POCKET MEDICAL FORMULARY, ARRANGED TilER{lJft:@Cl|LLY. 15 Y ALEXANI)ER HA Z A R1). TOT.. ##» ’ ’ AND BERNARD M, GOLDBERG, M.D. BE VISED AKD ENIjAKGED BY ABRAHAM S. GERHARD, A.M., M.D., PROFESSOR OF GENERAL PATHOLOGY, MEDICAL -TITR tBPKITnF.NCK AND CLINICAL MEDICINE, AT THE MEDICO-CHIRDRGICAL CO I, L EG K ,jrfl WITH AN A P PENl) f\X, CONTAINING FORMULAS AND DOSES OF HYPODERMIC MEDICATION; A TABLE OF ERUPTIVE FEVERS; AND POISONS. THEIR SYMPTOMS, ANTIDOTES, AND TREATMENT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. : COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE ST. 1886. Copyright by ALEXANDER HAZARD, M.D. BERNARD M. GOLDBERG, M.D. ABRAHAM S. GERHARD, M.D. 1886. 'The busy and hard-worked Practitioner of the United States is entitled to the respect, confidence, and consideration of his fellow-practitioners no less than to that of the general community; and therefore to him this Little Volume is most humbly and sincerely dedicated by THE ATJTTTOBS. III PREFACE. This work is offered to the busy practitioner as a pocket-companion on his daily rounds, in the hope that it will materially aid and assist him in the treatment of disease. One glance over its pages will acquaint him with the nature and scope of its contents. The recent graduate, about to enter upon the practice of medicine, and not yet familiar with the art of prescrip- tion writing, will here find patterns, by authors both young and old, of all nationalities. The advanced student will here find room, on its blank pages, to treasure up in their appropriate places the latest prescriptions as they fall from the lips of his clinical instructors. The appen- dix, it is hoped, is calculated to give valuable hints in the flurry and excitement of certain sudden emergencies. The compilers trust that V VI PREFACE. in this humble way they have contributed, though only a mite, something in the interest and to the convenience of their professional brethren. The reviser has freely availed him- self of the therapeutic works of Roberts Bar- tholow, Sydney Ringer, Edward John Waring, and George H. Xaphcys, and of the formularies of Benjamin Ellis and Henry Beasley—and therefore acknowledges himself under special obligations to them. Philadelphia, February, 1886. AUTHORITIES. Abercrombie. Abernethy. Acton. Adams. Agnew. Ainslie. Aldridge. Alibert. Anderson. Andrew. Anstie. Ash well. Atlee. Atthill. Aubergier. Aubert. Ayer. Bailey. Baillie. Balfour. Banyer. Barker. Barlow. Barnes. Bartholow. Bartlett. Basham. Bazin. Beard. Beasley. Beddoes. Bennet. Bethune. Bibron. Biett. Bird. Blair. Blanc. Blasius. Bonjean. Boteler. Bouchardat. Bouchut. Bourdon. Bradley. Brande. Brera. Brinton. Brodie. Brown. Browne. Brown-Sequard. Brunton. Bucknill. Budd. Burgess. Busch. Campbell. Cane. Canquoin. Carre. Carson. Casorati. Cazeaux. Cazenave. Chandler. Charming. Chapman. Charteris. Chaussier. Chrestien. Churchill. Clark. Clarus. Clousden. Comstock. VII VIII AUTHORITIKS. Condie. Cooper. Copland. Corfe. Correa. Corry. Corvisart. Coulson. Coxe. Crawcour. Crew. Cruice. Da Costa. Darwall. Date. Davis. Debreyne. De Lacaille. Devay. Devergie. Dewar. Dewees. Dick. Dobell. Donavan. Dowell. Druitt. Duboue. Duckworth. Duncan. Dunglison. Duparc. Dupasquier. Dupuytren. Durand. Eberle. Ebstein. Echeverria. Ellis. Erichsen. Erlenmeyer. Eulenburg. Evans. Fahnestock. Fairbank. Ferriar. Fisher. Fleisclimann. Fleming. Foster. Fothergill. Fowler. Fox. Foy. Freriehs. Fronmueller. Frost. Fuller. Garretson. Garrod. Gerhard. Getchell. Gimbert. Giordano. Girwood. Glover. Gola. Goldberg. Golding-Bird. Gooch. Goodell. Goodman. Graefe. Granville. Graves. Green. Greenhalgh. Gregory. Grieve. Gross. Gross, S. W. Gubler. Guiclion. Guthrie. Guy. Guy’s Hospital. Haden. Halford. Hamilton. Hammond. Hannay. Hannon. Hardy. Harley. Hartshorne. AUTHORITIES. IX Haughton. Hazard. Headland. Heath. Hebra. Herrman. Hicks. Hildenbrand. Hildreth. Hillier. Hirsh. Hitch man. Hood. Hooper. Hope. Hopital St. Louis. Hotel Dieu. Howe. Hufeland. Hull. Hulse. Hutchinson. Izard. Jackson. Jamieson. Jenner. Johnson. Jones. Jordan. Joret et Homolle. Joy. Kennard. Kennedy. Kentish. Kernel-. Kesteven. Keyser. Kilgour. Kingdon. King’s Coll. Hosp. Knoll. Kopp. Krafft-Ebing. Krombliolz. Kroyla. Laborde. Lambert. La Roche. Laycock. Leeluyse. Lee. Lemare-Picquot. Lettsom. Letzericli. Levis. Lewis. Liebreich. Lisfranc. Lister. Livezey. London Hosp. Louis. Lowndes. Ludlow. Lugol. Lyman. MacDonald. Mackenzie. MacLagan. Magendie. Maisch. Manassein. Mann. Marcus. Marsden. Marshall. Martin. Martini. Maunsell. Meigs. Mettauer. M’Gregor. Michon. Milton. Mitchell, J. K. Mitchell, R. W. Mitchell, S. W. Mitchell, T. D. Moeli. Mo re tin. Morse. Morton. M’Phail. Nagle. AUTHORITIES. X Napheys. Neale. Neligan. Neumann. Niemeyer. Norton. Nothnagel. Oates. Oke. Oliver. Osbrey. O’Shauglinessy. Palmer. Pancoast. Paris. Paris Codex. Pariset. Parkes. Parrish. Pelletan. Pennypacker. Penrose. Pepper. Peschek. Pharm. Guyensis. Philada. Hosp. Phillips. Phoebus. Physick. Pierquin. Piorry. Plumbe. Polli. Porcher. Preston. Prideaux. Priestlejr. Proctor. Proutt. Quain. Rademaker. Radius. Raspail. Ratier. Rayer. Reece. Revillout. Reynolds. Rhode. Ricord. Ridgeway. Riebe. Ringer. Roche. Romberg. Rothe. Rudermacher. Rudolphi. Rust. Ryan. Salter. Sansom. Sarzance. Sehafhirt. Schilling. Schmidt. Schneck. Schubarth. Scott and McCormack Scudamore. Sedgwick. Selkirk. Seymour. Shaw. Shillitoe. Shinn. Silverthorn. Simpson. Smith, Eustace. Smith, F. G. Smith, H. H. Smith, Hugh. Smith, J. Laurence. Smith, J. Lewis. Smith, Tyler. Sobernheim. Soden. Solon. Soubeiran. Squire. Startin. Stewart. Still4. Stubbs. Sturges. AUTHORITIES. XI Styrap. Sully. Sundelin. Swediaur. Sweringen. Tanner. Tanturri. Tardieu. Thomas. Thompson. Thomson. Tournie. Trousseau. Trousseau et Reveil. Tuke. Turnbull. Tutt. Tyrell. Univ. Hosp. Ure. Valleix. Van Buren. Van Mons. Vanoye. Vecchiztti. Velpeau. Villate. Vogt. Waakes. Walker. Walsh. Walshe. Walter and Blundell. Ware. Waring. W aring-Curran. Waterhouse. Waters. Watson. Waugh. Webb. Weber. Weir. Wigan. Wilde. Wilkes. Wilks. Wilson. Winzar. Wood, G. B. Wood, H. C. Wooster. Wright. Wyeth. MEDICAL FORMULARY. Abscesses. 1.— Caleii Sulpliureti, gr. vj. Pulveris Glycyrrliizae, q. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas No. xii. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill every three hours. Waugh 2.— Caleii Sulphidi, gr. j. Sacchari Lactis, gr. x. Misce et flant chartulae No. x. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. Ringer. 3.—Sodii Hypophosphitis, 3iv. Caleii Hypophosphitis, 3viij. Syrupi simplicis, f §iss. Aquae Foeniculi, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful four times a day. Churchill. Acidity (see also Pyrosis). 4.—Liquoris Potassae, tflxx. Misturae Cretae, f Tincturae Calumbae, f 3j. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. One dose. Hooper. 5.— Spiritus Aminoniae aromatici, f 3iss. Spiritus iEtheris compositi, f 3j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3iij. Aquae Anisi, f §iiiss.—M. Sig. Dose, the one-third part, frequently repeated. Druitt. •) 6.—JR Hydrargyri cum Greta, gr. viij. Bismuthi Subnitratis, gr. xij. Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, gr. iij. Misce et divide in chartulas No. vi. Sig. Take one powder morning and night. (For children.') „ . , ' Gerhard. Acne (see also Skin Diseases). 7.—R Acidi Nitrohydrochlorici diluti, f oiss. Syrupi simplicis, f ss. Aquae Aurantii Florum, q. g. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. Da Costa. 8.— ft Syrupi Hypophosphitum compositi, f§iv. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. Da Costa. 9.— R Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. v. Unguenti Petrol ei, |j. Misce et fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply twice daily. Ringer. Albuminuria (Bright's Disease). 10.—R Tincturse Ferri Chloridi, f 3iij. Acidi Acetici diluti, f 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f §isS. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every six hours. Basham. 11.—R Potassii Iodidi, 3iss. Syrupi simplicis, f §gg. Aquae Cinnamomi, q. g. ad f gij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. Goldberg. 12.—R Auri ct Sodii Chloridi, gr. j. Micas Panis, q. g. Fiat massa, in pilulas No. xv. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Da Costa. 3 Alcoholism (Chronic). 13.— $ZinciOxidi, 3j. Piperin®, 3j. Misce et tiant pilul* No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three or four times a day. Chapman. 14.-$ Tinetur® Capsici, Tinetur* Zingiberis, aa f §j. Tinetur® Valerian® ammo., Tinetur® Gentian* comp., aa f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful in a teacupful of hop tea three or four times a day. Gerhard. Alopecia. 15.—$ Quinin® Sulphatis, 3ss. Tinetur* Cantharidis, f 3j. Spiritus Ammonii aromatici, f \y. Olei Ricini, f Spiritus Myrci®, f Jvss. Olei Rosmarini, git. v. Fiat mistura. Sig. Shake well. Apply two or three times a day with a stiff brush. Gerhard. 16.—$ Tinetur® Cantharidis, f 3j. Glycerin®, f ?ss. Spiritus Ammoni® aromatic!, f Aqu® Rosmarini, f§vij.—M. Sig. To be used with a wet brush once or twice a day- Startin. Amaurosis (Functional). 17.— $ Strychnin* Sulphatis, gr. j. (Jonfectionis Ros®, q. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas No. xxx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill after each meal. Magendie. 4 Amenorrhcca. 18.—$ Pulveris Cautharidis, gr. ij. Pulveris Sabinae, 3j. Misee et divide in pulveres No. iv. Sig. One every night on going to bed, watching its effects. Ooldberg. 19.—$ Pulveris Sabinae, Pulveris Zingiberis, aa gr. vj. Sodii Biboratis, gr. xv. Misee et fiat pulvis. Sig. Take two powders daily, morning and evening. • Thomson. 20.-$ Potassii Carbonatis, 3ss. Myrrhae, 3j. Tere simul, dein adde— Ferri Sulphatis, Sacchari Albi, aa 3ss. Fiat massa et divide in pilulas xl. Sig. Take two or three pills three times a day. Ilulse. 21.—$ Myrrhae, gr. viij. Pulveris Jalapae, gr. xv. Ferri Sulphatis exsiccatae, Pulveris Aloes et Canellae, aa 3j. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Fiat massa et divide in pilulas 1. Sig. Take two or three pills at bedtime, for several nights successively. jy. Chapman. 22.—$ Tincturae Guaiaci ammoniatae, f §iij. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful in milk or wine, three times a day for a month. Dewees. 23.—$ Iodi, • Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f 5ij. Spiritus Vini, f §j. Fiat tinctura. Sig. Take from five to ten drops in sweetened water twice a day, gradually and cautiously increasing the dose. S. O. Morton. Anaemia and Chlorosis. 24. Pulveris Ipecacuanhse, gr. vj. Hydrargyri cum Creta, gr. xij. Ferri Subcarbonatis, gr. xlviij. Misce et divide in pulveres vi. Take one powder twice a day. S. Ashwell. 25.— Liquoris Ferri dializati, f %j. Sig. Dose, twenty drops three times a day. 26.—Tincturse Ferri Chloridi, f 3iiss. Acidi Pliosphorici diluti, f 3iiiss. Syrupi Acidi citratis, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful in water three times a day- Goodell. 27.—Syrupi Ferri Iodidi, f 3ij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f Aquse destillatse, f §v.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. B. M’ Gregor. 28. —Ferri Suiphatis, Quininse Suiphatis, Extracti Anthemidis, aa3j. Olei Anthemidis, hlvj. Fiat massa, in pilulas xx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Golding-Bird. 29.— $ Strychnin* Suiphatis, gr. j. Acidi arseniosi, gr. i.j. Extracti Belladonnse, gr. v. Quininse Suiphatis, Pulveris Ferri, aij,3ij. Extracti Taraxaci, 3ss. Misce et liant pilulse No. xl. Sig. Take one pill after each meal. Francis Gurney Smith, Aneurism. 30.—$ Potassii Iodidi, §j.(!) Syrupi simplicis, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful three or four times a day, largely diluted. Balfour. 31.— $ Tincturae Digitalis, f Extracti Ergotae fluidi, f Jiiiss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. Da Costa. 32.—$ Tincturae Veratri viridis, f 3j. Tincturae Opii deoderatae, f 3iss. Syrupi simplicis, f 3vss. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours, cautiously. j)a Costa. Angina Pectoris. 33.—$ Amyli Nitritis, f 3j. Sig. From two to five drops to be inhaled from a clean handkerchief. Brunton. 34.—$ Tincturae Digitalis, f 3iiss. Spiritus Chloroformi, f 3vj. Extracti Buchu fluidi, f jj. Spiritus Juniperi compositi, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. Fothergill. 35.—$ chlorici, f Siss. Aquae Camphorae, f *ij. Syrupi Amygdalae, f §ss.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful in water every three hours. Evans. 7 Aphthae. 36.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3j. Mellis despumati, f Infusi Herbae Salviae, f §viss. Misce et fiat gargarysma. Sig. Use as a mouth wash frequently. Goldberg. 37.—$ Acidi Nitrohvdrochlorici diluti, f 3ss. Syrupi Rubi Idaei, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, from one to two teaspoonfuls every two hours, according to age. Gerhard. 38.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3j. Syrupi simplicis, f 3vj. Aquae Ciunamomi, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two hours for a child two years old. ‘ Stubbs. 39.-$ Sodii Sulphitis, 3iij. Infusi Coptis, f §vj.—M. Sig. Use as a mouth wash. Nagle. Asthma. 40.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3iij. Extracti Belladonnae fluidi, f 3j. Extracti Lobeliae fluidi, f 3ij. Extracti Grindeliae fluidi, f §ss. Glycerinae, Aquae destillatae, aa f §iss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two, three, or four hours, as necessary. Bcirtholow. 41.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Potassii Bromidi, 5SS> Syrupi Papaveris, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every half hour or hour until relieved. Pendleton Tutt. 42.—Chloral Hydratis, 3vj. Syrupi Tolutani, f §j. Aquas Fosniculi, q. s. ad f —M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every half hour or hour, until relieved. Weir mtchdL 43.— Foliorum Belladonnas, Foliorum Hyoscyami, aa gr. iij. Extracti Opii aquosi, gr.i. Aquae Laurocerasi, q. s. Moisten the leaves with a solution of the opium extract in the cherry-laurel water. Let them dry thoroughly and roll into a cigarette. Two to four of these cigarettes may be smoked every day. Trousseau. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Biliousness. 44.—$ Pulveris Ipecacuanhse, gr. iij. Massse Hydrargyri, gr. viij. Extracti Colocynthidis compositi, gr. xvj. Misce et divide in pilulas No. viii. Sig. Take one pill night and morning. Pendleton Tutt. 45.—$ Resinse Podophilli, gr. J. Resinse Jalapse, Extracti Colocynthidis composite, Gambogise, aa gr. iiss. Olei Juniperi, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulse No. ii. Sig. One dose, at bedtime. Guy. 46.—$ Fellis Bovini purificati, 3j. Manganesii Sulphatisexsiccati, 3ij. Resinse Podophilli, gr. v. Misce et fiant pilulse No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In catarrhal jaundice.) j)a Costa. 47.—$ Extracti Hydrastis fluidi, f 3iss. Tincturse Rhei, f 3viss. Tincturse Cinchonse compositse, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful two or three times a Jay- Niemeyer. Bladder, Affections of. See Catarrh. Boils. See Abscess. Bright's Disease. See Albuminuria. Bronchitis. 48.-$ Tincturse Veratri viridis, tfixv. Syrupi Ipecacuanhse, Spiritus iEtheris nitrosi, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, fifteen drops every three hours. (For a child one to two years old.) j] j<\ Schneck. 49.— 3 Morphinse Acetatis, gr. iij. Tincturas Sanguinariae, f 3ij. Vini Antimonii, Vini Ipecacuanhae, aa f 3iij. Syrupi Pruni virginianae, f §iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. j g. Ayer. 50.—3 Pulveris Ipecacuanhae, gr. vj. Pulveris Myrrh as, gr. xij. Potassii Nitratis, 5ss. Misce et divide in partes vi. Sig. One every fourth hour. (For elderly persons.) Paris. 51.—3 Pulveris Opii, Pulveris Ipecacuanha;, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, aa gr. iij. Potassii Nitratis, gr. xxx. Misce et divide in chartulas vi. Sig. One every three hours, in syrup. Carson 52.—3 Pulveris Scillas, Extract! Conii, aa 3ss. Ammoniac!, 3j. Fiat massa et divide in pilulas No. xxx. Sig. One pill every four hours. Pariset. 53.—3 Tincturas Hyoseyarni, f 5ij Syrupi Ipecacuanhas, Syrupi Scillae, aa f §ss. Syrupi Tolutani, f Liquoris Ammonii acetatis, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every three hours. Gerhard. 54.—$ Syrupi Lactucarii, f £ij. Syrupi Acaciae, f Syrupi Aurantii Florum, f §ss.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three hours. (In senile catarrh.) Aubergier. 55.—Aquae Laurocerasi, f 3ij. Extracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f ?j. Syrupi Althaeae, f §ij. Decocti Althaeae, (e. 3ij) q. s. ad f § vj.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two or three hours. Liebreich. 56.—Potassii Cyanidi, gr. j. Syrupi Limonis, f |ss Aquae destillatae, f giiiss.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two hours. (In spasmodic cough with vomiting.) Donovan. 57.—Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, gtt. j. Tincturae I.obeliae, f3j.—M. Sig. One dose. (Complicated with asthmatic symp- toms. ) TAvezey. 58.—Olei Picis liquidae, f3ij. Magnesii Carbonatis, 3ij. Tere simul, et adde gradatim— Aquae, f %x\v. Cola et adde— Syrupi simplicis, f §ij.—M. Sig. A wineglassful four times a day. D. J. Crew. Bubo. 59.—Unguenti Hydrargyri, Ammonii Chloridi, 3j. Misee bene. Sig. Apply twice daily. Dupuytren. 60.—Jty Hydrargyri Biniodidi, Aij-iv. Adepis, §ij. Misce et flat unguentum. Sig. Apply twice daily. Lugol. 61.— Jodi, Terebinthinae Canadensis, aa 3j. Collodii, f §iv. Solve. Sig. Apply with eamel’s-hair pencil once a day until rubefaction is produced. j j) Shinn. 18 62.-1* Cadmii Iodidi, 3ss. iEtheris, hlxl. Tere simul, et adde— Adipis, 3j. Misce et fiat unguentum. Sig. Once or twice daily. A. B. Garrod. Burns and Sc Ids. 63.—I* Plumbi Carbonatis, §iv. Olei Liui, q. s. Tere simul et fiat pinguentum. Sig. Apply liberally on linen or lint. Gross. 64.—B Cerati Resinae, §ij. Olei Terebinthinae, f 3ij. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply on linen or lint. Kentish. 65.—I* Acidi Salicylici, 3j. Olei Olivae, f^viij.—M. Sig. Apply to burn, covering with linen or lint. Bartholow. 66.—I* Acidi Borici, §j. Aquae, q. s. ut fiat solutio ad saturandum. Sig. A piece of oiled silk dipped in the solution applied over the burn first, slightly overlapping the surrounding healthy skin; over this a piece of lint slightly larger in size, steeped in the boracic solution, the whole retained in position by a bandage. Lister. 19 20 •21 22 23 24 Calculi, Biliary. 67.—$ Sodii Phosphatis, §ss. Divide in partes vi. Sig. One before each meal, continued for several months. Bartholow. 68.—$ Chloroformi purificati, 3ij. Olei Cinnamomi, gtt. viij. Spiritus Camphor®, Tinctur® Opii deoderat®, aa f 3iss. Spiritus Vini, f 3iij.—M. Sig. Dose, from five to thirty drops in sweetened water, every hour or two. ' Hartsliorne. 69.—$ AStheris, f 3ij. Cetacei, gr. iv. Tere simul, et adde gradatim— Aqu® Menth® piperit®, f ?jij. Tinctur® Opii deodorat®, f 3j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. Ellis. 70.—$ Olei Terebinthinse, AStheris, ’ aa f §ss.—M. Sig. A large teaspoonful on sugar every half hour until relief is obtained. Durand Calculi, Renal and Vesical, with Acid Urine. 71.—$ Liquoris Potassee, f Tinctur® Humuli, f Infusi Calumb®, f tiv. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f gij. Fiat mistura. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times daily. M. Green. 72.—$ Magnesii Carbonatis, 3j. Infusi Gentiann® compositi, f 3vj. Fiat mistura. Sig. A wineglassful to be taken three times daily. lirande. 73.—$ Pulveris Uvae Ursi, Pulveris Cinchonae flava), aa 3ij. Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Misce et divide in chartulas vi. Sig. Take one powder three or four times a day. Ferriar. 74.—$ Lithise Carbonat.is, 3j. Aquae destillatae, Oj. Solve. Sig. To be injected into the bladder. lire. Calculi, Renal and Vesical, with Alkaline Urine. 75.—$ A mmonii Benzoatis, 3iij. Syrupi simplicis, f Aqua) destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three or four times a day. Seymour. 76.—$ Acidi Phosphorici diluti, f §ss. Tincturae Cardamoini compositae, f ?ss. Infusi Calumbae, . f §vij. Fiat mistura. Sig. A tablespoonful in sweetened water every four hours. Ncligan. 77.—1$: Acidi Hydroehlorici diluti, f 3j. Decocti Hordei. f g viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful largely diluted three times a day- Ellis. 78.— $ Morphinae Hydrochloratis, gr. ij. Acidi Nitrici diluti, 1' Extracti Buchu fluid), f ?j. Syrupi simplicis, f 5ij. Aqua) destillatae, f jivss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Greenlialgh. Cancer. 79.—$ Syrupi Ferri et Maugauesii Iodidi, f §ss. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. StillS. 80.—$ Bismuthi subnitratis, 3ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day in milk. (In cancer of stomach.) Bartholow. 81.—$ Liquoris Potassii Arscnitis, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f 3viiss. Aquae Cinnamomi, f —M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (In gas- tric and uterine cancer.) Washington Atlee. 82.—$ Arsenici Iodidi, gr. j. Extracti Conii, 3ij. Fiat massa, et divide in pilulas xvi. Sig. Take one pill morning and night. Marsdeu. 83.—$ Zinci Chloridi, 3ij. Pulveris Radicis Althaeae, 3vj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. Misce et fiat magma. Sig. Apply to affected part. {In epithelioma.') Canquoin. 84.—I* Acidi Chromici, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ut flat magma. Sig. Apply to affected part as an escliarotic. Busch. 85.—$ Liquoris Ferri Subsulphatis, f $j. Aquae destillatae, f giij.—M. Sig. To inject into the uterus, in hemorrhage from cancer. Barnes. Carbuncle. 86.— R Quininas Ilydrochloratis, gr. xxiv. Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Acidi Hydrochlorici, hlxl.(!) Tincturse Ferri Chloridi, f 3ij. Tincturae Cardamomi, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three hours, diluted. Gerhard. 87.—R Farinae Lini, Fermenti, aa q. s. Fiat cataplasma. Ellis 88.—R Tincturae Iodi, f Sig. Apply so as to encircle the carbuncle until it produces vesiccation. Pumeaux Jordan. 89.—R Extracti Opii, jss. Glycerinae, q. s. ut fiat magma.—M. Sig. Smear thickly over the swelling three or four times a day ; then apply— 90.—R Pulveris Opii, Unguenti Ilydrargyri, Saponis durae, aa —M. Sig. Apply spread on thick leather. (Will sometimes abort a carbuncle or boil if applied early.') Buxton Shillitoc. Caries. 91.— 4 Capri Sulpbatis, Zinci Sulphatis, aa partes xv. Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, partes xxx. Aceti, partes ec.—M. Sig. Inject thoroughly into sinus. Villate. 92.—R Syrupi Phoephatum eompositi, cum Oleo Morrhuse, f jyj. Sig. Dose, pro re nata. Parrish. 29 Catarrh, Nasal and Faucial. 93.—I* Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3ij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3vj.—M. Sig. Eight drops in water every hour or two. Bartholow, 94.— Pulveris Cubebae, partem j. Pulveris Sacchari albi, partes ij.—M Sig. Use by means of insufflation. 95. Cocainse Hydrochloratis, partes ij. Pulveris Sacchari albi, partes e.—M. Sig. Use as a snuff. Wyeth. Catarrh, Broncho-pulmonary. 96.—$ Tincturae Eucalypti, Syrupi simplicis, aaf§j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. (In the more chronic cases.) G abler. 97.—Camphorse, partes v. iEtheris, q. s. Misce et flat magma attenuata. Dein adde— Ammonii Carbonatis, partes iv. Pulveris Opii, partem j.—M. Sig. Dose, from three to ten grains. ( To break up a cold.) Beard. 98.—Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. ss. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. x. Misce et liat ehartula. Sig. Take at bedtime, in incipient catarrh. Bartholow. 99.— Morphinae Acetatis, gr. ij. Acidi Acetici diluti, t' 3j. Syrupi Pruni virginianae, Syrupi Ipecacuanhae, Syrupi Tolutani, aa f §j.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three hours. Ellis. Catarrh, Gall Ducts. 100.—R Ammonii Chloridi, 3ii.j Extracti Hydrastis fluidi, f ?ss. Syrupi Sarsaparillae compositi, f -Siss. Aquae destillatae, f jij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every three hours. Nothnagel 101.— R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. v. Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Misce et flant chartulae No. x. Sig. Take one powder every three hours. Ar. Chapman 102.—R Ammonii Iodidi, 3j. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3ss. Tincturae Calumbas, f Jss. Aquas destillatae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. before meals. {With jaundice.) Bartholow. 103.— R Potassii Carbonatis, 3j. Yini Ipeeaeuanhae, f 3j. Extracti Rhei fluidi, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. One fluidrachm in boiling water before each mea1' Waugh. Catarrh, Gastro-intcstinal. 104.— R Caffeinae Citratis, 3ss. Syrupi Aurantii Florum, f Aquae destillatae, f §iiss.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful every two hours. ( With migraine.) Aubert. 105.— R Zinci Oxidi, 3j. Sodii Bicarbonatis, 9iiss. Piperinae, 3j. Misee et flant chartulae xx. Sig. Take one powder three or four times a day. {In drunkards.) j RevMout. 106.—3 Arg enti Nitratis, gr. xv. Aquae destillatae, q. s. Extracti Belladounae, gr. x. Olei Caryophylli, gtt. x. Pulveris Gentian® Radicis, Extracti'Gentian®, aa q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas No. lx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In chronic cases with jaundice.) Frerichs. 107.—3 Aeidi Tannici, 9ss. Aquae destillatae, f §iij. Fiat mistura. Sig. A teaspoonful every two hours. (In acute cases with purging.) Niemeyer. 108.—3 Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3ss. Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, f 3iss. Tincturae Calumbae, f 3xiv.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful before each meal. ( With vomiting.) F gr Smith. Catarrh, Genito-urinary. 109.-$ Extracti Grindeliae fluidi, f §j. Elixiris simplicis, Spiritus Juniperi compositi, aa f —M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every four hours. C. J. Rademaker. 110.—3 Resinae Copaibae, 3iij. Aleoholis, f 3v. Spiritus Chloroformi, f 3j. Mucilaginis Acaeiae, f §ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §xij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Wilkes. 111.— 3 Olei Terebinthinae, f 3iss. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae Cinnamomi, f §ij. Olei Limonis, hlviij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. Maunsell 112.-B Pulveris Uvae Ursi, 3iss. Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3j. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. Take one powder three times a day, in sugar and water. . Ellis. 113.— B Chimaphilae, §ij. Aquae buiiientis, Oj. Coque ad f Cola et adde— Spiritus Juniperi compositi, f —M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two or three hours, with demulcent drinks. Proctor. 114.— B Extract! Pareirae fluidi, f Extracti Buchu fluidi, f |iss. Decocti Scoparii, f Jviiss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Carson. 115.—B Cubebae, $j. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Potassii Bitartratis, aa 3ij. Misce et divide in partes aequales xii. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. Drnitt. Chancre. 116.—B Iodoformi, 3ij. Unguenti Petrolei, jj. Olei Cinnamomi, gtt. v. Misce et flat unguentum. Sig. Apply twice daily. Izard. 117.—B Hydrogen Peroxidi, partem j. Aquae destillatae, partes iij.—M. Sig. Wash three times a day, and keep covered with lint moistened with it. {Also for open buboes. Is said to destroy the specific character of chancres.) Ringer. 118.—B Hydrargyri Biniodidi, 3j. Adipis, §iss.—M. Sig. Apply on lint. (For inveterate chancres and indolent venereal ulcers.) Ratier. 119.— 3 Cupri Subacetatis, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, a a Oj. Fiat pulvis subtilissimus. Sig. Dust over the sore. Bllis. Chlorosis, see Anaemia. Cholera. 120.— 3 Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, Spiritus iEtheris compositi, aa f §ss. Spiritus Camphorae, Tincturae Opii, aa f 3ij. — M. Sig. Give twenty drops at short intervals. Jackson. 121.-3: Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3ij. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, f 3iij.—M. Sig. Dose, twenty drops every hour or two in ice- water. Bartholow. 122.—3 Acidi Nitrosi, f3j. Tincturae Opii, gtt. xl. Aquae Camphorae, f §viij.—M. Sig. One-fourth to be taken every three or four hours. Hope. 123.—I* Stryehninae Sulphatis, gr. \. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f §ss. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae Camphorae, f jiiiss.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every hour or two well diluted. (In threatened collapse. Also as a prophylactic, given less frequently). Bartholow. 124.—IChloroformi, ITlvj. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Fiat haustns. Sig. To be given after a pill of five grains of calomel and two grains of opium, and to be repeated if neces- sary- Oates. 125.—3 Acidi Sulphurici, 3ss. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. j. Spiritus Vini Gallici f 3iss. Aquae destillatae, f §iij -—M. Sig. Inject under the skin of the arms, legs, and over the stomach every hour until the symptoms are relieved. (When rice-water discharges, vomiting, cramps, and shrinkage of the extremities supervene.) It. W. Mitchell, Memphis, Tenn. 126.-3 Creasoti, gtt. j. Aquae Camphorae, Infusi Gentianae compositi, aa f 3vj.—M. Sig. One dose, every two hours. (In the cold stage.) J. T. Jones, Nashville, Tenn. 127.—3 Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f 5j. Sig. Fifteen to thirty drops in ice-water every fifteen to thirty minutes until vomiting and purging are arrested. (Tlin and Ferri Sulpli. are prophylactic.) S. T. Chandler, Catnpbellsville, Ky. 128.-3 Plumbi Acetatis, gr. xij. Liquoris Morphinae Acetatis, lflxij. Acidi Aeetici diluti, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, f giij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every five, six, or eight hours to a child one year old. ( Choleraic diarrhoea.) Fleming. 129.-3 Acidi Phosphorici diluti, f §,j. Sig. A half fluidrachm in ice-water. (In cholerine and early stage of confirmed cholera. More reliable than sulphuric acid.) William Sedgwick. 130.