iaoo ■% X rr fc X A (---■ %> .5P* H ^ t^ J? A DUE <*#i \/ ran w* ^^ \^ CATALOGUE THE WISTAK, OR ANATOMICAL MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. BY ¥. E. HORNER, M.D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY. /JLHIVAKT. <% HIRD EDITIO^^^o^?>;. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY L. R. BAILEY, NO. 26 N. FIFTH ST. 18 5 0. \%S0 /-sit* 79rj 4 J^e~.**» 2 PREFACE. The foundation of the Anatomical Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, was laid by the Widow of the late Professor Wistar. This estimable lady, after the death of her husband, January 22d, 1818, bearing in mind the extreme interest which he had always felt, but more particularly in the latter period of his life, for the advancement of his Chair, and for increasing the facilities of Anatomical instruction; was convinced, that if the sickness which terminated his life had allowed, he certainly would have made a bequest of his prepa- rations to the University. She therefore determined to manifest, both her own affection for the memory of her distinguished husband, and the regard which she had for the scene of his labours, by purchasing at her own ex- pense, and presenting to the University, his collection. This was accordingly done. The course of human events has now for several years numbered her, at an advanced age, with those who live no more on earth. But this monument of her liberality and of her husband's devotion to his duties as Professor of Anatomy, still remains as he left it. Dr. Wistar's cabinet consisted principally in a very fine series of dried preparations of the sanguiferous and lymphatic systems, of corrosions, and of models in wood. The preparations of the lymphatics were, for the most part, from the school of the celebrated Mascagni, hav- ing been imported from Italy about the year 1812. iv PREFACE. Some very finished lymphatic preparations are of domestic origin. The models of wood were executed by Mr. Rush, a distinguished carver of this city. In the year 1824, the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, with a kindness which has met with the highest commendation, gave to the University their Anatomical Cabinet, consisting in preparations—in models of wax made by Dr. Chovet—and in plaster casts and crayon drawings, which were originally sent to this country by Dr. Fothergill, of London, in 1762. With these initiative measures, it has been the un- ceasing care of the Professorship of Anatomy since, to increase and to improve the Museum. The accommoda- tions in the present Medical Hall, and the extent of the room allotted to the Museum, have given a strong in- centive and great opportunity for exertion. A nume- rous series of wet preparations, forming now the body of the Museum, has been made; and includes a very large number of most interesting specimens of Morbid Anatomy and of minute structure. Many preparations in natural history and in comparative anatomy, besides numerous drawings, have been added, and also models. The variety of articles, illustrating the different points of Human Anatomy, is indeed so extensive, that it would be extremely difficult to introduce them all by demonstration into a course of lectures; and it is con- fidently believed, that this Museum, in surpassing the majority of collections in amplitude, yields to none in the comparative value, neatness, and utility of its spe- cimens, taken in the aggregate. In explanation of this catalogue, it may be stated that the plan adopted, divides into several classes the prepa- rations and specimens. Each class, excepting the first is indicated by its appropriate letter. It has been an PREFACE. V object to keep the several kinds of preparations, that is, the wet and the dry, perfectly distinct, both in their locality and in their classification, yet a blending of them has occasionally been resorted to, as the most simple plan of illustrating particular structures. In the catalogue, the number of the piece, and its class, are placed in the first column, the designation of the piece in the second, and the donor's or preparer's name in the third. The latter represents the name in full or by initials, thus: W. stands for Wistar, P. " for Physick, P. II. " for Pennsylvania Hospital, J. " for James, H. " for Horner. { This mark relates to pieces which have been sawed into two or more parts. Sometimes the same number is put upon the several parts, sometimes con- secutive numbers. A great difficulty with every anatomist having a cabinet of magnitude, is the numbering of pieces in such a way, that he may introduce fresh articles, so as to harmonize both in their positions and numbers with their congeners. The following plan has been found to answer. For example, in the class A., many preparations intervene between the primary Nos. 12 and 13, and they are introduced without confusion by adopting fractional signs, as 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5, &c. From this it is evident that a thousand prepara- tions may subsequently come in between 12 and 13, without ever disturbing the existing catalogue. It also adds inconsiderably to the complexity of the plan, to subjoin a fraction to a fraction, as 12-1-1, 12-1-2, 12-1-3, VI PREFACE. 12-1-4, 12-1-5, 12-1-20, 12-1-100, &c, so that a prepara- tion, let it be added at the most distant interval of time, need never be separated either in number or position from its cognates. For the want of some such method, the requirement is very common in growing collections, of altering the numbers of preparations every few years. A different classification may in the progress of things be deemed advisable also here, and as a consequence may involve the necessity of new numbering, but it will be a measure of general convenience rather than an obligation. W. E. HORNER, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Nov. 14, 1850. CONTENTS. B. Page. Blood,.........15 Blood-vessels, (dried) - .....50 Bones, and their diseases and accidents, - - - 16, 62 Bones, descriptive anatomy of,.....57 C. Calculi, urinary, biliary, and salivary, 68 Circulation, organs of, ------IS Comparative anatomy, ------ 73 Conception and pregnancy, organs of, - - - - 34 Corrosions, - .....S*""" ° Crania, national and individual peculiarities of, - - 63 D. Digestion, organs of,.......23 Dried preparations,.......49 Drawings,.........u E. Ear,......... 42 Emunctories,....... 29 Encephalon,....... 39 Eye,.........40 G. Generation, male organs of,......3° Generation, female organs of,.....33 H. Hernia,...... 79 Vlll CONTENTS. L. Page. Lymphatics and lacteals, ------ 49 M. Miscellaneous articles,......79 Models, paintings, and books, - 9 Morbid anatomy, miscellaneous articles in, - - - 44 Muscles, general anatomy of, - - - - - 15 N. Natural history,........47, 73 Nervous system, general anatomy of, - - - - 39 Nose,..........42 R. Respiration, organs of, ------21 S. Sensation, organs of,.....- - 39 Skin,..........42 Spinal marrow, -.......39 CATALOGUE. MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 1 Male figure, Wax, by Dr. Chovet, P. H. 2 Female figure, do. do. do. 3 Bust of male, do. do. do. 4 Fcetus in utero, do. do. do. 5 Foetus and placenta, do. do. do. 6 Fcetus on pedestal, do. do. do. 7 Foetus dissected, do. do. do. 8 Female genital organs and kidneys, do. do. do. 9 Intestines of adult, do. do. do. 10 Abdomen, externally, of pregnant woman, in plaster, presented by Dr. Fothergill, do. 11 Abdomen, internally, in plaster, do. do. 12 Breech presentation, in plaster, do. do. 12—1 Superficial muscles, in plaster, Wistar. 12—2 Phrenological bust, in plaster, Horner. 12__3 Phrenological divisions of cranium, do. 12—4 Skull of criminal hung for murder at Ed.,Cast,do. 12—5 Do. do. do. in Eng., do. do. 12—6 Skull of Raphael, do. do. 12—7 Do. do- do- 12—8 Do. Hagerty, hung for murder at Ed., do. do. 12—9 Do. Heaman, do. do. do. 12-10 Do. idiot of Germany, do. do. 12-11 Do. showing organs of conscientious- ness, do. do. 12-12 Mask of Cromwell, do. do. 12-13 Do. of Pitt, do. do. 12-14 Do. of Voltaire, do. do. 12-15 Do. of John Hunter, do. do. 12-16 Do. of Sir Isaac Newton, do. do. 2 10 MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 12-17 Mask, a physician of Paris, Cast,Homer. 12-18 Do. do. do. 12-19 Convolutions of brain, do. do. 12-20 Cast of a head found in an old burying ground at Rlieims, France, presented by Dr. Richard Harlan. 1S42. 12-22 Miniature cast, in plaster, of Hercules, Horner. 1844. 12-23 Bust of Virgil, do. do. " 13 Model of interior of brain, by Rush, in wood, W. 14 Do. basis do. do. do. do. 14—i Do. brain, by Dr. Usher Parsons, of Providence, R. I., 1838. 14—2 Wax model of foot, in dry mortification, pre- pared and presented by Prof. Pancoast, " 14—3 Wax model of a Chinese at Macao, being a double conception; one attached by neck to the sternum of the other, done by Bran- no, from clay model, 1844. 14—4 Wax model of adult club-foot, by Branno, " 14—5 Do. infant do. do. " 14—6 Do. do. do. do. " 14—7 Real bones, original of 14—6. " 14—8 Wax model of penis, by Branno, " 14—9 Model of artero-venous circulation of head, 1848. 14-10 Do. nervous distribution of head, " 14-11 Do. in wax, by Branno, 1846. 14-12 Do. do. do. " 14-13 Do. do. do. « 14-14 Do. do. do. " 14-15 Do. do. do. " 14-16 Do. do. do. " 14-17 Do. do. do. " 14-18 Do. do. do. " 14-19 Do. do. do. " 14-20 Do. of structure of bone, Thibert, pre- sented to Dr. Horner by Dr. Wood. 1850. 15 Do. eye, by Rush, in wood, W. 15—i Do. do. by Ernest Flohr, 1842. 16 Do. larynx, in clay, W. 17 Do. do. do. do. 17—1 Larynx, model, in wood, by Main, 1850. 18 Model of the thyroid cartilage, paper, W. 19 Do. Chinese foot, clay, Dr. Chapman. 19—1 Do. male organs of generation, with im- perfect bladder, clay, W. MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 11 19—2 Model in plaster of paris, of the external genitals of a black hermaphrodite (an imperfect female, with hyper- trophy of the clitoris), obtained from the dissecting rooms in the winter 1849-50. 20 Do. first row of carpus, by Rush, in wood, Physick. 21 Do. second row, do. do. do. 21—1 Carpus, model in wood, by Main. 1849. 22 Model of radius, do. Physick. 23 Do. sphenoid bone do. W. 24 Do. upper maxillary and pa- late bones, do. do. 25 Do. lower turbinated bone, in lead, do. 26 Do. cellular part of ethmoid bone, wood, do. 27 Do. ethmoid bone, do. do. 28 Do. unguiform bone, do. do. 29 Do. temporal bone, do. do. 30 Do. labyrinth, do. do. 31 Do. external ear, clay, do. 32 Do. temporal bone, Wax, do. 33 Do. bones of tympanum, do. do. 34 Painting, crayon, anatomical, by Rymsdike, 1760, from Dr. Fothergill, P. H. 35 Do. do. do. do. do. 36 Do. do. do. do. do. 37 Do. do. do. do. do. 38 Do. do. do. do. do. 39 Do. do. do. do. do. 40 Do. do. do. do. do. 41 Do. do. do. do. do. 42 Do. do. do. do. do. 43 Do. do. do. do. do. 44 Do. do. do. do. do. 45 Do. do. do. do. do. 46 Do. do. obstetrical, do. do. 47 Do. do. do. do. do. 48 Do. do. do. do. do. 49 Do.* do. do. do. do. 50 Do. do. do. do. do. 51 Do. do. do. do. do. 52 JEsculapius, bust of, presented by Dr. E. Hudson. 53 Nathaniel Chapman, Prof., &c, do.Dr. G.R.B. Horner. 54 William Shippen, Prof., &c. 55 Mascagni, anatomia magna 6 fasciculi, 12 MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 56 Albinus's tables of the muscles, Wistar. 57 Professor Bujalsky, surgical anatomy of the large arteries, presented by the Author. 1829. 58 Crayon drawing ofnails and hair, by Titian Peale. 1830. 59 Do. cuticle, nails, and hair, do. " 60 Do. veins, do. " 61 Do. tensor tarsi muscle, do. " 62 Do. muscles of eye ball, do. " 63 Do. vessels of eye ball, do. " 64 Do. glands of Meibomius, do. " 65 Do. lachrymal ducts, do. " 66 Do. brain, do. " 67 Do. spinal marrow, do. " 68 Do. nervous ganglion, do. " 69 Do. sympathetic nerve, the be- ginning of, do. " 70 Do. nerves of labyrinth, do. " 71 Do. nerves of nose, do. " 71—1 Do. nerves of septum narium, do. 1832. 72 Do. papillse of kidney, do. 1830. 