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WITH MOTEG3®(!!JQ DILILIBISTiSATJ'O®!!!!©- BY THE REV. JOSEPH II. WYTHES, M.D. AUTHOR OP "THE MICROSCOPIST," ETC., ETC. "Every grain of sand is an immensity—every leaf a world,"—Lavater. A neat 16mo. volume. Cloth, gilt, $1 00. "This is a beautiful little book—beautiful in its printing, its colored plates, and its whole getting up, and is well adapted to instruct and amuse those for whom it is intended. There are twelve plates, containing numerous figures, drawn with much care, even to minute details. The spirit of the work is excellent, and we wish it in the hands of all the children of the land."—SiUiman's Journal. "It communicates substantial knowledge in the most entertaining way, and opens to the young intellect the whole subject of natural philosophy. The colored en- gravings greatly illustrate these instructions. We haye seen no book written for young people that we can more cordially recommend."—Christian Advocate and Journal. "The revelations of the microscope are truly astonishing; and the effort to unveil the minute parts of creation visible to youthful eyes by its amazing power, is worthy of praise. The style of this volume is adapted to the class for which it is prepared! and the numerous illustrations, beautifully colored, not only add to its beauty, but also to its usefulness."—Recorder. " The style of the book is simple, yet comprehensive; and there are few men and women who will not, as well as the young, find pleasure and instruction in its pages. The colored plates, showing the appearance of a variety of things, animate and in- animate, as they appear when subjected to the microscope, are well executed, and form not the least attractive feature in the volume."—Home Gazette. "For children who have any germs of a taste for scientific investigations, this little book would be highly attractive, and would encourage in all whom curiosity might tempt to its perusal, that love of Nature which forms one of the purest and richest sources of pleasure through life."—Saturday Post. " No more beautiful present can be given to our children, nor one better calculated to enlarge their views of the wonders of creation. It will also furnish much knowledge to children of a larger growth."—State Banner. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers. PLATE- 2 T Smdairs ItA.'i THE MICROSCOPIST: OR, vii » % (fcnntiiUh Hlitittntt;* ON THE V. USE OF THE MI CEO SCOPE: PHYSICIANS, STUDENTS, AND ALL LOVERS OF NATURAL SCIENCE. SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED AND ENLARGED. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. JOSErH H. WYTHES, M.D. ) simple foot-like process from ( one or from each aperture, , Hairy I illoricated,.......Cyclinida. Epitricha. } loricated,......Pendmaea. ^hSToV^filloricated,.......Vortjcellina. only for nutrition, j loricated,......Ophrydina. Anopisthia. (. Two ditto orifices, f v„„v,0i;<, one at each J illoricated,.......J:«*f* extremity. \ ldricated,......Colepina. Enantritena. \ Orifices situated oblique. Allotreta. u illoricated. (^ loricated, •{ mouth furnished with pro- ) Trachelina. boscis, tail absent, ) mouth anterior, tail present, Ophryocercina. ......Aspidiscina. , locomotive organs cilii, Kolpodea. Orifices abdominal.) illoricated, | do do -various, Oxytnchina. Catotreta. ) ,„„;„„+„,, '.!..-- Euplota. t loricated, CLASS II. ROTATORIA. fmarein of cilii-wreath entire, j illoricated, Icthydina. With a simple con- ° Holotrocha. \ loricated, Oecistina. tinuous wreath of ,, marg;n 0f cilii-wreath lobed or J i]]oricated) Megalotrochaea. C1U1. (Monotrocha.) notched. Schizotrocha. \ loricated, Floscularia. With a compound divided wreath cilii. {Sorolrocha.) fwi 1 or of { illoricated, Hydatinea. loricated, Euchlanidota. with the cilii-wreath divided into several series,. Pulytrocha. { with the cilii-wreath divided intof i]ioriCatea, Philodinaea. I two series. < ioricated, Brachionaea Zygotrocha. ( PROCURING OBJECTS. 83 In reference to obtaining infusoria, some persons imagine that if they procure a portion of fetid ditch-water, or take a few flowers, &c, and macerate them in water, they will be furnished in a few days with all the varieties they may desire; but this is not the case. Infusoria will of course be found, but they will be only of the most ordinary kinds. To obtain those of higher interest, some degree of skill is required. Many remarkable species have been taken in meadow-trenches in the slowly running water, after a summer shower, especially about the time that the first crop of hay was mown. Among healthy water-plants, the various kinds of Vorticellina (Sten- tors and Vorticellae, or trumpet and bell-shaped infusoria), and Rotatoria (wheel-animalcules), may be sought for with success. The stems of aquatic plants have often the appearance, to the naked eye, of being encased with mouldiness, or mucor, which on being examined with the microscope, proves to be an ex- tensive colony of arborescent animalcules. The dust-like stratum sometimes seen on the surface of ponds, and the shining film which sometimes covers water-plants, assuming various hues of red, brown, yellow, green, and blue, is caused