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All induction begins and ends in the conception of order, ar- rangement and uniformity throughout nature; and this, however inadequately comprehended by our science, is again the evidence of a supreme mind, and the universality of order in time and space, the manifestation of the uni- versality of that supreme mind. Law is the supreme rule of the universe; and that law is wisdom, is intellect, is reason, whether in the formation of planetary systems, or in the organization of the worm." The eternal laws by which and in accordance with .which nature acts, are the mandates of an infinite perfect reason; so that the students of nature live in a constant con- templation and adoration of the omnipresent, infinite and all powerful divinity. "The laws of nature are the thoughts of nature, and these are the thoughts of God." We are now prepared to examine the: Character, Order and Relative Value of the Different Departments of Knowledge in the Work of Education. Language. In the development of knowledge, we must have signs and sounds, to denote the properties and actions and rela- tions of matter exciting changes in the organs of sense, and sensation in the ner/ous system. We must have signs and sounds to denote the objects of thought. Without signs and sounds, there could be no communication of ideas be- tween intelligences, because they are the permanent rep- resentatives of our ideas. It is evident, therefore, that Language was the necessary result of the action of the mind, and advanced in perfection and power, and compass, just as the human mind and science were developed. Hence the Study of Language should be the Starting Point of all Education. In this utilitarian age, the philosophical study of language, unfortunately, is too often neglected, and treated with con- tempt, as a waste of time. Nothing can be more erroneous. Language presents a stereotyped expression of the mode 38 of action and development of the mind. The ancient languages of Greece and Rome present a pleasant field, upon which all minds in all nations may meet and converse with the mighty dead. Ancient languages resemble geological strata, rich in the accumulated remains of ages __each word is a fossil, which gives evidence of former organization and life, of ancient convulsions and mighty revolutions. In the study of languages every word has a history of its own, and must also be studied in its relations with other words, and with analogous words in other languages; every sentence has its own construction and relations to previous sentences, and conveys a definite idea, which is related to preceding and subsequent ideas ; the impossibility therefore of rendering the meaning of every sentence absolutely, and the consequent exercise of select- ing the nearest and best of the two or more approximated renderings, cultivates in an eminent degree precision and judgment. Value of the Ancient Languages in Education. In the work of education, the ancient languages should never be exchanged for the modern languages. The modern languages are degenerate and composite; it is well known that Latin enters into the vocabulary of the German tongues, and is the ground-work and frame- work of Italian, French, Spanish and kindred languages; consequently the study of the Latin language forms the best preparation for the acquisition of the modern lan- guages. The relations of the ancient to the modern languages have been thus aptly illustrated. Indeed, when one considers these venerable forms of speech in connection with the history of Europe from the time in which they were spoken to the present day, one is tempted to compare them to splendid edifices reared by the genius of antiquity, fairly proportioned and presenting 39 an outline of squared and polished blocks of the finest mar- ble; but which, at a period when time had begun to impair ■without destroying their beauty, an earthquake and tempest suddenly coming on shook them from their foundations and hivered them into fragments. With whatever material came into our way, we moderns, when the storm had subsided, built ourselves habitations, convenient enough in point of ac- commodation, and destined to lodge many a gifted ten- ant, but, nevertheless, devoid of the grace, and decoration and exquisite symmetry of the original structure. And if a few specimens of this architecture have es- caped the wreck of ages, and survive in all their primitive chasteness and elegant simplicity, shall we not teach our youths to visit them, to admire their fair proportions, to study their cunning workmanship and to imitate whatever is imitable of their perfection ? Languages can only be learned thoroughly and scien- tifically by comparing them with each other; hence, learn- ing Latin and Greek, the student learns English also in a far more thorough manner, and at the same time acquires in many respects a more perfect and powerful instrument of thought and expression. The critical study of languages not only develops and strengthens the memory and reasoning faculties, but it also, in a manner that can be accomplished by no other study, and, in fact, not by all studies combined, refines the taste, enriches and purifies the imagination, and stores the mind with useful information in history and philosophy. The sublimest poetry, the deepest, most powerful and most learned works in politics, morals, law, medicine, philoso- phy and theology were written in dead languages, and in most cases remain still in the dead languages—the works of Aristotle and Plato will remain to the end of time, the text-books of the statesman, metaphysician and philoso- pher, the works of the greatest physician that ever lived were written and have been preserved in Greek; all the medieval records of medicine, and all the terms of the 40 materia medica are found in Latin, and this is the language in which at this very day the physician writes his prescriptions, and while the Roman law is absolutely in- dispensable to the perfection and accomplishment of even' lawyer, as the most comprehensive and self-connected of all the systems of jurisprudence, its study is absolutely nec- essary to the Latin philologist and antiquarian, for the most successful cultivators of ancient literature have been cultivators of Roman law, and it is well known that the knowledge of the dead languages is even more important and essential to the theologian than to the lawyer, phy- sician, statesman or philosopher; for the interpretation of the sacred books, the most important function of the theo- logian supposes a profound knowledge of not only the lan- guages, but also of the spirit and history of the languages of antiquity. As therefore the study of languages develops all the faculties of the mind, the reason, judgment, memory, imagination and the taste, it is unquestionably the best basis of all education, general or professional, legal, medical and theological. Natural Sciences. The study of languages is the best basis of general and professional education, but it is not the only basis or means of harmoniously evolving the faculties and capacities of the mind in their relative subordination to the great ends of being. The grand phenomena manifested by the immense masses of matter, moving in the great ocean of space, the innumerable forms of matter, solid, fluid and gaseous, composing the atmosphere and crust of our globe, are related to man, and have at all times excited his wonder, and exercised his loftiest faculties in the search after their hidden causes; man's power over the forces and properties of matter, and his social elevation and power depend upon his knowledge of the properties, forces, relations and laws of the component parts of the universe; the highest faculties of the greatest men, of 41 Pythagoras, Aristotle, Archimedes, Galileo, Copernicus, Euler, Newton and Laplace, have found their most glorious field of action, and have been developed and en- nobled, and have achieved those great triumphs which have elevated, dignified, and ennobled the human race, in the search by observation and experiment after the knowl- edge of the fixed relations and laws of the phenomena of the universe; when, therefore, we assert that the Study of Science is an effective means of developing harmoniously the powers of mind, and at the same time of endowing the mind with that knowledge by which it can alone direct and control the forces of nature for the advancement of the physical, social and intellectual good of the human race, we do nothing more than echo the sentiments of the il- lustrious founders of science. The Study of the Natural Sciences Leads to Enlarged Views of the Physical Universe and Leads to the Devout Acknowledgment of Unity of Design and the Existence of a Great First Cause. The labors of the natural philosopher and chemist have demonstrated a uniformity in the molecular and chemical constitution of all matter in the visible universe. Thus, according to. the atomic theory in its widest concep- tion, as held by the philosophers of the nineteenth century, every portion of the whole universe, or at least that part of it which is accessible to us by means of the telescope, is occupied by atoms inconceivably minute, hard and un- changeable, separated from each other by attraction and repulsion. This assemblage of atoms constitutes the matter of the material universe; and the attractions and repulsions, the forces by which they are actuated, .^nd to which is referred all the power or energy which produces the changes to which matter is subjected. The atoms thus endowed form a plenum throughout all 12 space, constituting what is called the ethereal medium, and in it at wide intervals from each other, are isolated masses of grosser matter, which constitute our world, the planets, the sun and stars. These also consist of atoms of another order, or of groups of atoms, with spaces between them, wide in comparison with the size of the atoms, and these spaces are pervaded by the minute atoms of this ethereal medium. These bodies move in the medium without sensible resistance, or such as is only rendered evident by the minute retardation of the nebulous masses denominated comets. According to this theory, the various isolated bodies of the universe act upon each other by means of the force of gravitation, and also by tremors or vibrations in this medium, radiating in every direction from each body, as a centre. All matter, therefore, is porous, whether in the liquid, gaseous or solid condition. The pores may be considered to be of different orders, namely: pores between the atoms, between the molecules or assemblages of atoms, and between the still larger par- ticles. We are obliged to assign to the ethereal medium a simi- lar constitution to that possessed by grosser matter, name- ly, that it consists of inert atoms, at great distances from each other, relative to their own size, and each kept in position by attracting and repelling forces. Through this medium impulses or minute agitations are transmitted over celestial space, from planet to planet, from system to svs- tem, and these tremors or waves constitute light, heat, and other emanations, which we receive from the sun, or in other words, the solar emanations are not matter, but mo- tion communicated from atom to atom, beginning at the luminous body, and diffused in widening, spherical sur- faces, enlarging in size and diminishing in intensity to the farthermost portion of conceivable space. The atoms of the ethereal medium are perfectly free to move in all di- rections, so that the earth and dense masses experience no retardation as yet measurable, though light bodies, as 43 comets, apparently exhibit an effect of this kind, for the same reason that a stock of cotton is more retarded in falling through the air than a piece of lead. Spectrum analysis has not only placed a new power in the hands of the chemist, which enables him to detect by the simplest and most expeditious process, the presence of chemical substances with a degree of accuracy and deli- cacy almost incredible, and thus enlarged the bounds of his knowledge of terrestrial matter, but it has armed him with an instrument by which he is able to overstep the narrow bounds of this earth, and to determine with as great a degree of certainty as appertains to any conclusions in physical science, the chemical composition of the atmo- sphere, of the sun and far distant fixed stars. It has been demonstrated that in the solar atmosphere, at a distance of ninety-one millions of miles, substances such as sodium, calcium, barium, magnesium, iron, chro- mium, nickel and copper, zinc, strontium, cadmium, co- balt, hydrogen, manganese, aluminum and titanium, which enter into the composition of this earth, are present in the state of luminous gases. Simple elementary bodies, well known to us on this earth, have been shown to exist in the atmosphere of planets and fixed stars and comets. The discoveries of the spectroscope have confirmed those of the telescope, and established a uniformity of chemical composition, as well as of the physical constitution of mat- ter throughout the visible universe. Aggregated into masses which, though differing from one another in com- position, like the various veins of ore which occur in masses upon the surface of our globe ; yet, all suns, worlds and comets are evidently of common origin, all obey the same laws, and all possess a chemical nature similar in kind. Standing on the elevation below which the material uni- verse, in its everlasting order, lies fresh and youthful for- ever, the truth is borne to us, that the revolution of a planet is only the repetition of the fall of a stone; in the path of a 44 stone whirled through the air, the graceful curve of a jet of water, or the course of a drop of spray, in the energy through which a sparrow falls, we behold the power obeyed by the mightiest suns and planets of the universe. Throughout the realm of nature, the highest order cog- nizable by man is subject to profounder ordinances; pre- cisely as knowledge advances have the views of man been enlarged; once the thunder was a prodigy, yet it belongs to powers which beneficially nourish whatever is beautiful on the earth; the raging hurricane springs from the delicious breezes of the tropics, and is an essential portion of the harmonious system of the winds. In the universe change rises above change, cycle grows out of cycles in magnificent procession ; ever new and ever widening like the circles that emanate from a spark of flame, enlarging as they ascend, finally to be lost in the empy- reum. " And if all that we see; if from earth to sun, and from sun to universal star-work—that wherein' we but behold images of Eternity, Immortality and God; if that is only a state or phase of a course of being, rolling onward ever- more ; what must be the Creator, the Preserver, the Guide of all? He at whose bidding these phantoms came from nothingness, and shall again disappear; whose name amid all things alone is existence. I am in that I am.'" Logical Classification of the Departments of Science. In the pursuit of science, either as a means of develop- ing the faculties of the mind, or as a means of controlling the powers of nature, we should follow the historical de- velopment and logical classification of the various depart- ments of science. If the human intellect was able to view at once all the phenomena and laws of the universe, the classification and division of science into separate departments would be unnecessary, and all knowledge would be comprehended under one science. Some philosophers have even gone so 45 far as to suppose that all the laws of the universe will be ultimately reduced to a single all-pervading law, which will be the expression of all the facts and phenomena of the universe. Science being the interpretation of the actualities of the exterior world, the realities of existence, it is evident that it cannot be divided into different departments arbitrarily, but must be divided in accordance with the phenomena and laws of the exterior world, and of the phenomena of the mind. In the pursuit of science, either as a means of develop- ing the faculties of the mind, or as a means of controlling the powers of nature, we should follow the historical de- velopment and logical classification of the various depart- ments of science. Those sciences have attained to perfection first, which treat of the most general and simple phenomena, which form the foundation of complex restricted phenomena; the philosophical system of education should therefore com- mence with the study of the most general and universal sciences. Logic. Logic, the science of the laws of thought, which gov- ern every act of the mind, objective and subjective, in- ductive and deductive, was developed by Aristotle, when astronomy, mechanics and physics were nothing more than accumulations of isolated facts, and chemistry and physiology were without a name. Logic is the most general and abstract of all sciences, because the mind reasons in a fixed manner concerning all phenomena, and because the phenomena of the uni- verse, simple or complex, are related to each other in a fixed manner, and are governed by fixed laws, and because the human mind has been constructed with exact refer- ence, and in exact correspondence to the exterior universe. Logic, therefore, may be studied immediately after the study of languages, independent of all sciences; while 46 all sciences are constructed logically, and are therefore dependent upon logic: on the other hand, logic is necessa- rily connected with the philosophic study of language alone, for whenever the mind acts upon any subject, it acts according to certain laws, and under certain condi- tions. Mathematical Sciences. The mathematical sciences stand next to logic, because they are related to every branch of human knowledge, and are indebted to none, and enable the human mind to deduce the greatest results from the smallest data—and because they are the great instruments of exact inquiry relative to number, quantity, space, time and force, and consequently the great instrument of establishing the fixed relations of the component members of the universe, which exist in space and time, and are related to fixed laws. Without mathematics there could be no science of me- chanics, astronomy or physics, because abstract and concrete mathematics form not only the most powerful instrument in the investigation of the fixed relations of the component members of the universe, but they also con- stitute the great mass of astronomical and terrestrial physics. Without mathematics man would never have been. able to overcome the obstacles and barriers of nature, and control and direct the forces of matter and predict the course of future events, because without mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, the measurement of time and sys- tematic navigation which laid the foundation of the civili- zation of the world, would never have existed—without mathematics, the most splendid generalizations of the most splendid minds, of Galileo, of Newton, and of Laplace, would have been impossible, and the comprehension of the unity and harmony of the order of nature, and of the infinite power of the Creator, as manifested in the vast- ness of the universe, would never have been possible. All the useful and ornamental arts and occupations of life are 47 indebted to mathematics. Mathematics are necessary to the architect, miner, railroad constructor, civil engineer, mining engineer, machinist, surgeon, ship-builder, and military and