QVA T333 \8&9 Y......£%» r'M» •" / PTIE SCRIBE R\S PHARMACOPffilAs CONTaININQ ALL THE MEDICINES 2TJ»e Hontjon ilharmacopoefa, ARRANOED IN OLASSES ACCORDING TO THEIR ACTION, WITH THffIR COMPOSITION AND DOSES. BY A PRACTISING PHYSICIAN. Altered to correspond with the XJ. S. Dispensatory. REVISED AND IMPROVED BY AN AMERICAN PHYSICIAN. SECOND AMERICAN FROM THE THIRD LOXDON EDITION. NEW YORK: ^0n G$fl/>f SAMl'F.L S. & AYILLIA^WOOD, Fe«l-,t(Afl iJUUArj ^ No. 201. *>• > * A C v7. QVA Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the Year IMG, BY S. S. AND W. WOOD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Southern District of New-York. H. LUDWIi!. VRINT., 7U ti.',i Vt'H'VSl. TO JOHN C 0 N 0 L L Y, M. D. Resident Putsician o» the Hanweli. Astldii, Iu sincere admiration and grateful acknowledge- ment of his noble and successful efforts to ame- liorate the condition of the poor Lunatic, by the substitution of a rational system of moral discipline for mechanical restraint, and parental care and kindness for violenco and brute force, this little Work is, on public grounds, inscribed B Y T II hi AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. The singular favour shown by the profession to this little work, evinced by the rapid sale of two large editions, makes it especially incumbent on the Editor to lose no opportunity of adding to its unpre- tending merits. The present Edition has been carefully revised. Some errors found to exist in the former have been corrected: and several not unimportant additions have been made in various parts of it. It is there- fore hoped that, in the condition which it now appears, it will be found still more deserving the patronage of those for whom it is intended. Dec. 15, 1844. ADVERTISEMENT TOT HE SECOND EDITION. The very favourable reception which this little work has received from the profession, evinced by the exhaustion of a large impression within the year, has satisfactorily proved the justness of the author's opinion, that it was wanted, and would be useful. It is hoped that the present Edition, im- proved as it is in several respects, will he found still more completely to fulfil its object. In preparing it for the press, care has been taken to correct and amend some defects which were discovered on a close examination. Numerous additions have been made, and several changes have been adopted in the plan and arrangement, which will render the work still more useful. The principal of these are the following:— ADVERTlSJiJlE.vr. vii. 1. The arrangement of the different Classes of Medicines in alphabetical order, as well as the in- dividual articles in each class. 2. The separation, under a distinct head, of the external and chirurgical remedies from those for internal use. 3. The addition, in an Appendix, of many useful Tables. 4. The reduction of all the weights and measures (with one or two trifling exceptions) to the same denomination, or at least to the same class of signs, viz, grains, scruples, drachms, ounces, (gr., 3, 3> ?); the measures of pint and gallon (O. cong.) being now rendered in ounces. It has been thought unnecessary to prefix the/ (fluid) to the ? and 3 when representing measured quanities, as the omission can lead to no mistake, every one knowing that solids are weighed, and fluids measured. N.B. In stating the composition of medicines, the exact quanities given in the Pharmacopoeia have not always been retained, but the proportions only. Nov 1,1842, ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION. As this little work had its origin in a want daily ex- perienced by the compiler in his practice, he believes that it will be useful to a numerous class of practitioners who possess a memory of the same general character as his own. He has always had great difficulty in calling to mind, at will, a number of heterogeneous particulars which had not been originally contemplated in a systematic order, al- though he might be well acquainted with them in- dividually. This difficulty he has often painfully experienced when attempting to pass in review the various drugs and officinal formula? suited to fulfil any special indication that presented itself in the treatment of a disease: and he has frequently witnessed, in the practice of others, a barrenness of prescription and a consequent confined range of ADVERTISEMENT. IX- resources, originating in the same cause, which could not fail to be injurious to the patient and the reputation of the physician. It is expected that the habit of viewing the articles of the Materia Medica in some such order as that adopted in the present compilation, will tend, in some degree at least to remedy these evils. It is further believed that practitioners, from for- getfulness of the officinal preparations, are often led to prescribe extemporaneous formulae while there exist better substitutes in the Pharmacopoeia; and it is hoped that the marshalling together all the various compound forms of medicine under the title of the main ingredient, as in these tables, will at once facilitate and simplify the labours of the pre- scriber. It is not pretended that the classification of medi- cines here adopted is even moderately accurate. One perfectly accurate is impossible. All that is intended or hoped for is an arrangement that will allow such a division of the substances as may be at once simple and practically useful. No attempt at scientific refinement in classification has been made. All the older and more common divisions and terms have been retained, as likely to be best understood and best remembered ; and no effort has been made ■v. ADVi.liTlSEME.NT. to prevent the repetition of the same medicines in different sections of the classification. Perhaps in a work of such slight pretensions as this, it is hardly necessary to advert to the sources whence its materials are derived. It may, how- ever, be as well to state that wherever the Phar- macopoeia and his own knowledge failed him, the author confidently turned to the inexhaustible store provided in Dr. Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica. In minor matters he has also benefited by the excellent compendium of Dr. Lane. It will, perhaps, be remarked that the doses of medicines are, in many instances, below the usual standard—at least in their minor term. This is not unintentional ; as the author is of opinion that the general habit of practitioners in this country is to prescribe medicines in doses not merely unnecessari- ly but injuriously large. May, 1841. ADVERTISEMENT TO TH E SECOND AMERICAN EDITION. The present edition, from the third London, has been carefully compared with the 6th edition of the U. S. Dispensatory by Wood and Bache, and the formulae altered to correspond with those given in it. In some instances the formula; of the London Dis- pensatory have been retained, where new ones have not been ordered in our standard. The uses of medicines have been introduced to supply what appeared a defect in the London edition. AMERICAN EDITOR. CONTENTS. PART I. Remedies for Internal Use. PAQK ACIDS (Antalkalines) 17 ALKALINE REMEDIES (Antacids) ib. ALTERATIVES, DEOBSTRUENTS . 21 ANTHELMINTICS..... 26 ANTISPASMODICS . : . . 27 AROMATICS, AROMATIC STIMULANTS 31 AROMATIC STIMULANT BITTERS 36 ASTRINGENTS..... 39 CARMINATIVES..... 45 DIAPHORETICS . . . 49 DILUENTS, DEMULCENTS 52 DIURETICS . . . . t . 55 61 EMMENAGOGUES..... 63 ERRHINES...... 65 EXPECTORANTS ..... ib. NARCOTICS, SEDATIVES . 67 PURGATIVES...... 76 REFRIGERANTS..... 8!l SIALAGOGUES, MASTICATORIES 92 STIMULANTS .... ib XIV. OONTIi.Yl'S. TONICS (Mineral) , ■ . TONICS (Vegetable) . . . . PART II. For External and Local b.s CATAPLASMATA (Poultices) CAUSTICA (Escharotica) . CERATA (OlNTMENTS) EMPLASTRA (Plasters)' . ENEMATA (Injections) METHODUS ENDERMICUS GARGARISMATA (Gargles) . L1NIMENTA (Liniments) PULVERES (Pov*ders) UNGUENTA (Ointments) INHALATION..... p a n. t 111. POISONS AND COUNTERPOISONS . TEMPERATURE OF BATHS PROPORTION OF OPIUM, &c. . DOSES ACCORDING TO AGE MINERAL WATERS .... SALINE DRAUGHTS INDEX...... WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TJ3FD IN MEDICINE. 1VEIG It T S. Pound. Ounce. Drachm. Scruple. Grain. 1 = 12 — 96 = 288 — 57. 1 = h = 1G0 = 1280 =76800 =70000 1 = 20 = 160 = 9600 = 8750 1 = 8 = 1^0 = 437\> ] = 60 = 51-7 1 = 0-9! 18 ALKALINE REMEDIES. AMMONIA, 1. Liquor Ammonite. (Aqua Ammonias.) (Stimu- lants.) Dose. Tl]y-xx, (in watery vehicles.) 2. AmmoninE Sesquicarbonas. (Olim A. Subcar- BONAS.) Dose. Gr. ij-x, in pill or liquid. (Stimulants.) Liquor Ammonite Sesquicarbonatis. Comp. Am. sesquicarb. 5 iv, water f 5 xx. (Stimu- lants.) Dose. f3ss-j. a. Spiritus Ammonia.' b. Spiritus Ammonia c Aromaticus. I Stimulants. c. Spiritus Ammonia [Antispasmodics. Fcetidus. CALX. (Calx recens. Rarely used in medicine.) 1. Liquor Calcis. (Lime water.) Comp. A saturated solution. 111 grs. in the pint of water at 60°. Dose, f § ij-vj, (with milk.) 2. Creta PrnEparata. (Chalk purified by water.) Dose. Gr. x-3j. 3. Pulvis CrETnE compositus. Comp. 12 chalk, 8 cinnamon, 6 tormentil, 6 aca- cia, 1 long pepper. Dose. Gr. x-xx. Use. In diarrhoea with acidity and without in- flammatory symptoms. 4. Pulvis Cret^e compositus cum Opio. Comp. 39 pulv. cret. comp. (No. 3,) 1 opium. alkaline remedies. 19 Dose. Gr. v-3ss. {\ gr. opium in gr. x.) Use. Same as above, but more efficacious. 5. MlSTURA CrETnE. Comp. Chalk §ss, sugar 3ij, gum arabic 3ij, ^—- cinnamon water and water aa f § iv. Dose, f E ss—ij. 6. TestnE PrnEparatnE. (Prepared oyster shells.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 j. CONFECTIO AROMATICA. (See Aroma- tics.) MAGNESIA. 1. MagnesinE Carbonas. (Olim Subcarbonas. Magnesia alba.) (Purgatives.) 2. Magnesia. (M. usta. Calcined M.) Dose. Gr. v-xx (in aromatic water or milk.) Better as antacid than No. 1. (Purgatives.) Use. As an antacid in dyspepsia, sick headache, gout. For children. For excess of uric acid. POTASSA. 1. Liquor PotassnE. Comp. Carb. potassee fo"j, lime Hjss, water 1 gall. Use. In lepra, psoriasis and other cutaneous disor- ders. To correct acid state of urine. Dose. h|x-xxx. (In infus. aurant, beer, broth.) [Brandish's Alkaline Solution, is made by add- ing to a gallon of boiling water, pearlashes, 5 xij, --*\ quicklime and woodashes, of each § iv. It was given by the inventor in doses of 3 j to 3 iij in beer twice a-day.] 20 ALKALINE REMEDIES. 2. PotassnE Carbonas. (Potassae subcarb.) Dose. Gr. v-x-xxx. 3. PotassnE Bicarbonas. (Potassae carb.) Dose. Gr. v-x-xxx. 4. Liquor PotassnE Carbonatis. Comp. Carb. pot. Ibj, water f § xij. Dose. ulx-3j. 5. Liquor Potassae effervescens. Comp. Bicarb, pot. 3 j, water f^xx, carb. acid, q. s. Dose, i E iv, ad libitum. SAPO. (Hard Soap. Soda and olive oil.) Dose. Gr. v-xx (chiefly in combination.) SODA. Use. To correct too acid urine. 1. SodnE Carbonas. (Olim SoDnE Subcarb.) Dose. Gr. v-xxx. 2. SodnE Carbonas Exsiccata. (Deprived of water of crystallization.) Dose. Gr. iij-xv. 3. SodnE Sesquicarbonas. (01. SodnE Carb.) Dose. Gr. x-3j- 4. Liquor Sod.e effervescens. (Soda water.) Comp. Sesquicarb sod. 3j> water f % xx, carbonic acid q. s. Dose, f E iv, or ad libitum. (Better made by add- ing carb. sodae (3j to f§xx) to the common bottle soda water. „ ALTERATIVES. 21 Alteratives. Deobstruents. ANTIMONIUM? See Emetics and Diapho- retics.) ARSENICUM. (See Tonics.) BARII CHLORIDUM. (Muriate of baryta.) 1. Liquor Barii Ciiloridi. Comp. Bar. chlor. §j, water f§iij. Dose. TH_ v. Use. In scrofula, cancer, painful ulcers, cutaneous eruptions. BROMINIUM. (Bromine.) Dose and Form. Gr. 1-16 to gr. ss, dissolved in water. (Rarely used.) 1. POTASSII BrOMIDUM. Dose. Gr. j-x, in pill or solution. Use. In scrofulous tumours, bronchocele. CALCII CHLORIDUM. (Muriate of Lime.) (See Tonics.) 1. Liquor Calcii Chloridi. Comp. Marble in fragments J ix, acid hydrochl. Oj, aq. distill, q. s. Dose. f3ss-f3j. Use. Tabes mesenterica, scrofulous affections. GUAIACUM. (See Diaphoretics.) Use. Secondary syphilis, cutaneous eruptions. HYDRARGYRUM. (Mercury.) (See Purga- tives.) 1. Hydrargyrum cum CRETa. Comp. 3 mercury, 5 chalk 22 alteratives. Dose. Gr. ij-v. Use. Principally for children: in deficient biliary secretibn. 2. PilulnE Hydrargyri. Comp. Mercury 3 j, confect. roses % iss, liquorice §ss. Dose. Gr. j-v. Use. A mild mercurial. 3. Hydrargyri Oxydum. Dose. Gr. ss-iij. (Rarely used.) 4. Hydrargyri Chloridum. (Submurias. Calo- mel.) Dose. Gr. i-j. 5. PilulnE Hydrargyri Chloridi CompositnE. (Plummer's Pill.) Comp. 1 calomel, 1 sulphuret of antimony, 1 treacle, 2 guaiacum, (1 gr. calomel in v.) Dose. Gr. iij-v-x. Use. Chronic rheumatism. Scaly eruptive dis- eases. 6. Hydrargyri Bichloridum. (Oxymurias. Cor- rosive sublimate.) Dose. Gr.^-J. Use. Secondary syphilis, cutaneous diseases. 7. Liquor Hydrargyri Bichloridi. Comp. Bichlor. of mere, hydrochlorate of ammo- nia, aa gr. x ; water f § xx. Dose. 3ss-ij in mild liquids, e. g. linseed tea. (Gr. ss.of hyd. bi. in gj, gr. 1-16 in 3j.) 8. Hydrargyri Iodidum. Comp. Mercury Jj, iodine 3v, alcohol q. s. ALTERATIVES. 23 Dose. Gr. j-iij. Use. In scrofula and scrofulous syphilis. 9. Hydrargyri Biniodidum. (More energetic than No. 8.) Comp. Cor. sub. 3 i> i°d- Pot- 3 x, aq. dist. Oij. Dose. Gr. 1-16-L Use. Same as above. 10. PilulnE Hydrargyri Iodidi. Comp. 1 iodide of mercury, 1 ginger, 3 confec- tion of rose. (1 gr. of iod. of mere, in gr. v.) Dose. Gr. v-x. 11. Hydrargyri Bisulphuretum. (Cinnabar. Red sulphuret.) Dose. (Rarely used internally.) For fumigation, 3ss. 12. Hydrargyri Sulphuretum cum Sulphure. (Black sulph., iEthiops mineral.) Dose. Gr. v-xx. 13. Unguentum Hydrargyri fortius. (See Part II. 14. Unguentum Hydrargyri mitius. (See Part II.) 15. Ceratum Hydrargyri compositum. (See Part II.) 16. Linimeotum Hydrargyri compositum. (See Part II.) 17. Emplastrum Hydrargyri. (See Part II.) 18. Emplastrum Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro. (See Part II.) 19. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. (See Part II.) 24 alteratives. 20. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitrico-oxydi. (See Part II.) 21. Unguentum Hydrargyri Iodidi. (See Part II.) 22. Unguentum Hydrargyri Biniodidi. (See Part II. IODINIUM. (Iodine.) Dose. Gr. ss—ij, in pills—for immediate use. (Rarely used in substance.) 1. TlNCTURA IODINII COMPOSITA. Comp. Iod. § ss, iod. of pot. §j, ale. Oj. Dose. Tf|_v-3j, (dilute when used.) Use. Mostly externally. Erysipelas, chilblains. 2. Iodidum Hydrargyri. (See Hydrarg.) 3. Biniodidum Hydrargyri. (See Hydrargy- rum.) 4. Potassii Iodidum. (Hydriodas Potasste.) Dose. Gr. j-v-x- 9 j. Use. Scrofula, syphilitic rheumatism, strumous ophthalmia, secondary syphilis. 5. Liquor Potassii Iodidi compositus. Comp. Iod. of potassium § iss, iodine 3 vj, water Oj. Dose, u^vj, containing iodine gr. \. 6. Plumbi Iodidum. Dose. Gr. |-ij. Use. For discussion of scrofulous tumours. 7. Unguentum Plumbi Iodidi. (See Part II.) 8. Unguentum Iodinii compositum. (See Part II.) 9. Unguentum Hydrargyri Iodidi. (See Part II.) ALTERATIVES. 25 10. Unguentum Hydrargyri Biniodidi. (See Part II.) 11. Ferri Iodidum. (Iodide of iron.) Dose. Gr. rj-x, in distilled water, or thick colour- less syrup. SARZA. (Smilax officinalis. Sarsaparilla. The root.) Dose. 3ss-ij, in powder. 1. Decoctum SaRZnE. Cmiip. Sarza % ijss, water % xl, boil to 5 xx< Dose, f £ iv-viij. (Usually with extract or syrup.) 2. Df.coctum SarznE compositum. (Lisbon diet drink.) Comp. Sarsap. § vj, sassaf. guaiacum and liquo- rice each 5 j> mezereon 3iij, aq. Oiv. Dose, f E iv-f % vj, ter in die. Use. In secondary syphilis. 3. Syrupus SarznE. Comp. Decoct, sarzae and sugar. Dose, f 3iij- § j. (Of feeble power.) 4. Extractum SarznE. The watery extract. Dose. 3j-3'j- (Rubbed down with water, fla- voured with tinct. aurant. or volatile oil:—also made into pills.) 5. Syr. Sarsap. Comp. U. S. Comp. Sarsap. ibij, guaiac. % iij, rose leaves, senna and liquorice root, each3ij, ol. sassaf. and anisi, each Ttj_v, ol. gaulth. TT|,iij, dil. alcohol Ox, sugar ftviij. Dose, f 5 ss. 1 'He. In syphilis, cutaneous eruptions, scrofula. 26 anthelmintics. Anthelmintics. ASPIDIUM. (Filix mas. The male Fern. The root.) Dose. 3 j-iij, in powder. [Note.—Nouffleur's plan:—3"j m water J iv > after six hours, a bolus of calomel (gr. x), scammony and Gamboge.] Use. In cases of ta?nia. GRANATUM. (Punica granatum. Pomegra- nate. Bark of the Root.) Dose. Decoction ( 5 j of fresh root in water f 5 xx, boil to f 5 x) f ^ ij every half hour. Use. Same as preceding. MUCUNA. (Dolichus pruriens. Cowhage. Hairs of the pod.) Dose. Gr. v-x in syrup, treacle, or honey. Use. In cases of lumbrici. OLEUM TEREBINTHINtE. (See Diuretics.) Dose and Form, f 5 ss-ij, on aromatic water, with hot tincture, (e. g. Tinct. caps, or cinn. or card. c.); or as emulsion or linctus. Use. In cases of taenia, lumbrici. [Note.