73 Do. tubuli uriniferi, do. " 74 Do. papillse of tongue, do. " 75 Do. muscles of tongue, do. " 76 Do. dentition, do. " 77 Do. villi of intestines, do. " 78 Do. vesiculse seminales, do. " 79 Do. testicle, do. « 79—1 Tubuli seminiferi, oil painting. 1834. 80 Crayon drawing of descent of testicle, do. 1830. 81 Do. lymphatics, do. " 81—1 Neck of bladder, muscles of, do. 1835. after description of Dr. Horner. 82 Model of muscles of eye ball, by Dr. Goddard. 1S32. 83 Model for muscular motion, Horner. " 84 Do. of throat, in wax, by Dr. Goddard. 1833. 84—I Drawing of papillae of cutis vera, by Flohr. 1834. 85 Do. do. do. do. " S6 Do. do. tongue, do. « 87 Do. villi and follicles of intestines, do. « 88 Do. do. do. stomach, do. « 89 Do. calamus scriptorius, do. « 90 Do. peritoneum, by William Smith. 1842. 91 Do. tubuli lactiferi, do. « 92 Do. posterior vertebral liga- ment, do. « 93 Do. internal costo-transverse ligament, do. « MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 13 94 Drawing of posterior costo-transverse ligament, by William Smith. 1842. head of chimpanzee, do. " human facial angle, do. " head of lion, do. " muscles of face,front view, do. " do. side view, do. " do. recti and ob- 95 Do. 96 Do. 97 Do. 98 Do. 99 Do. 100 Do. 101 Do. 102 Do. 103 Do. 104 Do. 105 Do. 106 Do. 107 Do. 108 Do. 109 Do. 110 Do. 110—1 Do. 111 Do. 112 Do. 113 Do. 113—1 Do. 114 Do. liqui of neck, do. « do. side view, do. a pharynx, do. a tongue, do. a diaphragm, do. a muscles of animal life, (after Miiller), do. u do. do. do. do. a do. organic life, do. do. a vesicnlae seminales, do. a sacs of anus (after Horner) do. u trachea, do. u larynx, by Titian Peale, 1832 lymphatics of penis (after Breschet), by William Smith. 1842 vasa vorticosa and canal of Petit, do. ti tunica choroidea and iris, do. a iris, from life, by Kern, a red globules of blood, to wit: A. man, (after Wagner),"" B. common fowl, (do.), Xj C. frog, (do.), /! u D. Squalus squatina, (do.), >X1 E. Lophius piscatorius, (do.), £ F. scorpion, (do.), 115 Do. osteogeny, to wit: A. canals of havers (after' Deutsch), B. do. (after Meischer), [>do. C. osseous corpuscles, (after | Miiller), J 116 Do. osteogeny: A. epiphyses ossifying, (after"] Miiller), I , B. surface of bone ossifying, f °* (after Sharpey),J 14 MODELS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS. 117 Drawing of ossification in humerus of a calf, as seen in a vertical cut, (after ^ g Sharpey), A. outline of same bone, (do.)_ 118 Do. primitive fibrillas of spinal mar- row and brain according to Ehrenberg, do. " 119 Do. tubular nervous fibres, (Ehren- berg), do. " 120 Do. cellular substance magnified, do. " 121 Do. tendinous filaments, (after Jor- dan), do. " 122 Do. nerves of heart, do. " 123 Do. filaments of the elastic ligaments of back, do. " 124 Do. filaments of fibrous coat of aorta, do. " 125 Do. intestinal villus (after Krause), do. " 126 Do. air vesiclesof lungs (after Horner) do. " 127 Herniarum corporis humani tabulae, Petro- politani, 1835. Presented by command of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia, through the Russian Consul at N. Y., 1837. 128 Portrait of Prof.Philip S.Physick, by Inman, presented by the Medical class, " 128—1 Lock of hair (queue) from the head of Prof. P. S. Physick, taken after his death, and presented by his son-in-law, Dr. Jacob Randolph, to Dr. Horner, " 129 Portrait of Prof. W. P. Dewees, by Nagle, presented by Medical Faculty, 1841. 129—1 Portrait of Professor Chapman, presented by class, session 1847-48. 130 Drawing of foramen ovale, by Titian Peale, 1832. 131 Bust, in plaster, of Prof. Caspar Wistar. 132 Do. do. do. Benjamin Rush. 133 Lithograph, full length, of skeleton, drawn and presented by Watson. 1843. 135 Medal of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, pre- sented by Medical Profession of Great Britain. See Minutes of Medical Faculty, 1845. 136 Transverse section of bone magnified, draw- ing of, by Kern, after Leidy, 1846. 137 Drawing of glandulse odoriferss of axilla, by M'llvaine, « 138 Blood corpuscles—human, and frog, 1848. 1381 Trepanning instruments from collection of Prof. Wistar, used by him as a Surgeon, 1818. BLOOD. 15 139 Enamel, segments of, (drawing, M'llvaine), 1846. 140 Dental tubules, segments of, do. do. " 141 Do. do. do. do. " 142 Wolffian bodies, do. do. " 143 Spermatozoa, do. do. " 144 Retina—Lens, do. do. " OUTLINES ON BACK OF DRAWINGS. Acini of liver, on No. 123. Kidney, tubules of, on No. 125. Do. « 124. Pancreas, " 104. Bronchial cartilage, " 108. Spleen, " 105. Carpal articulation, " 93. Tubuli uriniferi, " 125. Corpora Wolffiana, " 122. Do. " 120. Cremaster muscle, " 7 T . ,. R H> 105 Do. 5 106 Section of child's liver, injected minutely, Horner. 107 Do. do. do. 107—1 Liver, section of, in infant, minutely in- jected, 107—2 Do. do. do. " 107—3 Do. do. do. 1827. 107—4 Gall bladder, do. 1830. 107—5 Bile from gall bladder, do. " 107—6 Do. do. do. 1838. * lb. p. 176, for case. + lb. P- 178, for case. % lb. p. 180, for case. § lb. P- 203. II A. 102-13. This individual, * * *, had been condemned to death for murder, and while under sentence, died from the bursting of his aneurism. do. 1826. 28 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 107—8 Minute injection of liver,* Horner 107—9 Do. do.* do 107-10 Do. do. by Mr. Keirnan, of London, presented by Dr. Thomas Stewardson, 107-11 Do. same, 107-12 Encysted gall stone, 107-13 Internal coat of gall bladder, 1838. Dr. 108 Lymphatics of liver, 109 Section of scirrhous liver, 110 Do. do. Ill Do. do. Ill—1 Liver, commencing scirrhus of, do. do. Goddard. H. Physick. Horner. do. do. do. 1845. 111—3 111—4 111—5 111—6 111—7 111—8 111—9 111—2 Liver, very small, from adult epileptic female, do. 1827 11—3 Lobulus Spigelii, very large, do. " Liver, abscess of, ! do. " Liver, fungus hsematodes of, do. " Liver, 111-5, section of, do. " Liver, abscess of, do. Scirrhus liver, (Capt. B.)t do. Cancer of liver, do. 111-10 Abscess of liver, opened after attaching liver to side with ligatures, by Dr. Horner. See Am. Jour. Med. Sc, do. 111-11 Hydatids in monkey's liver, presented by Dr. R. Harlan, do. Section of spleen, injected minutely, do. Do. do. do. Spleen of infant, injected, do. 112 113 113—1 113—2 113—3 114 115 115—1 115—2 115—3 116 116—1 116—2 116—3 116—4 116—5 Spleen, infant, section of, minutely injected, do. Do. do. do. Spleen, having the pulp washed out, do. Spleen of calf, do. Do. rhinoceros, minute injection of, do. Ossification from spleen, do. Spleen enlarged, do. Spleen ossified on surface, (Osthexia,) do. Spleen, very large, do. Do. tubercles of, do. Spleen, tubercles of, same patient as 116-2, do. Spleen, apoplexy of, do. Do. do. same patient, do. 1828. 1830. 1836. 1837. 1S27. 1837. 1S38. 1S42. 1827. 1828. * 107—8 and 107—9. Vena port, yellow. Hepat. art. red. Biliary ducts black—both from same subject. t See Path. Anat., p. 302, for case. EMUNCTORIES. 29 A. 116—6 Spleen, ossification of fibrous coat, 116—7 Pancreas of infant, minutely injected, 116—8 Bone taken from the spleen, 116—9 Tubercles of spleen, Horner. 1828. do. u do. 1830. do. 1844. EMUNCTORIES. A. 117 Kidney, injected minutely, Horner. 118 Do. do. do. 119 Section of kidney, do. do. 120 Do. do. do. do. 121 Do. do. do. do. 122 Do. do. do. do. 123 Do. do. do. do. 123—1 Kidney, infant, section of, minutely injected, do. 1827. 123—2 Do. do. do. do. « 123—3 Do. do. do. do. " 123—4 Kidneys, natural coalition of, across spine, presented by Dr. F. Horner, do. 1828. 123—5 Natural coalition of kidneys, do. 1830. 123—6 Kidney of rhinoceros, do. 1837. 123—7 A third kidney found in pelvis of infant, and presented by Dr. John Neill, do. 1844. 124 Kidney suppurated from calculus, do. 125 Do. do. P. H. 126 Do. do. do. 126—1 Marasmus of kidney, Horner. 126—2 Kidney, fungus hsematodes of, do. 1826. 126—3 Kidney, diabetic, do. " 126—4 Kidney, marasmus of, presented by Dr. Beesley, do. 1828. 126—5 Kidneys, chronic inflammation of, in an in- fant, presented by Dr. Hodge, do. " 126—6 Section of urinary bladder, minutely injected, do. " 126—7 Kidney (fungus hsematodes of, ?) do. 1834. 126—8 Do. which had discharged pus very freely, treated by Dr. Physick, in 1820, died about 1842, do. 1842. 126—9 Fungus haematodes of kidney, do. 126-10 Pelvis of kidney enlarged, do. u 30 MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. A. 126-11 Syrup of diabetes mellitus, presented by Dr. Traill Green, of Easton, 1839. 126-12 Sugar of diabetes mellitus, do. do. " 126-13 Enormous dilatation of pelvis of kidney, from a boy, aet. 11, Horner. 1844. 126-14 Kidney from same boy, papillae absorbed, do. " 126-15 Do. with papillae absorbed, presented by Dr. C. W. Pennock, do. 1846. 126-16 Do. with calculous matter in, do. do. " 126-17 Do. with Bright's disease, do. do. " MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. A. 127 Side view of penis and bladder, Horner. 128 Do. do. do. 129 Do. do. do. 130 Penis, urethra cut open, do. 130—l Corpus cavernosum and spongiosum of penis, do. 130—2 Penis of infant, minutely injected, do. 1832. 130—3 Do. showing lacunae, do. 1834. 131 Testicle, quicksilver injection of, Wistar. 131—1 Tubulus seminiferus, injected and unravel- led, by Dr. R. L. Fearn, Horner. 1830. 132 Testicle, quicksilver injection of, Physick. 132—1 Tubuli seminiferi unravelled, Horner. 1S26. 132—2 Do. with corpus Highmorianum, do. " 132—3 Do. seminiferi, injected by Dr. Fearn, do. 1828. 132—4 Do. do. byDr.J.P.Hopkinson,do. « 132—5 Do. seminiferi, do. " 132—6 Do. do. do. " 132—7 Do. do. unravelled, do. 1830. 132—8 Do. do. do. do. " 132—9 Muscle found on vesicula seminalis, by Dr. Togno, do. " 132-10 Testicle injected with quicksilver, by Dr. J. P. Hopkinson, 1832. 133 Lymphatics of spermatic cord of a horse, Wistar. 134 Tunica vaginalis testis, Horner. 135 Do. " do. do. MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 31 A. 136 Prostate gland enlarged, Horner. 137 Do. false passages, do. 138 Do. third lobe enlarged, do. 138—1 Enlarged prostate gland, do. 1834. 139 Prostate gland, third lobe enlarged, P. H. 139—1 Do. do. enlarged, with hypertrophy of urinary bladder, Horner. 139—2 Prostate gland enlarged, with the lower fundus of the bladder having a sac or pouch in it, do. 139—3 Prostate gland enlarged, do. 139—4 Do. with cartilaginous tubercle on it, do. 139—5 False passages in urethra with bladder in- flamed, do. 139—6 Enlarged prostate, patient aged 83, operated on for stone, by Dr. Horner, June, 1825, died on 10th day afterwards, incision in prostate not healed, do. 1826. 139—7 Sloughing of urethra and abscess under its membranous part, communicating with rectum, do. " 139—8 Membrane of urethra enlarged from stricture, do. " 139—9 Prostate gland, cancer of, do. " 139-10 Perineum, fistula of, and of thigh, do. 1827. 139-11 Bladder, male, chronic inflammation of, and of surrounding cellular substance, do. 1828. 139-12 Urinary bladder with calculus in,* do. " 139-13 Scrotum, chronic inflammation of, do. " 139-14 Cyst behind prostate discharging into ure- thra, do. 1827. 139-15 Bladder of a patient who died in Pennsyl- vania Hospital, from lateral operation, do. 1830. 139-16 Stricture of urethra, with calculus of blad- der, Mr. D., do. « 139-17 Bladder from James Rooney, set. 19, from Ireland; died in Philadelphia Alms House Hospital, July 3d, 1842, from vesical cal- culus of six years'duration, do. 1842. 139-18 Calculi from do., weight 1| oz. The finer fragments, about 3ij, were broken down by Heurteloup's instrument,and removed. The day before his death some large fragments having become immovably impacted in the urethra, were removed * See Path. Anat., p. 193, for case. 32 MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. by a transverse cut into the latter, and also others from the prostate and bladder. The black colour of the skin is remark- able in this piece. Can there be a con- nexion between the functions of the kid- neys and skin influencing colour? Ope- ration by Dr. Horner. Horner. 