L/58h 1827 , .*' V*. Z:-A ■','' ■■-<* -.U >' .«..■■ -"■ ,', ,- V*••**"-* -v- V ■-? . •■ ■ .V -i k"#;* -V,. --i. -' ■ * iff ..■V'^-.v .-;.• •-•■•■^ . >J»«W "'$*-£ i" -•■' >/. V*VV"-- -V-"'' *m- »4iv v. »,. "> > - . <: W 19th Congress, F"Doc# ^f0< 54 t Ho. of Reps. Of! MWcinn •* •• ~ 2d Session. NAVY HOSPITALS. ma^@m5P U.4. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVAL HOSPITALS, STATE OF THEIR FUNDS, I ■' ' January 15, 1827. I teferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs WASHINGTON : PRINTED BY GALES & HBATON 1827. U5"Sn [Doc. No. 54.] £ Navy Departmevt, 15th January, 1827. Sir : The Commissioners of the Navy Hospitals have had the honor to receive the resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 6th January, 1827, directing them to report "the amount of the sums which they have received and expended, by virtue of the act en- titled 71,988 72. which, added to the sum of S 119,712 95, for which the •• Pay of the Navy ,? is responsible, makes S 191,701 67, being the whole amount of money which has accrued to the fund since its establishment. From this statement it will be perceived that the only funds which the Commissioners can immediately control for the objects of the law, are those in the hands of 1he Treasurer, viz. 43,335 87. The debt due from the •• Pay of the Navy" can only be paid as balances of the appropriations for that object shall remain at the end of the year ; and as these appropriation* are founded upon estimates, calcu- lated with great care and accuracy, and are barely adequale to ac- complish their object, it is manifest that it will be along time before the fund is repaid, and the Commissioners will have the control of all the means which properly belong to it. The delay will greatly postpone the accomplishment of the be- nevolent purposes of the law creating the fund, and do injustice to [Doc. No. 54.] 9 those who have contributed to it, and who by the delay will be de- prived of its benefits. With a view to avoid the difficulties which have heretofore existed on this subject, an order has been given to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, to make out, at the end of each quarter, from the returns of the disbursing officers, a statement of all moneys accruing to the Navy Hospital Fund during the quarter, and give a regular certificate of the amount, that a warrant may be issued for the same in favor of the Agent of the fund. By this means it will, at the end of each quarter, receive all the money to which it is entitled, and the " Pay of the Navy" will not become any further indebted to it. In September, 1823, the Commissioners purchased a site for a Hospital adjoining the Navy Yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts, for which they paid g 18,000, and have made a contract for another site near the Navy Yard at Brooklyn. These are all the " measures they have adopted to carry into effect the provisions of the act." Respectfully, &c. WM. H. CRAWFORD, J. C. CALHOUN, SAM. L. SOUTHARD. To the Hon. the Speaker Of the House of Representatives. Treasury Department, Fourth Auditor's Office, 26th January, 1824- Sir: In obedience to the request contained in your letter of the 21st inst. enclosing a resolution of the House of Representatives re- lative to the "Naval Hospital Fund " I have the honor to report; That, from the 26th February, 1811, to the 31st De- cember, 1823, there has been passed to the credit of said Fund on the books of this office, and those of the Accountant of the Navy, the sum of - - g 187,918 81 To which must be added a balance standing to the credit of the " Marine Hospital Fund " on the 26th February, 1811, and carried to the credit of the "Naval Hospital Fund," - - - 3,782 86 $ 191,701 67 From this sum is to be deducted amount of expendi- tures to 30th September, 1821, g 10,652 85 Moneys drawn and placed in the hands of the Treasu- ry of the United States - 43,335 8T o 10 [Doe. No. 54.] Moneys drawn in September, 1823, for the payment of land purchased for a Naval Hospital site at Bos- ton . . - - - 18,000 00 71,988 72 g 119,712 95 Leaving a balance to the credit of the « Naval Hospital Fund "on the books of this office, on the 31st December, 1823, of one hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars and ninety-five cents, the whole of which has been absorbed in the «• Pay of the Navy," and for which the appropriation for that object is responsible. I have the honor to be, Sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, CONSTANT