"IONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY / IV^JUVN 3NI3IQ3W JO ASVagiT TVNOIIVN 3NIDI03W JO ASVafllT TVNOIIVN 3NOI03W JO A8Va.ll TVNOIIVN / C4KIM1 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 3NIDI03W JO AMVaaiT TVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO AaVJISIT TVNOIIVN 3NIDI03W jo Aavaan TVNOIIVN ,/x 3Ni3ia3w jo Aava«n tvnoiivn p . y 3NIDIQ3W JO A»V ME|CINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 5 X>C i /- > * "^ i & * ^ / ^ < A >% ^/ 1 %/ -1 V/';¥X 5 XAXxv 1 ian tvnouvn c 3NIDI03W JO Aavaan TVNOUVN 3NOIQ3W jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsv. &-■' I >*^s,r r x OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ^ c f^ * /£2 3 i O^ 3NOI03W jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3noio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE LNy v NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL 3NIDIQ3W jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidiq3^ ^ ARMY METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, FOR TWELVE YEARS FROM 1843 TO 1854, INCLUSIVE COMPIILED FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE BY THE OFFICERS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, MILITARY POSTS OF THE UNITED STATES. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BREVET BRIGADIER GENERAL THOMAS LAWSON, SURGEON GENERAL UNITED STATES ARMY V- •■^s? -Li- ~V- |)nWisj}d> % mitjjoritj of Don. |rfftrson gabis, i&mttarj of Slur. WASHINGTON: A. 0. P. NICHOLSON, PUBLIC PPJNTER. 1 8 5 5 . QC L)5 to CS CS OS to OS Ol Ol 00 o : CO to --4 4-Ol OS CO to ~4 'OS OS to Ol to CO 4* OS 00 CO o 1—' Ol. Ol 44 CO to Ol CO 44. : © Ol 44 © Oi Ol © to Ol CO 44. 44- to OS Ol to 1—1 44 OS as OS Ol CO CO to 1—1 CS h-1 to 4> i—> *> o CO Ol CO to CO to -J © CO 00 h-' o -4 £ h-i 44 Oi © CO 44. Ol CO OS --4 CO Ol H h-1 to Ol o 44 © to Ol to CO to 44 CO 4- to IO CO to to 1—1 to to o to co Ol to -4 iO Oi 4> 44 cn 44, O H-1 to o o 1—1 CO OS o : -J to © to 4> © CO 4> CS to Ol © © 00 h-1 to © CO to © Ol ~4 : to OS Ol Ol 44 : 00 © 44 © co to o as as 44 co 1—1 © to 00 to to to 4--1 as © CO CO 00 o 00 Ol 44 CO *4 CO to o 44 ■*4 -4 1—1 ~4 © 1—1 Ol OS to OS to CO CO to 00 1—1 to to to >—> 44 l—i to © CO t—■ to 44. to Oi to 00 © ~4 Ol Oi Ol to o ^1 ^1 © h-1 -4 1—1 CO h-1 4- h-1 4- CO OS 1—1 to to CO 00 o Oi o OS CO 1—1 o CO to to CO CO Ol 44. Ol Cn to CO to to © to o 00 4-> 00 to 44. -J © CO CO Ol h-1 00 Oi CS CO -4 to © © 1—1 Ol CO © 44 44 44 © © 00 to oo 44. 44 00 Ol to © CO 00 to Oi to 00 44 to OS to to © Ol CO to © to o © h-1 o — co co to to CO © Ol CS Ol © 1—1 OS 00 © 44 1—1 © Oi to Ol to 44 44 © 44 to 4- ~J -4 to 1—1 00 to to h-1 CO © © © © 44. h-1 as -4 Ol to © © © to © Ol ~4 £ to h-1 to 44. ^ © i-i co CO OS 4-. -J CO ; Ol to 1—1 to © CO Ol to © CO © © 44 to CO to CO ~4 OS © 44. l—i 44- Ol : -4 44 CO 00 CO © CO OS : 44 © to to CO 44 to h-1 © CO -4 h-1 © OS o 44 CO 44 CO CO OS to Oi Ol CS 44 as 00 44 to ^1 OS o © as -a es to CO to CO to © to CO © CO to CO -4 to CO CO Ol CO E to to CO iO o -4 to *4 -J 44 to -4 CO © CO © CO Ol CO -4 CO © Ol 4- to © 44. 00 1—1 44 44 o to CS 44. © CO OS CO © -4 44 -4 © to CO to Oi ^ ^ cs OS h-i CS -J Ol CO CO 00 CO to Ol OS o CO 4-4 h-1 OS © 00 © to o CO as 44 Ol to to to 44 44 to © to to ~4 © CO 44 44 4- 00 to OS : CO -4 4-. 44. to Ol © ~4 to 44 44 to 1—I 44 CO -4 to CO o OS OS Ol CO -4 o 00 to to to 00 © CO to as © --4 Oi — O 01 cs 44 44. on O 00 44 Ol o ~4 CO bi 44. 00 CO 00 CO CO 00 CO Ol Ol Ol OS ~4 CO © Ol 44 to Ol b o 44 to -J CO --} 44 44 b OS CS to © CO -4 © b 00 44 b © oi as bo *. 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Ol © CO 44 44 1—1 CO © © to o to CO © 00 • to b © CO b CO 4-. © CO 44 to Ol 44-to Ol b © CO b 4- CO bo CO ~4 b Oi CO © © CO -4 Oi to © © 44. b © 00 © 1— © CS co w f B p B o — to © C5 Ol as lo o to 44 CO o Ol lo CO co Ol 44. 00 CO 00 44 ^1 b CO Ol b Ol to © OS CO OS as to o Ol 1—1 © CS © © OS — 00 -4 © 4> to to Oi b ~4 Ol 44 © as os k-» -4 OS © 00 to Ol lo to 44. to -4 as Oi OS © © OS lo Oi 44 In 00 to ■— h-i lo co to to h-i CO bo ~1 44 lo © 44 lo 00 44 © Ol bo © 44 to Ol 4-to © Oi -J 00 CO © OS CO to 00 CO is. 44 to © 44 OS CO b CO CO > co bi o CS Ol lo b Ol 44 © OS o 4-bi oo b OS lb. -4 44. — to CO Ol to CS ^-4 © -J Ol Ol Ol © o OS to Ol bi © -4 bo o -4 b Ol bo CO Ol b 00 OS -4 © ~4 -4 4-i to © to. 00 1—1 © Ol --4 CO Oi to o Ol to 1—1 OS b OS ,Oi OS 44 bo CO co to H-i "to to to • to © CO co CO 4> In Ol 4-44 Oi — to Ol CS to o CO bo o 44 OS Ol OS OS CO 44 00 CO to 00 CO ~4 © CO b o CO © © CO to to CO — to © Ol Ol 00 00 O -1 Ol ~4 o Ol © o 44 bo CO oo © OS Ol to Ol OS b o -a Ol Ol ~4 as o ~4 to © OS © o -5 o -4 © 44 OS bi to 00 b © -4 bi 44 -A © to OS b © -J -4 lo -4 Ol © 00 o OS bo ~4 OS to OS Ol to CO CS In Ol Ol b © CS b CO l-i '— to K- Ol to to o CO lo to 44 b © 44 b © Oi b 00 4-b © 4-. CO CO CO OS ~4 -4 bo CO 44 Ol 00 CO lo Ol 44. b © 44. to to 44. C0 -4 © CO CO co © 00 CS Ol iO I—1 -4 CO Ol to Ol CO o 44. © oc to to 44. CO OS ■b-lo CO Ol ~4 to -J to to OS 00 o OS 1—1 © Ol b Ol bo to as to 1—1 ~4 to © Oi lo to Ol lo Ol OS © OS ~4 OS © CO l-i 00 Ol CS CO 44 © ~4 Oi — CO OS to CO Ol lo OS 4-bo 4-. to l-i b to CO © ; to to CO In 44. 4> lo -4 44 to ~4 44 © 44 Ol to Ol 44 Ol CO © 00 as In 00 CO ~4 to CO 4*. CO b o CO bo CO 44. 44 CO to In Ol -j i—i -a 00 00 CO to o Ol CO -J to CO to 44. to h-1 00 © to CO to CO © to © as to to tO 44 to CO to © Oi © to 44. 4- 1—1 © Oi ~4 Ol to CO CO - to 44. CO CO CO 1*4 © - to CO OS Fair. » •< 44. o 44. CO CO 00 1—1 CS 00 4- CO ~4 h-1 o CO 1—1 to 00 00 h-1 to h-1 Ol © -4 00 1—1 OS to o ~1 ~4 to to 1— OS to 44 to OS 00 00 to © h-1 © -4 h-1 00 1—1 00 1—1 00 ~4 to to to © © 00 to Ol Cloudy Oi CO OS OS h-1 o ~4 44 -a oo © OS Ol 00 Ol Oi -4 Ol OS OS Ol Ol 44 44 h-1 © OS CO Ol Oi Ol 00 -4 CO 44. 44. ; Oi 44 00 o 00 to *» to 44 OS CO h-1 Rain. p f3 > 5! to CO 10 o © © o © o © © © o © o © © o © © © © © © © to to to CO © rs Oi ^1 44 Ol CO M CO 44 44 as CS 4> © -1 h-i 44. Ol O H- \ to -4 00 to to o to b CS 4-b ■b. I • CO 00 to 4-1 h-1 to bi 4* '■ I ■ CO lo -4 bo -4 ; h-1 to -4 to • © • -4 . I © bi 1—1 h-1 b © CO 00 ■ to -41 o CO bi to Ol OS ■ to lo Oi to as © o to ^4 © © ^4 © h-1 b o to b Ol 44 to to h-1 © as to 00 bo ~4 to h-1 Oi to b to ■ ■ Am'tin inches. CO S! o M H & H o o ^ $1 H o o *1 o c-i o > HH * o cj > > f1 *< w 00 H 44. CO o h-1 w H M w O0 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1843. STATIONS. Jefferson Barracks St. Louis Arsenal. Dearbornville Arsenal. Detroit Barracks....., Fort Gratiot........., Fort Mackinac......., Fort Brady.........., Fort Winnebago...... Fort Atkinson........ Fort Crawford........ Fort Snelling......... Fort Leavenworth..... Fort Croghan......... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 30.74 i 35.74 24.20 27.27 26.22 28.90 26.10 30.11 23.19 25.74 18.50 19.80 16.41 19.74 15.77 21.51 15.16 17.24 16.52 19.60 24.70 26.64 19.00 23.44 43.54 35.90 38.48 33.30 27.09 25.13 27.64 26.58 27.10 25.90 33.93 30.80 9 P. M. 35.19 26.23 28.74 28.15 25.61 21.00 20.83 19.38 21.23 20.70 28.35 24.35 36.16 30.05 30.48 29.18 25.40 21.81 22.03 21.17 20.17 20.70 28.96 24.90 Range. 69 58 55 56 39 40 46 49 43 42 58 47 1 6 2 2 -11 -22 -16 -20 -18 -10 -14 Above mean. 32.84 27.95 24.52 26.62 13.60 18.19 23.97 27.83 22.83 21.30 29.04 12.10 Below mean. 35.16 29.05 24.48 31.18 23.40 32.81 44.03 37.17 40.17 38.70 38.96 38.90 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 2 3 3 3 8 9 7 16 4 16 16 41 1 2 10 17 18 31 15 18 17 32 1 2 11 34 7 14 2 4 9 19 9 21 14 40 17 52 8 18 20 58 6 7 4 6 15 30 8 10 2 4 22 39 7 8 0 0 1 1 5 36 10 12 6 16 18 42 0 0 3 10 22 82 3 4 6 7 p tO to to 4-1 1—1 to OS 1*4 CO OS 00 © to -J Ol © 00 © GO CO c B CO Oi CO Oi to 44 Oi CO to ,_ On 44 M to CO ~4 44 © © OS to Ol to 44 4- CO o o1 h-1 CO M to to to ,_, to Ol ~! 00 Ol CO to OS ~J *"* © Oi © © po n to © ,_, ,_ to CO OS to Ol CO OS Ol ►b- OS to Ol © CO to 44 4-1 CO as CO 44. -2 to h-1 to ,_, to CO to H- _ CO -4 Ol GO © 1—I h-i © CO OS to © 44 44 to CO to h-i to to •^1 nn 44 nn to to -J *" 44 44 -4 ^1 o 00 -4 -4 to o to 4-1 to to to to to ,_, © GO 00 to OS OS ~4 © OS 44 CO CO OS ^ l—i to h- -4 44 44 -4 OS on CO CO © to Ol 44 © h-i © OS l—i OS o © 1—1 CO _ 4- ^_ ,_, ,_, to ,_, 4-1 to to 1-1 ^1 ~J 44 44. © to Oi to CO 44 Ol 44. 2 k t—i 44 OS Oi © 4-. on 44. 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H_i h-l ,_, h-i to NO NO NO NO NO Cloudy lO 00 00 Ol CO to Ol to CO 00 Ol CO to to to oo Ol to CO ^ 44 OS 00 © as © © CS © to uo as 1-1 Oi Ol 4- to Ol 44 41 to : 44 Oi OS 00 CO © as oo h-i © ~4 -4- -4 -4 OS --4 as' as © -4 Ol to - NO - NO o h-l H-l © hi - hi CO NO CO CO CO 41 hi © Rain. a p w !>► 44 ► 2! a CO 25 O _ ,_, hi ,_, ,_. ,_, hi h-l H-l H-i 00 © to to o h-i • *-" o o o © © © o h-1 © o © © © © h~ o h- CO -4 Oi CO © -4 as CO CO o HJ O ~4 OS © © -4 © uo Ml 1-1 as _ hi © o © © . H4 to co . . Ol _ to . Oi CO . to NO • • 44 NO h-i • CO h- NO • hi hi . CO h- to CO CS as CO NO CO • • Am't in inches. CO o ■-4 Oi to © to CS -4 © to Ol : 44. CO © 00 © : ; © o to to -4 -4 ; ~4 © ; -4 © • © CO o © •' : : © © NO © © NO : CO ^4 © NO ~4 : 00 Oi 44 as • © NO © © CO 44 NO 44 CO -4 4> 00 ~4 00 o Oi : : m i-3 CD a ST H 5' 3 & ■-i '-I 13 o 3 3 W 3 O-CD 3s 5' < CD ►3 "3 3 CD O O S3 o -i 3 O ^1 o O CO o p. a. F F O w o F O O o > F F F O Ul h4j F F 8 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1843. THERMOMETER WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. Dearbornville Arsenal.. Fort "Gratiot.......... 11.15 13.85 14.60 4.46 — 4.21 1.71 3.42 1.50 — 3.85 14.14 7.32 14.24 17.82 19.30 11.67 2.39 6.89 9.50 7.16 1.32 17.07 9.11 23.20 24.85 22.32 13.92 11.60 15.78 13.35 13.24 9.03 23.67 20.25 18.22 18.64 16.45 8.75 3.71 7.03 5.67 3.16 1.53 19.46 13.96 17.17 19.25 18.46 9.25 3.69 8.75 8.39 7.70 2.01 20.50 13.78 44 37 38 24 26 38 36 40 30 43 40 —11 — 6 —10 —11 —32 —19 —22 —31 —23 — 2 — 8 26.83 17.75 19.54 14.75 22.31 29.25 27.61 32.30 27.42 22.50 16.22 28.17 25.25 28.46 20.25 35.69 27.75 30.39 38.70 25.58 22.50 21.78 9 13 3 15 31 9 40 7 12 7 38 12 14 40 10 13,- 22 35 16 108 16 28 8 98 12 15 5 26 9 17 16 135 24 25 38 •67 40 29 22 42 8 24 39 66 9 0 1 6 24 4 6 1 3 6 12 15 0 3 6 29 11 14 1 4 12 23 • METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 9 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1843. WINDS. 1 WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. ! and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Ds^s. Days. "3 a 0 1 < REMARKS. S. E. s. s. w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 En >> 3 c? 1 w 7 0 5 6 8 3 0 17 12 0 10 18 0 21 18 10 13 0 29 22 0 16 0 7 4 0 2 6 0 6 3 19 2 0 24 11 0 2 16 0 6 5 32 7 15 62 45 7 7 3 0 14 26 3 10 33 244 132 15 8 5 0 14 52 4 14 14 10 15 28 9 27 7 6 10 4 5 33 33 34 81 23 46 23 12 24 9 8 36 7 15 32 12 27 46 49 29 58 11 106 25 51 76 46 103 104 92 52 167 23 3.07 1.68 2.93 3.75 3.90 3.92 4.64 4.10 4.82 5.75 3 53 3.00 1.82 2.96 4.67 4.50 4.67 3.96 4.19 5.64 5.82 3.50 3.00 1.79 2.11 4.32 4-30 5.58 3.67 8.30 5.21 6.29 3.67 2.07 2.93 2.06 3.42 4.70 4.10 4.17 4.26 5.71 6.42 5.17 2.78 2.05 2.51 4.09 4.35 4.52 4.11 4.46 5.34 6.07 3.84 6 8 8 11 13 12 11 #11 *10 16 9 22 23 20 17 15 16 17 17 18 12 19 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 14 12 13 9 11 14 11 8 6 8 2.11 1.99 2.64 1.06 0.62 0.93 1.46 0.10 2 F F F F F Fbd!3FF5>:FOFFFO O O O O O O co iT n n H» -J i.J -,J J J VJ 02 03 § 3 3T *C s S 3- 3- o O 3 2 - 2."=! 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O OS O COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO 44.C0h-C044OlC0C04-.H-iOl © H-i h-i 44 O © 44 o © to on © cs oo NOCOCOCOCOCOOlOlOl44,4-OlOiaSOlOl44 COOCOOOOD©©- 44 © CO OS © 44 tO Cn © © © © © h-i s © 00 Oi to hi H- 44. -4 © © to -4 tO P4 00 ~1 © Ol CO ©. 00 © o Ol 44. Ol ^1 © -4 © NO Oi NO Ol tO OS CO Cn cocotototototototototototocototototo © © oi as 44 tO hi tO OS © © 44 00 Ol © hi tO 00 NO © o © -444OSCSC0H144.1—1O1NONO CntO©00©hiOlC5 0i©ODO©CnCOtO 00 hi CO -4 OS © CO © co to oo to N0tOtOC0COCOCO44OlOlOl44 -T-ffe^^-iS^-^fe.^SKF^^S^^^^^'^WWWCONOtOhiNONONONONOtOCOCOtOtOiO ^HfflfflaHHlOiB-lH^BfflCfl30DWmM-jaOOaffitOOi*.uSKffiOOwram © Ol OS 44 O COOlOlOSOOOl©OS os -4 hi hi as on hi oi © as *4 -4 © to 0l000iO4--4OOl©-4©h-Ol©0000©©0n00i*4 44 CD hi Ol SK^;a5'?2?0-!4dr^~:!^:,"^!^:,CTS'^1onoo4-4as050nosososOiOioiOioi44.co Oi CO as to to -4tO00CSO5-4©OS004-.~4Ol©a0O50000 44 44 tO CO CO 00 CS 0054.0l3-4ClWW*.UlO)*>-4tO(BatOOu- tO © Ol -4 O © N5 00COCOCn^4i^-4©O^as©©O0O0©OSN0tOCScXc^©hII^ ©©C0^©Cn©44.OSC0©00O00C0O0lhi44OS0lN00lOOSC0O©h^C0©©C^©fet04^ NO to NO NO CO 44 NO © NO © to to NO Oi to 00 Cn © Oi Oi Ol CO Ol o © © Oi © as © .4. r— r—- ,-- .w ,-- ,-- lw (^ H— J-—* \J*j f^J ^J 44 |_ 4_( —4 Ul |_4 v3(X>CDCO^iCTiC>OJUimOOCD03Znp.fc;u;,ci)jc,>e>,fc)uiCOtOCOlO hi h-1 I—I4_i|_ ._, H-H-CSOOhi^tOHiOOtO^©^©^^^-^^^^^^^^^--,^^-^^^^^^^ <1 CO hi tO N0000i©*40i©0i44as0i004- (5 » O 00 H Cn h (S'-l h !S (S 00 hi 44. -J © tO © tOtOntO NO-i NOOiasOlOOO©OlOD^400©©©44 >. F a B> OS0044.rf4Hi©hi© CO hi H-i P—• UO hi hi CO H-« !—• tOhi hi hi ©0l00-4©©©lt400hiC0hi©t044.0044.0t^4hi©44O0044©hi©00000l44t0©00 hi OlOl_C0tO hi hi .H-iCOhl tO'hi hi CO hi JO hD 44, CO ©©OlH-©Hi-40003tOasOlO. Olh-tO©h-. C04-©©00O*4©©*-t0©-40lC0 NO 44. -4 h-i METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 11 --- MONTH OF MARCH, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. a a % < REMARKS. S. E. S ■ S. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. ; 3 P. M. 1 9 P.M. Mean. '3 S4 ■a 3 o 5 « o a CO 1 4 11 11 20 12 22 50 146 31 90 1.58 2.61 2.48 2.45 2.28 4 27 1 8 .... 9 25 4 11 41 95 37 165 12 40 4.25 3.87 3.54 4.77 4.11 13 18 2 11 -- 8 ; 18 7 18. 12 33 19 72 25 87 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.75 16 15 2 11 2.79 25 101 7 13 16 55 41 126 14 54 3.74 3.00 3.52 3.22 3.37 16 15 2 11 3.38 7 24 12 18 27 44 26 59 19 60 4.70 4.83 4.67 5.00 4.80 14 17 2 6 5.20 4 18 5 8 3 7 34 79 50 212 5.03 5.16 4.45 5.19 4.95 17 14 3 11 1 1.40 Rain in deficiency. 12 31 2 4 23 46 34 68 37 122 7.69 8.04 7.57 8.21 5.87 17 14 3 6 5.41 7 "37 1 6 34 168 21 109 31 151 5.90 6.09 5.58 4.99 5.66 17 14 5 7 5.68 8 46 3 11 9 29 16 30 69 226 4.77 4.80 5.38 5.35 5.09 15 16 6 5 5.92 6 8 1 1 7 11 5 27 73 219 5.84 6.12 6.55 5.48 5.99 17 14 2 7 2.13 Therm, protected. 5 15 2 5 10 34 8 31 40 220 5.50 5.70 5.25 6.80 5.81 15 16 4 8 4.20 Therm, protected. 2 3 9 14 1 4 20 40 67 197 4.38 5.41 4.70 5.78 4.96 15 16 3 7 5.05 10 27 15 51 10 19 65 277 19 55 4.35 4.61 5.19 5.32 4.86 11 20 0 8 1.30 4 9 6 23 25 115 6 20 23 200 3.61 3.35 3.80 3.74 3.62 18 13 1 ' 12 2.88 23 69 12 36 22 78 7 25 45 166 2.20 3.23 2.29 3.03 2.68 9 22 1 12 2.57 13 42 9 18 22 52 28 111 17 87 2.48 3.25 2.80 3.50 3.01 9 22 2 16 .... 15 69 7 24 28 133 17 78 35 203 0.22 2.54 3.25 2.90 2.27 5 26 3 9 2.74 4 5 2 2 75 311 7 22 3 8 2.15 3.12 3.16 3.21 2.91 11 20 3 12 3.28 2 5 0 0 3 6 11 34 41 133 4.25 4.09 4.12 3.93 4.09 10 21 3 5 3.27 32 .. 4 3 37 14 5.89 6.12 6.74 6.19 6.23 18 13 3 6 .... 8 20 1 3 20 64 32 107 36 124 6.20 7.13 6.58 6.70 6.65 21 10 5 4 4.45 6 15 3 3 19 53 26 100 38 120 5.14 6.26 6.24 5.18 5.65 16 15 7 3 3.80 4 12 13 43 8 19 28 85 34 129 4.87 5.32 5.35 6.35 5.47 17 14 8 2 3.00 9 19 2 7 14 42 18 48 32 92 5.70 5.60 4.18 6.30 5.42 . 18 13 8 1 3.30 8 13 0 0 36 121 11 46 19 59 5.50 5.30 5.80 6.10 5.67 19 12 10 0 .... 2 4 22 14 0 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.25 17 14 .... Defective. 4 8 9 9 18 25 0 0 46 88 3.90 4.12 4.90 4.96 4.47 18 13 12 1 2 8 0 0 8 34 32 121 20 73 4.16 4.48 4.22 5.16 4.55 13 18 13 1 10.52 Therm, protected. 12 28 14 35 8 18 16 48 31 79 3.10 3.48 3.61 5.25 3.86 12 19 14 0 12.51 4 7 3 4 16 41 4 11 24 28 6.10 4.77 5.54 7.66 6.01 14 17 8 0 .... 9 23 7 7 19 61 6 21 29 51 3.83 4.30 4.58 5.12 4.46 14 17 14 0 11.28 8 16 8 19 21 79 16 42 14 40 2.93 4.71 6.13 6.42 5.09 16 15 8 0 7.20 11 26 5 11 9 28 2 6 28 106 2.35 2.90 3.80 3.93 3.24 11 20 15 0 7.85 13 30 6 12 6 20 4 13 17 68 2.30 3.80 4.30 4.45 3.72 13 18 10 0 6.70 8 10 1 3 10 14 1 1 59 140 3.50 4.18 5.30 4.75 4.43 10 21 11 1 9.22 11 26 4 14 8 25 11 32 7 27 2.70 3.70 3.30 3.90 3.40 11 20 9 0 .... 2 4 7 10 2 4 13 23 4 8 2.90 2.93 3.70 3.77 3.32 9 22 12 1 .... 7 15 7 18 8 15 7 23 14 43 2.42 3.77 3.98 4.00 3.54 11 20 16 1 5.31 9 21 16 36 3 9 7 15 13 36 5.16 5.41 5.48 5.06 5.52 15 16 12 0 6.54 4 7 22 50 12 20 0 0 6 21 4.45 4.51 4.12 4.00 4.27 14 17 10 2 3.25 25 58 1 2 12 30 2 6 27 60 4.50 4.60 5.00 5.50 4.90 18 13 4 4 .... 8 11 5 13 4 6 5 17 17 64 4.00 4.40 4.60 4.60 4.40 14 17 9 2 3.35 7 7 13 15 23 25 5 8 41 67 3.77 5.96 7.19 6.38 5.82 13 18 4 3 1.31 8 24 2 2 7 21 4 16 36 145 4.29 4.93 4.45 5.61 4.82 14 17 5 4 2.29 9 20 2 3 9 22 4 10 29 86 4.40 3.90 3.60 5.00 4.22 11 20 8 4 1.75 15 36 2 5 9 16 11 38 56 168 3.48 3.89 4.19 j 4.87 4.10 12 19 5 6 2.30 8 12 7 10 9 22 23 46 25 52 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 11 2. 4 4 2.29 12 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1843. TIIERMOMl.TKH STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. Dearbornville Arsenal.. 