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' LADIES' SORREL, [Oxalis corniculata,]—A tea is very good in Fevers and Inflammatory affections. LIVERWORT, [Hepatica triloba,]—Celebrated in Bleeding at the Lungs, Consumption, Coughs, and Liver com- plaints. LILY, GROUND, [Trillium purpureum,]—Beneficial for Bloody Urine, Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Hectic Fe- ver ; used as snuff stops Bleeding at the Nose. LILY, WHITE POND, [Nymph* adorata,]—Employed in Scrofulous Tumors, Gleet, Whites, &c. LILY, YELLOW POND, [Nuphar advena,]-Good in Pec- tonal complaints, and in treatment of Scrofulous Sores. LIQUORICE ROOT, Glycyrrhiza glabra,]-An excellent medicine in Coughs, Asthma, Hoarsness, &c. LAMB-KILL LEAVES, [Kalmia latifolia,]_Usef«l in Scald Head, Syphilis, and certain stages of Fever LEOPARD'S BANE FLOWERS, [Arnica montana,]-Re- commended in Low Fevers, Intermittens, Gout, Drop- sy, and Rheumatism ; Tincture good for Fresh Wounds. ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. 65 LIFE OF MAN, [Aralia racemosa,]—Good in Coughs, Colds, and Gout in the Stomach. LOBELIA HERB, [Lobelia inflata,]—Qualities same as the seed, but not so powerful. LOBELIA SEED, [Lobelia inflata,]—In Asthma, Colics, Spasms, aud as an Emetic, it is very valuable. LIFE ROOT, [Senecio aureus,]—A certain remedy for Gravel, Pains in the Chest, and Melancholy. LIVER-LILY, [Iris versicolor,]—Employed in Colic Pains, Flatulency, and Debility of the Stomach. LEATHERWOOD BARK, [Dirca palustris,]— Prescribed in Cutaneous Eruptions. LAVENDER FLOWERS, [Lavendula spica,]—Adminis- tered in Flatulence, Fainting and Nervous affections. LINDEN FLOWERS, [Tilia glabra,]—A tea is useful in Head-ache, Epilepsy, and Spasmodic Cough. LARKSPUR SEED, [Delphinium consolidum,]—The tinc- ture is given in Spasmodic Asthma and Dropsy. LIVE-FOR-EVER, [Gnaphaleum polycephalum,]—Exten- sively employed in Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, &c. LAVOSE LEAVES, [Ligurticum levisticum,]—The infusion is employed as a carminative and em men agogue. LAVOSE ROOT, [Liguoticum levisticum,]—Useful in Hys- terics, Nervous diseases, and in Flatulency. LAVOSE SEED, [Ligusticum levisticum,]—An excellent in- gredient in carminative and stomachic compounds. LAUREL LEAVES, [Kalmia latafolia,]—Useful in Scald Head, Syphilis, and certain stages of Fevers. LAVENDER, SEA, [Statice limonium,]—Beneficial in Gleet, Whites, Diarrhoea, Canker, and Sore Throat. F2 66 ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. LOVE-LIES-BLEEDING, [Amaranthus Hypochondri- achus,]—Celebrated in profuse Menstration, Bowel com- plaints, and Piles. LARGE PLANTAIN, [Plantago major,]—Efficacious in Poisons of all kinds, Erysipelas, and Salt Rheum. LTME TREE FLOWERS, [Tilia glabra,]—A tea is useful in Head-ache, Epilepsy, and Spasmodic Coughs. LEMON. GARDEN or WILD, [Podophyllum peltatum,]— A substitute for mercury in Venereal, Scrofulous, and all other diseases. L< t^UST PLANT, [Cassia marilandica,]—Qualities similar to the senna, but not so active. LARKSPUR HERB, [Delphinium consolidum,]—The de- coction is found useful in Dropsical affections. MILKWEED ROOT, [Asclepias syriaca,]— An effectual cure of Dropsy, and good in Scrofulous and Rheumatic disorders. MALE FERN, [Aspidium filix-mas,]—Considered a good remedy for the Tape Worm. MYRTLE BARK, [Myrica cerifera,]—Principally given in compounds, but the infusion is good in Dysentery, and all excessive evacuations. MOUNTAIN MINT, [Origanum vulgare,]—Valuable for bringing down Obstructed Menses, &c. MORNING GLORY, WILD, [Convolvulus panduratus,]— Prescribed in Consumption, Cholera Infantum, and Dysentery. MAPLE, STRIPED, [Acer striatum.] MAPLE, RED or SOFT, [Acer rubrum,]—The decoction taken freely makes an excellent Vermifuge. ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. 6*7 MOTHER OF THYME, [Thymus serphyllus,]—Employed in Baths, Fomentations, and as a Condiment. MOUTH ROOT, [Coptis trifolia,]—The powder or tincture restores the appetite and strength after Fevers. MILFOIL, [Achillea millefolium,]—The decoction purifies the blood and removes obstructions. MYRTLE FLAG, [Acorus calamus,]—Excellent in Flatu- lence, Colic, and Wind in the Stomach. MAY WEED, [Anthemis cotula,]—Employed in Fevers and Colds to produce perspiration. MACE, [Myristica moschata,]—Employed to correct the taste and operation of other remedies. MAN ROOT, [Convolvulus panduratus.] MAN-IN-THE-GROUND, [Convolvulus panduratus.] MAN-OF-THE-EARTH, [Convolvulus panduratus,]—Given in Dropsical affections, for Consumption, Coughs, and Asthma. MORTIFICATION ROOT, [Althaea officinalis,]—Good in diseases of the Kidneys attended with irritation and pain. MEZEREON, [Daphne mezereum,]—Its principal use is in Syphilis and Cutaneous diseases. ' MOUSE-EAR, [Gnaphaleum uglinosum,]—A tea is good for Colds, Coughs, and Obstructions. MEADOW CABBAGE ROOT, [Ictodes foetida,]—Appli- cable to Bleeding at the Lungs, Coughs, Asthma, AFFRON, SPANISH, [Crocus sativus,]—Far superior to the AmerieanTSaffron in the same diseases. SARSAPARILLA, AM., [Aralia nudicaulis,]—An excel- lent remedy in all Scrofulous, Venereal and Eruptive diseases. SARSAPARILLA, SPAN, [Smilax sarsaparilla,]—An ex- cellent remedy in all Scrofulous, A'enereal and Eruptive diseases. SARSAPARILLA, BRISTLY STEM, [Aralia hispida,]— Useful in Colics, Flatulent diseases, and Dropsy. SILK-AVEED ROOT, [Asclepias syriaca,]—Almost infallible in Dropsy and Urinary complaints. SENNA, AM., [Cassia marilandica,]—Qualities similar to the Alex., but not so active. SENNA, ALEX., [Cassia auctifolia, n in Diarrhoea, Jaundice, and Fever?. ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. 89 STRAWBERRY LEAVES, [Fragaria virginiana,]—Em- ployed in Sore Throat, Swelled Gums, and Bowel com- plaints. SQUAW-WEED, [Senecio obovatus,] — Useful in Salt Rheum, Tetter, and diseases of the Skin. SQUAW-VINE, [Mitchella repens,]—Highly recommended in Dropsy, Diarrhoea, and Parturition. SPLEENWORT, [Asplenium ancustifolium,]—Affords relief in Gravel and pain in the Urinary organs. SPURGE, IPECAC, [Euphorbia ipecacuanha,]—Prescribed in Dropsy, Bilious Colic, and a variety of diseases. STINKWEED SEED, [Datura stramonium,]—Recommend- ed in Asthma and Spasmodic diseases. SWAMP ALDER, [Alnus serrulata,]—The bark, tags, and leaves are used for diseases of the Skin, Swellings, and Strains. STAGGERWORT, [Hypericum perforatum,]—Beneficial in Diarrhoea, Obstructions of Urine, and Hysterics. STAMMERWORT, [Hypericum perforatum,]—Beneficial in Diarrhoea, Obstructions of Urine, and Hysterics. SNAGREL ROOT, [Aristolochia serpentaria,]—Promotes perspiration and strengthens the Stomach. SCURVY GRASS, [Cochlearia officinalis,]-—Celebrated in Scurvy and Chronic Obstructions of the Viscera. SHOP FUMITORY, [Fumaria officinalis,]—A tea drank freely is good for Cutaneous diseases. SIDE-SADDLE PLANT, [Sarracenia purpurea,]—Good in Nervous complaints to strengthen the system. SILVER-WEED, ROOT, [Asclepias syriaca,]—Excellent for Dropsy and all Urinary diseases. H2 90 ROOTS, ilKRUS, AND FLOWER6. --NAKE-HEAD, [Chelone glabra,]—Given in Fevers and Jaundice—also for Worms in Children. STEEPLE BUSH, [Spirae tomentosa,]—Checks Diarrhoea, and a good application for Wounds, Sores, ]—Useful in Bowel complaints, Hemorrhage, and painful Tumors. SCULLCAP, [Scutellaria laterifolia,]—Remarkably effica- cious in St. Vitus' Dance, Convulsions, and Lockjaw. SHEEP-BERRY BARK, [Viburnum lentago,]—A com- plete substitute for Peruvian bark, and said to be supe- rior. SAArIN, [Juniperus communis,]—Frequently used to restore Obstructed Menses and Secretions. SHOP GENTIAN, [Gentiana lutea,]—Dyspepsia, Gout, and Hysterics, are benefitted by its use. SEA-THRIFT, [Statice limonium,]—Beneficial in Gleet, Whites, Diarrhoea, Canker, and Sore Throat. SAVEET CLOVER, [Melilotus alba,]—Applied locally to Swellings and Inflammations. [■»£ ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWER8. SUNFLOWER, AVILD, [Helianthus divericatus,]—Invalu- able in Bilious Colic? and similar complaints. SQUARE STALK, [Monarda didyma,]—Equal to chamo- mile in Intermittents and protracted illness. SPINDLE BUSH, or TREE, [Eyonymous atropurpurea,]— The bark is good in affections of the Lungs. SNEEZEAVORT, MOUNTAIN, [Arnica montana,]—Recom- mended in Low Fevers, Intermittents, Gout, Dropsy, and Rheumatism. The tincture is good for Fresh Wounds. SPEARMINT, [Mentha viridis,]—Allays Nausea, and an ex- cellent remedy in Gravel and Suppressions. SNAKE-ROOT, CORN, [Liatris spicata,]—The infusion ex- cellent in Colic, Back-ache, Dropsy, &c. SLIPPER ROOT, [Cypripedium flavum,]—Beneficial in all Nervous diseases and Hysteric affections. SHAMROCK, WATER, [Menyanthes trifoliata,]—The in- fusion useful in Scurvy, Herpetic diseases, Rheumatism, rrhage, and Fluor Albus. TRUMPET AVEED, [Lactuca elongata,]—Very efficacious in Dropsies and Herpetic affections. TRAVELLER'S JOY, [Clematis virginiana,]—Useful in severe Head-aches, and is good for Cancerous Ulcers. TOAD-LILY ROOT, [Nymphte adorata,]—Employed in Scrofulous and other Tumors, Gleet, Whites, &c. THISTLE, BLESSED, [Cardus beuedictus,]—The tea strengthens the system, and excites perspiration in Fevers. THOUSAND LEAF, [Achillea millefolium,]—it Purities the Blood, opens the Pores, and removes Obstructions. TOBACCO, POISON, [Hyosciamus niger,]—Administered as a narcotic when opium is objectionable. TULIP TREE, BARK, [Liriodendron tulipifera,]—Good in Intermittents, Hysterics, and Dyspeptic cases. THOROUGHSTEM, [Eupatorium perfoliatum,]—Propertie, well known, and highly valued in Fevers, &c. THOROUGHWORT, [Eupatorium perfoliatum,]—Proper- ties well known, and Highly valued in Fevers, e the cold bath for one* month daily ; or take a tea-spoonful of pulverized peony roots morning and evening; or take a spoonful of Rue juice morning and eve- ning, for one month ; or one-half pint of strong lignum vitae tea morning and evening—infallible; or one-half pint of tar water morning and evening, for three months ; or use an en- tire milk diet for three months—seldom fails ; or take one- half drachm of powdered mistletoe every six hours. It is a plant that grows on trees. Drink after it a strong tea of mistletoe—infallible. In the fit, blow fine ginger through the nose; or powdered leaves of asarabacca—it is an im- ported herb. CONSUMPTIVE COUGH. Take raisins that are dried in the sun, take out the seeds, and put as much tender tops of Rue with them, and pound them together—take a spoonful in the morning, fasting. Or boil a pound of stoned raisins in a quart of old unripe lemons, grapes, or crab-apples, to a pint; then add one-half pound of brown sugar, and simmer it to a syrup. Take a spoonful every three hours. CONSUMPTIVE COUGH. Eat preserved walnut meats freely ; or boil two ounces of bay leaves in one quart of milk, add one quart of white wine, and take one-half gill three times a day, fasting. CURRANT LEAVES. Is good in Dropsy, Urine, Gravel or Stone. RECIPES. 135. TO STOP SPITTING BLOOD. Take prunes and stem, and eat them freely two or three nights as you go to bed. Or a wine-glassful of onion juice. Or four spoonfuls of nettle juice every morning and as much every night as you go to bed, for six or eight days. Or take frequently a spoonful of nettle and plantain leaf juice, mixed and sweetened with loaf sugar. Or three spoonfuls of sage juice in honey. This stops spitting or vomiting blood. Or one-half a tea-spoonful of rock oil on a lump of loaf sugar, at night as you go to bed. It commonly cures immediately* TO CURE CORNS. Shave the corn down well, and boil the juice of radishes thick enough to spread a plaster and lay it on; shift it as often as it dries for two days—then spread a plaster of the Cohesive Salve on suet skin and lay it on—keep on till it comes off, and shift if necessary. Or take horse leeks, and bruise them, and lay them on. Renew it every three hours for twenty four hours. Or apply fresh ivy leaves daily, will fetch them out in fifteen days. FOR WEAK EYES. Wash the eyes morning and evening with camphorated spirits of wine—keep the eyes shut. Or wash the head daily with cold water. VOMITING BLOOD. Take three spoonfuls of sage juice in honey ; or two spoonfuls of nettle juice dissolves coagulated blood in the stomach. Or one spoonful of quince juice; or one gill of nettle and plantain juice three times a day. 130 RECIPES. CONVULSION FITS. Take ten drops of digitalis at night and ten in the morn- ing. Pour one quart of cold water in a small stream on the forehead, and then take one-half ounce of oil of lavender, two ounces of ether, one ounce of alcohol, and one ounce of camphor—mix together, and bathe the back part of the head and neck with it; and when the fit is on, throw cold water in the face as quick as possible. Give ten drops of camphor and six drops of oil of lavender every night. BLUE FLAG ROOT. Is good in aggravated Rheumatic complaints. Take a tea- spoonful after eating three times a day of the decoction of the root, by putting one ounce of the dried root in one-half pint of gin. If slight pain in the head or stomach, reduce the dose. It is good to remove humors from the system. Take for a physic one-half tea-spoonful in molasses. FOR COUGHS. Take one ounce of linseed oil, one ounce stick liquorice, four.ounces of raisins—boil them in two quarts soft water to one quart; then add one-fourth pound brown sugar and one ounce lemon juice. Drink one-half pint when going to bed and a little when your cough is troublesome, day and night. HARD BREASTS. Apply turnips roasted till soft, wash and mix with a little oil of roses. Change this poultice twice a day, and keep it warm with flannel. RECIPES. 