A MAN UAL OF PRACTICAL NORMAL HISTOLOGY DR. M. L. TURNER Berwyn, McL Box 33 BY T. MITCHELL PRUDDEN, M. D. DIRECTOR OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, N. Y. ; LECTURER ON NORMAL HISTOLOGY IN YALE COLLEGE ; PATHOLOGIST TO THE MANHATTAN EYE AND EAR HOSPITAL. SECOND EDITION. Revised, with an Appendix. NEW YORK & LONDON G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS fiaiclurbockcr |jrjsa 1887 COPYRIGHT G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS 1881. Press of G. P. Putnam’s Sons New York PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The advances in Normal Histology since the first edition of this book was written have been largely in the direction of improved technical procedures. These im- provements have been embodied in this edition, for the most part in an appendix, to which references are made in the text by foot-notes. T. M. P. New York, July, 1884. PREFACE. This book has been prepared for the use of those students and practitioners of medicine, who with a limited amount of time at their disposal, wish to acquaint themselves in a practical way with Normal Histology. It is especially designed for those who study the science in classes, with an instructor in a laboratory ; but the technical procedures are described with sufficient fulness for the needs of those who are obliged to pursue the study by them- selves. The method adopted is to give a brief description of the tissues and organs in appropriate sequence, following each description with an account of the way in which the structures described may be dem- onstrated. The descriptions were written for the most part at the microscrope table, with the prepar- ations made by the methods recommended, under the eye of the writer, so that it is believed that the student will have no difficulty in verifying them. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the neces- sity of each student making outline sketches of all VI PREFACE. but the more complicated structures examined, and for this provision has been made in the book. It is not to be expected that epitomized descriptions of structures as elaborate as are many of those with which we have to deal in Human Histology, will be in all cases perfectly clear and intelligible without the aid of plates ; but the specimens which the stu- dent prepares, and the sketches from them which he makes, will make good, it is hoped, the lack of illustration in the text. Indeed, the more critical examination which accurate sketching requires, as well as the facility which this exercise cultivates, will enlarge the achievements of such a course of study beyond the acquirement of a knowledge of this theme alone, so as to embrace a valuable train- ing of the eye and hand. This book is not designed to take the place ot more elaborate treatises on this subject; nor is it written with the design of fostering the deplorably wide-spread tendency among medical students, to be content with the barest smattering of those branches which are not in the most evident manner “ practical.” On the contrary, where time permits, collateral reading and additional practical work are most urgently recommended. But the necessity for improvement in medical education, which is expres- sing itself in the medical colleges of this country, especially in the establishment of laboratories and practical courses of instruction, is, unfortunately, PREFACE. VII not yet sufficiently deeply felt as to have led to the general lengthening of the period of undergraduate study; so that very little time is usually at the dis- posal of medical students for collateral reading, or for the pursuit of elaborate practical investigations. It is desirable, moreover, since the laboratory time itself is usually limited, to