EXAMINATIONS FOR SAL STUDENTS SELF-EXAMINATIONS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. BLAKISTON'S ? QUIZ-COMPENDi REVISED EDITIONS. ILLUSTRATED. The best, the most practical and the mos cise series of Compends for Students u: in the lecture room or when pre- paring for examination. Based upon the most popular text-books a lectures of prominent Professors, and writ/ men of large experience with quiz classes an lege work. CAN BE USED BY STUDENTS ANY COLLEGE. THE NEW EDITIONS have been revised an enlarged, the authors having, by the experience c former printings, been able to greatly improve the usefulness. 7RST' See complete circular at end of this bo j full description, recommendations, prices, et Blakiston's ? Quiz-Compends ?, ^GOO QUESTIONS ON EDTCAL SUBJECTS, ARRANGED FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. a THE PROPER REFERENCES TO STAN- DARD WORKS IN WHICH THE CORRECT REPLIES WILL BE FOUND. PHILADELPHIA : P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., No. 1012 WALNUT STREET,. 1891. Copyright, 1891, by P. Blakiston, Son & Co Wm. F. Fell & Co., Printers, Philadelphia. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. This little book has been prepared by a medical man, a teacher and a writer/ of experience, with special reference to the actual wants of the medical student. By its help the student can successfully quiz himself on all the important branches, or review any one subject in which he feels himself to be par- ticularly deficient. As a rule the questions have been selected with regard to their bearing upon practical medicine, and are those most likely to be asked in the quiz-class or examination-room; at the same time there are, throughout the book, many unusual ones, thus giving the student a wide range of thought, and making him generally conversant with all points connected with the matter in hand. In self-examination it is of great importance that the questions and replies should not be given in the same place; if they are, the student is tempted to V VI publishers' preface. slur over those he is unable to answer, or to cheat himself into the belief that he knows the answer before he reads it. There is also the tendency to learn by rote without the exercise of the understand- ing, so that, should the question be put in a different way the reply could not be given. To avoid these errors, and, should he wish it, to still refer the student to the correct reply, a system of references (explained on page viii) has been adopted, by which the student, with the least expenditure of time and trouble, can look up the subject in a standard book, and thus impress it firmly upon his mind. In order that future editions may be increased in usefulness, and adapted even more closely to the lines of study generally pursued, the publishers in vite suggestions and criticisms from all those students who use the book. CONTENTS. PAGE Questions on Anatomy, 9 Questions on Physiology, 23 Questions on Materia Medica & Therapeutics, 35 Questions on Chemistry, 57 Questions on Practice of Medicine, 71 Questions on Surgery 101 Questions on Obstetrics, 117 Questions on Gynecology, 133 Q estions on Diseases of Children, 139 BOOKS OF REFERENCE. a. Gray's Anatomy, the nth Edition. b. Gould's New Medical Dictionary. i. Potter's Quiz-Compend on Anatomy. 5th Ed. 2. Hughes' Quiz-Compend on the Practice of Medicine. 4th Edition. Part I. 3. Hughes' Quiz-Compend on the Practice of Medicine. 4th Edition. Part II. 4. Brubaker's Quiz-Compend on Physiology. 6th Edition. 5. Landis' Quiz-Compend on Obstetrics. 4th Ed. 6. Potter's Quiz-Compend on Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Prescript'n Writing. 5th Ed. 7. Morris' Quiz-Compend on Gynaecology. 8. Fox & Gould's Quiz-Compend on Diseases of the Eye and Refraction. 2d Edition. g. Horwitz' Quiz-Compend on Surgery, Minor Sur- gery and Bandaging. 4th Edition. 10. Leffmann's Quiz-Compend on Medical Chem- istry. 3d Edition. 11. Stewart's Quiz-Compend on Pharmacy. 3d Ed. 12. Ballou's Quiz-Compend on Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology. 13. Warren's Quiz-Compend on Dental Pathology and Medicine. 14. Hatfield's Quiz-Compend on Dis. of Children. Explanatory Note.-The correct replies to the fol- lowing questions will be found in the above books, the figures or letters after each question referring first to the number of the volume in the above list, then to the page. For example, the correct reply to the second question (a-35 ; 1-9) will be found on page 35 of Gray's Anatomy, and on page 9 of Potter's Compend of Anatomy. The majority of references have been made in Blakiston's Quiz-Compends, because almost all students use these books, and the replies are there given in the most concise and complete manner. The Student will also find much additional information by referring to Gould's Diction- ary for definitions of all important words, and by con- sulting the tables of the muscles, arteries, nerves, ganglia, etc., contained therein. VIII QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. ANATOMY. What do you understand by the term Anatomy, and as applied to Anatomy, the terms, Descriptive, Comparative, Surgical, Regional, Histological, and Pathological? b. State and define the classes of tissues into which the human body is divided, a-35 etc., 1-9. Give the structure and physical properties of bone, a-54 1-11. How are bones divided as regards their shape, describ- ing and giving the numbers of each class, and their posi- tions generally in the skeleton ? a-141. _ Name and explain the terms most used in the descrip- tion of bones, such as the eminences, cavities, etc. 1-10- 11. Describe the process of ossification, a-59 1-12. Give the number of bones in the skeleton, and in each class into which they are divided. 1-10. Describe each bone of the head, giving its eminences, Processes, notches, foramina, depressions, fossse, etc., 1- 12, etc. State the articulations of each bone of the head. 1-13 etc. 9 10 QUESTIONS FOE SELF-EXAMINATION. What muscles are attached to each bone of the head ? 1-13, etc. Describe the orbits, the number of bones forming each, the fossae, cavities, foramina, canals, grooves, etc. 1-29. Describe the nasal fossae, the bones entering into their formation, the processes, meatuses, etc. 1-31. Describe the temporal, zygomatic and spheno-maxillary fossae. 1-32. Name and describe the sutures of the skull and face. 1-33. Describe the hyoid bone and the muscles attached to it. 1-33. What structures pass through the base of the skull, and what are the names of the passage-ways ? 1-34. What features have all vertebrae in common ? 1-36. What vertebrae diifer from these common characteris- tics,, and in what way do they differ ? 1-37. What important soft structures lie near or in front of each vertebra ? 1-37, plates, etc. Describe the thorax and the position of the organs con- tained in its cavity. 1-38. Describe the sternum, its articulations, and the muscles attached to it. 1-38. In what way do the ribs differ from each other ? 1-39. Describe the pelvis, its divisions, the bones that form it, and its general dimensions. 1-40. Name the muscles and their points of attachment, rising from or inserted into the os innominatum. 1- 84-91, etc. Describe the bones forming the ossa innominata. 1- 42. ANATOMY. 11 Describe the sacrum and coccyx. 1-40. Describe the collar-bone and shoulder-blade. 1-44. What muscles are attached to each, and the points of their attachment ? 1-44. Give a detailed account of the descriptive points of the arm. 1-45. Give the chief points of resemblance and of difference between the bones of the forearm and those of the leg. Where are the various muscles of the forearm inserted ? 1-47-48-87-88-89. Describe the bones of the hand, their divisions, their peculiarities and articulations. 1-48. Give a description of the femur, and the points of attachment of the muscles inserted in it. 1-50. What peculiarities of shape, eminences, etc., have the bones of the leg ? 1-52. With what other bones does each bone of the foot articulate ? 1-53. Describe the tarsus and metatarsus. 1-53. Describe and illustrate the different classes of articula- tions. 1-55. How do the occipito-atloid, theoccipito-axoid, and the atlo-axoid articulations differ from a common vertebral articulation ? 1-55. What are the parts and the ligaments forming the articulation of the lower jaw ? 1-57. How and with what structures are the articulations of the ribs formed ? 1-58. Describe the articulations of the sacrum. 1-59. 12 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Give the points of the attachments of each ligament forming the joints of the clavicle. Describe the articulations of the shoulder and of the elbow. 1-60. How are the radius and ulna united with each other and with the carpus ? 1-61. Give a description of the joints of the wrist and hand. 1-62. Describe the hip-joint, its ligaments, its synovial mem- branes, arteries, and nerves. 1-63. In the same way describe the knee-joint. 1-64. The articulations of the tibia and fibula with each other and with the ankle. 1-65. Describe the articulations of the foot. What is the difference in structure and function between the great classes of muscular tissue? 1-67. How are muscles united to bone ? 1-67. What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the double-bellied muscles ? 1-67, etc. Give the name, origin, insertion, innervation and func- tion of the muscles of the head and face. 1-68, b. Of the neck. 1-71, b. Of the larynx and epiglottis. 1-75, b. Name the muscles of the layers of the muscles of the back. 1-76. Describe accurately, with origins, insertions, nerve- supplies and functions, the muscles of the abdomen. 1-80, b. Those of the thorax. 1-82, b. ANATOMY. 13 Of the perineum. 1-84, b. Of the shoulder and arm. 1-85, b. What muscles of the forearm intermediate flexion, pro- nation, and extension? 1-87. Name and describe the fasciae and muscles of the hand. 1-90. Give an exact description of the hip and thigh-muscles, their origins, insertions, nerve-supplies, and functions. 1-91, b. Where is Poupart's ligament and how is it formed? 1-91. Describe the muscles of the leg. 1-95. Describe the fasciae and muscles of the foot. 1-97-98. Describe the heart, its auricles and ventricles and the openings and valves of each cavity, etc. 1-101. How do arteries and capillaries ditfer from each other ? 1-102. Describe the aorta, its beginning, course, and end, with the branches it gives off, their locations, etc. 1-103-236. What are the peculiarities of the coronary and of the innominate arteries ? 1-103-236. What is the origin, course, and relations of the common carotid arteries ? 1-103-236. Where are the branches of the external carotid artery given off, what are their courses, and what structures do they supply ? 1-104-236-8. The same of the internal carotid ? 1-105-239. Describe the location and the arteries forming the circle of Willis. 1-106-239. 14 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Where does the subclavian artery arise, where end, how is it divided, and what are its branches ? 1-106-236. Describe the branches and sub-branches of the thyroid axis and state what structures each supplies. 1-107-240. Where does the axillary artery arise and end, and what are its branches? 1-107--241. Describe the brachial artery and its branches. 1-107- 241. Give the origin and distribution of the radial artery and of its branches. 1-108-241. The same of the ulnar artery. 1-108-242. Describe the location, formation, and branches of the palmar arches. 1-108-242. State the origin, ending and distribution of the tho- racic aorta and of each of its branches. 1-108, 242. Of the abdominal aorta. 1-109, 244. Describe the celiac axis. 1-109, 244. Where does the internal iliac and its branches arise, end, and what structures do the branches supply with blood? 1-110-246. The same as to external iliac. 1-111-248. With what important structures is the femoral artery in relation? 1-111. Describe in a general way the blood-supply of the thigh, leg and foot. 1-111, etc., a-594 etc. Give the origin and end of the branches of the femoral artery. 1-112-248. Describe the branches of the popliteal artery and'give the structures each branch supplies. 1--111-250, a-599. ANATOMY. 15 Describe the relations and branches of the anterior tibial and the dorsalis pedis arteries. 1-112-250. Where do the branches of the posterior tibial artery leave it, and what structures do they supply ? 1-113- 250. Describe the plantar arteries and arches. 1-113-250. Describe the pulmonary circulation and its peculiari- ties. 1-114. Describe the formation of the principal arterial anas- tomoses. 1-114. Define and describe veins and sinuses. 1-115. Describe the principal veins and sinuses of the head and neck. 1-115. Of the upper extremity. 1-116. The azygos veins. 1-116. The subclavian and innominate veins. 1-117. The superior and inferior venee cava?. 1-117. The veins of the lower extremity. 1-117. The internal and common iliacs. 1-118. Give a description of the portal system. 1-118. Define the terms, lymphatics, lacteals, and lymphatic glands. 1-119. Describe the location of the principal lymphatic ducts and glands. 1-119. What are nerves and the chief divisions of the ner- vous system ? 1-120. Describe the parts and the functions of each of the membranes of the brain. 1-121. Bound the lobes of the cerebrum. 1-121. 16 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Bound the convolutions of the cerebrum. 1-122. Describe the organs at the base of the brain. 1-123. Name and locate the principal ganglia. &-169. Name and locate the chief cerebral commissures. 1-124. Name and bound the ventricles of the brain. 1-124. Describe and bound the cornua of the lateral ven- tricles. 1-125. Describe the structures of the meso-cephalon. 1-127. What is the medulla oblongata, its fissures, and parts ? 1-127. Describe the cerebellum, its processes, fissures, lobes, peduncles, etc. 1-128. Describe the spinal cord, its membranes, fissures, col- umns, etc. 1-129. Through what openings do the cranial nerves find exit from the skull ? 1-130, etc. What is the origin and distribution of the olfactory- nerve? 1-130,252. What is the origin, course, and distribution of the optic nerve ? 1-209, 252. What nerves supply the motor functions of the eye, their origin, and the muscles each supplies ? 1-130-131- 206-252-260. Describe the Gasserian ganglion. 1-131-254, a-720. Describe the three divisions of the fifth nerve, what structures each supplies and whether with motor or sen- sory filaments. 1-131-254. Describe the ganglia connected with the fifth nerve. 1-137. ANATOMY. 17 What is the origin, nature, course, divisions and the structures supplied by the " portio dura " ? 1-131-256. Describe the organs of the nerve-supply of the function of hearing. 1-131,260. Where does the glosso-pharyngeal nerve arise, and what structures are supplied by its branches ? 1-132-258. What kind of nerves are the pneumogastric and spinal accessory, what are their origins, and to what organs are they distributed ? 1-132-258. Describe the hypoglossal nerve and its branches. 1- 132-260. Into what classes are the spinal nerves divided, the origins, and peculiarities of each class ? 1-133-262. What is the origin and distribution of the cervical plexus ? 1-133-262. With what structures is the phrenic nerve in relation during its course ? 1-133. What is the origin and distribution of the brachial plexus ? 1-133-264-266-268, b. Describe the origin, course and distribution of the lum- bar plexus. 1-135-270. b. Of the sacral plexus ? 1-135-270-272-274. b. What branches of what nerves supply each of the chief structures of the leg and foot ? 1-136-275. . Describe the sympathetic nerve, naming and locating Us principal ganglia. 1-137-139-276. Describe the petrosal nerves. 1-138. Give a description of the splanchnic nerves. 1-139. Of the solar plexus. 1-139. b. Of the carotid and cavernous plexuses. &-1-139. 18 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the vidian nerve. 1-140. How would you describe the alimentary canal ? 1- 41. Describe the development, divisions, structure and anatomy of the teeth. 1-141. 13-9, etc. Describe and bound the mouth. 1-144. Describe the salivary glands, and their duets. 1-144. Describe the tongue, its muscles, papillae, glands, arteries, and nerves. 1-145. Describe the pharynx, its structure, boundaries, open- ings, arterial and nerve supply. 1-146. The oesophagus. 1-147. What structures does the full stomach touch ? 1- 148, a-869. Describe the stomach, its curves, ends, orifices, struc- ture and glands. 1-149, a--869. What nerves and arteries supply it ? 1-150. Give an account of the parts, structure, and glands of the small intestine. 1-150. Of the large intestine. 1-151. What organs does the distended rectum touch? 1- 152, a-886. Describe the ligaments, fissures, lobes and vessels of the liver. 1-153. With what organs or structures is it in contact? 1- 153, a-892. Describe the gall-bladder and the biliary ducts. 1- 156. With what organs or structures is the pancreas in con- tact ? 1-157. ANATOMY. 19 Describe its parts. 1-157. Describe the spleen. 1-158. With what organs is it in relation ? 1-158. Describe the thyroid gland and its blood supply. 1- 159. What is the location, and the peculiarities of structure and development of the thymus gland ? 1-160. Describe the supra-renal capsules. 1-160. Bound the abdomen and each of its nine regions. 1- 161-2. Locate the organs or parts in each region. 1-162. Locate the openings in the walls of the abdomen. 1- 162. Describe the peritoneum, its layers and divisions. 1- 163. Bound the foramen of Winslow. 1-163. Describe the omenta. 1-164. Name the different peritoneal ligaments, their origins, and the organs each supports. 1-164. What organs are covered by peritoneum, and what are not covered? 1-165. Describe the larynx and its cartilages. 1-165. Describe the epiglottis and its muscles. 1-167-169. Describe the laryngeal ligaments and the vocal cords. 1-168. What is the glottis and the sacculus laryngis? 1-168. Give the origin, insertion, nerve supply and function of the laryngeal muscles. 1-168, b. 20 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. With what structures is the trachea in relation ? 1- 170. The bronchi? 1-171. Describe the lungs,> their divisions, lobes, boundaries, structure, blood and nerve supply. 1-172. Describe the pleurae and name the parts they are in relation with. 1-174. Give the boundaries and the contents of the divisions of the mediastinum. 1-174. With what organs or parts are the kidneys in contact ? 1-175. What is the structure of the kidney ? 1-175. What are the divisions of the renal vessels ? a-634. Describe the course and relations of the ureters. 1- 177. What are the ligaments and the relations of the blad- der? 1-178. Define and describe the urachus, the trigonum vesicse and the uvula vesicse. 1-178. Describe the urethra and its divisions or portions. 1- 179. The ducts of what glands empty into it ? 1-179. Describe the prostate gland, its position, dimensions, etc. 1-181. Describe the penis, the cavernous and spongy bodies and the erectile tissue, its nerve and blood supply, etc. 1-183. Describe the testes, their coats, coverings, structure, and nerve and blood supply. 1-184. ANATOMY. 21 Describe the component parts of the epididymis. 1- 184. Describe the vas deferens, its course, etc. 1-185. Give the component parts of the spermatic cord. 1- 186. Give the location and a description of the vesicute seminales. 1-186. Give a detailed description of the descent of the testes. 1-186. Name the parts composing the internal and those com- posing the external organs of generation in the female. 1-187, etc. 7-10, etc. 5-17, etc. Give a detailed anatomical account of the external or- gans of generation. 7-10. 1-187. 5-22. Describe the vagina, its dimensions, coats, cul-de-sacs, etc. 5-21. 1-188. 7-12. Describe the uterus, its shape, dimensions, cavities, parts, openings, structure, lining membranes, secretions, ligaments, etc. 5-17. 7-14. 1-188. Describe the oviducts, their size, parts, extremities, ligaments, etc. 7-18. 5-20. 1-190. Describe the ovaries, their structure, ligaments, etc., the ovisacs and the ovule. 