Microscopic Examinations of blood; AND VEGETATIONS FOUND IN VARIOLA, VACCINA, AND TYPHOID FEVER. BY J. H . SALISBURY, M . D . •X' e vo $) o r k : MOORHEAD, BOND & CO., PRINTERS. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by J. H. Salisbury, M.D., in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. I. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD. What to look for in Blood Examinations. Proportion and Condition of the Cell Elements of the Blood, and the Knowledge to be gained by observing careiullx i he Manner in which they arrange and comport themselves BETWEEN THE SLIDES OF THE MICROSCOPE. ABNORMAL BODIES and Forms in the Blood that act as Specific Causes of Grave Pathological Derangements and Lesions. Con- dition, Appearance, and Arrangement of the Fibrin Filaments of the Blood in Health and Disease. Valua- ble Means of Diagnosticating certain Pathological States of the System. The Fibrin in Health. The Fi- brin in Rheumatism. The Fibrin in Pulmonary Tuber- culosis. The Fibrin in Anjemia. The Appearance and Condition of the Fibrin and other Blood Elements where there is a Tendency to the Formation of Thrombi and Emboli . • • • • • • Pp. 7 to 24 IV Contents. II. THE BLOOD DISC. A Vehicle for Transmitting Nerve Food. Cholesterine and other Crystalline Matters in the Healthy Blood Disc, AND IN AND OUT OF IT IN CERTAIN FORMS OF DlSEASE. READY* Means for Diagnosticating Conditions. Cryptogamic Vegetations that are in both Healthy and Diseased Blood ; with a brief Description of the Crypta Carbunculata, and Zymotosis Escularis . Pp. 25 to 43 III. VEGETATION OF VARIOLA. Description of a New Vegetation, having Fungoid and Algoid Phases of Growth, found in the Blood and Eruptions of Variola and Vaccina ; and which appears to be the Specific Cause of these Diseases. Ios Variolosa Vacciola. Ios Vacciola. Leptothrix Buccalis. Persi- ca. Milk Fungus. Description of Plate . . Pp. 45 to 58 IV. VEGETATION IN TYPHOID FEVER, Which appears to be the Specific Cause of the Disease ; with some General Remarks on the Treatment of Typhoid, Intermittent, and Remittent Fevers. Description of Illustrations Pp, 59 to 67 Microscopic Examination OF The Blood. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION O F THE BLOOD. What to look for in Blood Examinations. Proportion and Con- dition of the Cell Elements of the Blood, and the knowl- edge TO BE GAINED BY OBSERVING CAREFULLY THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY ARRANGE AND COMPORT THEMSELVES BETWEEN THE Slides of the Microscope. Abnormal Bodies and Forms in the Blood that act as Specific Causes of Grave Pathological Derangements and Lesions. Condition, Appearance, and Arrangement of the Fibrin Fila- ments of the Blood, in Health and Disease. Valuable means of Diagnosticating certain Pathological States of the Sys- tem. The Fibrin in Health. The Fibrin in Rheumatism. The Fibrin in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. The Fibrin in An- xMia. The Appearance and Condition of the Fibrin, and other Blood Elements, where there is a tendency to the Formation of Thrombi and Emboli. It has now been over eight years since I commenced the microscopic examination of blood, with the view of arriving at positive pathological conditions, etc., in this fluid in disease. These examinations have been con- ducted with great care and patience; being often repeat- ed at short intervals in the same case, in order to watch the successive changes brought about by treatment, and to confirm previous observations. 8 What to Look for In this work of labor, I have already made over thirty-five thousand individual examinations. In all the more important of these, I have made careful draw- ings of the abnormal appearances and bodies present; and noted minutely the pathological conditions, and the attendant symptoms and lesions. This paper is a brief summary of a portion of this labor. It is with much hesitation that it is presented in this incomplete condition. It was my intention, be- fore saying publicly anything, to work quietly on, and spend much more time in labors so interesting to me, and that have aided me so much in treating disease; but a few learned gentlemen, who have taken great interest in the inquiries, have earnestly requested that they be published, so that others might commence and extend, investigations in the same direction. To obtain the blood, a clean puncture or cut is made, in any part of the body desired, the surface being pre- viously carefully cleaned. The wound should be large enough to allow the free and immediate escape of a drop on slight pressure. The blood at once is transferred to the slide, then quickly covered with thin glass, and placed under the microscope. By a little experience, it may be under observation in one second from the time it leaves the blood stream. WHAT TO LOOK FOR -IN BLOOD EXAMINATIONS. Blood examinations, to be of value in diagnosis, must be made with great care. There is not one microscope in fifty, of those in present use, that is suited for this kind of study. They lack in definition, and often in not being sufficiently achromatic. in Blood Examinations. 