—11 Tincture Opii, lflx-xv. Chloroformi, lflxv-xx. Spiritus Vini, f3j. Aquae destillatae, f^j. Misce et flat haustus. (In cholerine.) T. -1/. Lowndes, Bombay. Chlorodyne. 131.— $ Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. lxxx. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Glycerinae, Caramellis, aa f §ss. Extracti Cannabis Indicae, 3ij. Olei Menthae piperitae, f3ss. Oleo-resinae Capsici, gtt. xv. Chloroformi puri, f ?vj. Spiritus Vini rectificati, f |j.—M. Naphey’s Medical Therapeutics, 1885. Cholera Infantum. 132.—$ Hydrargyri cum Greta, gr. iij. Bismuthi Subnitratis, gr. xxiv. Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, gr. ij. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. Ji. A. F. Penrose. 133.—$ Argenti Nitratis, gr. j Acidi Nitriei diluti, til viij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, 111 viij. Muciiaginis Acaciae, f 5|ss. Syrupi simplicis, f*ss. Aquae Cinnamomi, f —M. Sig. A teaspoonful every three, four, or six hours. (For a child one year old.) Bartholow. 134.—$ Cupri Sulphatis, gr. ss. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, gtt. iv. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae Fceniculi, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours. (For a child from one to two years old.) Tardieu. 135.-1* Tincturae Opii deodoratae, gtt. vj. Tincturae Catechu, f 3iss. Syrupi Rhei aromatici, Syrupi Rubi villosi, aaf 3iiiss. Aquae Cainphorae, f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every hour or two. (For a child one year of aye and under.) Gerhard. 136.—$ Plumbi Aeetatis, gr. viij. Acidi Acetici diluti, gtt. vj. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, gtt. iv. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. (For a child two years old.) j)a Costa. 137.—R Acidi Carbolici, gr. ij. Bismutlii Subnitratis, 3j. Syrupi Acaciae, f Aquae Mentha; piperitae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful every two to four hours. (For child one to two years old.) Eothc. 138.-$ Potassii Bromidi, 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f ?ss. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f §iss.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every hour or two. ( With irri- table nervous system.) Bartholow 139.— I) Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Plumbi Aeetatis, aa gr. j. Misce et fiant pulveres, No. iv. Sig. Give one powder every three hours. (For a child from ten to twenty months old.) j) Mitchell. Chordcc. 140.—R Vini Colchici Seminis, Syrupi simplicis, aaf gss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful at bedtime. Brodie. 141.—R Camphorae, Lactucarii, aa 3j. Misee et fiant pilulae No. xxx. Sig. One, two, or three pills at bedtime. Bicord. 142.—I* Cannabis Indies*?, gr. j. Pulveris Opii, gr. ss. Camphorae, gr. ij. Misce et fiat pilula. Sig. Take at bedtime. Lombe Atthill 143.—$ Tincturae Cantharidis, gtt. viij. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day, as a preventive. Ringer. Chorea. 144.—$ Succi Conii, f3vj. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, iia f 3ix.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. James Andrew. 145.—$ Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iv.(!) Aquae destillatae, f ?i. Solve. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful or more, pro re nata. Trousseau 146.—$ Extracti Cimicifugae fiuidi, Elixiris simplicis, aa f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful four times a day. (In cases about the age of puberty.) Bartholow. 147.—$ Zinci Sulphatis, gr. ij. Extracti Conii, gr. iij. Misce et fiat pilula. Sig. To be taken every night. James Andrew. 148.—$ Zinci Valerianatis, gr. viij. Tincturae Valerianae, Tincturae Calumbae, aa f 3 ij. Aquae Aurantii Florum, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every six hours. Neligan. 149.—$ Liquoris Potassii arsenitis, f 3ij.(!) Syrupi simplicis, f 3vj. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a" dessertspoonful immediately after meals. (For a child jive to twe ve years of age.) Eustace Smith. 38 Colic. 150.— $ Assafoetidae, gr. vj-viij. Olei Amygdalae dulcis, Ifiiv. Tere simul, et adde— Pulveris Acaciae, 3ss. Infusi Anthemidis, f jj. Misce et fiat enema. Sig. Inject as directed. {In children with flatulent colic.) jjre. 151.—$ Tincturae Assafoetidae, f |ss. Tincturae Opii, f oj. Decocti Hordei, Oss. Misce et fiat enema. Sig. One injection. {For adults with flatulence.') Hooper. 152.—$ Spiritus iEtheris compositi, f 3j. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f 3ij. Aquae Camphorae, t'3j. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. Take at once, and repeat if necessary. Neligan. 153.— $ Aquae Camphorae, f gj- Spiritus vEthcris compositi, f Sij. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f 5ss. Spiritus Anisi, f 3vj. Olei Carui, I'lxij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3ij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f §vss. Fiat inistura. Sig. Dose, two tablespoonfuls. Joy. 154.—$ Spiritus Chloroformi, f 3v.j. Aquas Camphorae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every hour or two. G. P. Oliver. 39 Colica Pictonum. 155.-$ Aluminis, 3ij. Magnesii Sulphatis, fhj. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae Rosarum, f §v.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls in two wineglassfuls of water daily, early in the morning. Aldridge. 156.—$ Radicis Rhei, 3ij. Folioruin Sennae, 3iij. Misce et flat infusum ad f §iv. Dein adde— Magnesii Sulphatis, §j. Solve. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours until purging ensues, then every six hours. Gerhard. 157.—$ Acidi Sulphurici, f3j. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f Aquae, f §xxx.—M. Sig. To be taken in small cupfuls twice or thrice daily. (As a preventive.) Martin Solon. 158.-$ Potassii Iodidi, §j. Aquae destillatae, f Jiij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful three times a day. (In chronic poisoning.) 159.— $ Strychninae sulphatis, gr. j. Confectionis Rosae, 3ss. Misce et fiant pilulae xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In lead palsy.) Condylomata, Common. 160.—$ Acidi Chromici, 3v. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply with a small stick of wood every other day. (Also for syphilitic warts.) Wooster. 161.—$. Acidi Acetici glacialis, f 3j. Sig. Apply a drop once every day. Gerhard. 40 Condylomata, Venereal. 162.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, 3ij. Sig. First wash with solution of chlorinated soda, then dust with the calomel. Ricord. 163.—$ Acidi Carbolici, 3j. Sig. Apply locally once every day or two. Bartholow. Conjunctivitis. 164.—$ Morphinae, gr. iss. Hydrargyri Oleatis, gr. v. Acidi oleici, gr. xcv.—M. Sig. Apply with camel’s-hair pencil to outer surface of eyelids only, twice daily. Ringer. 165.—$ Acidi Tannici, 3ss. Sig. Evert the eyelids, and by means of a small rub- ber-bag insufflator dust over them the tannin finely powdered. (In the. granular form.) Hamilton. 166.— R Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. ss-j. Morpliinae Sulphatis, gr. ij-iv. Zinci Sulpliatis, gr. ij-viij. Aquae Rosae, f §j. Misce et fiat collyrium. Sig. For the eye. Bartholow 167—$ Cupri Sulphatis, gr. iij. Aquae Cainphorae, f §iv. Solve. Sig. To be dropped in the eye. (In the purulent form.) ' Ware. 168.-1* Cadniii Sulphatis, gr. iij. Yini Opii, f3.j. Aquae Rosae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Use twice daily. (In the chronic form, and for opacities of the cornea.) ' Fronmueller. Acidi Borici, gr. x. Pulveris Aluminis, gr. ss. Aquae destillatae, f j.—M. Sig. Drop in the eye two or three times daily. (For catarrhal conjunctivitis.) Keyser 170.—Hydrargyri Oxidi flavi, gr. j. Adipis Benzoati, 3j. Misce et flat unguentum exactum. Sig. Apply in the eye daily. (For phlyctenular con- junctivitis.) ' Keyser. Constipation. Aloes purifleatse, gr. xx. Extracti Belladonnse, gr. iv. Extracti Nucis Vomicse, gr. v. Oleo Resinse Capsici, gr. iv. Misce et fiant pilulse No. xx. Sig. Take one pill daily at bedtime. Waugh. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. j. Sodii Bicarbonatis, gr. xij. Sacchari Lactis, gr. xx. Misce et fiant chartulse No. xii. Sig. One every three hours until the bowels are freely moved. (For young children and infants.) Waugh. 173.—R Extracti Hydrastis fluidi, f Syrupi simplicis, Elixiris simplicis, aa f §iss.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. (In deficient secretion with dry, hard stools.) Porcher. 174.—Extract! Stillingiae fluidi, f 3v. Tincturse Belladonnae, Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, Tincturse Physostigmatis, aa f 3j.—M. Sig. Dose, twenty drops in water, three times a day before meals. (In habitual constipation.) Bartholoio. 42 Antimonii Oxidi, 3ss. Extracti Colocynthidis compositi, 3iss. Misce et divide in pilulas xxx. Sig. One or two pills at bedtime. Fothergill. Convulsions. 176.—Chloral Hydratis, gr. i-v. Syrupi simplicis, f 3j.—M. Sig. One dose. (For infants and small children.) Waterhouse. 177.—Ammonii Bromidi, 9iv. Potassii Bromidi, 3vj. Tincturae Calumbae, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every hour or two. Echeverria. 178.—Moschi, gr. xij. Sacchari, 3ij. Spiritus Aminoniae, llfxxx. Infusi Lini compositi, f §iv. Fiat enema. Sig. An injection for infantile convulsions. Ellis. Coryza, see Catarrh. Croup. 179.— Acidi lactici, 3iiiss. Aquae destillatae, f§x.—M. Sig. Apply frequently by means of a spray-producer, or a simple mop. ( To dissolve false membrane.') Morcll Mackenzie. 180.-ty Pulveris Aluminis, 3iiss. Mellis albi, 3x.—M. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful every hour; and powdered alum blown into the throat every four hours. Trousseau. 43 181.—$ Hydrargyri Sulphatis fiavse, gr. iij-v. Fiat pulvis. Sig. As an emetic. Fordyce Barker. 182.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3j. Ammonii Chloridi, 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae destillatae, f gij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. Hazard. Croup, Spasmodic, see Laryngitis. Cystitis, see Catarrh. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Debility, General and Senile. 183.—$ Tincturae Cinchonae, Tincturae Valerianae, aa f Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f 3ij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f —M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Ellis. 184.—$ Pulveris Aloes Socotrinae, $j. Pulveris Zedoariae, Pulveris Gentianae, Croci, Pulveris Rhei, Agarici, aa 3j. Spiritus Vini Gallici, Oij. Macera per dies septem, cola, et adde— Syrupi simplicis, f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day in water. (This is the celebrated Batlme de Vie, or Elixir of Life.) 185.—$ Ferri et Potassii Turtratis, §ss. Vini Xerici, Oj. Solve et cola. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. Bennet. 186.—$ Spiritus Ferri Chlorati vEtherei (Ph. Boruss.), f 3iij. Aquae Cinnamomi, Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, aa f §j. Infusi Valerianae, f |v.—M. Sig. Shake well, and take a tablespoonful every two, four, or six hours. (In nervous debility.) This is “ BestuchefFs Nervine Tincture,” or “ La- motte’s Golden Drops,” a great favorite in Germany. Sobernheirn. Delirium, Traumatic. 187.-$ Tincturae Belladonnae, f 5iss. Syrupi simplicis, f 3viss. Aquae Cinnainomi, f $j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two or three hours. (In fever*.) ' S. O. Morton. 188.—3 Potassii Broinidi, Syrupi simplicis, f §j.. Aquae Foeniculi, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful every two hours. (In cases resembling delirium tremens.) Ringer 189.— 3 Quininae sulphatis, gr. x. Fiat ehartula. Sig. One dose. (In cases from injury.) It. J. Levis. 190.—3 Chloral Hydratis, 3ss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, Aquae destillatae, aa f —M. Sig. One dose, to be repeated if necessary. (In maniacal delirium.) Liebreich Delirium Tremens. 191.—$ Tincturas Lupulinae, Syrupi Amygdalae, aa f §j. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Hazard. 192.—3 Quininae Hydrochloratis, 3ij. Aeidi Ilydrochlorici diluti, f3iss. Syrupi Ziugiberis, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M, Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful in hop tea every two hours. (In the preliminary stage known as horrors.) Gerhard. 193.—3 Chloral Hydratis, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f 3ij.—M. Sig. One dose. (To enforce sleep.) Liebreich. 194.—r> Anunonii Carbonatis, 3iss. Extracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f Aquae destillatae, f §ivss.—M. Sit;'. Take a tablespoouful every two or three hours. (In ana rule cases.) Anstie 195.—$ Tincturae Digitalis, f Aquae destillatae, f §j. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. To be repeated in four hours if sleep is not produced. Jones. (This is considered dangerous by some practi- tioners.) A better way is the following:— 196.— $ Infusi Digitalis, f §iij. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every four hours. {In anaemic cases vnth effusion and oedema.) Bartholow. 197.-$ Antimonii et Fotassii Tartratis, gr* j- Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3ss. Tincturae Opii, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful in porter every two or three hours. (In strong and robust patients with boisterous delirium.) Ringer. Diabetes Insipidus. See Polyuria. Diabetes Mellitus. 198.—$ Extracti Jaboraudi lluidi, Elixiris sirnplicis, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. Lay cock- 199.— $ Acidi lactici, f 3vj. Syrupi sirnplicis, f'3x. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. Foster. 200.—$ Pulveris Opii, gr. xij. Fellis Bovini inspissati, 3iiss. Fiat massa in pilulas No. xxiv. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Bethune. 54 201.— $ Acidi arseniosi, gr. iv. Pulveris Opii, gr. viij. Ammonii Chloridi, 3ss. Misce et liat massa in pilulas xxxii. dividenda. Sig. One pill after each meal. (In thin subjects with faulty assimilation.) Marcus. 202.—$ Aloes Capensis, 3v. Sodii Bicarbonatis, 5iss. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, Oj.—M. Macera per dies quatuor decim et cola. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful after each meal. (In obese persons, and when of hepatic origin.) Mettauer. 203.—$ Sodii salicylatis, §ss. Extracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f Aqua?, dcstillatae, f §ivss.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. Ebstein Diarrhoea, Children. 204.— $ Argcnti Nitratis, gr. j. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Aquae dcstillatae, f §ij. Fiat mistura. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (In newly- weaned infants.) Hirsh 205.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3ss. Tincturae Catechu, f'3ij. Syrupi Rhei aromatici, Tincturae Ciuchonae compositae, aa f 3SS. Tincturae Opii carnphoratae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, for a child two or three years old, a tea- spoonful every two or three hours. Getchell 206.-$ Bismuthi Subnitratis, gr. x. Pulveris Calcii Phosphatis. gr. xij. Sacchari Lactis, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartulae No. x. Sig. One powder after each evacuation. (In wasting diarrhoea of children.) Hazard 207.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. j. Pulveris Nucis Myristicae, gr. iij. Bismuthi Subcarbonatis, gr. x. Sacchari Lactis, 3j. Misce et divide in chartulas No. x. Sig. One powder every two hours. (For infants with green stools.) % A F Penrose. 208.—R Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, gr. v. Acidi tannici, gr. vj. Sacchari albi, gr. xx. Misce et fiant chartulae No. x. Sig. One every three hours. Hazard. Diarrhoea, Adults. 209.—R Creasoti, gtt. v. Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Pulveris Aeaeiae, gr. vij. Tere simul, et divide in pilulas x. Sig. One pill to be taken every three hours. Blasius. 210.—R Pilulae Massae Hydrargyri, gr. x. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. j. Acidi tannici, 3j. Mucilaginis Aeaeiae, q. s. Divide in pilulas x. Sig. One to be given every two hours. Ellis. 211.—R Aquae Camphor®, f §iij. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f S.i- Sacchari albi, 3j. Fiat mistura. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Joseph Parrish. 212.—R Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f 3ij. Aquae Cinnamomi, f 3vj. Syrupi Rubi, f |ij. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonfnl every two or three hours. U. P. Thomas. 213.— $ Liquoris Iodi compositi, f 3ss. Syrupi Papaveris, f 3viiss. Aquae destillatas, f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (In attacks due to atony of the mucous membrane.) Schmidt. 214.—$ Cupri Sulphatis, Morphinae Sulphatis, aa gr. j. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xxiv. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In chronic cases.) Bartliolow. 215.—$ Extracti Ergotae aquosi (Ergotinae), 3j- Extracti Nucis Vomicae, gr. v. Extracti Opii, gr. x. Misce et fiant pilulas No. xx. Sig. One every four to six hours. (In chronic fol- lowing acute attacks.) j)a Costa. 216.—$ Caffeinae Citratis, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. (Fn atonic cases.) Bartliolow. 217.—$ Tinctures Krameriae, f Aquae Calcis, f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Iteece. 218.-$ Pulveris aromatici, 3iij. Spiritus Amrnonii aromatici, f 3iij. Tincturae Catechu, f 3x. Tinctures Cardamomi composite, f 3vj. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3j. Misturse Cretae, q. s. ad f §xx.—M. Sig. Dose, eight drachms for an adult; four drachms for a child of twelve years : two drachms for seven years old, after each liquid motion. ( General cholera and diarrluea mixture.) Henry Beasley. Diphtheria. 219.-3 Potassii Permangauatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f jij. Solve. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every three hours for a child eight or ten years old. (Keep in a glass-stop- pered bottle.) Bartholow. 220.—3 Potassii Chloratis, 3j. Acidi Hydrochlorici, f 3iss.(!) Misce, et adde— Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig, Take a teaspoonful every two hours. Waugh. 221.—3 Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xv. Tincturse Ferri Chloridi, f §ss.—M. Sig. Five drops, more or less according to age, largely diluted, every hour or two. Gerhard. 222.—3 Sodii Phosphatis, 3iiss. Aquae ferventis, f §iij. Solve, et adde— Acidi salicylici, 3iss.—M. Sig. Dose, one to two teaspoonsfiil every hour or t,wo- Letzerich. 223.—3 Iodi, Potassii Iodidi, r aa gr. iv. Alcoholis, f 3iv. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful to be added to hot water, kept hot by a spirit lamp, and the steam to be inhaled many times a day, continued from eight to twelve minutes. As the patient gets used to the iodine, the quantity of the solution may be increased to half an ounce. Waring-Curran. 224.—3 Sodii Sulphitis, 3,j. Aquae destillatae, f§j.—M. Sig. Apply with a probang. St ill 6. 225.-3 Acidi carbolici, gr. x. Acidi sulphurosi, f 3ii,j. Glycerinae, Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Swab the throat frequently. Hazard. 226.—3 Aquae Chlori, Mellis despuinati, aa f §ss. Aquae destillatae, f §iij.—M. Sig. As a gargle, or by means of a swab. Rothe 227.-3 Acidi lactici, f 3iiiss. Aquae destillatae, f %x.—M. Sig. Apply by means of a spray-producer or a mop. ( To dissolve the exudation.) Morell Mackenzie. Dipsomania. See Alcoholism. Dropsy. 228.-3 Aeidi arseniosi, gr.j. Sacchari albi, -gr. x. Tere sitnul in pulverem subtilem, dein adde— • — Micae panis, . q). 's. Misce bene et divide in pilulas xx. , - ■; Sig. Take one pill twice daily. (In swelling of feet of old people.) Wood. 229.-$ Pulveris Jalapse 3j. Potassii Bitartratis, 3vj. Misce et divide in chartulas vi. Sig. Give one powder every three hours in molasses. (In general dropsy due to kidney disease.) X. Chapman. 230.—3 Elaterii, gr. iij-vj. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Pulveris Capsici. aa gr. xxiv. Confectionis Rosa*, q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas xii. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill daily in the morning. (In cardiac dropsy when diuretics fail.) Gregory. 231.— Potassii lodidi, §ss~ §j. Aquie destillatie, f §vj.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. (In anasarca with scanty urine.) Ringer. 232.—•!£ Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr. ij. Pulveris Scillae, 3j. Potassii Sulphatis, Potassii Bitartratis, §iss. Fiat pulvis et divide in partes aequales No. xx. Sig. Take one powder four times daily. (In general dropsy.) Eberlc. 233.—Resinae Podophilli, gr. iv. Potassii Bitartratis, 3iij. Misce et divide in pulveres viii. Sig. One powder every two hours. (In anasarca.) V. C. Howe. 234.—$ Pulveris Opii, gr. iv. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. vj. Pulveris Digitalis, gr. xij. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. One to be taken every eight hours. (In hydro- thorax and ascites.) Ellis. 235.—Juniperi contusi, fpv. Aquae bullientis, f §xij. Macera per horas duodecim et exprime, dein adde— Spiritus Juniperi eompositi, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a wineglassful mixed with a teaspoonful of cream of tartar three times a day. W. Procter, Jr. 236.—Juniperi contusi, Siuapis, Zingiberis, 55 §ss. Armoraciae contusae, Petroselini, aa §j. Succi fermenti Pomorum, Oij. Macera per diem unam et cola. Sig. A wineglassful three or four times a day. (In eases of general dropsy which admit, of stimulation.) The eider should be old and sound. Joseph Parrish. 237.-4 Potassii Biearbonatis, 3,j. Potassii Acetatis, 3v. Tincturae Scillae, f3j. Spiritus Juniperi cornpositi, f Aqua> destillatae, f Fiat mistura. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. (In local and general'dropsy.) Brown. 238.-4 Potassii Acetatis, 3ij. Spiritus Etheris nitrosi, f 3ij. Aquae Cinnamomi, f Infusi Digitalis, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four hours. (In. dropsy due to heart disease.) Kilr/onr. 239.-4 Extracti Jaborandi fluidi, Elixiris simplieis, aa f Aquae destillatae, f§j.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours. (In hydro- thorax and ascites.) Qubler 240.— 4 Potassii Bitartratis, 3i.j. Mueilaginis Acaeiae, f §j. Spiritus .Etheris nitrosi, Extracti Taraxaei fluidi, aa f §ss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every four hours. (In canes associated with disease of the liver and portal system.) Ilildenbrand. Dysentery. 241.—4 Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. ij. Pulveris Opii, gr. iv. Pulveris Ipecaeuanhae, gr. viij. Misce et fiant chartulae No. viii. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. Hazard 61 242.—$ Tineturae Opii deodoratae, f 3ij. Vini Ipecacuanhae, f 3ij. Olei Ricini, f §ij. Pulveris Acaciae, Syrupi sirnplieis, Aquae Cinnamomi, aa, q. s. Fiat emulsio, secundum artem, ad f §vj. Sig. Take a tablespoonful eveiy two hours. Gerhard. 243.—$ Sodii et Potassii Tartratis, 3vj. Aquae destillatae, f § viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours until a normal evacuation occurs, then treat with appropriate doses oi Dover s powder. Francis Gurney Smith. 244.—$ Tineturae Harnamelis, f 3ss. Elixiris simplicis, f 3iiiss. Syrupi sirnplieis, f ?ss. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. ( Where there is much blood.) Ringer 245.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Syrupi sirnplieis, f Aquae destillatae, f 3viij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every hour or two. ( Where there is much mucus.) Ringer 246.—$ Cupri Sulphatis, gr. j. Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Quininae Suiplialis, gr. xxiv. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In chronic dysentery.) J()y 247.— $ Cupri Sulphatis, gr. ss. Magnesii Sulphatis, §j. Aeidi Sulphurici diluti, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four hours. (In acute dysentery.') ' Bavtholow. Dysmcnorrhcca. 248.—If Tincturae Arnicas, Tincturae Guaiaci ammoniatae, aa f 3iij.—M. Sig. Take sixty drops four times daily in sweetened water- Schubarth. 249.—If Gossypii Radicis contusi, iv. Aquae bulMentis, Oij. Misce, Coque ad Oj, et cola. Sig. Dose, a wineglassful every hour. T. J. Shaw. 250.— If Camphors, 9j. Alcoholis, q. s. ut fiat pulvis. Dein adde— Pulveris Acacis, Sacchari albi, aa3j. Aquap Cinnamomi, f §j. Fiat mistura. Sig. Dose, the one-half the instant pain is felt; if not relieved in an hour or two, give the remainder. Dewees. 251.—If Extracti Gelsemii fluidi, f'3iiss. Elixiris simplicis, f 3vss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 3-j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. Porchcr. 252.—If Apiolis, f3j. Alcoholis, f 3 i j. Syrupi simplieis, f ?ss. Aquae destillatae, fjij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (In ancemic cases.) ' Joret et Homolle. 253.—If Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3ij. Extracti Cimicifugae, f Syrupi simplicis, f 3x.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three or four hours. ( To restore the menstrual flow after suddenly checked.) Ringer. 254.-3 Crotonis Chloral, gr. xxiv. Pulveris Tragacanthie, Glycerini, aa q. s. Misce et flant pilulae No. xii. Sig. Take two pills every two hours. {In neuralgic dysmenorrlicea.) Lonis LewiSt 255.—3 Extracti Cannabis Indieie, gr. iij. Sacchari Lactis, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartulse No. vi. Sig. Take one powder every two or three hours. H. C. Wood. Dyspepsia. 256.— 3 Pepsini erystallizati, 3j. Acidi Hydroehlorici diluti, f 3ss. Glycerini, f§j. Vini Xerici, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful after each meal. Gerhard. 257.-3 Extracti Quassire, 3ij. Extract! Conii, gr. x. Ferri Subcarbonatis, gr. x. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, gtt. x. Misee et flant pilulse No. xl. Sig. Take one pill three times daily. J. K. Mitchell. 258.-3 Potassii Iodidi, Manganesii Sulpliatis exsiccati,_ aa 3j. Mellis despumati, q. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas No. xxx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill morning and night. (Keep in well-stoppered bottle.) Hannon. 259.—3 Pulveris Zingiberis, 3j. Magnesii Carbonatis, 3ij. Carbonis Ligni, 3j. Misce et divide in chartulas iv. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. ( With icidity.) Dunglison. 260.— R Carbonis Ligni, 3j. Bismuthi Subnitratis, 3ij. Misee et flant chartulae iv. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. (With flatulence.) ” Ringer. 261.—Take of Hickory ashes, one quart. Soot, six ounces. Boiling water, one gallon. Mix, and let them stand for twenty-four hours, frequently stirring; then decant. Dose, a teacupful three times a day. Phy stick. 262.— R Pulveris Radio's Rhei, 5j. Pulveris Aloes, 3i j. Sodii Biearbonatis, 3ij. Valerianae eontusse, Serpen tariae contusae, Gentianae contusae, Quassiae contusae, aa Spiritus Frumenti, Oij. Macera in vaso leviter clauso per horas bis quatuor viginta, et, cola. Sig. Dose, a wineglassful three times a day. TAebreieh. (iU 67 (IS i;<> 7U 71 Earache. See Otitis. Ecthyma. See Skin Diseases. Eczema. See Skin Diseases. Emissions. See Spermatorrhoea. Emphysema. See Asthma and Bronchitis. Empyema. 263.—R Liquoris Iodi composili, f Aquae destillatae, f jxv.—M. Sig. To wash out the pleural cavity after evacua- te011- Bartholow. 264.— $ Aquae Chlori, f ?j. Aquae destillatae, fjix.—M. Sig. To wash out cavity. Ringer. 265.— $ Quinime Sulphatis, 3i.j. Aquae destillatae, f §xij.—M. Sig. Inject after tapping. Ringer. Enteritis. 266.—$ Liui Farinas, Hordei Farime, aa partes aequales. Aquae, q. f. ut fiat cataplasma. Sig. Sprinkle the surface coming next to skin lightly with dry ground mustard, and apply to abdomen. H6tel Dieu. 267.—$ Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3ss. Tineturae Opii deodoratae, f3j. Tincturae Calumbae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every two or three ours‘ Martin. 72 268.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Tincturae Rhei, Tincturae Cinchonas, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful twice a day. (In chronic case!<-) Sir Astley Cooper. 269.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. vj. Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Fiat massa, in piiulas xii. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill night and morning. Channing. 270.—$ Extracti Chrysophylli, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §iij. Tore si mu I, cola, et adde— Syrupi Aeaciae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every four hours. Trousseau Epilepsy. 271.—$ Aniinonii Bromidi, Potassii Iodidi, aa 3viij. Potassii Bromidi, 3vj. Sodii Biearbonatis, 3i.j. Tincturae Calumbae, f Sjij. Aquae destillatae, f§vj.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful after each meal, and a tablespoonful at bedtime. Brown-fitquard. 272.—R lodi, gr. ij. Potassii Iodidi, 3iv. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f §vj. Fiat solutio. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful thrice daily. Magendie. 273.— $ Cupri ammqniati, Extracti Cannabis Indieae, aa 3j.(!) Misce et divide in piiulas No. xxiv. Sig. Take one pill morning and evening. (As a palliative in hopeless ones.) j Qr{eve_ 274.— Ferri Bromidi, gr. iv. Potassii Bromidi, §j- Aquae destillatae, f %ij. Syrupi simplicis, f jvj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful twice daily. {In ancemic subjects.) Bartholow. 275.—Chloralis Hydratis, 3ss. Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aa f 3ij. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. Take at bedtime. {To prevent nocturnal fits.) Da Costa. Epistaxis. 276.—Strychniae Sulphatis, gr. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3ij. Vini Ergotae, f Jss. Elixiris simplicis, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. {In ancemic cases.) Lombe Athill. 277.— Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, ttlviij. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every half hour. {In plethoric cases.) Thomas. 278.—Liquoris Ferri Persulphatis, f?j. Aquae destillatae, f jiij.—M. Sig. Inject into nostril. Gerhard. 279.—Pulveris Alurainis, Pulveris Acaciae, aa partes aequales.— M. Sig. To be blown into nostrils. Lecluyse. Erysipelas. 280.—I£ Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f3vj-f§iss. Syrupi simplicis, f §ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two hours. Goldberg. 74 281.—Potassii Permanganates, gr. vj. Aqu® destillat®, f §vj.