137 DRAGON'S CLAW, OR FEVER ROOT. Is useful in Fevers, i It creates moisture without excite- ment. To one tea-spoonful of the root add one-half pint boiling water. Drink freely when blood warm. DWARF ELDER HERBS AND BERRIES. Is good in Dropsical and Rheumatic complaints. Also for Swellings in Limbs. The berries must be steeped in spirits, and taken before eating. YELLOW OINTMENT. Take one-half pound of hog's lard, four ounces of rosin, two ounces of beeswax—add spirits of turpentine so as to form a liquid. Makes a good wash for a burn or freeze. TO MAKE LAUDANUM. Take one pint of fourth-proof spirits, one ounce of opium, shake together ten days and strain it, then it is fit for use. Ten drops for a dose.' CANINE OR CRAVING APPETITE. Smell of port wine and drink a spoonful or two. Or mix port wine with strong black cherry bark tea, well sweetened with loaf sugar, equal parts, and take it three times a day, fasting—say a wine-glassful. TO PREVENT CHILBLAINES. Wear flannel socks and wash the feet with salt and water; or wash the hands with mustard seed, salt and water, hot. M2 138 RECIPES. FOR APOPLEXY. Apoplexy is a total loss of all sense and voluntary motion, commonly attended with a strong pulse, hard breathing and snorting. It is caused by lack of blood to the brain. Use the cold bath and drink water only. In the fit, blow powder of white helebore (called poke root) up the nose. If the fit \ is soon after eating, give a vomit. Rub the feet, arms and head with hot water and salt. A rowel in the neck and low diet is a good preventative. FOR THE ASTHMA. Take a pint of cold water every night on going to bed ; or a pint of cold water every morning, and wash the head immediately after. Use cold bathings once a fortnight. Or steep liquorice root in water and use it for common drink. Or drink one-half pint of tar water morning and evening. Or drink sea water every morning. Or live ten or fifteen days on boiled carrots only—seldom fails. Or take an ounce of nettle juice mixed with clarified honey, every night and morning. For present relief vomit with warm water. FOR DRY OR CONVULSIVE ASTHMA. Take a tea-spoonful of radish juice three times a day, fasting; or as much garlics, raw, preserved, or in syrup ; or a tea made of hyssop, or ground ivy, or daisy flowers and liquorice. FOR CHOLERA M< >RBUS AND VOMITING. Drink two quarts of cold water if you can bare it, if not, drink as much warm water; or boil a chicken in two gallons of water, and drink of it till the vomiting stops. RECIPES. 139 DRY OR CONVULSIVE ASTHMA. Drink a pint of new milk morning and evening. This has cured the hardest cases of Asthma. Use the cold bath twice a week. Or beat saffron fine and take ten grains every night. Or dry and powder a toad and make small pills of it, and take one every hour till convulsions cease. In any Asthma, apple-water is the best drink. TO PREVENT BLEEDING AT THE NOSE. Drink whey freely every morning, and eat raisins freely; or wet a cloth with cold water and lay it on the back and each side of the neck ; or wash the nose, temples and neck with vinegar ; or chew nettle root, spitting out the juice ; or hold a red hot iron under the nose; or steep a linen rag in vinegar, burn it, and blow it up the nose with a quill. In a violent case, go into a pond or river. TO STOP A WOUND BLEEDING. Bind a bandage on the arms above the elbows ; or apply the tops of nettles, bruised ; or leaves of heal-all, bruised— infallible; or spread the ashes of linen on a linen cloth, and apply it thick; or strew on the ashes of a linen rag dipped in sharp vinegar and burnt; or sprinkle on the powder of ripe puff ball, and bind on the ball—infallible. It will stop arte- ries bleeding. TO PREVENT CHAPPED HANDS. Wash them with salt and water (hot) and ground mus- tard ; or in brand and salt water, hot as you can bare it— wash the hands with soft soap mixed with red sand ; or ap- ply and annoint with oil of myrrh. 140 RECIPES. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. Take a glass of tar water, warm, in bed every hour, after- wards wash the parts with the same; or drink as much sea or salt water as you can bare ; or take a gentle physic of salts and saltpetre—say two ounces of salts and one-half drachm of saltpetre, dissolved in cider, and make a free use of strong tea of equal parts of burdock roots and yellow dock roots ; or take a strong tea of elder leaves as a sweat; or of wild or mother of thyme, applying to the part a cloth dipped in lime Avater mixed in camphorated spirits of Avine ; or take two or three gentle physics, say once in four days ; or use the internal medicines, at the same time applying a plaster of* Venice Mithridate ; or wash in hot brand water; or boil two ounces of sage, two ounces of elder leaves or bark, and one ounce of alum, in two quarts of fcrge water to a pint—an- noint Avith it every night; or steep bitter-walnut meats in warm water, and annoint Avith it. FOR COLDS. Drink of cold water lying in bed ; or a spoonful of mo- lasses in one-half pint of water; or one ounce of oat-meal one ounce of honey, and one-half ounce of butter—pour on one pint of boiling Avater, and drink as you go to bed. TO MAKE LIME WATER. Pour six quarts of water on one pound of unslacked lime, closely covered, and let it stand twenty-four hours; then bot- tle and keep it corked tight. TO PREVENT ABORTION. Use daily a strong tea made of lignum vitae. RECIPES. 141 FOR COSTIVENESS. Rise early every morning and boil one-half pound of mal- low leaves in two quarts of water, take one gill of it three times a day, one half hour before eating; or drink burdock 'root tea SAveetened Avith molasses, freely ; or breakfast every three days on Avater gruel, Avith currants, well sweetened with India molasses; or mix one ounce of pulverized cream tartar in two ounces honey, and take three times a day, fasting. CANCER IN THE BREAST. Take one-half drachm of Venice soap twice a day ; or drink two quarts of ass' milk a day, and neither eat nor drink anything else for two months ; or make an ointment of the leaves of plumbago, leatherwort and toothwort, in olive oil, and annoint the ulcers twice a day. TO CURE CHILBLAINS. Rub with salt and onions when powdered together ; or a poultice of hot roasted onions kept on two or three days— change often ; or roasted turnip pearings, hot—change them twice a day ; or Avash them Avith brake root tea with tincture of myrrh in a little Avater. FOR BOILS. Apply a little Venice turpentine ; or a plaster of honey and wheat flour ; or a plaster of figs; or a little saffron in a white bread poultice. Take a gentle physic occasionally. FOR A COLD IN THE HEAD. Pare the rind of an orange very thin and roll it up inside out, and put a roll in each nostril. 142 RECIPES. FOR THE DROPSY. Use the cold bath daily and physic often ; or drink no- thing but lemonade ; or take what will lie on a sixpence of poAvdered sorrel leaves every three days—it physics and vomits. Or mix one-half ounce of amber Avith a quart of wine vinegar, and heat a brick sizing hot, but not so as to burn, and put the brick in a tub—then pour the vinegar on the brick, and hold or set the patient or swelled part over the smoke, and cover the tub to keep in the smoke, and it will start the water and cure the patient. Or cover the whole bowels Avith new sponge dipped in strong lime water and squeezed out. This bound on often effects cures Avithout any sensible evacuation of water. Or apply green dock leaves to the joints and soles of the feet—change them twice a day. Or abstain from all drink for thirty days, and to ease your thirst take a thin slice of bread dipped in brandy, or wash your mouth with the juice of lemon. Or drink one gill of tar water twice a day, fasting. Or make a strong tea of juniper berries roasted, and take a gill of it three times a day, fasting. Or eat a crust of bread every morning, fasting. Or drink sea Avater morning and evening. Or mix a pound of brown sugar Avith a pint of the juice of pellitory of the Avail, then pound in a marble mortar, and boil it and skim it Avell; when cold, bottle and cork it tight. If very bad, take three spoonfuls at night and two in the morning. It seldom fails. Or take a spoonful of artichoke leaves morning and evening., Or take three spoonfuls of the juice of leeks and elder leaves morning and evening. TO PREVENT COR'NS. Wash the feet often in cold Avater. RECIPES. 143 CANCER IN THE MOUTH. Boil two ounces of the leaves of succory, plantain and rue, with tAVO ounces of honey, one-fourth of an hour—gar- gle with this wash every ten minutes—infallible; or with one ounce of honey, one-half ounce alum, one-half pint of vine- gar—boil all together, and wash once an hour with it. Or dissolve one ounce of blue vitriol in one pint of water and- gargle with it. Afterwards hold sweet cream in the mouth. This speedily cures Shingles. Or take one ounce of sulphur, one-half ounce pulverized alum, mix both well with honey, and apply it every hour. FOR CANCER IN ANY OTHER PART. Apply red onions bruised, and lay on as a poultice two or three times a day; or make a plaster of alum, honey and vinegar, equal parts, with wheat flour—change it for three or four days every twelve hours. It often cures in that time : if not, continue the plaster. Or pound the leaves, flowers and stalks of wild parsnip, and apply them as a plaster. Change it every twelve hours. It generally cures in a few days. FOR SETTLED DEAFNESS. Take a red onion and take out the core, then fill it with the oil of roasted almonds, let it stand one night, then bruise and strain—drop three or four drops into the ear morning and evening, and stop it up with black wool. FOR BALDNESS. Rub the bald spot with onions every morning and eve- ning till it is red, and rub it after Avith honey. 144 RECIPES. FOR THE DIABETES Drink wine boiled with ginger, one-half gill three times a day, fasting. You may add to a dose five drops of oil of anise. Drink milk and wrater. All kinds of moats are good. Or drink one gill three times a day of milk curdled with alum—three drachms of alum to two quarts of milk—cures in eight or ten days. Or boil one pound of black cherry tree bark in two quarts of water one-half hour, then strain and add one quart of good old cider or port wine, then add one ounce of pulverized alum, one ounce of saltpetre, one ounce of salt, one-half ounce of camphor gum (cut), and one- fourth ounce of oil of anise, both well cut in alcohol ; sweet- en well with loaf sugar, and take a small table-spoonful three times a day, fasting. Diabetes is a frequent and large dis- charge of pale urine, attended with constant thirst and wast- ing of the whole body. A BURN OR SCALD. Immediately plunge the part injured into cold water and keep it in an hour, and if not well, perhaps for four or five hours, and maybe longer. Or if it cannot be dipped, wet a cloth in cold water—four or five thicknesses ; change it when it gets warm. Or apply a poultice of bruised onions ; or a tincture of myrrh; or oil and parsley pounded together; or apply pumpkin seed oil and sprinkle it Avith ginger. TO CURE CORNS. Apply fresh yeast of small beer spread on a cloth every morning; or boil the juice of radishes thick enough to spread a plaster—shave the corn well down and lay it on. RECIPES. 145 WHOOPING COUGH. Use the cold bath daily; or rub thoroughly with hog's lard when going to bed, and heat it in well by the fire—keep the child warm ; or rub the back at going to bed with old rum; or give a spoonful of the juice of pennyroyal mixed with brown sugar candy twice a day; or one-half pint of new milk, warm from the cow, with one-half ounce of nut- meg pulverized with one ounce of rose leaves and three ounces of sugar—beat together, and dissolve in the milk— every morning taken freely. In desperate cases change of air alone has cured. TO CAUSE AN EASY DELIVERY. Peel, slice and fry one pound of Avhite onions in three gills of best olive oil till it is tender, then boil this in one quart of water, strain it, and drink a wine-glassful every morning, one- half hour before breakfast, for fifteen or twenty days before the time of child-birth. Also drink a tea made of burdock roots, freely. TO DISSOLVE COAGULATED BLOOD. Bind on the part for some hours a paste made of black soap and crumbs of white bread ; or grate burdock roots spread on a cloth—renew this two or three times a day. HABITUAL COLIC. I never found a better way than is taken in the Bilious Colic, omitting the warm berth, although not injurious. The stomach and bowels must be cleansed, and the blood purified, before health can be restored. Cold Lathing is good in all Bilious complaints. * N 146 RECITES. FOR BILIOUS COLIC Give a spoonful of sweet oil eve"ry hour; or give a portion of the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic, with a double portion of anise seed or the oil of anise. Give a small dose of the above Indian. Physic every two hours to an adult, and two table-spoonfuls or less to children. If no relief in eight or ten hours, put the patient into a Avarm berth and give one tea-spoonful of Slumbering Drops to invigorate and guard the stomach. It is sure in all cases Avhere the Indian Physic is given as a physic. Give a tea-spoonful of Slumbering Drops three times a day, one-half hour before eating—the two first days after, give the Health Bitters the same as the Cordial. Diet light a few days and keep the bowels in order. FOR LUNACY. Give the decoction of agrimony four times a day ; or rub the head several times a day with vinegar ; or boil the juice of ground ivy (called gill-go-over-the-ground) Avith SAveet oil and Avhite wine, into an ointment—shave the head and an- noint it with the same. Chafe it in warm every other day for three weeks. Bruise the leaves and bind them on the head, and give three spoonfuls of the juice every morn- ing. This generally cures Melancholy. Or be electrified. COLIC IN CHILDREN. Give one to eight drops of the oil of anise on sugar, or in breast milk. The dose must be given according to the age. Or you may give powdered anise seed in their food. This seldom fails, especially in wind colic, and is safe in all cases of a bilious nature. RECIPES. 