qD527t 1850 V & l^2ni 4s0Si/$k^ -LOT I / ■& i*i JO Aavaan ivnoiivn jnoiqjw jo ahvhbu ivnoiivn 3Ni3ia3w jo aiviiii ivnoiivn 3Ni3i <4AL LIBRARY OF MEDI CINE NATI N A T I O N A L L I B R A R Y O 4ATI0 / I3W JO AHVaail IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO AIVHN TVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO AIVI9I1 TVNOIiVN 3NI3I NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIO 1AL LIBRARY OF ME Dl CI NE N A T I O N A I L I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E N A T I O N A L I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E NATIO no < IAL LIBRARY OF ME OICI NE N A T I O N A I I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E N A T I O N A I I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E NATIOI T I 01 I / rSl^i^St^?!^! 4 Nisiaiw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn jndioiw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn jnoiojw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn 3 l/V i ATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N ;/V I'naI^ ATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N :- /v I Noiajw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn inisiqjw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn jnisiqjw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3 Nisiasw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn inoioiw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn 3ni3iq3w jo Aavaan tvnoiivn 3 Nisiajw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn inoioiw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn jnoiqjw jo Aavaan tvnoiivn 3 ATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ' TABULA ATOMICS. THE CHEMICAL TABLES CALCULATION OE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSES OF H. ROSE. RECALCULATED FOR THE MORE RECENT DETERMINATIONS OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS, AND WITH OTHER ALTERA- TIONS AND ADDITIONS. By IVILLJ-AMeP>.'fl#EXTER. ^'" o coT,TV.Il^.x«X \J '?< , V}» u BOSTON: CHARLES C. LITTLE AND JAMES BROWN. ISoO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by C. C. Little and James Brown, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. QD ■pmt CAMBRIDGE: STEREOTYPED BY METCALF AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY, PREEACE. The Tables contained in the present work are those appended by M. H. Rose, of Berlin, to his celebrated Manual of Analytical Chemistry: they have been found convenient, and have been extensively used by Euro- pean chemists. Since the publication of his treatise, the atomic weights of a number of the elements have been determined with greater precision, and it has be- come necessary in consequence to recalculate the Tables for the advance made in this branch of the science. In undertaking this labor, I have endeavoured to choose those atomic weights which rest upon the most trust- worthy researches, and which have been most generally received by chemists. In several instances in which more recent determinations might have been taken, it has seemed to me advisable to retain the older numbers. As the value of a work of this kind depends entirely upon its correctness, I may state that every calculation was performed by myself, both by direct division and by the use of logarithms. The columns of multiples were computed separately by myself and another, and our iv PREFACE. results compared both before and after they were tran- scribed. Finally, to avoid as far as possible errors of the press, each sheet, besides the usual correction, has been most carefully revised by myself. Such additions to the Tables have been made as were required by the progress of analytical chemistry. I have likewise added a table of the equivalent numbers of the elements and principal compounds, with their logarithms and chemical symbols. The column of log- arithms is my own, and I am not aware that a table has been before prepared for this mode of performing the calculation. In Rose's work, under chlorine and sul- phur are given the composition of all the combinations of these bodies ;* but as they occupy much space, and are of comparatively little practical use, I have omitted the greater part of these articles. In the construction of the Tables the Latin terms have been preferred, as being the common language of science, and as better adapted than the English to express the degrees of chemical combination. W. P. D. Brookline, Mass., June 17, 1850. INTRODUCTION. I. The Atomic Weights used. The atomic weights employed in the following Tables are for the most part those adopted by Berzelius in the last edition of his Chem- istry. In some few instances there has seemed reason for prefer- ring the results of later experimenters, or for a different calculation of former analyses. In every case in which an equivalent differing from that given by Berzelius has been assumed, a particular expla- nation of the cause of departing from so high an authority has been subjoined. In accordance with the views of this chemist, the theory by which the atomic weights of the elements are exact multiples of that of hydrogen, has not been followed ; and the equivalents have been given as derived directly from the results of experiment, Avith- out allowance by calculation for the weight of the air displaced. The equivalents of chlorine, hydrogen, and the other bodies of that class, as also of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth, have been taken to represent the weight of the atom ; the same has been done with respect to gold, the atom of which is halved by Ber- zelius, that its weight may correspond with the specific heat of the metal. Aluminium, glycium, and zirconium are the only remain- ing elements which combine solely by double atoms. The constitu- tion of the compounds of the last two is not, as yet, established with certainty; the isomorphous relations of alumina forbid the supposi- tion that it contains but a single atom of radical. 