NANCREDE’S ANATOMY AND DISSECTOR, containing 180 finely executed Wood-cuts, and 30 magnfieent colored plates of the DIS- SECTION OF THE HUMAN BODY, engraved in the highest style of lithographic art. No pains or expense have been spared to make this work the most exhaustive yet concise Student’s Manual of Anat- omy and Dissection eve1- published, either in this country or Europe. The colored plates are designed to aid the Student in dissecting the Muscles, Arteries, Veins and Nerves. For this edition the woodcuts have all been specially drawn and engraved, and an appendix added containing 60 illus- trations, representing the structure of the entire Human 1 Skeleton, the whole based on the nth Edition of Gray’s Anatomy, and forming a handsome post 8vo volume of over 400 pages. Price, st ongly bound in extra cloth or oil- cloth, for the Dissecting Room, $2t00 net. SAUNDERS’ Pocket Medical Lexicon. BEING A DICTIONARY OF WORDS AND TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY. COLLATED FROM THE HIGHEST AUTHORITIES AND BROUGHT UP TO PRESENT DATE. BY JOHN M. KEATING, M. D. (Umv. of Pa.), FILLOW COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OP PHILADELPHIA; VISITING OBSTETRI- CIAN TO THK PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL, AND LECTURER ON DISEASES OP WOMEN AND CHILDREN; GYNECOLOGIST TO ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL; SURGEON TO THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL, ETC.; EDITOR “CYCLOPAEDIA. OP DISEASES*OP CHILDREN." AND HENRY HAMILTON, AUTHOR OP “A NEW TRANSLATION OP VIRGIL3 ASNBID INTO ENGLISH RHYME," ETC. WITH ADDENDA CONSISTING OF THE ETYMOLOGICAL FACTORS COMMON IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, COMPARATIVE TABLES OF METRIC AND APOTHECARIES* WEIGHTS, A LIST OF POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES, / AND ABBREVIATIONS USE]> IN r PHILADELPHIA : S? W. B. SAUNDERS, 913 WALNUT STREET. I89O. Entered, ccording of in thj year 1890, by I la the Offic of at Washington, D. C. Press of Wm. F. Fell & Co., 1220-24 'STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. In issuing a little volume of this character it is perhaps but just to say that of course it cannot, and is not intended to, replace the larger works of the same class. For more minute information, extended description and elucidation, suggestions for treatment, and other minutiae for which the work of reference is consulted, recourse must be had to more extended dictionaries, text-books, and similar sources of information. Nevertheless, it is confidently believed that the present volume meets a distinct and imperative need of the student, conveying in condensed and convenient form concise explanations of innumer- able terms for which he is liable to have continual use. The medical student daily meets unfamiliar technical and scientific terms, of the meaning of which it is important he should have immediate knowledge—not necessarily an. exhaustive exposi- tion, but a hint, a clue—and it is hoped thjs little work will supply the desired key. Pains have not been spared to insure accuracy of terminology, ac- centuation and definition, and the work is supple- mented with several useful tables, of factors fre- quently used in the etymological construction of our medical nomenclature, etc. An appended list of Antidotes adds to the value of the volume. THE AUTHORS. ABBREVIATIONS. fy. Recipe. Take. I1\. Minimum. Minim ; of fluid drachm. S. Scrupulum. Scruple. 5. Drachma. Drachm ; three scruples, or eighth part of ounce, liquid. S. Uncia. An ounce. R>. Libra. A pound weight. aa. Ana, of each. Add. Adde, add. Ad lib. Ad libitum, at pleasure. Admov. Admove, apply. Alt. hor. Alternis horis, every alternate hour. Aq. Aqua, water. Aq. bull. Aqua bulliens, boiling water. Aq. dest. Aqua destillata, distilled water. Aq. font. Aqua fontana, spring water. Aq mar. Aqua marina, sea water. Aq. pur. Aqua pura, pure water. B. A. Balneum arenae, sand bath. Bib. Bibe, drink. Bis. ind. Bis indies, twice a day. Bol. Bolus, a large pill. Bull. Bulliat, let it boil. Cap. Capiat, let him take. C. n. Cras nocte, to-morrow night. C. m. Cras mane, to-morrow morning. Cochl. Cochleare, spoonful. Coch. amp. Cochleare amplum, tablespoonful. Coch. mag. Cochleare magnum, tablespoonful. Coch. med. Cochleare medium, dessertspoonful. Coch. parv. Cochleare parvum, teaspoonful. ABBREVIATIONS. Colat. Colatus, strained. Cong. Congius, a gallon. Coq. Coque, boil. Cort. Cortex, bark. Cuj. Cujus, of which. Cyath. Cyathus, a glassful. Decub. Decubitus, lying down. Det. Detur, let it be given. Dieb. alt. Diebus alternis, every alternate day. Dieb. tert. Diebus tertius, every third day. Dil. Dilutus, dilute. Dim. Dimidius, one-half. Div. Divide, divide. Don. Donee, until. Dos. Dosis, a dose. Ejusd. Ejusdem, of the same. Emp. Emplastrum, a plaster. Ext. Extractum, extract. F., Ft. Fiat, let there be made. FI. Fluidus, fluid. Flor. Flores, flowers. Ft. mist. Fiat mistura, let a mixture be made. Ft. pil. Fiat pilulse, let pills be made. Ft. s. a. Fiat secundum artem, let there be made ac- cording to art. Gr. Granum, grain. Gtt. Guttse, drops. Guttat. Guttatim, by drops. Haust. Haustus, a draught. Hor. decub. Hora decubitus, at bed-time. H. S. Horasomni, on going to sleep. Inj. Injectio, an injection. Liq. Liquor, liquor. M. Misce,mix. Mac. Macera, macerate. Mass. Massa, a mass. Mod. praes. Modo prsescripta, in the manner directed. Mor. sol. More solito, in the usual way. Muc. Mucilago, mucilage. ABBREVIATIONS. N. Nocte, at night. No. Numero, in number. O. Octarius, a pint. Ol. Oleum, oil. Omn. hor. Omni hora, every hour. O. O. O. Oleum olivum optimum, best olive oil. Part. aeq. Partes aequales, equal parts. Pil. Pilula, pill. Pond. Pondere, by weight. Post cib. Post cibum, after eating. P. r. n. Pro re nata, as occasion arises. Pug. Pugillus, pinch between finger and thumb, Pulv. Pulvis, powder. Q. s. Quantum sufficit, sufficient quantity. Rad. Radix, root. Rep. Repetatur, let it be repeated. Sig. Signa, write, mark. Si op. sit. Si opus sit, if there is occasion. Solv. Solve, dissolve, ss. Semi, a half. Sum. Sumat, let him take. Syr. Syrupus, syrup. T. d. Ter die, three times a day. Ung. Unguentum, ointment. GREEK ALPHABET. GREEK ALPHABET. Greek Letter. Name. English Equivalent. A a Alpha a B M Beta b r 7 Gamma g (hard) A & Delta a E e Epsilon 6 (short) z i Zeta z H V Eta e (long ) 0 d 0 Theta. th I i Iota i K K Kappa k A A Lambda i M n Mu m N v Nu n a f Xi X O o Omlcron 6 (short) II 7T Pi P P P Rho r 2 eiv). Writing; as Sphygmograph. Haem or Hem (aipa). Blood; as Hccmor- rhage. Hemi (ypc). Half; as Hemiplegia. Hepat (//Trap). Liver; as Hepatitis. Hydro [vdup). Water; as Hydrocephalus. Hyper (impp). Over ; as Hypertrophy. Hypno (ynvoq). Sleep; as Hypnotic. Hypo (Oro). Below, lower; as Hypoglossal. Hystero (vcrepa). Womb; as Hysteralgia. -idrosis {idpcog) Sweat; as Bromidrosis. Im or In (in). Without, privative; as Imper- forate, Indigestion. In (ev). In, within; as Injection. Infra (infra). Below ; as Infraorbital. Inter (inter). Between ; as Intercostal. Intro (intro). Within; as Introversion. Iso (iGoj). Same, equal; as Isothermal. -itis (iris). Inflammation; as Pericarditis. ETYMOLOGICAL FACTORS Leuco (?,£vkoc). White; as Leucorrhcea. Limo (Xipog). Hunger; as Bulimia. Lith (XiOog). Stone; as Litkolysis. -lysis (hveiv). Loose, dissolve; as Analysis. Macro (fiaKpog). Large; a.?, Macrocephalous. -malacia {pahanoq'). Softening; as Osteomalacia. -mania (/uavia). Madness, fury; as Monomania. Meso (peoog). Middle ; as Mesoderm. Metr (fir/Tpa). Womb; as Metritis. M icro (pwtpoq). Small; as Microscope. Mono (povog). One ; as Monomania. Multi {limbus'). Many; as Multipara. Myo (pvc). Muscle; as Myodynia. Necro or Nekro (ve/cpof). Dead; as Necrosis. Nephr (ye(pi>og). Kidney; as Nephritis. Neuro Ivevpov). Nerve; as Neuralgia. Odonto (ohovr). Tooth; as Odontoid. -odynia {obwrf). Pain ; as Gastrodyma. -oid («rfof). Resemblance ; as Odontoid. -ology (Loyof). Discourse; as Pathology. -oma (wpa). Tumor; as Sarcoma. -opia (wi/f). Eye, vision; as Myopia. Osteo (otrrt-ov). Bone ; as Osteomalacia. Oto {ovg). Ear; as Otitis. Pan (7r«f). All; as Panacea. Para (ttapa). Beside, near; as Paraplegia. -pathy (TradoQ). Disease; as Hydropathy. Peri (rrepi). Around ; as Pericardium. Phlebo (p/leip). Vein; as Phlebotomy. ETYMOLOGICAL FACTORS. -phobia (pofioif). Fear; as Hydrophobia. -plasty (Trhaooui). Formation; as Rhinoplasty. Pod (7Tovq). Foot; as Podagra. Poly (iro?.v<;). Many, excess ; as Polyuria. Pre or Prae (pm). Before ; as Prcecordia. Pro (7rpo). Before; as Prolapse. Pseudo (1fjevdrjg). False ; as Pseudarthrosis. -ptysis (irrvmg). Spitting; as Hemoptysis. Pyo (ttvov). Pus; as Pyorrhoea. Pyr (rrvp). Inflammation, fire; as Pyrexia. Retro (retro). Backward ; as Retro-version. -rhage (pr/yvwai). Bursting forth, overflow; as Hemorrhage. -rhaphy (patpr/). Suture 5 as Hymenorrhaphy. -rhcea (pew). Flow; as Diarrhoea. -scope ((tkotcf.iv). Examine; as Stethoscope. Sub (sub). Below; as Sublingual, Subacute. Super (super). Above, upon; as Supercilium. Supra (supra). Above; ns, Supraorbital. Syn (cw). With; as Synarthrosis. -tomy (touvelv). Cut, incision ; as Anatomy. -trophy (rpcxprj). Nourishment; as Hypertrophy. -uria (ovpov). Urine; as Glucosuria. Utero (uterus). Womb; as Utero-gestation. Vas (vas). Vessel; as Extra-vasation. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. A. Abac/tus Veiv'ter. Abortion produced by art. Abaisse/ment. Depression; falling. Abaliena/tion. State of decay, mental or physi- cal. Abaptis/ton. A trephine guarded against pierc- ing the brain. Abarticula'tion. Diarthrosis; also applied to dislocation. Aba'sia. Inability to walk, from incoordination. Abdo'men. The largest cavity of the body; the belly. Abdom'inal. Pertaining to the abdomen. Abdominal Preg'nancy. Extra-uterine foeta- tion in the abdominal cavity. Abduc'tion. Drawing from the median line of the body. Abduc'tor, A muscle producing abduction. 9 10 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Aberration. Abnormality of action; derange- ment ; imperfect refraction. Abiogen'esis. Spontaneous generation; arche- biosis; generation of living from non-living matter. Ablactation. Weaning; cessation of lactation. Ablation. Removal, as by excision. AblepSy. Blindness. Ablution. The process of cleansing; washing. Abnormal. Not normal; irregular; contrary to rule. Abnormity. Malformation; condition of being abnormal. Aborticide. Killing the foetus by causing abor- tion. Abortifa'cient. Inducing abortion. Abortion. Miscarriage; premature expulsion of foetus. Abortive. Pertaining to, or resulting in, abortion. Abra/sion. Excoriation, as of the skin. Ab' scess. A cavity containing pus, result of inflammation. Abscission. Excision; removal by cutting. Absorb/ents. Parts or substances exercising ab- sorption. Absorption. Sucking up of one substance by another, by permeation. Abster'gent. Cleansing ; purifying; detergent. Abstinence. Voluntary privation; refraining from satisfying an appetite. Abstractitious. Drawn from other substances, as a fluid from a salt. Abutia. Defect of will-power. Abvacuation. Excessive evacuation. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 11 Acantha. Spinal column. Acardioner/via. Diminished nervous action in the heart Acar/pus. Applied to a group of skin diseases; tubercles, vesicles, or pustules. Ac'arus. Genus of skin-infesting insects; the itch parasite. Acat'alepsy. Uncertainty in diagnosis. Also, dementia. Accelerator Uri/nae. Muscle of penis assist- ing expulsion of urine and semen. Ac'cess. Attack; onset of disease, or paroxysm. Acces/sory. Auxiliary; connected with and assisting. Accli/mated. Habituated to a foreign climate. Accommodation. Function of the eye, adapting focalization to different distances. Accouche'ment. Parturition. Accoucheur. An obstetrician. Accretion. Increase by growth. Aceph'alocyst. A headless hydatid ; the blad- der-worm. Aceph'alous. Headless. Acer'bity. Sourness, with astringency. Acer'vulus Cerebri. Minute, sand-like matter found near the base of the pineal gland. Aces'cency. Tendency to become sour. Acetab'ulum. Cup-like socket of thigh-bone, receiving the head of the femur. A/cetal. C6H1402. A light-colored fluid, of un- pleasant taste and odor, and soporific properties. A'cetate. Compound of acetic acid with a base. Acetic Acid. C2H402. Acid of vinegar. 12 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Aceto-phe/none. Hypnone. Ache. Continuous dull pain. AchiFlis Ten'do. Largest tendon of the body, at lower posterior part of leg. Acho'lia. Deficiency of bile. A/chor. Small pustule of the scalp. Achix/ma. Want of color in the skin. Achromatic. Colorless. Achromatopsy. Color-blindness. Acic/ular. Pointed; needle-shaped. Ac/id. An electro-negative compound, usually sour, and neutralizing alkalies. Acid/ity. Sourness; acid condition. Acidos'teophyte. A pointed osteophyte. Acine/sia. Akinesia. Ac/inus. (PI. acini.) Ultimate lobule of con- glomerate gland, etc. Acme. Summit; crisis. Ac/ne. An eruption from inflammation of seba- ceous glands. AcoPogy. The doctrine of remedies. Ac'onite. Wolf!s-bane; a poisonous anodyne. Acoonitsi. Disease of audition. Acoumeter. Instrument to determine the degree of hearing. Acoustics. The science of sounds. Acra'sia. Impotence; also intemperance. Acrature/sis. Want of power to micturate. Ac/rid. Burning, pungent, irritating. Acrimo/nious. I laving harsh, acrid properties. AcriCical. Without crisis. Acrodyn'ia. Disease with erythematous erup- tion, etc., epidemic in Paris, 1828-9. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 13 Acro'mion. Process of the scapula over the shoulder-joint. Acrom'phalus. Centre of umbilicus; also, pri- mary umbilical hernia. Acro/tic. Pertaining to the external surface. Ac/rotism. A defect of the pulse. Ac/tinism. The chemical action of sun-rays, be- yond violet in the spectrum. Action. Exercise of function; effective potency. Active. Energetic; having marked action; re- verse of passive. Ac/tual Cau/tery. Cauterization by hot metal or fire. Acu'minate. Pointed. Acupressure. Compression of blood-vessels by needles passed across, to stop haemorrhage, etc. Acupuncture. Bleeding by puncturing with needles. Acute'. Severe, rapid, brief and energetic; also, sharp-pointed. Acutenac'ulum. Porte Aiguille; needle-holder. Adam’s Apple. Pomum Adami. Addepha'gia. Bulimia. Ad'dison’s Disease. An affection of the supra- renal capsules, with discoloration or “ bronzed skin.” Adduction. Drawing toward the median line of the body. Adductor. A muscle producing adduction. Adenal'gia. Pain in a gland. Ad'enine. C5H5N5. A non-poisonous leucomalne. Adenitis. Glandular inflammation. Aden'ocele. A glandular tumor. 14 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. AdCnoid. Gland-like. Adenc/ma. Glandular tumor; adenocele. AdenoComy. Cutting of a gland. A'deps. Lard. Adhe'sion. Reunion or morbid union of parts, as by inflammation. Adhe/sive. Producing adhesion. Ad/ipocere. Grave-wax; peculiar substance from animal decomposition in humid places. Ad/ipose. Fatty. Adip/sia. Absence of thirst. Adju/vant. An ingredient aiding the principal in a formula; auxiliary. Adolescence. Youth; period from puberty to maturity. Adultt Mature; one of full age. Adulteration. Corruption; fraudulent admix- ture with inferior substances. Adustion. Application of a burning substance; cauterization. Adventitious. Acquired; accidental. Adynamta. Defect of strength; debility; weak- ness. Adynamtc. Exhibiting adynamia. ./Edceitis. Inflammation of the genitals. /EdoptoCis. Prolapse of the genitals. ,/E'gilops. Ulcer at inner angle of the eye. ./Egobronchoph'ony. In auscultation, a tremu- lous, bleating and bronchial vocal sound. ,/EgoplGony. In auscultation, a goat-like, bleat- ing vocal sound. ./Equator Oc/uli. The line formed by closure of the eyelids. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 15 Aera/tion. Impregnation with air. Aeriform. Gaseous. AeroFogy. Science of the atmosphere. Aerom/eter. Instrument to measure gases. A/erophytes. Plants living exclusively in air. /Eru'ginous. Having the appearance or char- acter of verdigris. /Estates. Heatspots; freckles. ./EsthematoFogy. The science of sensation and the senses. .ALsthesiom'eter. Instrument to determine tac- tile sensibility. /Esthet'ica. Disorders of sensation, or agents therefor. /Es'tus VolaFicus. A flushing of the face. ./Etas. Age. /E'ther. Ether. /EtioFogy. Etiology. Affec'tion. Disease; disorder. Af'ferent. Bearing from surface to centre. Affin'ity. Chemical attraction. Af'fluence. Determination of humors to a part. Afflux'ion. Accumulation of fluids. AfftFsion. Pouring upon, as water upon the body. Afce'tal. Without a foetus. Af'ter-birth. Placenta. AFter-images. Persistent retinal impression after withdrawal of the object. Af'ter-pains. Post partum pains from uterine contraction. Agalac'tia. Imperfect lactation. Agene'sia. Impotence, sterility; sexual imper- fection. 16 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Agenosc/mia, More or less imperfection of genital organs. A/gent. That which acts; a substance whose application is effective of change. Ageu/sia. Deficiency of sense of taste. Agglomerate. Massed together; aggregate. Agglutinate. Glueing together. Aggregate. To flock together; arranged in a cluster. Agitation. Excitement; violent disturbance. Aglobutia. Decrease of red corpuscles in the blood. Aglutition. Inability to swallow. Ag/minated. Grouped; clustered. Agne/sia. Impotence; barrenness. AgomphEasis. Looseness of the teeth. Agompho/sis. Agomphiasis. Ago'nia. Sterility. Ag/ony. Intense pain ; death struggle. Agraph/ia. A form of aphasia, with inability to write intelligibly, AgrippEnus Partus. In obstetrics, foot presen- tation. A/gue. Intermittent fever. A/gue-cake. Enlargement of the spleen from malaria. A/gue-drop. Liquor arsenicalis. Ahyp'nia. Insomnia. Air. The atmosphere; gas in general. Air-cells. Pulmonary terminations of air-pas- sages. Akine/sia. Loss of motion; also interval be- tween heaft-throbs. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 17 Alabas'ter. A native crystalline sulphate of lime. Ala'lia. Paralytic impairment of speech. A'lar. Wing-like. Al'binism. Pigmentary deficiency in skin, hair, eyes, etc. AlbPno. One presenting condition of albinism. Albinu/rea. White urine. AlbugiiPea. Tunic of eye; also fibrous invest- ment of testis and of ovary. Albugin'eous. Whitish. Albu'go. White opacity of cornea. Albu/men. White of egg; egg-albumin. Albu'min. A nitrogenous proximate principle, important constituent of body, of complex and variable constitution, resembling white of egg. Albu/minoid Disease. Affection of the supra- renal capsules. Albu/minose. Soluble portion of fibrin; peptone. Albumino'sis. Increase of albumin in blood. AlbuminvPria. Albumin in the urine. Al'cohol. C2H60. Spirit of wine; product of saccharine fermentation; colorless, volatile, stim- ulant liquid. AFcoholism. Morbid condition induced by per- sistent alcoholic imbibition. APdehyde. C2II40, or alcohol minus H2. Vola- tile, pungent, anaesthetic liquid. Alem'bic. A still. AlenPbroth. A muriate of mercury and ammonia. Alep/po Button. An indolent, indurated, in- tractable sore, endemic in Syria and Africa. Alexander’s Operation. Shortening round ligament of uterus, through abdominal incision. 18 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Alex/ia. Word-blindness; a form of aphasia with inability to recognize graphic characters. Alexiphar'mic. Neutralizing poison ; antidote. AEgae. Group of cryptogamic, aquatic plants. Alge/do. Sharp pain about genito-urinary organs, sometimes from sudden cessation of gonorrhoea. Alge'sia. Morbid sensibility to pain. Al'gid. Chilled. APgor. Rigor; chilliness. Alienation. Mental aberration. Atienist. One skilled in the treatment of aliena- tion. AEiment. Nutritive substance; pabulum; food. AlimenCary Canal. The tube from mouth to anus. APkali. Electro - positive substance, combining with acid, as a base, to form neutral salt; turns vegetable blue to green, and yellow to brown. Al'kaline. Of the character of alkali. Alkalinu/ria. Alkaline urine. AEkaloid. Resembling alkali; a group of organic bases, having alkaline reaction. Allan'tois. A sac between chorion and amnion of the embryo. AllantotoxGcum. Sausage-poison. AlleoCic. Change-producing. Allop/athy. Treatment of disease by agents which, in health, produce phenomena different from those of the disorder treated; the regular school of medicine. AlloCropism. Presentation of various forms, with different properties, without change of chem- ical composition. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 19 Alloy7. A compound of metals; also the baser metal in such compound. Alo'chia. Absence of the lochia. APoes. Inspissated juice of the aloe; astringent and cathartic. Alopec'ia. Baldness; loss of hair. AFphus. Psoriasis. APterative. An agent which, by an unknown process, alters and improves the nutrition and condition of the body. Alternate Generation. A digenesis in which successive generations present a constant differ- ence and alternate resemblance; alternation of parthenogenesis and generation by impregnation. Al'um. K2A12(S04)4. Sulphate of aluminium and potassium ; astringent and emetic. Alu/mina. A1203. Sesquioxide of aluminium. Alumin'ium. (Al.) A white, light metal, base of alumina. Alve'oli. Sockets for the teeth. APveus. A channel, tube, or vessel. APvine. Pertaining to the belly. Amadou. Surgeons’ agaric. AmaPgam. An alloy containing mercury. Amase'sis. Inability to masticate. Amas'tia. Amazia. AmatoFii. Oblique muscles of t,he eye. Amauro'sis. Blindness, partial or complete; amblyopia. Ama'zia. Without breasts. ArrFber. Succinum; a highly electric fossil resin. AnFbergris. A morbid product from intestine of whale. 20 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Ambidextrous. Skilful with both hands alike. Amblotic. Abortifacient. Amblyo'pia. Impairment of vision. Ambulance. A movable hospital; vehicle for sick and injured. Ambulatory. Shifting; also a dispensary. Ambustial. Produced by a burn. Amenoma'nia. Cheerful and harmless form of mania. Amenorrhceb. Abnormal suppression or absence of the menses. Amentia. Idiocy. Ametria. Absence of the womb. Ametro/pia. Abnormal ocular refraction; the opposite of emmetropia. Amtdes. Group of compounds of amidogen and acid radicals. Amidbgen. NH2. Hypothetical radical of the amides. Am'ines. Compound ammonias or amide-bases; group formed by substituting alcohol radicals for hydrogen molecules in ammonia. Ammobia. NHS. Alkaline gas, common pro- duct of organic putrefaction, pungent and stimu- lant ; much used in aqueous solution. Ammo'nium. NII4. Hypothetical base of am- monia. Amne/sia. Defect of memory. Ambion. The inner membranous sac inclosing the embryo and liquor amnii. Amorphous. Without definite form. Ampere. Unit of measure of electric current- strength. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 21 Amphiarthrc/sis. Articulation by means of fib- rous tissue, or strong ligaments. Amphibious. Capable of living both on land and in the water. Amphi - creatinine. A leucomalne found in muscle. Amphidiarthro'sis. Mixed gliding and hinge articulation, as that of lower jaw. Amphoric Resonance. In auscultation, a sound like blowing into a decanter. Ampulia. Dilated extremity of membranous tube. Amputaiion. Excision of a member. Amyg/dal3e. Tonsils. Amyg/dalin. A glucoside found in bitter alm- onds, etc. Amygdaliiis. Inflammation of the tonsils; ton- silitis. Amygdalot'omy. Abscission of the tonsils. Amyla'ceous. Starchy. Amyl AFcohol. Fusel oil, obtained from grain, potatoes, etc. Am'ylene. C5H10. A liquid hydrocarbon, an unsafe anaesthetic. Am'ylene Hy'drate. A tertiary alcohol, of cam- phoraceous taste, introduced as a hypnotic in 1887. Am/yloid. Like starch. Amyotro'phic. Pertaining to muscular atrophy. Anacathar'tic. Inducing vomiting, expectora- tion, or salivation. Anacrothc. Exhibiting vibrations in up-stroke of sphygmogram. Anae'mia. Morbid condition from diminution of blood or its red corpuscles. 22 TOCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Anae'mic. Pertaining to, or affected with, anae- mia. Anaesthesia. Absence of feeling or perception. Anaesthetic. An agent producing temporary in- sensibility to pain. A'nal. Pertaining to the anus. Analep'sis. Restoration to health. Analepiic. Restorative. AnalgeSia. Feeling, without sensibility to pain. AnaPogous. Of similar function or construction; resembling, answering to. An/alogue. That which is analogous. AnaPysis. Determination of the constituents of a compound; resolution into elements. Anaphrodis'ia. Absence or diminution of sex- ual power or desire. Anaphrodis'iac. Pertaining to, or promoting, anaphrodisia. AnaplasPic. Relating to plastic surgery. AnapleroPic. Flesh-renewing. Anasar/ca. Serum in areolar tissues; general dropsy. Anaspa'dias. Congenital fissure of dorsum of penis into urethra. Anastomosis. Juncture of vessels. Anat'omism. Doctrine explaining organic phe- nomena by arrangement of organs. AnaPomy. Science of organic structure; dissec- tion for study of such science. AnazoPic. Without azote or nitrogen. AnazotuSia. Albuminuria; deficiency of urea in urine. AnchylobleplParon. Ankyloblepharon. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 23 Anchylo'sis. Ankylosis. Ancip'ital. Two-edged. An'conad. Toward anconal aspect. Ancona'gra. Arthritic pain of elbow. Anconal. Pertaining to the elbow. Ancone/us. Extensor muscle of forearm. Andranat'omy. Dissection. Androg'yna. Hermaphrodite; female type, geni- tals similar to those of a male. Androg'ynus. Hermaphrodite; male type, geni- tals similar to those of a female. Andromarnia. Insane love of man; nympho- mania. Anemometer. An instrument to measure the force of the wind. Anem/oscope. Instrument to determine speed of wind. Anen'terous. Without intestinal canal. Anerythop/sia. Color-blindness, especially as to red. An'esis. Remission. Ane/tus. Intermittent fever. Aneural'gicon. Apparatus for allaying neuralgia. An'eurism. Tumor from dilatation or rupture of an artery. Aneuris/mal Var'ix. Venous dilatation from entrance of arterial blood; arterio-venous aneu- rism. Anfrac'tuous. Sulcate ; convolute, as the cere- bral sulci. Angiec/tasis. Vascular dilatation. AngioPtis. } Vascular inflammation. 24 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. AngileucPtis. Inflammation of lymphatics. Angi/na. Indefinite term, applied to sense of suffocation, etc. AngPna Pec'toris. Pain in the heart, with sense of strangulation, etc. AngiocardPtis. Inflammation of heart and large vessels. AngioPogy. Description or science of blood- vessels. Angiono/ma. A vascular tumor. An'gioscope. Instrument for examining vessels of the body. AiPgular. Relating to, or having character of, an angle. Angustu'ra. Tonic and febrifuge cusparia bark. Anhela'tion. Shortness of breath. Anhidro/sis. Deficiency of sweat. Anhy'dride. An anhydrous oxide. Anhy/drous. Containing no water. ArPima. Life, breath ; the so-called vital princi- ple. ArPimal. An organized body having life, and usually voluntary locomotion. AnimaPcule. A microscopic animal. Animal Heat. Natural caloric of the animal body. Animal Mag/netism. Supposititious peculiar force, mesmerism, hypnotism. AniridTa. Defect of iris. AiPkle. Articulation of astragalus with tibia and fibula. AnkylobleptParon. Adhesion of edges of the eye lids. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 25 Ankylo'sis. Stiff joint; articular immobility. An'nular. Ring-shaped. An'nulus Tympanicus. Tympanic plate. An'ode. Positive electrode. AnOdyne. Agent diminishing sensibility to pain; soporific. Anom'alous. Irregular; abnormal. AnonPaly. A monster; an anomalous structure. AnophthaPmia. Congenital absence of eyes. Anop/sia. Blindness; disease of eye, as from strabismus, etc_ AnorOhous, Having testicles absent or not descended. Anorex'ia. Want of appetite. Anos/mia. Deficiency of sense of smell. Antacid. Opposed to acidity; alkaline. Antagonist. An agent tending to neutralize another. AntaPgic. Anodyne. Antaphrodisiac. Anti-venereal; anaphrodisiac. Antarthritic. Remedial of arthritis. Antebrachial. Pertaining to the forearm. Anteflexion. A bending forward, as of the womb. Ante'rior. Before ; toward ventral aspect. Antever/sion. A falling forward, as of the womb. Anthelmin'tic. Destructive of intestinal worms. Anthol'ogy. Science of flowers. Anthraco/sis. Carbuncular affection; pulmon- ary disorder from coal deposit. Anihrax. A carbuncle. Anihropoid. Resembling man. 26 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Anthropology. Science and natural history of mankind. Anthropomorphous. Man-shaped. Anthropophagous. Man-eating. AnthroposomatoPogy. Science of human struc- ture. AnthropoUomy. Human anatomy. Anthypnot/ic. Opposed to sleep. Antibrach'ium or Antebrachtum. Forearm. Antic/ipating. Constantly decreasing the inter- mission in the periodicity of a disease. An/tidote. Agent counteracting the action of a poison. Antidysentertc. Remedial of, or opposed to, dysentery. Antiemettc. Remedial of emesis. Antihaemorrha'gic. Opposed to hemorrhage. Antihel'ix. Circular ridge of external ear, oppo- site the helix. AntilethaFgic. Unfavorable to sleep. Antilithtc. Preventive of calculi. Antimo/nii et Potas/sii Tartras. Tartrate of antimony and potassium; tartar emetic. AnPimony. (Sb.) Antimonium ; a white, brit- tle, fusible metal; its salts are cardiac depressants. Antiperiod'ic. Opposed to periodic return of a disease, as quinine. Antiphlogistic. Opposed to inflammation. Antiplastic. Lessening fibrin in the blood; op- posed to tissue formation. Antipytc. Unfavorable to suppuration. AntipyrePic. Opposed to high temperature; febrifuge. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 27 Antipy/rin. CnH12N2Q. White, bitter, odorless, antipyretic powder. Antipyrot/ic. Tending to relieve burns. Antisep'tic. Antagonistic to putrefaction. Antispasmod/ic. Tending to relieve spasmodic affections. Antisyphilit'ic. Remedial of, or opposed to, syphilis. Antitrag'us. Prominence of external ear, oppo- site tragus. Antivene'real. Antaphrodisiac ; remedial of ve- nereal affections. An'trum. A cavity. Anur'ia. Deficiency of urine. A'nus. Inferior orifice of intestinal canal. Aor/ta. The main trunk of the arterial system, arising from left ventricle of heart. Aortic. Pertaining to the aorta. AortPtis. Inflammation of the aorta. Apel'lous. Without skin. Apep'sia. Disturbance of digestion; dyspepsia. Aper/ient. Laxative; an agent of gentle purga- tive action. Ap'erture. Opening. A'pex. Summit, or pointed extremity. Apha/gia. Inability to swallow. Apha'kia. Absence of lens of the eye. Apha'sia. Cerebral lesion affecting the ability to utter or comprehend conventional language,—an important group of many varieties. Apha/sic. Pertaining to, or affected with, aphasia. Aphe'mia. Motor aphasia; aphasic subnormal articulation. 28 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Apho'nia. Voicelessness. Apho'ria. Barrenness. Aphra/sia. Aphasic inability to connect words intelligibly; aphemia. Aphrodisiac. Tending to stimulate sexual de- sire or power. Aphihae. Small white mucous ulcers of mouth, especially of infants ; thrush. Aplasiic. Incapable of, or without, structure. Apneumato'sis. Non-inflation of pulmonary air-cells. Ap'ncea. Absence, or difficulty, of respiration. Aponeuro'sis. A tendinous expansion of fibrous tissue. Apophraxis. Amenorrhoea. ApoplVysis. A normal process of bone. Ap'oplexy. Effusion of blood into an organ ; sudden paralysis from cerebral haemorrhage. Aposiiia. Anorexia. Aposiasis. An abscess ; osseous exfoliation. Apostaxis. Discharge of a tumor ; distillation. Abscess. Apoth'ecary. Dispenser of drugs. Apparatus. Collective organs or instruments contributing to a function. Appen'dix. Dependent, or accessory, addition. Appen/dix Vermiform/is. Vermiform appen- dix of caecum. Ap'petite. Desire, especially for food. Aprax'ia. Aphasic sub normal memory or men- tal action. ApsethyTia. Infusoria supposed to come from nasal catarrh. ApyreLic. Pertaining to apyrexia. Apyrex/ia. Absence, or intermission, of fever. Apy'rous. Incapable of burning. A'qua. Water. A'qua Ammo'niae. Water of ammonia. A'qua Foitis. Nitric acid of commerce. A'qua Morgag'ni. Fluid from post-mortem change of capsule of crystalline lens. A'qua Re/gia, royal water. Nitro-muriatic acid. A'queduct. A canal of the body. A'queous. Watery; of, or pertaining to, water. A'queous Hu'mor. Fluid in chamber of eye between cornea and lens. Arachnitis, or Arachnoiditis. Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane. Arach'noid. A web-like, serous membrane of the brain. Ar'bores. Cutaneous change preceding ulcera- tion. Arbores'cence. Likeness to a tree. Ar/bor Vitae. Arborescent appearance of sec- tion of cerebellum and of cervix uteri. Arch of Aor'ta. Ascending, transverse, and descending portion of aorta, arch spanning root of left lung. Archebio'sis. Spontaneous generation. Archorrhag'ia. Anal haemorrhage. Ar'ciform. Bow-shaped; curved; ridged. Arcta'tion. Constriction of canal or lumen. Arc'ulus. Cradle to protect diseased parts from coverings. At' cus Seniiis. Arched opacity of cornea of the aged. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 29 30 Ar'dent. Burning; having ardor. ArCor. Burning; passion. ACea. Circumscribed space or surface. Arefac/tion. Desiccation. Arena/tion. Application of sand bath. Arenaceous. Sabulous. AreCla. Annular discoloration about nipple, etc. AreClse. Interstices in connective tissue. AreClar. Containing areolae. AreClar Tissue. Connective tissue. AreomCter. Instrument to ascertain specific gravity of fluids. Argentine. Silvery. Argen'tum (Ag). Silver; a familiar white, duc- tile, malleable metal. ArgiPla. Alumina; argil; white clay; potter’s clay. ArgillaCeous. Clayey. ArgyCia. Cutaneous discoloration from persist- ent use of salts of silver. Arhyth'mic. Irregular; without rhythm. Add. Dry. Arm. Upper limb; strictly, from shoulder to elbow. ArCica. Plant “ leopard’s bane ”; root and flowers used as cardiac and local stimulant. Aro/ma. Odor. AromaCic. Fragrant; pungent; spicy. ArCenic (As). Native, gray, non-metallic ele- ment ; also popular name for the oxide, arsenious acid, the poisonous “ ratsbane.” ArteCial System. All the arteries of the body; vessels conveying arterial blood. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 31 Arteriography. Description of arteries. Arterios'ity. Condition of arterial blood. Arteriot'omy. Blood-letting by incision of artery. Arteritis. Inflammation of artery. Aitery. Vascular ramification from aorta to ca- pillaries, conveying arterial blood. Arthrag'ra. Arthralgia. Arthral7gia. Gout; rheumatism; articular pain. Ar'thric. Arthritic. Arthritic. Articular; pertaining to arthritis. Arthritis. Gout; articular inflammation. Arthro'dia. Articulation of flat surfaces, gliding variety. Arthrodyn'ia. Arthralgia. Arthropyo'sis. Articular suppuration. Arthro-rheu'matism. Articular rheumatism. Arthro7sis. Connection by joint; articulation. ArtiCular. Pertaining to joints. Articulation. Osseous juncture; joint; arthro- sis, divided into Synarthrosis and Diarthrosis. ArtiCulo Mortis. At the point of death; instant of dissolution. Artificial. Produced by art. Arundina'ceous. Like a reed. Aryienoid. Funnel-shaped, as certain cartilages of the larynx. Asapliatum. Dark spots on the face, from ob- struction of sebaceous follicles. Asapliia. Muttering; defective verbal articula- tion. Asbes/tus. A fibrous mineral, weavable into incombustible fabric. 32 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. AsCaris. Genus of nematode intestinal worm. AscFtes. Serous effusion into cavity of perito- neum; abdominal dropsy. Aseptic. Free from septic matter. Asit/ia. Loathing of food; anorexia. Aspar/agin. Active organic principle of aspara- gus, etc. As'pera Arterta. Trachea. AspergiFlus. Genus of cryptogamous plants, found in ear, etc. Asperm/atism. Non-emission of semen; semi- nal effusion into bladder during venereal excite- ment. Aspertnous. Without seed. Aspertu'do. Urticaria. Asphalt/um. Mineral pitch, native bitumen. Asphyx/ia. Pulselessness; syncope; morbid con- dition from imperfect oxygenation of blood. Aspiration. Mechanical process of drawing effused fluids from the body into a vessel by means of an aspirator. Inspiration. As'pirator. Instrument to perform the process of aspiration. Assimilation. The process converting food into a nutrient portion of the organic economy. Associated Movements. Accessory or habitual movements coincident with main movement. Asteato'des. Deficient secretion of sebaceous matter. Asthem/atus Ciliatis. Infusoria in nasal ca- tarrh. Asthe/nia. Debility; adynamia; enfeebled con- dition. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 33 Asthen/ic. Without strength; feeble; present- ing asthenia. Astheno/pia. Visual weakness, as from eye-strain. Asth/ma. Shortness of breath ; disease marked by spasmodic dyspnoea, suffocating sensation, etc. Astig'matism. Visual defect due to ineffectual refraction, usually from unequal curvature of the two principal meridians of the cornea. Asto'matous, Asto/mous. Without a mouth. Astrag'alus. Ankle bone. Astric'tion. The action of an astringent. Astringent. Agent contracting organic tissues, arresting secretion, etc ; e.g., alum, tannin. AsyTum. Institution for care of the disabled. Asym'metry. Abnormal lack of symmetry. Asyne/sia. Dementia; dulness of comprehen- sion. At' avism. Reappearance of type absent in im- mediate, but present in remote, ancestry. Atax'ia. Ataxy. Atax'ic. Irregular; pertaining to ataxy. Atax'y. Incoordination of muscular action. Atelec'tasis. Imperfect dilatation of fcetal pul- monary air-cells. Athero'ma. Soft, encysted tumor; also athero- matous degeneration, fatty degeneration of arterial walls. Atheto'sis. Morbid condition with inability to retain fingers and toes in fixed position. Atlan'tal. Pertaining to the atlas. At'las. First cervical vertebra. Atmidiat'rics. Treatment of disease by vapor. At'mograph. Spirograph. 34 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Atmom'eter. Instrument to measure the exha- lations. At'mosphere. The aeriform fluid surrounding the earth. Ato'cia. Sterility. At/om. Ultimate indivisible particle of an ele- ment. Atom/ic. Pertaining to an atom. Atomtc The/ory. Doctrine of simple definite proportions in chemical combination. Atontc. Having reduced muscular tone or vigor. APony. Weakness; atonic condition. AtrabiPiary. Afflicted with melancholy; per- taining to supra-renal bodies. Atramental. Ink-black. Atre'sia. Adhesive imperforation of a canal. AtrPchia. Baldness. Atrium. Portion of auricle of heart receiving venous blood. AProphy. Wasting of a part from defective nu- trition. APropine, or Atro'pia. The active principle of belladonna. Attendant. Tending to thin secretions; diluent. Attenuated. Thinned; wasted. Attenuation. Dilution; weakening; attenuated condition. AttoPlens. Raising, as a muscle. Attraction. Affinity; tendency of material particles to approach. Attra'hens. Drawing, as a muscle; also, agent attracting fluids to its seat of application. Attrition. Chafing. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 35 Aty/pic. Irregular; varying from the type. Au/diphone. Instrument held against teeth to aid audition via cranial bones. Audition. Function or sense of hearing. Au/ditory. Pertaining to audition, or to the organs of hearing. Aur'a. Sensation of rising current of air, often preceding attack of epilepsy. Autal. Relating to the ear. Auricle. External ear. PI., two superior cavi- ties of the heart. Au/ri-scalp. Instrument to clear the ear. Autiscope. Instrument to explore ear, espe- cially Eustachian passage. Au/rist. One skilled in diseases of the ear. Autium Tin'nitus. Ringing in the ears. Au/rum (Au). Gold; a familiar, heavy, yellow, tenacious, non-tarnishing metal. Auscultation. Process of determining condi- tion of the body by listening to sounds produced, especially over chest, etc. Autogenettc. Self-generating. Autolaryngos/copy. Self-examination as to lar- ynx. Automatic. Pertaining to involuntary functions. Autoph'ony. In auscultation, modification of examiner’s voice by condition of patient’s chest. Autophthalmos/copy. Self-examination as to interior of eye. Autoplasty. Repair of tissue loss by grafting from other portion of patient. Autopsy. Personal inspection; applied to post- mortem examination. 