D257P 1863 id^ui'J.-iL'iJ-'L^-i. THE PREPARATION AND MOUNTING MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS BY THOMAS DAVIE'S. ■Vrk°i s NEW YORK: WILLIAM WOOD & CO., 61 Walker Street. Q'H R. CRAIGHEAD, Printer, Slereoiyper, and Electrotyper, daiton 3SuiIt>ii»s» 81, 83, and 85 Cenl« Stree/. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Apparatus.............................. CHAPTER II. To prepare and mount Objects " Dry "............................. 21 CHAPTER III. Mounting in Canada Balsam..................................... 57 CHAPTER IV. Preservative Liquids, etc., particularly where Cells'are used.......... 81 CHAPTER V. Sections and how to cut them, with some Remarks on Dissection....... 92 CHAPTER VI. Injection..................................................... 115 CHAPTER VII. Miscellaneous................................................. 131 si 1 PREFACE. In bringing this Handbook before the public, the Author believes that he is supplying a want which has been long felt. Much information concerning the " Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects " has been already pub- lished ; but mostly as supplementary chapters only, in books written professedly upon the Microscope. From this it is evident that it was necessary to consult a number of works in order to obtain anything like a complete knowledge of the subject. These pages, however, will be found to comprise all the most approved methods of mounting, together with the results of the Author's expe- rience, and that of many of his friends, in every depart- ment of microscopic manipulation; and as it is intended to assist the beginner as well as the advanced student, the very rudiments of the art have not been omitted. As there is a diversity of opinion as to the best mode of proceeding in certain cases, numerous quotations have Vlll PREFACE. been made. Wherever this has been done, the Author believes that he has acknowledged the source from which he has taken the information; and he here tenders his sin- cere thanks to those friends who so freely allowed him to make use of their works. Should, however, any one find his own process in these pages unacknowledged, the author can only plead oversight, and his regret that such should have been the case. THE PREPARATION AND MOUNTING OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. CHAPTER I. APPARATUS. Before entering into the subject of the setting of Objects for the Microscope, the student must be convinced of the necessity of cleanliness in everything relating to the use of that instrument. In no branch is this more apparent than in the preparation of objects; because a slide which would be considered perfectly clean when viewed in the ordinary way is seen to be far otherwise when magnified some hundreds of diameters : and those constant enemies, the floating particles of dust, are everywhere present, and it is only by unpleasant experience that we fully learn what cleanliness is. Any object which is to be viewed under the microscope must, of course, be supported in some way—this is now usually done by placing it upon a glass slide, which on account of the transpa- rency has a great advantage over other substances. These " slides" are almost always made of one size, viz., three inches long by one broad, generally having the edges ground so as to remove all danger of scratching or cutting any object with which they may come in contact. The glass must be very good, else the surface will always present the appearance of uncleanliness and dust. This dusty look is very common amongst the cheaper 2 10 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING kinds of slides, because they are usually " sheet" glass; but is seldom found in those of the quality known amongst dealers by the name of " patent plate." This latter is more expensive at first, but in the end there is little difference in the cost, as so many of the cheaper slides cannot be used for delicate work if the mounted object is to be seen in perfection. These slides vary considerably in thickness; care should, therefore, be taken to sort them, so that the more delicate objects with which the higher powers are to be used may be mounted upon the thinnest, as the light employed in the illumination is then less interfered with. To aid the microscopist in this work, a metal circle may be pro- cured, having a number of different sized openings on the outer edge, by which the glass slides can be measured. These openings are numbered, and the slides may be separated according to these numbers; so that when mounting any object there will be no need of a long search for that glass which is best suited to it. When fresh from the dealer's hands, these slides are generally covered with dust, &c, which may be removed by well washing in clean rain-water ; but if the impurity is obstinate, a little wash- ing soda may be added, care being taken, however, that every trace of this is removed by subsequent waters, otherwise the crys- tals will afterwards form upon the surface. A clean linen cloth should be used to dry the slides, after which they may be laid by for use. Immediately, however, before being used for the recep- tion of objects by any of the following processes, all dust must be removed by rubbing the surface with clean wash-leather or a piece of cambric, and, if needful, breathing upon it, and then using the leather or cambric until perfectly dry. Any small par- ticles left upon the surface may generally be removed by blowing gently upon it, taking care to allow no damp to remain. We have before said, that any object to be viewed in the microscope must have its support; but if this object is to be pre- served, care must be taken that it is defended from the dust and other impurities. For this purpose it is necessary to use some transparent cover, the most usual at one time being a plate of mica, on account of its thinness; this substance is now, however never used, thin glass being substituted, which answers admirably. Sometimes it is required to " take up " as little space as possible, OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 11 owing to the shortness of focus of the object-glasses. It can be procured of any thickness, from one-fiftieth to one-two-hundred- and-fiftieth of an inch. On account of its want of