1- VI INTRODUCTION. The atomic weights of chlorine, potassium, and silver are those of Marignac, as revised by Berzelius ; they differ from the numbers given in the Annual Report by the omission of a series of analyses of chlorate of silver, by which M. Marignac designed to control the results furnished by the chlorate of potash, and also in not being reduced to a vacuum. The numbers thus revised have been adopt- ed by Rammelsberg. The equivalent of hydrogen was fixed by Berzelius at 12.48 ; and " this result," he says, " is confirmed by comparison of the specific gravities of oxygen and hydrogen." The later and very accurate experiments of Dumas gave from 12.48 to 12.57, the mean being T2.51. In consequence of its proximity, the multiple 12.50 'was adopted. If now the equivalent be calculated from Regnault's de- terminations of the specific gravity of oxygen and hydrogen, a num- ber 12.53 will be obtained, falling entirely within the limits of the experiments of Dumas, and approaching more nearly the equiva- lent assumed by him than that of Berzelius. For this reason, it has been thought advisable to take 12.50 for the equivalent of hydrogen. The equivalent of carbon is deduced by Berzelius from the den- sities of carbonic acid and carbonic oxyde gases. The direct and concordant determinations of Dumas, and of Erdmann and Mar- chand, seem to merit the preference; by which, in the language of Professor Graham, " the equivalent of carbon has been reduced, with the general concurrence of chemists, to 75." The atomic weights of several bodies have recently been deter- mined by Pelouze, by the amount of a standard solution of nitrate of silver required for the complete precipitation of their chlorides. The number given for arsenic was thus obtained: it is the mean of three concordant analyses, and agrees perfectly with the specific gravity of arsenietted hydrogen obtained by Dumas. Berzelius determined the equivalent of. phosphorus from the silver which a given weight of it reduced.* The number so obtained dif- * In the calculation of this experiment an error seems to have been committed. The atomic weight of phosphorus is given as 392.041; it should be 391.72. INTRODUCTION. Vll fers considerably from that given by Pelouze (400.3), and agrees much better with Rose's determination of the sp. gr.'of phosphu- retted hydrogen. On this account, and because there is reason-to suspect that in Pelouze's experiments some of the silver may have been reduced by the phosphorus, the number assigned by Berzelius has been retained. The equivalent of silicium obtained by Pelouze differs so much from that given by Berzelius, that it wras thought advisable not to adopt it until it should have been more generally received by chemists. The table under the head of Silicium has been calcu- lated for both these numbers; but where this element occurs in other places, the determination of Berzelius has been taken. The atomic weight is now derived by him from the direct oxydation of silicium; it was before deduced from the composition of the silico- fluoride of barium, and was dependent, of course, upon those of fluor and barium. In this way the equivalent was found, on the supposition of three atoms of oxygen in silicic acid, equal to 277.312. Experiments by direct oxydation gave 277.778, which is the num- ber here adopted. For sodium the mean result of. three concordant and apparently exact experiments of Pelouze has been taken. The number given by Berzelius is founded upon one experiment, in which he ascer- tained the chloride of silver obtained from a given weight of chloride of sodium. Stromeyer and Pelouze determined the atomic weight of strontian by the analysis of the chloride. The former obtained 545.929 ; the latter, 548.4250. The mean, 547.177, is the number used. Marignac has lately given determinations of the atomic weights of barium, cerium, lanthanium, and didymium. By the method employed by Pelouze he obtained 857.32, as the mean of six experiments, for the equivalent of barium. It had been previously determined by Pelouze at 858.01; and by Berze- lius, from the composition both of the chloride and the sulphate, at 855.40. The equivalents of cerium, lanthanium, and didymium were de- Vlll INTRODUCTION. termined by precipitating their protosulphates by a measured solu- tion containing a known quantity of chloride of barium. By re- peated experiments upon a salt which had undergone from two to five crystallizations, the equivalent of cerium was fixed at 590.80. The atomic weight of didymium is only approximative^ ascer- tained, and is probably too low, since it was found impossible to di- vest it of the last traces of lanthanium. Marignac's number for barium is nearly the mean of those of Berzelius and Pelouze; and, from the care with which the experi- ments appear to have been made, and M. Marignac's well-known accuracy in researches of this kind, I have not hesitated to adopt his numbers for the equivalents of the above-named bodies. Berzelius assigned 596.10 as the equivalent of molybdenum; but was not satisfied with the method pursued, or the result. Svanberg and Struve, by the conversion of a known weight of sul- phide of molybdenum into molybdic acid, found the numbers 575.829 or 588.966, according as the equivalent of sulphur was estimated at 200 or at 200.75. The latter is the one adopted. Since the publication of Ebelmen's researches upon uranium, in which he determined the atomic .weight by combustion of the ox- alate, Peligot has shown that this salt retains with obstinacy traces of the chloride or nitrate from which it may have been formed; and which are fully sufficient to account for the discrepancy between his results and those of Ebelmen. By repeated analyses both of the oxalate and acetate, the equivalent was finally fixed at 750. For the atomic weight of mercury Berzelius takes the experi- ments of Erdmann and Marchand, in which they ascertained the quantity of metal reduced from a known weight of oxyde. These experiments are five in number. One, in which .the reduction was effected by means of graphite, gave an equivalent exceeding con- siderably that obtained from the rest. The mean of the five is 1251.293, and is adopted by Berzelius. Erdmann and Marchand give the weights reduced to a vacuum, and take the mean of four, excluding that in which graphite was employed. They thus o-et 1250.6, or, more exactly, 1250.68. If we follow them in rejecting INTRODUCTION. ix the experiment with the graphite, the mean of the remaining four, the weights being taken in air, is 1251.019, which, without appre- ciable error, may be called 1251.02. The results of these experiments are subjoined : — In Air. In Vacuo. 