MATERIA MEDIC A AND THERAPEUTICS CONDENSED. BY FRANK F. fRANTZ, OF THE JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1868 PREFACE. This concise treatise proposes to show at a glance the'doses, offi- cinal names, chemical composition, and therapeutical applications of all the medicines in general use by the medical profession of the United States, also some of those officinal in the British pharma- copoeia. Carefully compiled from the latest U. S. Dispensatory and works on materia medica. The present work has been carefully arranged in accordance with the following classification of the materia medica. "Medicines may be divided into- Narcotics, Anaesthetics, Antispasmodics, Tonics, Astringents, Stimulants, Sedatives, Spastics. I. Those which have a special ac- tion on the nervous system, or Neurotics (from nugon, a nerve). II. Those which have a special action on the secretions, or Ec- critics (from secretion). Emetics, Cathartics, Diaphoretics, Diuretics, Blennorrhetics, Emmenagogues. III. Those which modify the blood, or Hcematics (from the blood). Haematinics, Alteratives, Antacids. IV. Those which act topically. Irritants, Demulcents, Anthelmintics." Class I.-MEDICINES GIVEN IN SOLID FORM. A. Those given in Doses less than One Grain. (Medicines marked * not officinal in U. S. P. Those marked f officinal only in British Pharmacopoeia.) the term as a, or as an, occurs in the column of " Med. Properties," it implies that the remedy to which it refers may, in other doses, have properties different from those herein ascribed. Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. gr. A to iAr Atropia Narcotic; diaph.; diur. t gr- tV to T's Digitalinum Sedative; diur.; narcot. r Strychnia Spastic; tonic ; diur.; diaph. ; lax. Acidum arseniosum, AsO3 Alterative; febrifuge. *Elaterin Drastic cath.; diur. gr- A to | Hydrargyri chloridum mite ... In infantile diarrhoea. Hydrargyri chloridum corrosi- Alt.; antisyphilitic; sor- vum, HgCl. befacient. Hydrargyri cyanidum, HgCy. Alt.; antisyphilitic; sor- befacient. Phosphorus, P Diffus. stim.; diur.; aphrodisiac. gr- A to | Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum, Hgl Alt. Antimonii et potasses tartras.. As a diaph. and expect. Veratria Sedative; eccritic. gr. tz to | gr- to Ipecacuanha As a tonic. Potassii cyanidum, KCy Narcot.; sed.; antispas.; gr- i anodyne. Strychnia (for endermic use).. Spas. ; tonic ; diur. ; diaph. ; lax. Elaterium (Clutterbuck's) Dras. cath. ; diur. Arsenici Iodidum, Asl3 Alt. gr. | to i Morphias sulphas, acetas et Narcotic ; anod.; sopor.; murias diaph.; antispas. gr- 1 Potassae bichromas, KO,2CrO3. As an alt. gr- j Ext. digitalis alcoholicum Sed.; diur ; narcot. *Emetia (pure) Emetic. gr. 1 to J Gillenia As a tonic. Ext. belladonnas Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diur.; diaph.; lax. lodinium, I Alt.; resolvent; emmen. Ipecacuanha As an expect, or diaph. 4 Dose. Officinal name. Antimonii et potass® tartras, Med. properties. KO,SbO3,C8H4O104-2HO. ... Hydrargyri sulphas flava, As a nauseant. 8HgO,SO3 As an alt. gr. J to j Resina podophylli..'. Dras. cath. Cupri sulphas As a tonic and astring. gr- i . Ext. opii Narcot.; antispas.; sed.; sopor ; diaph.; anod. Cuprum ammoniatum Tonic; antispas. gr- i to j Ext. nucis vomicae ale Spas.; tonic. ; diur. ; diaph. ; lax. " ignatiae ale Spas. ; tonic ; diur.; diaph ;' lax. " aconiti " Hydrargyri chloridum mite, Narcot.; sed. Hg2Cl As an alt. and antiphlo- gistic. Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. gr. | to ij Ext. cannabis Narcot.; antispas.; sed. Argenti oxidum, AgO Tonic; antispas. Ipecacuanha As a nauseant. Antimonii et potassae tartras . As a sed. antiphlogistic. gr. j. Opium Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph.; sed.; sopor. Pilulte opii , Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph.; sed.; sopor. Belladonna Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph ; diur.; lax. Stramonii semen . Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph.; diur.; lax. Ext. stramonii . Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph.; diur.; lax. " alcoliolicum. Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; diaph ; diur.; lax. Digitalis Sed.; diur.; narcot. Scilla As a diur. or expect. Sodae bicarbonas . As a liquefacient (in in- fantile croup). gr. j to ij Veratrum viride . Sed ; diur.; emet. Aconiti folium Narcot.; sed. Ext. colchici aceticum , Diur.; expect.; anod.; sed.; diaph.; eccritic. B. Those given in One Grain Doses or more. 5 Dose. Officinal name. Cantharis Med. properties. Diur.; stim.; emmen. Elaterium Dras. cath.; diur. Zinci chloridum, ZnCl Tonic; antispas.; alt. " valerianas Tonic; antispas.; alt. Antimonii et potassse tartras.. As an emetic. Ext. hyoscyami ale..' Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; stim.; lax. gr. j to iij Pilulae hydrargyri Hydrargyri iodidum viride, As an alt. and sialagogue. HgJ Alt. Antimonium sulphuratum As an alt. Ext. senegae ale Blenn.; stim. expect.; diur.; diaph.; emmen. Toxicodendron Spas.; narcot. ; diur.; diaph.; lax. Lobelia Potassse permanganas, KO, As an antispas. Mn2O7 Alt. gr. | to iv. Argenti nitras, AgO,NO5. Tonic; antispas. gr. j to v Quiniae sulphas As a tonic. Zinci sulphas, ZnO,SO3-|-7HO As atonic; astring.; an- tispas. Ferri sulphas, FeO,SO3-|-7HO Calx chlorinata, CaO,ClO-{-Ca Tonic; astring. C1-J-2HO Alt.; astring ; stim. Acidum tannicum Astring. gr. ij Veratrum album Sed.; eccritic. Stramonii folium Narcot.; anod.; diaph.; diur.; lax. gr. ij to iij Nux vomica Spas. ; tonic; diur. diaph.; lax. Autimonii oxidum, SbO3 Sed. Santoninum. Anthelmintic gr. ij to iv *Leptandrin Cath.; cholagogue. Gillenia As an expect, and diaph. Conium Narcot.; sed.; antispas. Ext conii Narcot.; sed.; antispas. gr. ij to v Acidum gallicum Ferri pyrophosphas, 2Fe,O„ Astring. 3PO5-}-9HO Tonic. Oleoresina lupulinae Narcot.; tonic. Hydrargyri sulphas flava As an emetic. Gambogia Dras. cath.; hydragog. 6 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Febrifuge and tonic. fBeberire sulphas gr. iij to v Cupri sulphas, CuO,SO3-|-5HO As an emetic. Lithise carbonas, LO,CO2 Antacid.; diur.; antili- thic. gr. v Pilulte saponis comp Narcot.; antispas.; anod.; sed.; diaph. Ferri ferrocyanidum, Fe4Cfy3. Tonic ; febrifuge; alt. Ext. quassim Simp, bitter; tonic; stomachic. gr. ij to viij Colchici radix et semen Diur.; diaph.; expect.; anod.; sed.; eccritic. Hydrargyrum cum creta As an alt.; lax. (for children). Plumbi acetas, PbO,C4IJ3O3-f- 3 HO Astring.; sed. Zinci oxidum, ZnO Tonic; antispas. Ammonite valerianas, NII4O, Antispas.; stim. *Salicin Astring. bitter; tonic. gr. iv to viij Resina j ala pre Dras. cath. " scammonii Dras. cath. gr. j to x *Berberina Simp, bitter; tonic; febrifuge. gr. iij to x Potassii bromidum, KBr Alt.; resolv ; sed.; an- taphrodisiac. gr. v to x Camphora, CI0HgO Narcot.; diaph.; antaph.; stim.; antispas ; anod. Colocynthis. Dras. cath. Ext. hellebori ale Dras. cath.; emmen. Cardamomum Arom.; stim.; carmin.; stomachic. Capsicum Arom.; stim.; carmin. ; stomachic. Caryophyllus Arom.; stim.; carmin.; stomachic. Hyoscyami folium et semen... Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; stim. ; lax. ; hypnotic. Ext. hyoscyami . Narcot.; anod.; antis- pas.; stim.; lax. ; hyp- notic. Ferrum redactum, Fe Tonic. Ferri phosphas, 2Fe0,I10,P0, . Tonic. " citras, Fe2O3,C)2H5Ou ... Tonic. Sabina . Emmen.; stimulant. 7 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Rheum As a stomachic lax. Alumen exsiccatum Astring.; antispas. Pilulm scillse comp As a stim. expect. fLithire citras Antacid; antilithic; diur. gr. vj to xij Lupulina Narcot.; tonic. Hydrargyri chloridum mite, As a purg. and anthel- mintic. Scilla As an emetic. gr. v to xv Potassii iodidum, KI Alt.; resolvent; diur. Pilulte hydrargyri As a lax. Sodae carbonas exsiccata, NaO, Antacid; antilithic ; re- co2 Ferri et ammoniae sulphas, F2O3,3SO34-NH.O,SO,+ solvent; diuretic. 24HO Tonic; astring. Ext. podophylli Dras. cath. Scammonium (pure) Dras. cath. Ferri subsulphas As a styptic. gr. v to xx Assafeetida Antispas. ; stim. ; em- men.; expect.; lax. Aloe Cath.; tonic; emmen. ; anthelmin. Ext. colocynthidis comp Cath ; lax. Hydrargyrum cum creta Alt.; lax. Ammoniac carbonas, 2NH.0, Diffus. stim.; diaph.; 3CO2. antispas.; antacid; ex- pect. Piper Aromat.; carmin.; stim. Lobelia Manganesii sulphas, MnO,SO, As an emetic. 