ClZbcQ I8£6 atfBBSK,S*i?.V«ftr.V. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington .&■' Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Serrice CATALOGUE &m®@a% CITY OF NEW-YORK; EMBRACING THE NAMES TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AND GRADUATES} TOGETHER WIT8 A LIST OF AXL ACADEMICAL HONOURS CONFERRED BT THE INSTITUTION FROM A.D. 1758, TO A.D. 1826, INCLUSIVE. " Antiquum exquirite matrem." NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY T. *ND J. SWORDS, No. 99 Pearl-street. 1826. Tjl^m ■ gjEa -vMff^Tcv^l^j,ti^lM^T?M^tt.j\?»f*wi^tf^wiSM^^^ CATALOGUE 09 IN THE CITY OF NEW-YORK; EMBRACING THE NAMES OF ITS TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AND GRADUATES; TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF ALL ACADEMICAL HONOURS CONFERRED DI THE INSTITUTION FROM A.D. 1758, TO A.D. 1826, INCLUSIVE " Antiquum txquirite matremP NEW-YORK. PRINTED BY T. AND J. SWORDS, No. 99 Pearl-street. 1826. C7Z3ce. c.l ARMED FORCES MEOICAI LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D. C. Columbia College, in the city of New-York, was originally founded by Royal Charter, in the year 1754, under the name of King's College, by which title it continued to be known until the period of the Revolution. During the interval which elapsed between the years 1776 and 1784, the business of instruction was necessarily suspended, in consequence of the confusion of the times, and the College edifice appropriated to the purposes of a Military Hospital. Upon the restoration of public tranquillity, certain individuals were appointed by an act of the Legislature, dated May 1st, 1784, to superintend the general interests of education throughout the State, under the title of Regents of the University, whose number was subsequently increased by an act passed 26th November, in the same year By these the duties of Trustees of the College were also discharged until the year 1787- On the 13th April, 1787, an act was passed, by which the original charter of the College was confirmed, the name of the Institution altered to Columbia College, and its direction confided to certain persons mentioned in said act, who were authorized by the pro- visions of the same, to discharge the duties of Trustees of the College, and were empowered, for the time to come, to fill all vacancies which might occur in their number by death, resignation, or otherwise, after it should have been diminished to twenty-four. The government of the College has continued to be exercised in conformity with this act until the present time, TRUSTEES NEW YORK, AS APPOINTED BY ROYAL CHARTER, A. D. 1754. •"►©©•*•" The Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury: and the Arehbishop of Canterbury, for the time being, ex officio. The Right Honourable Dunk, Earl of Halifax, President of the Board of Trade and Plantations: and the Pre- sident of the Board of Trade and Plantations, for the time being, ex officio. The Governor of the Province, ex officio. The Judges of the Supreme Court, ex officio. The Secretary of the Province, ex officio. The Attorney General for the Province, ex officio. The President of his Majesty's Council, ex officio. The Speaker of the House of Assembly, ex officio. The Treasurer of the Province, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New-York, ex officio. The Rector of Trinity Church, ex officio. The Senior Pastor of the Dutch Church, ex officio. The Pastor of the Lutheran Church, ex officio. The Pastor of the French Protestant Church, ex officio. The Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, ex officio. The President of the College, ex officio. ( 6 ) Archibald Kennedy, Joseph Murray, Josiah Martin, Paul Richard, Henry Cruger, William Watson, John Watts, Henry Beekman, Philip Verplanck, Frederic Philips, Joseph Robinson John Cruger, Oliver De Lancey, James Livingston, Benjamin Nicoll, William Livingston, Joseph Read, Nathaniel Marston, Joseph Hains, John Livingston, Abraham Lodge, David Clarkson, Leonard Lispenard, James De Langey, Jun. TRUSTEES OF THE COLLEGE In the year 1775. The Trustees, ex officio, as mentioned in the preceding List. James Duane, William Alexander, Lord Sterling, Hon. Charles Ward Apthorpe, Thomas Jones, Hon. Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, S. T. D. GOLDSBROW BaNYAR, Samuel Verplanck, Rev. Charles Inglis, Hon. Henry White, Peter Middleton, M. D. James Walton, Hon. John Henry Cruger, Col. John Walton. ( 7 ) REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY As appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, x\. D. 1784. The Governor of the State, for the time being,*" The Lieutenant Governor, The President of the Senate, The Speaker of the House of Assembly, The Mayor of the City of New-York, . . )^ex officio. The Mayor of the City of Albany, . . The Attorney General, The President and Professors of the College The Secretary of State, Brockholst Livingston, Robert Harper, Walter Livingston, Christopher Yates, Anthony Hoffman, Cornelius Humphrey, Lewis Morris, Philip Pell, Jun. Christopher P. Yates, James Livingston, Abraham Bancker, John C. Dongan, Matthew Clarkson, Rutgers Van Blunt, James Townsend, Thomas Lawrence, Henry Wisner, John Haring, Christopher Tappan, James Clinton, Ezra L'Hommedieu, Caleb Smith, John Williams, John McCrea. ( 8 ) REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Added to those mentioned in the preceding List, by an Act of the Legislature, passed 26th November, 1784. John Jay, LL. D. Rev. Samuel Provoost, S. T. D. . . John H. Livingston, S. T. D. .. John Rodgers, S. T. D. .. John Mason, S. T. D. .. John Ganoe, ... John Daniel Gross, S. T. D. . . JOHANN CHRISTOFF KuNZE, S. T. D. Joseph Delaplaine, Gershom Seixas, Jewish Rabbi, Alexander Hamilton, LL. D. John Lawrence, John Rutherford, Morgan Lewis, Leonard Lispenard, John Cochran, M. D. Charles McKnight, M. D. Thomas Jones, M. D. Malachai Treat, M. D. Nicholas Romaine, M. D. Peter W. Yates, Matthew Vischer, Hunlock Woodruff, M. D. Rev. George I. L. Dole, John Vanderbilt, Rev. Thomas Romaine, Rev. Samuel Buel, Gilbert Livingston, Rev. Nathan Kerr, ( 9 ) Ebenezer Lockwood. John Lloyd, Herman Garrison, Ebenezer Russell. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE As appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New-York, 13th April, 1787. James Duane, Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, S.T. D. } Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal/ Church in the Diocese of New-York, J Rev. John H Livingston, S. T. D. Richard Varick, Alexander Hamilton, LL. D. Rev. John Mason, S. T. D. James Wilson, *Rev. John Ganoe. Brockholst Livingston, Robert Harper, Rev. John Daniel Gross, S. T. D. Rev. Johann Christoff Kunze, S. T. D. Walter Livingston, Lewis Scott, tJoSEPH DELAPLAINE. Leonard Lispenard, Rev. Abraham Beach, S. T. D. John Lawrence, resigned 179S 1801 o • 1810 . . 1816 deceased 1804 resigned 1788 1788 deceased 1823 resigned 1795 . . 1787 • • 1792 deceased 1797 1798 • « 1790 resigned 1813 deceased 1810 • This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after 15th March, 1788. | Did not serve. 2 ( io *John Rutherford. Morgan Lewis, John Cochran, M. D. Gershom Seixas, J. R. Charles McKnight, M. D. Thomas Jones, M. D. Malachai Treat, M. D. Samuel Bard, M. D. Nicholas Romaine, M. D. Benjamin Kissam, M. D. Ebenezer Crosby, M. D. resigned 1804 1794 1815 1787 deceased 1798 1795 resigned 1804 1793 deceased 1804 1788 TRUSTEES Subsequently chosen by virtue of the Act of April 13th, 1787, empowering the Trustees, then created, to fill vacancies. Appointed. 1788 William Samuel Johnson, LL. D. resigned 1800 1788 Richard Harison. 1789 John Watts, 1790 William Moore, M. D. 1793 Edward Livingston, 1793 Rev. John McKnight, S. T. D. 1794 John Cosine, 1795 Cornelius I. Bogert, 1795 Rev. John M. Mason, S. T. D. 1795 Samuel Nicoll, M. D. 1795 Edward Dunscomb, 1796 George C. Anthon, M. D. 1797 Philip Livingston, 1799 John Charlton, M. D. 1799 Rev. John N. Abeel, S. T. D. 1816 deceased 1824 resigned 1806 1795 deceased 1798 resigned- 1823 1811 deceased 1796 1814 resigned 1815 1806 deceased 1806 1812 • This name doe* not appear on the list of Trustees after 20th May, 1787, f ( 11 ) Appointed. 1799 James Tillary, M. D, 1801 Rev. John H. Hobart, S. T. D. 1802 Right Rev. Benjamin MooreA S. T. I). Bishop of the Protest- f ant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New-York, 1804 Egbert Benson, LL. D. 1804 Rev. Johann Christoff Kunze, S. T. D. 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS, 1D05 James Radcliff, 1806 Rufus King, LL. D. 1806 Rev. Samuel Miller, S. T. D. 1807 Nicholas Evertson, 1808 De Witt Clinton, LL. D. 1808 Oliver Wolcott, 1809 Rev. John B. Romeyne, S. T. D. 1811 Rev. William Harris, S. T. D. 1811 Robert Troup, 1812 Peter A. Jay, 1812 Rev. John M. Mason, S. T. D. 1813 Clement C. Moore. 1813 Charles Wilkes, 1815 David B. Ogden. 1815 William Johnson. 1815 John Wells, 1816 Rev. Thomas Y. How, S. T. D. IS 16 William Henderson, 1816 Edward W. Laight. 1816 John R. Murray. 1816 Wright Post, M. D. 1817 Beverly Robinson. 1817 Thomas L. Ogde.\. 1817 Nicholas Fish. 1817 James Renwick, 1818 Rev. Samuel F. Jarvjs, S. T. 1). deceased 181 resigned 1813 1-814 deceased 1807 . . 1816 resigned 1817 . . 1824 . . 1813 deceased 1807 declined 1808 resigned 1816 deceased 1825 resigned 1817 . . 1817 . , 1824 deceased vacated resigned 1824 1823 1818 182.1 resigned 1820 1820 ( 12 ) Appointed. 1818 John T. Trving. 1820 David S. Jones. 1821 Gulian C. Verplanck, resigned 1826 1822 Rev. Paschal N. Strong, deceased 1825 1823 James Kent, resigned 1823 1823 Peter A. Jay. 1823 John Duer. 1824 Rev, Benjamin T. Onderdonk. 1824 Lynde Catlin. 1824 Rev. Jonathan M. Wainwright, S. T. D« 1824 Philip Hone. 1824 John Watts, M. D. 1825 Charles King. 1825 Rev. James M. Matthews, S. T. D. 1825 Samuel Boyd. Where no mention is made of death, resignation, &c the individuals ahove mentioned still continue to act as Trustees of the College. PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE Under the Royal Charter. Appointed. 1754 Rev. Samuel Johnson, S. T. P. resigned 1763 1763 Rev. Myles Cooper, LL. D. Fel- ) low of Queen's College, Oxford, \ vacated 1775 3775 Rev. Benjamin Moore, President) pro tern, in the absence of IheC resigned 1776 President, \ ( 13 ) PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE Under the New Charter. Appointed. 1787 William Samuel Johnson, LL. D. resigned 1800 1801 Rev. Charles Wharton, S. T. D. .. 1801 1801 Right Rev. Benjamin Moore) S. T. D. 5 " 18H 1811 Rev. William Harris, S. T. D. Harvard—Col Coll. PROVOST. 1811 Rev. John M. Mason, S. T. D. resigned 1816 FACULTY OF ARTS Under the Royal Charter. 1757 Daniel Treadwell, A.M. Har-*\ vard—Fellow, and Professor off , Mathematics and Natural Phi. f deceased 1760 losophy, ^ 1761 Robert Harper, A.M. Glasgow} —Professor of Mathematics and/ vacated 1776 Natural Philosophy, 3 1765 SamuelClossy, M.D. Trinity Col-) lege, Dublin—Professor of Natu-> .. 1776 ral Philosophy, 3 1773 Rev. John Vardill, A. M. Fel-1 low, and Professor of Natural > .. 1776 Law, j Professor of History ) and Languages, > 1776 ( 14 ) TUTORS. Appointed. 1755 William Samuel Johnson, A. M. 1756 Leonard Cutting, A. B. Pembroke College, Ox- ford. 1762 Rev. Myles Cooper, Queen's College, Oxford- Fellow, and Assistant President. FACULTY OF ARTS Under the New Charter. 1784 Rev. John P. Tetard, Professor of ) the French Language, 5 vacated 1787 1784 Rev. William Cochran, S. T. D.) Professor of the Greek and Latin > resigned 1789 Languages, 3 1784 Rev. Benjamin Moore, S. T. D. ) Professor of Rhetoric and Logic, I ' ' 1787 1784 Rev. Johann Christoff Kunze,) S. T. D. Professor of Oriental > . . J7„7 Languages, y 1792 .------^ re-appointed, , 70 ~ 1784 Rev. John Daniel Gross, S. T. D.) Professor of the German Lan-> 17Q- guage, and Geography, S 5 1787---------------------„ . ----■— 1 ro- ) fessor of Moral Philosophy, $ '• 1795 1785 Samuel Bard, M. D. Professor of) Natural Philosophy and Astro-1 nomy, I 1 '86 1785 Henry Moves, LL.D. Professor of > Natural History and Chemistry, $ •? 1786 ( 15 ) Appointed. 1785 John Kemp, Mathematical Tutor,*\ 1786-----------Professor of Mathe-J matlcs' >deceased i ----------LL. D. Professor off \L 1795 Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy, 1789 Peter Wilson, A. M. Aberdeen) —Professor of the Greek and£ resigned 1792 Latin Languages, 3 1797----------LL. D. re-appointed, . . 