1250.623 1250.3 1250.98 1250.7 1251.005 1250.6 1251.408 1251.1 (Graphite,) . . 1252.39 1252.1 Mean of the five, . 1251.293 1250.9 Mean of four, . . 1251.019 1250.68 The equivalent of thorina is very doubtful. If deduced from the composition of the double sulphate of thorina and potassa, it is 745. For titanium Berzelius recalculated Rose's analyses of the bi- chloride for the revised atomic weight of chloride of silver. In the computation slight errors will be found, making the mean 301.304, and not 301.55, for the equivalent. A similar error has been made with regard to osmium, the equiv- alent of which, calculated from the chloride of potassium in the double chloride of osmium and potassium, should be 1243.624, in- stead of 1242.024. The mean of two determinations of the atomic weight of tungsten is wrongly estimated at 1188.36 for 1183.36. The atomic weights which depend upon those of chlorine, silver, sulphur, &c, have been recalculated by Berzelius, in his last edi- tion, for the equivalents assigned by him to these bodies. The same has been done in the present work with regard to the atomic weights of Marignac and Pelouze which have been adopted; that of lithium has also undergone a slight alteration, in consequence of the new equivalent of barium made use of in its calculation. 2 X INTRODUCTION. II. Use of the Tables. In the first column of the Tables are the names of the substan- ces whose weight is obtained in the ordinary processes of analysis. The second column contains the names of those whose weight it is wished to ascertain by means of the first. The columns which have at the top the figures 1, 2, 3, .... 9, show the quantity of the substance whose name is in line with it in the second column contained respectively in 1, 2, 3, . . . .9 parts of the body in the same line of the first column. Omitting for the present the column of logarithms, the use of the Tables will be best illustrated by an example. A quantity of chloride of silver equal to one grain has been ob- tained in the course of analysis, and it is desired to ascertain the amount of metallic silver which it contains. Turning to the Table in which the body sought is treated of, and which, in the present case is the third, we find, in the fourth line, in the column of Inventa, Chloridum Argenticum, and in that of Invenienda, Ar- gentum. In the miit column of the same line is the number 0.75276, which represents the fraction of a grain of metallic silver contained in one grain of the chloride. Had the quantity of chloride found been 10 or 0.1 grs., it is evident that, by moving the decimal point one place to the right in the first case, and to the left in the latter, the same figures would give the silver corresponding respectively to each of these quanti- ties. And by adding the figures of several columns, with due re- gard to the proper position of the decimal, the silver contained in any given weight of chloride may readily be ascertained. Let us suppose the chloride found to weigh 31.35 grs. 30. grs. Ag CI contain . . 22.58290 Ag. 1. " " " 0.75276 " .3 « « "... .22583 « .05 " " « .03763 « 31.35 grs. Ag CI contain, therefore, 23.59912 A*. INTRODUCTION. XI The last decimals, it will be seen, may be neglected without mate- rially affecting the result. The columns marked Logarithmus contain the logarithms of the numbers in the unit column of the same line.* For those who are familiar with their use, this will be found a very expeditious and con- venient way of making the calculation. It is, besides, free from all chance of error arising from a wrong placing of the decimal point; an error which, by the other method, may easily be committed. To perform the calculation by logarithms, we prefix to the loga- rithm given in the Table its proper characteristic, which is indi- cated by the adjoining number in the unit column, and add to it the logarithm of the number expressing the weight of the substance found. The result is the logarithm of the number required. To apply this to the above instance, Ave find in the Table the logarithm 8766586, and, as it is the logarithm of the decimal 0.75270, its characteristic is negative and unity. Adding to it the logarithm of 31.35, the weight of the chloride of silver found, viz. 1.4902375, we have 1.3728961 for the logarithm, and the number 23.599 for the Aveight, of the silver required. Calculations not expressly provided for in the tables may fre- quently be performed by a combination of tAvo or more of the series * The column of logarithms is calculated directly from the atomic, weights of the substances whose relation they express ; and, as they are carried to two more places of decimals, the results obtained in this way are more exact than those derived from a combination of the several numbers in the unit columns. In the instance cited in the text, the calculation, without the use of tables, would be performed, by the rule of three, as follows: — Ag CI : Ag: : 31.35 : x. By logarithms: — log. x = log. 31.35 + [log. Ag - log. Ag CI]. Now the difference of the logarithms inclosed in the vinculum is a constant quantity for all values of the third term of the proportion; it is the logarithm given in the tabic, and is obviously that of the number in the unit column, supposing the decimal of the latter to be carried out to completion. I would add, that Rose considers logarithms as not leading to sufficiently accurate results for the calculation of exact analyses. This