THE Secrets to Health Revealed, AND THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF DISEASE BY OUR HYGIENE HOME TREATMENT. GUARANTEED BY MRS. MARY P. MeCUltLOCH. ATLANTIC, IOWA. MACLEAN & CO., PRINTERS, 1891. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1891, By MRS. MARY P. McCULLOCH. In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Although The Hygiene'Home Treatment as laid down in this work will benefit all, both young and old, male and female, under all circumstances and conditions of life, yet WE DEDICATE THIS WORK TO THE CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF AMERICA, as they are the ones whose duty it is to take care of the young, watch over them and give them their first lessons in hvgiene and help them form habits while young that will insure good health in riper years. NOTE. All who receive a copy are desired to act as agent or furnish one or more to act, which will be considered as an equivalent as pay for the book they receive. It may not pay me at first to advertise it in this way, yet that will depend on the interest my sisters take in the work, which I am sure will increase as they receive benefit from the use of the Hygiene Home Treatment. All correspondence direct as below. All letters, except those containing orders, where a reply is ex- pected should contain six cents in stamps, as my time is valu- able and means limited: Mrs. Mary P. McCulloch, Atlan- tic, Cass County, Iowa. A word of caution to correspondents: We can often make out words that are poorly written in a letter by connection, but names and addresses we cannot. So it is necessary that all who expect a return should be sure to give their name and full address in writing that will not admit of a mistake for it would be impossible for us to fill orders or reply if we could not make out the name or address. All club orders of ten dollars worth of books will be furnished at agent's rates, or any one buying that amount of books can act as an agent. Make all checks, drafts and money orders payable to Mrs. Mary P. McCulloch, HEALTH ACROSTIC. Selected. [To be learned by heart.] As soon as yon are up,'shake blankets and sheet. Better be without shoes than sit with wet feet; Children, if healthy, are active, not still; Damp beds and damp clothes will both make you ill; Kat slowly, and always chew your food well; Freshen the air in the house where you dwell; Garments must never be made to be tight; Homes will be healthy if airy and light. If you wish to be well, as yon do, I've no doubt, Just open the windows before you go out; Keep your rooms always tidy and clean - Let dust on the furniture never be seen; Much illness is caused by the want of pure air- Now to open your windows be ever your care, Old rags and old rubbish should never be kept; People should see that their floors are well swept. Quick movements in children are healthy and right; Remember the young cannot thrive without light. See that the cistern is clean to the brim; Take care that your dress is all tidy and trim; Use your nose to find out if there be a bad drain- Very bad are the fevers that come in its train. Walk as much as you can without feeling fatigue; Xerxes could walk full many a league. Your health is your wealth, which your wisdom must keep; Zeal will help a good cause, and the good you will reap. SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. WHEREAS, the health of our American women is visibly on the decline, and as the prosperity, success and morals of our nation depend upon the health, morals and happiness of the women and mothers of this people, not by taking part in the politics of the country, but in being capable to produce and train sons to manhood who will be abundantly qualified to not only govern themselves wisely, but also their country. When women are not able to do that it is certain, were they to go into politics, they would fail to improve on the present state of things. As I see and feel the need of reform and im- provement this work is to help us lay the foundation to build ourselves up physically, mentally and financially. I shall endeavor to furnish long needed instructions to our American women that medical works have failed to give, or if given are so complicated that they are not understood, and for the want of it I have seen much needless suffering. This book is written by the earnest request of those who have been bene- fitted thereby. It will need no recommendation after a careful study and comparison with anatomy, physiology, hygiene and a trial of the home treatment, which I guarantee, if followed according to directions and a life in obedience to the law that governs our being, as given in this book, to not only prevent but cure all common diseases independent of medical reme- dies, providing the individual is not too seriously afflicted with 2 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. scrofula or cancer. No doubt it will meet with opposition from those who live by the miseries of others, but my sympathies are with suffering humanity and my study and labor for years has been to gain a knowledge whereby to lessen needless suf- fering, especially that which is produced by disease so com- mon to the females of this generation. As this book is designed to benefit all classes, 1 shall make use of the most common terms in all my explanations, so it may be understood; giving an outline of the law that governs the animal kingdom in the most comprehensive way, making use of simple illustrations and giving a few cases out of many that have come under my observation, showing the true cause of the increase of death by disease and especially the increase of nervous diseases and premature death among children. Also a good reason for the incapability of the women of today to raise as large and healthy families as they did one hundred years ago. My attention was first called to the cause of disease in the year 1850, when I overheard an animated private discussion by a number of eminent physicians. They talked very plainly on the cause of increase of death by disease and new diseases or new phases of old diseases. I heard them make some con- fessions that I have never heard made public or seen in print also some prophetical statements which are being fulfilled that shows they were skilled in their profession. As I, at that time, was intending to follow the profession of mid-wife, I be- came very much interested in the discussion and have been benefitted thereby. After giving the law that governs our being, with natural causes for disease, I will give the discus- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 3 sion as I heard it to the readers, with some explanations for their benefit. Then I will explain the cause of increase of premature deaths by diseases, nervous prostration, mania, in- sanity, suicide and immoral crimes; and I will give a system of treatment as I learned it from a successful eastern physic- ian, changing it from a medicinal to a hygiene method. Notice the statement made by some professing knowledge on the subject: "That much of the misery, if not most, is produced from the effects of abortion or our unwillingness to become mothers." Such statements disgrace us as a Chris- tian nation and no doubt are made to save their reputation, while they forget that the physicians die off at a greater ratio and are producing more barren wiyes than any other class of men. I shall prove that statement to be false as it is fatal, and those who make it deserving a severe rebuke. In order to enjoy health, not only the knowledge of the law that governs us and t-he cause of disease is necessary, but we should bear in mind that a preventive is easier, safer and surer than a cure. The law that governs every living creature, man and beast, male and female, gives a period of growth, maturity, decline and death; but not necessarily death by dis- ease. A violation of that law hastens decline and death. Man is what is called organic; i. e., he is composed of a collection of organs that are related to and dependent on each other to carry out natural law. As long as those organs remain undis- turbed they work in harmony and under favorable circum- stances, and if the individual is furnished the right material, will repair, to a certain extent, all damage done by .exposure. Hy- 4 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. giene is assisting nature in her work. Nature should never be forced, as forced action in any organ or set of organs is abuse and injures them. All are grown by a multiplication of germs internally, those germs work in sets, each set taking that por- tion from the nutrition furnished through the digestive organs that is appointed to build its part of the system. Thus the necessity of a variety of food, or an article of food that pos- sesses in itself the elements required to build each part. As mankind possesses the power of thought in the highest de- gree, also sensation and voluntary motion, and as the organs are continually using up or wearing out through activity, either mentally, physically, or both, it requires a repeated supply of the right kind of food to support life or organic action, as the worn out and waste material should be expelled from the body or the system would soon contain the germs of disease. Therefore it is very essential that we should not only supply the food that builds the structure in its various parts, but we should always furnish the system with the things that produce heat, motion and strength. We will illustrate to show the necessity. The difference between animals and plants is im- portant, yet the latter furnish a good illustration. Animals subsist upon the produce of the animal and vegetable king- dom and are continually taking in oxygen and throwing off carbonic acid gas. Plants subsist on elements of the mineral kingdom, taking in carbonic acid gas and giving out oxygen. The plants have to be furnished with soil to produce the fibrous part, the breezes giving exercise that knits the fibers more firmly together, giving strength; the water gives fresh- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 5 ness; sunlight, color; the right amount of heat and gases make it grow. Should we fail to furnish any of these elemenis, es- pecially the latter, the heat and gases, we would soon see the effects. So with the individual. Failure to supply the system with the elements and substance that produce the vital force all the rest would prove as useless as an engine without the application or steam, although it may be perfect in its con- struction. The spark that sets on fire the fuel to generate the gas (the propelling power) is essential for its usefulness. So we should possess a sufficient per cent, of the vitalizing fluid in order to propel the mental and physical mechanism with ease. Heat, motion, strength and the power of endurance de pend largely on the amount of the albuminous part of the blood. This can be proved by the effect its absence has upon the sys- tem. It is essentially necessary in repairing damage done the sytem by exposure to too high or too low temperature, or over physical or mental work; it also overcomes and repairs dam- ages done by accidents. As the engine with a good head of steam clears the track of rubbish and moves on with ease, so the person who keeps on hand a sufficient supply of this health- giving principle, with a little rest, is ready for a task even harder than the first. Why? The worn out tissues have been thrown off and replaced by new, and the person has been made stronger by the change. If the work is physical, food for the bone and muscle is needed; but if mental, food for the brain and nerve. Albuminous diet and pure air are the best to improve brain and nerve force, and no organic disease can be cured without them, no more than a piece of masonry can 6 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. be made without mortar or cement. The oxygen should be taken in through the pores as well as through the lungs. Some scientists estimate that one-fifth the amount of brain and nerve force manufactured is used up daily in thought by an ordinary man. If it is true a woman with a family of children to care for, besides other drains, must use up a much larger amount, and in time nature would be obliged to draw on the principal to make repairs and in doing so impoverish the blood, decreasing the power of action in the whole organic system. This would necessarily lessen the manufacture be- sides impeding the process of throwing off the impurities or worn out tisues, for by lessening vital force we clog the or- gans of excretion with poison, necessitating forced action ; and it is evident if any organ or set of organs are forced to act with unwonted power a loss of harmony must follow and the whole machinery be caused to work imperfectly and unnatur- ally. In time the overtaxed organs would become debilitated. All diseases have their existence in debility. General dis- eases arise from debility in some general tissue or system of organs. Local diseases arise from debility in one or more of the structures of which the parts effected are com- posed. As stated before, it is certain no organ can act with unusual power without exhausting its energy, and occasioning debility in itself, breaking up harmony by calling on the gen- eral supply for more blood and vitality than are alloted to it. Either the whole system must feel the shock, or what is more common, some other organ from constitutional or accidental weakness will suffer in particular. The blood vessels of the SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 7 exhausted or injured organ becoming gorged with impure blood, forcing the nerves that form a network around them to such a tension that pain is produced. The capillaries, the con- necting link between the arteries and veins, are also overtaxed, as their office is to separate the worn out particles from the tissues that are used in cosiructing the organs, and convey them into the veins or lymphatic vessels to be for- warded to the appointed organs of excretion. Should the pores of the skin get clogged by allowing the scurf skin to remain, the openings would be closed through which from one to one and a half pounds of waste material, in the form of solids, fluids and gas, is thrown off daily. This matter would be left to poison the blood, create fevers and skin dis- eases, besides overtaxing the other organs of excretion, the kidneys in particular. A sudden change from warm to cold contracts the pores and stops the escape of the poisons from the system, also contracts the arteries that furnish the capillar- ies with material to repair damages; thifs nature suffers a temporary suspension in her work. If the propelling power is sufficient to regain a natural action, sending an extra supply of pure blood to repair the damage done by the shock, the capillaries would soon regain their equilibrium and go on with their work and no real damage be done. In case the propell- ing powers are not sufficient to produce reaction, or, as some would say, the constitution is not strong enough, the poison is left in the system to produce a fever or to locate and concen- trate the poison into a sore, boil or abcess. Should we assist nature to gain reaction and supply the needed material to 8 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED carry on a normal action the mischief is overcome. Here a hint to some may not come amiss. In trying to help nature we should be very careful not to do more harm than good, es- pecially if the individual's vitality is low. I have seen pa- tients exposed to draughts of cold after having been treated with hot applications. The exposure was enough of itself to cre- ate a disease. The pores should be opened with warm water containing either soda, weak lye, borax, ammonia or pure soap. Any of these will open the pores and with a good rub- bing, not too hard, but quick, to produce a chemical action of the gasses. Begin at the head and go down, protecting the body with warm clothing as you proceed. The feet should be allowed to remain in quite warm water until they are thor- oughly warm. Hot applications or a poultice of ground mus- tard, mixed with molasses to prevent its blistering, placed over the location of pain, is good The feet should always be kept warm and the bowels emptied of their fetid contents by injec- tions of warm water. Patients should be well protected by loose-fitting garments and furnished with plenty of fresh air and albuminous diet. The head in all cases should be kept as near as possible to the normal temperature. All should take especial care of the head, as there is the foundation of a great amount of trouble. I would repeat with one of the world's best physicians, that the secret to health is to "Keep the head cool, the feet warm and the bowels open." I will give a reason for that assertion. The head is the main office, or the one all important member of the body; the cerebrum (upper brain), being the region where thoughts are SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 9 evolved and sensations recognized. The organs of sense serve to put this thinking apparatus into connection with ob- jects, and the cerebellum (lower brain), and the medulla oblon- gata is the centre where the propelling powers are generated. Thus the head furnishes the location for the starting point of the nervous system, which is divided into three general classes' viz: the spinal, the cranial and the sympathetic. These are intimately connected yet acting independently of each other, as each has a different office to fill. The spinal nerves, of which there are thirty-one pairs arising from the spinal chord, each issues by two roots, the anterior being the motory root and the posterior being the sensorv root. When the posterior root of a nerve is cut the sense of feeling is lost; when the anterior root is cut the power of motion is lost; if both roots are cut the part of the body supported by that nerve will become par- alyzed, that is, motion and feeling being destroyed. These nerves extend to all parts of the body. If injured, the effect corresponds according to the degree of damage. The cranial nerves consist of twelve pairs that spring from the lower part of the brain and medullo oblongata, and extend to all the or- gans of sense in the head, also to the heart, lungs and other vi- tal organs. These are arranged in three groups according to their functions, viz: the sensory, the motor and the mixed. The sympathetic nerves consist of a long chain of large gang- lia lying each side of the spinal chord and the main or larger terminating in the pelvis region. These contain reserved vital force and from them run delicate nerves to the organs on which life depends, the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, 10 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. kidneys, intestines and reproducing organs; also to the blood vessels, spinal and cranial nerves, all over the body, carrying on assimilation, regulating the distribution of surplus and tem- perature of the body by supporting a normal circulation. If the bowels are clogged, it not only hinders the free action of the nervous system but manufactures a gas that viciates the blood. If the feet are cold, that throws a double quantity of that vitiated blood on the brain and main office of the nerv- ous system, deranging It. When the nervous system is undisturbed, the head is of a natural temperature, the feet warm, the bowels and other organs in good order. Two very essential elements necessary for the health of the nervous system are free to all, as they are universal God-given elements without price, pure air and sunshine. Yet so many are afraid of them, they shut them out of their dwellings as though they were enemies; they shut them out of their sleep- ing rooms, rise in the morning with a headache, feeling ex- hausted and nervous; they shut them out of their places of worship, and save the poison, thrown off from the lungs of those who are suffering from organic diseases, decayed teeth or the tobacco habit, to warm up for the next Sabbath and wonder why there is no more interest taken in the great truth of the Gospel and so few turn out to prayer meetings. We can live for a considerable length of time without food, but no one can live long without breathing, and our health depends upon the quality of that breath as much as the quality of food we eat. Here comes in the use of the lungs to purify the blood and support the nervous system, and yet the lungs like every SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 11 other organ is wholly dependent on the nervous system for power of action. One universal cause of disease is the lack of nerve force. The question is, "What produced this lack?" In the first place it may be inherited, as like begets like. The parents give their offspring what they have to give, but they can be improved upon the same as we can nurse a sickly plant into a healthy one, by the right care. So a weakly child can become healthy, in time. As assimilation is very rapid in youth, the constitution of a man or woman depends mostly on the care they get while young. We see that rule carried out in all animals and also in the vegetable kingdom. In the sec- ond place a neglect to furnish the system with the right kind of food and