A SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA COMPILED BY WARREN COLEMAN, M.D. Instructor in Clinical MedicinJTand Materia Medica in Cornell University, Medical Department ; Visiting Physician to City (Charity) Hospital; Assistant Visiting Physician to Bellevue Hospital WILLIAM WOO& & -COMPANY 1899 Copyright WOOD & COMPANY 1898 PRESS OF Stettiner Bros., 22, 24 & 26 RcADE STREET NEWYORK. PREFACE. An experience of several years in actual class-room work has convinced the author that Materia Medica is one of, if not quite, the most difficult subject to acquire in the field of medicine. Its study from the medical standpoint cannot rest upon a rational basis until the student is brought face to face with the patient at the bedside. Except in its application, Materia Medica is solely a matter of memory and must be learned and re- learned many times Accordingly the attempt is here made to assist the memory as much as possible by con- densing the facts, repeating the doses, and by grouping the drugs in various ways. Some of the more unimportant drugs have been omitted. It is to be regretted that the pruning process could not have been more radical. It is specially intended that the present volume shall not take the place of, but be supplementary to, text books. The doses adopted have been taken from White’s “Materia Medica and Therapeutics.” The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the same volume for the majority of facts here incorporated, and to Messrs. William Wood & Co. for their courtesy and liberality in resetting much of the matter in order to determine upon the form best suited to the text. 5 West Thirtieth Street. November ist, iBgS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGES I.—Schema for studying the actions AND USES OF DRUGS X- 3 ll.—Syllabus of the actions and uses lll.—The more important preparations, 94-m OF DRUGS 4-93 IV.—Classifications of drugs, based CHIEFLY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AC- V.—Various groupings.... • 141-169 TIONS 112-140 I.—Drugs which may produce eruptions 141 2.—Drugs excreted in the milk 141 3.—Drugs which affect the color of the 4.—Drugs which affect the color of the feces 142 s.—Drugs which may cause the urine urine 143 6.—Gastro-intestinal irritants 144-145 to reduce Fehling’s solution 143 7.—Alkaloids; their sources and salts. . 146-151 TABLE OF CONTENTS. B.—Active principles of drugs other than alkaloids 152-156 PAGES g.—Drugs with a maximum dose of grain or less 157-158 10.—Drugs known by common and other names 159 166 11.—Dosage in children 167 12.—Rules for incompatibility 167 13.—An easy method of writing prescrip- tions 168-169 SCHEMA FOR STUDYING THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. I. External. (Chiefly local or direct.) Including nose, mouth, pharynx, bronchial tubes (inhalation), urethra, vagina, rectum. 11. Internal.— A.—Alimentary tract (action local). Mouth, stomach, intestines. B.—Circulation. (l) Blood (entrance into; changes effected in; in- direct effect on metabolism, indicated by urea, carbon dioxide, and temperature). (2) Heart (force, frequency, regularity; action direct or through nerves; blood-pressure). (3) Blood-vessels (effect on calibre; action direct or indirect; blood-pressure). SCHEMA FOR STUDYING (l) Brain (vascular changes in; action on motor or sensory areas; on special centres, cardiac, respiratory, vaso-motor, vomiting, heat). C.—Nervous system (2) Cord (reflex activity, anterior cornua, afferent and efferent tracts). (3) Peripheral nerves (afferent and efferent). D.—Secretions. (l) Saliva, gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal juices. Also physical and chemical changes in feces. (2) Bile (direct or indirect action). (3) Urine (quantity, chemical and physical changes, including amount of urea and odor). (4) Sweat (quantity, effect on temperature). (5) Bronchial (increased or diminished; if dis- infected). (6) Milk (increased or diminished; if excreted in). E.—Special actions. (1) Eye (pupil, accommodation, tension). (2) Genito-urinary tract. (3) Muscles (voluntary, involuntary). (a) Does it easily produce symptoms of poisoning ? 1. Children. 2. Adults. 3. Tolerance. The actions and uses of drugs. 3 (b) What symptoms ? Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, purging; cardiac; respiratory; nervous; tinnitus aurium; renal congestion; eruptions. (c) How administered ? 1. With reference to meals. 2. Night or morning. 3. Diluted O’* undiluted. 4. Flavored. 5. In capsules or wafers. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. ABSINTHUfI (wormwood) B—4o gr. Use. Stomachic. ACACIA (gum Arabic) : Mncilago a .. .freely. Syr. a “ Uses. Demulcent, vehicle. ACETANILIDUfI (antifebrin) 2-5 gr. Actions, Cardiac depressant. Vaso-constrictor. Antipyretic. Analgesic. Uses. Chiefly as antipyretic and analgesic. ACIDUM ACETICUM; Ac. aceticum dil., 6% 1-8 dr. ACIDUn ACETICUM QLACJALE. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 5 ACIDUM CITRICUfI.... 5-30 gr. Syr. acidi citrici 1-4 dr. ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM: Ac. hydrochloricum dil., 31$ 5-20 TIL. ACIDUM LACTICUH. ACIDUM NITRICUM: Ac. nitricum dil., 10% 5-30 TTj,. “ nitrohydrochloricum. dil .... 5-30 Til. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM; Ac. phosphoricum dil., \o% 5-30 TIL. ACIDUM SULPHURICUfI: Ac. sulphuricum dil., 10$. 10-30 TTL. arom., 20% 5-15 in,. ACIDUM TARTARICUM 8-30 gr. Actions. Ext. Irritants, except citric. Caustics. Astringents. Hemostatics. Refrigerants when dilute. Int. Sialagogues. Before meals check gastric juice. Sulphuric astringent in intestine. Cholagogues, especially nitric and nitrohydrochlo- ric. Acetic, citric, and tartaric increase alkalinity of blood, others diminish it. 6 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Uses. Ext. To destroy warts, condylomata, etc. Hemostatics. Refrigerant in fevers. Int. To al- lay thirst. Dyspepsia. Sulphuric as hemostatic in stomach and intestines, and in diarrhoea. Chola- gogue. Vegetable acids for scurvy, and in com- bination as diuretics and in gout. Sulphuric as anhidrotic in tuberculosis. ACIDUM BORICUfI 5-i5 gr. Glyceritum boroglycerini. Sodii boras (borax) 5-30 gr. Actions. Local disinfectant and antiseptic. Uses. Wounds, ulcers, etc. Vaginitis, urethritis, etc Aphthous stomatitis. ACIDUfI CARBOUCUn {phenol) figr, Ung. acidi carbolici, ss. Glyceritum acidi carbolici, 20% 2-5 ill. Actions. Ext. Antiseptic, disinfectant, deodorant, parasiticide. Irritant, caustic. Local anaesthetic. Int. Small doses, antiseptic. Large doses, gene- ral depressant. Urine dark from pyrocatechin and hydrochinon. Uses. As antiseptic, etc. ACIDUM GALLICUM 5-20 gr. Actions. Said to diminish secretions of mucous surfaces. Uses. Chronic bronchitis. Pyelitis, etc. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 7 ACIDUn HYDROBROMICUiI DILUTUfI, |-i dr. Actions. Int. Like the bromides. Uses. Int. To relieve noises in the ears. To prevent cinchonism. To dissolve quinine. ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUn DILUTUfI {prus- sic acid) I—3 HI,. Actions. Ext. Sedative, local anaesthetic. Int. Sed- ative. Cardiac, vaso-motor, respiratory depressant. Uses. Itching. Gastric pain, vomiting. For coughs. ACIDUM OLEICUM. Use. Solvent of drugs for inunction. ACIDUH STEARICUM. Uses. Making glycerine suppositories. In combina- tion with zinc and copper for skin diseases. ACIDUM SULPHUROSUM i-2 dr Actions. Ext. Disinfectant, deodorant, parasiticide. Int. Disinfectant in stomach and intestine (?). Uses. In form of gas from, burned sulphur to disin- fect rooms, etc. Ringworm and foul sores. ACIDUM TANNICUM 1-20 gr. Collodium stypticum 20$ Troch. ac. tan. (i gr.) 1-3 Ung. ac. tan 20% Glyceritum ac. tan 20$ 8 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Actions. Ext. Astringent. Hemostatic. Int. Astrin- gent and hemostatic in stomach. Changed to gal- lic acid in intestine. Uses. Ext. As general astringent and hemostatic. Int. In other drugs, as catechu, for diarrhoea. ACONITUM (monkshood) J-2 gr. Ext. a iV4 gr. Ext. a. fl i-2 TTj,. Tr. a -J—s ti],. (Fleming’s tr. twice as strong.) Aconitina gr. with caution. Napellina £ gr. Actions. Ext. Tingling, numbness, local anaesthesia, Int. Heart slowed, force lessened. Blood-pressure falls. Vessels dilate (?). Depresses nerves of sen- sation, temperature, and later motion. Pain re- lieved. Antipyretic. Diaphoretic. Diuretic (?). Uses. Ext. Neuralgia,etc. Int. Neuralgia. Febrile diseases. Tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc. ADEPS (lari'); Adeps benzoinatus. Ceratum. “ resinse. Unguentum. Oleum adipis. Uses. Emollient, Making ointments. . THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 9 ADEPS LAN/E HYDROSUS {lanolin)-. Uses. Basis for inunctions. ADONIDIN {glucoside fr. adonis vernalis).. . . gr. Actions. Cardiac stimulant. Slows heart. Raises blood-pressure, which subsequently falls from vaso- motor paralysis. Action prompt. Uses. Like digitalis. /ETHER 5-60 UR Spr. setheris J— I dr. Oleum aethereum. Actions. Ext. Evaporating, produces cold and local anaesthesia. Confined, irritant. Int. Like alco- hol and chloroform. Stomachic, carminative. Cardiac stimulant. General anaesthetic. Respi- ratory stimulant. Spr. setheris co. {Hoffman's anodyne).... 5-60 HR Uses. Ext. Small operations. Int. As stomachic. Flatulent dyspepsia. Fainting, heart failure, palpita- tion. Antisnasmodic, asthma. General anaesthetic. Cautions. i. Bronchitis or pulmonary disease. 2. Renal disease. 3. Heart disease. 4. Aneurism. 5. Arterial sclerosis. 6. In hot climates. 7. About artificial light. /ETHER ACETICUS 20-60 ttr Actions and Uses, Stimulant, antispasmodic, car- minative. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. /ETHYLENE BICHLORIDUM {Dutch liquid): Action and Use. General anaesthetic. /ETHYL BROMIDUM (hydrobromic ether) ; Actions. Rapid, transient anaesthetic, without total loss of consciousness. Uses. Minor surgery. AQARICIN {agaric acid) £ gr. From the fungus polyporus officinalis. Use. Anhidrotic in night sweats. ALCOHOL Alcohol absolutum 99$ “ deodoratum 92.5# 91% Spr. frumenti (whiskey) 44-50$ “ vini gallici (brandy). 39-47$ Gin, rum, liqueurs 40-50$ Alcohol dilutum 41$ Vinum album fortius 20-25$ “ portense (port) 15-25$ ‘ ‘ xericum (sherry) . 15-20$ Madeira . 15-20$ Champagne 10-13$ Burgundy 10-13$ THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. Vinum album 10-14$ “ rubrum 10-14$ Claret 8-12$ Cider 5- 9$ Ale or stout 5- 9$ Beer or porter :... 2- 5$ Kumyss x- 3$ Actions. Ext. Disinfectant. Refrigerant. Astrin- gent. Anhidrotic. Hardens skin. When con- fined, rubefacient. Int. Stomachic. Local an- aesthetic. Diminishes oxidation. Antipyretic. Cardiac stimulant ; after-effect, exhaustion. Yaso-dilator. Raises blood-pressure. Diaphoret- ic. Diuretic. Small doses, nervous stimulants; large, narcotic. Uses. Ext. Refrigerant, anhidrotic. Headache. Prevent bedsores. Int. Aid digestion. Vomit- ing. Diarrhoea. Cardiac stimulant. Insomnia. Diuretic. ALLIUn {garlic)... 15-30 gr. Syr. a 1-4 dr. Actions. Stomachic. Cardiac stimulant. Expecto- rant. Lises. Dyspepsia. ALOE BARBADENSIS 1-xo gr. “ SOCOTRINA \—io gr. Ext. a 1-3 gr. A. purificata l-io gr. 12 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA, Pil. a., gr. 2 1-4 pills. Pil. a. et asafcetidae, gr. ij- x-5 “ Pil. a. et ferri, gr. 1 1-4 “ Pil. a. et mastiches (“ Lady Webster ”), gr. 2 x-3 “ Pil a. et myrrhae, gr. 2 2-10 “ Tr. a £-x dr, Tr. a. et myrrhae.f x-2| dr. Aloinum i-2 gr. Actions. Stomachic. Purgative—ls-20 hrs. Acts chiefly on colon. Gripes. Cholagogue. Em- menagogue. Uses. Stomachic. Habitual constipation. Chloro- sis and anaemia with iron. Amenorrhoea. ALTH/EA (;marshmallow): Syr a freely. Uses. Demulcent Flavoring agent. ALUMINUM : Alumen. .. 5-30 gr. Alumen exsiccatum. A. hydras x-io gr. A. sulphas. Actions. Ext. Coagulates albumin of sores and ul- ceis. Astringent. Hemostatic. Int. Astringent, jnouth, stomach, intestines. Direct emetic. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 13 Uses. Ext. Destroys unhealthy granulations. Ec- zema, leucorrhoea, gleet, conjunctivitis, etc. Piles, cuts, etc. hit. Tonsillitis, etc. Emetic. Gastric hemorrhage Diarrhoea. AMMONIUM Aqua ammonias fortior 3-6 XT],. Well diluted. Spiritus ammonias 10-60 XT],. Aqua ammonias 10-20 XT],. Linimentum ammonias. Actions. Ext. Rubefacient, vesicant, hit. Like al- kalies generally in stomach. Cardiac and respi- ratory stimulant. Raises blood-pressure. Uses. Ext. Counter-irritant. Insect bites. Syncope (inhalation), hit. Dyspepsia. Cardiac and respi- ratory stimulant in collapse. Snake-bites (hypo- dermically). A. carbonas 2-15 gr. Spiritus ammonise aromaticus {sal vola- tile). i—2 dr. Actions and uses. Gastric stimulant. Carminative. Cardiac and general stimulant. Expectorant. Emetic. A. chloridum 1-30 gr. Trochisci ammonii chloridi, gr. 2.. . x-6. Uses. Ext. Chr. pharyngitis, otitis media, laryngitis, bronchitis (by inhalation), hit. Expectorant. 14 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Liquor a. acetatis {spirit of Mindererus).. 2-8 dr. Actions and uses. Diaphoretic and diuretic in febrile conditions and nephritis. AfIYQDALA (almond): A. amara (bitter almond): Oleum a. a J- TIL Aqua a. a 2-4 dr. Spr. a. a 15-45 A. dulcis {sweet almond): Emui. amygdalae indeterminate. Syr. “ 01. amygdalae expressum (fr. bitter or sweet) 1-4 dr. Actions and uses. Bitter almond for vehicle and flavoring. Sweet almond, demulcent, vehicle, and to replace flour in diabetes. AHYLENI HYDRAS *-i dr. Action and use. Hypnotic. Safe. AfIYL NITRIS dose. \ |nhaled 1 3 H. ( internally -J—l Actions. Int. Increases cardiac frequency—vagus inhibition. Vaso-dilator. Symptoms of cerebral THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 15 congestion. Respiratory stimulant. Antipyretic. Depresses reflexes. Uses. Cardiac and aneurismal pain. Angina pecto- ris. Epilepsy. Migraine. Tetanus, strychnia poisoning. Asthma. Whooping-cough. AMYLUfI (starch) : Glyceritum amyli. Uses. Chiefly for mechanical properties. ANISUM (anise) 10-30 gr. Oleum a 1-5 TTL Aqua a i-i oz. Spr. a 1-2 dr. Actions and uses. Of volatile oils. ANTHEMIS (chamomile) i-2 dr. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. OLEUM ANTHEfHDIS 1-4 1. Actions and uses. Like other volatile oils. ANTIKAfINIA (proprietary) : Said to contain acetanilid, sodium bicarbonate, caffeine, and tartaric acid. syllabus of materia MEDICA. ANTIMONIUfI: A. sulphidum. “ “ purificatum. A. sulphuratum |s-i gr. A. oxidum 1-4 gr. Pulvis antimonialis {James' powder), 3-15 gr. A. et potassii tartras (tartar emetic)-. t diaphoretic To gr- doses-', cardiac depressant -£-i gr. t emetic 1-2 gr. Vinum a 5-60 Til,. Syr. scilhe co. {hive syrup) 5-30 H. Actions. Ext. Irritant. Tartar emetic produces local pustular eruption. Int. Irritant. Direct and indirect emetic. Cardiac depressant. Pow- erful nerve depressant. Large doses antipyretic. Expectorant. Diaphoretic. Cholagogue. Uses. Ext. Rarely as caustic. Int. Emetic. Car- diac depressant in febrile conditions. Bronchitis. Not used as much as formerly. ANTIPYRIN 3-20 gr. Actions. Analgesic, antipyretic. Cardiac depres- sant. Vaso-constrictor. Uses. Neuralgia, etc. Hyperpyrexia. Hemostatic in epistaxis and hemorrhoids. APIOL (a camphor from parsley) 5-15 gr. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. Uses. Antiperiodic. Dysmenorrhoea. Amenorrhoea. Liquid apiol is an alcoholic extract of parsley seeds. Dose, 2-8 tiL. APOCYNUn {Canadian hemp): , ( emetic ... 