is true if the logarithm be carried onlv to five decimal places; but if tables of seven decimals be made use of, the results will be found more exact than if made with Rose's Tables. xii INTRODUCTION. there given. If it be required, for instance, to ascertain the quan- tity of oxyde of ammonium in a compound in which we have weighed the ammonium in the form of the double chloride of platinum and ammonium, we shall find no line in Table II. answering our purpose. But, by the fourth line, there is given the ammonia corresponding to any given weight of the double chloride ; and, from the weight of the ammonia thus found, we can, by the seventh line, ascertain the required amount of oxyde of ammonium. Let us suppose, to take another case, that there have been ob- tained 13.59 grains of black oxyde of copper, and that the metal existed in the substance examined in the state of chloride. To how much chloride of copper are 13.59 grains of oxyde equivalent? By the third and fourth lines of Table XVIL, 13.59 grains of oxyde of copper are shown to be composed of 10.85 of copper and 2.74 of oxygen. The ninth line of Table XIV. shows that 2.74 oxygen correspond to 12.14 chlorine; and adding 12.14 to 10.85, the quantity of copper, we have 22.99 for that of the chloride re- quired. The design and application of the greater part of the Tables will be understood from the above remarks. Particular explanations of some of the less obvious cases are annexed. For a full exposition of the analytical processes in which they are required, and of the method of their performance, the reader is referred to the Treatises of Rose and Fresenius. Table III. No. 9.—For the purpose of estimating silver, by the process of Gay-Lussac, from the amount of a standard solution of chloride of sodium required for its precipitation. Table IV. Nos. 11 and 12. —Process of Levol and II. Rose. —The am- moniaco-magnesian arseniate is supposed to have been dried at INTRODUCTION. xiii 212° F. If dried over sulphuric acid at common temperatures, the calculation must be made for the formula 2 Mg 0 -f- N H4 0 -J- As 0s -f- 12 II 0. No. 13. — " When arsenic is contained in a solution in the state of arsenious acid, As 03, its amount can be very accurately ascer- tained by means of a solution of chloride of gold. From the amount of gold reduced, the quantity of the arsenious acid can be calcu- lated."—II. Rose. 3 As O3 + 2 Au CP + 6 II 0 = 3 As 0s + 2 Au + 6 H CI. Table XX. The sixth line of this Table gives the quantity of sesquioxyde of iron which would be formed from any given weight of the metal, and is of use in the determination of arsenic and phosphoric acids by the process of Berthier. Nos. 6 to 15 are used in making the analysis of mixtures of the protoxyde and peroxyde of iron. Nos. 8 and 9 give the quantity of oxygen required for the con- version into protoxyde and peroxyde, respectively, of a given weight of iron. No. 10 shows the amount of protoxyde which the addition of a given quantity of oxygen can convert into peroxyde ; and Nos. 11 and 12, the quantities of each of the oxydes which could be formed with a given weight of oxygen. The use of this series will be best seen by an example. It is desired to ascertain the quantity of protoxyde and of per- oxyde of iron in a mixture of these oxydes, weighing, for instance, 3.449 grains. The oxydes having been reduced, at a red heat, by hydrogen gas, a residue of metallic iron is obtained, weighing, we will sup- pose, 2.506 grs.; while, at the same time, there has been formed a quantity of water amounting to 1.061 grs. By the second line of Table XXIV. it will be seen that 1.061 parts of water contain 0.94311 of oxygen, which is therefore the quantity previously com- bined with the iron. According to the ninth line of the present 2 xiv INTRODUCTION. Table (XX.), to convert 2.506 iron into sesquioxyde would require 1.07238 of oxygen. The difference between this last number and 0.94311, viz. 0.12927, must express the amount of oxygen neces- sary to convert into peroxyde the protoxyde of iron contained in the compound. This quantity of protoxyde we shall find by the tenth line (Table XX.) to be 1.16479. Subtracting 1.16479, the weight of the protoxyde, from 3.449, the combined weight of both oxydes, leaves 2.284 for that of the peroxyde. It is not necessary that the combined weight of the oxydes should be known. Provided we have ascertained the weight of metallic iron left, and that of the water formed in the reduction by hydrogen, the amount of each of the oxydes may be calcu- lated. For this purpose, we find, as before, from the water ob- tained, the whole quantity of oxygen contained in the mixture, and also that of the protoxyde of iron. The oxygen in the 1.16479 grs. of protoxyde is next calculated, by the aid of the second line of the Table; or it may more readily be obtained by doubling the quantity of oxygen, 0.12927, Avhich we have previously found to be required for the conversion of the protoxyde of the mixture to per- oxyde. Subtracting now the 0.25854 oxygen of the protoxyde from 0.94311, the whole quantity contained in the mixture, leaAres 0.68457 for that of the peroxyde; and, from the twelfth line of the Table, we find this quantity of oxygen to be contained in 2.284 grs. of peroxyde. If the weight of the combination of the two oxydes is known, they may be dissolved in nitric acid, and the peroxyde precipitated by ammonia and weighed. The difference of the tAvo weights gives the oxygen Avhich has combined Avith the protoxyde. The amount of the latter may then be readily ascertained, as before, by the tenth line of the Table. The thirteenth line is for the estimation of the quantity of per- oxyde in a combination of the oxydes, from the sulphur which pre- cipitates when their solution is acted upon by hydrosulphuric acid gas. No. 14 is for the same determination by means of metallic silver INTRODUCTION. XV in powder. The increase of weight of the silver, due to the chlorine Avhich it takes from the perchloride of iron, gives, by