by the presence of infusoria, some of which are very beautiful. Many species live in the clean fresh water of rivers, lakes, and springs; and the brine of the ocean, liKewise, as well as the mould on the surface of the earth, has its microscopic inhabi- tants. In order to procure animalculae, provide yourself with a number of clean, wide-mouthed, glass phials, fitted with proper corks, not glass stoppers, so that the air may have access to them, at least to some extent. Have also a rod, or walking- cane, which may be prepared with a spring-hook and ferule for fastening a phial on its end, although a piece of twine is a good substitute. On reaching the pond, &c, carry the phial (attached to the rod) in an inverted position, and when at 84 THE MICROSCOPIST. proper depth, or in the neighborhood of water-plants, it should be turned quickly, when animalculae, &c, will run into it. Water-fleas and Daphniae should be frightened away by shak- ing the phial before turning. If in the phial, they go quickly to the bottom, and the upper water can be poured off. Exa- mine the water with a pocket lens, and preserve the animal- culae. The indications of the presence of infusoria are specks mov- ing about in the water, or an apparent mouldiness around the stalks of the water-plants, &c, which may have been caught in the phial. If these appearances be not discerned by the magnifier, the water may be thrown away, and another place resorted to. A small portion only of vegetable matter should be preserved in the phial, as its decay may soon kill the ani- malcules. Small newts and many larvae should be preserved; the for- mer especially, as they eat up the Daphniae, Monoculi, &c, that destroy the Vorticellae. In the branchiae of young newts, too, and in their feet, the circulation of the blood is beautifully seen. The phial should sometimes be laid horizontally on the bot- tom of the pond, and scrape the surface of the mud. This should be put in a large jar with water, and in a day or two the animalculae will be on the surface of the mud, from which they can be removed with the fishing-tubes (see page 49), and placed under the microscope. If the creatures are too minute to be seen easily with the naked eye, pour a little water from the vessel containing them into a watch glass, and place it on a piece of card-board, ren- dered half black and half white. The white ground will make the dark specimens apparent and vice versa. They can then be seen with the pocket lens, and taken out with the fishing- tubes. PROCURING OBJECTS. 85 In order to show the stomachs, cilia, &c, of animalcula? under the microscope, rub some pure sap-green or carmine on a palette or plate of glass, and add a few drops of water. If the glass be now held on one side, a portion of the coloring matter may be put into the water on the slide containing the animalculae. If they be vorticellae or rotiferae, the particles of coloring matter will show the vibratile actions of the cilia, whilst other particles swallowed by the animals, will give a rich tint to the compartments of their alimentary canal. Fossil Infusoria.—A great number of infusorial earths may be mounted in balsam (test objects dry, however) without washing, &c, but others must be repeatedly washed or digested in acid. For the skeletons or shields in carbonate of lime, consisting mostly of Polythalamia, or many-chambered shells, Professor Ehrenberg has directed to place a drop of water on the slide, and put into it as much scraped chalk as will cover the fine point of a knife, spreading it out, and leaving it to rest a few seconds; then withdraw the finest particles, which are suspended in the water, together with most of the water, and let the remainder become perfectly dry. Cover this with Canada balsam, and hold it over a lamp until it becomes slightly fluid without froth. Siliceous Shields of Infusoria, such as those in guano, Richmond earth, &c, require to be well washed and boiled or digested in nitric or hydrochloric acid. After this, a small quantity of the sediment in which they are contained should be placed on a number of slides, and those containing the best specimens laid aside for mounting. In guano and Richmond earth are found most beautiful saucer-shaped shells, having hexagonal markings, which have received the name of Cosci- nodiscus, or sieve-like disc. They vary in size from T£ H ™ H g M «3 S2 H a 3 g o p o °5« 5 2 « (3 a 6. § o eh -< M o o o .J w > H i o S3 3 M S EH & ■< 3* M ■4 o o 9a eh o 3 B "< as * H h *= 3 IBs « H S a &, s §°* n o Eh 1 2 Eh O P. W B CM ( Round 3-4 White Smooth One or The Enve Dis- Dis- Very Corru- Corru- Corru- Ren- No No Dis- \ or ob- times or or two, very lopes solves solves quickly gates gates gates ders the change change solves ) long longer yellow none at sel- small are the en- the en- dis- the the the glo- the the <, than all dom and bro- velopes, velopes, solves enve- enve- globu- bules glo- globu- J those none the ken the 2-5 the 2-5 the lopes lopes les, and trans- bules, / of the larger nuclei nuclei enve- gives parent, . the blood remain remain lopes them a yellow tinge the con-tracted nucleus remain- mu-cous fluid remain- forms from 1-5 nuclei 1 ing ing f