12.21 19.91 29.16 20.30 20.68 40 — 6 19.32 26.68 3 7 14.80 21.71 30.39 21.35 22.45 39 — 5 16.55 27.45 6 16 Fort Gratiot........... 13.66 9.26 25.40 22.68 26.26 22.32 19.63 13.58 19.96 16.87 40 32 — 7 — 7 20.04 15.23 26.96 21.87 1 8 1 22 3.58 2.29 4.30 12.43 21.83 22.48 9.90 12.54 12.70 12.38 32 39 —21 —19 19.30 26.62 33.70 31.38 31 7 114 19 — 0.70 9.09 15.09 5.77 7.53 33 —16 25.47 23.53 36 80 2.29 7.15 19.90 7.80 8.29 34 —23 25.71 31.29 4 6 — 5.38 4.83 15.70 3.55 4.67 27 —20 22.33 24.67 8 21 10.38 17.12 24.45 18.16 17.45 40 — 4 22.55 21.45 18 40 4.54 8.93 21.19 12.22 12.86 36 — 9 13.14 21.86 52 189 p 3 -4 Oi 00 CO © © -4 01 © co . 3 B n*j © o to © Oi © OS © Ol 00 OS © © , . © Oi 44 NO h- to to co )_l 44 © © 1-1 © © -4 co 44 OS to NO NO OS ,_, ss OS 00 -4 00 1-1 co Ol hi -4 V z NO a CS hi -4 Oi 44 Ol © CO CO NO © © NO -4 © _. to to CO 44 44 h-1 OS -4 CO 01 CO NO ** 3 fo CO Ol OS OS to to © 00 NO OS © © Ol 44 CO OS 44 -4 44 Oi NO Cn hi NO Oi NO OS 44 CO OS © as to 2} '-3 • ,_. hi Hi Hi © 0 as --I Oi CO to CO 00 OS 0 © uo Cn to CO OS as Oi Oi 01 44 CO CO to CO CO • NO H_i -4 H- rs © 44. -4 to pa 00 NO 0 4- os © CO 0 44 g 44 Oi OS OS Oi Oi 44 44 CO CO CO to > © © NO on 0T) on 44 Cn © OS as p CO CO © 0 -4 -4 © Oi 0 h- f 0 p CO OS -4 as Ol Ol 44 CO NO to CO CO hj -4 --4 44 © -4 on OS -4 -4 g 3 3 00 o © 0 GO OS © -4 © Ol H 0 Ol OS -4 OS as Oi Ol 44. 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CS Oi 00 4-. © --4 -4 CS r-> © 44 Ol Hi M CO © CD CO O 0 NO m NO NO NO HJ Hi CO 44 41 -4 -4 on NO HJ Oi 0 CO 4.1 on © as 00 k 3 -J OS O CS CO o Ol © © CO CO CO os os as 4-. --i © © o CO ° NO CS © O OS OS o 0 © os 0 © © 0 NO 0 OS 44 0 © CO © -4 OS CO © CO CO CO © 0 © 0 >■ 43 *u 44. 00 Ol -4 --4 -4 OS Ol 00 hi -4 44 CS -4 -4 os Oi Oi 00 44 Oi CO 44 CO CO co CO 44 44 44 44 44 44 hi 44. CO 4- CO CO HJ to Ol CO 00 Ol h-l co to o as cn o OS CO OS -4 44 44. OS CO OS 44 © © HJ CO CO 4-1 on Ol 44 Cn --1 NO 44 c-> Ol © © CO CO © 44, NO 0 © -4 00 6* K M CO © CO © OS © © © OS © o o CO CO o 44, as o Oi 0 © CO 0 © © OS © © © CO 0 CO 0 © CO OS OS 0 -4 0 0 © co 0 © © CO OS ?a CO CO OS 44 44 Ol Oi Oi CO Oi Oi OS Ol 44. Ol -4 CO as oi os as OS — 44 CO Oi Oi to 44 44 CO CO CO Oi 44 44 01 CO 44 H- CO CO 44. CO CO to g X Oi © --1 on 44 Oi CS tO tO CO CO on on to 00 NO © CO Ol -4 41 NO HJ © Oi NO on C-5 HJ CO NO on © HI 44 NO © CO © nn 44 44 HJ m -4 p 4J ^4 CO Oi oi to © oi on Ol -4 CO NO to o Ol CO NO H- © NO Oi 00 to Oi h-i tO tO NO 0 OS OS uu '-' 44, NO uo 0 © 1-1 as '""' 44 -4 01 OS CO 00 OS to uo NO 00 CD Fair. ' — 4-4 tO hi to CO tO 44. CO 44. Ol CS OS 00 Ol Ol -4 o Oi to to to © © CO hi 41 © CO 4- h-1 00 CO 00 44 © © © '""' 44 4- CO to CO Ol to NO to 44 44 to 00 a p H- H-l H-l HI Hi hi NO H- Hj Hj NO Hj NO NO to NO Cloudv -4 oo as -j OS Ol 4-. 44 to Oi Oi CO o Ol uo CO 00 ■ © H- -4 © © © 44 os © NO -4 to OS © © 0 © as 03 -4 00 -4 Ol uo uo 00 OS os 00 NO Hj Hj Hj Hj 4J Hj Rain > > a t CO ' 54 © to OS o © © -4 44 44, 44 -4 --4 © © © o o CS o 44 OS © Cn Ol © to 00 o OS Oi © hi © 44 -4 CO to 44 . © 1-1 © to CO CO © NO 0 0 00 -1 NO © NO uo CO 1-1 © ** OS © ^! as as Ol a p -1 O © O © © © NO © © 0 0 ■ 0 © © NO hi NO CO 44. NO Ol 0 CO HJ hi © - hi CO CO CO NO 44 -4 Oi Snow. 4- 44 tO Ol 0 © • CO to NO HJ NO co NO . NO 41 44 CO 01 NO 44 -4 CO NO 44 CO CO . Cn 44 -J 44 NO nn CO © 41 00 0 • nn Ol © Cn CO Ol on 44 NO 4» -4 NO Ol OS 44 44 0 © Am't in inches. 0 3 tO OS hi © © © GO -4 © CS ~4 ~4 OS © © to 44 to . 01 © © © uo • CO '"■* '""' • Ol uo OS © © 44 © OS © 44 NO Oi NO " F F F Inaccural Therm, p F F F F p p 3- 3" CD 3 CD 4j 3 T) to Ol 3 5" CD CD 3 3 "3 ^a1 3 y 3' fa Si X "1 ► o O SQ 0 CD CD Ul CD CD X CS 3. a. Q. EL p CO o\ 10 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF APRIL, 1843. STATIONS. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. St. Louis Arsenal......I 47.03 Dearbornville Arsenal.. 39.20 Detroit Barracks.......; 38.00 Fort Gratiot........... 32.23 Fort Mackinac........ 30.76 Fort Brady............ 26.30 Fort Winnebago.......I 33.10 Fort Atkinson......... 36.30 Fort Crawford.........j 34.70 FortSnelling.......... 34.80 Fort Leavenworth...... 42.93 FortCroo-han.......... 39.56 55.83 45.24 46.63 42.46 41.10 38.00 45.43 44.63 45.12 42.06 51.90 46.50 65.03 58.80 56.97 47.20 42.36 46.20 55.53 52.50 59.25 52.30 56.63 57.70 52.60 43.10 42.53 37.53 35.13 32.60 41.90 41.83 43.29 45.43 49.30 46.83 Mean. 56.03 49.00 46.83 39.94 36.56 35.96 44.31 44.40 45.60 43.55 49.76 48.63 Range. 88 80 80 74 55 65 80 74 79 70 84 28 12 14 2 12 — 1 8 4 4 1 23 18 Above mean. 31.97 31.00 33.17 34.06 19.44 29.04 35.69 29.60 33.40 35.44 34.24 31.37 Below mean. 28.03 37.00 32.83 37.94 24.56 36.96 36.31 40.40 41.60 42.56 26.76 30.63 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 3 3 12 16 24 30 11 25 19 41 15 25 14 56 36 148 3 9 7 16 42 100 1 2 3 7 12 38 31 138 11 37 3 8 37 92 2 7 7 32 5 9 11 11 11 24 1 2 3 3 6 12 2 7 12 35 7 27 8 18 17 33 13 28 4 6 29 53 11 32 12 48 co to hi Hj Hj NO a Ol 0 Oi 00 -4 OS 1-1 to uo 00 44. NO CO c B 44 CO CO CO Oi CO CO NO NO Ol CO OS OS to CO OS hi as 44 NO 44, NO Hl» c? NO CO HJ Ol 44 44 h-i 44. © OS HJ OS NO to co co CO Ol CS 44 CO Hj to OS CO Ol hi uo -4 © to 1—1 -4 NO CO 3 hj' 4- NO CO NO Hj Oi © os © © -4 44 NO CO OS 4- O 3 2; O CO OS Oi NO IO OS CO 44 NO CO 44 00 44 CO Ol Cn Oi to to UO Ol hi ,_, CO NO 44 0 44 CO 0 CO 4> 00 as 44 © Ol 3 to to HJ 44 —1 NO HJ hi HJ 44. 44 -4 CO 44 © 00 -4 IX) © -4 (JO os *—• h-l 44 44 to Hj Oi hi IO HJ © Ol © -4 -4 CO NO uo h-l 00 hi 44 2S . NO CO Ol -4 on --1 44 hi 4.1 CO CO Ol NO Ol -4 0 © © -4 Oi 4.) © NO 00 © CO OS 44 OS Oi Ol Ol Ol NO CO 44 44. CO 44 © CO CO O ran 44 CO on 44 NO © W co 0 CO © OS CO 0 CO 0 44 © © !> CO OS Oi OS Ol OS Oi Ol CO to Oi 4- CO © OS NO © CO © HJ 44. -4 © 44. © t> p CO OS © 0 CO CO CO © © © © © 3 0. 44, Ol 44 Ol 4- 44. Cn Ol CO NO Ol CO CO *tf © Oi co NO 4- on 0 to © © 0 54 3 CO OS OS © O CO © 44, 0 CO Ol 0 M > a OS OS 44 Ol OS OS Oi as CO CO CO CO CO k 0 4* HJ OS NO to on NO OS to 44. C5 HJ 0 s H CO OS OS 00 OS OS © 44 © CO © © so 44 OS 01 Ol Ol Ol Ol Oi 44 CO 44 CO g CO 44 -4 44 -4 NO Oi 44 NO 44 Ol p 00 -4 00 *~ H" CO uo Ol 01 CO 00 © Oi on OS Oi -4 00 as © CO © -4 as Fair. a p Cloudy Oi to 44. Ol CO to 4- hi -4 — CO 4- -4 -4 -4 r-4 44. 44 Oi 4- "4 © Cn as Rain. a > 3 to © © © © CO hi CO to CO © 41 Snow. > 2! a CO 2J O SSI 01 0 HJ NO hj to NO hi 4- Ol 4.1 OS 44 O to 03 Am't in inches. • CO Oi 0 4- Ol • Oi Cn 0 *4 W p 3 5' D. g CD ► 3s W w CD co 3 O "r4 F F F O S W O O F F X O n O F Q > F > F F ^ F ~ W 00 H 44. CO Q h-l Ul F F Pi FFFFFFSJFFgFO O O o O O 4) m .1 /-. h> -, c,- -J -< (-»■ -. 0 co ? y 5 o w a. st << 0 FF,FFOF>FFF g(4 0orjc3.ocooo W-^£_!g4r2|olv2 2 m?TFo F ST =r F F F F F O > 0 p uq fe* s.- !=- c W-TJFgTJ^^JF^FFiSJ^TlFaFF c o p FS'^!

a: eb « ^ =15 p5 ST 3 O « p 5- p a3 S 1-1 p > i-t 1 P P O • CS cn CO 3 P CO • & £ td <«? P HH -t CO s 2 "5 -u p o 11 I I uO *1 _r *_T rt ■-< r. F F ?• cT < a S> ~1 Oi OS OS 0 Oi 4-J OS 4- OS NO OS Ol os 44 44 © OS 00 OS © OS Ol X 44 00 © CS © to Oi -4 © Ol O as 4- OS 44 CS © 44 © © Oi 44 Oi C3-40SOS030SCSOSOSOlOlOlOlOl 44hi4403~10S0l©i—iCOtOOOOlOOh-i©©COCn 4- 44 44 Ol 44 44 44 CO CO 44. GO 44. O hi Cn 4- © © Ol © Ol -4 cs as os -4 as © os 00 as -4 -4 -4 00 -4 ©©OlOSOSO3O3©0l iO HitO44.004-.tO -4-4-403a5C5CSCSC30lOlOlOlOlOlOiaSOlOSOlOlOlOl44 N044OSO144CO00O1 OS © CS © 00 CO © ■-4washicscocototo©44.hi44co-jhicoaooitooito os©oas©to©cooi0ioit044©o © © Ol CD © -4 O OiCO©©COOi-joh-00©00© x to CO hi © © © to to © 44 © 00 Cn 00 OS 00 © 00 to © as 00 44 4l Oi GDO00000--4-400Q000-400--4O0--l-4--4asOS--l Ol Ol CD CD tO OS 4- couiooiooasco© © to CO o © -j o O 44440SO0S--4O©t0t0C000 © NO 44 CO HJ CO © © 44, to © © Ol © Ol CO 00 csosoioicnosasas N0440044.01H-O--4 ti9^'5to^Cncn ©©©-4©O00O os as os os os CO HJ -J © CS CO 44. tO Ol h- OS O O tO « 4j ^( ^J ^( ^] oi 44. 01 to as o hi as co CO -4 © © -4 -J 4j OSOSOlOlOSOlOlOl Ol Oi *40lN0hihit0l000-4©00O00-444.00O300©©-4 44. Oi Oi 44 h- © to © -4 OS O © hj OOOhiOltOhJCDOlCOCCOl©OOHiotOOl OintaOBOOOMHlDWOHOO © ^1 o © © to © CO © Bi8gg ScooSoSgSSSE.^^coShcoScl^SS^S^ B> B a CD CD S o 5 8 " % S 8 » ^o^oSSSS^gg: ^ggg: ^ S S S S w .fe ^ 2 5 ^ K g 5 » OS 00 00 GO 44. 01 tO ^wS^HWMoSSoSoOM^SMffl^gfflcJffl^^oS^^^gHS-Jtog^ ■i S ,-, F £2 . ... ** w k-s iOOS44 „ rr -D©©oiooicooico--4©hi©oicooias©0!4_4(-- 4-.4-.oias©! hoomSob^w^KooohcbSwb METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 19 MONTH OF MAY, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 CJ a a a < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 8 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. u '3 >> •a 3 o 5 g '3 Is o a 6 9 33 54 15 34 37 86 18 47 3.32 4.00 ._. .. 4.67 2.19 3.55 12 19 9 1 .... Temp, in excess at 3 11 40 26 03 42 104 12 37 8 28 4.51 4.93 4.74 4.41 4.68 14 17 10 2 [ p. m. 14 45 29 78 8 26 7 20 9 55 4.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 4.00 13 18 13 2 2.80 22 41 17 20 54 144 14 37 6 20 4.00 4.19 4.83 4.42 4.36 12 19 6 0 2.35 32 58 32 48 14 26 15 21 5 13 4.25 5.51 4.51 4.16 4.60 14 17 7 0 4.05 12 36 32 55 7 10 20 40 17 38 3.32 4.77 4.45 4.64 4.29 16 15 6 0 0.60 25 46 7 17 21 40 25 45 15 39 3.54 3.48 3.93 4.22 3.79 11 20 5 0 1.86 17 44 6 18 7 30 8 27 21 69 3.96 5.38 5.38 5.19 4.97 16 15 7 0 3.69 23 79 7 18 26 75 7 17 30 88 3.59 4.83 4.74 5.45 4.65 14 17 8 0 3.35 26 42 1 1 10 13 3 1 35 52 5.81 7.06 7.48 4.71 6.26 13 18 7 0 1.00 Therm, protected. 13 26 12 20 20 57 5 17 8 35 5.30 5.10 4.50 5.80 5.17 16 15 7 0 1.32 Therm, protected. 2 2 21 37 11 20 7 13 36 74 5.03 5.05 4.02 5.10 4.80 18 13 7 0 2.28 Therm, protected. 5 17 51 200 1 2 30 118 11 44 6.00 5.70 5.70 4.30 5.42 17 14 6 0 3.25 15 54 3 8 24 84 4 11 65 154 2.61 3.70 4.64 3.09 3.51 10 21 10 0 4.88 16 52 24 86 46 161 8 31 15 61 3.30 4.24 4.16 4.29 4.00 14 17 8 0 1.44 13 24 8 19 23 46 45 107 15 27 4.16 4.29 4.08 5.01 4.38 13 18 11 1 .... 11 20 5 9 23 50 13 26 28 79 2.74 4.80 5.03 3.96 4.13 11 20 11 0 2.39 Temp, in error. 7 25 7 21 55 194 5 17 11 33 4.80 4.10 4.14 4.24 4.32 15 16 12 0 1.65 5 9 11 16 9 32 18 46 25 61 4.12 3.90 4.76 5.70 4.61 13 18 11 0 4.05 3 11 5 31 2 5.12 5.60 6.50 5.90 5.75 18 13 12 0 .... Defective. 13 30 1 1 31 83 9 20 22 38 5.55 5.80 5.90 5.51 5.69 17 14 13 0 3.16 12 27 •3 6 21 43 17 43 21 44 4.30 5.30 4.26 5.30 4.79 16 15 11 0 3.55 Therm, protected, 24 66 23 70 9 19 12 29 21 74 4.19 4.54 4.64 5.03 4.60 16 15 12 0 5.71 13 28 2 4 29 55 9 12 10 18 4.27 4.80 4.12 6.50 4.92 16 15 13 0 6.20 11 24 25 80 28 89 2 5 26 88 5.70 6.05 6.20 7.30 6.31 22 9 7 0 6.20 1 4 23 3 3 8.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 8.25 26 5 .... Defective. 9 11 7 13 33 41 5 10 23 39 7.35 7.32 7.41 7.19 7.31 24 7 6 0 .... 6 21 20 47 15 53 20 51 11 26 5.96 6.93 6.09 7.25 6.55 22 9 5 0 2.38 Therm, protected. 16 37 34 71 10 26 7 14 14 34 7.00 6.35 6.34 7.84 6.88 25 6 4 0 2.01 23 26 1 1 21 22 15 15 5 5 7.06 7.01 6.09 7.06 6.80 25 6 4 0 16 19 3 4 12 20 10 14 9 13 6.93 5.77 5.74 7.71 6.54 23 8 5 0 2.09 38 98 4 4 1 1 0 0 21 84 6.35 6.10 6.23 6.81 6.37 24 7 10 0 1.03 33 38 10 17 14 16 3 3 16 28 6.50 7.80 9.10 7.60 7.75 28 3 3 0 2.00 44 109 6 14 32 88 5 6 16 35 5.49 5.90 6.06 6.96 6.10 22 9 4 0 0.76 Therm, protected. 34 84 17 31 23 55 4 7 10 26 6.00 7.66 7.50 8.50 7.41 25 6 2 0 0.01 Therm, protected. 36 75 4 4 42 64 0 0 15 74 7.22 7.71 7.00 8.84 7.85 25 6 3 0 0.72 39 103 13 38 18 53 11 33 9 27 5.30 6.10 6.80 8.10 6.57 23 8 3 0 1.55 3 3 61 81 7 7 8 15 2 7 6.00 5.70 5.20 7.90 6.20 22 9 4 0 0.22 37 42 10 12 16 28 4 6 11 16 2.84 4.38 5.52 7.69 5.11 13 18 5 0 0.45 16 52 34 53 6 11 12 15 0 0 5.80 7.35 6.35 7.00 6.62 21 10 7 0 2.78 18 26 57 123 0 0 5 9 0 0 4.83 6.77 7.22 7.35 6.04 21 10 7 0 4.42 18 23 1 1 41 96 1 1 27 45 3.20 4.50 5.40 5.80 4.72 15 16 9 0 .... 23 34 7 15 6 11 5 7 11 18 2.90 2.90 4.50 5.30 3.90 11 20 12 0 9.26 11 24 5 20 16 49 6 6 8 21 4.06 5.45 5.74 5.35 5.15 17 14 11 0 4.85 59 96 5 9 1 1 0 0 3 3 6.12 6.67 6.45 7.87 6.77 21 10 8 0 2.59 10 20 12 31 7 17 18 30 7 13 4.70 3.90 3.90 6.10 4.65 16 15 13 0 6.10 21 48 6 10 17 42 41 64 17 38 4.19 4.32 3.12 5.03 4.1G 13 18 13 0 3.01 20 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MAY, 1843. THERMOMETKR WINDS. )bser-v STATIONS. Mean Tempera ure. Range. No. of ( ations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. Dearbornville Arsenal.. 55.87 46.11 45.80 42.22 40.16 34.90 42.96 45.64 47.20 44.00 52.74 44.61 67.41 61.15 57.16 50.45 48.93 47.20 54.38 56.09 57.80 58.00 62.41 59.06 77.71 67.26 62.64 57.88 48.61 54.30 63.54 64.51 67.27 60.54 68.19 68.58 66.64 55.20 51.51 45.90 45.29 41.25 52.19 52.32 58.29 52.48 59.70 55.22 66.79 56.68 54.35 50.00 44.38 44.60 53.22 55.08 56.22 52.25 60.40 58.22 92 84 82 81 62 70 79 80 81 72 86 90 36 34 24 28 29 22 29 29 32 27 40 32 25.21 27.32 27.65 31.00 15.62 15.40 25.78 24.92 24.78 19.75 25.60 31.78 30.79 22.68 30.35 22.00 15.38 22.60 22.22 26.08 24.22 25.25 20.40 26.22 1 3 6 5 10 7 5 16 1 14 3 2 2 6 13 21 23 31 9 26 1 28 8 7 15 8 38 42 9 3 12 16 5 12 12 9 21 25 119 127 20 6 47 33 5 23 41 21 14 31 7 1 44 26 9 11 2 16 14 25 31 89 27 1 141 64 30 28 2 i 53 33 55 Fort Brady............ hi NO Hj CO 0 00 00 to hi Ol to OS CO as Ol © *"* C B Cn OS to Ol CO Oi CO OS 4-. to -4 NO to © 1-1 © © © as o s" d Ol to NO HJ HJ Hj -4 OS -4 NO CO Oi oo CO OS 44 -4 -4 CO Ol OS 44 CO Hj NO Ol Hj 44 HJ CO OS NO NO 00 -4 to as © CO © 1-1 3 hi 44 Hj to Hj NO 4- Ol © CO —1 c -4 CO OS © to © CO 3 2! 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"<1 -4 CO to NO Ol 44 -4 © NO CO NO 44 to CO NO © Cloudy E -4 c © © £ © as © CO £ -4 Rain. p 60 3 to © hi © © l—i NO ~ hi © © © Snow. > 55 « CO O to CO to 44 NO hj CO NO 44. NO HJ on HJ 44 m © Am't in inches. © NO NO 00 NO • UO OS CO Ol 3 F F CD CD ,—i a, ,—, 3, 7 P >« 60 3 5' 3 5' g > to CD CD Uf -l W 0 f! 4| P P ^ r- © © S F F F g O O W O F ffl F O O F h-1 g a > > F hi 00 44 CO W F O h-l Ul F F W bO 1— F F F F FFW^FF2FC D O P ^ o o h—1 /-, p. < 1-1 ^ - S. s- F 3 m - £ p c» tr C- • 3^ £ o 3. 3:2 p £ » T 5 & <- ? f F F S « to F F F S> F F F F F < 3 K g ? g CTQ = "S ~ > F n > to F F i> F o g i co' 5T to p p 3 3 cT to p o § p' p o "-i 0 3 P p 3-0 to p Cfl 1-1 3 l-i 1-1 > -1 p o -1 to F Q F CC o rs —J h. __. 2- _:. o o, i o )wn Arsenal.... -V t OS ' os as os -as cs cs os COO©COOSOOOCOO©OOOS UWC,iOC0OUOh13hhOWC1HW OSCOhi©OhJCOOC3©C3 HiCO©>OtOCSOlOO©tO csco©©©©ooascocscsos 4-hi—4tOOSOl-4©>© CO©COfOCOi—■ tO HJ 44. noowooooioo © OS CS 44 Ol HJ Ol as os os -4 Ui CO CO H OS Oi Ol OS OS OS H © OS © © o 00 OS © tO © 44 O © Ol © O O I— OS (OOihoIihOOOCIOOCJIOOIOU-IihIO-1©44©—1 (O CO©C3-4C005©CO©03©COOS©COasO-4000S HJtOCnOlCSh-ICOOitOtON0h-00-4lOOlC>OlCOhiiO00OS00©C5tOCC444-.tO44©44-JtOC0C00D*-4-©-lC0 COOl00hJtOt0as-4OlOiOl44©CO00 aso©cooococo©oo©co©coc© © hj oo O Cn © © o © © O © -4 -4 44.00S01—1-4CS© ©©ooscococo© -4 O CD -4 O © © CO -4CSCS4_l-4-4-l-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-400-4-4-l-4-44q4j., HJ-4©i0 4444.0S-4©>-400C0CO0Das©4q0S-l-4-40S0Shi©4j4j^4^^t0t£)_4C;,Hi0S-40SOt0h-iO0SC0000l oscscscsasoiOioicscsascsasasoscsascnOicnOioi CC44.HJ0l0lG0©i0©O ©©©©©osoooo t0-4c_3oC0-4O©C0t0©4j0S©C5 0©©OOCShJ050©©CO©030© © 4- © -I to -4 -1 4- -1 -4 Oi -4 as -4 -4 -1 © -4 CO -4 CO 00 o -4 OS 00 © -4 © -4 CS 00 44 -4 © -4 -4 -4 00 -4 00 -4 00 -1 OS -4 Ol -4 Ol -4 NO -4 to -4 © OS 00 cs 00 © CO cs Ol © Oi © OS Cn OS cs -4 OS 00 -4 h-1 OS CO OS Ol OS 4- OS Ol 00 Oi -4 Ol © Oi -1 OS NO 00 CS © Oi Oi © CO 00 © -4 O CO © -4 4- Ol © NO 44 o OS as © 00 00 cs Ol Ol © NO O 00 O Oi © cs © cs to Co Ol © © Oi NO © CO © 44 CO 00 Oi © © 44 CO o OS to CO 44 h-l Oi © © 44 o NO Cn OS Cn NO 00 CO © NO CO CO OS © 00 CO uo © OS © ©©©©©oo©©©aoaooo©©oo©oo©oooo©©OD©©©oooooooooo©©©©ooao©©ooaooooo© 4i©i440S0l-4hiC0t00lQ0CCC0OT00t04-t000OS-4©0lO©O©>0i©N04-t0©44.C0-4©hihi-444©0SO —itOlOhihihihiHJ u H Kl hi hjhjuj H-uihitOhihiHJtOtOtOiOtOh-HitOhitONOtONOtOtOtOtOtOtOtO -44jWCSCn-JCX)0l00C0t0Cn4400hi0005©4^a544HiOhi4j^3c0HiHiOlC0©N0000lCD0l-iC0C0CS©0^ --OCnas©CO—4tOOl—4©>C0©hi44©©©O'©-lCnO—400440lhi©©CS©-40iOOOOS-4CO-4-4-4CS©OS©© 4-CnOt0OO©as©05©44t044.0l00t00l4444-l©0lhi-4C_S-40l©CS©4--4C00l©©0l0lt0©-444l0t044-O iOiONOtOh-itOtOhi HJ|-Jhi hi hi MS hi hi HihiHitOMNOCOCOCOtOtOHJiouJMSNOtOtOCOMSCONOiO-hJtOtOtO t0O44C0©44hi-4-4C3CS44.CS—!-4C»h-C^CvS-4-^C044hiOS044.000l-44-.50HiOl030lOS©©hitOOlOl-44^0lOC 00O0lW^-4W^iCnMS^C^O00 0n©OO©©M0l©N0hiCS4400hi©W©MS44.hi©44.fc3asMWMWOC0©hJ o:on©ooo©©4H©i^©oscci030itooDCn4>a3Coocn©cohicoc^04^hiascohioi©©oioioo©coasooooas© s> B to CO 44 © 44 44 co -4 CO © 44 NO © h-1 CO -4 © HJ o 44 44 CO NO hi h- Oi CO 44 o © X O CO hi HJ © CO Ol 44 -4 hi 44 CO Ol © HJ O hi to 2 CS 00 © 44 OS 00 -4 44 O hi Ol NO o NO CO *4 © © CO © OO hi CO CO CO - © CO -4 © Ol on o 44 Ol CO © Oi hi 44. 