SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. NEREIS BOREALI-AIERICANA: OE, CONTRIBUTIONS TO A HISTORY OF THE MARINE ALGA! OF NORTH AMERICA. BY WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A., KEEPER OF THE HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, AND PROFESSOR OF BOTANY TO THE "R. D. S. IN THREE PARTS, WITH FIFTY COLORED PLATES. WASHINGTON CITY: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. MAY, 1858. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND CO. COMMISSION TO WHICH THIS PAPER HAS BEEN REFERRED. Prof. J. W. Bailey, Dr. John Torrey, Dr. Asa Gray. Joseph Henry, Secretary S. 1. ADVERTISEMENT. This work has been prepared at the request of the Smithsonian Institution, by Dr. W. H. Harvey, Professor of Botany of the University of Dublin. An invi- tation a few years ago to deliver a course of lectures on the Algm before the Lowell Institute of Boston, gave him an opportunity to study the marine botany of the coast of the United States bordering on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. He subsequently made a tour around the shores of the Pacific, and has thus been enabled to describe the sea-plants of Oregon and California. The work consists of three parts. The first, on Melanospermese, was published as a memoir in the third volume of the Smithsonian Contributions; the second part, on Rhodospermese, in the fifth; and the last, on Chlorospermese, in the tenth volume of the same series. Copies of these have been distributed to all the principal Libraries and Insti- tutions of the world; and in order to diminish the expense of publication as well as to render the work more generally useful, a number of extra copies have been struck off and the three parts bound together in one volume, to be sold to indi- viduals and institutions which do not fall within the classes of those to whom the Smithsonian Contributions are presented. The principal object of the Smithsonian Institution, as is clearly indicated in the will of its founder, is the prosecution and publication of scientific researches, and the present work is considered to be strictly in accordance with this design. Without the assurance on the part of the Institution that it would be published, it would not have been undertaken, and the results of the generous devotion to science of the author, in this line, could not have been given to the world. In reference to the character of the work, and in justice to the Institution as well as the author, we may be permitted to copy the following remarks from a paper published by the late Prof. Forbes, of the University of Edinburgh. “A more proper person than Prof. Harvey could not have been selected for the elabora- tion of a ‘ Nereis Boreali-Americana,’ and most honorable is it to the directors of the Smithsonian Institution of North America, that they should have selected this ADVERTISEMENT. gentleman for the task of which we have now the first fruits. The trustees of that establishment are pursuing a course which is sure to do much towards the whole- some development of science in the United States. In the present instance they have done what is both wise and generous, and in seeking the best man to do the difficult work they require done, have recognized nobly the truth that science belongs to the world, to all mankind, laboring for the benefit of all regions and races alike.” JOSEPH HENRY, Smithsonian Institution, Secretary S. I. May 21, 1858. GENERAL INDEX TO THE THREE PARTS. [The asterisks refer to the page of description, the Roman figures to the part to which the particular page belongs.] Acanthocladia, n, 182. Acanthophora, i, 21; it, 11, 15, 11*. Acetabularia, i, 21; in, 35, 39*. Acrotylus, n, 161, 196*. Actinococcus, n, 129. Agal-Agal, i, 31. Agar-Agar, i, 33. Agarum, i, 83, 95*. Aglaiophyllum, n, 92, 103. Ahnfeldtia, in, 19. Ahnfeltia, in, 159, 161*. Alaria, i, 33, 83, 81*. Aloe, i, 82. Alsidium, i, 21; n, 11, 14*. Amansia, i, 21; n, 11, 12*. Amphiroa, n, 82, 85*. Anadyomene, i, 11; n, 42, 48*. Anadyomene®, hi, 41. Apophl®a, ii, 81. Arctic Alg®, list of, in, 132. Arthrocardia, ii, 86*. Arthrocladia, i, 15*. Arthrosiphon, hi, 99. Asparagopsis, n, 68. Asperococcus, i, 102, 111*. Badderlocks, i, 88. Bangia, m, 52, 54*. Barilla, i, 36. Batrachosperme®, n, 131, in, 1, 61*. Batrachospermum, n, 225; in, 63*. Blodgettia, in, 42, 46*. Bonnemaisonia, n, 68, 69. Bonnemaisonie®, ii, 69*. Bostrychia, i, 21; n, 12, 54*. Botryocladia, ii, 181, 191*. Botryoglossum, n, 90, 99*. Bryopsis, I, 11, 12, 31*. Bryothamnion, n, 15. * Calliblepliaris, n, 91, 105*. Callithamnie®, n, 208*. Callithamnion, ir, 208, 229*; m, 130*. Callophyllis, n, 159, 110*. Caloglossa, n, 98*. Calothrix, i, 1, 98, 104*. Carrageen, i, 33. Carrigeen, i, 11. Catenella, i, 21; n, 161, 201*. Caulacanthus, n, 114. Caulerpa, i, 11; hi, 11, 12*. Caulerpe®, i, 1 ; m, 9, 11*. Centroceras, n, 208, 211*. Ceramiace®, n, 8, 206*. Ceramie®, n, 208. Ceramium,i, 11, 25; n, 208,212*. Ceylon Moss, i, 33; n, 90. Ch®tangium, n, 114. Ch®tomorpha, in, 69, 84*. Ch®tophora, in, 69*. Ch®tophore®, in, 69*. Ch®tophoroide®, in, 61. Ch®topteris, i, 134, 136*. Cham®doris, i, 21; in, 42*. Champia, n, 68, 69, 15*. Chanvinia, in, 19*. Chlorodesmis, m, 12, 29*. Clilorosperme®, i, 45; in, 1*. Chlorosperms, i, 25. Chnoospora, i, 15, 19*. Chondria, ii, 12, 19*, 10; in, 125*. Cliondroclonium, ii, 114. Chondrus, n, 160,180*; i, 11,12, 33. Chorda, i, 83, 91*. Chordaria, i, 122, 123*. Chordariace®, i, 41, 121. Chordarid®, i, 121. I Chordarie®, i, 13, 121. Chorde®, i, 80, 99. Chrysimenia, i, 26; n, 69, 161, 181*. Chyloeladia, n, 69, 160, 185*. Chylocladia, n, 68, 15, 11. Cladhymenia, n, 69. Cladophora, m# 69, 12*. Cladostephus, i, 134*. Claudea, i, 9. Coccotylus, ii, 164. Codie®, n, 9, 12*. Codium, i, 11; hi, 12, 28*. Compsoteia, n, 59*. Conferva, i, 5 ; n, 48 ; hi, 86. Confervace®, hi, 1, 61*. Constantinea, i, 21; n, 160, 113*. Corallina, n, 82, 83*. Corallines, i, 21. Corallinaceae, n, 1, 80*. Corallinae®, n, 81, 82*. Corallopsis, n, 91, 111*. Cordylecladia, n, 141, 155*. Corsican Moss, i, 36 ; n, 68. Costaria, i, 83, 89*. Crouania, n, 208, 225*. Cruoria, n, 129. Cryptarachne, n, 181, 189*. Cryptonemia, n, 160, 184*. Cryptonemiace®, n, 8, 156. Cryptoneme®, n, 160*. Cutleria, i, 100. Cymopolia, i, 21; n, 35*. Cystocloninm, n, 159, 169*. Cystophyllum, hi, 122. Cystoseira, i, 56, 65*. Dasya, i, 10 ; n, 12, 59*; III, 126. Dasyclade®, hi, 1, 33*. Dasycladus, i, 21 ; m, 35, 38*. Delesseria, i, 21; n, 90, 93*. Delesserie®, n, 90*. Delisia, n, 68. GENERAL INDEX TO THE THREE PARTS. Dcsmarestia, i, 75, 76*. Desmidiaceae, i, 3 ; in, 7. Desmiospermeae, ir, 7*. Desmodium, i, 16. Devil’s Apron, i, 82, 90. Diatomaceae, i, 3, 18, 21; in, 7. Dictyosiphon, I, 102, 113*. Dictyosphaeria, i, 27; in, 42, 50. Dictyota, i, 102, 107*. Dictyotaceae, i, 47, 99*. Digenia, i, 27 ; n, 12, 29*. Dillisk, i, 33, 34. Dracaena, i, 82. Draparnaldia, m, 69, 71*. Dulse, i, 33; n, 148. Dumontia, i, 25. Durvillaea, i, 11, 20. Ecklonia, I, 82. Ectocarpaceae, i, 47, 132*. Ectocarpeae, i, 134*. Ectocarpus,i, 134,138*; iii, 125*. Edible Bird Nest, i, 33. Eel Grass, i, 31. Elachista, i, 123, 131*. Endocladia, n, 160, 182*. Endocladieae, n, 160*. Enteromorpha, i, 131 ; iii, 52, 56*. Eubostrychia, ii, 55*. Eucheuma, n, 113, 115, 118*. Eugigartineae, n, 160*. Euthora, n, 146, 150*. Fucaceae, i, 47, 49*. Fucodium, i, 67. Fucus, i, 19, 24, 34, 35, 56, 67*, 68*. Furcellaria, n, 127, 161, 195*. Gastrocarpeae, n, 160*. Gelidiaceae, n, 7, 112*. Gelidieae, n, 115. Gelidium, i, 12; n, 113, 115*, 197. Gigartina, i, 12; n, 160, 174*; iii, 129. Gigartineae, n, 159*. Gloiocladeae, n, 132*. Gloiopeltis, n, 160, 183*. Gloiosiphonia, n, 161, 202*. Gongylospermeae, n, 8*. Gracilaria, i, 36; ii, 91, 106*. Gratcloupia, i, 26; n, 161, 197, 198*. Griffithsia, n, 208, 227*. Grinnellia, n, 90, 91*. Gulfweed, i, 53, 60. Gymnogongrus, n, 159, 165*. Halichrysis, n, 187*. Ilalidrys, i, 56, 63*. Ilaligraphium, in, 44*. Halimeda, i, 27 ; hi, 12, 22*. Halipsygma, iii, 64*. Ilaliseris, i, 101, 102*. Halocaelia, n, 194*. Halochloae, I, 49. Halosaccion, n, 161, 193*; in, 130*. Halurus, n, 208, 225, 226*. Halymenia, n, 161, 192*. Helminthocladeae, n, 8, 131*. Helminthora, n, 132, 133*. Hemineura, n, 92. Henware, i, 88. Hildenbrandtia, n, 129. Himanthalia, i, 56, 71*. Honeyware, i, 88. Hormotrichum, in, 69, 89*. Hydroclathrus, i, 102, 119*. Hydrocrocis, i, 176. Hydrodictyeae, in, 7, 94*. Hydrodictyon, i, 9 ; in, 95*. Hydrurus, iii, 118*. Hymenena, n, 91, 101*. Hypnea, i, 27 ; n, 113, 115, 122. Hypneaceae, n, 115*. Hypoglossum, n, 96*. Iridaea, i, 12, 20; n, 160, 178*, 129*. Irish Moss, i, 11, 33. Jania, ii, 82, 83*. Kallymenia n, 159, 171*. Kallymeuieae, n, 159*. Kelp, i, 35. Laminaria, i, 7, 83, 90*. Laminariaceae, i, 47, 80*. Laurencia, i, 22; n, 19, 68, 69, 70*. Laurenciaceae, n, 7, 67. Leathesia, i, 123, 129*. Lemna, i, 14. Lemanea, iii, 63, 66*. Lemanieas, iii, 63*. Lessonia, i, 11, 20, 83, 87*. Lessoniae, i, 82. Liagora, n, 133, 137*. Liagoreae, n, 133*. Liebmannia, i, 123, 128*. Lomentaria, n, 68, 69, 75, 77*. Lomentarieae, n, 69*. Lophothalia, n, 64*. Lyngbya, hi, 98, 101*. Macrocystis, i, 7, 11, 21, 83, 84*. Mannite, i, 36 Mastocarpus, n, 175*. Mastophora, it, 81. Melanospermeae, i, 45. Melobesia, ii, 83, 87*. Mesogloia, i, 123, 125*. Microcladia, n, 208, 209*. Microcoleus, hi, 98, 108*. Mougeotia, i, 13. Murlins, i, 88. Myrionema, i, 123, 131*. Myriotrichia, nr, 124. Nemalion, n, 132, 134*. Nemastomeae, n, 161*. Nereocystis, i, 11, 83, 85*. Nigger hair, ii, 41. Nitophylla, i, 25. Nitophyllum, it, 91, 102* ; hi, 128. Nostoc, m, 113*. Nostochaceae, i, 18. Nostochineae, in, 7, 110*. Nulliporeae, ii, 81, 83*. Nullipores, i, 21. Oarweeds, i, 82, 90. Odonthalia, i, 25; n, 11, 13*. Oligosiplionia, ii, 31*. Oscillatoria, i, 17 ; in, 98, 107*. Oscillatoriae, i, 5, 7. Oscillatoriaceae, hi, 7, 96*. Padina, i, 101, 103*. Palmella, i, 5. Palmellaceae, I, 4,18; hi, 7,116* Penicillus, i, 27 ; in, 42, 44*. Pepper Dulse, n, 68. Petalonema, hi, 98, 99*. Petrocelis, n, 129. Peyssonnelia, n, 129*. Phacelocarpus, n, 81. Phycodrys, n, 93*. Phyllacantha, i, 67. Phyllerpa, hi, 16*. Phyllophora, n, 159, 164*. Phyllospora, i, 56, 61*. Pikea, n, 246*; in, 131. Plocamium, i, 12, 22, 25 ; n, 145 146, 152*. Polyides, n, 128*. Polysiphonia, i, 8; n, 12, 30*. Porphyra, i, 34; in, 52, 53*. Protococcus, i, 4. GENERAL INDEX TO THE THREE PARTS. Ptilerpa, in, 16*. Ptilota, i, 25, 26. Punctaria, i, 100, 102, 114*. Ralfsia, i, 123, 130*. Red snow, i, 4. Rhabdonia, i, 26; n, 121, 145, 146, 153*. Rhizoclonium, hi, 69, 91*. Rhodomela, i, 8; n, 12, 23*; in, 126*. Rhodomelaceae, ii, 7, 9*. Rhodonema, ii, 60*. Rhodophyllis, n, 146, 151*. Rhodospermeae, ii, 1*; i, 45. Rhodymenia, i, 23, 25; n, 146, 147* ; in, 128. Rhodymeniaceae, ii, 8, 144*. Riband-weed, i, 90. Rivularia, nr, 98, 109*. Rytiphlaea, ii, 12, 28*. Sargasso, i, 53. Sargassum, i, 27, 55, 56*. Sargazo, i, 53. Scinaia, ii, 133, 135*. Scinaieae, n, 133*. Scytonema, in, 98, 100*. Sea-colander, i, 82. Sea grape, i, 60. Sea lentils, i, 53. Sea-otter’s cabbage, i, 86. Sea-otter Kohl, i, 86. Sea-wrack, i, 35. Seirospora, i, 26. Siphoneae, i, 1; in, 1, 9*. Sole-leather-kelp, i, 90. Solieria, n, 113, 115, 120*, 154. Soranthera, i, 102, 111*. Sphacelaria, i, 134, 136*; in, 124*. Sphacelarieae, i, 134.* Sphaerococceae, n, 91*. Sphaerococcoideaea, n, 1, 88*. Spongiocarpeae, n, 1, 126*. Sporochnaceae, i, 47, 73*. Spyridia, n, 204*. Spyridiaceae, n, 8, 203*. Squamarieae, n, 8, 128*. Stenogramma, n, 159, 162*. Stichocarpus, n, 66*. Stictosiphonia, ii, 57*. Stilophora, i, 101, 112*. Striaria, hi, 123*. Suliria, ii, 114. Tangle, i, 82, 80. Taonia, i, 101, 101*. Tetraspora, in, 52, 60*. Thalassiophyllum, i, 83, 96*. Thorea, n, 131. Thysanocladia, n, 69. Trichodesmium, i, 11. Trumpet weed, i, 82. Tuomeya, hi, 63, 64*. Turbinaria, in, 121*. Tylocarpeae, n, 159*. IJdotea, i, 21; hi, 12, 26*. Ulva, i, 5; m, 52, 58*. TJlvaceae, hi, 1, 51*. Yaloniaceae, in, 1, 41*. Yaucheria, i, 16; hi, 12, 30*. Yancheriae, i, 5. Yolvox, i, 4. Wormskioldia, ir, 93, 145. Wrangelia, n, 141, 142*. Wrangeliaceae, n, 8, 141*. Wurdemannia, n, 245*. Zonaria, i, 101, 105* ; in, 123*. Zostera, i, 31. Zygnema, I, 13. Zygnemaceos, in, 1, 93*. REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. V REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. PART I. Plate I. A.—Sargassum Montagnei, Bailey, p. 58. B.—Cystoseira expansa, Ag. p. G6. II. Halidrys osmundacea, Harv. p. 64. III. A.—Fucus fastigiatus, J. Ag. p. 68. B.—Phyllospora Menziesii, Ag. p. 62. TV. A.—Arthrocladia villosa, Duby, p. 15. B. —Desmarestia aculeata, Lamour. p. 18. C. —Chnoospora fastigiata, J. Ag. p. 19. V. Agarum Turneri, Post. & Rupr. p. 96. VI. Laminaria longicruris, Dela Pyl. p. 93. VII. A.—Haliseris delicatula, Lamour. p. 103. B. —Padina pavonia, Lamour. p. 104. C. —Zonaria lobata, Ag. p. 106. VIII. A.—Dictyota ciliata, J. Ag. p. 110. B. —Dictyota fasciola, Lamour. p. 108. C. —Dictyota Bartayresiana, Lamour. p. Ill IX. A.—Ilydroclathrus cancellatus, Bory, p. 121 B. —Stilophora rhizodes, J. Ag. p. 112. C. —Asperococcus sinuosus, Bory, p. 118. X. A.—Mesogloia zosterse, Aresch. p. 128. B.—Mesogloia virescens, Carm. p. 121. O.—Leathesia tuberiformis, Gray, p. 129. XI. A.—Ghordaria divamcata, Ag. p. 125. B. —Elacliista fucicola, Fries, p. 131. C. —Gladostephus verticillatus, Ag. p. 135. XII. A.—Ectocarpus lutosus, Harv. p. 141. B. —Ectocarpus viridis, Harv. p. 140. C. —Variety of same species as in B. D. —Ectocarpus Landsburgii, Harv. p. 143. E. —Ectocarpus Hooperi, Harv. p. 144. F. —Ectocarpus Durkeei, Harv. p. 142. G. —Ectocarpus Mitchillse, Harv. p. 143. REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. PART II. Plate XIII. A.—Alsidium triangulare, J. Ag. p 15. B. —Bhodomela Rocliei, Harv. p. 27. C. gracilis, Kiitz. p. 26. D. —Digenia simplex, Ag. p. 30. XIY. A.—Acantlxophora Thierii, Lamour. p. It. B. —Bostrychia Montagnei, Ilarv. p. 55. C. calamistrata, Mont. p. 56. D. rivularis, Harv. p. 5t. E. Tuomeyi, Harv. p. 58. XV. A.—Dasya Gibbesii, Harv. p. 59. B. —Alsidium Blodgeltii, Harv. p. 16. C. —Dasya Wurdemanni, Bail. p. 64. XVI. A.—Polysiphonia ramentacea, Harv. p. 42. B. breviarticulata, J. Ag. p. 36. C. Pecten Veneris, Harv. p. 46. D. the same, var. j3. p. 46. XVII. A. Harveyi, Bail. p. 41. B. Olneyi, Harv. p. 40. C. nigrescens, var. Durkeei, Harv. p. 50. XVIII. A.—Chondria Baileyana, Mont. p. 20. B. —Laurencia gemmifera, Harv. p. 73. C. cervicornis, Harv. p. 73. D. implicata, J. Ag. p. 72. E. —Chondria atropurpurea, Harv. p. 22. F. tenuissima, Ag. p. 21. G. sedifolia, Harv. p. 19. XIX. A.—Lomentaria ovalis, var. Coulteri, Harv. p. 78. B. —Champia salicornoides, Harv. p. 76. C. —Stenogramma interrupta, Mont. p. 163. XX. A.—Chrysymenia Halymenioides, Harv. p. 188. B. uvaria, J. Ag. p. 191. C. — Chylocladia Baileyana, Harv. p. 185. XXI. A.—Botryoglossum platycarpum, Kiitz. p. 100. B.—Grinnellia Americana, Harv. p. 92. XXII. A.—Delesseria involvens, Harv. p. 97- B. tenuifolia, Harv. p. 97. C. Leprieurii, Mont. p. 98. XXIII. A.—Solieria chordalis, J. Ag. p. 121. B.—Bhabdonia Coulteri, Harv. p. 154. XXIV. Eucheuma isiforme, J. Ag. p. 118. XXV. Chrysymenia acanthoclada, Harv. p. 191. XXVI. Grateloupia Gibbesii, Harv. p. 199. XXVII. A.—Pricmitis lanceolata, Harv. p. 197. B. —Endocladia muricata, J. Ag. p. 182. C. —Gigartina canaliculata, Harv. p. 174. XXVIII. A. microphylla, Harv. p. 176. B. spinosa, Kiitz. p. 177. XXIX. A.—Ilalosaccion ramentaceum, J. Ag. p. 194. B. — Catenella pinnata, Harv. p. 201. C. —Nemalion mulfifdum, J. Ag. p. 135. REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. Plate XXX. A.—Chrysymenia Agardhii, Harv. p. 189. B. ramosissima, Harv. p. 190. XXXI. A.—Liagora valida, Harv. p. 138. B. pinnata, Harv. p. 138. C. leprosa, J. Ag. p. 139. D. —Crouania attenuata, J. Ag. p. 226. XXXII. A.—Ptilota hypnoides, Harv. p. 220. B. densa, Ag. p. 219. XXXIII. A.—Microcladia Coulteri, Harv. p. 209. B. —Ceramium arachnoideum, var. patentissimum, Harv. p. 2It. C. — Centroceras clavulatum, Ag. p. 211. XXXIY. A.—Spyridia filamentosa, var. refracta, Harv. p. 205. B.— Wrangelia penicillata, Ag. p. 143. XXXY. A.—Griffithsia corallina, var. globifera, Harv. p. 228. B.—Callithamnion Baileyi, Harv. p. 231. XXXYI. A. Americanum, Harv. 238. B. Pylaissei, Mont. p. 239. PART III. Plate XXXVII. A.— Caulerpa Mexicana, Sond. p. 16. B.—Caulerpa Lycopodium, Ilarv. p. 19. XXXYIII. A.—Caulerpa Ashmeadii, Harv. p. 18. B. — Caxderpa prolifera, Lamour. p. 16. C. —Caulerpa plumaris, Ag. p. It. XXXIX. A.—Caulerpa ericifolia, Ag. p. 20. B.—Caulerpa cupressoides, Ag. p. 21. XL. A.—Halimeda Tuna, Lx. p. 25. B. —Halimeda Opuntia, Lx. p. 23. C. — Udotea congluiinata, Lx. p. 2t. D. —Chlorodesmis vaucheriseformis, Ilarv. p. 30. XLI. A.—Cymopolia barbata, Lx. p. 36. B.—Dasycladus occidentals, Ilarv. p. 38. ■ XLII. A.—Acetabularia crenulata, Lx. p. 40. B.— Chamsedoris annulata, Mont. p. 43. XLIII. A.—Penicillus dumetosus, Dne. p. 44. B. —Penicillus capitatus, Lamk. p. 45. C. —Penicillus Phoenix, Lamk. p. 46. XLIY. A.—Anadyomene jlabellata, Lamour. p. 49. B. —Dictyosphseria favulosa, Dne. p. 50. C. —Halimeda tridens, Lx. p. 24. XLY. A.—Bryopsis plumosa (vars.) Ag. p. 31. B. —Cladophora Morrisise, Harv. p. t8. C. —Blodgettia confervoides, Harv. p. 48. XLYI. A.—Chsetomorpha brachygona, Harv. p. 8T. B. —Chsetomorpha tortuosa, Dillw. p. 88. C. —Chsetomorpha Piquotiana, Mont. p. 85. D. —Chsetomorpha Olneyi, Harv. p. 86. E. —Chsetomorpha longiarticulata, Harv. p. 86. VIII REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. Plate XLVII. A.—Lyngbya majuscula, Ilarv. p. 101. B. —Lyngbya ferruginea, Ag. p. 102. C. —Lyngbya confervoides, Ag. p. 103. I).—Lyngbya, nigrescens, Ilarv. p. 102. E. —Lyngbya pusilla, Harv. p. 103. F. —Lyngbya fulva, Ilarv. p. 102. G. —Lyngbya byalina, Ilarv. p. 104. XLVIII. A.—Petalonema alatum, Berk. p. 99. B. —Microcoleus corymbosus, Ilarv. p. 109. C. — Calothrix pilosa, Ilarv. p. 106. D. —Calothrix dura, Ilarv. p. 101. XLIX. A.—Bangia vermicalaris, Ilarv. p. 55. B.—Pikea Californica, Suppl. p. 131. L. A.—Dasya Harveyi, Ashm. Suppl. p. 127. B.—Chondria nidifica, Harv. Suppl. p. 125 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. NEREIS BORE ALI-AMERICAIA: OR, CONTRIBUTIONS TO A HISTORY OF THE MARINE ALGA2 OF NORTH AMERICA. by WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A., KEEFER OF THE HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, AND PROFESSOR OF BOTANY TO THE R. D. S PART I. —MELAN0SPERMEA2. ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, JULY, 1851. COMMISSION TO WHICH THIS PAPER HAS BEEN REFERRED. Prof. J. W. Bailey, Dr. Asa Gray. Joseph Henry, Secretary S. I. INTRODUCTION. Among the plants which constitute the ordinary covering of the ground, whether that covering be one of forests, peopled by vegetable giants, or of the herbage and small herbaceous plants that clothe the open country, we observe that the greater number—at least of those which ordinarily force themselves on our notice—have certain obvious organs or parts: namely, a root by which they are fixed in the ground, and through which they derive their nourishment from the fluids of the soil; a stem or axis developed, in ordinary cases, above ground ; leaves which clothe that stem, and in which the crude food absorbed by the roots and transmitted through the stem is exposed to the influence of solar light and of the air ; and, finally, special modifications of leaf buds called flowers, in which seeds are originated and brought to maturity. These seeds, falling from the parent plant, endowed with an independent life under whose influence they germinate, attract food from surrounding mineral matter ; digest it ; organize it, that is, convert it from dead substance into living substance ; form new parts or organs from this prepared matter; and, finally, grow into vegetables, having parts similar to those of the parent plant, and similarly arranged. This is the usual course of vegetation: seeds develope roots, stems, and leafy branches ; the latter at maturity bear flowers, producing similar seeds, destined to go through a like course; and so on, from one vegetable generation to another. But, with a perfect agreement among seed-bearing plants in the end proposed and attained, there is an endless variety of minor modifications through which the end is compassed. All degrees of modification exist between the simplest and most complicated digestive organs ; in some, the root, stem, and leaves are so blended together, that we lose the notion of distinct organs, and in others the leaves are reduced to scales or spines, while the stem and branches are expanded and become not merely leaf-like, but actually discharge the functions of leaves. In the repro- ductive organs or flowers, too, we find equal variety ; from the most elaborate and often gorgeous structures to the simplest and plainest, till at last we arrive at flowers, whose organization is so low that not only have calyx and corolla disap- peared, but the very seed-vessel itself is reduced to an open scale or is wholly absent. Yet in all these modifications it is merely the means that are varied ; the YOL. III. ART. 4. 2 INTRODUCTION. IV. end proposed is as efficiently attained by the simplest agency as by the most com- plex ; as if the Creator had designed to show us plainly how it is the same to Him to act by many or by few, by the most elaborate arrangement when He wills it, and by the simplest when that is His pleasure. In all the cases of which we have as yet spoken, seeds are the result of the vege- table cycle ; a seed being a compound body, containing an embryo or miniature plant, having stem, root, and leaf already organized, and enclosed with proper coverings or seed coats. But some plants do not produce such seeds. At least one-sixth of the vegetable kingdom, perhaps more, are propagated by isolated cells (or spores) cast loose from the structure of which they had formed a portion, and endowed thenceforth with independent powers of growth and development. Such are the reproductive bodies of the Ferns, the Mosses, and all plants below them in the vegetable scale, concluding with the large class to which our attention will now be confined—the Algee—which of all are the lowest and simplest in organization. The framework of every vegetable is built up of cells, little membranous sacs of various forms, with walls of varying tenacity, empty, or containing fluid or granular, organized matter, from which new cells may be developed. Among more perfect plants there is, in different, parts of the same individual, consi- derable variety in the form and substance of the cells ; those of the wood and of the veins of the leaves being different from those of the soft part of the leaves, and these again different from those of the skin which is spread over the whole. But as we descend in the scale of organization, greater and greater uniformity is found. Below the Ferns, no vascular tissue and no proper wood- cells occur; and at last in the Algae, no cells exist differing from those of ordinary parenchyma or soft cells, such as compose the pulp of a leaf. Algae, then, together with Mosses, Lichens and Fungi, are termed cellular plants, in contradistinction to Ferns and Flowering plants, which are denominated vascular. Among the most perfect of the Algae, however, though the cells are all of the same substance and nature, all parenchymatic, they are of various forms and arrangement in different portions of the vegetable, often keeping up a very perfect analogy with the double system of arrangement—the vertical and horizontal, or woody and cellular sys- tems—of higher plants. Thus the cells of the axis of the compound cylindrical Algce are arranged longitudinally, like the wood-cells of stems, while those of the periphery or outer coating of the same Alga3 have a horizontal direction. In the most perfect of such Algas the frame still consists of root, stem, and leaves, developed in an order analogous to that of higher plants. Passing from such, we meet with others gradually less and less perfect, until the whole vegetable is reduced either to a root-like body, or a branching naked stem, or an expanded leaf; as if Nature had first formed the types of the compound vegetable organs so named and exhibited them as separate vegetables ; and then, by combining them in a single framework, had built up her perfect idea of a fully organized plant. But among the AlgaB, we may go still lower in vegetable organization, and arrive at plants where the whole body is composed of a few cells strung together ; and finally at others—the simplest of known vegetables—whose whole framework is a single cell. These are the true vegetable monads: with these we commence the IV. INTRODUCTION. 3 great series of the Algse at its lowest point, and proceeding upwards we find, within the limits of this same series, all degrees of complication of framework short of the development of proper flowers. It is this progressive organization of the Algae, which renders the study of this portion of the vegetable world especially interesting to the philosophical botanist, because it displays to him, as in a mirror, something of that general plan of development which nature has followed in con- structing other and more compound plants, in which her steps are less easily traced. From its first conception within the ovule to its full development, one of the higher plants goes through transformations strictly analogous to stages of advancement that can be traced among the Algae from species to species, and from genus to genus, from the least perfect to the most perfect of the group. Each Alga-species has its own peculiar phase of development, which it reaches, and there stops; another species, passing this condition, carries the ideal plan a step further; and thus successive species exhibit successive stages of advancement. While their gradually advancing scale of development renders the study of these plants more interesting, it also increases the difficulty of constructing a short and yet definite character, or diagnosis, which will include every member of the and exclude species more properly referable to the kindred groups of Lichens and Fungi. I shall not here attempt any such critical definition, but proceed to trace the gradual evolution of the frond and of the organs of fructification in the Algas, assuming that with the are to be classed all Thallophytes (or Cryptogamic plants destitute of proper axes, in the more restricted view of that term) which are developed in water, or nourished wholly through the medium of fluids, while all Thallophytes that are aerial and not parasitic are Lichens, and all that are aerial and parasitic are Fungi. Commencing then with Algae of the simplest structure, a large part of them, belonging to the orders Diatomacece and Desmidiacece, consist almost entirely of individual isolated cells. Each plant, or frond, is formed of a single living cell ; destitute therefore of any special organs, and performing every function of life in that one universal organ of which its frame consists. The growth of these simple plants is like that of the ordinary cells of which the compound frame of higher plants is composed. Nourishment is absorbed through the membraneous coating of the young plant (or cell), digested within its simple cavity, and the assimilated matter applied to the extension of the cell-wall, until that has reached the size proper to the species. Then the matter contained within the cavity gradually separates into two portions, and at the same time a cell-wall is formed between each portion, and thus the original simple cell becomes two cells. These no longer cohere together, as cells do in a compound plant, but each half-cell separates from its fellow, and commencing an independent career, digests food, increases in size, divides at maturity, &c., going again and again through a similar round of changes. In this way, by the process of self-division, and without any fructifi- cation, a large surface of water may soon be covered with these vegetable monads, from the mere multiplication of a single individual. These minute plants, (Diatomacece and Desmidiacece) from their microscopic size and uniform and simple structure, are justly regarded as at the base of the vegeta- 4 INTRODUCTION. IV. ble kingdom. Notwithstanding which lowly position in the scale of being, they display an infinite variety of the most exquisite forms and finely sculptured surfaces ; so that their study affords as much scope for the powers of observation as does that of the creation which is patent to our ordinary senses. These tribes are however omitted from this essay, because they have been made the objects of special enquiry by Professor Bailey of West Point, whose memoir in the second volume of the Smithsonian Contributions is referred to for further information. But Desmidiacece and Diatomacece are not the only Alg83 of this simple structure. The lowest forms of the order Palmellacece, such as the Protococcus or Red snow plant, have an equally simple organization. The blood-red colour of Alpine or Arctic snow which has been so often observed by voyagers, and which was seen to spread over so vast an extent of ground by Captain Ross, in his first arctic journey, is due to more than one species of microscopic plant, and to some minute infusorial animals which perhaps acquire the red colour from feeding on the Protococcus among which they are found. The best known and most abundant plant of this snow vegetation is the Protococcus nivalis, which is a spherical cell, containing a carmine-red globe of granulated, semi-fluid substance, surrounded by a hyaline limbus or thick cell-wall. At maturity the contained red matter separates into several spherical portions, each of which becomes clothed with a membranous coat; and thus forming as many small cells. The walls of the parent whose whole living substance has thus been appropriated to the offspring, now burst asunder, and the progeny escape. These rapidly increase in size until each acquires the dimensions of the parent, when the contained matter is again separated into new spheres ; giving rise to new cells, to undergo in their turn the same changes. And as, under favourable circumstances, but a few hours are required for this simple growth and developement, the production of the red’ snow plant is often very rapid : hence the accounts frequently given of the sudden appearance of a red colour in the snow, over a wide space, which appearance is ascribed by common report to the falling of bloody Tain or snow. In many such cases it is probable that the Protococcus may have existed on the portion of soil over which the snow fell, and its developement may have merely kept pace with the gradually deepen- ing sheet of snow. That this plant is not confined to the surface of snow is well known ; and Captain Ross mentions that in many places where he had an opportu- nity of examining it, he found that it extended several feet in depth. It has been found both in Sweden and Scotland on rocks, in places remote from snow deposits; and it probably lies dormant, or slowly vegetates in such cases, waiting for a supply of snow in which it grows with greater rapidity. The structure and developement which I have described as characterizing Protococcus, are strikingly similar to those of what are commonly considered minute infusorial animals, called Volvox ; the chief difference between Protococcus and Volvox being that the latter is clothed with vibratile hairs, by the rapid motion of which the little spheres are driven in varying directions through the water. Many naturalists, and some of high note, are now of opinion that Volvox and its kindred should be classed with the Algas, and certainly (as we shall after- wards see) their peculiar ciliary motion is no bar to this association. I do not IV. INTRODUCTION. 5 pronounce on this question, because it does not immediately concern our present subject, and because, in all its collateral bearings, it requires more attentive exami- nation than it has yet undergone. In Protococcus the cell of which the plant consists is spherical or oval; in other equally elementary Algae the cell is cylindrical, and sometimes lengthened consider- ably into a thread-like body. Such is the formation of Oscillator ice. In Vaucherice there is a further advance, the filiform cell becoming branched without any inter- ruption to its cavity ; and such branching cells frequently attain some inches in length, and a diameter of half a line, constituting some of the largest cells known among plants. In all these cases each cell is a separate individual : such plants are therefore the simplest expression of the vegetable idea. But even in this extremest sim- plicity we find the first indication of the structure which is to be afterward evolved. Thus in the spherical cell we have the earliest type of the cellular system of a com- pound plant developing equally in all directions; and in the cylindrical cell, the illustration of the vertical system developing longitudinally. These tendencies, here scarcely manifest, become at once obvious when the framework begins to be composed of more cells than one. Thus in the genera nearest allied to Protococcus, the frond is a roundish mass of cells cohering irregularly by their sides. From these through Palmella and Tetraspora we arrive at Ulva, where a more or less compact membranous expan- sion is formed by the lateral cohesion of a multitude of roundish (or, by mutual pressure, polygonal) cells originating in the quadri-partition of older cells ; that is, by the original cells dividing longitudinally as well as transversely, thus forming four new cells from the matter of the old cell, and causing the cell-growth to pro- ceed nearly equally in both directions. Starting, therefore, from Protococcus, and tracing the developement through various stages, we arrive in Ulva at the earliest type of an expanded leaf. In like manner the earliest type of a stem may be found by tracing the Alga3 which originate in cylindrical cells. Here the new cells are formed in a longi- tudinal direction only, by the bipartition of the old cells. Thus, in Conferva, where the body consists of a number of cylindrical cells, strung end to end, these have originated by the continual transverse division of an original cylindrical cell. Such a frond will continually lengthen, but will make no lateral growth ; and con- sisting of a series of joints and interspaces, it correctly symbolizes the stem of one of the higher plants, formed of a succession of nodes and internodes. And the analogy is still further preserved when such confervoid threads branch; for the branches constantly originate at the joints or nodes, just as do the leaves and branches of the higher compound plants. We have then two tendencies exhibited among Algae—the first, a tendency to form membranous expansions, the symbols or types of leaves ; the second a ten- dency to form cylindrical bodies or stems. Among the less perfect Algae the whole plant will consist either of one of these foliations, or of a simple or branched stem. But gradually both ideas or forms will be associated in the same individual, and exhibited in greater or less perfection. We shall find stems becoming flattened at INTRODUCTION. IV. their summits into leaves, and leaves, by the loss of their lateral membranes, and the acquisition of thicker midribs, changing into stems ; and among the most highly organized Algas we shall find leaf-like lateral branches assuming the form, and to a good degree the arrangement of the leaves of higher plants. Not that we find among Algae proper leaves, like those of phaenogamous plants, constantly deve- loping buds in their axils ; for even where leaf-like bodies are most obvious (as in the genus Sargassum), they are merely phyllocladia or expanded branches ; as may readily be seen by observing a Sargassum in a young state, and watching the gradual changes that take place as the frond lengthens. These changes will be explained in the systematic portion of this work. I shall now notice more particularly the varieties of habit observed among the compound Algoo, and first, OF THE KOOT. The root among the Algae is rarely much developed. Among higher plants which derive their nourishment from the soil in which they grow, and in Fungi which feed on the juices of organized bodies, root-fibres, through which nourishment is absorbed, are essential to the development of the vegetable. But the Alga? do not, in a general way, derive nourishment from the soil on which they grow. We find them growing indifferently on rocks of various mineralogical character, on floating timber, on shells, on iron or other metal, on each other,—in fine, on any substance which is long submerged, and which affords a foothold. Into none of those substances do they emit roots, nor do we find that they cause the decay, or appropriate to them- selves the constituents, of those substances. They are nourished by the water that surrounds them and the various substances which are dissolved in it. On those substances they frequently exert a very remarkable power, effecting chemical changes which the chemist can imitate only by the agency of the most powerful appa- ratus. They actually sometimes reverse the order of chemical affinity, driving out the stronger acid from the salts which they imbibe, and causing a weaker acid to unite with the base. Thus they decompose the muriate of soda which they absorb from sea-water, partly freeing and partly appropriating the chlorine and hydrogen ; and the soda is found combined in their tissues with carbonic acid. A remarkable instance of the action of a minute Alga on a chemical solution was pointed out to me by Prof. Bache, as occurring in the vessels of sulphate of copper kept in the electrotyping department of the Coast Survey office at Washington. A slender confervoid Alga infests the vats containing sulphate of copper, and proves very destructive. It decomposes the salt, and assimilates the sulphuric acid, rejecting (as indigestible !) the copper, which is deposited round its threads in a metallic form. It sometimes appears in great quantities, and is very troublesome ; but the vats had been cleaned a few days before I visited them, so that I lost the opportunity of examining more minutely this curious little plant. Most probably it is a species of Hygrocrocis, * a group of Algos of low organization but strong diges- * Perhaps the Hygrocrocis cuprica, Kiitz, or some allied species; but I had no opportunity of examining a recent specimen, and the characters cannot be made out from a dried one. IV. INTRODUCTION. 