HANDBOOK OF SYSTEMATIC URINARY ANALYSIS CHEMICAL AND MICROSCOPICAL FOB THE USE OF PHYSICIANS, MEDICAL STUDENTS, AND CLINICAL ASSISTANTS, BY FRANK M. DEEMS, M.D., Ph.D., formerly laboratory instructor in the medical department op the UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK ; MEMBER OP THE N. Y. COUNTY MEDICAL society; member oe the k. y. microscopica: SECOND EDITION! NEW YORK THE INDUSTRIAL PUBLICATION COMPANY. COPYRIGHT SECURED. 1881. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Part Second of this little manual was (and is still) published in a separate form. The reception accorded to it by both the medical press and profession was so flattering, that I have been induced to add to it. Owing to the liberality of the publisher, I feel justified in saying that there is no other work on this subject, of a similar size and price, so well and profusely illustrated. In the reading matter, no originality whatever is claimed, and I have often adopted even the very language of others where it seemed to combine accuracy, brevity and clearness. The work is still a compilation. I hope, however, that my intention, as set forth in the preface to the First Edition, will be more completely fulfilled. F. M. D, Augusta, Ga,, October 1, 1881. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The following plan or method for the systematic examination of the urine, step by step, both chemically and microscopically, is compiled with the intention of supplying students of medicine, clinical assis- ants, and busy practitioners with a concise guide, which, from its small compass and tabulated arrangement, will serve both as a bedside reference-book and a work-table companion. While it cannot pretend to take the place of larger works upon the highly important subject of urinary analysis, the compiler hopes, from his somewhat extended experience as a teacher of this branch of physical diagnosis, that it will serve to lessen the difficulties in the way of the beginner, and save time to the busy practitioner in his routine examinations. 429 West Twenty-Second Street, JVewj York, October 1, 1880, F. M. D. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. Frontispiece, Urinary Analysis Set (after Prof. Draper). page 1. Urinometer and Cylinder, 20 2. Separate Crystals of Diabetic Sugar, ..... 33 3. Normal Deposit from Ammoniacal Urine, . . . .36 4. Extraneous Substances found in Urine. .... 39 5. Nitrate of Urea, ........ 40 6. Oxalate of Urea, , . . . . . . . 41 7. Apparatus for the Quantitative Estimation of Urea, . , 45 8. Common Forms of Uric Acid, ...... 49 9. Rarer Forms of Uric Acid, . . . . . . .50 10. “Hedge-hog” Crystals of Urate of Sodium, ... 53 11. Crystals and Amorphous Deposit of Urate of Sodium, and Spherules of Urate of Ammonium, .... 54 12. Spherules of Ammonium Urate, . . . ... .55 13. Hippuric Acid from Human Urine, ..... 56 14. Oxalate of Lime, . . . . . . . .59 15. Dumb-bells and Ovoids of Oxalate of Lime, ... 60 16. Crystals of (“ Stellar ”) Phosphate of Lime, . . . .63 17. Different Forms of Ammonio-magnesian (“ triple”) Phosphate, 64 18. Crystals (“fern-leaf ”) of Triple Phosphate, . . . .65 19. Leuein Spheres and Tyrosin Needles, .... 68 20. Cystin, Hexagonal Tablets and Prisms, . . . .70 21. Xanthin from Human Urine, ...... 71 22. Mucus Cloud, ......... 73 23. Renal, Yesieal, Urethral and Yaginal Epithelium. . . 75 24. Mode of Formation of Tube-casts, . . . . .80 25. Epithelial and Opaque Granular Casts, .... 81 26. Fatty and Blood Casts, Free Fatty Molecules, . . .82 27. Waxy Casts, , . . . . . . . . 83 28. Mucus Casts, . . . . . . . .85 29. Blood Corpuscles in the Urine, ..... 88 30. Pus Corpuscles, ........ 92 31. Human Spermatozoids, ....... 94 32. Body and Upper Part of the Tail of a Spermatozoon, . . 95 33. Bacteria and Yibriones, . , . . . , . 96 34. Penicilium Glaucum, Aerial Fructification, . . . .98 35. Torula Cerevisife, Aerial Fructification, . . .100 36. Sarcina in the Urine, ........ 100 37. Apparatus for Collecting Urinary Sediments, , . .118 38. The New Working Microscope, . . . . . .121 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. CHAPTER I. COMPOSITION OF THE URINE ; PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHO- LOGICAL ALTERATIONS ; TRANSPARENCY ; CONSISTENCE; odor; color; reaction; specific gravity; the urinometer; quantity. Healthy urine is a clear, watery, pale yellow, or amber- colored, fluorescent fluid, of an acid reaction, saline taste, characteristic (sui generis) odor, and, when passed in the average quantity of about 1500 c.c., has a mean specific gravity of about 1020°. It is free from any deposit or sedi- ment, but generally holds in suspension a little mucus and epithelium. Composition. What may be called the average composition of human urine is shown in the subjoined table. The quantities in which these various constituents are present vary consider- ably, according to the circumstances and influences to which the person is subjected. 8 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. Amounts of the Several Urinary Constituents Passed in Twenty - four Hours. (After Parkes). By an A veragt Matt of 66 Kilos. Per x Kilo, of Body Weight. Water, 1500-000 Grammes 23-0000 Total Solids 72-000 “ 1-1000 Urea 33-180 “ -5000 Uric Acid -555 “ -0084 Hippuric Acid -400 u -0060 Kreatinin -910 “ -0140 Pigments and other sub- stances 10-000 “ -1510 Sulphuric Acid 2-012 “ -0305 Phosphoric Acid 3-164 “ -0480 Chlorine 7-000—(8-21) T260 Ammonia -770 Potassium 2-500 Sodium 11-090 Calcium -260 Magnesium -207 prom the above we see that the greatest amounts are repre- sented by Urea and the Chlorides (chiefly of Sodium). The gases which can be extracted from the urine by the mercurial pump are carbon dioxide (6o—150 c.c. in 1000 c.c. of urine). Nitrogen is present in very small quantity, and of oxygen traces only can be discovered. The Renal Function. There is a difference of opinion among physiologists con- cerning the excretion of urine. Bowman holds that the epithelial cells lining the secreting tubules are secretion organs, and that water only is excreted by the tufts, or malpighian bodies, which washes the constituents of the urine out of the epithelial cells. This is the secretory theory. Ludwig as- sumes that the excretion of urine is a process of filtration taking place in the glomeruli, and a process of diffusion throughout the course of the tubules; the epithelial cells lining the tubules are not taken into consideration at all. This is the mechanical theory. But experimental evidence HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 9 justifies the conception which the structure of the kidney would lead us a priori to adopt—namely, that the secretion of urine by the kidney is a double process; a combination of se- cretion and filtration. The filtration part of the process is directly dependent on blood pressure. However, there is no question as to the chief function of the kidney being that of an excreting organ, its office being to get rid of substances produced by the activity of other tissues. Its principal work is not to form, but to eject, and the nitrogenized excrementi- tious matters thus ejected are, in great part, the effete products of tissue-metamorphosis (metabolism), and hence represent the physiological wear of the organism. Physiological and Pathological Variations. The preceding table gives the average composition of normal urine. A morbid condition of the system may greatly alter its composition; there may be an absence, a diminution, or an excess of one or more of its physiological elements, or some new and unnatural substance, such as, for example, albumen, sugar, blood, pus, bile, or casts may be mixed with it. Owing to these physiological and pathological variations, of both the physical properties and chemical composition of the urine (which fluctuate in proportion as the processes of life fluctuate), its condition affords a clue to the nature of de- ranged or diseased states of the system, an index to their prognosis, and a guide to their successful treatment (Harley). “ At the