1820 1792 Rev. Elias D. Rattoon, Professor) of the Greek and Latin Lan-£ . . 1797 guages, 3 1792 Samuel L. Mitchell, LL.D. Pro-) fessor of Natural History, Che-> .. 1801 mistry, and Agriculture, 3 ------------Professor of Botany, . . 1795 1792 Yillette De Marcellin, Profes- sor of the French Language, 1793 James Kent, Professor of Law, .. 1798 1795 Rev. John McKnight, S. T. D.) Professor of Moral Philosophy > . . 1801 and Logic, 3 1795 Rev. John Bissett, A.M. Aber-) deen—Professor of Rhetoric and > . . 1801 Belles Lettres, 3 1801 Rev. John Bowden, S. T. D. Pro-) fessor of Moral Philosophy,/- deceased 1817 Belles Lettres, and Logic, 3 1813 James Renwick, A. M. Lecturer) in Natural and Experimental > retired 1813 Philosophy, and Chemistry, 3 1813 Henry Vethake, A.M. Lecturer) in Mathematics and Geography, > * * * 1813 Robfrt Alrain, LL. D. Professo; 1 of Mathematics and Natural Phi-/- resigned 1825 losophy, 3 ( 16 ) Appointed. 1817 Rev. John McVickar, S. T. D. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Rhetoric, Belles Let- tres, and Political Economy. 1817 Nathaniel F. Moore, A. M. Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. 1820---------------, LL. D. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. 1820 Charles Anthon, A. B. Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. 1820 James Renwick, A. M. Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, and Chemistry. 1823 James Kent, LL. D. Professor of Law. 1825 Henry J. Anderson, M. D. Professor of Mathe- matics, Analytical Mechanics, and Physical As- tronomy. 1826 Lorenzo Da Ponte, Professor of the Italian Lan- guage and Literature. In the year 1820 a new Professorship was founded for Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy, and Chemistry. From that year the studies in the Mathe- matical department have been directed exclusively to Mathematics, Analytical Mechanics, and Physical Astronomy. PRESENT FACULTY OF ARTS, 1826. Rev. William Harris, S. T. D. Harvard—Col. Coll. President. Rev. John McVickar, S. T. D. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Rhetoric, Belles Lettres, and Political Economy. Nathaniel F. Moore, LL. D. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. Charles Anthon, A. B. Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. ( 17 ) James Renwick, A. M. Professor of Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy, and Chemistry. Henry James Anderson, M. D. Professor of Mathematics, Analytical Mechanics, and Physical Astronomy. James Kent, LL. D. Professor of Law. Lorenzo Da Ponte, Professor of the Italian Language and Literature. FACULTY OF MEDICINE Under the Royal Charter. Appointed. 1767 Samuel Clossy* M. D. Professor) vaeafed 1776 of Anatomy, 3 1767 Peter Middleton, M. D. Profes- ) me sor of Pathology and Physiology, > 1767 John Jones, M. D. Professor of) \n& Surgery, \ 1767 John Smith, M. D. Professor of) -77C Chemistry and Materia Medica, j 1767 Samuel Bard, M. D. Professor of) the Theory and Practice of Medi- > . . 1776 cine, 5 1767 John Tenant, M. D. Professor of} Midwifery, 5 1776 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Under the New Charter. 1784 Samuel Bard, M. D. Professor of) ^ d 1?85 Chemistry, ) 1736 .-----------r-, re-appointed, .. 1787 1792 .------------, Dean of the Medi- ) cal Faculty, 5 3 1804 C ™ ) 4ppomted. 1785 Benjamin Kissam, M. D. Profes.) r€Signed 1792 sor of the Institutes of Medicine, $ . 1785 Charles McKnight, M. D. Pro- ^ deceased 1792 fessor of Anatomy and Surgery, $ 1785 Ebenezer Crosby, M. D. Profes- ) j7gg sor of Midwifery, > 1785 Nicholas Romaine, M. D. Profes- ) resjene(j 1787 sor of the Practice of Medicine, > 1791------------->, Lecturer in Che-) mistry, Astronomy, and the Prac-> . . 1792 tice of Medicine, 3 1792 Richard Bailey, M. D. Professor 1 j7q3 of Anatomy, 5 1793-----------—, Professor of Surgery, .. 1811 1792 Samuel Nicoll, M. D. Professor) of Chemistry, 5 1792------------, Professor of the) Practice of Medicine, ) 1792 John R. B. Rodgers, M. D. Pro fessor of Midwifery, 1792 William P. Smith, M. D. Profes-\ sor of Materia Medica, / -------------, Professor of the > deceased 1795 1792 1794 1808 r Practice of Medicine, and Clini- cal Lecturer, 1792 Wright Post, M. D. Professor of) Surgery, J resigned 1793 ----------, Professor of Anatomy, . . 1313 1792 William Hammersley, M. D. Pro-) fessor of the Institutes of Medi-> . . 1393 cine, 3 1795 ------ —-----, Professor of the > Theory and Practice of Medicine, \ " 1813 1792 Richard S. Kissam, M.D.Profes-) sor of Botany, \ — 1793 ( 19 ) Appointed. 1794 Edward Stevens, M. D. Professor } f • ned J795 of the Practice of Medicine, > 1795 David Hosack, M. D. Edinburgh,) LL. D. F. R. S. Professor of> .. 1811 Botany, 3 -----------, Professor of Botany, ) j gj j and Materia Medica, 5 1802 James Stringham, M. D. Profes-7 ^ j813 sor of Chemistry, 5 1808 John C. Osborn, M. D. Professor) ^ ]813 of the Institutes of Medicine, 5 1808----------Professor of Materia ) ^ j81g Medica, 5 1808 Walter C. Buchanan, M.D. Pro-) ]813 fessor of Midwifery, ) 1811 Valentine Mott, M.D. Profes-) ^ 18]3 sor of Surgery, j The Faculty of Medicine in Columbia College ceased A.D. 1813, most of the individuals composing the same having bten appointed to Professorships is the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the city of New-York. TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE. Appointed. . 1775 Leonard Lispenard, resigned 1784 1783 Brockholst Livingston, deceased 1823 1824 William Johnson. ? LIST OF ACADEMICAL HONOURS CONFERKED BI THE INSTITUTIOH FROM 1758 TO 1826 INCLUSIVE. In all cases where any of the individuals mentioned in the following list had previously received any Academical Honours from some other Institution, a note is appended to their names, explanatory of the same—Thus, John McKesson—N.Jers.—means that the individual alluded to had previously obtained a similar degree from New-Jersey College. Rev. Thomas B. Chandler—Oxford—Yale— implies that a similar degree bad been previously obtained from each of these Institutions. Isaac Browne, A. B. Yale—signifies that he was a graduate of Yale College. In giving the names of the candidates for the Baccalaureate, the alphabetical order is observed until the year 1786 : From this year the order of merit is followed. 