147 FOR COLIC IN THE FIT. Drink a pint of cold water ; or a quart of warm water ; or as largely as possible of warm tea; or a pint of water in which a hot flint is quenched ; or drink freely of chamomile tea ; or a decoction of mallows ; or take thirty-two drops of spirits turpentine in one gill of water ; or one-half drachm of yellow orange peel powdered in one gill of Avater ; or pound and make a cake of one pound of raisins dried in the sun, three pounds of juniper berries, and eat more or less of it ac- cording to the pain. Or take from thirty to sixty drops of oil anise seed on a lump of sugar. Thirty drops is a dose. Renew it if needed. Or apply outwardly a bag of hot oats; or hot water in a bladder ; or put them in a tub of salt and water as hot as they can bare, when they take the oil of anise—at and before you give the anise give a portion of the Indian Physic. It will cure the hardest cases of Colic if there is a possibility of a cure. The Physic must be given one hour before the warm bath. FOR ASTHMATIC COUGH. Boil two ounces of liquorice in three pints of water to a quart, and when blood Avarm add one-half ounce of salt of tartar. Take two spoonfuls every two hours. FOR A CONVULSIVE COUGH. Wash the head in cold water every morning; or use the cold bath—seldom fails ; or take one-half pint of decoction of onions every morning and evening"; or a spoonful of onion juice. 148 RECirES. FOR A COUGH. When first afflicted, chew a small piece of Peruvian bark and sAvalloAv the spittle, as long as it is bitter. If you cough again, chew another piece. Cures if the bark is used Avithin twenty-four hours after it commences. Or cheAv a piece of sweet flag as large as a small pea, and swallow the spittle, will also cure. Or drink a pint of cold water and go to bed ; or mix one ounce of linseed oil with one ounce of Avhite sugar candy, powdered, and take ax tea-spoonful Avhen you cough; or make a hole through a lemon and fill it Avith honey, then roast it and catch the juice, and take a wine-glassful of this three times a day, fasting. FOR CONVULSIVE COUGH. Take three pounds of turnips and one pound of sugar, and put them in an earthen pot closely covered for twenty- four hours—then strain the juice and take two spoonfuls morning and evening; or mix the juice of boiled turnips with fine powdered sugar candy till it is a kind of syrup, and take eight drops every half hour till it is gone; or take a table-spoonful of hoarhound syrup morning and evening ; or put twenty-fourth of an ounce of spermaciti with a yolk of a new-layed egg, and sup it in the morning, fasting. FOR PLEURITIC COUGH. Powder one ounce of spermaciti fine and Avork it with the yolk of a fresh egg—mix them in Avhite wine, and take a wine-glassful every three hours. RECIPES. 149 FOR CANCER IN THE BREAST. A Cancer is a hard, round, uneven, painful. swelling, of a blackish or leadish color, the veins around which seem ready to burst. It comes commonly at first with a swelling about as big as a pea, which does not at first give much pain or change the color of the skin. Use the cold bath. This has cured many. Generally where cold bathings are necessary to cure any disease, water drinking is to prevent a relapse. If it has not broke, apply a piece of sheet lead rolled thin and pricked full of pin* holes, for days or weeks, to the whole breast. GiAre a portion of the Indian Physic twice a week. Rub the breast morning and evening Avith spirits of harts- horn. Or take a mellow apple and take off the top and take out the core, fill the hole Avith hog's lard, then cover it with the top and roast the apple thoroughly ; then take off the pearing and beat both well—spread it thick on linen and lay it warm on the sore, and put a bladder _over. Change it in twelve or twenty-four hours. Or take horse Avarts that grows on the inside of the leg, and lay them by the fire till they wilt to a powder. Sift and infuse two drachms in two quarts of ale. Take one-half pint every six hours. Warm new milk has cured many. Or apply dung and celendine beat well together and spread on a cloth. It will both cleanse and heal the sore. Or a poultice of wild parsnips, flowers, leaves and stalks, beat well together, and change it morning and evening. Or live three months on apples and apple water. FOR PAIN IN THE TESTICLES. Apply (bruised) pellitory of the wall as a poultice, chan g ing it morning and evening. N2 150 RECIPES. FOR THE TOOTH-ACHE. s Put a clove of garlic into the ear; or rub the cheek fifteen minutes; or pound parsley and salt together, and put it in the ear; or put fresh dug plantain root in the ear ; or lay roasted turnip parings, as hot as it can be, behind the ear; or put a leaf of betony, bruised, up the nose ; or lay bruised or boiled nettles to the cheek ; or a bag filled with hot chamo- mile flowers ; or lay a clove of garlic on the tooth ; or lay a Blice of boiled apple between the tooth; or chew the root of yellow flag—it has large yellow flowers in July ; or gargle with the decoction of mulberry leaves; or put a drop or two of oil of cloves on cotton in the tooth; or dissolve a drachm of crude sal ammoniac in two drachms of lemon juice, wet cotton with it, and apply it to the tooth ; or hold the feet in warm brand water and rub them well just before bed-time, and wet a cloth with the Pain Extractor and lay it on the cheek as you go to bed ; or take one ounce of elder berries in brandy and ^gargle with it; or rub the teeth well with tooth poAvder every morning, and wash the mouth and teeth with cold Avater. FOR TICKLING COUGH. Drink Avater whitened with oat-meal four times a day ; or keep a piece of barley, sugar or sugar candy constantly in your mouth. FOR A CUT. Keep it closed with your thumb a quarter of an hour, then double a cloth five or six times, dip it in cold Avater, and bind it on. RECIPES. 151 FOR GOUT IN ANY LIMB. Rub the part Avith Avarm India molasses and bind on a flannel Avet with the same. Repeat it every twelve hours. Or dry sage in the sun for one day, and apply this—it will ease the pain in one night. Or undress and wrap yourself up well, then put your feet and legs in salt and water as hot as you can bare it—as it cools put in more hot water ; drink one ounce of root ginger in good old cider—sit three or four hours—go into a warm bed, and be careful not to take cold. FOR A WIND RUPTURE Warm cow dung and spread on thick leather, strew some cumin seed on it, and apply it hot. When cold put on a new one. It generally cures a child keeping his bed in two days. A RUPTURE OR BURST. Take agrimony, spleenwort, Solomon's seal and strawberry roots, a large handful of each—steep and boil two hours in two quarts of white wine in a vessel closely covered—strain and take a wine-glassful every hour. It generally cures in a fortnight. A good truss, meantime, is good. FOR INWARD PILES. Drink largely of molasses and water ; or drink a spoonful of the juice of yarrow or leeks, three or four mornings. FOR A STITCH IN THE SIDE. Apply hot toast spread with molasses. 152 RECIPES. PAIN IN THE STOMACH FROM BAD DIGESTION. Take«(fasting, or in the fit) one half-pint of chamomile tea —do this five or six mornings; or drink the juice of half a lemon immediately after dinner every day ; or take one tea- spoonful of good cider vinegar in sage tea twice a day ; or in the fit, take one gill of good cider vinegar. You had better take at night as you go to bed, one-half gill of the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic, and in the morning, if it does not operate thoroughly, take as much more, and so on till you get an operation. Then take one tea-spoonful of Health Bitters three times a day, fasting. This will cure all Dys- peptical complaints. FREQUENT OR VIOLENT STITCHES. Drink a decoction of nettles and apply the herb hot; or boil a handful of pennyroyal in a pint of milk—drink the milk freely, and apply a poultice of the herb ; or take a tea- spoonful of Irish root finely poAvdered. ACCIDENTAL SICKNESS, OR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. Vomit with a quart of warm water ; or take a gentle physic, if a man, take the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic. THRUSH. Take celendine, honey and powdered saffron, equal parts —simmer and skim ; apply it with a feather, and give ten grains of rheubarb and chew bitter walnut meats. The Thrush is little white ulcers in the mouth. RECIPES. 153 FOR MENSES—TOO MUCH. Drink nothing but cold water with a spoonful of Avheat flour stirred in it—at that time drink a glass of the coldest water you can get, and apply a thick cloth dipped in cold water ; or put the feet into cold water; or apply a sponge dipped in red wine and vinegar; or take one tea-spoonful of the balm of gilead tea, put in it as much pulverized alum as will lie on the point of a penknife, or as big as a pea, once. an hour, till the flowing subsides; or boil red hollyhock leaves in milk, and sweeten it with sugar. You may add a little- balm of gilead. Take a table-spoonful every half hour—seldom fails. Or take a gentle rheubarb physic, then boil the peel of several oranges in three pints of spring wa- ter to a quart, SAveeten it with white sugar, and take a gill four times a day. Or use daily the decoction, syrup or pow- der, of horse-tail, nettle or plantain. Or reduce to a fine powder one-half ounce of alum with a quarter of an ounce of dragon's blood. In a violent case, take one-fourth of a drachm every half hour. It scarcely ever fails to stop the flux before an ounce is taken. This also cures the Whites. PAIN IN THE STOMACH, WITH COLDNESS AND WIND. Soak black pepper in 3alt till the hull comes off, then dry it and grind it. Take five or six corns of it six or seven mornings. HOT COLIC PAINS IN THE STOMACH. Take a pint of the decoction of ground iv*y with a tea- spoonful of the powder of it, five or six mornings. 154 RECIPES. FOR NERVOUS DISORDERS. Nervous disorders are of two kinds : first, those which proceed from the nerves being compressed by the swelling of the muscular flesh—or, second, when the nerves themselves are disordered. In the first case, temperance and abstemious- ness will generally cure. In the latter, when the nerves per- form their office too languidly, a good air is requisite. The patient should rise early, and as soon as the dew is off the ground, take a walk. Let his breakfast be mother of thyme tea gathered in June, using half as much as we do of com- mon tea. It should be drank Avith the finest sugar and cream. Coffee must be avoided when the nerves are to<5 sen- sible. The patient should breathe a proper air, and let him eat veal, chickens, or mutton. Vegetables should be eat sparingly. The most innocent is the French turnip while young. Wine should be carefully avoided, so should all sauces. Sometimes he may breakfast on a quarter of an ounce of the powder of valerian root infused in hot water, to which may be added cream and sugar. Tea-is not proper when the person finds an uncommon oppression—let him take a large spoonful of the tincture of valerian root. This tincture should be made thus: Cut to pieces six ounces of wild valerian root gathered in June and fresh dried, bruise it a little, and put it into a quart of strong white Avine—cork the bottle and let it stand twenty days—shake it every day ; then strain it through three or four thicknesses of cloth. Take, also, as much as will lie on a shilling of the powder of mistletoe twice a day, when the stomach is most empty, fast- ing two hours after it—then one ounce a day, and afterwards every other or every third day, till cured. Let this plant be gathered in May, and the leaves and bark be dried in the shade. RECIPES. 155 TO PREVENT THE STONE. Eat a crust of dry bread every morning ; or drink a pint of warm daisy juice before dinner. After discharging one stone, it will prevent another from geathering. FOR CHAPPED LIPS. Apply a little Sal Prunella composition of sulphur and saltpetre. FOR COLDNESS OF THE STOMACH. Take a spoonful of the syrup of the juice of cardus bene- dictus, fasting, for three or four mornings. TO CURE THE PILES. Apply warm molasses; or tobacco leaf steeped in water twenty-four hours; or a poultice of boiled brook lime—it seldom fails ; or a bruised onion skinned or roasted in ashes —it perfectly cures the Dry Piles; or leeks fried in butter ; or varnish—it cures both Blind and Bleeding Piles. TO PREVENT THE PILES. ^Vash the parts often with cold water. FOR PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Drink a pint of cold water ; or a table-spoonful of Health Bitters ; or apply outwardly a cloth dipped in vinegar ; or be electrified ; or take a decoction of motherwort every night. 156 RECIPES. THE PALSY. Use the cold bath if you are under fifty, rubbing and sweating after it; or cut white onions and bake them gently in an earthen pot till they are soft—then spread a thick plas- ter of this and apply it to the benumbed part, all over the side if need be; or take tar water morning and evening; or boil white and red sage, two ounces each, in a quart of white wine, then strain and bottle it—take a wirre-glassful morning and evening. This helps in all nervous disorders. Or apply to the parts boiled sage leaves, hot, and drink a decoction of sage morning and evening; or apply the leaves of boiled water-dock in the form of a poultice, and bathe the affected part in hot salt and water. ' PALSY OF THE HANDS. Wash them in hot sage tea, as hot as can be borne ; or boil elder leaves and mustard seed in Avater—wash them often in this as hot as you can bare. FOR PALSY IN THE MOUTH. After purging Avell, chew mustard seed often ; or hold in your mouth one-half ounce of the spirits of lavender ; or gargle with the juice of wood sage. AN OLD, STUBBORN PAIN IN THE BACK. Steep the root of water fern in water till the water becomes thick and clammy—rub the parts affected morning and eve- ning. RECIPES. 