bedside there is no more important subject of inquiry than the chemical composition of the urine, since from this we obtain the most certain data upon which to ground a diag- nosis or furnish a prognosis ” (Ziemssen’s Cyclopaedia). Every physician should be as thoroughly familiar with the causes and significance of these urinary changes, and the means of detecting them, as he is with cardiac or pulmonary HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS, derangements, and their symptoms and physical signs. The more important of these factors influencing the composition of the urine will be pointed out in the following detailed sum- mary of its physical and chemical characteristics. Normal urine deposits, after standing at rest for some time, a slight cloud (nubecula), derived from the bladder and urinary tract, consisting mainly of mucus and epithelial cells, but in all other respects it is perfectly transparent. A visible sediment, other than the above mentioned., appearing in the urine within eight to twelve hours is abnormal. On the other hand, because a given specimen of urine is transparent, it by no means follows that it is therefore normal. Sometimes, on cooling, urine that was passed perfectly clear may become turbid from a precipitation of the urates (of soda, potash, lime, and magnesia), which, though highly soluble in water at the temperature of the body, are promptly precipitated from a cold urine. This turbidity is seen usually on a winter morning. On warming this turbid urine, the urates will re-dissolve, and the liquid resumes its translucency. Another cause of tur- bidity of the urine, and perhaps a more common one, is the precipitation of the earthy phosphates (of lime and magnesia), which require for their solution an acid urine. We shall see, when treating of Reaction, that during digestion there is always a diminished acidity, or even an alkalescence, of the urine; and it is at such times, therefore, that this precipitation is most likely to occur. Heat increases this deposit of earthy phosphates, an acid causes its prompt disappearance, being the reverse of the case of the urates. Should the urine be turbid when voided, it is a mark of disease, and pus is the most frequent cause of this appearance. Opacity, produced by pus or albuminous cellular elements, is increased by heat and Transparency. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. acids, owing to the precipitation of the albumen, which is an invariable constituent of liquorpuris and liquor sanguinis. Normal urine is always perfectly fluid, like water, readily flowing through and dropping from a tube of exceedingly small calibre. But in disease, especially in catarrh of the bladder, and in retention of urine, the ammoniacal products of the decomposition of the urea often render the pus so thick, viscid, and glutinous that it is difficult or even impossible to pour it from one vessel into another. Such a state of viscidity is called “ ropiness.” Chylous urine (rare, and peculiar to certain tropical countries) also gives to the urine such an in- creased consistence as to torm, sometimes a thick, firm, jelly- like mass. The froth on normal urine readily disappears; but if the froth be permanent, the presence of sugar, albumen, or the constituents of the bile, may be suspected. Consistency. When freshly-passed, normal urine exhales a peculiar aro- matic odor, which gives place, on cooling, to an odor charac- teristic to itself, and known as urinous. It is said to be due to certain volatile organic acids. The color and odor of the urine are usually modified by the same physiological conditions. The addition of a mineral acid greatly intensifies and modifies the urinous odor. When urine loses its natural odor, and be- comes fetid and ammoniacal, the change is due to the decom- position of urea into ammonium carbonate (a highly alkaline salt), and to the formation of sulphur compounds. Should the organic matters be increased, and undergo decomposition at the same time, the odor is at once putrescent and ammo- niacal. In cases of destructive renal or cystic disease, and Odor. 12 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. in paraplegia, these alterations begin very quickly after the urine has been voided. A fixed alkali gives to the urine a faint mawkish or an aromatic odor; diabetes is said to impart a sweetish whey-like odor, which changes to that of sour milk on fermenting. Purulent and sanious discharges, a stale, offensive odor, like that of tainted flesh. It must not be for- gotten that certain articles of diet (as asparagus, cauliflower, garlic, onions, etc.), and certain drugs (as turpentine, valerian, assafoetida, castor, copaiba, cubebs, sandal-wood oil, etc.) com- municate certain peculiar odors to the urine. It is well, there- fore, to be aware of what the patient has been taking. Healthy urine may be said to be, in general terms, of a pale wine-yellow, or amber color; but even within the limits of health there may be considerable variation, from the palest straw to a yellowish-brown. These variations are due to the relative proportion of the coloring matters to the water. The larger the quantity of urine daily excreted the paler the tint; the less the amount the higher the color. Very pale urine is voided by persons in health, after copious drinking, especially in cold weather; very high-colored urine after prolonged and violent muscular exercise and severe sweating. Color. At present the whole subject of urinary pigments, both in health and disease, is very imperfectly understood. Whether the natural yellow color of urine be due to a single pigment, the urochrome of Thudichum, or to more than one, and what is the exact nature of these pigments, must be left for a while undecided. Urine frequently contains urobilin, and there are reasons for thinking that the urinary and bile-pigments are derivatives of hcemoglobin. If this be the case an immense number of blood corpuscles must be destroyed daily (and re- HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 13 placed by new ones) in order to give rise to the amount of urinary and bile pigment discharged daily from the body (Foster). Urobilin is found in acute febrile diseases, and points to an increased waste of red blood corpuscles. The color of the urine varies greatly in disease; it may be pale yellow, green, red, brown, blue, and black. These tints may be due to an excess or diminution of the normal coloring matters, to an increase or decrease of the quantity of water holding them in solution, to the presence of blood and bile pigments, and to other ab7iormal coloring agents, and, lastly, to certain articles of diet or medicine which impart coloration to the urine. Pale umie is passed by persons suffering from ansemia and chlorosis, diabetes, nervous disorders, such as hysteria and convulsions (urina spastica), and in convalescence from acute diseases. As a rule, pale urine indicates the abse7ice of pyrexia. However, a pale or normal-colored urine is not invariably an indication of health, as it may contain an abnormal quantity of urohcematin, determined by proper investigation. High-colored urine is found in fevers, and most acute dis- eases in which considerable tissue metamorphosis takes place. A dark-colored urine should be examined for excess of pig- ment; and its presence, when an average amount of urine is passed (1500 c.c.), almost invariably indicates the existence of a more or less grave pathological condition of the system. Reddish-pink urine makes its appearance in various febrile complaints from the addition of an abnormal coloring matter, called, by Prout, purpuri7i, by Heller, uroeryihrin, and by Harley, 7irohce7nati7i. It contains iron, and is doubtless a modified hsematin, being also found especially in diseases where there is evident blood dyscrasia, with destruction of the blood-corpuscles, as in low fevers, septic conditions, etc. Such a high-colored urine will give, when diluted with water, 14 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. according to the amount of dilution, all the