9 A drop of blood may frequently be explored for an hour or more with profit. If the case is obscure, and the first drop examined fails to throw light, explore an- other carefully. If you still fail, continue the search till you are perfectly satisfied that the cause is to be sought for somewhere else. Often much may be learned by allowing the blood to stand for from a few hours to two or three days between the slides, watching from time to time the successive changes taking place during the process of drying. These changes, compared with those taking place, under similar circumstances, in healthy blood, often throw valuable light upon certain peculiarities of the case. The following is a list in detail of some of the con- ditions, states, and pathological products to be sought, for in blood : 1. Color of blood to the unaided eye and under the microscope. 2. Consistence of the blood. 3. Rapidity of clotting. 4. Serum in normal proportion. 5. Colored corpuscles in normal proportion. 6. Colorless corpuscles in normal proportion. 7. Fibrin in normal proportion. 8. Serum in too small quantity. 9. Colored corpuscles in too small quantity. 10. Colorless corpuscles in too small quantity. 11. Fibrin in too small quantity. 12. Serum in too large proportion. 13. Colored corpuscles in too large proportion. 14. Colorless corpuscles in too large proportion. 1 5. Fibrin in too large proportion. 16. Colored corpuscles of normal consistence. 17. Colored corpuscles too soft, plastic and sticky, adhering together and being drawn out into thread-like prolongations as they separate. 18. Colorless corpuscles, normal in quantity, but so sticky and plas- 10 JVhat to Look for tic that they adhere together in masses, endangering the formation of thrombi and emboli. 19. Fibrin meshes normal in size and arrangement, allowing blood cells to freely circulate through them. 20. Fibrin meshes too small to allow blood cells to freely flow through them, on account of which the blood cells arrange themselves in ropy rows, or ridges and masses, being held in the meshes of the partially clotted or contracted fibrin. In such cases the individual fib- rin filaments are increased in diameter and opacity. zi. Colored corpuscles arrange themselves in nummulated piles. 22. Colored corpuscles have little or no tendency to arrange them- selves in nummulated piles. 23. Colorless corpuscles, many of them ragged, partially broken down, and more or less curled and twisted and wrinkled. 24. No tendency of the blood discs to arrange themselves in num- mulated piles; but remaining evenly and loosely scattered over the field. 25. The blood discs may exhibit a slight tendency to group them- selves, having empty spaces between them. 26. The blood discs may arrange themselves in irregular compact masses, occupying but a small portion of the field. 27. The blood discs may arrange themselves in ridges, exhibiting a sticky stringiness and ropiness. 28. The blood discs may hold firmly the coloring matter, and be soft and plastic. 29. The blood discs may be high colored, smooth and even in out- line, hard and rigid, and hold firmly and completely the coloring matter. 30. The blood discs may allow the coloring matter to escape readi- ly, obscuring the individual outlines of the discs. 31. The discs may be mainmellated. 32. The colorless corpuscles may be in excess or in too small quan- tity, and be normal in consistence. 33. The colorless corpuscles may be in excess, to a greater or less extent, and be sticky, plastic, and adhesive, having a tendency to stick together in groups and masses. These masses tend to hang in the meshes of the sticky fibrin. Under such circumstances there is great danger ahead from the liability to the formation of thrombi and emboli- 34. The colorless corpuscles may be in excess, and ragged, and broken. 33. The colorless corpuscles may be in excess, and smooth and even n outline. in Blood Examinations. 11 36. Minute grains and ragged masses of black, blue, brown, or yel- low pigmentary matter may occur disseminated through the blood. 37. Globules and masses of fat may be present. 38. Amyloid matter may be present. 39. Masses of broken down and disintegrating parent cells may be present. 40. Emboli of fibrin may be present in greater or less quantity. These emboli may or may not be filled with granular and crystalline matters. 41. Emboli of algoid spores may be present. 4.2. Emboli of algoid filaments and spores may be present. 43. Algoid filaments and spores may be diffused or disseminated through the blood, without being aggregated in masses. 44. Fungoid spores may be present. 45. Fungoid spores and filaments may be present. 46. Granules and crystals of oxalate of lime may be present. 47. Granules and crystals of cystine may be present. 48. Granules and crystals of phosphates may be present. 49. Granules and crystals of stellin-e may be present. 50. Granules and crystals of stellurine may be present. 