4-5HO As a tonic. gr v to xxx Ferri subcarb., Fe,O„,CO„. (?) Tonic; alt.; emmen. Bismuthi subnitras, BiO3.NO5. Tonic; antispas.; as- tring. " subcarbonas. BiO3, Tonic; antispas.; as- co2. tring. Ammoniae murias, NH4C1 Alt.; resolvent; refrig. ; sed.; eccritic. gr- x. Lactucarium Narcot.; anod.; hypnot.; sed. Pulvis ipecacuanhas comp Anod.; diaph. Magnesias carbonas As an antacid. Moschus Antispas.; stim. gr. x to xv. *Ext. chimaphilse... Astring.; tonic; diur. 8 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Euphorbia ipecacuanha Emetic. gr. x to xx Castoreum Antispas ; stim ; emmen. Dracontium Antispas.; stim.; narcot. Galla Astring. Geranium Astring. Ext. krameriae Astring.; tonic. Helleborus Dras. cath ; emmen. Ext. jalapae Dras. cath. Senega Blenn.; stim. expect. ; diur.; diaph.; emmen. Zingiber Arom.; stim.; carmin. Zinci sulphas As an emetic. Sanguinaria As an emetic. Ferri Tonic. Potassic carbonas, KO,CO2.... Antacid; diur.; antili- thic; resolvent. *Ext. filicis sethereum Anthelmin.; taeniacide; tonic; astring. *Sodie hyposulphis Deoxidizer. gr. xii Quiniae sulphas As a febrifuge. gr. x to xxx Gentiana Simp. bitter; tonic; stomachic.; lax. Ext. gentianae Simp, bitter; tonic; stomachic; lax. Calumba Simp, bitter; tonic; demulcent. Chiretta Simp, bitter; tonic; stomachic; lax. Ext. cinchome Pilulae ferri carbonatis, FeO, As a tonic. coa Tonic. Ferri et ammonias tartras, Fe2O3,NH4O,C8H4Ol0 Ferri etpotassae tartras, Fe„O„, Tonic. KO,C8H4O10+HO Tonic; lax. Alumen, Al Astring.; antispas. Catechu Astring ; tonic. Kino Astring. Ext. haematoxyli Astring. Soda; carbonas, NaO,CO, + Antacid; antilithic; re- 10HO. solvent; diuretic. Sodae bicarbonas, NaO, HO, Antacid; antilithic; re- 2'02 solvent; diuretic. 9 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Creta prseparata Testa " Antacid; astring. Antacid; astring Balsamum tolutanum Blenn.; stim.; tonic; ex- pect. Myrrha Blenn.; stim.; tonic; ex- pect.; emmen. Ext. valerianae alcoholicum.... Antispas.; stim. " rhei alcoholicum Cath. ; stomachic.; as- tring. ; tonic. " juglandis Cath. Salix Astring. bitter; tonic. Guaiaci resina et lignum Alt. diaph. ; lax. ; em- men.; stim. Cinnamomum Arom.; stim.; carmin.; astring. Potassm nitras, KO,NO5 Refrig. ; sed. ; diur. ; diaph. Calcis phosphas preecipitata... Alt. Ammoniacum Antispas.; expect. Acidum tartaricum Refrig. gr. xv to xxx Jalapa Dras. cath. Potassae chloras, KO,C1O5 Alt. ; sed.; diur. Ruta Emmen. gr xx Ipecacuanha As an emetic. Ergota Spastic. Magnesia, MgO As an antacid. Podophyllum Dras. cathartic. gr. xx to xxv Potassae citras, 3KO,C12H5Oh. Refrig.; diaph. gr. xx to xxx Hydrargyri chloridum mite.... As a sed. Krameria Astring.; tonic. Buchu Blenn.; diur.; diaph. Cascarilla Arom. bitter; tonic. Myristic a Arom.; stim.; carmin.; narcot. gr. xx to xl Uva ursi Sodas phosphas,2NaO, HO,PO5 Astring.; tonic; diur. 4-24110 As an alt. gr. xx to lx Potassae bicarbonas, KO, HO, Antacid.; diur.; antili- 2COb. thic; resolvent. Quassia Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- machic. Simaruba Simp bitter ; tonic; sto- machic. 10 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Cornus Florida Astring. bitter; tonic ; febrifuge. Nectandra , Astring. bitter ; tonic ; febrifuge. Potass® acetas, KO,C4H3O3... " bitartras, KO, HO,CS Diur.; antacid; alt. h4o10 As a diuretic. Ext. taraxaci Diur.; tonic; aperient; cholagogue. Rheum As a purgative. Terebinthina As a blenn.; stim.; diur. Leptandra Cath.; cholagogue. Calamus Arom. ; stim.; tonic ; carmin. Cimicifuga Blenn. ; antispas, ; ex- pect.; diaph.; diur.; emmen. gr. xxx Sarsaparilla Alt. diaph. Sod® boras Refrig.; diur.; emmen. Gillenia As an emetic. gr. xxxvi Confectio opii Narcot.; stim. gr. xxx to lx Valeriana Antispas.; stim. Pix liquida Blenn.; stim.; diur.; ex- pect. Matico Blenn.; tonic; diur.; h®- mostatic; alt. stim. Pareira Blenn.; tonic; diur.; ape- rient. Frasera Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- machic. Sabbatia Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- machic.; emmen. Carota Diur.; arom. Angelica Arom. bitter; tonic; stim. 3i Cinchona As a tonic. Magnesia As a lax. Sod® sulphis, NaO,SO24-3IIO Parasiticide.' 3ss to ij Allium Blenn.; expect.; diur.; stim.; tonic; carmin.; eccritic. Senna Cath. Liriodendron Arom. bitter ; tonic ; diaph.; stim. 11 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Confectio sennas Laxative. 