—Geoffroya. (G. inermis. The bark. —Dub.) Dose. Powder 3j-3ss. 1. Decoctum Geoffroya. Comp. Geoff. § ss, water f % xx, boil to f % x. Dose, f E ss-ij.] Use. For lumbrici. antispasmodics. 27 ' SPIGELIA. (S. Marilandica. Indian pink. The root.) Dose. Powder gr. x-xx, 3j-iij> night and morn- ing. Infusion ( § ss in Oj.) f % ss-j, f3iv-vj. Use. For lumbrici and general use. ST ANNUM. (Common tin.) Dose. 3j-ij- E b 'n treacle. Use. For lumbrici. From other Classes. Antacids. Carb. sodae. Liquor calcis. Liquor potassae. Purgatives. Aloes. Calomel. Cambogia. Colocynthis. Jalapa. Scammonium. Tiglii oleum. Tonics. Bitters. Steel. Antispasmodics. /ETHER SULPHURICUS. (See Stimulants.) ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM. (See Nar- cotics.) 28 antispasmodics. AMMONIACUM. (Gum resin of Dorema A.) Form and Dose. Gr. v-x-3ss, in pill or emulsion. (Expectorants.) 1. Mistura Ammoniaci. (Lac ammoniaci.) Comp. Ammoniacum 3ij, water Oss. Dose, f E ss-j. 2. Emplastrum Ammoniaci. (See Part II.) 3. Emplastrum Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro. (See Part II.) ' ASSAF/ETIDA. (Gum resin of Ferula A.) Dose and Form. Gr. v—9j. in pill, or emulsion ; 3 ij in E xx °f water, as enema. Use. In hysteria, tympanitic distension, tetanus. Externally in pertussis, as a plaster. 1. MlSTURA AsSAFnETIDnE. Comp. Assafaetida 3 ij, water Oss. Dose, f E ss-ij (or as enema for children.) 2. TlNCTURA AsSAFnETIDA. Comp. Ass. E iv, ale. Oij. Dose. 3 ss-ij. 3. PilulnE Galbani composite. (Galbanum.) Comp. Assafaetida § ss, galbanum § iss, myrrh E iss, syrup, q. s. Dose. Gr. x-3j. 4. Spiritus AmmoninE FnEtidus. Comp. Spiritus ammoniae and assafaetida. Dose, f 3 ss-j (and extemporaneous with sp. ammon. and tinct. ass.) BENZOINUM. (Styrax B. The Balsam.) (Ex- pectorants. Stimulants.) Dose. Gr. x. (Rarely used.) antispasmodics. 29 i. tlnctura benzoini composita. Comp. Benzoin §iij, storax §ij> tolu §j, aloes E ss, ale. Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. (Externally—Friar's Balsam.) 2. Acidum Benzoicum. Dose. Gr. v-xx, in powder with gum or sugar. CAJAPUTI. (See Stimulants.) CAMPHORA. (See Narcotics.) CARDAMINE. (C. Pratensis. The Cuckoo- flower.) Dose. 3 j-iij of the dried flowers. (Rarely used.) CASTOREUM. (Preputial secretion of the beaver.) Form and Dose. Gr. v-xx, in pill, powder, or mixture. 1. TlNCTURA CASTOREI. Comp. Castor Jij, alcohol Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. CROCUS. (C. Sativus. Saffron. The dried stigmata.) Dose and Form. Gr. x- 3 ss, in pill or powder. (Ineffective.) 1. Syrupus Croci. Comp. Saffron 3 v, sugar 5xvh'j, water f §x. Dose, f 3 j-ij, chiefly for colouring. CUPRI AMMONIO-SULPHAS. (See Tonics.) GALBANUM. (Gum resin of G. Officinale.) Dose and Form. Gr. v-x-3ss, in pill or emulsion. 1. Pilule Galbani compositnE. 30 antispasmodics. Comp. Assafaetida §ss, galbanum E'lBBy myrrh, E iss, syrup q. s. Dose. Gr. x-3j. 2. Emplastrum Galbani. See Part II. MASTICHE. (Pistacia Lentiscus. The resin. Gum Mastic.) (Diuretics. Expectorants.) Dose. Gr. v-x. [Also to divide more active medicines, as aloes in the " Pilulae ante cibum" of the Parisian Codex.] (See Aloes Ext.) MOSCHUS. (Preputial secretion of the musk animal.) Dose and Form. Gr. v-xv, in pill, bolus, or emul- sion. Use. Hiccough, epilepsy, asthma, pertussis, palpi- tation. 1. MlSTURA MoSCHI. Comp. Musk, gum, sugar, aa, 3 iij, rose water, f3xx. Dose, f E j-iss, (f E j contains gr. ix.) [Moschus Factitius. (Artificial Musk.) Comp. Acid. nit. fort. 3 iiiss, ol. Succini 3 j. Form. Tincture: Mosch. fact. 3j, spir. rect. 3x. Dose. 3j.] OLIBANUM ? (Gum resin of Boswellia thuri- fera. Frankincense.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss, in emulsion, with yolk of egg. OPOPONAX. (Gum res. of O. Chironium.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss, in emulsion. (Rarely used.) PETROLEUM? (Barbadoes tar.) (Expecto- rants.) AROMATICS. 31 Dose, ft^x- 3 ss, on sugar, in emulsion, or with aromatic waters. SAGAPENUM. (Gum resin of Ferula S.) Dose and Form. Gr. v-3j, in pill. 1. PilulnE Galbani compositnE. (See Galbanum.) 2. Pilult. Sagapeni COMPOSITnE. Comp. 16 sagapenum, 1 aloes, syrup of ginger, q. s. Dose. Gr. v-x-xx (17 grs. contain 1 of aloes.) STYRAX. (See Expectorants.) SUCCINUM. (Amber.) 1. Oleum Succini. Dose. TT^v-x in mucilaginous fluids. VALERIANA. (Root of V. officinalis.) Dose. 3j- 3 ss, in powder. Use. Hysteria, hemicrania, pervigilium, low fevers. 1. Tinctura Valerianae. Comp. Valerian § iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. 2. TlNCTURA VaLERIANnE composita. Comp. Valerian § iv, aromat. sp. of ammonia, Oij. Dose, f 3 j—ij- in sweetened water or milk. Use. In Hysteria. ZINCI OXIDUM. (See Tonics.) Aromatics. Aromatic Stimulants. CANELLA. (C.alba. Wild Cinnamon. The Bark.) Form and Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 ss—used chiefly in the preparation of other formulse. CAPSICUM. (C. annuum. Cayenne Pepper- The berry.) 32 AROMATICS. Form and Dose. Powder (in pills with bread crumb) gr. v-x; infusion (caps. 3ij, water f 5 x,) f § ss-j; gargle, with water or vinegar.jj Use. In malignant sore throat. 1. TlNCTURA CAPSIC1. Comp. Caps. E i> au> ^c- Oij. Dose. f3j-3ij. As gargle 3j, infus. rosse §vj. Use. In mahgnant scarlatina, typhus, locally to relaxed uvula. CARDAMOMUM. (Alpinia C. The seeds.) Form and Dose. Gr. v- 3 j in powder. (Rarely used alone, but much in composition.) 1. TlNCTURA CARDAMOMI. Comp. Card. E iv> dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3j-ij, chiefly as an adjunct. 2. Tinctura Cardamomi composita. Comp. Card, and carui seeds, of each 3 iiss, cochineal 3j, cinnamon 3v, raisins §v, proof sp. f E xl- Dose. 3 j-ij. CARYOPHYLLUS. (C. Aromaticus. The Clove Tree, The unripe flowers.) Dose. Gr. v-x in powder. (Little used.) Use. To allay nausea. To correct flatulence. To excite languid digestion. 1. Infusum Caryophilli. Comp. Cloves 3 ii, water Oi. Dose. § j—ij. Combined with other med. Incomp. Salts of iron and zinc, lime water. 2. Oleum Caryophilli. Dose. TT|j-iij, with pills. AROMATICS. 33 CINNAMOMUM. (Lauras. C. Cinnamon. The bark.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss in powder. Use. To allay nausea, to remove flatulence. 1. Pulvis Cinnamomi compositus. Comp. 2 cinnamon, 1 cardamoms, 2 ginger, nut- meg grated 1 part. Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. As a corrigent. 2. Aqua Cinnamomi. Comp. From the oil, or distilled from the bark. Dose. Ad libitum, as a vehicle. 3. Tinctura Cinnamomi. Comp. Cinn. E i"> dil. ale. Oij. Dose. f3j-3"ss. 4. Tinctura Cinnamomi composita. Comp. Cinn. §j, cardam. ^ss, ginger 3iij, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. f3j-ij. Used as the last. 5. Oleum Cinnamomi. Dose. "lj-iij, as an adjuvant and corrigent. 6. Spiritus Cinnamomi. Comp. Oil of cinn. 3 ij, proof spir. 1 gal., water f 5 xx, distil to 1 galL Dose. 3j-iij. CONFECTIO AROMATICA. Comp. Pulv. aromat. 3* vss, saffron 5 ss» sYr- aurant 3" vj, mel. desp. 3* ij. Dose. Grs. x-3j, (Pulv. aromat. is composed cinnam. and ginrrer, each E ij> cardam. and nutmeg each 5 j. CONTRAJERVA. (Dorstenia C. The root.) 3 34 AROMATICS. Form and Dose. Powder 3 j- 3 ss ; infus. (Contr. 3iij, water ^vj) fj-ij. (Rarely used.) CUBEBA. (Piper Cubeba. The berries.) Dose. Powdered—Gr. v-x- 3 ij. Use. As a stomachic in disorders of digestive organs. 1. Tinctura CubebnE. Comp. Cubebs § iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. f3j-ii Use. In advanced stage of gonorrhoea. INULA. (I. Helenum. Elecampane. The root.) jForm and Dose. Powder 3j-3ij; decoction ( E ss, water f § xx,) f § j-ij. MYRISTICA. (Nutmeg. The nut of the My- ristica Mosehata, and the Arillus, Mace.) Dose. Gr.x-3ss. 1. Oleum MyristicnE. (See Part II.) Dose. fll_ij-vj. (Externally stimulant.) 2. Spiritus MyristicnE. Comp. Nutmegs § ii, dil. ale 1 gall., water Oj, distil to 1 gall. Dose. f3j-3ij. PIMENTA. (MyrtusP. Allspice. The unrip© berries.) Dose. Powder, gr. x- 3 j. Use. In cases of flatulence. 1. Oleum Pimento. Dose. TT[ij-vj. 2. Spiritus PimentnE. Comp. Pimenta % ii, dil. ale. 1 gall., water Ojr distil to 1 gall. AROMATICS. 35 Dose. f3j-ij. 3. Aqua PimentnE. Comp. Pimenta Jfej, or ol. pimenta, 3ij> dil. ale. f E VU' water 2 galls, distil to 1 gall. Dose, f E j—ij- (A vehicle and flavourer.) PIPER LONGUM. (Long Pepper. The unripe spadix. Dose. Gr. v-3j. (A condiment.) PIPER NIGRUM. (Black Pepper.) Dose. Gr. v- 3 j. In powder or pills. Use. In flatulence or debility of stomach. 1. Confectio Piperis Nigri. (Ward's Paste.) Comp. Pip. nig., inula (elecampane) aa § iv. fcenic. sem. 5 XU> mell. et sacch. aa 5 viij. Use. In piles unattended with inflammation. SINAPIS. (S. nigra. The seed.) (Emetics.) Form and Dose. Mustard whey (bruised seeds or powder E m> m'lk E xx-strain) E 1V- 1. Cataplasma Sinapis. (See Part II.) ZINZIBER. (The rizoma or root.) Dose. Powder gr. v-x- B j; infusion (ginger tea— Ginger 3 ij- 3* ss» water f § vj), f E ss-j. Use. In dyspepsia. The state of alimentary canal attending atonic gout. 1. Tinctura Zinziberis. Comp. Ginger ^viij, ale. Oij. Dose. 3j-ij. 2. Syrupus Zinziberis. Comp. Tine. Zinzib. f E iv, syrp. Cong.j. [Extractum Zinziberis. (Non-officinal.) Dose. Gr. ss-iij.] 36 aromatic bitters. Aromatic Bitters. Stimulant Bitters. ABSINTHIUM. (Artemisia A. Wormwood- The flowering summits.) Dose and Form, Powder ® j-3j ? infusion ( E j in f xx water) § ss-ij; extract (Dub.) gr. x.-3j. Incomp. Sulphates of iron and zinc. [Oleum Absinthii. (Not officinal.) Dose. TT[j-v.] Use. In debilitated states of the digestive organs. ACORUS. (A. calamus. Sweet Flag. The root.) Dose and Form. Powder 3j-3j ; infusion (Acor. E'b water f§xx) fjj-ij, joined with other tonics. Use. In uneasiness from flatulence. ANTHEMIS. (A. nobilis. Chamomile flowers.) Dose and Form. Powder, gr. x-3ss, (seldom used); extract (Ed. Dub. watery) gr. v-x-3j. Use. Remission of fever. 1. Infusum Anthemidis. Comp. Chamomile § ss, boiling water Oj. Dose. f^j-ij. Incomp. Iron, bichlor. hydr., infus. cinch., isin- glass. Use. In enfeebled digestion ; general debility. 2. Oleum Anthemidis. Dose. TT[j-v. (Stimulant. Antispasmodic.) AURANTII CORTEX. (Citrus vulgaris. Bit- ter Orange. The peel.) Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. (Rarely used.) aromatic bitters. 37 1. Infusum Aurantii compositum. Comp. Orange peel ^ss, lemon peel (fresh) 3'jj cloves 3j> water f E xx- Dose. f§j-ij. Incomp. Sulph. ferr., infus. cinch, cord., lime water. 2. Tinctura Aurantii. Comp. Orange peel % iiiss, proof spirit f § xl. Dose. f3j-iij. 3. Confectio Aurantii. Comp. Orange peel ftjj, sugar rbiij. Dose. 3 j-ss, and as a vehicle for powders ; e. g. ferr. sesquioxyd, &c. 4. Syrupus Aurantii. Comp. Or. peel E "> sugar Jbijss. boiling water Oj. Dose. 3j-iij- Chiefly to flavour saline and sto- machic draughts. 5. Aqua Florum Aurantii. Comp. ()r. flowers % xxx, spir. rect. f 3xiv, water i gall. For flavour, and as a vehicle only. 6. Oleum Aurantii. Dose. TT[v-x. Stimulant. For flavour. AURANTIUM. (Citrus A. Sweet orange. The peel.) Form and Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. Infusion as a substitute for the bitter orange. CASCARILLA. (Croton C. The bark.) Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. Use. In flatulent colic, dyspepsia, chronic diar- rhoea. 38 aromatic bitters. 1. Infusum CaSCARILLnE. Comp. Case. § i, water Oj. Dose, f 5 j—ij. 2. Tinctura CascarillnE. Comp. Case. § iiss, proof sp. f § xx. Dose, f 3j—ij- 3. MlSTURA CaSCARILLnE COMPOSITnE. Comp. Infus. case. (No. 1) f E viiiss, tinct. camph. c. f Eb acet. scillre f ^ss. Dose, f 5 j—iss. (Expectorants.) CUSPARIA. (Angustura Bark.) Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. (Rarely used.) 1. Infusum CusparinE. Comp. Cusp. 3v, water f E xx. Dose. 5 j-ij (with tinct. cinn. added). LIMONES. (Citrus Limonum. Lemon. The fruit. 1. Limonum Cortex: (Lemon peel.) Form and Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 j. (Rarely used except in other preparations, q. v.) 2. Oleum Limonum. Dose. TT1 j—v. LUPULUS. (Humulus L. The Hop. The dried strobiles.) Form. In substance as a pillow. The Lupulinic grains or yellow powder. And—■ 1. Infusum Lupuli. Comp. Hops E ss> water Oj. Dose, f §j-ij. Incomp. Acids, alkalies, sulph. ferr., tart, emet., alcohol. ASTRINGENTS. 39 2. Tinctura Lupuli. Comp. Hops § v, dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. 3. Extractum Lupuli. (A watery extract.) Dose. Gr. v-3j. [Note. Lupulina. Yellow powder. (Not officinal.) Dose and Form. Powder or pills gr. vj-xij. a. Tinctura Lupulina. Comp. Lupulinic grains § iv, spirit Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij.] Use. In delirium and wakefulness of drunkards. Astringents. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM DILUTUM. (See Tonics, Refrigerants.) Use. In colliquative sweats, passive hemorrhage, diarrhoea. ACIDUM ACETICUM. (Refrigerants.) ALUMEN. (Alum, sulphate of alumina and potassa. Dose. Gr. v-3j. Form. Solution (in aromatic water: an oz. of water dissolves fss), pill, powder. [Note. Alum whey: boil powdered alum 3 ij in a pint of milk, and strain. Dose. A wine-glassful.] Incomp. Alkalies and their carbonates, tartrate of potash, vegetable astringents. 40 ASTRINGENTS. Use. In hemorrhages ; as a gargle, as a collyrium. 1. Alumen exsiccatum. (Dried alum.) Dose. Gr. v-x. Form. Solution, pill. Use. As an escharotic to fungous ulcers. 2. Liquor Aluminis compositus. (See Part II.) ARGENTI NITRAS. (See Tonics.) BORAX. (Sodae Biboras.) Dose. 3j- 3ss. (Rarely used internally.) 1. Mel Boracis. Comp. Borax 3j, honey f 5 j- Form. As a gargle, diluted, Use. For aphthae of children. CATECHU. (Acacia Catechu. Extract of th© wood.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 j. Form. Powder, mixture (with syrup and gum), bolus. Use. Diarrhoea, uterine hemorrhage, relaxed uvula, spongy gums, indolent ulcers, leucorrhcea, gonorrhoea, epistaxis. Incomp. Alkaline salts destroy its astringency. 1. Infusum Catechu compositum. Comp. Catechu § ss, cinnamon 3}> water Oj. Dose, ffj-ij. 2. Tinctura Catechu. Comp. Catechu 3 iii» cinnamon § ii, dil. ale. Oij.. Dose, f 3 j-ij in chalk mixture, or other liquids.. ASTRINGENTS. 41 CINCHONA. (See Tonics.) CUPRUM. 1. Cupri Sulphas. Dose and Form. Gr. i—^—ss—ij (combined with opium.) Use. In chronic diarrhoea, ill-conditioned ulcers, collyrium in chronic opthalmia. FERRUM. (See Tonics.) Use. In debility from inordinate discharges. 1. Ferri Sulphas. 2. Mistura Ferri composita. 3. Pilule Ferri compositnE. 4. Tinctura Ferri Sesquichloridi. Use. In gleet, passive hemorrhages. GALL.E. (Oak Galls. Gemmae Morbidae.) Fortn and Dose. Powder gr. x-xx. Infusion (galls f 5 ss, boiling water f 5 vj) f § ss-iss. Use. In chronic diarrhoea, as a gargle in relaxed uvula. 1. Tinctura GallnE. Comp. Galls 3" iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3ss—ij in fluids, as gargle; or lotion, di- luted with water. Inco?iip. Metallic salts, cinchona. 2. Unguentum GallnE compositum. (See Part II.) Use. In hemorrhoids. GRANATUM. (PunicaG. Pomegranate. Rind of the fruit.) Dose and Form. Powder 3ss-j- 1. Decoctum Granati. 42 ASTRINGENTS. Comp. Granat. 5 'lb water f if xxx (to f 5 xx) Dose, f 5 iss—ij. (Bark of the Root Anthelmintic, q. v.) RdEMATOXYLUM. (H. Campechianum. Log- wood.) 1. EXTRACTUM HnEMATOXYLI. Dose. Gr. x-3ss. Form. Pill, mixture, with carminative waters. [Decoctum H.ematoxyli—Edinb. Comp. Logwood E i> water Oij. Dose. f§j-ij. (For children f3ij-5 ss.)] Use. In relaxed condition succeeding cholera in- fantum. KINO. (Extract of Pterocarpus erinaceus.) Dose and Form. Powder, gr. v-^x-xx. Mixture with mucilage and the aromatic waters. Incomp. Acids, alkalies, sulphate of iron. 1. Tinctura Kino. Comp. Kino § iiiss, rectified spirit f § xl. Dose, f 3 j-ij, with chalk mixture. Use. In diarrhoea without fever. 2. Pulvis Kino compositus. Comp. 15 kino, 4 cinnamon, 1 opium, (1 gr. of opium in 9j.) Dose. Gr. v-9j, in mixture. KRAMERIA. (K. triandria. Rhatany root.) Dose. Gr. x-3ss in powder, mixture, or electuary. Use. Chronic diarrhoea, leucorrhcea, passive he- morrhage. 1. Infusum KramerinE. Comp. Krameria 3j> water Oj. ASTRINGENTS. 43 Dose, f 5 j-ij- Incomp. Sulphate of iron. [Extractum KramerinE (Ed. Dub.) Dose. Gr. x-xx, pill, mixture.] OPIUM. (See Narcotics.) PLUMBUM. 1. Plumbi Acetas. Dose. Gr. ss-iv. Form. Pill with opium, solution with vinegar and distilled water. Incomp. Sulphuric acid, sulphates, liq. ammoniae acetatis, &c. Use. In hemorrhages, dysentery, diarrhoea. QUERCUS. (Q. pedunculata. The oak. The bark.) Dose. Powder 3ss_ij- Use. Diarrhoea, leucorrhoea. 