. SAN'GUIS (san'-gwis). Blood. SANIC'ULA (san-lk'-u-lah). Diaphoretic root. SA'NIES (sa'-nez). Foul ulcerous discharge. sA'NIOUS (sa'-ni-us). Pertaining to or prolific of sanies. SANITAR'IUM. A private retreat with corps of medical attendants for treating invalids. SANITARY (san'-it-a-re). Pertaining to health and hygienic surroundings. SANTTAS (san'-it-as). Health. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 241 242 SANITA'TION (san-It-a'-shun). Applied to making surround- ings healthy. SAN'ITY (san'-it-e). Opposite of insanity, q. v. SANTAL'UM (san-tal'-um). Sandalwood ; stimulant to mu- cous membranes, exhibited in gonorrhea; also employed to advantage in diseases of respiratory tract SANTON'ICA (san-ton'-ik-ah). An oriental tenicide. SAN'TONIN (san'-to-nln). Constituent of santonica. SA'PA (sa'-pah). Inspissated grape juice. SAPHE'NA (saf-e'-nah). Veins of leg, called the internal and external saphena veins. SAP'ID. Palatable. SA'PO (sa'po). Soap. Combination of fatty acid with a salt. SAPONA'CEOUS (sap-ort-a'-she-us). Soapy. SAPONIFICA'TION (sap-on-if-ik-a'-shun). Changing into soap. SAP'ONIN (sap'-6-nin). Irritant; anesthetic. SAPPH'ISM (saf-izm). Lustful desire of women for women. SAPRE'MIA (sap-re'-me-ah). Blood-poisoning due to absorb- tlon of septic matter. SAP'RINE (sap'-rin). Non-poisonous ptomaine of putrefaction. SAPROGEN'IC (sap-ro-jen'-iki. Prolific of putrefaction. SAPROG'ENOUS (sap-roj'-en-us). See Saprogenic. SAPROPH'ILOUS (sap-rof-il-us). Pertaining to microorgan- isms of putrefaction. SAP'ROPHYTES (sap'-ro-fits). Microorganism of putrefaction. SAPROPHYT'IC (sap-ro-flt'-ik). Same as Saprophilous. SAPROPY'RA (sap-ro-pi'-rah). Intensely malignant typhus. SAPROS'TOMOUS (sap-ros'-to-mus). Fetid state of the breath. SAR'CINA (sar-sin'-ah). Genus of schlzomycetes. SAR'CINE (sar'-sin). See Sarcina. SARCI'TIS (sar-si'-tis). Muscular inflammation. SAR'COCELE (sar'-ko-sel). Fleshy growth on testicles; see Orchiocele. SARCOCOL'LA (sar-ko-kol'-ah). Resinous exudation with purgative properties. SAR'CODE (sar'-kod). See Protoplasm. SAR'COID (sar'-koid). Flesh-like. SARCOLAC'TIC. Lactic acid obtained from or existing in flesh. SARCOLEM'MA (sar-ko-lem'-ah). Membranous sheath of muscles. SARCOL'OGY (sar-kol'-o-je). Scientific treatise on tissues. SARCO'MA. Fleshy excresence or tumor. SARCOMATO'SIS (sar-kom-at-o'-sis). General sarcomatous aflection. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SARCOMATOUS (sar-kom'-at-us). Pertaining to or resembling a sarcoma. SARCOPH'AGY (sar-kof-a-je). Flesh-eating. SARCOPHY'MA (sar-ko-fi'-mah). See Sarcoma. SARCOP'TES (sar-kop'-tez). See Acarus Scabei. SAR'COSIN (sar'-ko-sin). Substance obtained from kreatin. SARCO'SIS (sar-ko'-sis). Sarcomatous growth. SARCOSTO'SIS (sar-kos-to'-sis). Osteoma growing in muscular tissue. SARCOT'IC (sar-kot'-ik). Flesh-producing. SAR'COTOME (sar'-ko-tom). Instrument for cutting flesh. SAR'COUS (sar'-kus). Fleshy; pertaining to or resembling flesh. SARDI'ASIS (sar-di'-a-sis). See Rinas Sardonicus. SARDON'IC See Risus Sardonicus. SAREP'TA. Mustard. SARSAPARIL'LA (sar-sap-ar-il'-ah). Alterative and tonic; also stimulating secretion of urine. SAR'TIAN DISEASE'. An ulcerous disease; see Furunculus Orientalis. SARTO'RIUS (sar-to'-re-us). Muscle of the thigh extending from ilium to head of tibia. SAS'SAFRAS. Aromatic diaphoretic and tonic. SAT'ELLITE (sat'-el-lt). Applied to a vein extending over same course as an artery. SATI'ETY (sa-ti'-et-e). Excessively full beyond desire. SAT'U RATED (sat'-ur-a-ted). Having undergone saturation. SATURATION. Absorption of a liquid by a solid, until it refuses to absorb more. SAT'URNINE (sat'-er-nin). Pertaining to lead. Gloomy; mel- ancholy. SAT'URNISM. Poisoning from lead. SATUR'NUS (sat-ur-nus). Lead. SATYRI'ASIS (sat-e-ri'-as-is). Excessive lustful desires of the male. SAURIO'SIS. See Ichthyosis. SAU'SAGE POX'SONING isaw'-saj}. Disease due to poisonous ptomaine of decayed sausages. SAVIL'LA RHAT'ANY (rat'-an-e). See Krameria. SAVTN. See Savine. SAV'INE (sav'-in). An emmenagogue leaf. SA'VORY (sa'-vo-re). Pleasant to sense of smell or to the palate. SAW. An instrument with nicked edge for sawing a bone. SAXTFRAGE (saks'-if-raj). Vegetable tonic to the nerves. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 244 SAYRE’S JACK'ET. Plaster-of-Paris encasing for body, ex- hibited in spine disease, SCAB (skab). Granulation or crust over skin disease or wound. SCABET'IC. Resembling or pertaining to scabies. SCABIES. Itch due to action of parasite (Acarus Scabei) un- derneath the skin. SCABRIT'IES (ska-brit'-ez). Hypertrophy and induration of nails; roughness. SCA'BROUS (ska'-brus). Hardened; rough. SCAB'-WORT. See Inula. SCA'LA (ska'-lah). Cochleal passages resembling stairs. SCALARTFORM (skal-ar'-if-orm). Resembling or having shape of stairs. SCALD (skawld). Burning or blistering of a part from a heated fluid. SCALD'HEAD. See Parrigo. SCALE (skla). Very small sheet of dead skin; also applied to similar sheet of bone. SCALE'Ni MUS'CLES (ska-le'-ni). Several muscles of the neck. SCA'LER (ska'-ler). An instrument for cleaning the teeth. SCALLED'HEAD (skawld'-hed). See Scald-head. SCALP (skalp). Covering of skull. SCAL'PEL (skal'-pel). Sharp pointed surgical knife. SCAL'PRUM. See Raspatory. SCA'LY (ska'-le). Pertaining to or resembling scales. SCA'LY FETTER. See Psoriasis. SCAM'MONY (skam'-on-e). A purgative resin. SCAP'HA (skaf-ah), Cavity between helix and anthellx. SCAPHOCEPKAL'IK. Pertaining to scaphocephalus. SCAPHOCEPH'ALUS. Monster with head shaped like a boat. SCAPH'OID (skaf'-oid). Resembling shape of boat. SCAPH'OID BONE. Small curved bone of the foot. SCAP'ULA. Large bone at posterior portion of shoulder; shoulder-blade. SCAPULAL'GIA (skap-u-lal'-je-ah). Pain in the scapula. SCAP'ULAR (skap-u-lar). Pertaining to the scapula. SCAP'ULARY (skap'-u-la-re). Applied to material for bandag- ing shoulder. SCAP'ULO. See Scapular. SCAP'ULUM. See Scapula. SCAR (skar). Cicatrix of a wound. SCARF'SKIN. The epidermis. SCARIFICA'TION (skar-if-ik-a'-shun). Making a number of superficial incisions of very little depth on a part of the body, as for application of local stimulant. WARNER’S ROCKET MEDICAL, DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 245 SCAR'IFICATOR (skar'-if-ik-a-tor). Instrument for scarifica- tion. SCARLETPNA (skar-lat-e'-nah). Contagious febrile disease, with scarlet rash ; occurs in epidemics. SCARLETINTFORM. Having nature of scarletina. SCARLAT'INOID. See Scarletiniform. SCARLAT'INOUS. See Scarletiniform. SCAR'LET FE'VER. See Scarletina. SCAR'LET RASH. See Scarletina. SCATACRA'TIA. Incontinence of feces. SCAV'ENGING (skav'-en-jing), Street cleaning; a sanitary measure. SCELAL'GIA (ske-lal'-Je-ah). Pain in the bony structure of body. SCELETOG'RAPHY. Treatise on the skeleton. SCHEELE’S GREEN (shelz). Arsenite of copper, greenish in color. SCHE'MA (ske'-mah). A descriptive diagram. SCHINDYL'ESIS(skin-dil'-es-is). Insertion of one bone into part of another bone which has been split open, forming an im. movable joint. SCHINOCEPH'ALUS (skin-6-sef-a-lus). Monster with pointed skull. SCHISTOCE'LIA (skls-to-se'-le-ah). Cracking open of abdomen. SCHISTOCEPH'ALUS (skis-to-sef-al-us). Monster with cleft skull. SCHISTOGLOS'SIA (skis-to-glos'-e-ah). Cracking of the tongue. SCHISTOPROSO'PIA (skis-td-pro-so'-pe-ah). Facial Assure. SCHISTOPROSO'PUS (skis-td-prd-sd'-pus). Monster affected with schistoprosopia. SCHISTOR'RHACIS. See Hydrorrhachis. SCHISTOTHO'RAX (skis-td-thd'-raks). Fissure of the thorax. SCHIZOMYCE'TES (skiz-d-mi-se'-tez). Microorganisms; bac- teria. SCHIZOMYCIT'IC (skiz-d-ini-slt'-ik). Pertaining to schizomy- cetes. SCHIZOMYCO'SIS (skiz-6-mi-ko'-sis). Schizomyciticgrowth in man. SCHIZOTRICHTA (skiz-o-trik'-e-ah). Fissure of hair terminals. SCHNEIDE'RIAN MEM'BRANE. Pituitary membrane of the nose. SCHRE'GER’S LINES. Rings or ridges around teeth due to growth of dentine. SCIAS'COPY. See Skiascopy. SCIATTC (si-at'-ik). Pertaining to the ischium. 246 SCIATICA (sl-at'-ik-ah). Inflammation of the sciatic nerve. SCIAT'IC NERVES. Nerves of thigh, legs, etc. SCIL'LA (sil'-ah). See Squill. SCINTILLATION (sin-til-a'-shun). A rapid flashing; sparkling. SCIOGRAPH. See Skiograph. SCIR'RHOID (skir'-oid). Having nature of a scirrhus. SCIRRHO'MA (skir-6'-mah). See Scirrhus. SCIRRHOSAR'CA. See Scleroderma. SCIRRHO'SIS (skir-6'-sis). Production of a scirrhus. SCIR'RHOUS (skir'-us). Pertaining to scirrhus. SCIR'RHUS(skir'-us). A cancerous induration ; see Carcinoma. SCIR'RUS. See Scirrhus. SCIS'SION (sis'-shun). Division; Assure. SCIS'SORS. An instrument with movable joint which cuts by grinding its two blades together. SCLE'RA (skle'-rah). Sclerotic membrane of eye. SCLE'RAL (skle'-ral). Pertaining to the sclera. SCLERECTA'SIA (skle-rek-ta'-se-ah). Bulging of sclera or cornea; see Staphyloma. SCLERECTOMY (skler-ek'-to-me). Removal of sclera. SCLERE'MA (skle-re'-mah). See Scleroderma. SCLERENCEPHA'LIA (skle-ren-sef-a'-le-ah). Cerebral indura- tion. SCLBRI'ASIS (skle-ri'-a-sis). Applied to an induration or hardening. SCLERITIS (skle-ri'-tis). Inflammation of sclerotic membrane. SCLEROCAT'ARACT. Sclerotic cataract. SCLERODER'MA (skle-ro-der'-mah). Cirrhosis of the skin. SCLEROQ'ENOUS (skle-roj'-en-us). Applied to that which is becoming indurated. SCLERO'MA (skle-ro'-mah). A hardening. SCLEROME'NIX. The dura mater. SCLERONYXTS (skle-ron-iks'-is). Incision of sclerotic. SCLEROPHTHAL'MIA (skle-roff-thal'-me-ah). Bulging of sclera of eye. SCLEROSAR'COMA. See Scirrhus. SCLERO'SIS (skler-6'-sis). Induration of soft part, as tissues. SCLERO-SKEL'ETON. Formation of bone in muscles. SCLEROTTC(skIer-ot'-ik). Hardened. Pertaining to the sclera, SCLEROT'ICA (sklcr-ot'-ik-ah). Outer membrane of eye. SCLEROTICO'NYXIS. See Sleronyxis. SCLEROTITIS (skler-ot-i'-tis). Inflammation of sclerotics. SCLER'OTOME (skler'-ot-om). Instrument for sclerotomy. SCLEROT'OMY (skler-ot'-o-me). Incision of sclerotica. SCLEROTONYXTB (skler-ot-6-niks-is). See Scleronyxis. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SCOLICI'ASIS (skol-e-si'-a-sis). State resulting from worms. SCOLECOL'OGY (sko-le-koT-6-je). Treatise on worms. SCO'LEX (sko'-leks). Hydatid which has become encysted. SCOLIO'MA. See Rhachioscoliosis. SCOLIOSIOM'ETRY (sko-le-o-se-6m'-et-re). Determining degree of scolioma. SCOLIO'SIS (sko-lc'-6-sis). See Rhachioscolioma. SCOLIOT'IC (sko-le-ot'-ik), Pertaining to scoliosis. SCOOP (skoop). Instrument resembling spoon. SCOPA'RIUS (sko-pa'-re-us). The broom; stimulates secretion of urine. SCOP'OLINE (skop'-o-lin). Derivative of belladonna, SCORACRA'TIA (sko-rak-ra'-she-ah). See Scatacratia. SCORBU'TIC. Pertaining to scorbutus. SCORBU'TUS (skor-bu'-tis). Scurvy. SCOTAS'MA. See Scotoma. SCOTO'MA (sk6-to-mah). Sensation, as of dark objects in front of eyes. SCOURGE (skerj). See Plague. SCOUR'ING (skow'-ring). See Purgation. SCRIV'ENER’S PAL'SY. See Writer’s Cramp, SCROBIC'ULUS COR'DIS. Region between sternum and um- bilicus; pit of stomach. SCROF'ULA (skrof-u-lah). Tuberculous disease of the con- stitution, with tumors of the glands, especially of the neck. SCROFULODER'MA. Scrofula of the skin. SCROFULO'SIS. Scrofulous formation. SCROF'ULOUS (skrof-u-lus). Pertaining to scrofula. SCROFULELCO'SIS (skrof-u-lel-ko'-sis). Ulcer of a scrofulous nature. SCROF'ULIDE. Applied to a disease of a scrofulous nature. SCROFULOPHY'MA (skrof-u-16-fi'-mah). Scrofulous tumor. SCRO'TAL (skro'-tal'. Pertaining to the scrotum. SCROTI'TIS (skro-ti'-tis). Inflammation of the scrotum. SCRO'TOCELE (skro'-to-sel). Hernia or tumor of the scrotum. SCRO'TUM (skro'-tum). Bag-like process cover testes. SCRUF'-SKIN. See Scarf-skin. SCRU'PLE (skru'-pl). Twenty grains; three scruples; one drachm. SCULL'-CAP. See Skull-cap. SCULTE'TUS, BANDAGE OF. Bandage consisting of strips literally braided together. SCURF (skerf). Falling of skin in small scales, especially applied to such a condition of the scalp. SCUR'FY Prolific of scurf. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 247 248 SCUR'VY (skir'-ve). Disease with salivation, purpura, etc., especially seen among sailors. SCUTELLA'RIA. Skull-cap; a nerve-stimulant. SCU'TIFORM (sku'-ti-form). Shape resembling a shield. SCU'TUM. Thyroid-cartilage. SCYB'ALA (skib'-a-lah). Passage of feces in dry, hard balls. SCYTHTAN DISEASE'. Shriveling of genitalia in aged males. SCYTI'TIS (si-t!'-tis). Inflammation of the skin. SCYTOBLASTE'MA (sl-to-blas-te'-mah), Primitive state of the skin. SCYTOBLASTE'SIS (s!-to-blas-te'-sis). Development of scyto- blastema. SCYTOMORPHO'SIS (si-to-mor-fo'-sis). Unusual cutaneous formation. SEA'-ASH. A nervine; see Xanthoxyiin. SEA-BUR'DOCK. Antidote for bites of poisonous reptiles. SEA'-SALT. Chloride of sodium. SEAM (sem). Same as suture. SEA-SICK'NESS. MaldeMer. Dizziness and vomiting due to tossing of ship on a sea voyage. SEA'-TANGLE. Highly absorbent sea-weed. SEA'-WRACK (se'-wrak). See Fucus Vesiculosis. SEBA'CEOUS (se-ba'-she-us). Pertaining to or producing sebum. SEBA'CEOUS GLANDS. A number of glands secreting fatty matter or sebum. SEBA'CEOUS SECRE'TION. See Sebum. SEBIP'AROUS (se-bip'-ar-us). Applied to production of seba- ceous matter or sebum. SEBORRHA'GIA (se-bor-a'-je-ah). Sebaceous diarrhea. SEBORRHE'A (se-bor-e'-ah). Excessive morbid sebaceous secretion. SE'BUM (se'-bum). Greasy matter which is secreted by seba- ceous glands. SECERN'ENT. Applied to part secreting matter. SECERNING. Secreting. SECONDA'RIES (sek-on-da'-sez). Second syphilitic stage. SECONDARY. Second. SEC'ONDARY HEM'ORRHAGE. Post-operative hemorrhage. SEC'ONDARY SYP'HILIS. Stage of syphilis after primary and before tertiary stage. SEC'OND INTEN'TION. Normal healing with granulation: opposed to first intention. SECRE'TA (se-kre'-tah). Glandular secretions. SECRE'TING (se-kre'-ting). Producing secretions. WARNER S POCKET MEDICAL SECRETION, That which is secreted. Work of a secreting organ separating matter secreted from the blood. SECRET'ORY (se-kret'-o-re). Pertaining to secretion. SECTION (sek'-shun). Incisional division. SEC'UNDINES (sek'-un-dins). Foul matter expelled from womb after birth of child. SECUN'DEM ARTEM, In accordance with a fixed or correct method. SEDATION (se-da'-shun). Act of a sedative. SEDATIVE. Agent making a part less sensible to pain; a quieting remedy. SED'ENTAR Y (sed'-en-ta-re), Inactive; sitting. SED'IMENT. Precipitation of a matter in a fluid; dregs. SED'LITZ. See Seidlitz. SEDUM A'CRE (a'-ker). Remedy with diuretic properties. SEED (sed). See Semen. SEG'MENT. A division; a portion of a part. SEGMENTAL. Pertaining to a segment. SEGMENTATION (seg-men-ta'-shun). Process of dividing into segments. SEGREGATE. Separation from other parts. SEID'LITZ POW'DER (sed'-litz). An effervescing saline laxa- tive, SEIZ'URE (sez'-ur). A very sudden attack, as an apopleptic. seizure, SELE'NE (se-le'-ne). Flaky spots of Anger nails. SELF-ABUSE' (self-ab-yus'). See Masturbation; solitary sex-, ual indulgence. SELF-DIGESTION. Digestion of stomach itself from action of gastric juices. SELF-INFECTION. Transfer of disease from one infected part of the body to any part which was free from infection. SEL'LA TUR'CICA (ter'-sik-ah). Portion of saddle-shaped sphenoid bone. SEMEIOG'RAPHY (sem-e-og'-ra-te). Description of symptoms of various diseases. SEMEIOL'OGY (sem-e-ol'-6-je). Treatise on symptoms. SEMEIO'SIS (sem-e-6-sis). See Diagnosis. SEMIOT'IC (sem-e-ot'-ik). Relating to symptoms. SEMIOTTCS (sem-e-ot'-iks). See Semiology. SE'MEN (se'-men). Fluid secreted by testicles and spermatic processes; seed. SEMICIR'CULAR CANALS'. Three-aural passages. SEMILU'NAR. Resembling shape of a crescent. SEMILU'NAR BONE. Crescent-shaped bone of the wrist. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 249 250 SEMILU'NAR CARTILAGES. Crescent-shaped cartilages of knee. SEMILU'NAR GANG'LIA (gang'-le-ah). Ganglia of solar plexus near kidneys. SEMILU'NAR NOTCH. Notch above the sternum. SEMILU'NAR VALVES. Crescent-shaped valves of pulmon- ary artery and aorta. SEMIMEMBRANO'SIS. Femoral muscle. SEM'INA. Plural of semen, q. v. SEM'INAL (sem'-in-al). Pertaining to semen. SEMINA'TION (sem-in-a'-shun). Seminal ejaculation. SEMINIF'EROUS (sem-in-if-er-us). Seminal bearing. SEMISPINA'LIS (sem-e-spl-na'-lis). Certain muscles about spine. SEMISPINA'TUS (sem-o-spl-na'-tus). See Semispinalis. SEMITENDINO'SUS (sem-e-ten-din-o'-susj. Long femoral mus- cle. SEN'ECTUS. See Senile. SEN'EGA. Root used as an expectorant. SEN'EKA. See Senega. SE'NILE (se-nll). Senility. SENI'LIS (se-ni'-lis). Pertaining to old age. SENI'LITY (se-ni'-li-te). Same as senilis, q. v. SEN'NA. A purgative leaf. SENSA'TION. Knowledge of feeling. SENSE. That which makes one aware of sensation. SENSIBIL'ITY (sen-sl-bil'-it-e). State in which one is aware of sensation. SEN'SIBLE (sen'-si-bl). Having mental perception. SEN'SITIVE. Usually indicative of abnormal quality of feel- ing. Having feeling. SENSO'RIUM. Center of perceptibility or the brain. SEN'SORY (sen'-so-re). Pertaining to sensation. SEN'TIENT (sen'-she-ent). Capable of perceiving sensations. SEPARATOR (sep-ar-a'-tor). Instrument for straightening teeth. SEPET'ONOUS. Foul; rank. SE'PIA (se'-pe-ah). Inky secretion of cuttle fish which it ejects when pursued. SEP'SIN. Ptomaine of putrefaction. SEP'SIS. Poisoning from septic matter. Putrefaction. SEPTE'MIA (sep-te'-me-ah). See Septicemia. SEP'TIC (sep'-tlk). Pertaining to putrefaction. SEPTICE'MIA (sep-tis-e'-me-ah). Fatal feverish disease due to absorption of purulent matter. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SEP'TUM. A membranous partition. SEP'TUM CEREBEL'LI, See Falx Cerebri. SEQUEL'A (se-kwel'-ah). Applied to complications following a disease. SEQUESTRA'TION (se-kwes-tra'-shun). Production of seques- trum. SEQUESTREC'TOMY (se-kwes-trek'-to-me). Removal of se- questrum. SEQUESTROT'OMY (se-kwes-trot'-6-me). See Sequestrectr omy. SEQUESTRUM (se-kwes'-trum). Detached necrosed portion of a bone. SERAL'BUMIN. Serum albumin. SER'IOUS. In a dangerous condition. SER'OLIN. Crystalline fatty substance in blood. SEROS'ITY (se-ros'-it-e). Of a serous nature. SE'ROUS (se'-rus). Pertaining to serum. SERPENTA'RIA (ser-pen-ta'-re-ah). Virginia snake-root; su- dorific. SERPES. See Herpes. SERPIG'INOUS. Having trend of a serpent’s path. SERPI'GO (ser-pi'-go). See Ringworm. SER'RATED (ser'-a-ted). Resembling edge of a saw. SER'RATUS (ser'-a-tus). See Serrated. Muscle of upper side of chest. SERRE-FINE' (sar-fSn'). Instrument for holding edges of a wound together, SERRE-NCEUD'. Instrument used to tie suture. SE'RUM (se'-rum). Yellowish fluid portion of the blood. SERUMU'RIA (se-rum-u'-re-ah). Same as albuminuria. SES'AMOID (ses'-am-oid). Grain-like in shape. SES'AMOID BONES. Small bones within tendons, as the patella. SES'SILE (ses'-il). Without a stalk. SET. Popular term for correcting a dislocated joint. SETA'CEOUS. Hairy. SE'TON. Silky matter penetrating skin, a counter irritant; obsolete. SEW'ER (soo'-er). A drain for carrying away refuse. SEX (seks). Organic difference of male and female, SEXDIG'ITAL (seks-dij'-it-al). Six-fingered. SEX'UAL. (seks'-u-al). Pertaining to sex. SHAD'OWGRAPH (shad'-o-graf). See Skiograph. SHAKES. See Ague. SHAM'MINQ. See Malinger. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 251 252 SHAMPOO' (sham-poo'). See Massage. Head-washing and rubbing. SHANK. See Tibia. SHARK' OIL. Sometimes substituted for Morrhuae Oleum. SHEATH (sheth). An enveloping substance. SHEEP'- POX. Disease of sheep similar to cow-pox. SHELLAC' (shel-ak'). A constituent of sealing wax. SHI P'HEPD’S PURSE. An astringent plant, SHIELD (sheld). A protective agent. SHIN. Front portion of tibia. SHIN'-BONE. See Tibia. SHIN'GLEd (shing'-ls). See Herpes. SHIP'-FEVER. Severe form of typhus. SHI'VER Shaking, as from ague. SHOCK shok). Prostration, the reaction of nervous system after operation or a violent injury. SHORT'-SIGHTED. Near-sighted. SHOT'GUN PRESCRIPTION. So termed on account of its great number of ingredients. SHOUL'DER (shol'-der). Upper portion of body from sides of which arms extend. SHOUL'DLR BLADE. The scapula. SHOW (sho). Bloody discharge during labor. SIAL'ADEN (sl-al'-ad-en). Salivary gland. SIALADENITIS (si-al-ad-en-i'-tis). Inflammation of salivary gland. SIALADENON'CUS (s!-al-ad-en-on'-kus). Morbid enlargement of salivary gland. SIAL'AGOGLIE (si-al'-a-gog). Agent stimulating secretion of saliva. SI'ALINE. See Ptyalin. SIALIS'MUS (si-al-iz'-mus). See Salivation. SIALOGOGTC (si-al-o-goj'-ik). See Sialagogue. SIAL'OGOGUE. See Sialagogue. SI'ALOID (si'-a-loid). Pertaining to saliva. SIAL'OLITH (sl-al'-d-lith). Salivary calculus. SIALO-LITHI'ASIS (sx-al-o-lith-l'-as-is). Formation of sialolith. SIALON'CUS (s!-al-ong'-kus). Salivary tumor. SI A LOR R HE'A. Salivary incontinence. SIALOS'CHESIS (si-al-os'-ke-sis). Salivary retention. SIALOZE'MIA (s!-rl-oz-e'-me-ah). Salivation. SIB'BENS (sib'-bena). Dangerous syphilitic disease of Scotland. SIBE'RIAN PLAGUE (plag). Disease due to bacillis anthrax. SIB'ILANT. Applied to sounds that sound like a hissing serpent. VARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL BIC'CATIVE (sik'-a-tiv). Evaporating to dryness. SICK (sik). The opposite of healthy; ill. SICK-HEAD ACHE (sik-hed'-ak). Headache and vomiting. SICK'NESS (sik'-ncss). State of being sick. SIDE (sid). Lateral surface. SIDE'-BONE, See Ilium. SIDERO'SIS (sid-er-o'-sis). Ferrous deposits in a part. SIELIS'MUS. Salivation. SIESTA (se-es'-tah). An afternoon nap. SIG. Abbreviation for “ signa,” meaning “ give directions.” SI'GAULT’S OPERATION (se'-gawltz). Same as symphisiot- omy. SIGH (si). Prolonged single inspiration and expiration. SIGHT (sit). Vision; sense enabling one to see objects. SIGHT'LESS (sit'-les). Blind. SIG'MOID. “S” shaped. SIGMOIDAL. Pertaining to or resembling sigmoid. SILIC'IOUS. Pertaining to silicate. SIL'ICATE. Mineral substance used in pharmacy. SILVER. See Argentum. SILVER COAT'ED. Applied to pills covered with silver. SIM'PLE. An original unmixed remedial agent. SIMULATION (sim-u-la'-shun). Feigning illness. SINA'PIS (sin-a'-pis). Mustard, used especially for plasters or poultices. SINAPISM. Poultice made of mustard. SINCIP'ITAL (sin-sip'-it-al). Pertaining to the sinciput. SIN'CIPUT (sin'-sip-ut). Fore part of head; opposite of occiput or back part of head. SIN'EW (sin'-u). A tendon. SINGULTUS. Same as hiccough. SINTSTER (sin'-ls-ter). Pertaining to parts on the left. SIN'ISTRAL. Pertaining to the left. SIN'UOUS (sin'-u-us). Winding in and out. SI'NUS (si'-nus). A good-sized cavity with narrow entrance. SI'PHON (si-lun). Tube used to withdraw fluids from a con- tainer by means of suction. SIPHONO'MA (si-fun-o'-mah). Tumor of peritoneum. SI'REN (si-ren). See Sirenomelus. SIRENOM'ELUS. Monster with no legs or feet, and with tap- ering of lower body. SIRIASIS. See Heat-stroke. SITIOL'OGY (sit-i-ol'-o-je). Scientific treatise on foods. SITIOPHO'BIA (sit-e-o-fo'-be-ah). Repugnance of food. SITOL'OGY (slt-ol'-o-je). Same as sitiology. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 254 SITOPHO'BIA (sit-d-fo-be-ah). See Sitiophobla. SITZ' BATH. Bath for abdomen and thighs. SI'UM. Genus of poisonous water parsnips. SI'ZY. Ropy. SKA'TOL (ska'-tol). Substance of fecal putrefaction. SKELETOG'RAPHY. Description of skeleton. SKELETOL'OGY. Treatise on the skeleton. SKEL'ETON. Bony structure of body. SKIAS'COPY. Observation of eye to determine refraction. SKI'OGRAPH (skc'-6-graf). Picture of a substance invisible to the eye on account of its covering, transferred to a nega- tive by means of the X Rays, q. v, SKIOGRAPHTC (ske-d-graf-lk). Pertaining to a skiograph. SKIOG'RAPHY (ske-og'-raf-e). Description of skiographs. SKIOL'OGY. Treatise on skiographs. SKIN. Thin membranous sheet enveloping the body. SKiN'-BOUND. See Scleroderma. SKLERI'ASIS (skle-ri'-as-is). See Scleroderma. SKODA’S SIGN. Percussion note, indicative of effusion within the plural cavity. SKU'LEIN (sku'-lin). Constituent of squills. SKULL. Hollow bone containing brain, etc.; the head. SKULL'CAP, See Scutellaria. SLAKED LIME (slakt lim). Lime to which water has been added. SLATY. Slate-colored. SLAV'ERING. Saliva slowly running out of mouth. SLEEP (slep). Rest for preservation of body, during which there is an Ignorance of surroundings. SLEEP'LESSNESS. See Insomnia. Inability to sleep. SLEEP'-WALKING. See Somnambulism. SLEEP'ING SICKNESS. An African disease in which there is continued drowsiness, and wasting away. SLIDE (slid). Glass strip for reception of matter to be ex- amined under microscope. SLING. Suspension for injured arm, attached to shoulder and extending about to the umbilicus. SLOB'BERING. See Slavering. SLOUGH (sluf). That which separates from sound flesh during suppuration. SMALL'-POX (smawl'-poks). See Variola. SMEG'MA (smeg'-mah). Matter collecting about prepuce. SMELL. Sense which detects odor. An odor. SMI'LAX (smi'-laks). An alterative plant. SMOKER’S HEART, See Tobacco Heart. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SMOTH'ERINQ, See Asphyxia. SNAKE'ROOT, BLACK. See Cimicifuga. SNARE. Instrument used to remove certain morbid growths of the body, especially of the nose. SNEEZING (snez'-lng). Explosion of air through nose, due to a tickling of nasal mucous membrane. SNORE. Noisy respiration during sleep. SNOR'ING. See Snore. SNOW'-BLINDNESS. Temporary blinding due to intense reflection of sun on snow. SNUFFLES. A certain disease of nose. SOAP. Combination of a fatty acid and a salt. SOAP BARK. See Quillala. COCK'ET (sok'-et\ Osseous cavity receiving a part. SOC'OTRINE AL'OES. See Aloe. SO DA (so'-dah). Carbonate of sodium. SO'DA WATER. Carbonated water. SO'DIUM (so'-de-um). Metallic base of salt. SOD'OMY (sod'-o-me). Penile intromission within the anus, termed an 14 unnatural crime.” SOFT. Plastic; not hard. SOFT'ENING (sof-en-ing). Morbid degeneration of a part. SOFT PAL'ATE. See Palate. SOL. Prefix denoting sun. SO'LAR PLEX'US (pleks'-us). Posterior abdominal nerve plexus. SOLA'RIUM (so-la'-re-um). Exposing one’s body to sunlight; sun-bath. SOLAR IZA'TION. See Solarium. SOLE. Bottom of foot. SO'LEA (so'-le-ah). See Sole. SOLE'US (so-le'-us). Muscle of posterior portion of leg. SOLITARY. Alone. SOLITARY PLEAS'URE. See Masturbation. SOL'UBLE (sol'-u-bl). Admitting dissolution; that which may be dissolved. SOLU'TION (so-lu'-shun). Liquid in which a solid has been dissolved. SOLU'TION OF CONTINUITY. Cutaneous division, as from a wound. SOLU'TION CAL'CIS. Solution of lime. SOL'VENT. That which causes a substance to dissolve. SO'MA (so'-mah). The body. SO'MACULE (so'-mak-ul). Ultimate protoplasmic division. SOMAT'IC (so-mat'-ik). Pertaining to the body. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 255 256 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL. SOMATODY'MIA (so-mat-6-di'-me-ah). Double monster joined by the trunks. SOMATOL'OGY (s6-mat-ol'-6-je). An anatomical treatise. SO'MATOPLEURE (so'-mat-d-plur). Outer envelop of blasto- derm. SOMATOT'OMY. Incision of body for dissection purposes. SOMATOTRID'YMUS (so-mat-o-trid'-im-us). Triple-trunked monster. SOMNAM'BULISM. Involuntary, unconscious walking dur- ing sleep. SOMIFA'CIENT (som-nif-a'-shent). Hypnotic; soporific. SOMNIF'EROUS (som-nir-er-us). An agent causing sleep. SOMNIL'OQUY (som-nil'-o-kwe). Muttering during sleep; nightmare. SOM'NOLENCE (som'-no-lens). Sleepiness; desire to sleep. SOM'NOLENT. In a condition of somnolence. SOM'NUS. Sleep. SON. The relation of a male offspring to his father and mother. SON'ITUS (son'-it-us). A ring sound. SOOT. Black flaky collection in stoves and chimneys. SOOT'-WART. Cancer observed on chimney sweeps. SOPHISTICATION (so-fls-tik-a'-shun). Adulteration. SO'PIENT (so'-pe-ent). See Soporific. SO'POR (so'-por). Sleep. SOPORIF'EROUS. See Soporific. SOPORIF'IC (so-por-if'-ik). Medicine causing sleep. SOP'OROSE (so'-por-os). Drowsy. SORBEFA'CIENT (sor-be-fa'-shent). Agent stimulating ab- sorption. SOR'BUS. Mountain ash. SOR'DES (sor'-dez). Putrid matter. Foul. SOR'DID. See Sordes. SORE. An ulcer or suppuration. SORE-THROAT. Inflammation of throat; popular term for tonsillitis. SOR'GHUM (sor'-gum). A syrup, SOT'TO. Prefix having meaning similar to “ sub.” SOUF'FLE (soof'-el). Wheezy sound heard during auscultation. SOUF'FLE, BRONCH'IAL (bronk'-e-al). Murmur from within the pleural cavity. SOUF'FLE, UTERINE, Uterine murmur of pregnancy. SOUND. A metal or rubber probe for investigating canals and cavities. That which is heard when a body is struck, the intensity depending upon resistance of the body. SOUND'ING. See Percussion. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. SOW-THIS'TLE (this'-l). Stimulant to urinary secretion. SOZOTODAL (so-zo-l'-o-dal). An antiseptic compound. SPA (spah). A mineral spring. SPACE (spas). A cavity or opening. SPANE'MIA (span-e'-me-ah). See Anemia. SPANE'MIC. Affected with spanemia. SPANISH. Pertaining to Spain. SPAN'ISH FLY. See Cantharis. SPARAG'MUS. See Spasm. SPARGO'SIS (spar-go'-sis). Hypertrophy or distension. SPAR'TEINE (spar'-te-in). Alkaloid of scoparius. SPASM (spazm). Sudden convulsion of muscles. SPASMAT'IC. See Spasmodic. SPASMODIC. Pertaining to spasm. SPASMOL'OGY. Science of spasms. SPASMOPHIL'IA (spaz-mo-fil'-e-ah). Spasmodic diathesis. SPAS'MOUS. Resembling spasms. SPAS'MUS (spaz'-mus). See Spasm. SPAS'TIC. See Spasmodic. SPA'TIAL (spa'-shal). Pertaining to space. SPAT'ULA (spat'-u-lah). Thin, dull, knife-like instrument used for compounding unguent, etc. SPAV'IN (spav'-in), An equine disease. SPAY (spa). Ovarectomy; unsexing. SPEAR'MINT. Mentha Viridis, remedy for flatus. SPECIALIST (spesh'-al-ist). Physician who limits his practice to certain diseases, as an eye and ear specialist. SPE'CIES (spe'-shez). A class; a genus. SPECIFTC (spc-sif-ik). A sure cure for a certain disease. Syphilitic. Peculiar. SPECIFIC GRAVTTY. See Gravity, Specific. SPECIL'LUM (spe-sil'-um). A certain instrument for probing. SPECTACLES. An arrangement holding two lenses for assist- ing vision. SPECTRA (spek'-trah). Plural of spectrum. SPEC'TROSCOPE (spek'-tO-skop). An Instrument for examin- ing spectra. SPECTRUM (spek'-trum). Colored light formed by prismatic decomposition of a ray of light. SPEC'ULUM (spck'-u-lum). Instrument for dilating openings in order to investigate the interior. SPEECH (spech). Utterance expressing thoughts. SPEND. Seminal ejaculation. SPERM. Semen. SPERMA. See Sperm. 258 SPERM OIL. Lubricant obtained from sperm whale. SPERMACE'TI (sper-mah-se'-ti). Substance obtained from head of sperm whale, used in preparing unguents. SPERMACRA'SIA (sper-mah-kra'-se-ah). Impoverished con- dition of semen, SPERMATEMPHRAX'IS (sper-mat-em-fraks'-is). Condition not permitting ejaculation of semen. SPERMAT'IC (sper-raat'-ik). Pertaining to semen. SPERMAT'IC CORD. Cord about testes. SPER'MATIN (sper'-mat-in). Constituent of semen. SPER'MATISM. Seminal emission. SPERM AT'OCELE. Testicular tumor or hernia. SPERMATOCHOR'DA. See Spermatic Cord. SPERMATOCLEM'MA. Involuntary seminal ejaculation. SPER'MATOCYST (sper'-mat-6-sist). Seminal vesicle or sac. SPERMATOCYSTI'TIS (sper-mat-o-sls-ti'-tis), Inflammation of spermatocysts. SPERMATOG'ENY (sper-mat-oj'-en-e). Formation of sper- matozoa. SPERMATOGEN'ESIS (sper-mat-to-gen'-e-sis). Production of sperm. SPERMATOLEP'SIS (sper-mat-6-lep'-sis). Involuntary ejacu- lation of semen. SPER'MATOID. Resembling sperm. SPERMATOL'OGY (sper-mat-ol'-o-je). Science of semen. SPERMATOP'ATHY (spcr-mat-op'-ath-e). Seminal disease. SPERMATOPHO'BIA (sper-mat-6-f(V-be-ah). Worriment from fear of having spermatorrhea. SPERM ATOPOIET'IC. Seminal formation. SPERMATORRHE'A (sper-mat-or-c'-ah). Morbid oozing- or wasting away of semen; very weakening. SPERMATOS'CHESIS (sper-mat-os'-ke-sis). Lack of semen. SPERMATOZE'MIA. Same as spermatorrhea. SPERMATOZO'A (sper-mat-o-zo'-ah). Plural of spermatozoon. SPERM ATOZO'ID (sper-mat-b-zo'-id). See Spermatozoon. SPERM ATOZO'ON (sper-mat-6-zo'-on). Generating constituent of semen. SPER'MINE (sper'-min), Seminal leucornaine. SPER'MOLITH (sper'-mo-lith). Seminal calculus. SPEW. To spit; ejaculation, as of semen. Vomiting. SPERMONEURAL'GIA (sper-md-nu-ral'-je-ah). Neuralgia of seminal tubes. SPHACELATED (sfas'-el-a-ted). Dead, as mortified tissue. SPHACELISM (sfas'-el-izm). Degeneration of tissue, as from gangrene. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SPHACELODER'MA (sfas-el-6-der-mah). Gangrenous blotches on skin. SPHAC'ELOID (sfas'-el-oid). Resembling sphacelus. SPHAC'ELOUS (sfas'-el-us). Pertaining to sphacelus. SPHAC'ELUS (sfas-el-us). Gangrenous destruction of a part. SPHENOCEPH'ALUS (sfo-n6-sef'-al-us). Fetus with head re- sembling shape of wedge, SPHE'NOID (sfe'-noid). Resembling shape of wedge. SPHE'NOID BONE. Wedge-like bone of the head. SPHENOI'DAD (sfe-noi'-dal). Pertaining to the sphenoid bone. SPHENOI'DES (sfe-noi'-dez), The sphenoid bone. SPHENOTRE'SIA (sfe-no-tre'-se-ah). A form of craniotomy. SPHE'NOTRIBE (sfe'-no-trib). Instrument for sphenotresia. SPHERESTHE'SIA. An illusive sensation as of touching a sphere. SPHER'ICAL ABERRATION. See Aberration, Spherical. SPHEROBACTE'RIUM (sfs-ro-bak-te'-ri-um). Micrococcus. SPHE'ROID (sfe'-roid). Sphere-shaped. SPHERO'MA (sfe-ro'-mah). A globe-shaped tumor. SPHEROM'ETER. Instrument to measure curvature of lens. SPHINC'TER (sfink'-ter). Ring-like muscle, which when it contracts closes an opening. SPHINC'TER ANI. Ring-like muscle of anus, controlling passage of feces. SPHINCTERAL'GIA (sfink-ter-al'-je-ah). See Proctalgia. SPHINCTEROT'OMY. Incision of sphincter. SPHIN'GOSIN. A certain cerebral matter. SPHINX'IS (sfingks'-is). Contraction. SPHYQ'MIC. Pertaining to the pulse. SPHYG'MICAL. See Sphygmic. SPHYG'MOGRAM (sflg'-mo-gram). Sphygraographic record of pulse. SPHYG'MOGRAPH (sfig'-mo-graf). An instrument which gives a traced record of pulse. SPHYGMOGRAPHTC. Pertaining to the sphygmograph. SPHYGMOG'RAPHY (sfig-mog'-ra-fe). Scientific description of the pulse. SPHYG'MOID (sfig'-moid). Resembling the pulse. SPHYGMOL'OGY. Science of the pulse. SPHYGMOM'ETER. Instrument for measuring pulse. SPHYG'MOSCOPE. Sphygmograph; sphygmometer. SPHYG'MOSCOPY (sflg-mos'-ko-pe). Science of using sphyg- mograph. SPHYGMOTECH'NY (sfig-mo-tek'-ne). Examination of one’s condition by means of pulse. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 259 260 SPHYG'MOUS (sflg'-mus). Resembling the pulse. SPHYG'MUS (sflg’-mus). The pulse. SPI'CA (tepl'-kah). A certain form of bandage. SPIC'ULA (spik'-u-lah). A sharp pointed piece of broken bone. SPIGE'LIA (spi-je'-le-ah). Pinkroot; a teniacide. SPIGE'LIAN LOBE. Hepatic lobe. SPIG'ELINE (spij'-el-en). Active principle of spigelia. SPIKE'NARD (spik'-nard). A stimulant medicine. SPILO'MA (spi-lo'-mah). See Nevus. SPILOPLA'NIA (sp!-16-pla'-ne-ah). Disease with cutaneous blotches. SPILO'SIS (spil-o'-sis). Formation of spiloma. SPi'LUS (spi'-lus). Any spotted cutaneous discoloration. SPI'NA (spi'-nah). The spine. SPI'NA BIF'IDA (spi'-nah bif-id-ah). Spinal Assure. SPI'NAL (spi'-nal). Pertaining to the spine. SPI'NAL CANAL'. Long tube-like cavity receiving spinal cord. SPI'NAL COL'UMN. The back-bone, composed of vertebrae. SPI'NAL CORD. Cord consisting of nerves, occupying spinal canal; it joins the medulla oblongata. SPINA'LIS (spi-na'-lis). Spinal muscle. SPI'NAL MENINGI'TIS See Cerebro-spinal Meningitis. SPI'NATE (spi'-nat). Having spines. SPIN'DLE-CELLED. Having spindle-shaped cells. SPINE. See Spinal Column. Bony eminence or process. SPINIF'EROUS (spin-if-er-us). SeeSpinate. SPINI'TIS. InAammation of spine. SPI'NOUS (spi'-nus). Pertaining to spine. SPIN'THERISM. Apparent vision of sparks, due to shock; popularly termed “seeing stars.” SPI'RAL (spi'-ral). Winding upward; resembling a spire. SPIRIL'LUM (spl-ril'-um). Genus of schizomycetes. SPIR'IT. An alcoholic Auid. SPIRITUS. See Spirit. SPIRI'TUS FRUMEN'TI. Whiskey; stimulant, SPIROBACTE'RIUM. Spiral-shape bacteria. SPIROCHE'TE (spi-ro-ket'-tc). A genus of bacteiia. SPI'ROGRAPH (spi'-ro-graf). Instrument giving a record of chest movements during respiration. SPIROG'RAPHY. Science of using spirograph. SPIROM'ETER (spi-rom'-e-ter). Instrument measuring respi- ration. SPIROM'ETRY. Science of using spirometer. SPI'ROPHORE (spi'-ro-for). Instrument assisting artiAcial respiration. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SPISSA'TED (spis-a'-ted). See Inspissated. SPIT. Forcible expulsion of saliva from mouth. SPITTLE (spit'-l). Saliva. SPLANCH'NA (splank'-nah). The viscera. SPLANCH'NAL (splank'-nal). Pertaining to the splanchna, q.v. SPLANCHNECTO'PIA (splangk-nek-to'-pe-ah). Visceral mal- position. SPLANCH'NIC (splank'-nik). Pertaining to the viscera. SPLANCHNOG'RAPHY. Description of viscera. SPLANCH'NOLITH (splank'-no-lith). Visceral calculus. SPLANCHNOL'OGY (splank-nol'-o-je). Science relating to viscera. SPLANCHNOP'ATHY (splank-nop'-a-the). Morbid affection of viscera. SPLANCHNOSCLERO'SIS (splank-no-scle-ro'-sis). Indurated condition of viscera. SPLANCHNOS'COPY (splank-nos'-kop-e). Visceral investiga- tion. SPLANCHNOT'OMY (splank-not'-d-me). Visceral dissection. SPLAY'-FOOT (spla). Flat-foot. SPLEEN (splen). Oval organ situated in the left hypochon- drium. SPLEEN'-PULP. Glandular tissue of the spleen. SPLENADENO'MA (splen-ad-e-no'-mah). Glandular hyper- trophy of spleen. SPLENAL'GIA (splen-al'-je-ah). Pain in the spleen. SPLENATRO'PHIA. Atrophy of spleen. SPLEN'CULUS (splen'-ku-lus). Second and unnecessary spleen, usually rudimentary. SPLENECTASIS (splen-ek'-tas-is). Splenic hypertrophy. SPLENECTOMY (splen-ek'-to-mel. Removal of spleen. SPLENECTO'PIA (splen-ek-to'-pe-ah). Splenic malposition. SPLENEL'COSIS (splen-el'-ko-sis). Disease with splenic ulcers. SPLENEMPHRAX'IS (splen-em-fraks'-is). Hyperemia of the spleen. SPLENETIC. See Splenic. SPLEN'IC (splen'-ik). Pertaining to the spleen. SPLENIFICATION (splen-if-ik-a'-shun). Changing of matter to splenic tissue. SPLENITIS (splen-i'-tis). Inflammation of spleen. SPLE'NIUS (sple'-ne-us). Muscular sheet of the back. SPLENIZATION (splen-iz-a'-shun). Changing into tissue re- sembling the spleen. SPLEN'OCELE (splen'-o-sel). Splenic hernia. SPLENOCERATO'SIS. Splenic induration. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 261 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SPLENODYN'IA (splen-o-din'-e-ah). Pain in the spleen. SPLENOGRAPHY (splen-og'-ra-fe). Description of the spleen. SPLENOHE'MIA (splen-o-hG'-mc-ah). Plethoric state of spleen. SPLEN'OID. Resembling the spleen. SPLENOL'OGY (splen-ol'-d-je). Science relating to the spleen. SPLENO'MA (splen-o'-mah). Splenic tumor. SPLENOMALA'CIA (splen-o-mal-a'-se-ah). Morbid degenera- tion of spleen. SPLENON'CUS (splen-ong'-kus). Same as splenoma. SPLENOPATHY (splen-op'-ath-G). Affection of spleen. SPLENORRHA'GIA (splen-or-a'-je-ah). Bloody discharge from spleen. SPLENO'SIS (splen-d'-sis). Formation of splenoma. SPLENOT'OMY (splen-ot'-o-me). Incision of the spleen. SPLINT. An arrangement of strips of stiff material for hold- ing a fractured part. SPLIN'TER. A very minute strip of a board or bone; a sliver. SPLIT PELVIS. Congenital cleft of pelvis at pubes. SPO'DIUM (spo'-de-um). Charcoal made from burning bones, used largely for filtering purposes. SPONDYLAL'GIA (spon-dil-al'-je-ah). Spinal pain. SPONDYLARTHRI'TIS (spon-dil-arth-rl'-tis). Inflammation of joint of spinal column. SPONDYLARTHROCACE (spon-dil-arth-rok'-a-se). Disease of spinal joint. SPONDYLEXARTHRO'SIS. Disjointing of vertebra. SPON'DYLE. Vertebra; one of the component parts of the spinal column. SPONDYLI'TIS (spon-dil-i'-tis). Inflammation of aspondyle. SPONDYLODYN'IA (spon-dil-o-din'-e-ah). Vertebral pain ; see Spondylalgia. SPONDYLOLISTHE'SIS. See Spondylexarthrosis. SPONDYLOPATHY (spon-dil-op'-ath-e). Disease of the ver- tebrae. SPONDYLOPYO'SIS (spon-dil-o-pi-o'-sis). Pus around a ver- tebra. SPONDYLOTOMY (spon-dil-ot'-o-me). Cutting a vertebra. SPONGE (spunj). Highly absorbent, pliable, framework of an aquatic animal. SPONGIFORM (spunj'-i-forrn). Like a sponge. SPONGIOPTLINE. Rubber sheet with wool and fragments of sponge stuck on it. SPON'GIOSE (spun'-je-6s). Porous. SPONGOID'. Sponge-like. SPON'GY (spun'-je). See Spongiose. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY 263 SPONTANEOUS (spon-ta'-ne-us). Applied to that which happens without external assistance. SPORAD'IC. Applied to disease in which only a few are attacked at one time; scattered. SPORE (spor). The reproductive substance of plants which do not flower. SPOR'ULE. Minute spore, SPOTTED FE'VER. See Cerebro-spinal Fever. SPOTTED SICKNESS. Tropical parasitical cutaneous dis- ease. SPRAIN. A wrenching of a part, attended by subsequent in- flammation. SPRAY (spra). Water, in form of mist, expelled from an atom- izer. SPRUE (spru). See Aphthse. SPUR. A protuberance. SPUTUM (spu'-tum). Stomal ejections. SQUA'MA (skwa'-mah). Thin sheet of exfoliated skin. SQUAMO'SAL (skwa-mo'-sal). See Squamous. SQUA'MOUS (skwa'-mous). Scaly. SQUILL (skwil). Drug with expectorant qualities. SQUINT (skwint). See Strabismus. S. S. Abbreviation signifying one-half. STA'DIUM, A certain period. STAFF. Hollow sound for protecting part from instrument during operation for stone in the bladder. STAGE (stilj). Same as stadium. STAG'GERS. An equine disease. STAGNATION. Mobile; quiet. STAMTNA. Energy; vitality. STAM'MERING. Hesitating articulation. STANDARD. An authority. STANNIC (stan'-ik). Pertaining to stannum. STANNUM (stan'-um). Tin. STAPE'DIUS (sta-pe'-di-us). Small aural muscle. STA'PES (sta'-pez). Small bone of ear. STAPHISA'GRIA. Purgative obtained from stavesacre seeds. STAPHISA'GRINE. Active principle of staphisagria. STAPH'YLE (staf-il-e). The uvula. STAPHYLEDE'MA (staf-il-e-de'-mah). Uvular edema. STAPHYLITIS (staf-il-i'-tis). Inflammation of the uvula. STAPHYLTUM (staf-il'-i-um). Nipple of mammary gland. STAPHYLOCOC'CUS (staf-il-o-kok'-us). Genus of micrococcus STAPHYLO'MA (staf-il-o'-mah). Corneal or scleral bulging. STAPHYLON'CUS (staf-il-on'-kus). Uvular hypertrophy. 264 STAPH'YLOPLASTY (staf-il-d-plas-te). Operatiou correcting abnormalities of palate. STAPHYLOPTO'SIS (staf-il-op-td'-sis). Unusual length of uvula. STAPHYLOR'RHAPHY (staf-il-or'-a-fe). Suturing fissure of the palate. STAPHYLOT'OMY (staf-il-ot'-d-me). Uvula excision, STARCH. See Amylum. STARVA'TION (star-va'-shun). Death due to lack of food. STA'SIS (sta'-sis). Hemal stagnation. STATISTICS (sta-tis'-tiks). Mass of facts relative to conditions of a country. STAT'URE (stat'-yur). Height of an animal from top of head to soles of feet. STAVES'ACRE (stavs-a'-ker). See Staphisagria. STEAP'SIN (ste-ap'-sin). Ferment acting on fats but not on starch. STEAR'IFORM (ste-ar'-if-orm). Fatty. STE'ARIN (ste'-ar-in), A certain principle of fat. STEARRHE'A (ste-ar-e'-ah). See Seborrhea. STE'ATINE (ste'-at-in). See Stearine. STEATI'TIS (ste-at-i'-tis). Inflammation of adipose tissue. STEAT'OCELE (ste-at'-d-sel). Fatty tumor; fatty hernia. STEATO'MA (ste-at-o'-mah). A fatty tumor. STEATOM'ATOUS. Pertaining to a steatoma. STEATOPATH'IC. Diseases of sebaceous glands. STEATORRHE'A (ste-at-or-e'-ah). Fatty discharge. STEATO'SIS (ste-at-o'-sis). Abnormal accumulation of fat. STEEL (stel). Metal from which many surgical instruments are made. STEGNOT'IC (steg-not'-ik). See Astringent. STENOCAR'DIA. See Angina Pectoris. STENOCHO'RIA (ste-nd-ko'-re-ah). Narrowing of lachrjwnal canals. STENO'SIS (sten-o'-sis). Narrowing of a passage or orifice. STENOSTO'MIA (sten-os-td'-me-ah). Oral stenosis. STENOS'TOMY (sten-os'-to-me). Orificial stenosis. STENOTHO'RAX (ste-no-tho'-raks). Narrow-chested. STENOT'IC (sten-ot'-lk). Pertaining to stenosis. STERCOBI'LIN (ster-ko-bi'-lin). Brownish substance in feces. STERCORA'CEOUS (ster-kor-a'-se-us). Pertaining to feces. STERCORE'MIA (ster-kor-e'-me-ah). Poisoning due to absorp- tion of fecal matter. STER'CORIN (ster'-kd-rin). Fecal matter resembling choles- terin. STER'CUS (ster'-kus). Excrement. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL, DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 265 STERILE (ster'-il). Non-productive; applied to women who cannot become pregnant. STERIL'ITY (ster-il'-it-e). Sterile state. STERILIZA'TION (ster-il-i-za'-shun). Process of subjecting matter to heat for destroying microorganisms. STERILIZATOR (ster-il-iz-a'-tor). Apparatus for sterilization of substances. STERN'AD. Toward the sternal aspect. STER'NAL. Pertaining to the sternum. STERNAL'GIA (ster-nal'-je-ah). Pain in the sternum. STERNODYN'IA. SeeSternalgia. STER'NOID. Resembling the sternum. STERNOP'AGUS (ster-nop'-a-gus). Double monster with ster- nal union. STER'NUM. Flat bone in central part of breast. STERNUTAMENT. That which produces sneezing, as soap- bark. STERNUTATION (ster-nu-ta'-shun). Sneezing. STERNUTATORY (ster-nu'-ta-to-re). Agent causing sneezing. Agent causing nasal secretions. STERTOR. Noisy respiration; snoring. STERTOROUS (ster'-tor-us). Pertaining to the stertor. STETH'OGRAPH (steth'-o-graf). See Pneumograph. STETHOM'ETER (steth-om'-et-er). Instrument for ascertain- ing degree of chest expansion. STETH'OSCOPE (steth'-6-skop). An instrument intensifying and transferring sounds of various organs to ear of phy- sician. STHE'NIA. Abnormal energy. STHEN'IC. Strong; energetic. STHENOPY'RA (sthen-o-pi'-rah). Abnormal persistence of a fever. STIBTALISM (stib'-i-al-izm). Condition due to poisoning from antimony. STIBIATION (stib-e-a'-ehun). Exhibition of unusal doses of antimony. STIFF'-JOINT. See Ankylosis. STIFF'-NECK. See Torticollis. STIQ'MA (stig'-mah). Small scarlet circumscribed spot on skin. STIG'MATA MAY'DIS (stig'-mat-ah m;V-dis). See Zea Mays. STIGMATIZATION (stig-mat-iz-a'-shun). Appearance of a stigma here and there on the body. STILLETTE' (stil-et'). Dagger-like instrument. STILL'-BORN. Applied to fetus that is dead when born. 266 STILLICIDTUM (stil-is-id'-i-um). See Instillation. STILLING'IA (stil-inj'-e-ah). Alterative and purgative root. STIM'ULANTS. Applied to agents producing renewed activity of an organ. STIMULA'TION (stim-u-la'-shun). Action of a stimulant. STIM'ULUS (stim'-u-lus). That which stimulates an organ. STIPA'TION (sti-pa'-shun). See Constipation. STIRPA'TION (stir-pa'-shun). See Extirpation. STITCH. Sudden, acute pain. STO'MA (sto'-mah). The mouth. STOMAC'ACE (sto-mak'-as-e). Stomal ulceration. STOMACH. Principal organ in which food is digested. STOMACH'IC (std-mak'-ik). That which stimulates the stomach. STOMACH PUMP. Apparatus for removing contents of stomach. STO'MAL (sto'-mal). See Oral. STOMATAL'GIA. Pain in the mouth. STOMATI'TIS (sto-mat-i'-tis). Inflammation of mouth. STOMATODYN'IA. Pain in the mouth. STOMATOL'OGY (sto-mat-ol'-6-je). Science relating to the mouth. STOMATOMALA'CIA. Softening of walls of mouth. STOMATOME'NIA (sto-mat-d-me'-ne-ah). Passage of menstrual blood through mouth. ,v- STOM ATONECRO'SIS. Ulcerous atfection of mouth. STOMATOPATHY (std-mat-op'-ath-e). Diseases of the mouth. STO'MATOPLASTY (std'-mat-d-plas-te). Plastic oral surgery. STOMATORRHA'GIA (std-mat-or-a'-je-ah). Oral hemorrhage. STONE (stdn). See Calculus. STOOL (stul). Fecal discharge. STOP'PAGE. Obstruction. STO'RAX (std'-raks). An expectorant resin. STRABIS'MIC. Affected with strabismus. STRABIS'MUS. Squinting; cross-eye. STRABOM'ETER. Instrument determining amount of strabis- mus. STRABOT'OMY. Surgery correcting strabismus. STRAIN (stran). To make tense; to filter. Condition resulting from overwork of a pari. STRAMO'NIUM (stra-md'-ne-um). Jamestown weed ; a mydri- atic. STRAN'GLES. An equine disease. STRANG'ULATED HER'NIA. Condition of hernia which re- fuses reduction. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL STRANGULA'TION (strang-u-la'-shun). Choking; excessive constriction of a part. STRAN'GURY (stran'-ju-re). Dribbling micturation. STRA'TUM. A layer. STREPTO-BACTE'RIA (strep-to-bak-te'-re-ah). Bacteria linked together. STREPTOCOC'CUS. Micrococci linked together. STRETCHIER. An arrangement for removing the sick, to be carried by two or more men. STRI'A (strl'-ah). A grooved line. STRIATE (stri'-at). Grooved. STRICT'URE (strick'-tur). Constriction of a passage, as the urethra. STRICTUROT'OMY. Operation for relief of stricture. STRID'ULUS (strid'-u-lus). A creaking noise. STROKE (strok). A sudden acute attack, as apoplexy. STRO'MA (stro'-mah). Organic texture. STRON'GYLUS (stron'-jil-lus). Genus of thread worms. STROPHAN'THIN. Active principle of strophanthus; it is poisonous. STROPHAN'THUS (stro-fan'-thus). Seed furnishing strophan- thin; heart tonic. STROPH'ULUS (stroC-u-lus). See Miliaria. STRUCT'URE (struk'-tur). Texture of an organ; also the organ itself. STRUCT'URAL (struk'-tur-al). Pertaining to a structure. STRU'MA (stru-mah). See Scrofula and Goitre. STRU'MOUS. Affected with scrofula. STRYCH'NIA (strik'-ne-ah). See Strychnine. STRYCH'NINE. Alkaloid of nux vomica. STRYCH'NISM. Poisoning from strychnine. STUMP. Remaining portion of a limb after amputation. STUNNED (stund). Condition resulting from sudden shock. STUPE (stup). See Fomentation. STU'POR. Unconsciousness; lethargy. STUPRA'TION (stu-pra'-shun). See Stuprurn. STU'PRUM (stu'-prum). Rape. STUR'DY (sfir'-de). Healthy; robust. STUT'TER. See Stammer. STUT'TERER. One who stutters. STY. See Stye. STYE (sti). See Hordeolum. STY'LIFORM. See Styloid. STY'LOID. Resembling a stylus. STY'LUS. A probe. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 267 268 STY'MA (sti'-mah). See Stymatosis. STYMATO'SIS. Painful erection with hemorrhage. STYP'TIC (stip'-tik). Drug stopping hemorrhage by local ap- plication. SUB. Prefix denoting under. SUBACUTE' (sub-ak-ut'). Applied to disease or attack which is not violent. SUBARACH'NOID (sub-ar-ak'-noid). Under the arachnoid membrane. SUBCLA'VIAN (sub-kla'-ve-an). Under the clavicle. SUBCLAVIC'ULA. The first rib. SUBCLAVIC'ULAR (sub-klav-ik'-u-lar). Pertaining to the clavicula. SUBCLA'VIUS (sub-kla'-ve-us). Muscle between clavicle and subclavicula. SUB'COSTAL. Below a rib. SUBCRU'REUS (sub-kru'-re-us), A small femoral muscle. SUBCUTANE'OUS. Under the skin. SUBDELIR'IUM. Delirium of moderate severity. SUBDU'RAL (sub-du'-ral). Beneath the dura mater. SUBEPIDER'MAL. Beneath the epidermis. SU'BERIN (su'-ber-in). Powdered cork. SUBGRONDA'TION (sub-gron-da'-shun). Applied where one bone slips under another; as a bone of head. SUBINVOLU'TION (sub-in-vo-lu'-shun). Defective involution. SUB'JECT. A cadaver. One who is treated for a disease. SUBJEC'TIVE. That which is due to external conditions. SUBJU'GAL. (sub-ju'-gal). Under the cheek bones. SUBLIG'AMEN (sub-lig'-am-en). A hernial support. SUB'LIMATE (sub'-iim-at). Product resulting from sublima- tion. SUB'LIMATE, CORRO'SIVE. Bichloride of mercury. SUBLIMATION (sub-llm-a'-shun). Reducing a solid to vapor and condensing latter. SUBLING'UAL (sub-ling'-wal). Under the tongue, SUBLUXA'TION (sub-luks-a'-shun). Moderate dislocation. SUBMAM'MARY. Under the mammary gland. SUBMAXTL.LARY (sub-maks'-il-a-re). Under the jaw bone. SUBMENTAL. Under the chin. SUBMU'COUS (sub-mu'-kus). Under a mucous membrane. SUBNOR'MAL. Below the standard. SUBOC'CIPUT. Under the occiput. SUBOR'BITAL. Beneath the orbit; infraorbital. SUBORDINATION. Having a condition so that it responds to treatment. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SUBPLEU'RAL (sub-plu'-ral). Under the pleural cavity. SUBPU'BIC (sub-pu'-bik). Under the pubes. SUBSCAP'ULAR (sub-skap'-u-lar). Under the scapula. SUBSCAPULA'RIS (s u b-s k ap-u-1 a'-ri sJ. Muscle below the scapula. SUBSE'ROUS (sub-se'-rus). Under a serous membrane. SUBSI'DENCE (sub-si'-dens). Applied to stage of disease where symptoms are subsiding. SUBSTITU'TION (sub-sti-tu'-shun). The act of filling a pre- scription with a different or spurious make of drugs than those designated. SUBSULTUS. Spasmodic twitching. SUCCEDA'NEUM (suk-se-da'-ne-um). A substitute. New drug which is preferable to another which has been in use. SUC'CIN ATE (suk'-sin-at). Salt of succinic acid and a base. SUCCIN'IC AC'ID. Acid constituent of amber oil. SUC'CINUM (suk'-sin-um). Amber oil. SUC'CUS (suk'-us). Juice of a plant. SUC'CULENT (suk'-u-lent). Applied to juicy fruits. SUCCUS'SION (suk-ush'-on). Bubbling sound when a fluid is agitated in a cavity. SUCK (suk). Act of an infant when expressing milk from its mother’s breast; to nurse. SUCK'ING BOTTLE. Flask with rubber nipple, holding milk for infant. SUDAM'INA. Miliaria. Disease of sweat-glands. SUDATION. Perspiring. SUDATO'RIUM (su-da-to'-re-um). Intensely heated room for sweating purposes. SU'DATORY (su'-da-to-re). Pertaining to sudatlon. SU'DOR (sti'-dor). Sweat. SU'DORAL (su'-dor-al). See Sudatory. SU'DOR ANG'LICUS. An endemic English fever. SUDARATION. See Sudation. SUDORIF'EROUS (su-dor-if-er-us). Sweat conveying. SUDORIFTC (su-dor-if'-ik). That which causes sweating. SUDORIPAROUS (su-dor-ip'-ar-us). Producing sweat. SUET, MUTTON. Rendered fat of sheep. SUFFOCATION (suf-6-ka'-shun). External prevention of respiration. SUFFU'SION (suf-u'-zhun). Infiltration, q. v. SU'GAR (su'-gar). See Saccharum. SU'GAR CANE. Plant yielding sugar. SU'GAR OF MILK (su'-gar uv milk). Sweet heavy powder obtained from milk; see Milk Sugar. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 269 270 SUGILLATION (suj-11-a'-shnn). Effusion of blood, in tissue causing cutaneous discoloration. SU'ICIDE (su'-is-id). Self-destruction, usually due to melan- cholia. SUL'CATED (sul'-ka-ted). Having grooves. SUL'CUS (sul'-kus). A groove. SUL/PHATE (sul'-fat). Salt of sulphuric acid. SUL'PHIDE (sul'-fid). Compound of sulphur and another element. SUL'PHONAL (sul-fo'-nal). A soporiflc. SUL'PHUR (sul'-fer). Non-metal; sudorific and laxative. SULPHUR'IC AC'ID. Valuable corrosive. SU'MACH (su'-mak). An astringent plant. SUM'BUL. Nervine; prescribed to a great extent in female disorders. SUM'MER CATARRH'. See Hay Fever SUM'MER COMPLAINT'. Diarrhea; infantile cholera. SUN'BURN. Inflammation of skin due to lengthy exposure to sunlight. SUN' FEVER, Intensely feverish disease, ostalgia and erup- tion, etc. SUN' FLOWER. Plant used in diseases of respiratory tract. SUN' STROKE (strok). Condition due to intense heat of sun. SUPERCIL'LIARY (su-per-sil'-yar-e). Pertaining to eyebrow. SUPERCIL'LIUM. The eyebrow. SUPERFECUNDA'TION. Compound ovular fertilization. SUPERFETA'TION (su-per-fe-ta'-shun). Impregnation of woman already pregnant. SUPERFICIAL (su-per-flsh'-all. On the surface only. SUPERFLUOUS (su-perf-lu-us). Not necessary; supernumer- ary. SUPER IMPREGNATION (su-per-im-preg-na'-shun). See Su- perfetation. SUPERINVOLU'TION (su-per-in-vo-lu'-shun). Abnormal in- volution. SUPE'RIOR (su-pe'-re-or). Applied to uppermost of several parts. SUPER PURGATION. Abnormal purgation. SUPERSECRETION (su-per-se-kre'-shun). Abnormal secre- tion, *, SUPERLACTA'TION (sti-per-lak-ta'-shun). Excessive lactation. SUPERNATANT, That which is on top of a fluid. SUPINATION (su-pin-a'-shun). Position of hand with palm uppermost; act of so placing hand. SUPINATOR (su-pin-a'-tor). Muscle producing supination. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SUPINE' (su-pin'). Reclining with face and abdomen, etc., uppermost. SUPPOS'ITORY. Highly soluble medicated cone for vaginal or rectal insertion. SUPPRES'SION (sup-resh'-un). Non-appearance of a normal discharge. SUPPURA'TION. Pus-formation. SUP'PURATIVE. Pertaining to suppuration. SUPRACLAVIC'ULAR (su-pra-kla-vik'-u-lar). Above the clav- icle. SUPRAOR'BITAL (su-pra h-or'-bit-al). Above the orbit. SUPRARE'NAL (su-prah-re'-nal). Above the kidney. SUPRARE'NAL CAPSULES. Small organ above each kidney. SUPRASCAP'ULAR (su-prah-skap'-u-lar). Above the scapula. SUPRASPI'NAL (su-prah-spi'-nal). Above or on the spine. SUPRASPINAL'IS. Small spinal muscle. SUPRASTER'NAL. Above the sternum. SUPRAVAG'INAL (su-prah-vaj'-in-al). Above the vagina. SU'RA (su'-rah). Calf of leg. SU'RAL (su'-ral). Pertaining to the sura. SUR'DITY (sir'-dit-e). Deafness; “ hard of hearing.” SUR'DOMUTE (sir'-do-mut). A mute who cannot hear. SUR'GEON (sir'-Jun), A physician who performs surgical operations. SUR'GERY (sir'-jer-e). Science of incision or excision of parts of the body. SUR'GICAL (sir'-ji-kal). Pertaining to surgery. SUSCEP'TIBLE. Sensible; condition in which a disease is easily acquired. SUSPEN'DED ANIMATION. Apparent death. SUSPEN'SORY (sus-pen'-so-re). Bandage sustaining a part. SUSPENSO'RIUS. A muscle upholding a part. SUSUR'RUS (su-sur'-us). Murmuring sound. SU'TURE (su'-tur). Seam where bones have “knitted” to- gether. Sewing of a wound or incision. SWEAT (swet). Secretion of sweat glands. SWEAT GLANDS. Glands on body from which sweat exudes. SWEATING FE'VER. See Sudor Anglicus. SWEET OIL. Olive oil. SWEL'LINQ. Inflammatory enlargement. SWOON (swun). Fainting. SYCEPH'ALUS (si-sef-a-lus). Double-headed monster with cerebral union. SYCO'MA (si-ko'-mah). See Condyloma. SYCO'SIS (si-kd'-sis). Follicular Inflammation of hair. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 271 272 SYD'ENHAM’S CHORE'A. See Chorea. SYD'ENHAM’S LAU'DANUM. Mixture approximating one part of opium to nine parts of wine. SYL'VIUS, AQUEDUCT OF. See Aqueduct of Sylvius. SYMBLEPH'ARON (sim-blef-ar-on). See Prophysis. SYM'ELUS (sim'-el-us). Monster with union of lower extremity. SYME’S OPERA'TION. Removal of foot at ankle joint, SYMPATHETIC. Pertaining to sympathetic nerve and com- municating ganglia. SYM'PATHY. Applied to condition where an uninjured part is affected by one that is Injured, as losing sight of one eye du£ to injury of the other eye. SYMPHYSEOTOMY. See Symphysiotomy. SYMPH YSIOT'OMY (sim-Az-e-ot'-6-me). Incision of symphysis pubis, to assist difficult labor. SYM'PHYSIS (sim'-As-is). Union of cartilages or bones. SYMPO'DIA (sim-po'-de-ah). See Sycephalus. SYMP'TOM (simp'-tum). See Phenomenon. SYMPTOMATIC (simp-to-mat'-ik). Pertaining to symptoms. SYMPTOMATOG'RAPHY, Description of symptoms. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Science relating to symptoms. SYM'PUS sim'-pus). See Sycephalus. SYNAL'GIA (sin-al'-je-ah). Pain in one part due to affection of another part. See Sympathy. SYNAP'TASE. See Emulsion. SYNARTHRO'DIA (sin-ar-thro'-de-ah). See Synarthrosis. SYNARTHRO'SIS (sin-ar-thro'-sis). Joint which does not per- mit movement. SYNCEPH'ALUS (sin-sef'-al-us). Double monster with cerebral union. SYNCHONDRO'SIS. Cartilaginous union of a joint. SYNCHONDROT'OMY. See Symphysiotomy. SYN'CHRONUS (sin'-kro-nus). Concomitant; concurrent. SYN'CHYSIS. Unusual attenuated condition of vitreous humor. SYNCLO'NUS (sin-klo'-nus). Mild muscular spasm. SYN'COPE (sin'-ko-pe). Faintingfit; sudden loss of conscious- ness due to shock. SYNDAC'TYLISM. Web-like joining of Angers. SYNDAC'TYLUS. See Syndactylism. SYNDEC'TOMY (sin-dek'-td-me). Removal of portion of con- junctiva. SYNDESMI'TIS (sin-des-mi'-tisk InAamraation of ligaments. SYNDESMOG'RaPHY isiu-des-mog'-ra-fe). Description of liga- ments. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL SYNDESMOL'OGY (sin-des-mol'-d-je). Science of ligaments. SYNDESMO'SIS (sin-des-md'-sis). Union of bone by ligaments. SYNDESMOT'OMY (sin-des-mot'-d-me). Incision of alignment. SYNE'CHIA (sin-e'-ke-ah). Abnormal union of parts. SYN'ERGY (sin'-er-je). Assisting; joint operation. SYNGEN'ESIS (sin-jen'-e-sis). Generation due to coitus. SYNNEURO'SIS (sin-u-rd'-sis). See Syndesmosis. SYN'OCHA (sin'-d-kah). Continued febrile affection. SYN'OCHUS (sin'-d-kus). Same as synocha. SYNOPHTHAL'MUS (sin-off-thal'-mus). See Cyclopia. SYNOR'CHISM (sln-or'-kizm). Union of testes. SYNOS'CHEOS (sln-os'-ke-ds). Penile and scrotal adhesion. SYNCSTEOG'RAPHY (sin-os-te-og'-ra-fe). Description of the joints. SYNOSTEOL'OGY (sin-os-te-ol'-d-je'. Science of the joints. SYNOSTEO'SIS (sin-os-te-d'-sis). See Synostosis. SYNOSTEOT'OMY (sin-os-te-ot'-d-me). Joint or bone dissection. SYNOSTO'SIS (sin-os-ld'-sis). Union of bones by bones. SYNO'TIS (sln-d'-tis). Double monster umbilically united with abnormality of the ears. SYNOVIA (sin-d'-ve-ah). Secretion of synovial membrane. SYNOVIAL MEM'BRANE. Inner envelope of joint capsule. SYNOVI'TIS (sln-d-vi'-tis). Inflammation of a synovial mem- brane. SYN'THESIS. Building up of a compound. SYNTHET'IC (sin-thet'-ik). Pertaining to synthesis. SYN'TONIN. Acid albumen of the body. SYNULO'SIS. Cicatrization, SYN ULOT'IC (sin-u-lot'-ik). Agent causing synulosis. SYPHILELCO'SIS (sif-il-el-kd'-sis). Formation of syphilelcus. SYPHILEL'CUS. An ulcer of syphilitic origin. SYPH'ILICOME (sif-il-ik-dm). Syphilitic dispensary. SYPH'ILIDE (sir-il-id). Syphilitic affection. SYPHILIPHO'BIA (sif-il-if-d'-be-ah). Intense fear of syphilis. SYPH'ILIS (sif-il-is). Venereal disease with ulcerous forma- tions, hereditary and also acquired by coition. SYPHILIT'IC. Pertaining to syphilis. SYPHILIZATION. Inoculation with virus of syphilitic ulcer- ation. SYPHILODER'MA. Syphilitic affection ; syphilide. SYPHILOG'ENY (sif-il-og'-en-e). Propagation of syphilis. SYPH'ILOGRAPH (sif-il-o-graph). Description of syphilis. SYPHILOG'RAPHER (sifil-og'-ra-fer). Writer of syphilitic literature. STPHILOG'RAPHY (sif-il-og'-ra-fe), Description of syphilis. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 273 274 SYPH'ILOID (sif'-il-oid). Of a syphilitic nature. SYPHILOL'EPIS (sif-il-ol'-ep-is). Form of syphilis. SVPHILOL'OGY. Science relating to syphilis. SYPHILO'M A (sif-il-o'-mah). Tumor of syphilitic origin. SYPHYLOMA'NIA (sif-il-6-ma'-ne-ah), Intense dread of syph- ilis. SYPHYLOP'ATHY (sif-il-op'-ath-e). Syphilitic disease. SYPHON (s!'-fon). See Siphon. SYR. Abbreviation for syrup. SYR'INGE (sir'-inj). Instrument for injecting fluid, as a hypo- dermic syringe. SYRTNGI'TIS (sir-in-jl'-tis). Inflammation of the Eustachian tube. SYRINGOMYE'LIA (sir-ing-go-mi-e'-le-ah). SeeSyringomyelus. SYRINGOMYELI'TIS (sir-ing-go-rni-el-i'-tis). Malacia of spinal cord attended with hypertrophy, etc. SYRINGOMY'ELUS (sir-ing-go-mi'-el-us). Monster with spinal cord dilated. SYRIN'GOTOME (sir-ing'-go-tom). Instrument for syringot- omy. SYRINGOT'OMY (sir-ing-got'-o-me). Incision of flstula. SYR'UP (sir'-up). Sugar-sweetened water. SYRU'PUS (sir-u'-pus). See Syrup. SY'SOMA. Double monster united by thorax. SYSPA'SIA (sis-pa'-se-ah). Certain spasmodic affection. SYSSARCO'SIS (sls-ar-ko'-sis). Osseous union by muscles. SYSTAL/TIC (sis-tal'-tik). Contracting. SYS'TEM (sis'-tem). Arrangement in regular order of the parts of the body. See Economy. SYSTEMATIC (sis-tem-at'-ik). Pertaining to system. SYSTEM'IC (sis-tem'-ik). Same as systematic. SYS'TOLE (sis'-to-le). Contraction of heart during circulation of blood. SYSTREM'MA (sis-trem'-ah). Cramp in the leg. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL X. T-BANDAGE. Certain form of abdominal bandage shaped like this “T.” TABAC'UM (tab-ak'-um). Tobacco. TABEFAC'TION (tab-e-fak'-shun). See Emaciation. TABEL'LA (ta-bel'-ah). A tablet. TA'BES (ta'-bez). Systematic wasting away. TA'BES DORSAL'IS (ta'-bez dor-sal'-is). Disease causing loco- motor ataxy. TABET'IC (ta-bet'-ik). One having tabes. TA'BLE. Small, thin, flat part of body. A classified list. TA'BLE SALT. Sodium chloride. TAB'LET (tab'-let). Small moulded dry medicament. TA'BUM. See Sanies. TACHES CEREBRALES. Scarlet spotted condition of skin. TACHYCAR'DIA (tak-e-kar'-de-ah). Rapid cardiac pulsation. TACHYPNE'A (tak-ip-ne'-ah). Rapid respiration, TACTILE (tak'-til). Pertaining to the sense of touch. TACTILTTY. Perceptibility of touch. TAGLIACO'TIAN OPERA'TION (tal-yah-ko'-she-an-op-er-a'- shun). Plastic surgery of the nose. TAIL (tal). The acuity at end of organ. Bony extremity of animals beginning Just above rectum. TAL'CUM (tal'-kum). Mineral substance having a greasy feel- ing ; used largely for the skin. TALTPES (tal'-ip-ez). Distorted foot usually congenital; club- foot. TAL'IPES CALCA'NEUS. A form of club-foot in which toes grow upward and do not touch the ground. TAL'IPES EQUI'NUS. Form of club opposite to Talipes Cal- caneus, only the toes touching the ground. TAL'IPES VAL'GUS. Club-foot in which foot is turned out- ward. TAL'IPES VAR'US. Club-foot in which foot is turned inward. TAL'PA. Mole; cutaneous macula. TA'LUS (ta'-lus). See Astragalus. TAM'ARIND (tara'-ar-ind). Laxative fruit. TAM'PON. Mass of cotton usually medicated; much used in uterine diseases. TAMPONADE' (tam-pon-ad'). Using of a tampon. TANACE'TUM. Tansy; promotes menstrual flow. TANG'LE-TENT (tang'-gl-tent). See Sea Tangle. TAN'NIC AC'ID. See Tannin. TAN'NIN. Active astringent constituent of many vegetables. TAN'SY (tan'-se). See Tanacetum. TAPE'-WORM (tap'-werm). See Tenia. TAPIO'CA (tap-e-6'-kah). Starch obtained from tropical plant. TAP PING. Incision of a dropsical part. TAR. See Pix Liquids. TARAG'MA. Visual defect. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 275 276 TAR'ANTISM. Dancing mania or chorea. TARANTIS'MUS. See Tarantism. TARAXACUM (tar-aks'-ak-um). Dandelion root, an aperient; also stimulates flow of urine. TARDIEU’S SPOTS. Spotted condition of lungs Indicative of death due to suffocation, TAR'SAL. Pertaining to the tarsus. TAR'SAL CAR'TILAGE. Palpebral tarsus. TARSAL'GIA (tar-sal'-je-ah). Pain in the tarsus. TARSEC'TOMY (tar-sek'-to-me). Removal of bones of tarsus. TARSI'TIS (tar-si'-tis). Palpebral inflammation. TARSOPHY'MA (tar-so-fi'-mah). Tarsal tumor. TARSOR'RHAPHY (tar-sor'-a-fe). Operation diminishing pal- pebral Assure. TARSOT'OMY (tar-sot'-6-me). Excision of palpebral tarsus. TAR'SUS. The iustep. Palpebral cartilage. TAR'TAR. Substance collecting on teeth; it is cream colored. TAR'TAR EMETIC. Antimony and potassium tartrate. TARTARTC. Pertaining to or resembling tartar. TARTAR'IC AC'ID. Fruit acid having cooling properties. TASTE (tast). Sense which distinguishes one savor from another. TASTE'-BULBS. Minute bodies in tongue. TAU'RIN (taw'-rin). Bilious constituent. TAUROCHO'LIC AC'ID. A bilious acid. TAX'IS (taks'-is). Reducing a hernia by manual pressure. T. D. Abbreviation signifying thrice daily, “Ter in die.” TEA (te). A stimulating beverage containing thein, TEA'BERRY (te'-ber-e). See Gaultheria. TEARS (teerz). Aqueous secretion of lachrymal gland. TEAT (tot). Nipple. TECHNOTO'NIA (tek-no-to'-ne-ah). Infanticide. TEETH (teth). Number of little prongs inserted in a row in maxillary bones. TEETHING (teth'-ing), See Dentition. TEGMENTUM, An envelope. TEG'UMENT. Substance enveloping a body or part. TEGUMEN'TARY. Pertaining to a tegument. TEICHOP'SIA (ti-kop'-se-ah). Temporary blindness with migraine. TEINES'MUS. See Tenesmus. TEINODYNTA (ti-no-din'-e-ah). Pain in the tendons. TE'LA (te'-lah). A web-like tissue. TELANGIECTASIS (tel-an-Ji-ek'-tas-is). Vascular dilatation. TELANQIO'SIS (tel-an-je-o'-sis). Disease of the capillaries. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL TELEG'RAPHERS’ CRAMP. Spasm of muscles of arm of telegraph transmitters. TELEPATHY. Mind-reading. TELEPATH'IC. Pertaining to telepathy. TELOMALA'CIA (tel-o-mal-a'-se-ah). See Erysipelas. TEM'PERAMENT. Constitution; disposition of a being. TEM'PERATURE. Variation as to degree of heat or cold in the body; also applied to same conditions of atmosphere. TEM'PLE. That part of head on each side of forehead. TEM'PORAL. Pertaining to the temple. TEM'ULENCE. See Dipsomania. TENAC'ULUM (ten-ak'-u-lum;. Small instrument having shape of hook. TENAS'MUS. See Tenesmus. TEN'DERNESS. Applied to condition of a part which expe- riences pain on being touched. TEN'DINOUS (ten'-din-us). Pertaining to a tendon. TEN'DON. Cord-like parallel fibres of muscles. TENES'MUS. Sphincteralgia with frequent desire to go to stool. TE'N IA (te'-ne-ah). Genus of intestinal worms. A ligature. TE'NIAFUGE (te'-ni-af-uj). Agent causing expulsion of tenia, TE'NICIDE (te'-nis-id). Agent destroying tenia. TEN'NYSIN (ten'-is-in). Certain cerebral substance. TENOG'RAPHY (ten-og'-ra-fe). Description of tendons. TENOL'OGY. Science. TENONI'TIS (ten-on-i'-tis). Inflammation of Tenon’s Capsule. TENON S CAP'SULE, A fascia of the eyeball. TENONTOG'RAPHY. See Tenography. TENONTOL'OGY. SeeTenology. TENONTAGRA. Tendinous gout. TENONTODYN'IA (ten-on-to-din'-e-ah). Pain in a tendon. TENOR'RHAPHY (ten-or'-af-e). Suturing a tendon. TENOSTO'SIS. Conversion of a tendon to bone. TEN'OTOME (ten'-6-tom). Instrument for tenotomy. TENOT'OMY (ten-ot'-o-me). Incision of a tendon. TENSE. Drawn tightly or stretched. TEN'SION (ten'-shun). Applied to tense condition of an organ. TEN'SOR. Muscle producing tension ol a part. TEN'SOR TAR'SI MUS'CLE. A lachrymal muscle. TENT. Roll of fabric or sponge for dilating canal of the body. TENTI'GO (ten-ti'-go). Painful erection of penis. TEPHROMYELITTS (tef-ro-rni-el-i'-tis). Inflammation of gray matter of cord. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 277 278 TEPIDA'RIUM (tep-id-a'-re-um). A tepid bath. TERATOG'ENY (ter-at-oj'-en-e). Production of monster. TERATOID (ter'-at-oid). Resembling a monster. TERATOL'OGY (ter-at-ol'-o-je) Science relating to monsters. TERATO'MA (ter-at-o'-mah). Tumor having abnormal con- tents. TERATO'SIS (ter-at-6'-sis). Formation of a monster. TER'EBENE. An odorous volatile oil used as an antiseptic; turpentine. TEREBIN'THINA (ter-e-bin'-thin-ah). See Terebene. TEREBRA'TION (ter-e-bra'-shun). Trephining. TE'RES (tc'-rez). Cylinder-shape. A scapulary muscle. TER'MINAL. The end. TERMINOL'OGY. See Nomenclature. TER'NARY (ter'-na-re). Made up of three parts. TER'PINE HY'DRATE (ter'-pin hi'-drat. Crystal preparation from oil of turpentine, used in diseases of air passages, TER'TIAN. Malaria with paroxysm every third day. TER'TIARY. Applied to third stage of disease. TER'TIARY SYPH'ILIS. Third syphilitic stage following secondary syphilis. TEST. Application of an agent for investigation purposes as to its value. TEST'ES (test'-ez). Two large bodies in scrotum, whose func- tion is the secretion of semen. TESTTCLES (tcst'-ik-ls). Fee Testes. TES'TIS (tes'-tis). Singular of testes, q. v. TESTIC'ULAR (tes-tik'-u-lar). Pertaining to the testicles. TESTI'TIS (tes-ti'-tis). Inflammation of the testes. TEST' PAPER (test' pa-per). See Litmus. TEST' TYPES (test' tips). Letters of various shapes for ascer- taining visual acuity. TETANTC (tc-tan'-ik). Pertaining to tetanus. TETANTFORM. See Tetanoid. TETANIL'LA. See Tetany. TET'ANIN (tet'-an-in). Alkaloid of tetanic bacillus. TETANOID. Resembling tetanus. TETANUS (tet'-an-us). Disease with tonic muscular spasms. TETANY (tet'-an-e). Mild form of tonic muscular spasms. TETRABRA'CHIUS (tet-rah-bra'-ke-us). Four-armed monster. TETRAOPHTHAL'MUS (tet-rah-oAT-thal'-mus). Four-eyed monster. TET'TER. Cutaneous eruption of small vesicles. TEX'TURE (teks'-tur). Web; tissue. WARNER'S POCKET MEDICAL THAL'LIN. Chemical used in febrile diseases. THANATOPHO'BIA (than-at-o-fo'-be-ah). Abnormal dread of death. THE'A (the'-ah). See Tea. THE'BAINE (the'-ba-in). An alkaloid of opium. THE'CA (the'-kah). A sheath. THE'CAL (the'-kal). Pertaining to a theca. THECI'TIS (the-si'-tts). Inflammation of a theca. THE'IN (the'-in). Active principle of tea, used largely as a substitute for caffeine. THELAL'GIA (the-lal'-je-ah). Pain in the nipple. THELI'TIS (the-li'-tis). Inflammation of the nipple. THELON'CUS (the-long'-kus). Tumor aboutthe nipple. THELORRHA'GIA (the-lor-a'-je-ah). Hemorrhage from the nipple. THE'NAL (the'-nal). Pertaining to the thenar. THE'NAR (the'-nar). Palm of hand or sole of foot. THEOBRO'MA£ O'LEUM. Cacao butter. THEOMA'NIA (the-6-ma'-ne-ah). Maniacal condition due to religion., THERAPEU'TIC (ther-ap-u'-tik). Pertaining to therapeutics. THERAPEU'TICAL. Same as therapeutic. THERAPEU'TICS (ther-ap-u'-tiks). Branch of medicine rela- ting to the treatment of disease. THER'APY (ther'-a-pe). See Therapeutics. THERMESTHE'SIA (ther-mes-the'-se-ah). A perception of heat. THERMESTHESIOM'ETER (therm-es-the-se-om'-et-er). Instru- ment for ascertaining amount of thermesthesia. THER'MIC (ther'-rnik). Pertaining to heat. THER'MIC FE'VER. See Heat Stroke; sun-stroke. THERMOGEN'ESIS (ther-mo-jen'-e-sis). Production of heat. THERMOL'YSIS (ther-moT-is-is). Dissolution of heat. THERMOM'ETER. Instrument denoting temperature. THERMONEURO'SIS. Excessive temperature due to disorder of nervous central system. TH R'MOSTAT. Instrument enforcing a uniform degree of heat. THERMOTHER'APY (ther-mo-ther'-a-pe). Use of heat as a therapeutic agent. THIGH (thi). Leg from knee up. THIGH'-BONE (thi'-bon). Femur. THIRST. Craving for water. THLIP'SIS. Compression of a part. THOM'SEN’S DISEASE'. Congenital contraction of muscles. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 279 280 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL FAHRENHEIT CENTIGRADE REAUMUR THERMOMETER THERMOMETER THERMOMETER DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 281 THORACENTE'SIS. Tapping of thorax for dropsy. THORACIC (thd-ras'-ik). Pertaining to the chest. THORAC'IC DUCT. Principal lymphatic trunk. THORACOCENTE'SIS. See Thoracentesis. THORACOCYLLO'SIS (tho-rak-6-sil-6'-sis). Thoracic malfor- mation. THORACODID'YMUS. Thoracic united double monster. THORACODYN'IA (tho-rak-o-dln'-e-ah). Pain in the thorax. THORACOM'ETER (tho-rak-om'-et-er). Instrument for ascer- taining degree of chest expansion. THORACOP'AGUS, See Thoracodidymus. THORA'COPLASTY (thor-a'-ko-plas-te). Plastic thoracic sur- gery, THORACOS'COPY (tho-rak-os'-ko-pe). Exploring or examin- ing chest. THORACOSTENO'SIS (tho-rak-o-ste-no'-sis). Thoracic con- traction. THORACOTOMY (tho-rak-ot'-o-me). Incision of chest. THORADELPH'US (tho-ra-delf-us). Double monster united by thoraces. THO'RAX (tho'-raks). The chest cavity. THORN'APPLE. See Stramonium. THREAD (thred). Catgut, silk, etc., used for suturing. THREADWORM. Nematoid worm attacking intestines. THREPSOL'OGY (threp-sol'-6-je). Science of nutrition. THRILL. Trembling vibration. THROAT (thrdt). Upper part of respiratory tract, including larynx, pharynx, etc. THROB. Pulsation. THROE (throb Intense pain. THROM'BOID. Having nature of thrombus. THROMBOPHLEBI'TIS (throm-bo-fle-bi'-tis). Inflammation of a vein due to embolism. THROMBO'SIS (throm-bo'-sis). Production of a thrombus. THROM'BUS. A clot of blood in blood-vessel. THRUSH. SeeAphthte. THUMB. Short thick first digit of hand. THYME (tim). Stimulant volatile oil from garden thyme. THYMELCO'SIS (thi-mel-ko'-sis). Formation of ulcer on thy- mus gland. THY'MIC (thl'-mik). Pertaining to thymus or thyme. THY'MION. A wart. THYMIO'SIS. Formation of thymion. THYMI'TIS (thl-rai'-tis). Inflammation of thymus gland. THY'MOL (ti'-mol). Antiseptic principle of garden thyme. 282 THY'MUS (thi'-mus). Gland in upper thorax of very young children, but not in adults. THY'REOCELE (th!'-re-6-sel). Tumor of thyroid gland. THYREON'CUS (th!-re-on'-kus). See Thyreocele. THYREOPHY'MA (thi-re-o-fi'-mah). Hypertrophy of thyroid gland. THY'ROID. Shield-shaped. THY'ROID CAR'TILAGE. Largest cartilage in the larynx. THY'ROID GLAND. Gland situated at upper part of trachea. THYROIDEC'TOMY (thi-roid-ek'-td-mc). Removal of thyroid gland. THYROIDOT'OMY (thi-roid-ot'-o-me). Incision of thyroid gland. THYROT'OMY (thi-rot'-6-me). See Thyroidotomy. TIB'IA (tib'-e-ah). Large flute-shaped bone of leg. TIB'IAL. Pertaining to the tibia. TIC (tik). Spasmodic muscular action. TIC DOU'LOUREUX (tik doo'-100-ru). Neuralgia of the face with muscular twitching of part affected. TIG'LII O'LEUM. Croton oil, TIN. A very common metal looking somewhat like silver. TINC'TURA (tink'-tu-rah). See Tincture. TINC'TURE (tink'-tur). Vegetable principles dissolved in alcohol. TIN'EA (tin'-e-ah). Disease of skin due to fungus. TIN'EA TON'SURANS. Ringworm affection of the scalp. TIN'EA VERSICO'LOR. Parasitic skin disease with brown maculae. TIN'NITUS (tin'-it-us). A ringing sound. TIN'NITUS AU'RIUM. Ringing sound in the ear. TI'SANE (te'-zan). See Ptisan. TIS'SUE (tish'-u). A web or structure resembling a web. TITILLA'TION (tlt-il-a'-shun). The act of tickling; Scalinger terms it the sixth sense. TITUBA'TION (tit-u-ba'-shun). Walking with an unsteady step; staggering. TOBAC'CO (td-bak'-d). Weed with sedative and emetic proper- ties. The dried leaf used for smoking and chewing. TOBAC'CO HEART. Excessive accumulation of fat around heart due to excessive use of tobacco. TOCOL'OGY (td-kol'-d-je). Science of obstetrics. TOD'DY. Mixture of whiskey, sugar and heated water, a popular remedy for cramps. TOE (to). One of the flve extremities at end of foot. TOE, GREAT. First short thick toe. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL TOL'E RANGE (tol'-er-ans). Applied to degree of physical acceptance of a drug. TO'LU, BAL'SAM OF. Valuable expectorant resin. TONE (ton). Vital activity. TONGUE (tung). Organ of taste and speech. TONGUE'-T E (tung). Subnormal length of frenum of tongue causing broken speech. TONGUE, 1 RE'NUM OF. See Frenum. TON'IC (ton'-ik). Applied to that which gives tone to the system. TON'IC SPASM. A persistent muscular spasm. TONICTTY (ton-is'-it-e). Muscular resiliency. TO'NO SUM'BUL COR'DIAL (td'-nd surn'-bul). Valuable nerv- ine and tonic. TON'SIL. Corresponding glands situated on each side of fauces. TONSILLI'TIS (ton-sil-i'-tis). Inflammation of tonsils. TONSIL'LOTOME (ton-sil'-o-tdm). Instrument for tonsillot- omy. TON'KA BEAN. Fragrant bean used for flavoring cigars, etc. TONSILLOT'OMY (ton-sil-ot'-d-me). Removal of tonsils. TOOTH. Singular of teeth, q. v. TOOTH'ACHE (tuth'-uk). Pain in a tooth. TOOTH'RASH. Affection of skin of babies during dentition. TO'PHUS (td'-fus). Gouty calcareous accumulation or deposit. TOPOG'RAPHY (td-pog'-ra-fd). Description of the elevations and depressions of the various parts of the body. TORMENTIL'LA (tor-men-til'-ah). An astringent rhizome. TOR'MINA (tor'-min-ah). Painful contractions of bowels. TORN'WALDT’S DISEASE'. A certain affection of pharynx. TOR'PID. Pertaining to torpor. TOR'POR. Numb; sluggish in action. TOR'SION. Twisting of a part. TORTICOL'LIS. Wry-neck, TOR'TUOUS (tor'-tu-us), Winding. TOUCH (tuch). The tactile sense. Exploration with hand. TOUR'NIQUET (toor'-nik-et). Instrument for compressing a limb to prevent flow of blood. TOXANE'MIA (toks-an-G'-me-ah). Anemia due to toxic absorp- tion. TOXE'MIA (toks-e'-me-ah). Toxic state of the blood. TOX'IC (toks'-ik). Of a poisonous nature. TOX'ICAL, (toks'-ik-l). Same as toxic. TOXICOGENTC (toks-ik-d-jen'-ik). Generating poison. TOXICOHE'MIA (toks-ik-d-he'-me-ah). See Toxemia. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 283 TOXICODER'MA (toks-ik-6-der'-mah). Poisonous inflamma- tion of skin. TOXICOLOG'ICAL (toks-ik-6-loj'-ik-al). Pertaining to toxicol- ogy. TOXICOL'OGY. Science relating to poisons. TOXICOMA'NIA. Craving for toxic substances. TOXICO'SES (toks-ik-o'-sez). Toxic diseases. TOXIF'EROUS (toks-ifl-er-us). Conveying toxic matter. TOX'IN (toks'-in). Ptomaine of various poisonous substances. TRABEC'ULAS (tra-bek'-u-le). Thread-like structure of con- nective tissue. TRA'CHEA (tra'-ke-ah). The wind-pipe; canal transmitting air. TRA'CHEAL (tra'-ke-al). Pertaining to the trachea. TRACHEI'TIS (tra-kc-i'-tisi. Inflammation of trachea. TRACHELA'GRA (tra-kel-a'-grah). Gouty affection about trachea. TRACHELIS'MUS (tra-kel-iz'-mus). Muscular spasm of the neck. TRA'CHELOPLASTY. Plastic surgery on cervix uteri. TRACHELOR RHAPHY (tra-kel-or'-a-fe). Suturing cervix uteri. TRACHELOTOMY. Excision of neck of uterus. TRA'CHEOCELE (tra'-ke-6-sel). Cervical hernia or tumor about trachea. TRACHEORRHA'GIA. Tracheal hemorrhage. TRACHEOS'COPY (tra-ke-os'-ko-pe). Tracheal examination. TRACHEOSTENO'SIS (tra-ke-o-ste-no'-sis). Stenosis of trachea. TRA'CHEOTOME (tra'-ke-o-tom). Instrument for tracheotomy. TRACHEOT'OMY (tra-ke-ot'-o-me), Incision of trachea. TRACHI'TIS (tra-ki'-tis). Inflammation of trachea. TRACHO'MA (tra-ko'-mah). Disease of the conjunctiva, with granular inflammation. TRACHYPHO'NIA (tra-ke-fo'-ne-ah). Hoarseness. TRAC'TION (trak'-shun). Pulling of a part for correcting dis- location. TRAG'ACANTH. A gum exuding from a plant; it is used in various medicinal preparations. TRAG'ICUS (traj'-ik-us). A muscle of the ear. TRA'GUS (tra'-gus). See Antilobium. TRANCE. Deep persistent sleep, sometimes simulating death. TRANSFIX' (trans-fiks'). A puncturing or incision. TRANSFORMATION. Structural change. TRANSFU'SION (trans-fu'-shun). Forcing blood from one animal into the veins of another. TRANSLU'CID (traus-lu'-sid). Semi-transparent. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL TRANSMIGRATION (trans-mi-gra'-shun). Transfer of a con- dition beyond a dividing membrane. TRANSMISSION (trans-mish'-un). Applied to transmitting of disease. TRANSPIRATION (trans-pir-a'-shun). Gas exuding through pores of skin. TRANSPLANTATION (trans-plan-tii'-shun). Taking tissue from body and uniting it to another part; autoplasty; grafting. TRANSPOSITION (trans-po-zish'-un). Change of place. TRANSUDATION (trans-u-da'-shun). Cutaneous dropsical exudation. TRANSVERSE'. Applied to intersection of parts. TRAPE'ZIUM (tra-pe'-ze-um). A bone of the wrist. TRAPE'ZIUS (tra-pe'-ze-us). Flat muscle of back and neck. TRAP'EZOID (trap'-e-zoid). A bone of the wrist. TRAULIS'MUS. Hesitating speech. TRAU'MA (traw'-mah). A wound. TRAUMAT'IC. Pertaining to a wound. TRAUMAT'ICINE (traw-mat'-is-in). Gutta percha—morphine solution. TRAU'MATISM (traw'-mat-izm). Condition of system due to wound. TREAT'MENT (tret'-ment). Process of curing with remedial agents. TREM'BLES (trem'-blz). See Milk-sickness. TRE'MOR (tre'-mor). Trembling; quivering. TREMULATION. Paroxysms of paralysis agitans, q. v. TREPAN' (tre-pan'), See Trephine. TREPHINE'. Instrument for sawing out circular piece of cranium. TRI'AL CASE. A collection of different lenses for testing the eye. TRI'AL FRAME. Frame used to hold trial lens during exam- ination. TRIAN'GLES (tri-an'-gls). Applied to a number of parts of body. TRIANGULA'RIS. Applied to a number of muscles. TRI'BADISM (tri'-bid-izm). The act of two women endeavor- ing to excite orgasm by assuming positions employed during coitus. TRICEPH'ALUS (tri-sef-a-lus). Three-headed monster. TRI'CEPS (tri'-seps). Muscle having heads. TRICHI'ASIS (trik-i'-as-is). Eyelashes growing toward eyeball. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 285 286 TRICHI'NA SPIRA'LIS (trlk-i'-nah spl-ra'-lis). Genus of thread worms in muscles of hog. TRICHINI'ASIS (trik-in-l'-as-is). Pee Trichinosis. TRICHINO'SIS (trik-in-d'-sis). Infection by trichina. TRICHIS'MUS (trik-iz'-mus). Fracture of a part which is hardly discernible. TRICHOCEPH'ALUS. A genus of nematoid worms. TRICHOCLA'SIA (trik-o-kla'-se-ah). Brittleness and breaking of hair. TRICHOGLOS'SIA (trik-o-glos'-e-ah). Hairy condition of tongue. TRICH'OID (trik'-oid). Resembling hair. TRICHOL'OGY (trik-ol'-o-je). Science of hair. TRICHONO'SIS (trik-on-6'-sis). Disease of the hair. TRICHOPATHY (trik-op'-ath-e). Disease of the hair. TRICHOPHY'TON (tri-ko-fi'-ton). Parasite of the scalp caus- ing ringworm. TRICHORRHE'A (tri-kor-e'-ah). See Alopecia. TRICHOS'CHISIS. Splitting of ends of hair, TRICHO'SIS. Disease of hair. TRICHO'SES. Diseases of hair. TRICOL'OGY (tri-col'-d-je), See Trichology. TRICUS'PID. Having three folds or segments, as the right auriculo-ventricular cardiac valve. TRIENCEPH'ALUS (tri-en-sef-al-us). Monster lacking three senses—sight, hearing and smell. TRIFA'CIAL (tri-la'-shal). Fifth pair of cranial nerves. TRIGEM'INUS (tri-jem'-in-us). Same as trifacial. TRIGEM'INAL. Pertaining to trigeminus. TRI'GONE. Three-angled space at lower portion of bladder. TRIGO'NUM. Same as trigone. TRIO'NAL. Synthetic hypnotic. TRIOR'CHID (tri-or'-kid). One having three testicles. TRIP'LETS (trip'-letz). Three infants produced during one pregnancy and born at same time. TRIPLO'PIA. Triple vision of same object. TRIP'SIS. Signifying a crushing. TRIS'MUS. Lock-jaw; tetanic affection of lower jaw. TRISPLANCH'NIC (tri-splangk'-nik). Great sympathetic nerve. TRIT'ICUM. Rhizome used to advantage in genito-urinary diseases. TRITURA'TION (trit-ur-a'-shun). Reduction to a powder. TRO'CAR (trd'-kar). Instrument for evacuating fluids from a cavity. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL TROCHAN'TER (tro-kan'-ter). Several processes of femur. TRO'CHE (tro'-she). Flat tablet containing medicinal proper- ties. TROCHIS'CUS (tio-kis'-kus). See Troche. TROCH'LEA (trok'-le-ah). Cartilaginous process resembling a pulley. TROCH'LEAR (trok'-le-ar). Pertaining to trochlea. TROCHLEA'RIS (trok-le-a'-ris). A muscle of the eye. TROMMER’S TEST. A test for glycosuria. TROPH'IC (trof-ik). Pertaining to nutrition. TROPHOL'OGY. Science of nutrition. TKOPHONEURO'SIS (trof-d-nu-ro'-sis). Impaired nutrition caused by nervous diseases. TROPHOP'ATHY (trof-op'-a-the). Abnormal condition of nu- trition. TROUSSEAU’S' SPOTS. Scarlet maculse of skin due to pres- sure. TROUSSEAU'S' SYMP'TOM. Spasm due to nerve pressure, seen in tetanus. TRUNCA'TED (trun-ka'-ted). The trunk without its extremi- ties. TRUNK. That portion of body containing heart, lungs, intes- tines, etc., etc. TRUSS. A hernial support. TRYP'SIN (trip'-sin). A pancreatic ferment. TRYP'TIC. Pertaining to trypsin. TRYP'TONE (trip'-ton). That which results from pancreatic action on peptones. TRYPTONE'MIA (trip-ton-e'-me-ah). Peptones in the blood. TU'BAL (tu'-bal). Pertaining to the Fallopian tube. TUBE (tub). Cylindrical canal. TUBE'-CASTS (tub'-kasts). Minute urinary casts seen in renal diseases. TU'BER (tu'-ber). Bulbous root of certain plants, as potato. TU'BERCLE (tu-ber'-kl). An eminence. A morbid product causing tuberculosis. TUBER'CULA QUADRIGEMTNI. See Corpora Quadrigernma. TUBER'CULAR. Pertaining to tubercles. TUBER'CULIN (tu-ber'-ku-lin). Koch’s antituberculosis fluid. TUBERCULI'TIS (tu-ber-ku-li'-tis). Inflammation of tubercle. TUBER'CULOCELE (tu-ber'-ku-16-sel). A tubercular tumor of a part. TUBERCULO'SIS. Location of Bacillus tuberculosis in the body. TUBER'CULUM (tu-ber'-ku-lum). See Tubercle. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 287 288 TUBEROS'ITY (tu-ber-os'-it-e). A bony eminence or process. TU'BIFORM. See Tubular. TU'BULAR (tu-bu-lar). Shaped like a tube. TU'BULAR GESTA'TION. Pregnancy in Fallopian tube. TU'BULE (tu'-bul). Small tube. TUL'LY’S POW'DER. Morphine compound. TUMEFAC'TION (tu-me-fak'-shun). Swelling TU'MERIC (tu'-mer-ik). A popular condiment. TUMES'CENCE (tu-mes'-ens). Process of tumefaction. TU'MOR (tu'-mor). Swelling or abnormal growth of tissue. TU'NICA (tti'-nik-ah). Applied to a number of membranes. TU'PELO (tu'-pel-o). A uterine tent. TUR'BIN ATE. Conical; top-shaped. TURGES'CENT (ter-ges'-ent). Swelling. TUR'GID. Swollen. TURN'ING (tern'-ing), See Version. TURN OF LIFE. Period when the menses disappear; see Menopause. TUR'PENTINE (ter'-pen-tin). Sec Terebinthina. TUR'PETH ROOT. A catharthic root. TUS'SAL. Pertaining to a cough. TUS'SIS (tus'-is). A cough. (Pertussis; whooping cough.) TUTAM'INA OC'ULI. Ocular appendages. TWINS (twinz). Two infants produced during one pregnancy. TYLO'MA (ti-16'-mah). See Callosity. TYLO'SIS (ti-lo'-sis). Marginal hypertrophy and indu'ation ol eyelids. TYMPANTC (tim-pan'-ik). Pertaining to the tympanum. TYMPAN'IC BONE. Osseous plate of ear. TYMPANI'TES (tim-pan-i'-tez). Accumulation of gas In ab- domen. TYMPANI'TIS (tim-pan-!'-tls). Inflammation of tympanum. TYMPANITTC. Pertaining to tympanites or tympanum. TYM'PANUM. Cavity of middle ear. TYPE (tip). Characteristic model. TYPHIN'IA (tl-fln'-e-ah). Return of a febrile disease. TYPHLI'TIS (tif-li -tis). Inflammation of cecum. TYPHLOL'OGY (tif-lol'-6-je). Science relating to typhlosis. TYPHLO'SIS (tif-I6'-sis). Blindness. TY'PHOID (ti'-foid). Resembling typhus. TY'PHOID FEVER. Fever resembling typhus fever, with intestinal perforations; it is infectious. TYPHO-MALA'RIA. Malaria and typhoid fever. TYPHOMA'NIA (ti-fo-ma'-ne-ah). Incoherent delirious mutr tering seen in typhus fever. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL TYPHO'NIA (ti-fo'-ne-ah). See Typhomania. TY'PHOUS (ti'-fus). Resembling typhus. TY'PHUS FE'VER. Intense, infectious febrile disease, with eruption, prostration, etc., etc. TYP'ICAL (tip'-ik-al). Pertaining to a type; characteristic. TYREM'ESIS (ti-rem'-es-is). Infantile nausea, with curd-lik© vomit. TYROM'A (ti-rom'-ah). Alopecia, q. v. TYRO'SIN (ti-ro'-sin). Substance resulting from action of pancreatin. TYRO SIS (ti-ro'-sis). Curdling. See Tyremesis. TYROTOX'ICON. Poisonous ptomaine of cheese. TY'SON, GLANDS OF. Preputial sebaceous glands. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 289 u. ULATRO'PIA (00-lat-ro'-pe-ah). Gingival atrophy. UL'CER (ul'-ser). Purulent accumulation and exudation. UL'CEROUS. Pertaining to an ulcer. ULCERA'TION (ul-ser-a'-shun). Production of an ulcer. UL'CUS (ul'-kus). See Ulcer. ULCUS'CULUM. Diminutive for ulcer. ULEMORRHA'GIA (00-le-mor-a'-je-ah). See Ulorrhea. ULET'IC. Pertaining to the gums. ULPTIS (00-li'-tis). Inflammation of the gums. UL'MUS. Slippery elm, bark used for inflammation of respir™ atory tract. UL'NA, Large bone of forearm. UL'NAR. Pertaining to ulna. ULNA'RIS (ul-na'-ris). A muscle of arm. ULOCARCINO'MA (00-10-kar-sin-6'-mah). Gingival cancer. ULON'CUS (00-lon'-kus), Gingival tumor. ULORRHA'GIA (00-lor-a'-je-ah). See Ulorrhea. ULORRHE'A. Gingival hemorrhage. ULTZ'M ANN’S TEST. Testing for bile pigment in urine, using caustic potash and hydrochloric acid. UMBIL'ICAL. Pertaining to the umbilicus. UMBILTCAL CORD. See Cord. UMBILTCATED (um-bil'-i-ka-ted). Depressed similar to the navel. UMBILTCUS (um-bil'-ik-us). Navel; cicatricial depression in center of abdomen. UN'ClAtun'-she-ah). An ounce. UN'CIFORM. Hook-shaped. 290 UN'CIFORM BONE (un'-se-form bon). Bone of the wrist re- sembling shape of a hook. UN'CINATE (un'-sin-at). Hooked. UNCIPRES'SURE (un-si-pres'-ur). Stopping hemorrhage by pressure of hooks. UNCONSCIOUSNESS. Insensibility. UNC'TION (ungk'-shun). An unguent. UNC'TIOUS (ungk'-shus). Fatty; oily. UN'DULATORY (un'-du-la-to-re). Wavy appearance. UNFRUIT'FULNESS (un-frut'-ful-nes). State of non-produc- tiveness. UN'GUAL (un'-gwal). Pertaining to a nail. UN'GUENT (un'-gwent). Medicated ointment; fatty, oily compound. UNGUEN'TUM. See Unguent. UN'GUIS. A nail. UN'GUIS OS. Lachrymal bone. UNICEL'LULAR. With a single cell. U'NICORN U'TERUS. Womb with one cornu, UNILAT'ERAL (u-ne-lat'-er-al). Pertaining to one side. UNILOC'ULAR (u-ne-lok'-u-lar). With one cell. UNIOC'ULAR (u-ne-ok'-u-lar). With one eye. U'NION (u'-yon). Uniting of lips of a wound. Joining of two separate parts. UNIP'ARA. See Pritnipara. UNIP'AROUS (u-nip'-ar-us). Bearing one child. UNIPO'LAR (u-nip-6'-lar). Having one process or eminence. U'NIT. The least complete number; a single thing. UNIVER'SITY (u-niv-ver'-sit-e). A college whose curriculum embraces all the sciences. UNOC'ULUS (u-nok'-u-lus). See Cyclops. U'RACHAL (u'-rak-al). Pertaining to the urachus. U'RACHUS (u'-rak-us). Cord joining umbilicus and bladder. URACRA'TIA (u-rak-ra'-she-ah). See Enuresis. UR/E'MIC. See Uremic. URANISCONI'TIS (u-ran-ls-kon-i'-tis). Inflammation of the palate. URANIS'COPLASTY. Surgery restoring palate to normal state. U RANOPLASTY. See Uraniscoplasty. URANISCOR'RHAPHY (u-ran-is-kor'-a-fe). Suturing palate. URANIS'CUS (u-ran-is'-kus). The palate. URANOS'CHISIS (u-ran-os'-kis-is). Fissure of palate. U'RATE (u'-rat). Uric acid and a base, U'REA (u'-re-ah). A urinary constituent. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 291 UREAM'ETER. Instrument for determining amount of urea. URECHY'SIS (u-rek-i'-sis). Tissue infiltration with urine. URE'DO (u-re'-do). See Urticaria. URELCO'SIS (u-rel-ko'-sis). Ulcers affecting genito-urinary canals. URE'MIA (u-re'-me-ah). Urea in the blood causing blood poisoning. URE'MIC. Pertaining to or having uremia. URE'SIS (u-re'-sis). See Urination. U'RETER (u'-re-ter). Urine bearing tube between kidney and bladder. URETERAL'GIA (u-re-ter-al'-je-ah). Pain in the ureters URETERI'TIS (u-re-ter-i'-tis). Inflammation of the ureters. URE'TEROLITH (u-re'-ter-6-lith). Stone in a ureter. URETEROT'OMY (u-re-ter-ot'-b-me). Incision of a ureter. U'RETHAN (u'-re-than). Ethyl carbonate. URETH'RA (u-reth'-rah). Passage through which urine dis- charges from bladder. URETH'RAL (u-reth'-ral). Pertaining to the urethra. URETHRAL'GIA (u-reth-ral'-je-ah). Pain in the urethra. URETHRI'TIS (u-reth-ri'-tis). Inflammation of the urethra. URETH'ROCELE. Hernia of membrane of urethra through meatus. URETH'ROPLASTY. Plastic urethral surgery. URETHRORRHA'GIA (u-reth-ror-a'-je-ah). Urethral hem- orrhage. URETHRORRHE'A (u-reth-ror-e'-ah). Urethral flow. URETH'ROSCOPE. Instrument for investigation inside urethra. URETH'ROSCOPY (u-reth'-ros-kb-pe). Using urethroscope. URETH'ROSPASM (u-reth'-rb-spazm). Urethral spasm. URETHROSTENO'SIS. Urethral stenosis. URETH'ROTOME (u-reth'-rb-tbm). An instrument for ureth- rotomy. URETHROT'OMY (u-reth-rot'-b-me). Incision of urethra. URET'IC. Agent stimulating secretion of urine. U'RIC AC'ID. An acid constituent of urine. URICE'MIA (u-ris-e'-me-ah), Uric acid in the blood. URIDRO'SIS (u-rid-rb'-sls). Sweat impregnated with urea. URINAS'MIA (u-rin-e'-rae-ah). See Urinemia. U'RINAL (u'-rin-al). Receptacle for urine. URINAL'YSIS (u-rin-al'-is-is). Analysis of urine. U'RINARY (u-rin-a'-re), Pertaining to urine. URINA'TION (u-rin-a'-shun). Discharge of urine. U'RINE (u'-rin). Renal secretion. 292 URINE'MIA (u-rin-e'-me-ah). Urinary principles in the blood. URINIF'EROUS (u-rin-if-er-us). Bearing urine. URINOM'ETER. Instrument for determining density of urine. URINIPAROUS (u-rin-ip'-ar-us). Forming urine. URINOL'OGY (u-rin-ol'-6-je). Science pertaining to urine. URINOS'COPY (u-rin-os'-ko-pe). Analysis of urine. U'RINOUS (ti'-rin-us). Resembling urine. UROBIL'IN (u-ro-bil'-in). Urinary coloring matter. UROBILINU'RIN. Highly colored state of urine due to exces- sive amount of urobilin in urine. U'ROCELE (u'-ro-sel). Infiltration of scrotal tissues with urine. UROCH'ERAS (u-rok'-er-as). Gritty urine. U'ROCHROME (u'-ro-krom). Yellow constituent of urine. UROCY'ANIN. Blue matter in diseased urine. UROCYANO'SIS. Formation of urocyanin. UROCYS'TIC (u-ro-sis'-tik). Pertaining to the urinary bladder. UROCYS'TIS (u-ro-sis'-tis). The urinary bladder. URODIAL'YSIS , u-ro-di-ai'-is-is). Retention of urine. URODOCHI'UM. Urinal. UROER'YTHRIN (u-ro-er'-ith-rin). Abnormal red pigment of urine. UROGLAU'CIN (u-ro-glaw'-sin). See Urocyanin. UROHEMATIN (u-ro-hem'-at-in). Heraatin in the urine. U'ROLITH (u'-ro-litli). Stone in urinary passages. UROLITHIASIS. Formation of urolith, UROL'OGY (u-rol'-o-je). See Urinology. U'ROMANCY (u-ro-man-se). Diagnosis from urinalysis. UROMELANIN (u-ro-mel'-an-in). Dark coloring matter of the urine. UROM'ETER (u-rom'-e-ter). Same as urinometer. URON'CUS (u-ron'-kus). Tumor in urinary passages. URONOL'OGY (u-ron-ol'-o-je). Science relating to urine. UROPLA’NIA (u-ro-pla'-ne-ah). Vicarious secretion of urine. UROPOE'SIS (u-ro-po-e'-sis). Secretion or formation of urine. UROPSAM'MUS (u-rop-sam'-us). Gravel in the urine. URORRHA'GIA (u-ror-a'-je-ah). Abnormal secretion of urine. URORRHEA (u-ror-e'-ah). See Enuresis. UROS'CHEOCELE (u-ros'-ke-d-sel). Tumor of scrotum due to infiltration of urine. UROS'COPY (u-ros'-ko-pe). See Urinalysis. URO'SES (u-ro'-sez). Diseases of urinary organ. UROTOXIC. Pertaining to urotoxin. UROTOX'IN. Urinary poisonous substance. U'ROUS (u'-rus). Resembling urine. URTICA'RIA. Nettle-rash; inflammation of skin with lesions. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL URTICATION. Production of urticaria. Form of massage, using nettles. USTILA'GO MAY'DIS (us-til-ii'-go ma'-dis). Corn smut; used same as ergot, q. v. US'TION. Burning of tissues with an agent. UTERINE (u'-ter-in). Pertaining to the uterus. UTERINE GESTATION. See Pregnancy. UTERITIS (u-ter-i'-tis). Inflammation of the womb. UTERO-GESTATION (u-ter-o-ges-ta'-shun), Embryonic devel- opment in uterus. UTEROMA'NIA (u-ter-6-ma'-ne-ah). See Andromania. UTEROT'OMY (u-ter-ot'-d-me). Incision of womb. UTERUS (u'-ter-us). Womb; female organ in which product of conception is developed. UTRICLE (u'-trik-l). Cavity of the ear. UTRIC'ULAR. Pertaining to the utricle. UTRIC'ULUS. See Utricle. UVA UR'SA (u'-vah ur'-sa), Bearberry; stimulates urinary secretion, UVE'A (u-ve'-ah). Back surface of iris. UVEITIS (u-ve-i'-tis). Inflammation of uvea. UYULA (u'-vu-lah). Cone-shaped process suspending from palate. U'VULAR (u'-vu-lar). Pertaining to the uvula. UVULA'RIS (u-vu-la'-ris)., A muscle of the uvula. U'VULATOME (u'-vu-lat-om). Instrument used for excision of uvula. UVULAT'OMY (u-vu-lat'-6-me). Using of uvulatome. UVULITIS. Inflammation of uvula. UVULOPTO'SIS. Uvular relaxation. DICTIONARY OP TO-DAY. 293 V. VACCI'NA (vak-si'-nah). See Vaccinia. VACCI'NAL (vak-si'-nal Pertaining to vaccination. VACCINATION (vak-sin-a'-shun). Small circumscribed scari- fication, impregnated with vaccine; supposed to make patient immune from small-pox. VAC'CINE (vak'-sen), Cow-pox virus. VACCINEL'LA. Eruption from imperfect vaccination. VACCIN'IA, See Cow-pox. VAC'UOLE (vak'-u-ol). A gaseous cavity. VACUUM (vak'-u-um). An enclosure having no air. VAGI'NA (va-jT-nah). Tube in female joining womb and vulva. 294 VAG'INAL (vaj'-in-al). Pertaining to the vagina. VAGINIS'MUS. Spasm of vagina. VAGINI'TIS (vaj-in-i'-tis). Inflammation of vagina. VAGINODYN'IA (vaj-in-o-din'-e-ah). Pain in the vagina. VAGINOT'OMY. Incision of vagina. VAGITIS. Infantile crying. VAGOT'OMY (va-got'-6-me). Incision of vagus. VA'GUS (va'-gus). See Pneumogastric nerve. VALE'RIAN (va-le'-re-an). Antispasmodie and stimulant plant. VALERI AN'A (va-le-re-an'-ah). See Valerian. VALETUDINARIAN. An invalid. VAL'GUS (val'-jus). See Club-foot; bow-leg, etc. VALLECULA (val-ek'-it-lah). A depression. VAL'LET’S MASS (val'-az). An iron carbonate mass for mak- ing pills. VAL'LEY OF CEREBELLUM. Groove of cerebellum. VALVE. Membranous sheet closing canal one way but allow- ing passage in opposite direction. VAL'VULA (val'-vu-lah). Small valve. VA'POR (va'-por). Air heavily impregnated with liquid; moisture. VAPORIZATION, Changing to a vapor. VARIATION. Process of changing. VARICEL'LA. Chicken-pox; infectious disease somewhat re- sembling small-pox. VARICOBLEPH'ARON. Palpebral varicosity. VAR'ICOCELE (var'-ik-o-sel). Varicose state of veins of scro- tum. VARICOM'PHALUS (var-ik-om'-fa-lus). Umbilical varicosity. VAR'ICOSE (var'-ik-os). Having a varix. VARICOS'ITY. Varicose condition. VARI'OLA (va-ri'-6-lah). Small-pox ; intense pustular febrile disease with pitting; it is Infectious. VA'RIOLATE (va'-re-o-lat). Having variola. VARIOLIZA'TION. Inoculation of small-pox. VA'RIOLOID (va'-re-d-loid). Resembling or pertaining to small-pox, VARI'OLOUS (va-ri'-o-lus). Same as varioloid. VA'RIX. Abnormal distension of a vein. VA'RUS (va'-rus). Acne, q. v. Talipes. VAS. A vessel. VAS DEF'ERENS. Excretory duct of testes. VAS'CULAR (vas'-ku-lar). Pertaining to vessels. VASCULARIZATION. Development of vessels. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL VAS'CULUM. Small vessel. VAS'ELINE (vas'-el-in). See Petrolatum. VASO-CONSTRIC'TOR. Constriction of vessels. VASO-DILATION. Dilatation of vessels. VASO-MOTOR (vas-o-mo'-tor). Applied to that which causes vascular motion. VASTUS. Crural muscle. VECTIS (vek'-tis). Instrument used to assist in labor. VEGETATION (vej-it-a'-shun). An excrescence or growth. VE'HICLE (ve'-ik-l). Substance with which a medicine is incorporated. VEIL(val). A very thin membrane. VEIN (van). One of many vessels through which blood is carried to the heart. VEIN-STONE. Calculus in the veins. VELLICATION (vel-ik-a'-shun). Twitching. VE'LUM (ve'-lum). See Veil. VE'NA (ve'-nah). See Vein. VE'NA CAV'A. Applied to a number of veins. VE'NAJ. Plural of vein. VENENATION (ven-e-na'-shun). Poisoning. VENE'NUM. Poison. VENE'REAL (ven-e'-re-al). Pertaining to venery. VEN'ERY (ven'-er-e). Coitus. VENESECTTON (ve-ne-sek'-shun). Incision of a vein. VEN'OM (ven'-om). Glandular secretion of animals, as a snake; it is a deadly poison. VENOSTTY (ve-nos'-it-e). Having nature of venous blood. VE'NOUS (ve'-nus). Pertaining to a vein. VENTER. The belly. ‘ VENTILATION. Condition where the more or less impure air is constantly being replaced by fresh air. VENTRAL. Pertaining to the venter. VENTRICLE. Small cavity of an organ, as right or left ventricle of heart. VENTRIC'ULUS (ven-trik'-u-lus). See Ventricle. VENTROSE (ven'-tros). Having a belly. VENTROS'ITY. Distended belly. VENTROT'OMY. Incision of belly. VEN'ULA (ven'-u-lah). Small vein. VERATRUM VIR'IDE (ve-ra'-trum vir'-id-e), American helle- bore ; has a depressing effect on the nervous system. VER'MICIDE (ver'-mls-id). Agent destroying -worms. VERMIC'ULAR (ver-mik'-u-lar). Shaped like a worm. VERMIC'ULATE (ver-mik'-u-lut). See Vermicular. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 295 VERMICULA'TION. See Peristalsis. VER'MIFORM. See Vermicular. VER'MIFORM APPEN'DIX. Blind pouch opening in cecum. VER'MIFUGE (ver'-mif-uj). Agent expelling worms. VERMIN A'TION. Having worms. VER'NAL FEVER. Malaria fever. VER'NIX CASEO'SA. Fatty substance covering fetus. VERRU'CA(ver-oo'-kah). A wart. VERRU'CIFORM. Resembling a wart. VERRU'GAS (ver-oo'-gas). Constitutional disease with anemia, VER'SION (ver'-shun). Operation of moving fetus in utero. VER'TEBRA (ver'-te-brah). One of the small flat round bones of spinal column. VERTEBRAS. Plural of vertebra. VERTEBRAL. Pertaining to a vertebra. VERTEBRAL COLUMN. Spinal column. VERTEBRATE (ver'-te-brat). With vertebra. VERTEX (ver'-teks). Highest cranial point. VERTIGINOUS (ver-tij -in-us). Having vertigo. VERTIGO (ver'-ti-go). Dizziness; feeling as one about to faint. VERUMONTA'NUM. Urethral eminence. VES'ICA (ves'-ik-ah). The bladder. VESTCAL (ves'-ik-al). Pertaining to the bladder. VES'ICANT (ves'-ik-ant). An agent which blisters. VESICATION (ves-ik-a'-shun). The action of a vesicant. VES'ICATORY (ves'-ik-a-to-re). Same as vesicant. VES'ICLE (ves'-ik-l). A small blister, VESIC'ULA (ves-ik'-u-lah). Small vesicle. VESIC'ULJE. Plural of vesicula. VESICULAR. Pertaining to or having vesicles. VESICULAR MUR'MUR. Chest-sound. VESICULIF'EROUS (ves-ik-u-lif-er-us). Same as vesicular. VES'SEL (ves'-el). Canal for passage of fluids. VESTIB'ULAR. Pertaining to vestibule. VESTIBULE (ves-tib-ul). Entrance of hollow organs. VESTIB'ULUM (ves-tib'-u-lum). Same as vestibule. VIABILITY (vi-a-bll'-it-e). State of being viable. VIABLE (vi'-a-bl). Capable of living. VIAL (vi'-al). A small bottle. VI'BEX (vi'-beks). Purple streaks on skin. VIBI'CES (vib-i'-sez). Plural of vibex. VIBRATION (vi-bra'-shun). Oscillation. VIB'RION (vib'-re-on). Genus of bacilli. VIBRIS'S/E (vi-bris'-se). Bristle-like hair growing in the nos- trils. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL VIBUR'NUM (vi-bur'-num). Black haw; remedy for certain female troubles. VICA'RIOUS (vi-ka'-re-us). Applied to secretions of one organ abnormally discharged from another. VICT'UALS (vit'-ls). Food. VID'IAN AR'TERV. Small artery of the jaw. VIEN'NA PASTE. Mixture of lime and potash. VIGIL (vij'-il). A watch. VIG'OR. Strength. VIL'LI. Hair-like surface of a membrane. VIL'LOUS (vil'-us). Resembling or pertaining to villi. VIL'LUS (vil'-us). Singular of villi. VIN'EGAR. A part of which is acetic acid ; pro- duced by fermentation of alcoholic fluids. VI'NOUS (vl'-nus). Resembling or pertaining to wine. VI'NUM (vi'-num). Wine. VIOLA'TION (vi-o-la'-tion). Act of ravishing. VIR'GIN (ver'-jin). A female who has never had coitus. VIRGINTA SNAKE-ROOT. See Serpentaria. VIR'IL. Pertaining to manhood. VIRIL'ITY. State of man when fully developed. VIR'TUOUS. Applied to a female who does not have con- nection with other than her husband. VIR'ULENCE (vir'-u-lens). Malignant; poisonous. VIR'ULENT. Pertaining to or resembling a poison. VTRUS (vi'-rus), Substance formed in an infectious disease. VIS'CERA (vis'-er-ah). Plural of viscus. VIS'CERAD (vis'-er-ad). Toward the visceral aspect. VIS'CERAL (vls'-er-al). Pertaining to the viscera. VISCERAL'GIA (vis-er-al'-je-ah). Pain in a viscus. VIS'CID (vis'-id). See Viscous. VIS'COUS (vis'-kus). Applied to a pasty, sticky mass. Per- taining to a viscus. VIS'CUS (vis'-kus). Organ of the body. VIS'ION (vizh'-un). The act of seeing; sense of sight. VIS'UAL (viz'-ti-al). Pertaining to vision. VI'TA (vi'-tah). Life. VI'TAL (vi'-tal). Pertaining to life. VITAL'ITY (vi-tal'-it-e). Animal force or resisting power against disease. VI'TALS (vi'-tals). Indispensable organs of an animal. VITEL'LIN (vi-tel'-in). Proteid constituent of eggs. VITEL'LINE (v!-tel'-in). Pertaining to vitellus. VITEL'LUS (vi-tel'-us). The yolk of egg. VITILI'GO (vit-il-T-go). White cutaneous blotches. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 297 298 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL VIT'REOUS (vit'-re-us). Glassy. VIT'REOUS HU'MOR. Gelatinous body back of lens. VIT'RIOL (vlt'-re-ol). Salt of sulphuric acid. VITUS’ DANCE, ST. See Chorea, VIVIFICATION (viv-if-ik-a'-shun). Giving life; resuscitation. VIVIPAROUS (v!-vip'-a-rus). Bearing young alive. VIVISECTION (viv-is-ek'-shun), Dissecting animals alive in the interest of science. VO'CAL (vo'-kal). Pertaining to the voice. VO'CAL CORDS. Laryngeal membrane producing voice. VOICE (vois). Sound emitted from vocal cords. VO'LAR (vo'-lar). Relating to the palm. VOLATILE (vol'-at-il). Having highly evaporative qualities. VOLSEL'LA. See Vulsella. VOL'UNTARY (vol'-un-ta-re). In accordance with will. VOLVULUS (vol'-vu-lus). Intestinal twisting stopping pas- sage of contents. VO'MER (vo'-mer). Sheet of bone dividing nostrils. VOM'ICA (vom'-ik-ah). A purulent lung-cavity, VOM'IT. Violent expulsion of contents of stomach through mouth; the matter thus expelled. VOMITO-NI'GRO. Black vomit. VOM'ITORY, See Emetic. VOMTTUS (vom'-it-us). Matter expelled during vomiting. VORA'CIOUS (vo-ra'-she-us). Greedy; terribly hungry. VORTEX (vor'-teks). Spiral-shaped fibres of heart. VOX (voks). See Voice. VUL'NERARY. Remedy curing wounds. VUL'NUS. A wound. VULSEL'LA (vul-sel'-ah). Doubled-clawed forcep. VULSEL'LUM. See Vulsella. VULVA (vul'-vah). External genitals of female. VULVIS'MUS (vul-viz'-mus). Spasm of the vulva. VULVITIS (vul-vi'-tis). Inflammation of the vulva. VULVO-VAGTNAL (vul-vo-vaj'-in-al). Pertaining to vulva as related to vagina. VULVO-VAGTNAL GLANDS. Glands about vulvo. w. WAHOO' (wah-hoo'). See Enonymus. WAIST'-COAT, STRAIGHT. See Jacket. WA'KING (wa'-king). Condition of coming out of sleep. Action and motion of the nerves. WALE (wal). See Wheal. WALL'-EYE. Having white iris. WAL'NUT. See Juglans. WAR'BURG’S TiNC'TURE. Compound of aloes, rhei, etc., for malaria. WARD. A department with beds in hospital for receiving injured and sick. WARD'ROP’S OPERA'TION. Operation for aneurism, WART. See Verruca. WASH. Preparation for keeping a part antiseptic or clean. WAST'ING (wast'-ing). See Atrophy. WATER (wah'-ter). II20. Colorless fluid, which animals drink daily; occurs in rivers, wells, etc. WATER-BED. Large rubber bag filled with water serving as a mattress. WA'TER-BRASH. See Pyrosis. WATER-CURE. See Hydropathy. WATER-PANG. See Pyrosis. WATER-POX. See Varicella. WAX (waks). Network substance formed by bees to contain their honey. WEAL. See Wheal. WEAN (wen). Breaking a child from nursing. WEIL’S DISEASE'. Intense feverish affection with symp- toms similar to typhoid fever. WELT. See Wheal. WEN. Cyst due to disorder of sebaceous glands. WEST'PHAL’S SYMPTOM. Absence of knee-jerk. WET'-NURSE. Woman nursing another woman's baby. WET'-PACK. Wet cloths wrapped about a patient and then covered with dry cloths. WHARTON’S DUCT. See Duct. WHARTON’S JEL'LY, Mucoid matter in umbilical cord. WHEAL (whel). Narrow ridge on skin due to striking with a lash. WHEEZING (whez'-ing). Mild hissing sound during respira- tion; seen in asthma. WHEY (wha). Fluid of milk without the solids. WHIS'KEY-NOSE. Inflammation of external nose due to excessive drinking of whiskey. WHITE'-LEG (whit'-leg). See Phlegmasia alba dolens. WHITES (whitz). See Leucorrhea. WHITE-SWEL'LING. Dropsical Inflammation of joints. WHITLOW (wit'-low). See Panaris. WHOOPTNG COUGH (kawf). See Pertussis. Sometimes written Hooping Cough. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 299 300 WILD CHER'RY. See Prunus Virginiana. WILD FIRE. Erysipelas. WILD JAL'AP. A resin having cathartic properties. WIL'LOW (wil'-6), See Salix. WINCK’EL’S DISEASE'. Infantile disease with cutaneous discoloration due to affection of kidneys. WIND'-PIPE (pip). See Trachea. WlNE(win). Product of fermentation of various fruit juices. WIN'SLOW, FORAMEN OF. See Foramen. WIN'TERGREEN. See Gaultheria. WIR'SUNG, DUCT OF. Pancreatic duct. WIS'DOM TEETH. Last molar teeth appearing after puberty. WITCH HA'ZEL. See Hamamelis. WITH'ERING. Drying up or atrophy of a part. WOLFS’BANE. See Aconitum. WOMB. See Uterus. WOOD. That which is beneath bark of trees. WOOL FAT. See Lanolin. WOOL'-SORTERS’ DISEASE'. See Anthrax. WORD'-BLINDNESS. Indication of brain trouble in an educated person who cannot comprehend writing or print- ing. WORD'-DEAFNESS. Indication of brain trouble in an edu- cated person who cannot comprehend spoken words. WOR'MIAN BONES. Small triangular bones in sutures of bones of the head. WORM'SEED (werm'-sed). See Chenopodium. WORM'TEA (werm'-te). See Spigelia. WORM'WOOD. See Absinthium. WOUND. An injuring in which tissues are separated, WRIS'BERG, CARTILAGE OF. Small cartilaginous nodules in larynx. WRIS'BERG, NERVE OF. Small nerve of arm. WRIST (rist). The carpus, situated at base of hand. WRIST'-DROP. Muscular paralysis of the wrist due to lead poisoning. WRITER’S CRAMP. Nervous affection due to prolonged writing. WRITER’S PAL'SY. See Writer’s Cramp. WRY'NECK (ri'-nek). Stiff condition of neck due to muscular affection WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL X. “X” RAYS. An intensely penetrating light of electrical origin. It is used for taking a skiagraph, q. v. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 301 302 WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL XANTHELAS'MA (zan-thel-az'-mah). See Xanthoma. XAN'THIC (zan'-thik). Pertaining to yellow. XAN'THIC OX'IDE. See Xanthine. XAN'THINE (zan'-thin), Yellow coloring substance. XANTHO-CREAT'ININE. Highly toxic muscular leucomaine. XANTHODER'MA (zanth-o-der'-mah). Yellow-skinned. XANTHODONT'OUS. Having yellow teeth. XANTHO'MA (zan-tho'-mah). Tubercular growth of connective tissue, having yellow color. XANTHOPATHY (zan-thop'-a-the). Yellowish affections of the skin. XAN'THOPHANE (zan'-tho-fan). Yellowish retinal pigment. XANTHOP'SIA (zan-thop'-se-ali). Yellow vision. XANTHO'SIS (zan-tho'-sis). Yellow cancerous formation. XANTHOX'YLIN. See Sea-ash. XANTHU'RIA. Xanthine in urine. XENOME'NIA. Vicarious menstruation. XERAN'SIS (ze-ran'-sis). See Exsiccation. XERAN'TIC (ze-ran'-tic). Pertaining to xeransis. XERA'SIA (ze-ra'-se-ah). Dry condition of the hair. XERODER'MA (ze-ro-der'-mah). Dry condition of the skin. XERO'MA (ze-ro'-mah). See Xerophthalmia. XEROPHTHAL'MIA (ze-roff-thal'-me-ah). Dry condition of conjunctiva. XERO'SIS (ze-ro'-sis). Dry condition. XEROSTO'MA (ze-ro-sto'-mah). Dry condition of the mouth. XEROT'IC. Dry. XIPHISTER'NUM (zif-is-ter'-num). Final sternal process. XI'PHOID (zi'-foid). Resembling shape of a sword. XI'PHOID APPENDIX. See Xiphisternum. XIPHOPAGUS (zif-op'-ag-us). Double monster having sternal union. XY'LOL (zi'-lol). A coal-tar product, a remedy for eruption of skin. XYPHOD'YMUS (zif-od'-lm-us). Double monster having pelvic union. DICTIONARY OF TO-DAY. 303 V. YAM. See Dioscorea. YAR'ROW. A tonic herb. YAWN'ING. Deep sighing; opening month very wide. YAWS (yauz). See Frambesia. YEAST (yest). Fermentation product of alcoholic solutions. YELK. See Yolk. YEL'LOW-DOCK An alterative and tonic. 304 YEL'LOW FE'VER. Epidemic febrile disease, highly fatal; skins turns deep brown accompanied by vomiting black matter. YEL'LOW-ROOT. See Hydrastis Canadensis. YEL'LOW-WASH. Yellowish colored lotion containing mercury. YEL'LOW-WAX. Wax from bee hive. YER'BA SAN'TA (yer'-bah san'-tah). See Eriodictyon. YOLK (yok). The yellow interior of an egg. YOUTH(yuth). Child who has passed puberty but not majority. WARNER’S POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. 2. ZE'A MAYS (ze'-ah maz). Indian corn; stimulant to urinary organs. ZELOTV'PIA. A form of insanity. ZE'RO (ze'-ro). See cut of thermometers on page 280. ZINC (zink). One of the metals. ZIN'CUM. See Zinc. [cramps, etc. ZIN'GIBER (zln'-jib-er). Ginger; used for intestinal flatus and ZOAN'THROPY. Dementia in which the patient is deluded to the effect that he is a brute. ZO'NA (zo'-nahl. A girdle. Herpes zoster. ZO'NA PELLU'CIDA. Transparentsubstance enveloping ovum. ZONE(zon). See Zona. ZONESTHE'SIA (zdn-es-the-se-ah). Feeling as though a belt is about a part. ZO'NULE (zo'-nul). Diminutive of zona. ZOOBIOL'OGY (zo-d-bi-ol'-o-je). Science relating to animal life. ZOOGEN'ESIS (zo-o-jen'-es-is). Production of animals. ZOOL'OGY. Science of animals. ZOOT'OMY (zo-ot'-d-me). Incision or dissection of animals. ZOS'TER. A belt. A vesicular cutaneous disease. ZYGO'MA (zi-go'-mah). The arch of the cheek bone. ZYGOMAT'IC (zi-go-mat'-ik). Pertaining to the zygoma. ZYGOMAT'ICUS. A small muscle of the side of face. ZYME (zim), A ferment-producing substance. ZYMOGRA'PHY. A treatise on fermentation. ZYMOL/OGY (zl-mol'-o-je). Science relating to fermentation’. ZYMOL'YSIS (zl-mol'-is-is). Fermentative decomposition. ZYMO'MA (zi-mo'-mah). A ferment. ZYMO'SIS (zi-mo'-sis). Fermentation. ZYMOT'IC (zi-mot'-ik). Pertaining to fermentation. ZYMOT'IC DISEAS'ES. Diseases caused by ferments in the system. 305 To the Medical Profession, While presenting this Medical Dictionary we take opportunity to extend our thanks to our many friends who have aided us by their patronage and influence in distributing pharmaceutical preparations of the highest standard, and to express the hope that our efforts in this direction may con- tinue to gain for us a confidence and feeling that our experi- ence, covering as it has a period of thirty years and compris- ing deep scientific research and skilful manipulations, in conjunction with a conscientious desire to produce only the best, should at least warrant us in claiming a perfection of manufacture unexcelled. Such facts are worthy the attention of practitioners who are called upon to battle with disease, and who must in using ready-prepared medicines depend upon the correctness of manufacture to gain the looked for therapeutical effects, whereby their own reputations are sustained and the ills of their patients alleviated. It may be well, in this connection, to reiterate that our endeavors have always been directed towards the production of first-class preparations, regardless of cost, and passing the question of extreme cheapness which so often arises through competition and an anxiety to dispose of products ; all of which very naturally has a tendency to depreciate quality correspondingly with the falling off in price. We maintain that quality is of primary importance, and in this we flatter ourselves that we have received the undivided encouragement and support of an intelligent profession throughout the course of our business career. With these few preliminary words outlining our policy, we beg leave to suggest the importance of specifying Warner & Co’s make when ordering or prescribing effervescing salts or pills of any kind. We have special facilities for preparing in elegant form physician's favorite prescriptions. WM. R. WARNER & CO., Very respectfully, 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Chicago. New York. London. 306 INGLUVIN From the Ventriculus Callosus Gallinaceus Superior to Pepsin of the Hog. A Powder:—Prescribed in the same manner, doses, and combinations as Pepsin, 5 to 8 grains. 1 SPECIFIC FOR VOMITIHG IS PREGNANCY, (In doses of io to 20 grains in water, wine or milk). AND A Potent and reliable remedy for the cure of INDIGES- TION, DYSPEPSIA, and SICK STOMACH, caused from debility of that organ. It is superior to the Pepsin Preparations, since it acts with more certainty, and effects cures where they fail. We will take pleasure in sending to physicians a sample of Ingluvin sufficient for trial, to demonstrate the curative properties of this remedy in the various conditions for which it is indicated, but especially as a specific in vomiting of preg- nancy. (See next page for abstract from Prof. Roberts Bartholow’s “ Materia Medica and Therapeutics,” 1879, 1889 and 1896.) WM. R. WARNER & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Prof. Roberts Bartholow, M. A , M. D., LL. D., in his work on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, says;— 307 INGLUVIN—This is a preparation from the gizza~d * of the domestic chicken—ventriculus callosus gallind ceus. Dose, gr. y.