3j ij Magnesiae carbonas As a lax. Cassia fistula * Lax. Manganesii sulphas As a purg. Potassae bitartras As an aperient. Rottlera Anthelmin.; taeniacide. Spigelia Anthelmin. 5J t0 "J Cubeba Blenn.; stim.; diur. Sulphur, S. Lax.; alt. diaph.; re- solvent. " praecipitatum Lax.; alt. diaph.; re- Filix mas Anthelmin.; taeniacide; tonic; astring. gss to j Cinchona Asa febrifuge. Potassae bitartras " et sodae tartras, KO, As a cath. NaO,C8H4OI0 Cath. Terebinthina (in emulsion).... As a cath. or anthelmin. Magnesiae sulphas, MgO,SOj+ 7HO Sodae sulphas, NaO,SO„-|- Cath.; refrigerant. 10HO Cath. o3 to ij Sodae phosphas As a cath. Manna Lax. Pepo . Anthelmintic. Class L-MEDICINES GIVEN IN FLUID FORM. A. Those given in Doses less than a Fluidrachm. Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. gtt. | to | Oleum amygdalae amarae Narcot.; sed.; antispas.; anod. gtt- j Oleoresina capsici Arom.; stim. gtt. j to ij Acidum hydrocyanicum dilut. Narcot.; sed.; antispas.; anod. Creasotum Astring.; styptic. Oleum tiglii Dras. cath.; diur. 12 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Oleum cinnamomi Arom.; stim.; carmin.; astring. Oleoresina zingiberis... Arom.; stim ; carmin. gtt. ij to iij Oleum camphor® Narcot.; stim. diaph ; anod.; antispas. " myristic® Arom.; stim.; carmin.; narcot. Oleoresina piperis.... Arom.; stim.; carmin. gtt. j to V Oleum menth® piperita; Arom : stim.; carmin. " " viridis Arom.; stim.; carmin. " cajuputi Arom. ; stim.; carmin.; antispas. " lavandul® Arom ; stim.; carmin. gtt. ij to v Acidum nitromuriaticum Tonic; antisypbilitic. Oleum caryophylli Arom ; stim.; carmin. " rut® Emmen.; stim.; antispas. gtt. iv to v Ext. veratri viridis fluidum.... Sed ; diur.; emet. Oleum valerian® Antispas.; stim. gtt iv to xij Ext. colchici radicis fluidum... Diur.; diapb.; expect.; eccritic ; sed.; anod. " " seminis " Diur.; diaph.; expect.; eccritic ; sed.; anod. gtt. j to X Oleum cari Arom.; stim.; carmin. gtt. ij to x " sassafras Alt. diaph ; stim.; arom. gtt. vj Liquor iodinii comp Alt.; resolv.; emmen. Brominium Alt.; resolv. gtt. vij to x Acetum opii Tinct. veratri viridis, §xvj to Narcot; anod.; antispas.; diaph.; sopor; sed. ale. Oij Sed.; diur ; emet. gtt. v to X Oleum sabin® Emmen.; stim. " chenopodii Anthelmin. (for a child). " erigerontis Canadensis. Tinct. aconiti radicis, to H®mostatic. ale. Oij Narcot.; sed. gtt. v to XV Liquor potass® arsenitis (Fow- ler's sol.) Alt.; febrifuge. Antispas.; stim ; diur. Oleum succini rectificatum " foeniculi Arom.; carmin. " anisi. Arom.; carmin. u juniperi Diur. gtt. v to XX Tinct. nucis vomic®, to Spastic ; diur.; diaph.; ale. Oij lax.; tonic. 13 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Tinct. opii camphorata Narcot.; anod.; antispas, (for an infant). Syrupus ipecacuanha: Liquor arsenic! et hydrargyri As an expect, (for a child of 1 to 2 years). iodidi (Donovan's sol.) Alt. (in skin diseases). gtt. v to XXX Oleum terebinthinae As a blenn.; stim. ; and diur. gtt. x to xij " cubebae Blenn ; diur.; stim. gtt. X to XV " copaibte (in emulsion). Blenn.; diur.; stim.; lax. gtt. X to XX Tinct. digitalis, 5iv to dil. ale. Oij Sed.; diur.; narcot. Tinct. iodinii, £j to ale. Oj Liquor ferri nitratis, Fe2O3, Alt.-r resolvent; emmen. 3NO5 Tonic; astring. Liquor ferri citratis Tonic. " potassse, KO,HO Antacid.; diur.; antili- thic; resolvent. " sodae, NaO,HO Antacid.; diur.; antili- thic; resolvent. Spiritus cinnamomi Arom.; stim ; carmin.; astring. gtt. X to XXX Vinum antimonii As an expect, and sudo- rific. Aqua ammonite Diffus. stim. ; sudorific.; antacid. . ■ ' Spiritus " Diffus. stim.; antispas.; carmin. Acidum sulphuricum dil " " arom.... Tonic ; refrig.; astring. Tonic; refrig.; astring.; gtt. XV to XXX Tinct. iodinii comp., to po- tass. iod. and ale. Oj Alt.; resolv.; emmen. Tinct. belladonnae, (of the Narcot.; antispas.; leaves) to dil. ale. Oij. diaph.; anod.; diur.; lax. gtt. XX Tinct. opii acetata, ij to vine- Narcot.; antispas.; gar alcohol Oss. diaph. ; anod. ; sed.; sopor. gtt. XXV. Tinct. opii, §'jss to dil. ale. Narcot.; antispas.; Oij. diaph. ; anod. ; sed. ; sopor. Tinct. opii deodorata Narcot.; antispas.; diaph.; anod.; sed.; sopor. 