1. Decoctum Quercus. Comp. Oak bark E b water Ojss (to Oj.) Dose. f3ij-iv. (Externally as gargle, injection, lotion.) ROSA. (Rosa Gallica. The red rose petals.) 1. Infusum RosnE compositum. Comp. Rose % ss, water Oijss, sugar ^iss, dilute sulphuric acid 3»j- Dose. 5 j-ij- (Externally as gargle.) Incomp. Alkalies and earths, sulphate of iron. Use. In hemorrhages and colliquative sweats. 2. Confectio RosnE Gallice. Comp. Rose |iv. sugar |xxx, mel. |vj, aq. ros. §viij. 44 ASTRINGENTS. Dose. 3j-ij, as a vehicle for calomel, quinine, &c. 3. Mel RosnE. Comp. Rose ^ij, water Oiss, honey Oij. (A honeyed decoction of Rose.) Dose. 3j-iv. (Chiefly in gargles.) [Tinctura Ros.e. An admirable substitute for the infusion is prepared under this name. It is made by digesting 1 oz. of red rose petals with 4 oz. of proof spirit made with rose-water. Of this tincture Tl|xxx, with lit xij of acid. nit. dil., is equal to ?iss of infusion of roses. TORMENTILLA. (Tormentil or Septfoil. The root.) Dose and Form. Powder 3ss_j. 1. Decoctum ToRMENTILLnE. Comp. Tormentil § ij, water f E xxx (to f E xx0 Dose, f E j—ij (used also as an injection in leucor- rhoea.) ULMUS. (U. campestris. The bark.) 1. Decoctum Ulmi. Comp. Fresh elm bark 3" iiss, water 3" xl (to xx.) Dose. E ij—iv. (Rarely used.) UVA URSI. (Leaves of the bear-berry.) Dose. 9j- 3 j of the powder (too bulky). Use. In diabetes, catarrh of bladder, incontinence of urine. 1. Decoctum UvnE Ursi. Comp. Uva ursi 3" j, water f 3" xx (to f % xvi.) Dose, fgj-ij. carminatives. 45 2. EXTRACTUM Uv,E UrSI. Dose. Gr. v-xv. ZINCUM. 1. Acetas Zinci. Dose. Gr. j-ij. (Rarely used internally.) 2. Sulphas Zinci. Dose. Gr. j-v. (Much used externally.) Use. Leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, opthalmia, and in- dolent ulcers. Carminatives. Use. As a class, to prevent nausea, to correct flatulence, and as corrigents to other medicines. ANETHUM. (A. Graveolens. Dill. The fruit.) Dose. Powder gr. v- 3 ss. 1. Aqua Anethi. Comp. Anethum E xviij, proof sp. f E vij, water 2 gall, (or by diffusing the oil in water.) Dose. f3j-iij (infants)-f ^ j-iij (adults.) ANISUM. (Pimpinella A. Anise. The seed.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 ss. 1. Oleum Anisi. Dose. Tf^v-xv. (on sugar, or with sugar in mix- ture.) 2. Spiritus Anisi. Comp. Anise E x> proof sp. 1 gall., water f % xl. Dose, f 3j- E Bs- 46 carminatives. CARUI. (CarumC. Caraway. The seeds.) Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. 1. Oleum Carui. Dose. TT[j-v. 2. Spiritus Carui. Comp. Carui E xj> proof spir. % galh, water f 5 xx, distil to I gall. Dose, f 3j- E ss* 3. Aqua Carui. Comp. Carui § xviij, water 2 gall., spir. f § vij, distil to 1 gall. Dose, f 5 j-iv. CORIANDRUM. (C. Sativum. Coriander. The seeds.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 j-3j- CYMINUM. (Cuminum Cyminum. Cumin. The seeds.) Dose. Powder gr. x-3ss. (Rarely used.) DAUCUS. (D. Carota. Carrot. The seed.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 j- 3 ss. FCENICULUM. (F. Vulgare. Fennel. The seeds.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. 1. AqUnE Fceniculi. Dose, fgj-iij. LAVANDULA. (Flower tops of L. vera. Lav- ender.) Dose. Powder 3j- 3ss. (Rarely n^ed.) 1. Oleum Lavandulae. Dose. TT|_ij-v. carminatives. 47 2. Spiritus Lavandulae. Comp. Lavender Ibij, ale. 1 gall, water Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. (Rarely used.) 3. Tinctura Lavandulae composita. (Red Lav- ender.) Comp. Spir. lavand. Oiij, spir. of rosemary Oj, cinnamon §j, nutmeg §ss, red saunders 3 iij, cloves 3 ij- Dose, f 3 ss-j. (On a lump of sugar.) LAURUS. (L. Nobilis. Sweet Bay. The ber- ries and leaves.) Dose. Of the berries powdered 3 ss-j. The oil. Infusion. (Rarely used.) MENTHA PIPERITA. (Peppermint.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 ss ; infusion ( 3 ij water f g viij) f g j-ij- (Rarely used.) 1. Oleum MentiinE PiperitnE. Dose. Tflij—v. 2. Spiritus MenthnE Piperita. Comp. Ol. menthae 3 iij, proof sp. 1 gall., water f^xx. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. [Note.—Essence of peppermint is made by dis- solving 3 j of the oil in E j °f rectified spirit] 3. Aqua MenthnE PiperitnE. Comp. 01. menth. pip. 3ss, carb. magnes. 3ss, aq. dist. Oij. Dose, f E j-iij- MENTHA PULEGIUM. (Pennyroyal.) Dose. Powder (rarely used), 3 ss-j. 48 CARMINATIVES. 1. Oleum MenthnE Pulegii. Dose, fi^y-v. 2. Spiritus MenthnE Pulegii. Comp. Ol. Puleg. § iij, proof spir. 1 gall., water f§xx- Dose, f 3 ss-ij. 3. Aqua MenthnE Pulegii. Comp. Pennyroyal (dried) § xij (or oil 3 j), proof spir. f E hiss, water 1 gall. MENTHA VIRIDIS. (Spearmint.) Dose and Form. Powder 3 ss-ij (rarely used); infusion ( 3 ij-water f § viij), f § j—ij- 1. Ol. MenthnE Viridis. Dose. TTj_ij-v. 2. Spiritus MenthnE Viridis. Comp. Oil E iij> spir- 1 gau-» water f 3* xx. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. 3. Aqua MenthnE Viridis. Comp. See Aq. Menth. Pip. Dose. f§j-ij. ORIGANUM. (Marjoram.) Dose. Powder, gr. x-3ss; infusion (3ij, water f 3 viij) f§j-ij- (Rarely used.) 1. Oleum Origani. Dose. Tt^ij—v. ROSMARINUS. (Rosemary.) Dose. Powder, gr. x- 3 ss (rarely used) ; infusion (3ij, water ff viij) f g j—ij- 1. Oleum Rosmarini. Dose. 1T|_ij-v. diaphoretics. 49 2. Spiritus Rosmarini. Comp. Oil 3 ij, ale. 1 gall., water Oj. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. Diaphoretics. AMMONLE SESQUICARBONAS ? (See Re- frigerants.) Dose. Gr. iij—vj. 1. Liquor Ammonite Acetatis. Comp. Sesq. am. 3 ix, (vel q. s.) Acet. dest. f § xx. A saturated solution. Dose, f 3 iij—vj— § j. Incomp. Acids, potass, sugar. [Saline Draughts. Ammon. sesquicarb. Bj, acid. ritric. gr. xxiv, vel acid. tart. gr. xxv, vel succ. lim. 3vj.] Use. In febrile and inflammatory diseases. ANTIMONIUM. (See Emetics.) 1. Antimoxh Potassio-Tartras. Dose. Gr. y'o-ij. 2. Vinum Antimonii Potassio-Tartratis. Comp. Ant. pot. tart. 3j, sherry f § x (gr. j, in f?ss). Dose. TTl_x-xv-3j. 3. Pulvis Antimonii compositus. (Pulvis Anti- ino'.ualis.) Comp. 2 antimonious acid, 3 phosph. of lime. Dose. Gr. iij-x. Foim. Pill, powder. 4 50 diaphoretics. DIOSMA. (D. crenata. Buchu. The leaves.) ? Dose. (Of the powder) 3j- 3 ss. 1. Infusum DiosMnE. Comp. Diosma E b water Oj. Dose, f § j—ij - DULCAMARA? (Solanum D. The stalk.) 1. Decoctum DulcamarnE. Comp. Dulc E'b water Oiss-Oj. Dose, f E ss-iss. GUAIACUM. (With Diluents.) 1. The Resin. Dose. Gr. v-xx. Form. Pill, bolus, mixture. Use. In rheumatism. 2. MlSTURA GUAIACI. Comp. Guaiacum 3iij, sugar ESB> mucilage E ss, cinnamon water, f E x'x- Dose, f E ss-»j (guaiac. gr. ix in f E j)- 3. Tinctura Guaiaci. Comp. Guaicum lb ss, ale. Oij. Dose and Form, f 3 j—iij, in mucilage, or syrup and water. Incomp. Water (decomposes it). 3. Tinctura Guaiaci composita. Comp. Guaiacum E iv» aromatic spirit of am- monia Ojss. Dose, f 3 ss-ij in mucilage, or syrup and water. Use. Chronic rheumatism, amennorrhoea. IPECACUANHA. (Cephaelis I. The root.) 1. Pulvis Ipecacuanha. The powdered root. Dooe. Gr. ss-j. diaphoretics. 51 2. Pulvis IpecacuaniinE compositus. Comp. 1 ipecacuan, 1 opium, 8 sulphate of potass, (gr. x, contain 1 gr. of opium). Use. In cases where not much fever, cerebral disease, or sick stomach. Dose. Gr. iiss-v-xx. Form. Powder, pill, mixture. 3. Vixum IpecacuaniinE. Comp. Ipecacuanha E >j> sherry Oij. Dose. U[xx-3j. Use. For children. 4. PlLUL.E IpECACIJANHnE COMPOSITnE. Comp. 3 Pulv. ipec. comp., 1 squill, 1 ammoniac, mucilage q. s. Dose. Gr. v-x (igr. opium in 10 grs). MEZEREUM? (Daphne M. Bark of the root.) (Stimulants, Diuretics.) Form and Dose. Decoction ( 3 j in E xxx water, to E xx) 5 u-vj- Use. In secondary syphilis, cutaneous diseases. SASSAFRAS ? (See Alteratives.) Dose. Of the powder 3 ss-j. ("Rarely used.) SENEGA? (See Expectorants, Alterants.) Dose. (Of the powder) gr. x-xx. (Rarely used.) 1. Decoctum Sexecs. Comp. Senega root Eb water Oiss-Oj. Dose. fE Hi- Use. In rheumatism. SULPHUR? 1. Sulphur Prechttatusc. 52 diluents. Dose. 3 ss-j, as an electuary, or suspended in milk. Use. In chronic rheumatism. Diluents. Demulcents. Emollients. Ptisans. ACACIA. (Exudation from A. vera. Gum Arabic.) Dose. Bss-j-ij. Form. Powder, mixture. Incomp. Acet. plumb., aether, spirits. 1. Mistura AcacinE. (Mucilago acaciae.) Comp. Acacia § x, boiling water f E xx. Dose, f 3j-gj- Incomp. Acet. plumb., aether, tinctures. ALTHAEA. (A. officinalis. Marshmallow. The root.) Form. Decoction (A. E iSS- water E xx)- Dose. Of D. ad libitum, § j-ij subinde. 1. SYRUPUS AlTHnEnE. Comp. Decoction of Althaea with sugar. Dose. 3 j—iij. (Readily ferments.) AMYGDALA AMARA. (Bitter almonds.) AMYGDALA DULCIS. (Sweet almonds.) Use. In catarrhal affections. 1. Confectio Amygdalae. (Almond confect.) Comp. Amygd. E vhj, acac. pulv. E j, sacch. E iv. 2. Mistura AmygdalnE. (Almond emulsion.) DILUENTS. 53 Comp. Sweet almonds §ss, pulv. acac. 3ss, sugar 3 ij, water E viij. Dose. 3j iij, ad libitum. Use. In catarrhal and dysenteric affections. 3. Oleum AmygdalnE. (Oil of almonds. Ex- pressed from both kinds.) Dose and Form. 3 j-iij, in emulsion. AMYLUM. (Fecula Sem. tritici. Starch.) Form. Powder (externally); mixed in water. 1. Decoctum Amyli. (Mucilago amyli. Starch emulsion.) Comp. Amylum E ss> water E xx. Dose. Ad libitum (for enema). Incomp. Preparations of iodine. AVENA. (A. sativa. The common oat.) Form. The meal in decoction, poultice, &c. CETACEUM. (From the head of the Sperma- ceti whale. Spermaceti.) Form and Dose. 3 ss-iss in an emulsion with egg or sugar. Use. In catarrh. CETRARIA. (Lichen Islandicus. Iceland moss.) 1. Decoctum C'etrarinE. Comp. Cotraria E 8S> water Oiss, boil to Oj. Dose, f E j-iv, ad libitum. Use. In phthisis. t'VDONTA. (C. vulgaris. Common quince. Tho seeds.) 1 Decoctum Cydonle. Comp. Quince seeds 3 ij, water Jxx. 54 DILUENTS. Dose, f E ij-iv, ad libitum. Incomp. Alcohol, acids, metallic solutions. FICUS. (F. carica. The dried fruit. Figs.) Form. Unaltered; decoction, cataplasm. GLYCYRRHIZA. (G. glabra. Common Li- quorice. The root.) Form and Dose. Decoction (rad. cont. E >ss» water § xx), ad libitum. 1. ExTRACTUM GlYCYRRHIZnE. Form and Dose. In substance and mixture. Ad libitum. (Gr. x. covers the taste of a black dose.) HORDEUM. (H. distichon. Barley. Decorti- cated seeds.) 1. Decoctum Hordei. (Barley water.) Comp. Barley E 'j> water Oivss, boil to Oij. Dose. Ad libitum. 2. Decoctum Hordei compositum. Comp. Decoct, hord. f % xl, fici concisi E ii88' glycyrr. rad. 3 v, uvar. pass. E iiss, aquae f § xx, boil to f E xx. Dose. Ad libitum. LINUM. (L. Usitatissimum. Common Linseed. The seeds.) 1. Oleum Lini. (Linseed oil.) Form. Enema, liniment. 2. Infusum Lini compositum. (Linseed tea.) Comp. Lin. sem. § ss, glycyrr. rad. 3ij,waterOj. Dose, f E ij -iv, or ad libitum. Incomp. Alcohol. Acetate of lead. diuretics. 55 3. Cataplasmi Lini. (See Part II.) MALVA. (M. Silvestris. Common Mallow.) 1. Decoctum Malvne compositum. Comp. Mallow dried Eb chamomile dried fsa, water f E xx. Form. Enema, fomentation. MEL. (Honey.) 1. Oxymel. (Mel. acetatum. Simple oxymel.) Comp. Honey § xij, acetic acid f 5 iij- Dose, f 3j-5j. OLIVE OLEUM. (Olive Oil.) Form. Enema, liniment. TRAGACANTH A. (Concrete juice of Astragu- lus Tragacantha.) Form and Dose. Powder or mixture, ad libitum. 1. Pulvis TragacanthnE compositus. Comp. 1 tragacanth, 1 starch, 1 pulv. acaciae, 2 sugar. Dose and Form. 3j- 3 ij, in powder and solution. SARSAPARILLA. (See Alteratives.) TAMAUINDUS. (See Refrigerants.) Diuretics. CANTHARIS? (Cantharides. Spanish fly.) (See Stimulants.) Form and Dose. Pill, gr. ss—j—ij. (Rarely used.) Use. In dropsy when the system is in an atonic condition. 56 DIURETICS. 1. Acetum Cantharidis. (See Part II.) 2. Tinctura Cantharidis. Comp. Canth. E '> dil. ale. Oij. Dose. Tf|_x-3 j, in demulcent liquids. 3. Ceratum Cantharidis. (See Part II.) 4. Emplastrum Cantharidis. (See Part II.) CHIMAPHILA? (Pyrola Umbellata. Leaves of the Winter Green.) Use. In dropsy attended with disordered digestion and general debility. 1. Decoctum ChimaphilnE. Comp. Chimaphila §j, water Oiss, (boil to Oj). Dose. gj-ij. Incomp. Sulphas ferri. COLCHICUM? (C. autumnale. Cormus and seeds.) (See Purgatives.) DIGITALIS. (D. purpurea. The leaves and seeds.) Dose. Gr. ss—iss, in powder or pill. Use. In dropsies when the action of the heart requires to be controlled. 1. Infusum Digitalis. Comp. Digitalis 3j, water Oss, tinct. of cinna- mon Eb Dose. E ss-j. Incomp. Sulphate of iron, acetate of lead. 2. Tinctura Digitalis. Comp. Digitalis E iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. 1T\_x- 3 ss-j. DIURETICS. 57 3. Extractum Digitalis. (Watery extract from the fresh leaves.) Dose. Gr. ss—iij. [Note.—Pilulae digitalis et scillae.—Ed. Comp. Digitalis and squill aa gr. j, conf. arom. gr. ij, confect. rosa? q. s. M. ft. pil.] DIOSMA. (See Diaphoretics.) DULCAMARA ? (Solatium D. Woody Night- shade. Bitter sweet. The stem.) See Dia- phoretics. Narcotics.) Use. Mostly in cutaneous eruptions. 1. Decoctum DulcamarnE. Comp. Dulcamara E b water Oiss, boil to Oj. Dose, f 3 j—iv. JUNIPERUS. (Common Juniper. Tops and berries.) Form and Dose. Berries (triturated with sugar) 3 j—ij- Infus. (J. E b water % xv) § ij—iv. Use. In dropsy. 1. Oleum .Tuxiperi. Dose. Tt|jj-yj, in pill or emulsion. 2. Spiritus Juxiperi Compositus. Comp. Juniper berries tfej, caraway and fennel aa E iss» dil. ale. 1 gall., water Oij. Distil to 1 gall. Dose, f 3 ij-§ ss, (an adjunct). PAREIRA? (Cissampclos P. Pareira brava. The root.) Dose. 3 ss-j of the powder. Use. ("hronic diseases of the urinary passages. 1. Infusum Pareir.b. 58 DIURETICS. Comp. Pareira 3vj, water 3* xx. Dose, f j-iij, (used with the extract). 2. Extractum Pareira. (Watery extract.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. POTASSA. (Antacids. Alkalines.) 1. Acetas PoTASSnE. Dose. 3j- 3 iss, in diluents. Incomp. Most acids and neutral salts. 2. Carbonas PotassnE. (Olim. Pot. subcarb.) Dose. Gr. x-3ss. [Note.— 3j is saturated by acid. cit. gr. xvij, acid. tart. gr. xviij, succ. lim. E ss-] 3. Bicarbonas PotassnE. (Olim. Pot. carb.) (Milder than 2.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. [Note.— 9j is saturated by acid. cit. gr. xiv, acid. tart. gr. xv, succ. lim. 3 iiiss.] 4. Liquor PotassnE Carbonatis. Comp. Carb. pot. Jfej, water dist. f E xij. Dose. TT[xx-3j. Incomp. Acids, acidulous salts, &c. 5. Nitras PotassnE. Nitre. (See Refrigerants.) Dose. Gr. v- 3 ss. Incomp. Sulphuric acid and its salts. SCILLA. (S. Maritima. Squills. Recent bulb.) (See Emetics. Expectorants.) Dose. Gr. v-xv. Use. Acts best in absence of inflammatory ex- citement. 1. Pulvis Scill.e. (Not officinal, but in use.) The dried bulb powdered. diuretics. 59 Dose. Gr. j-v, in pill combined. 2. Pilulne ScilLnE ComtositnE. Comp. Squills 3j, ginger and gum ammoniac, each 3 ij, 6oap 3 iij, syr. q. s. Div. in 120 pills. Dose. Gr. v-x. 3. Tinctura ScilLnE. Comp. Squill § iv, proof spir. Oij. Dose. tT[x-3ss. 4. ACETUM SCILL.E. Comp. Squill E 'v> distilled vinegar Oij, ale. f Eb Dose, f 3 ss-ij in aromatic water. Incomp. Alkalies, earths, and carbonates. 5. Oxymel ScillnE. Comp. Money Ibiij, vinegar of squill Oij. Dose. 3 j—ij. SCOPARIUS. (Scytisus S. De CandoUe. Broom. The fresh tops.) 1. Infusum Scoparii. Comp. Scoparius Eb water Exx- [Decoction preferable. Scop. rec. f E ss> water f E xx, boil to Jx.] Dose, fgj-ij 2. Decoctum Scoparii compositum. Comp. Fresh broom-tops, juniper berries, dande- lion-root, aa E ss» water f E xxx- Boil to E xx< Dose, f^j-ij. SENEGA? (See Diaphoretics. Stimulants.) Dose. Of the powder (rarely used) gr. x-xx. 1. Decoctum Sexeg.e. Comp. Senega root §j, water Oiss, boil to Oj. Dose, f E j—ij- 60 DIURETICS. [Extractum SenegnE. (Not officinal.) Dose. Gr. v-x.] SPIRITUS ^THERTS NITRICI. (Sp. of Nit. Ether. Sweet spirits of nitre.) Dose. 3 ss-ij. Incomp Sulphas ferri. Tinct. guaiaci. Use. In febrile complaints with deficient urinary secretion. TABACUM. (Nicotiana T. Tobacco. The leaves.) (Narcotics. Purgatives.) 1. Enema Tabaci. Infusum Tabaci. (See Part II.) TARAXACUM? (Root of the dandelion.) (See Toxics. Alteratives- Purgatives.) Use. Said to have a specific action on the liver. 1. Extractum Taraxaci. (Watery extract of fresh root.) Should be brown and bitter. Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss-j. [Note.—Decoctum Taraxaci.—Edinb. Tar. E iiiss, water § xx (to % x.) Dose. § j-ij. U. S. Tarax. rad. § ij, water Oij. Dose. fSUO TEREBINTHIXA. (Turpentine. Oils and resins from various species of the genus Pinus.) (See Purgatives. Anthelmintics.) 1. Terebinthina Vulgaris. (Common turpen- tine.) Dose and Form. 3j- 3 j. (Not often internally.) In pill, emulsion, electuary. 2. Terebinthina Canadensis. (Liquid turpen- tine. Canada balsam.) emetics. 