AN ABSTRACT OF PHYSIOLOGY FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS. BY PAUL B. BARRINGER, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Physiology, University of Virginia. (Second Edition.) ANDERSON BROS., PUBLISHERS: University of Virginia. 1899. Copyrighted in 1899, by Paul B. Barringer, University of Virginia. CONTENTS. Chapter I. General l-26 Chapter 11. The Animal Tissues 26-52 Chapter 111. The Chemistry of the Body 54-64 Chapter IV. The Function of Circulation 66-98 Chapter V. The Blood and Lymph Glands 98-114 Chapter VI. The Function of Respiration 116-158 Chapter VII. The Function of Digestion 158-206 Chapter VIII. The Skin and its Functions 206-226 Chapter IX. The Kidney and its Functions. 228-258 Chapter X. Metabolic Phenomena 260-278 Chapter XI. The Contractile Tissues 280-294- Chapter XII. The General Nervous System 294-312 The Spinal Cord 314-330 Chapter XIII. The Cranial Nerves 332-360 Chapter XIV. The Brain and its Functions 360-380 Chapter XV. Perversions of the Cord, etc.. ..' 380-394 Chapter XVI. The Minor Senses 396-414 Chapter XVII. Chapter XVIII. The Sense of Hearing- 416-436 Chapter XIX. The Sense of Sight 438-468 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. This little work was originally written to take the place of the usual students’ notes in the course of lec- tures on medical physiology in this University. The great difficulty experienced by students, even good students, in following lectures when compelled to take notes, and the utter inability of others to take notes at all, was my only excuse for presenting in this abridged form the elementary principles of Medical Physiology. From time to time there has been added to this work practical suggestions which pertain to therapeutics, practice, surgery, etc., with the result that the writer now believes it to be, as far as it goes, a practical physiology. The work presupposes a knowledge of chemistry, anatomy and histology, and is written pri- marily for the student, at the same time the writer has endeavored not to forget that the student of to-day is the practitioner of the morrow and to shape his in- struction accordingly. To allow the student the exer- cise of his own powers, and to give him room for the insertion of such notes as a rapidly growing science demands, alternate pages are left blank. My obligations to the standard text books of the day are palpable and are hereby acknowledged. University of Virginia, P. B. Barringer. October ist, iSgg. Physiology CHAPTER I. Physiology, meaning literally, a “discourse on nature,” is practically for the medical man a study of the functions or actions of the various organs and tissues that make up the living body, in contradistinc- tion to the study of the forms and structure of these organs and tissues, as given in anatomy and histology. The appropriate work of each organ is here spoken of as its function. Hence we speak of physiology as the “science of the functions of life.” Naturally the question arises, “what is life?” No satisfactory answer to this question can be given. All that we know is that, so long as there is a harmonious perform- ance of the functions in organized bodies, we observe in them a series of continuous manifestations of activity, which from experience we recognize as peculiar to living things, and hence call these manifestations vital phenomena. When, however, there is serious disturb- ance or lack of harmony in the performance of certain of these functions, they all soon cease, never to begin again ; and we call such bodies no longer living. In short, the harmonious performance of function is what we call life, and its antithesis, death. The more per- fect the harmony of action the better the physiological state, i. e., the health, of the individual ; while serious lack of harmony soon gives rise to those perverted states of body condition to which we apply the terms ill health or disease, and which continued gives death. PHYSIOLOGY 7 8 PHYSIOLOGY From another standpoint, life may be described as “the adjustment of internal actions to meet changes in external conditions”. This definition takes cognizance of the fact that life first appeared upon the earth in simple form, that it has been transmitted by inherit- ance through countless generations to all forms now found upon the earth, and that the status of any present living form in the scale of life is fixed by the capacity of its antecedents to meet the diurnal, seasonal, meteo- rological and other changes necessarily encountered. This means that man, the chief subject of our discus- sion, as he stands to-day, is physically, at least, the resultant of a series of progressive changes induced by varying environment. A very natural inquiry is “whence comes this simple initial life on earth ?” The experience of mankind is limited to the continua- tion of life from antecedent life. The most careful scientific investigation demonstrates the present impos- sibility of “spontaneous generation”. The logical result of these facts is that life first appeared upon the earth as the result of some force more potent than any now known as acting in this field and under conditions which, as nature is now constituted, seem impossible. A good scientific name for such a force would be the OMNIPOTENT and for the act the Creation. “Mathematics and dynamics fail us when we contem- plate the earth fitted for life but lifeless and try to imagine the commencement of life upon it. This cer- tainly did not take place from any action of chemistry or electricity or crystalline grouping of molecules under the influence of force, or by any possible kind of fortuitous concourse of atoms. We must pause face to face with the mystery and miracle of the creation of living creatures. ” Ford Kelvin. PHYSIOLOGY 9 10 PHYSIOLOGY The Evidences of Life, briefly put, are as follows: (1.) A peculiar chemical composition. (2.) Peculiar structural aad physical properties. We find, however, that the above evidences of life are not peculiar to animal organisms, but are presented with almost equal force by vegetable forms. Before taking up the evidence of life in detail, we will note the relations between animal and vegetable life. While nothing could be more dissimilar than, for example, a horse and a tree, the two kingdoms which these rep- resent gradually blend, until we reach a point at which it becomes impossible to determine to which kingdom a certain representative belongs. It has been proposed to establish an intermediate kingdom, to which all these doubtful forms shall be assigned ; but so gradually do these forms merge one into the other, that this would be but the formation of two doubtful boundaries in place of one. There are, however, certain principles of differentiation that will enable us to compare the two forms of life in g-eneral terms, leaving detail to special works on the subject. (3.) Activities during life. {Vital phenomena.) Comparing animal and vegetable life, we find that as regards the substances required for nutrition, ani- mals require organic matter (primarily vegetable) while plants can subsist on inorganic matter alone, only the higher forms requiring organic food. There is more- over a great diiference in the physical state of the foods used by the two types, the animal takes into its body cavity solid or semisolid matter, to be later dissolved by digestive processes, while plants use only foods in solution. As regards the gaseous elements of met- abalism we find that animals take in O and give olf CO-,, while plants, at least in the sun-light, take in CO> and give off O. The complex organic pigment, chlo- PHYSIOLOGY 11 12 PHYSIOLOGY rophyll, is found in almost all plants ; while its presence among- animals is unknown except among the .very lowest. As rep-ards the suf porting framework of animal bodies as compared with plants, we find that, in the one, it is usually central and composed chiefly of the carbonates and phosphates of the earthy bases ; while in the latter, as a rule, it is more externally dis- posed, and consists of cellulose. Upon looking at the relative power possessed of forming complex chemical bodies, we find that plants under the influence of the sun’s rays can form highly- complex chemical sub- stances, among others albumin; while animals are incapable of forming these complex bodies and must obtain them secondarily from plants, or, as in the case of carnivorous animals, indirectly from animals that are vegetable feeders. When we come to compare the progress in development, we find that animal life is far advanced beyond plant life, in that it shows the almost universal evidence of a digestive system, a nervous system, and a complex circulatory system. The first can hardly be said to exist in plants ; while the two latter exist, if at all, in a very rudimentary form, (Mimosa sensitiva). Kven the more advanced forms of plant life, in this line, (Venus fly trap, etc.) are far behind the simpler animal forms, having,— as a rule, the functions only of cir- culation, respiration, and digestion well developed. These functions hence are often called the “vegetative functions.” The lack of symmetry in the disposition of the organs performing these so called vegetative functions among animals is striking, as compared with the beautiful bilateral symmetry of the nervous and muscular systems. Lastly, we see that, as regards their relative position as conservators or cxpcndcrs of energy, they differ widely. Plants, from simple ele- PHYSIOLOGY 13 14 PHYSIOLOGY mentary bodies, or their binary forms, build up elaborate chemical substances of great potentiality ; while the life history of animals requires that they receive and break down these bodies of complex molecular form into simpler types, with ceaseless evolution of energy. In other words, plants are accumulators, and animals dissipators of energy. Having seen wherein animal and plant life differ, we pass on to consider the evidences and manifestations of life in both forms. I. Chemical composition of living bodies.—Only about fifteen of the seventy or more elements enter into the composition yof living- bodies. Of these elements four, viz. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen form about 97 or 98 per cent of the total weight of such bodies. They are hence of ten called the “organic elements.” You will observe that these four represent the extremes of physical condition, chemical affinity, chemical inertia, mobility, etc. Considered in detail we find, (1) Carbon, is a solid, allotropic, stable, and with chemical affinities almost nil, at ordinary temper- atures, except in organic bodies. In organic bodies, however, we find this element to combine so freely and in such variety of form, that we often call organic chemistry the “chemistry of the carbon compounds.” (2) Hydrogen, is the ideal gas, the perfect type of mobility. Its chemical union with O, outside the living body, is accompanied by the evolution of intense energy, as in the oxyhydrogen blow- pipe. In the organism, its union is less free and less energetic. (3) Oxygen is also a gas, less mobile than the above, but infinitely more intense in its chemical affinities. A large part of the energies of the human race are directed toward the solution of the problems of properly starting, regulating, and con- trolling the chemical affinities of this element. The PHYSIOLOGY 15 16 PHYSIOLOGY flint and steel of olden days, and the lucifer of to-day, are as it were, but condiments to whet the appetite of this omnivorous monster for the special food we wish him to use. (4) Nitrogen, again a gas, is the most indifferent of all in its chemical attachment. Even when united, its bonds of union are very unstable ; and it is this ease of separation from its attachments that makes it a component part of all explosives. These elements unite among themselves in all forms, binary, ternary, quarternary, and beyond even this, with addition of some secondary elements, usually Sulphur and Phosphorus. The latter element is particularly abundant in the class of nucleo-proteids. Not only do these elements form the bulk of our bodies, but their combinations furnish us all of our true foods. The binary forms give us H>o, our water ; ternary forms C«H10OB and CriHI 20(;, our starches, sugars, and also (CaiH3Bo2)3, our fats ; While the more elaborate com- position, CSOH8N18O235., furnishes our flesh. Give us but the salts, and we have our foods. Aside from the four elements above named, we have the following elementary bodies, as more or less constant constituents of living matter ; viz;., calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, and silicon, in the order of their abundance. 11. Structural properties of living bodies.—All living bodies, from highest to lowest, are composed of cells. Pven the highest and most complex organisms, including man, begin life as a single cell. Some, during their entire existence as perfect organisms, free and independent creatures, never reach a stage higher than a single cell. This group of unicellular organ- isms, called the Protozoa, is of great interest to the physiologist in that it shows how undifferentiated cells can perform all the functions necessary to a more or PHYSIOLOGY 17 18 PHYSIOLOGY less perfect life. The amoeba and its kind are the best examples for study. In the great majority of cases, however, by the multiplication of cells, and by the formation of cells especially adapted to the performance of certain functions, (differentiation,) the original unicellular type becomes a complex, highly differenti- ated living body, bearing little or no resemblance to the lower type, but differing in degree rather than in kind. The name Metazoa is applied to this group of multicellular forms ; and it includes infinitely the greater number of living creatures with which we are familiar, including man. Turning from the cell as an organism to the cell as a basis of histological or tissue structure, find it primarily to consist of “a mass of protoplasm enclosing one or more vesicular bodies called nuclei.” It is this protoplasm, “the active principle of life,” that gives rise to all those activities during life which we call “vital phenomena. ” The vital phenomena, are (1) The power of volun- tary and reflex motion, with all that this implies ; (2) the power of nutrition ; (3) the power of reproduction ; and (4) the power of passing in time through a series of changes in condition, which we call the cycle of life. These changes are birth, growth, developement, de- cline, and death. As regards the first of these, voluntary motion, it is the most commonly observed manifestation of life. This even to the child, is a manifestation of life. At first thought one is not disposed to consider plant life as endowed with motion. But the tons of weight in a large tree have been raised above the earth against gravitation. More active, but less forcible, evidences of motion among plants are seen in the movements of the evening primrose, sensitive plant, etc. The sim- plest form of motion in animal life is seen in the amoeba. PHYSIOLOGY 20 PHYSIOLOGY The protoplasmic processes, or pseudopodia it throws out, are but the result of a contraction in one diame- ter and extension in another. The same changes taking- place in each unit of the multitude of cells in the mus- cular tissues of hig-her forms, bring- about a result, greater only in degree. The movement of the cilia, thoug-h less understood, is probably but an alternate action of the contractile elements of the opposite sides of the hair-like processes. In addition to the coarser phases of motion here referred to, which are due to the action of contractile tissues only, living- bodies have other and more subtle evidences of energ-y in response to stimuli, as conduction, secretion, etc., embraced under this head. Under the head of nutrition we usually recogmize a series of most complex chemico-physical processes; the complexity of which however is in larg-e measure dependent upon the wide differentiation of the cells set apart for this work. If we take one of the simpler forms of life, and study its functions, we will see it presenting- only the essentials. In the amoeba, we see the org-anism live by a mere exposure of its surface to the oxyg-en of the medium around it ; we see the flow or “streaming-” of its protoplasmic body, by which this exposure is constantly renewed. We see it receive into its clear, jelly-like body, madder, g-am- bog-e or other foods fed to it, we see these slowly dis- solve and disappear, and we cannot but perceive the utility of the streaming-, as a means by which all parts are equally supplied with the nutriment obtained. Last but not least, we see it by a simple protoplasmic extension free itself of any undig-ested remains. In this we have an epitome of the complex nutritive functions, respiration and dig-estion with their mechan- ical auxiliary circulation; and also have a forecast of PHYSIOLOGY 21 22 PHYSIOLOGY that mystic series of phenomena, embraced under the head of metabolism. The next of the vital phenomena, reproduction, (propagation) is that function, the consummation of which is the goal of individual existence. Simple in certain forms of animal and plant life, it is in others a most varied and elaborate process. The general plan of reproduction may be divided into two forms ; viz. one. in which there is a division of an organism into two or more parts, which henceforth develop independently, but equally, the other,-—the separation of a part which develops individually, from an older organism, which continues to exist, although but for a time. The former is the rule among the protozoa, the latter the rule among the metazoa. In the first form there is little or no differentiation into sexes, in the latter there is a differentiation into female and male forms. The former produces the germ cell or ovum, and the latter the sperm cell or spermatozoon, which is necessary for the fertilization of the ovum. As this differentiation into sexes proceeds, we have more or less evidence of sexual contact, preceding the reproductive process. When we reach the higher forms, the complex act of coitus forms an essential preliminary. Of the Cycle of Life, we may say that all organisms, both plant and animal, when not interrupted by premature death, pass through all its phases. The first of these phases, birth, means but a separation from the parent organism, with the power of independ- ent life. We thus see that life is obtained by inheri- tance, (Omne vivurn ex vivo.) The next of these phases, growth, is the power of increasing in size and substance. We must be careful to differentiate between the true interstitial growth of an organism, embodying as it does the nutritive functions of digestion, absorp- PHYSIOLOGY 24 PHYSIOLOGY tion, etc., and the superficial growth of a crystal, which constantly encloses unchanged the crystal of yesterday in the larger crystal of to-day. While development is a constant accompaniment of growth, it differs in kind rather than in degree, and may be said to be that change in condition by which all living bodies become more capable of performing their respective functions, till maturity and “the prime of life,’’ is reached. The next phase, decline, presents no sharp limit of differentiation either in time or func- tional activity, from the preceding phase. While up to maturity there is a constant (receding it is true) increment of gain in both frame and faculty, the turning points of these do not coincide. Nor do the different organs of the body coincide with each other. As the decline of the thymus begins in babyhood, and the decline of the eye in boyhood, and other organs at stated times before what we call maturity, we say that decline begins for an individual only when the general nutritive activities have diminished, until the output is greater than the income, the waste than the repair. From this time on, functional activities fail, decay and the special degenerations of old age (fatty and calca- neus) begin, and we soon see the cessation of all func- tions, i. e. death. Fxactly which function is the last to fail, varies with the cause of death. Usually it is the heart, but “death” occurs whenever either the brain, the heart or the lung, ceases to perform its func- tion. If we note with great care, we may get an approximate idea of when death occurs, in so far at least as the cessation of the chief objective functions is concerned. This cessation of mechanical function we call somatic death, but there is a slow progressive loss of functional activity on the part of the tissues which we call molecular death, and to which we can assign no PHYSIOLOGY 25 26 PHYSIOLOGY time limit. Somatic death, (practical death,) could we but see the internal working’s of the thoracic viscera, might be limited to a second ; but molecular death can not be so limited, for it is a gradual process, merging insensibly into that state, popularly known as decay. It is but the loss of functional activity by one tissue after another, till all cease and life truly ends. CHAPTER 11. The Tissues. In the study of Histology we learned the form, the size, the color, and other structural properties inherent to the cells, and their aggregations, the tissues. In the study of Anatomy we saw these cells and their re- sulting tissues grouped into symmetrical parts and organs, which were constant in their presence, and bore a definite relationship one to another. It is be- tween these two realms that the physiologist finds one of his most profitable fields of labor. This lies in the study of the functional relations of one tissue to an- other, and of the tissues to the organs. This study of the minute detail of the organs is called “microscopical anatomy,” because while still anatomy, the microscope is necessary to its elucidation. The physiologist however requires more than this, he must consider not only the relationship, but the development, the life history, the chemical composition, etc. Here we will take up first, the simpler relations of the tissues to each other—where they are found and where they are not; their physical, and later their chemical proper- ties ; and finally their functional activities in detail. PHYSIOLOGY 28 PHYSIOLOGY While a knowledge of histology is presupposed the following simple classification is given for the advance light it throws on physiology and pathology. Fore- casts of function must from time to time be made, as the nature of the subject demands. EPITHELIAL TISSUES. Squamous epithelium.