colors more com- monly observed in this fluid, thus strengthening the hypothesis that these various tints are only dilutions of one and the same coloring agent. Certain medicinal and poisonous substances, finding their way into the system, may produce various alterations of color in the urine. Santonin imparts a rich golden-yellow to acid urine, and an orange-red to alkaline urine; gamboge, senna, and picrotoxin, yellow color; rhubarb, a deep gamboge- yellow, changed to red by the addition of ammonia; turpen- tine, violet; gallic and tannic acids, dusky; creosote and arseniuretted hydrogen, a black discoloration. Among other substances than the above-named, aloes, blackberries, rasp- berries, indigo, logwood, madder, etc., color the urine. Strong coffee darkens the urine. It is of some importance, therefore, to know what a patient has been eating or drinking. When urine containing bile is kept for several days, it sometimes changes from a brown to a grass-green color, owing to the oxidation of the biliary pigments. Blue urine is most fre- quently met with in cholera and typhus fever, and is due to the presence of indican. Black urine has been seen in those suffering from melanotic cancer. All of these abnormal pig- ments have an intense affinity for uric acid and the urates, and hence color them, when they are thrown out as a deposit. Normal urine is sometimes markedly fluorescent; as yet we are unable to state the substances that produce it. Alka- line urine, by reflected light, appears greenish; by transmitted light yellowish-red (Hoffman and Ultzmann). Fluorescence. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 15 Reaction. Healthy human urine of the twenty-four hours is acid, the amount of this acidity being equivalent to from 2 to 4 grammes (30-60 grains) of oxalic acid. It is due to the presence of acid sodium phosphate (Ptfi H2 NA). There is no property of the urine of more varied and important significance than its reaction, for therewith is intimately connected the occurrence of several kinds of urinary deposits. The reaction of the urine is liable to be affected by food, the cold bath, medicinal substances, general diseases, and the decomposition of the secretion. (a) Food.—The reaction of the urine holds a close relation to the digestion of food. It may be neutral, or even alkaline, shortly after taking food, while the process of digestion is going on, again becoming more and more acid up to the time of the next meal. The alkaline urine, voided after food, owes its reaction to fixed alkali, and not to ammonia. The more remote consequence of a meal, however, is to maintain, and even increase, the acidity. Animal has this effect more than vegetable food. As a rule, if the urine of a person, living on a mixed diet, becomes alkaline in less than twenty-four hours after being passed, there exists some disease, either of the general system or of the urinary organs, which demands im- mediate attention. (fi) The Cold Bath.—The urine is said to become invariably alkaline after prolonged immersion of the body in a bath at a lower temperature than that of the body. (c) Ejffiects ofi Medicines.—Both mineral and vegetable acids, when administered in large quantities, tend somewhat to raise the acidity of the urine; but their effect is inconsiderable. Urine that is habitually alkaline cannot be rendered acid by the internal administration of even large quantities of these HANDBOOK OP URINARY ANALYSIS. substances. Alkaline substances have a much more powerful influence, and it is an easy matter to render the urine strongly alkaline at pleasure. This effect may be attained by the caustic and carbonated alkalies, or by the alkaline salts of certain groups of vegetable acids—acetic, tartaric, citric, malic, and lactic acids. The least disturbing to the digestive organs are the bicarbonates of potash and soda, and the acetates and citrates of the same bases. It requires from 300 to 400 grains of the bicarb, potass., and about as much of the acetate and citrate, given in divided doses during the twenty- four hours, to keep the urine steadily alkaline in the adult. [cl) General Disease.—ln persons of debilitated constitu- tions, in the anaemic state which follows subacute rheumatism and gout, in chlorosis, atonic dyspepsia, chronic vomiting, and even in chronic phthisis, the urine may present the character of alkalescence (from fixed alkali). The clinical significance of urine, rendered alkaline by the fixed alkalies, is not serious, as this condition is an occasional accompaniment of debility, from whatever cause it may be due. Persons who pass such an alkaline urine are generally suitable subjects for a tonic and stimulating treatment, and exercise in the open air. Changes Undergone by Urine on Standing.—After urine has been discharged, the natural acidity increases for some time, owing to the formation of fresh acid, apparently by some kind of fermentation. This increase of acid frequently causes a precipitation of urates, which the previous acidity has been insufficient to throw down. After a while, however, the acid reaction gives way to alkalinity. This is caused by the de- composition of urea (NH2) 2CO, into ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3), a strongly alkaline salt. This change is accom- plished through the agency of a specific ferment. This fer- ment, as a general rule, does not make its appearance except in urine exposed to the air; it is only in unhealthy conditions HANDBOOK OP URINARY ANALYSIS. 17 that the alkaline fermentation takes place within the bladder. The mode by which urea is decomposed into ammonium carbonate is thus explained. The urea takes up water, and, by a simple rearrangement of their particles, becomes con- verted into ammonium carbonate: ( NH2 tt . i nh4 o Co{nh2 + 2H2°-C0 {nh4o Urea. Water. Ammonium Carbonate. This transformation is brought about with great rapidity by contact with any decomposing organic matter—e.g., mucus, pus, blood, epithelium, albumen, etc.; also when the urine is very dilute and feebly acid or alkaline. The peculiar odor so characteristic of stale urine is chiefly due to the ammonium carbonate thus produced. Significance of the Alkaline Reaction.—Urine which is alka- line from fixed alkali, is always secreted alkaline by the kidneys ; it deposits, if at all, simple amorphous phosphate of lime, of which the particles have no tendency to accrete into gravel or calculi; it has a sweet aromatic odor; is perfectly bland and innocuous to the mucus membranes, and is not associated with inflammation of the urinaiy passages. Ammoniacal urine, on the other hand, is only in the rarest in- stances, and under the gravest circumstances, secreted ammonia- cal by the kidneys; but it usually becomes so by an after-change in the lower urinary passages, or after it has been voided. It is always sedimentary, depositing a mixture of the amorphous phosphate of lime and crystals of the ammonio-magnesian, or triple, phosphates, sometimes with the addition of lumpy spheres and rude dumb-bells of urate of ammonium, which have a strong tendency to aggregate into masses. This urine has an ammoniacal, and often an offensive putrescent odor, and is highly irritating to the mucus membranes, exciting in- flammation of them if the contact be long continued. HANDBOOK. OF URINARY ANALYSIS. A urine alkaline from fixed alkali (potash or soda) reflects a state of the blood; a urine alkaline from ammonia (if alka- line when voided) generally points to a local affection of some part of the mucus membrane of the lower urinary passages— generally that of the bladder. Any condition which interferes with the complete emptying of the bladder in micturition favors the production of ammoniacal urine. Paraplegia, with paralysis of the bladder, obstinate urethral stricture, en- larged prostate, calculous concretions, morbid growths, or foreign bodies in the bladder, are all sooner or later implicated with ammoniacal urine. This ammoniacal urine irritates the mucus membrane, and induces cystitis; and the purulent secretion thus engendered reacts on the urine and favors its decomposition. Thus the two conditions mutually aggravate each other, and perpetuate each other’s existence after the original cause has passed away. Cystitis may, in this way, persist for years after the removal of a stone, or the cure of a stricture, which was its original cause. The specific gravity of healthy urine may range from 1000-3° (after copious drinking on an empty stomach) to 1030° (after food), pure water at 6o° F. being iooo°. The usual range of density of the normal mixed urine of the twenty-four hours is from 1015° to 1025°—average 1020°. It is never lighter than water. The physiological variations in the specific gravity of the healthy secretion depend upon the relative quantity of solids it contains, and it is to judge of the solid matter it contains that we take the specific gravity. The specific gravity varies not only with the time of the day, the constitution of the individual, the food and drink, rest, and amount of exercise taken, but upon numerous other causes, such as, for instance, the state of the skin and lungs. Specific Gravity. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. The urine that is passed immediately after drinking (urina potus) is pale-colored, faintly acid, and of a low specific gravity (1002° to 1015°). That passed in the morning, after sleep (urina sanguinus), is darker in color, of a more acid re- action, and a higher specific gravity (1015° to 1020°), while that voided some hours after eating (urina cibi, or chyli). although having a still higher specific gravity than the last (1020° to 1030°), is neither so dark in color nor so acid in reaction as the morning urine. Seeing that the normal physiological variations of density exhibit these very consider- able ranges, caution must therefore be exercised in drawing inferences from any unusual depression or elevation of the density in disease. If, however, the urine exhibits habitually, and especially the morning urine (urina sanguinis), a density below 1015°, the presence of albumen may be suspected; if the density persists at a still lower point (1005° to 1008°) the existence of diabetes insipidus. After hysterical paroxysms the urine may be abundant in quantity, and of an exceedingly low density (urina spastica). On the other hand, a density above 1025°, especially in a pale, apparently dilute urine, is strongly suspicious of the presence of sugar; and the higher densities, from 1035° to 1050°, belong almost entirely to diabetes mellitus. Roberts says, the heaviest urine ever sub- mitted to him had a density of 1065°, and did not contain a particle of sugar, but a very large quantity of albumen! A high density urine, free from sugar, indicates concentration, and more particularly a large percentage, or excess, of urea. In the febrile state there is an absolute increase ot urea, uric acid, and the sulphates, with a diminished elimination of water; consequently the specific gravity ranges high (1030° to 1038°). Whenever there is rapid wasting of the tissues, especially with concurrent sweating, or diarrhoea, the urine has a high density. On the other hand, when the specific 20 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. gravity is abnormally low (less than 1015°), we may, with great safety, suspect the presence of some exhausting non- inflammatory complaint, such as, for example, Bright’s disease. A high-density urine with a pale color, and a low-density with a deep tint, are equally signs of disease, as are also those cases in which, with small volume, there is low specific gravity, or, with great volume, high specific gravity. The Urinometer The simplest way of estimating the specific gravity of the urine is by means of the urinometer (Fig. i). Although not Fig. I.—URINOMETER AND CYLINDER. strictly accurate, it is sufficiently so for practical purposes. This instrument consists of a glass float, weighted with a bulb of mercury below, and having above a graduated stem. As the HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 21 specific gravity of a liquid increases as the temperature is lowered, and decreases as it is raised, these instruments are constructed for use at a certain temperature—6o° or 62° F; hence, the urine to be tested should either be artificially brought to a temperature of 60° F. (15-54° C.), when attempt- ing to take its specific gravity, or corrections for temperature may be made from the following table: Bouchardafs Table of Corrections of Specific Gravity for Temperature. NON-SACHARINE URINE. SACCHARINE URINE. Subtract. Add. Subtract. Add. 0° •09 15° 00 0° 1-3 15° o-o 1° •09 16° 0-1 1° 1-3 16° 0-2 2° •09 17° 0 2 2° 1-3 17° 0-4 3° •09 18° 0-3 3° 1-3 18° 0-6 4° •09 19° 0-5 4° 1-3 19° 0-8 5° •09 20° 0-9 5° 1-3 20° 1-0 6° •08 21° 0-9 6° 1-2 21° 1-2 7° •08 22° 11 7° 11 22° 1*4 8° •07 23° 1-3 8° 1-0 23° 1-6 9° •06 24° 1-5 9° 0-9 24° 1-9 10° ■05 25° 1-7 10° 0-8 25° 2-2 11° •04 26° 2-1 11° 0-7 26° 25 12° .03 27° 2-3 12° 0-6 27° 2-8 13° •02 28° 2-5 13° 0-4 28° 31 14° •01 29° 2-7 14° 0-2 29° 3-4 15-60°F. 00 30° 3-0 15° 00 30° 3-7 Centigrade Scale. For Fahrenheit Table, see page 103. As many of the urinometers sold by dealers are utterly worthless, every instrument, before being used, should be tested with distilled water at 6o° F. (15-54° C.), into which it should sink to the mark o°, or 1000°. usually supplied with the urinometer, should be filled about Method of Taking Specific Gravity.—The cylindrical vessel, 22 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. three-fourths with urine, holding the cylinder obliquely while filling, in order to avoid foam, which greatly interferes with accurate reading. If this forms, get rid of it either by blotting paper, or overflowing and then partially decanting. The urinometer must readily move up and down the cylinder. If the cylinder be too small, the capillary attraction between its walls and the urinometer will prevent the latter from sinking as low as it should. The stem of the instrument must also be kept from touching the walls of the cylinder. Allow it to gradually sink until it will no longer descend spontaneously. Since the fluid accumulates around the stem of the urinometer from capillary attraction, the specific gravity appears to be lower than it really is, when read while the eye is above the level of the surface; hence, to obtain a correct reading, the eye must be lowered to the lower level of the surface of the fluid, and the number on the stem cut by the lower convex edge of the fluid read off, and noted. Then gently depress the urinometer, about one degree only, no more (or its stem, becoming covered with urine, will be rendered heavier, and produce an error in the reading). Having done this, allow it to rise again by removing the finger. When it has come to rest, the number may be again read; the second estimation is made to correct any mistake that may have taken place on the first reading. If the quantity of urine to be examined is too small to fill the cylinder enough to float the urinometer, it may be diluted with a quantity of distilled water, sufficient to fill the cylinder to the required height. From the specific gravity of this mixture may be calculated that of the urine, by multiplying the number above 1000 by the total number of volumes of the mixed fluid. Thus, suppose it is necessary to add four times as much water as urine, to enable us to use the urinometer, that is, to make five volumes, and the sp. gr. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 23 of the mixed fluid is 1004°, then that of the urine would be iooo° + (4X5)= 1020°. The knowledge of the specific gravity of a few ounces of urine is a matter of little value. To render the observation in any way useful, the whole quantity passed in the twenty- four hours must be collected and mixed, and the specific gravity of a portion of this taken. This remark applies equally to all quantitative analyses. Determination of the Amount of Solids from the Specific Gravity.