10-20 gr. doses < 6 ( alterative, 2-5 gr. Ext. a. fl 2-20 TTD Use. Diuretic. APOMORPHIN/E HYDROCHLORAS: doses-jsubcut- A”* ( by mouth Sr- Actions. Indirect emetic. Stimulates bronchial se- cretion. Other actions which are not toxic are due to the vomiting. Uses. Poisoning, etc. Expectorant. aqua HYDROGENII DIOXIDI (,hydrogen per- oxide) 1-3 dr. Actions, Ext. Gives up oxygen readily and is anti- septic and disinfectant. Decomposes pus. Int. Gives oxygen to blood. Probably stimulates ner- vous system. Uses. Ext. Washing wounds, fistulse, etc. Mouth wash in diphtheria. Int. Dyspepsia. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA'. ARQENTUM {silver)-. A. nitras {lunar caustic) J-x gr. Nitras dilutus. “ fusus. A. oxidum i-2 gr. A. cyanidum. A. iodidum 1 gr. Actions. Ext. Caustic, astringent, hemostatic. Int. Said to have little action. Astringent (?). Uses, Ext. General astringent. Int. Nervous dis- eases. Diarrhoea. Injection for dysentery. ARISTOLUM. Action and use. Like iodoform. ARNICA: A. floras xo-20 gr. Tr. a. flor 15-45 Ttl- A. radix 5-20 gr. Ext. a. rad 5-xo gr. Ext. a. rad. fl 5-20 Tfl,. Tr. a. rad 5-10 xtl Empl. a. Actions and uses. Like volatile oils. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. ARSENUM: Acidum arsenosum -go~rs Sr- Liquor potassii arsenitis {Fowler's solution), 1% 2—lo Til. Liquor acidi arsenosi, 1% 5_I° TIL Sodii arsenas ’ss~ts gr. Liquor sodii arsenatis {Pearson's solution), 1% I—lo HI,. Arseni iodidum -st~rs Sr< Liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidi {Donovan's solution), aa 1% 1-10 HI, Actions. Ext. Caustic on raw surfaces. Tnt. Gas- tric irritant in large doses. In small doses gastric and duodena] stimulant. Hematinic. Alterative. Uses. Ext. As caustic, but dangerous. Int. To de- stroy pulps of teeth. Dyspepsia. Some cases of vomiting. Some cases of diarrhoea. Chronic superficial skin diseases. Primary amemias, as pernicious anaemia, leukaemia, Hodgkin’s disease. Secondary anaemias, as chlorosis, etc. Antiperiodic and vague malarial manifestations. Rheumatoid arthritis. Chorea. Asthma. ASAF(ETIDA: Emul. a -J— I oz. Pil. aloes et a 1-5 pills. Pil. a., 3gr 1-4 “ Tr. a ■&-1 dr. 20 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Actions. Of volatile oils. Stimulates peristalsis. Uses. With purgatives. Flatus. Because of bad taste, hysteria. ASPIDIUM {male fern, filix-mas) dr. Oleoresina a J-i dr. Action and use. Anthelmintic for tapeworm. ASPIDOSPERMA (quebracho) 5—30 gr. Ext. a. fl 5-30 TTf. Action. Increases amt. of oxygen in blood (Pen- zoldt). Uses. Emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma. AURANTII CORTEX {orangepeel); A. amari cortex: Ext. a. a. fl -J-i dr Tr. a. a 1-2 dr. A. dulcis cortex. Syr aurantii vehicle. Tr. “ dulcis 1-2 dr. Oleum aurantii corticis: Spr. aurantii vehicle. Spr. “ co “ Elixir aromaticum “ Actions and uses. Flavoring agent. Bitter. the Actions and Uses of drugs. 21 AURANTH FLORES; Oleum aurantii florum; Aqua a. f. fortior indeterminate. Aqua a. f Syr. a. f Actions and uses. Flavoring agent AURUM {gold) : A. et sodii chloridum -sv~TS Sr- Actions. Int. Promotes digestion. Stimulates brain. Aphrodisiac. Uses. Dyspepsia. Gastroduodenitis. Hypochon- driasis. To absorb connective-tissue formations. Tertiary syphilis. BALSAMUH PERUVIANUM 10-30 H. Actions. Ext. Stimulant. Disinfectant. Int. Car- minative. Expectorant. Uses. Ext. Wounds, sores, and chronic eczema. Pediculi, scabies, ringworm. Int. Chronic bron- chitis. BALSAnUfI TOLUTANUfI *.... 10-30 gr. Syr. t -J—l oz. Tr. t 1-2 dr. Action. Like bals. of Peru. Use. Expectorant. 22 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. BARIUM: B, dioxidum. B. chloridum gr. Actions. Like digitalis. Stimulates muscle of intes- tine and bladder. Uses. Mitral insufficiency. Hemorrhage. Atony of intestine or bladder. BELLADONNA (deadly nightshade) ; B. folia 1-5 gr. Ext. b. foliorum ale -J—l gr. Tr. b. “ 5-30 % Ung. b. “ 10$. Empl. b. “ .20%, E. radix: Ext. b. radicis fl 1-3 Tip Lin. b. Atropine (alkaloid) TlhrTV gr- A. sulphas xiWcr gr. Actions. Ext. Anodyne, local anaesthetic. Int. Va- gus inhibited First contracts, then dilates vessels. Blood-pressure rises, then falls. Deliriant. Stim- ulates, then depresses medullary centres. Antipy- retic. Depresses all secretory nerves. Mydriatic. Paralyzes accommodation. Intra-ocular tension increased. Relaxes involuntary muscle. Uses. Ext. Pain. Int. Antisialagogue. With pur- gatives. Certain cardiac diseases. Night-sweats, Whooping-cough. Asthma. Nocturnal inconti- nence. Vesical or urethral spasm. With opium. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 23 BENZOINUfI: Adeps benzoinatus. Tr. b 1 dr. Tr. b. Co. (friar's balsam) -J—l dr. Acidum benzoicum 5-15 gr. Ammonii benzoas. 5-20 gr. Sodii “ 5-60 gr. Actions. Ext. Antiseptic. Int. Causes appearance of hippuric acid in urine. Makes alkaline urine acid. Disinfecting expectorant. Antipyretic. Uses. Ext. Stimulating antiseptic. Int. Bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Pyelitis and cystitis with alkaline urine. BERBERIN/E SULPHAS 1-10 gr. Actions and uses. Bitter stomachic. Slightly anti- pyretic and antiperiodic. Antiseptic. BISMUTHUM: B. subcarbonas 5-60 gr. B. subnitras 5-6o gr. B. citras 1-3 gr. Bismuthi et ammonii citras 2-5 gr. B. subgallas (derniatol) s—lo gr. B. salicylas 5-20 gr. Actions. Ext. and int. Astringent. Gastric seda- tive. Uses. Ext. As protective and astringent. Int. Nau- sea, vomiting, gastric pain. Diarrhoea. 24 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. BORAX. See Acidum boricum. BROMOFORfIUfI 1-5 n. Action and uses. Anaesthetic. Whooping-cough. With care. BROMUM : Potassii bromidum 5-60 gr. Sodii “ 15-60 gr. Ammonii “ 5-30 gr. Lithii “ 5-20 gr. Calcii “ 15-30 gr. Zinci “ 1-5 gr. Strontii “ 5-30 gr. Actions. Int. Depressants to nervous system. Hyp- notics. Cardiac depressants, except ammonium salt. Respiratory depressants. Metabolism di- minished. Anaphrodisiacs. Uses. Int. Epilepsy, especially grandmal Hypnot- ic. Migraine. Delirium tremens. Laryngismus stridulus. Tetanus. Hysteria. Neuralgia. Strych- nia poisoning. Spermatorrhoea. Nymphomania. BRYONIA (bryony) 10-60 gr. Tr. b 1-5 dr. Action and use. Hydragogue cathartic, THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 25 BUCHU (Ibucco) 15—30 gr. Ext. b. fl .' 15-30 Tip Actions. Diuretic. Disinfectant to g.-u. tract. Also of volatile oils. Uses. As diuretic. Pyelitis, cystitis, gonorrhoea. BUTYL=CH LORAL HYDRAS {croton chloral), 5-20 gr. Actions and uses. Like chloral. Less depressant to heart. CAFFEINA {theine, guaranine) 1-5 gr. C. citrata 2-8 gr. C. “ effervescens 1-4 dr. Actions. Cardiac stimulant, increasing force and lengthening systole. Blood-pressure raised. Cer- ebral stimulant. Diuretic. Uses. Aortic and mitral obstruction. Cardiac dropsy, ascites. Pleural effusion. Nephritis. Combined with cardiac depressants. CALAHUS {sweet-flag)'. Ext. c. fl 15-60 Tip. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. Carminative. CALCIUfI: Creta prseparata 10-60 gr. Pulvis cretse composituss-60 gr. 26 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Mistura cretse 2-4 dr. Hydrargyrum cum creta (gray powder, 38$ Hg.) i-10 gr. Trochisci cretae, 4 gr ad lib. Calcii carbonas prsecipitatus 5-60 gr. Actions. Ext. Astringent. Int. Antacid, astrin- gent. Uses. Eczema, diarrhoea. Calx: Liquor calcis (lime-water) 1-8 dr. Linimentum calcis {Carron oil). Syrupus calcis 15-60 Potassa cum calce (Vienna paste'). Actions. Ext. Lime-water, astringent. Slacked lime, caustic. Int. Lime, antacid, antemetic; antidote for mineral acids, oxalic acid, zinc chloride; intes- tinal astringent. Uses. Ext. Lime-water for weeping eczema. Vienna paste as caustic. Linimentum calcis for burns. Int. Lime-water mixed with milk. Vomiting. Diarrhoea. Calcii phosphas prsecipitatus 5-30 gr. Syrupus calcii lactophosphatis x-2 dr. Actions and uses. Increases salts of bone. Rick- ets. Anaemia. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS Calx sulphurata J>r- Used in suppuration. Calcii chloridum 5-20 gr. Used for enlarged lymph glands. Calcii sulphas exsiccatus (Plaster of Paris). Used for plaster casts CALUfIBA 5-30 gr. Ext. c. fl S—3° T. Tr. c 1-4 dr. Actions. Stomachic bitter. Carminative. Anthel- mintic to threadworm—injection. Uses. Dyspepsia. Threadworm. CAMBOQIA (gamboge) 1-5 gr. Action. Drastic, hydragogue purgative. Gripes. Use. In combination. CAMPHORA 3-20 gr. Aqua c . i~2 oz. Lin. c. (camphorated oil). Spr. c 30-60 Tif. Cera turn c. Actions. Ext. Warmth. Anaesthesia. Int. Stom- 28 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. achic and carminative. Cardiac stimulant, di- rectly, and reflexly from stomach. Cerebral ex- citant or sedative. Expectorant. Diaphoretic. Aphrodisiac. Uses. Ext. Counter-irritant and anodyne. Int. Carminative. Coryza. Cough mixtures. Hys- teria. CAfIPHORA MONOBROHATA 210 gr. Actions and uses. Like the bromides. CANNABIS INDICA (Indian hemp, hasckisch), 2-5 gr. Ext. c. i i-f gr. Ext. c. i. fl 2-5 tiR Tr. c. i 5-30 ttl Actions. Peculiar intoxication. Deliriant. Nar- cotic. Uses. Migraine, neuralgia. CANTHARIS (Spanish Jly): Ceratum c. Collodium cantharidatum. Tr. c 1-15 ni. Empl. picis cantharidatum. Actions. Ext. Irritant, counter-irritant, vesicant. Int. Gastro-intestinal irritant. Renal irritant— albumin, blood. Uses. Ext. Counter-irritant. Vesicant—about Slurs. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 29 CAPSICUM {Cayennepepper) 1-8 gr. Ext. c. fl 1-8 fTp Oleores. c Tfl,. Tr. c 5-60 Tfl. Empl. c. Actions and use. Like volatile oils. CARBO ANIMALIS PURIFICATUS.. 20-60 gr. oz. as antidote. Carbo ligni 20-60 gr. Actions. Ext. Absorbs oxygen. Disinfectant, de- odorant. Int. Probably none. Uses, Locally, ulcers, etc. Flatus. Antidote to alkaloids. CARDAHOnUM 10-15 gr. Tr. c 1-2 dr. Tr. c. co 2-4 dr. Actions and use. Like volatile oils. CARUM (caraway) 15-30 gr. Oleum c 1-5 til,. Actions and uses. Of volatile oils. CARYOPHYLLUS (cloves) 5-30 gr. Oleum c 1-5 tfl. Actions. Ext. Irritant, counter-irritant, rubefacient. Local anaesthetic. Int. Stomachic, carminative. Reflex cardiac stimulation. Stimulating disinfect- ant of secretions. Antispasmodic. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA Uses. Ext. Neuralgia. Int. Stomachic, carmina- native, antispasmodic. CASCARILLA 10-30 gr. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. CASSIA FISTULA (purging cassia) I—B dr. Use. In confection of senna. CATECHU 10—30 gr. Tr. c. co -J—2 dr. Troch. c., 1 gr 1-6 Action and use. Ext. and Int. Astringent. Sore throat, diarrhoea, etc. CERA (wax')'. C. flava. C. alba. Uses. Basis for plasters, ointments, cerates. CEREUS QRANDIFLORUS {cactus): Ext. c. g. flic-30 "nt. Actions. Cardiac stimulant—augmentor and intrinsic mechanism. Shortens diastole. Raises blood- pressure. Vaso-motor action not marked. Uses. As general cardiac stimulant. Functional car- diac diseases. Aortic regurgitation. Contra-in- dicated in mitral stenosis. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 31 CERIUn: C. oxalas I—B gr. Use. Vomiting of pregnancy. CETACEUM {spermaceti)-. Ceratum c. Ung. aquae rosse. Uses. Emollient. Making ointments. CETRARIA (.Iceland moss); Decoctum c I—4 oz. Uses. Demulcent. Food. CHENOPODIUM {Amer. wormseed) 15-30 gr. Oleum c 2--10 H. Action and use. Anthelmintic for roundworm. CHLORAL 5-20 gr. Actions. Ext. Antiseptic, Irritant. Int. Gastric irritant. Cardiac, vaso-xnotor, respiratory depres- sant. Depresses cerebrum and cord. Hypnotic. Uses. Hypnotic. Delirium tremens, puerperal con- vulsions, mania. Tetanus, strychnia-poisoning, whooping-cough. CHLORALOSE 2-8 gr. Action and use. Hypnotic. 32 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. CHLORALUn FORnAITIDATUn {chloralamide), 10-30 gr. Action and use. Hypnotic, without after-effects. CHLOROFORM Lin 2-20 H. Aqua chloroformi 1-4 dr. Linimentum “ Emulsum “ 1-4 dr. Spiritus “ {chloric ether) -J-i dr. Actions. Ext. Evaporating, produces cold and local anaesthesia. Confined, irritant and vesicant. Int. Like alcohol. Small doses stomachic. Cardiac stimulant. General anaesthetic; Ist stage, stimu- lation; 2d stage, depression; 3d stage, reflexes abolished. No action on peripheral nerves. May- produce vomiting. Uses. Ext. Chronic rheumatism and inflammations. Myalgia. Int. Toothache. Dyspepsia. Cardiac stimulant. General anaesthetic. Cautions. I. Examine heart. 2. Remove false teeth. 3. Empty stomach and bowels. 4. Head raised. 5. Clothing loose. 6. Stimulants at hand. 7. chloroform, 95$ air. 8. Do not begin ope- ration in Ist stage. 9. Watch respiration and pulse. CHLORUM: Aqua chlori I—4 dr. Calx chlorata. Liquor sodae chloratae {Labarraque's solu- tion) . ~ 1 dr. THE ACTIONS AND USES OE DRUGS. 33 Actions. Ext. Disinfectant, deodorant, irritant. Int. Rarely given. Uses. As above. CHONDRUS (Irish ??toss) 2—4 df. Action and use. Demulcent. Food. CHROmun: Acidum chromicum. Actions. Ext. Disinfectant, deodorant, caustic. Int. Unknown. Uses, Ext. Disinfectant for ulcers, sores, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, in strength of 1 in 40. Crystals as caustic in nares. CiiRYSAROBINUM (Goapowder, Ararobapowder)-. Ung. c 5%. Actions. Ext. Powerful irritant. Parasiticide. Stains yellow. Int. Gastro-intestinal irritant. Uses. Ext. Ringworm. Chronic skin diseases, e.g., psoriasis. CIfIICIFUQA (black snakeroot)-. Ext. C 1-5 gT. Ext. c. fl —1 dr. Tr. c -J—2 dr. Actions. Stomachic. Increases force of heart-beat. Emmenagogue. Uses, Dyspepsia. Amenorrhoea. 34 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. CINCHONA 10-60 gr. Inf. c 1-2 oz. Ext. c 5-30 gr. Ext. c. fl 10-60 Bf. Tr. c -J—2 dr. CINCHONA RUBRA 10-60 gr. Tr. c. co 1-4 dr. Quinina 1-20 gr. Ferri et q. citras 2-10 gr. Vinum ferri amarum 1-4 dr. “ “ “ “ sol 2—lo gr. Q. bisulphas 1-20 gr Q. hydrobromas 1-20 gr, Q. valerianas 1-30 gr, Q. sulphas 1-20 gr, Syr. ferri et q. et strychninse phos phatum ... —1 dr Q. hydrochloras 1-20 gr Quinidinse sulphas 1-20 gr Cinchonina 1-30 gr. C. sulphas 1-30 gr, Cinchonidinse sulphas 1-30 gr Tr. antiperiodica ( Warburg's tr.), 10 gr.-i oz., Actions. Ext. Antiseptic—l-1000-250. Ini. Stom achic. Arrests movement of white blood-cells 1-4 dr, THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 35 Increases stability of O—hemoglobin. Lowers temperature. Diminishes metabolism. Small doses stimulate heart. Small doses stimulate brain. Antipyretic, acting on heat centres. Di- minishes reflex excitability of cord. Diminishes uric acid and urea. .Stimulates uterus. Specific for malaria. Uses. Ext. Injections—l-4000-500—in amoebic dys- entery. Int. Stomachic. Tonic. Malarial par- oxysms and other malarial manifestations, e.g., neuralgia. Antipyretic. In inflammations gen- erally. Cautions. Do not give in; 1. Middle-ear disease. 2. Gastro-enteritis. 3. To persons with idiosyn- crasy for. ciNNAnonun saigonicufi : C. Zeylanicum. Pulv. aromaticus 10-30 gr. Tr. c x—2 dr. Ext. aromaticum fl 10—30 14. Cinnaraomum Cassia: Oleum c 1-5 Til. Aqua c i-x oz. Spr. c 10-30 rtf. Actions and uses. Stomachic and carminative. COCA (erythroxylon) I—4 dr. Ext. c 1-4 dr. Cocainse hydrochloras .. i~2 gr. 36 Syllabus of materia medica. Actions. Ext. Local anaesthetic. Int. Local anaes- thetic, stomach. Antemetic. Vagus depressed. Cerebral stimulant. Respiratory centre stimulated, then depressed. Mydriatic. Accommodation partially paralyzed. Uses, As local anaesthetic. Gastric pain, vomiting, seasickness. COCCUS (cochineal): Use. Coloring agent. COLCHICUfI: C. radix 2-8 gr. Ext. c. r i-2 gr. Ext. c. r. fl 2-8 Trp, Vinum c. r s—xs5—x5 C. semen 1-5 gr. Ext. c. s. fl 1-5 HI. Tr. c. sic-30 np. Vinum c. s 10-30 nR Actions. Ext. Irritant. Int. Specific for gout. Gastro-intestinal irritant—prostration. Use. Gout and goutiness, including eczema, head- ache, bronchitis, etc. COLOCYISTHIS {bitter calumba) 2-8 gr. Ext. c i~2 gr. Ext. c. co • 5-15 gr. Pil. cath. co I—3 pills. Pil. cath. veg 1-5 “ THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 37 Actions. Stomachic. Drastric, hydragogue cathar- tic. Gripes. Uses. Not given alone. Hydragogue cathartic. CONIUM (hemlock) 2—5 gr. Ext. c —x gr. Ext. c. fl 2-5 Tfl,. Actions. Paralyzes vagus. Ascending paralysis— motor nerves. Mydriatic. Ptosis. Asphyxia. Uses. Rarely used. Whooping-cough, tetanus, cho- rea, asthma, epilepsy. CONV ALL ARIA (lily of the valley)-. Ext. c. fl 5-30 H. Actions and uses. Like digitalis—not so powerful. COPAIBA i-i dr. Massa c i—l dr. Oleum c 5-:i:s TTI- Resina c 5-15 gr. Actions. Of volatile oils generally. Disinfectant, expectorant, and diuretic. Uses. Chiefly in gonorrhoea. CORIANDRUM (coriander) 10-30 gr. 01. c 2-5 nx. Actions and uses. Of volatile oils. 38 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA GOTO 1-10 gr. Abstractum c -J-5 gr. Tr. c 1-10 TTf. Ext. c. fl 2-6 ifl. Cotoin 1-2 gr. Paracotoin. 