44 © CO Ol Oi Cn 00 © NO © © CO to CO CO -4 CO © HJ Ol Mi -4 CO £-' 44 Oi to Cn as hi NO M o hi CO CO CO OS h-1 44 © CO 00 M -4 HJ Ol 00 Ol 00 - Ol oo NO -4 © M © © as Cn -4 44 -4 Cn Oi o 00 CO © 3 — OS hi -4 CO -4 M h-1 co 00 4- CO as CO CO CO © 44 Ol to CO 44 © 44 NO © © 44 00 CO 00 © oo : © © 44 © NO 00 hi HJ -4 to to Oi CO OS M OS CO © © Oi Oi NO © 00 HJ © CO M © 44 CO © 00 oc hi © HJ © HJ -J Ol to -4 -4 © hi © hi © OS hi © M Cn O Oi CO 00 OS 44 h-1 NO © - © CO OS 00 NO 44 44 44 © to o Oi O as M 44 as - © hi NO © H OS ~ -4 Oi CO h- hi h- oo GO © NO -4 NO Cn - NO CO M *- M as 00 © CO © © © NO — CO - Oi 00 - F. 44 00 © NO oo OS HJ © to © CO © © —1 as hi o Oi o NO © NO © METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 23 MONTH OF JUNE, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 a a % < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. m N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. 3 o .5 a 1 is o CI 02 4 8" 29 44 12 25 51 110 12 32 2.73 4.06 3.93 2.06 3.18 6 24 10 0 .... 8 20 26 64 38 108 32 91 11 38 4.00 3.66 4.26 3.96 3.97 12 18 15 0 .... 9 25 25 82 24 82 13 40 15 51 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.75 13 17 12 0 2.37 27 62 11 14 44 141 15 41 22 69 5.80 6.03 5.40 5.70 5.98 17 13 7 0 1.55 18 24 31 47 29 44 10 21 11 28 4.53 4.83 5.13 4.53 4.75 16 14 8 0 4.79 2 5 34 57 22 50 12 18 19 52 5.13 5.60 5.30 5.36 5.34 18 12 8 0 6.52 8 18 4 11 49 134 20 45 16 35 7.29 7.08 5.82 8.04 7.53 18 12 12 0 4.50 24 78 23 61 37 142 6 14 7 15 5.30 6.56 6.40 4.66 5.73 20 10 8 0 2.05 9 20 4 11 47 147 3 6 33 87 4.66 5.87 5.96 5.56 5.41 17 13 7 0 2.47 18 24 10 17 50 53 9 9 24 28 6.96 7.86 8.16 8.00 7.74 21 5 9 0 0.76 Therm, protected. 3 4 16 19 37 80 17 57 9 28 6.70 5.90 6.20 8.20 6.57 18 12 4 0 1.67 Therm, protected. 11 18 19 26 10 16 2 3 27 52 6.33 6.00 5.33 6.66 6.08 21 9 7 0 1.95 8 17 64 212 3 8 32 95 9 33 6.20 6.33 6.03 4.30 5.73 14 16 9 0 6.05 22 56 7 23 35 90 1 3 52 99 2.63 3.66 5.40 2.56 3.56 19 11 13 0 5.48 9 24 26 94 41 144 18 48 4 13 4.27 4.12 4.29 4.21 4.22 15 15 11 0 4.70 4 5 17 30 21 42 49 73 10 17 4.20 4.30 4.60 4.86 4.49 15 15 15 0 5 11 15 30 37 85 9 19 23 60 4.10 4.83 6.16 4.16 4.70 14 16 13 0 5.67 1 3 5 14 72 230 3 7 10 23 4.60 3.10 4.23 5.26 4.30 15 15 16 1 2.86 4 4 1 4 19 60 23 69 13 38 3.79 5.35 5.13 7.83 8.42 21 9 10 0 3.83 10 12 24 34 28 39 39 62 9 24 6.50 6.60 6.20 8.40 6.47 22 8 8 0 .... 21 49 6 15 51 145 10 17 15 28 5.76 7.20 7.03 6.40 6.59 20 10 7 0 1.74 12 31 9 27 44 122 17 33 17 32 6.10 7.00 7.20 7.00 6.82 21 9 9 0 0.90 Therm, protected 23 78 33 113 16 48 6 14 20 68 5.23 5.56 6.20 6.90 5.47 22 8 8 0 1.24 14 27 4 6 52 127 7 16 6 14 3.26 3.26 5.16 6.80 4.62 17 13 9 0 2.20 6 16 15 39 60 198 6 25 3 10 5.40 5.40 6.00 6.60 5.85 24 6 10 0 11.22 0 7 16 0 .. 0 5.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 6.50 23 7 .. .... Defective. 14 31 49 81 35 45 1 1 12 18 4.23 4.70 4.56 4.30 4.49 16 14 15 0 .... 16 46 22 85 17 64 20 66 1 4 4.73 5.26 5.53 5.40 5.23 21 9 9 0 3.24 31 81 33 58 21 55 4 7 0 0 4.70 5.00 3.90 4.30 4.97 18 12 12 0 5.69 45 67 3 3 17 18 11 0 7 7 6.05 6.04 8.01 5.05 5.32 20 10 12 0 .... 30 42 7 7 7 8 14 14 5 9 5.33 5.86 3.80 3.43 4.61 12 18 14 0 5.31 78 251 5 10 2 3 0 0 3 6 4.37 4.53 4.93 6.10 5.03 16 14 11 0 1.85 13 24 21 37 15 32" 8 19 1 1 6.30 7.25 6.10 4.45 6.02 16 14 19 0 6.90 48 136 8 13 31 72 0 0 5 7 3.63 4.33 3.93 3.76 3.91 13 17 10 0 13.04 34 76 19 36 15 35 5 5 6 12 4.66 4.83 5.50 6.01 5.20 15 15 9 0 3.49 Therm, protected 42 68 0 0 34 43 0 0 14 19 5.43 4.77 4.53 5.23 4.99 17 13 16 0 16.67 37 80 15 33 14 38 20 37 5 12 5.55 4.90 4.70 5.90 5.26 17 13 15 0 29.56 2 2 60 89 3 4 10 19 1 1 4.80 4.22 4.00 5.40 4.60 18 12 15 0 18.24 38 78 12 26 33 56 7 18 4 3 4.00 4.01 3.92 4.64 4.14 12 18 10 0 14.57 10 18 27 45 4 7 7 9 4 6 5.10 5.16 4.63 5.60 5.12 19 11 17 0 7.62 4 5 80 93 8 11 0 0 3 4 6.00 5.50 8.66 5.73 5.72 13 17 13 0 3.30 39 61 1 1 60 138 0 0 15 20 6.10 5.90 6.60 8.40 6.75 24 6 6 0 .... 28 53 8 12 3 4 1 1 8 15 5.70 4.20 5.90 8.00 5.95 18 12 7 0 1.91 67 86 7 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.40 7.90 7.83 8.00 7.73 23 7 10 0 6.80 10 35 8 20 9 28 5 6 8 20 5.50 5.90 6.50 8.40 6.57 22 8 10 0 3.32 40 86 29 71 18 33 5 6 6 11 4.70 5.10 4.80 6.10 5.17 17 13 15 0 8.46 31 69 5 14 21 52 36 59 11 22 6.03 5.50 4.06 7.00 5.64 21 9 H 0 2.12 > F F F F F F F F F F F Ul 0 o 0 0 5 o 3 3 3 p 1 f O r 50 3 > 3 ? 3 3 o o 3 0 °hL p 3 p CD < Ej 3 3 2 U=) 3 a. 5' JO 3 _.. 4, 3 0b 5 ^ CD • a- • p . ■s >r 3" S3 ■3 33 5' to p -i -i p 3 5" > m CD 7! H > 3 O o 7? Ul > 3 P CO 3" CD 3 p Jl OS Ji Oi r J! OS 4- Jl Jl Oi Cn OS CO 00 CO Jl © -4 *. 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Mean. •-64 >> T3 3 O 5 c '3 ui o c Ul i ! 6 12 32 53 19 33 49 88 | 17 57 1.74 2.96 3.77 1.70 2.54 5 26 13 0 .... 1 6 16 43 43 83 31 66 33 90 3.35 4.38 4.45 i 4.70 4.22 12 19 14 0 i .... 7 26 31 ! 99 | 35 94 23 i 79 11 i 40 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.25 i 12 19 14 0 2.70 17 32 14 24 [ 53 157 35 72 3 7 6.29 6.80 6.81 5.54 j 6.36 20 11 15 0 3.83 20 32 31 69 35 56 13 31 14 36 5.54 5.00 4.60 5.00 5.04 17 14 8 0 1.31 5 8 30 65 18 40 31 54 23 66 6. i / 6.83 6.06 5.96 6.40 23 8 6 0 1.70 7 14 54 169 5 6 47 127 i 7 19 6.30 6.94 5.68 6.90 6.45 12 19 7 0 2.58 14 42 2 6 13 50 14 60 31 116 6.54 6.51 1 5.80 5.70 6.13 24 7 7 0 2.88 Morning temp, in er- 6 15 11 21 36 123 9 23 37 99 5.61 6.61 6.06 4.64 5.73 17 14 10 0 2.51 [ror. 18 22 12 26 | 20 24 2 5 44 50 6.48 7.22 6.16 5.00 6.21 16 15 11 0 1.64 Therm, protected. 6:13 11 14 [ 20 50 18 ! 63 ! 2 6 6.10 5.80 5.30 6.30 5.85 18 13 11 0 1.88 it it 6 ! 14 13 28 p 10 18 4 j 6 | 35 67 6.36 5.90 5.12 5.77 5.78 21 10 6 0 3.00 11 it 7 14 54 169 5 6 47 127 1 7 19 7.48 6.64 6.64 6.00 6.69 ! 22 9 9 0 4.39 23 69 2 8 | 28 99 0 0 ! 58 150 2.51 4.32 6.06 3.22 4.03 24 7 12 0 5.09 Therm, protected. 15 59 24 ; 69 59 231 10 43 | 15 60 5.18 5.18 6.40 5.28 5.51 20 11 8 0 2.79 5 8 10 16 35 65 36 78 j 10 23 4.80 5.50 6.70 6.90 5.97 22 9 9 0 .... 6 13 2 6 33 82 26 57 29 94 5.03 6.22 6.67 5.32 5.81 21 10 9 0 4.23 Temp, in excess at 9 0 0 3 10 7 21 81 291 17 60 5.26 5.50 5.14 6.90 5.70 23 8 9 0 3.77 [a. m. 0 0 0 0 4 15 17 56 19 50 4.19 5.25 5.09 6.16 5.17 16 15 7 0 1.87 11 12 12 18 22 26 34 47 12 19 6.60 5.70 5.90 7.20 6.35 23 8 8 0 .... m 15 41 5 11 42 100 7 10 20 39 6.51 7.30 6.41 7.32 6.86 20 11 11 0 4.01 Temp, in ex., 9 a. m. 14 29 7 11 26 56 23 35 17 28 5.20 6.11 6.80 5.60 5.92 20 11 9 0 5.40 Therm, protected. 10 30 21 71 14 37 10 20 21 68 4.51 5.58 5.06 6.45 5.40 21 10 9 0 6.28 Temp, in ex., 9 a. m. 14 23 4 11 40 96 8 18 5 8 5.15 5.21 5.28 6.20 5.46 18 13 9 0 3.70 Therm, protected. 7 23 19 50 46 149 4 17 6 14 5.80 5.90 5.70 6.80 6.50 23 8 11 0 18.45 Rain in excess. 2 2 5 5 24 24 0 0 0 0 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.25 25 6 0 Defective. 8 10 12 23 49 61 5 7 19 23 6.67 6.35 5.32 6.06 6.10 22 9 9 0 .... 12 38 20 70 19 63 29 75 5 13 5.96 6.83 5.67 6.77 6.30 22 9 10 0 5.54 Therm, protected. 20 56 33 73 30 77 1 3 8 22 6.40 5.30 4.30 5.20 4.80 20 11 13 0 5.33 37 37 0 0 27 27 11 11 8 19 8.00 6.04 5.03 7.03 6.52 23 8 15 0 .... 6 5 24 27 23 44 [ 4 3 15 24 6-51 4.90 2.16 6.32 4.97 17 14 13 0 5.70 58 162 7 15 0 0 0 0 5 15 5.11 6.06 5.68 6.90 5.94 27 4 8 0 1.20 16 25 14 20 20 36 9 17 5 8 5.40 3.80 4.50 5.60 4.77 15 16 17 0 8.61 46 79 0 0 32 48 3 8 23 41 7.32 5.60 4,35 7.29 6.14 26 5 15 0 6.11 17 45 8 22 43 97 0 0 7 13 3.16 3.87 3.70 4.22 3.73 10 21 16 0 4.95 12 22 6 15 20 52 18 50 19 49 5.70 4.90 4.10 5.20 4.97 16 15 17 0 18.22 0 0 31 34 0 0 35 44 0 0 5.40 3.80 4.50 5.60 4.77 15 16 17 0 8.61 52 111 13 20 13 29 8 20 16 28 3.93 4.59 4.00 4.61 4.28 13 18 15 0 8.70 13 21 15 24 7 16 11 16 10 15 6.06 6.19 5.48 6.96 6.17 17 14 17 0 8.20 11 19 77 114 1 2 0 0 0 0 6.12 7.74 7.06 6.12 7.01 18 13 10 0 ! 7.66 29 40 1 2 38 76 1 1 14 22 5.50 6.50 5.70 7.00 6.17 22 9 9 0 .... 14 27 10 21 7 12 5 7 5 7 5.50 5.50 4.40 6.50 5.47 16 15 9 0 4.40 15 22 2 5 10 16 0 0 5 6 4.60 6.40 3.10 7.40 5.37 19 12 10 0 3.26 78 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.38 8.64 7.83 8.80 8.16 26 5 3 0 2.30 7 10 i 42 70 9 16 7 10 9 14 5.20 6.10 5.20 6.90 5.85 21 10 10 0 5.34 15 18 7 7 6 9 34 35 8 10 6.54 6.35 6.06 6.32 6.30 21 10 9 0 2.60 14 17 14 19 111 12 13 23 12 21 7.12 7.12 6.50 5.10 6.51 21 7 6 0 4.13 Temp, in ex., 3 p. ir 28 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JULY, 1843. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. Dearbornville Arsenal.. 53.38 57.19 53.48 58.22 51.00 58.64 63.22 70.20 61.48 68.72 62.96 76.87 73.09 68.41 62.00 63.61 74.16 76.61 74.26 74.09 74.00 76.90 77.45 79.12 73.52 65.71 6S.90 82.61 82.29 81.11 78.32 80.80 84.58 59.87 67.43 60.45 61.79 57.35 68.61 68.67 75.24 68.67 74.48 69.29 67.87 63.15 66.00 63.32 59.82 79.59 72.72 74.00 69.90 74.46 73.77 93 83 91 75 82 94 94 91 90 90 93 44 43 40 44 38 43 48 57 50 67 50 28.10 14.85 25.00 11.68 22.18 23.41 21.28 17.00 10.10 15.54 19.23 23.90 25.15 26.00 19.32 21.82 27.59 24.72 17.00 19.90 7.46 23.77 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 29 MONTH OF JULY, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 .2 a a REMARKS. S. E. s. s. w. w. N. w. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. Mean. c o a fc-o 3.77 4.42 &4 5 « cc < 17 38 8 16 15 46 27 82 17 53 4.45 3.54 5.93 14 17 6 0 2.11 3 10 22 38 32 84 6 16 9 35 5.54 4.80 3.80 '■ 5.74 4.97 20 11 5 0 2.32 10 16 10 22 40 93 0 0 17 38 5.05 6.00 5.40 4.20 5.12 22 9 10 0 2.08 2 3 1 4 2 9 35 81 35 83 6.52 6.26 6.13 7.03 6.48 24 7 6 0 Therm, protected. 8 20 5 14 8 26 44 131 21 65 5.54 4.83 5.87 6.12 5.59 15 16 10 0 2.53 0 0 9 18 8 25 18 56 25 81 6.54 6.38 6.22 6.03 6.29 26 5 8 0 1.20 0 0 8 20 30 64 6 15 44 80 6.32 5.67 5.09 7.16 6.06 23 8 2 0 13 20 3 4 39 67 2 2 50 90 8.40 8.21 8.15 8.19 8.23 23 8 4 0 2.20 Therm, protected. 5 8 29 51 24 52 14 26 17 33 6.05 5.87 5.41 7.41 6.20 18 13 5 0 2.09 Temp, in excess at 9 20 34 18 40 20 54 8 11 9 9 4.64 5.70 5.29 7.29 5.75 22 9 9 0 0.57 [a. m. 7 12 46 128 8 20 15 23 1 1 6.38 6.90 6.32 7.12 6.68 22 9 4 0 .... • 4 I -1 -] 4- CO CO CS 4, ^j -l -1 —1 X 00 X X © 44 41 HJ O -4 00 © O OS OS —4 —4 CS —4 C3 -4©C0l0-ltOO34- X -4 CO to CS © OS CO X CS 4- OS 44 Oi X cs to ©On©>-ia0hitO4- ©-1OC0-4O©© © -4 00 CD © O -4 © X©©tOO©tO©03©©COtOC~>XX-4 -40©OlC3CO©©MCO©OtOCOOCO© CS OS OS —4 HJ hi H- 44 —4—4os—icsasososasasos CD no © ©tOOlOt04-lOhi©hi ©Oi©OhiOiHJtO©-4 *- tO © X 00 © CnOS OlOlOlOlOSOsasOS—lOSOS—4—4—403—4—4-4—4-4—403C303030lOlOlOlOl440lOl030S030lOlOlOlOlOl44.C044 OO0l004400t0h-O300O0303©OC0XhiMhiO©MC0*4X©MC0©-4t0X03©©444-©X44.0S44hihi44t0 h-HJNOhihlhlhlhihihihl HJ HJHJMHJI—i hi hi hi I—• h-> hi hi HJhi X03©-40lCn44MOOltOOOShihi-4 © © hi 44 CO CO 00 00 hj 44 00 HJ © © CD 4- Ol hi hi 4- © -4 © © © © NO CO hi 44 X M © CO M OS OS CO © hi 44 -4 © hi © 41 to M OS hi CO NO © Ol to M Cn -- CO © CO -1 Cn © NO Ol c to -4 -4 © 5S X © hi © © © to -4 © to 41 44 © HJ Oi to to HJ o X to HJ © CO CO -4 NO CO © o hi © h-' cs © © HJ X HJ Ol Cn OS as CO Oi - -4 M OS -5 CO © Ol 03 NO © © OS Ol NO to CO CO OS NO X CO to CO M 44 Mi X NO to CO HJ to © CO 44 44 44 Oi 44 to M CO M M NO Ol -4 Ol OS OS CO 00 X -4 M OS CO Ol © h-1 44 Cn HJ CO M © CO Oi © CO CO CO HJ X to NO © hi M © CO CO hi 2 03 C3 44 © 44 © NO OS CO CO -4 CO NO to HJ -4 c Ol © X Oi to M Ol M to -4 to © 44 NO 44 OS X OS © 44 Cn NO X as -4 X CO © to © CO 00. CO -1 4- hi hi NO NO © 44 CO NO CO CO X © M OS -4 M CO Oi © 4h 4- © 44 -1 hi NO -4 Oi Ol to © 44 41 -4 44 CO CO o CO to 44 hi 44 X Ol 44 41 to M © 44 © h-l l—i M NO © CO hi Oi M OS CO 44 CO Oi 44 CO © © © hi X NO NO X to CO CO © 44 as O M to Ol to HJ NO to cs e to © M h-• h-J X Ol © CO CO 44 -4 NO OS hi HJ HJ HJ HJ CO to © 44 © to OS CO - CO -4 Ol hi to -J © CO M -4 41 HJ © OS to © © o 44 NO © CO © CO X Oi Ol © © OS © Oi"©Ol^-4«©©O^M00"3©©w£So1©^©£cxO3©a3£-4& CON0N0OlMhJ44.aS44tOtO44CO00COCO HJ CO hj 00 Ol HJhitOCOCOhJhiCOOl COtOCO*4hifOOS Hicn ^^t^fOV\tOh-',^aii^cvt^i^iai^\jsiM^^^)^^^^^^^-j^-r^ri\ClitOCj3h-' *.^0lC044MX-l©00OO00C0C0t0©44©C0C0Cn0nh-XMX0S©0S03MX0DMC04-.44asO4-.©Ct)-4«JUJH- 4J CO HJ iO NO OS hi M ICO tO M 44. H- NO as©co©©coa3©H-MCo©tohiHioioscoco©oiOiCooihJto*-to NO hi hi hj NO CO hi HJ CO HJ tO CO hj hi M *k* 4- tO CO Oi tO hi M CO hj CO 44. CO hi CO M 4-.©44hiG0MSH^tO©©©004iM-^OSMihi©-444.©Cnhi-4©©4-©00OlWC4nXOlW-4 to 01 os 01 oo 01 w^^yStt^S^01. 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Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in i nches. g F F F o O o F 53 O F F X O O P F HH > a F > O F ■- Ul F F F X 4-. Q hH Ul F F F CO 32 M E T E 0 R O L 0 GIC A L REGISTER MONTH OF AUGUST, 1843. Detroit Barracks.. Fort Gratiot..... Fort Mackinac .. Fort Brady....... Fort Winnebago., Fort Atkinson. .. Fort Crawford... Fort Snelling. Fort Leavenworth Fort Croghan..... 58.48 56.45 60.48 52.41 55.61 58.12 65.22 58.76 65.38 59.83 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 73.83 70.32 71.72 65.58 70.54 71.51 70.00 70.70 72.32 71.51 80.13 79.15 69.48 73.45 78.43 76.19 7G.11 74.38 79.12 79.12 66.64 65.00 64.03 60.35 64.12 63.77 71.30 65.74 72.96 65.48 Mean. 66.08 67.81 64.98 62.93 67.04 67.17 71.10 66.56 72.25 69.46 88 80 80 83 84 86 81 89 86 Range. 49 43 51 39 42 48 52 61 59 50 Above mean. 21.92 20.19 15.58 17.07 20.96 16.83 14.90 14.44 16.75 16.54 Below mean. 17.08 24.81 13.42 23.93 25.04 19.17 19.10 5.56 13.25 19.46 N. N. 5 7 33 2 6 29 5 6 9 14 29 0 7 14 7 4 4 17 1 2 10 0 0 4 13 23 12 4 5 10 Ov p h- NO HJ HJ CO hi p. 4- CO X X © 44. Oi M 44 CO to m CO CO M to hi CO 44. M -4 OS Oi Cn © M M 44 OS Ol o" co NO en M HJ HJ hi to -i hi hi © M o M © M HJ Ol P° a> HJ CS Cn CO NO CO M 4- o CO 4- Ol *■* © © 44 HJ U1 3 s a HJ HJ HJ M to M hi CO OS hi © CO 44. as M © Ol so k M 44 HJ CO CO CO M m Oi X OS -4 44 OS -4 CO -1 OS h-1 M hi M Oi 00 HJ 44 Ol 44 44 CO 44 OS -4 3 M CO co 44 © HJ as -4 4-. M 44 o 00 00 HJ l—i 44. M M *» 44 44. 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CO Ul F F W CO 36 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1843. STATIONS. Fort Brady....... Fort Winnebago.. Fort Atkinson.... Fort Crawford'.... Fort Snelling..... Fort Leavenworth Fort Croghan.... S. R. 48.60 53.96 55.66 61.30 51.66 63.19 57.63 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 8 P. M. 9 P. M, 56.40 61.13 63.03 64.18 58.33 67.02 64.57 61.80 69.73 68.66 69.10 64.23 72.09 69.96 53.10 58.56 58.76 65.90 57.26 67.26 61.53 Mean. 53.30 61.83 62.10 65.18 57.95 67.24 63.80 Range. Max. 78 90 86 86 82 89 Min. 33 36 41 46 32 40 40 Above mean. 22.90 18.17 23.90 20.52 24.05 21.76 24.20 Below mean. 22.30 25.83 21.10 19.18 25.95 27.24 23.80 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. 1 8 21 9 29 33 87 23 52 6 13 9 23 20 36 23 41 15 36 5 8 17 27 6 6 8 27 10 28 0 0 14 31 15 26 8 11 16 38 22 60 1 3 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 37 MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 0> 43 o a 0 1 REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P.M. Mean. '3 &4 >> ■a =i o 5 a M Is o 13 02 22 12 5 31 36 18 25 57 36 13 61 90 61 77 6 8 10 10 15 13 35 13 28 32 28 39 55 139 5 13 14 24 27 20 6 23 43 45 38 74 68 15 3 17 8 2 3 8 4 9 53 19 3 14 14 7 28 4 19 20 22 22 11 101 16 34 37 57 52 42 3.50 2.73 3.40 3.13 3.83 3.02 3.03 3.50 3.03 2.90 3.29 2.10 3.28 2.63 3.70 3.93 3.86 3.27 4.03 3.25 3.10 4.90 5.13 4.43 3.29 4.43 3.27 4.33 3.90 3.70 3.64 3.24 3.59 3.20 3.27 11 12 11 12 12 14 8 19 18 19 18 18 16 23 13 11 15 14 11 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.00 4.41 4.90 5.14 3.19 Temp, in error. 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M '-' 44 CO to to © -4 o © © © © C © Oi O © © to © 44 u Ol to Ol © © -J HJ 1-1 CO o l-J © Oi o © © -4 -4 © h- GO 44 Oi to © © © w CO 44 Oi OS OS Ol Ol Oi 44 Ol Ol 03 Ol OS Ol 03 OS Ol 44 OS 03 OS -4 03 OS OS OS OS 44 to CO CO to CO 44 Oi Ol OS 44 44 -4 44 CO 44 to 54 to l—i -4 Ol CO to cs OS C3 -4 CO to X 44 © Ol © -4 -4 hi CO —1 u- © © CO hi 44 hi © hi OS X CO h-1 hi X to 44 Ol to CO cs Ol to P 44 © Oi © 4- Oi © © 44 -4 —1 CO 44 -4 Oi OS CO -4 44 Ol X Oi CO Oi Ol © 44 CO h-1 © -4 44. CO Ol h-1 -4 1-1 OS to Oi © CO -4 Oi Ol 00 CO _ ,_ to ,_, to M ,_, hi ,_, to hi to to hi to N"3 to ,_, to to to to to to to to to h-1 X CO © o Oi © X cs 03 © CO to 44 hi © CO Oi CO CO 1-1 Ol to CO Ol CO hi © © o CO to © to Oi to to hi -4 -4 cs CO Oi OS 44 X 00 -4 P to hi to ,_, hi ,__ ,_, ,_, hi hi __ h-1 ,_ _ hi ,_ to H-1 HJ l-J to ,__ ,_, M hi ^J hi ,_, to h-l to Cloudy CO X K* 1-1 OS *~ CO Ol Oi to X © -4 O to X as X 00 o 03 © CD OS X © l—i 1-1 ** X © © OS © © o 44 44 Ol 00 OS Oi -J CO CO 44 H-1 ,_, ,_, hi hi hi ,_, hi HJ 41 ,_, hi HJ R . 93 > o 2! to 44 © CO Oi as -4 -4 o -4 to 1-1 Ol Oi CD Oi Oi C73 to Oi CO to CO • OS 00 -4 X X X 44 -4 © OS CO © Ol O -4 -4 to l—i *~ X 00 X 44 p Oi Oi to hi hi to © 1—" o © © © o © © O © O © o © © © © o © © © © © to co HJ co co 44 to hi © © © © © © s o to Snow. . to hi Hi hi © to to OS CO Oi to Hi to 44 Ol hi to as to o © . OS 44 to hi to . CO -4 to 03 44 44 OS 44 Ol -4 © Ol CO Ol CO -4 Am't in inches. -4 © Ol OS OS l_J UJ Ol X —1 Oi HJ CO h_ © 44 O) X CO 03 OS Ol Ol OS © X , 44 -4 to © X X © h-l © 4>. O X CO to Oi X O • CO © © Ol © 44 44. cs © © X to © 4- Oi OS © CO © O Oi • • © © 44 -4 44 OS OS 44 l-J X CO Oi © l""' Ol to o CO 1-1 Ol 44 ^ H 4-1 a h-i a sr p p cs 3 cs a ui p cs a »-i p 3 CD CD t> CD X © P 3 K F F F £ O o w 3 o F X F O o F © hH O o o F > O F td F SO W F © h-l Ul F F W to co 40 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1843. STATIONS. Fort Brady....... Fort Winnebago.. Fort Atkinsom Fort Crawford Fort Des Moines.. Fort Snelling..... Fort Leavenworth THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 34.50 31.93 31.12 34.00 34.00 42.09 41.07 9 A. M. 8 P. M 38.20 39.48 39.09 40.80 42.00 48.13 46.00 41.50 46.67 45.35 47.21 53.00 53.35 56.28 9 P. M. 37.00 38.41 36.54 38.17 41.00 45.96 49.03 Mean. 38.04 39.29 38.24 40.22 43.50 47.72 49.04 Range. 