36 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Au/toscope. Any instrument arranged for self- examination. Autosteth'oscope. Stethoscope arranged for self-examination. Auxiliary. Aiding. Ave/na. Oat. Avoirdupois''. Common English weight, 16 oz. to the 11). AvuEsion. Wrenching away. Axil'la. Armpit. Ax/illary. Relating to axilla. Ax/is. The second cervical vertebra; imaginary line through centre of a body. Axun'gia. Lard. A/zote. Nitrogen. A/zotized. Nitrogenized. Azotu'ria. Excess of urea in urine. A/zygos. Unmated, as certain single muscles, bones, etc. Az'zle-teeth. Molar teeth. B. Bac/ciform. Berry-shaped. BaciElar. Resembling little rods. BaciElus. Genus of Schizomycetes; important group of pathogenic bacteria. Back-stroke. Diastolic impulse of heart. Bacte/ria. MicroGrganisms; microbes; Schizo- mycetes. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 37 BalanPtis. Inflammation of the glans penis. BaPanoid. Acorn-shaped. BalanoposthPtis. Balanitis involving also the prepuce. Balanorrhce'a. Purulent balanitis. BaPanus. Acorn; glans penis; glans clitoridis. BalbiFties. Stammering. Bald'ness. Alopecia; calvities; abnormal ab- sence of hair. Ballotte'ment. Falling back of fetus in utero when womb is pushed upward by the finger in mid-pregnancy. Balm. Balsam; healing or soothing application. Balneothera'pia. Bathing-therapeutics. BaPsam. Balm; resinous products containing benzoic acid. Band'age. Strip of fabric for binding a wound, compressing a part, etc. Band - primitive. The axis cylinder of the nerve. Ban'tingism. Method of reducing flesh by diet- ing, etc. Baptorrhce'a. Gonorrhoea. Barba/does Leg. Elephantiasis; oedematous, hypertrophied state of skin and tissue. Bar'biers. Acute beri-beri; form of Indian pa- ralysis. Ba/rium (Ba). Heavy, yellowish, alkaline metal, forming poisonous salts. Bark. External envelope of exogenous plants; especially cinchona or calisaya bark. Baromacrom'eter. Instrument to weigh and measure new-born child. 38 POCKET MF.DICAI. LEXICON, Barom/eter. Instrument showing the pressure of the air. Barren. Sterile. Bar'ton’s Frac'ture. Fracture of lower end of radius. Baryphc/nia. Heaviness, or difficulty, of speech. Bary/ta. Oxide of barium. Base. Inferior part; basis; chief ingredient; body combining with acid to form a salt. Base'dow’s Disease. Graves’s disease; exoph- thalmic goitre. Base/ment Mem/brane. Delicate membrane beneath epithelium and epidermis. Bas-fond. Base of bladder. BasiarachnFtis. Inflammation of arachnoid membrane at base of skull. BasOator. Orbicularis oris muscle. Ba; sic. Pertaining to, or having the character of, a base. Bas'ilar. Pertaining to the base, as of the skull. Basil'ic. Royal; important. Ba'siotribe. Instrument to pierce and crush foetal skull. Ba/sis. Base. Bast. Inner fibrous bark of exogens. Bas/tard. Illegitimate; spurious. Bas'yl. Metallic radical of a salt. Bath. Process of bathing; medium of immer- sion. Batra/chian. Pertaining to frogs. Bat'tery. Series of cells for generation of elec- tricity. BdellaPomy. Incision of leech wdiile sucking. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 39 Bdellom'eter. Artificial substitute for leech. Beat. Pulsation ; cardiac impulse. Bebee'rin. Bitter principle of bebeeru bark. Bech/ics. Cough remedies. Bed-sore. Sore from persistent pressure against bed. BePenoid. Arrow-like; styloid. BellPni, Ducts of. Uriniferous renal tubules. BePlows Sound. Blowing sound heard in aus- cultation ; bruit de soufflet. Bell’s ParaPysis. Facial paralysis. Belly. Abdomen; expanded portion. Benign7. Not malignant; mild. Benzine7, or Ben7zol. C8H6. Colorless, in- flammable, volatile fluid obtained from coal-tar. Ben'zoated. Impregnated with benzoic acid. Beri-beri. Chronic, endemic Indian affection, with anaemia, dyspnoea, etc. Bez7oar. Intestinal concretion of herbivora. Bibas7ic. Applied to acids which combine in their neutral salts with two equivalents of a base. Bibitor'ious. Pertaining to a drinker. Bib'ulous. Absorbing liquids or moisture. BiceplFalous. Having two heads. BPceps. Two-headed; applied to certain mus- cles. Bicip/ital. Pertaining to the biceps. Bicon7cave. Doubly concave; hollow on both surfaces, as a lens. Bicon'vex. Doubly convex, as a lens; the op- posite of biconcave. Bicus7pid. Two-pointed, as certain teeth. Bien'nial. Occurring every two years. 40 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. BFfid. Forked, cleft, divided in two. Bifo'cal. Having double focus, as certain spec- tacle lenses. Bifo'rate. Having two apertures. Bifurcation. Division into two branches. Bigaster. Double-bellied, as certain muscles. Bigem'inal Bodies. Corpora Quadrigemina. Bilat'eral. Having two symmetrical sides. Bile. Bitter, liquid secretion of the liver. BilhaHzia. Genus of flukes found in human portal system. BiFiary. Relating to bile. Bilia'tion. Bile secretion. Bilicy'anin. Blue coloring matter derived from bilirubin. Bilifla'vin. Yellow coloring matter derived from bilirubin. BilifuFvin. Coloring matter of oxen's bile. Bilifus/cin. Dark bile-pigment, of minor im- portance. Bi'lin. Picromel; mixture of bile-salts. BiFious. Biliary; applied to digestive disturb- ances, etc., popularly referred to abnormal biliary secretion. BilipheCn. Important coloring matter of bile. Bilipra'sin. Dark green bile-pigment, of minor importance. BilipyHrhin. Reddish bile-pigment. Biliru/bin. Red coloring matter, chief pigment of human bile. BiliveCdin. Green coloring matter, derived from bilirubin ; chief pigment of bile of herbivora. Bilob/ular. Having two lobules. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 41 Biloc/ular. Having two cells. Bim'anous. Having two hands. Binary. Containing two elements. Binau'ral. Relating to both ears. Bind'er. In obstetrics, band around abdomen after childbirth. Binoc'ular. Pertaining to, or adapted for, both eyes. Biodynam/ics. Science of the vital forces. Biogen'esis. Evolution of life ; theory that only living can produce living matter,—opposed to abiogenesis. Biol'ogy. The science of life and of animate beings. BiolyCic. Tending to destroy life. Bion'omy. Physiology. Bioph'agous. Applied to plants which assimilate insects. BPoplasm. Protoplasm; germinal matter. Biostat'ics. Vital statistics. Biot/ic. Vital; pertaining to life and vital evolu- tion. Biot'omy. Vivisection. BiparPetal. Pertaining to the parietal bones. Bipa'rous. Producing two at a birth. Bipartite. Consisting of two parts. Bi/ped. Two-footed. Bipo/lar. Having two poles. Birth. Parturition; bringing forth young. Bisex/ual. Indicating both sexes; hermaphro- ditic. Bis'muth (Bi). Hard, reddish-white, heavy metal. 42 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Bistoury. Small surgical knife, of various forms, for making incisions. Bitters. Agents of bitter taste and tonic action. pitu/men. Asphalt; mineral pitch; compound of hydrocarbons. Biventral. Digastric; having two stomachs. Black Lead. Plumbago; graphite. Blad/der. Vesica; membranous sac, especially the urine reservoir. Blain. Blister. Bland. Soothing; non-irritant. Blaste/ma. Rudimental tissue-element; proto- plasm. Blastocar'dia. Germinal spot of ovum. Blastoderm. Germinal membrane of ovum. Bleb. Bulla; blister. Blennadenitis. Inflammation of mucous follicles. Blennisth/mia. Pharyngeal catarrh. Blennogentc. Secreting mucus. Blennometritis. Uterine leucorrhoea. BlennophthaPmia. Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Blennoptysis. Spitting of mucus; catarrh. Blennorrhagta. Mucous, or muco-purulent dis- charge from urethra, vagina, or conjunctiva; blen- norrhcea. Blennorrhce'a. Increased mucous discharge; gonorrhoea. Blepharadenitis. Inflammation of Meibomian glands. BlepbarPtis. Inflammation of eyelids. Blepharonco'sis. Tumor of eyelid. Blepharophimo/sis. Congenital narrowness of palpebral fissure. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 43 Blepharorrhce'a. Mucous, or muco-purulent dis- charge from the eyelids. Blepharospasm. Convulsive twitching of orbi- cularis palpebrarum. Blepharostat. Instrument separating eyelids during operation. Blepharosteno/sis. Accidental narrowness of palpebral fissure. Bles'sure. Wound. Blight. Slight facial paralysis. Blind'ness. Want of vision. Blind-spot. Point of entrance of optic nerve on retina. Blister. Bleb; vesicle on skin containing serum; also, agent producing such condition. Blood. Circulatory fluid of the vascular system, a colorless medium containing red and white cor- puscles. . Blood Casts. Abnormal microscopic filaments in urine, consisting of blood coagulated in tubuli of kidneys. j Blood Crystals. Hrematoidin. Blood-letting. Abstraction of blood by phle- botomy, leeching, etc. Bloody-flux. Dysentery. Boil. Furunculus. Local, circumscribed tumor of dermal texture, with inflammation and pus formation. Boil'ing Point. Degree of heat at which boil- ing begins; for water, 212° F., ioo° C., or 80° R. Bole. Fine clay, formerly used as absorbent, etc. Bo'lus. Medicinal preparation like a large pill. 44 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Bom/bus. Ringing in the ears; also, rumbling of flatus. Bone. Hard substance composed of cartilage and salts of lime, and forming framework of the body. Bo/rate. Compound of boric acid with a base. Bo'rax. Borate of soda, white substance used as antiseptic lotion, etc. Borboryg'mus. Rumbling of intestinal flatus. Bo'ron (B.). Non-metallic infusible element re- sembling silicon ; occurs native in borax. Botal’s Fora/men. Foramen ovale of foetal heart. BoCany. Science of plants. Bothrioceph'alus. Genus of tape-worm. Bou'gie. A slender instrument for dilating urethra and other mucous canals. Bouillon. Jus ; nutritive broth. Boulim'ia. Bulimia, Bour'donet. Roll of lint used between lips of wound. Boutonniere Operation. Operation for urethral stricture, involving buttonhole incision. Bowels. Intestines. Brach'ia. The arms. Brach/ial. Relating to the arm. BrakFism. Hypnotism. Brain. Soft mass, cephalic extremity of nervous system, including cerebrum, cerebellum, etc. Bran'chiae. Fish-gills. Brash Water. Eructation of bitter fluid from the stomach; pyrosis. Brass. Alloy of copper and zinc. Break-bone Fever. Dengue. Breast. Mammary gland; thoracic region. Breg/ma. Top of the head. Bright’s Disease. Renal affection, marked by albuminuria. Brim of the PeFvis. Curved boundary of su- perior pelvic strait. Bro/mide. Combination of bromine with a base. Bromidro/sis. Affection of sudoriferous glands, with sweat of offensive odor. Bro'mine (Br.) Brownish, liquid, non-metallic poisonous element; salts are valuable hypnotics. Bro/mism. Morbid condition from persistent ex- hibition of bromides. Bron/chi. Bifurcations of the trachea; bronchia. Bronchia. Bronchial tubes, pulmonary ramifi- cations of trachea. Bronch'ial. Pertaining to bronchi or bronchial tubes. Bronchiec'tasis. Dilatation of the bronchi. Bron'chiole. Minute bronchial tube. BronchPtis. Inflammation of bronchial tubes. Bron'chocele. Goitre. Bronchoph/ony. In auscultation, bronchial vo- cal resonance Bronchorrhce/a. Increased mucous discharge from the bronchia. BronchoComy. Incision in bronchus, trachea, or larynx. Bron/zed Skin. Discoloration symptomatic of Addison’s disease. Bruit. Abnormal sound heard on auscultation or percussion. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 45 46 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Bruit de Craquement. Auscultatory crackling sound. Bruit de Diable. Auscultatory, liumming-top sound. Bruit de Frottement. Auscultatory friction sound. Bruit de Potfele. Cracked-pot sound elicited by percussion. Bruit de Rape. Auscultatory rasp sound. Bruit de Soufflet. Auscultatory bellows sound. BrurCner’s Glands. Glands in duodenum wall. Bryg/mus. Grinding of teeth. Bryo/nia. Roots of European plant; hydragogue cathartic. Bu'bo. Circumscribed swelling and inflamma- tion of groin or of a lymphatic gland, syphilitic or otherwise. BubonaFgia. Pain in the groin. Bubon'ocele. Inguinal hernia not protruding through external ring. Bubon'ulus. Painful enlargement of lymphatics on dorsum of penis. Buc/cal. Relating to cheek. Buccinator. Flat buccal muscle. Bucket Fever. Dengue. Bucne/mia. Tense, inflammatory swelling of leg. BuFfy Coat. Grayish crust on blood drawn in certain inflammations, pregnancy, etc. Bulb. Bulbous expansion, as of vessel. Bul'bus Oc/uli. Eyeball. Bulimha. Voracious appetite; occurs among the pregnant, imbecile, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 47 BuPla. A large blister. Bun'ion. Irritated bursa, generally on the foot. BuphthaPmus. Distension of cornea so great as to prevent closure of lids. Burn. Lesion of tissue from dry heat. Bur/sae Muco/sae. Small mucus-sacs, near joints or in connective tissue. Bur'sal. Pertaining to a bursa, or sac. BuUter. Substance of consistency of butter, es- pecially the chlorides. Butyra/ceous. Like butter. c. Caca'tion. Defecation. Cachectic. Indicating cachexia. Cachex'ia, or Cachex/y. Depraved condition or vitiated habit of the body. Cacogalac/tia. Bad condition of the milk. Cacoph'ony. Depraved or altered state of the voice. Cacosplanch/nia. Emaciation from indigestion. Cacotro/phia. Defective nutrition. Cada'ver. Corpse. Cad'mium (Cd.). Whitish, zinc-like metal; salts astringent, emetic, etc. Cadu/ca. Uterine deciduous membrane. Cae'cal. Relating to the caecum. Cae'cum. The blind gut; commencement of large intestine. 48 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Caesar'ian Section. Operation of extracting foetus from womb, by incision through abdomen. CaPfein. An alkaloid in coffee. CaPabar Bean. Physostigma; seed of African plant; contracts pupil of the eye; of nauseating and toxic properties. Calca'neum. Heel-bone; os calcis. Calca'reous. Containing, or having character of, lime. CaPciform. Cup-shaped. Calcig'erous Cells. Cells in dentine containing earthy salts. Calcination. Expulsion of volatile constituents by subjecting substance to strong heat. Calcium (Ca.). A whitish light metal, base of lime, and basyl of chalk. Calculif'ragous. Reducing stone in bladder; lithontriptic. CaPculus. Stone-like concretion, liable to form in various parts of the animal body, as renal, vesical, etc. Calefa/cient. Warmth-producing external appli- cation. Calentuta. Remittent tropical fever. Caliga'tion. Cloudiness of anterior surface of crystalline lens. CaPipers. Instrument for measuring cavities and bodies, as the pelvis. Calisay'a. A variety of cinchona. Callosity. State of being callous. CaPlous. Hard; indurated; insensible; having skin thickened from accumulation of horny layers. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 49 Cal'lus. New osseous tissue formed about the uniting fracture of a bone. CaFomel. Sub-chloride of mercury; a tonic alterative. Caloric. Heat. Calorifa'cient. Heat-producing. Calorimeter. Instrument for determining heat of bodies. CalvPties. Baldness. Calx. Heel. Cam'phor. C10H16O. Asiatic, solid, volatile, vegetable oil, of antispasmodic and rubefacient properties. Camp/sis. State of being bent from normal shape without breaking. CanalG Channel, duct or tube to convey fluids. Canaliculus. Diminutive canal. CancePli. Numerous pores or cells of inner osseous structure. Can/cer. A malignant morbid growth of epi- thelial cells, forming areolate stroma; carci- noma. Can/croid. Cancer-like. Can'crum Or/is. Sloughing ulcer of the mouth. Canine/ Teeth. Cuspid teeth between bicuspids and lateral incisors. CanPties. Grayness of hair. Cank'er. Gangrenous sore of mouth. Can'thal. Pertaining to canthus. CanthaPides. Dried insects, Spanish fly; vesi- cant and genital irritant. Can'thus. Palpebral angle. Can'ula. Small surgical tube, of metal, etc. 50 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. CaouPchouc. Familiar elastic substance, the prepared concrete milky juice of certain plants. Capillary. Hair-like; ultimate blood-vessels, connecting arterial and venous systems. Capillary Attraction. Force causing rise of liquids in minute tubes. Capttal. Pertaining to the head; important. CapiPulum. Osseous protuberance received into a concavity. Cap/sular Lig'aments. Ligaments surrounding synovial membrane at articulation. Cap/sule. Membranous sac inclosing a part. Capsulitis. Inflammation of capsule of lens. CarboPic Acid. C6H60. Phenol; poisonous coal-tar product; a valuable antiseptic. Carbon (C). Non-metallic element, widely dis- tributed, allotropic in form of diamond, graphite, and charcoal. Carbona'ceous. Pertaining to, or having char- acter of, carbon. Car/bonate. Compound of carbonic acid and a base. Carbonated. Containing carbonic acid. Carbontc Acid. C02. Carbon dioxide, pungent, colorless, uninflammable, asphyxiant gas, product of respiration. Carbonization. Conversion into carbon. Carbuncle. Circumscribed, indurated, inflam- mation of the skin and cellular tissue; larger than a boil. Carcino/ma. Cancer. Car'dia. Heart; also, cardiac orifice of the stomach. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 51 CaPdiac. Pertaining to the heart. CardiaPgia. Pain in cardiac region; gastrodynia. CardiodyrPia. Cardialgia. Cardiograph. Instrument for graphic record of heart pulsations. Cardio-steno'sis. Stenosis of heart-valves. Cardi'tis. Inflammation of muscular cardiac sub- stance. Ca'ries. Ulceroid inflammation of bone. Ca'rious. Affected with caries. CarmirPative. Agent expelling flatus from in- testines. Carmine. A leucomaine of uncertain action. Carneous. Fleshy; resembling flesh. Carniv'orous. Flesh-devouring. CaPnose. Fleshy; carneous. Carnos'ity. A small, fleshy growth. CaroPic. Pertaining to, or producing, stupor. CaroPids. Large arteries of the neck. CaPpal. Pertaining to the carpus or wrist. CarphoPogy. Delirious picking at the bed- clothes. CarpoPica. Diseases affecting pregnancy. CaPpus. The eight wrist-bones; the wrist. Cartilage. Smooth, white, elastic, non-vascular tissue, softer than bone ; gristle. CaPuncle. A small, fleshy growth. Carunc'ulae MyrtifornPes. Atrophied rem- nants of the ruptured hymen. Cas'ein. Nitrogenized principle of milk. Cas/eous. Resembling cheese. Cas/tor. Odorous secretion of the beaver. Cas'trate. To excise testicles. 52 C.atacau/sis. Spontaneous combustion. Catacla'sis. Fracture ; distortion of eyelid. Cataclei'ses. Adhesion of eyelids. Cataclysm. An affusion; sudden shock. Catacrot'ic. Applied to oscillations in down- stroke of sphygmogram. Catagmat'ic. Tending to unite solutions of con- tinuity. Cat'alepsy. Morbid suppression of the will and senses, with rigidity of voluntary muscles. Cataleptic Method. Resort to external reme- dies when internal use is impeded. Catal'ysis. Chemical reaction promoted by pres- ence of an apparently unaffected substance. Catame'nia. Monthly discharge of blood from ovaries in normal state of female, from puberty to climacteric. Cat'aplasm. A poultice. Cat'aract. Opacity of crystalline lens and its capsule, of various forms. Catarrh'. Inflammation of mucous membrane, as of nose and throat. Catastal'tic. Repressing evacuations; astrin- gent. Cat-gut. Cord prepared from sheep intestines, used for ligatures. Cathaeret'ic. Destructive; mildly caustic. Cathar'tic. Purgative; agent producing evacua- tion of bowels. Cathar'tin. The active principle of senna. Cath'eter. Slender surgical tube, for draining bladder, etc. Cat'ling. Double-edged surgical knife. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 53 Catoptric Test. Observation of images re- flected from cornea and lens, for diagnosis of cataract. Cat’s Eye. Morbid yellowish appearance of fundus of the eye. Cau/da Equi'na. Bundle of nerves below cord in spinal canal. Cau'dal. Pertaining to a tail. Cau'date. Having a tail. Caul. Omentum; foetal membranes when they cover face and head of child at birth. Caus/tic. Escharotic ; substance whose applica- tion burns or destroys living tissue. Cauterant. Having cauterizing character. Cauterization. Act of burning; application of cautery or caustic. Cautery. Application of caustic, or of heated metal to burn living tissues. Ca'va. Vena cava. Cav'ernous Body. Corpus cavemosum of penis. CavOrnous Respiration. In auscultation, hol- low sound consequent upon cavity in the lung. CavTty. A hollow. Cell. Cellule; a small protoplasmic mass, usually nucleated. Cell-nuc'leus. The cytoblast; areola. Cell-theory. Doctrine that cell-formation is the essential biogenetic element. Cel'lular. Areolar; relating to, containing, or composed of, cells. CePlulated. Containing areolte or cellules. CslTule. Minute cell or cavity. Cellulitis. Inflammation of cellular tissue. 54 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cellulose. Starch-like vegetable fibre. Celot/omy. Incisive operation for strangulated hernia. CerrPent. Bone-like layer at tooth-root. Cenot'ica. Diseases of the fluids; drastic agents. Centigrade Thermom'eter. Thermometer marking loo equal degrees between freezing- (o°) and boiling-point (loo°) of water; much used scientifically. Centigramme. Hundredth part of gramme, about 0.17 of grain avoirdupois. Centilitre. Hundredth part of litre, about 0.61 cubic inch. Centimetre. Hundredth part of a metre, about 0.39 inch. CerPtre. Mid-point of body, organ, inflamma- tion, etc. Also, nerve-ganglion controlling a function. Cephalse/mia. Cerebral hypersemia. CephalaPgia. Pain in the head. Cephal'ic. Pertaining to the head. CephalPtis. Inflammation of brain. CephalodyrPia. Pain in the head; headache. Cephalom/eter. Instrument to measure head. CephaloPomy. Dissection of the head; crani- otomy. Ceph/alotribe. Instrument to crush foetal head. Cera/ceous. Waxy. Ce/rate. Composition with wax as a basis. CeratPtis. Inflammation of cornea ; keratitis. Cer'atocele. Keratocele. Ceratonyx/is. Keratonyxis. CePatotome. Keratome. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 55 CeratoComy. Section of the cornea; kera- totomy. Cer'eal. Relating to grain. CerebePlum. A main division and inferior part of brain, between cerebrum and medulla ob- longata. Cer'ebral. Relating to, or involving, the brain. Cerebration. Cerebral action involved in men- tal function. Cerebritis. Cerebral inflammation. Cerebro-spi'nal. Relating to, or involving, both brain and spinal structure. CeCebrum. The brain proper, occupying cra- nium above cerebellum. Cerectomy. Cutting out portion of cornea. Ce/reous. Waxy. Cer'nos. Bandage for head. Cero'ma. Lardaceous degeneration. Ceru/men. Ceraceous secretion of the ear. Cer'vical. Pertaining to the neck. Cer'vix. The neck. Cer/vix U/teri. Neck, or strait inferior portion of the womb. Ceta/cea. Order of marine mammals, including whale. Ceta'ceum. Spermaceti; fatty substance from sperm whale. Chalazo - NephrPtis. Granular nephritic dis- ease. Chalk. Carbonate of lime. Chalk-stones. Chalk-like articular deposits; gout-stone. Chalyb'eate. Containing iron. 56 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cham'ber. Hollow; cavity; inclosed space. Cham'omile. Anthemis; agent much used in spasmodic infantile troubles. Chancre. Primary syphilitic ulcer. ChaiVcroid. Chancre-like sore ; soft chancre, or non-infecting venereal ulcer. Change of Life. Climacteric. ChaClatan. Medical pretender ; quack. Charpie. Filaments from old linen for wound- dressing. CheilFtis. Inflammation of lip. Che'loid. Keloid. Chemical Affinity. Mutual attraction between heterogeneous particles of bodies, forming new compounds by their union in definite proportions. Chem/ism. Reliance upon organic chemistry to solve vital problems. Chem'istry. The science treating of the com- position apd reaction of elements and compounds. Chemo'sis. Conjunctival inflammation. Chest. Thorax. Chias/ma. Optic commissure; X-like crossing of fibres of optic nerve. Chick'en Pox. Varicella. ChiPblain. Local cutaneous swelling and inflam- mation from cold. Child-bed. Labor confinement. Chin/-cough. Whooping-cough. Chinoi'dine. Alkaloidal mixture obtained in producing quinine. ChirarthrFtis. Articular inflammation of the hand. Chirop'odist. One skilled in affections of feet and hands. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 57 Chirur/gical. Pertaining to surgery. Chloas/ma. Cutaneous affection, with blotches of pigmentary discoloration. Chlo/ral. C2HC130. Anhydrous chloral; color- less, bitter, odorous, oily liquid. ChloralarrPide. A bitter, colorless, crystalline substance, very recently introduced as a hypnotic; little tested as yet, but of excellent promise. Chloral Hy/drate. So-called “ Chloral ” ; water added to anhydrous chloral; colorless, pungent, bitter crystalline hypnotic and anaesthetic. Chlo/ral-u/rethane. Ural; an excellent and safe hypnotic; a solution of urethane in chloral; re- commended as soporific in 1889. Chlo/rate. Compound of chloric acid and a base. Chlo/ride. Compound of chlorine and radical. Chlo/rine (Cl). Non-metallic element; yellow- green, poisonous gas, produced from salt. Chloroform. CHC1S. Heavy colorless liquid, of marked odor; antispasmodic, narcotic, and in- halant anaesthetic. Chlorophyll. Complex, granular substance, im- parting green color to foliage. Chloro/sis. “ Green sickness” of young females, with anemia and dysmenorrhoea. Cholae'mia. Bile in blood; jaundice. ChoPagogue. Purgative of bile. CholecystPtis. Inflammation of the gall bladder. CholedochPtis. Inflammation of ductus chole- dochus. Chole'dochus. Receiving bile; united ducts of liver and gall bladder. CholelithPasis. Formation of biliarv calculi. 58 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Choleme'sia. Vomiting bile. CholepyPrhin. Biliphein. ChoPera. Prostrating epidemic infection, with cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. ChoPera InfarPtum. Prostrating infantile affec- tion, with aqueous discharge; “ summer com- plaint.” ChoPera MoPbus. Sporadic cholera. ChoPerine. The early stage, or a mild attack, of cholera. Cholesteato'ma. An encysted tumor containing cholesterine flakes. Choles'terine. A white fatty substance found in blood, nervous system, and bile. Cholorrhce'a. Abnormal discharge of bile. CholtPria. Bile in urine. Chon/drin. Glucoside in cartilage. ChondrPtis. Cartilaginous inflammation. Chondrogen'esis. Cartilage formation. Chon'droid. Resembling cartilage. Chondro/ma. Cartilaginous tumor. Chondro/sis. Chondroma; chondrogenesis. ChondroPomy. Dissection of cartilage. ChoPda. Fibrous collection; tendon. Chordee/. Gonorrhoeal, painful, down-curved erection. ChordPtis. Inflammation of vocal cord. Chore'a. St. Vitus’dance; nervous, involuntary, spasmodic, muscular contraction. ChoTion. Outer envelope of foetus. ChoToid. Vascular tunic of eye between sclerotic and retina. ChoroidPtis. Inflammation of the choroid. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 59 Chrc/mate. Compound of chromic acid and a base. Chromatic. Pertaining to, or exhibiting, color. Chromatop'sia. Vision with subjective color- perception. Chromidro/sis. Discolored perspiration. Chro/mium (Cr). Hard, gray, metallic element. Chron/ic. Long-continued ; reverse of acute. Chrys'alis. Form of certain insects intermediate between larval and winged states. Chthonopha/gia. West Indian affection involv- ing desire to eat dirt. Chyle. Milky fluid converted from chyme and absorbed by lacteals. ChyliFerous. Transmitting chyle. Chyliflca/tion. Chyle-formation and -absorption. Chylopoiet/ic Vis/cera. Parts involved in pro- ducing chyle. Chylorrhce'a. Abnormal discharge of chyle. ChyliFria. Milky urine. Chyme. Pulpy mass of digested food and gastric juice. Chymifica/tion. Digestive transformation into - chyme. Chymo'sin. Pepsin. Ciba'rious. Pertaining to, or useful for, food. Cicatricial. Pertaining to cicatrix. Cicatric/ula. Blastoderm of bird’s ovum. Cicatrix. Scar or seam from healed wound. Cicatrization. Cicatrix-formation. CiPia. Eyelashes. Hair-like processes of certain cells. CiPiary. Pertaining to cilia. 60 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cil'iary Body. Muscular band connecting iris and choroid. CiFiated. Possessing cilia. Cincho'na. Peruvian bark; bark of several species of Andean trees, including calisaya; yields qui- nine, and resembles it in action. Cincho'nia. Cinchonine. Cincho'nicine. An alkaloid from cinchonine. Cinchonine. Alkaloid obtained from cinchona; action inferior to that of quinine. Cinera/ceous, CineriPious. Ashy; ash-colored. Cinettca. Diseases or agents affecting muscles or muscular action. Cingulum. Waist; fibrous bundle in brain; herpes zoster. Cinnabar. HgS. Red sulphide of mercury. CionPtis. Inflammation of the uvula. CionoPomy. Abscission of uvula. Circulation. Physiological passage of blood through vascular system. Circumciston. Cutting off annular portion of the prepuce. Circumcinsion. Acupressure, with thread drawn around needle-ends to increase compres- sion. Circumduction. Continuous circular motion of a limb. Circumscribed. Applied to inflammations, swellings, etc., clearly marked from surrounding parts. CircumvaPlate. Surrounded by a ridge, as cer- tain lingual papillae. Cirthoid. Like a curl. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 61 Cirrhon/osus. Disease of foetus with yellow coloration of the serous membranes. Cirrho'sis. Dense, contracted, fissured, granular condition of an organ, with obliteration of vessels; especially of the liver. Cirsoid. Resembling a varix, or varicose vein. Cirsot/omy. Treatment of varices by cutting. Cittate. Compound of citric acid and a base. Cit/ric Acid. Acid obtained from lemons, limes, etc. Clamp. Metallic instrument for compressing parts. Clap. Familiar name for gonorrhoea. Classification. Scientific distribution into groups. Claud'ent. Shutting; drawing together. Clau'sure. Imperforation. Clavtcle. The collar-bone. Cla'vus. A corn; small callous thickening of skin, especially on the toes. Cla'vus Hystertcus. Acute, neuralgic pain in head, as of nail being driven in. Clean/sings. The lochia. Cleav/age. Segmentation; separation, as of mus- cles into their natural strioe. Cleft Pal'ate. Congenital palatine fissure. Climacteric. Critical period in life; especially time of cessation of menstruation in females. Climattc. Relating to climate. Clintc. Bedside instruction, or study of disease from actual patients. Cliseom'eter. An instrument to determine the pelvic inclination. Clitoridectomy. Excision of clitoris. 62 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Clitoris. Erectile organ in females, analogous to the penis. CliEorism. Enlargement of clitoris; unnatural intercourse of women. ClitorEtis. Inflammation of clitoris. Clot. Coagulum; red, fibrinous, serous mass separating from the blood. Club-foot. Talipes. Clys/ter. Enema. Coagulation. Thickening of a fluid; forming of clot. Coagtilum. Clot. Coalescence. Adhesive or intimate union. Coaptation. Adjustment of edges of solution of continuity. Co'balt (Co.). Brittle, hard, heavy metal. Co'caine. C17H21N04. Active alkaloid of An- dean plant, a powerful local anaesthetic. Coccygodyn'ia. Pain in coccyx region. Coc/cyx. Triangular bone, inferior spinal termi- nation. Cochine/al. Dried insect used for coloring matter. Cochtea. Conchoid cavity of internal ear. Cocootein. Cocoanut oil. Cocoon7. Oblong case of silkworm chrysalis. Coction. Digestion. Co'deine. One of the alkaloids of opium. Ccetiac. Pertaining to the cavity of the belly. CceliaFgia. Abdominal pain. Ccelo'ma. Round ulcer of cornea. Cog'nate. Related. Cohesion. Attraction of aggregation ; force pro- ducing molecular adherence. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 63 Coin'dicant. Concurrently symptomatic. Coition. Sexual intercourse. Co'itus, Coition. Cold. Absence of heat; popularly, congestion of mucous membrane, etc. Col'eocele. Vaginal tumor. Col'ic. Pertaining to colon ; affection of colon ; bellyache. Coli'tis. Inflammation of colon. Col'lagen. Gelatinous base of connective tissue. Collapse'. Prostration, as from shock, etc. Collat'eral. Beside. Colliq'uament. First rudiments of embryo in generation. Collo'dion. Gun-cotton dissolved in alcohol and ether, for surgical dressing. Col'loid. Glue-like; morbid glutinous secretion. Collo'ma. Colloid matter in cysts. Collone'ma. Colloid tumor. Collyr'ium. Eye lotion. Colocyn'thin. Bitter principle of colocynth,—ca- thartic. Co'lon. Portion of large intestine from csecum to rectum. Coloni'tis. Colitis. Col'or-blindness. Inability to discriminate cer- tain colors. Colostra'tion. Infantile affection, supposed from colostrum. Colos'trum. The first and imperfect milk secre- ted after confinement. Colot'omy. Incision of colon. Colpal'gia. Pain in vagina. 64 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Colpatre/sia. Imperforation of the vagina. Colpi/tis. Inflammation of vagina. Colpopto/sis. Prolapse of vagina. Colpo/sis. Colpitis. Colpot'omy. Incision of vagina in labor. Colum'nae. Columns; pillars. Co'ma. Stupor; lethargic sleep. Co/matose. In a state of coma. Combus/tion. Burning. Comedo/nes. Inspissated secretions of hair fol- licles. Com'minuted. Broken in pieces, as bone in certain fractures. Commissure. Juncture; converging fibres unit- ing cerebral hemispheres. Communicable. Contagious. Compatible. Applied to remedies capable of being properly exhibited together. Complemen'tary Air. Additional amount of air inhaled on forced inspiration. Complete'. Applied to inguinal hernia, when protruding through abdominal ring. Com'plicated Frac'ture. Fracture involving adjacent injury. Complica'tion. Interaction of morbid conditions. Com'pound Frac'ture. Fracture involving com- municating integumental wound, Com'press. Linen fold or pad for local pressure. Compres'sion of the Brain. Cerebral condition occasioned by pressure of tumor, etc. Compres'sor. Muscle or instrument producing compression. Con'cave. Presenting an arched hollow. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 65 Conca'vo-con'cave. Bi-concave. Conca/vo-con7vex. Having one side concave and the reverse convex, as a lens. Concentration. Afflux toward any organ; ren- dering compact. Concentric. Having a common centre. Conception. Impregnation of ovum by the semen. Contha. Conchoid object, as the external ear. ConchoFogy. Science of shells. Concoction. Act of boiling one substance with another. Concomttant. Accompanying, as symptoms. Concretion. Osseous deposit in an organ; cal- culus. Concus'sion. Shaking, shock, or general dis- turbance of minute parts of the brain. Condensation. Process of reduction to denser form. Con'diment. Seasoning substance. Conductor. Substance admitting transmission of force; instrument directing surgical knife, etc. Condylarthrotis. Articulation by condyles. Con'dyle. Round articular eminence, as of femur. Condylo/ma. Fleshy, syphilitic excrescence about anus or pudendum. Confine'ment. Period of parturition. Con'fluent. Applied to eruptions with pustules run together, as in small-pox. Conformation. Natural shape. Congen/erous. Of the same genus, as diseases. Congenttal. Existing at birth, as disease, mal- formation, etc. 66 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Congestion. Local accumulation, or torpid stagnation, of blood in vessels of apart. Congestive. Due to, or involving, conges- tion. Congestive Fever. Malarial fever. Conglomerate. Massed; formed of lobules under one membrane. Conglutinate. Cemented; agglutinate. Co'nine. Powerful toxic alkaloid from conium. Conjunctiva. Mucous membrane covering cor- nea and anterior sclerotic, and lining eyelids. Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of conjunctiva. Connective Tis/sue. Mesoblastic, cellular, easily distended tissue, freely uniting the various parts of the frame. Consecutive. Succeeding. Consen'sual. Applied to simultaneous motions of which the remoter is involuntary. Conservative. Preservative and restorative. Consistence. Degree of density or hardness. Consistent. Dense ; not fluid. Constipation. Costiveness; confinement or in- frequent action of the bowels. Constituent. Essential ingredient; vehicle of prescription. Constitution. Nature, composition; particular temperament and condition of an individual. Constitutional. Pertaining to constitution, or to the whole body. Constrictor. Muscle contracting orifice; com- pressor. Consultation. Deliberation of practitioners with regard to a patient. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 67 Consumption. Wasting, or emaciation of body; phthisis pulmonalis. Contact. Touching. Conta'gion. Transmission of poisonous princi- ple ; infection. Conta'gious. Communicable; having character of contagion. Continued Fever. Febrile type, with uninter- rupted course, or abating without intermitting. Continutty. Uninterrupted connection. Contorted. Twisted. ContractilTty. Property of contracting, or short- ening, as muscular fibre under stimulus. Contraction. Decrease of volume; shortening. Contracture. Morbid muscular rigidity and per- sistent contraction. Contra-indicated. Forbidden by the patho- logical condition. Contrecoup. Cranial fracture on side opposite the blow. Contu'sion. Bruise; lesion from blow with a blunt body. Convalescence. Period of recovery after dis- ease. Convergence. Mutual inclination, as of visual lines. Convex Curved outward on external surface; reverse of concave. Convolution. State of being wound or folded upon itself, as brain or intestines. ConvuPsion. Spasm; fit; violent, spasmodic, involuntary, alternate muscular contraction and relaxation. 68 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Coordination. Harmonious adjustment of mus- cular action to execute a definite object. Copai/ba. A false balsam, a stimulant and laxa- tive oleo-resin. Cop/per (Cu.). A heavy, reddish, elastic, tena- cious metal. Cop'peras. Sulphate of iron ; green vitriol. Coproctic. Pertaining to the faeces. Coprostasis. Intestinal obstruction; constipa- tion. Copulation. Coition. Cor'acoid. A process of the scapula. CoPdial. Warm medicine, quickening the circu- lation. Core. Centre of carbuncle, etc., formed of dead tissue. Corectisis. Obliteration of pupil. Corectomy. Iridectomy. Corecto'pia. Displacement of pupil. Corecto'sis. Dilatation of pupil. CorediaPysis. Detaching iris from ciliary body. Coremorpho'sis. Operation for artificial pupil. Coteplasty. Forming artificial pupil. Coret'omy. Incision of iris. Coriaceous. Having texture of rough skin. Cotium. The derma, cutis, or internal cutane- ous layer. Corn. Small, local, epidermic induration, espe- cially of the toes. Cor/nea. Transparent anterior part of eyeball continuous with sclerotic. CornePtis. Keratitis. CoPneous. Resembling horn; horny. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 69 Cor'nu Cer'vi. Hart’s horn, formerly much used in preparation of ammonia. Coro'na. A crown; surrounding part like a crown. Coro'na Den'tis. Crown of a tooth. Corc/na Glan/dis. Prominent margin of glans penis. CorcPna Ven'eris. Venereal blotches on forehead. Cor'onad. Toward the coronal aspect. Corronal As'pect. Aspect toward crown of the head. Cor'onal Su'ture. Suture of parietal and frontal bones of skull. Cor'pora. Spheroid or ovoid bodies, especially of brain. Corpora Amyla/cia. Bodies found in nervous tissue after death. Corpora Caverno'sa. Two erectile bodies, forming bulk of body of penis. CoHpora Caverno'sa VagPnae. Bulbs of ves- tibule. Corpora Lutea. Yellow spots found in the ovaria in place of ova. Corpora Malpighia/na. Splenic vesicles; cor- pora imbedded in pulp of spleen. Corpora QuadrigenPina. Four optic lobes of brain, the nates and testes. Corpse. Cadaver; dead human body. CoPpulent. Obese; having excessive fatty accu- mulation. CoPpus Callo/sum. Hard substance uniting hemispheres of brain. Cor/pus Highmoria'num. Imperfect fibrous septum in testes. 70 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cor'pus Spongiosum. Rod of erectile tissue below the corpora cavernosa. Corpuscle. A minute body. Corrective. Ingredient modifying action of a prescription. Cortigent. Corrective. Corroborant. A tonic, invigorating remedy. Corro'sive. Eating into or disorganizing. Corro'sive Sublimate. Perchloride of mercury. Corrugated. Folded; wrinkled. Cortugator. Muscle contracting into wrinkles. Cortex. Park, rind, or outer covering. Cortical. Pertaining to cortex. Corubdum. Hard, crystalline alumina, including sapphire. Cory'za. Inflammation of nasal mucous mem- brane ; nasal catarrh. Costal. Pertaining to the ribs. Costive. Affected with constipation. Cotubnius, Liquor of. Perilymph; clear fluid secreted in internal ear. CotyleMon. Seed-lobe of a plant. CoCyloid. A cup-shaped cavity, as the aceta- bulum. Couchtng. The depression or displacement of a cataractous lens. Cough. Violent, sonorous expiration after closure of glottis. Coutomb. Unit of quantity in electrical mea- surement ; one ampere per second. Counter Extension. Holding of upper part of limb while the lower is extended, to reduce dis- location, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 71 CourPter Irrita'tion. Derivation ; revulsion ; irritation of one part of body, to relieve another. Coup-de-Soleil. Insolation; sun-stroke. Courses. Menses. Cowper’s Glands. Two small, lobated glands above the bulb of urethra. Coxal'gia. Ischialgia. Coxa/rius Modbus. Hip-joint disease. CoxPtis. Inflammation of hip-joint. Cracked-pot Sound. Bruit de pot-fele. Cramp. Sudden, violent muscular contraction; spasm. Cra'nial. Pertaining to the cranium or skull. Cra'nioclasm. Crushing of fcetal skull with for- ceps. Cra'nioclast. Cephalotribe. CranioPogy. Science of skull-forms; phrenology. CranionPeter. Instrument for cranial measure- ment. Cranios/copy. Inspection of skull. CranioPomy. Perforating and crushing foetal skull in parturition. Cran/ium. The skull; the osseous cavity con- taining encephalon. Crassamen'tum. The clot of blood, composed of fibrin and red globules with serum. Cre'asote. Oily, colorless, antiseptic liquid, dis- tilled from wood-tar. Cre/atin. Kreatin. Cremas'ter. The muscle which draws up or suspends the testicle. Cremation. Incineration; consuming a body by burning. 