14 Dose Officinal name. Med. properties. Vinum opii, §ij to wine Oj-|- Narcot.; antispas.; cinnamon and cloves. diaph.; anod.; sed.; 1 sopor. gtt. xx to xxx Tinct. aconiti folii, Siv to dil. ale. Oij Narcot.; sed. Tinct. stramonii, giv to dil. Narcot.; antispas.; anod.; ale. Oij. diaph.; diur.; lax. Ext. ergotae fluidum.. Spastic. " zingiberis fluidum... Arom.; stim.; carmin. gtt. xx to xl Tinct. scillae, §iv to dil. ale. Oij As a diur. or expect. Syrupus ferri iodidi Tonic; alt. Acidum nitricum dil Tonic; astring.; refrig.; alt. ; antilithic. Spiritus menthse viridis Arom.; stim.; carmin. " " piperitm Arom.; stim.; carmin. gtt. xx to 1 *Tinct. gelsemii radicis, 5iv to dil. ale. Oj Sed. IYL v to xxx Oleoresina cubebas Blenn.; stim.; diur. (used in gonorrhoea). ■ Hl X to XXX Vinum ipecacuanhas As an expect, and diaph. gtt. xx to lx Acidum muriaticum dil Tonic; refrig.; antilithic. gtt. xxx to lx Tinct. sanguinarise As an expect. Ext. sarsaparillae fluidum Alt. diaph. " buchu " Blenn.; diur.; diaph. B. Medicines given in about Fluidrachm Doses or more. Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. fgsstoj Tinct. myrrhae, to ale. Oij. Blenn.; stim.; expect.; emmen.; tonic. " conii, to dil. ale. Oij. Narcot.; antispas.; sed. " hellebori " Dras. oath.; emmen. ./Ether Narcot.; stim.; anod.; antispas. Chloroformum purificatum.... Narcot.; stim.; anod.; antispas. Spiritus chloroformi Narcot.; stim.; anod.; antispas. " aetheris nitrosi Refrig.; antispas.; diaph.; diur. Ext. gentianae fluidum Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- machic. " serpentariae " Arom.bitter; stim.; tonic; diur.; diaph. 15 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Ext. uvae ursi fluidum Astring.; tonic; diur. " cimicifugae " Blenn. ; antispas. ; ex- pect.; diur.; diaph. gtt. v to f3j Spiritus camphorae, §iv to ale. Narcot. ; diaph. ; anti- spas.; stim.; anod. Oij. gtt. x to fjj Syrupus scillae comp, (hive Diur.; emet.; expect.; syrup). Tinct. cantharidis, to dil. cath. (for children). ale. Oij Diur.; stim.; emmen. gtt. xx to fjj Copaiba Blenn ; stim.; diur.; lax. Vinum antimonii As an emetic (for child- dren). Liquor sodas chlorinatae Alt.; astring.; stim. Spiritus ammoniae aromat Diffus. stim. ; antiepas.; carmin.; antacid. PL x to Vinum eolchici radicis, §xij to Diur.; diaph.; expect.; sherry wine Oij. anod.; sed. n[ x-xxx to Tinct. ferri chloridi, Fe,CL.... f3j-ij Tonic; diur. Acetum scillae Diur.; blenn. expect. gtt.xxxtofgij Acetum colchici .1 Diur.; expect.; diaph.; anod.; sed ; eccritic. fjss to ij Tinct colchici, §iv (of seed) Diur.; diaph.; expect.; to dil. ale. Oij. anod.; sed.; eccritic. Tinct. benzoini comp Blenn.; stim. expect. fjj " lobeliae, Siv to dil. ale. Narcot. ; emet.; sed. ; Oij. naus.; diur.; diaph. " assafoetides, Siv to ale. Antispas.; stim ; expect.; Oij. " Valerianae, to dil. ale. Oij lax.; anthelmin. Antispas.; stim. " hyoscyami, §iv to dil. Narcot.; anod.; antispas.; ale. Oij. stim.; lax.; hypnotic. * " coptis, §j to dil. ale. Simp, bitter tonic: sto- Oj. machic. " guaiaci, gvj to ale. Oij. Alt. diaph ; stim.; lax.; emmen. Acetum lobeliae, to acetic Narcot.; antispas.; ex- acid Oj. pect.; emet. Ext. sarsaparilla; fluidum comp. Alt. diaph. Syrupus scillae Diur.; expect.; emet. " allii. . As a blenn.; stim.; ex- pect.; diur. (for child- ren). 16 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Syrupus rhei aromaticus As a stomachic ; lax. (for infants). Spiritus lavandulae Arom.; stim ; carmin. " " comp Arom.; stim.; carmin. Acidum sulphurosum, S02 .... Parasiticide (used for sarcina ventriculi). *Ainyli iodidum Alt.; resolv.; emmen. Liquor calcis As an antacid; tonic ; astring. (for children). Ext. valeriame fluidum Antispas.; stim. " rhei " As a purg. f3Jt0 >J Tinct. lupulinre, ?iv to ale. Oij Narcot.; tonic. Tinct. castorei, §ij to ale. Oij. " cardamomi, giv to dil. Antispas.; stim.; em- men. ale. Oij Arom.; stim. (adjuvant). " serpentariae, §iv to dil. Arom. bitter; stim.; ale. Oij. " cubebae, ?iv to dil. ale. tonic; diur.; diaph. Oij ••• " valerianoe ammoniata, §iv to sp. amm. arom. Blenn.; stim.; diur. Oij " guaiaci ammoniata, gvj Antispas.; stim. to sp. amm. arom.Oij. " krameriae, §vj to dil. Alt. diaph. emmen.; stim. ale. Oij " kino, Jvj to dil. ale. Astring.; tonic. fViij " capsici, §j to dil. ale. Oij Astring.; stim. Arom.; stim. " quassiae, 5ij to dil. ale. Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- Oij. machic. " gentianae comp, to Simp, bitter tonic ; sto- orange peel §j, car- damom. §ss, dil. ale. Oij. machic. " tolutana, §iij to ale. Oij. Blenn.; stim.; expect, (used in cough mix- tures). " aloes et myrrhae Spiritus myristicae, §ij to dil. Gath.; tonic; emmen. ale. Oviij Arom.; carmin. " aetheris comp Antispas.; anod.; stim. 17 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Spiritus juniperi comp Diur. (adjuvant). Ext. taraxaci fluidum Diur; tonic; aperient; cholagogue. " spigeliae " Anthelmintic. " pruni Virginianse fluidum. Astring. bitter ; tonic; sed. Vinum colchici seminis, jjiv to Diur.; expect.; diaph.; sherry wine Oij. anod.; sed.; eccritic. ergotae, to sherry wine Oj Spastic. " aloes As a lax. Syrupus senegae Blenn.; stim. expect.; diaph,; diur.; emmen. Liquor morphiae sulphatis, gr. Narcot. ; anod. ; sopor.; f3J t0 "J j to water f§j. Tinct. catechu §iij to cinnamon diaph.; antispas. §ij, dil. ale. Oij " cinnamomi, §iij to dil Astring.; tonic. ale. Oij " gallae, §iv to dil. ale. Oij. Arom. (adjuv.) Astring. " humuli, 5v to dil. ale. Oij Narcot.; tonic. Acidum lacticum. (Used in atonic dyspep- sia.) fSu Ext. cinchonas fluidum As a tonic. f5'j t0 iij Syrupus lactucarii Narcot.; anod.; hypnot.; sed. fjj to iv Tinct. cinchonae, §vj to dil. Astring. bitter (used as ale. Oij. an adjunct). " cinchonae comp, (red Tonic ; febrifuge ; arom. bark, serpentaria, and aromatics). (Huxham's). * " rottlerae, gvj to ale. Oj Anthelmin.; toeniacide. " calumbae, §iv to dil. ale. Simp, bitter; tonic; sto- Oij. machic; demulcent. Syrupus krameriae Astring.; tonic. Aqua creasoti Astring.; styptic. Oleum ricini As a lax. (for children). Acidum aceticum dil Refrig ; diaph.; diur. fgss *Syrupus mucunae Anthelmintic. Ext. spigeliae et sennae fluidum. Anthelmintic. " sennae fluidum Cath. 18 Dose. Officinal name. Med. properties. Mistura glycyrrhizse comp Demulcent (cough mix- ture). Syrupus sarsaparillse comp.... Alt. diaph. " pruni Virginianae Astring bitter; tonic ; sed. Mistura cretae Antacid ; astringent. Aqua amygdalae amarae (Vehicle for narcotic me- • dicines). Tinct. opii camphorata, gr. lx Narcot. ; antispas. ( to dil. ale. Oij Tinct. sanguinariae, §iv to dil. anod. ale. Oij As an emetic. Oleum morrhuae Alt.; stim. to j Tinct rhei, §iij cardamom to dil. ale. Oij Oath.; tonic; stomachic. *Tinct. rhei et gentianae Cath.; tonic; stomachic. " " et sennae Cath.; tonic; stomachic. * " " et aloes Cath ; tonic; stomachic. Mistura assafoetidae, gij to wa- Antispas.; stim.; lax. ; ter Oss. expect ; emmen. Mistura chloroformi Narcot.; stim.; anod.; antispas.; diaph. Liquor ammoniae acetatis Refrig.; diaph.; diur.; resolvent Oleum ricini Lax. " terebinthinae As an anthelmintic. f§ss to iv Liquor calcis Antacid; astring.; alt. resolvent. Vinum ipecacuanhas, §j to sherry wine Oj As an emetic. Limonis succus Refrig ; antiscorbutic. f|j to ij Aqua camphorae Narcot. ; stim.; anod. ; antaphrodisiac; diaph.; antispas. Mistura ferri comp Tonic. f§vj to xij Liquor magnesiae citratis Cathartic. 19 SYLLABUS OF INFUSIONS (Infusa, U. S. P.). [ The general dose of Infusions is f§ij (a wineglassful') frequently repeated. ] First Group.- One Troyounce to a Pint. Officinal name. Proportions. Medical properties. Infusum cinchonae fla- Cold water -|- arom. Astring. bitter; tonic ; vee. sulph. acid, fgj febrifuge. Infusum cinchonae ru- Cold water -|- arom. Astring. bitter ; tonic ; brae. sulph acid fjj. febrifuge. Infusum krameriae. ... Cold water or boiling Astring.; tonic. " cascarillas.... Cold water or boiling Arom. bitter; tonic. " eupatorii Boiling water Arom bitter ; tonic ; diaph.; expect ; emet.; lax. * " fraserm Boiling water Simp, bitter; tonic. * " sabbatiae Boiling water Simp, bitter ; tonic ; em- men. " juniperi Boiling water Diuretic. " pareirse Boiling water Blenn. ; diur. ; tonic ; aperient. buchu Boiling water Blenn.; diur.; diaph. " sennae Boiling water -|- co- riander 5j. Mild acrid cath. (dose OJ) Second Group.