7 tive powers, developed in various chemical solutions or in the waters of mineral springs. All the Alga? however which are found in such localities are not species of Hygrocrocis, for several Oscillatorice and Calothrices occur in thermal waters. Species of the former genus are found even in the boiling waters of the Icelandic Geysers. Of the latter, one species at least, Calotlirix nivea, is very common in hot sulphur springs, and I observed it in great plenty in the streams running from the inflammable springs at Niagara. But on whatever substance the Alga may feed, it is rarely obtained through the intervention of a root. Dissolved in the water that bathes the whole frond, the food is imbibed equally through all the cells of the surface, and passes from cell to cell toward those parts that are more actively assimilating, or growing more rapidly. The root, where such an organ exists, is a mere holdfast, intended to keep the plant fixed to a base, and prevent its being driven about by the action of the waves. It is ordina- rily a simple disc, or conical expansion of the base of the stem, strongly applied and firmly adhering to the substance on which the Alga grows. This is the usual form among all the smaller growing kinds. Where, however, as in the gigantic Oar-weeds or Laminarice, the frond attains a large size, offering a proportionate resistance to the waves, the central disc is strengthened by lateral holdfasts or discs formed at the bases of side roots emitted by the lower part of the stem ; just as the tropical Screw-pine (Pandanus) puts out cables and shrouds to enable its slender stem to support the weight of the growing head of branches. The branching roots of the Laminaria, then, are merely AWws-discs become compound : instead of the conical base of a Fucus, formed of a single disc, there is a conical base formed of a number of such discs disposed in a circle. In some few instances, as in Macrocystis, the grasp- ing fibres of the root develope more extensively, and form a matted stratum of con- siderable extent, from which many stems spring up. This is a further modification of the same idea, a further extension of the base of the cone. In all these cases the roots extend over flat surfaces, to which they adhere by a series of discs. They show no tendency to penetrate like the branching roots of per- fect plants. The only instances of such penetrating roots among the Algae with which I am acquainted, occur in certain genera of Siphonece and in the Caulerpece, tro- pical and sub-tropical forms, of which there are numerous examples on the shores of the Florida Keys. These plants grow either on sandy shores or among coral, into which their widely extended fibrous roots often penetrate for a considerable dis- tance, branching in all directions, and forming a compact cushion in the sand, reminding one strongly of the much divided roots of sea-shore grasses that bind together the loose sands of our dunes. But neither in these cases do the roots appear to differ from the nature of holdfasts, and their ramification and extension through the sand is probably owing to the unstable nature of such a soil. It is not in search of nourishment, but in search of stability, that the fibres of their roots are put forth, like so many tendrils. We shall have more to speak of these roots in the proper place, and shall now proceed to notice some of the forms exhibited by 8 INTRODUCTION. IV. THE FROND. The frond or vegetable body of the compound Alga? puts on a great variety of shapes in different families, as it gradually rises from simpler to more complex structures. In the less organized it consists of a string of cells arranged like the beads of a necklace; and the cells of which such strings are composed may be either globose or cylindrical. In the former case we have a moniliform string or filament, and in the latter a filiform or cylindrical one. The term filament (in Latin, filum) is commonly applied to such simple strings of cells, but has occasionally a wider acceptation, signifying any very slender, threadlike body, though formed of more than one series of cells. This is a loose application of the term, and ought to be avoided. By Kiitzing the term trichoma is substituted for the older word filum or filament. Where the filament (or trichoma) consists of a single series of consecutive cells, it appears like a jointed thread ; each individual cell consti- tuting an articulation, and the walls between the cells forming dissepiments or nodes, terms which are frequently employed in describing plants of this structure. Where the filament is composed of more series of cells than one, it may be either articulated or inarticulate. In the former case, the cells or articulations of the minor filaments which compose the common filament are all of equal length ; their dissepiments are therefore all on a level, and divide the compound body into a series of nodes and internodes, or dissepiments and articulations. In the latter, the cells of the minor filaments are of unequal length, so that no articulations are obvious in the compound body. In Polysiphonia and Bhodomela may be seen examples of such articulate and inarticulate filaments. By Kiitzing the term phycoma is applied to such compound stems; and when the phycoma becomes flattened or leaf-like, a new term, phylloma, is given to it by the same author. These terms are sometimes convenient in describing particular struc- tures, though not yet generally adopted. The cells of Avhich compound stems (or phycomata), are composed are very variously arranged, and on this cellular arrangement, or internal structure of the stem, depends frequently the place in the system to which the plant is to be referred. A close examination, therefore, of the interior of the frond, by means of thin slices under high powers of the microscope, is often necessary, before we can ascertain the position of an individual plant whose relations we wish to learn. Sometimes all the cells have a longitudinal di- rection, their longer axes being vertical. Very frequently, this longitudinal arrangement is found only toward the centre of the stem, while toward the circum- ference the cells stand at right angles to those of the centre, or have a horizontal direction. In such stems we distinguish a proper axis, running through the frond, and a periphery, or peripheric stratum, forming the outside layer or cir- cumference. Sometimes the axis is the densest portion of the frond, the filaments of which it is composed being very strongly and closely glued together ; in other cases it is very lax, each individual filament lying apart from its fellow, the interspaces being filled up with vegetable mucus or gelatine. This gelatine differs greatly in consistence ; in some Alga? it is very thin and watery, in others it is IV. INTRODUCTION. 9 slimy, and in others it has nearly the firmness of cartilage. On the degree of its compactness and abundance depends the relative substance of the plant; which is membranaceous where the gelatine is in small quantity ; gelatinous where it is very abundant and somewhat fluid ; or cartilaginous where it is firm. The frond may be either cylindrical or stem-like, or more or less compressed and flattened. Often a cylindrical stem bears branches which widen upwards, and terminate in leaf-like expansions, which are of various degrees of perfection in ditferent kinds. Thus sometimes the leaf, or phylloma, is a mere dilatation ; in other cases it is traversed by a midrib, and in the most perfect kinds lateral nerve- lets issue from the midrib and extend to the margin. These leaves are either vertical, which is their normal condition, or else they are inclined at various angles to the stem or axis, chiefly from a twisting in their lamina, the insertion of the leaf preserving its vertical position. They are variously lobed or cloven, and in a few cases (as in the Sea Colander of the American coast) they are regularly pierced, at all ages, with a series of holes which seem to originate in some portions of the lamina developing new cells with greater rapidity than other parts, thus causing an unequal tension in various parts of the frond, and consequently the production of holes in those places where the growth is defective. Such plants, though they form lace-like fronds, are scarcely to be considered as net works. Net-like fronds are, however, formed by several Algte where the branches regularly anastomose one with another, and form meshes like those of a net. Most species with this structure are peculiar to the Southern Ocean, but in the waters of the Caribbean Sea are found two or three which may perhaps yet be detected on the shores of the Florida Keys. In one of the Australian genera of this structure (Claudea) the net-work is formed by the continual anastomosis of minute leaflets, each of which is furnished with a midrib and lamina. The apices of the midribs of one series of these leaves grow into the dorsal portion of leaves that issue at right angles to them, and as the leaves having longitudinal and horizontal direc- tions, or those that form the warp and weft of the frond, are of minute size and closely and regularly disposed, the net-work that results is lace-like and delicately beautiful. In the Hydrodictyon, a fresh water Alga, found in ponds in Europe and in the United States, where it was first detected by Professor Bailey near Westpoint, a net-like frond is formed in a different manner. This plant when fully grown resembles an ordinary fishing-net of fairy size, each pentagonal mesh being formed of five cells, and one cell making a side of the pentagon. As the plant grows larger, the meshes become wider by the lengthening of the cells of which each mesh is composed. When at maturity, the matter contained within each cell of the mesh is gradually organised into granules, or germs of fu- ture cells, and these become connected together in fives while yet contained in the parent cell. Thus meshes first, and at length little microscopic net- works, are formed within each cell of the meshes of the old net; and this takes place before the old net breaks up. At length the cells of the old net burst, and from each issues forth the little network, perfectly formed, but of very minute size, which by an expansion of its several parts will become a net like that YOL. III. ART. 4. 10 INTRODUCTION. IV. from which its parent cell was derived. Thus, supposing each cell of a single net of the Hydrodictyon were to be equally fertile, some myriads of new nets would be produced from every single net, as it broke up and dissolved. In this way a large surface of water might be filled with the plant in a single generation. The manner of growth of the frond is very various in the different families. In some, the body lengthens by continual additions to its apex, every branch being younger the further removed it is from the base ; that is, the tips of the branches are the youngest parts. This is the usual mode of growth in the Confervoid genera, and also obtains in many of those higher in the series, as in the FucaceaB and many other Melanosperms. In the Laminariae, on the contrary, the apex when once formed does not materially lengthen, but the new growth takes place at the base of the lamina, or in the part where the cylindrical stipe passes into the expanded or leaflike portion of the frond. In such plants the apex is rarely found entire in old specimens, but is either torn by the action of the waves, or thrown off altogether, and its place supplied by a new growth from below. In several spe- cies this throwing off of the old frond takes place regularly at the close of each season ; the old lamina being gradually pushed off by a young lamina growing under it. There are others, among the filiform kinds, in which the smaller branches are suddenly deciduous, falling off from the larger and permanent portions of the trunk, as leaves do in autumn from deciduous trees. Hence specimens of these plants collected in winter are so unlike the summer state of the species, that to a person unacquainted with their habits they would appear to be altogether different in kind. The summer and winter states of Rliodomela subfusca are thus different. In Desmarestia aculeata the young plants, or the younger branches of old plants, are clothed with soft pencils of delicate jointed filaments, which fall off when the frond attains maturity, and leave naked, thorny branches behind. Similar delicate hairs are found in many other Algae of very different families, generally clothing the younger and growing parts of the frond ; and they seem to be essential organs, probably engaged in elaborating the crude sap of these plants, and consequently analogous to the leaves of perfect plants. This is as yet chiefly conjectural. The conjecture, however, is founded on the observed position of these hair-like bodies, which are always found on growing points, the new growth taking place imme- diately beneath their insertion. In most cases these hairs are deciduous, but in some, as in the genus Dasya, they are persistent, clothing all parts of the frond so long as they continue in vigour. They vary much in form, in some being long, filiform, single cells ; in others, unbranched strings of shorter cells, and in others dichotomous, or, rarely, pinnated filaments. Three principal varieties of COLOUR are generally noticed among the Algce, namely, Grass-green or Herbaceous, Olive- green, and Red ; and as these classes of colour are pretty constant among otherwise allied species, they afford a ready character by which, at a glance, these plants may be separated into natural divisions ; and hence colour is here employed in classifi- IY. INTRODUCTION. 11 cation with more success than among any other vegetables. In the subdivision of Alga; into the three groups of Chlorosperms, Melanosperms, and Rhodosperms, the colour of the frond is, as we shall afterwards see, employed as a convenient diag- nostic character. It is a character, however, which must be cautiously applied in practice by the student, because, though sufficiently constant on the whole and under ordinary circumstances, exceptions occur now and then ; and under special circumstances Algce of one series assume in some degree the colour of either of the other series. The green colour is characteristic of those that grow either in fresh water or in the shallower parts of the sea, where they are exposed to full sunshine but seldom quite uncovered by water. Almost all the fresh water species are green, and perhaps three fourths of those that grow in sunlit parts of the sea ; but some of those of deep water are of as vivid a green as any found near the surface, so that we cannot assert that the green colour is owing here, as it is among land plants, to a perfect ex- posure to sunlight. Several species of Caulerpa, Anadyomene, Codium, Bryopsis and others of the Siphonese, which are not less herbaceous or vivid in their green colours than other Chlorosperms, frequently occur at considerable depths, to which the light must be very imperfectly transmitted. Algae of an olivaceous colour are most abundant between tide marks, in places where they are exposed to the air, at the recess of the tide, and thus alternately subjected to be left to parch in the sun, and to be flooded by the cool waves of the returning tide. They extend however to low water mark, and form a broad belt of vegetation about that level, and a few straggle into deeper water, sometimes into very deep water. The gigantic deep-water Algos, Macrocyst is, Nereocystis, Lessonia, and Durvillcea, are olive coloured. iM-coloured Algae are most abundant in the deeper and darker parts of the sea, rarely growing in tide pools, except where they are shaded from the direct beams of the sun either by a projecting rock, or by over-lying olivaceous Algae. The red colour is always purest and most intense when the plant grows in deep water, as may be seen by tracing any particular species from the greatest to the least depth at which it is found. Thus, the common Ceramium rubrum in deep pools or near low-water mark is of a deep, full red, its cells abundantly filled with bright car- mine endochrome, which will be discharged in fresh water so as to form a rose- coloured infusion; but the same plant, growing in open, shallow pools, near high water mark, where it is exposed to the sun, becomes very pale, the colour fading through all shades of pink down to dull orange or straw-colour. It is observable that this plant, which is properly one of the red series (or Rhodosperms) does not become grass-green (or like a Chlorosperm) by being developed in the shallower water, but merely loses its capacity for forming the red-coloured matter peculiar to itself. So also, Laurencia pinnatijida, and other species of that genus, which are normally dark purple, are so only when they grow near low water mark. And as many of them extend into shallower parts, and some even nearly to high water limit, we find specimens of these plants of every shade of colour from dull purple to dilute yellow or dirty white. Similar changes of colour, and from a similar cause, are seen in Chonclrus crispus, the Carrigeen or Irish Moss, which is properly of a fine deep 12 INTRODUCTION. IV. purplish reel, but becomes greenish or whitish when growing in shallow pools. The white colour, therefore, which is preferred in carrigeen by the purchaser of the prepared article, is entirely due to bleaching and repeated rinsing in fresh water. Many Algae, both of the olive and red series, and in a less perfect manner a few of the grass-green also, reflect prismatic colours when growing under water. In some species of Cystoseira, particularly in the European C. ericoides and its allies, these colours are so vivid that the dull olive-brown branches appear, as they wave to and fro in the water, to be clothed with the richest metallic greens and blues, changing with every movement, as the beams of light fall in new directions on them. Similar colours, but in a less degree, are seen on Chondrus crispus when growing in deep water; but here the prismatic colouring is often confined to the mere tips of the branches, which glitter like sapphires or emeralds among the dark purple leaves. The cause of these changeable colours has not been particularly sought after. The surface may be finely striated, but it does not seem to be more so than in other allied species, where no such iridescence has been observed. In the Chondrus the changeable tints appear to characterize those specimens only which grow in deep water, and which are stronger and more cartilaginous than those which grow in shallow pools. Fresh water has generally a very strong action on the colours as well as on the substance of marine Alga? which are plunged into it. To many it is a strong poison, rapidly dissolving the gelatine which connects the cells, and dissolving also the walls of the cells themselves ; and that so quickly that in a few minutes one of these delicate plants will be dissolved into a shapeless mass of broken cells and slime. Many species which, when fresh from the sea, resist the action of fresh water, and may be steeped in it without injury for several hours, if again moistened after having once been dried, will almost instantly dissolve and decompose. This is remarkably the case with several species of Gigartina and Iridcea. The first effect of fresh water on the red colours of Alga? is to render them brighter and more clear. Thus Dasya coccinea, Gelidium cartilagineum, Plocamium coccineum, and others, are when recent of a very dark and somewhat dull red colour ; but when exposed either to showers and sunshine on the beach, or to fresh water baths in the studio of the botanist, become of various tints of crimson or scarlet, according as the process is continued for a less or greater length of time. At length the colouring matter would be expelled and the fronds bleached white, as occurs among the specimens cast up and exposed to the long continued action of the air ; but if stopped in time and duly regulated, the colours may be greatly heightened by fresh water. Some plants which are dull brown when going into the press, come out a fine crimson ; this is the case with Delesseria sanguinea, though that plant is not always of a dull colour when recent. Others, which are of the most delicate rosy hues when recent, become brown or even black when dried. This is especially the case in the order Rhodomelacece, so named from this tendency of their reds to change to black in drying. The tendency to become black, though it cannot be altogether overcome in these plants, may often be lessened by steeping them in fresh water for some time previous to drying. Hot water generally changes the colours of all Alga? to green, and if heat be applied during the drying process, an IV. INTRODUCTION. 13 artificial green may be imparted to the specimens ; but such a mode of preparation of specimens -ought never to be practised by botanical collectors, though it may sometimes serve the purpose of makers of seaweed pictures. THE FRUCTIFICATION of the Algae may be more conveniently described in the systematic portion of this work, when speaking of the various forms it assumes in the different families. I shall at present, therefore, limit myself to a very few general observations. The spore or reproductive gemmule of the Algre is in all cases a simple cell, filled with denser and darker coloured endochrome (or colouring matter) than that found in other cells of the frond. In the simplest Algae, where the whole body consists of a single cell, some gradually change and are converted into spores, without any obvious contact with others: but far more frequently, as in the Desmidiacece and spore is formed only by the conjugation of two cells or individual plants. When these simple vegetable atoms are mature, and about to form their fructification, two individuals are observed to approach ; a portion of the cell-wall of each is then extended into a tubercle at opposite points; these tubercles come into contact and at length become confluent; the dissepiment between them vanishes, and a tube is thus formed connecting the two cavities together. Through this tube the matter contained in both the old cells is transmitted and becomes mixed ; changes take place in its organization, and at length a sporangium or new cell filled with spores is formed from it, either in one of the old cells, or commonly at the point of the connecting tube, where the two are soldered together. Then the old empty cells or plants die, and the species is represented by its sporan- gium, which may remain dormant, retaining vitality for a considerable time, as from one year to another, or probably for several years. These sporan- gia, which are abundantly formed at the close of the season of active growth, become buried in the mud at the bottoms of pools, where they are encased on the drying up of the water in summer, and are ready to develop into new fronds on the return of moisture in spring. Many of the lower Algae form fruit in this manner, to which the name con- jugation is technically given. The thread-like Silk-weeds of ponds and ditches {Zygnemata and Mougeotice, &c.) are good examples of such a mode of fruiting. In these almost every cell is fertile, and when two threads are yoked together, a series of sporangia will be formed in one thread, while the other will be converted into a string of dead, empty cells. Before conjugation there was, seemingly, no differ- ence between the contents of one set of cells and of the other ; so that there is no clear proof of the existence of distinct sexes in these plants, however much the process of fruiting observed among them may indicate an approach to it. The process of fruiting in the higher Algae appears to be very similar: namely, spores or sporangia appear to be formed by certain cells attracting to themselves the contents of adjacent cells; and in the compound kinds empty cells are almost always found in the neighbourhood of the fruit cells ; but with the complication of the parts of the frond, the exact mode in which spores are formed becomes more diffi- 14 INTRODUCTION. IV. cult of observation. At length, among the highest A'lga3 we encounter what appear to be really two sexes, one analogous to the anther and the other to the pistil of flowering plants. It would seem, however, that it is not each individual spore which is fertilized, as is the case in seed-bearing plants ; but that the fertilizing influence is imparted to the pistil or sporangium itself, when that body is in its most elementary form, long before any spore is produced in its substance, and even when it is itself scarcely to be distinguished from an ordinary cell. Antheridia, as the supposed fertilizing organs are called, are most readily seen among the Fucacece, and will be described under that family. Besides the reproduction by means of proper spores, many Algse have a second mode of continuing the species, and some even a third. Among the simpler kinds, where the whole body consists of a single cell, a fissiparous division, exactly similar to the fissiparous multiplication of cells among higher plants, takes place. This cell, as has been already mentioned, divides at maturity into two parts, which, falling asunder, become separate individuals. Similar self-division has been noticed among the lower Palmellacece, and in other imperfectly organized families. Such a mode of multiplying individuals is analogous to the propagation of larger plants by the process of gemmation, where buds are formed and thrown off to become new indivi- duals. When, as in the Lenina or Duckweed, the whole vegetable body is as simple as a phanerogamous plant can well be, the new frondlets or buds are produced in a manner very strikingly analogous to the production of new fronds in Desmidiacece. The third mode of continuing the species has been observed in many Algae of the green series, in some of which sporangia are also formed, but in others no fructifica- tion other than what I am about to describe has been detected. This mode is as follows. In an early stage, the green matter, or endochrome, contained within the cells of these Algte, is of a nearly homogeneous consistence throughout, and semi-fluid ; but at an advanced period it becomes more and more granulated. The granules when formed in the cells at first adhere to the inner surface of the membranous Avail, but soon detach themselves and float freely in the cell. At first they are of irregular shapes, but they gradually become spheroidal. They then congregate into a dense mass in the centre of the cell, and a movement aptly compared to that of the of bees round their queen begins to take place. One by one these active granules detach themselves from the swarm, and move about in the vacant space of the cell with great vivacity. Continually pushing against the sides of the cell Avail, they at length pierce it, and issue from their prison into the surrounding fluid, Avhere their seemingly spontaneous movements are continued for some time. These vivacious granules, or zoospores as they have been called, at length become fixed to some submerged object, Avhere they soon begin to develop cells, and at length groAV into Algae similar to those from Avhose cells they issued. Their spontaneous movements before and immediately subsequent to emission lead me to speak of the MOVEMENTS OF ALG2E in general. These are of various kinds, and of greater or less degrees of vivacity IV. INTRODUCTION. 15 In some Algse a movement from place to place continues through the life of the individual, while in others, as in the zoospores of which I have just spoken, it is confined to a short period, often to a few hours, in the transition state of the spore, after it escapes from the parent filament and until it fixes itself and germinates. Many observers have recorded these observations, which are to be found detailed in various periodicals.* I shall here notice only a few cases illus- trative of the various kinds of movement. The most ordinary of these movements is effected by means of vibratile cilia or hairs, produced by the membrane of the spore, and which by rapid backward and forward motion, like that of so many microscopic oars, propel the body through the water in different directions, accord- ing as the movement is most directed to one side or the other. Sometimes the little spores, under the influence of these cilia, are seen to spin round and round in widen- ing circles ; but at other times change of direction, pauses, accelerations, &c. take place during the voyage, which look almost like voluntary alterations, or as if the spore were guided by a principle of the nature of animal will. Hence many observers do not hesitate to call these moving spores animalcules, and to consider them of the same nature as the simpler infusorial animals. This, as it appears to me, is a conclusion which ought not to be hastily assumed, not merely taking into consideration the extremely minute size of the little bodies to be examined, and the consequent danger of our being deceived as to the cause of movement, and of its interruption and resumption, but also remembering the facts ascertained by Mr. Brown, of the movement of small particles of all mineral sub- stances which he examined. Many of the spores in question are sufficiently small to come under the Brownian law, though others are of larger size. Besides, if we regard the moving spores as animalcules, we must either adopt the paradox that a vegetable produces an animal, which is then changed into a vegetable, and the process repeated through successive generations, every one of these vegetables having been animal in its infancy ; or else, notwithstanding their strongly marked vegetable cha- racteristics, we must remove to the animal kingdom all Algce with moving spores. Neither of these violent measures is necessary, if we admit that mere motion, apart from other characters, is no proof of animality. Though motion under the control of a will be indeed one of the charter privileges of the higher animals, we see it gradually reduced as we descend in the animal scale, until at last it is nearly lost altogether. Long before we reach the lowest circles in the animal world, we meet with animals which are fixed through the greater part of their lives to the rocks on which they grow, and some of them have scarcely any obvious movement on their point of attachment. In some the surface, like that of the Algas-spores, is clothed with cilia which drive floating particles of food within reach of the mouth; in others even these rudimentary prehensile organs are dispensed with, and the animal exists as a scarcely irritable flesh expanded on a framework. This would seem to be the case in the corals of the genus Fungia, if the accounts given of those animals be correct ; while in the sponges the animal structure and organization are still further reduced, so as almost to contravene our preconceived notions of animal-will and * See Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Taylor's Ann. Nat. Hist.; the Linncea, fyc. various volumes. INTRODUCTION. IV. movement. But the sponges can scarcely be far removed from Fungia, nor can that be separated from other corals : so that, though I am aware some naturalists of eminence regard the sponges as vegetables, I cannot subscribe to that opinion, but rather view them as exhibiting to us animal organization in its lowest con- ceivable type, and parallel to vegetable organization, as that exists in the lowest members of the class of Algse. This hasty glance at the animal kingdom teaches us that voluntary motion is a character variable in degree, and at length reduced almost to zero within the animal circle. On the other hand, we know that movements of a very extra- ordinary character exist among the higher vegetables. Not merely the movement of the fluids of plants within their cells, which has at least some analogy with the motion of animal fluids ; but in such plants as the Sensitive-plant, the Venus’s Flytrap (Dioncea), and many others, movements of the limbs (shall I call them ?) as singular as those of the Algse-spores, are sufficiently well known. And these move- ments are affected by narcotics in a manner strikingly similar to the operation of similar agents on the nervous system of animals. The common sensitive-plant, indeed, only shrinks from the touch, but in the Desmodium gyrans a movement of the leaves on their petioles is habitually kept up, as if the plant were fanning itself continually. Such vegetable movements as these strike us by their rapidity, but others of a like nature only escape us by their slowness. Thus the opening of the leaves of many plants in sunlight and their closing regularly in the evening in sleep ; the constant turning of the growing points towards the strongest light, and other changes in position of various organs, are all vegetable movements which would appear as voluntary as those of the Algae spores if they were equally rapid. Their extreme slowness alone conceals their true nature. So then we find animals in which motion is reduced almost to a nullity ; and vegetables as high in the scale as the Leguminosce exhibiting well marked move- ments, facts which sufficiently establish the truth of our position that mere motion is no proof of animality. But subtracting their movements from the Algae-spores, what other proof remains of their being animalcules ? None whatever. They do not resemble animalcules either in their internal structure, their chemical compo- sition, or their manner of feeding ; and their vegetable nature is sufficiently marked by their decomposing carbonic acid, giving out oxygen in sunlight, and containing starch. In the Vauclieria clavata, one of the species in which spores moved by cilia were first observed, the spore is formed at the apices of the branches. The frond in this plant is a cylindrical, branching cell, filled with a dense, green endochrome. A portion of the contained endochrome immediately at the tips separates from that which fills the remainder of the branch ; a dissepiment is formed, and that portion cut off from the rest gradually consolidates into a spore, while the membranous tube enlarges to admit of its growth. The young spore soon becomes elliptical, and at length, being clothed with a skin and ready for emission, it escapes through an opening then formed at the summit of the branch. The whole surface of the spore, when emitted, is seen to be clothed with vibratile cilia whose vibrations propel it through the water until it reaches a place suitable for germination. IV. INTRODUCTION. 17 The cilia then disappear, and the spore becoming quiescent, at length developes into a branching cell like its parent. The history of other moving spores is very similar, the cilia, however, varying much in number in different species ; com- monly they are only two, which are sometimes inserted as a pair, at one end of the spore, but in other cases placed one at each end. There are other Algae in which vibratile cilia have not been observed, but which yet have very agile movements. Among these the most remarkable are the Oscilla- torice and their allies, which suddenly appear and disappear in the waters of lakes and ponds, and sometimes rise to the surface in such prodigious numbers as to colour it for many square miles. In Oscillatoria each individual is a slender, rigid, needle-shaped thread, formed of a single cell, filled with a dense endochrome which is annulated at short intervals, and which eventually separates into lenticular spores. Myriads of such threads congregate in masses, connected together by slimy matter, in which they lie,' and from the borders of which, as it floats like a scum on the water, they radiate. Each thread, loosely fixed at one end in the slimy matrix, moves slowly from side to side, describing short arcs in the water, with a motion resembling that of a pendulum ; and, gradually becoming detached from the matrix, it is propelled forward. These threads are continually emitted by the stratum, and diffused in the water, thus rapidly colouring large surfaces. "When a small portion of the matrix is placed over-night in a vessel of water, it will frequently be found in the morning that filaments emitted from the mass have formed a pellicle over the whole surface of the water, and that the outer ones have pushed themselves up the sides, as far as the moisture reaches. The Oscillatorise, though most common in fresh water, are not peculiar to it. Some are found in the sea, and others in boiling springs, impregnated with mineral substances. It has been ascertained that the red colour which gives name to the Arabian Gulf is due to the presence of a microscopic Alga (Trichodesmium ery- thrceum), allied to Oscillatoria, and endowed with similar motive powers, which occasionally permeates the surface-strata of the water in such multitudes as com- pletely to redden the sea for many miles. The same or a similar species has been noticed in the Pacific Ocean in various places, by almost every circumnavigator since the time of Cook, who tells us his sailors gave the little plant the name of “ sea sawdust.” Mr. Darwin compares it to minute fragments of chopped hay, each fragment consisting of a bundle of threads adhering together by their sides. These minute plants move freely through the water, rising or sinking at intervals, and when closely examined they exhibit motions very similar to those of Oscilla- torice. There are several of such quasi-animal-plants now known to botanists, and almost all belong to the green series of the Algas, which are placed in our system at the extreme base of the vegetable scale of being. HABITAT. The habitat or place of growth of the Alga3 is extremely various. Wherever moisture of any kind lies long exposed to the air, Algse of one group or other are found in it. I have already alluded to the Hynrocrocis, so troublesome in vats of VOL. III. ART. 4. 