ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispiece.—Zentmayer’s New- Model u. s. a. h. Micro- scope. page Fig. 1. Diagram Showing the Preparation of an Even Blood Slide 15 Fig. 2. Diagram Showing the Effect of Illumination on Blood Corpuscles 18 Fig. 3. Stage Micrometer 21 Fig. 4. Maltwood’s Finder 23 Fig. 5. Needle Holder 26 Fig. 6. Dissecting Microscope 28 Fig. 7. Specimen Jar 36 Fig. 8. Microtome 46 Fig. 9. Diagram Showing the Gouging of a Section Knife with Convex Edge, when drawn across the Microtome 49 Fig. 10. Diagram Showing the Bevel in the Edge of the Section Knife 50 Fig. 11. The Author’s Mechanical Knife Carrier 51 Fig. 12. Freezing Microtome 56 Fig. 13. Turn-table 84 Fig. 14. Drying Oven 88 Fig. 15. Mounting Forceps 89 Fig. 16. Apparatus for Photo-micrography 104 ZENTMAYER’S NEW MODEL D. S. A. H. MICROSCOPE. COMPENDIUM OF Microscopical Technology. A GUIDE TO PHYSICIANS AND STUDENTS IN THE USE OE THE MICROSCOPE AND IN THE PREPARATION OF HISTO- LOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL SPECIMENS. BY CARL SEILER, M. D., n \ LATE DIRECTOR OF THE MICROSCOPICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA ; CURATOR OF THE PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ; PATHOLOGIST AND M1CROSCOPIST TO THE PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL, ETC., ETC. PHILADELPHIA: D. G. BRINTON, 115 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET. 1881. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by D. G. BRINTON, m. d., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Press of WM. F. FELL & CO., 1220-1224 Sansom St., Philadelphia. CONTENTS. THE MICROSCOPE, AND HOW TO USE IT. page The Stand. The Body. The Stage. The Sub-stage and Mirror. The Tube. Oculars. Objectives. Illumina- tion. The Camera Lucida. Measuring. The Micro- meter. The Maltwood’s Finder 9-24 CHAPTER I. PREPARATION OF ANIMAL TISSUES. Teasing. The Dissecting Microscope. Acids. Alkalies. Hardening Tissues. Hardening Agents. Softening Bone 25-44 CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CUTTING SECTIONS. The Microtome. Imbedding Materials. The Section Knife. The Author’s Mechanical Knife Carrier. The Freezing Microtome. Bone Sections 45-60 STAINING OF TISSUES. Carmine. Hsematoxylon. Double Staining. Nitrate of Silver. Chloride of Gold. Osmic Acid 61-70 CHAPTER IV. INJECTING THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Red Injecting Fluid. Beale’s Blue Injecting Fluid. Method of Injecting. Injecting with Syringe. Injecting with Pressure Apparatus. Double Injection. Injecting Nitrate of Silver 71-80 CHAPTER Y. V VI CONTENTS. MOUNTING AND FINISHING OF SPECIMENS. page Cleaning Slips and Covers. The Turn-table. Mounting in Balsam. DryiYig Oven. The Author’s Method of Mounting in Balsam. Mounting Forceps. Ringing Material. Mounting in Glycerine. Cements. Far- rant’s Solution. Mounting Opaque Objects 81-96 CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. THE PREPARATION OF VEGETABLE TISSUES AND INSECTS. Bleaching. Staining. Double Staining. Mounting of In- sects 97-102 CHAPTER VIII. PHOTO-MICROGRAPHY. Disposition of Apparatus. Ammonio-sulphate of Copper Cell. Collodion Developer. Intensifying the Nega- tive. Photographing Large Objects 103-110 APPENDIX. Table of Tumors 111-126 Index 127-130 PREFACE. I was prompted to write this little compendium by the want, which I felt in my own studies, of a comprehensive treatise on the subject, which I could rely upon, and which would not mislead me by a large number of methods to be used in the preparation of tissues for microscopical examination. All the existing books on the subject, although they are excellent and indispensable to the advanced student, are too compre- hensive, and are filled with the descriptions of methods of examination and preparation of objects which have not been thoroughly tried by the authors, and which are, therefore, frequently incomplete, by the omission of seemingly minor, but nevertheless essential, details. In the present little volume it has been my plan, to which I have strictly adhered, to give a clear and short description of processes which I am in the habit of using myself, and which I have found to give uni- formly satisfactory results. They may, it is true, not be the best in every case, but they will give results in the hands of the inexperienced which are sufficiently good to be serviceable, and as soon as the student is far enough advanced he will, without prompting, refer to VIII PREFACE. the larger books containing other methods, and will then be able to use them with advantage. I have not thought it advisable to add a description of the histological details of tissues, because the field is one so extended that it would be impossible to do justice to the subject even in a volume many times larger than the present one; but I have added as an appendix a classification of the more common tumors and neoplasms, in tabular form, which I think will be of service to those engaged in the study of pathology. 