31. Granules and crystals of matters of a miscellaneous character may be present. 52. Conchoidine may be present. 53. Pigmentine may be present. 54. Leucine may be present. 35. Creatine may be present. 56. The lithates or lithic acid may be present. 37. Inosite may be present. 58. Both the serum and blood discs may contain brain fat or choles- terine. 59. The blood discs only may contain brain fat. 60. The Zymotosis regularis is present in the spore state. 61. The spores and filaments of Zymotosis regularis may be both present. 62. The spores of the Entophyticus haemactus may be present. 63. The spores and filaments of the Entophyticus haemactus may be both present. 64. The Penicillium quadrifidum may be present, both in the spore and filamentous states of development. 65. The spores and filaments of the Botrytis infestans may be present. 12 What to Look for 66. The colorless corpuscles may contain thin, bladder-like empty cells, of various sizes, that distend them. 67. The colorless corpuscles may contain algoid or fungoid spores,, or both, which tend to destroy their normal contents and to distend the outside walls of the cells, so that they may be much larger than the healthy cell and appear like sporangia. There are many other things to be sought for in pa- thological blood, which will be spoken of hereafter. I have given the foregoing list, in order to convey to the minds of those who have not conducted examinations in this direction, an idea of what to look for. The general impression is, that there is nothing to be found in the blood-stream, but the blood elements; and it has been considered that these elements are scarcely ever, to any great extent, pathological, and if they are, the microscope fails to throw much light upon the sub- ject. This is a mistake. A good microscope and ex- perience, and a little more patience and time devoted to blood examinations, will satisfy any physician that there is much more to be learned in this direction, than he has ever dreamed of. The work, however, must be patient- ly, carefully and honestly performed, and be most tho- rough. The more extended the knowledge of micro- scopic forms, of every conceivable variety, the more readily abnormal bodies are given their proper place and importance, and the more valuable in diagnosis are such labors to the observer. Some pathological products and states are best studied immediately after the blood is drawn, while others are better made out after the blood has stood a longer or shorter time between the slides, and become stationary, uncovering crystalline and granular products that were in Blood Examinations. 13 at'first too much enveloped in blood cells to be discov- erable. Often after having worked over a drop of blood for half a day, I have discovered new forms on re-examination. In the nicer microscopic explorations, we are very apt to see only those objects and conditions we are in search of, overlooking many interesting forms and features that after they have been pointed out to us, we are per- fectly astonished, how, in the extreme care we have used, they could have been possibly overlooked. The truth of this remark will come home with peculiar force to those who have labored the most carefully in micro- scopic researches in new fields. The superficial observer cannot appreciate it, as he never studies out the nicer details of the individual features and forms under ob- servation. His mind receives simply a vague impres- sion of the general appearance, instead of grasping in detail well-defined pictures, which alone give positive and exact knowledge. The symptoms and pathological consequences of the presence of stelline, stellurine, pigmentine, and conch- oidine, are briefly set forth in my paper describing these substances, published in the New York Medical Record for February i, 1868. The symptoms and pathologi- cal states excited by the presence in the blood and tis- sues of cystine, oxalate of lime, phosphates, and lithic acid, are described in my paper on Rheumatism, pub- lished in the American Journal of Medical Science, for July and October, 1867. The symptoms and abnormal states excited by the presence of algoid and fungoid spores and filaments, 14 Fibrin in the Blood have been briefly spoken of in several of my papers, and will be more fully set forth in a paper which is now nearly ready. The presence of cholesterine in the blood disc of healthy blood, and in it and the serum in certain forms of disease, is the subject of a paper now ready, and which will soon appear. Other pathological states produced by abnormal con- ditions of the blood cells, will constitute also the sub- ject for a separate paper. We will now present briefly some observations con- nected with the CONDITION, APPEARANCE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIBRIN FILAMENTS IN THE FRESHLY DRAWN BLOOD OF HEALTH AND DISEASE. A VAL- UABLE MEANS OF DIAGNOSTICATING CERTAIN PATHOLOGICAL STATES OF THE SYSTEM. That the fibrin filaments exist ready formed in the blood