—Of two kinds. (1) Strati- fied, found covering the general body surface and lin- ing all open body-cavities. Preeminently protective. Our chief defense against sepsis either chemical or bacterial in character. (2) Pavement or Simple, found in the alveoli of the lung, in the capsule, neck and narrow loop (Henle’s) of the tubule of the kidney, and in pigmented form, as the inner-most layer of the cho- roid. Protective. Columnar epithelium.—Elongated vertically. Pound lining the alimentary canal, from the cardiac end of the stomach to the anus. Protective and secretory. Spheroidal, glandular or cuboidal epithelium.— Pound in all glands, forming their active secretory part or parenchyma. Secretory. A gland, whatever its kind, always consists of a basement membrane on the inner face of which we find the glandular epithelium with a free face next the central lumen. Outside of this base- ment membrane is a plexus of blood vessels supplied by nerves. The secreting epithelium is also supplied by nerves. Transitional epithelium.—Dissimilar multiple lay- ers. Pound lining the prostatic urethra, the bladder, the ureter and the pelvis of the kidney. The only tissue which can long withstand the irritating influence of urine. Protective. Ciliated epithelium.—Pound lining the respiratory tract, with its lachrymal canal and eustachian tube, the PHYSIOLOGY 29 30 PHYSIOLOGY tubes and tubules of the testicle, the fallopian tubes and upper part of the uterus, the cerebral ventricles and the canal of the cord during- foetal life. Locomo- tive and protective. ENDOTHELIAL TISSUES. Serous (synovial) endothelium.—Found lining- all closed body-cavities, both serous and synovial. Both secretory and protective in function. The pleural, mesenteric and sub-diaphragmatic endothelium, pre- sents stomata. This tissue when inflamed tends to adhere and form an organic union with any similar surface with which it is in contact, giving peritoneal and pleuritic “adhesions,” iritic synechiae, etc. This property is taken advantage of in abdominal surgery and in the treatment of varicocele. Vascular endothelium. Protective in function. Pound lining the heart and all blood vessels. The seat of late syphlitic deposits. It presents no stomata. SKELETAL TISSUES. Connective or fibrous tissues.—In the order of their relative abundance and importance. (1) Areqlar tissue. One of the most widespread of all tissues, but espe- cially abundant in the subcutaneous, submucous, and subserous planes. A modified form of it is adipose tissue. When this loose open tissue is distended with excess of transudate the condition is called “oedema" and where general it is called “anasarca.” (2) White- fibrous tissue. This may be arranged in bundles of parallel fibres, forming cords, as tendons, ligaments, etc., or in felted membranes, more or less open, that invest of all the organs of the body. The first form of this tissue (tendons, etc.) is the most fre- quent seat of rheumatic inflammation, (3) Yellow- fibrous, or elastic tissue. Pound in the inner layers PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY of larger blood vessels, ligamentum nuchae, ligamen- tura subflava, the ligaments of the larynx, true vocal cords and certain layers of the trachea, the bronchi, and their prolongations. (4) Retiform or adenoid tis- sue, is found as the supporting framework of all adenoid bodies, lymph nodes, ductless glands, etc. Besides these, a special connective tissue (neuroglia) is found supporting the nerve cells, and another (mucous or gelatinous) the vitreous humor of the eye. The latter is also found as the jelly of the umbilical cord. Cartilaginous tissue.—All are covered by perichon- drium. (1) Hyaline cartilage, is the variety found en- crusting the articular faces of the bones, and forming the costal, laryngeal, nasal and tracheal cartilages. (2) White-fihro cartilage, forms the intervertebral discs, interarticular pads, and the circumferential rings around the glenoid fossa and acetabulum. (3) Telloxv - elastic cartilag'e, forms the epiglottis, the eusta- chian tube, the corniculae laryngis and the cartilages of the external ear. Bony tissue.—(1) Compact bone, found chiefly in the shafts of the long bones, the medullary cavity of which contains the fatty yellow marrow, (fat embolism). (2) Cancellated hone, forms the framework of the flat, cubical and irregular bones, and the extremities of the long bones. The cavities of this form of bone are filled with the albuminous red marrow. Both the above are enveloped in periosteum. (3) The teeth are but modified forms of bone, and are composed of enam- al, covering the crown, crusta petrosa (bone) covering the neck and fangs, and dentine (ivory) forming the internal body substance. CONTRACTILE TISSUES. Skeletal or striated muscle.—This tissue forms nearly half of the body weight and varies in mass from PHYSIOLOGY 34 PHYSIOLOGY the “stapedius” to the “quadriceps extensor.” It is always enveloped in fascia and supported by internal septa of fibrous tissue. Supplied chiefly by cerebro- spinal nerves. Quick acting- and voluntary. Cardiac muscle.—This variety is found only in the heart. Imperfect striation, the arrangement of its nuclei, and absence of sarcolemma, differentiate it from the other two forms of muscle. It is supplied by both sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nerve fibres (digitalis). Quick acting but involuntary. Visceral smooth, or non-striated muscle.—This form of contractile tissue, while quite widespread, is no where in large mass, except in the uterus. It is found in the walls of the following organs; all the hollow visceraand their ducts, all blood vessels and lymphatics, the trachea and bronchi, and the cavities and ducts of the generative organs. It is also found in the skin, spleen and iris (ergot). It is supplied chiefly by sym- pathetic nerves. Slow acting and involuntary. CONDUCTIVE TISSUES. Nerve corpuscles.—These can not be classed histolo- gically, but functionally they may be grouped into three classes. (1) Those cortical cells which alone among cells have the power of initiating nerve impulses. They preside over all other cells and cell functions. (2) Those lower cerebral, medullary, spinal and ganglionic corpuscles, whose function is to transfer and distribute impulses received. They may be stimulated by per- ipheral (sensory) or central (motor) impulses ; but in either case they receive, transfer and distribute all impulses to their proper channels, augmenting or inhibiting them, as the case may require. In their order from above down they can handle any stimuli, from those calling for the most elaborate and complex 35 PHYSIOLOGY 36 PHYSIOLOGY movements, to those most simple. (3) Those corpus- cles which, having- no independent action, can only transform stimuli received, (a) Those peripheral termi- nal fibrils, end-bulbs, tactile corpuscles and special sense org-ans, which can transform physical stimuli into nerve (afferent) impulses, (b) Those deep seated muscle plates on skeletal muscle, or fibrillar terminals in visceral muscles or glands, which can transform nerve (efferent) impulses into other forms of functional activity, as contraction, secretion, etc. Nerve fibres.—(1) Non-medullated or “grey” fibres. These supply chiefly the viscera and blood vessels. They are usually connected with the sympathetic nervous system. (2) Medullated or “white” fibres. These form the fibres of the cord and other parts of the cerebro-spinal nervous system. They supply chiefly the muscles. THE FLUID TISSUES. THE BLOOD. In man, and in fact in all vertebrates, the blood is a fluid which when examined shows the following: Physical properties.—In color it is a scarlet red, when rich in oxygen (arterial), and a purplish red when poor in oxygen (venous). The color is not in the fluid portion of the blood, but is in the corpuscles or floating elements. The reaction of blood is faintly alkaline and the taste is saltish. The alkalinity of the blood, which varies in its intensity but is never absent, is due to the presence dfl di-sodium phosphate and to a less 'extent try carbonate of soda. The temperature of the blood in the warmest part of its course, as in the liver, is about one degree above normal body temperature or, 99.6° F.; but in the extremities it is often as low as body temperature (98.6°F), or lower. Its specific gravity is about 1060, an average between the specific PHYSIOLOGY 38 PHYSIOLOGY gravity of the corpuscles (1075) and the fluid portion (1045). Histological characters.—When examined with a microscope, blood is seen to consist of an immense num- ber of disc-shaped cells or cor pits clcs floating in a clear fluid called the plasma, or liquor sanguinis. There are two principal forms of corpuscles, fthe red and the white, the former being several hundred times the more abundant. The Red blood corpuscle as found in man is a circular, bi-concave disc with rounded edges and a depressed center, about 1-3500 of an inch in diameter and-about one-fourth of this in thickness. When viewed by transmitted light, these corpuscles are a pale yellow, and are red only1 by reflected light. More closely examined, each shows a colorless, elastic, structureless frame-work or stroma, infiltrated with a red coloring matter, haemoglobin. In nearly all speci- mens of blood, we wall see some corpuscles smaller than the above, paler and of variable shape ; these are "ball or blood platelets. Various theories have been given to account for their presence. The influence of reagents on the red corpuscles is best noted in the case of the gases, as N. 0., which colors it violet red; C. 0., cherry red; and 0., wdiich in varying amounts, gives from scarlet to purple. Rouleaux may often be formed from the simple shedding of blood, and less often crenation or the formation of spines (Physostigmin.) Other agents as heat, static electric- ity, tannic acid, etc., also affect the corpuscle. The red blood corpuscles are formed during foetal life in the vessels, but in later infant life in the blood glands, as the liver, spleen, etc., and in adult life probably in the red marrow of the bones. The destruction of the red corpuscles probably takes place in the spleen and liver. The great variation in PHYSIOLOGY 40 PHYSIOLOGY their ratio to the white corpuscles in the splenic vein and artery points to this organ, while the formation of bile pigments from haemoglobin points to the liver or a connected viscus. The White (blood) corpuscles, or leucocytes, differ from the red in that they are found, not only in the blood vessels, but in many other parts of the body also. As “wandering cells” we see them in the general interstitial lymph spaces, as “lymph corpuscles” in the spleen, lymph nodes, adenoid bodies, bone marrow, etc. ; and this for the simple reason that, as free mi- gratory bodies, they pass through vessel walls (diape- desis) and other tissues at will. Hence the immense variation in the ratio between red and white corpuscles in the various parts of the vascular system. Close!}7 resembling the primitive unicellular organism found in our ponds, etc., the “amoeba,” and possessing the same free movements, we call these movements in the leuco- cyte, “amoeboid.” They are evident in all its forms, and alone enable it to perform its multifarious functions. These corpuscles, when at rest, are globular bodies variable in size, but usually about 1-2500 of an inch in diameter. They can throw out prolongations of the body substance (pseudopodia) at will, and follow after by their internal “streaming” movements. In this way they can either move from place to place, or flowing around a foreign body enclose it for food or otherwise. (Phagocytosis.) Reagents affect them variously, acetic acid clearing up the perinuclear protoplasm and showing clearly the nucleus, while magenta, and other stains, have apparently an affinity for the nucleus alone. The great variety in the size and other peculiarities of these white corpuscles has led to an attempt at classification by their affinity for certain stains. The term oxyphile (eosinophile) is PHYSIOLOGY 42 PHYSIOLOGY applied to those staining- most readily by acid stains, while basophile is reserved for those staining- most readily with basic stains. The conditions to free amoeboid movement are a suitable media and proper temperature. Very many disappear as soon as the blood is shed, and their component parts are prob- ably concerned in the coag-ulation that follows. These white corpuscles are probably formed in the adenoid bodies and lymph gdands. Comparative Histology shows us that all mamma- lians, except the Camelidae, have circular, non-nucle- ated, red corpuscles ; while all birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, except the Cyclostoraata, have the same corpuscles, oval and nucleated. The medico- legal value of this is most important. The more active the functional life of the animal, as the smaller deer, the smaller the colored corpuscle, to give superficial area for carrying oxygen, while for the same reason the corpuscles of the sloth is large. The fluid and coagulating elements of the blood are in the plasma, or liquor sanguinis, which forms 65 per cent of the blood weight. When the blood is shed, a part of the plasma previously fluid becomes solid bv coagulation. This newly formed solid is elastic and contracts, entangling in its open meshes the corpuscles, both red and white. The solid formed is called fibrin, and the entangled mass it makes, a clot. As the fibrin of the clot still further contracts, it squeezes out a straw colored fluid, the unaltered portion of the plasma, called serum. Upon further study of this substance we find that fibrin (Hamersten’s theory) is composed of two factors, one a globulin called fibrinogen, and an extractive substance called the fibrin ferment. The first of these, fibrinogen, is the chief factor and forms the PHYSIOLOGY 44 PHYSIOLOGY great mass of the fibrin. It is readily gotten from such serous exudates as pleuritic, pericardial and hydrocele fluid. There is another gdobulin, paraglo- bulin, always found in blood serum, which was long thought to play an active part in this process but it is now known to be a passive agent entirely. The fibrin ferment, so called, is not really a ferment, but is prob- ably also a globulin ; a cell globulin, derived from the breaking up of the white corpuscle or other cells when the blood is shed. It is the exciting cause of coagula- tion, for regardless of other factors, if it be absent, coagulation cannot take place. It also seems proven that calcium salts are necessary to the coagulation of blood and that it can be prevented by their withdrawal. The especial characters of the globulins will be given later. Coagulation is influenced by the state of the white corpuscles, and of the tunica intima, or lining of the blood vessels, for when this is injured (cell globulin) coagulation begins. The presence in the blood of for- eign bodies, oxygen in quantity ; and heat, all favor coagulation, while cold, carbon dioxide, and above all venom globulin, check or prevent it. Haemophilia is an hereditary disease afflicting males, (but derived only through female lines,) in which a tendency to free bleeding from slight wounds exists. Persons so af- flicted are popularly called “bleeders,” and no doubt have blood of imperfect coagulating power (calcium chloride). A tendency to hemorrhage in purpura, scurvy and other diseases is also noted. The pigment of the colored corpuscle, called haemo- globin, is a complex chemical substance of red color, crystalizing (rhombic system) more or less readily in all vertebrates. These crystals are obtained with some difficulty from human blood, but are readily gotten PHYSIOLOGY 45 46 PHYSIOLOGY from that of a rat or guinea pig. The haemoglobin in the corpuscle can be dissolved out of the stroma, in time, by the serum alone, but more readily by water and still more freely by a solution of bile salts. This is aided by freezing the blood. Aqueous solutions coagulate at about 64° C. While crystalline, haemo- globin is hardly diffusible, and is therefore practical!