18 INTRODUCTION. IY. sulphate of copper, and many, perhaps almost all other chemical solutions, become filled in time, and under favorable circumstances, with a similar vegetation. The waters of mineral springs, both hot and cold, have species peculiar to them. Some, like the Red snow plant, diffuse life through the otherwise barren snows of high mountain peaks and of the polar regions ; and on the surface of the polar ice an unfrozen vegetation of minute Algse finds an appropriate soil. There are species thus fitted to endure all observed varieties of temperature. Moisture and air are the only essentials to the development of Algae. It has even been sup- posed that the minute Diatomacece whose bodies float through the higher regions of the atmosphere, and fall as an impalpable dust on the rigging of ships far out at sea, have been actually developed in the air ; fed on the moisture semicondensecl in clouds ; and carried about with these “ lonely” wanderers. When this atmospheric dust was first noticed, naturalists conjectured that the fragments of minute Algas of which the microscope showed it to be composed, had been carried up by ascending currents of air either from the surface of pools, or from the dried bottoms of what had been shallow lakes. But a different origin has recently been attributed to this precipitate of the atmosphere by Dr. F. Cohn, Professor Ehrenberg, and others, who now regard it as evidence of the existence of organic life in the air itself! This opinion is founded on the alleged fact, that atmospheric dust, collected in all latitudes, from the equator to the circumpolar regions, consists of remains of the same species, and that certain characteristic forms are always found in it, and are rarely seen in any other place. Hence it is inferred that the dust has a common origin, and its universal diffusion round the earth points to the air itself as the proper abode of this singular fauna and flora,—for minute animals would seem to accompany and doubtless to feed upon the vegeta- ble atoms. If this be correct, and not an erroneous inference from a misunderstood phenomenon, it is one of the most extraordinary facts connected with the distribu- tion and maintenance of organic life. If Algte thus people the finely divided vapour that floats above our heads, we shall be prepared to find them in all water condensed on the earth. The species found on damp ground are numerous. These are usually of the families Palmellacece and JSfostochacece. To the latter belong the masses of semi-transparent green jelly so often seen among fallen leaves on damp garden walks, after continued rains in autumn and early winter. These jellies are popularly, believed to fall from the atmosphere, and by our forefathers were called fallen stars.* If such be their origin, we are tempted to address them, with Cornwall in King Lear, “ Out vile jelly ! where is thy lustre now?” for certainly nothing can well be less star-like than a Nostoc, as it lies on the ground. An appeal to the microscope reveals beauty indeed in this humble plant, but gives no countenance to the popular belief of its meteoric descent. It is closely related in structure to other species found under dripping rocks and in lakes and ponds, * Other substances besides Nostocs occasionally get this name. Masses of undeveloped frog-spawn, for instance, dropped by buzzards and herons, pass for meteoric deposits. IV. INTRODUCTION. 19 and the only reason for regarding it as an aerial visitant is the suddenness of its appearance after rain. In certain moist states of the atmosphere, accompanied by a warm temperature, the Nostoc grows very rapidly ; but what seems a sudden production of the plant has possibly been long in preparation unobserved. When the air is dry the growth is intermitted, and the plant shrivels up to a thin skin, but on the return of moisture this skin expands, becomes gelatinous, and continues its active life. And as this process is repeated from time to time, it may be that the large jelly which is found after a few days rain is of no very recent growth. A friend of mine who happened to land in a warm dry day on the coast of Australia, and immediately ascended a hill for the purpose of obtaining a view of the country, was overtaken by heavy rains ; and was much surprised to find that the whole face of the hill quickly became covered with a gelatinous Alga, of which no traces had been seen on his ascent. In descending the hill in the afternoon, on his return to the ship, he was obliged to slide down through the slimy coating of jelly, where it was impossible to proceed in any other way. No doubt, in this case, a species of Nostoc which had been unnoticed when shrivelled up had merely expanded with the morning’s rain. Where water lies long on the surface of the ground, as happens in cases of floods, it quickly becomes filled with Confervce or Silk-weeds, which rise to the surface in vast green strata. These simple plants grow with great rapidity, using up the materials of the decaying vegetation which is rotting under the inundation, and thus they in great measure counteract the ill effects to the atmosphere of such decay. When the water evaporates, their filaments, which consist of delicate mem- branous cells, shrivel up and become dry, and the stratum of threads, now no longer green, but bleached into a dull white, forms a coarsely interwoven film of varying thickness, spread like great sheets of paper over the decaying herbage. This natural paper, which has also been described under the name of water flannel, sometimes covers immense tracts, limited only by the extent of the flood in whose waters it originated. But though Algae abound in all reservoirs of fresh water, the waters of the sea are their peculiar home ; whence the common name “ Seaweeds,” by which the whole class is frequently designated. Yery few other plants vegetate in the sea, seawater being fatal to the life of most seeds ; yet some notable exceptions to this law (in the case of the cocoa nut, mangrove, and a few other plants) serve a useful purpose in the economy of nature. The sea in all explored latitudes has a vegetation of Algas. Towards the poles, this is restricted to microscopic kinds, but almost as soon as the coast rock ceases to be coated with ice, it begins to be clothed with Fuel : and this without reference to the mineral constituents of the rock, the Fucus requiring merely a resting place. Seaweeds rarely grow on sand, unless when it is very compact and firm. There are, therefore, submerged sandy deserts, as barren as the most cheerless of the African wastes. And when such barrens interpose, along a considerable extent of coast, between one rocky shore and another, they oppose a strong barrier to the dispersion of species, though certainly not so strong as the aerial deserts ; because 20 INTRODUCTION. IV. the waters which flow over submarine sands will carry the spores of the Alga? with less injury than the winds of the desert will convey the seeds of plants from one oasis to another. It cannot, however, be doubted that submerged sands do exercise a very material influence on the dispersion of Algae, or their GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Climate has an effect on the Algae as upon all other organic bodies, though its influence is less perceptible in them than in terrestrial plants, because the tempera- ture of the sea is much less variable than that of the air. Still, as the temperature of the ocean varies with the latitude, we find in the marine vegetation a corre- sponding change, certain groups, as the Laminaria?, being confined to the colder regions of the sea ; and others, as the Sargassa, only vegetating where the mean temperature is considerable. These differences of temperature and corresponding changes of marine vegetation, which are mainly dependent on actual distance from the equatorial regions, are considerably varied by the action of the great currents which traverse the ocean, carrying the waters of the polar zone toward the equator, and again conveying those of the torrid zone into the higher latitudes. Thus, under the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, Sargassum is found along the east coast of America as far as Long Island Sound (Lat. 44°). And again, the cold south-polar current which strikes on the western shores of South America, and runs along the coasts of Chili and Peru, has a marked influence on the marine vegetation of that coast, where Lessonia, Macrocystis, Durvillcea, and Iridaea, characteristic forms of the marine flora of Antarctic lands, approach the equator more nearly than in any other part of the world. The influence of currents of warmer water is also observable in the submarine flora of the west coast of Ireland, where we find many Algse abounding in lat. 53°, which elsewhere in the British Islands are found only in the extreme south points of Devon and Cornwall. These, and other instances which might be given, are sufficient to show that average temperature has a marked influence in determining the marine vegetation of any particular coast. Seasons of greater cold or heat than ordinary have, as might be inferred, a cor- responding action. This is particularly noticeable among the smaller and more delicate kinds which grow within tide marks, and are found in greater luxuriance or in more abundant fruit in a warm than in a cold season. And the difference becomes more strongly marked when the particular species is growing near the northern limit of its vegetation. Thus in warm summers, Padina Pavonia attains, on the south coast of England, a size as large as it does in sub-tropical latitudes ; while in a cold season it is dwarf and stunted. In speaking of the difference in colour of Algie, I have already noticed the pre- valence of particular colours at different depths of water. A corresponding change of specific form takes place from high to low water mark ; and as the depth increases, the change is strikingly analogous to what occurs among land plants at different elevations above the sea. Depth in the one case has a correspondent IV. INTRODUCTION. 21 effect to height in the other ; and the Algae of deep parts of the sea are to those of tidal rocks, as alpine plants are to littoral ones. In both cases there is a limit to the growth of species ; each serial species having a line above which it does not vegetate, and each marine one, a line beyond which it does not descend. And as, at last, we find none but the least perfect lichens clothing the rocks of high mountains, so in the sea beyond a moderate depth are found no Algae of higher organization than the Diatomacece. These latter atomic plants would appear to exist in countless numbers at very extraordinary depths, having been constantly brought up by the lead in the deep sea soundings recorded in Sir James Ross’s Antarctic voyage. But ordinary sea plants cease to vegetate in comparatively shallow water, long before animal life ceases. The limits have not been accurately ascertained, and are probably much exaggerated as commonly given in books. Lamouroux speaks of ordinary Algae growing at 100 to 200 fathoms, but we have no exact evidence of the existence of these plants at this great depth. The Macrocystis, the largest Alga known, has sometimes been seen vegetating in 40 fathoms (Hook. FI. Ant. vol. 2, p. 464) water, while its stems not merely reached the surface, but rose at an angle of 45° from the bottom, and streamed along the waves for a distance certainly equal to several times the length of the “ Erebus data which, if correct, give the total length of stem at about 700 feet. Dr. Hooker, however, considers this an exceptional case, and gives from eight to ten fathoms as the utmost depth at which submerged seaweed vegetates in the southern temperate and Antarctic ocean ; a depth which is probably much exceeded in the tropics, and which is at least equalled by Algae of the north temperate zone. Humboldt, in his “ Personal Narrative” mentions having dredged a plant to which he gave the name Fucus vitifolius, (probably a Codium or Flabellaria) in water 32 fathoms deep, and remarks that, notwithstanding the weakening of the light at that depth, the colour was of as vivid a green as in Algae growing near the surface. I possess a specimen of Anadyomene stellata dredged at the depth of 20 fathoms, in the Gulph of Mexico, by my venerable friend the late Mr. Archibald Men- zies, and it is as green as specimens of the same plant collected by me between tide marks at Key West, and is much more luxuriant. Professor Edward Forbes, whose admirable report on the iEgean Sea should be consulted by all persons interested in the distribution of life at various depths, dredged Constantinea reni/ormis, Post, and Rupr. in 50 fathoms, the greatest depth perhaps on record, as accurately observed, at which ordinary Algae vegetate. I say, ordinary Algae, for it will be remembered that Diatomacece exist in the pro- found abysses of the ocean, as far as we are acquainted with them. And besides these microscopic vegetables, Algae of a group called Nullipores or Corallines (Corollinacece), long confounded with the Zoophytes, become more numer- ous as other Algae diminish, until they characterize a zone of depth where they form the whole obvious vegetation. These remarkable plants assimilate the mu- riate of lime of seawater and form a carbonate in their tissues, which from the great abundance of this deposit become stony. The less perfect Nullipores are scarcely distinguishable, by the naked eye, from any ordinary calcareous incrus- 22 INTRODUCTION. IV. tation, and strongly resemble the efflorescent forms, like cauliflowers, seen so fre- quently in the sparry concretions of limestone caverns. Others, more perfect, become branched like corals ; and the most organised of the group, or the true corallines, have symmetrical, articulated fronds. This stony vegetation affords suitable food to hosts of zoophytes and mollusca, which require lime for the con- struction of their skeletons or shells, and it probably extends to a depth as great as such animals inhabit. When the same species is found at different depths, there is generally a marked difference between the specimens. Thus, when an individual plant grows either in shallower or in deeper water than that natural to the species, it becomes stunted or otherwise distorted. I have noticed in many species (as in Plocamium coccineum, Dasya coccinea, Laurencia dasyphylla, various Hypnece, and many others) that the specimens from deep water have divaricated branches and ramuli, and a tendency to form both hooks and discs or supplementary roots, from various points of the stem and branches. Sometimes the outward habit is so completely changed by the production of hooked processes and discs, that it is difficult to discover the affinity of these distorted forms ; and such specimens have occasionally been unduly elevated to the rank of species. When water of great depth intervenes, on a coast between two shallower parts of the sea, it frequently limits the distribution of species, acting as a high mountain range would in the distribution of land plants ; but in a far less degree; as it is obviously easier for the spores of the Algae to be floated across the deep gulf, than for the seeds of land plants to pass the snowy peaks of a mountain. The intervention of sand, already alluded to, is a far greater barrier, because sandy tracts are usually of much greater extent than submarine obstacles of any other kind. To the prevalence of a sandy coast, in a great measure probably, is owing the very limited distribution of the Fucacece on the eastern shores of North America, where plants of this family are scarcely found from New York to Florida. Since the erection of a breakwater at Sullivan’s Island, S. C., many Algae not before known in those waters have, according to Professor L. R. Gibbes’s authority, made their appearance, but none of the Fucaceae are yet among them. In due time Sargassum vulgare will probably arrive from the south. Some attempt has been made to divide the marine flora into separate regions, the particulars of which I have detailed elsewhere.* In the descriptive portion of this work I shall notice the distribution of the several families, where it offers any marked peculiarity, and I shall at present confine myself to some remarks on the distribution of Algae along the eastern and southern shores of the United States ; here recording the substance of some verbal observations which I made at the Meeting of the American Association, held in Charleston, in March, 1850. EASTERN SHORES OF NORTH AMERICA. In comparing the marine vegetation of the opposite shores of the northern Atlantic, * Manual of British Marine Algae, Introdp. xxxvi. et seq. ed. 2. IV. INTRODUCTION. 23 . tenuifolia) both belonging to the hypophyllous section, are specially worth notice. These were very plentiful in the beginning of February, but soon disappeared. Two Bostrychice (B. Montagnei: and B.jilicula, MS.J and a Catenella were found on the 28 INTRODUCTION. IY stems of mangroves near high water mark ; hut it would extend this notice to too great a length, were I to enumerate all the forms which occur in this prolific region. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS. I shall here reprint, for the convenience of the student, the substance of some directions for collecting and preserving specimens, issued by the Director of the Dublin University Museum. Marine Alga3, as has already been stated, are found from the extreme of high water mark to the depth of from thirty to fifty fathoms ; which latter depth is perhaps the limit in temperate latitudes ; the majority of deep water species growing at five to ten fathoms. Those within the limits of the tidal influence are to be sought at low water, especially the lowest water of spring tides ; for many of the rarer and more interesting kinds are found only at the verge of low water mark, either along the margin of rocks partially laid bare, or, more frequently, fringing the deep tide-pools left at low water on a flattish rocky shore. The northern or shaded face of the tide-pool will be found richest in red algas, and the most sunny side in those of an olive or green colour. Algas which grow at a depth greater than the tide exposes, are to be sought either by dredging ; or by dragging after a boat an iron cross armed with hooks, on all shores where those contrivances can be applied ; but where the nature of the bottom, or the difficulty of procuring boats, renders dredging impossible, the collector must seek for deep-water species among the heaps of sea-wrack thrown up by the waves. After storms seaweed sometimes forms enormous banks along the coast ; but even in ordinary tides many delicate species, dislodged by the waves, float ashore, and may be picked up on the beach in a perfect state. The rocky portions of a coast should, therefore, be inspected at low water ; and the sandy or shingly beach visited on the return of the tide. In selecting from heaps we should take those specimens only that have suffered least in colour or texture by exposure to the air ; rejecting all bleached or half melted pieces. Collectors should carry with them one or two strong glass bottles with wide mouths, or a handbasket lined with japanned tin or gutta percha, for the purpose of bringing home in sea ivater the smaller and more delicate kinds. This precaution is often absolutely necessary, for many of the red alga) rapidly decompose if exposed, even for a short time, to the air, or if allowed to become massed together with plants of coarser texture. The cooler such delicate species are kept the better; and too many ought not to be crowded together in the same bottle, as crowding encourages decomposition; and when this has begun, it spreads with fearful rapidity. These Algas should be kept in sea water until they can be arranged for drying, and the more rapidly they are prepared the better. Many will not keep, even in vessels of sea water, from one day to another. A common botanist’s-vasculum, or an indian rubber cloth bag, will serve to bring home the larger and less membranous or gelatinous kinds ; but even these, if left long unsorted, become clotted together, and suffer proportionably. IV. INTRODUCTION. In gathering Algae from their native places, the whole plant should be plucked from the very base, and if there be an obvious root, it should be left attached. Young collectors are apt to pluck branches or mere scraps of the larger Algae, which often afford no just notion of the mode of growth or natural habit of the plant from which they have been snatched, and are often insufficient for the first purpose of a specimen, that of ascertaining the plant to which it belongs. In many of the leafy Fucoid plants, ('Sargassa, &c.) the leaves that grow on the lower and on the upper branches are quite different, and were a lower and an upper branch plucked from the same root, they might be so dissimilar as to pass for portions of different species. It is very necessary, therefore, to gather, when it can be done, the whole plant, including the root. It is quite true that the large kinds may be judiciously divided; but the young collector had better aim at selecting moderately sized specimens of the entire plant, than attempt the division of large specimens, unless he keep in view this maxim: every botanical specimen should be an epitome of the essential marks of a species. Several duplicate specimens of every kind should always be preserved, and par- ticularly where the species is a variable one. Very many Algae vary in the compa- rative breadth of the leaves, and in the degree of branching of the stems ; and when such varieties are noticed, a considerable series of specimens is often requisite to connect a broad and a narrow form of the same species. A neglect of this care leads to endless mistakes in the after work of identification of species, and has been the cause of burdening our systems with a troublesome number of synonymes. Where it is the collector’s object to preserve Algas in the least troublesome man- ner, and in a rough state, to be afterwards laid out and prepared for pressing at leisure, the specimens fresh from the sea are to be spread out and left to dry in an airy, but not too sunny, situation. They are not to be washed or rinsed in fresh water, nor is their natural moisture to be squeezed from them. The more loosely and thinly they are spread out the better, and in dry weather they will be sufficiently dry after a few hours’ exposure to allow of packing. In a damp state of the atmos- phere the drying process will occupy some days. Yo other preparation is needed, and they may be loosely packed in paper bags or boxes,, a ticket of the exact locality being affixed to each parcel. Such specimens will shrink very considerably in drying, and most will have changed colour more or less, and the bundle will have become very unsightly ; nevertheless, if thoroughly dried, to prevent mouldiness or heating, and packed loosely, such specimens will continue for a long time in a per- fectly sound state ; and on being re-moistened and properly pressed, will make excellent cabinet specimens. It is very much better, when drying Algse in this rough manner, not to wash them in fresh water, because the salt they contain serves to keep them in a pliable state, and causes them to imbibe water more readily on re-immersion. All large and coarse growing Algae may be put up in this manner, and afterwards, at leisure, prepared for the herbarium by washing, steeping, pressing, and drying between folds of soft paper, in the same way that land plants are pressed and dried. But with the membranous and gelatinous kinds, a different method must be adopted. The smaller and more delicate Alga; must be prepared for the herbarium as 30 INTRODUCTION. IV. soon as practicable after being brought from the shore. The mode of preparation is as follows, and, after a few trials and with a little care, will soon be learned. The collector should be provided with three flat dishes or large deep plates, and one or two shallower plates. One of the deep plates is to be filled with sea-water, and the other two with fresh water. In the dish of sea-water the stock of speci- mens to be laid out may be kept. A specimen taken from the stock is then intro- duced into one of the plates of fresh water, washed to get rid of dirt or parasites that may infest it, and pruned or divided into several pieces, if the branches be too dense, or the plant too tufted, to allow the branches to lie apart when the specimen is displayed on paper. The washed and pruned specimens are then floated in the second dish until a considerable number are ready for laying down. They are then removed separately into one of the shallower plates, that must be kept filled with dean water ; in which they are floated and made to expand fully. Next a piece of white paper of suitable size is carefully introduced under the expanded specimen. The paper then, with the specimen remaining displayed upon it, is cautiously brought to the surface of the water, and gently and carefully drawn out, so as not to disarrange the branches. A forceps, a porcupine’s quill, a knitting needle, or an etching tool, or any finely pointed instrument will assist the operator in displaying the branches and keeping them separate while the plant is lifted from the water ; and should any branch become matted in the removal, a little water dropped from a spoon over the tangled portion, and the help of the finely pointed tool, will restore it. The piece of wet paper with the specimen upon it is to be laid on a sheet of soft soaking paper, and others laid by its side until the sheet is covered. A piece of thin calico or muslin, as large as the sheet of soaking paper, is then spread over the wet specimens. More soaking paper, and another set of specimens covered with cotton, are laid on these ; and so a bundle is gradually raised. This bundle, consisting of sheets of specimens, is then placed between flat boards, under moderate pressure, and left for some hours. It must then be examined, the specimens on their white papers must be placed on dry sheets of soaking paper, covered with fresh cloths, and again placed under pressure. And this process must be repeated every day until the specimens are fully dry. In drying, most specimens will be found to adhere to the papers on which they have been displayed, and care must be taken to prevent their sticking to the pieces of cotton cloth laid over them. Should it be found difficult to remove them from the muslin, it is better to allow them to dry, trusting to after-removal, than to tear them away in a half-dried state, which would probably destroy the specimens. A few dozen pieces of unglazed thin cotton cloth of proper size should always be at hand, (white muslin, that costs six or eight cents per yard, answers very well). These cloths will be required only in the first two or three changes, for when the specimen has begun to dry on the white paper it will not adhere to the soaking paper laid over it. In warm weather the smaller kinds will often be found per- fectly dry after forty-eight hours’ pressure, and one or two changes of papers. IV. INTRODUCTION. 31 USES OF THE ALGiE. The uses of the Algae may be considered under two points of view, namely, the general office which this great class of plants, as a class, discharges in the economy of nature ; and those minor useful applications of separate species which man selects on discovering that they can yield materials to supply his various wants. The part committed to the Algce in the household of nature, though humble when we regard them as the lowest organic members in that great family, is not only highly important to the general welfare of the organic world, but, indeed, indispensable. This we shall at once admit, when we reflect on the vast prepon- derance of the ocean over the land on the surface of the earth, and bear in mind that almost the whole submarine vegetation consists of Alga). The number of species of marine plants which are not Alga) proper is extremely small. These on the American coast are limited to less than half a dozen, only one of which, the common Eel Grass (Zostera marina), is extensively dispersed. All other marine plants are referable to Alga) ; the wide spread sea would there- fore be nearly destitute of vegetable life were it not for their existence. Almost every shore—where shifting sands do not forbid their growth—is now clothed with a varied band of Alga) of the larger kinds ; and microscopic species of these vege- tables (Diatomacece) teem in countless myriads at depths of the ocean as great as the plummet has yet sounded, and where no other vegetable life exists. It is not5 therefore, speaking too broadly to say that the sea, in every climate and at all known depths, is tenanted by these vegetables under one phase or other. The sea, too, teems with animal life,—that “ great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts,” affords scope to hordes of animals, from the “Leviathan” whale to the microscopic polype, transparent as the water in which he swims, and only seen by the light of the phosphoric gleam which he emits. Now this exuberant animal creation could not be maintained without a vegetable substructure. It is one of the laws of nature that animals shall feed on organized matter, and vegetables on unorganised. For the support of animal life, therefore, we require vegetables to change the mineral constituents of the surrounding media into suitable nutriment. In the sea this office of vegetation is almost exclusively committed to the Alga), and we may judge of the completeness with which they execute their mission by the fecundity of the animal world which depends upon them. Not that I would assert that all, or nearly all, the marine animals are directly dependant on the Algie for their food ; for the reverse is notoriously the case. But in every class we find species which derive the whole or a part of their nourishment from the Alga), and there are myriads of the lower in organization which do depend upon them altogether. Among the higher orders of Alga) feeders I may mention the Turtles, whose green fat, so prized by alclermanic palate, may possibly be coloured by the unctuous green juices of the Caulerpce on which they browse. But without further notice of those that directly depend on the Alga), it is manifest that all must ultimately, though 32 INTRODUCTION. IV. indirectly, depend on whatever agency in the first instance seizes on inorganic mat- ter, and converts it into living substance suitable to enter into the composition of animal nerve and muscle. And this agency is assuredly the office of the vegetable kingdom, here confined in the main to Alga? ; we thus sufficiently establish our position that the Algae are indispensable to the continuance of organic life in the sea. As being the first vegetables that prey upon dead matter, and as affording directly or indirectly a pasture to all water animals, the Algae are entitled to notice. Yet this is but one-half of the task committed to them. Equally important is the influence which their growth exerts on the water and on the air. The well known fact that plants, whilst they fix carbon in an organized form in extending their bodies by the growth of cells, exhale oxygen gas in a free state, is true of the Algae as of other vegetables. By this action they tend to keep pure the water in which they vegetate, and yield also a considerable portion of oxygen gas to the atmosphere. I have already stated that whenever land becomes flooded, or where- ever an extensive surface of shallow water—whether fresh or salt—is exposed to the air, Conferva? and allied Algae quickly multiply. Every pool, every stagnant ditch is soon filled with their green silken threads. These threads cannot grow without emitting oxygen. If you examine such a pool on a sunny day, you may trace the beads of oxygen on the submerged threads, or see the gas collect in bubbles where the threads present a dense mass. It is continually passing off into the air while the Confervas vegetate, and this vegetation usually continues vigorous, one species succeeding another as it dies out, as long as the pool remains. And when, on the drying up of the land, the Conferva? die, their bodies, which are scarcely more than membranous skins filled with fluid, shrivel up, and are either carried away by the wind or form a papery film over the exposed surface of the ground. In neither case do they breed noxious airs by,their decomposition. All their life long they have conferred a positive benefit on the atmosphere, and at their death they at least do no injury. The amount of benefit derived from each individual is indeed minute, but the aggregate is vast when we take into account the many extensive surfaces of water dispersed over the world, which are thus kept pure and made subservient to a healthy state of the atmosphere. It is not only vast, but it is worthy of Him who has appointed to even the meanest of His creatures something to do for the good of His creation. These general uses of the Alga;, apparent as they are on a slight reflection, are apt to be overlooked by the utilitarian querist, who will see no use in anything which does not directly minister to his own wants, and who often judges of the use of a material by the dollars and cents which it brings to his pocket. It would be in vain to adduce to him the indirect benefit derived to the rest of creation through the lower animals which the Algae supply with food ; for probably he would turn round with the further demand, “ what is the use of feeding all these animals ?” And he might think, too, that the amount of oxygen in the air was quite enough to last out at least his time, without such constant renovation as the Algae afford, or that sufficient renovation would come from other sources had the Algae never been created. “ Show me,” he would say, “ how I can make money IV. INTRODUCTION. 33 of them, and then I will admit the uses of these vegetables.” This I shall therefore now endeavour to do, by summing up a few of the uses to which Algae have been applied by man. Man, in his least cultivated state, seeks from the vegetable kingdom in the first place a supply for the cravings of hunger, and afterwards medicine or articles of clothing. As food, several species of Algae are used both by savage and civilized man, but more frequently as condiments than as staple articles of consumption. Many kinds commonly found on the shores of Europe are eaten by the peasantry. The midrib of Alaria esculenta, stripped of the membranous wings, is eaten by the coast population of the north of Ireland and Scotland ; but to less extent than the dried fronds of Rhodymenia palmcita, the Dulse of the Scotch and Dillisk of the Irish. This latter species varies considerably in texture and taste according to the situation in which it grows. When it grows parasitically on the stems of the larger Laminarice it is much tougher and less sweet, and therefore less esteemed than when it grows among mussels and Balani near low water mark. It is this latter variety, which, under the name of “ shell dillisk,” is most prized. In some places on the west of Ireland, this plant forms the chief relish to his potatoes that the coast peasant enjoys ; but its use is by no means confined to the extreme poor. It is eaten occasionally, either from pleasure or from an opinion of its wholesomeness, by individuals of all ranks, but, except among the poor, the taste for it is chiefly confined to children. It is commonly exposed for sale at fruit stalls, in the towns of Ireland, and may be seen in similar places in the Irish quarters of New York. In the Mediterranean it forms a common ingredient in soups, but notwithstanding M. Soyer’s attempt in the famine years to teach this use of it to the Irish, they have not yet learned to prefer it cooked. Occasionally, however, it is fried. Chondrus crispus, the Carrageen or Irish Moss of the shops, is dissolved, after long boiling, into a nearly colourless insipid jelly, which may then be seasoned and rendered tolerably palatable. It is considered a nourishing article of diet, especially for invalids, and has been recommended in consumptive cases. At one time, before it was generally known to be a very common plant on rocky coasts, it fetched a considerable price in the market. Though called “ Irish moss,” it is abundant on all the shores of Europe and of the Northern States of America. It is, perhaps, most palatable when prepared as a blanc-mange with milk, but it should be eaten on the day it is made, being liable, when kept, to run to "water. Its nourishing qualities have been tested, I am informed, in the successful rearing of calves and pigs partly upon it. Many other species, particularly various kinds of Gigartina and Gracilaria, yield similar jellies when boiled, some of which are excellent. Gracilaria lichenoides, the Ceylon Moss of the East, where it is largely used in soups and jellies ; and G. Spinosa, the Agar-Agar (or Agal-Agal) of the Chinese, are among the most valuable of these. They are extensively used and form important articles of traffic in the East. Another species of excellent quality, the Gigartina speciosa of Sonder, is collected for similar purposes by the colonists of Swan River. It was at one time supposed that the famous edible birds’ nests of China, the YOL. ILL ART. 4. 