elements required causes a lack of nerve force. Thirdly, a using up of nerve force without replacing it. This is done in scores of ways, exposure of all kinds, hard mental work, brooding over disappointments, going without sleep, and many other things that tend to lessen vitality. If not replaced it causes a lack. Fourthly, vitality or nerve force is destroyed by poisons taken into the system, either through the lungs, pores or mouth; such poisons as tobacco, opium, alcoholic drinks, foul air, poisonous drugs, etc. Fifthly, a special nerve disease that is inherited or brought on in many different ways, which drains the system of nerve supplies, exhausting their power to act on the organic system. The disease in its first stage is either intermittent or of a mild form, but may become acute if the causes are increased to a great extent. The sym- pathetic nerves are the first effected by the disease, but sooner or later the entire nervous system becomes involved, and then 12 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. the organic. When the kidneys are effected by it the disease is considered chronic. In the first stages it is called albumin- uria, but soon it becomes complicated with other diseases. In- fancy or advanced age are more subject to it than maturity, yet many in the prime of life contract it, bringing on a decline and breaking up of the harmonious organic action. One or more of the weaker or overtaxed organs give out or a general debility quite often follows, terminating in a sudden death from an attack of apoplexy, paralysis, heart failure or some other functional disorder. It is an established fact that through the animal as well as the vegetable kingdom, under favorable circumstances, all species after arriving at the stage of maturity have the power to reproduce tnemselves. This is done by the life giving principle contained in every grain, seed or vegetable. The albumen being essential in developing the growth of the embryo, both in the vegetable and animal king- doms, it is good logic that the substance so essential in the start of vegetable and animal life would be as necessary in ma- turing and prolonging life. It has been demonstrated in nu- merous ways that albumin is very necessary in supporting the nervous system and producing a healthy action of the mechan- ism of mind, the great organ of thought-the brain. As albu- minuria is a waste of this same substance through the urinary organs, it lays the foundation for a complication of diseases. Some medical writers seem to think that albuminous diets will produce albuminuria. But I doubt it causing it in a healthy person, but it would increase the waste of albumin in the urine in one who had that disease. It would also increase seminal SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 13 fluid in a healthy man. In case of the disease it would not do to stop furnishing the system the material that was going to waste without reducing the waste. To illustrate-where I am sitting I can see an engine on the track switching. It is con- tinually letting off steam or gas through the safety valve. That gas is the propelling power. Providing that valve should get out of order while on the road and let the steam or gas go to waste, as the engine has to make its time, would a wise engineer stop generating steam or would he have the fireman pile in more fuel and stop at the first station for repairs that would stop the waste of steam? My advice would be to keep up furnishing the system a reasonable amount of albuminous diet, but remove the cause of waste as soon as possible. To show the original cause of this disease and its effect on our nation, I will give some statements made by an eminent physician on the subject. The statements were made in a pri- vate discussion in 1850. The conclusion of the discussion was a prophetic statement of the degeneration of the people of this country. I will give the statement as near as possible in the words used: "The cause of the increase of deaths by disease," said Dr. H , "is that abominable fashion of long-waisted dresses and tight lacing. It has ruined our nation, it has laid the founda- tion for a complication of diseases that are beyond our skill to reach. If they had stopped it when they first saw the effects, it would have taken this nation one hundred years to get over the effects, but it has been carried on to such an extent it has ruined our country, and all that will keep our nation up is em- 14 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. igration. I have found the ribs of women that died from the effects of tight lacing imbeded in their livers and entwined around their stomach, their intestines crowded down out of place, their wombs misplaced and their whole organic action deranged. We thought for a long time that no female could have inflammation of the womb unless she was married or of bad character, and we let scores of the most fashionable and respectable young ladies die off with inflammation caused by tight lacing before we found out our mistake. It covered over fifteen years. They would not tell us the location of their trouble because they knew what we thought about it. They would follow the fashion if it killed them." He said, ''When they come to me for medical advice I tell them to go and get married and bear children and streighten themselves out. That is better than anything I can do for them. The effects of tight lacing has weakened the organs of reproduction and is the cause of all female diseases. When I graduated in 1816 the fall of the womb had never been heard of or known to the medical profession, except that there are a few cases on record that were not understood at the time, oneja duchess some two hundred years ago, who is now supposed to have had a mis- placement of the womb, In 1822 we had the first two cases in America. There were five cases in France that year. I was called to one of the cases here. The patient was a very wealthy colonel's wife, of Lenox, Mass. The case was brought about by the lady jumping from a carriage a few days after confinement. When her feet struck the ground she felt something give way, which put her In such a pain that she- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 15 could not streighten herself up, and was carried in the house by her attendant and a doctor sent for. But he could not tell what caused the pain, and others were sent for, but they failed. I was present at a council of sixteen physicians at one time, and before she died, for she lingered for two years, she was visited by over one hundred physicians and not one of that number could conceive of the cause of her pain, although they knew the circumstances that brought it about. All they could do for her was to keep her under the influence of opiates. A number of us doctors arranged with one of the neighbors to let us know as soon as she died. Ten of us got there as they were taking her remains out of the house to be buried. We offered the husband a large sum of money for her body, but he would not let us have it. We forcibly stopped the processsion and labored with the husband for two hours, working, on his sympathy, showing him the amount of misery we could save if we could learn the cause by examining the corpse. At last he gave his consent and we made a thorough examination and all came to the conclusion that if we had known before what we learned by the examination we could have put a stop to her misery in a short time by reversing the position of her body with a light shake, which would have brought the womb back into its proper position, and she would have been able in a few weeks, at most, to be about her house. But we could not determine whether she would have been able to bear any children or not." He further said, "The strangest thing was that none of us thought of the real cause nor the possibility of immediate relief, although we all knew what 16 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. brought it about. And for a number of years after that if a woman died suddenly and they could not trace her death to any known disease, the grave was robbed of the body for the benefit of science." The above statement may not be credited by those who are not well posted on the subject, but it is nevertheless true. He continued: "Tight lacing causes such a pressure on the womb that it crowds it out of place and that is sufficient irritation to cause an aggravated case of inflam- mation, which, if not fatal, in time diseases the organ and its surroundings. It also has a tendency to produce barrenness. Who lives to see 1900 will see a nation of female invalids and the man who marries one of our American born woman will have to adopt an imported one to take care of her. Although the poorer classes have not been affected as much by the fash- ion of forming, as they called the process of lacing themselves when growing, they will intermarry and their offsprings will innerit the weakness from either side of the house. No doubt our young men will choose the healthiest young women. I tell the young men to take care of the old ladies for they are the best they will ever get." He further stated, "That from 1823 to 1835 the number reported in America as having the falling of the womb was thirty seven and about the same number in France. From then to 1850 such cases had in- creased about 30 per cent, in America, nearly all among the wealthier classes, as they were the ones who followed the fashion of lacing tight." He then went into anatomy and physiology and showed how it would affect the rising genera- tion by increasing intermittent albuminuria, which has the SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 17 same effect as prostitution. I think it quite necessary to give an explanation of the term prostitution to show in what sense it was used in the past generations. Only in the past half century has it been customary for girls to wear underdrawers. Before they wore their dresses long from infancy to maturity as they could without stepping on them; and most mothers taught their girls to be careful not to expose or handle them- selves. But not all mothers, as some had so much work to do- carding, spinning, sewing and making all the garments for a large family by hand. It took all their time, so the children would get little attention paid to them and 'some- times they would get into the habit of handling themselves when too young to know better. The irritation caused the blood to circulate more freely to these parts than was natural, causing the clitoris, which is located at the lower part of the pelvis, to acquire an unnatural growth. I have known it to grow from one-half to one inch in length, (the irritation would not have that effect after the growth of the person was attained, but would disease it). In such cases if the girl lived to mature, walking or wearing cloths when having her month- lies would irritate the enlarged clitoris, producing an unnat- ural heat and passionate feeling. In many cases they would sell or give themselves to the opposite sex, and gain the repu- tation of being bad characters or prostitutes. In the discussion they called such individuals prostituted who had the sensation in connection with sexual intercourse, that is brought on by irritating the clitoris. As the large sympathetic gland attached to it becomes debilitated it affects the entire nervous 18 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. system, and is the cause of premature death and barrenness in prostitutes. Tight lacing crowds the internal organs down, and the pressure of those organs irritate the sympathetic gland that contains the reserve vital fluid that supports the re- producing organs and gives the contracting power to the walls of the vagina and strength to the round ligaments that hold the womb in place. The blood pressure produced causes a forced action and a waste of that fluid throughout the urinary organs. The more the gland is forced the weaker it becomes until it loses its power to contain the vital fluid or supply the surrounding organs, that are dependent on it for supplies. In consequence these organs become weak, relaxed and gorged with impure blood and in time diseased, which induces the growth of ulcers, tumors, cancers, or they become paralyzed. In either case it produces nervousness and in many cases nerv- ous prostration. This disease is the main cause of so much sickness, insanity and death at the time of change of life. At present it is so generallv brought on so soon after marriage that some physicians take the immediate effect of the disease to be natural and speak of it, when in connection with females, as the climax or last thrill, when the facts are, it is Caused by functional derangement. It is often experienced for the first time when the system is relaxed in sleep, or in con- nection with the irritating causes, such as late suppers of indi- gestible food and also in connection with over mental or phys- ical exertion. It affects the reproductive forces in both sexes. The material that should go to the ovaries to mature into germs is passed into the urine, in the female. In the male it SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 19 goes to waste in the same wav, that which should go to the testes to mature into spermatozooa. Thus it cuts off the de- posit of mature seed in both sexes to a certain extent, which depends on the stage of the disease and the individual. I have been told bv some who were troubled with intermittent albu- minuria that all they enjoyed in intercourse was the sensation and it lasted but a moment, leaving them exhausted and sore. It was a source of trouble and disgust and when they had it come on while asleep it was more pleasurable, as they es- caped the irritation which caused the soreness; but all are not affected that way. The time it takes the disease to reach that stage depends on the individual and circumstances. Those who have large manufacturing capacity are the ones who live for it to become chronic. Those with weak digestive organs and small lungs are speedily used up with it in connection with other diseases brought on by it. Yet many who are built on the vital plan ,and manufacture quite rapidily if having intermittent albuminuria often mature an occasional germ and bear children, but they are seldom healthy on account of the waste the mother suffers while carrying them. The pressure and heat produced in child bearing causes such a waste of albumen in the urine that it sometimes stops the growth of the fetus, causing miscarriage. I have been told by some in that condition that they felt more passionate then than at any other time. That disease of a necessity weakens both mother and child, such children if born alive have lowr vitality and are quite liable to fall victims of albuminuria in infancy, especially the boys. They have too large heads for the body 20 SECHETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. and mature young, but without proper care are too smart to live long. Another cause for nervousness and female weakness is leucorrhoea. It may be inherited or contracted through ex- posure, the effect of which is located in the ovaries, causing inflammation, and the vital fluid is used up in overcoming or trying to repair the damage done by the exposure, that other- wise would keep the reproductive organs in a healthy condi- tion. The used up and wasted matter is ejected from the ova- ries by' the way of the womb into the vagina, and in bad cases often poisons the mucus lining, causing an eruption of minute watery blisters with heat and itching both internal and exter- nal. This has been proved in numerous cases by placing one half of a small onion cut so the rings are to be seen, over the mouth of the womb. The used up matter as it comes from the womb will adhere to the onion. By exchanging the piece of onion the womb and ovaries are cleared of all poisonous matter and nature has a chance to make repairs that could not be made as long as it remained. Ina general cold, or indiges- tion a great amount of waste material is thrown off in the urine. The decomposition of food manufactures an acid which coagu- lates or hardens the albuminous part of the blood, which, if re- tained in the veins, becomes an irritatant to the circulating organs. If lodged in the kidneys or bladder and Comes in con- tact with certain chemicals it helps form a stone or gravel. When thrown off it adheres to the vessel and is a sediment, but this is not a symptom of albuminuria, although it would aggravate the disease. It is nature's way of getting rid of use- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 21 less matter. To show the action of nitric acid, on albumin when in the urine, place the first made in the morning and that made during the night in a glass dish. In a short time the albumin will collect near the bottom ; drain the top off leaving the albumin, add a little acid and it will coagulate the albumin. Let it stand anfl it leaves a sediment. When the disease is in- termittent, it may be necessary to try it a number of times in succession. To prove it is albumin that the action of the acid causes to coagulate, beat up the white of an egg and add the acid to it, and it will have the same effect on it. The reader can see the necessity of guarding against indigestion, as the food souring either in the stomach or small intestines becomes an irritant to the mucus lining, and when taken into the blood it hardens the lubricating part, irritating and inflaming the mucus lining of the blood vessels, adhering to it, retarding cir- culation. The blood becomes too thick for nature to build fresh, smooth tissues. The tissues become dry and coarse, the skin flabby and wrinkled, and the joints robbed of the lubricat- ing fluid becomes swollen and stiff. In fact it causes a person to grow old fast. A large quantity of this hard substance overtaxes and irritates the kidneys and urinary passage, caus- ing inflammation. Those organs become too weak to retain the urine any length of time, and should the person be sufficiently exposed the sediment is increased, increasing the irritation until the passage is closed, causing great pain from the reten- tion of the urine. A sufficient quantity of fruit acid is essen- tial to good digestion. But acids produced by decomposition and other acids are destructive tp albumin. So is too high or 22 5 E CR ETS TO HEA LT If RE VEA L ED. too low temperature also poisonous, or any alcoholic liquor. All these cause a depression of mind and languor of body, and are liable to bring on an attack of any of those complaints that have their origin in the condition of the blood just described. To guard against that condition of blood, we should assist the digestive and excretive organs in their work; remove the cause of unnecessary waste if there is any, and supply the sys- tem with plenty of oxygen and albuminous diets. That is the surest, safest and only successful system of treating all those complaints. The question arises, "Why have Americans gained the reputation of being a nation of dyspeptics?" Some attribute the cause to excessive drinking at meals, other similar causes are suggested; but I shall prove that not only dyspepsia but constipation are the effects of tight lacing, which intro- duced those complaints into this country in 1820. Forty years ago nearly one half of the middle aged women would measure their heighth around their waist or abdomen. If any thing was said about them being so stout-looking, their husbands would in variably make this remark ; ''Well, when I married her I could span her waist with my hands," and no one ven- tured to dispute the assertion, as the effect of that compres- sion was too plainly visible and too well understood at that time. The stomach that had been weakened by it was contin- ually throwing off gas created by the undigested food, the in- testines robbed of muscular action by the long compression, , being too weak to throw off their contents, became loaded and distended to an unnatural size with waste material. The result was, many died with fevers, and others were drawn out of SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 23 shape by rheumatism. Their offspring inherited both dyspep- sia and constipation to a certain degree, which laid the founda- tion of diphtheria, and that is the date of the first cases of that dis- ease in this country. Before long-waists and tight lacing came in fashion, the women wore their dress waists very short and all underclothes were made with straps and hung from the shoulders, and there was no compression of the vital organs. The very old ladies seen fifty years ago were trim, and if large, were well proportioned. They made fun of the shape of those who had on.ce been so small waisted. One seldom saw a nervous person and the few there were got no sympa- thy from man or woman, but their grandchildren have become so dispeptic and constipated that it has undermined the nerv- ous system, and to day nervousness is too common and too serious a complaint to poke fun at. Much flesh and large waists are not signs of health, but the reverse in a majority of cases in both young and old. At the present time, activity without exhaustion, a cheereful disposition and sweet breath show a healthy organic action. I have had the care of small children more