' * •v> . . s • /> 1 McDOUGAL HOSPITAL. FORT SCHUYLER To The present Board of Managers of the “WESTCHESTER DIET KITCHEN” connected with McDougall General Hospital, my earnest co-laborers in the work of the past three years, this fragment of the Rebellion of 1861 IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED by their First Directress. In September, 1862, soon after tlie commencement of tlie Hospital Buildings at Fort Schuyler, the ladies residing in that vicinity, who were awake to the im- portance of being ready when the time for action should arrive, called a meeting, organized themselves into an Association by appointing a First, Second, and Third Directress, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board of Managers, and at once commenced the work of obtaining subscriptions and donations. Their object will be best shown by an extract from an address made by one of their number at the meeting: “ Fer- vently thankful that the scenes of carnage and deso- lation are far removed from our midst, should we not, with warm hearts and liberal hands, welcome those who are brought to us from those battle-fields, sick, wounded, and dying ? Should we not extend to them all kind and gentle ministrations—if necessary, de- priving ourselves of comforts, that they may be be- stowed upon them ? The Government furnishes the best medical attendance, and every article in the way of food and clothing, that a soldier in health could reasonably expect. But it is our privilege to tender to the sick, wounded, and suffering soldier, those delicacies which are so grateful to the invalid, and upon which his recovery so essentially depends. In order to do this, it is necessary that we should have a 4 kitchen under our own supervision, a cook hired by us and subject to our orders, and a larder at all times well stored with every article which may be required.” The first patients were sent to the Hospital on the tenth of October, before the Government Kitchen was completed, or indeed any thing in readiness except the mere wards. Then began in earnest the work of the Association. Ways and means for preparing food were improvised at the homes of the members and at the Hospital; and from that day to this, it has steadily and quietly pursued its course, regarding itself as pledged to the observance of all the regula- tions of the Hospital, and amenable to the authority of the Surgeon in charge. Until the temporary sus- pension of the Hospital in February, 1864, the Asso- ciation had the entire charge of the Extra Diet, draw- ing, of course, all the Government rations to which they were entitled, and supplied with many articles from the Hospital Fund. The work was arduous, and in its early stages, doubtless subject to impositions and mistakes. But a few months’ training sufficed to re- duce it to a system most satisfactory in its workings and results. The organization did not break up at the closing of the Hospital, (although many of its members withdrew,) and when, in the following May, the wards were again crowded with sufferers, the work re-commenced, modified and improved by the 5 suggestions of tlie present Surgeon in charge, who, issuing his own general Extra Diet, made over to the care of the ladies those extreme cases whose recovery depended upon the most delicate and oft-repeated care and nourishment. Under a most efficient Ma- tron and excellent Cook, who desired no higher serv- ice than to devote themselves to these brave suf- ferers, the work was done and well done. Every article of diet ordered by the Surgeon or needed by the patients was provided. If one required beef-tea, one