1758. A. B. Joshua Bloomer, Philip Van Cortlandt, John McKesson—N. Jers. Josiah Ogden, Isaac Ogden, Samuel Provoost, Joseph Reade, ( 22 ) Rudolph Ritzema, Samuel Verplanck, Timothy Whetmore. A.M. Daniel Isaac Browne—.V. Jers. Isaac Browne, A. B. Yale, Samuel Browne—Yale, Rev. Thomas B. Chandler— Oxford—Yale, Rev. Leonard Cutting, A. B. Cambridge, Rev. Samuel Fayerweather—Harvard— Oxford, Carey Ludlow, David Matthews—N. Jers. Cyrus Ponderson, Rev. Ebenezer Ponderson, Daniel I'readwell—Harvard. 1759. A. B. William Hanna—-JV. Jers, Epenetus Townsend. 1760. A. B. Samuel Bayard, Anthony Hoffman, Philip Livingston, John Marston, Robert Watts, Isaac Wilkins. ( 2$ ) 1761. A.B. John Beardsley, Henry Holland, Anthony Lispenard, Agur Treadwell, Henry Van Dyck. A.M. Rev. Joshua Bloomer, Philip Van Cortlandt, William Jackson, William Samuel Johnson— Yak—Harvard, Rev. Samuel Peters—Yale, Rev. Samuel Provoost, Rev. James Scovil-— Yale, Rev. Samuel Seabury—Yale, Rev. Edward Winslow. 1762. A.B. Edward Antil, Richard Clark, Henry Cuvler, William C. George, John Grennell, Alexander Leslie, Leonard Lispenard, William B. N. Maverick, Daniel Robert. ( 24 ) A. M. Rev. Samuel Andrews—Yale, Robert Harper—Glasgow—Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in King's Col" lege, New-York, Rev. Bela Hubbard, Robert McKean—Philad, Ebenezer Parmele, Rev. Epenetus Townsend, 1763. A. B. Baretit Cuyler, Abraham Depeyster. A.M. Samuel Bayard, Anthony Hoffman, Philip Livingston, John Marston, Samuel Verplanck, Robert Watts, Rev. Isaac Wilkins. 1764. A. B. Samuel Giles, Richard Harison, John Jay. ( 25 ) A M Matthew Cushing—Harvard, Henry Holland, Rev. Henry Van D) ck. 1765. A.B. Egbert Benson, Richard Grant, Robert Livingston, Henry Lloyd, Arent Schuyler. A.M. Edward Antil, Henry Culler, Rev. William Hanna, Rev. Jeremiah Learning—Yale, Alexander Leslie. 1766. A.B. James Barclay, Gerard Beekman, Richard N. Colden, Richard D'Olier, Edward Nicoll, John Ray, Henry Rutgers, John Troup, senior, ( 26 ) John Troup, junior, John Vardill, John Watts. A.M. Richard Clark, Barent Cuyler, Abraham Depeyster. 1767. A.B. William Laight, John Tyler. A.M. Rev. Ephraim Avery, A. B. Yale, George Glentworth, M. D. Edinb, Richard Harison, John Jay, Rev. Charles Inglis—Oxford, Hugh Neill, Rev. John Ogilvie—Yale. S. T. D. Rev. Samuel Achmuty—Oxford, Rev. Thomas B. Chandler— Oxford. 1768. A.B. Charles Doughty, James Ludlow, ( 27 ) Benjamin Moore, Gouvtrneur Morris, John Stevens, Peter Van Schaick, Gulian Verplanck. A.M. Rev. John Beardsley, Egbert Benson, Robert Livingston. M.D. Samuel Bard—Edinb.—Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, Samuel Clossy—Dublin—Professor of Anatomy, John Jones, Professor of Surgery, Peter Middleton—St. Andrew's—Professor of Pathology and Phy biology. LL. D. Rev. Myles Cooper— Oxford— President of King's College, New-York. 1769. A.B. Caleb Cooper. A.M. James Barclay, Gerard Beekman, Rev. Ebenezer Kneeland, A. B. Yale, Henry Lloyd, ( 28 ) Edward Nicoll, John Troup, senior, John Troup, junior, Rev. John Tyler, A. B. Yale, Rev. John Vardill, John Watts. M. B. Samuel Kissam, Robert Tucker. 1770. A.B. Robert Blackwell—JY. Jers, James Creighton, John Doughty, Jonathan Graham, Richard Harris, William Hubbard, Stephen Lush, Philip Pell. A.M. Rev. Thomas Barton, William Laight. M. D. Robert Tucker. S. T. D. Rev. John Ogilvie—Aberdeen, ( 29 ) 1771. A.B. Ichabod B. Barnet, Clement C. Clarke, John Copp, Henry De Wint, Thomas Knox, John Searle. A.M. Rev. Jonathan Boucher, Caleb Cooper, Charles Doughty, James Ludlow, Rev. Benjamin Moore, Gouverneur Morris, John Stevens. M. B. Benjamin Onderdonk, Michael Sebring. M.D. Samuel Kissam. 1772. A.B. Thomas Barclay, John Bowden, John King, C so ) Nicholas Ogden, Peter Roebuck, Andrew Skene. M. B. Charles Doughty, John Augustus Graham, Uzal Johnson, James Muirson, Richard Udall, William Winterton. 1773. A.B. Cornelius Bogert, Frederic Philips, Nathaniel Philips, Beverly Robinson, Thomas Shreve. A. M. James Creighton, Richard Harris, William Hubbard, Isaac Hunt—Phxlad, Joseph Lamson, Stephen Lush, Rev. John Marshall, Rev. Harry Monroe, Philip Pell, John Ray, ( 31 ) John Stewart, Peter Van Schaick. M. B. Jabez Doty. 1774. A.B. Isaac Abrahams, Robert Achmuty, William Chandler, Edward Dunscomb, Nicholas Heyliger, John Jauncey, Henry Nicoll, George Ogilvie, John Rapelye, Benjamin Seaman, Edward Stevens, Robert Troup. A.M. Ichabod B. Barnet, Lucas Babcock—Yale, Clement C. Clarke, John Copp, Rev. George Panton—Aberdeen, Rev. Jacob Szyres—Ffulad. John Searle. ( 32 ) M. B. Samuel Nicoll. LL. D. His Excellency William Tryon, Governor of the Province of New- York. 1775. The President being absent, no public Commencement was held this year. The following Academical Honours, however, were awarded by the Faculty. A. B. Richard Achmuty, William Amory, William Cock, Joseph Griswold, John G. Livingston, James Remsen. A.M. Rev. John Bowden, Peter Roebuck. 1776. No public Commencement was held this year in conse- quence of the disordered state of public affairs. The de- gree of A. B., however, was awarded by the Faculty to the tollowmg individuals : Samuel Bayard, James Devereux, ( 33 ) Peter Kissam, Matthias Nicoll, Peter Ogden, Marinus Willett. No accession was made to the numbers of the Institu- tion during the year 1776. On the 6th April, in that year, an order was issued by the Committee of Public Safety, directing the Treasurer to prepare the College buildings, within eight days, for the reception of the military. The students, in consequence, retired to their respective homes, and, the Library and apparatus having been deposited for safe keeping in the City Hall, the College edifice was con- verted into a Military Hospital. At the close of the Revo- lutionary war, by virtue of an act of the State Legislature, dated May 1st, 1784, certain persons, named therein, were appointed to superintend the general interests of Educa- tion throughout the State, under the title of Regents of the University : these acted also as Trustees of the College. On the 13th April, 1787, an act of the Legislature was passed, confirming the Royal Charter, altering the name of the Institution to Columbia College, and appointing a new Board of Trustees. The government of the College has been administered in conformity with the last mentioned act unto the present time. The first public Commencement after the re-organiza- tion of the College was held A. D. 1786: From this period the order of merit is observed in giving the names of the candidates for the Baccalaureate. 