157 FOR THE BLOODY FLUX. Apply a linen cloth dipped in brandy, and drink freely of blackberry root tea, SAveetened with loaf sugar ; or drink as much cold Avater as you can, taking nothing else till the flux stops ; or take out the core of a large apple and fill up the hole with a piece of honey-comb—after the honey is strained out, then roast the apple in embers and eat it—it will stop the flux immediately ; or thirty grains of the powdered root of flower de luce twice a week, or as much rheubarb ; or a decoction of primrose leaves, or of mellilot seed ; or grated rheubarb, as much as Avill lie on a shilling, and one-half as much grated nutmeg, in a glass of white wine, lying down, every other night; or one tea-spoonful of bitter-Avalnut meat jelly made of loaf sugar. FOR MENSES, OBSTRUCTED. Be electrified ; or take a pint of strong pennyroyal tea at night on going to bed ; or a spoonful of brook lime syrup, morning and evening, fasting ; or a tea-spoonful of powdered Columbian seed, morning and evening; or boil five or six heads of hemp in one pint of water to one-half pint, then strain and sweeten it Avith loaf sugar. Take one-third of it three nights running as you go to bed—it seldom fails. Or pour twelve ounces of rectified spirits of wine on four ounces of the roots of black hellebore, aud let it stand in a warm place twenty-four hours—then pour it off and take thirty or forty drops in any liquid one-half hour before supper. It is good, likewise in the green sickness and in all hypochondri- cal cases, and in obstinate madness. 0 158 RECIPES. TO PREVENT THE PEAOUE. Eat merigold flowers daily as a sal lad, Avith oil and vine- gar ; or a little of the tops of rue with bread and butter, every morning; or infuse rue, sage, mint, rosemary, and wormwood, each two ounces, in two quarts -of the best vine- gar, over warm embers, for. eight days. Then strain aud dis- solve in three ounces of rectified spirits of wine. With this wash the loins, face and mouth, aud snuff a little up the nose when you go from home—smell of a sponge dipped in this when you approach infected persons or places. FUR THE MEASLES. Drink Avater gruel, or milk and water—the more the bet- ter ; or eat toasted bread and water sweetened Avith loaf sugar ; or take frequently two spoonfuls of barley Avater, two spoonfuls of new almond oil, and two spoonfuls of the syrup of maiden hair. After the measles for some weeks use light diet and drink barley Avater. Be careful about taking cold. TORPOR OR NUMBNESS OF THE LIMBS. Use the cold bath every morning and go to bed after it. Take a little Health Bitters, and rub with the Pain Extractor. PRICK OR CUT THAT FESTEUS. Apply a plaster made of sweet elder bark and turpentine. WORMS. Mix worm seed Avith molasses, and give, say one tea-spoon- ful mornings, fasting. RECIPES. 159 FOR THE BITE OF A MAD DOG. Apply the decoction of treefoil mixed with hog'sdard, as a plaster. Renew the plaster every three hours for nine days. Or plunge into cold water daily for twenty days, and keep as long in it as possible. This has cured after the first fit of hydrophobia. Take two spoonfuls of the ashes of crawfish for forty days. Or mix four drachms of powdered liverwort with two drachms of black pepper, divide this in four parts, and take one in warm milk for four mornings, fasting—sel- dom fails. Or take two or three tea-spoonfuls of the juice of ribwort morning and evening, as soon as possible after the bite—repeat this for one month. A STRONG PURGE. Drink one-half pint of strong decoction of dock root; or two ounces of the powdered roots of monk's rheubarb—a species of dock—Avith a scruple of ginger. TO CURE INWARD ULCERS. Take two ounces of sassafras, (bark of the root,) two ounces colt's#foot, one ounce blood root, one ounce of gum myrrh, one ounce of winter bark, one ounce of suckatrain— steep them in two quarts of spirits, and take a wine-glassful every morning, fasting. CRAMP IN THE STOMACH, OR ANY INWARD PART. Take ten drops of oil of lavender and one grain pulverized camphor gum, on sugar or in wine. Repeat the dose once an hour, if required. 160 RKCII'KS. FOR HECTIC COUGH. Take the yolk of three hen's eggs, three spoonfuls of honey, and one of tar—beat them avcII together, and add one gill of AYine. Take a tea-spoonful three times a day before eating. Or ihake a syrup of one pound barley, one pound turnips, one .pound of elecampane roots—boil them in three quarts of Avater to a quart, strain and add one pound of loaf sugar or honey, and one-half pint brandy. Take a table- spoonful three times a day. Or take one-half pound wild liquorice, one pound brook liverAvort, tAvo ounces elecamrmne, four ounces Solomon's seal, one-half pound spikenard, four ounces gum firr, and boil in four quarts to one—then strain and add two pounds honey, and one pint of good spirits. Take one table-spoonful three times a day, before eating. BILIOUS PILLS. Take one pound sweet rind aloes, four ounces Jallap, four ounces of pulverized blood root, tAvo ounces cloves, two ounces saffron—beat them all to a fine powder, and pill them with molasses. One the size of a pea will guard against a bilious habit, taken every night, but if you Avish them to act as a physic, take four or five on going to bed. They give no pain in the operation. FOR BILIOUS COLIC. Take the above bilious pills, and add to every dose or five pills, a tea-spoonful of pulverized mandrake root. This must be repeated every hour till helped. You may put the patient in a tub of warm salt and water, if very bad. RECIPES. 161 FOR THE FLYING RHEUMATISM. Take prince's pine tops, horseradish roots, elecampane roots, prickley ash bark, bitter sweet (bark of the root), wild cherry bark, and mustard seed, equal parts of all, and one gill of tar water and put into a pint of brandy—take one- half wine-glassful three times a day, one-half hour before eating. FOR TOOTH-ACHE, IF THE TOOTH IS HOLLOW. Take gum opium, camphor and spirits turpentine, equal parts, and rub them together till a paste—then dip lint in the paste, and put it in the tooth after eating. Make use of this three or four days, and it will stop the tooth from ever aching. FOR CANKER IN THE MOUTH. Take one pound fresh butter and put it in a well glazed earthen vessel, set it over a slow fire, and when it boils add to it four common green frogs, alive—let them stew till the frogs are dry—take them out and add a little chamomile and parsley. When cold, stir in a little pulverized alum, and if the fever is high, give a little rattlesnake gall dried in chalk* This will cure the most inveterate canker in the mouth or throat. FOR ERYSIPELAS, OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. Drink and wash with egg wine freely. FOR SORE NIPPLES. Apply a plaster of balsam firr. 02 162 RECIPES. PLASTER FOR FELLONS. Take four ounces of strong tobacco, boil it in one quart of water one-half hour, then strain the liquor and put in one pound of pitch boiled from old knots. Simmer them all to- gether over a sIoav fire till it forms a salve. If the swelling is on the hand or foot, lay it on the Avrist or ankle, or above the next joint Avherever the SAvelling is. This will take out all the pain very soon. Dress the sore Avith any other salve. FOR THE PHTHISIC. Take four ounces of hen's tat and one ball of skunk's cab- bage, powdered fine, and ste>v them together till it is dry— then strain and take a tea-spoonful three times a day. Or • make a syrup of white swamp honey-suckle blossoms and queen of the meadow* roots—add to one quart of the syrup one-half pound of honey and one-half pint of brandy. Take a tea-spoonful three times a day. CURE FOR THE ASTBMA. Take two ounces each of spikenard root, sweet flag root, elecampane root, and common chalk—pulverize them all to- gether, and add to it one pound of honey or loaf sugar, beat it well together, and take one tea-spoonful three times a day. Or take linseed oil and sugar freely. FOR THE DROPSY. Take one-half pound of blue flag and one-half pound ele- campane root, and boil them in one gallon of Avater to a quart, and strain and SAveeten with one pint of molasses. Take one-half gill three times a day, fasting. RECIPES. 163 l A CURE AND PRESERVATIVE AGAINST BILIOUS FEVERS. The fullness of bile is the cause of all sorts of fevers, jaun- dice, bilious colic, and cholera morbus. Physic once in three or four months with blood root and mandrake ; take one ta- ble-spoonful of the roots pulverized together, night and morn- ing till it operates. Make small beer with spruce boughs, elder, burdock, sarsaparilla and spikenard roots, Avith hops and white ash bark, and drink it freely. Make a bitter with unicorn roots, bark of white wood roots, and the yellow dust of hops—take a tea-spoonful three times a day, fasting. Or take a tea-spoonful of Health Bitters three times a day. FOR CANKER-RASH. Give one table-spoonful of the Reformed Botantic and In- dian Physic every three hours till it moves the bowels three or four times smartly, then give the patient one-half tea- Bpoonful of the Slumbering Drops one-half hour before eat- ing. If it commences by vomiting, give strawberry vine tea till the vomiting subsides, then give the Physic as above. After the physic operates, bathe-with salt and water, or vine- gar. Dress the patient cool and keep him from the open air for a Aveek. FOR CONSUMPTION. Put one-half bushel of barley malt in fifteen gallons of boiling hot Avater, and let it stand six hours ; then put in one- half bushel of white pine bark, one pound of spikenard roots, and one pound of syria grass—boil them down to eight gal- lons, and put it in a keg—then put in a little yeast or emp- tyings and let it Avork. Then bottle it up and drink one-half pint three times a day, fasting. 164 RECIPE)* hysteric pills. Boil white root (called Canada root) in soft water two hours, then strain the syrup and boil it down thick so that it can be made into pills with wheat flour, as large as a pea. Let the patient take tAvo or three when the disorder is com- ing on, every night Avhen going to bed. FOR BLEEDING AT THE STOMACH. Take one pound of yellow dock root and two ounces of bitter Avalnut meats, boil them in one quart of SAveet milk, strain it, and drink one gill three times a day, fasting. Take also a small pill of white pine turpentine once a day to heal the vessels that leak. FOR CONVULSION FITS. Make a tea of convulsion roots and herbs, (called by some beech drops,) and drink of it one wine-glassful three times a day, fasting ; or make a poAvder of them and take the pow- ders in small doses, say a tea-spoonful. FOR GRAVEL IN THE BLADDER OR KIDNEYS. Make a strong tea of heart's ease and drink freely of it; or make a tea of the roots ofe Jacob's ladder and drink plen- tifully of it. FOR ITCHING HEELS OR FEET. Take hot water and put in salt and saleratus, and wash and scrape your feet well once a week. After cleaning them annoint them with a little cream. RECIPES. 165 FOR THE PILES. If outward, make an ointment of chamomile, sage, pars- ley, and burdock—the leaves of each—and simmer them in fresh butter and sweet oil. Annoint with it, and take one gill of tar water three times a day. If inward, take tar wa- ter twice a day, and essence of firr, one spoonful, as you go to bed. FOR COMMON CANKER. Pound and steep canker root in water, and wash Avith it and drink it freely. Canker weed grows from three to four feet high—its leaves are like clover, and it grows in meadows and around stumps and logheaps. WHOOPING COUGH. Take four ounces of elecampane root and one-half pound of honey, steeped in earthern over a slow fire, or a half-hot oven. Give a tea-spoonful three times a day. If the root is dried, add one gill Avater. A larger child may take more. FOR THE EAR-ACHE, . Drop in five drops of tobacco leaf tea, and stop it up with cotton or wool, FOR PAIN IN THE EYES OR HEAD. Drop in the ear two or three drops of turtle oil. It gives immediate relief. FOR SORE NIPPLES. Put on the oil of butternuts a few times. 166 RECITES. CURE FOR CANCERS* Boil down the lye'from the ashes of red oak bark as thick as molasses and cover the cancer Avith it, and about one hour after cover it with a tar plaster—keep it on three or four days. If any of the cancer remains, put on another plaster of the potash, and after that the tar plaster again. Continue this from time to time till all the fibres and roots of the Can- cer disappear, then heal it with the soap salve. It effects a speedy cure. FOR CATARRH. Take yellow dock, blood root and chalk, four ounces each, one ounce of cinnamon, one-half ounce of cloves, and put them all together, and take them as snuff eight or ten times a day. Smoke cinnamon and tobacco, sweat the head with hemlock, brandy and camphor. Take a portion of the Re- formed Botanic and Indian Physic every six or eight days. TO CURE A SWELLING CAUSED BY A COLD. Boil sweet clover twenty minutes in water, thicken it with Indian brand, and put it on as a poultice, hot as you can bare it. Change it when cold. It generally cures the second or third poultice. Simmer SAveet clover in hog's lard to a salve —this is remarkable to heal old sores. FOR A COLD. Take three gills of hemlock bough tea at night, and one in the morning. This closes up the internal pores and prevents taking cold. Or make a tea of cock-ash root, frost weed and squaw root. Drink freely of it till Avell. RECIPES. PSJ FOR THE LOCKJAW. Give first five grains of dover powder, then put the patient in a tub of salt water as hot as he can bare it, bathe his head with camphor in spirits or the Pain Extractor, let him set or stand as long as he can without fainting. Give him a Avine-glass- ful of Health Bitters. When out of the water, wrap him in warm flannel, and repeat this every hour till the Lockjaw gives aAvay. If it holds after the first and second bathings, rub Iiis neck, head and arms with Avarm chamber-lye. CURE FOR VEGETABLE POISON. Make a tea of rosemary leaves or blossoms, and drink it morning and evening as you would other tea ; or take wild turnip, if green press out the juice, if dry boil them, and wash the afflicted part with it. Put in part of the liquor saffron and camphor, and take three table-spoonfuls a day, morning, noon, and night, Take a physic once in six or eight days. TO TAKE OUT FIRE AND HEAL BURNS. Simmer cowslip roots in sweet cream to an oil—annoint with this oil a few times. TO CURE SWELLED AND SORE BREASTS. Make a poultice of the green part of bass-wood bark—put it on Avarm. FOR DYSENTERY IN CHILDREN. Simmer yarrow in milk and give a table-spoonful every hour till helped. 