chicken-broth, one thickened milk, one gruel, one milk-punch, one something salt, one an egg beaten raw, another an egg nicely boiled, etc., etc., they had it temptingly served to them at any hour of the day or night. And thus healing and halm were cheer- fully bestowed, and gratefully received. It would he impossible to estimate the value of the services ren- dered by the Association. The kindly word, the gentle ministration, the sympathizing, womanly pre- sence, have a moral as well as physical influence, appreciated by every one who looks upon a soldier as any thing more than a mere machine. Over and above the money collected by means of donations and subscriptions, which has been expended in necessary articles of furniture and utensils for the Kitchen, brandy, whisky, wine, ale, poultry, eggs, farinaceous food, fruits, vegetables, eight dozen comfortable chairs 6 for the sick, one hundred and sixty pairs of split crutches for the poor cripples, etc., etc., the Associa- tion has been the medium for the distribution of in- numerable comforts, in the way of every variety of fruit, vegetables, jellies, flowers, etc., all of which have given great satisfaction to the grateful re- cipients. Over two thousand flannel shirts, donated by the Sanitary Commission and several churches of the city; quantities of bandages, and a plentiful sup- ply of soft linen, have also been distributed, not forgetting, as among the most enjoyable benefactions, two bountiful Thanksgiving dinners. As an account of the expenditures has been submitted from time to time—and the books are at all times open to inspec- tion—it seems useless to swell these pages by a reca- pitulation. It is but right, however, that the names of those who have so liberally furnished the Associa- tion the means of carrying on their work, should be registered here, as they doubtless have been in heaven. To Dr. S. II. Orton, the Surgeon in charge of the Hospital for the past year, the ladies of the Associa- tion are deeply indebted, for great kindness and courtesy in all their personal and official relations ; for a just and generous appreciation of their services; and above all, for the untiring skill, devotion, and sympathy, extended at all times, and under all cir- cumstances, to the patients under his care. 7 BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE WESTCHESTER KITCHEN ASSOCIATION. Mrs. G. S. Robbins, First Directress. Mrs. G. M. Wilkins, Second Directress. Mrs. J. B. Herrick, Third Directress. *Mrs. T. B. Harrington, Secretary. *Mrs. J. Buchan, Treasurer. MAN A GEES. Mrs. H. Overing, Mrs. J. Foster, * J1rs. J. D. Wolfe, Mrs. L. Waterbury, Mrs. W. D. Abbatt, *Mrs. J. H. Watson, *Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Mrs. E. Haight, Mrs. G. T. Adee, *Mrs. W. S. Brown, *Mrs. W. Watson, *Mrs. McGraw, *Mrs. J. T. Furman, *Mrs. A. Barnard, *Mrs. J. J. Crane, *Mrr. R. H. Ludlow, *Mrs. W. H. Bowne, *Mrs. J. Frost, *Mrs. C. D. Jackson, Mrs. P. Van Schaick, *Mrs. W. A. Spencer, *Mrs. L. Spencer, *Mrs. H. 0. Le Roy, Mrs. W. Fox, Mrs. W. K. Strong, *Mrs. C. Ferris, *Mrs. A. Taber, *Mrs. P. IIoe, *Miss H. N a chain, *Miss Simpson, *Miss McGraw. *Miss F. C. Robbins, *Miss L. Brown, *Hiss Sarah Walker, *Miss Tiffany, Miss Rutherford. N. B.—Those marked (*) have at different times withdrawn from the management of the Association. 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS From September, 1862, to September, 1S05. By Mrs. W. D. Abbatt. Mrs. W. D. Abbatt, $118 00 Mr. A. Hatfield, 6 00 $124 00 By Mrs. George T. Adee. Mrs. G. T. Adee, $171 00 Miss Flora Isliam, 95 00 $266 00 By Mrs. William Bowne. Mrs. William Bowne, $79 00 “ Thomas Bowne, 52 00 $131 00 By Mrs. Wm. Smith Brown. Mrs. W. Smith Brown... .