1812. 139-19 Left kidney of above, mollescent, do. " 139-20 Right kidney of above, with ureter much dilated and inflamed, do. " 139-21 Third lobe of prostate enlarged, do. 1844. 140 Scirrhus of scrotum, do. 140—1 Elephantiasis of scrotum, excised by Dr. J. M. W. Picton, of New Orleans, ' do. 1838. 141 Scirrhus of testicle, do. 142 Do. do. do. 142—1 Testicle, carcinomatous, extirpated by Dr. Horner, do. 1826. 142—2 Do. do. extirpated by Dr. Randolph,* do. 1828. 142—3 Do. carcinoma of, P. II. do. 142—4 Testis with chronic inflammation, excised by Dr. Horner, at Philadelphia Alms House Hospital, do. 1842. 142—5 Do. do. do. do. " 142—6 Carcinoma of testis, excised by Dr. Horner. Patient died in a few days after from the same disease, it being also in the lumbar lymphatic glands, do. " 142—7 Carcinoma of testis in a child (Conner), set. 3 years. Disease returned and proved fatal in a year or less. Operation by Dr. Horner, in October, 1843, do. 1844. 142—8 Ossification of tunica albuginea testis in a patient aged 70 years. Presented by Dr. W. S. Latta, do. " 142—9 Do. do. do. do. " 142-10 Carcinoma of testis (John Lockey, aet. 50), excised by Dr. Horner, October, 1844, do. 1845. • See Path. Anat., p. 191, for case. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 33 1828. 1833. 1837. FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. A. 143 Female organs of generation with hymen, P. H. 144 Vulva with do. Horner. 145 Do. do. do. 146 Do. do. do. 146—1 Hymen, do. 1842 147 Uterus injected, do. 147—1 Uterus, virgin, do. 1826 147—2 Ovarium, virgin, Graafian vesicles of, do. " 147—3 Do. do. same person, do. " 147—4 Vulva of a black infant, do. 147—5 Viscera of pelvis in female infant, minutely injected, do. 147—6 Ovarium with corpus luteum, do. 147—7 Fallopian tube, do. 147—S Dropsy of ovarium, do. 147—9 Bifid uterus, do. 1838. 148 Female genital organs of panther, Wistar. 149 Do. do. monkey, Horner. 149—1 Placenta of cat injected with quicksilver, by Dr. T. F. Betton, 1832. 150 Labia interna enlarged, P. H. 150—l Enlarged nymphae, excised from a syphilitic patient at Philadelphia Hospital, by Dr. Horner, Horner. 1844. 151 Scirrhus of the uterus, small, do. 151—1 Uterus with small scirrhosities, presented by Dr. T. R. Ritchie, do. 151—2 Occlusion of vagina from inflammation, do. 1826. 151—3 Uterus, large scirrhus of, (Dr. Ash,) do. « 151—4 Do. ' do. do. " 151—5 Bladder distended and perineum lacerated in a female, do. " 151—6 Fibrous tumor discharged from uterus, Dr. J. A. Washington, do. 1830, 151—7 Fibrous tumor of uterus, do. 1834, 151—8 Ovarium with Graafian vesicles, do. 1838, 151_9 Do. do. do. « 152 Scirrhus of the uterus, do. 153 Do. do. d°. 154 Do. do. very large, do. 5 CONCEPTION AND PKEGNANCT. A. 154- 154- 154 155 156 157 157 158 158 159 159- 159- 159- 160 160- 160- 160- 160- 160- 160- 160- 160- Uterus, large scirrhus, presented by Dr. Samuel Betton, Homer. 1 Large scirrhus of uterus, do. 1842, 2 Immense scirrhous tumors growing from the uterus of an aged woman, presented by Dr. John Neill, —3 Scirrhous uterus, Cancer of the uterus, Do. do. Do. do. Uteri cervix, cancer of, Procidentia uteri, Do. do. Hydatids of the uterus, Do. do. -1 Do. uterus, -2 Do. do. -3 Uterine polypus, base of, from Mrs. * * * of Va., removed by Dr. Hodge, Ovarium, dropsical, -1 Ovarium, very large, dropsy of, presented by Prof. Meigs, -2 Cellular ovarium, dropsy of, -3 Ovarium, scirrhus of, Dr. 0. Taylor,* -4 Ovarium, very large, dropsy of, -5 Ovaria with adhesion of Fallopian tubes, -6 Ovaria, dropsy of on both sides, Dr. Thomas Wharton, -7 Ovarium, cellular dropsy of, -8 Do. large scirrhus of, presented by Dr. C. W. Pennock, do. 1846. —1 do. 1845, do. 1846. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1833. do. a do. 1830. do. 1833, do. it do. 1844. do. do. do. do. do. 1827, do. u do. 1828. do. 1844, CONCEPTION AND PREGNANCY. A. 161 Uterus, two days after delivery, Horner. 161—1 Uterus with placenta adhering, patient died from haemorrhage, do. 161—2 Uterus, two days after delivery,having pha- gedenic ulcer of neck communicating with bladder, presented by Dr. J. T. Sharpless, do. * See Path. Anat., p. 213, for case. CONCEPTION AND PREGNANCY. 35 A 161—3 Uterus, five days after delivery, death from puerperal fever, Mrs. R., Horner. 1830. 161—4 Uterus, one month after natural delivery, do. " 161—5 Follicles, muciparous, in cervix of impreg- nated uterus, Mrs. R., do. " 162 Uterus two days after delivery, do. 162—3 Do. four days after delivery, neck torn, Goddard. 1838. 162—4 Do. upon delivery, H. 1842. 163 Placenta adhering to uterus; the latter was ruptured and the patient died, do. 164 Placenta injected minutely, do. 164—1 Placenta macerated, do. 164—2 Placenta with three cords, (Prof. Meigs,) do. 1830. 165 Cotyledons of cow's uterus, do. 166 Do. do. do. 167 Section of gravid uterus in cow, do. 168 Do. do. do. 169 Do. do. do. 170 Do. do. do. 171 Do. do. do. 172 Do. do. do. 173 Do. do. do. 174 Do. do. do. 175 Human abortion of about five weeks, show- ing the decidua vera, reflexa, and ovum, do. 175—1 Human abortion of from four to six weeks, do. 1842. 176 Decidua vera of five weeks, do. 177 Decidua reflexa, with chorion of four weeks, do. 178 Decidua reflexa, with chorion and amnion of six weeks, do. 179 Ovum of six weeks, do. 180 Embryo of five weeks, do. 181 Do. of six do. do. 182 Do. of seven do. do. 183 Do. of eight do. do. 183—1 Fcetus of eight or nine weeks, do. 1826. 183—2 Embryo with vesicula umbilicalis, do. 1827. 183—3 Foetus of eight weeks, showing brain and spinal marrow, do. 1828. 183—4 Fcetus of cow, do. do. do. " 183—5 Embryo calf, do. 1842. 184 Embryo of nine weeks, do. 184—1 Twin embryos of seven weeks, do. 1833. 185 Embryo of ten do. do. 185__1 Fcetus with its membranes of weeks, do. 1837. 36 CONCEPTION AND PREGNANCY. A. 185- 185- 185- 185- 185- 185- 185- 186 1S7 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 198- 198- 199 199- 199- 199- 199- 199- 199- 199- 199- 200 201 202 203 204 205 205 -2 Foetus with its membranes of -3 Do. do. -4 Do. do. months, -5 Decidua with embryo, five weeks, -6 Embryo of five or six weeks, -7 Thymus gland of infant, -8 Do. adult, Embryo of eleven weeks, Do. twelve do. Do. three months, Fcetus of three and a half months, weeks, Horner. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1837. it it it 1842. it u do. do. three and three-quarters do. do. four months, four and a half do. five months, do. do. five and a half do. do. do. with its membranes, and placenta of weeks, of five months, within its membranes, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Dorsey. Horner. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. -1 Do. -2 Do. Do. -1 Triplets of nine months, -2 Impregnated uterus of five months, Mrs. R., -3 Do. do. seven do. Mrs. D.,* -4 Fcetus at full term, -5 Do. six months, -6 Do. four do. -7 Uterus impregnated at five and a half months, presented by Dr. Hodge, -8 Uterus in third month of pregnancy, Thoracic and abdominal viscera of a fcetus of five and a half months, Do. do. six months, Do. do. do. Do. do. seven months, Do. do. nine months, Extra-uterine conception of nine months, —1 Foetus of three months, retained after its death till putrefaction, presented by Prof. W. P. Dewees, 205—2 Foetus discharged through the rectum, (Dr. Sansbury,) 1837. 1838. 1830. 1842. 1844. 1846. do. do. 1826. * From same patient as 234-2. CONCEPTION AND PREGNANCY. 37 A. 205—3 Extra-uterine foetation, full term, found at umbilical region, Horner. 1844. 206 Ovarium with a tooth on the parietes, hav- ing been in an encysted state, and con- tained adipose matter and hair, do. 206—1 Ovarium containing a tooth, hair and fat, Dr. Goddard. 1838. 207 Hair belonging to 206, Horner. 208 Ovarium with bicuspate tooth growing on it, do. 209 Foetus without brain, do. 209—1 Cranium of an anencephalous foetus, do. 209—2 Fifth metatarsal bone of negro, with two toes growing upon it, do. 209—3 Fcetus with hair-lip, umbilical hernia, and meatus audit: closed, do. 1826. 209—4 Anencephalous foetus, do. " 209—5 Double foetus, Dr. Hay ward of N. C, do. " 209—6 Foetus with intestines in thorax, Dr. Harlan, do. " 209—7 Do. of three months, with conical termi- nation to trunk instead of lower extremi- ties, passed among the uninformed for a mermaid, do. 1827. 209—8 Rectum, fcetal, imperforate, do. " 209—9 Deficient rectum in a foetus, Mrs. P., do. 1830. 209-10 Bicephalous fcetus, no brain or spinal marrow,do. 1828. 209-11 Duck with double cloaca, do. " 209-12 Monoculous foetus, pres. by Dr. W. N. Duane, do. 1830. 209-13 Double foetus, do. " 209-14 Anencephalous foetus, do. " 209-15 Spina bifida in foetus, do. 1833. 209-16 Foetal organs, double, do. « 209-17 Abortive intestine of infant, who died four days old, apparently of ileus, Dr. Goddard. 1837. 209-18 Anencephalous foetus, H. 183S. 209-19 External male organs of a reputed hermaph- rodite. 209-20 Internal do. same. Both presented by Dr. Goddard. 1838. 209-21 Umbilical cord ; presented by Dr. Hodge, H. " 209-22 Anencephalous foetus, do. 1839. 209-23 Do. of eight months, do. 1842. 209-24 Do. of five do. do. « 209-25 Do. do. do. do. « 209-26 Do. with deficiency of upper extrem- ities, eight months, do. 1845. 209-27 Imperforate rectum, do. « 38 CONCEPTION AND PREGNANCY. A. 209-28 209-29 209-30 209-32 209-33 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 232—1 232—2 232—3 232—4 232—5 232—6 233 233—1 233—2 234 Spina bifida in foetus of eight months, Horner. 1845. Placenta of do. do. « Anencephalous foetus of five months, do. " Cowperian or Bartholinian glands. Pre- paration by Dr. Tiedemann of Heidelburg, and presented by Prof. William Gibson. 1849. Malformation of foetal genitalia (Dr. Burns), " Germination in kidney bean, Horner. do. do. do. do. Indian corn, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Embryo from incubated egg of pullus gal- linaceus, five days, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. six days, seven ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen do. sixteen do. eighteen do. twenty do. do. do. do. do. do. Duck with four legs, Double headed sheep, Twin apple, Foetal pig, monstrosity, Do. ' do. Do. sheep, do. Dr. Spawn of leeches, Chrysalis from rectum of a negro man, Do. urethra of a man, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Goddard. Horner. Leidy. do. A. W. Griffiths. Horner. do. do. 1833. 1838. 1845. 1849. n 1842. Fungus, formed in closed pot of size co- loured with carmine without putrefaction, do. ORGANS OF SENSATION. 39 ORGANS OF SENSATION. ENCEPHALON, SPINAL MARROW, NERVES. A. 234—1 Cerebrum, section of, injected minutely, Horner. 1827. 234—2 Do. do. do. " 234—3 Cerebellum, do. do. " 234—4 Spinal marrow of adult, do. " 234—5 Do. of infant, injected, do. " 234—6 Sciatic nerve, infant do. do. " 234—7 Do. adult, spread out, do. 182S. 234—8 Do. do. do. " 234—9 Medulla spinalis of adult, do. « 234-10 Do. do. do. " 234-11 Do. membrane of, do. " 234-12 Arachnoid membrane of medulla spinalis os- sified, by Dr. Jason 0. B. Lawrence, do. 1824. 234-13 Arachnitis of medulla spinalis,* do. 234-14 Tubercle in pons varolii,! do. 224-15 Do. of right thalamus nerv. optic,J do. 234-16 Do. of hemisphere,§ do. 234-17 Ramollissement of cerebrum,]] do. 234-18 Do. do. same subject, do. do. 234-19 Hydatid from ventricle of brain, do. 234-20 Ossification in plexus choroides, do. 234-21 Do. in dura mater, do. 234-22 Tubercle on crus of cerebellum,1I do. 1830. 234-23 Apoplexy of, (see case book,) do. " 234-24 Hydrocephalus, extracephalic of infant,** do. " 234-25 Periphery of lateral ventricles stripped off in hydrocephalus chronicus,tt do. " 234-26 Chronic inflammation of dura mater, do. " 234-27 Acute do do. do. " 234-28 Spinal marrow of infant, minutely injected, do. 1832. 234-29 Dura mater, do. 1834. 234-30 Brain of tortoise, do. « 234-31 Do. sheep, do. " 234-32 Do. calf, do. " 234-33 Do. halibut, do. " » See Path. Anat, p. 419, for case. t lb. p. 367. X lb. p. 367. 