168 RECIPES. FOR THE INFLUENZA OR COUCH. Boil two ounces of balm of gilead buds in one quart of water till the gum is all out, take out the buds, and add two ounces of honey and one ounce of loaf sugar, one-half gill of sharp vinegar—take one table-spoonful at 9 o'clock in the morning and at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. If the cough is dry, add and boil Avith the balm of gilead buds one ounce of butternut buds, and boil them well together. FOR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. Take bass-wood, yellow birch, beech, yellow ash, and black alder barks, equal parts, boil them in water tAvo hours, strain the liquor and boil it to a gum. Put one ounce of the gum in one pint of brandy, and take a wine-glassful three times a day, fasting—that is before eating. TO CURE CORNS. Take the ashes of yelloAv willow and moisten them with water, and lay it on a few times; or bind on rattlesnake skin a few times. FOR HYPOCHONDRIA. Take one tea-spoonful of month radish juice as you go U> bed. TO PREVENT BOILS BY CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Drink a strong tea made of burdock roots for two or three days. RECIPES. 169 TO PREVENT A RELAPSE IN CASES OF DYSENTERY. Take from five to fifteen drops of the oil of anise on loaf sugar ; or make a tea of Canada thistle root, one-half ounce, and bitter-walnut meats, sweetened with loaf sugar, taken freely, effects a cure without danger ; or boil firr balsam bark to a strong tea and sweeten it with loaf sugar, and put in one-fourth part of port Avine ; or take white pine bark, beech leaves and Canada thistle roots, equal parts, steep them and sweeten it with loaf sugar, and put in one-half port wine. Give all the above preparations freely, one table-spoonful at a time. Or make a tea of chestnut tree, (bark of the root,) and take a table-spoonful every hour till helped. FOR INWARD ULCERS. Take the bark of sassafras root two ounces, colt's foot root two ounces, blood root two ounces, gum myrrh one ounce, and steep them in two quarts of spirits—take one-half gill every morning and live on simple diet as much as possible. For drink, make a beer of one peck of barley malt, two pounds spikenard root, tAvo pounds comfrey root, one pound burdock root, two pounds black spruce boughs, five pounds angelica root, one pound fennel seed, one-fourth pound win- tergreen—all for ten gallons of beer. Drink one quart a day. Exercise light, and ride out every day in fair weather. . FOR TWISTING OF THE GUTS, Put the patient in a tub of hot salt and water, and give one-half gill of the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic, with twenty drops of the oij of anise, every two hours. P 170 RECIPES. FOR INABILITY TO SLEEP. Apply a cloth of four or five thicknesses to the forehead wet in cold Avater. This is good in cases when a woman is lying-in. Or use the cold bath—it cures in desperate cases. Or apply to the head the leaves of water lillies ; or a poul- tice of henbane and poppy seed beaten together ; or use small doses of camphor gum in warm water. Put together equal parts of Health Bitters and port wine, and take a large tea- spoonful as you retire. A WHITE SWELLING ON THE JOINT. Hold the part half an hour every morning under cold, fall- ing water; or pour on it daily a stream of warm water two hours; or put on a poultice of roasted onions—renew it as often as it begins to get hot and dry ; or hold it when it first starts one half hour in hot, weak lye; or apply a poultice of southern wood and wormwood, fried in hog's lard or fresh butter, or mutton tallow. TO PREVENT THE TOOTH-ACHE. Wash the mouth every morning with cold water ; or rub the teeth often with tobacco ashes. FOR A SWELLED THROAT. Gargle with the decoction of nettles, or of prim-rose. TO' CLEAN TEETH. Rub the teeth with ashes of burnt bread. RICKETS—TO CURE OR PREVENT. Wash the child every morning in cold water. RECIPES. v 171 THE VERTIGO, OR SWELLING IN THE HEART. Take a gentle physic of two ounces of salts, one-half ounce of soda, sweet elderberry juice one ounce, and two ounces of sugar, dissolved in one gill of vinegar; or use the cold bath, mornings, for a month, and go to bed immediately, till warm ; or drop the juice of pimpernell into the ear morn- ing and evening ; or in May mornings, about sunrise, snuff up daily the dew that is on the mellow leaves; or drink morning and evening one-half pint of the decoction of prim- rose roots; or drink sage tea, and, wash the head with the same ; or take every morning one-half a drachm" of mustard seed. FOR WINDY DROPSY. Use the cold bath ; give the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic with a large portion of the decoction of dwarf elder- berries, every three or four evenings ; or mix leeks and elder, and take two spoonfuls morning and evening. A VEIN OR SINEW CUT. Apply the inside bark of fiazle, fresh scraped, and bathe with the Pain Extractor. FOR THE BITE OF A VIPER OR RATTLESNAKE. Rub the wound immediately with linseed oil or common oil, and bind it on when mixed with bruised onions. TO INCREASE MILK. Drink a pint of cold water on going to bed ; or drink largely of pottage made of lentles. 172 RECIPES. FOR THE PLEURISY, Apply to the side onions roasted in the embers and mix with cream, in the form of a poultice ; or take out the core of an apple and fill it with white frankinsense, stop it close with the piece cut out, and roast it in the ashes—then mash and eat it; or take a glassful of tar Avater warm every half hour ; or a decoction of nettles, and apply the herb hot as a poultice ; or a poultice of the flour of brimstone and the white of an egg; or the white of three eggs spread on scorched toAAr, covered with black pepper. The pleurisy is a fever attended Avith a violent pain in the side and a remark- able hard pulse. AN EASY PURGE. Drink a pint of warmish water, fasting, walking after it; or infuse two drachms of damask rose leaves, dried, in one- half pint of water, for twelve hours—take it, fasting ; or take three drachms of senna, one drachm of saltpetre, and one ounce of epsom salts, in one gill of Avater, cut ten drops of oil of anise in alcohol, and add it to the above, and take it on going to bed. , TO MAKE MILK AGREE WITH THE STOMACH. If it lies heavy, put a little salt in it. If it curdles, put in sugar. For bilious persons, mix it Avith water. PALSY FROM WORKING WITH WHITE LEAD AND VER- DIGRIS. Use warm I>aths and a milk diet. RECIPES. 173 TO CURE THE JAUNDICE, DROPSY IN THE STOMACH, Sick Stomach, Head-ache, Costive Habits, Bloody and White Urine, Hysterics in Woman, Hypochondria in Men, Wind and Pressure at the Stomach, Heartburn. Also to Brake Persons of Drinking Habits, &e. Take barberry (bark of the root) four ounces, hemlock bark four ounces, white oak bark eight ounces, black cherry tree bark eight ounces, quassia Avood two ounces, sassafras (bark of the root) four ounces. In case of rheumatic com- plaints, add to the above compound two ounces of prickley ash bark. Dry and pulverize all the barks Avell together, and put it in three quarts of such spirits as suits the patient best. It must not be heated by the fire, Bottle it up and shake it together three or four days. Take from one to two table- spoonfuls in water, equal parts, one-half hour before break- fast and dinner. To cure the rum-drinker, add to the above compound four ounces of blood root. He may take three spoonfuls. TO CURE THE PLAGUE. CoUFwater alone, drank largely, has cured it; or an ounce or two of the juice of marigold; or take a drachm of pow- dered angelica every six hours—it causes a strong sweat; or a draught of brine as soon as seized, sweat in bed, and take no other drink for some hours. Use lemon juice in everything. FOR THE ASTHMA, CRAMP AND COLIC. Give five drops of rattlesnake grease to a grown person and two or three drops to a child. For either of the com- plaints this is relaxing and gives great deliverance. P2 174 RECIPES. FOP. THE QUINSY. Apply a large white bread-toast dipped in brandy, to the croAvn of the head, till it dries ; or drink a quart of cold Ava- ter, lying down in bed; or swalloAv slowly of white rose- water mixed with syrup of mulberry ; or the juice or jelly of black currants—or a decoction of the leaves or bark. TO RESOLVE COAGULATED MILK. Cover the Avoman Avith a blanket and hold a pan of hot water just under the breast, then stroke it three or four times. Do this twice a day till cured. FOR A COUGH. Make a syrup of balsam and tamarac bark, equal parts, and loaf sugar—bottle it and take a Avine-glassful three times a day, fasting. TO REDUCE SWELLINGS ON MAN OR BEAST. Simmer lovage leaves in fresh butter or cream till it comes to an oil, and annoint the sAvelled part once an hour till the swelling disappears. FOR INWARD WOUNDS OR INJURIES. Take firr boughs two pounds, elecampane, comfrey, spike- nard, masterwort, angelica, ginseng and chamomile, of each one pound—put them into a still Avith one gallon of rum and two gallons of Avater; draw off six quarts and take a wine-glassful night and morning. RECIPES. 175 TO TAKE OFF FRECKLES, SUNBURNS, AND TO CURE CORNS AND WARTS. Take the juice of sun-dew and mix it with milk, and ap- plyed to the skin, removes freckles and sunburns. The clear juice put on a cloth and laid on a few times, cures corns and warts. This plant grows in meadows or Avet, springy places. It never grows more than one inch high, has a small leaf standing edgeways, the shape of parsnip seed—on the end of the leaf is many redish fibres, and on the fibres is a little slick bunch. OINTMENT FOR SWELLINGS. Make an ointment of alder tags, sugar of lead, hog's lard, mellilot and saffron, and simmer them all together. Then strain it and annoint the part afflicted. If taken in time will scatter the swelling. Give a little physic while annointing, either the mandric and blood root or the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic. A POULTICE FOR OLD INFLAMED SORES. Scrape and wilt yellow carrots very soft and put it on. It takes out the inflammation and SAvelling, and is good for swelled breasts. TO TAKE THE COLD OR SWELLING OUT OF WOUNDS. Take ragweed and onions, equal parts, cut them up and boil them together twenty minutes, and then thicken Avith Indian meal. Apply this as a poultice as Avarm as you can bear it. This has taken the swelling and cold out in twelve hours. . 17C RECIPES. FOR THE DROPSY. Take sassafras (bark of the root) one pound, prickly ash bark one pound, spice wood bush one-half pound, garlics one- fourth pound, parsley roots one-fourth pound, horseradish roots one-fourth pound, black birch bark one-fourth pound, dwarf elder herbs and roots one pound, milkweed roots one- half pound, and balsam boughs one pound—boil them all to- gether in three gallons of brand water, then strain and add six pounds of sugar and two quarts of good gin, with one- half pound of juniper berries steeped in the gin—bottle it up, and take one gill of the syrup three times a day, fasting. ESSENCE FOR ALL KINDS OF INWARD WEAKNESS. Take twenty pounds of firr boughs, one pound of spike- nard, four pounds of red clover, and four pounds of black cherry bark—put them in a still Avith ten gallons of cider, draw off three gallons, and take a Avine-glassful of it morn- ing and evening. FOR STOPPAGE OF WATER. Take one spoonful of honey-bees and one-spoonful of cur- rant buds, steep them in hot water strong, and take two spoonfuls every half hour. FOR DIABETES. Take a weather sheep's bladder and fill it Avith good Ma- deira wine and one-half ounce of oil of anise, cut in alcohol —take a wine-glassful three or four times a day ; or take ten or fifteen drops of oil of anise on sugar as you go to bed. A deer's bladder is the best. RECfPES. 177 ST. VITUS' DANCE. Purge with the Reformed Botanic and Indian Physic and one-fourth ounce of blood root to one-half gill of the prepa- ration. Then steep one-fourth ounce camphor and one ounce of blood root in one-half pint of spirits, and add one-half ounce of saltpetre dissolved in one-half gill of vinegar. Take a tea-spoonful three times a day, and drink freely of a tea made of sage, rue and pennyroyal, equal parts, and sweeten with loaf sugar. Or pour cold Avater on the patient's head three or four times a day for five or ten minutes. Mix oil of lavender, one-fourth ounce, with one ounce of ether, and rub the back of the neck and Avrist with it night and morning for six or eight days. TO STOP A FEVER SORE FROM HEADING, AND SCATTER- ING IT. Sweat it with flannel cloths dipped in hot brine. The cloths must be changed when cold for three hours. Then wash it with brandy and wrap it in a flannel. Repeat this three or four times. TO STOP VOMITING. Take pulverized camphor gum and pour on boiling water, sweeten it Avith loaf sugar, and give a spoonful every ten minutes; or pound green wheat or grass, squeeze out the juice, and give a spoonful once in ten minutes. FOR WENS. Simmer alum and salt (equal parts) together, and wash the wen with it three or four times a day. 178 RECIPES. CURE FOR CANCERS. Take one pound of Avhite oak and one pound of red oak bark, and boil in four quarts of Avater two hours, then strain and simmer it down as thick as tar, and apply it as a plaster. Shift it once a Aveek. Or burn red oak bark to ashes and sprinkle it on the sore till it is eaten "f1 Breast, cancer in the..................................141» *** tumors in the,..............&.................•.--- irulsl^ Bruised blood, poultice for.............................300 301 Burst, for a,.................................... " ' 214 Butternut.............................................212 Buttercup or crow foot............................. Cancers,. .109, 166, 178. 186, 193, 217, 258, 260, 263, 272, 277, 285, 290 295, 315, 328, 338 ....129,255,285 salve for.......................... .... 217 spider, cure for,......................... "' 2^q Cancer, rose,...................................' '141> 149 in the breast...................... ___143 2<70 mouth,............................. ' j^g any other part,................... "' , 286 Dropsy,.... 