$85 00 “ Edward G. Faile,.... 85 00 $170 00 By Miss Buchan. Mrs. James Buchan, $16 00 Small Collections, 91 64 $107 64 By Mrs. J. J. Crane. Mrs. J. J. Crane, $111 00 $111 00 By Mrs. Dr. E llis. Mrs. Dr. Ellis, $52 00 “ Merwin Baxter, 2 00 The Misses Hawkins, $52 00 Mrs. A. Barnard, 20 00 Miss Ellis, small collections, 1 10 $127 10 By Mrs. Charlton Ferris. Mrs. Charlton Ferris, $35 00 $35 00 By Mrs. James Foster. Mrs. James Foster, $146 00 $146 00 By Mrs. William Fox. Mrs. William Fox, $90 00 $90 00 By Mrs. Edward Ilaiglit. Mrs. E. Haight, $131 00 “ John Caswell, 75 00 $206 00 By Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. T. B. Harrington, $34 50 “ B. T. Harrington,. ... 34 50 Master & Miss Harrington,. 10 20 Miss A. T. Owen, 5 00 Mrs. Kirby, 3 00 “ Sprague, 3 00 “ Zerega’s Family, 31 92 “ Konrad Buhre, 28 00 $150 12 9 By Mrs. Jacob B. Herrick. Mrs. J. B. Herrick,..... .$150 00 “ JI. N. Camp, 10 00 “ P. S. Hoe, 87 00 “ Bates, 24 Oo “ Streeter, 30 00 $301 00 By Mrs. C. D. Jackson. Mrs. C. D. Jackson, $20 00 “ William Watson,.... 70 00 $90 00 By Mrs. Herman C. Le Roy. Mrs. H. C. Le Roy, $120 00 “ Edward Oelrichs,... 31 00 Mr. Edward Oelrichs,.... 25 00 $176 00 By Mrs. McGraw. Mrs. McGraw, $40 00 Miss Simpson, 40 00 “ McGraw, 20 00 $100 00 By Miss Harriet D. Naudain. Mrs. Philip Dater, $75 00 The Missis Dater, 55 00 Mrs. John R. Brady, 18 00 Miss Lydig, 4 00 Small Collections, 81 25 $233 25 By Mrs■ Olmstead. Small Collections, $11 12 $11 12 By Mrs. Henry Overing. Mrs. Henry Overing, $146 00 “ De Brosse Hunter,.. 24 00 $170 00 By •Mrs. George S. Bobbins. Mrs. G. S. Robbins, $285 00 Mr. G. S. Robbins, 285 00 Miss F. C. Robbins, 35 00 Mrs. R. Woodworth, 77 00 Miss M. Comny,. 6 50 Mrs. James Hadyn, 13 00 Miss I. Kerr, 3 00 “ E. McNulty, 13 00 Mrs. W. Slade, 7 75 Mr. C. G. Henderson, 4 00 Mrs. John H. Ferris, 77 00 Mrs. Augustus Taber,.... 70 00 “ Sorchan, 28 00 “ A. B. Sands, 39 50 “ Dash, 34 00 “ Abraham Bininger,.. 69 00 “ Andrew Bininger,... 8 50 “ John Cryder, 16 75 “ James Brown, 137 00 Mr. George H. Brown,... 137 00 Mrs. William A. Spencer,. 405 00 “ Morris Ketchum,... 131 00 “ Shepherd Gandy,... 160 00 “ George F. Betts, 65 00 “ George A. Robbins,. 34 50 “ C. G. Taylor,.., 45 00 “ R. L. Stuart, 155 00 “ William Turnbull,... 40 00 “ Thomas Richardson,. 65 00 “ S. H. Robbins, 70 00 Mr. Lloyd Aspinwall,.... 30 00 $2,646 50 10 By Miss Rutherford. Miss Rutherford, $116 00 Mrs. Thomas Rutherford,. 60 00 $176 00 By Mrs. Lorillard Spencer. Mrs. L. Spencer,. $286 00 Mr. L. Spencer 70 00 Master and Miss Spencer,. 140 00 $496 00 By Mrs. W. R. Strong. Mrs. W.K. Strong, $197 00 $197 00 By Mrs. P. Van Schaick. Mrs. P. Van Schaick,... .$145 00 “ Ladd, 52 00 $197 00 By Mrs. L. Waterbury. Mrs. L. Waterbury, $159 00 “ J. Furman, 45 00 $204 00 By Mrs. J. II. Watson. Mrs. J. H. Watson, $30 00 Mr. Havermeyer, 50 00 Miss Arden, 36 00 $116 00 By Mrs. (I. M. Wilkins. Mrs. G. M. Wilkins, $274 00 Mr. G. M. Wilkins, 274 00 Mrs. Dr. Turnbull, 238 00 “ Van Rensselaer,.... 263 00 Mr. Alexander Van Rens- selaer, 125 00 Mrs. Thayer, 75 00 “ Thomas Ogden, 77 00 “ Charles King, 75 00 Miss Rachel Kennedy,.... 12 00 Mr. Graffenhaegen, 32 00 Mrs. Wilmot Johnson,... 50 00 $1,495 00 By Miss C. L. Wolfe. Miss C. L. Wolfe, $202 CO Mrs. J. D. Wolfe, 77 00 $279 00 By Mrs. Mansfield Young. Mrs. Mansfield Young,... .$55 60 Mr. Joseph Walker, 31 00 $86 50 By Miss M. II. Bailey. Fordham Society, $396 55 $396 55 Total Subscriptions, $8,934 78 11 DONATIONS From September, 1S62, to September, 1865. Mr. A. A. Low, $25 00 J. S., 25 00 Hon. E. D. Morgan, 25 00 Mr. Joseph Lawrence, 20 00 “ Thomas W. Pearsall,.. 