strength it is difficult to cut, as it is very liable to "fly " from the point of the diamond. To overcome this tendency as much as possible, it must be laid upon a thicker piece, previously made wet with water, which causes the thin glass to adhere more firmly, and con- sequently to bear the pressure required in cutting the covers. The process of cutting being so difficult, especially with the thin- ner kinds, little or nothing is gained by cutting those which can be got from the dealers, as the loss and breakage is necessarily greater in the hands of an amateur. It is convenient, however, to have on hand a few larger pieces, from which unusual sizes may be cut when required. If the pieces required are rectangular, no other apparatus will be required save a diamond and a flat rule ; but if circles are wanted, a machine for that purpose should be used (of which no description is necessary here). There are, however, other con- trivances which answer tolerably well. One method is, to cut out from a thick piece of cardboard a circle rather larger than the size wanted. Dr. Carpenter recommends metal rings with a piece of wire soldered on either side ; and this, perhaps, is the best, as cardboard is apt to become rough at the edge when much used. A friend of mine uses thin brass plates with circles of various sizes " turned " through them, and a small raised han- dle placed at one end. The diamond must be passed round the inner edge, and so managed as to meet again in the same line, in order that the circle may be true, after which they may be readily disengaged. The sizes usually kept in stock by the dealers are one-half, five-eighths, and three-quarters inch diameter ; but other sizes may be had to order. For the information of the beginner it may be mentioned here that the price of the circles is a little more than of the squares; but this is modified in some degree by the circle being rather lighter. If appearance, however, is cared for at all, the circles look much neater upon the slides when not covered with the ornamental papers ; but if these last are used (as will shortly be described) the squares are equally serviceable. 12 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING As before mentioned, the thin glass is made of various thick- nesses, and the beginner will wish to know which to use. For objects requiring no higher power than the one-inch object-glass, the thicker kinds serve well enough; for the half-inch the medium thickness will be required; while, for higher powers, the thinnest covers must be used. The " test-objects " for the highest powers require to be brought so near to the object-glass that they admit of the very thinnest covering only, and are usually mounted be- twixt glasses which a beginner would not be able to use without frequent breakage; but if these objects were mounted with the common covers, they would be really worthless with the powers which they require to show them satisfactorily. It may be desirable to know how such small differences as those betwixt the various thin glass covers can be measured. For this purpose there are two or three sorts of apparatus, all, however, depending upon the same principle. The description of one, therefore, will be sufficient. Upon a small stand is a short metal lever (as it may be termed) which returns by a spring to one certain position, where it is in contact with a fixed piece of metal. At the other end this lever is connected with a " fin- ger," which moves round a dial like that of a watch, whereupon are figures at fixed distances. When the lever is separated from the metal which is stationary, the other end being connected with the " finger " of the dial, that " finger " is moved in propor- tion to the distance of the separation. The thin glass is, there- fore, thrust betwixt the end of the lever and fixed metal, and each piece is measured by the figures on the dial in stated and accu- rate degrees. This kind of apparatus, however, is expensive, and when not at our command, the thin glass may be placed edge- wise in the stage forceps, and measured very accurately with the micrometer. Cleanliness with the thin glass is, perhaps, more necessary than with the slides, especially when covering objects which are to be used with a high power; but it is far more difficult to attain, on account of the liability to breakage. The usual method of clean- ing these covers is as follows:—Two discs of wood, about two inches in diameter, are procured, one side of each being perfectly flat and covered with clean wash-leather. To the other side of OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 13 these a small knob is firmly affixed as a handle, or where practi- cable the whole may be made out of a solid piece. In cleaning thin glass, it should be placed betwixt the covered sides of the discs, and may then be safely rubbed with a sufficient pressure, and so cleaned on both sides by the leather. If, however, the glass be greasy, as is sometimes the case, it must be first washed with a strong solution of potash, infusion of nut-galls, or any of the commonly used grease-removing liquids : and Avith some im- purities water, with the addition of a few drops of strong acid, will be found very useful, but this last is not often required. The above method of cleaning thin glass should always be used by beginners; but after some experience the hand becomes so sensitive that the above apparatus is often dispensed with, and the glasses, however thin, may be safely cleaned betwixt the finger and thumb with a cambric handkerchief, having first slightly damped the ends of the fingers employed to obtain firm hold. When the dirt is very obstinate, breathing upon the glass greatly facilitates its removal, and the sense of touch becomes so delicate that the breakage is inconsiderable ; but this method can- not be recommended to novices, as nothing but time spent in delicate manipulation can give the sensitiveness required. It was before mentioned that the ordinary glass slides were sometimes worthless, especially for fine objects, from having a rough surface, which presented a dusty appearance under the microscope. This imperfection exists in some thin glass also, and it is irremediable; so that it is useless to attempt to cleanse it; nevertheless, care should be taken