Pro- Pro- Pro- 1 Forms Forms Forms Forms i duces duces duces no fila- no fila- no fila- no fila- 1 no no no ments ments ments ments t change change change' CHAPTER XL ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. Mere dissection, with the most artful management of the scalpel, cannot make a full exhibition of the true structure of animal bodies. The arteries are found, after death, to be emptied of their contents, and the blood is coagulated in the veins, which appear much collapsed; hence anatomists, in order to examine the circulatory apparatus, are under the necessity of filling these vessels by means of injection, in order to distend them as much as possible, that their ramifica- tions may be clearly seen. More especially is this necessary when it is desired to make an exhibition of the minute capillaries, which are so variously arranged in the different textures and organs of the body. These small vessels, too, require the aid of the microscope to show their size, form, and arrangement. The ordinary coarse injection may be made by melting to- gether 16 ounces of bees'-wax, 8 ounces of resin, and 6 fluid- ounces of turpentine varnish, adding such coloring matter as may be desirable, as 3 ounces vermilion, 2 ounces King's yellow, 10 ounces blue verditer, or 5£ ounces flake-white. This, injected into the blood-vessels by a proper syringe, having its pipe fastened in one of the largest of those vessels is abundantly sufficient to show the course of the principal arteries and veins. The parts so injected may then be dis- ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. 159 sected for this purpose, dried, and varnished, and form excellent illustrations of anatomical lectures. When, however, it is desired to demonstrate the capillaries, a finer injection and more delicate manipulation are required. Indeed, it is so difficult an art, and success is so dependent on the combination of various circumstances, that the most ex- perienced are often defeated in their efforts. Yet some of the finest injections I have ever seen were made by those who attempted it for the first time. For minute injection (as it is called), the most essential in- strument is a proper syringe. This should be made of brass, of such a size that the tip of the thumb may press on the head or handle of the piston-rod when drawn out, while the body is supported by two of the fingers of the same hand. Fig. 50 represents a syringe, with which I have succeeded in making some excellent preparations. A is the cylindrical brass body, on the top of which screws the cap, B, a leather washer being interposed to render it more air-tight. C is the piston, which is of brass, covered with wash-leather. The bottom of the syringe, D, also unscrews, for convenience of cleaning. E is a stop-cock, on the end of which another stop- cock, F, fits closely. On the end of this, one of the injection- pipes, G-, which are of different sizes, may be placed. The transverse wires, across the injection-pipes, are designed for the better security of the pipe in the vessel into which it is fixed; the thread being tied behind them so that it cannot slip for- wards. A half-dozen pipes, at least, are necessary to accom- pany each instrument. In addition to the syringe, a large tin vessel to contain hot water, with two or three lesser ones fixed in it for the injec- tions, will be found useful. For very minute injections, as in the Mollusca, &c, a caout- chouc bottle, with a capillary steel tube mounted in wood, 160 THE MICROSCOPIST. ivory, or iron, is recommended by Talk & Henfrey, after Straus Durekheim. The air should be pressed out of the bottle, and Fig. 50. the pipe placed in the liquid, which will rush in to fill the vacuum, and it is ready for use. They also recommend a tube, or pipette, with flexible stems, so constructed as to receive jets ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. 161 of various sizes. This is used by placing the end of the pipette in the mouth, and exhausting the air on forcing the fluid in the vessels. To prepare the material for injecting:—Take of the finest and most transparent glue, one pound; break it into small pieces, put it into an earthen pot, and pour on it three pints of cold water; let it stand twenty-four hours, stirring it now and then with a stick; then set it over a slow fire for half an hour, or until all the pieces are perfectly dissolved; skim off the froth from the surface, and strain through a flannel for use. Isin- glass, and cuttings of parchment make an excellent size, and are preferable for very particular injections. The size thus prepared may be colored with any of the fol- lowing: Red.—To 1 pint of size, 2 ounces of Chinese vermilion. Yellow.—Size, 1 pint,—chrome yellow, 2£ ounces. White.—Size, 1 pint,—flake-white, 3 J ounces. Blue.