- One-half Troy ounce to a Pint. Officinal name. Proportions. Medical properties. Infusum capsici Boiling water Arom.; stim. " salvi® Boiling water Arom.; tonic; astring. " zingiberis.... Boiling water Arom.; stim.; carmin. " serpen tari®.. Boiling water Arom. bitter; stim.; tonic; diur.; diaph. " anthemidis.. Boiling water Arom. bitter; tonic; (emetic when hot). " catechu comp Boiling water -|- cin- namon 5jj Astring.; tonic. " lini comp Boiling water -j- li- - quorice root 3'j ••• Demulcentfdose 0| to j). " spigeliae Boiling water.. Anthelmintic. " hamuli Boiling water Narcotic; tonic. " calumb® Boiling water Simp, bitter; demul- cent tonic. gentian® Cold water aro- comp. matics Simp, bitter ; tonic; lax. " valerian®.... Cold water... Antispas.; stim. " pruniVirgini- Cold water Astring. bitter; tonic; an® sedative. 20 Third Group.-Proportions varied. Officinal name. Proportions. Medical properties. Infusum quassiae to cold water Oj. Simp, bitter; tonic. " caryophylli.. Zij to boiling water Aromat.; stim. Oj- " taraxaci Sij to boiling water Diuretic; tonic; aperi- oj. ent; cholagogue. " tabaci 5j to boiling water Narcot. (sed. injection in Oj. hernia.) " digitalis Jj to boiling water Oss tinct. cinna- momi l§j Sed ; diur.; narcot. rhei gij to boiling water Oss Mild acrid cath.; lax. " rosae comp... Astring.; refrig. " picis liquidae. Oj to water Oiv Blennor.; stim.; diur. SYLLABUS OF DECOCTIONS (Decocta U. S. P.). [The general dose of the Decoctions is f§ij or more.] Officinal name. Proportions. Medical properties. Decoctum cinchonae 5j to Oj 4- arom. Astring. bitter; tonic ; flavae. sulph acid fgj. febrifuge. Decoctum cinchonae to Oj -4- arom. Astring. bitter; tonic ; rubrae. sulph. acid fjj. febrifuge. Decoctum cornus Flo- to Oj Astring. bitter ; tonic ; ridae. febrifuge. Decoctum senegae §j to Oj Blennor.; diur.; diaph.; stim. expect.; emmen. <c dulcamara). §j to Oj Narcot.; diur.; diaph. uvae ursi.... Sjj to Oj Astring.; tonic; diur. <c chimaphilae. §j to Oj Astring.; tonic; diur cc haematoxyli 5j to Oij boiled to Oj Astring. * u geranii §j to Oiss boiled to Oj Astring. quercus al- to Oiss boiled to bae. Oj Astring. << cetrariae. ... §ss to Oj..... Demulcent; tonic ; nu- trient. * u apocyni ?ss to Oiss boiled to Diur.; diaph.; sed.; cath.; cannabini. Oj. emet. * «< rubi ?j to Oij boiled to Oj Astringent. 21 SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTIONS. Recipe, take. aa, Ana (av«), of each. lb, Libra, librae, a pound, pounds. §, Uncia, unciae, an ounce, ounces. 5, Drachma, drachmae, a drachm, drachms. Q, Scrupulus, scrupuli, a scruple, scruples. 0, Odarius, odarii, a pint, pints, fg, Fluiduncia, fluidunciae, a fluid- ounce, fluidounces. fg, Fluidrachma, fluidrachmae, a fluidrachm, fluidrachms. TTL, Minimum, minima, a minim, minims. Ad 2 Vic., Ad duas vices, at two takings. Ad Lib., Ad libitum. Add., Adde, Addatur, add, let be added. Altern. Horis, Alternis horis, every other hour. Aq. Destil., Aqua Destillata, dis- tilled water. Aq. Ferv., fervens, hot wa- ter. Aq. Fluvial., Aqua fluvialis, river water. Aq. Font., Aqua fontana, spring water. Aq. Pluv., Aqua pluvialis, rain water. Bis Ind., Bis indies, twice a day. Bull., Bulliat, Bulliant, let it or them boil. Cap., Capiat, capiendum, let the patient take it, it must be taken. Chart., Chartula, chartulae, a small paper or papers. Cochleat., Cochlealim, by spoon- fuls. Coch. Mag., Cochleare magnum, a tablespoonful. Coch. Med., Cochleare medium, a dessertspoonful. Coch. Parv., Cochleareparvum, a teaspoonful. Col., Cola, coletur, strain, let it be strained. Collyr., Collyrium, an eye-water. Comp., Compositus, compounded. Cong., Congius, congii, a gallon, gallons. C. M. S., Cras mane sumendus, to be taken to-morrow morning. C. N., Cras node, to morrow night. Decoct., Decodum, a decoction. De D. in D , De die in diem, from day to day. Dieb. Alter., Diebus alternis, every other day. Dil , Dilue, dilutus, dilute, diluted. Dim., Dimidius, one-half. Div., Divide, divide. D. Doses, a dose. Elect., Eleduarium, an electuary. Enema, Enema, enemata, a clyster, clysters. Exhib., Exhibeatur, let it be ad- ministered. F. H., Fiat haustus, let a draught be made. Fil., Filtra, filter. Ft., Fiat, fiant, let there be made. Garg., Gargarysma, a gargle. Gr., Granum, grana, a grain, grains. Gtt., Gutta, guttae, a drop, drops. Guttat., Guttatim, by drops. 