1786. A. B. 1. De Witt Clinton, 2. Philip H. Livingston. u ( 34 ) 3. George Livingston, 4. Abraham Hunn, 5. John Bassett, 6. Peter Steddiford, 7. Francis Sylvester, 8. Samuel Smith. 1787. A. B. 1. Samuel Boyd, 2. John C. Ludlow, 3. John W. Yates, 4. Nicholas Fonda, 5 Henry C. Van Schaick, 6. James Hardie. 1788. A.B. I. Brandt S. Lupton, 2. James Cochran, 3. Peter S. Livingston, 4. John Eccles. A.M. Rev. Robert Annan, Rev. William Cochran, A. B. Trinity Coll. Dublin, Alexander Hamilton, Robert C. Johnson—Yale, Samuel L. Mitchell, ( 35 ) Daniel C. Verplanck, John Watkins. 1789. A.B. 1. James Duane, 2. Matthew Mesier, 3. Peter Mesier, 4. John M.Mason, 5. William Lupton, 6. Henry Izard, 7. John Bainbridge, 8. John Van Ness, 9. John Remsen, 10. William Hurst. A.M. Rev. Roger Alden—Yale, Rev. John Bassett, De Witt Clinton, Abraham Hunn, Samuel W. Johnson—Yale, Philip H. Livingston, Samuel Smith, Rev. Peter Steddiford, Francis Sylvester. S. T. D. Rev. Abraham Beach, Rev. John Daniel Gross, Rev. James R. Hardenbergh, ( 36 ) Rev. Jeremiah Leaming, Rev. William Linn, Rev. Benjamin Moore. 1790. A.B. 1. George Graham, 2. John Graham, 3. David S. Bogart, 4. Marmaduke Earle, £. Frederick Halsev, 6. Jonathan Freeman. A.M. William Cock, James Hardie, Rev. Henry Maeller, Rev. Thomas Moore, Rev. James Proudfit. S. T. D. Rev. Joshua Bloomer. 1791. A.B. 1. James Woods, 2. John W. Mulligan, 3. Anthony Bleecker, t. Walter L. Cochran, ( 37 ) 5. Lancaster Lupton, 6. William Bleecker, 7. Cave Jones, 8. Pierre Fleming, 9. George Rapelye, 10. William Broome, 11. William B. Verplanck, 12. Peter Anderson, 13. Thomas L. Ogden, 14. Charles Ogden, 15. Jesse Woodhull, 16. William Hendell, 17. Nathan White, 18. Daniel Paris, 19. Isaac Knevils, 20. John Knevils, 21. Frederic Van Home. A.M.- James Cochran, Schuyler Livingston. 1792. A. B. 1. Willet Taylor, junior, 2. Alexander Hosack, 3. John L. Norton, 4. Samuel Smith, 5. George Taylor, 6. Jotham Post, 7. John Johnson, ( 38 ) 8. Gerard Beekman, 9. Alexander Proudfit, 10. Cornelius Brower, 11. James Nicholson. 1793. J A.B. 1. Edward W. Laight, 2. James Parker, 3. Valentine H. Peters, 4. Philip Milledoler, 5. George Clinton, junior, 6. Jonathan Pearsee, 7. George I. Eacker, 8. Thomas R. Smith, 9. Elias B. Woodward, 10. Abraham B. Ogden, junior, 11. Samuel Gilford, junior, 12. William Cutting, 13. Henry Masterton, 14. Robert B. Norton, 15. John Stringham, 16. Gilbert Smith, 17. John Brower, 18. Robert Heaton, junior, 19. John I. Johnson, 20. Henry W. Ludlow, 21. Charles D. Gould, 22. Cornelius A. Van Home, 23. Thomas Thompson, 24. John S. Schermerhorn, ( 39 ) 25. Samuel Jones, junior, 26. John Nicholl. A.M. John C. Ludlow. M.D. Samuel Borrowe, John B. Hicks, Jotham Post, Willett Taylor, junior, Joseph Youle. S. T. D. Rev. Ebenezer Dibblee, Rev. Andrew Jaffray, of North Britain, Eng. Rev. William Ogilvey, Professor of Humanity in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 1794. A.B. 1. Cyrus A. King, 2. Jacob Janeway, 3. Peter A. Jay, 4. John Forbes, 5. Leffert Lefferts, 6. Gilbert Milligan, 7. Thomas Ustick, 8. John Fisher, 9. John Stringham, 10. Jacob Mackie, ( 40 ) 11. William Cocks, 12. Montgomery Hunt, 13. Peter Stuyvesant, 14. Samuel Malcolm, 15. Levi Graham. A. M. Rev. Cave Jones, Rev. Richard C. Moore. M.D. David G. Abeel, Peter Irving, Henry Mead. 1795. The candidates for the Baccalaureate this year are numbered as far as the College records enable this to be done—the remaining names are given in alphabetical order. A. B. 1. Adolph C. Lent, 2. Pierre C. Van Wyck, 3. Sylvanus Miller, 4. Nicholas Jones, 5. George Barculoo, 6. Henry Sands, 7. John Ferguson, 8. John I. Faesch, 9. James B. Temple, 10. Rensselaer Westerlo, ( « ) Philip Duryee, Bernard Elliott, Thomas Herring, James Inglis, John B. Linn, John H. Meier, John Morrison, Alexander Phcenix, Sidney Phcenix, Thomas Phcenix, Robert Remsen, John B. Romeyn, WTilliam Ross, Benjamin Seaman, Daniel D. Tompkins, Effingham Warner. A.M. Peter Anderson, John Coffin, John Campbell, M. D. Peter Anderson, William M.Ross, Timothy F. Wetmore. 1796. A.B. 1. David S. Jones, 2. William Rattoone, 3. Henry Cruger, 6 ( 42 ) 4. Lawrence Van Buskirk, 5. Adrian Van Sleigh, 6. Gouverneur Ogden, 7. Samuel Nicholson, 8. David Barclay, 9. William Turk, 10. Ai.drew S. Garr, 11. Edward Livingston, 12. John Watts, 13. Josiah Shippey, 14. Philip Fisher, 15. Charles Taylor. M. D. Alexander Anderson, Winthrop Saltonstall. 1797. A. B. I. William Le Conte, 2. William Bard, 3. William Van Ness, 4. Robert Boyd, 5. Henry Kunze, 6. Abraham Lawrence, 7. George W. Clinton, 8. Archibald Bruce, 9. Isaac Van Hook. A.M, Anthony Bleecker, Wittiam T. Broome, ( 43 ) George L Eacker, Peter E. Fleming, Charles D. Gould, Robert Heaton, Rev. James G. Janeway, Rev. Samuel A. Law, Rev. Philip Milledoler, John Nicholl, James Stringham. M. D. William Bay, Alexander Hosack. S. T. £>. Rev. John Bowden. LL. D. James Kent, Professor of Tmw in Columbia Col- lege. 1798. A.B. JL. Clement C. Moore, 2. David Codwise, 3. William Rhinelander, 4. William Ogden, 5. Jacob Brower, 6. John T. Irving, 7. Washington McKnight, 8. Samuel W. Moore, 9. George Davis, ( 44 ) 10. Rudolph Bunner, 11. George BrinckerhofF, 12. Lewis Sands, 13. James Wilsh, 14. William Keese, 15. Thomas Bay, 16. Philip Jones, 17. Charles Graham, 18. Joseph Bainbridge. A. M. Adolph C. Lent, Thomas Herring, Rev. John B. Linn, Henry Sands, Rev. William Best, Honoris Ergo, William Scott, Honoris Ergo, Andrew Smith, Honoris Ergo, Rev. Robert G. Wetmore, Honoris Ergo, M.D. Adolph C. Lent. 1799. A. B. • J. James Lynch, 2. Philip Meyers, 3. Lewis Le Conte, 4. Arthur Stansbury, 5. Abraham Varick, junior, 6. John V. Varick, 7. James R. Manley, ( 45 ) 8. Jacob Schoonmaker, 9. Arthur Walter, 10. Thomas T, Mackaness, 11. Stephen Price, 12. Peter Van Pelt, 13. Samuel Riker, 14. James Livingston, 15. Alexander Murray, 16. Peter D. Freligh, 17. John Christie, 18. David Wright. 