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. (Keep in glass-stoppered bottle.) Bartholow. 282.—Ammonii Carbonatis, 3ij. Extracti Glycyrrhiz® fluidi, f Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f 5iij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every three hours. Brancle 283.—Tinctur® Digitalis, f 3ij. Aqu® bullientis, Oj.—M. Sig. Apply locally by means of flannels wrung out of this decoction. Roy ft on Fairbank. 284.—Acidi Sulphurosi, Glycerin®, aa f §iss.—M. Sig. Apply locally to inflamed part. Dewar. Erythema. See Skin Diseases. 75 76 7 7 78 7!) SO Favus. See Skin Diseases. Fetor of Axillae, Breath, and Feet. 285.—$ Potassii Permanganatis, 3j. Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig. Apply locally. Goldberej. 286.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, Jss. Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig. Apply locally. Goldberg. 287.—$ Aluminii Chloridi, §ss. Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig. Apply locally. Goldberej. Fevers, Eruptive and Simple. 288.—$ Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis,_ Morphinae Sulphatis, aa gr. j. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. iij. Potassii Nitratis, 3j. Misce et fiant chartulae No. xii. Sig. Take one powder every two or three hours. Pendleton Tutt. 289.—$ Vini Antimonii, f 3j. Potassii vel Sodii Nitratis, 3j. Spiritus iEtheris nitrosi, f 3iij. Liquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, f §j. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f Liquoris Potassii Citratis, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Canton, 290.—$ Tincturae Opii deodorat&q gtt. xlv. Yini Antimonii, f 3iss. Spiritus iEtheris nitrosi, f 3ij. Syrupi Limonis, f Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §vj. Fiat mistura. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Eberle. 291.—R Tinetura? Aconiti Radieis, Hlxxx. Syrupi Limonis, f Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §ij.—M. Sig. Give a dessertspoonful every three hours. li. P. Thomas. 292.—R Tincturse Aconiti Folii, f 3v. Extracti Veratri viridis fluidi, f 3j.—M. Sig. Give twelve drops every two hours, watching effects. Weber. Fever, Hectic. 293.—R Syrupi Phosphatum composite f jiij. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. Parrish. 294.—R Syrupi Calcii Lacto-phospliatis, f §iij. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. 295.—R Quininae Hydrochloratis, 3ss. Acidi nitrohydrochlorici diluti,f 3iss. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f 3viss. Aqua? Anisi, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every four hours. Gerhard. Fever, Intermittent and Remittent. 296.—R Quininae Sulphatis, 3i.j. Acidi Sulphurici aromatiei, f 3j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad i §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every two hours during the intermission. 297.—R Ferri Ferrocyanidi, Pulveris Guaiaci Resin®, aa 3j. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. {In obsti- nate intermittent^.) Fills 298.—$ Antimonii et Potassii tart.ratis, gr. iij. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. x. Misce et divide in partes aequales vi. Sig. Give one powder every two hours during inter- mission. Gola_ 299.—$ Salicini, gr. xxiv. Sacchari albi, 3iv. Misce et divide in partes aequales viii. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. Krombholz. 300.—$ Cupri Sulphatis, gr. iv. Extracti Cinchonae, gr. xxxij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. ut fiat massa in pilulas xvi. dividenda. Sig. One to be taken three times a day. (In obsti- nate cases.) Chapman. 301.-$ Narcotinae, gr. xxx. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f 3j. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae destillatae, f §iiiss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every three hours. Sir W. 0’Shaughnessy. 302.— $ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. vj. Acidi tartarici, gr. iij. Syrupi simplicis, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. Casorati. 303.— $ Quininae Ferrocyanatis, gr. iv. Alcoholis, f3j. Solve, et adde— Aquae Camphorae, f 3vij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every hour or two. Ellis. 304.-$ Cinchoniae Sulphatis, 3ss. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3iss. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f ?ss. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful after meals, (In chronic cases.) Pendleton Tutt. 305.—$ Extracti Hydrastis tluidi, Tincturae Eucalypti, aa f §iss. Elixiris simplicis, f' ?j.' Vini Xerensis, f gij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. (In convalescents with hepatic and splenic enlargment.) Bartliolow. 306.— $ Quininae Sulphatis, 3ij. Acidi Salicylici, 3iiiss. Misce et divide in chartulas xvi. Sig. Take one powder every three hours. Sarzance. 307.—$ Extracti Nucis Vomicae, gr. iv. Quininae Sulphatis, 3ss. Glycerinae, q. s. ut hat massa in pilulas xvi. dividenda. Sig. One pill three times a day. ( With paralysis.) Da Costa. Fever, Typhoid. 308.—$ Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, f 3j. Syrupi Hubi Idaei, f 3vij. Aquae destillatae, f^iij.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every two or three hours. (In uncomplicated cases.) Gerhard 309.— $ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. vj. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Misce et flant chartulae xii. Sig. One every three hours. (During first nine days carefully avoiding ptyalism.) ' par]-rx 310.-$ Olei Terebinthinae, f 3iss. Pulv. Acaciae, Syrupi simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aii q. s. Fiat emulsio, secundum artem, ad f §ij. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. (With diarrhoea and tympanitis.') q p 311.—$ Extracti Ergotae aquosi (Ergotinae), gr. xv. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 5j. Aquae destillatae, f §iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every hour or two. {In alarming intestinal hemorrhage.) Bonjeah. 312.—$ Pulveris Ipeeacuanhae coinpositi, gr. x. Divide in chartulas iv. Sig. One every hour or two. (Used at night in wakeful delirium.) Ringer. 313.— $ Sodii Salicylatis, §ss. Syrupi simplicis, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. adf^ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every other night. ( To lower temperature.) Mceli. Fever, Typhus. 314.— $ Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr. iv. Tincturae Opii, f3,j. Aquae Campliorae, f §viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. ( With sleeplessness and extreme nervous excitement.) Graves. 315.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3ss. Tincturae Belladonnae, f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, ten drops every two hours. (Reduces frequency of pulse and cleans the tongue.) Harley. 316.—$ Moschi optimi, gr. x.-3j. Tincturae Castorei, i' 3ij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. One dose, given in coma and last stage of typhus. E. J. Clark. Fever, Yellow. 317.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. xx. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xxiv. Misee et fiat chartula. Sig. One dose, given in simple syrup, to be repeated every four or six hours until four doses are taken. ( Given at the very onset to abort the disease.) Blair. 318.-$ Potassii Chloratis, 3iij. Syrupi Papaveris, f jjiss. Aquae destillatae, f .^ivss.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every two or three hours with lime-water. ( To allay irritability of the stomach.) Frost. 319.—$ Olei Terebinthinae, f 3iss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f 3xivss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every hour or two. (To allay retching and vomiting.) jM Boche. 320.—$ Chloroformi, f 3j. Syrupi Acaciae, f 3xv.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every hour or two. ( With pain, retching, and vomiting.) Condie. 321.— $ Tincturse Ferri Chloridi, f 3iij. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f 3xiij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful in ice-water every three or four hours. Bailey. 322.—Phenic and Sulpfio-phenic acids (DeclaCs pre- parations), and, in grave cases, the phenate of ammonium, “ have cured thirty-eight consecutive cases” in the hands of Dr. De Lacaille, of Rio de Janeiro. In early stages by the mouth, in the advanced, hypodermi- cally. (Naphcys’ Medical Therapeutic*, 1885.) 87 323.—Ij Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Quininae Sulphatis, Pulveris Opii et Ipecacuanhae, aa gr. xij. Misce et fiant chartuhe No. iv. Sig. One every three hours. Continue with these as long as the fever lasts; and, if the fever runs very high with hot skin, it may be reduced by— Ij. Tincturae Aconiti Eoliorum, gtt. x. Spiritus HStheris nitrosi, f 3j.—M. This amount in water ever}7 three or four hours. In forty or fifty hours the fever subsides and the stage of calm comes on. When much exhaustion during this stage, stimulants; when much restlessness, vale- rianate of zinc, gr. v-x., or morphia, gr. A, repeated as necessary. When retching and vomiting super- vene, give— 324.—Ij Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iv. Creasoti, 3j. Spiritus Vini Gallici, f —M. Sig. A tablespoonful every three hours as needed. Greensville Dowell. 325.—Ij Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. j—ij. (!!) Fiat chartula. Sig. One dose. (To be given at the very commence- ment after a free mercurial purge followed by a saline cathartic.) Edward Fowler. 326.—Ij Potassii Iodidi, gr. ij. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, gtt. ij.—M. Sig. One dose, every two or three hours. (This should he given throughout the entire course of the disease, beginning with the second day. It relieves the tenderness of the stomach, and keeps black vomit at bay.) Edward Fowler. Fissure of Anus and Nipples. 327.—Ij Extracti Hydrastis fluidi. f §ss. Sig. Apply to affected part. Bartholow. 88 328.—$ Iodoformi, Acidi Tannici, aa 3ij. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. Expose the fissure and dust over. Bartholow. 329.—$ Liquoris Ferri Subsulphatis, f3ij. Glycerini, f3vj.—M. Sig. Appy with camel’s-hair brush to affected parts. (For nipple.) Bartholow. 330.—$ Potassii Bromidi, 3j. Glycerini, f3v.—M. Sig. Apply locally. (For anus.) Ringer. 331.—$ Argenti Oxidi, 3j. Unguenti Adipis, %). Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply locally. (For nipples.) Fills. 332.—$ Plumbi Nitratis, gr. x. Glycerini, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply after each nursing, carefully washing before next nursing. (For excoriated and fissured nipple.) Bartholow. Fistula;. 333.— $ Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij. Aqu;e destillatae, f §viij. Solve. Sig. Inject once daily. (In ano.) Druitt. 334.—$ Cupri Sulpliatis, gr. ij.—Iv. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Inject once daily. (In ano.) Sir A. Cooper. 335.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f §viij. Misce et fiat collyrium. Sig. Apply to inner canthus of the eye twice daily. (In lachrymal fistula.) DrtiUt. Flatulence. See also Acidity, Colic, and Dyspepsia. 336.—R Magnesiae, 3j. Spiritus Ammoniae aromatiei, f3j. Spiritus Cinnamomi, f 3iij. Aquae destillatae, f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. (7n sour eructations.) Ellis 337.—R Tincturae Assafcetidae, f 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every hour or two. (For children.) Ringer. 338.—R Sodii Sulpho-Carbolatis, 3iij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful before meals. (In ex- treme flatulence.) Sansom. 339.—R Olei Cajuputi, f3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f Syrupi simplicis, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful. Swediaur. 340.—R Spiritus Armoraciae, Elixiris simplicis, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. 1linger. 341.—$ Acidi sulphurosi, f 3iss. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3viss. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. ( When due to fermenta- tion.) poUi Frostbite. 342.-R Acidi sulphurosi, f 3ii.j. Glycerini, Aquae, aa f 3j.—M. Sig. Apply to affected part. Bavtholow. 90 343.—$ Iodi, 3j. Potassii Iodidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, Nlvj. Adipis, §j.—M. Sig. Apply once daily. (With unbroken skin.) Hebra. 344.—$ Olei Cajuputi, f3vij. Olei Amygdala? dulcis, f 3xvij.—M. Sig. Apply three times a day on lint. ( With broken skin.) Radius. 345.— F( Fellis Bovini recentis, f 3iij. Balsami Peruviani, f 3j.—M. Sig. Apply two or three times a day. ( With broken or unbroken skin.) Hugh Smith. 346.—$ Olei Caryophylli, Olei Succini rectificati, aa f §ss. Olei Olivarum, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily. Roche. 347.—$ Fellis Bovini, Oss. Sig. Rub and warm in well daily. (May be pro- cured at any butcher’s shambles.) Gerhard. Furuncle. See Carbuncle. 91 9‘2 93 a 4 95 96 07 Gall Stones. See Calculi. Gangrene. 348.—$ Pulveris Ligni Carbonis, Micae Panis, Lactis, aa q. s. Fiat cataplasma. Sig. Apply to correct fetor. 349.—$ Acidi chromici, 3v. Aquae, f Sig. Apply to slough. 350.— $ Bromi, %j. Sig. Apply with a glass rod. (In hospital gangrene.) 351.— $ Acidi carbolici, §ij. Glycerini, f gviij.—M. Sig. Apply on lint. Lister. 352.—$ Potassii Bromidi, 3ij-f-3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ij. Solve. Dein adjice— Bromi, §j. (By weight.) Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Apply to slough. (In hospital gangrene.) • J. Lawrence Smith. Gastralgia. See Neuralgia, Catarrh, Colic, and Dyspepsia. Gastric Ulcer. See Ulcer. Glands, Enlarged Lymphatics. 353.—$ Iodi, Torebinthime Canadensis, aa 3j. Collodii, f f}\\.—M. Sig. Paint, over diseased part. T. Shinn 354.—R Potassii lodidi, 3j. Cerati simplicis, §j.—M. Sig. Apply to tumor. Goldberg. 355.—R Zinci lodidi, 3j. Adipis, 3j.—M. Sig. Apply to swelling. lire’ 356.—R Barii lodidi, gr. iv. Adipis, fj.— M. Sig. Apply to scrofulous tumors. Biett. 357.—R Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. vij. Potassii lodidi, 3j. Adipis, fj.—M. Sig. Apply to enlargement. C. C. Hildreth 358.— R Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. vj. Morphinae Acetatis, gr. viij. Adipis, —M. Sig. Apply to swelling. Pelletan. Gleet. See Gonorrhoea. Goitre. 359.—R Iodi, gr. lxiv. Potassii lodidi, gr. xxx. Alcoholis, f Fiat solutio. Sig. Paint once every other day. King\s College Hospital. 360.—R Unguenti Iodi compositi, Unguenti Belladonnae, aa §j.—M. Sig. Rub in well once daily. Gerhard. 361.— R Tincturse Iodi, f§j. Inject lljxxx into the substance of the gland once a week for the tirst two or three weeks, and after, once a fortnight as long as necessary. Give iodide of potassium internally. Morell Mackenzie. 362.—R Iodi, gr. ij. Potassii Iodidi, 3iv. Aquae Menthae piperita?, f §vj. Fiat solutio. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful thrice daily. Mageiulie. See also Glands, Enlargement of. Gonorrhcea. 363.—R Tincturae Opii, f 3ij. Vini Colchici Seminis, f Liquoris Potassii Citratis, f §viss.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful three or four times a day. Brodie. 364.— R Liquoris Potassae, f 3j. Balsami Copaibae, f ?ss. Tincturae Cubebae, f 3vj. Liquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, f §j. Aquae Cainphorae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M, Sig. Take a tablespoonful four times a day. D. Ilayes Agnew. 365.—R Olei Copaibae, Olei Cubebae, Olei Santali flavi, aa 3j. Magnesiae, 3ij. Misce et fiant pilulae No. lx. Sig. Take two pills every four hours. Bartholow. 366.—R Hvdrastinae, 3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f ?iv.—M. Sig. A half ounce as an injection. (In chronic gonorrhoea and gleet.) Bartholow. 367.— R Zinci Sulphatis, Acidi tannici, aa gr. xv. Aquae Rosae, f §vj.—M. Sig. A half ounce as an injection two or three times daily. (In gleet.') Bicord. 100 368.— 3 Morphinae Acetatis, gr. vj. Plumbi Acetatis, Zinci Sulphatis, aa gr. viij. Creasoti, gtt. viij. Aquae destillatae, f §vj.—M. Sig. As an injection twice daily. II. II. Smith. 369.—$ Zinci Chloridi, gr. j-ij. Aquae destillatae, f §vj. Solve. Sig. Inject once or twice daily. R. J. Levis. 370.—R Bismuthi Subnitratis, Glycerini, aa Aquae destillatae, f §iij.—M. Sig. Inject twice daily. (In chronic cases and gleet.) Singer. 371.—3 Zinci Sulphatis, Aluminis, §iij.—M. Sig. Dissolve a teaspoonful in one pint of water, and inject three times a day. (In females.) Hazard. 372.—R Zinci Sulpho-Carbolatis, gr. xx. Aquae destillatae, f §viij.—M. Sig. Inject a half ounce two or three times a day. sRinger. Gout. 373.—R Vini Colchici Seminis, f 3ii.j. Spiritus Aininoniae aromat.ici, f 3xiij.—M. Sig. Rose, a tcaspoouful every three hours until some physiological effect is produced. {In acute gout.) Bartholow. 374.— 3 Tincturae Colchici Scminis, njxx. Potassii Bicarbonatis, gr. x. Aquae Pimentae, f §j. Misee et fiat liaustus. Sig. Three or four times a day. London Hospital 101 375.—R Tincturae Colchici Seminis, Ifixv. Magnesii Carbonatis, gr. vj. Magnesii Sulphatis, gr. xxx. Aquae Menthae piperitae, q. s. ad f §j. Fiat liaustus. Sig. Repeat according to circumstances. University Hospital. 376.—R Extracti Colchici acetici, gr. x. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, Pulveris Digitalis, Extracti Colocynthidis compositi, aa gr. xij. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xij. Sig. Dose, one pill twice or thrice a day. {After the more acute symptoms have subsided.) Sir Henry Halford. 377.—R Colchicinae, gr. j. Extracti Colocynthidis compositi, 3ss. Quininae Sulphatis, 3j. Misce et divide in pilulas No. lx. Sig. One pill every four hours. Bartholow. 378.—R Extracti Colchici acetici, Extracti Rhei, Extracti Aloes Socotrinae, aa gr. v.j. Extracti Belladonna;, gr. j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. vi. Sig. Take one pill at bedtime twice a week. A. B. Oarrod, 379.—R Pulveris Colchici Seminis, 3ss. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, Extracti Colocynthidis, aa gr. viij. Pulveris Digitalis, Quininae Sulphatis, aa gr. xv. Misce ut, fiat massa in pilulas No. xx. dividenda. Sig. Take from one to four pills a day, at beginning of attack. Trousseau et Reveil. 102 380.— Aceti Colchici, f 3j—ij. Magnesiae, gr. xv-xx. Magnesii Sulphatis, 3,j—ij. Syrupi simplicis, f 3j. Aquae Cinnarnomi, l'3ix. Fiat haustus. Sig. Repeat in three hours if necessary. (In the paroxysm of flout.) gir Charles Scudamore. 381.— Litliii Carbonatis vel Citratis, 3v. Aquae destillatae, f §xx.—M. Sis:. Apply by means of lint, especially if skin is broken. Garrod. 382.— R Veratrinse, 9j. Adipis, §j.—M. Sig. Apply to painful joint at onset. (Not when the skin is broken.) Turnbull. 103 104 105 100 107 108 109 Hacmatcmcsis. 383.—Liquoris Ferri Subsulphatis, gtt. xx. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every half hour or hour, in ice-water, allowing the patient to swallow cracked ice. Bartholow. 384.—Plumbi Acetatis, 3ss. Hydrargyri Chloridi raitis, gr. v. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Misee et fiant pilulae No. x. Sig. One pill every two to four hours. (From ulcer.) Ellis. 385.—Aluminis, 3iiss. Syrupi Krameriae, f 3-ij. Aquae destillatae, f §vj.—M. Sig. Dose, the one-fourth part, to be given every halt hour. Trousseau ct Iicveil. 386.—Acidi tannici, gr. xx. Pulveris Opii, gr. v. Glycerini, q. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas No. x. dividenda. Sig. One pill every hour or two. Ellin. Hasmaturia. 387.—Olei Terebinthinae, f 3x. Magnesii Sulphatis, ? j. Pulveris Uvae Ursi, 3j. Aquae Camphorae, f§viij.—M. Sig. Shake well. Dose, two tablespoonfuls every two hours. Smith' 388.—Acidi galliei, 3ss. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f 3j. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3j. Infusi Rosae cotnpositi, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four hours or oftener. Bartholow. 389.-$ Tincturae Hamamelis, lllxxiv. Elixiris simplicis, Aquae destillatae, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two or three hours. Ringer. Haemoptysis. 390.—$ Sodii Cldoridi, §j. Sig. Take a half teaspoonful, dry, occasionally re- peating until nausea is produced. 391.—$ Infusi Digitalis, f giij. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful or more every hour until the pulse is reduced. Brinton. 392.-$ Ferri Aeetatis, 3ij. Aquae, q. s. Sig. Make the solution distinctlj' but not disagree- ably sour, and let the patient constantly sip. Ringer. Hay Fever. 393.—$ Potassii arsenitis, gr. xv. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Solve. Unsized white paper to be thoroughly moistened with this solution, cut into twenty equal parts, and each part rolled into a cigarette, two or three of which may be smoked daily. Trousseau. 394.—$ Quininae Hydrochloratis, gr. iv-viij. Aquae destillatae, f %j.—M. Sig. Apply with large camel’s-hair brush, or spray- producer, to nares and fauces. ( Useful only when the irritation is confined to these parts.) Bartholow. 395.—$ Potassii Iodidi, f j. Liquoris Potassii arscnitis, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, f —M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four or six hours. Combine with this— 396.— R Tincturae Iodi, 3j. Acidi carboliei, gr. x. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Apply with a post-nasal syringe to fauces and nares. Bartholow. 397.—R Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, gr. xv-xx. Fiat chartula. Sig. One dose. (For temporary relief, at beginning of each attack of dyspnoea.) j[yde Salter. 398.—R Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 5iss. Glycerini, f 3iiss.—M. Sig. Apply to outside of nose. Ringer. Headache. 399.—R Sodii Chloridi, §j. Spiritus Camphorae, f .^j. Aquae Ammoniae, f §iss. Aquae, Oj. Misce et fiat lotio. Sig. Eau Sedatif. For external use. Raspail. 400.—R Ammonii Carbonatis, gr. x. Olei Valerianae, gtt. iij. Syrupi siniplicis, f Aquae Cinnamomi, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, one-fourth part every four hours. Hazard. 401.—R Pulveris Valerianae, 3j. Pulveris Cinnamomi compositi, gr. x. Misce et fiat pulvis. Sig. Repeat every fourth hour. Joy. 402.—R Spiritus Amrnoniae aromatici, aa f 3j. Aquae Camphorae, f 3x. Tincturae Cardamomi compositae, f3j. Misce pro haustu. Sig. Take two to three times a day. (In nervous headache.) Jirande. 403.—3 Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. ss. Chinoidinae, 3j. Misce et flant pilulae No. lx. Sig. One pill twice or thrice a day. (In sick hcad- ache•) Bartholow. 404.—3 Caffeinae, gr. vij. Aeidi Hydrochlorici, ill ij. Syrupi Aurantii Florum, f Aquae destillatae, f§iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every hour or two, as required. (In hemierania.) Beasley. 405.—3 Pulveris Guaranae, gr. x-xv. Saechari alhi, q. s. Misce et flat pulvis. Sig. To be taken once or oftener in the day. (In migraine or periodical headache.) g Wilks Heart Disease. 406.—R Extracti Aconiti Radicis fluidi, f 3ss. Yini Antimonii, f §ss.—M. Sig. From ten to fifteen drops three times a day (Inpericarditis with great pain.) Rust 407.— R Pulveris Scillae, gr. x. Pulveris Ferri, Pulveris Digitalis (English), Quininae Sulphatis, aa3j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three or four times a day. (In fatty degeneration; dilatation of cavities, especially the right; mitral regurgitation with anaemia.) Bartliolow. 408.—$ Pulveris Digitalis, gr. v. Pulveris Scillae, gr. x. Pilulse Hydrargyri, 3ss. Fiat massa et divide in pilulas x. Sig. Take one pill three times daily. (In palpita- tion with anasarca.) Baillie 409.—$ Pulveris Opii, g-r. ij Ilydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. xvj. Misce et fiant cliartulae No. viij. Sig. Take one powder three times a day. {In endo- carditis. ) Budd. 410.-$ Potassii Citratis, 3ij. Tincturae Stramonii, f3j. Tincturae Colchici Seminis, f 3ij. Infusi Digitalis, * f 5iij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f gviij.—M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. {In violent palpitation.) Hazard 411.— $ Infusi Digitalis, f Potassii Nitratis, 3ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, Ihxiv. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 3ij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every two hours. (In hyper- trophy.) Copland. 412.—$ Tincturae Veratri viridis, f §ss. Sig. Dose, five drops. ( To reduce heart’s action.) Hazard. 413. —$ Infusi Digitalis, f jiv. Potassii Acetatis, 3ij. Spiritus iEtheris nitrosi, f 3ij. Aquae Cassiae, f |iss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every fourth hour. ( With pericardiac effusion.) Kilgour. 414.—$ Tincturae Digitalis, lTlx-xx. Tincturae Calumbae, f 3j. Aquae Camphorae, f 3x. Fiat haustus. Sig. One dose, take twice daily. {In nervous palpi- tation. ) Paris. 415.—$ Pulvcris Digitalis, Pulveris Ferri, Quininae Sulphatis, aa 3ss. Fiat massa in pilulas xxx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In palpita- tion due to ancemia and chlorosis.') Gerhard 114 416.—Tincturae Digitalis, Iflx. Spiritus Chloroformi, Itlxxv. Infusi Buchu, f §j. Fiat haustus. Sig. To be taken three times a day. (In simple cardiac debility.) Fothergill. 417.-1* Pulveris Digitalis, gr. ss- j. Ferri Sulphatis, gr. j. Pulveris Capsici, gr. i. Extracti Gentianae, gr. ij. Misce et, fiat pilula. Sig. One to be taken thrice daily. (In chronic heart disease.) Fothergill. 418.—Pulveris Digitalis, gr. ij. Aquae, f $j.—M. Sig. One tablespoonful twice only. (Tv. cardiac dropsy.') Xiemeyer. 419.—Extracti Ciinicifugse fluidi, Syrupi Acaciae, aa f §ss. Aquae Amygdalae amarae, f —M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. (In fatty degeneration.) Ellis. 420.—Tincturae Digitalis, f Extracti Ergota? fluidi, f §iij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. (/« simple enlargement.) Dartholow. Heartburn. See Acidity. Hcmicrania. See Headache. Hemiplegia. See Paralysis, Hemorrhage. 421.— $ Ammonii Carbonatis, 3ij. Tincturte Opii deodoratse, f (!) Extracti Glycyrrhizae fluidi, f 3vj. Aquae destiilatse, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. (After hemorrhage ad deliqnum.) Carson 422.—$ Olei Terebinthinse, f 3iij. Extracti Digitalis fluidi, f 3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f Aqua? Menthse piperitae, f |j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. (In Passive hemorrhage.) Bartholow. 423.—1}. Acidi carboiici, 3j. Aquaj destillatse, f §iij.—M. Sig. Apply to bleeding part. (Does not prevent union by first intention.) Hemorrhage, Fost-Partum and Uterine. See Menorrhagia. Hemorrhoids. 424.— $ Sulphuris loti, 3iss. Confectionis Sennse, Potassii Nitratis, 3j. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, q. s. Misce et fiat confectio. Sig. One or two drachms twice a day. Ellis 425.—$ Pulveris Jalapae, Potassii Bitartratis, Potassii Nitratis, aa §ss. Conf'ectionis Sennae, Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Misce et fiat eleetuarium. Sig. A bolus the size of a hazel-nut three times a (lay- Ellis. 426.—R Extracti Ergotae fluidi, f Tinctursc Nucis Vomicae, f 3j.—M. Sis:. Take a teaspoonf'ul every four hours. (In bleeding piles.) Bartholow. 427.—$ Potassii Sulphatis, Sulphuris sublimati, 3ij. Confectionis Sennae, 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, a. s. Misce et fiat electuarium. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful at night. Ainslie. 428.—$ Pulveris Opii, 3ij. Unguenti Picis liquidae, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply once or twice daily. Ellis. 429.—$ Pulveris Teucrii Scordii, 3ij. Unguenti Petrolei, §j.—M. Sig. Apply after each action of bowels. R. B. Crnice. 430.—$ Plumbi Tannatis, 3j. Unguenti simplicis, §j.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily. MacDonald. 431.—$ Potassii Bromidi, 3j. Glycerini, f3v.—M. Sig. Apply to ease pain. Ringer. 432.—$ Hvdrargyri Chloridi mitis, 3ij. Unguenti Petrolei, §j.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily. I. Bartlett. 433.—1$; Todoformi, 3ij Unguenti simplicis, §j.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily. Bartliolow. 434.—$ Olei Theobronne, Extraeti Krameriae, 3ij. Pulveris Opii, gr. v. Misce secundum artem, et fiant suppositoria No. x. Sig. Use one morning and night. J. Pancoast. 435.—$ Unguenti Belladonnae, gij. Camphorae, 3j. Tincturae Camphorae compositae, f3j. Misce et fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply to painful piles. Xeligctn. 436.—3 Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Vitelli Unius Ovi, Olei Anthemidis, Olei Papaveris, aa f §j. Misce et fiat injectio. Sig. Inject, in painful piles. Brera. Hepatitis. See Catarrh and Biliousness. Herpes, See Skin Diseases. Hiccough. 437.-3 Seminis Sinapis, 3j. Aquae bullientis, f §iv. Fiat infusum pro haustu. Sig. Take at one dose. Ttinyer. 438.-3 Extracti Valerianae fluidi, f 3ij. Olei Cajuputi, lfixvj. Tere simul et adjice— Syrupi Acaciae, f3vj. Aquae Aurantii Florum, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. Hazard. 439.—3 Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. j. Sacchari Lactis, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartulae No. xij. Sig. Take one powder every hour. (Tn obstinate cases with extreme debility.) Gerhard Hooping Cough. 440.— 3 Acidi Nitrici diluti, f3xij. Syrupi simplieis, f Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. Hazard. 441.—3 Tincturae Lobeliae. Syrupi Scillae, iia f §j. Extracti Belladonnae, gr. iv.—M. Sig. Take thirty drops three times a day. Hazard. 118 442.—Potassii Carbonatis, 3j. Pulveris Cocci, Ass. Sacchari albi, §j. Aquae destillatae, f —M. Sig. Dose for children, a teaspoonful every two or three hours. jyr Chapman. 443.—Extracti Castaneae fluidi, f §iij. Sig. Dose for child five years old, a teaspoonful every two hours for three days (during the night after each paroxysm) ; afterwards three or four times a day. (To each dose may be added from three to five grains of Potassium Bromide.) Gerhard. Hydrocephalus. 444.—Pulveris Digitalis, gr. v.j. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. xij. Sacchari albi, gr. xviij. Misce et fiant chartulae No. xij. Sig. One powder every six hours. Hazard. 445.—I* Ung uenti Hydrargyri, §j. Sig. Rub on head, and take— Potassii Iodidi, gr. xij. Aquae destillatae, f jss.—M. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day. Hazard. 446.—Olei Tiglii, ITlij. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f |j.