20 00 “ John A. Stuart, 20 00 “ Joseph B. Varnum, Jr., 10 00 “ William A. Rose, 5 00 “ Edward Penfold, 25 00 Messrs. Weeks & Co., 25 00 Mr. John J. Phelps, 10 00 “ H. C. Marquand, 10 00 “ George Bliss, 10 00 Messrs. Reid, Drexel & Co., 10 00 Mr. C. W.McCune, 10 00 “ R. W. Weston, 25 00 “ Ezra R. Goodridge,.... 25 00 “ John M. Pendleton,... 25 00 “ Joseph Stuart, 20 00 “ Samuel D. Babcock,... 25 00 Messrs. Sullivan, Randolph & Budd, 25 00 Mr. William H. Macy, 20 00 C. G. A., 25 00 J., 10 00 Mr. A. T. Stewart, 25 00 “ Thomas Garner, 25 00 “ Roswell Skeel, 25 00 “ Adam Norrie, 25 00 “ John C. Green, 60 00 “ Henry H. Hurlbut,.... 25 00 “ D. H. Arnold, 25 00 “ W. L. Chamberlain,... 25 00 Messrs. S. B. Chittenden & Co., 25 00 By Mrs. IF. D. Abbott. Mrs. W. D. Abbatt, $8 00 “ William Dean, 10 00 “ John Johnson, 3 00 “ Jones, 5 00 “ Isaac Abbatt, 10 00 “ Edson Bradley, 25 00 Collected by Mrs. Edson Bradley, 200 00 $261 00 By Mrs. George T. Adee. A Friend, $5 00 Mrs. G. N. Dale, 50 00 “ E. Herrick, 10 00 “ E. Iloppock, 2 00 “ Wilson G. Hunt, 10 00 Mr. Daniel Edgar, 25 00 “ Orlando M. Bogart,... 25 00 “ James Low, 25 00 “ Levi P. Morton, 25 00 “ Floyd Bailey, 25 00 Messrs. James L. White & Co., 25 00 “ Wilmerding & Mount, 25 00 Mr. David Jones, 10 00 “ Frederick Gunther,.... 10 00 “ John R. Harris, 10 00 Messrs. Rudderow, Jones & Co., 25 00 Mr. Thomas Slocumb, 25 00 “ John J. Cisco, 10 00 “ Joseph Fisher, 25 00 “ A. J. Cameron,.... J.. 25 00 12 Messrs. Haggerty & Co.,.. .$25 00 Mr. H. B. Claflin, 25 00 “ Uriah J. Smith, 25 00 “ John Steward, 25 00 “ Thomas Haut, 25 00 “ William H. Burns,.... 25 00 “ Augustus Whiting,.... 10 00 Messrs. Hubbard, Fay & Co. 25 00 “ Clark, Pardee & Bates 25 00 “ Bulkley Sheldon & Co 25 00 Mr. Robert L. Kennedy,... 25 00 Messrs. Kerner & Birch,... 25 00 Mr. Joseph Battelle, 25 00 “ George T. Adee, 25 00 Messrs. Lee, Bliss & Co.,... 25 00 Mr. Christopher George,... 10 00 Messrs. Packer & Knapp,.. 10 00 Mr. Edward F. Delancey,.. 10 00 Bigelow Carpet Co., C. W. H. Kendall, Agent, 10 00 Messrs. Strider, Faxon & Potter, 10 00 Mrs. Charles H. Russell,... 25 00 Messrs. Low, Harriman, Durfee & Co., 25 00 Messrs. Hoyt, Sprague & Co., 25 00 Messrs. F. Skinner & Co.,.. 25 00 “ J. W. Paige & Co.,.. 25 00 “ • Wicks, Smith & Co.,. 25 00 Mr. J. B. Hutchinson, 10 00 Messrs. Stone, Bliss & Fay, 20 00 “ C. W. Langley & Co., 25 00 Messrs. Woodward, Law- rence & Co., 25 00 Mr. William G. Lambert,.. 10 00 “ John Dore,...» 10 00 $1,752 00 By Mrs. William Smith Brown. Mrs. Wm. Smith Brown,.. $5 00 Mr. Thomas Hall Fade,... 100 00 “ Robert L. Stuart,.... 25 00 $130 00 By Miss Louisa Brown. A Friend, $10 00 “ “ 15 00 Mrs. F. Walker, 2 00 A Friend, 2 00 J. J. B., 10 00 H., 3 00 $42 00 By Mrs. Dr. Ellis. Mrs. Barker, $5 00 “ Ellis, 8 00 $13 00 By Mrs. J. J. Crane. Mr. R. M. Olyphant, $20 00 Mrs. J. J. Crane, 25 00 Mr. W. W. Parkin, 20 00 “ D. A. Vail, 20 00 Messrs. J. C. Faxton & Co., 25 00 “ Williams & Given,.. 50 00 Mrs. S. B. Caldwell, 25 00 Mr. H. W. Smith, 25 00 $210 00 By Mrs. C. Ferris. Mrs. C. Ferris, $5 00 “ Seaman, 5 00 Small Donations, 1 00 $11 00 13 By Mrs. W. Fox. Mrs. William Fox, $30 00 “ Tiffany, 5 00 Miss Tiffany, 1 00 $36 00 By Mrs. J. Foster. Mrs. Bronson, $20 00 “ Edward Delafield,.... 15 00 “ Morris Ketchum, 10 00 Messrs. Townsend & Jones, 5 00 Miss Maggie Ketchum, 10 00 Mrs. W. T. Jones, 3 00 A Friend, 10 00 Messrs. J. & H. Coggill,... 25 00 Mr. Henry M. Taber, 25 00 “ John Dowly, 25 00 Messrs. J. Ripley & Son,... 25 00 Mr. Joseph Sprague, 25 00 Messrs. Tellnaught & Ket- tering, 25 00 Mrs. Sarah P. Maghee,.... 