not to mistake dirty glass for this roughness, lest good glass be laid aside for a fault which does not belong to it. When any object which it is desired to mount is of consider- able thickness, or will not bear pressure, it is evident that a wall must be raised around it to support the thin glass—this is usually termed a " cell." There are various descriptions of these, accord- ing to the class of objects they are required to protect; and here may be given a description of those which are most gene- rally used in mounting " dry " objects, leaving those required for the preservation of liquids until we come to the consideration of that mode of mounting. Many have made use' of the following 14 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING slides. Two pieces of hard wood of the usual size (3 in. by 1 in.), not exceeding one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness, are taken, and a hole is then drilled in the middle of one of these of the size required. The two pieces are then united by glue or other cement, and left under pressure until thoroughly dry, when the cell is fit for use. Others substitute cardboard for the lower piece of wood, which is less tedious, and is strong enough for every purpose. This class of " cell" is, of course, fitted for opaque objects only where no light is required from below; and as almost all such are better seen when on a dark background, it is usual to fix a small piece of black paper at the bottom of the cell upon which to place them. For very small objects the " grain" which all such paper has when magnified detracts a little from the merit of this background; and lately I have used a small piece of thin glass covered on the back with black var- nish, and placed the object upon the smooth untouched side. Another method of making these cells is as follows:—Two " punches," similar to those used for cutting " gun-wads," ar? pro- cured, of such sizes that with the smaller may be cut out the centre of the larger, leaving a ring whose side is not less than one- eighth of an inch wide. These rings may be readily made, the only difficulty being to keep the sides parallel; but a little care will make this easy enough. For this purpose close-grained cardboard may be conveniently used. It must have a well-glazed surface, else the varnish or cement used in affixing the thin glass cover sinks into the substance, and the adherence is very imper- fect. When this takes place it is easily remedied by brushing over the surface of the cardboard a strong solution of gum or.isin- glass; and this application, perhaps, closes also the pores of the card, and so serves a double purpose. But, of course, the gum must be perfectly dried before the ring is used. For cardboard, gutta-percha has been substituted, but cannot be recommended, as it always becomes brittle after a certain time, never adheres to the glass with the required firmness, and its shape is altered when worked with even a little heat. Leather is often used, and is very convenient; it should be chosen, however, of a close texture, and free from oil, grease, and all those substances which are laid upon it by the " dressers." OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 15 Rings of cardboard, &c, have been rejected by persons of great experience, because they are of such a nature that dampness can penetrate them. This fault can be almost, if not totally, removed by immersing them in some strong varnish, such as the asphalt varnish hereinafter mentioned; but they must be left long enough when affixed to the glass slide to become perfectly dry, and this will require a much longer time than at first would be supposed. There has, however, been lately brought out what is termed the ivory cell. This is a ring of ivory-like substance, which may be easily and firmly fixed to the glass slide by any of the commonly- used cements, and so forms a beautiful cell for any dry objects. They are made of different sizes, and are not expensive. Sometimes slides are used which are made by taking a thin slip of wood of the usual size (3 in. by 1 in.), in the centre of which is cut a circular hole large enough to receive the object. A piece of thin glass is fixed underneath the slide, forming a cell for the object, which may then be covered and finished like an ordi- nary slide. This has the advantage of serving for transparent objects for which the before-mentioned wooden slides are unsuita- ble. A slight modification of this plan is often used where the thickness of the objects is inconsiderable, especially with some of the Diatomacese, often termed "test-objects." The wooden slide is cut with the central opening as above, and two pieces of thin glass are laid upon it, betwixt which the diatoms or other objects are placed, and kept in their proper position by a paper cover. This arrangement is a good one, insomuch as the very small por- tion of glass through which the light passes' on its way to the mi- croscope from the reflector causes the refraction or interference to be reduced to the lowest point. A novice would naturally think the appearance of some of the slides above mentioned very slovenly and unfinished; but they are often covered with ornamental papers, which may be procured at almost every optician's, at a cost little more than nominal, and of innumerable patterns and colours. How to use these will be de- scribed in another place. It is very probable that a beginner would ask his friend what kind of slides he would advise him to use. Almost all those made of wood are liable to warp more or less, even when the two pieces 16 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING are separate or of different kinds; those of cardboard and wood are generally free from this fault, yet the slides, being opaque, pre- vent the employment of the Lieberkuhn. To some extent glass slides, when covered with ornamental papers, are liable to the same objection, as the light is partly hindered. And sometimes the dampness from the paste, or other substance used to affix the pa- pers, penetrates to the object, and so spoils it, though this may be rendered less frequent by first attaching the thin glass to the slide by some harder cement. Much time, however, is taken up by the labour of covering the slides, which is a matter of consideration with some. Certainly, the cost of the glass slides was formerly great; but now they are reasonable enough in this respect, so that this objection is removed. It is, therefore, well to use glass slides, except where the thin glasses are employed for tests, so that the silk or thread which is used to tie the artery, &c, upon the thin pipe may be carried round these arms, and all dan- ger of slipping off prevented. The pipes are made of different sizes, from that Avhich will admit only a very fine needle (and this will need now and then to be cleaned, or to be freed from any chance obstruction), to that Avhich will take a large pin. These sizes must ahvays be at hand, as the vessels of some sub- jects are exceedingly minute. 