1346 Spruce Street. CARL SEILER, M.D. COMPENDIUM OF MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. CHAPTER I. THE MICROSCOPE AND HOW TO USE IT. The great number of instruments by different makers, and of different prices, often bewilders the student who wants to buy a microscope; and not knowing what will be most serviceable to him, he has to rely entirely upon the dealer for advice, which, to say the least, is always risky. A short description of what is indispensable in an instrument for histological work will, therefore, not be out of place. The Stand should be of such construction and weight that no matter in what position the body of the micro- scope may be it will be firm. In practice it has been found that the tripod base is the best in this respect. The Body, consisting of the tube with the ocular and objective, the stage, the sub-stage and the mirror, should be mounted upon the base in such a manner that it can be inclined at any angle, from the upright position to the horizontal, and there should be a stop, which prevents further inclination beyond either the upright or hori- zontal position. This, although seemingly trivial, is of 9 10 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. great importance, as it will be found impossible to make protracted microscopical observations with the body of the observer in a constrained position, which he must assume if his instrument cannot be inclined. Further- more it is necessary that the body of the instrument should be absolutely horizontal in making drawings or measurements with the camera lucida, which position cannot be obtained without a stop that will not allow the inclination to go any further. The Stage should be either a mechanical one—that is one which can be moved, by means of rack and pinion, sideways or up and down—or what is called a hand- stage, which consists of a piece of glass held on the stationary stage by means of a spring and ivory-pointed screw. This arrangement allows the stage and the object to be moved in any direction and at any inclina- tion. The two clips for holding the object, which are found on many instruments, are decidedly objectionable, because they are very apt to get in the way and injure the specimen. On such microscopes a very good mov- able hand-stage may be improvised by removing the clips with their posts from the stationary stage-plate, so that an even surface is obtained; a piece of plate glass about one-sixteenth of an inch thick and a little larger square than the stage-plate, with a round hole one inch in diameter cut in its middle, is then agglutinated, by means of a little glycerine, to the stage-plate and a ledge of glass or metal, or even pasteboard, is cemented on to the lower edge of the glass plate, upon which the slide may rest. It will be found that the atmospheric pressure is sufficient to hold this glass stage firmly at all angles HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE. 11 of inclination and at the same time allows of free motion in all directions. The glycerine should be renewed from time to time, and the glass as well as the permanent stage should be kept clean, to insure easy motion. A very great advantage, especially in pathological investi- gations, is to have the greatest possible amount of motion of the stage, as, otherwise, large sections cannot be satisfactorily examined; and there is no doubt in the minds of those who work much in histology and path- ology that very soon the makers of microscopes will be compelled to give us instruments with stages which have three or four inches motion either way. The Sub-stage and Mirror should be so arranged that they can be adjusted to the proper distance from the object, and that they should be absolutely centered. The bar upon which the mirror is mounted is usually hinged to the stage or limb of the instrument, so that oblique illumination may be obtained; it should, however, be provided with a spring stop which indicates when the mirror bar is in a line with the optical axis of the objective. Most of the cheaper instruments are not provided with a sub-stage condenser, nor even with a sub-stage, and the owner of such a microscope must use his inge- nuity in improvising a condenser, which, for histological work, is almost indispensable. The method of using this part of the instrument will be considered in the section on illumination, but it will not be out of place here to say that a sub-stage condenser which is not abso- lutely centered, is worse than none at all. The Tube should be either ten inches long, measured 12 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. from the objective to the ocular, or should have within it a draw-tube which may be drawn out so as to make the whole ten inches long. It should be mounted upon the body by means of a rack and pinion slide, called the coarse adjustment, which latter should work smoothly and without jarring, and the instrument should be pro- vided with a fine adjustment. In the European instru- ments this is usually attached to the tube itself, while in the American microscopes it forms part of the body, which latter arrangement is to be preferred, because the tube is not changed in length when working the fine adjustment. In examining an instrument notice should be taken whether in moving the fine adjustment screw the field moves, and if so the microscope should be rejected as unfit for good work. There is a doubt in many minds whether a binocular microscope is better than a monocular one for histological work, and the difference in cost prevents many a one from purchasing a binocular microscope. It will, however, be found that a binocular instrument is more serviceable in the greater number of cases than a monocular, because it enables the observer to keep both eyes open, which is a great saving to the organs, and it gives him, with low powers at least, the benefit of stereoscopic vision ; then again, if it be of the Wenham form—the best and most generally used—it can readily be changed into a mon- ocular instrument when occasion requires it. Oculars or eye-pieces are always famished with the instruments, and are usually of good quality. They are either lettered or numbered (A, B, C or 1, 2, 3), thus indicating their magnifying power. For ordinary work HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE. 13 two eye-pieces, A and B, are sufficient, and only where more amplification is absolutely necessary, are the higher oculars of use. Objectives. The choice of objectives is beset with great difficulties for the beginner in microscopy, and it is as difficult to give any advice in the matter in mere words; a few hints, however, will perhaps help the student in picking out good objectives. In the first place, the powers best suited for histological studies are a one inch or two-thirds, a one-fourth or one- fifth, and if desired, a one-eighth or one-tenth objective.