6 lb. p. 369. II lb. p. 426. V lb. p. 443—also, preparation 199-3. ** lb. p. 448. tt lb. p. 437. 40 ORGANS OF SENSATION.--EYE. A. 234-34 Brain of sturgeon, Horner. 1834. 234-35 Do. striped hyena, do. 234-36 Inflammation of corpus callosum, taken from * * * Esq., of Philadelphia, do. 1842. 234-37 Apoplectic brain, do. 234-38 Cyst of arachnoidea of brain, do. 1844. 234-39 Sciatic nerve of elephant, Leidy. 1847. 234-40 Brain of didelphis virginiana, 1849. 234-41 Do. mus decumanus, 234-42 Do. lepus americanus, 234-43 Do. felis cat us, 234-44 Do. bos bovis, 234-45 Do. cynocephalus (Leidy), 234-46 Do. canis familiaris, 234-47 Do. felis leonis, 234-48 Do. ovis aries, 234-49 Papillae of oesophagus of Chelonia midas, presented by Dr. Mutter, Leidy. " 234-50 Poison apparatus of Crotalus durissimus, presented by do. " 234-51 Brain of Equus caballus, 234-52 Tip of tongue of elephas, EYE. 235 Eyelids of foetus, injected minutely, Horner. 235—l Eyelids injected minutely, do. 1827. 235—2 Do. do. do. « 236 Eyelids of foetus, injected minutely, do. 237 Do. do. do. 238 Tunica sclerotica, do. 239 Do. do. do. 239—1 Eye, do. 1834. 240 Tunica choroidea, do. 241 Do. do. do. 242 Do. do. do. 243 Do. do. injected minutely, do. 244 Do. do. do. 245 Do. of foetus, do. do. 245—1 Choroidea, do. 1827. 245—2 Do. do. " 245—3 Do. of adult, do. 1830. 245—4 Do. of infant, minutely injected, do. 1832. 245—5 Do. do. do. « 245—6 Inflamed choroid coat of eye, do. 1838. ORGANS OF SENSATION.--EYE. 41 A. 246 247 247- 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 260- 260- 261 262 263 264 265 265- 265- 265- 265- 265- 265- 265- 265- 265- 266 267 267- 267- 267- 267- 267- eye: to show coats do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Iris of foetus, minutely injected, Horner. Ciliary processes injected, do. Arteries of the retina injected. Prepared by Dr. Physick and presented by him to Dr. Wistar, whose widow presented it to Dr. Isaac Heister of Reading, who, through Dr. Horner, presented it to the Wistar Museum, Iris, Do. Tunica retina, Do. do. Do. do. Vertical section of the and humours, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Lens, Do. Do. Ossification of lens and of retina, Choroidea of sheep, Do. do. Ciliary processes of sheep, Do. do. Lens and iris of sheep, Sclerotica of a seal, (Phoca vitulina Iris of do. Tunica hyaloidea do. Eye of a devil fish, (Raya) Sclerotica do. Lachrymal gland of sturgeon, Sclerotica of lioness, Choroidea do. Iris and retina do. Tunica hyaloidea of bullock, Do. do. do. vertical section, do 1 Carcinoma of eyeball, Horner 2 Opake capsule of lens, do 3 Fungus haematodes of eye, presented by Dr. Thomas F. Betton, do 4 Section of crystalline lens of calf, 5 Capsule of crystalline lens, human, Leidy do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Physick. 1825. 1830. 1838. 1830. 1838. 1844. 1833. 1837. 1847. 1849. 42 ORGANS OF SENSATION.--EAR.—NOSE.—SKIN—TOUCH. EAR. {For the most part in bell glasses). Six views of tympanum, Horner. A. 268 269 Ten do. 270 271 271 do. Eight do. and labyrinth, do. Eight views of labyrinth, do. x Sections of temporal bone, 1844. 272 Two labyrinths, (and five casts of do. W.) do. 273 Cast of labyrinth, P. H. 273—1 A board holding several casts of the laby- rinth, by Dr. Goddard, 1831- 274 Cast of bones of tympanum, in brass, do. 275 Cavity of tympanum, injected, Horner. 275—1 Tympanum, minutely injected, do. 1828. 276 Labyrinth injected, do. 277 Petrous bone, injected, Physick. 1790. 278 Membrana tympani, do. Horner. 278—1 Do. do. minutely injected, do. 1828. 278__2 Do. do. and bones of tympanum in situ, prepared by Dr. Goddard. 1838. 278—3 Cuticle of meatus externus, Horner. 1844. 278—4 Do. do. Leidy. " 278—5 Fourteen preparations of the anatomy of the ear; mounted in one case. Prepared by Vasseur. Paris, 1848. NOSE. 279 Schneiderian membrane on septum, injected, H. 279—l Snout of a black bear, do. 280 Schneiderian membrane of sheep, injected, do. 281 Do. do. section of, do. do. 282 Cartilage of septum ulcerated through, do. 2S3 Fungus of antrum, Highmor., do. 283—1 Do. do. extirpated by Dr. Gib- son, January 10th, 1828, from Mr. M., do. 1828. For Preparations on Taste, see Organs of Digestion. SKIN—TOUCH. 284 Hand, injected minutely, Horner. 284—1 Do. do. do. 1832. ORGANS OF SENSATION.—SKIN—TOUCH. 43 — 1 A. 285 286 287 287 287- 287- 287- 287- 287- 288 289 290 291 291- 291- 291- 292 293 293- 293- 293- 294 294- 294- 294- 294- 294- 294- 294- 294- 294- 295 295- Finger, injected minutely, Horner. Cutis vera of foetal head, do. do. Do. do. . * Sebaceous follicles of nose and lip in black man, 2 Sole of foot, minute injection of, 3 Cutis of a negro man, 4 Glandulae odoriferae axillae, very large, taken from a very muscular black man, 5 Do. of another negro, ■6 Do. of a white man, Finger, injected minutely, Do. Child's arm, Child's hand, Skin, Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1833. 1837. 1845. do. do. do. ■3 Papillae tactus of foot (from David Storms,)* Finger, with rete mucosum, injected, Do. do. do. -1 Rete mucosum of an African, -2 Do. do. -3 Layers of skin in do. Finger, with rete mucosum, injected, -1 Cuticle of sole of the foot, -2 Cutis vera, marked with Indian ink, -3 Toe nails of a female aged 90, (15 years' growth,) by Prof. Meigs, -4 Skin, callous tumour of, -5 Toe nail, hypertrophy of, -6 Cutis vera, marked, Dr. Goddard. -7 Fibro-chondroid tumour of the subcutaneous bursa over patella. Cut from a woman by Dr. Goddard, Horner. -8 Fibrous tumour of skin of fore-finger of a little girl; removed by Dr. Horner, -9 Foot of black female (aged) with hyper- trophy of toe nails, presented by Dr. The- ophilus C. Dunn, Absorption of colouring matter of rete mu- cosum of mons veneris of African woman, do -2 Hair of head from a young negro albino, at Cape May ,1837. The parents of this child 1827. n 1846. 1827. u 1830. 1826. 1827. 1830. 1837. 1845. do. do. 1846. * 291-3, Was operated on by Dr. Horner, in November, 1845, for angular de- formity of leg from fracture; he died from erysipelas in March following. See also B. 352-3. 44 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN MORBID ANATOMY. are black; they have had six children, four albinos alternating with two blacks of their own colour. One of each is now dead. The features in each child are ne- gro, the skins of the albinos are white. The eyes are grey, with a pink tinge. J & Horner. 1842. 295—3 Hair of head from a female, taken from a cemetery of Temple of the Sun, in Peru, do. " 295—4 Margarin, . 1847' 295—5 Human stearin, Leidy. " 295—6 Elain from a hog, 296 Print of leprosy in a negro, from Mr. Keat- ing. Horner. do. do. do. do. Lfl. do. 1826 do. 1827 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN MORBID ANATOMY. A. 297 Inguinal hernia, 298 Do. do. 299 Do. do. 300 Ventro-inguinal hernia, 301 Sac of do. do. 301—l Inguinal hernia, patient operated on by Dr. Horner,* 301—2 Hernia, umbilical, large strangulated, 301—3 Femoral hernia of left side, mistaken for en- larged lymphatic gland. Patient died from strangulation, do. 1842. 302 See 234-12,t 302—1 See 234-13,t 303 See 234-19,t 303—1 See 234-20,t 303—2 See 234-2l,t 303—3 Dura mater, tumour of, taken from a mania- cal patient in the Pennsylvania Hospital, deposited by Dr. Coates,and subsequently taken away by do., do. * See Path. Anat., p. 208, for case. t The numbers of these preparations were changed as pointed out. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN MORBID ANATOMY. 45 A. 303—4 Abscess of brain,* Horner. 1826. 303—5 See 234-14,t 303—6 See 234-15,t 303—7 See 234-16,t 303—8 See 234-17,t 303—9 See 234-18,t 304 Tumour cut from the side of the face of a man, by Dr. Physick, P. H. 305 See 142-3,t 306 Fungus haematodes of thigh, Horner. 306—1 Fungus haematodes from base of cranium, do. 1833. 306—2 Do. do. of parotid gland, re- moved (the entire gland), by Dr. Jacob Randolph, at Pennsylvania Hospital, De- cember 19,1837; disease returned and pa- tient died, do. 1838. 306—3 Tumour from over primitive carotid, taken from Miss * * * of Penn., by Dr. Horner, do. 1842. 306—4 Osteo-sarcoma of ulna, presented by Dr. Heber Chase, do. 1844. 306—5 Fungus haematodes from sheath of right carotid, removed from Mrs. * * * of N. C, by Dr. Horner, in 1843, do. " 307 Carcinoma of eye, P. H. 307—1 See 267-l,t 307—2 Carcinoma of orbit, extirpated by Dr. Gib- son, December 19, 1827, from boy,:}: Horner. 1828. 307—3 Carcinoma of antrum Highmorianum, same case, do. " 307—4 Fungus haematodes of dura mater below os frontis, with absorption of bone, Mr. * * *, U. S. N. Attended by Dr. Thomas Harris, do. 308 Scirrhous tumour, P. H. 309 Scirrhus of female breast, do. 309—1 Scirrhus of do. do. 1826. 309—2 Do. do. do. « 309__3 Do. mammary gland of male infant, aet. one month. Excised by Dr. Horner, H. 1842. 309—4 Scirrhous mamma of female. Excised by Dr. Goddard, do. 1844. 309__5 Do. do. old woman, do. Dr. Horner, do. 1845. 309—6 Albuminous tumour from mamma of a young woman, removed by Dr. Horner, recovery perfect, do. " * See Path. Anat., p. 358, for case. + The numbers of these preparations were changed as pointed out. X Same case as A. 234-17. 46 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN MORBID ANATOMY. 309—7 Slough from carcinomatous mamma, (Miss * * *), made by chlor. of zinc, disease proved fatal, Horner. 1845. 310 Fibrous tumour, P- H« 311 Do. do. from thigh, Horner. 312 Do. do. p- H- 313 Do. do. from side of nose, Horner. 313—1 Keloid tumour from buttock of a lady, do. 1837. 313_2 Supernumerary fingers from a child, do. " 313—3 Osteo-iibroid degeneration of the uterus, 1849. 313—4 Scirrhus of antrum Highmor., which caused death, February, 1848. Presented by Dr. H. H. Smith. " 313—5 Rice-like bodies from palmar bursa, do. " 313—6 Scirrhous mamma, 313_7 Kidney with Bright's disease. Presented by Dr. Keating. " 313—8 Hernia. 313—9 Aneurism of abdom. aorta. Presented by Dr. H. Bond. « 313-10 Do. of innominata, from a subject of the dissections of 1848-49, " 313-11 Sebaceous tumour, 313-13 Scirrhous pancreas, Dr. H. H. Smith. " 313-14 Do. deposit in liver; from same patient as 313-13, marked on bottle 313-15 in- stead of 14, do. " 313-15 Scirrhus of uterus. Presented by Dr. Cooper. " 314 Adipose tumour from labium externum of female, cut out by Prof. Gibson, H. 315 Do. do. do. 315—i Encysted adipose tumour, do. 1826. 315__2 Tumour from shoulder, extirpated by Prof. Gibson, do. 1828. 315_3 Tumour, do. 1838. 315—4 Hydrocele of tunica vaginalis testis, by Dr. Goddard. " 315—5 Glandular tumour from neck, Horner. " 315__6 Fatty tumour from shoulder of a young woman, removed by Dr. Horner, do. 1845. 315__7 Fatty tumour, large, from shoulder of an elderly woman, removed by Dr. Horner, do. " 316 Enlarged sebaceous gland, do. 317 Cellular substance beneath ulcer, injected, do. 318 Granulations of ulcer, do. do. 319 Do. do. do. do. NATURAL HISTORY. 47 A. 319—1 Ulcer of groin, with chronic inflammation of iliac region, Horner. 1828. 319—2 Ulcer of finger from same patient, do. " 319—3 Cancer of neck, do. 1842. 319—4 Syphilitic ulcer of pubes, do. " 319—5 Chronic ulcer from front of arm-pit (Mr. * * * of Va.,) excised by Dr. Horner. do. " 319—6 Naevus maternus from left side of abdomen of infant, excised by Dr. Horner, do. 1844. 319—7 Extremity of a conical stump of right thigh, being a second amputation, which was done in Philadelphia A. H. Hospital, by Dr. Horner. The first one done eighteen months before in state of N. Y. This piece shows the state of the artery and vein, also a bursa formed between the skin and end of bone, do. 1845. 319—8 Tumour from axilla of a man at Erie, Penn., presented through Dr. George W. Norris by Dr. Johns, do. " 319—9 Needle cut from hand of a house-maid, and bit of glass from foot of a boy, by Dr. Horner, do. " NATURAL HISTORY. A. 320 Snake, P.H. 321 Do. do. 322 Do. do. 323 Pupa of insect, do. 324 Do. do. 325 Scorpion, do. 326 Do. do. 327 Tarantula, do. 328 Flying fish, do. 329 Leech, presented by Dr. Fisher, Horner. 