occupy as little of it as may be, in oral descriptions of tissues and methods. It is these considerations which seem to justify the addition of another to the long list of elementary text-books. There are many points in this, as in every develop- ing science, which are still unsettled—opinion in re- gard to them changing or being modified as new facts and investigations are recorded. These have been treated, for the most part, very briefly in the text, it being left for the supplementary oral instruc- tion to enlarge upon and explain them, as the light thrown upon each by new researches may seem to require. In the simpler form of “Notes on the Practical Course in Normal Histology” the substance of this book has been in use for two years in the laboratory of the Alumni Association of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, and it has been found that with some preliminary preparation of tissues by the instructor, the subject essentially as presented here, can be embraced in a course of forty lessons of about two hours each. VIII PREFACE. The writer wishes, in conclusion, to express his sincere thanks to Prof. Francis Delafield, to whose wise counsel and unwearied assistance in many mat- ters requiring a wider experience than his own, he is greatly indebted. T. M. P. Laboratory of the Alumni Associa- tion of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York, May, xBBi. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION I I THE CELL IN GENERAL - , 17 II—CONNECTIVE TISSUE - - 2? 111 EMBRYONAL AND MUCOUS TISSUE—FAT TIS- SUE RETICULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE 48 IV CARTILAGE BONE TEETH - - 56 V BLOOD AND LYMPH - - 80 VI—MUSCULAR TISSUE * - • 91 VII NERVE-TISSUE - 103 VIII—BLOOD-VESSELS—LYMPHATIC VESSELS - 119 IX—LYMPH-NODES—SPLEEN - - - 129 X—THE GASTRO-INTESTINAL CANAL - 143 XI—SUBMAXILLARY GLAND—LIVER - - 155 XII SUPRA-RENAL CAPSULES —THYROID GLAND 164 XIII THE RESPIRATORY APPARATUS - - 168 XIV THE KIDNEY .... 178 XV THE GENERATIVE ORGANS - 188 XVI—THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM - 211 XVII THE SKIN AND ITS ADNEXA - - 220 XVIII—THE EYE - - - - 232 APPENDIX --- - . 27 goblet, in small intestine ...... 150 liver IS7 marrow # membrane of ....... tg nuclei of .« 260 INDEX. PAGE Cells, nucleoli of . 10 peptic ......... 147 pigmented, in choroid ...... 36 physiology of 19 plasma ........ 33 practical study of ...... , 23 reproduction of ...... 20 tendon ........ 36, 38 Cell-spaces of connective tissue ...... 44 Cement, in roots of teeth ....... 78 Central nervous system ....... 211 Central tendon, in diaphragm of rabbit .... 127 Chondrin ......... 58 Chromic acid as a hardening agent ..... 4 Chyle vessels, in small intestine . . . . . 151 Ciliary motion, in cells from frog’s mouth .... 25 Coloring tissues (see staining) ...... 6 Conheim’s method of gold staining . 39 Coni vasculosi of testicle ....... 189 Connective tissue, classification of .... 27 distribution of, in body .... 27 fibrillar ...... 29 of nerves ...... 106 origin of, in embryo .... a 8 practical study of .... 33 reticular ...... 54 method of preparing ... 5S Corium of skin ........ 222 Corpus Highmori of testicle ...... 188 luteum in ovary ....... 201 spongiosum of penis ...... 196 preparation of .... 197 Decalcification of bone ....... 67 Delafield’s method of preparing hsematoxylin .... 6 Dentine ......... 78 Double-staining ........ 8 in Canada balsam mounting .... 14 Dura mater, structure of . . . . . , . 217 preparation of ..... . 219 Elastic Fibres in connective tissue ..... 30 in ligamentum nuchse ..... 34 INDEX. 261 PACK Elastic granules in connective tissue ..... 31 Embedding in cacao butter ...... 347 in gum 115 in liver „ in wax n Emigration of white blood-cells ...... 