34 INTRODUCTION. IV. finest of which sell for their weight in gold, and enter into the composition of the most luxurious Chinese dishes, were constructed of the semi-decomposed branches of some Alga of one or other of the above named genera ; but it has since been ascertained that these nests consist of an animal substance, which is supposed to be disgorged by the swallows that build them. Nearly all the cartilaginous kinds of Ehodospermeae will boil down to an edible jelly. One kind is preferred to another, not from being more wholesome, but from yielding a stronger and more tasteless gelatine. The latter quality is essential; for though the skill of the cook can readily impart an agreable flavour to a tasteless substance, it is more difficult to overcome the. smack of an unsavoury one. And the main quality which gives a disrelish to most of our Alga>jellies and blanc- manges, is a certain bitterish and sub-saline taste which can rarely be altogether removed. Very few Alga3 have been found agreeably tasted when cooked, though DillisJc and others are pleasantly sweet when eaten raw. Many which, when moistened after having been dried, exhale a strong perfume of violets, are altogether disap- pointing to the palate. Perhaps, after all, the most valuable as articles of food are the varieties of Por- phyra vulgaris and P. laciniata, which in winter are collected on the rocky shores of Europe, and by boiling for many hours are reduced to a dark brown, semi-fluid mass, which is brought to table under the name of marine sauce, slolce, slouk, or sloucawn. It is eaten with lemon juice or vinegar, and its flavour is liked by most persons who can overcome the disgust caused by its very unpleasant aspect. At some of the British establishments for preserving fresh vegetables, it is put up in hermetically sealed cases for exportation and use at sea, or for use at seasons when it cannot be obtained from the rocks. It is collected only in winter, at which season the membranous fronds, which are found in a less perfect state in summer, are in full growth. Both species of Porphyra grow abundantly on the rocky shores of North America. They not only furnish an agreeable vegetable sauce, but are regarded as antiscorbutic, and said to be useful in glandular swellings, perhaps from the minute quantity of iodine which they contain. As articles of food for man, other seaweeds might be mentioned, but I admit that none among them furnish us directly with valuable esculents ; though many less nauseous than-the hunter’s “Tripe de Roche” are sufficiently nourishing to prolong existence to the shipwrecked seaman; and others, like the Porpliyrce just men- tioned, are useful condiments to counteract the effects of continued subsistence on salt-junk. But if not directly edible, there are many ways in which they indirectly supply the table. As winter provender for cattle, some are in high esteem on the northern shores of Europe. In Norway and Scotland the herds regularly visit the shores, on the recess of the tide, to feed on Fucus vesiculosus and F. serratus, which are both also collected and boiled by the Norwegian and Lapland peasants, and when mixed with coarse meal given to pigs, horses, and cattle. These Fuci are both grateful and nourishing to the animals, which become very partial to such food. Yet, perhaps, they are only the resources of half-fed beasts, and would possibly be IV. INTRODUCTION. 35 blown on by a stall-fed “ short-horn” that looks for vegetables of a higher order. To obtain such food for the high bred cow, the Algae must be applied in another way—namely, as manure. For this purpose they are very largely used in the British Islands, where “ sea-wrack” is carried many miles inland, and successfully applied in the raising of green crops. On the west coast of Ireland the refuse of the sea furnishes the poor man with the greater part of the manure on which he depends for raising his potatoes. All kinds of seaweed are indiscriminately applied ; but the larger kinds of Laminarice are preferred. As these rapidly decompose and melt into the ground, they should, in common with other kinds, be used fresh, and not suffered to lie long in the pit, where they soon lose their fertilizing properties. The crops of potatoes thus raised being generally abundant, but the quality rarely good, sea-wrack is more suitable to the coarser than to the finer varieties of the potato. It is, however, considered excellent for various green crops, and a good top dressing for grass land, and its use is by no means confined to the poorer districts. The employment of sea-wrack is limited only by the expense of conveying so bulky a material to a distance from the sea or a navigable river. Though the agricultural profits derived from the Algae are considerable, a still larger revenue was once obtained by burning the Fuci, and collecting their ashes as a source of carbonate of soda, a salt which exists abundantly in most of them. Fucus vesiculosus, nodosus and serratus, the three commonest European kinds, yielded, up to a recent period, a very considerable rental to the owners of tidal rocks on the bleakest and most barren islands of the north of Scotland, and on all similar rocky shores on the English and Irish coasts. A single proprietor (Lord Macdonald) is said to have derived £10,000 per annum, for several successive years, from the rent of his kelp shores ; and the collecting and preparation of the kelp afforded a profitable employment to many thousands of the inhabitants of Orkney, Shetland, and the Hebrides. During the last European war, when England was shut out from the markets from which a supply of soda was previously obtained, almost the whole of the alkali used by soap-boilers was derived from the kelp or sea-weed ashes collected in Scotland. The quantity annually made in favourable years, between 1790 and 1800, amounted on the authority of Dr. Barry* to 3,000 tons, which then fetched from £8 to £10 sterling per ton ; but at a later period of the war rose from £18 to £20. It is also stated by the same author that within the 80 years, from 1720 to 1800, which succeeded the first introduction of the kelp trade, the enormous sum of £595,000 was realized by the proprietors of kelp shores and their tenants and labourers. Yet so great was the prejudice of the islanders against this lucrative trade, when first proposed to them, “ and,” to quote Dr. Greville, “ so violent and unanimous was the resistance, that officers of justice were found necessary to protect the individuals employed in the work. Several trials were the consequences of these outrages. It was gravely pleaded in a court of law, ‘ that the suffocating smoke that issued from the kelp kilns would sicken or kill every species of fish on the * History of the Orkney Islands, p. 383 (as quoted by Greville, see Alg. Biit. Introd. p. xxi. et seq.) 36 INTRODUCTION. IV. coast, or drive them into the ocean far beyond the reach of the fishermen ; blast the corn and grass on their farms ; introduce diseases of various kinds ; and smite with barrenness their sheep, horses and cattle, and even their own families.’” We smile at the ignorant bigotry of these poor people ; but have we never heard as great misfortunes predicted of almost every new improvement of the age we live in, and that not by unlettered peasantry, but by persons calling themselves wise, learned, and refined? As sad stories have been told against temperance, free trade, or even against the exhibition in the Crystal Palace. The Orkney islanders were not long in finding the golden harvest which had thus in the first instance been forced upon them, and within a few years “ Prospe- rity to the kelp trade!” was given as the leading toast on all their festive occasions. This state of prosperity lasted until the general peace, when the foreign markets being thrown open, barilla came into competition with the home produce. The manufacture of kelp gradually declined as the price fell, and now it has nearly ceased altogether, for besides the competition with barilla, the modern process by which soda is readily procured from rock-salt has brought another rival into the field, and one against which it seems in vain to contend. Kelp is still made on a small scale for local consumption, and is sometimes exported as manure, but at a very low price. It is not likely ever to rise again into importance, except as a source of Iodine, which singular substance was first dis- covered in a soap-ley made with kelp ashes. Iodine has now become almost indispensable, from its medicinal value, as well as from its use in the arts and manu- factures, and has been found in greater quantity in the fronds of certain littoral Algae than in any other substances. It is therefore possible that for producing this substance these kelp-weeds may again become of mercantile importance. As a remedy in cases of glandular swellings, the use of Iodine is now well established, and it is a singular fact that several littoral Fuci have been from early times con- sidered popular remedies in similar affections. Fucus vesiculosus has long been used by the hedge-doctors to reduce such swellings ; and Dr. Greville mentions, on the authority of the late Dr. Gillies, that the “stems of a seaweed are sold in the shops, and chewed by the inhabitants of South America wherever goitre is prevalent, for the same purpose. This remedy is termed by them Palo Coto (literally Goitre- stick),” and Dr. Greville supposes, from the fragments which he had seen, that it is a species of Laminaria. Iodine however, though the most important, is not the only medicinal substance obtained from the Algae. Gracilaria lielminthochorton, or Corsican Moss, has long held a place in the pharmacopoeia as a vermifuge. What is sold under this name in the shops is commonly adulterated with many other kinds. In samples which I have seen, the greater part consisted of Laurencia obtusa, through which a few threads of the true Corsican Moss were dispersed. Possibly, however, the Laurencia may be of equal value. Mannite also has been detected by Dr. Stenhouse in several Algae, to which it imparts a sweetish taste. The richest in this substance appears to be Laminaria saccharina, from a thousand grains of which 121.5 grains or 12.15 per cent, of mannite were obtained. The method of extracting is very simple. The dried weed 37 IV. INTRODUCTION. is repeatedly digested with hot water, when it yields a mucilage of a brownish red colour and of a sweetish but very disagreeable taste. When evaporated to dryness, this mucilage leaves a saline semicrystaline mass. This being repeatedly treated with boiling alcohol, yields the mannite in “ large hard prisms of a fine silky lustre.” Haliclrys siliquosa, Laminaria cligitata, Fucus serratus, Alaria esculenta, Bliodymenia palmata, Ac. are stated by Dr. Stenhouse, from whose memoir this account is condensed, to contain from 1 to 5 or 0 per cent, of mannite. In summing up the economic uses to which Alga) have been applied, I must not omit to mention their application in the arts. The most valuable species, in this point of view, with which we are acquainted, is the Gracilaria tenax of China, under which name probably more than one species may be confounded. Of this plant, on the authority of Mr. Turner, (Hist. Fuc. vol. 2, p. 142.) “the quantity annually imported at Canton is about 27,000 lbs., and it is sold in that city at about 6d. or 8d. per lb. In preparing it, nothing more is done than simply drying it in the sun ; after which it may be preserved, like other Fuel, for any length of time, and improves by age, when not exceeding four or five years, if strongly compressed and kept moist. The Chinese, when they have occasion to use it, merely wash off the saline particles and other impurities, and then steep it in warm water, in which, in a short time, it entirely dissolves, stiffening as it cools into a perfect gelatine, which, like glue, again liquefies on exposure to heat, and makes an extremely pow- erful cement. It is employed among them for all those purposes to which gum or glue is here deemed applicable, but chiefly in the manufacture of lanthorns, to strengthen or varnish the paper, and sometimes to thicken or give a gloss to gauze or silks.” Mr. Turner derived the above information respecting G. tenax from Sir Joseph Banks ; but recent travellers tell us that Gracilaria spinosa, known colloqui- ally as Agal-agal* yields the strongest cement used by the Chinese, and that it is brought in large quantities from Sincapore and neighbouring shores to the China markets. Probably both species are esteemed for similar qualities. Several Algas are used in the arts in a minor way. Thus, according to Dr. Patrick Neill, knife-handles are made in Scotland of the stems of Laminaria digi- tata. “ A pretty thick stem is selected, and cut into pieces about four inches long. Into these, when fresh, are stuck blades of knives, such as gardeners use for pruning or grafting. As the stem dries, it contracts and hardens, closely and firmly em- bracing the hilt of the blade. In the course of some months the handles become quite firm, and very hard and shrivelled, so that when tipped with metal they are hardly to be distinguished from hartshorn.” On the authority of Lightfoot,f the stems of Chorda filum, which often attain the length of thirty or forty feet, and which are popularly known in Scotland as “Lucky Minny’s lines,” “ skinned, when half dry, and twisted, acquire so considerable a degree of strength and toughness,” that the Highlanders sometimes use them as fishing lines. The slender stems of Nereocystis are similarly used by the fishermen in Russian America. In parts of England bunches of Fucus vesiculosus or F. * See, tlie Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang. t FI. Scot. vol. 2, p. 964. 38 INTRODUCTION. IV. Serratus are frequently hung in the cottages of the poor as rude barometers, their hygrometric qualities, which arise from the salt they contain, indicating a change of weather. In our account of the artistic value of Algae, we ought not to pass unnoticed the ornamental works which the manufacturers of “ sea-weed pictures,” and baskets of “ ocean-flowers,” construct from the various beautiful species of our coasts, and which are so well known at charity bazaars, accompanied by a much-hackneyed legend, commencing, “ Call us not weeds, we are flowers of the sea,” &c. Some of these “ works of art ” display considerable taste in the arrangement, and the objects themselves are so intrinsically beautiful that they can rarely be otherwise than attractive. During the recent pressure of Irish famine, many ladies in various parts of the country employed a portion of their leisure in the manufac- ture of these ornamental works, and no despicable sum was raised by the sale. Other sums, for charitable purposes, have been realized in a way which a botanist would deem more legitimate, by the sale of books of prepared and named specimens; and my friend, the Rev. Dr. Landsborough,* I am told, has in this manner collected money which has gone a considerable way towards building a church. There seems no good reason why missionaries in distant countries might not, either personally or through their pupils or families, collect these and other natural objects, and sell them for the benefit of their mission ; by which means they would not only obtain funds for pursuing the work more immediately committed to them, but would have the satisfaction of knowing that in doing so they were unfolding to the admiration of mankind new pages of the wide-spread volume of nature. Unfortunately, it happens that in the educational course prescribed to our divines, natural history has no place, for which reason many are ignorant of the important bearings which the book of Nature has upon the book of Revelation. They do not consider, apparently, that both are from God—both are His faithful witnesses to mankind. And if this be so, is it reasonable to suppose that either, without the other, can be fully understood ? It is only necessary to glance at the absurd commentaries in reference to natural objects which are to be found in too many annotators of the Holy Scriptures, to be convinced of the benefit which the clergy would themselves derive from a more extended study of the works of creation. And to missionaries, especially, a minute familiarity with natural objects must be a powerful assistance in awakening the attention of the savage, who, after his manner, is a close observer, and likely to detect a fallacy in his teacher, should the latter attempt a practical illustration of his discourse without sufficient know- ledge, f This subject is too important for casual discussion, and deserves the .careful consideration of those in whose hands the education of the clergy rests. These are not days in which persons who ought to be our guides in matters of doctrine can afford to be behind the rest of the world in knowledge ; nor can they safely * Author of “A Popular History of Britisli Seaweeds.” t See some excellent observations on this subject in “Foot-prints of the Creator: or, the Asterolepis of Stromness,” by Hugh Miller. London, 1849. IV. INTRODUCTION. 39 sneer at the “knowledge that puffeth up,” until, like the Apostle, they have sounded its depths and proved its shallowness. Why should the study of the physical sciences be supposed to have an evil influ- ence on the mind—a tendency to lead men to doubt every truth which cannot be made the direct subject of analysis or experiment ? I can conceive a one-sided scientific education having this tendency, If the mind be propelled altogether in one direction, and that direction lead exclusively to analytical research, it is possible that the other faculties of the individual may become clouded or enfeebled—and then he is the unresisting slave of analysis—not more a rational being than any other monomaniac. And yet, paradoxical though the assertion seem, he may be all his life a reasoner, forming deductions and inductions with the most rigid accu- racy, in his beaten track. I can conceive too the astronomer, conversant with the immensity of space and its innumerable systems of worlds, so prostrated before the majesty of the material creation, as not only to lose sight of himself and of the whole race to which he belongs, but of the world or even of the solar system, and be led to doubt whether things so poor, and mean, and small can have any value in the sight of the Lord of so wide a dominion. I can conceive him, too, observing the uniformity and the harmony of the laws that govern the whole system of the heavens ; the unde- viating course of all events among the stars coming round as regularly as the shadow on the dial ; and the little evidence there is that this uniformity has ever suffered any disturbance that cannot be accounted for by the law of gravitation, and made the subject of calculation by the mathematician, who, working an equa- tion in his closet, shall come forth and declare the cause of irregularity, though that cause may be acting at thousands of millions of miles distance—I can con- ceive him inferring from a uniformity like this the absence of a superintending Providence in human affairs. If the Creator, he will say, have given up the very heaven of heavens to the immutable laws of gravitation, can I believe that he interferes by his Providence to superintend the puny matters of this lower world? His reasons seem plausible while the mind is pointed in that one direction. But they lose all their force when, laying aside for a moment the telescope, the philo- sopher investigates with his microscope the structure of any living thing, no matter how small and how seemingly simple the organism may be. Let the object examined but have life, and it will soon lead him to understand a little of the mean- ing of God’s glorious title, Maximus in minimis. And the further he carries his researches, the more the field of research opens, until, extending from the speck beneath his lens, it spreads wider and wider, and at length blends with infinity at the “ horizon’s limit.” Here his boasted analysis can afford him no help. He has laid bare the “ mechanism of the heavens he has weighed the sun and the planets ; he has foretold with unerring certainty events which shall happen a thousand years after he shall be laid in the dust ;—and yet he cannot unravel the mystery that shrouds the seat of life, even as it exists in the meanest thing that crawls. And if the life of this poor worm be thus wonderful, what is that spirit which animates the human frame ? What is that humanity which, but a moment ago, seemed like the small dust in the balance compared with the multitude and the 40 INTRODUCTION. IV. masses of the stars ? His conceptions of his own true position in the scale of being become more rational. For a moment he views from a new position the distant stars, as the peasant views them in a clear night :—points of light spangling the blue vault above. And he reflects, u How do I know that those shining ones are other than they seem ; how do I know their size, their distance, the laws by which they are governed ; the reins by which the “ coursers of the sun” are held in their appointed track ? How ?—but by the intellectual powers of that human spirit which but now I deemed so poor and mean :—so unworthy of the very thought of the Almighty—much more, so unworthy of the price which He has paid for it.” Thus the mind, turned back upon itself, begins to discover that, after all, it is not “ of the earth, earthy,” but derived from a higher source and reserved for a higher destiny. And strange to say, this altered and bettered opinion of itself is traceable to the first check which it feels—the first baffling of its analytical powers. So long as the mind was extending the sphere of its researches into the material universe, weighing, and numbering, and tabulating all nature seemed to move in blind obedience to a force whose influence might be calculated ; every world being found to act upon its fellow in exact proportion to its position and its weight, and our world to be but a part, and a small part of one vast machine. And with such a view of the relation of the earth to the universe, might not unnaturally come a lower estimate of man, the dweller on the earth. “ Is he too but a part in the house in which he dwells ? Is his course also subject to those immutable laws which bind the universe together ? And if so, where is his individuality ? Where the reflex of that image in which he is said to have been created ?” But the moment that the mind apprehends the action of the inexplicable laws of life, and is certified of the individuality of every living thing however small ;—and compares these microscopic “ wholes” with the “ whole” that it feels itself to be, that moment it begins to see that the human soul is a something apart from the world in and over which it is placed. Galileo in his cell was bound in fetters, but his spirit could not be bound. His thoughts were as free and his mind had as wide a range as if he could have flown through all space on the wings of light. And thus it is with man : prisoned for a short time in this lower world, he belongs to an order of being that no world can confine. He cannot continue stationary, nor plod for ever a dull round in the treadmill here. He must either rise above all height into communion with the Deity ; or fall, bereft of hope, for ever. We must not estimate such a being by the narrow bounds of the cell which he now inhabits. We must judge of him by his intellectual powers, his aspirations, his intuitive conceptions of his own nature ; and, as a spirit, all these place him, in his individuality, far above any plurality of mere material worlds. I may seem to be wandering from my proper theme, but my object is to vindicate the teaching of the Book of Nature from the aspersions of the ignorant and the prejudiced. Whilst I admit that half views of natural science may lead men astray ; and whilst I deplore the infidelity of scientific men, whose minds are absorbed in the material on which they work ;—I deny that the study of nature has, in itself, an evil tendency. On the contrary, the study of organic nature, at least, ought to IV. INTRODUCTION. 41 be one of the purest sources of intellectual pleasure. It places before us structures the most exquisite in form and delicate in material; the perfect works of Him who is Himself the sum of all perfections :—and if our minds are properly balanced, we shall not rest satisfied with a mere knowledge and admiration of these wonderful and manifold works ; but, reading in them the evidence of their relation to their Maker, we shall be led on to investigate our own. I do not assert that this study is, of itself, sufficient to make men religious. But as the contemplation of any great work of art generally excites in us a two-fold admi- ration—admiration of the work itself, and of the genius of its author—so a true perception of the wonders of nature includes a certain worship of the author of those wonders. Yet we may study natural objects, and admire them, and devote our whole life to elucidate their structure ; and after all may fail to recognize the being of Him who has fashioned them. Such blindness is scarcely conceivable to some minds ; yet to others, the opposite appears but the effect of a warm imagination. So inexplicable is the human mind ! The moral evidence which stirs one man to his centre brings no conviction to another. Physical truths, indeed, cannot be rationally denied ; but there is no metaphysical truth which may not be plausibly obscured or explained away by self-satisfied prejudice. Hence the inconclusiveness of all reasoning against infidelity. The failure is not in the reasons set before the mind, but in the non-acknowledgment of the imperative force of moral reasons. No man can be convinced of any moral truth against his will; and if the will be corrupt, it is possessed by a blind and deaf spirit, which none can cast out until a “ stronger than he ” shall come. Here I pause ; but I cannot conclude this Introduction without expressing my warm thanks to the kind friends who have aided me in my researches, both with specimens and with sympathy To some of them I am personally unknown, and with others I became acquainted casually, during my recent tour along the shores of the United States. From all I have received unmixed kindness, and every aid that it was in their power to render. Indebted to all therefore, I am more especially bound by gratitude to my friend, Professor J. W. Bailey, of West Point, the earliest American worker in the field of Algology. Well known in his own peculiar branch of science, he has found a relaxation from more wearing thought, in exploring the microscopic world, and his various papers on what may be called “vegetable atoms ” (Diatomacece) are widely known and highly appreciated. From him I received the first specimens of United States Algae which I possessed, and, though residing at a distance from the coast, he has been of essential service in infusing a taste for this peculiar department of botany among persons favourably situated for research ; so that either from him or through him I have obtained specimens from many localities from which I should otherwise have been shut out. To him I am indebted for an introduction to a knot of Algologists who have zealously explored the south-western portions of Long Island and New York Sounds, Messrs. Hooper, Congdon, Pike, and AYalters of Brooklyn, from all of whom I have received liberal supplies of specimens; and through him Professor Lewis R. Gibbes, of Charleston, whose personal acquaintance I had afterwards the happiness of making, first communicated to me the result of his explorations of VOL. III. ART. 4. 42 INTRODUCTION. IV. Charleston harbour, as well as the first collection of Florida Algae which I received, and which Dr. Gibbes obtained from their collector, the late Dr. Wurdemann. Through Professor Asa Gray, of Cambridge, Mass., long before it was my good fortune to know him personally and intimately, I received collections of the Algae of Boston Harbour made by Mr. G. B. Emerson, Miss Morris, and Miss Boring, (now Mrs. Gray) ; also of the Algae of Rhode Island, made by Mr. S. T. Olney, who has done so much to illustrate the botany of that State, and by Mr. George Hunt. My gatherings from the same coasts have since been much enriched by specimens from Dr. Silas Durkee, of Boston, Dr. M. B. Roche, of New Bedford, and Mrs. P. P. Mudge, of Lynn. To Professor Tuomey, of the University of Alabama, I feel especially indebted for the care and kindness with which he formed for me an interesting collection of the Algce of the Florida Keys, and the more so because this collection was made purposely to aid me in my present work. My friend Dr. Blodgett, of Key West, also, since my return to Europe, has communicated several additional species, and is continuing his researches on that fertile shore. To the Rev. W. S. Hore, now of Oxford, England, (a name well known to the readers of the Phycologia Britannica) I am indebted for a considerable bundle of well preserved specimens, gathered at Prince Edward’s Island, by Dr. T. E. Jeans ; and to the kindness of my old friend and chum, Alexander Eliott, of the Dockyard, Halifax, I owe the opportunity of a fortnight’s dredging in Halifax harbour, and many a pleasant ramble in the vicinity. My personal collections of North American Algae have been made at Halifax ; Nahant beach ; New York Sound ; Green Port, Long Island ; Charleston harbour ; and Key West; and are pretty full, especially at the last named place, where I remained a month. The few Mexican species which find a place in this work have been presented to me by Prof. J. Agardh of Lund, and were collected by M. Liebman. Those from California are derived partly from the naturalists of Capt. Beechey’s voyage ; a few from the late David Douglas ; and a considerable number brought by my prede- cessor, Dr. Coulter, from Monterey Bay. I have received from Dr. F. J. Ruprecht of St. Petersburgh several Algae from Russian America ; from Sir John Richardson a few Algae of the polar sea ; and various specimens of these plants, which have found their way from the North West Coast to the herbarium of Sir W. J. Hooker, have, with the well-known liberality of that illustrious botanist, been freely placed at my disposal. But I should not, in speaking of the North West Coast, omit to mention a name which will ever be associated in my mind with that interesting botanical region, the venerable Archibald Menzies, who accompanied Vancouver, and whom I remember as one of the finest specimens of a green old age that it has been my lot to meet. He was the first naturalist to explore the cryptogamic treasures of the North West, and to the last could recal with vividness the scenes he had witnessed, and loved to speak of the plants he had discovered. His plants, the companions of his early hardships, seemed to stir up recollections of every circumstance that had attended their collection, at a distance of more than half a century back from the IV. INTRODUCTION. time I speak of. He it was who first possessed me with a desire to explore the American shores, a desire which has followed me through life, though as yet it has been but very imperfectly gratified. With this small tribute to his memory, I may appropriately close this general expression of my thanks to those who have aided me in the present undertaking. W. H. H. Trinity College, Dublin, August Qth, 1851. DIVISION INTO GROUPS OR SERIES. For purposes of classification the Algse may be conveniently grouped under three principal heads or sub-classes, which are, for the most part, readily distin- guishable by the colour of the frond. They are named and defined as follows, viz. 1. Melanosperme.e. Plants of an olive-green or olive-brown colour. Fr uctifica- tion monoecious or dioecious. Spores olive-coloured, either external, or con- tained, singly, or in groups, in proper conceptacles ; each spore enveloped in a pellucid skin (perispore), simple, or finally separating into two, four, or eight sporules. Antheridia, or transparent cells filled with orange-coloured, vivacious corpuscles, moving by means of vibratile cilia. Marine. 2. RHODOSPERMEiE. Plants rosy-red or purple, rarely brown-red, or greenish-red. Fructification of two kinds, dioecious:—1, Spores (gemmules, Ag.) contained either in external or immersed conceptacles, or densely aggregated together and dispersed in masses throughout the substance of the frond : 2, Spores, commonly called tetraspores (gemmules, Thw.), red or purple, either external or immersed in the frond, rarely contained in proper conceptacles ; each spore enveloped in a pellucid skin (perispore), and at maturity separating into four sporules. Antheridia (not observed in all) filled with yellow corpuscles. Marine, with one or two exceptions. 3. CiiLOROSPERMEiE. Plants grass-green, rarely a livid purple. Fructification dis- persed through all parts of the frond ; every cell being capable of having its contents converted into spores. Spores (Sporidia, Ag.) green or purple, formed within the cells, often (always ?) at maturity vivacious, moving by means of vibratile cilia. Gemmules (Coniocystce, Ag.) or external vesicular cells, containing a dense, dark-coloured, granular mass, and finally separating from the frond. Marine, or, more frequently, living in fresh-water streams, ponds, and ditches, or in damp situations. MELANOSPERMEiE, OR OLIVE-COLOURED ALGiE. SYNOPSIS OF THE ORDERS OF MELANOSPERMEAE. * Frond leathery or membranaceous, forming a compact cellular substance. 1. Spores contained in spherical cavities of the frond. 2. SporochnACEAL Spores attached to external, jointed filaments, which are either free, or compacted into knob-like masses. 3. Laminariaceje. Spores forming indefinite, cloudlike patches, or covering the whole surface of the frond. 4. Dictyotaceje. Spores forming definite groups (sori) on the surface of the frond. * * Frond formed of jointed filaments, which are either free, or united into a compound body. 5. ChordARiACEiE. Frond cartilaginous or gelatinous, composed of vertical and horizontal filaments interlaced together. Spores immersed. 6. EcTOCARPACEiE. Frond filiform, jointed. Spores external. IV. FUCACEiE. 49 Order I.-FUCACE^. J. Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. T, p. 180 ; C. Ag. Sgst. Alg. p. xxxvii, (inpart) ; Endl. Gen. PL, Suppl. 3, page 29 (excl. gen.). Harv. Alan. Br. Alg., ed. 2, p. 11. Fucoideas, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 1 ; Harv. Man., ed. 1, p. 1. Fucea:, Cystoseirea;, Sargassea;, and Halochloa:, Riitz. Phyc. Gen., p. 349, et seq. Fucida) and Cystoseieida;, Lindl. Veg. King., p. 22. Diagnosis. Olive-coloured, inarticulate seaweeds, whose spores are contained in spherical cavities of the frond. (Plants of large size, tough, of leathery texture, becoming dark-coloured in drying.) Natural Character. Boot almost always a conical holdfast, adhering by its base to rocks and stones, usually simple and undivided ; in a few instances sending off lateral creeping branches, and forming a mat, from which many upright fronds arise. Fronds of large size, inarticulate, leathery or rarely in parts thin and membrana- ceous ; tough, tearing with facility in a longtitudinal direction ; of an olive-brown or olive-green colour, becoming foxy in age, and changing to a dark brown or black in drying ; composed of minute, coloured, or colourless cells arranged in filaments, and closely united together by a very firm intercellular substance. The habit is very various. In the least perfect genera fas Splachnidium) there is no distinction of stem, leaves, and organs of fructification, but the frond consists of a leathery bag, filled with loose jelly, through which a few longitudinal filaments pass. The spore-cavities are dispersed beneath the pores of the whole surface, and the frond is thus reduced to a root, and a universal receptacle of fructification. In others (Durvillcea, Sarcophycus) there is a stem which gradually expands at the summit into a leaf-like, cloven lamina, through which the spore-cavities are scattered ; these genera have the habit of Laminarice, but the fructification of Fucacese. In the next stage of development (Myriodesma, Carpoglossum,) the frond becomes more leaf-like, but the spore-cavities are still dispersed equally through all its divisions. To such forms succeeds Himanthalia, in which there is a clear distinction between the frond and the receptacle of fructification, but wherein the former is reduced to a cup-like air-vessel, while the latter is much branched and constitutes the bulk of the plant. In this case the true relations of the parts are determined by the VOL. HI. ART. 4. 50 FUCACEiE. IV. development; the cup-like frond being wholly formed and perfected before the branching fructification begins to be evolved. Rising to still higher types of the Order we find (in Fucus, Halidrys, Cystoseira, &c.J plants with branching, pinnate, or more commonly, dichotomous stems, either filiform or imperfectly leafy, having usually their leaf-like portions strongly midribbed, and forming their fructification in portions of the branches ; generally in the extremities, which at first resemble ordinary parts of the frond, but afterwards swell, become succulent, and are converted into more or less distinct receptacles. Lastly, (in Sargassum, and its allies,) there is a branching stem ; distinct midribbed, rarely ribless, leaves, which are, in a few instances, decurrent, developed in a distichous or subspiral order ; and receptacles which are, from their origin, set apart as organs of fructification (not formed by swellings of the branches,) and placed, either in the axils or along the edges of the leaves or branches. In a large number of the plants of this Order, air vessels (vesiculce) or floats designed to give buoyancy to the stem and branches, are present. In the least perfect, (as in Himantlialia, Fucus, and Cystoseira) the air vessels are formed, by simple swellings of portions of the branches, the swollen portion becoming hollow and filled with air. In Halidrys several of these hollow swellings placed close together in the ramuli become confluent into a compound moniliform vesicle, which is evidently only an extreme development of the chained vesicles pf Cystoseira. In Phyllospora the air vessel is formed in the leaf-stalk, the lamina being a crest to its summit. Such is likewise the case in Sargassum, the highest type in the order, but in this genus the lamina of these vesicular leaves is either wholly abortive or reduced to a slender mucro ; so that here the air vessel appears like a distinct organ. It usually accompanies the receptacles of fructification, and is, in fact, properly a floral leaf or bract, interposing between the ordinary leaves and those appropriated to the fructification. On most parts of the frond, but especially on the expanded portions of the stem in the less organized types, and on the leaves in the more fully developed ones, will be found minute dot-like pores, from which, while the plant is under water and in a growing state, a pencil of delicate, colourless, jointed hairs is seen to protrude. These pores, called the muciferous pores by early writers, are found in all the Fucacece, and are one of their most definite characters. Under each pore is placed a minute hollow chamber, of a spherical form, from the inside of whose walls the colourless fibres originate. It is possible that these hairs may exercise an impor- tant physiological office, acting on the aerated water as the stoinates of aerial leaves do upon the air ; nothing, however, has been ascertained on this point. But whatever be the use of these hollow chambers and their contents in the vegetating parts of the frond, in those appropriated to fructification they are enlarged, and transformed into the spherical cavities within which the spores and antheridia are lodged. In the less organised genera, as has been already mentioned, the spore-cavities (scaphidia, Ag.—conceptacula, Mont.—Endl.—angiocarpia, Kiitz,) are dispersed over the whole frond ; in the more perfect, they are confined to limited portions of the FUCACEiE. 