330 Do. do. do. 331 Strongylus gigas from dog, P.H. 331- -1 Do. do. do. pre- sented by Horner. 1846, 48 NATURAL HISTORY. A. 332 333 333— 334 334— 334— 335 336 337 338 338- 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 Two large strongyli from dog, Small alligator, 1 Alligator a year old, Chameleon, 1 Do. 2 Do. Winged lizard, Salamander, aquatic, Do. do. Do. P. II. Horner. do. P. H. Horner. do. P.H. do. do. do. male, presented by Dr. Tidyman, do 1 Syren lacerta, from S. C, Horner Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus), from Dr. G. R. B. Horner, Termites, Do. Scorpion, Do. from Dr. Gibson, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Tarantula, Centipede, Lizard, Mole cricket (Gryllus talpa), Snake, presented by Dr. A. D. Chaloner, Do. do. Do. do. U. S. N. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Fruit of bread tree, do. Pupa of insect, Crotalus horridus, Dr. G. R. B. Horner, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 182S. 1828. 1846. 1833. it 1837. tt u u it 1838. 1844. 1846. a CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C 49 Series marked B. consisting of dried preparations. CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, ETC. B. 1 Lymphatics of head, (Italian) Wistar. 2 Thoracic duct, do. do. 3 Do. do. 4 Do. do. do. 5 Do. and lymphatics of pelvis, (Italian) do. 6 Lymphatics, superficial, of thorax and the upper extremity, (Italian) do. 7 Lymphatics, superficial, of upper extremity, (Italian) do. 8 Do. deep, do. do. do. 9 Do. superficial, of lower extremity, (Italian) do. 10 Do. do. do. do. do. 11 Do. do. do. do. do. 11—1 Do. do. do. do. P.H. 12 Do. do. do. on a board, Wistar. 13 Do. do. do. and thoracic duct, do. 14 Do. do. do. do. do. 15 Do. do. do. do. 16 Do. do. do. do. 17 Do. deep seated, do. (Italian) do. IS Do. internal mammary, do. do. 19 Lacteals of turtle, do. 19_1 Do. of alligator, Horner. 1827. 19_2 Do. do. do. « 20 Do. human adult, (Italian) Wistar. 21 Do. infant, do. 22 Lymphatics of gall bladder, do. 23 Lymphatic gland injected, do. 24 Quicksilver injection of hand, do. 24_i Female mamma injected with mercury (see 139, transfer) do. 1818. 25 Dried preparation of cutis with marks, do. 26 Do. do. do. do. 27 Do. do. do. do. 28 Do. do. do. do. 7 50 CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C. B. 28— -1 Dried piece of cutis with marks, Horner. 28- -2 Do. do. do. do. 28- -3 Do. do. do. do. 29 Do. preparation of cutis with marks, Wistar. 29- -1 Cutis, arteries of, Horner. 30 Adult heart, injected with wax, Wistar. 31 Do. do. do. 32 Do. do. do. 33 Do. do. do. 34 Do. do. do. 35 Do. do. do. 36 Do. do. do. 37 Do. do. do. 38 Do. do. do. 39 Do. do. do. 40 Do. do. do. 40- -1 Do. and one infant in glass, do. P.H. 40- -2 Do. do. do. do. 40- -3 Do. do. do. do. 40- -4 Adult heart injected, Horner. 41 Aorta, section of, do. Wistar. 41- -1 Aorta, infant, minutely injected, Horner. 42 Heart and lungs, do. in wax , Wistar. 43 Infantile heart, do. do. 44 Do. do. do. 45 Do. do. do. 46 Do. do. do. 47 Do. do. do. 47- -1 Infant heart, do. 48 Aorta descendens. i do. do. 48- -1 Aorta with section of thorax, Horner. 48- -2 Do. do. do. 48- -3 Do. do. do. 48- -4 Do. do. do. 49 Heart of adult, injected with wax, and cor- roded r, Wistar. 50 Do. do. do. 51 Do. do. do. 52 Do. do. do. 53 Do. do. do. 54 Do. do. do. 55 Do. do. do. 56 Do. do. P.H. 57 Do. do. do. 58 Do. and lungs of sheep, do. do. Wistar. 59 Diseased lung injected and dried 5 P.H. 183& 1827. 1830. 1827. 181 a 1830. CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C 51 B. 60 Arteria innominata sending off three trunks, W. 60—1 Right subclavian, arising from descending aorta, do. 60—2 Anomaly of arteria innominata, Horner. 1830. 60—3 Right subclavian from descending aorta, do. 1833. 61 Foetal heart, injected with wax, Wistar. 61—1 Do. circulation, do. 61—2 Do. do. do. 62 Foetal circulation, do. 63 Do. do. Physick. 64 Placenta injected with wax, Horner. 65 Do. do. Wistar. 65—1 Do. do. P. H. 65—2 Do. do. on board, Dr. James. 1S30. 66 Larynx dried, Horner. 67 Do. do. Wistar. 68 Do. do. P. H. 69 Lung corroded after wax injection, Wistar. 70 Do. do. do. 71 Do. do. do. 71—1 Do. do. do. 72 Stomach, injected with wax, Horner. 72—1 Arteries of stomach, injected with wax, do. 1833. 73 Stomach, injected with wax, Wistar. 73—1 Do. do. Horner. 1825. 73—2 Stomach, section of, minutely injected, do. 1827. 73—3 OZsophagus, infant, do. do. " 73—4 Tongue and oesophagus, injected, do. 1830. 73—5 CEsophagus, do. do. " 73—6 Do. and stomach with duodenum, do. do. " 73—7 Stomach injected, do. " 74 Stomach, section of, injected with wax, do. 75 Pyloric orifice, do. 75—i Cellular coat of small intestines, inflated, Dr. J. P. Hopkinson. 1834. 76 Intestines, veins of injected, Horner. 77 Do. do. do. 78 Do. do. do. 78—1 Small intestines, section of, minutely injected, 78—2 Mesentery, infant, do. 78—3 Section of small intestinal arteries, injected, 78—4 Do. do. do. 78—5 Peritoneum of a section of small intestine with the veins injected, 79 Valve of colon, 80 Do. do. Wistar. do. 1827. do. it do. 1830. do. n do. it do. 52 CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C Horner. 1827. do. u do. 1830. do. it do. u do. it do. do. it Wistar. do. Horner. 1827. do. 1830. do. Dhn it 1844. do. 1849. Wistar. do. do. do. B. 80—1 Caput coli, minutely injected, 80—2 Rectum, ' do. 80—3 Section of colic veins, injected, 80—4 Do. do. 80—5 Caput coli, arteries injected, 80—6 Rectum, ' do. 81 Diverticulum of small intestine, 81—1 81—2 Diverticulum of small intestine, 82 Gall bladder, 83 Do. do. S3—1 Cystic duct, spiral valve of, 83—2 Gall bladder, 84 Vena portarum, on board, 84—1 Do. do. do. by Gov. John Hubbard, M. D., of Maine, 84—2 Mesenteric arteries, 84—3 Do. do. 85 Liver, corrosion of, wax injection, 86 Gall bladder, do. do. 87 Liver, corrosion of, do. 8S Do. do. do. 88—1 Liver, infant, minutely injected, four sec- tions, Horner. 1827. S8—2 Do. do. one, do. « 88—3 Spleen, section of, and also of liver, do. do. « 89 Pancreas, duct of, Wistar. 90 Human spleen, and calf spleen, corrosion of, in one glass case, do. 91 Ten corrosions of kidneys, in glass case, do. 91—1 Vessels of kidneys on a board, Horner. 91—2 Kidneys on a board, prepared by Gov. John Hubbard, M.D., of Maine, do. 1830. 92 Kidney, corroded, Wistar. 93 Do. do. do. 94 Do. do. do. 95 Do. do. do. 96 Do. do. do. 97 Do. do. do. 98 Do. do. do. 99 Do. do. do! 100 Do. do. do.' 101 Do. do. do! 102 Do. do. do! 103 Do. do. do! 104 Do. do. do. CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C 53 B. 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 112 112- 112- 112- Kidney, corroded, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wistar. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. —1 -2 -3 do. 112— 112- 112- 112- 112- 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 119- 119- 120 121 122 123 124 125 Kidney, infant, ten sections of, minutely injected, Horner. Do. four do. on glass plate, do. Do. four do. do. do. Glass plate, holding sections of, a. lymphatic gland, infant, minutely in jected, b. kidney, do. c. salivary gland, do. d. spleen, do. e. muscle, do. f. liver, do. g. tongue, do. h. lung, do. i. small intestine, do. 5 Salivary glands, infant, on glass, minutely' injected, do. 6 Thyroid gland, sections do. do. do. 7 Lymphatic, do. do. do. do. ■8 Bottle containing sections (infant) minutely injected, of spleen, tongue, brain, lung, &c. do. •9 Kidney, minutely injected section of, do. Urinary bladder filled with wax, Wistar. 1827. Do. inflated, Penis, corroded, wax injection, Do. injected, preparation of, do. with bladder, with section of bladder, Do. Do. Do. Do. 1832. do. do. do. do. Horner. P.H. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. and bladder, prepared by inflation, &c, Horner. 1830. model, Wistar. do. do. do. do. do. 54 CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C B. 126 Penis, Wistar. 127 Do. do. 128 Do. do. 129 Do. do. 129—1 Do. injected by Dr. John P. Hopkinson. 1S32. 130 Testicle, injected with quicksilver, Wistar. 131 Do. do. do. 132 Do. do. do. 133 Do. do. do. 134 Do. do. do. 135 Do. do. do. 136 Do. do. Homer. 136—1 Quicksilver injection of testis, do. 1838. 137 Testicle, injected with quicksilver, do. 137—i Do. injected and fixed on a board, do. 1830. 137—2 Do. do. do. " 137—3 Vesiculae seminales, injected with mercury, do. " 137—4 Varicose testicle,injected, by Dr. J.P.Hopkinson. 1832. 138 Testicle, injected with quicksilver, do. 138—1 Enlarged drawing of testis, Wistar. 138—2 Do. do. by Dr. Laforest. 138—3 Vesiculae seminales, injected with quicksilver, do. 1827. 138—4 Do. do. do. mercury, Dr. John P. Hopkinson. 1832. 138—5 Epididymis do. mercury, Goddard. 1836. 139 Mamma, female,* do. quicksilver, Wistar. 139—1 Clitoris, injected, Dr. John P. Hopkinson. 1832. 140 Gravid uterus, Wistar. 141 Female genital organs of infant, do. 142 Do. do. do. 142—1 Do. do. adult, Horner. 1830. 143 Foetal portion of placenta of cow, injected, and corroded, do. 143—l Do. do. and maternal, dried, do. 144 Schneiderian membrane of sheep, injected, do. 145 Do. do. do. do. 145—1 145—2 Schneiderian membrane, minutely injected, do. 1827. 146 Cranium, foetal, enlarged by hydrocephalus, Wistar. 147 Do. do. Horner. 147—1 Do. do. do. 1845. 147—2 Skeleton of a hemicephalous foetus, Leidy. 1849. * B. 139, Transferred to 24-1. CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C 55 B. 147—3 Cranium; adult of 30 years; hydrocephalus, presented by Mr. Charles A. Riddick. 1849. 148 Adult arterial injection, Wistar. 149 Do. do. do. 150 Do. do. and venous, do. 150—1 Do. bust of do. P. H. 151 Boy with anomaly in ascending cava, pre- pared by Dr. Horner, Wistar. 1813. 152 Do. injected and prepared by Dr. Hodge, H. 1817. 153 Small infant injected, Wistar. 154 Foetus do. do. 155 Arterial injection of head, do. 156 Do. do. do. 157 Do. do. Horner. 158 Do. do. Wistar. 159 Do. do. do. 160 Do. do. do. 161 Do. do. do. 161—l Primitive carotid, serpentine curvature of, H. 1830. 161—2 Internal carotid, do. " 161—3 Diagram of internal maxillary artery, do. " 161—4 Inferior maxillary artery, do. 1844. 162 Arterial injection of pelvis, Wistar. 163 Do. do. do. 164 Do. do. P. H. 164—1 Do. do. do. 164—2 Do. do. do. 164—3 Pelvis, (half) arterial injection of, do. 164—4 Pelvis,arterial injection of, by Dr. J.P.Hopkinson. 1832. 165 Arterial injection of pelvis, Wistar. 166 Aorta, abdominal injection of, do. 167 Do. do. do. 167—1 Thoracic aorta, Horner. 1844. 167—2 Thoracic and abdominal aorta, do. " 168 Vertebral artery, do. 169 Do. do. do. 169—1 Willis, circle of, on board, do. 1S27. 169—2 Do. do. do. " 169—3 Tongue, arteries of, do. « 169—4 Tongue, infant, transverse section minutely injected, and fixed on glass plate, do. " 169—5 Do. do. do. do. " 169—6 Circle of Willis on a board, do. " 169—7 Musculus triceps surae, minute injection of, do. 1832. 169—8 Do. do. do. do. « 169—9 Do. semimembranosus, do. do. " 56 CORROSIONS, BONES, INJECTIONS, &C 169-10 Musculus semitendinosus,minute injection of, II. 1832. 169-11 Do. deltoides, do. do. " 169-12 Do. do. do. do. « 169-13 Do. pectoralis major, do. do. 169-14 Do. biceps flexor cruris, do. do. " 169-15 Do. biceps flexor cubiti, do. do. " 169-16 Do. do. do. do. " 169-17 Do. gracilis, do. do. « 169-18 to 169-26 Muscles dried, prepared by Dr. Leidy, do- 1846« 170 Ophthalmic artery, Wistar. 170—1 Eyelids and lachrymal gland, do. Horner. 1832. 170—2 Cutis of infant face, minutely injected, do. 1834. 170—3 Ear do. do. do. " 170—4 Nerves of eye ball, by Dr. Joseph Leidy. 1842. 170—5 Sympathetic of neck, do. 1845. 170—6 Do. thorax, do. " 171 Arterial injection of lower extremity, Wistar. 172 Do. do. do. 173 Do. popliteal, "• "■ 174 Do. lower extremity, Wistar. 175 Do. do. do. 176 Do. foot, Horner. 177 Do. lower extremity, Wistar. 178 Do. foot, P-H. 179 Do. lower extremity, Wistar. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. 182—l Lower extremities, arteries of, Horner. 