N563c 1839 THE CHARTER BY-LAWS *\ S OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY CITY OP NEW-YORK: TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, &c. NEW-YORK JOSEPH W. HARRISON, PRINTER N$>. 28 CATHARINE-STREET. .' <** ----- 1839. I MM 211958 tffc THE CHARTER BY-LAWS . -^ OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY CITY OF NEW-YORK: TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, &c. f^- " ' --^^ __(\ X NEW-YORK: JOSEPH W. HARRISON, PRINTER, NO. 28 CATHARINE-STREET. 1839. r A/fl3 t /f3f NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON, D. 6. CHARTER. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK: Passed April 25, 1831. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows :— I. John D. Keese, John L. Embree, and all such persons as are now members of an association in the city of New-York, known as the Col- lege of Pharmacy, or shall hereafter become members of the same, are hereby constituted a corporation and body politic, in law and in fact, to have continuance for twenty-five years, by the name, style and title of the " College of Pharmacy of the city of New-York," for the pur- pose of cultivating, improving and making known a knowledge of Pharmacy, its collateral branches of science, and the best modes of preparing medicines and their compounds, and of giving instruction in the same by public lectures, and may hold real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. II. The said College may establish By-Laws and Rules for its gov- ernment and regulation, and for the preservation and application of the funds thereof, not repugnant to the constitution and laws'of the -United States or the State of New-York, and shall have power to erect an edifice for their accommodation, and to constitute a faculty or learned body, to consist of such head or heads, and such a number of professors in chemistry, pharmacy, materia medica, and the colla- teral sciences, as they may judge necessary, and whenever they shall see fit, to remove them, or either of them, and to appoint others in their stead; and to do every thing needful and necessary to the estab- lishment of said college and faculty. III. The officers of the College shall be a President, three Vice- Presidents, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, whose respective duties may be assigned by the By-LaAvs, and who shall be elected at the 4 stated meeting in March of each year; and any vacancy that may occur may be supplied by a special election by the members of said College. There shall also be elected at the stated meeting in March a Board of Trustees, consisting of not less than seven members ; and the officers of the College shall be also ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees ; and the said Board of Trustees, of whom not less than one-third shall constitute a quorum, shall conduct the ordinary affairs of the College, make such rules and regulations, and do all other things necessary for the support and government of the College of Pharmacy, as they may deem fit and proper, and perform such du- ties as are or may be from time to time committed to them by the said College ; the acts of the Board of Trustees, however, to be subject to the revision of the College at each stated meeting. IV. The Trustees shall have power to issue certificates of mem- bership, to adopt rules and regulations in the examination of candi- dates, and the granting of diplomas to those who shall have attended two courses of lectures of the College, and have studied four years with a respectable Druggist or Apothecary, and shall have undergone a satisfactory examination by the Trustees, assisted by the Professors of the College. V. If the annual elections for officers of said College and members of the Board of Trustees shall not be held on the stated day in Marchj the said corporation shall not be thereby dissolved, but the officers and Trustees shall continue in office until anew election. VI. The Corporation hereby created, shall be subject to the provi- sions and possess the general powers specified in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes, and the Legislature may at any time modify, alter or repeal this act. State of New-York, Secretary's Office: I certify the preceding to be a true copy of an original act of the Legislature of this State on file in this office. ARCHD. CAMPBELL, Deputy Secretary. Albany, May 11, 1831. AMENDMENT. An Act to amend the Charter of the " College of Pharmacy of the City of New- York," passed April 25, 1831; passed March 6, 1839. The People of the State ofNew-YoRk represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows :— The College of Pharmacy, of the City of New-York, may hold such buildings and collections of books, and of the productions of nature and of art, as it may want for the purposes of instruction, besides the property mentioned in the first section of the act incorporating said College, and may mortgage and sell its property or any part thereof by its bonds and mortgages and conveyances, to be executed under the common Seal of the said Corporation, and acknowledged by its President, and may divide its property into shares of stock, transfer- Table as personal property. State of New-York, Secretary's Office. I have compared the preceding with an original act of the Le- gislature of this Slate, deposited in this Office, and do certify that the same is a correct transcripuherefrom, andof the whole of said original. (Signed.) ARCHD. CAMPBELL. Deputy Secretary. Albany, March 7, 1839. 1* BY-LAWS OF THE COLLEGE. ARTICLE I. Section 1.—It shall be the duty of the President, and in his ab- sence of one of the Vice-Presidents, in their order, and in their ab- sence of a Chairman, to be appointed pro tempore, to preside at all meetings of the College, and in case of an equal division to have a casting vote. • Section 2.—It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect and take charge of all moneys belonging to the College, and to render an account of the same, embracing the items' of receipts and expenditures for the preceding year, at the stated meeting in March, and also as often as he may be required by the Board of Trustees. He shall give bond and security, if required, for the faithful performance of his trust, and shall pay no moneys except on the order of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, countersigned by the Secretary. Section 3.—The Secretary shall keep regular minutes of the Col- lege, shall furnish to Committees a minute of their appointment, and give, at least, two day's notice to the members of the time and place of meeting. He shall be ex-officio Librarian, and shall have the charge of all books, specimens, &c. belonging to the College. Subject to such rules as may be adopted by the Board or Library Committee, he shall loan the books to any applicant therefor, being a member or gra- duate of the College, or the apprentice of a member. 7 ARTICLE II. Section 1—The stated meetings of the College shall be held on fhe third Thursday of the months of March, June and November. The meetings in March and November to be called at 7 o'clock, P.M., and that in June at 8 o'clock, P. M. Section 2.—Ten members shall form a quorum. Section 3.—The business of these Meetings shall be conducted in the following order :— 1st.—Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read, corrected if necessary, and adopted. 2d.—Reports of Committees (which shall always be in writing,) shall be received, and all unfinished business acted on. 3d.—The minutes of the Board of Trustees since the last stated meeting of the College shall be read, and business arising therefrom, attended to. 4th.—Persons proposed for honorary membership shall be bal- loted for. 5th.—Incidental business shall be taken up. Section 4.—No motion shall be received unless seconded, and shall be in writing, if so required by any member; and when any question is before the meeting, no motion shall be received unless to amend, commit or postpone, or to adjourn, and the latter shall be decided without debate. Section 5.—All members when speaking shall rise, and address the Chair, and no member shall speak upon any question more than twice, unless by permission of the President. Section 6.—All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair, unless an appeal to the meeting be made and seconded, when it shall be decided by the meeting Avitliout debate. Section 7.—By order of the President, or in his absence, of the officer upon Avhoni his duties may devolve, or at the request, in wri- ting, of five members, specifying the objects in view, the Secretary shall call a spec'al meeting of the College ; and at such meeting no other business shall betaken up but that for which the meeting was specially called. Section 8.—All meetings of the College shall be called to order, as soon after the hour of meeting as there shall be a quorum present, af- ter which no member shall leave the room without permission of the President 8 ARTICLE III. Section 1.