61 3. Terebinthina Chia. (Chian Turpentine. Li- quid resin. From the Pistacia Terebinthus.) 4. Oleum Terebinthin/E. Dose and Form. 11tyj-3j. (Floating on aro- matic water with tinct. capsici, in emulsion with mucilago or white of egg, or as a Linctus with honey or aromatic syrup.) UVA URSI? (See Astringents, Tonics?) 1. Decoctum Uv/E Ursi. Comp. Uva ursi Eb water f E xx, boil to Oj. Do.sc. f^j-iij- 2. Extractum UvnE Ursi. Dose. Gr. v-xv. Use. In chronic urinary disorders. Emetics. AM.MOXLE SESQUI-CARBONAS. (Ammo- niae Subcarbonas.) Dose and Form. 3 ss in any aqueous medium. (Rarely used.) ANTHEMIS ? (See Aromatic Bitters.) 1. Infusum Anthemidis. Chamomile tea. Comp. Cham. § ss, water Oj (ten minutes). Dose. E 'v subinde (warm). Use. As an adjuvant. ANTIMONIUM. 1. Antimonii Potassio-Tartras. (Antimonium Tartarisatum.) 62 EMETICS. Dose. Gr. j-iv in solution. Use. A certain, powerful, and permanent emetic. Used where it is required not only to evacuate the stomach, but to produce an effect on sur- rounding organs. 2. Vinum Antimonii Potassio-Tartratis. (Vinum Antimonii.) Comp. 9ij of ant. pot. tart, in E xx of sherry. Dose. E ss-iss subinde (gr. j in E ss)- Incomp. Bitter and astringent infusions. Alka- lies and their carbonates. Use. For infants. AS ARUM. (Asarum Europaeum. Asarabacca.) Dose. Root or leaves in powder, 3 ss-j. (Rarely used.) CUPRI SULPHAS. (Blue vitriol.) Dose. Gr. v-xv, in solution. EUPHORBIUM. (Gum resin. Spurge.) (Rarely used.) IPECACUANHA. (See Diaphoretics.) 1. Pulvis IpecacuanhnE. Dose. Gr. xv- 3 ss in aqueous fluids. Use. Mild and efficient. 2. Vinum IpecacuanhnE. Comp. E ij of ipec. in Oij of sherry wine. Dose, f 3 ss-j every ten minutes. (For children.) LOBELIA. (Lobelia inflata. Indian tobacco.) Dose. In powder, gr. xv- 9j ; of tmcture (lobelia E iv, dil. ale. Oij), 3 j—ij- (Rarely used.) Uoe. In spasmodic asthma. emmenagogueb. 63 SCILLA. (Squills.) (See Diuretics, Nar- cotics, Expectorants.) Dose. Gr. v-xv. (Rarely used.) SINAPIS. (S. nigra. Mustard.) (Expecto- rants.) Dose. (Of the powder) 3j-§ss, in §iv-vj of warm water. Use. In narcotic poisoning. TABACUM. (Tobacco.) (Narcotics.) Dose. Gr. v-x. (Rarely used.) Use. In reduction of dislocations. VERATRUM. (White Hellebore.) (See Ca- thartics.) Form and Dose. Powder, gr. j-vj. 1. Vinum Veratri. Comp. White Hellebore E IV> sherry Oj. Dose. TT[x-xxx. ZINCI SULPHAS. (White vitriol.) Dose. Gr. xv- 3 ss, in solution. Use. A prompt emetic in cases of poisoning. Emmenagogues. (Menstrua et Partum accelerantia.) ERGOTA. (Secale Cornutum. Spurred Rye.) (Narcotics ?) Dose. Powder (Pulvis Ergotae) gr. v-x-xx. [a. Infusum. Ergot 3j, boiling water Jiv. Daw. §i8& 64 EMMENAGOGUES. b. Decoctum. Ergot 3j, wat. E v> boil lOmin. Dose. E 'j- c. Tinctura. Ergot 3" ss, spir. rect. E VJ- Dose. 3j. d. Vinum. (Amer. Ph.) Ergot 5 j, wine E viij, macerate 14 days.] RUTA. (Ruta Graveolens. Rue. The leaves.) Dose. Powder 3j-3ss; infusion (Rue Eb D°il" ing water § xx) .§ j—ij. 1. CONFECTIO RUT/E. Comp. Rue, caraway, bay berries (Laurus nobi- lis) aa, E iss> sagapenum E ss> black pepper 3 ij, honey 3" xvj. (See Carminatives.) Dose. 3j-3j. (Also as an enema for children.) SABINA. (Juniperus S. Savin. The tops.) Dose. Powder gr. v-x. (Infusion. Oil.) From other Classes. ALOE. ASSAFAETIDA. CANTHARIS. CASTOREUM. FERRUM. GALBANUM. HELLEBORUS NIGER. HYDRARGYRUM. IODINUM. SENEGA. SINAPIS. ERRHTNES.—EXPECTORANTS. 65 Errhines. AS ARUM. (See Emetics.) EUPHORBIUM. (See Emetics.) HELLEBORUS. (See Emetics.) TABACUM. (See Narcotics.) Expectorants. ALLIUM > A. sativum. Garlic. The bulb.) (Stomachic, Diuretic.) Dose. 3 j-ij of the fresh bulb. AMMONIAC UM. (See Antispasmodics.) Usc~ In deficient expectoration without acute inflammation. ANTIMONII POTASSIO-TARTRAS. (See Emetics, Diaphoretics.) Dose. Gr. J-g-J. Use. Excites bronchial secretion. ASSAFAETIDA. (See Antispasmodics.) BALSAMUM PERUVIAXUM. (Balsam from the incised bark of the Myroxylon Peruiferum. Liquid Balsam.) Dose and Form. 3 ss-j on sugar, in pill with powders, mucilage. Use. In chronic catarrh. BALSAMUM TOLUTANUM. (Concrete Bal- sam.) Dooe and Form. Same as B. Peruvianum. 5 P6 EXPECTORANTS. 1. TlNCTURA BALSAMI ToLUTANI. Comp. Tolu E iij' alcohol Oij. Dose. 3 ss-ij. (Water precipitates the resin.) 2. Syrupus Tolutanus. Comp. Tine, tolu 3" j, syrup Ojss. Dose, f 3 j—iij. (To flavour.) BENZOINUM. (See Antispasmodics.) COPAIBA. (Liquid resin.) Dose and Form. TTjx- 3 j, on sugar, in water, in emulsion, in syrup, in pill, in capsules. Use. In chronic catarrh. GALBANUM. (See Antispasmodics.) Use. Chronic bronchial affections. IPECACUANHA. (See Emetics.) Dose. Gr. ss. MARRUBIUM? (M. Vulgare. Horehound.) (Tonics.) [Horehound Tea : Marr. E b water E xx-l MASTICHE. (See Antispasmodics.) MYRRHA. (Balsamodendron M. Gumresinous exudation.) (Tonics.) Form and Dose. Powder, pill, emulsion, gr. x- 3 ss. 1. Tinctura Myrrile. (Seldom used internally.) STYRAX. (S. officinale. The balsam.) (Anti- spasmodics.) Dose. Gr. v-x-xx, in pill (purified). 1-. PiLcxfi Styf.acis compositnE. (Narcotics. Optcm. narcotics. 67 Comp. 3 storax, 1 opium, 1 saffron. Dose. Gr. iss-iiss-x (gr. v contains 1 gr. opium). SAGAPENUM. (See Antispasmodics.) SENEGA. (See Diaphoretics.) SCILLA. (See Diuretics.) CHLORINUM. (Inhaled.) In phthisis. IODINUM. (Inhaled.) In phthisis. MYRRHA. (Smoked.) In asthma. PIX LIQUIUA. (Smoked.) In asthma. STRAMONIUM. (Smoked.) In asthma. TABACUM. (Smoked.) In asthma. SYR. SCILL. COMP. (Coxe's Hive Syrup, U. S.) Cum p. Scill., seneka aa E iv, ant. tart. grs. xlviij, water Oiv, sugar Ifciijss. Dose. For a child, HI x—f 3j, repeated in cases of croup every fifteen minutes, till it vomits. Use. It is emetic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and frequently cathartic. Narcotics. Sedatives. Soporifics. Anodynes. iETHER. (See Stimulants..) ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM DILUTUM- Comp. Real hydrocyanic acid and water. Dose. TTLUj-v-viij, in aqueous mixtures. 68 narcotics. Incomp. Metallic oxides and carbonates. [Note.—The dilute acid of the Lond. P. con- tains 2 per cent. ; of the Dub. 1-6 per cent.; and of the Ed. 3-2 per cent, of the real acid. The acid of Scheele's strength varies ; it is often twice or thrice as strong as the Lond. dilute acid. It is to be desired that the pro- fession would uniformly prescribe the dilute acid of the Lond. Ph.: it keeps better than Scheele's, and the dose is more manageable.] Use. In asthma, pertussis, chronic catarrh. As a lotion in cutaneous diseases, for itching. ACONITUM. (A. Paniculatum. Wolfsbane. Root and leaves.) Dose. Of the powder, gr. j-iij. (Not to be relied on.) Use. In neuralgia, gout, cancer, rheumatism. 1. Extractum Aconiti. (The inspissated juice.) Dose. Gr. ss—j—iij. (Uncertain.) [a. Tinctura aconiti. Comp. Aconite root, 5* iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. V![xx ter die. (Most valuable as embro- cation in neuralgia.) b. Extractum Alcoholicum Aconiti. (By evaporating the tincture.) Dose. Gr. £-1, in pill. [Note.—The extract from the root, rubbed down with twice its bulk of alcohol and strained, is the best preparation.] c. Unguent. Aconiti. Ons part sxtract and two parts lard.] 2. ACONITINA- narcotics. 69 Dose. Scarcely admissible internally. (See Part II.) ALCOHOL. (See Stimulants.) BELLADONNA. (Atropa B. Deadly Night- shade. The leaves.) Dose. Of the powder, gr. j-v. (The extract and tincture preferable.) Use. In neuralgia, &c. 1. Extractum BelladonnnE. (The inspissated juice.) Dose. Gr. l-iv. (More used externally.) 2. Emplastrum BelladonnnE. (See Part II.) [Note.—Though not officinal, the following is useful: Tinctura Belladonna. Comp. Leaves of bell. 3" iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. tT[xx-xxiv : (or saturated tincture, ex- tract, bell. 3 x, proof spir. f 3" xij. Dose. Tujj-iij-vj.) CAMPHORA. (Laurus C. A peculiar concrete.) Dose. Gr. j-xv, in pill, or (better) emulsion. 1. Mistura Camphor*. Cum a. Camphor 3 ss, rect. spir. TT1 x, water 5 xxi ( 3"j=rr. iss of camphor). Dose. Ei ~U> or acl libitum. Use. In typhoid diseases, rheumatism, dysmen- orrhoea, strangury. 2. Tinctura Ca.mphornE. (Camphorated spirits of wine.) Comp. Camph. 3" iv, alcohol Oij. 70 narcotics. Dose. TT[x- 3 ss, (in saccharine or mucilaginous fluid; also externally). 3. Tinctura CamphornE composita. (Paregoric elixir. Tinct. opii camphorata.) Comp. Opium and benzoic acid, each 3j, Ol. anis. 3j, mel. desp. § ij, camph. 3ij, dil. ale. Oij. Use. Relieve nausea, check diarrhoea. Infantile diseases, to procure sleep. Dose. 3 ss- 3 ij. 4. Linimentum CamphornE. (See Part II.) 5. Linimentum Camphoric compositum. (See Part II.) [CANNABIS INDICA. (Indian Hemp.) (Not officinal.) 1. Extractum Cannabis Indic.e. Dose. Gr. ss-ij.] COLCHICUM. (Purgatives. Diuretics.) CONIUM. (C. maculatum. The leaves and fruit.) Dose. Of the powder gr. ij-x. Use. In cancer, pertussis, scrofulous tumours. 1. Tinctura Conn. Comp. Hemlock E 1V> dih ale. Oij. Dose. 3 ss-j. 2. Extractum Conii. (The inspissated juice.) (Often inert.) Dose. Gr. ij-xx. 3. PilulnE Conii CompositnE. Comp. 5 ext. conii, 1 ipecacuan. narcotics. 71 Dose. Gr. v-x (6 grs.=gr. j ipec). 4. Cataplasma Conii. (See Part II.) DIGITALIS. (Diuretics.) DULC A M ARA. (Diuretics, Diaphoretics, q. v.) HELLEBORUS. (Cathartics, Emetics, q. v.) IIYOSCYAMUS. (H. niger. Henbane. The leaves and seeds.) Dose. Powder (rarely used) gr. iij-x. Use. In cases where opium is inadmissible from constipating effects. 1. Extractum Hyoscyami. (Inspiss. juice.) Dose. Gr. v-x-3j. 2. Tinctura Hyoscyami. Comp. Henbane E iv, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. 3 ss-ij. LACTUCARll'M. (Lactuca sativa. Lettuce. The inspissated juice.) Dose. Gr. ij—vj. Incomp. Ammonia, alcohol. Use. Occasionally instead of opium. Lactcce Extractum. (Watery Extract of the same.; Dose. Gr. v-xv. LOBELIA. (See Emetics, Antispasmodics.) LUPULUS. (See Aromatic Bitters.) NUX VOMICA. (Strychnos Nux Vomica. Ratsbane. The seeds.) Dose. Gr. iij—xij. 72 NARCOTICS. 1. Strychnia. (Six times as strong as the alco- holic extract of nux vomica.) Dose. Gr. -Jg-j. [Note.—1. Tinctura Nucis Vomica. (Dub.) Comp. Nux vom. 3 ij, rect. spir. E v'ij- Dose. TT]_v-x. 2. Extractum Nucis Vomica. (Ed. Dub.) Spirituous extract. Dose. Gr. ss—j—iij. 3. Brucia. (From the nux vomica bark.) Dose. G\ ss-v. OPIUM (and MORPHIA.) (Papaver Somni- ferum. The concrete juice of the unripe cap- sules.)- Dose and Form. Pill, powder, lozenge, electuary, gr. i-ss-^j-ij-v-x. Use. A general narcotic. 1. PlLUL/E SAPONIS COMPOSIT.E. Comp. Opium E ss> soaP E xb Dose. Gr. iss-iiss-x (gr. v=Dpii gr. j). 2. Pilule Styracis COMPOSITnE. Comp. 1 opium, 1 saffron, 3 storax. Dose. Gr. iss-iiss-x (gr. v=apii gr. j). 3. Extractum Opii purificatum (Watery extract: \ or ^th more active than opium.) Dose. Gr. \-iv. 4. Tinctura Opii. (Laudanum.) Comp. Opium E i'ss> dil- alc- Oij. Dose. TH.V-3J. 5. Vinum Opii. (Sydenham's liquid laudanum) Comp. Opium §"> cinnamon 3j, cloves 3j, sherry Oj. narcotics. 73 Dose. 1T1 v- 3 j, (about the same strength as tinct. opii, but more agreeable to taste). 6. Confectio Opii. Comp. Opium 3ivss, aromatic powder, Jvj, mel. E x'v (36 grs.=opii. gr. j). Dose. Gr. x- 3j. Use. In diseases requiring a stimulating narcotic. 7. Enema Opii. (See Part II.) 8. Linimentum Opii. (See Part II.) 9. Tinctura CamphornE composita. (See Cam- phor.) Comp. Camphor, opium, benzoic acid, &c. Dose, f 3 ss- E ss (f E j=opii gr. ij nearly). 10. Pui.vis IpecacuaniinE compositus. (Diapho- retics.) Comp. 1 opium, 1 ipecac, 8 sulph. potass®. Dose. Gr. iiss-v-9j (gr. x=apii gr. j). 11. Pilul.e IpecacuaniinE compositnE. (Diapho- retics.) Comp. 3 pulv. ipec c, 1 squills, 1 ammoniac. Dose. Gr. v-x (gr. v=jr. \ opium). 13. Pulvis Kino compositus. (Astrixc;i:nts.) (One gr. of opium in 3j.) 13. Pulvis CretnE compositus cum Opio. (Antacids.) (One gr. of opium in 3ij.) 14. Acetas MoRPHInE. Dose. Gr. ?-ss-j. Incomp. Mineral acids, alkalies. 15. Hydrochloras Morphine. (Muriate of mor- phia.) Dose. Gr. J-ss-j. 74 narcotics. [Morphia muriatis solutio. Ed. Ph.—Hydr. morphiae, gr. x\iij, spir. rect. Eb water § iij. Dose. tT[x-xxx. Trochisci morphia- Ed. Ph.—H.'dr. morph. gr. v, tinct. tolu 3j, sugar E vj,=l lu lozenges, each containing gr. 1-26 of morpiiia. Mjrphia itself is little used from its insolubility. Liquor Opii Sedativus. Battley's sedative. Comp. Said to be a solution of the watery extract. Dose. Tn_ij-xx. Solutio Morphia Bimeconatis. This valuable preparation was introduced by Mr. Squire, in 1838. It is of the same strength as laudanum. It usually disorders the head less than other preparations of opium, and does not constipate the bowels. Dose. TTL -3j, Acetum Oiiii. Substitute for black drop. Comp. Opium E viij. distilled vinegar q. s. nut- meg E 'ss> saffron E ss> sugar E x'j- Dose. TT[ij-xx.] Use. Does not produce so much nausea and headache as laudanum. PAP AVER. (P. somniferum. The ripe capsules.) 1. Decoctum Papaveris. (See Part II.) 2. Extractum Papaveris. (Watery extract.) Dose. Gr. ij-3j. 3. Syrupus Papaveris. Comp. A concentrated decoction and sugar. Dose. (For infants,,iss-j ; (adults,) 3ij- J ss. NARCOTICS. 75 SABADILLA. (Helonias officinalis. The seeds.) —Used chiefly to yield Veratria, q. v. STRAMONIUM. (Datura S. Thomapple. Leaves and seeds.) (Expectorants, Anti- spasmodics.) Dose. Leaves gr. j-ij, seeds gr. ss-j. 1. Extractum Stramonii. (Watery extract.) Dose. Gr. |-j. [Tinctura Stramonii. (Ph. Amer.) Comp. Stram. seeds 5 j, proof sp. fviij. Dose. TT[x- xx.] TABACUM. (See Emetics, Diuretics.) TOXICODENDRON. (Rhus Toxicodendron. Sumach. The leaves.) Dose. Powdered leaves gr. ss—iij. VERATRIA. (Alkaloid from Sabadilla.) Dose. Gr. 1-12-ss in pill. (Rarely used inter- nally.) Comp. Veratria 3j, rect. spir. E ij- (External.) Ungiirntiim Veratria-. (Sec Part II.) VERATRUM. (V. album. White Hellebore. The root.) (Emetics. Purgatives.) Dose. Of the powder gr. j-ij. Use. In lepra and other cutaneous affections. 1. Df.coctum Veratri. (External.) (See Part II.) 2. Unguentum Veratri. (External.) (See Part II.) 3. Vinum Veratri. Comp. Hellebore E 'v> sherry Oj. Dote. TT[ x-xv. 76 PURGATIVES. Purgatives. (Cathartics, Laxatives, Aperients, Eccoprotics, Drastics, Cholalogogues.) ALOE. (A. Spicata. The inspissated juice.) 1. Extractum Aloes Purificatum. Dose. Gr. ss-x. Use. Habitual costiveness, amennorhea, ascarides. [Note.—An invaluable aperient in small doses and when minutely divided. The " PilulsB ante cibum" of the Parisian Codex, is an ex- cellent form; viz. Al. opt. gr. xv, Mastlches et Fol. ros. rub. exsic. aa gr. v ; Syrup. Ab- sinth, q. s.; Divide in pil. xv. But a dose one half as strong often answers admirably ; e. g. I£. Ext. Al. pur. gr. x; Mastiches et Fol. Ros. rub. exsicc. aa. gr. xv ; Ol. Absinthii n|x, M. ft. pil. xx. To be taken cum prandio.] 2. Pulvis Aloes compositus. Comp. 3 aloes, 1 guaiacum, 2 pulvis cinnam. comp. Dose. Gr. v-x. Form. Powder, pill. 3. Pilul/E Aloes compositnE. Comp. 2 aloes, 1 extract of gentian, ol. carui et syrup, q. s. Dose. Gr. j-x. 4. PiluLnE Aloes cum Myrrha. (Rufus' Pills.) Comp. 2 aloes, i saffron, 1 myrrh, syr. q. s. Dose. Gr. j-x-xv. [Pilule Aloes et Ferri. (Ed. Ph.) PURGATIVES. 77 Comp. 2 aloes, 3 ferri sulph., 6 pulv. cinnam. comp., 8 confect. roses. Dose. Gr. v-x.] Use. In constipation with debility, suppressed catamenia. 5. PlLUL/E CaMBOGInE composite. Comp. 3 aloes, 2 camboge, 1 ginger, 4 soap. Dose. Gr. iij-x xv. Use. An active purge. 6. Pilule Sacapeni compositnE. (Baume de vie.) Comp. 16 sagapenum, 1 aloes, syrup of ginger q. s. Dose. Gr. v-x-xv. 7. Decoctum Aloes compositum. Comp. Extract of liquorice 3 vij, carbonate of potass 3 j, aloes 3 jss, myrrh 3jss, saffron 3jss, water f ^ xxx (boil down to f^xx), compound tinct. of cardam. f E vij. Dose, f E S8_U- Form. In other fluids, or simple. Incomp. Acids, salts, &c. (See Carbonate of Potass.) 8. Tinctura Aloes. Comp. Aloes J j, extract of liquorice £ iij, water Oiss, ale. Oss. Dose. 3ij-5j. Form. Single, or in other fluids. 9. Tinctura Aloes composita. (Elix. prop.) Comp. Aloes E iij» saffron § j, tincture of myrrh Oij. Dose. 3 j-ij. Form, la other liquids, with other purgatives. 78 purgatives. Use. Purgative, tonic, emmenagogue. 10. Vinum Aloes. Comp. Aloes E b cardam. and ginger each 3j, sherry Oj. Dose. § ss-ij. (Stomachic 3 j-ij.) Form. Simple, or in composition. 11. Enema Aloes. (See Part II.) CAMBOGIA. (Gum resin of Stalagmitis Cam- bogioides.) Dose. Gr. j-vj-x. Form. Pill, powder, solution (with carb. of potass, &.c.)—chiefly in composition. Use. In dropsy with torpid bowels, for taenia. 1. PiLULnE CaMBOGInE COMPOSITnE. Comp. 2 camboge, 3 aloes, 1 ginger, 4 soap. Dose. Gr. iij-x-xv. CASSIA. (Cassia Fistula. The pulp of the pods.) Dose. 3ij-§j. Form. Simple, but best in composition with other laxatives. (Not effective.) 