116 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING 4. Stopcock.—This is a short pipe like a small straight tap, which fits accurately upon the end of the syringe like the pipes, and also takes the pipes in the same manner. The*use of this is absolutely necessary Avhen the object is so large that one syringe full of liquid will not fill it. If no preventive Avere used, some part of the liquid would return whilst the syringe was being replenished, but the stopcock is then turned as in an ordinary tap, and all danger of this effectually removed. 5. Curved needles.—These are easily made by heating common needles at the end Avhere the eye is situated, and bending them with a small pair of " pliers" into a segment of a circle half an inch in diameter. They are, perhaps, more convenient Avhen the bent part is throAvn slightly back where it commences. The pointed end is then thrust into a common penholder, and the needle needs no re-tempering, as the work for which it is wanted is simply to convey the thread or silk under any artery or vessel where it would be impossible to reach with the unassisted fingers. 6. A kind of forceps, commonly known by the name of " bull- nose forceps," Avill be constantly required during the process of injecting. These are short, usually very strong, but not heavy, and close very tightly by their oavu spring, which may be easily overcome and so released by the pressure of the fingers. When any vessel has not been tied by the operator, and he finds the injected fluid escaping, one of these " bulldogs" may be taken up and closed upon the opening. This Avill cause very little inter- ruption, and the stoppage will be almost as effectual as if it were tied. 7 When the ordinary mode of injection is employed, it is necessary that the preparations be kept warm during the time they are used, otherwise the gelatine or size which they contain becomes stiff, and will not allow of being Avorked by the syringe. For this purpose we must procure small earthenware or tin pots of the size required, Avhich will differ according to the kind of work to be done ; and to each of these a loose lid should be adapted to protect it from dust, &c. These pots must be allowed to stand in a tin bath of water, under which a lamp or gas flame may be rdaced to keep the temperature sufficiently high to insure the OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 117 perfect fluidity of the mixture. The tin bath is, perhaps, most convenient when made like a small shallow cistern ; but some close it on the top to place the pots upon it, and alter the shape to their own convenience. 8. We Avill now inquire into some of the materials which are needed in this operation ; the first of AA'hich is size. This sub- stance is often used in the form of glue, but it must be of the very best and most transparent kind. To make the liquid Avhich is to receive the colours for the usual mode of injecting, take of this glue seven ounces, and pour upon it one quart of clean Avater; alloAv this to stand a few hours, and then boil gently until it is thoroughly dissolved, stirring with a wooden or glass rod during the process. Take all impurities from the surface, and strain through flannel or other fine medium. The weather affects this a little as to its stiffness when cold, but this must be counter- acted by adding a little more glue if found too liquid. 9. Instead of glue, gelatine is generally used, especially when the work to be accomplished is of the finer kind. The propor- tions are very different in this case, one ounce of gelatine to about fourteen ounces of water being sufficient. This, like glue, must be soaked a feAV hours in a small part of the cold Avater, the remainder being boiled and added, when it must be stirred until dissolved. A good size may be made by boiling clean strips of parchment for aAvhile, and then straining the liquid Avhilst hot through flannel; but Avhen the injections are to be transparent, it is of the greatest importance that the size be as colourless as possible. For this purpose good gelatine must be employed, as Nelson's or Cox's: some persons of experience prefer the latter. 10. Colours. The size-solution above mentioned will need some colouring matter to render it visible Avhen injected into the vessels of any animal, and different colours are used Avhen two or more kinds of vessels are so treated, in order that each " set" may be easily distinguished by sight. The proportion in which these colours are added to the size-solution may be given as fol- oavs :— 118 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING 11. For— Red.....8 parts of size-solution (by Aveight, to 1 part of vermilion. Yellow.. 6 " " 1 " chrome yellow. White .. 5 " " 1 " flake-Avhite. Blue .. 3 " " 1 " blue-smalt, fine. Black ..12 " " 1 " lamp-black. Whichever of these colours is made use of must be levigated in a mortar with the addition of a very small quantity of water until every lump of colour or foreign matter is reduced to the finest state possible, otherwise in the process of injecting it will most likely be found that some of the small channels have been closed and the progress of the liquid stopped. When this fineness of particles is attained, warmth sufficient to render the size quite fluid must be used, and the colour added gradually, stirring all the time with a rod. It may be here mentioned that where one colour only is required, vermilion is, perhaps, the best; and blue is seldom used for opaque objects, as it reflects very little more light than black. 