81 Enamel cuticle ........ 79 of teeth 7Q Endocardium, structure of ..... 123 method of studying ..... 127 Endogenous cell reproduction ...... 22 Endothelial cells ........ 33 Endothelium, of mesentery ...... 45 of omentum ...... 46 Eosin, mounting specimens stained with, in glycerin . . 13 preparation and use of ..... , 8 Epidermis 220 Epithelial cells from rabbit’s bladder ..... 23 Epithelium, renal ........ 182 Erectile tissue, nature of 195 Eye .......... 332 aqueous fluid of ...... . 233 canal of Petit ........ 245 capsule of Tenon ....... 23c chambers of ....... 233 choroid 237 ciliary body 233 cornea, structure of . . . . • . , 235 preparation of ..... 247 conjunctiva ........ 244 dissection of ....... a 45 general structure of . . . . . , . 232 hyaloid membrane 234 iris, structure of ...... , 238 preparation of ...... , 247 lamina fusca ........ 235 lens, structure of ...... 242 preparation of ...... 248 ora serrata 233 retina, structure of ...... 239 • preparation of ...... 249 sclera, structure of ...... 234 sclero-corneal junction, preparation of . . . 247 262 INDEX. Eye, suspensory ligament ...... 233 uvea. ........ 238 vitreous body ....... 034 zonula ciliaris . ...... 234 Eyelids 843 Fat Cells, structure of ...... . 50 development of ...... 51 Fat tissue ......... 50 fresh, preparation of ..... . 52 method of studying, in adult ..... S3 method of studying, in young animal ... 53 Fatty infiltration ........ 52 Fibres, elastic, in connective tissue ..... 30 fibrillated, in connective tissue ..... 30 nerve ........ 104 muscle 9S Fibrillae in tail tendon of mouse ...... 34 primitive muscle ....... 96 Fibrillar connective tissue ...... 29 Fibrin from blood, characters of ..... 85 method of preparing .... 90 Fibro-cartilage, structure of ..... 59 Fibro-elastic cartilage ........ 59 Fission, cell multiplication by ..... 21 Fresh tissues, method of examining ..... 2 Fuchsine (see aniline red) 35 Ganglion Cells ........ 111 Gastro-intestinal canal ....... 143 Gelatin, for injecting ....... ro Gemmation, cell multiplication by .... . 22 Generative organs, female ...... 197 male ....... 188 Germ epithelium of ovary ...... 202 Giant cells, in marrow of bone ...... 66 Gianuzzi, crescents of, in submaxillary gland .... 156 Glands, Brunner’s ........ 150 general characters of .... 144 lymphatic *29 mammary 208 Meibomian ....... 243 Peptic . 147 PAGE Fresh tissues, method of examining INDEX, 263 Glands, prostate ........ *92 racemose ........ >45 sebaceous . • 227 Sub maxillary .... • • 155 sweat ........ 228 thyroid ........ *66 tubular ........ *45 vesicular ........ 146 Glisson’s capsule of liver ....... 159 Glomeruli of kidney ....... r79, 182 Glycerin as a mounting medium 12 Goblet cells ......... 150 Gold chloride as a staining agent ..... 59 Graafian follicles, structure of ..... 199 development of .... 202 Htematoxylin, preparation and use of , . . . , 6 Haemoglobin, characters of ..... 64 preparation of crystals of . . . 88 Hair, cells in cuticula of ...... , 230 follicle, structure of . . . . , , , 225 general structure and relations of .... 224 papillae of ....... 225 preparation of sections of . , , , , . 230 shaft, structure of . , , , , , , 226 Ha\ler’s layer of choroid ....... 337 Hardening agents 3 Haversian lamellae 63 canals ....... , 64 Heart, endocardium 123 muscle of ........ 101 valves of , . . , , . , 124 Henle, sheath of , , . , , , . . 106 Hensen’s line in muscle-fibre , . , . , . 97 Highmori, corpus, in testicle ...... 188 Hyaline cartilage, structure of . , , . . 57 method of studying , . , . . S9 Indifferent Fluids, use of ...... s Infundibula of lungs, structure of .... 172 Injection, interstitial . . . . . . 6 of blood-vessels . , * 10 Intestine, large, structure of , , , ... 