1800. A B. 1. John De Peyster, 2. Peter Wilson, 3. George Wilson, 4. Nicholas I. Quackenbos, 5. Samuel Halstead, 6. Philip Hamilton, 7. Thomas Rathbone, 8. Matthew Tillary, 9. Samson Simson, 10. John Ward, 11. Samuel Harris, 12. John McKinnon, 13. John Huyler, 14. Robert Livingston, 15. John Henry, 16. Charles F. Thomas. ( 46 ) A.M. Rev. Jonathan Freeman. 1801. A. B. 1. John Anthon, 2. John Nitchie, 3. John Furman, 4. Gulian C. Verplanck, 5. Gabriel Winter, 6. Henry H. Schieffelin, 7. Robert Benson, 8. Abraham L. Blauvelt, 9. Lewis M. Ogden, 10. Thomas Bolton, 11. Gabriel Tichenor, 12. Henry Schenck, 13. John Gosman, 14. Samuel Bogert, 15. Samuel Walsh. A. M. George Brinckerhoff, Jacob Brower, George Davis, Clement C. Moore. 1802. A. B. 1. Robert Macomb, 2. Nathaniel F. Moore, ( 47 ) 3. Henry Laight, 4. John Crosby, 5. Hubert Van Wagenen, 6. James McVickar, 7. Archibald McVickar, 8. Alexander Beebee, 9. William Ogilvie, 10. Isaac Ogden, 11. John Delafield, 12. Henry Priest, 13. Billop Seaman, 14. John Macomb, 15. George Gosman, 16. William Gardner, 17. James Jones, 18. Leffert Lefferts, 19. Francis L. Harison, 20. James Tillary. A.M. Thomas T. Mackaness, James R. Manley, Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker, Arthur M. Walter, Rev. William Duke, Honoris Ergo, M.D. Joseph Bayley, Nicholas I. Quackenbos, Jacob V. Brower, Richard L. Walker. ( 48 ) S.T.D. Rev. James Kemp, of Maryland, 1803. A B. 1. George Atkinson, 2. William Remsen, 3. Edward R. Jones, 4. Gouverneur Kemble, 5. John Le Conte, 6. Henry F. Rogers, 7. Edward Kemeys, 8. John Lawrence, 9. Peter Kemble, 10. John Bowne, 11. Thomas Crolius, 12. Samuel Thompson, 13. Augustus Fleming, 14. John Bay, 15. John Stevens, 16. George Quackenbos, 17. Alpheus Sherman. AM. John Huyler, John McKinnon, Nicholas I. Quackenbos^ Isaac Van Hook, Rev. Peter I. Van Pelt, George Wilson, Peter Wilson. ( 49 ) M. D. Isaac Foster, James R. Manley, Samuel Scofield. 1804. A.B, 1. John McVickar, 2. Elisha Camp, 3. John Thompson, 4. Thomas D. Smith, 5. Cornelius T. Demarest, • 6. Henry Hagerman, 7. Philip Rhinelander, 8. Samuel Rogers, 9. James Watson, 10. David M. Ross, 11. JohnT. B. Graham, 12. Jeremiah I. Drake, 13. William Price, 14. John Watts, junior, 15. Robert Seaman, 16. John I. Sickels, 17. John Mitchell, 18. Edward Manley, 19. George Bryan, 20. John Barnum, 21. Samuel Akerly, 22. Joseph Nelson, 23. William D. Blackwell, 24. Charles Stewart, 2£. William Gracie, ( 50 ) 26. William Edgar, 27. Richard N. Harison, 28. William L. Lytton, 29. James Livingston, 30. Alexander Hamilton. A. M. Rev. Washington McKnight, Rev. John H. Meier, William Rhinelander, James Woods, Rev. Edmund D. Barry, Honoris Ergo, Rev. James Larzelere, Honoris Ergo, Rev. Peter Stryker, Honoris Ergo, M. D. William Barrow, Ezekiel Ostrander, Daniel D. Walters. S T. D. Rev. Edward Jenkins. 1805. A. B. 1. Joab G. Cooper,, 2. Alexander Gunn, 3. Leonard A. Bleecker, 4. Thomas Lefferts, 5. Henry U. Onderdonk, 6. James L. Fine, 7. Benjamin U. Coles,. ( 51 ) 8. Abraham Purdy, 9. Robert I. Watts, 10. Edward Seaman, 11. Richard Hatfield, 12. Peter Allaire, 13. Edmund H. Pendleton, 14. Robert Jaques, 15. William Cock, 16. James A. Hamilton, 17. James Fleming, 18. John Smith, 19. James Bibby, 20. Thomas McGahagan. A. M. Robert Macomb, Nathaniel F. Moore, Rev. Clement Merriam, Honoris Ergo, M. D. Thomas Cock, Benjamin Kissam. 1806. A.B. 1. Jonathan Gosman, 2. Ferris Pell, 3. Philip Schuyler, 4. William E. Dunscomb, 5. James Cullen, 6. Frederic Roorbach, 7. Samuel B. Romaine, ( 52 ) 8. David Quackenbush, 9. John V. Bartow, 10. John Smith, 11. George Boyd, 12. Samuel W. Moore, 13. John Christie, 14. John P. De Wint, 15. Cornelius Schermerhom, 16. Cornelius Miller, 17. David Moore, 18. John Tillinghast, 19. Robert McLeod, 20. Gilbert Fowler. M. D. William James McNeven—Vienna^ Valentine Mott. 1807. A. B. 1. James Renwick, 2. Theodore V. W. Varick, 3. John H. Hill, 4. John L. Bronk, 5. Peter V. E. Tappan, 6. Philip M. Holmes, 7. James Van Cortlandt, 8 Egbert Benson, junior, 9. Cornelius Van Beuren, 10. Robert Gosman, 11. William E. Burrell, 12. Charles A. Williamson, ( # ) 13. Henry S. Dodge, 14. George R. Copland, 15. Theodoric B. Stockholm, 16. Simeon Remsen, 17. John H. Browere, 18. Daniel Mack, 19. Philip G. Van Wyck, 20. Peter T. Marselis, 21. George P. Rogers, 22. William H. Maxwell. A. M Samuel Akerly, Jeremiah I. Drake, William L. Lytton, David M. Ross, John I. Sickles, Rev. John Thompson. M. D. Alire R. Delile, William L. Lytton. 1808. A. B. 1. James Stevens, 2. Lionel Brown, 3. John Watts, junior, 4. William Atkinson, 5. James Inderwick, 6. Henry Ross, 7. Edward Post, ( 54 ) 8. Henry Vethake, 9. John Philips, 10. John McKnight, 11. Henry M. Francis, 12. Timothy Clowes, 13. Peter D. Vroome, 14. Robert McCartee, 15. Daniel Van Mater, 16. Gilbert H. Sayre, 17. William Rhinelander, 18. William Berrian, 19. Hugh Maxwell, 20. William Stuart, 21. Frederic Muzzy. A.M. Rev. Joab G. Cooper, Rev. Alexander Gunn, Robert Jaques, Joseph Nelson, Henry U. Onderdonk. 1809. A. B. 1. John Hamilton, 2. John Fine, 3. John Brady, 4. James Stryker, 5. Henry McVickar, 6. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, 7. Cornelius R. Duffie, 8. Jackson Kemper, ( 65 ) 9. Thomas Aspinwall, 10. Henry Green, 11. William Turnbull, 12. Samuel Berrian, 13. Robert Renwick, 14. Edward N. Bibby, 15. John Cadle, 16. Samuel Jackson, 17. William E. Wyatt, 18. Walter F. Osgood, 19. David M. Hoffman, 20. James N. Gifford, 21. Thomas Dugan, 22. Edward Copeland, 23. Gerard Conrey, 24. John W. Francis, 25. Alexander Fleming, 26. Alfred C. Lloyd. A. M. Rev. John V. Bartow, Rev. Abraham Bronson, Honoris Ergo. 1810. A.B. . 