nautical men. The architect in planning the humblest cottage, or in building the most lofty bridges and public edifices, has all his works in exact mathemati- cal measurements: out of geometry as applied to astrono- m\r, grew the art of navigation, which has made possi- ble the enormous foreign commerce which supports a large portion of our population. The success of nearly all modern manufactures depends on the application of rational mechanics: the properties of the lever, the wheel and axle, are involved in every machine, which must be regarded as a solidified mathematical theorem, and in the nineteenth century we owe nearly all production to machinery. These facts demonstrate not only the importance of mathematics, but also the true position which they should occupy in the scale of sciences, and in the true system of education: the study of mathematics is indispensably preliminary to the study of all sciences, and should there- fore, in conjunction with languages, form the point of de- parture of all education general or professional. The mathematical sciences should be studied in the order of their complexity, historical development, and logical classification. Thus, the study of abstract mathematics should precede the study of concrete mathematics; because, as an exten- sive and immense application of the principles of logic to number and quantity, they are purely instrumental, logical and rational, and form the necessary and absolute founda- tion of concrete mathematics, which notwithstanding the simplicity of the phenomena are founded upon observation of the exterior world. Mathematics are to be studied rather in their relations to the physical sciences, and necessary arts of civilized life, than for themselves as a means of developing the mental 48 faculties : for whilst they are of advantage in correcting the habit of mental distraction, and in cultivating the habit of continuous attention; the exclusive and extensive study of mathematics especially of the abstract division, so far from developing the powers of the mind most needed in the business of life, and in the discussion of the highest and most intricate truths, has a manifest tendency to debilitate the imagination, invention and reasoning fac- ulties, and induce scepticism in morals, philosophy and religion. To obtain the ends of education, concrete mathematics are more valuable than the abstract, because they exercise the powers of observation to a much greater extent, and the procedures are more open to the light, and are attended with greater consciousness and understanding. Astronomy. The application of the principles of abstract and con crete mathematics, to the most general phenomena of the universe known to the human mind, resulted in the estab- lishment of the fixed relations of number, form, quantity and arrangement and motions of those members of the universe whose phenomena came within the range of man's observation—resulted in the science of Astron- omy. The simplicity, and at the same time the univer- sality of the phenomena of astronomy; the necessity of the long drawn and complex reasonings of abstract and con- crete mathematics, of the principles of the calculus in its widest extent, of geometry, synthetic and analytic, and of mechanics, in solving the problems of astronomy; and the appearance of new phenomena and relations different from those of logic and mathematics, demonstrate that astronomy is more complex than mathemat- ics—demonstrate that the laws of astronomical phenom- ena could never have been determined without the aid of mathematics—demonstrate that in the logical classification and philosophical system of education, astronomy should stand next to mathematics. 49 In the survey of terrestrial bodies and phenomena which logically follow the study of astronomical phenomena, all bodies and phenomena are divided into two great classes, Inorganic and Organized. Physics, Chemistry and Physiology. Inorganic bodies enter into the structure of organized bodies, form the necessary conditions for their existence and the manifestation of their phenomena, and at the same time are wholly independent of organized animate bodies, are less complex in structure, and the laws of their existence are more universal; the study of inorganic bodies should therefore precede, and form the basis of the stud}- of organized bodies. The sciences of inorganic bodies should also be studied with strict reference to their historical development, and the position which they occupy in the scale of logical classification; thus physics, which teaches the laws of the general phenomena of bodies and of the general motions or affections of matter which are unat- tended by any permanent change of the individual mole- cules, as heat, light and electricity, and which affect all bodies in similar manners, should precede chemistry, which teaches the laws of the compositions and decompositions which result from the mutual actions of dissimilar mole- cules, and which in every instance present something specific. While Inorganic bodies are homogeneous in structure, and would remain forever at rest and unchanged, physically and chemically, unless acted upon by extraneous forces, organized animate beings on the other hand, although composed of inorganic elements and governed by all the laws of inorganic bodies, are not homogeneous in structure (all vegetables, from the simple cell to the most highly developed, and all animals, from the simple cell animalcule, to the complicated organism of man, are composed of cells, variously developed and grouped, so as to form organs and apparatus, capable of accomplishing definite results, when 4 50 moved by the physical and chemical forces, resulting from the changes of inorganic matter) ; and living bodies, even the simplest forms of vegetables and animals, manifest new phenomena, (the development of a form from a formless mass, and the preservation of that form amidst unceasing chemical and physical changes; nutrition, secretion and generation, due to the combined actions of the physical and chemical forces guided by the vital principle) ; and the higher forms of animated beings present another set of phenomena dependent upon the existence of the nervous system and intellectual faculties; and in man we have another set of phenomena dependent upon the constitution and relations of the intellectual and moral faculties ; it is evident therefore, not only that the phenomena of living beings, plants and animals, are more complicated and less general than those of inorganic inanimate bodies, but also that the study of organized beings should commence with the most simply constructed, the conditions of whose existence are less complicated, and proceed step by step, first through the vegetable kingdom and then through the animal kingdom up to the most complicated and restricted. The study of the mechanical, astronomical, physical, and chemical phenomena of the globe; the study of the me- chanical, physical and chemical structure and relations of all vegetables and animals; the study of the relations of the physical and chemical forces to each other, and the vital principle, form the necessary introduction to the study of the phenomena of man; the elements of whose physical structures are derived from the exterior world through the vegetable kingdom and undergo perpetual changes, like those carried on amongst the elements of the surrounding universe, under the action of the great forces, heat and gravitation, which work unceasingly throughout all nature —whose structures pass through successive stages of de- velopment, analogous to the progressing stages of develop- ment manifested in a permanent form in the lower animals, 51 and are worked by mechanical and physical forces—and whose intellect directs and controls the forces of matter. The complete knowledge of the relations of the intel- lectual and moral constitution of man alone, requires the knowledge of the relations of the moral and intellectual faculties of man, to the material structures by which they are surrounded—requires the knowledge of the nature, . origin and development of all science—requires the knowledge of the constitution, phenomena and progress of the moral and intellectual faculties as revealed in all history scientific, civil, and religious, past and present. Physiology. Physiology, which rests upon astronomy, physics, chemistry and anatomy, and which could never have at- tained to the rank of a science, without those fundamental sciences, should form the third grand division of medical sciences ; and can never be thoroughly comprehended with- out the knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry and anatomy. That physiological phenomena depend as absolutely for their existence and manifestation upon astronomical phenomena, as upon physical and chemical phenomena, may be rendered evident by even a casual glance at the facts, that astronomical phenomena affect all bodies, whether they belong to this world or to the countless sys- tems scattered through the great ocean of space; the law of gravity affects all bodies, inorganic and organic,inani- mate and animate, and forms an essential condition for the existence of the universe in its present order; the plants and animals of our globe have all been constructed with exact reference to its structure, mass, and force of gravitv, and the forces of the sun and sister planets, and fixed stars; if the mass and force of gravity of our earth were increased or diminished whilst the plants and animals retained their present constitution, the mechanics and chemistry of organized beings would be deranged ; the weight of the moon and her distance from the earth, the 52 ■distance of the earth from the sun and sister planets, the relations of the earth with the fixed stars, the length of the year and day, the inclination of the earth's axis, the size and shape of its orbit, and the duration and revolution of the seasons, and the character and intensity and distribution of the forces of the sun, have all been arranged by the great Architect, with exact reference to the constitution and preservation of the organized beings existing upon our# globe; a single alteration in the astronomical relations of our globe would result in the complete destruction of ani- mated beings. We will consider more fully the extensive application of the facts of chemistry, to all the arts of life—to metallurgy, to agriculture, to medicine and to physiology and hygiene. All the essential facts of physiology and of sanitary science rest absolutely upon the labors and discoveries of the chemist. It is to the chemist that we look for all the essential knowledge of the wonderful phenomena of circulation, respiration and nervous action. We have thus presented a general view of the relations of the grand divisions of science, and endeavored to un- fold the principles of the logical classification and philosoph- ical evolution of the departments of human knowledge. Field for Moral, Physical and Intellectual De- velopment of Man. The great fields for the physical, moral and intellectual development {education} of the human race are: ist. The Family. 2d. The Church. 3d. The School. 4th. The College. 5th. The University. The first four schools should furnish the essentials of a moral, intellectual, scientific and liberal education, and prepare the individual for the prosecution of special lines 53 of study, such as the application of physics and chemistry to the arts, agriculture and medicine, and furnish rules for the moral conduct of man in his social and political re- lations. The earliest education at all times, past and present, is. that of the family. Every child must be trained to acquire that knowledge and those arts which will help in the maintenance of the economy of the household and which will add to the com- fort, happiness and support of the parents. The child should be taught to yield cheerful and impli- cit obedience to the parental authority, and love should be founded upon mutual respect and confidence. As the family is the fountain of life and strength to the State and nation, we cannot have a law-abiding and united people, and a vigorous and healthy national life, if the edu- cation of the children in the family be defective. A wholesome respect for the sanctity and majesty of law must first be engendered in the heart of the boy in his own home and by the father and mother who bore him. Law- lessness and vice in the social relations, and corruption in politics and injustice in the conduct of government and in the administration of the laws, have their origin in defective family education. We cannot expect the development of a. pure, healthy and noble race of women and men, when the blood of the mother and father has been poisoned by the contagion of vice, and the debasing effects of alcohol. Can the vulture breed the eagle? Can the jackal en- gender the lion? From all ages the Church has been a source of education* The earliest physical and intellectual training of man was acquired by the practice of the arts of the chase and war, and subsequently of those of agriculture. Savage man viewed all natural phenomena with superstitious awe, and he was easily led to hero worship, and the erection of the physical forces of nature, into innumerable benign and evil deities, the fantastic creation of his own fears and imagina- 54 tion. The belief in the immortality of the soul, and of a fu- ture existence of pain or pleasure in accordance with the good or bad acts of each individual, has been wide-spread at all times and amongst most races, and has underlain and given form and life to religious superstitious systems, beliefs and rights. As soon as an educated priesthood took the place of diviners, sorcerers and jugglers, who abused the credulity of the earlier races, the Priest or representative of the superstitious and religious ideas, became a potent factor in the affairs of education, as well as those of government. We find the Schools of the Prophets established at an early day in Egypt and Persia. The training required for imposing religious ceremonials, the life of the priest apart from the family, the accomplish- ments of writing, reading and music, formed a nidus for the organization of culture, and an opportunity for the efforts of a philosopher in advance of his age. The schools of Egypt, Assyria and Persia, although in a manner theo- logical, were largely educational. The Hebrews had little or no effect upon the progress of science, but the obliga- tions of the human race to the learning and science of the priests of the Nile valley are great indeed. Much of their learning is obscure at this day ; but there is reason to con- clude that there is no branch of science in which they did not progress, at least so far as observation and careful registration of facts could carry them. The priests of Egypt were a source of enlightenment to surrounding nations, even to the great law-giver of the Hebrews; and those poets, historians and philosophers who at a later age were most active in stimulating the nas- cent energy of Hellas, were careful to trace their ideas and philosophy and cosmogonies and arts to the wisdom of the Egyptians. Greece, in giving her undying name to the lit- erature of Alexandria, was only repaying the debt she had incurred centuries before. Education became secular in those countries where the 00 priesthood did not exist as a separate body. At Rome, until Greece took her conqueror captive, a child was trained in the arts of life in the Forum and in the Senate House. The Greeks were the first to de/elop a system of educa- tion distinct from ecclesiastic training, and Plato is the author of the first systematic treatise on education. The University. The university should furnish great libraries, museums, laboratories, schools of arts and sciences, lecture rooms, lec- turers, instructors, original investigators, philosophers and learned professors, with every facility and appliance for the full and free prosecution of the highest branches of human knowledge. The fully equipped university should embrace distinct departments for theoretical, practical, scientific and pro- fessional education, as: i. Natural History.—(a) Botany; (b) Mineralogy; (c) Zoology; (d) Biology; (e) Comparative Anatomy; (f) Ethnology; (g) Physiology; (h) Climatology; (i) Physical Geography; (j) Geology: (k) Natural History, or geographical distribution and progressive development and comparative embryology and structure of plants, ani- mals and man. 2. Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Mechanics and Chemistry.—(a) Mathe- matics, theoretical and applied, abstract and concrete; (b) Astronomy; (c) Physics ; (d) Mechanics; (e) Civil Engineering; (f) Metallurgy; (g) Mining Engineering; (h) Mineralogy; (i) Chemistry, inorganic and organic; (j) Technical Chemistry; (k) Agricultural Chemistry; (1) Agriculture. 3. Medical Science and Art.—(a) Physics in their relations to mechanical, chemical, cosmic and vital phenomena ; (b) Inorganic and Organic Chemistry; (c) Chemistry in its application to the preparation, manufac- ture and determination of reagents, tests, chemicals and 56 medicinal agents; (d) Physiological Chemistry;(z)Patho- logical Chemistry: (f) Materia Medica, medical botany, medical mineralogy, physical and chemical and therapeut- ical properties, and physiological and toxicological action of remedial agents—natural history, origin and preparation of mineral and vegetable medicines; (g) Comparative and Human Anatomy; (h) Pathological Anatomy; (i) Pathol- ogy;(j) Biology, embryology; (k) Physiology, compara- tive and human; (1) Therapeutics; (m) Toxicology; (n) Theory and Practice of Medicine ; (o) Obstetrics; gyne- cology ; abdominal and genitourinary surgery; (p) Diseases of Women and Children ; (q) Theoretical and Practical Surgery, surgical pathology, laryngology, dental and aural surgery; ophthalmology, otology, surgery of abdominal and genito-urinary organs; (r) Hygiene; (s) Medical Jurisprudence. 4. Legal Science.—(a) General Principles of Civil, Commercial and International Law; (b)Civil Law; (^Crim- inal Law ; (d) Commercial Law; (e) National and Inter- national Law. • 5. Language.—(a) Ancient Languages: Sanscrit, Arabic, Chinese, Hindoo, Egyptian, Greek, Latin; (b) Modern Languages: English, French, German, Russian, Italian and Spanish; (c) Philosophy of Language; (d) History of Language, mode of origin and progressive de- velopment. 6. History.—(a) History of Ancient Nations; (b) History of Modern Nations; (c) Philosophy of History. 7. Military Science. 8. Naval Science. 9. Theology.—(a) Didactic; (b) Pastoral; (c) Logic; (d) Mental Philosophy; (e) Philology; (f) Languages: Sanscrit, Hebrew, Egyptian, Greek, Latin; (g) Natural Theology; (h) Theoretical and Practical Theology. 10. Arts—Fine Arts.