—An approximate determination of the amount of solids existing in the mixed urine of 24 hours may be made in a few minutes, and with sufficient accuracy for ordinary clinical purposes, by using Trapp’s Formula 2, or Haeser’s 2-33, Thus, having determined the correct sp. gr. of the urine, multiply the two last figures of the number expressing this specific gravity by 2 (for urine below 1018°), by 2-33 (for urine above 1018°), and the result gives the amount of solids, in grammes, existing in 1000 c.c. of the urine. For instance, a person passes 1250 c.c. of urine in 24 hours, of sp. gr. 1020. The last two figures (20) being multiplied by 2-33, gives 46-6, which is the amount in grammes of solid matters contained in 1000 c.c. of the urine. But if 1250 c.c. were passed in the twenty-four hours, the calculation required consists in simply multiplying the whole amount of urine pa'ssed in the 24 hours (1250) by the amount of solids in the 1000 c.c. of the urine (46-6), and then dividing this by 1000; thus: 1250 X 46‘6 = 58-25 grammes. 1000 and so with any amount of urine in 24 hours, whether it exceeds or falls short of 1000 c.c. The quantity of solids secreted in the urine in twenty-four hours varies from 55 to 75 grammes. 24 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. Quantity of the Urine. Closely connected with the specific gravity, and holding an inverse relation to it, is the total quantity of urine discharged in the twenty-four hours. Vogel estimates the diurnal average to be 57 ounces; Becquerel 44 ounces; Hoffman and Ultzman, and other recent observers, about 50 ounces. Dr. Parkes found the average daily quantity of urine in healthy male adults, between twenty and forty years of age, to be fifty-two and a half fluid ounces (52y2 fl. oz.)‘ The extremes were thirty-five and eighty-one ounces (35 and 81). Assuming the usual quantity in the male to be about fifty (50) ounces, it may be stated in general terms (Flint), that the range of normal urine is between thirty and sixty (30 and 60); and that, when the quantity varies much from these figures, it is probably due to some pathological condition. All that has been said of color and specific gravity in this respect is true of the quantity of urine, though in an inverse ratio. It is necessary that one should be acquainted with the physiological as well as pathological conditions on which the quantity and quality of the urine depends. These are (a) the drink, (b) the kind of food, (c) the state of the cutaneous and pulmonary exhalations, (e) the length of time the urine is retained in the bladder, (/) the condition of the stools, (g) the sex, {/1) the age of the individual, (f) the influence of reme- dies, and (k) sleep. 1 st. The Influence of Drink upon the A mount of the Urine.— The flow of urine is essentially regulated by the quantity of fluids drank; controlled, however, in a most important degree by the pulmonary and cutaneous exhalation, and by the call of the system for water at the time. The more active the skin, cceteris paribus, the less water is excreted by the kidneys. Whenever the quantity of drink is diminished, the amount of HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 25 urine is correspondingly decreased. When the blood and tissues contain their full complement of water, any further po- tation results in immediate diuresis, whereby the superabun- dance is carried off. But when the organs and tissues of the body are craving for more water, a large quantity may be drank without causing diuresis. The kidneys eliminate water in strict accordance with these conditions—it being an essen- tial and important part of their function to regulate the aqueousness of the blood. They are able to separate water at an almost unlimited rate—equally, at least, to the capacity of the gastric vessels to absorb it. 2nd. The Influence of Food upon the Amount of Urine.— All the urinary ingredients increase after meals. This in- fluence of food over the daily quantity of urine, both liquid and solid, seems to depend chiefly on one of its elements, viz., the nitrogen. The more nitrogenized the diet, the greater the quantity of urine excreted. The influence that diet exerts over the relative amount of solids excreted by the kidneys is immense. They, like the water, are increased by an animal (nitrogenized), diminished by a. vegetable, and still further re- duced by a non-nitrogenized diet. (100 parts of animal food contain, on an average, 15 per cent, of nitrogen, whereas the same amount of vegetable food contains only 2 to 5 per cent.) The same rule holds good regarding the effect of drink on the solids; for, just as the amount of solids taken into the stomach influences the quantity of water eliminated by the kidneys, so the amount of water taken into the stomach augments the amount of solids excreted by the kidneys in the twenty-four hours. This may be caused partly by the excess of water in the circulation accelerating to some extent the metamorphosis of the tissues, and partly, no doubt, by the fact that by in- creasing the quantity of fluid in the intestines more food is dissolved, and consequently more solid matter is absorbed 26 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. into the circulation, the excess of which, beyond the require- ments of the system, is excreted by the kidneys. 3rd. Influence of the Cutaneous and Pulmonary Exhala- tions.—The more rapid the pulmonary and cutaneous exhala- tions, the less the amount of urine excreted. Hence, we invari- ably observe that, after much exercise, the urine is scanty, dark- colored, and of high specific gravity. It is sometimes, indeed, so concentrated, after profuse perspiration, that it irritates the urethra. Normal sweat contains uric acid, urea, phosphates, and chlorides; and in disease even the insoluble oxalate of lime may be excreted in the perspiration in su£h quantity as to cover the skin with a white crystalline crust. Cutaneous exhalation may, therefore, for a time replace the renal func- tion. The influence of the pulmonary exhalation is nearly of equal importance. Much more urine is passed in winter than in summer; on a cold and damp day than on a warm and dry one. Expired air has been found to contain chloride of sodium, urate of soda, urea, and urate of ammonium. 4th. The quantity of urine passed also depends, to a great extent, upon the time it is retained in the bladder. If de- tained in the bladder, the water, and even many of the solids, may be reabsorbed into the circulation. 5 th. Influence of the Stools.—The greater the quantity of liquid passed from the bowels, the less is ejected from the bladder; so that, in cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, patients void much less urine than in a state of health. 6th. Influence of Sex and Age.—As a rule, males pass more urine than females (men 35-64, women 26-45 fluid ounces). Children, for their size, pass proportionally more water than adults. As age advances, the absolute, as well as relative proportion of urine, diminishes. The amount of water passed by the kidneys appears, therefore, to be proportional to the metamorphosis of the tissues HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 27 7th. The Influence of Disease and Remedies.—Disease greatly affects the quantity of the urine; in some few it is increased, as, for example, in polydipsia and diabetes; also in the middle stages of atrophic degeneration of the kidneys. Temporary excess occurs after hysterical paroxysms and certain other convulsive attacks in both males and females. Any increase of tension in the arterial system, as in some cases of hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, gives rise to an increased secretion of the urine. Remedies have also a powerful effect on the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys. Diuretics, such as, for example, spiritus setheris nitrosi, increase it; while others have just the contrary effect. Mineral substances—such as iron and copper—lessen the quantity of tire urine, while cantharides and arsenic almost totally arrest its secretion. The urine is always scanty in cirrhosis of the liver; in some forms of Bright’s disease through their entire course, and in the last stages of all forms; in any condition of the heart which directly or indirectly causes passive congestion of the renal veins, whereby the circulation through the kidneys is impeded. It is very scanty, sometimes approaching or reach- ing total suppression in the early stages of acute Bright’s disease. In the scarlatinal form of nephritis, and in yellow fever, the urine is frequently suppressed for twenty or thirty- six hours. All types of violent fever and inflammation are liable to be complicated with suppression of the urine. The same may be said of the collapse period of cholera. Partial or total suppression also occurs in the later stages of all or- ganic diseases of the kidneys; and when any mechanical ob- stacle obstructs the flow of the urine. It has followed catheterism, even in old cases of stricture, when instruments had been repeatedly used before without any ill effects. Bth. Influence of Sleep.