1. Confectio CaSSInE. Comp. 6 cassia pulp, 2 manna, 1 tamarind pulp, syrup of rose, q. s. Dose. 3 ij—3 j- (Not effective—not very eligi- ble.) 2. Confectio Sen.XnE. (See Senna.) COLCHICUM. (The cormus and seeds of Meadow Saffron.) Uoe. Said to produce bilious stools. rURGATIVES. 79 1. Colchici Cormus. Dose and Form. Powder, gr. ij-viij. 2. Colchici Semina. Dose and Form. Powder, gr. ij—viij. 3. Tinctura Colchici. Comp. Colchicum seeds E iv> dil. ale. Oij. Dose. 71|x-xx- 3 ij. 4. Tinctura Colchici coMrosiTA. Com p. Colch. seeds § j, spir. ammonias arom, f?xx. Dose. Tl|x-xx- 3 ij. 5. Acetum Colchici. Comp. Fresh colchicum cormus E lb acet. dist. Oij, ale. f 5 j. Dose, f 3 ss-ij, in any mild fluid. Incomp. Alkalies. '6. Vinum Colchici. Comp. Colch. semin E lw> sherry Oij. Dose. IT1 x- 3 ss-ij. 7. Extractum Colchici Cormi. (Watery Ex- tract.) Dose. Gr. j-iij. 8. Extractum Colchici Aceticum. Dose. Gr. j-iij. (See Alteratives. Emetics.) COLOCYNTHIS. (Cucumis Colocynthis. The dried pulp of the fruit.) Use. A hydragogue cathartic. Dropsy. 1. Colocynthidis Pulp a. Dooe. Gr. j-iv-x. 80 PURGATIVES. Form. In powder, decoction, or infusion. manageable, seldom used.) 2. Extractum Colocynthidis. (Watery Ex- tract.) Dose. Gr. v-x. Form. Pill. (Keeps badly.) 3. Extractum Colocynthidis compositum. Comp. Coloc. E vb Pulv- aloes E x'j> scammony E iv, cardam E b saP°- hisp. § nj, ale. dil. gall.j. Dose. Gr. ij-v-x. Form. Pill, single or in combination. Use. In habitual costiveness. 4. Enema Colocynthidis. (See Part II.) ELATERIUM. (A fecula, from the fresh fruit of the Mormordica Elaterium) 1. Extractum Elaterii. (Inspissated juice.) Dose. Gr. TV-j- Form. Pill; aqueous solution. HELLEBORUS. (H. niger. The root.) Dose. Gr. iij- 3 j. (Rarely used.) 1. Tinctura Hellebori. Comp. Hellebore E iv, dil. ale. Oij. Form and Dose. u"[xx- 3 j. (Rarely used as pur- gative.) [Extractum Hellebori. (Watery Extract.) Dose. Gr. j-iij.] HYDRARGYRUM. 1. Hydrargyrum cum CretSI. Comp. 3 mercury, 5 chalk. Date. Gr. j-v (alterative), gr. v-xv (laxative). purgatives. 81 Form. Powder, pill. Incomp. Acids and acidulous salts. Use. For children. 2. Hydrargyri Chloridum. Calomel. Dose. Gr. ss-j (alterative), gr. j-x (purgative). Form. Pill, powder. Ineomp. Most salts, acids, and alkalies. Use. In cases where action on liver is desirable. 3. Pilul.e Hydrargyri. Comp. Mercury li, confect. rosae 1£, liquorice i. Dose. Gr. j-iij-v-x. 4. PilulnE Hydrargyri Chloridi composite. (Plummer's pill.) Comp. 1 chloride of mercury (calomel), 1 oxy- sulphurot of antimony, 1 treacle, 2 guaiac. Dose. Gr. iiss-v-x. JALAPA. (Ipomaea Jalapa. The root.) 1. Pulvis JalapnE. Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. Form. Powder, pill, bolus, single or (more gene- rally) combined. Use. Hydragogue cathartic. 2. Pulvis JalapnE compositus. Comp. 1 jalap, 2 bitartrate of potash (cream of tartar). Dose. 3j-3j. Form. Powder, mixture. Incomp. Alkalies and alkaline earths, mineral acids, &c. (See PotassnE Bitart.) 3. Extractum JalafnE. (Soft and hard.) 6 82 PURGATIVES. Dose. Gr. v-x-xv. Form. Pill, powder. 4. Tinctura JalapnE. Comp. Jalap § viij, dil. ale Oij. Dose. Sj-^ss. Fortn. In combination with other purgatives. MAGNESIA. 1. Magnesia. (Calcined magnesia.) Dose. Gr. x-xx- 3 ss-j. i Form. Powder, electuary, mixture. Use. In sick headache, acidity of primae viae. 2. MagnesInE Carhoxas. Dose. Gr. xv- 3 ij. Form. Powder, electuary, mixture. Incomp. Acids, alkalies, most salts, &c. Use. In cases requiring an antacid laxative. 3. MagnesInE Sulphas. (Epsom Salts.) Dose. 3 ij- E ISS- Fortn. In solution (an oz. of water dissolves an oz. of salt). Incomp. Muriates, nitrates, acetates, carbonates, &c. MANNA. (Ornus Europaea. The concrete juice.) DoSc. 3 j-iij- E1SS- Form. In solution, in milk, &c.; often with other purgatives. Use. For children, pregnant women. POTASSA. 1. Pqtassje Acet/ See Diuretics.) Dose. 3 ij-vj. (b.. .tic 3j-3j.) PURGATIVES. 83 Form. Tn solution (an oz. of water dissolves about 3viss.) liirnmp. Sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric acids, sulphates, &c. Use. In dropsies. 2. PotassnE Sulphas. Dose. Gr. xv- 3 j (alt. gr. v-x-xx.) Form. Powder, solution more rarely, (au oz. of water dissolves '24 grs). Inromp. Nitric and hydrocyan. acids, &c. Use. In visceral obstructions of children. 3. PotassnE Bisulpiius. (Potassae Supersulphas.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ij. Furm. Powder, solution (soluble in twice its weight of water), combined with rhubarb, &c. (Less used than No. 2.) Inromp. Alkalies, earths, carbonates, &c. I'sc. In constipation, with languid appetite. 4. PotassnE Tartras. Dose. 3 j— 5 j. Form. Solution (soluble when crystallized, in equal weights of water). Incomp. Most acids and salts. I rse. A cooling purge in febrile diseases. 5. Pot ass v. Bitartras. (Cream of Tartar.) Dose. 3 j—vj. Form. Solution, electuary, mixture. (Requires 120 parts of water to dissolve it.) Inromp. Alkalies and alkaline earths, mineral acids, &c. Use. In small doses, aperient; in large, hydra- gogue cathartic. 84 PURGATIVES. PRUNA. (Prunus domest. The dried fruit.) Form and Dose. As fruit, dressed or undressed. Decoction in composition. RHAMNUS. (Rhamnus Catharticus. Buck- thorn. The berries.) 1. Rhamni BaccnE. (Baccarum Succus.) Dose. Reeent berries 3j, dried berries 3 j, ex- pressed juice E b (Rarely used.) 2. Syrupus Rhamni. Comp. Buckthorn juice, ginger, pimenta, and sugar. Dose. 3 iij-5 j (rarely used ;) 3 j added to pur- gative draughts and electuaries. RHEUM. (Rheum Palmatum. Rhubarb. The root.) Use. Unites astringent with cathartic properties. In dyspepsia with constipation, in diarrhoea if purging indicated, in secondary stage of cholera infantum, in fecal accumulations during typhoid disease. 1. Rhei Pulvis. Dose. Gr. v-xxx. Form. Powder, pill, electuary, mixture. 2. Infusum Rhei. Comp. Rhubarb 3 i, water Oss. Dose, f E j-iij- (Stomachic, 3 ij—vj.) Incomp. Stronger acids. Metallic solutions, salts of iron, tart. emet. Inf. of cusparia bark, catechu, &c. 3. Tinctura Rhei composita. purgatives. 85 Comp. Rhubarb E ii®3* liquorice 3 vj, ginger 3 iij, saffron 3"j> proof sp. f E xl. Dose, f 3 ij- E i88- 4. Extractum Rhei. Dose. Gr. v.-xv. Fortn. Pill. Solution in aromatic water; 5. PilulnE Rhei uompositnE. Comp. Rhub. Eb aloes 3 vj, myrrh E S3» oh menth. pip. 3 ss, syr. aur. q. s. make 240 pills. Dose. Gr. v-xv. [Pulvis rhei compositus. Ed. Ph. (Gregory's Powder.) Comp. 1 ginger, 2 rhubarb, 6 magnesia.] RICINI OLEUM. (Ricinus communis. Oil of the seeds. Castor oil.) Dose. 3j-iss. Form. Pure, on some liquid. Emulsion with mu- cilage, &,c. Use. A mild and speedy cathartic, in fecal ac- cumulations, in colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, en- teritis. ROSA. (R. (Yntifolia. Damask rose. The pe- tals.) 1. Syrupus Ros.e. Comp. Sugared decoction. Dose. 3 ij—vj, (for infants). SAPO. (See Antacids.) SCAMMONIUM. (Convolvulus Scammonea. Scammony. The gum resin.) Dose. Gr. y-x. 86 PURGATIVES. Form. Fine powder triturated with sugar, &c. In solution. 1. Pulvis Scammonii compositus. Comp. 4 scammony, 4 ext. jalap, 1 ginger. Dose. Gr. v-xv. Form. Powder, pill, mixture, electuary. 2. Confectio Scammonii. Comp. 2 scammony, 1 cloves, 1 ginger, oil of carui and syrup, q. s. Dose. Gr. v-x-3j. 3. Extractum Colocynthidis compositum. (See Colocynth.) SENNA. (Cassia lanceolata, and C- obovata. The leaves.) Dose and Form. Powder 3 ss-ij. (Not much used.) Use. A prompt, efficient, and safe purge. 1. Infusum Senn.e compositum. Comp. Senna §j, coriander 3j, water Oj. Dose. f§j-iij. Mostly in composition. Incomp. Strong acids, metallic salts, lime water. 2. Confectio SennnE. (Lenitive Electuary.) Comp. Senna gviii, ,figs rbj, tamarinds rbss, cassia rbss, prunes rbss, coriander E iv, liquo- rice root § iii, sugar fbiiss, water Oiv. Dose. 3 j—iv. Use. Admirable in habitual costiveness. 3. Tinctura SennnE composita. Comp. Senna g iiiss, caraway 3 iiiss, cardamoms 3j, raisins § v, proof spirit f § xl. Dose. 3 j— g j. PURGATIVES. >v< 4. Syrupus Sf,nn.e. Comp. Senna 5" ij, fennel Eb sugar § xv, water Dose. (For children) f 3 j-iij. Use. For children. SODA. I. SodnE Phosphas. Dose. 3 ss-j .-is. Form. Dissolved in gruel or broth. Use. A mild purgative. 2. Sod^e Potassio-Tartras. (Soda Tartarisata. Rocholle salt.) Dose. 3 ij- 5 j. Form. Solution. Single or combined. (Soluble in 5 parts of water.) Inromp. Most acids and acidulous salts except bitartrate of potass. Use. A mild, cooling purge. [Xote. Seidlitz Powders. Blue Paper. Sod. pot. tart. 3 ij, sodse bicarb. 3ij. II liite Paper. Acid. tart. grs. xxxv.] 3. Sod.e Sulphas. (Glauber's salt.) Dose. 3 ij- 5 JS3. Form. Solution. (An. oz. of water dissolves 3 iiiss.) Tasto disguised by a little lemon juice or bitart. potassne. Incomp. Fixed alkalies and their carbonates. Use. An efficient cathartic. 4. SodnE Acetas. Dose. o.i-5s3- Incomp. Tlie mineral acids. 88 PURGATIVES. SULPHUR. (S. Sublimatum. Flowers of Sul- phur.) Dose. 3 j-ij. Form. Powder, electuary, suspended in milk, &c. Use. In haemorrhoids, chronic rheumatism, ca- tarrh, gout. TAMARINDUS. (Tamarindus Indica. The pulp of the legume.) Dose. 3 ss-ij, as an adjunct. Incomp. Salts of soda and potass. Use. Laxative and refrigerant. TEREBINTHINA OLEUM. (Distilled oil from the resin of Pinus Silvestris.) 1. TerebinthinnE Oleum purificatum. Dose. 3 j-iij- E ISS- Form. Floating on any fluid. Emulsion. Use. In ascarides, obstinate constipation, tym- panitis. 2. Enema TerebinthixnE. (See Part II.) TIGLII OLEUM. (Croton Tiglium. Croton Oil. Expressed from the seeds.) Dose. TT|_]-ss-j Form. Pill, with bread or any extract. Emulsion. Use. A powerful hydragogue cathartic. Mania, coma, obstinate constipation. VERATRUM. (White Hellebore.) (See Eme- tics.) REFRIGERANTS. 89 Refrigerants. (Antiphlogistic, Temperants, Febrifuges, Salines.) ACETUM. (Common Vinegar.) 1. Acf.tum Destillatum. (Distilled vinegar.) Dose, f 3 j-iij, with water and sugar. 2. Acidum Aceticum. (Seven times stronger than distilled vinegar.) Dose. TT^ij-x, largely diluted. ACIDUM CITRICI!M. Dose and Farm. Gr. x-3j, largely diluted in water, with sugar ; or with the alkalies in the form of saline draught. Incomp. Acids and alkalies. [Note.—The following quantities of alkaline carbonates are required to saturate a scruple of Acid. Cit.: Pot. bicarb, gr. xxix, pot. carb. gr. xxiv, ammon. sesquic. gr. xvij, carb. sodae gr. xij, sod. sesquic. gr. xxiv.—Pereira.] ACIDUM IIYDROCHLORICUM DILUTUM. Camp. Acid, hydrochlor. Eb water f^ iij. Dose. Tt]_v-xx, largely diluted. ACIDUM NITRICUM DII-UTUM. Comp. Acid, nitric. Eb water f§ ix. Dose. tt]_v-xx, largely diluted. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM DILUTUM. Comp. Acid, sulph. E b water § xiij. Dose. Ttl_v-xx, largely diluted. Incomp. Alkaline carbonates, metallic oxides. ACIDUM TARTARICUM. 90 REFRIGERANTS. Dose. 3ss-3j, dissolved in much water, also to saturate the alkalies for saline draughts. Incomp. Alkalies and their carbonates. ACETOSELLA. (Oxalis A. Wood sorrel.) Use. Infused in water, or boiled in milk to form whey. AMMONIA. 1. Liquor Ammonia Acetatis. Comp. Am. sesquic. 3ix (vel q. s.) acet. dest. f E xx. (A saturated solution.) Dose, f 3 iij—vj. Incomp. Acids and alkalies. [AmmoninE Citras. Amm. sesqui-carb. 3j. Acid, citric, gr. xxiv, vel succ. limon. 3 vj, vel acid. tart. gr. xxvj, aquae et sacch. q. s. (Sa- line draught.)] AURANTIUM. (Citrus A. Orange. The fruit.) LIMONES. (Citrus Limonum. The fruit.) 1. Succus Limonum. (Lemon juice.) Diluted as lemonade. [Artificial Lemon juice. Acid, citric. E viiiss, aquae destill. § xvj, ol. limon. TT[iv-x.] 2. Syrupus Limonum. Comp. Lemon juice 3" x, sugar § xv. Dose. 3 j-iij, added to aqueous fluids. MORA. (Morus nigra. The Mulberry. The fruit.) 1. Syrupus Mori. Comp. Mulberry juice § x, sugar § xv. REFRIGERANTS. 91 Dose. 3 j-iij, added to aqueous fluids. POTASSA. 1. Acet as PotassnE? Dose. 3i-3i> in diluent mixtures. 2. PotassnE Bitartras. (Cream of tartar.) Dose. 3 j-ij in water largely diluted, ad libitum. (Imperial: cream of tartar 3j) boiling water E xx, sugar, lemon-peel q. s. Cream of tartar whey: 3ij to E xx of boiling milk.) 3. Potass^: Nitras. (Nitre.) Dose. Gr. ij- 9j. Inromp. Sulph. acid, alkaline sulphates. 4. PotassnE Carbonas. 5. PotassnE Bicarbonas. Saline draughts. [(a) Pot. carb. 3j, acid. cit. gr. xvij, vel acid. tart. gr. xviij, vel succ. lim. § ss- (b) Pot. bicarb. 3j, acid. cit. gr, xiv, vel acid. tart. gr. xv, vel succ. lim. § iiiss.] PRUNA. (Prunes. The dried fruit.) (Emollients. Purgatives.) ROSA CANINA. (Dog-rose. The fruit—Hips.) 1. Confectio RosnE Canin.e. (Conserve of Hips.) Comp. 3 hip-pulp, 5 sugar. Dose and Form. A vehicle for pills, linctus, or electuary, ad libitum. RUMEX. Rumex acetosa. Sorrel. The leaves.) l.'sr. Infused in water, or to form whey. SODA. (Citrato and tartrate.) 92 STIMULANTS. 1. SodnE Carbonas. (Olim Subcarbonas.) 2. SodnE Sesquicarbonas. (Olim Carbonas.) Saline draughts. [(a) Sodae carb. 3j, acid citric, gr. x ; vel acid. tartar, gr. xj; vel succ. limon. 3 iiss. (b) Sodae sesquicarb. 9j, acid, citric, gr. xvij ; vel acid, tartar, gr. xviij ; vel succ. limon ^ss.] [Pulveres Effervescentes. (Ed. Ph.) Blue Paper. Bicarb, sodse, gr. xxxiij ; vel bicarb. pot. gr. xl. White Paper Acid. tart. gr. xxx.] TAMARINDUS. (T. Indica. The pulp.) UVA. (Raisins stoned. The dried fruit.) Sialogogues. Masticator ies. (See Stimulants, Alteratives, Narcotics.) ARMORACIA. PIPER. CARYOPHYLLUS. PYRETHRUM. HYDRARGYRUM. TABACUM. MEZEREUM. ZINZIBER. Stimulants. .(ETHER SULPHURICUS. Dose. u\xx-3j. STIMULANTS. 93 1. Spiritus jEtherib Sulphurici compositus. (Hoffman's anodyne.) Camp. ^Eth. sulph. Oss, spir. rect. Oj, aetherial oil 5iij. Dose. 3 ss-j. Use. To quiet nervous irritation. Added usefully to laudanum to prevent nausea. ALCOHOL. Sp. grav. -83o. Dose. 3ss-j. Note.—The words " proof spirit" occurring in the text are to be understood as of sp. grav. 0-920. Such formulae are unchanged from the London Dispensatory. 2. Spiritus Ti.nuior. (Dil. ale.) Sp. grav. '935. Comp. Alcohol and aq. dist., each 1 pint. Dose. 3 ij— 3 j- AMMONIA. 1. Liquor AmmoninE Fortior. Sp. grav. -882. (1 ammonia, 3 water—nearly.) Dose. HlV-xv, with water or milk. (Rarely used internally.) 2. Liquor Ammoxle. (1 ammonia, 9 water.) Sp. grav. -960. Dose. TT[x-xx. 3. AmmoninE Sesquicarbonas. (Olim A. Sub- CARBONAS.) Dose and Form. Gr. ij-x, in pill or liquid. Incomp. Acids and alkalies. 4. Liquor AmmoninE Sesquicarbonatis. Comp. Sesquic. of ammonia E b water 5 r. Dose. 3 ss-j. 94 STIMULANTS. 5. Spiritus AmmoninE. Comp. Ammonia, carbonic acid, spirit. Dose. 3ss-j- 6. Spiritus AmmoninE Aromaticus. Comp. The same, with cinnamon, cloves, and lemon peel. Dose. 3 ss-j. Use. In hysteria. 7. Spiritus Ammonia FnEtidus. Comp. The same, with assafaetida in place of cin- nam. &c. Dose. 3ss-j. 8. Linimentum AmmoninE. (See Part II.) 9. Linimentum AmmoninE Sesquicarbonatis. (See Part II.) 10. Tinctura Ammonite composita. (Eau de Luce.) (Antispasmodics.) Comp. Mastic 3ij> rect. spir. 3ix, oil of lavender TT|_xiv, oil of amber Tf|_iv, liquor ammon. fort. ?xx. Dose. 1TLv-xxx, in water. Incomp. Acids and earthy salts. ARMORACIA. (Cochlearea A. Horse-radish. The root.) Dose. 3 ss-rj, scraped. Use. In scorbutic affections. 1. Spiritus Armoraci.e compositus. Comp. Horse-radish, orange peel, nutmegs, proof spirit and water. Dose. . 3 j-iij. 2. Infusum ArmoracinE compositum. stimulants. 95 Comp. Horse-radish, mustard, each Eb water Oj. Dose. E j-'j- CAJAPUTI. (Melaleuca minor. The oil.) (An- tispasmodics.) Form and Dose. The oil, TTLij-xx on sugar or in emulsion. Use. In spasmodic affections of Stomach and bowels unconnected with inflammation. CARDAMINE. (C. Praetensis. The cuckoo- flower.) Dose. 3j-iij of the dried flowers. (Rarely used.) CREOSOTON. (Oxyhydrocarburet from py- roxylic oil.) Dose and Form. THJ-vj in spirit and water, cam- phor mixture, or mucilage. Incomp. Mineral acids. [Mistura Crf.osoti. (Edin. Ph.) Cum p. Creosot. et acid. acet. a a Tltxvj, spir. junip. comp. ot syrup, aa Eb water ^ xiv. Dose. E Ss_ij-J Use. Internally, as an expectorant. Externally to eruptions. SERPENTARIA. (Aristolochia S. Virginian Snakeroot. The root.) (Aromatics.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 ss. 1 Infusum Serpentarle. Comp. Serp. E ss> water Oj. Dose. E J-U- Use. In low forms of fever. 2. Tinctura Serpentarle. 96 STIMULANTS. Comp. Serp. E i"> dil. ale. Oij. Dose. 3 j-ij. SPIRITUS VINI GALLICI. (French Brandy.) Dose. 3 ij- E j- 1. Mistura Spiritus Vini Gallici. Comp. Ol. cinnamon Tt|_ij, 2 yolks of eggs, sugar E ss, French brandy and cinnamon water aa E iv- Dose. 3ij-x. (Egg Flip.) VINUM XERICUM. (Sherry Wine.) Dose. 3 ij- E i—ij- Ad libitum. From the Class of Aromatic Bitters, q. v. Absinthium. Acorus. Anthemis. 