—Size, 1 pint,—fine blue smalts, 6 ounces. It is necessary to remember that whatever coloring matter is employed, must be very finely levigated before it is mixed with the injection. This is a matter of great importance, for a small lump or mass of color, dirt, &c, will clog the minute vessels, so that 'the injection will not pass into them, and the object will be defeated. The mixture of size and color should be frequently stirred, or the coloring matter will sink to the bottom. Respecting the choice of a proper subject for injecting, it may be remarked, that the injection will usually go farthest in young subjects; and the more the creature's fluids have been exhausted in life, the greater will be the success of the injec- tion. Owing to the contraction of the vessels, it is necessary to wait from one to three days after death before attempting the 14* 162 THE MICROSCOPIST. injection. Yet it should not be deferred so long that the ves- sels may become softened, or the injecting material will be ex- travasated. To prepare the subject, the principal points to be aimed at are to dissolve the fluids, empty the vessels of them, relax the solids, and prevent the injection from coagulating too soon. For this purpose it is necessary to place the animal, or part to be injected, in warm water, as hot as the operator's hand will bear. This should be kept at nearly the same temperature for some time by occasionally adding hot water. The length of time required is in proportion to the size of the part, and the amount of its rigidity. Ruysch (from whom the art of injecting has been called the Ruyschian art) recommends a previous maceration for a day or two in cold water. When the size and the subject have both been properly pre- pared, have the injection as hot as the finger can well bear. One of the pipes, Gr, Fig. 50, must then be placed in the largest artery of the part, and securely tied. Put the stop- cock, F, into the open end of the pipe, and it is then ready to receive the injection from successive applications of the syringe, A. The injection should be thrown in by a Very steady and gentle pressure on the end of the piston-rod. The resistance of the vessels, when nearly full, is often considerable, but it must not be overcome by violent pressure with the syringe. If the resistance suddenly ceases or diminishes, it indicates that some vessel is ruptured, and the process must be stopped. If it happens at the commencement of the operation, and the vessel cannot be tied, the injection has failed. When as much injection is passed as may be thought advisa- ble, the preparation may be left (with the stop-cock closed in the pipe) for twenty-four hours, when more material may be thrown in. The first part of the injecting material forming about a third ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. 163 or fourth part of the whole, should be very fluid, so as to be capable of penetrating the smallest vessels; afterwards the thicker or coarser portion should be thrown in so as to push the first before it. As the method of injecting the minute capillaries with colored size is often attended with doubtful success, various other plans have been proposed. Ruysch's method, according to Rigerius, was to employ melted tallow, colored with vermi- lion, to which, in the summer, a little white wax was added. Mr. Rauby's material, as published by Dr. Hales, was resin and tallow, of each two ounces, melted and strained through linen; to which was added three ounces of vermilion, or finely ground indigo, which was first well rubbed with eight ounces of turpentine varnish. Dr. Monro recommended colored oil of turpentine for the small vessels, after the use of which he threw in the common coarse injection. Professor Breschet frequently employed with success milk, isinglass, the alcoholic solution of gum-lac, spirit varnish, and spirit of turpentine; but he highly commends the coloring matter extracted from campeachy, fernambouc, or sandal woods. He says, "The coloring matter of campeachy wood easily dis-' solves in water and in alcohol; it is so penetrating that it be- comes rapidly spread through the vascular networks. The sole inconvenience of this kind of injection is, that it cannot be made to distend any except most delicate vessels, and that its ready penetration does not admit of distinguishing between arteries, veins, and lymphatics." He also recommends a solu- tion of caoutchouc. Another process, which may be termed the chemical process, was published in the Comptes Rendus, 1841, as the invention of M. Doyere, though the credit of first suggesting it is due to Dr. Goddard, of Philadelphia. According to this, an aqueous solu- tion of bichromate of potass is propelled into the vessels; and 161 THE MICROSCOPIST. after a short time, in the same manner and into the same ves- sels an aqueous solution of acetate of lead is injected. This is an excellent method, as the material is quite fluid, and the precipitation of the chromate of lead, which takes place in the vessels themselves, gives a fine sulphur-yellow color. A red precipitate is obtained by iodide of potassium and bi- chloride of mercury; blue, by the ferrocyanide of potassium and peroxide of iron ; &c. Dr. Gloadby has improved upon the process last named by uniting to the chemical solutions a portion of gelatine. The following is his formula, originally published in the London Lancet, and again in the Medical Examiner, March, 1850. Saturated solution of bichromate of potash, 8 fluid ounces; water, 8 ounces; gelatine, 2 ounces. Saturated solution of