72 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cre/nate. Notched. Crepitant. Crackling. Crepitation. Grating, as of fractured ends of bones; auscultatory sound in pulmonary disease ; noise during calcination of certain salts. Crest. An eminence, or ridge, bony or other- wise. Cretinism. Endemic disease, with imperfect mental and physical development. Creta'ceous. Chalky. Cribtiform. Perforated; sieve-like. CrPcoid. Annular. Crim'inal Malpractice. Unlawful production of abortion. Crinig'erous. Hair-producing. CrPnose. Hairy. Cri'sis. A turning point or period marking change or termination of disease. CritGcal. Decisive; pertaining to crisis. Crotalus. Rattlesnake. Crotch'et. Sharp-ended hook for extracting the foetus after craniotomy. Croup. Inflammation of the larynx and trachea; cynanche trachealis. Croup'ine. Laryngismus stridulus. Cru/cible. Chemical vessel for exposing sub- stances to intense heat. Crude. Raw; unfinished; rough. Cru'dity. Crude state, as of undigested matter in the stomach. Cru/orin. Haemoglobin. Cru'ral. Pertaining to the thigh. Cruso-creatinine. A leucomaine found in muscle. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 73 Crusta/cea. Order of arthropoda, having crust- like shell, as lobster, crab, etc. Crypt. Small, hollow secreting gland in skin or mucous membrane. Cryptococ'cus. Yeast-fungus. Cryptodid/ymus. One foetus contained in another. Cryptoga'mia. Order of flowerless plants of obscure fructification. Cryptopytc. Applied to disease kept up by a hidden abscess. CryptoOchid. A male whose testicles have not descended into scrotum. Crystalline Lens. Lens of the eye refracting light to a retinal focus. Crystallization. Molecular aggregation into regular geometric solids. Cu'bit. The ulna. Globoid. Cube-like in form. Cucur'bit. Gourd-shaped vessel; cupping-glass. Cuirass/ Cancer. Breastplate-like mass of can- cer of the chest. Cul-de-sac. Pouch; blind sac-like cavity. Cunetform. Wedge-shaped. Cun'nus. Vulva. Cupped. Applied to blood drawn in inflamma- tion when the buffy coat is concave on upper sur- face. Cupping. Blood-letting by means of cupping glass. Cu/preous. Pertaining to copper. CuraCe. Alkaloid from South American plant, a violent poison. 74 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cur/ative. Of healing tendency. Curette. Spoon-shaped instrument, for cataract operation, etc. Current. A flow, as of electricity. Cus'parine. Proximate principle of Angustura bark. Cus/pidate. Sharp-pointed, as canine teeth. Cuta'neous. Relating to the skin. Cu'ticle. Epidermis; external or scarf-skin. Cu'tis. Derma, corium; internal or true skin of condensed areolar tissue. Cu/tis AnserPna. “ Goose-skin,” with erect papillae, from contraction of pilar muscles. Cyanhidro'sis. Chromidrosis of blue color. Cyanoder/ma. Blue discoloration of the skin. Cyanop/athy. Blue disease ; cyanosis. Cyano/sis. General venous congestion from affections of lungs and heart, with admixture of venous and arterial blood. Cyan'urin. Bluish pigment of the urine. CyclPtis. Inflammation of ciliary body of eye. Cy/cloid. Like a circle. Cyclople'gia. Paralysis of ciliary muscle of eye. Cyclot/omy. Incision through ciliary body of eye. CyesioPogy. Science of pregnancy. Cylindro'ma. Sarcomatous tumor, with hyaline masses. Cynan/che. Throat affection; quinsy. Cynan/che Larynge'a. Laryngitis; croup. Cynan'che Malig/na. Putrid sore throat; an- gina putris. Cynan'che Parotide'a. Parotitis; mumps. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 75 Cynan/che Pharynge/a. Pharyngitis ; common sore throat. CynarPche Tonsilla'ris. Quinsy; tonsilitis. Cynan/che Trachea'lis. Croup. Cynan/thropy. Mania, in which patient believes himself a dog. Cynopho/bia. False hydrophobia, from fright following harmless dog-bite. CyoCrophy. Nutrition of the foetus. Cypho/sis. Angular spinal curvature. Cyst. A sac; accidental membranous pouch con- taining fluid. CystaPgia. Pain in the bladder. Cys/tic. Pertaining to a cyst, or to urinary- or gall-bladder. Cysticer/cus. Hydatid; immature form of taenia. Cys'tic Oxide. Cystin. Cys'tin. Rare form of human calculus, contain- ing sulphur. Cystinu/ria. Cystin in urine. Cystirrhag/ia. Vesical haemorrhage. Cystirrhoe/a. Chronic cystitis; vesical catarrh. Cysti'tis. Inflammation of the bladder; vesical catarrh. Cys/titome. Ophthalmic surgical instrument for lacerating capsule of the lens. Cys'toblast. Cell-nucleus. CystobuborFocele. Inguinal hernia, involving bladder. Cys'tocele. Vesical hernia. Cystodyn'ia. Pain in the bladder. Cys/toid. Of cystic character. 76 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Cystolithi'asis. Formation of stone in the bladder. Cystolith'ic. Pertaining to vesical calculus. Cystc/ma. Tumor with newly formed cysts. Cystome'rocele. Vesical hernia through the femoral ring. Cys/toplasty. An operation for vesico-vaginal fistula. Cystople'gia. Vesical paralysis. Cystopy'ic. Pertaining to purulent vesical affec- tions. Cysto-sarco/ma. Complex cystic tumor. Cys/toscope. Instrument to examine interior of bladder. Cystospas'tic. Relating to vesical spasm. CystoComy. Incision or puncture of the blad- der; opening of encysted tumors. CytFtis. Dermatitis. Cy/toblast. A cell germ, or nucleus. Cytoblas/tema. Cell-protoplasm. Cytogen/esis. Cytogeny. CytogeneCic. Pertaining to cell multiplication. Cytog/eny. Cell formation. Cy'toid. Cell-like. CytoPogy. Science of cells. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 77 D. DacryadenaPgia. Neuralgia of lachrymal gland. D acryadenPtis. Inflammation of lachrymal gland. Dacryoblennorrhce'a. Mucous discharge from lachrymal sac. DacryocystaPgia. Pain in lachrymal sac. DacryocystPtis. Acute inflammation of lachry- mal sac. Dac'ryolite. Calculus in lachrymal sac. DacryolithPasis. Dacryolite formation. Dac'ryops. Swelling of lachrymal sac. Dacryopyorrhce'a. Purulent lachrymation. DacryosolenPtis. Inflammation of lachrymal duct. DactyPion. Webbed fingers. DactylPtis. Inflammation, or swelling, of fin- gers or toes. DactyloPogy. Conversation by means of the fingers. DaPtonism. Color-blindness. Dan'druff. Pityriasis; scurf on head. Dar'tious. Pertaining to the skin. DaCtoid. Dartos-like. Dar/tos. Thin, smooth, areolar layer, the proper tunic of scrotum. Darwinism. Darwinian hypothesis of descent by evolution, modified by “ natural selection,” and “ survival of the fittest.” Deaf. Devoid of hearing. Death. Cessation of vital phenomena. 78 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Death-rate. Annual mortality per 1000. DebiEitants. Agents allaying excitement; anti- phlogistics. Debridement. Enlarging orifice of a wound in operating. Decagramme. Ten grammes. Decalcified. Deprived of calcareous matter. Decalitre. Ten litres. Decametre. Ten metres. Decid'ua. Spongy mucous membrane of uterus, produced at conception, and cast off after partu- rition. Decid'uous. Shedding; falling off. Decigramme. One-tenth of a gramme. Decilitre. One-tenth of a litre. Decimetre. One-tenth of a metre. Decoction. Extraction of soluble constituents of a substance by boiling in water. Decomposition. Resolution of a body into its constituent principles; analysis; putrefaction. Decortication. Stripping off the bark or ex- ternal layer of plants. Decrement. Decrease. Decrepitation. Crackling,bursting of crystallized bodies exposed to heat. Decus/sate. Intersecting; presenting decussa- tion. Decussation. X-like crossing or intersection, as of lines, nerves, or fibres. Dedentition. The second teething Dedolation. Cutting off obliquely, or in a thin slice. Defecation. The act of evacuating faeces. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 79 DeFerent. Applied to duct carrying semen from the testicles. DePlagrator. A form of galvanic battery. Deflected. Bent downward. Defloration. Act of depriving a female of vir- ginity. Defluxton. Catarrh; downward flow of humors. Deformity. Distortion; asymmetry; deviation from normal type. Degeneration. Deterioration; retrograde change of condition. DeglutPtion. The act of swallowing. DehisCence. Spontaneous bursting open, as of fruit to discharge seed. Dejection. Discharge of faeces; depression. DeleteTious. Injurious; poisonous. DePhi Boil. Aleppo Button. Deligation. Bandaging; ligation. Deliquescence. Change from solid to liquid state, on exposure to air. DelPquium Animi. Swooning; syncope. Delirtum. Frenzy; mental aberration, usually temporary and from some other affection. Delirtum Tre/mens. Trembling delirium from alcoholism; mania a potu. Delites'cence. Sudden disappearance, as of inflammation; hidden condition. DelivCry. Parturition. DePtoid. Like the Greek letter Delta (A). DeluCion. Hallucination; a false idea. Dementia. Feebleness of mind; incoherency of ideas. DemCdex. Acarus. 80 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Demonstrator. (Ana/.) One who exhibits the parts when dissected. Demulcents. Medicines which protect sensible surfaces from irritation. Den'gue. Ephemeral, continued fever, with pain in bones, and papillary eruption. DenOity. Compactness; quantity of matter con- tained in given bulk; opposite of rarity. Dental. Pertaining to teeth. Den/taphone. Box-like instrument placed on teeth to assist hearing. D estate. Toothed. Denticle. A little tooth, or projection. Denticulate. Having denticles. Dentifrice. Substance rubbed on teeth to cleanse them. Dentine. Tissue of the body of the tooth. Dentistry. Treatment of affections of teeth. Dentition. Process of cutting teeth ; teething. Dentoid. Tooth-like. Denudation. Laying bare. Deob/struent. Agent opening passages of body; aperient. Deo'dorizer. Disinfectant; agent destroying offensive odor. Deop'pilative. Deobstruent. Deor'sum Ver'gens. Turning of eyes down- ward. Deoxidation. Reduction from state of an oxide. Dephlegmation. Process of depriving a body of water. Dephlogisticated Air. Oxygen gas. Depila'tion. Removal of hair. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 81 Depletion. Emptying; blood-letting; purga- tion. Depolarization. Destruction of polarity. Depostt. Sediment, or precipitation from solu- tion ; collection of morbid particles in the body. Depravation. Degeneration; deterioration. Depres'sant. Agent diminishing force of cardiac contraction ; reverse of stimulant. Depressed7. Lowered. Depression. Couching ; depressed condition; a hollow. DepresSor. Down-drawing muscle. Depuration. Purification; clarifying process. Deradenitis. Inflammation of cervical glands. Derange7ment. Functional disturbance of or- gans ; mental aberration. Derbyshire Neck. Goitre. Deriva tion. Drawing fluids from inflamed parts ; revulsion; counter-irritation. DePma. Corium ; cutis; internal layer of skin; true skin. Der'mad. Toward dermal aspect. Dermal. Pertaining to the skin. Dermal As'pect. Aspect toward skin or outer surface. DermaPgia. Pain or neuralgia of the skin. DermatagTa. Pellagra ; skin disease. Dermatitis. Inflammation of the derma. Der'matoid. Skin-like. DermatoPogy. Science of structure and diseases of skin. Dermatophytse. Diseases of the skin from vegetable fungi. 82 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Dermatc/ses. Cutaneous diseases. Dermatozo'a. Parasitic animalcules of skin. Der/mic. Pertaining to the skin. Der/moid. Dermatoid. Der'mophyte. Parasitic plant of the skin. DermoPomy. Dissection of the skin. DescemetPtis. Inflammation of Descemet’s membrane. Des/cemet’s Mem'brane. Posterior lining membrane of cornea. Desiccation. Process of drying. Desmitis. Inflammation of ligaments. Desmodynta. Pain in the ligaments. Des'moid. Resembling a fasciculus. Des/moid Tissue. White fibrous tissue. DesmoPogy. Science of ligaments and tendons. Desmop'athy. Disease of ligaments. DesmoPomy. Dissection of ligaments. Desquamation. Act of scaling off; exfoliation. Desudation. Violent, morbid, or profuse sweat- ing. Determents. Abluents; agents cleansing wounds and ulcers. Determination. Marked flow of fluid to any part; increased vascular action. Detritus. Waste of tissue or organ; residue after disorganization. Detru'sion. The act of displacing. DetnPsor. A muscle which expels. Deuterop/athy. Sympathetic or secondary affec- tion. DeutoxTde. Substance having second degree of oxidation; binoxide; dioxide. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 83 Development. Progressive variation toward mature or perfected condition. DexiocaPdia. Congenital transposition of heart to right side. Dex/trad. Toward the dextral aspect. Dex/tral As/pect. Lateral aspect from median plane toward the right. Dex/trin. A soluble gummy substance obtainable from starch. Diabe/tes. Immoderate flow of saccharine urine. Diabe/tes Insip'idus. Polyuria. Diabe/tes MePlitus. Diabetes. Diabe/tic. Relating to diabetes. DiabroPic. Erodent; eating through. Diach'ylon. Emollient, digestive plaster; lead- plaster. Diac'rises. Affections with altered secretions. Diacrisog/raphy. Description of the secretory organs. DiaePesis. Solution of continuity; operation of dividing any part of the body. Diagnosis. Discernment and discrimination of diseases; interpretation of morbid symptoms. Diagnostic. Pertaining to, or directing, diagnosis. DiaPysis. Separation of crystalloid and colloid substances by means of moist diaphragm. DiapfPanous. Transparent; translucent; trans- mitting light. Diaphoresis. Increased perspiration. DiaphorePics. Agents increasing, or restoring, natural cutaneous exhalations. DPaphragm. Midriff; transverse muscular par- tition between thorax and abdomen. 84 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. DiaphragmaFgia. Pain in the diaphragm. Diaphragmat/ocele. A hernia through aperture in diaphragm. DiaphragmPtis. Inflammation of the dia- phragm. Diaph'ysis. Shaft of cylindrical bones, part formed from central point of ossification. Diapyet/ic. Promoting suppuration. Diarrhce'a. Frequent, abnormal, watery defeca- tion ; flux ; looseness of bowels without tenesmus. Diarthro'sis. Articulation admitting free move- ment in many directions. DiastaPtic. Reflex system of nerves. Diastasae'mia. Morbid condition with separa- tion of elements of blood globules. DFastase. Peculiar glutenoid principle, formed during germination of plants. Dias/tasis. Forcible separation of bones, with- out fracture. Diaste/ma. An interval; a fissure. Dias'tole. Dilatation or relaxation of the heart or arteries. DiastoFic. Relating to diastole. DiatheFmal. Transcalent; permeable to radiant heat. Diath'esis. Constitutional predisposition to a particular disease. Di'chrosm. Property of exhibiting different colors, according to angle of incident light. DicroFic. Rebounding; double - beating, as a pulse when sphygmogram shows two marked w'aves to each heart-beat. Didac'tyle. Having only twro fingers or toes. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 85 Didymitis. Inflammation of testicle. Did/ymous. Double; twin; occurring in pairs. Dielectric. Permitting transmission of electricity. DieretGc. Having power to dissolve; corrosive. DFet. Food; system of aliment. Di'etary. Pertaining to diet. Dietet/ics. Branch of treatment having reference to diet. Diethyl-acetal. Acetal. Differential Diagnosis. Accurate discrimina- tion of diseases with similar symptoms. Differentiation. Development; increase from formation of new tissues; generation or discern- ment of differences. Diffuse''. Devoid of definite limits. Diffusible. Capable of rapid dispersion, as stim- ulants of quick action. Diffusion. Spreading; intermingling, as of gases and liquids. Digastric. Double-bellied. Digen'esis. Reproduction in two different ways, as by sexual and asexual methods. DigSny. Generation requiring union of the sexes. Digestant. Substance effecting solution of food in alimentary canal; ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, etc. Digestion. Action of digestive organs and secre- tions ; conversion of food into chyme and chyle. Digestive Organs. Alimentary canal and its glands and appendages. DigGtal. Resembling, pertaining to, or involving, the fingers. Digitatin. A glucoside, active principle of digi- talis. 86 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Digitalis. Foxglove; toxic cardiac tonic. Dig'itate. Branched like the fingers. Dilata'tion. Expansion, enlargement, stretching, as of a vessel or orifice. Dilat/or. Muscle or instrument performing dila- tation. DiFuent. Agent increasing fluidity, as of blood or secretions. Dilution. Liquid attenuation; solution. Dime/tria. State of having a double womb. Dimidiate. Divided into halves. Dimorph/ous. Having two incompatible forms. Dimy'ary. Closed by two muscles. Diop'trics. Branch of optics treating of refrac- tion through transparent media. Diop/try. Unit of optic lens measure; lens with focus of one metre. Diphtheria. Infectious, prostrating disease, with membranous exudation on mucous surface of air- passages. Diphtheritic. Pertaining to, or having character of, diphtheria. DiphtherFtis. Diphtheria. Dipioe. Cellular, bony tissue, between two cra- nial tables. Diplo/ma. Document conveying honor or privi- lege, as of practising a learned profession. Diplo'pia. Double vision of a single object. Dipsetic. Thirst-producing. Dipsoma'nia. Mania with periodical propensity to drunkenness. Dipsop/athy. Treatment which interdicts drink. DirecTor. Grooved surgical instrument to direct knife. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 87 Disarticula'tion. Amputation of limb at joint. Disc. Cycloid plate or surface. Discis'sion. Rupture of lens capsule in opera- tion for cataract. Discrete'. Scattered, disconnected, as exanthe- matous papulae. Discu'tient. Agent resolving or dispersing tumors, oedema, etc. Disdi'aclasts. Doubly-refractive elements of contractile muscular discs. Disease'. Morbid condition, from functional dis- turbance, organic derangement, or anatomical abnormality. Disgorge'ment. Discharge of a quantity of collected fluid. Disinfec'tant. Agent destroying cause of in- fection, and preventing growth of septic organisms. Disintegra'tion. Breaking into particles; de- struction of cohesion. Disk. Disc. Disloca'tion. Displacement, as of articular sur- faces of bone. Dispens'ary. Place where medicine and medical advice are given. Dispens'atory. Treatise on medicinal prepara- tions ; unofficial pharmacopoeia. Disper'sion. A scattering, as of constituent colored rays of a beam of white light. Disposi'tion. Natural tendency or constitution. Dissec'tion. Cutting apart and exposing organic structures. Dissolu'tion. Process of dissolving; death. Dis'tad. Toward the distal aspect. 88 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Distal As'pect. Aspect toward extremity, or furthest from median line. Distend/ed. Dilated. Distichi'asis. A double row of eyelashes, some inclining inward. Distillation. Vaporization of a liquid by heat, and subsequent condensation. Distoc/ia. Delivery of twins. Dis/toma. Genus of sterelminthous, parasitic worms, with two mouths or suckers. Distortion. Twisting or bending from normal shape or direction. Distrain of the Heart. Sudden cardiac dilata- tion without antecedent disease. Distrix. Morbid splitting of hair-ends. Diure'sis. Frequent micturition. Diuret'ic. Promoting diuresis ; agent increasing secretion of urine. Diur'nal. Daily, or pertaining to day. Divel'lent. Separating; causing divulsion. DivuFsion. Tearing asunder. Doctor. Savant, teacher, one holding high col- lege degree, especially a medical practitioner. Dotor. Pain. Doloriftc. Producing pain. Dor'sad. Toward the dorsal aspect. Dor/sal. Pertaining to the back or posterior sur- face. Dor'sal As'pect. Aspect toward dorsum or back- bone. Dor'sum. The back. Dose. Determinate quantity of medicine ex- hibited. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 89 Dos/sil. Cylindrical pledget of lint. DothinenterFtis. Inflammation of Peyer’s or Brunner’s glands; enteric fever. Douche. Shower; cold affusion; fluid current directed on internal or external surface. Drachm (3). Weight of sixty grains, or 3.9 grammes. Dragee. Sugar-coated bolus. Drain'age Tube. Tube for gradually discharg- ing contents of suppurating cavity. DrasTic. Operating effectually, as purgatives. Draught. Quantity of liquid medicine which can be taken at once. Dressing. Cleansing and making healing ap- plication to wound or sore. Drop/sy. Hydrops; abnormal serous effusion into cellular tissue or cavity of body. Drug. Medicinal simple; chemical substance used in treatment of disease. Drug'gist. Pharmacist; dispenser of drugs; apothecary. Drum of the Ear. Membrana tympani. Dry Cup/ping. Application of cupping glass without previous scarification. Duct. Canal or tube to convey liquid. Dumb. Devoid of the power of speech. DuodenPtis. Inflammation of duodenum. Duodenos/tomy. Formation of artificial mouth by incision of abdomen and duodenum. Duode'num. First part of small intestines, below pylorus. Dupdicature. Fold. 90 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Du/ra Ma'ter. Strong fibrous membrane, exter- nal covering of brain and spinal cord. Dy'ad. Bivalent; applied to atoms uniting with two monad atoms. Dynam/ic. Pertaining to force. Dy/namite. An explosive compound of nitro- glycerine and siliceous earth. Dy/namo. Machine for generating electricity. Dyne. Force-unit, imparting to one gramme ve- locity of one centimetre per second. Dysae'mia. Morbid state of blood, as from con- tinued poisoning. DyssestheSia. Impaired or perverted feeling. Dyschroe'a. Morbid discoloration, as of the skin. Dyscra/sia. Morbid state of the constitution. Dys/entery. Inflammation and ulceration of mucous membrane of large intestine, often with bloody evacuations. 4 Dyshidrosis. Form of vesicular skin disease, from affection of sweat glands. Dysla/lia. Structural defect of speech. Dysmenorrhce/a. Difficult or painful menstrua- tion. Dysop'sia. Impaired vision. Dysorex'ia. Depraved or diminished appetite. DysosphreSia. Imperfect sense of smell. Dyspep'sia. Indigestion; difficult or imperfect assimilation of food. Dysperm'atism. Impeded or painful emission of semen. Dysoha'gia. Difficulty of swallowing. DysphaSia. Impairment of speech from defective memory of verbal sounds or arrangement; lower degree of aphasia. Dyspho/nia. Difficulty of speech; hoarseness. Dysphra'sia. Impaired ability to combine words expressive of sense intended; lower degree of aphrasia. Dyspnce'a. Difficult respiration. DysteleoPogy. Science of useless and rudi- mentary appendages. Dystoc'ia. Difficult parturition. Dysu'ria. Difficult or painful micturition. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 91 E. Ear. Organ of hearing. Ear-cough. Reflex cough from auditory irrita- tion. Earths. Metallic oxides. Eau. Water. Eau de Vie. Ardent spirit of first distillation; brandy. Ebri'ety. Drunkenness. Ebulli'tion. Production of vapor at boiling- point. Eburna/tion. Ivory-like appearance of cartilage. Ecau'date. Without a tail. EcboPic. Abortive. Ecchondro/ma. Tumor growing from cartilage. Ecchymo/sis. Extravasation of blood into areolar tissue. 92 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Eccye/sis. Extra-uterine foetation. Ecdem/ic. Applied to diseases originating at a distance; non-endemic. Ec'dysis. Moulting of skin; desquamation. Echinococ/cus. Hydatid species of entozoa. Echola'lia. Aphasic repetition of others’ words. Eclamp/sia. Rapid spasmodic motions ; puer- peral convulsions. Eclectic. Physician relying upon vegetable remedies, or selecting what he prefers from the various schools of medicine. Eclecticism. Theory and practice of the Ec- lectics. Econ/omy. The whole animal organism. Ecraseur. Wire loop or chain for amputating. Ecstal'tic. Applied to nervous action from spinal centre. Ec'stasy. Hypnotic or trance-like exalted state; suspension of external sensations. Ecta'sia. Protrusion; distension; dilatation. Ecthy'ma. Non-contagious, cutaneous, pustular disease. « EctilloPic. Eradicating; depilatory. Ectoblast. External membrane of a cell. Ectocar/dia. Displacement of heart. Ectoparasite. Superficial parasite. Ec/tophyte. Vegetable parasite on skin. Ecto'pia. Displacement of parts; luxation. Ecto'pia LerPtis. Dislocation of crystalline lens. Ectozo'a. External parasitic animals; reverse of entozoa. EctrodactyPia. Congenital deficiency of one or more fingers or toes. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 93 Ectrc/pium. Eversion of eyelid, especially the lower. EctroCic. Preventing development of a disease; abortifacient. Ec/zema. Non-contagious, vesicular, cutaneous eruption, with oedema, pustules, exudation, or fis- sion, and usually much itching. EczemCtoid. Resembling eczema. Eczemato/ses. A class of skin diseases. Edentate. Without teeth. Ed/ible. Suitable for food. E'duct. Separated from. EPferent. Conveying outward, or from centre to periphery ; reverse of afferent. Effervescence. Escape of bubbles of gas from a liquid. Effete7. Worn out; decayed. EffloresCence. Exanthem; quality of crumbling when exposed to air. Efflu'vium. Exhalation; vapor; odor. Efflux/ion. Abortion during early pregnancy. EffuCion. A pouring out; extravasation of a fluid with infiltration of adjacent tissue. Effusive. Attended with effusion. Egg. Ovum; egg-cell, or embryo, with envelop- ing membranes. EgophCny. /Egophony. Eisanthe/ma. Exanthem on a mucous mem brane. Eisodtc. Applied to nerves passing to spinal centre. Ejaculation. Emission of semen. Ejection. Casting out of excretions. 94 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Elaboration. Process preparatory to assimila- tion ; production of chyle, etc. Elatn. Liquid part of proximate principle of fat. Elat/erin. The active principle of elaterium. EPbow. Articulation of arm and'forearm. Elco'sis. Fetid ulceration. Elective Affin/ity. Affinity of a given reagent for one substance in preference to another. Electrical. Pertaining to electricity. Electrictty. Peculiar mode of force, generated by friction, etc.; condition related to heat and light. Electrode. Pole; point where electric current enters or leaves a body. Electrogentc. Producing electricity. Electrolysis. Resolution of compound body into elements, by electricity. Electrolytes. Compounds capable of resolution by electrolysis. Electrometer. Instrument to determine elec- tric intensity. Electropuncture. Insertion of needles through which electric current is passed. ElectroPonus. Altered state of nerve or muscle traversed by electrical current. Electuary. Confection, or preparation of pow- ders with syrup, honey, etc. EPement. Ultimate constituent; simple sub- stance incapable of further resolution. ElementoPogy. Science of first principles or elements. ElephantPasis. Chronic oedematous disease of skin and subcutaneous tissue, with hypertrophy, thickening, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 95 El'evator. Muscle lifting a part. Elimination. The act of expelling; use of purgatives. Elin'guid. Tongue-tied. Eliquation. Separation of a more fusible sub- stance from a less, by heat. Elixtr. Sweetened, medicated, alcoholic prepa- ration. Elo'des. Malarial fever. Elongation. Lengthening. Elutriation. Process of separating by washing. Elytritis. Inflammation of vagina. EPytroplasty. Operation for vesico-vaginal fis- tula. Elytropto'sis. Prolapse of mucous membrane of vagina. Elytrorthaphy. Suture of vagina. Emaciation. Becoming lean ; marasmus. Emanation. That which proceeds from other bodies. Eman'sio Men'sium. Delayed menstruation; amenorrhoea. Emasculation. Unmanning; castration. Em'bolism. Obstruction of blood-vessel by an embolus. Em'bolus. Blood-clot, or coagulum, carried by blood-current and forming obstruction in vessel. Embrocation. Fluid application to be rubbed on any diseased part of the body. EnFbryo. Fecundated germ in utero; after fourth month called “ foetus.” Embryocar'dia. Cardiac affection, with feeble, rapid heart-beat, like that of foetus. 96 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Embryoc/tony. Destruction of foetus in utero. Embryog'raphy. Description of embryo or foetus. EmbryoFogy. Science of embryonic develop- ment. Embryon'ic. Pertaining to embryo. Embryospas/tic. Applied to instruments for extraction of foetus. EmbryoFomy. Dismembering foetus in utero to admit of delivery. EmbryoFrophy. Nutrition of foetus. EmbryuFcia. Difficult, or instrumental, delivery. EnFesis. Vomiting. EmeFics. Agents which cause vomiting. EnFetin. Alkaloid, active principle of ipecacu- anha-root. Emic/tion. Micturition. EnFinence. Protuberance or process. Emis'sion. Act of sending forth; ejaculation. Emmen'agogue. Agent promoting catamenial discharge. Emme/nia. Menses. EmmenoPogy. Treatise on menstruation. Emmetro'pia. Normal vision, parallel rays being focused upon retina without accommodative ef- fort. EmoFlients. Agents which soften or relax living tissues. EmphraFtic. Agent liable to obstruct, as the pores. Emphrax/is. Obstruction. Emphy'ma. Tumor, especially one originating below integument. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 97 Emphyse'ma. Wind-dropsy; swelling from air diffused in cellular tissue. Empiric. Charlatan, quack. Empiricism. Treatment founded on experience; quackery. Emplas/trum. Plaster. Emprosthot/onos. Clonic spasm bending the body forward. Empye/ma. Abscess of chest; pus in cavity of pleura. Empye/sis. Pustulous exanthem. Em'pyocele. Collection of pus in scrotum. EmuPgent. Applied to renal arteries and veins, which were supposed to strain the serum. EmuPsin. Ferment obtained from almonds. EmuFsion. Mixture of water with oily or resin- ous substance, by aid of gum, yolk of egg, etc. Emunc/tory. Excretory duct. EnarrCel. Hard substance enveloping crown of tooth. Enanthe/ma. Eruption on mucous membrane. Enantiop'athy. Allopathy. Enarthro'sis. Ball-and-socket joint. Encan'this. Morbid growth in inner canthus of eye. Encephalic. Pertaining to encephalon. Encephalitis. Inflammation of brain or cere- bral membranes. Enceplialocele. Congenital protrusion of brain through cranial aperture. Enceph/aloid. Resembling brain substance; applied to carcinoma. Encephalo'ma. Cerebral tumor. 98 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Encephalon. The brain; contents of the cra- nium. Encephalopathy. Cerebral disease. Enchondro'ma. Cartilaginous tumor. Encceli/tis. Inflammation of viscera of the belly. Encolpitis. Inflammation of mucous membrane of vagina. EncysCed. Contained in a sac or cyst, as tumors. Endan'gium. Lining membrane of vessels. Endarteritis. Inflammation of arterial intima. Endeniic. Applied to diseases peculiar to a people or locality. Ender/mic. Method of applying medicines to denuded dermis. EndoauscultaTion. Auscultation by means of oesophageal tube passed into stomach. En'doblast. Cell-nucleus. Endocarditis. Inflammation of endocardium. Endocardium. Transparent lining membrane of the heart. Endogastritis. Inflammation of lining mem- brane of stomach. Endogenous. Growing by internal increase; reverse of exogenous. Fluid in membranous labyrinth of ear. Endometritis. Inflammation of endometrium. Endometrium. Lining membrane of uterus. Endoneutium. Web of connective tissue sur- surrounding nerve-filaments within a nerve. EnMoplast. Endoblast. En'dosmose. Inward osmose; passage of rarer into denser fluid through porous septum. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 99 EndosteFtis. Inflammation of endosteum. Endos/teum. Medullary membrane of bone. Endothelium. Lining membrane of vascular and other cavities; distinguished from epithe- lium. En'ema. Clyster; cleansing, nutritious, or medicinal injection into rectum. Enepider/mic. Method of applying medicines to epidermis, as blisters, etc. En/ergy. Force ; capacity for performing work. Enerva'tion. Neurasthenic condition. English Sweating-fever. Sudor Anglicus. Engompho/sis. Articulation like the driving of a nail. Engorgement. A choking; obstruction of a vessel. Enosto'sis. A tumor in medullary canal of bone. En/siform. Sword-shaped; xiphoid; applied to cartilage of sternum, etc. Enstro'phe. Inversion of a part. Enta/sia. Constrictive spasm. EnteradenoFogy. Study of intestinal glands. EnteraFgia. Intestinal pain. Enterec/tomy. Excision of part of intestine. EnteCic. Intestinal. Enter'ic Fever. Typhoid fever. Enter'ica. Disorders or agents affecting the intestinal canal. EnterFtis. Inflammation of the intestines, espe- cially small intestines. Enterobro/sia. Enteric perforation. En/terocele. Abdominal hernia containing por- tion of intestine only. 100 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Enterocolitis. Inflammation of small intestine and colon. Enterocys'tocele. Hernia containing bladder and portion of intestine. Entero-epip'locele. Hernia containing omen- tum as well as intestine. Enterog/raphy. Description of intestines. Entero-hy/drocele. Intestinal hernia compli- cated with hydrocele. Enterolith. Stone in the intestines. EnteroPogy. Science of the intestines. Enteropathy. Intestinal disease. Enteroplasty. Intestinal plastic surgery. Enterorrha'gia. Intestinal haemorrhage or dis- charge. Entero'ses. Intestinal diseases. Enterosteno'sis. Intestinal stricture. EnteroPomy. Intestinal dissection or incision. Enterozo'a. Intestinal animal parasites. Enthelminthes. Entozoa. En/toblast. Germinal spot, or nucleolus. En/tocele. Internal hernia. EntonPic. Pertaining to insects. EntomoPogy. Science of insects. Entophyte. Vegetable parasite growing within the body. Entorrha/gia. Internal haemorrhage. Entozo'a. Animal parasites living within the body. Entro'.pion. Inversion of margin of eyelids, Enure/sis. Incontinence of urine. Environment. Aggregate of surrounding condi- tions and influences. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 101 EnzooCic. Endemic disease of animals. EperEdyma. Epithelial membrane lining cere- bral cavities and spinal canal. Ependymitis. Inflammation of ependyma. EphenEera. A fever running its course in a day or less. EphidnEsis. Abnormal discharge of sweat. Epicanthus. Fold of skin from nose over nasal canthus. EpicaOdium. Visceral portion of pericardium. EpichnEsis. Blemished state of the skin. Epicol'ic. Situated over the colon. Epicon/dyle. External condyle of humerus. Epicra'nium. Scalp; cranial coverings. Eyicystitis. Inflammation of tissue above blad- der. EpidenEic. Common to many people; prevail- ing disease. Epidetis. Clitoris. EpideEmata. Outgrowths from epidermis. EpideEmis. Scarf skin; cuticle; external layer of the skin. EpideEmoid. Resembling the epidermis. Epidermophy/ton. Parasitic fungus. Epidid'ymis. Small oblong body lying above testis. EpididymPtis. Inflammation of epididymis. EpigastraPgia. Pain in the epigastrium. Epigastric. Pertaining to epigastrium. Epigastrium. Superior part of abdomen, over stomach. Epigastrocele. Hernia in epigastric region. 102 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Epiglottis. Thin cartilaginous lamella over larynx. Epiglottitis. Inflammation of epiglottis. Ep/ilepsy. Falling sickness; disease of brain, with irregularly recurrent sudden convulsions, loss of consciousness, etc. Epilep'tic. Relating to, or affected with, epi- lepsy. Epilep'tiform. Like epilepsy. EpineuTium. Common investing nerve-sheath. Epipas'tic. Sprinkled; moistened. Epiph'ora. Undue secretion of tears. Epiph'ysis. A process of bone attached to main part by cartilage. Ep'iphyte. Plant growing upon another plant or animal. Epip'locele. Hernia containing only omentum. Epiplo'ic. Pertaining to the omentum. Epiplo-is'chiocele. Ischiocele containing omen- tum. EpiploFtis. Inflammation of omentum. EpiplomeTocele. Femoral hernia containing omentum. Epip'loon. Omentum. Epiplos'cheocele. Scrotal hernia containing omentum. Episcleri'tis. Inflammation of subconjunctival tissues. Episiohaematc/ma. Extravasation of blood in- to labia majora. Episioi'tis. Inflammation of vulva. EpisioUomy. Incision of labia to protect peri- neum in difficult delivery. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 103 Epispa/dias. Congenital opening of the urethra on upper part of the penis. Epispastics. Vesicatories; blisters. Epispleni/tis. Intlammation of membranous in- vestments of spleen. Epistax'is. Haemorrhage from the noee. Epithe/lial Casts. Microscopic morbid urinary filaments, consisting of renal epithelium moulded in tubules of kidney. Epithelic/ma. Carcinomatous formation origin- ating in epithelium. Epithelium. Non-vascular, external layer of skin and mucous membranes. Epitroch/lea. The inner condyle of humerus. Epizo/a. Animal parasites living on the external surface of the body. Ep'som Salts. Sulphate of magnesia. Eputis. Tumor on the gums. Epulottc. Agents promoting cicatrization of wounds. Equilibrium. Even balance of condition; equal- ity of temperature, of electric distribution, etc. Equivalent. Chem., the number expressing pro- portion by weight in which one substance com- bines with others. Equiv'ocal. Applied to symptoms belonging to several diseases. Equivocal Generation. Spontaneous genera- tion. Eradication. Destruction; entire rooting out. Era/sion. Scraping. Erectile Tis/sue. Peculiar cellulo-vascular tis- sue, capable of active turgescence, about genitals, lips, mammae, etc. 104 TOCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Erection. Fullness and firmness from accumu- lation of blood in erectile tissue, especially of penis. Erector. Muscle effecting erection. Er'got. Spurred rye; cereal parasitic fungus, used to contract uterus, etc. Er'gotin. Peculiar principle of ergot. Erod'ed. Gnawed away; affected by erosion. Erod/ent. Irritating; gnawing off, as caustics. Ero/sion. Destruction by ulceration. Erotoma'nia. Love - madness ; nymphomania and satyriasis. ErpetoPogy. Science of reptiles. Erratic. Wandering; shifting; spreading. Er'rhine. Agent producing increased discharge of nasal mucus; sternutatory. Error-lo'ci. Entrance of fluids into wrong ves- sels ; derangement in capillary circulation. Eructa'tion. Belching; flatulency with upward rejection. Eruption. A breaking out, applied to acute dis- orders of skin; exanthem. Erup/tive. Characterized by eruption or rash. Erysip'elas. Peculiar contagious inflammation of integument, with spreading tendency and low type of fever. ErysipePatous. Pertaining to erysipelas. Erythe'ma. Non-contagious superficial cutaneous inflammation, occurring in patches. Erythem/atous. Pertaining to erythema. Erythrae'mia. Full pulmonary preparation of arterial blood. Er'ythroid. Reddish; applied to cremasteric covering of spermatic cord and testes. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 105 Erythrop/sia. Visual abnormality, all objects appearing red. Es'char. Dry slough, or crust of dead tissue. Escharot'ic. Application producing an eschar; caustic. Es'culent. Edible. Es/erine. Active principle of calabar bean; con- tracts the pupil. Esotertc. Inner; hidden. Es'sence. Vaguely applied to volatile oil,"strong alcoholic solution, etc. Essential. Pertaining to the essence; of dis- tinctive character. E'thal. C16H340. Cetylic alcohol; peculiar oily spbstance obtained from spermaceti. Ether. Hypothetic volatile tluid filling space. Various volatile distillations of alcohol with acids. A di-ethylic oxide, a familiar anaesthetic liquid. Ether'eal. Pertaining to ether. Etherism. Etherization. Etherization. Administration, or influence, of ether. EtlPmoid. Sieve-like; cribriform. EthmyphPtis. Inflammation of areolar tissue. Ethnol'ogy. Science of the races of mankind. EtioPogy. Doctrine of causation of disease. EiPchymy. Healthy state of fluids of the body. EudionPeter. Instrument for analyzing air, etc. EiPnuch. Castrated or asexualized male. EupatorPna. Active principle of eupatorium or boneset. Eupep'sia. Normal digestion. Eupeptic. Pertaining to, or possessing, eupepsia. 