153 FACE 264 INDEX. Intestine, large, method of studying ..... 154 small, >•***••• 149 agminated glands of ..... 152 Brunner’s glands ..... 150 chyle vessels of ..... 151 epithelial cells of . . , c 149 follicles of Lieberkubn .... 149 goblet cells of , .... . *5O lymph-vessels of ..... *5l muscularis mucosae of .... 151 method of study of .... 154 Peyer’s patches 152 solitary follicles of .... . 151 villi of ...... 149 Kidney, capsule of ....... 178 connective tissue of ..... . 185 convoluted tubules of ...... 181 cortex of . 178 cortical pyramids of ..... , 179 epithelium of . . . , • . 182 general structure of ..... i7B glomeruli of . . . , , *79, 182 Henle’s loops of ...... 181 injected, preparation of .... , 187 Intercalated tubules of ..... iBt labyrinth of . ...... 179 medulla of ...... i7B medullary rays of . «... v i7B method of examining ...... 185 papilla of ....... 178 parenchyma of ...... . 180 position of tubules in ..... . 183 preparation of isolated tubules of , , . , 186 rabbit’s, preparation of ...... 185 straight tubules of ..... , 181 uninjected, preparation of , , • . . 186 uriniferous tubules of • . . . , 180 Krause, line of, in muscle-fibres ..... 97 Lactation, changes of mammary gland during ... SO9 Lacunae, of bone ........ 6a Morgagni, in urethra. ...... 194 PAGE INDEX, Lamellae, of bone 63 Leucocytes . go Lieberkuhn, follicles of, in small intestine • , , , 149 Ligamentum nuchae •••<.«. 34 Littre, glands of, in urethra ..... Ig4 Liver is? blood-vessels of ,s8 cells of 157 preparation of X6i connective tissue of ...... 161 gall-vessels of j6o genera! structure of ..... . i5B Glisson’s capsule in ...... 159 injection of blood-vessels of , , , , ,62 gall-vessels of ..... 163 lobules of 15Q lymphatic vessels of . .... . 161 lymphoid tissue in ,6, pig’s, preparation of ,g2 human, preparation of ...... *62 Lungs, air vesicles of , 17a alveolar passages of ...... ,7a alveoli of ........ 17a blood-vessels of . ...... 174 infundibula of ...... , xj2 injected blood-vessels of ..... 177 lobules of . ,7I method of examining ....... 175 pigment in I7S uninjected, preparation of .... , 175 Lymph . . . . . , , . 86 follicles ........ i 34 Lymphatic capillaries ....... 125 glands 129 spaces ........ 44 vessels • 134 Lymphoid tissue ........ 134 Malpighian Bodies, of kidney . - . ... t 179 of spleen • . c . . . 137 Malpighian layer, of skin ...... aao Mammary gland, structure of , . . . . , aoB preparation of ..... azo PAGE 266 INDEX. PAGE Marrow, of bone, structure of ..... , 65 preparation of .... 70 Medullary sheath, of nerve-fibres ..... 104 Meibomian glands ....... 243 Meissner’s corpuscles ....... 229 Menstruation, changes of uterine mucous membrane in . . 205 M esentery, endothelium of ..... 45 Motor-end plates ........ 99 Mounting, in glycerin ....... 12 in Canada balsam ...... 14 Mucin, in embryonal tissue ...... 49 Mucous tissue ........ 48 in umbilical cord, preparation of . . , 50 Muller’s fluid, formula for ...... 5 Muscle-cells, smooth ....... 92 isolation of ..... 93 preparation of, from frog’s bladder . . 94 sections of, from intestine ... 94 Muscle, erector pilze. ....... 227 Muscle-fibres, general structure of .... 95 Hensen’s line in ..... , 97 Krause’s line in ..... 97 nuclei of ...... 98 preparation of fresh ..... 99 by osmic acid . . . ' 100 sections from tongue . . 100 sarcolemma of ..... 98 sarcous elements of .... , 97 Muscle-fibrillse, primitive ...... 96 Muscle-tissue, classification of ...... 91 of heart . , • • , . . . 101 preparation of .... . 102 smooth ....... 92 striated voluntary ..... 95 Nail, structure of . . . . . . . , 223 preparation of sections of ..... *29 Nerves, connective tissue of ..... , 106 Henle’s sheath of ..... 106 intra-fascicular connective tissue of . , . . joB lamellar sheath of ..... 