* Secondly, they should be free from aberration. In order to test objectives, both for chromatic and spherical aberration, place a few minute globules of mercury upon a dark background slide and view them as opaque objects, by artificial light. If the image of the flame reflected from the surface of the globules (focusing the objective in and out) appears as a sharply defined circle of light, the lens is corrected for spherical aberration, and if the disk of* light is free from color, for chromatic aberration also. The lenses should also have a flat field, which may be determined by examining a layer of blood corpuscles upon a glass slip prepared in a manner which will be described hereafter. If after carefully focusing the disks near the edge of the field are as distinct as in the centre, the lens is a good one as regards flatness of field. Finally, the objectives should possess a moderately * These fractions designate that the system of lenses comprising the objective is equivalent, in focal length as well as magnifying power, to a single lens of the same denomination. 14 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. high angular aperture, because their working distance is large, thus allowing the use of thicker cover glasses, for the objects are therefore more easily manipulated, and they are not as expensive as the very wide-angle objectives. On the whole, the student in picking out lenses is certain of getting good objectives by depending upon the repu- tation of the maker; but it is an undeniable fact that different opticians produce different powers better than all other lenses of their make, which renders it some- what difficult to get the best in the market. The so-called French lenses, which are sold at a very low figure, are the only ones which are absolutely useless. ILLUMINATION. We will suppose, now, that we have a good microscope before us, and that we want to use it for the examination of an object. The first thing we have to do is to arrange our light so that we may get the best possible result from our optical combination of ocular and objective. Let us remind the reader, here, that often more depends upon proper illumination than upon the quality of objectives, and that the injury to the eyes due to microscopical studies, which is so often complained of, is almost entirely caused by a want of proper care in the illumi- nation of the object. Artificial light, such as is obtained from a good kerosene lamp, is to be preferred to daylight, for the simple reason that the former can be controlled as to its brilliancy, while the latter is beyond our control. In arranging our illuminating apparatus we must have something to judge of the quality of the light as it 15 HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE. passes through the microscope, and it will be found that there is no better test than a slide of blood, prepared in the following manner : Take a clean one-by-three glass slide, and place near one end of it a drop of fresh blood, obtained from the prick of a needle in the finger. Then take another slide, with a ground edge, and place its edge into the drop of blood, inclining the second slide until it stands at an angle of about forty-five degrees toward the first one, and draw it quickly but evenly across the first slide (Fig. 1). The result will be that Fig. 1. the blood corpuscles are spread evenly upon the slide, in one layer only, thus giving an excellent view of their outline.* The blood corpuscles being lenticular bodies, with depressed centres, act like so many little lenses of glass, and show defraction rings, if the light is not prop- erly arranged. It will, therefore, be seen that a slide prepared in this manner forms one of the best, if not ithe best, tests for illumination, as well as for flatness of field. Having placed the test slide upon the stage of the * I am indebted to Dr. J. J. Woodward for this excellent plan of making an even blood slide. 16 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. microscope, and using a low-power objective, the lamp is next arranged on the left-hand side, in such a position that the flame presents a three-fourths profile view to the mirror, and is a little in advance and below the stage of the instrument when the latter has been placed in a convenient position. A bull’s-eye condenser is then placed in front of the lamp and so arranged that the concave mirror is in the centre of the circle of light as it is seen upon a piece of white paper held behind the mirror. The latter is then so turned as to throw the light up through the condenser, thus illuminating the field. In order to neutralize the yellow color of the lamp light, which is very fatiguing to the eye, and which reduces the brilliancy of the staining of objects, a piece of blue glass should be attached to the lower opening of the sub-stage, through which the light from the mirror has to pass. The sub-stage condenser is then to be accurately centered, if it has a centering attachment, which may be done by moving it np close to the slide and focusing upon it with a low-power lens. If out of centre it will be found that the circle of light is either to one side or the other of the field, and it should be made to fall exactly in the centre. When thus centered the one-fifth objective is used; if the student possesses a nose-piece* * A nose-piece is an attachment to the end of the tube of the microscope, by means of which two or more objectives may be brought into proper position, one after the other, by simply revolv- ing the swivel to which the objectives are attached. It acts some- what like the drum in a revolver, which, by rotating, brings the different cartridges successively in the proper position to be fired out of the barrel. 