PHYSIOLOGY EOR PRACTICAL USE. EDITED BY AUTUOIi OF “THOUGHTS ON HEALTH,” “THE MYSTERY OP PAIN,” “ LIFE IN NATURE,” “man and his dwelling place,” etc. JAMES HINTON, WITH AN INTRODUCTION, BY E. L. YOUMANS. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 AND 551 BROADWAY. 1874 PREFACE. In collecting these papers for republication, most of them have been submitted to careful revision, and I believe they are all fairly on a level with the present state of knowledge. The chapter on the use of alcohol is entirely new, and will be found, I think, one of the best practical ex- positions of the subject to be met with. My own part in the volume has been small. But I am happy to have this opportunity of again returning my thanks to its authors, all of them eminent in their profession, for the kind way in which they re- sponded to the requests for assistance in this work which were conveyed to them through me. Thinking that the recent experiments of Professor Perrier on the functions of different parts of the brain would be interesting and instructive, I have availed myself, in an Appendix, of an account of them given by him in the recent number of the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. JAMBS HINTON. London, January, 1874. INTRODUCTION TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. Notwithstanding tlie multiplicity of works upon Physiology that have been recently offered to the pub- lic, many of them of undoubted excellence, there has been still wanting a volume that should treat the subject more thoroughly from the point of view of its practical usefulness. Physiology is a subject extensively studied in our schools; but, that it does not yield the advan- tages expected from it, in the after conduct and life °f its students, is notorious. Whatever may be the cause, this branch of study seems to fail of its purpose. One of the most encouraging signs of the times is the increase of organized effort for sanitary improvement, nnder the guidance of instructed men, mainly physi- cians; and their almost unanimous testimony is, that the general ignorance of the community on the sub- ject of health is something utterly deplorable; making it almost impossible to carry out any efficient meas- ures of public hygiene. Nor is this ignorance, by any means, confined to the illiterate; it is wide-spread among cultivated people who boast of education. Yet INTRODUCTION. there are no classes of schools to he found that do not profess to make provision for physiological study in some form. The question therefore arises, Why does not the knowledge imparted hear fruit in increasing solicitude in regard to health, and in better provision and greater care with respect to sanitary hahits and conditions ? From some cause, the instruction has fallen short of its purpose either the knowledge gained has not heen thorough, or it is of the wrong kind. Ho doubt, it is often deficient, and frequently a mere smattering that makes no deep or permanent impression. But it can- not he denied that in many schools the subject is taught with a care and thoroughness commensurate with its importance. Yet even this affords no guarantee that the practical purposes of the study will he secured. It is a grave difficulty that our physiological books, with the best use that can he made of them, fall short be- cause the information they contain, however accurately it may he presented or completely acquired, is far from being what is wanted. The science of Physiology is of immense extent; and a student may be occupied for years in mastering it, and may fill his mind with facts and laws of the greatest scientific interest, with- out ever reaching the applications of the subject to the preservation of health. The fact is, the applications of the sciences are becoming more and more distinct de- partments of study. A man may spend his life in chem- INTRODUCTION. istry, and yet know but little of tke bearings of that science upon tbe arts. Photographic chemistry, and metallurgical chemistry, for example, can only be mas- tered by taking them np separately and systematically. So the application of Physiology to health must be dis- tinctively dealt with in education, if the highest prac- tical benefit of physiological knowledge is to be secured. I do not mean to intimate that in the existing text- books the subject of health is ignored; they all contain hints on hygiene which are useful as far as they go; but this branch of instruction is totally inadequate. Much greater attention requires to be given to the im- mediate question what is to be done, in the various circumstances in which health is imperilled, and how the life shall be ordered so that this blessing may be best maintained. The present work has been prepared from this point of view; it has been prepared entirely with the purpose of making it, in the greatest possible degree, practical and useful. It contains a great deal of accurate and trustworthy physiological science presented in the most familiar and untechnical style, but all this is subordi- nate to the useful lessons and conclusions that are en- forced in regard to what may be called physiological conduct and practice. The work was planned and ex- ecuted with sole reference to this end. Its editor, Dr, James Hinton, a distinguished aural surgeon of Lon- don, and an able medical writer, arranged with some INTRODUCTION. other professional gentlemen to contribute a series of health-papers to the Peoples Magazine, a periodical of large popular circulation. Each contribution was from an authoritative source, that is, from a party who had an intimate practical knowledge of the special subject upon which he wrote. Dr. Hinton has now carefully revised this valuable series of essays, and issued them in the present form. They will be found very readable and instructive, and to abound in interesting physiological information; but, what is more important still, they will be found available for constant guidance in the care of the bodily organs, and the general management of the vital economy. Such a work has been long and urgently needed, and the present volume may be recommended to families and schools as meeting this want, it is believed, more perfectly than any work hitherto offered to the public. New York, May, 1874. E. L. Y. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Beam and its Servants 1 CHAPTER II. Ihe Faculty oe Hearing 33 CHAPTER III. The Eye and Sight 61 CHAPTER IY. The Sense of Smell 102 CHAPTER Y. The Sense of Taste 127 CHAPTER YI. Digestion X CONTENTS. CHAPTER YIL The Skin—Corpulence 777 CHAPTER Yin. The Bath—The Sense of Touch 207 CHAPTER IX. Notes on Pain 225 CHAPTER X. Respiration 244 CHAPTER XL Taking Cold 271 CHAPTER XII. Influenza 290 CHAPTER XIII. Headache 308 CHAPTER XIY. Sleep CHAPTER XY. Sleeplessness CONTENTS. CHAPTER XYI. Ventilation . , . . . . . • • .363 CHAPTER XVII. The Liver and its Diseases 383 CHAPTER XVIII. The Action op Alcohol 395 CHAPTER XIX. Muscular Motion as Exemplified in the Human Body . 426 CHAPTER XX. Occupation and Health 448 CHAPTER XXL Training and Gymnastics 469 Appendix 493 Index PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. I. In tlie course of tills volume we shall have a great deal to say about the Nerves; and as these are the means through which all our organs perform their part, it is perhaps, advisable, first of all, to devote a little space to them, and to the great centre of them all, the Brain. THU BUATN AND ITS SERVANTS. The likeness of the brain and nerves to a telegraph, with its lines of wire, and the central office to which all lead and from which all depart, has been often noticed; and it has been supposed by some persons that these organs are really a kind of electric machine, in which currents are generated, and supplied wher- ever they are needed. But it is not truly so. The living body, indeed, like all things in which active changes are going on, is constantly pervaded by elec- tricity; and in some animals (as the torpedo, or the electric eel) electricity is specially generated, in pecu- liar organs, to serve as the creature's offensive and PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 2 defensive weapon. In tliese animals there are large nerves which serve to bring the electric organs into action at the right moment. But these organs are quite separate from and unlike the brain, and the cur- rents which circulate in the nerves are of a more delicate and subtle kind. They are such as are gene- rated in living beings alone, and can traverse no other substances than the nerves. But still they are so much like electricity that we can best understand them by comparing the nerves with electric wires, and the living actions which pro- duce nervous power with the means which set electric and galvanic currents in motion. And, first, the nerves are like electric wires in this, that impulses travel along them without any permanent change in themselves. In each case, there seems to be a sort of thrill passing from one end to the other, which may be best conceived by being likened to a motion transmitted along a row of balls lying in contact with one another. If the first of the series be sharply and yet gently struck, it passes on the impulse, without changing its own place, to the next, and that to the following one, and so on, until the last is reached, and it alone moves from its position. So, probably, it is with the minute particles which make up a wire when electricity passes along it; and somewhat in the same way,, we THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 3 lruiy best conceive, it is with, the minute particles which form the active portion of a nerve. And again, as the impulse which starts a galvanic current is derived from chemical changes between an acid and a metal, from the union of the minute particles of these with one another, so the force which starts a thrill along a nerve comes, in all probability, from unions of minute particles in the brain, or around the other terminations of the nerves—in the ear, the eye, the skin. And if we are content (as in respect to subjects such as these e are obliged to be content at present, though we daily strive to make our knowledge more com- plete and truthful) with general thoughts, and keep always in mind how very imperfect all such views must be, it is not difficult to understand how the Creator has endowed us with so wonderful and perfect an instrument for perceiving and for acting, as our nervous system is. For all over the living body minute particles are every moment changing their place, uniting with one another, and disuniting. There is no life without such constant interaction of the elements of which the body consists. And thus in these minute actions we may well understand there is an ever-ready source cf nerve-power. The nerves take up and turn to account, as it were, power that PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 4 would otherwise be wasted. The wonder is, that amid the innumerable multitude of actions within and in- fluences without, so perfect an order is maintained that there is no excess and no lack on any hand, and no confusion; every organ of sense making its own distinct report, and every muscle receiving its own exact supply. It is no wonder that the organs destined to be the channels and centres of this incessant and widely interwoven activity should be (as we shall see they are) highly complicated, and elaborately interconnected, each part being placed in due sub- ordination to the whole. Nor is it any wonder that an organization so delicately subtle, so open to impression, and yet needing an adjustment so exact, should be so often liable to disorder, especially if the laws of its healthy working are unknown or disre- garded. One of the most striking points about the nervous system is that it has two quite distinct and even opposite parts to play. On the one hand, it is a stimulator; it excites to their proper actions all the organs; on the other, it is a controller of action, and perpetually restrains activities that would otherwise come into play. Of this we have plenty of evidence in our own will, which operates through the nerves. THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 5 Not very much less often do we exert it to repress an action which tends to its own performance, than to perform one which requires our effort. How hard it often is to refrain from laughter, or from tears ! how impossible entirely to repress the manifestations of our feelings! We cannot but tremble when we are m fear; we cannot long stop our breath. And this twofold character pervades all the operations of the nervous system; its function everywhere is partly to excite and partly to control. For these two purposes there exist distinct sets of nerves, which, however, are but a portion of the many varieties of nerves found in the human body. There is a set of nerves, for example, which keeps the heart beating; another set which controls and regulates its action, and these, when too violently excited, bring it to a sudden stand. But one of the chief ways in which this control of activity through the nerves is exercised, is by means of a special set of nerves distributed to the blood- vessels in every part of the body, and through which the vessels are made to contract or expand, so increas- ing or reducing the power of any organ. All the operations of the body are carried on under control; its activity is a regulated activity. Hence its perfect- ness—its harmony with nature. And the lesson is not hard to read; that is truly natural which is strictly 6 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. regulated. If we would recognise in the moral world the features of life, we must find it in passions spon- taneously bending to the Creator's laws. So, too, in the brain itself: its activities are balanced one against the other, and its harmonious action comes out of the operation of each in its turn under the regulating influence of a power operating in the con- trary direction. But of this we may speak more by- and-by. A general outline of the nervous system is presented in Fig. 