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FANSHAW, No. 1 Murray-Street. 182S. If i c NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINt BETHESDA 14, MD. AX ACT TO INCORPORATE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING £fje Atactic* Censors. Dr. PETER C. TAPPEN, \ JOHN STEARNS, M. D. Delegate to the State Medical Society JAMES R. MANLEY, M. D. Lecturers. JOHN B. BECK, M. D. STEPHEN BROWN, M. D. THOMAS COCK, M. D. Dr. ELBRIDGE G. DUNNEL. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. SAMUEL W. MOORE, M. D. FELIX PASCALIS, M. D. WM. F. SEAMAN, M. D. JOHN STEARNS, M. D. JEREMIAH VAN RENSSELAER, M. D ^X-liAWS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY <©{ t|e amounts of Neto=¥orft. CHAPTER I. MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. Art. 1. The anniversary meeting shall be held on the first Monday in July in every year. If the Inde- pendence of the United States shall be celebrated on this day, the secretary, and one other member in at- tendance, may adjourn to the next day. Art. 2. The stated meetings shall be on the second Monday in every month, except July. Art. 3. Extraordinary meetings may be called by the president, or in his absence by the vice-president, at the request, in writing, signed by eleven members; a printed notice of which shall be sent to each mem- ber, at least three days previous to the meeting. Art. 4. The society may adjourn, from day to day, their anniversary, stated, or extraordinary meetings. Art. 5. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum at each meeting. Art. 6. In the absence of the president, vice-pre- sident and censors, the senior member on the roll shall preside. ±1 BY-LAWS. Art. 7. Every member shall observe order and de- , corutn in the society, shall pay due respect to the pre- sident, and other officers, and to his fellows, and no member shall withdraw, during the session, without special permission from the chair. CHAPTER II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Art. 1. At each stated meeting, after the presiding officer shall have declared the society formed, the mi- nutes of the last meeting shall be read, the examina- tion of candidates for license shall be held, if any be recommended by the Comitia Minora. The presiding officer may direct the order in which communications shall be read. Motions, and other unfinished business of the last meeting shall be considered ; and at extraordinary meetings, the business for which the society is conven- ed shall be first considered. Art. 2. No member shall be permitted to speak on any subject of business more than twice, without spe- cial leave of the presiding officer. Art. 3. At each anniversary meeting, after the ex- amination of candidates, the minutes of the Comitia Minora of the last year shall be read. Art. 4. The election of officers shall be held by ballot. Accounts against the Society shall be consider- ed, and acted on. ; Art. 5. Amendments to the by-laws may be con- sidered and decided. BY-LAWS. 23 CHAPTER III. PRESIDENT. Art. 1. It shall be the duty of the president to pre- side at all meetings of the Society, and preserve order and decorum. Art. 2. He shall perform the duties prescribed by the statutes, by-laws, and resolutions of the Society. Art. 3. He shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by special resolution. Art. 4. He shall take the sense of the Society on every motion made and seconded. Art. 5. He, or any officer who may preside, shall have no vote, except on questions where there is an equal division of voices. Art. 6. He shall keep on file all documents and cer- tificates in relation to the Society, which are by law de- posited with him, and these he shall deliver to his suc- cessor. Art. 7. He shall lay before the Society, at each stated meeting, the certificates delivered to him since the last meeting, from physicians respecting themselves, in con- formity to the 7th section of the act regulating the prac- tice of Physic and Surgery, passed April 20, 1818. CHAPTER IV. VICE-PRESIDENT. The vice-president, in the absence of the president, shall preside and perform the duties of the president. 24 BY-LAWS. CHAPTER V. CENSORS. Art- 1. The censors shall perform the duties pre- scribed by the statutes, the by-laws, and resolutions of the Society. Art. 2. In the absence of the president and vice- president, the senior censor present shall preside. Art. 3. It shall be the duty of the Comitia Minora to take cognizance of breaches of the precepts of Me- dical Ethics which shall be laid before them, and may report the result of their proceedings thereon to the Society, if they think proper. CHAPTER VI. TREASURER. Art. 1. The treasurer shall perform the duties dU rected by the statutes, the by-laws, and resolutions of the Society. Art. 2. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to put all the monies of the Society into one fund, to be ap- propriated to the payment of current expenses, or such other objects and improvements as the Society may occasionally direct; pursuant to the 17th section of the statute of 1813, and the amendment of 1819, BY-LAWS. 25 CHAPTER VII. SECRETARY. Art. 1. The secretary shall perform the duties di- rected by the statutes, the by-laws, and resolutions of the society. Art. 2. He shall publish, at least once in each year, in one or more newspapers of this city, a list of the members of the Society, and shall also publish, at the same time, the fourth and seventh sections of the law, entitled " an Act to amend an Act, entitled, an Act to Incorporate Medical Societies, for the purpose of regulating the Practice of Physic and Surgery in this State," passed on the 20th April, 1818. Art. 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary to no- tify each person proposed as a member of this society, that he has been so proposed, and to transmit him a copy of the first Art. of the 13th chapter of the by-laws. —©<©©— CHAPTER VIII. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Art. 1. At each anniversary meeting a correspond- ing secretary shall be elected by ballot. Art. 2. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Society under the direction of the Comitia Mino- ra. He shall retain copies of all letters written by him in behalf of the Society, and preserve on file all letters and communications received by him in his of- ficial capacity, and shall report the same at each sta- ted meeting. 16 UY-LAWS. Art. 3. He shall record, in a book provided for that purpose, all communications read before the So- ciety, which shall be approved by the Comitia Mino- ra, and such papers shall be considered the property of the Society. Art. 4. He shall obey all orders and resolutions appertaining to the duties of his office. Art. 5. In cases of absence or sickness, the secre- taries shall reciprocally perform each others duties. CHAPTER IX. DELEGATE. Art. 1. The delegate shall perform the duties pre- scribed by law. Art. 2. He shall support the honour and dignity of the Society. Art. 3. He shall obey the orders and resolutions of the Society. CHAPTER X. COMITIA MINORA- Art. 1. The president and other officers shall consti- tute the Comitia Minora. Art. 2. The Comitia Minora shall meet on the Wednesday preceding each anniversary and stated meeting. BY-LAWS. 21 Art. 3. The president may call an extraordinary meeting of the Comitia Ninora whenever he shall deem it necessary. Art. 4. The president or vice-president, together with three censors, shall constitute a quorum for the examination of candidates, but any four members may constitute a quorum for the transaction of other busi- ness. Art. 5* The journal of the proceedings of the Co- mitia Minora shall be kept by the secretary, and read at each anniversary meeting, together with the names of the attending and absent members, and if it shall appear that any member has been absent from three meetings in succession, without having assigned a sa- tisfactory reason, he shall be ineligible to office for the year ensuing. Art. 6. All communications, memoirs, or essays on medical subjects, after having been read and ac- cepted by the Medical Society, may be submitted to the Comitia Minora for their subsequent examination, by whom they may be ordered to be published. Art. 7. The Comitia Minora shall execute such duties as shall be prescribed by the society. Art. 8. The Comitia Minora may make rules and regulations for their government, not inconsistent with the charter or by-laws of the corporation. 28 BY-LAWS. CHAPTER XI. LECTURERS. Art. 1. Ten lecturers shall be elected by ballot at each anniversary meeting. Art. 2. Each lecturer shall read according to the alphabetical arrangement of his name at each meeting of the society, except the anniversary, a dissertation on some subject connected with medicine or surgery, or some important case in practice. Art. 3. He shall furnish the corresponding secre- tary with a copy of his dissertation previous to the jfiext stated meeting after it is read. CHAPTER XII. ORDINARY MEMBERS. Art. 1. The ordinary members shall consist of physicians and surgeons only. Art. 2. It shall be the duty of every member of the society to answer before the Comitia Minora to complaints made against him; and in case of refusal to answer when required, the name of such member shall be reported to the society. Art. 3. When the name of any gentleman settled in the city as a medical practitioner, is reported to the Society, the president shall appoint a committee to wait upon him, presenting the by-laws under which they act, and offer to lay his credentials before the BY-LAWS. 29' Society, to the end that he may be known to the pro- fession as a regular practitioner ; and if the gentleman so called upon shall not exhibit satisfactory creden- tials, it shall be the duty of the secretary to inquire at the clerk's office, and ascertain whether a copy of his license has been lodged there, and report the re- sult at the next meeting. CHAPTER XIII. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Art. 1. Any member may propose a candidate for a seat as member of this society, and when the docu- ments and testimonials relative to the moral character and professional qualifications of such candidate shall be placed in the hands of the secretary, he shall lay them before the Comitia Minora, whose duty it shall be to recommend the admission of such candidate, if they think him eligible, at the next stated meeting of the society. Art. 2. Every member shall be proposed at one stated meeting, and ballotted for at the next; and if he shall have a majority of votes of the members pre- sent, he shall become a member. Art. 3. Every member thus admitted, shall sign the by-laws, end designate the state or country of his birth, and the medical rank or station held by him at, or previous to, his admission. Art. 4. Every member admitted into the society shall, before signing the by-laws, be required by the secretary to present the treasurer's receipt for his ini- 30 BY-LAW*. tiation fee, (ten dollars,) which shall be appropriated to the use of the society : whereupon the secretary shall present him with a copy of the by-laws. Art. 5. The name of each person admitted or elected, who has refused or neglected to sign the by- laws, shall be reported in writing, by the secretary, at the next anniversary meeting. Art. 6. Each person so reported shall be inform- ed thereof by the secretary within one month there- after ; and every person thus informed, who shall re- fuse or neglect to sign the by-laws before the next anniversary meeting, shall cease to be an elect'mem- ber. CHAPTER XIV. CONTRIBUTION AND ARREARS. Art. 1. The Society, at the anniversary meeting, may establish such contribution as shall meet the year- ly expenses. Art. 2. Every member applying for a certificate of membership, shall produce a certificate from the treasurer that he is not in arrears. Art. 3. The treasurer shall, from time to time, at the cost of the Society, employ a person to collect the arrears of each member, to whom, in case of refusal to pay, a copy of the following section shall be de- livered in writing. Art. 4. Every member who shall continue delin- quent m the payment of his contributions during the BY-LAWS. 31 term of one year, after being notified thereof by the treasurer, shall forfeit the privileges of membership. —oo©— CHAPTER XV. HONORARY MEMBERS. Art. 1. Any member may propose a candidate as an honorary member, but the medical rank or station held by him shall be furnished in writing by the pro- poser, at or previous to the time of such proposal, and if satisfactory, the person so proposed shall be ballot- ted for at a subsequent meeting. A majority of votes shall constitute him an honorary member. Art. 2. Not more than six honorary members shall be annually elected. Art. 3. The honorary members may take part in debate, but shall not be entitled to vote. Art. 4. The Governor and Chancellor of the State, and the Mayor of the city of New-York, for the time being, shall be, ex-officio, honorary members. ■*»l»"- The following shall be the form of the diploma for honorary members. Societas Medica Civitatis Novi Eboraci atque Comita- tus, Omnibus has literas perlecturis. SALUTEM. Virum probum et ornatissimum, p. D. A. B. Quern fama promit, scientiarum 32 BY-LAWS. medicinae et chirurgiae cultorem, liberalium honoribus artium provectum, Placuit nobis Praesidi, caeterisq: Sociis hujusce Comitatus Concil: Med : Facultatis So- cium constitnere Honorarium ; atque auctoritatem ei donare, privilegia et immunitates ad nostrates Medi- caeq : Facultatis quae pertinent; ubiq : terrarum dex- tra et honore amplectendum. In quorum fidem, hae literae, pro Emerito So- cio D. D. A. B. manibus, sigilloq. Ar- L. s. chiatrum munitae lubentissime mandantur. Medicis jEdibus Novi-Eboraci. A. D. 18 Apr: Kalend ; Prees. Scr. —QOO CHAPTER XVI. LICENTIATES. Art. 1. All applicants for a license to practice phy- sic and surgery, who shall be approved of by the Co- mitia Minora, shall by them be recommended to the Society, and be subject to such formalities as the Co- mitia Minora shall direct. Art. 2. Every candidate for license, on presenting himself for examination, shall pay to the censors, for the benefit of the Society, the sum of ten dollars. Art. 3. Every person admitted to the practice of physic or surgery, shall sign the following declara- tion, viz. I, A. B. do solemnly declare, that I will honestly, BY-LAWS. 3S virtuously, and chastely conduct myself in the prac- tice of physic and surgery, and that I will with fideli- ty and honour, do every thing in my power for the benefit of the sick committed to my charge. This declaration, so signed, shall be preserved amongst the archives of the Society. Art. 4. Every person admitted to the practice of physic and surgery shall receive the following diplo- ma, viz : Omnibus ad quos hce literce pervenerint. SALUTEM: NOS, Societatis Medicae Comitatus Novi Eboraci, Prseses, Caeterique Socii, hoc scripto testatum volu- mus, (here insert the name and country of the candi- date) Artis medicae et chirurgicae sub viris in medici- na