—M. Sig. Dose, the fourth part every four hours. (To remove fluid from ventricles.) Dum/Uson. Hydrops Pericardii. See Dropsy and Heart Disease. Hydrothorax. See Dropsy. 119 Hypochondria. 447.—$ Potassii Bromidi, gss. Syrupi simplicis, f gj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f giij.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. ( Where great despondency in subjects ivho live in town.') Ringer. 448.—$ Liquoris Potassii arsenitis, f 3ss. Tineturae Opii deodoratae, f 3j. Aquae Cinnamomi, f 3xivss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (In old people with gloomy fancies.) Lemare-Ficquot. 449.—$ Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f gss. Spiritus Ammonii aromatici, f 3ij. Misturae Assafoetidae, f gvss.—M. Sig. From one to three tablespoonfuls three times a day. Ainslie. 450.—$ Tineturae Opii deodoratae, f gss. Sig. Dose, five to ten drops three times a day. Krafft-Ebing • Hysteria. 451.—I* Ammonii Valerianatis 3j. Elixiris Curafoae, Syrupi simplicis, aa f gj. Aquae Aurantii Florum, f gij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoon ful every three hours. Hazard. 452.—$ Camphorae, Assafoetidae, aa 3j. Extracti Belladonna?, 3ss. Extracti Opii aquosi, gr. x. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xl. Sig. One pill night and morning. Hazard. 453.—B Castorei, 3j. Acidi succinici, 3ss. Extracti Gentianae, q. s. Ut fiant pilulae No. xxiv. Sig. Three night and morning. Hazard. 454.—R Pulveris Camphore, Extracti Eucalypti, aa gr. xij. Misce et fiant pilule No. xii. Sig. Take one pill every three hours. (In debilitated s?^s’) Bartholow. 455.—R Tincture Opii deodorate, f 3iss. Tincture Castorei, f 3iiss. Tincture Valeriane ammoniate, Spiritus yEtheris compositi, aa f 3vj.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours in water. (In young girls 'with “laughing hysterics.”) Gerhard. 456.—R Zinci Valerianatis, gr. ix. Pulveris Tragacanthe, 3se. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xii. Sig. Take one pill niirht and morning. (With headache.) " Demy 457.—R Zinci Valerianatis, Quinine Valerianatis, aa gr. xv. Extracti Gcntiane, q. s. Ut fiant pilule No. xv. Sig. One every hour. (In epileptoid form.) Martini. 458.—R Tincture Opii deodorate, f 3j. Tincture Nucis Vomice, f 3ij.—M. Sig. Take three drops three or four times a day. (In middle aged people with flatulence, flushings, weight on head, etc.) ' ' ' RingeVt 459.—R Tincture Avene concentrate, f gss. Sig. Dose, fifteen drops in a fluidounce of hot water at bedtime. (Nervous tonic.) Waugh 121 122 123 124 125 120 Ichthyosis. See Skin Diseases, Impetigo. See Skin Diseases. Impotence. 460.—$ Pulveris Cantharidis, gr. xviij. Pulveris Opii, Pulveris Camphorae, aa gr. xxxvj. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xxxvi. Sig. Take one pill at night. (From general debility.) Hazard. 461.— $ Extracti Vanillae fluidi, f §j. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful at night. (In old people.) Gerhard. 462.—$ Phospliori, gr. ss. iEtheris, f §ss. Solve, et adde— Tincturae Cantharidis, Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Take thirty drops three or four times a day. Vogt. 463.—$ Ferri Arseniatis, gr. v. Extracti Ergotae aquosi, 3ss. Misce et iiant pilulae No. xxx. Sig. Take one pill night, and morning. ( With sper- matorrhoea.) Bartholow. 464.—$ Tincturae Sanguinariae, f 3iij. Extracti Stillingiae fluidi, f 3v.—M. Sig. Fifteen to twenty drops in water three times a Bartholow. 465.—I* Extracti Cannabis Indies1, Extracti Nucis Vomicae, aa gr. xv. Extracti Ergotae aquosi, 3j. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xxx. Sig. One pill morning and evening. Da Costa. 128 Incontinence of Urine. 466.—$ Syrupi Ferri Iodidi, f gss. Sig. Dose, fifteen to twenty drops, well diluted, three times a day. (In pale, delicate, and strumous children.) Bartholow. 467.—$ Atropime, grf. Sacchari albi, 3iiss. Misceantur optime. Sig. Give a grain and a half, two or three times a day, to a child of five years. (In robust children.) Bonchardat. 468.—$ Strychninae, gr. j. Acidi acetici, gtt. ij. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f gij. Fiat solutio. Sig. Dose, fifteen to thirty drops for child six to twelve years of age. Magendic. 469.—$ Syrupi Ferri Bromidi, Syrupi simplicis, aa f gss.—M. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful three times a day. ( Child six to ten years old.) Gerhard. 470.—$ Tincturae Cantliaridis, )Hij. Tincturae Hyoscyami, lllv. Aquae dcstillatae, f 3x. Fiat haustus. Sig. Repeat the dose four times a day. (For middle aged and old women.) Gregory. 471.—$ Collodii, f gj. Sig. Pull forward the prepuce and smear over to form a cap. Continue for a fortnight. Is easily picked off with fingernail. Sir D. Corrigan. 472.—Chloral Hydratis, gr. viiss. Aquae dcstillatae, f gss. Fiat haustus. Sig. Take at bedtime. Vecehiztti. 1 29 Indigestion. See Dyspepsia. Inflammation. See the names as applied to the particular organs inflamed, Heart Disease, Pleurisy, Synovitis, etc. Influenza. See Catarrh and Hay Fever. Ingrowing Toenail. L iquoris Potassae, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply with pledgets of cotton-wool. Norton Insomnia. 474.—Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr- j-ij- Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iss. Aquae Laurocerasi, f §j.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours. (In the delirium and wakefulness of fevers.) Bartliolow. 475.—Tincturae Hyoscyami, f §ij. Sig. Dose, from one to four drachms. (Where opium is not borne.) Campbell. 476.—Chloral Hydratis, gr. xxv. Tincturae Cardamoini compositae, f 3ss. Syrupi simplicis, f 3ij. Infusi Caryophylli, q. s. ad f §iss. Fiat haustus. Sig. Use pro re nata. (When due to mental over- work, anxiety, or physical fatigue.) Priestley. 477.— Chloral Hydratis, 3j. Potassii Bromidi, 3ij. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f §ss. Aquae Caryopliylli, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day in a wineglassful of water. Quain. Pulveris Opii, gr. iv. Extracti Hyoscyami, Extracti Conii, aa gr. xv. Misce et divide in pilulas x. Sig. Take one pill at bedtime. El is. 479.—Codeinae, gr. iss. Aquae Lauroeerasi, f 3iiss. Syrupi simplieis, f Aj. Aquae Florum Tiliu.*, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every half hour. For sleeplessness due to pain.) Trousseau et Iteveil. 480.—Atropinae, gr. \. Morphinae, gr. xij. Acidi ace tic i, gtt. x. Aquae destillatae, f'Jiij.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful once or twice daily. ( Tu cases of depression and low temperature.) Gerhard. Intermittent Fever. See Fever. Intertrigo. See Skin Diseases. Intestinal Catarrh. See Catarrh. Intestinal Parasites. See Worms. Intussusception. 481.— Ijt Sodii Bicarbonate, 3ii—iii. Aquae, f §vj. Solve et fiat enema. Sig. Inject, and follow immediately with— 482.— R. Acidi Tartarici pulverizati, gr. xxxv-xlvij. Aquae, f §iv. Solve et liat enema. Sig. Inject immediately after the foregoing. ( The effervescence tvill cause the bowel suddenly to distend.) Bartholov'. 483.—R Tabaci, 3j. Aquae bullientis, Oj. Macera per sextam horae partem, et. cola. Sig. Inject one-quarter or one-half, and repeat in half an hour if necessary, carefully watching its effects. Guy’s Hospital. 484.—R Lobeliae, §ss. Aquae bullientis, Oj. Fiat infusio. Sig. Inject one-fourth or one-half, and repeat if permissible. Bartholow. Iritis. 485.—R Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae., f §ss.—M. Sig. Drop into eye twice daily, continuing for a week. Keyser. 486.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. x. Extracti Glycyrrhizae, q. s. Misce et tiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take two pills twice a day. Niemeyer. 487.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. iv. Opii purificati, gr. viij. Extracti Guaiaci, 3ss. Misee et fiant pilulae No. xxiv. Sig. Take one pill three times a day with sarsapa- 1a- Dupnytren. 488.—R Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. ij. Potassii Iodidi, 3iij. Solve in— Aquae destillatae, f §ss. Dein adde— Syrupi Stillingiae eompositi, f §iiss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful after each meal. Kcyser. 132 489.—Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. j-iij. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iv. Ziuei Sulphatis, gr. ij-viij. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply as a lotion. Bartholow. Itch. See Skin Diseases and Lice. 133 134 135 136 1,37 138 139 Jaundice. See Biliousness, Catarrh, and Calculi. Joints, Diseases of. See Synovitis. 140 141 Keratitis, Phlyctenular. 490.— Atropinae Sulphatis, cr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ss.—M. Si". Drop in the eye. Kidneys, Diseases of. See Albuminuria, Nephritis, and Uraemia. 142 Labor. 491.—$ Vini Opii, gtt. xl-lx. Sig. Inject with a little starch water, in two or three doses, in the course of a couple of hours. ( To prevent premature labor.) Cazeaux. 492.—$ Tinctura Opii deodorata, gtt. xlv. Tinctura Lactucarii, Syrupi Papaveris, aa f 3iij. Aqua Aurantii Florum, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, the one-third part. (In protracted labor, due to irregular, tetanic pains. Velpeau. 493.-$ Potassii Bromidi, 3ss. Chloral Hydratis, Siiss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f §ss. Aqua destillata, q. s. ad f §ij-—M. Sig. Dose, the one-half. {In false labor.) Gerhard. 494.—$ Pulveris Ergota, 3ss. Syrupi simplicis, f^ss. Aqua Meutha piperita, f $j.—M. Sig. One-third part every twenty minutes. {In lingering labor.) Soubeirun. 495.-$ Tinctura Nucis Vomica, Iflv. Extracti Ergot a fluidi, ill xxx. Elixiris simplicis, f 3iij. Fiat haustus. Sig. Repeat every three hours. {In retained placenta.) Lombe Atthill. 496.—I): Pulveris Ergotae, 3i.j. Aqua, f§xij. Coque, et cola, ut flat enema. Sig. Inject into rectum. {To accelerate delivery.) Foy. 497.—$ Quinina Bisulphatis, gr. x. Fiat cliartula. Sig. One dose. (In atony of the womb.) Gerhard. 144 498.—R Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr. iij. Maguesii Sulphatis, 3j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f Infusi Senn®, f Jviiss.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls every hour or half hour. (In rigid os.) Hidl (Montreal). 499.—Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr. ij. Tinetura; Opii deodorat®, d|xx. Aqu® destill at®, f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every hour, until nausea or vomiting supervenes. (In rigid os.) Hardy. Laryngismus Stridulus. 500.— I?: Quinin® Sulphatis, gr. vj. Aeidi Sulpliuriei diluti, hlvj. Tinctur® Aurantii, Syrupi Zingiberis, aa f 3ij. Aqua; destillat®, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (la rickety, cachectic children.) (g.(. 501.—Syrupi Scill® eoinpositi, f i-j. Sig. Give thirty drops every quarter or half hour as an emetic, or ten drops every three hours as an expec- torant. (For a child two years old.) Coxc. 502.—1* Chloral Hydratis, gr. v-xv. Syrupi simplicis, Aqu* destillat®, aa f 3ss.—M. Sig. One dose. ( To arrest impending attack.) Bartholow. 503.—Chloral llydratis, 3ss. Potassii Bromidi, 3ij. Syrupi Tolutani, f 5ss. Aqua; destillat®, f 5115s. —M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every half hour. Barthold"1. 504.-$ Syrupi Ipecacuanhae, f Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes. Laryngitis. 505.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Kadicis, Ifixxx. Syrupi Limoni's, f Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f fij.—M. Sig. Give a dessertspoonful every three hours. {In acute form.) j> j> Thomas. 506.—$ Tincturae Pulsatillae, f 3j. Syrupi Ipecacuanhae, f ?j. Liquoris Potassii Citratis, f jv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three hours. {In acute form.) Gerhard. 507 —$ Acidi sulphurosi, partem j. Aquae destillatae, partes ij.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily by means of atomizer. {In chronic form.) Biett. 508.—$ Argenti Nitratis, gr. ss-v. Aquae destillatae, i' §j.—M. Sig. Apply by means of atomizer. {In chronic .form.) Ringer. 509.— $ Potassii Iodidi, §j— §iij(!). Aquae destillatae, f §vj. Solve. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every four hours. {In rapidly destructive syphilitic form.) Bartliolow. 510.— $ Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. ij. Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Extracti Sarsaparillae fluidi, f §ij.—M. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day. Follow in live or six days with— 511.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3iss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Teaspoonf'ul three times a day. {In syphilitic form.) Hazard. 512.— H Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. iij. Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Tincturae Gentianae compositae, Syrupi Sarsaparillae compositi, aa f §ij.—M, Sig. A teaspoonful three times daily. (In follicular laryngitis and. ulcerations of the epiglottis.) Horace Green. Lead Poisoning1. See Colic. Lepra. See Skin Diseases. Lcucocythcmia. 513.—Chinoidinae, 5ij. Resinas Podophylli, gr. iv. Ferri Sulpliatis exsiccata?, 3j. Misce et liant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One three times a day. Bartholoie. 514.—1$: Pulveris Aloes socotrinae, Ferri Sulpliatis exsiccatae, aa 3j. Mastiches, gr. x. Pulveris Capsici, ,*)j. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Fiat massa, in pilulas xx. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill every four hours. Copland. 515.—$ Acidi arseuiosi, gr. j. Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis, 3,j. Quinidinae Sulpliatis, 3j. Misce et divide in pilulas xl. Sig. Take two pills three times a day. Da Costa. 516.—Quininae Sulpliatis, 3j. Ferri Sulpliatis exsiccata1, 3iss. Fat massa in pilulas No. xxx. dividenda. Sig. Four or five pills during the day. (Ague calc.) Bartholoie. Lice. 517.—3 Sodii Tlyposulphitis, §iij. Acidi Sulphurosi diluti, f §iv. Aquae, q. s. ad f §xvj.—M. Sig. Apply once daily. (In scabies and head lice.) Startin. 518.—3 Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. iv. Alcoholis, ?3vj. Ammonii Chloridi, 3ss. Aquae Rosae, q. s. adf^vj.—M. Sig. Apply once daily. (In scabies and head lice.) Tilbury Fox. 519.— 3 Maugauesii Oxidi nigri, 3ij. Adipis, ’ . Misce et fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply once or twice daily. (In scabies.) Bartholow. 520.—3 Storacis, f ?j. Spiritus Vini rectificati, f 3ij. Misce, et adde— Olei Olivae, f 3j. Sig. Rub the whole body carefully except the head ; repeat in twenty-four hours. (In scabies.) McCall Anderson. 521.—3 Olei Rosmarini, f Olei Olivae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Apply once daily. (In head and body lice.) Ringer. 522.-3 Pulveris Seminis Staphisagriae, gas. Adipis, §ij.—M. Sig. Digest the powder in melted lard for an hour or two, and strain while hot. Apply once daily. (la, head and body lice.) Squire. 523.— 3 Hydrargyri Oleatis, gr. v. Acidi oleici, gr. xcv. iEtheris, gtt. xij.—M. Sig. Make two applications twenty-four hours apart. (In crab lice.) Marshall. 148 Lichen. See Skin Diseases. Leucorrhata. 524.—R Zinci Sulpliatis, Aluminis, aa 3iss. Glycerini, f 3jvj.—M. Sig. Add a tablespoonful to a pint of water, and inject night and morning. Hazard. 525.—I* Pulveris Catechu, Aluminis, 55 3j. Olei Theobromae, q. s. Fiant supposit.oria vaginalia No. vi. Sig. Use one night and morning. Hazard. 526.—R Iodoformi, 3j. Acidi tannici, §j.—M. Sig. Pack a sufficient quantity in the dry state around the cervix uteri. Barthotow. 527.—R Extracti Hydrastis fluidi, f 3jj. Sig. Apply topieally to cervix uteri. ( When due to ulcerations and erosions.) Bartholow. 528.—R Potassii Permanganates, gr. xx. Aquas destillatae, Oj. Solve. Sig. Inject a small quantity several times a day (In fetid discharge from cancer.) Girwood 529.— R Creasoti, lljxij. Mucilaginis Tragacanthae, §ij. Aquae ferventis, f §xiv. Fiat mistura. Sig. After washing out the vagina with warm water use the injection. (In vitiated discharges from puer- peral fever.) 1 2facken^ 530.—R Liquoris Sodae chlorinata?, f Aqua*, f §x.—M. Sis?. Inject once or twice daily. (In infection die to retained placenta.) ' ' Trousseau. 149 Liver, Diseases of. See Biliousness, Colic, and Catarrh. Locomotor Ataxy. See also Sclerosis. 531.— $ Extracti Physostigmatis, gr. x. Pulveris Zingiberis, 3j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Finger Lumbago. 532.—$ Extracti Cimicifugae liuidi, Syrupi Acaciae, aa. f §ss. Aquae Amygdalae amarae, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. Bartlett. 533.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Vini Colchici Seminis, f |j. Syrupi Zingiberis, f jiss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every three hours. Gerhard. 534.—$ Unguenti Bellador.nae, Unguenti Iodi compositi, aa %j.—M. Sig. Rub in twice daily, and apply beat. Gerhard. 535.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3ss. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, i’3ij. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f3j. Spiritus Aitheris nitrosi, f S?ss. Aquae destillatae, f gxij.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls twice daily. Sir B. Brodie 536.— $ Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Carbonatis, aa 3j. Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f §ij. Aquae destillatae, f §x.—M. Sig. Apply locally every few hours. Erich sen 150 Lupus. 537.—R Phosphori concisi, gr. ij. Glycerini, f §j. Solve cum leni calore. Sig. Dose, ten minims three times a day. Crawcour. 538.— Iodi, gr. ss. Olei Olivae, f 3ij. Olei Amygdalae dulcis, f §ss.—M. Sig. Lose, the one-third part three times a day. Duncan. 539.— R Zinci Sulphatis exsiccatas, §j. Sig. Dust over diseased part. Bartholou'. 540.—R Acidi Chromici, 3v. Aquae destillatae, f §ii.j.—M. Sig. Apply to diseased part. Wooster. 541.—R Arsenici Iodidi, gr. Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. -jR. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Fiat pilula. Sig. Two pills daily after meals. (In lupus exedens.) A. T. Thomson. 542.—R Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, f Fiat lotto. ( Tn mild cases.) Hooper. 543.—R Acidi arseniosi, gr. j. ad ij. Hydrargyri Chloridi mil,is, gr. c. Fiat pulvis. (As a caustic.) Burgess. 151 152 153 1 f>4 155 15G 157 Malaria. See Fever. Mammary Inflammation.. See also Abscess. 544.—$ Extracti Belladonnse, 9j. Aquse, f §iv. Fiat lotio. Druitt. 545.—$ Extracti Belladonnse, 3j. Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis diluti, Oj. Misce et fiat lotio. Graefe. 546.—$ Tincturse Belladonnse, f 3ij. Liniinenti Saponis camphorati, f gviij. Fiat linimentum. ‘ Ndujan. 547.—$ Extracti Belladonnse, Syrupi fusci, aa 3ij. Pulveris Opii, 3ss. Misce accuratissime. Sig. Rub in three times a day. Debreync. 548.—Take of Powdered Camphor, §j. Oakum, a sufficient quantity. Dampen the oakum and mix with it the camphor; make two pads, and apply under a tight body. Gerhard. 549.—$ Morphinae, gr. x. Hydrargyri Oleatis, 3ss. Acidi oieici, 3ixss.—M. Sig. Anoint three times a day. Marshall. Mania, Acute. 550.—$ Potassii Bromidi, 3j. Tincturse Cannabis Indies, f 3j. (!) Mucilaginis Acaciae, f 3ij. Aquae Cinnamomi, f §j. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. Take immediately after mixing. Clousden. 158 551.—B Potassii Bromidi, gr. xxv. Tincturae Hyoscyami, f 3ss. Spiritus Chloroformi, blx. Aqua destillata, q. s. ad f Fiat haustus. Sig. Take at once. Tyler Smith. 552.— B Chloral Hydratis, gr. xxv. Tincturae Cardamom! composite, f 3ss. Syrupi simplieis, f 3i.j. Infusi Caryophylli, q. s. ad f jiss. Miscc et fiat haustus. Sig. To be repeated in an hour if necessary. Priestley. 553.—Conina, gr. ij. Spiritus rectifieati, f 3ss. Aquae destillata, q. s. ad f §ss.—M Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful. Fronmueller 554.— Extracti Gelsemii fluidi, f3iij. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f 3ij. Aqua destillata, f3xj.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours until physiological effects are produced. ( With great motor excitement.) Bartholow. Mania, Chronic. 555.—Tinctura Ferri (Jliloridi, f 3ij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f ?j. Aqua destillata, f “jvij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three or four times a day. (In anaemic cases.) Bucknill. 556.—Tinctura Ferri Chloridi, 1' 3ij. Spiritus Athens nitrosi, f Infusi Quassia1, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. (In debilitated canes.) Tvke. 557.— 1} Extracti Ergotae fluidi, f Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f |j. Aquae destillatse, f giiiss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three or four times a day. Crichton Browne. 558.-1} Caffeinae Citratis, 3ss. Syrupi Acidi citrici, f |ss. Aquae destillatae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful three or four times a day. Bartholow. Mania, Puerperal. 559.— 1} Extracti Cimicifugae fluidi, f giss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f Aquae destillatae, f giiiss.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three, hours. Ringer, 560.-1} Potassii Bromidi, 3ij. Chloral Hydratis, §ss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f f,j. Aquae Foeniculi, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. Qualn. Marasmus. 561.—1} Pepsinae, 3iv. Pancreatinae, 3ij. Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, f 3ss. Glycerini, f3iij. Aquse destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. Give a teaspoonful immediately after eating. Gerhard. 562.—1} Quininae, gr. viij. Alcoholis, f3j. Fiat solutio. Deiu adde— Olei Morrhuae, f §iv. Solve cum leni calore. Sig. Dose, from a half to one teaspoonful, according to age of child. Lyman. 563.—I* Iodi, gr. iss. Olei Morrliuae, §v. Tere simul. Sig. Dose, a half to one teaspoonful for a child. Fleischmann 564.—3 Quininse Sulphatis, gr. ij.-vj. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, gtt. ij-vj. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f Aquae destillatae, f|ij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three or four times a day. Coulson. 565.—3 Syrupi Ferri Iodidi, f 3j. Syrupi Acacias, f3vij. Aquae Fosniculi, f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. Dupasquicr. Melancholia. See also Hypochondria. 566.—3 Camphor*, Extract! Hyoscyami, aa 3iiss. Misce et liant pilul* No. xl. Sig. Take two pills three times a day. Gooch. 567.—3 Moschi optimi, Pulveris Camphor*, aa 3ss. Olei Cajuputi, Ilfv. Misce et. divide in pilulas xii. Sig. Take one pill every two or three hours. IToopcr. 568.—3 Moschi optimi, 3iij. Tincturae Castorei, f ?iss. Syrupi Zingiberis, f jj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three or four times a aay- U. J. Clark. Measles. See Fever. Meningitis. 569.—$ Tincturae Opii deodoratae, Ext.racti Gelsemii fluidi, aa f 3j. Syrupi Limonis, f 3ij. Aquae Foeniculi, f §iss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. JJartholow. 570.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. iij. Sacchari albi, 3ij. Misce et fiant chartulae No. xii. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. (In simple acute form.) Gerhard. 571.—$ Tincturae Acouiti Radicis, Ifixlviij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f 3vj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (Before effusion has taken place.) Gerhard. 572.— $ Olei Tiglii, hlv. Saponis, Pulveris Acaciae, aa3j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. Dose, one to three pills. (After effusion and in hydrocephalus.) Sundelin. 573.—$ Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, 3j-ij. Adipis, §j. Tere simul. Sig. Apply to shaved scalp. (Also in tubercular form.) Hannay. 574.—$ Potassii Bromidi, §ss. Syrupi simplicis, i' §ss. Aquae destillatae, ffj.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. (In after remaining convulsions.) Rinqer. Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. See Meningitis. Menorrhagia. 575.—$ Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3iiss. Acidi Phosphoriei diluti, f 3iiiss. Syrupi Acidi citrici, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. {In anaemic cases.) Gerhard. 576.—$ Tincturae Capsici, Tincturae Cubebae, aa f 3j. Tincturae Cantharidis, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful twice a day. {From debility.) Hazard. 577.—$ Acidi gallici, gr. xv. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, Hlxv. Tincturae Cinnamomi, f3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. One dose, to be taken every four hours until bleeding ceases. {In profuse bleeding.) Hazard. 578.—$ Potassii Bromidi, gr. x. Tincturae Cannabis Indicae, )i\x. Infusi Gentianae compositi, q. s. ad f Fiat haustus. Sig. To be taken three times a day. {At climacteric and with uterine fibroid.) Greenhalgh. 579.—$ Acidi arseniosi, gr. j. Mastiches, gr. x. Ferri Sulphatis exsiccati,* Pulveris Capsici, Pulveris Aloes Socotrinae, aa3j. Syrupi simplieis, q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas xx. dividenda. Sig. One pill three or four times a day. {In relaxed and debilitated cases.) Copland. * This is according to the latest revision of the U. S. P. 580.—Tinctur* Krameri*, Extracti Ergot* fluidi, aa f §j. Infusi Digitalis, f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful pro re nata. {In plethoric cases, and when due to mitral regurgitation.) Bartholow. 581.—Pulveris Ergot*, Pulveris Sabin*, aa9ij. Misce et flant chartul* No. iv. Sig. Take one morning and night. {In atony of uterus.) Ringer. 582.—Extracti Ipecacuanh* fluidi, Extracti Digitalis fluidi, aa f 3ij. Extracti Ergot* fluidi, f §ss.—M. Sig. One-half to one teaspoonful at a dose, as re- quired. Bartholow. Mcrcurialism. See Ftyalism. Metritis. 583.—Potass*, 3v. Calcis, 3vj. Alcoholis, q. s. ut flat magma. Sig. Apply locally with extreme caution. {In in- duration of cervix and chronic metritis.) Bennett. 584.— Tinctur* Aconiti Radicis, gtt. xvj. Extracti Gelsemii fluidi, f 3j. Extracti Ergot* fluidi, f 3vij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two to six hours. (Also in uterine tumor.) Bartholow. Migraine. See Headache. Mitral Disease. See Heart Disease. Morning Sickness. See also Vomiting. 585.—R Creasoti, ltliij. Pulveris Hyoscyami, gr. xij. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Hazard 586.— R Cerii Oxalatis, gr. xv. Extracti Gentianae, gr. v. Fiat massa in pilulas x. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill an hour after each meal. ■T. Y. Simpson. 587.—R Extracti Opii aquosi, gr. x. Fellis Bovini inspissati, 3ij. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xl. Sig. Two pills an hour before meals. Cazeaux. 588.—R Acidi Hydrocyauici diluti, Hjxij. Syrupi Papaveris, f ?j. Aquae destillatae, f 3V.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful two or three times a day. Walter and Blundell. 589.—R Tincturse Iodi, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every hour or two. Ellis. 590.—R Cupri Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ss.—M. Sig. Six drops three times a day. Bartholow. 591.—R Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f §ss. Sig. One drop before meals. ( Bloody vomit.) Bartholoxc. Mumps. See also Fever. 592.—R Hydrargyri cum oretS. gr. ij. Sacchari Lactis, gr. xx. Misce et flant chartulae No. vi. Sig. Take one powder three or four times a day. Ringer. 165 593.—$ Tincturae Belladonna1, Tincturae Opii, aaf3j. Linimenti Saponis camphorati, f §iij-—M. Sig. Rub frequently. Hazard. Myalgia. 594.-$ Unguenti Iodi compositi, Unguenti Belladonnae, aa §j.—M. Sig. Rub in twice a day and apply heat. Oerhard. 595.—$ Ammonii Chloridi, §j. Extracti Cimicifugae, f §ij. Syrupi Acaciae, Aquae Laurocerasi, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three or four times a day. Anstie. 596.—$ Extract! Xanthoxyli fluidi, f §j. Sig. Dose, from fifteen minims to two drachms. (In torticollis, lumbago, etc.) Bartholow. ICG 167 168 109 170 171 172 173 Necrosis. See Caries. Nephritis. See also Albuminuria. 597.—$ Potassii Nitratis, gr. xv. Pulveris Scillae, Pulveris Pimentae, aa gr. x. Misce et fiant cliartulae No. iii. Sig. One three times a day. Swediaur. 598,-$ Potassii Bitartratis, 3ij. Aquae ferventis, Oij. Corticis Limonis, Sacchari, aa q. s. ad concilian- dum gustum. Sig. Use ad libitum. Joy. 599.— $ Potassii Tartratis, 3j. Potassii Nitratis, 3ss. Mannae, §j. Decocti Taraxaci, f gvj.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful every hour or two. ( After scarlet fever.) ' Phoebus. 600.-$ Extracti Jaborandi fluidi, f §j. Elixiris simplicis, Syrupi simplicis, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls. ( With uraemia.) Bartliolow. 601.— $ Potassii Acetatis, 3j. Oxymellis Seillae, f3j. Vini Opii, >Tlxv. Aquae Florum Tiliae, f Syrupi Althaeae, f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful. Pwrquin 602.— $ Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3iij. Acidi Acetici diluti, f 3iss. Svrupi simplicis, f §ss. Liquor Ammonii Acetatis, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful every three or four 0U1 s' Basham. 174 Nervousness. See Hysteria. Ncttlerash. See Urticaria. Neuralgia. See also Sciatica. 603.—$ Olei Amygdalae amari, Hlxx. Alcoholis, f3iij.—M. Sig. Ten drops three times a day. Hazard. 604.—$ Ferri Sulpliatis exsiccati, Potassii Carbonatis, aa gr. ccl. Misce et fiant pilulae No. c. Sig. Begin with three a day, and increase to six ; take several hundred. ' j K Garretson. 605.—$ Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3iij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, Alcoholis, aa f 3iss.—M. Sig. Ten drops three times a day. Hazard. 606.—$ Extracti Stramonii, gr. iij-vj. Extracti Conii, Extracti Papaveris, aa gr. xxiv. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xii. Sig. One twice a day. (In mastodynia.) Romberg. 607.—$ Quininae Valerian at is, gr. x. Tincturae Sumbuli, f 3ij. Extracti Taraxaci fluidi, f 3vj. Infusi Cascarillae, f §v.—M. Sig. Dessertspoonful three times a day. Hazard. 608.—I* Tincturae Aconiti (Fleming), f 3j. Sodii Carbonatis, 3iss. Magnesii Sulpliatis, §iss. Aquae destillatae, f§vj. Fiat mistura. Sig. A tablespoonful when pain is urgent. {In gast ralgia.) Fleming. 609.—$ Tinctur® Cannabis Iiulic®, f 3vj. Syrupi Acaci®, f'3iss. A~qu® destillat®, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four to six hours. (Jn sciatica.) Neligan. 610.—$ Strychnin® Suiphatis, gr. j. Morphin® Sulphatis, Acidi arseniosi, aa gr. iss. Extracti Aconiti, gr. xv. Quinin® Sulphatis, 3j. Misce et fiant pilul® No. xxx. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. S. I). Gross. 