NOTES ON HISTOLOGICAL METHODS INCLUDING A BRIEF CONSIDERATION OF THE METHODS OF Pathological and Vegetable Histology, AND THE APPLICATION OF THE MICROSCOPE TO JURISPRUDENCE. For the use of Laboratory Students in the Anatomical Department of the CORNELL UNIVERSITY, BY SIMON H. GAGE. Assistant Professor of Physiology and Lecturer on Microscopical Technology. ITHACA, N. Y., Andrus & Church, 1885-6. Prefatory Note. The object of histological methods is to assist the investigator in obtaining a complete knowledge of the tissues. Complete knowledge of any tissue comprises, in the writer’s opinion, an understanding of: 1. The gross anatomy. 2. The form, nature and relations of the structural elements. 3. The blood vessels. 4. The lymph-vessels. 5. The nerve-supply,—the relation of the terminal filaments of the nerves to the structural elements. 6. The histogenesis or development. 7. The function or physiology of the tissue. At the present day, however, not a single tissue is known in all the detail indicated above. The following pages are designed to supplement the notes printed in 1881, and to present improved methods, introduced since that time. A list of topics considered in the entire course is also given. The permanent preparations required of each student are thought to include those tissues, the knowledge of which is essential as a basis of histology; and the methods for their study, illustrate the principal methods of histological research—methods which, by combination or slight modification, will enable the student to obtain a good knowledge of all the tissues. When not otherwise stated, the methods here given were taken from the books and periodicals named at the end; and after the methods of study of a tissue are given, references are made to the works in the list in which figures and a more or less complete account of its struc- ture may be found. Finally, for the benefit of students specially interested in Botany, Medicine, and the Relations of Medicine to Law, three extra lectures are given on the methods of vegetable and pathological histology, and the application of the microscope to j urisprudence- Special references to the books and periodicals in the alphabetical lists at the end are made by giving in brackets : 1st. If a book, the initial letter of the author’s name, or if more than one author has the same initial, the initial and one or more of the following letters in the name. For periodicals, the initial letters of the title are given. 2d. If the work consists of more than one volume, the volume is indi- cated by a Roman numeral, or with periodicals, the year instead of the volume is sometimes indicated by Arabic numerals in parentheses. 3d. The pages referred to are given in Arabic numbers. Finally, cross references to the various sections in these notes are given in paren- theses. SIMON H. GAGE, Anatomical Laboratory of the Cornell University- January, 1886. Topics. 1. The Microscope and its Parts.—Simple microscope—compound microscope—optical parts of a compound microscope—nomenclature of oculars—of objectives—dry, immersion and homogeneous object- ives—working distance—mechanical parts. Choice of a simple, and of a compound microscope for laboratory use. Care of the mechani- cal, and of the optical parts. Care and training of the eyes in micro- scopic work. (Notes of ’81. C. Bi. Bau. R. Fi. H. (J.r.m.s.) (Z.w.m.) A.s.m. J.n-y.m.s). 2. Learning to use a microscope.—The simple microscope. Putting oculars and objectives in position and removing them—focusing— with low and with high objectives. Putting an object under the mi- croscope. Revolver or nose-piece. Field of the microscope. Light- ing by direct or transmitted, central or axial and oblique light. Dia- phragms. Demonstration of the function of the objective,—of the ocular—of the mirror. (Notes of’81. Bi. C. Fi. H. R. St.). 3. Slides and Covers, Interpretation of Appearances.—Slides and cover-glasses, cleaning and care (§ 1-4). Mounting an object, (l 5.) Dust or cloudiness on the ocular, on the objective. Muscae volitantes in the eye of the observer. Relative position of objects having plane outlines—having curved outlines—air bubbles and oil globules. Dis- tinctness of outline depends on difference in color or refractive power. Optical section—highly refractive—doubly contoured. Currents—Pe- desis or Brownian movement. Ranvier’s demonstration of pedesis with polarized light (R. 175). (Notes of ’81. Bi. C. F.i. R. Popular Scienee Monthly, Vol. VII, p. 177. Journal of Science, 1878, p. 167.) 