12. When it is wished to fill the capillaries (the minute vessels connecting the arteries with the veins), the " Micrographic Dic- tionary " recommends the colouring matter to be made by double decomposition. As a professed handbook would be, perhaps, deemed incomplete without some directions as to the mode of getting these colours, I Avill here make use of those given in that work. For red, however, vermilion, as above stated, may be used ; but it must be carefully examined by reflected light to see Avhether it be free from all colourless crystals or not. It must first be worked in a mortar, and then the Avhole thrown into a quantity of water and stirred about; after leaving it not longer than a quarter of a minute, the larger portions will settle to the bottom, and the liquid being poured off will contain the finer poAvder. This may then be dried sloAvly, or added to the size Avhilst wet in the manner before advised. 13. Yellow injection.—To prepare this, take— OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 119 Acetate (sugar) of lead............ 380 grains. Bichromate of potash............. 152 " Size............................ 8 ounces. Dissolve the lead salt in the Avarm size, then add the bichromate of potash finely poAvdered. Some of the chromic acid remains free, and is wasted in this solution, so the folloAving is given:— Acetate of lead....................190 grains. Chromate of potash (neutral)........100 " Size............................. 4 ounces. The first of these has the deepest colour, and is the most generally used. 14. White injection.—This is a carbonate of lead :— Acetate of lead................... 190 grains. Carbonate of potash............... 83 " Size............................ 4 ounces. Dissolve the acetate of lead in the warm size, and filter through flannel; dissolve the carbonate of potash in the smallest quantity of Avater, and add to the size: 143 grains of carbonate of soda may be substituted for the carbonate of potash. 15. For blue injection, which is not, however, much used with reflected light, as before stated, take— Prussian blue...................... 73 grains. Oxalic acid....................... 73 " Size..........,.................. 4 ounces. The oxalic acid is first finely powdered in a mortar, the Prussian blue and a little water added, and the whole then thoroughly mixed Avith the size. 16. It may here be repeated, that it is only when the capillaries are to be filled that there is any need to be at the trouble to pre- pare the colours by this double composition ; and, indeed, colours ground so finely may be procured that the above instructions 120 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING Avould have been omitted, had it not been supposed that some students might find a double pleasure in performing as much of the Avork as possible by their OAvn unaided labours. 17. The process of injection may noAV be considered; but it is impossible for written instructions to supply the place of expe- rience. I will do my best, however, to set the novice at least in the right way. There are two kinds of injection—one Avhere the object and colours are opaque, and consequently fit for examina- tion by reflected light only; the other, Avhere the vessels are filled Avith transparent colours, and must be vieAved by transmitted light. The first of these is most frequently employed, so Ave will begin with it. In the object which is to be injected a vessel of the kind which Ave wdsh to be filled must be found ; an opening must then be made in it to allow one of the small pipes before mentioned to be thrust some distance within it. When this is accomplished, thread the curved needle with a piece of silk thread, or very fine string, which some operators rub well with beesAvax. This thread must not be too thin, else there is danger of cutting the vessel. The cord is then carried under the inserted pipe, and the vessel bound tightly upon it, the ends being brought up round the transverse arms, and there tied ; so that all danger of accidentally Avithdrawing the pipe is obviated. Care must now be used in closing all the vessels which communicate with that where the pipe is placed lest the injecting fluid escape ; and this must be done by tieing them with silk. Should, however, any of these be left open by accident, the bullnose forceps must be made use of, as before recommended. 18. The part to be injected must now be immersed in warm Avater, not, however, above 100° Fahrenheit, and be left until the whole is thoroughly warmed. Whilst this is being done, the coloured size must be made ready by the pot being placed in the tin bath of Avarm Avater, which must be of sufficient temperature (about 110° degrees Fahrenheit) to keep it perfectly liquid. For the same purpose, the syringe is often tightly covered with two or three folds of flannel; and, indeed, there is no part of the pro- cess Avhich requires more attention. If the substance to be in- jected is too hot, it is injured ; whilst, if any of the articles are too cold, the gelatine, or size, loses a part of its fluidity, and con- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 121 sequently cannot enter the minute parts. When all is prepared, the syringe, Avith the stopcock attached, should be Avarmed, and then filled and emptied with the injecting fluid two or three times, care being taken that the end of the syringe be kept be- neath any bubbles which form upon the surface. The syringe may then be filled, and' closely attached to the pipe Avhich is tied in the vessel. With a firm and steady pressure the piston must be forced doAvnAvards, Avhen the substance will be perceived to swell, and the colour sIioav itself in places Avhere the covering is thin. When the syringe is almost emptied of its contents, the stopcock must be turned to prevent any escape of the injection from the subject. It must then be refilled, as in the first instance, and the process repeated. I say almost emptied, because it is Avell not to force the piston of the syringe quite to the bottom, lest the small quantity of air Avhich frequently remains be driven into some of the vessels, and the object be injured or quite ruined. As the injection is proceeded Avith, it will be found that the force required grows greater, yet care must be taken not to use too much, or the vessels will burst, and render all the labour fruitless. The movement of the piston must be occasionally so slow as to be almost imperceptible, and for this reason it is sometimes marked Avith lines about one-eighth of an inch apart. 