—The mean hourly discharge of 28 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. solid urine during the waking hours is about 33'14 grains, while the average of the hours of sleep is about i5'33 grains, or less than one-half. From what has been said before, and owing to the fact that there are three kinds of urine passed during the twenty- four hours—the urina sanguinis (morning), the urina potus (after drinking), and the urina cibi (of digestion)—and that these differ in specific gravity, owing to the variable amounts of solids they contain; and in reaction, it is easy to see the absolute necessity of collecting all the urine discharged by the patient during twenty-four hours, and analyzing a sample taken from the whole amount. In all cases where it is desired to make a quantitative analysis, we must be aware of the ab- solute quantity. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 29 CHAPTER 11. ABNORMAL SUBSTANCES IN THE URINE ; ALBUMEN, SUGAR, EXTRACTIVES, BILE. Albuminuria. Albumen—C2l6 High N27 S3 O®. Albumen is not found in any proportion in healthy urine, but is the most common and the most important of the abnormal ingredients found in the urine in disease, especially in diseases of the kidneys. Its presence in the urine is due, however, to so many conditions, that the mere fact of its presence yields little direct information; but when correctly in- terpreted, it furnishes a key to several grave pathological states, which would otherwise remain in great obscurity. Albumen may be present only as incidental to the presence of some other fluid in the urine, such as Mood, pus, leucorrhcml discharge, or spermatic fluid. The following conditions, among others, may give rise to its slight and temporary presence in the urine, the excessive use of a diet chiefly or exclusively albuminous (eggs), and dyspepsia. Setting aside unimportant exceptions, albuminuria must always be looked upon as a grave symp- tom of disease; and when discovered, its signification be- comes an anxious question to the practitioner. The patho- logical states in which albumen appears constantly or occa- sionally in the urine, may be arranged into the following groups: HANDBOOK OP URINARY ANALYSIS. i. Acute and chronic Bright’s disease of the kidneys; structural changes. 3. Febrile and inflammatory diseases (zymotic diseases, such as scarlet fever, measles, small-pox, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, ague, diphtheria, etc.; inflammatory diseases, such as pneumonia, peritonitis, traumatic fever, articular rheumatism, etc.) 2. Pregnancy and the puerperal state. 4. Impediments to the circulation of the blood (emphy- sema, heart disease, abdominal tumours, cirrhosis, etc.) 5. A hydraemic and dissolved state of the blood, with atony of the tissues, (purpura, scurvy, pyaemia, hospital gangrene); also in hasmaturia. 6. Saturnine, arseniuretted hydrogen, and carbonic dioxide poisoning. When albumen is found in the urine, the important point to decide is, whether it indicates the existence of organic disease of the kidneys or not. This cannot be positively done without the aid of the microscope. The greater the quantity of albu- men, the more likely is the existence of renal diseases. Of all urines, a pale, dilute, abundant albuminous urine is the most surely indicative of Bright’s disease. Contrariwise, as a rule, with very few exceptions, a slightly albuminous, and at the same time dense and high-colored urine, is more indicative of pyrexia, or some impediment to the circulation of the blood, than of Bright’s disease. When the urine is found perma- nently albuminous, and there exists neither pyrexia nor thoracic diseases, or other recognizable condition which can account for the albumen, the inference is almost irresistible that there exists a primary organic renal disease. If, in addi- tion to this, there be a very abundant deposit, containing casts and much renal epithelium, or numerous casts and cells in a state of fatty degeneration, the proof is almost positive. HANDBOOK. OF URINARY ANALYSIS. The least indicative of primary renal diseases of serious im- port are blood-casts, and very small transparent casts in scanty numbers. The search for renal casts must always follow the detection of albumen in the urine. A low specific gravity aids in distinguishing the albuminuria consequent upon structural changes in the kidneys from the numerous other forms of albu- minuria, since in what is commonly called Bright’s disease the specific gravity ranges between ioos°and 1014°, the usual aver- agebeing 1010° and ioi2°. In the other forms of albuminuria the specific gravity has no limit, ranging from 1005° to 1035°, The reason for the low specific gravity of Bright’s disease is that the disorganized renal tubes are incapable of eliminating the urea and other urinary crystalloids. The lower, therefore, the specific gravity in these affections, the more dangerous is the case. Sugar. Sugar (C6H12 O6) +H2O in the Urine. (Glycosuria; dia- betes mellitus). Whatever may be said as to the existence or non-existence of sugar in healthy urine, it seems to be certainly established that normal urines, and the vast majority of morbid urines, do not contain sugar in sufficient quantity to be detected by the most delicate direct testing; that when sugar is present in sufficient quantity to be of clinical importance, it can be detected with certainty by direct testing; and, lastly, when such direct testing reveals the constant presence of sugar, it is invariably a grave pathological sign. Small quantities of sugar may appear in the urine for very short periods, being a temporary and incidental consequence of some physiological or pathological antecedent, such as, for example, the eating of an excessive quantity of saccharine or amylaceous food; 32 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. after the administration of chloroform, ether, chloral, turpen- tine, nitro-benzole, nitrite of amyl, etc.; during recovery from cholera; after a paroxysm of whooping-cough, asthma, or epilepsy. These are cases of incidental glycosuria. Glyco- suria has been found to follow upon injury of the head, with or without fracture of the skull; clot in the pons varolii; softening of the base of the brain; abscess and tumours of the cerebellum; bony spicuke in the falx; disease of the sympathetic nerve; tumour of the pneumogastric nerve; ex- cessive brain work; intense grief; sudden mental shock; spontaneous gangrene; blow in the epigastrium; pregnancy ; uterine disease; anthrax; disordered digestion; exposure to cold; hereditary influence, etc. In fact, the presence of sugar in the urine, like the discoloration of the skin in jaundice, is not of itself the disease, but merely the most prominent sign of several widely-differing abnormal condi- tions. In the other class of cases, the glycosuria is a more intense, permanent, uninterrupted symptom, and is associated with a serious departure from health. The term diabetes is applicable alone to this latter class, and it is only in true dia- betes that sugar occurs in large quantities. Moreover, the excess of water in diabetes is enormous. Since, however, as has just been stated, the urine may become temporarily sac- charine under certain conditions, quite apart from genuine diabetes, care must be exercised not to conclude too rashly from the mere finding of a little sugar in the urine that this formidable disease exists. In addition to the presence of a considerable quantity of sugar in the urine, it must be ascer- tained, by oft-repeated examinations, that its appearance is persistent and uninterrupted, and that there is a less or greater increase in the volume of the urine. Microscopical Appearance.