}' colloidal. Thither in solution or in a dry state haemo- globin ultimately decomposes into an amorphous blue- black pigment, (haematir\, and a:-colorless proteid, probabl}T a globulin. The haeraatin carries the iron of the haemoglobin with it. A chloride of haematin, called haemin, is crystalline ; and these crystals (Teich- man’s), which can be obtained from old blood spots, are of medico-legal value. When, however, the blood decomposes in a blood vessel or in the tissues, as in extravasations, haematin is not formed, but a crystal- line, yellowish red body, haematoidiii, seemingly identical with the bilirubin of the bile. The “old gold” of a “black eye,” and the yellow of the corpus luteum, is due to this pigment. The most character- istic property of haemoglobin, however, is its power of uniting loosely with gases, notably with oxygen. In vacuo or away from O, it is haemoglobin, in arterial blood or wherever O is abundant, it is oxy-haemoglo- S:in, and when long exposed to the air as in old blood stains, or in the crusts and scabs of bloody wounds, it is meth-haemoglobin. This tendency of the haemoglo- bin of the red corpuscle to unite with gases is not exhibited for O alone, but it is also shown for CO, C02, etc. When C O is brought into contact with haemoglobin, a permanent union is made, so permanent in fact that the functional activities of the pigment are lost, while the haemoglobin union with COo is but temporary and loose. EAchofthe foregoing haemoglo- PHYSIOLOGY 47 48 PHYSIOLOGY bin compounds .has its own definite spectrum, which is of much medico-legal value. The gases of the blood, when measured at standard barometric pressure and temperature, are found to equal about 60 volumes per cent; that is, 100 cubic inches of blood, gives about 60 cubic inches of gas. This is made up of varying quantities of the gases O and CO,, and a definite and almost unvarying quantity N. The quantities of the two former gases vary markedly, only when taken from what, we will learn, are different kinds of blood, as in the table, thus : 100 Vol. of blood, Vol. O. Vol. CO,. Vol. N. To. Vol. Arterial blood, 20 39 1 60 Venous blood, 10 49 1 60 The O and CO, differ markedly, however, in the ways by which they are held. The O is chief!}7 in loose chemical combination with the haemoglobin of the corpuscles (oxyhaemoglobin), only the “absorp- tion” amount being in the fluids of the' blood. The CO-2, on the contrary, is in loose chemical combination with both the corpuscles and the plasma. In the plasma, the CO, is chiefly united in an imperfectly un- derstood chemical union with the basic phosphates and cajObuonates of soda, while a small amount is simply absorbed. In the corpuscles a quantity of CO, is in extremelv loose chemical union as above. When we place the blood in an air pump and exhaust, a vast difference in '‘'‘chemical combination" is shown. Only the absorption amount of O comes off in accordance with the laws of absorption, the bulk of it coming off suddenly when a low pressure is reached. In the case of the CO,, all comes off in accordance with the law of absorption,—the “combined” as well as the absorbed. Nitrogen is always simply absorbed. PHYSIOLOGY 49 50 PHYSIOLOGY The blood considered as a whole, is seen to be the great “common carrier” of the body ; the gases, the heat, the food, the waste products, are all carried by this medium. As the food and fluids of nutrition vary, not only in amount, but in the times when taken, the quantity of the blood must vary, and that irregularly ; for the loss of fluids from the body through the skin and other channels is just as irregular as their taking in. Still by experiment we have learned that the average weight of the blood in the body is about 1-13 of the body weight. The method of obtaining this relative weight (Welkers) is as follows : From a can- ula in the carotid, draw, say 1 oz. of blood, wrhich we will dilute with 499 ounces of water and set aside. Draw all the remaining blood from the body, wash the blood-vessels till clear, and then macerate the finely chopped body, keeping note of all the’ water used in these washings. The first blood drawn is used as a color-test solution (1 in 500), and water is added to the body blood and washings, the amount be- ing noted, till the body blood solution, and test solu- tion, agree in color. Three factors being known, we compute the fourth. In practice CO is passed through both solutions, to fix the haemoglobin in an unchange- able form. The distribution of the blood at any given time is about as . follows : in the liver ; %. in the muscles ; % in the heart, lungs, and larger vessels ; and % in the skin and the remainder of the body. Abnormal conditions of the blood, exist (1) by reason of variations in the proportions of the blood, and (2) in the presence of unusual org-anic constituents, and (3) in the presence of living- org-anisms in the blood. Of the variations in relative proportion, an increase in the g-en- eral mass of the blood is called •plethora, while a de- crease in the amount is anaemia. In addition to this PHYSIOLOGY 51 52 PHYSIOLOGY variation in mass, there is a variation in the ratio of red and white corpuscles, the former decreasing-, the latter increasing, as in leukaemia. There is also a variation in the ratio of solids and fluids, an excess of the latter producing hydraemia. The conditions of unusual organic constituents are mellitaemia or sugar in the blood, lipaernia or fat in the blood, and uraemia, or urea in the blood. The living organisms which may be in the blood are, the bacteria in various forms, the bilharzia haematobia, the plasmodium malariae y etc. THE LYMPH. The lymph is that portion of the plasma which, having- been dealt out to the tissues for their nutrition in excess, is returned unused to the g-eneral circulation, throug-h the lymphatics. It is a colorless alkaline fluid containing- leucocytes or lymph corpuscles. The nor- mal org-anic constituents of lymph are much the same as those of plasma, but the proportions differ. The fibrin-factors are more feeble, and a lymph clot is soft and delicate. The lymphatics from the intestinal tract, during- the dig-estion of fatty foods, bear great quanti- ties of “fatty granules” in their lymph, giving them a milk-white color and their name, lacteals. This fat laden lymph is called chyle, A worm-like organism, the filaria sanguinus, is, in certain conditions, found in the lymph (elephantiasis). PHYSIOLOGY 53 PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER 111. CHLMISTRY OP THE BODY. In a general way we have already considered the chemical elements that make up the body, but rather as units, than aggregations. We must now approach the most complex and unstable of all known chemical substances, the higher organic compounds, sometimes called the 'plasmata. Some of these are so very un- stable, that their simple removal from the body, or even disturbance in the body, will bring about changes, not only of chemical relation, but of physical condition. Such bodies as these, viz.: protoplasm, blood-plasma, muscle-plasma, haemoglobin, etc., we will probably never know the true composition of, even if they have a definite chemical composition. But somewhat lower in the scale we have bodies formed from the above, which, while still unstable, have a definite composition, and certain fixed physical properties always present, which justify us in classifying them together. These form one of our chief sources of food, in fact our most essential food, and we group them under the name, of proteids. Proteids are divided into several classes, but all are colloidal, laevogyrous, nitrogenous bodies, coagulable by certain reagents. They are the anhydrides of the peptones, and may be divided into the true proteids or albumins, and the false proteids or albuminoids. (1) Under the head of the albumins are classed the true proteids having the general percentage composi- tion given on page 16, and possessing the following general characters. They are all amorphous, all are PHYSIOLOGY 56 PHYSIOLOGY changed by heat, and all when heated with strong nitric acid turn yellow, which in turn is changed to orange, if ammonia, caustic soda, etc., be added. The first group in this class are the native albumins, viz. ; egg albumin, forming the white of egg, and serum albumin, found in blood serum, and forming the albumin of albuminuria, etc. The next group are the derived albumins (albuminates), viz. : acid albumin, alkali albumin, and perhaps casein. The two first are formed when acids or alkalies respectively are added to a native albumin. The latter is formed, when the pro- teid constituents of milk are coagulated under the in- fluence of rennet, etc. The third group includes the globulins, which, while bearing a general resemblance to the other albumins, are distinguished by being soluble in dilute saline solutions, and precipitated by strong saline solutions. They are :[ globulin, forming in an impure state the crystalline lens of the eye ; paraglobulin, one of the serum the chief of the fibrin factors $ myosin, the coagulat- ing factor of muscle plasma C vitellin, the proteid con- stituent of the yellow of egg ; a constituent of the complex body haemoglobin. The fourth group includes the complex body fibrin alone. The next group, coagulated albumin, alone, which is formed by the influence of heat, nitric acid, alcohol, etc. (The peptones, while the hydrides of the albumins, can the albumins, in varying manners, which we will con- sider under digestion.) hardly be classed with them. They are formed from (2) The albuminoids are nitrogenous, non-crystalline bodies, closely allied to the albumins in general chemical composition, but differing from them in many ways. While closely allied chemically to the true proteids, and givingthe proteid reaction with nitric acid and ammonia. PHYSIOLOGY 57 58 PHYSIOLOGY they are not available as food stuffs to any practical extent. They ar\mucin* the characteristic component of mucus f\chondrin, obtained by boiling- cartilaginous tissues “3gelatin, obtained in the same way from fibrous (white) tissues as tendons, ligaments, etc, ;i-fkeratin, a constituent (rich in sulphur) of hair, nails, horn, epi- dermal scales, etcJfelastin, obtained by boiling yellow elastic tissue ; and nuclein, a constituent of the nuclei of pus corpuscles, and of the yolk of egg. Carbohydrates are organic compounds containing C, H, and O ; but the ratio between the H and the O is like that in HaO, two atoms of H, to one of O. The mem- bers of this class which we will consider in the human body are but four. They are maltose (C12H220u) the end product of starch digestion and forming the largest part of our food ; milk sugar or lactose, (Cl2H22On+H2O) which occurs in milk, and is charac- teristic of this secretion ; and inosit, (C6H1206+2H20) or muscle sugar, a rare substance found but sparingly in the human body in health, and not in great abundance in disease (Bright’s disease). Lastly, we have the all important glycogen (C6H1005), formed in the liver bv the action of the liver ferment on maltose. When not so converted, the maltose enters at once into the circulation, to be eliminated in the urine, giving dia- betes mellitus. The neutral fats, improperly called hydrocarbons, also,contain only C, H, and O, but the ratio is not like that above, the C and H being vastly in excess of the O. This disproportion necessarily renders them read- ily combustible and great heat producers. They are neutral bodies (ethers), formed by the union of glycerin with the radicles of the acetic and oleic acid series. Olein, (C21H3806) a fluid fat or oil at almost all tempera- tures, is formed by the union of glycerin (C:>HsO;s), with PHYSIOLOGY 59 60 PHYSIOLOGY the oleic acid radicle (C18H30O2), giving the formula above. Palmatin (ClsH4oos) is a solid fat at ordinary temperatures, hence it forms suet, tallow, etc., rather than the oily fats. Stearin (C21H4006) is still more solid, and the very firm consistence of any tallow or suet depends upon its presence. The two latter fats are formed by the union of glycerin and the palmitic and stearic scid radicles respectively. Both these acids are of the acetic acid series. The alkalies readily displace the glycerin from its union with all of these acids, forming soaps, soft if potash be used and hard if soda. Temporary or intermediate products, of various kinds, will be seen in the course of our studies of digestion, etc., but while all essential to this and other functions, they are in no sense foods. They are formed for some useful purpose, but do not remain long in their original shape, being broken up into other compounds, changed, reabsorbed or eliminated. They are quite numerous, but we will only take up the chief members. United with the base soda, two acids exist in the bile forming bile salts. These are glycocholic (CaUUNO,;) and taurocholic (C25H45N075) acids. The former is the more abundant in the bile of man and the herbivora; while the latter, though found in human bile, is chiefly abundant among the carnivora. Both of these acids on boiling split up into cholic acid, and glycin and taurin respectively. The bile pigments are also two in number. Of these, an orange red pigment called bilirubin (C1(;H18N203) predominates in man and the carnivora, while biliverdin (C16H20N205) a dark-green oxidized form of the above, is found chiefly in the bile of the herbivora. It is believed that both of the above, as well as the pigments of the urine (urobilin) and of faeces (stercobilin), are derived from the pigment of PHYSIOLOGY 61 62 PHYSIOLOGY the blood, haemoglobin. Ckolesterin, (C26H440) a crystalline, monatomic alcohol, found sparingly in a free state in the body, is abundant only in pathological fluids, cysts, etc. It is eliminated through the bile. It forms the chief constituent of gall-stones, and also of the floating crystals which sometimes occur in the vitreous humor of the eye. Other less important bodies, as lecithin, neurin, protagon, etc., are found but can not be considered here. Effete or waste products. We will hereafter learn that the bulk of the foods used in the body (starches, sugars, and fats) are, after their combustion, eliminated as simple II20 from the lungs, skin, and urine, and as C02 from the lungs. The class of nitrogenous foods which we call proteids give us, however, waste products in the urine, which are primarily much more complex. Urea, CO(NH2)2, the most abundant, as well as the most important, of these representatives of the tissue waste, is found only in the urine of the mammalia. It is chemically a diamide of C02; and, if in solution, will, in the presence of certain septic agencies, become hydrated, and form carbonate of ammonia, thus : CO(NHj)2+2H20=(NH1)3C0s. It will be seen that this salt is readily decomposed into NH3, H2O and C02. Observe the chemical sim- plicity of our waste products as compared with our foodstuffs. Uric Acid (CsH4N4o3),found in large quantities in the excrement of birds and reptiles, is found only in a small and variable amount in the urine of man. In certain pathological processes, as in gout, it is deposited per- manently in the tissues ; and again, when in too great excess in the urine, it is precipitated, giving the so- called “gravel,” and even “calculi.” In a free state it PHYSIOLOGY 64 PHYSIOLOGY is quite insoluble, especially in cold fluids ; its salts are more soluble, its lithium salts being' especially so. The cause of the deposits of “urates” in the fingers, toes and ears of gouty subjects is due to the fact that ab- sorbed to saturation in the warm blood of the liver these urates crystallize out of their solutions when the blood is by exposure cooled down in the superficial parts named. Hippuric Acid, (C9H9NO3) exists in man’s urine in about the same quantity as uric acid, but is abundant in the urine of herbivora. It appears to be formed from benzoic acid or allied substances. Benzoic acid administered by the mouth is eliminated in the urine as hippuric acid, thus rendering- the urine more acid. As all the benzoic acid is not so changed, some appearing as free acid or benzoates we find this agent of great value in cystitis, ammouiacal decompo- sition, etc. The extractives kreatin and kreatinin form the basis of most modern “meat extracts”. They have the unfortunate property of slowing the heart when given in quantity. PHYSIOLOGY 65 66 PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER IV. CIRCULATION. By the term, the circulation of the blood, is meant the passage of this fluid from the heart to all parts of the body, through special vessels called arteries, and its return again to the heart by other vessels, called veins. Between the part we call an artery and the one we call a vein, we have a system of minute vessels, called capillaries, infinite in number and permeating every part of the tissues. The cause of the circulation is a difference in pressure on the blood in different parts of the vascular system, the heart producing the pressure. William Harvey demonstrated the complete circulation of the blood during the years 1616-1619, a curious mixture of truth and fallacy having existed previous to •this time. Harvey was the first to show that there was, in reality, a double circulation, and two pumps ; the right heart pumping blood to the lung, from whence it returned to the left heart, (-pulmonary circu- lation) ; and the left heart pumping it to all parts of the general system, (systemic circulation,) whence it now returned to the right heart, to begin its course anew. The so called “portal circulation” was de- monstrated much later. The circulatory apparatus, consists of a heart, having right and left auricles and ventricles, with their walls, septa and valves, investing membranes, etc., and a con- necting system of blood vessels, the anatomy of all of which the student is here expected to review. The study of the structure of the auricle in man, shows that its thin wall is made up of two sets of cardiac PHYSIOLOGY 67 68 PHYSIOLOGY muscle fibres, a longitudinal and a circular or trans- verse. The longitudinal fibres run irregularly from the openings of the veins above, down to the auriculo- ventricular septum, and some are prolonged on the auricular face of the valves of the septum. The circular or outer fibers run around each auricle sepa- rately, (through the septum,) and around both contin- uously, more or less parallel to the auriculo-ventricular groove. Prom this line they continue up to the base of the heart, and there these circular fibres of cardiac muscle are continued on upon the veins entering the auricles, for, in some cases, an inch or more. This is most marked on the pulmonary veins, is somewhat less on the superior vena-cava, and is least on the inferior. These partly extra-auricular cardiac fibres, on the right side, are the last to stop their rhythmical contractions on the death of the heart, (ultimum moriens,) and the normal contraction wave of the heart seems to begin here. (Remak’s ganglion.) The structure of the ventricle is more complex. Prom without in we have some seven layers of cardiac muscle fibres. The most external layer, leaving the fibrous auriculo-ventricular ring, runs downward to the apex, turns in, enters the heart and becomes the inner or let us say seventh layer. Some of these fibres form the papillary muscles. The second, or next most external, running more obliquely to the apex, turns in and forms the sixth. The third, still more oblique, forms say the fifth ; while the fourth is an almost cir- cular (or transverse) layer of fibres. The structure of the fibrous-framework of the heart shows first the dense fibrous auriculo-ventricular sep- tum, pierced by two large openings. Prom the mar- gins of these openings are continued inward the segmented fibrous sheets, which form the basis of the PHYSIOLOGY 69 70 PHYSIOLOGY valves. This septum, separates absolutely the muscu- lar fibres of the auricle and ventricle. It seems more- over to be unpierced by nerves or vessels. The -pericardium of the heart, covering- it from the apex to the large vessels at its base, is here reflected back from these vessels, to inclose it again. It con- sists of a layer of serous endothelium, upon a fibrous membrane, which is continuous with the connective tissue framework of the heart muscle ; for while cardiac muscle is without sarcolemma, it is divided into fasciculi by planes of perimysium. The pericar- dial endothelium is on the outer surface of the heart and the reflexion brings it to the inner surface of the sac, hence endothelial faces