stream, there is no possible doubt. By a little practice, the eye can begin to explore a drop of blood under the microscope, in one second after leaving the blood vessels. An experienced observer will imme- diately detect colorless corpuscles, masses of granules, and sporoid bodies, and sometimes crystals, that are fixed, or made almost stationary by some invisible means. If the eye watches these closely, while the balance of the blood is moving this way and that, and running in little currents in various directions, in a few moments will be noticed faintly delineated filaments, crossing and recrossing each other, forming a mesh- work which holds fast these fixed cells, granules and spores. These are the fibrin filaments, which make up of Health and Disease. 15 an almost invisible network in the freshly drawn blood. This network of organized fibrin gradually loses the almost perfect transparency it has in the blood stream, and becomes little by little more and more opaque and visible in outline, till in the course of five or ten minutes after it is drawn, the network of threads reaches its maximum opacity, the filaments being to the educated eye well defined. The fibrin filaments are developed from the fibrin cells that are organized in the arterial extremities of the spleen and lacteal and lymphatic glands. These cells are mostly developed into filaments before they leave the glandular capillaries. The nucleus, or “yolk” of the fibrin cell forms the blood disc, while the portion of the cell outside of the nucleus is “spun ” into a fine fibrin thread. This whole process is fully described in my paper on the “Histology and Functions of the Spleen and Lacteal and Lymphatic Glands,” published in the American Journal of Medical Sciences for April, 1866. Upon the appearance and state of the filaments, and size of the meshes of this fibrin network, much de- pends. What might appear to be slight derangements in the parent cells that organize the fibrin cells, may result in grave pathological states. The trouble, no doubt, starts primarily with defect- ive or deranged alimentation, or with some disturbance of the digestive apparatus of the alimentary canal, by which improper, defective, irritating or poisonous food is transmitted to the parent fibrin cells of the spleen, lacteal and lymphatic glands. This imperfect food, 16 Fibrin Filaments little by little, deranges the digesting, assimilating, and organizing functions of these organisms, so that the fibrin cells they manufacture are in one or more ways pathological. These diseased cells produce fibrin fila- ments that are more or less abnormal. Now the causes that produce disturbance in the blood may be so far removed from the pathological results at the time we detect them in the blood, that they are entirely lost in the consideration of the subject. We only recognize, perhaps, the pathological products and conditions we find present in this fluid at the time of the examination. These we give the place of causes of the systemic dis- turbance. This may be to a great extent true, but the physician should be able to look back and beyond these specific excitants, to the primary or generic causes, which, perhaps, have been operating for years in de- ranging the functions of the mother cells. This knowl- edge he should have, that he may be able to impart such instructions to his patient, after specific or imme- diate causes are removed, as will enable him to live in such a way as to escape falling into the same patho- logical state again. Here is a field for much careful research and patient labor. It is in this direction that positive medicine may be greatly extended by close study, and honest, persevering investigation. APPEARANCE AND ARRANGEMENT OF FIBRIN FILAMENTS IN HEALTH. Where the system is in all respects healthy, where every part of the complicated machine is performing its functions normally, the colored and colorless cor- puscles are distributed evenly throughout the serum, in Health. 17 and the fibrin meshwork does not interfere with the free movement of the blood elements. As the natural process of clotting goes on, after the blood is removed from the system, the fibrin filaments contract, decreasing the size of the meshes of the network, so that the blood elements are to a considerable extent caught and held fast. If, however, the freshly drawn blood be stirred constantly with a rod, till the clotting process is over, the fibrin will be found adhering to the rod in white ropes and shreds, being almost perfectly free from the colored and colorless corpuscles. The reason of this is that the blood cells, by the motion kept up in the fibrin, are washed out from the network before the filaments have sufficiently contracted to hold the blood cells fast in the fibrin meshes. The filaments of fibrin Fig. i. in the healthy blood are much smaller and less strongly marked than in rheumatic and tubercular states: and the meshes of the network are larger, allowing the blood cells to pass freely through them in all directions. Fig. i