1-191. 7-20. 5-20. Describe the mamma and the mammary gland. 1-192. Give the names of the different layers of the skin and of the structures within'and just below the skin. 1- 193. Describe the epidermis and derma. 1-193. Describe the nails and hairs. 1-194. Describe the sebaceous and the sweat-glands. 1-194. 22 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the special organs of taste, and their nerve supply. 1-195. । Describe the organ of smell, the origin and end-organs of its nerve. 1-195. Give the names of the nerves and arteries distributed to the nose and its fossae. 1-196. Describe the eyeball as a whole, its diameters, poles, axes, planes, etc. 1-197. What is the capsule of Tenon ? 1-197. Describe each of the tunics of the eye and the different parts of each. 1-198. Describe the iris and ciliary body. 1-200. Describe the optic nerve and retina, and the layers of the latter. 1-202. Describe each of the humors of the eye. 1-204. Name the muscles of the eyeball, their origin and in- sertion, innervation, etc. 1-206. How is the eye supplied with blood ? 1-207. What are the nerves of the eye ? 1-208. Describe the appendages of the eye. 1-210. Describe in a general way the different divisions and parts of the ear. 1-212. Describe the tympanic membrane. 1-214. Give a detailed account of the parts and boundaries of the tympanic cavity of the ear. 1-216. Describe the auditory ossicles. 1-217. Give the means of blood and nervous supply of the ear. 1-218. Describe the Eustachian tube. 1-219. PHYSIOLOGY. 23 Describe each of the parts composing the internal ear. 1-220. How is the inguinal canal formed and what are its boundaries ? 1-226. What are the coverings of inguinal hernia ? 1-227. Describe the femoral canal and its boundaries. 1-228. What structures are in relation with the femoral ring? 1-229. Give the coverings of femoral hernia. 1-229. Give the boundaries of the male perineum. 1-230. The fascia of the same. 1-230. What structures are in relation with each layer ? 1- 231. Name the structures cut in the lateral operation of lithotomy and those to be avoided. 1-231. What are the differences between the male and female perineum ? 1-232. Bound Scarpa's triangle, a-594. PHYSIOLOGY. What is meant by Physiology, and what are its main subdivisions ? 4-9. Define Human Physiology. 4-9. How are the functions of the body classified ? 4-9. 24 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the chemical elements entering into the com- position of the human body ? 4-10. Define a proximate principle. 4-11. Mention the different groups of proximate principles and the differences in their chemical compositions. 4- 11-13-14. What are the manifestations of cell life ? 4-18. Define a food. 4-19. What is the object of taking food daily ? 4-19. What percentage of the body is lost in starvation be- fore death occurs ? 4-20. State the different classes of ■ alimentary principles. 4-21. What is the function of each class in the nutritive process ? 4-21-22. How much meat, bread and fat is required in twenty- four hours ? 4-24. What should be the ratio of nitrogen to carbon in the food ? 4-24. Define the digestive process. 4-24. Describe the digestive apparatus. 4-24. Name the depressor, elevator and rotator muscles of the lower jaw. 4-25. State the composition and physiological actions of saliva. 4-26. How is the food prevented from entering the posterior nares and larynx during deglutition ? 4-29. State the source, composition and physiological action of gastric juice. 4-31-32. PHYSIOLOGY. 25 Describe the mechanism of vomiting. 4-33. State the composition and functions of the pancre- atic juice. 4-34. What are the changes in the salivary, gastric and pan- creatic cells during secretion ? 4-26-29-34. What are the functions of the bile? 4-36. What are the functions of the intestinal juice ? 4-34. What are the products of the digestion of albumen ? 4-32. Sugar? 4-35; starch? 4-27, and fat? 4-35. What is meant by absorption ? 4-37. Describe the lymph spaces, lymph capillaries and gen- eral arrangement of the lymphatic vessels. 4-38-40. Describe the portal circulation. 4-41. How do the products of digestion find their way into the venous blood ? 4-41. Describe the anatomy of a villous process. 4-39. What is the origin of lymph ? 4-43. ^What is chyle, and how does it differ from lymph ? 4- What are the causes of the flow of lymph and chyle ? What is the blood ? 4-45. State its physical and chemical properties. 4-45. State the variations in the temperature of the blood in different portions of the body. 4-45. State the composition of the liquor sanguinis. 4-45. 26 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is the shape, size and function of the red and white blood corpuscles ? 4-47, 48. How do the red corpuscles vary in size and shape in the different classes of animals ? 4-47. What is the coloring matter of the blood and its func- tion ? 4-47. What is the cause of the difference in color of the arterial and venous blood ? 4-48. Describe the phenomena attending the coagulation of the blood and the causes of the same. 4-49. State the variations in the composition of the blood in different portions of the body. 4-50. State the object of the circulatory apparatus. 4-51. Describe the relation of the pericardium to the heart. 4-51. Describe the physiological anatomy of the heart. 4-51. What valves are formed in the right and left sides of the heart? 4-51. Describe the course of the blood through the heart. 4-52. State the cause of the movement of the blood through the blood vessels. 4-52. Describe the systemic, pulmonary and portal circula- tions. 4-53. What are the factors entering into the production of the first and second sound of the heart ? 4-53. Describe the local nervous mechanism of the heart. 4 How does the pneumogastric nerve influence the heart beat ? 4-55. PHYSIOLOGY. 27 What is the effect upon the cardiac beat of stimulation of the sympathetic nerve ? 4-56. How is the work of the heart calculated ? 4-54. What are the properties of the arteries ? 4-56. Define blood pressure. 4-56. State the factors which increase and decrease the blood pressure. 4-57. What is the cause of the pulse ? 4-57. By what means is the calibre of the blood vessels regu- lated ? 4-57. What physiological processes take place in the capil- laries? 4-^58. How do the veins differ from the arteries ? 4-58. What are the forces keeping the blood in circulation ? 4-59. What is the object of respiration ? 4-59. State the essential parts of the respiratory apparatus. 4-59. Describe the relation of the pleural membranes to the hings. 4-61. Describe the relation of the heart and blood vessels to the lungs. 4-60. By what means are the diameters of the chest increased in inspiration? 4-62. How does the mechanism of inspiration differ from expiration ? 4-62. Describe the nervous mechanism of respiration. 4-63. What are the different types of respiration ? 4-63. 28 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. State what is meant by the tidal, complementary, reserve and residual volumes of air. 4-64. What is meant by the vital capacity of the lungs ? 4 -64. What is the composition of normal air ? 4-65. State the changes effected in the air by respiration. 4-65. State changes in the blood during respiration. 4--66. Calculate the amount of air required in 24 hours. 4-64. Calculate the amount of oxygen consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide produced in 24 hours. 4-65. Where and by what mechanism does the exchange of the gases take place ? 4-66. Describe the phenomena of asphyxia and the course of the same. 4-67. What is the normal temperature of the body at the surface? 4-67. State the variations in temperature in different por- tions of the body. 4-67. What is the cause of this temperature ? 4-68. Define a calorie or heat unit. 4-69. How many such units are produced daily ? 4-69. What tissues produce the greatest amount of heat ? 4- 68. How is the temperature of the body kept at the stan- dard ? 4-69. What is meant by the term secretion ? 4-69. Name the various secretions of the body. 4-70. PHYSIOLOGY. 29 State the physiological structures necessary for the production of a secretion. 4-70. Out of what materials are the secretions formed ? 4- 70. How does the nervous system influence the process of secretion ? 4-72. What is the composition of human milk? 4-73. • Mention the vascular gland. 4-74. What is understood by the term excretion ? 4-76. Mention the various excretions of the body. 4-76. Name the structures constituting the urinary appara- tus. 4-76. Describe the secreting structures of the kidney. 4- 77-78. State the physical properties of the urine. 4-80. What are its principal ingredients ? 4-80. State the average amounts of water, urea, uric acid produced daily. 4-81. Where is the seat of urea formation? 4-81. What is the source of urea ? 4-81. Describe the mechanism of urinary secretion. 4-82. Explain the nervous mechanism of urination. 4-79. ^Describe the physiological anatomy of the liver. 4- What are the various functions of the liver? 4-85. Explain the mechanism of the secretion of bile. 4-85. What is the origin and destination of glycogen ? 4- 86. 30 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What influence has the liver upon the formation of urea and the elaboration of blood ? 4-87. How does the nervous system influence the secretions of the liver? 4-88. What are the functions of the skin? 4-88. Describe the physiological anatomy of the skin. 4-88. What is the difference between sebaceous and sudori- parous glands ? 4-89-90. How does the nervous system influence the production of the perspiration ? 4-90. What is the function of the nervous system ? 4-92. Describe the structure and function of the gray matter. 4-93. Describe the structure and function of the white matt er. 4-93. How may nerve fibres be classified ? 4-95. What is meant by nervous irritability ? 4-96. State the various kinds of nerve stimuli and mode of action. 4-97. What is the rapidity with which nerve force travels in motor and sensory nerves ? 4-98. State the physiological properties of muscle. 4-99. What is meant by muscular irritability ? 4-99. How can muscular irritability be distinguished from nervous irritability ? 4-99. Describe the phenomena of a muscular contraction. 4-99. What is electrotonus ? 4-100. What is meant by the law of contraction ? 4-HOI. PHYSIOLOGY. 31 What is meant by the reaction of degeneration ? 4- 101. State the physiological classification of the cranial nerves. 4-102. State the name and function of the first cranial nerve. 4-102. State the name and function of the second cranial nerve. 4-103. Describe hemiopia and hemianopsia. 4-103. What are the effects which follow paralysis of the third nerve? 4-104. What are the effects of paralysis of the fourth nerve ? 4-105. Describe the properties of the trifacial nerve. 4-106. What is the function of the sixth cranial nerve ? 4-105. State the branches and their functions which the facial nerve gives off in the aqueduct of Fallopius. 4-108-109. What effects follow paralysis of the facial nerve after its exit from the stylo-mastoid foramen ? 4-109. What is the function of the eighth cranial nerve ? 4- 110. What is the function of the ninth cranial nerve? 4- 110. What are the principal branches and their functions given off from the trunk of the pneumogastric nerve? 4-111. What effect upon the heart has stimulation of the pneumogastric nerve? 4-112. What are the functions of the spinal accessory nerve ? 4-113. 32 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve? 4-- 114. Describe the spinal cord and its membranes. 4-116. What is meant by the direct and crossed pyramidal and direct cerebellar tracts ? 4-117. Describe the structure of the columns of Goll and Bur- dach. 4-117-118. What is the difference in function between the antero- lateral and posterior columns of the spinal cord ? 4-122. State the functions of the multipolar cells of the gray matter. 4-122. What are the effects which follow division of one lateral half of the spinal cord? 4-121. Where do the motor and sensorv fibres decussate? 4- 119. What are the effects of stimulation and division of the anterior roots of spinal nerves ? 4-118. What are the effects of stimulation and division of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves? 4-118. State the difference between a voluntary and reflex movement. 4-122. What is meant by the knee-jerk and ankle clonus? 4-125. State the special nerve centres in the spinal cord. 4- 126. Mention the special nerve centres in the medulla ob- longata. 4-129. Where is the vaso-motor nerve centre and how is it stimulated to action ? 4-129-130. What is the location of the respiratory centre; how is its activity maintained? 4-130. PHYSIOLOGY. 33 What is the function of the corpora quadrigemina ? 4-132. Describe the caudate nucleus, lenticular nucleus and the internal capsule. 4-133. What are the effects of division of the internal cap- sule? 4-133-134. What is the function of the optic thalami ? 4-133. What functions are assigned to the cerebellum ? 4- 135. Describe the main fissures and convolutions of the cerebrum. 4-137. .Describe the motor area of the cerebrum and its sub- divisions. 4-143. Where is the location of the centre for articulate speech ? 4-145. What are the various forms of aphasia ? 4-145. Where is the visual centre ? 4-146. Describe the arrangement of the sympathetic ner- vous system. 4-147-149. What are its properties and functions? 4-149. What are the nerves of taste ? 4-153. Describe the various coats of the eyeball. 4-155-158. What is meant by the refracting apparatus of the eye ? Describe the structure and function of the iris. 4- lo6. What is hyperopia, its etiology, symptoms and treat- ment? 8-32. 4-163. What is aphakia ? 8-35. 34 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is myopia, its varieties and cause ? 8-35. 4- 163. What is the treatment of myopia ? 8-38. Define astigmatism and give its varieties and etiology. 8-39. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of astigmatism? 8-43. What is presbyopia, when does it come on, what are its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment? 8-52. What is strabismus, and describe its varieties? 8-64. Describe the field of vision and the method of diagnos- ticating it. 8-72. What is color-blindness and the varieties ? 8-73. Describe the effect of the crystalline lens upon par- allel and diverging rays of light. 4-161. What is meant by accommodation ? 4-162. State the function of the ciliary muscle. 4-162. What is the most sensitive portion of the retina? 4- 164. What is the blind spot ? 4-164. State the three divisions of the organ of hearing. 4- 165. Describe the structure and function of the membrana tympani. 4-168-169. Describe the arrangement of the ear bones. 4-168- 169. What is the function of the Eustachian tube? 4-170. What is the function of the tensor tympani muscle ? 4-170. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 35 Describe the divisions of the internal ear. 4-171. How is the voice produced? 4-173. Describe the true vocal cords. 4-174. What is a Graafian follicle ? 4-176. What is the size and structure of the ovum ? 4-176. Mention the differences between the corpus luteum of pregnancy and menstruation. 4-178. Describe the blastodermic membranes. 4-181. Describe the formation of the allantois. 4-182. What is the-function of the placenta ? 4-184. Describe the foetal circulation. -4-190. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. What is the distinction between pharmacology and pharmacy? 6-9. Define Materia Medica, pharmacodynamics and toxi- cology. 6-9. What is Therapeutics, and what is the difference between natural and applied therapeutics ? 6-10. Define special therapeutics, general therapeutics, em- pirical and rational therapeutics. 6-10. What is a pharmacopoeia, and what a dispensatory ? What are the varieties of official preparations ? 6-11. 36 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Define the terms, abstracts, vinegars, alkaloids, leuco- malnes and ptomaines. 6-12. Name the fifteen official alkaloids, also the most impor- tant unofficial alkaloids. 6-13. Define the terms, waters, cerates, papers, collodions, confections and decoctions. 6-13. Define elixirs, plasters, extracts and' fluid extracts. 6-14. What are glucosides, and how are they expressed in English ? 6-15. Define glycerites, infusions, liniments and solutions. 6-15. What do you understand by the terms, pill mass, honeys, mixtures and mucilages? 6-16. What is the meaning of the terms, " natural principles, oleates and oleoresins ? " 6-16. Define the terms, pills, and powders. 6-16. WThat are resins, spirits, suppositories and syrups ? 6-17. Define the terms, tinctures, triturations, troches, oint- ments and wines. 6-17-18. What do you understand by the terms, baths, a bolus, bougies, wafers, and capsules ? 6-18. What are poultices, collyria, electuaries, and emul- sions ? 6-19. Define the terms, enema, fomentation, gargle, granule, inhalation, injection, and lotion. 6-20. What are the various routes by which medicines are administered, and describe the various methods of their administration by these routes. 6-21. How would you classify the various medicines ? 6-23. MATERIA MED1CA AND THERAPEUTICS. 37 Define and illustrate the terms, " a stimulant " and " a sedative." 6-23. What do you understand by the terms, motor-excitants and motorTdepressants ? What by cerebral excitants and cerebral depressants ? Give illustrations of each. 6-24. Define the terms, narcotics, hypnotics, anaesthetics, antispasmodics, with illustrations of each group. 6-25. Name the agents affecting the organ of vision when locally applied, illustrating their action and use. 6-27. What are the principal agents acting on the respira- tion, and what is their action ? 6-28. Define and illustrate the terms, respiratory stimu- lants, respiratory depressants, pulmonary sedatives, ex- pectorants, and sternutatories. 6-29. What are the principal agents acting on the circula- tion ? Classify them in groups according to their action and name the members of each group. 6-30. What are dentifrices ? 6-31. What are sialogogues and antisialics ? 6-31. What do you understand by the terms, gastric tonics, acids, alkalies, naming the principal members of each group ? 6-32. What are emetics, anti-emetics, and carminatives, with the principal illustrations of each group ? 6-33. What are the various groups of cathartics? Name the members of each group, with the difference in their action. 6-34. What are the intestinal astringents and cholagogues ? Give illustrations of each group. 6-34. What are hepatic depressants ? 6-35. 38 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Name the principal anthelmintics, and the difference in their action. 6-35. What are the different orders of restoratives ? Give illustrations of each group and the methods of their action. 6-36. What do you understand by the term, " alterative?" and name the principal drugs of this kind. 6-36. What are the principal antipyretics ? 6-37. Define the terms, antiphlogistics, and antiperiodies, illustrating each group. 6-37. What are the groups of agents acting on excretion, with illustrations of each group ? 6-37. Define the terms, renal depressants, urinary alkalin- izers, urinary acidifiers, vesical tonics, and vesical seda- tives, with illustrations of each group. 6-38. Define urinary sedatives, antilithics, and diluents, illustrating each group. 6-39. What are the principal drugs called diaphoretics and anhidroties ? 6-39. Define the terms, aphrodisiacs, and anaphrodisiacs. 6-40. What are the principal direct and indirect emmena- gogues ? 6-40. What do you understand by the terms, oxytocics or ecbolics, uterine depressants, uterine tonics, galacta- gogues, and galactophyga ? What are the principal drugs belonging to each group ? 6-41. What are the principal agents classed as irritants, with their grouping? 6-42. What are escharotics, astringents, styptics, emollients and protectives, naming the principal drugs belonging to each group ? 6-42. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 39 What is a parasiticide, and what are the chief mem- bers of this group ? 