1. Infusum Anthemidis. 2. Oleum Anthemidis. Aurantii Cortex. 1. Infusum Aurantii compositum. 2. Tinctura Aurantii. 3. Confectio Aurantii. 4. Syrupus Aurantii. 5. Aquae Florum Aurantii. 6. Oleum Aurantii. Limonum Cortex. 1. Oleum Limonum, Contrajerva. stimulants. 97 Cusparia. 1. Infusum Cuspariae. Lupulus. 1. Infusum Lupuli. 2. Tinctura Lupuli. 3. Extractum Lupuli. Canella. Capsicum. 1. Tinctura Capsici. Cardamomum. 1. Tinctura Cardamomi. 2. Tinctura Cardamomi composita. Caryophyllus. 1. Oleum Caryophylli. Cinnamomum. 1. Pulvis Cinnamomi compositus. 2. Aqua Cinnamomi. 3. Tinctura Cinnamomi. 4. Tinctura Cinnamomi composita. 5. Oleum Cinnamomi. 6. Spiritus Cinnamomi. Cubeba. 1. Tinctura Cubebae. Myristica. 1. Oleum Myristicae. 2. Spiritus Myristicae. Pimenta. 1. Oleum Pimentffl. 2. Spiritus Pimentae. 3. Aqua Piment©. 7 98 STIMULANTS. Piper Longum. Piper Nigrum. 1. Confectio Piperis Nigri. Inula. Sinapis. Zinziber. 1. Tinctura Zinziberis. 2. Syrupus Zinziberis. 3. Extractum Zinziberis (not officinal). From Narcotics, q. v. Camphora. 1. Mistura Camphorae. 2. Tinctura Camphorae. 3. Tinctura Camphorae composita. ,j .. Linimentum CamphoraB. ( oca.) Linimentum C. compositum. Dulcamara ? Helleborus ? Nux Vomica. Strychnia ? Toxicodendron ? Veratrum ? From Antispasmodics, q. v. Castoreum. 1. Tinctura Castorei. Galbanum. 1. Pilulae Galbani composite, Moachus. 1 Mistura Moscbi STIMULANTS. Olibanum. Opoponax. Valeriana. 1. Tinctura Valeriana). 2. Tinctura Valerianae Ammoniata. Petroleum. Succinum. 1. Oleum Succini. From Carminatives, q. v. Anethum. 1. Aqua Anethi. Anisutn. 1. Oleum Anisi. 2. Spiritus Anisi. Carui. 1. Oleum Carui. 2. Spiritus Carui. 3. Aqua Carui. Coriandrum. Cyminum. Lavandula. 1. Oleum Lavandulae. 2. Spiritus Lavandulae. 3. Tinctura Lavendulae composita. Mentha Piperita. 1. Oleum Months Piperitae. 2. Spiritus Months Piperits. 3. Aqua Menths Piperita. Pulegium. 1. Oleum Pulegii. 100 STIMULANTS. 2. Spiritus Pulegii. 3. Aqua Pulegii. Mentha Viridis. 1. Oleum Menths Viridis. 2. Spiritus Menths Viridis. 3. Aqua Menths Viridis. Origanum. 1. Oleum Origani. Rosmarinus. 1. Oleum Rosmarini. 2. Spiritus Rosmarini. From Expectorants, q. v. Balsamum Peruvianum. Balsamum Tolutanum. 1. Tinctura Balsami Tolutani. 2. Syrupus Tolutanus. Myrrha. 1. Tinctura Myrrhs. Copaiba. From Emmenagogues, q. v. Ergota. Ruta. 1. Confectio Ruts. Sabina. From Diuretics, q. v. Cantharis. Chimaphila ? 1. Decoctum Chimaphils. Terebinthina Vulgario. TONICS. 101 Terebinthina Canadensis. Oleum Terebinthina. Spiritus jEtheris Nitrici. Tonics. MINERAL TONICS. (Acids, Earths, Metals.) ACIDUM ARSENICUM. (White Arsenic.) Dose. Gr. TV~i 'n P'"8 w'tn bread, (after a meal.) Incomp. Acids, earths, bitter infusions. 1. Liquor PotassnE Arsenitis. (Liquor Arseni- calis. Fowler's Solution.) Comp. Arseuious acid, carb. of pot. aa grs. Ixiv, compound tinct. lavender § ss, water q. s. Dose. TT^iij-xx. Use. In intermitte its. le: ra, cephalalgia. ACIDUM IIYDROCHLORICUM. (A. Muria- ticum. Liquid hydrochloric acid.) Dose. TT[v-x in aqueous fluins. Incomp. Alkalies, earths, &c. 1. Acidum IIydrochloricum dilutum. (Dilute Muriatic Acid.) Comp. Acid 1 part, water 3 parts. Dose. TT[x- 3 ss, in aqueous fluids. (See Refrigerants.) ACIDUM NITRICUM. (Strong or fuming Nitric Acid.) Dose. TTxj—x. (Rarely used.) 102 tonics (mineral). 1. AdDUM NlTRICUM DILUTUM. Comp. Acid 1 part, water 9 parts. Dose. TT[x-3ss. Incomp. Acids, earths, sulph. of iron, &c. [Note. The Nitro-muriatic bath. Acid. hydrochlor. 2 parts, acid. nit. 1 part, water 3 parts.— E 'J °f thi8 dilute acid to a gallon of water, ^ee Refrigerants.)] ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. (Aqueous Sul- phuric Acid. Oil of Vitriol.) 1. AciDUM SULPHURICUM DILUTUM. Comp. Acid 1 part, water 13. Dose. TT[x-3ss, in aqueous fluids. As gargle 3 i-ij in E viij- Incomp. Earthy oxides, alkaline carbonates. Use. For colliquative sweats, hemorrhages. ARGENTI NITRAS. (Argentum Nitratum.) Lunar Caustic.) Dose. Gr. -^—Iij in pill, with bread crumb or vegetable powder. 1. Liquor Argenti Nitratis. Comp. Argent, nit. 3 j, water Eb (A test.) Use. Epilepsy, chorea, angina pectoris. BARII CHLORIDUM. (Muriate of Baryta.) Used chiefly in the form of— 1. Liquor Barii Chlorida. Comp. Chloride of B. § i, water E "j- Dose. TT[x-3ss, in distilled water. Incomp. Undistilled water, earths, and alkaline salts and sulphates. Use. In scrofula and cancer. TONICS (mineral). 103 BISMUTHI TRISNITRAS? Dose and Form. Gr. v-9j, in pill or powder. Use. In chronic diseases of the stomach. CALCII CHLORIDUM. (Muriate of Lime.) Used in solution as— 1. Liquor Calcii Chloridi. Comp. Chloride of lime 1 part, water 25 parts. Dose. Tf]_xx-3iss. (See Alteratives.) Use. In scrofula, tabes mesenterica. CUPRUM? 1. Cupri Sulphas. Dose. Gr. l-'iss, in pill. 2. Cupri Ammonio Sulphas. (C Ammoniatum.) Ammoniato of copper.) Dose. Gr. ss-v, in pill. 3. Liquor CuprI Ammonio Sulphatis. Comp. Ammonio-sulph. of copper 3j, water f"! xv. Dose. 3 j —ij - Externally as lotion and (diluted) collyrium. Incomp. Acids and alkalies. FERRUM. 1. Ferri Sesquioxydum. (Ferri oxydum, F. car- bonas, F. subcarbonas, F. rubigo.) Dose and Form. Gr. x- 3 ij, as an electuary with syrup, treacle, and with aromatics. Incomp. Acids and acidulous salts. Use. As a general tonic, especially in ansmic condition. 2. Ferri Ammoxio-Chloridum. (F. ammonia- tum.) 104 tonics (mineral). Dose. Gr. iij- 3j in powder, or pill with extracts. (Little used.) 3. Tinctura Ferri Ammonio-Chloridi. Comp. F. Am. chlor. § iv, proof spir. f E xx. Dose. 3 ss-ij. (Little used.) 4. Tinctura Ferri Sesquichloridi. (Tinct. Ferri muriatis.) Comp. F. subcarb. rbss, acid, hydrochlor. Oj, ale. Oiij. Dose. n|v-x-3j, in simple liquids. Incomp. Alkalies and their carbonates, astringent vegetable infusions, gum Arabic. Use. A general tonic with special tendency to- wards the urinary organs. 5. Ferri Iodidum. Comp. A deliquescent salt: iron 14, iodine 63-3, water 22-7 in 100 parts. Dose. Gr. ij-vj, in distilled water with tinct. (with iron wire.) Incomp. Acids, alkalies, vegetable infusions, &.c (Should always be kept ready in solution, else it is never neutral.) (See Deobstruents or Alteratives.) 6. Ferri Percyanidum. (Hardly used medici- nally.) 7. Potassii Ferrocyanidum. (Do.) 8. Ferri Sulphas. Dose. Gr. j-v, in pill, with extracts or aromatic confection. 9. Mistura Ferri composita. (Griffith's mixture.) tonics (vegetable). 105 Comp. Myrrh 3j, carb. of potash gr. xxv, sul- phate of iron 3j, sugar 3j> spirit of lavender E ss, rose water E vijss. Dose. E ss-ij* simple or with aromatics. Incomp. Acids, acidulous salts, bitters. Use. In chlorosis, menstrual derangement, hectic. 10. PilulnE Ferri compositnE. Comp. 1 sulphate of iron, 1 carbonate of soda, syr. q. s., 2 myrrh. (The sulphate is decom- posed.) Use. A good emmenagogue. 11. Ferri Potassio-Tartras. (F. Tartarisatum.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss in pill, bolus, or solution in car- minative water. ZINCUM. Use. For cases of debility attended with irritation. 1. Zinci Oxydum. (Flores Zinci.) Dose. Gr. j-vj, in pill or powder. 2. Zinci Sulphas. Dose. Gr. j-v, in pill. VEGETABLE TONICS. BITTER TONICS. CALUMBA. (Cocculus Palmatus. Root.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ; in powder. Use. In decline of remittent, cf dysentery, of cholera. 1. I.XI'USUM CaLUMBnE. Comp. Calumba E **> water Oj. Dose. E j-»j- , , Incomp. Bichloride of mercury, lime water- 106 TONICS (vegetable). 2. Tinctura CalumbnE. Comp. Calumba E iv> dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3j-iv (added to bitter infusions and effer- vescent draughts). CENTAURIUM. (Erythrsa C. The flowers and leaves.) Dose and Form. Of the powder, 3j-3j. In- fusion ( E ij- E x water) E i_iJ- Use. In debilitated states of the stomach. CINCHONA, (a. C. Cordifolia, Yellow bark. b. C. Lancifolia, Pale bark. c. C. Oblongifolia, Red bark. Dose. Powder, gr. x- 3 ij. Use. Intermittent fever, whenever a permanent corroborative effect is desired, provided the sto- mach be in a proper state. 1. Infusum ClnchonnE. Comp. Cinchona (lancifol.) Eb water Oi. Dose, f E j-ij- Incomp. Lime water, tart, emet., sulphate of zinc and iron. 2. Decoctum CinchoNnE CordifolinE. (Olim Decoctum CinchonnE.) 3. Decoctum Cinchon.e LancifolinE. 4. Decoctum CinchonnE Oblongifolie. Comp. Cinchona E b water Oj. Dose. § j-ij. i Incomp. Lime water, tartar emetic, suiphate of iron. 5. Tinctura CinchonnE. tonics (vegetable). 107 Comp. C. cord. E vj, dil. ale. Oij. Dose. f3j-3"ss. 6. Tinctura Cixciiox.e composita. (Huxham's Tincture.) Comp. Cinchona (lane.) 3" ij, orange peel 3" iss, serpentarv 3 iij, saffron 3j, red saunders 3j, dil. ale. f E xx. Dose, f 3 j-iv. 7. Extractum CinchonnE CordifolinE. (Olim Extract. CinchonnE.) 8. Extractum Cinchon/E LaxcifolinE. 9. Extractum CinchonnE OblongifolinE. Comp. Watery extract. Dose. Gr. x-xx. Form. Pill, solution in water, &c, syrup of mul- berries, (for children.) 10. Qui.x.e Disulphas. (Sulphate of quinine.) Camp. From the C. cordifolia. Dose. Gr. ss-x. Form. Pill, with conserve of roses, powder with sugar. Solution, in acidulated liquids, water, alcohol or syrup. [The best vehicle is distilled water, slightly acidulated. It is little soluble in pure water; more so in spirit. Soluble in 780 parts of cold water, or bO parts of spirit of sp. gr. 0-85. (Pe- reira.) Very soluble in sulph. acid. A drachm of acid, sulph. dil. will dissolve gr. xx. A con- venient strong solution is made by dissolving gr. j. in water 3j, by the addition of acid. sulph. dil. lujj- When infusion of roses is 1UB tonics (vegetable). used as a vehicle, dilute nitric acid should be used in place of sulphuric, and in the propor- tion of half as much more as of the sulphuric. The nitric acid keeps the tannate of quinine in solution, and keeps the mixture clear. (Mr. Squire, in Pharm. Jour.)] Use. Preferable to cinchona from convenience of administration. Possesses more anti-intermit- tent and less tonic property than cinchona. GENTIANA. (G. Lutea. The root.) Dose. Powder gr. x- 3 ss. (Not much used.) Use. In dyspepsia, gout, worms, intermittent. 1. Infusum GentiannE compositum. Comp. Gentian 3" ss, orange peel 3i, coriander 3j, dil. ale. E iyj water 3" xij. Dose. §j-ij. Incomp. Sulphate of iron and zinc. 2. Mistura GentiannE composita. Comp. Inf. gent. comp. f E vj, inf. senns comp. f E iij, tinct. card. c. f E j- Dose, f 3 x— § ij. 3. Tinctura GentiannE composiTnE. Comp. Gentian ^ii, orange peel 3 j, cardam. ^ss, dil. ale. Oij. Dose, f 3 ss-ij. 4. Extractum Gentians. (Watery extract.) Dose. Gr. x- 3 ss. MENYANTHES. (M. trifoliata. Buckbean. The leaves.) Form and Dose. Powder Bj- 3 ss; infusion ( 3" j-to E xx of water) 3" j-iss; extract (not much used). Use. Unites a cathartic with tonic property. tonics (vegetable). 109 QUASSIA. (Q. excelsa. The wood.) Dose and Form. Gr. x- 3 ss of the powder. (Rarely used.) 1. Infusum QuassinE. Comp. Quassia 3 ij, cold water Oj. Dose, f E j-ij- Incomp. Lead, silver. (May be used with chaly- beates.) Use. A pure bitter. In dyspepsia from debility of stomach, in remission of fever. SIMARUBA. (S. officinalis. The bark of the root.) Dose. 3ss-3ss in powder. (Rarely used.) Use. Mostly in Europe. Dysentery. 1. I.XFUBUM SlMARUB/E. Comp. Simaruba 3 iij, water E xx- Dose. E j-ij- Incomp. Alkalies and their carbonates, lime water. 110 PART II. REMEDIES FOR EXTERNAL AND LOCAL USE. Cataplasmata. Poultices. EMOLLIENT. SEDATIVE. 1. Cataplasma Lini. Linseed-meal poultice. Comp. Boiling water f E xx> linseed meal q. s. 2. Cataplasma Conii. Hemlock poultice. Comp. Boiling water E xx> extract, conii 3 >j» linseed meal q. s. 3. [Cataplasma Aluminis. Ph. Dub. Alum poul- tice. Comp. White of two eggs, alum 3j.] stimulant, antiseptic. 1. Cataplasma Sinapis. Mustard poultice. Comp. Powdered mustard and linseed meal, ol each E v, boiling vinegar q. s. 2. Allium. Garlic. Boiled to a proper consist- ence. 3. Cataplasma Fermenti. Yeast poultice. Camp. Flour E x\j» yeast of beer j x. IRRITANTS. Ill 4. [Cataplasma Carbonis Lini. Ph. Dub. Char- coal poultice. Comp. Charcoal q. s., added to linseed or oatmeal poultice.] 5. [Cataplasma Dauci. Carrot poultice. Ph. Dub. The carrot boiled to a proper consistence.] Caustica. Vesicantia. Irritantia. (Caustics. Blisters. Counter-irritants.) 1. PotassnE Hydras. (Olim P. Fusa.) 2. Potassa cum Calce. Less deliquescent than the preceding. 3. Argenti Nitras. •1. Acidum Aceticum. 5. Emplastrum Cantharidis. Comp. 1 lard, 2 cantharides, 3 emplast. cers. 6. Acetum Cantharidis. Comp. Cantharides §j> acid. acet. E x- 7. [Tela Vesicatoria. Charta Vcsicatoria. More elegant and equally effective preparations. Can- tharadin, &c] 8. Ceratum Cantharidis. Comp. Powdered cautharides Ibj, yellow wax and lard each E viij. 9. Unguentum Cantharidis. Comp'. 1 decoct, canthar., 2 cerat. reeinro. 112 IRRITANTS. 10. Ceratum SabinnE. Comp. Savine E lb resin cerate rbj. 11. [Unguentum Mezerei. Amer. Ph. Comp. Mezereon § iv, lard E xiv> wax E ij-] 12. Unguentum Antimonii Potassio-Tartratis. Tartar-emetic ointment. Comp. Ant. pot. tart. 3ij, lard Eb 13. Euphorbium. Mixed with turpentine or Bur- gundy pitch. 14. Capsicum. Added to Cataplasms. 15. Mezereon. The bark softened in hot vinegar. 16. Piper Nigrum. Mixed with sinapisms or cataplasms. 17. Ruta. In substance, as a cataplasm. [moxas. Substances for producing counter-irritation by being burnt on the part. They are composed of various materials, and may be composed of any that will burn down slowly, such as cotton, the pith of plants, agaric, German tinder, &c. Percy used an artillery match. Larrey's moxa was a truncated cone of cotton stitched in linen, about four lines wide and six lines high. Dr. Sadler's, of St. Petersburg, are composed of the pith of the sunflower, cotton, and linen, steeped in a solution of nitre. Grafe employed wafers dipped in three parts of oil of turpentine and one part of sther.] 113 Ccrala et Unguenta. Ointments. emollient, defensive. 1. Ceratum. Comp. Wax and olive oil, equal parts. 2. Ceratum CalamiNnE. (Turner's cerate.) Comp. Calamine, wax, aa rbss, lard rbij. 3. Ceratum Cetacei. Spermaceti cerate. Comp. Cetac. ^ j, cers § iij, ol. oliv. f E vj. 4. Ceratum Plumbi Acetatis. Comp. Plumb, acet. 3 ij, cers E ij> °1- °nv. ?viij. 5. Ceratum Plumbi compositum. (Goulard's ce- rate.) Comp, Liq. plumb, diacet. f^iiss, cers fiv, ol. oliv. f E ix, camphors 3 ss. 6. Ceratum Saponis. Comp. Sol. subacetate of lead Oij, wax E x> olive oil Oj, soap E vj- 7. Unguentum Cetacei. Comp. Spermaceti 3vj, wax 3 ij, ol. oliv. 3* iij. 8. Unguentum Sambuci. (Elder ointment.) Comp. Elder flowors and lard, equal parts—boil and strain. 9. Unguentum Zinci. Comp. 1 oxide of zinc, 6 lard. STIMULANT. DIGESTIVE. 1. Ceratum ResiNnE. (Basilicon.) Comp. Resin 5* v, wax 3 ij, lard E viij, 2. Unguentum Creosoti. Comp. Creosote 3 ss, lard E b H 114 OINTMENTS. 3. Unguentum Elemi. Comp. Elem. § vj, turpentine § v, suet § xij, ol. oliv. f^ij. 4. Unguentum GallnE compositum. Comp. Powdered galls 3 ij, lard §ij, opium 3ss. 5. Unguentum Hydrargyri Ammonio-chloridi- (White precipitate ointment.) Comp. Hydr. am. chlor. (white precipitate) 3j, ung. simp. 3 igs- 6. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. (Citrine ointment.) Comp. Mercury Eb ac- nu:- 3xj, fresh neat's foot oil f E ix, lard § iij. 7. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitrico-oxidi. (Red precipitate ointment.) Comp. 1 hyd. nit. ox., 8 ung. simp. 8. Unguentum Picis Liquidi. (Tar ointment.) Comp. Suet and tar, equal parts. 9. Unguentum Picis Nigri. (Pitch ointment.) Comp. Pitch, wax, resin aa § ix, ol. oil § xvj. 10. Unguentum Plumbi compositum. Comp. Cret. prsp. E 1V> acet. destil. E iij> em" plast. plumb. E xviij> ol. oliv. E x- alterative, discutient. 1. Ceratum Hydrargyri compositum. Comp. 4 unguent, hyd. fort., 4 cerat. sap., 1 cam- phor. 2. Unguentum Hydrargyri fortius. Comp. 24 mercury, 23 lard, 1 suet. 3. Unguentum Hydrargyri mitius. OINTMENTS. 115 Comp. 1 unguent, hyd. fort., 2 lard. 4. Unguentum Hydrargyri Iodidi. Comp. 1 iod. of mere, 2 wax, 6 lard, 5. Unguentum Hydrargyri Biniodidi. Comp. 1 biniod. of mere, 2 wax, 6 lard. (More active than the preceding.) G. Unguentum Ioijinii. Comp. Iodine 3j, lard 3" j, ale ir[xx. 7. Unguentum Iodinii compositum. Comp. Iodine 3ss, iod. of potass. 3j, lard 3"ij ale 3j. 8. Unguentum Plumbi Iodidi. Cotnp. 1 iodide of lead, 8 lard. specific. 