represents the fibrin network of healthy blood as 18 Fibrin Filaments it presents itself between the slides of the microscope, a few minutes after the blood leaves the blood stream, It will be seen that this network is free from spores, granules, colorless corpuscles, and crystals. There are no abnormal products adhering to the filaments, or fastened in the meshes. All the elements of the blood are normal. . APPEARANCE AND ARRANGMENT OF FIBRIN FILAMENTS IN RHEUMATISM. In rheumatic conditions the filaments of the fibrin network of the blood are in a tonic state of contrac- tion. This increases the size of the filaments, making them more plainly visible; and decreases the size of the meshes, so that the blood is in the premonitory stage of clotting; the meshes being so small that they interfere with the free passage of the blood elements,— they holding partially in their meshes the colored and colorless corpuscles. This makes the blood have a ropy, half clotted appearance between the slides. In a few minutes after rheumatic blood is placed be- tween the slides, the colorless and colored corpuscles arrange themselves in ropy rows and masses, leaving large, irregular, clear spaces, in which may be distinctly traced the meshwork of fibrin filaments. Frequently, for months before the patient has any idea that he is rheumatic, or in danger of being at any mo- ment taken suddenly down with rheumatism, this con- dition may be positively diagnosticated by the appear- ance and condition of the blood. By this mode of working, the causes of this dreaded disease may be discovered and removed before the patient is aware he in Rheumatism. 19 is in danger, thereby saving perhaps, severe suffering, and grave pathological disturbance. In rheumatism, there appears to be a tendency to a tonic contraction in all the fibrin elements of the body. The whole muscular system is more or less stiffened and rigid. That suppleness and elasticity of the perfect physiological state is gone, and a heavy, non-elastic, more or less lame feeling pervades the organism. This tonic muscular rigidity no doubt extends to the mus- cular fibres of organic life ; in the walls of all hollow vessels, as those of the blood apparatus and alimentary canal. This condition, together with the tendency in the connective tissue to contract under the influence of cold, renders a rheumatic patient extremely sensitive to cold and exposure. His system usually indicates Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Fig. 2. meteorological changes with as much sensitiveness as a barometer. 20 Fibrin Filaments Fig. 2 represents the appearance and condition of :he fibrin network in the blood of rheumatism, as ex- hibited in the vacant spaces between the slides. It will he seen that the fibrin filaments are more contracted md larger, and the meshes of the network smaller than n healthy blood. This difference is really more strongly marked than is represented in the drawings. Spores, granules, colorless corpuscles, and crystals are seen fastened or caught in the meshwork. These bodies and conditions are pathological. They are never found present in healthy blood. APPEARANCE AND ARRANGEMENT OK FIBRIN FILAMENTS IN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. In tubercular disease the blood has somewhat the ap- pearance presented in rheumatic affections, save that there is less tendency for the colored and colorless cor- puscles to become aggregated in ropy rows and masses; yet the resemblance in many cases is quite strong. In tubercular phthisis, there are almost always more or less flying rheumatic neuralgia pains. The fibrin filaments are sometimes almost as large and well defined, and the meshes as small, as in rheumatism. These pathological conditions are present, for the reason that this disease is almost always accompanied with more or less of the specific causes of rheumatism. This matter will be more fully presented in a paper now nearly ready on the primary and specific causes of pulmonary tubercu- losis. At Fig. 3 is represented the network of fibrin fila- in Pulmonary Tuberculosis 21 Fig. 3 ments in pulmonary tuberculosis. The fibrin filaments are contracted and distinct, and the meshes much small- er than in health. In the meshes and sticking to the filaments are seen spores, granules, colorless corpuscles, etc. These bodies are fastened in the fibrin network, and the conditions present, that fix and hold them, are pathological. APPEARANCE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIBRIN FILAMENTS IN THE BLOOD OF ANAEMIA. In pure cases of anaemia, that is, in states of the sys- tem where the organized histological elements of the blood are in the proper proportion, but where they are in by far too small quantity, the great mass of the blood being serum, the filaments of fibrin are small and faintly delineated, and the meshes of the network formed by them large, allowing the thinly scattered blood elements to float freely in all directions in the 22 Fibrin Filaments in Anemic. serum, between