or less, for the last forty years and know some- thing of their habits. I have taken pains to inform myself in regard to the cause of the diseases that carry them off in great numbers, and I have not known a case of diphtheria for the last twenty-five years where the child was not constipated. In some cases the mother would say the child was not constipa- ted, that its bowels were as regular as her own, and on further inquiry I would learn she had a passage two or three times a week, then others had a passage once each day. What was 24 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. better proof of constipation was that the gas that passed from the childs bowels would be foul enough to poison the entire atmosphere of a large room. Fifty years ago physicians con- sidered a person constipated who had less than three passages of the bowels a day, as they thought seven or eight hours suf- ficient length of time for the digestive organs to extract all that could be utilized from the food, and the refuse should be thrown off. That was generally the case at that time. But now many people manufacture as much poison according to their size as a clogged city sewer and the. mortality is great. It is impossible for any person to be free from the germs of disease if they have less than two passages a day, no matter how sanitary their surroundings. Diphtheria and other dis- eases can be manufactured in a palace as well as in a hovel. In all cases where it is necessary for a person to strain in order to have a passage, and what comes is in short, hard lumps, shows muscular inaction and unnatural heat. Such individu- als are subject to disease. A normal action clears the entire length of the descending column without straining, a pressure of the refuse on the lower muscles prompts action of the higher, but a repeated putting off by will power the call of nature to be relieved of the useless mass, causes an extra ten- sion or strain on the lower muscles, which in time debilitates them and they refuse to act, and the inaction soon extends to higher, and in time to the entire length of the colon, and it becomes stuffed to its utmost capacity. This state often in- duces unnatural growths, such as tumors or cancers, and the person is alternately subject to diarrhoea and costiveness. In SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 25 this case the intestines should be thoroughly cleansed by re- peated injections of tepid vyater. I had the care of such a case where the tumors extended the entire length of the colon, and the patient was so reduced by diarrhoea her physician said she could not live but a few days or a week at most. One day I undertook to rinse out the large intestine, using over four quarts of water. I rinsed away with other refuse the seeds of grapes she had eaten six weeks before. She recovered her strength and lived over a year, being able to do considerable work. There being many occupations that necessitate a neglect of nature's calls, I shall show how to remedy it as far as possi- ble, explaining how to promote action which leaves none of the bad effects that straining does, and is perfectly harmless for all that are not troubled with piles, but it should be attended to at the first opportunity. The reader must see that the re- tention of the fetid mass in the colon, or the urine in the blad- der is very injurous to health, and both affect the nerve cen- ters. Many of our soldiers contracted this nerve disease in the late war. I heard a surgeon who served four years in the army make the remark that "he did not believe that there was a soldier who served any length of time who came out of the army with the health he had when he enlisted." The expos- ure, irregular habits, poor diet and anxiety all helped to bring it on, and I think since the war, many have suffered untold miseries, at least some have had serious trouble in their fami- lies on Account of it. Albuminuria develops into nymphoma- nia, or as Dr, Kellogg, of Michigan, calls it, diseased passion 26 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. and attributes the cause to constipation. Some of the soldiers wives when told that it was the effect of a disease that made their husbands act as they did, said they never thought of it being anything but pure meanness. Some said that all their husbands seemed to think of was sexual intercourse. In some cases where a man follows a sedentary occupation and uses alcoholic drinks, the heat of the disease in connection with the alcohol in the blood, will cook or harden the sperm, causing the nocturnal emission to be very painful. This disease has a very demoralizing effect upon the mind. I will give a case out of many I have noticed: "I was awaiting the arrival of a train at a railroad station. A middle aged man was standing with his back to the stove looking very intently at a number of young women seated directly in front of him. I heard one of them remark, 'What is that man watching me so for?' and another, 'He looks like a hungry dog,' and one who was lunch- ing said, 'I've a mind to offer him some of my lunch,' and so they went on with their remarks for twenty minutes. His eyes slowly turning from one face to another and at last settled on one. She changed her seat, his eyes still followed her; his face flushed but soon took on another hue which was rather bilious; his eyes changed their expression. He then -walked to the corner of the room, took up a basket and ate a hearty luncheon, paying no more attention to the ladies. He did not speak to them or seem to hear their remarks, but his appear- ance was disgusting. I heard him conversing afterwards and he talked quite rational." I will also give another case with the cause and effect: SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 27 A voting man about thirty years old, who had been per- fectly healthy, never having had a sick day in his life, but by constant horseback riding for six months contracted albumin- uria, which caused an uncontrollable passionate feeling and a passage of a trifle of sperm whenever he was in the company of ladies. The first urine that passed after one of those pas- sionate feelings contained a quantity of albumen. The ex- posure and irritation he got by prolonged horseback riding brought on local inflammation, causing a functional derange- ment. Brakemen on the railroad suffer from the same cause. To understand the nature of this disease the reader must re- member it is a nerve disease and is not always inherited but can be brought on to a healthy person by repeated exposure or irritation. Cattle contract it by exposure, as every stock raiser knows or should know. In sheep it is called white wa- ter. He should protect his stock from severe and sudden changes of weather in order to be successful in the stock busi- ness. It effects different individuals differently, according to their organization, occupation, habits and circumstances. It causes a waste of vital force and the weakest organ feels the effect first and others feel it as the disease advances. When the lungs feel the effects the voice is weakened, exposures set- tle there and a cough is readily contracted, and in some cases smothering sensations are experienced. The heart palpitates. Indigestion is also contracted, bringing on a combination of diseases. It lays the foundation for quick consumption in any organ, also for dropsy, heart failure, paralysis, apoplexy, blood poison, etc. When connected with over mental work, or anx- 28 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. iety, it causes mania, and from that comes insanity. In con- nection with severe trouble or grief it causes heart disease. And it 'has been demonstrated in many instances that an ac- cute attack of albuminuria will produce mania, unconscious- ness and death independent of any organic disease, it being brought about by excessive irritation as in case of sodomy, rape, etc. I saw this proved by an experiment on a small ani- mal, which, after urinating and passing a quantity of albumin, gave a few catches for breath and died without a struggle. It was a healthy, active animal and was not hurt in any other direction. Every woman and girl should understand that it can be brought on by drugs or compounds, of which' there are sev- eral kinds. Some are advertised as love powders. Cantha- rides is one which often causes mania and death. Others are prescribed to cause conception, pulsatilla being advertised for that purpose. It is according to the laws of nature that a per- fectly healthy woman does not conceive on slight occasions. Therefore it is unjust besides being unlawful to drug them on that account, as I have known cases where it has been done to procure conception. A decline in their former excellent health was the result, and their offspring showed the effect of the drug, and the mother was made barren for the future. If the physicians understood their business and did their duty they would strengthen the husband instead of weakening the wife to meet the husband's deficiency. It has been a general prescription given to young men with poor health to get mar- ried, but be sure to marry a healthy girl, and in nine cases out SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 29 of ten in a few years the doctor has two patients instead of one, and perhaps there is a sick child or two. Such marriages are a failure and pay the doctors much better than the coun- try. I have been told by a number of ladies whose word I have no reason to dispute that they had been treated in such a way at the time of confinement that the effect of the irritation they received from the doctor's hand under the pretence of examination caused albuminuria and a decline in their gen- eral health. I have also known the use of forceps and the catheter handled by unskillful and drunken doctors to have the same effect. The practice of onanism brings it on, although it is not the withdrawal so much as the external irritation over the clitoris which many resort to. Many practice onanism through kindness to their wives, not understanding the bad results of it. When external irritation is resorted to it dis- eases the wife first and then the husband contracts it through contact. Such men live no longer than the unmarried men that have an occassional sexual intercourse with women of loose character. To follow O. S. Fowler's advice of posterior position is nearly as dangerous. Cold water sitz bath for the females, or cloths rung out of cold water, on retiring, for males, has a tendency to bring on, or increase albuminuria, as the exposure and reaction is more than many systems can stand for any length of time. I have also learned from women who were going with quick consumption that the husband was in the habit of using his hand to irritate the clitoris at the time of sexual intercourse. Those men had lost from two to four former wives by the same disease. - Several of them I 30 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. knew before marriage to be as healthy women as could be found. I have known mania caused by that practice. In 1884 I had personal knowledge of two such cases. It was done bv a se- ducer, who ruined his wife's health and that of her two younger sisters who were there at different times to take care of his sick wife. One of the girls died and one was taken to the in- sane asylum. At the present time children are having this nerve disease as well as adults, complicated with other diseases and this is the reason there are so many sudden deaths among children. The reader should understand that many of the symptoms are the same in case of albuminuria, that are caused by low vitality, produced in other ways. So it is necessary to repeatedly test the urine in order to ascertain the true cause of the symptoms, which in all cases of albuminuria makes the child appear languid, complains of being tired -with little power of endurance. I will describe a case and a complicated case or two. A case of intermittent albuminaria was a bright girl of eleven years, who had been kept in school for a number of years with only an occasional short vacation. She was languid and complained of being tired, had intermittent fever and was taken out of school but did not improve. The doctor said she was in no danger and only wanted a little rest. In two or three weeks she had become so reduced in strength that her parents were alarmed. I called to see her. She lay on the bed apparently unconscious. There being only a slight covering over her I could see the exact position in which she was re- clining. One hand lay on the pelvis. I took hold of it and laid it to one side, remarking that she should not be allowed to SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 31 place her hand there. The mother said, "There was some- thing the matter with her there, as she had no control of her urinary organs, and she had kept her hand there ever since she had taken to her bed." In about twenty minutes she died without a struggle. The doctor was very much surprised at her death being so sudden. This disease can be brought on to children in many ways. Often in infancy by setting in a cold draft on the floor, in the most trying position. I have known mothers to let their little girls wear outgrown underdrawers that would chafe and irri- tate the child directly over the clitoris while running about at play until they could endure it no longer and would cry out with pain. They would also allow them to wear night drawers that would bind them so tight over those parts that it would produce a weakness that would cause them to wet the bed, and then would punish them for it in such a wray that it would increase the complaint. I have also known mothers to allow their small girls to go so unclean that the secretions nature works off from the clitoris would collect until it pro- duced a soreness and itching which would cause them to rub themselves with their clothing to allay it, and the mother, in- stead of investigating the cause, would scold them until they would privately investigate for themselves and try to allay the itching by irritation until it quite seriously affected their health. Then they would have them doctored for dyspepsia, nervousness, indigestion or some other symptom, when a wash of borax water and a few instructions and cautions were all that was necessary. 32 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. I will give a case of acute albuminaria complicated with bowel complaint.- To understand the danger of such cases it must be understood that in health there is a continual supply of digested nourishment flowing from the small intestines into the blood, but during a disease of the bowels, that supply ceases to be manufactured and the serum or albuminous part of the blood passes into the intestines to overcome the disease, thus causing a double loss to the system. There is no disease that exhausts and emaciates children as disease of the bowels. In case of indigestion, the food goes through a chemical decom- position and becomes a powerful irritant. In this case an ap- parently healthy child some five months old had an attack of indigestion, caused by change of food, which brought on bowel complaint. Its diapers being of heavy canton flannel were pinned very tight, bringing three corners over the pelvis and each corner being four thicknesses, making twelve thicknesses over those parts, adding an external source of irritation and heat sufficient to produce an acute case of albuminaria. The waste was so great that the child wrould smother or stop breath- ing as soon as he fell asleep, and would awake with a catch for breath. It seemed that the only way he could breathe was through exertion. He was continually in motion, rolling his head from one side to the other and seemed unconscious of his surooundings, taking no notice of his parents when they spoke to him. When I first saw him he had had no sleep for over thirty hours. I found him as described, with intense heat and under relaxation of those parts. I lessened the cause of the heat and irritation and furnished the material he most SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 33 needed, which was albumin and oxygen. The former was done by loosening his diapers and binding a sack of crushed onions over the lower part of the bowels. Beet leaves would have done. The latter was done by giving him the white of eggs beaten to a froth, and bathing him in tepid water. The white of an egg is assimilated without being digested and is therefore good in most cases of bowel complaint. With but very little medical aid he recovered. But twice before he got well I noticed a peculiar expression to his eyes, and on exami- nation found intense erection, and at each time he became more restless. This disease causes a spasmodic muscular action, which is followed by unnatural relaxation. Another case was of a young child who had a sore throat with enlarged tonsils but who was not considered in danger. I noticed him put his hand to his privates, a peculiar expres- sion came to his eyes and an intense sposmadic action of the penis as he put his hand to it. He soon dropped his hand, saying, "I'm so tired." He only lived a short time, dying easy. I have seen similar cases in croup, dysentery, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever and other diseases. Unless the child is very young they involuntary put their hand to those parts when they have a waste of albumin, and so do adults. If they do not understand the nature of the disease they are quite sure to increase the disease by doing so. Those who suffer from constitutional or inherent weakness are more apt to form a habit of handling themselves, and should be watched and taught better when young. If they are not they may con- tinue the practice until it causes the disease, if the disease did 34 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. not cause it. I remember a remark made in 1854' by one who had just been converted, who said, "She did not believe any - thing but the grace of God would stop that practice when once formed." I felt quite indignant, at the time, and said I thought a little good sense without religion was enough. But I find many who have lived moral lives for years giving way under the influence of diseased passion and surprising their friends by doing some immoral act. Of course their moral and will power had been weakened by it. If it has such an in- fluence over the old and experienced what can we expect of the young. It is evident that under the present circumstances we need a radical change in past methods of treating disease, and out of this necessity has sprung many methods, some of which I will give in brief to show that extremity is the mother of discovery. At the present time the early method used to eradicate poison from the system would be too severe, yet when it was practiced the means used suited the times and constitution of the people, and many more lived to die of old age than at the present time. Many hundred years ago and later they forced and stimulated to produce action of the excretive and other organs, using emetics and physics. They bled, blistered, cupped and often used leaches. Also fomentations were used and teas of roots and herbs. Then the idea was advanced if disease was occasioned from poison in the system it must be eradicated or counteracted with poison in order to work a cure. The medical profession has been studying and experi- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 35 meriting from this standpoint for many years trying to perfect a system of treatment, but thus far have failed, and still they stick to it, and every new compound has to run through the craze, producing another disease or a new phase of some former disease. The homeopathist dropped some of the drugs used by the allopathist, but deals out others just as destructive to the nerv- ous system. Dr. Thomas introduced a strictly root and herb method of treatment, which for a time proved quite successful, therefore all patent medicine is labeled purely vegetable. Of this extremity came the water cure. At first cold water was the cure-all. They gave sponge baths, showered, used band- ages and packed all in cold water. As the reaction was the curative part of the treatment they soon found many patients with too low vitality to stand the shock, and more harm was done than good in many cases. Then some resorted to hot or warm water, giving vapor baths, sweat and soaked the poison out of the patients, and kneaded them to get up organic action. This method benefitted those who could stand the treatment But this, in many cases, produced nervous prostration; there- fore, is a failure. In the last half century this nerve disease has become so universal, and is more directly connected with the brain and affects the mind. This fact gives rise to a class of mind healers or mesmeric physicians. These seem to have different methods of treatment besides the mesmeric influence brought to bear on the patient. Some make use of a natural current of electricity by placing one hand over the diseased organ and the other on the opposite side of the body. Others 36 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. will rub and slap the patient with the hands to get up action of the circulative organs; and still others will use water on their hands, rubbing their patients' heads to create action in the cerebellum (lower brain) where the forces of organic action are generated. This treatment is most beneficial in case of mania. Also bathing the temples and around the ears in cold water, and before drying the hands or face placing a finger in each ear for five or ten minutes, thus getting up a current of electricity, which helps to regulate circulation. This is also good in case of headache or hot flashes. If once is not suffi- cient repeat the treatment, and after each, dry with a towel rub- bing briskly but not hard. Then we have the electric bath, and the current method when applied internally is very bene- ficial as it stimulates organic action. The electric belt and pad may help excite action in the capillaries of the skin. But all need the right kind of nutrition to go with them. There is also the medicated pad used to stimulate or- ganic action which is an improvement on the practice of drenching the stomach with medicine intended for different organs. More recently than any of the above comes Psychology with the new name of Christian Scientists. Since 18S1 there has been in Boston, Mass., an institution pretending to give ample instruction in every scientific method of medicine. Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy is president of this institute, where mental healing is taught on a practical basis. The college course consists of twelve lessons and eighteen lectures; time of instruction, six weeks; tuition, eight hundred dollars. Ac- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 37 cording to an advertisement in Christian Science Journal. The theology I get from "Science and Health with Key to Scrip- tures," by Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy, does not harmonize with that of the Bible. I have no right to add to or take from the Bible as we have it. But there is to be a class, according to Christ's teachings in Matthew vii: 22-23, that say, "Lord! Lord! have we not prophecied in Thy name and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in Thy name done many wonderful works?" And then will Christ say unto them, "I never knew you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity." I think it wisest to believe God is able to make his will known to men without the aid of Mrs. Eddy's key. If the Bible is not what it purports itself to be and God made a mistake in the means chosen and the language or terms used in the record, then Mrs. Eddy's key is just as good as anybody's, and no better. As there are a number of keys, and all different, I choose to trust the orig- inal. I believe God means what he says and says what he means through the ancient prophets. Her theology deifies, and is in harmony with the idea of transmigration believed by the ancient Egyptians and the followers of Mohammed, who pretend to be taught of God. It is also in harmony with the theology taught Mother Eve in the garden: Genesis iihq-S. Neither does her student's method of treating patients har- monize with that of Christ and his disciples, or the method taught by the apostle James, v:i4-i5. Yet Mrs. Eddy claims in the November number of Christian Science Journal, on page 1S6, year 1886, that God revealed unto her the Divine principle of all healing; also on page 116, of June number, 38 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 1887, that she discovered the science of mind healing, and it was the way Christ had pointed out. It is true God has a law to govern all his works, and the nearer we live in harmony with the law that governs our being, the more benefit we re- ceive from it. The more we depart from that law the more we feel its effects. Toillustrate; in December number Mrs. Eddy says, "If the mechanism of mortal mind is allowed to go on undisturbed by influences of hatred, envy or malice, disease cannot enter the mind to get a foothold." There are- children who die of disease who are too young to have their mechan- ism of mind disturbed by hatred, malice or envy. Yet all should understand a person with these traits of character use up more vitality than one without them, and by so doing weaken organic action. I have known it to make people down sick to get angry. One case that I knew was where a man undertook to chastise his son with his cane. The boy caught hold of it and pulled it from his father's hand, who got so angry about it that it caused his death. The coroner brought in a verdict of death by over excitement. If, as the Scientists teach, hatred or malice create cancer, and averice or greedi- ness causes dyspepsia, etc., we have a reason to judge that Mrs. Eddy would be more successful as a preacher or teacher, than a practitioner. As we look over her tuition list we might judge she had a touch of dyspepsia and by the epithets she showers on her opponents it suggests a thought of cancer. The Bible teaches that the wicked shall not live out half their days. Why are they like the troubled sea, always casting up mire and dirt, contention and strife? They use up their vital- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 39 ity in studying out a way to trouble their neighbors, while the righteous, who possess the Christian graces, have peace like a river. They wish all well, sleep sound and save vitality by so doing. Some expose themselves while trying to do others good and contract disease and die prematurely on account of the exposure. I will endeavor to show how the Christian Scientists in different ways take advantage of saving the vital principle that is used in overcoming organic debility. In the first place all sick or diseased persons are not manufacturing as much as they are when well and at the same time they are using up extra in worrying about being sick. If they can be made to believe they are going to get well, that saves so much of the principle it takes to overcome disease. If that belief is connected with a sugar pill or Christian science, it is all the same. Again if a sick person is using up vital force in wor- rying about their future state after death, if they can be con- vinced that they are as God's, all right here and hereafter, a great advance is made towards health. It may save the prin- ciple that produces heath and prolong this life, which is very desirable, but the same can be accomplished by possessing the Christian graces. That is God's law. But the promise of eternal life God has given us through faith and obedience to "Christ who we are to hear in all things." I see a wide differ- ence between the impression felt by the influence of the Gos- pel method of healing the sick and the method taught by Mrs. Eddy. The first leaves a spirit to exclaim, "Glory to God!" and the latter a spirit to exclaim, "Glory to Mrs. Eddy!" The Scriptures are plain on the principle of healing as taught by 40 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. Christ, it being a gift of faith which is bestowed by God on his servants and conies without money and without price. When one offered money for the gift of the power to heal the sick, the rebuke came, "Thy money perish with thee." God has not changed, the answer would be the same to-day. There is also a vast difference in the operation of the two on the pa- tients. The former comes like a breath from the Almightv God permeating the entire being from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet, vivifying the diseased body as it goes, and from a wreck nigh to death's door and weak with infirmi- ties, in a moment's time they are made whole and grow strong from that hour, the organic functions being restored and put in harmony with the law that governs them. This is the testi- mony of those who have been healed in answer to prayer as taught in the Scriptures. The writer also bears witness to the truth of it. If the devil has a counterfeit he bestows it upon only those who advocate his theology "Thou shalt not surely die, but become as gods." Christian scientists as mind healers go through nearly the same form as former psychologists, ex- cept the scientists pretend to pray to God. While their theol- ogy teaches that God is a principle and cannot be moved by prayer and they themselves are of the same principle, which do they pray to, God or themselves? The first beneficial effect their patients get from the treatment is their bowels regulated and the cause of many diseases is thrown off from the system in that way; also in what they call chemicalization, (in running sores). A certain state of the mind will excite action of either the stomach, bowels or reproductive organs. SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 41 This fact is too well understood to need comment. As albu- minuria is a very common complaint and a nerve disease, all such cases are good subjects for psychological treatment. The Christian scientists make their boasts of being able to cure chronic nerve disease and claim to be cured or to be free from what they call carnal desire. I notice that they meet with the best success in treating barren men and women. In fact I have not known of a person cured by them whose com- plaint did not originate from a special functional derangement. But I have known several cases treated by them that were not caused by it, which they failed to cure. I cannot see as a person cured of carnal desire is any more divine than one who has never been troubled with it. I do not know what others think of the theology taught in connection with the mind healing, but to me it looks like the old lie, "Thou shalt not surely die but become as gods," dressed up in some of the Christian graces to make it look Christ-like, and named Chris- tian science in order to "Deceive the very elect, if possible." No doubt the devil saw his mistake, as his theology in the hands of the Spiritualists was frightening the people by run- ning them into the ground too fast by their licentious prac- tices, and as a last resort he introduced moral habits which are essential to health, but the marriage ceremony does not make sexual excess moral. Mrs. Eddy learned an important lesson from the experience she got while under the three year's treatment of Dr. Quimby, a spiritualist or mesmeric doctor. Giving her own words, she says: The animal poison imparted through the mortal mind by 42 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. false or incorrect mental physicians, is more destructive to health and morals than the mineral poisons prescribed by the matter physicians." She swallows the quint essence of poison (false theology,) but rejects immorality. This is the secret of her success as a teacher of psychology. It has taught her to choose healthy, moral individuals for the normal class, as they are the ones who succeed as practitioners. In that she is far wiser than a certain professor of a medical college in one of the eastern States, who confessed that out of over one hundred students he could not obtain a sample of urine in its natural or healthy state, and on examining a sample of his own he found, to his chagrin that he had Bright's disease of the kidneys. Albuminuria is a proper disease and as common as any other disease and as much and more to be dreaded, as it is one great source of other diseases. When young ladies are compelled by a sense of honor to go to doctors and make the confession that they are so passionate that they do not dare trust them- selves alone in company with the opposite sex, and entreat the doctor to give them some medicine, if possible, that would stop that carnal desire, I think it high time they had a sure and safe remedy, which I guarantee in the home treatment. When it is universally known and practised and mothers once learn better than to let their small girls be held and petted by elderly male patients or those who have chronic albuminuria, as the poison is transferred by contact more than by mind. Then, and not until then, will we have a reform in the health and morals of our girls. With the practice of our home treat- ment will come a decrease in all immoral crimes, mania, in- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 43 sanity, suicide and death by disease, and the use of stimulants, as the people will learn how to eradicate all poison from the system without medicine and manufacture vitality for the pres- ent use instead of forcing nature by using medicine or stimu- lants and use up both interest and principal. If people under- stood the damage constipation does, they would see the benefit and the necessity of the home treatment, which regulates the bowels in the most natural way. This is done by restoring muscular action. All straining is done away with at the time of evacuation, the contents of the rectum are thrown off by mus- cular action. As soon as the stomach and small intestines have gotten through with their work, the refuse is passed into the large intestine, which carries it to the rectum, where it excites action of the muscles and is discharged from the body. If those muscles are paralyzed the fetid mass may remain for hours and even days manufacturing a poisonous gas, tainting the breath and causing debility in the surrounding organs, be- sides scattering the germs of disease through the entire sys- tem. In such cases it is passed by the aid of straining, which does a great deal of harm, especially to the females. If they have a passage two or three times a week in that way they think their bowels are regular, but the facts are, no food taken into the stomach should be retained in the body over twelve hours at the longest. If the gas passed from man, woman or child has an old, offensive odor, that person is con- stipated and subject to disease. I will give a few hints to be considered first in case of disease or bad feeling of any kind. The first thing to be done is to ascertain the cause, and lessen 44 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. or stop that as far and as soon as possible. There is not an adult with fair reasoning faculties who would not be able to trace his complaint to one or more of the causes here de- scribed. They all would know if they w'ere being exposed to heat or cold without proper protection. All can discover if there is a taint in the water they use, or a stench from kitchen, cellar, sleeping room or out-house. If one or more of these be the case, a thorough cleansing is the first general remedy. In particular, the sleeping room should be cleared of all soiled clothing and slop bucket. The room and bedding should be well aired during the day; the room well ventilated at night. Much of the languor, headache and bad feeling is the con- sequence of breathing impure air when the system is relaxed in slumber, and more liable to take in poison than at any other time. In another direction all should know if they are using up more than they can manufacture and whether they are fur- nished with sufficiently nutritious food. If not, they should remember that food costs less than doctor bills. Plain, nutri- tious food is as easily got as any and costs no more. Buy a good quality, for bad bread is more apt to sour on the stomach, creating acid. Everything that ferments in the stomach effects it, and the bowels as well as the blood. Strong tea or coffee or too much drink of any kind at meal time or soon after is liable to retard digestion and produce an acid on the stom- ach or bowels, and should be avoided. Anything that will sweeten the stomach without injuring it, and help digestion, is good for rheumatism or any complaint caused by indigestion. I have known muscular rheumatism cured by dropping the SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 45 use of coffee and substituting Cayenne pepper tea in its place. Do not get it too strong, a grain or two in a cup of hot water ■with milk and sugar if desired, is sufficient to warm the stom- ach and help digest the food. It is necessary to dress warm, as a chill contracts the arteries and veins, increasing the irri- gation in the circulation, and a chill or strain in any part of the body increases the cause and locates the effect. To make hot applications over the location, relieves it but does not always remove the cause. A poultice of ground mustard mixed with molasses, to prevent blistering, is one of the best applications in use. If the coagulated albuminous part of the blood is not thrown off by the execretive organs or eradicated by the use of medicines, we can assist nature by not manufacturing more acid through indigestion, and nature will in time work off the hard sediment, letting the pure and fresh we furnish the sys- tem take its place, thus working a cure. I speak of this, as in- digestion lessens vitality in many ways, and should be avoided, as it in many cases is a direct cause of consumption, and when complicated with albuminuria, it carries off its victims very rapidly. As this is not a medical work we show how to cure disease by prevention or by lessening the cause, and as albuminuria is one great enemy that is draining the blood of its vital element our object is to give a safe method of treatment for it that will not only prevent, but in time work a cure of the disease if faithfully persevered in. All should understand that no dis- ease can be cured so it cannot be brought on again by the same or other causes. In this system we should first ascertain the 46 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. cause of any complaint and remove all visible or external causes as far as possible, and then assist nature in restoring a natural action by using remedies that will assist the excretive organs to throw off all used-up or waste matter and poison in the most natural way. By so doing you get rid of the internal causes that stand in the way and hinders nature in her work. Then by supplying the right material nature works the cure. In the hygiene or home treatment the readers should be their own judges in regard to the external or visible cause of their complaint, as they are the ones most interested and will do according to the best of their ability and circumstances permit, providing their reason has not been impaired by the disease. In all cases, acute or chronic, the bowels should be attended to. In the former case where there is pain, the water may be used a little warmer than in the latter. Don't be afraid to use plenty of water. I have used from one to three quarts as the case required. Give the bowels a thorough rinsing out, if you have to repeat it, using the nozzle used to give female injec- tions. In using a bulbe syringe both ends should be sub- merged in the water and all air thrown off before using. In- sert it well back, working it carefully until the opening at the curve is found. The nozzle of a syringe will enter an adult five or six inches readily, without hurting, but when used on a child, great care should be taken lest you rupture the mucous lining. After the bowels are nicely rinsed out insert a small raw onion partiy crushed or bruised, or a layer rolled up. In- sert it an inch or above the lower muscles. If the patient is an infant, crush an onion, turn on one-half pint of hot water, SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 47 let it stand a few minutes, strain it and inject while warm-let the child retain it. That is also a ready relief for girls with painful monthlies, caused by taking cold, but is best injected into the vagina, using it quite warm. The warm rectum in- jections are for acute attacks in either male or female and are best used in any case before the patient is exhausted with pain. All can use the onions with safety except those who have a very bad humor in the blood, such as s'crofula, cancer, &c. In such cases it sometimes gets up such a commotion in the poisons that it brings on an acute attack. Such individuals have to commence using the onions very gradually, as onions are one of the most powerful absorbents of poison that is known. They will absorb to their utmost capacity, the first poison they come in contact with, making it necessary for a constipated person to first clear the lower bowel in order for the onion to have a chance to act on the intestines and help nature to restore a natural muscular action. By so doing, it cures both constipation and chronic diarrhoea. In a case of bloody flux or dysentary, the onions take out the inflammation and nature has a chance to make repairs, which cannot be done as long as the inflammation remains. Inaction of the lower intestine causes an unnatural heat that dries up the moisture in the refuse, compacting it into a dry, solid mass, causing not only constipation but costiveness, many times to such a degree, that the mucus lining is ruptured and parts of it are torn down to the opening and become sore and troublesome at times. In other cases the straining done to pass that dry, solid mass, forces the entire intestine down, besides doing other great 48 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. harm. The onions in time removes the cause of heat. There are cases where muscular inaction extends the entire length of the colon, which is distended with refuse that has been packed away for weeks and even months, leaving only a small opening in the center. Often the person will have such an appetite that a passage is forced from the bowels regularly, and perhaps twice each day. Such cases can be detected by the hardness of