106 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON Euplastic. Highly organizable. Eusta'chian Cath'eter. Catheter passed through nose to Eustachian tube. Eustachian Tube. Canal from pharynx to tympanum. EustaChian Valve. Fold of lining membrane of right auricle of the heart. EuthanaCia. Easy, painless death. EutherapeFa. Examination of therapeutic prin- ciples. EutocTa. Natural labor. EutrophTc. Pertaining to, or affording, health- ful nutrition. Evac'uants. Agents promoting evacuation. Evacuation. Discharge; dejection; defecation. Evaporation. Change of liquid into vapor at common or moderate temperatures. Eventration. Protrusion of abdominal viscera. Ever/sion of Eyetid. holding of lid outward, exposing conjunctiva. Evisceration. Removal of the viscera. Evolution. Development; progressive varia- tion ; phase of Darwinism dealing with modes and modifications of generation. EvuPsion. Plucking out. Exacerbation. Return of fever; increase in violence of disease or symptoms. Exaltation of Vital Forces. Morbid increase in action of organs. Exan'gia. Rupture, or morbid distension, of blood-vessel. Examination. Unconsciousness; death. Exanthem. Cutaneous eruption. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 107 Exanthemata. Eruptive diseases, generally with infectious fevers. ExanthenPatous. Pertaining to exanthemata. ExarterPtis. Inflammation of external coat of artery. Exarticula/tion. Disarticulation. Excarna/tion. Separation of injected vessels from contiguous part. Exciston. The act of cutting off. ExcitabiPity. Sensibility to stimulants. ExciPant. Stimulant; agent exciting nervous power. Excoriation. Abrasion of epidermis. Excreation. Raising mucus from throat; ex- spuition. Ex'crement. Excreted matter; faecal evacuation. ExcrementPtious. Pertaining to excrement, as urine, catamenial discharge, etc. Excres'cence. Protuberant abnormal growth; wart, etc. Excreta. Urine and faeces. Excretion. Discharge of waste product of body; matter so discharged. Ex'cretory. Promoting excrement. Exfcetation. Extra-uterine pregnancy. Exfoliation. Necrosis and separation of thin osseous layer; scaling off of dead tissue. Exhalation. Effluvium; vapor or odor breathed forth. Exhaustton. Exhausting process; exhausted condition; asthenia. ExhitPit. To administer, as medicine. Exhibition. Act of exhibiting; administration. 108 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. ExhiParant. Causing exhilaration. Exocar'dial. Outside of the heart. Exocolitis. Inflammation of external coat of colon. Exodtc. Efferent; applied to nerves transmit- ting impulses outward from centre. Exogenous. Growing by external increase; reverse of endogenous. Exomph'alos. Umbilical hernia. ExophthaPmia. Exophthalmos. Exophthalmic. Pertaining to exophthalmos. ExophthaPmic Goitre. Exophthalmos accom- panied with goitre and cardiac palpitation. ExophthaPmos. Abnormal protrusion of eye- ball. ExoUmia. Papular eruption; lichen, strophulus, and prurigo. Ex'osmose. Outward osmose; passage of fluid from within through porous septum to surrounding liquid. Exosto'sis. Osseous tumor, growing from bone, cartilage, etc. ExoPic. Foreign; reverse of indigenous. ExpecPant. Applied to treatment by removing obstacles, watching, and refraining from medicinal exhibition until clearly demanded. Expectation of Life. Average tabular dura- tion of life beyond a given age. Expectorant. Agent promoting expectoration. Expectoration. Expulsion of secretions from chest through air-tubes. Ex'pert. One having peculiar kn.owledge, ex- perience, or skill. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 109 Expiration. Expulsion of air from lungs; re- verse of inspiration. Expitatory. Relating to expiration. Exploration. Attentive investigation; process of physical diagnosis. Ex'plorator. Grooved needle; probe. Expression. Process of forcing out by pressure. Exsan'guine. Bloodless. Exsiccation. Depriving of moisture by heat; desiccation. Exspuition. Act of spitting out. Extension. Pulling fractured or dislocated limb, to reduce it; also, straightening out a limb, reverse of flexion. ExtenSor. A muscle which extends a part. Extirpation. Total surgical destruction or re- moval. Extract. Residuum of evaporation of a vege- table or animal solution. Extra'neous. Proceeding from without; foreign. Extra-Uterine Gestation. Pregnancy with foetus exterior to uterus, as in abdominal cavity, ovary, or Fallopian tube. Extravasation. Escape of fluids from their proper vessels, and infiltration into surrounding tissues. Extremtty. Limb, or termination. ExtrinSic. Coming from without; extraneous. Extroversion. Turning out of apart; turning foetus by external manipulation. Extu'berance. Protuberance. Exudation. Filtration; morbid oozing out of fluids. 110 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Exu/viae. Shed or cast off parts; slough. Eye. Organ of vision. Eye'ball. Globe of the eye. Eye/brow. Supercilium; hair, skin and tissue above the eye. Eye'lid. Protective movable cover of eyeball. Eye-Teeth. Canine teeth. F. Fac'et. Small plane surface; circumscribed ar- ticular surface of bone. Fa/cial. Pertaining to the face. Factitious. Made by art; of artificial origin. Facultative Hypermetro/pia. State of eyeball in which refractive error is corrected by ciliary muscle. FaCulty. Power to execute function; special ability; body of professors, or medical men. Fae'cal. Pertaining to faeces. Fae'ces. Excremental discharge from the bowels. Fahrenheit’s Thermom/eter. Familiar scale, having freezing-point of water at 320 and boil- ing-point -f- 212°. Faint. Weak. Swoon; syncope. FaPciform. Scythe-shaped. FalPing Sickness. Epilepsy. Fallo'pian Tubes. Two ducts from fundus uteri to ovaries. Falsification. Adulteration. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 111 Falx. Scythe, or sickle-like process. Far'ad. Unit of electrical capacity. Fari'na. Meal; flour. Farina'ceous. Mealy; containing farina. Far-point. Furthest point at which object can be distinctly seen with eye in repose. Farsightedness. Presbyopia. Fas/cia La'ta. Dense fibrous aponeurosis or deep fascia of the thigh. Fas'ciae. Fibrous membranes investing muscles, etc. Fas/cicle. Small bundle of fibres. Fasciculated. Composed of, or arranged in, bundles. Fatty Degeneration. Destructive conversion of a tissue into fat, especially muscular fibres of heart. Fatutty. Mental vacancy; foolishness. Fau/ces. Throat, opening from mouth to pharynx. Fau'na. Applied collectively to all animals in- habiting a particular region. Favose'. Honey-combed. Fa'vuli. Honey-comb-like depressions in mu- cous membrane of stomach. Fa'vus. Porrigo; contagious cutaneous disease, with favose scab. FebriCity. State of having fever; feverishness. F ebrifa'cient. Fever-producing. Feb'rifuge. Antipyretic. Agent removing or mitigating fever. Fe/brile. Pertaining to fever. FeCula. Substance derived from subsidence of a liquid; starch; starchy part of seed. 112 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Fecundation. Impregnation; formation of em- bryo by union of sperma and ovum. Fecun'dity. Power of producing young; fruit- fulness. Fehl'ing’s Solution. Sulphate of copper with neutral tartrate of potash and caustic soda, used as sugar-test in urinalysis. Fellif/luous. Flowing with gall. Fel'on. Paronychia; whitlow; periphalangeal cellulitis. Fem/oral. Pertaining to the femur. Fe'mur. Thigh bone. Fenestra. Window-like aperture; applied to two foramina of inner wall of middle ear. Fenestrate. Perforated; having aperture*. Fetine. Malignant; violent. Fermentation. Certain chemical changes in aqueous combinations of animal or vegetable matter, believed to be due to minute organisms. Fern. A cryptogamic plant. Fertein, Tubes of. Cortical portion of urini- ferous tubules. Ferru'ginated. Having appearance or properties of iron-rust. Ferru'ginous. Pertaining to, or containing, iron- rust. Fertum (Fe). Iron. Fester. To suppurate; to form small abscesses after inflammation. Fetid. Having offensive odor. Fe'ver. Morbid elevation of temperature of the body, with quick pulse, etc. FFbre. Filament; thread-like structure. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 113 Fi/brin. Filamentous proteid which solidifies in exposed blood, etc, and produces coagulation. Fibrin'ogen. Proteid found in blood - plasma, main constituent of fibrin. Fibrino'sis. Disease of growth characterized by- excess of fibrin; inflammation. FPbrin Pep/tone. Combination between solvent fluid in stomach and alimentary fibrin. Fibrocartilage. Organic texture of fibrous tissue and cartilage. FPbroid. Resembling, or composed of, fibrous tissue. Fibro/ma. Fibroid tumor. FFbro-plastic. Tending to fibre-formation. FFbrous. Consisting of, containing, or pertaining to, fibres. Fib'ula. Outer bone of lower leg. Field of Vision. Area recognized visually by the eye when in a fixed position. Fila'ceous. Thready. FiFament. Thread-like substance. Filatia. Genus of parasitic nematode worms. FiFiform. Having form of a thread. FiPter. Strainer, to separate solids or impurities from liquid. Filtration. Process of straining. Fire Damp. Carburetted hydrogen gas. First Intention. Surgical term applied to heal- ing by immediate union, without suppuration. Fis'sion. Splitting, cracking; process of non- sexual reproduction by spontaneous division of original organism. Fis'sure. Crack; slit. 114 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Fis'tula. Abnormal tube-like passage in the body. Fis/tula in A/no. Sinuous, ulcerous, preter- natural channel for faecal discharge, about anus. Fit. Convulsion; sudden paroxysm, as of epi- lepsy. Fixation. Making firm or immovable. Fix'ed Air. Carbonic-acid gas. Fix'ed Bodies. Those not readily vaporized by heat. Flac/cid. Weak; lax; yielding. Flap. I .oose portion of skin or tissue, attached at one side. FlaCulence. Presence of gas in digestive canal. Fla/tus. Gas in digestive canal. Fleam. Lancet used in phlebotomy. Flesh. Muscular and other soft tissues of body. Flesh, Proud. Too luxuriant granulation of wound or ulcer. Fleshy. Characterized by, or consisting of, flesh. Flexibility. Facility of bending. Flex/ion. State of being bent; reverse of exten- sion. Flex/or. Muscle producing flexion. Floating Ribs. Free ribs, the two lower pairs. Floccilla/tion. Morbid picking of the bed- clothes; carphology. Floc/culence. Flakiness; state of being in flocks or locks. Flooding. Preternatural uterine haemorrhage, especially in parturition. Flo/ra. Applied collectively to the plants of a particular region. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 115 Fluctuation. Wave-like motion ; oscillation. Flu/id. Body with easily-moving particles, yield- ing to the least impression, but afterward recover- ing previous form. Flu/or Al'bus. Leucorrhoea. Fluorescence. Property of rendering invisible actinic rays of solar spectrum luminous. Flu'orine (F). An element, probably gaseous, but not known in separate state. Fluor'oform (CHF3). The fluorine analogue of chloroform. Flux. Liquid flow or discharge. Flux'ion. Determination of fluid to any part; catarrh. Fo/cal. Pertaining to focus. Fo'cus. Central seat; meeting point of reflected or refracted rays. Foetal. Pertaining to fcetus. Fcetation. Pregnancy. Fce/ticide. Destruction of fcetus; criminal abor- tion ; aborticide. Fcetor. Strong, offensive smell. Fce/tus. Child in utero, especially from fourth month. Fold. Plication or duplicature of tissue, etc. FoPlicle. Little bag ; minute secreting cavity. Follic'ular. Containing, or relating to, follicles. Fomentation. Application of absorbent mate- rial saturated with warm fluid. Fons PulsatiPis. Anterior fontanel. Font'anel. An issue. Space at juncture of cranial bones of infants, before complete ossification of skull. 116 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Fontic/ulus. An issue; small artificial ulcer for discharge. Fora'men. Opening; an aperture in the body. Foram/inated. Having minute apertures. For'ceps. Pincers; two-bladed instrument for extracting, etc. Fore/arm. Part of arm from elbow to wrist. Fore/head. Superior part of face from eyebrows to scalp. For/eign Body. Abnormal extraneous substance lodged in a wound, etc. Fore/skin. Prepuce. Formication. Sensation as of ants creeping over the body. For/mula. Prescription; concise technical state- ment of formation of a compound. For'mulary. Collection of prescriptions or for- mulae. For'nix. An arched vault, especially a part of the brain. Fos'sa. Shallow cavity, depression or sinus in the body. Fos/sil. Petrified organic substance found in rocks or in the earth. Fourchette. Lower commissure of labia pu- dendi. Fo'vea. Small fossa. Fo'yeate, Fove'olate. Having small pits or depressions; pitted. Fowler’s Solution. Solution of arsenite of potassium. Fracture. Breaking; a break; a solution of continuity of bone. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 117 Frae/nulum. Diminutive of Fnenum. Bridle; check; fold of membrane or fascia acting as a curb. Fragility. Brittleness. Frambce'sia. Yaws; contagious tropical cuta- neous disease, with raspberry-like tubercles, espe- cially about genitals. Freeze. To congeal; to solidify by abstraction of heat. Freezing Point of Water. Degree of tem- perature at which water becomes ice : 320 Fahr., o° C. and R. Frem/itus. Roaring sound. FriabiFity. Property of crumbling readily. Friction. Rubbing. Friedtich’s Disease. Flereditary ataxic para- plegia. Frigidity. Coldness. Frontal. Pertaining to the forehead. Fructiferous. Fruit-producing. Fuch/sin. Aniline red; hydrochloride of rosan- ilin; used as a dye and in albuminuria. Fuga'cious. Fleeing quickly; ephemeral. Ful'ler’s Earth. Variety of clay containing alumina,—absorbent. Fulmination. Explosion, as of chemicals from heat. FuPvous. Tawny; yellow. Fumigation. Exposure to disinfectant vapors. Function. Special office of an organ in the physiological economy. Functional Disorder. Disturbance of func- tional action of an organ, or obscure change with- 118 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. out recognized morbid anatomy; distinguished from organic. Fundament. The lower part of the rectum. Fun'dus. The base; anus. Fun'giform, Fun'goid. Mushroom-like. Fungos/ity. A soft excrescence. FurFgus. Mushroom; microscopic vegetable parasite. FiFnicle. Little cord of aggregated fibres. Fu/nis. Umbilical cord. Fur. Morbid coating of the tongue. Fur'cate. Forked. Fur/fur. Bran; dandruff. Furfura'ceous. Bran-like; scaly. Fu'ror UterFnus. Nymphomania. Fur'uncle. A boil. Furun'culus. Furuncle. Fus'cous. Dark brown. Fu/sel Oil. Amylic alcohol, produced in potato fermentation, etc. FusibiFity. Property of liquefaction under heat. Fu/siform. Spindle-shaped. Fu'sion. Act or state of melting under heat; blending. G. Galactae/mia. State of the blood containing milk. Galac/tagogue. Agent promoting flow of milk. GalacPtia. Abnormal secretion of milk; disor- dered lactation. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 119 Galac/tocele. Milk tumor; mammary tumor during lactation. Galactom'eter. Lactometer. Galactophori'tis. Inflammation of milk ducts. Galactoph'orous. Bearing milk; lactiferous. Galactopo/sia. Milk diet. Galactorrhce/a. Excessive flow of milk. Galacto/sis. Secretion of milk. Gale'na. Native sulphide and principal ore of lead. Gall. Bile. Gall Bladder. Membranous reservoir in hepatic fossa, containing bile. Gall Ducts. Ducts conveying the bile or gall. Gall Stone. Concretion in the gall bladder; biliary calculus. Gallina'ceous. Of an order including common domestic fowls. Gallinag'inis Ca'put. Eminence in the ure- thra. GaFlipot. Apothecary’s small earthen jar. GaFlon. Standard liquid measure; four quarts; in U. S. 231 cu. in. Galvan/ic. Pertaining to galvanism; voltaic. Galvan'ic Battery. Battery of cells with carbon and zinc plates in acid solution, to generate elec- tricity. GaPvanism. Form of electricity induced by chemical reaction. Galvano-cauteriza'tion. Cautery with a wire heated by electricity. Galvanopunc'ture. Electropuncture. Gang/liform. Having form of ganglion. 120 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Ganglic/ma. Swelling of lymphatic gland. Ganglion. Semi-independent nerve-centre, a capsulated plexus of nerve-fibres. Also applied to lymphatic gland, and to encysted tumor on tendon or aponeurosis. Ganglionitis. Inflammation of ganglicn. Gan'grene. Incipient mortification; putrescent fermentation of tissue. Gangrenous. Pertaining to, or having character of, gangrene. Gar/garism. A gargle. Gaggle. Liquid medicine for rinsing throat. Gas. Aeriform fluid. Gas'eous. Having the nature of gas; of aeriform fluidity. Gasonieter. Apparatus to collect and measure gases. Gasom'etry. Science of gases, or gas-measure- ment. Gasp. Spasmodic catch in breathing. Gasterasthe/nia. Debility of the stomach. Gasterhysterot/omy. Opening uterus by in- cision through abdomen. GastraPgia. Pain in gastric region. Gas/tric. Pertaining to the stomach. Gastric Juice. Peculiar solvent digestive fluid, secreted by the stomach. Gastric Fever. Fever with unusual gastric de- rangement ; enteric fever. GastrFtis. Inflammation of the stomach. Gastrobro'sis. Morbid gastric perforation. Gas'trocele. Hernia of the stomach. Gastrocne/mius. Large muscle of calf of leg. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 121 Gastrodyn/ia. Gastralgia. Gas'trolith. Concretion in the stomach. Gastrolithi'asis. Formation of gastroliths. Gastromala'cia. Softening of the stomach. Gastrome'nia. Variety of vicarious menstrua- tion, from the stomach. Gastrop'athy. Affection of the stomach. Gastroperiodynta. Peculiar, intense periodical pain in the stomach. Gastror'aphy. Suture of wound of stomach or abdomen. Gastro'ses. Affections of the stomach. Gastrostomy. Operation to establish fistulous opening into stomach. Gas/trotome. Instrument to perform gastrotomy. GastroPomy. Incision of stomach or abdomen. Gath/ering. Abscess; suppuration. Gelatifica/tion. Conversion into gelatin. Gelatig'enous. Yielding gelatin. GePatin. Nitrogenous principle yielded to boil- ing water by certain animal tissues; isinglass. GePatin Peptone. Combination of gastric juice and alimentary gelatin. Gelat'inous. Jelly-like; relating to, or yielding, gelatin; viscous. Gemellip'arous. Bearing twins. GenPinate. Paired; twin. Gen'eral AnaPomy. Histology; minute ana- tomy, treating of general tissue and elementary structure. Generation. Reproduction of organized beings. Generic. Pertaining to a genus; comprehensive. Gene'sial. Pertaining to generation. 122 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Genesiol'ogy. Doctrine of generation. Gen'esis. Generation, production. Genet/ica. Agents affecting the sexual organs. Ge/nian. Pertaining to the chin. Geniculate. Bent in the form of a knee. Geniohyoglos/sus. Muscle between tongue and lower jaw. Gen'ital. Pertaining to generation. Gen'itals. The organs of generation. GeiFtian. Medicinal root, bitter stomachic tonic. Ge'nu VaFgum. Name applied to knock-knee. Ge'nus. A group of analogous species; a di- vision of scientific classification. GenyantrPtis. Inflammation of antrum of upper jaw. GeoFogy. Science of structure of the earth and its constituents. Germ. Rudiment of organism; undeveloped em- bryo. Germ Cell. Cell resulting from union of sperma- tozoon with germinal vesicle. Germ-force. Plastic force. Germ Theory. Theory of bacterial origin of cer- tain diseases. GeFminal. Pertaining to a germ. GeFminal Ves'icle. Nucleus; essential part of ovum. Gerontox/on. Arcus senilis. Gestation. Pregnancy; the period during which a female carries foetus in utero. Gibbos/ity. Prominence; convexity; hunch- back condition. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 123 Gim/bernat’s Lig'ament. Portion of external oblique muscle inserted into pectineal line. Gingi'val. Pertaining to the gums. GingivPtis. Inflammation of the gums. Gin'glymoid. Hinge-like. Gin'glymus. Plinge joint; articulation admit- ting flexion and extension. Giz'zard. Strong muscular portion of gullet in certain birds. Glabel'la. Triangular space between eyebrows. GlabePlad. Toward glabellar aspect. GlabePlar Aspect. Aspect toward glabella. Gladi'olus. Middle part of sternum. Glair'ine. A gelatinous vegetable matter. Glairy. Mucous; albuminous; viscous and trans- parent. Gland. Structure having the function of secretion; also collection of lymphatic tissue. Gland'ular. Pertaining to Glands. Gland/ule. Diminutive of gland. Glandulos/ity. Collection of glands. Gians. Acorn; bulbous extremity of penis and clitoris. Glau/ber’s Salt. Sulphate of soda. Glauces/cent. Of sea-green appearance. Glauci'na. Natural form of cow-pox. Glauco/ma. Obscure inflammatory disease of eye, with hardness of globe, impaired vision, etc. Glau'cous. Of a sea-green color. Gleet. Muco-purulent discharge from urethra; chronic stage of gonorrhoea. Gle/noid. Pit-like; presenting a shallow cavity. Gli'adine. Viscid portion of gluten. 124 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Glis'scm’s Capsule. Cellulo-vascular membrane which envelopes the hepatic vessels. Glo'bate. Spheroidal; having globular form. Glo'bin. Native protein, product of haemoglo- bin. Glob/ule. Corpuscle; little ball or pill. Glob/ulin. Albuminous constituent of blood cor- puscles ; also occurs in crystalline lens. Glo/bus Hyster'icus. Sensation attending hys- teria, as of a ball rising in the throat. Glom'erate. Gathered together; clustered; con- glomerate. GlonCerule. Small mass, or tuft of vessels. Glo'noin. Nitroglycerin. Glos'sal. Pertaining to the tongue. GlossaPgia. Pain in the tongue. GlossPtis. Inflammation of the tongue. Glos/soid. Resembling the tongue. Glossople/gia. Paralysis of tongue. GloCtis. Aperture between arytenoid cartilages; opening of larynx. Glucohse'mia. Saccharine state of the blood, characteristic of diabetes. Glucose. Sugar of fruits; grape sugar. Glucosu/ria. Sugar in the urine; diabetes melli- tus. Glutae/us. Name of three muscles of the hip, forming part of buttock. Giu/ten. Viscid, nitrogenous constituent of flour. Glu'ti. Buttocks, nates. Glu'tin. Gelatin. Glu'tinous. Pertaining to glue; viscid; sticky. GlutPtis. Inflammation of the gluti. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 125 Glyc'erin. C3H5(HO)3. Sweetish principle of oils and fats. Glycohae/mia. Glucohsemia. Glycorrhoe/a. Discharge of saccharine fluid from the body. Glycosu/ria. Glucosuria. GnathaFgia. Pain in the jaw; facial neuralgia. Gnath'ic. Pertaining to jaw, or cheek. GnathPtis. Inflammation of the jaw. GoPtre. Enlargement of thyroid gland. Gold. Aurum. GomphPasis. Pain in, and looseness of, the teeth. Gompho/sis. Bolt-joint; articulation in which cavity of one bone receives process of another. Gon'agra. Gout of the knee. GonarthrPtis. Inflammation of knee joint. Gonorrhce'a. Contagious inflammation and sup- puration of mucous membrane of genitals; clap. Gonos/cheocele. Spermatocele. Gor'get. Grooved instrument used in lithotomy. Gouge. Surgical instrument to'scoop out necrosed bone, etc. Gout. A disease with articular inflammation and swelling, sodium urate deposits, etc. Graa'fian Follicles, Graa'fian Vesicles. Ovi- sacs, or small cells containing ova, in ovaries. Grac-’ilis. Rectus intemus femoris muscle. Grad/uate. To complete curriculum of study and receive proper diploma; to divide into grades. Graduated. Divided into grades by a scale; marked with degrees. Graft. Transplanted living tissue. 126 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Graminivorous. Subsisting on grass and simi- lar food. Gramme. Unit of weight of metric system = 15.43 gr. troy. Gran'ular. Composed of, or resembling, grains. Gran'ular Degeneration. Primary stage ol fatty degeneration. Gran'ular Lids. Trachoma; conjunctivitis with granular elevations. Gran'ulated. Resembling, or reduced to, small grains. Granulation. Formation of minute grain-like elevations on healing surfaces; state of being granulated. Gran/ule. Small grain or particle. Grape Sugar. Glucose. Graphtte. Plumbago, an allotropic form of carbon. Graphospas/mus. Writer’s cramp. Grave/do. Nasal catarrh; coryza. Grav'd. Crystalline sedimentary deposit in blad- der, from urine. Graves’s Disease. Basedow’s disease. Grave-wax. Adipocere. Grav'id. Pregnant. Grav'idin. Sediment sometimes found in female urine. Gravim'eter. Instrument to determine specific gravity of bodies; areometer; hydrometer. Grav'ity. Weight; attraction of gravitation. See also Specific Gravity. Gray Matter. Cineritious or cortical substance of brain; vesicular neurine. Green Sickness. Chlorosis. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 127 Gre'garines. Genus of Protozoa. Gregarious. Herding together. Grind/ers. Molar teeth. Grind'er’s Asth/ma. Chronic pulmonary affec- tion, from inhalation of metallic particles. Grippe. French term for epidemic catarrh and gastro-bronchitis; applied to an epidemic influ- enza of 1803 and another of 1889-90. Grower’s Itch. Eczema of the hands. Groin. Juncture of thigh and trunk Growth. Increase; development; adventitious tissue. Gru'el. Decoction of meal in water. Gru/mous. Concreted, knotted, collected in granular masses. Grypo'sis. Inward crooking of the nails. Gua/nine. A non-poisonous leucomai'ne; alka- loid derived from guano. Gua'no. A fertilizer, of ammoniacal salts, the excrement of sea fowl. GuaCanin. Alkaloid analogous to caffein and thein. Gubernac'ulum. Rudder; foetal cord directing descent of testes. Guillotine. Instrument for excision of enlarged tonsils. Gum. Vegetable proximate principle, common glutinous exudation of plants. Gum'-boil. Parulis; gingival abscess. Gum'ma, Syphiloma; gummy tumor ; syphilitic new formation of granuloid tissue. Gum'my Tumor. Gumma. Gum/rash. Name of some species of strophulus. 128 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Gum-reSin. Inspissated vegetable exudation, of gum, resin, and essential oil. Gums. Red substance covering alveolar processes and necks of teeth. GurR-cotton. Pyroxylin; explosive formed of cotton steeped in nitro-sulphuric acid. Gurg'ling. Auscultatory sound of air bubbling through fluid in pulmonary cavity. Gustation. Act of tasting. Gut. Intestine. Gut'ta Per'cha. Flexible concrete juice of a Borneo plant. Gut/ta Sere'na. Amaurosis. Gutta'tim. Drop by drop. Gut/tural. Pertaining to, or formed in, the throat. Gymnas'tics. Systematic exercise. Gynaecol'ogy. Department of therapeutics rela- ting to diseases of women. Gynan/dria. Hermaphroditism. Gynatresia. Colpotresia. Gynoplas'tic. Applied to plastic operations on female genitals. GypSum. Plaster of Paris; alabaster; native sulphate of lime. Gy/rus. Convolution, as in brain, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 129 H. Habe'na. Ribbon-like structure; fraenum. Haben'ula. Diminutive of Habena. Haben/ular. Pertaining to habenula; ribbon-like. Haben/ula-tec/ta. Inner zone of basilar mem- brane. Hab/it. Disposition or condition; reflex tendency to repetition. Hab/itat. Natural locality of a creature. Haemachro'in. Haematin. Haemachro'ses. Affections with abnormal blood coloration. Haemacy'anin. Blue coloring matter in blood and bile. Haemacytom/eter. Instrument to ascertain quan- tity of corpuscles in given volume of blood. Haemadynamom'eter. Instrument to measure the force of blood-pressure. Hsem'agogue. Agent promoting menstrual and haemorrhoidal discharges. Hae'mal. Pertaining to the blood. Haemalo'pia. Blood-shot condition of eye; haemophthalmia. Erythropsia. Haemar/thron. Articular effusion of blood. Haemateme/sis. Vomiting blood; haemorrhage from stomach. Haemather/mous. Warm-blooded. Haemat'ic. Haemal. Haemat/ica. Agents or diseases affecting the blood. 130 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Haematidro/sis. Hemidrosis. Haem'atin. Red coloring matter of the blood. Haematin/ic. Agent increasing blood corpuscles, or improving blood quality. Haemato'bium. Animalcule in blood; also, blood corpuscle. Haem'atocele. Tumor of extravasated blood. Haematoche'zia. Discharge of blood by stool. HaematocoPpos. Vaginal blood-collection. Haematogen'esis. Blood-formation. Haem'atoid. Blood-like. Hematoidrin. Reddish blood crystals found in old clots. HaematoPogy. Treatise on, or science of, the blood. Haematolyt'ic. Agent diminishing red corpus- cles, or impoverishing blood quality. Haemato/ma. Blood tumor. Haematome/tra. Uterine blood-collection. HaenPatophyte. Microscopic vegetable blood parasite. Haematoprisis. Collection of blood in uterus from obstruction of menstrual flux. Haematop'sia. Hemalopia. Haematorrhoe'a. Passive hemorrhage. Hsemato/sis. Sanguification; blood formation; change of blood from venous to arterial. Haematotho/rax. Hemothorax. Haematox/ic. Pertaining to blood-poison. Haematozo'a. Minute animal organisms in the blood. Haematu/ria. Discharge of blood in urine. Haemaxris. Blood-letting. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 131 Hae'mic. Hsemal. Haemidro/sis. Production of bloody sweat. HaemPtis. Change of blood in inflammation. Haemodromom/eter. Instrument to measure velocity of blood current. Haemoglobin. Coloring matter of red blood- corpuscles. Hsemoglobinu/ria. Presence of haemoglobin in urine. Hse/moid. Resembling blood. HaemophthaPmia. Haemorrhage into the eye. Haemop/tysis. Blood-spitting; expectoration of blood from lungs or air-passages below epiglottis. Haem'orrhage. Discharge of blood from its ves- sels. Haemorrhce/a. Haematorrhcea. Haem/orrhoids. Piles; small tumors at anal verge. Haemospastic. Agent drawing blood to a part. HaemostaCic. Agent to arrest haemorrhage; styptic. Haemotho'rax. Effusion of blood into chest. Haemot'rophy. Excess of sanguineous nourish- ment. Hair. Flexible tubular filament growing from integument. Hair FoPlicle. Recess of skin in which root of hair is lodged. HaiC-salt. Native sulphate of magnesia some- times incrusting damp walls. - Hallucination. Pseudo - perception ; morbid subjective sensation of imaginary objects. Hato. Areola. 132 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Ha/lo Signa'tus. Ciliary sulci; series of im- pressions on vitreous humor. HaFogen. Salt-radical; substance forming ha- loid salt with a metal. Halog'enous. Producing saline compounds. Ha'loid. Salt-like; applied to salts, compounds of halogens with basic elements. Halope'gae. Salt mineral waters. Hamame/lis. Witch-hazel; leaves of medici- nal plant, sedative, styptic and tonic. Ham/ular. Hook-like. Hang'nail. Fragment of epidermis hanging at root of nail, with slight inflammation. Hapantis'mus. Adhesion of organic parts. Hap/togen. Pellicle surrounding oil globules when in contact with albumen. Hapto/tis. Phenomena of touch. Hare'-lip. Congenital perpendicular fissure of upper lip. Harmo'nia. Species of synarthrosis, or nearly immovable articulation. Harts'horn. Ammonia. HasclPisch. Indian hemp; Cannabis Indica; an oriental narcotic and inebriant. Haver'sian Canals. Minute canals in osseous substance. Hay AstlPma, Hay Fe'ver. Febrile influenza often recurring in summer. Head/ache. Cephalalgia; pain in head, espe- cially in frontal region. HeaPing. Curing; union and cicatrization of wound. Health'y Pus. Laudable pus; creamy, inoffen- sive product of healthy inflammation. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 133 Hearting. Faculty of sound-perception; audition. Heart. Hollow muscular body, central organ of circulatory system. HearUburn. Uneasiness and burning in stomach and cardiac region in indigestion. Heart Clot. Coagulation of blood in cardiac cavity. Heat. Obscure cause of high temperature; for- merly regarded as a substance, caloric, but now as a condition or method of vibration of wave- motion. Heat, Animal. That generated by the vital processes in animals. Heat'-stroke. Sunstroke ; prostration, uncon- sciousness, convulsions, etc., from excessive heat. He'be. Puberty; pubes. Hec/tic. Pertaining to chronic wasting disease, or consumption; also used for hectic fever. Hec/tic Fe/ver. Fever of organic disease; pro- tracted fever of phthisis. Hectogramme. One hundred grammes. Hectolitre. One hundred litres. Hectometre. One hundred metres. HePcoid. Ulcer-like. HelcoPogy. Science of ulcers. HelPcoid. Helix-like; of spiral structure. HeliencephalPtis. Cerebral inflammation from exposure to sun. Helio/sis. Sunstroke. He/lix. Incurved rim of auricle of ear. Heller’s Test. For albumin in urine: pure nitric acid added to urine in test-tube,—opaque film between indicates albumin. 134 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Helminth/agogue. Anthelmintic, vermifuge; agent to expel worms. Helminthiasis. Invermination. Helminth/oid. Resembling a worm. • HelminthoFogy. Science of worms. Helc/sis. Plica; strabismus; version of eyelids. Hemach'roin, Hemato/sin. Haematin. Hemeralopia. Vision only by day; night- blindness; reverse of nyctalopia. Hemianaesthe/sia. Loss of sensibility on one side of body only. Hemianalge/sia. Loss of sense of pain on one side of body only. Hemicra'nia. Megrim; headache on one side of forehead only. H emiopia. llalf-sight; vision in which only half an object is seen. Hemiparaple'gia. Paraplegia on one side only. Hemiplepia. Paralysis of one side of body. Hemispasm. Spasm of one side of body only. Hemispheres. The two lateral cerebral halves. Hemopiysis. Haemoptysis. Hem'orrhage. Hemorrhage. Hem'orrhoids. Haemorrhoids. H en-blind'ness. Hemeralopia. HepataPgia. Pain in the liver. Hepatic. Pertaining to, or involving, the liver. Hepatic Air. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Hepatica. Agents affecting liver. Hep'atine. Glycogen. Hepatiiis. Inflammation of the liver. Hepatizaiion. Conversion into liver-like sub- stance. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 135 Hep 'atized. Affected by hepatization; also, im- pregnated with hepatic air. Hep'atocele. Hernia of the liver. Hepatocirrho/sis. Cirrhosis of liver. Hepatocys/tic. Pertaining to liver and gall- bladder. Hepatodynia. Pain in liver. Hep/atolith. Stone in the liver; biliary calculus. HepatolithPasis. Formation of hepatoliths. HepatoPogy. Treatise on, or science of, the liver. Hepatophy/ma. Suppurative swelling of liver. Hepatoposte'ma. Abscess of liver. Hepatorrhce'a. Morbid flow from liver; bilious diarrhoea. HepatoPomy. Incision of liver. Herb. Soft-stemmed plant that annually dies to the root. Herbaceous. Pertaining to herbs. Herbiv'orous. Herb-eating. Hereditary. Transmitted from progenitors; ac- quired by inheritance. Heredity. Biological phenomenon of character- repetition in progeny; aggregate characteristics of hereditary transmission. Hermaphiodite. One whose generative organs partake of both male and female characteristics. Hermetic Seal. Air-tight seal, as of glass vessel by heat. Her'nia. Rupture; protrusion of a viscus from its normal position through aperture in surrounding structures,—especially the abdominal viscera. HePniaj In/guinal. Hernia through one or 136 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. both abdominal rings; direct, through external ring only; oblique, through internal or both. Her'nia, Scro/tal. Inguinal hernia descended into cavity of scrotum. Her'nia, Umbil'ical. Hernia of bowels at navel. Herniotomy. Operation for strangulated hernia. Hero'ic. Applied to treatment of unusually severe or violent character. Hetpes. Acute, inflammatory, creeping cutan- eous eruption, with clustered vesicles. Hetpes Zos/ter. Shingles; a variety usually following course of nerve-distribution. Herpetic. Pertaining to herpes. Herpetiform. Having character or appearance of herpes. Heteraden/ic. Relating to abnormal glandular structure. Heterogeneous. Composed of parts of different kinds; not of uniform construction; reverse of homogeneous. HeterogerCesis. Generation of progeny exhibit- ing cycle of changes different from that of the parent. Abnormal genesis as to nature and situa- tion of organs, etc. HeteroPogy. Deviation from normal in form or nature. Heteromorph/ism. Deviation from normal shape. Heterop'athy. Allopathy. Heterotax'ia. Congenital, and usually harmless, displacement of a part. Heteroto'pia. Abnormality of situation. Heteroxanthine. A leucomalne found in urine. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 137 Hexadac'tylous. Having six fingers or toes. Hiaius. Opening; gap. Hibernation. Winter sleep of animals. Hiccough, Hic/cup. Short, spasmodic, noisy, involuntary inspiration. Hidebound. Scleroderma. HFdrose. Having, or full of, sweat. HidnF sis. Morbid increase of sweat. HFlum. Fissure; notch. Hinge-joint. Ginglymus. Hip. Superior part of thigh, the region from abdomen to free part of lower limb. Hip-joint Disease. Coxalgia; fungous arthritis of hip-joint. Hippocam'pus. Two convolutions of the brain. HippopathoFogy. Veterinary science. Hippot'omy. Anatomy of the horse. Hippu'ria. Excess of hippuric acid in the urine. Hip/puris. Cauda equina. Hip/pus. Spasmodic pupillary movement, irre- spective of accommodation and light. Hir/ sute. Hairy. Hiru/do. Leech. Histo-chenFistry. Chemistry of the tissues. Histogenesis. Development of organic tis- sues. HistoFogy. Science, or minute anatomy, of the tissues. HistoFysis. Disintegration of the tissues. HistoFomy. Dissection of the tissues. Histrionic. Affecting muscles of facial expres- sion, as spasm, palsy, etc. Hives. Vesicular cutaneous eruption; urticaria. 138 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Hoarseness. Vocal harshness from morbid state of throat or larynx. Hobnail Liv'er. Highly cirrhosed liver. Hodg'kin’s Disease. Lymphadenoma. Holop/athy. Doctrine that regards disease as local phase of general diathesis. HomaCropine. C16H21N03. Alkaloid resem- bling atropine, but of shorter mydriatic effect. Homesickness. Nostalgia. Homochro'mous. Of the same color. Homceobiot'ic. Having same mode of life. Homceop'athy. Hahnemann’s system of medi- cine, assuming that such agents cure disease as in state of health produce similar symptoms. Homogeneous. Of uniform structure; reverse of heterogeneous. Homogen'esis. Generation of progeny expe- riencing same cycle as parent; reverse of hetero- genesis. Homoio'sis. Process of elaborating food. Homoiother'mal. Maintaining uniform tem- perature ; warm-blooded. Homologous. Resembling others; identical in type. Homniogue. Corresponding part; homologous term. HomoPogy. Similarity and correspondence in nature; homologous state. Hordenium. Sty; small abscess on eyelid. Horn. Substance composed chiefly of keratin; also, a hom-like structure or process. Horripilation. Bristling of the hair. Hos/pital. Institution for treatment of sick and wounded. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 139 Hospital Gan'grene. Peculiar sloughing pha- gedsena, endemical in crowded hospitals. Hospitalism. Morbific influence of atmosphere of hospital. House-maid’s Knee. Inflammation and swell- ing of bursa patella:. Humecta'tion. Act of moistening. Hu/meral. Pertaining to the humerus. Hu' merus. Large bone from shoulder to elbow. Humid'ity. Moisture. Hu'mor. Fluid of organized bodies. Hu'moralism. Doctrine which ascribes all dis- ease to the fluids; humoral pathology. Hy'aline. Glassy. Hyali'tis. Hyaloiditis. Hy'aloid. Glass-like. Hy'aloid Mem'brane. Transparent membrane inclosing vitreous humor of eye. Hyaloidi'tis. Inflammation of hyaloid mem- brane, or vitreous humor of the eye. Hy'brid. Having parents of different species. Hydat'id. Encysted vesicle, or vesicular larva, developed in the body. Hydat'iform. Resembling a hydatid. Hy'datoid. Water-like. Hydradeni'tis. Inflammation of a lymphatic gland. Hydrae'mia. Increased proportion of water in the blood. Hy'dragogue. Agent promoting discharge of watery excretions. Hydrar'gism. Constitutional effects of mercury. Hydrar'gyrate. Mercurial preparation. 140 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Hydrargyria. Eczema from use of mercury. HydrargyrPasis. Mercurial poisoning. Hydrargyrum (Hg). Mercury. Hydrarthro'sis, Hydrar'thrus. White swell- ing ; tumefaction of a joint; sero-synovial dropsy of articulation. Hy'drate. Compound of aqueous type, formed by substituting a metal for one hydrogen atom of water. Hy'drated. Combined with water; forming a hydrate. HydrencephalPtis. Acute hydrocephalus. Hydrenceph/alocele. Congenital hernia of hy- drocephalic brain. Hydren/terocele. Intestinal hernia with fluid in the sac. Hydro/a. Miliaria; cutaneous affection with bullae containing sero-purulent fluid. Hydrocarbons. Group of compounds formed entirely or chiefly of hydrogen and carbon. Hy/drocele. Collection of serum in tunica vagi- nalis, or in connection with testicle or cord. Hydroceph/alic. Pertaining to hydrocephalus. Hydroceph'alus. Collection of water in the head; dropsy of the brain. Hydrocir'socele. Hydrocele complicated with varicocele. Hy/drocyst. Hydatid ; cyst containing aqueous liquid. Hy'drogen (H). Colorless, inflammable, gas- eous, metallic element; lightest known substance. Hydrogena'tion. Process of combining with hydrogen. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 141 Hydrohymeni/tis. Inflammation of a serous membrane. Hydrohys/tera. Hydrometra. Hy'droid. Resembling water. Hydrola'ta. Medicated waters. Hydrol'ica. Aqueous solutions of active princi- ples of drugs. Hydro'ma. Spurious hydatid; cedematous swell- ing. Hy'dromel. Honey and water. HydromeningFtis. Meningitis with watery effusion. Hydrom'eter. Instrument to measure specific gravity of liquids. Hydrome/tra. Dropsy of the womb; accumula- tion of fluid in the uterus. Hydronephrosis. Renal dropsy; cystic dilata- tion of renal pelvis by retained secretion. Hydrop/athy. Water-cure; doctrine of medical treatment by water. Hydropericar'dium. Dropsy of the pericardium. Hydrophobia. Canine madness; disease from in- oculation with poisonous saliva of a rabid animal. Hy/drophone. Water-bag to assist auscultation. HydrophthaFmia. Morbid increase of fluids of the eye. Hydrophysome/tra. An accumulation of water and gas in the womb. Hydrop'ic. Dropsical; affected with, pertaining to, or tending to cure, dropsy. HydropneumatoSis. Morbid accumulation of gas and fluid. Hydropneumotho/rax. Accumulation of gas and liquid in pleural cavity. 142 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Hy/drops. Dropsy. Hydropyret'ic. Pertaining to hydropyretus. Hydropy/retus. Sweating fever; Sudor Anglica- nus. Hydrorrha/chis. Spina bifida; congenital serous tumor of the spine. Hydrostatic Test. Test as to whether infant was born alive, by noting if lungs float in water. Hydrotherapeu/tics. The therapeutics of water. Hydrothi'on. Sulphuretted hydrogen. Hydrothionu'ria. Presence of hydrothion in urine. Hydrotho'rax. Dropsy of the chest; serous effusion in pleural cavity. Hydro'tis. Dropsy of ear. Hydrotym'panum. Dropsy of tympanic cavity. Hy/druret. Compound of hydrogen with a metal. Hygiene'. Science of health; aggregate of sani- tary arrangements. Hygrol'ogy. Science of fluids of the body. Hygro'ma. Humoral tumor; cyst containing se- rous or albuminous fluid; dropsy of bursae mucosae. Hygrom'eter. Instrument to determine degree of atmospheric moisture. Hy'groscope. Instrument to show greater or less moisture of the atmosphere. Hy'men. Crescentiform membranous fold at entrance of virgin vagina. Hymeni'tis. Inflammation of the hymen, or of a membrane. Hymenor'rhaphy. Suture of vagina at the hymen. Hy'oid. Resembling the Greek letter v; applied especially to a bone at root of tongue. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 143 Hyoscy/amus. Henbane; poisonous plant, anti- spasmodic, hypnotic, and narcotic. Hypacu/sis. Hardness of hearing. Hypae/mia. Deficiency of blood; anaemia. Hypaesthe'sia. Diminished sensation. Hyperacu/sis. Morbid acuteness of hearing. Hyperae/mia. Excessive amount of blood in certain vessels, especially the capillaries. HyperaestheSia. Morbid excessive sensibility. Hyperalgesia. Increased sensibility to pain. Hyperdynam'ic. Pertaining to excessive strength or action. Hypergen/esis. Excessive production of tissue- elements. HyperglobtPlia. Excess of red blood-corpus- cles. Hyperhidro'sis. Excessive perspiration. Hyperino'sis. Increase of fibrin in the blood. Kypermetro/pia. Over-sight; visual affection in which refractive power of eye is too low, parallel rays focusing behind retina. HyperoPtis. Inflammation of the soft palate. Hypero/pia. Hypermetropia. HyperostoSis. Hypertrophy or enlargement of a bone or its membranous covering. Hyperplasia. Hypertrophy; augmentation of elements of a part. Hyperpnce'a. Panting; excessive respiration. Hyperpresbyo/pia. Hypermetropia. Hyperpyrex'ia. Excessively high temperature; high fever. Hypertrophy. Excessive nutrition of tissues or organs, with increase of size; reverse of atrophy. 144 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Hyphae'mia. Hypsemia. Hypino'sis. Decrease of fibrin in the blood. Hyp'nic. Pertaining to sleep; hypnotic. Hypnol'ogy. Treatise on, or doctrine of, sleep. Hyp'none. Aceto-phenone; a colorless, pungent fluid, with odor like prussic acid; introduced as soporific in 1885, but of uncertain value. Hypnot/ic. Soporific; pertaining to, or produc- ing, sleep or hypnotism. Somniferous agent. Hyp/notism. Sleep-like state induced by strained visual attention, or so-called animal-magnetism or mesmerism. Hy/poblast. Entoderm; internal layer of blasto- derm. Hypocathar'sis. Slight purging. Hypo chon'driac. One affected with hypochon- driasis. Hypochondria sis. Vague depression, with mild melancholia. Hypochon'drium. Upper lateral abdominal re- gion. Hypocysteot'omy. Cystotomy from below. Hypodermat'ic. Hypodermic. Hypodermat'omy. Subcutaneous incision. Hypoder'mic. Subcutaneous; applied to injec- tion of medicines beneath the skin. Hypodyn'ia. Slight pain. Hypogas'tric. Pertaining to hypogastrium. Hypogas'trium. Lower anterior abdominal re- gion. Hypogas'trocele. Hernia of hypogastrium. Hypoglos'sal. Under the tongue; applied to nerve so located. Hypohae'mia. Extravasation of blood in the eye. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 145 Hypometro/pia. Myopia. Hypon/omous. Suppurating beneath the surface. Hypophysis. Pituitary gland or body. Hypoplastic. Having defective formative power. Hypo/pyon. Purulent accumulation in anterior chamber of eye. Hypospa'dia. Congenital fissure in under surface of the penis. Hypostasis. Sediment, deposit; passive hyper- aemia from gravity. Hypostyptic. Mild astringent. Hypoth'enar Eminence. A prominence on inner side of palm, from muscles of little finger. Hypothesis. Theory; supposition; principle assumed but not yet demonstrated. Hypottophy. Defective nutrition; atrophy. Hypo-xanthine. A non-poisonous leucomaine. HysteraPgia. Pain in the uterus. Hysteratre/sia. Imperforation of os uteri. Hysterectomy. Excision of the womb. Hystetia. Neurosis with convulsive paroxysms, abnormal manifestation of emotion, etc. Hystertc. Pertaining to uterus, or to hysteria. Hystertcs. Paroxysm of hysteria. Hysteritis. Metritis; inflammation of uterus. Hysterocele. Uterine hernia. Hysterodyn'ia. Hysteralgia. Hysteroid. Resembling hysteria. HysteroPogy. Treatise on, or science of, the uterus. Hysteroma'nia. Nymphomania. Hysterom'eter. Uterine sound. Hysteropto'sis. Prolapsus uteri. 146 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. HysteFoscope. Mirror to reflect light through speculum to os uteri. HysterostomaFomy. Incision of os or cervix uteri. HysteFotome. Instrument for vaginal hyster- otomy. HysteroFomy. Caesarian section; dissection of the womb. HysteroFomy, Vag'inal. Incision of cervix or wall of uterus through vagina. Hysterotris'mus. Spasm of the womb. I. Iate/ria. Therapeutics. Iatralep'tic. Applied to treatment with friction, inunction, etc. Ia/tric. Pertaining to medical science or prac- tice. Iatrochem/ists. Those who interpret physio- logical and pathological phenomena by chemical law. I'chor. Serum; colorless thin discharge from ulcers, etc. Ichorae/mia. Pyaemia; septicaemia. I'chorous. Pertaining to, or having the nature of, ichor. Ichorrhae'mia. Ichoraemia. Ich'thyoid. Fish-like. IchthyoPogy. Science of fishes. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 147 Ichthyc/sis. Fish-skin disease; chronic cuta- neous hypertrophy, with induration, etc. Icter/ic. Pertaining to, or affected with, jaundice. Ic/teroid. Resembling, or characteristic of, jaun- dice. Ic'terus. Jaundice; yellow tissue-discoloration from bile pigment in blood. Identical Points. Corresponding retinal points of the two eyes. Ideomo/tor. Pertaining to motion from cerebra- tion, between voluntary and reflex. Idioc'rasy. Idiosyncrasy. Id'iocy. A congenital defective development of the faculties. Idioelec/tric. Containing electricity in natural state. Idiopath'ic. Primary ; spontaneous ; independ- ent; not symptomatic or sympathetic. Idiop'athy. A peculiar morbid state. Idiosyn'crasy. Individual constitutional pecu- liarity, as abnormal susceptibility to certain agents. Id'iot. Imbecile; a natural. Idro' sis. Morbid excessive sweating; hyperi- drosis. Ig/neous. Pertaining to fire. Ig/nis Fat'uus. Will-o’-the-wisp; spontaneous atmospheric luminosity, probably due to phos- phuretted hydrogen from vegetable decay. Ignis Sancti Antonii. St. Anthony’s fire; ery- sipelas. IlePtis. Inflammation of ileum. IFeo-colFtis. Enteritis. IP eum. Lower portion of small intestine. 148 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. IPeus. Intussusception, strangulation, etc., of bowels; severe intestinal disease with violent ab- dominal griping, costiveness, etc. IPiac. Pertaining to the ilia, or to the ilium. IPium. Haunch bone; principal division of os innominatum. Illusion. Deceptive appearance; false interpre- tation of sensory stimulus. ImbeciPity. Weakness of mental faculties. Imbibition. Absorption; drinking; process whereby fluid penetrates tissues. Immediate Auscultation. Auscultation with- out interposition of stethoscope. Immediate Percussion. Digital percussion, without interposition of pleximeter. Immedicable. Incurable; beyond medicinal remedy. Immersed. Plunged into liquid. ImmisSible. Not capable of mixture. ImmobiPity. State of being fixed or incapable of motion. Impacted. Wedged in. Impaction. Concussion; state of being wedged in, as foetal head in contracted pelvis. Impen/nous. Devoid of wings. ImperSorate. Devoid of normal orifice; con- genitally closed. Imper'meable. Incapable of being permeated or traversed; resisting passage of other substances. ImpetPgo. Acute, pustular, inflammatory cuta- neous disease. InPpetus. Momentum; force of motion, or pro- pulsion. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 149 Implacental. Devoid of placenta. Implicated. Applied to fevers when two at a time affect the patient. Impon/derable. Without appreciable weight. Imponderables. Name formerly applied to cer- tain terms then regarded as substances, but now as conditions or forces, as heat, electricity, etc. Impos/thume. Abscess; aposteme. Impotence. Sexual inability; absence of sexual power or desire. Impregnation. Fecundation ; act of rendering pregnant; male element of generative act. Impulse of the Heart. Heart-beat synchronous with contraction of the ventricles and pulse in large arteries. Imputres/cible. Not subject to corruption. Inalimental. Not affording nourishment. Inanition. Emptiness; exhaustion from depri- vation of nutrition. Inappetency. Want or loss of appetite. Inarticulate. Without joints or distinct divisions. Incandescence. Condition of luminous heat. Incarcerated. Confined; constricted; strangu- lated ; applied to irreducible hernia. Incarnation. Becoming flesh; granulation ; healing process, as of ulcers. InCest. Sexual intercourse between those of prohibited consanguinity. Incidence. Impingement on a surface; direc- tion of striking a body. Incidence, Angle of. Angle of impingement of ray or projectile with perpendicular to plane of surface struck. 150 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Incineration. Reduction to ashes by burning; cremation. Incised. Cut into; applied to wound from sharp instrument. Inciston. A cut; act of cutting into. IncEsor Teeth. The fore teeth situated between the canines. IncitabiEity. Irritability. Incoherence. Want of cohesion ; lack of se- quence and connection; wandering mental state. Incombustible. Not capable of being burned or consumed by fire. Incompattble. Discordant; not capable of be- ing united in solution, or admitted to same pre- scription. Incomplete''. Applied to inguinal hernia not protruding through external abdominal ring. Incompressibiltty. Incapability of being pressed into smaller bulk. Incontinence. Inability to hold or restrain natural evacuations. Intemperance ; lewdness. Incoordination. Lack of coordination, or of muscular cooperation in producing voluntary movements. Incorporation. Embodying; blending solid with liquid substances to impart a certain con- sistence. Incrassation. Act of thickening; inspissation. Increm/able. Incapable of being burned. Increment. Growth ; quantity of increase. Incrustation. Scabbing; act of forming crust. Incubation. Hatching; period of disease devel- opment, or maturation of contagious poison. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 151 Incurable. Incapable of cure or restoration to health. In/cus. Small bone of internal ear. In'dex. Fore-finger. India-rubber. Caoutchouc. Indication. Sign; pointing out of proper rem- edy. Indigenous. Native; peculiar to a region. Indigestion. Dyspepsia; insufficiency of diges- tive process. Indisposition. Slight ailment. Indissoluble. Incapable of being dissolved. In'dolent. Painless, of slow growth, and with little tendency to heal, as certain ulcers, etc. Induction. Production of electricity in neigh- boring bodies. Inductom/eter. Instrument to determine differ- ences of electrical induction. In'durated. Hardened; having increased con- sistency. Induration. Hardening; indurated condition; reverse of mollescence. Ine'briant. Intoxicant ; especially alcoholic liquor. Inebriation. Intoxication; drunken state. Inebri'ety. Drunkenness; inebriation. Inertia. Inactivity; absence of contractility of uterus, bladder, etc. Intancy. Babyhood; infant state; early child- hood, from birth to second dentition. In'fant. Babe; child prior to second dentition. Infanttcide. Wilful killing of an infant. InSantile. Pertaining to childhood. 152 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Infection. Communication of disease; contagion; atmospheric contamination. Infectious. Communicable, contagious, of the nature of infection. Infecun'dity. Sterility; barrenness. Inferior. Lower; nearer plane of base of erect body; reverse of superior. Infibuiation. Joining lips of wounds, etc., by clasps; formerly, passing link through labia or prepuce, to prevent copulation. Infiltration. Fluid effusion into connective tissue. Infinitestmal. Infinitely small. Infirmary. Charitable institution for care of the sick. Infirmity. Weakness; feebleness ; peculiar debility. Inflam/mable. Capable of ready ignition and combustion. Inflammation. Morbid condition with hyper- semia, heat, redness, swelling, pain, etc. Inflam'matory. Pertaining to, or producing, inflammation. Inflated. Distended with air or gas. Inflation. Gaseous distension. Inflected. Bent from a straight line. Inflorescence. Arrangement of flowers on stem. Influenta. Epidemic catarrhal fever, with in- flammation of mucous membrane of respiratory tract; la grippe. Infraorbttal. Below the eye. Infraspinatus. Muscle under spine of scapula. Infriction. Rubbing in of oily substances. InfrugifCrous. Not bearing fruit. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 153 Infundibu/liform. Funnel-shaped. Infuscation. Act of darkening. Infu/sion. Aqueous solution of organic principles; steeping. Infusotia. Certain microscopic animals found in organic infusion exposed to air. Ingesta. Articles introduced, as aliment into stomach through mouth. Inges/tion. Process of introducing aliment into stomach. Inglo'bate. In the form of a globe. Ingravidation. Pregnancy. Ingre'dients. Constituents of a compound. In/guinal. Pertaining to the groin. Inhalation. Act of inspiring spray, vapor or particles. Inherent. Innate; inwrought; naturally exist- ing in. Adherent. Inherited. Obtained by hereditary transmission. Inhibition. Restraint or diminution of organic activity from nerve action; suppression. Inhibitory. Applied to nerves inducing inhibi- tion ; restraining; suppressing. Inhumation. Interment; placing in earth bath, as chemical vessels. Intad. Toward the inial aspect. Intal As'pect. Aspect toward the inion. Inton. Occipital ridge; also applied to nape of neck. Initis. Inflammation of fibrous tissue. Injaculation. Violent gastric spasmodic pain, with bodily immobility etc. InjecCed. Congested; having the vessels filled. 154 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Injection. Enema; forcing liquid into cavity or vessel of the body; also, congestion. Injury. Damage, bodily harm, wound or lesion from accident or violence. In'nate. Inborn; natural, congenital. Innervation. Function of nervous system; nerve-force supply; inducing special activity of nervous impulse. Innomina/ta. Largest artery proceeding from aortic arch. Innominatum. Triplicate pelvic bone. Inoc/ulable. Communicable by, or capable of, inoculation. Inoculation. Insertion of a virus, as that of smallpox, into tissues of the body. Inohymenitis. Inflammation of fibrous tissue. Ino'ma. Fibrous tumor. Inopexta. Peculiar tendency of fibrinogenous substance to coagulate. Inopol'ypus. Fibrous polypus. Inorgan'ic. Devoid of organized structure; non- vital. All compounds save some of carbon. Inosculation. Anastomosis. In/osite. Sugar of flesh; peculiar sugar found in juice of muscles. InosteaUEma. Tumor both fibrous and fatty. InsalifFable. Incapable of forming salts. Insalivation. The mingling of saliva with food in mastication. Insalubrious. Unwholesome; not salubrious. Insane''. Afflicted with insanity. InsanTty. Madness; generic term for many forms of mental derangement. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 155 Insatiable Ap'petite. Bulimia. Insec'able. Incapable of being cut; indivisible. Insemination. Ejaculation during coition; fecun- dation. InsenSible. Unconscious; having the senses in abeyance. Imperceptible. Insertion. Attachment, as of muscle to part it moves. Insidtous. Treacherous; applied to disease with- out marked symptoms, but dangerous. In situ. In position. Insolation. Sun-stroke; exposure to sun. Insoluble. Incapable of being dissolved. Insom'nia. Sleeplessness. Inspiration. Inhalation of air into lungs; re- verse of expiration. Inspis'sated. Made of thick consistence, as by evaporation. InspisSant. Agent thickening the blood; re- verse of diluent. Instauration. Initiation; beginning of a func- tion. Instillation. Pouring in drop by drop. InStinct. Natural blind impulse to certain ac- tions. Instincttve Motions. Involuntary, reflex ac- tions, excited through nerves. Institutes of Medtcine. Medical theory and principles. Instrumental. Applied to delivery requiring forceps. Insufficiency. Inadequacy; incomplete closure of heart valves. 156 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Insufflation. Blowing air or medicinal agent into cavity of the body. Insulation. State of electrical body surrounded by non-conductors. Integrant. Applied to minute divisions having same constitution as original substance. Integtity. Wholeness; soundness. IntegSment. Covering; skin. Intemperance. Immoderation, as in use of in- toxicants. Intensity. Extreme degree, as of electrical ex- citement. Intention. See First and Second Intention. Interca'dence. Supernumerary arterial pulsa- tion. Intercostal. Between the ribs. Interlo'bar. Between lobes of an organ. Intermis/sion. Interval; pause; temporary ces- sation, as of disease or pulsation. Intermittent. Exhibiting intermission. Internal. Inward; within; nearer mesial plane. Interosseous. Between bones. InterStices. Intervals; intervening spaces. Interstitial. Pertaining to interstices. IntertrPgo. Fret; chafing of adjacent parts. Interval. Intervening period. Intestinal Canalt Intestine. Intestine. Portion of alimentary canal from stomach to anus. Intima. Innermost coat of vessels. IntoPerance. Incapacity of endurance. Intoxtcants. Agents productive of intoxication. Intoxication. Drunkenness; also, poisoning. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 157 Intra-cap'sular. Within a capsule. Intravasa/tion. Passage of morbid or extraneous matter into vessels. Intrinsic. Internal, as muscles of certain organs. Intro/itus. An entrance, as upper pelvic strait. Intromis/sion. Introduction of one body into another. Introver/sion. A turning inward. Intumescence. Swollen state; swelling. Intussusception. Reception of one part, as of the intestine, into another. Inustion. Cauterization. Invagination. Intussusception. In'valid. Infirm; sickly. Valetudinarian. Inva'sion. Access of a disease. Invermination. Condition occasioning presence of intestinal worms. Inver'sion. Turning of organ inside out. Inver'sio Uteri. Inversion of womb. Invertebrata. Class of invertebrate animals. Invertebrate. Devoid of spinal column. Investiture. Sheath or covering. Invocation. Insalivation. Involu'crum. Envelope; investiture. Invol'untary. Independent of will. Involute. Rolled inward. Iodtca. Remedies composed of iodine. Fodide. Non-acid compound of iodine with a metal or other substance. Fodine (I.). Poisonous, non metallic element ob- tained from ashes of sea weeds. Iod'oform. CPII3. Iodine analogue of chloro- form; yellow, antiseptic substance. 158 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Iod/uretted. Impregnated with iodine. IpCcac. Ipecacuanha. Ipecacuanha. Root of Brazilian plant, a prompt emetic. IraPgia. Pain of the iris. Iriancis/tron. Hook used in coreplasty. Iridectomy. Excision of segment of iris. Iridencleis/is. Coretomy, with portion of the iris strangulated in corneal incision. Iridere/mia. Absence or rudimental form of iris. Iride'sis. Formation of artificial pupil, by liga- ting bit of iris through corneal incision. Iridtum (Ir.). Metallic element, heaviest known substance. Ir/idocele. Hernia of iris. Irido-choroidPtis. Inflammation of iris and choroid. Irido-cyclPtis. Cyclitis involving iris also. IridodiaPysis. Coredialysis. Iridodone/sis. Trembling of the iris. Iridople'gia. Paralysis of the iris. IridoPomy. Incision of iris. Itis. Colored membrane of anterior part of eye, with circular aperture forming pupil. lrPtis. Inflammation of the iris. Iton (Fe.). Familiar, hard, malleable metal; of tonic properties. Irradiation. Radiation from a centre; increase of visual size of bright objects, from aberra- tion. Irreducible. Incapable of being replaced or re- stored to normal state. Irreg/ular. Unequal; unsymmetrical. Applied POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 159 to practitioners following other than the recognized school of scientific medicine. Irrigation. Constant application of lotion. IrritabiFity. Susceptibility to irritation ; excita- bility ; contractility; action of all living organisms responsive to stimuli; ultimate vital activity. Irritable. Exhibiting irritability. Irritant. Agent producing irritation. Irrita'tion. Excitation ; stimulated action. Ischae'mia. Arrest of blood; local anaemia. Ischiag'ra. Hipgout; ischialgia. IschiaUgia. Hip pain ; sciatica. Ischiat'ic. Sciatic; pertaining to ischium. Ischidro'sis. Suppression of perspiration. Is'chiocele. Sciatic hernia. Is'chium. Basilar portion of hip-bone. Ischome'nia. Amenorrhoea. Ischuret'ic. Pertaining to, or relieving, ischuria; diuretic. Ischuria. Retention of urine. IsochromaCic. Having the same color. Isochronal. Uniform in time. Isoco'ria. Equal size of pupils. Isodynam'ic. Having equal power. Is'olate. Insulate; set apart; separate. IsoPogous. Having similar proportions, as homologous chemical groups. Isomer'ic. Exhibiting isomerism. Isom/erism. Identity of chemical composition, with difference of properties; compound analogue of allotropism. Isomorph/ous. Having same crystalline form. Isop'athy. Imagined cure of disease by exhibit- 160 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. ing virus of such disease, or analogous organ to that affected. Isotherm''al. Having equal temperature. Is'sue. Artificial ulcer to promote suppuration. IsthmPtis. Inflammation of fauces. Itch. Scabies. Fvory Black. Animal charcoal. J. Jacob’s Mem/brane. Layer of rods and cones of retina. Jacobson’s Nerve. Tympanic nerve. JaPap. Cathartic root of Mexican plant. JaPapin. Proximate principle of jalap. Jaun/dice. Icterus; obstruction of liver, with yellowness of skin, etc. JecCral. Hepatic. JejunPtis. Inflammation of jejunum. Jeju/num. Portion of small intestine from duo- denum to ileum. Jes/uit’s Bark. Cinchona. Joint. Point of union ; articulation. Ju/gal. Zygomatic. Ju'gular. Relating to throat or neck. Ju'gular Veins. Two large venous trunks of neck, external and internal. Juice. Sap; fluid of animal or vegetable substance. Jus, JusCulum. Juice; broth; gruel. Juvan'tia. Remedies; adjuvants. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 161 K. Kalig/enous. Producing the true alkalies. Ka'lium. Potassium. Karyokine/sis. Process of indirect division of nucleus. Kath'ode. Negative electrode. Ke'lis. Keloid. Ke'loid. Tubercular cutaneous disease. Kelot'orny. Cutting of a tumor; celotomy; her- niotomy. Kelp. Certain sea weeds; saline sea-weed ash. KeratFtis. Inflammation of cornea; corneitis. Ker'atocele. Hernia of Descemet’s membrane through cornea. Keratoglo/bus. Distension and protrusion of cornea. Ke/ratome. Instrument for incising cornea. Keratonyx'is. Puncture of cornea, as in couching. Ke'ratoscope. Instrument to examine cornea. Keratot'omy. Incision into cornea. Ke/rion. Favus. Pustular scalp disease. Kid'neys. Pair of glandular organs in lumbar region, elaborating urine. Kilogramme. Weight of 1000 grammes. Kilolitre. Measure of iooo litres. Kilometre. Measure of iooo metres. Kinesip/athy. Gymnastic treatment of disease. King’s Evil. Scrofula. Ki'otome. Instrument to excise uvula, divide rectal adhesions, etc. 162 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Kleptoma/nia. Insane tendency to theft. KniCting. Union of fractured bone. KotPmiss. Fermented mare’s milk. Krause’s End-bulbs. Terminal nerve-bulbs found in conjunctiva, mouth, and genitals. Kre/atin. Crystallizable substance found in muscle, etc. Ky'anised. Steeped in corrosive sublimate. KyOstein. Peculiar urine-film, in pregnancy, etc. Kyllo'sis. Clubfoot. Kymograph. Hiemadynamometer. Kypho/sis. Angular spinal deformity; hump- back. KysthFtis. Vaginitis. L. La'bia Majo'ra. Two folds from mons veneris to perineum. La'bia Mino/ra. Nymphae. La'bia Puden'di. Labia majora. La'bial. Pertaining to the lips. Labim'eter. Scale of distance between handles of applied obstetrical forceps. La/bor. Parturition; expulsion of foetus from uterus. Laboratory. Place for scientific experiment and investigation. Lab/yrinth. Internal ear. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 163 Lacera'tion. Rending; torn breach. Lacer/tous. Muscular. Lach/rymal. Pertaining to tears or to lachrymal gland. Lachryma'tion. Excessive flow of tears. Lac/tagogue. Agent inducing milk secretion. Lactalbu'min. Casein. Lac'tant. Suckling. Lacta'tion. Milk secretion; process or period of suckling. Lac'teal. Milky. Pertaining to lacteals. Lac'teals. Lacteal vessels, lymphatics convey- ing chyle from intestinal canal. Lac/tein. Evaporated milk. nacreous. Milky. Lacteal. Lactes'cent. Yielding milk. Lac'tic. Pertaining to milk. LactiFerous. Conveying milk. Lac'tin. Sugar of milk. Lac'toline. Evaporated milk. Lactom/eter. A milk measurer. Lactose. Lactin. Lactuca/rium. Hypnotic, concrete lettuce-juice. Lacu/na. Small pit or furrow; mucous follicle; crypt; small cavity in bone structure. Lagne'sis. Lust. Satyriasis. Lagophthal'mia. Inability to close eyelids. Lalla/tion. Lullaby-speech, with use of liquid /, or of / for r. Lamarck'ism. Evolution theory of Lamarck, assuming that certain conditions, as heat, light, electricity, can generate in matter the condition of life. 164 Lamb'doid. Resembling Greek letter A; applied to occipito-parietal suture. LameFla. A thin plate or scale. Lam/ellar, Lam/ellate. Foliated; composed of, or exhibiting, lamellae. Lam'ina. Thin layer, scale, or foliated structure. Lam'inate. Composed of laminae. Lan/cet. Small, two-edged surgical knife. LarCcinatmg. Piercing, darting, as cancerous pains. LancFsi, Nerves of. Filaments of corpus callo- sum of brain. Lan/guor. Lassitude ; feebleness. Lanu'go. Down; wool; soft, fine hair. Laparo-cystoComy. Incision of abdomen and cyst containing extra-uterine foetus. Laparo-enterot'omy. Enterotomy through ab- dominal incision. Laparomyi'tis. Inflammation of abdominal mus- cles. LaparoComy. Abdominal incision ; gastrotomy. La/pis. A stone. Larda'ceous. Resembling lard. Larda/ceous Degenera/tion. Amyloid degen- eration ; infiltration of organ with peculiar nitro- genous substance. Lar'va. The first stage of insects after leaving the egg. Larynge/al. Pertaining to the larynx. Laryngis/mus. Spasm of the opening of the larynx. Laryngis/mus Strid'ulus. A spasmodic nar- rowing or paralysis of the glottis in infants. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 165 Laryngi'tis. Inflammation of the larynx. Laryngog/raphy. Description of larynx. Laryngology. Branch of medicine covering affections of larynx. Laryngop'athy. Affection of larynx. Laryngoph/ony. Auscultatory vocal sound heard in larynx under stethoscope. Laryngoscope. Speculum to examine larynx. Laryngotomy. Incision of larynx. Larvngo-tracheotomy. Laryngotomy, involv- ing section of upper rings of trachea. Lar'ynx. Organ of voice; upper part of wind- pipe. Lament. Hidden ; not apparent. Laterad. Toward lateral aspect. Lateral. Pertaining to the side. Lateral As'pect. Dextral or sinistral aspect from mesial plane. LaterPtious. Resembling brick-dust. Latero-flex/ion. Lateral bending, as of uterus. Latero-vetsion. Lateral tilting, as of uterus. Latib'ulum. Hidden matter of infectious dis- eases. Latica. A latent remittent fever. Laud'able Pus. Healthy pus. Laud'anum. Tincture of opium. Lax'ative. Gentle purgative. Lazaretto. Station for performance of quaran- tine. Lead. Plumbum. Leaping Ague. Species of dancing mania, or morbid propensity to leap. Lec'tual. Clinical. 166 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Leech. Blood-sucking aquatic worm. LegCmin. A kind of vegetable casein. Legu'minous. Pod-like; pod-bearing. Len'iceps. Short obstetric forceps with trans- verse lock-handle. Len/itive. Soothing, emollient, or laxative agent. Lens. Transparent disc to refract light. Lenticular. Lens-shaped ; pertaining to lens. LentiCular GaCglion. Ophthalmic ganglion, centre of nerve-supply of eyeball. LentFgo. Freckle; local cutaneous pigment de- posit. Lent/ous. Viscous; tenacious. LeontPasis. Leprosy of face. Lep/er. One affected with leprosy. Lepidop'tera. Order of insects including butter- fly, moth, etc. Lepido'sis. Pityriasis; scale-skin. Lep/ra. Scaly lesion of skin; leprosy; psoriasis. LeprophthaPmia. Leprous ophthalmia. Lep/rosy. Chronic malignant disease, with cuta- neous lesion. Lep'rous. Relating to, or infected with, lep- rosy. Lep/tothrix. Bacillus; genus of schizomycetous fungi. Le/sion. Injury, derangement; morbid change in function or texture of organ. Leth/argy. Profound stupor. LetCeon. Ether. Lethiferous. Bearing death; fatal. Leucae/mia. Leucocythasmia. Leucae'thiops. African albino. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 167 Leu'cin. Fatty amide formed from decomposition of nitrogenous matter. Leuci'tis. Sclerotitis. Leucocytes. White corpuscles of the blood. Leucocythae/mia. Morbid permanent increase in proportionate number of leucocytes. Leucocyto/sis. Transient increase in number of leucocytes. Leucoder/ma. Achroma. Leuco/ma. Dense opacity of the cornea. LeuComaines. Group of alkaloids developed in living tissues. Leucopathia. Albinism. Leucophlegmatic. Indicating pale flabby con- dition of the skin. Leucorrhce'a. Whitish discharge from vagina or uterus; “whites.” Leuco/ses. Diseases of lymphatic system; class of anaemic diseases. Leuco/sis. Whitening ; formation of leucoma. LeukoleFnum. Product of the dry distillation of coal. Leva'tor. Muscle raising a part. Le/ver. Obstetric instrument to assist extraction of fcetal head. Lev/igated. Reduced to fine powder. Ley/den Jar. Foil-coated jar to accumulate elec- tricity. Lexipyretic. Febrifuge. Li'ber. Inner bark of tree; bast. Libidinous. Lustful. Li'chen. Papular inflammation of skin. Lien'culus. Supernumerary spleen. 168 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Lieni/tis. Inflammation of spleen. Li'entery. Diarrhoea, the food being only par- tially digested. Life. Aggregate of vital phenomena; a certain stimulated condition of organized matter. Life Table. Tabulated statistics of living and dying at various ages, out of given observed popu- lation. Lig'ament. Strengthening band of fibrous tissue investing joints, etc. Ligation. Operation of tying, as arteries. Lig/ature. Thread, silk, etc., for ligation. Lig/neous. Like wood. Light. Vibratory condition producing visual effect by action through optic nerve. Limb. Arm or leg; border. Lim'bus. Edge; border; hem. Lime. CaO. Oxide of calcium. Limitro'phes. Ganglia of sympathetic nerve. Limne/mic. Due to marsh emanations. Limo/sis. Morbid or depraved appetite. Linc/tus. Medicine of syrupy consistence. Line. Imaginary boundary; also, T’2 of an inch. Lin/ear. Line; extending in a line. Lin'gual. Pertaining to the tongue. Lin'iment. Liquid ointment for external applica- tion; embrocation. LinPtis. Inflammation of gastric cellular tissue. Lin/seed. Flaxseed, demulcent and expectorant. Lint. Scraped linen to dress wounds. Lipae/mia. Milkiness of serum, or fatty blood. Lip'arocele. Sarcocele inclosing fat. Fatty; obese. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 169 Lipo'ma. Tumor of fatty tissue. Lippitu/do. Chronic purulent blepharitis. Liquefa'cient. Agent promoting liquefaction. Liquefaction. Conversion into liquid. Liques'cent. Becoming liquid. Liq'uid. Non-gaseous, or inelastic, fluid. Liq'uor. Solution; liquid. Liq/uor Am/nii. Liquid in which the fcetus floats. Liq'uor Arsenica'lis. Fowler’s solution. Liq/uor San'guinis. Plasma; fibro-serous fluid of blood. Lisp/ing. Psellismus giving sound of th to s. Listerism. Antiseptic surgery. Lithae'mia. Uricsemia. LitlPagogue. Agent to expel calculi. Lith/arge. Oxide of lead. Lith'ate. Urate. Lithectasy. Removal of stone by dilation, in- stead of incision, of neck of bladder. Lith/ia. Oxide of lithium. LithPasis. Formation of calculus. LitlPic. Pertaining to stone. Lithtca. Agents counteracting lithiasis. Lithtum (Li.). Rare alkaline metal. Lith'oclast. A form of lithotrite. LithodiaPysis. Litholysis. Lith'olapaxy. Removal of calculus, after lith- otrity, by irrigation. LithoPysis Dissolution of stone in bladder. Lithome'tra. Uterine concretion; ossification of womb. Lithontrip/tic. Agent dissolving stone in bladder. 170 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Lith'oscope. Instrument to examine for stone in bladder. Lith'otome. Instrument for lithotomy. Lithot/omy. Removal of calculus by vesical in- cision. Lith'otripsy, Lithot'rity. Operation of crush- ing vesical calculus. Lith/otrite. Instrument for lithotrity. Lith'ous. Petrous; having or resembling cal- culi. Lithure'sis. Voiding gravel with urine. LithiPria. Lithic acid and lithates in urine. Lit'mus. Vegetable blue pigment, turned red by acid and restored to blue by alkali. Litre. Unit of measure of metric system, = about 61 cubic inches. Littre’s glands. Small racemose glands in ure- thra. Liv/er. Largest glandular organ of body, in right abdominal cavity, secreting bile, etc. Liv'er-fluke. Hepatic parasite. Liv/id. Lead-colored. Lixivia'tion. Washing wood-ashes, to extract salts. Lo'bar. Pertaining to a lobe. Lo'bate. Having, or formed of, lobes. Lobe. Rounded division of an organ. Lobe of the Ear. Inferior, non-cartilaginous extremity of auricle. Lo'belin. Alkaloid, active principle of Indian tobacco; toxic, antispasmodic, emetic. Lo'cal. Limited to a part only. LochPa. Post-partum serous bloody discharge. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 171 Lochiorrhce/a. Excessive lochial flux. Lochometri/tis. Puerperal metritis. Lochop'yra. Puerperal fever. Lock'-jaw. Trismus. Locomo'tor Atax'y. Muscular incoordination in walking. Loc'ular. Pertaining to, or divided into, small cavities. Loi'mic. Pertaining to plague; epidemic. Loins. Reins; lateral portions of lumbar region. Longitu'dinal. Extending lengthwise. Lordo'sis. Anterior curvature of spine. Lo'tion. Awash; medicinal solution for external use. Lox'ic. Oblique, distorted, awry. Lubrica'tion. Making smooth or slippery. Lu'cid. Clear. Lucim'eter. Instrument to measure intensity of light. Lumba'go. Rheumatism in lumbar muscles. Lum'bar. Pertaining to the loins. Lumbrica'les. Small muscles of hand and foot. Lumbri'ci. Certain worms, including common earth-worm, and an intestinal worm. Lu'men. Cavity of a tubular structure. Lu'minous. Shining; emitting light. Lu'nacy. Insanity. Lu'nar Caus'tic. Nitrate of silver. Lu'natic. Maniac; insane person. Lungs. Organs of respiration, in thoracic cavity. Lu'niform. Moon-shaped. Lu'nula. Small crescent, as white portion of nail at root. 172 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Lu/pus. Chronic tubercular skin disease. Lu/rid. Ghastly pale; sallow. Lus/citas. A kind of strabismus. Luxation. Displacement; dislocation. Lycopo'dium. Yellowish powder of spores of club-moss. Lye. Alkaline solution from lixiviation, as of wood-ashes. Lying-in. Being in childbirth. Lymph. Colorless alkaline fluid in lymphatics. Lymphadenitis. Inflammation of lymphatic gland. Lymphadeno'ma. Hodgkin’s Disease; general hypertrophy of lymphatic tissue, with anaemia, etc. LymphangioComy. Anatomy or dissection of the lymphatics. Lymphangitis. Inflammation of lymphatic ves- sels. LymphaCic. Pertaining to lymph, lymphatic tissue, or lymphatics. LymphaCics. Capillary vessels pervading body, carrying lymph and chyle. Lymphiza/tion. Effusion of coagulable lymph. Lym'phoid. Resembling lymph. Adenoid. Lympho'ma. Lymph tumor. Lymphadenoma. Adenoid tumor. Lympho/sis. Lymph-production. Lyte'rian. Indicating termination of a disease. LyCta Vesicato/ria. Cantharis. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 173 M. Maceration. Steeping in order to soften or dis- solve. Macrocephalous. Abnormally large-headed. MacrocheElia. Enlargement of lip. Mactocytes. Large blood-corpuscles of perni- cious anaemia, etc. Macroscopic. Easily visible to naked eye; re- verse of microscopic. M ac/ulae. Cutaneous discolorations. Mac'ulate. Spotted. Mad. Rabid; insane. Madaro/sis. Loss of eyelashes or hair. Mad'arous. Bald-headed; having madarosis. Magistral. Applied to extemporaneous pre- scription. Magne'sia. Oxide of magnesium, a laxative. Magne'sium (Mg.). White alkaline metal, ant- acid and laxative. Mag/net. Loadstone, an iron ore exhibiting mag- netism ; also, magnetized metal. Mag'netism. Obscure cause of phenomena of magnetic attraction and repulsion as in loadstone. Mala/cia. Softening; also, depraved appetite. Malaco/sis. Morbid softening. MaEady. Disease. Malaise. Discomfort. Maiar. Relating to cheek or malar bone. Mala/ria. Marshy miasma, considered the cause of ague, etc. 174 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Malassimila'tion. Imperfect assimilation. Malformation. Abnormality of form. Malig/nant. Dangerous; virulent; intractable; cancerous. Matis. Cutaneous vermination. MaKleable. Capable of being laminated by beat- ing. Mallea'tion. Chorea with hammering of hands. Malle'olar. Pertaining to ankle. Malle'olus. Ankle; two inferior processes of tibia and fibula. MaFleus. An ossicle of middle ear. Malpighian Bodies. Small masses in cortical structure of kidney. Malpractice. Injurious medical or surgical treat- ment. Malpresentation. Faulty presentation of foetus. Mara'ma. Breast; mammary gland; milk-se- creting organ. Mammatia. Class of vertebrates, of which the female suckles the young. Mam'mary. Pertaining to the breasts. Mammif'erous. Having breasts. M am'miform. Breast-shaped; mastoid. Mammilta. Male breast; nipple ; small promi- nence. ManCmillary. Mammary; mammillated. M am'millated. Having mammillce, or small nipple-shaped projections. Mammitis. Mastitis M am'mose. Having large breasts, or mastoid prominences. Mandib'ular. Pertaining to lower jaw. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 175 Manganese' (Mn.). Heavy, whitish, iron-like metal. Ma'nia. Madness; non-febrile delirium; in- sanity. Ma'nia a potu. Madness from drink; delirium tremens. Man'ikin. Artificial figure to show human ana- tomy, etc. Manipulation. Handling; manual treatment, as of hernia or aneurism. Manom'eter. Instrument to show pressure of fluids. Marantic. Pertaining to marasmus; atrophic. Marasmat'ic. Marantic. Maras'mus. Wasting; emaciation; general atrophy. M ar'cid. Withered; emaciated. Mar'garin. Margarate of glycerine, a constitu- ent of fat. Mariotte’s Spot. Blind spot of retina. Mar'row. Fatty substance in cavity of long bones. Marsh’s Test. Test for arsenious acid, by action of nascent hydrogen. Marsu'pial. Pouched; order of mammalia,the females having pouch for immature young. Martial. Containing iron. Mas'sage. Manipulation; methodical pressure, kneading, and percussing of the body. Masseter. Strong facial muscle,assisting masti- cation. Mastal'gia. Pain in the breast. Mastic. Pertaining to the breast. Also, a resin used in dentistry, etc. 176 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Mastication. Act of chewing. Masticatory. Pertaining to mastication. Agent to be chewed but not swallowed. Mastitis. Inflammation of the breast. Mastodyn'ia. Mastalgia. Mastoid. Breast-like; nipple-shaped. Mastome'nia. Vicarious menstruation from breasts. Masto/sis. Tumor of breast. Masturbation. Self-pollution; manual produc- tion of venereal orgasm. Matetialism. Theory that matter is self-existent and eternal, and devoid of underlying immaterial entity. Matetia Medtca. Branch of medical science dealing with character and use of medicinal agents. Mattass. Vessel used in pharmacy. Matric'ulate. To enroll as member of a col- lege. Maturation. Ripening; maturing or develop- ing process; suppurating stage of inflammation. Matutity. Ripeness; full development. Maw. Stomach. MaxiPla. Jaw-bone. Maxtllary. Pertaining to maxilla. Mazodynta. Mastalgia. Mazoitis. Mastitis. MazoPogy. Science of mammalia. Mea'sle. Immature form of tapeworm. Mea/sles. Rubeola. Meatus. Passage; opening to a canal. Meatus Auditortus. Auditory canal. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 177 Mecom/eter. Instrument to measure length of infant. M econis'mus. Poisoning by opium. Meco/nium. Greenish excrement in large in- testine of infant. Also, opium. MeconoFogy. Treatise on opium. Me/dian. In the middle; central; mesial. Me'dian Line. Imaginary line, dividing body into longitudinal halves. Mediastinum. Septum of thoracic cavity. Mediate Ausculta'tion. Auscultation with in- terposition of stethoscope. Mediate Percus'sion. Percussion with inter- position of pleximeter or other medium. Medicable. Capable of medicinal relief. MedTcal. Pertaining to medicine. Med'ical Jurisprudence. Medical science in- volved in determination of legal investigations. Medicament. Medicine; remedial agent. Medication. Medicinal applicatior. or satura- tion. Medicinal. Pertaining to medicine; remedial. Medicine. Remedial agent; healing art, espe- cially as distinguished from surgery, obstetrics, etc. Medico-chirur'gical. Relating to both medi- cine and surgery. Medicus. Physician. Me/dium. Middle; intervening substance; agency of transmission; means of action; sur rounding conditions. MeduPla Oblongaia. Enlarged portion of spinal cord within the cranium. Med'ullary. Pertaining to marrow or pith. 178 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. MedullPtis, Myelitis. Megalop/sia. Visual affection, magnifying ob- jects. Me/grim. Hemicrania. Meibo/mian Glands. Sebaceous glands of eye- lids. Melanae'mia. Morbid state of blood from im- perfect aeration. Melancholia. Mental dejection; morbid gloom; hypochondriacal insanity. MePanin. Black pigment, found in choroid, etc. Melanis'mus. Black jaundice. Melanoderma. Black cutaneous discoloration. MePanoid. Similar to melanosis; dark. Melano'ma. Black discoloration; tumor with dark pigment; melanosis. MelanopatlPia. Melanoderma. Melano/sis. Morbid deposit of black pigment in the tissues. Pigmentary clot development in pulmonary tuberculosis. MelanvPria. Presence of dark pigment in urine. Melas'ma. Melanoderma. Melice/ris. Kerion. Also, Molluscum. Melitae/mia. Presence of sugar in the blood. Melita/gra. Impetigo. MelPtis. Inflammation of cheek. Melitu/ria. Glucosuria. Melo/sis. Probing process. Mem'ber. Limb; functional part. Membra/na Decid/ua. Decidua. Membra'na Tym'pani. Thin membrane sepa- rating external from middle ear. MenPbrane. Thin, expanded tissue. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 179 MenEbrane, False. Inflammatory membranous product of fibrin exuded on free surface. M em'branous. Consisting of, resembling, or pertaining to, membrane. Menidrc/sis. Blood-sweating; a vicarious men- struation. Meninge/al. Pertaining to meninges. M enm'ges. Membranes enveloping brain and spinal cord,—dura mater, pia mater and arach- noid. MeningFna. Pia mater united to cerebral layer of arachnoid. MeninginFtis. Inflammation of meningina. MeningPtis. Inflammation of meninges. MenirCgocele. Protrusion of cerebral membranes through cranial apertures. Meningo'sis. Membranous articulation; a vari- ety of syndesmosis. Meningu'ria. Presence of membranous shreds in urine. Me/ninx. Sing, of Meninges. Membrane; dura mater. M enis'cus. Concavo-convex lens. Interarticu- lar fibro-cartilage. M en'opause. Cessation of menstrual function ; climacteric; “change of life.” Menopha'nia. First appearance of menses. Menopla/nia. Vicarious menstruation; aberra- tion of menses. Menorrha'gia. Excessive menstruation. Menorrhce'a. Menstrual flow. Also, menor- rhagia. M en/ses. Catamenia. 180 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Men'strual. Pertaining to menses. Menstruation. Catamenial discharge; men- strual function. Men/struum. Solvent liquid. Mentagra. Sycosis. Mentagrophyte. Fungus, thought to produce mentagra. Mental. Pertaining to the mind. Also, pertain- ing to the chin. Menthol. C10H20O. Stearopten, from oil of peppermint; a local anodyne. Mephittc. Having offensive or unwholesome effluvium. Mercutial. Pertaining to, or containing, mercury. Mercutial Er'ethism. Affection from use of mercury, with trembling, irregular cardiac action, etc. Mercutialism. Morbid effects of long mercurial treatment. M eFcury (Hg.). Quicksilver; a white, volatile, liquid metal. Meridtan. Imaginary great circle intersecting poles of a globe. Metocele. Femoral or crural hernia. MeroFogy. Science of elementary parts or proxi- mate principles. Merorganiza'tion. Partial organization. Mesenceph/alon. The mid-brain, a primary cerebral division. Mesentertc. Pertaining to mesentery. MesenterPtis. Inflammation of mesentery. M es/entery. Process of peritoneum attaching small intestines to posterior abdominal wall. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON, 181 Mesera'ic. Mesenteric. Me/sial. Median. Mes/merism. Animal magnetism; hypnotism induced by stroking and passes, the actor claiming to control the will of the recipient. Mes'chlast. Mesoderm. Also, nucleus. Mesocae/cum. Process of peritoneum sometimes attached to caecum. Mesoco/lon. Process of peritoneum attached to colon. Mes'oderm. Middle germ-layer. MesodmPtis. Inflammation of mediastinum. Mesoepidid'ymis. Fold of tunica vaginalis at- taching epididymis to scrotum. Mesome'trium. Membranous tissue attaching body of womb to adjacent parts. Mesorec'tum. Process of peritoneum connect- ing rectum with sacrum. MetaboPic. Pertaining to alteration, or tissue- change. Metacarpal. Pertaining to metacarpus. Metacarpus. Hand between wrist and fin- gers. Metacon/dyle. Last phalanx of a finger. Metacye'sis. Extra-uterine gestation. Metagenesis. Alternate generation; species- metamorphosis. Met/al. An opaque, lustrous, malleable, ductile, electro-positive element. MetaPlic Sound. Auscultatory tinkling sound of morbid respiration. Metamorphop/sia. Visual defect, with appar- ent distortion of objects. 182 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Metamorphosis. Structural change; transforma- tion, as of butterfly stages; degeneration. Metastasis. Translation, or shifting of the seat of a disease. Metasternum. Ensiform process. Metatarsus. Foot between heel and toes. Metath'esis. Operation transferring morbific agent to more favorable seat. Metatro/phia. Morbid nutrition. Meteorology. Science of atmospheric phenomena. MethaeirEata. Capillary system of blood vessels. Method by Ingestion. Employment of medi- cines at upper extremity of intestinal canal. Methoma'nia. Mania a potu; also, irresistible appetite for intoxicants. Meth'yl. CH3. A hydrocarbon, the organic radi- cal of wood-spirit group of compounds. Meth'ylal. A colorless fluid, pungent, bitter and odorous; recently introduced as an anaesthetic and hypnotic. Meth/ylene Dichlortde. CH2C12. A general anaesthetic; substitute for chloroform. MethyEic AEcohol. Hydrate of methyl; wood-naphtha, product of wood distilla- tion. MethyEic E/ther. Heavy, colorless, anaesthetic gas. Methys/tics. Intoxicants. M etra. Uterus; womb. MetraEgia. Metrodynia; hysteralgia. Metre. Unit of measure of metric system, =39.37 in. Metrectopia. Abnormal uterine position. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 183 Metric System. Decimal system of weights and measures, the units being Metre, Litre and Gramme; multiples prefix dec a, hecto and kilo; divisions, deci, cenli, milli. Metri'tis. Inflammation of the womb. Metrodyn'ia. Pain in the womb. MetrophlebPtis. Inflammation of uterine veins. Metrorrha/gia. Uterine haemorrhage. Metrorrhex'is. Uterine rupture. Metrorrhce'a. Uterine discharge. Metroscope. An instrument for uterine exami- nation, to detect pregnancy. Metrotome. Hysterotome. Metroto/mia. Hysterotomy. MPasm. Noxious emanation; marshy effluvium; malaria. Mias'ma. Miasm. MiasmaUic. Pertaining to miasm. Mica/tion. Rapid winking of eyelids. Microbe. Microorganism; schizomycete. Micrococcus. Minute molecular matter. Genus of Schizomycetes. Bacterium. MPcrocosm. Man. Microcos'mic Salt. Sodio-ammonio-hydric phosphate, formerly obtained from urine. Microcosmography. Human physiology. Micrography. Description of microscopic re- sults. MicroPogy. Science of microscopy. Microm/eter. Scale for microscopic measure- ment. Microorganism. Minute organism. MicrophthaPmia. Abnormal smallness of eye. 184 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Microp/sia. Visual defect, with apparent diminu- tion of objects. Microscope. Optical magnifying instrument to examine minute objects. M icros/copy. Use of microscope. Microspo/ron. Fungus, thought to produce cu- taneous disease. Microtome. Instrument to cut thin sections for microscope. Microzymes. Bacteria; schizomycetes. Micturition. Passing urine from bladder. Mid/riff. Diaphragm. Mid/wife. Accoucheuse; female obstetrician. Mid/wifery. Obstetrics. Migraine. Hemicrania. Miliatia. Prickly heat; miliary fever, with erup- tion of small pimples, etc. Miiiary. Like millet seeds. Milk. Fluid secretion of mammary gland of female; solution of casein, albumin, fat, various salts, etc. Milk-leg. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Milk Sickness. “Trembles”; endemic disease of Western U. S., probably from poisonous food of cow. Milk-sugar. Peculiar sugar evaporated from whey of milk. Milk Teeth. First, or deciduous, teeth. Milligramme. One-thousandth part of a gramme. Millilitre. One-thousandth part of a litre. Millimetre. One-thousandth part of a metre. Min'eral Degeneration. Deposition of min- eral or earthy matters in various tissues of the body. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 185 Min/eral Waters. Waters impregnated with mineral salts or oxides. Min/im. of a fluid drachm; about a drop. Miscar'riage. Abortion. Mith'ridatism. Poison-proof, from gradually in- creased toxic exhibition. Mi'tral. Mitre-like; applied to left auriculo-ven- tricular valve of heart. Mobility. Capability of motion; keen nervous susceptibility. ModPolus. Axis of cochlea of ear. Mo/dus Operan/di. Method of operating. Mo/lar Teeth. Grinders, double teeth back of bicuspids. Mole, Mola. Small, brownish, cutaneous spot. Also amorphous fleshy mass formed in uterus. Molec'ular. Pertaining to molecules.. MoPecule. Smallest quantity of a substance that can exist in a free state. MolIes/cence. Softening. MollPties Oss/ium. Osteo-malacia. Mollus/cum. Skin disease with pulpy tumors, of slow growth. MorPad. Ultimate atom; minute animalcule; unit of quantivalence of chemical elements. Monoblep/sis. Visual state, with distinctness of objects only when one eye is used. Monoc/ular. Pertaining to one eye; having but one eye-piece. MorPograph. Treatise limited to one subject. Monoloc'ular. One-celled; having but one cavity. Monoma/nia. Madness on a single subject. 186 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Monop/athy. Simple disease of one organ. Monople/gia. Paralysis of one limb, or one side of face. Monor'chid. One who has a single testicle in scrotum. Mon'ster. Organized being with extreme mal- formation. Monstrosity. Monster; monstrous condition. Mons Ven'eris. Superior eminence of female pubes. Monthly Courses. Menses. Morbid. Diseased; relating to disease. Morbific. Disease-producing. Mor'bus. Disease. Mor/dant. Substance used to fix dye to fabric. Mor/dicant. Sharp, pungent. Moribund. In a dying state. Morioplasty. Autoplasty. Morphia. Morphine. Morphine. Vegetable alkaloid, chief narcotic principle of opium. Morphce/a. Circumscribed form of scleroderma. Moriah Pertaining to death; fatal. MortaPity. Ravages of mortal disease, etc. Death- rate. • Moriar. Vessel for pulverizing, in pharmacy. Mortificaiion. Gangrene; loss of life in a part. Moriuary. Relating to the dead. Morgue. Moior. Mover; cause of motion. Moiory. Motor. Movement. Motion or action. Mox'a. Cylinder of inflammable matter for cau- tery. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 187 Mucif'erous. Producing mucus. Muriform. Like mucus. Mucilaginous. Pertaining to mucilage; gummy. Mu'cm. Albuminoid constituent of mucus. MucPtis. Inflammation of mucous membrane; gonorrhoea. Mu/cocele. Mucous tumor; enlargement of lachrymal sac. Mu'coid. Resembling mucus. Muco-pur'ulent. Combining nature of mucus and pus. Mu' cous. Pertaining to mucus. Mu' cus. Viscid fluid secreted by mucous mem- branes. MulaPto. Offspring of negro and white. Muliebrity. Period of puberty in female. Multicap'sular. With many capsules. Multifoetaiion. Pregnancy with more than two foetuses. Multiloc/ular. Having many cells or cavities. Multip'ara. Woman having borne more than one child; reverse of primipara. Multiparous. Producing several young at one birth. Multiple NeurPtis. Neuritis attacking many nerves. Multip'olar. Applied to nerve-cells having more than two processes. Mumps. Parotiditis. MundiPicant. Cleansing substance. Muriate. Chloride. MuriaPic. Pertaining to sea-salt. Hydro- chloric. 188 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Murmur, Car'diac. Auscultatory sound of muscular action of, or passage of blood through, the heart. Mur'mur, Respiratory. Auscultatory sound of passage of air through pulmonary tissue. Mus'cae Volitantes. Floating spots in field of vision. Mus/cle. Organic contractile tissue, the means of animal motion. Muscular. Pertaining to or having highly de- veloped muscles. Mus/culin. Semi-solid albuminoid, chief con- stituent of muscle. Mus/culo-cuta/neous. Pertaining to skin and muscles. Mus'culo-spFral. Winding groove at back of humerus. Mute. Dumb; devoid of speech. Mutilation. Loss of member or organ. Mutitas. Dumbness. MyaPgia. Pain in muscles. Myasthenia. Muscular debility. Mycetium. Spawn of fungi. Myceto/ma. Fungous disease of India, with en- largement and osseous degeneration of foot. Mycoder'ma. Mucous membrane. Also, a spe- cies of fungi. Mycohae'mia. Disorder from microdrganisms in blood. My'coid. Resembling a fungus; fungoid. MycoFogy. Science of fungi. Myco'sis. Mucous polypus. Fungous growth. Mydri'asis. Preternatural dilatation of the pupil. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 189 Mydriat/ic. Pertaining to, or agent causing, my- driasis. Myec/topy. Abnormal situation of muscle. MyelFtis. Inflammation of the spinal cord. Myelocytes. Nuclei of cells of gray nervous matter. Myeloid. Marrow-like. Myelo/ma. Medullary tumor. MyFtis. Inflammation of muscle. Myocarditis. Inflammation of myocardium. Myocardium. Muscular tissue of heart. Myodesop/sia. Visual defect, with muscce voli- tantes. Myodynam'ia. Muscular power. Myodyn'ia. Muscular pain. Myog/raphy. Description of muscles. Myolem'ma. Sarcolemma. My'din. Substance in cells of muscular tissue. MyoFogy. Branch of anatomy dealing with muscles. Myo'ma. Muscular tumor. Myopath'ic. Pertaining to disease of muscles. Myo'pia. Near-sightedness; visual defect from excessive refraction. Myop'ic. Pertaining to, or exhibiting, myopia. Myosarco'ma. Tumor with sarcomatous and myomatous elements. Myo/sis. Preternatural contraction of the pupil. MyosFtis. Myitis. My/ospasm. Muscular cramp or spasm. MyoFic. Pertaining to, or agent producing, my- osis. MyotiPity. Muscular contractility. 190 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. MyoComy. Dissection of muscle. MyringPtis. Inflammation of the membrana tympani. Myrrh. Gum-resinous vegetable exudation; stimulant tonic. Myr/tiform. Shaped like myrtle leaf. Myxo/ma. Mucous tumor. Myxosarco'ma. Tumor with sarcomatous and myxomatous elements. N. Naboth'ian Glands. Small glandular bodies on the neck of uterus. Nae'void. Like a naevus. Nae7 vus. Congenital, local, cutaneous blemish; birth-mark. Nails. Homy laminae at phalangeal extremities, derived from epithelium. Na'nus. Dwarf; one stunted in stature. Nape of Neck. Back part of the neck. Naph/tha. Volatile, inflammable, liquid hydro- carbon, obtained from petroleum. NaplVthalin. C10Hg. Crystalline hydrocarbon derived from coal-tar; antiseptic and expectorant. Nar/cein. A narcotic alkaloid of opium. Narco/sis. Production of anaesthesia by use of narcotics. NarcoCic. Anodyne hypnotic; soporific agent. Nar'cotin. An active principle of opium. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 191 Narcotism. Lethargic condition from use of narcotics. Nares. Nostrils, Na'sal. Pertaining to the nose. Nas/cent. At the moment of generation, or lib- eration, as elements from chemical compound. Na/siform. Nose-shaped. NasPtis. Inflammation of nose. Na/tes. The buttocks. Also, the two anterior corpora quadrigemina. Na'trium. Sodium. Na/tron. Native carbonate of soda. Natural. Pertaining to, or in course of, nature. Also, an idiot. Natural Selection. Theory of operation of natural laws of breeding, resulting in “ survival of the fittest.” N au/sea. Sickness at the stomach; sea-sickness. Nau7seant. Nauseous agent. Nau/seous. Producing nausea. Na/vel. Umbilicus. Navic7ular. Scaphoid. Near/-sightedness. Myopia. Nebula. Slight opacity of cornea. NecroPogy. Treatise on death. Tabulated mortality statistics. Necrop'sy, Necros/copy. Post-mortem exami- nation of body; autopsy. Necrosed7. Affected with necrosis. Necro'sis. Mortification or death of tissue, espe- cially bone. Necrot7ic. • Pertaining to death, mortification, or necrosis. 192 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Necrot/omy. Cadaverous dissection; reverse of vivisection. Necu/sia. Poisoned wound. Nee'dle. Small pointed instrument used in punc- turing, ligating, etc. Also, pivoted magnetic bar of compass. Negative Pole. That connected with least oxi- dizable plate of galvanic battery. Nem'atoid. Filamentous; thread-like. Neo/gala. Colostrum. Neo-mem'brane. Membrane, false. Neonato'rum. (Gen. pi. of neonatus, new- born.) Of the newly born. Ne/oplasm. New formation, as of natural or morbid tissue. NephraPgia. Pain in the kidney. NephTia. Bright’s disease. Nephrine. Cystin. N ephriCic. Renal; pertaining to the kidneys, or to nephritis. NephrFtis. Inflammation of the kidney. Nephrolith'ic. Pertaining to renal calculus. Nephrolithotomy. Incision for removal of renal calculus. NephroPogy. Treatise on the kidneys. Nephropyo/sis. Suppuration of kidney. NephroComy. Incision of kidney. Nerve. Bundle of fibres communicating stimulus between nerve-centres and peripheral organs, etc. N erve - cells, Nerve - corpuscles. Irregular nucleated cells found in nerve matter. Nerve-fibre. Primitive fibre, component of nerves. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 193 Ner'vi Nervo/rum. Small filaments of nerves supplying nerve sheaths. Nervine. Agent affecting nervous system. N er'vous. Pertaining to the system of nerves. Exhibiting nervousness. Sometimes applied to vigorous state of nerves. Nervousness. Extreme sensibility of nervous system. Net'tle-rash. Urticaria. Neutal. Pertaining to nerves. Neural Ax'is. Cerebro-spinal trunk of nervous system. NeuraPgia. Nerve - ache ; non-febrile pain fol- lowing course of nerve-distribution. Neurasthenia. Nervous exhaustion. Neurectomy. Excision of nerve. Neutia. Fine nervous tissue or membrane. NeurilenrPma. Membranous sheath investing nerve-fibre. NeurilemmPtis. Inflammation of neurilemma. N eu/rin. Albuminous matter composing nerves. NeurPtis. Inflammation of a nerve. Neutocyte. Nerve-cell. NeurodyrPia. Nerve-pain; chronic neuralgia. Neurog'lia. Nerve-cement; connective tissue of nervous system. NeuroPogy. Science of the nervous system. Neuro'ma. Nerve-tumor; fibrous tumor de- veloped in course of a nerve. Neurop'athy. Affection of nervous system. Neuro/sis. Nervous affection without apparent lesion. Neurosthe/nia. Excessive nervous power or ex- citation. 194 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Neurotica. Diseases of nervous function. NeurotCmy. Section of nerve. Neutral. Chem., possessing neither acid nor basic properties. Neutralize. To render negative or inactive. Nickel (Ni.). Hard, white, lustrous metal. NicotianTn. Tobaccq-camphor. Nic/otine. C10HMO2. Toxic alkaloid, active principle of tobacco. Nicotinism. Morbid effects of abuse of tobacco. Nictitation. Winking. NPdorous. Having odor of burnt or corrupt animal matter. Night'-blindness. Hemeralopia. Nigrescent. Becoming black. Nip/ple. Conical erectile eminence in centre of breast. Ni'sus. Effort, as that of abdomen to expel faeces. Nitrate. Compound of nitric acid with a base. Nitre. Saltpetre; nitrate of potash. Nitric. Pertaining to nitre. Ni'tric Acid. HN03. Aqua fortis; a fuming caustic acid ; powerful solvent. Nitric Acid Test. Heller’s test. Nitrite. A salt of nitrous acid. Nitrogen (N.). Azote; colorless, non-metallic, gaseous element, about four-fifths of common air. Nitro/genized. Containing nitrogen. NitrogCnous. Pertaining to nitrogen; nitro- genized. Nitroglycerine. Yellowish, oily, toxic liquid; highly explosive. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 195 NPtro-muriaPic Acid. Nitrohydrochloric acid; aqua regia; fuming, yellow liquid, only known solvent of gold. N Ptrous Acid. HN02. Azotous acid ; an un- stable compound. NPtrous Ox'ide. N202. Laughing gas; inhal- ant anaesthetic. NPtruret. Combination of nitrogen with a sim- ple body. Noctur'nal. Pertaining to night. Node. Knot; a knob, as a hard tumor on bone or ligament. Nodos/ity. Calcareous deposit in joints, in gout and articular rheumatism. Nod'ule. Little knot or knob. No'li me tan'gere. Rodent ulcer. No'ma, Ulcerative stomatitis; also, phagedenic affection of the labia pudendi of the young. Nomencla/ture. Terminology; system of tech- nical names. Noncom'pos merPtis. Not sound of mind. NoPmal. Ordinary; regular; according to rule or type. Nosoco'mial. Pertaining to a hospital. Nosogen'esis. Generation, progress, or etiology, of disease. Nosog'raphy. Description of disease. NosoPogy. Science, or classification, of disease. Nosoph/yta. Cutaneous affections with fungous formation. NosopoiePic. Causing disease. NostaPgia. Melancholy longing for one’s home; home-sickness. 196 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Nostrils. External orifices of nasal fossae; nares. Nostrum. Patent, quack, or secret, medicine. No'tal. Dorsal. NotaFgia. Pain of the back. NotomyelPtis. Inflammation of spinal cord. Noxious. Harmful; deleterious. Nu/cha. Nape of the neck. Nuck, Canal of. Peritoneal sheath about round ligament of uterus. Nucleated. Having a nucleus. Nucleolus. Separate granule within cell-nu- cleus. Nu/cleus. Kernel; vesicular body in protoplasm of a cell. Nullip/ara. A woman who has not brought forth young, Nurse. One caring for infants or the sick. Nuta/tion. Act of nodding; oscillation. Nu/trient. Affording nourishment; nutritious substance. Nu'triment. That which nourishes; aliment. NutrPtion. Nutrient function; assimilative process. Nu'tritive. Pertaining to nutrition ; alimental. Nux VonPica. Dog Button. Seed of East Indian plant, yielding strychnine. Nyctalopia. Vision only at night; day-blind- ness ; reverse of hemeralopia, Nym/phEe. Two folds of mucous membrane, one on each side of vagina, within labia majora. NymphPtis. Inflammation of the nymphse. Nymphomania. Irresistible sexual desire in fe- males ; analogue of satyriasis. NymphoVomy. Abscission of the nymphae. Nystag/mus. Involuntary oscillation of eyeballs. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 197 o. Obdormi/tion. Sleep; numbness of the limbs. Obes'ity. Corpulence; excessive fatness. Obfusca'tion. Obscuration. Objective. External; perceptible to the external senses,—reverse of subjective. Object-glass of microscope. Objective Sensations. Those produced by impressions on peripheral nerves. Oblique''. Slanting; diagonal to axis of body or part. Obliterated. Blotted out; effaced,as the closed lumen of a canal. Obmutes/cence. Dumbness. Obsolescence. Cessation of growth or use; withering. Obstetrical. Pertaining to obstetrics. Obstetrician. One who practises obstetrics. Obstetrics. Midwifery; assisting women in par- turition. Obstipation. Obstinate costiveness. Also, lat- eral curvature of the spine. Ob' struent. Obstructing; closing, as orifices of passages. Obtun'dent. Blunting; dulling irritation. Obtura'tor. That which stops up a cavity. Obtuse'. Blunt. Occip'ital. Pertaining to occiput. Oc'ciput. Back part of the head. Occlu'sion. Closure; stoppage; imperforation. 198 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Occult/. Hidden; secret. Ochle/sis. Morbid state from overcrowding the sick. Oc'ular. Pertaining to the eye. Oc/ulist. One skilled in diseases of the eye. Odontagta. Rheumatic pain in the teeth. OdontaPgia. Toothache. OdontPasis. Dentition. Odontitis. Inflammation of the teeth. Odontoblasts. Cells forming dentine. Odontobothritis. Inflammation of alveoli. Odontodynta. Odontalgia. Odontog'eny. Tooth-development. Odontogtaphy. Description of the teeth. Odontoid. Tooth-like. Odontoid Process. Dentate process of axis through ring of atlas. OdontoPogy. Treatise on, or science of, the teeth. OdontoprPsis. Grinding of the teeth. (Ede/ma. Swelling from serous effusion into subcutaneous areolar tissue. CEdem/atous. Pertaining to oedema. (Esophage'al. Pertaining to oesophagus. (Esophagis'mus. Dysphagia. Globus hysteri- cus. GEsophagospasm. (Esophagitis. Inflammation of oesophagus. (EsoplPagospasm. Spasm of oesophagus. CEsophagoPomy. Incision of oesophagus. (EsoplPagus. Portion of alimentary canal from pharynx to the stomach. (Estrual. Pertaining to oestruation. CEstruation. Orgasm. Period of heat in animals. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 199 CEs'trum. Sexual desire. Orgasm. Clitoris. Officinal. Applied to medicines kept prepared by druggists. Official. Ohm. Unit of resistance in galvanic electricity. OinCment. Unguent; salve; mixture of lard and wax ; soft preparation for topical application by inunction. Oleaginous. Oily; unctuous. O'leate. Compound of oleic acid and a base. Olecranarthri'tis. Inflammation of elbow-joint. 01ec/ranoid. Resembling the elbow. 01ec/ranon. Elbow; large process at humeral extremity of ulna. Olefiant Gas. C2H4. Ethylene, a hydrocar- bon obtained from coal. Oiein. Liquid principle of certain oils and fats. Oleomargarine. Artificial butter made from animal fat. OIeom/eter. Instrument to ascertain weight and purity of oil. Oieum. Oil. Olfac'tion. Sense of smell; act of smelling. Olfaciory. Pertaining to smell. Oligocythae'mia. Diminution of red corpuscles of blood. Oligogalaciia. Deficient lactation. Oligomenorrhce'a. Deficient menstrual flow. OligoUrophy. Deficient nourishment. Oligure'sis. Diminished secretion of urine. Ol'ivary Bodies. Two olive-shaped eminences of medulla oblongata. OPivile. Principle from olive-tree gum. 200 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Olopho'nia. Congenital malformation of vocal organs. OmaPgia. Pain in the shoulder. Omarthri/tis. Inflammation of shoulder joint. OmentPtis. Epiploitis. Omen'tum, Epiploon; caul; peritoneal fold covering viscera. OmPtis. Inflammation of or in the shoulder. Omniv'orous. Eating all foods indiscriminately. Omohy/oid. An oblique cervical muscle. Omoplate. Scapula. OmphaPic. Pertaining to umbilicus. OnPphalocele. Umbilical hernia. Omphalorrha'gia. Umbilical hemorrhage. OmphaloPomy. Division of the umbilical cord. O' nanism. Masturbation. Onco/sis-. Production, or progress, of a tumor. OncoPomy. Incision of abscess; excision of tumor. Ontogenesis. Embryological individual devel- opment. Onychha. Paronychia. Onychi'tis. Inflammation of a nail. Onychogrypho'sis. Curved, hypertrophied state of nails. Onychoid. Resembling a nail. Onychopto'sis. Falling off of the nails. O'nyx. Pus in layers of cornea. OoPogy. Science of the ovum. Oophorectomy. Excision of ovary. Opacity. Cloudiness, opaqueness ; reverse of transparency. Opaque''. Non-transparent; impervious to light. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 201 Operation. Surgical performance, as amputa- tion, etc. Ophid/ian. Pertaining to serpents. OphthaPmia. Conjunctivitis; inflammation of eye. OphthaPmia Neonate/rum. Purulent conjunc- tivitis of the new-born. Ophthal'mic. Pertaining to the eye. Ophthalm/tis. Inflammation of tissues of the eye; ophthalmia; choroiditis. Ophthalmodynia. Non-inflammatory pain of eye. Ophthalmog'raphy. Description of the eye. OphthalmoPogist. Oculist. OphthalmoPogy. Branch of medical science relating to the eye and its affections. OphthalmonFeter. Instrument to measure eye or corneal refraction. Ophthalmoplegia. Paralysis of ocular muscles. Ophthalmorrha'gia. Haemorrhage of the eye. OphthaPmoscope. Instrument to examine in- terior of eye. Ophthalmoscopy. Ophthalmoscopic examina- tion. Ophthalmos'tasis. Fixing the eye during ope- ration. OphthaPmostat. Instrument for ophthalmostasis. 0/pianin. Alkaloid derived from opium. O'piate. Opium preparation ; hypnotic. O' pium. Inspissated juice of Papaver somnifer- um; toxic, stimulant narcotic, and anodyne. Oppila'tion. Obstruction. Constipation. Op'pilatives. Remedies closing the pores. 202 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Oppo'nens. Opposing; name of certain muscles. Oppression. Sensation of weight, as on chest. Op'tic. Pertaining to vision, or to the eye. Opiic Disc. Papilla of eye, entrance of optic nerve upon retina. Op'tics. Branch of science dealing with light and vision. Optom/eter. Instrument to measure accommo- dative power of eye. Ora SerraAa. Dentated border of retina. Or/al. Pertaining to the mouth. Orbic'ular. Circular; spherical. OPbit. Bony cavity lodging the eye. OPbital. Pertaining to orbit. OrchePtis. Orchitis. OrchiaPgia. Pain in testicles. OrchidoPomy. Orchotomy. OPchiocele. Scrotal hernia. Tumor of testicles. Orchiodynia. Orchialgia. Orchi/tis. Inflammation of the testicle. OrchoPomy. Castration; excision of testicles. OPgan. Defined part exercising specific function. Organic. Pertaining to organs, or organized structure. Or'ganism. Organic structure or arrangement; organized being. Organizaiion. Structure or method of forma- tion of a living being. Organism. OPgasm. Lust. Crisis of coition. Orgasiica. Diseases affecting procreative power. Orienial Boil. Aleppo button. Orifice. Mouth; entrance; aperture. OPigin. Source; commencement of a muscle. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 203 Ornithology. Science of birds. Or/piment. As2S3. King’s yellow, a poisonous sulphuret of arsenic. Ortharthrag'ra. True gout. Orthopaedic. Pertaining to remedy of deformi- ties. Orthopnce'a. Dyspnoea requiring upright pos- ture. Or'thoscope. Instrument to examine eye through water, neutralizing refraction of cornea. Os. Bone. Also, mouth. Os'cheal. Pertaining to scrotum. Os'cheocele. Scrotal hernia; scrotal dropsy. OschPtis. Inflammation of scrotum. Oscillation. Wavy, swinging, or tremulous mo- tion ; vibration. Osditant. Yawning. Os Exterdum. Entrance into vagina. Os Interdum. Os uteri. Os'mazome. Alcoholic extract of muscular fibre. Osmidro/sis. Odorous perspiration. Os'mium (Os.). A rare, hard, infusible metal. Osmom'eter. Instrument to measure osmose. Os'mose. Passage of fluids, or crystalloids in solution, through porous septum. OsmoPic. Pertaining to osmose. OsphresioPogy. Doctrine of olfaction and odors. OsphyaPgia. Pain in loins ; sciatica. Os'sein. Peculiar gelatin of bones. Os'seous. Bony; resembling bone. Os'sicle. A little bone. OssiFerous. Producing or containing bone. 204 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Ossification. Formation or development of, or conversion into, bone. OstaFgia. Pain in a bone. Osteitis. Inflammation of bone. Osteoblast. Nucleated cells of ossifying tissue. Osteocele. Hernia with cartilaginous and bony sac. Osseous induration of testicle. Osteocope. Bone-ache. Osteodynta. Chronic bone-ache. Ostalgia. OsteogCny. Bone-formation. Osteoid. Resembling bone. OsteoPogy. Branch of anatomy treating of bones. Osteo'ma. Bony tumor. Osteomalacia. Softening of the bones; mol- lifies ossium. Osteomyelitis. Inflammation of marrow of bone. OsteomyClum. Bone-marrow. OsteorFosus. Disease of bone. Osteosarco/ma. Sarcomatous tumor growing from bone. Osteosteato'ma. Fatty tumor or degeneration of bone. Osteotome. Bone-saw. OsteotCmist. Instrument to cut foetal cranium, to admit of delivery. OsteotCmy. Surgical operation upon bone. Osteotrite. Surgical instrument to scrape bones. Os TinCae. Os uteri. Ostitis. Osteitis. Ostoid. Osteoid. Os Uteri. Mouth of the womb. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 205 Otalgia. Neuralgia of ear; ear-ache. Othelco/sis. Suppuration or ulceration of ear. Otia'trics. Treatment of diseases of ear. OPic. Pertaining to ear; auricular. OtPtis. Inflammation of the ear. Otog'raphy. Description of the ear. O'toliths. Granules of carbonate of lime found in labyrinth of ear. OtoPogy. Science of the ear. Otop'athy. Affection of the ear. 0/tophone. Ear trumpet. Otopyo/sis. Purulent discharge from ear. Otorrha'gia. Haemorrhage from the ear. Otorrhce/a. Discharge from the ear. O'toscope. Instrument to examine ear. OtoPomy. Dissection of the ear. Ounce. Twelfth part of a pound, troy. Ovalbu'min. Albumen. Ova'rian. Pertaining to ovary. OvarioPomy. Excision of ovary. OvarPtis. Inflammation of ovary. 0/vary. Organ of generation in the female where ova are formed, connected with uterus by broad ligament. O'viduct. Fallopian tube. Ovina'tion. Inoculation with sheep-pox virus, Ovip'arous. Developing young in eggs. O 'visac. Graafian follicle. Ovovivip'arous. Oviparous, but hatching eggs in the body. OvulaTion. Formation and discharge of ovula. Development of embryo from ovum. 206 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. CPvule. Ovarian vesicle, which, when fecunda- ted, becomes embryo. O'vum. Egg; ovule, especially after impregna- tion ; embryo and its membranes. Oxalu/ria. Presence of oxalic acid in the urine. Oxidation. Conversion into an oxide. Ox/ide. Compound of oxygen and other element. Ox'ygen (O.). Colorless, tasteless, odorless, gas- eous element, supporting life and combustion. Oxygena'tion. Saturation with oxygen. Ox/ysalt. A salt having oxygen in both base and acid. Oxytoc/ic. Promoting parturition. Oxyu'ris Vermiculo'sis. Thread-worm of hu- man rectum. Ozae'na. Fetid nasal ulceration. 0/zone. 03. Peculiar, odorous, gaseous sub- stance, considered allotropic or condensed oxygen. p. Pab/ulum. Food; aliment. PacchkFnian Bodies. Small eminences under dura mater. Pachse'mia. Thickening of the blood. PachyblephanPsis. Thickening of eyelids. Pachydermatocele. Tumor from cutaneous hypertrophy. Pachydermia. Elephantiasis. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON 207 Pachylo/sis. Hypertrophy of papillae of skin. Pachymeningitis. Inflammation of dura mater. Pacin'ian Corpuscles. Small bodies at peri- pheral extremities of nerve-fibres of foot, hand, etc. Pack. Moist fabric applied to patient. Paediatrics. Treatment of children’s diseases. PaedonosoPogy. Study of diseases of children. PaedoProphy. Nourishment of children. Pain. Ache; suffering; distressing sensation. PainPer’s Colic. Colic from lead poisoning. PaPatal. Pertaining to palate. PaPate. Roof of the mouth. PaPatine. Palatal. PaleontoPogy. Science of fossils, or extinct or- ganisms. Palla'dium (Pd.). Rare, hard, silvery metal. PaPliative. Alleviating; mitigating, but not curative. PaPlor. Paleness; wanness. Palm. Anterior surface of hand. PaPmar. Pertaining to the palm. PaPmiped. Web-footed. Palpation. Tactile or manual exploration. PaPpebra. Eyelid. PaPpebral. Pertaining to eyelids. Palpitation. Throbbing; convulsive or violent pulsation, as of heart. PaPsy. Paralysis. Pample/gia. General paralysis. Panace'a. A cure-all; universal remedy. Pana/da. Pap; bread and water pulp. Pancrat'ic. Very potent. Pan/creas. Conglomerate gland behind stomach. 208 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pancreat/ic. Relating to pancreas. Pancreat/ic Juice. Alkaline, digestive secretion of pancreas. Pancre/atin. A ferment of pancreatic juice. Pancreatitis. Inflammation of pancreas. Pandiculation. Muscular “ stretching,” as in fatigue. Pang. Acute, agonizing pain. Pangeriesis. Darwinian theory in explanation of heredity and atavism, that granules from all cells of the body collect in reproductive organs. Panidrosis. General perspiration. Pannic/ulus. A membrane. Paiinus. Vascularization of cornea. Panophthalmitis. General inflammation of eyeball. Pantamor'phic. Exhibiting general deformity. Papa/ver. The poppy. Papav'erin. An alkaloid in opium. Papiila. Nipple; small eminence; pimple. Point of entrance of optic nerve into eyeball. Papiiliform. Having shape of papilla. Papillitis. Inflammation of papilla of eye. Papillo'ma. Papilliform growth of hypertrophied papillae of skin. Pap'ula. Pimple; small elevation of skin. Parabys/ma. Turgescence of a part. ParacenteSis. Tapping a cavity of the body. Paracine'ses. Morbid movements of voluntary muscles; diseases of nerves of motion. Paracolpitis. Inflammation of tissue around vagina. ParacuSis. Disordered hearing. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 209 Paracu/sis Willisia'na. Paradoxical increase of acuteness of hearing in a noise. Paracye'sis. Morbid, or extra-uterine, preg- nancy. Paraffin. White, waxy hydrocarbon, prepared from petroleum. Parageu'sis. Morbid taste. Paraglos/sa. Swelling or hypertrophy of tongue. Paragompho/sis. Incomplete impaction of foetal head. Paragraphia. Aphasic confusion in writing. Paral'dehyde. C6H,203. A polymeric modifi- cation of aldehyde, of pungent, unpleasant taste. Introduced as a soporific in 1882. Paralexia. Aphasic confusion in reading. ParaPysis. Loss or marked diminution of sensa- tion or voluntary motion. Paralytic. Pertaining to paralysis; one affected with paralysis. PaPalyzed. Affected with paralysis. Parame/nia. Disordered menstruation. Parametriiis. Inflammation of tissues about uterus. Paranephriiis. Inflammation of supra-renal capsules. Parapha'sia. Aphasic confusion of words. Paraphimo'sis. Constriction of prepuce behind glans penis. Parapho'nia. Abnormal or altered voice. Paraphreniiis. Inflammation of diaphragm, or delirium therefrom. Paraplegia. Paralysis of lower half of body. Parap/oplexy. Slight apoplexy. 210 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Parap/sis. Confusion of tactile sense. Par'asite. An organism drawing sustenance from another. Parasit'ic. Pertaining to, or having nature of, a parasite. Parasiticide. Agent destructive of parasites. Paraspa'dia. Opening of the urethra upon one side of penis. Parat'rophy. Abnormal nutrition. Paraxaiithine. A leucomaine found in urine. Parec'tama. Excessive stretching of a part. Paregor/ic. Camphorated tincture of opium. ParencephalPtis. Inflammation of cerebellum. Parenceph/alocele. Hernia of cerebellum. Parerichyma. Spongy substance of an organ, as liver or kidneys. Parenchymatitis. Inflammation of parenchyma. Parenchy/matous. Pertaining to parenchyma. Pare/sis. Slight, imperfect, or partial paralysis. Paresthe/sis. Malformation of organs of sense. Perversion of sensibility. PareCic. Pertaining to paresis. ParPetal. Pertaining to parietes. ParPetes. Walls; parts inclosing a cavity. ParodyrPia. Morbid labor. Parom'phalocele. Hernia near the navel. Paronych'ia. Whitlow; felon; inflammation of fingers or toes. Parop/sis. Depraved vision. Parorchid/ium. Misplacement of testicle. Paros'mis. Depraved smell. Paros/tia. Defective ossification. ParoCid. Near the ear. A conglomerate gland under ear. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 211 Parotiditis, Parotitis. Inflammation of the parotid; mumps. Paioxysm. Periodical or critical access of dis- ease. Parthenogenesis. Reproduction without male element; successive production of procreating individuals from single ovum. Asexual generation. Partu'rient. Bringing forth ; child-bearing. Parturifacient. Promoting parturition. Parturition. Labor. Parturient act; expulsion of foetus from uterus. Paru'lis. Gingival ulcer or abscess; gum-boil. Panina. Disordered micturition. Par Va'gum. Pneumogastric nerve. Pas'sion. Affection; disease. Pas'sive. Inactive; with feeble reaction. Re- verse of active. Pasteurization. Destruction of microorganisms in wine, milk, etc., to prevent decomposition. PatePla. Knee-cap; knee-pan; round, flat bone in front of knee-joint. Pathogen/esis. Generation and development of disease. Pathognomonic. Characteristic; distinctively symptomatic. Pathogiaphy. Description of disease. Pathological. Pertaining to pathology; morbid. PathoPogy. Science of disease ; branch of medi- cine treating of nature and results of disease. Pathoma'nia. Moral insanity. Paiient. One who is sick or under medical treatment. Papulous. Open; gaping; expanded. 212 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Paunch. Belly; abdomen. PaviPion. Expansion of canal. Auricle. Pa'vy’s Disease. Intermittent albuminuria. PearP-ash. Carbonate of potash, obtained from crude potash. Pec'cant. Morbid; not healthy; vitiated. Pec'tinate. Toothed like a comb. Pec/toral. Pertaining to the breast. PectoriPoquy. Direct auscultatory vocal chest- sound, from pulmonary cavity. Ped/al. Pertaining to the foot. Ped/erasty. Sodomy; unnatural intercourse with boys. Ped/icle. Little stem; neck-like attachment of morbid growth. Pedun/cle. A prolongation; a supporting part. PePlagra. Italian leprosy; endemic erythema- tous skin disease. PePlicle. Film on surface of liquid; thin mem- brane. PeP vie. Pertaining to pelvis. PelvinPeter. Instrument to measure pelvis. PePvis. Osseous inferior basin of the trunk. PenPphigus. Vesicular fever; skin disease with eruption of bullae. Pen/dulous. Drooping, hanging down. PeniciPlium. A parasitic fungus. Pe'nis. Erectile male organ of generation. Pe/nis MulPebris. Clitoris. PeoPomy. Amputation of penis. Pepas'tic. Agent intended to promote healthy pus. Pep'sin. Digestive principle in gastric juice. Preparation from mucous lining of pig’s stomach. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 213 Pep/tic. Promoting digestion. Pep/tone. Albuminose; product of albuminoids, from action of pepsin ; proteid solution from arti- ficial digestion of meat, etc. Peptonized. Converted into peptone, or par- tially digested. Peracute/. Very violent or acute; aggravated. Perception. Acquiring impression through or- gans of sense. Percolation. Filtration; absorption of soluble parts of body by liquid in percolator. Percus/sion. Form of physical diagnosis by striking the body with fingers. • Pertorans. Perforating, as certain muscles, etc. Perforation. Boring through hard tissue, as the skull; opening in parietes of hollow organ. Perforator. Instrument to open foetal cranium. Periarteritis. Inflammation of outer coat of artery. Periarthritis. Inflammation of periarticular tis- sues. Periartic'ular. Surrounding a joint. Pertblast. Matter around cell-nucleus. Pericarditis. Inflammation of pericardium. Pericardium. Serous membrane inclosing the heart. Pericarp. Seed-vessel of plants. Perich'olous. Having much bile. Perichondritis. Inflammation of perichondrium. Perichon'drium. Membrane surrounding a car- tilage. PericolonPtis. Inflammation of tissue around colon. 214 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pericolpitis. Inflammation of tissue about vagina. Pericranium. External cranial periosteum. Pericystitis. Inflammation of tissue about blad- der. Peridesmitis. Inflammation of peridesmium. Perides'mium. Membrane covering ligament. Peridias/tole. Slight interval succeeding diastole. Peridid/ymis. The serous coat investing testes. Perididymitis. Inflammation of perididymis. Periencephalitis. Inflammation of tissues sur- rounding encephalon. Periglot'tis. Mucous membrane of the tongue. Perihepatitis. Inflammation of Glisson’s cap- sule and hepatic coats. Perilymph. Cotunnius’s liquor. Perim'eter. Bounding line. Instrument to measure visual field. Perimetritis. Inflammation of uterine perito- neum. Perimysium. Membranous sheath of muscles. Perine/al. Pertaining to perineum. Perineorrhaphy. Suture of lacerated perineum. Perine/um. Space between ischial tuberosities, anus and genitals. Periodicity. Tendency to periodical recurrence. Periorbitis. Inflammation of orbital periosteum, or surrounding tissues. Periorchitis. Inflammation of tissue about testes. Periosieum. Membrane surrounding bone. Periostitis. Inflammation of periosteum. Periosto/ma. Osseous growth around bone. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 215 Periosto'sis. Affection of periosteum. Progress of periostoma. PeriplPerad. Toward peripheral aspect. Peripheral. Pertaining to periphery. Peripheral Aspect. Aspect toward periphery. Periphery. Circumference ; bounding line; ex- ternal surface. PeriproctPtis. Inflammation of tissue about rec- tum. Periscop/ic. Applied to concavo-convex lens, or meniscus. PeristaPsis. Vermicular intestinal motion, pro- pelling contents. Peristal'tic. Pertaining to peristalsis. Peristro'ma. Mucous intestinal coat. Perisystole. Interval between cardiac systole and diastole. Peritone'al. Pertaining to peritoneum. Peritone'um. Serous membrane lining abdomen, surrounding viscera, etc. PeritonPtis. Inflammation of peritoneum. Perityphlitis. Inflammation of areolar tissue about caecum. Perizo/ma. A girdle, as truss, or herpes zoster. Diaphragm. PermeabiPity. Property of affording passage through pores. Pernictous. Dangerous; noxious; malignant. Perone'al. Pertaining to fibula. Peroxtde. Oxide containing maximum of oxygen. Perplication. Drawing end of incised vessel through parietal incision. PersisPent. Continuing; constant. 216 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Perspiration. Sweat; secretion of sudoriparous glands. Pertus/sin. Pertussis microbe. Pertus/sis. Whooping-cough; contagious, child- hood disease, with spasmodic cough. Peruvian Bark. Cinchona. Perversion. Depravation; morbid change. Pes-AnserPnus. Plexus of facial nerves. Pes'sary. Instrument placed in vagina for me- chanical remedy of uterine displacements. Pest. Plague; pestilence. PestiPerous. Causing pestilence. Pestilence. Plague; wide-spread, malignant, infectious disease. Pestle. Instrument for pounding in mortar. Pete/chise. Small reddish spots on skin, like flea-bites. Petrifaction. Conversion into stony substance. Petroteum. Rock oil, mineral oil, native com- pound of many hydrocarbons; antiseptic, expec- torant, and taenicide. Petro/sal. Pertaining to petrous portion of tem- poral bone. Petrous. Resembling stone. Petrosal. Pey/er’s Glands. Aggregate glands in wall of ileum. PhacPtis. Phakitis. Phagedae'na. Malignant rapid ulceration. Phakitis. Supposed inflammation of crystalline lens. Phalan/ges. (PI. of Phalanx.') Bones of fin- gers and toes. PhaPlic. Pertaining to penis. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 217 Phaneroga'mia. Plants having sexual organs exposed, exogenous and endogenous; reverse of Cryptogamia. Pharmaceu'tic. Pertaining to pharmacy. Pharmacog/nosy. Science of unprepared medi- cines. PharmacoPogy. Science of nature and action of drugs. Pharmacopoeia. Authoritative handbook of medicinal preparation. Phar/macy. Science of medicinal substances and their preparation. Drug store. Pharynge'al. Pertaining to pharynx. Pharyngitis. Inflammation of pharynx. Pharyn'gocele. Sac-like pharyngeal enlarge- ment. Pharyn/gotome. Instrument for pharyngotomy. PharyngoPomy. Pharyngeal incision. PhaPynx. Musculo-membranous sac at back of mouth, leading to oesophagus. Phase. Stage; appearance; transient condition. Phengopho/by. Photophobia. Phe'nol. Carbolic acid. Phe/nyl. Radical hydrocarbon of phenylic group. Phimo/sis. Contraction of preputial orifice in front of glans. Phlebecta'sia. Varix ; dilatation of a vein. Phlebis'mus. Turgescence of obstructed veins. Phlebi'tis. Inflammation of a vein. Phle'bolite. Concretion found in veins. PhleboPogy. Science or anatomy of veins. Phleborrhex/is. Rupture of a vein. PhleboPomist. Practicer of phlebotomy. 218 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Phlebot/omy. Venesection. Phlegm. Mucus from bronchial tubes; thick, viscid expectoration. Phlegmasia Dolens. Acute cedema from ven- ous obstruction, especially of the legs after partu- rition; “milk-leg.” Phlegmatic. Pertaining to phlegm. Sluggish. Phleg/mon. Inflammation of areolar tissue, generally suppurative. Phlogis'tic. Inflammatory. Phlyctse'na. Clear vesicle with serous fluid. Phlycten'ula. Small phlyctaena, especially of cornea or conjunctiva. Phlyctidium or PhlycSis. Phlyctaena. Phce'nodine. Haematin. PhoneCic. Pertaining to voice or sound. Phonica. Diseases affecting vocal organs. Pho'nograph. Instrument to make graphic re- cord of, and reproduce, sounds. Phos/phate. Compound of phosphoric acid and a base. Phosphorescent. Luminous, like phosphorus, in the dark. Phosphorus (P.). A waxy, translucent, non-me- tallic element, tonic, stimulant and toxic. PhosphuCia. Excess of phosphates in urine. PhotomCter. Instrument to determine relative intensity of light. Photopho'bia. Dread or intolerance of light. Photop'sia. Subjective sensation of light. Phren/ic. Pertaining to the diaphragm. Phren'ica. Diseases or agents affecting the intel- lect. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 219 PhrenPtis. Inflammation of brain ; delirium. Phrenology. So-called science of reading char- acter from cranial formation. Phthis/ic. Popularly, an asthmatic disease. PhthPsical. Pertaining to, or suffering from, phthisis. PhthPsis. Pulmonary consumption; tubercular disease of lungs. Phy'matoid. Resembling a tumor or tubercle. Phymato'ses. Tubercular diseases. Physco/nia. Enlargement of abdomen; abdom- inal tumor neither sonorous nor fluctuating. Phys'ic. Medicine; medical science; purge. Physical. Material; pertaining to nature or physics. PhysPcian. Medical man; licensed medical practitioner. Physicist. A material philosopher. Phys/ics. The science of material bodies and natural laws. Physiognomy. Facial appearance; doctrine of reading character from the features. PhysioPogy. Science of vital phenomena. Physome/tra. Gaseous uterine enlargement. Physostig'mine. Eserine. PhytoPogy. Botany. Phyto/sis. Morbid state, from vegetable para- sites. Phytozo/on. Zoophyte. Pia Ma/ter. Investing membrane of brain and spinal cord. Piarhae'mia. Fat in the blood. PPca. Depraved appetite for unnatural food, etc. 220 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pic/eous. Pitchy; viscous. Pic/romel. Bitter substance in bile. Pig'ment. Coloring-matter cells. PFleous. Hairy. Piles. Haemorrhoids. Pill. Little sphere of medicine. Pimelo'ma. A fatty tumor. Pimelo'sis. Fatty degeneration. Obesity. PinFple. Papula. PirFeal. Shaped like pine cone. Pertaining to pineal gland. Pin'eal Gland. Small body, of obscure function, at base of brain. Pinguic/ula. Small conjunctival tumor. PirFguid. Fatty. Pint. One-eighth of a gallon. PFperine. Substance extracted from pepper. Pipette7. Thin tube for taking up liquids. Piscato'rial. Pertaining to fishes. Pis7ciform. Fish-shaped. PFsiform. Pea-shaped. Pith. Marrow. Soft tissue in plant stalks. Pituitary. Pertaining to phlegm or mucus. Pituitary MenFbrane. Schneiderian mem- brane. PituTtous. Consisting of mucus. PityrFasis. A scaly skin disease. Place/bo. Medicine exhibited to satisfy patient. Placen/ta. Vascular, discoid, flesh-like sub- stance in impregnated uterus, nourishing the foe- tus; after-birth. Plague. Infectious, malignant, devastating epi- demic. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 221 Plan'tar. Pertaining to sole of foot. Plas'ma. Liquor sanguinis; liquid in which the blood corpuscles float. Plas/tic. Having formative power. PlaHinum (Pt.). A white, ductile, almost in- fusible metal. Pled'get. A compress, or lint roll. Ple'onasm. Excess of size or number of parts. Pleth/ora. Redundancy of blood in the ves- sels. Pleu'ra. Serous membrane lining thorax and covering lungs. PleuraPgia. Pain in pleura or side; intercostal neuralgia. Pleuraposte/ma. Pleural abscess; empyema. Pleu'risy, PleurPtis. Inflammation of pleura FleuTocele. Pulmonary hernia. Pleurodyn'ia. Intercostal myalgia. Pleuro - pneumo/nia. Inflammation involving both pleura and lung. Pleurothot'onos. Tetanic lateral bending. Plexim/eter. Plate of ivory or leather used in mediate percussion. Plex/or. Instrument used in percussion. Plex/us. Network, as of vessels or nerves' Pli/ca. A fold. Tangled state of hair. PIPcated. Folded; plaited. Plumba'go. Graphite. Plum/bism. Lead-p>oisoning. Plum/bum (Pb.). Lead, a familiar, soft, bluish- white poisonous metal. Pluriloc/ular. Many-celled. Pneumarthro/sis. Air in articular cavity. 222 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pneumathae'mia. Condition of air in blood- vessels. Pneumattc. Pertaining to air. Pneumat'ocele. Flatulent hernia. Emphysema. Pneumato'sis. Abnormal gaseous accumulation. Pneumogas/tric. Pertaining to lungs and sto- mach. Pneumohaemorrha/gia. Pulmonary apoplexy. Pneumorn'eter. Spirometer. Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs. Pneumonitis. Pneumonia. Pneumono'sis. Pulmonary affection. Pneumothotax. Gaseous accumulation in pleu- ral cavity. Pock7-mark. Scar of smallpox pustule. Podag/ra. Gout, especially of foot. Podagtic. Pertaining to podagra. Podarthritis. Arthritis of foot. PoFson. Substance which, absorbed by the sys- tem, produces violent morbid or fatal changes. Poi'sonous. Of the character of poison. Polartty. Property of having opposite powers or points of intensity. Polarization. Property of exhibiting poles; pro- duction of polarity. Pole. Extremity of an axis. Electrode. Mag- 1 netic point of intensity. Politzer’s Method. Distending Eustachian tube by forcing air through nares, while swallowing. Pollution. Seminal emission without coitus; masturbation. Polyae/mia. Abnormal increase of blood; pleth- ora. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 223 Polyclinic. Large, general hospital. Polycoria. Condition with more than one pupil in the eye. Polycystic. Having many cysts. Polydipsia. Excessive thirst. Polygro/ma. Large hygroma. Polyidro/sis. Excessive sweating. Polymenorrhce'a. Increased menstrual flow. Polymorphous. Having many forms. Polyo/pia. Multiple vision. Polypha'gia. Bulimia. PoLypiform. Having form of a polypus. Pol'ypoid. Resembling a polypus. PolypOtome. Instrument to excise polypus. PoLypus. Pedunculated tumor of serous or mu- cous membrane, especially of nares or other cavity. PolysarOia. Obesity. Polyu'ria. Increased urinary excretion. Pom/phi. Wheals. Po'mum Ada'mi. Thyroid cartilage. Poplite/al. Pertaining to the ham. Pore. Superficial opening of vessel; small open- ing or interstice. Poros/ity. Porous property. Porot'omy. Incision of urethral meatus. Por'ous. Containing pores. PorrPgo. Favus; scald-head. Portal. Pertaining to venous supply of the liver. Porte Aigueille. Needle-holder. Portio duta. Facial nerve. Portio moPlis. Auditory nerve. Pos'itive Pole. That connected with mere readily oxidizable plate of galvanic battery. 224 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Posterior. Toward dorsal aspect; reverse of anterior. Posthet/omy. Circumcision. Posthitis. Inflammation of prepuce. Post/humous. After death or burial; born after death of parent. Post-moCtem. After death. Post-parTum. After parturition. Po/table. Drinkable. PoCash. Potassa. Crude vegetable alkali. Potas/sa. KHO. Potassium hydrate, strong alkaline deliquescent substance ; escharotic. Potassium (K.). White, light, soft, kaligenous metal; base of potassa. Potential. Powerful; possessing, but delaying manifestation of, power. Potential Cau'tery. Chemical caustic; reverse of Actual Cautery. Po/tion. Medicinal draught. Pott’s Disease. Spinal curvature from vertebral osteitis. Pott’s Frac/ture. Fracture of fibula with out- ward displacement. Pouch. Sac; pocket-like cavity. PouPtice. Soft emulsion for external application. Pound. Standard weight, 5760 gr. Troy. Pou'part’s Lig/ament. Inferior thickened bor- der of aponeurosis of external oblique muscle; crural arch. Pox. Popular name for syphilis. Practice. Range of duties of physician. Practitioner. Practising physician. PrascorMial. Pertaining to epigastric region. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 225 Precipitant. Agent promoting precipitation. Precipitate. Substance separated by precipi- tation. Precipitation. Process of throwing down sub- stance held in solution. Precursory. Preceding. Predisposition. Natural tendency; state of body rendering it abnormally liable to certain affections. Preg'nancy. State of being pregnant. Preg/nant. With child; gravid. Prehen'sile. Adapted to seize. Premonitory. Precursory; warning. Pre'puce. Loose fold of skin covering glans penis. Presbyopia. Far-sightedness; subnormal vision from failure of accommodation. Prescription. Formula of medicine to be ex- hibited. Presentation. Position of foetus during labor. PrFapism. Morbid persistent erection of penis. Prickty Heat. Lichen from excessive heat. PrFmae Vi'ae. Alimentary canal. PrFmary. First in order. Primordial. First in order; primary; original. Primip/ara. Woman bringing forth her first child. Prism. Transparent solid to refract light and form spectrum. Prismattc. Pertaining to a prism. PrPvates. External genital organs. Pro/bang. Slender rod, often, with attached sponge, to introduce into oesophagus, etc. Probe. Rod to explore wounds, etc. Process. Eminence, lobe or elongation of a part. 226 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Procidentia. Prolapse. Procreation. Act of begetting. Proctal'gia. Anal pain. Proctatre'sia. Imperforation of anus. Proctitis. Inflammation of rectum. Proctocele. Inversion and prolapse of mucous membrane of the rectum. Proctotomy. Incision of rectum. Pro/drome. Forerunner; precursor. Progenttor. Ancestor. Prog/eny. Offspring. Progno-'sis. Prediction of course and result of disease. Prolapse''. A falling down. Prolap'sus A'ni. Proctocele. Prolap'sus Uteri. Falling of the womb. Proliferation. Generation of cells; gemma- tion. Reproduction. Prolific. Generating abundantly. Prom'ontory. Projection on inner wall of tym- panic cavity. Pronation. Downward turning of palm. Prophylactic. Preventive. Prophylaxts. Prevention of disease. Prosopal'gia. Pain in the face; facial neuralgia. Prosopantritis. Inflammation of frontal sinus. ProstataFgia. Pain in prostate gland. Prostate. Gland in the male at neck of blad- der. Prostatitis. Inflammation of prostate gland. Prostatorrhce/a. Gleety discharge from prostate gland. Proteids. Albuminoids. Group of non-crystal- POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 227 lizable organic compounds, including albumin, casein, fibrin, etc. Pro/tein. An artificial albuminoid. Protoplasm. Pro'tophyte. Primary vegetable organism. Protoplasm. Germinal matter; primitive, vis- cous organic cell-matter. Protoplast. Primary formation; embryonic cell. Protozo'on. Primary animal organism; unicel- lular animalcule. Protuberance. Apophysis; process; eminence. Proud Flesh. Fungous or excessive granulation. Proxtmal. Nearest the trunk. Proxtmate. Nearest; immediate. Prutigo. Papular skin disease with intense itching. Prutitus. Intense itching. Prurigo. Prus/siate. Compound of prussic acid and a base. Prus/sic Acid. Hydrocyanic acid; a violent poison found in bitter almond, peach leaves, etc. Pso/as. Of the loins; applied to two muscles of the loins. Fsoitis. Inflammation of psoas muscles. Psota. Scabies. PsorPasis. A chronic, inflammatory, scaly skin disease. PsychPatry. Treatment of alienation. Psy'chical. Pertaining to the mind. PsychoPogy. Mental philosophy. Psycho/ses. Mental affections. Ptar'mics. Medicines exciting sneezing. Pteryg'ium. Thickened conjunctival patch. 228 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pter'ygoid. Resembling a wing; applied to processes of sphenoid bone. Ptis/an. Barley-water; dilute medicinal drink for the sick. Pto/ma'ines. Group of nitrogenous alkaloids from organic putrefaction. Pto'sis. Prolapse; drooping, as of upper eyelid. PtyaPagogue. Sialagogue. Pty'alin. Peculiar ferment of saliva. Pty/alism. Salivation. Pu/beral. Pertaining to puberty. Pu/berty. Age of capability of reproduction. Pu/bes. Anterior pelvic bone. Hair-covered ex- ternal generative region. PiPbic. Pertaining to pubes. Puden/da. External genitals, especially of females. Pu/dic. Pertaining to genitals. Puer/peral. Pertaining to child-bearing. Puer'peral Fever. Septic fever of women in child-bed. PugiPlus. A pinch; about an eighth of a handful. PuPmo. Lung. PulmonFeter. Spirometer. Pul'monary. Pertaining to the lungs. Pulmontc. Pulmonary. PulmonPtis. Pneumonia. Pulsation. Throbbing, beating, as of heart or arteries. Pulse. Periodical pulsation, especially of arteries. PulsinFeter. Sphygmometer. Pulta'ceous. Pap-like; mushy. Pulverization. Reduction to powder. PuPvis. Powder. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 229 Punc/tum. Point. Punc/ture. Perforation with pointed instrument. Pun'gent. Sharp, biting, acrid. Pu'pil. Round central orifice in iris of eye. Purgation. Cleansing; purgative action; evacu- ation. Pur'gative. Agent producing purgation; cathar- tic. Purge. To produce purgation. Purgative. Purputa. Disease with small purple spots from extravasated blood. Pur'purine. Occasional red coloring-matter of urine. Pur/ulent. Of the nature of pus. Pus. Matter; yellowish fluid from inflamma- tion. Pustula MaligCa. Anthrax; gangrenous pus- tule or carbuncle. Pustule. Purulent papule. Putrefaction. Spontaneous organic decomposi- tion ; corruption; rottenness. Putrescent. Becoming putrid. Putrid. Exhibiting putrefaction. Putrid Fever. Typhus fever. Putrid Sore Throat. Cynanche Maligna. Pyae/mia. Pus-poisoning of blood; septicaemia with various metastatic abscesses. Pyarthro/sis. Articular suppuration. Pyelitis. Inflammation of pelvis of kidney. PyelomCter. Pelvimeter. Pye/sis, or Pyo'sis. Suppuration. Pytn. Peculiar principle of pus. Pylotic. Pertaining to pylorus. 230 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Pylo/rus. Inferior orifice of stomach communi- cating with duodenum. Pyogen'esis. Pus-formation. Pyorrhoe/a. Flow of pus. Pyretic. Febrile; pertaining to fever. PyretogerPesis. Generation of fever. Pyretol'ogy. Science of fevers. Pyrexia. Febrile state or affection. Pyriies. Native compounds of metals with sul- phur. Pyroligneous, Pyrolig/nic. Obtained by wood- distillation. PyromFeter. Instrument to measure high degree of heat. Pyro'sis. Water-brash; heartburn, with watery eructation. Pyroxylic. Pyroligneous. Pyrox'ylin. Gun cotton. Pythogenic Fever. Typhoid fever. Pyuiia. Presence of pus in urine. Q. Quack. Practicer of quackery. Quack/ery. Charlatanism; medical imposture or unbecoming conduct. Quadrigeminal Bodies. Corpora Quadrigem- ina. QuadnCmanous. Four-handed. Quadiuped. Four-footed. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 231 Qualitative. Applied to chemical analysis to determine nature, but not proportions, of constitu- ents of compound. Quantitative. Applied to chemical analysis to determine proportions of constituents of compound. QuantivSlence. Atomicity; saturating power of element or radical, or number of monad atoms with which it unites. Quarantine. Period of debarring ships from in- fected ports from entering a healthy one. Quartan. Applied to intermittent fever with paroxysm every fourth day. Quartz. Pure silex. QuasSia. Wood of a Jamaica tree; bitter tonic. Quer'cus. The oak. Quickening. First perceptible movement of foetus in utero. Quicktime. Oxide of calcium; lime. Quicksilver. Mercury. Quinta, Quintna. Quinine. QuFnine. White, amorphous alkaloid obtained from Cinchona; tonic, febrifuge, antiperiodic. QuinSy. Tonsilitis. Quintessence. Highly concentrated active prin- ciple of a substance. Quotidtan. Daily. 232 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. R. Rab'id. Affected with rabies. Ra/bies. Hydrophobia of animals. Racemose. Clustered; bunched. Rachid'ian. Spinal. Rachitis. Rickets. Spinal inflammation. Ra/dial. Pertaining to radius. Radiate. RaMiate. Arranged in rays, diverging from a centre. Rad'ical. Treatment intended to eradicate, not palliate, a disease. Also, element, or integral molecular group, acting as basis of a compound. Rad/icle. Little root. Ra/dius. Smaller bone of forearm. Ra'dix. Root. Rale. Rattle; bubbling sound in air passages: may be crepitant, mucous, sibilant, etc. Ramification. Branching; division into branches. A branch. Ramose''. Full of branches. Ran'cid. Applied to partially fermented fatty bodies. Range of Accommoda/tion. Distance between nearest and remotest points of distinct vision. Rantne. Applied to branch of lingual artery. Ran'ula. Cystic sublingual tumor. Ra/phe. Seam, suture; seam-like line. Rarefaction. Act of making thin; reduction of density. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 233 Rash. Cutaneous eruption or efflorescence; exan- them. Rats'bane. Arsenious acid. RauCity. Hoarseness. RauCous. Hoarse. Ray. Beam from luminous point. Reaction. Responsive or recuperative action; action of reagent. Rea'gent. One substance used to detect presence of another; test. Reaumur Thermometer. Scale with 80 equal degrees from freezing-point (o°) to boiling-point of water. Receiver. Vessel receiving product of distillation. Receptac'ulum Chyli. Inferior, expanded por- tion of thoracic duct. RecTpe (R). “Take;” caption of prescription. Formula. Reclina'tion. Couching operation. Rec'rement. Reabsorbable secretion. Recrudescence. Returning soreness; relapse. Rec/tal. Pertaining to rectum. Rectifica/tion. Making straight. Redistillation; purifying; refining process. RectFtis. Proctitis. RecCocele. Prolapse of recto-vaginal wall through rectum or vagina. Rectal hernia. Rec'tum. Last part of intestine, from colon to anus. Rec'tus. Straight, applied to muscles, etc. Recu'perative. Tending to recovery. Recurrent. Running back; returning at inter- vals. 234 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Reducible. Capable of being replaced, as hernia. Reduction. Restoration to normal situation. Also, deoxidation. Reflection. The bending back, as of ray of light. Re/flex. Applied to involuntary action from stimulus through nerve-centre. RefrangibiLity. Susceptibility of refraction. Re'flux. A return flow, as of blood to the heart. Refraction. Deviation of rays passing through media of different densities. Refrig'erant. Agent producing coolness. Regeneration. Renewal, repair, as of lost tissue; reproduction. Regtmen. Hygienic regulation, especially of diet. Re/gions. Surrounding parts; conventional, de- fined area of the body. Reg/ular. Normal, symmetrical; applied to practitioners of the recognized system of medi- cine. Regurgitation. Reflux, as of blood through in- competent valves. Relapse''. Return of disease in convalescence. Relaxation. Loosening of tension. Reme'dial. Healing; affording remedy. RenPedy. Curative agent; medicament to relieve or heal. Remission. Temporary abatement. Remittent. Alternately abating and returning. Re'nal. Pertaining to the kidney. Re'niform. Shaped like a kidney. Ren'net. Infusion of coat of calf’s stomach. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 235 Repellents. Agents driving back morbid pro- cesses. Repletion. Fulness. Reproduc/tion. Propagation; generation of similar organisms. Resection. Excision of extremities of long bones, portion of nerve, etc. Resid/ual. Remaining. Res/in. Solid inflammable vegetable exudation. Res/inous. Pertaining to, or resembling, resin. Resistance. Opposition of conductor to trans- mission of electrical current. Resolution. Decomposition; analysis ; disap- pearance of swelling without pus-formation. Res/onance. Reverberation or increase of sound by wall-vibration, as of the voice in auscultation. Resorption. Re-absorption of deposits. Respitable. Capable of being breathed. Respiration. Function of breathing; inspira- tion and expiration. Respitatory. Pertaining to respiration. Resuscitation. Reviving, as after suspended animation. Retardtng. Postponing. Retchtng. Ineffectual efforts to vomit. Rete. Net-work. Rete Muco/sum. Soft, inner stratum of epider- mis. Retention. A keeping back. Retic'ular. Net-like. Rettna. Internal membrane of eye, expansion of optic nerve. Retinitis. Inflammation of the retina. 236 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Retort-'. Long-necked vessel used in distillation. Retraction. Shortening, drawing backward. Retractor. Instrument to draw divided muscles back during amputation. Rettahens. Drawing back. Retroces'sion. Retrograde movement; going back or inward. Retroflexton. A bending backward, as of womb. Retrover'sion. A leaning backward, as of womb. Revivification. Resuscitation. RevuRsion. Derivation. RevuRsive, Revel'lent. Counter-irritant. Agent producing revulsion. Rhachiocamp/'sis. Spinal curvature.- Rhachtotome. Instrument for rhachiotomy. Rhachiot'omy. Incision into spine. RhaclRitae. Spinal muscles. Rhachitis. Rickets. Rha'cous. Full of wrinkles. Lacerated. Rhag'ades. Fissures or ulcers near juncture of mucous membrane and skin, especially about anus. Rhe'oscope. Instrument to determine presence of electric current. Rheum. Catarrhal flow from mucous membrane. Rheu'matism. Obscure disease, with fever, pain in joints and muscles, etc. RhinaRgia. Pain in the nose. RhinRtis. Inflammation of the nose. RhinopoRypus. Nasal polypus. Rhinorrha'gia. Epistaxis. RhRnoscope. Nasal speculum. RhRzome. Creeping or subterranean stem. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 237 Rho'dium (Ro.). Rare, hard, brittle, white metal. Rhon/chus. Rale; auscultatory rattling or wheez- ing bronchial sound. Rhythm. Measured movement, as of heart pul- sations. Ribs. Series of curved bones inclosing thorax. Rick'ets. Rachitis; deforming disease of child- hood, with defective ossification, etc. Rigidity. Inflexibility. Rig/or. Sudden shivering coldness. Ri'ma. Fissure, cleft. Ring'worm. Circling tinea or herpes. Rising. Familiar term for a boil. Ri' sus Sardon'icus. Spasmodic grin in tetanus. Rob'orant. Strength-giving; tonic. Rochelle'' Salt. Tartrate of potash and soda; aperient. Ro'dent. Gnawing; eating away. Rose Catarrh'. Mild hay asthma. Rose'ola. Rose-rash, a slight erythema. Ros'trum. A beak-like projection. Rota'tion. Turning on axis. Rot'ula. Patella. Rot'ular. Pertaining to rotula. Rubefa'cient. Agent producing redness of skin. Rubel'la. Infectious fever of childhood, resem- bling mild measles. Rube'ola. Measles; contagious, exanthematous fever, with minute papulae and desquamation. Rubes'cent. Growing red. Rubid'ium (Rb.). Rare, white, soft, light metal. Rubig'inous. Rust-colored. 238 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Rudimentary. Undeveloped; imperfectly formed. Ru'gous. Wrinkled. Rumina'tion. Remastication of food once swal- lowed; cud-chewing. Rump. Buttocks. Coccyx. Run'-around. Paronychia. RCpia. Syphilitic, vesicular, cutaneous eruption, with incrusted, foul ulcers. Rup'ture. Hernia. A bursting. s. Sat/ulous. Sandy. Sac. Bag, pouch, cyst. SacchariFerous. Producing sugar. Saccharine. Pertaining to, or containing, sugar. Saccharorrhce'a. Glucosuria. SaCcharum. Sugar. Saccholac/tin. Sugar of milk. SaCculated. Having form of little sac; pursed. SaCcule. A little sac. Sa'crad. Toward sacral aspect. Sa'cral. Pertaining to the sacrum. Sa'crum. Triangular bone above coccyx. Sag'ittal. Resembling an arrow. Saint Anthony’s Fire. Erysipelas. Saint Job’s Disease. Syphilis. Saint VFtus’s Dance. Chorea. SalaCity. Lust; strong venereal appetite. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 239 Sal Aramo'niac. Muriate of ammonia. Saline. Of the nature of, or containing, salt. Sali'va. The spittle* viscid fluid, secretion of salivary glands. Salivary. Pertaining to saliva. Salivation. Excessive secretion of saliva. Sa'lol. White powder obtained from salicylic acid; antiseptic and antipyretic. Salpingitis. Tubal inflammation, especially of Eustachian tube. Salpingocye/sis. Extra-uterine foetation in Fal- lopian tube. SaFpinx. Tube, Eustachian or Fallopian. Salt. Compound of acid and base. Also, common sodium chloride. Saltpeter. Nitre. Salt Rheum. Popular name for chronic eczema, and various cutaneous eruptions. Salubrious. Conducive to health. SalvatePla. Small vein on back of hand. Salve. Ointment. Sanatory, San'ative. Healing; sanitary. Sand Bath. Hot sand for immersion of vessel, in pharmacy. Sanguif/erous. Conveying blood. Sanguification. Blood - formation; conversion of chyle into blood. San'guine. Abounding in blood; ardent. Sabies. Thin, serous, greenish, offensive dis- charge from ulcers, etc. Sabious. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, sanies. 240 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Sanitary. Pertaining to health; healthful; hy- gienic. SaiPity. Sound state of mind or body; saneness. Saphe/na. Name of two large veins of leg. Sapid'ity. Quality of affecting organs of taste. Saponaceous. Soapy; having character of soap. Sapph'ism. Tribadism. SapCophyte. Vegetable organism developing on putrefying matter. SarcPnae. Genus of Schizomycetes. SarcPtis. Muscular inflammation. Acute rheu- matism. SarCocele. Fleshy enlargement of testicle. SarcolenFma. Membranous sheath inclosing muscle-fibres. SarcoPogy. Branch of anatomy treating of the soft parts of human body. Sarco'ma. Fleshy tumor; tumor of modified embryonic connective tissue. Sarco/sis. Progress of sarcoma. Excessive gene- ration of flesh. Sarto'rius. Tailor’s muscle,—long muscle of thigh. Saturation. Condition of one substance united with as much of another as it can receive. Sat'urnine. Leaden. Dull; gloomy. SatyrFasis. Irresistible sexual desire in males; analogue of nymphomania. Sautian. Pertaining to lizards. Saxiftagous. Lithontriptic. Scab. Incrustation of discharged matter over superficial lesion. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 241 ScaTues. The itch, a contagious dermatitis due to parasitic insect. Sca'la. Passages of cochlea. Scald Head. Porrigo. Scale. Small plate or lamina. Scalp. Cranial integument. ScaPpel. Small surgical knife. Scaph'oid. Boat-shaped. Scap/ula. Flat, triangular bone, the shoulder- blade. ScapulaPgia. Pain in scapular region. Scap'ular. Pertaining to scapula. Scar. Cicatrix. Scarifica'tion. Making small incisions or punc- tures. Scarifica'tor. Instrument for scarification. ScarlatPna. Contagious exanthematous childhood fever, with scarlet eruption and desquamation. ScarTet Fever. Scarlatina. SchindyPesis. Variety of synarthrosis, one bone being received into cleft of another. Schizomyce'tes. Bacteria; class of unicellular organisms, or morbific fungi. Schneiderian Mem/brane. Mucous membrane lining nasal fossae. Schwann, White substance of. Medullary sheath of nerve-fibre. SciaCic. Pertaining to the ischium. SciaCica. Neuralgia of sciatic nerve. Scirrhous. Pertaining to scirrhus. Scirrhus. Hard, indolent, generally carcinoma- tous, tumor. Sclera. Sclerotic. 242 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Sclerectasia. Staphyloma of sclerotic. Sclerec'tomy. Excision of part of sclera. SclerPasis. Hardening; induration. Scleroderma. Non - i n f 1 am m a to ry, indurated skin affection. Sclerosarco'ma. Hard fleshy excrescence. ScleroSis. Indurated state. Sclerot'ic. Indurated. Also, sclerotica. Sclerotica. Tough, white, outer membrane of eye-ball. SclerotPtis. Inflammation of the sclerotica. SclerotSmy. Incision of sclerotica. ScolioSis. Curvature; lateral distortion of spine. ScorbuSic. Pertaining to scorbutus. ScorbuSus. Scurvy. Scoto'ma. Dark spot in visual field. ScrivSnerS Palsy. Writer’s cramp. ScrobicSlus Cordis. Depression below ensi- form cartilage ; pit of stomach. Scrof'ula. Predisposition to tuberculosis; consti- tutional debility, with glandular tumors and indo- lent ulceration. Scrofuloder'ma. Cutaneous scrofula, tubercu- lous and ulcerous. ScroCulous. Pertaining to, or affected with, scrofula. Scro'tal. Pertaining to scrotum. ScroTocele. Scrotal hernia. Scro/tum. Pouch containing the testicles. Scru'ple (9)- Weight of 20 gr. Troy. Scurf. Dandruff; exfoliated epidermis of scalp. Scur'vy. Disease with extreme dejection, anae- mia, purpura, gomphiasis, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 243 Scu'tiform. Shield-shaped. Scyb'ala. Hard, lumpy faecal matters. Scyti'tis. Dermatitis. Scytoblaste'ma. Rudimentary skin. Seba'ceous. Like suet. SebiFerous. Secreting sebaceous matter. Seborrhce/a. Increased, abnormal secretion of sebaceous glands. Secondary. Subordinate; supervening. Sec/ond Intension. Applied to healing by process of suppuration and granulation. Secreting. Performing secretion. Secretion. Function of separating special sub- stances from the blood. Substance so separated. Section. Act of cutting; cut surface; slice. Secun'dines. After-birth, the placenta and membranes. SecunMum AFtem. According to art or ap- proved method. Sed/ative. Agent allaying irritability. Sed/iment. Matter subsiding from a liquid. Seg/ment. Section. Lobe. Cell from early di- vision of ovum. Seid'litz Powder. Aperient compound effer- vescing powder. Selenium (Se.). Rare, brittle, non-metallic element. Self-pollu/tion. Masturbation. SePla Tur/cica. Small depression of sphenoid bone. SemeioFogy. Science of symptoms. Se'men. Fecundating fluid secreted by testes, etc. 244 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Semicircular Canals. Three curved passages of internal ear. Sem/inal. Pertaining to semen. SeminiFerous. Conveying semen. SeniFity. Old age. Sensation. Consciousness of impression from external source. Sense. Perceptive faculty; sensory apparatus. SensibiFity. Susceptibility of feeling. Sen/sitive. Endowed with feeling; reacting to stimulus. Senso'rium. Centre of perception. Sen/sory. Pertaining to sensation. SerFtient. Susceptible of sensation. Sep'tic. Pertaining to putrefaction. Septicae'mia, or Septae'mia. Blood-poisoning. Morbid condition from absorption of putrescent matter into veins. Sep/tum. Separating membrane. Sequeda. Sequel; consequence ; supervening disorder. Seques/trum. Fragment of necrosed bone. Seralbu'min. Albumin of blood-serum. SeFolin. Fatty matter extracted from the blood. SeFous. Pertaining to serum. SerpFgo. Ringworm. SeFrate. Toothed like a saw. SeTum. Thin fluid constituent of blood, separa- ting from the clot in coagulation. Ses'amoid. Resembling a grain of sesame. Ses'sile. Having no peduncle. Se'ton. Threads drawn through a fold of skin for continuous irritation. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 245 Sex. Distinctive character of male or female. Sex/ual. Pertaining to sex. Sheath. Covering, investing substance. Shin. Prominent anterior edge of tibia. Shin/gles. Herpes zoster. Shock. Sudden depression and prostration from powerful impression. Shot-gun Prescription. One having various ingredients, exhibited as a sort of forlorn hope. Show. Popularly, sanguineous ante-partum dis- charge. Sialadenitis. Inflammation of salivary gland. SiaPagogue. Agent increasing secretion of saliva. SitPbeus. Severe Scotch form of syphilis. Sib'ilant. Hissing. Siccation. Process of drying. SigiPlum Virginitatum. Hymen. Sig'moid. Resembling Greek letter sigma (2). SiPica. Si02. Oxide of silicon. Sil'icon, or Silictum (Si.). Dark, abundant element, base of silica. SiPver. Argentum. Sim'ples. Medicinal herbs, etc. Sinapism. Mustard plaster. Sincip'ital. Pertaining to sinciput. Sin'ciput. The fore and upper part of the head. Sin'ew. Tendon. Sin'istrad. Toward sinistral aspect. Sintstral As/pect. Lateral aspect from median plane toward the left. SirPuous. Winding. SPnus. Cavity with narrow entrance; canal leading to diseased bone, etc. 246 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Si'phon. Bent tube with unequal legs. Sitz Bath. Bath for hips and pelvis. Ska'tol. CgH9N. Malodorous crystalline con- stituent of faeces. SkeFeton. Bony framework of body. Skin. Membranous integument of the body. Slav/ering. Driveling; having saliva dropping from mouth. Slough. Separated dead matter, in gangrene, etc. Small-pox. Variola. Smeg/ma. Secretion of sebaceous follicles about prepuce. So'da. Na20. Oxide of sodium. So'dium (Na.). White, soft, alkaline metal. Sod/omy. Carnal connection by the anus. Softening of the Brain. Degeneration of cere- bral tissue, with defect of function. Soft PaPate. Soft, posterior portion of palate, between mouth and pharynx. Sole'us. A muscle in calf of leg. Solubility. Capability of being dissolved. Solu'tion. Dissolving; diffusion of a solid in a liquid. Solution of Continuity. Division of a tissue, as from a wound. SoFvent. Agent capable of dissolving substances. So'macule. Hypothetical smallest subdivision of protoplasm retaining its physiological function. SomatoFogy. Science of human, or other, bodies. Somnam/bulism. Sleep-walking. Somniferous. Causing sleep; hypnotic. SomniFoquy. Talking in sleep. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 247 Soot Wart. Chimney-sweep’s cancer; epithelial cancer of scrotum. Sophistication. Adulteration. So'por. Profound sleep. Soporific. Inducing sleep; hypnotic. Sorbefa'cient. Agent promoting absorption. Sor'des. Filth; foul ulcerous discharge; filth collected about the teeth. Sore. Ulcerous or inflamed spot. Tender. Sore Throat. Cynanche. SouFfle. Auscultatory murmur; bruit. Sound. Probe; exploring instrument. Also, audi- tory perception of vibration. Spagyrtc. Chemical. Spag/yrism. Chemism. Spanae/mia. Poverty of the blood. Spanish Flies. Cantharides. Spasm. Cramp; convulsion; sudden involuntary muscular contraction. Spasmodic. Pertaining to spasm. Spasiic. Inducing, or characterized by, spasm or contraction. Spat'ula. Broad, knife-like instrument for spread- ing ointments, etc. Spaying. Extirpating the ovaries. Specialist. One devoted to special lines of practice or science. Spe/cies. Particular sort; group of similar or- ganic beings. Specif'ic. Peculiar, special; remedy peculiarly efficacious in certain affections. Syphilitic disorder or remedy. 248 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON Specific Gravity. Weight or density of a sub- stance, compared with some standard substance. Specific Gravity Beads. Hollow beads with projecting tails, to estimate density of a liquid. Specific Gravity Bottle. Bottle known to contain a certain weight of water, to determine specific gravity of other fluids. Spectroscope. Instrument for formation and examination of spectra. Spectrum. Band of light from a ray decom- posed by a prism. Spec/ulum. Instrument to dilate orifice for examination of cavity. Sperm. Semen. Spermattc. Seminal. Spermattc Cord. Suspensory pedicle of testis. Sper'matin. Mucilaginous seminal principle. Sper/matoblast. Protoplasmic body of seminal tubules. Spermat'ocele. Swelling of testicle or epididy- mis. Spermatorrhce/a. Involuntary seminal emission. Spermatozoa. Active, fecundating seminal ele- ments. Spermine. A leucomaine found in sperma. Sphacelated. Mortified. SphaCelism. Cerebral inflammation; also, gan- grenous progress. Sphe'noid. Wedge-shaped. Spher/oid. Resembling a sphere. Sphincter. Circular muscle closing a natural orifice. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 249 Sphyg/mic. Pertaining to the pulse. Sphyg/mogram. Sphygmographic tracing. Sphyg/mograph. Instrument to record form and force of arterial pulsations. SphygmoFogy. Science of the pulse. SphygmonrFeter. Instrument to measure pulse. Spi/ca. Spiral surgical bandage. Spic'ula. Needle-like fragment of bone, etc. SpFna Bi'fida. Hydrorrhachis. SpFnal. Pertaining to spine. SpF’nal Column. Vertebral column. SpFnal Cord. Medulla, or marrow of spine; neural structure of vertebral canal. Spine. Crest, as of bone. Spinal column. SpFnous. Thorn-like. SpiriPlum. Spiral schizomycetes. Spirit. Alcoholic solution; product of distilla- tion. SpFrograph. Instrument for graphic record of respiration. Spirom/eter. Instrument to measure respirations. Spis'sated. Thickened. Spit'ting of Blood. Haemoptysis. Splanch'nic. Pertaining to the viscera. Spleen. Oval organ, of obscure function, behind cardiac end of stomach. Splen/culus. Supplementary spieen. SplenemphraxTs. Congestion of spleen. Splen'ic. Pertaining to the spleen. SplenPtis. Inflammation of spleen. Splen/ius. A muscle of the back. Splenohae/mia. Splenic hyperaemia Splen/oid. Like the spleen. 250 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Splint. Piece of thin material to retain fractured parts in apposition. Spondylitis. Vertebral inflammation. Spondylolisthe/sis. Vertebral dislocation. SpongiopPline. Sponge and wool coated on one side with caoutchouc. Spontaneous. Occurring without direct apparent cause. Sporadic. Scattered, isolated; reverse of epi- demic. Spore. Cryptogamic analogue of seed. Sprain. Violent straining of ligaments, but with- out dislocation. Sputum. Saliva; expectorated matter. Squa'ma. Lamina, or scale. Squa/mous. Scaly. Squill. Bulb of sea-onion; diuretic and expec- torant. Squinttng. Strabismus. Staff. Instrument to guide knife in lithotomy. Stagnation. Morbid retardation of circulation. Stam/mering. Hesitating, interrupted articular utterance. Stape'dius. A muscle of middle ear. Sta'pes. An ossicle of middle ear. StaplVyle. The uvula. Staphylitis. Inflammation of uvula. Staphylo'ma. Protrusion of cornea or sclerotic. Staphyloptosis. Elongation of uvula. Staphylor/rhaphy. Suture of cleft palate. Staphylot'omy. Abscission of uvula. Starch. C8H10O5. A common vegetable proxi- mate principle. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 251 Sta'sis. Stagnation of the blood. Statistics, Vital. Statistics of mortality, dis- tribution of disease, etc. Staurople'gia. Crossed hemiplegia. Ste/arin. Crystalline constituent of animal fat. Stearoptene. Crystalline substance of volatile oils. Steat'ocele. Liparocele. Steato'ma. Lipoma. Steato'sis. Fatty degeneration. Steel. Combination of iron and carbon. Steno/sis. Narrowing, contraction, as of a vessel. Stercora/ceous. Pertaining to faeces. Stertle. Barren; applied to female unable to conceive. SteriFity. Barrenness; sterile condition. Sterilization. Applied to devitalizing germs of a fluid, etc., usually by heat. Ster'nal. Pertaining to sternum. Ster'num. Breast-bone; flat, oblong bone at anterior part of thorax. Sternutatory. Agent provoking sneezing; er- rhine. Stertor. Deep snoring. Stethom'eter. Instrument to measure the chest and its movements. Stethoscope. Tube for conveying sounds, used in mediate auscultation. Sthentc. Strong. Stib'ium. Antimony. Stiff Joint. Ankylosis. Stiff Neck. Torticollis. Stig'mata. Small red cutaneous specks. 252 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Stigtnatism. Emmetropia; reverse of astig- matism. StilE-born. Born dead. Stillicidtum. Flowing of a liquid drop by drop. StinCulants. Agents increasing functional activ- ity. Stim/ulus. Cause of excitation. Stitch. Sudden acute pain, as from needle. Stom'ach. Alimentary pouch between oesopha- gus and duodenum, chief digestive organ. Stomach'ic. Gastric. Agent stimulating gastric function. Stom/ach Pump. Instrument to pump contents from stomach. Stomatitis. Inflammation of the mouth. Stone. Calculus. Stool. Evacuation faecal discharge. Strabis'mus. Squinting; cross-eye; incoordi- nation of visual axes. StraboComy. Operation to relieve strabismus. Strain. Sprain; tension. To filter. Strangulated Hernia. Irreducible hernia, with constriction, stoppage of faeces, etc. Strangulation. Constriction, as by ligature; choking. Strangury. Painful passing of urine in drops. StrBated. Grooved; streaked. Stricture. Contraction of duct or tube, as of urethra. Strid/ulous. Creaking, grating. Stroke. Severe morbid seizure; apoplexy. Stro/ma. Foundation tissue of an organ. Strontium (Sr.). A hard, pale, ductile metal. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 253 Stroph/ulus. Miliaria; infantile papular erup- tion. « Stru/ma. Scrofula; scrofulous tumor. Goitre. Stru'mous. Scrofulous. Strychnia. Strychnine. Strychnine. Alkaloid from nux vomica; spinal stimulant, and violent poison. * Stump. Part of limb remaining after an amputa- tion. Stupe. Fomentation. Stu/por. Profound unconsciousness. Stuttering. Aggravated stammering. Sty. Hordeolum. Sty/loid. Shaped like a style or peg. Stymato'sis. Priapism with bloody discharge. Styp/tic. Astringent; haemostatic. Subacute/. Of moderate acuteness. Subcla/vian. Under the clavicle. Subcutaneous. Beneath the skin ; hypodermic. Subjective. Internal; pertaining to impressions arising within, not due to external sensations; reverse of objective. Subjective Sensations. Those originating centrally, not from external stimulus. Sublimation. Vaporization and re-condensation. Subluxation. Partial dislocation. Subscap/ular. Beneath the scapula. Subsultus. Convulsive twitching. Succintc. Pertaining to amber. SuCculent. Juicy. Sudamtna. Miliaria. Non-febrile “ sweat-pim- ples”. Sudation. Perspiration. 254 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Su/dor An'glicus. Sweating fever, an English febrile contagion of 16th century. Miliaria. Sudoriferous. Conveying perspiration. Sudorific. Agent inducing perspiration. Suffoca'tion. Stifling; stoppage of respiration. Suffu'sion. A pouring out of fluid; extravasa- tion. Suggilla'tion. Passive congestion. Ecchymosis. Sufcate. Grooved. SuPphate. Compound of sulphuric acid and a base. SuPphide. Compound of sulphur and other ele- ment. SuPphonal. Crystalline, tasteless, odorless sub- stance ; recently introduced as an efficacious hyp- notic. SuPphur (S.). Yellow, combustible, non-metal - lic element; laxative and diaphoretic. Sulphuric Acid. S03. Oil of vitriol, trioxide of sulphur. Sun/stroke. Eleat-stroke, especially from direct sun-rays. SuperciPiary. Pertaining to eye-brows. Superficial. Pertaining to the surface. Superfceta'tion. Conception by a female already pregnant. Superior. Upper, higher. Supersalt. Acid salt, one with excess of acid. Supina'tion. Turning of palm upward or for- ward. Supine'. Lying on the back; reverse of prone. Suppository. Solid medicine for introduction into rectum, vagina, etc. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 255 Suppression. Stoppage of secretion. Suppuration. Pus-formation. Supraorbttal. Above orbit of eye. Suprare/nal. Above the kidney. Sutal. Pertaining to calf of leg. Surdity. Deafness. Sur'domute. Deaf mute. Sur'geon. Practicer of surgery. Sur'gery. Branch of medical science chiefly con- cerned with manual or instrumental operation. Sur'gioal. Pertaining to surgery. Suspended Animation. Asphyxia; syncope; catalepsy. Temporary apparent cessation of vital functions. SuspenSory. Suspending. Bag to support scrotum. Susurration. Act of whispering; a soft murmur in certain cardiac affections, etc. Suture. Seam. Junction of cranial bones. Stitched union of edges of wound. Sweat. Perspiration; secretion of sweat-glands. Sweating Sick'ness. Sudor Anglicus. SwePling. Morbid enlargement; tumefaction. Swoon. Fainting; syncope. Syco/ma. Warty, fig-like excrescence; condy- loma. Syco/sis. Mentagra; inflammation of hair-folli- cles, analogous to acne. Symbleph'aron. Adhesion of eyelid and eye- ball. Sympathy. Vaguely, interdependence of parts, manifest in metastasis, reflex neurosis, etc. SymphyseoVomy. Section of symphysis pubis. 256 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Sym/physis. Close union; synarthrodial coales- cence. Sympiom. Phenomenon, or indicative phase, of disease. Symptom atic. Pertaining to, or appearing as, a symptom. Synarthrosis. Immovable articulation. SynchondroSis. Articulation by intervening cartilage. Syn'chysis. Abnormal fluidity of vitreous humor. Syn''cope. Swoon; suspension of respiration and cardiac action. Syndesmiiis. Inflammation of ligaments. SyndesmoSis. Articulation by ligaments. Syndesmot/omy. Dissection of ligaments. Syn'ergy. Cooperation; combined action. SynScha. Continued fever. SynosteoComy. Dissection of joints. Syno/via. Lubricating secretion of synovial membranes. Synoviiis. Inflammation of synovial membrane. Synthesis. Composition, as of chemical struc- ture ; reverse of analysis. Synulotic. Agent promoting cicatrization. SyphiPides. Syphilitic cutaneous eruptions. Syphilis. Constitutional, contagious, hereditable, specific, venereal disease, inducing cutaneous and glandular lesions, chancre, etc. Syphilitic. Pertaining to, or affected with, syph- ilis. Syphiloder'mata. Syphilides. Syphiloid. Resembling syphilis. Syphilo/ma. Gumma. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 257 Syr'inge. An instrument for injecting fluids. SyringoPomy. Cutting open a fistula. Syr'up. Concentrated aqueous solution of sugar, simple or medicated. Syssarco'sis. Union of bones by means of muscles. System. Assemblage of parts of similar tissue or function. The animal economy. SysterrPic. Pertaining to a system. Sys'tole. Contraction of heart or arteries,—com- plement of diastole. T. Tabefac'tion. Wasting; emaciation. Ta/bes Dorsalis. Degeneration of posterior columns of spinal cord; locomotor ataxy. Tac'tile. Pertaining to touch. Tae/nia. Genus of intestinal worm; tapeworm. Tae'niafuge. Agent to expel taenia. Tae/nia La'ta. Broad tapeworm of human in- testines. Tae'nia So/lium. Armed or long tapeworm; in- fests upper part of human intestines. TaPipes. Club-foot; foot-deformity from muscu- lar contraction. Tal'ipes calca'neous. Only heel touching ground. TaPipes equPnus. Heel drawn up. TaPipes vaPgus. Foot turned outward. 258 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. TaFipes va'rus. Foot turned inward. Tam'pon. Plug of lint, cotton, etc. Tan'nin. CM H10 09. Tannic acid, strongly astringent vegetable principle. Tan/sy. Tanacetum; plant of bitter, diuretic and emmenagogue properties. Tape'-worm. Taenia. Tapping. Puncturing, to draw off fluid. Tar7 sus. Instep. Also, eyelid cartilage. Tar/tar. Deposit from saliva incrusted on teeth. Tartar Emet/ic. Tartrate of antimony and po- tassium ; sedative and emetic. TauTin. Substance found in bile. Tax/is. Manual reduction of hernia. Teat. Nipple. TeethTng. Dentition. Teg/ument. Integument. TeleoFogy. Science of final causes. Tellu'rium (Te.). Rare, white, brittle metal. Temperament. Vaguely, general character and disposition. Temperance. Moderation, especially in use of inebriants. Temperature. Degree of heat. Temples. Portion of head between forehead and ear, above zygomatic arch. Temporal. Pertaining to the temples. Tem/ulence. Drunkenness. Tenac/ulum. Small surgical hook. Ten/dinous. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, tendon. Ten'don. White fibrous tissue attaching muscle to contiguous part. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 259 Tenes'mus. Painful contraction of sphincter ani, with evacuative effort. Tenot'omy. Division of a tendon. Ten'sion. State of being stretched. Ten/sor. Muscle which stretches or makes tense. Tent. Roll of lint, etc., to dilate canal, as cervix uteri. Tentc/rium. Process of dura mater between cerebrum and cerebellum. Tenu'ity. Thinness. Terebin'thina. Turpentine. TerminoFogy. Nomenclature; system of tech- nical appellations. Terbary. Consisting of three. Ter'tian. Occurring every third day, as intermit- tent paroxysms. Test. To try, as by application of differentiating chemical reagent. Tes'tes. Testicles. Tes'ticles. The two semen-secreting glands con- tained in scrotum. Testi'tis. Orchitis. Test-types. Letters of various sizes to test visual power. Tetan'ic. Pertaining to tetanus. Tet'anus. Disease with spasmodic contraction and rigidity of voluntary muscles. Tet'ter. Ringworm; eczema. ThaFlin. Recently-introduced antipyretic, syn- thetic chemical product. Than'atoid. Death-like. Thanatophobia. Morbid dread of death. The'ca. Sheath; investing membrane. 260 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. The'cal. Pertaining to a theca. ThecFtis. Inflammation of a fibrous sheath. The'in. Alkaloid in tea, identical with caffein. ThelFtis. Inflammation of nipples. The/nar. Palmar or plantar surface. Theoma/nia. Religious mania. The'ory. Hypothesis; presumed, but undemon- strated, condition or explanation. Abstract princi- ples. Therapeu'tic. Pertaining to the healing art. Therapeutics. Branch of medical science con- cerned with application of remedies; curative art. Thermal. Pertaining to heat. Thermom/eter. Instrument to measure degree of heat. Thermostat. Automatic apparatus to regulate temperature. Thetis. Dissertation, as of candidate for a degree. Thigh. Lower limb from knee to pelvis. ThoracenteSis. Puncture of thorax. Thoracic. Pertaining to chest or thorax. ThoracTc Duct. Main trunk of lymphatic sys- tem, lying upon dorsal vertebrae. Thoracotomy. Incision of chest. Tho/rax. Chest; cavity between neck and abdo- men. Thread'worm. Small worm of rectum, especi- ally of children. Threpsol'ogy. Science of nutrition. Throb'bing. Palpitation; pulsation. Thrombosis. Thrombus - formation; coagula- tion. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 261 ThronPbus. Blood-clot obstructing vessel at point of formation. Thrush. Aphthoe. Thy/mic. Pertaining to thymus or to thyme. ThymPtis. Inflammation of thymus gland. Thy'mus. Temporary glandular organ at root of neck. Thy/roid. Scutiform. Thy/roid Cartilage. Largest, prominent, carti- lage of larynx. Thy/roid Gland. Glandular body, of obscure function, at upper part of trachea. Tib/ia. Inner and larger bone of lower leg. Tic. Spasmodic twitching. Tic Douloureux. Spasmodic facial neuralgia. TPdal Air. Air inspired and expired in each ordinary respiration. Tin (Sn.). Familiar, white, soft metal. Tinc/ture. Alcoholic solution of medicinal sub- stance. Tin'ea. Skin disease from fungi. Scald-head. Tin/nitus Au'rium. Subjective ringing in the ears. Tisane. Ptisan. Tis/sue. Web-like structure; peculiar texture of a part. Titilla'tion. Tickling. Tituba'tion. Staggering. Tobacco-heart. Continued functional cardiac disturbance from abuse of tobacco. TocoPogy. Obstetric science. ToPerance. Capacity of enduring a drug. 262 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Tomen/tum. Inner, flocculent, vascular surface of cerebral pia mater. Tone. Tension; normal vigor and activity. Tongue Tie. Glossal immobility from short froe- num. Ton'ic. Agent imparting tone, and stimulating vital activity. ToniCity. Quality of muscular fibre under exci- tation. TonsilPtis. Inflammation of tonsils; quinsy. TonsiPlotome. Instrument for abscission of tonsils. Ton'sils. Glands on each side of fauces. ToplPus. Calcareous deposit. TopGcal. Local; pertaining to a particular part. Tor'cular Heroph/ili. Cavity at confluence of venous sinuses of cranium. ToCmina. Transitory twisting pains in bowels. Tor/pid. Manifesting torpor. Tor'por. Numbness; deficiency of feeling and activity. ToCsion. Act of twisting. Torticollis. Wryneck; contraction of cervical muscles, with inclination of head. Touch. Tactile sense. Palpation; digital exami- nation, especially of uterus. Tourniquet. Instrument to compress artery. Toxae'mia. Poisoned state of blood. Tox'ic. Poisonous. Toxicol'ogy. Science of poisons. Trabeculae. Connecting or supporting fibres or bands. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 263 Tra'chea. Wind-pipe, air-passage of lungs; tube descending from larynx and dividing into bronchi. Tra/cheal. Pertaining to trachea. Trachelis/mus. Spasmodic contraction of cervi- cal muscles. Trachelorrhaphy. Emmet’s operation, to repair laceration of cervix uteri by suture of pared edges. Tracheotomy. Incision of trachea. Tracho/ma. Granular conjunctivitis. Traction. Drawing. Tra/gus. Triangular projection of cartilage over meatus of external ear. Trance. Catalepsy. Transformation. Change of form. Transfu'sion. Transfer of blood from one animal into vessels of another. Translu'cence. Property of transmitting light; sub- transparency. Transparent. Permitting free transmission of light. Transpiration. Exhalation from skin; perspi- ration. Transposition. Change in position. Transudation. Oozing of fluid through porous tissue. Transverse''. Lying across. Trape'zium. First bone of second row of wrist. Trape'zius. Large muscle of back and neck. Trap'ezoid. A bone of the wrist. Trau'ma. Wound; injury. Traumattc. Pertaining, or due, to trauma. Traumatism. State of the system following trauma. 264 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Tre'mor. Involuntary trembling. Trepan'. Trephine. Trephine'. Instrument for circular cranial inci- sion. Tri'badism. Unnatural intercourse of females, with sexual use of clitoris. Tri'ceps. Having three heads, as certain mus- cles. Trichi'asis. Inversion of eye-lashes. Trichi'na Spira'lis. Nematode, pathogenic worms in swine muscle. Trichino'sis. State induced by trichince in body. Trichoceph'alus. Thread-worm. Tricho'sis. Morbid state of hair; plica. Tricus'pid. Having three points. Tricus'pid Valve. Right auriculo-ventricular valve of heart. Trifa'cial. Trigeminus. Trigem'inus. Fifth pair of cranial nerves. Trigone. Vesical triangle; area on fundus of bladder, between orifices of ureter and urethra. Trior'chid. Having three testicles. Tris'mus. Lock-jaw; tetanus of muscles of lower jaw. Trisplanch'nic. Sympathetic nerve. Tro'car. Sharp instrument for paracentesis. Trochan'ter. Superior femoral processes. Troche. Lozenge; medicinal tablet with sugar and mucilage. Troch'lea. Pulley-like process. Trom'mer’s Test. For glucosuria : red cupreous precipitation under alkaline solution of tartrate of copper. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 265 Tro'na. Native Egyptian sesqui-carbonate of soda. Tro'phic. Pertaining to nutrition. Trophoneuro'sis. Defective nutrition from ner- vous influence. Trunc'ate. Cut off; deprived of appendages; maimed. Trunk. The body; principal mass, exclusive of limbs; main stem. Truss. Apparatus to sustain hernia, etc. Tu/bal. Pertaining to a tube, as the Fallopian. Tube Casts. Morbid, microscopic, urinary moulds of renal tubules. Tu/bercle. Small eminence. Also, small nodule of granulation-cells, constituting tuberculosis in various parts of the body. Tubertular Consumption. Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis. Infectious degenerative disease with tubercle-formation; if in the lungs, phthisis. Tuberostty. Bony protuberance. Tu/bular Gestation. Extra-uterine foetation in Fallopian tube. Tumefaction. Swelling; enlargement; tumor- formation. Swollen. Tu'mor. Swelling; morbid enlargement. Tu/nic. Enveloping membrane. Tur'binate. Top-shaped. Turgestence. Swelling; turgid state. Tur'gid. Swollen. Turntng. Obst., manual changing of position of fetus in utero. Turn of Life. Climacteric. 266 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Tus'sis. Cough. Tylo'ma. Cutaneous induration and thickness, as from constant pressure; callosity. Tympan'ic. Pertaining to tympanum. Tympanites. Flatulent abdominal distension. Tympanitis. Inflammation of tympanum. Tym'panum. Cavity of middle ear. Type. Representative or characteristic form. Typhinta. Relapsing fever. Typhlitis. Inflammation of caecum. Ty'phoid Fever. Acute, infectious, continued fever, with enteric lesions, prostration, etc. Typho-malatial. Fever of compound enteric and malarial type. Ty'phous. Pertaining to or resembling typhus ; typhoid. Ty'phus. Infectious, continued fever, with great cerebral irritation and prostration. Typtcal. Characteristic; having the nature of a type. Tyson’s Glands. Sebaceous glands around co- rona of penis and nymphse. u. Ulaemorrha/gia. Bleeding from the gums. Ul'cer. Suppurative solution of continuity of scft parts. Ulceration. Ulcer-formation. Superficial ulcer. UlFtis. Inflammation of the gums. Ul'mus. Elm. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 267 UPna. The large bone of forearm. UPnar. Pertaining to ulna. UmbiPical. Pertaining to umbilicus. UmbiPicate. Having umbilical-like depression. UmbiPicus. The navel; small abdominal de- pression, cicatrix from detachment of funis. Unciform. Hook-like. Uncipres/sure. Pressure with hooks to arrest arterial haemorrhage. Unconscious. Without sensibility. Unc'tion. Anointing. Unguent. UndulaTion. Wavy motion. Un'gual. Pertaining to the nails. Un'guent, Unguentum. Ointment. Un'guis. A nail. Also, lachrymal bone. Unilateral. One-sided. Uniloc/ular. Single-celled. U 'nion. Joining ; see First and Second Intention. UnipSrous. Producing one at a birth. UnivSlent. Having monad quantivalence. Urach'us. A cord from summit of bladder to umbilicus. Urae/mia. Abnormal accumulation of urea in blood. UraTium, or U'ral. Chloral-urethane. Ura/nium (U.). Rare, hard, heavy metal. U'rate. Combination of uric acid and a base. U' rea. CH4N20. Nitrogenous constituent of urine. Ure/do. Urticaria. Ure/sis. Micturition. Ure/ter. The tube conveying urine from kidney to bladder. 268 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Ureteritis. Inflammation of ureter. Ure/than. New hypnotic, with little taste or smell, introduced in 1885 ; useful in convulsions, etc. UreThra. Tube to discharge urine from bladder. Urethritis. Urethral inflammation. Urethrorrha/gia. Urethral haemorrhage. Urethrostenosis. Urethral stricture. UreThrotome. Instrument to divide urethral stricture. Urethroiomy. Urethral incision. U Tic Acid. C5H4N403. Lithic acid; found in urine. Uridro'sis. Presence of urea in sweat. Urinae'mia. Presence of urinary elements in the blood. Urinaiysis. Analysis of urine. UrinaTion. Micturition. U' rine. Fluid secreted by the kidneys. Urinom'eter. Instrument to determine specitic gravity of urine. UrobFlin. Reddish coloring-matter of urine. UrodiaPysis. Temporary suppression of urine. Uroglau/cin. Indigo blue, from uroxanthin. Urorho/din. Indigo-red, from uroxanthin. Urorrha'gia. Excessive micturition. Polyuria. UrosSopy. Urinalysis. Uro' ses. Diseases of urinary organs. UroxanThin. Yellow coloring-matter found in urine. UrticaTia. Nettle-rash; ephemeral eruption of skin, with wheals and itching, from malassimila- tion, etc: UsTion. Act of burning. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 269 Uterine. Pertaining to uterus. UterPtis. Metritis. U/ tero-gestation. Period of pregnancy, from conception to parturition. UteroComy. Incision into uterus.' U terus. Womb; hollow organ in female pelvic cavity, seat of gestation. Utricle. Little sac ; one of the aural cavities. U' vea. Choroid membrane. U/vula. Soft body pendent from free border of palate. UvulaComy. Abscission of uvula. Uvulitis. Inflammation of uvula. V. Vac/cinal. Pertaining to vaccination or vaccinia. Vaccination. Inoculation with vaccine, as pro- tection against violence of small-pox. Vac'cine. Lymph from cow-pox vesicle. Vaccin/ia. Vesicular disease of the cow ; cow- pox. Vac'uole. Small cavity in a tissue, containing fluid. Vac/uum. Empty space; cavity exhausted of air. VagPna. Sheath; canal from vulva to uterus. Vagtnal. Pertaining to the vagina. Vaginis'inus. Vaginal spasm. Vaginitis. Vaginal inflammation. 270 Vale/rian. A rhizome of stimulant and anti- spasmodic properties. Valetudinarian. Invalid. Valve. Fold across canal, obstructing passage in one direction. Va'por. Gaseous form of what is ordinarily solid or liquid. Vaporization. Conversion into vapor. Variation. Mutation. Generative modification from environment or selection. Varicelta. Chicken-pox; infectious, eruptive, childhood disease. Vartcocele. Varix of veins of scrotum or sper- matic cord. Vartcose. Pertaining to, or affected with, varix. VarFola. Small-pox; infectious febrile disease with papules having vesicular and pustular period; frequently leaves pock-marks. Vatioloid. Modified form of small-pox. Vatix. A persistent venous dilatation. Vatus. Acne. See also Talipes. Vas. Vessel. Vasa Vasotum. Small vessels supplying walls of larger ones. Vastular. Pertaining to vessels. Vas'cular System. System of blood-vessels. Vas DeCerens. Excretory duct of testis. Vaso-mo'tor. Causing motion in the vessels. Vec/tis. Obstetrical lever. Ve/hicle. Conveyance . medium of exhibition. Vein. Vessel returning blood to the heart. Ve'lum. Veil; screen-like structure. Vene/real. Pertaining to sexual intercourse. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 271 Ven'ery. Sexual intercourse. Venesec'tion. Operation of opening a vein. Ven'om. Poison secreted by certain animals. Ve/nous. Pertaining to a vein. Venier. Belly. Ventilaiion. Supply of fresh air. Veniral. Abdominal. Ven/tricle. Applied to certain small cavities, as the two inferior cavities of heart. VerPula. Small vein. Ver'juice. Juice of unripe fruits. Vermicide. Anthelmintic. Vermicular. Worm-like. Ver'miform Appen'dix, Worm-shaped blind tube opening into caecum. VeUmifuge. Anthelmintic. Ver/nix Caseo/sa. Unctuous coating of surface of foetus. Verru/ca. Wart. Version. Turning. Ver'tebra. A bony segment of spinal column. Veriebral CoPumn. Spine; back-bone; bony column of vertebrae, from head to pelvis. Veriex. The crown of the head Veriigo. Dizziness; giddiness. Verumonta'num. Gallinaginis caput. Vesica. The bladder. Vesical. Pertaining to the bladder. Vesicant. Blistering agent. Vesicaiion. Production of blister. Vesicatory. Vesicant. Vesicle. Small sac. Blister. 272 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Vesic/ulae Semina'les. The two seminal reser- voirs. Vesic/ular. Pertaining to vesicles. Vesic'ular Mur'mur. Fine, normal, inspiratory, auscultatory sound over chest-wall. Ves'sel. Tube to convey fluid, especially blood. Ves'tibule. Entrance, as angle between nymphae. VibPces. Subcutaneous purple spots; purpura. Vibra/tion. Oscillation. Vib/rio. Genus of microorganisms. Vicarious. Taking place of another; as bloody discharge from rectum, nose, etc., substituted for menstruation. Vil'li. Little elevations, or fine hair-like pro- cesses. ViFlous. Pertaining to villi. VPnum. Wine. Vir'gin. Chaste. Female who has never had sexual intercourse. ViriFity. Manhood. Generative power in males. ViFulent. Malignant. Pertaining to virus. VFrus. Morbid product, pathogenic poison. Vis'cera. (PI. of viscus.) Entrails; organs of cavities of the body. Vis'ceral. Pertaining to viscera. Vis'cid. Thick, sticky, viscous. Vis'cous. Glutinous, adhesive. Vis/ual. Pertaining to vision. VFtal. Pertaining to life. VitaFity. Vital condition or force. VPtals. Organs essential to life. VitePline. Pertaining to vitellus. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 273 VitePlus. Yolk of egg. Vit'reous. Glass-like. ViVreous Hu'mor. Transparent substance in eye-ball behind lens. ViUriol. Glassy salt of sulphuric acid. Vivip'arous. Producing the young alive. Vivisection. Scientific dissection of living ani- mals. Vo/cal. Pertaining to voice. VoPatile. Readily evaporating. VolPtion. Exercise of will. Volt. Unit of electro motive force. Volta'ic. Pertaining to chemical electricity. Vol'ume. Space occupied by a substance. Voluntary. Under control of, or proceeding from, the will. Vo'mer. Bony septum of nose. VonPica. Collection of pus in lungs. VorrPit. To eject from stomach, through mouth. Vomito Ne'gro. Black vomit; yellow fever. Vox. Voice. VuPnerary, Remedial of, or pertaining to, wounds. Vul'nus. A wound. VuPva. External female genitals; orifice be- tween labia pudendi. VulvPtis, Inflammation of the vulva. 274 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. w. Wart. Small papillary growth on skin. Wash. Lotion. Wasting. Atrophy. Wa'ter. H20. Familiar fluid, protoxide of hy- drogen. Wa'ter Brash. Pyrosis. Watt. Unit of electrical energy. Wean'ing. Cessation of suckling. Wen. Sebaceous cyst. Wheals. Cutaneous ridges or elevations, as in urticaria. Whites. Leucorrhoea. White SwePling. Hydrarthrosis. WhiVlow. Periphalangeal cellulitis. Whoop'ing Cough. Pertussis. Wind'pipe. Trachea. Wirsung, Canal of. Pancreatic duct. Wis'dom Teeth. Last molar teeth. Witch Hazel. Hamamelis. Withering. Wasting; atrophy. Wolffian Bodies. Two temporary glands of lumbar region. Womb. Uterus. WoUmian Bones. Little bones in cranial su- tures. Wound. Violent solution of continuity of soft parts. Wrist. Part connecting forearm and hand; carpus. POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 275 Wrist'-drop. Paralysis of extensor muscles of wrist, as in lead-poisoning. Writer’s Cramp. Incoordination of muscles of hand, from excessive writing. Wry Neck. Torticollis. X. Xanthelas/ma. Xanthoma. Xanthine. A non-poisonous leucomalne. Xantho-creatinine. A poisonous leucoma'ine found in muscle. Xantho/ma. Yellowish tubercles of neoplastic growth. Xantho/sis. Yellow discoloration in cancer. Xenome'nia. Vicarious menstruation. Xera/sia. Morbid dryness of hair. Xeroder'ma. Dryness of skin. XerophthaRmia. Conjunctival induration. XRphoid. Sworddike; ensiform. Xy'loid. Resembling wood. XyloRdin. White powder obtained from action of strong nitric acid on starch. Xy/lol. C8H10. Hydrocarbon resembling ben- zine ; recommended in variola. 276 POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. Y. Yawn'ing. Deep inspiration; gaping. Yaws. Framboesia. Yeast. Minute, fungous, fermentative organism. YePlow Fever. Epidemic disease, with high fever, jaundice, black vomit, etc. YePlow Wash. Corrosive sublimate and lime- water. Yolk, or Yelk. Ovum divested of envelopes; contents of vitelline membrane. z. Ze'ro. Basic point of thermometric graduation. Zinc (Zn.). Hard, bluish-white metallic element. Zo/na. Girdle. Herpes zoster. Zon'ule of Zinn. Suspensory ligament of crys- talline lens. ZoobioPogy. Animal physiology. Zoog/eny. Animal generation. ZooPogy. Science of animals. Zo'ophyte. A plant-like animal. ZooPomy. The anatomy of the lower animals. Zos/ter. Herpes zoster. Zygo'ma. Cheek-bone; arch formed by tem- poro-malar articulation. Zygomat/ic. Pertaining to zygoma. Zymo'sis. Fermentation. Zymot'ic. Pertaining to fermentation. POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. Acetate of Lead.—Emetics and stomach- pump ; sulphate of magnesia, or the phosphates of soda and magnesia. Acid, Acetic, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Sul- phuric, Tartaric.—Magnesia, chalk, wall-plas- ter, lime-water, whiting, soap-water, milk, oil, de- mulcents. Acid, Arsenious; Arsenic.—Hydrated per- oxide of iron, or light magnesia with tincture of iron; chalk and water; follow with milk and de- mulcents. Acid, Carbolic.—Powdered chalk, Epsom salts, demulcents, milk, white of egg. Acid, Hydrocyanic.—Newly precipitated ox- ide of iron with an alkaline carbonate; chlorine; cold affusion over head and neck. Acid, Oxalic.—Chalk, common whiting, or magnesia suspended in water; emetics. Aconite.—Emetic of sulphate of zinc; stomach- pump ; stimulants, such as ammonia and brandy. Alcohol.—Stomach-pump, emetics, cold affu- sion, carbonate of ammonia. Alkalies, Ammonia, Potash, Soda.—Weak acids, as vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid, and water, followed by olive oil in large quantities, 277 278 poisons and their antidotes. castor-oil, emetics. If caustic alkalies have been taken, do not use stomach-pump. Antimony, Tartar Emetic.—Vomiting to be promoted by tepid waters; vegetable astringents, catechu, tannin; white of egg, magnesia, stimu- lants. Atropine, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus.—Stom- ach-pump, emetic of sulphate of zinc, ammonia, and stimulants; tannin; opiates. Baryta, Salts of.—Stomach-pump, emetics, sulphate of magnesia or soda. Chloroform, Chloral, Amyl Nitrite, Eth- er.—Fresh air, cold affusion, ammonia to the nostrils, artificial respiration, counter-irritants, ca- thartics. Conium, Hemlock, Nicotine.—Emetics, stom- ach-pump, tannin, stimulants. Copper.—Demulcent fluids to induce vomitiug, stomach-pump, white of egg, milk, alkalies, soap, laxatives. Digitalis.—Stomach-pump, emetics, tannin, stimulants; maintain recumbent position; cathartics. Hellebore.—Opium, stimulants, ammonia. Irritant Gases—Carbonic Acid, Chlorine, Nitrous Acid, Hydrochloric Acid.—Pure air, inhalation of ammonia, ether, or vapor of warm water; artificial respiration. Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate. — Flour, milk, white of egg, followed, if necessary, by an emetic. Morphine, Opium, Opium Preparations, Chloral-hydrate.—The stomach-pump, emetic of sulphate of zinc, external stimulation, exertion, POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. 279 artificial respiration, walk patient about; stimu- lants, small doses sulphate of atropia. Salts of Silver.—Common salt, white of egg, milk. Salts of Zinc.—Albumen, milk, carbonate of soda, tannin. Strychnine, Nux Vomica.—An emetic or use of the stomach-pump; repeated large doses of chloral-hydrate or chloroform; tannin; bromide potassium; chloroform or ether inhalation. Comparative Table of Metric and Apothecaries’ Weights. Names. Grammes. Grains. Apothecaries’ Weight. lb. s 5 gr- Milligramme, .001 .0154 Centigramme. .01 • 1543 .1 Decigramme, .1 1-5434 i-5 Gramme, . . I. 15-434° 15-4 Decagramme, 10. i54-34°2 2 34- Hectogramme IOO. 1543.4023 3 I 43- Kilogramme, Myriagramme IOOO. i5434-°234 2 8 1.14 IOOOO. I54340-2344 26 9 4 20 280 THERMOMETRIC SCALE. Comparative Thermometric Scale. Soiling point' of traien > Centi- grade. Fahren- heit. Reaumur. af water ) NOW READY. Syllabus of Obstetrical Lectures IN THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, BY RICHARD C. NORRIS, A.M., M.D., DEMONSTRATOR OF OBSTETRICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.' Price, Cloth, Interleaved for Notes, $2-00 Net. ***The New York Medical Record of April 19th. 1890, referring to this book says : “ The modest little work is so far superior to others, on the same subject, that we take pleasure in calling attention briefly to its excellent features. Smalt as it is it covers the subject thoroughly and will prove invaluable to both student and the practitioner as a means of fixing in a clear and concise form the knowledge deriyed from a perusal of the larger textbooks. The author deserves great credit for the manner in which be has performed his work. He has introduced a number of valuable hints which would only occur to one who was himself an experienced teacher of obstetrics. The subject matter is clear, forcible and modern. We are especially pleased with the portion devoted to the practical duties of the accoucher, care of child, etc. The paragraphs on Antiseptics are admirable, there is no doubtful tone in the directions given. No details are regarded as unimportant. No minor matters omitted. We venture to say that even the old practitioner will find useful hints in this direction which he cannot afford to despise.” SENT POSTPAID ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. W. B. SAUNDERS, Publislier, 913 Walnut Street, Phila., Pa OF Saunders’ Question-Goinpends. Chicago Medical Visitor, SEPTEMBER, 1890. “Nanerede’s” Anatomy and Dissection, wit colored plates. No better equipment for a con is in anatomy is need be looked for than 1 Nanerede • Gray ’ and a good cadaver.” Medical and Surgical Reporter, APRIL, 1890. “ Dr. Cragin is to be congratulated on his Es sentials of Gynaecology, the style is concise, th sentences well rounded and far more easy t< read than compends in general.” New YORK Medical Journal, May 3, 1S90. “Stel wagon’s Diseases of the Skin.—We are in debted to Philadelphia for another excellent wort on Dermatology. It admirably answers the pur pose lor which it is written.” The Hospital Gazette, London, Abril, 1890. J “Semple’s Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Hygiene.—No general practitioner or student can afford to be without this valuable work. The subjects are dealt with by a masterly hand.” Gaillard’s Medtcal Journal, November, 1889. “Morris’ Materia Medica.—The very essence of Materia Medica and Therapeutics boiled down? and presented in a clear and readable style.” REVIEWS OF Saunders’ Question-Gompends. St. Louis Clinique, AUGUST, 1800. “Jackson & Gleason’s Diseases of Eye. Nose and Throat contains all that is essential for review and practice. The student will find it a convenient assistant for recapitulation.” Times and Register, PHILADELPHIA, MARCH, 1890. “ Wolff’s Examination of Urine.—A very good vork of its kind—very well suited to its purpose.” Medical and Surgical Reporter, February, 1880, “Martin’s Surgery containsai' necessary essen- ials of modern surgery in a comparatively small pace. Its style is interesting and its illustrations dmirable.” outiern Practitioner, JANUARY, 1890. “ Ashton’s Obstetrics.—An excellent little vol- me containing correct and practical knowledge. :n admirable compend and the best eondensa- , on we have seen.” A idiana Medical Journal, December, 1880. | “Semple’s Pathology and Morbid Anatomy! n excellent compend of the subject from tJ tints of View Of Green Payne.”