19. Of course, during the Avhole process the injecting fluid and subject must be kept at a temperature high enough to alloAv the liquid to flow freely; and the escape of a little of it need cause no fears to the student, as it is almost impossible to fill any sub- ject Avithout some loss. When the injected object has received sufficient fluid, it should have a plump appearance, OAving to all the vessels being Avell filled. The vessel must then be tied up Avhere the pipe Avas inserted, and the Avhole left in cold Avater two or three hours, after Avhich time it may be mounted; but it may be ay ell to notice a feAV things AA'hich the beginner ought to knoAv before entering into that part of the process; and he may be here informed that it is not necessary to mount the objects im- mediately, othenvise it Avould be impossible for one person to make use of half of any large subject, as it Avould be in a state of decay long before each part could have been examined and 122 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING separated. Large pieces should be therefore immersed in equal parts of spirits of Avine and Avater, or glycerine, Avhich some think better still, and thus preserved in bottles until time can be given to a closer examination. 20. In operating upon large subjects, entire animals, &c, the constant pressure required by the piston of the syringe grows wearisome, besides occupying both hands, Avhich is sometimes in- convenient Avhen Avorking Avithout assistance. To obviate this, another Avay of driving the syringe Avas published in the " Micro- graphic Dictionary" Avhich I will quote here:—"We have there- fore contrived a very simple piece of apparatus, Avhich any one can prepare for himself, and Avhich effects the object by mechani- cal means. It consists of a rectangular piece of board, tAvo feet long and ten inches wide, to one end of which is fastened an in- clined piece of wood (equal in Avidth to the long board, and one foot high). The inclined portion is pierced with three holes, one above the other, into either of which the syringe may be placed— the uppermost being used for the larger, the lowermost for the smaller syringe; and these holes are of such size as freely to ad- mit the syringe covered Avith flannel, but not to alloAv the rings to pass through them. The lower part of the syringe is supported upon a semiannular piece of wood, fastened to the upper end of an upright rod, Avhich slides in a holloAv cylinder fixed at its base to a small rectangular pieceof wood; and by means of a horizontal Avood- en screw, the rod may be made to support the syringe at any height required. The handle of the syringe is let into a groove in a stout Avooden rod connected by means of tAvo catgut strings Avith a smaller rod, to the middle of which is fastened a string playing over a pulley, and at the end of Avhich is a hook for supporting Aveights, the catgut strings passing through a longitudinal slit in the inclined piece of Avood." When in use the syringe is filled with injecting fluid, and passed through one of the three holes which is most suitable. The object being placed so that the pipe and syringe can be best joined, the rod and strings are set in or- der, and a weight placed on the hook. The stopcock must then be opened gradually, AArhen the operator Avill be able to judge whether the Aveight is a proper one or not: if the piston is driven Avith any speed, there is danger of injuring the subject, and OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 123 less Aveight may be used; if, however, the piston does not move, more must be added. 21. Such is the method recommended by the "Micrographic " Dictionary," and perhaps it is as good as any mechanical plan could be; but where the operator is willing to undergo the labour of performing all this with the hand, he has a much better chance of succeeding, because the pressure can be regulated so accurately, and changed so quickly Avhen requisite, that no mere machine can compete Avith it, however Avell contrived. 22. When the beginner attempts to inject a subject, one of his difficulties is finding the vessel from which to commence. Ano- ther consists in distinguishing the arteries from the veins; but this is partly removed by making a longitudinal incision in the vessel, and Avith a blunt thick needle probing a little distance into the tube. The artery will be found thicker in the coating than the vein, and the difference is easily perceived by this mode of testing: the vein is also of a bluer colour than the artery. I say above, a " longitudinal incision" must be made: the reason for this is, the artery Avhen cut across contracts considerably, and is lost in the adjoining substance; but Avhere the opening is made longitudinally all clanger of this contraction is obviated. 23. The different systems of vessels are often injected Avith various colours, so that their relative positions, and a glass ' tumbler' being inverted over it, the requisite supply of moisture is insured, and the spores will germinate luxuriantly. Some of the prothallia soon advance beyond the rest; and at the time when the ad- vanced ones have long since ceased to produce antheridia, and bear abundance of archegonia, those AA'hich have remained behind in their growth are beginning to be covered Avith antheridia. If the crop be noAV kept with little moisture for several weeks and then suddenly Avatered, a large number of antheridia and arche- gonia simultaneously open, and in a few hours aftenvards the surface of the larger prothallia will be found almost covered with moving antherozoids. Such prothallia as exhibit freshly opened archegonia are iioav to be held by one lob#between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand, so that the upper surface of the pro- thallium lies upon the thumb ; and the thinnest possible sections are then to be made Avith a narrow-bladed knife perpendicularly to the surface of the prothallium. Of these sections, Avhich after much practice may be made no more than 1-15th of a line of thickness, some will probably lay open the canals