the abdomen and the inability to bend at the waist. They complain of dizziness and headache. That state of the bowels induces the growth of tumors and cancers, and would require a more thorough use of water to dislodge the refuse, as onions would have no effect on the system if in- serted when the bowels are in that condition. The length of time it takes to restore muscular action depends on the stage of the debility, and on the thoroughness of the application, also on the occupation, diet, and age of the person. In chronic or common cases the water used should neither feel warm or cold, as the cold would chill and contract and might cause pain, and warm relaxes and a too frequent use of it would have a tendency to weaken muscular action. In cases where the call of nature is by necessity put off for a time, as is often the case with children attending school, or by clerks or others in such occupations, it should be at- tended to at the first opportunity. To prompt action is the most natural, and is therefore best, and can be done with less trouble and leaves no bad effect. Where the rectum is healthy or the person has not been troubled with piles, a natural evacuation is readily procured by a little artificial ten- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 49 sion on the lower muscles. This can be easily done without straining by inserting a piece of onion, which should be re- peated if necessary before using any other means, as it acts more naturally. The next best is done by wrapping the finger with a wet piece of cloth or paper, insert the finger to the first joint, crook it and pull lightly forward and down. That ex- cites action in the higher muscles and they work the contents down and out, if it has not been retained long enough to be- come too dry and solid. In that case it would be better to use the syringe as before directed, than to strain. The best place and position in warm weather is in the out-house sitting over the hole with one foot and a dish of tepid water on the bench. After the lower part of the intestine has been cleared then insert the onion. The more onion used the more poison is ab- sorbed, and with the first passage it is thrown from the body. In case of constipation this treatment should be kept up, if necessary, morning and just before retiring, always at a stated hour until a muscular action is restored. As I have stated, the time it takes to accomplish this depends upon the person's age, occupation and diet, as all of these have more or less to do in producing constipation, and the more causes there are to con- tend with the longer it takes to work a cure. When muscular action is restored a call from nature will occur at the stated hour, that is if the meals are taken regularly. To meals at stated hours is quite an item in regulating one's bowels. After muscular action has been restored leave off the injec- tions. Leave off the one in the morning first. If from the change of diet or irregular meals you should fail to have two 50 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. passages each day, never fail to insert the onion as a prompter. Use them as long as they will act before resorting again to the injections, as they are best as long as the bowels are regulated by them. They work on the system and keep it free from bad gas. They help to purify the breath and stimulate action of the liver, and clear the complexion; and they also help digestion. Every single female who is constipated should remember that marriage has a tendency to increase that com- plaint and no married woman should retire without first hav- ing an evacuation of the bowels. If mothers were more par- ticular about their children in that respect they would not be kept awake by them nor would the children get up in the morning so feverish and fretful. The use of onions has no bad effect on the system or bowels in any way, nor does their use create a necessity for its constant practice; yet there are so many things which tend to constipate the bowels that make it necessary to assist nature in that direction, and all would find a general use of them beneficial, especially those who are married or advanced in years. There may be cases where it is necessary or best to use them constantly. Yet in most cases one could leave it off for weeks or months until they feel the need of it again. It is a treatment that never wears out because it only assists nature in her work by restor- ing natural action. When raw eggs are taken in connection with this treatment, and in many cases it is quite necessary that they should be taken at meal times, and cold baths accord- ing to directions, nothing will tone or strengthen the whole organic structure better or faster, and it is also good for all or- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 51 ganic diseases. The first thing in acute attacks where the stomach is involved is to attend to that. In order to judge what is best to be done we must ascertain nature's way of re- lieving the stomach when abused by being overloaded with food that it can not digest or in case of poison. At the pres- ent time w.e have as few normal stomachs as bowels, so we will take a healthy child for an example. If the mother is healthy and has plenty of nurse when the child gets quite hungry it will often take more than the stomach can digest. The fullness excites muscular action which throws off a part and the child goes on laughing as though nothing had happened and grows fat and active. But if the moth- er's system is in:bad condition and the nurse is not fit for the child it will throw it up and turn pale and act as though it was sick at its stomach. So it is seen that in either case nature re- jects the contents, and should be assisted when necessary in her work in the easiest way or in the way that will do the least harm. As I have said, the mind has a certain influence over the stomach and bowels. I have known many cases where a thought would cause the stomach to contract and throw up its contents, and other cases where laying the finger on the roots of the tongue would prompt action. Sometimes a few swallows of luke-warm water is sufficient, but many times it is as hard to produce vomiting as to get a passage of the bowels. When improper food is taken in large quantities and distresses the stomach it is best to relieve the stomach of its contents, for by so doing it prevents the bad effects it would have on the bowels. An emetic in such a case is much better than to give 52 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. physic, as physic weakens both stomach and bowels, and a con- stant use of it is one great cause of the food souring so much on the stomach. Every person who is troubled with a sour stomach should keep a bottle of soda water at hand and as soon as they feel symptoms of a sour stomach take a swallow and wait a few minutes, and if it is not sweetened take another. Do not take too much. One teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to one-half pint of water. Make it fresh every three or four weeks. There are many other things that are good to prevent the food from souring. A teaspoonful of unground mustard seed washed down with a swallow of water, after eating, is good, or lime water taken after meals. The lime water can be obtained at a drugstore, or it can be made by taking one pound of the best unslacked lime, put it into an earthen dish, slack it with enough water to soften it so you can stir it readily with a stick, then add a teaspoonful of salt and a quart of water. Stir it well, and seal it up in a glass can and let it set twelve hours; then open the can and drain off the clear into a bottle and cork tight. Ten or fifteen drops of that in water after meals or two or three in milk for a child, will prevent it from sour- ing. Anything that helps the food to digest is good. I give these remedies as preventives for the time being. After the home treatment has been practised awhile there will be less need of them, at that promotes digestion and assimilation. At all times the pores of the skin should be kept open, but in sickness of any kind it is more essential to help nature in that respect. Sufficient directions have been given in the first part of this book, in regards to bathing, in a case of an acute attack. But it is quite essential in all baths to use pure water. SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 53 For practical baths, it is best to have the water moderately cool, as there is more oxygen in water before it is warmed, and cool contracts and strengthens. The room should be reason- ably warm in cold weather. It is not necessary to bathe as often in cold as in warm weather, as the kidneys throw off more fluids in winter and the pores throw off more in summer. Therefore, as we assist the pores in summer by bathing, we should also assist the kidneys in winter, by keeping the bowels more thoroughly cleansed and a more thorough use of onions, as they also stimulate action of the kidneys. In winter, one or two full baths a week are sufficient, but in summer, one a day or more is none too much for a healthy laboring person. To regulate circulation by bathing, and that is a very essential point, is to bathe the two extremities on retiring and the re- mainder on arising in the morning, that is, the face and neck down to the waist, and the feet and limbs to just above the knees at night, and the rest of the body in the morning, always drying well. This manner of bathing I find is more safe and beneficial than any other, for many reasons. In the first place, I find many both young and old, even small children, that are so predisposed to albuminuria that they cannot stand the re- action of a full cold bath on retiring. In such cases I find it has a tendency to produce as well as continue that disease, although some have made a practice of taking a full cold sponge bath on retiring, for nearly a life time, without any ap- parent bad effect. But on account of the possible harm it might do, I would not recommend it to any one, and yet a cold water partial bath is very necessary in the treatment for 54 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. chronic albuminuria. It not only supplies the capillaries of the skin with oxygen but it helps to regulate circulation, if sufficient friction is used in drying. It warms the feet, fur- nishes the system with fresh nerve supplies, promotes sleep, and in connection with rinsing out the descending intestine and inserting an onion in the rectum before retiring, it works like a charm in restoring and preserving health. To make it a practice of bathing the feet in cold water or rubbing them with a cloth wrung out of it, and drying well just before re- tiring, is beneficial in many ways. First, there is a great amount of poison gas thrown off through the pores of the feet. To bathe them at night prevents the bedding from getting saturated with it, otherwise the person would be continually taking it back into the system. It prompts action in the cir- culation and helps to keep the feet warm in cold weather. It also contracts the tissues and makes the feet and limbs strong, and at the same time makes the feet more compact and small. I have wondered at the thoughtlessness of men that I have seen go cripling along with a pail of water to bathe the limbs and feet of a race horse morning and evening and have seen them on their knees rubbing them dry with a flannel cloth, and when they went to get on to their feet, it was ac- complished with difficulty. I thought to myself, 'if they would take half the pains with themselves that they did with the horse, they would be as elastic and spry.' The feet should never be put into the water, but thoroughly rubbed both with the wet and dry cloth. This will prevent the growth of corns on the feet, and will also cure them if they are kept shaved SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 55 close and rubbed well during the bath to get up a good circu- lation in the affected part. This method of bathing will some- times cure muscular rheumatism, but the affected part should be protected with warm, flannel garments during cold weather. In many cases a full cold water bath causes too much of a shock, the vitality being too low to cause a reaction in time to prevent a chill, and when the reaction does take place, too much blood is taken from the vital organs. So, when every- thing is considered, a partial cold bath is best, except in case of a very strong constitution. Yet all agree that cold baths tone and strengthen, so I will give a sample of treating with cold water for organic weakness. The best time to treat with cold water is in warm or moderate weather. To strengthen the lungs or voice, bathe over the larnyx and lungs both morning and night, using the hands to wet the parts and dry with towel, wet and dry several times at each bath. Protect those parts nights so as not to take cold. If a singer or public speaker, raw eggs should be taken at meal time or just before appear- ing. This treatment for the voice may not increase the vol- ume to any great extent, but it strengthens by knitting the tissues more firmly together, giving power of use without ex- haustion, in other words it manufactures voice, while training, to increase the volume, does it at the expense of other parts of the system, as any special training does. The two methods combined would be more satisfactory. In treating for catarrh, bathe around the ears, always rubbing dry, and at night place a strip of onion in each nostril, cut in such a shape it will not work up too far. I have known catarrh of many years stand- 56 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. ing cured by that treatment. Summer is the best time to treat, for should a cold be taken the onion would locate the effects in the head, which might increase the complaint, as, much of the trouble arises from frequent exposure. Therefore, it is desira- ble to keep the head free from all decayed and poisonous ma- terial that is accumulated by exposure, which in time affects or weakens the mind. I know of nothing so effectual in re- moving it as the use of onions. They can be inserted in the ears, nostrils and mouth for that purpose. A frequent ex- chage for fresh in all applications is necessary, for as soon as they lose the onion scent .they can do no more good. The reason so few insane patients recover, whose insanity is caused by albuminuria, is because instead of decreasing the cause of the disease it is increased by the remedies used, many of which are poison drugs, such as strychnine, arsenic, quinine, hydrate of choral, etc., the use of which is destructive to the nervous system, therefore to the seat of it which is the brain. I have seen opium used by absorption in case of mania, and ice ap- plied to the clitoris. Either of these treatments would increase the cause of mania. The former would cause inaction of the already weakened excretive organs, thus increasing the cause of heat and nerve irritation, the latter would greatly increase the cause by the exposure and reaction that would take place. All can see if mania is caused by functional derangement, and that derangement is produced by inaction caused by inflam- mation, or an acute attack by congestion, that to decrease that state by reducing the local cause, and regulate circulation is the most natural and therefore the most successful way to SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 57 cure mania. The serum or albuminous part of the blood is sent there to overcome that condition. It finds the nervous system debilitated at that junction, and a loop hole opened for it to go to waste through the urine, and thus the brain is rob- bed of its supplies and soon becomes too weak to manufacture or carry on a healthy or natural train of thought. The more mental work a person has to do the sooner and more sure does this disease cause mania or imbecility, and if nature is not as- sisted to overcome that condition, insanity soon becomes estab- lished if the individual is not carried off by some disease brought on by that impoverished state of the blood. There are many young married women who are finely developed, who do not reproduce. They use no vitality in growing off- springs, and very little mentally, as they have no care, many of them not doing their own sewing and housework. They are apparently well, but when put to the test their power of endurance is not equal to those who are not so well developed and are giving birth to a child every two or three years, nurse the child and do the work for the family. Such cases prove to a demonstration that albuminuria makes away with more vital force than is used in raising a large family, and leaves the woman in a more critical condition both mentally and physic- ally. As has been stated before, most of the sickness, insanity and deaths at the age of forty-five and before, has its origin in that disease. The above statement can be. proven as it is a fact on record, that the women seventy-five years ago had no such trouble at the so-called change of life. They would then have from ten to fifteen children, and after the last child was 58 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. born they would see no more of their monthlies. They had an honorable discharge from their duty in that direction. After they get through bearing children they expect to enjoy health for the next twenty years or more before they begin to feel the effects of old age, and during that time they have a comparatively easy season of enjoyment. Generally they lived to see their youngest childenr grown to manhood or womanhood, married and fulfilling the duties enjoined upon them. But how different at the present time. The American born women are on the decline, at the age when they ought to be in their prime. The rising generation is going insane at an early age. I would urge mothers if they would have mercy on themselves or children, to use the home treatment as a prevention of mania. Teach them when young the dangers of constipation and bad habits. Many a child would be saved to the parents if they had in time an understanding of the cause of their condi- tion, for ignorance has slain thousands. If any reader should have a member of the family who has mania, and the mind so affected that they cannot be trusted to treat themselves, have some one that is interested and capable give them a thorough treatment at home for a few months if necessary. Remember such patients cannot be trusted in word or deed, although they may have times when they may appear perfectly rational. They need a continual close watching until they have recov- ered sufficiently to understand their case, which should be ex- plained to them in a systematic way, a little at a time and as careful as possible. If albuminuria is the cause, the way to ascertain the fact is to test the urine made first in the morning SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 59 and during the night. This should be done for several days in succession. All, and children in particular, should have their sleeping rooms furnished with a vessel, as retaining the urine too long weakens the bladder and induces albuminuria. If all would remember that and arise early, it would be a good remedy for headache and lame backs. They would have stronger backs and better memories. This should be taken into consideration in case of mania. To treat for mania, first, give the bowels a thorough rinsing out. Have the patient in a reclining position and use four or five pints or more of tepid water, according to the capacity. After it has come away with the contents of the bowels, insert a small onion partly crushed or a layer rolled up, this is to decrease the local cause. Bathe the feet in warm water if they are cold, with a little red pepper or mustard in it. But when a reaction can be gotten up cool water is the best. The scalp should be cleaned and kept clean. The back, head and temples should be bathed often in pure cold water and rubbed dry. To bathe the spine in cold water and rub dry is also good. This is to help regu- late circulation and supply the capilaries with oxygen. It is not best to bathe the remainder of the body in such cases, in cold weather, only enough to keep the pores open, using tepid water with soda or borax in it. The feet should be kept warm and clean. The bowels should be attended to in the morning and just before retiring. If the patient has an appetite, two or three passages a day is not too many, and should he fail to have a passage in the morning before ten o'clock, give an in- jection of tepid water and insert the onion, the same as before 60 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. retiring. The treatment at night should be thorough, as dur- ing sleep is the time that the waste of albumin occurs, unless the patient is in the habit of bringing it on by exercise or irri- tation. In that case, or if the patient is dangerous, he should wear a straight-jacket, that is a long waist with sleeves long enough, to come over the hands and fasten behind with large safety pins. Tie the arms together in front with a strip of cloth or handkerchief in such a way that the knot cannot be picked with the teeth. This is to keep them from slipping the arms over the head and getting loose. Remember it is neces- sary