1. Paschal N. Strong, 2. James Stoughton, 3. Richard Stevens, 4. Francis Child, 5. Ava Neal, 6. John Agnew, 7. James C. Garrison, ( 56 ) 8. Jacob Dyckman, 9. John McDonald, 10. Benjamin Moore, 11. Peter F. Hunn, 12. Charles Watts, 13. Francis Stevens, 14. David Clarkson, 15. Jacob Townsend, 16. John Slidell, 17. Waldron B. Post, 18. Israel Dissosway, 19. Joseph'Greenleaf, 20. Charles Kip, 21. William Depeyster, 22. John Morton, 23. Theodosius Fowler, 24. Horatio Lewis, 25. George Morton, 26. Robert Emmet, 27. Andrew Anderson, 28. George Codwise, 29. John McGregor* A. M. Henry S. Dodge, Abraham Purdy, James Renwick, Theodore V. W. Varick. M. D. Robert Morrell, Samuel W. Moore, Henry U. Onderdonk. ( 57 ) 1811. A. B. 1. William Hogan, 2. Pctt r V. B. Livingston, 3. James W. Gerard, 4. Jackson Odell, 5. Benjamin Haight, 6. Jacobus Dyckman, 7. John Brown, 8. John B. Stevenson, 9. William H. Harison, 10. Richard Freake, 11. John Talman, 12. William Hart, 13. John Covert^ 14. George Douglass, 15. Ebenezer Close, 16. George Purdy* 17. Charles G. Ferris, 18. David Fraser, 19. Thomas Ludlow, 20. Gregory T. Bedell, 21. George Watts, 22. John Rhinelander, 23. Charles Rapelye, 24. John Campbell. A. M. Henry M. Francis, Robert McCartee. 8 ( 58 ) S. T. D. Rev. John Croes, of New-Jersey, Rev. James Hall, of Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. William Harris, Harvard, Rev. Isaac Wilkins. 1812. A.B. \. Albert Ammerman, 2. Matthew C. Patterson, 3. Peter Mackie, junior, 4. William Creighton, 5. John A. Burtis, 6. Matthias Bruen, junior, 7. Jacob Robertson, 8. Alexander Duer, 9. John W. B. Murray, 10. Cornelius F. Low, 11. Benjamin Kissam, 12. Edward McVickar, 13. John Swartwout, 14. John Smyth Rogers, 15. Peter W. Townsend, 16. Ogden Hoffman, 17. Philip K. Lawrence, 18. John A. Sidell, 19. Richard Duryee, junior, 20. Lindley Murray Hoffman, 21. James F. De Peyster, 22. Augustine H. Lawrence,. 23. Egerton L. Winthrop. ( 59 ) A.M. Rev. John Brady, John Cadle, John Fine, John W. Francis, Rev. Ravaud Kearney, Walter F. Osgood, Peter D. Vroome. 1813. A.B. 1. John B. Beck, 2. William Boyd, 3. Thomas C. Mitchell, 4. William Kemble, 5. George W. Bruen, 6. Hugh Smith, 7. Henry Anthon, 8. George L. Davis, 9. William Bailey, 10. Robert Hyslop, 11. Alexander H. Robertson, 12. Nathaniel G. Pendleton, 13. Nicholas Morris, 14. John Varick, 15. Robert Ray, 16. Richard F. Cadle, 17. James J. Bowden, 18. Thomas C. Murray, ( 60 ) A. M. Rev. Cornelius T. Demarest, Cornelius R. Duffie, Jacobus Dyckman, Ava Neal, James Stoughton, James Stryker. 1814. A.B. h Benjamin Hilton, 2. Cornelius Davis, 3. Allen Jackson, 4. William H. Heyer, 5. James M. Pendleton, 6. George F. Talman, 7. Ferdinand Vandewater, 8. Henry R. Judah, 9. John H. Ball, 10. Theophilus Russell, 11. James Brooks. 1815. A. B. J. Charles Anthon, 2. John L. Mason, 3. James I. Roosevelt, junior, 4. John Q. Jones, 5. Robert C, Sands, ( 61 ) 6. William S. Heyer, 7. James Watkins, 8. Leonard Kip, 9. Henry Van Amringe, 10. Francis Morton, 11. William Ironside, 12. Robert Seeney, 13. James Berrian, 14. Archibald Gracie, junior, 15. Robert G. L. De Peyster, 16. John Hone, 17. Frederic Rhinelander, 18. Philip Lydig, 19. Archibald R. Bogardus. A.M. Rev. John Brown, Ebenezer Close, John N. Talman, Rev. Matthias Bruen, junior, David Fraser, John W. B. Murray. S. T. D. Rev. Frederic Beasley, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. 1816. A B. 1. Samuel S. Steer, 2. John E. Mowatt, ( 62 ) 3. James Romeyn, 4. James W. Eastburn, 5. Thomas M. Strong, 6. John D. Campbell, 7. Maurice W. D wight, 8. Abel Anderson, 9. John M. Smith, 10. Adrian Vandeveer, 11. John I. Robinson, 12. Frederic De Peyster, junior, 13. John Ireland, 14. Samuel G. Raymond, 15. Isaac Ferris, 16. Richard Codman, 17. Daniel L. M. Peixotto. A. M. Rev. Henry Anthon, Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, George W. Bruen, Rev. Richard F. Cadle, Francis Child, junior, Charles G. Ferris, James C. Garrison, James W. Gerard, Benjamin Haight, Hugh Maxwell, Thomas C. Mitchell, Nicholas Morris, Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, Alexander H. Robertson, Rev. Hugh Smith, ( 63 ) John B. Stevenson, Rev. William E. Wyatt. S. T. D. Rev. John Schureman. 1817. A.B. 1. William Lowerre, 2. Richard Ray, 3. Seymour P. Funk, 4. Manton Eastburn, 5. Isaac Fisher, 6. Samuel Rogers, 7. William Minturn, 8. Samuel Gouverneur, 9. James P. Clarke, 10. Meredith Ogden, 11. Phcenix Ingraham, 12. John Neilson, 13. Benjamin Isherwood, 14. John M. Cannon, 15. Edward N. Rogers, 16. Edward Ludlow, 17. John Grigg, 18. Matthias Dayton. A, M. Robert Ray. ( 64 > 1818. A B. 1. Henry J. Anderson, 2. William B. Lawrence, 3. Peter Forrester, 4. Alexander B. McLeod, 5. Richard F. Kemble, 6. Gerard W. Morris, 7. Clarence Sackett, 8. George D. Post, 9. James Lenox, 10. Abraham Wilson, 11. Daniel Bonet, 12. Henry Hone, 13. Richard V. Dey, 14. John H. Lloyd, 15. John O'Blenis, 16. Frederic Fairlie, 17. Robert Gracie, 18. William Staley. A.M. John B. Beck, William S. Heyer, Philip K. Lawrence, Rev. John McVickar, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Rhetoric, Belles Let- tres, and Political Economy, in Columbia Col- lege, New- York, John L. Mason, Thomas C. Murray, Samuel Nichols, ( 65 ) Jacob A. Robertson, Robert C. Sands, Henry Van Amringe. S. T. D. Rev. Andrew Thompson. LL. D. Hon. Joseph Hopkinson, Robert Adrain, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Columbia College, New- York. 1819. A.B. f Peter Dykers, \ William L. Johnson, j James H. Roosevelt, (_ Marinus Willett, 2. Henry J. Lowere, 3. George Rogers, 4. James Rumsey, 5. George Jones, 6. Andrew Hamersley, 7. Edward Heyer, 8. Henry Cruger, 9. Walter E. Heyer, » Messrs Dykers, Johnson, Roosevelt, and Willett,were considered so nearly equal in point of merit, that the Faculty deemed it expedient to rank them together in one and the same grade, and to award to each an honourable testimonial of the highest class. 9 ( 66 ) 10. Richard Schieffelin, 11. Gabriel Dissosway, 12. John Suckley, 13. Richard Wynkoop, 14. Samuel Verplanck, 15. Charles Jones, 16. Thomas Wells. A.M. Abel T. Anderson, Frederic De Peyster, junior, Rev. James W. Eastburn, Rev. Isaac Ferris, James M. Pendleton. Matthew C. Patterson, Samuel G. Raymond, Rev. John M. Smith, Adrian Vandeveer. S. T. D. Rev. John Philip, Right Rev. Philander Chase, Bishop of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio, Right Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Connecticut, 1820. A.B. 1. William Mitchell, 2. John R. Townsend, ( 67 ) 3. John B. Bleecker, 4. Roosevelt Johnson, 5. Joseph H. Coit, 6. John Mitchell, 7. William Betts, 8. Philip Milledoler, 9. Cornelius R. Dissosway, 10. James Johnson, 11. Archibald G. Rogers, 12. Henry Lawrence, 13. Rutsen Suckley. A.M. John D. Campbell, Rev. Maurice W. Dwight, Rev. Manton Eastburn, Rev. Isaac Fisher, Rev. John Grigg, Benjamin Isherwood, Leonard W. Kip, William Lawrence, John Neilson, Charles Rapelye, Richard Ray, Edward N. Rogers, Thomas M. Strong, William Forrest, Honoris Ergo. ( 68 ) 1821.