acetate of lead, 8 fluid ounces; water, 8 ounces; gelatine, 2 ounces. Dr. Gr. gives the following remarks respecting this process: —"The majority of preparations, thus injected, require to be dried, and mounted in Canada balsam. Each preparation, when placed on a slip of glass, will necessarily possess more or less of the colored infiltrated gelatine (by which, he alludes to the gelatine, colored by the blood, which, together with the acetate of potash resulting from the chemical decom- position, may have transuded through the coats of the vessel), which, when dry, forms, together with the different shades of the chromate of lead, beautiful objects, possessing depth and richness of color. The gelatine also separates and defines the different layers of vessels. By this injection the arteries are always readily distinguishable by the purity and brightness of the chromate of lead within them, while the veins are de- tected by the altered color imparted by the blood. " Those preparations which require to be kept wet, can be ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. 165 preserved perfectly in my B fluid—specific gravity 1-100; the A fluid destroys them. " I would recommend, that the slips of glass employed for the dry preparation be instantly inscribed with the name of the preparation, written with a diamond, for, when dry, it is very difficult to recognise one preparation from another, until the operator's eye be educated to the effects of this chemico- gelatinous injection. Where so much wet abounds gummed paper is apt to come off. " When dry, it is sufficient for the purpose of brief exami- nation by the microscope, to wet the surface of a preparation with clean oil of turpentine; immediately after examination, it should be put away carefully in a box, to keep it from the dust, until it can be mounted in Canada balsam. "Although highly desirable, as the demonstrator of the capillaries of normal tissues, I do not think this kind of injec- tion fitted for morbid preparations, the infiltrated gelatine producing appearances of a puzzling kind, and calculated to mislead the pathologist. "In preparing portions of dried, well-injected skin, for exa- mination by the microscope, I have tried the effect of dilute nitric acid, as a corroder, with very good results. But, proba- bly, liquor potassse would have answered this purpose better. "When size injection is to be employed, colored either with vermilion or the chromate of lead, the animal should be pre- viously prepared by bleeding, to empty the vessels: for if they be filled with coagulated blood, it is quite impossible to transmit even size, to say nothing of the coloring matter. Hence the difficulty of procuring good injections of the human subject. "But with the 'cheniico-gelatinous' injections no such pre- paration is necessary, and success should always be certain, for the potash liquefies the blood, while constant and long-con? 166 THE MICROSCOPIST. tinued pressure by the syringe drives it through the parietes of the vessel into the cellular tissue. The large quantity of in- filtrated blood—the invariable concomitant of my process— characterizes this from all other modes of injecting, and is a distinctive feature of these preparations." Still another, and in some respects a more certain and con- venient plan, has been employed by Dr. Goddard of Philadel- phia. It consists in adding a quantity of sulphuric ether to the finely levigated coloring matter, which is also first ground or mixed with linseed oil, in the manner employed by painters. Upon this plan (as well as upon the last named) I have suc- ceeded in making some beautiful injections of the smallest capillaries, yet I have sometimes failed, owing to the too rapid evaporation of the ether, and the clogging up of the vessels from the early deposition of the solid coloring matter. I have also observed that after the ether has evaporated from the vessels, the particles of coloring material cohere with too little tenacity, so that on putting a section of injected tissue into turpentine, &c, the color has been washed out from the cut ends of the larger vessels. Perhaps a solution of gum mas- tich, &c, in ether, colored with fine vermilion, &c, will answer the indications better. Whatever mode of injection be adopted, it is important that the operator be supplied with sufficient material. The quantity which can be used will surprise any one unaccustomed to the process. A foetus maybe injected by the umbilical vein; a uterus, by the hypogastric arteries; the head, by the carotids; the liver, mucous membrane of the intestines, &c, by the portal vein; an extremity, by the principal artery; &c. The liver, kidney, &c, may be well injected out of the body; and it is often desirable to use various colors for the different sets of vessels. It will require some practice, however, to judge ON MINUTE INJECTIONS. 