1Y. 51 brandies or leaves, which then become succulent and full of slimy mucus ; and in the highest types, small metamorphosed branchlets are from the beginning set apart as organs of fructification. These metamorphosed branchlets, or the swollen parts of ordinary branches which are filled with spore-cavities, are called receptacles ; (receptacula, Ag.—Endl. —carpomata, Iviitz.) Each spore cavity, placed immediately beneath the outer wall of the frond, and communicating freely with the water through its pore, is a hollow, spherical, membranous, bag-like chamber, whose inner surface is clothed with pellucid hairs (paranemata), among which organs of fructification of two kinds (male? and female) are placed. Sometimes both kinds or sexes are found in the same cavity ; sometimes all the cavities of one plant produce one kind only, and all those of another plant the other kind. (A vertical section of one of the female spore-cavities of Fucus furcatus, figured at our Plate III. A, fig. 4, will show the general appear- ance of the fructification.) The spores are lodged within colourless, glassy perispores, or large, swollen? membranous, closed cells, attached to the walls of the cavity ; each perispore containing from one to eight, and most commonly four spores. The perispore originates, like the hairs or paranemata, from the wall of the cavity, and appears to be formed from one of these hairs, which, having been fertilized at an early period of its development, instead of continuing to grow by the production of new cells at its apex, like an ordinary hair, has been arrested at the first or second cell; and this cell, becoming enlarged, has an endochrome gradually elaborated within it, and finally either condensed into a single spore or divided into several. In an early stage the colouring matter, or endochrome, is of a very fluid substance, and pale olive hue. Gradually it becomes darker and more opaque, its particles lying closer together, and at length is partially solidified and invested with a delicate membranous envelope, which constitutes the testa of the spore. In Haliclrys, Cystoseira, and several other genera, each perispore contains at maturity but a single spore ; in Fucus and others, the number of spores varies from two to eight, or perhaps a larger number. The paranemata are either simple or branched. Those which produce Antheridia are always branched, and the antheridia are formed from the terminal cell of each branchlet, which is enlarged and ovate, obovate, or club-shaped. This Anther idium, or supposed male, is a pellucid, enlarged, closed cell, containing a multitude of minute corpuscles (sporidia, Ag.), which are supposed to represent the pollen, if not to fulfil its office in fertilizing the spore. They are oval, somewhat pointed at one end, and contain a reddish orange granule ; and they are furnished with two extremely slender vibratile hairs or cilia, one of which issues from the narrow extremity of the corpuscle; the other, which is of greater length, from the coloured granule. The corpuscles, at first contained within the antlieridium, at length issue from it, escaping into the surrounding water, and immediately commence a suc- cession of rapid movements to and fro, and in circles and curved lines, strikingly similar to the ciliary movements of some of the Infusoria, or of the spores of some of the fresh water Algae of the Green series. These movements depend on the rapid vibrations of the cilia. During progression, the narrow end of the cor- FUCACEiE. IV. puscle is always in front; while the cilium, rising from the coloured granule, trails behind like a tail. Messrs. Decaisne and Thuret, from whose memoir (in Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1845, p. 5 et seq.) this description is mostly taken, point out the strong analogy between these vivacious corpuscles of the Fucacece and the so-called spermatozoa of the Characea), Mosses, and Hepaticae, and argue from this similarity of structure a similarity of function. They are, therefore, of opinion that the corpuscle-bearing cells are properly organs of a similar nature to the antheridia of other cryptogamic plants ; and not, as is supposed by Agardh, analogues of the sporidia of the lower Algae, and like them capable of germination. From my own investigations, I am disposed to agree with the opinion which regards them as male organs. They may readily be seen with the higher powers of the compound achromatic microscope ; and are easily found in the ordinary shore Fuci, (Fucus vesiculosus and F. nodosus), in winter or early spring, on specimens bearing bright yellow or orange coloured receptacles. Some of the most deeply coloured should be selected and placed in the air till partially dry. As the frond dries, little drops of a slimy, bright orange fluid will ooze out from the pores of the receptacle; and if one of these drops be removed, and placed in a little sea water on the stage of the microscope, it will be found to consist of multitudes of detached antheridia. If these be watched for a short time, the vivacious corpuscles may be seen to issue from them and perform their singular dances. The Fucacece are readily known from all other orders of Melanosperms, by having their spores contained in those little spore-cavities, which we have already described. In no other order do such cavities exist. The group of plants defined by this character is a very extensive one, comprising, perhaps, one-half of the known Melanospekms. If we view it as also composed of an aggregate of individuals of each species, its relative importance will appear very much greater, for most of the plants of which it consists are social ones, and clothe very large portions of the submarine soil. About 230 species are described by Agardh in his last work, while Kiitzing, (who has introduced many species which are not admitted by other writers) enumerates upwards of 300. Of this large number, however, I am only able to claim 20 as inhabiting the American shores, and six of these are known only on the Pacific coasts. The deficiency of Fucacece is a very remarkable feature of the American marine flora, the common fuci of the eastern coasts being only two, (Fucus vesiculosus and nodosus) and these two scarcely growing south of New Jersey. No doubt the long line of sandy shore which extends from New York Bay southward forbids the production of plants whose natural habitat is on tidal rocks and boulders ; but it is remarkable that on the rock-bound coasts of the North Eastern States, there is no trace of the Fucus serratus or F. canaliculatus which are so widely dis- persed on the European side of the Atlantic. Mre should not consider this absence of common European forms remarkable, if the Fuci found on the American coasts were peculiar to them. It is because the two species so abundant in America are also common in Europe, that we wonder at the absence, in the western waters of the Atlantic, of the equally common forms with which they are associated in the eastern. IV. FUCACEiE. 53 The Fucacece are rarely deep-water plants. One species (F. canaliculatus), com- mon in Europe, begins to grow at the extremity of high water mark, in places where it is exposed to the atmosphere during the greater part of the twenty-four hours, and only submerged by the highest tide waves. In such places, though its growth is dwarfish, it frequently produces fruit. As it descends in depth toward mid-tide level, the frond becomes larger and more luxuriant, and in the space between this limit and that of quarter-tide, the greater number of individual plants occur. Few straggle into deeper water. This species, of all others, is best fitted to resist drought, its fronds being peculiarly dense and leathery ; and in a warm day it frequently becomes crisp and dry, and to all appearance baked to death, during the recess of the water; and yet, on the return of the tide, the withered fronds expand and become flexible and juicy. Perhaps the non-occur- rence of this plant on the American coasts may be owing to the fiercer heats which it would be subjected to, in the exposed places that it would naturally occupy. AVith the slight exception of this semi-aerial species, all the ordinary Fucacea? are characteristic of the space strictly defined by the tide marks, extending through the whole range of exposed rock ; over which in temperate latitudes they usually spread so densely, that the colour of the sea-shore is as clearly character- ised by them, as is the colour of the ground by the species of grasses which con- stitute its green mantle. A few of the most highly developed genera (Cystoseira, Sargassum, Sfc) are pro- ductions of deeper water, commencing to grow at depths at which the Fuel cease, and extending into a zone of depth where they are constantly submerged. I am not aware that any species has been traced into a deeper zone than that occupied by Laminarice. One remarkable species of the genus Sargassum has long been famous by the name of Gulf weed or Sargazo (sea-lentils), under which most voyagers since the days of Columbus have spoken of it. That great discoverer was the first to encounter it in modern times, (16th September, 1492) and with his account we are therefore most familiar ; but possibly the weedy sea which Aristotle speaks of as having been met with by the Phoenicians, at the termination of their voyage, may have been an early discovery of the same bank. It is curious that the great bank which extends between the 20th and 45th parallels of north latitude, and in 40° AV. from Greenwich, appears to occupy the same position at the present day as it did in the days of Columbus. Between this bank and the American shores, various smaller strata and detached masses of seaweed occur, being thrown into this portion of the ocean by the eddy caused by the sub-circular motion of the great oceanic currents. The whole of this immense space of ocean, which is re- ported to be thickly covered with seaweed, is computed by Humboldt at upwards of 260,000 square miles, an area almost six times as large as Germany ;* but it is not to be supposed that all this space is equally clothed with floating verdure. In many places the weed occurs in distant and narrow ridges, leaving spaces of clear water between. This portion of the Atlantic seems to be the chief settlement of the * Johnst. Pliys. Atlas. Atlantic, p. 5. 54 FUCACEiE. IV. Sar. bacciferum, but straggling specimens occur in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and on the shores of Australia and New Zealand ; and some few, carried northward by the Gulf stream, reach the northern shores of Europe in safety. Naturalists have been puzzled to account for the origin of the Gulfweed, and formerly it was supposed to be altogether derived from the Gulf of Mexico ; being torn off the shores of the Florida reefs and keys, and carried to sea with the great current. It is possible (and indeed probable) that the origin of the present floating banks may have been partly of this nature, but it is most certain that the great masses of the weed that are at present found floating have had no such immediate parentage, but are produced on the surface of the ocean on which they float. Whoever has picked up the plant at sea, on any genuine portion of the bank, must have seen that it was in a perfectly fresh and growing state, and if he have looked at his specimen carefully, he will probably have observed, that different parts of the same specimen were of very different ages ; that though there was no apparent root, yet that toward the centre of the mass a small portion of stem was of a much darker colour than the rest, and possibly covered by parasitic incrustations ; and that all the branches springing from this central piece were successively more and more delicate and of paler colour, and evidently in a young and sprouting state. Such a specimen is clearly in vigorous life, yet it has no root. But the absence of root is a matter of very trivial moment in a seaweed ; for we must bear in mind that the roots of Algae are merely holdfasts, intended to keep them from being washed off the rocks on which they grow. And in a plant capable of enduring extensive change of place, like this Sargassum, the root is the part which may be most readily dispensed with. No doubt the specimen under examination originated in a little branch accidentally broken from a neighbouring mass, and which being thus cast adrift, continued to push out new branches and leaves. In this manner, by the continual breaking up of old fronds and the continued growth of their broken parts, the floating masses spread over the surface of the sea. In this floating state the species never forms proper fructification. There is, there- fore, no growth from spores. The supply of plants is consequently kept up and extended by the constant development of buds or gemmae, originating in broken fragments of branches. I have taken some pains to examine numerous specimens, picked up on various parts of the bank, while fresh from the sea, and have in general been able to convince myself that the tuft under examination had origi- nated in a fragment of an older tuft. This process of growth by breakage must have gone on for ages ; from that early time when the first individuals were brought from some unknown rocks by the currents of the ocean. Humboldt indeed conjectures that between the parallels of 20° and 45° there is an immense bank from which the supply of Sargassum is constantly derived ; but such a bank, if covered by only as much water as the greatest depth at which any Fucaceous plant is known to grow, could scarcely have escaped the notice of voyagers. And the aspect of this Sargassum, with its innu- merable floating-bladders, shews that it was not intended to vegetate at any great depth ; for we invariably find the air-vessels most numerous in species which rise to the surface, and altogether absent in those which are deeply submerged. IV. fucacea. 55 The geographical range of the Order Fucacece is very extensive. The great bulk of the species occur within 35° of the equator on either side, within which limits also the generic types are most varied. To the north of 35° Sargassa become rare, and on the American shore the highest limit attained by any of this genus is in Long Island Sound, about 44°. Beyond this limit the genus Fucus becomes the prevalent form, and in the extreme north Himanthalia appears. Cystoseira, which has many representatives in the south of Europe, four of which extend as far as Great Britain, is not found on the eastern shores of America, and but slightly, represented on the north western. It forms an intermediate link, in structure and distribution, between the tropical and arctic forms of the order. Yery few species have been traced into the Antarctic Ocean, where the most remarkable form is the gigantic Durvillcea, which has a stipe and habit resembling a Laminaria ; or it may be likened to a great Palm-ieaf. The shores of Australia are peculiarly prolific in plants of this order, and the species of that sea are remarkable as well for their beauty, as for the large number of generic types which they exhibit. It is on those shores that the most fully organised types of the olive-coloured Alga3 are met with. In an economic point of view, the Fucacece take a high place among sea-plants. Their ashes contain a large quantity of carbonate of soda, for which the Fuci were formerly very much sought after, and even cultivated on some parts of the coasts of Scotland where they did not grow naturally ;—rocks being deposited to attract them to pebbly or sandy shores. At one time the proprietors of sea-shores on the most barren islands of Scotland drew a very large revenue from the sale of the wrack (varec) or sea-ware, which was then burned and its ashes sold under the name of Kelp: * but improvements in chemistry, by which carbonate of soda is now cheaply obtained from other sources, have almost destroyed the kelp trade. These seaweeds are now collected chiefly for manure, for which purpose they are often very valuable. Iodine is their most remarkable constituent, and is found in their tissues in greater quantity than in any other of its known sources. The increasing demand for this valuable substance may, therefore, be expected to cause a partial revival of the kelp trade. The ordinary species, F. vesiculosus, is eagerly eaten in winter by Scotch and Norwegian cattle, which regularly come down to the shore to browse on it at the recess of the tide ; and Linnaeus tells us that in Gothland the peasantry boil it, and adding some coarse flour, give it to their hogs. SYNOPSIS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN GENERA. * Frond branched, leafy. Air-vessels stalked, separate. I. Sargassum. Receptacles racemose, in the axils of the upper leaves. * See Introduction, supra, p. 35. 56 FU C ACEiE—Sargassum. IV. ** Frond branched, imperfectly leafy or pinnatifid. Air-vessels formed in certain parts of the leaves or hranchlets. II. Piiyllospora. Leaves distichous, nerveless. Air-vessels formed in the petioles of the leaves. III. Halidrys. Frond pinnatifid, leafy below, filiform above. Air-vessels formed in the ultimate branchlets, podlike, of several air-cells. *** Frond branched, imperfectly leafy or filiform. Air-vessels either absent, or formed irregularly by the occasional swelling of the branches. IY. Cystoseira. Frond much branched, bushy; the branches filiform. Recep- tacles filiform, slender, terminal; their substance formed of small cells. V. Fucus. Frond dichotomous, flat or compressed. Receptacles filled with mucus, which is traversed by a net-work of jointed filaments. * * * * Frond reduced to a top-shaped, or cup-shaped vesicle. YI. Himanthalia. Receptacles strap-shaped, dichotomously branched. I. SARGASSUM, Ag. Root a conical disc. Frond much divided ; having a distinct stem, branches, leaves, air-vessels, and receptacles. Branches filiform or flat, alternate, lateral, more or less distinctly pinnate. Leaves horizontal, or very rarely vertical and decurrent, mostly furnished with a midrib, and muciferous pores. Air-vessels stalked, axillary, formed from transformed leaves, pointless or tipped with a slender process. Receptacles small, linear, tuberculated, axillary, racemose or dichotomous, composed of a densely cellular substance ; having numerous pores, beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore cavities.) Spore-cavities mostly dioecious. Spores one or more in each conceptacle, to whose walls they are attached, obovoid, subsessile, having a hyaline perispore. Antheridia roundish, on branched filaments, racemose. Paranemata simple or forked, clothing the walls of the con- ceptacle. The frond originates in a single leaf, having a lamina and midrib. This first leaf lengthens, and either continues undivided or becomes forked at the extremity. Afterwards the lamina gradually disappears from the lower portion, while the midrib thickens and becomes the commencement of the future stem ; and the upper portion, still extending, is again divided and each of its divisions forms the starting point of a branch. All the young stems and branches, which in this manner are formed out of the midrib of the first formed leaves, are in their early growth winged with the remains of the lamina of the transformed leaf; but as this soon decays away and is not renewed, the branches as they extend upwards become IV. FUCACEiE.—Sargassum. quite filiform, and their upper divisions are, in the majority of species, never winged. In a few species, the wing-like border is continued through all portions of the frond. The leaves which clothe the branches, the only leaves generally seen on full grown plants, are formed by dilatations of ultimate barren branchlets, and therefore arise in a manner the reverse of the primary leaves which spring from the root. The root-leaves, by losing their lamina, form the commencement of the filiform stem and branches ; and again, the barren apices of the stem and branches, by acquiring a lamina, become ordinary leaves. The branching throughout the frond, which at a hasty inspection seems to be alternate, or repeatedly pinnate, is in truth but a concealed form of dichotomous division, in which every alternate prong of the fork is stopped, while the twin prong is lengthened and again forked at its extremity. It is easy to see how an alternately pinnate frond, with a zigzag rachis, would result from the continual repetition of such a system of branching. In some species with zigzag stems and branches this mode of division is very evident throughout ; but in ordinary forms, as in our S. Montagnei (Plate I. f. A. 1.) the truly dichotomous division of the frond is only to be clearly perceived in the lesser fertile branches. If, however, these be carefully traced back to older portions, or the development of a young plant from its first leaf watched, the alternate sup- pression of parts will be very evident. From the same figure it may be seen, that the air-vessels are nothing but leaves in which the lamina has become inflated, while the apex of the midrib is prolonged into a mucro. In other species the trans- formation of the vesicated leaf is less complete, and then a wing-like border sur- rounds the inflated portion. These vesicles are usually placed between the ordinary leaves and the receptacles of fruit, and are, therefore, to be regarded as a form of bracts, or appendages to the inflorescence. They are most numerous in species which grow in shallow water, and serve to buoy up the branches. The receptacles of the fructification are, in like manner, but altered leaves ; and, as in flowering plants, they are the ultimate leaves. The frond which originated in a spore has passed through the various stages of its development, and at the end of its upward growth it again forms spores from which new plants may germinate. The number of species of the genus Sargassum is very considerable ; upwards of 120 have been described, and probably many more remain uncharacterised in various herbaria. They are chiefly tropical and sub-tropical, and are found in the oceans of both the eastern and western hemispheres, but seem to be most numer- ous in the former. The following are all that I have been able to ascertain as natives of North America :— 1. Sargassum vulgare, Ag. ; stem filiform, smooth or nearly so ; leaves linear or oblong-lanceolate, serrated, ribbed, brownish-olive, with evident glands ; air-vessels pointless, spherical, on compressed stalks which are as long as the air-vessel ; recep- tacles axillary, repeatedly forked, filiform, tuberculated, twice as short as the sub- tending leaf.—J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 342 ; Grev. Alg. Brit. t. 1 ; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 343. Fucus natans, Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 46 (excl. vars.) Eng. Bot.t. 2114. VOL. III. ART. 4 58 FUCACEiE.—Sargassum. IV. Hab. On rocks and stones near low-water mark. Perennial. Summer. Com- mon on the Florida Keys ; thrown up from deep water abundantly at Key West; growing within tide marks at Sand Key. At Green Port, Long Island, Prof. Bailey. Also at Seaconnot, Bristol Ferry and Stone Bridge, Rhode Island, Prof. Bailey, and Mr. Thurber. Narragansett Pier, Newport, and Seaconnot Point, Rhode Island, Mr. S. T. Olney (v. v.). Stem from one to two feet long or more, generally undivided, but densely clothed throughout its length with lateral branches, the lowermost of which are longest, the upper gradually shorter, and those near the summit but rudimentary ; terete, from a quarter to half a line in diameter, unarmed, and usually quite smooth. Branches similar to the main stem, either leafy, or furnished with a set of alternate secondary branches, similar to the primary. Leaves of a thickish substance and coriaceous texture, having many evident glandular pores, sharply serrate, or rarely repando- dentate or subentire : slightly narrowed at the base, and usually tapering to the point, but very variable in size, and in proportionate length and breadth ; sometimes oblong, sometimes linear-lanceolate, and sometimes broadly lanceolate : furnished with a strong, percurrent mid-rib, which becomes less evident just below the apex. Air-vessels numerous, particularly on the upper branches, and beneath the fructifi- cation, spherical, pointless, (or rarely with a small mucro), from two to three lines in diameter, raised on compressed or flattened, sometimes winged petioles of their own length. Receptacles axillary, linear, repeatedly forked, shorter than the subtending leaf, tuberculated. Colour varying from a dark, brownish olive to a foxy or tawny bay. Substance tough and leathery. 2. Sargassum Montagnei, Bailey MSS. ; stem filiform, slender, smooth ; leaves very narrow, linear-lanceolate, attenuate, repando-dentate or subentire, ribbed, pale-greenish olive, membranaceous, glandular-dotted ; air-vessels spherical, fur- nished with long, filiform or foliaceous points, raised on square petioles of their own length; receptacles axillary, tuberculated, more or less forked, and generally shorter than the subtending leaf.—(Tab. I. Fig. A.) Hab. On rocks and stones, near low-water mark. Perennial. Summer. At Greenport, Long Island, growing with S. vulgar e, Prof. Bailey and W. H. H. ; Little Compton, Rhode Island, Mr. Olney (v. v.). Root a conical disk. Radical and primary leaves oblong or lanceolate, 2-3 inches long and 3-4 lines in diameter, sharply serrate or unequally dentate, membrana- ceous. Stems from two to three feet long, filiform, smooth, very slender, undivided, set throughout with lateral branches, the lowest of which are twelve or fourteen inches in length, and the upper gradually shorter and less compound. The longer branches give off alternate branchlets, at intervals of half an inch to an inch. Leaves of the branches very narrow, usually two inches or more in length, and only a line or two in breadth, linear-lanceolate, attenuate, sometimes nearly entire, IV. FUCACEiE.—Sargassum. sometimes remotely dentate or merely repand, delicately membranaceous, of a very pale greenish olive colour, minutely glandular, furnished with a percurrent midrib. Air-vessels globose or slightly oval, on slender, square stalks, tipped either with a long filiform point or with a linear-lanceolate leaf, either of which is often deciduous. Receptacles axillary, filiform, tubercular, more or less forked, sometimes attenuate. Colour pale. Substance delicate. My specimens, from which the plate has been drawn, were gathered in August, when many of them had formed receptacles. The fruit figured is scarcely mature. The receptacles eventually become more filiform, and repeatedly forked. I have received from Professor Bailey a fragment of a fertile branch of a Sargassum, destitute of leaves and therefore doubtful, but which probably belongs to this species. In it the receptacles are very much lengthened, slender, tassel-like, an inch and half long and repeatedly forked, and have something the aspect of the fructification of Lycopodium Phlegmaria. Should future observations on the spot, made later in the season, show that these very long receptacles are the ordinary state of the ripe fruit, it will materially strengthen the specific character. Professor J. Agardh mentions a var. of S. vulgare, which he calls trichocarpum, distinguished by similar tassel-like fruit. This species is dedicated by Professor Bailey to our mutual friend and fellow student, Dr. Montagne, of Paris. The S. vulgare var. tenuifolium of Mr. Olney’s list ought, at least in part, to be referred to S. Montagnei. 3. Sargassum affine, J. Ag. ; “ stem filiform, smooth, leaves lanceolate-linear, acutely serrate, with a single row of glandular pores at each side of the midrib ; air-vessels spherical, pointless, on subterete stalks of their own length • receptacles axillary, forked, racemose, cylindraceo-lanceolate, warted, unarmed.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1. p. 343. Hab. In the West Indian Sea. J. Agardh. (v. s. in Herb. Trin. Coll. Dublin.) I introduce this, as it may probably be found on some of the Florida Keys, It seems to be intermediate in character between S. vulgare and S. bacciferum. 4. Sargassum bacciferum, Ag. ; stem filiform, smooth ; leaves linear-lanceolate, attenuate, sharply serrate, ribbed, usually destitute of glandular pores ; air-vessels on subterete stalks, spherical, tipped with a filiform point; receptacles axillary, forked, cylindrical, warted, unarmed. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol.l.p. 344; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 609; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 104. Fucus bacciferus, Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 47. FIab. Floating in the Gulf-stream, and thrown up abundantly on the Florida Keys, and on other parts of the coast, (v. v.) The floating fronds generally grow from a central point, from which branches FU C ACE2E.—Sargassum. IV. extend in all directions. In such specimens the base appears to be a fragment of broken branch, rather than a true disciform root. Branches smooth, zigzag, or angularly bent, once or twice divided in an alternate manner, the lesser branches set with distichous leaves, having a vesicle in the axil of each. Leaves from two to three inches in length and from one to three lines in width, coriaceous, sharply serrate, tapering to each end, furnished with a strong midrib, but usually destitute of glandular pores. The serratures are often duplicate. Air-vessels very numerous, about as big as peas, spherical, mostly mucronate, tipped with a longish bristle ; their stalks about as long as the inflated part, and roundish. Receptacles rarely found. Colour when quite fresh a pale and beautifully clear olive ; but soon changing and becoming foxy in age and very dark in drying. Substance, when living, brittle. This is the common Tropical Sea-grape, whose air-vessels, resembling berries, are popularly taken for fruit. It has already been spoken of as the famous gulfweed of navigators.* 5. Sargassum Liebmanni, J. Ag. ; “ stem filiform, subterete, branched on all sides ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, ribbed, without glands, spinuloso-dentate, waved and twisted ; air-vessels spherical, somewhat margined, pointed, on filiform stalks shorter than themselves; receptacles two-edged or triquetrous, serrato-dentate, forked, their branches at length subpedicellate, agglomerated in the axil.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1. p. 326. Hab. On the Pacific coast of the Mexican Republic, Leibman. (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D-) Stems or primary branches numerous, from a short stipe, a foot or more in length, filiform, slightly flexuous, smooth, closely set with short, alternate, spirally disposed, spreading branchlets. These branchlets in my specimen are an inch or two in length, the lowest not longer than the upper, and issue at intervals of half to three-quarters of an inch. Leaves an inch to an inch and half long, three or four lines in breadth, somewhat lanceolate, obtuse, thick, leathery, waved and curled, midribbed, almost destitute of glandular pores, sharply spinuloso-dentate, the teeth deltoid-acuminate, patent, with rounded sinuses between. Air-vessels few, and only on the uppermost branchlets, on very short stalks, spherical, with a narrow leafy border, and a small point or leafy mucro. Receptacles axillary, densely tufted, repeatedly forked, three-sided, sharply spinoso-dentate, much shorter than the subtending leaf. Colour dark brownish olive. Substance leathery, dense. 6. Sargassum hystrix, J. Ag.; “ Stem filiform, subterete, branched on all sides; * Page 53. IV. F U C ACEiE.—PlIYLLOSPOR A. 61 leaves oblong-elliptical, acuminate, ribbed, obsoletely glandular, serrate or sub- entire ; air-vessels spherical, pointless, on very short stalks ; receptacles warted, two-edged, twisted, spinous-toothed, forked, their branches at length pedicellate, crowded in the axils.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 322. Hab. In the Atlantic, from the shores of Mexico to those of Newfoundland. J. Agardh. I am not acquainted with this species. 7. Sargassum filipendula, Ag; “ stem filiform, very smooth ; leaves narrow- linear, ribbed, with a single row of glands at each side the rib, serrated, the upper- most very narrow and nearly entire ; air-vessels spherical, pointless, nearly without glands, on compressed stalks longer than themselves ; receptacles cylindrical, warted, unarmed, paniculate on a long axillary ramulus, the lowermost stalked, the upper confluent.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1 ,p. 314. Hab. The Gulf of Mexico, J. Agardh. Unknown to me. II. PHYLLOSPORA. Ag. Root branching. Frond distichous. Branches flat or compressed, fringed with marginal leaves. Leaves nerveless, undivided, tapering at base into sub-distinct petioles, marginal, distichous, vertical. Air-vessels formed by transformation of a portion of the leaf into a bladdery vesicle. Receptacles leaf-like, having numerous pores beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore cavities). Spore-cavities diclinous. Spores several in each conceptacle, to whose walls they are attached, obovoid, subsessile, having a hyaline perispore. Antheridia ellipsoidal, racemose. Paranemata long, simple, clothing the walls of the conceptacle. A genus consisting of two species formerly placed in Macrocystis, of which they have in some respects the habit, but from which they essentially differ in fructifica- tion. The type of structure is in many respects lower than that of Sargassum ; the fruit-leaves or receptacles scarcely differing from the ordinary leaves, except in being of somewhat smaller size, and thicker substance. The disposition of the branches and leaves is so unlike that of any other N. American Alga, that there 62 FUCACEiE.—Phyllospora. IV. can be no difficulty in recognising our only species. Its congener (Ph. comosa) is a native of the shores of New Holland and New Zealand, and is distinguished by having serrated leaves. 1. Phyllospora Menziesii, Ag. ; stem flat, rough, especially below, with pro- minent points ; the margin at each side densely fringed with spathulate or obovate? obtuse, entire, nerveless leaves ; air-vessels large, ellipsoid, pyriform or spindle- shaped, tipped with a leafy crest. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 254. Harv. in Bot. Beechey Voy. p. 163. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 592. Phyllospora Chamissoi, J. Ag. 1. c. Macro- cystis ohtusa, Harv. in Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 163. Fucus Menziesii, Turn. Hist. t. 27. (Tab. III. Fig. B.) Hab. In deep water on the shores of California at Monterey {Dr. Coulter, Capt. Beechey, and Capt. Wilkes) ; and on the coasts to the northward as far, at least, as Nootka Sound, where it was first gathered by Mr. Menzies when sailing with Vancouver, (v. s. in Herb. T.C.H.) Boot branching. Stems (according to Turner, who cites Mr. Menzies’ MS. notes) “ twenty fathoms and more long, rising with a short rounded stipes, divided into several long simple branches, of almost equal height.” These branches, portions of which, and the base of a young frond, are now before me, vary from a quarter inch to more than an inch in breadth, are strap-shaped, and roughened with minute spinelike or tubercular prominences, and preserve their breadth pretty evenly, except toward the tips, where they become gradually narrower, and pass off into a long slender point. The roughness varies considerably; some specimens are densely erinaceous throughout; others are so only in the lower part, with a few scattered spinular or subfoliaceous prominences above ; and others are quite smooth in the upper part. In all, the margins of the branch are set with distichous, vertical leaves, sometimes issuing at intervals of an inch apart, but much more frequently densely crowded, and forming a leafy fringe. They are of various sizes ; some reduced almost to bristles, and others being from two to three inches in length. The shape is also subject to great irregularity, the wide portion being sometimes three-fourths of an inch in width, in others scarcely two lines ; so that the leaf in some cases is narrowly spathulate, at others obovate : in all it tapers greatly to the base, and generally ends in a blunt point. The margin is more or less waved and curled, but destitute of any indentations. The air-vessels are formed by an inflation of the lower half, or imperfect petiole of the leaf, or else of a greater portion ; sometimes, therefore, they are tipped by a long leafy crest, at others by a short and narrow point. They vary much in shape; being globose, ellipsoid, ovoid, pyriform, or spindle-shaped, and from half an inch to an inch and half in length. I have not seen fertile specimens. Agardh’s P. Chamissoi is said to be characterised by its pyriform air-vessels ; but on numerous specimens of the ordinary P. Menziesii, now before me, there are IV. FU CACE2E.—H alidrys. 63 scarcely two in which the vesicles are of the same size and shape. On a specimen from Mr. Menzies, they are very small and spindle-shaped ; on Dr. Coulter’s, some are globose and some ellipsoid and ovoid ; and on Captain Beechey’s, some are pyriform and others spindle-shaped, and of large size. The only valid reason for regarding P Chamissoi as a species, is its habitat, should it really be, as is said, a native of the Atlantic. In the Botany of Beechey’s Voyage I distinguished a variety with leaves much broader than usual, under the name of Macrocystis obtusa, but I have long ceased to regard it as anything more than a form of P. Menziesii. At that time I had seen but few and imperfect specimens of this plant, and was not aware how greatly it varied in the shape and size of its leaves. III.