611.—$ Extracti Belladonn®, 3iss. Tinctur® Opii, ITlxl. Chloroformi, f 3j.—M. Sig. Apply locally. Hazard. 612.—$ Atropin® Sulphatis, gr. ss. Aconitinae, gr. iss. Olei Tiglii, gtt. ij. Unguenti Petrolei, 3ij. Misce acuratissime. Sig. Apply to affected part. J. It. Ludlow. 613.—$ Veratrin®, Morphin® Sulphatis, aa gr. x. Adipis, §j.—M. Sig. Rub in three times daily. T. Kennard. 614.—$ Camphor®, Chloral Hydratis, aa §ss.—M. Sig. Apply frequently. (In pleurodynia, toothache, and neuralgia about the head.) George Bird. 615.—$ Camphor®, 5’ss- Chloroformi, f 3ss. Olei Oliv®, f §i.j.—M. Sig. Apply frequently. Hazard. 616.— $ Chloroformi, Itlxx. Tine tune Aconiti Radicis, Tinctune Opii, aa f 3j. Linimenti Saponis eamphorat.i, f §8S.—M. Sig. Apply to painful part. Neligan. Nipples, Sore. See Fissure. 617.—$ Potassii Bromidi, 3vj. Aquse destillatse, f §v.—M. Sig. Three teaspoon fuls before dinner and four at bedtime. Brown-Sequard. Nymphomania. 618.—$ Pulveris Campliorse, Extracti Laetucarii, aa3iiss. Misee et fiant pilulas No. xx. Sig. From four to six pills to be taken daily. Jlicord. 619.—$ Vini Tabaci. Vini Colchici Radicis, Vini Antimonii, aa f —M. Si"-. Dose, thirty drops two to four times a day. (Observe great caution.) Gerhard. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Obesity. 620.—$ Potassii Permanganatis, gr. iv-xvj. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful three times a day. Bartholow. 621.—$ Ammonii Bromidi, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f jiij. Solve. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful three times a day. {Strict dietetic regimen.) p. II. Tanner. (Edema. See Dropsy. Onychia. 622.—$ Pulveris Plumbi Nitratis, §ss. Detur in scatula. Sig. Dust on diseased tissue night and morning. Scott and McCormack 623.—$ U nguenti Hydrargyri, §ss. Sig. Apply for ten minutes every hour, applying poultices at other times. Ringer. Ophthalmia. 624.—$ Pulveris Aluminis, gr. x. Aquae Rosae, f giij. Misce et fiat collyrium. Sig. Apply thrice daily. {After acute stage.') Brande. 625.—$ Acidi tannici pulverizati, 3ij. Detur in scatula. Sig. Evert the lid and dust over. {In the granular, phlyctenular, pustular, and chronic forms, and in pannus.) Hamilton, of Liverpool. 184 626.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, (laevigati), 3ij. Detur in scatula. Sig. Evert the lid and dust over once or twice daily. (In phlyctenular form.) Bartholow. 627.—$ Argenti Nitratis, 5ss. Potassii Nitratis, 3j. Funde. Sig. For cauterization. {In infantile purulent oph- thalmia.) Licbreich. 628.— $ Argenti Nitratis, 3ss. Aqua; destillatae, f §j. Fiat collyrium. Sig. One or two drops into the eye every second day. {In'Egyptian ophthalmia.) ' Iiulgcway. 629.-$ Ai •genti Nitratis, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Fiat collyrium. Sig. One drop to the eye every five or six hours. {In catarrhal ophthalmia and superficial ulceration.) Mackenzie. 630.—$ Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij-x. Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, lflx-xx. Cerati Cetacei, §j.—M. Sig. The size of a pin’s head to be put within the eyelids, and repeated according to the degree of in- flammation produced. (In opacity of the cornea.) Guthrie. 631.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f §iv. Fiat collyrium. {In gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.) Ellis. 632.—$ Couiuae, partes ij. Aleoholis, partes xij. Aqua; destillatae, partes cc. Fiat solutio. Sig. Drop in the eye and rub around the orbits several times a day. {In scrofulous ophthalmia with photophobia.) Fronmueller. 185 633.—$ Ferri Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Fiat solutio. (In the chronic form.) Hazard. 634.—$ Hydrargyri Oxidi flavi, gr. v. Zinei Sulphatis, gr. x. Adipis, fj. Fiat unguentuin. Sig. Introduce into the eye and rub on the edge of the eyelids. (In the obstinate chronic form, depending on a scrofulous diathesis.) Dupuytren. Orchitis. 635.—$ Antimonii et Potassii Tartratis, gr- j- Potassii Nitratis, 3j. Magnesii Sulphatis, §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four to six hours. (Acute.) Ih rich sen. 636.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Potassii Bromidi, 3iij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f giij. —M. Sig. Take a dessertspoonful every four hours. (In the more chronic form.) Gerhard. 637.—$ Ammonii Chloridi, 3ij. Spiritus Vini reetificati, Aquae destillatae, aa f §ij.—M. Sig. Apply with moistened cloths frequently. Bartholow. 638.—$ lodi, gr. tj. Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f Fiat lotto. Sig. Appy with camel’s-hair pencil. (After acute symptoms have subsided.) Niemeyer. 639.—$ Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. viij. Hydrargyri Oleatis (ten per cent.), 3J.-M. Sig. Apply twice daily. (For the subsequent indura- tion.) Marshall. Otitis and Otorrhcea. 640.—$ Acidi carbolici, Zinci Sulphatis, Plumbi Acetatis, aa gr. x. Aquae destillatae, f § viijM. Sig. Inject twice a day. ( When discharge is offen- sive.) Hazard. 641.—$ Lactis recentis, Aquae Calcis, aa f §j. Pulveris Myrrhae, gr. xij.—M. Sig. As an injection. (In the acute form.) Hazard. 642.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, f 3iss. Glycerini, f 3iiss.—M. Sig. To be warmed and dropped into the ear. (In earache.) Gerhard. 643.— R Unguenti Hydrargyri Nitratis rubri, Bss. Sig. Apply a small quantity to integument. (Chronic inflammation of external meatus.) Barlholow. 644.—$ Glyceriti Acidi tannici, §ss. Sig. Fill meatus and plug with cotton-wool. {In chronic form.) Ringer. Qxaluria. 645.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Folioruin, lllxxx. Acidi nitrohydrochlorici diluti, f 3ij. Tincturae Gentianae, f 3iij. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f |j. Infusi Aurantii, f 3viij. — M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Hazard. 646.—I* Acidi Hydrochiorici diluti, f 5ss. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae destillatae, f §iij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day through a glass-tube. ( With anaemia and nervous atony.) Hazard. Ozcena. 647.—!* Plumbi Nitratis, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §iv. Solve. Sig. Inject into nostril night and morning. StilU. 648.—If Extract! Hydrastis fluidi, Aquae destillatae, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, ten to twenty drops three times a day; also as injection into nares. Bartholow. 649.—I* Bromi, 3ss. Alcoholis, f §iv.—M. Sig. Warm the wide-mouthed bottle in the hand, and snuff the vapor well into the nose. Bartliolow. 650.— I* Potassii Permanganatis, 3ss. Tincturae Myrrh ae, f §ij. Aquae destillatse, Oj.—M. Sig. Use with a Thudichum douche three times a day. Hazard. 651.— $ Sodii Hyposulphitis, 3iij. Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig. Use as above. Hazard. 652.— I* Hydrargyri ammoniati, gr. ivss. Sacchari albi, §ss. Misce et fiat pulvis et detur in scatula. Sig. After clearing the nose snuff up twice or thrice daily. Trosseau. 653.—Iodi, gr. ij-iv. Potassii Iodidi, gr. iv-viij. Aquae destillatae, f §vj. Fiat injectio. Sig. Use twice daily. Niemeyer. 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Pain. See Neuralgia, Myalgia, Colic, etc. Palpitation. See Heart Disease. Paralysis. 654.— Pliosphori, gr.j. Hie. Glycerini, f Aqua; destillatae, q. s. ad f §xiiss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (In paralysis agitans.) & M. Bradley. 655.—1£ Strychninae Suiphatis, gr. j. Acidi arseniosi, gr. ij. Extracti Belladonnae, gr. v. Quininae Suiphatis, Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis, aa 9ij. Extracti Taraxaci, 3j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xl. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. (In paralysis agitans of aged people.) \y Qross. 656.—Coninae, f 3iij—f-lTlxij. Acidi acetici fortioris, f 3iij-j-Hlxij. Misce gradatim ad neutralizandum. Dein adde— Spiritus Vini rectilicati, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. For hypodermic use. Begin with one minim and gradually increase as necessary. (The formula proposed by Burman.) (In blepharospasm.) JEulenburg. 657.—Strychninae Suiphatis, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f 3x. Fiat solutio. Sig. For hypodermic use. Ten minims contain gr. of Strychnia Sulpliate. Inject in substance of paralyzed muscle. (In diphtheritic paralysis ; in local paralyses, such as facial, of the vocal cords, in lead palsy, paralysis of the sphincters ani and vesicce; also in paraplegia when no structural alteration of cord, and in long-standing cases of hemiplegia.) Bartliolow. 658.—$ Strychnin® Sulphatis, gr. ij. Aquae Laurocerasi, f §j. Solve. Sig. Five minims contain of a grain. (In same as above.) Bartholow. 659.— $ Eserinas, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f^j. Solve. Sig. Instil into the eye. (In ocular spasm and paralysis.) Wharton Jones. 660.—$ Extraeti Ergotae aquosi, gr. xv. Syrupi Aurantii Cortieis, f ?.j. Aquae destillatae, f§iij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three or four times a day. (In paralysis of sphincters ani and vesica:.) Bonjean. 661.—$ Extraeti Buchu fluidi, Extract! Uvae Ursi, aa f 3ij. Syrupi Acaciae, f ?ss. Aquae Menthae viridis, f 5,j.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful every three hours. Hazard. Parturition. See Labor. Pediculi. See Lice. Pemphigus. See Skin Diseases. Pericarditis. See Heart Disease. Periostitis. (Nodes.) 662.—$ Todi, gr. ss. Potassii Iodidi, 3ss. Syrupi Papaveris, f Aquae destillatae, f gviij.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Tyrell. 663.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f |j. Aquae Aurantii Florum, f §v.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful morning and night in hof-tea- Lisfranc. 664.—$ Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Chloratis, aa 3j. Potassii Bicarbonatis, 3iij. Misce et divide in chartulas xii. Sig. One night and morning in half a pint of milk. Erichsen. 665.—$ Potassii Iodidi, gr. xv. Spiritus Vini rectificati, f 3ij. Extracti Duleamarae, 3ij. Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, Aquae destillatae, aa q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas clxxx. dividenda. Sig. Take six pills two or three times a day. Vor/t. 666.—I); Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Carbonatis, aa 3ij. Spiritus Yini rectificati, f ?j. Aquae, f jxj. Fiat lotio. Sig. Apply twice daily. Erichmi. 667.—$ Iodi, Terebintliinae Canadensis, aa 3j. Collodii, f §iv. Solve. Sig. Paint over with a brush. ,T. T. Shinn. 668.—$ Zinci Iodidi, 3j. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply twice a day. Ure. 669.—$ Barii Iodidi, gr. iv. Adipis, fj. Fiat unguentum. Biett. 670.-$ Cadmii Iodidi, 3ss. yEtlieris, >Hxl. Tore simul et adde— Adipis, £j. Misce et fiat unguentum. A. B. Garrod. 671.—$ Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. vij. Potassii Iodidi, 9j. Adi pis, §j. Fiat unguentum. C. C. Hildreth. 672.—$ Morphinae, gr. viij. Hydrargyri Oleatis (x. ad xx. percent.), §j.—M. Sig. Apply with brush. Marshall. Peritonitis. 673.—$ Pulveris Opii, gr. j. Pulveris antirnonialis, gr. viij. Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. iv. Misce et divide in ehartulas iv. Sig. Take one powder every six hours with a saline- effervescent draught, {At commencement of attack.) Gregory. 674.—R Tincturae Aconiti Folii, f3v. Extracti Veratri viridis fluidi, f 3j.—M. Sig. Take twelve drops every two hours. ( Where opium is inadmissible.) Ellis. 675.—$ Camphorae, redactae in pulverem, gr. v. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, gr. x. Potassii Nitratis, gr. xx. Misce et flant chartulae ij. Sig. Take one powder at bedtime. Simpson. 676.—I* Autimouiiet Potassii Tartratis, gr. j. Tincturae Opii, f‘3j. Aquae Camphorae, f § viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. ( With nervoug excitement.') Graven. 677.—Ti neturap Aconiti Radicis, f 3ij. Tincturae Opii deodoratnc, f 3vj.—M. Sig. Eight drops in water every hour or two. Bartliolow. 678.—Pulveris Piperis, Pulveris Zingiberis, aa §j. Sinapis Nigrse contusae, Ibss. Aquae bullientis, q. s. Misce et fiat, cataplasma. (As a rubefacient.') Ellis. Pertussis. See Hooping- Coug-h. Phag-edena. 679.—I\ Acidi Nitrici diiuti, Ifix. Extracti Opii, gr. v. Aquae, f §j. Fiat lotio. (In sloughing incised wounds.) Erich sen. 680.— R Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Iodoformi, Ferri redacti, aa9j. Misce et tiant pilulae xx. Sig. One pill three times a day. (In. sloughing phagedena.) Bartliolow. 681.— Acidi salicylici, §ss. Sig. Dust over the slough. Bartliolow. Pharyngitis. 682.— I); Extracti Ergota1 aquosi, gr. xx. Tinctura? Iodi, f 3j. Giycerini, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply frequently to pharynx with camel’s-hair brush. Hazard. 200 683.— Corticis Granati Fructus, Aluminis, aa §ss. Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Quercus Albae contusae, §j. Aqua; bullientis, Oij. Fiat infusum. Sig. Gargle frequently. Hazard. 684.—Quiuinae Sulphatis, gr. xij. Cupri Sulphatis, gr. xvj. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, f 3j. Aquae, f §viij. Fiat mistura. Sig. Use as a gargle three or four times a day. Hartshornc. 685.—Ammonii Chloridi, 3j. Acidi Acetici, f 3ij. Mellis, f Aquae, f Fiat gargarysma. (For inflamed fauces.) Halier. 686.—Tincture Iodi, Tineturae Opii, aa f 3j. Aquae, f^vj. Fiat, gai’garysma. Sig. Shake well. Use three or four times a day. ( With ulceration.) Ellis. Phlegmasia Bolens. Extracti Hamamelis fluidi, f §j. Elixiris simplicis, Syrupi simplieis, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls three or four times a day. Preston. Phlegmon. Sbf, Carbuncle. 201 Phthisis. See also Bronchitis, Diarrhoea, Sweating, axo Haemoptysis. 688.—$ Morphinae Muriatis, gr. j. Acidi Muriatici diluti, lllv. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, ITlxxx. Syrupi Scillae, Aquae destillatae, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful when the cough is trouble- some- T. Thompson. 689.— $ Salvia;, Eupatorif, aa §ss. Cascarillae, 3j. Aquae bullientis, Oj. Digere per horas duas et cola. Sig. Dose, a wineglassful every three or four hours. (In hectic.) Ellis. 690.—$ Iodi, gr. iij. Potassii Iodidi, gr. vj. Aquae destillatae, if §j.—M. Sig. Dose, ten drops three times a day in a draught of cold water. ( With glandular disease.) S. G. Morton. 691.—$ Ferri Sulphatis, 3j. Magnesiae, gr. x. Sacchari albi, §.j. Aquae Cinnamomi, f §viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every three hours, (d.s an efficient tonic in phthisis.) Donovan. 692.-$ Tincturae Ferri Cliloridi, Aeidi Nitrici diluti, aa f 3j. Syrupi Zingiberis, l'3xiv. Aquae Menthae viridis, f §iv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours. (An astrin- gent tonic.) B. Bennett. 693.—$ Acidi Nitrici, f 3j. Sacchari albi, f,). Aquae, Oij. Fiat mistura. Sig. One-eighth part daily in divided doses. ( Some- times arrests colliquative svieats when other remedies fail-) Ferriar. 202 694.—$ Bismuthi Subnitratis, 3j. Pulveris Acaciae, 3ss. Magnesiae, 3j. Misee et divide in pulveres xii. Sig. Give one powder every four hours. (In diar- rhoea.) p Thomson. 695.—$ Tincturae Benzoini composite, f 3j. Aquae builientis, Oss.—M. Sig. Inhale twice daily. (Eases cough and lessens expectoration.) Ringer. 696.—$ Chloral Hydratis, 3iij. Syrupi Tolutani, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f giij.—INI. Sig. Take a tablespoonful at bedtime. ( To procure sleep.) Walshe. 697.—$ Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Pulveris Digitalis, gr. vj. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xij. Confectionis Rosae, q. s. Misee et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. One pill four times a day. (In pyrexia of pli thisis.) Niemeyer. 698.—$ Calcii Chloridi, 3j. Extracti Hyoseyami, 3ss. Syrupi Glycyrrhizae, f f.j. Aquae destillatae, f §vj.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful to be taken four times a day. (In scrofulous consumption.') Beddocs. 699.—$ Chondri crispi electi, Aquae, ail q. s. Coque ad f §vj, cola, et adde— Sodii Phosphatis, 3iss. Syrupi Papaveris, i 3ij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every two hours. ( In hemop- tysis.) Clams. 700—$ Acidi salicylici, 9v. Divide in partes aequales No. xl., et fiant pilulae compressae. Sig. Take two pills two or three times a day. (For foul breath and offensive expectoration ; also in pyrexia.) Finger. 701.-$ Balsami Copaibie, Syrupi Tolutani, Aquae Menthae piperitae, Spiritus Vini rectificati, iia f fp. Spiritus yEtheris nitrosi, f 3j.—M. Sig. Dose, two teaspoonfuls every two to four hours. (In obstinate haemoptysis.) Niemeyer. 702.—$ C reasoti. >Uj-v. Spiritus Ammonii aromatici, hlxv-f 3j Aquae destiilatae, f §iss. Fiat haustus. (In foul breath; also in diarrhoea.) Kesteven Piles. See Hemorrhoids. Pityriasis. See Skin Diseases. Pleurisy. 703.—$ Potassii Acetatis, gr. xv. Spiritus yEtheris nitrosi, f 3ss. Vini Ipecacuanhas, gtt. iij. Syrupi Tolutani, f 3ss.—M. Sig. One dose, four times a day. (In subacute pleurisy.) j)a Costa. 704.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Kadicis, f 3ij. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3vj.—M. Sig. Eight drops in water every hour or two. (In acute form before effusion.) Bartholow. 705.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Tincturae Scillae, f 3vj. Tincturae Opii camphoratae, f Misturae Acaciae, f3vj.—M. Sig. A teaspoon fill four times a day. (In chronic pleurisy icith consolidation of lung.) ]ja Costa. 706.—$ Jaborandi Foliorum, 3.j. Aquae destillatae, f %ij. Fiat infusum. Sig. One dose. (In bad subjects with much effusion.) Michou. 707.—$ Acidi taunici, gr. xxx. Confectionis Rosa?, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xv. Sig. Four to eight pills daily, one-half in the morn- ing, the remainder in the evening. (In purulent pleurisy.) Dnbone. 708.— $ Potassii Iodidi, gr. j. Ferri et Ammonii Citratis, gr. iij. Syrupi Sarsaparilla* composite f 3SS# Aquae destillatae, f3ij.—M. Sig. One dose, three times a day. (In chronic form with effusion, for children.) Hazard. 709.—$ Morphinae Acetatis, gr. ss. Potassii Acetatis, §ss. Tincturae Veratri viridis, iflxxiv. Syrupi Tolutani, f ?ss. Liquoris Potassii Citratis, f *iiss.—M. Sig. Two fluid rack ms every three hours. (In dry pleurisy.) j)a Costa. 710.—$ Morph in ae Sulphatis, gr. J. Quininse Sulphatis, gr. xv ad xx. Misce et flat ehartula. Sig. At once. (To abort a commencing pleurisy.) Bartholow. 711.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3iv. Aqua? destillat.as, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. One fluidrachm in milk every four hours. And 712.—$ Tincturae lodi composite, f §ij. Sig. Divide the surface on the affected side into three sections, and paint, one section each day. (For chronic pleuritic effusion.) Hartholow. Pleurodynia. See Neuralgia. Pneumonia. 713.—Ammonii Carbonatis, Aij. Infusi Serpentariae, f §iv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every three hours. (About the period of crisis.) Bartlwlow. 714.—Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. \ ad -J. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. vj ad x. Misce et iiat chartula. Sig. One dose. Within twenty-four hours after the chill to abort the attack. Palmer. 715.—Acidi salicylici, gr. xx. Fiat chartula. Sig. One every two hours until four or live are taken. (To abort an impending attack.) L. L. Silverthorn. 716.—Potassii Iodidi, 3iss. Aquae destillatae, f §viij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two hours. (In double pneumonia, complicated with pleurisy.) M. Itiebe. 717.—Antimonii et Fotassii Tartratis, gr. ij. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. iij. Ammonii Chloridi, 3iij. Syrupi Glycyrrhizae. f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every four hours. And 718.—Pulveris Opii, gr. iij. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae, Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, aa gr. vj. Sacchari albi, gr. xxx. Misce et flant chartulae No. vi. Sig. One powder every four hours, alternately with the preceding prescription; at the end of twenty-four hours omit powders, and if typhoid symptoms persist, give the following instead :— 206 719.—$ Quiniuae Sulphatis, gr. ij. Ammonii Carbonatis, gr. iv. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. One dose. If delirium or morbid vigilance is troublesome, add— 720.—$ Chloroformi, hlx-xij, to each dose of the above. (In typhoid pneumonia.) N. S. Davis. 721.—$ Ammonii Carbonatis, gr. iv. Spiritus Chloroformi, lllxx. Aquae Camphorae, f3x.—M. Sig. To be given every three or four hours. (In uncomplicated eases.) q y jp tUifcrs. 722.— $ Ammoniaci, 3j. • Pulveris Scillae, 9j. Saponis V eneti, 3ij. Syrupl Tolutani, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xxiv. Sig. Take three morning and night. (In peripneu- monia not ha.) jr q Clark Polyuria. 723.—$ Extract! Ergotae tluidi, f §iij. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful three times a day to be increased to two teaspoonfuls. j)a (j0S(a 724.—$ Potassii Carbonatis, 3iiss. Essentiae Lavandulae, gtt. xxx. Tincturae Benzoini, f 3j.—M. Sig. Use daily, added to a sponge-bath. Bouchardat. 725.-$ A cidi nitrici, f 3j. Aquas, Oij.—M. Sig. Take in divided doses daily, increasing the acid gradually to the daily amount of six fluidraclims. Hairy Kennedy. 207 726.—$ Pulveris Opii, gr. iv. Aeidi gallici, 3ij. Misce et divide in chartulas No. xij. Sig. One three or four times a day. IT. C. Wood, Jr. 727.—$ Auri Chloridi, gr. j. Confectionis Rosae, gr. xx. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. Take one pill after each meal. Bartholow, Porrigo. See Skin Diseases. Priapism. See Nymphomania. Prickly Heat. See Skin Diseases. Prostatitis. 728„—$ Ammonii Chloridi, gss. Syrupi Glycyrrbizae, f gij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful three or four times daily. Vanoyc. 729.— $ Iodoformi, 3ss. Olei Theobromae, Cerae flavae, aa q. s. Misee et fiaut suppositoria No. v. Sig. Use two daily. {In chronic enlargement.) Morilin. 730.—$ Liquoris Potassae, f gss. Tincturae Humuli, f §iss. Infusi Calumbae, f giv. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 3ij. Fiat raistura. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. ( With acicl urine.) H. Green. 731.—$ Tincturae Oantharidis, hlxvj. Syrupi simplicis, f |ss. Aquae destillatae, f giss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. {In actual inflammation.) Rinqer. 208 732.—$ Carbonis Animalis, gr. iij. Ammonii Chloridi, 3j. Extracti Conii, gr. ij. Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, q. s. Fiat bolus. Sig. Take one three times a day. (In swelled and scirrhous prostate.) ' Magendie. Prostatorrhoca. 733.—$ Extracti Hydrastis fluidi, f §j. Sig. Dose, twenty drops three times a day. Bartholow. 734.—$ Tincturae Nucis Vomicae, f 3j. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 5iij.—M. Sig. Dose, twenty drops three times a day. (In debilitated cases.) Gross. Prurigo, Pruritus. 735.—$ Acidi carbolici, gr. vj. Aquae, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply three times daily. (In pruritus ani.) Christopher Heath. 736.—$ Acidi carbolici, gr. x. Morphiuae Acetatis, gr.viij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3i.j. Glycerini, f 3iv. Aquae, q.s. ad f §iv. Fiat lotio. Sig. Twice daily. (In pruritus vulva;.) Lombc Atthill, 737.—$ Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f Acidi Hydrocyanic! diluti, f 3j. Tincturae Digitalis, f 3iij. Aquas Rosae, f §v. Fiat lotio. Sig. Apply to affected part twice daily. (In senile Prurigo.) y. Thomson. 209 738.—$ Sodii Biboratis, §ss. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. vj. Aquae Rosae, _ f gviij. Fiat lotio. Sig. Apply twice daily. {In pruritus vulva.) Meigs. 739.—$ Olei Staphisagriae, f 3j. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply once or twice daily. Balmanno Squire. 740.— $ Iodoformi, 3j. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply to affected part once or twice daily. Tanturri. 741.—$ Aquae Laurocerasi, f |j. Acidi Nitrici diluti, f 3ss. Acidi Hydrocyaniei diluti, f 3iv. Glycerini, f3j. Lactis Amygdalae, §xij. Fiat lotio. (In pruritus vulva.) Greenlialgh. 742.—I£ Extracti Nucis Vomicae, gr. iij. Fellis Bovini, gr. vj. Extracti Taraxaci, gr. xxiv. Pulveris Myrrhae, gr. xviij. Misce et divide in pilulas xxiv. Sig. One three times a day. Neligan. 743.—$ Plumbi Iodidi, gr. xij. Unguenti Cerae albae, \). Chloroformi, Hlviij ad xij. Glycerini, f 3j. Misce et fiat unguentum. (In obstinate cases.) Ndig an. 744.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. v. Aquae destillatae, f §x.—M. Sig. Apply once or twice daily. (In pruritus vulva d aui.) Gerhard. 210 Psoriasis. See Skin Diseases. Ptyalism. 745.—$ Potassii Iodidi, §ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. Dose, a half fluidrachm three times a day. Hammond. 746.—$ Sulphuris praecipitati, 3i.j-iv. Potassii Chloratis, 3ij- 5j. Liquoris Morphinae Sulphatis, f Misturae Amygdalae, f §vij. Misce bene. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls every three or four hours. (“A positive specific.”) Shake well. Jukes Sty rap. 747.—$ Potassii Permanganatis, gr. xxv. Sodii Biboratis, Pulveris Aluminis, aa 3ij. Potassii Chloratis, §ss. Tincturae Capsici, f3j. Aquas Coloniensis, Tincturae Myrrhae, Tincturae Krameriae, aa f §j. Tincturae Cinchonae, f 3jij. Aquae destillatae, f §viij.—M. Sig. For a mouthwash. J. E. Garretson. 748.—$ Potassii Permanganatis, gr. ij-x. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Use as a mouthwash. (To correct the fetor.) J. E. Gar ret son. 749.—$ Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, 3j. Aquae destillata?, f gviij.—M. Sig. As a mouthwash, every hour or two. Oross. 750.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Infusi Rliois glabri Radicis, Oj.—M. Sig. Mouthwash. Fahnestock. Puerperal Convulsions. See Convulsions. 211 Puerperal Fever. See Fever. Puerperal Mania. See Mania. Puerperal Peritonitis. See Peritonitis. Purpura. 751.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. ix. Acidi Phosphoriei diluti, Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, aa f 3iss. Liquoris Arsenici Chloridi, Ulxv-xl. Syrupi Zingiberis, f3vj. Infusi Quassiae, f §viij.—M. Sig. One-sixth part after breakfast, dinner, and supper. Tanner. 752.—$ Acidi gallici, 3ss. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f 3j. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, f 3j. Infusi Rosae compositi, f §iv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours or oftener. Bartholow. 753.—B Strychninae Sulphatis, gr. ss. Quininae Sulphatis, 3j. Ferri Sulphatis exsiccati, 3ij. Fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One thrice daily. Napheys. 754.—$ Extracti Ergotae aquosi, 3j. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae, gr. x. Acidi gallici, 3j. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One pill every hour or two. {With hemorrhage.) Bartholow. 755.—$ Olei Terebinthinae, f 3iij. Extracti Digitalis lluidi, f 3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f ,^ss. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f %j. Misce et flat emulsio. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every three hours. {In hemorrhagic form.) Bartholow. 212 Pyaemia. 756.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. v-xx. Fiat chartula. Sig. One every four hours. Bartholow. 757.—$ Acidi salicylici, Sodii Biboratis, 3j. Glycerini, f f j. Aquas Menthae piperitse, f jv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every two or three hours. Bartliolow. Pyrosis. See also Acidity. 758.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xxij. Pepsini, 3vss. Extracti Absinthii, q. s. Misce et tiant pilulae No. xl. Sig. Two before each meal. Piorry. 759.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3iss. Olei Anisi, gtt. j. Syrupi Aurantii Florum, Aquae destillatae, aa f §,j.—M. Sig. One dose. Piorry. 760.—$ Acidi carbolici, gr. j. Alcoliolis, f 3j.—M. Sig. Twenty-five drops in a wineglassful of water before each meal. Podmore Jones. 761.-$ Extract! Nucis Vomicas, gr. iss. Argent! Nitratis, gr. ij. Extract! Lupuli, gr. xij. Misce et divide in pilulas vi. Sig. One pill three times a day. Barlow. 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Quinsy. 762.—$ Quininae Sulpliatis, gr. x-xv. Fiat chartula. Sig. Take before pus forms. (To abort impending attack.) Bartholow. 763.-$ Acidi citrici, gr. xv. Potassii Bicarbonatis, 3j. Tincturae Guaiaci, lfix. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f §j.—M. Sig. One dose. To be taken while effervescing. {For children.) Hazard. 764.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Infusi Rhoisglabri Baccarum, Oj. Fiat gargarysma. Sig. Use frequently. Gerhard. 765.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f'3j.—M. Sig. Dose, five minims every two hours. Or— 766.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. ss. Sacchari albi, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartulae No. x. Sig. One powder every two hours. Or— 767.—$ Hydrargyri cum creti, gr. ij. Sacchari albi, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartuhe No. x. Sig. Take one powder every two hours. Bartholow. 768.—$ Zinci Iodidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. Apply with camel’s-hair pencil to hypertro- phied tonsils twice daily. p. j,y pisfieVi 220 221 Rachitis, Rickets, Scrofula, Struma. 769.—Calcii Phosphatis, gr. v-x. Fiat chartula. Sig. Three times a day in chalk mixture, or along with cod-liver oil. Budil. 770.— Syrupi Calcii Lacto-phosphatis, f §iv. Sig. Adult dose, a teaspoonful three times a day. {May also he given to the nursing mother.) Bartliolow. 771.—Calcii Phosphatis, Ferri Phosphatis, aa gr. xxxvj. Misce et fiant chartulae No. xii. Sig. Take one powder morning and noon. Neligan. 772.—Acidi tannici, gr. vj-xij. Fiant chartulae No. xii. Sig. One powder two or three times a day. {In rickets.) Highly recommended by Dr. Alison. 773.—R Syrupi Ferri Iodidi, f 3j—ij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. Niemeyer. 774.—R Syrupi Ferri et Manganesii Iodidi, f 3j-ij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. Bartliolow. 775.—Tincturae Nucis vomicae, f 3j. Extracti Stillingiae fluidi, f 3v. Syrupi Sarsaparillae compositi, f 3ij.—M. Sig. Five to fifteen drops three times a day in water. {In struma.) Bartliolow. 776.