124, 142, 162, 173, 176, 190, 220, 233, 241, 272, 288, 291, 803, 304, 310 in the head...........................................................242 windy,...............................................................171 Drinking, cure for hard.................................17S, 299, 302, 328 Drowning, to recover from,..........................................1S2, 330 Dragon's claw, or fever root,....................,........................107 Dull sight,......................................................................182 Dumb ague, cordial for,...........................................231, 268 Dwarf elder herbs and berries,...........................................187 Dysentery...214, 247, 265, 273, 277, 279, 287, 294, 297, 307, 324, 325, 329, 339, 344 in children........................................................167 when hard,.......................................... ............323 longstanding,....................................................277 to prevent a relapse,.............................................169 and cholera, distinction between,..........................221 Ear-ache,.............................................133, 165, 182, 268, 270 cold,'.........................................................133 worms,.............'........................................138 Ears, hard wax in the,.......................................................120 noise in the,.............................................................127 Elixir, to make an,............................................................205 vegetable.......................................................115, 325 of vitriol, how to make,.........................................327 Elecampane roots..........................................................238 Elder blows, bark and berries.............................................232 Epileptic fits,.................................................................196 Erysipelas,.............................................161, 195, 219, 245, 252 Essences, true way to make,..............................................333 Evan's or chocolate root^................................................229 Extract of sarsaparilla.......................................................302 Eye, bruise in the,............................................................126 hot or sharp humors in the..........................................131 pearl in the,.............................................................125 white specks in the........................'.............................127 Eye-water, to make..................................125, 126, 180, 216, 311 Eyes, bleared,..................................................................127 blood-shot,..............................................................197 dim or decayed.......................................................131 hot rheum and burning,............................................131 clouds flying before the,....................... ..................131 inflamed.........................'............................125, 259, 309 inrlammation of the,........................................ ......227 INDEX. 407 Eyes, pain in the,......................................................Page 165 to take film from the..............................271, 278, 297, 328 sore,...........................218, 226, 258, 276, 287, 308, 309, 335 weak,...............................................................135, 271 Falling of the bowels in children,........................................188 fundament...................................................133 womb,...................................................133,244 sickness................................................134, 253,^309 Fellon, how to draw to a head,.........................................321 frog, under the tongue,...........................................252 to kill or cure a,....................................................312 scatter a, .........................................................292 when ulcerated,....................................................321 Fellons,.................................................112, 197, 252, 278, 291 how to draw out....................................................182 plaster for,...........................................................162 salve for,...............................................................129 Festers,.........................................................................158 Fever.............................................................130, 281, 333 and ague,.....122, 226, 239, 243, 245, 254, 261, 269, 279, 306 burning,............................/...................................120 chill.....................................................................261 hectic,..................................................................120 high,.....................................................................203 for a continued,.......................................................119 intermittent.....................................................202, 261 inward,.................................................................305 rash......................................................................129 scarlet,..................................................................262 slow,..................................................................••^* sore6......................184,190,210,308 'saive'fory.'.........................................129,218,293 to prevent heading and to scatter,......................177 tjPus.........................•.........................................ill worm,...................................................................*** with pain in the limbs,............................................203 root, .............................:.........;............................2fJ Fevers, bilious, cure and preservative against,........................163 how to break...........................................266> gX8, 330 Female complaints, syrup for,.................................220, 284, 300 weakness,....................................................... 'lit root and flowers,..................................•....."•■*•••"„„„ Film on the eyes,.....................................181. 271. 278, 297, 328 Fire, to take out,.............................................................233 Firr balsam,.................................................................20j Fistulous, a,...................................................... ......„„ Fit, in a raging,................................................................ 408 INDEX. Fits, convulsion........................................................Pagk 164 or convulsions in children,...........................................120 epileptic,................................................................190 of any kind, cure for,.................................................385 to prevent..........................................................182, 270 Flowers, roots, plants and herbs, and their medicinal uses, alpha betically arranged..................................................88-102 Flooding-in,...................................................................201 Fluer albus,.............................................................197, 249 Flux, bloody,.."..........................................................157, 202 Fox glove,.............-T......................................................232- Freckles, to take off,...........................................175, 239, 200 Freezes or burns, wash for,.................................................286 French sweet clover salve,.................................................178 Frost-bitten feet,............................................................250 Gall, overflow of the..........................................................291 Garden mustard seed,.....................................................237 General remarks................................................................7 Gentian.....................................................................223 Ginger,..........................................................................281 Gout,................................................................181, 183, 806 in the foot or head,....................................................112 hip,..................................................811, 826, 329 stomach,......................................114 any limb,.............................................................151 Gravel.................108„ 111, 181, 187, 195, 218, 249, 255, 313 in the bladder or kidneys,...........................164 Green sickness)...........................................Ill Guts, twisting of the......................................169 Gum Arabic..................:...........................222 Hard breasts,...............................................................136 Hands, palsy of the......................,..................................156 cracked.........................................................187, 326 chapped....................................*.........................207 to prevent,................................................139 Hair, to prevent losing the,........................................243, 287 turning grey..............................................244 Head, dropsy in the..........................................................242 pain in the,........................................................165 stoppage in the...............................................121, 201 swimming of the....................................................251 Head-ache,..........................................................173, 186, 205 chronic...........................................................204 from heat,.......................................................124 nervous,..............................................132, 257,'340 one-sided,...,.................................................127 INDEX. 409 Head-ache, sick,...........................................Page 188, 265, 314 Health, how to enjoy.......................................................103 for decline of,.......................................................119 Heartburn,..................................................130, 173, 190, 250 Heart, palpitation of the,...............................155, 180, 245, 326 swelling in the,.......................................................1?1 Healing salve,................................................................216 Herbs, roots, plants and flowers, and their medicinal uses, alpha- betically arranged,..,..............................................33-102 Hemlock bark,................................................................224 Hiccough................................................................129, 186 Hip gout,...........................................................311,326, 329 Hoarseness.........................................................198,219,343 sudden..........................................................257 Hoarhound, ........................ ..................................•........223 Hops.............................................................................223 Horseradish,...................................................................223 Hungary evil.......^........................................................340 Humors, cure for.............................................................346 Hydrophobia..................................................................185 Hypochondria, draft for the feet to cure,...............................298 Hypochondrical disorders......................................127, 168, 173 Hysterical disorders,..........................................127, 173, 342 Hysteric colic,.................................................H?> 299 3 pills......................X.*...........164. 192, 282 Hyssop......:......................•.....................223 Infant children, diet and treatment ot.......................104 Inflamed eyes,....................................I25. 259> 309 legs,...........................................200 Inflammation, cure for,....................................234 poultice for..............................• • • •2°0 in wounds,..................................256 of the eyes..................................227 Indigestion..........'.................................322.344 Indian hemp,.............................................*j" Influenza,.............................................••■•■JJJ Injections,.. ........................................226.344 Intermittent fever,.....................................>zo-5' j°t Inward fever,............................................™o female complaints,.................................~°* injuries,......................................mi '828 rZe^^-:::.'::::::::.-:::.iVe,^6;S Itching heels or feet,..................................164, 264 KK 410 ' INDEX. Jaundice,. .118, 123, 124, 173. 189, 215, 239, 257, 280, 294, 314, 343 yellow,..........................................317 in children,......................................128 pills for..........................................216 Jellies, how to make,....................................■ ■ 384 John's-wort salve..........................................245 Joints newly set,.........................................284 pain in the,........................................199 Juniper bush,............................................222 Kidney diseases...........................................218 Kidneys, stone in the.......................................108 stoppage in the,..............................108, 199 gravel in the.....................................164 Kind's evil,.................112, 132, 265, 209, 277, 279, 309, 840 Knot grass,..............................................222 Lachrymal fistula,........................................125 Lady's slipper............................................222 Laudanum, how to make,..................................187 Legs, inflamed,...........................................200 swelled.....................................213, 290, 838 sore, salve to cure.....................................230 Leprosy..................................................188 Lightning, to recover from,................................182 Lime water, how to make.......................