167 how much pressure is necessary to fill but a single set of vessels. After injection, a considerable time must be allowed for dry- ing. Thin slices may then be cut off, and mounted either in balsam or fluid. The villi of the intestines are beautifully exhibited after in- jection. They should be macerated a little while in water, or washed with a syringe, to remove the epithelium and mucus. Animals that feed chiefly on vegetables have longer villi than others. The lungs may be injected by the pulmonary artery or vein- In a foetus, however, all the organs may be injected from the umbilical vein. The author's injections and specimens of in- jected lungs confirm the view of Mr. Rainey, that the essen- tial and only true organs of the aeration of the blood are the pulmonary capillaries. Injections of the skin may be made by the vein of an ex- tremity. They may then be mounted in fluid, or after drying, sections may be made and put up in balsam. The vessels of the choroid membrane and ciliary processes of the eye are often injected in a foetus; or in the case of an animal, as a cat, rabbit, &c, injected from the heart. The preparation should be kept in fluid. Many parts, after injection, require to be macerated in water, or corroded by dilute muriatic acid, &c, in order to exhibit the ramifications of the small vessels. They should be very care- fully handled, or moved, in the macerating liquor, as the slight- est force may break the vessels. When corroded, the pulpy flesh is to be carefully washed away by placing it under a stream of water, flowing very slowly; or by the use of a syringe with water. The lymphatics are usually injected with quicksilver, but M. Rusconi and Professor Breschet, have abandoned this me- thod for the colored material, on account of the mercury fre- 168 THE MICROSCOPIST. quently rupturing by its weight the thin, lymphatic vessels and reservoirs. The first-named gentleman, in his researches on the lymphatics of reptiles, employs in place of the usual injecting tube of Walter (used with the mercury), a small silver syringe, together with a kind of trocar, of which the canula is formed from the quill of the wing-feather of the quail or partridge, the trocar being a tolerably large-sized needle, the point of which has three facets. When desirous of in- jecting the lymphatic system of a lizard, tortoise, &c, he re- marks :—" I seize with a small pair of forceps the mesentery, close to the vertebral column, where the reservoir of the chyle is situated, and I introduce into it the point of the trocar; I then retain the quill and withdraw the needle from the tube. This done, I seize with the small forceps the quill, and intro- duce into it the small extremity of the syringe, and push the piston with a force always decreasing." He recommends colored wax, mixed with nut-oil, for the injection. CHAPTER XII. EXAMINATION OP URINARY DEPOSITS. The chemical composition of the urine and urinary deposits has within a few years past attracted much attention, and has contributed much to our knowledge respecting the nature of diseases and their diagnosis. To examine these, the microscope is often an essential instrument. Deposits of uric acid and its combinations (called red, or yellow-sand sediments), occur in fever; acute inflammation; in rheumatism; in phthisis; in all the grades of dyspepsia; in all or most stages of diseases attended with arrest of per- spiration ; in diseases of the genital apparatus ; from blows and strains of the loins ; from excessive indulgence in animal food; or from too little exercise. The deposition of earthy phosphates (white deposit), should be regarded as of serious importance, always indicating the existence of important functional, and frequently of organic disorder. According to Dr. Bird, they always exist simul- taneously with a depressed state of nervous energy, often general, rarely more local, in its seat. Deposits of oxalate of lime are regarded by Dr. G. Bird as by no means so rare as is generally supposed. He believes that it owes its origin to sugar, and is caused by derangement of the digestive organs. The urine may contain all or any of the elements of the 15 170 THE MICROSCOPIST. blood. The serum may be effused alone, or be accompanied with the red globules. Whenever the elements of blood appear in the urine, there is ample proof of the existence of active or passive hemorrhage of the kidneys, or urinary tract. Albuminous urine occurs in Bright's disease, dropsy after scarlatina, &c. Pus is met with in the urine as the result of suppuration of the kidney, or of some part of the genito-urinary mucous mem- brane, or of abscesses of the neighboring viscera, opening into the urinary passage. The presence of sugar is not uncommon in dyspepsia, and when excessive is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus. Kiestein is a whitish, greasy, opalescent pellicle, sometimes found on the urine of pregnant women. To examine urinary deposits with the microscope, allow the urine to stand; decant the supernatant fluid; pour the remain- der into a watch-glass; draw off the small quantity of fluid remaining after a short repose, by means of a pipette; and then place it on the stage of the microscope. When, however, it is necessary to use high powers, a drop of the sediment should be placed on a glass slide and covered with thin glass. If it is desired to mount the object for future examination, it can be covered, when dry, with a drop of Canada balsam, and surmounted with the thin glass. Very transparent objects should be kept in fluid, as weak spirit, water saturated with creasote, or Goadby's fluid. Healthy Urine holds in solution a variety of substances, both organic and inorganic. Chemists have not yet succeeded in insulating all its ingredients for examination, but the most important of its solid materials are urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, vesical mucus and epithelial debris, animal extractive, ammoniacal salts, fixed alkaline salts, and earthy salts. EXAMINATION OP URINARY DEPOSITS. 