are in contact. The endo- cardium lines the cavity of the heart, and is prolonged as the so-called “intima” into the blood vessels. It is of vascular endothelium, on a membrane of mixed fibrous and elastic elements, the latter most abundant in the auricle, and the former continuous through the cardiac perimysium with the pericardium. The valves of the heart are but reflections of the endocardium on a fibrous membranous frame-work. Observe the ring- like bases from which the auriculo-ventricular valves spring ; and the semi-lunar valves with a similar set- ting, formed from the fibrous elements of the artery wall. Note that the auricular face of the mitral and tricuspid valves bears both muscular and elastic ele- ments, while the other face, less equipped, is the anchorage of the tendons of the papillary muscles. The lymphatics of the heart are found in two sets. One of these is subendothelial, being found under both peri- and endo-cardium. The other, a deeper set, is found between the layers of muscular fibres in the heart wall. The blood vessels of the heart are pecu- PHYSIOLOGY 72 PHYSIOLOGY liar in their relative abundance, and correspond to its relative energy. The arteries of the heart are peculi- arly thick, being especially rich in elastic elements, while the veins are unusually well supplied with valves. The nerves of the heart consist of extrinsic and intrinsic ganglia, and the fibres that unite the various parts. The extrinsic ganglia of control are probably located in the floor of the fourth ventricle of the medulla, (cardio-motor centre) and in the three cer- vical sympathetic ganglia. The intrinsic cardiac ganglia, usually superficial, are quite widely scattered, but among them we may note three distinct ganglio- nic masses. The first of these, located in the upper back part of the right auricle (sinus venosus), is called Remak's ganglion. The second is located in the interauricular septum and is called Ludwig's (Bezold’s) ganglion. The third mass, located in the auriculo- ventricular groove, is called Bidder s ganglion. Ter- minal corpuscles (pressure sense) are found under the endo-cardium, and probably send afferent impulses. The nerve fibres supplying the heart, while quite complex, can be traced to at least two distinct sources, one to the cardiac branches of the vagus or tenth cranial nerve (inhibitor), and the other to the cardiac branches of the cervical sympathetics (accelerator) above mentioned. Other fibres, of unknown function, supply the heart. The structure of blood vessels varies with the vessel, or part of the vessel, we select. The artery, or stan- dard vessel, consists of three coats ; viz., the intima or internal coat, the media or middle coat, and the adven- titia or external coat. The intima in detail is seen to consist of an internal layer of vascular endothelium, a subendothelial layer of connective tissue, and last a PHYSIOLOGY 74 PHYSIOLOGY layer of elastic fibres more or less open. This last layer is thickest in the larger arteries and thinner in the smaller ones, while it is practically absent in the veins and capillaries. The media or middle coat consists of a mixed layer of smooth muscular fibres and elastic tissue, which varies as follows. In the larger arteries we have chiefly elastic fibres, in the smaller arteries and “arterioles” chiefly muscular fibres circularly arranged. The veins are again relatively deficient in this coat, while as before it is wanting in the capilla- ries. The adventitia or outer layer consists of a felted network of white fibrous and areolar tissue, and in the smaller arteries a few elastic fibres are also found. This coat is best developed in the veins and is of course absent in the capillaries. In both the intima and adventitia scattered muscular fibres are often found, and these fibres often run in a longitudinal direction. The capillaries, we have seen consist merely of endothelium, with an areolar support behind it. The veins, strong in their outer coverings, are weak internally. They are usually provided with valves, which are mere folds of endothelium on a con- nective tissue flap, having elastic fibres on the inner or convex side. Nerve fibres supply the blood vessels, (vasomotor nerves) chiefly the smaller arteries, and end in the non-striated muscular fibres of the middle coat. The mechanism of the heart’s action consists in a contraction of its fibres in such order as to force the blood from the auricles into the ventricles, and then by a contraction of its ventricles to send it Into the aorta or pulmonary artery as the case may be. The movement of contraction begins in the circular cardiac fibres on the trunks of the large veins entering the heart, and the impulse imparted to their contained PHYSIOLOGY 75 76 PHYSIOLOGY blood, and the narrowing' of the opening's of these vessels, overcomes the necessity for valves here. The wave of contraction extending- on down the auricle reaches the fibrous auriculo-ventricular plate, and in a manner not understood is continued to the muscular fibres of the ventricle. As the fibres of the auricle complete their contraction (the blood being discharged into the ventricle), those longitudinal fibres that run out on the valves draw them back into the auriculo- ventricular opening, being aided in this by the elastic fibres. Now as the fibres of the ventricle act from above down, the back pressure of the blood completes the closure of these valves, which the tendinous cords of the papillary muscles limit. These muscles acting last, as we see they must, draw upon the valves and change a hitherto passive into an active source of com- pression. The contained blood of the ventricle is forced out into the artery, and as the ventricle relaxes its force, the backward rush of the blood closes against it the semilunar valves and prevents its return. The contraction of the auricles in their order, and of the ventricles, is synchronous, this synchronous action being intended not only to relieve the strain on a rel- atively weak septum, but to enable the heart to use all of its fibres. The writer believes that much of the functional cardiac trouble reported is ventricular-arythmia. Cases are often seen in which the heart beats greatly exceed the 'pulse beats, being sometimes double the number. This alone can explain this condition. It is most marked with the nocturnal palpitations, (cactus) The cardiac cycle, or time required in the heart’s movement, is in the adult about .8 of a second for each beat. If we analyze this we find that it may be divided as follows ; PHYSIOLOGY 77 78 PHYSIOLOGY Auricular contraction, (systole) .1 second Ventricular contraction, (systole) .3 “ A period of cardiac rest. (diastole) A “ Total .8 This rate of action gives us, for man, about 70 or 75 beats per minute. In the new born child it is about double this, while with other children the rate is in accordance with age. The change in rate may be made either by varying the time of systole, or of diastole, but usually it is the latter, (digitalis, etc.) The heart sounds may be divided into two parts, the first sound long and low, while the second is short and sharp. After the second sound is a pause nearly as long as the two sounds conjoined. (There is found upon analysis to be a short pause after the first sound, but it can not be differentiated by the ear.) The cause of the first sound is quite complex, but the chief ele- ments in its production are thejvibration of the auriculo- ventricular valves and teudinae, traction of the heart muscle, and thjeVrush of the blood. The second sound, short and sharp, is due to the vibra- tion produced by the sudden closure of the semilunar valves. The impulse of the heart against the chest wall varies with the force of the heart, and with the amount of intervening lung, fat, etc., between the heart and chest wall. It is greatest during the excitement of the heart, and greater in the hypertrophied than in the normal heart, is more pronounced in the thin than in the fleshy, and in a state of expiration than in inspira- tion. The cause of the impulse is the sudden tension of the heart muscle, (cardiograph.) The arterial pulse, due to the intermittent waves of the blood in the arteries, is our practical guage of the PHYSIOLOGY 79 80 PHYSIOLOGY heart’s action. When the ventricle discharges its blood forcibly into the aorta, for instance ; while the bulk of the energy is expended in dilating the vessel, some is used in producing a wave of vibration which travels along the surface of the column of blood in the vessel, just as a wave travels along the surface of the water in a stream. This vibratory wave travels infi- nitely more rapidly than the blood-current (20 to 1), and it is this impulse wave that we feel under our fin- gers as the “pulse.” The dilation of the aorta, men- tioned above, puts upon the stretch all of its elastic elements, and when the ventricle begins to dialate at the end of its systole, the rush of the blood back into the heart is eager. The sudden closure of the semi- lunar valves checks this rush ; and the blood striking their arterial faces, recoils and produces a second wave of vibration which travels after the first, at a distance from it proportionate to of the arterial wall, 'quick action of the valves, etc. This wave is called the dicrotic wave. We may substitute for the finger on the pulse a mechanical device known as a sphyg’mograph, which will record on a moving surface the various phases of a pulse waive, and we will find these phases as follows. As the wave passes under the button, representing the finger, we have a quick, nearly vertical upstroke of the recording needle until it reaches the apex, then a grad- ual decline which is broken about the middle of the decline by a slight rise from the dicrotic wave, then a continued fall to the end and repeat. If many tracings are taken we will note the great variation in the location of the dicrotic notch ; and we will learn that when the vessels are full and intra-arterial pressure is high, then it is well up near the top, but when intra-arterial pres- sure is feeble it is lower down. This variation in the PHYSIOLOGY 82 PHYSIOLOGY place of the dicrotic wave can be understood from what has gone before ; a full artery and high pressure causing a quick recoil wave from the valves and vice versa. Intra arterial pressure must always vary within quite narrow limits, if health is to be maintained, and yet the disturbing influences are so numerous that its regulation becomes one of the most complex of physiological prob- lems. When an artery subdivides, the area of the cross- section (capacity) of the resulting branches is greater than that of the parent stem, and as the vessel continues to divide, this increase in relative area also continues. The result is, that we find that the aggregate sectional area of the capillaries is several (5 -7) hundred times as great as that of the aorta. This is necessary in order that the capillaries may supply every part of the body, even the most remote, with blood. The outcome of this is, that the capillary system is as it were a lake in the blood stream ; and each single element of this system being in very elastic walls can dilate, and a dilation but little beyond the normal for each one will give a total increase in capillary volume that will drain the larger vessels dry. For its protection the arterial system must regulate the flow of blood into the capillaries and prevent any over-distention that will produce evil. The active factor in regulating this outflow is the small arterv called the “arteriole,” whose lumen is controlled by the large supply of muscular fibres in its wall ; these muscle fibres being in their turn under nervous control (vaso-motor). Thephysicalfactors necessary for the maintenance of the arterial blood-pressure, we can readily see, are but four, viz.: (1) the strength of the heart beat, (2) the per- fect working and coaptation of the cardiac valves, (3) the elastic resiliency of the arteries,and (4) the resistance offered to the outflow bv the contraction of the arteriole. PHYSIOLOGY 84 PHYSIOLOGY The working- of the cardiac valves and the elasticity of the arteries being- in health fixed factors, we have left as factors for varying- blood pressure only the variations in the strength and rapidity of the heart beat, and the variations in the lumen of the arteriole. The varying combinations of harmonious action and intensity on the part of these factors g-ive us any degree of pressure, with also equal variations in speed of current. For instance, a slow weak heart and narrow lumen gives medium pressure and a slow current, while a strong rapid heart and open lumen gives the same pressure and a rapid current. Or, if we take pressure alone, a strong, rapid heart and a narrow outlet gives the highest possible pressure ; and a slow, weak heart and open vessel, the lowest. The heart and the arteriole being widely separated can not work in harmony without some means of com- munication or without, what is better, the regulation of a dominating centre which takes cognizance of blood pressure. Such a centre exists in the medulla and is called the vaso-motor centre. The vaso-motor centre lying just above the calamus scriptorius, in the floor of the fourth ventricle, is kept informed, through nerve fibres, of the state of the blood pressure in the heart, and through other com- municating nerves, called vaso-motor nerves, regulates the action of the muscular fibres in the arterial walls and thus the lumen. This centre may be influenced in three ways, centrally, directly and reflexly. (1) Central influences as shame, terror, etc., disturb it, giving as a result, blushing, pallor, etc. Shock, which is a profound disturbance of the central nervous system, through whatever cause, is chiefly manifested through disturbance of this vaso-motor centre : the intense lumen-constricting impulses sent out giving pallor, cold clammy skin, etc. 85 PHYSIOLOGY 86 PHYSIOLOGY (2) Directly, it may be influenced by the amount and quality of the gases in the blood, or by drugs in the blood, etc. The presence of COa in excess is a power- ful stimulent to the centre, while O in excess dimin- ishes its excitability. With drugs, strychnine stimu- lates, and opium, in a less degree, depresses. (3) Reflexly, it is influenced chiefly by impulses from the heart, where from terminals under the endocar- dium (pressure sense) fibres pass up, through the so called Cyon’s nerve, to join a (superior cardiac) branch of the vagus and thence to the centre. The impulses received in this manner are usually notifications that blood pressure is too high in the heart, but it may be the reverse. When uninfluenced from without, the vaso motor centre seems to be in a moderate state of tonic excitement, sending out vaso-constrictor impulses at all times. When so needed, these impulses may be diminished or even absolutely inhibited, such action al- lowing dilation of the vessels : and the impulses, (or lack of impulses), producing this are called vaso-dila- tor or better vaso-inhihitor. In the centres of the lower spinal cord and perhaps in the sympathetic gang- lia, some powers of local vaso-motor control seem to exist. The route of the vaso-motor nerves from the centre to the muscles of the blood vessels is as follows: Down the cervical cord to the level of the second dor- sal nerve, where they begin to leave the cord by the rami-communicantes of the anterior roots, and they continue to come off down to the second lumbar nerve inclusive. After leaving the spinal cord, they join their respective sympathetic ganglia and proceed from here to the arteries through the nerves of the sympa- thetic system, those for the upper extremities and head, up, through the cervical sympathetics, and those for the lower limbs, down. In addition to the im- PTIYSIOL.OQY 88 PHYSIOLOGY pulses sent out through the vaso-motor nerves for controlling the tone of the arteries, the vaso-motor cen- tre sends out tonic impulses for the regulation of the heart. Those impulses for slowing and weakening the heart, called inhibitory impulses, go through the vagus, or tenth cranial ; while those for quickening and strengthening, called acceleratory impulses, go through the fibres of the cervical sympathetic, both these nerves joining the intrinsic cardiac ganglia. Thus we see that the controlling centre may quicken or slow the heart, may dilate or narrow the lumen of the vessel, or may use any combination of these. The need of a centre is seen, however, when we know that the heart’s action must need vary with the emotions, with variations in temperature, with muscular exer- cise, age, sex, posture, etc., etc. The normal pressure in the different vessels may be approximately determined, despite the variations in the tone of the vaso-motor centre and other disturbing- influ- ences. Trying’a canula in some largfe artery and con- necting- with a U tube, we see the blood rise to quite a heig’ht in the limb of the tube, and fluctuate with the heart beat. We can g-et the mean heig’ht of our blood column by averaging’ the extremes of fluctuation ; but the column of blood tends to coag-ulate, and is moreover unwieldy, so it is better to use a column of mercury. This mercury may moreover be made to carry a reg-- istering- float (manometer), and give us a graphic record of the arterial variation. We find a normal pressure in the aorta of about three pounds to the square inch, in the brachial artery of over two pounds, in the capil- laries of the fing’er three-quarters of a pound and so on, till we reach the larg’est veins, where we find a negative pressure of nearly one ounce to the square inch. This means that, if such a vein were punctured, PHYSIOLOGY 89 90 PHYSIOLOGY the air would tend to rush into the vessel with this degree of pressure. We can, of course, see the danger of operating on these vessels without proper precau- tions. The speed of the blood current varies in the different parts of the vascular system, being most rapid in the aorta, slower in the carotids, and slowest in the capil- laries, while in the large veins it rises to about the speed of the blood in the carotids. The use of an instrument (stromuhr) which allows the rapid reversal of the current, in a tube length of known volume, enables us to determine the speed with fair accuracy. The time required, in man, to complete the circuit of the average course of the blood vessels in about thirty seconds. The capacity of the heart’s cavities is found to be from four to six ounces for the ventricles, and about a third less for the auricles. It might at first seem strange that a six ounce ventricle could be filled from a four ounce auricle, but this is explained by the fact that the ventricle is partly filled before the auricle contracts. The innervation of the heart in detail. First, it must be known that the cardiac muscle fibre has the power of rhythmical contraction independent of ner- vous influences, and the same is perhaps true of the general muscular fibres of the bloodvessels. (Traube- Hering curves.) Various experiments show, however, that it is to the various masses of ganglionic nerve cells embedded in its substance, (see page 72), that we are indebted for its regular movements. The collection of nerve cells, to which the term Remak’s ganglion is applied, is found chiefly in the upper part of the right auricle ; and the fact that heart movements begin in this auricle and here cease last leads us to believe that PHYSIOLOGY 91 92 PHYSIOLOGY it is the true cardiac excito-motor centre. The experi- ments of Stannius on the frog’s heart indicate that this is the dominating centre for the heart at large, and that Bidder’s ganglion in the auriculo-ventricular groove is in a less