—HALIDRYS. Lyngb. Boot, a conical disc. Frond much divided, distichous, pinnatifid below, pinnated above, without distinct leaves ; and forming its air-vessels and receptacles from transformed portions of the upper branchlets. Branches alternate, the lowest flattish or somewhat leaf-like, the upper narrow, repeatedly compound and sub-fili- form. Air-vessels petiolate, siliquaeform, acuminate, articulated, divided by transverse septa into numerous loculi. Receptacles formed by transformation of the terminal ramuli, pedicellate, lanceolate or pod-like, tuberculated, unarmed, of a densely cellular substance ; having numerous pores, beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore-cavities). Spore-cavities containing both spores and antheridia in the same loculus. Spores numerous, oblong, sub-sessile, having a hyaline perispore. Antheridia on branching filaments, densely racemose. Parane- mata simple or forked, clothing the walls of the conceptacle. The frond originates in an oblong, alternately-toothed root-leaf. As this increases in size, the marginal dentations lengthen out into lateral lobes, and the leaf becomes pinnatifid. Soon the uppermost lobes are found to elongate and become again pinnatifid. Some of the laciniae are afterwards changed into articulated air-vessels, and of course rendered abortive ; others become branches, margined with similar air-vessels and ramuli ; and the apex of the developing lacinia is eventually drawn out into a sub-filiform or compressed branch, which is repeatedly divided in a pinnate manner. The fruit is formed by a change of the ultimate divisions of the upper branches, and the receptacle, which is distinctly pedicellate, sometimes springs from the rachis of the branch, and sometimes croivns a vesicular ramulus or air-vessel. The genus contains but two known species, both of which come within the limits of the North American flora, and one of them is peculiar to our shores. Both are 64 FU C ACEiE.—Halidrys. IV. handsome shore-plants, and readily known by their articulated, inany-celled air- vessels. 1. IIalidrys siliquosa, Lyngb., frond compressed, narrow, repeatedly pinnate ; air-vessels compressed, oblong or linear-lanceolate, mucronate, slightly constricted at the septa ; receptacles lanceolate. J. Ag. Sp. Alg.,vol. \,p. 236 ; Kiitz, Sp. Alg., p. 604 ; Grev. Alg. Brit. t. 1. ; Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 66 ; Cystoseira siliquosa, Ag. Syst., p. 287 5 Fucus siliquosus, L.—Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 159. ; E. Bot. t. 474. Habitat. On rocks near low-water mark. Shores of Newfoundland, Herb. Banks (fide Turner), (v. v.) Fronds from one to four feet long or more, linear, compressed, two edged, from one to two lines broad, distichous, repeatedly pinnate. Pinnae alternate, the lower ones much lengthened, and either naked below or furnished with a few small bran chiefs and air-vessels, pinnate or bi-tripinnate above, each successive division becoming narrower. Air-vessels linear-oblong, or lanceolate, supported on slender stalks, and tipped by a slender acumination of various lengths, which some- times ends in a receptacle. The air-vessels are internally divided by transverse membranes into numerous compartments or chambers, and externally marked at each partition by slight constrictions, most visible after the plant has been dried. Receptacles usually forming racemes, which terminate the branches, pedicellate, lanceolate, compressed. Colour, when young a greenish olive ; becoming a rich, glossy brown in age. Substance tough and leathery. This plant is very common on the Atlantic shores of Europe, and is said, by Turner, to extend south as far as the Canary Islands. On the same authority we claim it as a native of Newfoundland, but I have never seen any American spe- cimens. The above description is taken from British ones. 2. Halidrys osmundacea, Harv. frond simply pinnatifid below, with broadly linear, subacute midribbed laciniaa ; decompound above, the pinnae and pinnuke slender, sub-filiform; air-vessels moniliform, deeply constricted at the septa ; receptacles small, forked, crowning the air vessels. Harv. in Bot. Beechey's Voy., p. 407- J. Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 237. Kiitz. Sp. Alg., p. 604. Cystoseira osmundacea, Ag. Syst., p. 287- Fucus osmundaceus, Menz. in Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 105. (Tab. II.) Hab. Kocks near low-water mark. At Port Trinidad, on the N. W. coast, Archibald Menzies, Esq. California, Mr. D. Douglas. Monterey, Dr. Coulter, (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) Root discoid. Frond of unknown length, but probably many feet long when IV. F U C ACEiE.—Cystoseira. 65 when full grown. It originates in a pinnatifid, midribbed, flat leaf, six or eight inches in length, whose lowest lacinioe are short and deltoid ; the upper gradually longer, broadly linear, from three lines to half an inch in breadth, and from one to three inches in length. As the plant grows older, the midrib of the first leaf becomes slightly bordered with a thick lamina, and thus forming a two-edged stem, is developed upwards ; and new latinise, which are successively more compound as they are more distant from the root, are formed along it. The lowest of these divided latinise are simply pinnatifid ; the next more deeply cut, and their latinise changed into vesicles. Those next in order are longer, more slender and more compound ; and finally the upper branches of the fronds are slender and filiform, from one to two feet in length, and twice or thrice pinnate. The air-vessels begin to be formed on the first divided lacinise of the young plant, and are produced in great abundance on all the upper branches, sometimes every ramulus, and always several of those nearest the base of the branch being changed into air-cells. On old plants, when the upper branches have reached their excessively divided condition, the apices of the air-vessels frequently are extended into ramuli, which become again branched, and even develop small air-vessels along their branches. The receptacles are of small size, short, thickish, simple or forked, tuberculated, and spring from the tips of the uppermost air-cells on fully developed plants. The colour when dry is a dark rich brown, and the substance is thick and leathery. Turner’s figure is taken from a young, undeveloped specimen. In our plate we have shown the appearance of a young stem, and the base of an older one, which would have extended nearly thrice as high as the portion admitted into the figure ; the upper secondary branches becoming longer and more compound. Some of these upper branches are indeed so much divided, that, apart from their bases, they may be mistaken for parts of a Cystoseira, and have much resemblance to C. expansa, but are more robust. IV. CYSTOSEIRA. Ag. Root a conical disc. Frond much divided, either in a pinnate or dichotomous manner, the upper branches and ramuli filiform ; forming receptacles by transfor- mations of the ultimate ramuli, and air-vessels by swellings of the branches or ramuli. Branches alternate, naked or clothed with spine-like ramuli (or leaves). Air-vessels usually several together, forming a moniliform chain in some part of the branch. Receptacles formed by the transformation of the terminal ramuli, terete, tuberculated, smooth or thorny, of a densely cellular substance ; having numerous pores, beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore-cavities). Spore-cavities containing both spores and antheridia in the same loculus. Spores numerous, oblong or obovoid, subsessile, having a hyaline perispore. Antheridia on branching filaments, racemose. Paranemata simple, clothing the walls of the conceptacle. VOL. III. ART. 4. 66 FUCACEiE.—Cystoseira. IV. Nearly related to the preceding genus, from which it differs in the air-vessels, which do not here run together into a compound vessel of many cells, though they form little chains, one inflation of the branches succeeding another but remaining separate. Upwards of twenty species are described, of which thirteen or fourteen are found in the Mediterranean, and four occur on the Atlantic shores of Europe as far north as Great Britain, reaching their highest latitude on the western coast of Ireland. The group is scarcely represented in the New World. One or two of the European species are stated, on doubtful authority, to occur on the shores of Guiana and Brazil, where probably something else has been mistaken for them ; but there is no record of any having been detected on the eastern shores of America, where European forms might, more naturally, have been anticipated. The only North American species with which I am acquainted is the following from California. 1. Cystoseira expansa, Ag. ; frond (its base unknown) very long, filiform, slender, smooth, repeatedly pinnate, distichous, the ultimate ramuli simple or forked ; air-vessels ellipsoidal, chained, several together in the lower half of the penultimate and ultimate branchlets ; receptacles “ cylindrical, warted, paniculate, subconfluent with the tops of the branches.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 226. Cystoseira Douglasii, Harv. in Bot. Beechey, p. 407. Sirophysalis Douglasii, and S. expansa, Kiitz. Sp. Alg., p, 603. (Tab. I. B.) IIab. Probably in deep water. At Monterey, California, Mr. Douglas ; Dr. Coulter, (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) The root and lower part of the stem are unknown. Our specimens consist of portions of stems (or branches) from two to three feet in length, and about half a line in breadth, compressed, becoming narrower and more filiform toward the extremities ; and thrice or four times divided in an alternately pinnate manner. The ultimate ramuli show a disposition to become dichotomous. Air- vessels from one to two lines long, ellipsoidal, in strings of four to eight, forming swellings in the smaller branches and ramuli; the string of swellings generally commencing near the base of the ramulus, and extending at least through its lower half. In the ultimate and smaller divisions the inflations are proportionally fewer and are sometimes solitary. I have not seen the receptacles which J. Agardh describes as being “ 6—8 lines long, everywhere of equal thickness, warted, and nearly all pedicellate.” This is probably a species of very great length, the portions of branches which are alone known to us being evidently only the upper divisions. There is a striking resemblance in habit between these and the most branching forms of Halidrys osmundacea, but in the present species each vesicle stands perfectly apart from its neighbour, however closely they may approximate. IV. FUCACEiE.—Fucus. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. 2. Cystoseira (Phyllacantha) oligacantha, Kiitz. “ Of large size ; branches fili- form, bipinnate, slender ; pinnae very patent, alternate, sometimes opposite ; pinnules erecto-patent, sparingly spinous ; air-vessels chained, elliptic oblong ; receptacles nodoso-tuberculate, cuspidate.” Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 596. Hab. Newfoundland, Lenormand (fide Kiitzing). Possibly this may be a form of C. fibrosa ; but without seeing specimens it would be rash to decide. Y. FUCUS. L. (in part.) Grev. Root a conical disc. Frond linear, compressed or flat, in the latter case tra- versed by a midrib, dichotomous, rarely pinnated : forming receptacles by trans- formations of the tips of the branches ; and vesicles (when present) by inflations in the substance of the stem or branch. Branches mostly fastigiate, in some species winged with lamina, in none having separate leaves. Air-vessels often absent, simple, innate in the branches. Receptacles terminal or lateral, oblong or ovate, filled with mucus through which a net-work of jointed filaments extends ; having numerous pores beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore cavities). Spore-cavities generally diclinous, monoecious or mostly dioecious. Spores from two to eight in the same hyaline perispore, several such perispores rising from the walls of the cavity. Antheridia on branching filaments, ovoid, racemose or tufted. Raranemata simple, lining the cell. A genus of social plants occupying the space between tide-marks, and con- tributing, on the shores where they grow, fully three-fourths of the vegetable clothing of the tidal rocks. Almost all the species are natives of the Northern Hemisphere, and chiefly of the Atlantic basin, where there are seven species on the European and five on the American shore ; one of the latter being peculiar to America, and two of the former to Europe ; the rest common to both. One species, allied to F. nodosus, is found at the Cape of Good Hope. As already noticed in our Introduction, (p. 36), these common shore-plants yield, on incineration, a considerable per centage of carbonate of soda, to obtain which salt they were formerly largely collected and burnt. Iodine and mannite are also among their secretions. By J. Agardh, in his recent work, this genus is divided into two, Fucodium and Fucus, the first of which, excluding some species, is identical with our first section. 68 FUCACE.E.—Fucus. IV. Sect. 1. Fucodium, J. Ag. Frond compressed or subterete, without a midrib. 1. Fucus fastigiatus, J. Ag. ; frond terete below, compressed above, linear, very narrow, many times dichotomous, fastigiate ; the angles rounded and branches widely spreading ; air-vessels none ; receptacles terminal, simple or forked, oblong. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, Sp. 203. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 591. Fucus furcatus, Harv. in Bot. Beechey, p. 163 (not of Ag.) (Tab. III. A.). Hab. On rocks within tide marks (probably above half tide level). Monterey, Douglas! Coulter! St. Francisco, Capt. Wilkes! (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) Root a conical disc. Frond rising with a short terete stem, which becomes forked at about half an inch from the base. The two primary divisions are generally much divaricated, making a very wide angle, and the frond is repeatedly forked at intervals of from half an inch to an inch, till it attains the length of six or eight inches. There are frequently as many as twelve furcations in plants of this size. The lower parts of the stem are from one to two lines in diameter ; the upper are gradually more and more slender, and at length the extreme forkings are often not a quarter line in breadth. The branches spread widely, so that the general outline of a frond is much broader than its length. There are no air-vessels. The branches are of nearly equal height, and in full grown specimens their tips are almost all enlarged into oblong or fusiform, simple or forked, tuberculated receptacles. Spores two in each perispore, a great number of Avhich are attached to the walls of the spore-cavity. My description and figure are made from Dr. Coulter’s specimens ; those brought by Douglas and Wilkes (that I have seen) being of smaller size, and apparently gathered in shallower water. This species is, in many respects, allied to the Euro- pean F. canaliculatus, and probably occupies similar ground, near high-water mark. My specimen from Douglas has altogether the dwarfed appearance which indicates such a locality. 2. Fucus nodosus, Linn. ; frond compressed, coriaceous, subdichotomous ; the branches linear, somewhat pinnated, attenuated at the base, remotely toothed, here and there swelling into oblong air-vessels ; receptacles lateral, globose, stalked, springing from the axis of the marginal teeth. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 206. Har. Phyc. Brit. t. 158. E. Bot. t. 570. Turn. Hist. t. 91. Ozothallia vulgaris, Dne.—Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 591. Fhysocaulon nodosum, Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 352. Hab. On submarine rocks, between tide-marks. Abundant on the Atlantic shores of North America from Halifax to New York. Newfoundland, De la Pylaie. (v. v.) Fronds densely tufted, from one to three or four feet long or more, compressed, linear, much branched, more or less pinnate ; the branches long and subsimple, IV. FUCACE.E.—Fucus. 69 tapering to the base and here and there toothed, secondary branches and receptacles springing from the axil of the tooth. Air-vessels elliptical, from half an inch to two inches in length, occurring at irregular intervals in the substance of the stem or branches, and much wider than the parts around them. Receptacles lateral, pedicel- late, ovate or globose, yellow when ripe. Spores four in each perispore. Colour varying from a greenish to a fulvous olive. Substance tough and leathery. This species varies much in size, and in the comparative robustness of the branches. When growing on the open sea shore, far removed from the influence of fresh water, it attains the length of several feet, and a breadth of nearly half an inch, the colour being of a dark bottle green. In deep bays or arms of the sea, it is much less luxuriant, and more tawny. When growing in actuaries it becomes of still smaller and feebler growth. I am indebted to Mr. Nicholas Pike of New York for specimens gathered in Chelsea River, Boston Bay, in which the whole frond, though bipinnate and in fruit, is not more than six inches long, and scarcely a line in diameter at the widest part. These specimens are without air- vessels, but have all the other characters of the species. Another singular form, the Fucus scorpioides of Flora Danica, t. 1479, has been sent to me by Mr. Hooper from Fort Hamilton, New York Bay. This is nearly as slender as that just mentioned, but is much more irregularly branched, having a tendency to dichotomous division, with many irregularly placed, divaricating lateral branches. I have compared it with a Norwegian specimen of F. scorpioides, with which it agrees very nearly. I was at first disposed to consider it identical with the F. Mackaii of British authors, but it is less regular in its branching than that (supposed) species. Both are regarded by J. Agardh, and perhaps justly, as varieties of F. nodosus. Sect. 2. Fucus, J. Ag. Frond flat, with a midrib. 3. Fucus distichus, Linn. ; stipes filiform, expanding into a very narrow, linear, dichotomous ribbed frond ; the margin very entire ; air-vessels none ; receptacles terminal, subsimple, in pairs, elongate-linear, compressed. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 209. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 590. Turn. Hist. t. 4. FI. Dan. t. 351. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. t. 1. FIab. Rocks between tide-marks. Shores of Greenland and Newfoundland, De la Fylaie. Frond 3—6 inches long, rising from a filiform stipe, which gradually expands into an obsoletely ribbed, thickish lamina about a line in breadth and repeatedly forked. Axils acute. Receptacles scarcely wider than the segments which they terminate, linear, tapering to each end, from half an inch to an inch in length. J. Ag. 1. c. I am not acquainted with this species. FUCACEiE.—Fucus. IV. 4. Fucus furcatus, Ag. ; stipes compressed, expanding into a linear, dichotomous, ribbed frond ; the margin very entire ; air-vessels none ; receptacles elongate, linear, flattish, repeatedly forked. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 209. Ag. Ic. Ined. t. 14. Kiitz. Sp. Alg.p. 591. Hab. Newfoundland, De la Pylaie. Frond a foot or more in length, and nearly four lines wide, with a less evident midrib than allied species, and which is altogether obsolete below the receptacle, dichotomous and fastigiate. Vesicles none. Receptacles three inches long, scarcely thicker than the frond and nearly flat, linear, tapering towards the apices, obtuse, rarely simple, generally once or twice forked. J. Ag. 1. c. I am unacquainted with this species. 5. Fucus ceranoides, Linn. ; frond plane, coriaceo-membranaceous, linear, dicho- tomous, midribbed, without vesicles ; the margin very entire ; lateral branches narrower than the principal divisions, repeatedly forked, level-topped, bearing fruit at their apices ; receptacles spindle-shaped or bifid, acute. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 209. Kiitz. Sp, Alg.p. 591. Turn. Hist. t. 89. E. Rot. t. 2115. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 271. IIab. On rocks and stones between tide-marks, chiefly where fresh water mixes with the sea. Rare on the American coast. New York, J. Agardh. (v. v.) Frond resembling F. vesicutosus in aspect, but of thinner and more transparent substance, destitute of air-vessels, though portions of the frond occasionally puff out into irregular distensions ; and having numerous lateral, many-forked, narrow segments, whose tips are at length transformed into fruit. Receptacles commonly in pairs, sometimes confluent, bright yellow, or greenish, pointed. I have not seen any American specimen of this species, which has been sent to Professor Agardh from New York. 6. Fucus Harvey anus, Dne. ined. (cum leone eximia). Hab. Monterey, California, Herb. Paris, (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) I forbear to describe this species, named and figured by my friend M. Decaisne, some years ago, but of which no specific character has, I believe, yet appeared. It is very closely related to F, ceranoides, and I am not certain by what characters it is proposed to be distinguished from that species. iy. F U C ACEiE. —HIMANTH ALIA. 71 7. Fucus vesiculosus, Linn., frond flat, leathery, thick, linear, dichotomous, quite entire at the margin, midribbed ; air-vessels globose or elliptical, mostly in pairs, (often absent); receptacles terminal, turgid, ellipsoid, ovoid, or spindle-shaped. J. Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 210. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 589- Turn. Hist. t. 88. E. Bot. t. 1066. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 204. Fucus divaricatus, F. inflatus, F. spiralis, F. volubilis, F. Sherardi, Auct. F. bicornis, and F. microphyllus, He la Pylaie, dye. IIab. On rocks and stones between tide-marks. Yery common on all rocky shores from Greenland to New York. Also on the N. W. coast; in California, and northward. (The southern limit on the east coast not ascertained.) (v. v.) Fronds from two inches to two feet long, or more ; varying from a line to nearly an inch in breadth, flat, midribbed, many times forked ; often spirally twisted. Air-vessels generally in pairs, one at each side of the midrib, spherical or oval, their size varying with the breadth of the frond. Receptacles very turgid, and filled with a lax, watery jelly, through which a network of delicate filaments extends. Colour olive or brown. Substance coarse and thick. Yery variable in size and degree of ramification, according to the locality in which it grows. When destitute of air-vessels, it may be mistaken by the student for F. ceranoides, but the frond is much thicker and more opaque than in that species, and contains a far greater proportion of alkaline matter. The earlier writers on marine plants made a great number of species out of this ; but its varieties only appear different when isolated specimens are examined in the cabinet. On the sea shore all the various forms may be seen passing into one another at different tidal levels. F. vesicidosus is distributed in the northern Atlantic from the Arctic coasts to the Canary Islands ; and in the Pacific, from Kamtschatka to California. It is reported to have been brought from the Cape of Good Hope and from Australia, but these localities want confirmation. On the east coast of America it and F. nodosus constitute at least three fourths of the covering of tidal rocks. YI.—IIIMANTHALIA. Lyngb. Root a disc. Frond at first top-shaped, then cup-shaped, vesicular, unbranched. Receptacles very long, strap-shaped, repeatedly forked, springing from the centre of the cup-shaped frond, filled with mucus, traversed by jointed fibres, and pierced by numerous pores, beneath which are placed the spherical conceptacles (or spore- cavities). Spore cavities diclinous. Spores four within the same hyaline perispore, several perispores attached to the walls of the cavity. Antheridia on branching filaments, racemose. Paranemata simple, lining the cavity. 72 EUC ACEiE.—Himantiialia. IV. A remarkable plant, common on the coasts of Northern Europe, where, in England, it has the popular name “ Sea-thongs,” which is nearly a literal trans- lation of the sounding Greek imposed by Lyngbye. The view here taken of the frond and receptacles is that first given by Greville and Wahlenberg, and more recently adopted by Agardh; and I have no doubt but that it is the correct view. Dr. Greville has well observed that the pezizag-form or cup-shaped base, here called the frond, attains its full size before any portion of the strap-shaped branches con- taining fruit, and here called receptacle, makes its appearance. The branching receptacle then grows with rapidity, and after it has ripened spores, falls away. The plant is biennial, and, like all biennials, the first year is wholly occupied with the formation of the top-shaped frond ; the receptacle is rapidly produced in the second season. Late in the autumn, when the old ripe receptacles are thrown off and drifted ashore in large banks, the young fronds for the next season may be seen sprouting in myriads round the dying ones of the last year. Carmichael says that the old fronds sprout again the second season, but I have never observed them do so, though I have repeatedly sought for such second growth. 1. Himantiialia lorea, Lyngb.; frond top-shaped, at length collapsing, plano- convex, stipitate ; receptacles repeatedly dichotomous, linear, tapering to the extremity. J.Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 196. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 78. Fucus loreus, Turn. Hist. t. 196. E. Bot. t. 569. FI. Dan. t. 710. * Hab. Rocks near low-water mark. Biennial. “ Coast of North America,” fide J. Agardh. (v. v.) Fronds an inch in height, top-shaped, the centre of the disc becoming depressed, and at maturity throwing out a strap-shaped receptacle from two to ten or even twenty feet in length, from a quarter to half an inch in width, tapering to the apices, and many times forked. Conceptacles scattered in myriads through the whole length of this gigantic receptacle. I have seen no American specimen of this plant, and am not aware on what part of the shore it has been gathered, or by whom communicated to Professor Agardh. Judging from probabilities, I should suppose that it may have been found at Newfoundland, or to the north of that island. It is much more abundant in Europe, on the northern coasts, though said to extend southward as far as Spain. IV. SPOROCHNACEiE. 73 Order II.-SrOEOCHNACEiE. Harv. Man. Br. Alg. Eel. 2, p. 21. Sporochnoidece, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 36. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 160. Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 342. Kiltz. Sp. Alg. p. 567. Endl. 3rd. Suppl.p. 28. Chordariece, in part Ag. Syst.p. xxxvi. Sporochnidece and part of Dictyotidce, Lindl. Veg. Kingd. p. 22. Diagnosis. Olive-coloured, inarticulate seaweeds, whose spores are attached to external, jointed filaments, which are either free or compacted together into knob- like masses. (Plants of mediocre size, soon becoming flaccid in the a ir, and then chang- ing to a verdigris-green colour). Natural Character. Boot usually a small, naked disc or point of attachment ; in Carpomitra, bulbous and coated with woolly threads. Fronds of mediocre size, and much branched, frequently bushy, having, whilst living, a clear and rather bright brownish olive or chestnut colour, and a cartilaginous, firm, crisp substance; but rapidly becoming flaccid and changing to a verdigris green colour on exposure to the air, and possessing, after this change, the faculty of rapidly decomposing any small Algae with which they may come in contact. Stems and branches uniform, destitute of any separate, leaf-like expansions, inarticulate ; sometimes cylindrical and filiform, often exceedingly slender ; sometimes compressed ; and sometimes flattened, leaf-like, and furnished with a distinct midrib, occasionally throwing off lateral nervelets. The branching is frequently opposite, and almost always disti- chous. Air-vessels none. Almost all bear, at some period of their growth, pencils of delicate, jointed, confervoid filaments. In some, as in Desmarestia and Arthro- cladia, these filaments are found on the growing apices, and on all the younger portions of the frond, and appear to be intimately connected with the process of cell-division then going on; and they gradually fall away after the part has attained its full size. In Arthrocladia a portion of them remains, and eventually supports the fructification. In others, as in Sporochnus and Carpomitra, similar filaments spring from and crown the receptacles of the fructification, and fall away when the spores have arrived at maturity. The outward appearance of the fructification varies in the different genera of this Order, but the differences are of a minor character. In all, the spores are attached to branching, articulated filaments which issue from some part of the branches, and are, therefore, external to the substance. But in some, as in all the American genera, these filaments are free, either clothing the branches or forming pencil-like YOL. rn. AliT. 4. 74 SPOROCHNACEiE. IV. tufts along them; while, in others (Sporochnus and Carpomitra) the fertile filaments are closely packed together and combined into knob-like receptacles, in whose sub- stance the spores are hidden. On dissection these receptacles are seen to be made up of branching filaments, of some of whose branches the spores are formed ; and they are either borne on minute, lateral ramuli (or peduncles), or terminate the larger branches of the frond. A small group of plants, of which five or six genera, comprising about 24 species, are at present known to botanists. They are all plants of deep water, none grow- ing in places where they are left dry at the recess of the tide, and very few being found much above low-water mark, and then only in deep and shady tide-pools. They increase in numbers and in luxuriance of development at three or four fathoms depth, and extend to fifteen or twenty fathoms, often constituting at the bottom of the sea submarine fields of considerable extent. This is the case on the North American coast with respect to Desmarestia aculeata, which, in deep enclosed bays, like that of Halifax, is often the only plant that comes up in the dredge after five fathoms of depth, and in many places it seems to choke all other vegetation. A similar prevalence of two other species of this genus (Z). chordalis and D. JRossii) in the deeper parts of the Laminarian zone, has been noticed by Dr. Hooker in the Antarctic Ocean. Several of the plants of this Order are widely distributed, All the American species of Desmarestia have a range almost as wide as that of the ocean ; being found in the temperate and colder regions at both sides of the torrid zone, and extending almost to the limit of marine vegetation towards either pole. Their reputed absence in the tropical waters is perhaps owing to a failure of observation. Arthrocladia villosa, recently discovered in North Carolina, had been until then supposed to be confined to the shores of Europe, where it almost always accompa- nies Sporochnus pedunculatus, a species not yet added to the American Flora. The genus Chnoospora is entirely tropical, but is found both in the eastern and the western hemisphere. Although the different aspect of the fruit in this Order forces us to group the genera under two families, yet there is such a peculiar habit common to all the individuals of the group, that authors scarcely differ in the limits they assign to it. Agardh and Kiitzing coincide with the original view of Greville, which is that here adopted; but IJndlicher and following him, Lindley, reject Arthrocladia and refer it to the neighbourhood of Cutleria in Dictyotaceee. A comparison of the respective structure and development of Arthrocladia and Desmarestia viridis will I think show that these plants cannot well be far separated. There is some- thing so distinctive in the colour of the Sporachnaceae when fresh, and the very remarkable change which they undergo on exposure to the air, that these peculiar- ities alone seem to point, as Mr. Dawson Turner has long since noticed, to a natural affinity among them. All the following genera belong to the sub-order Arthrocladieas. IV. SPOROCHNACEJE.—Arthrocladia. 75 Synopsis of the North American Genera. I. Artiirocladia. Frond pinnate, filiform, nodose, hollow ; the tube articulated within. Nodes whorled with delicate filaments. II. Desmarestia. Frond pinnate, either filiform, compressed, or flat, solid. III. Chnoospora. Frond dichotomous, flat. I. ARTHROCLADIA, Duby. Frond cylindrical, pinnated, traversed by a wide, empty tube which is interrupted at short intervals by transverse, membranous septa that divide it into a number of vertically seriated air-cells. Walls of the frond composed of several rows of cells, arranged in longitudinal series, and diminishing in size from the central tube out- wards. Externally the surface is marked at short intervals by nodose swellings, which are clothed with a whorl of numerous confervoid repeatedly pinnate articu- lated filaments. Spores formed from the cells of moniliform, podlike filaments borne along the inner faces of the lower divisions of the whorled filaments, oblate- spheroidal, minute. A genus consisting of but one species, a native also of the shores of Europe, where it is found from Italy to Scotland, generally in deep water. It is a slender, filiform, distantly branched plant, delicately beautiful when its branches are young, and the pencils of filaments that whorl them uninjured. 1. Artheocladia villosa, Duby. J. Ag. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 162. Kiitz. Sp. Alg., p. 573 (A. septentrionalis and A. australis, Kg.) Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 64. Conferva villosa, Ends.—E. Bot. t. 546. Dillw. Conf. t. 37. (Plate IY. A.) Hab. On submarine substances, in five (or more?) fathoms ; very rare. Cast ashore at Smithville, near Wilmington, N. G., Mr. Charles Congdon. (v. v.) Root a small disc. Fronds generally tufted, from six inches to nearly three feet in length, very slender, once, twice, or thrice pinnated, filiform ; the pinnse distant, opposite, or rarely alternate, patent, simple or again pinnulated with similar, simple pinnules ; all the divisions furnished at intervals of from half a line to a line, with minute knoblike swellings which produce whorls of very delicate, byssoid, repeat- edly pinnate jointed filaments of a pale green colour. The frond is traversed by a wide tube, divided by transverse membranes at short intervals into joints or chambers, four or five of which intervene between every whorl of filaments. This tube is surrounded by several series of cylindrical cells, placed end to end 76 SPOROCHNACEiE.—Desmarestia. IY. vertically, the innermost of which are of largest size, and the cells of each row to the circumference of less and less dimensions. The substance of the frond when quite fresh is cartilaginous, but it soon becomes flaccid in the air ; and the colour, which at first is a bright bay, rapidly changes to verdigris green. The fructification is borne on the lowermost divisions of the whorled filaments, and forms moniliforin strings of spores springing from the inner faces of the branch. These are deve- loped by the metamorphosis of secund ramuli, and consist of a large number of very minute, oblate spores, which fall asunder when mature. In drying, the plant adheres firmly to paper. I am indebted to Mr. Congdon for one of the few specimens of this rare plant, which he succeeded in saving during a very hasty visit to the shore near the mouth of the Cape Fear River. It is roughly dried, and I have, therefore, been obliged to use more carefully preserved (British) specimens to give an idea of the natural appearance of the species (at PI. IV. fig. A 1.), but I have drawn the mag- nified figures (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) from Mr. Congdon’s specimen, so that there can be no doubt of their identity. The description of the species given above is mostly copied from the Phycologia Britannica. The magnified figures in PI. 64 of that work, especially figs. 2 and 4, are much less correct than the corresponding one (2 and 5) now given. II. DESMARESTIA, Lamouroux. Frond linear, either cylindrical, compressed or flat, pinnated, solid, traversed by a slender articulated filament (or axis) ; the solid parts composed of several rows of small cells. Branches when young producing along the margin, and from the tips, tufts of byssoid, articulated, repeatedly pinnate filaments. Fructification unknown. This genus, of which the fruit is at present unknown, is readily distinguished from Arthrocladia, by the structure of the frond. Here there are not the knots along the stem and branches, whorled with delicate filaments, which mark that genus ; and moreover the frond, in the present group, is destitute of a tubular axis of large calibre. It is true that the articulated filament which traverses the stem and branches in Desmarestia may be compared with the articulated tube of Arthrocladia, but the former consists of a string of single cells, placed end to end ; the latter is a compound structure, whose walls and septa are both made up of a great number of cells. The manner in which the frond is developed may be readily seen by examining, under the microscope, any tip of a young branch in process of formation ; par- ticularly in the young points of D. viridis and D. ligulata, in which species the frond is more transparent than in D. aculeata. In I). viridis the young branch is prolonged, at its apex, into a confervoid filament, formed of a row of cylindrical SPOROCHNACEiE.—Desmarestia. 77 IV. cells, lengthening by division of the terminal cell, and becoming branched at intervals by the development of opposite budding cells from the shoulders of the older ones. Thus we have in its simplest form the type of the growth of the species; namely, a repeatedly pinnate division, with opposite pinnules. These pinnated confervoid apices become gradually clothed with a stratum of minute cellules, Avhich may be observed commencing to be formed on the lowermost cells (those nearest the compound portion of the branch), and gradually extending upwards. Thus at length the confervoid filament is completely enclosed in a cellular coating ; new coats are continually added to this ;—until the frond becomes a cylindrical, compound-cellular body, through the centre of which runs an articulated filament ; which filament was the earliest part formed, and the axial nucleus round which the other parts grew. The manner of growth in D. ligulata is precisely similar, except that in that species the new cellular integument to the primary filament is not developed equally on all sides, but extends chiefly laterally, so as to form at first a two-edged and then a flat or even leaf-like stem. In this process of lateral exten- sion, or widening of the stem, the lower portions of the pinnae of the primary filament being enclosed within the cellular wings of the flattened branch, become the lateral nerves of the frond. Some of these merely reach the margin of the flat stem, or extend slightly beyond it, as a tooth, tipped with a pencil of fibres ; others, continuing to vegetate, become the nuclei of the young lateral branches. In the broad forms of D. ligulata, constituting D. herbacea of authors, the nervation and its origin are both very clearly seen. 1. Desmarestia viridis, Lamour. frond cylindrical, filiform, repeatedly pinnate ; pinnas and pinnulae capillary, exactly opposite, patent. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 570* Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 312. Dichloria viridis, Grev. Alg. Brit. t. 6. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 164. Fucus viridis, FI. Dan. t. 886. Turn. Hist. t. 97. F. Bot. t. 1669- Hab. On rocks, stones, and the larger Algse in tide-pools, near low-water mark, and extending into deep water. Annual. Abundant on the shores of British America, and extending south to Boston Bay ; Cape Anne, Connecticut; and Hell-gate, New York, Mr. J. Hooper. Unalaschka, Chamisso. (v. v.) Fronds from one to three feet in length, cylindrical, from a quarter line to half a line, or sometimes a line in diameter below, gradually attenuated upwards to a hairlike fineness, excessively branched, having an ovate outline when the branches are freely displayed. All the branches, and every one of the lesser divisions, down to the most minute ramulus, are exactly opposite and distichous ; the larger divisions are patent, or nearly horizontal, the lesser more erect. In a vegetating state the branches and ramuli terminate in extremely slender, articulated, byssoid filaments, which gradually become coated with cellules ; and then the imbedded filament becomes the axis of the compound frond. Structure densely cellular, with numerous large air-cavities dispersed through the cellular 78 SPOROCHNACEiE.—Desmarestia. IY. substance. Colour, when growing, a fine chesnut-olive, quickly changing to ver- digris green when removed from the water. Substance tender, soon decomposing. 2. Desmarestia aculeata, Lamour. ; stipes short, cylindrical; stems (or primary branches) elongate, flattish, bi-tripinnate ; pinme and pinnulae alternate, very narrow, tapering to the base, either fringed with opposite tufts of bright green filaments or margined with awl-shaped, alternate spines. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1 ,p. 167- Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 571. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 49- Grev. Alg. Brit. t. 5, /. 2, 3. Fucus aculeatus, Linn. Turn. Hist. Fuc. t. 187- Fng. Bot. t. 2445. (Tab. IY. B.) Hab. On submerged rocks and stones at low-water mark and at a greater depth. Very abundant on the east shores, from our northern limits to Long Island Sound (at least). Probably also on the N.AY. coast (being found at Kamtschatka). (v. v.) Fronds from one to six feet in length, about half a line in width, compressed or flattish, excessively branched and bushy ; the branches usually alternate, rarely opposite, erect, tapering to their base and apex, as do also all the lesser divisions. When young the branches are of a tender substance, soft to the touch, and clothed at intervals of about a line with opposite pencils of finely divided byssoid filaments of a beautiful yellow green colour. In older fronds these delicate filaments fall away, and the branches become rigid and tough, while subulate spinelike alternate teeth are developed from the margin at every three or four lines apart. In transi- tion specimens both spines and filaments are found together, the former being com- paratively soft. Colour pale olive when young, foxy brown or sometimes very dark when old. At different ages this plant may readily be taken by a student for two species, as indeed it was by Linmeus himself. 3. Desmarestia ligulata, Lamour. ; frond flat, with a slender, more or less evident midrib, repeatedly pinnate ; pinnae and pinnulae opposite, oblong or lanceolate, tapering to both ends. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 169. Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 572. Harv. Pliyc. Brit. t. 115. Fucus ligulatus, Turn. Hist. t. 98. E. Bot. 1.1636. Fucus herbaceus, Turn. Hist. t. 99- Desmarestia herbacea, Auct. Hab. North West Coast, Mr. Menzies. (v. v.) The ordinary European form of this species, figured in Phyc. Brit.t. 115, has not yet been noticed on the American coast, except at Cape Horn (!), but may be expected to occur on the shores of some part of British America. The plant recorded above as having been found by Mr. Menzies on the N. AY. coast has broader leaves, but, to judge by Mr. Turner’s figure, is scarcely otherwise to be distinguished. The following is his description of Mr. Menzies’ specimens :— SPOROCTINACEiE.—Chnoospora. 79 IV. “ Frond flat, two feet or more long, rising with a single, undivided stem, at its base nearly cylindrical, and as thick as a crow’s quill, but almost immediately becoming flat, and gradually widening to the height of a few inches, where it acquires a width of half an inch, or three quarters of an inch, after which it becomes linear, till, on approaching the extremity, it is again slightly narrowed and terminates in a rounded apex ; the margins are throughout the whole length serrated with small, spiniform, rather remote teeth ; the stem, from root to summit, is pinnate with opposite, distichous branches, of the same substance as itself, between horizontal and patent, separated by intervals of about half an inch, a foot or a foot and half long, and the middle ones, apparently, longest, their greatest width nearly an inch, attenuated at their bases into very short, subcylindrical petioli, rounded at their apices, toothed at their margins, and in their turns pinnated with a series of others, similar to them in every particular, except their small size :—throughout the whole frond runs a midrib, thick and rather wide in the stem, but in the branches thin and faint, so as scarcely to be visible, unless the plant is held to the light, and appearing only like a dark line. Colour grass-green, with a faint tinge of brown, transparent. Substance membranaceous, extremely thin and tender, but somewhat thickened in the stem, near the root.” I have not seen any American individuals of this variety, but have gathered an equally broad-leaved form at the Cape of Good Hope, having, however, acute pinnae, and a firmer and more coriaceous substance than Turner describes. On the whole I agree with Prof. J. Agardh in uniting, as one species, the broad leaved and nar- row leaved forms. III. CHNOOSPORA, J. Ag. Frond compressed, repeatedly dichotomous, ribless ; its substance composed of elongate prismatic cellules, scarcely denser in the centre. Fructification, densely tufted, clavato-moniliform, articulated, spore-bearing filaments, surrounded by sterile, branching filaments (paranemata), both aggregated together in wartlike excrescences near the middle of the frond. Spores (?) formed in the articulations of the sporiferous filaments, rounded.—(J. Ag.) A small genus of tropical Algae, readily known by its dichotomous branching. It seems to connect together, naturally, the two sub-orders of which the Order consists. In the structure of its masses of fructification there is an evident passage between those genera with dispersed spore-filaments and those in which these organs cohere together into definite receptacles. 1. Chnoospora fastigiata, J. Ag. ; “fronds tufted, several rising from the same 80 LAMINARIACEiE. IV. callus, erect, many times forked, fastigiate; segments compressed above, patent? with acute axils.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1 ,p. 171. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 569. Ch. Pacifica and Ch. Atlantica, J. Ag. Liebm. p. 7. (Tab. IV. C.) Hab. On the Pacific coast of the Mexican Republic, Liebman. (v. s. in Herb. T. C. D.) Fronds many, from the same scutate base, 2-3 inches long, stipitate, soon forked, and then repeatedly divided dichotomously, the forks being closer and closer upwards ; equal in diameter throughout, subcylindrical below, compressed above, with acute apices. The axils of the forks are narrow and acute. Colour in a dried state very dark, brownish. I have not seen perfect fructification. I have not been able on the specimens which I have had an opportunity of examining, to make out the structure of the fructification with sufficient accuracy to authorize my introducing the cushions of spore-filaments into the plate. The above description is therefore chiefly translated from Prof. J. Agardh’s account of the genus. In aspect the plant resembles a very narrow Dictyota, but its substance is very much thicker, and a section under the microscope shows it to be composed of a much greater number of rows of cells. The surface cellules are very minute, and the cells increase in length and breadth as they lie more towards the centre of the flesh. Order III—LAMINARIACEJE. Laminariece, Grev. Alg. Brit., p. 24. J. Ag. Symb. p. 4. Sp. Alg. p. 121* Endl. 3rd, Suppl. p. 26. Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 344, and part of Chordece, p. 333* Sp. Alg. p. 573. Laminaridoe, Lindl. Veg. Kingd. p. 22. Diagnosis.—Olive-coloured, inarticulate seaweeds, whose spores are superficial, either forming indefinite, cloudlike patches, or covering the whole surface of the frond. (Plants of large size, not much divided, usually stipitate, foliaceous.) Natural character.—Boot rarely a simple, undivided disc ; commonly much branched, or only simple and disc-like when young. As the plant advances in growth, new accessory holdfasts are formed toward the base of the stipe round the primary one, and these, lengthening and branching, unite into a conical mass of rootlets (or cables), which together make up the compound root. Fronds of an olive-brown or an olive-green colour, mostly becoming darker on exposure to the air, in some cases turning green in drying • usually tough and leathery in substance, LAMINARIACEiE. IV. 81 but in some delicately membranaceous ; the internal structure fibroso-cellular, tbe flesh being chiefly composed of interlacing threads, formed of strings of cylindrical cells, placed end to end. The plants of this Order are almost all of large, frequently of gigantic size, either tubular or furnished with a stipe which expands at the summit into a leafy frond. In the least developed genus (Adenocystis) the frond consists of a hollow, membranous bag, contracted at the base into a little stalk, and gradually tapering to the apex into a simple point. At the next stage (Chorda) the form is still tubular, but the tube becomes cylindrical, or filiform, and is divided internally into several compartments, by transverse membranes stretched across its cavity. In the more perfect genera we clearly recognise a cylindrical solid stem or stipe, occasionally vesicular in its upper portion, and bearing at its summit an expanded leaf. This stem is in most cases simple ; in the most perfect genera alone it becomes branched, its divisions being repetitions of the primary idea. The leafy expansion crowning the stem or branches is sometimes ribbon- shaped, quite simple and tapering to its extremity ; sometimes it is cloven verti- cally into many narrow laciniae, by a process of natural splitting which takes place in a very irregular manner ; sometimes it is regularly pinnatifid (as in Ecklonia) and lastly (in Agarum and Thalassiophyllum) the whole expansion is perforated with holes, like a sieve. In the majority of cases the leaf is ribless ; but in the more fully organized a midrib, formed of a prolongation of the apex of the stipe? traverses its substance. Air-vessels are very often wanting ; where they are found, they are formed either by distensions of the upper portion of the stipe, or (in Ma- crocystis) by vesications of the petioles of the leaves. In those species that are perennial the stipe lasts for several years, but the leaf is changed at the end of each season. The process for effecting a change of leaf is gradual, and commences long before the fall of the previous leaf. The new leaf is not formed, however, in the axil of the old one, but begins at the apex of the stipe, or in that portion where the stipe, or common petiole, passes into the leaf. At that point, new and vigorous tissue is always found ; there a new lamina begins to expand, and as it elongates it gradually pushes before it the older part of the leaf, which for a long time adheres to the apex of this new part, and falls away only when the new leaf has reached the normal size. The fructification of this Order is on a very simple type of development. Innu- merable minute spores, each contained within a hyaline perispore, are formed out of the surface cells either of the whole frond, or of some large and imperfectly defined portions of it. In the highest types only (as in Alaria) are spores found in spaces definitely limited, or in proper leaflets. In the lowest ( Chorda) they clothe the whole surface, and in most other cases (Laminaria, Agarum, . 129-130. Phyllitis Fascia et debilis, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 566. IIab. On rocks and stones, near low-water mark. Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Capt. Pike and Mr. Hooper. Halifax, W. H. H. (v. v.) Boot, a small disc. Stipe as thick as hog’s bristle, half an inch long, filiform at base, compressed upwards and gradually widening into the cuneate base of the frond. Lamina very variable in form, 2—12 inches long, from a quarter inch to two inches broad, sometimes abruptly cuneate at the base, sometimes much attenuated, either lanceolate, oblong, or linear, or oblong-ovate ; in some specimens remarkably obtuse, in others tapering more or less to the point. Margin waved or flat. Colour when growing a clear chestnut brown, changing to greenish olive in drying. I can by no means distinguish from one another the three species of Prof. Agardh, above referred to this. The form of the frond is most variable, even in the same tuft, and the gradations between the several forms so complete, that if you examine a sufficient number of specimens not specially selected as typical, there can be no difficulty in tracing the narrowest and most cuneate into the widest and most ovate. L. Fascia is widely distributed, being found also on the Atlantic and Me- diterranean shores of Europe ; and at the Falkland Islands in the Southern Atlantic. 2. Laminaeia lorea, Bory ; stipes rising from a branching root, flat, winged above, dilating into a linear-ensiform, membranaceous, very long frond, entire or cleft at the apex. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 130. L. tceniata, Post, and Rupr. t. 38, f. (fide Ag.). L. saccharina, var. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 574. Hab. Shores of Newfoundland, Despreaux. Stipe 3—4 inches long, flat from its origin, dilated above, and winged with a thin- ner margin. The wing of the stipe is expanded into the lamina of the frond, the stipe itself (or its thickened portion) being continued in furrows through the lower part of the lamina. Lamina several feet long, an inch and a half wide, at each end much attenuated. J. Ag. 1. c. I am not acquainted with this plant, said to be a very distinct species by Agardh, from whom I copy the above description. LAMINARIACEiE.—Laminaria. 92 IV. 3. Laminaria dermatodea, Dela Pyl. ; stipes rising from a branching root, terete below, compressed or flattened above, dilating into a cuneate-oblong simple frond afterwards becoming cordate at base, and palmately cleft from the apex. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. 1, p. 131. Phyllitis dermatodea, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 567. Hab. On rocks, at and below low-water mark. Newfoundland, Be la Pylceie. (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) Stipe 3-4 inclUs long, in the young plant compressed, in the full-grown altogether flat, passing into the base .of an oblong or lanceolate frond, which in the young plant is entire, but which at last, becoming more dilated and with a more cordate base, is cloven into several segments and assumes the habit of L. digitata. I have seen only young specimens of this species, and in them the apex is imperfect. They were collected by Despreaux and communicated to me by M. Lenormand. 4. Laminaria saccharina, Lamour. ; stem cylindrical, solid, short, expanding into a cartilaginous or submembranaceous, lanceolate or oblong, undivided frond. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 132. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 574. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 289. Fucus saccharinus, L. E. Bot. t. 1376. Turn. Hist.t. 163. Lam. Lamourouxii? Bory, Diet. Cl. Hist. Hat. 9, p. 189- Hab. On rocks in the sea, from low-water mark to four or five fathoms. Com- mon on rocky shores, from Greenland to New York ; and cast up from deeper water on the New Jersey coast. (Its southern limit not ascertained beyond Long- branch, N. J.). (v. v.) Boot of several branching fibres, forming a conical holdfast. Stem from a few inches to a foot or more in length, from a quarter to half an inch in diameter, terete, compressed at its upper end, and gradually dilating into the base of the terminal, undivided lamina. Lamina very variable in its proportionate length and breadth, sometimes linear-lanceolate, sometimes ovato-lanceolate, sometimes elliptical, acute or obtuse, or drawn out at the apex into a long caudate prolongation, from one to six or ten feet in length, and from one to twelve inches in breadth, flat, or very much curled at the margin, and at length over the whole surface ; sometimes regularly transversely wrinkled through the middle of the lamina, sometimes irre- gularly bullated. Substance in some varieties membranous, in others cartilaginous or leathery, or even horny in some. Colour of the leaf when young a greenish olive, browner as it grows old. Numerous varieties, which perhaps demand future study, occur on the American coast. The Laminaria Lamourouxii of Bory, which has been sent me from Boston Harbour by Prof. Asa Gray, and of which I also possess an authentic specimen from Newfoundland, looks almost like a species, with its thickish, broadly elliptical, scarcely waved frond, and its slightly branching root; but I am not sufficiently IV. L AMIN API ACEiE.—Laminaria. 93 acquainted with it to say whether it has claims to be regarded as anything more than a form. Prof. J. Agardh refers it unhesitatingly to L. saccharina, and it must be confessed, that if we separate it on the mere characters assigned by M. Bory, we must be prepared to admit to specific rank many other forms now referred to L. saccharina. 5. Laminaria longicruris, De laPyl. ; Stipes very long, slender at the base, hollow and inflated in the middle, and gradually tapering to the apex ; frond undivided, ovato-lanceolate, membranaceous, obtuse. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 135. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 576. Ham. Phyc. Brit. t. 339- (Tab. VI.) Hab. In deep water, from five to ten fathoms (or more?). Very abundant on the American shores, from Greenland to Cape Cod. Newfoundland, De la Pylceie. Bahama Islands, Chauvin. (v. v.) Root of many slender and much branched, clasping fibres, which issue at irregular intervals from the lower part of the stipe. Stipe from eight to twelve feet in length, very slender at the base, and there solid, gradually widening upwards, and soon becoming hollow ; at length, toward the middle, widened to upwards of an inch in diameter, and thence tapering to the apex, and terminating in the broadly cuneate base of the lamina. Lamina, when full grown, 6 to 8 feet in length, and from two to three feet in width, oblong-lanceolate or oval, very much waved at the margins, and obtuse at the apex, of a thinner substance than in L. saccharina. Colour of the stem yellowish brown, pale ; of the lamina a beauti- ful pale greenish olive. This noble species, though having much general resemblance to the preceding, is at once distinguished from every form of it by the very long, hollow stem, tapering to both extremities. It is by far the most abundant species on the northern coasts, and gradually diminishes, in the number of individuals, and in the size and luxuriance of growth, as it extends southward. In Boston Bay it is still plentiful, though of much smaller dimensions than at Halifax, where it is the chief ornament of the sub-marine flora. I have seen no specimen from a more southern locality than Cape Cod ; but M. Chauvin is said to have received it from the Bahamas. In Europe it is scarcely known to grow beyond the limits of the Arctic Sea, whence water-worn specimens occasionally reach the coasts of Scotland, and of the north of Ireland. Plate VI. Fig. 1. A young frond of Laminaria longicruris ; one third of the natural size ; jig. 2. part of the hollow stipes of a full grown plant, the natural size. 6. Laminaria trilaminata, Harv. MSS.—Olney, in Proceedings of Providence Franklin Society, vol. 1, p. 39. 94 LAMINARIACEiE.—Laminaria. IV. Hab. Floating near Narragansett Pier, R. I. Mr. Olney. (v. s.) I introduce this undescribed and scarcely known plant, because it has already obtained publicity in Mr. Olney’s list of Rhode Island plants, quoted above ; but I am unable to give a satisfactory description from the few fragments that have reached me ; and probably, after all, these may belong to some strangely anomalous form of L. saccliarina. The fragments sent me by Mr. Olney and Professor Bailey are labelled as part of a large Alga resembling L. saccliarina in appearance, but having a trilaminate frond ; that is, from the centre of the lamina, along its whole (?) length, there projects a wing or additional lamina, making, with the two halves of the true leaf, a third lamina. Nothing is known of the stipes. 7- Laminaria digitata) Lam.; stem robust, woody, terete below, compressed above, expanding into a leathery, oblong, or ovate frond, which is deeply cleft into many linear segments of irregular breadth. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 134. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 223, and t. 338. Hafgygia digitata, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 577. Phyc. Gen. t. 30, 31. Fucus digitatus, L. Turn. Hist. t. 162. E. Bot. t. 2274. Hab. On rocks, at and below low-water mark. Common as far south as Cape Cod. Narragansett Pier, R. I., Mr. Olney. (floating only), (v. v.) Boot formed of many stout branching holdfasts united together in a conical mass. Stipe from two to six feet long, cylindrical below, from a quarter inch to an inch in diameter at base, solid, tapering, and becoming compressed upwards, and terminating in the base of a standard-like broad lamina. Lamina from one to five feet long, or more, from one to three feet wide, deeply cleft from the apex to near the base into many linear strap-shaped segments of uncertain .breadth. Substance of the stem woody, but flexible, horny when dry ; of the lamina leathery. Colour olive, becoming dark in age. Possibly more than one species is here confounded. Some varieties, like that figured in Phyc. Brit. t. 338, are very narrow, with very much compressed, or even flattened stipes, and of a dark blackish-brown colour and glossy surface. Others, which I have from Boston Bay, have dried extremely pale, and though I have not seen perfect specimens of these, I remember to have noticed on the beach near Nahant some forms of pale colour and witli very flat stems, which may belong to a peculiar species. The limits of species among these gigantic Algae can rarely be determined from Herbarium specimens alone, and should be fixed by persons familiar with the plants in their places of growth, and who have watched the development of the frond through all its stages. LAMINARIACEiE.—Agarum. 95 IV. VII. AGARUM, Rory. Frond stipitate, coriaceous, flat, pierced in all parts with roundish holes, and tra- versed by a cartilaginous midrib which is a prolongation of the stipes. Fructifica- tion,, cloudlike patches of spores, imbedded in the thickened surface of some part of the perforated expansion. A remarkable genus peculiar to the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on the American and Asiatic shores. The common American species (A. Turneri) is well known in the north eastern states as the Sea Colander, a name aptly expressive of the perforated frond. The holes in the membrane exist at all ages, but increase in size and circularity, as well as in numbers, as the growth proceeds. They are at first merely narrow slits, and commence to be formed near the midrib, where the active cell-division seems to take place. As in Laminaria, the newest portion of the leaf is at the base, where the stipes enters ; and the apex is continually worn out and thrown off. The fructification is found on old fronds late in the autumn, or early in winter, and forms very dark coloured patches of uncertain extent on the pierced membranes, 1. Agarum Turneri, Post, and Rupr. ; stipes compressed, coriaceous, continued as a flattened midrib through the frond ; lamina membranaceous, its nearly circular holes with flat margins, and of various sizes intermixed. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 141. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 580. Fucus Agarum, Turn. Hist. t. 75. FI. Dan. 1.1542. (Tab. V.) Hab. On rocks and stones, &c., from low-water mark to a depth of 5—10 fathoms. Very abundant on the Eastern Coasts, from Greenland to Cape Cod. North West Coast, at least in Russian America, (v. v.) Root much branched, formed of many clasping, dichotomous fibres, interwoven together. Stipe from one to four lines wide, and from two inches to a foot in height, compressed, coriaceous, becoming flattened and sensibly widened where it meets the lamina, through which it is then continued as a midrib. The width of this midrib varies much in different specimens of the same age ; in some being scarcely wider than the stipe, and in others three or four times that width. Lamina oblong, at first elliptical, then becoming ovate, and at length deeply cordate at the base, the margin at the same time being changed from nearly flat to be very much waved and curled, this portion of the frond continuing to be developed after growth has nearly ceased within it. The whole lamina is pierced, at short distances, with roundish holes, which commence of small size and gradually widen ; these are irregularly mixed together, large and small, in all parts of the leaf, the smaller holes being of later formation than the larger. The new growth of membrane chiefly takes place where the stipe enters at the base, but also for a considerable time near the margin of the lower half of the leaf. The substance of the leaf is membra- 96 LAMINARIACEiE.—Tiialassiophyllum. IV. naceous, soon drying ; that of the stipe and midrib more coriaceous, or cartilagi- nous. The colour is a darkish olive-green, becoming brown in age. The leaves, when full grown, are often ten or twelve feet in length, and two or three feet wide. Plate V. Fig. 1. A young frond of Agaeum Humeri, the natural size ; jig. 2, part of a thin vertical slice, through a sorus and the outer coats of the frond ; jig. 3, spores, in their perispores, from the sorus ; jig. 4, a spore isolated :—all the latter figures more or less highly magnified. 2. Agaeum pertusum, Mert. ; u stipes compressed, coriaceous, continued as a scarcely widened midrib ; lamina membranaceous, its holes when young furnished with a margin raised at one side, and formed by openings in the bullated mem- brane.” J. Ag. Sp. Alg. 1. p. 142. Kiitz. Sp. Alg.p. 580. Post, and Rupr. t. 23. Hab. Newfoundland, De la Pyloeie (fide J. Ag.) I am not acquainted with this species, which is said to have the holes much more irregular in shape and fewer in number than those of the preceding species ; also of more equal size, and smaller, rarely two lines in width ; and that they arise from the bursting of a bullated membrane. A third species (A. Gmelini Post, and Rupr. p. 11. t. 20, 21J is described from the Northern Pacific, characterised chiefly, as it would seem, by having a midrib twice as wide as the stipes, and holes with undulated margins ; but I fear these characters can hardly be considered as alone sufficient to distinguish a species, for I find among a number of specimens picked up on Nahant Beach, great diversity in the comparative breadth of the midrib, and form of the holes. In some of my specimens, where the leaf measures 26 inches in length, the midrib is but two lines wide ; and in others of somewhat inferior superficies, it is at least five lines, the stipe being in the same specimens but two lines wide. I find similar variations in specimens collected at Halifax, and that it is impossible to fix limits between those with narrow, and those with wide stipes. It will remain to be seen whether observers on the shore can detect characters, existing at all ages, between those specimens with wide midribs and those with narrow. In many that I possess, the apex of the frond, both midrib and lamina, is strongly curved or hooked to one side, and this seems generally to occur in those with wide ribs. VIII. THALASSIOPHYLLUM. Post and Rupr. Frond with subdistinct leaves ; the leafy expansions formed by the evolution of a lamina, spirally developed round a branching stipe; each leafy-lobe ribless, IV. LAMINARIACEiE.—Chorda. 97 reniform, undivided, pierced in all parts with roundish holes. Fructification, cloud- like patches of spores, imbedded in the thickened surface of some part of the per- forated leaf-lobes. This genus is very nearly related to the preceding, from which it differs in having a branching stipe, round which a perforated lamina, partially divided into definite leaves, is spirally coiled. There is but one species yet known, viz:— Thalassiophyllum Clathrus, Post, and Rupr. Illustr. t. 18, and t. 19- J. Ag. Sp. Alg. 1, p. 139- Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 581. Fucus clathrus, Grev. Hist. Fuc. t. 33. Hab. On the shores of Russian America, (v. s. in Herb. T. C. D.) My specimens of this are so imperfect, that I prefer copying the following account given by Dr. TI. Mertens of its appearance in a living state :— “ The ocean hardly boasts a more beautiful production than this ; it is generally about the height of a man, very bushy and branched, each branch bearing a broad leaf at its extremity, which unfolds spirally, and by this gradual development pro- duces the stipes with its branches and lateral divisions. A spiral border, wound round the stipes, indicates the growth of the frond. The frond presents a large, convex, bent lamina, without nerves ; or to a certain degree a leaf, of which one half is wanting, for the stipes may be considered as an ex centric nerve. A number of rather long, narrow perforations, arranged in a radiate form, give the frond the appearance of a cut fan ; these foramina being coeval with the formation of the frond, and apparently not owing to inequalities of substance. At first, these fora- mina, which are situated near the stipes, and where the frond is bent in, are round, and have their margins turned outwards ; but by the subsequent growth of the frond they become longer, and their margins disappear ; in the middle of the frond they are like true clefts, but nearer the margins, from the greater development of the leafy substance, they are more contracted in their breadth and therefore seem round. The frond has a complete and entire margin, but is frequently torn ; its substance is coriaceous. I have never detected any fructification. The root resem- bles that of the larger Laminarias, but is more woody. This fucus is very plentiful in the bay of Illuluk, and round the whole island of Amaknak. It clothes the rocky shore, like a thick hedge, for a space of 60 or 80 feet, forming, at a little distance, a very pleasing feature in the scenery.” H. Mert. in Hook. Bot. Misc. 3, p. 5, 6. IX. CHORDA, Stack Boot scutate. Frond simple, cylindrical, tubular; its cavity divided by transverse membranes into separate chambers. Fructification a stratum of obconical spores, covering the whole external surface of the frond. VOL. ni. ART. 4. LAMINARIACEiE.—Chorda. IV. 1. Chorda filum, Stack. ; frond cartilaginous, lubricous, clothed with pellucid hairs, filiform, very long, tapering to each extremity, not constricted at the dissepi- ments. Grev. Alg. Brit. t. 7, Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 107. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 548. Scytosiplion filum, Ag.—J. Ag. Sp. Alg. 1, p. 126. IIab. On rocks, etc. in the sea, between tide-marks, and extending to 4—10 fathoms depth, especially in deep, quiet bays. Common on the northern shores, (v. v.) Boot a minute disc. Fronds from one to ten, twenty, or even forty feet in length, according to depth of water, scarcely twice as thick as hog’s-bristle at the base, gradually increasing in thickness to the middle and there from a quarter inch to nearly half an inch in diameter, and again gradually diminishing toward the apex, which is of equal tenuity with the base. This threadlike frond is cylindrical, hollow, divided at short intervals by very thin membranes, into chambers or joints, which are not visible externally; it is slimy to the touch, and clothed, at an early stage, with very dense, slender, gelatinous filaments, which generally disappear as the plant advances to maturity, but may sometimes be found on old plants, especially on such as grow in quiet, deep bays where they are little exposed to the action of waves. The substance is cartilaginous and firm, and very tough when recent. The fructification covers the whole external surface of old plants, and consists of obconical, vertical spores, supported on long pedicels, by which they are attached to the outer row of cellular tissue. Mixed with these are found numerous, narrow, elliptical, transversely striated cells, which may be antheridia. The walls of the tubular frond are formed of several rows of hexagonal, elongate cells, placed end to end, and forming longitudinal threads, glued together by the sides. Of these the inner ones are of large size ; the outer, minute and more densely packed together. 2. Chorda lomentaria, Lyngb.; frond membranaceous, constricted at distant intervals ; the interstices inflated. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. p. 74, t. IS. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 285. Chorda filum, £ lomentaria, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 548. Scytosiplion lomentarium, J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 126. IIab. On rocks and stones, &c. in tide pools. On the eastern coast, from British America to Charleston, S. C. (v. v.) Boot a small disc. Fronds from eight to twelve or eighteen inches in length, tapering at the base to the diameter of horse hair, attenuated upwards, either to a bluntish or a very fine point, from two to four lines in diameter at the greatest breadth, cylindrical, constricted at irregular intervals and furnished with a trans- verse septum at each constriction. The walls of the tube are composed of a thick layer of large, polygonal cells, of which the outer ones are gradually smaller; on the outside of which, forming the periphery, is a stratum of radiating, close-packed, moniliform IV. DICTYOTACEiE. 99 filaments. These are only found in their full development on mature specimens. Colour a brownish or greenish olive. Substance membranaceous and soft. In habit this plant has more resemblance to Asperococcus echinatus than to the preceding species, but the structure of the Avails is more in accordance with Chorda. I here is also considerable affinity Avith the Antarctic Adenocystis, a little group that scarcely differs essentially from Chorda, Avith which Kiitzing unites it. I cannot agree so well Avith that author in making C. lomentaria merely a variety of C.filum, from which it has latterly been kept separate by most authors, and from Avhich it differs in many essential characters. Order IV.