FREEMAN, Auditor. Hon. Samuel L. Southard, Secretary of the Navij. , Dr. NAVY HOSPITAL FUND. Cit. To balance due Navy Hospital Fund gl 19,712 957\ By balance standing at the credit of the Navy Hospital Fund on the 1st day of October, 1823, per report trans- mitted 29th October, 1823, - By amount carried to the credit of said Fund, from 1st day of October to 31st day of December, 1823, By balauce brought down - gl 17,074 34-fc 2,638 61 gl 19,712 95T«, gll9,712 95T4 e o o © en Treasury Department, Fourth Auditor's Office, 26th January, 1824. CONSTANT FREEMAN, Auditor. t* B. 10 Dr. NAVY HOSPITAL FUND. Cr. 1824 May 24 July 14 To requisition on the Treasury, No. 2,223, in fa- vor oi Thomas T. Tucker, for Do requisition on the Treasury, for No. 2,418, in favor of Thomas T. Tucker, for To balance clue Navy Hspital Fund $ 5,353 74 2,026 99 132,574 88 $ 130,055 61 By amount standing" at the credit of Navy Hospi- tal fund, per report transmitted 29th Octo- ber, 182,3, - By amount carried to the credit of said fund, for 4th quarter 1823, $2,640 21 Amount credited in 1st quarter 1824, 12,238 74 Do 2d do 1824, 2,026 99 Do 3d do 1824, 5,975 33 By balance to the credit of said fund on 30th September, 1824, - $ 117,074 34 22,881 27 $139,955 61 # 132,574 88 Treasury Department, Fourth Auditor's Office, December 1, 1824. T. WATKINS. ABSTRACT OF MONEY carried to the credit of the Navy Hospital Fund, from the 1st day of October to the 31st day of December, 1824, viz .- For pay afloat, - - - $ 2,001 23 For pay of Stations, - -. - - - 67 25 And for Marine Corps'pay, - 48 29—2,116 77 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Fourth Auditor's Office, February 9, 1825. T. WATKINS. C n o c. Dr. NAVY HOSPITAL FUND. Cr. 10. Feb. SO 10 June 14 Aug. 9 Oct. 14 29 Nov. 10 To Requisitions on the Treasury, viz : For Requisition No. 3,159, in favor of Thomas Tudor Tucker, Agent for N. H. Fund, For Requisition No. 3,608, in favor of T. T. Tucker, Agent, .... For Requisition No. 3,797, in favor of T. T. Tucker, Agent, For Requisition No. 4,057, in favor of T. T. Tucker, Agent, .... For Requisition No. 4,103, in favor of Silas Butler, - - - For Requisition No. 4,149, in favor of T, T. Tucker, - To balance due Navy Hospital fund, $2,116 8,229 3,722 2,797 7,911 6,885 $ 116,920 $ 148,584 By amount standing ,at the credit of the Navy Hospital Fund on 31st December, 1824, By amount carried to the credit of said fund, viz : From 1st January, to 31st March, 1825, incl. 1st April to 30th June, 1825, do. 1st July to 30th September, 1825, do. 1st October to31st December, 1825, do. By balance due Navy Hospital Fund, $ 128,698 58 8,229 60 3,722 56 2,797 66 5,135 60 r—i o o p $ 148,584 00 $ 116,920 66 Treasury Department, Fourth Auditor's Office, 11th January, 1826. T. WATKINS. oo D. Dr. NAVY HOSPITAL FUND in account with the United States. Cr. 1826 Jan. 12 April 7 June 20 July 12 Oct. 16 Dec. 6 To Requisition on the Treasury, No. 4,298, in favor of Thomas Tudor Tucker, - - - 5,135 60 Do. No. 4,51*, in favor of do - 3,395 56 Do. No. 4,775, do Geo. Har- rison .... 16,191 00 Do. No. 4,839, in favor of T. T. Tucker, .... 2,275 97 Do. No. 5,113, in favor of T. T. Tucker, .... 3,184 86 Do. No. 5,248, in favor of T. T. Tucker, .... 30,000 00 To balance due N. H. Fund on the 31st December, 1826, 60,182 99 72,032 96 $ 132,215 95 By balance due to Navy Hospital Fund, per state- ment transmitted January 11, 1826, - Amount passed to the credit of N. H. Fund, from 1st January, to the 31st March, 1826, - - - 3,395 56 Do. from 1st April to 30th June, 1826, 2,275 97 Do. from 1st July to 30th Sept. 1826, 3,184 86 Do. from 1st Oct. to 31st Dec. 1826, 6,438 90 By balance standing to the credit of the Navy Hospital Fund, on the 1st January, 1827, $116,920 66 15,295 29 O a $ 132,215 95 o $ 72,032 96 • Treasury Department, Fourth Auditor's Office^ January 8,1827. T. WATKINS. [Doc. No. 54.] 15 E. Navy Department, llth March, 1824. Sir : At the expiration of each quarter, from the 1st of January, 1824, you will make out, from the returns of the disbursing officers, a statement of all moneys accruing to the Navy Hospital Fund, dur- ing the quarter, and give a regular certificate of the amount, that a warrant may be issued for the same, in favor of the agent of that fund. I am, respectfully, &c. / SAML. L. SOUTHARD^ To the FouYth Auditor of the Treasury. y-« W m&sk NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM Q3ED35E5 1 *X*.i \- » >w* ,v,._*!.. ;:■•■■"* NLM032035251