—Calcii Chloridi, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §iiss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful two to three times a day in milk. Phillips. 777.—$ Calcii Chloridi, 3j. Extracti Conii, gr. xv. Aquae Cinnamomi, f §ss. Solve. Sig. Shake well. Dose, eight to sixteen drops three times a day, to a child ten years old. Phoebus. 778.—$ Carbonis animalis, Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, aa 3vj. Misce et detur in scatula. Sig. Half or a whole teaspoonful twice a day. {In rickets and scrofula of children.) Radius. 779.—$ Pulveris Glandis Querdls torrefactae, Aquae bullientis, Oj. Fiat infusum. Sig. Three or four teacupfuls during the day, and augmented. {Favorite icith the Germans. In mesen- teric atrophy, commencing rachitis, glandular swellings, etc. Continue for along time.) Ilufeland. 780.—$ Ferri Bromidi, gr. xij. Confectionis Rosae, gr. xviij. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One three times a day. {In strumous dyspepsia.) Robert Dick. 781.—$ Potassii Iodidi, Potassii Chloratis, aa 3j. Potassii Bicarbonatis, 3iij. Misce et liant chartulae No. xii. Sig. One three times a day in warm milk. Erichsen. Rattlesnake Bite. 782.— $ Hydrargyri Chloridicorrosivi, gr. ij. Potassii Iodidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, blv. Solve et adde— Bromi, 3v.—M. Sig. Take ten drops in a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every fifteen or twenty minutes. (Recom- mended by Bibron, Prince Paul of Wuertemberg, W. A. Hammond, and others.') Bibron 223 Remittent Fever. See Fever. Renal Calculi. See Calculi. Renal Hemorrhage. See Hacmaturia. Renal Dropsy. See Dropsy. Rheumatism, Acute. 783.—$ Salicinae, gr. xv. Fiat chartula. Sig. This amount every three hours. T. J. Mac Lag an. 784:.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Acidi salicylici, 3iij. Glycerini, Aquae destillatae, aaf §ij.—M, Sig. One teaspoonful every four hours. JT. B. Kennedy. 785.—$ Ergotinae, gr. xv. Sodii Salicylatis, 3iiss. Aquae destillatae, f^vj.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour. ( The ergot obviates thickening of tympanum.) Schilling. 786.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, Ammonii Carbonatis, aa gr. v. Acidi salicylici, gr. xx. Aquae destillatae, f §j.—M. Sig. One dose. (Thin avoids unpleasant cerebral symptoms, sick stomach, and rapid collapse.') Prideaux. 787.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3iss. Potassii Acetatis, 3ss. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f 3iij. Aquae destillatae, f §iss.—M. Sig. One dose. To be taken in a state of efferves- cence, in combination with— 224 788.—$ Acidi citrici, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Fuller. 789.—$ Tincturae Aconiti (B. Ph.), Iflxij. Ammonii Sulphidi, Iflxvj. Aquae Menthae piperitae, f §vj.—M. Sig. A fourth part every fourth hour until the fever is abated. j Mortimer Granville. 790.—$ Ammonii Bromidi, Tincturae Aurantii Corticis, f ?ss. Aquas destillatae, f §iiss.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful every three hours, except at night. j)a Costa. 791.—$ Potassii Nitratis, gr. xv. Pulveris Ipecacuanhae compositi, gr. iij. Misce et flat chartula. Sig. One dose, to be taken every fourth hour. (In subacute rheumatism.) j)n Costa. 792.—$ Pulveris Colchici, gr. iij. Potassii Sulphatis, gr. iv. Potassii Bicarhonatis, gr. iij. Tere simul ut flat pulvis. Sig. One every three or four hours. (In subacute rheumatism.) Haden. 793.—$ Aquas Camphor*, f giss. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §ss. Yini Antimonii, gtt. xl. Tincturae Opii deodoratae, gtt. xx. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. At bedtime. Blanc. 794.—$ Ammonii Chloridi, Potassii Bromidi, aa Tincturae Cinchonas composite, f §ij- Syrupi Zingiberis, Aquas destillatae, aaf§j.—M. Sig. One fluidraehm every two hours. With— 225 795.-$ Iodoformi deodorati, 3iss. Vaselini, §j.—M. Sig. Apply well to inflamed parts. W. C. Boteler. Rheumatism, Chronic. 796.—$ Pulveris Guaiaci Resinae, Potassii Iodidi, aa gr. x. Tincturae Colchiei Seminis, f 3ss. Aquae Cinnamomi, Syrupi simplicis, aa q. s. ad f §j.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful thrice daily- Philadelphia Hospital. 797.—$ Pulveris Guaiaci, 5j. Pulveris Rhei, 3ij. Potassii Bitartratis, Sulphuris Sublimati, aa 3j. Pulveris Nucis moscliatae, 3ij. Mellis, Ibj. Fiat mistura. Sig. Two large spoonfuls night and morning. (In old chronic cases. Used in civil and military hospitals.) Ait ken. 798.—$ Iodoformi, Ferri redacti, aa gr. xliij. Extracti Glycyrrhizae, q. s. Misce et divide in pilulas No. lx. Sig. Two to be taken thrice daily. Knoll. 799.—$ Sassafras liadicis Corticis, 3iss. Mezerii, 3iv. Taraxaci Radicis, §iij. Aqua? ferventis, Oj. Misce et fiat infusum. Sig. From one to one and a half fluidounces three times a day, with a plentiful use of diluents. (IFif/t languid circulation and inactive emunctories.) Fuller. 226 800.— Liquoris Potassii Arscnitis, f 5ij. Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f §iij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful thrice daily, in water, between meals. (In rheumatic arthritis.) jja (Josta. 801.—R Potassii Bicarbonatis, Vini Colchici Radicis, f' 3ij. Tincturae Guaiaci, f Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f §ij.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful thrice daily in water. (In rheumatic arthritis.) j)a (j0^a. 802.—R Aconitinae, gr. v. Olei Olivae, f3ss. Tere simul et adde— Adipis, 3viiss. Olei Bergainii, lllx. Olei Santali, hlij. Fiat unguentum. (In neuralgic rheumatism.) Fuller. 803.—Olei Monardte, f Tincturae Opii, f 3i,j. Tincturae Campliorae, f gij. Fiat linimentum. IV. Atlee. 804.— $ Olei Cajuputi, Tincturae Opii, aa f 3ij. Olei Terebinthinae, f 3iv. Linimenti Ammonite, f §j. Fiat linimentum. Fuller. 805.—Liquoris Ammonias, f3j. Tincturae Opii, f3ij. Tincturae Cantharidis, f 3iij. Linimenti Saponis camphorati, f 3x. Fiat linimentum. Fuller. 806.—$ Chloroformi, Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, Olei Terebinthinae, aa f §ss. Olei Sassafras, lllv. Liniinenti Saponis camphorati, f §iiss. Fiat linimentum. Gerhard. 227 807.— R Tincture lodi, Alcoholis, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Use morning and evening. Da Costa. Rickets. See Rachitis. Ringworm See Skin Diseases. Rubeola. See Fever. Rupia. See Skin Diseases. 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Salivation. See Ftyalism. Sarcinx et Torula:. 808.— $ Sodii HypOsulphitis, 3ij. Infusi Quassiae, f §vj. Fiat solutio. Sig. A tablespoonful three times daily. R. Neale. 809.— $ Sodii Sulphitis, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §iss. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. Take three times a day. (The dose may be increased.) ,Tenner. 810.—$ Acidi sulphurosi, f 3ij. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 3iij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take one to two tablespoonfuls every four h°u,'s. Russell Reynolds. Satyriasis. See Nymphomania. Scabies. See Lice. Scarlatina. See also Fever and Diphtheria. 811.—$ Ammonii Carbonatis, 3j. Syrupi Acaciae, f 3vj. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every two hours. (For child of three years.) Oerlmrd. 812.—$ Acidi Hydrochlorici, 'Uv. Syrupi Aurantii Florum, f Aquae destillatae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every two hours. Ellis. 813.—1}: Quininae Sulphatis, gr. viij. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, gtt. viij. Syrupi Rubi Idaei, f |ss. Aquae destillatae, f |iss.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful every two hours. Hood. 814.— $ Tincturae Digitalis, f 3ss. Syrupi simplicis, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every hour or two, according to a£?e- Bartholow. 815.—$ Tincturae Aconiti Radicis, Ifij-iij. Syrupi simplicis, f Aquae destillatae, f §iss.—M. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every hour or two, accord- ing to age. Bartholow. Sciatica. See also Neuralgia. 816.—$ Extracti Belladonnae, gr. . Extracti Stramonii, gr. it. Extracti Cannabis Indie*, gr. Extracti Aconiti, gr. Extracti Opii, gr. Extracti Hyoscyami, gr. Extracti Conii, gr. j. Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, q. s. Misce et fiat pilula. Sig. Take three, four, and even five pills in a day, pro re nata. Brovin-Siquard. 817.—$ Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. £-§. Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. uV Misce et fiat pulvis. Sig. For one hypodermic injection, in twenty drops of distilled water. Brown-Siquard. 818.—1$: Chloroformi, lflv-xv. For one injection. Insert the needle at the ischiatic notch deeply to near the trunk of the nerve. Bartholoic. 819.—$ Olei Terebinthinae, f 3ij. Olei Ricini, f 3iv. Tincturae Cardamomi composite, f3j. Mucilagiuis Acaciae, Aqua? destillatae, aa q. s. ad f §ij. Misce et flat emulsio. Sig. One dose. W. A. Jamieson. 237 820.—B Quininae Sulphatis, 3ss- 3j. Tineturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3iij. Spiritus yEtheris nitrosi, f 3iv. Syrupi simplicis, f 3ij. Vini Xerici, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every three or four hours. H. V. Swer ingen. 821.—B Extracti Ergotae fluidi, f 3ij. Aquas Cinnamomi, f §iij.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful in water every three or four hours. ( Tinct. Ferri Chlor. may be added if indicated.) Edward Waakes. 822.—B Emplastri Epispastici, 1| X 5 in. Sig. Apply over affected part for five or six hours, poultice, remove the cuticle, and dress with— 823.—B Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. i. Pulveris Marantae, gr. ij. Misce et flat chartula. Sig. Sprinkle over blister. Ten grains Dover’s powder at night. j)a Costa. 824.— B Olei Terebinthinae, f §viij. Chloroformi, Tineturae Opii, aa f 3ij. Fiat linimentum. Sig. To be rubbed on several times a day. Laborcle. 825.— B Aquae Ammoniae, f 3v. Olei Terebinthinae, Olei Amygdalae dulcis, aa f §j. Fiat linimentum. Sig. Rub on three times a day. (In obstinate sciatica.') Labovde. Sclerosis (Posterior Spinal). See also Loco- motor Ataxy. 826.—B Extracti Belladonna1, gr. iv. Olei Terebinthinae, f 31.j. Olei Theobromae, q. s. Fiant capsulae No. xii. Sig. One thrice daily. Allen M. Hamilton. 238 827.—1} Argenti Nitratis, Extracti Belladonnae, aa gr. vj-viij. Extracti Gentianae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xxiv. Sig. One after each meal. Allen M. Hamilton. 828.—Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, Tincturae Nucis vomicae, Acidi Phosphoi-ici diluti, Syrupi simplicis, aa f §j.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful in water about an hour before each meal. //. y. Sweringen. 829.—Potassii Iodidi, 3vj-f 3vii.j. Ferri et Ammonii Citratis, 3ij. Tincturse Aurantii Corticis, Syrupi simplicis, aa f 3iij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful in water about an hour after each meal. 7/. V. Sweringen. 830.—Acidi Phosphorici diluti,' f 3vj. Syrupi simplicis, f §iij-—M. Sig. A teaspoonful in water thrice daily, gradually increased to a dessertspoonful. (Along with elec- tricity. ) W. Lambert. Scirrhus. See Cancer. Scrofula. See Rachitis. Scurvy. 831.—Acidi Hydrochloric!, f 3j. Mellis, Aquae Rosa?, aa f §j. Misce et fiat linctus. Sig. Apply to affected gums three or four times a fiaY- Brando. 239 832.— Potassii Nitratis, gr. xx. Acidi citrici, 3ss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 3vj. Aquae destillatae, f §vj.—M. Sig. Take the sixth part three or four times a day. M’ Lachlan. 833.—Succi Liraonis, f §vj. Sig. Use locally and generally ad libitum. Garrod. Sea Sickness. 834.— Cerii Oxalatis, gr. ij. Tineturae Valerianae ammoniatae, f3j. Aquae destillatae, f f j. Misce ct fiat liaustus. Sig. Take every half hour. Walsh. 835.— Chloral Hydratis, 3ss. Aquae Camphorae, f §j.—M. Sig. One dose. Priestley. 836.—Spiritus Chloroformi, Tineturae Cardamomi cornpositae, aa f §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful in water every half hour. Bartholow. 837.—Cocainae Hydrochloratis, 0.15. Spiritus Vini rectificati, q. s. ut flat solutio. Dein adde— Aquae destillatae, 150.00.—M. Manassein, St. Petersburg. Septicaemia. See Pyaemia. Shingles. See also Skin Diseases, Herpes Zoster. 838.—Hydrargyri Ohloridi mitis, gr. v. Sacchari albi, 3ss. Misce et fiant chartulae x. Sig. Take one powder every two hours, to be fol- lowed by a saline aperient. Gerhard. 240 839.—$ Magnesii Carbonatis, gr. xx. Vini Colchici Radicis, Tineturse Opii, aa f 3ss. Aquae Camphorae, f §j. Misce et fiat haustus. (To relieve the deep-seated pain in chest.) A T Thomson. 840.—$ Collodii, f§j. Sig. Paint over affected parts. Weiring. 841.—$ Sulpliuris sublimati, 3j. Hydrargyri ammoniati, 3ss. Unguenti simplicis, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply two or three times a day. Corfc. Sick Headache. See Headache. Skin Diseases. 842.—$ Creasoti, IHv-xv. Adipis, §ss. Fiat, unguentum. (Acne, lepra.) Joy. 843.—$ Hydrargyri Oxidi rubri, Hydrargyri ammoniati, aa gr. v. Adipis, §.j. Fiat unguentum. (In obstinate cases of acne.) Tilbury Fox. 844.—$ Magnesii Sulphatis, 3ss. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, ITlxx. Ferri Sulphatis, gr. iij. Quininae Sulphatis, gr. j. Yini Colchici Radicis, lllx. Syrupi Zingiberis, f 3j. Aquas destillatae, f§j. Miscc et fiat liaustus. Sig. To be taken twice or thrice a day, with an aperient pill, if necessary. (In acne with plethora.) Tilbury Fox. 241 845.—$ Pulveris Krameriae, |ss. Calcii Carbonatis praecipitati, 3ij. Pulveris Amyli, 3x. Misce et detur in scatula. Sig. Dust over affected part. {In ecthyma and pem- phigus.) Neligan. 846.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, 3ss. Acidi Sulphurici aromatici, f 3ss. Tincturae Cardamomi compositi, f §iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f —M. Sig. A dessertspoonful three times a day. {In ecthyma.) Ringer. 847.—$ Sodii Biboratis, 3ij—iij. Aquae Rosae, f §vj. Fiat lotio. Sig. Apply two or three times daily. {In ecthyma.) Copland. 848.—$ Liquoris Carbonis detergentis, f §j. Zinci Oxidi, 3iij. Calaminae purae, 3iij. Glycerini, f 3iij. Aquae Calcis, f §x. Fiat lotio. {In eczema.) Dyce Duckivorth. 849.—$ Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, hlxl. Olei Cadini, f §j. Saponis viridis, §ij. Olei Rosmarini, f 5iss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §v. Misce et fiat linimentum. {In eczema.) Anderson. 850.—$ Pulveris Cocci, gr. j. Potassii Cyanidi, gr. vj. Unguenti Aquae Rosae, §j. Fiat unguentum. Sig. Rub a little firmly over the itching parts; lot none of the ointment remain undissolved on the skin. {In eczema.) Anderson. 242 851.— $ Infusi Cinchonae, f Aquae Caleis, f jixss. Tincturae Lupulinse, Succi Conii, aa f 3ij.—M. Sig. A wineglassful three times a day. (In chronic eczema of the aged.) Neligan. 852.— $ Extracti Stapliisagriae, Zinci Oxidi, aa 3ss. Adipis benzoatae, %j. Fiat unguentum. (In chronic eczema.) Bazin. 853.—$ Potassii Iodidi, gr. viij. Decocti Duleamarae, f Siv., Decocti Ulmi, f jxij.—M. Sig. A wineglassful at bedtime. (In eczema.) Ndig an. 854.—$ Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, lllxl. Vini Opii, f 3j. Aquae Rosae, f §viij. Misceet flat lotio. (In eczema.) Burgess. 855.—$ Zinci Oxidi, 3ij. Pulveris Amyli, §iv. Fiat pUlyis. {In eczema, acne, impetigo.) Cazenavc. 856.—$ Argent! Nitratis, gr. j. Spiritus iEtheris nitrosi, f §.j. Fiat lotio. (In eczema with neuralgia of the skin.) E. Wilson. 857.—$ L iquoris Potassii Arsenitis, Hlxij. Yini Ferri amari, Syrupi Tolutani, aa f Aquae Anethi, f §j.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful tlirice daily after food. (Eczema child two yearn old.) Erasmus Wilson. 858.—$ Bismuthi Subnitratis, 3ss. Spiritus Lavandula;, f 3iij. ' Glycermi, f Aqua; Florum Sambuci, f jvj. Fiat lotio. ( Eczema.) J. L. Milton. 859.—$ Olei Cadini, Saponis mollis, Spiritus rectificati, aa f §j. Olei Lavandulae, f 3iss.—M. Sig. After washing rub in firmly night and morning. (In eczema.) Anderson. 860.—$ Calcii Chloridi crystallizati, 3iv. Aquae destillatae, f §xvj.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful three or four times a day, in barley water. (In chronic eczema.) Cazenave. 861.—$ Zinci Oxidi, 3ij. Glycerini, f 3ij. Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, f 3ss. Aquae Calcis, q. s. ad f §vj. Fiat lotio. ( Eczema.) Tilbury Fox. 862.—$ Bismuthi Subnitratis, §ss. Detur in scatula. Sig. Dust the affected parts. (In erythema about the genitals, etc., of infants.) Bartholow. 863.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, 3ss. Acidi Suiphurici aromatici, f 3ss. Extracti Taraxaci fiuidi, f 3vj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful three times a day. {In ery- thema nodosum, with lowered condition of vital forces.) Bartholow. 864.—$ Zinci Acetatis, gr. ij. Aquas Rosae, f'3j. Unguenti Aquae Rosae, §j. Fiat unguentum. (Erythema and herpes.) Neumann. 865.—$ Collodii, f §j. Morphinae, gr. viij. Fiat lotio. Sig. Paint affected surfaces. (In herpes zoster.) Bourdon. 244 866.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. iij. Alcoholis, ' q. s. Solve et adde— Extracti Conii, 3j. Misce et divide in pilulas No. xl. Sig. Six pills to be taken in the day, and the quantity gradually increased to nine or ten. (In herpetic eruptions.) Kopp. 867.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. x. Adipis, Fiat unguentum. Sig. Apply three times daily. (In chronic herpes labialis.) Neligan. 868.—$ Hydrargyri Acetatis, 3j. Olei Olivae, f 3ij. Axungiae, 3vj. Misce bene et fiat linimentum. (In herpes.) Van Mons. 869.—$ Potassii Iodidi, gr. xij-xv. Unguenti Hydrargyri Nitratis, §ss. Misce et fiat unguentum. (Herpes exedens.) Blasius. 870.—$ Potassii Chloratis, 3ij. Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti, Spiritus Chloroformi, Liquoris Cinchonas, aa f 3j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. (In herpes zoster.) Charles Sturges. 871.—$ Pulveris Sabinas, Pulveris HSruginis, aa §ss. Misce et flat pulvis. Sig. To be dusted over affected parts. (In herpes, eczema, and simple excoriations.) Acton 872.—$ Magnesii Carbonatis, 3ss. Spiritus Ammonis aromatici, f 3ij. Tincturae Rhei, f3iij. Aquae Calcis, f gvss.—M. Sig. Dose, one fluidounce twice daily. (In acute herpes labialis.) Burgess. 873.—$ Argcnti Nitratis, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f 3ix. Solve. (Caustic application in herpes tonsurans.) Devergie. 874.—3 Ferri Arseniatis, gr. iij. Extracti Lupulinas, 3j. Pulveris Althaeae, 3ss. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xlviij. Sig. Take one pill daily. (In herpetic ulcers and cancerous diseases.) Biett. 875.—3 Ulmi Corticis, 3,iiss. Aquae bullientis, Oj. Fiat decoctum. Sig. Dose, two to four fluidounces thrice daily. (In ichthyosis.) Lettsom. 876.—3 Pulveris Cainpliorae, gr. x. Unguenti Zinci Oxidi, gj. Misce et fiat unguentum. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. 877.—3 Tincturae Crotonis,* f 3j. Spiritus Rosmarini, f ?j. Aquae Rosae, f giij. Fiat linimentum. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson 878.—3 Cupri Sulphatis, gr. xx. Unguenti Sambuci, gj.—M. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. 879.-3 Sodii Bicarbonatis, gr. xv- 3ss. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. (In ichthyosis.) lievergie. 880.— 3 Zinci Sulphatis, 3j. Cerati simplicis, §j.—M, {In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. * tiemen. Croton, contus., gj. ftpts. rectijicat., fgiv.—Br. Ph. 881.—$ Creasoti, f 3ss. Aquae destillatae, Oj. Fiat lotio. {In impetigo sparsa.) Dunglison. 882.—$ Acidi carbolici, gr. x. Glycerini, Aquae Rosae, aa f §j. Fiat lotio. {Impetigo.) Headland. 883.—$ Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3iij. Spiritus rectificati, f Aquae destillatae, f gvij. Fiat lotio. Sig. To be applied with lint covered with oiled silk. {In impetigo, after removal of scabs.) Plumbe. 884.—:$ Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f §ss. Magnesii Sulpliatis, §ij. Tincturae Calumbae, f Infusi Quassiae, f§xviij.—M. Sig. A wineglassful every morning. {In impetigo of the old and debilitated.) Xeligan. 885.— $ Hydrargyri Protiodi, gr. iv. Hydrargyri cutn cret&, gr. xij. Sodii Carbonatis, gr. xij. Pulveris Myrrhae, gr. vj. Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. One three times a day. {In chronic impetigo.) Xeligan. 886.—$ Plumbi Acetatis, gr. viij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3ij. Spiritus rectificati, f ?ss. Aquae destillatae, f gviiss.—M. Fiat lotio. Sig. Poison. (Impetigo.) Paris. 887.—$ Sodii Carbonatis, 3i,j. Syrupi Violae, f §xij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful night and morning. (Apply at the same time a poultice containing one drachm of sulphur. Impetigo.) Biett 24 7 888.—R Bismuthi Subnitratis, §j. Detur in scatula. Sig. Dust over the inflamed part. (Intertrigo.) Bartholow. 889.—R Acidi tannici, §ss. Glycerini, f §ij.—M. Sig. Apply. (Intertrigo.) Bartholow. 890.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, 5j-ij. Adipis," gj. Fiat unguentum. (Intertrigo, pruritus vulvae et ani, eczema of scrotum, etc.) Tournie. 891.—R Calcii Sulpho-carbolatis, 3j. Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, Hlxviij. Tineturae Aurantii, f3vj. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. A sixth part before breakfast and dinner. (In itching skin diseases.) Dobell. 892.—R Acidi Nitrici, f 3ss. Decocti Horaei, Oj.—M. Sig. A wineglassful three times a day. (In papulous eruptions.) Burgess. 893.—R Plumbi Acetatis, gr. xvj. Acidi Hvdrocyanici diluti, f 3iss. Spiritus rectificati, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §viiss. Fiat lotio. ( To allay itching in cutaneous diseases.) A. T. Thomson. 894.—R Potassii Cyanidi, gr. xij. Misturse Amygdalae, f §vj. Fiat lotio. (In itching eruptions.) Louis. 895.—R Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. ij. Hydrargyri cum creta, gr. xij. Pulveris Cinnamomi compositi, gr. ix. Misce et divide in pulveres No. vj. (In cutaneous eruptions of infancy and childhood.') Neliqan. 248 896.— R Plumbi Carbonatis, 3ij. Calcis praeparatae, Unguenti Aquae Rosae, §ij. Fiat unguentum. (In papular and itching erup- tions. ) Burgess. 897.—R Quininae Diarsenitis, gr. iv. Micae Panis, q. s. Fiant pilulae No. xii. Sig. Two, three, or Sour per day. (In lepra.) King don. 898.—R Acidi arseniosi, gr. j. Piperis, gr. xij. Tere simul in pulverem subtilissimum, et adde— Pulveris Acaciae, gr. ij. Aquae destillatse, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. xvj. Sig. One morning and night. (In tuberculous lepra.) Baris Codex. 899.—R A rsenici Iodidi, gr. j. Extracti Conii, 3ij. Fiat massa, et divide in pilulas No. xvi. Sig. One pill night and morning. (Lepra, impetigo, cancer.) Ellis. 900.—R Un guenti Hydrargyri Nitratis, §j. Sig. Use twice daily; dilute if necessary. (In lepra.) Waring. 901.—R U nguenti Picis liquidae, §j. Sig. Apply to affected parts. (In lepra.) McCall Anderson. 902.—R Iodoformi, 3j. Unguenti Petrolei, §j.—M. (In lepra.) Glover. 903.—R Liquoris Potassae, 1' 3ij • Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f §j. Misturae Amygdala:, f 3viij. Misce et fiat lotio. (In lichen.') Burgess. 904.—1} Potassii Cyanidi, gr. xij. Olei Amygdalae, f 3ij. Unguenti Cerae albae, §ij. Fiat unguentum. (In lichen.) Burgess. 905.—Rosae Petalae, 3j. Aquae ferventis, f Acidi Nitrici diluti, f Siiss. Macera, cola, ut fiat lotio. (In lichen.) Hooper. 906.—I* Chloroformi, ITlxx. Olei Olivae, fgj.—M. Sig. After a tepid bath, and well dried. (In lichen.) Neligan. 907.—Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, f 3j—ij. Infusi Althaeae, f §xvj. Fiat lotio. (In lichen.) Burgess. L iquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f |iij. Spiritus rectifieati, f3iv. Aquae Rosae, f§iv. Fiat lotio. (Lichen.) Burgess. 909.—Sodii Biboratis, 3ss. Acidi Hydroeyanici diluti, f 3i,j. Aquae Rosae, f^viij. Fiat lotio. (In lichen agrius.) Neligan. 910.—Ferri Arseniatis, gr. iij. Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, 3ss. Syrupi sirnplicis, q. s. Misce bene, et fiant pilulae No. xlviii. Sig. Take one to three pills daily. (In lichen, ele- phantiasis, lepra, lupus, herpetic and squamous affec- tions.) Biett and Duparc. 911.—Argenti Nitratis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, f §j. MJsee et fiat solutio. (In pemphigus after the Indite have hurst.) Erasmus Wilson. 250 912.—$ Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful after each meal. (In the more chronic form of pemphigus.) McCall Anderson. 913.— $ Potassii Iodidi, §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Solve. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. (In syphilitic and scrofulous cases, with cod-liver oil.) Waring. 914.—$ Ung uenti Hydrargyri Nitratis, 3ij. Unguenti simplicis, 3vj.—M. Sig. Use twice daily. (In pemphigus.) Waring. 915.—$ Pilulae Hydrargyri, gr. ix. Sodii Carbonatis, gr. v.j. Extracti Taraxaci, gr. xij. Extracti Hyoscyami, gr. iij. Misce et fiant pilulae No. vi. Sig. Take one pill two or three times a day, half an hour before meals. (Pityriasis.) . Keligan. 916. —$ Potassii Sulpbureti, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f 5iij. Fiat lotio. Sig. Use once daily. (Pityriasis capitis.) Winzar. 917.—$ Sodii Hyposulpliitis, 3ss. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Fiat lotio. (In pityriasis versicolor.) Harley. 918.—$ Pulveris Aluminis, 3ij. Infusi Rosae, Oj. Fiat lotio. (After removing incrustations. Pityria- ***•) Cazenave. 919.—$ Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, Uliv. Decocti Cinehonae, f 3x. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f 5ij. Tincturae Opii, lllv. Fiat haustus. Sig. Twice daily after meals. (Chronic pityriasis.) Bury ess. 251 920.—ft Liquoris Iodi cornpositi, Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, aa f 3ij.—M. Sig. Take ten drops three times daily. (In pity- riasis, psoriasis, and lepra.) Ellis. 921.—ft Liquoris Arsenici et Hydrargyri Iodidi, gtt. lxxx. Syrupi Zingiberis, f Aquae destillatae, f §viij. — M. Sig. One fluidounce every third hour. (In pity- riasis, ephelis, sycosis, etc.) Osbrcy. 922.—ft Acidi carbolici, 3ij. Glycerini, Aquae destillatae., aa f 3iij. Fiat lotio. Sig. Twice daily. (Pityriasis.) 923.—ft Acidi acetici diluti, Mellis Boracis, aa f §j. Aquae destillatae, f §vj. Fiat lotio. (In porrigo of children.') Headland. 924.—ft Acidi Hydrocblorici, Unguenti Sambuci vel Rosae, 3x. Fiat linimentum. Sig. Twice daily. (In porrigo.') Ure. 925.—ft Medullas Ossium, 3v,j. 01 ei Amygdalae dulcis, f 3ij. Pulveris Cinchonae rubrae, 3,j. Fiat unguentum. (In porrigo decalvans.) IJiett. 926.—$ Unguenti Hydrargyri Iodidi rubri, 3j. Unguenti Pieis liquidae, 3vj.—M. (In porrigo scutulata.') Erichsen. 927.—ft Mezerii Corticis, Armoraciae Radicis, aa §j. Aceti destillati ferventis, Oss. Infunde per dies septern, et cola, et flat lotio. (In porrigo decal vans.) Erasmus Wilson. 252 928.—R Potassii Sulpliureti, Saponis, aa 3ij. Spiritus rectificati, f 3j. Misce et fiat lotio. {In porrigo favosa.) Hooper. 929.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, 3ij. Pulveris Aluminis, Plumbi Carbonatis, aa §ss. Terebinthinae Yenetianae, 3vj. Cerati Cetacei, §iss. Misce et fiat unguentum. {Porrigo galeata.) Banyer. 930.—R Picis liquid*, §iv. Cerae flavae, Jss. Solve leni calore, et, ante frigefactum, adde terendo— Sulphuris, §j. Misce et fiat unguentum. {In porrigo scutulata, impetigo favosa, etc.) j0y_ 931.—R Aeidi Sulpliurosi, Glycerini, aa partes aequales. Fiat lotio. {In porrigo tonsurans.) Dewar. 932.—Rl Amygdalarum Amararum, No. xxx. Aquae destillatae, f § viij. Fiat emulsio. {A lotion for prickly heat.) Waring. 933.—R Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, lfix-xl. Glycerini, fgj.—M. {In prickly heat.) Waring. 934.—R Tincturse Cantharidis, Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Take ten minims twice daily, gradually in- creasing to fifteen, carefully watching effects. (In psoriasis.) Bennett. 935.—R: Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. j. Extracti Sarsaparilla;, Extract! Gentiauae, aa3j. Misce et divide in pilulas No. x. Sig. One pill three times a day. (In psoriasis.) Burgess. 253 936.—R Hydrargyri Chloridicorrosivi, 3j. (!) Alcoholis, f§j. Fat lotio. Sig. Paint affected spot. (In psoriasis.) Niemeyer. 937.—R Liquoris Potassii Arsenitis, f 3ss. Liquoris Potassae, f 3.j. Spiritus nitrosi, f 3ij. Infusi Gentianae compositi, f §vij.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls three times a day. (In psoriasis.) Wright. 938.—R L iquoris Potassii Arsenitis, hlv. Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, Iflxx. Infusi Quassiae, f §j. Misce et flat haustus. Sig. Take three times a day. {In psoriasis invete- rata.) Guy. 939.—R Unguenti Picis liquidae, Unguenti Sulphuris, aa §j.—M. (In psoriasis.) Pliarm. Quyensis. 940.—R Tinctura Guaiaci Ammoniatae, f3j. Tincturse Serpentariae, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, ITlxx. Decocti Mezerii, f 3viss. Infusi Dulcamara, f §j. Fiat haustus. Sig. Take thrice daily. (In psoriasis guttata.) Neligan. 941.—R Cupri Oleatis, §ss. Sig. Apply twice daily. (Ringworm.) F. Le Sieurc Weir. 942.—R Cupri Sulphatis, 3j. Pulveris Gallae, 3j. Adipis, |j. Misce et flat unguentum. (Ringworm.) Indian Remedy. 254 943.— $ Sodii Biboratis, 3j. Aceti destillatae, f §ij. Fiat lotio. (In ringworm of the scalp.) Abercrombie. 944.—$ Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. xij-xx. Unguenti simplicis, §j.—M. (In rupia.) Biett. 945.— $ Unguenti Hydrargyri Oxidi rubri, §j. (In rupia, frambeesia, etc.) Waring. 946.—$ Potassii Bitartratis, jj. Reducetur in pulverem subtilissimum, et detur in scatula. Sig. Dust over ulcer. (In rupia.) Raycr. 947.—$ Unguenti Hydrargyri Nitratis, £ss. Unguenti Picis liquidae, “,j.—M. (In tinea capitis.) Ellis. 948.—$ Pulveris Carbonis, 3iij. Adipis, §j. Fiat unguentum. (Tinea capitis.) Alibert. 949.—$ Aeidi acetiei, f ijj. Aquae destillatae, f —M. Shave the scalp and rub with this preparation. The red spots thus produced, showing the infected parts, are each to be wet with the undiluted acetic acid for three or four minutes, by means of a sponge tied on a stick. One application is generally suffi- cient. (Tinea capitis.) Wigan. 950 —$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Acidi Hydrocyanici diluti, f 3ss. Lactis Vaccae, f §viij. Misce et fiat lotio. (In milk crust.) A. T. Thomson. 951.-$ Olei Juniperi, f §iss. Olei Anisi, Ttlvj. Axungiae, §ij. Misce bene ut fiat unguentum. (In tinea capitis.) Sully. 255 952.— Acidi Sulphurosi, f ff\. Aquae destillatae, f §viij.