—(a) Drawing; (b) Painting; (c) Sculpture ; (d) Music ; (e) Poetry. It appears to be reasonable to hold that the United 0< States of America should establish at a locality as near as possible to the center of population of the Republic, a NationalUniversity to which all the colleges and univer- sities of the individual States should be tributary. Each State should be represented by its most eminent men in the various branches of human knowledge, and the National University should be amply endowed with schol- arships, to be filled by the most intelligent and worthy young men of the several States, who have won their special positions by competitive examinations. Thus, the humblest, as well as the richest citizen of the United States, would have an opportunity, upon merit, and merit alone, to enter the door of the temple and be maintained free of expense during the prosecution of his studies, and would have unfolded to him the theoretical and practical learn- ing, wisdom and science of all countries and of all ages. The National University should be removed from political influences and should be situated within the great valley of the Mississippi, so as to be equally accessible to all por- tions of this vast republic. The government of the United States of America maintains its army and navy, and its military and naval schools; why then should not the money of the people be applied to the accomplishment of the greatest good by the development and education of the highest and noblest powers, intellectual and moral, of her citizens? The system of education in each State should be mod- elled upon the highest and most philosophic plan, and the individual public schools, colleges and State universities should form component parts of one grand system, culmi- nating and finding its highest expression in the National University. Each State should organize a graded system of public schools and colleges, from the grammar school up to the university. Education descends from above to the masses; from the highly educated to the ignorant; hence, the State promotes the highest ends of education, not merely by the estab- 58 lishment of common schools, accessible to all, but also by founding and sustaining institutions in which the highest and best instruction in the branches of theoretical and ap- plied science, in chemistry, mathematics, mechanics, phys- ics, agricultural chemistry, languages, law, medicine, and in all the branches of human knowledge, maybe accessible to the best minds in the commonwealth. Medical Education. The principles upon which the education of medical students should be conducted do not differ from those already unfolded; the student who designs becoming a physician should, in his collegiate course, bend his mental energies to those branches of science as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Comparative Anatomy, Physiology and Botany, which are most intimately connected with the science of medicine. The want of preliminary and thorough scientific training is the source of incalculable and almost unremed- iable difficulty to the medical student in the pursuit of the different branches of Medical Science. It is of importance that the medical student should form correct and enlarged views, as to the nature, scope and mutual relations of the different branches of knowledge included under the general term Medical Science. Up to a comparatively recent period the majority of American medical colleges presented in their working courses seven Professorships or Lectureships under the following heads: i. Chemistry and Pharmacy. 2. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 3. Anatomy. 4. Physiology and Pathology. 5. Obstetrics. 6. Surgei-y. 7. Theory and Practice of Medicine. The advances made in all branches of knowledge, and especially in the science of medicine, during the past 59 century have exceeded in extent and value those of all past ages ; and it is no longer possible to compress its vast domain within the narrow limits of "Seven Professor- ships," or to compass its circle within the brief span of less than THIRTY MONTHS. The present age owes its wonderful progress to experi- mental scientific research. The value and perfection of modern educational systems are due to a large extent to practical demonstrations in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology, pathology, thera- peutics and clinical medicine. Universities of learning and science must be regarded as composed of two distinct bodies. On the one hand must be ranged the organizing powers and executive officers—the trustees and professors; and on the other hand, the greater and more useful body, the grand army of the Alumni. The voice of the latter should not be silent, but should speak in thunder tones, demanding a firm, wise and steady enlargement and practical advance of the colleges and universities all along the lines of literature, art and science. We propose to consider the relations of the various branches of knowledge, grouped under the head of the Art and Science of Medicine, and to present such an analysis of each, as shall illustrate at once their mutual and scientific development and possibilities. In accordance with the principles of classification previously laid down we shall proceed from the general to the complex and restricted. The science of medicine will thus resemble a pyramid, the broad base of which rests upon the physical and chemical phenomena of inorganic, organic and living matter. Physics and Chemistry. The study of the physical forces should precede that of chemistry proper. The science of chemistry has contributed more to the physical and industrial progress and wealth of the human 60 race than all the other branches of knowledge. Chemistry- is the basis of hygiene and physiology, and it has furnished facts of inestimable value to the agriculturist, to the mining engineer, and to the manufacturing chemist. The introduction of the study of inorganic and organic chemistry into the public schools of Louisiana and of all the States and territories of the Republic will not only aid in the intellectual training of the children, but will aid materially in the agricultural and mining progress and de- velopment of the States. Chemistry is an experimental science. Its conclusions and principles are supported by facts. If our knowledge were bounded simply by the observation of the facts and phenomena presented by nature it would be limited and uncertain in its nature. To supply the deficiency, the philosopher has resorted to experiments. It may be said, without exaggeration, that nine-tenths of the facts upon which the science of chemistry is found- ed have been evolved by artificial means; and without the great body of truth thus furnished by experiment, the: science could not have existed. It is impossible for the student of ch emistry and of medical science, to overestimate the importance of this great branch of knowledge, which not only enlarges to the greatest extent the power and dominion of man over the powers and properties of matter, administers to the wants and comforts and pleasures of life, and arms the skillful physician with his most sure and potent weapon in the treatment and prevention of disease, but it also, in a pre-eminent degree, develops and strengthens the mind of the medical student, by the habit of careful experimental research, accurate observation and patient and deep thought, which its practical study in the laboratory de- velopes. In becoming familiar with chemical experiments and manipulation, the medical student not only observes the most important properties and phenomena of nature, by 61 .actual demonstrations, but he gains that knowledge which may enable him when properly applied, to extend the bounds of our knowledge. After he has learned not only how to devise experiments, but also skillfully to perform them, whenever a doubt or question arises in his mind, as for instance concerning the purity and efficacy of his drugs, or the nature and action of morbid products, he will find that it will be best answered by the result of actual experiment. Whatever preliminary knowledge therefore enables the medical student to perform experiments in the quickest and most correct manner, should be esteemed by him of the utmost value. Experiment becomes to the student like the external senses to the mind—channels of information, by not merely unfold'ng and illustrating the direct object of inquiry, but also opening collateral views, which pursued and extended, terminate in additional chains of information and discovery. "Nothing" as Dr. Johnson observes, "is to be consider- ed as a trifle by which the mind is inured to caution, fore- sight and circumspection. The same skill, and often the .same degree of skill, is exerted in great and little things." Medical Physics ane Medical Chemistry. A comprehensive course of lectures on Medical Physics and Medical Chemistry, to be of practical value to the practitioner of medicine, should embrace : I. Medical Physics. Molecular Constitution of Matter. Specific Grav- ity. Weights and Measures. Osmosis. Diffusion of Gases. Heat. Manufacture and Uses of Thermometers. Agencies of Heat. Cli- mate. Heat as a Therapeutical Agent. Sources of Heat. Light. Structure and Uses of the Microscope. The Spectroscope and Spectroscopic Analysis. Relations of Light and Heat to Plants and Animals. Electricity, Static and Dynamic. Magnetism. Gal- vanism. Relations of Elect.icity to Chemical Affinity. Agencies of Electricity. Application of Electricity to the treatment of dis- eases. Relations of the Physical, Chemical and Vital Forces. II. Medical Chemistry. Chemical Affinity. Chemical Nomenclature and Notation. Classification of Elements and their Compounds. Chemical Reagents. Analysis. Synthesis. Inorganic Chemistry. Chemistry of the Non-Metals. Pharmaceutical Operations with the Metalloids. Toxic properties and therapeutic properties of the G2 Non metals and their Compounds. Chemistry of the Metals. Phar- maceutical prerarations of the Metals and their Compounds. Or- ganic Chemistry. Carbon and its Compounds. Pharmaceutical preparation, therapeutic application and toxic properties of Or- ganic Compounds. III. Vegetable Chemistry. TV. Animal Chemistry. V. Pathological Chemistry. Each simple body may be considered in its relations to the physical forces, and with reference to its relative chem- ical powers, as will be fully illustrated by the following tables: Table I. — Classification of the Elements in Electro-Chemical, Magnetic and Diamagnetic Order. ,----Electro-Chemical Order.----> Electro Negative. Electro-Positive. Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Chromium, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Boron, Carbon, Antimony, Tellurium, Silicon, Hydrogen, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Mercury, Silver, Copper, Bismuth, Tin, Lead, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Uranium, Aluminium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium. -----Magnetic Magnetic, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, Chromium, Cerium, Titanium, Palladium, Crown Glass, Platinum, Osmium, Oxjgen. and Diamagnetic.-----v Diamagnetic. Bismuth, Phosphorus, Antimony, Zinc, Silico-bor. of lead Tin, Cadmium, Sodium, Flint Glass, Mercury, Lead, Silver, Copper, Water, Gold, Alcohol, Ether, Arsenicum. Uranium, Rhodium, Iridium, Tungsten, Nitrogen. G3 Table II.—Classification of the Elements in Groups, According to Their CHEMICAL EQUIVALENCY™ Relation to Hydrogen. The Atom of One Element is by no Means Necessarily Equivalent in Chemical Power to the Atom of Another Element. MONADS. DYADS. Elements Elements UsuallyEqui- Usually Equi- valent to Atom ol Hydrogen. Hydrogen. Fluorine. Chlorine. Bromine. Iodine. Lithium. Sodium. Potassium. Rubidium. Caesium. Thallium. Silver. valent to 2 Atoms of Hydrogen. TRIADS. TETRADS. Elements Elements Usually Equi- Usually Equi- valent to 3 valent to 4 Atoms of Atoms of Hydrogen. Hydrogen. PENTADS. HEXADS. Elements Elements UsuallyEqui- UsuallyEqui- Nitrogen. Carbon. Phosphorus.Silicon. Arsenicum. Titanium. Antimony. Tin. valent to 5 Atoms of Hydrogen. Niobium. Tantalum. Bismuth. Gold. Rhodium. Zirconium. Thorium. Lead. Platinum. valent to 6 Atoms of Hydrogen.. Molybde- num. Vanadium. Tungsten. Osmium. Chromium Manganese Oxygen. Sulphur. Selenium. Tellurium. Barium. Strontium, Cadmium. Magnesium Boron. Zinc. Aluminium. Palladium. Copper. Iridium. Mercury. Ruthenium. Lanthanum Iron. Didymium. Cobalt. Glucinum. Nickel. Cerium. Uranium. The equivalent power of an element may be indicated by affixing dashes or Roman numerals to its symbol. Table III.—Classification of the Elements. I.—Non-Metals, The non-metallic elements are fourteen in number, exclusive of Arse- nic, which by some chemists has been grouped with Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium and Phosphorus. We have, however, classed Arsenicum amongst the metals which it resembles in some of its properties. Atomic Weight. 35-37 (0- (3) (5) Atomic Weight. 15.96 Symbol, Oxygen,................O Hydrogen.............H 1 Nitrogen.............N 14.01 Carbon................C 11.97 Phosphorus..........P 30.96 Sulphur.................S 3!-°S Selenium............Se 78.0 Tellurium...........T 128.0 Svmbol. (2). Chlorine....................CI Bromine..................Br Iodine...........................I Fluorine ..F (4). Boron..............B Silicon......................Si II.—Metals: 49 in number. Potassium..........K Sodium...............Na 22.99 Lithium..............Li 7.01 Rubidium...........Rb 85.2 Caesium..........Cs 133.0 (6). Calcium Ca 39.9 Strontium.......... St 87.2 Barium........---Ba 136.8 39.04 (11). Manganese...........Mn Iron...........................Fe Cobalt......................Co Nickel...................Ni (12). Chromium..............Cr Molybdenum.......Mo Tungsten...............W Uranium ............ Y 79-75 126.53 19.00 11.0 2S.0 54-8 55-9 58.6 58.6 52-4 95-6 184.6 240.0 64 (7). Beryllum...........Be 90. (13). Tin.............................Sn ii7.8 Magnesium....., Mg 23.94 Titanium................-^ 4^_- Zinc....................Zn 64.9 Ziiconium................^r 9°>° Cadmium..........Ca m.6 Thorium..................lh 23 J-J (8). Lead.................Pb 2064 (14). Vanadium.................^ M- Thallium............Th 203.6 Arsenicum...............As 74-9 (9). Copper...............Cu 63.0 Antimony...............&b 12-.U y9) Silver.................Ag to7.66 Bismuth...................-Bi 210.0 Mercury .........Hg 198.8 Tantalum...............Ja 182.0 Niobium...................>-b 94-° f 10). Yttrium.............Y 93- . T^A , 1 Cerium.............Ct 141.2 (15). Gold.........................A" ^ Lanthanum.......La 139.0 Platinum.................It 190-<_ Didvmium ........Di. 14?- Iridium......................-Ir I9£-/ Erbium............Er 169. Osmium...................Us 19&.0 Aluminium.......Al 27.3 113.4 (16). Ruthenium..............Ku 103.5 Rhodium.............Rh 104.1 Palladium...............Pd 106.2 Of these 63 elements, a distinction must be drawn as to their relative utility and importance to the medical student; and this elimination of the extended consideration of the more rare and less useful elements and their compounds from the curriculum of medical chemistry has proved of value and great importance to the speaker, in that it has en- abled him to concentrate the energies of his students upon those elements and their compounds which enter into the composition of the body of man, and which furnish his most valuable remedial agents. This proposition will be illustrated by the following: Table IV.—Elements Concerned in the Chemical Changes Taking Place in Life. Non-Metallic- Oxygen, Sulphur, Potassium, Aluminium, Hydrogen, Sodium, Iron, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon, Calcium, Manganese. Chlorine, Magnesium. Silicon, Iodine. Of the preceding 16 simple bodies connected with the chemical changes taking place in life, we find that very few are absolutely essential to the formation of the proto- plasm of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, namely: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. Oxygen and ni- trogen constitute the atmosphere; oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water, the most widely diffused of all 65 liquids, and absolutely essential to all animal and vegetable development, evolution and growth; carbon, in various combinations with oxygen and hydrogen, forms the basis and frame-work of all organic compounds. The physics and chemistry of water embrace the phys- ics and chemistry of the crust of our globe and of the ani- mal and vegetable kingdoms. Without the physical and chemical properties of water we could have no manifestation of animal or vegetable life. Without the peculiar chemical and physical constitu- tion of the atmosphere all life would be impossible as now known to the human intellect. Of the*'63 elements only 4 occur in the air; about 30 have been detected in the sea, and the remainder are found irregularly distributed through the solid mass of our earth. The following table gives the proportion of the chief con- stituents of the earth's crust: all the other elements occur in quantities less than any of those mentioned. Table V.— The Composition of the Earth's Solid Ciu->t in 100 Parts by Weight. Oxygen......................44.01048.7 Calcium......................6.6 to 0.9 Silicon................................22.8 to 36.2 Magnesium......... 2.7 to 0.1 Aluminium ........................ 9.9 to 6.1 Sodium................... 2.4102.5 Iron .................................. 9.9 to 2.4 Potassium.........................1.7103.1 What determined this distribution of the elements? Why should oxygen, the most important of all elements to the origin and development and perfection of plants, be at the same time the most abundant and widely distributed of all the elements? Did the vegetable and animal kingdoms pre-arrange and pre-determine the chemical and physical proportions and relation of the crust of the globe and its aqueous and aerial envelopes ? Were the forces emanating from the sun, by which all vegetable and animal life is sustained on this earth, engen- dered by, or in any manner related, as cause and he physical and chemical forces of the sun? 5 G« Everywhere in this universe we find a mutual relation and correlation of the physical and chemical forces; and upon their uniform relations or laws, as determined by one all-pervading and all-mighty cause, rest manifestations of life and intellect. The great importance of a thorough knowledge of the chemistry of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen to the medi- cal student and practitioner, is most clearly illustrated by the following table, giving the chemical equivalents of cer- tain organic compounds: Table IV.— \l Equivalents. Albuminoids (Liebe kuhn), Kreatin....................... ......C4HuN30, ......................C7 H112NlsS023 Kreatinin ................. .....C4H7NiO P2xcretin...................... C7JtH1:,hS02 Uric or lithic acid..... C,H4N4Oa Taurocholic acid...... C26H4,N07S Urea........................... ...CH4N..O Glvcocholic acid....... C26H43NOa Oxalic acid............. .... c,n,o, Cholic acid.......... C4H4(>0, .....GeH10Or, Taurin ....................... C2H7NO,S Dextrin ................ ......C.H^O, Glycocin.................... .CIL.NO, Glycogen................. • C0Hl0O, Bilirubin ... ..CiaH1HN203 Cane sugar............... C12H,.,011 Biliverdin................... C18H20N2O;, Glucose .................... CH, 20(i Tyrosin ....................... -C,HnN03 Lactose ................... ......C0H12O8 CfiH)3N02 Inosite ....... C0Hi 2Oti Hippuric acid ......... C9H9N03 Lievulose.................... C^H! 20(i Xanthin................... C0H4N4O, Cholesterin............. ......C26H440 Cvstin........................ C,H7NSO, For purposes of systematic study we have arranged the non-metals in four groups and the metals in twelve groups, but it must be observed, i. That such classifications are, to a certain extent, arbitrary. Thus we may arrange the metals in eight groups as follows : i. Metals of the Alkalies, 5 in number— 1, Potassium; 2, Sodium, 3, Lithium; 4, Caesium; 5, Rubidium. 2. Metals of the Alkaline Earths, 3 in number—6, Barium; 7 Strontium: 8, Calcium. 