171 The amount passed by an individual during each twenty-four hours, varies from twenty to fifty ounces, holding in solution from six hundred to seven hundred grains of solid matter. When kept for some time it gradually becomes turbid, and de- posits a sediment of earthly phosphates, previously held in solution by the slight excess of acid present. If kept still longer, it gradually putrefies, and, becoming concentrated by evaporation, deposits small crystals of chloride of sodium, phosphates, and other salts, and eventually becomes covered with a grayish-colored mould. Urea appears to be the vehicle by which nearly the whole of the nitrogen of the exhausted tissues of the body is removed from the system. The proportion of urea in healthy urine averages fourteen or fifteen parts in the one thousand. Pure urea may be obtained by first converting it into the oxalate, which is done by adding a strong solution of oxalic acid in hot water, to urine previously concentrated to about one-eighth its bulk, and filtered to free it from the insoluble sediments of phosphates and urates. The crystal of oxalate of urea thus obtained, a, Fig. 51, should be dissolved in hot water, and the solution treated with pulverized chalk as long as effervescence is produced. The urea remains in solution, and may be puri- fied by boiling with animal charcoal, after which it may be crystallized, in four-sided prisms, by careful evaporation. Nitrate of urea may be obtained in crystals', b, Fig. 51, by concentrating urine to about one-half its bulk, and adding an equal quantity of nitric acid. If urea be suspected in excess, g, drop of the urine, without concentration, may be treated with nitric acid under the microscope. The proportion of uric acid in the healthy secretion varies from 0-3 to 1-0 in 1000 parts. Its forms will be represented when we treat of the examination of urinary deposits. It may be obtained from urine concentrated to half its bulk, by adding 172 THE MICROSCOPIST. a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and allowing it to stand a few hours in a cool place. Fig. 51. Hippuric Acid is generally present in a small quantity in healthy urine, and in certain forms of disease, especially where a vegetable diet has been adopted. Fig. 52 represents some Fig. 52. of its forms; a are deposited from an alcoholic solution, and 6 from a hot aqueous solution/ When an excess is suspected in urine, it should be evapo- rated to the consistence of syrup and mixed with half its bulk of strong hydrochloric acid. After a few hours the crystals EXAMINATION OP URINARY DEPOSITS. 173 may be examined with the microscope, when the tufts will probably be seen, colored pink by the admixture of purpu- rine. If it be present only in small quantity, a few detached needle-like or branched crystals may be seen. It is readily soluble in alcohol and hot water, but not in cold water. Vesical Mucus and Epithelial Scales, which may be present, are derived from the internal surface of the bladder and uri- nary passages. The quantity is so small in healthy urine as to be scarcely visible, until, after standing, it has subsided to the bottom of the liquid in the form of a thin cloud. Extractive Matter, includes all the uncrystallizable organic matter found in the residue of evaporated urine, which is soluble in water or alcohol. When in excess, the urine ap- pears more highly colored than usual, a large proportion of what is termed extractive, consisting of coloring matter, as purpurine, &c. Ammoniacal Salts appear to consist chiefly of the muriate and the urate, the latter salt being the form in which the uric acid present in the urine appears to be held in solution. The proportion of ammonia in healthy urine is quite small, but in some diseases, especially in certain ki^ds of fever, it increases considerably. Fixed Alkaline Salts may be obtained by incinerating the evaporated residue of urine, when a white ash will be left, consisting of a mixture of alkaline and earthy salts; the for- mer may be separated from the latter by dissolving in water, in which the earthy salts are insoluble. The alkaline salts, which in the healthy secretion usually amount to thirteen or fourteen parts in one thousand, consist of the sulphates of potash and soda, chloride of sodium, chlo- ride of potassium, and phosphate of soda. The crystallized residue, after slowly evaporating a few drops on a piece of glass, usually has the appearance represented in Fig. 53. The cross- 15* 174 THE MICROSCOPIST. lets consist of chloride of sodium; the more plumose crystals are probably phosphate of soda. Fig. 53. The Earthy Salts which form the insoluble