the use of the Table, the corresponding quantity of peroxyde. No. 15 indicates the quantity of protoxyde of iron in a combina- tion of the oxydes, by the metallic gold reduced from a solution of the auro-chloride of sodium. The sixteenth series is for the calculation of the oxydes when combined with phosphoric acid, according to the process of Fuchs. It will be seen, by an examination of the figures of these different series, that, in the reduction of the oxydes by hydrogen, a small error in the performance of analysis leads to a large one in the es- timation of the oxydes. The error is proportionably diminished in the process by sulphuretted hydrogen, and still more by the use of the powdered silver; but it is reduced to its lowest limits when the determination of the protoxyde is effected by means of the auro- chloride of sodium. Table XXXI. No. 15. — For the estimation of the amount of the peroxyde con- tained in the manganese of commerce, by the usual process with oxalic and sulphuric acids. By the use of the table, the necessity of operating upon any par- ticular weight, in order to simplify the calculation, is avoided; and the result will be far more accurate than if the carbonic acid evolved be taken, as is usually done, for the equivalent of the per- oxyde contained in the sample. Table XXXIII. The last six lines of this Table have been computed, at the sug- gestion that they would be of use in determining, for technical pur- poses, Avithout the labor of a calculation, the quantities of the several salts of soda contained in the articles of commerce. Table XXXV. Nos. 12,13. — For the determination of nitric and nitrous acids as sulphate of baryta. xvi INTRODUCTION. The nitric acid is first combined with baryta; the resulting ni- trate is converted into sulphate of baryta, from the weight of which may be calculated that of the nitric acid Avith Avhich the base was previously combined. No. 15 is for the determination of nitrous acid by means of the carbonic acid and nitrogen evolved in its action upon urea. TJie process is analogous to that of Fresenius and Will for the estima- tion of the peroxyde of manganese, and is conducted in a similar way. (C2 N2 H4 O2) + 2 N O3 = 2 C O2 -4- 4 N + 4 II 0. Schwarz in Liebig's Annalen, April, 1849, or Chemical Grazette, July, 1849. Table XXXVIII. The fourteenth line of this table is for the calculation of the quantity of hypophosphorous acid, and the fifteenth for that of phos- phorous acid, from the protochloride of mercury reduced from a solution of the perchloride. Table XLV. Nos. 9 and 10. — Mixtures of the protoxyde and peroxyde, or of protochloride and perchloride of tin are estimated by the pre- cipitate formed on the addition of their solution to one of perchloride of mercury. The precipitated protochloride of mercury gives, by No. 9, the quantity of protoxyde, and by No. 10, that of proto- chloride, of tin present in the solution. (For the details and precautions to be observed, see Rose's Treatise.) Table XLVI. No. 9. — The estimation of the sulphur in the sulphuret of anti- mony may be made by treating a weighed quantity of the sulphuret with hydrochloric acid. By this means only the perchloride of an- timony (Sb CI3), corresponding in composition to antimonious acid, is formed, and the equivalent quantity of sulphur escapes in the form of sulphuretted hydrogen. The remainder of the sulphur INTRODUCTION. XVli separates in the solid form, and its weight indicates the amount of sulphuret corresponding to antimonic acid (Sb S*). The Table ansAvers for the calculation. No. 14. — Antimonious acid (Sb O3) can be estimated in a sim- ilar manner to arsenious acid by means of a solution of auro-chloride of sodium or ammonium. II. Rose, Pogg. Ann., LXXVII. p. 110 ; Chem. G-azette, Oct. 1849. Table XLVIII. By the tenth line of this table, the quantity of hyposulphurous acid is deduced from that of the sulphate of baryta obtained when the hyposulphurous acid has been completely converted into sul- phuric acid by fusion with nitre or chlorate of potash. The eleventh line indicates a quantity tAvice as great, and is used when, after the decomposition of a hyposulphite by nitrate of silver, the sulphuric acid remaining in solution, which contains the half of the sulphur of the hyposulphurous acid, is estimated for the calcu- lation of the latter. The sulphuret of silver which is precipitated in this reaction con- tains the other half of the sulphur of the hyposulphurous acid, which may, from its weight, be calculated by means of the twelfth line. 2* TABULA ATOMICS. PONDERUM ATOMICORUM TABULA. Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Logarithmus Atomica. Pond. Atom. Aluminium Al 170.90 2327421 Oxyd. Aluminicum Al'2 O3 641.80 8073997 Chlorid. Aluminicum Al2 CI3 1671.64 223142N Sulphas Kalico-Aluminicus ( K 0 S O3 + ) \ Al2 O3 3 S O3 i 3233.656 5096938 Argentum Ag 1349.66 1302244 Oxyd. Argenticum AgO 1449.66 1612662 Chlorid. Argenticum AgCl 1792.94 2535658 Sulphid. Argenticum AgS 1550.41 1904466 Nitras Argenticus Ag 0 -j- N O5 2124.72 3273017 Arsenicum As 937.466 9719555 Acid. Arseniosum As O3 1237.466 0925333 Acid. Arsenicum As O5 1437.466 1575976 Sulphid. Arseniosum AsS3 1539.716 1874406 Sulphid. Arsenicum AsS5 1941.216 2880739 AURUM Au 2458.33 3906402 Oxyd. Aurosum Au 0 2558.33 4079566 Oxyd. Auricum AuO3 2758.33 4406462 Chlorid. Auricum AuCl3 3788.17 5784295 Barium Ba 857.32 9331430 Oxyd. Baricum BaO 957.32 9810571 Chlorid. Baricum BaCl 1300.60 1141437 Carbonas Baric us Ba 0 + C O2 1232.32 0907235 Sulphas Baricus BaO + SO3 1458.07 1637784 Bismuthum Bi 2660.751 4250047 O.xvd. Bismuthicum BiO3 2960.': 51 4714023 Nitras Bismuthicus Bi03-f3NO; 4085.934 6977466 —---:---,____ t» Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Atomica. Logarithmus Pond. Atom. Boron Acid. Boricum Fluorid. Boricum B BO3 B F3 136.204 436.204 842.509 1341899 6396897 9255746 Bromum Acid. Bromicum Bromid. Hydricum Bromid. Argenticum Br BrO5 HBr AgBr 999.62 1499.62 1012.12 2349.28 9998349 1759812 0052234 3709349 Cadmium