17 HOW TO USE THE MICEOSCOPE. this change will entail no loss of time; the condenser is moved down until the image appears clear and brilliantly lighted. When in the right position the light from the condenser is frequently too bright to be borne by the eye with comfort for a length of time, and it should then be toned down, by means of a little perforated cap or diaphragm, which is placed over the front lens of the condenser, or below and close to the system of lenses. When thus illuminated the blood corpuscles should appear as slightly olive-colored disks, with a fine but intensely black outline, and on changing the focus there should appear a spot in the centre. In order to fully appreciate the importance of each one of the parts of the illuminating apparatus and the necessity of having them in their proper position, let the student first remove the bulFs-eye and let the light of the lamp alone fall upon the concave mirror, without change in anything else. He will then see that the outline of the blood disks is much less sharply defined, and that there is a suspicion of another outline within the outer one. Let him then move the mirror bar slightly to the right or left of the median line, and he will find that this second outline will be more marked and a third one will be faintly seen, while the true margin of the corpuscle is far from being sharp. Let him, finally, remove the sub-stage condenser from its proper position, or throw it out of centre, or take it off altogether, and he will find the blood disks filled with rings and with a bright spot in the centre (Fig. 2). Opaque objects, such as are too thick to be made trans- parent, or are mounted upon a slide with a dark back- 18 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. ground, must be lighted from above, which may be accomplished in the following manner: Place the lamp to the left of the stage and raise it so that its flame is several inches above the stage of the instrument, when the latter is in a position convenient for the observer. Then place a small bull’s-eye condenser between the stage and lamp, but close to the object, and turn it so that the light is concentrated upon the object to be viewed. In some microscopes of American make the mirror bar is attached to the limb of the instrument at a point which is in a line with the object on the stage, so that the mirror can be swung around and above the Blood disk with proper illumination. Blood disk with bull’s-eye removed. Blood disk with mirror out of centre. Blood disk without condenser. Fig. 2. stage without altering its relative distance from the object. In such a microscope opaque objects can be illuminated without the use of a bull’s-eye lens, by simply reflecting the light of the lamp upon the object with the concave mirror swung above the stage and' as close to the tube of the instrument as possible. In this case the lamp should be in front and a little below the stage. Still another method is by a parabolic reflector attached to the objective, which collects the light and concentrates it upon the object. This can, however, only be used with very low powers having long working distances. 19 HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE. The Camera Lueida is a piece of apparatus used in measuring and drawing objects under the microscope. It consists, in its best form, of a prism of glass attached to the ocular in such a manner that the image formed by the optical combination of objective and ocular is thrown into the eye of the observer, and the image appears, in the same direction that the rays of light strike the eye, as if reflected upon a piece of white paper placed upon the table, upon which its outlines may be traced with a pencil. The same may be accomplished by placing a slightly tinted piece of glass, known as Beale’s neutral- glass camera lueida, held at an angle of forty-five degrees to the axis of the instrument, close to the eye-lens of the ocular, which, however, does not give as brightly illuminated an image, and on account of the double reflection, is not suitable for drawing details. Such a reflector, answering the purpose admirably, may be im- provised by attaching a thin cover-glass at an angle of forty-five degrees to the cap of the ocular, by means of a small piece of beeswax. In order to use either the prism or the reflector the instrument is to be inclined until its tube is horizontal, a piece of white paper, which should be shaded from all extraneous light, is placed upon the table, directly underneath the ocular, and the left eye is placed so, above and close to the camera lueida, that in looking downward the image appears to be upon the paper. Keeping the right eye open at the same time, the point of the pencil tracing the outline of the objects upon the paper can be seen, and thus the motion of the hand holding the pencil can be regulated. In order to obtain an image upon the 20 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. paper