—Any adult person may be admitted a member of this College, Avho has been regularly educated as a Druggist or Apothe- cary, or who has received a diploma from this or from any other re- gularly constituted College of Pharmacy, and who is of correct moral deportment. In order to his admission he must be proposed, in writing, by two members at a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees, and be balloted for at the succeeding meeting of the same. Three-fourths of the votes shall be necessary for his admission. He must pay an ini- tiation fee of five dollars, and sign the By-Laws of the College, and shall pay an annual contribution of five dollars as long as he shall continue a member, or until he shall have paid twelve yearly sub- scriptions, after which he shall be a member for life. If preferred by the candidate, he may pay fifty dollars on admission, which shall con- stitute him a life member. Every member who is not in arrears shall be furnished with a certificate of membership upon the stipulation in writing by the holder, that the certificate shall be reclaimed by the College when the membership of the individual shall cease from any cause Avhatever ; and if called for by a vote of two-thirds of a meeting of the Board of Trustees, and refused, a statement of the circum- stance with a copy of his agreement shall be published at the discre- tion of the Board. Section 2.—No member of this College shall take an Apprentice for a shorter term than four years, and every Apprentice so taken shall be obliged to attend tAvo full courses of the lectures during his term. Section 3.—No member who is in arrears six months for his an- nual contribution, shall be entitled to a vote. The annual contribu- tion shall be payable at the stated meeting of the College in March, and shall be collected immediately after. If any member elect do not pay his initiation fee, and sign the By-LaAvs within three months from the date, of his election, it shall be considered void ; and if he apply again for admission, he must be balloted for anew. And upon the representation of the Treasurer to the Board of Trustees at a stated meeting, any member, who, being in the city, shall have ne- glected to pay his yearly dues, or who shall refuse to pay the same for eighteen months, shall be specially notified to attend the next stated meeting of the College, to show cause for such neglect; and in case of failure or inability to show what shall appear, to the majority of the meeting, a sufficient excuse, his name shall be struck from the roll.__. 9 Members who remove from the city and do not hold any communica- tion with the College for the term of eighteen months, shall be sub- ject to the same process. Section 4.—Each member of the College shall be entitled annu- ally to attend the lectures without charge, but his tickets shall not be transferable. Section 5.—The College may elect at their stated meetings, on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, as honorary members, Druggists and Apothecaries, who have retired from business ; and Chemists and men of science, either in this or in any other country, whose labours have added to the general stock of knowledge. From such members no contribution shall be required. They shall have the privilege of the use of the library and of attending the lectures and meetings of the College, but they shall not be entitled to vote. Section 6.—Persons who are not at present nor have been hereto- fore Druggists or Apothecaries, but who have or who shall subscribe for four Shares of the Stock of the College, or Avho shall purchase to that amount of said Stock from a subscriber, shall be admitted by the Trustees, on information being given by the Treasurer at a stated meeting of such purchase being made, into a class of Members to be designated by the title of Contributing Members. They shall be entitled to vote at all elections for Treasurer and Trustees, (provided always that these officers shall be taken from among the ordinary members of the College) but not for the other officers of the Institu- tion, nor on any other occasion. Contributing members are not to be entitled to the certificate of membership Section 7.—Complaints may be preferred against any member of the College to the Board of Trustees for misconduct in his business, either by the adulteration of articles or otherwise. If the Trustees are satisfied that such complaints are well founded, they shall appoint a sub-committee to remonstrate with the individual, and if he shall re- fuse or neglect to remedy the evil complained of. the Trustees may report the case to a meeting of the College, to be called by the Presi- dent at their request, giving the offending member due notice thereof, and at such meeting he may be expelled by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. ARTICLE IV. Section 1.