1-3 gr. Uses. Diarrhoea, ordinary and typhoid or tubercular. Night-sweats. CREOUNUfI 1-5 m. Action and use. Powerful, non-irritating antiseptic. CREOSOTUM i-2 ui. Aqua creosoti 1-4 dr. Actions and uses. Gastric and intestinal antisep- tic. Pulmonary tuberculosis. CUBEBA {cubed) 30-60 gr. Ext. c. fl i-l dr. Oleoresina c 5-30 iri. Tr. c is dr. Troch. c. (aa f IT. oleores.) 1-6 Oleum c 5-20 TTE Actions. Of volatile oils. Disinfecting expectorant and diuretic. Uses. In cigarettes for bronchitis, asthma, etc. Chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea, etc. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 39 CUPRUM (coppery. C. sulphas (bluestone). .dose i astr”?s>ent’ 8 - Sr- r v ' ( emetic 2—20 gr. Actions. Ext. Astringent. Caustic. hit. Astrin- gent. Direct emetic. Uses. Ext. Caustic and general astringent, hit. Emetic. Diarrhoea. Phosphorus-poisoning. CURARE (woorari, urari) —J- gr. Action. Paralyzes motor plates. Use, Tetanus. CUSSO (kousso, braver a) 2-4 dr. Ext. c. fl 1-4 dr. Coussin 20-40 gr Action and use. Anthelmintic for tapeworm. DAniANA i-i oz. Action and use. Aphrodisiac. DIGITALIS (foxglove).... gr. Ext. d i-i gr. Ext. d. fl rn,. Inf. d 1-4 dr. Tr. d 5-30 TTI. Digitalein subcut. gr. Digitonin wmU gr. Digitalin. Digitoxin. 40 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Actions. Gastro-intestinal irritant. Prolongs di- astole. slows rate, increases force, regulates heart. Action direct. Contracts blood-vessels. Action direct and indirect. Raises blood-pres- sure. Diuretic. Uses. Mitral regurgitation. Mitral obstruction. Aortic obstruction. Tricuspid disease. Cardiac dilatation. In and after acute diseases. Pal- pitation. Exophthalmic goitre. Hemorrhage. Chronic alcoholism. Acute and chronic nephritis. Caution. Do not use in disease of cardiac muscle— e.g., fatty, fibroid. DIURETIN 15-30 gr. Action and use. Diuretic. DUBOISIN/E SULPHAS (alkaloid from duboisia myoporoides) : Action. Like atropine. Use. Mydriatic—zvffV gfrain disc. EL A STIC A [lndia -rubber, caoutchouc) ; Uses. Plasters, pessaries, syringes, etc. ELATERINUM Trituratio e -£-1 gr. Actions. The most powerful hydragogue. Gripes. Much prostration. Uses. As powerful hydragogue cathartic. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 41 ERGOT A 30-60 gr. Ext. e. fl -J—l dr. Ext. e 5-15 gr. Vinum e 1-4 dr. Actions. Cardiac depressant. Vaso-constrictor. Hemostatic. Ecbolic. Secretions diminished. Uses. Cautiously in labor. Post-partum hemor- rhage. Hemoptysis. Hematemesis. Antigalac- tagogue. ETHYL CHLORIDE. Use. Spray for local anaesthesia, freezing. Anodyne. EUCALYPTUS i-2 dr. Ext. e. fl |-2 dr. Oleum e 5-30 tq. Eucalyptol 5-30 tq. Actions. Ext. Antiseptic, disinfectant, hit. Stom- achic. Stimulates heart. Antipyretic and anti- periodic. Disinfecting expectorant and diuretic. Diaphoretic. Uses. Ext. As antiseptic. Int. Diphtheria. Fetid bronchitis, cystitis, pyelitis. EUONYMUS (wahoo, spindle tree) 1-2 dr. Ext. e 1-5 gr. Action and use. Cholagogue purgative. 42 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. EUROPHEN. Action and use. Antiseptic. EXALQINUM i~3 gr, Action and use. Analgesic. FABIAN A {pic hi); Ext. f. fl 1-40 Tl|, Use. Inflammations of g.-u. tract. FEE BOVIS {pel tauri, ox-gall) 5-15 gr F. b. purificatum 5-I5 gr, Actions and uses. Cholagogue purgative. Intes- tinal antiseptic (?). Enema. FERRUM {iron): Ferrum reductum 1-5 gr, F. sulphas i~2 gr, F. sulphas exsiccatus 2 gr, F. “ granulatus -J-2 gr. Mistura f. Co. {Griffith's mixture).. 2-4 dr, Pilulse f. Co. {Bland'spills) 1-2 pills F. carbonas saccharatus 2-10 gr. Massa f. carbonatis ( Valid's mass) 1-5 gr, F. iodidum saccharatum 5-15 gr Syrupus f. iodidi 5-30 fib Pilulse f. iodidi 1-2 pills, THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 43 F. lactas x~5 gr- F. chloridum. Liquor f. chloridi 2-10 up. Tr. f. chloridi 5-60 xq. Liq. f. et ammonii acetatis {Bash- am's mixture) I—4 dr. Liquor f. tersulphatis. “ f. nitratis. 2-10 xij,. “ f. subsulphatis {Morsel's solu- tion) 2-10 np. “ f. citratis 5-15 TU- “ f. acetatis 2-10 Tip. F. oxidum hydratum 1-4 dr. Emplastrum ferri. Trochisci “ I—2 F. oxidum hydratum cum magnesia... . 1-4 dr. Ferri et ammonii sulphas 2-xo gr. Scale preparations : F. phosphas solubilis 1-5 gr. Syrupus f., quininse et strychninse • phosphatum I dr. F. et potassii tartras 5_15 gr. “ “ ammonii citras I—s gr. Vinum f. citratis x-2 dr. F. et strychninse citras 1-3 gr. “ “ ammonii tartras 5-I5 gr. F. citras. • 1-5 gr. 44 SYLLABUS OK MATERIA MEDICA. F. et quininae citras 2-10 gr. “ “ “ “ solubilis 2-10 gr. Vinum f. amarum 1-4 dr. F. pyrophosphas solubilis 1-5 gr. Actions, Ext. Ferric salts, astringent, hemostatic. Int. Astringent and hemostatic in mouth, stom- ach. Constipates. Hematinic. Uses. Ext. As astringent and hemostatic. Int. Tonsillitis, etc. Gastric hemorrhage. Chlorosis. Secondary anaemias. Arsenic-poisoning. Injec- tion for threadworms. Rheumatoid arthritis. * Erysipelas. Diphtheria. Chloride as diuretic in Bright’s. FERRUfI DIALYSATUM .... 10-3O TT^. Use. Arsenic-poisoning. FICUS {fig) freely. Use. Mild purgative. FORfl ALDEHYDE {formalin)-. Commercial preparation is a 40$ solution of the gas. Uses. Ext. Antiseptic and disinfectant for inanimate objects. Hardening agent in histological tech- nique. FRANQULA {buckthorn) •}—l dr. Ext. f. fl 1-2 dr. Action and use. Mild purgative. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 45 QALLA (nutgall), tannic acid 50—605. Tr. g. i-2 dr. Ung. g 20$. Actions and uses. See tannic acid. QELSEMIUn {yellow jasmine) 5-I° gr- Ext. g. fl 5-10 til. Tr. g i~i dr. Gelsemina. -gV~sV Sr- Actions. Paralysis from depression of anterior cor- nua. Depression of sensory tracts (?). Mydriatic. Diplopia. Asphyxia. Uses. Neuralgia, migraine. Mydriatic. QENTIANA (gentian) 5-30 gr. Ext. g 2-10 gr. Ext. g. fl 5-30 Til. Tr. g. co 1-4 dr. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. QLONOIN. See Spirit of. QLYCERINUn 5-60 m. Glyceritum amyli freely. “ vitelli “ Suppositoria glycerini p. r. n. Actions. Ext. Solvent, vehicle. Int. Purges, De- mulcent. 46 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEUICA. Uses. Ext. Vehicle. Chapped hands. Int. As enema or suppository. QLYCYRRHIZA {licorice root) : Ext. g freely. Ext. g. purum “ Ext. g. fl I dr. Glycyrrhizinura ammoniatum 5-15 gr. Pulv. g. co i-2 dr. Mist. g. Co. {Brown mixture) 1-4 dr. Uses. Demulcent, vehicle. Pulv. g. Co. as laxative. Mist. g. Co. as expectorant. QOSSYPII RADICIS CORTEX {cotton root bark -J-i dr. Ext. g. r. fl J-i dr. Actions and uses. Like ergot. QOSSYPIUM PURIFICATUM {absorbent cotton). Q RANATUn (pomegranate) i-iidr. Actions and uses. Astringent. Anthelmintic for tapeworm. QRINDELIA i-i dr. Ext. g. fl i-x dr. Actions. Expectorant. Relaxes muscle of bronchial tubes. the actions and uses of drugs. 47 Uses. Ext. Poison ivy. Int. Asthma, chronic bron- chitis with asthmatic symptoms. GUAIACOLUM 2-10 m. G. benzoas 2-10 gr. G. carbonas 5-30 gr. G. salicylas 5-3° TTL Actions and uses. Like creosote. Less of a gas- tro intestinal irritant. QUAIACUH ; G. lignum {lignum vitce) I dr. G. resina {guaiac) 5-30 gr. Tr. g 1 -J—l dr. Tr. g. ammoniata .. -J—l dr. Actions. Stomachic, increases peristalsis. Purga- tive. Uses. Mild purgative. Empirically for sore throat and chronic rheumatism. QUARANA {Brazilian cocod) I dr. Ext. g. fl i-i dr. Action. Like caffeine. Use. Chiefly sick headache. QUIT A PERCHA. Liq. gutta percha. Uses. Making splints. 48 SYLLABUS OP MATERIA MEDICA. H/EMATOXYLON (logwood) ; Ext, h 5-15 gr Action and use. Ext. and int. Astringent HAMAMELIS (witckhazel) ; Ext. h. fl i~2 dr. ‘ Action and use. Ext. and int. Astringent. HEDEOfIA (pennyroyal) ; Oleum h 1-5 m,. Actions and uses. Of volatile oils. HIRUDO [leech): Use. To draw blood. HOMATROPIN/E HYDROBROMAS, '1 ao~?V subcutaneously. Actions and uses. L;ke atropine. HUMULUS {hops): Tr. humuli 1-2 dr. Lupulin 5-30 gr. Ext. 1. fl 5-30 ttl. Oleores. 1 1-5 gr. Actions. Stomachic, tonic, carminative, soporific, narcotic. Uses. Dyspepsia, insomnia, delirium tremens. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 49 HYDRARGYRUM (mercury): Actions in common of all preparations. Ext. Stimulating, irritant to caustic. Nearly all, anti- parasitic and antiseptic. Relieve itching. Ab- sorbed by skin ; by lungs in form of vapor. Int. Gastro-intestinal irritants in varying degrees. Converted into complex albuminate in stomach, becoming an oxyalbuminate in blood. Large doses produce anaemia. Indirect cholagogues. Excreted in saliva, bile, urine, milk, sweat. May salivate. Specific for syphilis. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Empl. ammoniaci cum h. Empl. h. Use. Local application. Ung. h 50$. Actions. Antiparasitic. When absorbed, like other mercurials. Uses. Antiparasitic. Application to syphilitic and other sores. Inunction for chronic joint and other inflammations ; enlarged lymph nodes ; to rapidly mercurialize. H. ammoniatum (whiteprecipitate). Ung. h. ammon. (whiteprecipitate ointment). Uses. Antiparasitic. Syphilitic and other sores. H. oxidum flavum. Ung. oxidi flavi. Uses. Syphilitic and other sores. 50 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Uses. Antiparasitic. Inunction. Oleatum h. Ung. h. oxidi rubri (red precipitate ointment'). Uses. Antiparasitic. Syphilitic and other sores. Liq. h. nitratis. Uses. Caustic for syphilitic warts, condylomata, etc. Ung. h. nitratis (citrine ointment). Uses. Caustic. Diluted, antiparasitic. Syphilitic and other sores. FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE H. cum creta {mercury with chalk), 385.. -£-io gr. Massa h. (blue mass, blue pill), 33$ £-15 gr. Actions. Int. Laxatives or purgatives. Indirect cholagogues. Uses. Chiefly as laxatives or purgatives or chola- gogues. Mercury with chalk for vomiting, hepatic congestion, cirrhosis, diarrhoea. Blue mass in diuretic pill or for syphilis. H. chloridum mite (calomel) tit-10 Sr- Pil. cath. co x-3 pills. Pil. antimonii co. {Plummer 5).... X-3 pills. Lotio nigra (black wash), not offi- cial 4 gr. to I oz. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 51 Actions. Ext. Mildly irritant and stimulant. Ab- sorbed by skin, by lungs. Int. Laxative and pur- gative—duodenum and jejunum—spinach-green or dark stools. Gripes. Indirect cholagogue— partly converted to bichloride, hence also direct. Uses. Ext. Stimulant for syphilitic and non-syphi- litic sores. Itching. Vapor bath in syphdis. Int. As general laxative or purgative—at night, saline in morning. Vomiting from congestion of stomach. Congestion of liver, functional or or- ganic. Cirrhosis. Diarrhoea. Diuretic in small doses or in “ diuretic ” pill (calomel, squill, digi- talis, aa gr. 1). Rarely for syphilis. H. chloridum corrosivum {corrosive chloride, bi- chloride) (iWirgT- Lotio flava {yellow wash), not official, I gr. to I oz. Actions. Ext. Antiseptic, disinfectant, antiparasitic —l-70000-500. Absorbed by skin, by lungs. Int. Gastro-intestinal irritant. Produces ansemia in large doses. Direct cholagogue. Uses. Ext. As general antiseptic and parasiticide. Yellow wash for itching and syphilitic sores. Int. Alone or with potassium iodide for syphilis— 2d or 3d stage. To absorb non-syphilitic, chronic, inflammatory formations—S.g., intersti- tial nephritis. H. iodidum flavum (yellow, green, or protiodide) I gr. H. iodidum rubrum (red or biniodide). . gr- Liq. arseni et h. i. {Donovan's solution), 1% of each x-xo ftl. 52 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. H. oxidum rubrum {redprecipitate). .. . J-I gr, H. cyanidum. Uses. Chiefly internally for syphilis. Donovan’s so lotion as alterative. H, subsulphas flavus {turpeth mineral).. . 2-4 gr. Use. As emetic. 1. Inunction—blue ointment and oleate chiefly. 2. Endermically—calomel. 3. Hypodermically—bichloride. 4. Fumigation—calomel chiefly. 5. Suppositories—blue ointment chiefly. 6. Baths—rarely—bichloride in water. 7. Inhalation—rarely. 8. Internally—most usual—any preparation for in ternal use. MODES OF ADMINISTRATION. HYDRASTIS (golden seal) 5-60 gr Ext. h. fl.' 5-60 H Tr. h \—2 dr. Glyceritum hydrastis 5-60 H. Hydrastininse hydrochloras xV~i gr' Berberine. Actions. Stomachic. Cholagogue. Diuretic. Stim- ulates involuntary muscle. Antiperiodic. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 53 Uses. Ext. Lotion in chronic inflammations. In- jection in leucorrhoea, etc. Int. Chronic inflam- mations of mucous membranes. Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia. Malaria. HYOSCYAMUS {henbane) 5—:15 gr. Ext. h gr. Ext. h. fl 5-15 HR Tr. h 1-4 dr. Hyoscyaminse sulphas ifV-aV gr- hydrobromas -hrhs ffr- Hyoscinse “ xitniTT ST- Actions. Like belladonna and stramonium. Differ- ences: 1. Cerebral and spinal sedative. 2. Re- lieves griping better. 3. Relaxes muscle of urinary tract more. Uses. Chiefly with other purgatives and for vesical and urethral spasm, cystitis, etc. Hyoscine for acute mania, delirium tremens. Chorea, paralysis agitans, etc. Hyoscyamine for sea-sickness. HYPNAL {chloral and antipyrin) 15 gr. Actions and uses. Hypnotic and analgesic. HYPOPHOSPHITES: Calcii hypophosphis 2-5 gr. Sodii “ 5-20 gr. Potassii “ 5-20 gr. Syr. hypophosphitum 1-2 dr. “ “ cum ferro... 1-2 dr. 54 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Zinci phosphidum tV"& gr- Acidum hypophosphorosum dilutum. Actions and uses. Chronic bronchitis. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Reconstructive. ICHTHYOCOLLA (isinglass) freely. Empl. i. {courtplaster). Uses. Emollient and protective. ICHTHYOL 10-20 gr. Uses. Ext. Chronic eczema and psoriasis Int. Chronic rheumatism. lODOFORMUM 1-3 gr. Ung. iodoformi 10$. Actions and uses. Ext. Antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic. Int. Unknown. lODOLUM i-3 gr. Action and use. Like iodoform. Sometimes used internally. lODUM: Liq. iodi co. (Lugol's solution) I ss, KI 10$.. I—loTTf. Tr. iodi, 7$ 1-5 TIl- Ung. iodi, 4s. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 55 Actions. Ext. Disinfectant. Irritant, counter-irri- tant. Parasiticide. Int. Sometimes antemetic. Uses. Ext. Chiefly as irritants and counter-irritants. Int. Vomiting (x Tt], well diluted). Potassii iodidum 5-60 gr. + Syr. acidi hydriodici 1 dr. Ung. potassii iodidi. Sodii iodidum 5~30 gr. + Ammonii “ 2-10 gr. + Strontii “ 5-30 gr. Zinci “ 1-3 gr. Actions. Profoundly affect nutrition—not known how. Uses. Third stage of syphilis. Rheumatoid arthritis. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. To absorb connective tissue. Inflammatory exudates, as pleurisy and pericarditis. Aneurism. Chronic bronchitis. Asthma. Chronic lead and mercurial poisoning. IPECACUANHA (ipecac), dose \ exPectorant> i~2 gr. ( emetic 15-30 gr. Ext. i. fl 1-5 Tfl. Troch. i., aa gr I—6 Pulv. i. et opii {Dover'spowder), 105.... 