degree the excito-motor centre for the lower heart ; while Ludwig’s or Bezold’s ganglion in the auricular septum is the intrinsic cardio-inhibitor, or depresso-motor centre. Outside the heart, as we have seen, impulses from the nucleus of the vagus depressor inhibit cardiac action, while impulses from the sympathetic excite it. The influence of the respiration on the ■ heart’s action is quite pronounced, especially in aiding- the diastolic dilation of the heart’s cavities. The effort of the distended elastic lung- to return to its condition of elastic equilibrium, as we shall see later, throug-h atmospheric pressure aids the filling of the auricles at least to the extent of its elasticity. It also aids in increasing the power of the lesser or pulmonary circu- lation. The usual pathological conditions influencing the heart are (1) functional depression (syncope on “faint- ing”) or excitement due to mechanical or nervous irrita- tion ; and (2) organic changes, which may be in the myocardium (degenerations), or in the valves. The openings of the valve may be narrowed (stenosis) or the valve may be warped and drawn until it does not close the opening (insufficiency). In the first case fear, on any profound nervous im- press, may produce either forceful palpitation or the reverse, extreme feebleness of heart, which being in- sufficient to supply the cerebral centers with blood, unconsciousness and loss of power (syncope) results. Lowering the head, will, by bringing gravity to the aid of a weak heart, restore consciousness. Some- PHYSIOLOGY 93 PHYSIOLOGY times a gas distended stomach by pressing- on the heart from below will cause palpitation (carminatives.) For the organic condition stenosis we must add increased force to the muscular effort which is to force the blood through a contracted opening (digitalis) while in the so called insufficiency we must shorten the diastole or period during which the blood can leak back into the proximal cavity. The portal circulation, so-called, is but a part of the systemic circuit. As we saw, the blood from the right ventricle goes through the pulmonary artery to the capillaries of the lung to be returned by the pul- monary veins to the left auricle, giving the pulmonary circuit. The left ventricle now sends this out through the aorta to the general system to be returned to the right auricle, completing the systemic circuit. A part of this blood, however, follows a peculiar route. The blood, speaking in a general way, of the coeliac axis, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and lesser branches, is gathered into a large vein called the portal vein. This does not as is usual join a larger vein and pass on to the right heart, but it passes on to the liver, there to ramify in a second set of capillaries, to be again gathered into veins which join others, and now enter the right auricle. Contrary to what we would suppose the branches of the portal vein have no valves. The term, lymph circulation, is scarcely an accurate one, for the reason that the lymph does not complete any circuit of its own, but is in reality only an aux- iliary part of the general vascular system. That part of the plasma which is not used, as well as all the tissue waste, is returned from the tissues by the lymphatics. The lymph vessels called “lymphatics” LYMPH CIRCULATION. PHYSIOLOGY 95 PHYSIOLOGY and “absorbents” are, when small, much like cap- illaries, when larger, somewhat like the veins, in both cases having valves. The valves, in form and struct- ure, are much like the semi-lunar valves, but are usually only “two leaved.” The chief trunk of the lymph system, the thoracic duct, leads from the great lymph sac, the receptaculum chyli, to the junction of the left subclavian and jugular veins, where it opens by a valve-guarded orifice. The various faints of origin for the lymphatics are as follows. (1) The interstitial origin, or origin from the interstitial lymph spaces, is the most common, as well as the most im- portant. (hypodermic medication.) (2) The intestinal origin, from the lymph spaces of the intestinal villi. This differs from all other lymph systems in that it carries what we call chyle, a milk-white mixture of absorbed fats and lymph, the white color of which gives to the vessels the name of the “lacteals.” (3) The origin from stomata, which we have seen occur on many serous surfaces. These allow the absorption of excess of serous fluids. TheJvis-a-tergo of the blood in the capillaries is the chief cause of the movement of the lymph in its vessels, but the following other causes aid, viz.fythe contractile power of the villi of the lacteals, of the lymph vessels (valves) by muscular action, thoracic suction and the arterial pulse waves on the perivascular lymph spaces of bone, etc. The general course of all lymphatics is from the periphery toward the centre, by the most direct route, and there are usually two sets of vessels, a superficial and a deep. It will be observed that the lymph in greater part leaves the blood vessels where intra vascular pressure is still relatively high of a lb.) i. e. in the capillaries, that from these points the anatomical course of the PHYSIOLOGY 97 .teHY^IQLQGY, is determined by but one thing, viz;, the reach that point of the circulatory route where blood pressure is negative, (see page 88). Here it can return to the blood circuit without resistance. CHAPTER V. THE BLOOD AND LYMPH GLANDS. The structures here taken up and called “glands” are not in reality glands, having no secretory epithe- lium, no basement membrane and no duct for the discharge of a secretion. At the same time their general appearance caused them to be called “glands” before these details were known, and we have since used the lack of a duct to distinguish them from the true glands. * The ductless, or blood glands, are the spleen, the /thymus, thc&hyroid, or ad-renals, the tonsils, the:pineal glands/vthe agminated glands (Peyer’s) of the intestine, and theftsolitary glands or adenoid bodies of the same and other regions. The details of function in these bodies is very imper- fectly known ; but that all are concerned in the production or elaboration of the blood and lymph, is now generally believed. The lymphatic “glands or •compound lymph nodes will be considered after the «ductless glands. The spleen is the most important, as well as the largest, of the so-called blood glands. Eying within the abdominal cavity and connected by large special trunks with the portal system of blood vessels, its PHYSIOLOGY 100 PHYSIOLOGY position and general connections give evidence of the part it is to play. We find it covered superficially with its serous or peritoneal layer which forms its ligaments, and beneath this is a fibrous capsule which invests it, and sends in septa or trabeculae to furnish the framework or stroma of the gland. At the hilum, or point where the blood vessels enter the spleen, this capsule turns into the interior of the gland, and dividing in various planes joins the trabeculae from the periphery and divides the spleen up into small lacunar spaces called lobules. The branches of the splenic artery, entering at the hilum, follow without anastomosis the planes of con- nective tissue between the lobules, giving off as they go terminal branches to each one. This terminal artery in the lobule ends near its centre in a pear-shaped expansion, seemingly as if the walls of the vessel had become an open-meshed sac. This sac-like body or corpuscle is in reality composed of adenoid tissue, and its open meshes are filled in with lymph corpuscles. The space in the lobule around this corpuscle, often called a Malpighian corpuscle, is filled in loosely with a dark-red granular mass of cells called spleen-pulp. Veins with open or cribriform walls take origin in the spleen-pulp of the lobule, and pass out through the connective tissue septa to the hilum to form the splenic vein. In the capsule internal septa, and trabeculae, elastic and (visceral) muscle fibres are found, the latter by their rythmical contraction, probably giving the pulsating powers of the spleen. We see from the above that the route of the blood in the spleen is through the splenic artery to the terminal artery of the lobule, here it percolates through the lymphoid cells of the corpuscle, passes out into the open meshed tissues of the spleen-pulp, through this into the open- PHYSIOLOGY 102 PHYSIOLOGY ings of the outgoing veins, and thence away through the splenic vein. The degree of dilatation for the lobules is regulated by the tension of the elastic and muscular fibres in their walls. The function of the spleen is doubtless manifold, and yet it is not seemingh7 essential to any special function, for it may be removed entirely without ill result ; a slight compensatory enlargement of the other blood glands alone showing that they have assumed its function. The connection of the spleen with the digestive functions is shown by its enlargement during the later stages of digestion, being used probably as a temporary reservoir for digestion products. Its part in‘.fplood-elaboration is seemingly the destruction of imperfect red blood cells; for the blood coming from the spleen is peculiarly poor in red blood cells, as compared with white, (only 100 to 1), while in the blood entering the spleen the proportion of reds is greater than usual (1200 to 1). This may in part be due to the formation of leucocytes, but the presence of free pigment, (which the liver seems to use,) proves that red cells are destroyed. The muscular fibres of the spleen being under nerve (probably vaso-motor) control, we see how it may be used also as a reservoir to relieve excessive blood - pressure, congestion, etc. The thymus, another of the ductless or blood glands located in the anterior mediastinum and neck, may be called a temporary organ. It reaches its full size and functional developement at a little over two years of age in the human subject, and later atrophies to a mere anatomical “relation.” Composed usually of two, sometimes three lobes, it is invested in a capsule of fibrous tissue. The lobes are made up of an immense number of small lobules, each having a cortical and a medullary part. The cortical portion is of loose ade- PHYSIOLOGY 104 PHYSIOLOGY noid tissue filled in with lymph corpuscles, while in the medulla the same tissue, still more open, contains granular cells and a peculiar flask-shaped corpuscle. The function of this gland is not known, other than that it appears from structure, etc., to be a bipod-elaborat- ing organ. As found in the calf, and other young domestic animals, the thymus furnishes the “sweet- bread” of our tables. The thyroid, unlike the thymus, persists in functional activity until late in life. It is somewhat larger in females than males, this being especially true of those who have borne children. In many of the lower animals it enlarges during the rutting period, most notably among the deer. Located on the trachea, it consists of two lobes and an isthmus which unites the lobes. The internal structure is shown to consist of a series of closed vesicles or sacs containing a glairy yellow fluid. The vesicles, of varying size, are sep- arated from each other by connective tissue septa con- tinuous with the capsule of the gland. E}ach vesicle is lined by a single layer of peculiar epithelial cells supported by a delicate adenoid reticulum. The ar- teries of the thyroid anastomose freely around the vesicles, and lymphatics are said to originate in their cavities. The yellow color of the vesicular fluid seems due to haemoglobin. The enlargement or hypertrophv of this gland gives rise to the disease called “goitre,” so common in Switzerland and other high altitudes, where it usually is associated with cretinism. The entire degeneration or removal of this gland will in man, and in most animals, give rise to a series of neurotic and trophic changes, which may result in cretinism or death, as the case may be. The symptoms are usually tetanoid, mucoidal and then cerebral in order. Myxoedema is a general mucoid degeneration PHYSIOLOGY 105 106 PHYSIOLOGY which in man follows pathological changes in the thyroid. The subcutaneous transplantation of the thyroid of a sheep, or other lower animal, into the human body has produced pronounced improvement in this disease, but not so pronounced as seems to follow the continued administration of a glycerin extract of the gland itself. (.Exophthalmic goitre, a disease char- acterized by intense rapidity of the heart’s action and a temporary congestion of the vessels of the thyroid and orbit, is not yet proven to be due to disease of this gland.) The function of the thyroid seems to be evi- denced in the following acts : I Blood elaboration, probably acting as a place of breaking up for degenerate corpuscles Regulating the formation of mucin in the of influencing in some way the sexual func- tions The ad-renals, or supra-renal capsules, lying one upon either kidney, are found to have the following structure form without in :—a thin, fibrous capsule, a cortical layer, and next a small medullary portion. The cortical layer is composed of a granular sub- capsular zone and cells, arranged in radial cylinders, containing more or less fatty matter and yellow granules. The medullary part contains, in an ade- noid framework, muscular elements, blood vessels, protoplasmic granules, and nervous elements. The latter are so abundant that many think that at least this part of the gland has ganglionic functions. The other parts have probably the general function of the blood glands. Addison s disease, evidenced by a peculiar bronzing of the skin, is usually found associated with disease of these structures. The tonsils, located between the pillars of the fauces, are composed of a mixture of lymphoid and epithelial tissue. A number of depressions or crypts sink in PHYSIOLOGY 107 108 PHYSIOLOGY from their mucous surface, and into the bottoms of these quite a number of mucous glands open by their ducts. Around these crypts adenoid tissue., filled with leucocytes, is found and large numbers of closed or solitary follicles. A thin capsule of fibrous tissue covers all but the free side. Inspisated masses of mucus mixed with dead leucocytes, etc., are often found filling these crypts and protruding from their orifices. During the early years of life the tonsils hy- pertrophy quite readily, but usually shrink before adolescence. The pharyngeal tonsil (Dushka’s), located on the pharyngeal vault, is of the same structure and it also hypertrophies. Only the lymphoid parts of these structures have the function of blood glands. The pituitary and pineal glands. The first of these, the pituitary body or hypophysis cerebri, consists of two distinct parts or lobes, the anterior or larger em- bracing the posterior or smaller. The posterior lobe is part of the brain, to which it is united by the in- fundibulum. The anterior lobe is somewhat like an ad-renal in structure, being composed of adenoid tissue, lymph corpuscles, etc. Its function is un- known. The pineal gland also consists of two lobes. The outer or cortical part is seemingly analogous in structure to the anterior lobe of the pituitary body. The inner part belongs to the brain, as above, and, con- tains a cavity (ventricle) lined in early life with ciliated epithelium. It was at one time supposed to be the seat of the soul—notwithstanding its size ! This cerebral off-shoot, obsolete in man, has in some of the lizards, (Hatteria, etc.), developed into a median eye, fashioned on the invertebrate plan. (The coccygeal and carotid glands are not well enough understood to describe.) PHYSIOLOGY 109 PHYSIOLOGY The agminated and solitary glands are essentially the same in structure. The solitary glands, or lymph follicles, are found in the mucosa, and sub-mucosa of the alimentary tract, trachea, bronchi, bladder, ureter, etc. However much they differ in size, etc., they con- sist of small masses of adenoid tissue loaded with lymph corpuscles or leucocytes. Blood vessels enter them, but return in loops without distribution, lymphatics ramify around them but never communicate. In the centre of each is usually seen a “germ centre” with leucocytes undergoing- karyo-kinetic changes. If the phagocytic theory of Metznikoff is true, these follicles may be considered as barracks for the soldiers of de- fence, and they are placed where needed. The a§77ii- natedglands of the intestinal tract, Fever’s glands, are but groupings of a dozen or more of the above lymph follicles together in a peculiar manner. These “patches” are found chiefly in the lower part of the ileum, arranged under the mucosa in a linear manner, opposite the insertion of the mesentery of the gut. They ulcerate readily in cases of typhoid, fever and gradually disappear with age. Their location in the gut wall, at the point most remote from the supplying mesenteric vessels, alone explains the relative rarity of severe hemmorhage in euteric on typhoid fever. The lymphatic glands, or compound lymph nodes, differ from all the foregoing in that they are located on the line of the lymph vessels and form a part of them. They are found in great numbers on the lines of the lacteals in the mesentery, along the lymph lines of the abdomen and thorax, especially at the root of the lung. More superficially, they are found at the back of the neck, its sides and base, and under the jaw, in the axilla and arm as far down as the elbow, in the groin and sometimes in the popliteal space. (Some few lymph PHYSIOLOGY 111 112 PHYSIOLOGY vessels, however, undoubtedly join the thoracic duct without passing- through lymphatic glands.) They vary in size from a bird-shot to an almond, and may be enormously enlarged. The structure of the lymph gland shows first a cap- sule of connective tissue mixed with visceral muscle, and this capsule is turned in at the hilum to form the internal framework of the gland, and is united with trabeculae sent in from the periphery. These fibrous planes divide the gland into small spaces or alveoli which are large and distinct in the outer or cortical part, and become blended in the indefinite subdivisions of the medulla. These alveoli show an internal struct- ure which somewhat resembles the spleen, viz.