peritis, tempore praestituto, se studio incubuisse, et in hisce studiis progressum, luculento testimonio, no- bis probasse et commendasse. Quocirca, ex auctori- tate nobis commissa, medicinae et artis chirurgicae, in hac civitate exercendae, ei potestatem, cum omnibus privilegiis ad has artes pertinentibus, concedimus. In quorum testimonium hocce diploma, sigillo ^lostro munitum, donavimus. Datum Novi Eboraci die A. D. Millesimo octingentesimo. Prases. a Secretis. Art. 5. If instead of the above, a diploma in the English language should be requested by the person so admitted, it shall be in the following form, viz. <_>4 BY-LAWS. To all to whom these presents shall come, or may in any wise concern: The President and Members of the Medical Socie- ty of the County of New-York, send greeting:— Whereas (insert the name and country of the candi- date) hath exhibited unto us satisfactory testimony that he hath studied physic and surgery, for the term, and in the manner directed by law; arid hath also, upon examination by our censors, given sufficient proofs of his proficiency in the healing art, and of his moral character. Wherefore, by virtue of the power vested in us by law, we do grant unto the said (insert the name of the candidate) the privilege of practising physic and surgery in this state, together with all the rights and immunities which usually appertain to phy- sicians and surgeons. In witness whereof, we have granted this di- j ploma, sealed with our seal, and testified by our President and Secretary, at (insert place, day, and year.) Art. 6. Every person receiving a diploma of li- cense, shall be notified by the secretary that he must deposit a copy of the same with the clerk of the coun- ty in which he may reside, and that until this be done, 1 he is subject to penalty as an illegal practitioner. Art. 7. Every person admitted to the practice of J Physic and Surgery by this Society, shall pay to the secretary five dollars, and he shall be presented with a copy of the charter and by-laws. HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE OF THE founts ot Ktto-irotife. Hugh Williamson, M. D.*—New-York. Lewis Valentine, M. D. P.—Nancy, France. M. Teabuck, M. D. P.—New-Orleans. M. Gerardin, M. D. P.—France. M. L. Breuletou, M. D. P.—Bordeaux, France. Hippolite Cloquet, M. D. P.—Paris, France. Don Augustine Frutos, M. D.—Madrid, Spain. Pierre Frederick Thomas, M. D.—New-Orleans. M. Berard, M. D.—Montpellier, France. Zollickhoffer.—Philadelphia. J. L. Chabert, M. D. M.—New-Orleans. Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor.—New-Jersey. P. M. Roux, M. D.—Marseilles, France. * Deceased. MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW-YORK. Samuel Akerly, A. M. Andrew Anderson, M. D. Anthony L. Anderson William Barrow, M. D. John Baxter, M. D. Joseph Bayley, M. D. John B. Beck. M. D. Stephen D. Beekman Francis E. Berger, M. D. Cornelius C. Blatchly Ebenezer S. Blatchly James C. Bliss, M. D. Samuel Borrowe", M. D. Thomas Boyd David B. Brooks, M. D. Stephen Brown, M. D. Nehemiah Brush, Jun. Andrew Buckham James Cameron John C. Cheesman, M. D. Alexander Clinton, M. D. Thomas Cock, M. D. James Cockcroft, M, D. John S. Conger, A. M. Gerardus A. Cooper, M. D. Fayette Cooper John Davis Daniel Dayton James E. Dekay, M. D. Edward Delafield, M. D. Nicoll H. Dering, M. D. John H, Douglass Charles Drake, M. D. Elbridge G. Dunnel Caspar W. Eddy, M. D. Floyd T. Ferris Joshua Fisher, M. D. John W. Francis, M. D. Augustus R. Griffen, M. D. Israel Hallock Andrew Hammersly, M. D. William Hammersly, M. D. Joseph Hanson, M. D. Peter B. Helrae, M. D. George Herriot William Hibbard David Hosack, M. D. John I. Howe Amos G. Hull Abraham T. Hunter, M. D. Thomas W. Hunter Ansel W. Ives, M. D. John D. Jaques, M. D. Francis U. Johnston, M. D. H. Tomlinson Judson, M. D. benjamin P. Kissam, M. D. Benjamin R. Kissam, M. D. Daniel W. Kissam., M. D. Samuel S. Kuypers Samuel M'Auley, M. D. J. M Scott M'Knight Hugh M'Lean William James M'Nevin, M. D. James R. Man ley, M. D. Samuel R. Marshall Samuel L. Mitchill, M. D. Otho Monroy, M. D. Samuel W. Moore, M. D. MEMBERS. Valentine Mott, M. D. John Neilson John Onderdonk Samuel Osborn, M. D. Jacob Ostrom Felix Padtfalis, M. D. D. L. M. Peixotto, M. D. James M. Pendleton, M. D. Richard Pennel, M. D. James L. Phelps William F. Piatt Wright Post, M. D. Benjamin R. Robson John R. B. Rodgers, M. D. J. Kearney Rodgers, M. D. David Rogers David L. Rogers, M. D. J. Smyth Rogers, M. D. Richard Seaman William F. Seaman, M. D. Gilbert Smith, M. D. Joseph M. Smith, M. D. John Stearns, M. D. John W. Sterling, M. D. Alexander H. Stevens, M. D. William Stillwell Hugh Sweeny, M. D. William Swift, M. D. Peter C. Tappen Thomas Van Beuren Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, M. D. Henry M. Van Solingen, M. D. Richard Ver Meule John Wagner, M. D. John Watts, Jun. M. D. John W. Weed Abraham D. Wilson, M. D. Egerton L. Winthrop, M. D. Amaziah Wright Isaac Wood, M. D. Christopher C. Yates. 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