3-15 gr. Troch. morphine et i., aa gr 1-5 Syr. i 5 hi. to 2 dr. Tr. i. et opii, 10$ 3-15 hi. Vinum i. i-bo hi. 56 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Actions. Ext. Irritant. Antiseptic. Int. Stom- achic, emetic (direct and indirect). Expectorant. Cholagogue. Diaphoretic. Uses. Ext. Anthrax. Int, Stomachic. Vomiting of pregnancy. Gastric ulcer. Slow emetic in bronchitis, etc., in children. Dysentery. He- patic dyspepsia. Bronchitis, astama. Diapho- retic. IRIDIN {irisin, from blue flag) 1-5 gr. Action and use. Cholagogue. IRIS {blue flag) 10-30 gr. Ext. i 1-3 gr. Ext. i. fl 10-30 TTL. Action and use. Cholagogue purgative JALAPA 5-20 gr. Ext. j 2-8 gr. Pulv. j. co i-i dr. Res. j i-5 gr. Action. cathartic. Uses. Nephritis, urcemia, dropsy, etc. JEQUIRITY. Action, Ext. Intense local inflammation, with con- stitutional reaction. Uses. Granular lids. Certain skin diseases. Lupus. Epithelioma, etc. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 57 JUQLANS (Ibutternut) 1-3 dr. Ext. j 5-30 gr. Action and use. Mild cathartic. Resembles rhu- barb. KAHALA (rottlera) 1-2 dr. Actions and uses. Anthelmintic for tapeworm, threadworm, roundworm. Purgative. KRAMERIA (rhatany) 5-30 gr. Ext. k 5-10 gr. Ext. k. fl 5-30 til. Tr. k 1-2 dr. Troch. k. (1 gr.) 1-5 Syr. k i-4 dr. Actions and use. Ext. and int. Astringent. Sore throat, epistaxis, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, etc. LACTUCARIUM (lettuce) 5-60 gr. Tr. 1 \—2 dr. Syr. 1 1-4 dr. Action and use. Hypnotic. Mydriatic. LIMONIS CORTEX (lemon peel): Spr. 1 i~2 dr. Oleum 1. 58 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Uses. Vehicle. Flavoring agent. LinONIS SUCCUS (lemon juice) r-2 oz. Action. Like citric acid. Uses. Thirst. Effervescing mixtures. Scurvy. LINUM (linseed) : Oleum 1 i-2 oz. Uses. Poultice. Burns. Demulcent. LITHIUfI. L. carbonas 2-10 gr. L. citras 5-20 gr. L. citras effervescens 10-45 gr. Actions and uses. Solvents of uric acid, diuretics, and alkalinizers of the urine in gout and allied conditions. LOBELIA i-xo gr. Ext. 1. 1! i-io TIR Tr. 1 5-30 tiR Actions. Gastro-intestinal irritant, with intense pros- tration. Relaxes muscle of bronchial tubes. Uses. Asthma, and bronchitis with asthmatic symp- toms. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 59 LYCOPODIUM. Uses. Dusting powder, etc. LYSOLUM. Action and use. Antiseptic. riACIS {mace) 5-20 gr. Action and use. Like volatile oils, MAGNESIUM: M. sulphas {Epsom salt) 1 oz. M. carbonas J-2 dr. M. citras effervescens i oz. Liquor magnesii citratis 2-8 oz. Magnesia ponderosa 5-60 gr. Magnesia 5-60 gr. Actions. Magnesia and magnesium carbonate, ant- acid. Sulphate, carbonate, and citrate, saline pur- gatives. Diuretic ; alkalinize blood and urine (feeble). Uses. As alkalies and antacid. Antidote to mineral acids, oxalic acid, salts of mercury, arsenic, copper, and alkaloids. Sulphate antidote to lead and barium. Purgatives. Gout and gravel. MALTUn: Ext. m 1-4 dr. Action and use. Food. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA, MANQANUM: M. dioxidum 2-10 gr. M. sulphas 2-8 gr. Potassii permanganas -J-2 gr. Actions. Ext. Disinfectant, deodorant, antiseptic. Int. Not known. Uses. Ext. As above. Salivation, gonorrhoea, leu- corrhoea, uterine disease, etc. Int. As hematinic. Amenorrhoea. MANNA |-2 oz. Use. Laxative. MASTICHE {mastic) : Pil. aloes et m. (“ Lady Webster ”).. . . 1-3 pills. Uses. Mastic, for varnishes, etc. Pil. aloes et m. as laxative. MATRICARIA (Ger. chamomile) dr. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. fIEL {honey)-. M. despumatum freely. Uses. Demulcent. In cough mixtures. Laxative in children. fIELISSA {balm) 1-2 dr. Use. Flavoring agent. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS MENTHA PIPERITA (peppermint): Spr. m. p 5-15 Tll- 01. m. p 1-5 tn. Aqua m. p |-2 oz. Troch. m. p freely. Actions. Ext. Of volatile oils. Anodyne. Int. Stomachic, carminative. Uses. Ext. Neuralgia. Int. Carminative, stomachic, flavoring agent. MENTHA VIRIDIS (spearmint): Spr. m. v 5-15 til. 01. m. v 1-5 TT],. Aqua m. v 2 oz. Actions and uses Of peppermint. HENTHOL {from peppermint) -J-2 gr. Actions. Antiseptic, local anaesthetic, anodyne. Uses. Spray in common cold. Neuralgia. Asthma. METHYL CHLORIDE. Use. Spray for local anaesthesia, freezing. Anodyne. METHYLENE BLUE 1-5 gr. Action and Rheumatism, myalgia. Vesical irritation. 62 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. HETHYLENUn DICHLORIDUM, Action and use. General anaesthetic. METHYL SALICYLAS {artificial oil of winter- green) 1-5 tfl- Actions and uses. Like salicylic acid. noscHus {musk) 2-10 gr. Tr. m i-i dr. Action. Diffusible stimulant. Uses. Collapse, fainting, etc. Typhoid, pneumonia. Hysteria. MUSCARINA (alkaloid from amanita muscaria, fly fungus) i-2 gr. Action. Like Calabar bean. Decreases force and frequency of heart. Lengthens diastole. Pro- duces dyspnoea, paralysis. Sialagogue. Diapho- retic. Stimulates involuntary muscle. Uses. Rarely used. To increase peristalsis. In- flammatory exudates. MYRISTICA (nutmeg) 5-I5 gr. Oleum m 1-3 H. Spr. m , dr, Action and use. Like volatile oils. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS, 63 MYRRHA 5-30 gr. Tr. m i-i dr. Tr. aloes et m x-2-J dr. Pil. aloes et m 2--10 pills. Actions and uses. Of volatile oils. Expectorant, uterine stimulant, emmenagogue. NAPHTALINUM i-20gr. Action. Local. Uses. Intestinal ulcerations—dysentery, typhoid, tu- bercular. NAPHTOL (beta-naphtol) 1-20 gr. Action and use. External and internal antiseptic. NITROGLYCERINE. See Spirit of glonoin. NUX VOMICA {poison nut, dogbutton).. . 1-4 gr. Ext. n. v i-x gr. Ext. n. v. fl 1-4 Ul. Tr. n. v 5-20 Tit. Strychnina iinhr gr- S. sulphas sVaV gr. Actions. Stomachic, increases peristalsis. Direct cardiac stimulant. Blood-pressure raised. Stim- ulates respiratory and vaso-motor centres. Spinal convulsions. Sharpens sight and hearing. Uses. As stomachic and carminative. Constipation. General cardiac stimulant. Respiratory stimulant. 64 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. OLEUM BETUL/E VOLATILE 1-5111 Actions and uses. Like salicylic acid. OLEUM CADINUM: Action and use. Like tar. Skin diseases, e.g. psoriasis, chronic eczema, pruritus. OLEUM QAULTHERLE {oil of wintergreen), 1-5 m. Spr. g 1-2 dr, Actions and uses. Like salicylic acid. OLEUM QOSSYPII SEfIINIS {cottonseed oil'). Uses. As other fixed or neutral oils. OLEUM JUNIPERI 2-10 til. Spr. j i-i dr. Spr. j. co 1-4 dr. Actions. Like turpentine. Use. Diuretic in heart disease, ascites, nephritis. OLEUM LAVANDUL/E FLORUM {oil of laven- der flowers) I—4 Tfl. Spr. 1 i-i dr. Tr. 1. Co. i-i dr. Actions and uses. Stomachic, carminative, flavor' ing agent. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 65 OLEUn HORRHU/E {cod-liver oil) 1-4 dr. Action. Ext. Bland oil. Int. Easily absorbed food. Uses. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Rickets. Chronic bronchitis. Chronic wasting diseases. Tertiary syphilis, etc. Contra-indications in pulmonary tuberculosis: x. High temperature. 2. Severe hemoptysis. 3. Dyspepsia. 4. Vomiting. 5. Diarrhoea. OLEUn OLIV/E {olive oil) freely. Actions. Ext. Protective. In massage. Int. Pro- tective. Sedative. Laxative. Uses. Ext. Burns. Int. Corrosive poisoning. Gall stones. In enemata. OLEUM PLNI SYLVESTRIS {fir-woodoil). Action and uses. Like turpentine. Pleasanter. OLEUn RICINI {castor oil) \-2 oz. Actions. Ext. Protective. Galactagogue. Int. Simple laxative or mild purgative—s hrs. Uses. Universal laxative or mild purgative. Galac- tagogue. OLEUM R.UTVG (oil of rue) 1-4 ttl. Actions. Ext. Irritant, vesicant. Int. Gastroin- testinal, renal, ovarian, and uterine irritant. Uses. Rarely given. 66 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. OLEUM SANTAL! (.sandal-wood) 2-xo TTL Actions. Of volatile oils. Stimulating disinfectant, expectorant, and diuretic. Uses. Gonorrhoea, etc. Chronic bronchitis. OLEUH TEREBINTHIN/E {oil of turpentine), dose \ 5-30 TII- - anthelmintic, dr. 0L L rect dose | anthelmintic, |T dr. Lin. t. Actions. Ext. Rubefacient, irritant, counter-irritant. Antiseptic. Disinfectant. Int. Stomachic, car- minative; purgative in large doses. Anthelmintic to tapeworm; to threadworm as enema. Cardiac stimulant, directly, and reflexly from stomach. Vaso-constrictor. Raises blood-pressure. De- presses nervous system in large doses. Powerful expectorant. Stimulates g.-u. mucous membrane. Hematuria. Urine smells of violets. Phospho- rus-poisoning. Uses. Ext. Bronchitis, pleurisy, etc. Neuralgia, myalgia, etc. Int. Anthelmintic. Gastric and intestinal hemorrhage. Hemoptysis. Pulmonary gangrene. Chronic bronchitis. OLEUn THEOBROfIATIS {cacao butter) Use. Making suppositories. OLEUM THYfll 1-5 Actions. Like copaiba. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 67 Uses. Bronchitis. Gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, etc OLEUfI TIQLH (croton oil) ■£—2l4. Actions. Ext. Powerful irritant. Pustulation. Int. Powerful purgative—l-2 hrs. Produces enter- itis. Uses. Ext. Rarely used now. Int. Purgative in obstinate constipation, faecal impaction, etc. Apoplexy. Cautions. Do not give to: 1. Children. 2. Preg- nant women. 3. Feeble persons. 4. In hemor- rhoids. 5. Peritonitis. 6. Gastritis. 7. Enter- itis. OPIUfI {from poppy) i~2 gr. Alkaloids; Morphine, codeine, thebaine, narcotine, nar- ceine, and 14 others. Opii pulvis J-2 gr. Ext. o i-i gr. Empl. o. Troch. glycyrrhizae et o 1-4 Vinum o. {Sydenham's laudanum), 10% 3-20 ITL. Pil. 0., aa I gr 1-2 pills. Pulv. o. et ipecacuanhse {Dover's powder), \O% 3—15 gr. Acetum o. {black drop), 10$ 3-20 tip Syllabus of materia medica. Tr. o. {laudanum), tope- . 3—20 TTf, Tr. o. camphorata {paregoric), o._|t, 1-4 dr. O. deodoratum gr. Tr. o. deod., 10$ 3-20 TTL Tr. ipecac, et o 3-15 xtl,. Morphina -J—J gr. M. hydrochloras -J—\ gr. M. acetas gr. M. sulphas gr. Pulv. m. Co. {Tally'spowder), i gr. to i dr 5-15 gr. Troch. m. et ipecac., gr.... 1-5 Magendie’s solution: morphia sulphate, 16 gr.; water, x oz. U. S. Ph. solution: morphia sulphate, 1 gr.; water, x oz. Actions. Ext. Local anodyne. Absorbed by raw surfaces. Int. Stimulates heart. Slows pulse. First excites, then calms psychic centres. Nar- cotic. Produces sleep. Abolishes pain. De- presses respiratory centre, slowing respiration. Depresses anterior cornua. Decreases all secre- tions except sweat. Diaphoretic. Antispasmodic. Myotic—“pinhole pupil.” Diminishes sugar in some cases of diabetes. Uses. Ext. Anodyne. Int. General anodyne. Gas- tric or intestinal pain. Diarrhoea. Cardiac or aneurismal pain. Insomnia in selected cases. In cough mixtures. Diaphoretic in common cold. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. Antispasmodic in renal and biliary colic. To stop peristalsis in peritonitis, etc. Diabetes. Cautions. 1. Beware of opium habit. 2. Give cau- tiously to children, and, 3, in kidney disease. CODEINA i-2gr. Actions. Like morphine. Excites cord, producing tremors. Depresses psychic centres less than morphine. Uses. Analgesic. Cough mixtures. Diabetes. OUABAIN Fair Sr- Action. Local anaesthetic. Use, Like cocaine. PANCREATINUn , 5-15 gr. Uses, Artificial digestive agent. PARALDEIiYDUn £-1 dr. Action. Powerful hypnotic. Uses. Hypnotic. Mania, melancholia. PENTALUfI. Action and use. General anaesthetic. PEPO {pumpkin seed) 1-3 oz, Action and use. Anthelmintic for tapeworm. 70 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. PEPSiNUM 5-6o gr. P. saccharatum 5-60 gr. Uses. Digestive agent in or outside of body. PETROLATUM LIQUIDUM: molle (soft), spissum (hard). Actions and uses. Protective and vehicle. Spray. PHENACETINUTI 5-10 gr. Actions. Antipyretic, analgesic. Cardiac depres- sant. « Uses. Reducing temperature. Neuralgic and other pains. PHOSPHORUS gr- Oleum phosphoratum, 1% 1-5 Pilulae p., aa gr 1-5 pills. Spr. p 8-40 Til. Elixir p ' i~2i dr. Actions. Ini. Increases strength of bones. Uses. Ini. Osteomalacia. Rickets. Ununited frac- ture. Alterative. PHYSOSTIQMA (Calabar bean) \-i gr. Ext. p iVi Sr- Tr. p 10-30111. Physostigminaesalicylas{eserine j.) x50“30 gr- P. sulphas (eserine s.) TtfT)~!ny gr- THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 71 Actions. Rate of heart slowed, force increased. Blood-pressure raised. Depresses anterior cornua. Sialagogue, hidrotic. Stimulates involuntary mus- cle. Myotic, spasm of accommodation, decreases intraocular tension. Uses. Tetanus. Strychnia-poisoning. Chronic constipation. Vesical atony. Chronic bronchitis. As myotic. Glaucoma. Paralysis of iris and cili- ary muscles. PH YTOLACC/E FRUCTUS {pokeberry)... 5-30 gr. RADIX..dose jeP • • 5~30 gr. ( alterative, 1-5 gr. Ext. p. radicis f1... 5-30 Tty. Actions and uses. Emetic and purgative. PICROTOXINUn TiWugr. Actions. Ext. Parasiticide. Int. Unknown. Poi- son. Uses. Ext. Pediculi. Int. Sweats of pulmonary tuberculosis. PILOCARPUS (jaborandi) 5-60 gr. Ext. p. fl 5-60 Tty. Pilocarpinae hydrochloras gr. Actions. Cardiac depressant. Stimulates all secre- tions except bile. Powerful diaphoretic. Stimu- lates involuntary muscle. Myotic. Uses. With caution. Nephritis. Antidote to bella- donna-poisoning. 72 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. PIfIENTA (allspice) 5-3° gr- Oleum p 1-5 tip Action and uses. Like caryophyllus PIPER (black pepper) 5-20 gr. Oleoresina p i-i gr. Piperinum i-io gr. Action and use. Like volatile oils. PIPERAZINUM 8-15 gr. Actions. Increases urea, diminishes uric acid, diu- retic (?). Uses. Gout, rheumatism. PIX BURQUNDICA; Empl. p. b. Empl. picis cantharidatum. Use. Basis for plasters. PIX LIQUIDA (par) in pills J-i dr. Syr. p. 1 1-4 dr. Ung. p. 1. 01. p. 1. Actions. Ext. Like turpentine. Int. Stimulating, disinfectant, expectorant. Uses. Ext. Chronic skin diseases. Int, Chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS, 73 PLUMBUfI {lead): P. oxidum. Emplastrum plumbi. Unguentum diachylon. P. acetas {sugar of lead) gr. Liquor plumbi subacetatis {Goulard's ext.). Liquor plumbi subacetatis dilutus {lead water'). Ceratum plumbi subacetatis {Gou- lard's cerate). P. carbonas. Unguentum plumbi carbonatis. P. nitras. P. iodidum. Unguentum plumbi iodidum. Actions. Powerfully astringent. Hemostatic. Both int. and ext. Uses. Ext. As general astringent. Int. Diarrhoea, gastric and intestinal hemorrhage. PODOPHYLLUM (may-apple) 5-20 gr. Ext. p 2-10 Ext. p. fl 5-20 Tit- Res. p. (podophyllin) i-i gr. Actions. Cholagogue purgative—io hrs. Gripes. Use. As cholagogue purgative. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. POTASSIUfI: Liquor potassse 5-30 freely diluted. Potassa cum calce {Viennapaste). Actions- Ext. and int. Irritant, caustic, antacid. Gastric sedative. Alkaline diuretic. General muscular depressant. Uses. Ext. As a caustic. Int. Gastric sedative. Alkaline diuretic. P. carbonas 5-30 gr. P. bicarbonas 5-60 gr. Uses. Gastric sedative. Acid eructations. P. acetas. 5-60 gr. P. citras 5-30 gr. Liquor p. citratis 1-8 dr. P. citras effervescens 5-60 gr. Actions. Diuretic, alkalinizer of urine, diaphoretic. Uses. Gout, uric acid gravel, scurvy, diuretics gen- erally. P. sulphas dr. P. bitartras (cream of tartar), j j diuretic and refrigerant, 20-60 gr. e ( purgative dr. Actions. Saline purgatives. Sulphate a cholagogue. Bitartrate an alkaline diuretic and diaphoretic. Uses. Sluggishness of bowels. Bitartrate as a gen- eral diuretic and diaphoretic. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS, 75 P. nitras {saltpetre, nitre) 5—20 gr. Charta potassii nitratis. Actions. Gastric irritant. Cardiac depressant. Di- uretic. Diaphoretic. Uses. Diuretic. Diaphoretic. Asthma. P. chloras 3-20 gr. Trochisci potassii chloratis x-6 Actions. Gastric irritant. Disintegrates red corpus- cles. Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria. Death, heart failure. Uses. Tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis. All potassium salts are cardiac depressants. Potassium salts are said to be hematinic. All alkalies, given before meals, increase secretion of hydrochloric acid; given after meals, neutralize some of acid secreted. PRUNUn freely. Use. As laxative. PRUNUS VIRQINIANA {wild cherry)... . -J—i dr. Ext. p. V. fl -J—l dr. Infusum p. V 1-2 oz. Syr. p. V 1-4 dr. Action. Like dilute hydrocyanic acid. Uses. Cough mixtures. Vehicle, 76 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. PULSATILLA 1-5 gr. Action. Like senega. Uses. Asthma. Chronic bronchitis. Orchitis, epi didymitis. PYROQALLOL (pyrogallic acid). Actions. Ext. Irritant. Parasiticide. Uses. Ext. Do not apply over extensive surface. Chronic psoriasis. Chronic eczema. Ringworm. PYROXYLINUn {guncotton): Collodium {collodion). “ flexile. cantharidatum {blistering collodion). Uses. Protective and solvent. QUASSIA; Ext. q i-3gr. Ext. q. 11 i-i dr. Tr. q |-2 dr. Quassin gr. Actions and uses. Stomachic bitter. Injected, an- thelmintic to threadworm. QUERCUS ALBA {white oak) .contains 6-11$ tannic acid. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS, 77 QUILLAJA {soap bark) J—J- dr. Tr. q i~2 dr. Uses. Mixing oily liquids with water. Expectorant. RESINA: Ceratum r. {basilican ointment). Empl. r. {adhesiveplaster). Action. Antiseptic, stimulant. Uses. Sores, ulcers, wounds, etc. RESORCINUM 2-5 gr. Actions and uses. Chronic skin diseases. Sebor- rhoea sicca. Gastric fermentation. Marked car- diac depressant. RHAMNUS PURSHIANA {cascara sagrada), i-i dr. Ext. r. p. fl 4—l dr. Action and use. Stomachic and mild purgative. RHEUH {rhubarb) dose ] St°machic’ x v ' ( purgative, 10-30 gr. Ext. r 3-15 gr. Ext. r. fl i-i dr. Pil. r., aa 3 gr 1-5 Pil. r. Co., aa 2 gr » 1-3 Pulv. r. Co. {Gregory’s powder). ....... -J-i dr. 78 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. „ , ( stomachic, A-i dr, Tr. r dose •< ~ ’ i A I purgative, 1-4 dr. Tr. r. arom x-3 dr. Tr. r. dulcis X oz. Mist. r. et sodse -J—2 oz. Syr. r 1-4 dr. Syr. r. arom I dr. for child. Actions. Stomachic. Purgative—4toBhrs. Gripes. Faeces yellow. Constipation afterward. Urine yellow. Cholagogue. Uses. Stomachic and purgative. RHUS TOXICODENDRON {poison ivy).. . 1-5 gr. Uses. Dangerous. Skin diseases. Nocturnal incon- tinence. ROSA: R. gallica (red rose). Confectio r 30-60 gr. Ext. r. fl i-l dr. Mel r freely. Syr. r 1-2 dr, R. centifolia (pale rose). Oleum rosae (attar of rose). Aqua r. fortior.. indefinite. Aqua r “ Ung. aquae r. (cold cream). Uses. Vehicles and flavoring agents. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 79 RUBUS (blackberry): Ext. r. fl -J—2 dr. Syr. r 1-2 dr. Use. Diarrhoea. RUBUS ID/EUS (raspberry): Syr. r. i indefinite. Use. Flavoring agent. RUMEX (yellow dock) -J—l dr. Ext. r. fl i—l dr. Actions. Astringent, tonic, alterative. Uses. Diarrhoea. Syphilis. Scurvy. SABINA (savine) 5-15 gr. Ext. s. fl 5-i5 m. Oleum s 1-5 HI. Actions. Like turpentine. Also ecbolic. Uses. Dangerous. Eramenagogue. SACCHARIN (glusidum) -J-2 gr. Use. Sweetening agent. To replace sugar in dia- betes. SACCHARUM (cane sugar) indefinite. Syrupus indefinite. Uses. Sweetening agent and vehicle. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. SACCHARUfI LACTIS (sugar of milk), indefinite Uses. Vehicle. Making triturations. Nutrient. SALICINUM 5-30 gr. Acidum salicylicum 5-60 gr. Sodii salicylas 5-60 gr. Lithii “ 1-15 gr. Actions. Ext. Salicin and salicylic acid, antiseptic, anhidrotic. Int. Irritant. Salicin converted to salicylic acid in intestine. Impurities are cardiac depressants. Antipyretic. Antiperiodic. Uses. Ext. Stimulating antiseptic. Removing corns, etc. Excessive sweating. Int. For rheumatic fever. Chronic rheumatism. Migraine. Sciatica. Diabetes. Pleurisy. Cystitis. SALIPYRIN (antipyrin and salicylic acid). . 6-40 gr. Action and use. Sciatica. Chronic rheumatism. SALOL, (phenyl salicylate) s_3°5_3° gr. Actions. Split in intestine into salicylic and carbolic acids. Intestinal antiseptic. Like salicylic acid. Uses. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid. Anti- septic in ureter, bladder, etc. SALOPHEN 5-15 gr. Action. Split in intestine, forming salicylic acid. Uses. Like salicylic acid. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. SALVIA {sage) i-i dr. Uses. Condiment. Night sweats. SANQUINARIA (hloodroot} 2-30 gr. Ext. s. fl dose j exPe(?torant’ J-5 . I emeU- i-i dr. Tr s dose -I exPectorant, 5-30 | emetic 1-4 dr. Actions. Emetic, narcotic, expectorant. Use. Chronic bronchitis. SANTONICA {.Levant worrnseed) 15-60 gr. Santonin dose - * r‘ ( adult, 1-5 gr. Actions. Anthelmintic for roundworm. Colors urine yellow, if acid; red, if alkaline. Produces xanthopsia. May produce toxic symptoms. Uses. Roundworms. SAPO (castile soap') ; Empl. s. Lin. s. Sapo mollis (soft or- green soap). Lin. s. mollis. SARSAPARILLA i-i dr. Decoct, s. co 1-4 oz. Ext. s. fl i-i dr. 82 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Ext. s. fl. co -J-i dr Syr. s. co £-1 oz, Actions. Unknown. Uses. Vehicle, chiefly. SASSAFRAS 1 dr, S, medulla. Mucilago s. m freely. Oleum sassafras 1-5 Tip Actions. Like volatile oils. Uses. Vehicle and flavoring agent. scAnnoNiUM 5-i5 gr. Res. s ; 1-8 gr. Actions. Hydragogue cathartic—4 hrs. Anthel- mintic for tape- and roundworm. Uses. Obstinate constipation. Tape- and round- worm. SCILLA {squill). . 1-5 gr. Acetum s 10-45 up Ext. s. fl 1,-5 ftp Tr. s 5-30 til. Syr. s dr. Syr. s. Co. {hive syrup) 5-30 tfl. Actions. Like digitalis. More of a gastro-intestinal irritant. More powerful diuretic. Powerful ex- pectorant. Uses. Diuretic in chronic nephritis with digitalis. In combination in chronic bronchitis. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS, 83 SCOPARIUS {broom) J—i dr. Ext. s. fl J-i dr. Spartein {q. v.). Action and use. Diuretic. SENEGA 10-20 gr. Ext. s. fl 10-20 Tlf. Syr. s 1-2 dr. Syr. scilloe co. (hive syrup) 5-30 fib Actions. Ext. Irritant. Int. Gastro-intestinal irri- tant. On heart like digitalis. Expectorant. Diuretic. Use. Chronic bronchitis. SENNA i-3 dr. Confectio s 1-2 dr. Ext. s. fl 1-3 dr. Inf. s. Co. (black draught) I—2 oz. Pulv. glycyrrhizse co. (compound licorice powder) dr. Syr. s J-i oz. Actions. Purgative, acting on colon. Gripes. Yel- low, watery stools. Urine red. Use. Purgative. Generally in combination. SERPENTARIA [Va. snakeroot) 10-30 gr. Ext. s. fl 10-30 Tip Tr. s i~2 dr. Action and use. Stomachic bitter. 84 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA, SEVUn {suet). Uses. Making cerates. SINAPIS ALBA {white mustard). “ NIQRA {black mustard). Charta s. OLEUfI S. VOLATILE. Linimentum s. Co. Actions. Ext. Irritant. Rubefacient. Counter- irritant. Vesicant. Anodyne. Reflex cardiac and respiratory stimulation. Int. Stomachic. Emetic. Uses. Ext. General counter-irritant and anodyne. Antemetic over stomach. Cardiac and respiratory stimulant. Int. Condiment. Emetic. SODIUn: Liquor sodse 5-20 TTR freely diluted. Actions. Like liquor potassm. Little used. S. carbonas {sal soda, washing soda) 5-15 gr. S. “ exsiccatus 5—15 gr. S. bicarbonas (baking soda, soda) 5-60 gr. Trochisci sodii bicarbonas, aa 3 gr.. 1-6 Uses. Gastric sedative. Acid eructations. Dyspep- sia. S. phosphas 5 gr. to i oz. S. sulphas {Glauber's salt) i—B dr. The actions ano uses of drugs. 85 Potassii et sodii t rtras j purgative, 1 oz. (Rochelle salt) dose \ diuretic. . 30—60 gr. Pulvis effervescens compositus (Seidlitz pow- der). Actions. Saline purgatives. Sulphate most power- ful. Sulphate and phosphate, cholagogues. Uses. Habitual constipation. Cholagogues. Drop- sy. Ascites. S. chloridum (common salt) 5-60 gr. Uses. Food. Emetic (large doses). As rectal injec- tions for oxyuris vermicularis. S. sulphis 5-60 gr. S. bisulphis 5~3° gr- S. hyposulphis 5-20 gr. Uses. Sulphite used for gastric fermentation. S. nitras ;.. x oz. Purgative. S. acetas 10-60 gr. Diuretic (little used). Used to make acetic acid, acetic ether, etc. S. chloras 5-I5 gr. Similar to potassium salt. SODII ETHYLAS. Uses. Mild caustic to remove warts, nsevi, etc. 86 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDXCA. SODII NITRIS 2-5 gr. Spr. astheris nitrosi {sweet spirit of nitre). \-2 dr. Actions. Int. Stomachic, carminative. Cardiac stimulant. Vaso-dilator. Diaphoretic. Diuretic. Uses. Dyspepsia. Cardiac diseases with oedema. Febrile diseases. Nephritis. SODII SULPHOCARBOLAS 5-30 gr. Action and use. Antiseptic in gastric and intestinal fermentation. SOfINAL 15-30 til,. Action and use. Hypnotic. SPARTEIN/E SULPHAS (fr. scoparius), TV"2 Sr- Action and use. Cardiac stimulant. SPIQELIA (pinkroot) i—2 dr. Ext. s. fl i-2 dr. Action and use. Anthelmintic for roundworm. SPIRITUS QLONOINI {spirit of nitroglycerine), i%. 1-3 Actions and uses. Like amyl nitrite. STAPHISAQRIA {stavesacre). Action and use. Parasiticide for pediculi. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 87 STRAMONIUM (Jamestown weed, thornapple). S. semen 1-3 gr. Ext. s. seminis -J—J gr- Ext. “ “ fl 1-3 trp Tr. “ “ 5-30 Tip Ung. s 10$ S. folia 1-5 gr. Actions. Like belladonna. Relaxes bronchial tubes more. Uses. Chiefly asthma. STRONTIUM. S. lactas £-2 dr. Actions. Diuretic. Reduces albumin in albumin- uria. Sedative to heart (?). Uses. Diuretic. Albuminuria from renal atrophy. Chronic rheumatism, gout, scrofula. Diabetes. Cirrhosis. STROPHANTHUS. Tr. S 2-10 TTI. Actions. Like digitalis. Feebler diuretic. Uses. As for digitalis. Not so generally useful. STYRAX (storax, liquid amber) s_2° gr- Actions, Like bals. of Peru and tolu. Use. Pediculi and scabies. 88 SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. SULPHONAL 15-40 gr. Use. Hypnotic—2 hrs. to act. Not depressing. SULPHUR: S. sublimatum (flowers of s.) 15-60 gr. “ prsecipitatum (milk of s ) 15-60 gr. “ lotum {washed j.) 15-60 gr. Ung. sulphuris 30$ Actions. Ext. Parasiticide. Int. Mild laxative. Uses. Ext. Scabies. Sulphur baths for rheumatism. Acne. Int. Laxative for children and in piles and anal fissures. Slight constipation. Some- times for skin diseases. Potassa sulphurata. Calx “ See p. 27. Sulphuris iodidum 1-4 gr. Actions. Ext. Parasiticides. Int. Unknown. Uses. Ext. Scabies. Chronic skin diseases. Baths for rheumatism, myalgia, etc. Int. Chronic rheumatism and skin diseases. Efficacy doubtful. TABACUM {tobacco). Nicotine. Actions. Gastro-intestinal irritation. Collapse. Cardiac innervation disturbed. Motor nerves de- pressed. Respiration paralyzed. Myotic. Uses. Rarely used, Poultice for epididymitis. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. TAMARINDUS freely. Use. Mild laxative. TANACETUM {tansy) i dr. Action and use. Dangerous. Abortifacient. TARAXACUM (dandelion) 1-3 dr. Ext. t 5-30 gr. Ext. t. fl 1-4 dr. Actions and uses. Stomachic. Laxative. Chola- gogue (?). TEREBENUH 5-15 up Action and use. Stimulating, disinfectant expecto- rant in chronic bronchitis. TEREBINTHINA CANADENSIS {Canada bal- sani); Action. Like turpentine. Use. As an adhesive varnish. TERPINI HYDRAS 2-30 gr. Actions. Antiseptic expectorant. Diuretic. Stim- ulates g.-u. mucous membrane. Uses. Acute and chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tu- berculosis, whooping-cough. Chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea. SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. THEOBROMIN/E SODIO-S ALICYLAS (diuretin) 15-30 gr Action and use. Diuretic. THERIACA (treacle, molasses) : Actions. Demulcent. Slightly laxative. Uses. Flavoring agent, etc. THYMOL 1-15 gr, Actions and uses. Antiseptic and parasiticide. TRAGACANTHA: Mucilago t indeterminate, Uses. Demulcent, vehicle. TRIONAL 7-30 gr, Action and use. Hypnotic. Delirium tremens. TRITICUM (couch grass) 1-8 dr, Ext. t. fl 1-8 dr, Action and use. Diuretic. ULMUS (slippery elm): Mucilago u freely, Use. Demulcent. THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS 91 URETHANUM 5-30 gr. Action and use. Hypnotic. UVA URSI (bearberry) i~i dr. Ext. u. u 5-15 gt. Ext. u. u. fl. i-i dr. Actions. Diuretic. Astringent and disinfectant to urinary tract. Uses. Pyelitis, cystitis, gonorrhoea, etc. VALERIANA 10-30 gr. Ext. v. fl 10-30 Tif. Tr. v i-2 dr. Tr. v. ammon -J—2 dr. Ammonii valerianas 2-8 gr. Ferri “ 1-3 gr. Zinci “ i-3 gr. Actions. Of volatile oils. Reflex cardiac stimulant. Uses. Carminative. Fainting. Palpitation. Neu- ralgia. Hysteria. VANILLA: Tr. v. Use. Flavoring agent. VERATRINA (mixture of alkaloids) -go~rs gr- Oleatum v . 2$ Ung. v 4% SYLLABUS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Actions. Ext. Irritant. Int. Castro-intestinal irri- tant. Heart action greatly slowed. Motor and sensory nerves first stimulated, then paralyzed. Contraction of vol. muscle greatly prolonged. Use. Ext. For neuralgia. VERATRUn VIRIDE {Am. hellebore). . . 1-5 gr. Ext. v. v. fl 1-5 Til. Tr. v. v 2-10 TT[. Actions. Cardiac depressant. Uses. As cardiac depressant. Puerperal eclampsia. VIBURNUM OPULUS (crampbark) , i-2 dr. Ext. v. o. fl 1-2 dr. Actions. Antispasmodic, tonic, diuretic. Uses. Nervous disorders of pregnancy. To prevent miscarriage. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. After- pains. Menorrhagia. ViBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM (black haw), i~i dr. Ext. v. p. fl J-i dr. Actions and uses. See above VITELLUS {yolk of egg)-. Uses. Emollient. Nutritive. VOLATILE OILS. Actions. Ext. Rubefacient, irritant, counter-irri- THE ACTIONS AND USES OF DRUGS. 93 tant, vesicant. Ini. Stomachic, carminative; gas- tro-intestinal irritant in large doses. Expectorant. Diuretic. Stimulate g.-u. mucous membrane. ZINCUfI: Z. chloridum. Liquor zinci chloridi. Actions and uses. Ext. Caustic, antiseptic Z. sulphas dose \ tonK’ • - 2 Sr- r ( emetic, 10-30 gr. Z. carbonas praecipitatus. “ oxidum 1-5 gr. Unguentum zinci oxidi. Oleatum zinci. Z. acetas tonic, gr. Actions. Ext. Astringent, hemostatic. Int. Direct emetic. Tonic. Uses. Ext. General astringent. Int. Emetic. Di- arrhoea. Hysteria, epilepsy, whooping-cough. Tonic. ZINGIBER (ginger) 5-15 gr. Ext. z. fl 5-15 ttl. Oleores. z nf. Tr. z dr. Syr. z i-2 dr. Troch. z freely. Actions and uses. Like volatile oils. PREPARATIONS. AQU^E: Aqua anisi £-1 oz “ aurantii florum fortior indefinite “ ammoniae fortior 3-6 TT|,, “ “ 10-20 171, “ amygdalae amarae 2-4 dr “ camphorae oz “ chlori 1-4 dr. “ chloroformi 1-4 dr “ cinnamomi •£-1 oz. “ creosoti 1-4 dr, “ foeniculi 1 oz. “ hydrogenii dioxidi 1-3 dr, “ menthas piperitse -J-2 oz. “ viridis 2 oz, “ rosae fortior indefinite. Un n PREPARATIONS. 95 EXTRACTA: Maximum dose one grain or less: 1 Extractum aconiti tV~* gr. 2 “ belladonnae foliorum ■£—J gr. 3 “ cannabis indicse i~l.gr. 4 “ conii X gr. 5 “ digitalis J-x gr. 6 ** nucis vomicae -J—i gr. 7 “ opii i-i gr. 8 ‘ ‘ physostigmatis........... gr. 9 “ stramonii seminis; i—i gr. Maximum dose more than one grain; Extractum aloes |~3 gr. arnicae radicis 5-10 gr. “ cimicifugse 1-5 gr. ‘ ‘ cinchonse 5-30 gr. “ colchici radicis -£—2 gr. colocynthidis i-2 gr. “ compositum .... 5-15 gr. ergotse 5-15 gr. euonymi 1-5 gr. “ gentianae 2-10 gr. *‘ glycyrrhizae freely* “ hsematoxyli 5-15 gr. hyoscyami -J—2 gr. “ iridis ....... 1-3 gr. jalapse 2-3 gr. PREPARATIONS. Extractum juglandis 5-30 gr, “ kramerise 5-10 gr. leptandrse 1-3 gr. quassise -$-3 gr podophylli 2-10 gr, ‘ ‘ taraxaci 5-30 gr, rhei 3-15 gr uv£E ursi 5-15 gr. EXTRACTA FLUIDA: Maximum dose less than 10 minims: 1 Extractum aconiti fluidum \-i Rl 2 “ belladonnas radicis fluid. 3 “ cannabis indicae fluidum, 2-5 iq, um x-3 4 “ capsici fluidum 2-8 iq, 5 “ colchici radicis fluidum, 2-8 tq, 6 “ colchici seminis “ 1-5 ffl 7 “ conii fluidum 2-5 Tfl 8 “ digitalis fluidum i-3 iq, 9 ,l lobelise “ 2-10 iq 10 “ nucis vomicae fluidum... 1-4 tq, 11 “ ipecacuanhas fluidum, i expectorant, 1-5 iq QOSe | emetic 15-30 rq 12 “ sanguinariae fluidum, i expectorant, 1-5 dose( emetic i-i dr, PREPARATIONS. 13 Extractum scillas fluidum 1-5 HE 14 “ stramonii seminis fluid- um 1-3 HE 15 “ veratri viridis fluidum... 