—a central mass of adenoid tissue closely packed with lymph corpuscles, around this, next to the connective tissue of the capsule and trabeculae, is a. very open reticulum of adenoid tissue containing few lymph cor- puscles and forming a lymph channel around the central mass. The afferent vessels of the gland (lymhpatics) enter on the convex side, their various branches piercing the capsule and their intima becoming continuous with the endothelium of the lymph channel in the alveolus which they enter. The internal mass of adenoid tissue in each alveolus does not touch its walls, being separated by the lymph path, but at its inner extremity (next the medulla) it breaks up into several prolongations which, joining similar extensions from other alveoli, and also fibrous off-shoots from the trabeculae of the capsule, form the composite medullary structure. This medul- lary tissue of the gland is not so open as that of the lymph channel, nor so filled in with lymph corpuscles as the central adenoid mass of the alveolus. The lymph, having entered from the afferent vessels and traversed the lymph channel, percolates through this PHYSIOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY open medullary substance to enter the afferent vessels and go out at the hi]urn. Blood vessels enter the gland at various points, run in its fibrous septa and ramify in the closely packed adenoid masses of the alveolus and medulla, the veins of these vessels emerging at the hilum. The muscular fibres of the gland seem to have an influence on the flow of the lymph, bearing some analogy perhaps to the lymph hearts of the frog and other animals. Bearing on the function of these glands; we see how septic products, etc., when absorbed, are delayed in these glands, exposed to the phagocytic and other influences of the leucocytes here abounding, and perhaps further influenced by theoxidiz- ing power of the blood, brought into close relation with the lymph in the medulla and adenoid masses of the alveoli. PHYSIOLOGY 115 116 PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER VI. RESPIRATION. Respiration, meaning* literally “to breath again,” is here used to describe the gaseous interchanges that take place in the blood. These interchanges take place at two points in the blood’s circuit; one in the capillaries in the lung, called pulmonary respiration, and the other in the capillaries in the tissues at large, called interstitial respiration; In pulmonary respira- tion the blood in the capillaries of the lung is, by the mechanical act of respiration, exposed to the influence of the O of the air ; and it takes up O, and gives off C02, which it contains in large excess. In interstitial respiration the blood flowing through the general capillary system of the body is brought into intimate relation with the tissues of every part, and it gives off to the tissues for their sustenance O, which we saw it take from the air, and now takes in exchange CO,, which, as we saw, it eliminates in the lungs. The latter form of respiration requires no apparatus aside from the general circulatory system, but for pulmonary respiration an elaborate, special apparatus is required, which we will now consider. The pulmonary respiratory apparatus consists of the following parts: (1) The accessory respiratory tract, including the nostrils, regio respiratoria of the nasal fossa, posterior nares, pharynx, and upper larynx ; (2) the true respiratory tract, including the lower larynx, trachea, extra- and intra-pulmonary bronchi and bronchioles ; (3) the lungs, made up of alveoli or air cells, blood vessels, interlobular septa, investing PHYSIOLOGY 117 118 PHYSIOLOGY pleura, etc.; and (4) the thorax, consisting- of a conical bony framework closed in by soft tissues, and capable of change of volume by the action of muscles. (1) The accessory parts of the respiratory tract. Con- sidered in detail, the nostrils are found to be capable of dilatation or of compression by the action of the muscles, dilator naris, ant’ and posterior, compressor narium, etc. These movements are seldom seen on the human subject, except in forced breathing, as in the asphyxia- tion stage of croup, etc.; but in the lower animals, as the horse, etc., their movement is pronounced. Note the stiff hairs or vibrissaeat the margins of the nostrils, to catch floating particles, etc. The “regio respira- toria” of the nasal fossa is all that part of the fossa lying below the level of the middle turbinated bone. The function of this part of the tract is to warm and make moist the air taken in, which is done by the passage of the air over the large vascular surfaces of the turbinated bones. Observe the fact that the excess of tears are discharged into the inferior meatus of this fossa, and aid in keeping moist the passing air. The posterior nares have no special function as regards respiration, their closure by the soft palate being a part of the acts of deglutition and phonation rather than of respiration. The mouth cavity is in no sense a part of the respiratory tract, persons only breathing through the mouth when the regio respiratoria, (polypi) or pharyngeal vault (adenoids) is obstructed. The pharynx is a cavity of double function, being a part both of the digestive and respiratory tracts. For the exercise of the function of deglutition it can be cut off from all respiratory connection above by the soft palate, and below by the epiglottis, The upper larynx is in reality a part of the pharynx, and may be here so con- sidered. PHYSIOLOGY 119 120 PHYSIOLOGY (2) The true respiratory tract may be said to begin at the vocal cords. The opening- of the glottis, or rim ag to ttidis, may be divided into two parts; that between the cords or anterior part, called the glottis vocalis, and that between the arytenoid cartilages or posterior part, called the glottis respiratoria. Not- withstanding the fact that both cords and cartilages may be widely separated, this is the most dangerous part of the respirator} - tract, in so far as ease of ob- struction is concerned. Foreign bodies of all kinds, from safety pins to lumbricoid worms, are found obstructing this opening ; inflammations simple (oe- dema glottidis) and croupous rapidly close it, while ulcerations leave cicatricial bands that narrow, and ultimately even close it. bower down in the trachea and larger bronchi we find the C shaped rings of car- tilage and their complemental trachialis muscle, giving an air tube firm yet flexible, open yet compressible. A section of the duct here shows [a) ciliated epithe- lium with its germinating layer at its base ; [b) a base- ment membrane which overlies the submucous areolar layer, in which we find small blood vessels, lymph vessels, nodes, etc.; (c) a longitudinal layer of elastic fibres overlying the true submucous areolar layer which contains large blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, mucous glands, etc.; (rtf) the cartilages and muscle, fibrous envelope, etc. As we descend toward the lung, layer after layer is lost, as follows : the car- tilaginous rings become irregular plates and disappear, the muscular fibres increase and become circular, and the areolar layers disappear step by step till we find in the smallest bronchi or bronchiole the following : internally, ciliated epithelium now almost cubical and bare of cilia, next the longitudinal elastic layer un- changed, then circular muscular fibres (asthma), a thin PHYSIOLOGY 121 122 PHYSIOLOGY submucous layer containing vessels, nerves, etc., and a thin fibrous layer continuous with the interlobular septa. It may be stated here that the cilia move up- ward towards the larynx and carry mucous and foreign particles of all kinds to the rima glottidis, whence they are removed by coughing. This action of the cilia, as well as the sensibility of the nerves of the larynx, etc., is depressed by the action of opium and anaesthetics. (3) The lung' structure in detail. When the bron- chial tubes become very minute (1-25 of an inch), they become beset all around with air cells called “alveoli,” and from this point they are called alveolar passages. As they continue outward they are surrounded by larger cavities, the inner walls of which are also beset with alveoli, these larger cavities being called “infund- ibula.” Fach terminal bronchiole with its alveolar passages, infundibula and their alveoli forms a “lob- ule,” and is separated from its fellows by interlobu- lar-septa derived from the fibrous trabeculae of the pleura. A pulmonary air cell or alveolus is a small cavity (1-100 of an inch in diameter), found on the per- iphery of a terminal bronchiole, or on the inner surface of the infundibula, lined by flat squamous cells, with swollen granular cells at intervals. These flat cells rest on an open membrane composed of fibrous and elastic tissue, with scattered non-striated muscular fibres. Between the squamous cells and the basement membrane wind the capillaries of the pulmonary art- ery. The surface offered by the aggregate area of capillary wall exposed to the air in the alveoli is enor- mous ; being estimated capillaries contain over JL..pints of blood which is renewed every Bor 9 seconds. Covering over the en- tire lung and investing all its lobes is a thin fibrous membrane called the pleura. From the general sur- PHYSIOLOGY 123 124 PHYSIOLOGY face it extends over the “root” of the lung-, on to the bronchi and large vessels that enter here, and from these trunks it is reflected back over the lung again as an investing sac. The inner layer of the visceral or pulmonary pleura is of fibrous tissue, and it sends in trabeculae to unite with the fibrous extentions of the smaller bronchioles. The outer layer of the visceral pleura is endothelial, but of course the reflection at the root of the lung brings a change in the relationship of these layers on the parietal pleura, and makes the outer layer the inner. The lung substance in the foetus, never having had its air cells or alveoli distended by respiration, is com- pact and heavy and will sink in water. The lungs after distention will not only float, but as a rule, will sustain the attached heart. After decomposition sets in, the lungs may from the retained gases of decompo- sition float temporarily. The blood supply of the lung is from two distinct sources, viz :—the pulmonary artery and the bronchial arteries. The blood from the pulmonary artery, fol- lowing the bronchi, courses ultimately in the capillaries in the walls of the alveoli to be aerated, and takes no part in the nutrition of the lung. The blood from the bronchial arteries following also the bronchi, and their connective tissue prolongations, supplies nutrition for the general lung tissues. These arteries do not anas- tomose in any part of their course, although following the same routes. Their respective veins do anastomose, however, to a slight extent. This is sometimes a serious matter ; for it must be remembered that the pulmonary vein carries arterial blood, and if there be any obstruction to the flow in the bronchial vein the impure blood of this vessel is thrown into the arterial blood of the general system. It is said that the collect- PHYSIOLOGY 126 PHYSIOLOGY ive area of the pulmonary veins is smaller than that of the pulmonary arteries. If this be true, it is accounted for by the great loss of fluid from the blood by evapo- ration in the pulmonary capillaries. Ihe lymphatics of the lung are a deep and superficial set ; the deep having* an interstitial origin and follow- ing* peri-vascular and peri-bronchial channels, while the superficial set arise from pleural stomata and run in sub-pleural channels. The lymphatic gdands on these vessels, called bronchial gdands, are a dozen or more in number and located at the root of the lung*. In the ag*ed they are almost black in color. The nerves of the lung. Small ganglia are located along* the lines of the nerve trunks which follow the bronchi and in the mucosa. The nerve fibres are from the sympathetic and pneumogastric, the latter furnish- ing* motor (efferent) fibres for the tracheal and bronchial muscle anl sensory (afferent) fibres from the lung* to respiratory and other centres. (4) The structure of the thorax shows it to be de- signed for mobility with strength, the ligamentous union of spinal column, ribs, sternum and cartilages, pointing to this intent. In detail it consists of a strong but light conical bony framework having all its open- ings filled in. The diaphragm closes the lower opening, the parietal fascia, muscles, pleura, etc., the spaces between the ribs, and the numerous structures passing through the upper opening, with the thoracic fascia, close it also. Expansive power of the thorax. Laying aside the action of the diaphragm in directly increasing the capacity of the chest, the thorax can be increased in diameter both antero-posteriorly and transversely. Its antero-postcrior diameter can be increased by raising the sternum and attached ribs, as by the action of the PHYSIOLOGY 127 128 PHYSIOLOGY scaleni muscles, etc. This increase in diameter is due to the fact that the points of spinal attachment of the ribs lie on a higher level than their points of ster- nal attachment, so that the elevation of their anterior extremities increases the diameter to the full length of the rib, from point to point. The increase in trans- verse diameter is made in a much similar manner. The “droop” of a rib is such that the mid-point of its shaft lies below a line drawn through its spinal and sternal points of attachment; and this brings the mid- point near to the median line of the body, just as a wooden roller on the handle of a bucket is nearer to the vertical axis of the bucket when lying against its side, than it is wdien the handle is level. When all the ribs are raised till the “droop” becomes horizontal, the lateral transverse they all make from the median line increases the transverse diameter of the chest. The muscles of the thorax whose action influences thoracic capacity may be divided into three groups. (1) Those elevating• the sternum and ribs and increasing thoracic capacity (inspiration), as theleyatores costarum, serratus posticus superior and external-intercostals, for ordinary breathing, with the scaleni, sterno-mastoid, serratus maguus, pectorales, trapezius, etc., etc., when extraordinary breathing efforts are made. (2) Those depressing the ribs, sternum, &c., and decreasing tho- racic capacity (expiration) as the abdominal muscles, internal intercostals, triangularis sterni, serratus pos- ticus inferior, &c., which muscles act only, however, . when extraordinary breathing efforts are being made. Ordinarily thejflepression of the ribs, &c.,after elevation, is produced without muscular action, thd_ weight of the chest,arms, &c.2the elasticity of the stretched abdominal muscles, costal cartilages, &c., and tlibelasticity of the lungs, being sufficient to cause the faH. (3) The dia- PHYSIOLOGY 130 PHYSIOLOGY phragm does not materially change the external shape of the thorax by its action, but being arched upward from its points of attachment, its contraction depresses it, and hence increases to that extent the length and capacity of the thorax. The central tendon being blended with the fibrous pericardium moves but little, and the chief change takes place in the lateral segments. The lower ribs would be drawn inward and upward by the contraction of this muscle, were it not for the action 1 of theA quadratus lumborum, etc., in fixing them fast, in'other words an inspiration is made by dilating the thorax, the inspiratory muscles for ordinary tidal breathing being the levafbres costarura, serratus pos- ticus superioris, external intercostals and diaphragm. An ordinary expiration is made simply by the action of gravity and tissue elasticity. The muscles of forced expiration are the abdominal muscles and others named above. The mechanism of respiration. In the process of ordinary (tidal) respiration, the movements of the chest which cause the air to rush into, and then out, of its cavity must overcome some force, and we will take these movements and forces in detail. In ordinary inspiration the muscles before mentioned raise the ribs and sternum, and the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the thorax are increased ; at the same time the diaphragm contracts and increases the capacity of the chest longitudinally also. The capacity of the chest being increased,atmospheric pressure within the thorax falls ; i. e,, the air in the chest which entered at a pressure of one atmosphere (15 lbs. to the sq. in.) is now at less pressure. But through the respiratory tract the atmospheric air communicates with the interior of the chest, and air rushes in through the nostrils and tract, and into the lungs until pressure in PHYSIOLOGY 132 PHYSIOLOGY the lung- and external air is the same. This completes the inspiratory act. The forces which are overcome in this movement are, as we have seen, the weig-ht of the chest, the elastic tension of the abdominal muscles, costal cartilag-es and lung structure. If now we relax the muscular action which distended the thorax, the forces above named act, the ribs and sternum fall and the diaphrag-m rises. This decreases the thoracic capacity, and its contained air is subjected to a pressure greater than that of the atmosphere, and rushes out by the same channels through which it entered. This is an ordinary expiration, and these two acts repeated rhythmically give tidal respiration. If respiration is rapid, i. e., so rapid that the thorax dilates more rapidly than air can enter through the respiratory tract to equalize pressure, the force of atmospheric resistence must be added to the above. This in tidal breathing is nominal, but in laryngeal or similar obstruction it is most marked and is shown by the sinking in of the intercostal spaces during inspiration. Beginning of Respiration. Unlike the heart, which beats for months in utero, the lungs first get their fill at birth. A child in utero lies with arched spine and compressed abdomen and chest. The legs being folded on the abdomen press upon the abdominal viscera forcing the abdominal contents up into the concavity of the diaphragm and causing it almost to fill the thorax. When after expulsion from the womb the child is allowed as it were, to unfold, the abdomi- nal contents first assume their normal position and the diaphragm descending with them leaves the thorax almost empty. This would tend to create a vacuum in the chest but for the fact that the lungs which have hitherto lain in the upper part of the chest unexpanded, are now filled by the force of the atmospheric air PHYSIOLOGY 133 134 PHYSIOLOGY which rushes in through the trachea, etc., and by the force of its pressure distends the lung as the diaphragm recedes. At this time by a combined series of reflexes which we will later appreciate an inspiration is initi- ated, and breathing begins. This reflex is in all probability due primarily to the stimulus of cold, the relative difference in temperature between the uterine cavity and the average bed room being immense. We all know the deep inspiratory effort induced by the shower bath or the pranks of the rural swimming pool. At all events there is no method of producing lively respiratory movements in the new born child compared with that of the sudden sprinkling with cold water (atelectasis). The elastic traction of the lung can be best under- stood by an illustration. Let us take for example a large open glass bell jar, which will represent the thorax, pass through the cork in the neck of this a forked glass tube which will represent the trachea. Over the mouth of each arm of this tube tie a collapsed rubber toy balloon and then tie a sheet of thin rubber over the mouth of the glass jar, with a string fastened to its centre on the outside. Now, from a stop-cock exhaust the air in the bell-jar, and we will see the dia- phragm rise and will also see the balloons gradually become distended until they fill the entire space in the bell-jar. If now we pull on the string and depress the diaphragm, we see the balloons follow the diaphragm in its movements, while air rushes in and out of the open end of the forked tube as the diaphragm rises and falls. The balloons represent the lungs in their normal position, and whatsoever of space exists be- tween them and the walls of the glass jar, repre- sents the so-called pleural “cavity”. Now open the stop-cock and we will see the air rush in PHYSIOLOGY 135 136 PHYSIOLOGY here, and the balloons will gradually collapse to their original size, while air will, in equal ratio, rush out at the open end of the forked tube. This the balloons will do when the stop-cock is open, whether the dia- phragrn be high or low, but more powerfully when low. The deductions from this are simple—the lungs are distended and held against the parietal wall by atmospheric pressure, and in this state their elastic elements are put upon the stretch, less at expiration than at inspiration, but great at all times. If the chest be opened and atmospheric pressure be the same on both sides of the visceral pleura, the lung will collapse owing to its desire to return to a state of elastic equi- librium. The constant