1. It consists of three great divisions—the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves. Of these the brain is the instrument by which we feel and think, and put into action the dictates of our will. The spinal cord stands, as it were, between the brain and the rest of the body; through it most of the actions we perform unconsciously are done; and be- sides this, it receives impressions and transmits them to the brain on the one hand, and on the other, in its influence on the body, the brain acts through it. The nerves connect these central parts, the brain and cord, with all the other organs. We shall speak first of the nerves. Fig. 2 represents two nerves uniting with one another as they continually do. It will be seen that each nerve consists of a bundle of fibres. These are in the larger THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 7 tranks extremely numerous, about 3000 occupying an inch. Eacb of these fibres consists of three parts— Fig. I. DIAGRAM or THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. an outer covering, a roll of a white material, and a small central darker substance. We shall have a good idea of them if we liken them, on a small scale, to a very 8 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. long wax taper rolled up in a piece of linen. The linen will be the external sheath, which is firm and strong, and serves as a protection; the wax will answer to the white material, and the wick may stand for the central substance. But this is not strong and fibrous : it is very fine and soft, and through it alone, we believe, the nervous currents pass. It seems, indeed, highly pro- bable that this central substance answers strictly to Fig. 2. the metallic wire in the electric cable, and that the white material, which does not reach to the extreme end of the nerve, answers the purpose of insulating the nervous current, being like the gutta-percha coating. If it be so, this is another striking instance of man’s unconscious imitation of Nature. When we speak of a nerve, we mean a bundle of the nervous fibres described above, enclosed in a common sheath of mem- brane. THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 9 Among these wires of our nervous telegraph, one set carry the messages inward to the spinal cord, and a different set convey outward the response. The fii’st are the nerves of sensation, and pass chiefly to the skin; the latter the nerves of motion, and are given to the muscles. Besides these, there are ano- ther set of nerves, a little different in their form. Fig. 3. NERVE CELLS AND FIBRES. a. A blood-vessel. which go to the small vessels, as before said, to make them contract or expand, in conformity with the con- dition of the nervous system. We see their action in the blush of modesty or the paleness of fear. In all the organs of sense, these fibres end in special structures, adapted to receive each peculiar impression. 10 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. as of sound, or light, or taste; in the muscles the inmost axis subdivides into still minuter twigs, which spread themselves over all the fibres, and thus bring every por- tion under the influence of the controlling will. At the centre, the nerves end in a different way. Here each nerve-fibre is connected with a peculiar rounded body termed a cell. These cells are exhibited in Figs. 3 and 4. Fig. 3 shows a small group of nerve-cells, with the Fig. 4. A NERVE-CELL WITH TWO FIBRES. nerve-fibres intermingled; and Fig. 4 represents a single cell with two nerve-fibres issuing from it; or, rather, as one must believe, with one issuing from it, one passing into it. Of the use of these cells something is known. The impression received through a nerve filament, say from the eye or ear, is in the cell “ reflected,” as it is said, into another nerve-fibre which conveys an influence to a muscle ; as, for example, to the muscle which contracts the pupil, or adjusts the tension of the membrane of the THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. drum. This is the simplest form of nervous action, and in it the mind has no part. Thus are performed the actions which we do involuntarily, as breathing; or quite unconsciously, as winking. Thus, the heart beats and the stomach secretes the digestive fluid. These little cells are small storehouses of nervous force, which the impulses produced in the nerve-fibres by light, or sound. FlO. 6. SECTION or THE SPINAL COED. a‘ k- Serves, c. Ganglion of cells on the posterior root, which is the neiye of sensation, d. Origin of the motor root. e. Origin of the sensi- tive root. The dark part in the centre represents the cells of the cord. or touch, set free, and cause to flow along the nerve- fibres to any muscle with which the cell is connected. Now the spinal cord (see Fig. 1) is made up of cells of this kind, with bundles of fibres round them, which fibres connect the cells and the nerves to each other, and all with the brain. Fig. sis a section of the cord, show- 12 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. ing how the nerves come to it and pass off from it. Through the branch with the swelling on it (which is a small cluster of nerve-cells) the impressions are trans- mitted to the cells in the cord, and through the other branch the impulses pass outwards to the muscles. These two branches are called the roots of the nerve; they are soon united indistinguishably together, and separate again only at the other end of the nerve, where one set of fibres goes to the muscles, the other to the part that feels: the greatest number, by far, of all these fibres goes to the skin. It is through the spinal cord, thus constructed, that almost all our involuntary actions are carried on. By the same means it is that insects will act, after their heads are removed, precisely as if they still felt and designed. Such actions are carried on by the nervous system, by virtue of its own structure and powers, with no mind in them. And it is well it is so. If our will were necessary to their performance, they would often be sadly neglected. How long should we keep on breath- ing if it required a special effort of ours for every breath ? How long would it be before our heart stopped beating, if each pulse waited for our will to start it ? At the very least we could never sleep; or, even if we could live on such conditions, what would our life be worth, consumed as it would be in the mere process of existing ? Nothing THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 13 111 our whole structure is more wonderful or more beau- tiful than this office of the spinal cord, whereby all the constant processes of life are withdrawn from our con- cern, and carried on without our thought. Thus the Nobler part of us is set free to attend to worthy objects, and the truly human life is erected, as on a pedestal, upon the animal life which serves it, and which should ever be held as its servant. Of this higher life of thought and feeling the brain is the instrument. But though the office is different, the principle on which it is carried out is the same, and the same structures are made use of. Cells and fibres con- stitute the spinal cord; precisely similar cells and fibres constitute the brain. By impulses received from with- out through the fibres, and actions thus evoked in the various groups of cells, the lower functions of the body are maintained; by similar impulses, evoking corres- ponding actions in the brain-cells, the functions of the intellectual and moral life, so far as they depend upon a material instrument, are carried on. But as we advance to the brain, the arrangement of cell and fibre becomes more complex, though in principle it is the same. Fig. 6 very roughly represents its struc- ture. Tracing it upward from the spinal cord, the fibres of the latter are seen to expand in all directions, and among them various groups of cells are situated, while 14 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. they are covered in by a layer of similar cells. This layer is folded up into “ convolutions/' so that though, if spread out, it would cover a surface of many feet, it is packed conveniently within the skull. If I might take a very homely illustration, I would suppose it was desired to spread as large a layer of sugar as possible Fig. 6. DIAGRAM OF A VERTICAL SECTION OP THE BRAIN. a. Centre for smell, h. Centre for motion, c. Centre for sensation, d. Centre for sight. /. The little brain, or cerebellum. The black indented line represents the cells of the convolutions. upon a cake. The way to do it would be to indent the surface of the cake into deep close folds, and to arrange these in waving forms. These would be an image of the “ convolutions" of the brain. And we cannot wonder that they are* so extensive, when we consider that it is through the cells which cover them that the THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 15 mind acts. The convolutions of the brain are the por- tion of the body through which the mental life, with all its immense variety of powers, is manifested. And, speaking in general terms, it is found that the extent of the mental faculties is in proportion to the number and variety of these convolutions. Here, then, we arrive at the very crown and summit of the human body— that for which all other parts exist. Not that the soul dwells here, or depends in any way upon this, more than on any other portion of the material frame that it controls; but it is when impressions from without reach this portion of the nervous system that they excite, not actions only, but thoughts and feelings. It is on reaching this part that mere nervous impulses awake ideas, arouse passions, start trains of reasoning, call forth exertions of the will. It seems a poor and simple mechanism for so great a result, and doubtless, till we have penetrated its secret, we cannot but think it so. Yet it is not quite so simple as it might appear. This chief of all the ner- vous centres is an expanse of small grey-coloured cells; altogether it is but about the tenth of an inch in thickness; yet, on minute examination, it has been found to consist of at least seven distinct layers; and though no decided difference between its various parts has been detected, there is proof that different portions PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. of it serve different offices. Pei’haps the best-established distinction of this kind is the dependence of speech upon a convolution situated in the region of the left temple. But upon points of this kind our knowledge, though very limited as yet, is growing fast. It may be as well here to say, that the groups of nerve-cells are called ganglia (from ganglion, a knot) and that the cells are grey, while the nerves are white. As I have said, the fibres of the spinal cord, as we trace them upwards into the brain, expand outwards and end in the convolutions, thus connecting every part of the body with the mind. But this connection is not direct and simple. Between the cord and the convolu- tions there are interposed two other large ganglia (see Figs. 6 and 7), which are connected, the lower with the nerves of sensation, and the higher with those of motion. In the former of these the impressions sent up to the brain from all parts are first received, and probably the multitude of them reduced into more distinct and simpler form, before they are transmitted onward. To the supe- rior ganglion the impulses to motion arising from the will are first transmitted, probably as a simple or single mandate; and in the ganglion this mandate is distri- buted, we may perhaps say, to the various nerve-fibres, which set in operation the many muscles which must co- operate for every action. Besides thus ministering to THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. tlie operations of the mind, these ganglia also possess a certain power of action in themselves. They also “reflect” impulses to the muscles or to the vessels, or the secreting glands, as well as pass them up- wards to affect the mind. And they may do one or other of these in varying proportion, as the mind is more or less intent upon surrounding objects. Pro- bably in “ attending ” to anything, what we chiefly do, so far as the brain is concerned, is to maintain the connection between the convolutions and these inferior groups of cells in a very free and active state; so that every impression, not only evokes an uncon- scious nervous response, but ' excites distinct ideas. The very quietness of a person who is earnestly at- tending may be taken as a proof of this. He exercises an active control over the unconscious reactions which would otherwise ensue in response to the impressions from without, which are affecting him on every side. This control is one of the actions which we perform through the convolutions. The part of which we have been speaking is called the cerebrum; it is the brain properly so called, and consists of two hemispheres, which are shown in Fig. 7 (see also Fig. 1). These two hemispheres are inti- mately connected with one another by several sets of fibres, which pass in various directions from one PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. to the other. What precise relations they bear to each other, and how far they are distinct in their Fig. 7. a. The hemispheres, h. The central ganglia—of sensation and motion, c. The cerebellum, or little brain, d. The crossing of the fibres in the spinal cord. e. The nerve of smell. /. The nerve of sight. (This figure shows the inferior surface of the brain, part of which is cut away.) THE COURSE OF THE NERVE FIBRES IN THE BEAUT. use, is not yet fully known. But there is evidence that they have to some extent separate offices. The THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. most striking instance as yet known of this is the fact, only recently discovered, that disease of a certain part of the left side destroys the power of speech, which disease of the right side has not been observed to do. Each half of the brain is connected by its nerves with the opposite side of the body • the fibres