—Each candidate for the diploma who has complied with the requisitions of the Charter, shall, during the last week of farsGNAL library of medicine WASHINGTON, D. C. 10 the lectures, give in his name to either of the Professors, Avith a Dis- sertation on Thesis on some article of the Materia Medica, or an an- alysis of some chemical substance conducted by himself, which is to be transmitted to the Secretary to be by him laid before the Board of Trus- tees. If the Thesis be satisfactory to the Board, a day shall be appoin- ted foi the examination. Each candidate shall be examined separately in the presence of the Board, by the Professors, and a committee of ex- amination appointed for that purpose by the President. A vote of three- fourths of the Trustees present shall be necessary to his success. If he pass satisfactorily, his diploma shall be presented by the Presi- dent or some member selected for that purpose at the stated meeting of the College, in March, or at an adjournment thereof, when his Thesis shall be read, provided, in all cases, that the candidate shall have attained the age of twenty years. Section 2.—A regular apprenticeship with a member of any other legally constituted College of Pharmacy, and the attendance of one full course of its lectures, shall be sufficient to entitle a student, who may subsequently attend two full courses of the lectures in this Col- lege, (the latter of which shall be gratuitous,) and who shall pass satisfactorily the required examination, to receive the diploma of Graduate of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New-York, ARTICLE V. No alteration shall be made in these, or the by-laws for the Trus- tees, unless proposed to the College at one stated meeting, considered at the next, and adopted by two-thirds of the members present. BY-LAWS OP THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Section 1.—The Board of Trustees shall meet statedly on the first Thursday of every month, at 7 o'clock, P. M., except during the sum- mer months, when the hour of meeting shall be 8 o'clock. The meet- ings of the Board during the summer months may be dispensed with at its discretion. Section 2.—The Officers of the College shall be ex-officio those of the Board of Trustees. Five members shall form a quorum. Section 3.—The Board of Trustees shall have full poAver to con- duct the affairs of the College, both those appertaining to its financesj and also to the general objects for which it was founded. The whole of the proceedings shall be regularly entered on the minutes, together with the ayes and noes (if required by two members) upon all disputed questions, for the inspection of the College at its stated meetings. Section 4.—All the proceedings of the Board of Trustees at its meetings shall be conducted in the same order, and as closely in con- formity Avith the regulations for those of the College, as circumstances will permit. Section 5.—In case of the death or removal from the city of a Trus- tee, the College shall, at its next stated meeting, fill the vacancy thus occasioned. If a Trustee neglect to attend three successive meetings of the Board, without assigning a sufficient reason therefor, the Trus- tees shall report his name to the next stated meeting of the College, when his place may be declared vacant and supplied by the election of another member. Section 6.—The stated meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to the ordinary members of the College who may choose to attend, but they shall not interfere Avith the business before the Board, Section 7.—The Board shall app6int, as often as may be necessary, suitable persons as Professors of Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Chemistry, and of such branches of science as may be useful in the instruction of Apothecaries. L2 Section 8.—It shall also fix the price of tickets, and the remunera- tion which it may be necessary to allow the Professors ; the number of Lectures, and the place and time at which they shall be given, and all other matters in any manner connected thereAvith. Section 9.—A committee of three persons shall be annually ap- pointed by the Board, to be denominated the " Library Committee," whose duty it shall be to procure, under the direction of the Trustees, such books and specimens of Materia Medica/ &c. as may be found necessary. It shall also be their duty, in conjunction with the Pro- fessors, to publish in pamphlet form under the title of the "Journal of the New York College of Pharmacy," such essays and extracts from books of science as may be approved by the Board of Trustees. Section 10.