3. Metals of the Earths,S in number—9, Aluminium : 10, Glucinum ; 11, Yttrium; 12, Erbium;i3, Terbium; 14, Cerium; ^Lanthanum; 16, Di- dymium. 4. Metals More or Less Analogous to Iron, 6 in number__17, Cobalt;i8, Nickel; 19, Uranium; 20, Iron; 21, Chromium; 22, Manganese. 5. Magnesian Metals, 3 in number—23, Magnesium; 24, Zinc: 25, Cadmium. 6. Metals Which Yield Acids When Their Higher Oxides are Combined With Water, 12 in number—26, Tin ; 27, Titanium ; 28 Zir- conium; 29, Thorium; 30, Molybdemum; 31, Tungsten; 32, Niobium; 33, Tantalum; 34, Vanadium; 35, Arsenicum 136, Antimony; 37, Bismuth. 07 7. Four Metals—38, Coppei ; 39, Lead; 40, Thallium; 41, Iridium. 8. Noble Metals, 9 in number—42, Mercury; 43, Silver; 44, Gold; 40, Platinum; 46, Palladium ; 47, Rhodium ; 48, Ruthenium; 49, Osmium; 59, Iridium. If a strictly natural order were to be followed in group- ing the elements it would be necessary to modify the fore- going arrangement. In many instances these natural relations between the individual elements thus grouped together are very striking, in others they are more obscurely marked and in the case of the metals of the earth proper, as well as of the noble metals, the natural chemi- cal relations of their elements with the others are as yet but incompletely known. The metals may also be classified for analytical purposes and for purposes of ready detection, according to their be- havior with certain chemical reagents as hydrosulphuric acid, hydrosulphate of ammonia and carbonate of am- monia, as in the following table. ANALYTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE METALS. 1. n. in. iv. v. Metals, the solu- tions of which are precipitated hy HYDRO- CHLORIC ACID, because their com- pounds -with chlorine (chlo- rides) are in- soluble or nearly so, in water and in diluted acids. Lead. Silver. Mercury (in the mercur- o u s or proto-salts) Metals,thesolu- tions of which are precipitated liv HYDRO- S'ULPHCRIC ACID in the presence o( iiydrochl o r i c acid, because their c o m - pounds with sulphur (sul- phides) are in- soluble in water and cold diluted acids. Lead. Mercury (in the mercu- ric or per- salts). Bismuth. Copper. Tin. Antimony. Arsenic. Metals, the solu- tions of which are precipitated by HYDRO SULPHATE OFAMMONIA in the presence of amm o n i a , because the sul- phides of the first rive and the oxides of the last two are in- soluble in water and in ammonia or its salts. Iron. Nickel. Cobalt. Manganese. Zinc. Aluminium. Chromium. Metals, the solu- tions of which are precipitated by CARBO- NATE OF AMMONIA be- cause their car- bonates are in- soluble in water and in ammonia or its salts. Barium. Strontium. Calcium. Metals,thesolu tions of which are not precipi- tated by the foregoing tests. Magnesium. Potassium. Sodium. Ammonium. The preceding facts illustrate the vast extent and com- plexity of the science of chemistry, and the impossibility of covering the entire field in the short space of five months. C8 The great defect in the system pursued in the majority of American medical colleges is the want, in the first place, of preliminary training, and, in the second place, of the necessary time, and, in the third place, of carefully graded courses. It is manifestly impracticable for the professor of chem- istry to give an equal amount of time to the consideration of the individual elements. An extended experience as a teacher of medical chemis- istry has led to the adoption of the following plan of in- struction as best adapted to establish the most thorough knowledge of those branches of chemical science which will be of the greatest scientific and practical utility to the medical student and practitioner: ist. The individual elements are considered in their relative importance in their relations to the chemical con- stitution and piocesses, and to the treatment of diseases of man, as in the following order : Non Metals. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Nitrogen, Carbon. Phosphorus. Sulphur. Chlorine. Bromine. Iodine. Metals. I. Potassium. 2. Sodium. 3- Calcium. 4- Magnesium 5- Iron. 6. Antimony. 7- Arsenic. S. Mercury. 9- Lead. IO. Copper. n. Zinc. 12. Silver. '3- Bismuth. «4- Tin. i;. Nickel. 16. Gold. 17- Manganese. iS. Lithium. 2d. Each element is considered in its four-fold rela- tions, namely : (a) Natural history, properties, geological and geo- graphical distribution, mode of extraction and prepara- tion. (b) Physical and chemical properties, relations and compounds. G'J (c) Physiological and therapeutical properties and re- lations. Relations to organic compounds. (d) Poisonous properties. Toxic effects and anti- dotes. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The complexity and the vastness of the field now covered by the modern science of Organic Chemistry may be demonstrated by a mere enumeration of the more im- portant chemical processes and compounds. Organic Chemistry, or the Chkmistry of the Hydro carbons and their derivatives. Organic Analyses: Classification of Organic Bodies; Metamorphorsis; Synthesis. Differences between Organized and Organic Bodies. Differ ences between Organic and Inorganic Compounds. Ultimate Organic Analysis: Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxy- gen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Phosphorus, Sulphur, and other elements. Calculation of Analysis, Determination of Vapor Density. Determination of Molecular Formula*. Empirical and Rational Formula?. Classification of the Carbon Compounds. I. Fatty Bodies.—Paraffins. Fractional distillation. II. The Compounds of the Monad Alcohol Radicals. The Alcohols and their Derivatives. General Principles of Classifica- cation, Homologous Series; Illustration from the Alcohols. Collateral series. Theory of Compound Radicals. Theory of Isolated Radicals— Atoms. Molecules. Chemical Types. Theory o*f Multivalent or Polyad Elejnents. Production of Chemical Metamorphosis by Oxidation, Reduction and Substitution. Synthesis of Organic Compounds. Different Varieties of Fermentation. Products of Fermentation. Synthesis of the Primary Alcohols and the Fatty Acids. Secondary Alcohols and Ketnos. Tertiary Alcohols. The Methyl Group. Methane or Methyl Hydride. Methyl Alcohol. Methyl Oxide or Di-Methyl Ether. Ethereal Salts of Methyl. Sulphur, Tellurium, Selenium, Compounds of Methyl. Nitrogen Bas"is of Methyl, Cyanogen, Compounds of Methyl. Nitro-compounds of Methyl. Phosphorus Compounds of Methyl. Ar- senic Compound* of Methyl, Cacodyl or Dimethylarsine Compounds. Compounds of Methyl with Antimony, Boron, and Silicon. Metallic Compounds of Methyl, Trichlormethane or Chloroform. The Formyl Group. Formic Aldehyde: Formic Acid, the Formates. The Ethyl Group. Ethane, Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholometry. The Alcoho- lates, Eth vlates, Ethyl Ether.or Ethvl Oxide, Chlorine substitution products of Ether." The Ethereal Salts of Ethyl or Ethyl Compound Ethers: Ethyl Sulphuric Acid, Ethvl Sulphates, Ethyl Nitrites and Nitrates, Phosphites and Phosphates of Ethyl. Arsenites, Arsenates and Borates of Ethyl, Ethyl Silicates, Carbonates, Ethyl Formates, Sulphur Compounds of Ethyl, 70 Xanthic Acid, Compounds of Ethyl with Selenium and Tellurium, Ni- trogen bases of Ethyl, Cyanogen Compounds of Ethyl, Ethylated I'reas, Ethyl Semicarbonides, Ethylated Thio-Ureas, Nitro-Compounds of Ethyl, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, Boron and Silicon Compounds with Ethyl, Compounds of Ethyl with the metals. Actyl Compounds: Acetic Acid, the Acetates or the Salts and Ethers of Acetic Acid, Haloid Compounds of Acetyl, Sulphur and Nitrogen Compounds of Acetyl. Acetonitril and its Derivatives. Methyl Cyanide, Pulmonuric Acid. Substitution Products of Acetic Acid. Chlorine substitution products, Mono-Chloracetic Acid, Dichloracetic Acid, Trichloracetaldehyde or Chloral, Chloral Hydrate, Trichloracetic Acid, Bromine and Iodine sub- stitution products. ///. Compounds Containing Three Atoms of Carbon, or the Pro- phyl Group. IV. Compounds of Four Atoms of Carbon or the Butyl Group. V. Compounds Containing Five Atoms of Carbon or the Pentvl Group. Pentane and its derivatives. Isopentine and its derivatives. The A my I Compounds. The Amyl Ethers. VI. Compounds with Six Atoms of Carbon or the Ilexyl Group. VII. Compounds Containing Seven Atoms of Carbon or thk Heptyl Group. VIII. Compounds Containing Eight Atoms of Carbon or the Octyl Group, Octyl Compounds, Tetra-Methyl, Butane and its derivatives, Ilex-Methyl Ethane, Octric Acids. IX. Compounds Containing Nine Atoms of Carbon or the Nonyl Group. A'. Compounds Containing Ten Atoms of Carbon or the Decalyl Group, the Capric or Decalyl Acids. XI. Compounds Containing Eleven Atoms of Carbon or the Hendccatyl Group. XII. Compounds Containing Tv.'elvc Atoms of Carbon or the Dodecatyl Group. XIII. Compounds Containing Thirteen Atoms of Carbon or the Tridecatyl Group. t XIV. Compounds Containing Fourteen Atoms of Carbon or the Tetrad f.catyl Group. XV. Compounds Containing Fifteen Atoms of Carbon or the Pev- tadec atyl Group. A'lY. Compounds Containing Sixteen Atoms of Carbon or the Hecdecatyl Group. XVII. Compounds Containing Seventeen Atoms of Carbon. XVIII. Compounds Containing Eighteen Atoms of Carbon. AYA'. Fatty Acids Containing from Nine to Twenty-five Atoms of Carbon. The Waxes, Fatty Acids, Soap. A'A'. Compounds Containing Divalent Radicals. Dyad Alcohol Radi- cals. Dioxysuccinic or a Tartaric Acid. Uric Acid Derivatives. The aloxan, para- banic, and allantoin groups, xanthine, sarcine, and guanene caffeine and theobromine guanines. XXI. Compounds of Trivalents or Triad Radicals. Propenyl alcohol or glycerine—the fats orglvcerides and glycine acid. 71 XXII. Compounds of the Monad-Alcohol Radicals. Compounds con- taining from ten to fifteen atoms of carbon. Oleic Acid. XXIII. Tribasic Acids. Citric Acid, Citrates, Aconitic Acid. XXIV. Drying Oils: A'AT. Alcohols of the Tctratomic Radicals. Alcohols of the Hexatomtc. Radicals. Carbohydrates. The sugar group. The Amylose group The Saccharoses. XXVI. Aromatic Compounds, or Compounds Rich in carbon. Aro- matic hydrocarbons. Isomerism in the aromatic group. XXVII. Dihydroxy-benzine and allied products. XXVIII. Trihydroxy-bcnzine, Pyrogallol. A'A/A". Diamidobcnzeues. A'A A'. Essential Oils and Resins. Essences, Resins and Glucosides Coloring Matters, Ycllv-v Dyes, Red Dyes, Blue Dyes. Products of Destructive Destination. Compounds of Cyanogen: Bases of Animal Origin, L'ric Acid and its dei natives. \ \ AY. Bases of Animal Origin. — Urea, Kreatine, Kreatinine, Sarkosine, Methyluramine, Guanine, Xanthine, Ilvpozanthine, Glycosine, Alanine, Leucine, Tyrosine. XXXII. Uric Acid and its Derivatives, Urates, Products of the decom- position of Uric Acid. V \ XIII. Albuminoid and Gelatinous Principles.—Gelatine, Products of the Oxidation of the Albuminoid and Gelatigenous Groups. Protein and its Derivatives,Albumin, Paralbumin,Globulin,Yitellin, Fibrin, Casein, Legumin, Gelatin, Orsein, Chondrin. \ V V/U. Chemical Properties of the Solids and Fluids of Animals. Bones, Cartilage, Silk, Feathers, Hair Sponge, Chitin Cartilage, Muscular Tissue, Juice of Flesh, Inosic Acid, Inisate, Inosui (Muscle-Sugar). . CompSnents of the Brain. Cerebric and Oleophosphonc Acids, Mvelin,Protagon and Neurine. Plas'.ic Nutrient Animal Liquids. Blood, Hemoglobin,Cruronn or Hamiato-Crvstalin, Hematin or ILematosin. The Chyle," Milk, Lymph, Saliva, Gastric Juice, Pancreatic Juice, Mucus-Mucin. . The Bile.—Glvcocholic Acid, Cholic Acid, Cholates, Choloidic Acid Dvslvsin, Choloidanic Acid, Taurocholic or Cholic Acid, Hvocholic "Acid, Taurin, Cholesterin, Cholesterolin, Cholesteric Acid, Lithofellic Acid, Biliary Calculi, Colouring Matters of the Bile,'Bilirubin, Cholepyrrhin, Biliverdin. \\\V Escremeniitious Products.— The Urine in Health and " ' ' Disease, Constituents of the Urine, Normal, Abnormal, Urinarv Sediments and Calculi, Diabetic Urine, Albuminous Urine. Sweat, Cutaneous Excretions, Pulmonary Excretions, Solid Excrements, Excreatine, Excretolic Acid. We have thus only given the mere names of the subjects and genera of the substances which at present are group- ed under the head of "Organic Chemistry," and the bare recital of this formidable catalogue is sufficient to appal and dishearten the brightest and most sanguine student. 72 How absolutely essential to the progress of the medical students is the faithful guidance of the professor of chem- istry who after a survey of the entire domain of organic chemistry selects, arranges and illustrates those subjects and substances which are of the greatest value to the medical student and practitioner? How shall we estimate the value of careful demonstra- tions of the great organic groups and of the most important processes of analysis, and of the most important bodies, as the alcohols alcaloids, vegetable and animal products—the composition of the urine and blood in health and disease with all the most important tests, chemical, microscopical and spectroscopical demonstrations ! II.—MATERIA MEDIC A. Materia medica designates that department of medicine which is devoted to the consideration of the chemical, physical, botanical and medicinal properties of remedies. A thorough knowledge of the nature, strength, source and purity of remedies, should embrace the study of (a) Uotanv. (b) The geographical and geological distribution of minerals, plants and animals, yielding remedies for the treatment of diseases. (c) The mineralogical characters of remedies. (d) The chemical relations, reactions and incompatibles of remedies, whether derived from the inorganic or organic kingdoms. The progress of materia medica as a branch of medical knowledge has been largely dependent upon the progress of chemistry. In the present state of knowledge we appear to be al- ways on the verge of the most amazing results, and we are often at a loss to know when or where the outcome will be. Chemistry, which used to be chiefly analytical, has latterly shown signs of progress in a new and unex- pected direction; it has now become synthetical. There are virtually no limits to the substances which can be made synthetically. Thus, Berthelot, in considering the possible number of combinations with acids of certain alcohols, cal- culates that if you give each a name, allowing a line for the name, then print ioo lines on a page, and make volumes of iooo pages, and place a million volumes in a library, it would require 14,000 libraries to contain this catalogue. Berthelot properly calls such bodies infinite, instancing the synthetical construction of the alcohol and aldehyde series, of the organic acids, of the amides, of urea, and the millions of possible bodies which loom in the future. It is well known that bodies of this nature have import- ant relations to the properties of the nervous system in man. We have but to mention sulphuric ether, chloro- form, chloralhydrate, nitrite of amyl and the various amides. The experiments of Bernard on amygd'alin have shown that this question is even more intricate and vast than was expressed by Berthelot. It is manifest, therefore, that the possible agents for affecting the human body are infinite, and that the prob- lems relating to pathology and therapeutics, which may be experimentally discussed and solved in the higher animal organisms, are equally infinite. It is customary in many medical colleges to combine Materia Medica and Therapeutics under the same division or chair. Such combination, however, is neither neces- sary nor philosophical. Therapeutics, in that it treats of the use and administra- tion of medicines in the cure of disease, necessarily pre- supposes on the part of the student something more than a knowledge of chemistry and materia medica—it demands also a knowledge of physiology and pathology. III.—Pharmacy. Pharmacy treats of the collection, classification, prepar- ation, preservation and dispensation of medicines. The physical and chemical processes and analytical and syn- thetical methods of pharmacy do not differ from those of organic and inorganic chemistry. In like manner the chemical reagents are all the results of the operations of the chemist. 74 A systematic course on Pharmacy should embrace the following subjects : (a.) Laboratory and dispensary stove, furniture, apparatus and im- plements. (b) Analysis of the various pharmacopoeias, used by the United States of America, the British Empire, the German Empire, the French Republic and other nations. (c) Specific gravity, weights and measures: modes of generating, measuring, regulating and applying heat, trituration, crystalization, fil- tration, solution, evaporation and distillation; percolation or the displace- ment process. (d) The different parts of plants, their collection, desiccation and powdering. (e) Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Non-metallic elements and their medicinal preparations; Inorganic acids, monad metals and their medicinal preparations; dyad, triad, tetrad and pentad metals and their medicinal preparations. (f) Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Reagents, test solutions, volumetric solutions. (g) Pharmacy in its Relations to Organic Chemistry. (h) Lignine fibre and its derivatives. (i) Farinaceous, mucilaginous and saccharine principles. Starches, amylaceous medicines, etc. Gums and mucilaginous medicines. Sugars, tests for sugars and other carbohydrates, saccharine group of medicines. (j) Animal products used in medicines. (k) Fermentation, alcohols and ethers; alcohol and its derivatives Ether: chloroform, chloral, iodoform, etc. (1) Fixed Oils and Fats. Fatty Acids. Lead Plaster. Glycerine. Fixed Oils and Fats used in Medicine. (m^i Volatile Oils, Camphors and Resins, and their use in Medicine (n) Organic Acids used in Medicine. (o) Organic Alkalies and Alkaloids. Natural and Artificial Quaterna- ry Alkaloids. Native Tertiary Alkaloids. Artificial Tertiarv Alkaloids. Opium, Cinchona, Strychnos, Solanaceous and Tertiary Alkaloids. Alka- loids of Animal Origin. (p) Neutral Organic Principles. (q) Galenical Pharmacy. (r) Medicinal Waters. (s) Infusions, Decoctions, Spirits and Tinctures, Medicated Wines, Vinegars, Elixirs and Cordials. (t) Fluid Extracts. (u) Syrups, Honeys and Glvcerites. (v) Opium and its Derivatives. Assay of Opium. (w) Liniments, Powders, Abstracts and Extracts, Resins and Resinoids, Conserves, Confections, Lozenges, etc. (x) Pills, Pill Masses, Suppositories, Cerates, Ointments, Oleates and Plasters. (y) Extemporaneous Pharmacy.