—Crystals of diabetic sugar may be prepared, by simply evaporating a few drops of diabetic HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 33 urine to dryness on a glass slide, provided the urine is very rich in sugar, and contains but little urea and other salts. Fig. 2 represents crystals of grape sugar, obtained by the Pig. 2.—SEPARATE CRYSTALS OF DIABETIC SUGAR X 130. (Beale.) above-mentioned process. The most characteristic form of the crystals is that of the rhomboidal prism, occasionally ar- ranged in arborescent tufts. They form very beautiful objects when examined by polarized light. The sugar may also crystallize in warty concrements that consist of cauliflower leaflets. Extractive Matters. The presence in the urine of the blood-extractives, indicates merely the escape of blood material, and proves the exist- ence of congestion or inflammation of some part of the urinary surfaces. In Bright’s disease, according to Rees, the extractives can be found in the urine before albumen is met with, and also that they exist after the albumen has disap- peared : thus on the one hand warning us of the approach of 34 HANDBOOK Of URINARY ANALYSIS. albuminuria, and, on the other, against too early a belief .ft convalescence; for, as he justly observes, so long as the blood is losing its extractives, so long is the patient in peril. The presence of the extractives also enables us to diagnosticate nephritic irritation from renal calculus before albumen, blood, or pus has appeared. It is highly probable that extractives will be found preceding albumen in urine in most cases (Da Costa). Healthy urine is scarcely affected by tincture of galls, but the tincture of galls immediately precipitate the blood extractives. This precipitate must not be confounded with that of the earthy and potassium salts, which are thrown down from all kinds of urine after the lapse of five or ten minutes, by the spirit contained in the tincture. Should albumen be present, it must be separated by boiling and filtration before applying the test. Bile in the Urine The bright golden-red color of normal human bile is due to the presence of bilirubin (C16 HlB N2 O3). It occurs some- times abundantly in the urine of jaundiced persons. It im- parts to the urine a dark-brown or greenish-yellow color. All the constituents of the bile may appear in the urine, or only the pigment, without the acids or their salts. The more per- manent and marked occurrence of the bile pigment in the urine is always attended with jaundice, but it is sometimes found transiently, and in small quantities, without yellowness of the skin. It may. be detected both before and after the discoloration of the skin. The biliary acids are not of ne- cessity present in the urine of icterus. Nor is the cause of their presence clearly understood. Probably so great a quan- tity of them is produced that they cannot undergo the normal changes in the blood, and are therefore met with in the urine. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. 35 CHAPTER 111. URINARY DEPOSITS, PRODUCED BY CHANGES IN THE URINE ON KEEPING; EXTRANEOUS SUBSTANCES FOUND IN THE URINE; DIVISION; DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF UNORGAN- IZED URINARY DEPOSITS; UREA (NITRATE AND OXALATE); URIC ACID ; HIPPURIC ACID ; AMORPHOUS URATES ; SODIUM URATE (CRYSTALLINE) ; AMMONIUM URATE (CRYSTALLINE) ; OXALATE OF LIME ; CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (AMORPHOUS AND CRYSTALLINE); AMMONIO-MAGNESIUM (or triple) PHOS- PHATE ; LEUCIN AND TYROSIN ; CYSTIN ; XANTHIN. Urinary Deposits. Preliminary Remarks.—The terms urinary sediment and urinary deposit are given to the various substances precipi- tated from the urine, in which they are held either in solution or suspension, when this liquid is kept at rest for a longer or shorter time. Healthy acid urine, when freshly passed, shows no sedi- ment, except the very light scanty flocculent deposit of mucus described on p. 72. Under a variety of abnormal circum- stances more abundant sediments make their appearance in the urine. A knowledge of these circumstances is highly im- portant, and prevents erroneous conclusions. Change in Reaction.—Healthy urine exposed to the air undergoes a regular series of spontaneous changes. The first 36 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS, is a progressive increase of the acid reaction (called by Scherer acid urinary fermentation). As a consequence of this, there appears usually, first, a precipitation of the amorphous urates, then of uric acid, often associated with oxalate of lime, and spores of the torula cerevisice (yeast fungus), or of peni- cilium glaucum (mould fungus). The acidity goes on steadily increasing for 4 or 5 days (sometimes longer), and afterwards Showing crystals of ammonio-magnesian phosphate, amorphous phos- phate of lime, and spheres of urate of ammonium. (Roberts.) Fig. 3.—THE NORMAL DEPOSIT FROM AMMONIACAL URINE begins to decline as the urine passes into a state of decompo- sition. It then becomes turbid or opaque, from the develop- ment of myriads of minute linear particles (bacteria, vibrios). The alkaline fermentation has now set in. The urea becomes converted into ammonium carbonate, which gives a highly alkaline reaction to the urine, and a change takes place in the character of the sediment. The amorphous xirate becomes changed into dark round masses of ammonium urate (which 37 HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. is the only urate that can exist in alkaline urine). The uric acid crystals give place to bright prisms of triple phosphate and an abundant sediment of amorphous calcium phosphate sinks to the bottom of the vessel. The confervoid vegeta- tions cease to grow with the change of reaction, and finally perish as the secretion becomes putrid. The student is ad- vised to practice upon specimens of his own urine, which are allowed to go through the various stages alluded to above. Urines of low specific gravity, or of feeble acidity, either do not pass through this series of changes at all, or do so in a very imperfect manner. Their acidity undergoes no appre- ciable increase, and in a day or two, or in even a few hours, especially in the summer, they become ammoniacal. This transformation is brought about with great rapidity by contact with any decomposing organic matter, especially by contact with decomposed urine. The physical and chemical characters of the urine have now become so altered by these changes that it is unfit for clinical examination, and should invariably be rejected, except in cases where the transformation takes place withm the urinary pas- sages., and a more natural specimen is therefore not procur- able. In consequence of these changes, it is desirable to ex- amine the urine within as short a time after its emission as possible, certainly withm a few hours. Certain organic de- posits are liable to be greatly altered, or altogether destroyed, by an exposure of 12 to 24 hours, even when the more ob- vious characters have not undergone a perceptible change. Blood corpuscles, renal epithelium, and casts, soon putrefy and are rapidly disintegrated. Pus, pavement epithelium, and spermatozoids resist much longer without efifacement of their microscopical characters; and the last may generally be recognized without difficulty in urine far advanced in putre- faction. HANDBOOK OF URINARY ANALYSIS. The following are some of the most important of the extra- neous matters likely to fall under the observer’s notice when the urine is examined