the slides, without any distinct evi- dence of clotting. In such cases, the red and white corpuscles are evenly distributed throughout the serum, there being but slight tendency in the fibrin filaments to contract, hence the meshes remain so large that they do not entangle the blood elements. When, however, the rheumatic or tubercular diathesis accompany anae- mia, then the fibrin filaments assume all the characteris- tics peculiar to these pathological conditions. Fig. 4. At Fig. 4 is represented the network of fibrin in the blood of a pure case of anaemia. APPEARANCE AND CONDITION OF THE FIBRIN AND OTHER BLOOD ELE- MENTS WHERE THERE IS A TENDENCY TO THE FORMATION OF THROMBI AND EMBOLI. Whenever there exists in the blood abnormal bodies that are insoluble in the serum, more or less irrita- tion of the lining tissue of the blood apparatus, espe- cially in the heart and vicinity, is the result. Sooner or later, the organic muscular fibres lose a part of their Thrombi and Emboli. 23 tonicity, and there are frequently tired feelings, and wan- dering pains and aches, which are more likely to hang about the cardiac region than elsewhere. The insolu- ble matters floating in the blood, have a tendency to fix themselves in or near the heart, to the epithelial lining, the secretions from which assume a more or less plastic and sticky condition from the irritation excited. These fixed particles become centres for the gradual accretion of fibrin, which applies itself slowly, layer upon layer, and finally little by little we have formed thrombi. These from time to time break loose from their points of attachment, and float as emboli in the blood stream. There is also another condition of the blood ele- ments, where there is great danger of thromboses and embolism, and which may be readily diagnosticated by means of the microscope, in time to avert the serious results which may await the patient. This is stickiness and plasticity of the fibrin filaments and colorless cor- puscles. This stickiness often extends even to the blood discs. Whenever this state is present, the col- orless corpuscles are found,—instead of being scattered about singly,—sticking to each other in groups of two, three, four, or more. The fibrin filaments are also sticky and plastic, and impede the free flow of the blood cells through their network. The result is a marked ten- dency to the formation of thrombi and emboli. Em- boli, under such conditions, are produced frequently, simply by the sticking together of the colorless cor- puscles, forming masses of greater or less size. They are also formed by the breaking loose of thrombi. 24 1Thrombi and Emboli. This sticky state of the blood is usually scorbutic, it arising mainly from deranged or defective alimenta- tion. In conclusion, I would say that this paper is but an imperfect brief of extended labors in this direction. The Blood Disc. THE BLOOD DISC, A VEHICLE FOR TRANSMITTING NERVE FOOD. Cholesterine and other Crystalline Matters in the Healthy Blood Disc, and in and out of it in Certain Forms of Disease.—Ready Means for Diagnosticating Conditions. — Cryptogamic Vegetations that are in both Healthy and Diseased Blood; with a brief Description of the Crypta carbunculata and Zymotosis escularis. For several years I have been satisfied, from a variety of experiments, that the blood disc performed an im- portant office in transmitting nerve food. In healthy blood, freshly drawn, the cholesterine or nerve fat is held by the blood disc, there not being enough in the serum to crystallize on drying between the slides of the microscope. If, however, the blood is allowed to stand in clean, well stoppered glass bottles for from one to three days, and then placed between the slides of the microscope and allowed to dry for a few hours, the cholesterine crystals make their appearance, it having escaped from the discs with the coloring matter and other crystalline products, and become dissolved in the serum. This cholesterine is the fat of nerve tissue, and is largely present, it making up one of the principal con- 28 Cholesterine stituents of the medullary matter that surrounds and insulates the ultimate central nerve threads, through which impressions are received and responses trans- mitted. This nerve fat has to be supplied through the medium of the blood. The only element of the blood that normally carries it is the blood disc, hence this disc may be considered a vehicle for transmitting to its destination nerve fat, and probably other nutrient products designed for nerve support. It can readily be conceived how defective alimentation and a great variety of other causes might derange this insulating covering, and how this derangement might disturb the normal mental functions and the nervous system gen- erally, thereby producing a variety of distracting and strange results. Here is a field open that offers tempting induce- ments to the careful and patient explorer. In certain conditions of the system, when the freshly drawn blood is placed between the slides and allowed to dry for a few hours, cholesterine crystallizes around inside the edges of the thin glass. This is diagnostic of cholestenemic states, and is pathological, and an im- portant fact to determine. Other matters held normally by the blood discs crys- tallize with the cholesterine. These will be briefly re- ferred'to further on. CHOLESTERINE IN THE RED DISCS OF HEALTHY BLOOD, BUT NOT IN THE SERUM TILL AFTER THE BLOOD HAS BEEN STANDING FOR SEVERAL DAYS. The following are a few of a series of experiments in Blood. 