—Prescriptions. Language and Mode of Writing Prescriptions. Of the Art of Selecting and Com- bining Medicines. (z) On Dispensing and Compounding Prescriptions. The Furniture of a Physician's Dispensing Office. Dispensing. The source of medical instruction furnished by a thoroughly equipped medical college should be so full and comprehensive, that the diploma conferring the degree of 75 Doctor of Medicine should also qualify the graduate to practise the subordinate and inferior art of the druggist or Master of Pharmacy. The success of the druggist should depend absolutely upon the support and encouragement of the physician, otherwise the druggist would usurp the office of the physician and prescribe for diseased people, as well as compound and vend his medicine. Every graduate of a recognized regular school of medicine has undoubtedly the right not merely to prescribe, but also to compound and dis- pense his own medicines to the sick under his care. If the surgeon is empowered by his diploma to use his knives in operations upon the living human body, in like manner the physician has the inalienable right of preparing and dis- pensing his own medicines. Without this right the prac- tice of the medical profession would be impossible through vast districts of the United States. We observe at the present day a constant tendenc}' on the part of retail and wholesale druggists, pharmaceutists and manufacturing chemists, to usurp the functions of the medical profession. The retail druggist, in many instances, not only retails intoxicating liquors, and sells deadly poisons, but he pre- scribes for diseases and sells his own preparations or those of the patent medicine vendor. The retail druggist also frequently recommends the prescriptions of the neighbor- ing practitioner, and in not a few instances has obtained patents for the exclusive use of the same. When druggists pretend to devise and prepare certain medicinal compounds, which they recommend to the public as specifics for the cure of certain diseases, and sell the same to any and every ignorant and unsuspecting dupe, they deliberately usurp the powers and privileges of the regular medical profession, and should be prosecuted for practising medicine without a license. The question of malpractice is also worthy of consideration. The large manufacturing drug and chemical houses of the commercial centres of the United States and foreign coun- 7(i tries not merely subsidize the'public press, which literally fattens on their advertisements, but they have invaded the sacred temple of medicine, and planted their emblems, fitly represented by the hog and other unclean beasts, in the very heart of the medical literature of the day. Whether the medical profession possesses the inherent power to control these evils by first purging its garments, and then invoking the strong arm of the law, remains as one of the grave problems of the future. The plain duty of our medical schools is to impart that amount of thorough and comprehensive knowledge in chemistry, materia medica, pharmacy, physiology and therapeutics, as will furnish a corps of thoroughly educated and skilled physicians, fully equipped, to guard and guide the public in all matters relating to the preservation of health and the healing of diseases. The true independence of our beloved Southern country in this and in all other matters relating to her physical and intellectual welfare and progress, must be achieved by en- larging and perfecting our institutions of learning and sci- ence, and by the most careful training and the highest moral, intellectual and scientific development of her sons. IV. Anatomy. The province of Anatomy is to determine the construc- tion, form and relations of the structures of organized bodies. (a) Comparati\e Anatomy. (b) Human Anatomy (Anthropotomy). (c) Developmental or Embryological Anatomy. (d) Morphological Anatomy. fe) Teleological or Physiological Anatomy. (f) General Anatomy, Anatomy of the textures and organs. His- tologv, Microscopical or Minute Anatomy. (g) Regional Anatomy, Anatomy of the organs and tissues and bloodvessels in their natural positions and relations. (h) Surgical Anatomy, the Anatomy of the bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels considered in their relations to the nature and objects of surgical operations. (i) Morbid or Pathological Anatomy. From its manifold aspects, Anatomy forms the basis of the biological sciences; and a thorough knowledge of this 77 fundamental branch of medical science is absolutelv essen- tial to the physiologist, pathologist, obstetrician, surgeon and practitioner of medicine. Human Anatomy, the dissection or separation of parts by cutting, can only be learned thoroughly and practically in the dissecting room and in the dead-house. An abundant supply of well injected and well preserved human bodies exposed in well ventilated and well lighted rooms, is absolutely essential to the successful pursuit of practical anatomy by the medical student. The utmost caution and the highest skill should be ex- ercised in the preparation and preservation of human bodies designed for dissection and the study of practical Anatomy in the warm, moist climate of New Orleans and other Southern cities. Every facility should be furnished to the medical student for the careful and thorough examination of the organs and tissues by the aid of the microscope. It is impossible to teach Anatomy by the aid alone of lectures, class demonstrations, models and drawings. The medical student should regard the dissection of the human body as at once his highest duty and most valuable privilege. V. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. The advance of medical science necessitates the separa- tion of pathological anatomy into a distinct branch of medi- cal science, which should receive the care and attention of a teacher or professor especially devoted to its develop- ment and illustration. A well ventilated, commodious and well lighted laboratory supplied with the latest improvements in optical instruments, (microscopic, photographic instruments, spectroscopes and polariscopes), and stocked with the necessary instruments for making minute dissections, and sections of the diseased organs and tissues should at all times be at the command of the professor of pathological anatomy for the through and svstematic instruction of his students. 78 All the best reagents for staining and preserving tissues, as- well as all the necessary apparatus for the study of bac- teria and their culture, should be liberally supplied. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the results which might flow from the careful and systematic investi- gation of the pathological anatomy of such diseases as yellow fever and the various forms of malarial fever. If the teachers of pathological anatomy had spent more time in the dead-house and had labored more assiduously with the microscope, the profession would have been sup- plied with substantial facts as to the true pathological ana- tomy of many diseases, and more especially of yellow and malarial fevers. We should no longer hear the absurd and false statement that ycllozu fever has no recognizable patho- log ical anatomy—no distinctive pathological lesions. If any substantial advance is to be made in the knowl- edge of the causes and rational treatment of insanity, it must be based upon and arise out of the careful deter- mination of the pathology of the cerebro-spinal nervous system. Those in charge of hospitals and asylums for the insane should embrace every opportunity for the thorough phys- ical, chemical and microscopical examination of the struc- tures of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous systems. The systematic and practical course in Pathological Anatomy and Histology, should embrace the following subjects. i'a) The method of making post-mortem examinations. (b) Methods of preparing pathological specimens, and of prepar ing them for study. (c) Morbid changes in the heart and blood vessels. fd) Morbid changes in the blood. _ (e) Degenerations. (f) Changes caused by inflammation. (g) Structure and mode of development of tumors: fatty tumors; cancers, etc. (h) Pathological changes characteristic of phthisis, leprosv svphilis, etc. (i) Pathological anatomy and histology of the various organs, tex- tures, as the integuments; muscular and fibrous tissues; circulating and respiratory apparatus, nervous system, digestive system, genito-urinary system, etc. (j) Animal parasites. 79 (k) Bacteria: microscopical and chemical examinations; culture experiments; methods of demonstrating the presence and effects of bac- teria, methods of staining etc. (1) The lesions found in general diseases (fevers, etc.), in poisoning and in violent deaths. VI. Biology. Biology deals with the phenomena manifested by living matter. Though it is customary to group apart such of these phenomena as are termed mental, and such of them as are exhibited by men in society, under the heads of Psychology and Sociology, yet it must be allowed that no natural boundary separates the subject matter of the latter sciences from Biology. Psychology is inseparably linked with Physiology, and the phases of social life exhibited by animals other than man, fall within the'province of the biologist. The Biological Sciences are sharply marked off from the abiological, or those which treat of the phenomena manifested by non-living matter, in so far as the properties of living matter distinguish it absolutely from all other kind of things, and as the present state of knowledge furnishes us with no link between the living and the non- living. Distinctive Properties of Living Matter.—The distinc- tive properties of living matter are : i. Its chemical composition, containing one or more forms of a complex compound of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, the so-called Protein, which has never yet been obtained except as a product of living bodies, united with a large proportion of water, and forming the chief constituent of a substance which in its primary unmodified state is known as protoplasm. 2. Its universal disintegration and waste by oxidation and its concomitant reintegration by the intus-susception of new matter. Lime is constantly associated with the breaking up of the protoplasm into oxides, of the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. The new matter taken in to make good this loss is either w a ready formed protoplasmic material supplied by some other living being, or it consists of the elements of proto- plasm, united in simple combinations which consequently have to be built up into protoplasm by the agency of living matter itself. In either case the addition" of molecules to those which already existed takes place, not at the surface of the living mass, but by interposition between the existing molecules of the latter. The decrease, increase or stationary condition of the protoplasm depend upon the balance between these two processes. 3. The tendency of living matter to undergo cyclical changes. All living matter proceeds from pre-existing living matter, a portion of the latter being detached, ac- quiring an independent existence. The new form takes the character of that from which it arose, exhibiting the same power of propagating itself by means of an off-shoot, and sooner or later, like its predecessor, ceases to live and is resolved into the more highly oxidated compounds of its elements. 4. The activities of living matter depend upon moisture and upon heat, with a limited range of heat and with cer- tain structural organization. 5. Even in the simplest forms of living matter the mi- croscope reveals that they are heterogenous optically, and that the different parts differ chemically and physically, and that in more highly organized things more heteroge- neity is exchanged for a definite structure, whereby the body is distinguished into visibly different parts, which possess different powers or functions. Living things which present this visible structure are said to be organized. Living matter or protoplasm and the products of its metamorphosis may be regarded under four aspects : 1st. External and internal form or structure. 2d. It occupies a certain position in space and in time. 3d. It is subject to the operation of certain forces, in si virtue of which it undergoes internal changes, modifies ex- ternal objects and is modified by them. 4th. Its form, place and powers are the effects of cer- tain causes. In correspondence with these four conditions or aspects of living matter biology is divisible into four chief subdi- visions. 1 st. Morphology. 2d. Distribution. 3d. Physiology. 4th. ^Etiology! Morphology includes anatomy, histology (minute or mi- croscopal anatomy) ; development, or the history of the an- atomy of a living being at the successive periods of its ex- istence and of the manner in which an anatomical stage passes into the next; taxonomy, or the arrangement of liv- ing beings into groups according to their degrees of like- ness. Distribution.— Differences produced or manifested in fauna and flora by land and water, by latitude, elevation and by climate should be considered in present and in past geological epochs. Physiology.—Living beings are not only natural bodies having a definite form and mode of structure, growth and development; they are machines in action, and under this aspect the phenomena which they present have no parallel in the mineral world. The actions of livino; matter are termed its functions, which may be referred to three cate- gories : r. Functions which affect the material composition of the body and determine its mass, which is the balance of the processes of waste on the one hand, or those of assimi- lation on the other. 2. Functions which subserve the process of reproduc- tion, which is essentially the detachment of a part with the power of developing into an independent whole. 3. Functions in virtue of which one part of the body is able to exert a direct influence on another and the body 6 by its parts or as a whole becomes the source of molar motion. The first may be termed sustentative, the second genera- tive and the third correlative. 4. ^-Etiology.—Morphology,distribution and physiology, instigate and determine the facts of biology. ^Etiology has for its object the ascertainment of the causes of these facts and the explanation of biological phenomena, by showing that they constitute particular cases of general physical laws. VII.—Human Physio log v. The word physiology may be used in a general or in a restricted sense. It has been used of old to denote all in- quiry into the nature of living beings; but the phenomena can be studied from two apparently different points of view. The most striking character of a living being is, that it is an agent performing actions and producing effects in the world outside of itself. We have on the one hand the peculiar molecular chemi- cal and vital actions of the living being ; and on the other its relations to the medium in which it lives and performs its acts. Physiology embraces a study of: 1st. The living phenomena of the human body in their natural or healthy state. 2d. The physical structure and conformation of the solid parts. 3d. The determinate chemical composition of the solids and fluids. 4th. The dynamical characters. 5th. The nature, occurrences, character and correlation of certain chemical, physical and vital changes which go on during that active state which we call life. Life results from the concurrent exercise of the several functions performed by various organs. The living state follows a determined evolutional history from the com- mencement of life to its close. As anatomy teaches the structure of an organized body, organic chemistry, its chemical constitution, and physics its physical properties; so physiology deals with the phys K8 ical, chemical and vital actions which occur in an organ- ized body during life. Physiology, therefore, requires a knowledge of physics, chemistry and anatomy. In the older sense Physiology embraced morphological problems and so corresponded with Biology; in the more modern sense, physiology leaves these matters on one side and deals only with the actions of living beings on their surroundings (the study of these necessarily involving cor- relative study of the effect of the surroundings on the living being), and appeals to matters of form and structure only so far as they throw light on problems of action. It is evident that man regarded as a machine capable of accomplishing definite results, must be governed by physi- cal laws capable of expression in the exact terms of physics. On the other hand, physiology presents problems peculiar to the condition known as life. The three-fold problems of physiology may be thus represented: ist. The determination of the laws according to which the complex unstable food is transmuted into the still more complex and still more stable living flesh, and the laws according to which this living substance breaks down into simple stable waste products, void or nearly void of energy. The amount of these chemical changes and the resultants in muscular and nervous force and in the form of animal heat can be made the subject of accurate ex- periment. 2d. The determination of the laws according to which the vibrations of the nervous substance originate from extrinsic and intrinsic causes, the laws according to which these vibrations pass to and fro in the body, acting and re-acting upon each other, and the laws according to which they finally break up and are lost, either in these larger circles of muscular contraction whereby the move- ments of the body are affected, or in some other way. 3rd. The determination and consideration of the abstruse problems as to how these neural vibrations become attend- ed with changes of consciousness, as well as the less subtle M vibrations of the contracting muscles, are wrought out of sudden complex chemical decompositions of the nervous and muscular substances ; or in other words, to determine how the energy of chemical action is transmuted into and serves as the supply of that vital energy which appears as movement, feeling and thought. Physiology depends for its advancement upon well de- vised and carefully executed experiments, and a correct knowledge of this branch of medical science can never be acquired by the student from mere lectures, tables, dia- grams and artificial models. Those only have advanced physiology who have interrogated nature and extorted her secrets by direct research and well devised experiments. The foundation of scientific Physiology was laid by Wil- liam Harvey, in the year 1616 (the year of Shakespeare's death), when he delivered his lectures in St". Barthol- omew's Hospital, London, and first brought forward his views on the movements of the heart and blood, which were published in his treatise on the blood, in 1628. His great work on Generation, published in 1651, laid the foundation of scientific Morphology, and solved many of the most im- portant problems of Biology. In his final deed of gift of his property to the college and library which he had erected, and for the endowment of an annual oration, the orator, Dr. Harvey, orders in his deed of gift to " exhort the fellows of the college to search out and study the secrets of nature by way of experiment, and also, for the honor of the profession* to continue mu- tual love and affection among themselves." The discovery of Oxygen by Joseph Priestley, on Au- gust 1st, 1774, which he obtained by heating the red oxide of mercury by means of the sun's rays concentrated with a burning glass, not merely directed the attention of chem- ists to the composition of the atmosphere, but led to the overthrow of the phlogistic theory, and formed the found- ation of the splendid labors of Lavoisier, who placed chemistry in the path which it has ever since followed. K5 The discoveries of Black, Priestley, Scheele and Caven- dish, as well as his own experiments, enabled Lavoisier to establish the correct theory of combustion and of the origin of animal heat, and placed the science of the phys- ics and chemistry of living beings upon its true basis. Scarcely one hundred years have elapsed since the sci- ence of physiology has been placed upon the unalterable laws of physics and chemistry. The experiments, dissections and original researches of John Hunter enlarged the bounds of comparative and hu- man physiology, and established important principles in surgical pathology. , The all-important questions relating to: ist. The Functions of the Brain. 