microscopically: Human hair, cat’s hair, worsted, wool, cotton and flax fibres, splinters of wood, portions of feathers, scales of the moth, fibres of silk, milk, oily matter, potato, wheat, and rice starch, tea leaves, bread crumbs, chalk and sand. In several cases of vesico-rectal fistula the author has met with the debris of the food in the urine. These and other bodies may fall into into the urine acci- dentally; they may come from filthy receiving vessels, or they may have been put into the urine for the express purpose of deceiving the practitioner. The importance of recogniz- ing them is obvious, and decided advantage will be derived from subjecting many of these substances to microscopical examination, so that when met with in the urine their nature may be at once recognized. Some of them will be found represented in Figure 4. Extraneous Substances Found in the Urine. Having now glanced at the causation of a large proportion of urinary deposits, a detailed consideration of them follows in order. Urea. Urea (NH2)2CO). Urea is the chief constituent of normal urine. When pure it crystallizes from a concentrated solution in the form of long, thin, four-sided, glittering needles, or prisms, which are colorless and odorless. Owing to its exceeding solubility in water (being, in fact, deliquescent), it never occurs as a spon- taneous urinary deposit. It possesses a bitter cooling taste. When heated to above 120° C., the crystals first liquefy, then burn, giving off ammonia, and leave no residue. Heated handbook Of urinary analysis. 39 Fig. 4.—EXTRANEOUS MATTERS FOUND IN URINE. a- Cotton fibres. b. Flax fibres. c. Hairs. d. Air bubbles. e. Oil globules. f- Wheat starch. Substances; Valentine’s Knife; Sections of Wood and Bone; Improved Section Cutter; Sections of Rock; Knives; Scissors; Needles; Dissecting Pans and Dishes; Dissecting Microscopes: Separation of Deposits from Liquids; Preparing Whole Insects; Feet, Eyes, Tongues, Wings, etc ,of Insects; Use of Chemical Tests; Liquids for Moistening Objects; Refractive Powers of Different Liquids; lod-Scrum ; Artificial lod-Serum; Covers for Keeping Out Dust; Errors in Microscopic Observations. Preservative Processes.—General Principles; Preservative Media. Apparatus for Mounting Objects.—Slides; Covers; Cells; Turn-Tables,etc. Cements and Varnishes.—General Rules for Using. Mounting Objects.—Mounting Transparent Objects Dry; in Balsam: in Liquids: Whole Insects; How to Get Rid of Air-Bubbles; Mounting Opaque OWccts. Finishing the Slides.—Cabinets; Maltwood Finder; Microscopical Fallacies. Celestial Objects for Common telescopes. By the Rev. T. W. Webb, M.A., F.R.A.S. Fourth Edi- tion, Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Fully Illustrated with Engravings and a large Map of the Moon. Cloth, ------- $3.00 This edition has been made for us by the English publishers, and is in every respect the same as the English edition. The work itself is too well known to require commendation at our hands. No one that owns even the commonest kind of a telescope can afford to do without it “ Many things, deemed invisible to secondary instruments, are plain enough to one who ‘ knows how to see them.’ ’’—Smyth. “ When an object is once discerned by a superior power, an inferior one will suffice to see it afterwards.”—Sir. W. Herschel. Chemical History of the Six Days of Creation. By John Phin, Editor of the “American Journal of Microscopy” and the “Young Scientist.” 12 mo., Cloth, 75 cents. In this volume an attempt is made to trace the evolution of our globe from the primeval state of nebulous mist, “ without form and void,” and existing in “ darkness,” or with an entire absence of the manifestations of the physical forces, to the condition in which it was fitted to become the habitation of man. While the statements and conclusions are rigidly scientific, it gives some exceedingly novel views of a rather hackneyed subject. Ponds and Ditches. A Work on Pond Life and Kindred Objects. By M. C. Cooke, M.A., LL.I). Cloth, 12m0., - - 75 cents. This is a most interesting volume by a well-known author and microscopist. It is very freely illustrated with engravings of the objects usually found in pond water. Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. By J. D, McDonald. Bvo., Cloth, 24 plates, .... $2.75 Section Cutting. A Practical Guide to the Preparation and Mounting Oi Sections for the Microscope; Special Prominence being dlven to the Subject of Animal Sections. By Sylvester Marsh. Reprinted from the London edition. With Illustrations. 12m0., Cloth, Gilt Title. _ • 75 cents. This is undoubtedly the most thorough treatise extanr upon section cutting in all its details. The American edition has been greatly enlarged by valuable explanatory notes, and also by extended direc- tions, illustrated with engravings, for selecting and sharpening knives and razors. A Book for Beginners with the Microscope. Being an abridgment of “ Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope,” ByJohnPhin. Fully illus- trated, and neatly and strongly bound in boards. 30 cts. This book was prepared for the use of those who, having no know- ledge of the use of the microscope, or, indeed, of any scientific appar- atus, desire simple and practical instruction in the best methods ol managing the instrument and preparing objects. How io Use the Microscope. “ Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Micro- scrope.” Intended for Beginners, By John Phin, Editor of the “American Journal of Microscopy.” Fourth Edition. Greatly enlarged, with over 80 engrav- ings in the text, and 6 full-page engravings, printed on heavy tint paper. 12m0., cloth, gilt title, - $l.OO The Microscope. By Andrew Ross. Fully Illustrated. 12m0,, Cloth, Gilt Title. ----- 75 cents. This is the celebrated article contributed by Andrew Eoss to the “Penny Cyclopaedia,” and quoted so frequently by writers on the Microscope. Carpenter and Hogg, in the last editions of their works on the Microscope, and Brooke, in his treatise on Natural Philoso- phy, all refer to this article as the best source for full and clear information in regard to the principles upon which the modern achromatic Microscope is constructed. It should bo in the library of every person to whom the Microscope is more than a toy. It ie written in simple language, free from abstruse technicalities. * the Microscopist’s Annual for 1879.* Contains List of all the Microscopical Societies hi the country, with names of officers, days of meeting, etc.; etc.; Alphabetical and Classified Lists of all the Manu- facturers of Microscopes and Objectives, Dissecting Ap- paratus, Microscopic Objects, Materials for Microscopists, in Europe and America, etc., etc.; Postal Bates, Rules and Regulations, prepared expressly for microscopists; Weights and Measures, with tables and rules for the con- version of different measures into each other; Custom Duties and Regulations in regard to Instruments and Books; Yalue of the Moneys of all Countries in U. S. 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The new edition is so greatly improved as to render all former editions obsolete. Diatoms. Practical Directions for Collecting, Preserving, Trans- porting, Preparing and Mounting Diatoms. By Prof. A. Mead Edwards, M.D., Prof. Christopher Johnston, M.D., Prof. Hamilton L. Smith, LL.D. 12m0., Cloth, 75 cents. This volume undoubtedly contains the most complete series of directions for Collecting, Preparing and Mounting Diatoms ever published. The directions given are the latest and best. Common Objects for the Microscope. By Eev. J. G. Wood. Upwards of four hundred illus- trations, including twelve colored plates by Tuffen West. Illuminated Covers, 50 cents. This book contains a very complete description of the objects ordinarily met with, and as the plates are very good, and almost every object is figured, it is a most valuable assistant to the young micro- scopist. One Thousand Objects for the Microscope. By M. C. Cooke, Yice-President of the Quekett Micro- scopical Club, London; Hon. 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