■-...........140 Liniments,.......................................237, 813, 332 Lips, chapped,...........................................155 sore,..........................................323, 841 Liver complaint.......................................181, 257 Liverwort,...............................................221 Lockjaw.........................................167, 250, 259 Lobelia,.................................................230 Loins, rheumatism in the,....'..............................237 Lunacy,.................................................146 Lung complaints,.....................................225, 332 syrup...............................................334 Lungs, to stop bleeding at the,.........................127, 818 Lues venerea,............................................818 Lying-in.................................................201 Mad dog bite,.......................159, 193, 229, 287, 805, 312 Madness, raging,.........................................182 Man, frailty of,...........................................103 Maw worm, cure for,......................................303 Measles,.............................................158, 295 Menses, obstructed,...........................157, 236, 238, 319 too little or stopped,...............................251 INDEX. 411 Menses, too much,..................Page 153, 192, 244, 255, 318 or too little,..............................247 Medicine, rules for giving..................................349 Midwifery............................................210, 285 Milk, how to increase,.....................................171 to agree with the stomach,............................ 172 to resolve coagulated,.............................174 Monthly flow.............................................211 Morning sickness,...................*....................338 Mortification,.........................................178, 273 how to prevent,..........................299, 318 stop,.............................240, 317 Mosses...................................................232 Mouse-ear,..............................................231 Motherwort,.............................................231 Mouth, cancer in the,.................................143, 270 canker in the..................................161, 267 palsy in the,.......................................156 sore,.............................839, 256, 823, 331, 336 Mullin........'.....................^.................232, 238 Neck, swelled glands in the.................................118 Nervous disorders,..........'.................,.... 154, 226, 314 Nettle sting,.............................................136 Night sweats,............................................239 Nipples, sore,.....................................161, 165, 265 Noise in the ears,.........................................127 Nose bleeding, to prevent, and to stop,..............139, 246, 257 ' polypus in the,..............................185, 306, 324 Numb palsy,..............s..........................116, 241 Numbness,..............................................311 of the limbs,...................................158 Oil of spike, how to make,..........r.............,........118 Ointment, bone,..........................................342 nerve,..........................................345 yellow,........................................137 Old sores, salve for............................129, 232, 274, 341 Opodeldock, how to make,.................................127 Overflow of the gall,......................................291 Pain extractor........................................299, 347 killer...........................*................308, 309 in the back,.........................................156 eyes or head,..................................165 ioints.........................................199 stomach,.........................168, 278, 311, 380 412 INDEX. Pain in the stomach from bad digestion,................Page 162 or accidental sickness,..................152 with coldness and wind,................168 hot colic,..............................168 side,.................................265, 807, 880 testicles,.....................................149 Pains, rheumatic..........................................274 salve for,..................................812 Painter's colic............................................195 Palpitation of the heart.......................156, 180, 245, 826 Palsied limbs.............................................257 Palsy,...............................................156, 819 numb..........................................116, 241 from working with white lead and verdigris,............172 of the hands,........................................156 in the month........................................150 Pearl in the eye...........................................125 Pennyroyal...............................................212 Phlegm,.................................................208 Phthisic.........................118, 162, 192,196,280, 288, 832 Physic, Reformed Botanic and Indian,.......................848 vegetable.....................................261, 888 Physiology and anatomy, remarks on.........................18 Piles,..............115, 155, 165, 194, 246, 306, 818, 322, 326, 386 how to prevent,.....................................165 bleeding,........................................195, 807 blind,...............................................264 inward,...............«.............................151 Pimples,................................................342 Plague, to prevent the.....................................158 cure the,........................................173 Plantain.................................................213 Plants, roots, herbs and flowers, and their medicinal uses, alpha- betically arranged..................................33-102 Pleurisy,................................................172 Poison, to cure,...........................................232 from oxide of copper...............................187 inward, to counteract,.........................261, 828 vegetable, cure for.....................167, 310, 327, 348 Poplar, bark of the root,...................................212 Polypus in the nose...............................185, 306, 324 Powders, to make bath,..................v.................386 Preface.....................................................5 Prickly ash bark or berries,............................206, 231 Proud flesh, to eat out,.....................................248 Pulmonary consumption,..................................307 Purge, an easy one,....................................172, 266 INDEX. 413 Purge, to make a strong,..............................Page 169 Putrid sore throat,....................................320, 341 Quinsy..............................119, 174, 188, 258, 298, 319 Raising blood.............................................304 Rattles...............................................190, 258 in children, best remedy for,.........................Ill Rattlesnake bite.................171, 194, 236, 281, 818, 816, 322 Recipes,.............................................107-848 Reflections...............................................859 Relax...........................................226, 248,298 Rheumatism,.. 109, 183, 184, 189, 218, 229, 285, 249, 256, 259, 269, 274, 281, 296, 317, 320, 326, 888 chronic,...............................227,238, 267 flying,........................................161 hot drops for,..................................191 in the loins,....................................237 Rheumatic cramp,.....................................• • .21a liniment,..................................217, 247 ointment,......................................280 pains, .274 salve for,.........................119, 190, 312 wash..........................................226 Rickets,.................................................188 to prevent or cure..................................170 in children....................................240,288 Ring-worms,.................................1?9, 217, 268, 309 Roots, plants, herbs and flowers, and their medicinal uses, alpha- betically arranged,................................................33-102 Rose-water, how to make,................................• 312 Rupture,................................................151 wind,............................................151 Sage, remarks on,........................................253 Salmoniac,...............................................242 Salt rheum.....148, 192, 224, 246, 251, 289, 295, 314, 315, 324, 339 wash for.......................................282 Saltpetre, to counteract when taken by mistake,............261 acai5X ........................144,822 scaid head;::::::::::::::................203,244,266,275,309 Sciatica,.........-........................................|06 Scarlet fever.............................................*J{ 'in the gums and teeth,........................mV'Jm Scrofula,............................................ • „R7 Serpent, bite of a.....................................iW> *-87 KK2 -» 414 INDEX. Shingles,............................................Page 204 Shooting pains, liniment for,...............................217 Shrunk sinews from a cut,.................................388 ointment for............................235, 268 Sick head-ache..................................188, 265, 814 Sickness at the stomach,...............................178, 329 in the morning,..................................338 Skin rubbed off,..........,...............................837 to raise a moisture on the,.............................267 Sleep, inability to.........................................170 Slumbering drops or cordial,.................................347 Small pox................................................835 Smart weed,............................................. 209 Snake, bite of a.........................................305 Sore breasts,.....................................167, 237, 271 eyes,..................218, 226, 258, 276. 287, 808, 309, 835 heads,.............................................224 » legs, salve to cure....................................236 lips,............................................323, 841 mouth,............................239, 266, 323, 331, 386 nipples,....................................161, 165, 265 stomach............................*................156 throat,....................211,218, 235, 256, 258, 287, 836 putrid....................................320, 341 Sores,..............................288, 234, 237, 272, 283, 301 how to draw to a head................................324 inflamed, poultice for,................................176 scorbutic............................................203 ulcerated...................................182, 193, 288 Solomon's seal............................................258 Spider cancers, cure for,..................................217 Spikenard, roots and berries,..........................,213, 258 Spinal complaints,...................................254, 261 Spitting blood, to stop.....................................135 Splinters, to draw out,....................................198 Sprained stomach,......................'..............208, 846 Sprains and weakness in the back...........................129 liniment for,..........................118, 185, 204, 268 Stiff joints,......................................242, 251, 842 Sting ot a bee or other insect......................196, 320, 887 nettle..........................................886 vonomous,... .•......................................887 Stitch in the side,.........................................151 Stitches, frequent and violent,.............................162 Stomach, bleeding at the................../............164, 343 coldness at the,.................................', 155 cramp in the................................'159, 816 INDEX. 415 Stomach, faint, hungry, gnawing,......................Page 332 hot colic pains in -the,............................153 pain in the,.........................168, 278, 311, 330 swelled.........................................302 Btrain in the,..........................•-•...................342, 344 weakness in the......................................209, 304, 318 wind and pressure in the,....................................178 pain in the, from bad digestion...............................152 or accidental sickness,.........................152 with coldness and wind.......................153 Stone,...................................................................181, 187 to prevent,.......................................................110,156 ease or cure the,...................................................107 in the bladder,.................................................109, 340 kidneys,.. .^................................................108 Stoppage in the head,.................................................121, 201 water,..............................................114, 176 Strain or bruise, cure for,..................................................,303 Strangury,................................................................110, 273 Strengthening plaster, to make a,........................................322 St. Anthony's dance,...................................................262, 294 fire,.................................................140, 161,306 St. Vitus'dance,...............................................................177 Suffocation, to recover from,...............................................182 Summer complaint..............................................115, 219, 279 Sunburn, smarting,..........................................................110 Sunburns, to take off,......................................................175 Surfeit, a,........................................................................118 Sweating, to stop profuse,..................................................113 Swelled breasts, to cure..................................................