2d. The Functions of the Spinal Cord. 3d. The Functions of the Sympathetic Nervous Sys- tem. 4th. The Relations of the Cerebro-Spinal and Sympa- thetic Nervous Systems to each other, and to the processes of Respiration, Circulation, Nutrition, Animal Tempera- ture and to such diseased states as Fatty Degeneration, In- flammation and Fever. 5th. The Relation of the Cerebro-Spinal Nervous System to spasmodic diseases, such as Traumatic Tetanus, Epilepsy, Catalepsy, Hysteria and Hydrophobia. 6th. The determination of the functions of the indivi- dual portions of the brain and their relations to motion, sensation and intellectual action, memory, language, imagi- nation and will. These and other important inquiries have been made the careful subject of experiments upon living animals, by a host of able and learned physiologists, and the further advance of our knowledge with reference to these abstruse subjects must depend mainly upon: ist. Careful observation of the phenomena of living animals. 2d. The careful record of pathological phenomena dur- ing life and of pathological changes after death. H(i 3d. Vivisections. The injur)- or ablation of definite portions of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous systems by the knife, electricity, or certain physical and chemical agents. The continuous practice of experiments upon animals (vivisection} is absolutely necessary to the progress and perfection of the physiology of the nervous system, and each thoroughly organized medical college should be furnished with a well equipped physiological laboratory furnished with the instruments, re-agents and living animals necessary for the scientific elucidation and demonstration of the most abstruse problems. VIII.—Pathology. Pathology, The Science of Disease, cannot be defined unconditionally, for the terms health and disease, well and ill, local and constitutional, and diatheses are, to a certain extent, indefinite. The doctrine of disease {or that which is suffered') has varied in different ages and with the different sects of philosophy and medicine. Although Hippocrates laid down the broad principle that the medical art, upon which all men are dependent, should not be made subject to the influence of any hypothesis, and that the care and cure of the sick should not be subor- dinated to Pathological theory, but should be guided by- experience ; yet the practitioners of medicine have at no time been able to dispense with theory. Even the avowed followers of Hippocrates, whilst apparently remaining steadfast amidst the rise and fall of systems, have been more or less influenced by theory at every step of their practice. The view held by Cullen has met with the approval of physicians, as presenting a rational view: "You will not find it possible to separate practice from theory altogether; and therefore if you have a mind to begin with theory, I have no objection... .to render it safe it is necessary to cultivate theory to its fullest extent.'''' Dr. Charles Creighton has well said: " The progress of pathology hitherto has been exactly parallel with the 87 progress of philosophy itself, system succeeding system in genetic order. No other department of biological science has shown itself so little able to shake off the philosophi- cal character, or to run in the career of positivism or pure phenomenalism. This unique position of pathology among the natural.sciences is doubtless owing to the fact that it is a theory of practice, a body of truth and guess- work existing for the benefit of a working profession which is daily brought face to face with emergencies and is constantly reminded of the need of a reasoned rule of conduct. It is idle to attribute the philosophising habit in medicine, or the habit of system-making, to an unscientific method in past times. The extremely various points of view from which the problems of diseased life are ap- proached in the very latest and most authoritative writings, are an evidence that the difficulty is really inherent in the subject matter. " The positive progress of the biological sciences does not essentially depend on the philosophical conception of life as action and reaction; but the notion of action and reaction comes to the front on every page of a pathological treatise, and at every step of practice. In considering the forms of diseased life, if not in the study of living things themselves, we are constantly driven back to that ultimate analysis. The influences from without which make up /Etiology, or the doctrine of the causes of disease, assume a position in medicine, the urgency or immediate interest of which far exceeds that of the biolog- ical problem, the correspondence between life and its circumstances." The standing difficulty in pathology has been its rela- tion to aetiology, or the relations of the " ens morbi to the a gens morbi." The great truths enunciated by Thomas Sydenham in the seventeenth century have been recognized more and more by the medical profession, from the death of the Enolish Hippocrates, in 1689, to the present moment. HH Sydenham advcnced the cause of medical science by advocating and practising the inductive method of Hippocrates. Thus, Sydenham taught: ist. The improvement of physic depends—first, upon collecting a genuine and natural history of all diseases; and second, laying down a fixed and complete method of cure. 2d. All diseases ought to be reduced to certain and de- terminate kinds, with the same exactness as we see it done by botanical writers in their treaties of plants. 3d. In writing a history of a disease, every philosophical hypothesis which hath possessed the writer in its form, ought to be totally laid aside, and the manifest and natural phenomena of diseases, however minute, must be noted with the utmost accuracy, imitating in this the great exact- ness of painters, who, in their pictures, copy the smallest spots or motes in the original. 4th. In describing any disease, it is necessary to enu- merate both the peculiar and constant phenomena or symp- toms, and the accidental ones separately; of which latter kind are those which differ occasionally by reason of the age and constitution of the patient, and the different methods of cure. * * 5th. The seasons of the year that principally promote any particular kind of diseases are to be carefully remarked. Some diseases happen indiscriminately at any time, whilst many others, by a secret process of nature, follow the sea- sons of the year with as much certainty as some birds and plants. A knowledge of the seasons in which diseases ordinarily arise, is of great use to a physician towards dis- covering the species of the disease as well as the method of curing it; and the consequence of neglecting this knowledge leads to ill success, both in the discovery and cure of diseases. These principles constituted the work of Thomas Sydenham, the Novum Organon of the Medical 8!) Sciences in the seventeenth century, as the great work of Lord Bacon, which had appeared in 1620, was the im- mortal Novum Organon of all the physical and ^natural sciences. A clear distinction should be made between that which is esopathic and that which is endopathic in disease; and general pathology should follow the direction and order of physiology. Pathology deals with : 1. The causes of disease—./Etiology. /Etiology is related with and gets its subject matter from : (a) Cosmical Physics. (b) Meteorology. (c) Geology. {d) Physical Geography. (e) The chemical constitution and relations, and]the fauna and flora of the atmosphere, earth and terrestrial waters. (f) Chemistry. (jo) Botany. (h) Zoology. (i) Sociology. It has well been said that ^Etiology is without limits. 2. To ascertain the esoteric connections existing among diseases themselves. There are certain groups of symptoms which recur with the uniformity of a type in tlve most various diseases, which depend upon one constant factor—the human body and its structural and functional tendencies. The causation of disease may be classified as: (1) Exoteric—Exopathic. (a) Injury from without, climate and terrestrial causes. (b) Parasites; including Bacteria, Bacilli, etc. (r) Morbific ferments and poisons engendered without the living organism. (2) Esoteric—Autopathic. (a) Deficient rudiments and defective growth, premature morbidity or obsolescence, hypertrophy and atrophy. (A) Derangement of the chemical changes and disturbances of the balance of the forces by over-exertion. (c) The development of morbific agents within the body itself. !»<) Diseases may also be considered in a systematic treatise on general pathology. As General or Local— Under the head of General or Constitutional diseases, nosologists have classed such diseases as yellow fever, mal- arial fever, typhoid, typhus and relapsing fevers. Under the head of Local diseases have been ranged: Diseases of the respiratory, circulating and nervous sys- tems, of the locomotive, digestive and excretory organs and absorbents. The larger number of maladies do not arise autochthon- ously, and the exopathic point of view may be regarded as the dominant one at present; and it is from the Etiological side that the most wide-spread and fatal contagious and infectious diseases are chiefly studied. IX.—Therapeutics. Therapeutics is the most practical and useful branch of medical science, for it is the cure of disease which both the practitioner and patient seek. Therapeutics necessitates for its successful study and practical application a knowledge of chemistry, materia medica, pharmacy and pathology; and should be based upon: ist. The accurate study of the natural history of disease. 2d. The effects of remedies upon the healthy human or- ganism. 3d. The effects of remedies as determined by carefully and well executed experiments upon living animals. 4th. The effects of remedies during diseased states of the human organism. The power of the physician over disease depends main- ly upon the force and culture of his intellectual powers upon the extent arid character of his knowledge of the symptoms and pathology of various diseases and upon his knowledge of the effects, power and value of therapeutic measures and agents. 01 Therapeutics has advanced as the knowledge of man has advanced as to the pathology of exopathic and endo- pathic diseases, and with the enlargement and perfection of the materia medica. The progressive advances of chemistry have furnished the physician with his most potent and valuable remedies, as Quinine, Salicine, Salicylic Acid, Salicylates, Antipyrin, Antifebrine, Morphia, Brucia, Strychnia, Cocaine, Bromi- des and Iodides of Sodium, Potassium and Calcium, Ether, Nitrate of Amyl, Chloroform, Chloral, Nitro-Glycerine and a host of others. No limits can be placed upon the pos- sible therapeutic agents which may be developed by the labors of the chemist, and hence therapeutics is the most progressive of the branches of medical science. It must be admitted that the therapeutics of the day are to a large extent empirical, and that numerous careful clinical observations by the bed-side, and careful experi- ments upon living animals in the therapeutical laboratorv are needed to place this branch of medical science upon a firm and broad scientific basis. By experimental Physiology the functions of various parts of the body and their relations to each other are be- ing gradually determined. In experimental Pathology, diseases are induced artifici- ally in order that we may discern the alterations produced bv them in the functions. In experimental Pharmacology drugs are administered in order to determine the part of the body which they affect, and the nature of the alterations which they pro- duce in its functions. In Rational Therapeutics the physician endeavors to recognize from the symptoms of the patient the organ affected by disease, the nature of the disturbance in its function and to apply a remedy which will counteract such disturbance. Great advances must in our day be made in rational therapeutics before we can hope to ob- tain such exact knowledge as we desire. !)2 When the efforts of the physician are directed towards the removal of the cause of disease it has been called Pathogenetic Therapeutics. In Symptomatic Therapeutics, when the cause of the disease cannot be recognized or cannot be removed, the treatment is directed to those parts of the organism on which the cause of disease acts, so as to lessen or remove the symptoms which it would otherwise produce. . When the physician can neither remove the cause nor remove the symptoms, but is forced to trust to the vis medicatrix natural, and endeavors to maintain the patient's strength by food and nursing, the terms expectant treatment or expectant therapeutics have been employed. In its widest acceptation expectant therapeutics includes nursing, climate and measures of treatment, such as regulated exercise, gymnastics, friction, massage, the application of heat and of simple or medicated cold and hot water. X.—Science and Practice of Medicine. The science of medicine rests upon the knowledge of diseases, of the conditions under which they arise, of their nature, causes, and their modification or cure: and neces- sarily implies a knowledge of Chemistry, Materia Medica, Pathology and Therapeutics. If the student of medicine has mastered the essential laws and facts of Medical Physics and Chemistry, and of Materia Medica, Pathology and Therapeutics, he is prepared to consider Medicine as an Art of ^practical value, to diagnose, to prevent, to cure diseases, to alleviate human suffering and lengthen out human existence. The art of Medicine should be founded upon \ facts and principles capable of clear demonstration and*of universal applicability. What we have stated with reference to pathology and therapeutics in the uncertain and empirical application to the causes and cure of many diseased states applies with equal force to medicine regarded as an art. !•:'. The terms science and art of medicine must be regarded as generic, and the professor of a chair having this title, or the author of "The Practice of Medicine," must neces- sarily draw their materials from pathology and therapeu- tics, and find their illustrations in the careful and ample records of clinical medicine. The Art of Medicine may be divided into two distinct branches: ist. The cure of disease and the relief of those who suffer (therapeutics). 2d. The prevention of disease and the preservation of health (hygiene). XL—Hygiene. The prevention of disease and the maintenance of the conditions for the preservation of health must be based upon the sciences of chemistry, physiology and pathology. Medicine has ever been related to humanity, but its re- lations to the wants of man have been increased, and are ever increasing, in the complex state of modern society, with the exigencies of its fast growing population. In our day, preventative and public medicine (Hygiene) has become an important branch of medicine, when one of the peculiarities of modern life is shown from statistics to be the tendency to increase of population in great towns, and to the creation and support of vast standing armies. In England, between 1841 and 1851, there was an in- crease in the population of towns of over 100,000 inhabi- tants of 23 per cent., and in the following decennial period, 1851-1861, there was in France, in towns of similar mag- nitude, taken collectively, an increase of 50 per cent.; in the United States of America the tendency to accumulate and concentrate the population in great centres has been equally great; and in our Southern country, since the civil war, the negro population has shown a constant tendency to crowd the cities, and add to their unhygienic condition, and increase their mortality. !M The active, restless population of our great American Republic is advancing all along the lines of science and art. By her*position, by the character of her population and by her commercial intercourse with all nations of North, South, Central and Insular America; of Europe, Asia and Africa, the United States is the very heart of our world, and should of all the nations of the earth be the foremost in the promotion of domestic, public and international hy- giene. Hygiene should be considered and studied under the following heads. Hygiene. I. Domestic Hygiene. (a) Meteorological Conditions (Climate). (b) The Soil or Site of the Dwelling. (c) The Character of the Sub-soil, Water and Air. (d) The Materials of Dwellings. (e) Drainage and Sewage. (f) Ventilation. (g) Water Supply. (h) Heating and Lighting of Dwelling. (i) Clothing and Personal Cleanliness. (j ) Work and Exercise. (k', Food Supply. II. Public Hygiene, National Hygiene. (1) Boards of Health. (m) Location of Towns and Cities. (n) Drainage and Sewage. ^o) Construction of Hou*es and Street-Paving; Open Squares, etc (p) Relations of Race to Public Hygiene and to the National Death- rate. (q) Public Sanitation. (r) The Arrest of such Contagious and Infectious Diseases as Yellow Fever and Small-Pox. Vaccination. is) Disinfectants: Their Chemical Relation, Their Relative Value and Mode of Use, Heat, Corrosive Sublimate, Carbolic Acid, etc. (t) Quarantine, Domestic and Maritime. (u) The Conduct of Railroads during the Progress of Epidemics. (v) Hygiene of Armies and Navies. (w) Hygiene of Schools, Public Buildings, Jails and Prisons. III. International Hygiene. (x) Quarantine Considered as an International Regulation. (y) The Establishment of National Commissions for the investigations of contagious and infectious diseases, and for the prompt communication from one nation to another of all facts relating to the existence of diseases prejudicial to the public health. (z) The Treatment and Continuous Exchange of Prisoners of War. Ui) XII.—Science and Practice of Surgery. In all countries, the accidents of ordinary life, of per- sonal conflicts and of war, led to the application of surgery and surgical art from the earliest times, in the setting of bones, the staunching of blood, the extraction of arrows and the binding up of wounds. A knowledge of the healing powers of the tissues was known to men in all nations and at all times. In both branches of the Aryan stock surgical practice as well as medical, reached a high degree of per- fection at a very early period. It would be foreign to our purpose to inquire whether the Greeks derived their medi- cal and surgical knowledge from the Hindus through the medium of the Egyptian priesthood, or whether the Hindus owed that high degree of medical and surgical knowledge and skill which is reflected by Charaka and Susruta, com- mentators of the Yajur-Veda, to their contest with Western civilization after the campaign of Alexandria. We have a strong argument for the former view of the Eastern origin of medical and surgical science, in the close correspondence between the Susruta and Hippocratic collections in the sections relating to the ethics of medical practice; the description of lithotomy, and the description in the Susruta of certain dexterous operations, as that of Rhinoplastic of native invention ; besides the use of such remedies as arsenic, mercury, zinc and many other substan- ces of permanent value, not containing a single article of foreign source. There is also evidence in Strabo, Arrian and other writers that the East enjoyed a proverbial reputation for medical and surgical wisdom at the time of the invasion of Alexander the Great. The testimony of Herodotus indicates great advances among the Egyptians at an early era in medicine and sur- gery: and it is worthy of note that the tendency of the present day is to the multiplication of special branches in the practice of the arts of surgery, and to the devotion of i>6 physicians to special lines of study and practice, as was the habit with the ancient physicians of Egypt. Thus Herodotus says, that the art of medicine is thus divided amongst the Egyptians: " Each physician applies himself to one disease only, and not more. All places abound in physicians : some physicians are for the eyes ; others for the head, others for the parts about the belly, and others for internal disorders."