-DICTYOTACEiE. Didyotece, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 46. J. Ay. Sp. Alg., vol. 1, p. 68. Endl. 3d. Supply p. 24. Didyotece, Encoeliece, and part of Chordece and Phycoseridece, Kiitz., PAyc. Gen. pp. 337, 336, 333, 296. Dietyotidce, Lindl. Veg. Kingd p. 22. Diagnosis. Olive-coloured, inarticulate seaweeds, whose spores are superficial, and disposed in definite spots or lines (sori). (Frondose, or rarely filiform plants of small or mediocre size, and membranaceous texture ; their surface reticulated with large cells.) Natural Character. Poo£ usually a minute membranous disc or holdfast ; sometimes a conical fleshy mass of large size, densely clothed with curled, wool-like jointed hairs. Fronds of an olive-green or olive-brown colour, mostly becoming paler on exposure to the air ; of a membranaceous, flexible substance, rarely lea- thery or cartilaginous, and scarcely at all juicy : composed of two or more strata of cells, of which the inner ones are largest, usually empty, and either quadrate or appear so in profile. These large cells, seen through the smaller superficial and coloured cells which form the actual coating of the frond, give to its surface, when examined under a lens of moderate power, a netted appearance which is highly characteristic, and has suggested the name by which the Order is distinguished. In some, these internal cells form a regular honey-combed tissue of twelve-sided cells ; but in others they are cylindrical, arranged in longitudinal series or filaments which, however, cohere closely throughout their length, forming a membrane, and are not separable without laceration. In external habit the plants of this Order exhibit considerable variety. In some of the humblest, the frond is an unbranched thread formed of numerous cells concentrically disposed round an imperfectly hollow axis. Then we have bag-like, simple fronds, as in Asperococcus, formed as it were by the inflation of such a 100 DICTYOTACEiE. IV. thread, accompanied by tlie expansion of the walls into thin membranes. Next, in Punctaria, the bag becomes flattened into a nerveless leaf. In higher groups the tubular or flattened frond is divided into a branching stem, which, however, does not develope any separate leafy organs. In one case (Haliseris) this stem is winged throughout with membrane, or may be described as a midribbed branching frond. Among the most highly developed genera (Zonaria and Padina) the frond shows a tendency to assume a fan-shaped outline, having a definite, subcircular margin at the summit, and gradually widening from the base upwards. Such fronds are usually marked at regular intervals with concentric lines, and are formed of longi- tudinal rows of cells collaterally united in membranes ; the rows diverging as they grow, and new rows of cells being introduced in the interspaces. In many, and perhaps in all, the growing frond is clothed with exceedingly slender, jointed, and often colourless hairs, which sometimes, whilst expanded under water, decompose the rays of light, and cause the frond to display brilliant prismatic colours. These hairs are prolongations of the surface-cells, or issue from their sides, and are probably organs of the same kind as the pencilled fibres already noticed in the Sporochnacece. The fructification exhibits considerable diversity of aspect in the various genera, but the characters are of minor value, chiefly relating to the form and position of the masses of fruit. In all, the spores are developed externally, either being formed from the surface-cells, which, when fertilized, stand out prominently from the ordinary cells ; or from those cells immediately beneath the epidermis, in which case the spore-cell bursts through the external coat, carrying it outwards as a separated membrane. Usually each perispore contains but a single sporular mass, but in Padina, four spores are found at maturity in each perispore ; and in Cutleria, eight spores. In some genera the spores are scattered singly over the sur- face of the frond ; but in by far the greater number they are collected into definite spots, or sori, which are round, oblong, or linear, and are either dispersed irregularly over the whole surface, or confined to a certain part of it ; or else ranged in transverse, horizontal, or concentric bands. In some, both scattered and aggregated spores are found on the same individual, or on different individuals of the same species. In such cases, the scattered spores are usually of larger size and paler colour than the aggregated ones, and their contents appear to be different. They have sometimes been supposed to be antheridia, but have not, as yet, been examined with sufficient care. The spores in most cases are accompanied by barren, jointed hairs, or paranemata, which appear to be formed from the same parts as the fertile spores, but to have developed into numerous cells. In Stilophora these paranemata compose the greater part of the warts of fructification. In some of the more perfect forms, as in Cutleria and Padina, antheridia have been noticed ; these are sometimes found on the same individuals as the spores, and sometimes on different individuals. This Order is of decidedly rare occurrence on the American coast, and scarcely attracts much notice, from the amount of individuals representing the species, IV. DICT Y OTACEiE. 101 until we proceed as far south as Florida, where, on the Keys, several kinds occur in such abundance as to be conspicuous among the ordinary shore plants. This increase in numbers to the southward is characteristic of the Dictyotace® in general. Very few are found in high latitudes, and they gradually become more numerous, and of higher type of structure, the nearer we approach the torrid zone. Those which occur in temperate waters show their propensity for warmth by growing in shallow tide-pools near high-water mark, where they can enjoy a warm bath for many hours of a summer’s day. Thus Fadina Pavonia, which, on the American shore, is not found farther north than the Florida Keys, in lat. 25°, where it inhabits a region extending below low-water mark, reaches the latitude of 51° on the south coast of England, its farthest observed northern limit ; but there it is found only in warm pools near high-water mark, and in sheltered situations. This plant has a very wide distribution, being a native of all the warmer parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, as well as one of the most abundant shore-plants in the Mediterranean. It is possible that more than one species may be confounded under this name, but no satisfactory diagnostic characters have yet been pointed out. Dictyota dichotoma is equally cosmopolitan, and has been noticed in the cold waters of the Antarctic Ocean, as well as on the shores of New Zealand, the Cape of Good Hope, and on the western coast of South America. Of the genus Haliseris, which is scarcely represented on the North American coasts, ten species are known, all of them tropical or sub-tropical j although one (H. polypodioides) extends far to the north, and has been traced from the Canary Islands (lat. 28°) along the Atlantic shores of Europe, as far as lat. 53° 45' on the west of Ireland : and if the Tasmanian specimens and those reported from the Brazilian shores really belong to the same species, it has a nearly equal dispersion in the Southern Ocean. None of the Dictyotace® are used in the arts. SYNOPSIS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN GENERA. * Frond flat, dichotomous, traversed by a midrib. I. Haliseris. ** Frond flat, without midrib. f Frond fan-shaped, vertically cleft. II. Padina. Sori linear, concentric, bursting through the epidermis. III. Zonaria. Sori roundish, scattered. IT. Taonia. Sori linear, concentric, superficial, alternating with scattered solitary- spores. DICTYOTACE2E.—PIaliseris. 102 IV. tt Frond linear, dichotomous. V. Dictyota. ff Frond undivided. VIII. Punctaria. IX. Soranthera, Post, and Rupr. (I do not see how this differs from Punctaria.) *** Frond cylindrical, or bag-like. f Branched. VI. Stilophora. Seri wart-like, composed of spores and moniliform threads. VII. Dictyo siphon. Spores either solitary and scattered, or collected into dot-like sori. tt XJnbranched, bag like. X. Asperococcus. * * * * Frond pierced with round holes, lacedike. XI. Hydroclatiirus. 1. HALISERIS. Tozzetti. Root coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, linear, membranaceous, traversed by a cartilaginous midrib. Spores collected in naked sori, disposed in longitudinal lines at either side of the midrib, and rising from both surfaces of the membra- nous frond. Paranemata forming groups separate from the sporiferous sori. This is the only genus in the Order in which the frond is traversed by a midrib ; and one species (H’. Areschougia, J. Ag.) is described as being nerveless. In most species the membranous border of the frond tears with ease in an oblique direction toward the midrib ; so that it is rare to find specimens of full size in which the lower part of the fronds is not much jagged. The margin is either entire, or minutely denticulate, and is sometimes thicker than the rest of the membrane. In two species the midrib throws off lateral secondary nerves which traverse the frond toward the margin, ascending obliquely. Of the ten species known, four are American, four South African, one Australian and Indian, and one a native of the tropical and temperate regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. The name, derived aks and aepis, is spelled Halyseris by Agardh, &c. DICTYOTACEiE.—Padina. IV. 103 1. IIaliseris delicatula, Lamour. ; frond delicately membranaceous, winged from the base, dichotomous ; with very patent linear segments and rounded angles ; the margin very entire, somewhat thickened. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. 1, p. 116. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 562. (Tab. VII. A.) Hab. On the shores of Mexico, J. Agardh. (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) Fronds densely tufted, three or four inches long, and from one to two lines in breadth, thrice or four times forked, the forkings an inch or more apart, widely spreading or divaricate, and somewhat flexuous. Segments linear, obtuse, with an entire, slightly thickened margin, distinctly marked by a depressed line, and formed of smaller and more vertical cells than the interior portion of the membrane. Sori minute, oblong, forming a line at each side of the midrib. Substance very thin and delicate, composed of oblong cells, ranged in series proceeding obliquely from the midrib to the margin. Colour very pale, greenish-olive. I have not seen Mexican specimens, and have taken this description and prepared the figure given from specimens collected at Pernambuco, and presented by Dr. Areschoug, to the Herbarium of the University of Dublin. Plate VII. A. Fig. 1. Plant of Haliseris delicatula; the natural size; fig. 2, a segment, slightly magnified ; fig. 3, a small portion of the same, with a sorus ; fig. 4, spores : both more or less highly magnified. II. PADINA. Adans. Boot coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, ribless, fan-shaped, marked at regular distances with concentric lines, and fringed with articulated hairs ; the apex invo- lute. Fructification, linear, concentric sori, formed beneath the cuticle of the upper surface of the frond, and bursting through it; and containing at maturity, numer- ous obovate, hyaline perispores fixed by their bases, each perispore enclosing four spores. Paranemata club-shaped, articulate, disposed in concentric lines alternating between the sori. Four species of this genus are retained by Agardh, who admits the difficulty of distinguishing them by exact characters. All have very similar fronds, all inhabit the warmer parts of the sea, and P. Pavonia at least is subject, even in the same locality, to variations almost as great as those which have been fixed on by authors, as characteristics of the several supposed species. But if there be a difficulty in distinguishing these plants, supposing them to be really different in specific charac- ter one from another, there is none in recognising our common species among all 104 DICTYOTACEiE.—Padina. IY. other Algce ; for its form and substance are strikingly peculiar. Its fan-like shape, and its property of reflecting prismatic colours whilst growing under water, have won it the popular name of Peacock’s-tail. 1. Padina Pavonia, Lamour. ; frond between membranaceous and coriaceous, broadly fan-shaped, entire or deeply and variously cleft, each lacinia being then fan-shaped, powdery on its outer surface ; concentric lines numerous. Harv. Phyc. Brit. t. 91. J- Ay. Sp. Alg. 1, p. 113. Zonaria Pavonia, Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. t. 22. f 1. Sp. Alg. p. 565. Ulva Pavonia, Linn. E. Bot. t. 1276. (Tab. VII. B.) Hab. On stones, &c. about low-water mark. Annual. Spring and early summer. Abundant on some of the Keys at Florida, as at Sand Key in February, W. II. II. Later in the season it appears at Key West, Dr. Blodgett, &c. Conch Key, Prof. M, Tuomey. (v. v.) Boot densely coated and cushioned with woolly hairs. Fronds tufted, from two to five or six inches in height, cuneate at the base, rapidly expanding into a broadly fan-shaped lamina, whose upper margin forms constantly a circular arc. This lamina, which is at first simple, is at length, as the plant advances in growth, cloven into numerous lobes, by splits arising in some point of the margin and proceeding downward toward the base : each lobe, at first cuneate, soon becomes, by the rapid lateral development of its arched margin, fan-shaped like the primary frond. The whole fronds of young plants, and the several lacinise of older, are, when the plant is growing, rolled up in little conical or funnel-shaped cups. At distances of one or two lines, the frond is marked with concentric bands, more or less evident, according to age, along each of which is developed a fringe of extremely slender, orange coloured, jointed hairs. These hairs, which in young plants are found on every band, are limited on older specimens to the last formed bands, and at length disappear. The margin at the summit of the frond is always strongly rolled inwards ; the outer or lower surface of the lamina is whitened with a variable quantity of chalky powder ; the inner surface, except for the fringes of hairs, is smooth, olive-coloured, greenish towards the summit. The sori of fructification form concentric bands, alternating between the fringed bands. They are at first concealed beneath the surface-cells, but burst through in lines, raising the membra- nous skin of the frond, which then folds over them like the indusium of a fern. At maturity, the sorus consists of numerous obovate, hyaline perispores, fixed to a linear receptacle, each containing four sporules. Paranemata, club-shaped, articu- lated filaments, are found also in concentric bands, parallel to those which produce spores, and placed at short distances from them. Plate VII. B. Fig. 1. Plant of Padina Pavonia ; the natural size ; fig. 2, part of the surface, showing portions of the band-like sori of spores, and of paranemata respectively ; fig. 3, vertical section of the frond, showing spores in situ ; fig. 4, IV. DICTYOTACEiE.—Zonaeia. 105 spores, each containing four sporules in the perispore ; fig. 5, section through one of the concentric bands of paranemata ; fig. 6, paranemata : the latter figures more or less highly magnified. III. ZONAEIA, Ag. Boot coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, ribless, coriaceo-membranaceous, flabelliform, entire or vertically cleft, the segments radiating ; the surface cellules disposed in distinct longitudinal lines flabellately radiating from the base. Con- centric lines indistinct. Fructification roundish or linear sori, formed beneath the cuticle of the frond, and bursting through at either surface ; and composed at maturity, of spores furnished with hyaline perispores, and of paranemata which are mixed with the perispores. Paranemata club-shaped, articulated, numerous. In the more or less fan-shaped frond this genus approaches Padina, but differs in the more opaque substance, only obscurely marked with concentric zones ; and in the fructification, which is not disposed in regular, concentric lines. Here, too, the spores and paranemata occupy the same sorus, while in Padina they are sepa- rated. Under a pocket lens the surface appears to be finely striated longitudinally an appearance caused by the disposition of the superficial cellules, which are ranged in lines proceeding from the base, slightly diverging one from another, and admit- ting the introduction of new series of cells between each original row, as the frond advances in growth. From this peculiarity results the fan-like form of the mature frond. Ten or twelve species of this genus, from various parts"of the world, are known to botanists. All are natives of the warmer parts of the sea, with the exception of Z. parvula, which by some authors is rejected from the genus. 1. Zonaeia lobata, Ag. ; frond erect, coated with woolly hairs at the base only, membranaceo-coriaceous, broadly flabelliform, at first with a nearly entire margin, then palmately cloven, or divided nearly to the base ; laciniae eventually elongate, wedge-shaped, simple or again divided, concentrically zoned ; sori linear, formed along the concentric lines. J. Aq. Sp. Alq. vol. 1, p. 109. Stypopodium fuliqinosum, Kite. Sp. Alg.p. 663. (Tab. YII. C.) FIab. On stones about low-water mark. Annual ? Keys of Florida : abundant at Sand Key in February ; and sparingly, at the same season, at Key West, W. H. H. Sand Key, Prof. M. Tuomey. (v. v.). YOL. m. AET. 4. DICT Y OTACEiE.—Zonaria. IV. Boot clothed with entangled and curled woolly hairs, which extend a short way from the base, covering from half an inch to an inch square of the lower part of the frond. The frond, which eventually becomes a foot or more in length and divided nearly to the base into many narrow lobes, originates in a sessile or nearly sessile, broadly reniform, membranaceo-coriaceous lamina. This lamina has at first a circumscribed margin, forming a somewhat cycloidal curve, and is nearly undivided. When it attains an inch or two in height, vertical slits, commencing in the margin, extend downwards, dividing it in a pedate or palmate manner, into a great number of narrow, wedge-shaped laciniaa, placed side by side in digitate order. These, as they grow, become fiabellate above, from the divergence of the rows of cells of which they are composed, and are again cleft and re-cleft, until often the originally reniform leaf becomes a bunch of narrow ribbons growing from a central point. In all these changes the apical margin remains truncate, and circumscribed by a curved line. It is perfectly flat, not inrolled. Radiating striae, or inequalities in texture, proceeding from the base upwards towards each lobe, are more or less obvious in various specimens ; and faint concentric lines, paler than the rest of the frond, are seen here and there crossing the lobes, at distances of a quarter to half an inch. These are more evident on older and more divided specimens, though they occur on the upper or newer portions of their fronds. The radiating longitu- dinal bands or striae are sometimes very faint, and sometimes strongly marked. I have not seen fructification on any specimen collected at Sand Key.* The colour when growing is a dark olive, reflecting prismatic colours, chiefly vivid greens and blues, from the striated surface. In fresh water a good deal of dark colouring matter is given out ; yet in drying the frond becomes exceedingly dark. In this state it adheres, but not very strongly, to paper, and shrinks very considerably. Not having seen authentically named specimens of Zonaria variegata, Ag., it would be rash to say that that species may be only an undeveloped or small state of the present. Some of my Sand Key specimens are so remarkably striated, or marked with darker and paler longitudinal bands, and others so obscurely banded, and there are such insensible gradations between the banded and unbanded individuals, that I fear a character derived from these bands will not stand good. If Z. variegata, then, be distinguishable from our Z. lobata, it will probably be by a character taken from the different form of the sori, which are said to be u elliptical and scattered” in that species. Plate VII. C. Fig. 1, plant of Zonaria lobata ; the natural size : fig. 2, small portion of the summit of a segment, magnified, to show the surface cellules. * The son, on West Indian specimens, form dark lines at both sides of the pale, concentric band; but, besides these linear sori, others of irregular form are scattered between the bands. IV. HICTYOTACEiE.—Taonia. IV. TAONIA, J. Ag. Boot coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, ribless, vaguely cleft, reticulated ; the surface-cellules equally distant, in the apices of the laciniae in parallel or subdiver- gent series. Concentric lines more or less evident. Fructification : linear, wavy, concentric, superficial son., on both surfaces of the frond, destitute of indusium, and consisting of spores, furnished with hyaline perispores, and unaccompanied by paranemata. This genus is formed for the reception of the old TJlva atomaria, Good, and Woodw., which has been variously referred to Zonaria, Dictyota, and Padina. To this typical species, whose character is chiefly embodied in the above generic diagnosis, Prof. Agardh has added, doubtfully, two other species, one of which falls within our limits. Perhaps it would have been better to have retained Kiitzing’s genus, Spatoglossum, for these two, whose relation to T. Atomaria is rather doubtful. 1. Taonia? Scliroederi, J. Ag. ; frond decompoundly cleft, irregularly dichoto- mous ; laciniae broadly linear, toothed above, and bordered with marginal processes or lobules; “antheridia? scattered over the whole surface,” (fructification unknown). J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 102. Dictyota Scliroederi, K'utz. Sp.Alg.p. 566. Aresch. Ic. t. 9- TJlva Scliroederi, Mart. FI. Braz. p. 21, Ic. Select. 1, t. 2, /. 3. Hab. At Yera Cruz, Mexico, Liebman! (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.) Frond rising from a shaggy base, ten to twelve inches in length, somewhat fan. shaped in the general outline of its laciniae, irregularly dichotomous ; the principal laciniae from half to three-quarters inch in breadth, the upper ones gradually narrower. In the lower part of the principal laciniae the margin is either entire or obscurely denticulate ; in the upper half it is either strongly toothed, or the teeth lengthen out into linear or subulate, simple or slightly compound lobules. Sometimes the margin is flat, sometimes undulated or even curled. The apices are often irregularly jagged. The sinuses between the laciniae are rounded, and the laciniae themselves diverge at wide angles. The substance is thin and mem- branous, shrinking much in drying ; and the colour is a brownish or a greenish olive. No fructification has yet been observed, but the frond is commonly dotted over with minute, dark, prominent cells, which Agardh supposes may contain antheridia. 108 DICT Y OT AC EiE.—Dictyota. IV. Y. DICTYOTA. Lamour. Boot coated with woolly hairs. Frond flat, ribless, membranaceous, dichotomous or sub-pinnatifid, reticulated ; the surface cellules minute, equidistant, converging at the ends of the laciniae and ending in a single cellule. Concentric lines none. Fructification ; roundish, scattered sori, bursting through the cuticle of both surfaces of the frond, consisting at maturity of numerous obovate, tufted spores, with hyaline perispores. Paranemata in sori distinct from those containing spores, clavate, articulate, filled with grumous matter. This genus, as recently reformed by Prof. J. Agardh, is easily known from any of the preceding by the mode of development of the frond, each of whose laciniae is seen to terminate in a single cellule, by the constant division of which at its lower side the other cells of the frond are formed, the terminal cell being thus continually pushed onwards. From this mode of growth it results that the longitudinal lines of superficial cells, which in the flabellate genera already described diverge from one another, in this converge: thus affording a ready method of ascertaining the genus in default of fructification. 1. Dictyota Fasciola, Lamour. (?) ; fronds densely tufted, very narrow, mem- branaceous, linear, many times dichotomous ; axils obtuse ; laciniae patent, very entire ; apices acute ; sori forming a medial line, and often accompanied by filiform processes. J. Ag. Sp.Alg. 1, p. 89- Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 555. Both. Cat. Bot. vol. 1, p. 7, /• 1. Esp. Fuc. t. 44. (?). (Tab. YIII. B.) Hab. On rocks and stones, and corals near low-water mark. Annual. Abun- dant on the Florida Keys. Key West, Feb., W. H. H. (v. v.) Fronds forming large and dense tufts, matted together at the base, six to ten inches in length, scarcely a line in breadth, of nearly equal breadth from the base to the apex, many times dichotomous. The axils are conspicuously rounded and the laciniae thus diverge one from another, particularly the upper ones. Some- times the forking proceeds with equal arms throughout the tuft, and then the plant forms round, fastigiate masses, the individual fronds not having any leading stem. In other specimens one arm of the fork, at alternate sides of the growing branch, is constantly shorter than the other ; thus a frond with leading stems, bordered with short, simple or forked laciniae, is formed. The substance of the frond is membranaceous, thickish and subopaque below ; the surface cells are about four times as long as broad ; and the largish, hexagonal cells of the interior of the frond may be seen through the exterior cells in the younger parts at least. The apices are more or less acute, but not acuminate. The sori are disposed in a line through the centre of the lamina. Those formed of paranemata are most iv. DICTYOTACEiE.—Dictyota. abundant in my specimens, between which scattered spores are often found. In very many specimens the position of the sori is occupi jd by a line of proliferous papillte or cilia of greater or less length. I have some doubts w ether I am correct in referring the F’orida plant to D. Fasciola, Lam., to which, if it be different, it approaches very closely. I have compared it with Mediterranean specimens, but not with very well preserved or sufficiently developed ones ; and the agreement in most respects is very great. But there is considerable difference in aspect among the Key West specimens, so much that at first I referred them to two species, in one of which the frond is fastigiate, and regularly dichotomous ; in the other, having more virgate branches, pinnatifido- dichotomous. On comparison of a great number of specimens, I do not find this difference in branching sufficiently constant. The figures of Roth and Esper, quoted above, are very rude. The present species is what was formerly doubtfully referred, on my authority, to D. linearis, Ag., and published by Prof. J. W. Bailey, as such, in his list of North American Algte. Plate YIII. B. Fig. 1, Plant of Dictyota Fasciola ; the natural size ; jig. 2, portion of a segment, with spores, and tufts of antheridia; jig. 3, portion of a similar segment with papilke ; both magnified ; jig. 4, small portion of a segment, with scattered spores and tufts of paranemata ; showing also the surface cellules, and the lines defining the large internal cells ; highly magnified. 2. Dictyota dichotoma, Lamour.; frond repeatedly dichotomous, broadly-linear, (1—4 lines broad) membranaceous ; the axils narrow and subacute ; lacinise erecto- patent, gradually narrower towards the extremities ; the margin entire ; the apices obtuse or emarginato-crenate ; sori and scattered spores dispersed over the medial region of the segments, leaving an unoccupied space within each margin. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. I, p. 92. llarv. Fhyc. Brit. t. 103. Ulva dichotoma, Huds.—E. Bot. t. 774. Dictyota vulgaris, and D. dichotoma, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 553, 554. Dicho- phyllum, Kiitz. Fhyc. Gen. p. 337. Hab. On stones and sea plants in tide pools. Rare. At Charleston, growing on old submerged wood-work at Sullivan’s Island, Prof. Lewis R. Gihhes, Key West, W. H. H. (v. v.) Fronds tufted, but not very densely clustered, from three to six inches long or more, varying much in breadth ; ordinarily three or four lines in breadth, but sometimes much narrower and occasionally wider, several times dichotomous ; the segments at each successive forking becoming narrower. In some varieties, the ulti- mate segments are very narrow and constantly spirally twisted ; in the ordinary forms they are flat, and not much narrower than the lower ones. The axils are narrower than in the preceding species and the segments less widely spreading ; and the apices are decidedly obtuse. The substance is thin and membranous, semi- 110 DICTYOTACEA.—Dictyota. IV. transparent, and the areolations visible with a moderately powerful pocket lens ; they vary in shape and in size in different parts of the membrane, and I fear scarcely afford a satisfactory specific character. I have not seen fruit on American specimens. On the European plant two sorts of fruit have been noticed, on different individuals : first, oval clusters of spores, covered at first by a common vesicular membrane ; each spore when ripe containing four sporules in a hyaline perispore ; second, solitary, roundish, simple spores scattered over the surface. The colour is olivaceous, some- times greenish and sometimes brownish. 3. Dictyota ciliata, J. Ag.; frond woolly at the base, repeatedly dichotomous, broadly linear, membranaceous ; the axils rounded ; laciniae patent, linear, gradually narrower towards the extremities ; the margin ciliate, with distant, awl-shaped, slender teeth ; the apices obtuse ; spores forming minute sori scattered over the middle region of the lamina, leaving an unoccupied space within each margin. J. Ag. Symb. 1. p. 5. Sp. Alg. vol. 1. p. 93. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 556. (Tab. VIII. A.) Hab. On Algae and corals near low-water mark. Florida Keys, abundant at Key West, Dr. Wurdemann, Dr. Blodgett, W. H. //., Sfc. (v. v.). Root and lower part of the frond coated with curled, woolly hairs. Fronds densely tufted, six to eight or ten inches in length, from an eighth to a quarter-inch in breadth, many times dichotomous ; the laciniae gradually narrower in the upper dichotomies, ciliated at intervals of a few lines with slender, subulate, tooth-like processes. These are more abundant in some specimens than in others. The axils are rounded ; the lower ones spread widely and the upper are gradually narrower. The apices are subacute, or blunted. The sori consist of a few spores, irregularly grouped together, and scattered over three-fourths of the surface of the laciniae, leaving a narrow unoccupied portion down each margin. Sometimes the frond is pitted, (as shown at fig. 4,) the pits apparently caused by the falling off of the sori, carrying with them the surface cells. The colour is a clear brown olive, greener toward the tops; and the substance is membranaceous, shrinking in drying. Readily known, in most cases, by the ciliate margins ; but sometimes nearly in which case it may be mistaken for D. dichotoma. Plate VIII. A. Fig. 1. Plant of Dictyota ciliata; the natural size fig. 2, part of a segment, with sori, and fig. 3, part of a segment from which the spores have fallen, leaving pits ; both magnified ; fig. 4, small portion of the surface, with sorus, showing the small surface cellules, and the lines defining the large internal cells : highly magnified. 4. Dictyota Bartayresiana, Larnour. ; frond scarcely woolly at the base, repeat- edly dichotomous, linear, coriaceo-membranaceous, very entire ; the axils rounded ; IV. DICTYOTACEfiE.—Dictyota. laciniae spreading, especially the upper ones ; apices divaricate, tlie younger ones sharply bifid, each lobe acuminate ; spores forming minute sori scattered over the whole surface of the lamina.—J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 94. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 554. (Tab. VIII. C.) IIab. Tropical. Coast of Mexico, at Vera Cruz, Liebman! (v. s. in Herb. T.C.D.). Frond three or four inches long, one or two lines in diameter, of nearly equal breadth throughout, many times dichotomously divided, with rounded axils and spreading segments. The uppermost divisions are more or less divaricated. The margin is entire and flat. The young apices are sharply notched or bifid ; each notch deltoid-acuminate, ending in a sharp point. The sori are minute and densely dotted over the whole surface. In our specimen they have fallen away, leaving cavities in their place. The substance of the frond is thickish, somewhat coriaceous, and the structure is denser than in some other species. The surface cellules are minute ; the areolations beneath them not much longer than their breadth. In drying, this plant does not adhere to paper. Known by its sharply bifid apices from any state of D. fasciola or D. dichotoma. Distinguished from D. acutiloba by the widely scattered fructification. Plate VIII. C. Fig. 1, Plant of Dictyota Bartayresiana ; the natural size ; fg. 2, apex of a segment, magnified ; fig. 3, extremity of the same, with depressions from which sori have fallen, and showing the surface cellules and internal cells ; highly magnified. 5. Dictyota crenulata, J. Ag. ; frond woolly at the base, repeatedly dichotomous, coriaceo-membranaceous, with patent, but not very blunt axils ; laciniie linear, undulate; the margin eroso-dentate, the toothlets close together and of unequal size ; apices very blunt, lingulate ; sori at length occupying the whole surface. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 94. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 558. IIab. Tropical. At St. Augustin, on the Pacific coast of the Mexican Republic, Liebman ! (v. s. in Herb. T. C. D.). Fronds tufted, 2—4 inches high, about one and half or two lines in breadth, gra- dually wider from the base upwards, many times closely dichotomous ; the segments spreading, the whole frond having a fan-like outline. The sinuses betwen the laciniae are rounded, though not conspicuously so, and the upper ones are rather narrow. The margin is undulated, and closely eroso-denticulate, or jagged with unequal, deltoid, or subulate, tooth-like processes. The apices are rather wider than the portions below them, and so blunt as to be almost truncate. The young ones are obtusely emar- ginate. The sori are small, at first forming patches here and there, but eventually 112 DICTYOTACEiE Stilophora. IV. occupying the whole superficies. The dentation of the margin is of the same nature as that of D. ciliata, but the teeth are very much closer and more irregular in for a than in that species. YI. STILOPHORA. J. Ag. Root a small, naked dis \ Frond cylindrical, branched, solid, or imperfectly tubular ; composed of two strata of cells, the inner stratum of many rows of colourless cells, of which those nearest the centre become ruptured in age, leaving a cavity traversing the frond ; the outer stratum o one or two rows of minute, coloured cells. Fructification, convex, wart-like sori, scattered over he branches, composed of obovate spores, nestling among moniliforin, simple, densely packed paranemata. The frond is described by Agardh as being at first tubular, but gradually becoming soli l w th advanc ng age. The contrary of this structure has always appeared to me to be the case, the older parts being more empty than the younger. 1. Stilophora rhizodes, J. Ag. ; frond subsolid, much and irregularly branched, subdichotomous ; the apice * scarcely attenuate, acute ; ramuli scattered, forked ; sori densely covering the branches and ramuli. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. 1, p. 85. Harv. Pliyc. Brit. t. TO. Spermatochnus rhizodes, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 549. (Tab. IX. B. . Hab. Near low-water mark, on other Algae in tide pools. Bare. Newhaven, Dr. Durhee. Greenport, Long Island, W. II. H. Oyster Bay, N. Y. Mr. Walters. (v. v.) Frond, in the American specimens, from four to five inches long, as thick as hog’s bristle, much branched, irregularly dichotomous, with rounded axils. Branches flexuous, variously divided, furnished with a few latera ramuli hich are either simple or forked above their middle. The apices are acute, but not much tapered. The whole frond, in fertile specimens, is densely covered with the prominent, wart- like fructification ; each wart composed of a great many moniliforin vertical fila- ments, packed together. Among these the obovate spores are found lying, being attached to the bases of the filaments. The colo i is a greenish olive ; and the substance cartilaginous and elastic when fresh, ut soon beco ing oft and gelatin- ous, and in drying the branches shrink considerably and adhere strongly to paper. IV. PICT Y OTACEiE.—Dictyosiphon. 113 Plate IX. B. Fig. 1. Frond of Stilophora rhizodes, the natural size ; fig. 2, a small portion of a branch, with its wart-like sori, magnified; fig. 3, section of a sorus, and of a portion of the frond ; fig. 4, a spore and paranema ; the latter figures highly magnified. 2. Stilophorapapillosa, J. Ag. (?); frond cylindrical, many times dichotomous, with very patent angles and divaricating, attenuated apices ; the dichotomous branches and their lesser divisions clothed with very many slender horizontal, hair- like ramuli. J. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. l,p. 84. (?) Hab. Chesapeake Bay, Prof. J. W. Bailey, (v. s.). I am not satisfied that the plant from the Chesapeake, which I introduce more on my friend Prof. Bailey’s authority than my own, is the same as the Mediterranean species described by Agardh; nor, indeed, am I quite certain that it belongs to this genus. I have examined one of the original specimens, presented to me by Prof. Bailey, and had intended figuring it, but have not been able to make out the microscopical characters to my satisfaction. The above specific diagnosis applies very well to the specimen. But Meneghini’s figure, {Alg. Ital. t. 3, /. 2,) quoted by Agardh for his species, is very unlike our plant. I have seen no authentic example of the Mediterranean S. papillosa, and thus am unable fully to decide on the identity of the American ; and, in this uncertainty, think it better to place the species on record, in the hope that future observation may clear the subject in one way or other. My specimen is about four inches square in the spread of the branches, and it scarcely adheres to the paper on which it has been dried. VII. DICTYOSIPHON. Grev. Root a small, naked disc. Frond filiform, tubular, much branched ; its walls composed of several rows of cells, of which the inner are elongated, and connected into longitudinal filamentous series ; the outer or superficial small, coloured, poly- gonal, forming a membrane. Fructification : solitary or aggregated, naked spores, scattered irregularly over the surface. When young the frond is solid, but the cells forming the axis, which are of larger size than the rest, are also weaker and soon perish, leaving the stem and branches fistular. In a growing state every branch is clothed with long, slender, pellucid, jointed hairs, which give the plant, when seen under water, a beautifully feathery character. Similar hairs are seen on many others of the Order, and are doubtless connected with the development of the frond. The walls are composed YOL. III. ART. 4. 114 DICTYOTACEiE.—Punctaria. IV. of many rows of elongated cells, disposed longitudinally and firmly united into a compact cellular substance. The innermost of these are very long, the outer pro- portionably shorter. All, except those that compose the outermost row or circle, are colourless, and nearly empty. 1. Dictyosipiion fcmiculaceus, Grev. ; frond setaceous, very much branched ; the branches capillary, decompound ; ramuli subulate, alternate or scattered, rarely opposite.—J. Ag. Sp. Alg.vol. 1, p. 82. Kiltz. Sp. Alg.p. 485. Harv. Phyc. Brit, t. 326. Hab. In rock pools, between tide-marks on stones and the smaller Algse. Sea shores from New Brunswick to Long Island Sound. Prince Edward’s Island, Dr. Jeans. Halifax, IF. H. H. Boston Bay, G. B. Emerson and Mrs. Asa Gray, fyc., Rhode Island, Mr. Geo. Hunt, Mr. Olney,