1-5 he Maximum dose between 10 and 30 minims: 1 Extractum apocyni fluidum 2-20 fit. 2 “ arnicte radicis fluidum, 5-20 HE 3 “ aromaticum “ 10-30 TIE 4 “ aspidospermatis “ 5-30 HE 5 “ buchu fluidum 15-30 HE 6 “ calumbas “ 5-30 Til. 7 “ convallarise fluidum 5-30 HE 8 “ cypripedii “ 15-30 HE 9 “ eryodictyi “ 15-30 HE 10 “ gelsemii fluidum 5-io HE 11 “ gentianse “ 5-30 TIE 12 “ hyoscyami “ £-15 HE 13 “ iridis “ 10-30 HE 14 “ kramerise “ 5-30 TIE 15 “ lupulini “ 5-30 ifl,. 16 “ menispermi fluidum 5-30 tie 17 “ mezerei “ 5—15 HE 18 “ phytolaccae radicis fluid- um 5-30 Tli,. 19 “ podophylli fluidum 5-20 TIE 20 “ sabinte “ 5-15 TU. 21 “ senegse “ 10-20 11],. PREPARATIONS. 22 Extractum serpentariae fluidum 10-30 % 23 “ valerianae “ 10-30 xq 24 “ xanthoxyli “ 10-30 xq 25 “ zingiberis “ 5-15 xq Maximum dose i drachm; Extractum calami fluidum i dr. chiratae “ -J-i dr. “ cimicifugae fluidum dr. “ cinchonas “ 10-60 XT],, “ cubebae “ i—l dr. “ ergotae “ i-1 dr. “ eupatorii “ i-i dr. geranii “ i-x dr. “ gossypii radicis fluidum. .. . J-i dr. ‘ ‘ grindeliae “ .... J-x dr. “ guaranae “ .... i-x dr. “ hydrastis “ .... 5-60 Tlj,. “ lappae “ |-x dr. “ ieptandrae “ .... £-x dr. “ pareirae “ .... dr. “ pilocarpi “ ... 5-60 Tip “ pruni Virginianae “ .... i-x dr. “ quassiae “ .... i-x dr. ‘ ‘ rhamni purshianae fluidum.. -J-1 dr. “ r-hei “ .. i~i dr. “ rhois glabrae “ .. x dr. “ rosas “ . . J-x dr. PREPARATIONS. 99 Extractum rumicis fluidum i~i dr. “ sarsaparillae fluidum i-x dr. “ “ fluidum compo- situm i~i dr. “ scoparii fluidum 1 dr. “ stillingise “ i~x dr. “ uvae ursi “ i-i dr. “ vibumi prunifolii fluidum.. J-x dr. Maximum dose more than one drachm: Extractum asclepiadis fluidum \-2 dr. “ aurantii “ \-2 dr. “ castanese “ -J—2 dr. “ chimaphihe “ i—2 dr. “ cocse “ 1-4 dr. ‘1 cusso “ 1-4 dr, “ dulcamarse “ 1-2 dr. “ eucalypti “ i-2 dr. “ frangulse “ \-2 dr. “ glycyrrhizae “ freely. “ hamamelidis “ i-2 dr. “ matico “ i-2 dr. “ rubi “ i-2 dr. Scutellariae “ 1-2 dr. sennae “ I—3 dr. “ spigeliae “ i~2 dr. li taraxaci “ I—4 dr. “ tritici “ 1-8 dr. “ viburni opuli “ 1-2 dr. PREPARATIONS. LIQUORES: Liquor acidi arsenosi, i$ 5-10 tq. “ ammonii acetatis (spirit of Min- der erus) 1-8 dr. “ arseni et hydrargyri iodidi {Dono- van's solution), 1% each 1-10 tq. “ calcis {lime-water) 1-8 dr. “ ferri acetatis 2-10 Tq. “ “ chloridi 2-10 tq. “ “ citratis 5-15 Tq. “ “ et ammonii acetatis (Bash- am's mixture) 1-4 dr. “ ferri nitratis 2-xo Tq. “ “ subsulphatis {Mousel's solu- tion) 2-10 tq. “ ferri tersulphatis. “ hydrargyri nitratis. “ iodi compositus {Lugol's solution), I $%, KI 10% I—lo tq. “ magnesii citratis 1-8 oz. “ plumbi subacetatis {Goulard's ex- tract) external. “ plumbi subacetatis dilutus {lead- water) external. “ potassse, 5$ 5-30 tq. “ potassii arsenitis {Fowler's solu- tion), 1% 2-10 tq. “ potassii citratis 1-8 dr. PREPARATIONS. Liquor sodae, 5$ 5-20 itl. “ sodae chloratae (Labarraque's solu- tion) i-i dr. ‘ ‘ sodii arsenatis (Pearson's solution), IS! 1-10 itl. “ sodii silicatis. “ zinci chloridi 1-10 HI. MASS/E: Massa copaiba? J-i dr. “ ferri carbonatis ( Vallet's mass). . . 1-5 gr. “ hydrargyri {blue mass, bhie pill), 33$ i-15 gr. OLEA: Maximum dose 5 minims or less: 1 Oleum amygdalae amarae J up 2 “ anisi I—s TT^ 3 “ aurantii florum iTi 4 “ betulae volatile 1-5 up 5 “ cajuputi 1-5 TTL 6 “ cari 1-5 iq, 7 “ caryophylli 1-5 iq, 8 “ cinnamomi 1-5 iq 9 “ coriandri 2-5 Ttp 10 “ foeniculi 1-5 TT^ 11 “ gaultherise 1-5 i^ 102 PREPARATIONS. 12 Oleum hedeomae . 1-5 up 13 “ lavandulae florum i-£ up 14 “ menthae piperitae x-5 up 15 “ “ viridis 1-5 ttp 16 “ myristicae 1-3 Tip. 17 “ phosphoratum, 1% 1-5 Tlf 18 “ pimentae 1-5 V\ ig “ rosmarini r-5 Tip. 20 “ sabinae 1-5 up 21 “ sassafras 1-5 up 22 “ sinapis volatile -J—J U[ 23 “ thymi 1-5 U[ 24 “ tiglii (croton oil) \-2 Uf Maximum dose between 5 and 30 minims; 1 Oleum chenopodii 2-10 up 2 “ copaibas 5—15 Tip 3 “ cubebas 5-20 Tip 4 “ erigerontis s—x sup 5 “ eucalypti 5-30 up 6 “ juniperi 2-10 up 7 “ santali 2-10 up 8 “ terebinthinae . 5-30 up 9 “ “ purificatum 5-30 up Maximum dose more than one drachm: Oleum amygdalae expressum 1-4 dr, “ lini {linseed) £-2 oz. morrhuae (cod liver) 1-4 dr, PREPARATIONS. 103 Oleum olivas freely, “ ricini (castor) 1-2 oz. “ sesami indefinite. Oleum aurantii corticis. ‘1 “ bergamottse. “ limonis. r flavoring. “ rosse. Oleum adipis. ) ... , - used in pharmacy, sethereum. ) Oleum myrcias perfume. “ gossypii seminis. “ picis liquidas. “ cadini. 'j" externally. “ theobromatis. OLEORESIN/E: Oleoresina aspidii dr. capsici J-i ii|. cubebse 5-30 rrp. lupulini 1-5 gr. piperis £-1 gr. zingiberis. *TTI,. PILUL/E: • Pilulse aloes, 2gr 1-4 pills. “ et asafoetidse, gr 1-5 “ “ “ ferri, Igr 1-4 “ 104 PREPARATIONS. Pilulse aloes et mastiches (“ Lady Webster ”), 2gr 1-3 pills, “ aloes et myrrhse, 2gr 2-10 “ “ antimonii compositse (Plum- mer's pills) 1-3 “ “ asafoetidse, 3gr 1-4 “ “ catharticse compositse 1-3 “ Calomel 1 gr. Ext. jalaps £ gr. “ colocynthidis co i| gr. Gamboge J gr. Pilulse catharticse vegetabiles 1-5 “ Ext. colocynthidis co 1 gr. “ hyoscyami \ gr. “ jalaps.. £ gr. “ leptandrse J gr. Res. podophylli J gr. 01. months piperita; q. s. Pilulse ferri carbonatis {B laud's pills). . 1-2 “ “ “ iodidi 1-2 “ “ opii, Igr 1-2 “ “ phosphori, gr 1-5 “ rhei, 3gr x-5 “ “ compositse, 2gr 1-3 “ PULVES: Pulvis antimonialis {James'powder). ... 3-15 gr, ,f aromaticus,,, 10-30 gr, PREPARATIONS. 105 Pulvis cretse compositus 5-60 gr. “ effervescens compositus (Seidlitz powder) one powder. “ glycyrrhizae compositus -£-2 dr. “ ipecacuanhae et opii {Dover's powder), each 10$ 3-15 gr. “ jalapse compositus J-i dr. “ morphinae " {Tulip's pow- der), 8 gr. to 1 oz 5-15 gr. “ rhei compositus {Gregory's pow- der) |-x dr. RESIN/E: Resina. “ copaibse 5-15 gr. “ jalapae 1-5 gr. “ podophylli -J—x gr. “ scammonii 1-8 gr. SPIRITUS: Maximum dose one drachm or less: Spiritus aetheris dr. ‘ ‘ compositus {Hoffman's anodyne) 5-60 TTt. “ ammoniac 10-60 TIR “ amygdalm amarae 15-45 TH,. “ camphors?. i-i dr. PREPARATIONS. Spiritus chloroformi {chloric ether') jr-i dr. “ cinnamomi. 10-30 ifi,. “ gionoini {spirit of nitroglyce- rine) 1-3 TH,. “ juniperi -J—l dr. “ lavandulse f-i dr. “ limonis flavoring. “ menthae piperitae 5-15 tfl. “ viridis 5-15 “ myristicae -J—l dr. “ phosphori 8-40 tfl. Maximum dose more than one drachm: 1 Spintus aetheris nitrosi (sweet spirit of nitre) -|-2 dr. 2 “ ammonise aromaticus -J—2 dr. 3 “ anisi. 1-2 dr. 4 “ aurantii \ vehicle. 5 “ “ compositus J 6 “ frumenti {whiskey) indefinite. 7 “ gaultheriae 1-2 dr. 8 “ juniperi compositus x-4 dr. 9 “ myrcise perfume. 10 “ vini gallici {brandy) indefinite. SYRUPI: Syrupus. freely. “ acaciae “ PREPARATIONS. 107 Syrupus acidi citrici 1-4 dr. “ hydriodici 1 dr. “ allii 1-4 dr. “ althaeae freely. “ amygdalae “ “ aurantii vehicle. ‘ ‘ florum freely. “ calcii phosphatis 1-2 dr. “ calcis 15-60 Tq. “ ferri iodidi 5-30 Tq,. “ quininae et strychninae phosphatum -J-i dr. “ hypophosphitum 1-2 dr. cum ferro. .. . 1-2 dr. “ ipeeacuanhae 5 th,-2 dr. “ krameriae $-4 dr. “ lactucarii 1-4 dr, “ picis liquidae 1-4 dr, “ pruni Virginianae 1-4 dr. “ rhei. “ aromaticus i dr. for child. rosse 1-2 dr. rubi 1-2 dr. “ idaei freely. sarsaparillae compositus oz. scillse dr. “ compositus (hive syrup).. 5-30 Tlf. PREPARATIONS. Syrupus senegae 1-2 dr. “ sennse J-x oz. “ tolutanus -J-1 oz. “ zingiberis -J—2 oz. TINCTURE: Maximum dose half a drachm or less; 1 Tr. aconiti -J—s TTf. 2 “ arnicse radicis 5-10 ttl. 3 “ belladonnse foliorum 5-20 14,. 4 “ cannabis indicte 5-30 14. 5 “ cantharidis x-15 T4. 6 “ colchici seminis 10-30 14. 7 “ digitalis 5-30 T4. 8 “ iodi 1-5 TIL. 9 “ ipecacuanhse et opii 3-15 HI. 10 “ lobelise 5-30 14. xi “ nucis vomicae. 5-20 14. 12 “ opii (laudanum) 3-20 14,. 13 “ “ camphorata (paregoric), for child 3-20 XU. 14 “ opii deodorata 3-20 14. 15 “ physostigmatis 10-30 TTf. 16 “ sanguinarias..dose [ exPect°rant, 5 3° ITL- & J emetic 1-4 dr. 17 “ scillte 5-30 xtf. 18 “ stramonii seminis.s-30 14, PREPARATIONS. 19 Tr. strophanthi 2-10 tip 20 “ veratri viridis 2-10 Hp Maximum dose one drachm; Tr, aloes 15-60 TT4,. “ asafoetidse 30-60 Hp “ arnicse florum 15-45 HI. “ benzoini 30-60 Hi,. “ composita 30-60 Tip “ capsici 5-60 HI. “ ferri chloridi 5-60 Tip “ gelsemii 15-60 Tip “ guaiaci 30-60 Tip “ ammoniata 30-60 Tip “ lavandulse composita 30-60 up “ moschi 15-60 up “ myrrhse 15-60 HI. “ zingiberis 15—60 HI. Maximum dose more than one drachm: Tr. aloes et myrrhse dr. “ antiperiodica ( Warburg's tincture)... I—4 dr. aurantii amari • 1-2 dr. “ dulcis 1-2 dr. “ bryonise 1-5 dr. “ calendulse 1-4 dr- “ calumbse.. 1-4 dr. “ cardamomi 1-2 dr PREPARATIONS. Tr. cardamomi composita 2-4 dr “ catechu “ J—2 dr, ‘ ‘ chiratae J-2 dr. “ cimicifugae.. J—2 dr, “ cinchonse J-2 dr, “ “ composita 1-4 dr, “ cinnamomi 1-2 dr, “ croci 1-2 dr, “ cubebas J-3 dr. “ gallse 1-2 dr, “ gentianag composita 1-4 dr, “ humuli 1-2 dr, “ hydrastis J—2 dr. “ hyoscyami 1-4 dr, “ kino J-2 dr. “ kramerise ; -J-2 dr. ‘ lactucarii J-2 dr “ raatico J-i oz, ‘ opii camphorata 1-4 dr, “ pyrethri. “ quassise J-2 dr. “ quillajse -J—2 dr, “ rhei 1-4 dr “ “ aromatica 1-3 dr. “ “ dulcis -J-x oz. “ serpentariae J—2 dr. “ sumbul... 1-4 dr, PREPARATIONS. Tr. tolutana x_2 dr. “ valerianse |_2 dr. “ ammoniata 2 dr. vanillae flavoring. VINA: Vinum album menstruum. “ antimonii 5-60 TTJ,. colchici radicis 5-15 I^. “ seminis 10-30 TTI. “ ergotae i-4 dr. “ ferri amarum i_4 dr. “ citratis i_2 dr. “ ipecacuanhse 1-60 iU. “ opii {Sydenham’s laudanum), 10% 3-20 TT[,. rubrum menstruum. A CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS, BASED CHIEFLY ON PHYSIO- LOGICAL ACTION. Alterative. A drug or remedial agent which pro- foundly affects nutrition. Mercury. lodine and its compounds. Arsenic eVA' gr. Colchicura. .'. radix 2-8 gr., semen 1-5 gr, Phosphorus and the hypophosphites. Organic extracts, e.g., thyroid, etc. Anaesthetic. A substance capable of producing tem- porary loss or impairment of feeling or sensation. They are divided into general and local. General. Chloroform 2-20 tTf. Ether 5-60 til. Nitrous oxide. Ethylene bichloride. Methylene “ Pental, CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Local. Cold (ice or rapidly evaporating liquids). Cocaine gr. Analgesic. A medicine, drug, or remedial agent which brings about an incapacity of feeling pain in a part, although the tactile sense may be more or less preserved. Applied especially to; Antipyrin 3-20 gr. Phenacetin 5-10 gr. Antifebrin 2-5 gr. Exalgin £-3 gr. And other coal-tar products which are not official. Anaphrodisiac. A drug or remedial agent capable of depressing sexual desire. Bromides. Opium J-2 gr. Potassium iodide 5-60+ gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr# Anhidrotic, A drug which checks or tends to check sweating. Atropine (belladonna) Ta Sr- Hyoscyamus 5-I5 gr. sweating 114 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Stramonium semen 1-3gr., folia 1-5 gr. Agaricin gr. Acids. Picrotoxine gr- Muscarine |-2 gr. Nux vomica 1-4 gr. Anodyne. A drug or remedial agent capable of re- lieving pain. Local Anodynes. Cold. Aconite J-2 gr. Menthol £-2 gr. Carbolic acid J-i gr. lodoform 1-3 gr. Chloral 5-20 gr. Dilute hydrocyanic acid 1-3 1(1. Sodium bicarbonate 5-60 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Opium J-2 gr. Veratrine h~h ST- Zinc oxide 1-5 gr. Certain volatile oils. Antacid. An alkali used as a remedy for acidity in the stomach. Ammonia. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 115 Potassium (some preparations). Sodium “ “ Calcium “ “ Magnesia 5-60 gr. Magnesia ponderosa 5-60 gr. Anthelmintic. A drug or remedial agent used for the removal of intestinal worms. Taniafuge— useful against the several varieties of tapeworm. Aspidium i-ii dr. Granatum dr. Kousso 2-4 dr. Kamala 1-2 dr. Pepo 1-3 oz. Turpentine -J—4 dr. Chloroform 2-20 For Tapeworm. For Roundworm. Santonica 15-60 gr. Spigelia £-2 dr. Senna x-3 dr. Chenopodium 15-30 gr. For Threadworm. Mostly as injections: Tannic acid 1-20 gr. and drugs containing it. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Turpentine 5-30 T, i~4 dr. Sodium chloride 5-60 gr. Carbolic acid i-i gr. Vinegar. Ferric salts. Soapsuds. Antiperiodic. A drug for the cure of diseases exhib- iting periodicity, especially malarial fever and its manifestations. . ( Warburgfs tincture, 1-4 dr. Quinine, 1-20 gr. -J cinchoifa 10-6o gr. Arsenic irriu gr- Eucalyptus. dr. Hydrastis 5-60 gr. Salicin..... 5-30 gr. Salicylic acid 5-60 gr. Oleum gaultherire 1-5 H- Methyl salicylate 1-5 H. Berberine. Antipyretic. A drug or remedial agent which di- minishes the body temperature. Cold. Evaporating liquids. Antipyrin 3-20 gr, Antifebrin 2-5 gr, CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 117 Phenacetin 5-10 gr. Other coal-tar products. Quinine x-20 gr. Salicin 5-30 gr. Salicylic acid 5-60 gr. Oleum gaultherise x-5 H- Methyl salicylate it5 Aconite 1-2 gr. Antimony. Diaphoretics. Antiseptics. Brunton divides drugs or agents which act upon microbes into four classes; 1. ‘‘ A niizymotics are substances which prevent fermentation, and the most typical of them is corrosive sublimate, which prevents the action both of enzymes and zymogens.” 2. “ An antiseptic is a substance which destroys those microbes or organized ferments which pro- duce putrefaction.” 3. Disinfectants “are substances that possess a special power to destroy those microbes which tend to produce disease.” 4. ‘ ‘ Deodorizers are simply those substances which take away the disagreeable smell which fre- quently accompanies the decomposition of sub- stances.” Heat. Corrosive sublimate gr- Carbolic acid i-i gr. Antiseptics. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Hydrogen peroxide 1-3 dr. Potassium permanganate -£-2 gr. Boric acid 5-15 gr. lodoform 1-3 gr. lodine. Sulphurous acid \-2 dr. Lime. Eucalyptus |-2 dr. Creolin 1-5 Tt),. Lysol. Chlorine. Bromine. Benzoin. Zinc chloride. Zinc oxide 1-5 gr. Ferric oxide. Alcohol. Menthol |—2 gr. Balsam of Peru 10-30 H|,. Balsam of tolu 10-30 gr. Quinine 1-20 gr. Creosote 2 th,. Carbolic acid -J-i gr. Salol 5-30 gr, Salicin 5-30 gr, Intestinal Antiseptics. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 119 Salicylic acid 5-60 gr. Bismuth salicylate 5-20 gr. Resorcin 2-5 gr. Boric acid s—x 5 gr. Eucalyptus -J-2 dr. Thymol. Sodium hyposulphite 5-20 gr. “ sulphocarbolate 5—30 gr. Sulphurous acid -J—2 dr. Naphtol 1-20 gr. Naphtalin 1-20 gr. Corrosive sublimate gr- Antispasmodics. Agents which arrest or cure spasms or convulsions. Applied especially to spasm of bronchial tubes. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Grindelia dr. Aspidosperma 5-30 gr. Ether 5-60 Til,. Chloroform 2-20 TTf. Opium i-2 gr. Chloral 5-20 gr. Amyl nitrite .- 1-3 n],. 120 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Cannabis Indica 2—5 gr. Conium 2—5 gr. Aphrodisiac. A drug which increases the sexual desire. Strychnia sWfr gr. Alcohol. Cantharides, tr 1-15 tip Cannabis Indica 2-5 gr. Camphor 3-20 gr. Phosphorus rfonfo gr- Damiana 1 oz. Astringent. A drug which contracts the tissues and vessels of the body, thereby diminishing- or check- ing excessive discharges. Silver salts. Lead 1 ‘ Zinc “ Copper salts. Ferric “ Alum 5-30 gr. Bismuth salts. Sulphuric acid. Calcium (some preparations). Lime-water..' 1-8 dr. Alineral. CLASSIP'ICATION OF DRUGS. 121 Vegetable. Galla, tr • 1-2 dr. Quercus alba. Krameria 5-30 gr. Kino 5-30 gr. Catechu 10-30 gr. Haematoxylon, ext. ... s—xs5—x5 gr_ Cinnamon. Eucalyptus gum 2-10 gr. Hamamelis, ext. fl. .. . 