—Herodotus : Euterpe n, p. 125. Surgery may be considered as a science and as an art under two heads : 1st. Scientific or general surgical principles of surgical pathology. 2d. Operative surgery. The special divisions of Surgery as applied to actual practice are as follows : (a) Military Surgery. (b) Naval Surgery. (c) Ophthalmology. (d) Dental and Oral Surgerv. (e) Otology. (f) Laryngotomv. (g) Abdominal Surgery. (h) Pelvic Surgery. (i) Genito-Urinary Surgerv. (j) Anal Surgerv. (k) Orthopaedic Surgery. (1) Uterine Surgery. Such divisions are to a certain extent arbitrary, and the same general principles of physiology, pathology and thera- peutics must govern the scientific surgeon, regard- less of the special branch of his art to which his energies are devoted. The increase of specialists in our day has not tended to elevate the standard of professional ethics, but, on the con- trary, has promoted discord in the ranks of the profes- sion. Without doubt, important advances have been made during the past twenty years, in the application of the well- known principles and agents of chemistry to the antiseptic treatment of wounds, and abdominal surgery owes much of its increasing success to the scrupulous attention to the laws of hygiene on the one hand, and to the scientific use of antiseptics. Modern surgery has made marked advances in the treat- ment of the brain and nerves and wounds of the abdominal viscera by operative procedure and antiseptic measures, as will be shown by the following brief outline : Intercranial H/KMORRHAGE. Trephining is now recognized as a legitimate operation in the treatment of intercranial haemorrhage following a trau- matic injury where life is endangered from compression of the brain due to this cause. Intercranial haemorrhage from the middle meningeal now looked upon by surgeons as a positive indi- cation for the use of the trephine whether the skull is fractured or intact. Abscess of the'Brain. During the last few years a number of cases of deep- seated chronic abscesses of the brain have been success- fully treated by incision and drainage. In most cases a positive diagnosis was made before the operation and when this was not possible, the abscess wras actually located by making one or more exploratory punctures. Tumors of the Brain. The removal of endocranial tumors by operative procedure constitutes the most recent advancement of cerebral surgery. The success of such dangerous opera- tions as the evacuation of abscesses and the removal of tumors of the brajn manifestly depend upon: ist. The position and extent of the abscess or tumor, as determined by accurate diagnosis based upon extensive anatomical, physiological and pathological knowledge of the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the brain. 2d. The proper use of Anaesthetics. !ls 3rd. The mode of operating. 4th. The previous preparation of the patient. 5th. The actual size and location of the abscess or tumor as determined by the operation. 6th. The technique of the operation including: (a) The treatment of the wound; (b) The treatment of the brain: (c) The use of antiseptics and antiseptic sutures and dressings. Cysts of the Brain.—Trephining for Epilepsy. Recent experience in the treatment of epilepsy has strengthened the faith of the profession in this method of treatment in well selected cases where some tangible lesion in the skull or its contents can be brought into direct connection with the development of the disease. The operation of trephining has been shorn of its risks since the introduction of antiseptic surgery, and hence the modern surgeon regards himself as warranted in proposing and performing an operation in all intractable cases of this dreadful disease. When he is able to detect some latent cause amenable to direct treatment, and if he fails to cure the disease, he has the consolation that his interference did not expose the patient to any great risks of life, and seldom if ever, is followed by aggravation of symptom". Surgery of the Abdomen. The brilliant results obtained in cerebral surgery ac- complished largely through the study of symptoms, thus leading to correct diagnosis, has stimulated surgeons who perform operations upon the organs of the abdominal cavity to increase and define their knowledge in this re- spect: the methods of operative procedure have been greatly improved and the details so well defined as to as- sure successful results when faithfully carried out; and the careful study of symptoms has greatly advanced knowledge in the direction of diagnosis, so that the field of diagnosticated laparotomy has been lessened. 99 The operative treatment of penetrating wounds of the abdomen complicated by visceral injury of the gastro- intestinal canal, is now sanctioned by the best surgical authorities and may be considered as a well established procedure based as it is upon the results of experi- mentation and clinical experience. A visceral wound of the stomach or any portion of the intestinal canal sufficient in size to give rise to extravasation into the peritoneal cavi- ty must be looked upon as a mortal injury unless promptly treated by abdominal section. The great difficulty that presents itself to the surgeon in the absence of positive symptoms, is the differential diagnosis between a simple penetrating wound and a penetrating wound complicated by injury of the gastro-intestinal canal. Dr. N. Senn, of Chicago, has sought to solve the doubts in such cases and to enlarge our means of accurate diag- nosis by demonstrating by a series of well devised experi- ments that "the rectal insufflation of hydrogen gas is an infallible test in the diagnosis of visceral injury of the gastro-intestinal canal in penetrating wounds of the abdo- men. Increasing experience demonstrates that the best results are obtained in operations upon the abdominal cavity when they are performed under rigid antiseptic methods, which are each day being simplified, and in this way it becomes in the power of surgeons even in localities most remote to employ them. The great achievements of abdominal surgery have been accomplished only through the methods of antiseptic sur- gery, and the medical schools should imbue their pupils with the principles and practice of antiseptic surgery. XIII.—Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Diseases of Women and Children. Every woman bearing children, from the primeval or ori rendered to law and justice by exposing crime, which, but for the learning of the chemist, microscopist and patholo gist, would remain forever hidden. We may truly say that the scientific and pure-minded physician is the Natural and Ordained Guardian ok the Public Peace and Health. A knowledge of Medical Jurisprudence necessitates the careful studv of the following branches of science : (a) Chemistry (qualitative and quantitative analysis). (b) Toxicology. (c) Microscopy. Spectroscopic analysis. (d) Physiology. (e) Pathology. (/') The general principles of civil and criminal law, as applicable to Idiocy, Imbecility, Insanity, Illegitimacy, Rape and Murder, or attempt to Murder, by firearms, instruments of all kinds, by drowning, strangula- tion, and poisoning. XV.—Clinical Medicine. Clinical medicine can be successfully pursued by the students in the wards of the Hospital, by the bedside of the patient, and under the direction of learned and ex- perienced teachers. Clinical medicine, though a special department of knowledge, is so intimately connected with other sciences that, when the claims of these are satisfied, it has been said that nothing would remain to it; it would not even be too much to assert that, were it possible to compress in one human intellect all that is now known of other sciences, such knowledge would be compatible with entire igno- rance of the department of clinical medicine. Clinical work stands apart, but has the most intimate re- lations to all that surrounds it; it is elucidated by the light of physics, chemistry and physiology, yet is not compre- hended by them. WThatever theoretical notions the physician may have entertained as to the nature or treatment of disease, when brought face to face with the sick and suffering in the presence of his earnest and intelligent students, he is com- pelled to submit every question to the crucial test of actual observation. Hi* duty lies in giving an exact and scienti- lo:J, fie character to his observations, and to investigate the phe- nomena of disease with that concentration which is neces- sary in every physical inquiry, and with all those aids which are afforded in increasing perfection by modern science. The clinical teacher should have no system to satisfy, and no dogmatic opinions to enforce ; and he should go to his daily bedside work, untrammelled by any exclusive the- ories in pathology or therapeutics, but he should investi- gate disease in every possible way and by all the appliances of medical science. The clinical teacher must bring into the court of inquiry all possible evidence, and decide upon it by the light of science and experience. The constant study of disease gives certainty to diagno- sis by following the subjects of fatal diseases to the dead house, and subjecting all the organs and tissues to a rigid post-mortem examination; and bringing to our aid chemical reagents and microscopical investigation, gives precision to our pathological knowledge. In the present age the means of physical diagnosis and of careful clinical study have increased with unexampled rapidity, and no bounds can be set to the possible con- quests of medical science. Half a century ago there was no conception of those means of modern investigation and research which are ap- plied daily to the discovery and explanation of physiologi- cal and pathological phenomena. To the interpretation of sounds heard within the body, Laennec and a host of subsequent observers, brought pre- cise acoustical observation and experiments, and showed us how to map out the condition of internal parts, the action of which we hear but cannot see. By the application of optical instruments, Czermak, Desormeaux and Cruise have laid open to us man)- organs of the body, before inscrutable—the pharynx, the vocal chords, the trachea, the vagina, the uterus, 101 the urethra, the bladder; so that the actual, but hidden causes of many phenomena are no longer matters of argu- ment, but of sight and demonstration. The secrets of the eye have been disclosed by the physical contrivances of Helmholtz and others: and the proposition has been worked out by Ogle and Allbutt and others, that some states of the eye are not very important in themselves as local abnormities, but as being pathognomic of other suspected conditions in other and distant organs. The skillful apparatus of Marey has so supplemented the sense of touch that the very phenomena of the pulse and heart are registered; and thereby, through indirect clear induction, we can fathom the secrets not only of the circulating apparatus, but of nerve action and nerve lesion behind and beyond. In every practitioner's hand the mi- croscope and the test-tube answer in a moment questions of the gravest moment, which were once unanswerable. The exploration of the nervous system by physical agencies, by manometers and the like through the labors of M. Duchenne and others; and the registration of changes of temperature, in evidence of chemical altera- tions, and in proof of corresponding alterations in the or- ganism, may also be cited as illustrations of the advances of physical inquiry as applied to the investigation and correct diagnosis of disease. Clinical Investigation and Instruction in the Char- ity Hospital of New Orleans. During the past twrenty years I have followed the plan now indicated, in the prosecution of my clinical labors and in the instruction of medical students in the wards of the Charity Hospital of New Orleans. i. Investigation and Record of Cases. (a) History of Case; name, date of admission ; number of ward and bed; age, nativity, occupation, weight, height, temperament; general description of person; habits, temperate or intemperate; indications; preceding diseases or injuries; history of present attack. (b) Expression of countenance; complexion; state of intellect; general appearance of body, full or emaciated; appearance and expression of eyes; color of conjunctiva; condition of tongue; results of phvsical 105 exploration of different parts ot the body and of the different regions; state of appetite and digestion; condition of bowels, constipated or loose. (c) Pulse full, soft, rapid, feeble; tracing of pulse by means of the sphygmograph; action of heart; condition of general and capillary cir- culation; description of aneurisms, etc. (d) Examination of fauces, larynx, etc., by laryngoscope; ausculta* tion and percussion of heart and lungs; physical signs; detail of all facts relating to the normal and abnormal sounds in the heart, pericardium, pleura and lungs, etc.; mensuration, palpation and succussion. (e) Condition of abdomen and abdominal organs; size and condi- tion of spleen, liver, kidneys, etc. (f) Condition of cutaneous system; presence or absence of erup- tive diseases. (g) Condition of biliary and urinary and intestinal secretions. (h) Changes of temperature; number of beats of the heart and of the respirations during the minute: character of the changes of circula- tion, respiration and temperature. (i) Condition of blood; qualitative and quantitative and microscop- ical examination of the blood. (j) Amount and character of the urinary secretion: qualitative and quantitative analysis of urine; amount, color, nature of urine and urina- ry deposits; presence or absence of albumen, diabetic sugar, sperma- tozoa casts, blood, etc. (k) Daily and hourly record of all important symptoms. (\) Careful post-mortem examinations in fatal cases, illustrated by microscopical and chemical analysis. H._The Clinical Lectures hyBedside ok Patients in Wards ok the Hospital. The daily lectures in the Hospital are illustrated by: (in) Demonstration of the physical apparatus, and chemical and mi- croscopical reagents and methods adapted to the investigation of disease. (n) Instruction of the student in case-taking, clinical records, meth- ods of phvsical examination and exploration. (o) Auscultation, Percussion, Physical Diagnosis, Careful Diagrams illustrating the pathological lesions and stages of Pulmonary and Cardiac Diseases. . . (p) Diseases of the Cutaneous, Nervous, Digestive and I nuary Sys- tem illustrated by lectures, diagrams, microscopical drawings and demon- strations. . . (a) local Diseases, such as Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonitis, Pleu- Htis,, Endo-Carditis, Carditis, Valvular diseases ot the heart, Aneurism, Peritonitis, etc. ,..,•,- r , (r) General or Constitutional Diseases—Fevers: Gastric bever, Inter- mittent Remittent and pernicious malarial fever, Yellow Fever, continued fever Tvphus, Tvphoid and relapsing fevers, Rheumatism, Syphilis, sep- tic and zymotic "rHseases, Cholera, Small-Pox. Scarlatina, Measles, etc., Phthisis. (s) Diseases of Nervous Svstem. < . (t) Diseases of Respiratory, Circulatory, Digestive, Genito-Lnnary and Lymphatic systems. HI —illl-sTRVITON AND DEMONSTRATION OF THE RELATIVE POSITION, ' Size \\d Color, and Microscopical Character and Pathologi- cal Appearance of the Organs by Paintings, Charts and Models. IV__Post-Mortem Examinations. y — Chemical and Microscopical Examinations and analysis of the Blood, Urine, and, in Fatal Cases, of the Secretions, Ex- cretions and Organs, in the Practumm Chemical and Patho- logical LAKORVrORY. l()(i The preceding gives but a brief and imperfect outline of our labors and plan of instruction which we have pursued in the Charity Hospital of New Orleans. The extent and value of the Charity Hospital of New Orleans for clinical study and instruction will be illustrated by the following table: Charity Hospital of New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America—Table of Admissions, Discharges and Deaths for Fifty-six Years. Year, *i8;,2 .... 1833 -■ 1834 1S35 1836 ■1837..- [S3S.. 1S39 ■•■• 1840 ... 18+1..... 1842.... 1843. 1S44 -■ 1845..... •1846..... •"847..... 1848..... »849..... 1S50..... 1851..... 1852 .... lS53 ................... 13.759 IS54................. 13.i92 ^ss ................... 1-1,192 l80.................. 9,432 1S57 iSsS 3»9 169 262 265 228 ^39 267 3H 3^3 401] 4^7; 8291 609 7i9 2,170 3.S51 5.841 6,205 4.754 6,103 4,687 4-S33 5.041 4.38o 4.404 S.013 5.846 6,136 8,044 11,890 11.945 '5.55S 18,476 18,420 18,035 8,897 573 11,137 r>44 12.775 1,703 568 2,6171114 4-745 1052 4,999 1226 4.163 585 4,640 1420 3,890 683 3.6n 955 4,370 619 3.093 "56 3.516' 761 3,672 1041 5'°59 7'3 5.446 563 7.074 855 9.369 3037 10,010 1897 '■2,133-745 15,989 1884 16,777 'Sjr i.S,"57 ^098 10,7333164 9.9762702 9.701 2391 S,6oi 974; 7,91411017 8,993 2290 11,257 132U ♦Present building's erected in fXo report for 1863. i860 l86l 1862 T1S63 1864 1865 1866. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871. 1872. 1873 1874. 1875 1876. 1877.. 1878 1879 1880. 1881.. 18S2.. 1883.. 1S84.. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1S32. 730 14,000 12,257,390 S91 8,665 7.9l9 79S 6,016 5,532 719 Grand total of Admissions Grand total of Discharges Grand total of Deaths........ Mortality................................ 373 4-3 640 738 637 660 717 672 700 57o 543 ■554^ 5-5 693 600 604 643 534 559 668 620 556. 639 722 4,861 6,466 9,3^9 8,612 4,981 6,177 7,837 6,671 5.541 5>°90 5.33i 4.945 5.690 6,002 5.873 5,348 5.537 5,843 6,980 8,152 7,280 rM43 5,8o7 5,999 3,999 812 5,580 669 8,108 1122 7,260 1438 4,365 49° 5,32 7, 784 6,764 (i 18 5,73o S91 4.846' S25 4,124 993 4,360. 860 4.i3i 753 4.?8o 742 5,290 805 4;6i5 11 jo 4,390 693 4,140 65S 4.351 S25 5.375' S05 7.134 6.345 5.313 4,764 4.336 IOI3 985 IOO5 960 941 The Charity Hospital of N est field for the study of the -......... 432,187 ............ 360,331 ............. 