Oxyd. Cadmicum Sulphid. Cadmicum Cd CdO CdS 696.767 796.767 897.517 8430875 9013314 9530427 Calcium Oxyd. Calcicum Sulphas Calcicus Carbonas Calcicus Ca CaO Ca 0 + S O3 Ca 0 -f C O2 251.651 351.651 852.401 626.651 4007986 5461118 9306439 7970257 Carbonicum Oxyd. Carbonicum Acid. Carbonicum Acid. Oxalicum C CO C O2 C203 75 175 275 450 8750613 2430380 4393327 6532125 Cerium Oxyd. Cerosum Oxyd. Cericum Ce CeO Ce203 590.60 690.60 1481.20 7712934 8392266 1706137 Chlorum Acid. Hypochlorosum Acid. Chloricum Acid. Perchloricum Chlorid. Hydricum CI CI 0 CIO5 CIO7 HC1 443.28 543.28 943.28 1143.28 455.78 6466781 7350237 9746406 0581526 6587553 Chromium Oxyd. Chromicum Acid. Chromicum Sulphas Chromicus Cr Cr203 CrO3 Cr2 O3 + 3 S O3 328.39 956.78 628.39 2459.03 5163899 9808121 7982293 3907638 Cobaltum Oxyd. Cobalticum Sesquioxyd. Cobalticum Co CoO Co203 368.65 468.65 1037.30 5666142 6708486 0159044 Cuprum Oxyd. Cuprosum Oxyd. Cupricum Sulphas Cupricus Cu Cu2 0 CuO Cu0 4-S03 395.60 891.20 495.60 996.35 5972563 9499752 6951313 9984119 Didymium Oxyd. Didymicum Di DiO 620 720 7923917 8573325 23 Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Atomica. Logarithmus Pond. Atom. Erbium E Ferrum Oxyd. Ferrosum Oxyd. Ferricum Acid. Ferricum Fe Fe 0 Fe^O3 Fe O3 350.527 450.527 1001.054 650.527 5447215 6537208 0004575 8132653 Fluor Fluorid. Hydricum Fluorid. Calcicum F HF CaF 235.435 247.935 487.086 3718710 3943379 6876056 Glycium Oxyd. Glycinicum G G203 ' 87.124 474.248 9401378 6760055 Hydrargyrum Oxyd. Hydrargyrosum Oxyd. Hydrargyricum Chlorid. Hydrargyrosum Chlorid. Hydrargyricum Hg Hg20 HgO Hg* CI HgCl 1251.02 2602.04 1351.02 2945.32 1694.30 0972642 4153140 1306617 4691325 2289903 Hydrogenium Oxyd. Hydricum Binoxyd. Hydricum H HO HO2 12.50 112.50 212.50 0969100 0511525 3273589 Iodum Acid. lodicum Acid. Periodicum lodid. Hydricum lodid. Argenticum I 10s IO7 HI Agl 1585.992 2035.992 2285.992 1598.492 2935.652 2003010 3193126 3590747 2037104 4677046 Iridium Oxyd. Iridosum Sesquioxyd. Iridosum Oxyd. Iridicum Sesquioxyd. Iridicum Ir Ir 0 lr203 Ir O2 Ir O3 1232.08 1332.08 2764.16 1432.08 1532.08 0906389 1245303 4415632 1559672 1852814 Kalium Oxyd. Kalicum Chlorid. Kalicum Sulphas Kalicus K KO KC1 KO-f-SO3 488.856 588.856 932.1365 1089.606 6891809 7700091 9694795 0372695 Lanthanium Oxyd. Lanthanicum La LaO 588 688 7693773 8375884 LlTHIUBl Oxyd. Lithicum Li Li 0 82.612 182.612 9170431 2615293 Magnesium Oxyd. Magnesicum Mg MgO 158.139 258.139 1990390 4118536 24 Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Atomica. Logarithmus Pond. Atom. Sulphas Magnesicus (Pyro) Phosphas Magnesicus Mg 0 -f S O3 2MgO-4-P05 758.889 1407.998 8801782 1486021 Manganium Oxyd. Manganosum Oxyd. Manganicum Binoxyd. Manganicum Acid. Manganosum Acid. Permanganicum Mn MnO Mn* O3 Mn O2 Mn O3 Mn2 O7 344.684 444.684 989.368 544.684 644.684 1389.368 5374211 6480515 9953578 7361446 8093469 1428173 Molybdenum Oxyd. Molybdosum Oxyd. Molybdicum Acid. Molybdicum Mo MoO MoO2 MoO3 588.966 688.966 788.966 888.966 7700902 8381978 8970583 9488851 Natrium Oxyd. Natricum Chlorid. Natricum Carbonas Natricus Sulphas Natricus Na NaO NaCl NaO+CO2 NaO-j-S O3 287.435 387,435 730.715 662.435 888.185 4585397 5881989 8637481 8211433 9485035 NlCCOLUM Oxyd. Niccolicum Ni NiO 369.33 469.33 5674146 6714783 Niobium Nb Nitrogenium Oxyd. Nitricum Binoxyd. Nitricum Acid. Nitricum Ammonia N NO NO2 N O5 NH3 175.06 275.06 375.06 675.06 212.56 2431869 4394274 5741007 8293424 3274815 Osmium Oxyd. Osmiosum Sesquioxyd. Osmiosum Oxyd. Osmicum Acid. Osmicum Os OsO Os203 OsO2 OsO4 1243.624 1343.624 2787 248 1443.624 1643.624 0946891 12N2778 4451756 1594541 2158025 Oxygenium 0 100 0000000 Palladium Oxyd. Palladosum Oxyd. Palladicum Chlorid. Palladoso-Kalicum lodid. Palladosum Pd PdO Pd O2 K CI + Pd CI Pdl 665.477 765,177 ' 865.477 2040.893 2251.469 8231331 8839321 9372555 3098202 3524660 Pelopium Pe Phosphorus P 391.72 5929757 25 Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Atomica. Logarithmus Pond. Atom. Acid. Phosphorosum Acid. Phosphoricum Phosphid. Hydricum PO3 PO5 PH3 691.72 891.72 429.22 8399303 95022S5 6326800 Platinum Chlorid. Platinico-Ammonic. Oxyd. Platinicum Chlorid. Platinico-Kalicum Pt N H4 CI -f Pt CI2 PtO2 K CI -f- Pt CI2 1232.08 2786.98 1432.08 3050.776 0906390 4451339 1559673 4844103 Plumbum Oxyd. Plumbicum Chlorid. Plumbicum Sulphas Plumbicus Pb PbO PbCl Pb 0 -j- S O3 1294.645 1394.645 1737.925 1895.395 1121507 1444637 2400311 2776998 Rhodium Oxyd. Rhodicum Chlorid. Rhodicum Chlorid. Rhodico-Kalicum R R203 R2 CI3 K CI -J- R2 CI3 651.962 1603.924 2633.764 3565.90 8142223 2051838 4205769 5521692 Ruthenium Oxyd. Ruthenosum Sesquioxyd. Ruthenicum Acid. Ruthenicum Ru Ru 0 Ru203 RuO3 651.962 751.962 1603.924 951'.962 8142223 8761959 2051838 9786279 Selenium Acid. Selenosum Acid. Selenicum Selenid. Hydricum Se Se O2 SeO3 HSe 495.285 695.285 795.285 507.785 6948552 8121629 9005228 7056799 Silicium Acid. Silicicum Fluorid. Silicicum Si SiO3 SiF3 277.778 577.778 984.083 4436979 7617610 9930317 Stannum Oxyd. Stannosum Oxyd. Stannicum Sn SnO SnO2 735.294 835.294 935.294 8664611 9218394 9709482 Stibium Acid. Stibiosum Acid. Stibicum Sb SbO3 SbO5 1612.903 1912.903 2112.903 2076082 2816930 3248795 Strontium On yd. Stronticum Sulphas Stronticus Sr Sr 0 SrO-j-SO3 547.177 647.177 1147.927 7381278 8110231 0599143 Sulphur Acid. Sulphurosum Acid. Sulphuricum Sulphid. Hydricum | S SO2 SO3 IIS 200.75 400.75 500.75 213.25 3026556 6028735 6996210 32888D0 3 4 26 Nomina. Symbola. Pondera Atomica. Logarithmus Pond. Atom. Tantalum Oxyd. Tantalicum Acid. Tantalicum Ta TaO2 TaO3 2296.73 2496.73 2596.73 3611100 3973716 4144268 Tellurium Acid. Tellurosum Acid. Telluricum Tellurid. Hydricum Te TeO2 Te O3 HTe 801.76 1001.76 1101.76 814.26 9040444 0007637 0420870 9107631 Terbium Thorium Oxyd. Thoricum Th ThO 745 845 8721563 9268567 Titanium Acid. Titanicum Chlorid. Titanicum Ti TiO2 TiCl2 301.30 501.30 1187.86 4789991 7000977 0747653 Uranium Oxyd. Uranosum Oxyd. Uranicum Oxyd. Uranoso-Uranicum U uo U203 UO-f-tPO3 750. 850. 1800. 2650. 