crossing in the spinal cord, as seen in Fig. 7. Besides this brain proper, or cerebrum, there is also contained within the skull a lesser brain, or cerebellum (Fig. 6, /; Fig. 7, c). This lies at the posterior and inferior part of the cerebrum, and is connected in the same way with the fibres of the spinal cord, and the two brains are intimately connected together. In structure the cerebellum corresponds very closely to the cerebrum. It also contains a group of cells in the centre, and is covered with a layer of cells ex- ternally, also arranged in convolutions; but these are very closely arranged, so as to represent on section an appearance like a tree (hence fancifully called the Arbor Vitce, or “Tx-ee of see Fig. 7, c). So far as is yet known, the office of this lesser brain is to regulate and harmonise the movements of the muscles. As the brain-fibres spread out into the hemispheres of the great and little brain, they diverge from each other towards either side, and are again folded over upon themselves, so as to leave in the centre a series 20 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. of small cavities, winch, are called the ct ventricles of the brain.” Through those spaces blood-vessels pass in and out, and these internal cavities, as well as a nar- row space around the brain and cord, are filled with, a watery fluid, which gives these organs the most equal and gentle support in all directions, and does very much to guard them from shocks and jars. This watery fluid is included in a firm bag of membrane folded all around the brain, and this bag is lined on the inside by a very delicate membrane full of blood- vessels, which dips down between all the convolu- tions, and feeds all the cells with a rich supply of blood. Outside of it, and binding it to the skull, there is another membrane, tough and strong. We have thus given a very brief outline of the ner- vous system as it exists in man, and have seen that it consists of several distinct systems united into one. We may shortly sum it up by imagining—and the imagination strictly represents the truth—that there are in ourselves four distinct kinds of lives. First, there is a life which has to do with the mere growth and support of the bodily structure—which digests food, and circulates blood, and removes the products of decay. This life is carried on by a set of nerves and ganglia of its own, called the sympathetic, which has its chief seat around the stomach. Secondly, there THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 21 is a life of movement, prompted by external impres- sions alone, without consciousness—a life of reflex action, as it is called; this has its seat in the spinal cord. Thirdly, there is a life similar to the last, but of a higher kind, such as we see manifested, for example, in the instincts of the bee; the seat of this is, probably, in the central ganglia of the brain. And, fourthly, there is the life of reason and of will, of which the convolutions are the instrument. In the three lower forms of nerve-life, we have seen, the rule of action is that of simple reflection of im- pressions, with more or less of directness or of com- bination. In the highest form the law is modified, and instead of a mere reflection of force according to the nature of the impression, processes of thought and feeling are elicited, and results are varied according to the character of the man. But though the law is modified, it is not done away, and in the highest sphere of life instances are still met with of simple reflex action. This is exhibited in the most striking and interesting way in the form of habits. As the child’s powers advance with advancing age more and more actions, which at first required thought and an effort of the will, become drawn within the sphere of the unconscious and involuntary activity. Almost every action indeed—even the most compli- 22 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. cated and difficult—which, is habitually practised, be- comes thus more or less independent of the will, and makes less and less demand on thought. In this consists, in part, the skill of the artist or artisan (who should always be truly an artist also). His hands pass almost unconsciously over his work, which is the better done, in truth, for this unconsciousness. We may convince ourselves of this by a trivial example. How easily we tie a bow, while we are thinking all the while of something entirely different! But let us direct our attention to the bow we are tying, and think of each step in the process, and the chances are we get puzzled, and bungle over it. It is the same in the execution of music, which would seem to require an attention so exact and unremitting. Instances have certainly occurred in which performers have lost their consciousness for a few moments, and have yet con- tinued playing in perfect time. And in those almost more wonderful performances, which yet attract no wonder because they are universal—such as the func- tion of speech, the act of walking, or the maintenance of the erect position—the working of the same law is seen. Our words almost form themselves; the mind is occupied exclusively with the matter. In walking, we take no thought to secure the movement of our limbs; nay, they may even take us where we would THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 23 not. Often it has happen ed that a man absorbed in thought has walked, not where he meant, but where he has been used, to go. And that unceasing muscu- lar play, whereby alone the body can be kept duly poised upon the feet in standing, though it takes the infant long to acquire it, entirely escapes the conscious- ness of the adult. All these and innumerable other actions essential to our well-being, the reflex nervous system takes by degrees upon itself, and thus ensures for us (at least until decay begins) a continual ex- tension of our powers, and an ever-increasing possi- bility of concentrating them on moral and intellectual ends. And thus, again, the study of our bodily structure enforces the highest moral lessons. The enlargement of the intellectual and moral nature, as it is one of our deepest religious duties, so it is also the road to the highest physical development. That is the most perfect condition of the nervous system in which its various parts are most thoroughly united in their operation, so that it acts completely as a whole. And this is only when the powers of each part are fully brought out, the subordinate portions discharging every function within their power, and the higher freely exer- cised on its appropriate objects. For thus only is it that each portion of the complex system transmits its PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 24 full influence to tlie rest—an influence which is of the utmost importance to each. Of the importance of the healthy influence of the lower nervous system upon the higher, we have ample evidence in the im- paired activity of mind, and the disordered and morbid state of the emotions, which accompany derangements of the digestive or circulating organs; and that the in- fluence of the higher ganglia of the brain is not less important for the inferior nervous centres is proved by the effect on all the processes of life of prolonged or violent mental disturbance. How easily ill-news de- stroys the appetite, or the mere idea of a disgusting object excites nausea! The very thought of food in- creases the saliva and the gastric juice, while violent distress of mind will so derange the secretion of a mother’s milk as to make it poisonous to her babe. We see evidence, again, of the beneficial physical influence of a due exercise of the moral and intellectual faculties, in the improvement which ensues even in the bodily conformation of a race under the influence of good mental culture continued through a few genera- tions. ' Not only does the contour of the skull and features become more noble, but the organs univer- sally respond to the stimulus, and the whole frame gains in elegance, delicacy, and even in comparative vigour. Nor is the cause of this benefit arising from THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 25 high mental exercise hard to discover. All action within the body is attended with the production of force, and no action more abundantly than that of the convolutions of the brain. This force radiates from the convolutions to the nerves throughout the body, supplying them with the healthiest of all stimuli, and one which the very structure of the ner- vous system proves that they were designed to re- ceive. It cannot be withheld from them—as it is by indolent or grovelling thought—but to their detriment. It is no argument against this statement that over- taxing of the brain, or a life passed in sedentary study, injures the health. Rather these are confirma- tory facts; for the first proves the influence of brain- action over the whole body, and the second, while it shows indeed that exercise of other organs besides the brain is needed, proves at the same time that brain-exercise is good. For, however much a seden- tary life of study may tend to debilitate (and, with good management, this is less than is often supposed), a sedentary life of mental indolence tends to debilitate much more. Mental indolence is bad even when combined with bodily exertion, but with bodily indo- lence as well, it is ten times worse. No constitutions are so morbid as those by which no work is done. At the same time, mental work is apt to bo over- 26 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. - strained, especially by those who most intensely feel its charms. One of the most frequent signs of this, when carried to a great extreme, is a morbid desire for suicide, which perhaps is really, at bottom, an un- appeasable craving for rest. Some melancholy cases of self-destruction, which have excited the liveliest public regret, are clearly traceable to their cause in mental overwork. It is enough to mention Hugh Miller, and the great meteorologist Admiral Fitzroy. The first indications of any such temptation should be carefully observed, and rest taken in time. But rest for an overtaxed brain is not always easy to procure, even when no external circumstances render it diffi- cult. An excited and over-stimulated mind will not rest, and to insist on resting it is often as futile as trying to go to sleep when we are not sleepy. A merely passive condition cannot at once be substituted for one of nervous restlessness. The true rest for a wearied brain is change to some unexciting yet useful occupation, with as much of the nature of service in it as possible, that the thoughts may be taken from ourselves; and the nearer it approaches to manual labour the better. Often a strong effort and a great sacrifice are required to achieve the change, but they are well rewarded. But, of course, in such cases medical advice should be taken. THE BE AIN ANN ITS SERVANTS. 27 One caution, in respect to mental exertion, it is well to remember—and tliat is, that it cannot be safely carried on, in any very great degree, at tlie same time witli very severe bodily exertion. At least tins is true of many persons, if not of all. The double tax upon the system is too great. And this should be remembered in respect to the condition of the labouring people. It is a doubly cruel wrong to inflict upon them an overtask; it condemns their minds, their hearts, to loss. But much less injury to health is done by over- exertion of the nervous system in any legitimate oc- cupation, than by the waste of nerve-power in the form of worry and useless vexation. All feelings of this kind consume force, and in addition propagate a deteriorating influence wherever a nerve-fibre goes. But here Physiology can but proclaim the want: it is Religion must supply the remedy. Contentment must be learnt from other pages than those which prove to us that the indulgence of vain desire is hurtful to our bodies. Yet even this lesson may not be in vain if it adds to our assurance that He who has thus made us incapable of too great a weight of care, makes no vain promise when He bids us cast our care on Him. But there are also physiological reliefs to worry. 28 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. One is a full absorption of tlie mind on objects of wholesome interest. There is a case on record of a gentleman affected with signs of incipient insanity- after great anxiety in business, who freed himself entirely from them by resolutely studying mathe- matics. And if we cannot all be students, helping others in their troubles is a resource always at hand, and never ineffective in aiding us to forget our own. Another relief lies in an improvement of the bodily conditions, which may often be brought about by very simple means, such as a better ventilation of our rooms, or a little more exercise in the open air. One of the most important laws to remember respecting the nervous system is, that its activity is prompted and regulated by external impressions, its object being emphatically to bring us into relation with the ex- ternal world. Its health accordingly demands that these impressions should be transmitted to it in due abundance and of the right kind; and two of the chief sources from which they arise are the skin and the lungs. Hence, besides the primary necessity of fresh air to breathe, and pure water to wash in, for the needful purification of the blood, these have another use, only second in importance to the first—that of feeding, by the influx of pleasurable sensations, the very life of the brain. Hence the immediate exhila- THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. 