** First Grade. ^ Second Grade. Third Grade. Fourth Grade. A.B. 'Peter Cowdrey, Isaac F. Craft, William Inglis, Pierre Irving, Stephen Meeker, ^Henry A. V. Post, f William B. Barnes, William P. Hawes, Samuel Ogden, John C. Slack, Henry J. Whitehouse, ^George Wilkes, f George H. Fisher, J Frederic P. Gouverneur, ] William H. Munn, (^ Peter Stagg, (Thomas Kermit, I Elisha S. King, <( Isaac Low, j Gerard Van Wagenen, Uohn H. Waddell, ^William Craft, William Forsyth. William N. Gibert, Edwin Post, «4 George Shrady, Junius Thompson, John Tiebout, William Turner, LCharles Stagg. * The classes were arranged this year by grades. In the succeeding years the numerical order was resumed. Fifth Grade. ( 69 ) A.M. Henry J. Anderson, Rev. Richard V. Dey, Rev. Seymour P. Funk, Robert Gracie, James Lenox, William Staley, Gulian C. Verplanck, Abraham D. Wilson, M. D. S. T. D. Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, of Cambridge, Mass. Rev. Daniel McDonald, of Geneva, N Y. 1822. A. B. 1. William Williams, 2. Edward M. Willett, 3. Samuel F. Wilson, 4. John L. Stevens, 5. Alfred C. Post, 6. Alexander H, Patterson, 7. Edward N. Mead, 8. Alfred A. Weeks, 9. Josiah D. Harris, 10. Anson Livingston, 11. Henry P. Jones, 12. Gouverneur Kortwright, 13. George Abeel, 14. Alfred Wagstaff, 15. John M. Glover, ( 70 ) 16. Thomas I. Tucker, 17. Caroll Livingston, 18. Adrian H. Muller, 19. George W. Dawson, 20. Hamilton Wilkes, 21. Theodore F. King, 22. Peter Dustan. A.M. Gabriel Dissosway, William L. Johnson, Henrv J. Lowere, James H. Roosevelt, Richard L. Schieffelin, Samuel Verplanck, Richard Wynkoop, Rev. Alexis P. Proal, Honoris Ergo, John Walsh, Honoris Ergo. S. T. D. Rev. John Read, Rev. Thomas Lyell, Rev. Stephen N. Rowan, LL. D. Hon. William Lowndes, of South-Carolina. 1823. A.B. 1. Edmund D. Griffin, 2. Lewis Cruger, ( 71 ) 3. Horatio Allen, 4. John A. Hicks, 5. Edward Anthon, 6. William A. Lawrence, 7. Christopher Allen, 8. David A. Logan, 9. Charles Smith, 10. Grenville Sackett, 11. John Ogden, 12. William H. Havemeyer, 13. Mancius S. Hutton, 14. Smith Pyne, 15. James H. Titus, 16. William A. Keese, 17. Edmund B. Elmendorff, 18. William H. Boyd, 19. Jonathan Lawrence, 20. Noel Robertson, 21. Edward M. Clarke, 22. Adolphus Gouverneur, 23. Henry A. Heyer, 24. Andrew K. Robertson, 25. William Henderson, 26. John J. Ferguson, 27. James Hosack, 28. John B. Foulke, 29. George Ogden. A.M. William Betts, Henry N. Cruger, Abraham N. Halsey, Roosevelt Johnson, ( 72 ) William B. Lawrence, William Mitchell, Daniel L. M. Peixotto, John Carroll, Honoris Ergo, Samuel Seabury, Honoris Ergo. S. T. D. Right Rev. John S. R ivenscroft, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of North- Carolina, Rev. Chauncey Lee, of Connecticut. LL. D. John Savage, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, Ambrose Spencer, Edward Livingston, of Louisiana. 1824. A. B. 1. Alexander M. Burrill, 2. Timothy R. Green, 3. Benjamin Aycrigg, 4. Elias Marsh, 5. Wiiliam Curtis, 6. George W. Johnson, 7. Benjamin Drake, 8. William Duer, 9. James J. Gilford, 10. Robert Barker, 11. William A. Ellett, ( 73 ) 12. Dayton Hobart, 13. William H. Lupp, 14. Pierre P. Irving, 15. Edward C. Crary, 16. William H. Hobart, 17. Hamilton Morton, 18. Daniel C. Schermerhom, 19. Henry Perkins, 20. John K. Hardenbrook, 21. James T. Gibert, 22. Alexander Robertson, 23. Waddington Ogden. A.M. Peter A. Cowdrey, William P. Hawes, Isaac Low, Stephen H. Meeker, William H. Munn, John Tiebout, William Turner, John H. Waddell, Henry J. Whitehouse, James Cooper, Honoris Ergo, James K. Paulding, Honoris Ergo, Rev. William A. Clark, Honoris Ergo, S. T. D. Rev. Ernest L. Hazelius. LL.D. Hon. Langdon Cheeves, 10 ( 74 > Hon. Daniel Webster, Thomas Addis Emmet, Esq. 1825. A. B. 1. Walter Nichols, 2. James A. M. Gardner, 3. Anthony L. Robertson, 4. Oliver Strong, 5. William E. Laight, 6. Edward E. Mitchell, 7. Robert W. Harris, 8. John H. Schermerhom, 9. John McKeon, 10. Alexander S. Leonard, 11. William Wilson, 12. Ferdinand Sands, 13. Peter Wilson, 14. Isaac T. Minard, 15. Nathaniel Marius Graves. 16. John F. Smith, 17. George Cammann, 18. Jacob Harsen, 19. Wessel Smith, 20. William Phyfe, 21. William Peshine. A. M. Josiah D. Harris, Junius H. Thompson, ( 75 ) Edward M. Willett, William Shelton, Honoris Ergo. S. T. D. Rev. John McVickar, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Rhetoric, Belles Let- tres, and Political Economy, in Columbia Col- lege, New-York, Rev. Henri L. P. F. Peneveyre. LL. D, Hon. John C. Calhoun, Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, Hon. Stephen Elliott, Nathaniel F. Moore, Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages in Columbia College, New- York, 1826. A.B. 1. Robert Kelly, 2. Daniel Seymour, 3. Charles E. Anderson, 4. Hewlett R. Peters, 5. John M. Guion, 6. William H. Milnor, 7. Joshua S. March, 8. Thomas R. Minturn, 9. John W. Hamerskw 10. Henry Morris, 11. Harris Wilson, ( 76 ) 12. William A. Clark, 13. Thomas H. Merry, junior, 14. John N. McLeod, 15. Gabriel F. Irving, 16. Francis M. Kip, 17. Gerrit H. Van Wagenen, 18. Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack, 19. Richard L. Morris, 20. William H. Roosevelt, 21. John B. Norsworthy, 22. Daniel Phcenix Riker, 23. Beverly Robinson, junior, 24. Abraham A. Slover, junior. A.M. Alfred A. Weeks, Rev. Edmund D. Griffin, Rev. William L. Keese, James H. Titus, John T. Ferguson, William H. Titus, William H. Boyd, M.D. Noel Robertson, William D. Henderson, Thomas W. Tucker, Elisha S. King, John B. Foulke. S. T. D. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, Rev. W7illiam W. Philips. ( 77 ) LL. D. His Excellency De Witt Clinton, Governor of the State of New-York, Hon. Samuel Jones, Chancellor of the State of New- York, Hon. Peter Van Schaick, of Columbia County, New-York. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM 01050112 7 NLM010501927