2 dr. Tannic acid. Opium 4—2 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Cardiac Depressant or Sedative. A drug which decreases the force or frequency, or both force and frequency, of the heart. Aconite i-2 gr. Veratrum viride 1-5 gr. Antimony. Dilute hydrocyanic acid 1-3 T][. Cardiac Stimulant. A drug which increases the force or frequency, or both force and frequency, of the heart. Digitalis I-3 gr. 122 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Ammonia. Alcohol. Caffeine ' 1-5 gr. Ether 5-60 Hf. Nux vomica 1-4 gr. Strophanthus, tr 2-10 HI. Spartein, sulph tV“2 gr- Adonidin J gr. Amyl nitrite 1-3 tip Convallaria, ext. fl 5-30 Hf. Sodium nitrite. ’ 2-5 gr. Nitroglycerine , jhrws Sr- Squill 1-5 gr. Cereus grandiflorus, ext. fl 10-30 HI. Quinine 1-20 gr. Opium J—2 gr. Arsenic wtrra gr. Mustard, externally. Carminative. A drug which causes the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. Stomachics, q. v. Bitters. Condiments. Asafoetida, tr... . dr. Valerian 10-30 gr. Camphor 3-20 gr. Ammoniacum 5-30 gr. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 123 Cholagogue. A drug which increases the quantity of bile secreted. Podophyllum 5-20 gr. Aloes i-xo gr. Colocynth 2-8 gr. Euonymus 1-2 dr. Iridin 1-5 gr. Sodium phosphate 5 gr.-i oz. Ipecacuanha £-2 gr., 15-30 gr. Dilute nitric acid 5-30 XXL. Dilute nitrohydrochloric acid 5—30 XTI. Corrosive sublimate -rjj_rV gr- Sodium benzoate 5-60 gr. “ sulphate 1-8 dr. Potassium “ dr. Colchicum radix 2-8 gr., semen 1-5 gr. Ammonium benzoate 5—20 gr. Rhubarb 10-30 gr. Jalap 5-20 gr. Scammony 5-15 gr. Arsenic bW* gr. Counter=irritant. A drug or remedial agent applied to the skin with the object of altering the size of the vessels of the subjacent viscera. (See Irri- tants.) Deliriant. A drug which produces a state of men- tal agitation, characterized by restlessness, inco- herence of speech, and various sensory illusions. 124 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Belladonna folia x-5 gr. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Cannabis Indica 2-5 gr. Demulcent. A drug or remedial agent which pro- tects and soothes a part, especially a mucous membrane, Flaxseed. Glycerine. Gelatine. Gum. White of egg. Isinglass, etc. Diaphoretic. A drug or remedial agent which in- creases the amount of perspiration. Warmth, externally. Hot drinks. Pilocarpus 5-60 gr. Alcohol. Dover’s powder 3-15 gr. Sweet spirit of nitre dr. Ammonium acetate, liq ... 2-8 dr. Potassium citrate 5-30 gr. “ acetate 5-60 gr. Antimony. Nicotine. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 125 Ipecacuanha 2 gr., 15-30 gr. Opium i~2 gr. Camphor 3-20 gr. Senega xo-20 gr. Cubeb 30-60 gr. Colchicum radix 2-8 gr., semen 1-5 gr. Quinine 1-20 gr. Salicin 5-30 gr. Lobelia 1-10 gr. Diuretic. A drug or remedial agent which increases the amount of urine excreted. Water. Liquor potassse 5-30 Tlf. Potassium acetate 5-60 gr. “ citrate 5-30 gr. ‘ ‘ nitrate 5-20 gr. “ bicarbonate 5-60 gr. Sodium acetate 10-60 gr. Lithium. Sweet spirit of nitre |-2 dr. Nitrites. Digitalis gr. Scoparius dr. Alcohol. Strophanthus, tr 2-10 til Diuretin 15-30 gr. Calomel (small doses). 126 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Caffeine 1-5 gr. Squill 1-5 gr. Cantharides, tr. j-15 up Buchu 15-30 gr. Juniper (also in girt). Turpentine 3-30 Tip J-4 dr. Uva ursi J-i dr. Cubeb 30—60 gr. Copaiba J-i dr. Ecbolic. See Oxytocics. Emetic. A drug or remedial agent capable of pro- ducing vomiting. Acting on the Stomach, Warm water. Sodium chloride 5-60 gr. Alum 5—30 gr. Ammonium carbonate. 2-15 gr. Copper sulphate gr., 2-20 gr. Zinc “ gr., xo-30 gr. Tartar emetic Ts~i~l-2 gr. Turpeth mineral 2-4 gr. Ipecacuanha J-2 gr., 15-30 gr. Acting Centrally. Apomorphine gr., ihHts &■ Tartar emetic Tis_|_x_2 gr. Ipecacuanha J—2 gr., 15-30 gr. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 127 Senega 10-20 gr. Squill 1-5 gr. Zinc sulphate \-2 gr., 10-30 gr. Copper “ gr., 2-20 gr. Antemetic. A drug or remedial agent which relieves or tends to relieve vomiting. Ice. Carbonated waters. Very hot water. Bismuth subnitrate 5-60 gr. “ subcarbonate 5-60 gr. Opium J-2 gr. Dilute hydrocyanic acid 1-3 up Cocaine (hydrochlor.) \-2 gr. Cereum oxalate x-8 gr. Tincture of iodine 1-5 up Wine of ipecac 1-60 up Menthol -J—2 gr. Carbolic acid -J—l gr. Creosote \-2 up Chloroform 2-20 up Ether 5-60 up Acting Locally. Acting Centrally. Opium J-2 gr. Bromides. Chloral 5-20 gr. 128 CLASSIFICATION of drugs. Ammonium. Amyl nitrite 1-3 Nitroglycerine Tb~>V gr- Dilute hydrocyanic acid 1-3 TT[. Alcohol. Hyoscyamine (sulph.) irWtr gr- Ernmenagogue. A drug which increases or restores the menstrual flow. Apiol 5-15 gr. Potassium permanganate -J-2 gr. Manganese dioxide 2-10 gr. Aloes i-10 gr. Cantharides, tr 1-15 H. Myrrh 5-30 gr. Rue, oleum 1-5 TTJ,. Tansy J-i dr. Sabine 5-15 gr. Pennyroyal, oleum 1-5 TIJ,. Tonics. Iron. Arsenic fV~Ttr gr- Copper. Improving Nutrition. Emollient. An agent which softens and protects parts, especially the skin. Hot water. CLASSIFICATION OF tiRUGS. Poultices. Bland oils, etc. Escharotic or Caustic. An agent which destroys the vitality of the part to which it is applied. Heat. Sulphuric acid. Nitric “ Chromic 4 4 Mercuric nitrate. Caustic potash. 44 soda. Arsenic BWtr Sr- Zinc chloride. Sodium ethylate. Expectorant. A drug or remedial agent which aids or causes the expulsion of the bronchial secretion. They are stimulating or depressing, according to their action on the heart. Stimulating. Ammonium salts. Senega 10-20 gr. Squill 1-5 gr. Benzoic acid s—x 5 gr. Benzoin. Balsam of tolu 10-30 gr. “ “ Peru 10-30 TTf. Sulphur 15-60 gr. 130 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Antimony. Ipecacuanha gr., 15-30 gr. Apomorphine jHgb sWtr Sr- Lobelia 1-10 gr. Pilocarpus 5-60 gr. Alkalies. Potassium iodide 5-60+ gr. Depressing. Qalactagogue. A drug which increases the quan- tity of milk secreted. Pilocarpus 5-60 gr. Castor-oil leaves Alcohol. Antigalactagogue. A drug which diminishes the quantity of milk secreted or arrests the secretion. Belladonna. folia 1-5 gr. Hematinic. A drug which increases the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Iron. Arsenic trVr& Sr- Potassium permanganate. Copper. Hemostatic. An agent which stops bleeding. Cold. Most astringents q. v. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 131 Calcium chloride, in bleeders 5-20 gr. Ergot 30-60 gr. Hypnotic. A drug which produces sleep closely resembling natural sleep. Opium i-2 gr. Chloral 5-20 gr. Butyl chloral 5-20 gr. Chloralamide 10-30 gr. Bromides 5_60 gr. Monobromated camphor 2-10 gr. Hyoscyamus 5—15 gr. Cannabis Indica 2-5 gr. Sulphonal 15-40 gr. Trional 7-30 gr. Paraldehyde i-x dr. Urethane 5-30 gr. Somnal 15—30 Amylene hydrate -J-i dr. Humulus, tr 1-2 dr. Lupulin 5-30 gr. Lactucarium 5-60 gr. Alcohol. Irritant. An agent which causes dilatation of the vessels of the part to which it is applied—generally accompanied by pain. Heat. Aqua ammonim xo-20 Tlf. 132 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. MerCUric nitrate. Arsenous acid Tartar emetic T\j—|—1-2 gr Antimony chloride. Silver nitrate i—l gr Zinc chloride. lodine. Bromine. Chlorine. Phosphorus xirWtf ST Cantharides, tr 1-15 up Croton oil \-2 u^. Copper nitrate. “ sulphate i~igr., 2-20 gr. Volatile oils. Chrysarobin. Camphor 3-20 gr. Capsicum 1-8 gr. Senega 10—20 gr. Ipecac -J—2 gr., 15-30 gr. Mineral acids. Carbolic acid 1 gr. Creosote \-2 fit. Alcohol. \ Chloroform 2-20 Uf. V confined. Ether 5-60 TTj,. ) Burgundy pitch. Canada ‘ ‘ CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGsL 133 Mydriatic. A drug which dilates the pupil. Atropine (sulph.) tIWs gr. Homatropine (hydrobrom.) gr- Hyoscyamine (sulph.) eVA gr- Daturine. Cocaine (hydrochlor.) \-2 gr. Gelsemine ArA gr- Muscarine < -J—2 gr. Anaesthetics (late). flyotic. A drug which contracts the pupil. Physostigmine (sulph.) TtrWo gr- Opium J-2 gr. Pilocarpine (hydrochlor.) gr. Nicotine. Anaesthetics (early). Narcotic. A drug which causes an unequal disturb- ance of the functions of the brain (Brunton). A substance which not only produces sleep, but also in large doses depresses the functions of respiration and circulation (White). General anaesthetics. Opium i-z gr. Chloral 5-20 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-1 £ gr. Stramonium folia 1-5 gr., semen 1-3 gr. 134 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Alcohol, Cannabis Indica 2-5 gr. Lupulin 5-30 gr. Oxytocic. A drug which increases uterine contraction during or immediately after labor. Ergot 30-60 gr. Tansy J-i dr. Rue, oleum 1-5 til. Sabine 5-15 gr. Cotton-root bark dr. Quinine 1-20 gr. Hydrastis 5-60 gr. Purgatives are subdivided as follows: Laxatives, which promote the action of the bowels by slightly stimulating peristalsis: Brown bread, etc., containing cellulose residue. Sugars. Fruits, e.g., Prune, Fig. Apples (with skin). Cassia 1-8 dr, Olive oil freely. Castor oil (in small doses). Glycerine 5-60 iTf- Sulphur 15-60 gr. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 135 Magnesium. Nux vomica 1-4 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Stramonium..... .semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Simple Purgatives, which promote the action of the bowels by stimulating peristalsis and increasing the secretion. Rhubarb 1-5 gr., 10-30 gr. Aloes i-10 gr. Cascara sagrada J~i dr. Senna 1-3 dr. Ox-gall 5-15 gr. Drastic Purgatives or Cathartics, which are more powerful than simple purgatives, and act by ac- tively stimulating peristalsis and the intestinal secretion. Calomel tV-i° gr- Colocynth 2-8 gr. Podophyllum 5-20 gr. Aloes -J—lo gr. Gamboge x-5 gr. Turpentine 5-30 tip, -J—,4 dr. Croton oil tt|,. Hydragogue Cathartics, or cathartics which cause the secretion of large quantities of liquid. Elaterin iinrV gr. 136 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Jalap 5-20 gr. Scammony 5-15 gr. Saline Purgatives are mineral salts which act by ex- tracting liquid from the blood, the presence of the liquid stimulating peristalsis. Magnesium sulphate J—i oz. Sodium “ 1-8 dr. “ phosphate 5 gr.-i oz. Potassium and sodium tartrate oz. “ bitartrate -J—,4 dr. “ sulphate £-4 dr. Cholagogue Purgatives. See Cholagogues Restorative. “That which is efficacious in restor- ing vigor; a food, cordial, or medicine which re- cruits the vital powers” (Century Diet.). Examples: Cod-liver oil.. 1-4 dr. Iron. Quinine I—2o gr. Vegetable bitters. Rubefacient. An agent which produces redness of the skin, at the point of application, through vas- cular dilatation. See Irritant. Sedative. A drug or remedial agent which pos- CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 137 sesses the property of allaying irritation, irrita- bility, or pain. Sialagogue. A drug or agent which increases the secretion of saliva. Acting on Nerve-endings. Pilocarpus 5-60 gr. Muscarin -J—2 gr. lodine. Mercury. Tobacco. Physostigma -J—2 gr. lodine. Acids. Acid salts. Sapid substances. Alcohol. Chloroform 2-20 Til,. Ether 5-60 til. Emetics. Antimony. Ipecacuanha £-2 gr., 15-30 gr. Acting Rejlexly. Antisialagogue. A drug or agent which diminishes the secretion of saliva. Acting on Nerve-endings. Belladonna. folia 1-5 gr.. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Stramonium semen 1-3 gr., folia 1-5 gr. Nicotine (excess). Acting Refiexly. Alkalies. Opium \-2 gr. Soporific. See Hypnotic. Stimulant. A drug or remedial agent which tempo- rarily quickens some function or trophic process. Diffusible Stimulant■—one which has a speedy and transient effect Stomachic. A drug whiph increases the amount of gastric juice secreted, promotes the appetite, and increases the movements of the stomach. Aromatics. Bitters. Condiments. Alkalies, Alcohol. Ether 5-60 TTL. Chloroform 2-20 HI. Magnesia 5-60 gr. Styptic. An agent capable of arresting hemorrhage when locally applied. Generally applies to capil- lary oozing. See Hemostatic and Astringent. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. 139 Tonic. A drug- which makes a person feel in more robust health than he did before taking it. Vaso-constrictor. A drug which constricts the blood-vessels by acting on the vaso-motor appa- ratus. Digitalis i-3 gr. Strophanthus, tr 2-10 tt|. Spartein ' -po-2 gr. Squill i-5 gr. Hamamelis, fl. ext J-2 dr. Strychnia (sulph.) gr- Ergot ( probably). Many alkaloids. Vaso=dilator. A drug which dilates the blood-ves- sels by acting on the vaso-motor apparatus. Amyl nitrite 1-3 TU. Sodium “ 2-5 gr. Nitroglycerine jhnhs gr- Belladonna folia I—s gr. Stramonium semen I—3 gr., folia x-5 gr. Hyoscyamus 5-15 gr. Alcohol. Chloroform 2-20 Hi,. Ether 5-60 HI. Chloral 5-20 gr. Aconite. -J-2 gr. Tartar emetic TV~J-1-2 gr. 140 CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS. Ipecacuanha -£-2 gr., 15-30 gr. Lobelia 1-10 gr. Tobacco. Hydrocyanic acid (dil.) 1-3 H. Quinine 1-20 gr. Veratrine .11 er. 1 1 err sou Sr- VARIOUS GROUPINGS. DRUGS WHICH MAY PRODUCE ERUPTIONS. Arsenic /o'—iV gr. Acetanilide 2-5 gr, Antipyrin . 3-20 gr. Belladonna folia 1-5 gr. Bromides 5-60 gr. Chloral 5-20 gr. Copaiba £-1 dr. Cubeb A 30-60 gr. lodides. Opium J-2 gr. Phenacetine 5-10 gr, Quinine 1-20 gr. Salicylic acid. 5—60 gr. Sulphonal 15-40 gr Turpentine 5-30 up -|-4 dr, DRUGS EXCRETED IN THE MILK. Aloes i-io gr Arsenic *Vnr gr Antimony. 142 VARIOUS GROUPINGS. Bromides 5-60 gr. Castor oil. Copaiba |-i dr. Garlic x 5-30 gr. lodides. Iron. Jalap 5-20 gr. Lead. Mercury. Opium \-2 gr. Quinine x-20 gr. Rhubarb 1-5 gr., 10-30 gr. Scammony 5-15 gr. Senna 1-3 dr. Sulphur i5-6ogr. Turpentine 5-30 Ttp, dr_ Volatile oils. Zinc. DRUGS WHICH AFFECT THE COLOR OF THE FECES. Iron—black. Bismuth—dark slate color or black. Calomel—spinach-green. Logwood—red. All cholagogues render the feces darker. Gastro-intestinal irritants may cause the appearance of blood. various groupings. 143 DRUGS AFFECTING COLOR OF URINE. Carbolic acid—dark from presence of pyrocatechin and hydrochinon. Diuretics all lower color. Hsematoxylin (logwood)—reddish or violet. Potassium chlorate paroxysmal hemoglobinuria (sometimes). Renal irritants—dark from concentration or blood (hematuria). Rhubarb—yellow. Santonin—greenish-yellow or saffron, if acid; purplish red, if alkaline. Senna—reddish. DRUGS WHICH MAY CAUSE THE URINE TO REDUCE FEHLINQ’S SOLUTION AND TO RESPOND TO SOHE OTHER TESTS FOR SUGAR. Acetanilidum 2-5 gr. Acidum arsenosum gr. “ hydrocyanicum dilutum 1-3 UR “ salicylicum 5-60 gr. “ sulphuricum dilutum 10-30 if). Alcohol. Amyl nitris 1-3 UR (inhaled) 144 VARIOUS GROUPINGS. Chloral 5-20 gr. Chloroformum 2-20 ttj,. Copaiba 1 dr. Glycerinum 5-60 Til,. Mercury, salts of. Morphia, “ “ 4~i gr. Strychninse sulphas ws~rs Sr- Oleum terebinthinae 5-30 Til, 4-4 dr. GASTROINTESTINAL IRRITANTS. Colchicum, radix 2-8 gr. semen... 1-5 gr. Creosotum 4-2 TTf. Digitalis i~3 gr. Salicylic acid 5-60 gr. Scilla 1-5 gr. Strophanthus, tr 2-10 n],. Alum 5-30 gr. Antimonii et potassii tartras (tartar emetic) 1-2 gr. Cupri sulphas ... 2-20 gr. Ipecacuanha !5-3C>gr. Sinapis (mustard) 1 + dr. Zinci sulphas 10-30 gr. Sometimes in medicinal doses. Useful as emetics. Acidum carbolicum 4-i gr. Cantharis, tr 1-15 IT],. VARIOUS GROUPINGS. 145 Guaiaci lignum i-i dr. Mercuric salts strongly. Mercurous “ mildly. Nicotina. Oleum tiglii J-2 Tf^. Phosphorus xiWff gr- Scammonium 5-15 gr. Volatile oils. Alcohol. Arnica, flores xo-20 gr. “ radix 5—20 gr. Arsenic (tWtt gr- Chloral 5-20 gr. Chloroform 2-20 TTf. Granatum dr. Lead salts. Physostigma 2 gr. Serpentaria 10-30 gr. In large doses. ALKALOIDS : THEIR SOURCES AND SALTS. ACONITUIT (monkshood): 1 Aconitina. gr. with caution. 2 Napellina (nepellina, pseudo-aconitina), £ gr. AMANITA MUSCARIA (fy fungus): I Muscarina -J—2 gr. ASAGREA OFFICINALIS: Veratrina (a mixture of alkaloids) sV~xV Sr- BELLADONNA (deadly nightshade)-. 1 Atropina TsWtr gr- Atropinse sulphas j. aoorgr- Derived from atropina: Homatropinse.hydrobromas xlir~%v S'1"- 2 Belladonina, probably identical with hyoscya- mina. ALKALOIDS; THEIR SOURCES AND SALTS. 