to use every precaution to prevent the waste of albumin, as a recovery depends on it in such cases. The same treatment is good for those who are troubled with epileptic fits. If it does not cure the fits it prevents them from affecting the mind. The patient should always have light suppers of something that will digest readily, if nothing more than a raw egg or two well beaten, with a little milk and sugar if wished. Treat patients as you would yourself, giving them what they need most if the stomach can digest it, and dress them com- fortably. To make patients comfortable as possible both in body and in mind is better than medicine, and those who have the care of them should make that a study and practice. If all were fully aware of the most common causes of insanity, there would not be one case where there are fifty at the present time. If men were one-half as sparing of their vital or reproducing forces as they are of their valuable thoroughbred horses, there would soon be a visible change in the prosperity of our country. Talk about sexual indulgences being healthy under any cir- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 61 cumstances for a man or woman that is on the decline. Look at the ruin of mind and body it makes. It is perfect robbery; a war against nature's law in the body. No individual can in- crease activity in any non-manufacturing organ for any con- siderable length of time without drawing supplies from other organs, the digestive and excretive in particular, thus robbing them of the share that nature has allotted them. By so doing the power to digest is weakened and proper assimilation in a measure ceases, debility sets in and a habit of waste is estab- lished. But it is not diminished or cured by keeping up the cause. The idea advanced by many physicians that it is beneficial or necessary for a man having albuminuria or diseased passion to be with a woman is perfectly preposterous, and is the cause of more misery than all the abortions that take place, except those produced from the practice that idea has introduced. The fruits of it are still births by the thousand, many of which are set down as wilful abortions; and that is not all, for pre- mature deaths among children can be traced to that idea, say- ing nothing of the rapes, suicides and murders which it sug- gests to the enfeebled brain of the diseased man. Is it doing them any good? The increase of maniacs, immoral crimes, suicides, and premature deaths at the age when men ought to be in their prime of life, prove to the contrary. And the in- crease of divorce cases is the result of it to a great extent. There was a time when involuntary loss of sperm caused by inflammation of the penis, when marriage might be beneficial when the women were healthy, but at the present time in such 62 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. a case an external application of a thin muslin sack of crushed onions over those parts is a safer and surer remedy. But al- buminuria is not cured by marriage, neither is it cured by drugs; if it was, there would not be so many doctors with Bright's disease of the kidneys.' As far as my knowledge ex- tends there is no treatment that is as successful as to keep the bowels in good condition by following the directions given in case of mania. That relieves the cause of local heat, and- when those parts are clean, then the onions have a chance to cure the chronic inflammation, which is also necessary in or- der to regulate the distribution of the nerve fluid. Onions have been used for centuries for an absorbant of poisons in cases of contagious diseases, and for external applications. All will see at once if they are good for an external remedy they are many times more beneficial as an internal remedy if properly applied. But they should never be used either internally or externally so as to draw congestion from other organs to the heart or lungs, neither should salt be used in in- jections for inflammation or congestion of the bowels for the salt would drive the inflammation to those organs. As an in- ternal remedy they can be applied in the ears, nostrils and mouth for inflammation of the eyes, catarrh, deafness and throat trouble. I have known of chronic cases of catarrh cured by placing a strip of onion in each nostril at night and exchange for fresh once or twice during the night. One case of fifteen years standing was cured in two month's time by that treatment. To eat raw onions is good for the lungs, and to bind them on the hands and feet is good in case of fever. SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 63 If applied right in any disease they never make the patient feel worse but better, and can be used along with any medical remedy except poison drugs. Many who have diseased pas- sion, both male and female, think that because intercourse partly relieves the blood pressure for a time and natuie resorts to slumber to restore its exhausted energy that it is beneficial, but when they reach that stage of the disease when they can- not sleep and their general health is sadly impaired and they experience pain, if they have sense enough left they see their mistake and try to remedy it. But thus far medical sci- ence has not proved as safe and sure as a preventive. The facts are that a healthy female is so constituted that there are times when to have sexual intercourse is perfectly disgusting- And that is also the case through all the animal kingdom. If a healthy woman submits when pregnant it is because she has been taught that she must, or does it to keep peace in the fam- ily. If the husband of such a wife should wait for her to make advances in that direction, unless she did it to please him, he would wait until she had weaned the child, or at least several months after confinement. A man that wants a happy family should let his wife take a rest while carrying a child, and not be worrying her into submission, as almost any one under those circumstances would submit in order to.get a little rest. If it does not affect the wife's or child's health seriously it often spoils the child's disposition. But, as I have said, there are women who have intermittent albuminuria that will accept the services of a husband almost any time. So will an ani- mal that has that disease accept the services of the male at 64 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. any time, and experienced stock raisers will not allow the males to run.with the females having that disease. It is gen- erally contracted by exposure at the time of having their voung. The disease can be detected by the eyes, which are dull, and the urine has a milky appearance. Such stock are of no account except for market. The brutes have instinct enough to let a healthy female alone when they are with young. They also know the proper time to offer their service. Some may not understand how that happens to be so, and for their benefit and to establish the function of the clitoiis we will give its office among the brutes and wild animals of all species. It sends out the odor of mature germs and that ap- prises the male of the fact that the female is in a proper condi- tion to conceive, and that fact has been taken advantage of by experienced hunters and trappers of this and other countries. There is a false idea set forth in books that are scattered over the country that to irritate the clitoris and force action, fills an important part in intercourse and is necessary to conceive. This idea is perfectly absurd as the sensation that is produced by irritating it can be produced on a child too young to have mature germs. I have seen young children die from the effects. It is the same forced action as that in case of rape or sodomy that produces unconsciousness and death. Intense ir- ritation brings on an acute attack of albuminuria. I find many old women living today who have lived with healthy husbands for forty or fifiy years and who have given birth to and raised from ten to fourteen children, who say they never experienced at conception or at any other time any short intense sensation. The natural is gradually being produced in passing the mature germs from the ovaries into the womb and is the effects of muscular action at the time of intercourse, and is experienced by healthy women during the first two weeks after menstruation and has no exhausting effect, neither does intercourse afterwards, except in case of disease or preg- nancy. I find that after the change of life those women have a very slight deposit of albumin in the urine which is increased or diminished as they increase or diminish the use of albumin- ous diets. If it was not a law of nature that it should be so, one might possibly renew their youth. I also find cases where women have raised large families that after they got through the reproducing stage, they experienced that sensation for the first time, it being brought on by inflammatory diseases. These and many other reasons go to prove it to be a functional derangement brought on in many different ways. All married women if they expect to enjoy health, should be as careful after marriage about irritating the clitoris or allowing it to be irritated, as they are before. Nature has doubly protected it from observation and irritation and no man would think of it unless he had been taught. As the females are the ones that grow the young, it is divine wisdom that they should be pro- vided with all necessary channels to work off all impurities in order to give the young a good start in life. The health or disease of the ovaries and clitoris is as plainly detected in the odor of the particles that are worked off from them, as can be detected in that which comes from a healthy, ripe or decayed fruit, and to the trained sense of smell, it is an easy matter to SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 65 66 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. distinguish the odor of the different diseases. The health of the reproductive organs depend to a great extent on the health of the clitoris. Yet there are many cases of falling of the womb where there is no disease to produce it. It may occur from inherent weakness or prolonged over exertion without proper diet, or in case of lifting or jumping. Such cases are readily cured by lessening the cause and following out the directions for local inflammation, and restoring the womb to its proper position on retiring. I have known cases of falling of the womb in children under ten years of age brought on by jumping the rope, and have treated them successfully with onions and they have never had a return of that complaint. I will give a case and treatment. A small girl under ten years had hard, quick pulse and fever, complained of pain in the stomach. I found the pain was in the lower part of the abdo- men and the small of the back ached. She had been sitting on snow with a paper over it around a privy hole, and had taken a cold that located in the womb, enlarging it; had jumped the rope and had pain come on. Treatment:-On retiring I took hold of her limbs and raised her so she rested on the shoulders and with hips elevated gave a slight shake, laid her carefully down and the pain left her. I then took a coarse needle and thread and fastened four or five onion sets not much larger than peas, on the thread, about one inch apart by sewing through them so they were stationary. I then had her insert them one at a time until they were all in the vagina, leaving the end of the thread out to take them away in the morning. She was better the next day and sat up all day. I repeated SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 67 the treatment three nights in succession and have never known the complaint to re-occur since. In 1852 the writer had been taking care of the sick without an hour's vacation day or night for over a year. Being broken of my rest, having no out door exercise, and with lifting pa- tients from one bed to another and irregular meals, I became constipated and run down. To recruit and get out door exer- cise I took a country school, and at one time had Occasion to jump before fully over menstruating. At the time I felt the womb move down, and it caused such intense pain I could not straighten up, as it felt lixe tearing something loose. I trembled from head to foot and could scarcelv speak, I got onto a bed and slid off head first so that my shoulders rested on the floor and soon felt the womb return to its proper place, the pain leaving at once. I remained in that position for a few minutes, and for a few days was careful not to have a sudden jar. I have never had anything of the kind happen since, al- though I have given birth to and raised a family of boys and girls. All cases of falling of the womb brought on by lifting, jumping or accident, should be attended to at once. I have known .cases of that kind that were neglected, which resulted in a long, lingering sickness. One lady kept her bed for nearly a year and the womb grew fast to the walls of the vagina in that position as low as it could fall in the pelvis. This occurred when she was but sixteen years old. It was brought about by a fall of some twelve feet and striking on her feet. It occurred in the year 1843. She never regained her former good health, although she was treated by some four- 68 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. teen different physicians for it. She recovered only so she was able to be around. At that time the doctors thought no woman could have womb trouble unless she was married or of a bad character. In cases where the general health is good and the trouble arises from accident or soon after confinement, it is no sign of disease, and if immediately and properly treated may not occur again in a life time. When the general health is on the decline and a gradual fall of the wamb occurs, if the person is not having children often or overworking, but complains of being nervous, has headache, gets easily ex- hausted from slight exertions or walking, or have a weak back, it may reasonably be expected that they have albuminuria and that is a sufficient reason for their complaints, but it is not the effects of abortion as some of our medical writers would have us believe,-if that is what they really believe. I would like to ask them if that is the case with their own sickly, barren wives. Seventy-five years ago and less a man felt badly dis- graced if he happened to get a prostituted wife, which some- times happened, and they were equally as proud of a big family then as in ancient bible times, when they married a number of women in order to increase their family. But now. a days, some feel disgraced if they happen to get a woman that can have children.. But there are drunken and unprincipled doc- tors enough that know how to prostitute, not only their own but other men's wives. It not only ruins the wife's health but the husband's, and there are a few men that know it. The treatment we give for female complaints will be in harmony with nature's laws and harmless under any circumstance, and SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 69 in connection with a strict adoption of our hygiene treatment we guarantee a cure, except in cases where the irritation of the clitoris and urinary passages is kept up, and in such cases it would prolong life and promote health to a certain degree, yet they would be in danger of accute attacks, which are very serious. If onions were used for internal applications by the women of fancy houses, it would not only be for their benefit but for the benefit of those who frequent such places. An immediate rinsing out and an application of a slice of raw- onion will also prevent the wife of a husband who has diseased passion from contracting it. In. the past and also at the pres- ent time physicians are very particular to restrict intercourse after a woman is advanced in those complaints, as it in- creases the complaint on account of the irritating effect it has, and yet the treatment that is in practice for that class of com- plaints, are many times more irritating in effect than proper intercourse. In many cases the treatment is such as to make the latter impossible, which cannot be done with impunity. One common method in practice is to contract the walls of the vagina with astringents for falling of the womb. This is very injurious in many ways. In the first place it dries up the mucus lining that nature uses for excretion, thus retarding the escape of the secretions intended for lubrication. This in- creases the inflammation, and remedies are used which drive it to other organs. It may at first relieve the bearing down or dragging sensation caused by the tensions on the ligaments and the contraction for a time furnishes a support. To have intercourse would aggravate and increase the trouble, on ac- 70 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. count of the shriveled and shortened vaginial pouch. In many cases this is the state that has induced the practice of irritating over the clitoris and urinary passage that soon brings on a complication. One of the first symptoms is the inability to retain the urine. The husband to avoid the former trouble and save the wife pain, not understanding the danger of exter- nal irritation, is innocently the cause of the complication, also, by the use of stringents, the natural laxity is destroyed, caus- ing rupture and hard labor at child birth. Although obstetrics is not a subject under consideration, yet a hint to midwives may not come amiss and may possibly save much misery. At child birth cold feet and limbs prevent relaxation, there- fore they should be kept warm at such times. For continuous distressing pain applications of cloths wrung out of hot water and applied as hot as can be borne, and as soon as they begin to get cold exchange them for hot ones. This will re- lax those parts and regulate the pain. The cloth should be tucked well back and also come in front over the pelvis and covered with a warm, dry cloth. Also quite a warm rectum injection at first helps to make labour easy. There is but a small surface of the vaginal passage that to contract would be of special benefit and would do no harm, and that is along the neck of the bladder; to contract there would help to hold the womb in its proper position, and also keep the neck of the bladder out of the way of irritation. To do this, take a cloth some'two or three inches wide and ten or twelve in length, fold the strip lengthwise so it is three or four thicknesses thick and as wide as your finger. Wet two or more inches of SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 71 yme end in alum water and squeeze so it won't drip, wrap the dry end over the end of the middle finger and fold the wet end over it, letting the loop end lay in the palm of the hand and insert this into the vaginal opening, letting the wet side come in front along the neck of the bladder to the mouth of the womb. The lump you find, if you are in a squatting position, is the mouth of the womb, if it is in its proper place, not turned back out of reach. If it is turned back the alum cloth will contract in front and help to draw it back into position. The dry end will protect all other parts from getting contracted, and the loop end should be left out to hold it in place. It should be allowed to remain a few hours after retiring. This is for those who have misplacement of the womb, and may be used whenever they feel in need of it. It is also good in case of too frequent conception, or in case of barrenness caused by intermittent albuminuria. In the latter case they want to use all caution until they have recovered sufficiently to be able to carry it through without danger of miscarriage. But twice a month in most cases is all that is necessary-a week before having the monthlies and after getting through before having intercourse. The cloth should be inserted high enough to cover the mouth of the womb when used for a pre- ventive, for too great a relaxation is- often the cause of too frequent conception. Some may need more contraction there than others, as the mouth of the womb often varies in size and laxity and that fact has given rise to the assertion that a wo- man with a large mouth conceives more readily than one with a small one, and is more liable to have twins, the two 72 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. naturally corresponding in size, A liitle artificial contraction, there does no harm but helps protect and saves it from ulcer- ation, but it should be dropped in case of pregnancy. In addi- tion to this those who need a rest in order to gain health should keep a bottle of salt water handy, a teaspoonful of salt to one-half pint of water, and a supply of soft rags handy, and immediately after intercourse wash or wipe away the sperm and saturate a wad of cloth with the salt water and place it over the mouth of the womb. It is harmless and can be used by all who wish, as it is beneficial in many ways. First, it allays the heat gradually so there is no reaction, therefore no danger of congestion, as in case of cold water injections. It also quiets the nervous excitement and promotes sleep and is good for inflammation, and it is strengthening and prevents ulceration and leaves no bad effect like iodine, costic and other remedies in use for ulceration. I have