of the archego- nia, and within these, when examined with a poAver of 200 or 300 diameters, antherozoids may be occasionally distinguished." Another interesting object to the young microscopist is afforded by the spores of the equiseta (or horsetails, as they are often called). These may be obtained by shaking the higher portion of the stems when the spores are ripe. They will then fall like small dust, and may be placed under the microscope. The spores are then seen to consist of a someAvhat heart-shaped mass with bands rather intricately curled around it. As they dry these bands expand, and are seen to be four lines at right angles, Avith the ends clubbed, as it may be called. If, whilst watching them, the spores are breathed upon, these bands immediately return to their former state, and are closely curled around the spore; but as they gradually dry again expand. This experiment may be repeated several times, and is a very interesting one. The above are the principal objects which could not possibly be OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 137 included in any of the former chapters, but would have left a most interesting branch untouched had it been neglected. There is another subject also Avhich should not be passed by—viz., the production of minute pictures which serve as objects for microscopic examination. I may here mention that as this manual is simply to enable the young student to prepare and mount his objects, the photography of magnified objects has evidently no place here. Few slides caused so much astonishment as these minute photographs Avhen first exhibited; small spots were seen to con- tain large pictures, and a page of printed matter was compressed into the one-hundredth part of a square inch. It would be im- possible in this place to give the inquirer any instruction in the manipulation of photography, so it must be assumed that he al- ready knoAvs this. We will first consider the process performed by artificial light. The collodion employed in photographing generally shows as much structure when magnified as is found in linen of moderate texture; but this is not ahvays the case, as some samples bear much enlargement Avithout any of this appearance. It is evident that a structure so coarse would make it entirely unfit for these minute pictures, as all the small markings would be destroyed, or so interfered Avith that no great enlargement Avould be practicable. To obtain almost structureless collodion is not an easy matter, and a clever practitioner in this branch of photography states that he knoAvs of no method to accomplish this Avith certainty, but he himself tries different samples until he falls upon a suitable one, Avhich he then lays aside for this object. A beneficial effect is often demed from keeping the collodion awhile, but this is not always the case. The slides should be chosen of an equal thick- ness, so that AA'hen focussed upon one no re-adjustment may be necessary for the others. The glass should, of course, be free from any roughness, scratches, or other imperfections, and of first- rate quality and colour. The microscope must then be placed in a horizontal position, and the eye-piece removed, the stage having a small clip upon it to keep the prepared plate in position. The negative must then be supported at a distance from the end of the microscope tube from Avhich the eye-piece Avas AvithdraAvn. The distance will, of 138 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING course, vary according to the relative sizes of the negative and desired picture. With a one-inch object glass, which is a very convenient focus, it will have to be changed usually betwixt one and four feet. The negative must be lighted by an argand gas- burner or camphene-lamp, and the rays rendered as parallel as possible by the use of a large lens placed betwixt the light and the negative. It is not easy to arrange the apparatus so as to get the light uniform; but a little practice will soon do away with this difficulty. Ordinary ground-glass is too coarsely grained to focus upon, as the magnifying power used to examine the minute re- flection must be considerable. One of the slides must therefore be coated with the collodion, submitted to the silver-bath, and after washing with Avater be allowed to dry. Upon this may be focussed the reflected image, and its minuteness examined Avith a powerful hand-magnifier, or another microscope placed behind in a horizontal position. When the utmost sharpness of definition is obtained, it is usually required to remove the plate a little dis- tance from the object-glass, as object-glasses for the microscope are slightly " over corrected," and the chemical rays which ac- complish the photography are beyond the visual ones. The exact distance required to give a picture to bear the greatest enlarge- ment cannot be given by rule ; but experiments must be made at first, and it will always be the same with the object-glass which we have tested. The plate may now be prepared as in ordinary photography, and placed upon the stage whilst the light is shaded. AVhen all is ready, the shade is removed and the process allowed to go on, usually for thirty or forty seconds; but no certain rule can be given as to the required time, on account of various collodions, lamps, and powers being used. It may be here mentioned, that it is Avell to contrive some little frame to receive the prepared plate, as the silver bath solution is liable to get upon the micro- scope stage and so, to say the least, disfigure it. When the ex- posure has been continued sufficiently long, the picture may be developed by any of the ordinary methods, but some of the best productions have been brought out by the aid of pyrogallic and citric acid solution, Avith the addition of a little alcohol. The " fixing " may be effected by a strong solution of hyposulphite of OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 139 soda, and the picture must then be very avcII washed with pure water. When dry, the photograph must be mounted with Canada balsam, in the same manner as any ordinary object; but great heat must not be used, or the picture may be injured. When ordinary daylight is employed for this purpose, a dark slide will be required for the prepared plate, in the same way as for photographing