40 00 Miss Mary Maghee, 10 00 Mr. Thomas II. Maghee,... 75 00 Mr. Benjamin H. Field,... .100 00 Miss Gelston, 10 00 Mr. Charles H. Town, 5 00 “ H. Cruger Oakley, 20 00 “ William Kelly, 50 00 Mrs. II. G. Chadwick, 15 00 By Mrs. E. Haight. A Friend, $13 00 Mrs. J. Caswell, 25 00 “ Cotheal, 5 30 $43 30 By Mrs. T. B. Harrington. Mrs. A. Goodenow, $5 00 Mr. William Evarts, 10 00 A Friend, 6 00 Mrs. Henry Jenkins, 5 00 “ Horace Brooks, 4 00 Mr. E. C. Burr, (Boston,).. 50 00 $79 00 By Mrs. J. B. Herrick. Mrs. Peter Hoe, $44 00 Mr. J. J. Post, 25 00 A Friend, 7 25 Mr. J. J. Crane, 50 00 “ Francis Skiddy, 25 00 “ W. I. Schenek, 25 00 Messrs. J. B. Herrick & Son, 25 00 Miss Brown, 5 00 Mrs. W.’s Seamstress, 5 00 Through Hugh F. Camp. Mr. H. N. Camp, 100 00 Messrs. Sawyer, Wallace & Co., ‘ 60 00 “ Wylie & Wade, 26 00 “ E. D. Morgan & Co., 60 00 “ Johnson & Laza- rus, 25 00 Sundries, 26 00 Through B. IT. Field, Esq. Mr. John McKesson,.. 20 00 “ David Stewart,.. 20 00 “ D. Colden Murray, 10 00 Messrs. H. S. Cragie & J. J. Petit, 10 00 Mrs. J. C. Woodward,.... 25 00 “ Felt, 2 00 “ Streeter, 2 00 $608 00 14 Mrs. Edwin Felt, $5 00 Mr. J. II. Herrick, 25 00 $545 25 By Mrs. IT. C. Le Roy. Mrs. H. E. Le Roy, $50 00 “ Edward Oelriclis,.... 50 00 $100 00 By Miss H. D. Naudain. Judge Brady, $5 00 Miss R. Lydig, 3 00 Mr. Lydig, 5 00 “ Suydam, 5 00 Mrs. Suydam, 5 00 “ Mrs. Lydig, 5 00 “ James Kernochan,... 20 00 Mr. William P. Douglass,.. 50 00 $98 00 By Mrs. II. Overing. Mr. Henry Overing, $5 00 Mrs. Francis Morris, 25 00 Mr. Maghee, 10 00 “ J. S. Miller, 1 00 Mrs. Rodman, 5 00 Miss Delancey, 2 00 Mrs. Costar, 2 00 A Friend, 2 00 $52 00 By Mrs. L. Spencer. Mrs. Lorillard Spencer,. .$104 00 “ William A. Spencer,. 100 00 A Friend, 2 00 $206 00 By Mrs. G. S. Bobbins. Proceeds of an Affghan ■ given by Mrs. N. Rich- ards, $100 00 Mrs. Joseph Tuckerman,. 250 00 “ James Kernochan,.. 10 00 “ George A. Robbins,. 10 00 Miss Isabella Ken, 1 00 Mrs. Jane Frost, 50 “ R. L. Stuart, 20 00 Mr. Henry Chauncey,.... 50 00 “ Wheeler De Forrest,. 60 00 Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Cleaveland, 100 00 Mr. George S. Robbins,.. 100 00 A Gentleman, 5 00 Mr. W. II. Aspinwall,.... 150 00 Mrs. William Blodget,... 5 00 Ball, Black & Co., 10 00 Mrs. N. Richards, 16 00 Mr. Guy Richards, 50 00 “ Robert L. Stuart,.... 125 00 Mrs. John D. Wolfe, 100 00 “ William A. Spencer,. 100 00 “ James Brown, 75 00 “ William H. Aspin- wall, 15 00 Mrs. Morris Ketchum,... 27 00 Miss Emily Betts, 9 00 Mr. Charles N. Talbot,... 50 00 Mrs. Charles ,N. Talbot,.. 25 00 Through Her. Dr. Adams. Mr. John R. Ford,.... 50 00 “ A. R. Ely, 25 00 “ Israel Corse, 25 00 Messrs. Keese & Pear- sall, 25 00 “ Young, Shultz & Co., 25 00 “ S. & C. H. Isham, 25 00 15 Messrs. Isham & Gallup,. $25 00 Miss Katie Appleton and Miss Georgie Lord, part proceeds of a Parlor Fair, 100 00 Mrs. Frederic G. Foster,.. 4 00 Mr. Stokes, 120 00 Mrs. Pickman, (Salem,).. 20 00 “ E. D. Stanton, 25 00 “ Andrew G. Bininger,. 20 00 Mr. Abraham Bininger,.. 5 00 Messrs. A. & E. Robbins,. 20 00 Mrs. A. Wesson, 10 00 “ William Adams,.... 20 00 Mr. C. G. Taylor, 25 00 Mrs. D. Lord and Daugh- ters, 27 00 Mrs. Soichan, 10 00 Mrs. and Miss Wolfe,.... 60 00 Mr. Frederic Prime, 5 00 Mr. Crane, 5 00 Mr. J. M. Furman, 300 00 “ Mahlon D. Sands,.. 20 00 Mrs. J. C. Clark, 15 00 Miss Bessie Williams,.... $2 00 Rev. Mr. Jewett, 20 00 Brown, Brothers & Co.,.. 400 00 Mr. William Watson,.... 50 00 “ Joseph Walker, 25 00 “ Francis Bacon, 50 00 Messrs. R. L. & A. Stuart, 100 00 A Friend,.. 