8750613 9294189 2552725 4232459 Vanadium Oxyd. Vanadicum Acid. Vanadicum V V O2 V O3 856.892 1056.892 1156.892 9329261 0240306 0632928 WOLFRAMIUM (TUNGSTEN) Oxyd. Wolframicum Acid. Wolframicum w wo2 WO3 1183.36 1383.36 1483.36 0731169 1409352 1712466 Yttrium Oxyd. Yttricum Y YO 402.514 502.514 6047810 7011482 ZlNCUM Oxyd. Zincicum Sulphas Zincicus Zn ZnO ZnO+SO3 406.591 506.591 1007.341 6091578 7046575 0031765 Zirconium Oxyd. Zirconicum Zr Zr2©3 419.728 1139.456 S 6229679 0566976 28 Logarith- i. Invf.nta. Invenienda. mus. 7263724 I. Aluminium. 1. Owdum Aluminicum Aluminium 0.53257 " Al2 O3 2. Oxydum Aluminicum Al Oxygenium 6697216 0.46744 A1203 O3 II. Ammonium. 1. Oxydum Ammonicum Ammonium 8403348 0.69236 NH4 0 NH4 2. Oxydum Ammonicum Oxygenium 4880365 0.30764 ' NffO 0 3. Chloridum Ammonicum Ammonia 5024840 0.31804 NH4C1 NH3 4. Chlorid. Platin.-Ammonicum Ammonia 8823476 0.07627 NH4Cl-j-PtCl2 NH3 5. latinum Ammonia 2368425 0.17252 Pt NH3 6. Ammonia Ammonium 0248168 1.05881 NH3 NH4 7. Ammonia Oxydum Ammonicum 1844820 1.52926 NH3 NH40 III. Argentum. 1. Oxydum Argenticum Argentum 9689582 0.93102 AgO Ag_ 2. Oxydum Argenticum Oxygenium 8387338 0.06898 AgO 0 3. Chloridum Argenticum Oxydum Argenticum 9077004 0.80854 AgCl AgO 4. Chloridum Argenticum Argentum 8766586 0.75276 AgCl Ag 5. Sulphidum Argenticum Argentum 9397778 0.87052 AgS Ag 6. Sulphidum Argenticum Oxydum Argenticum 9708196 0.93502 AgS AgO 7. Cyanidum Argenticum Oxydum Argenticum 9373240 0.86561 AgCy _ AgO 8. Chloridum Natricum Argentum 2664763 1.84704 NaCl Ag IV. Arsenicum. 1. Acidum Arseniosum Arsenicum 8794222 0.75757 AsO3 As 2. Acidum Arseniosum Oxygenium 3845880 0.24243 AsO3 " O3 3. Acidum Arsenicum Arsenicum 8143579 0.65217 AsO5 As 4. Acidum Arsenicum Oxysh'nium 5113724 0.34783 AsO5 * b3 5. Sulphidum Arseniosum Arsenicum 7845149 0.60886 AsS3 As 29 2. a. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9 1.06513 1.59770 2.13026 2.66283 3.19539 3.72796 4.26052 4.79309 0.93487 1.40231 1.86974 2.33718 2.80461 3.27205 3.73948 4.20692 1.38473 2.07710 2.76946 3.46183 4.15419 4.84656 5.53892 6.23129 0.61527 0.92291 1.23054 1.53818 1.84582 2.15345 2.46109 2.7CS72 0.63608 0.95413 1.27217 1.59021 1.90825 2.22629 2.54434 2.86238 0.15254 0.22881 0.30508 0.38135 0.45761 0.53388 0.61015 0.68642 0.34504 0.51756 0.69008 0.86261 1.03513 1.20765 1.38017 1.55269 2.11761 3.17642 4.23523 5.29404 6.35284 7.41165 8.47046 9.52926 3.05852 4.58779 6.11705 7.64631 9.17557 10.70483 12.23410 13.76336 1.86204 2.79305 3.72407 4.65509 5.58611 6.51713 7.44814 8.37916 0.13796 0.20695 0.27593 0.34491 0.41389 0.48287 0.55186 0.62084 1.61708 2.42561 3.23415 4.04269 4.85123 5.65977 6.46830 7.276S4 1.50553 2.25829 3.01106 3.76382 4.51658 5.26935 6.02211 6.77488 1.74104 2.61155 3.48207 4.35259 5.22311 6.09363 6.96414 7.83466 1.87003 2.80505 3.74007 4.67509 5.61010 6.54512 7.48014 8.41515 1.73123 2.59684 3.46245 4.32807 5.19368 6.05929 6.92490 7.79052 3.69408 5.54112 7.38816 9.23520 11.08224 12.92928 14.77632 16.62336 1.51514 2.27271 3.03028 3.78785 4.54542 5.30299 6.060E6 6.81813 0.48486 0.72729 0.96972 1.21215 1.45458 1.69701 1.93944 2.18187 1.30433 1.95650 2.60866 3.26083 3.91300 4.56516 5.21733 5.86949 0.69567 1.04350 1.39134 1.73917 2.08700 2.43484 2.78267 3.13051 1.21771 1.82657 2.43542 30442S 3.65314 4.26199 4.87085 5.47970 3* 30 Inventa. Invenienda. Logarith-mus. i. 6. Sulphidum Arseniosum Acidum Arseniosum 9050927 0.80370 AsS3 AsO3 7. Sulphidum Arsenicum Arsenicum 6838816 0.48293 AsS5 As v 8. Sulphidum Arsenicum Acidum Arsenicum 8695237 0.74050 AsS5 AsO5 9. Arsenicum Acidum Arseniosum 1205778 1.32001 As AsO3 10. Arsenicum Acidum Arsenicum 1856421 1.53335 As AsO5 11. Arsenias Ammonico-Magnes. Acidum Arseniosum 7138985 0.51749 2MgO + NH40-f- 1 As O5 + H 0 J AsO3 12. Arsenias Ammonico-Magnes. Acidum Arsenicum 7789628 0.60112 2Mg04-NH40+) AsO5-}-HO ] AsO5 13. Aurum Acidum Arseniosum 8779844 0.75507 2 Au 3 AsO3 V. Aurum. 1. Oxydum Aurosum Aurum 9826836 0.96091 AuO Au 2. Oxydum Aurosum Oxygenium 5920434 0.03909 AuO 0 3. Oxydum Auricum Aurum 9499940 0.89124 AuO3 Au 4. Oxydum Auricum Oxygenium 0364751 0.10876 AuO3 O3 5. Aurum Oxydum Aurosum 0173164 1.04068 Au Au 0 6. Aurum Oxydum Auricum 0500060 1.12203 Au AuO3 VI. Barium. 1. Oxydum Baricum Barium 9520859 0.89554 Ba 0 Ba 2. Oxydum Baricum Oxygenium 0189429 0.10446 Ba 0 0 3. Sulphas Baricus Oxydum Baricum 8172787 0.65657 Ba 0 -J- S O3 BaO 4. Carbonas Baricus Oxydum Baricum 8903336 0.77684 Ba 0 + C O2 BaO 5. Nitras Baricus Oxydum Baricum 7682358 0.58646 Ba 0 -f N O5 BaO 6. Chloridum Baricum Oxydum Baricum 8669134 0.73606 Ba CI BaO 7. Chloridum Baricum Barium 8189993 0.65917 BaCl Ba 8. Fluosilicetum Baricum Oxydum Baricum 7400576 0.54961 3 Ba F -f 2 Si F3 3 BaO 31 1.60740 0.96585 1.48100 2.64002 3.06671 1.03497 1.20224 1.51013 1.92182 0.07818 1.78248 0.21752 2.08136 2.24407 1.79108 0.20892 1.31313 1.55369 1.17291 1.47212 1.31835 1.09923 2.41109 1.44878 2.22149 3.96004 4.60006 1.55246 1.80337 2.26520 2.88274 0.11726 2.67372 0.32628 3.12203 3.36610 2.68663 0.31337 1.96970 2.33053 1.75937 2.20818 1.97752 1.64884 3.21479 1.93171 2.96199 5.28005 6.13341 2.06994 2.40449 3.02026 3.84365 0.15635 3.56496 0.43504 4.16271 4.48814 3.58217 0.41783 2.62626 3.10737 2.34582 2.94424 2.63669 2.19846 4.01849 2.41464 3.70249 6.60006 7.66677 2.5S743 3.00561 3.77533 4.80456 0.19544 4.45620 0.54381 5.20339 5.61017 4.47771 0.52229 3.28283 3.88422 2.93228 3.68030 3.29587 2.74807 6. 4.82219 2.89756 4.44299 7.92007 9.20012 3.10492 5.62589 0.42958 7.23328 3.3S049 3.86342 4.34634 5.18349 5.9239S| 6.66448 9.24008 10.56010 11.88011 10.73347 3.62240 3.60673 4.20785 4.53039 5.76547 0.23453 5.34743 0.65257 6.24407 6.73220 5.37325 0.62675 3.93940 4.66106 3.51874 4.41636 3.95504 3.29768 12.2G0S2 13.80018 4.13989 4.65737 5.28546 6.72638 0.27362 6.23867 0.76133 7.2S475 7.85424 6.26879 0.73121 4.59596 5.43790 4.10519 5.15242 4.61421 3.84730 4.80898 6.04052 7.68730 0.31270 7.12991 0.87009 8.32542 8.97627 7.16434 0.83566 5.25253 6.21474 4.69165 5.88848 5.27338 4.39691 5.41010 6.79559 8.64821 0.35179 8.02115 0.97885 9.36610 10.09S31 8.05988 0.94012 5.90909 6.99159 5.27810 6.62454 5.93256 4.94653 32 Inventa. Invenienda. Logarith-mus. i. VII. BlSMUTHUM. 