landscape, &c. These dark slides are generally made by each individual to suit his particular arrangements of negatives, &c.; but it may be here recommended that the opera- tor should ahvays focus in the same slide which he is about to use, as so small a difference in distance lies betwixt perfection and failure. For an ordinary student, perhaps the above method is that Avhich is the most readily used, and consequently the most generally available; but almost every one has a different arrangement of microscope, &c, by Avhich he procures these minute pictures. Mr. Shadbolt (one of our most successful photographers) gives the following instructions :—" Having removed the upper stage plate of a large compound microscope, I replace it with one of Avood, supplied with guide pins of silver wire, in order to admit of its supporting a slip of glass coated Avith collodion, and excited in the nitrate of silver bath in the usual Avay. If the ordinary brass stage plate Avere left undisturbed, it is obvious that it and the excited slip of glass Avould be mutually destructive. " The microscope is now to be placed in a horizontal position, the objective, intended to produce the picture, made to occupy the place usually filled by the achromatic condenser on"tlie sub- stage of the microscope, Avhile another objective is screAved into the lower end of the body of the instrument, which is used not only to focus with, but also to make the requisite allowance for actinic variation. " The negative intended to be reduced is then arranged verti- cally, with its centre in the axis of the microscopic body, at a dis- tance of from tAvo to four feet from the lower object-glass, and Avith a convenient screen of card, Avood, or thick paper, to cut off any extraneous light that Avould othenvise pass beyond the limits of the picture. " A small camphene-lamp is employed for the purpose of illumi- 140 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. nating the negative, having a good bull's-eye lens as a condenser, so arranged with its flat side next the lamp that the refracted rays shall just fill the whole of a double convex lens of about six inches in diameter, the latter being placed in such a position as to refract the rays of light in a parallel direction upon the negative. By this arrangement the bulVs-eye lens of about two inches and a half- in diameter appears as the source of the light instead of the small flame of the lamp. " By using a bat's-wing gas-burner of a good size, a single lens, instead of the two, may be so placed as to give the necessary uniformity of illumination." This arrangement requires the same care in working as that before mentioned, the picture being produced, developed, and fixed by the same treatment. As before stated, almost every manipulator makes some small changes in the method of producing these minute pictures; but the rules given, though far from new, are sufficient for all purposes; and I may state with truth, that those which I procured Avhen these wonders were quite new, are fully equal in every respect to the best usually met with at the present time. With these instructions I shall close my Handbook, as I believe that every branch of Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects has been treated of. Not that the beginner can expect that he has nothing to do except read this to be able to mount everything ; but there are difficulties from which he may be freed by instruction, when otherwise he would have been compelled to learn by failure alone. I may, here, however, repeat certain ad- vice before given,—that, when practicable, it is a good thing to mount each object by two or more different methods, as very fre- quently one feature is best shown dry, another in liquid, and a third in balsam. Secondly, let the mounting be studied thorough- ly, as no part of the microscopic science is more worthy of thought than this. And lastly, let no failures prevent you folloAving up what will assuredly one day become a source of great pleasure, and render your daily " constitutional Avalk," which is often dull in the extreme, very delightful, as it will afford you some new wonder in every hedge-rovr. INDEX. AlR-BUBBLFS, 57. Air-pump, 19; use of, 58. Alcock, Dr., on tongues of Mollusca, 111. Alga?, mounting of, 88. Anacharis aUinastrum, rotation in, 134; to cultivate, 135. Animal tissues, dissection of, 108. Antennas of insects, 70; in preserva- tive liquid, 91. Apparatus required in mounting ob- jects, 1. Arteries, how to distinguish, in injec- tion, 123. Asparagus, spiral vessels of, 108. Asphaltum, 21; and india-rubber, as cement and varnish, 24. Bat, circulation of blood in wings of, 133. Beale's, Dr., Prussian blue for inject- ing, 125; carmine, 126. Bell-glasses, use of, 19. Berg-mehl, 43. Bermuda earth, 43, Bichromate of lead, injection with, 124. Bird, Dr. Golding, on preparation of Zoophytes, 65. Black-japan, as a cement, 22. Black varnish, 23. Blood, as a microscopic object, 52 ; circulation of, 131-140. Bone, sections of, 97 ; fossil, 99. Brass plate for heating glasses, &c, 19. CactacExE, raphides of, 54. Camel-hair pencils, use of, 17. Canada balsam, 20; with chloroform, 20, 61, 124; with turpentine, 21; air-bubbles in, 57 ; Dr. Carpenter's syringe for, 59; to fill cells with, ib.; mounting of objects in, 57. Carbonic acid, 83. Carmine injecting fluid, Dr. Beale's, 125 ; Dale & Davies', 129. Cartilage, dissection of, 108. Castor oil, as a preservative, 83. Cells for dry objects, 13 ; with ringa of cardboard, 15; with gutta-percha, 14; with leather, ib.; with ivory, 15 ; with thin glass, 14 ; with var- nish, 28, 31 ; for balsam, 59; for preservative liquids, 84-87 ; Shad- bolt's turntable useful in making, 16. Cements, 20-23. Chalk, foraminifera from, 63. Chara vulgaris, rotation in, 134. Chloride of zinc, solution of, 83; of calcium, solution of, 89. Chloroform, use of (nee Canada bal- sam). Circulation of blood, 131-133 ; of sap (see Rotation). Cleanliness in microscopic work, 9. Coal, sections of, 95. Collection of diatoms, 33. Colours for injection, 117-119. Condenser, cheap, to make, 26. Corals, sections of, 95. Corallines, to mount, 50. * Cover of objects, to remove, 61. Crystals, mounting of, dry, 52; to vary form of, and mount in balsam, 73; sections of, 104 Cuticle of equisetum,