107 peri-fascicular connective tissue of , , , , JO7 preparation of sections of , , , , uj INDEX. 267 page Nerve-cells, classification of ..... m preparation of, from brain .... 118 from spinal cord .... 117 processes of ...... 111 sympathetic, structure of . . . . . 112 preparation of ... 118 Nerve-fibres, axis-cylinder of . , , , . 104 classification of ..... . 103 fresh, study of ..... 113 incisures of Schmidt in . . . . 106 inter-annular segments of .... 105 medullary sheath of .... . 104 medullated ...... 104 neurilemma of ... . 105 non-medu Hated ...... no physiological significance of structure of . , 116 preparation of, with osmic acid . . . 114 with silver . 115 transverse sections of . . 114 Ranvier’s crosses on .... 115 of Remak ....... no sympathetic, preparation of ... . 118 termination of, in nerve-centres . . . 108 in the periphery ... 109 Nerve-tissue, classification of ..... 103 Neuroglia, character of, in spinal cord ..... 813 Nodes, lymph ........ 129 Nucleated red blood-cells, in marrow ..... 67 in spleen ..... 139 Odontoblasts ........ 78 Oil of cloves, use of, in Canada balsam mounting ... 15 Omentum, endothelium of 46 Optical sections ........ 126 Osmic acid, action of, on tissues ..... 5 Osteoblasts ......... 67,73 origin of ....... 76 Ovary, connective tissue of ..... . 198 general structure of ..... , 197 Graafian follicles of ..... . 199 preparation of 204 Ovum, structure of . . . , , . . , aoo Pacinian Bodies, in skin m 8 268 INDEX. Panniculus adiposus . ~,,,, 923 Papillae, of skin 932 of hair . . ...... 225 Periosteum ......... 65 Peyer’s patches ........ 152 Pia-mater, of brain ....... aiB preparation of ..... 919 of cord ........ 2xl Pigmented cells, of retina . . . , ._ 24 of choroid ...... 36 Pleura, pulmonary, structure of ..... , 175 Potassium bichromate ....... 4 Preservative agents ....... 3 Prickle-cells, in epidermis ...... 221 Pritchard’s method for gold staining ..... 39 Prostate gland, structure of ..... . 192 preparation of . . , , , , ig3 Protoplasm ......... 18 Pulp, of spleen ........ 139 of tooth ........ 78 cords, in spleen ....... 139 Purkinje’s cells, structure of ..... Ix 2 position of, in cerebellum .... 917 Ranvier, crosses of, on nerve-fibres . .... 116 Remak, nerve-fibres of , 110 Respiratory apparatus ....... 168 Rolando, substantia gelatinosa of .... . 914 Sarcolemma ........ 96 Sarcous elements ........ 97 Schmidt, incisures of, in nerve-fibres ..... 106 Schwann, sheath of ....... 105 Sebaceous glands ........ 227 Section cutting ........ 9 Seminiferous tubules ....... 158,189 Serous membranes ....... 44 Shaking, method of, in preparing tissues .... 55 Sharpey, fibres of, in bone . . . . . . 64,75 Silver nitrate, methods of staining with . . , . 42,45 Skin, blood-vessels of ...... 223 corium of ....... 223 epidermis of ....... 990 FACE INDEX. 269 PAGE Skin, from finger tip, preparation of , . . . 230 general structure of ...... 220 horny layer of 220 injected, preparation of ..... 229 mucous layer of ...... 220 negro’s 229 nerves of 228 papillae of 222 prickle-cells of ....... 221 rete Malpighi ...*... 223 stratum lucidum ....... 221 Spermatoblasts ........ igo Spermatozoa, development of ..... 190 movements of ..... 192 preparation of ..... 191 structure of ...... 191 Spinal cord, arrangement of gray matter in . , . 211 blood-vessels of ..... 214 central canal of ..... 212 columns of 212 connective tissue of . . . , . . 213 cornua of . - 212 general structure of ..... 211 gray commissures of ..... 212 gray matter of, structure of ... 213 neuroglia 213 sections, preparation of .... 2lq substantia gelatinosa of Rolando ... 214 white commissure ...... 213 white matter, structure of . . . , . 212 Spleen, cavernous venis of ...... I