6-44. What is the difference between an antidote and an antagonist ? 6-44. What are the principal digestion-ferments, whence are they obtained, and what is the peculiarity of their action ? 6-46. Name the preparations of the different digestion-fer- ments with their doses. 6-46. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of the digestion-ferments ? 6-46. What are the mineral acids and their doses ? 6-48. What are the different physiological actions of the mineral acids ? 6-49. How would you treat a case of poisoning by the min- eral acids ? 6-49. What are the principal therapeutical orders, both local and general, of the mineral acids? 6-49. What are the principal oils and fats used in medicine ? 6-50. What is the composition of the different oils and fats used in medicine? 6-50. What are the physiological action and therapeutics of the oils and fats ? 6-51. What are the preparations and doses of phosphorus ? 6-51. What are the physiological actions and antagonists of phosphorus? 6-51. In what doses would you use phosphorus ? 6-52. Name the preparation and doses of the phosphates and phosphites. 6-52. 40 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the physiological action and therapeutics of the phosphates and phosphites ? 6-53. Name the chief preparations, with their doses, of iron. 6-53. What drugs are incompatible with iron ? 6-54. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of iron ? 6-54. What are the preparations and doses of manganese ? 6-54. What uses are made of permanganate of potassium? 6-55. Name the preparations and doses of bismuth. 6-55. What is the physiological action, and what are the therapeutics, both local and general, of bismuth ? 6-56. Name the different preparations, with their doses, of arsenic. 6-56. How would you treat a case of arsenical poisoning, either acute or chronic ? 6-57. Describe the method of manufacture and use of the hydrated oxide of iron. 6-57. What' are the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of arsenic ? 6-57-8. What are bitters, the different groups of the same, and the doses of each bitter ? 6-59. Describe the physiological actions and principal thera- peutical uses of bitters. 6-60. What is eucalyptus, its composition, preparations, actions, and uses? 6-60. What is hydrastis, its preparations, physiological actions, and therapeutics ? 6-61. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 41 What are the official species of cinchona, with the peculiarities possessed by each variety ? 6-62. Name the alkaloids of cinchona and their constituents. 6-62. What are the preparations and doses of cinchona? 6-62. Describe the physiological action and therapeutical uses of cinchona. 6-63. What are the preparations and doses of potassium ? 6-64. What are the physiological action and therapeutics of potassium ? 6-65. Name the preparations, with their doses, of sodium. 6-66. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of sodium ? 6-66. What are the preparations, doses, and therapeutics of lithium ? 6-67. What are the preparations, doses, physiological actions, and therapeutics of calcium? 6-67. What are the preparations and doses of ammonium? 6-67. Describe the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of ammonium. 6-68. What are the preparations and doses of antimony ? 6-68. How would you treat a case of poisoning by tartar emetic ? 6-69. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of tartar emetic ? 6-69. 42 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the principal vegetable acids used in medi- cine ? Give their doses, physiological actions, and uses. 6-70. What are the preparations and doses of sulphur, the sulphides, and sulphites ? 6-71. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of sulphur, the sulphides and the sulphites ? 6-71. What are the preparations and doses of iodine ? 6-72. What are the physiological actions of iodine ? 6-72. ' What is iodoform and iodol ? 6-72. How would you treat a case of poisoning by iodine ? 6-74. What are the therapeutics of iodine ? 6-74. What are the therapeutics of the iodides ? 6-74. What are the therapeutics of iodoform and iodol? 6-75. Name the preparations, with their doses, of mercury. 6-75. What are the incompatibles and antidotes of mercury ? 6-76. What are the therapeutical uses of mercury ? 6-77. Name the preparations, doses, physiological actions md therapeutics of gold. 6-78. What are the preparations, doses, physiological actions Mid therapeutics of colchicum ? 6-79. What is the source, composition, preparations, physio- logical actions, and uses of guaiacum ? 6-80. Name the preparations, actions, and uses of stillingia. 6-80. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 43 What are the sources, composition, preparations, actions, and therapeutics of sanguinaria ? 6-81. What are the actions and uses of xanthoxylum ? 6-82. What is berberis ? What are its preparations, with their actions and therapeutics? 6-83. What is the source and composition, together with the preparations, actions, and uses of sarsaparilla ? 6-84. What are the preparations and doses of tannic and gallic acid, and what is the difference between the two ? 6-85. What are the principal vegetable astringents, with their preparations and doses ? 6-85. What are the physiological actions and the therapeuti- cal uses of tannic and gallic acids ? 6-85. What are the preparations and doses of silver ? 6-88. What are the incompatibles, and what is the antidote of silver? 6-89. What are the physiological actions of silver ? 6-89. What are the therapeutical uses of the silver salts? 6-89. What are the preparations and doses of copper ? 6-90. How would you treat a case of copper poisoning ? 6-90. What are the physiological actions and the therapeutics of copper ? 6-91. What are the preparations and doses of lead ? 6-91. How would you treat a case of lead poisoning? 6-92. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of lead? 6-92. ^Name the preparations, with their doses, of zinc. 6- 44 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the physiological actions and the therapeutics of zinc. 6-93. Describe the preparations, actions and therapeutics of cadmium and cerium. 6-94. What is an alum, and what is the official alum ? 6-94. What are the preparations, physiological actions and therapeutics of alum ? 6-95. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, of nux vomica ? 6-96. How would you treat a case of strychnine poisoning ? 6-96. What are the physiological actions of nux vomica and strychnine ? 6-96. What is the difference between strychnine spasms and tetanus-spasms ? 6-96. What are the therapeutical uses of nux vomica and strychnine ? 6-96. What is the source, composition, and what are the therapeutical and physiological uses of ignatia ? 6-98. What is hoang nan, and what are its actions, uses and doses ? 6-98. What is picrotoxinum? What are its preparations, antagonists, actions and therapeutical uses ? 6-99. What is the difference between picrotoxine and strych- nine spasms ? 6-99. What is ergot, and what is its composition ? 6-100. What are the preparations, doses and physiological actions of ergot? 6-101. Describe acute and chronic ergotism. 6-101. What are the therapeutical uses of ergot? 6-101. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 45 What is the source and composition of digitalis? 6- 102. What are the preparations and doses of digitalis ? 6- 102. What are the antidotes and antagonists of digitalis? 6-103. What are the physiological actions of digitalis ? 6- 104. Name the chief therapeutic uses of digitalis. 6-105. What is the difference in action between aconite and digitalis ? 6-104. What is the source, composition and doses of strophan- thus? 6-105. What is the physiological action of strophanthus ? 6- 106. What are the therapeutical uses of strophanthus ? 6- 106. What is the source, composition, and what are the pre- parations, physiological actions and therapeutical uses of cimicifuga? 6-107. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, physiological actions and therapeutics of convallaria ? 6-108. What is the source and composition, and what are the doses, physiological actions and therapeutics of scoparius ? 6-109. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, and what are the physio- logical actions and therapeutical uses of squill? 6-111. What is the source and composition, and what are the derivatives of belladonna? 6-112. 46 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. - Describe the physiological action upon the different parts of the organism of belladonna. 6-113. Describe the principal therapeutical uses of belladonna. 6-114. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, doses, physiological actions and therapeu- tics of duboisia ? 6-115. What is the source and composition, and what are the physiological action and the therapeutical uses of stramonium? 6-115. What is the source and composition, and what are the physiological actions and therapeuties of hyoscyamus ? 6-116. What is camphor, and what are its varieties, prepara- tions and doses ? 6-117. What are the physiological actions and the therapeutics of camphor ? 6-117. What is asafoetida, its preparations, actions and thera- peutics ? 6-119. Describe ammoniac* its preparations and uses. 6-120. What is valerian; what are its preparations, actions and therapeutics ? 6-120. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, physiological actions and therapeutics of serpen taria? 6-121. What is cannabis, its preparations, its physiological actions and therapeutical uses ? 6-122. What is the composition, source, and what are the preparations of erythroxylon ? 6-124. What are the physiological actions, both systemic and local, and what are the antagonists and therapeutical uses of coca ? 6-125. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 47 What are caffeine and theine, and what are their sources, preparations and actions ? 6-127. Describe the different stimulant beverages in commoti use ? 6-129. What is the physiological action of caffeine, and what that of theine ? 6-130. What is guaranine, and what is theobromine ? 6-131. What are the therapeutical uses of caffeine and theine ? 6-131. What is an alcohol, and how is it obtained ? 6-132. What are the most important alcohols, and what is their composition ? 6-132. What is an aldehyde, what are the principal aldehydes, and what is their composition ? 6-132. What is a ketone, and what is the most important member of the group ? 6-133. What are the official preparations of alcohol, those also in general use, describing the preparations, specific grav- ity, etc., of each? 6-133. What are the physiological actions of alcohol ? 6-134. What are the principal morbid conditions with which acute alcoholism may be confounded ? 6-135. How would you treat a case of acute alcoholism ? 6- 135. What are the therapeutical uses of alcohol ? 6-135. What is ether, and what are its properties ? 6-136. What are the physiological actions of ether? 6-137. What are the official preparations and chemical ana- logues of ether ? 6-136. 48 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the therapeutics of ether ? 6-137. How would you produce local and general ansesthesia by ether ? 6-137. What is chloroform, and what are its properties? 6- 138. What are the preparations, with their doses, of chloro- form? 6-138. Compare the actions of chloroform with those of ether. 6-139. What are the modes of dying from anaesthetic vapors ? 6-139. What are the contra-indications for the use of an an- aesthetic, and what is the treatment for dangerous symp- toms ? 6-140. What are the therapeutics of chloroform ? 6-140. What is carbon bisulphide, its properties, actions and uses ? 6-141. What is chloral, its composition and doses ? 6-141. What are the analogues of chloral, their composition and doses ? 6-141. What are the physiological actions of chloral ? 6-143. What is the toxicology of chloral ? 6-144. Describe the symptoms of chloralism, or the chloral habit. 6-144. What are the therapeutical uses of chloral ? 6-144. What is the nature, source, preparations and doses of opium ? 6-145. What are the preparations of the opium alkaloids and their doses ? 6-145. What are the tests for morphine? 6-147. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 49 How would you treat a case of opium poisoning ? 6- 147. What are the physiological actions of morphine? 6- 147. What is the difference between codeine and morphine ? 6-148. What are the therapeutical uses of morphine ? 6-148. What is the source and composition, also the prepara- tions and doses of hops ? 6-149. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of hops ? 6-149. Name the preparations of the bromides, with their doses. 6-150 What are the physiological actions of the bromides, and of bromine? 6-151. What is the difference in action between the several bromides ? 6-152. What are the antagonists and the incompatibles of the bromides ? 6-152. What are the therapeutical uses of the bromides, and of hydrobromic acid ? 6-153. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, of conium? 6-154. What are the physiological actions, preparations, an- tagonists and therapeutical uses of conium ? 6-155. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, and what are the antag- onists, actions and therapeutics of gelsemium ? 6-155. What is curare? What are its preparations, their doses, physiological actions, antagonists and therapeu- tics ? 6-156. 50 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION, What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, of pilocarpus? 6-157. What are the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of pilocarpus ? 6-157. What is the best physiological antagonist of pilocar- pus? 6-158. What is the source and composition, and the physio- logical actions of muscarine? 6-159. What is the physiological antagonist, and what are the therapeutics of muscarine ? 6-159. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, with their doses, of physostigma ? 6-160. What are the physiological actions and antagonists, and what are the therapeutics of calabar bean ? 6-160. What is the source and composition of aconite ? 6- 161. What are the preparations, with their doses, of aconite ? 6-161. What are the physiological actions and antagonists of aconite? 6-162. What are the principal therapeutical uses of aconite ? 6-162. What is the source and composition, the preparations and physiological actions, and what are the therapeuti- cal uses of pulsati Ila? 6-163. What are the forms and preparations of veratrum ? 6- 165. What are the physiological actions of veratrum viride ? 6-165. What is jervine, and what is veratroidine ? 6-165. What are veratrum album and veratrine ? 6-166. MATERIA. MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 51 How would you treat a case of veratrum poisoning, and what are the uses of veratrum viride ? 6-166. What are arnica and trimethylamine ? Name their pre- parations, actions and therapeutics. 6-167. What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations of tobacco? 6-168. What are the physiological actions, the antagonists and antidotes, and what are the therapeutical uses of tobacco ? 6-169. What is lobelia? What are its preparations, actions and uses ? 6-171. What are the principal nitrates, their preparations and doses ? 6-171. What are the physiological actions and the therapeutical uses of the nitrates ? 6-172. What are the preparations and doses of aciduni hydro- cyanicum ? 6-173. What are the physiological actions, antagonists, anti- dotes, andAherapeutical uses of prussic acid ? 6-173. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of barium ? 6-174. • What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations, physiological actions and therapeutics of grindelia? 6-175. What are the actions and therapeutics of quebracho ? 6-177. What are the preparations, actions and therapeutics of Phytolacca? 6-177. What are the actions and uses of ailanthus ? 6-177. What are the antizymotic drugs, and what are the chief members of this group ? 6-178. 52 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. • What is the source and composition, and what are the characteristics, preparations, actions and therapeutics of chinoline? 6-179. What is the source and composition and what are the characteristics, of antipyrine ? 6-180. What are the therapeutical uses of antipyrine ? 6-182. What is the source and composition, and what are the characteristics, together with the dose and method of administration of acetanilide? 6-182. What are the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of antifebrin ? 6-183. Describe kairine, its source, composition, characteris- tics, dose, action and uses. 6-184. Describe thalline, its source, composition, characteris- tics, dose, action and uses. 6-184. What is naphthaline, its doses and derivatives ? 6- 185. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of naphthaline? 6-185. What is saccharine, its action and uses ? 6-186. What is carbolic acid, its composition, characteristics and preparations ? 6-186. What is creasote, and what is resorcin ? 6-187. What is pyrogallic acid ? 6-188. What is the physiological action of pyrogallic acid ? 6 -188. What are the antidotes and antagonists of carbolic acid ? 6-189. What are the therapeutics of carbolic acid ? 6-189. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 53 What is salicin and salicylic acid, and what are their principal properties ? 6-190. What are the physiological actions of salicylic acid ? 6-191. What are the therapeutical uses of salicin and salicy- lic acid ? 6-192. What is thymol, and what is menthol? What is their composition and doses ? 6-192. What is mentha piperita and mentha viridis, with their preparations and doses ? 6-193. What are the physiological actions of the mints? 6- 193. What are the therapeutical uses of the mints ? 6-194. What are the principal antiseptic oils, with their doses ? 6-194. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of the antiseptic oils ? 6-195. What is benzoin and benzoic acid ? 6-196. What are the preparations, physiological actions and therapeutics of benzoin and of benzoic acid ? 6-196. Describe chlorine, giving its preparations and doses. 6-197. What are the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of chlorine and chlorinated preparations ? 6-198, What are the principal local emetics, with their doses ? 6-200. What are the physiological actions and therapeutical uses of the local emetics ? 6-201. What are the principal systemic emetics, their prepar- ations and doses ? 6-201.' 54 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. . What is the source and composition, and what are the preparations of ipecac ? 6-202. Name the principal laxatives, with their doses. 6- 203. Name the principal simple purgatives, with their pre- parations and doses. 6-204. What are the saline purgatives, with their prepara- tions and doses ? 6-205. What are the drastic purgatives, their preparations and doses ? 6-205. Name the cholagogue preparations and their doses. 6-206. What are the actions of the various cathartics and their therapeutical uses ? 6-207. What is bryonia, its preparations, actions, and thera- peutics? 6-208. What is the source and composition, and what the pre- parations, actions and therapeutics of baptisia ? 6-209. Name the principal anthelmintics, their preparations and doses. 6-210. What anthelmintics are used against different intesti- nal parasites ? 6-210. What are the principal refrigerant diuretics? 6-211. What are the principal hydragogue diuretics, their preparations and doses ? 6-211. What are the principal stimulant diuretics, prepara- tions and doses ? 6-212. What are the physiological actions of diuretics ? 6- 213. What are the therapeutics of diuretics ? 6-214. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 55 What is turpentine, and what are the official turpen- tines ? 6-214. What is a pitch, and what are the varieties that are official? 6-215. What are the preparations of turpentine ? 6-215. What are the preparations of tar and pitch ? 6-215. What are the derivatives of turpentine, and their characteristics ? 6-216. What are the analogues of turpentine ? 6-216. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of turpentine ? 6-217. What are the principal emmenagogues, their prepara- tions and doses ? 6-219. What are the actions and uses of the emmenagogues ? 6-221. What are rubefacients and epispastics, the principal clusters of these agents, with the preparations of each ? 6-221. What is counter-irritation, the method of effecting it, and what are its therapeutical uses ? 6-223. What are emollients and demulcents ? 6-224. Name the principal members of these groups. 6-224. What are the physiological actions and therapeutics of emollients and demulcents ? 6-225. What is chrysarobinum ? 6-226. What is erythrophlceum ? 6-227. Name the principal parts of a typical prescription. How do you proceed to write a prescription ? 6-229. 56 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. - PRESCRIPTION WRITING. Give a few rules that should be borne in mind as re- gards the avoidance of incompatibility of drugs. 6-236. Write a prescription for a ease of acute rheumatism. Write a prescription for a case of atonic dyspepsia. Write a prescription for a case of simple anaemia. Write a prescription to be used in a case where the symptom is that of a rapid and feeble heart. Write a prescription to be used in a case of tertiary syphilis. Write a prescription for a case of summer diarrhoea of children. How would you prepare a dose of atropine for hypo- dermic injection ? Write a prescription to be used in a case of chronic constipation. Write a prescription to be used in a case of acute iritis, and describe the method of its use. Write a prescription to be used as a hypodermic injec- tion of pilocarpine. Write a prescription to be used in a case of tapeworm. Write a prescription to be used in a case of ascaris lum- bricoides. CHEMISTRY. 57 CHEMISTRY. What is Chemistry ? 10-9. What is matter and what are the changes in matter ? 10-9. Describe the forms of chemical change. 10-9. What do you understand by the terms, analysis and synthesis ? 10-10. Illustrate the different groupings of the elements. 10-10. What do you understand by the atomic theory ? 10-11. What is meant by the atomic weights of elements ? 10-12. What is a chemical symbol ? 10-12. What are the principles involved in a chemical formula? 10-2. What are the principles involved in chemical nomen- clature ? and illustrate the methods of expressing differ- ent chemical compounds. 10-14. Explain the prefixes hypo- and hyper- as applied to chemical compounds. 10-16. Explain the suffixes, -ide, -ic, -ate, -ous, and -ite. 10-16. What are the laws of combination of chemical com- pounds? 10-17. What do you understand by the terms, valency, and atomicity ? 10-18. What do you understand by the term saturated, as applied to chemical compounds ? 10-19. 58 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION.' Explain and illustrate the principle of the graphic formulae of chemical compounds. 10-21. Explain the electrical relations of the elements. 10-22. Explain the terms, reaction and reagent, as applied to chemical compounds. 10-23. What do you understand by the term, insolubility? 10-24. What is meant by the term, volatility ? 10-25. What is meant by the word mass, as applied to chemical compounds ? 10-25. What is a radicle ? 10-26. Define and illustrate the terms, acids, bases, and salts. 10-28. What are the four classes into which salts may be divided ? 10-31. What is meant by volume combination ? 10-32. Name the members of each of the groups of elements. 10-36. Describe the element hydrogen. 10-38. What is water, and what are the most important varieties of waters ? 10-39. What is meant by the term water of crystallization ? 10-39. What are anhydrides ? 10-39. Describe the element potassium and its principal oxides, and salts. 10-40. Describe the element sodium, and its principal oxides, and salts. 10-41. Describe lithium, csesium, and rubidium. 10-42. CHEMISTRY. 59 Describe the element silver, its oxides and salts. 10- 43. Describe chlorine and the methods of its preparations. 10-44. What is hydrochloric acid, its properties and uses? 10-45. What are the compounds of chlorine and oxygen, and what are their qualities ? 10-46. Describe the element bromine, whence it is obtained, and its qualities. 10-46. What is hydrogen bromide and hydrobromic acid ? 10-17. Describe iodine. 10-47. Describe hydriodic acid. 10-47. Describe fluorine and hydrogen fluoride. 10-48. Describe oxygen and the process of oxidation. 10- 49, 50. What is ozone? 10-50. Describe sulphur and the different forms of sulphur. 10-50. Describe hydrogen sulphide and disulphide. 10-51. What are the compounds of sulphur with oxygen? 10-52. Describe sulphur dioxide and trioxide. 10-52, 53. Describe sulphuric acid. 10-54. What is selenium and tellurium and what are their compounds ? 10-55. Describe calcium, its oxides and salts. 10-55. What is calcium hypochlorite? 10-56. 60 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. / Describe barium, its oxides and salts. 10-57. What is lead and what are its properties? 10-58. What are the combinations of lead used in medicine? 10-58. What is copper? 10-59. Describe copper monoxide and copper carbonate. 10- 59. Describe and give the formula; of copper sulphate and copper arsenite. 10-60. Describe the copper salts. 10-60. Give a description of mercury. 10-60. Give the compounds of mercury used in medicine. 10-60. Describe the compounds of zinc made use of in medi- cine. 10-61. Describe magnesium and its compounds. 10-62. What is aluminium, its compounds, and their proper- ties ? Give their formulae. 10-63. Describe iron, and the salts of iron. 10-64. Describe the various compounds of iron made use of in medicine and give their formulae. 10-65. What are the tests whereby the iron salts may be dis- tinguished? 10-66. Describe manganese and its compounds. 10-67. Describe chromium and its compounds. 10-69. Describe nickel and its compounds. 10-69. What is borax ? 10-70. Give the formula and properties of boric acid. 10-70. CHEMISTRY. 61 What is nitrogen ? 10-71. In what manner and in what preparation does nitro- gen exist in the atmosphere ? 10-72. What is amine and ammonium ? 10-72. Give the formulse and properties of the ammonium salts. 10-73. Give the formulae and properties of sal ammoniac. 10-74. What are the compounds of nitrogen and oxygen? 10-74. What is the formula and properties of HNO3 ? 10-75. What is • nitrous oxide, its formula, properties and uses? 10-76. What is nitrogen dioxide, its formula and uses ? 10- 76. What is phosphorus, and in what forms is phosphorus found? 10-76. Give the formula and properties of hydrogen phos- phide. 10-77. What are the compounds of phosphorus with oxygen, and what are their properties ? 10-77 What is arsenicum ? 10-79. Give the formula and properties of arsenated hydro- gen. 10-79. Give the formula of arsenious anhydride. 10-79. What is the reduction test of arsenic? 10-80. What is the sublimation test of arsenic ? 10-80. Describe Reinseh's test. 10-80. Describe Marsh's test. 10-80. 62 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION* What is the formula and properties of arsenic anhy- dride? 10-81. What are the compounds of arsenic and sulphur ? 10- 81. What is antimony ? 10-81. What are the differences in the tests of arsenic and antimony ? 10-82. What are the compounds of antimony with oxygen, and what are their properties and formula ? 10-82. Give the formula and properties of the antimonic sul- phides. 10-83. What is bismuth, and what are the properties of bis- muth? 10-84. Describe gold and its compounds used in medicine. 10-84. Describe carbon and the various allotropic forms of carbon. 10-86. What are the compounds of carbon with hydrogen ? 10-87. Describe coal gas. 10-87. What are the compounds of carbon with oxygen? 10-87. What is carbon monoxide, its properties and uses ? 10-87. What is carbon dioxide, and how is it produced ? 10- 88. Explain the combustion and structure of flame. 10- 89. What is carbon disulphide, and what are its proper- ties? 10-91. CHEMISTRY. 63 What are the compounds of carbon chloride? 10-91. Describe cyanogen. 10-91. Describe silicon and the compounds of silicon. 10-91. Describe tin and the series of its salts. 10-92. Describe platinum and platinic chloride. 10-93. What is organic chemistry ? 10-95. What do you understand by proximate and ultimate composition ? 10-96. What are the methods of transformation of organic bodies ? 10-96. What is fermentation ? 10-97. What is putrefaction? 10-98. What is decay ? 10-98. What do you understand by the term organic substi- tution? 10-98. Illustrate organic substitution by oxygen. 10-98. By chlorine. 10-98. By sulphur. 10-99. By NO2. 10-99. By IISO3. 10-99. What do you understand by the term organic synthe- sis? 10-100. Explain and illustrate the principle of empirical and rational formulae. 10-100. What is meant by percentage composition ? 10-100. Explain and illustrate the terms isomerism, metamer- ism and polymerism. 10-100. 64 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the methods of determining the formulae of organic bodies ? 10-102. What do you understand by homologous and isologous series ? 10-102. Explain and illustrate the general formulae of chemical compounds. 10-103. What is meant by a carbon chain ? 10-103. What are the properties of bodies in homologous series ? 10-104. What do you understand by the term isomeric modifi- cation in homologous series ? 10-104. Give a system of classification of organic bodies. 10-105. What are hydrocarbons? 10-106. Explain the principle of the classification of hydrocar- bons and illustrate each series. 10-107. What are paraffins ? 10-107. Describe methane, its series and properties. 10-107. What are the derivatives of the paraffins? 10-108. Give the formula and method of the production of chloroform. 10-108. Give the formula and method of the production of iodoform and carbon tetrachloride. 10-108. Describe the methyl series. 10-108. What are vinic acids ? 10-109. What are the methods of forming the compounds of the methyl series ? 10-109. What is hydroxyl ? 10-111. CHEMISTRY. 65 What is methyl alcohol, its formula and properties? 10-112. What is ethyl alcohol, its formula and properties? 10-113. What is pentyl alcohol, its formula and properties ? 10-114. What are the isomeric forms of alcohol ? 10-114. What are ethers ? 10-115. What is ethyl oxide ? 10-115. What are the compound ethers ? 10-116. Give the formulae and properties of ethyl bromide, ethyl nitrate, and pentyl nitrate. 10-116. What are mercaptans ? 10-116. What is an aldehyde? 10-116. What is chloral ? 10-117. Describe the ketones. 10-117. What are fat-acids ? 10-118. Describe formic acid and acetic acid. 10-118. What are the most important acids, their formulae and properties ? 10-119. Describe butyric and valeric acids. 10-120. What is stearic acid ? 10-120. What do you understand by the term substitution- derivatives? 10-121. What are olefins? 10-122. What are diatomic alcohols ? 10-123. Describe the lactic acid series of the glycols. 10-123. 66 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe lactic acid, and give its chemical formula and properties. 10-124. What is the "oxalic series" of the glycols? 10-125. What is oxalic acid, and give its formula and proper- ties? 10-125. Describe succinic acid. 10-125. What is the formula of tartaric acid and what are its properties and compounds? 10-126. What is citric acid ? 10-126. Describe the methenyl series. 10-127. What is glycerol ? 10-127. Describe the fats and fixed oils. 10-128. What are the proximate constituents of the common fats? 10-129. What is allyl ? 10-129. What is oleic acid ? 10-130. What is terpine ? 10-130. Describe oil of turpentine, its origin and properties. 10-130. What are camphors and resins ? 10-131. What is caoutchouc and gutta percha ? 10-131. What is benzene and what is its graphic formula? 10-132. Describe the benzene series. 10-134. What are the bpnzole compounds ? 10-137. Give the formulae and properties of the oil of bitter almonds. 10-138. CHEMISTRY. 67 What is saccharine, its formula and properties ? 10-139. Describe the sugars and starches. 10-139. Give the formulae and properties of sucrose, glucose, and amylose. 10-140. Describe sucrose, giving its formula and properties. 10-139. What is lactose ? 10-139. What is glucose, its formula and properties ? 10-140. Describe starch, its formula and properties. 10-140. What is cellulose, its formula and properties? 10- 141. Describe gun cotton and collodion. 10-141. What is a glucoside ? 10-142. Describe amygdalin and salicin. 10-143. What are tannins ? 10-143. What is the origin and property of ordinary tannin? 10-143. What is indican ? 10-144. What is potassium cyanide? 10-145. Give the formulae and properties of the red prussiate of potash. 10-146. What are the tests for the cyanides ? 10-146. Describe the cyanates. 10-147. Give the formulae and properties of ammonium cyanate. 10-147. Describe and illustrate the substitution ammoniums. 10-147. 68 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the amides ? 10-147. What is pyridine ? 10-151. Give the formulae and properties of the most important alkaloids used in medicine. 10-154. What are alkaloids ? 10-154. What is the formula and properties of antipyrine ? 10-155. What are the azo-compounds ? 10-155. What is a hydrazine? 10-155. Explain the terms ptomaine and leucomalne. 10-155. What do you understand by the terms biological and vegetable chemistry ? 10-157. What is chlorophyll ? 10-158. What is the meaning of the term animal chemistry ? 10-159. What is albumin ? 10-159. What is cholesterol ? 10-160. What is glycocin ? 10-160. Give the formulae, origin and properties of leucin. 10-161. What is tyrosin ? 10-161. What are the proximate proportions of the component parts of the bones and teeth ? 10-161. What is the muscular tissue? 10-162. What is brain and nerve tissue ? 10-162. What is hypoxanthine ? 10-163. What is the composition of the blood, proximately? 10-163. CHEMISTRY. 69 What is the proximate composition of the corpuscles of the blood ? 10-164. What is haemoglobin ? 10-164. What is haemin ? 10-164. What is the proximate composition of lymph ? 10- 165. Of chyle ? 10-165. Of milk? 10-165. Of saliva? 10-167. Of the gastric juices ? 10-167. Of bile? 10-168. What is bilirubin ? 10-170. What is biliverdin and bilifuscin ? 10-170. What is the proximate composition of the pancreatic juices? 10-171. Give the average composition of normal urine. 10- 172. What is the formula and properties of urea ? 10-173. Of uric acid ? 10-173. How do you take the specific gravity of urine? 10- 174. How do you obtain the reaction of urine? 10-174. What is the test for the blood colors ? 10-175. For biliary coloring matters ? 10-175. For chlorides ? 10-175. For phosphates ? 10-175. For uric acid ? 10-176. 70 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION., What is the heat test for albumin ? 10-176. How do you test for nitric acid ? 10-177. What are the fallacies made when testing urine? 10-177. Describe the picric acid test. 10-177. Describe the metaphosphoric acid test. 10-177. Describe the test by trichloracetic acid. 10-178. What is the test for mucin ? 10-178. For pus ? 10-178. Describe Trommer's test. 10-179. Describe Soldaini's test. 10-179. What is Boettger's test ? 10-179. Describe the quantitative analysis for albumin. 10- 179. Describe the quantitative test for sugar. 10-180. For urea. 10-180. For phosphoric acid. 10-182. What are the urinary sediments ? 10-182. What is the composition of urinary calculi ? 10-183. What are the tests for urinary calculi ? 10-183. Give the antidotes for mineral acids. 10-184. For caustic alkalies. 10-184 For oxalic acid. " For carbolic acid. For tartar emetic. " For corrosive sublimate. " PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 71 For copper sulphate. 10-184 For sugar of lead. " For arsenic. " For iodine. " For zinc chloride. " For phosphorus. " For alkaloids. " For hydrocyanic acid. " PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. What is Disease, organic and functional ? 2-9. What is Pathology, special and general ? 2-9. What are the principal prefixes and suffixes used in medicine to indicate conditions of disease ? 2-10. Define the terms morbid anatomy, histology, and pathogenesis. 2-11. Define the different classes of the causes of disease. 2-11. Define and illustrate the classes of acquired predispo- sitions to disease. 2-12. What do you understand by the terms symptoms, signs, period of incubation, and prodromes of disease? 2-12. 72 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the various terminations of disease ? 2-13. Define and illustrate the different methods of diagnosis of disease. 2-13. What do you understand by the term " treatment " ? 2-14. What is fever ? 2-14. What is the general treatment of fevers ? 2-14. What is a continued fever ? 2-16. What are the continued fevers ? 2-16. Give the definition, cause and symptoms of simple con- tinued fever. 2-16. What is the diagnosis and treatment of simple con- tinued fever ? 2-17. Give the definition, cause and symptoms of catarrhal fever. 2-17. What is the duration, and what are the complications, the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of catarrhal fever? 2-18. What is typhoid fever, and what are its causes ? 2-19. What is the pathological anatomy of typhoid fever ? 2-19. What are the symptoms at the different stages of typhoid fever ? 2-20. Give an analvsis of the symptoms of typhoid fever. 2-21. What are the complications of typhoid fever ? 2-22. What is the diagnosis, and what the prognosis of typhoid fever ? 2-23. Give the treatment of the different types of cases of typhoid fever. 2-23. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 73 How would you treat the special symptoms in a case of typhoid fever ? 2-24. What is the definition, cause and pathology of typhus fever? 2-25. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of typhus fever ? 2-25. What is cerebro-spinal fever, its cause and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 2-26. What are the symptoms of cerebro-spinal fever ? 2-26. What are the sequel® and complications of cerebro- spinal fever ? 2-27. What is the diagnosis, and what the treatment of cere- bro-spinal fever? 2-28. Give the definition, cause and pathological anatomy of relapsing fever. 2-29. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of relapsing fever ? 2-29. Define and enumerate the periodical fevers. 2-30. Give the definition, cause pathological anatomy and varieties of intermittent fever. 2-30. What are the symptoms of the different stages of inter- mittent fever ? 2-30. What is the diagnosis, the prognosis and the treat- ment of intermittent fever ? 2-31. What is the difference between intermittent and re- mittent fever ? 2-32. What are the symptoms of the different stages of remittent fever ? 2-32. Give the definition and pathological anatomy of remit- tent fever. 2-32. 74 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is the duration, and what are the sequel® of remittent fever? 2-33. What is the diagnosis and treatment of remittent fever ? 2-33. What is the definition and the cause, and what are the varieties of pernicious fever ? 2-34. What are the symptoms of the different varieties of pernicious fever ? 2-35. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of pernicious fever ? 2-35. Give the treatment of each of the stages of pernicious fever. 2-35. What is yellow fever, its cause and pathological anatomy ? 2-37. What are the symptoms of the different stages of yellow fever? 2-37. What is the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of yellow fever? 2-38. What are eruptive fevers ? 2-39. What are the different examples of eruptive fevers? 2-39. Give the definition, pathological anatomy, cause and varieties of scarlet fever. 2-39. What are the symptoms of the different stages of scar- let fever? 2-40. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of scarlet fever ? 2-40. What is the treatment of the different varieties of scar- let fever ? 2-41. What is measles, its cause and pathological anatomy ? 2-42. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 75 What are the symptoms of measles ? 2-42. What is the diagnosis, and what the treatment of measles ? 