10 00 Mr. William Foulke, 50 00 S. R. B., 106 00 Mr. John Caswell, 50 00 “ George F. Betts, 6 00 Mrs. William A. Spencer,. 100 00 Miss C. L. Wolfe, 100 00 Mrs. J. Kearney Warren,. 10 00 “ Lorillard Spencer,... 100 00 Mr. Peter Lorillard, 100 00 Mrs. Hamilton Fish, 25 00 Mr. Edward Delano, 25 00 “ Thomas Hall Faile,... 100 00 “ C. J. Coggill, 60 00 “ James C. Kennedy,.. 10 00 Sewing Society of the Madison Square Church, 11 00 Mrs. F. F. Marbury, 5 00 Mr. Stewart Brown,.. 50 00 Mrs. Henry Renwick,. 25 00 “ General Emory,. 5 00 Ladies at Smith’s Board- ing-House, 26 00 Ladies at Hover’s Hotel, 26 00 Mrs. Haggerty, 2 00 “ Charles Coggill,.. 15 00 Mr. T. Y. Onativia,... 5 00 “ A. G. Jones, 5 00 Through Mrs. Bininger. Mr. David Stewart,... 10 00 “ B. G. Arnold, 10 00 “ Isaac A. Crane,... 50 00 “ E. Reed Mcllvaine, 10 00 “ Mort’r L. Fowler,. 20 00 “ Eve Adams, 10 00 “ E. L. Iledden,.... 5 00 “ John T. Johnston, 25 00 “ James R. Taylor,. 50 00 “ W. H. Wisner,... 10 00 “ J. D. S., 5 00 “ J. Mortimer, Jr.,.. 10 00 “ Wm. White Wright, Jr., 10 00 Through J. D. Steele, Esq. Mr. Morris Ketchum, 200 00 “ Frederic Sturges,.... 50 00 Mrs. Frederic Sturges,... 50 00 Yonkers Club, 33 00 Mrs. Isaiah Williams,.... 10 00 16 Mr. John A. Hadden,. $10 00 “ R. Burkhalter,... 10 00 “ AV. D. Thompson,. 10 00 “ T. B. Coddington,. 10 00 “ P. Naylor, 10 00 Messrs. O. H. Gordon & Co., 10 00 Mr. J. AY. Meeks, 10 00 “ J. B. Dash, 10 00 “ Albert G. Lee,... 10 00 “ L. B. Loder, 5 00 “ H. Rowland, 5 00 Cash, 5 00 Miss Emily Forsyth, $20 00 Mrs. R. AVoodworth, 10 00 “ E. Holbrook, 10 00 Miss Sarah Lord, 10 00 Mr. Joseph Alsop, 60 00 Through J. D. Steele, Esq. Mr. E. C. Detinold,... 26 00 “ Hugh N. Camp,.. 25 00 “ G. Schowb, 25 00 “ Oswald Camman,. 25 00 “ H. J. Camman,... 25 00 “ A. M. Stanton,... 25 00 “ C. L. Anthony,... 25 00 “ IL M. T. Mali, 25 00 “ Lewis G. Morris,.. 25 00 “ G. B. Powell, 25 00 “ R. AY. Montgom- ery, 20 00 “ J.K. Smyth, 25 00 “ AY. H. Allen, 10 00 Through IT. N. Camp, Esq. Mrs. Henry Meyer, 5 00 Mr. Henry Rice, 75 00 Miss Schuyler, 10 00 Proceeds of Lecture by Mr. De Cordova,... 151 00 Mr. C. Burkhalter,... 10 00 “ A. C. Hewlett,.... 10 00 “ Daniel T. Youngs, 6 00 Messrs. Wylie & Wade, 25 00 Mr. Hugh N. Camp,.. 25 00 “ Caleb Knevals,... 10 00 “ George Morle,.... 25 00 “ J. H. Hardenburgh, 10 00 Messrs. Pond & Page,. 25 00 Mr. H. J. Camman,... 10 00 “ AY. L. Chamber- lain, 25 00 “ G. A. Phelps, Jr.,. 25 00 “ A. F. Dow, 5 00 “ H.Healty, 25 00 Mr. Frederic Chauncey,.. 60 00 Mrs. G. S. Robbins, 160 00 “ Jonathan Sturges,.. 10 00 “ AV. H. Osborne,.... 10 00 “ Jasper Grosvenor,.. 50 00 A Friend, 2 00 Mr. Frederic Wolcott,.... 25 00 “ John Campbell, 20 00 “ Clarkson N. Potter,.. 50 00 “ H. A. Taylor, 10 00 “ Royal Robbins, 400 00 A Friend, 5 00 Mr. Treadwell Ketchum,. 25 00 “ J. Couper Lord, 15 00 Part of a Collection taken in the Madison Square Church, 100 00 $6762 50 Through IT. N. Camp, Esq. Miss E. A. Hawkins, 10 00 “ A. M. Hawkins, 10 00 Mrs. Marshall, 10 00 “ R. E. Ogden, 20 00 Rev. AVilliam Adams,.... 100 00 Mrs. C. G. Taylor, 5 00 17 By Mrs. P. Van Schaick. Mrs. Van Schaick, .$14 00 “ Christopher Robert,.. 25 00 “ Jane R. Corning,.... 25 00 Mr. P. Yan Schaick, 25 00 Mrs. A. D. Yan Schaick,... 5 00 Miss Heyer, 5 00 Mrs. E. D. Hunter, 24 00 “ M. White, 20 00 “ J. D. Wolfe, 100 00 “ Ephraim Corning, 11 00 Board of the New-York Stock Exchange, 250 00 Mr. E. II. Anthon, 5 00 “ R. L. Suydam, 5 00 “ John O’Brien, 50 00 $564 00 By Mrs. L. Waterbury. Miss Waterbury, $100 00 A Gentleman, 80 00 Mr. L. Waterbury, 100 00 Messrs. Arnold & Con- stable, 25 00 Messrs. Archer & Merrill,. 25 00 Mr. William Marshall,... 