1. Oxydum Bismuthicum Bismuthum 9536024 0.89868 Bi O3 Bi 2. Oxydum Bismuthicum Oxygenium 0057190 0.10133 BiO3 0 VIII. Boron. 1. Acidum Boricum Boron 4945002 0.31225 B O3 B 2. Acidum Boricum Oxygenium 8374316 0.68775 BO3 O3 IX. Bromum. 1. Acidum Bromicum Bromum 8238537 0.66658 BrO5 Br 2. Acidum Bromicum Oxygenium 5229888 0.33418 BrO5 O5 3. Oxygenium Bromum 9998349 9.99620 0 Br 4. Bromidum Argenticum Bromum 6289000 0.42550 AgBr Br 5. Bromidum Argenticum Bromidum Hydricum 6342875 0.43081 AgBr HBr 6. Bromidum Hydricum Bromum 9946115 0.98767 HBr Br 7. Bromum Oxygenium 0001651 0.10004 Br 0 X. Cadmium. 1. Oxydum Cadmicum Cadmium 9417561 0.87449 Cd 0 Cd 2. Oxydum Cadmicum Oxygenium 0986686 0.12551 Cd 0 0 3. Sulphidum Cadmicum Oxyd. Cadmicum 9482887 0.88775 CdS CdO XI. Calcium. 1. Oxydum Calcicum Calcium 8546868 0.71563 CaO Ca 2. Oxydum Calcicum Oxygenium 4538882 0.28437 Ca 0 0 3. Sulphas Calcicus Oxydum Calcicum 6154679 0.41254 CaO-fSO3 CaO 4. Sulphas Calcicus Carbonas Calcicus 8663818 0.73516 Ca 0 -f S O3 Ca 0 -f C O2 5. Carbonas Calcicus Oxydum Calcicum 7490861 0.56116 Ca 0 -f C O2 CaO 6. Carbonas Calcicus Sulphas Calcicus 1336182 1.36025 Ca 0 -f C O2 Ca 0 -j- S O3 33 3. 3. 4. 5. e. 7. 8. 9. 1.79735 2.69603 3.59470 4.49338 5.39205 6.29073 7.18940 8.08808 0.20265 0.30398 0.40530 0.50663 0.60796 0.70928 0.81061 0.91193 0.62450 0.93674 1.24899 1.56124 1.87349 2.18574 2.49798 2.81023 1.37550 2.06326 2.75101 3.43876 4.12651 4.81426 5.50202 6.18977 1.33316 1.99975 2.66633 3.33291 3.99949 4.66607 5.33266 5.99924 0.66836 1.00253 1.33671 1.67089 2.00507 2.33925 2.67342 3.00760 19.99240 29.98860 39.98480 49.98100 59.97720 69.97340 79.96960 89.96580 0.85100 1.27650 1.70200 2.12750 2.55300 2.97850 3.40400 3.82950 0.86163 1.29244 1.72325 2.15407 2.58488 3.01569 3.44650 3.87732 1.97534 2.96301 3.95068 4.93835 5.92601 6.91368 7.90135 8.88902 0.20008 0.30011 0.40015 0.50019 0.60023 0.70027 0.80030 0.90034 1.74899 2.62348 3.49797 4.37246 5.24696 6.12145 6.99594 7.87044 0.25101 0.37652 0.50203 0.62754 0.75304 0.87855 1.00406 1.12956 1.77549 2.66324 3.55098 4.43873 5.32648 6.21422 7.10197 7.98971 1.43125 2.14688 2.86251 3.57814 4.29376 5.00939 5.72502 6.44064 0.56875 0.85312 1.13749 1.42187 1.70624 1.99061 2.27498 2.55936 0.82508 1.23763 1.65017 2.C6271 2.47525 2.88779 3.30034 3.71288 1.47032 2.20548 2.94064 3.67580 4.41096 5.14612 5.88128 6.61644 1.12232 1.68348 2.24464 2.80580 3.36696 3.92812 4.48928 5.05044 2.72050 4.08074 5.44099 6.80124 8.16149 9.52174 10.88198 12.24223 34 Inventa. Invenienda. Logarith-mus. l. XII. Carbonicum. i 1. Oxydum Carbonicum Carbonicum 6320233 0.42857 CO C 2. Oxydum Carbonicum Oxygenium 7569620 0.57143 CO 0 3. Acidum Oxalicum Carbonicum 5228788 0.33333 C203 C2 4. Acidum Oxalicum Oxygenium 8239088 0.66667 C203 O3 5. Acidum Carbonicum Carbonicum 4357286 0.27273 CO2 C 6. Acidum Carbonicum Oxygenium ' 8616973 0.72727 CO2 O2 7. Acidum Carbonicum Oxydum Carbonicum 8037053 0.63636 CO2 CO 8. Acidum Carbonicum Acidum Oxalicum 9128498 0.81818 CO2 | C8 O3 9. Carbonas Calcicus Acidum Oxalicum 5551568 0.35905 Ca 0 -f C O2 i C2 O3 10. Carbonas Calcicus Acidum Carbonicum 6423070 0.43884 Ca 0 -f C O2 CO2 11. Carbonas Baricu Acidum Carbonicum 3486092 0.22316 BaO-f-CO2 CO2 XIII. Cerium. 1. Oxydum Cerosum Cerium 932066S 0.85520 CeO Ce 2. Oxydum Cerosum Oxygenium 1607734 0.14480 Ce 0 0 3. Oxydum Cericum Ce203 Cerium Ce2 9017097 0.79746 4. Oxydum Cericum Ce203 Oxygenium O3 3065076 0.20254 XIV. Chlorum. 1. Acidum Hypochlorosum Chlorum 9116544 0.81593 CI 0 CI 2. Acidum Hypochlorosum Oxygenium 2649763 0.18407 CI 0 0 3. Acidum Chlorosum Chlorum 7755257 0.59638 CI O3 CI 4. Acidum Chlorosum CIO3 Oxygenium O3 6059689 0.40362 5. Acidum Chloricum CIO5 Chlorum CI Oxygenium O5 6720375 0.46994 6. Acidum Chloricum CIO5 7243294 0.53007 7. Acidum Perchloricum CIO7 Chlorum CI 5885255 0.38773 35 it. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 3.85714 0.85714 1.28571 1.71428 2.14286 2.57143 3.00000 3.42857 1.14286 1.71428 2.28571 2.85714 3.42857 4.00000 4.57142 5.14285 0.66667 1.00000 1.33333 1.66667 2.00000 2.33333 2.66666 3.00000 1.33333 2.00000 2.66666 3.33333 4.00000 4.66666 5.33333 5.99999 0.54545 0.81818 1.09091 1.36364 1.63636 1.90909 2.18182 2.45454 1.45454 2.18182 2.90909 3.63636 4.36363 5.09090 5.81818 6.54545 1.27273 1.90909 2.54545 3.18182 3.81818 4.45454 5.09090 5.72727 1.63636 2.45454 3.27272 4.09091 4.90909 5.72727 6.54545 7.36363 0.71810 1.07716 1.43621 1.79526 2.15431 2.51336 2.87242 3.23147 0.87768 1.31652 1.75536 2.19421 2.63305 3.07189 3.51073 3.94957 0.44631 0.66947 0.89262 1.11578 1.33894 1.56209 1.78525 2.00840 1.71040 256559 3.42079 4.27599 5.13119 5.98639 6.84158 7.69678 0.28960 0.43440 0.57920 0.72401 0.86881 1.01361 1.15841 1.30321 1.59492 2.39239 3.18985 3.98731 4.78477 5.53223 6.37970 7.17716 0.40508 0.60761 0.81015 1.01269 1.21523 1.41777 1.62030 1.82284 1.63187 2.44780 3.26373 4.07967 4.89560 5.71153 6.52746 7.34340 0.36813 0.55220 0.73627 0.92034 1.10440 1.28847 1.47254 1.65660 1.19277 1.78915 2.38554 2.98192 3.57830 4.17470 4.77107 5.36746 0.80723 1.21085 1.61446 2.01808 2.42170 2.82531 3.22893 3.63254 0.93987 1.40981 1.87974 2.34968 2.81961 3.28955 3.75948 4.22942 1.06013 1.59020 2.12026 2.65033 3.18039 3.71046 4.24\ I M •ARY OF Ml \ 1 /V^Kn t ^X^ 1 ^KS^ jo 11*1911 IVNOIIVN "NOIOiW JO Al ssu> f)i\ii#i# * *^v i oiw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn jnisiojw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn jnoiojw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn jn i 3 )NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATK iff ™ ^ ; 1 K% X osw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn Jnisiosvh jo Aavaan ivnoiivn jnisiojw jo Aavaan ivnoilvn jnis St. \ f / ONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATII ONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATI ....._....•*—•.- ^:>--::::^::.^, . rr.~:..'.,..w.f ;>^" l^f,.1,i..,T uui W 4, . , <»»V,--- • -->■ - —.