29 ration felt on drawing a deep breath of purer air, and the keen sense of enjoyment which follows a bath. It is not long before the blood, and through it the whole body, feels the influence of these bene- ficial agents; but the brain, through its quicker messengers., responds at once. It is in all probability chiefly on a healthful supply of impressions through the skin and lungs that the pleasurable condition which we call a good “ tone>y consists. By these the brain is kept, as it were, girt up, and the man is possessed with a delicious half- consciousness of latent power. The very opposite condition to this is that most wretched one in which every organ of the body seems to send to the brain its own special sensation of dis- tress, and life becomes little else than a morbid feeling of the body. Sometimes this kind of suffering depends on deep-seated disease, and requires, even if it does not baffle, the utmost skill of the physician \ but at others it is greatly the result of an unwise direction of the thoughts, and can be greatly amended by a resolute effort to divert them into more natural channels. The fact is, that thought directed to our own bodily organs is a violation of one of the main laws of our nervous system, which provides that all the vital pro- cesses shall be carried on by an unconscious me- PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 30 clianism. We cannot bi’ing the brain to bear upon those parts of our bodily life which are committed to the inferior portions of the nervous system, without deranging brain and body alike. The nervous power thus sent in excess to organs already amply supplied, acts as a disturbing agent upon them; while, at tho same time, abnormal channels, as it were, are opened from the lower ganglia to the convolutions, through which useless impressions, all of them painful, gain access to our consciousness. It is most important to avoid anything like a concentration of our thoughts upon any of the vital processes. It is scarcely necessary to refer again to the in- fluence which the emotions exert over the body, of which we are conscious every hour, alike in love or anger, hope or fear. Yet it may not be amiss to remark that the morally good emotions are more healthful than the contrary ones. Selfishness, cruelty, jealousy, rage, are slow poisons to the blood; all that produce happiness are cordials. But it did not need the advance of modern science to teach us how “a cheerful countenance doeth good like a medicine/'* But one thing we have come to understand better in modern times, and that is, why too stern a control of the expression of emotion preys upon health; why con- cealment acts especially the part of the worm in the bud. THE BRAIN AND ITS SERVANTS. All emotions are attended with, clianges in tlie convolu- tions of the brain, and these changes generate a force which must operate in some way. The natural actions by which the passions express themselves are the channels provided by nature for this force, which thus contri- butes to the grace and dignity and joy of life; or at least provides signals of danger. But there is risk alike in the too free indulgence of these natural ex- pressions, and in their absolute repression; the former tends to give passion too great a mastery over us, the latter forces the power which would thus innocently expend itself into hurtful channels. Thrown back ab- solutely upon the internal organs, the force which emotion generates deranges the operation of the other nervous centres, and may be the starting-point of lung disease. On similar grounds exercise is found a remedy for many forms of nerve distress. The over- excited brain is relieved by muscular exertions which tend to draw off its force. But to attempt to point out all the relations which the nervous system bears to the other bodily powers would be an endless task. They intermingle at all points. It is happy for us that amid so much evidence of the subjection of the mind to the demands of its material servant, we can point to so much evidence of its freedom. The cases are not few in which the PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. soul has soared in the highest regions while the body has been sinking under the most dire disease. Much of man’s noblest work has been done with fainting hands, and amid pangs of agony; and, thank God, much more will be. 11. THE FACULTY OF HEARING. How low down in the animal creation the sense of heaiang extends, it is not possible positively to say. It seems probable, however, that some at least of the insect tribe possess it. But it is first in animals like the lobster that an ear, though of the simplest construction, can be distinctly shown to exist. By careful looking, this ear may be found at the upper part of the second pair of feelers, in the lobster or the crab, and it con- sists of a very small bag, filled with a watery fluid, and covered in externally by a strong membrane. On the internal surface of this bag a nerve spreads itself out, which nerve carries the effect of the motions of the fluid to the brain—such brain as the creature has. A nerve and a little bag of water, accessible to the vibrations of the air, constitute an ear; and however complicated the ear may become in the higher animals and ourselves, as we shall see that it does, it always retains this character: it is, at the bottom, a bag of watery fluid and a nerve. The next step towards making the ear more per- PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 34 feet is one that might well seem to be the way to destroy it altogether ; it is patting stones into it; and these stones once put in are never again left out. They are present, though in the form of a very fine powder, in the innermost part of our own ears. But they are not always a fine powder; sometimes they are large bony masses, especi- ally in the less perfect ears, such as those of fishes. The ear-stones (otoliths) may be easily found in a cod's head, lying a short distance behind the eye and within the skull; they are dense white bodies, often nearly an inch long, of a flattened oval form, and grooved upon their surface. Their object is to make the vibra- tions of the fluid contained in the bag more. powerful. If we fill a bladder with water and give it a gentle tap we may feel a tremulous motion run to and fro within it. But if we put into it a few marbles, and then tap it, these- will give a much more distinct sensation. But by examining a cod's or salmon's head (which may be cooked), not only may the ear-stones be discovered, but also the ear-bag. And it will be noticed to have a very remarkable form. It is no longer, as in the lobster, a mere roundish bladder; at first sight it might almost be said to resemble a large white spider. It has a body and limbs, but the limbs are peculiar. Fig. 1 will explain its form. From the central sac, which THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 35 consists of two portions, there pass off three tubes, which return to the sac again, near the point from which they start. At one end each tube has an en- largement ; it seems to swell out into a bulb, and here as well as in the central sac the nerve is distributed. Now because these tubes pass from the sac and return Fig. 1. EAE OF THE SALMON. a. Membranous sac in which the nerve is spread out. b. b. b. Semicir- cular canals, c. c. c. Enlargements at the commencement of the canals, in which the nerve is also spread out. Above are the ear-stones con- tained in the sac of the salmon’s ear. to it again, the sac is called the “ vestibule ” or common hall; and the tubes are called the semi-circular canals (though they are not exactly semi-circular); and this with another superadded part continues to be the form of the nervous portion of the ear in all animals and in ouiselves, the superadded part is like a shell (see 36 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. shell, of a tube winding around a central axis, and growing larger as it winds. The reason for this form we shall see hereafter. Birds and mammals and man possess it, though birds have it in a less perfect form. In them it is a curved tube something like a small boat, and not spirally arranged. Because, however, it is for the most part in the form of a spiral shell, it is called “the cochlea.” The sac, the three tubes, the spiral canal, then, make up the nervous part of the ear—vestibule, semi-circular canals, and cochlea. A wonderful structure, undoubt- edly; and so the anatomists who first discovered it thought; for they called it the labyrinth. We will speak more of it by-and-by; for the present we will return to our codfish. Though he, in common with the rest of his kind, hears very well, there is no external sign of his having any ear at all. The sac and its canals, with the audi- tory nerve expanded within them, constitute his whole organ of hearing, and they simply lie in contact with the inner surface of the skull. There is no membrane to receive vibrations from without, and pass them onwards. The reason of this is that water transmits vibrations so powerfully—much more powerfully than air—to solid bodies, that the bones of the fish's head suffice to convey sounds to the nerve. Except the THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 37 whale, and the other water-inhabiting mammals (which have ears like their air-breathing fellows, though some- what modified), animals which live habitually in water hear through the bones of the skull; and their ear con- sists only of the nerve and the fluid-containing mem- branous bag on which it is spread out. But for air- breathing animals this would not suffice. The air passes on its vibrations to the skull far too feebly to serve the purposes for which hearing is needed, and accordingly an apparatus is required for conveying the vibrations of the atmosphere, which constitute sound, to the nerve appointed to receive them. This apparatus answers to the transparent parts of the eye, which afford a free passage to the light, and constitutes the second or outer portion of the ear. It has many forms in various classes of animals, but all are framed upon one plan, and it will suffice if we describe it briefly as it is met with in ourselves. The outer ear, though probably not without a certain amount of use, appears to exist in man chiefly for beauty’s sake. In many animals, however, it is of great importance, being, in fact, a natural hearing- trumpet. Humboldt relates that, in South America, the troops of wild horses that traverse the country divide themselves, as regards the direction given to their ears, into three sets. Those which lead the van PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 38 direct them forward, those in the centre turn them to the side, and the hindmost set them to the rear; so that the whole troop is made aware, in the acutest way, of danger threatening from any quarter. The passage which leads inwards from the outer ear is slightly curved, and in adults is about an inch and a half in length; in children, however, it is much shal- lower, having a depth in the infant of scarcely half an inch. It is of oval form, and about its centre is fur- nished with a broadish ring of small glands which secrete the light brown semi-solid substance known as the ear-wax. At the bottom of this passage is fixed the membrane (Fig. 2, a) commonly called the “drum of the ear;” but not correctly; a drum being, not a membrane, but a hollow space closed on one or more sides by membrane. The membrane to which the ex- ternal passage leads constitutes the outer side of a cavity hollowed in the bone (Fig. 2, h), which cavity is the drum of the ear, and contains several important parts. First, there is the membrane itself, a beautiful struc- ture, made up of fine fibres, some radiating from the central part to the circumference, others arranged in concentric rings; and it is lined on the outer side by •a very fine layer of skin, and on the inner by an equally fine layer of cellular membrane. It is almost trans- parent, and though moderately strong, is little thicker THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 39 than gold-beaters’ skin. Being kept gently on the stretch, it thrills to every whisper, and two small mus- Kg. 2. VIEW OF THE HUMAN EAR, AS SEEN ON A SECTION FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. a. The membrane of the drum. b. The cavity of the drum. c. The chain of bones, d. The tube leading into the throat (the Eustachian tube), e. The vestibule. /. /. Openings of two of the canals into the vestibule. The thin membranous parts in which the nerve is contained are supposed to be removed; see Fig. 4. g. The cochlea, h. Nerve of hearing. cles keep it in the most delicate adjustment to eacli varying impulse with which the air comes laden. One 40 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. of these muscles draws it tighter, the other loosens it, hy acting upon a chain of very small bones (Pig. 2, c), which pass, suspended as it were in mid air, and swinging with every breath, across the drum, from the membrane to the nerve. This chain of bones an- swers two purposes:—First, it receives vibrations from the membrane, and conveys them to the labyrinth; and secondly, it adjusts both the membrane, and the fluid which surrounds the nerve, to the various kinds and pitches of sound by which they are affected. Besides the membrane already described, there is a second smaller membrane opposite to it; that is, on the inner wall of the drum, which closes in the spiral canal before mentioned, in which one part of the nerve is spread out. The use of this second membrane is not yet fully determined. Lastly, a tube about two inches long leads from the drum into the throat, called, from its discoverer, Eustachius, the “Eustachian tube” (Fig. 2, d). The use of this tube is twofold. First, it supplies the drum with air, and keeps the membrane exactly balanced, and free to move, with equal air-pressure on each side; and, secondly, it carries off any fluid which may be in the drum, and prevents it from being choked by its own moisture. It is not always open, however, but is opened during the act of swallowing, by a. little THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 41 muscle which is attached to it just as it reaches the throat. Most persons can distinctly feel that this is the case, by gently closing the nose and swallowing; when a distinct sensation is felt in the ears. This sensation is due to a little air being drawn out of the ears through the open tube during swallowing ; and it lasts for