—The Board shall annually appoint a standing com- mittee of "Inspection," to consist of three persons, whose duty it shall be to examine all drugs and medicines that may be submitted to them, and to report to the Board such unmerchantable or spurious articles as may come within their knowledge. Section 11.—There shall also be annually appointed by the Board a standing committee of " Reference," who shall decide on all cases of dispute that may arise in the transaction of business between mem- bers of this College, Avhich may be referred to them. It shall be the duty of this committee to receive all complaints, which may be pre- ferred against any member for misconduct or malpractice in his busi- ness, and to report the same with such information as they may pos- sess, to the next meeting of the Board. Section 12.—These committees shall be appointed by ballot at the stated meeting in April, or in case of a quorum not being present, at the first meeting of the Board that may be held thereafter. Section 13.—The Trustees shall annually in February appoint a committee to examine the accounts of the Treasurer, and their report in writing, shall be submitted to the meeting of the College in March. . OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. president, CONSTANTINE ADAMSON. vice-presidents, JOHN MILHAU, 1st. OLIVER HULL, 2d, JAMES H. HART, 3d. TREASURER, CHARLES L. WHITE. SECRETARY, WILLIAM H. MILNOR. TRUSTEES, BERNARD SOUILLARD, GEORGE D. COGGESHALL JOHN CARLE, Jr. MARCUS HURD, DAVID T. LANMAN, JAMES CRUMBIE, MARSHALL C. SLOCUM, BENJAMIN QUACKINBUSH, JAMES D. NOW1LL. STANDING COMMITTEES: t BERNARD SOUILLARD, library. < OLIVER HULL, 1 WILLIAM H. MILNOR. i CONSTANTINE ADAMSON, of inspection. < JOHN MILHAU, ( MARSHALL C. SLOCUM. ( GEORGE D. COGGESHALL. OF REFERENCE. 1 JAMES CRUMBIE ( MARCUS HURD, PROFESSORS. J. SMITH ROGERS, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. JOHN H. GRISCOM, lVI. D. Professor of Chemistry JAS. R. CHILTON, M. D. Professor of Practical Chemical Analysis, Toxicology and Medical Jurisprudence connected thereAvith CHRISTOPHER R. McCLELLAN, M. D. Professor of Botany. LIST OF MEMBERS. CONSTANTINE ADAMSON, CORNELIUS B. ARCHER, ALFRED ASHFIELD, JAMES S. ASPINWALL, JOHN M. BRADHURST, WILLIAM BURGER, RALPH J. BUSH, JOHN CARLE, Jr. EDWIN CLARK, WILLIAM N. CLARK, AUGUSTUS G. CLARK, GEORGE D. COGGESHALL, JAMES CRUMBIE, JOHN H. CURRIE, FRANCIS DELLUC, JOHN B. DODD, JOSEPH W. DURYEE, GEORGE W. EMBREE, JOHN L. EMBREE, HENRY F. FISH, ISAAC G. GRAHAM, ALFRED GUILLOU, .1. GUSTINE, JAMES C. HALLOCK, JOHN K. HARDENBROOK, JAMES H. HART, JAMES C. HAVILAND, HENRY HAYDOCK, OLIVER HULL, MARCUS HURD, JOHN D. KEESE, FRANKLIN THEODORE KEESE, HENRY T. KIERSTED, DAVID T. LANMAN, EDWARD N. LAWRENCE, GEORGE N. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM MAUNDER, EDWARD A. McCLEAN, JOHN MEAD, JOHN MEAKIM, JOHN MILHAU, WILLIAM H. MILNOR, LINDLEY MURRAY, JAMES D. NOWILL, WILLIAM J. OLLIFF, JAMES D. ORAM, SAMUEL J. OSBORN, JOHN PENFOLD, FREDERICK PLACE, PIERRE PRETERRE, PIERRE N. PRETERRE. BENJAMIN QUACKINBUSH, WILLIAM L. RUSHTON, MARSHALL C. SLOCUM, BERNARD SOUILLARD, JAMES W. SMITH, Brooklyn, LANSING B. SWAN, Rochester, NJ JAMES B. TOWN SEND, WALTER B. TOWNSEND, JAMES TRIPPE, WILLIAM VAN EM BURGH, CHARLES L WHITE, R WHITING. HONORARY MEMBERS, John Hull, Hickson W. Field, Robert Christison, Professor of versity of Edinburgh. Daniel B. Smith, President of the Henry Perrine, M. D. Laurens Hull, M. D. Bethuel Peck, M. D. Seth H. Pratt, M. D. Salmon Axtell, M. D. Waterman Ellsworth, M. D. Andrew Sill, M. D. Henry Mitchell, M. D. A. Leavenworth, M. D. Alexander McIntyre, M. D. John Coats, M. D. New-York, it Medical Jurisprudence in the Uni- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Indian Key, Florida^ Allegany County, N. Y. Warren " " Allegany " " Washington " " Chatauque " " Livingston, " " Chenango, " " Chataraugus" " Wayne, " « Genesee " " LIBRARY. The Library Committee have adopted the following Rules for the regulation of the Library :— I. The Library is free to the use of Members, Honorary Members, Professors of the College, Students attending the lectures, and Apprentices of members. II. Books can be obtained by application to the Secretary of the College. III. No volume to be retained for a longer time than one month. IV. Each person using the books, to be accountable for their value, or for any damage they may sustain. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS. Accum's Chemical Tests, American Journal of Science and Arts. American Journal of Pharmacy, under direction of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy— numbers from commencement. Barton's Medical Botany, 2 vols. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence, 2 vols. Begin's Therapeutics, 2 vols. Biare.low's Materia Mediea. Brande's Chemistry. Blair's do. Chaptal's Chemistry, 2 vols. Conversations on Chemistry, Cooper's Surgery, 2 vols. Conversations on Chemistry, Conversations on Mineralogy, Cleveland's Mineralogy Canello's Philosophy, 2 vols. Chirurgical Pharmacy, Cullin's Materia Medica, 2 vols. Complete Surgeon, 1727. Dana's Chemical Philosophy, Darby's Louisiana, Dictionnaire de Matiere Medicale, par Merat, Darwin's Botanic Garden, Dictionnaire des Drogues, 5 vols. Eberly's Therapeutics, 2 vols. Ellis's Medical Formulary, Ewell's Chemistry, Emporium of Arts and Sciences, 5 vols. Eaton's Manual of Botany, Eaton's Botanical Dictionary, Formulae Selectse, Fourcroy's Chemistry, Franklin's Works, 6 vols. Presented by William N. Clark. James C Haviland. do. U. H. Levy. James C. Haviland. Oliver Hull. Bayard P. Blachley. William N. Clark. James C. Haviland. F. & N. G. Carnes. William N. Clark. John Clark, M. D. James C. Haviland. James C. Haviland. do. 17 Gregory's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2v. John Hull. Gray's Operative Chemist, Good's Book of Nature, Do. Study of Medicine, 5 vols. Griscom's Year in Europe, 2 vols. James C. Haviland Galpine's Botany, William N. Clark. Htstoire de la Medecine, by Kurt Sprengel, 9 v. Hooper's Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. Henry's Medical Herbal, Joseph W. Duryee. Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Journal de Pharmacie, odd numbers. Journal of Science and the Arts, 5 vols. Do. do. do. 5 vols. Lyceum of Natural History, 3 vols. Lee's Botany, Minor Encyclopedia, 4 vols. Murray's Materia Medica, Magendie on Phthisis, Medical Review, odd numbers, Medical Journal, do. John Clark, M. D. James C. Haviland. Oliver Hull. William N. Clark. James C. Haviland. Dr. J. S. Parkin. John Clark, M. D. Tols. &, numbers. -do. Do. Repository do. Mackenzie's 5000 Receipts, Miller's Botany, 2 vols. Magendie's Formulary, MfHif>al anrl Phvsi^al Innrr.nl Medico-Ch'irurgical Review, Nicholson's Chemistry, Paris's Phaimacologia, 2 vols. Pharmacopia of the United States, Do. of the New York Hospital, Phillip's Pharmacopia, Paris's Medical Chemistry, Park's Chemistry. Parr's Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. Plants of Boston, Pharmacopoeia Londini, Rush on Plants, 2 vols. Researches on the Kahinea, Rousseau's Botany, Steel's Analysis of Mineral Waters, Seaman's do. do. Schoolcraft's View of Lead Mines, Smith's Botany, Thatcher's Dispensatory, Thompson's Chemistry, 4 vols. Thornton's Botany, Torrey's do. Traite sur les Dartres, Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, Do. do. do., 2 vols. Virey's Traite de Pharmacie, 2 vols. Webster's Chemistry, John Clark, M. D. John Clark, M. D. F. & N. G. Carnes. William N. Clark. Thomas L. Clark. William N. Clark. do. do. C. Adamson. John Clark, Jun. Oliver Hull. Dr. J. S. Parkin. James C. Haviland. William L. Rushton. James C. Haviland. Oliver Hull. F. & N. G. Carnes. W. L. Rushton. An Act to regulate the preparation and dispensing of Medicines in the. city of New York, passed March 11, 1839. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do Enact as follows :— Sec. 1.—No person shall be hereafter allowed to commence or prac- tice, in the city of New-York, the business of an Apothecary, or that of preparing and dispensing medicine, or of preparing or putting up physicians' prescriptions, without having previously obtained the Di- ploma of the College of Pharmacy of the city of New-York, or unless furnished with a diploma from some other regularly constituted Col- lege of Pharmacy or Medicine, or shall have passed an examination of the Censors of the Medical Society of one of the counties of this state, and have been furnished by such Censors with a certificate of his qualifications for the business of an Apothecary, which diploma or certificate he shall produce to the Secretary of the said College of Pharmacy to be by him registered without charge. Sec 2.—Any person offending against the provisions of this law, shall be subject to a penalty of fifty-one dollars for each and every offence, which may be recovered with costs, in the name of the people of the state of New York, in any Civil Court of Record, and the said fines when collected, after deducting such reasonable counsel fees as the court shall allow, shall be paid by the District Attorney to the Treas- urer of the New York City Dispensary for the use of said Dispensary. Sec 3.—This law shall not apply to persons who now carry on said business, nor to the preparation and dispensing of medicines by li- censed physicians.