1. Unguentum Sulphuris. Comp. Sulphur rbj, lard Ibij- 2. Ux(iuu.NTUM Sulphuris compositum. Comp. Sulphur §j, ammon. mere et acid ben- zoinic aa 3j, ol. borgamot et acid sulph. aa f3j, nit. pot. 3 ij, lard rbss. 3. Uxguf.ntum Veratri. Comp. White hellebore E % lard E viij, ol. limon. NIXX. SEDATIVE. ANTISPASMODIC. [1. Unguentum Veratria. Veratria 9j, olive oil 3j, lard 3vij. 2. Unguentum Aronitina. Aconit. gr. iv, ol. oliv. 3ss, lard Eb 3. Unguentum Belladonna}. Extr. Bell. 3 j-ij, lar 1, or spermaceti ointment §j.] 116 Emplastra. Plasters. stimulant. discutient. 1. Emplastrum Ammoniaci. Comp. Ammoniacum E v, distil, vinegar Oss. 2. Emplastrum Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro. Comp. Ammoniac. E xU> mercury E iij> oil and sulphur q. s. 3. Emplastrum Galbani. Comp. Galbanum E lb emplast. plumb. §* ix, turpentine 3 iiss, resin 3 vj. 4. Emplastrum Hydrargyri. Comp. Mercury §vj, emplast. plumb, rbj, olive oil and resin, each 3 ij- anodyne. emollient. 1. Emplastrum BelladonnnE. Comp. Extr. belladonns § iss, emplast. resins §"j- 2. Emplastrum Opii. Comp. Opium E U> pic- Burgund. E iij» emplast. plumb, ifej, water § iv. adhesive, defensive. 1. Emplastrum CernE. Comp. 1 resin, 3 wax, 3 suet. 2. Emplastrum Plumbi. Comp. Semivitrif. ox. plumb, rbv, olive oil Cong, j, water Oij. 3. Emplastrum Saponis. Comp. Soap foss, emplast. plumbi. Jbijj. ALVINE INJECTIONS. 117 4. [ Court plaster. Solution of isinglass on silk, and tincture of benzoin. 5. Liston's plaster. A solution of isinglass on oiled silk.] Enemata. Alvine Injections. cathartic. stimulant. 1. Enema Aloes. Comp. Aloes 3ij, carb. potass, gr. xv, decoct. hordei E x- 2. Enema Colocynthidis. Cotnp. Extract, coloc. c. 9ij, soap ?j, water 5x*. 3. Enema Terebinthin/E. Comp. Ol. terebinth. |j> yolk of eggs, q. s., hot water ?xix. 4. [Enema Catharticum. Ph. Dub. Comp. Manna- §j, magnes. sulph. § ss, ol. oliv. Eb decoct, anthem. E x-] 5. [Enema RutnE. Comp. Confect. Ruts E b decoct, hord. ^vj-] sedative. emollient. 1. Enema Opii. Comp. Tinct. opii 3 ss, decoct, of starch § iv. 2. Enema Tabaci. Comp. Tobacco 3 j, boiling water E xx- 3. [Enema F.etidum Ed. Dub. Comp. Enema cathart. ?xij, tinct. assaf. 3ij.] 4. [Enema Emolliens. (Decoct, malvs comp.) Comp. Mallow 5 j, chamomile 5 ss, water § xx, —boil and strain.J 118 The Endermic Method. This consists in applying medicines in fine pow- der, pure or mixed into a paste with lard, gelatine, or cerate, to a blistered surface. The following medicines, among many others, have been used in this manner, and in the doses mentioned: Morphia, and its salts Strychnia Aconitina Extract, belladonns Quins disulphas Moschus gr- i-U- gr- 4-J- gr- tV-s- gr. ij-v. gr. ij-vj. gr. iv-viij. Gargarismata. Gargles. used undiluted. 1. Decoctum CinchonnE. 2. Decoctum Quercus. 3. Infusum Catechu compositum. 4. Infusum CinchonnE. 5. Infusum RosnE compositum. used diluted. 6. Linimentum ^Eruginis. 7. Mel Boracis. 8. Tinctura Gall^e. 9. Tinctura Capsici. 10. Tinctura Kino. 11. Tinctura MyrrhnE. 119 Linimenta. Embrocationes. Fomen- tations. Lotiones. STIMULANT. 1. Linimentum AmmoninE. (Stronger liniment.) Comp. 1 liquor ammonis, 2 olive oil. 2. Linimentum AmmoninE Sesquicarbonatis. (Weaker liniment.) Comp. 1 liq. amm. sesquicarb., 3 olive oil. 3. [Linimentum AmmoninE compositum. Comp. Liq. ammonis E v> tinct. camph. 3" ij, spir. rosmar. Eb Pb- Ed.] [The preceding formula is an imitation of Dr. Granville's antidynous lotions, which are, a. Lotio Ammoniata mitior. Comp. Liq. amnion, fortiss. Eb spir- rosmar. 3 vj, spir. camph. 3 ij. b. Lotio Ammoniata fortior. Cotnp. Liq. ammon. fortiss. 3 x, spir. rosmar. E ss, spir. camph. 3 ij.] 4. Linimentum CamphornE. Comp. Camphor 3" ss, olive oil E ij- 5. Linimentum CamphornE compositum. Comp. Camphor 3" iiss, liq. ammonis 3" viiss, spir. lavand. 3" xx. 6. Linimentum Hydrargyri compositum. Cotnp. Unguent, hyd. fort. 3" iv, lard 3 iv, cam- phor E b liq- ammon. 3" iv. 7. Linimentum Saponis. Comp. Soap E UJ> camphor 5" j, oil rosmar. f 3j, ol. origan, f 3j, alcohol Oj. 120 LINIMENTA, etc. 8. Linimentum TerebinthinnE. Comp. Oil of turpentine Oss, cerat. resin Ibj. 9. Oleum Cajaputi. Comp. Simple, or mixed with olive oil. 10. [Linimentum Crotonib. Comp. 1 croton oil, 5 olive oil.] refrigerant. 1. Liquor Plumbi Diacetatis. (Goulard.) 2. Liquor Plumbi Diacetatis dilutus. Comp. Liq. pi. diacet. f 3 ij, dist. water Oj. 3. [Lotio Ammonia Hydrochloratis. (Muriate of ammonia wash.) Comp. Ammon. hydrochlor. §j-ij, aqus vel aceti E x'j> spir- rect; E iy-] sedative, emollient. 1. Decoctum Papaveris. Comp. Poppy heads Eb water fjxx,—boil 15 minutes. 2. Linimentum Opii. Comp. 1 tinct. opii, 3 liniment, saponis. 3. Decoctum MalvnE compositum. Comp. Mallow Eb chamomile ^ss> water f i xx. [Embrocatio Aconitina. Aconit. gr. viij, spir. rect. E ij- Embrocatio Aconiti. Extract. Aconiti E ss ad Eb alcohol Eli tere bene et cola. This answers well, and is only one-sixth part the price of the preceding]. linimenta, etc. 121 astringent. 1. Liquor Aluminis compositus. Comp. Alum 3 ij, sulph. zinci 3»j» water f E xv. 2. Liquor Calcis. Comp. Lime E IV> dist. water Cong. j. 3. Decoctum Quercus. Cum p. Oak bark Eb water Oiss—boil to Oj. for wounds and skin diseases. 1. Linimentum jEruginis. Comp. 1 verdigris, 7 vinegar, 14 honey. 2. Liquor Cupri A.mmonio-sulpiiatis. Cum p. Cupri am. sulph. 3 ss, water § x. 3. Decoctum Veratri. Cam a. Verat. alb. 3 x, water 3 xl> (boil to §xx), spir. rect. E "j- 4. [Linimentum Calcis. (Carron oil.) Comp. Equal parts of lime water and linseed oil.] 5. [Lotio Flava. (Aqua Phagedenica.) Comp. Ilydrarg. bichlor. gr. ij, aqus calcis lb] 6. [Lotio Nigra. (Black wash.) Comp. Calomel 9j, liq. calcis § vj.] 7. [Lotio Hydrocyanica. Acid, hydroc. dilut. 3j, water § ij.] 122 Pulveres. Powders. desiccant. astringent. stimulant. 1. Calamina PrnEtarata. 2. Creta PrnEparata. 3. Alumen Exsiccatum. 4. Rhei Pulvis. 5. Hydrargyri Nitrico-oxidum. 6. Hydrargyri Chloridum. Inhalation. Medicines are applied to the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, in several ways. 1. Diffused in the air of the chamber, and thus inhaled in ordinary respiration. The vapour of water (steam), the fumes of tar, resin, myrrh, &e, are thus applied. 2. Mixed with water in a close glass vessel having two tubes inserted into it, the one admit- ting the air and passing it through the mixture, the other inserted into the patient's mouth, through which the air of the vessel is drawn into the lungs. Chlorine gas, tincture of iodine, of conium, &e, are thus inhaled. 3. By means of the apparatus called " Mudge's Inhaler," or a greatly improved modification of this by Dr. Harwood, having a mouthpiece, which renders the process of inhalation much easier. Warm, watery vapours, in which various medica- ments may be diffused or developed, are thus ap- plied to the air-passages. PART III. I. POISONS AND COUNTERPOISONS. Corrosive and Irritant Poisons. Arsenic. The strong Mi neral Acids. Nitric A. Muriatic A. Sulphuric A. TREATMENT."' (Sulphas Zinci. Sinapis Pulvis. Ipecacuanha.) The stomach-pump. Emetics. Milk in copious draughts. Oil and lime water in equal parts. Mucilage. Flour and water. Hy- drated oxide of iron, recently pre- pared. {Ferri sesquioxydum Lond. Carbonas Ferri pracipitatis Ed. Ferri carbonas Dub.) Magnesia, chalk, whiting, in milk or water, mucilaginous or soapy liquid in large quantities. * In this table the primary or immediate treat- ment is alone, in general, noticed. 124 poisons and Oxalic Acid. The strong or Caustic Alkalies. Ammonia. Potassa. Soda. Lime. Antimony, Salts of. Tartar Emetic. Butter of Anti- mony. Baryta. Barii Ohlo- ridum. Carbonas Ba- rytae. Copper, Salts of. Aee ate. Carl onate. Nitrate. Sulphate. Iodine. treatment. Stomach-pump. Mechanical irri- tation of the fauces. Magnesia, chalk, whiting, in small quantities of liquid. Muriaje of lime diluted. Stomach-pump. Emetics, Di- luents. Demulcents. Olive oil. Diluted vinegar, lemon-juice, or citric acid, ad libitum. Copious draughts of warm water. Watery infusions containing gallic acid. Infusion of galls, oak bark, gentian, cascarilla, calumba, cin- chona flava, kino, catechu. Alkaline sulphates. Sulphate of soda or magnesia. Stomach-pump. Sulphate of 'soda or magnesia mixed with acetic acid. Demulcents. Albumen. Raw eggs. Flour and water. Milk, Emetics. Stomach-pump. Tepid demulcents. Flour, sago, arrow- rbot.1 COUNTERPOISONS. 125 POISONS. Lead, Salts of. Carbonate. Mercury. Salts of. Bichloride (corrosive S.) Bicyanide. Iodide. Nitro-oxide. Nitre. Phosphorus. Silver, Salts of. Nitrate (lunar caustic). Tin. Salts of. Chloride (dyer's liquid). Zinc, Salts of. Sulphate. TREATMENT. Emetics. Stomach-pump. Al- kaline sulphates, especially S. magnesias. Sulphate of soda mixed with acetic acid. Albumen, or beaten eggs in large quantity. Flour and water in stiff paste (gluten). Milk. Warm demulcents, Stomach- pump. Cold water. Magnesia, sac. as for the mineral acids. Chloride of sodium (common salt) in large quantity of water. Stomach-pump. Stomach-pump. Emetics, Di- luents. Demulcents. Milk, &c. Demulcents. Diluents. Milk. Albumen. 126 POISONS AND Narcotic and Narcotico-Acrid Poisons. Gaseous Poisons Carbonic acid. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Carburetted Hydrogen. Opium. Morphia, &c. Hydrocyanic Acid. Oil of Bitter Almonds Oil and Water of Cherry-laurel. TREATMENT. The open air. Semi-erect posi- tion. Cold water to the face and neck, if the surface is warm.— Mechanical excitement of respira- tion by manipulating the thorax and abdomen. Feet in hot water. V. S. cucurb. nuchae. Flagellation. Lin. camph. comp. to chest. Stomach-pump. Emetics. Me- chanical irritation of the fauces. External excitation. Blows on the palms and soles. Semi-erect posi- tion. Mechanical excitement of respiration. Cold affusion to the head and face. Feet in hot water. V. S. cucurb. nuchas. Internal stimulants. Ammonia. Coffee. Vegetable acids. Same as in opium. Inhalation of vapour of ammonia much di- luted. Cold affusion. Mixed ox- ides of iron, obtained by precipi- tating solution of green sulphate with potash. Same a« in hydrocyanic acid. The same. COUNTERPOISONS. 127 POISONS. Aconitum Na- pellus (Aconite). Agaricus. Alcohol (Coma- tose Intoxica tion). Atropa Bella- donna, (Deadly Nightshade). Cicuta Virosa, (Water Hem- lock). Conium Macu latum, (Spotted Hemlock). CEnanthe Apfo- lia. CEnanthe Cro cata. Cocculus Indi- cus. Colchicum. Digitalis. Ergota. Hellcborus ger, (Black Hellebore). Nux Vomica. Stramonium. Strychnine. Tobacco. A'eratrum Al bum, (White Hellebore) Xi- TREATMENT. The general treatment in poison- ing by the other simple narcotics and acrid narcotics in this list, is the same as in cases of opium and hydrocyanic acid ; the chief differences depending on the amount of local irritation produced, and the consequent administration of refrigerants, mild opiates, &c. Emetics, and stomach-pump. (In poisoning from digitalis, the recumbent posture to prevent syn- cope.) 128 TEMPERATURE OP BATHS. Acrid Poisons. Brionia Dioica, (Wild Vine). Cantharides. Elaterium. Euphorbium. TREATMENT. Vomiting by ipecacuanha and irritation of the fauces. Copious use of diluents and demulcents. Opiates to relieve pain, mild cor- dials, &c II. TEMPERATURE OF BATHS. WATER, VAPOUR. Whole Bath. Not breathed. Breathed. Cold Bath........ 33°—63° Cool Bath........ 63°—75° Temperate Bath... 75°—85° 85°—92° 96°—106° 90°—100° 92°—98° 106°—120° 100°—110° 98°—106° 120°—160° 129 III. QUANTITY OF SOME OF THE STRONGER MEDICINES IN CERTAIN PHARMACEUTI- CAL COMPOUNDS. 1. Opium. Confectio opii contains gr. j in gr. xxxyj. Enema opii, gr. iss. in E 'v- Linimentum opii, gr. iij in E 8B- Pilulae saponis composita?, gr. j in gr. v. Piluhu styracis composita?, gr. j in gr. v. Pulvis cretae comp. cum opio, gr. j in 3 ij. Pulvis ipecacuanhas compositus, gr. j in gr. x. Pulvis kino compositus, gr. j in 9j. Tinctura camphors? comp., gr. j in E BB- Tinctura opii, gr. j in TT^xij. Vinum opii, gr. j in fl^xy. 2. Mercury. Hydrargyrum cum creta, gr. iij in gr. viij. Linimentum hydrargyri comp., 3j to 3xj. Liquor hydrargyri bichloridi, gr. j (of hyd. bichlor.) in E XU- Pilulae hydrargyri, gr. j in gr. iij. Pilulae hydrarg. chloridi comp., gr. j (of calomel) in gr. v. PiluliB hydrargyri iodidi, gr. j (of hydrarg. iodid.) in gr. v. Unguentum hydrargyri fortius, 3j in 3 'j- Unguentum hydrargyri mitius, 3j in 3vj. 9 130 DOSES ACCORDING TO AGE. 3. Arsenic. Liquor potassa? arsenitis, gr. j in 3 iiss. 4. Antimony. Vin. ant. pot. tart, gr. j in E ss- Unguentum ant. pot. tart, 3j in fss. IV. PROPORTION OF DOSES ACCORDING TO AGE. (GAUBIUS.) For an adult, Suppose the dose to be one or 1 drachm. Under 1 year^ 2 3 4 7 14 20 > % 21 to 60 the full dose one 5 grains. 8 grains. 10 grains. 15 grains. 1 scruple. i drachm. 2 scruples. 1 drachm. Above this age an inverse gradation must be observed. 131 V. CLASSIFIED MIN I. Saline aperient. 1. Cnrlsbod (165°). 2. Kissingen (cold). 3. Marienbnd (cold). 4. Franzen9bad (cold). 5. Cheltenham (cold). 6. Leamington (cold). 7. Scarborough (cold). H. Hot saline. 1. Wiesbaden (160°). 2. Baden-Baden (153°). III. Hot sulphurous. 1. Aix-la-Chapelle (130°). 2. Bareges (130°). 3. Bagneres de Luchoi (130°). iv. Hot alkaline. 1. Yuliv (108°). 2. Mont d'Or. 3. Ems (83°-115°). 4. Toplitz (114°-122°). 8. Schlangenbad (86°). e WUdbud (88»-99°). OF THE PRINCIPAL WATERS. v. Simple unmincraliied, hot. 1. Pfefiers (100°). 2. Gastein (118°). 3. Buxton (82°). 4. Bristol (74°). 5. Matlock (66°). VI. Simple mineraliied, hot. 1. Bath (112°-116°). 2. Pyrenees (8u°-122°). VII. Chalybeate waters. 1. Spa (cold). 2. Schwalbach (cold). 3. Pyrmont (cold). 4. Marienbad (cold). 5. Bruckenau and Booklet (cold). 6. Tunbridge (cold). 7. Niton (cold). 8. Furnas (hot). vm. loduretted and bromi- nated. 1. Creuznach. 2. Hall. 3. Ischl. 4. Woodball, 132 MINERAL WATERS OF U. 8. WHITE SULPHUR. In a wine gallon. Sulphuretted Hydrogen,..............cubic inches. 2-5 Carbonic Acid.................................. 2 Oxygen,........................................ 1448 Nitrogen,...................................... 3-552 Total, 9-5 Solid contents in a pint. Sulphate of Magnesia,-.......................grs. 5588 Sulphate of Lime.......................;........ 7-744 Carbonate of Lime,............................. 1-150 Chloride of Calcium,............................ 0"204 Chloride of Sodium,............................. 0'180 Oxide of Iron.............................a trace. Loss,........................................... 0410 Total, 15276 PROF. W. B. ROGERS. BALSTON. Sans Souci Spring. In a wine gallon. Chloride of Sodium,.........................grs. 143733 Bicarbonate of Soda............................ 1266 Bicarbonate of Magnesia,....................... 39-1 Carbonate of Lime,................^............ 43-407 Carbonate of Iron,.............................. 5-95 Iodide of Sodium................................ 1-3 Silica,.......................................... 1 Total, 24715 STEEL. MINERAL WATERS OF U. S. 133 SARATOGA. Iodine Spring. Gaseous contents in a wine gallon. Carbonic Acid,......................cubic inches. 336 Atmospheric Air,................................ 4 Total, 340 Solid contents in a wine gallon. Chloride of Sodium,..........................grs. 187 Carbonate of Magnesia,......................... 75 Carbonate of Lime,............................. 26 Carbonate of Soda,.............................. 2 Carbonate of Iron,.............................. 1 Iodine,......................................... 35 Total, 294-5 PROF. EMMONS. SARATOGA. Pavilion Spring. Gaseous contents in a wine gallon. Carbonic Acid,......................cubic inches. 35905 Atmospheric Air,............................... 5-03 Total, 36408 Solid contents in a wine gallon. Chloride of Sodium,..........................grs. 18768 Carbonate of Soda,----......................... 492 Carbonate of Lime,............................ 5284 Carbonate of Magnesia,.......................... 5692 Carbonate of Iron,............................... 3-51 Sulphate of ^oda,............................... 148 Iodide of Sodium,..........................*--- 2.59 Alumina,...................................... 042 Silica,......................................... 1"16 Phosphate of Lime.............................. 0-19 Bromide of Potassium,....................a trace. Total, 311-71 DR. J. R. CHILTON. 134 MINERAL WATERS OF U. 9. UNION SPRING. Gaseous contents in a wine gallon. Carbonic Acid,......................cubic inches. 314*16 Atmospheric Air,..............-................. 462 Total, 318-78 Solid contents in a wine gallon. Chloride of Sodium..........................grs. 243 620 Carbonate of Magnesia,......................... 84 265 Carbonate of Lime,............................. 