22 Haust., Haustus, a draught. Ind., Indies, daily. Inf., Infunde, pour in. Infus., Infusum, an infusion. Inj., Injiciatur, let it be injected. Jul., Julepus, a julep. M., Misce, Mix. Mane, in the morning. Mist., Mistura, a mixture. Mic. Pan., Mica panis, crumb of bread. No., Numero, in number. Omn. Hor., Omni hor cl, every hour. Omn. Bid., Omni biduo, every two days. Omn. Bih., Omni bihorcl, every two hours. Omn. Man., Omni mane, every morning. Omn. Nocte, Omni node, every night. Omn. Quadr. Hor., Omni quad- rante horx, every quarter of an hour. Ph., Pharmacopoeia. Pocul., Poculum, a cup. P. R. N., Pro re nata, as the symptoms may call for. Pulv., Pulvis, a powder. Q. P., Quantum placeat, as much as you please. Q. S. Quantum sufficiat, enough. Quor., Quorum, of which. Redig. in Pulv., Redigatur in pul- verem, let it be reduced to pow- der. Repet., Repetatur, repetantur, let it or them be repeated. S , Signa, write. S. A., Secundum artem, according to art. Semih., Semihora, half an hour. Sign., Signatura, a label. Ss., Semis, a half. Sum., Sume, Sumendus, take, to be taken. Tabel., Tabella, a lozenge. Troch , Trochiscus, a lozenge. Trit., Tritura, triturate. DOSES OF MEDICINES FOR HYPODERMIC INJECTIONS. Dose for an adult. Atropiae sulphasgr. to Strychnias sulphasgr. to Morphiae sulphas et m urias gr | to f. Quinias sulphas (Neutral solution)gr- ij to iv. Liq. morph, sulph. (Magendie's sol.)gtt. iij to xx. Liq. opii comp. (Squibb's)gtt. v to lx. Tinct. hyoscyamigtt. x to xx. Tinct. cannabisgtt. x to xx. Sodae sulphis (in pyemia)gr. ii> (In mania-potu the first dose should be larger than in other cases.) 23 Apothecaries' Weight. 20 grains, grs. make a scruple, 3 scruples " a drachm, (J. 8 drachms " an ounce, §. 12 ounces " a pound, ft. Apothecaries' Measure (Liquid). 60 minims, make a drachm, 8 drachms " an ounce, f§. 16 ounces " a pint, 0. 8 pints " a gallon, Cong. A minim contains more or less drops according to the nature of the liquid, the size of the bottle from which it is dropped, &c. A teacup contains about 4 fluidounces. A wineglass " " 2 " A tablespoon " " £ a fluidounce. A dessertspoon*1 " 2 fluidrachms. A teaspoon " " 1 fluidrachm. Circumstances which Modify the Effects of Medicines.-Age, Sex, Temperament, Idiosyncrasy, Habit, Race, Climate, Occupa- tion. (Biddle.) Table of Approximative Doses according to Age. (Dupglison.) Age. 24 Let the full dose be 1 Jj. 18 Will require f £)ij. 14 " i 7 " J Bj. 4 " i grs. xv. 8 " I " x. 2 " I " viij. 1 " A " v. Dr. Young's rule for the same: " For children under twelve years the doses of most medicines must be diminished in the proportion of the age to the age increased by twelve." Thus at two years |, i. e., 2 = 7 ' or> *n ot^er words, add the age to 12 and divide the age by this sum, and the product will be the proportion of the dose to that of an adult. At 21 the full dose may be given.. 24 INCOMPATIBLES. "Substances which, when mixed, combine or mutually decomp are said to be chemically incompatible. It by no means follows th. the new bodies formed are inert. The following general rules will be of use in prescribing;- (1.) Neutral salts containing the same base, or the same acid, do not decompose each other. (2 ) Substances are incompatible with their tests and antidotes, as the very action of these depends upon chemical change. (3.) The free acids generally unite with the oxides, and decompose the carbonates; the same is true of salts having an acid reaction. (4.) The alkalies and alkaline earths, and their carbonates, gene- rally precipitate the salts of the heavy metals. (5.) The vegetable astringents precipitate most of the salts of the heavy metals, the alkaloids and alumina. Hence, vegetable and mineral astringents are chemically incompatible. (6.) The iodides and bromides precipitate most of the salts of the heavy metals; the chlorides, the lead, mercury, and silver salts only. The following preparations should either be given alone, or, if com- bined, it should be with caution, as they are readily decomposed: Lugol's, Donovan's, and Fowler's solutions; lime-water, solution of potassa, hydrocyanic and nitro-muriatic acids, tartar-emetic, cyanide of potassium, acetate of zinc, nitrate of silver."