—j. Ingluvin has the remarkable property of arresting certain kinds of vomiting—notably the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a stomachic tonic, and relieves indigestion,flatulence and dyspepsia. The author’s experience is confirmatory of the statements which have been put forth regarding the exceptional power of this agent to arrest the vomiting of pregnancy. It can be admin- istered in inflammatory conditions of the mucous membrane, as it has no irritant effect. Under ordinary circumstances, and when the object of its administration is to promote the digestive functions, it should be administered after meals. When the object is to arrest the vomiting of pregnancy, it should be given before meals. INGLUVIN is a * * preparation lUUf price, and supplied by all the leading Druggists. Elixir Salicylic Comp. 324 (WM. R. WARNER & CO.) A Potent and Reliable Remedy in Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago and Kindred Complaints. Combining in a pleasant and permanent form in each fluid drachm, the following: R Acid. Salicylic. (Sobering’s), grs. v. Potass. lodid. - grs. iss. Cimicifuga ... grs. ij. Tr. Gelsemium. gtt. i. This preparation is especially valuable for rheumatic diathesis and in the treatment of acute inflammatory, sub-acute and chronic rheumatism; any of which will yield to tablespoonful doses, every three or four hours, until four doses are taken; then a dessertspoonful at a time and finally decrease to a tea- spoonful every three or f air hours. In acute inflammatory rheumatism, experience has proved that two tablespoonfuls administered every four hours, until a slight ringing in the ears follows, the dose then decreased to a tablespoonful every three or four hours, will produce the desired effects. Sodii Bicarb. The advantages of Elixir Salicylic Comp, are afforded by the combination of Salicylic Acid with Soda in excess; thus forming a salt less corrosive and irritating, and more readily borne by the stomach. The other ingredients possess advantages well known to the profession, to whom this preparation is alone introduced. We therefore suggest the propriety of specifying “ Warner & Co’s,” and in ordering in f £ xii quantities, to obtain original bottles. PRICE, Sl.OO PER BOTTLE. WM. R. WARNER & CO., Manufacturing Pharmacists, 1228 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. Liquid Pancreopepsine (Digestive Fluid.) W.VI. R. WARNER & CO. A REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. Containing Pancreatine, Pepsin, Lactic and Muriatic Acids, etc. The Combined Principles of Digestion. To aid in Digesting Animal and Vegetable Cooked Food, Fatty and Amylaceous Substances. I>OSK : 3 iv, containing 5 grs. Pepsin, after each meal, with an Aperient Pill taken occasionally. This preparation contains in an agreeable form the natural and assimilative principles of the digestive fluid of the stomach, comprising Pancreatine, Pepsin, Lactic and Muriatic Acids. The best means of re-establishing digestion in enfeebled stomachs, where the power to assimilate and digest food is impaired, is to administer principles capable of communicating the elements necessary to convert food into nutriment. The value of Liquid Pancreopepsine in this connection has been fully established, and we can recommend it with con- fidence to the profession as superior to pepsin alone. It aids in digesting animal and vegetable cooked food, fatty and amylaceous substances, and may be employed in all cases where, from pro- longed sickness or other causes, the alimentary processes are not in their normal condition. Price per Bottle, $l.OO. 326 Mouth and Sali- vary Glands (al- Italine). 'Lung. Termination of the. Thoracic Duct. Stomach and Py- lorus {acid}. , (Esophagus. ■Diaphragm. Duodenum,- Orifices of the Pan-~ creatic and Bile Ducts, Gastric Follicles {enlarged). Pancreas {alkaline) Liver turned aside, showing Calf Bladder. Coils of Small In- testine. Lacteals of Small intestine.. Recettaeulum* Chyli. Commencement of' Largo Intestine.. DIAGRAM OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. Seep it normal by using Liquid Fancreopepsinei (WASHES & 00*80 Copyrighted. 327 “THE RETROSPECT” OF Medicine and Pharmacy The Retrospect is what its name signifies, a “ review ” of the leading articles of the previous month’s medical and pharmaceutical journals. The various professional editorials are also reviewed and an abstract made of the essential contents thereof. The utility of reviews is begin- ning to be recognized, because the readers are informed in a brief way of a wide selection of choice articles, happily meeting the necessity of the busy physician. Sample copy sent on receipt of request. Subscription price, $l.OO per annum. THE RETROSPECT CO. No. 306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia WARNER I GO’S EFFERVESCING (WARNER & CO.) sod A- USEFUL IN Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, Excessive Study, Over Brainwork, Nervous Debility, Mania, Etc., Etc. be repeated once after an interval of thirty minutes, if necessary. Dose.—A heaping teaspoonful in half a glass of water, to Each teaspoonful contains Bromide Sodium, 30 grains. Caffein, - -- -- -- 1 “ It is claimed by some prominent specialists in nervous dis- eases that the Sodium Salt is more acceptable to the stomach than the Bromide Potassium. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It is also used with advantage in Indigestion, Depression following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as Nervous Headache. It affords speedy relief for Mental and Physical Exhaustion. WM. R. WARNER & CO., PREPARED ONLY BY MANUFACTURERS OF soluble Coated pills, PHILADELPHIA and NEWYORK. 329 WM. R. WARNER & GO’S QUICKLY SOLUBLE TABLETS HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. In compliance with repeated requests from the Medical profession to manufacture quickly soluble tablets for subcutaneous medication, we respect- fully call attention to the following list:— We desire to emphasize the statement, that in undertaking the manufac- ture of these delicate agents, we have devoted much time and labor in bring- ing them to a state of perfection; in this we have been assisted by the co-operation of our medical friends. We claim (and a candid comparison will convince any one) for our soluble tablets, the following points of superiority, viz.:— 1. They are quickly and entirely soluble. 2. They are permanent in form and accurate in dose. 3. They are safe, and rapid in action. Note.—Our tablets are put up in tubes containing twenty and packed in boxes of five tubes and in vials containing one hundred tablets. When ordering please specify Win. R. Warner & Co.’s Hypodermic Tablets. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS Aconitine, Pure Cryst 1-120 gr. $ 70 $ 18 Apomorphine Muriate 1-20 gr. 60 16 Apomorphine Muriate 1-8 gr. 1 10 26 Apomorphine Muriate 1-12 gr. 85 ig Atropine Sulphate 1-60 gr. 40 12 Atropine Sulphate 1-200 gr. 30 to Atropine Sulphate i-isogr. 30 10 Atropine Sulphate i-i2ogr. 35 11 Atropine Sulphate 1-100 gr. 35 11 Cardiac Tonic, (Dr. Mann) 60 16 Morph. Sul. i-i2 gr. Atropin Sul. 1-250 gr. Strych. Sul. i-i34gr. Caffein, 1-67 gr. Cocaine Hydrochlorate 1-8 gr. 50 14 Cocaine Hydrochlorate 1-4 gr. 90 22 Cocaine Hydrochlorate 1-10 gr. 45 13 Cocaine Hydrochlorate 1-2 gr. 1 60 36 Codeine Sulphate 1-8 gr. 70 18 Codeine Sulphate i-4gr. 1 00 24 Coniine Hydrobromate i-ioogr. 30 10 Coniine Hydrobromate 1-50 gr. 60 x& Per Bottle 100 Tablets Per Tube 20 Tablets SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS 330 Per Bottle Per Tube too Tablets 20 Tablets •Coniine Hydrobromate x-6ogr. $ 50 $ 14 Digitaline, Pure 1-100 gr. 30 10 Digitaline, Pure 1-60 gr. 50 14 Duboisine Sulphate 1-100 gr. 50 14 Duboisine Sulphate i-6ogr. 80 20 Ergotin i-6 gr. 60 18 Eserine Sulphate x-fogr. 80 20 Eserine Sulphate i-ioogr. 45 13 Hyoscine Hydrobromate 1-100 gr. 75 ig Hyoscyamine Sulphate 1-50 gr. 50 14 Hyoscyamine Sulphate 1-100 gr. 40 12 Mercury Corrosive Chloridin 1-40 gr. 30 10 Mercury Corrosive Chloride 1-60 gr. 30 10 Mercury Corrosive Chloride i-isogr. 30 10 Morphine Bimeconate 1-3 gr. 85 21 Morphine Bimeconate x-4 gr. 70 x 8 Morphine Bimeconate 1-6 gr. 45 13 Morphine Bimeconate 1-8 gr. 35 11 Morphine Muriate 1-8 gr. 35 11 Morphine Muriate 1-6 gr, 45 13 Morphine Muriate 1-4 gr. 50 14 Morphine Nitrate 1-4 gr. 90 22 Morphine Nitrate 1-6 gr. 70 18 Morphine Nitrate 1-8 gr. 55 15 Morphine Nitrate 1-12 gr. 50 14 Morphine Sulphate 1-8 gr. 30 10 Morphine Sulphate 1-6 gr. 33 it Morphine Sulphate 1-4 gr. 40 12 Morphine Sulphate 1-3 gr. 50 14 Morphine Sulphate 1-2 gr. 65 17 Morphine and Atropine No. 1, / MorphineSulph. 1-8 gr. \ AC ( Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. J 43 J Morphine and Atropine, No. 2, | Morphine Sulph. 1-6 gr. I Ae T„ ( Atropine Sulph. i-iBogr. f 45 Morphine and Atropine No. 3, / Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. "I cn T, | Atro ,-ine Sulph. i-xsogr. J 3 4 Morphine and Atropine No. 4, f Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr \ 6o l 6 ( Atropine Sulph. x-toogr. j Morphine and Atropine No. 5, /Morphine Sulph. 1-8 gr. \ AC • rn \ Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. J 45 3 Morphine and Atropine No. 6, / Morphine Sulph. 1-8 gr. \ cn TA ( Atropine Sulph. x-xoogr. J 5 Morphine and Atropine No 7, | Morphine Sulph. 1-6 gr. \ erl I Atropine Sulph. _ i-iyogr. J Morphine and Atropine No. 8, I Morphine Sulph, 1-6 gr. \ ctr T5 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. j 55 Morphine and Atropine No. 9, f Morphine Sulph. x-4gr. \ cn T/1 \ Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. J SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS ao T^blete Morphine and Atropine No. xo, J Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. / * „ 4TC | Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. j 955 9 5 Morphine and Atrophine No. 11, | Morphine Sulph. 1-4 gr. 1 6o l 6 ( Atropine Sulph. t-do gr. j Morphine and Atropine No. 12, / Morphipe Sulph. 1-3 gr. ] Tn | Atropine Sulph. i-iaogr,/ '-1 y Morphine and Atropine No. 13, J Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. / n< Tri ( Atropine Sulph. i-isogr. / 75 Morphine and Atropine No 14, /MorphineSulph. 1-2 gr, \ TA 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. j 75 y Morphine and Atropine No. 15, /MorphineSulph. 1-2gr. [ ni TA ( Atropine Sulph. i-too gr. / 70 y Morphine and Atropine No. 16, / Morphine Sulph. 1-2 gr. / nc Tn I Atropine Sulph. 1-240 gr. j 75 y Nitroglycerin 1-50 gr- 4° 12 Nitroglycerin x-150 gr. 40 12 Nitroglycerin , ...1-100 gr. 40 12 Nitroglycerin 1-200 gr. 40 12 Nitroglycerin, x-ioo gr. & Strychnine, 1-50 gr. 40 12 Physostigmine Sulph. 1-60 gr. (See Eserine Sulph.) 80 20 ♦Pilocarpine Muriate 1-5 gr. ♦Pilocarpine Muriate 1-8 gr. ♦Pilocarpine Muriate 1-20 gr. ♦Pilocarpine Nitrate ...i-2ogr. ♦Pilocarpine Nitrate 1-8 gr. ♦Pilocarpine Nitrate t-4gr. Sodium Arseniate 1-30 gr. 30 10 Strychnine Nitrate 1-150 gr. 50 14 Strychnine Nitrate i-xcogr. 35 11 Strychnine Nitrate 1-40 gr. 35 xx Strychnine Nitrate 1-60 gr. 40 12 Strychnine Sulphate 1-150 gr. 30 10 Strychnine Sulphate x-iaogr. 30 10 Strychnine Sulphate 1-100 gr. 30 10 Strychnine Sulphate 1-60 gr. 30 10 Strychnine Sulphate 1-20 gr. 42 12 Stiychnine Sulphate 1-3° gr- 3° 10 Strychnine Sulphate 1-40 gr. 3° 10 strychnine Sulphate x-5° gr- 3° 10 Strychine and Atropine No. 1, / Strychnine Sulph. 1-50 gr./ _ -0 I 4 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. J Strychnine and Atropine No. 2, / Strychnine Sulph. x-30gr.\ _ So I 4 ( Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. / Strychnine and Atropine No. 3, / Strychnine Sulph. 1-60 gr. "I j0 I 4 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. / ♦Prices on application. 332 A New hypodermic syringe. ASEPTIC, UNBREAKABLE, ACCURATE. Always ready for use. No leather or rubber washer on piston. No glass to break at a critical moment. Piston one solid piece of metal. Gradua- tions marked, in minums and cubic centimeters, on piston. The entire instrument can be boiled to produce steri- lization ; this in itself is a most important feature of the new instrument possessed by none of the o'd-fashioned syringes. Each syringe is packed in a handsome alumi- num case, containing two needles and four tablet tubes. The construction of the needle for this instrument presents another valuable ad- dition, in that having a screw which forces the cone-shaped head against corresponding shoulder, making a perfectly air-tight and solidjoint, doing away with the necessity of a leather or other washer. The construction of the entire instrument is of metal, heavily nickel-plated, with the exception of a small cork ring in the cap on barrel of syringe, which upon being screwed down, tightens the ring around piston and serves to take up any possible wear. Invented by Dr. C. W. Dennis. Syringe complete, S3 each. WM. R. WARNER & CO., 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 333 AN IMPORTANT CLASS OF REMEDIES PARVULES You are cautioned against imitations and substitutions offered under other names. This is a new class of medicines (spherical in form) designed for the administration of remedies in small doses for frequent repetition in cases of children and adults. It is claimed by some practitioners that small doses given at short intervals exert a more salutary effect. The elegance and efficiency of Parvules, and the avoidance of cumulative effect, depend on our mode of preparation. The Dose of any of the Parvules will vary from one to four, according to age, or the frequency of their administration. For instance, one Parvule every hour, or two every two hours, or three every three hours, and so on for adults. For children, one three times a day is the minimum dose. following:— Price, 25 cents per bottle of 100, including any of the Acidi Arseniosi i-ioo gr. Medical properties Alterative, Antiperiodic. Acidi Salicylic! i-io gr. Med. prop.—Antirheumatic. Acidi Tannici 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Astringent. Aconiti Rad. 1-20 gr. Med prop.—Narcotic, Sudoric. Aloin ..i-iogr. Med. prop.—A most desirable Ca- thartic. Ammondi Chloridi x-10 gr. Med. prop.—Diuretic, Stimulant. 334 Antimonii et Potass. Tart 1-100 gr. Med. prop.—Expectorant, Altera- tive. Arnicae Flor 1-5 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Stimulant, Diaphoretic. Arsenici lodidi 1-100 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Belladonnae Fol 1 20 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic. Diaphor- etic, Diuretic. Calomel 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative, Purga- tive. Calomel et Ipecac aa 1-10 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative, Purga- tive. Camphorae 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Diaphoretic,Carmin- ative. Cantharidis 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Diuretic, Stimulant. Capsid 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Stimulant, Carmina- tive. Cathart. Co. Officin 1-3 gr. Med. prop.—Cathartic. Cathart. Comp Imp 1-3 gr. Med. prop.—Cathartic. Digi talis Fol 1.20 gr. Med, prop.—Sedative, Narcotic, Diuretic. Dover’s Powder 1-3 gr. Med. prop.—Anodyne, Soporific. Ergotinae 1-10 gr. Med. prop.—Emmenagogue, Par- turient. Ferri Redact! 1-10 gr. Med. prop.— Ionic. Gelsemini Rad 1- 0 gr. Med. prop.—Nervous and Arte- rial Sedative. Hydrarg. Bi-Chlor i-ioo gr. Med. prop. — Mercurial Altera- tive. Hydrarg. Cum Creta i-io gr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Hydrarg. lodid 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Alterative. Hydrastin 1-20 gr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Astringent. lodoformi 1-10 ; r. Med. prop.—Alterative. Ipecac 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Emetic, Expectoi ant. Morphinae Sulph 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Narcotic, Sedative. Nucis Vomicae 1-50 gr. Med. prop.—Tome, Stimulant. Opii 1-40 gr. Med. prep — Narcotic, Sedative, Anodyne. Phosphorus 1-200 gr. Med. prop.—Nerve Stimulant. Piperinae 1-20 gr. Med. prop. — I onic, Antiperiodic, Carminative. Podophyllini 1-40 gr. Med. prop. — Cathartic, Chola- gogue. Po'ass. Bromidi 1-5 cr. Med. prop. — Alter-iive, Resolv- ent. Potass. Arsenitis t-ioo gr. Med. prop,—Alterative. Potass. Nitratis i-iogr. Med. prop.—Diuretic, and Re- frigerant. Quininae culphatis 1-10 gr. Med. prop.—Tonic, Antiperiodic. Santonini 1-10 gr. Med. prop.—Anthelmintic Strvchnina 1-100 gr. Med. prop. — Nerve Stimulant, Tonic. POCKET PARYULE CASE, containing twenty filled bottles, any selection, - - $B.OO A presentable, durable and compact case suitable for pocket or band. The dimensions when closed, are: Length, 8 in.; width, 3 in. ; thickness, 2 in. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY WM. R, WARNER & OO* 335 PARVULE CASES for PHYSICIANS’ USE DELIVERED BY POST ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. 336 WARNER & CO.’S Medical Cabinet for Physicians. Supplied with Warner & Co.'S Beautiful Bottles labeled witb CUss. 100 Articles- Contained in Physician’s Cabinet. Lists Sent. PRICE COMPLETE, $lOO.OO. 1228 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Executive Offices and Store : Laboratory: 639-41-43 H. Broad St. 1316-18-20 Wallace St. New York Branch, 52 Maiden Lane. Chicago Branch, 197 Randolph Street. Kerry, Watson & Co. Montreal, Canada, Loudon, Kng;., Branch, K. NEWBERY & SONS, 1 and 3 King Edward Estreat. Therapeutic Reference Book. CONTENTS= Aid in Memorizing Doses, 33 Asphyxia, Treatment of, 40 Fevers, Eruptive, Time of Incubation, 46 Foods, The Digestibility of, 47 Formulas, Pharmaceutical, etc., 61 Formulary, Medical, 64 Gestation, The Period of, 44 Hypodermic Medication, 33 Incompatibles, 35 Parvules, 55 Pills, Soluble Coated, 57 Poisons and Antidotes, 36 Posological Table, 12 Prescription Writing, 10 Weights and. Measures, 7 PAGE Invaluable to the student and busy practitioner. Have you one ? If net, you may obtain a copy by sending 25 cents for postage and packing. Excellent binding, on superior paper.