a few minutes, unless the air is again restored by swallowing with the nose unclosed, which allows for the moment a free communication between the ear and the throat. "We thus see a reason for the tube being closed. If it were always open, all the sounds produced in the throat would pass directly into the drum of the ear and totally confuse us. AATe should hear every breath, and live in a constant bewilderment of internal sounds. At the same time the closure, being but a light contact of the walls of the tube, easily allows a slight escape of air from the drum, and thus not only facilitates and regulates the oscillations of the air before the vibrating membrane, but provides a safety-valve, to a certain extent, against the injurious influence of loud sounds. The chief use of the Eustachian tube is to allow a free interchange of air between the ear and the throat and this is exceedingly important; and it is very im- portant also that its use in this respect should be under- stood. Persons who go down in diving-bells soon begin 42 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. to feel a great pressure in tlie ears, and if the depth is great, the feeling becomes extremely painful. This arises from the fact, that in the diving-bell the pressure of the air is very much increased, in order to balance the weight of the water above; and thus it presses with great force upon the membrane of the drum, which, if the Eustachian tube has been kept closed, has only the ordinary uncompressed air on the inner side to sus- tain it. It is therefore forced inwards and put upon the stretch, and might be even broken. Many cases, indeed, have occurred of injury to the ear, producing permanent deafness, from descents in diving-bells, under- taken by persons ignorant of the way in which the ear is made; though the simple precaution of frequent swallowing suffices to ward off all mischief. For if the Eustachian tube is thus opened, again and again, as the pressure of the outside air increases, the same compressed air that exists outside passes also into the inside of the drum, and the membrane is equally pressed upon from both sides by the air, and so is free from strain. The same precaution is necessary in ascending mountains that are lofty, for then there is the same effect of stretching produced upon the membrane, though in the opposite way. The outside air becoming less and less condensed as a greater height is gained, the ordinary air contained within the drum presses upon THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 43 tlie membrane, which is thus insufficiently supported on the outside, and a similar feeling of weight and stretch- ing is produced. The conjuror’s trick of breaking a vase by a word rests on the same principle. The air is exhausted from within, and the thin though massive looking sides of the vase collapse by' the pressure of the air outside; and just as ever so small a hole made at the light moment in the side of the vase, would pre- vent the whole effect, so does swallowing, which makes a little hole, as it were, for the moment in the drum of the ear, prevent the in-pressing or out-pressing of the membrane. Mr. Tyndall, in his interesting book on Sound, tells us how he employed this precaution of swallowing, and with entire success, when, in one of his mountain excursions, the pressure on his ears became severely painful. Deafness during colds arises very often, though not always, from a similar cause. For when, owing to swelling of the throat, the Eustachian tube cannot be opened by its muscle, and so the air in the drum is not renewed, the air that is contained in it soon diminishes, and the outer air presses the membrane in, so that it cannot vibrate as it should. This is what has been sometimes called “ throat-deafness.55 The two little muscles that stretch and relax the membrane of the drum are shown in Fig. which 44 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. represents a horizontal section of the ear. Each of them passes through a little pulley of bone, and that which relaxes the membrane is shut up in bone alto- gether except its tendon. One moves the bone that Fig. 3. MUSCLES OE THE DEUM. a. The meatus, h. The membrane of the drum. c. The hone attached to the membrane (called from its form the malleus or “ham- mer”). d. The bone which is in contact with the labyrinth (called the stapes, or “stirrup*’). The hone which lies between these (see Fig. 2) is omitted; it is called the incus or “anvil.” e. The muscle which stretches the membrane ; its tendon passes found a little hook of hone, and then crosses the drum to he attached to the malleus. /. The muscle which relaxes the membrane (the bone being cut away to show it). It is attached to the stapes, which it turns slightly on its axis and draws outwards, g. g. The two membranous sacs which make up the vestibule, and which are on the same plan as in the salmon (see Fig. 1). h. The cochlea, i. The plate which winds around the central axis of the cochlea, and on which the nerve is spread out. This plate divides at its outer part into two layers, forming another very minute canal, k. The nerve, which is seen divided into its three branches. is attached to the membrane, drawing it inwards when it contracts; the other moves the bone which touches the fluid that surrounds the nerve, drawing it outwards, THE FACULTY OF HEALING. 45 and letting tlie membrane fall back again. It will be noticed tbat the membrane is not placed straight at the bottom of the passage, but slants inwards, and is besides drawn a little inwards at the centre, through being attached to a small rod of bone, about a third of an inch long, which keeps it in its position. (See a, Fig. 2.) This little rod is part of the movable chain of bones, and upon it the muscle which stretches the membrane acts. The membrane is held slightly on the stretch by a small firm band which passes with the tendon of this muscle across the drum. Thus it is kept in tune for ordinary sounds, without needing a constant action of the muscle. We may now leave the outer part of the ear, designed for conducting sound to the nerve, and turn again, for a minute, to the labyrinth in which the nerve comes out to meet the sound. (See Tig. 4.) The central sac or vestibule, and the three canals with their ex- pansions, we have already described. Besides the fine powder these parts contain, which is seen under the microscope to consist of little oval crystals scattered among the minute fibres of the nerve, they are pro- vided also in some cases, with a number of delicate hairs, by means of which the motions of the small crystals are no doubt rendered still more sensible. All these parts are hollowed in the solid bone—the 46 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. hardest bone in the body; it is called by anatomists the rockbone.* The delicate membrane in which the nerve is expanded lies in smooth rocky channels, floating in a limpid fluid, which at once surrounds and fills it. Fia. 4. THE LABYRINTH. a. Nerve passing to the cochlea, b. Nerve passing to the vestibule. c. The bone surrounding the vestibule and the semicircular canals, d. The sac of the vestibule, e. The membranous canals. /. /. The enlargements on the canals, in which, and in the vestibule, the nerve is expanded. This is separated from the drum by a thin wall of bone, and in this wall the chain of small bones that passes across the drum ends. The chain terminates in a little oval plate, moving lightly to and fro, like a minute * The “ petrous ” portion of the temple bone. The word is the same as that from which the Apostle Peter—the Eock—received his name. THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 47 piston in a very shallow cylinder. (See Fig. 3, d.) If this little piston will not move (which again may be a result of “ colds,})} there is another cause of deafness. One word we must still devote to tlie second part of the labyrinth—the shell-like spiral canal (or cochlea) Fig. 4. This, too, is hollowed in the bone, and its very form tells the story of its use. For as the canal, from being exceedingly minute, becomes larger and larger, it gives space for the arrangement of a series of little vibratile chords or fibres, of gradually increasing length (such as the wires of a pianoforte may roughly represent). These little fibres respond, each of them, to a certain pitch of sound, and are connected each with its own nervous twig. And as in the two turns and a half which the cochlea makes, there are many thousands of these vibratile fibres, ample provision is made for all the immense variety of notes and modulations which our ears are called on to receive. By means of the sac and the canals we are made conscious of mere noises, such as the tick of a watch or the rumbling of a waggon j by means of the cochlea we appreciate music and under- stand the voice.* * This is the view of the cochlea which Helmholtz has done so much to render probable. It is supported, not only by the minute anatomy of the organ, but by many curious peculiarities of hearing. There are per- sons living who can carry on conversation without much difficulty, but 48 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. Thus, according to the number of the fibres in the cochlea, and the pitch to which, we may say, they are tuned, will be the number and the pitch of the different sounds which we can distinguish; and this differs in different persons, especially in respect to the higher notes. There are many persons who hear well enough, yet who never heard the high shrill note of the cricket. And when a sound is made to rise gradually higher and higher, different persons cease to hear it at different times. This is but a poor and partial account of a wonderful organ, of which those who know most have still very much indeed to learn. There is much in it to excite our wonder; but, above all, we cannot but stand in amaze- ment before the question: How is it that the motion of the air, the vibration of the membrane, the trembling of the fluid, should impress us with the feeling of a sound; should hold us rapt as music does, or thrill us with ecstasy in the tones of a voice we love? That is the great mystery of all the senses. We cannot penetrate it yet; but we can feel, and ought to feel, how won- derful it makes the world. That which seems mere motion in the ear, and in the nerve, turns into joy or who cannot hear sounds of a high pitch, not even a railway whistle; and others who can hear a watch tick well, but can scarcely hear music or spoken words. 7HE FACULTY OF HEARING. 49 sorrow in the soul: it is the source and instrument of aspiration, the vehicle of prayer. If it is all this to us, what must it be to God, who made it, and knows it perfectly ? All the structures that have been described are means used to bring sound from the outer air to our brains, in order that we may hear. Every condition is fulfilled ; every step fully prepared for. Nothing is slurred over, nothing omitted, or half done. And it is so all through the world. There is no slovenliness in Nature’s work ; no grasping at quick ends, and grudging of the means; for every result the full equivalent is given. This is God s choice j the mode He takes of working. And he who tries or wishes to do otherwise, to take short cuts, or get results without full work performed, thinks himself wiser than his Maker. There are several things very commonly done which are extremely injurious to the ear, and ought to be carefully avoided. Those who have followed the pre- vious description will easily understand the reason. And first, children’s ears ought never to be boxed. We have seen that the passage of the ear is closed by a thin membrane, especially adapted to be influenced by every impulse of the air, and with nothing but the air to support it internally. What, then, can be more likely to injure this membrane than a sudden and PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. forcible compression of the air in front of it ? If any one designed to break or overstretch the membrane, be could scarcely devise a more effective means than to bring the hand suddenly and forcibly down upon the passage of the ear, thus driving the air violently before it, with no possibility for its escape but by the membrane giving way. And far too often it does give way, especially if, from any previous disease, it has been weakened. Many children are made deaf by boxes on the ear in this way. Nor is this the only way in which injury follows: if there is one thing which does the nerve of hearing more harm than almost any other, it is a sudden jar or shock. Children and grown persons alike may be entirely deafened by falls or heavy blows upon the head. And boxing the ears produces a similar effect, though more slowly and in less degree. It tends to dull the sensibility of the nerve, even if it does not hurt the membrane. I knew a pitiful case, once, of a poor youth who died from a disease of the ear. He had had a dis- charge from it since he was a child. Of course his hearing had been dull; and what had happened was that his father had often boxed his ear for inattention ! Most likely that boxing on the ear, diseased as it was, had much to do with his dying. And this brings me to the second point. Children THE FACULTY OF HEARING. should never be blamed for being inattentive, until it has been found out whether they are not a little deaf. This is easily done by placing them at a few yards’ distance, and trying whether they can under- stand what is said to them in a rather low tone of voice. Each ear should be tried, while the other is stopped by the finger. I do not say that children are never guilty of inattention, especially to that which they do not particularly wish to hear; but I do say that very many children are blamed and punished for inattention when they really do not hear. And there is nothing at once more cruel and more hurtful to the character of children than to be found fault with for what is really tlieii misfortune. Three things should be remembered heie : 1. That slight degrees of deafness, often lasting only for a time, are very common among children, especially during or after colds. 