41 600 Carbonate of Soda,............................. 12 800 Carbonate of Iron,.............................. 5-452 Iodide of Sodium, or Iodine,..................... 3 600 Silica and Alumina,............................. 1570 Bromide of Potussium,....................a trace. Total, 392-907 DR. J. R. CHILTON. CONGRESS SPRING. Gaseous contents in a wine gallon. Carbonic Acid,......................cubic inches. 311 Atmospheric Air,................................ 7 Total, 318 Solid contents in a wine gallon. Chloride of Sodium...........................grs. 385 Iodide of Sodium............................... 35 Bicarbonate of Soda,............................ 8982 Bicarbonate of Magnesia,....................... 95 788 Carbonate of Lime.............................. 98-098 Cn rbonate of Iron,.............................. 5 075 Silica.......................................... i-5 Bromide of Potassium.....................a trace. Total, 597-943 STEEL, 135 VI. SALINE DRAUGHTS. Proportional quantities of Alkalies and Acids re quired for saturation. ACID9. Citric Auid. Tartaric Acid. Grairu. Groin*. 14 15 17 18 17 18 9i 10} 24 25i * When tartaric acid is employed it is necessary to add the acid to the notahh solution with care; otherwise, when added in excess, the in- soluble bitartrate forms. f Crystallized; 16 grs. of this, when dried, yield 6 grs. of sod. carb. VII. Weights and Measures. (See pp. 15, 16.) Alkaline Carbonates. SO Grains. Potassae bicarbonas,*........ ----carbonas (olim subcar- j bonas),*................i Sodae sesquicarbonas,....... ----carb. (olim subc.)f..... AmmonisB sesquic. (The i only salt in use.)........ [ Lemon Juice. Drachms. 31 4 4 21 6 137 INDEX PAGE Absinthium........... 36 Acacia............... 52 Acetosella............. 90 Acetum............... 89 colchici........... 79 cantharidis........ Ill destillatum.......• 89 scillse............. 59 Acidum benzoicum--- 29 aceticum....... 89-111 arsenicum......... 101 citricum.......... 89 hydrochloricum .... 101 hyd.dilutum.... 89-101 nitric, dilutum..... 89 hydrocy. dilut...... 67 phospho. dilut...... 102 sulph. dilut...... 89-102 tartaricum........ P'-1 Aconitina ............ 118 Aconitum ............ C8 napellus........... 127 Acorus................ 3fi Acrid poisons.......... 108 jEther sulphuricus..... 27 Alcohol............... 93 Allium............. 65-110 Aloes................. 76 extractum......... ib. Althtea............... 52 PAGE Alumen .............. 39 exsiccatum ....... 122 Ammonia............. 18 Ammoniacum......... 28 Ammonia? sesquicarbo- nas........... 18-49-61 Amygdala amara...... 52 dulcis ...... ib. Amylum.............. 53 Anethum.............. 45 Anisum .............. 'b. Anlhemis............ 36-61 Antimonii pot. tart. .. 61-65 Aqua anethi........... 45 aurantii ........ 37 carui........... 46 cinnamomi...... 33 fceniculi......... 46 mentha; piperitse . 47 pulegii .. 48 viridis... ib. pimentse........ 35 Argenti nitras...... 102-111 Armoracia............ 94 Asarum--............. 62 Aspidiura............. 26 Assafaetida............ 28 Aurantii cortex........ 36 Aurantium............ 37 Avena................ 53 138 PAGE Balsamum peruvianum. 65 tolutanum .. ib. Barii ehloridum....... 21 Baths ................ 128 Belladonna ........... 69 emplastrum........ ib. extractum ........ ib. Benzoinum ........... 28 Bismuthi trisnitras.....103 Borax................ 40 Brominum............ 21 Cnjuputi oleum........ 95 Calamina praeparata...- 122 Cnlumba ---......... 105 Calx ................. 18 Cambogia ............ 78 Camphora ............ 69 Canella............... 31 Cantharis............. 55 Capsicum.......... 31-112 Cardamine............ 29 Cardamomum......... 32 Carui ................ 46 Caryophyllus.......... 32 Caryophylli oleum..... ib. Cascarilla ............ 37 Cassia................ 78 Castoreum............ 29 Cataplasma allii ....... 110 aluminis.......... ib. carbonis ligni...... Ill conii.............. 110 dauci............. Ill fermenti.......... 110 lini........... 55-110 sinapis......... 35-110 Catechu............... 40 Centaurium........... 106 Ceratum.............. 113 calaminae......... ib. cantharidis........ Ill cetacei.......... • 113 PAGE Ceratum hydrargyri com- posit.......... 114 plumbi acetatis--- 113 comp......... jb. resinae............ 1D- sabina? ........... U2 saponis........... U3 Cetaceum............. 53 Cetraria............... ib. Chimaphila........... 56 Cinchona............. 106 Cinnamomum......... 33 Colchicum............ 78 Colocynthis............ 79 Confectio amygdala?--- 52 aromatica ...... 33 aurantii......... 37 cassia?.......... 78 opii............. 73 piperis nigri..... 35 rosae caninae..... 91 gallica? ..... 43 rata?.........•-• 64 scammonii...... 86 sennae........... ib. Conium .............. 70 Contrnjerva........... 33 Copaiba.............. 66 Coriandrum........... 46 Corrosive and irritant poisons............ 123 Counterpoisons........ ib. Creosoton.......... 95-113 Creta praeparata..... 18-122 Crocus ............... 29 Cubeba............... 34 tinctura........... ib. Cupri ammonio-sulphas. 29 sulphas......41-62-103 Cuprum............... 41 Cusparia.............. 38 Cydonia.............. 53. 139 PAGE Cyminum............. 46 Daucus............... ib Decoctum aloes comp... 77 amyli ............ 53 cetraria?.......... ib. chimaphila?........ 56 cinchonas...... 106-118 cydoniae.......... 53 dulcamaras...... 50-57 granati............ 41 hordei............ 54 comp......... ib. malva? com..... 55-120 papaveris ......... 120 quercus.....43-118-121 ear a:b............. 25 compositum ... ib. scoparii compositum 59 ■enega? ........... ib. tormentilloe ....... 44 ulmi.............. ib. uvoB ursi.........44-61 veratri ........... 121 Digitalis.............. 56 Diosma............... 50 Doses, proportion of, ac- cording to age..... 130 Dulcn mara.......... 50-57 Elaterium ...........• 80 Emplastrum ammoniaci 116 cum hydrarg. .. ib. belladonna?........ ib. cantharidis........ Ill cera? ............. 116 galbani........... ib. hydrargyri......... ib. opii............... ib. plumbi............ ib. saponis ........... ib. Enema aloe......... 78-117 catharticum....... 117 colocynthidis--- 80-117 PAGE Enema emoliens....... 117 faetidum.......... ib. opii.............. ib. ruta? ---......... jb. tabaci............ ib. terebinthina?---88-117 Ergota................ 63 Euphorbium .......... 112 Extractum aconiti..... 68 Extr. aloes purificatum . 76 cinchona?.......... 107 colchici aceticum .. 79 cormi..... ib. colocynthidis...... 80 compositum ... ib. conii.............. 70 digitalis .......... 56 elaterii............ 80 gentiana? ......... 108 glycyrrhiza?........ 54 haematoxyli....... 42 hyoscyami........ 71 julapa?............ 81 lactuca?........... 71 lupuli ............ 39 opii purificatum ... 72 papaveris......... 74 pareira?........... 58 rhei .............. 85 sarza? ............ 25 stramonii.......... 75 taraxaci .......... 60 uva? ursi......... 45-61 Ferri ammon.-chloridum 103 iodidum........ 25-104 potassio tartras..... 105 sesquioxidum .....103 sulphas........... 104 Ficus................. 54 Foeniculum............ 46 Galla? ................ 41 Galbanum............. 29 140 PAGE Gentiana ............. 108 Clycyrrhiza........*•• 54 Granatum...........26-41 Guaiacum-.. •......... 50 Haematoxylum......... 42 Helleborus............ 80 Hordeum.............. 54 Hydrargyri bichloridum 22 biniodidum........ 23 chloridum.... 22-81-122 iodidum........... 22 nitrico-oxidum..... 122 oxidum........... 22 sulph. cum sulphure 23 ung. cerat. &c 114-115 Hydrargyrum........ 21-80 cum creta......... 80 Hyoscyamus........... 71 Jalapa................ 81 Juniperus---......... 57 Infusum anthemidis... 36-61 armoracia? composit. 94 aurantii composit.. 37 calumba? ......... 105 caryophylli ....... 32 cascarilla?......... 38 catechu comp. .. 40-118 cinchona?...... 106-118 cuspariae.......... 38 digitalis........... 56 ll i os niii'........... 50 gentiana? composit.. 108 lupuli............. :J8 quassia?........... 109 krameriae_......... 42 pareira?........... 57 rhei............... 84 rosa? comp......43-118 scoparii ■-•........ 59 senna? compositum . 86 serpentaria? ....... 95 simaruba?......... 109 PAGE Infusum lini comp..... 54 Inula................. 34 Iodinum.............. 24 Ipecacuanha ........ 50-62 Kino................. 42 Krameria .. ^.......... ib. Lactuca? extractum .... 71 Lavandula............ 46 Laurus............... 47 Limones.............. 38 Linimentum ammonia? . 119 ammon. sesquicarb. ib. compositum ... ib. calcis............. 121 camphorae ........ 119 compositum ... ib. crotonis........... 120 aeruginis.......... 121 hydrargyri comp. .. 119 opii............... 120 saponis........... 119 terebinthina? ...... 120 Linum ............... 54 Liquor alumin. comp. 40-12] ammonia?........ 119 acetatis.....49-90 sesquicarbonatis 18 barii chloridi ... 21-102 calcii chlorid ... 21-103 calcis.......... 18-121 cupri ammon.-sulph. 121 hydrarg. bichloridi . 22 liniment, ammonia?. 119 plumbi diacetatis . 120 dilutus ....... ib. potassa?........... 19 effervescens ... 20 arsenitis....... 101 carbonatis ... 20-58 potassii iodidi comp. 24 soda? effervescens... 20 Lobelia............... 69 INDEX. 141 PAGE Lotio ammonia? hydroc. 120 flava............. 121 hydrocyanica ..... ib. nigra............. ib. Lupulus.............. 38 Magnesia ........... 19-82 Magnesia? carbonas •••• 19 sulphas........... 82 Malva................ 55 Manna................ 82 Marrubium............ 66 Mastiche ............. 66 Mel boracis......... 40-118 roso?.............. 44 Mentha piperita........ 47 pulcgium.......... ib. viridis ........... 48 Menyanthcs........... 108 Mezereon ............. 112 Mezereum ............ 51 Mineral waters, classified listof............. 131 Mistura acacia?........ 52 ammoniaci........ 28 amygdalae ........ 52 assafa?tidae........ 28 camphorae ........ 69 cascarille composita 38 cretffi............. 19 ferri composita..... 104 gentiana? composita 108 guaiaci........... 50 moschi............ 30 spiritus vini gallici. 97 Mora................. 90 Morphia? acetas........ 73 hydrochloras....... ib. Moschus.............. 30 Mucuna............... 26 Mvnstica ............. 34 Myrrha............... 66 Nux vomica .......... 71 PAGE Oleum amygdala?...... 53 aurantii........... 37 anisi.............. 45 anthemidis........ 36 cojaputi........... 120 carui ,............ 46 caryophylli........ 32 cinnamomi......... 33 juniperi........... 57 lavandulae......... 46 mentha? piperitae ... 47 pulegii .... 48 viridis..... ib. myristicaB ...'...... 34 orignni ........... 48 pimenta?.......... 34 ricini............. 85 rosmarini.......... 48 succini............ 31 terebinthina?... 26-61-88 tiglii.............. 88 Olibanum............. 30 Opium............... 72 Opoponax ............ 30 Origanum ............ 48 Oxymel............... 55 scilla?............. 59 Papaver.............. 74 Pareira................ 57 Petroleum ............ 30 Pilula? aloes compositte . 76 cum myrrha... ib. cambogia? comp. ..77-78 conii composita? ... 70 ferri composita?--- 105 galbani compositse 29-31 hydrargyri....... 22-31 iodidi......... 23 chloridi comp.. 22 ipecac, composita? . 51 rhei composita? .... 85 saponis composite . 72 142 PAGE Pilula? sagapeni comp.. 31-77 scilla? composita? ... 59 Pimenta............... 34 Piper longum ......... 35 nigrum......... 35-112 Plumbi acetas......... 43 iodidum........... 24 Plumbum ............. 43 Poisons............... 123 Potassae acetas--- 58-82-91 bicarbonas....... 20-58 bisulphas.......... 83 bitartras......... 83-91 carbonas........ 20-58 nitras............. 58 sulphas........... 83 tartras............ ib. hydras............ Ill Potassa cum calce...... ib. Potassii bromidum..... 21 iodidum .......... 24 Pruna ................ 84 Pulvis aloes compositus 76 antimonii comp. ... 49 cinnamomi comp... 33 creta? compositus... 18 cum opio .... ib. jalapa? compositus.. 81 ipecacuanha? comp. 51 kino compositus.... 42 scammonii comp. .. 86 tragacantha? comp.. 55 Quassia .............. 109 Quercus.............. 43 Q.uina? disulphas....... 107 Rhamnus.............. 84 Rheum................ ib. Rhei pulvis .......----122 Rosa canina........... 91. centifolia.......... 85 gallica............ 43 Rosmarinus ........... 48 PAGE Rumex ............... 91 Ruta............... 64-112 Stibina-.-............ 64 Sagapenum........... 31 Saline draughts........ 135 Sapo................. 20 Sarza ................ 25 Sassafras.............. 51 Scnmmonium.......... 85 Scilla..........•...... 58 Scoparius............. 59 Senega ............... 51 Senna ................ 86 Serpentaria............ 95 Simaruba............. 109 Sinapis.............. 35-63 Soda? acetas........... 87 carbonas.......... 20 exsiccata...... ib. phosphas.......... 87 potassio-tartras .... ib. sesquicarbonas .... 20 sulphas........... 87 Spigelia............... 27 Spiritus aetberis nitrici.. 60 sulph. comp.... 93 ammonia? aromaticus 94 fa?tidus........ ib. anisi ............. 45 armoraciae composit. 94 carui ■............ 46 cinnamomi........ 33 iunipen compositus 57 lavandula? ........ 47 mentha? piperitse ... ib. menthae pulegii.... 48 viridis........ ib. myristicae......... 34 pimenta?.......... ib. rectificatus........ 93 rosmarini......... 49 tenuior............ 93 143 PAGE Spiritus vini gallici..... 96 Stan n urn.............. 27 Stramonium .......... 75 Strychnia............. 72 Succiuum............. 31 Sulphur ............■•• 51 Syrupus althaea?........• 52 aurantii........... 37 mori.............. 90 papaveris......... 74 rhamni ........... 84 rosa?.............. 85 sarzae ,............ 25 senna? ............ 87 tolutanus ......... 66 zinziberis......... 35 Tabacum............. 63 Tumarindus........... 88 Taraxacum ........... 60 Tela vesicatoria.......Ill Terebinthina.......... 60 canadensis........ ib. chia............. 61 vulgaris .......... 60 Testa? prieparata?...... 19 Tiglii oleum .......... 88 Tincturnaloes......... 77 Tinctura aloes comp.... ib. ammonia? composita 94 assafnetidia? ....... 28 aurantii........... 37 balsami tolutani--- 66 benzoiiii composita. 29 calumbae.......... 106 camphora? composita 70 cantharidis........ 56 capsici......... 32-118 cardamomi ....... 32 composita •••■ ib. cascarillae.......... 38 castorei........... 29 catechu........... 40 PAGE Tinctura cinchonas..... 106 composita..... 107 cinnamomi........ 33 composita..... ib. colchici........... 79 composita..... ib. conii ............. 70 cubeba?........... 34 digitalis........... 56 ferri ammon.-chlor.. 104 sesquichloridi.. ib. galla?........... 41-118 gentiana? composita? 108 guaiaci........... 50 composita..... ib. hellebori.......... 80 hyoscyami........ 71 iodini comp....... 24 jalapa?............ 82 kino.......'....- 42-118 lavandula? composita 47 lupuli............. 39 myrrha?....... 66-118 opii .......•...... 72 rhei composita..... 84 scilla?............. 59 senna? composita... 86 serpentaria?........ 95 Valeriana?......... 31 composita..... ib. zinziberis......... 35 Tormentilla........... 44 Toxicodendron........ 75 Tragacantha.......... 55 Unguentum ant. pot. tar. 112 aconitina?......... 115 belladonna?........ ib. cantharidis........ Ill cetacei ........... 113 creosoti........... ib. elemi............. 114 galles comp...... 41-114 144 PAGE Unguentum hydrargyri ammonio... ■ 114 biniodidi .....115 fortius........ 114 iodidi ........ 115 iodini ........ ib. compositum ib. mitius........ 114 nitratis........ ib. nitrico-oxidi... ib. mezerei........... 112 picis liquidi....... 114 nigri.......... ib. plumbi compositum ib iodidi......... 115 sambuci.......... 113 sulphuris ......... 115 comp......... ib. PAGE Unguentum veratri..... ib. veratriae.......... ib. zinci.............. 113 Uva ursi.............. 61 Valeriana............. 31 Veratria.............. 75 Veratrum............ 63-75 Vinum aloes........... 78 antimonii pot. tart.. 61 colchici .......... 79 ipecacuanha?..... 51-62 opii .............. 72 veratri............ 63 Weights and measures.. 15 Zinci oxydum......... 105 acetas............ 45 sulphas...... 45-63-105 Zinziber.............. 35 MEDICAL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL S. & WILLIAM WOOD, 201 Pearl-street, NEW YORK. THE FIRST LINES OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SURCERY ; including the principal operations. By Samuel Cooper, Professor of Surgery in University College Hos- pital, London, &c. With notes and additions by Willard Parker, M.D., Professor of Sur- gery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in the University of the State of New York, &,c. 4th American, from the 7th London, edi- tion. 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