known cases where healthy married women have gone for years without conceiv- ing and several cases where they were anxious to conceive, who had made it a practice of cleansing themselves immedi- ately after intercourse by placing one hand in such a position as to rinse out the vaginia with the urine as they made it. They had no idea at the time of that being the reason they had no children. But that does not act as a preventive on weakly women or those who are lose built, or the former class after having a child, without using other precautions. Before hav- ing a child, the mouth of some women's womb is too com- pressed and close to allow the spermatozoid to enter readily, even if no precaution is used, but it would not be safe to hold SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 73 the urine for that purpose, if there was a pressing call to urin- ate, as there would be danger of rupturing the bladder. It is natural for a woman to clear away the muss before composing herself to sleep, but in case she wants to conceive she should not be so particular. She had better put up with the muss and try that before taking pulsatila and run the risk of its produc- ing albuminuria. If she does not want to conceive, the sooner the muss is cleared away the better. I once knew a woman who had one son some seventeen years old at the time, and she had not conceived since his birth although I could see no reason why she should not. So I enquired into the case. She told me she had so much trouble with her breasts when her son was a babe that she never wanted to go through with it again, and as her husband would use no precaution, she would get out of bed immediately after each intercourse and walk the floor until she could urinate, to clean away the muss. A rather trying way, yet she accomplished her object without injuring her health. Men's inventions to procure and prevent concep- tion, are harmful, and the sooner they are dropped the better for all concerned, except the financial interest of the manufac- turer and dealers. I think that if a man does not want to rear a family of children, he had better remain single, but the ones who dislike children are not the ones to prevent in that way. To do justice to my sex, I must say there are few women who do not like children, but there are some, and those are not fit to have them. I have been asked to tell more what is nec- essary to have children than how to not. Yet if a woman does not want a child she had better not get like for one; but 74 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. should she against her will, it is much the best to reconcile herself as soon as possible, for if she does not, she is in no con- dition to have a child that will ever be a blessing to itself, parents or country. In regard to abortion, all who are acquainted with my views of forcing nature, know if I had the management of those who manufacture, and those who use the instruments to commit the crime of abortion, I would deal out justice accord- ing to the knowledge I have of its practice, and there would be a thinning out of the male practitioners. They are the ones, as far as my knowledge extends, who handle those instru- ments. There should be a stop put to the manufacture of such instruments, and those injurious which are in use to prevent conception,-the rubber safe in particular. They only fit those who have enlargement of the womb, and those cases are in danger of misplacement without any additional attachments to fill up the vagina. They catch onto the mouth of the womb and fills up the [ a ;sage, and the neck of the womb is pulled and crowd- ed back into the vaginial pouch at the time of intercourse and that throws the bulk of the womb in front on to the bladder and also exposes the neck of the bladder to irritation, which brings on albuminuria, and that disease becomes the prevention in- stead of the rubber cap or safe. But providing such an arrange- ment were safe, a fit for the mouth of the womb could be made much easier with a part of a layer of onions, and there would be no possible danger of its pulling the womb out of place, as the edges are a gradual slant, and'if it did not act as a prevent- ion of conception, it would of vaccination and ulceration of the SECBETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 75 mouth of the womb. The use of cold water injections immedi- ately after intercourse produces a sudden chill and therefore an exposure, and the reaction often causes congestion. If long prac- ticed, a chronic inflammation or albuminuria is established. The use of a wad of cloth wet in salt water avoids that evil and so would a slice of raw onion placed over the mouth of the womb, after intercourse, besides being a benefit in other directions, such as absorbing tobacco and other poisons which some men's systems are saturated with, when injected with the sperm, often cause nausea and vomiting. If a woman is healthy and understands the principle of proper intercourse and conception, a little pre- caution on her part is all that is necessary to regulate the num- ber in the family and that with an advantage to the health of •both parties. That is the conclusion I have come to after forty years experience and observation. But it depends on the posi- tion and condition of those organs. The womb should be in its proper position and kept there by a natural muscular con- traction of the ligaments and walls of the vagina. The female is provided with a vaginal pouch that runs up at the back of the womb and in front of the rectum, that is, between the two ■organs, this is to receive the male organ and the sperm. If this was not a fact, and the spermatic fluid was discharged di- rectly into the womb, a woman would be as apt to start a number of fetuses as one. As I have known cases where there have been from three to five started, where the mouth of the womb was unnaturally relaxed at the time of intercourse, but to be in harmony with nature's law, the spermatoza should find its way from the vaginal pouch into the womb, and their en- 76 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. trance depends on the laxity of the mouth of the womb, and conception depends on their finding a germ to develop on, and proper development depends in most cases whether they enter the womb in a perfect condition or not, and that condition sometimes depends on whether or not they get too thorough a mixing up with impurities in the vaginal pouch, and particu- larly with the monthlies. I am loth to mention this fact as it goes beyond the bounds of decency, also a violation of God's command as well as His law of man's reproduction. I have been personally knowing to several cases of this kind, where one mother said it could not have taken place at any other time, as the father only came home once a month and could not be put off. And others were conceived when in that con- dition, on the return of a father after a long absence. One child was sexually deformed; one had a sack of fluid attached to its head; one was without eyes; one's head was much too large for its body, and could neither talk or walk, but hopped about, its limbs were so deformed. But what is more strange. I once knew a practicing physician who took that time to have intercourse with his wife and advised a young married man to do the same, and when asked for a reason of the advice he said: "A woman could not get like for a child while having her monthlies." That statement can be proven to be false. His wife's health was sadly impaired although they had not been married two years. That was many years ago, and he may have used up a number of wives in that way before this time as girls seldom take warning. If men do not know better about such things it is time the girls were informed, so they SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 77 can teach them better whenever they get married and have an occasion. Imagination has less to do with deformities in children than many think. If a child is conceived in proper order and the mother manufactures enough to grow it with- out getting nervous, there is no danger of deformity ; but if she draws on the principal and uses up the material which has re- ceived impressions, there is danger. I would advise all who think there is danger, to be sure to take at least one raw egg at each meal, and bathe once each day according to directions, and I will guarantee the child will be all right if properly con- ceived. I have delivered several women that were sure of the child's deformity, that came in proper shape. So it is not so much in the imagination as the want of proper material to de- velop the child. This fact I am sure of, although other writers are to the contrary, that at the time of conception of the health- iest and best developed children, the entrance of the germ into the womb causes no short, intense sensation, nor does the en- trance of the spermatozoid into the womb. The latter not as much as a tickling of a hair, but it would have the same effect as to tickle a person's lips with a hair, which would cause them to compress, whether they were asleep or not, and if asleep it would not awake them. I am satisfied that the spermatozoid often enters the womb when the system is relaxed in slumber, and whem I hear a nervous woman with a nervous child or two say she does not believe that Mrs. So-and-So tells the truth when they says they never could tell when they conceived, although they had a number of healthy childien. I cut the doubters short by asking them if they conceive every time 78 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. they meet the climax, as I have known of a number of persons who say they were anxious to have children, that had tried that for years without success, except to ruin their health. They were trying too hard. Children begotten under such circumstances are like sky rockets, seen and admired for a short time, if they live long enough. Some have left some marks behind, but the most of them have left none. A healthy woman has her monthlies regularly and matures germs regu- larly, and they pass as regularly as the men hlies as long as they remain single. In marriage it is during-the first two weeeks after getting over her monthlies that she is best fitted to conceive. But the unhealthy is not regular either in her monthly periods or in maturing germs, so there is no telling the proper time for those to conceive or the time when thev would not be liable to conceive. But it is different with a perfectly healthy woman, for with them after the germs' have come away there is about two weeks each month that they are not liable to conceive. If those want a boy I would advise them to wait ten or twelve days after getting over their monthlies and let the husband speak for it. I have inquired into the state of affairs where there was a large family of boys, and found that the husband spoke for the boys, and in case of a family of girls the mother would say, "I don't believe in having to do with a man unless you feel like it, and that without coaxing." There are exceptions to a general rule, for in case of a prolonged intercourse which would bring away the most mature germ and leave the other in the womb, and if the different sex is SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 79 developed from a different germ, and the one that develops the female matures first that would naturally come away first, and the one that develops the male would remain in the womb if any remained, which there should in order to warrant con- ception. Many times a germ can be found soon after intercourse deposited just inside the mouth of the womb, sometimes partly out. It can be taken away by pressing the end of the finger on the back side of the neck of the womb and draw it down and for- ward so as to catch it on the end of the finger as it comes away. You will find the thin membrane burst and the con- tents strung out with it, but in most cases the nucleolus will be found in a perfect condition. No doubt in the absence of this in the womb the spermatozoid would be induced to work its way into the fallopian tube and under favorable circum- stances ovarian conception would be established. So it is true, circumstances alter cases, and yet there is something to be learned by observation. The aim of every parent should be to improve in their reproductions, both physically and mentally, and it is" useless to try to improve in the latter unless we im- prove in the former. It is far better for the wife to conceive only as she is able to manufacture enough vitality to carry her safely through without drawing on the principal, than to fail and not only ruin her own health but have sickly children. A few healthy children are worth more to themselves, parents and country than many weakly ones, saying nothing of the misery it would save. It is no more harm to shut out all ex- cept what the wife is able and willing to develop and able to nurse after birth than it is a part. If it is a sin not to be wil- 80 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. ing to grow one every year, or two, as the women used to a hundred years ago, and as some at the present do, then we will inquire into the reason of the inability of our women to do so. We find that it is the waste of albumin in the urine, caused not only by the extra heat and pressure of the fetus, but most men think they must be accommodated while their w ives are in that condition just as much as at any other time. They are taught by many of our doctors that it ii essential to their health. If it was not for the extra waste oip4cVotint\)f that theory and practice, a woman would feel justas well that condition as atany othertimeand would not dreauit,as she would not have to draw on the principal and would also be able to nurse her child. Who is to blame, the doctors, the husband, or the wife? Why is it that a stock raiser is so afraid of the males overdoing in that direction and so careful of the female while in that condition? The brute females are allowed to protect themselves at such time. Some of the most valuable thoroughbreds are not allowed to render their service more than two or three times a year. It is good logic that what is good for a a horse is good for a man. It is a poor rule that won't work both ways. Why are not thoroughbred breeders offering a premium for females to accommodate the males? Is it anv wonder we have so many weak-backed young men? When people begin to improve their health and prolong life in a natural and sensible way, they will consider their own repro- ductions of some value and we shall then see a physical and mental reform; and our newspapers will not be filled with ads of nostrums guaranteed to restore lost manhood and cure fe- SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 81 male weakness. There will be less doctor bills to pay and insane asylums will be used for other purposes. If there is one fact in nature's law that is more plainly visible than any other, it is, if any one young or old, and the old in particular, need to economize vital force in order to have energy sufficient to induce the mental and physical labor necessary to warrant success in the financial affairs, the best place to economize is in the reproductive forces, as there is no other part of the sys- tem where overtaxation leads to so great a waste of nerve and brain supplies; and yet I have known many a woman obliged to take in work to support the family whose husband was ex- hausting both muscle and brain in sexual excess. Many of that class are those who have passed their prime and can ill afford to squander vitality, for if they do their best they can but reasonably expect to manufacture enough to supply their mental physical demand in order to retain their reason- ing faculties to the last. In order to insure health the repro- ductive organs must be kept in a healthy or normal condition, and to secure that state it is necessary to keep them and their surroundings free from inflammation. There is no remedy that will do it so effectually as raw' onions applied as a local remedy. To place a slice over the mouth of the womb while having the monthlies is very beneficial, as I have had many testify, and no woman after trying it will feel like doing with- out, if applied properly for the different cases. For too scant and dark or painful monthlies they should be applied warm; for flooding or bright red they should be applied cold; and in common cases they can be used moderately cool. At such 82 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. times they have a special chance to cleanse the blood of im- purities that could not be effected at any other time. They should be exchanged often, cleansing those parts with a cloth wrung out of tepid water each time. There is nothing that will reduce the size of an enlarged and inflammed womb as speedily as the application of onion. I have known many cases where the walls of the vagina were so relaxed that it was almost impossible to retain a slice, and in many cases they would have to insert one as large as a small sized pessary and use them for a support for the womb, exchanging them as soon as they had exhausted what virtue they had to absorb poison, and that can be determined by the loss of natural odor and the time depends on the degree of iflammation. To fix them so they can be handled, fake a darning needle and wrap- ping twine, peel and cut off a small slice at the top of the onion, then run the needle up one side and across the top a little under the surface and down the other side to the root end; tie the two ends of the twine together and leave them two or three inches long. If the onion is soft and there is any danger of the twine drawing through stick the stump of a match into the onion so that the twine would draw down on it and that will hold the onion secure so that it can be taken away without difficulty. At first it may be difficult to hold one, but after using them awhile they diminish the size of the womb and restore muscular action, which contracts the walls of the vagina and entrance and then there is no trouble in re- taining ever so small a slice. I have known cases of change of life where they were used and there was no trouble in pass- SECRETS TO HEALTH RE SEALED. 