25 00 Mrs. L. Waterbury, 25 00 A Friend, 10 00 Mr. J. M. Furman, 100 00 Collected by Mr. J. M. Furman, 250 00 $740 00 By Mrs. J. IT. Watson. Mr. George Fox, $25 00 “ Alex. Hawkins, 10 00 Mrs. James Conner, $2 00 “ A. Brown, 15 00 $52 00 By Mrs. G. M. Wilkins. Mrs. Dr. Morris, $4 00 “ Bartow, 10 00 “ J. J. Astor, 20 00 “ N. P. Hosack, 5 00 Mr. Alex. Yan Rensselaer,. 50 00 Mrs. Erving, 10 00 Mr. John Erving, 5 00 Miss Eliza Jay, 20 00 Mr. Rutherford Stuyvesant, 100 00 Mrs. Gerard Stuyvesant,... 5 00 “ G. M. Wilkins, 100 00 “ Turnbull, 40 00 “ Yan Rensselaer, 20 00 “ Matthew Clarkson,... 8 00 Messrs. Paton & Co., 50 00 “ Tiffany & Co., 25 00 Mr. John Aspinwall, 50 00 “ George A. Hearn,.... 5 00 Mrs. Archibald Pell, 10 00 Mr. J. J. Merritt 5 00 “ John S. Miller, 5 00 Mrs. E. Walter, 10 00 Mr. Henry Rice, 25 00 “ H. C. Graffenhaegen,.. 10 00 Mrs. Bradish, 10 00 “ Jacob Le Roy 10 00 Mr. A. D. Randolph, 5 00 Mrs. A. Norrie, 25 00 “ Henry Chauncey,.... 25 00 “ Kcmys, 10 00 “ N. P. Hosack, 10 00 “ Harvey, 5 00 “ J. B. Church, 5 00 18 Mrs. Sidney Morse, Jr.,... $5 00 Miss Hosaek, 5 00 Mrs. Cameron, 10 00 “ Richard M. Hunt,.... 25 00 A Friend 10 00 $752 00 By Treasurer. A Friend, $10 00 Mr. J. H. Jessup, 1 00 Mrs. Wilson G. Hunt, 10 00 Mr. John C. Green, 10 00 Mrs. W. H. Darling, 10 00 “ Jenkins, 5 00 Total Donations,... .$13,221 65 Total Subscriptions,. 8,934 78 Aggregate, $22,156 33 Mrs. Merritt, $1 00 “ Wood, 1 00 “ Underhill, 2 00 “ Lydig, 5 00 “ W. Wood, 6 00 “ Given, 3 00 “ P. Spofford, 10 00 “ M. A. Ogilvie, 5 00 A Friend, 5 00 A Friend, 10 00 A Friend, 25 00 Rev. Mr. Jewett, 50 00 1 Public School No. 1, 1 50^ $169 50 Total Expenditure,... .$22,135 44 Balance, 20 89 $22,156 33 19 On a lovely afternoon in August, a few clays be- fore tlie final closing of the Hospital, most of the ladies of the Association, accompanied by their hus- bands, assembled at the residence of the First Direc- tress, and most kindly and gracefully presented her with a magnificent silk flag. Assured that it will afford pleasure in the future to recur to this scene, which appeared to be a most gratifying one to all concerned, this seems a fitting place for its record. The flag being unfurled, and supported by Mr. George T. Adee, General Strong gave some very interesting statistics connected with the Hospital; and after most complimentary remarks to all the ladies, read the following address, which had receiv- ed the signature of every member of the Association, with the exception of two or three who were absent from the country: Dear Madam : The war of the rebellion having victoriously ended ; the United States McDougall General Hospital being about to close, and with it the ministering agency of the “ Ladies’ Diet Kitchen,” in behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers, your friends and associates embrace the opportunity of ex- pressing their warm appreciation of your praise- worthy devotion to the organization, maintenance, and success of the Ladies’ Association from its formation to the end ; and we beg you to accept through Bri- gadier-General William K. Strong, who is our com- 20 mittee to present it, a National Flag, as a memento of the Events which linked you with the soldiers of the Union. Our glorious flag has protected us from foreign foes and rebellious feuds ; it has afforded an asylum for the oppressed, and the bondsman has at length be- come free within its folds. We congratulate you, dear madam, on the connection you have had with the merciful alleviation of the suffering soldiers—suf- ferers for God and their country. The martyrs will live in our memory and their families in our sympa- thies. The retrospect of