3 4. Magnification, Micrometry and Drawing.—Magnification of a simple microscope—of a compound microscope. Obtained: (A.) Di- rectly as for the simple microscope, (B.) With a camera lucida. Forms of camera lucidas and their action (Wollaston’s, Abbe’s Grunow’s and Schroeder’s). Notes of 81. Bi. C. R. (Z. w. m. I. 1-23.) J. r. m. s. (1883) p. 813, (A. m. m. J. Ill, 201.) Micrometers and Micrometry—Optical combination and length of body—three ways of varying the magnification of a compound micro- scope.—(a) by dividing the size of the image by the magnification ; (b) by using the camera lucida and stage-micrometer ; (c) by dividing the real image as measured, by the ocular micrometer, by the ocular mi- crometer ratio. (Notes of ’81.) Accuracy depends on (a) the perfec- tion of the instruments, and (b) the skill of the observer. Notes of ’81. Bi. C. Fi. R.). Drawing.—Getting outlines with a camera lucida. Filling in details freehand. Getting image of a desired size. Drawing lines of a stage- micrometer near the drawing to indicate the magnification. (Bi. C. Fi. (Z. w. m. I. pp. 23.) (J. r. m. s. 1884, p. 697). 5. The Study of living tissues. ($ 7-20). 6. Isolation and preservation of the structural elements. (§ 21-32). 7. Hardening tissues. (§ 35-37). 8. Section cutting and mounting. ($ 34, 38-64). 9. Serial sections. ($ 60). 10. Fine injections. (§ 61-67). 11. Methods of pathological histology. ($ 68). 12. Methods of vegetable histology. (§ 69). 13. The microscope in Jurisprudence. (§ 70). 14. Reagents and their preparation. ($ 71). 15. Bibliography. (I-VIII). 4 PERMANENT PREPARATIONS. The following permanent preparations are to be made, labelled, cat- alogued (£ 25), and submitted for examination and criticism the last week of the term. The cross references following each tissue, are to the sections in these notes where the methods of preparation are given, and references are made to books or periodicals in which may be found figures and descriptions of the tissue. Except when other- wise stated the tissues are from the Cat. 1. Blood of Necturus, (£ 21-23). 2. Blood of Man, (£ 24). 3. Ciliated epithelial cells, isola- ted, (£ 26). 4. Striated muscular fibers, isola- ted, (£ 27). 5. Muscular fiber-cells, isolated, (8.28). 6. Cardiac muscular fibers, isola- ted, (£29). 7. Myelinic nerve-fibers, isolated, (8 39)-. 8. Amyelinic nerve-fibers, isola- ted, (£ 31). 9. Areolar connective tissue, (8 32).. 10. Endothelium, (£ 33). 11. Section of cartilage, (£ 34). 12. Transection of a nerve, (ulnar, brachial, or sciatic), (£47). 13. Transection of myel, (cervical or lumbar enlargement), (848). 14- Transection of a striated mus- cle, (occipito-scapularis,) ($49)-. 15. Transection of an artery, ($ 50).. 16. Transection of trachea, ($.Si). 17. Section of submaxillary gland, ($ 52). 18. Section of stomach of Nectu- rus, ($53). 19. Section of ileum, (§ 54). 20. Section of liver, ($ 55). 21. Section of ovary, (§ 56). 22. Section of human skin, (§.57)- . 23. Section of injected kidney, ($ 63). 24. Section of injected small in- testine, (§64). 25. Web of frog’s foot with both blood and lymph vessels in- jected, (§ 67). MICROSCOPIC SLIDES AND COVER-GLASSES. (g 1) Slides.—These are strips of clear, flat glass upon which micro- scopic specimens are mounted (§ 5). The size most commonly used in America is 1x3 inches. In this laboratory, slides 25x45 mm. are employed. Slides may be prepared very cheaply from strips of clear glass with a diamond or a steel glass-cutter. (§ 2) Cleaning Slides.—New slides can usually be well cleaned by washing in soft water. Slides that have been used for mounting objects can be cleaned by soaking them in the cleaning mixture for glass (§ 72), and then washing in water. After the slides are well rinsed, take them singly and by opposite edges, and wipe dry with a soft clean cloth. 5 ($3) Cover-glasses.—These are circular or quadrangular pieces of glass used in covering microscopic objects. They should be very thin,—.10 to .18 mm. (1-250 to 1-150 in.) in thickness. Covers may be made very cheaply from the laminae or scales of mica, but mica is too soft to be used for permanent preparations. (§ 4) Cleaning Cover-glasses.