—M. Sig. Apply constantly. (In tinea favosa.) Sir W. Tenner. 953.—1£ Sodii Hyposulphitis, §j. Aquae destillatae, f §xij. Misce et fiat lotio. (Tinea favosa.) Tilbury Fox. 954.—Sulphuris Iodidi, 3j. Unguenti simplicis, §iss. Fiat unguentum. ( Tinea favosa.) Donavan. 955.—I£ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr, x. Aquae destillatae, f ?j. Solve. Sig. Apply with camel’s-hair brush, after epilation. ( Tinea sycosa.) Harley. 956.—I£ Hydrargyri Oleatis (v.-x. per cent.), 3j- Sig. Paint over affected part. {In tinea sycosa.) Leonard Cane. 957.— Liquoris Arsenici et Hydrargyri Iodidi, f 3ij. Syrupi Zingiberis, f §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful after each meal. (Tinea sycosa.) Erasmus Wilson. 958.—$ Acidi Sulphurosi, Aquae destillatae, aa partes aequales. Misce et fiat lotio. (In fungous skin diseases.) Biett. 959.— II Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, 3j. Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri, Cupri Subacetatis, Cupri Sulphatis, aa 3ij. Adipis, §v. Fiat unguentum. ( For fungous growths and granu- lations.) a, Brodie. 960.—Aeidi Nitrici diluti, f3iss. Spiritus Lavandulae compositi, f yss. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f giss. Aquae destillatae, Oiss.—M. Sig. A wineglassful three or four times a day. {In chronic, obstinate ulcers and skin diseases.) 31. Ryan. 961. Sodii Arseniatis, gr. ij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. Solve et adde— Pulveris Guaiaci, 3ss. Antimonii Sulphurati, 3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. Misce caute et divide in pilulas xxiv. Sig. Take two to three pills daily. {In chronic skin diseases.) Erasmus Wilson. 962.—R Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, 3j- 3j. Adipis benzoatae, §j. Fiat unguentum. {In most chronic eruptions.) Burgess. 963.—Phosphori, gr. iij-3j.(!!) Olei Caryophylli, lTlx-f3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. Ut flant pilulae xii. Sig. One twice a day. (In obstinate scaly, tubercu- lar, and syphilitic skin diseases.) Burgess. 954.—R Amygdalae dulcis excorticatae, %j. Aquae Florum Aurantii, f |ij. Aquae Rosae, f 5 viij. Fiat emulsio et adde— Ammonii Chloridi, 3j. Tincture Benzoini, f3ij. Fiat lotio cosmetica. (In pimples, freckles, and dry- ness of the skin.') Hermann. 965.—R Cupri Sulphatis, 3ss. Spiritus rectificatae, f 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Fiat lotio. (In chronic molluscum.) Neligan. 257 966.—R Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. j. Unguenti simplicis, 3v.—M. (Strength may he gradually increased. In elephan- tiasis arahum.) Waring. 967.—$ Acidi Arseniosi, gr. j. Piperis nigri, gr. x. Tere simul per horam dimidiam ; dein adde— Mucilaginis Acaciae, q. s. Ut fiant pilulae xv. Sig. One pill once or twice daily. {Elephantiasis.) Asiatic Bills. 968.—$ Hydrargyri Sulphureti, Pulveris Olibani, 3ij.—M. To be thrown on a red-hot iron, and the diseased parts only exposed to the fumes. ( Chronic skin dis- ease.) Foy 969.—$ Iodi, 3j- 3.j. Sulphuris sublimati, §ss- fiss. Misce et fiat pulvis. One-twelfth of a part to be used as a fumigation in skin diseases. Hooper. 970.—$ Potassii Sulphureti, §ij- §iv. Aquae calidae, Ibc-lbcc. Solve et adde— Ichthyocollae, Ibj-lbij, in Aquae bullientis solutae, Ibx. Fiat balneum. {Bath for skirt, diseases.) Dupuytren. 971.—$ Sodii Carbonatis, Sodii Biboratis, aa §v. Aquae pluvialis (caloris grad. 76°-98° F.), Cong. xxx. Solve ut flat balneum alkalinum. (For many skin diseases.) Neligan. 972.—$ Sodii Hyposulphites, Sulphuris Sublimati, aa §ij. Aquae pluvialis (caloris grad. 80° F.), Cong. xxx. Solve. Fiat balneum sulphureum. {For scaly diseases of the skin.') Neligan. 258 Singultus. See Hiccough. Sleeplessness. See Insomnia. Smallpox. 973.—$ Acidi salicylici, gr. xx. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Ammonii Carbonatis, aa gr. iv. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. This amount in water every two to four hours, according to severity. (In later stage, Ferri et Am- monii Citras may be added.) Prideaux. 974.—$ Acidi carbolici, Gelatinae, aa §j. Glycerini, f Aquae, f §xxvj.—M. Sig. For local use. (Daily, after bathing, paint over body. After pustules in the face are filled, pick them, and apply the lotion frequently.) Prideaux. 975.—$ Acidi carbolici, Acidi acetiei, aa f 3j-iss. Tincturas Opii, Spiritus Chloroformi, aa f 3j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §viij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every four hours until the fever subsides. Napheys. 976.—$ Atropinoe Sulphatis, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f —M. Sig. Dose, three to five minims every three or four hours. Very highly recommended by the English physician ft' ffitchman. 977.—$ Sodii Sulphitis, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. To be taken every four hours, q. pj Sansom. 259 978.—IJ: Zinci Oxidi, Zinci Carbonatis, giij. Olei Olivae, q. s. Ut fiat uuguentum. Bennett. Spermatorrhoea. 979 —IJ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. vj. Acidi Sulphurici diluti, f 3j. Tincturae Cardamomi eompositae, f 3iij. Aquae Cinnamomi, f §vss.—M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls twice daily. Milton. 980.—IJ Tincturae Cimicifugae, f §iij. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. Morse. 981.—IJ Digitaliuae, gr. j. Pulveris Acaciae, 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas No. xxxv. dividenda. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Corvisart. 982.—IJ Pulveris Opii, gr. v. Camphorae, 9iv. Pulveris Acaciae, Syrupi simplicis, aa q. s. Fiat massa in pilulas No. xl. dividenda. Sig. Take two pills three times a day. Waring. 983.—1J Pulveris Digitalis, gr. ij. Lupulinae, gr. xv. Misce et fiat chartula. Sig. Take daily at bedtime. Pescheck. 984.—IJ Potassii Bromidi, §j. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §ij.—M Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. (In the strong and plethoric.') Bartholow. Spleen, Enlargement of. See Fever, Inter- mittent, and Lcucocythemia. Stomatitis. See Aphtha:. Stranguary. 985.—$ Aceti Scillae, Spiritus Aitheris nitrosi, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful in some demulcent tea every hour or oftener. Waring. 986.—$ Tincturae Cannabis Indicae, f §j. Sig. Dose, a half teaspoonful every few hours. (Esjyecially with bloody urine, and when due to spinal disease.) Ringer. 987.—$ Balsami Copaibae, jss. Acidi benzoici, 3j. Yitelli Unius Ovi, Aqua; Camphorae, f §vij.—M. Sig. Take two tablespoonfuls twice a day. (In dysuria senilis.) Soden. Struma. See Rachitis. Suppuration. See Abscess. Sweating-. See Phthisis. Sycosis. See Tinea in Skin Diseases. Synovitis. 988.—$ Morphine, gr.viij. Hydrargyri Oleatis (v.-x. per centum), 3J— M. Sig. Apply twice daily with soft brush. (In acute form.) Marshall. 261 989.—Argenti Nitratis, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Solve. Sig. Apply almost to vesication. (In acute synovitis.) Furneaux Jordan. 990.—1} Unguenti Hydrargyri, §j. Sig. As an inunction to the previously blistered surface. (Subacute form.) W. Adams. 991.—Unguenti Iodi compositi, Unguenti Belladonnae, aa §ss.—M. Sig. Apply twice daily until the skin becomes irri- tated ; after it is healed, begin anew. (After rubbing in well apply dry heat for fifteen minutes. In the more chronic forms.) Gerhard. Syphilis. 992.—II Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. viiss. Amyli, 3j. Syrupi Aeaciae, q. s. Misce et fiant pilulae No. lx. Sig. Give one pill three times a day. Trousseau. 993.—Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. ss.(!) Extracti Cinchonae, gr. x. Extracti Opii aquosi, gr. ss. Eiant pilulae ii. Sig. One or two pills daily, closely watching. Dupuytrcn. 994.—Pilulae Hydrargyri, 3ss. Divide in pilulas No. x. Sig. One pill night and morning. (“One of the best methods of treatment in secondary form.”) Ellis. 995.—Hydrargyri Cyanidi, gr. iv. Aquae destillatae, f § viij-—M. Sig. Take a teaspoonful three times a day. The Liquor Anti-syphilitique of— Chaussier. 996.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Syrupi Aurantii Corticis, f |j. Aquae destillatae, f §v.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful night and morning in hop-tea. Lisfranc. 997.—R Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Sacchari albi, §j. Extracti Sarsaparillae fluidi, f Sss. Aqua; destillatae., f 3 iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day. Ellis. 998.—$ Potassii Iodidi, gr. iij. Aqua; destillatae, f §j. Solve et adde— Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. ivss.—M. Sig. Dose, from two to five drops three times a day, much diluted. Channing. 999.— R Hydrargyri Protiodidi, gr. iij. Potassii Iodidi, 3ij. Tincturae Gentianae composite, Syrupi Sarsaparillas compositi, aaf §ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful thrice daily. Horace Green. 1000.—$ Hydrargyri Biniodidi, gr. j. Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Aqua; destillatae, f ?j. Syrupi simplieis, f $v.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful thrice daily. Iltipital Saint Lords. 1001.— $ Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j- Tincturae Ferri Chloridi, f 3iij. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. Ernest Goodman. 1002.—$ Auri Chloridi, gr.j. Extracti Aconiti, 3ss. Pulveris Glycyrrhizae, 3ij. Syrupi simplieis, q. s. Misce intime, et fiant pilulae No. xx. Sig. One pill three times a day. Neligan. 263 1003.—$ Auri Chloridi, gr. j. Lycopodii preparati, gr. xv. Misce et flant chartulae No. xvi. Sig. Rub one on the tongue and gums daily. (After* wards the same quantity to be divided successively into twelve and ten powders.) Chrestien. 1004.—$ Auri et Sodii Chloridi, gr. j. Aquae destillatae, f §ss. Solve et adde— Syrupi Stillingiae compositi, f |iss. Aquas destillatae, f Jiv.—M. Sig. From a dessert- to a tablespoonful three times a day. Gerhard. 1005.—$ Acidi Nitro-Muriatici diluti, f 3iiss. Syrupi Stillingiae compositi, f 3xiiiss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. 8ig. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls three times a day, with denutrition. (In cases saturated with the approved remedies, but still presenting patches on the skin and mucous membranes.) Bartholow. 264 265 2GG 2G7 268 269 270 271 Tabes Mesenterica. See Marasmus. Tapeworm. See Worms. Tetanus. 1006.—3 Tinctur® Cannabis Indicae, f3ss. Mucilaginis Acaci®, f3ij. Aqu® Cinnamomi, f §ss. Fiat haustus. Sig. Take at once, and repeat in two hours, or sooner if permissible. Neligan. 1007.—3 Pulveris Opii, gr. iiss. Moschi optimi, Pulveris Camphor*, aa gr. vj. Misce et flat pulvis. Sig. Take in syrup. W. Ainslie. 1008.—3 Extracti Physostigmatis, Pulveris Zingiberis, aa gr. j. Misce et fiat pilula. Sig. Take every hour or two until effects are noted. (Or begin with one-third of a grain hypodermically.) E. Watson. 1009—3 Tinctur® Aconiti (Pharm. Br.), hi xv. Spiritus Vini Gallic!, f 3ij-f §ss. Aquae destillat®, q. s. ad f §iss. Misce et flat baustus. Sig. Every fourth hour. IT. Jones. 1010.—$ Extracti Belladonn®, gr. ss-j. Fiat pilula. Sig. One every two hours; to be increased pro re nata. (Atropia may be substituted either by the mouth or hypodermically. Apply also Belladonna locally.) Hutchinson. 272 1011.—$ Extracti Conii, gr. v. Divide in pilulas ii. Sig. One dose. Every three hours. (The succus more reliable.) Corry. For hypodermic formula of Gonia, see prescription No. 656. The use of Conia hypodermically is recom- mended by Christopher Johnson. 1012.—Nicotinae, gtt. ss-iiss. Vini Xerensis, Aquae destillatae, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. One dose. Several times a day. Haughton. 1013.—$ Nicotinae, gr. ss. Aquae destillatae, f 3ij.—M. Sig. For hypodermic use. (Ten minims contain ofagiain.) Erlenmeyer. Threadworms. See Worms. Thrush. See Aphthae. Tic Douloureux. See Neuralgia. Tinea. See Skin Diseases. Tinnitus Aurium. 1014.—I* Arnicae, 3ij. Aquae bulllentie, Oss. Macera per lioras duas et cola. Dein adde— Tincturae Arnicae, f3ij. Tincturae Cardamomi, f 3vj.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful three times a day. Wilde. Tonsillitis. See Quinsy. 273 Toothache. 1015.—Acidi arseniosi, gr. ij. Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. j. Creasoti, q. s. Fiat pasta. . Sig. Apply by a bit of cotton-wool to carious por- tion. Bartholow. 1016.—Aluminis, 3j. Tincturae Myrrhae, f 3ij. Tincturae Cinehonae, f Mellis Rosae, f |ij. Vini Xerici, Oj. Misce et fiat gargarysma. (In spongy and receding gums.) Bartholow. 1017.—Mastiches, gr. x. Acidi tannici, 3j • sulphurici, f §ss.—M. Druitt. 1018.— R Olei Caryophylli, Olei Cajuputi, aa f 3j. Pulveris Opii, Camphorae, aa 3ss. Spiritus rectificati, q. s. Ut fiat solutio. Copland. 1019.—Creasoti, gr. lxxv. Tincturae Pyrethri, f 3iiss.—M. Sig. Put in the hollow tooth by means of a little cotton. Trousseau et Reveil. Trichinosis. 1020.—Ergot or Ergotin is suggested by— Dr. Rhode, of Berlin. 1021.—In the very early stage, on the plan recom- mended for seatworms, to cleanse the intes- tine of the parasite by a purgative dose of calomel ( 3j-ij) is perhaps the best treat- ment- E. F. Walker. 274 1022.—“Dr. Ferrer (Oazz. de les Hopital Valencia) has cured a ease of trichinosis with alcohol. He commenced with six and increased to nine ounces daily, in sugared water, in the intervals of feeding. The cure was effected in eighteen days.” (Napheys’ Medical Therapeutics, 8th ed., 1885.) Trismus Neonatorum. See also Tetanus. 1023.—$ Chloral Hydratis, gr. j-v. Syrupi simplicis, ?3j.—M. Sig. One dose. Bartholow. 1024.—$ Extracti Gelsemii fluidi, lllviij-xvj. Syrupi simplicis, f 3j. Aquas destillatae, q. s. ad f §ss.—M. Sig. A half teaspoonful every two to four hours. Bartholow. Tuberculosis. See Rachitis and Phthisis. Tympanitis. See also Fever. 1025.—R Olei Ricini, Olei Terebinthinae, Mueilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f §ss. Misce et fiat haustus. (Also in tapeworm.) Hooper. 1026.—R Olei Terebinthime, Olei Ricini, aa f 3iij. Olei Cajuputi, lRvj. Magnesiae calcinatae, 3j. Aquae Menthae piperit.ae, f Misce et fiat haustus. (Also in typhoid fever.) Joy. 1027.—$ Olei Terebinthinse, f §j. Pulveris Acacise, q. s. Misce et adde— Decocti Ilordei, f §xix. Fiat enema. (Distension of abdomen with gas.) Hooper. 275 1028.—R Olei Terebinthinae, f |.j. Olei Oliva?, f §iss. Cainphorse, 3j. Decocti A vena;, f §viij. Misce et fiat enema. (In hysterical tympanitis.) Copland, Typhoid and Typhus Fever. See Fever. 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 Ulcer. 1029.— $ Balsami Copaibae, 3ij. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f §ss. Misce et adde— Aquae Calcis, f §vj. Fiat injectio. (In ulceration of the urethra, rectum, oi vagina.) Abernethy. 1030.—$ Creasoti, llliv. Aquae destillatae, f —M. Sig. In tablespoonful doses. (In chronic gastric ulcer.) Niemeyer. 1031.—$ Creasoti, lfliv. Tincturae Galbani, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §ij. Fiat lotio. (In indolent ulcers with excessive dis- charge. ) Neligan. 1032.—$ Acidi nitrici, blxij. Aquae destillatae, f §xvj. Fiat lotio. ( To indolent ulcers.) Sir E. Howe. 1033.—$ Acidi Nitrici diluti, Ihx. Extracti Opii, gr. y. Aquae destillatae, f. §j. Fiat lotio. (In sloughing, incised wounds.) Erichsen 1034.—$ Aluminis, 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f fviij. Fiat lotio. ( To foul ulcers.') Pennypacker. 1035.— $ Zinci Sulpho-carbolatis, 3vj. Aquas destillatae, f jviij.—M. Sig. Each portion to be used to be mixed with three parts of water. (A lotion for fetid ulcers.') II. Lee. 1036.—$ Tincturae Iodi, f §j. Acidi tamiici, q. s. ad saturandum.—M. (An application to ulcers of the rectum and amis, fissure in ano. Also serviceable in ulcer, subinvolution, and hypertrophy of the uterus.') Barth,olow. 284 1037.—$ Iodoformi pulverizati, §j. Detur in scatula. (To be dusted over sloughing and ill-conditioned wounds, irritable and rodent ulcers, chancroid, sloughing phagedena, serpiginous syphilitic ulcers, and syphilitic ulcers of the tonsils, pharynx, and tongue.) Bartholow. 1038.—$ Argenti Oxidi, Extracti Hyoscyami, aa gr. v. Misce et fiant pilulas No. x. (Tn gastric ulcer.) Bartholow. Uraemia. 1039.—$ Tincturae Scillae, f 3ij. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §ij. Decoctum Scoparii, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. Two tablespoonfuls three times daily. Charteris. 1040.—$ Tincturse Hyoscyami, f 3iij. Spiritus HStheris nitrosi, f 5ss. Liquoris Ammonii Acetatis, f §j. Aquae Camphorae, q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every three hours. (Inhalation of chloroform during convulsions, or chloral hydrate by the mouth or hypodermically. In sudden attacks in plethoric persons, as sometimes in pregnancy, free venesection.) Charteris. 1041.—$ Acidi benzoici, 9v. Divide in chartulas No. v. Sig. One powder every three hours, largely diluted. Da Costa. 1042.—$ Hydrargyri Cliloridi mitis, gr. vj. Pilulge Coloeynthidis composite, gr. xiv. Fiant pilulse ii. Sig. One dose, to be followed in four hours by a dose of compound licorice powder. George Johnson. 1043.—$ Olei Tiglii, gtt. v. Olei Caryophylli, gtt. ij. Micae Panis, q. s. Misce et liant pilulae No. v. Sig. Take one every two, three, or four hours pro re nata. Paris. Uric Acid Diathesis. 1044.—$ Acidi Hydrocblorici diluti, f 3j. Acidi lactici, f 3iij. Syrupi simplicis, f §ss. Aquae destillatae, f §ij.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful after each meal. ( When the excess of acid is due to faulty digestion.) Bartholow. 1045.—$ Sodii Bicarbonatis, 3j. Tincturae Caiumbae, f |j. Infusi Quassiae, f §iij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful four times a day. Hazard. 1046.—$ Sodii Carbonatis, 3ij- §ss. Aquae calidae, Oij. Misce et fiat potus. Sig. To be taken ad libitum. Proutt. Urticaria. See also Pruritus. 1047.—$ Plumbi Acetatis, Ammonii Carbonatis, aa 3j. Tincturae Opii, f ?ss. Aquae Rosae, f 5viij.—M. Sig. Apply locally. Hazard. 1048.—$ Potassii Bromidi, §ss. Aquae destillatae, q. s. ad f §iij.—M. Sig. Dose, a dessertspoonful four times a day. ( When persistent and independent of local causes and constitutional derangement.') .McCall Anderson. 286 1049.—$ Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xij. Pulveris Rhei, gr. xxiv. Misce et flant pilulae No. xii. Sig. One pill three times a day. ( When intermit- tent.) Waring. 1050.—$ Acidi benzoici, gr. x-xx. Aquae destillata;, f^viij. Misce et flat lotio. (To allay itching in chronic cases.) Ringer. 1051.—$ Sodii Biboratis, §ss. Aqua; destillatae, f §viij. Fiat lotio. (AZso in chloasma, or liver spots; Pekeika.) Waring. Uvula, Relaxation of. 1052.—$ Pulvcris Capsici, 3ss. Potassii Nitratis, Ammonii Chloridi, aa 3j. Misce bene et detur in scatula. Sig. Apply by means of camel’s-hair pencil. B. Granville. 1053.—$ Aeidi tannici, §ss. Glycerini, f §ij. Misce cum leni calore. Sig. Apply with camel’s-hair brush. llillier. 1054.—$ Aluminis, 3j. Infusi galla1, f §vj. Fiat gargarysma. (Along with hypertrophied ton- siln.) Waring. 287 288 289 290 291 Vaginitis. 1055.—$ Tincturse Cubebae, f 3ij. Sig. A teaspoonful three times a day. Piorry. 1056.—$ Cubebae, §j. Aquae, Oj. Fiat infusum. (As a vaginal injection.) Piorry. 1057.— $ Glyeerini, f §iv. Acidi tannici, §j.—M. (A local application for adults and children.) Braxton Hicks. 1058.-$ Aluminis, 3j. Aquae, Oj. Fiat lotio. (In vulvitis of children.) (Ringer. 1059.—$ Liquoris Plumbi Subacetatis, f 3j. Tincturse Hyoscyatni, f 3ij. Aquae Camphorae, f §viij. Misce et flat lotio. Sig. Apply constantly, tepid, with saturated cloths. (In vulvitis of adults and children.) Waring. Valvular Disease. See Heart Disease. Variola. See Smallpox. Venereal Disease. See Syphilis. Vertigo. 1060.—R Pulveris Rhei, 3j. Sodii Bicarbonatis, Pulveris Gentianae, aa 3ij. Aquae Menthae piperitae, Aquae destillatae, aa f §iij.—M. Sig. Tablespoonful before acli meal. (When clue to indigestion.') Edward C. Mann. 292 1061.—II Potassii Bitartratis, 3vj. Pulveris Jalapae, 3ij.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful in milk or syrup every two or three hours. (In plethoric cases.) II. V. Sweringen. 1062.—R Potassii Bicarbonatis, 3ij. Tincturae Nueis vomicae, f 3ss. Tincturae Cardamomi composite, f 3iij. Liquoris Lacto-peptini, f^j. Syrupi simplicis, f 3ij. Aquae Mentliae piperitae, q. 6. ad f §iv.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful in water every three or four hours. (In gastric vertigo.) If.V.Sweringen. 1063.— R Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, gr. j. Glycerini, f §j. Tincturae Cinchonae compositae, f §ij- Olei Menthae piperitae, hlxxv.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water three times a day. (In the vertigo and dizziness of the aged.) C. Handfield Jones. Vomiting. See also Morning Sickness and Sea Sickness. 1064.—R Acidi carbolici, gr. iv. Bismuthi Subnitratis, 3i,j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f Aquae Menthae piperitae, f jiij.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful every two, three, or four hours. (Due to acute stomachal and intestinal disorder.) Bartholow. 1065.—R Creasoti, H\vj. Pulveris Tragacanthae, 3ss. Aquae Camphorae, f §vj.—M. Sig. A sixth part to be taken for a dose. (In obstinate vomiting.) Kesteven. 293 1066.—$ Vini Ipecacuanhae, f §ss. Sig. Dose, one drop every hour to thrice daily. (Suitable in all cases.) Ringer. 1067.—$ Extracti Nucis vomicae, gr. j. Extracti Conii, gr. xij. Misce et tiant pilulae No. vi. Sig. Take one three times a day. (When due to malignant disease of stomach.) Barlow. 1068.—$ Bismuthi Subnitratis, 3i,j. Acidi Hydrocyaniei diluti, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Acaciae, Aquae Menthae piperitae, aa f §ij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful thrice daily. (With gastric nicer.) j)n Costa. 1069.—$ Ammonii Carbonatis, 3ij. Pulveris Tragacanthae, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f § vij.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful every hour. (When due to acidity.) Ruder macher. 1070.—$ Tincturae Benzoini compositae^ Acidi Sulphuric! diluti, aa f §ss.—M. Sig. Dose, thirty drops, with sugar. E. G. Clark. 1071.—$ Potassii Iodidi, 3iv. Infusi Quassias, f§vii.j.—M. Sig. Take a tablespoonful three times a day. (In sympathetic vomiting.) Selkirk. 1072.—$ Tincturae Nucis vomicae, lTU.j. Aquae Laurocerasi, f3j.—M. Sig. Ten drops night and morning. (Pregnancy.) Kroyla. Vulvitis. See Vag-initis, 294 205 296 297 298 299 Wakefulness. See Insomnia. Warts. See Condylomata. Whitlow. See Onychia. Whooping Cough. See Hooping Cough. Worms. 1073.—II Pulveris Brayerae anthelminticae, 3vij. Olei Rieini ferventis, f Misce et cola. Super residuum funde— Aquae bullientis, f §iss. Macera per horam, et filtra. Combine the two filtrates into an emulsion by means of yolk of eggs, and add forty drops ether sul- phuric. Sweeten and aromatize to taste. One dose, after proper preliminary treatment. ( Tapeworm.') Carri. Granati Corticis Radicis, _^ss. Seminum Peponis, §j. Extracti Filicis maris aetherei, f3j. Pulveris Ergotae, 3j. Pulveris Acaciae, 3ij. Olei Tiglii, lT}ij. Thoroughly bruise the granate bark and pumpkin- seed, and with the ergot boil in eight ounces of water for fifteen minutes, and strain through a coarse cloth. Rub up well the croton-oil and extract of male fern with the acacia, and form into an emulsion with the decoction. Take at one dose at ten o’clock in the morning, having eaten no breakfast, and having taken a full dose of Rochelle salts the previous night. This expels the worm alive and entire within two hours, the head firmly fastened to the side of its own'body. Sohafhirt. Olei Filicis maris, f 3ss-j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f §ij.—M. Take at one dose, after keeping a light diet for the preceding twenty-four hours, and ten minutes after- wards a goblet of sweet milk. Two hours after the above dose give— 300 1076.— $ Olei Terebinthinae, f 3j-iv. Olei Ricini, f Mucilaginis Acaciae, f §ij.—M. Sig. One dose. (In tapeworm.) M’Phail. 1077.—$ Pulveris Kamalae, gr. v-x. Syrupi Aurantii Florum, f 3ss. Mucilaginis Tragacanthae, 3j. Aquae destillatae, f §j. Misce et fiat haustus. Sig. Take early in the morning four hours after a purge. (For a child two to five years. Tapeworm.) Tanner. 1078.—$ Olei Chenopodii, gtt. lx-f 3j. Mucilaginis Acaciae, f 3ij. Syrupi simplicis, f |j. Aquae Cinnamomi, f gij.—M. Sig. A dessertspoonful three times a day for three days, and repeat after three days. (Lumbrici, child of two years.) Meigs and Pepper. 1079.—$ Santonini, gr. viij. Extracti Sennae et Spigeliae fluidi, f Sig. One teaspoonful to a child of five years. (Lumbrici and ascarides.) jm Lewis Smith. 1080.—$ Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, gr. ij. Santonini, gr. iss. Sacchari Lactis, gr. xv. Misce ct fiat pulvis. Sig. One dose, in honey. (Infant two years old. Lumbrici.) Eugene Bouchnt. 1081.—$ Mucunae, 9ij-3j. Syrupi simplicis, §ss.—M. Sig. A teaspoonful every morning before breakfast for three days, and a dose of castor-oil after the last dose. (Children two to five years old. In lumbrici.) Correa. 301 1082.— Sulphuris loti, 3ss. Magnesi®, 3j. Misce et divide in chartulas iv. Sig. One morning and evening in children who have passed worms, in order to prevent their reproduction. Giordano. 1083.— R Tinctur* Ferri Chloridi, f Aqu®, f §viij. Fiat enema. (For ascarides.) Earwall. Fuliginis Ligni, §j. Aqu®, f §v. Coque per quartam partem hor® et cola. Fiat enema. (In ascarides.) Trousseau. 1085.—Pulveris Aloes Socotriu®, gr. xv. Olei Theobrom®, Cer* flav®, aa q. s. Fiant suppositoria No. iii. Sig. Use one every night. (Ascarides.) J. 31. Maisch. 1086-—Allii sativi bulbi, 3ij—iv. Lactis, f 3vj—viij. Leniter ebulliant, et cola, ut fiat enema. Eadius. 1087.—R Assafoetid®, 5iij. Lactis vaecini, f §v. Tore simul et cola per linteum, ut fiat enema. (In ascarides.) Eudolphi. 1088.—Camphor*, 3j. Olei Oliv®, f3ij. Misce ct fiat enema. (Ascarides.) Fowler. 1089.—Sodii Chloridi, -jij. Infusi Quassi®, Oj. Fiat enema. Sig. Use once a day. If this fails to dislodge them completely, give- 302 1090.—Ferri Sulphatis, Quininae Sulphatis, Pilulae Aloes cum Myrrha, Pilulae Galbaui compositae, aagr. 1. Misce et fiant pilulae No. 1. Sig. Take one pill three times a day. Keep up for a fortnight. Adult dose. (In oxyuris vermicularis.') William Date. 1091.— Acidi earbolici, gtt. x-xx. Glycerini, f 3j. Potassii Chloratis, ad saturandum. Aquae, f gviij. Fiat enema. The amount of carbolic acid may be increased. (In ascarides.) TP. II. Van Buren. 1092.—Sodii Hyposulphitis, gr. v-x. Fiat cliartula. Sig. One three times a day, until slight catharsis is produced. (In oxyuris.) Wgyy 1093.—Aloes Barbadensis1, 3ss. Potassii Carbonatis, gr. xv. Decocti Amyli, f Misce et fiat enema. (In seatworms.) Guichon. 1094.—II Hydrargyri Chloridi mitis, >)iv. Unguenti Petrolei, 3vj. Fiat ungueutum. Sig. Anoint anus and vulva. (Seatworms.) Vallcix. Wounds. 1095.—Tincturae Arnicae, f3ij. Aquae destillatae, f 5iv. Fiat lotio. Gracfc. 1096.—I* Phenol Sodique, f ~ vj. Sig. In all wounds and surgical operations. J. E. Garrelson. 1097.—R A cidi carbol iei, 3j. Glycerini, f §j.—M. Hazard. 1098.— Collodii, f §ij. Sig. Properly applied useful in clean, incised wounds, bleeding from leachbites, cupping, and lacerated peri- neum . Comstock. 1099.—Take of Bicarbonate of soda, drms. Venice turpentine, 2 ib and 8 oz. Water, 18 pints, imperial measure. Digest for six days in a bath at a temperature not higher than 75° C., and filter. Adapted for very large wounds. Apply by means of a compress consisting of eight folds of linen, well soaked in the solution, over the whole surface, cover with oiled silk, and leave on for twelve hours, moistening with a little additional solution every four or five hours. “Granulation and cicatrization are speedily established.” jf. Kerner. 1100.— Tincturae Eucalypti, f 3ij. Aquae destillatae, f §iv.—M. Girnbert. 304 :505 306 307 308 309 310 311 Xeroderma. 1101.—ty- Olei Morrhuae, f §vj. Sig. Anoint daily after a warm hath. Ringer. 1102. Glycerini, Aquce Coloniensis, aa f §ij. Sig. Apply daily to the thoroughly dried skin after a warm bath. Ringer. Yellow Fever. See Fever. 312 APPENDIX. FORMULAS AND DOSES FOR HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. —Apomorphinae, gr. j. Aquae fontanae, f 3iiss. Solve. One minim = gr. TiTy. Dose, 5-20 minims. (Prompt emetic.) —A tropin ae Sulphatis, gr. j. Aquae fontanae, f3xv. Solve. One minim =gr. Dose, 5-20 minims. ]}—-Caffeinae, gr. x. Alcoholis, Aquae fontanae, aa f 3iss. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 4-18 minims. I}:—Camphorae, gr. v Alcoholis, 1' 3j. Solve. Dose, 0-30 minims. —Coninag, gr. j. Alcoholis, Aquae fontanae, aa f 3v. Solve. One minim = gr. 6lg. Dose, 5-15 minims. 314 R—Chloral Hydratis, 3j. Aquae fontanae, f 3ij. Solve. Dose, 4-16 minims. R—Daturinae, gr. ss. Aquae fontanae, f §j. Solve. One minim =gr. Dose, 4-10 minims. R—Digitalinae, gr. ss. Alcoholis, Aquae fontanae, aa f 3ij. Solve. One minim = gr. ¥ Dose, 4-8 minims. R—Ergotinae, gr. xv. Alcoholis, Glycerini, aa f 5iiss.—M. One minim = gr. Dose, 5-30 minims. R—Extracti Ergotae fluidi, q. s. Filter carefully. Dose, 10 minims. R—Hydrargyri Chloridi corrosivi, Ammonii Chloridi, aa gr. iij. Misce et solve in— Aquae fontanae, f 3iss. Dein adde— Albuminis Ovi, f 3iss. Aquae fontanae, f 3v. Filtra et adjice— Aquae fontanae, q. s. ad f 3x. One minim = gr. Dose, 3-10 minims. R—Hydrargyri et Sodii Iodidi, gr. iij. Aquae fontanae, f 3iiiss. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 10 minims every other day. 315 —Morphinae Sulphatis, gr. xxiv. Atropinae Sulphatis, gr. j. Olei Amygdalae amarae, gtt. j. Aquae fontanae, i' §ij. Solve. Ten minims contain gr. i of Morphina and gr. of Atj-opina. (Didama’s solution.') —Pilocarpinae muriatis vel nitratis, gr. iij. Aquae fontanae, f 3iv. Solve. One minim = gr. . Dose, 10-20 minims. —Potassii Iodidi, 3j. Aquae fontanae, f 3iv. Solve. Dose, 6-20 minims. —Quininae Sulphatis, gr. xv. Acidi sulphurici aromatici, q. s. ad solutionem. Aquae fontanae, q. s. ad f 3iiss. Fiat solutio. One minim =gr. Dose, 5-30 minims. —Strychninae Sulphatis, gr. j. Aquae fontanae, f §j. Solve. (Heat in a test-tube, or triturate in a mortar until all the crystals disappear.) One minim = gr. Dose, 4-15 minims. —Woorarae, gr. j. Aquae fontan00, f3iij. One minim =gr. Dose, 5-10 minims. Notes.