83 ing that critical period. The writer for one will give the reader her experience of the change she went through. I had my monthlies regularly until I was fifty-five years old and felt no more inconvenience at those times than usual, and I chal- lenge a neighbor or acquaintance to tell one time they ever heard me complain of a headache or backache or knew of my stopping work at such times, although when I had an unusual hard task to do I would take a raw egg or two at breakfast and perhaps another at noon. I manufactured according to the de- mand and no one heard me complain of getting tired, in fact I felt just as well as usual and have ever since. I have no bad feelings except those produced by bad colds, and then I am not sick like many. I was not confined to my bed a day at any one time between the births of my children, nor have I been since I managed to keep my bowels in good order with- out physics or injections, having two passages or more each day, but not failing of two. If I should fail to have two I would resort to injections instead of physic and take the injec- tions an hour before retiring. Some may have a curiosity to know if I am particular about my diet or dress. To such I would say I am not. I have a good appetite, work hard, and am quite careless about exposing myself, as I do not take cold on slight occasions. Extremes of heat or cold do not effect me as they do many people of my age. I eat almost any kind of food except warm bread or pastry for supper, but never drink tea. I wear the Duplex corset and my skirts hang from my hips and feel comfortable that way. But I would not ad- vise any one who does not feel comfortable to dress that way, 84 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. for if they feel best with their skirts hung from their shoulders it is best to have them so. All who have womb trouble or weak back had better dress loose and support the weight of the skirts from the shoulders. I credit my good health to keeping my nervous system and excretive organs in a healthv condition by bathing and using onions as an absorbant of the impurities which accumulate from the effects of activity and ex] o ure. I never eat them only when I have a cold. Some might think that to apply them internally would cause on : to have a disagreeable smell, but after they have tried them thev will find it acts just the reverse, as onions absorb all bad odor and carry it with them from the system. All should remem- ber that if they are diseased and want the onions to act as a remedy in removing the cause so nature can work a cure, thev should be applied to the rectum when it is empty and rinsed out with tepid water. This will also relieve pain in the* back and is good for sciatic rheumatism. The females can also ap- ply them in the vagina, as the more applied the better, but when used for pain they should be warmed. I have fitted supports and pessarys to females and taken away those that had been fitted by the attending physician where they had in- creased the inflammation to such an extent that they were im- bedded in the flesh and when taken away the fetid odor would fill the room. The use of onions does away with all such irri- tating instruments and with them a vast amount of sickness and expense, and there are none so poor that they cannot give the home treatment a thorough trial and at less expense than to have one call from a doctor. In all cases where a person SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 85 is weak and a stimulant is used it is very essential to sup- ply the system with material to replenish the part that is used up by stimulated action, which is mostly the albuminous part of the blood. As raw eggs contain albumin in abundance and in a state that renders its speedy assimilation, therefore I recommend their use. They are also good to overcome the effect of different kinds of poison in the system. Although onions are a tonic they also act as a stimulant to the excretive organs and should be applied so as to draw all poison in the right direction. If other organs are so diseased that to apply them in the vagina would concentrate too much impurity or inflammation there; in such cases it would be best to use ex- ternal applications over the other affected organs. A sweating plaster in chroic cases is good. For acute attacks many times beet leaves basted on to cloth and bound close over the affected organ are better than onions. They are a valuable remedy in bowel complaints or diphtheria, and in case of dipl - theria they should be bound over the entire trunk after the patient has been immersed in warm water for twenty minutes or more and washed over with soda water, and given a warm injection. The leaves should be allowed to remain over night and kept warm with a flannel garment or bandage over them. The tonsils should be cleared of the hard, offensive lumps that nature works off through the tonsils of those who are consti- pated, which furnish a local cause for a hacking cough, tonsil - itis, diphtheria and other throat and lung diseases. Sometimes they can be dislodged by placing a thumb and finger on the outside of the tonsils and pressing them together and throw- 86 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. ing out the breath quickly. When internal means are used to clear the tonsils great care should be taken not to rupture the skin. A strip of fine cloth wound around the stick or instru- ment used should be saturated with a weak solution of carbolic acid or sassafras oil. The latter is best. It is also good in a gargle. Too much potash and carbolic acid often leaves the throat in a worse condition than the disease, and therefore should be used sparingly, if used. Where the immersion of the body cannot be secured a warm sponge bath should be given with soda in it, to clear the pores, and warming drinks to warm up the system and start a perspiration, should also be given. In treating diphtheria, the first general cause should be considered and relieved, as well as the local, therefore the bowels should be kept clear and the pores open. The under- clothes should be kept as clean as can be without exposing the patient. The above in connection with the general local reme- dies, will secure success in the worst cases of diphtheria. I will give a few good remedies for local applications. The neck should be kept warm and well oiled, (almost any kind of oil will do, yet goose oil is the best,) it should have a little oil of sassafras mixed with it, and a little alcohol is good. This is to take out the soreness and keep the neck from getting stiff; pulverized borax and sugar is good to remove the canker. Many use crushed onions and salt pork; some use camphor gum and salt pork for local applications. Anything that relieves the heat and soreness is good. When all the avenues are open for the escape of the poison from the system, great care SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 87 should be taken lest the diphtheria patient takes cold and has a relapse. New milk and raw egg is the best diet and can be mixed and seasoned to suit the taste of any child. In this, as well as all other diseases, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If parents would see that their children's bow- els are kept in a good condition, they need have no fear of them having diphtheria. Children not only need to be cau- tioned in regard to attending to the calls of nature, but they need a constant watching, and in particular when they first enter school, the surrounding circumstances make them care- less them, although they dread to expose themselves to the Cold at any time, and if not carefully watched will soon get constipated. I have known cases where children have put off the call of nature until the rectum was so packed that it had to be partly cleared by mechanical means before they could have a passage or admit of an injection. Such cases are good sub- jects for diphtheria in its worst form. The breath of a child is a good index of the condition of the bowels, and when bad, both throat and bowels should be attended to. For chronic in- flammation of any of the internal organs, drinks of hop tea, smartweed tea or hot water is good. These are also good in acute attacks both as an internal or external remedy, also plas- ters made of hemlock gum spread on leather and placed over the affected organ, is excellent. Yet if onions possess virtue sufficient to locate poison or the effects of exposure, they also have sufficient to extract it if used faithfully and long enough. That is the reasoning that led me to make internal applications. At the age of forty-five I began to increase in flesh; was not as 88 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. active as before, although I felt well. In a few years after I had several chills; I took medicine for malaria for over two months without effecting a cure, and then I began to think perhaps I too was running into a decline, with many at that age, whjch I did not believe was necessary. As soon as the thought occurred to me that onions were an absorbent of malaria, I put them to that use and have never had a chill since the first application. In a few months my waist measure went down from forty inches to twenty-eight inches, and instead of a decline my health improved. Although there is great need of a health reform, and the medical profession see and feel the need as much and more than any other class, yet I am sure there is a class among them and druggists that would rather have no reform than to see it independent of drugs. They cling to the drug method while they know they would fail in the attempt to produce an individual who has been accustomed to taking drug medicine, that has the constitution or power of endurance that those have who have never taken it. It is an established fact that onions have been used in cases of every known contagious disease as an external absorbent, dishes of sliced onions being placed in the sick room to clear the air of the germs of disease that are thrown off from the patient. This was done to prevent the attendants from contracting the disease. All can readily see that if onions possess virtue suffi- cient to collect the microbes or germs of disease from the atmosphere, they also possess enough to collect them from the system, if rightly and sufficiently applied. According to nature's law anything that reduces or overcomes inflammation SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 89 or contagion breaks up the hot-bed where those microbes are increasing. The removal of the decayed and worn-out tissues and impure blood robs them of the substance on which they thrive, and, by supplying the system with the necessary ma- terial for nature to replace them with fresh and healthy tissues which are not so appetizing for the microbes to increase on, would assist nature in her work. The different species, as Dr. Koch has it, may war against and devour each other, but I would prefer to have the war go on outside the system, as their removal from it is more easily accomplished and with less ex- pense and danger than by his method of destruction by fur- nishing the opposite species to war against the others, or by injecting lymph, as I understand, which is partly composed of poisonous drugs. We think Dr. Koch's method too risky to meet with success, as was Dr. Brown-Sequard's, of Paris. His method to cure diseases was to inject the albuminous part of the blood that increase the white cells, which disinfects and utilizes foreign matter on the same principle as oxygen puri- fies the blood when it comes in contact with it. When his elixir was injected, if pure, it gave a new impetus to organic action, as it increased the vitality; but as it had to be taken from animals, and as they are subject to disease, there was danger, and it would require an expert to select the animal and prepare and administer it successfully. It is apparent to every person of years and observation that as physicians who deal out poisonous drugs have increased, so have deaths by disease increased, and especially sudden deaths, and that fact is suffi- cient proof that nature can do her work better without the in- 90 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. troduction of any poison into the system. Onions absorb all poisons and take them from the system, therefore they assist nature in her work, or they would not have been recommended by our best physicians for the last two centuries. I had the statement from a southern doctor that he practiced exclusively among yellow fever patients through two scourges of yellow fever without having the first symptom of the disease, and he attributed his escape to the constant use of raw onions as a diet. I have known cases where people having malaria could not eat them on account of their absorbing so much of it from the system that it made them indigestible and distressed the stom- ach. All can see at once if they are good as an external ab- sorbent they are many times better as an internal absorbent. But to have a health reform means an improvement in the finances of the poorer class and a decline in the business of some. Many will rejoice, while there will be a few -who will oppose it as soon as they see it is interfering with their busi- ness, even though that business is an undertaker's or marble engraver's, and there might be such a thing as some men, who had made up their minds for a second or third wife, opposing it. But all who have an interest in the welfare of suffering humanity will not only be ready to take the advantage of a re- form, but help their neighbor, and it is a Christian duty not only to visit the sick and afflicted, but help them to the knowl- edge of the means of relief. We give all who wish to act as agents to help circulate "The Secret to Health Revealed and Hygiene Treatment," the privilege to do so, that none shall be deprived of its benefits. While we know by experience and SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 91 observation that the hygiene treatment, as laid down in this work, will prevent and also cure diseases independent of medi- cine, yet I find many people who have become so accustomed to taking medicine that they would hardly believe Dame Nature would be able, even if she had a chance, to work a cure without it. To humor such we will give a few medical reme- dies that work in harmony with hygiene for them to pin their faith on until they learn to trust nature in her work. This work is written especially for all females who will be glad to adopt the hygiene home treatment in order to preserve or re- gain their health independent of medical advice or aid. If any Wish to go through the medical methods of treating female diseases after they understand any one physician's particular way of treating, as nearly every one has a way more or less of his own, many of which are experimenting, and for a single example to illustrate their method, we will refer the reader to the Medical Brief of Aug. 1889, page 396. The best method of applying a tampan, which treatment is quite mild and decent to many in use. I say if any prefer the medical treatment to the hygiene home treatment, which I guarantee, they are per- fectly welcome, and if they wish to run the risk of neglecting to cure diseased passion, it is their privilege to do so. I have given them warning, they run a greater risk than an inebriate or one with an opium or tobacco habit, for in either case the vitality soon gets too low to stand an acute attack, which all are liable to and especially that class. I have been told by fast women that they never thought of the short, intense sensation they experienced in having intercourse with some and not 92 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. with others, as being a disease, although it usually made-them feel exhausted. They thought it was in the man, and so it was, either in practice or a disease, as many a woman has found to her sorrow, who has left a healthy husband, and in some in- stances a number of small children, to run after what they took to be love, but found too late to be a diseased scamp. I have known several such cases where they have returned home to die with quick consumption as a result. The men are not be- hind in making the same mistake. I have heard of scamps making their brags that if a girl or woman would allow them to put their hand on the clitoris they could do what they pleased with them, or if they could get them to eat candy or anything that is prepared with love powders, it would have the same effect. Girls should remember that no decent, healthy male will make improper proposals to a female whom they re- spect; but the diseased ones want them for a remedy. They also use tobacco as a remedy, as it acts as a narcotic and cathartic. Cases of girls getting drugged, (and the effects are too well understood for any comment,) fifty years ago met with severe punishment, but of late the medical pro- fession in general makes light of it, and act as a screen instead of a help to bring such criminals to justice. I have known several cases where a widow who enjoyed good health would marry a second husband having Bright's disease of the kidneys, which is nothing more than an advanced or complicated case of diseased passion. I have known them to contract the dis- ease in a few months and die with an acute attack of albuminu- ria or quick consumption. I have also known cases where •SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 93 they had from two to four sensations a night in an acute attack, cured by the Hygiene Home treatment. The onions were ap- plied in small slices in the vagina on each side of the neck of the bladder and exchanged often. They took raw eggs and bathed according to directions. In some chronic cases sweating plasters were applied over the ovaries and over the large blood vessels, a plaster that reaches from the shoulder blades to the small of the back and extends each side of the spine far enough to cover the surface over the kidneys. But all such applica- tions should be removed as soon as the pain subsides and the soreness is removed. The plaster is to sweat those parts. in order to remove inflammation, and after it is removed, strengthen by using Dr. Brown-Sequard's remedy for nervous- ness, which is to take each morning before dressing a long, heavy towel, fold it lengthwise into a sort of a roll or club, wet it in cold water and throwing it over the shoulder strike it smartly along your spine, giving three quick blows over each shoulder, then rub dry and dress. For the plasters, hemlock gum spread on leather is best, yet Bergundy pitch will do. Either of these will need a few drops of oil to soften it when melted. A number who thought a tonic necessary took one from a Tomasonian medical work. It is given as a female tonic, but as all are governed by the same law, it is as good for a man as it is for a woman. It is made of roots. I will give it with directions: White Solomon Seal, one oz.; Spikenare, one oz.; Comfrey root, one oz.; White Beth root or imported Vale- rian, one oz.; Capsicum enough to season it. The Valerian is an antispas modie and quiets nervous excitement without leav- 94 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. ing any bad effect. The others possess strengthening proper- ties, the pepper warms the stomach and .stimulates action, which helps digestion and assimilation. The roots should be crushed if they are not when they are bought, and mixed well. Directions:-To one-half cup of boiling water add one tea- spoonful of the mixture and a little of the Cayenne pep- per, stir it until it is cool, drain the tea off for use, turn on more water and set it away in a cool place to steep while the first is being used. Dose:-A teaspoonful just before and just after each meal. It can be sweetened to suit the taste, but it is best to steep it in small quantities so as to have it fresh. I will also give a blood purifying remedy for those to use who are so full of scrofula and other humors that they cannot use the onions without bringing on an acute attack, as they get up a commotion in the humors unless one begins very gradually with them. Sometimes other remedies do better for some to start on, so we will give a few good remedies for such to try if they wish. Two or more of the following can be used until the blood is partly cleansed so onions can be used with safety. Blood purifying agencies, which can be used together or seperate, are burdock root, yellow or narrow dock root, sarsaparilla, borage, plantain, dandelion. Any of these roots crushed and steeped in cold or warm water and taken as a drink help to clear the blood of humors. But should not be taken in such quantities as to move the bowels too often. I consider the Hygiene Home treatment all that is necessary in any ordinary case without the assistance of any other remedy. Yet some may be anxious to recover as rapidly as possible and SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. 95 the more help the sooner the cure is accomplished. Such must remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Exposure or over exertion or undue excitement, or overloading the stomach will give them a set back that will take some time to regain. So all caution should be used. In regard to the bed and position much has been said in medical works which may be good. But I consider a bed that can be well aiied and kept clean and make one feel comfortable is the best. I have kept in good health sleeping on feathers the year round. Yet some object to feathers. The main thing to avoid in the sleeping room is bad odors; and the point to be at- tained is to sleep comfortable. In regard to position, all should avoid any position that has a tendency to cause a passionate feeling, although it is according to the law of nature that all who have arrived to maturity should manufacture a surplus that is not used up in growth or activity, which would natur- ally be thrown off in mature seed. But it should cause no ex- haustion, and no more excitement when thrown off without sexual intercourse than a ripe fruit would cause commotion among the branches of a tree were it to fall to the ground of its own accord. At least that is the law that governs the fe- males, and I have reason to think it should also govern the males. But to agitate the tree would cause a commotion and a fall of more fruit. So would sexual intercourse cause excite- ment, as it would cause a blood pressure on the passion nerves. But a too great and too frequent agitation of the tree would cause the unripe fruit to fall and and also injure the tree. So would too frequent intercourse cause a waste of immature 96 SECRETS TO HEALTH REVEALED. seed and a draw upon the supplies of other organs and of a necessity weaken them, causing a premature decline in the person. A healthy woman only throws off menses and germs once a month, and she ought to manufacture as much or more than a man and use up no more in activity. I am quite sure all who are troubled with a passionate feeling are diseased and need to treat for local inflammation and to regulate circula- tion. The feet and limbs should be kept warm at night, even if they have to be kept wrapped in an extra flannel blanket or foot robe, or if necessary something hot can be putin the bed, but never use hot iron. It makes no difference whatever what the cause of bad health may be or what the complaint may be, the Hygiene Home treatment works in harmony with nature's law, and will benefit all, both male and female; yet we dedicate this work to the Christian women of this coun- try, as we know they are the ones who are the most interested in every good work, and I feel satisfied it is a work that will tell for good in every family, physically, mentally, morally and financially; and with a prayer for God's blessings to attend the results, I send it forth as a good Samaritan. Although I have been urged to write a lecture and treatment by a score of women and also by an eminent physician of over forty years practice, who said, "It would do more good than one hundred physicians could do," yet I have waited in hopes that some one better qualified would furnish the instructions so much needed to start a health reform, until I could wait no longer and keep a clear conscience. And now I shall leave the cir- culation of it to the American-born women, as it is for their benefit.