63,31-1 14.65 per cent. e\v Orleans forms the grand- diseases of tropical and sub- l'>7 tropical regions; and no men enjoy superior advantages for the study of Southern diseases, and especially for the clinical investigation of the fevers and diseases characteris- tic of warm climates than the students of medicine who are daily admitted to its wards, or the resident students. who reside permanently within its walls. The importance with which the medical students gath- ered annually in New Orleans from many of the Southern, Southwestern and Western States of the great Valley of the Mississippi, view the position of resident student, will be seen from the following correspondence : Petition of Medical Students of Tulane University of Louisiana, Reference to the Appointment of Resident Students—Rep. y of Joseph Jones, M. D., President of the Louisiana State Medical Society. Medic/l Department of Ti lane University of Louisiana, ) New Orleans, February 13, 188S. I To Professor Joseph Jones, M. D., President of the Louisiana State Medical Society: Sir:—It is with feelings of great pleasure and satisfaction that we, the undersigned, students of the Medical Department of Tulane University of Louisiana, acknowledge your efforts to have repealed the Legislative Act of 1886, whereby the selection of medical students for positions in the Charity Hospital was restricted to applicants then resident in the State of Louisiana. Believing, yK we do, that a better selection can be made by choosing the most worthy, regardless of section or State; and furthermore, believ- ing it to be of the greatest importance to have the ablest and most proficient students as sub-medical attendants in immediate charge of the various wards of the institution, subservient to the orders of the attending physicians and surgeons, thereby securing the most careful and intelligent attention, medical and ministerial, to the thousands of suffering poor who seek the comfort and shelter of thi* noble institution to be cured of their diseases and healed of their wounds; and believing, furthermore, that the continued enforcement of said act will tend to impair the growth of the Medical Department of Tulane University, said Medical Depart- ment having been enabled to offer her most proficient students to the ser- vice of the Charity Hospital regardless of section or State, and at the same time offering, as an incentive to all students desirous of so doiny, the opportunity to compete in examinations, necessary to appointment to resident studentship. Whereas, the continued prosperity of the above mentioned Uni- versity, and the interests of the Charity Hospital, are matters of great importance to us; therefore we respectfully ask that you, in your official position as President of the Louisiana State Medical Society, give this matter the attention it deserves, and use your efforts to have it brought before the next Legislative Assembly, urging its repeal. We, knowing your devotion to your chosen profession, to the State of Louisiana and to the city of New Orleans, to the Charity Hospital, to which you have given so many years of valuable service, conferring bene- fits to surtering thousands, whom you have treated within its walls, whose testimony can be had from many portions of the civilized world; a knowledge of the above facts makes us feel that we can ask this of you lux with the confident assurance that your best efforts will be expended in its accomplishment. We know your kindly regard for ourselves, and vour untiring efforts to place us in the position of the most valuable practical and advanced ideas in medical science; and appreciating your disregard for self-interest and advancement, we hope to emulate those noble and elevated sentiments whereby we can rise superior to sectional thought, and render justice where merited. We hope that your efforts may be strengthened to the accomplishment of the purpose as herein set forth ; and again asking that you give this matter your attention, and use your best efforts to have it brought to the attention of the Legislature of Louisiana, we hereunto subscribe our names. (Signed) A. W. Boren, and by 160 other students of the Medical Department of the Tulane University of Louisiana. 156 Washington Avenue, 4TH District, \ New Orleans, La., February, 15, 18S8. j To A.W. Boren, and the medical students of the Medical Department of Tulane University of Louisiana: Gentlemen—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com- munication of February 13, 18S8, and beg leave to submit the following: The act to which you refer, containing the proscriptive legislation regulat- ing the mode of selecting the resident students of Charity Hospital of New Orleans, was passed by the General Assembly of the State of Louis- iana at the regular session of 1886, Act No. 47, "Making appropriations to defray the ordinary expenses of the State Government." * * * "Approved July 3, 18S6, by S. D. McEnerv, Governor of the State of Louisiana." The following is the portion of Act 47 which relates to the subject referred to in your communication: "Charity Hospital in New Orleans. To support of Charity Hospital in New Orleans for year ending |une 30, 1S87, forty thousand dollars. For the year ending June 30, 1888, forty thousand dollars: Provided, that none but resident Louisianians be admitted as resident students. Act of General Assembly of Louisiana, 1886, p. 72." We will not discuss the question of the legality of an act of the General Assembly of Louisiana, which makes an appropriation for the support of the destitute sick, contingent upon the performance of an act by the Board of Administrators, of which His Excellency, Governors. D. Mc- Enery, is President, which related solely to the nativity of the students to be appointed, and not to the mode ot expenditure of the funds devoted to such charitable purposes as the purchase of food and medical supplies, and the payment ot the salaries of the house surgeon, assistant house surgeon, treasurer, and other employees of the hospital. It is more im- portant that we should inquire into the official interpretation of the special and proscriptive legislation of Act 47. Through the courtesy of Edwin Marks, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer of the Charity Hospital, we have been able to make the following ex- tract from the letter of Governor S. D. McEnery, of February- 9, 1887, giving his official interpretation of that part of Act 47 which "relates to the class of students to be selected as resident students: Executive Department State of Louisiana, "I Baton Rouge, February 9, 18S7. / Edv.'in Marks, Esq., Secretary Charity Hospital, A7'. O.—Dear Sir: * * * M v interpretation, in the Act ot the General Assembly referred to, of the words " resident Louisianians," is that they mean citizenship. Any citizen of the State is a Louisianian, and the words do not implv or mean that the person should be native born. I presume that vour inqiiirv is made in order to ascertain whether the medical students at the Tulane University from other States can be admitted as resident students in the 10'J Hospital, from the fact of their residence in the State during the time they have been pursuing their studies. This residence is not sufficient. If the student is under age, he of course cannot select his residence; but if he is of age and came to the State with the intention of acquiring a res- idence in the State, and of remaining permanently here, then he is en- titled to admission. It is the intention of the act of residence coupled with the intention of remaining permanently, which fixes his residence, and which will entitle the party to become a resident student of the hospital. (McRowan vs. McGwin, 15 and 637.) Respectfully yours, (Signed) S. D. McEnery, Governor. Regarding the action of the General Assembly of Louisiana of 1886, in Act 47, relative to the appointment of resident students in the Charity Hospital as unjust and unwise, and as injurious to the best inter- est of the students and patients, I embraced the earliest opportunity to ob- tain the sense of the highest medical authority in the State, to the end that the obnoxious clause might be repealed, or rather that such legisla- tion might never again be repeated. To accomplish this end, I attended the meeting of the Louisiana State Medical Society held in the month of April, 18S7, in Alexandria; as will be seen from the following extracts of the proceedings of that Society. Resident Students of the Charity Hospital of Xev: Orleans, La. Dr. Joseph Jones ottered the following: Whereas, The Charity Hospital of New Orleans receives the distressed and destitute, sick and wounded, of the States of the Union, and all the nations of the world, be it Resolved, Bv the members of the Louisiana State Medical Society, that the position of resident students in this great and noble institution should be open to the competition of all honorable, intelligent and ac- complished medical students. Be it further Resolved, That the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana be re- spectfullv and earnestly requested by the Louisiana State Medical Society to rescind the law enacted by the General Assembly of 18S6, excluding all medical students from competition for the position of resident stu- dents of the Charity Hospital except natives and residents of Louisiana. Resolved, That the action of the General Assembly of Louisiana of 1886 was in violation of those true, generous and patriotic principles which have ever characterized the philanthropic citizens of Louisiana. Resolved, That the President of the Louisiana State Medical Society be empowered to urge the abrogation of this law of 18S6, establishing, for the first time in the history of Louisiana, the unwise and illiberal policv of excluding from the competitive examination of the medical service of the Charity Hospital the intelligent and enterprising medical students of other States. Dr. Joseph Jones supported the preceding resolutions by the following arguments: (a) The object of this great and noble institution is the relief of suffer- ing humanity, the healing of disease, the restoration of the sick to the performance of Ihe active duties of life, and the advancement of the highest intellectual, moral, and physical welfare of the commonwealth. (b) The generous citizens of Louisiana have not confined their bene- fits and ministrations to their own citizens. Upon a careful examina- tion and classification of statistics of the Charity Hospital of New Or- leans during the period of fort v years (1836-1876), we find that 310,659 patients were admitted, and of this number 248,011 were foreigners, 54,403 natives of the United States ou'side of Louisiana, and only 11,761 were natives of Louisiana: It is evident from these statistics that the noblest and broadest charitv has actuated the citizens, and especially the 110 medical profession, of Louisiana, in the charitable ministrations to the destitute sick ot all States and countries. (r) By again throwing open the field for honorable competition of all accomplished medical students, regardless of their nativity, the State of Louisiana will secure the most effective service and achieve the greatest good to suffering humanity. Duly seconded and carried. In conclusion, allow me to direct the attention of the students of the Medical Department of the Tulane University of Louisiana, and of our sister States, who may in future desire to compete for the position of resident students in the Charity Hospital of New Orleans, to the following important facts: I. That Act 47 >s not a lavj of the State of Louisiana. 2. The operation of Act 47, as far as the appointment of resident students of the Charity Hospital is concerned, ceases absolutely' on July '1st, iS88- 3. Unless the General Assembly of Louisiana, at its subsequent meet- ting, is induced to repeal this unwise and proscriptive legislation, the Board of Administrators of the Charity Hospital of New Orleans, will, after the 30th of June, 188S, be untrammelled in their appointment of resi- dent students. They may, or let us hope they will, act regardless of State lines, basing the appointments upon merit and merit alone. As your friend and professor, and as a representative of the medical profession, I shall cheerfully comply with your request, and exert any in- fluence at my command to avert similar legislation in the future. With thanks for the kind and courteous terms in which you have been pleased to couch your petition, and with kind regards, I remain as ever your friend, Joseph Jone.'-, M. D., President Louisiana State Medical Society. One of the most important measures for the advance- ment of the medical profession, and fnr the promotion of its higher education in the State of Louisiana, is the estab- lishment of a State Medical Library, for the preservation of the archives of the Society, the diffusion of medical knowledge, and the promotion of original scientific re- search in all the departments of medical science. The speaker urged the consideration of this important subject upon the attention of the Louisiana State Medical Society, as is well known, at its Ninth Annual Meeting in Alexandria, April, 1887. The Charity Hospital, of New Orleans, would seem to be the proper place for the collection and preservation of the Archives of the Louisiana State Medical Society, in virtue of its being the great medical centre of clinical ser- vice and clinical study, and investigation of all diseases, but especially of those peculiar to our Southern States. The medical profession of the valley of the Mississippi Ill should at all times have access to these valuable archives, sheltered within the walls of an institution, whose portals are open by day and by night to the sick and destitute of all States and all nations. The students also, who annually throng the wards of the Charity Hospital in the prosecution of their clinical studies, would have free access to the State Medical Library. Conclusion. I have thus endeavored to lay before the members of the Louisiana State Medical Society the results of our investi- gations relative to the principles of education and THEIR SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. \o nobler or grander theme has ever engaged the ener- gies of my life; and if the sketch has been imperfect and meagre, the failure rests with my own imperfections, but not with the importance of the subject. We hold ist. That the students should be thoroughly prepared and equipped for the study of medicine by a systematic and philosophic preliminary course of study of the tunda- mental branches of science. 2nd. That a thorough course of medical instruction should embrace not less than fifteen chairs or departments with the necessary number of professors and instructors. furnished with all the necessary instruments, reagents, agents and well constructed and thoroughly equipped chemical, anatomical, physiological, therapeutical and pathological laboratories. 3rd. Medical students should be taught by actual ex- periments and demonstrations in chemistry, physics. physiology, pathology and therapeutics. 4th. Students should be prepared by their course of study, not only for the practice, but also for the develop- ment and advancement of medical science. 5th. The course of medical studies should be graded, 112 and should embrace for their completion not less than four years. 6th. Clinical instruction is essential to the perfection and advancement of medical knowledge with the student of medicine—and should be prosecuted from the inception to the end of the medical course of study. In presenting an outline of this vast subject we fear that we have taxed beyond endurance the patience of this in- telligent and cultured audience, but we crave indulgence in view of the importance and elevated character of the science of medicine; its object, the preservation of the health and lives, and the healing of the diseases and the amelioration of the physical and mental sufferings of our fellow-human beings, its extent embracing a knowledge of all science, whether relating to matter or mind. Health has ever been looked upon as the first of all bless- ings, and the truly wise and good physician is justly en- titled to the regard, esteem and even veneration with which he has been held in all ages and amongst all nations, even the most barbaric, and by the afflicted and destitute poor, as well as by kings and princes. " Homines ad deos nulla re propioies accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando," is the expressed opinion of the celebrated Roman orator. The nobleness of medical science has been well shadowed by the ancient poets, in that they made yEscu- lapius to be the son of the sun, the one being the fountain of life, the other of health or the second stream. But how infinitely more honored by the example of our. Saviour, who, as Lord Bacon has said, made the body of man the object of his miracles, for we read not that he vouchsafed to do any miracle about honor or money, except that one for giving tribute to Caesar, but only about the preserving, sustaining and healing of the body of man! While we should be duly impressed with the dignity and responsibility of the medical profession, at the same time it should ever be remembered that the true phy- sician is endowed with the modesty of the philosopher, 113 and even in his highest and most self-sacrificing labors for the good of humanity must expect to encounter the opposition and neglect not only of his fellow-men, but even of the profession itself. Whilst the dream of the elixir of life and of the philos- opher's stone no longer animates the ardent child of na- ture, a pure mind and heart, actuated always by a sense of duty and by a lofty endeavor after the truth, may well re- ceive the description of the Angelical stone of the alche- mist: The Angelical stone can neither be felt, seen nor weighed; it will lodge in the fire to eternity without being ■prejudiced'; it hath a divine power, celestial and invisible, and e?idows its possessor with divine gifts. The physician works with deadly knives, and still more deadly medicines ; he is entrusted with the lives of his fel- low men-; his life is spent in the nearest communion with the sick and dying, in sight of the very gates of eternity ; the work of the physician, therefore, requires the highest self-command, the loftiest moral training, and the purest religious belief. The intimate association with disease and dea£ji, the frequent view of the effects of vice in all its forms ; the tetnptation to promote private interests and elevate one's- self in the good opinion of others by the secret undermining of the professional reputation of rivals ; the great power which the privacy with which a physician works, confers of injuring rivals by those delicate and almost imperceptible stabs, which are all the more powerful and fatal, because inflicted at a time when all the sympathies are aroused; the temptation to exaggerate personal qualification and power over disease : all tend, if not restrained by a noble, self- sacrificing spirit, by high moral culture and pure religious belief, to degrade the noblest profession, the noblest field for the exercise of the highest intellectual and moral facul- ties, into a field of strife-—into a dark school for the devel- opment and education of the meanest and lowest principles of evil. As immortal beings, and as members of a profes- sion which deals with immortal beings in their last extrem- in ities, you cannot if you would, shut your eyes to the im- portance of Moral Education. Happily the very pursuit of knowledge tends to develop the moral faculties. It has been truly said, " that knowlegde is not a couch whereon to rest a searching and restless spirit, or a terrace for a wandering and variable mind to walk up and down, with a fair prospect, or a tower of state for a proud mind to raise itself upon, or a fort, or commanding ground for strife and contention, or a shop for profit and sale; but a rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate." The end of scientific education is the reflection in the human mind of the relations and laws of the members of the universe and the enrichment of the intellect with that knowledge which enables man to predict the course of future events, and direct and control the forces of nature to the advancement of his physical and social position. In all our labors we should be encouraged by the thoughts that the humblest cultivator of natural science and especially of medical knowledge, is like the coral insect, helping to rear an edifice, which, emerging from the vexed ocean of conflicting credence, shall be first stable and secure, and at last shall cover itself with verdure, flowers and fruits, and bloom beautiful in the face of heaven. cry * C«- «■£- S ^ «