2. That a slight deaf- ness, which does not prevent a person from hearing when he is expecting to be spoken to,' will make him very dull to what he is not expecting: and 3. That there is a kind of deafness in which a person can hear pretty well while listening, but is really very hard of hearing when not listening. The chief avoidable cause of deafness is catching cold, and whatever keeps us from colds helps us to preserve our hearing. We should do, therefore, those things 52 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. that help to keep colds away: of which the first is taking plenty of fresh air; the second using enough, hut not too much, cold water all over us, taking especial care to rub ourselves thoroughly dry, and never to let it chill us; and the third is to avoid draughts and wet, especially sitting in wet clothes, or being in close or very heated rooms. Bat there are some kinds of colds especially hurtful to the ear. One is sitting with the ear exposed to a side wind, as too many people do now on the roofs of omnibuses, and so on. We should always face the wind; then, if we are not chilled, it is hard to have too much of it. Another hurtful thing is letting rain or sleet drive into the ear, against which, if it were not that people do sometimes suffer from this cause, it would seem as if it could hardly be necessary to caution them. Another source of danger to the ear, however, arises from the very precautions which are sometimes taken against those last mentioned. Nothing is more natural than to protect the ear against cold by covering it with a piece of cotton wool; and this is most useful if it is done only on occasions of special exposure, as when a person is compelled to encounter a driving storm, or has to receive on one side of the head the force of a cutting wind. But it is astonishing in how many cases the cotton wool thus used, instead of being removed THE FACULTY OF HEARING. from the ear when the need for it has passed, is pushed down into the passage, and remains there, forming itself an obstruction to hearing, and becoming the cause of other mischiefs. Three separate pieces have sometimes been found thus pushed down, one upon the other. Paper rolled up, which is also used for protecting the ear when cotton wool is not at hand, is still more irritating when it is thus left unremoved. The way to avoid this accident, besides being careful not to forget, is to use a large piece of the wool, and to place it over,' rather than in, the passage. It should be remembered that constantly covering up the ear is adapted to injure it. On the whole, men, in whom the ear is habitually exposed, suffer if anything less from ear-disease than women, in whom it is so often covered. Nor can the “ hat ” be held an unsafe head-dress in this respect for the latter sex. But it is important that there should not be frequent changes, especially in cold weather, from a head-dress which covers to one which exposes the ear. It is better that the air should always have free access to it; but if this has not been the case, the summer should be chosen to make the change. All sorts of substances are sometimes put into the ear by children, who do it to themselves or to each other in ignorant play. If every parent and teacher warned his PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. children against doing this it would not be a useless precaution. When the accident happens, the chief danger is that o£ undue haste and violence. Such bodies should be removed by syringing with warm water alone, and no attempt should be made to lay hold of them or move them in any other way. It is enough to reflect, again, that the passage of the ear is closed by a delicate membrane to show the reason for this rule. When no severe pain follows, no alarm need be felt. It is important that the substance should be removed as speedily as is quite, safe, but there need never be impatience; nor should disappointment be felt if syringing needs to be repeated on many days before it effects its end. It will almost invariably succeed at last in the hands of a medical man, and is most effective if the ear is turned downwards, and syringed from below. Now and then an insect gets into the ear and causes great pain: the way to get rid of it is to pour oil into the ear. This suffocates the insect. There is another danger arising from boyish sports. Snowballs sometimes strike the ear, and the snow remaining in it sets up inflammation. This danger is increased by a practice which should be inadmissible, that of mixing small stones with the snow, which thus effect a lodgment in the ear. Care should be taken that no water remains in the passage. THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 55 Among the causes of injury to the ear must un- fortunately be reckoned bathing. Not that this most healthful and important pleasure need therefore be in the least discouraged; but it should be wisely regulated. Staying too long in the water certainly tends to produce deafness as well as other evils; and it is a practice against which young persons of both sexes should be carefully on their guard. But independently of this, swimming and floating are attended with a certain danger from the difficulty of preventing the entrance of Water into the ear in those positions. Now no cold fluid should ever enter the ear; cold water is always more or less irritating, and if used for syringing rapidly produces extreme giddiness. In the case of warm water its entrance into the ear is less objectionable, but even this is not free from disadvantage. Often the water lodges m the ears and produces an uncomfortable sensation till it is removed: this should always be taken as a sign of danger. That the risk to hearing from unwise bathing is not a fancy, is proved by the fact, well known to lovers of dogs, that those animals, if in the habit of jumping or being thrown into the water, so that their heads are covered, frequently become deaf. A know- ledge of the danger is a sufficient guard. To be safe it is only necessary to keep the water from entering the ear. If this cannot be accomplished otherwise, the head 56 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. may be covered. It should be added, however, that wet hair, whether from bathing or washing, may be a cause of deafness if it be suffered to dry by itself. Whenever wetted, the hair should be wiped till it is fairly dry. Nor ought the practice of moistening the hair with water to make it curl to pass without remonstrance. To leave wet hair about the ears is to run great risk of injuring them. In the washing of children, too, care should be taken that all the little folds of the outer ear are carefully dried, and gently, with a soft towel. But I come now to what is probably the most fre- quent way in which the ears are injured: that is, by the attempt to clean them. It ought to be understood that the passage of the ear does not require cleaning by us. Nature undertakes that task, and in the healthy state fulfils it perfectly. Her means for cleansing the ear is the wax. Perhaps the reader has never wondered what becomes of the ear-wax. I will tell him. It dries up into thin fine scales, and these peel off one by one from the surface of the passage, and fall out impercep- tibly, leaving behind them a perfectly clean smooth surface. In health the passage of the ear is never dirty; but if we attempt to clean it, we infallibly make it so. Here—by a strange lack of justice, as it would seem, which, however, has no doubt a deep justice at the bottom—the best people, and those who love cleanliness, THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 57 suffer most, and good and careful nurses do a mischief negligent ones avoid. Washing the ear out with soap and Water is bad; it keeps the wax moist when it ought to become dry and scaly, increases its quantity unduly, and makes it absorb the dust with which the air always abounds. But the most hurtful thing is introducing the corner of the towel screwed up, and twisting it round. .This does more barm to ears than all other mistakes together. It drives down the wax upon the membrane much more than it gets it out. Let any one who doubts this make a tube like the passage, especially with the curves which it possesses; let him put a thin membrane at one end, smear its inner.surface with a substance like the ear-wax, and then try to get it out so by a towel! But this plan does much more mischief than merely piessing down the wax. It irritates the passage, and makes it cast off small flakes of skin, which dry up, and become extremely hard, and these also are pressed down upon the membrane. Often it is not only deafness which ensues, but pain and inflammation, and then matter is formed which the hard mass prevents from escaping, and the membrane becomes diseased, and worse may follow. The ear should never he cleaned out with the screwed-up corner of a towel. Washing should extend only to the outer surface, as far as the finger can reach. Ear-picks, again, are bad. If there is any desire to 58 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. use them it shows that the ear is unhealthy; and it wants soothing, not picking. And there is another dan- ger from introducing any solid thing into the ear. The hand may get a push, and it may go to far. Many is the membrane that has thus been broken by a bodkin. Sportsmen sometimes have their membrane pierced by turning suddenly while getting through a hedge. And it even happens that a boy at school may put a pen close to another’s ear, in play, and call to him to make him turn his head; and the pen pierces the membrane. Very loud sounds may cause deafness, too. Artillery- men, and also eager sportsmen, and very zealous volun- teers, incur a danger from this cause. It is well to stop the ears when exposed to loud sounds, if possible; also to avoid belfries when the bells are about to ring. A man who was once shut up in one, became stone deaf before the peal was done. The sound of guns is more injurious to those who are in a confined space with them, and also if the mouth be open. Injury from loud sounds, also, is much more likely to occur if they are unexpected; for if they are anticipated, the membrane is prepared for them, without our knowledge, by its muscles. At certain points on the Rhine, it is, or was, the custom of the captain of the steamboat to fire a small cannon, to exhibit the echo. When this has been done without due warning, it has proved more than THE FACULTY OF HEARING. 59 once a cause of lasting deafness. Sometimes these loud sounds rupture the membrane; sometimes they deaden the nerve; the former is the least evil. It is a bad practice, also, to put cotton-wool soaked m laudanum or chloroform into the ear for the relief of toothache. It may be sometimes effectual, for the ner- vous connection between the teeth and the ear is very close. But the ear is far too delicate and valuable an organ to be used as a medium for the application of strong remedies for disorders of other and less important parts; and laudanum, and more especially chloroform, are powerful irritants. The teeth should be looked after m and for themselves, and if toothache spreads to the oar, that is the more reason for taking them thoroughly m hand; for prolonged pain in the head, arising from the teeth, may itself injure the hearing. When a child’s ear becomes painful, as it so often does, everything should be done to soothe it, and all strong irritating applications should be avoided. Pieces of hot fig or onion should not be put in; but dry flannels as hot as can be borne should be applied, with poppy fomentation if the pain does not soon subside. How much children suffer from their ears unpitied because unknown, it would probably wring the hearts of those who love them suddenly to discover. It is often very hard, even for medical men, to ascertain PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. that the cause of a young child’s distress is seated in the ear, and frequently a sudden discharge from it, with a cessation of pain, first reveals the secret of a mysterious attack, which has really been an inflammation of the drum. The watchfulness of a parent, however, would probably suffice to detect the cause of suffering if directed to this point, as well as to others. If children cry habitually when their ears are washed, that should not be neglected; there is, most likely, some cause of pain. Many membranes are destroyed from discharges which take place during fc teething.” Whenever there is a discharge of matter from the ear, it would be right to pour in warm water night and morning, and so at least to try and to keep it clean. But into the treatment of diseases of the ear it would not be suitable to enter here. 111. TEE EYE AND SIGHT. Sight is perhaps, taken singly, the most valuable of our natural faculties. To the lower animals and to uncivil- ized man it is of an importance which it is not easy to exaggerate; but it has become to ourselves, through the introduction of writing and of the printing press, of— shall I say?