66 71 66 70 71 65 84 10 10 2 6 11 10 24 Above mean. 27.96 31.71 27.76 29.78 27.50 27.76 34.96 Below mean. 28.04 29.29 36.24 34.22 32.50 27.24 25.04 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. I 8 24 1 2 8 19 13 40 1 1 1 4 29 55 5 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 14 19 2 3 0 0 1 2 4 15 0 0 4 5 7 13 3 6 CS » ui l-J to c Oi © © CO o to hi CO c B to to 44 H to o 1-1 to © 4- 44 o CO l_l h-1 ui Ol X © Ol 00 Ol to a 00 to to Oi C3 to OS 44 H-1 -4 to to OS hi 44 hi hi ,_, «3 44 OS OS 44 Ol © Ol 3 'A a 44 CO to CO CO co © CO 44 O © CO X to hi to to 44 to CH 4- X CI to oo- 3 CO CO co HJ -4 Ol Ol cs Ol OS CO © CO 44 OS m OS CO CO Cn h- © © o © CO 2; k 00 o Ol to OS 44 44 © 44 44 to Ol CO 44 44 Ol OS Oj h- cn to Ol Ol ui © o to 93 CO 44 © Ol © © to g 44 CO On Ol 44 Oi hi CD > to © X © Oi CO -4 CO o 44 © hi Ol js o Oi 44 Ol Ol 44 44 hi hj p -t hi o © © * -4 © o © CO OS OS rf w to if 44 Oi Ol Ol Ol 44 hi to hj 2, CO X CO to to 44 © *■ H © s o Ol Oi Ol OS 9! 44 4-. Oi Oi Ol 44 HJ S to OS h-1 hi © © cs P 44 l-J Ol 4- 44 to to OS Oj -3 © Oo -4 OS Fair. p Oi Cs 44 to On 44 to Ol Cloudy to 44 OS OS OS -4 HJ 44 Rain. hj 93 > P hi Ol CO o« -4 Ol 44 Snow. > z e hi © hi . © O" TO O Ol , CO OS -4 Am't in inches. o 44 © * CO " © to •■* 93 pa > 93 w CO £ a F F s O O w 3 o F X F O o F © h-( O o o F ► O F td F Sd W 42 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1843. STATIONS. Hancock Barracks. ... Fort Sullivan......... Fort Preble........... Fort Constitution..... Watertown Arsenal... Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Columbus....... Fort Hamilton........ West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal... Plattsburg Barracks... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Buffalo Barracks...... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks...... Fort Mifflin........... Fort McHenry........ Fort Severn.......... Fort Monroe......... Fort Macon........... Fort Johnston......... Augusta Arsenal...... Fort Moultrie......... Oglethorpe Barracks... Fort Marion.......... Key West............ Fort B^»ke.......... Camp Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal. Fort Pike............., Fort Wood..........., New Orleans........., Baton Rouge.......... Fort Jesup..........., Fort Washita.......... Fort Towson..... Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks...... St. Louis Arsenal...... Detroit Barracks....... Fort Gratiot........... Kurt Mackinac........ THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 24.33 31.70 31.10 33.20 30.23 34.10 30.93 37.80 37.60 33.10 31.10 31.26 32.40 32.40 32.33 31.20 33.53 32.10 35.63 36.40 37.16 44.10 49.70 50.00 55.43 54.45 51.80 61.70 74.06 62.10 60.20 53.40 59.20 59.18 64.63 59.30 55.50 46.30 46.40 40.40 44.48 37.50 39.26 33.33 31.36 31.60 28.93 26.50 35.00 33.90 35.53 35.90 36.93 36.76 41.80 39.30 35.23 37.60 34.16 34.11 33.50 35.20 34.14 36.13 37.40 41.30 42.90 43.66 48.14 54.10 60.00 58.66 59.40 60.60 69.09 82.30 65.70 65.50 58.50 65.20 66.60 68.37 65.13 58.00 49.60 51.70 48.10 47.65 41.00 43.13 43.50 35.96 34.40 30.93 31.00 39.06 37.66 40.06 41.20 40.16 42.70 43.20 46.60 39.73 46.03 41.23 35.24 36.50 36.63 37.40 41.30 42.90 45.46 47.43 46.10 52.70 56.75 66.00 62.03 63.80 68.20 71.07 80.06 75.60 69.60 67.20 70.10 71.24 71.63 75.43 62.50 58.50 59.80 56.10 56.14 48.20 46.76 50.16 38.56 37.00 32.20 26.50 34.06 33.00 35.43 33.36 35.06 38.53 40.10 39.80 34.93 36.00 33.79 33.10 34.00 33.93 33.13 36.30 35.70 39.10 40.60 40.73 47.25 55.30 55.00 56.90 59.48 61.63 65.02 75.06 67.90 63.93 57.46 62.60 63.60 66.37 66.00 57.60 50.70 50.10 43.16 47.12 39.1U 42.53 40.56 34.00 33.60 30.36 Mean. 27.66 35.38 34.38 36.61 36.71 37.13 36.81 40.50 42.10 36.41 38.56 36.25 34.20 34.30 34.48 34.10 37.41 37.50 40.56 41.96 41.95 48.80 53.22 58.00 58.66 59.62 59.90 67.06 77.06 68.85 64.90 59.56 64.65 65.15 68.13 66.46 57.99 52.40 53.50 47.88 50.25 42.35 42.61 41.74 34.95 34.80 30.60 Range. Max. Min. 43 49 52 53 62 58 59 58 64 58 60 54 44 48 52 50 59 60 64 64 58 70 67 75 72 74 80 83 85 80 76 80 80 82 82 86 74 74 74 70 73 66 62 68 58 57 40 — 6 5 13 20 17 25 16 31 24 20 16 4 12 20 18 17 13 12 25 25 19 29 31 30 42 37 36 52 65 52 43 40 42 42 55 44 42 30 29 24 30 22 23 24 17 19 18 Above mean. 15.34 13.62 17.62 16.39 26.29 20.87 22.19 17.50 21.19 23.60 21.44 17.75 9.80 13.70 17.52 15.90 21.69 12.50 23.44 22.06 16.05 21.20 13.78 17.00 13.34 14.38 20.10 15.94 9.94 11.15 11.10 20.44 15.35 16.85 13.87 19.54 16.01 21.60 20.50 22.12 22.75 23.65 19.39 26.26 23.05 22.20 9.40 Below mean. 31.66 30.38 21.38 16.61 18.71 12.13 20.81 9.50 18.10 16.40 22.56 32.25 22.20 14.30 16.48 17.10 26.41 25.50 15.56 16.95 22.95 19.80 22.22 28.00 16.66 22.62 23.90 15.06 12.06 16.85 21.90 19.56 22.65 23.15 13.13 22.46 15.99 22.40 24.50 23.88 20.25 20.35 19.61 17.74 17.95 15.80 12.60 No. of Observations 19 8 23 25 3 26 21 2 13 10 21 16 1 16 26 10 11 3 4 25 9 5 31 6 24 11 11 8 7 0 24 0 6 32 16 32 7 0 7 1 6 9 8 12 23 4 14 63 30 68 44 9 138 58 4 42 20 37 45 4 48 104 31 12 3 8 41 27 6 117 6 26 33 6 11 25 0 54 0 20 47 32 74 10 0 7 4 18 20 17 27 39 11 27 S. E. 29 19 4 55 56 23 4 96 67 57 216 59 27 118 94 0 44 23 48 66 41 87 61 36 19 19 22 23 22 wtsK-jSotflwSacooowocBW-iStac-Swoim^ajcoau fe^g^iSSSgiSI-gogSgSScoocoSo, ^g^^og^giJSooo^o^S^g as4SuSoi-4-^oi-iwoooco44coio©S^oto©i-'Co©totOh^-44S4©to^©Sasm 5!-JcS©&^OCO^oSg©gco©2^0CoSco-5©44.0.S£t -4!--t04>&£3£t3©£to£S£Sic3feco' 4. dj t_i i_i i_i Cj- I—1 hi hi tO tO tOtO H U CO h-1 tO I—i h-1 h-1 h-1 h-■ h-■ IO h-■ 44 CO H-©Hito©ooi^too-4hitoi-'i^oocnoo*40.i^hi©oia3000ioso-4©coh-cocnoocoocoos -4 OS _i Cn tO hi -4 N3 tO l—i 44. h-1 lOhihilO OSOlH-COOO h-1 tO CO 44 OS Ol CO *5I^I,'PHMS*,T' tOh^co©oDrfi©ol4S4aia3Coo1i-'5oSoocn©oi-4©-4» K1H.1 »n K1 e>a hi hi hi hi h-1 h-iH-COhiCOhilOl—■!-• tO HihihlhiCOCO tO BO»CSHHOi^M(10O(n»ih&B-lKIOOMmOHUO^fflH-l«iSCflfflHlSU-!^C^ m u u in >i -i hi hi hi h-1 cn O3hii—it0t0C000tOOl44©OlOl 03 44C0C00lOG0hiC0Q0 Soo^aj^©OH^aS4CsO-4hiSGtOh^Oi©O^COOl-'^COWh^cS&S44N^ CO hi hi hi hi 1—lCOhl Hi hi h-l hi eoooto-4co-4i—lasoasoiooiocoooiooi—ias CO iO C044h-i4-.C0t04i|—ihi4444C044tOOlOltOCOCOtOtOCO OtOCOHJI—iC044i—i44©as©a344©0l4400OC00l440i0i0l j m m m ui w cn a-, to hi ^3 Co to hi IO h-' h-1 CO -!ISU(JOi^(AWffl!JiWH51-IC()(3(OCDHCOfflOW -4j"cocxmosaiS!--"oo^o«coGo©o^ocoa3toS© '"£OTCO©Oas©©oScOO©©OCOCO©©OOS44COOOlOl030h-COOaS©©0030l0300SO os o co o as o >^HihiOlt0lOCOCOC04-.C0t0t0C0C0C0COOS-4OiW44C0asasC044.hiCn44hitOW mmuHoucnHHHHbbtri^cowb-ibbMMbHfflmbMwo-i OTOOo©©©oasoo©a300ia.coo-4htasosoo©oosoo30osocooosco t0t0hi44COC04^44,4444C0C0C044444j.C0-4-4Oli^4-.44.0lOlC0Ol-iOlOlHJhi^hih^ :,-.:.4:_i-.v;.«.n-.*^4-,;^JnL__s.JnMljMm4=h3Cjam ^ § k o o o g g § S S S S o o §i^ § S 2 o S 2 g § ^ O3COtCS4S4CO44C0CO4444NCSC0C0Ol4S44444a300-44-.CnOlOSO3Ol4S4l-i hit0hi44COC0t0C0C0C0t0tONCSrf^aS4C0C0a3C0Oi4^44.44OiCnC044-iCnCn shgoss^lissig^ssissss k'skk&k'izks^^s^hzkh zk to? £%&%%$ WGOGo^ao©^oo^ow to -.gSSgg^h-M-lcS-lgSSSgoDoS SSSgH^SSKJ.^S-JoSSSSScpSSS;!. rf4S©00i-JC0©C044©00Ohi©©0l-444.rf444.©4-,© CT3©M)00M>OS©tOOl440000©OS00-4-4OlOl-4-4C3C0 -4©tOtOHJh-OOhiOOOOOOOO©0©©©0. Oh-COtOtOCOCOOCJGOOlCSOl C0t0hi0lC0t04>C0C0-4 M>l—itO44.C0l—' CO CD —400441-40303050100000 SoOOTCX4tH--4C3O00C0-4©-400O©C0050l F Q0M144444-.. IO U H ■ t0COtO44HJtO0ia3C0tOCOCOt0 440-4CS-4(Xl-400COCSa344hi 4-.OOOlOOtO©*»©-44-.©44 3 B cs ' cs Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches. s H F F s O o w F o X F o o F © V, h-1 O o < r> s F w F W F M hi © X 44 CO Ul H3 H Sd oo 44 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1843. THERMOMETEI! WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 8 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 25.90 25.73 26.26 27.17 28.70 22.40 35.12 27.37 28.83 39.66 31.60 33.30 25.00 37.16 30.60 34.03 33.66 35.72 41.20 30.83 44.22 27.53 28.30 28.00 30.30 33.00 26.30 39.29 28.25 29.88 29.96 31.27 34.95 26.61 40.20 38 42 44 45 61 39 59 10 10 5 7 1 5 17 9.75 12.12 14.04 13.73 26.05 12.39 18.80 18.25 19.88 24.96 24.27 33.95 21.61 23.20 7 14 5 7 12 3 39 16 47 7 7 25 10 90 6 9 15 11 7 6 11 16 23 27 13 19 18 25 19 3 17 10 30 1 5 32 14 36 15 59 2 10 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 a .5 a REMARKS. S. E. S. S. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 64 >> 3 O s o a U2 27 20 7 21 6 22 1 67 47 19 39 18 62 4 5 9 8 4 7 15 30 7 38 24 4 9 47 99 10 2 17 15 15 40 13 22 4 42 26 45 84 23 17 14 22 13 18 6 11 60 42 42 24 32 8 28 27 24 25 39 75 27 5 94 95 45 77 54 80 11 1.30 3.20 3.70 4.20 3.80 4.46 2.11 1.17 4.10 3.30 4.70 4.00 3.93 3.25 1.46 2.83 4.66 3.27 3.90 4.13 4.17 1.50 3.26 4.80 4.00 4.80 3.60 5.50 1.35 3.34 4.11 4.04 4.12 4.03 3.75 5 10 11 13 12 11 15 25 20 19 17 18 19 15 13 5 6 4 5 1 4 10 10 9 8 4 8 1 3.19 2.67 2.82 1.43 0.05 F o F o O co co r* «-| F F F F 2L o o o o g* 3. 3 3 3. F F td oop £ F F C O 3 o s O F E o * 3 O F ^> i-*J 'I. ^^ ^—j ^—j ^^ B O O O O O O p > 2 p" ■< 3 CO -1 -> rjq 333333 »1 CO p 3 > -1 Ul a 3 EL i i-i P »- *n _> 3 rs o cs 7T w p -1 -1 p CO ?r Ul h-l s zr. a p o 5-3 5' 3 Ul o W i-3 p ; p • g -i • * . . p . . . • cs . . . 7T . Ul ... . P 2 ^ B- ^3 C -■ . 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CO Ol CO © 44 Oi Ol CO X to -4 ^ CO CO 44 CO to to © oo 00 00 UO Ol hi Ol to 44 CO as as 1-1 Oi O Oi -4 to © HJ to M to p hi hi to ,_, ,_, hi h-1 M to M to CO HJ M _ M M ^ HJ 4_, M to _ to Cloudy X OS X hi -4 OS OS 00 CO © © 44 o 00 00 -4 uo © © to CO CO CO CO OS o © © -4 on Ol Oi © © hi as 44 '-' O to 44 00 ,_, 93 >■ 4-1 > fcf Ol 25 O ■*! o -4 o Ol 00 OS CO -4 -4 CO to CO © hi 44 © Ol © Oi -4 X © © X uo CO 00 -4 © -4 -4 uo -4 to M o © uo OS uo 1-1 p ,_i HJ to -4 00 © o © © o © © © o o © o © o o © O © o o o © h- to CO CO CO OS 1-1 o OS M 1-1 UO Oi 44 CO Ol -4 X © © © 44 . hi to l-J -_> l-J © to © -_ -4 © as OS -4 l-J 44 hi hi HI CO to . to Ol 44 CO 44 to CO hi hi to o 41 to CO CO CO -1 CO M h-1 44 hi Am't in inches. CO CO -1 Ol . , on on to © CO . to CO CO hi o -4 as -4 M CO X HJ 44 -4 © -4 Ol • X -4 O -4 Oi © -4 © Oi X to M O o O hi OS -4 • Ol o OS © OS ex cs '""' OS F F F F B" B" ' cr co B" CO -i 3 -3 ■-I 3 ►a 3 hj 3 11 93 > O ct> so o CO CO " O a CO o e-4 CO CO 93 w CO CO CB F CO F Oj S F F F g O O 53 w F o X F O O F Q W HH F o O F > s F td F SO Pi F Q HH Ul F F W 48 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1843. STATIONS. Fort Brady...... Fort Winnebago., Fort Atkinson. .. Fort Crawford... Fort Des Moines. Fort Snelling.... Fort Leavenworth THERMOMETER. WINDS. 23.90 22.77 22.78 25.00 25.00 18.83 29.16 Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations A. M. 3 P. M. 23.19 25.29 25.90 27.00 29.00 19.83 32.17 28.51 31.70 31.22 32.22 38.00 27.85 43.80 24.42 26.16 25.80 29.14 29.00 22.70 34.27 Mean. Above mean. 25.80 27.24 26.96 28.61 31.50 23.14 36.12 40 50 44 42 51 39 58 0 2 - 1 0 3 - 2 12 14.20 22.76 17.04 13.39 19.50 15.86 21.88 Below mean. 25.80 25.24 27.96 28.61 28.50 25.14 24.12 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 49 MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1843. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. • and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 a a a EEMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. i >> ■a 0 o fR ° a ' ai < 1.58 24 48 17 34 11 27 13 28 20 61 1.22 1.29 2.60 1.61 1.68 3 28 8 4 Therm, protected. 2 2 24 90 11 28 14 44 25 87 2.67 2.83 2.74 3.29 2.88 9 22 1 8 0.58 '7 8 15 37 22 54 26 55 15 33 3.45 3.35 3.16 «8.83 3.45 12 19 2 ; 15 .... 20 30 16 60 16 62 6 6 44 81 3.17 3.15 3.19 4.30 3.45 13 19 0 9 0.47 19 38 7 15 36 81 6 14 26 62 4.26 4.51 4.58 4.10 4.36 15 16 4 j 4 24 51 6 16 54 111 2 4 30 80 4.06 3.16 2.87 4.32 3.60 10 21 1 5 0.27 11 26 49 103 13 39 10 17 22 54 5.10 5.16 6.10 6.19 5.63 18 13 5 0 1.05 7 > 50 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER POSITION OF STATIONS, IMKAN TEMPERATURES Fort Kent........... Fort Fairfield........ Hancock Barracks... Fort Sullivan........ Fort Preble.......... Fort Constitution .... Watertown Arsenal.. Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull....... Fort Columbus....... Fort Hamilton....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal .. Plattsburg Barracks.. Madison Barracks Fort Ontario........ Fort Niagara........ Buffalo Barracks..... Alleghany Arsenal... Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... FortMcHenry....... Fort Severn......... Fort Monroe......... Fort Macon......... Fort Johnston....... Augusta Arsenal..... Fort Moultrie........ Oglethorpe Barracks.. Fort Marion......... Fort Shannon....... Fort King.......... Fort Fanning........ Key West.......... Fort Brooke......... Camp Barrancas..... Fort Morgan........ Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. Fort Pike........... Fort Wood......... Pass Christian....... New Orleans........ Baton Rouge Barracks Fort Jesup.......... Fort Washita........ Fort Towson........ Fort Smith.......... Fort Gibson.........I Long. Altitude above sea Jan. April. May. O ' 47 15 46 46 46 07 44 54 43 39 43 04 42 21 41 30 41 22 40 42 40 37 41 23 42 50 44 41 43 57 42 20 43 18 42 53 40 32 40 12 39 51 39 18 38 58 37 00 34 40 34 00 33 28 32 42 32 05 29 50 29 32 29 10 29 40 24 20 28 00 30 18 30 15 31 12 30 10 30 08 30 20 29 57 30 26 31 33 34 15 34 00 35 25 35 47 o ' 68 35 67 49 67 49 66 58 70 20 70 49 72 17 71 19 72 05 74 01 74 02 74 00 73 55 73 30 76 15 76 40 79 08 78 58 80 12 77 14 75 15 76 33 76 27 76 15 76 45 78 0, 81 5: 79 5i 81 0' 81 31 81 41 82 11 83 II 81 4! 82 28 87 27 88 10 88 20 89 38 89 51 89 25 90 00 91 18 93 32 96 55 95 33 94 29 95 10 78 05 81 53 79 56 81 07 81 30 81 48 82 10 83 10 81 49 Feet. 575 415 620 70 20 40 100? 40 50 23 25 167 50 186 262 250 250 660 704 ? 40 36 20 20 20 20 600? 20 40 12 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 75 20 20 20 20 41 80? 200? 150? 460 542 19.21 19.90 22.44 29.07 29.06 31.27 31.69 34.40 32.59 36.47 37.27 33.40 29.00 26.45 30.24 30.84 31.80 30.80 35.77 33.74 39.01 38.39 44.12 51.07 52.00 50.90 53.67 57.20 58.50 58.97 56.49 56.71 62.30 56.25 54.86 52.50 52.47 54.58 55.43 55.08 54.25 47.50 49.40 41.70 43.30 8.53 10.17 12.72 20.30 20.40 19.55 24.45 19.97 25.66 26.80 21.40 15.30 13.78 14.18 17.97 20.08 18.17 23.84 23.90 27.78 28.13 37.12 44.50 47.00 46.69 48.73 53.17 58.09 57.04 55.04 59.92 54.96 54.17 50.70 52.30 52.38 54.16 54.50 47.90 41.70 43.60 36.83 38.17 24.54 23.18 25.98 27.40 26.89 29.08 26.58 29.80 25.85 30.31 30.80 26.77 25.19 25.95 23.30 24.27 25.74 19.20 26.05 26.88 30.45 30.14 32.46 37.08 43.05 46.50 43.87 48.82 49.90 55.12 58.80 62.67 52.14 51.16 47.70 49.65 51.41 52.03 51.47 41.60 36.50 39.00 31.53 39.50 40.00 38.40 41.47 40.48 40.68 42.15 43.81 45.16 44.G8 47.38 48.50 47.20 42.70 43.75 42.30 42.76 41.75 43.30 48.01 50.80 50.36 50.28 51.46 55.30 57.87 61.50 64.76 64.68 66.90 67.50 70.86 78.14 72.56 70.03 68.43 69.50 71.40 71.12 70.85 72.76 69.65 65.30 66.51 60.23 62.40 50.96 49.03 50.75 49.26 49.73 52.77 55.25 55.42 53.88 59.08 56.90 59.00 59.42 57.30 51.15 51.25 50.64 52.10 57.64 60.15 59.22 60.97 60.40 64.18 67.50 70.50 71.16 71.61 73.47 71.56 75.90 June. 81.32 74.90 75.58 76.70 75.30 77.60 78.30 75.79 76.98 75.34 69.70 70.30 67.72 66.93 62.10 57.96 59.38 57.08 58.36 61.23 64.30 65.28 63.65 71.25 68.40 71.00 66.15 65.41 59.23 59.06 61.31 63.04 68.10 68.85 70.43 72.61 72.13 75.29 75.95 76.50 78.23 78.06 78.96 77.05 79.08 July. 84.02 76.55 79.86 80.08 76.66 80.10 78.24 78.50 79.74 77.30 76.70 75.10 74.38 74.50 64.67 60.16 62.00 61.28 62.89 65.41 68.45 73.22 67.67 74.11 71.90 74.96 72.90 69.16 66.20 66.09 68.70 69.20 72.38 72.70 73.70 75.73 75.66 78.19 80.05 82.50 82.96 81.47 82.20 80.01 80.30 Aug. 85.24 77.35 80.32 81.96 82.35 81.45 81.45 81.76 82.09 81.75 80.30 78.80 78.79 76.83 68.70 64.74 64.75 61.18 65.38 67.00 69.80 72.87 69.03 74.27 74.40 71.79 71.60 71.22 67.20 68.50 69.38 71.15 71.25 72.05 74.82 76.36 75.11 77.18 80.14 82.00 79.20 80.43 81.13 78.58 79.45 84.17 76.90 80.12 78.21 81.45 80.21 80.00 3ej*. 