1830. 182_2 Do. do. do. " 183 Arterial injection, upper extremity, Wistar. 183—1 Upper extremity with thorax, arteries of, H. 1830. 183—2 Do. do. do. " 183—3 Upper extremity, arteries of, do. " 183_4 Do. do. do. « 183_5 Do. do. do. " 183—6 Arteries of upper extremity, by Dr. Leidy. 1845. 183—7 Do. do. Horner. 1849. 183—8 Do. and veins of do. do. " 183—9 Do. of lower extremity, do. " 183-10 Do. do. do. « 183-11 Do. of the leg. 183-12 Two preparations do. of thigh. 183-13 Do. do. of arm. 184 Arterial injection, upper extremity, Wistar. 180 181 182 BONES. 57 B. 185 186 187 188 188—1 188—2 189 190 191 192 193 194 194—1 194—2 194—3 194—4 194—5 195 195—1 195—2 195—3 195—4 195—5 195—6 195—7 195—8 Arterial injection, upper extremity, Wistar. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. hand, Horner. Do. upper extremity, Wistar. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Arterial injection of upper extremity, in which the brachial artery had been taken up at the elbow joint during life, P. H. Spine of infant, minutely injected, Horner. Thorax, infant, side of, do. do. Do. do. do. do. Venous sinuses of the sacrum, do. Injection of heart and upper extremity, Wistar. Internal mammary artery, P. H. Mammary artery, internal, Horner. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Knee joint, do. Hip do. do. Internal mammary artery, do. 1827. 1842. 1827. 1830. 1842. a 1844. BONES. B. 196 Artificial skeleton of a Cherokee Indian, who fought under General Jackson, at the battle of the Horse Shoe, disinterred in 1822, near Warrenton, in Virginia, where he died, by Dr. Horner, Horner. 196—1 Skeleton of North American Indian, disar- ticulated, presented by Dr. Perrin Barker. 196—2 Artificial skeleton from Paris, 196—3 Natural skeleton of a man who had lost the use of his lower extremities from rheuma- tism, do. 8 1825. 1832. 58 BONES. B 196—4 Artificial skeleton of a Malay,mounted by Lukens. 1844. 197 Natural adult skeleton, Wistar. 197—1 Periosteum of upper extremity in infant, Do. minute injection of, Horner. 183U. 197_2 Do. lower do. do. do. 197—3 Periosteum and muscles in lower extremity of infant, a minute injection of, do. 197—4 Tendo Achillis of a sheep, re-united after artificial division, by Dr. R. L. Fearn, do. 18^ /• 198 Artificial skeleton from Paris, from Dr. J. S. Dorsey. 1819. 198—1 Do. do. do. 198—2 Do. do. female do. 198—3 Natural skeleton of an English girl, Horner. 18JO. 199 Natural skeleton of foetus, nine months, pre- pared by Dr. William A. Irvine, do. I)0, do. seven months, Wistar Do! do. five months, Horner. u 200 201 201—1 Do. do. six months, 1. ti. 201__2 Do. do. about nine weeks, 1844. 201—3 Do. do. do. ten do. 201__4 Do. do. do. twelve do. 201__5 Do. do. do. fourteen do. 201__6 Do. do. four months, 201—7 Do. do. five do. 201—8 Do. do. six do. 201—9 Do. do. seven do. 201-10 Do. do. eight do. 201-11 Do. do. eight and a half do. 202 Bones of hand on a board, Horner. 203 Do. do. do. 204 Do. foot do. do. 205 Do. do. do. do. 205—1 Box showing texture of bones. 205—2 Do. containing young bones. 205__3 Do. do. bones of young skeleton. 205—4 Do. do. do. spine. 205—5 Do. do. do. pelvis. 205__6 Do. do. do. thorax. 205—7 Do. do. do. head. 205—8 Do. do. do. do. 205—9 Do. do. do. do. 205-10 Do. do. do. do. 205-11 Do. do. do. do. 205-12 Do. do. do. lower jaws. V05-13 Do. do. do. teeth. BONES. 59 B. 205-14 Box containing bones of shoulder. 205-15 Do. do. upper extremities. 205-16 Do. do. hands. 205-17 Do. do. lower extremities. 205-18 Do. do. feet. 205-19 Cranium, separated, 1842. 205-20 Do. do. " 205-21 Do. do. 1845. 205-22 Do. do. " 205-23 Do. do. " 205-24 Box with thirty-six microscopical sections, of bones, &c, from Powel & Leland, Lon- don, 1846. 205-25 Box with thirty microscopical sections of bone, from Paris, " 205-26 Box with thirty-six do. teeth of various an- imals, " 205-27 Section of bone from the "os hominis in- nominatum fossile," found near Natchez, Miss., 60 feet below the surface, by Dr. M. W. Dickeson. Prepared by Joseph Leidy. 1847. And, a section of a vertebra of Basilosaurus cetoides. Prepared by do. u 205-28 Separated foetal skeleton, from four to four and a half months. Paris, 1848. 205-29 Do. do. five to six do. do. " 205-30 Do. do. seven do. do. " 205-31 Do. do. eight do. do. " 205-32 Do. do. nine do. do. " 205-33 Seventy-four microscopical sections of teeth and bones of various animals, 1849. 206 Cranium, adult, Wistar. 206—1 Cranium of adult, 1840. 206—2 Do. do. " 207 Cranium, adult, Horner. 208 Do. do. 209 Do. do. 210 Do. do. 211 Do. Wistar. 212 Do. Horner. 213 Do. do. 214 Do. do. 214—1 Adult head, sutures ossified, mounted by Flohr. « 214—2 Do. separated and mounted by do. " 214—3 Diploic sinuses ofthe cranium, mounted. Paris, 1S48. 60 BONES. B. 214—4 Cranium phrenologically marked, according to system of Gall. Paris, 1848, 214—5 Sectional cranium, do. " 215 Cranium, adult, Horner. 215—1 Cranium of infant, do. 215—2 Do. do. do. 215—3 Do. do. do. 215—4 Do. do. do. 215—5 Do. do. do. 215—6 French cranium, separated. Presented by Dr. Samuel F. Ralston, 1829. 215—7 Maxillae oftwo years, with teeth exposed. Paris, 1848. 215—8 Do. five do. do. do. " 215—9 Do. six do. do. do. " 215-10 Do. eight do. do. do. " 215-11 Do. nine do. do. do. " 215-12 Do. fourteen do. do. do. " 215-13 Permanent teeth, adult; mounted, do. " 216 Cranium of adult, Horner. 217 Do. do. do. 217—1 Cranium of Indian from south-west coast of Peru, presented by Dr. Cornick, U. S. N.,* to Dr. Physick. 217—2 Do. do. do. 217—3 Do. do. do. 217—4 Do. do. do. 217—5 Do. do. do. 217—6 Do. do. do. 217—7 Do. do. do. 217—8 Do. do. do. 217—9 Do. do. do. 217-10 Do. do. do. 217-11 Cranium of North American Indian, from Salt Petre Cave, Golconda, Ky., from Dr. Harlan. 1826. 217-12 Cranium of Hindoo, do. " 217-13 Do. New Zealander, presented by Dr. T.'Harris. 1827. 217-14 Do. Chinese, (young) Horner. " 217-15 Peruvian cranium, from Temple of Sun, presented by Commodore Hull, 1828. 217-151 Hair from skull of 217-15, « 217-16 Chinese cranium, from Dr. Js. Bradford, do. 1830. » B. 217-1 exchanged with Dr. R. Harlan, for B. 217-12. BONES. 61 B. 217-17 Cranium of Henry Carr, kidnapper, &c. Horner. 1830. 217-18 Head of a New Zealander, by Dr. Malone, U. S. N., do. " 217-19 Bones of head, tibia, and humerus, from an ancient Indian Tumulus in Circleville, Ohio. Presented by Dr. Peter K. Hull, 1838. 217-20 Chippewa Indian's skull. Shot on Fourth lake, near Madison, Wisconsin, in Black Hawk war, 1832. Presented by W. T. Sterling, Esq., of Madison, 1840. 217-21 Head of Powhushajo, a Seminole warrior, shot in Florida during the late war. Presented by Dr. Joseph Walker, U. S. A., 1841. 217-22 Hindostan skull, presented by Dr. James Mease, 1843. 218 Model of sinuses of brain, Wistar. 218—1 Do. do. dura mater, Prof. Mutter. 1847. 219 Processes of dura mater, Wistar. 220 Do. do. do. 221 Do. do. do. 221—1 Do. do. Horner. 1830. 222 Female pelvis, do. 222—1 Do. do. ' Dr. J. P. Hopkinson. 1836. 222—2 Model, in plaster; of pelvis with dislocation of head of os femoris. Paris, 1848. 222—3 Ligaments of leg, (two preparations). 222—4 Do. lower extremity, injected by Dr. Horner, (three preparations). 222—5 Ligaments of upper extremity, (two pre- parations). Do. do. do. injected by Dr. Horner, (three preparations). 222—6 Ligaments of spinal column, (two prepara- tions). 222—7 Muscles of upper extremity, injected by Dr. Horner. 222—8 Do. of lower do. do. do. 222—9 Intercostal and abdominal muscles, (two preparations). 222-10 Intercostal muscles, (two preparations), in- jected by Dr. Horner. 223 Female pelvis, natural ligaments, Wistar. 223—1 Do. do. do. Horner. 1830. 223—2 Do. do. do. do. " 223—3 Male do. right side do. do. " 62 DISEASED BONES. B. 223—4 Thorax,natural skeleton of II.Carr,(217—17) II. 1 223—5 Do. do. do. 223—6 Deformed sternum, do. 1 223—7 Sternum and costal cartilages, do. 1 223—8 Do. do. do. 223—9 Thorax, skeleton of, with diaphragm. 223-10 Do. do. 224 Female pelvis, Wistar. 225 Do. do. do. 226 Male pelvis, do. 226—1 Male pelvis with obliq. ext. abd. and fascia lata. Hernial preparation. 227 Female pelvis, do. 228 Do. do. vertical section, Horner. 228—1 Do. do. do. do. 229 Do. do. very large, Wistar. 230 Do. do. deformed, do. 231 Do. do. very contracted, do. 231—l Deformed pelvis from a female aged 32, who died in one of the Paris hospitals. Obtained in Paris, by Dr. Leidy. 232 Foetal cranium, Wistar. 233 Do. do. do. 234 Do. do. Horner. 235 Do. do. do. 236 Do. do. do. 237 Do. do. do. 238 Do. do. do. 239 Do. section, do. 240 Do. do. do. 241 Do. do. do. 242 Do. do. do. DISEASED BONES. 243 Os humeri with spines growing from it, Wistar. 244 Do. do. do. 245 Ulna do. do. 246 Do. do. do. 247 Os femoris do. do. 047—i Do. do. do. DISEASED BONES. 63 B. 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 254—1 254—2 255 Os femoris with spines growing from it. Tibia do. Do. do. Fibula do. Do. do. Wistar. do. do. do. do. 7—1 —1 —1 256 256 257 257 258 258 259 259 260 261 262 263 264 264- 265 265- 265- 266 267 267- 268 269 270 270 271 271 272 272- 273 274 275 276 All the above belonged to one set or skeleton.) Os femoris with a spine on it, Horner Os innominatum with spine on venter of ilium, Osteo-malaxie of pelvis, from a stout black man, Do. scapula from same, Os innominatum with tuber on venter of ilium, Os femoris unusually thin and brittle Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. very heavy and ivory like, Do. do. Tibia do. Do. do. Do. distorted, (Cyrtosis Rachia) Fibula do. do. Do. do. do. Ulna do. do. Caries of cranium, -1 Do. of antrum Highmor., by Caries of cranium, -1 Fracture of os nasi, -2 Do. do. Caries of humerus, commencing, Dr —1 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. femur do. do. do. do. do. do. do. tibia, do. do. do. do. do. do. Wistar. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. P.H. do. Wistar. do. Horner. Harlan. Wistar. Horner. do. Wistar. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1844. 1826. 1834. 64 DISEASED BONES. B. 276—1 Exfoliations from tibia. 277 Caries of fibula, 278 Do. do. 279 Do. do. 280 Do. do. 281 Do. do. 281—1 Do. do. 281—2 Caries of ankle and tarsus, 281—3 Fracture of os femoris, 281—4 Dislocation of cervical vertebrae, Horner. Wistar. do. do. do. do. do. Horner. do. (from a negro man, who was thrown down stairs and died instantly). Presented by Leidy. 281—5 Os femoris with exostosis. Presented by F. C. Pitcher, Marion Co., Ala., -6 Tibia and fibula; exostosis, do. -7 Os humeri; exostosis, do. 1830. 281 281 282 283 283 —1 Caries of spine, Do. do. presented by Dr. Fracture of vertebra, Caries of spine, Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Necrosis of os femoris, Do. do. 284 285 286 286 286 287 287 287—2 Section of thigh bone with two buck-shot Dr. Physick. R. M. Dun- bar, Horner. Dr. Coates. Wistar. Horner. do. do. Wistar. do. 287 288 288 288 288 288 —3 -1 -2 -3 -4 288—5 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 295—1 Exfoliation at end of tibia, Do. fibula, Do. do. Osseous granulations from tibia, Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1848. 1849. 1848. 1849. u 1830. 1835. 1844. in it, Horner. " Trochanter minor, diseased, do. " Necrosis of tibia, Dr. Physick. Do. do. Horner. 1838. Do. do. do. 1842. Chronic inflammation of tibia, do. 1844. Necrosis of os femoris, removed from a boy by Dr. Horner, do. 1846. Do. tibia of a horse, presented by Dr. P. J. Carrington, do. " Exfoliation at end of tibia, Wistar. Do. do. do. DISEASED BONES. 65 B. 296 Depression of cranium, Horner. 296—1 Do. do. do. 296—2 Old sabre cut on the head,* do. 296—3 Six fractured ribs on a board, Wistar. 296—4 Rib imperfectly calcified, Horner. 296—5 Clavicle broken, and united, Wistar. 296—6 Os humeri of turkey broken, do. do. 296—7 Cranium of a negro killed by a stab in the forehead, presented by Dr. L. G. Wynn, Horner. 1830. 296—8 Fracture of cranium, do. 1834. 296—9 Do. clavicle, do. 1844. 