of the same size as that seen in the microscope, the distances from the centre of the eye-lens of the ocular to the surface of the paper should be the same as from the ocular to the objective, viz., ten inches. MEASURING. The apparent size of objects seen in the microscope is of great importance in their recognition, and as this varies with the magnification employed in viewing them, it is necessary for the student to know the magni- fying power of his objectives and oculars in their differ- ent combinations. The magnifying power of an optical combination of objective and ocular is expressed by saying that it magnifies so many diameters, which means that an object seen—a blood corpuscle, for instance— has its diameter magnified so many times. In order to obtain the magnification of the surface of an object, the number of diameters should be squared, and such sur- face magnification is expressed by saying that an object is magnified so many times, an expression not used in microscopy, but utilized by unscrupulous dealers to mislead purchasers. In order to find the magnifying power of the optical combination, the instrument is placed horizontally, the camera lucida is attached to the ocular, and a piece of paper is placed on the table ten inches from the centre of the eye lens, and shaded from extraneous light. A stage micrometer (Fig. 3.), which is a slip of glass upon which lines have been ruled one-hundredth and one-thousandth of an inch apart, is placed upon the stage and the image of the lines carefully focused upon the paper. With a HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE. 21 sharp-pointed pencil, the lines are then marked upon the paper and the distance of the dots is measured carefully with a pair of compasses and an inch rule; preferably divided into tenths of inches. It will thus be seen that if the distance between two lines which on the stage micrometer are one-hundredth of an inch apart meas- ures upon the paper five-tenths of an inch, the magnifi- cation is fifty diameters. The student should make himself a table giving the different powers of his objec- tives in connection with the oculars as found in the manner described above, which he will find very con- venient for reference. Objects, such as small animalcules Fig. 3. or histological elements, may be measured in a similar manner, viz: By drawing their outline with the camera lucida, and then measuring the diameter with a pair of compasses, then, knowing the magnifying power of the optical combination, a simple calculation will give the size of the object. To exemplify this, let us say that the objective and ocular give a magnification of fifty diame- ters, and the diameter of the object measures five-tenths of an inch as seen with that power ; its actual size will then be one-hundredth of an inch. An easier and more simple method of measuring objects is with the eye-piece micrometer, also a slip ot 22 MICROSCOPICAL TECHNOLOGY. glass with fine lines ruled upon it, which is introduced into the ocular between the two lenses. The distance between the lines of the eye-piece micrometer is not known, and varies with the different powers used. In order to measure an object under the microscope with this micrometer, the object upon the stage is moved until the lines fall directly on its margin, and the number of intervals the object fills is noted down. The object is then removed from the stage and the stage micrometer substituted for it, which, in turn, is moved until its lines coincide with those of the eye-piece micrometer, and it is noted how many intervals between the lines it takes to fill the intervals of the eye-piece micrometer, previously noted down as having been filled by the object to be measured. The distances between the lines of the stage micrometer being known, the number of intervals noted express the size of the object. For instance, we wish to measure an object which exactly covers three intervals of the eye-piece micrometer, and find, on substituting the stage micrometer, that two intervals of its lines ruled one-hundredth of an inch apart cover three intervals of the eye-piece micrometer; we then know that the object is one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter. Drawing and measuring with the camera lucida or reflector requires some skill and practice, and the student should, therefore, not place too much reliance upon his first attempts, but should repeat the measurements deter- mining the magnifying power of his lenses over and over again, until the results of many trials coincide, before he looks upon them as correct. Under this head it will be necessary to describe HOW TO USE THE MICEOSCOPE. 23 another very useful accessory to the microscope, and one which will save the possessor a great deal of time if properly and systematically used. This is a Maltwood’s finder, by means of which a particular spot or place in a specimen can readily be found again. It consists of a slide of glass which has photographed upon it a large number of minute squares which are numbered in a certain system. See Figure 4. If, now, a place in a , a j ■? 2 <3 2 3 y /*/ / 1 1 i 1 / / / / 1 2 3 9 S' (> P* s- 9 /0; 2 2 3 2 2 2 -? 2 n_ / % 3 y S' 6 2> 'c. 3 3 jf 3 J J1 .-? 3 3 7 2 J y s », r 9 /o y 9 9 y 9 9 y y 9 y r 2 3 v sy 6 r s- 9 /0 5 ,5' ,5 r S S j- JT S j- • 2 3 • y 5" 6 7 9 '0 6 (, <5 ril 1, XSSI. HYDROPHOBIA, .A. Monograph for the Profession and the Pnhlic. By H. R. BIGELOW, M.D. This treatise, the outcome of several years’ study of this terrible complaint, will contain the latest investigations into its pathology, causes, communicability, prognosis, prophylaxis and treatment. 8