80.50 76.25 77.00 75.95 74.83 74.17 51.50 56.48* 56.40 60.45 62.13 64.69 63.21 68.03 68.45 66.46 66.15 64.78 59.37 61.50 63.70 63.19 66.84 67.90 69.16 71.15 70.40 75.28 79.32 80.00 80.73 80.85 81.83 79.60 82.12 77.75 82.53 78.86 79.80 80.58 80.00 80.10 78.60 75.40 76.15 73.71 78.20 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 51 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1843. Oct. 41.00 47.72 46.73 48.19 47.69 51.30 49.01 53.69 53.95 48.81 46.43 46.53 44.30 45.10 45.95 45.12 46.08 49.80 51.28 54.36 53.16 58.25 62.60 64.00 64.75 67.31 67.35 70.77 79.89 70.05 68.46 63.61 67.75 68.20 67.95 27.66 35.38 34.38 36.61 35.71 37.13 36.81 40.50 42.10 36.41 38.56 36.25 34.20 34.30 34.48 34.10 37.41 37.50 40.56 41.96 41.95 48.80 53.22 58.00 58.66 59.62 59.90 67.06 Spring. Summer. 77.06 68.85 64.90 59.56 64.65 65.15 20.75 27.56 j 29.09 30.03 28.83 33.31 31.25 36.12 35.15 30.23 31.20 28.79 29.19 30.50 32.14 32.80 33.59 31.65 34.42 35.18 36.80 41.24 47.33 49.12 52.27 53.39 53.48 59.09 38.50 36.87 39.40 39.05 39.10 41.33 41.83 43.46 41.47 45.59 45.40 44.32 42.44 42.33 38.92 39.43 39.38 38.20 43.90 45.94 46.68 47.13 48.11 52.19 56.14 59.50 59.93 61.70 63.42 64.73 68.52 Autumn. Winter. Year. 65.09 60.95 62.04 59.85 62.21 64.55 67.52 70.12 66.78 73.21 71.57 72.58 70.22 68.60 64.21 64.55 66.46 67.80 70.58 71.20 72.98 74.90 74.30 76.89 78.71 80.33 80.13 79.99 80.76 78.55 79.61 63.00 56.09 65.02 61 82 58.90 59 10 1 54 14 ! 56 .65 68.13 66.46 57.99 52.40 53.50 47.88 50.25 49.61 54.70 55.90 55.77 55.75 48.30 47.20 56.40 40.25 45.20 ;70.04 65.92 65.43 64.17 66.22 66.94 66.22 67.07 62.20 57.17 58.60 53.16 56.28 84.48 77.03 80.10 79.07 81.00 79.97 80.08 80.78 78.43 78.00 76.62 76.00 75.17 40.05 46.53 45.84 48.42 48.51 51.04 49.68 54.07 54.83 50.56 50.38 49.19 45.90 46.97 48.04 47.47 50.11 51.73 53.67 55.82 55.17 60.78 65.05 67.33 68.05 69.26 69.69 72.48 18.64 25.64 27.23 26.69 30.72 27.94 32.75 33.07 28.34 25.17 23.01 24.54 26.44 28.01 27.26 31.73 29.76 33.74 33.90 40.83 47.63 49.37 49.95 51.93 54.62 58.56 79.69 72.22 71.96 67.34 70.73 71.31 69.03 70.53 66.14 62.23 62.92 58.58 61.70 61.74 55.77 40.03 42.77 45.38 46.15 48.78 46.47 51.40 51.02 48.95 47.05 45.78 43.41 44.35 45.47 45.18 49.08 49.66 51.77 52.94 57.67 61.88 64.13 64.51 65.72 67.12 68.58 90 86 89 89 87 91 91 89 92 93 94 90 92 89 88 90 87 90 97 96 98 92 94 97 90 94 97 89 96 93 99 -36 -28 -20.5 - 6 - 5 2 - 9 9 Above ! Below mean. ; mean. LOCALITY. 70.26 68.44 50.94 53.16 54.29 55.12 55.11 50.15 45.47 49.70 39.59 42.22 65.38 67.78 68.13 67.61 68.37 64.23 60.72 61.96 56.83 58.84 96 88 90 88 94 94 94 92 95 99 100 93 98 94 5 -21 -14 - 7 1 4 - 4 6 - 5 10 3 14 19 20 18 22 26 28 30 28 23 23 31 34 32 24 26 28 28 27 16 14 10 — 3 10 48.9 46.2 45.6 44.8 40.2 45.3 41.6 42.8 41.1 44.9 43.2 44.6 45.6 41.5 44.8 47.9 46.3 46.2 39.1 39.3 28.1 29.8 32.5 23.3 28.9 24.4 60.5 48.7 43.4 55.2 39.8 54.6 42.4 43.2 43.9 68.1 59.8 50.4 43.4 41.4 49.2 43.1 54.7 41.8 49.9 38.7 41.9 46.1 42.5 39.7 39.1 38.6 17.7 21.5 28.6 26.2 25.9 24.4 26.6 34.8 37.3 31.1 41.2 35.2 39.2 34.4 41.4 41.7 40.1 39.6 41.4 48.2 46.7 51.9 59.8 48.8 Mouth of Fish river, Maine. On the Aroostook river, Maine. Houlton, Maine. Eastport, Maine. Portland, Maine. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Near Boston, Massachusetts. Newport, Rhode Island. New London, Connecticut. Governor's Island, N. Y. harbor. Narrows, New York harbor. Hudson river, New York. Watervliet, near Troy, N. Y. Plattsburg, L. Champlain, N. Y. Sackett's Harbor, New York. Oswego, New York. Mouth of Niagara river, N. Y. Buffalo, New York. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Delaware river, near Phila. Baltimore, Maryland. Annapolis, Maryland. Old Pt. Com., near Norfolk, Va. Beaufort, North Carolina. Smithville, North Carolina. Augusta, Georgia. Charleston harbor, S. Carolina. Savannah, Georgia. St. Augustine, Florida. Pilatka, St. John's river, Fla. Central Florida. [Fla. Suwanee river, near Cedar Keys, Key West, Florida. Tampa Bay, Florida. Near Pensacola, Fla. [bay, Ala. Mobile Point, entrance to Mobile Near Mobile, Ala. [N. O., La. Entrance to L. Pontchartrain, n 'r Petite Coquille I'd, n'rN.O., La. Entrance to Lake Borgne, Miss. New Orleans. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Near Nachitoches. Louisiana. Washita river, Indian Territory. On a small tributary of lied river, Arkansas river, Ark. [Ind. Ter. Arkansas river, Indian Ter. ■*1 *1 ^ ■*1 *1 ■*1 *l *1 "•j *1 o c Ul ■*J 0 o o 3 0 S? P 2. 3-?i O td 3 ST > r 3 o 3 a p •-I -i p 0 CD o 5' O -i o p a r ui co g < c 3 5' o . O i-« p i? 3. > 5' Cfl o 3 ■"? 1-1 s f cr . a nq . p o 7? 9 p n 0 -l 5' 0 e Ul' > I-l C5 3 'Jl 0 3 m H3 > H O rA CO Ul p 7? cr CD a p Ul 44 t- 44 44 44 44 CO 44 4- co co O hi © 44 CO CO CO 33 Oi to to t X X ~' H- hi Oi o © CO CO Ol Ol to to 44 tO 44 - to Ol GO CO Oi © -1 3 h- Oi © o o 00 Ol © © © © 00 TO 00 00 X 00 © © © O f CO Oi 44 CO 1—1 to © (4 44 o to CO o © 44 0 Ol hi o 1—1 to fc- CO o Ol © © hi CO OQ 00 to Ol = © © 00 j3 00 JO X h- Ol Oi Cn _ V © GO GO O) -1 -i as -4 Ol Oi Oi 44 CO © £ Cn © o 44 o -i © to .a X CD Oi too™ a © © CS © to o © © 00 X © o © to © r* a & ■■" ■■" " f " to to K3 to to to to to to CO CO \ CO CO 44 00 © © h- to Ol Si © © ' OS 0 -1 i_i l_l —. T) 44 © l_l © OS -J -4 CO © JO X Cn OS ^ to hi h-' to to to *1 a- CO O tO -J 00 00 JO © X © -4 to CO X -1 Ol © -4 CO -4 TS to 44 tO HJ Oi -4 © 00 © © © Cn © Oi OS Oi - 1 44 X Cn ^ HJ to to to to to » to -4 4-- 00 -4 to o OS © to o Ol Ol J-. % CD 44 3S 1\"> Oi CO -1 00 .0 44 CS to Cn cn C3 Ol -4 © CO 00 © -4 OS Oi X X © Ui 44 44 (4 4, 4- 44 CO CO .o 44 44 Oi Oi Jl CX © CO Oi 44 4i Ol OS © CS © OS to CO >a OS -4 Ji OS 44 CO © Cn XI CD O © cs © 2; CO os Ji © © H- 03 OS 4- CO © CO C3 Jl Ol as Ji Ol Cn Ol 44 4-. Ol Ol Ol OS OS OS 5* uo o to cs Ol CO 44 o 4- OS OS Oi CO sT to 44 to to © to OS CO cs CO OS -4 CO Oi << to © ji to 00 to © 00 o cn GO © ■44 O OS -4 OS OS OS cn Oi Oi C3 CS OS -1 -1 -4 «-t uo © O -4 cs 4- Cn o © 44 OS 4- to hi c 0 (,•) Ol © HJ CO to C73 Oi 4- CO Ol m X © Oi © X C3 1—1 OS O OS C3 CO OS © cs Ol —1 -4 OS —I —1 -4 OS Ol as -4 -4 -1 CO 44 © 44 to © -4 © CO OS X © CS Oi c —1 44 © © -J Cn © 00 CO O H X Cn 44 •-5 -4 CS o O to © o to to © cn CO X Ol CS -4 C73 -4 OS OS OS as OS OS —1 -4 -1 > © to OS h- -J -J to 44 -J OS 03 44 CO 44 to en 44 44 © © © X © nn Ol 44 H O ui pa > -3 W P3 > H a Ul M h3 FJ O O f o Q i—i Cl > f Q HH cn h3 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 53 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1843. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 50.90 49.56 53.39 44.62 44.90 42.29 38.04 39.29 38.24 40.22 47.72 49.04 43.50 42.35 42.61 41.74 34.95 34.80 30.60 28.25 29.88 29.96 31.27 26.61 40.20 34.93 37.90 37.12 35.93 31.35 31.90 27.75 25.80 27.24 26.90 28.61 23.14 36.12 31.50 47.33 47.83 49.37 42.12 41.21 36.63 32.60 31.09 36.64 35.67 36.70 33.49 42.54 39.90 73.60 74.67 77.15 65.47 63.86 60.45 62.14 67.30 68.73 70.75 66.48 72.40 70.49 54.65 54.06 55.91 48.35 47.73 43.53 39.86 43.67 43.43 45.56 44.09 52.16 34.35 32.35 31.54 27.03 26.51 20.80 17.10 19.34 18.82 18.83 15.28 28.53 52.48 52.23 53.49 45.51 43.68 39.34 37.55 41.74 41.66 42.96 39.83 48.91 94 91 100 94 94 91 80 86 94 94 91 89 90 93 2 1 — 2 —11 — 5 — 7 — 7 —21 —22 —16 —23 —20 —10 —14 41.5 38.8 46.5 48.5 47.3 40.7 48.4 52.3 52.3 48.1 49.2 41.1 50.8 51.2 55.5 50.5 50.6 46.3 58.5 63.7 57.7 65.9 59.8 58.9 Near western boundary of Mo. Near St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis, Missouri. Near Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Michigan. St. Clair river, Michigan. Island of Mackinac, L. Huron. Sault Ste Marie, Michigan. Central Wisconsin. Turkey river, Iowa. Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. St. Paul, Minnesota. Kansas, on the Missouri river. Near Council Bluffs, Iowa. On riv. Des Moines, Cent'l Iowa. 5-i METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1843. STATIONS. Hancock Barracks..... Fort Sullivan.......... Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution....... Watertown Arsenal Fort Adams............ Fort Trumbull......... Fort Columbus......... Fort Hamilton......... West Point............. Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks___ Madison Barracks...... Fort Niagara.......... Buffalo Barracks....... Alleghany Arsenal..... Fort Mifflin............ Fort McIIenry......... Fort Severn............ Fort Monroe........... Fort Moultrie ......... Oglethorpe Barracks ... Fort Shannon.......... Key West Barracks..... Fort Brooke........... Camp Barrancas....... Fort Morgan........... Mount Vernon Arsenal Pass Christian......... New Orleans Barracks Fort Pike............. Fort Wood............. Baton Rouge.........., Fort Jesup............. Fort Washita......... Fort Towson.........., Fort Smith............. Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal....... Dearbornville Arsenal . Detroit Barracks....... Fort Gratiot ......... Fort Bradv........... Jan. i Feb. Mar. April. May. ' June. July. Aug. ' Sept. ! Oct. Nov 2.02 2.15 1.87 1.2S 1.96 4.22 2.05 1.00 0.T0 2.70 1.90 1.21 2.35 5.61 3.52 2.70 1.9S 1.60 0.51 2.07 1.27 1.S7 3.37 2.54 2.11 3.81 4.00 3.15 2.80 3.57 6.74 6.43 3.42 2.31 1.90 3.02 1.46 1>5 2.27 1.70 3.31 1.92 2.20 4.00 2.09 2.03 3.79 *1.22 5.90 2.79 3.38 5.20 *1.40 5.41 5.68 5.92 2.13 4.20 5.05 1.30 2.88 2.57 2.71 3.28 3.27 4.45 3.80 3.00 3.30 10.52 12.51 11.23 7.20 7. So 6.70 9.22 2.06 2.20 _.it> 1.51 7.40 4.9S 2.27 1.94 2.60 1.91 2.72 2.07 3.80 5.31 2.39 6.54 1.41 3.25 0.25 | 3.35 0.26 ] 2.29 0.70 ' 2.81 0.20 i 1.75 1.75 2.30 1.30 j 2.29 2.11 ' 1.80 1.99 ' 1.S5 2.64 : 2.23 1.06 ] 0.63 3.92 3.05 4.42 2.77 3.60 7.53 4.20 2.14 5.70 3.40 4.26 1.4S 2.15 2.81 3.51 2.33 1.58 2.90 2.59 3.10 0.02 0.84 2.12 0.00 1.30 5.86 2.17 5.17 2.67 4.26 1.50 3.08 5.60 7.10 5.49 2.71 4.46 4.52 4.64 1.20 2.05 2.15 1.45 2.80 2.35 4.05 0.60 1.S6 3.69 3.35 1.00 1.32 2.25 3.25 4.88 1.44 2.39 1.65 4.05 3.16 3.55 5.71 6.20 2.3S 2.01 2.09 1.03 2.00 0.70 0.01 0.72 0.45 1.55 0.22 2.7S 4.42 9.26 4.85 2.59 6.10 3.01 4.95 2.83 3.16 1.68 2.42 2.37 2.70 1.55 , 3.83 4.79 1*1.31 6.52 1.70 4.50 2.58 2.05 2.88 2.47 0.76 1.67 1.95 6.05 5.48 2.51 1.64 1.88 3.00 4.39 5.09 4.70 2.79 5.67 j 4.23 2.S6 j 3.77 3.i-3 1.S7 1.74 4.01 0.90 ! 5.40 I 1.24 : 6.2S 2.20 I 3.70 3.24 5.54 5.69 5.31 1.85 6.90 13.04 3.49 16.C7 14.57 20.56 18.24 7.62 3.30 1.91 6.80 3.32 8.46 2.12 3.53 5.33 5.70 1.20 8.61 4.95 6.11 8.70 18.22 8.61 8 20 7.66 4.40 3.26 2.30 5.34 2.60 4.13 8.92 3.75 6.30 7.16 8.00 9.12 10.14 15.26 14.05 M.33 7,02 5.22 1.85 1.49 2.90 2.32 6.03 7.82 5.99 8.60 7.76 7.16 5.18 2.99 6.60 7.04 2.18 2.39 6.01 2.04 2.57 1.34 0.60 5.72 2.37 8.18 3.30 0.97 0.76 1.10 0.95 7.84 3.55 5.03 | 2.11 5.36 I 2.32 4.06 3.14 2.08 2.53 0.39 ! 5.21 0.43 3.83 1.12 [ 5.80 1.96 10.02 1.68 8.06 3.75 3.62 2.61 4.47 2.66 4.72 7.10 6.44 4.95 10.50 10.37 3.20 5.39 1.54 1.50 4.65 9.90 5.87 3.49 11.19 15.26 5.66 9.16 2.64 8.61 4.40 3.42 2.11 4.42 5.76 2.02 1.46 2.20 1 82 3.£5 0.41 i 3.00 7.45 5.91 4.10 6.95 4.83 4.83 6.91 2.24 7.76 3.46 2.84 1.97 2.64 4.50 0.65 0.60 2.39 6.83 2.60 1.46 5.04 2.39 4.14 2.39 2.58 5.79 3.80 6.56 2.14 2.15 0.69 1.65 1.50 1.90 2.73 5.72 2.14 3.40 8.64 2.67 3.39 6.84 5.79 2.82 1.70 4.00 2.75 3.08 2.44 1.54 3.27 2.87 4.08 4.25 4.96 2.20 0.55 0.96 0.28 0.90 0.80 5.78 1.93 6.49 6.77 4.28 8.30 7.56 9.37 3.51 1.94 3.38 4.16 Dec. 1.5S 4.70 1.04 2.72 3.45 7.16 3.80 3.34 8.21 2.70 1.60 0.74 2.06 1.36 8.38 2.26 4.30 3.90 4.26 5.80 2.61 3.57 1.7C 1.31 1.30 4.30 6.02 7.31 6.42 9.81 7.08 1.85 0.80 2.07 0.90 1.45 1.47 Spring. 2.50 1.50 1.30 2.12 3.19 9.51 8.78 18.67 4.77 10.87 16.93 13.47 5.27 11.22 10.73 8.SI 11.84 6.16 7.94 8.44 10.65 9.19 10.25 11.30 12.60 12.92 15.36 15.89 10.50 14.41 2.07 1.68 1.58 *5.81 *1.72 12.40 13.27 19.71 12.63 6.61 12.31 9.83 11.88 5. SO 7.00 6.06 4.55 13.99 9.13 12.40 15. SS 15.03 14.05 15.12 17.66 17.60 16.28 17.46 15.79 9.34 11.39 9.53 8.02 11.78 14.12 13.51 14.50 16.52 18.18 16.19 6.04 22.11 25.03 53.79 28.89 18.39 12.80 12.03 12.43 13.80 17.10 5.69 8.42 9.20 7.96 6.08 Autumn, 11 08 7.90 9.24 6.43 10.31 18.82 14.92 11.79 9.55 15.17 10.39 12.43 12.01 8.50 18.13 12.77 11.87 16.72 17.97 9.90 6.59 3.10 4.17 12.38 13.30 13.11 14.80 25.89 14.82 16.02 16.73 19.97 20.33 9.07 6.75 9.65 *2.91 7.57 12.15 17.81 9.27 6.65 5.81 S 42 *3.50 3.66 6.26 9.24 8.60 8.27 8.20 7.70 10.31 6.77 4.26 7.42 10.37 9.61 21.51 13.82 *7.31 ♦6.42 14.26 10.69 Year. 3.83 3.84 6.20 9.00 8.49 6.63 11.57 5.49 6.02 4.74 5.40 5.93 8.40 7.04 11.91 4.71 J4.83 35.46 *38.22 34.15 48.41 67.61 52.78 41.87 44.18 50.60 40.16 43.72 83.77 37.07 44.70 39.71 41.04 48.79 47.81 42.80 40.90 43.17 56.28 62.16 76.38 *92.80 *51.85 61.07 52.99 55.90 37.97 85.61 44.53 32.58 81.06 27.64 29.45 27.25 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 55 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1843. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 0.72 0.70 1.15 0.12 1.80 0.02 0.93 1.46 0.10 0.89 0.58 0.82 1.35 2.14 1.60 0.75 5.53 4.18 2.82 3.12 2.29 4.07 3.10 5.22 0.52 1.20 2.20 2.09 0.57 1.22 4.13 1.84 0.13 4.41 4.90 5.14 8.19 0,60 1.33 0.50 1,04 2.67 2.82 1.43 0.05 0.58 0.47 0.27 1.05 6.71 5.00 4.69 9.17 6.49 9.43 9.25 1.22 7.63 9.05 7.07 4.28 1.92 2.10 2.88 1.27 22.80 25.58 23.89 15.94 Note.—Entries marked thus (#) are of incomplete amounts, sufficiently near to be useful for reference. At Fort Mams the quantity is undoubtedly over measured. 56 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER STATIONS. Hancock Barracks .. Fort Sullivan....... Fort Constitution... Watertown Arsenal . Fort Adams........ Fort Trumbull...... Fort Columbus..... Fort Hamilton...... West Point........ Watervliet Arsenal . I'lattsburg Barracks. Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario....... Fort Niagara....... Buffalo Barracks.... Alleghany Arsenal.. Carlisle Barracks ... Fort Mifflin........ Fort McHenry..... Fort Severn........ Fort Monroe....... Fort Macon........ Fort Johnston....... Augusta Arsenal.... Fort Moultrie...... Oglethorpe Barracks Fort Marion....... Fort Brooke........ Camp Barrancas.... Mt. Vernon Arsenal. Fort Pike.........., Fort Wood......... New Orleans....... Baton Rouge........ Fort Jesup......... Fort Washita....... Fort Towson........ Fort Smith.......... Fort Gibson......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks ... St. Louis Arsenal .... Detroit Barracks..... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac....... Fair. | Cloudy. Snow. 132 172 183 166 200 164 159 173 185 151 220 130 138 119 151 142 205 217 190 202 188 259 265 241 239 217 240 255 170 228 19S 194 154 240 176 222 182 199 239 192 179 203 109 143 151 233 193 182 199 165 201 206 192 180 214 145 235 227 246 214 223 160 148 175 163 177 106 100 124 126 148 125 110 195 137 167 171 211 161 189 143 183 166 126 173 186 162 256 222 214 98 66 65 61 91 97 90 76 83 66 85 79 90 90 115 101 91 107 101 92 118 109 91 84 104 92 125 110 118 115 118 115 125 121 76 109 101 68 111 93 57 82 105 52 42 39 37 37 33 32 19 23 30 42 49 54 57 34 67 32 19 17 19 7 6 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 4 4 9 6 9 26 20 47 64 66 55 9 27 20 43 36 14 31 24 28 21 7 22 21 28 41 21 11 33 35 7 40 28' 38 30 35 23 31 36 19 23 94 75 53 17 44 3 20 26 16 35 31 12 32 36 15 45 32 49 42 72 47 9 3 36 40 44 62 41 27 17 66 54 13 62 67 47 38 46 57 108 71 63 116 77 18 21 54 69 72 48 70 52 29 38 75 74 29 28 7 20 26 31 13 10 32 2 9 2 10 18 26 12 15 73 12 16 6 53 11 33 8 89 32 14 41 36 3 47 92 S. E. 32 67 12 24 27 27 37 23 20 20 48 66 42 21 15 6 29 3*1 33 37 34 29 17 30 21 41 57 48 58 88 71 104 30 21 37 6 80 51 49 36 37 53 143 41 46 28 57 54 47 22 21 13 49 70 21 68 41 55 13 26 16 9 29 32 117 14 59 33 26 12 7 30 11 15 47 13 32 36 50 36 60 13 32 19 9 24 82 58 138 7 19 9 23 52 29 29 48 30 16 41 103 34 82 56 70 53 45 17 21 74' 112 70 80 147 28 19 97 62 30 86 91 49 105 36 45 32 45 71 66 25 15 32 99 14 43 20 45 38 39 98 94 17 39 75 75 81 44 26 22 39 19 106 6 16 69 53 54 44 101 40 61 30 37 25 24 12 81 30 23 22 19 3 32 46 19 5 9 13 14 8 34 68 71 30 35 76 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, 57 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1843. WINDS. No. of observations anc sum of fo •ce. N . N. E. E. S. E. S. S. W. w. N. W. 221 572 145 399 113 289 127 322 272 751 163 479 155 546 214 744 34 128 60 293 28 66 270 767 165 364 413 1231 298 892 195 718 107 188 182 458 80 205 49 141 220 426 138 313 302 610 349 829 80 130 129 260 104 201 96 206 54 123 327 689 323 554 363 634 174 677 196 977 125 519 110 360 104 279 224 954 175 620 267 1039 144 341 167 473 52 190 109 364 64 136 279 786 104 • 274 502 1356 57 85 289 381 41 59 149 249 38 74 212 270 87 173 557 1182 123 427 187 464 127 268 91 176 118 179 182 457 156 513 215 938 97 201 35 58 9 11 80 173 129 208 68 111 77 134 482 1110 111 261 11 25 35 93 81 279 467 1416 86 166 425 1178 214 593 86 215 143 303 8 16 192 567 55 230 294 956 24 70 610 1376 30 108 160 606 42 125 266 796 235 866 448 1423 62 242 278 1460 88 245 176 460 72 170 170 395 132 292 279 556 277 707 157 517 84 289 249 811 102 295 85 244 104 213 317 962 213 591 271 766 112 322 163 451 47 99 62 150 50 147 589 2027 218 728 141 457 163 200 109 156 60 86 22 41 26 62 111 307 177 528 256 775 86 95 70 75 291 319 117 123 119 144 75 87 405 521 150 205 43 81 263 643 48 109 123 296 45 106 390 888 153 392 356 816 131 239 218 478 64 129 133 308 61 133 247 584 243 551 294 719 140 490 53 217 23 65 148 455 190 583 121 313 119 301 318 1080 30 65 247 600 211 525 137 257 53 98 342 766 148 312 268 743 160 484 267 781 43 99 117 289 128 377 363 1221 101 362 233 748 111 116 187 212 132 134 67 67 143 143 195 197 97 108 45 58 151 211 154 242 32 61 119 171 199 306 421 599 49 70 301 532 119 300 183 616 356 1143 82 262 145 482 142 508 325 1010 88 269 139 245 228 487 126 310 163 427 239 511 187 465 121 333 132 306 93 112 432 627 57 76 227 299 51 57 129 299 93 115 187 255 122 215 284 649 165 254 193 293 128 202 170 370 88 195 107 223 144 424 254 654 145 499 232 656 77 212 285 824 78 218 189 552 78 171 462 794 12 15 352 577 36 57 265 427 13 18 325 705 93 321 309 811 189 428 283 680 94 261 99 322 127 335 160 490 375 521 70 123 367 529 33 64 327 448 34 43 184 244 18 41 300 623 83 167 415 791 121 271 232 398 62 104 78 129 64 139 212 369 215 298 84 131 147 188 553 790 127 186 18 23 78 167 67 197 275 465 23 35 322 614 26 67 397 904 38 90 230 539 174 340 287 367 202 329 196 316 76 172 58 109 53 91 232 446 10 30 192 482 143 334 146 360 37 98 170 423 57 134 167 559 80 190 282 460 211 300 571 936 91 211 81 106 31 58 83 152 105 239 210 407 164 293 182 391 208 493 181 419 134 269 164 403 66 109 115 184 111 211 229 449 115 225 152 343 272 553 308 764 139 208 154 244 218 324 188 350 115 203 156 315 283 589 167 359 126 270 300 850 87 191 84 198 192 493 392 1195 120 334 131 394 50 148 297 812 53 102 196 454 119 309 375 932 139 283 157 372 126 256 118 254 230 790 83 225 64 210 (^ ! 