transpired events will afford to all the ladies joy and comfort, but to none, more than you, their head-Directress, to whom God has given the ability and influence to continue to the end the life-saving labors of the “ Ladies’ Kitchen.” With much true regard, Your Friends and Associates. Saluting tlie flag, t-lie recipient responded—I tliank you, General, for the very able and courteous man- ner in which you have conveyed to me the wishes of these ladies. Knowing my own shortcomings, I should deprecate the encomiums you have been pleas- ed to bestow upon me, did I not place them to the account of the gallantry and chivalry of your own nature. Ladies : I am truly overwhelmed by the magnifi- cence of your gift, and deeply touched by the senti- ment which it embodies. The glorious old Flag ! it has ever been to me an inspiration and a benediction. 21 Wherever viewed, at home or on foreign shores, sur- rounded by those of every clime and nation, it has always seemed to me to float more freely and disport itself more gallantly than any other. Now, thanks to God and our brave soldiers and sailors, its stars and stripes gleam with a brighter effulgence, from the consciousness that they as truly float over the “ Land of the Free,” as over the “ Home of the Brave.” When we entered upon our work, three years since, none of us comprehended its magnitude, nor the won- derful life to which it would introduce us. It is a great happiness to feel as we all may feel—that we have been permitted to assuage much suffering, both of body and of mind. None of us but must be made wiser and better for all coming time, by the examples of heroic patience and Christian resignation which we have witnessed. None of us, I am sure, will feel that our work is done, while the widows and orphans of those brave men who have lost their lives in defense of their country, remain a sacred legacy. Accept my warmest thanks for the confidence you have reposed in me, and the liberal and hearty co- operation you have ever afforded me. Again I thank you for the distinguished honor you have now con- ferred upon me, and would propose, in conclusion— three cheers for the glorious Flag of our glorious Country! Three hearty cheers, prolonged and loud, were then given, and the flag inspected and admired by all. It is of regulation size, composed of fine silk, the stars 22 exquisitely embroidered, and the whole surrounded by a rich silk fringe. The staff is of rosewood, on the lower part of which is a silver plate engraved with an appropriate inscription; the whole surmount- ed by a gilt eagle, from which depends a superb cord and tassels of the same material—the tout ensemble such as to gratify the most fastidious taste, and the most ardent patriotism. After a collation and social chat, all separated. One bond of human fellowship dissolved. But the memories of this pleasant parting, and of these years in which we have together been permitted to lighten the burden of life to others, will never pass from our minds, nor their influence from our lives. Westchester, September 3, 1865. Note.—From the establishment of McDougall Hospital, October, 1862, to its temporary close, in February, 1864, 4506 patients were re- ceived, of whom 1262 were wounded. From the reopening, May, 1864, to the final close in September, 1866, '758'7 patients were received, of whom 3920 were wounded. During the last-named period there were 118 amputations, and many most painful operations, all of which, with scarcely an exception, resulted favorably. Out of the entire number of over 12,000 patients, 600 have died—a mortality of little more than four per cent.