296-10 Do. neck of lower jaw, in wax, do. " 297 Humerus fractured, and united, do. 297—1 Arm of an Indian, Mac-fee-manee, broken by a musket ball at the distance of thirty yards. Amputated and presented by Dr. Perrin Barker. 1838. 297—2 Os humeri, tried in first experiment by Dr. Physick for uniting fracture by seton.t Deposited by Mrs.Randolph, his daughter, 1850. Ulna fractured, and united, Wistar. Radius fractured, do. do. Do. do. do. Horner. Ununited fracture of neck of os femoris, P. H. Scaphoides of wrist fractured, Homer. 1826. One preparation of ununited fracture oO neck of os femoris, of twenty days' v P. II. standing, ) United fracture of neck of os femoris, Horner. 1833. Do. do. plaster cast, by Prof. Reuben D. Mussey. 1836. 305 One preparation of ununited fracture of neck of os femoris, of twenty days' standing, P. H. 306 307 Do. do. Wistar. 308 Os femoris fractured, Horner. 30S—1 Fracture united, of os femoris, from ancient catacombs of Paris. Presented by Dr. Richard Harlan. 1842. 308—2 Do. tibia do. do. 308—3 Os femoris from an ancient Columbarium at * See Path. Anaf., p. 362, for case. t See Dorsey's Elements of Surgery, for case. 9 u 66 DISEASED BONES. the Villa Doria Pamphili, Rome. Brought from there and presented by Mrs. H. H. Smith. 1840. 309 Os femoris fractured, Wistar. 309—1 Do. do. do. 310 Do. do. do. 311 Do. do. do. 312 Do. amputated, rounded at the end, do. 313 Do. with artificial joint, from gun-shot frac- ture, taken from a British soldier at Buf- falo,after amputation, 1814,by Dr. Horner, H. 313—1 Upper extremity of os femoris, taken from a seaman in Walnut Street Prison, who was wounded in the hip on board the Wasp, 1814,* do. 1830. 313—2 Os femoris, curvature of, do. 1846. 313—3 Do. do. same individual, do. '• 314 > „,r > One preparation, fractured tibia, Wistar. 316 Do. do. do. 317 Do. do. do. 318 Do. do. do. HI] Do- d0- d0- 321 Fibula fractured, do. 322 Do. do. do. 323 Board, holding anchylosis of knee, of ankle, of wrist, and of tibio fibular articulation, do. 323—1 Anchylosis of knee, (prepared by Gov. John Hubbard, M. D.), 1830. 324 Anchylosis of tibia with fibula, Wistar. 325 Do. do. do. do. 326 Do. do. do. do. 327 Do. sternum with first rib, do. 328 Do. vertebrae of a horse, do. 329 Do. human lumbar vertebrae, do. 330 Do. sacrum and last vertebrae, do. 331 Do. do. do. do. 332 Do. of sacrum with innominatum, Horner. 333 Do. do. do. do. 333—1 Four specimens of ossification in larynx, do. 333—2 Larynx ossified. Pres. by Dr. Js. A. M'Crea. 1834. 334 Os innominatum got from Hussar sloop of war, sunk in the East River during the American Revolution, P. H. * See Puth. Anat., p. 125, for dissection. DISEASED BONES. 67 335 Board containing fourteen specimens of bone from the battle-field of Waterloo, Horner. 1821. 335—1 Board, 1st column,bones from the battle-field of Bridgewater, Canada, by Dr. Samuel L. Howell. 2d do. bullets from Waterloo, Horner. 3d do. do. from patients in P. H. 3d do. temporal bone from the cata- combs of Rome, supposed to be 1600 years old, presented by Prof. R. E. Griffith. 1822. 336 Inflammation of periosteum of tibia of tur- key, Physick. 336—1 Fracture of a turkey's leg, Horner. 1844. 337 Inflammation of articular extremities of os femoris, Wistar. 338 Inflammation of articular extremities of tibia, do. 339 Do. do. humerus, do. 340 Do. do. do. Horner. 341 Do. do. radius, do. 342 Hip disease in infant, on board, Wistar. Do. adult, do. Horner. 343 Inflammation in acetabulum, Wistar. 344 Artificial acetabulum from dislocation, do. 345 Do. do. . do. Horner. 346 Do. head of humerus from do. do. 347 Os humeri of dog, joint changed by fracture, Prof. J. R. Coxe. 348 Exostosis of os femoris, P. H. 348—1 Large crista of bone, on linea aspera of os femoris, as in the horse, Horner. " 348—2 Exostosis of the fibula, do. 349 Do. do. of sheep from fracture, Wistar. 349—1 Do. foot of an ass, Horner. " 349—2 Supernumerary metacarpal bone of colt, 350 Spina ventosa of radius, do. 351 Deficient calcification in cranium of infant, do. 352 Scrofulous exostosis of vertebrae, do. 352—1 Abnormal conformation of sternum, do. 352—2 Club foot in adult, I840- 352—3 Bones of leg of David Storms, of Hones- dale, Wayne Co., operated on in Novem- ber, 1845, by Dr. Horner, to correct a de- formity from compound fracture ; having got nearly well he was seized with deep 68 CALCULI. B. phlegmonous erysipelas ofthe limb, which reached his body, and he died from mor- tification ofthe part, in March, 1846,* H. 1846. 352—4 Cast of leg before operation, of do. " 352—5 Do. after death, " CALCULI. B. 353 Glass bell, containing calculus of bladder, No. 1, P. H. 354 Glass bell, containing do. do. No. 2, do. 355 Do. containing calculi of bladder, mark- ed Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, do. No. 3 was extracted from John Brown, aged 23, weight 1 oz. 9ii. 8 gr.—ope- ration performed by Dr. Physick, No- vember 23d, 1811, in less than three minutes. do. No. 4.—Extracted by Dr. Physick, and given to Hospital. do. No. 5.—Taken from John Felt. do. No. 6.—Extracted, July 22d, 1818, by Dr. Parrish, in less than two minutes, from Isabella Berry, aged nine years, weight 3iii. 2 gr. do. 356 Glass bell, containing calculi of bladder, marked 7, 8a 86, P. H. Extracted November 17th, 1810, from George Wall, by Dr. Physick, weight 1 oz. z d 10 gr. do. 357 Glass bell, containing calculus of bladder, marked No. 9, P. II. Taken from patient named John Shaw, after death. 358 Glass bell, containing calculi of bladder, marked Nos. 10, 11, P. H. No. 10, taken from No. 11, taken from bladder of rat, by J. Bishop. * See A. 291-3. CALCULI. G9 B. 358—1 Vesical calculus, sii »°, from Morehouse, H. 1838. 358—2 Do. from a rat, do. " 358—3 Calculous concretions from fundus of blad- der. See Am. Jour. Med. Sc, vol. xi, p. 27. Dr. I. Hays. " 358—4 Vesical calculus from Dr. Gillespie, present- ed by Dr. Maurice Filzgibbon. " 358—5 Glass bell, containing: A. Calculus of fifteen years' duration in duct of left submaxillary gland, re- moved, May, 1842, by Dr. Hugh Campbell, of Uniontown, Penn., from * * * , est. 40 years. B. Calculus from submaxillary gland. Removed from Mrs. * * * in 1841, by Dr. Horner. C. Calculusfrom integuments of forehead. D. Calculus from tunica vaginalis testis of * * * aet. 76, affected with double hydrocele. Operation by Dr. Horner, for Dr. Heber Chase, in 1839. About three quarts of serum in all. Horner. 1842. 358—6 Vesical calculus, 3ii -*§, removed by Litho- tripsy at three trials, by Dr. Horner, from Capt. * * * of the Richmond and Norfolk steamer, do. " 358—7 Vesical calculus, weight 3vi, removed by Lithotripsy, at various times, by Dr. Hor- ner, from the Rev. * * * of Raleigh, N. C, in 1840 and in 1841. Not being permanently relieved, he was cut by a surgeon at home, and died in two or three days after. Only a small calculus was extracted, do. " 358—8 Seed-like calculi (one thousand or more), taken in Lithotomy, by Prof. P.S. Physick from the bladder of the late Chief Justice Marshall, Oct. 13, 1831. 358—9 Vesical calculus, removed by Dr. Horner, by Lithotripsy, in 1845, do. 1846. 359 Glass bell, containing calculi, Nos. 12,13, W. No. 12. Salivary from sublingual duct of a horse. No. 13. Unknown. 359—1 Calculus taken from urinary bladder of a patient at Alms House, after death, Horner. 1830. 70 CALCULI. 359—2 Calculus discharged per anum from a horse, presented by R. Maris, 1829« 359—3 Calculus found in uterus of cow, by Prof. James. 1830. 359—4 Fragments of urinary calculus. Lithotrity, (Civiale's instrument,) performed by Dr. Randolph, September, 1832. 359—5 Do. do. Mrs. D***, Nov. 1S32, to Feb. 1833. 359__6 Do. do. (phos. lime with uric acid.) Mrs. M. H***, March, 1833. Ope- ration, with Jacobson's instrument; end- ed in 2 weeks. 359—7 Do. do. Dr. C***, May to June, 1833. 359__s Do. do. (phos. lime with uric acid), from Mr. F. G***, aged 64. Litho- trity with Civiale's instrument. 359—9 Do. do. Mr. J***, aged 65. Oct. 1833, with Jacobson's instrument. Died July, 1834, from cancer of rectum. 359-10 Do. ' do. Mr. David H***, aged 70. Oct. to Dec. 1834. Cured in 4 operations with Jacobson's instrument. 359-11 Do. do. Capt. H.L***, 60 years. Lithotripsy by brise-pierre articul6, Nov. 1834, to Jan. 1835, 5 operations. 359-12 Do. do. Dr. F***, 70 years. Li- thotripsy, Dec. 1834. 359-13 Do. do. W. A***, 32 years. Li- thotripsy, Nov. 1836. Two operations with instrument of Jacobson. 359-14 Do. do. W.R***, 62 years. May to July, 1836. 359-15 Do. do. (uric acid), Dr. S. T***, 36 years, paralytic. Lithotripsy, 8 or 10 operations by instrument of Jacob- son, in Pennsylvania Hospital. 359-16 Do. do. R. H**«, May, 1837. Two operations by Jacobson's instru- ment. 359-17 Do. do. L. K***. Lithotripsy, Oct. 1840. 359-18 Do. do. A. V***, Reading, Pa., 40 years. Dec. 1847 ; cured in less than 3 weeks by 4 operations by lithotrip- sy with Huerteloup's instrument. CALCULI. 71 B. 359-19 Fragments, urinary calculus. J. D**% Oct. 1840. Lithotripsy. 359-20 Do. do. D. M'M***, aged 11 years. Lithotripsy, Penn. Hosp. 1839. Operation with Jacobson's and Huerte- loup's instrument. One small fragment lodged in urethra for 5 weeks and then cut out. 359-21 Do. do. F. M'F***, 8 years. Li- thotripsy, Penn. Hosp., Nov. 1846. 359-22 Do. do. W. Y. B***, 73 years. Disease of 5 years. Six operations with Jacobson's instrument, April, 1837. 359-23 Do. do. J. F***, 60 years. Jac. inst. 1839. 359-24 Do. do. S. K***, 57 yrs. Huert. inst. Oct. 1847. 359-25 Do. do. Col. B. B***, 70 years. April to Nov. 1835. Lithotripsy, 6 ope- rations. 359-26 Do. do. A.H.B***. Lithotripsy, March, 1846. 359-27 Do. do. L. H***, 18 years; suf- fered 17 years. Huert. inst., Nov. 1847, in Penn. Hosp. 359-28 Do. do. (uric acid.) M. B***, 4 years. Jac. inst. in 8 sittings. 359-29 Do. do. Mr. L***, April, 1844. Lithotripsy. 359-30 Do. do. R. D. M*** of Va., 35 years; suffered 19 years. Lithotripsy, 5 operations, Nov. to Dec. 1839. 359-31 Do. do. S. P***, 76 years. Feb. -1838, 2 operations with Jac. inst. 359-32 Do. do. Mr. C. M***, 57 years. Sept. to Oct. 1835, 3 operations with Jac. inst. 359-33 Do. do. Mr. L*** of Lancaster Co., Pa. Lithotripsy, Jan. 1845. 359-34 Do. do. J. E*** of Cuba, 19 years ; suffered 9 years. Lithotripsy in Penn. Hosp., March, 1840. 359-35 Do. do. Capt. H. H***. Litho- tripsy, Oct. 1831. 359-36 Do. do. J. W***. Lithotripsy, 1839; whole weight, 8 drs. 48 grs. 72 CALCULI. 359-37 Urinary calculus from E. H**¥ of Va. Li- thotomy. 359-38 Do do. (oxalate of lime), 620 grs., from M. B***, Oct. 1831. 359-39 Do. do. from A***. Lithotomy. 359-40 Do. do. W. M'E***, H years. Lithotomy in Penn. Hosp., Jan. 1837. 359-41 Do. do. G. H***, 2 years. Litho- tomy, 1837. 359-42 Do. do. F***. Lithotomy, 1835. 359-43 Do. do. (phosphate of lime.) J. D#**, 14 years. Lithotomy, June, 1835. 359-44 Do. do. Dr.F*** ofN.C. Litho- tomy, March, 1834. 359-45 Do. do. F. G*** of N.C, 8 years. Lithotomy, Oct. 1844. 359-46 Do. do. (ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate.) G. W. M***. Lithotomy, March, 1839. 359-47 Do. do. J. M***, 2 years. Lith- otomy, Penn. Hosp., March, 1839. 359-48 Do. do. (phosphate ammonia and magnesia.) 359-49 Do. do. do. 359-50 Do. do. do. A. S***, April, 1829. Nucleus a bean. 359-51 Do. do. Son of Col. H*** of N. C, Oct. 1843. (From No. 359-4 to 359-51, inclusive, were all extracted by the late Dr. J. Randolph, and were deposited in the Wistar Mu- seum by his widow, Feb. 21, 1850.) Uric acid calculi; of which nearly 1000 were taken from Chief Justice Marshall, Oct. 13, 1831, by Prof. P. S. Physick. From Dr. Randolph's collection. See also B. 358-8. 360 Glass bell, containing urinary calculi, mark- ed Nos. 14, 15, Horner. No. 14. Extracted by Dr. Physick, do. No. 15 Do. do. do. 360—1 Glass bell, containing an urinary calculus, marked 16, cut from a boy in 1824, by Dr. Physick, do. marked 17, taken from a man of 64, it belongs to the bladder No. 139—2, do. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 73 B. marked 18, cut from a man, of 83 years, by Dr. Horner, June, 1825, belongs to preparation 139—6, Horner. 360—2 Glass bell, containing ossifications, do. No. 1. Of knee joint, cut out by Dr. Phy- sick. No. 2. Of shoulder joint, found in dis- secting. No. 3. Of pleura, got in 1818. 361 Glass bell, containing biliary calculi, mark- ed 16, 17, 18. No. 16, Horner. Nos. 17,18. Taken from the gall bladder, after death, by Dr. Physick, from a patient, do. 361—1 Glass bell, containing several biliary calculi, discharged per anum, from a female, pre- sented by Prof. Dewees, do. 361—2 Biliary calculi, discharged near umbilicus, presented by Dr. S. Tucker, do. 361—3 Biliary calculi, do. 361—4 Do. do. do. 361—5 Do. do. do. 361—6 Do. do. do. 361—7 Do. do. Dr. Goddard. 361—8 Do. do. presented by Dr. Samuel Pollock, of Williamsport, Penn., 1830. 1838. 1843. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. B. 362 Coral, Horner. 363 Jaws of a shark, Dr. Chapman. 364 Do. do. P. H. 365 Head of rock fish, Horner. 365—1 Head of a porpoise, do. 366 Upper jaw-bones of a fish, (sheep's head) Wistar. 367 Head of a sheep, Horner. 367—1 Do. of a young deer, do. 368 Do. of a large dog, do. 369 Do. of a small dog, P.H. 370 Do. of a cat, do. 10 1830. 74 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. B. 371 Head of a cat, Horner. 372 Do. of an otter (Lutra canadensis), Wistar. 373 Do. of a martin, do. 374 Do. of a rabbit, Horner. 374—1 Do. of a hog, do. 1845. 374—2 Do. do. do. 374—3 Do. do. do. 374—4 Do. parrot, do. 374—5 Do. ape, do. 374—6 Do. horse, do. 374—7 Do. large sea turtle, Wistar. 1818. 375 Bone of penis of raccoon, do. 375—1 Do. doi from Dr. Chapman. 376 South American lizard, Wistar. 377 Heart of a large dog, do. 378 Do. of a panther, do. 379 Do. of a sea turtle, do. 380 Do. of a cat, do. 381 Do. do. do. 382 Bull frog injected, do. 383 Piece of turtle's lung, do. 384 Do. do. do. 385 Do. do. do. 386 Trachea of bullock, do. 387 Larynx of do. do. 388 Cat, natural skeleton of, do. 389 Squirrel do. do. 389—1 Head of a squirrel, Horner. 1830. 390 Mouse, natural skeleton of, prepared by Dr. J. R. Barton, Wistar. 390—1 Natural skeleton of bat, from Dr. Ruschen- berger. 391 Duck, natural skeleton of, Wistar. 392 Chicken do. do. 392—1 Natural skeleton of a foetal pig, coloured in utero by feeding the mother on madder, presented by Prof. R. D. Mussey, Horner. " 392—2 Skeleton of a land tortoise, prepared and presented by Dr. P. Wilkie Brown, of Richmond, Va., 1840. 392—3 Skeleton of frog, from same, " 392—4 Do. red bird, do. " 392—5 Do. bat, do. « 392—6 Do. rat, do. do. 1845. 393 Monkey injected, Wistar. 394 Do. natural skeleton of, Horner. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 75 B. 394—1 Monkey, head of, presented by Dr. Bradford. 394—2 Do. do. do. 394—3 Black bear, natural skeleton of, Horner. 395 Mastodon, lower jaw of, Wistar. 396- Head of American deer, P.H. 397 Box of insects, presented by Dr. Rodrigue. 1830. 398 Do. do. do. " 398—1 Fifteen prep, in comp. anatomy, by Henry Goadby, Esq., of London, as follows: Three Axolotl marmorata. Membranipora pilosa. Flustra carbasea. Thaumantius pilosella. Young aurelian. Sarsia ornata. Dyphida. Distoma hepaticum. Lernean, male. Do. female. Arachne. Cetonia aurata. Proventiculus of Grylotalpa. 399 Snout of a saw fish, presented by Prof. J. K. Mitchell. 1829. 400 Do. do. Mr. James B. Truet. 1830. 400—1 Do. porpoise, presented by do. 1832. 401 Deformed kitten, Prof. J. K. Mitchell. " 402 Larynx of wild goose, Horner. 1838. 403 Skeleton of a race-horse, Sir Charles, pre- sented by his owner, Col. Johnson. " 404 Skeleton of ostrich, prepared by Flohr. " 405 Do. of elephant, do. do. " 406 Do. of striped hyena, do. do. 1839. 407 Do. of an English dray-horse, present- ed by Mr. Harrison, Treasurer of Guy's Hospital, London, do. 1841. 408 Skeleton of a St. Bernard dog, do. " 410 A shrunk kid from Rio Janeiro, showing the drying effects of the atmosphere. Pre- sented by Dr. Murray Maxwell, U. S. N., " 411 Bony labyrinth of a whale. Presented by Dr. Th. C. Dunn, of Newport, 1840. 412 Starfish, 1836. 413 Rib of a mannitti or sea cow, from Florida, brought by Capt. Fulton, U. S. A., and presented by Prof. Samuel Jackson, 1840. 76 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. B. 414 Skeleton of a cow, articulated by Flohr. 1842. 415 Do. of a ram, do. " 416 Do. of a lioness, Lukens. 1844. 417 Albatross, presented by Dr. H. L. Hodge. " 418 Vertebra of a whale, " 419 Do. do. W. 1818. 420 Skeleton of a Shetland pony, presented by Ph. Physick, Esq., and articulated by E. Flohr, 1842. 421 Skeleton of a wolf, Horner. 1844. 422 Vertebra of a Basilosaurus presented by Dr. A. B. C. Dossey, do. 1S46. 423 Skeleton of an alligator, " 424 Head of do. " 425 Chicken with four legs, " 426 A piece of string enclosed in a concentric growth of wood, do. 1828. 427 Skeleton of procyon lotor, 1848. 428 Do. of didelphis virginiana, " 429 Do. of felis catus, " 430 Do. of mephitis americana, Leidy. " 431 Do. of lepus americana, " 432 Do. of sciurus carolinensis, il 433 Do. of haliaetus leucocephalus, " 434 Do. of surnea nyctea, " 435 Do. of mergus, " 436 Do. of numenius hudsonicus, " 437 Do. of quiscalus ferrugineus, " 438 Do. of picus querulus, " 439 Do. of anas, " 440 Do. ofcolumba, " 441 Do. of emys terrapin, li 442 Do. of chelonia midas, " 443 Do. of alligator mississipiensis, " 444 Do. of pimelodus catus, " 445 Do. of morrhua americana, « 446 Do. ofplatessa, " 447 Do. of anguilla tennuirostris, « 448 Do. ofesox, « 449 Do. of tautoga americana, « 450 Do. of labrax lineatus, « 451 Do. of astur cooperi, « 452 Do. of falco sparverius, « 453 Do. of sturnus ludovicianus, " 454 Do. ofscolopax, « 455 Do. of felis leo, ?, presented by Dr. Goddard. 1849. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 77 B. 456 Skeleton of cynocephalus, Leidy. 1849. 457 Do. of scalops canadensis, do. " 458 Do. of sciurus volucella, do. K 459 Do. of pimelodus catus, " 460 Do. of rana pipiens, do. " 461 Do. of columba domestica, do. « 462 Do. ofchamaeleo, do. * 463 Do. offringilla, do. « 464 Do. of felis catus, deformed, do. « ^65 Do. do. do. do. « 466 Do. of anas domestica, do. do. < 466—1 Shad. 466—2 Quiscalus ferrugineus. 466—3 Bombicilla. 466—4 Cervus virginianus, skeleton of. 467 Cranium of labrax lineatus, < 468 Do. of sciurus carolinensis, Leidy. « 469 Do. do. striatus, do. « 470 Do. of mus decumanus, do. *•' 471 Do. of mus musculus, do. « 472 Do. of rana pipiens, do. <; 473 Nine crania of anas, do. * 474 Thirteen do. of small birds of various genera, do. « 475 One do. of strix, do. « 476 Dentition of sus scrofa, « 477 Do. of ovies aries, «; 478 Do. of canis familiaris, « 479 Do. do. do. « 480 Do. of bos bovis, « 480—1 Do. do. « 481 Do. of equus primigenius, " 482 Do. of lepus americanus, « 483 Do. of didelphis virginiana, Leidy. «< 4S4 Do. do. do. do. « 485 Do. of cynocephalus, do. « 486 Do. of fiber zibethicus, do. « 487 Do. of felis leo, do. « 488 Do. of canis familiaris, « 489 Do. of didelphis virginiana, « 490 Do. of mus decumanus, « 491 Do. of equus primigenius (old age), « 492 Do. of scalops canadensis, Leidy. » 493 Long, section of teeth (2) of hippopotamus, do. « 494 Do. of canine of sus scrofa, do. « 495 Bony tentorium of canis familiaris, do. « 496 Profile section, cranium of didel. virgin., « 73 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND NATURAL HISTORY. it do. u do. u do. a do. it do. it B. 497 Pelvis of auchenia, Leidy. 1849. 498 Do. of felis pardus, do. " 499 Do. of fiber zibethicus, do. " 500 Do. of canis familiaris, " 501 Do. of two spec, simia, do. 50£ Do. of felis catus, 50S Do. of simia satyrus, 504 Thorax of do. do. 50t Do. of auchenia, 506 Do. of cassuarius, 501 Sternum and trachea of cygnus, 505 Vertebrae capitis of bos bovis, " 50£ Do. do. of sus scrofa, " 51C Sections (6) bones of struthio camelus, ex- hibiting the air cavities, do. " 511 Heart of felis leo, " 51S Do. of cynocephalus, " 51C- Gall bladder of felis leo, " 514 Larynx of elephant, " 511 Ossa femoris and humeri of elephas indica, / in longit. sect. (4), exhibiting the internal structure. Presented by Dr. Goddard. " 516 Do. in long. sec. (2), Leidy. " A cabinet of insects exhibiting one thousand and fifty-seven species, from Russia, Fin- land, Siberia, Caucasus, Sweden, and Lapland, some of which are very rare, 1832. A cabinet of insects presented by Doctor M'Murtrie, containing about 400 species, " A collection of fossil shells and remains, 200 specimens, 1S30. 200 specimens in mineralogy, " 100 do geology, " 36 models ofthe various forms of crystallization, " 50 precious stones, " MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. 79 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. c. 1 Letter from General Washington of July, 1794, Horner. 2 Table of temperatures. 3 Venereal ulcer, drawing of, presented by Abraham Colles Esq., of Dublin, do. 1821. 4 Pistol got at Waterloo in 1S21, from the field of battle: obtained from La Costa, the peasant who guided Napoleon, do. 5 6 Instrument for examining the meatus audi- torius externus, invented by Dr. Fisher, of Boston, do. 7 Stamp put upon the necks of infants re- ceived at the Foundling Hospital in Paris, do. « A collection of splints and other apparatus, remarkably well prepared by the late Dr. Balfour, of Norfolk, Virginia, presented by his son, Dr. Eleazer Balfour. 8 Model for illustrating muscular action, Dr. P. B. Goddard. 9 Transferred to 14—2. 10 Pair of lithographs of elephantiasis of scro- tum, before and after operation, by Dr. Picton. See A. 140—1. 11 Transferred to 14—1. 12 Indian calabash of earthern ware, from an ancient mound on Harpeth river, Wil- liamson Co., Tennessee. Presented by Dr. G. A. J. Mayfield. 1841. 13 Indian bowl from same mound, do. " 14 Indian calumet of carved stone, from a field in the same vicinity, exposed by plough- ing, do. « 15 Ancient Indian calabash of earthern ware, being a representation of the human fig- ure, from Brazil. Presented by Dr. Mur- ray Maxwell, U. S. N., « 16 Alluvium from a Hindostan skull,B. 217-2,2, Dr. James Mease. 1843. APPENDIX. Page 15. 145 Model in papier mache of heart of oyster. 146 do. do. do. fish. 147 do. do. do. dugong. 148 do. do. tracheae of insect. 149 do. do. nervous system of star-fish. 150 do. do. do. cray fish. 151 do. do. do. caterpillar, 152 do. do. do. pupa. 153 do. do. do. butterfly. 154 do. do. do. spider. 155 do. do. human eye. 156 do. do. side of head. From 145 to 156, inclusive, made by Azoux, Paris. 1848. Page 24. A. 69-2, 69-3, 69-6, to 69-10, and 69-12, prepared by Schafhirt. Page 25. A. 84-18 Minute injection of small intestine from cholera patient. 84-19 do. do. do. 84-20 do. do. do. 84-21 do. do. healthy. 84-22 do. do. do. 84-23 Portion of small intestine of cholera do. 84-24 do. do. do. From 84-18 to 84-24, inclusive, prepared and presented by Dr. J. Neill. Page 40. A. 234-40 to 234-48, inclusive, and 234-51,234-52, prepared by Schafhirt. Page 49. B. 24-2 Female mammae injected with mercury; 2 preparations by Schafhirt. Page 49. B. 19-3 Lacteals of horse; 12 preparations, on 10 ■blackboards, by Schafhirt. Page 49. B. 19-4 Do. of turtle; 5 do. on 3 do. by do. " 52. B. 84-2 Prepared and presented by John Brown. > APPENDIX. e 54. 13. 139 Lost. « B. 147-2 ) Prpnarpfi hv 56. B. 183-11 to 183-13, inclusive, > l ^^/- . 59. B. 205-3 > bchalhirt. « B. 214-1, 214-2. Prepared by J. Brown. 61. B. 222-3 to 222-10, inclusive. Prep, by Schafhirt. SI 76-7 B. 427 to 466- 77. B. 466-5 Skeleton of cygnus americanus. Prepared by Schafhirt. B. 466-6 Do. of ardea violacea, do. B. 466-7 Do. do. exilis, do. B. 466-8 Do. procellaria pelagica, do. B. 466-9 Do. cistudo carolinensis, do. B. 467 do. B. 467-1 4 crania of fish, do. B. 467-2 7 do. reptiles, do. B. 467-3 25 do. birds, do. B. 467-4 18 do. mammals, do. B. 476 to 494, inclusive, 78. B. 497 to 516, do. do. 6M^> X /rtn \.. is His'."v•*£•;:', :.rl ,•--':', .: :',!jJ.,-.ft)r.^:.,v~'3I-i •'•.:.•♦,■ "'.iiCi -..j»w; 2