—After drawing the required amount of fluid into the syringe, expel the small globules of air by everting the syringe and pressing the piston upwards, uutil a drop of the liquid appears at the point of the needle. Draw the skin up and tense at the required place, and press the needle through into the subcutaneous tissues; which done, inject the fluid slowly into them. 316 After the needle has been withdrawn place the finger over the puncture for a short time. The veins, inflamed spots, and bony prominences are places to be avoided in puncturing; the arm, thigh, abdomen, back, and calf of the leg are places suitable for puncturing. In hypodermic medication the dose is about one- half that required by the mouth, and the effects are' more rapid, certain, and exact. This manner of medication should be resorted to when immediate and decided results are required; when medicines otherwise administered fail to do good; when medicines are required which the patient refuses or cannot swallow; when there is an irritable state of the stomach precluding exhibition by the mouth. Solutions intended for hypodermic use should be neutral, without acid or alkaline reaction, and non- irritating. The medicines should be rendered perfectly solu- ble, and the menstruum perfectly free from foreign matters. Solutions of the alkaloids should be made fresh as required, since they spoil on long keeping. Filtered rain or spring waters are preferable, as a menstruum, to distilled water which has been kept for some days. Bartlwlow. 317 318 Names. Incubation. Day of Rash. Character of Rash. Rash Fades. Duration. Measles. Rubeola. 10 to 14 da}’s. 4th day of fever after 72 hours’ illness. Small red dots, resembling fleabites, first appearing on temples and forehead, form- ing blotches with semilunar borders. On 7th day of fever. 6 to 10 days. Scarlet Fever. Scarlatina. 1 to 6 days, occasionally 21 days. 2d day of fever, alter 24 hours’ illness. Bright scarlet, rapidly dif- fused, first on chest and upper extremities. On 5t,h day of fever. 8 to 9 days. Typhus Fever. Ship Fever. 1 to 12 days. 4th to 7th day. Mulberry colored maculae, general and abundant over abdomen, extending to ex- tremities. . . • • 14 to 21 days. Typhoid Fever. Enteric Fever. 10 to 14 days, or suddenly. 7th to 14th day. Rose-colored papules, ele- vated, few in number, lim- ited to trunk, fresh spots persisting to occur during career. 21 to 30 days. ERUPTIVE FEVERS. Smallpox. Variola. 10 to 14 days. 3d day of fever, after 48 hours’ illness. Small, round, red, hard pimples, forming vesicles (umbilicated), then pustules, first appearing on face and wrists. 9th day scabs form, and about 14th day fall off. 14 to 21 days. Chicken-pox. Varicella. 1 days. 2d day of fever, after 24 hours’ illness. Small rose-colored papules, soon forming vesicles, which do not become pustular. Slight scab of short dura- tion. 6 to 7 days. Erysipelas. 3 to 7 days. 2d or 3d day. Diffused redness, either of a dusky or yellowish hue with swelling. Roseola. 6 to 10 days. After 12 to 36 hours’ illness. Rose-colored spots not ele- vated, occurring irregularly at different points. From 24 to 48 hours. Period of Isolation.—Persons infected with Diphtheria, Measles, Scarlet Fever, and Smallpox, 40 days ; with Chicken-pox and Mumps, 25 days. These periods count from the inception of the disease, including the period of incubation. Before pronouncing the period of isolation over, the patient should be bathed. jforw Stewart, Jr. 320 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Acid, Acetic. Great heat and burning pain in the stomach; convulsions; death. Magnesia, its carbonates, with cream or water; soap; alkalies. Acid, Carbonic. Great drowsiness; giddiness; difficult respiration; loss of muscular power and sensibility; coma; face and body swollen and livid; eyes prominent. Remove patient to fresh air; elevate the head; cold affusions; stimulating frictions to thorax and extremities; arti- ficial respiration. Acid, Carbolic. Burning sensation from mouth to sto- mach ; gastric pain; vomiting of frothy mucus; cold, clammy skin; difficult, rapid, and superficial breathing; insensi- bility; pupils contracted; odor percepti- ble in breath. Venesection, if cerebral oppression; strong solution of saccharated calcium; calcined magnesia diffused in lime-water; demulcents; calcium carbonate; alka- lies; soap; fixed oils; symptomatic treat- ment for nervous symptoms. Acid, Muriatic. (Hydrochloric.) Acid, Nitric. Acid, Nitro-Muriatic Acid, Sulphuric. Sense of burning in throat and stomach; styptic taste in mouth; thirst; eyes red and sparkling; frequent, tense pulse; hot, dry skin; tongue red and glazed; lips black ; eroupy cough ; great inflam- Alkalies; plaster from the walls; com- mon soap, followed by copious draughts of tepid water or flax-seed tea, except where sulphuric acid has been taken ; demulcents; magnesium or calcium car- POISONS—Symptoms, Antidotes, and Treatment. mation of abdominal viscera; vomiting of blood and yellow matter; smelling of acid; cold sweats; delirium. bonate; if patient survives first effects, use antiphlogistic remedies for inflam- mation. Acid, Prussic. (Hydrocyanic.) Potassium Cyanide. In large dose, immediate death ; in smaller, pain in head, stupor, nausea, faintness, vertigo, dilated pupils, loss of sight, difficult respiration, vibrating pulse, syncope; which will end in death if curative measures are not employed. The odor of the acid is strongly exhaled; death from paralysis of respiratory centre. A chemical antidote is: Sulphate of Iron, grs. 10; Tinct. Chloride of Iron, dr. 1; water, oz. 1; mix and take, im- mediately followed by Potassium Carbo- nate, grs. 20. Chlorine water; inhala- tion of chlorine gas; dil. sol. of ammonia; cold affusions to head, chest, and spine; mustard to stomach; artificial respira- tion ; hypodermic injection of atropia. Acid, Oxalic. Acid, Tartaric. Burning heat of stomach; sometimes vomiting- or retching; great prostration ; spasmodic respiration; convulsions. Mixtures of magnesia; whiting; chalk ; plaster from the walls; calcium or mag- nesium carbonate. Aconite. In large doses causes much excitement; confusion of the intellect; respiratory movements slow, irregular and stertor- ous ; gastric pain ; nausea ; great muscu- lar weakness; cold body, tongue, and breath; skin covered with a profuse sweat; vomiting and retching with Verat- ■ rum; pulse almost indistinguishable. Animal charcoal; opium; stimulants by mouth and rectum; warmth; friction ; vegetable astringents; tannin ; digitalis; galvanism; stomach to be carefully wash- ed out, and the subsequent symptoms met and combated ; keep patient in a re- cumbent position ; give cathartics; am- monia and morphia hypodermically. 322 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Alcohol. In small quantities, mere excitement; in large, much excitement; confusion of intellect followed by somnolence, even coma and apoplexy; may be mistaken for epilepsy or apoplexy. Evacuate stomach by emetics, warm water and salt the best, repeated at short intervals; aromatic spirits of ammonia; cold douche; galvanism ; stimulate re- spiratory movements; strong coffee. Alkalies. (Potash, Soda, and Ammonia.) Excoriation of mouth and fauces; burn- ing in stomach ; vomiting and purging, often of bloody matters; surface cold and clammy; pulse quick and feeble; sense of strangulation. Dilute acetic acid; vinegar; oil; de- mulcents copiously; when vapor of am- monia has been inhaled, fumes of vinegar should be inspired; opium and stimu- lants. Antimony, its Salts. Nausea; severe vomiting; hiccough; cardialgia; burning heat at epigastrium ; colic and purging; small rapid pulse; cold skin; syncope; difficult respiration ; vertigo; great prostration. Astringent infusions containing tannin, oak bark, Peruvian bark ; strong tea or coffee; oily warm liquids; galls; emetics; stimulants; albumen; mucilage; opium; U6e the 6tomaeh pump if necessary. Arsenic and its Compounds. Metallic, austere taste; great flow of saliva ; nausea and vomiting; fainting; great thirst; sense of heat in stomach ; much griping, tenesmus and purging; Abundant draughts of sweet milk, gruel, decoctions of starch, oil, and lime- water; tickle the fauces to induce vomit- ing; light magnesia; fats; albumen; 323 stools dark and offensive; urine scanty, high colored; pulse small, frequent; respiration labored ; cold sweats ; pros- tration ; convulsions; delirium. animal charcoal; hydrated oxide of iron given frequently; dialized iron ; ferric salts where Fowler’s solution; afterwards combat inflammatory symptoms ; opium and alcoholic stimulants. Barium and its Salts. Those of irritation combined with an affection of the brain and nervous system, as vertigo, convulsions, paralysis ; burn- ing in the stomach; griping and vomiting. Epsom and Glauber salts; dilute sul- phuric acid ; oils ; emetics ; vinegar and water; stomach pump; sodium phos- phate ; hydrated magnesia. Belladonna and Atropia. Dryness and redness of the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth, nose, larynx, and tongue; pupil dilated; im- paired vision ; thirst; feverishness ; flush- ed face; great weakness; hurried breath- ing ; delirious excitement; convulsions ; coma. Opium; morphia in small hypodermic injections frequently repeated; vegetable astringents; tartar emetic; calabar bean; tannin; animal charcoal; apomorphia as an emetic, with a cathartic; sulphate of copper; iodine; caustic alkalies destroy the active principle. Bismuth, its Salts. Burning pain in throat; nausea, vomit- ing, and diarrhoea ; coldness of extremi- ties ; spasms. Albumen ; milk and sweetened mucil- aginous drinks; induce vomiting by tick- ling fauces. Bromine. Inflammation and irritation of the parts with which it comes in contact; violent gastritis ; depression ; collapse. Immediate and free use of starch ; in- halation of sulphuretted hydrogen; am- monia; magnesia. 324 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Calabar Bean. Respiration becomes slower and shal- lower ; death from asphyxia, heart con- tinuing to beat for sometime afterwards. Stimulants; artificial respiration; cath- artics ; atropia to antagonize the respira- tory depression; subcutaneous injection of ether; emetics ; tannin ; faradization of chest. Cannabis Indica. Induces cataleptic state; pupil dilated; delirium ; vertigo ; stupor. See Opium. Cantharis. Burning sensation in throat; violent pain in stomach and bowels; nausea; vomiting ; purging ; ejections frequently bloody and purulent; great heat and irri- tation of urinary organs; painful pria- pism ; pulse quick and hard; convul- sions ; tetanus ; delirium and syncope. Promotion of vomiting by means oi warm demulcents ; copious dilution ; bleeding; warm bath; opium; camphor; enema of mutton broth; laudanum; antiphlogistic treatment. Chloral. Gastric irritation; nausea; vomiting; profound narcotism; respirations slow and shallow; pulse weak, rapid, and irregular; complete muscular relaxa- tion. % Evacuants, as emetics, cathartics; counter irritants; stimulants to maintain heart’s action and bodily heat; ammonia; galvanism. (See Opium.') 325 Chloroform. . IO Cf) Sudden pallor of face; lividity and gasping of breath ; pulse feeble and irregular; great muscular relaxation; death occurs very suddenly in the form of asphyxia; relaxation of sphincters; stoppage of flow of blood. Artificial respiration ; lower the head; elevate the legs ; inhalation of ammonia ; hypodermic injection of brandy or digi- talis ; surface of chest to be smartly slap- ped with fringe of towel dipped in ice- water ; ice in rectum ; electricity; nitrite of amyl. Chlorine. Great and painful constriction of the glottis; sensation of suffocation, alter- nating with asphyxia; if protracted, laryngitic and pulmonic inflammation ; odor of gas perceptible in breath and vomited matter. Free use of albumen; magnesia with mucilaginous drinks ; inhalations of am- monia ; vapor of warm ether inhaled, even sulphuretted hydrogen, but avoid excess of it. Cocaine. Powerful intoxication and complete in- sensibility. Nitrite of amyl by inhalation, three drops every four minutes. Colchicum ■ Heat in epigastrium ; nausea ; vomit- ing ; depression of circulation ; acute ab- dominal pain ; watery discharges ; sup- pression of urine ; cold sweats and cold- ness of extremities. Digitalis, stimulants, emetics, and pur- gatives freely administered; opium and demulcents freely given. Gonium. Paralysis of voluntary muscles, those of the inferior extremities first affected ; vertigo; respiration slow and labored; bodily temperature lowered. • Stimulants; artificial respiration; cath- artics ; atropia has been recommended as an antidote; tannin ; cold affusions; caus- tic alkalies. 326 Poisons*. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Copper, its Salts. Violent headache; vomiting; pain in bowels ; cramps of lower extremities ; a peculiar coppery taste ; diarrhoea ; con- vulsions ; palsy; insensibility; quick pulse; cold extremities. Vomiting to be promoted by copious draughts of warm water, milk, and mu- cilaginous fluids ; albumen ; tea ; coffee ; oak bark infusion ; ferrocyanide of potas- sium followed by emetics. Croton Oil. Sense of heat, pain and nausea, fol- lowed by tormina, watery stools, violent catharsis, prostration, collapse and acute inflammation of the intestines. Emetics; demulcent drinks ; after clean- ing the stomach give cathartics; chemical antidote, tannin; alcohol; ether; camphor and nitrite of amyl. Curare. Violent headache and determination of the blood to the head ; weariness ; pulse more frequent; respirations increased ; loss of mobility; becoming slower and weaker the respiration finally ceases. Tannin ; caustic alkalies ; emetics ; cold affusions; artificial respiration; hypo- dermic use of atropia and strychnia ; free stimulation with alcohol and ammonia. Digitalis. In poisonous dose arrests the heart in systole, and induces tetanic state of heart’s muscles; number of pulsations reduced; rise of arterial tension succeeded by quick, feeble pulse and fall of blood pressure. Vegetable astringent infusions; cathar- tics ; keep the patient rigidly in the hori- zontal position; tea; coffee; stimulants; albumen; tannin; opium; sol. chloride of iron; nitrite of amyl; nitro-glycerine; aconite; saponaria. Dnboisia. See Belladonna. See Belladonna. Ergot and Ergotine. Has an irritant action on the intestinal Alcohol; diffusible stimulants ; hot ap- tract causing: pain, vomiting, and occa- sionally purging; pupil dilated; dimness of vision ; stupor; giddiness. The chronic poisoning is of a gangrenous form. plications to surface ; demulcent drinks ; digitalis to support the heart’s action. Gelseminm. Gait at first staggering; afterwards loss of muscular movement; diffused numb- ness over body; eyelids closed; pupils widely dilated and do not respond to light; respirations shallow, labored, and irregular ; heart’s action weak, feeble, and intermittent; death from asphyxia; consciousness is preserved until near the close. Diffusible stimulants; alcohol; ammo- nia ; digitalis; belladonna; emetics; warmth; faradization of the chest mus- cles ; artificial respiration ; tannin ; caus- tic alkalies; morphia hypodermically. Gold. See Mercury. See Mercury. Hydrocyanic acid and Compounds. See Acid, Prussic. See Acid, Prussic. Hyoscyamus. (Henbane.) Similar to Belladonna. Similar to Belladonna. 328 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Iodine and its Compounds. In large doses causes heat and constric- tion of fauces; nausea; offensive eructa- tions ; pain in stomach; retching; colic; diarrhoea ; quickness of pulse ; thirst; salivation ; convulsions ; cephalalgia ; vertigo; tremors. Starch ; wheaten flour well mixed with water; afterwards vinegar and water; cathartics; mucilaginous fluids ; antiphlo- gistics for the inflammatory symptoms as they occur. Iron, its Salts. Large doses of soluble preparations give rise to nausea, vomiting, and purg- ing. The per salts more active than the proto salts; %enseof heat in stomach and bowels. Sodium carbonate; mucilaginous drinks; alkaline carbonates ; magnesia ; overcome the ensuing constipation by cathartics. Lead, its Salts. Obstinate constipation ; violent colic; retraction of the abdomen ; vomiting; small, hard pulse; labored breathing; tremors; gums with a blue tinge; paraly- sis of extremities. Saline cathartics ; almond or olive oil; alum ; albumen ; dilute sulphuric acid ; potassium iodide in the chronic form; opium to relieve pain and relax spasm ; Epsom salts; purgatives. Lobelia. If vomiting does not occur the nervous system is affected ; muscular weakness ; Wash the stomach out with solution of tannic acid ; treat the collapse by stimu- 329 trembling ; slow respiration; coldness of 1 surface ; enfeebled circulation ; insensi- bility; sometimes convulsions. lants; sinapisms ; frictions ; counter-irri- tation ; anodynes. Mercury, its Salts. Those of corrosive sublimate resemble those of arsenic, only more immediate and violent; evacuations frequently bloody ; whitened condition of epithelium of mouth; violent irritation of the alimen- tary canal; vomiting; purging; pain in stomach ; irritation of palate; corrosion of mouth, tongue, and palate. Produce vomiting if it does not exist; albumen followed by infusion of catechu ; wheat flour and water followed by emetics; gold leaf and iron filings have been used as an antidote; avoid the use of the stomach pump ; in the chronic form, sali- vation, etc., use potassium chlorate or iodide. Muscarine. Colicky pains, vomiting, and diarrhoea ; disturbed vision; stupor and lowering of sensibility; pulse thread-like; respira- tions short and stert orous; pupils dilated. Tannin; carbonated alkalies; digitaline; atropia; as rapidly as possible evacuate stomach with very energetic emetics ; free purgatives ; cutaneous irritation ; alco- holic stimulants. Nitro- Glycerine and Nitrite of Amyl. Long and persistent headache; a ful- ness and hammering in the temporal regions; vertigo; quickened pulse; dysp- noea ; muscular weakness and tremors. Cold affusions ; artificial respiration ; hypodermic injections of strychnia, atro- pia, ergot, and ammonia; treatment gene- rally symptomatic. Nux Vomica. See Strychnia. See Strychnia. 330 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Opium. Dark, suffused countenance; drowsi- ness ; stupor; perfect insensibility or profound coma; then pallid countenance; slow respiration; deep and stertorous breathing; cold sweats; slow, full pulse; cold and livid skin ; suspension of all secretions except that of the skin ; pupils minutely contracted, insensible to stimu- lation ; at length pulse frequent, feeble, and thread-like; sometimes convulsions, particularly in children. Evacuate stomach by means of stomach pump as soon as possible; counteract tendency to sleep by strong tea, coffee, or irritation of any kind to surface; keep the patient constantly in motion ; cold water to head and shoulders; galvanism ; vege- table astringents ; belladonna; atropia or caffein hypodermically; cathartics; active stimulants; digitalis; artificial respira- tion . Photphorwt. Hot, oniony taste in mouth; acrid, burning sense in throat and stomach; nausea; vomiting; pulse small and fre- quent ; vomited matter of a dark color, emitting white fumes. Mixtures of hydrated magnesia and cold water in repeated draughts; promote vomiting by tickling fauces with a feather; do not use oil, as it tends to dissolve the phosphorus; old turpentine; mucilages; emetic of copper sulphate. Ficrotoxirte. See Strychnia. See Strychnia. Pilocarpine. Profuse perspiration; cold, clammy Persalts of iron and salts of metals 331 uody and extremities; general and alarm- ing depression. generally; cardiac stimulants, such as ammonia, atropia, and alcohol. Potassium Bichro- mate. Burning in mouth, throat, and sto- mach ; excessive and painful vomiting of bloody mucus ; convulsions ; palsy. Potassium or sodium carbonate ; chalk or magnesia in connection with milk or albumen; emetics. Silver, its Salts. Excites violent gastro-enteritis ; symp- toms of an irritating poison. Common salt given freely in solution to act as an emetic as well as an antidote; albumen; tannin. Stramonium. See Belladonna. See Belladonna. Strychnia. Convulsions; tetanus; when a parox- ysm occurs a shudder passes through the whole system ; head and extremities jerk and twitch; then suddenly a general tonic convulsion takes place—the limbs extended, hands clenched, toes and feet incurved, head bent backward, body arch- ed, muscles hard and rigid, countenance assumes a ghastly grin. Tannin atfirst; emetics; stomach pump; tea and coffee; ether or chloroform in- haled ; stimulants ; chloral; potassium bromide in doses of 2-4 drachms; perfect' quiet retards fresh paroxysms; calabar bean; tobacco enema with caution; arti- ficial respiration ; anaesthetics; charcoal; nicotine; nitrite of amyl; chlorine; infu- sion or oil of chamomile ; gelsemium. Tin, Salts of. Austere, metallic taste; constriction of throat; impeded respiration; violent vomiting ; cramp of stomach and violent colic; purging; small, quick pulse; con- vulsions. Copious draughts of milk, or flour and water; then excite vomiting; albumen; inflammatory symptoms to be treated by antiphlogistics and anodynes. 332 Poisons. Symptoms. Antidotes and Treatment. Tobacco. Trembling with clonic spasms : giddi- ness ; delirium; cold sweat; skin cold and clam my; gastric irritation; catharsis. Castor oil; stimulants ; opium ; digi- talis ; strychnia; respiration stimulated by ammonia inhaled, friction or artificial respiration. Turpentine. Heat in stomach; colicky pains; cramps; exhalations having its odor; disturbed state of intellectual functions; irritation and inflammation of the intestinal tract. Emetics; diluents; demulcents; opium, to counteract local irritation and cerebral symptoms. Vegetable Irritants, Aloes, Arum, Capsicum, Colocynth, Creasote, Elaterium, Euphorbium, Gamboge, Jalap, Mezereum, Castor Seed, Savin, Scammony, Tansy. Many of these articles act especially on the bowels, and in moderate doses are advantageously used as cathartics. In large doses they cause violent catharsis, with great irritation of the stomach and bowels. - Expel the poison as promptly as possible by means of emetics, followed by copious warm demulcent drinks, succeeded by liquid cordials; stimulants or narcotic medicines according to circumstances; opium for the bowel depression and in- flammation. 333 Veratnim Virtu.. See Aconite. See Aconite. Venomous Snake Bites. Sharp pain in wound, later on extend- ing over limb and body, first pale, then red and swollen; faintings; convulsions ; small, frequent, irregular pulse; difficult breathing; cold sweats. Place tight ligature above point of bite; leave wound to bleed, and augment by sucking; cauterize by means of caustics ; ammonia freely; free alcoholic stimula- tion ; warm drinks ; dress wound with equal parts of oil and aqua ammonia. Poisonous Mush- rooms. Nausea; heat and pain in stomach and bowels ; vomiting and purging ; thirst; convulsions ; faintings; pulse small and frequent; stupor; dilated pupil; cold sweats. Brisk emetic; then Epsom salts; large and stimulating enemata; ether and alco- holic stimulants; avoid stimulants when inflammatory symptoms appear and treat antiphlogistically. Morse Stewart, Jr. GENERAL TREATMENT OF TOISONING. First eliminate the poison from the stomach or tissues by emetics: Zinc sulphate, gr. 10-30; tartar emetic, gr. 1-2, combined with ipecacuanha, gr. 20; copper sulphate, gr. 2-5; or hypodermic injection of apomorphia. The stomach pump must he used where vomiting cannot be induced by emetics, but great caution must be exercised in cases of irritant poisoning, such as by corrosive sublimate. After thorough emesis, gentle cathartics and diuretics may be given to aid in the elimination, and potassium iodide in cases of metallic poisoning. Counteract the morbid vital processes induced by the poison : in cardiac syncope, give stimulants; in threatened paralysis of respiration, stimulate it by cold affusions, irritation of the skin, artificial respi- ration, and atropia to excite the pneumogastric nerve ; in narcosis of the brain, endeavor to arouse it; allay any particular organic irritation. The antidotal measures are: 1st, chemical, which directly neutralize the action of the poison by de- stroying its properties ; and 2d, physiological, which have antagonistic properties to the poison. Where the nature of the poison is unknown, cal- cined magnesia, powdered charcoal, of each 40 to 00 grains, and hydrated sesquioxide of iron, 1 to 2 ounces, with a sufficient amount of water, may be given as a general antidote. A MEDICAL DESIDERATUM. We desire to call the attention of the Medical Profession to the followinq excel- lent and well-digested work on FORMUL/E:— POCKET MEDICAL FORMULARY, ARRANGED THERAPEUTICALLY. BY ALEXANDER HAZARD, M.D., and BERNARD M. GOLDBERG, M.D. REVISED AND ENLARGED By ABRAHAM S. GERHARD, A.M., M.D., Professor of General Path ’ogy, Medical Jurisprudence, and Clinical Medicine at the Medico Chirurgical College, Philadelphia, Pa. "W I T Yri LSI x*. xr xr mt j.'w jl/j. , CONTAINING Formulae and Doses of Hypodermic Medication; a Table of Eruptive Fevers; and Poisons, their Symptoms, Antidotes, and Treatment. Abercrombie. Abernethy. Acton. Adams. Agnew. Ainslie. Aldridge. Alibert. Anderson. Andrew. Anstie. Ashwell. Atlee. Atthill. Aubergier. Aubert. Ayer. Bailey. Baillie.' Balfour. Banyer. The special features and advantages of the above work, over all others, are as follows.— First.—The Alphabetical Arrangement : On a therapeutic basis. Second.—The Patent Index : Enabling the busy practitioner to turn at a moment’s notice to the needed formulae. Third.—Compactness : Bound in flexible morocco, style tucks, will fit a very small pocket. Fourth.—The American Formulae : This is probably the only work of the kind con- taining formulae used by our prominent American physicians, other works of a similar character being compiled almost entirely from foreign authorities. Fifth.—Extra Blank Leaves : On which you can record your own formulae, and thus having them in alphabetical order and indexed, you will not be obliged to rummage each of your pockets in search of the same. Sixth.—The Host oe Authorities : Over 400 of the most eminent physicians, both American and foreign. Each formula credited to whom it belongs. Seventh. —Economy : The time and labor saved by using this work is considerable, to say nothing of the convenience and relief of mental strain ! Fighth.—Final: In fact, the work is a valuable assistant to the busy and hard-worked practitioner, and invaluable to the recent graduate, who, above all others, cannot afford to be without it. Exclusive of its valuable appendix, the work contains in its 312 pages 1100 formulae. We offer the book to the profession (post-paid), at the nominal sum of Two Dollars. We append the list of authorities : Office of MEDICAL FORMULARY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1208 Chestnut Street. Drs. HAZARD and GOLDBERG, Managers. Barker. Barlow. Barnes. Bartholow. Bartlett. Basham. Bazin. Beard. Beasley. Beddoes. Bennet. Bethune. Bibron. Biett. Bird. Blair. Blanc. Blasius. Bonjean. ■ Boteler. Bouchardat. Bouchut. Bourdon. Bradley. Brande. Brera. Brin ton. Brodie. Brown. Browne. Brown-Sequard. Brunton. Bucknill. Budd. Burgess. Busch. Campbell. Cane. Canquoin. Carre. Carson. Casorati. Cazeaux. Cazenave. Chandler. Channing. Chapman. Charteris. Chaussier. Chrestien. Churchill. Clark. Clarus. Clousden. Comstock. Condie. Cooper. Copland. Corfe. Correa. Corry. Corvisart. Coulson. [Over.] Schubarth. Scott and Mcpdpmaek: Scudamore. Sedgwick. Selkirk. Seymour. Shaw. Shillitoe. Shinn. Silverthorn. Simpson. Smith, Eustace. Smith, F. G. Smith, H. JI. Smith, Hugh.’ Smith, J. LaurenSTT Smith, J. Lewis. Smith, Tyler. Sobernheim. Soden. Solon. Soubeiran. Squire. Startin. Stjwart Stille. Stubbs. Sturges. • Styrap. Sully. Sundelin. Swediaur. Swerin ?en. Tanner. Tanturri. Tardieu. Thomas. Thompson. Thomson. Tournie. Trousseau. Trousseau et Revell. Tuke. Turnbull. Tutt. Tyrell. Univ. Hosp. Ure. Valleix. Van Buren. Van Mons. Vanoye. Veccliiztti. Velpeau. Villate. Vogt. Waakes. Walker. Walsh. Walshe. Walter and Blundell. Ware. Waring. Waring-Curran. Waterhouse. Waters. Watson. Waugh. Webb. Weber. Weir. Wigan. Wilde. Wilkes. Wilks. Wilson. Winzar. Wood, G. B. Wood, H. G. Wooster. Wright. Wyeth. Meigs. Mettauer. M’Gregor. Michon. Milton. Mitchell, J. K. Mitchell, R. W. Mitchell, S. W. Mitchell, T. D. Moeli. Moretin. Morse. Morton. M’Phail. Nagle. Napheys. Neale. Neligan. Neupiann. Niemeyer. Norton. Nothnagel. Oates. r Oke. Oliver. Osbrey. O’Shaughnessy. Palmer. Pancoast. Paris. Paris Codex. Pariset. Parkes. Parrish. Pelletan. Pennypacker. Penrose. Pepper. Peschek. Pharm. Guyensis, Philada. Hosp. Phillips. Phoebus. Physick. Pierqnin. Piorry. Plumbe. Polli. Porcher. Preston. Prideaux. Priestley. Proctor. Proutt. Quain. Rademaker. Radius. Raspail. Ratier. Rayer. Reece. Revillout. Reynolds. Rhode. Ricord. Ridgeway. Riebe. Ringer. Roche. Romberg. Rothe. Rudermacher. Rudolphi. Rust. Ryan. Salter. Sansom. Sarzance. Schafhirt. Schilling. Schmidt. Schneck. Hannon. Hardy. Harley. , Hartshorne. Haughton. Hazard. Headland. Heath. Hebra. Herman. Hicks. Hildenbrand. Hildreth. Hillier. Hirsh. Hitchman. Hood. Hooper. Hope. Hfipital St. Louis. H6tel Dieu. Howe. Hufeland. Hull. fful^insbri. Izard. Jackson. Jamieson. Jenner. Johnson. Jones. Jordan. Joret et Homolle. Joy. Kennard. Kennedy. Kentish. Kerner. Kesteven. Keyser. Kilgour. Kingdon. King’s Coll. Hosp. Knoll. Kopp. Krafft-Ebing. Krombholz. Kroyla. Laborde. Lambert. La Roche. Laycock. Lecluyse. Lee. Lemare-Picquot. Lettsom. Letzerich. Levis. Lewis. Liebreich. Lisfranc. Lister. Livezey. London Hosp. Louis. Lowndes. Ludlow. Lugol. Lyman. MacDonald. Mackenzie. MacLagan. Magendie. Maisch. Manassein. Mann. Marcus. Marsden. Marshall. Martin. Martini. Ma unsell. Coxe. Crawcour. Crew. Cruice. Da Costa. Darwall. Date. Davis. Debreyne. De Laeaille. Devay. Devergie. Dewar. Dewees. Dick. Dobell. Donavan. Dowell. Druitt. Duboue. Duckworth. Duncan. Dunglison. Duparc. D.-rand. Eberle. Ebstein. Echeverria. Ellis. Erichsen. Erlenmeyer. Eulenburg. Evans. Fahnestock. Fairbank. Ferriar. Fisher. Fleischmann. Fleming. Foster. Fothergill. Fowler. Fox. Foy. Frerichs. Fronmueller. Frost. Fuller. Garretson. Garrod. Gerhard. Getcliell. Gimbert. Giordano. Girwood. Glover. Gola. Goldberg. Golding-Bird. Gooch. Goodell. Goodman. Graefe. Granville. Graves. Green. Greenhalgh. Gregory. Grieve. Gross. Gross, S. W. Gubler. Guichon. Guthrie. Guy. Guy’s Hospital. Haden. Halford. Hamilton. Hammond. Ilaiilurjn ~