portion of the ash, and which usually amount in healthy urine to about 1 part in 1000, consist of the phosphates of lime and magnesia, together with a small trace of silica. These appear to be re- tained in solution in the urine by the small excess of acid (probably phosphoric) usually present, and may be precipitated from it by supersaturating with ammonia. The precipitate thus formed consists of a mixture of phosphate of lime, and the double phosphate of ammonia and magnesia, which is also called triple phosphate. These, with the abnormal ingre- dients found in morbid urine, &c, will be treated of when we come to the examination of urinary deposits. It must be borne in mind, however, that a spontaneous precipitate of earthy phosphates is not of itself a proof that they are present in excess, for when the urine is acid, as in health, a considera- ble quantity may be retained in solution, while if it be neutral or alkaline, a comparatively small proportion may be precipi- tated. EXAMINATION OP URINARY DEPOSITS. 175 When urinary deposit is examined with the microscope, it will be found either crystalline, amorphous, or organized. When, as is frequently the case, the deposit consists of a mixture of different forms, each of them in succession should be examined, until the nature of the whole deposit is clearly understood. Crystalline Deposits will probably be either uric acid, phosphate of lime and magnesia (from which the triple phos- phate is formed), oxalate of lime, or perhaps cystine. " Triple Phosphate.—This salt (called also the double phos- phate of ammonia and magnesia) is formed by supersaturating with ammonia. Phosphate of lime is also precipitated by the same means, but may be distinguished by the microscope. The crystals of the triple phosphate are stellate or triangular prisms, as seen in Fig. 54. They disappear on the addition of acetic acid. Uric (or Lithic) Acid.—This salt, like the earthy phos- phates, exists in a small quantity in healthy urine, but as the proportion varies considerably in many forms of disease, its determination when in abnormal quantity affords much assis- tance in diagnosis. It is insoluble in alcohol, and nearly so in dilute hydro- chloric and sulphuric acid; but it combines with the alkalies, forming salts, which are insoluble or very sparingly soluble in water. The action of nitric acid upon uric acid is characteristic. It will gradually dissolve it, carbonic acid and nitrogen being given off with effervescence, leaving behind a mixture of alloxan (C8 N2 H4 O10), alloxantine (C4 H3 N3 0B), and other compounds. This may be evaporated nearly to dryness, when a red residue will be left, which, when cold, should be moist- ened with ammonia, which will develope a beautiful purple color, owing to the formation of murexide (Cu N5 H6 08 ). 176 THE MICROSCOPIST. The crystalline forms of uric acid are various, but appear to be modifications of the rhombic prism. Fig. 54. Fig. 55 represents some of its forms. Oxalate of Lime often exists in the form of minute octahe- dral crystals, varying from 75oth to gg^th of an inch in diameter, a, Fig. 56. When allowed to dry on the glass, each EXAMINATION OP URINARY DEPOSITS. 177 crystal appears under the microscope like a black cube, having Fig. 55. o 0 ® 9. Yellowish sediment, soluble when warmed. Urate of Soda ? 10. Ether yields, after agitation, an oily or fatty residue. Fatty Matter. 11. Milky appearance. Chylous Matter. TABLE II. FOR THE EXAMINATION OF THE CLEAR LIQUID PORTION. 1. Crystals with nitric acid. Excess of Urea. 2. Fermentation, or Trommer's test. Sugar. 16* 186 THE MICROSCOPIST. 3. Precipitate formed on boiling; soluble in nitric acid. Excess of Earthy Phosphates. 4. Precipitate formed on boiling; insoluble in nitric acid. Albumen. 5. Precipitate formed by nitric acid. Excess of Uric Acid, or Albumen. 6. Concentrated urine yields needle-shaped crystals with hydrochloric acid. Hippuric Acid. If the urine is highly colored, 7. Dark coagulum formed on boiling. Blood ? 8. Red color with hydrochloric acid. Excess of Coloring Matter. 9. Pink precipitate with warm solution of urate of ammonia. Purpurine. 10. Change of color with nitric acid. Biliary Matter. TABLE III. FOR MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF DEPOSIT. If Crystalline. 1. Lozenge-shaped, &c. Uric Acid. O^v ^a^^^-J OAc^v 2. Stellae, or three-sided prisms (after saturating with am- monia). Triple Phosphate. (1y^~^?^^ 3. Octahedra, or dumb-bells. Oxalate of Lime. pvVu^iw' 4. Rosette-like tables. Cystine. *^■ «*~\~Jlr *rf"**-fr c^t If Amorphous. 5. Soluble when warmed. Urate of Ammonia. "\\ Vl^vv^-M^ wi 6. Soluble in acetic acid. Phosphate of Lime. *• ? T' ^ J « / 7. Yellowish grains. Urate of Soda ? fy/\ (]^\^4J^y^~oA^\^, EXAMINATION OF URINARY DEPOSITS. 187 8. Round globules with dark edges. Fatty Matter. 9. White and milky. Chylous Matter? If Organized. 10. Granulated corpuscles, in stringy aggregations. Mucus. 11. Irregularly shaped scales. Epithelium. 12. Detached granulated corpuscles. Pus. 13. Blood-corpuscles. Blood. 14. Spermatozoa. Semen. <6*J ^^/U^-i^^/er-^irkj^i^.i^^i^ Im^^Ju^jl^o^ nww^:A- r ■■ ^a{ r'W^wA ■■>:■'■:'a-:>' I ;'■* .M'5 'IV; l isii