147 CINCHONA: I Quinina 1-20 gr. Quininse bisulphas 1-20 gr. “ hydrobromas 1-20 gr. “ valerianas 1-30 gr. “ sulphas 1-20 gr. ‘ ‘ hydrochloras 1-20 gr. 2 Quinidina. Quinidinse sulphas 1-20 gr. 3 Cinchonina 1-30 gr. Cinchoninae sulphas 1-30 gr. 4 Cinchonidina. Cinchonidinse sulphas 1-30 gr. COCA: Cocaina. Cocainse hydrochloras -J—2 gr. COLCHICUH: 1 Colchicina -ji Wo gr. Changed by acids into 2 Colchiceina gr- DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDES: I Duboisina, probably identical with hyoscina. Duboisinse sulphas, in discs containing gr., to dilate pupil. 148 alkaloids: their sources and salts, ERQOTA {secale cornutum, secale cereals): 1 Ergotina. 2 Ecbolina. 3 Ergotinina. 4 Cornutina. 5 Sphacelic acid (believed to contract the blood- vessels). QELSEfIIUn {yellow jasmins')'. Gelsemina. -hrh gr. Gelatin discs, aa -g-rnj gr., prepared for use in the eye. GRANATUM {pomegranate) : x Pelletierina. Pelletierinse sulphas 6 gr. (with tannin 8 gr., water i oz.: brisk cathartic in half hour.) Pelletierinse tannas 8-24 gr. (in water 1 oz.: brisk cathartic.) 2 Three allied alkaloids. HYDRASTIS {golden seal): 1 Hydrastina. Derived from hydrastina: Hydrastinina. Hydrastininse hydrochloras gr. ALKALOIDS : THEIR SOURCES AND SALTS. 149 2 Berberina (also found in many plants), , ( stomachic and tonic, |—i gr. dose i . . ( antipenodic 8-15 gr. HYOSCYAMUS {henbane)-. 1 Hyoscyamina. Hyoscyaminse sulphas. hydrobromas gr- -2 Hyoscina (probably identical with duboisina). Hyoscinse hydrobromas xio-too gr- -3 Scopolamina. IPECACUANHA: Emetina (Merck’s, dose -I emet* ( expectorant, xJg-fVgr-) LOBELIA: Lobelina. Lobeline sulphas (Merck’s, dose x gr. per day, gradually increasing to 3-8 gr. per day). NUX VOMICA {poison nut, dog button)'. 1 Strychnina jhfegr. Strychnine sulphas gr. 2 Brudna. Strychnina is contained in other plants of the natural order Loganiacece. 150 ALKALOIDS: THEIR SOURCES AND SALTS, OPIUM: I Morphina. Morphinae sulphas \ “ acetas v gr, “ hydrochloras ) Derived from Morphina: Apomorphinae hydrochloras, dose J hypodermically, gr. ( by mouth gr' 2 Codeina J-2 gr. Codeinse phosphas \-i gr, 3 Thebaina. 4 Narceina gr. PHYSOSTIQMA (Calabar bean)-. Physostigmina = Eserine. Physostigminae salicylas Tthr-sV gr' sulphas TifWilgr PILOCARPUS (jaborandi): Pilocarpina. Pilocarpince hydrochloras -J—J- gr. SCOPARIUS (broom corn); Sparteina. Sparteinae sulphas Ttr~2 Sr• alkaloids: their sources and salts. 151 STRAfIONIUM (thorn apple, Jamestown weed)-. 1 Daturina, a mixture of hyoscyamina and atropina. 2 Scopolamina. TABACUfI: Nicotina. VERATRUM VIRIDE {American hellebore)-. 1 Jervina. 2 Pseudo-jervina. 3 Veratroidina. ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF DRUGS OTHER THAN ALKALOIDS. ADONIS VERNALIS: Adonidin, glucos’.de J- gr. ALOES -£-10 gr. Aloin, neutral principle gr. ANAMIRTA PANICULATA: Picrotoxin, neutral principle from seed, gr- ASPIDIUM {male fern, filix-mas) -J—i^-dr. Filicic Acid, said to be active principle (Merck’s, 7i-i5 gr.) BENZOIN; Acidum benzoicum 5—15 gr. CANTHARIS (Spanish Cantharidin. ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OTHER THAN ALKALOIDS 153 CASSIA FISTULA {purging cassia) x-S dr. Cathartic Acid, glucoside, purgative principle. Also contained in senna. CAFFEA ARABICA {coffee). \ THEA SINENSIS {tea). f Caffeina, feebly basic, proximate principle, 1-5 gr. “ citrata 2-8 gr. “ “ effervescens x-4 dr. COLOCYNTHIS (bitter calumbd) 2—B gr. Colocynthin, glucoside (Merck’s, |-|-gr.) CONVALLARIA {lily of the valley)-. Convallamarin, glucoside (Merck’s, f-1 gr.) CURARE {woorara, urari) gr. Curarina (Merck’s: injection, gr.) CUSSO {prayera, kousso): Kousin or kosin, neutral principle 20-40 gr. DIGITALIS (foxglove) gr. The glucosides: Digitoxin, the most active, poisonous, cumulative (Merck’s, gr.) Digitalin (Merck’s; “German”; gr ) 154 Digitalein subcutaneously gr, Digitonin, probably identical with sa- ponin of senega, cardiac depres- sant ■3"tnr~rffTT £r' ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF DRUGS ELATERIUM {squirting cucumber): Elaterin, neutral principle -ss~rs Sr- EUCALYPTUS *-2 dr. Eucalyptol, neutral body from oleum eucalypti 5-30 TT[. QALLA {nutgall)-. Acidum tannicum 1-20 gr. Found in many plants. Acidum gallicum 5-20 gr. QLYCYRRHSZA {licorice root)-. Glycyrrhizin, glucoside 5—15 gr. Glycyrrhizinum ammoniatum (official)... 5-15 gr. GOA POWDER {Araroba powder)-. (Deposited in wood of andira araroba.) Chrysarobinum {Rhein, chrysophan, chrysophanic acid). Also from rheum. GUAR AN A {Brazilian cocod) J-i dr. Guararina, identical with caffeina. OTHER THAN ALKALOIDS. 155 HUMULUS {hops): Lupulin, a glandular powder 5-30 gr. Ext. fl 5-30 m,. Oleoresina x-5 gr. IRIS VERSICOLOR {blue flag). Iridin, resin 1-5 gr. JALAPA 5-20 gr. Jalapurgin (convolvulin), glucoside. Most active ingredient. Jalapin, resinous substance, probably identical with scammonin. JIENTHA PIPERITA {peppermint)-. Menthol, a stearopten |-2 gr. PIPER (black pepper) 5-20 gr. Piperinum, neutral principle 1-10 gr. Also from others of order Piperacece. PODOPH YLLUn {May apple, mandrake), 5—20 gr. Podophyllin, official resin -J-l gr. Podophyllotoxin, resinous principle (Merck’s, gr-) Saponin. See Digitalis and Senega, QUASSIA: Quassin, bitter principle -J—gr. 156 ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OTHER THAN ALKALOIDS. SANTONICA (Levant worniseed) 15-60 gr. Santonin, neutral principle..dose SCAfinONiUM 5-15 gr. Scammonin, resinous substance, probably identi- cal with jalapin. SCILLA (squill) 1-5 gr. Scillitoxin (scillain), glucoside, most ac- tive principle (Merck’s, gr-)- Scillipicrin, bitter principle (Merck’s, subcuta- neously, -J-i gr.) Scillin, glucoside. SENEGA 10-20 gr. Senegin or saponin, glucoside, acts like digitonin. SENNA x-3 dr. Cathartic Acid, glucoside, purgative principle. STROPHANTHUS: Strophanthin, glucoside (Merck’s, Tfonfonrihr Sr-) Strophanthin tannate (Merck’s, rtf gr-) OLEUM THYfll: Thymol, a phenol (a stearopten in B. P.) 1-15 gr. Also from volatile oils of monarda punctata and car urn ajowan. DRUGS WITH MAXIMUM DOSE ONE TENTH GRAIN OR LESS. -1 Acidum arsenosum -sttxg gr. 2 Aconitina • gr. (with caution) 3 Apomorphinae hydrochloras, dose \ by mouth gr- -1 injection gr. 4 Atropina xiW(J gr. 5 Atropinae sulphas xi(T~§V gr- -6 Auri et sodii chloridum -stt~ts gr. 7 Digitalein Tfa gr. (injection.) 8 Digitalin (Merck’s “German”) gr. 9 Digitonin *fa-Tfa gr- to Elaterinum to~ts gr. 11 Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum... . gr- -12 “ iodidum rubrum gr- -13 Hyoscinae hydrobromas gr. 14 Hyoscyaminae “ fa-fa gr. *5 “ sulphas fa-fa gr. 158 MAXIMUM DOSES OF ONE-TENTH GRAIN OR LESS 16 Nitroglycerinuni jTnrTtf gr. (contained in spr. glonoini.) 17 Phosphorus (in pill) tlttjv gr- -18 Physostigminse salicylas jvv~sG gr. 19 “ sulphas tltt-ju gr- -20 Sodiiarsenas gr. 21 Strychnina eWo' gr- -22 Strychninse sulphas gr- DRUGS KNOWN BY COMMON AND OTHER NAMES. Adhesive plaster—Emplastrum resinse. Ammonia, baker’s—Ammonii carbonas, 2-15 gr. Basham’s mixture—Liquor ferri et ammonii acetatis, 1-4 dr. Basilicon ointment—Ceratum resinse. Battley’s solution—Liquor opii sedativus (not official), containing 50$--)- of tr. opii. Black draught—lnfusum sennoe compositum, 1-2 oz. Black drop—Acetum opii (10$), 3-20 Tip. Also applied to Acetum opii crocatum (40$). Blaud’s pill—Pilulse ferri carbonatis, 1-2 pills.- Bleaching powder—Calx chlorata. Blue mass—Massa hydrargyri (335), L-15 gr. *• ointment—Unguentum hydrargyri (50$). “ pill—Massa hydrargyri. ‘ vitriol ) . . . ( astringent L 4 gr. > Cupn sulphas, •< “ stone ) ( emetic. .. 2-20 gr. DRUGS KNOWN BY COMMON Brandy—Spiritus vini gallici (39-475). Broom corn—Scoparius, dr. Brown mixture—Mistura glycyrrhizae composlta, 1-4 dr. Burnett’s fluid—Solution of zinc chloride, sp. gr. 2.0. Cacao butter—Oleum theobromatis. Cade, oil of—Oleum cadini (Oleum juniperi empyreu- maticum). Calabar bean—Physostigma, £-2 gr. of powdered beans. Calomel—Hydrargyri chloridum mite, Sr Carron oil—Linimentum calcis. Castile soap (hard soap)—Sapo. Castor oil—Oleum ricini, \-2 oz. Cayenne pepper—Capsicum, 1-8 gr. Chalybeate pill—Pilulae ferri carbonatis, 1-2 pills. Cherry, wild—Prunus Virginiana, 1 dr. Chloric ether—Spiritus chloroformi, dr. Cod-liver oil—Oleum morrhuae (Oleum jecoris aselli), 1-4 dr. Cold cream—Unguentum aquae rosse. Common salt—Sodii chloridum, 5-60 gr. Condy’s fluid—Potassii permanganas, 8 gr.; water, 1 oz. Copperas (green vitriol)—Ferri sulphas (impure). Corrosi\e sublimate—Hydrargyri chloridum corrosi- vum, Jg-xV Sr- AND OTHER NAMES. 161 Coster's paste—lodine, 2 dr.; oleum picis liquidse, 1 oz. Cotton, absorbent—Gossypium purificatum. Couch grass—Triticum, 1-8 dr. Court plaster—Emplastrum ichthyocollse. Croton oil—Oleum tiglii, h-2 Tl[. Culver’s root—Leptandra, J-x dr. Dandelion—Taraxacum, 1-3 dr. Deadly nightshade—Belladonna (folia), 1-5 gr. Diachylon plaster—Emplastrum plumbi. Dinner pill—Piluke aloes et mastiches, 1-3 pills. Dog button (poison nut)—Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Donovan’s solution—Liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidi (\% of each), 1-10 Tip. Dover’s powder—Pulvis opii et ipecacuanhas (10$ of each), 3-15 gr. Dutch liquid—/Lthylenum bichloridum. Epsom’s salt—Magnesii sulphas, J-i oz. Eserine—Physostigmina. Fern, male (filix-mas)—-Aspidium, dr. Fleming’s tincture—A tincture of aconite twice as strong as official tincture, i-2 tif. Foxglove—Digitalis, gr. Fowler’s solution—Liquor potassii arsenitis (1$), 2- 10 % 162 DRUGS KNOWN BY COMMON Friar’s balsam—Tinctura benzoini composita, -|-i dr. Fusel oil—Alcohol amylicum. Glauber’s salt—Sodii sulphas, 1-8 dr. Goulard’s cerate—Ceratum plumbi subacetatis. “ extract—Liquor plumbi subacetatis. Gray powder—Hydrargyrum cum creta (38$), 10 gr. Green vitriol—Ferri sulphas (impure). Gregory’s powder—Pulvis rhei compositus, -|-i dr. Griffith’s mixture—Mistura ferri composita, 2-4 dr. Gypsum (plaster of Paris)—Calcii sulphas exsiccatus. Hartshorn—Ammonii carbonas, 2-15 gr. Haschisch—Cannabis Indica, 2-5 gr. Hellebore, American—Veratrum viride, 1-5 gr. Hemlock—Conium, 2-5 gr. Hemp, Indian—Cannabis Indica, 2-5 gr. ‘1 Canadian—Apocynum, , ( emetic.. . 10-20 gr dose < , ( alterative, 2-5 gr Henbane—Hyoscyamus, 5-15 gr. Hive syrup—Syrupus scillse compositus, 5-30 H. Hoffman’s anodyne—Spiritus setheris compositus, 5- 60 H. Jaborandi—Pilocarpus, 5-60 gr. James’ powder—Pulvis antimonialis, 3-15 gr. And other names. 163 Jamestown weed (“Jimson” weed)—Stramonium, (seed) 1-3 gr., (leaves) 1-5 gr. Jasmine, yellow—Gelsemium, 5-10 gr. Labarraque’s solution—Liquor sodse chloratse, i-i dr. “ Lady Webster” pill—see Dinner pill. Laudanum—Tinctura opii (10$), 3-20 Licorice, compound powder—Pulvis glycyrrhizse com, positus, -J-2 dr. Lugol’s solution—Liquor iodi compositus (ss), r-10 m. Lunar caustic—Argenti nitras, J-x gr. in pill. Magendie’s solution—Morphinse sulphas, i6gr.; water, X oz. Mandrake ) Podophyllum; 5_2G gr. May-apple ) Mercurial ointment—Unguentum hydrargyri (50$). Mercury biniodide—Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum, tV gr- Mercury protoiodide—Hydrargyri iodidum flavum, T-I Sr- Mindererus, spirit of—Liquor ammonii acetatis, 2-8 dr. Monsel’s solution—Liquor ferri subsulphatis, 2-10 TIL Morphia, U. S. P. solution of—Morph hue sulphas, 1 gr.; water, x oz. 164 DRUGS KNOWN BY COMMON Nitre (saltpetre)—Potassii nitras, 5-20 gr. “ sweet spirit of—Spiritus astheris nitrosi, \-2 dr. Norwood’s tincture—-Tinctura veratri viridis, 2-10 up Oil of vitriol—Acidum sulphuricum. Opodeldock—Linimentum saponis. Paregoric—Tinctura opii camphorata (2 gr. to 1 oz.), 1-4 dr. Pearson's solution—Liquor sodii arsenatis (1$), 1-10 rq,. Pearson’s solution is really one-tenth as strong as the official liquor sodii arsenatis. Plaster of Paris—Calcii sulphas exsiccatus. Plummer’s pills—Pilulse antimonii compositae, 1-3 pills. Poison nut—Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Pomegranate—Granatum, -J— i-J dr. Poppy—Opium, \-2 gr. Port wine—Vinura portense. Precipitate, red—llydrargyri oxidum rubrum, J-i gr. white—Hydrargyrum ammoniatum. Prussic acid—Acidum hydrocyanicum. Pulvis purgans—Pulvis jalapae compositus, i-i dr. Pumpkin seed—Pepo, 1-3 oz. Quevenne’s iron—Ferrum reductum, 1-5 gr. Quicksilver—Hydrargyrum. AND OTHER NAMES. 165 Rochelle salt—Potassii et sodii tartras, dose diuretic 30-60 gr. purgative oz. Sacred bark—Rhamnus purshiana (cascara sagrada). Sal ammoniac—Ammonii chloridum, 1-30 gr. “ soda—Sodii carbonas, 5-15 gr. “ volatile—Spiritus ammoniae aromaticus, \-i dr. Salts of tartar—Potassii carbonas, 5-30 gr. Seidlitz powder—Pulvis effervescens compositus, 1 powder. Sherry—Vinum xericum. Soda, baking—Sodii bicarbonas, 5-60 gr. Spanish fly—Cantharis. Spirit of nitroglycerine—Spiritus glonoini (1$), 1-3 fU,. Sugar of lead—Plumbi acetas, gr. Sydenham’s laudanum—Vinum opii (10$), 3-20 TIR Tartar emetic—Antimonii et potassii tartras, gr. Tartar, cream of—Potassii bitartras, , ( diuretic 20-60 err, dose] & ( purgative i~4 dr, Thornapple seed—Stramouii semen, 1-3 gr. Tully’s powder—Pulvis morphinae compositus (1 gr. to 1 dr.), 5-15 gr. Turpeth mineral—Hydrargyri subsulphas flavus, 2-4 gr. DRUGS KNOWN BY COMMON AND OTHER NAMES; Vallet’s mass—Massa ferri carbonatus, 1-5 gr. Vienna paste—Potassa cum calce. Warburg’s tincture—Tinctura antiperiodica {2% qui- nine), 1-4 dr. Warming plaster—Emplastrum picis cantharidatum. Washing soda—Sodii carbonas, 5-15 gr. Wild cherry—Prunus Virginiana, -J-i dr. Witchhazel—Hamamelis. Wintergreen, oil of—Oleum gaultheriae, 1-5 TTL. DOSAGE IN CHILDREN. Young's rule: 3.PfC — = x = fraction of adult dose. age + 12 Example: 2 _ 1 2 + 12 ~ 7 ' Cowling's : age + i 24 “X' Example; 2+l _ I 24 ~ 8 RULES FOR INCOMPATIBILITY OF DRUGS. I. Mineral acids are incompatible with the alkalies, their carbonates, and lead. 11. Metallic salts are precipitated by alkalies and tan- nic acid. 111. The alkaloids are incompatible with tannic acid and caustic alkalies. IV. All drugs are incompatible with their antidotes and chemical tests. AN EASY METHOD OF WRITING PRESCRIPTIONS. It may be assumed, for the purpose of writing pre- scriptions, that there are 15 doses of a teaspoonful each in a 2-ounce mixture, 30 in a 4-ounce mixture, and 60 in an 8-ounce mixture. Only in the case of dangerous drugs is a more accurate estimation neces- sary. In a 4-ounce mixture, then, with a teaspoonful dose, each dose will contain of the total amount of any drug which may be in solution or uniform suspension. In the case of drugs with a usual dose of about 5 gr. or Tip, 1 drachm may be taken as the basis of calculation. If 1 drachm of a drug be added to a 4-ounce mixture, each teaspoonful will contain of a drachm, or 2 gr. or TT],. Taking 2, then, as a unit, it is only necessary to find the multiple of 2 which will give the desired dose, and this will represent the number of drachms to be put into the prescription. To take an example; AN EASY METHOD OF WRITING PRESCRIPTIONS. 169 5 Tincturas opii camphoratse (dose 15 Tip, 2 x = 3 viiss. Salol (dose 5 gr.), 2 x 2-J = 3 iiss. Misturse cretse q. s. ad | iv. M. et sig. In a 2-ounce mixture, each teaspoonful will contain Yg of a drachm, or 4 gr. or Tip In an 8-ounce mixture, each teaspoonful will contain 6]o- of a drachm, or 1 gr. or Tip From the above statements the following rule may be formulated: Divide 60 (one drachm) by the number of doses in the prescription, and multiply the result by the numeral necessary to give the desired dose. This numeral will represent the number of drachms to be used. In the case of drugs with a maximum dose of less than a grain, 1 grain instead of 1 drachm may be taken as the basis of calculation. Thus, if 1 grain be added to a 4-ounce mixture with a teaspoonful dose, each dose will contain of a grain.