29 recently performed on the blood of persons in perfect health. Experiment i, October 13, 1867.—Drew two drams of blood from the arm of Dr. C. by opening a vein. Placed it in a clean glass-stoppered bottle, and set aside at a temperature ranging from 6o° to 750 Fahrenheit. On placing a drop of the freshly drawn blood between the slides of the microscope and allowing it to stand for twenty-four hours, no cholesterine crystals made their appearance. Dr. C. is in perfect health. October 16.—Shook up the bottle of blood well, and placed a drop between the slides of the microscope at 1 p. m. At 3 p. m., two hours after, cholesterine crys- tals had formed all around and just within the edges of the thin glass. These are represented at 12. Experiment 2, October 13, 1867.—Drew a dram of blood from the arm of Dr. H., and placed it in a clean glass-stoppered bottle, and set aside at a tempera- ture ranging from 6o° to 750 Fahrenheit. On placing a drop of the freshly drawn blood be- tween the slides and allowing it to stand for twenty-four hours, no signs of cholesterine crystals made their ap- pearance. Dr. H. is enjoying excellent health. Age 26. October 15.—Shook up the bottle well, and placed a drop of the blood between the slides of the microscope at 1 p. m. At 3 2 p. m. cholesterine crystals had formed entirely around and just inside the edges of the thin glass, similar to those represented at 12. 30 Cholesterine Experiment 3, October 13, 1867.—Drew two drams of blood from the arm of Dr. D., who is in perfect health, and placed it in a clean glass-stoppered bottle, and set aside at a temperature ranging from 6o° to 750 Fahrenheit. A drop of this blood, freshly drawn, placed between the slides of the microscope and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, afforded no crystals of cholesterine. October 16.—At 112 p. m., shook up the bottle well, and placed a drop of the blood between the glass slides and allowed to stand till 3 p. m., when it was examined. Found beautiful cholesterine crystals all around, just inside the edges of the thin glass. Experiment 4, October 13, 1867.—Drew two drams of blood from the arm of Dr. S., who is in perfect health, and placed it in a clean glass-stoppered bottle, and set aside at a temperature ranging from 6o° to 750 F ahrenheit. A drop ot this freshly drawn blood placed between the slides and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, exhibited no signs of cholesterine crystals. October 16.—At 1 p. m., shook up the bottle well, and placed a drop of the blood between the slides of the microscope and allowed to stand till 3 p. m., when, on examination, a beautiful row of crystalline plates of cholesterine was found just inside the edges of the thin glass. Experiment 5, October 9, 1867.—Drew two drams of blood from the arm of Dr. G., who is laboring under severe rheumatic neuralgia in small of back and in Blood. 31 hips, with partial paralysis of lower extremities. Has had this trouble for the last three years. Pains at times very severe. Takes morphine hypodermically to relieve suffering. Has severe oxalasmia and cystinasmia. Placed the fresh blood in a clean glass-stoppered bottle, and set aside at a temperature ranging from 6o° to 75° Fahrenheit. Had a healthy appearance, save that it was rich in fibrin, and contained granules of cystine and oxalate of lime, also spores of the Zymotosis regularis. A drop freshly drawn and placed between the slides of the microscope and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, afforded no cholesterine crystals. October 12.—The bottle of blood was well shaken, and a drop placed between the slides of the microscope. This was done at 1 p. m. At 4 p. m., three hours after, crystals of cholesterine had begun to appear all around inside the edges of the thin glass. The Z. regularis was rapidly developing into filaments. Blood in bottle, which, when first drawn, was of a beautiful, clear red color, now had a bluish purple tinge. Coloring matter of the discs partially escaped and dis- solved in the serum. The fact that no cholesterine crystallizes in the freshly drawn healthy blood, while it does crystallize under similar circumstances, in the same blood, after it has stood for two or three days in clean, tightly corked glass-stoppered bottles, and the coloring matter of the discs partially escaped and dissolved in the serum, is interesting, and demonstrates the fact that the choles- terine is held by the blood disc in the freshly drawn 32 Cholester