192 305 744 393 ' 1044 58 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. WINDS. STATIONS. DAYS. DAYS. Fair. i Cloudy, j Rain. Snow. N. N. E. E. S. E. s. ' ?. w. w. N. W. Fort Brady......... 138 183 173 181 167 • 206 227 ' Q1 43 58 63 48 37 21 39 27 36 10 21 36 17 18 41 16 23 29 72 22 24 11 11 20 48 27 20 58 47 31 29 45 33 24 52 83 24 si 64 73 109 149 73 70 Fort Winneb ico ...-.. Fort Atkinson....... Fort Crawford....... Fort Leavenworth .., 182 192 184 198 159 68 68 70 68 71 23 38 80 84 37 49 31 16 22 31 OS w Eh CC hH Pn h-l o o hH o Ph o H CO OS ir- i-H l-H UO © © t— CO to 00 © 00 © t- t- CO _^ t- 00 co t- IO 03 co I— © r- CM CM -4" ifl CM 0 CM CO © LO I— 03 CJ3 IO CM CO ■^ CO CO I-H to © IO © © r- £ -* CM t- 00 co ■* CO i-H -* 00 <*} t— 00 __: t- 00 CO i-H r- CO © ©1 CO i—i CM CO © ^ _ 00 CO o to 00 IO -* t- ■>* CM -* ** CO IS CM to © ■*f © CO C3 © fr- CO 00 CM r—1 CM 00 CO l- _< 00 00 to CM CS to IO to CM 1—1 1-1 H CO to IO "* CO CM ao 00 © ■"*< T*l 00 CM >o CO © CO CO 00 in J* © -* CM CO CM CM en CM CO LO o CO to fr- to i-H CO © s o ee _ © 00 to 00 to IO CO (M S5 ■^ CO CO CM CO to © «* Tf CO IO © -* 00 Tf 1—1 ""' ~ rt GO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF JANUARY, 1844. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. S. R. Hancock Barracks...... 0 Fort Sullivan.......... 10 Fort Preble............ 11 Fort Constitution......j 14 Watertown Arsenal....! 12 Fort Adams........... 20 Fort Trumbull......... 17 Fort Columbus.........| 22 Fort Hamilton......... 22 West Point............ 16 Watervliet Arsenal..... 8 Plattsburg Barracks.... 7 Madison Barracks...... 9 Fort Ontario.......... 15 Fort Niagara.......... 2U Buffalo Barracks....... 20 Alleghany Arsenal..... 22 Carlisle Barracks....... 20 Fort Mifflin........... 24 Fort McHenry......... 23 Fort Severn........... 26 Fort Monroe.......... 32 Fort Macon........... 40 Fort Johnston......... 37 Augusta Arsenal....... 40 Fort Moultrie.......... 47 Oglethorpe Barracks ... 43 Fort Marion........... 52 Fort Brooke........... 55 Camp Barrancas....... 52 Fort Pike............. 52 Fort Wood............ 52 New Orleans.......... 53 Baton Rouge.......... 52 Fort Jesup........... 4G FortTowson..........I 38 Fort Washita.......... 40 Fort Smith............ 32 Fort Gibson...........' 36 Fort Scott............. 27 Jefferson Barracks.....| 28 St. Louis Arsenal......i 26 Detroit Barracks....... 19 Fort Gratiot.......... 19 Fort Mackinac......... 13 Fort Brady............' 7 Fnrt Winnebago....... ]3 .90 .96 .12 .64 .25 .63 .45 .35 .84 .06 .45 .12 .26 .40 .67 .10 .51 .38 .42 .24 .41 .23 .70 .12 .19 .22 .50 .00 .48 .12 .41 .50 .23 .41 .22 .74 .10 .38 .40 .19 .77 .32 .83 .50 .80 .67 .41 9 A. M. 3.58 15.74 13.12 15.51 15.96 23.63 20.07 25.42 24.74 17.35 15.00 8.96 11.28 16.60 22.48 23.12 23.19 26.12 27.32 30.30 31.90 35.90 43.22 44.12 43.54 48.32 47.70 59.02 59.00 56.25 55.90 58.23 60.16 57.93 51.13 41.77 43.90 37.12 39.35 30.68 29.06 31.41 24.16 22.20 15.16 8.93 15.00 3 P. M. 9 P. M 14.97 21.32 20.12 23.80 23.58 27.60 26.19 29.51 31.36 23.58 19.96 15.38 17.30 20.70 24.45 25.28 30.83 30.13 31.74 33.19 34.29 39.80 46.00 50.00 50.77 53.32 55.90 62.02 67.27 60.96 60.90 63.52 63.77 63.32 62.22 52.90 51.70 47.12 47.37 34.87 34.64 37.16 27.25 27.50 18.06 15.54 21.67 6.35 16.64 13.09 17.45 15.96 23.30 20.12 25.78 26.22 19.41 13.19 9.96 13.12 16.90 21.06 21.10 25.38 23.67 29.64 29.16 28.90 32.20 42.33 43.03 44.64 51.46 48.90 55.03 62.32 55.76 55.58 56.13 57.00 55.74 51.70 44.16 44.40 36.35 39.58 29.48 32.83 30.87 22.51 21.10 17.90 9.90 16.19 Mean. Range. Max. Min 6.45 16.17 14.36 17.85 16.94 23.79 20.96 25.76 26.29 19.10 14.15 10.33 12.74 17.40 22.17 22.40 25.48 25.07 28.28 29.22 30.35 35.03 44.08 43.57 44.78 50.08 49.00 57.02 61.02 56.27 56.20 57.60 58.54 57.35 52.82 44.40 45.02 38.24 40.67 30.55 31.32 31.44 23.43 22.57 16.23 10.51 16.57 48 45 38 41 48 48 46 47 49 44 40 42 40 52 44 45 54 40 42 48 48 57 60 69 62 68 66 78 76 72 75 79 76 74 71 73 72 73 77 47 54 56 44 44 34 32 38 -22 -10 -13 - 6 - 8 3 - 3 3 0 - 4 -22 -18 - 6 - 7 2 1 2 0 6 5 8 13 19 20 16 24 22 25 32 30 34 35 37 34 28 24 28 20 19 8 11 8 -12 - 8 -13 -34 Above mean. 41.5 28.8 13.6 23.1 21.0 24.2 25.0 21.2 22.7 24.9 25.8 31.6 27.2 34.6 21.8 22.6 29.5 14.9 13.7 18.7 17.6 21.9 15.9 25.4 17.2 17.9 17.0 20.9 14.9 15.7 18.8 21.4 17.4 16.6 18.1 28.6 26,9 34.7 36.3 16.4 22.6 24.5 20.5 21.4 17.7 21.4 21.4 Below mean. 28.4 26.1 27.3 23.8 24.9 20.7 23.9 22.7 26.2 23.1 36.1 28.3 18.7 24.4 20.1 21.4 23.4 25.0 22.2 24.2 22.3 22.0 25.0 23.5 28.7 26.0 27.0 32.0 29.0 26.2 22.2 22.6 21.5 23.3 24.8 20.4 17.0 18.2 21.6 22.5 20.3 23.4 35.4 30.5 29.2 44.5 24.5 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 39 156 6 15 11 38 5 22 8 48 0 0 32 98 5 17 2 8 10 20 1 3 10 22 1 2 3 12 7 15 18 68 8 43 3 9 4 12 6 21 7 22 9 5 31 32 4 5 37 138 22 54 6 12 12 90 0 0 1 1 36 63 3 5 1 1 0 0 15 35 1 2 1 4 50 207 8 33 9 41 48 128 0 0 23 74 14 26 P67 6 7 12 36 21 7 24 11 28 18 21 21 15 3 3 22 22 25 25 4 7 26 55 8 21 25 66 17 36 18 30 9 30 8 28 5 11 5 7 12 25 23 52 26 86 0 0 8 20 16 31 36 56 8 11 10 14 10 12 4 4 6 22 26 78 18 50 16 17 29 32 13 13 1 1 34 36 0 0 0 0 33 39 12 70 37 127 8 25 37 143 6 14 33 73 30 51 30 34 1 1 43 49 6 16 13 33 23 58 38 40 9 10 16 19 3 5 41 54 5 6 9 9 29 29 26 26 21 45 28 46 9 18 0 0 29 66 16 43 2 3 9 16 23 18 14 33 13 30 20 46 9 20 5 13 18 55 1 3 8 10 29 39 22 70 12 22 18 46 1 2 9 24 12 18 16 37 14 22 18 36 14 39 8 16 26 55 12 33 3 13 10 41 # CO CO to JO to © CO JO CO h-i h-i h-i >_, 0 -1 oo to Oi -J '-' CO CO to © Oi Ol Oi CO 44 © © h- 0 © Oi h-l 00 0 Ol © to 44 to © Oi 00 to 44 Ol Oi © 44 C9 1—1 44 CO © B B h-l C-3 to Oi to Oi h-i to h-i t\'! 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Oi 62 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. STATIONS. Fort Crawford.... Fort Atkinson..., Fort Snelling..... Fort Des Moines.. Fort Leavenworth MONTH OF JANUARY, 1844. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 13.25 10.09 6.09 16.77 23.02 15.26 14.45 7.64 19.54 25.17 22.30 19.41 14.51 27.45 30.31 9 P. M. 18.21 13.32 9.41 20.58 25.13 17.25 14.32 9.41 21.08 25.88 Range. Max. 38 37 38 45 46 Min. = 6 -12 -18 - 4 3 Above mean. 20.7 22.6 28.5 23.9 20.1 Below mean. 23.2 26.3 27.4 25.0 22.8 No. of Observations N. N. E. I 0 0 0 0 6 7 33 52 16 28 18 33 3 9 11 33 1 2 30 72 13 29 9 16 7 16 10 16 10 20 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 63 MONTH OF JANUARY, 1844. ft-------- WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 a a s REMARKS. S. E. g S. W. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. £ >> 3 o a is o h O « Ifl <1 26 71 3 3 19 32 4 9 66 98 3.22 4.12 4.16 3.25 3.68 15 16 10 9 2.60 41 57 1 5 0 0 3 5 12 25 3.03 3.38 3.58 3.48 3.36 10 21 4 11 30 82 8 15 43 94 2 7 26 79 3.45 2.93 3.35 5.00 3.90 13 18 4 11 1.50 25 53 13 34 6 30 6 24 22 72 4.29 4.25 4.12 4.06 4.18 13 18 9 5 .... 13 28 17 32 16 36 13 27 38 69 3.11 4.50 4.90 4.50 4.25 13 18 I 1 0.50 ^ T] hq --) OJ & hqh^h^h-jhjJhqy^h^h^Qhqh^hqQh-i^hqhrjhqh.j W '> 0 2. o g> ° cr r. 3- 3 o 2 3 o 3 » ° 3 3 3- ^ CD © 0^ 5 = c "h 5r i-h B4 ^2 2 ^ 5 o < 3 p ^ ^ ^ a HtDaP.S,»5i-SSOiSoiH-S..S:- 7 m O -T £. r» o 2 C O. 5- - 8 *> EL > X 3} W 3 W c s. o * Se- ta Oq 5 « 5' 5' §_ 3 3 h-hntOl0t0WWWG3i^4444C^O!O!Ol0lO!©0l4444444444WtOt0t0t0t0t0JOt0h-h-ih-t0tOt^ 44t0C0©t0C0©CJ0©t0©-^©h-ih-h-<©C0C0©C0-444©©CJ0-40lCnC^©C044l0-4C0Cnh-i©0th-i©-4O©t0© ©tOC0©--l4444Cjn©C0©Oi©C0C0©-44444©t0C0C0k3tOh-iC0-4tOt0h-il0 0T©Ol©0lh-i^ OlCJ3©tOtO00h-i-4COI—i-400©©-4COOl44OltO©h-1441—i©©44©COCO-4l—iOi©©©Ol—1 tO tO -4 © -4 © h- 44 -4 hU^5UUUUl^^4.fcCnaffiCn^CnCn-lffltlCnlU*l-U«UC^)BUBBWI0"»5t0»UIO^3t8»5hlOH OOCOC»4_,oi444j-r}OTtOtO©0©tO-4©COJOl—1©©t04444©J0>—t0t0©44O44©00C0-t-t000©t044t0tOOiOi -)©4403h-iOiCD©C003tOCobo-4h-i©©©OOCJ3©h-itOh-iCOt003i—'44-4©©00©l—'CO©©-4©JO©©COOl44© t0 00©tO©a0©C044COt00DtO©©C0tO©t0t0C000OW0lh-0000h-it000C0t0©©h-iO3©Ol4444©t0t0h-ih-it0 tOi0C0C0444444OlOl©©©©O3©©©©--1©©OlOiOl4444C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0t0t0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0t0COt0 -100©©44tOtO-4C»h-COh-it04joiOl44-4h-'h-itO©OOCO©COtOtOODOOUOtOJO©444jWh-ih->C^OlCOCOtOOOCO-4 a©©C»CO0n©h-i©44tOC^-4OlC^COO3©-4h-i44Cnh-ilOC0tOt0tO44h-iC0tOCn00h-t0Ol-4CnOiC0© tO©©tOO3IOtOC0C0h-©OlOlC0-44400lOtO44h-i0DC0Oli— ©©->I00COI--tO00©0044©tOOi©44©COtO4.irf4_j tOh-itOtOtOh-COtOCOtOtOtOtOtOh-'h-ih-ll—Ih-lh-itOI—'tOtOh-'tOtOJOtOh-itOh-il-llOh-tOJOh-lh-'l—'tOh-llOJOh-il—itO ^C^44©C^COW-^©OlOD44©©tOCJ044COtOh-ih-i44©l©44h-.OltOh-i©440l-4tOt044COtOOOCD©44tOtO--Jt04^ CnOJ^©44tOCO©tOOO-4h-iC4«-4©440lOOCO-4©tOCX)COCn©h-!tOt04j-^--|C>S©©-4CO^ CO Oi Ol Oi Ol Ol Oi Ol Oi m Ol Oi Oi Ol 44 44 CO CO CO CO CO CO IO to to to to to CO ro to to to to to to 0 © to 4| •go © © © © CO h- © © -4 ~4 © © -4 © © Ol 44 to CO Oi CO CO to to h- h-1 h- -4 44 CO to 44 -4 1—1 © CJO © to ,_, o CO © 44 -4 Ol © 44 CO -.1 on h- _ to h- to to to to to © 44 © h-l to 0 h-l 0 h-l h-l h-l CO to to CO 44 00 Ol © ~4 to to uo 44 © © h-1 © h- CO on to 44 *~ © to co © Oi co 0 44 -4 44 44 00 © -4 © © © © © l— © Ol CO CO 44 44 Oi 44 Oi Oi Oi cn Oi Ol © © Ol Oi Oi Oi 44 44 CO CO CO CO CO CO to to to to !_, tn to to to to to to to to to h-' t> © CO 00 to © -4 © -4 Ol to CO to to 00 44 -4 0 00 44 to h- l—' Ol CO -4 CO to to h- —■ -4 00 44 0 to 44 © 44 Ol 1—1 Ol oo p 0 CO -4 h-i to m JO CO to to to 4-J to © Cn to on h-l 0 to CO CO 44 to to © 0 © on -4 to © Oi CO m © © to h-i to -4 -4 to © -4 © to 00 to uo © Ol © © 1—I to © © to CO to Ol © to © Oi uo 44 0 Ol to CJO CO CO to 44 CO to © to to H- -4 -4 -4 ~4 m on 4-1 4-1 -4 44 on © 44 -4 © Ol Oi 01 Oi Oi 44 Oi 44 Oi 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 to 44 44 p to to CO to to -4 © Oi © -4 CJO 00 © o 00 © to 44 to 44 © to © CJO to 00 Ol 44 00 © CO © 44 © 44 00 © uo 00 uo 4- -4 uo to Oi © 1 1 h-l to to to CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Oi CO to CO to to to 1 1 1 1 h-i 1 1 1 1 "■> © Ol © o 44 on o 00 © © CO h-i CO 00 00 uo 44 00 44 44 00 © -4 CO Ol -4 to © CO to © to © h-i © uo uo © © 00 44 to © to uo to CO 0 B> 44 44 to 00 © to to 00 to to co to to Ol h-CO 44 CO © -4 to to CO to Oi -4 to Ol to © to to JO on to © 44 to h-i to to © CO to Ol to CO 44 to to to 44 44 to CO CO to 44 to to -4 to 44 to to to © 00 Ol to © to to c on to © h- to CO © to to to CO CO to Ol CO JO to -4 to Ol to to -4 © to 44 © CO JO © to © © to an to 44 to CO to -4 © CO © Ol to CO CO to to 00 to -4 © CO © ID 44 h-i to 00 00 CO 0 h-l CO O 44 co © 44 CO 00 h-i Oi h-i to to CO to to CO Oi CO 44 to CO CO 44 Oi CO © 44 Ol CO h-1 on to CO - © 0 to © © to to Oi to CO 44 h-i to © CO © fe- Ci td o t-1 o hH a !> r1 W fed Q hH Ul METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 65 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1844. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 0> 43 a a a REMARKS. S. E. S. s.w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. (-1 5 □ '3 0 a 6 18 22 69 8 32 19 72 17 69 3.72 3.75 4.13 4.78 4.09 12 17 0 5 0.79 13 29 2 6 45 119 31 56 20 64 5.44 5.03 5.06 5.17 5.15 ! 16 13 2 5 1.65 2 3 11 22 43 96 8 17 9 22 4.80 5.10 5.20 5.40 5.27 17 12 6 6 0.75 1 2 10 17 9 11 27 37 26 53 4.72 5.79 5.27 5.48 5.31 16 13 9 9 1.43 3 4 2 5 29 59 15 37 34 88 8.00 9.11 7.82 8.68 8.40 18 11 3 7 1.64 6 20 1 2 5 13 35 91 38 119 4.10 5.00 4.10 5.00 4.55 16 13 3 3 1.24 8 26 3 5 7 14 8 19 54 102 5.20 5.50 4.64 5.85 5.30 15 14 3 5 1.81 7 0 2 1 9 12 31 39 20 37 6.10 6.60 6.00 5.60 6.07 17 12 3 5 1.03 4 • 8 2 2 4 12 32 93 33 81 6.86 6.06 5.24 6.44 6.15 20 9 2 5 0.93 7 2 17 6 0 0 13 11 78 104 5.27 4.82 4.96 5.96 5.25 17 12 0 6 3.10 1 2 12 39 11 22 23 64 34 83 3.62 3.89 4.44 5.58 4.38 12 17 1 3 .... 25 59 13 40 16 32 0 0 23 38 2.37 3.31 4.34 3.31 3.44 8 21 8 5 0.54 41 172 8 27 14 54 2 10 24 101 2.70 3.19 3.16 4.24 3.32 10 19 1 13 0.85 31 51 5 9 19 35 5 10 8 22 2.30 '2.80 2.80 3.10 2.55 8 19 2 2 0.19 27 days' observations. 5 24 19 24 23 44 28 72 5 17 3.62 3.89 4.58 4.72 4.20 10 19 8 5 0.53 4 11 10 25 46 136 21 60 12 42 3.14 3.20 3.06 4.00 3.35 9 20 9 13 0.64 0 0 0 0 20 32 14 18 28 49 3.48 3.65 3.37 4.48 3.74 10 19 7 4 0.93 2 1 4 2 0 0 30 27 34 39 5.17 5.30 5.24 5.55 5.31 16 13 1 6 .... 4 9 3 6 28 43 15 33 31 68 6.34 6.07 6.44 5.72 6.14 19 10 1 6 2.00 6 10 11 9 15 17 23 39 21 63 5.17 5.11 5.27 5.13 5.17 19 10 3 4 1.45 6 12 24 62 8 19 13 39 41 120 5.65 5.20 5.48 6.00 5.58 18 11 1 8 0.94 11 17 3 4 15 26 11 16 21 61 5.30 5.21 4.27 6.13 5.22 17 12 4 3 1.50 5 12 8 21 14 41 12 26 29 112 7.31 7.73 7.51 6.90 7.36 24 5 7 0 3.50 Therm, protected. 0 0 16 23 16 21 12 18 10 33 3.28 5.17 6.11 5.16 4.93 19 10 4 0 1.50 6 6 2 6 35 60 15 37 24 45 6.27 7.13 6.62 7.34 6.84 21 8 5 0 .... 4 3 12 32 10 29 34 96 14 41 5.00 5.41 3.62 7.06 5.27 17 12 4 0 1.69 5 5 5 5 7 9 21 26 20 17 3.42 4.75 6.10 5.72 4.99 15 14 5 0 1.10 5 3 1 3 11 13 6 12 17 41 3.62 5.89 6.27 7.38 5.79 19 10 3 0 1.00 22 26 13 16 3 4 0 0 5 10 8.62 9.00 8.62 8.68 8.73 27 2 4 0 1.23 15 10 6 2 8 17 0 0 17 16 5.10 6.75 7.24 6.94 6.50 24 5 6 0 3.30 23 85 1 5 13 53 4 6 35 107 4.10 5.27 4.89 5.55 4.95 14 15 4 0 0.91 30 53 0 0 4 6 5 7 21 37 4.00 5.04 7.00 6.55 5.67 20 9 6 0 0.80 1 3 19 22 0 0 25 25 0 0 3.41 5.06 5.79 7.03 5.32 17 12 4 0 0.41 5 6 4 15 5 14 5 12 4 11 2.50 5.53 4.90 6.30 4.56 13 16 4 0 0.73 8 11 8 10 13 17 11 9 2 6 4.72 5.06 2.93 7.06 4.94 14 15 0 0 8 13 27 39 28 32 0 0 2 2 5.79 6.28 7.20 7.17 6.61 23 6 4 0 1.20 15 17 1 1 6 7 14 14 36 •37 5.67 5.60 6.28 6.89 6.11 16 13 6 0 2.08 13 22 15 47 20 35 11 16 12 29 5.13 6.83 6.07 6.03 6.01 19 10 5 0 2.87 9 23 3 9 19 37 8 21 15 47 5.34 6.17 5.31 5.96 5.69 16 13 4 1 3.53 66 75 3 4 4 2 4 4 3 6 0.68 6.62 6.34 1.72 3.71 14 15 4 0 6.07 7 10 21 42 18 38 22 53 20 35 6.03 6.34 5.62 7.24 6.30 17 12 4 1 1.30 21 25 9 18 15 22 33 78 17 27 5.72 6.17 5.62 6.06 5.89 19 10 5 2 2.33 18 5 4 0 13 8 23 24 19 10 6.10 7.27 6.92 5.03 6.33 20 9 2 1 3.76 10 22 15 34 45 113 5 8 1 6 4.17 3.03 2.89 4.24 3.58 10 19 3 4 0.61 19 36 9 20 39 96 4 7 19 45 2.40 3.70 3.80 3.10 3.25 9 20 9 10 1.75 23 33 6 7 7 8 25 49 18 30 1.75 2.65 3.96 2.86 2.80 5 24 0 6 .... 18 38 4 I 4 n 13 26 45 I 16 42 2.27 1.82 2.10 3.8G 2.51 4 25 0 4 0.43 9 66 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1844. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. 18.44 18.22 16.44 16.65 29.45 26.28 23.10 23.16 23.93 20.82 34.70 31.24 31.96 32.26 33.34 29.89 39.70 43.03 24.37 25.17 20.75 21.96 32.05 34.10 24.47 24.70 23.61 22.33 33.97 33.66 46 46 42 45 59 62 — 1 — 9 — 6 —15 20 0 21.5 21.3 18.3 22.6 25.0 28.3 25.4 33.7 29.6 37.3 13.9 33.6 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 67 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1844. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 11 43 O a a % < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. £ '3 fa >> o 5 a °3 « 'is o c CO 15 10 17 14 4 9 56 26 37. 32 8 17 14 5 8 16 2 24 36 5 19 46 4 32 15 27 2 54 7 7 50 27 4 130 17 12 13 10 7 6 9 24 32 20 12 17 16 36 12 59 24 21 33 30 31 78 49 62 40 49 3.24 4.60 3.82 2.37 5.40 5.14 3.72 5.20 4.48 3.00 5.30# 5.17 4.48 6.00 3.72 4.72 5.60 5.23 5.86 6.18 6.06 5.31 6.55 6.30 4.32 5.49 4.52 4.10 5.71 5.46 13 15 10 8 11 19 16 14 19 21 9 10 1 6 2 3 5 3 5 4 4 4 2 1 0.58 0.87 0.72 1.60 Last 20 days. oooor*£.oooooopmoop©fD©(Jw0e&©oo©op^eoog,£'" ? •< M p p 2 5 o IT 3 c Cfl P 7 to t72 Q W5 *-< H Sr1 o a. a <3 o ^ p ;s O 3 » ^ S ^ > td c 3 S S cT g- 5- 52! 