—tenfold worth. The high value set upon the eye is indicated by many figurative expressions in daily use; and every one must have noticed the instinctive pride we all feel in the possession of good sight. People "will boast of their sight who are beyond boasting of anything else; and those who unfortunately are obliged to admit that now the faculty is failing, will still find comfort in assuring you that in early life they were “ remarkable for strong sight.” Those whose sight has failed, almost always date the commencement of their defect quite recently, often long since the time at which it must have begun. Whilst this instinctive sense of its value renders some people painfully apprehensive as to very slight symptoms, it renders others—and the majority—absolutely unable to admit, even to them- -4 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 62 selves, that there is anything the matter. Surgeons who practise in diseases of the eye often meet with curious illustrations of this, and often have difficulty in convincing those who have in reality lost half of what they ought to possess, that they are not rich. Observing the immensely increased value of sight to civilized men, it is a matter of congratulation that blindness is far less frequent among them than among savages. With a little allowance for the effects of climate and of occupations, it may be asserted that the higher the civilization, the smaller the proportion of those who are blind, or who suffer from irremediable defects of sight. In England, perhaps, it is smaller than in any other part of the world. In Egypt, India, China, and Japan, the number is very large indeed; and one of the most valuable qualifications of the medical missionary is a knowledge of this part of surgery. The way in which civilization brings about this splendid result— one for which we can never be too thankful—is partly by improving the general sanitary state, diet, clothing, etc., but chiefly by the increased care of the organs and the scientific treatment of their diseases. Even in England there is still much that might be done towards the preservation of this valuable faculty, were the true nature of its disorders better understood; and it is not only amongst medical men that a wider THE EYE AND SIGHT. 63 diffusion o£ knowledge in tliis matter is to be desired, but also amongst tbe public at large. In tbe following article tbe endeavour will be made, not only to exbibit tbe eye and its endowments as an interesting lesson in physiology, but also to supply information as to some of tbe common causes of its failure, and tbe best means for tbeir prevention or remedy. We will speak first of tbe parts wbicb are seen on looking at tbe front of tbe eye. In order to better understand and remember wbat is described, tbe reader will do well to borrow a friend’s face for a few minutes’ close examination. First we bave The Eyelids. These are two movable folds of skin intended to protect tbe eye. In order to stiffen them and make them fit well, there is placed in each a narrow strip of gristle (or cartilage). You will observe that tbe upper lid covers tbe eye rather more than tbe lower; that tbe edge of tbe lower lid is nearly straight—that of tbe upper arched; and, lastly, that tbe upper lid moves more freely than tbe lower one. Tbe upper lid can be lifted at will considerably; but tbe lower one can be but very little drawn down. Both can be moved freely in tbe act of closing tbe eye. Tbe upper lid has a special muscle by wbicb it is lifted. Tbe muscle by wbicb we close tbe lids is common to 64 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. both. Under each lid there is a sort of pouch, or hollow, which may be easily seen in the case of the lower lid by drawing it down. Into these pouches little particles of dirt, insects’ wings, bits of chaff, straw, etc., sometimes get, and there lie hid, causing much irritation to the eye. From such positions they are Fm. 1 THE EYELIDS WITH LASHES, ETC. often difficult to dislodge. They lie out of sight, and it is necessary to turn the lid over to expose and re- move them. This should be done by a surgeon. If surgical aid be not at hand, it is sometimes possible, by taking a hair and doubling it, and then pushing the noose up under the lid, to draw them out.* * These remarks apply only when the intruding body is under the lid, not when it is simply on the front of the eye. From the latter situation THE EYE AND SIGHT. 65 At their outer comer the two lids meet and join at a sharp angle, but at the inner corner they do not quite meet, but leave a little round space between them. In this inner corner you will observe a red, fleshy- looking mass, about the size of a pea; this is a gland, which is of much larger size in some of the lower animals than it is in man. It is in the little pond, or hollow, which exists at the inner comer of the lids, that the tears collect before they escape away into the nose. When a person cries, the tears are so freely poured forth, that they cannot all escape by the channels to which I refer, and, in consequence, run over the cheeks. In a certain sense we may be said, however, to be always crying quietly. Tears are constantly being formed, and having passed over the surface of the eye, escape without observation into little channels which lead into the nose. A sharp-sighted person may easily find the opening (close to the inner corner of the lower eyelid) into which the tears enter. The lid must be held down, and it will then be seen as a round dot, about large enough to admit a pin. There is another the best way to remove it is to oil the end of a finger, and then carefully touch the eye; this is easily borne, if gently done. The finger end may be covered with a soft handkerchief; its front surface, not its tip should be used. Olive oil or castor oil will do; the latter is the better for the purpose. 66 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. in the upper lid, but it is not so easy to find. If a pin were pressed into this little hole, it might, if dex- terously managed, be made to find its way inwards Fig. 2. THE EYELIDS WITHOUT LASHES, ETC. {From Quain’s Plates.) a, a. The openings of the tubes for the escape of tears. 6. The little pond at the angle of the lids in which is placed the body known as the “ caruncle.” and downwards into the nose, for there is an open tube or channel the whole way. Many troublesome diseases result from the stopping up or narrowing of these delicate canals, the chief symptom of which is the over- flow of tears on any slight irritation—such, for instance, as exposure to wind. THE EYE AND SIGHT. 67 As regards the formation of tears, it is necessary to remark that, although formed in part by a sort of oozing from the whole surface of the eye, they are chiefly poured out by a large gland provided for that special purpose, and placed deeply above and to the outer side of the eyeball. From its position, the water it forms must pass over the surface of the eye before it can escape at the inner corner. By this arrangement the eye is better washed, and any particles of dust, etc., arc carried away. , At the margins of the lids we have the lashes ; certain rows of stout hairs which grow in beautiful curves, and which serve both to adorn the features and to protect the eye. Close to the roots of the lashes there are, as is the case with all hairs, certain little glands, which form a sort of oil, and allow it to escape upon the hair, so as to keep it from drying and cracking. Near to the roots of the lashes, but not actually opening upon them, are also other and larger glands, which form a kind of wax; this being poured out at the edge of the lid keeps it always coated, and thus prevents the tears from running over it. You may see these glands by drawing the lower lid down. They look like little yellow streaks about a quarter of an inch long, and appear to be somewhat knotted. In the woodcut we have shown, first, an inner row of 68 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. small holes, the openings of the glands, and, secondly, a number of yet smaller holes outside these, and ar- ranged rather irregularly in two or three rows; these are the openings from which the hairs have been pulled out. At the inner corner of both upper and lower lid, a large black dot marks the opening of the canal for the escape of the tears towards the nose. All these glands are liable in certain states of the health, and especially after measles in delicate children, to inflame, and a sore-looking red edge to the lid is then produced. To cure this, in bad cases, surgeons often pull out all the lashes, and sometimes repeat the process several times. The lashes always grow again, and usually better than before. About six weeks is long enough for them to be reproduced in full perfection. Now look at THE FRONT OF THE EYE ITSELF. You will notice a round part like a watch-glass, about the size of a sixpence, and set in a white structure which surrounds it. This white structure extends backwards out of sight completely round the eyeball, and is its chief coat or wall. It is called the sclerotic, from a Greek word, signifying that it is dense and strong. The clear part, which I have compared to a watch-glass, is called the “ cornea/* Through this clear cornea you look into the eye, and we now have to observe two parts, the black part in the middle, called the “ pupil,** THE EYE AND SIGHT. 69 and the coloured part which surrounds it, called the “iris.” The cornea is convex, like a watch-glass; the iris is flat, like the watch-face. Between the cornea and the iris a few drops of clear water are placed. Now let us try the effect of light upon the iris and pupil. Close one eye altogether; shade the other with the hand for half a minute; and then suddenly expose it to a bright light. You will find that the pupil enlarges very much when shaded, and closes when exposed to light. This is effected by the iris, which is a sort of screen, attached only at its rim, and with a hole (the pupil) punched through its middle. In noticing its contraction on exposure to light, you have learnt the chief use of the iris; it is a shade intended to shut off glare, and to regulate the quantity of light admitted. Look at the pupil of a young child, and compare it with that of an adult, and then with that of an old person. You will find the child’s large, that of the adult smaller, and that of the old man very small, perhaps little larger than a pin’s head. The size and brilliant blackness of the pupil have much more to do with the expression of the eye than has the colour of the iris. Hence ‘ the comparative want of expression and of lustre in the eyes of old persons and much of the sparkling beauty of the eyes of the young. An unusually large pupil generally implies 70 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. delicacy of constitution. The fact that it gives ex- pression to the eye has, however, been so fully recog- nised, that, in Italy, ladies are reported to employ a drug for the purpose of obtaining it. This drug has from that circumstance received the name of “bella- donna,” or “ the beautiful lady.” It is needless to say, however, that its use confuses the sight, and that such fancied beauty is very unwisely purchased. Now let us look closely at the iris, and admire the beauty of its structure. That the colour of the iris may vary in different persons, every one knows; for it is this structure which gives what is called the colour of the eye. You will see, on minute inspection, that its colour varies at different parts in the same person, and also that it presents various lines and markings of great complexity and beauty. The iris, although a great aid to distinct vision, is not essential; and now and then persons are born without it, who still enjoy tolerable sight. The iris is about as thick as stout blotting-paper; and, whatever may be its colour in front, it is always of a deep brown, almost black, behind. I have already said that the pupil (the black round part in the middle) is merely a hole through the iris. It looks black, just as a hole into a dark room would do; but the structures behind it are quite clear and THE EYE AND SIGHT. colourless. It is through, this hole, the pupil of the eye, that the rays of light enter. With this brief description of the pupil and iris, ends what I have to say as to the structures which can be seen on looking into another person's eye. Before proceeding to explain the yet more important ones which lie out of view, I must ask attention to a few other points. The eye, as every one knows, is "a very sensitive organ.” Why is this ? Because it is richly supplied with nerves. Every movement of the eyelids, every alteration in the size of the pupil, is accomplished through the means of these nerves, which, like so many microscopic telegraph-wires, connect the various parts, and send messages between them with vast rapidity. Is there too much light, the iris is ordered to contract; is the glare extreme, the lids also are made to close. The influence of the nerves does not, however, end here. Through their power the flow of tears may be increased or lessened. If a particle of dust is lodged in the eye, pain is the result; and this pain, quite apart from any effort of the will, makes the eye water, causes an overflow of tears, by which probably the offending body is washed off. Most persons are aware that one of the best ways of dealing with a gnat in the eye is to close the lids for a minute or PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. 72 two. A large accumulation of tears is tlie result, and on suddenly opening the lids the offending midge is carried away in the deluge. In Fig. 3 we see exposed some of the nerye-trunks Fig. 3. AN EYEBALL PARTIALLY DISSECTED. (From Holden's “ Anatomy.") The thick white outer coat, sclerotic (a), has been cut away in most parts. In front the iris and pupil are seen {b, the iris). External to the iris is a ring of whitish structure, the ciliary muscle (c). At the back of the eyeball the great nerve of sight, the optic nerve, is seen entering the globe, and around it are twigs (d) of small nerves, which run forwards to supply the iris, ciliary muscle, etc. These nerves (e and c) are seen again after they have pierced the sclerotic. Under the nerve-trunks are seen the beautifully branching vessels which compose one of the inner coats of the eye (the choroid). which supply the eye. Each one of these, although not thicker than a hair, would he found, on inspection THE EYE AND SIGHT. 