force which it exerts to leave the inside of the thorax and its contained organs, against atmospheric pressure, is its elastic traction. The influence of the traction of the lungs in the dila- tion of the heart may be studied with the same appa- ratus. Let us take a soft compressible rubber bulb provided wdth a rubber tube which passes out through the diaphragm and ends in a fluid in a glass. Now, as before, exhaust the air in the glass bell-jar through the cock and we will see the balloons expand and fit around the rubber bulb which also dilates from the rising of the fluid into it through the tube. Now pull down the diaphragm and note the result. As the dia- phragm descends more fluid rises in the bulb ; for when the internal capacity of the bell-jar is increased, atmospheric pressure in it falls (temporarily) and the normal pressure on the fluid in the glass forces the fluid up through the tube into the bulb. Conversely, when the diaphragm is pushed up and the pressure con- sequently rises, the fluid will fall to a slight extent, but only to a slight extent, for the elastic traction of the bal- loons keeps the bulb and its tube dilated and full at all PHYSIOLOGY 137 138 PHYSIOLOGY times. If a puncture could be made in the bulb, the fluid would pass through it into the bell-jar till the glass was drained, while the balloons would recede as the fluid came in. We can see from the anal- ogy how the traction of the lung on the heart keeps up a tendency to dilation, and how the blood is forced in from the large veins which come from without the thorax, and how this aids the right auricle and in turn the right ventricle. We can see, in addition to this, how the same influences on the pulmonary vessels would produce a fullness of these vessels during inspi- ration, and pressure on them during expiration, which pressure, as the pulmonary valves will allow the blood to flow but one way, drives the blood into the pulmo- nary veins and left auricle. The nerve mechanism of respiration. Any one who will experiment on himself will see that respiration is a voluntary function, whenever he so wills to use it. At the same time he cannot fail to see that at the moment he takes his mind off of its direction it lapses into an automatic movement which is equal to his needs, and gives him no concern. Upon further trial he will, however, learn that while his voluntary control extends to the point of stopping respiration, he cannot stop it long ; a time soon comes when in spite of the will it must start again. It is in fact involun- tary function, although the muscles that produce it are voluntary muscles. Its control, like that of all great functions, is presided over by a special nerve centre. The respiratory centre lies on the floor of the fourth ventricle, in close proximity to and perhaps involving the nucleus of the vagus. In ordinary or tidal breathing it is stimulated to action b\r afferent im- pulses received from the lung through the vagus. These impulses come from nerve terminals in the PHYSIOLOGY 139 PHYSIOLOGY substance of the lung- which respond to pressure stimuli. When an expiration is made, and intra-pul- monary pressure rises, a terminal which will respond to this degree of pressure is stimulated, and sends an impulse to the centre. This impulse calls for a reflex movement, which is answered as follows :-Impulses go down the cord to the roots that make up the phrenic nerve, calling for the action of the diaphragm, others to those intercostal nerves that stimulate to action the external intercostal muscles, and still others to the posterior dorsal nerves that call into play the levatores costarum, &c. This produces, as we know, an inspi- ration ; and as intra-pulmonary pressure falls, a ter- minal in the lung which will respond to this degree of pressure is excited to action, and sends an impulse to the center which is answered by a cessation of the above muscular acts, and the influence of gravity on the elevated chest, &c., aided by the elasticity of the lungs, cartilages and abdominal muscles causes an expi- ration. This, as we saw, produces an inspiration, and thus automatic reflex respiration is maintained. When more than ordinary respiratory effort is .needed, the centre by other impulses down the cord calls the abdominal anl other expiratory muscles into action. It also, if needed, calls the accessory inspiratory muscles to the aid of those ordinarily used. As we know, we can inhibit the response to these impulses by the will, but whenever we relieve the centre of this inhibition it will act. If the action of the will in checking respi- ration continues too long, another influence on the centre comes into play—the centre can be stimulated directly. As we will learn, when respiration is checked COo accumulates in the blood. This is the great excitant of the respiratory centre (as well as of the 141 PHYSIOLOGY 142 PHYSIOLOGY vaso-motor) and when a sufficient amount of it has accumulated in the blood the centre is so strongly influenced that, in spite of the inhibition of the will, it sends out its call to the muscles and respiration begins. This is called central or “chemical” respiration. Experiments in proof of the foregoing may be made as follows : (1) Cut one vagus and little or no effect on respiration is produced ; (2) cut both vagi and for a time respiration ceases, and then begins, by a series of deep gasping efforts that fill the lungs to their utmost, but the rate of respiration is only half the normal ; (3) stimulate the central end of the cut vagus and respiration is increased. The following proof of the susceptibility of the centre to C02 exists. Tie two dogs on a table side by side back down, and call them A and B. An- aesthetize them, and cut the common carotid of each, next the other, and insert into these cut vessels tubes so that the blood from the central end of each vessel will flow into the distal end of its fellow. Now ligate the other carotid of each dog. Now the brain of each dog is supplied by the blood of its fellow ; and if we ligate the trachea of B we will find that he continues to rest easily, while his fellow A, who gets his C02, struggles violently and makes forced respiratory efforts. Subordinate centres for respiratory efforts seem to exist in the ganglionic cells of the spinal cord at the level of the distribution of the various nerves that supply the respiratory muscles. Cut the cord in a frog just below the medulla and respiration ceases ; but if the cord be cut at the same level in a frog whose centres have been rendered very irritable by the injection of strychnine, feeble respiratory efforts will be made for some time. PHYSIOLOGY 143 144 PHYSIOLOGY Modified respiratory movements. A cough is an expiratory blast or series of blasts discharged reflexly from the centre by impulses received through the vagus. While usually from the terminals of the vagus in the larynx, trachea, bronchi or lungs, other branches may produce it, as “ear-cough” from the auricular branch, “stomach-cough” from the gastric, and ‘.‘palate- cough” from the pharyngeal branches. Hawking is but a modified voluntary cough, to remove mucus, &c., from the tract. Sneezing is produced by an expiratory blast through the nose, preceded by a slow involuntary inspiratory spasm and opening of the post-nasal pas- sages. The impulse usually comes from the nasal or other neighboring branches of the fifth cranial. Snoring is the result of a relaxed pendulous soft palate, which vibrates with each expiratory blast. Hiccough is the result of an inspiratory spasm of the diaphragm, with closure of the glottis. It is the result of gastric irritation of the vagus terminals, or of irritation of the centre by toxic matters, urea, bile, &c., in the blood. Among the reflex influences on the respiratory centre, other than those just cited, may be mentioned : (1) The spasmodic inspiratory effort produced by the sudden application of surface cold, which is of such value in starting respiration in the new-born; (2) The reflex inhibition of respiration, through the glosso- pharyngeal, that occurs during deglutition; (3) The emotional inhibitory reflex that occurs in a crying child, “holding its breath;” and (4) The inspiratory inhibition and expiratory spasm that occurs from stimulation of the superior laryngeal by a foreign body at the rima glottidis. Capacity of the human thorax. The sum total of PHYSIOLOGY 145 146 PHYSIOLOGY the air capable of being- taken into the thoracic cavity may be divided as follows: Tidal Air—That going in and out during ordinary res- piration 20 Complemental Air—That which can be taken in after an ordinary inspiration 100 Reserve Air—That which can be expelled after an ordi- nary expiration 100 Residual Air—That remaining in the lung after the most complete expiration 100 320 Cubic Inches. This is, of course, simply an average capacity, some are below it and some largely above it. The estimate of 20 c. i. for tidal air is rather low. The vital capacity is the measure of the greatest amount of air that can be taken into the lungs and expelled at a forced expiration. It is the sum of the tidal, complemental and reserve air or about 220 cubic inches. (Spirometer.) As residual air cannot be expelled during life, but only after opening the plural cavities, it does not figure in the vital capacity. The circumstances which chiefly affect the vital capacity are: (1) The height, each inch above the normal (5 ft. 8 in.) giving an increase of about 6 cu. in.; (2) The body weight, when above normal, is accompa- nied by a deposit of fat in the thorax which decreases vital capacity; (3) The age, in youth from deficient size and muscular power, after 35 from increasing stiffness of the thorax, &c.; (4) Sex, which both by influencing size and deficiency of muscular develop- ment, reduces it. Among pathological conditions disease of the thoracic and abdominal organs disturb it most. Diffusion of gases. The law of diffusion is a necessary factor in the performance of the respiratory PHYSIOLOGY 148 PHYSIOLOGY function. The air that is habitually found in the lung (the sum of the residual, reserve and tidal air) is changed only to the extent of 1-8 or 1-10 at each res- piratory effort. We have seen that the tidal air is but from 20-25 c. i. and as this will not fill the trachea and larger bronchi it is apparent that none could ever reach the lung were other agencies not at work. In short without diffusion as an aid, forced respiration would be constantly demanded. The number of respirations is influenced by age and many other causes. At birth it is about 40 per minute and at maturity 20 ; from which time to middle life it is 18, and thence on it is slightly increased. Influenc- ing conditions, other than age are, (1) an active or passive condition, as being in motion, asleep or awake; (2) position of the body, whether recumbent sitting or standing ; (3) disease, &c. Temperature makes but slight change so long as we can regulate body heat, but beyond this point it increases very rapidly, although not proportionately. Relation of respiration to pulse-beat. Ordinarily the ratio existing between these functions is 4 to 1, or sto 1, in favor of the heart. Emotional excitement increases both pulse and respiration, but does not ma- terially alter the ratio. Upon exertion, however, the increased production of C02 gives rise to more irrita- bility of the respiratory centre than of the cardiac, and breathing is increased in greater ratio. On the con- trary, in fever the hot blood as well as the increased C02 influences the centres, and as a rule, in simple fever the pulse is relatively more rapid. Some diseases, like rheumatism, give a very rapid pulse in proportion to the respiration ; others, like pneumonia, an excessive respiratory ratio ; but the general rule holds that at least in the early stages of disease a serious discrepancy PHYSIOLOGY 149 150 PHYSIOLOGY in the above ratio indicates some trouble in the nerve centres, i. e., some cerebral disorder. The modes of breathing differ in the sexes, being chiefly abdominal or diaphragmatic in men, and costal or thoracic in women. The cause of this variation is not altogether understood, but it probably arises from the following combination of influences, viz., the in- fluences of maternity, which requires thoracic breath- ing, the influence of corset or dress compression requiring the same, and the relative rigidity of the thorax in man, which also points to the divergence we see existing. Difference in inspired and expired air. (1) Chem- ical changes. Everywhere on the earth’s surface at- mospheric (inspired) air gives the following analysis (volume), under which we have placed that of expired air for comparison. ' Oxygen (O) Nitrogen (N) Carbon Dioxide (COa) Inspired Air 21 79 .04 per cent. Expired Air 16.S 79 4.5 (?)percent. The analysis of expired air under the atmospheric or inspired air shows a marked loss of O and a decided gain in C02, the exact ratio between the oxygen re- tained and the C02 given out being 4.78 to 4.39. Observe that C02 is in atmospheric air at the rate of only 4 parts in 10,000. An increase to 7 parts is dele- terious, 10 parts very injurious, and much above this rapidly toxic. This is not due so much to the C02 per se, as to certain organic compounds with which it is associated, and of which it is our best measure. These organic compounds probably belong to the class leucomaines. In addition to these, we have in expired air broken down epithelium, fatty matters, etc., with sometimes H2S and other mephitic gases absorbed from the intestine by the blood. PHYSIOLOGY 151 152 PHYSIOLOGY (2) Changes in temperature. Expired air is in temperature always very close to body beat. Whether inspired at a temperature below the freezing- point, or at a temperature far above the body heat, it will be ex- pired but little above, or below, as the case may be. If the air be warmed, as it usually is, the amount by volume is seeming-ly increased, althoug-h owing- to more O being- absorbed than C02 given off, it is really by volume 1-50 less. (3) Changes in moisture. During- ordinary respira- tion expired air is saturated with moisture. The per- centage falls during- rapid respiration, especially if the inspired air be warm and dry. The gaseous interchange in the lungs. The ex- change between the gases of the blood and those of the air in the pulmonary alveoli is not perfectly under- stood, but enough is known to render it certain that it is primarily dependent upon the chemical affinity of the haemoglobin for O. The C02 on the contrary is given up to the air of the alveoli by a process of simple dif- fusion, and at a rate dependent upon the difference in tension between the CO2 in the air of the lung and in the blood of the capillaries. The belief of some (Bohr) that the glandular cells of the alveoli play a part in the dissociation of these gases is not altogether devoid of support. The gaseous interchange in the tissues. Internal respiration is carried on under very different conditions from those we see existing in the lung. There is no varying pressure as in the respiratory act. The avid- ity with which O is seized upon by the protoplasm of the tissues and enters into their molecular structure leaves little or no oxygen pressure in the tissues. On the contrary the C02 formed, having no great affinity for any of the compounds of the tissues, accumulates, PHYSIOLOGY 154 PHYSIOLOGY and as a result C02 tension in the tissues is high till relieved by the passing blood. The most active sources of C02 are the muscles and the observation that C02 will still be given off in a muscle if a simple saline solution be substituted for the blood-stream leads us to the belief that the O in the protoplasmic molecule is not used for immediate oxidation purposes, but is added to the general reserve fund of the body, to be used as needed. Apnoea, Dyspnoea, Asphyxia, &c. When a person by will power makes for some moments deep but rapid respiratory efforts, such a saturation of the haemoglobin with O occurs that the respiratory centre is depressed (satisfied) to the point that it will not for a time send out impulses to breathe, and we call this condition apnoea. Whenever the condition of ordinary easy tidal breathing, called eupncea, is passed, and many of the accessory muscles of respiration have to be called into play, we call this state dyspnoea. If this condition progresses till, in spite of the intense stimulation of the respiratory centre by the accumulation of C02, and in spite of the discharge of the most intense respiratory impulses to all muscles that can aid in relief, sufficient O to maintain the vitality of the nerve centres and other tissues is not obtainable, the subject dies, and we call such a death asphyxia. Note that the conditions here are such that if after apparent death we relieve the cause of the asphyxia and supply the centres with O before molecular death has taken place, we can restore life. As, however, the respiratory centres can make no effort to supply O, and will soon lose their remaining vitality without it, artificial respiration or some other method of giving O at once is the only hope in cases of strangulation, drowning, &c. The stages of death by asphyxia are, (1) labored inspiratory move- PHYSIOLOGY 155 156 PHYSIOLOGY merits, then (2) labored expiratory efforts, ending- in (3) general muscular spasm which is succeeded by the (4) relaxation of exhaustion, and (5) a final weak in- spiratory spasm. A full right heart and an almost empty arterial system are evidences of this form of death, these conditions being produced by vaso-motor spasm, the result of C02 poisoning. The respiration of foreign gases. The indifferent gases are CH4, H, and N, for they will not unite with the corpuscles. The 'poisonous gases CO and CNH form permanent compounds with haemoglobin. This is itself the cause of death with the former, but the latter kills directly. Of the narcotic gases, C02, in a pure state, is not fatal up to a large per cent.; NaO, “laughing gas,” forms temporary union with haemo- globin with the production of temporary anaesthesia, and if continued it kills. Of the reducing' gases ELS disturbs the oxygen of the corpuscles, forming ELO and S ; while PEL, AsEL, and SbEL, absorb O and form acids, and CJSL decomposes the blood. The irrespirable gases NH;i, Cl, Br, I and many various acid vapors cause spasmodic closure of the glottis, by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Cutaneous respiration. With the water of perspira- tion given off by the skin will be found from one to two, drachms per day of C02. The amount of O taken in by the skin is still less. The water given off by the skin is usually one-third more than that given off by the lungs, while the C02 is only about 1-200 of that by the lungs. These ratios vary infinitely, depending upon exercise, temperature, etc. The contamination of air by a person varies with the conditions of sleep, rest, exertion, sex, age, etc. As engaged in the usual duties of life an adult man pro- PHYSIOLOGY 157 158 PHYSIOLOGY duces hourly.Ja-of a cu. ft. of CCb. This is gotten by multiplying the tidal capacity (20) by the number of respirations (20 X 60), reducing to feet and finding what proportion (4.38) of this is C02. The amount of vitiation allowed is .06 per cent, of expired C02,’ or 6 parts only in 10000. CHAPTER VII. FOOD AND DIGESTION. FOOD. The food of all animals including man can be divided into but four kinds, three of which correspond to the chemical bases of the body, studied as ■proteids carbo- hydrates and fats ; to which we may add the inorganic foods, water and the various essential salts. The proteid foods include all flesh, other than fat, milk and its derivatives, eg-gs, and