2-43. What is ROtheln, its cause, symptoms and treatment ? 2-44. What is the definition, the cause and the pathological anatomy of smallpox ? 2-45. What are the varieties, and what are the symptoms of smallpox ? 2-45. What are the complications, the diagnosis and the prognosis of smallpox ? 2-45. What is the treatment of smallpox ? 2-47. how would you prevent pitting in a case of smallpox? 2-47. What is vaccination, and how often should it be per- formed ? 2-47. What is varicella, its cause, definition, symptoms and treatment ? 2-48. What is erysipelas and its cause ? 2-49. What are the symptoms of erysipelas ? 2-49. What are the complications, diagnosis and prognosis of erysipelas ? 2-49, 50. What is the treatment of erysipelas ? 2-50. What is the definition, what are the symptoms, the diagnosis and the prognosis of dengue ? 2--51. What are the principal diseases of the mouth ? 2-52. What is the definition, cause and pathological anatomy of catarrhal stomatitis ? 2-52. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of stomatitis ? 2-52. 76 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION.' Give the definition, causes and pathological anatomy of follicular stomatitis. 2-53. What is the cause, definition, pathological anatomy, symptoms and treatment of ulcerative stomatitis ? 2- 54. What is thrush, its cause, pathological anatomy, symp- toms and treatment ? 2-55. Define glossitis, and give its cause, pathological anatomy, symptoms and treatment. 2-56. What is acute gastric catarrh, its cause and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 2-58. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of acute gastric catarrh ? 2-59. What is acute gastritis, and its pathological anatomy ? 2-60. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of acute gastritis? 2-61. What is chronic gastric catarrh, its cause and patho- logical anatomy ? 2-61. What are the symptoms, and what is the treatment of acute gastric catarrh ? 2-62. What is a gastric ulcer, and what are its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-63. What are the symptoms, duration and prognosis of gastric ulcer ? 2--64. What is a gastric cancer, and its pathological anatomy ? 2-65. What are the symptoms of gastric cancer ? 2-65. What is the diagnosis of gastric cancer ? 2-65. What is the treatment of gastric cancer ? 2-66. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 77 What is gastric dilatation, its cause and pathological anatomy ? 2-67. What is gastric hemorrhage, its cause, symptoms, diag- nosis and treatment ? 2-68. Define gastralgia and give its cause, its symptoms, its diagnosis and its treatment. 2-69. What is atonic dyspepsia, its cause and symptoms? 2-70. What are the varieties, and what is the treatment of atonic dyspepsia ? 2-71. What do you understand by intestinal indigestion? 2-72. What are the causes of intestinal indigestion, its symptoms, its diagnosis and treatment ? 2--73. What is intestinal colic, its causes and symptoms ? 2-74. What is the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal colic ? 2-74. Define constipation, and give its causes, symptoms and treatment. 2-75. What is diarrhoea, the causes and symptoms of the several varieties ? 2-77. Give the treatment of the different varieties of diar- rhoea. 2-77. Define catarrhal enteritis, its pathological anatomy, its symptoms and treatment. 2-79. What is croupous enteritis, its causes, pathological anatomy, symptoms and treatment ? 2-81,82. Give the definition, causes and pathological anatomy of cholera morbus. 2-82. 78 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is the diagnosis and termination of cholera mor- bus ? 2-83. Define entero-colitis, giving its causes, and the patho- logical anatomy of the different varieties. 2-85. What are the symptoms of entero-colitis ? 2-85. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of entero-colitis ? 2-86. What is cholera infantum, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-88. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of cholera infantum ? 2-89. What is acute dysentery, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-90. What is typhlitis, and what are its symptoms, diag- nosis and treatment ? 2-93. What is perityphlitis, its causes, diagnosis and treat- ment ? 2-94. Define proctitis, and give its causes, symptoms, diag- nosis and treatment. 2-96. What is intestinal obstruction and its pathological anatomy ? 2-96. What are the symptoms and diagnosis of intestinal obstruction ? 2-96. What is the treatment of intestinal obstruction ? 2-97. What are the varieties, causes and descriptions of the different tapeworms ? 2-98. What is the treatment of tapeworm ? 2-99. What are the causes of round worms, giving description, with symptoms and treatment? 2-100. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 79 What is peritonitis, its causes, and the pathological anatomy of the different forms ? 2-102. What are the symptoms of the different forms of peri- tonitis ? 2-103. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of peritonitis? 2-104. What is the treatment of the different forms of peri- tonitis ? 2-104. What is ascites, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-105. What are the symptoms and what is the diagnosis of ascites ? 2-106. What is catarrhal jaundice, its causes and physiologi- cal anatomy ? 2-107. What are the symptoms and what is the duration, diagnosis and prognosis of catarrhal jaundice ? 2-108. What is the treatment of catarrhal jaundice? 2-109. What are biliary calculi, their causes and physiologi- cal anatomy ? 2-109. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of biliary calculi ? 2-110. What is congestion of the liver, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 2-110. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of congestion of the liver ? 2-111. What is the treatment of congestion of the liver? 2-112. What is the definition of abscess of the liver, and what are its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-113. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of abscess of the liver? 2-113. 80 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. ' Define acute yellow atrophy of the liver, and give its causes and pathological anatomy. 2-114. What are the symptoms and treatment of acute yel- low atrophy of the liver? 2-114. What is sclerosis of the liver, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy? 2-115. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of sclerosis of the liver ? 2-115. What is amyloid liver, and its pathological anatomy ? 2-116. What are the symptoms and treatment of amyloid liver? 2-116. What is hepatic cancer, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-117. What are the symptoms and treatment of hepatic can- cer ? 2-118. What is the normal quantity, color, reaction, specific gravity, the organic and inorganic solid constituents of the urine? 2-118. What is Davy's method for the quantitative test of urine? 2-119. What are the tests for urates and uric acid by nitric acid? 2-119. What is the quantitative test for uric acid by nitric acid ? 2-119. What is the test for earthy and alkaline phosphates in urine by the magnesian fluid ? 2-120. What is the test for the chlorides in urine by nitrate of silver? 2-120. What is the test for mucus in urine by acetic acid and liquor iodi comp. ? 2-120. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 81 Give the tests for albumin in urine by heat and nitric acid, and also the quantitative test for albumin. 2- 121. How would you test urine for blood? How would you test urine for pus ? 2-121. What is the test for bile in urine ? 2-122. What is the test for bile pigment in urine ? 2-122. How would you test urine for sugar? 2-122. Give Davy's quantitative test for sugar in urine. 2- 123. Describe the quantitative test for sugar by fermenta- tion and specific gravity. 2-123. What is congestion of the kidneys, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-124. What are the symptoms and treatment of congestion of the kidneys ? 2-124. What is acute Bright's disease, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 2-125. What are the symptoms of acute Bright's disease? 2-125. What are the complications, diagnosis and prognosis of acute Bright's disease ? 2-125. What is the treatment of acute Bright's disease? 2- 126. What is chronic parenchymatous nephritis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-127. What are the symptoms and prognosis of chronic paren- chymatous nephritis ? 2-127. What is the treatment of chronic parenchymatous nephritis ? 2-128. 82 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION... What is interstitial nephritis, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 2-130. What are the symptoms and treatment of interstitial nephritis ? 2-131. What is amyloid kidney, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-132. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of amyloid kidney ? 2-132. What is pyelitis, its causes and pathological anatomv ? 2-133. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of pyelitis ? 2-134. What is acute uraemia, and what are its symptoms ? 2-135. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of acute uraemia ? 2-135. Define the term renal calculus; give its causes, varieties, and anatomical characters. 2-136. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of renal calculi ? 2-137. What is cystitis, and what are its causes ? 2-138. What is the physiological anatomy of cystitis ? 2-139. What are the symptoms of acute and chronic cystitis ? 2-139. What is the definition, causes and symptoms of mov- able kidney ? 2-141. What is the diagnosis and treatment of movable kid- ney ? 2-142. What is parotiditis, its causes and pathological anat- omv ? 2-143. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 83 What do you understand by metastatic parotiditis? 2-143. What are the symptoms and treatment of parotiditis ? 2-143. What is diphtheria, and what are its causes ? 2-144. What is the pathological anatomy of diphtheria? 2 -145. What are the symptoms and what are the sequelae of diphtheria? 2-146. What is the diagnosis of diphtheria ? 2-147. What is the treatment of diphtheria ? 2-148. What is acute articular rheumatism, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-150. What are the symptoms of acute articular rheumatism ? 2-151. What are the complications and what is the duration and prognosis of acute articular rheumatism ? 2-152. What is the treatment of acute articular rheumatism, both local and general? 2-152. What is muscular rheumatism, its causes, pathological anatomy and symptoms ? 2-154. What are the varieties of muscular rheumatism ? 2-155. What is the prognosis and treatment of muscular rheu- matism ? 2-156. What is rheumatoid arthritis, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 2-157. What are the symptoms and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis ? 2-158. 84 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION.' What is the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis? 2 -158. What is gout, and what are its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-159. What are the symptoms of gout ? 2-159. What is the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of gout ? 2-160. What is lithsemia? 2-161. What are the symptoms and treatment of litheemia? 2-162. What is diabetes mellitus, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 2-162. What are the symptoms of diabetes mellitus? 2-163. What are the complications, the course and termina- tion of a case of diabetes mellitus ? 2-164. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of diabetes melli- tus ? 2-165. What is the treatment in a case of diabetes mellitus ? 2-165. What is diabetes insipidus, its causes and symptoms ? 2-166. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diabetes insipidus ? 2-167. What is cholera, and what are its causes ? 2-168. What is the pathological anatomy of cholera ? 2-168. What are the symptoms of the different stages of cholera ? 2-169. What are the sequelae of cholera? 2-170. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of cholera? 2 -171. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 85 What is the treatment of each of the stages of cholera ? 2-171. What is trichinosis, its cause, and a description of the parasite? 2-172. What are the symptoms of trichinosis? 2-173. What is the treatment of trichinosis ? 2-174. What is Physical Diagnosis, and what are the physical signs and methods employed in the physical inspection of the chest? 3-9. How do you map the chest into regions or divisions ? 3-9. What is inspection and what does it reveal ? 3-10. What is palpation and what are its objects ? 3-11. What do you understand by the different varieties of fremitus ? 3-12. What is mensuration ? 3-12. What is percussion, and explain the two methods em- ployed? 3-12. What are the objects of percussion? 3-13. Explain the sounds that are elicited by percussion. 3-14. What sounds are elicited in health, in different parts of the chest; by percussion ? 3-15. What sounds are elicited in disease by the different methods of percussion ? 3-15. What is respiratory and what is auscultatory percus- sion ? 3-16. What is auscultation and what are its varieties? 3-16. 86 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. • What are the rules to be followed in auscultation ? 3-17. What are the sounds of auscultation, in health, over the different regions ? 3-18. What are the sounds of the voice in health? 3-19. What are the sounds of the voice in disease ? 3-19. What do you understand by the terms exaggerated, diminished, and absent respiration ? 3-20. What do you understand by the rhythm of the respira- tory murmur? 3-20. What do you understand by the terms prolonged and harsh respiration ? 3-21. What is bronchial respiration ? 3-22. What is cavernous respiration? 3-22. What is amphoric respiration ? 3-22. What are rales, and what are the different varieties of rAles? 3-23. What do you understand by the terms dry, moist, laryngeal and tracheal rAles ? 3-23. What are bronchial r Ales ? 3-24. What do you understand by the terms vesicular, cavernous and pleural rAles? 3-24. What is a moist friction sound, and what does it sig- nify ? 3-25. What is metallic tinkling and what does it signify ? 3-25. What do you understand by the term normal vocal resonance, and what are its characteristics ? 3-26. How does vocal resonance differ in disease from the normal resonance? 3-26. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 87 What is bronchophony, pectoriloquy, and aegophony ? 3-26. What do you understand by the terms amphoric voice and increased bronchial whisper ? 3-26, 27. What is succussion and what is its signification ? 3-27. What is acute nasal catarrh, its pathological anatomy and causes? 3-28. What are the symptoms of acute nasal catarrh ? 3-29. What are the complications, prognosis and treatment of acute nasal catarrh? 3-30. What is chronic nasal catarrh, and its pathological anatomy ? 3-31. What are the symptoms and treatment of chronic nasal catarrh? 3-32. What is acute catarrhal pharyngitis, and what is its pathological anatomy ? 3-32. What are the symptoms of acute catarrhal pharyngi- tis? 3-24. What are the varieties, diagnosis and treatment of acute catarrhal pharyngitis ? 3-35. What is acute tonsillitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-36. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of acute tonsillitis ? 3-37. What is acute catarrhal laryngitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-39. What are the symptoms and treatment of acute ca- tarrhal laryngitis ? 3-40. What is cedematous laryngitis, its causes, symptoms and treatment ? 3-41. 88 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION/ What is spasmodic laryngitis, its causes, symptoms and treatment ? 3-43. What is croupous laryngitis, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-45. What are the symptoms of croupous laryngitis ? 3- 46. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of croupous laryngitis ? 3-47. What is the treatment of croupous laryngitis ? 3-48. What is laryngismus stridulus, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 3-49. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of laryngismus stridulus? 3-50. What is acute bronchitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-51. What are the percussion and auscultation sounds in acute bronchitis ? 3-53. What is the prognosis and treatment of acute bron- chitis ? 3-53. What is capillary bronchitis, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-54. What are the symptoms of capillary bronchitis ? 3- 55. What are the percussion and auscultation sounds of capillary bronchitis ? 3-55. What is the treatment of capillary bronchitis ? 3-56. What is croupous bronchitis, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-57. What are the symptoms, duration, prognosis and treatment of croupous bronchitis ? 3-58. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 89 What is chronic bronchitis, its causes and varieties ? 3-59. What is the pathological anatomy of chronic bronchi- tis? 3-59. What are the symptoms of chronic bronchitis ? 3-60. What are the percussion and auscultation sounds of chronic bronchitis ? 3-60. What is the treatment of chronic bronchitis ? 3-61. What is asthma, its causes and symptoms ? 3-62. What is the treatment of asthma ? 3-63. What is hay asthma and its pathological anatomy ? 3-64. What are the symptoms, complications and treatment of hay asthma ? 3-65. What is whooping cough ? 3-66. What are the complications, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of whooping cough ? 3-67. Define emphysema, and give its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy. 3-68. What are the symptoms, and what is the inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation in emphysema ? 3-70. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of emphysema ? 3-70. What is haemoptysis, its causes and pathological an- atomy ? 3-71. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of haemoptysis ? 3-72. What is congestion of the lungs, what are its causes and pathology ? 3-75. 90 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the symptoms and treatment of congestion of the lungs ? 3-76. What is oedema of the lungs, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-75. What are the symptoms and physical signs of oedema of the lungs ? 3-75. What is the treatment of oedema of the lungs? 3-75. What is croupous pneumonia, and what is the patho- logical anatomy of the different stages ? 3-76. What are the symptoms of croupous pneumonia? 3-77. What are the terminations, diagnosis, complications and prognosis of croupous pneumonia ? 3-80. What is the treatment of croupous pneumonia in its different stages ? 3-82. What is catarrhal pneumonia, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 3-83. What are the symptoms of catarrhal pneumonia ? 3 -84. What are the physical signs and sequelae of catarrhal pneumonia? 3-85. What is the treatment of catarrhal pneumonia ? 3-85. What is pneumonic phthisis, and what are its causes ? 3-87. What is the pathological anatomy of pneumonic phthi- sis ? 3-87. What are the symptoms in the different varieties of pneumonic phthisis ? 3-88. What are the physical signs of pneumonic phthisis? 3-88. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 91 What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of pneumonic phthisis ? 3-89. What is tubercular phthisis, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-90. What are the symptoms of tubercular phthisis ? 3-91. What are the physical signs in tubercular phthisis? 3-91. What are the complications, diagnosis and prognosis of tubercular phthisis ? 3-92. What is the treatment of tubercular phthisis ? 3-92. What is fibroid phthisis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-94. What are the symptoms, physical signs, and what is the treatment of fibroid phthisis ? 3-94. What is acute phthisis, its causes and pathological anatomy? 3-95. What are the symptoms, physical signs and treatment of acute phthisis ? 3-96. What is pleurisy, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-97. What is the diagnosis and prognosis in pleurisy? 