—167 glands in the neck,................................................118 ]ege> ......................................................213, 290, 338 limbs, arising from a cold,......................................329 women's,......................................................278 throat,..........................................................1H 298 Swelling caused by a cold, how to cure,................................166 Swellings, how to break................................................;','"2?2 on man or beast, how to reduce,......................174. 315 ointment for,..................................1^5, 284, 283, 285 poultice for.....................................209, 242, 265, 321 Swimming of the head,......................................................251 Tan. to take off,..............................................................239 TapeWorm..................................................221,282,293,343 Teeth, how to preserve them,......................................r^'oft to clean...........................................................-™» |« to fasten the,. 382 416 INDEX. Tooth-ache,-...............-150, 180, 188, 286, 280, 284, 288, 329, 846 to prevent,.......................................................170 if hollow,.................................................161, 240 Tooth powder,..............................................................881 Testicles, pain in the..........................................................149 Tetter,..........................................................................309 Throat distemper.............................................................115 sore,.............................211, 218, 235, 256, 268, 287, 836 putrid sore,..................................................820, 841 swelled....................................................170, 298, 802 Thorn-apple tea,..............................................................236 Thorns, now to draw out,.................................... .............198 Thrush........................................................162, 194, 217, 263 Tic doloreux,..................................................................380 Tincture of life, how to make,................,.....................241, 248 London....................................................245 Tobacco chewing or smoking, cure for,.................................328 Tongue, frog fellon under the.............................................252 to cut the fur off the,.............................................888 Torpor of the limbs,......................................... ..............158 Tumors in the breast,.........................................................241 Twisting of the guts,.........................................................169 Typus fever,...................................................................251 Ulcers,...................................................................207, 848 malignant,.............................................................207 stubborn.............................................................207 to cure inward,.............................159, 169, 206, 283, 288 in the leg (bleeding),..............................................207 kidneys or bladder,........................................208 Ulcerated sores,..................................................182, 198,'283 Urine, bloody,........................................173, 208, 281, 304, 322 by drops, with pain,.............................................."..208 obstructed,.............................................................187 involuntary,...................................................... ..199 suppression of,......................................................^201 sha,rP>.....;-•...............•.....................»V.V."V.\V.'.'.V.'.V.'206 scalding of the,.......................................................213 stoppage of,................................................V.V.V"...* .228 white,..............................................................170 Urinary obstructions...................................................... '..268 Uterine commotion,............................................. .*:321 Uvula inflamed,...........................................'..).. ::.".201 relaxed,...............................................................200 Vegetable powder,................................................ 2H poison, cure for,..................".'"."".'.V.16'7,""si6,'m,'248 INDEX. 417 Venereal diseases, cure for,..................................Page 226, 294 Venomous sting,.............................................................337 Vervine,........................................................................331 Vertigo........................................................................171 Viper bite,............... .....................................................171 to prevent the bite of a,....................................207 Vomit, a safe and easy,......................................................208 Vomiting blood,.............•..................................................135 to stop,.............................138, 177, 191, 196, 205, 28*7 Warts,..................................................176, 201,213, 289, 321 Wasp sting, ..................................................................196 Water, stoppage in the,.............................................114, 176 . weakness in the,...................................................215 Wax in the ears,...........................................................126 Weak eyes,.....................................................................135 limbs,.................................'............................186, 243 stomach,.............................................209, 216, 804, 818 Weakness, female,.....................................................213, 264 and sprains in the back,....................................129 inward,..................................176, 250, 300, 344, 346 in the ankles,...................................................201 Weakly and rickety children,.............................................283 Wene,....................................................................177, 255 White swelling on the joint,...............•................................170 Whites,....................................................................200, 264 Whitlow,.................................................................200, 344 Whooping cough...................................145, 165, 180, 816, 339 Wind colic, ...................................................... -.240, 300 rupture................................................................151 Windy dropsy,................................................-............1^1 Woman in travail, syrup for,.............................................285 Womb, falling of the,................................................133, 244 Worm, pin or tape....................................................113, 221 powders, to make,........ .........................................114 Worms, for,. 121, 158, 179, 192, 198, 228, 246, 249, 804, 825, 327, 339 to kill,....................................................269, 282, 301 and worm fever,....................................................121 Worms in children, to kill,.................................................292 Wound bleeding, to stop a,................................................139 Wounds, green,...........................:......................283, 263, 345 inflammation in,...............................................h"*25& inward,........................................................174,245 to take cold or swelling out of,.............................175 Wrenches, inward,..........................................................344 Yarrow, remarks on,.............................•..........................237 Yellow dock,................................................................23J jaundice, cure for,..................................................*17 INDEX—B. Paok ApplM and potatoes, how to save,.. .898 Beef, to keep sweet and tender one year,..... ............892 Beef '8 gall, to preserve,............898 Beer, best root, .......890 spruce,......................390 small,.........................891 Bees, how to save,..................894 Bite of a mad dog,..................882 Black flies, to prevent from destroy- ing gardens,...................891 Bleeding at the lungs,...............877 Blind staggers, euro for,.............868 Blood in the nose or elsewhere, to ■top,..........................880 Botta,..............................882 Bread, dyspepsia,..................'.898 Indian,.....................895 Broken horns,......................897 legs,.......................881 Butter, how to save,................894 to sweeten strong,..........895 Cake, cup,.........................895 cold water,...................895 Calves, how to raise them,..........377 that scour,..................878 Canada thistles, kill,.........394 Caterpillars on fruit trees, to destroy.891 Cattle, for horn ail in,...............865 garget in the head, to prevent.876 murrain In,..................878 poisoned with sorrel,.........875 stoppage iu the mannefolds of. 876 sore eyes In,.................876 to kill worms on,.............368 take warts off from,.......874 tighten teeth in,...........877 help them to dung,........378 stop vomiting,............881 cure wens on,.............881 over-heated,...........885 that cannot make water,......366 worms in the tail of,.........875 Cheese, to keep skippers from,.......894 Cider, how to refine,................890 Corn, to fit for planting,.............890 Corns or warts,....................868 Cud, loss of,...................8S1, 888 Paob. Cucumbers and squashes, to preserve from flies and worms,...........891 Eggs, to save,......................390 Fruit and potatoes, how topreserre,. 398 trees, to preserve,...........?.898 Gall, overflow of the,...............372 Cambrel joint, blood and wind spavin in,............................866 Garget in the tongue and throat,.....879 Glanders,..........................878 Hessian flies and cut worms, how to destroy,.......................891 Honey, how to clarify,.............896 Hunting, fishing, &c................397 Horse colts, how to get,.............884 marks of a good,.............861 ointment, green,..............865 stiff,.......................879 Horses, bone spavin on,.............869 botta in,................864, 879 canker in the mouth and throat of,...............380 clap in the back slnewB, be- tween the gambrel and fetter-lock joints,........374 cramp in the bowels of,......:t74 crick in back of,.............872 castrated,................ ,'^5 gripes in,...................;;so foundered by eating grain,... .37R drinking water.3f,7 heaves in,...................;jr,2 pulsation of,.................^73 ring-bones on,...............871 shoulder strain In,...........388 staggers in,..................364 stoppage or dry bleach in,... .382 throat distemper In,..........866 yellows or jaundice in,......872 worms in,...................352 to bring down swellings on,... 360 keep flies from tormenting. 870 make a star in the forehead „ °f.....................374 Horses' hoofs, cracks ia,.............865 Hoof bound,........................879 INDEX. 419 Page. Hoof brittle,.......................374 Hoofs, gravelled,...................380 Inward hurts or ulcers,.............388 Mares, treatment of,................369 Meat, putrid or tainted,.............892 to preserve fresh,.............392 prevent flies and bugs from blowing,...............898 Milk, to increase,...................835 Old sores,..........................377 Peach trees, to preserve from mill- dew,..........................393 Plowing in the fall,.................396 Pole evfl, or thistelow,..............368 Pork or beef, pickle for,............392 Potatoes, to save in summer,........393 Poultry, raising and treatment of;.. .387 Eats and mice, to drive them from barns,..........................392 Beeipes for making wine,...........889 Eing-bone, infallible cure for,.......870 Ring-worms,.......................861 Scours in horses or cattle,...........875 Scab or tick,.......................385 •Scratches,..........................383 Sheep, cough in,...................881 staggers in,..................382 fever in,....................881 poisoned,...................385 for the plague in,............885 Page. Sheep, to kill maggots in,.......382, 884 preserve from rot,.....382, 885 Sinew sprain,......................871 Sore back,......................___374 eyes,..........................877 Strain, fresh,.......................865 String halt,........................874 Stalling or urinating, cure for,.......383 Spavin,............................867 Spavins, soft,.......................867 wind and blood,............368 Sows, to have them pregnant,.......873 Swine, for fever In,.................384 to cure measles in,...........384 cure of scurvy,..............872 to feed and keep right,.......384 make grow and fat well,.. .863 pox,........................884 Tapping to let out wind,............380 Tetter, or ring-worm,...............380 Timber, time of cutting for durabil- ity, ............................894 Water, stoppage in,.................877 yellow, for the,..............873 Weaning calves, colts, or children,.. .872 Wind colic,........................881 galls.........................878 Wine, black raspberry,..............889 cider,........................889 currant,......................889 Indian,......................389 Worms in wounds, to drive and keep out,............................862 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by DANIEL SMITH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of New York. Copied from " An Act to amend the several Acts respecting Copyrights." Bbotion 6. 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