73 with a microscope, to consist of a bundle of very minute tubes, each isolated from its companion by a sheath, much as telegraph wires are cased in gutta- percha and then put together in one rope. These nerve-tubes have different duties to perform—some carry to the brain the sense of pain or other feelings (nerves of sensation), others carry from the brain orders to act, either to muscles or to glands. It is by these latter or motor nerves that the pupil is altered in size, and that we are able to fit the eye at one moment for looking at a distant prospect, at another for reading the smallest print. It is by the nerves which act on the glands that we regulate the flow of tears in crying, and by the irritation of which the eye “ waters ” when anything has got into it. If a certain branch of nerve were paralysed, the power of shedding tears on that side would cease, and the patient would be placed in the ludicrous position of being able to cry only with one eye. Such cases occur now and then. I have omitted to say anything as to what may be called the skin of the eye. The lids are lined, and the front of the eyeball covered, by a very delicate, almost transparent membrane, which differs chiefly from skin in that it is constantly kept moist. It is con- tinuous with the skin of the eyelids at their edges. On the front of the cornea it is quite transparent and 74 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. invisible; but it is still there, as is proved in the case of serpents, which shed their skins once a year, and with it a perfect and unbroken membrane from the front of the eye. It is this membrane which chiefly carries the blood-vessels, and which becomes red in cases of inflammation. It is also well supplied with nerves. This membrane is technically called the conjunctiva, because it connects and covers in all the other struc- tures. Every one must have noticed how readily, even in persons in good health, the eyes sympathize with any slight disturbance. A bad night, or any temporary nervous exhaustion, will make the eyes feel heavy and “ gritty,” and will cause the lids to look swollen and red at the edges. The “lack-lustre eye” is proverbial; and to the general expression of “ seediness ” which follows a night of dissipation, the eye contributes perhaps more than any other part of the physiognomy. All these little changes are brought about by the influence of the nerves on the blood-vessels and other structures of the parts. In almost every village there is some Lady Bountiful to whom the poor resort for “ eye-water,” when they need it. It is related of a French quack doctor, that having realised a large fortune by the sale of a secret remedy for ophthalmia, he was on his death-bed the THE EYE AND SIGHT. 75 subject of mucb compunction on the score that Ins specific had been, as he then explained, only river- water coloured. His surgeon told him to quiet his qualms, and assured him that it would be well for the public if all nostrums for this purpose were equally harmless. I think the surgeon was too severe. The household remedies in vogue usually consist of some weak mineral solution—alum, sulphate of zinc, and the like; and these remedies are very suitable to a large proportion of slight inflammations of the eye. Their chief evil is, not that they do actual harm, but that they often prevent those who ought to obtain proper and well-skilled advice from doing so sufficiently- early. For slight colds in the eye, weak astringents such as those mentioned, or such as cold tea (a very popular remedy), are quite suitable; but let me enforce the rule, that on no account should they be trusted to when there is much pain or redness in the eye, nor in the inflammations which occur in infants. Here I may suitably explain the real meaning of some expressions in popular use as regards diseases of the eye. A “ blood-shot eye ” is an eye in which the minute blood-vessels are much enlarged, and thus parts which should have been white become more or less red This condition generally implies inflammation. 76 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. A “watery eye,” or—wliat is sometimes synonymous —a weak eye, means the condition produced when, owing to the stoppage of the minute channels for the tears, the latter find their way over the cheek. The term “weak eye” is often applied to states of long persisting inflammation of the roots of the eyelashes. “White specks on the eyes” are produced whenever ulcers on the cornea, which ought to he perfectly clear, have healed and left scars. Such white specks are the natural result of the healing process, and are quite inevitable after many inflammations. As the ulcer heals, it becomes whiter and whiter; and then, after a long time, the film slowly clears away, and, in the course of years, may almost disappear. No surgical art can take these specks away, though certain operations may sometimes be performed for obviating their effect on sight. A “cast” or “squint” is said to exist whenever the direction of one eye does not correspond with that of the other. In a state of health, the two eyes move together with admirable and instantaneous precision. If they did not do so, we should see two objects in- stead of one. A squint may occur either inwards or outwards. When inwards, which is by far the more common, the person becomes “ cross-eyed,” and obtains a peculiar sly expression, as if he were anxious to look THE EYE AND SIGHT. 77 in two places at once. When the squint is outwards, the defect in expression is greater, for it makes the countenance look somewhat silly and vacant. The move- ments of the eyeballs are accomplished by little slender muscles which adhere to its sides, and pull it, now in one direction, now in another. These muscles are Fig. 4. THE FOUR STRAIGHT MUSCLES OF THE EYE, (From Holden's “Anatomy,") The muscles are here shown lifted up from the ball, to exhibit their attachment on its front surface, not far behind the edge of the cornea and iris. chiefly four (see Fig. 4), one above, one below, and one on each side. The reader must not suppose that they stand off from the eye, as shown in the woodcut; on the contrary, they fit closely to its sides, like narrow strips of india-rubber on the sides of a marble. If any one of these muscles becomes either stronger or weaker PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. than its antagonist on the other side, a squint is pro- duced. .Surgeons cure squints by simply cutting the stronger muscle through, and thus weakening its hold on the eye. The operation is, to a dexterous hand, quite a simple one, and of course does not involve, as some fancy, “taking the eye out and turning it/’ Most persons who squint require spectacles, and many squints might be prevented by their timely use. As I have said that unless the two eyes move accu- rately together, we see objects double, it will perhaps occur as a difficulty to some who may have experience of squinting, that these persons are not usually troubled with double vision. The explanation is this: When a squint first occurs, all objects are seen double. This is extremely perplexing and tiresome, and, to get rid of it, one eye learns not to see, or, to speak in pro- fessional language, one image is suppressed. Thus squinters use only one eye at a time. A very curious and instructive result follows on this disuse. The eye which is intentionally made to remain idle becomes almost blind. Now, if an eye had been disused in consequence of a large speck in front of it, or a cataract, it might have remained so for twenty years, and not have become blind; so great is the difference in result from enforced and from voluntary disuse ! A sermon might be preached on this text. What a warning THE EYE AND SIGHT. 79 for tlie idle, and also for tlie ascetic ! that we cannot voluntarily decline to use any of the faculties with which we are endowed, without risk of entire loss of that which we thus neglect! We will proceed to try a few easy experiments. Ist Exp.—Look through the window, standing within a foot of the pane, and fix your sight on the particles of dust on the latter. By an effort, you can see them definitely and sharply. Now look out into the street or garden, hut exactly in the same direction. You will find that when doing so you lose sight of the specks on the pane, and that to see them again you have to alter your eye, so that you do not see the distant objects. It is clear that your eye when looking at a near object and at a distant one is in different conditions. Now take an opera-glass or a child’s telescope, and having adjusted it accurately for some object at a great distance, try to use it for a near one. You will find that the same adjustment will not do, and that you must alter the screw. Surely there is something in your eye which has the same effect as the screw of the opera-glass, and by altering its adjustment gives you the power of see- ing accurately at one time the most distant objects, at others the nearest. We have said the nearest; but no there is a limit here. It does not matter how far objects are off, provided they are large enough; the PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. stars, the moon, etc., you can see them clearly, but not so with near objects. Try this page. Nearer than eight inches (if you have properly formed eyes) you cannot without a sense of straining effort read the type, and nearer than five all is blurred and indistinct. The same occurs with the opera-glass. You cannot by its screw adapt it for very near objects. With it, as with your eye, there is a limit to " adjustment ” or “ accom- modation.” We have found, then, that it is in looking at near objects that an effort has to be made, and hence the reason why small objects near to one are so trying to the eyes, whilst a distant prospect rests and strengthens them. Before we examine how accommodation is effected we must try another experiment. 2nd Exp.—Take any strong magnifying glass, and hold it at a little distance from a wall in front of a well- lighted window. You will find that it depicts upon the wall a much reduced picture of the window, and that this picture becomes bright or blurred according to your care in holding the glass at the correct distance. You cannot move it ever so little, either forwards or back- wards, without disturbing the brightness of the image. Notice that the image is wrong side up, or inverted. Now the eye consists essentially of a magnifying glass thus used, and it paints pictures within itself exactly in the same manner. Certain parts are of course added to THE EYE AND SIGHT. 81 it, which much facilitate the performance, but the lens power is the essential. The lens is inclosed in a dark Fig. 6. i. SECTION OJ? THE EYEBALL FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. a. The anterior chamber bounded in front by the cornea, h. The posterior chamber, c. The canal of Petit at the edge of the lens. d. The iris. e. The ciliary processes. /. The ciliary canal, g. The ciliary muscle (muscle of accommodation), ft. The sclerotic, i.j. The two layers of the choroid, k. The retina. I. The optic nerve. N.B.—The lines in the vitreous humour represent its framework, but it must not be supposed that it is crossed by dark lines, as here shown; on the contrary, this framework, like the substance it incloses, is perfectly transparent. chamber, so that the brilliancy of the picture may not be damped by rays of light coming sideways; the iris is provided in front to regulate the quantity of light ad- mitted j and lastly, wo have a nerve-surface to receive 82 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. tlie picture, and nerve-trunks to convey tlie impression to tlie brain. The lens power of the eye is produced in part by the cornea and its contents, in part by the “lens” itself, and in part by the vitreous humour be- hind it. Their combined power is about equal to a magnifying glass of one inch focus. You will see in Fig. 5 how they are arranged. Now let us try to explain how “ accommodation ” is effected. In the case of the opera-glass it is done by the screw, which increases or lessens the distance of the Fig. 6. glasses from each other. In the eye we have no screw, nor is it possible to materially alter the distance of the parts from each other. The result is gained by making the lens itself more powerful at one time than at another. This lens is placed just behind the pupil, and is about the size and shape of a small “ acid-drop.” It is of firm structure, but not hard, and is capable of being squeezed so as to become more convex. Fig. 6 shows its shape and size after removal from the eye. In Fig. sit is seen in place in the eye. Accommodation is, then, effected THE EYE AND SIGHT. by making this structure more or less convex, and tliis is done by a muscle which exists within the eye and surrounds the margin of the lens (see Figs. 3 and 5). Why accommodation should be necessary, we will next try to explain. Every object that you can see becomes visible by the rays of light which it either gives off or reflects. Lu- minous objects, the sun, a candle, etc., originate their own rays; all others reflect those which they have re- ceived. If an object reflected no light, it would be black, and invisible. The type which you are now read- ing is in a strict sense invisible; it is the white spaces between the letters which reflect the light, and which are really seen. Now, rays of light always proceed in straight lines; they are capable, as we have seen, of being reflected or thrown back by any surface on which they strike; they are capable, also, let us now assert, of being refracted or bent out of their usual course by any transparent substance through which they pass. Trans- parent substances refract light in differing degrees according to their degree of density, and according to their external form. Our next assertion shall be, that all rays of light radiate, or, in other words, proceed from a point forwards in all possible directions. Make a dot near the edge of a sheet of paper, and then with a ruler draw as many straight lines from it as you 84 PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. possibly can, none of them quite touching anywhere but at the point of starting. This will give a gopd idea of how rays of light diverge, and how a pencil of formed. You will easily see that in no position pupil of the eye possibly receive all the rays of that the farther off it was carried, the. fewer it would get. You may notice, also, in the diagram which you have Fig. 7. DIAGEAM OF AN EYEBALL OF EXACTLY NATURAL LENGTH. [From Bonders.) Parallel rays are brought to a focus (