3-98. What is the treatment of pleurisy ? 3-99. What is hydrothorax, its pathological anatomy and treatment? 3-100. What is pneumothorax, its cause and pathological anatomy? 3-101. What are the symptoms, signs and prognosis of pneumothorax ? 3-101. What is the treatment of pneumothorax ? 3-102. 92 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION., What are the methods employed in making an exam- ination of the heart ? Describe the same in normal con- dition. 3-103. What are the murmurs, and what are the defects of murmurs of the heart, in cardiac disease? 3-104. Describe the different organic endocardiac murmurs. 3-105. Describe the different mitral murmurs of the heart. 3-106. Describe the different aortic murmurs of the heart. 3-107. Describe the different tricuspid murmurs of the heart. 3-107. Describe the pulmonic murmurs of the heart. 3-108. What is acute pericarditis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-108. What are the symptoms of the different stages of acute pericarditis ? 3-109. What are the physical signs in acute pericarditis? 3-109. What is chronic pericarditis, and its pathological anatomy? 3-111. What are the symptoms and physical signs of chronic pericarditis ? 3-111. What is the treatment of chronic pericarditis? 3-111. What is hydropericardium, its causes, pathological anatomy, symptoms and treatment? 3-112. What is acute endocarditis, its causes and pathological anatomy? 3-112. What are the symptoms and physical signs of acute endocarditis ? 3-113. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 93 What is the treatment of acute endocarditis? 3-114. What is acute myocarditis and its pathological ana- tomy ? 3-114. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of acute myocarditis ? 3-115. What is cardiac hypertrophy, and what are the varie- ties of the same ? 3-115. What is the pathology of cardiac hypertrophy ? 3-115. What are the symptoms, physical signs and prognosis of cardiac hypertrophy ? 3-116. What is the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac hyper- trophy ? 3-117. What is dilatation of the heart, its causes and varie- ties? 3-117. . What is the pathological anatomy of dilatation of the heart ? 3-117. What are the symptoms and physical signs of dilata- tion of the heart ? 3-118. What is the treatment of dilatation of the heart? 3-119. What is fatty degeneration of the heart, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-120. What are the symptoms and physical signs of the fatty degeneration of the heart ? 3-121. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of fatty degeneration of the heart ? 3-121. What are the varieties of valvular diseases of the heart, and what are their causes? 3-122. What is the pathological anatomy of mitral regurgita- tion ? 3-122. 94 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the symptoms, physical signs and prognosis of mitral regurgitation ? 3-122. What is aortic regurgitation, and its physical anatomy ? 3-122. What are the symptoms and physical signs of aortic regurgitation ? 3-123. What is tricuspid regurgitation, its pathological anatomy, symptoms and physical signs ? 3-124. What is pulmonic regurgitation, its physical signs and prognosis ? 3-124. What is mitral obstruction, its pathological anatomy, symptoms, signs and prognosis ? 3-125. What is aortic obstruction, its physical anatomy, symptoms, physical signs and prognosis ? 3-126. What is tricuspid obstruction ? 3-126. What is pulmonic obstruction, its pathological an- atomy, symptoms and prognosis ? 3-127. What are the points of greatest intensity of murmurs in valvular diseases, and what is their signification? 3-127. What is the treatment of valvular diseases of the heart ? 3-128. What is palpitation of the heart, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment ? 3-129. What is angina pectoris, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-130. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of angina pectoris ? 3-130. What is congestion of the brain, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 3-132. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 95 What are the symptoms and the treatment of conges- tion of the brain ? 3-133. What is cerebral anaemia, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-133. What are the symptoms and treatment of cerebral anaemia? 3-134. What is cerebral thrombosis and embolism, and what are their causes ? 3-134. What is the physiological anatomy of cerebral throm- bosis and embolism ? 3-135. What are the symptoms of cerebral thrombosis and embolism ? 3-136. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cerebral thrombosis and embolism? 3-137. What is cerebral hemorrhage, its causes and pathologi- cal anatomy ? 3-137. What are the symptoms and sequelae of cerebral hem- orrhage ? 3-138. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of cerebral hemorrhage ? 3-140. What is the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage? 3- 140. What is acute meningitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-141. What are the symptoms of acute meningitis ? 3-142. What is the diagnosis and prognosis of acute menin- gitis ? 3-142. What is the treatment of acute meningitis ? 3-143. What is pachymeningitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-143. 96 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION.' What are the symptoms and treatment of pachymen- ingitis ? 3-144. What is tubercular meningitis, its causes and patho- logical anatomy ? 3-145. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of tubercular meningitis ? 3-146. What is acute hydrocephalus, its cause and patholog- ical anatomy ? 3-146. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of hydrocephalus ? 3-147. What is congenital hydrocephalus, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-148. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of congenital hydrocephalus ? 3-149. What is cerebral abscess, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-150. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cerebral abscess ? 3-150. What are inter-cranial tumors, their causes and path- ological anatomy ? 3-151. What are the symptoms of intra-cranial tumors ? 3-152. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of intra-cranial tumors ? 3-152. Define aphasia, and its ditferent varieties. 3-152. What is the pathological anatomy of aphasia ? 3-153. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of aphasia? 3-153. What is vertigo and its different varieties ? 3-154. PRACTICE OK MEDICINE. 97 What are the symptoms of the different varieties of vertigo ? 3-155. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of vertigo ? 3-156. What is migraine, its causes and symptoms ? 3-156. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of migraine ? 3-157. Define alcoholism and its varieties. 3-158. What are the causes and what is the pathological anatomy of alcoholism, both acute and chronic ? 3-159. What are the symptoms of the different varieties of alcoholism ? 3-160. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the different varieties of alcoholism ? 3-162. What is heat-stroke, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-164. What are the symptoms of the different varieties of heat-stroke? 3-164. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the different varieties of heat-stroke ? 3-165. What is spinal hyperaemia, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-166. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of spinal hyperaemia? 3-166,167. What is spinal meningitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-167. What are the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of spinal meningitis ? 3-168. What is pachymeningitis spinalis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-169. 98 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the symptoms, and what is the treatment of pachymeningitis spinalis ? 3-170. What is acute myelitis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-170. What are the symptoms of acute myelitis ? 3-170. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of acute myelitis ? 3-171. What is infantile spinal paralysis, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-172. What are the symptoms of infantile spinal paralysis ? 3-172. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of infantile spinal paralysis ? 3-173. What is chronic progressive bulbar paralysis, its causes, pathological anatomy, symptoms and treatment ? 3-174. What is spinal sclerosis, its varieties, causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-175. What is lateral sclerosis, its pathogeny and symp- toms ? 3-176. What is cerebro-spinal sclerosis, its pathogeny and symptoms? 3-176. What is progressive locomotor ataxia, its pathogeny and symptoms? 3-177. What is the diagnosis and the prognosis of progressive locomotor ataxia ? 3-178. What is the treatment of progressive locomotor ataxia ? 3-179. What is progressive muscular atrophy, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-179. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of progressive muscular atrophy? 3-180. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 99 What is chorea, its causes, symptoms and diagnosis ? 3-182. What is the treatment of chorea ? 3-182. What is epilepsy, its causes and varieties ? 3-183. What are the symptoms of the different varieties of epilepsy ? 3-183, What is the diagnosis and prognosis of the different varieties of epilepsy ? 3-183. What is hysteria, its cause and pathogeny ? 3-185. What are the symptoms of hysteria? 3-185. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of hysteria? 3-188. What is neurasthenia, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment ? 3-188. What is exophthalmic goitre, its causes and patholog- ical anatomy ? 3-189. What are the symptoms of exophthalmic goitre? 3-190. What is the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of exophthalmic goitre? 3-191. What is neuritis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment ? 3-191. What is neuralgia, and what are its varieties, causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-193. What are the symptoms of neuralgia of the fifth nerve ? 3-193. Describe the symptoms of cervico-occipital neuralgia. 3-193. 100 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the symptoms of cervico-brachial neuralgia. 3-194. Describe the symptoms of dorso-intercostal neuralgia. 3-194. Describe the symptoms of lumbo-abdominal neuralgia. 3-194. What is sciatica, its symptoms, diagnosis and prog- nosis ? 3-194. Describe the treatment of the diiferent varieties of neuralgia. 3-195. What is facial paralysis, its causes, symptoms, diag- nosis and treatment ? 3-196. What is anaemia, its causes and pathological anatomy ? 3-197. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of anaemia ? 3-198. What is chlorosis, its causes, and pathological anatomy ? 3-198. What are the symptoms, prognosis and treatment of chlorosis ? 3-199. What is progressive pernicious anaemia, and what is its pathological anatomy ? 3-200. What is leueocythemia, its cause and pathological anatomy? 3-201. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of leueocythemia? 3-201. What is Addison's disease, its pathological anatomy, symptoms, prognosis and treatment ? 3-202. What is haemophilia, its symptoms, diagnosis, prog- nosis and treatment ? 3-203. SURGERY. 101 What is scorbutus, its pathological anatomy, symp- toms, complications, prognosis and. treatment ? 3-203, 204. What is purpura, its varieties, causes, symptoms, prognosis and treatment ? 3-205. Define inflammation and describe the different aspects and intimate nature of the process. 9-9. What is the cause of inflammation ? 9-12. Describe the varieties of inflammation. 9-11. By what means does inflammation extend ? 9^-12. How does inflammation terminate ? 9-12-22. Describe in detail the local symptoms of inflammation. 9-12. The constitutional symptoms. 9-14. Describe traumatic fever, its causes and symptoms. 9-14. Describe the varieties and symptoms of sthenic fever. 9-15. Of asthenic fever. 9-16. What is the general treatment of inflammation ? 9-18. The local treatment ? 9-18. The constitutional treatment ? 9-20. SURGERY. 102 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. ' Describe the treatment of the terminations of inflam- mation. 9-23. What is pus, its varieties, and what are the symptoms of suppuration ? 9-24. What is an abscess, and what are the varieties of abscesses ? 9-24. Describe each variety of abscesses, its history, symp- toms, etc. 9-24. Give the local and constitutional treatment of ab- scesses. 9-26. What is hectic fever and what are its symptoms and treatment ? 9-27. What is an ulcer? 9-28. Describe an acute ulcer, its symptoms and treatment. 9-28. Describe a phagedenic ulcer and its treatment. 9-29. What are the peculiarities of a chronic ulcer ; how should it be treated? 9-30. Describe granulations. 9-30. Describe the process of skin-grafting. 9-31. Describe acute mortification, the local and constitu- tional symptoms and the treatment. 9-32. What are the symptoms, local and constitutional, of chronic mortification, and what is the treatment? 9-33. Under what circumstances would you amputate in mortification ? 9-34. What is hospital gangrene, its symptoms and treat- ment? 9-35. What do you understand by septicaemia, septic intox- ication, and septic infection? 9-37. SURGERY. 103 What is pyaemia, its symptoms and treatment ? 9-37. How do you produce local anaesthesia ? 9-39. What are the agents most used for producing general anaesthesia, and how are they administered? 9-40. In case of threatened death during general anaesthesia what measures should be adopted ? 9-41. What do you understand by the germ theory of disease? 9-41. Describe the microOrganisms causing putrefaction. 9-42. Describe the antiseptic measures that should be insti- tuted prior to a surgical operation. 9-43. Describe the various methods of the drainage of wounds. 9-44. Describe the varieties and effects of hemorrhages. 9-45. What is the treatment of the varieties and effects of hemorrhages ? 9-45. What do you understand by recurrent and what by secondary hemorrhage, and what should be the treat- ment of such cases ? 9-46. Describe the varieties of sutures most commonly used. 9-48. What are the varieties of wounds of arteries, and how is each treated ? 9-50. Describe the ligation of arteries, the different methods of acupressure, torsion, pressure and other methods of controlling hemorrhage. 9-51. What is an incised wound and how should it be treated ? 9-52. How would you treat a lacerated wound ? 9-53. 104 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. ' What is the treatment of contused wounds? 9-54. What is a punctured wound and how should it be treated ? 9-55. Describe the symptoms and treatment of gun-shot wounds. 9-56. What are the symptoms, and what is the treatment of dissection wounds ? 9-57. What are the symptoms, and what the treatment of wounds of the neck ? 9-57. What are the varieties, symptoms and treatment of gun-shot wounds of the chest ? 9-58. The same of wounds of the abdomen ? 9-59. What are the indications for, and methods of carrying out, abdominal section ? 9-59. After wounds of the extremities what are the indica- tions for amputation ? 9-60. What are the symptoms, and what the treatment of hydrophobia ? 9-61. Describe Pasteur's method of treatment of cases of hydrophobia. 9-61. What are the symptoms and what the treatment, con- stitutional and local, of burns and scalds ? 9-63. How would you treat a case of chilblain or frost-bite? 9-64. What is erysipelas, its symptoms, and what should be its treatment, local and general ? 9-65. What is shock, its course, and treatment ? 9-67. Describe a case of tetanus and give its treatment. 9-68. How should wounds of the scalp be treated ? 9-69. SURGERY. 105 What are the symptoms of concussion of the brain, and what is the proper treatment of such cases ? 9-69. What are the symptoms of compression of the brain, and what is the proper treatment ? 9-70. What is the differential diagnosis between concussion and compression of the brain ? 9-70. What are the varieties of fracture of the skull, with the symptoms and treatment of each variety ? 9-71. Describe the instruments and the operation of tre- phining. 9-72. Describe a case of gonorrhcea and treat it. 9-74. What are the symptoms and treatment of both acute and chronic orchitis ? 9-75. What are the symptoms and what the treatment of acute prostatitis ? 9-76. What is the cause, what are the symptoms, and what is the treatment of cystitis ? 9-77. What are the causes, symptoms, and what is the treat- ment of stricture ? 9-77. Describe the operation of internal urethrotomy. 9-78. Describe the operation of external urethrotomy. 9-80. Describe the operation of perineal section. 9-81. What are the causes and symptoms of retention of urine? 9-81. What is the treatment of retention of urine, and how carried out ? 9-82. Describe the operation of passing the catheter. 9-82. Describe the operation of tapping the bladder. 9-84. How would you treat a case of hemorrhage from the urethra ? 9-84. 106 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION.' What is chancroid, and what are its symptoms ? 9-84. "What are the differences between the symptoms of chancroid and those of other diseases that may be mis- taken for it ? 9-85. What is the treatment of chancroid ? 9-85. What is chancroidal bubo, what are its symptoms and what is its treatment? 9-87. What is syphilis, and how communicated from one person to another ? 9-88. What is chancre and what are its symptoms ? 9-88. What is the treatment of chancre? 9-89. What is secondary syphilis and what are its symp- toms ? 9-90. Describe the varieties of the affections of the skin due to syphilis. 9-90. Describe in detail the treatment of a case of secondary syphilis. 9-92. What do you understand by tertiary syphilis and what are its principal symptoms ? 9-95. What is the proper treatment of tertiary syphilis, local and general ? 9-96. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of a case of inherited syphilis? 9-97. What are the varieties and the causes of tumors? 9-98. What are the varieties and symptoms of benign tumors ? 9-99. What are the varieties of malignant tumors and the relative malignancy of each kind ? 9-100. What are the symptoms of malignant tumors ? 9-100. SURGERY. 107 What are the varieties of myxoma? 9-101. Describe the varieties of carcinoma. 9-102. What is a cyst, and what are the diiferent varieties of cysts? 9-102. What are the differences between tumors classed as lipomata, fibromata, chondromata, osteomata, myomata, lymphomata, angeiomata, neuromata, papillomata, aden- omata, and infective granulomata? 9-103. What is the treatment of benign, and what of malig- nant tumors? 9-105. From what blastodermic layers do the different varie- ties of tumors spring ? 9-106. Describe an aneurism, its varieties, symptoms, and diagnosis. 9-107. Describe the various methods of treatment of aneur- isms. 9-108. Define hernia and each of the different kinds of hernia. 9-110. What are the symptoms of each variety? 9-110. Describe each of the varieties of inguinal hernia. 9-112. What are the differences between femoral, umbilical, and ventral hernia ? 9-113. Describe the operation for oblique inguinal hernia. 9-114. Describe the operations for direct inguinal, congenital, femoral, and umbilical hernia. 9-115. What is the post-operative treatment of hernia? 9-116. What is a dislocation, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and morbid anatomy ? 9-117. 108 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the general treatment of a dislocation. 9-117. What is a compound dislocation, its symptoms and treatment? 9-118. What are the symptoms of a dislocation of the lower jaw, and how do you effect its reduction? 9-119. Describe dislocations of the clavicle, their symptoms and'treatment. 9-120. What are the various dislocations of the humerus, their symptoms and the methods of effecting a reduc- tion? 9-121. Describe the various dislocations of the elbow and the treatment. 