the reproductive parts of grains, fruits and vegetables. The general percentage composition of the proteids is, as we have seen before, CsoH7N18023S2. Flesh may be obtained from the ox, sheep, pig, wild animals, domestic fowls, fish, etc. It is nearly 75 per cent water, and contains as its nutritious elements myosin and other globulins, serum albumen and albumeuoid principles. Milk is intended chiefly for the use of the young, and contains all the elements of a typical food. Its various casein derivatives, curd, clabber and cheese are much more rich in proteid constituents than milk itself. Eggs, as foods, represent to the embryo of the oviparous ani- mals what milk does to the mammalia. Its food value lies in the egg albumen and vitellin it contains. The proteid elements of the cereals lies in the gluten, but PHYSIOLOGY 159 160 PHYSIOLOGY the leguminous seeds contain, in the form of legumin,, twice as much nitrogenous matter. The carbohydrate foods include, as we saw, the starches and sugars, with their various modifications. Starch is found as the chief constituent of the cereals, maize, potatoes, etc., while sugar (saccharose) is abund- ant in the cane and beet. The amount of sugar in even the sweetest fruits is relatively small, and sugar from this source plays no practical part in the diet, but the very essential vegetable acids these fruits con- tain make them useful foods. The fats and oils, as foods, are found in butter, bacon, lard, suet, and the fixed vegetable oils, as cot- ton-seed oil, olive oil, etc. The animal products con- tain olein, palmitiu and stearin, but the vegetable oils, as a rule, contain no stearin. The inorganic foods. With the exception of water, the members of this class, while imperatively needed, are needed in extremely small amounts, so small that in eating the general food allowance they are incident- ally obtained. Sodium chloride is perhaps an excep- tion, so much being required that it is also taken as a condiment. Calcium and potassium salts are found in both meats and vegetable foods. The artificial preparation of foods, to aid their diges- tibility, is limited with most foods to cooking. Heat applied to meats, either as dry heat or hot water, coagu- lates the surface albumen and causes the retention of the more volatile essences. The further heating coagu- lates all the albumen, etc., and gelatinizes the connect- ive tissue, in both cases rendering them more digest- ible. If the essences are to be extracted for food, obviously a temperature below boiling must be applied, while salt should be added to dissolve out the globu- lins, etc. Starches are rendered much more digestible PHYSIOLOGY 161 162 PHYSIOLOGY by boiling, the starch granules swelling- and bursting their cellulose envelopes. Bread is made more open and porous by the expansion of the g-ases in its doug-by substance under the influence of heat. The contained g-ases may be air worked in mechanically, but it is usually C02 evolved from bicarbonate of soda or gen- erated by the action of the yeast plant (torula cerevi- siae) on the sugar of the doug-h. The coagulation of the gluten sets the rise. Variations in diet. The conditions of diet for health require that the total quantity of food be not only suffi- cient, but in the proper proportion and digestible. The amount of water free food needed for a man at ordinary work, is about 24 oz. per day, in about the following- proportions : proteid food 1 part, fatty foods .6 of a part, and carbohydrates 3.5 parts. As we will see in the study of metabolism, the proteids subserve a function that cannot be assumed by the others, while the carbohydrates and fats, in proper proportion, are more or less interchangeable. DIGESTION. With the exception of water, the salts, and various forms of fruit sugars, the foods previously mentioned have to be modified in constitution before they can be taken into the system and made a part of its substance. The chief function of the digestive organs is to render capable of absorption the materials otherwise not avail- able, and all the mechanical aids, as mastication, deglutition, insalivation, &c., are subservient to this chief end. As this end is practically obtained by con- verting colloidal bodies into crystalloidal bodies, this may be said to be the aim of chemical digestion. These processes differ in the various parts of the alimentary tract, and we accordingly divide the tract into parts as indicated by functional differences existing. Taking 163 PHYSIOLOGY 164 PHYSIOLOGY the reaction of the digestive medium as a basis of division, we get mouth, stomach, and intestinal diges- tion. I. Mouth digestion, as it is called, includes that series of digestive phenomena which take place between the lips and the cardiac end of the stomach. It there- fore anatomically includes the mechanical grinding of the food, called mastication, and that elaborate reflex act of swallowing, called deglutition, as well as the special digestive act, insalivation, peculiar to this part of the tract. Mastication is performed by crushing and grind- ing the food between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Civilized habits have, in man, rendered the prehensile incisors and tearing canines almost function- less, the premolars and molars doing the bulk of the work. The vertical motion of the lower jaw, which crushes, is made by the action of the temporal, mas- seter and internal pterygoid, while the grinding action is produced by the alternate (single and conjoined) action of the external pterygoid. All muscles of this group are supplied by motor branches of the sth cranial. The depressors of the lower jaw are the mylo-hyoid* (5), genio-hyoid (12), and anterior (5), and posterior (7), bellies of the digastric. As the food is crushed and ground it is driven from between the teeth and requires to be replaced. The internal muscle of replacement is the tongue or lingualis (12), while external replacement is done by the orbicularis-oris (7) and buccinater (7). Insalivation includes the proper secretion of saliva and its admixture with the food. Saliva is the essen- tial digestive secretion of the mouth, and contains the hydrolytic ferment 'ptyalin. It is produced by the following glands in decreasing amounts ; parotid. *These numbers refer to the cranial nerve supply. PHYSIOLOGY 166 PHYSIOLOGY subtnaxillary, sub-lingual and the scattered mucous glands. The parotid gland, located around the glenoid fossa, discharges its secretion by Stenson’s duct, which opens on the mucous surface of the mouth, opposite the second molar tooth of the upper jaw. It is a “serous" or true salivary gland and is the chief source of the ferment ptyalin. Its secretion contains also small quantities of carbonate of lime (calculi) in solution, and a variable amount of sulpho-cyanide of potash. The submaxillary gland lies in the subtnaxillary fossa and its secretion is discharged by Wharton’s duct, which opens on the apex of the papilla under the tongue. This gland is a mixed one, part of its elements being mucous and part serous. This muco-salivary secretion contains ptyalin, but not in the same proportion as the secretion of the parotid. The sublingual gland is located, as its name implies, under the tongue, and opens by a number of small ducts (Rivini)on the floor of the mouth, one larger duct called the duct of Bartholini joining the sub-maxillary duct. This is strictly a mucous gland and furnishes a strongly alkaline fluid rich in mucin, but containing no ptyalin. The mucous glands are scattered over the entire buccal surface, tongue and lips, and vary from the size of a pins-head to that of a pea. Bike the larger sublin- gual gland, they secrete a product called mucinogen which is converted into mucin, the chief constituent of mucus, but they secrete no ptyalin. The saliva, as we find it, is the mixed product of all of these glands. It is a_yiscid alkaline fluid containing about .s_per cent, of solid matter and having a specific gravity of about 1008. The chief organic constituents of saliva ar^mucin and ptyalin, while as morphological elements it bears^salivary corpuscles. PHYSIOLOGY 167 168 PHYSIOLOGY epithelial debris and of many kinds. The amount secreted daily varies exceedingly, ranging from a half to three or more pints. Nerve supply of the salivary glands. The usual impulses that excite these glands to action are sent from the nerve terminals located in the raucous membrane of the tongue, buccal wall and pharynx. The afferent fibres that call for this reflex run in the glosso-pharyn- geal (chorda-tympani ?) and the lingual and buccal branches of the fifth cranial ; the centre for salivary secretion probably lying in the nucleus of the former. The efferent impulses to these glands follow separate routes, one being through the sympathetic and the other through acranial nerve. The sympathetic gives to the gland secretory and vaso-constrictor fibres, while the cranial furnishes secretory and vaso-inhibitory fibres. The parotid gland receives fibres from the glosso- pharyngeal through the otic g'anglion and (probably) from the carotid plexus of the sympathetic. The siih- maxillary and sub lingual each receive fibres from the chordatympani(thirteenth cranial)and from the internal maxillary plexus of the sympathetic. As the stimula- tion of the sympathetic calls for secretion with a poor blood supply, the resulting saliva, called “sympathetic saliva,” is thick and scanty, being overloaded with solids ; while the stimulation of the chorda_-tympani, producing dilation with secretion, gives as “chorda saliva,” a thin and watery, but abundant output. Central influences as well as gastric irritation will produce a reflex flow of saliva, as evidenced by the “wat- ering of the mouth” when agreeable viands are smelled, and the flow of saliva that precedes vomiting. The various nerve connections of these glands seem to exert an inhibitory influence on them, for when cut off from all nerve control they begin and secrete continuously a PHYSIOLOGY 169 170 PHYSIOLOGY “paralytic saliva,” till atrophic changes set in from exhaustion. Atropia paralyzes the secretory terminals in the glands but does not influence the vaso-motor terminals, so that we may get, on stimulating the chorda a vaso-dilation of the vessels in the gland, but no saliva. The changes in the gland cells during rest and during secretion are most marked. These changes to a certain extent occur in all glands, salivary and otherwise, but the process differs with the gland. In the serous or true salivary glands the granular protoplasm accumu- lates in cells during the period of rest, and the cells swell until they almost obliterate the lumen. After a period of activity the cells are smaller and the small amount of granular matter left is found next the lumen, the remainder being clear. In the mucous glands the cells during the period of rest become filled with clear mucigen, which presses the protoplasmic elements and nucleus aside. During activity the mucigen is con- verted into mucin and discharged, and the cell becomes smaller. The chemistry of insalivation. The amylolytic or diastasic ferment fityalin, in an alkaline medium such as the mouth, changes starch into sugar. It does this by causing the starch to take up water and hence this action is also called a hydro-lytic action. The starch grains to be acted upon have an external envelope of cellulose and internal to this is the granulose or true starch. Unless this envelope be broken by either crushing or boiling, the ferment can not act on the starch. The resulting product of this diastasic action is the sugar maltose and dextrin, a starch which is converted into maltose later. This power of converting’ starch into sugar is not limited to the animal ferments, as we find that the PHYSIOLOGY 171 172 PHYSIOLOGY vegetable ferment “diastase,” as found in germinat- ing barley and other cereals, possess the same powers. Being equally efficacious and much cheaper commercial diastase and malts entirely displace ptyalin in therapy. Deglutition. After the fluid saliva has been mixed in with the food, softening it and otherwise acting upon it, there arises, from experience, a sense of being “ready,” and we voluntarily “swallow.” We must not suppose from this seeming control of the act that deglutition is voluntary ; only the first step is volun- tary, and that only so long as we have some food, saliva, or other substance in the mouth wherewith to excite the reflex. The voluntary part of the process is performed by the lingualis muscle or tongue, and is as follows : The tongue is formed into a scoop, and taking the food upon its upper surface it forces it against the roof of the mouth where it is moulded into an oval bolus. The tip of the tongue is now turned up in front of the bolus, and its upper longitudinal fibres contracting, it is drawn back, bringing the food against the pillars of the fauces, and the reflex to complete the act is thereby excited. The involuntary or reflex part of the act is an elab- orate effort, and is produced as follows : The sub- stance carried back by the tongue is brought in contact with the sensory terminals of the palatine nerves in the pillars of the fauces and soft palate. These are stimulated and send an afferent impulse up through the spheno-palatine ganglia and middle root of the fifth, to the centre in the medulla. The reflex efferent impulses are sent out through the pharyngeal branches of the vagus to the palato-glossus and palato-pharyn- geus, and through the facial by way of the (vidian) spheno-palatine ganglia to the muscles of the soft PHYSIOLOGY 173 PHYSIOLOGY palate. The above group of muscles now contract and narrow the ithmus of the fauces (sphincter) from before backward. As the bolus of food touches the post- pharyngeal wall it excites a reflex (entirely through the vagus) for the contraction of the pharyngeal con- strictors, and these respond in order from above down, the pressure of the food in the lower causing the action of the upper, etc. In precisely the same way it tra- verses the oesophagus, till at the cardiac orifice of the stomach the contraction wave of the oesophagus merges into the movements of the stomach. At the instant at which the faucial reflex was excited, elevators of the larvnx were stimulated to draw that organ upward under the base of tongue, thus turning the epiglottis down and over the rima glottidis. The glosso-pharyngeal terminals also stimulated at the same instant inhibit the respiratory function till swallowing is completed. The oesophagus is the part of the alimentary canal that lies between the pharynx and stomach. It consists of four coats ; a thin external fibrous coat ; a muscular coat, containing an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer; a submucous and a mucous layer. The muscular fibres are striated above, and gradually become non-striated below, where they continue on as the muscular fibres of the stomach. Squamous epi- thelium lines this tube and mucous glands open freely on its surface. 11. Stomach digestion. This includes all digestive processes taking place between the cardiac and pyloric orifices of the stomach. The stomach, the principal organ of digestion, is a fusiform sac, curved on itself, and holding when reasonably full a]jout-twQ .quarts. It consists of four coats, arranged as follows : an PHYSIOLOGY 175 176 PHYSIOLOGY internal or mucous coat, a submucous coat, a muscular coat, and a serous or endothelial coat. (1) The mucous coat consists of a delicate connective tissue reticulum thrown into folds and pits, covered throughout with columnar epithelium (goblet cells) on a basement membrane, and supporting glands of several kinds, blood vessels, lymphatics and muscularis mucosae. These glands are of two kinds, one found chiefly in the cardiac end of the stomach or fundus, and called “fundus glands,” and the other in the pyloric end of the stomach, called “pyloric glands.” The fundus or peptic glands are multiple tubular glands, and, within the basement membrane below the short duct, we have two kinds of cells, central and parietal. The central cells are believed to be the source of the special ferment of the stomach, pepsin, which is here secreted as pepsinogen and afterwards converted into the above. The function of the parietal cells, often improperly called peptic cells, will be considered later. The pyloric or mucous gknids, not so abundant as the foregoing, are confined to the pyloric end of the stomach, and are continuous through the pyloric orifice with Brunner’s glands in the duodenum. The lumen of the ducts and tubes is quite large, and lined with a cubical epithelium that corresponds to the central cells of the fundus glands. They secrete mucus and possibly some ferment. The muscularis mucosae encircles by circular and longitudinal fibres the deeper parts of these glands, and by periodic contractions empties them of their con- tents. Blood vessels run into the honey-comb like processes of raucous membrane between the glands, and lym- 177 PHYSIOLOGY 178 PHYSIOLOGY phatics encircle the tubes of the glands and their necks. (2) The sub-mucous coat. An areolar reticulum lying below the mucous coat and containing the larger vessels which supply the glands and interglandular folds with capillaries, lymphatics, &c. Adenoid bodies are found especially in the pyloric region. Meisner’s plexus of nerves is found here, whose function is the control of the glandular secretions of the stomach. (3) The muscular coat consists of longitudinal fibres, continuous with those of the oesophagus and intestine, and circular fibres, found within the former. On the fundus the inner circular fibres are irregularly dis- posed in figure 8 loops, hence termed oblique. Between the outer and inner muscular layers we have Auer- bach’s plexus of nerves, whose function is the control of the peristaltic movements of the stomach. (4) The serous coat. A serous endothelium covering the surface at nearly all points. Under it lie the superficial lymphatics. The nerves of the stomach. The right vagus sup- plies the post. surface and the left the anterior. The splanchnics of the sympathetic also give it a free supply. The function of these nerves seems to be ■one of regulation only, for while the ganglia of the stomach (Auerbach’s and Meisner’s) seem able to carry !on its movements and secretions properly, the stimula- tion of the vagus intensifies both these acts, and the stimulation of the sympathetic inhibits both. The vagus is probably the bearer of vaso-dilator, and the sympathetic of vaso-constrictor impulses. The emo- tions seem capable of influencing digestion through either channel. Mechanism of stomach digestion. When a bolus of food is received into the stomach at the cardiac orifice. PHYSIOLOGY 179 PHYSIOLOGY the mechanical impact stimulates Auerbach’s plexus of nerves and excites the muscular coat to action. By progressive peristaltic movements the bolus is carried along' the greater curvature to the pylorus, and thence along- the lesser curvature back to the cardiac opening-. This grinding-, churning- movement of the org-an is repeated until the food is disintegrated into a grumous mass of broken down material called '‘'‘chyme. ” During all this period the pyloric orifice is closed, and it does not open till the more solid parts of the food are broken down and softened. The gastric secretion. The gastric juice is an al- most clear, colorless fluid, of acid reaction and a spe- cific gravity of 1002-8. It is secreted at the rate of from 12 to 15 pints daily in man. It contains the ferment fief)sin as its chief organic constituent, a peculiar milk- curdling ferment calleSyrenni?i, and HCI to the amount of .2 per cent. In addition, we usuallvjind lactic an