—New cover-glasses should be put one by one into the cleaning mixture for glass (% 72), and allowed to re- main two days or longer. Cover-glasses that have become soiled in any way should be placed in the cleaning mixture for a week or more. Finally rinse the covers by a gentle stream of water till the color of the cleaning mixture is no more visible. In wiping the cover-glasses, grasp them singly and by opposite edges between the thumb and in- dex of the left hand. Cover the thumb and index of the right hand with a soft, clean cloth, grasp the cover and rub its two surfaces. It is necessary to have the ball of the thumb and finger on exactly oppo- site sides in wiping the covers, or they will be broken. When a cover is well wiped, hold it up and look through it toward some dark object. It will be seen partly by transmitted and partly by reflected light. If it does not look clear, breathe on the faces and wipe them again. Handle the cover-glasses and slides by their edges, or handle the cover-glasses with fine forceps. Do not touch the surface with the fingers. As the covers are wiped, place them in pill-boxes, and assort them according to thickness. One can judge of the thickness of a cover- glass by looking at its edge. It is better, however, to measure the thickness of each cover as it is wiped, with Zeiss’ Deckglass-Taster, and place those of like thickness in the same box (see $ 25). ($ 5) Mounting microscopic obje<5ts.—This is preparing them for study with the microscope. They are generally put upon slides (§ 1), and in some liquid called the mounting medium. To protect them from evaporation, dust and mechanical injury they are covered with cover-glasses (§ 3). (§ 6) Putting on the cover-glass.—Grasp a clean cover-glass of the proper size near one edge with the fine forceps, and if necessary, dust on both sides with a quill duster. Without relaxing the grasp of the forceps, rest one edge of the cover on the slide near the object and slowly lower the other till the cover is nearly parallel with the slide, then remove the forceps and the cover will fall into position. If this method is followed, the cover-glass may be put exactly where it is wanted and there will also be avoided the displacement of the object and the inclusion of air-bubbles. 6 LIVING TISSUES.* The student is advised to read all that is said upon each special subject before commencing work upon that subject. (ft 7) Normal conditions.—For the best results in the study of living tissues it is necessary to maintain the normal temperature and, to surround the object with a normal fluid,—a fluid in which it naturally lives. For Protozoa and other aquatic animals, the water in which they are found is their normal fluid. For the blood-corpuscles of Necturus, frog and man, and for the ciliated epithelium from the frog, artificial serum made from egg-albumen, salt and water, answers very well (§73). AMOEBOID MOVEMENT. (ft 8) Amoeba.—This unicellular animal shows admirably the amoe- boid movement,—a continual change of form due to the protrusion of one or more processes from any part of the circumference. Amoebae are especially abundant in soft water regions. Their special habitat is the light, superficial ooze at the bottom of still waters. They are also usually abundant in the floculent matrials and slimy matter ad- herent to submerged stems and leaves, and in wet sphagnum moss. [Leidy, 8-13, H. & M., if\. Mounting the amoebce.—Grasp some of the floculent matrial and dead leaves at the bottom of the aquarium with the fine forceps and press them on the center of a clean slide several times. Cover {ft 6) the water and other material left on the slide by this process, and ex- amine under the microscope, using a 1-5 objective. Every irregular translucent mass should be watched for a short time to see if it ex- hibits the amoeboid movement. It is not safe for a beginner to call any object an amoeba before it has exhibited the amoeboid movement. After once becoming familiar with amoeboid movement it is quite easy to detect moving amoeboid forms whether they are independent or- ganisms like the amoeba or parts of higher animals like the wdiite blood-corpuscles. (| 9) White blood-corpuscles of Necturus.—To obtain the white blood-corpuscles, pith a Necturus. To do this, remove the animal from the water; grasp it in a dry towel; wipe the dorsal part of the head dry ; ventriduct the head, an