9-124. Describe dislocations of the thumb, fingers, and toes, and the method of effecting their reduction. 9-125, 126. Describe each of the dislocations of the hip-joint. 9-126. What is the treatment of each of the varieties of dis- location of the hip-joint? 9-126. Describe the dislocations and the treatment, of the patella. 9-130. Describe the dislocations and their treatment, of the knee. 9-130. Describe the dislocations and the treatment of the same, of the ankle-joint. 9-130. Describe each of the varieties of fracture. 9-133. Describe each of the signs of fracture. 9-134. How does nature repair a fracture ? 9-134. What is the general treatment of fractures ? 9-135. What is the treatment of an ununited fracture ? 9-136. Describe and treat a fracture of the upper jaw. 9-136. SURGERY. 109 What are the signs and what the treatment of fracture of the zygomatic arch ? 9-137. What are the signs and what the treatment of fracture of the nasal bones ? 9-137. Describe and treat a case of fracture of the lower jaw. 9-138. Give the symptoms and the treatment of a fracture of the clavicle. 9-139. What are the characteristics and what the treatment of fractures of the sternum ? 9-140. Give the symptoms and treatment of fractures of the ribs. 9-140. Describe the varieties of fracture of the scapula and the treatment of each. 9-141. Give the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of each variety of fracture of the humerus. 9-143. Give the symptoms and treatment of fractures of the fore-arm. 9-145. Describe and treat a case of Colles' fracture. 9-146. What are the symptoms and treatment of fractures of the pelvis ? 9-147. What are the symptoms and treatment of a fracture of the neck of the femur within the neck of the capsule? 9-149. Describe and treat fractures of the femur external to the capsular ligament. 9-153. Describe the methods of effecting extension and counter-extension in cases of fracture of the femur. 9-154. Treat a case of fracture of the femur in a child. 9-155. 110 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the varieties and treatment of fractures of the patella. 9-156. Describe and treat a case of fracture of the leg. 9-157. Describe and treat a ease of Pott's fracture. 9-158. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of fractures of the foot ? 9-158. Describe the treatment of compound fractures. 9-160. What are the symptoms and treatment of sprains? 9-161. Describe and treat a case of synovitis of the different joints. 9-161. What is the cause, and what are the symptoms and treatment of coxalgia? 9-162. How would you treat ankylosis ? 9-163. What is caries, and what are its causes and treat- ment? 9-164. What is necrosis, its causes, symptoms and treatment? 9-164. What is rickets, its causes, symptoms and treatment? 9-165. Describe and treat a case of psoas and lumbar abscess. 9-166. What are the symptoms and what the treatment of lateral curvature of the spine ? 9-167. Describe and treat a case of Pott's curvature. 9-168. Describe in a general way the principal methods of amputation. 9-168. Describe the operation of amputation at the hip-joint. 9-170. SURGERY. 111 Describe the different methods of amputation of the thigh. 9-171. Describe the different methods of amputation at the knee-joint. 9-172. Describe the operations used in amputation of the leg. 9-173. Describe Syme's operation and Pirogoff's operation. 9-175. Describe the amputations of the foot. 9-176. Give directions for locating the tarso-metatarsal and medio-tarsal articulations. 9-176, 177. Describe the methods of amputation of the arm. 9-178. Describe the methods of amputation of the shoulder joint. 9-180. Describe the methods of amputating at the elbow-joint. 9-181. What are the methods of amputating the fore-arm ? 9-181. Describe the methods of amputation of the wrist. 9-182. Describe the amputations of the hand. 9-183. Describe the operation of excision of the shoulder- joint. 9-185. Of the elbow-joint. 9-185. Of the wrist-joint. 9-186. Of the hip-joint. 9-186. Of the knee-joint. 9-187. Of the ankle-joint. 9-188. 112 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. When is excision of a joint advisable and what are the conditions of success ? 9-189. Describe the operation of amputation of the tongue. Describe the operation of ligating the facial and occi- pital arteries. 9-190. Bound each of the triangles of the neck and give the important structures with which they are in relation. 9-191. Describe the operation of ligation of the lingual artery. 9-192. Of the common carotid artery. 9-192. Of the external carotid. 9-195. Of the innominate artery. 9-195. Of the subclavian artery. 9-195. Of the axillary artery. 9-196. Of the brachial artery. 9-197. Of the radial artery. 9-198. Of the ulnar artery. 9-199. Of the common iliac artery. 9-200. Of the external iliac artery. 9-201. Of the sciatic artery. 9-201. Of the femoral artery. 9-202. Of the popliteal artery. 9--202. Of the posterior tibial artery. 9-203. Of the anterior tibial artery. 9-204. Of the peroneal and dorsal arteries. 9-206 SURGERY. 113 Describe urinary calculi, the situations in which they are found, the composition of the same and the treat- ment of cases. 9-206. What are the symptoms and what the treatment of stone in the kidney and ureter? 9-207. What are the symptoms of stone in the bladder ? 9- 208. Describe the operations, and the instruments used in lithotrity and lithotomy. 9-209. Describe the operations for the relief of hare-lip. 9- 211. Describe the treatment and operations used in a case of epistaxis. 9-212. How would you try to get rid of foreign bodies in the air passages before proceeding to operative measures? 9-213. Describe the operations of laryngotomy and trache- otomy. 9-214 How would you treat a case of accumulation of wax in the ear ? 9-214 What is phimosis, what is the difference between phi- mosis and paraphimosis, and how would you treat a case of each? 9-215. What is hydrocele, the diagnosis, treatment and opera- tion for the same? 9-216. Describe a case of hematocele, and the treatment of the same. 9-217. Describe and treat a case of varicocele. 9-218. Describe the operation of castration. 9-218. What are the symptoms, and what is the treatment of hemorrhoids? 9-219. 114 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the operations of lumbar and inguinal colo- tomy. 9-219. What is the treatment of fistula in ano ? 9-219. What is the treatment of prolapsus ani ? 9-220. What is the treatment of fissure of the anus ? 9-220. What are the symptoms and what is the treatment of carcinoma of the rectum ? 9-221. How would you treat a case of varicose veins ? 9-222. Describe the varieties of club-foot, the treatment, operations and apparatus for the same. 9-223. Describe the operation for the relief of ingrowing toe- nail. 9-224. Give the symptoms and treatment of carbuncle. 9-224. ■ Give the symptoms and treatment of boil. 9-225. What is housemaid's knee, and how would you treat a case? 9-226. What is whitlow and how should it be treated ? 9-226. Give the different methods of treatment in a case of drowning. 9-228. Describe the methods of applying a spiral bandage. 9-230. Describe the methods of bandaging the head. 9-231. Of bandaging one or both eyes. 9-232. The knotted bandage of the head. 9-233. The crossed angle of the jaw. 9-234. Gibson's bandage for fracture of the jaw. 9-234. SURGERY. 115 Barton's bandage. 9-235. Figure-of-8 bandage for the neck and axilla. 9-235. Anterior bandage of the chest. 9-236. Posterior of the chest. 9-236. Crossed of one breast. 9-238. Crossed of both breasts. 9-239. Spica of the shoulder. 9-239. Spica of the groin. 9-240. Double spica for both- groins. 9-242. For the perineum and pubes. 9-243. The spiral of one or of all the fingers. 9-243. The gauntlet, demi-gauntlet and spica of the thumb. 9-244. The figure-of-8 of the wrist and of the elbow. 9-245. The spiral of the upper extremity. 9-246. The figure-of-8 of the ankle, of the knee, and of the thighs. 9-247. Spica of the instep and spiral reverse of the lower ex- tremity. 9-248, 249. Describe Mayor's handkerchief system for temporary dressings. 9-250. Describe Esmarch's bandage and the methods of its ap- plication. 9-252. Describe the bandage of Scultetus. 9-253. Describe and apply the bandage of Velpeau. 9-254. Describe Desault's apparatus and the method of apply- ing it. 9-255. 116 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe Dox's and Sayre's dressing lor fractured clavicle. 9-256. Describe the recurrent bandage for a stump. 9-256. Describe Sayre's plaster jacket, and the method of its application. 9-257. Describe the jury-mast. 9-260. Describe the ingredients, methods of making and ap- plying permanent dressings. 9-260. How do you prepare sponges for use in surgical opera- tions ? 9-266. How do you make sublimate gauze ? 9-266. Describe Lister's antiseptic dressing. 9-266. How are Professor Senn's decalcified bone chips pre- pared ? 9-267 How are catgut ligatures prepared ? 9-267. How is chromic acid catgut prepared ? 9-267. How is Koumiss prepared ? 9-267. Describe the operations for distichiasis, trichiasis and entropium. 8-127. Those for ectropium. 8-129. How should a chalazion be removed ? 8-132. Describe the operations for closure of the lachrymal duct. 8-132. For what purpose is peritomy performed and describe the operation. 8-86, 134. What are the indications for tenotomy of a muscle of the eyeball and how is it done ? 8-64, 135. Describe the operation of advancement. 8-135. Describe the operation of iridectomy. 8-137. OBSTETRICS. 117 Describe the operation of discission. 8-138. Describe the operations for cataract. 8-143. Describe the operation of enucleation of the eyeball. 8-144. OBSTETRICS. What is meant by Obstetrics, and by the science and art of obstetrics ? 5-9. How may the subject of obstetrics be divided ? 5-9. What are the reproductive organs of woman and where are they situated ? 5-9. Describe the pelvis and the bones of which it is com- posed. 5-10. How may a female pelvis be distinguished from that of a male? 5-13. Describe the joints of the pelvis. 5-13. What are the various diameters of the inlet and outlet of the pelvis ? 5-14. What do you understand by the conjugate diameter of the inlet ? 5-14. What are the planes of the pelvis ? 5-15. What muscles are contained in the pelvis ? 5-16. Describe the uterus, its parts, cavity, openings, and structure. 5-17. Describe the arrangement of the muscular fibres of the uterus. 5-18. What kind of mucous membrane lines the uterus ? 5-18. What are the ovula nabothi ? 5-19. 118 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the peritoneal covering of the uterus. 5- Describe the ligaments of the uterus. 5-19. Describe the supports of the uterus. 5-20. What is meant by a double uterus ? 5-20. Describe the fallopian tubes. 5-20. Describe the ovaries and their structure. 5-20. What is the parovarium? 5-21. Describe the vagina, its structure, and dimensions. 5-21. Describe Douglas's cul de sac. 5-21. Describe the hymen and its varieties. 5-22. What are the carunculae myrtiformes ? 5-22 Describe the vulvo-vaginal glands. 5-22. Describe the labia majora and the labia minora. 5-23. Describe the commissures of the vulva. 5-23. Describe the fourchette. 5 -23. Describe the clitoris. 5-23. Describe the female perineum and perineal body. 5-24. Describe ovulation. 5-25. Give a description of the fully developed ovum. 5-25. After the discharge of the ovum, what happens to the ovisac. 5-26. What happens to the ovum after its escape from the ovisac ? 5-26. What is menstruation, its clinical course, and peculiar- ities ? 5-27. OBSTETRICS. 119 What is vicarious menstruation ? 5-28. What is puberty ? 5-28. What is the menopause? 5-28. What is the function of the oviducts ? 5-28. What is the function of the vagina ? 5-29. What is the structure of the breasts ? 5-29. What is fecundation ? 5-29. What is pregnancy ? 5-29. How and where is the contact between the spermato- zoon and ovum brought about? 5-30. What changes take place in the ovum after fecunda- tion ? 5-30. Describe the segmentation of the vitelhis. 5-31. What is the allantois ? 5-32. What is the amnion ? 5-32. What changes in the mucous membrane of the womb follow fecundation ? 5-33. What is the nature of the placenta ? 5-33. Does the maternal blood enter the circulation of the child? 5-33. What is the funis ? 5-33. Describe the fetal circulation. 5-34. Describe the liquor amnii. 5-34. Describe the size of the ovum at different months. 5-35. What is the vernix caseosa? 5-35. What is meconium ? 5-35. 120 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the uterine changes that take place during pregnancy ? 5-35. What changes in position does the womb undergo dur- ing pregnancy ? 5-35. What is multiple pregnancy and how is it caused? 5-36. What is superfecundation and how is it demonstrated ? 5-36. What is superfetation and how demonstrated ? 5-36. What is the clinical course of twin pregnancy ? 5-36. What is a foetus papyraceus ? 5-37. What is a lithopedion ? 5-37. What is extra-uterine pregnancy, and how is it classi- fied. 5-37. What are the symptoms of extra-uterine pregnancy? 5-37. What is the termination of extra-uterine pregnancy ? 5-37. What is the treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy? 5-38. How can extra-uterine pregnancy be arrested ? 5-38. What is hydatid pregnancy, its symptoms and termi- nation ? 5-39. What is hydrorrhea ? 5-39. What is mole pregnancy ? 5-39. How do you proceed when the placenta cannot be removed ? 5-43. What is the t reatment of threat ened abortion ? 5-40. OBSTETRICS. 121 What are the signs of pregnancy and how may they be classified ? 5-42. What signs of pregnancy are due to an increase of fetal activity ? 5-42. What signs are due directly to the development of the womb ? 5-43. What changes occur in the genital organs during preg- nancy ? 5-43. What are lineee albicantes ? 5-43. Is menstruation always suspended during pregnancy ' 5-44. $ What changes occur in the breasts during pregnancy ? What are the sounds due to the presence of a fetus ? 5-45. Describe the fetal heart sounds, their rate, when and where best heard ? 5-45. Describe the fetal movements. 5-45. What is the utero-placental souffle ? 5-46. What is the funic souffle ? 5-46. What is ballottement ? 5-46. What is quickening ? 5-46. What are the semi-pathological signs of pregnancy ? 5-46. What is morning sickness and how is it to be treated ? 5-47. What is the vomiting of pregnancy and how should it be treated ? 5-47. How is difficulty in urination caused during preg- nancy ? 5-48. 122 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the disturbances during pregnancy ? 5-48. What displacements of the womb may occur during pregnancy ? 5-48. What are the causes of albuminuria and edema during pregnancy ? 5-48. What is the cause of dyspnea and plethora in preg- nancy ? 5-49 What are salivation, chloasma, and hirsuties ? 5-49. What are the certain, and what are the presumptive signs of pregnancy ? 5--49. At what date are the important signs of pregnancy available ? 5-49. What is the duration and what are the limits of vari- ation of pregnancy ? 5-50. How do you calculate the duration of pregnancy? 5-50. What theories have been devised as to the cause of pregnancy coming to an end ? 5-50. What is labor, its essential steps, and what are its stages ? 5-52. What is a labor pain, how long does it last and what are the intervals between them ? 5-51. How is the dilatation of the os effected ? 5-51. What is the bag of waters, how formed, what variations occur in it and of what service is it ? 5-52. How is the after-birth expelled ? 5-53. What is the best method of delivering the placenta? 5-53. What is the normal duration of labor ? 5-53. Define the terms, primipara, multipara, etc. 5-53. OBSTETRICS. 123 What are the duties of a physician in a case of labor ? 5-54. How do you proceed to make an examination in a case of labor ? 5-54. What should be learned at the first examination in a case of labor ? 5-54. How may it be known that labor has begun ? 5-55. Describe the preparation of the bed and dress of the woman etc., during a case of labor. 5-55. What hygienic measures are necessary in a case of labor ? 5-56. When should an anesthetic be given in a case of labor? 5-56. What are the duties of the obstetrician during the second stage of labor ? 5-57. How are the membranes to be ruptured ? 5-57. How is the perineum to be guarded ? 5-57. How do you proceed when the head is born ? 5-58. What attention should be given to the child after birth ? 5-58. How is the cord tied and dressed ? 5-58. Describe the methods of resuscitation when the child is apparently still-born. 5-58. .What is the treatment of the woman immediately after childbirth? 5-59. What is the position of the woman after delivery ? 5-59. What are after pains ? 5-59. What is caput suecedaneum ? 5-59. 124 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What do you understand by the term, Mechanism of Labor? 5-60. With what is the mechanism of labor concerned? 6-60. What are the propelling forces in labor ? 5-60 What is the presentation of the child, and how many presentations are there ? 5-61. What distinguishing marks exist upon the head ? 5-61. Describe the sutures, fontanelles, and protuberances, of the head. 5-62. In how many ways may the vertex enter the pelvis? 5-63. What are the positions of the face presentation? 5-63. Of the breech presentation ? 5-63. Of the transverse presentation ? 5-63. How may the sixteen presentations be represented in a single scheme ? 5-64. What is the mechanism in the L. 0. A. position? 5-64. What is the mechanism of delivery in the R. 0. A. position ? 5-64. What is the situation of the head in the R. O. P. posi- tion ? 5-65. What is the mechanism of delivery in the R. 0. P. position ? 5-64. What is anterior rotation, and how does it occur? 5-65. What are the difficulties in posterior rotation ? 5-66. OBSTETRICS. 125 How would you recognize the R. 0. P. position? 5-66. How should the R. O. P. position be managed ? 5-67. What is the mechanism of delivery in the L. 0. P. position ? 5-66. What is the cause, and what is the plane and diameters of the face presentation ? 5-67. How is the head situated in the L. M. A. position? 5-67. What is the mechanism of delivery in the L. M. A. position ? 5-67. What is the difficulty of delivery in the L. M. A. posi- tion ? 5-67. How may this difficulty be overcome ? 5-67 What is the treatment demanded in the L. M. A. posi- tion? 5-68. What is the mechanism of the R. M. A., and R. M. P., and L. M. P. positions ? 5-68. What is the brow presentation ? 5-68. What is the situation of the breech, and what is the mechanism of the L. S. A. position? 5-69. What is the mechanism of the R. S. A., and R. S. P. Positions, also, of the L. S. P. position ? 5-69. _ What are the dangers in a breech presentation ? What is premature respiration ? 5-69. How may the arms be extended and how may they be brought down ? 5-70. How may the head be extended ? 5-70. 126 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. How should a breech case be managed throughout? 5-71. What caution is necessary in pulling on the child's body. 5-71. When should early interference be undertaken? 5-71. What is the situation of the child in the L. D. A., R. D. A., R. D. P., and L. D. P. positions? 5-71. How is delivery effected in the transverse presenta- tion? 5-72. What is dystocia? 5-72. What are the causes of abnormal labor ? 5^72. What are the causes of uterine inertia and what may it result in ? 5-72. How should uterine inertia be treated ? 5-73. What are the objections to the use of ergot and stimu- lants in labor ? 5-74. What is irregular action of the uterine force and how should it be treated ? 5-74. What are the disturbances or obstructions to delivery in the maternal tissues ? 5-75. What is rigidity of the os due to, and how may it be distinguished ? 5-75. What is the treatment in rigidity of the os ? 5-75. What is displacement of the os uteri and what are the dangers of this condition ? 5-76. What is the treatment in a case of a displacement of the 6s uteri ? 5-76. What is the treatment in case of tumors obstructing the delivery ? 5-76. OBSTETRICS. 127 What are the plain varieties of deformed pelvis ? 5-77. What are the causes of deformed pelvis ? 5-77. What is kyphosis and scoliosis ? 5-78. What effect upon delivery is caused by deformed inlet ? 5-78. How is the mechanism of labor altered by deformities ? 5-78. How do you measure the conjugate diameters ? 5-79. How may the outlet be deformed ? 5-79. What are the ovular dystocia ? 5-79. What is the effect of premature rupture of the mem- brane? 5-80. What is a caul ? 5-80. What is an extra amniotic sac, and what is hydrops amnii ? 5-so. . What is prolapse of the funis, and what treatment is indicated? 5-81. How would you recognize a short funis during labor ? 0-81. What is hydrocephalus, how may it be recognized, and now should it be managed ? 5-81. ti may the feet or foot complicate head presenta- 5~-82 aad h°w should this complication be managed ? What is the course of twin labor, and what difficulty may occur in it ? 5-83. are the maternal conditions that effect labor ? 128 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What forms of hemorrhage are met with in labor ? 5-84. What is the cause of premature detachment of the placenta ; what are its symptoms and treatment ? 5-84. What is placenta previa, and how and why does it occur ? 5-84. When does placenta previa give trouble and in what way ? 5-85. What is the treatment of placenta previa when occur- ring before the full term ? 5-85. How should delivery be managed at full term ? 5-85. What is a tampon and how is it applied ? 5-86. What cautions are to be observed with the tampon ? 5-86. What is the cause and what are the symptoms of post- partum hemorrhage ? 5-87. What are the indications for treatment in post-partum hemorrhage ? 5-87. How is the treatment effected in post-partum hemor- rhage ? 5-87. What is the operation of transfusion ? 5-88. What is secondary hemorrhage and what is its cause ? 5-88. What is the cause of rupture of the uterus, and under what circumstances does it occur ? 5-88. What is the treatment of rupture of the uterus ? 5-89. What is puerperal eclampsia and what is the clinical history of an attack? 5-89. What are the prodromic symptoms and what is the cause of puerperal eclampsia ? 5-90. OBSTETRICS. 129 What is the difference between puerperal and uremic eclampsia ? 5-90. How does puerperal eclampsia differ from other forms of convulsions ? 5-91. What are the indications for treatment in puerperal eclampsia? 5-91. What is the preventive treatment in puerperal eclamp- sia? 5-91. What is the treatment of puerperal eclampsia at an attack ? 5-91. Besides hemorrhage, what complications may exist during or after the third stage of labor ? 5-92. What are the forms of placental dystocia? 5-92. What is an adherent placenta and how should it be treated? 5-92. What is hour-glass contraction and how may it be recognized and overcome ? 5-92. What is utero-placental vacuum, and how may it be detected and remedied? 5-93. What are the irregular forms of placenta ? 5 93. What is inversion of the uterus, its cause and how recognized ? 5-93. What is the treatment of inversion of the uterus ? 5-93. What is emphysema of the neck? 5-94.. What is the treatment of laceration of the cervix or Perineum? 5-95. Describe the obstetric forceps, their object, and the names of the parts ? 5-95. 130 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. When should the forceps be applied, and what prelimi- naries are necessary in their application ? 5-96. What is the position of the woman and of the physician in applying the forceps. 5-97. How should the forceps be applied in the L. O. A. posi- tion at the inlet ? 5-96. How should the blades be held at the beginning and indroduction and how in making traction ? 5-98. When and how long should traction be made ? 5-98. Describe the application of the forceps at the inferior strait. 5-98. How do you make traction in the R. O. P. position ? 5-98.' Describe the application of the forceps in the R. 0. A. and L. O. P. positions ? 5-99. Describe the application of the forceps in the face pres- entation. 5-99. What are the indications for the use of the forceps ? 5-99. What alternatives do we possess to the use of the for- ceps ? 5-100. What is version, and how many kinds of version are there? 5-100. What are the indications of version ? 5-100. How do you perform internal version ? 5-100. How is external version performed ? 5-101. Describe bipolar version. 5-101. What is embryotomy ?-5-101. Describe the performance of embryotomy in the trans- verse presentation. 5-102. OBSTETRICS. 131 What is cranioclasm ? 5-103. What cautions are necessary in cranioclasm ? 5-103. What is Ceesarean section and what are the indications for it ? 5-104. What are the steps in the Caesarean section ? 5-104. Describe Porro's method of Caesarean section. 5-104. What is gastro-elytrotomy ? 5-104. What is symphyseotomy ? 5-105. What is the induction of labor and what are the indi- cations for its performance ? 5-105. How is the operation conducted after the induction of premature labor? 5-105. What is meant by the term, lying-in-period ? 5-106. What is involution and how long a time is required for this process ? 5-106. What irregularities are met with in involution ? 0-106. What are the lochia, and what are its properties, nature and amount ? 5-106. How long should a woman be kept in bed and at rest a*ter labor? 5-107. . What physical peculiarities are indicated in the lying- in period? 5-107. When is milk secreted and what is the nature of the milk? 5-107. It hat is milk fever ? 5-107. rules should be observed concerning lactation? 132 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What attention should be paid to the urine after labor? 5-108. How would you proceed to pass the catheter in the female ? 5-108. What attention do the bowels require after labor ? 5-108. To what diseases is a woman especially liable after labor ? 5-109. What is puerperal septicemia, and what are its causes ? 5-109. What are the symptoms and course of acute septi- cemia ? 5-109. What are the symptoms of chronic septicemia? 5-110. How is septicemia influenced by peritonitis and other inflammations ? 5-110. What are the indications for treatment in acute septi- cemia? 5-110. How would you proceed to give an antiseptic injection in septicemia? 5-110. What are the indications for treatment in chronic sep- ticemia? 5-111. What is uterine thrombosis and what results may ensue from it.? 5-111. What is phlegmasia alba dolens and what are its symp- toms and results ? 5-111. What is the treatment of milk leg? 5-112. What is mastitis, and what are its symptoms ? 5-112. What is the treatment of mastitis ? 5-112. What are the affections of the nipple, and how should they be treated ? 5-113. GYNECOLOGY. 133 What are agalactia and galactorrhea? 5-113. What are the principal congenital defects of the child, and what rules are applicable to these affections ' 5-113. What is cephalhematoma and how is its diagnosis made? 5-114. What is the treatment of cephalhematoma? 5-114. What is a patulous foramen ovale, and what is its treatment? 5-114. GYNECOLOGY. What is gynecology ? 7-9. Describe the external organs of generation of the female. 7-9. Describe the internal organs of generation of the female. 7-10. Describe the development of the female sexual organs. 7-23. What are the functions of the female sexual organs ? 7-27. . How do you proceed in a gynecological examination ? 7-29. Describe the dorsal recumbent position. 7-31. Describe the position for Sims's speculum. 7-33. Describe the genu-pectoral position. 7-33. 134 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the erect position. 7-33. Describe the proceeding in inspection of the mammee, of the abdomen, and of the genitalia. 7-35. Describe the discharges from the female genitalia, their sources, appearance, and properties. 7-36. Describe percussion and palpation, with their uses and methods of performance in gynecology. 7-39. How would you make the diagnosis of a tumor by pal- pation ? 7-41. How would you make a digital examination in gyne- cology? 7-42. What is a bimanual examination and how is it ef- fected ? 7-47. What are the varieties of bimanual examinations ? 7-48-60. What do you ascertain by a bimanual examination ? 7-49. What is a speculum; what are the indications or contra-indications for its use ? 7-60. What are the varieties of specula ? 7-61. What do you look for when the cervix is engaged ? 7-65. Describe flexible and inflexible sounds and probes. 7-66. What are the indications and contraindications for passing the uterine sound? 7-67. What are the precautions and dangers in passing the uterine sound? 7-68. What information is to be gained by the use of the sound or probe ? 7-68. GYNECOLOGY. 135 How do you proceed to introduce the sound or probe ' 7-69. How do you effect dilatation of the cervix ? 7-72. Describe tents, metallic dilators, and bougies. 7-73. Describe the curette, and volsella,- curette-forceps, and tenaeuli. 7-75. Describe urethral caruncle and its treatment. 7-76. Describe eversion of the mucous membrane and its treatment. 7-76. Describe prolapse of the mucous membrane and its treatment. 7-76. Describe inflammation of the labium majus, its symp- toms, and treatment. 7-77. What are the symptoms and treatment of a cyst of the vulvo-vaginal gland ? 7-78. Describe the varieties and diagnosis of hernia into the labium majus. 7-78. What is hydrocele of the round ligament, its diagnosis, and treatment ? 7-78. _ What is the treatment of hypertrophy of the nymphae? 7-79. What is the treatment of papillomata of the labia or of the vulva? 7-79. Describe and treat eruptions of the vulva. 7-80. , What is vaginismus, its varieties, and treatment? 7 is coccygodynia, its cause, and treatment? . What are the causes and what is the treatment of in- juries to the perineum ? 7-83. 136 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Describe the operation for rupture of the perineum. 7-85. What is catarrhal vulvitis, its causes, symptoms and treatment ? 7-90. Describe follicular vulvitis, diabetic and aphthous vulvitis, giving symptoms and treatment. 7-91. Describe imperforate hymen and its treatment. 7-92. Describe genito-urinary Astute, their causes and symptoms. 7-95. What is the diagnosis and treatment of genito-urinary Astute ? 7-96. What are the complications, and what is the treatment of genito-urinary Astute? 7-97. What are recto-vaginal Astute, and what is their treatment ? 7-99. Describe prolapse of the vagina, its causes, and symp- toms. 7-99. What is the diagnosis and treatment of prolapse of the vagina? 7-100. What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of ca- tarrhal vaginitis ? What of granular and gonorrheal vaginitis ? 7-103. What are the causes and treatment of cysts of the vagina? 7-103. What is the diagnosis and treatment of tumors and malignant diseases of the vagina ? 7-104. Describe the deviations of the uterus from the normal position. 7-105. What is Aexion of the vagina, and what are its symp' toms ? 7-106. GYNECOLOGY. 137 Describe anteflexion of the vagina, its causes, symp- toms, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. 7-108. Describe the treatment of anteflexion. 7-111. What is anteversion, its causes, symptoms and diag- nosis? 7-112. What is the treatment of anteversion ? 7-113. What is retroversion, and what are its symptoms? 7-113. What is retroflexion, its pathology and causes ? 7-116. What are the symptoms of retroflexion? 7-117. What is the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of retroflexion ? 7-118. What is prolapse of the uterus, its causes, and symp- toms? 7-119. What is the diagnosis and treatment of prolapse of the Uterus? 7-120. What is inversion of the uterus, its mechanism, and varieties ? 7-122. What are the relations of parts in complete inversion the uterus ? 7-123. What is the treatment of inversion of the uterus? 7-124. What is amenorrhea ? Give its causes, symptoms and treatment. 7-125. What is dysmenorrhea, its varieties, causes, symptoms and treatment ? 7-126. What is menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, their causes and treatment ? 7-127. 138 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is acute endometritis, its symptoms, and treat- ment? 7-128. What is chronic endometritis, its causes, and treat- ment? 7-129. What is acute and chronic parenchymatous metritis, their symptoms, pathology, and causes? 7-129. What is the diagnosis and treatment of acute paren- chymatous metritis ? 7-130. What are the symptoms, and what is the diagnosis and treatment, of hypertrophic elongation of the cervix? 7-132. What are the varieties, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, of uterine neoplasms ? 7-134. Describe the operations of supra-vaginal hysterectomy. 7-136. Describe the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant diseases of the uterus. 7-139. Describe the operation of the excision of the entire uterus. 7-142. Describe the cause of laceration of the cervix from parturition, the results, and symptoms of same. 7-147, 148. How would you diagnosticate and treat a case of laceration of the cervix uteri ? 7-150. Describe the operation for lacerated cervix. 7-151. What is the after-treatment of lacerated cervix uteri? 7-154. Describe salpingitis and hydrops tubse. 7-155. Describe pyosalpinx and hematosalpinx. 7-156. Describe the operation of ovariotomy. 7-166. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 139 What are the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of displaced ovaries ? 7-157. What is the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic ovaritis ? 7-159. Describe tumors of the ovaries, their symptoms, and history. 7-160. What are the physical signs of tumors of the ovaries ? 7-161. Describe the differential diagnosis of tumors of the ovaries. 7-164. Describe the operating room, instruments, sponges, etc., required in removing tumors of the ovaries. 7-166, 169. Describe the steps and details of the operation for tumor. 7-169. What is pelvic cellulitis, its causes, and symptoms? 7-172. What are the physical signs of pelvic cellulitis? 7-173. What is the treatment of nelvic cellulitis? 7-174. Describe the fetal circulation. 14-9. What changes in the fetal circulation occur at birth ? 14-10. What is the normal weight, pulse, and respiration of a new-born infant ? 14-10. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 140 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the peculiarities of the digestion, liver, etc., of the new-born infant? 14-11. What is the temperature of the new-born infant ? 14-12. Describe the dentition of children. 14-13. Describe the growth of the child. 14-514. Describe the growth of the head of the child. 14-15. What is the weight of the normal child at birth and during growth ? 14-16. How are prenatal diseases divided ? 14-16. What are the principal prenatal defects ? 14-17. What is the cause of intra-uterine amputations and fractures ? 14-18. What are the physiological and traumatic accidents of birth? 14-19. What is apncea neonatorum ? 14-20. What is asphyxia neonatorum, its pathological anat- omy, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment? 14-21. What is atelectasis pulmonum, its etiology, patho- logical anatomy, and prophylaxis ? 14-23. What is cyanosis, its history and etiology, occurrence, pathology, symptoms, and treatment ? 14-24. What is morbus Winckelii, its etiology, pathological anatomy, symptoms, etc. ? 14-25. What is apoplexia neonatorum, its cause, pathology, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-26. What is infantile spastic hemiplegia, its etiology, pathological anatomy, symptoms, and treatment ? 14-27. What is apoplexy of the lungs in children, its symp- toms, anatomy, etc. ? 14-28. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 141 What Is melaena neonatorum, its etiology, symptoms, etc. ? 14-28. What is ophthalmia neonatorum, its cause, patho- logical anatomy, course, and symptoms ? 14-28,8-83. What is the treatment of ophthalmia neonatorum ? 14-30, 8-83. What is the prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum ? 14-30. What is icterus neonatorum, its etiology, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-31. What is the etiology, pathological anatomy, symp- toms, and treatment, of septic infection of the newborn ? 14-32. What is the cause, and what are the symptoms and treatment of acute fatty degeneration of the newborn ? 14-33. Describe erysipelas neonatorum, and treat a case. 14-34. What is tetanus neonatorum, and what are its symp- toms, pathological anatomy, treatment, and prophy- laxis? 14-35. What is sclerema neonatorum congenitum, its etiology, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-36. What is caput succedaneum, its pathological anatomy, "md treatment? 14-38. What is cephalhematoma, its etiology, course, prog- nosis and treatment ? 14-39. What is hematocele traumatica, and what is its treat- ment? 14-4t. and a^e varieties °f fractures occurring at birth, a what is their prognosis and their treatment ? 14-43. 142 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What are the principal dislocations occurring at birth, their symptoms and treatment? 14-44. What is exomphalus, its pathological anatomy, etiol- ogy, and treatment? 14-44. What is omphalitis, its cause, complications, prophy- laxis, and treatment ? 14-46. What is hernia of the umbilicus, its symptoms, and treatment ? 14-48. What is syncope, its symptoms, and treatment ? 14-49. What is mastitis, its etiology, progress, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-50. What is simple atrophy in children, its symptoms, and treatment ? 14-51. What is the treatment of infantile flatulency and colic ? 14-53. What is the treatment of acute indigestion in infants? 14-54. Describe some of the best substitutes for mother's milk. 14-54. Give a diet-list for a child of about ten months old. 14-60. What do you understand by the term, mucous disease? 14-60. Give the symptoms, etiology and treatment of mu- cous disease? 14-61. What is rachitis, and what is its pathology ? 14-63. What is the course, prognosis, etiology, and symptoms of rachitis ? 14-66. What is the treatment of rachitis ? 14-67. What is scrofula, its etiology, and symptoms ? 14-69. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 143 What is the prophylaxis and treatment of scrofula ? 14-69, 73. What is the etiology, symptoms and treatment of purpura in a child ? 14-75. What is varicella, its course, and treatment? 14-80. What are the complications, sequelse, prophylaxis, and treatment of scarlatina ? 14-81. What is congenital syphilis, its symptoms, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-96. What is spina bifida, its cause, progress, and treat- ment ? 14-125. What is eclampsia, its cause, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-127. What is harelip, and its varieties ? 14-141. What are the consequences and treatment of hare-lip ? 14-142. What is anchyloglottis, its symptoms, and varieties ? 14-143. What is ranula, its cause, symptoms, and treatment ? 14-145. What is thrush, its etiology, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-146. What is simple amygdalitis, its symptoms, and treat- ment ? 14-152. What is tonsillitis parenchymatosa, its etiology, prophylaxis, prognosis, and treatment ? 14-152. What do you understand by hypertrophy of the ton- sils? 14-153. How would you treat a case of infantile vomiting and dyspepsia? 14-155. 144 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. What is the prophylaxis of infantile vomiting and dyspepsia? 14-156. How would you treat a case of simple catarrhal or serous diarrhoea ? 14-159. What are the symptoms and treatment of a case of chronic intestinal catarrh of children ? 14-163, 164. How would you treat a case of dysentery in children ? 14-165. Season, 1891-92. BLAKISTON'S ?QUIZ-COMPENDS?. REVISED EDITIONS. ILLUSTRATED. The best, the most practical and the most con- cise series of Compends for Students' use in the lecture room or when pre- paring for examination. Based upon the most popular text-books and the lectures of prominent Professors, and written by men of large experience with quiz classes and col- lege work. for sale by booksellers everywhere. INDEX. 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