9 S- =r £ >c tr > B td -• p P hH 1 CO p ,. 3 3 =: 3 3- p o hi > 5 a O 4," o. <-► O | | 3 | £ < td *- p 2- 3 1 i" e. 3 * : : g 3 . . p_- • : : h-l to CO to © hi o 00 © C3 44 44 44 Ol © CO CO h-i h- © CO Ol to © © © © tO © to © 4- © © © tO © © © 44 © 44440l0l0l©©©©©© tO CO CO © 44 Ol iO tO © tO tO44tOhH-4©©00©© COOl©-4©CO©©©-4 © © 00 h-i Oil—■-40!h-tOtOOOtO©Oh-OOh-'OC3-400ao©©tO Oi ^i tn CO O* O h-> MOhOC-ltOW-lBC>h-44©CO©COO h-i h-i o 44 44 44 44 CO CO 44 CO h-©COCO©00h-itOOl©JO h-4.10001—i--ItOOl©-4 ©-4©©tO©©©©-4 to © CO 44 to to © © © © JO © CO © -4 to Ol O CO CO -4 tO 44 C3 tO Cn Cn 44 44 cocococococococococococococococoto 44tO-4COCOl— tO00h-.tOCO©©tOOltD-4CO*-COCO © © 00 © © © CO h-l © 44 4- 44 tO tO tO h-i Ol 44 Ol © 44 h- h-i 00 h-i Ol © to 00 © ©t044C00044O©©h-1 ©©ao©oto©h-i-4© © h-i JO 44 44 CO h-l 44 -4 CO © tO 44 44 Ol Oi © © I I © -4 © © tOh-itOiOtOtOtOh-tOtOtOtOh-ih-'tOh-lh-lh-ih-lh-'lOh-tOh-ih-'JOJOtOtOh-itOJOtOh^ ©-4tOCOOll—!©-4t0CC-4C»00C»t00l--lCnO0l©h-ih-t044©0l©©-4t04444©0l0li044C00l©J044t044-4C0 ^L4C0^CBC0©CnC»0lt044t044W44h-00©hn44a0tD©©t0O©44©t0a0t0©44-4-4©O tOtOtOtOtOh-'tOlOtOtOtOlOtOtOtOtOtOtOh-'lOlOh-itOtOtOh-itOh-ih-ih-'t^ t0t044©©00C0©44C0CnCnC0h->h-it0J0t00l©h-it0©C0h-itD©-4-4-4©C0©44©OOl©Cn-4t0©©h-i00h-t0 -ibffliehbw^h^-icn-iwawccHiocoMMOcocD-iocD^o-iHMWffiuaob-iiaKMHb^cj B> CD CO Oi h-i h- to Ol h-* h-i 44 © h-1 © to 44 to 00 00 to 00 01 h-i © Oi to -4 h-i © 00 © h-i h- -4 © © to 44 h- 00 00 h-i 44 h-i Ol CO 44 h-1 to 44 0 00 to 00 to 0 44 Ol © hi 00 2 CO to © © Ol CO -4 to to 00 CO Ol CO 44 to 00 co h-i 00 CO CO 00 to 00 CO 44 to -4 CO to Ol © CO 44 to to JO © h- to to to h-l 00 CO Ol Ol Ol 1- © 44 44 CO 44 CO to © h-i -4 hH 00 44 44 CO © to 44 to CO to CO h-1 CO 00 © -4 © CO to to CO to CO to CO © © to 44 to 44 © CO 44 00 00 h- 00 to h-i co 00 h-i 00 h-i 44 h-i Ol JO -4 to to h-1 -4 © to h-i p—1 to CO to to 00 hH Oi C9 h-i to 00 CO Oi h-1 00 CO 00 CO 00 © CO to to CO 44 44 CO © 44 -4 h-1 m 44 to CO JO © CO to © to 44 to © to to CO h-i © to 44 to to 44 01 Cn to JO © to Ol © Oi Ol 44 h-i CO to Cn © 44 00 h-l to CO cn h-i 44 © 00 -4 00 CO © to Ol 44 h- 44 Oi © to to -4 -4 44 h-to © h- © to 44 © to © CO 44 Oi -4 to 00 CO 00 -4 44 Cn to CO JO IO 44 © CO © Oi © to CO to 44 © to 00 h-h- h-i Oi h-i © CO © h-1 44 h- to 44 -4 h-i h-1 © h-i © © h-44 -4 44 CO CO © CO 44 to to hH © to © CO CO -4 Oi -4 to to to to H to Ol CO © to 00 - © © CO CO -4 to to -4 to h-i 44 h-i CO cn to to 44 to -4 Ol CO CO © h-1 -4 -4 44 44 h-i 44 to 00 © 44 h-i h-i Oi © © CO © © © 44 © - © to h-i co CO cn h-i to JO © 00 to to Oi o 00 O W O f O O hH o ► W Q hH Ul 1-3 Pi CO © to to to © to to o to to h-i © 00 h-l h-l Ol h-i 44 to -4 CO © 00 to © Oi -4 h-1 Cn h-44 h-i © to CO CO CO CO hH 00 CO CO 01 Ol to 44 to CO to 4- h-i -4 to h-i CO h-' © © CO co -4 to CO 0 JO © Ol 44 44 O to to CO 44 CO CO 00 CO © CO 44 h--4 to CO Cn to © © Ol 00 00 h-i Ol to to to CO -4 CO to CO © -4 h-i o CO 44 44 Oi to to 44 CO Oi h-i h-l to © 44 -4 00 44 44 CO 44 to h-1 -4 CO © to © Oi 0 h-i © to to Ol © 44 CO 44 © h- M 4-44h-tOtOtOh-tO©CO Oih->tOtOtOtOtOh-i©44h-i*4-.1CO h-i h-11— h-i tOtO h- tOh-i ©h-tOh-i-4-l5Cjtc,h-i©©COtOCO-444©-4l—1 Ol © -4 tO CO 44 h-i to CO © -4 CO CO O h-i CO tO h- hi 44 44 hH h-i CO 44 to tO h-i p-i to 00 CO h-i 44 00 CO © h-i to CO © © Oi tO CM -4 CO tO JO CO h-i tO 44 Ol ©-4©4400COtOhntOOOCntO©© h- COtOlOh-i h-ih-i tOh-i ©hHCOCOCOh-iCD—ltnc-jO-itoh-' -4 -4 © CO © Ol 00 © -4 *. 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I—- tOtOCOtOCOh-itO4444.OlCOCOCOCO-4h-i©44.a044 44C044C0C044©C0C0h-ih-l—it0t0444444©C04-C0C0t0h-' © © to to Oi © 44 00 to 44 CO Ol Ol © CO © © to © Am't in inches. Oi TO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1844. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. 8. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. ] 27.93 31.17 28.41 25.90 31.03 35.60 33.83 40.11 34.54 32.54 38.70 41.15 43.58 46.17 43.19 41.32 48.67 51.10 34.74 33.28 33.90 32.00 37.12 43.11 35.02 37.68 35.01 32.94 38.88 40.19 64 68 63 65 69 72 8 12 9 4 12 22 28.9 30.3 27.9 22.0 30.1 31.8 27.0 25.6 26.0 28.9 26.8 18.1 23 5 30 11 26 9 Fort Snclling.......... METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 71 MONTH OF MARCH, 1844. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 a 5 a < REMARKS. S. E. S. P. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 Em >> 3 o 5 a '3 Ph is o a m 5 22 27 14 5 28 13 32 50 31 15 52 12 12 16 18 20 20 41 19 32 45 46 48 7 19 7 35 32 11 32 40 23 93 79 33 10 8 8 3 4 10 25 15 15 7 15 23 23 44 12 27 13 35 86 129 29 72 39 108 4.22 4.22 4.61 4.58 4.87 5.10 4.74 4.23 4.80 4.90 4.96 4.17 5.09 4.30 3.93 4.80 4.54 4.10 4.90 5.40 5.16 4.09 5.67 4.22 4.74 4.53 4.62 4.59 5.26 4.39 14 15 15 13 19 14 17 16 16 18 12 17 7 7 3 3 9 4 5 2 6 4 3 1 1.33 1.42 0.97 3.40 Ph i Ph H Ul h-1 o -i- w 00 Ph 1-1 J h-5 5 < Ch U < hH Uh O O o a i-3 O o P-i s o pq H W 1- C o CO © © iO IO tO © CD t- 00 © CO CO CM to 00 on 1- 10 00 © © on co 10 on io CO © IO **■ IO©-HLOCMCMOO©1— COrH -31 on cm -* -w rH CO CO CO co i-H CO rH t- co to C3 CO CM t- i-H CO CO «* © "* t- CM I-H rH 1-H W Q> to © c CO © to ■* i-h oo o CO (M i-H tO CO on r^ CO IO IO ^i CO CO -"J1 ■<* ^*l IO IO IO © LOi*iCMCOCM©iOCO©CM© © rH rH r H CO 5 o o 1-1 1-1 I-H CM 1-1 CO 1-1 CO i-H CM CO CO LO t- 1-H i-H CO CO IO if ■f _ _H rH rH ui -0 © © t- ■^1 CO © i—i -* IO (M r- m IO ■* t- iO rH i-H CO CM 00 -^" CM t- CM © © CM © it coooftonocsoi-oo 00 ■^1 CM © tO a CO CO IO i-H -^i CO "^i to © CM - IO tO CO IO ■* CM ■^1 IO CM CO rH (M I-H z, d 55 K ts CO © CM i-h © -* ■* © i-h in i-h ^ r- 10 -* 10 10 ,_, IO i-H 00 to CO ^t CM IO 00 H Tjl ■^©©eo^coot-ot-to © LO 00 CM CO h CM 1-1 «* i-i CO CM 1* CM CM CM i-H CM ■^i CM i-H rH CO CO rH r-l CM rt _-_ Tjl CO C __ O CM CM f i-H to IO CO © CM © © © IO © © CO I-H 1-H CO t- -H © Tt t- © to on © cm O IO i-H CO-© 00 CO IO © 00 -# 3 CJ % 00 CO i-H CM i-H CO '-' -* CM -* 1-H "3< IO 1-1 rH r-l t- 1-1 CM CM © oo to t- IO -* io -r to to a CO © CM -* Itl r- rH IO 00 IO CO © «* t- t- on co © co ©LOrHCMOCOIOCMOtOCO -H CO O rH ~i CM 1-1 1-1 rH rH ^ CM rH rH 1-1 |g to -* © ^1 co iO 00 iO O © i* t- © to cm 00 IO © IO 00 CM CO © to i-H © 10 UO © I— to i-Hi-Hlo©COCOCMiOCOCM© 00 IO -^ ■^ CO "3 a) t- CO CO T © © CO to CO CO IO r- to CO to 1* CO OOeOfr-rHCDlOCMt— ©IOC0 -* tO CM ec © n a co CM CM CM CO i-h CM CM CM CO -^ 1—1 CO CO CM CO CO CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO rH CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CM CM CM i-H CM CM CM CO c-. •*t IO If © c CM CM r- CC ^ CO t- © CM t- H a -* © I* CO ir CO IO Ifl o •* l- © to CM 00 10 © lO oc CM CO c tc 1-H © IO If © t- to © tc CO CM IO CO CM © CJO LO ■«• 1J1 o rH © O © CO CO co to co to to t- to to © CO CM © © © e c tc 1- if CO © © tc p- © 0 0 cr 0 © © 0 00 es s CO 00 © i-i n to io oo ■* ■* 1* CM tO © i-H UL) ■*fl CO 00 tO CM CM CO © c on 10 © tc cr. 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(* l*H u u. u u Ph e£ u 1 u. pa < u i u 1 b . u. < u u. < fe 0 fa I-h b- O r-fa^mhU.rlhhh^ Q UH rM 'H- co Ph H EH Ul hH ci -T it H on Ph „ i-J i-h Ph <1 Ph O Uh CJ3 ° o K hi © O Ph s O W H pq <\ E- H H Q ■>'0i{3u; ui JiUiy kpmio £NmSm2312tl3 ■HooHimoicomoooHoo •ot-toio©xto©eo©oxioc»cM-Heo©io© ; lOt-COCOCO-^r-lLOLOlO •COl-iTXLOt-t (M rH CM ee 74 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF APRIL, 1844. STATION'S. Fort Winnebago.. Fort Crawford Fort Atkinson Fort Snelling..... Fort Des Moines.. Fort Leavenworth THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. 47.26 55.36 50.38 62.20 47.93 56.83 44.96 51.03 50.96 61.06 58.80 61.93 9 P. M. Mean. 63.80 60.23 62.86 58.63 68.70 70.19 54.26 56.14 54.46 51.20 56.23 62.93 55.17 57.24 55.39 51.45 59.24 63.46 Range. Above mean. Below mean. 80 80 85 85 32 24.8 36 26.7 32 24.6 30 28.5 35 25.7 42 21.5 23.1 21.2 23.3 21.4 24.2 21.4 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 11 32 13 39 7 23 9 19 13 18 8 19 16 32 3 5 16 36 4 11 17 49 8 27 10 16 10 16 15 27 8 8 6 11 4 4 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 75 MONTH OF APRIL, 1844. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. xs u a a a REMARKS. S. E. I S. W. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M, 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. £ >> •a 0 a d tc o fc 5 Bi VI < 6 24 25 74 7 29 12 45 6 19 4.33 5.36 4.96 4.90 4.89 16 14 11 0 3.52 30 60 28 63 16 33 5 15 11 15 4.25 5.60 3.20 5.60 4.66 14 16 11 0 3.56 Morning temp, in ex- 38 105 24 73 11 27 6 19 6 9 4.00 3.80 3.63 4.76 4.04 12 18 9 0 .... 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Q fa IO h-1 CO CO CO h-' fe !2 S: ^ S SS tS § m S ^ S S S^ S SS » sl SS 2 a, h S 5 . ^ ° -" -i_^c:_^^ ° ----------------~ ' ,,„-„" " ^m^OlCnOlOl4^^COCnOlCnOlCOCOC0t04444©0l©^Cn44-444C0CnC044 o. © © oo © © Sbc5§ggcS§^SfeSSS§©^gS^S^SSgSS^S^SJ a©©oro©©coo© " r„ 4 ^ _, ^--C3Cn44^^©44WCnOl-J44Cn©©©4444C0444-©©©©^p'^«^f'^^P1 S HI I bS hk k k 11 fe a s is s a gg«.as.Bis..it..g8a8Kge.g.-88. ---------------------------^.I,mm^C04444.44Oi©44COCn4-.©^Ol Cn©0l0l440l444-.44©0l44©-^0, 440T014401C044 z^^To7^3-T^7p; © © o, .^ToT^©-^ © © o, ^ ^ss^nSbtSS^iobSSS^^^^CC: ^i?g^S^cSadk==S^gSiS;§S^gSggaSg^^ 8§_S88S8.gM.aBOo1o ©_©_co_ ------------------- --•-,na,-J4-*4©0l44©CnOlOlOlOl44-4Oi0lOl0lOl 4444WC0440l©0l©r30,0l©0lf40lC044 S -3 r= 8 55 r= CO Ol 44 44 -SgS55S855S5SSB<-g{2S5§£5SS § § 5 S 5 S B 5 5 5 S 5 8 S S S 5 5 £ 5 qq S ^4t©SSeo^©cxcJoooh^toS^coScnoicocototo© OuSh-!!D(»ffilOH ^o-Jeo-i^h^h^wo,-^^eD^-JOo©toooootooo-J ototoooi-^©cooo©-^co CO CO ooooooooooooooo ©©©©©©oooooooooooooo^^00000000^^ Cloudy Rain. Snow. ^n^^r^ThT^oin-r-T^ ^^^^^^••••••S":: r^^-I.' Am't in inches. 2 *^ 3 a h- H o f W o o 3 F H O O ^ O en t> -3 F H hH W X 44 4^ 44 JP hH W H W td 00 82 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JUNE, 1844. STATIONS. Fort Mackinac... Fort Brady....... Fort Wilkins. Fort Winnebago.. Fort Crawford Fort Atkinson Fort Snelling..... Fort Des Moines.. Fort Leavenworth THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. ?. R. 9 A. M. 8 P. M. 52.53 58.60 59.36 40.30 56.10 63.46 50.80 58.04 65.92 54.00 65.30 71.80 58.70 69.20 72.40 57.30 66.70 71.90 54.40 63.86 70.60 57.50 66.43 73.70 64.13 68.50 72.83 53.93 53.7] 52.35 61.76 64.19 60.50 61.70 61.90 69.53 54.10 53.39 56.78 63.21 66.12 64.10 62.64 64.88 68.75 Max. Min. Above mean. 70 42 15.9 73 32 19.6 85 38 28.2 80 37 16.7 82 41 15.8 84 44 19.9 83 41 20.3 90 42 25.1 88 54 19.2 Below mean. 12.1 21.3 18.7 26.2 25.1 20.1 21.6 22.8 14.7 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 11 19 22 37 7 7 7 4 4 14 2 3 3 3 7 13 28 7 13 10 9 11 11 18 10 13 25 6 16 16 29 57 24 51 10 15 11 10 10 29 7 14 38 82 7 CO 00 Ph fa Eh Ul hH fa Ph fa < O hH o fa o Ph O fa Eh fa 3 fa fa h-3 fa O X Eh rH O saqont n; ^my •Avong •ni^a -T -t IO i-H t-■ CM ©©©©©©©©© IO CO fr— CO O © t- it Lfpno-io iciifOiooiootoaiH LO eO rH LO rH CM -t --tijiiTitCOCOitCOCO to © to CO © t- IO it cm io co it it eo co to CO O I— -T fr— CO CO to o © to it— CO it © LOioitcocoeococoiT CDOCDCOOOCOCOCO t— CO^^irHIOrH-SIIO LO-t-t-S'COCMiTeOCM CO CO CO CO -^i ceo £ fc rH CC CO I— CM CM CO IO LO. © CO It It CO CO LO It CM CO It X CO It CM CO to LO CM r- CO to to CO CO If © CM CO rH CO eo It M LO CM rH LO CM eo CM LO © rH © t- = © CM ~ xn S LO CM © CO © CO CO CM t-© © 1M X CD LO CO © CO © rH X © © to © CM CD -t © It LO CC CM eo X I-H - to LO to © X © it i- CO CD eo rH 02 CM CO © It CM 1* CM CO X CO CO CM CO en 3 t-CM © ~ LO CM CM It © cn 84 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, MONTH OF JULY, 1844. STATIONS. Fort Kent............ Hancock Barracks Fort Sullivan......... Fort Preble........... Fort Constitution..... Watertown Arsenal ... Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Columbus....... Fort Hamilton........ West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal ... Plattsburg Barracks... Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Buffalo Barracks...... Alleghany Arsenal..., Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... Fort McHenry......, Fort Severn.......... Fort Monroe........, Fort Macon........., Fort Johnston........, Augusta Arsenal....., Fort Moultrie........ Oglethorpe Barracks ., Fort Marion......... Key West........... Fort Brooke.......... Camp Barrancas...... Mt. Vernon Arsenal... Fort Pike............ Fort Wood........... Pass Christian......... Baton Rouge......... Fort Jesup........... Camp Salubrity....... Fort Towson......... Fort Washita........ Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks .... St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... THERMOMETER. Mimii Temperature. .48 ,22 ,61 .00 ,19 .35 .19 ,54 ,87 ,09 .19 .16 .96 .64 .50 .35 .16 .38 .00 .54 .50 .12 .35 .40 .30 .93 .08 .55 .39 .29 .48 .41 .20 .64 .19 .41 .10 .06 .45 .61 .03 .09 .10 67 70 29 25 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 62.12 62.54 61.61 66.00 66.09 67.87 74.41 69.83 77.60 68.74 71.22 69.81 66.06 67.80 68.00 68.93 71.29 72.12 76.12 75.87 76.60 78.54 77.61 79.00 86.13 81.74 84.30 84.32 85.45 85.70 80.83 86.51 84.96 87.90 87.56 82.58 84.2G 83.48 90.45 82.87 83.93 84.67 79.68 81.16 77.25 81.41 76.03 68.58 68.51 65.91 69.00 71.03 78.29 76.21 79.06 81.19 76.36 77.74 76.97 76.48 73.77 78.5!} 72.00 76.25 84.12 82.61 83.74 81.19 82.35 83.48 79.90 87.14 88.77 85.48 89.22 84.16 87.58 85.58 87.41 9 J. 00 90.29 90.15 87.29 89.80 90.80 93.43 93.00 89.06 89.35 86.26 86.70 80.58 I 91.03 j 7". 13 56.16 59.38 56.64 60.00 62.93 66.16 67.19 63.35 71.51 73.36 69.32 64.74 62.70 65.38 65.30 65.51 67.61 70.87 76.33 71.97 76.15 77.96 78.25 79.12 79.26 81.54 82.41 78.87 78.84 81.00 79.64 81.22 78.51 81.41 82.13 82.41 78.22 82.45 82.68 81.73 82.56 78.41 78.91 78.54 76.80 80.80 68.51 59.08 60.66 59.19 63.00 64.56 67.92 71.00 68.44 74.51 71.39 71.37 68.17 66.30 66.90 68.57 67.20 69.33 73.12 77.01 74.53 77.36 77.99 78.67 78.85 82.46 81.49 83.29 81.74 80.96 83.64 80.63 83.64 81.17 85.06 84.26 82.92 81.84 83.20 85.75 82.80 82.99 81.13 79.99 80.27 77.58 81.63 70.73 79 82 84 87 90 86 85 86 86 83 88 82 85 92 90 92 94 93 93 83 93 95 94 98 88 93 90 92 98 98 98 97 93 100 98 97 101 98 91 96 86 98 86 40 43 42 46 49 42 60 49 59 60 58 47 47 48 43 50 46 54 64 56 55 66 71 70 71 70 74 70 72 76 70 74 70 74 74 74 70 72 73 68 70 68 70 63 69 62 51 r,, Above mean. 18.9 18.3 22.8 24.0 22.4 19.1 17.0 17.6 15.5 14.6 13.4 17.8 19.7 16.1 19.4 14.8 15.7 18.9 13.0 17.5 16.6 15.0 14.3 4.2 10.5 13.5 10.7 16.3 7.0 9.4 9.4 8.4 16.8 12.9 13.7 14.1 11.2 16.8 12.2 14.2 18.6 16.8 11.0 15.7 8.4 16.4 15.3 Below mean. 19.1 17.7 17.2 17.0 15.6 25.9 11.0 19.4 15.5 11.4 13.6 21.2 19.3 18.9 23.6 17.2 23.3 19.1 13.0 18.5 22.4 12.0 7.7 8.8 11.5 11.5 9.3 11.7 9.0 7.6 10.6 9.6 11.2 11.1 10.3 8.9 11.8 11.2 12.8 14.8 12.4 13.2 10.0 17.3 8.6 19.6 19.7 No. of Observations 11 11 11 2 4 7 21 14 8 11 18 10 1 1 3 7 7 18 3 3 19 10 2 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 5 0 4 21 5 12 0 3 3 0 o o 3 7 7 20 26 | 8 27 j 10 22 10 24 20 11 . 26 7 13 12 ] 13 43 13 28 \ 19 | 53 37 35 12 \ 17 19 18 17 3 18 5 0 19 2 | 18 :j.; 15 0 16 0 0 0 11 5 10 0 9 4 3 0 6 6 17 12 o 4 3 15 11 33 16 3 7 20 7 16 3 ! 28 ! 28 0 | 0 | 0 0 5 18 0 ! 0 | 0 6 5 | 9 16 13 18 14 20 j 13 50 18 i 41 16 19 7 5 4 30 13 9 23 4 0 0 7 2 7 32 15 8 12 4 18 16 77 63 51 28 62 24 57 130 20 8 1 16 147 9 1 14 8 12 0 32 1 18 3 00 PS fa H Ul Ci5 -t fa it X fa 1-1 r- fa fa < fa 1-3 o fa h-1 o o m o h fa r< o o fa r=i o fa EH fa 3 •ssqout ui },tnv *pn°I0 © t— o ox© COIOrHrHCMlOCOtO^'l— t. C £ rH fcl M i-H CH xxcMxt-itrHo©cox©co^iO!Mt-toot-cocox©©t— t-i-4M^""5ncnSinHij©©>eoLOeoxit©toiti— corn S2^222^^S^2^S222gSSS^^^SS,'SSH2S^ ^eoxi^eo©^coiocM©©©LOcocMG iteoiTitiTeoiTif-ttoiotoi- -tioiOiTittOLOLoiOLOi— eoiOLOittDt—eocoioeoitittoio ©CMM©©©LOiO©©©©©LOtD©tOO©M(MCMt-©rH©eO'5'2''*^';t ©CMCM00t^O^CMCM©G^t-l-itCMCM©©rHCMCMCO0t0CX3lOCMX Li^ic)i6^»B^*»^»w»'n^B»ww»^^^^*hm^^W!9'9,'t-(Mtoioco©©eot-eo©©t-cM 0 to to to to CO 44 -4 eo to © 44 to 1-1 CO a 3 IV) to CO CO h- Oi © 00 to CJO © 44 uu 3" h-l to h-i 0 44 h-i © -j 44 © to Oi © CO to Ol _ 44 hH IO Cn 44 © © to © 3 10 to _ h-1 © © CD CO Oi CO CO uu £0 k 53 44 to CO to 4-| to to to to 4- to to 01 Oi IV) CO to to 44 00 44 Cn CO -J to to to ti to to CO h- (73 44 eo M 00 © 0 -J to Oi 01 to to to CO 44 to CO CO to _ © to CO 44 © 00 01 44 Oi 2 k 44 44 44 to © 44 CO I—" -4 -J 44 CO © to *"" 00 Ol Ol CO 44 44 CO to 44 CO 44 Oi 44 Ul Ol on to to 4) © Ol -1 93 CO © CD © © CO 4.J © CZ) 4- f Oi 44 Ol 44 44 44 44 Oi Ol 44 0 > h-i Ol O CO to CO to 0 -J 0 p IO h- to © to to Oi to 44 © 0 p Oi Ol Ol 44 44 44 Oi 01 Ol 44 CO hi tO h-i to 44 10 to 0 to 44 © 0 -3 © to © to to CO 0 © r* 0 > a © © Oi © © Ol Oi Ol Oi Ol hj © co 44 CO to CD CO CO g VI 93 X hr eo CO 0 to to CO Ol to Oi Oi Ol 44 44 44 44 Oi Ol 44 g l_l --1 to Ol Ol 44 m Ol p= to © © © © to © uu © Ol to ,_, Fair. -J © -4 44 © © -J -J © CO 0 VI Cloudy f 44 Ol 44 -J Oi Oi 44 44 93 > to CO CO Ol Ol on 0 © ti << S3 © © © 0 0 © © 0 © © Snow. > 00 CO 44 © 00 Ol to CO inches. •z, 0 It) 3 x to © 44 © 44 CO 93 M > 93 f° K H h3 H O s* W hH O O 3 f H O X Q O hH *TJ O -H > CI f «i ** w X fd 44 fa M Ul h3 H w 00 88 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF AUGUST, 1844. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Fort Kent............. Hancock Barracks...... Fort Sullivan........ Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution...... ^watertown Arsenal Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull......... Fort Columbus......... Fort Hamilton......... West Point............ Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks.... Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario.......... Fort Niagara.......... Buffalo Barracks....... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort Mifflin........... Fort McHenry......... Fort Severn........... Fort Monroe.......... Fort Macon........... Fort Johnston......... Augusta Arsenal....... Fort Moultrie.......... Oglethorpe Barracks ... Fort Marion........... Key "West............ Fort Brooke........... Camp Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal. Fort Pike............. Fort Wood............ Pass Christian......... Baton Rouge.......... Fort Jesup........... Camp Salubrity........ Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal...... Detroit Barracks....... 50.96 54.06 54.06 57.00 58.03 58.54 65.93 61.83 67.00 66.09 63.00 64.71 57.70 61.35 60.60 60.32 59.48 61.41 68.29 63.87 69.25 70.77 73.45 75.61 73.23 71.12 '8.5 ri.5 4.7 JO.2 '6.1 75.41 71.20 76.45 75.52 75.83 72.64 72.60 73.51 71.70 73.03 67.54 71.26 65.18 69.77 65.00 59.06 78.56 82.58 71.58 81.77 74.71 82.68 80.22 86.32 76.16 78.35 61.90 63.35 62.09 65.00 65.35 70.93 73.45 68.93 73.20 71.19 70.09 72.03 66.25 67.90 67.10 66.51 70.12 69.67 72.12 74.45 74.80 75.38 76.41 77.74 81.20 79.93 82.58 81.77 32.68 36.32 78.35 84.25 80.32 84.80 85.13 82.87 82.90 81.32 75.10 79.32 81.55 78.67 75.15 74.00 74.06 73.93 70.16 69.45 69.42 67.38 69.00 70.12 76.70 76.70 76.25 80.64 77.77 75.96 81.84 73.64 71.51 71.20 70.35 75.61 78.22 78.51 81.91 79.16 80.61 81.93 79.80 84.20 87.19 84.25 87.74 82.18 88.74 82.16 85.22 86.42 87.67 87.27 87.58 87.16 90.03 92.00 92.00 94.48 86.74 86.07 84.64 78.16 66.09 I 73.16 56.41 60.19 58.74 60.00 61.67 63.96 63.35 66.61 70.90 72.22 66.90 68.90 62.03 63.83 65.00 64.03 61.67 66.57 73.48 69.97 73.18 75.06 76.74 76.90 78.30 79.45 80.74 78.22 77.74 80.48 78.03 78.12 74.70 80.25 80.20 80.93 78.25 79.83 81.74 80.00 81.09 74.32 77.12 72.16 73.12 74.35 64.29 ' 59.68 61.75 60.57 62.75 63.79 67.53 71.11 68.40 72.93 71.82 68.99 71.87 64.90 66.15 65.82 65.30 66.72 68.97 73.10 72.55 74.10 75.45 74.13 77.51 79.18 79.42 81.53 79.83 79.33 83.94 78.67 80.75 78.16 82.29 82.03 81.80 80.24 80.94 80.59 80.75 82.54 76.82 77.40 74.24 73.78 74.84 66.67 78 79 82 81 81 90 83 85 89 86 86 88 86 84 84 79 87 89 87 92 89 91 94 84 88 96 89 95 88 94 87 90 96 93 96 94 93 99 99 101 102 95 94 95 85 98 82 Above mean. 37 41 51 50 52 48 58 53 60 60 53 47 41 46 52 50 48 52 58 53 55 58 63 68 59 58 66 59 65 75 55 58 57 66 69 64 66 64 68 60 66 55 58 50 55 48 50 18.3 17.2 21.4 18.2 17.2 22.5 11.9 16.6 16.1 14.2 17.0 16.1 21.1 17.8 18.2 13.7 20.3 20.0 13.9 19.4 14.9 15.5 19.9 6.5 8.8 16.6 7.5 15.2 8.7 10.1 8.3 9.2 17.8 10.7 14.0 13.2 12.8 18.1 18.4 20.2 19.5 18.2 16.6 20.8 11.2 13.2 15.3 Below mean, 22.7 20.8 9.6 12.8 11.8 19.5 13.1 15.4 12.9 11.8 16.0 24.9 23.9 20.2 13.8 15.3 18.7 17.0 15.1 19.6 19.1 17.5 11.1 9.5 20.2 21.4 15.5 20.8 14.3 8.9 23.7 22.8 21.2 16.3 13.0 17.8 14.2 16.9 12.6 20.8 16.5 21.8 19.4 24.2 18.8 16.8 16.7 No. of Observations 17 16 7 11 6 4 10 12 4 6 3 1 2 1 5 12 5 11 4 1 19 12 12 5 4 3 9 30 6 4 0 7 0 5 31 2 0 0 9 18 2 0 0 22 8 24 9 26 38 10 38 16 6 27 31 4 18 5 1 2 o 15 35 10 13 5 1 37 36 3 9 6 5 19 38 11 5 0 17 0 •8 36 2 0 0 9 19 4 0 0 36 17 25 19 10 6 5 4 13 16 12 16 16 33 2 0 13 8 15 21 3 3 0 18 6 5 12 11 14 8 14 5 22 3 26 17 46 15 0 7 14 0 18 27 1 4 15 11 18 10 13 8 12 29 24 25 41 23 67 4 0 21 22 27 66 5 6 0 35 11 17 27 31 34 10 35 7 53 8 30 43 79 27 0 8 33 0 18 39 3 10 25 14 27 8 14 3 13 17 4 5 8 4 6 7 9 2 0 0 2 3 1 4 4' 12 3 5 2 27 10 25 14 34 33 20 40 9 5 5 20 31 12 57 5 7 22 5 24 13 7 1 8 1 3 35 18 12 5 15 4 13 13 17 4 0 0 3 3 2 7 5 13 7 14 4 62 30 67 27 78 47 37 91 11 15 8 51 37 17 112 10 7 23 8 42 22 13 1 a: 00 Ph H EH to hH CJ it -t X w Ph H w •4 O ©eOCD-4li*iT10tOt^ t- © t- t- to to t- LO©rHtoco©cM©rH©©OTX©©cMrHLocot-i— xcocDogoLO *S-S_3r2;S-i?S?-! i-oaSoffl^ioSSncioHinoco^HH^tiirjooHninia^fflaiei^riirjcin IQt2c2'-3ulCTJ^^c^ CMiTCMCOiTCOCO-*CMtOiTiT^COeOiTCOrHCOeO©OlOtOO -LOt- CO IO it CO X CO CO©-tt-©lteOIOXeOOI*-tfr-XXXt-t-XiT©©itit(Ml-HOOXeOrHX©^©rHX(MlOtOrHt-rHlOrH^CO rHCMCMrHrHCMrH. CMCMrHitMCOeDCM-^COCOrHCMCOIOCOi—I CO rHLOlTlt l-Hl-H rH -tf i-H fr- t-t-CMOOrHLOOOOTitLOCOfMeOl— IOt-CMCOXtOCMrHt-> •a 0 o 3 .2 i-o a ul 28 6 30 8 7 25 18 21 3 13 84 14 63 24 21 32 24 31 5 26 9 13 5 31 6 8 17 18 25 37 21 30 2 89 22 11 30 19 36 111 25 34 13 32 15 15 14 34 9 11 69 95 29 110 31 19 32 35 20 34 5 55 34 10 14 2 4 14 35 8 13 112 95 25 52 5 9 24 43 7 17 14 22 28 25 61 46 22 15 22 50 42 54 82 84 82 72 29 24 42 3.87 5.19 3.70 3.09 4.96 4.40 4.93 4.67 5.00 3.27 4.25 5.03 3.38 3.77 4.80 4.00 4.38 6.16 5.61 5.80 4.03 5.48 3.77 4.64 4.22 4.28 4.56 6.25 8.58 6.70 5.64 6.03 4.64 5.00 5.77 6.50 7.29 5.32 5.09 7.20 4.44 5.43 4.90 4.12 4.94 4.79 5.29 5.60 5.32 5.74 12 16 8 13 15 18 18 22 20 21 19 15 23 18 16 13 13 9 11 10 14 11 18 11 13 14 9 8 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.99 4.98 5.16 6.06 5.09 4.37 4.80 TOc^S2SSS^S^wo^^_^^roS-I0^^^»^^^^»^c»rHrHr-iCMtOlOtO©rHrH eDCOtOtOCOLOCOtOCOCOtOtOtOCOtOt-1— to t— IO © iO IO © to X © 1- CM 2iJ!2^S?S^^"®^®ww^HHCococ>i-*cooi i— i— t-t-t-xt-t-t- t- t— r- t-t-i— t-i-totoeoeoeDeo to CO © o otoeoiocotoeoo itCMtOi—ll-i—lOOitX I^S:^^;7;©cox©©x©fr—cMioxrHocoit teiototoeotoioioioiOLoeDtoeotoeot— t— t— i— ©too©©xrHeoeo t-l-HLOXCOCMrHCM© l— fr- CM CM iO © i— I- t- t- fr- t- © © co eo co to co to to to to to -t to © X © COOrH-sHCOt— O© LOCMCMCMXitXl— LO © CM CO it CM eo to eo to t- © l— rH © ti- h, tfi O 3 fa n < •3 o s s ■c « Sis> 3 g rC -C T2 £ to <-> fa fa fa fc, fa fa tm t -2 t 5 o so o < fa O fa cd & k5,°KSkrHOOcdet!OcclO rOfaOgfafaCucSfcCJfc B - ° Ul O r/j fa fa fa fa a -3 M £ Q Ul Ul 03 O X 03 Ul 13 u X CD ci "ci hi 3 o o d a s S3 Ul a a Oh B '3 Ph ~a a eo CO _, to CM LO fr- eo LO to it LO X CO o o -H X -H © CM © CO o LO X ee eo o CO m i(tny CO X CO I— LO fr- CM T LO CO LO CO it IO CM CM LO CO CO It it fr- CM X CO © © i-1 LO LO © LO CM i-1 ' -H rH CM rt CM it LO CM It It CO CO © © © © CM It it IT to it III © CM to eo fr— X eo (M o ^ rt © rH CM * ^ CM CM o CO i-H © ^ ■MOUg © © © © o © © © © © © © © © © © © o © © © © © © o © o © o © o © © © o © O o © © © © © o © (M © © X to to If -* CO If CD CO It If "=f CM CO CO ■ql It to LO X eo © CM CO © X CO »* __j LO iT fr- It CO i* eo to CM CO l— it fr— -h LO •uuiy 1-1 1-1 1-1 1—1 CM LO CO it CO It CM © fr- © © -* CO X CM eo CM __, © -* _H X -T eo © it o It CO iT © © © © CM rH .vpnoio ■"H rH rH rH I-H 1-1 ~~* '"", ^ rH rt 1-1 rH rH 1-1 1—1 1—1 1-1 1—1 " 1—1 nH - _J to X ,_, ee © © eo fr— CM X 1— CO (73 rH to © CM to t— o to o eo it CO _ -H o X © c £8 rH CM CM M CM CM I-H CM CM CM CM 1-1 1-1 CM '"" rH rH 1—1 CM 1-1 rH CM M rH CM 1-1 CM 1-1 (M iO CM IO X © i— _, © fr- If LO 1— CO a © X LO LO O fr- CO __, CD it -T it t- CM CO M rH t- o -t © it fr— O CM to rH it eo It rH it LO © CM it to to I— it © I— X CO o to ee o © © © ' rt 1" —' p: LO LO ee LO LO X LO LO LO fr— to eo to LO LO LO LO LO to ee to CO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO -t LO to to fr- LO LO CO LO to CO to CO LO to CO fr-o LO to © o CO CO o eo o o CO to © © © o CO eo © © ee ee to 1— CM CO CO © © eo o to © rH © CO r-H fr- CD LO © X fr- X CD to LO M © LO o to CM X it X CO © © © I-1 © X X CM CM I-1 CM 1—1 ~~' Ch Ci to CO fr- LO to © CO fr- CO CO eo ee LO to to t- t- t— eo fr- fr— fr- fr- eo to eo to LO eo CO LO ee t- fr- LO LO -T CO X I— fr- X fr- eo eo CO © © © © © to ee © ee ee eo o © eo CO © © CO © o ee LO CO CO to . o o ee o ee CO eo eo * eo OT ee CM © © M ee X ee X X CO © X CO CM -t to It M CM o CM CO it CM it © CM CO -T © M IX) I-1 IX) © eo LO it eo LO LO fr- LO LO LO t- to to X LO LO to LO LO LO LO t- to IO LO eo LO LO it LO to ee LO LO eo it It LO LO eo CD CO eo LO IO © X eo iO © © © to CO CO te 1— © to CO © to CO CO © CO © o ■ CO eo © o CM o o CO it to © CO ^ I— X CO LO o ee to I— LO iT LO o X IO X fr- CM X CM CM It © X CM It X fr- © I-H L— LO LO o © It CM CO It © © 1—1 LO CO -' ■*! 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CO ee LO ee CO © P i-H " If " CM CM CM -t it ^ "AlOUS © © •o i-H © o © o © o a <1 P fr- © © on fr- 1— © o LO 1-1 rH r-H /TpnoiQ it © © to CM it © X CD It 03 rH I-H I-H rH rH rH (3 Q it on CO © CM © CO •JIBj CM r"1 rH 1-1 CM CM CM rH % fr- © LO CO LO LO CM it It it it © to eo © O -t CO B5 ^ M LO to it It LO LO LO to eo LO !_,' CO © CO © © © to o © CO ^ CO eo It to CO CO CO © rH CO H B3 Ph IO LO CD eo fr- LO fr- I— EH o H 0> to © CO to © o ee © ee © ^ ^ X it fr- to fr— CM eo I-H n CO In I-H CO -T to it CO LO LO IO I— to LO o a s © © eo CO CO © CO © CO © a © it CO X © fr- -T © CM LO s -t CD it eo LO ee LO LO CO 1* CO CO CO © CM to © o CO P3 CO LO iT ee CM to I-H CO © td it LO CO eo -T CO LO CO to CO © _^ to CO CM If CM eo CM I-H r-3 LO CO CO t— CO to it to eo X CM It __, © LO © LO eo ■* 1-1 CM It CO CM l-H fr- © eo CO en o CO © X CO [S> -T LO eo CO rH 1-1 1-1 ee -t o CM rH LO o CO X CO CM CO it CO If It eo LO © eo fr- OC! I-H CI) CO CM CM CM p r~ o CM m CM CM rH CM *" CO CO CM 1-1 CM ^ iO It eo it © CO © LO © oi eo it iT CO CO It LO LO cn 1— 1— o I— © X h rH CM CM CM rH O © © fr- cn CO fr- LO CM 1— © s 3 H3 w CM CO ee CM CM ee CO it 1-1 r/j LO CO CO © fr- CM CO if CO LO it CM CO M CO Eli 96 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1844. STATIONS. Fort Kent.......... Hancock Barracks .. Fort Sullivan....... Fort Preble......... Fort Constitution ... Watertown Arsenal. Fort Adams........ Fort Trumbull...... Fort Columbus..... Fort Hamilton...... West Point......... Watervliet Arsenal.. Plattsburg Barracks . Madison Barracks...... 40.45 Fort Ontario.......... 41.40 Fort Niagara.......... 42.06 Buffalo Barracks....... 39.41 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 34.41 37.48 44.29 43.00 44.48 41.45 50.06 45.71 50.06 49.26 46.82 39.55 38.09 9 A. M. 8 P. M Fort Mifflin........... 41.48 50.09 46.90 48.90 52.35 57.51 Fort Macon........... 60.20 56.17 Augusta Arsenal....... Fort Moultrie......... 56.58 63.29 Oglethorpe Barracks... 55.55 65.87 Key West............. 75.64 67.12 Mount Vernon Arsenal. Fort Pike............. 59.22 56.00 60.70 Fort Wood............ 62.00 61.64 56.24 ^.......... 52.93 56.00 51.09 53.64 46.45 50.65 Fort Scott............. 42.77 47.45 41.93 39.43 39.45 42.41 50.64 47.50 48.09 49.09 54.00 49.64 53.35 52.00 49.44 46.19 43.32 45.35 46.10 46.74 46.77 46.35 53.25 53.32 51.28 55.96 60.19 61.24 64.70 68.06 66.11 65.38 73.61 81.09 71.77 72.90 60.76 68.06 69.40 69.32 67.31 57.87 66.00 58.39 59.06 56.77 55.51 52.16 52.14 50.22 51.19 9 P. M. 47.29 49.32 53.83 52.30 54.12 56.74 57.54 56.35 59.06 58.26 54.72 55.65 50.00 49.83 43.50 49.48 52.12 55.12 59.19 59.22 58.25 60.41 64.71 64.16 71.29 70.51 69.80 72.77 74.16 81.83 77.61 75.22 71.84 73.35 75.20 75.96 77.30 70.74 74.00 70.77 68.90 68.32 68.40 61.54 58.90 61.19 54.61 38.12 41.77 47.58 46.20 48.03 46.32 52.93 49.03 51.60 52.87 48.27 45.45 40.16 43.12 43.00 45.19 43.54 45.64 54.93 50.22 53.10 54.93 59.84 62.30 62.30 60.61 67.19 62.58 70.03 76.64 72.45 67.70 62.00 66.16 66.20 66.87 64.29 62.19 65.00 58.32 60.97 53.25 57.10 50.90 52.65 50.83 43.87 39.82 42.74 49.08 47.25 48.68 48.40 53.63 50.18 53.52 53.10 49.81 46.71 42.89 44.69 45.00 45.84 45.46 47.15 54.36 52.41 52.88 55.91 60.56 61.97 63.61 63.94 66.60 64.07 70.92 78.80 72.24 68.76 62.65 67.07 68.20 68.45 66.28 60.93 65.25 59.64 60.64 56.20 57.91 51.84 52.78 51.04 47.27 Range. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. 59 62 66 67 71 72 68 68 73 68 72 68 68 66 68 64 68 69 72 72 69 68 74 73 79 80 79 82 82 86 82 84 82 84 84 85 85 88 86 86 86 82 86 81 72 78 21 24 33 32 33 26 39 33 36 37 33 32 19 24 30 28 24 26 38 34 38 39 41 45 35 36 45 32 43 66 45 40 39 42 46 53 40 35 39 28 32 30 27 26 29 22 18 19.2 19.3 16.9 19.7 22.3 23.6 14.4 17.8 19.5 14.9 22.2 21.3 25.1 21.3 23.0 18.2 22.5 21.8 17.6 19.6 16.1 12.1 13.4 11.0 15.4 16.1 12.4 17.9 11.1 7.2 9.8 15.2 19.3 16.9 15.8 16.5 18.7 28.1 20.7 26.4 25.4 25.8 28.1 29.2 19.2 26.0 24.7 Oi Ph fa Eh Ul CiJ fa a. hi < HH Cis O o Ph o fa Eh fa ssipui u; cdinv ■JiOUg /Cpnoio o (- g Ul 03 Eh • HIM^lBiiiOOCIlCOCOf! •M^©t-©^-0©COXlOlOCMt-i-Hl-©t-©©©©CO-HiOrH |!"°HCDCatBg^ ireoioeoLoxcocoot-© -LOLOxir©x©©©OCOIOl—- c^t c-- ■^-ritioiti— -HiiTLOLOiocococoiTitioitiTeoLotoioeoeototocotot-iot— fr— ©t^^-colOt— eoi— i— tototoioco -Ht-rH©eOMrHCO©OCO©t-CM©-trHiTXXiOX-T©tO©©©t-it©fr— CMOCM^©CO^^iTC»^COinrH© LOt-l-OX©iOiTrHCM©CMCMCOCMCOlO-^,COiTCO'—'LOCOlOrHOCMr— ©LOOSX-^OCOXOsmXCOtOiTt^rHr-i^CT cncri-^cnentr~cri-^rtinco^r--Pcricr,^cncn--p-^in-^'*'sitsi--r'^ ^t-©©XO©rHCOX©ifiTit©rHLOt-©tO©CMlOXO^t-itCOOrH©tOlOCOXlO©©©CO©lOtO©©0 cMXrHcoiocoxiTcMLOtOLOLOLOCMcocot— ©-HCMcoitrHtoeoeoeDrH©it©coiTrHcoiM©©03XXiT©CM—; 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X rH CM it M © © It © © fr-ee fr— 1* X © M iT O CM to to CM X T -T © X © LO CM © © LO rH to O - CO fr— 1— M © to CM 0 it X CO LO © CD © It X 3 fr-it © CO O CO X CM rH © rH eo "T CO O © " 10 CM CO CM LO CM CM O X fr- CM M © X X CD LO O © © 1-H LO © O CO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1844. STATIONS. S. R. Fort Mackinac.........' 33.60 Fort Brady............ 27.50 Fort Wilkins..........j 28.20 Fort Winnebago....... 28.53 Fort Crawford......... 30.14 Fort Atkinson......... 28.93 FortSnelling.......... 24.80 Fort Des Moines....... 29.00 Fort Leavenworth ..... 33.06 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 8 P. M. i 9 P. M. Mean 34.63 29.80 30.73 31.76 38.80 31.90 26.00 35.13 36.43 36.40 32.30 31.30 36.90 40.12 36.86 34.03 43.73 44.93 34.63 29.70 27.93 31.26 34.10 31.13 27.56 34.93 39.16 34.81 29.82 29.54 32.11 35.79 32.23 28.10 35.70 38.39 Range. 48 47 52 60 65 58 59 68 73 6 - 1 9 0 2 - 1 - 4 10 15 Above mean. 13.2 17.2 22.5 27.9 29.2 25.8 20.9 32.3 34.6 Below mean. 28.8 30.8 20.5 32.1 33.8 33.2 32.1 25.7 23.4 No. of Observationa 9 40 7 11 19 25 20 38 3 5 13 3 16 17 1 13 28 5 6 6 5 7 9 21 14 30 11 CO © Ph fa H Ul hH -T C X fa 1-1 Ph Pi w hA oq ^ fa O > M O C3 25 o fa hi O o X « 25 o O fa s Eh fa a ui W PS -«! S w w o to fi y IO CI eo CM ee 1— CM CM ^ CO ^ l-H © © © CO X if -* CO __, eo CM CM o X rH l-H y I— CM If -t © t CO __, © _.« _ l-H .CpnoiQ 1— to o © CM X X CO CM CM CM CM CM rH rH rH 03 P CO if © 00 CM CM fr— ■iVR J ~' 1-1 1—1 1-1 l-H c c3 CO 1— LO CM X 1— it t- X M If © rH IX) fr— *4 B CM -1 ^ CO CO CM it -* LO ^ to CO CO © CO © CO LO X X fr- CM iT © M -T M o Cn CO CM ^ ee it CO t to CO Ed s CO CO eo CO © CO CO CO ^ eo X CM eo CM M CM eo LO c3 Ph CO CM ~ rH CO CO CO LO LO LO CJ CO to © CO CO © to © o to eo © rH It CM © LO B Ci CM rH ~ M CO CM T It LO eo to CO to r-l O © to CO M eo It 1— o M t- CM X LO CO CM " © eo CO it CO It LO fr- ^ fc X LO ee o 1— It) CM ee it 1- if © CM X CD to IO CM ^ ■^< M to M it 1—1 ee © ee to ,_, © O fr- © it >■ to -t LO rt -T ee CO 1-1 CM 1— it LO -HI CO © CM rH ^ rH 1—1 CM fr- © __, LO © _, CM © CO ee CO LO ■^" CM CO rH -I y £. 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Fort, Brady....... Fort Wilkins..... Fort Winnebago.. Fort Crawford.... Fort Atkinson Fort Snelling..... Fort Des Moines.. Fort Leavenworth MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1844. THERMOMETER. 18.32 20.93 15.90 15.29 14.54 13.06 20.83 27.22 Mean Temperatui-e. A. M. 3 P. M. 20.29 22.45 19.80 18.22 18.03 15.12 25.35 30.06 23.61 25.09 27.12 27.20 24.87 23.29 35.93 39.70 9 P. M. 21.45 22.22 20.67 21.17 17.61 16.74 25.51 31.73 Mean. 20.91 22.67 20.87 20.47 18.76 17.05 26.90 32.18 34 42 45 44 39 42 48 58 Range. Above Below mean. mean. 13.0 19.3 24.1 23.5 20.2 25.0 21.0 25.8 23.0 16.7 25.9 27.5 22.8 25.0 31.0 21.2 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 16 44 9 21 24 63 10 36 7 20 2 4 6 24 6 24 3 9 11 14 18 18 0 0 37 114 7 20 6 18 6 19 8 17 7 8 25 50 4 5 36 38 2 2 7 9 1 2 © Ph fa Eh Ul M fa P3 .J «! Q hH o o P3 o fa Eh fa 00 i M P3 > ft ■upsa CM ~ CM 1* T It CM © Xpnoio © CM TO CM © CO CO rH © >» ft •jib^ > *3 CM ■-H Tt "-I -» LO LO rH © LO ^ eo to CM © ee It CO ,_l CO CT3 -t o _ CO M © fr- to Q r= CM It "—' CM Ol CM CM to X It) © cm © it CM -*"1 —* 1-1 l-H l-H CO to CM CO to X © LO CO CO CO rt CM S to o o ee LO 1— CO Tt CM to CO © X cn CM o LO a 3 H to 1-1 CM CO CO Lfl -T w CO o to © IO If c-i © it CO CM 1—I It CM 00 © METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 109 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1844. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above Below LOCALITY * mean. mean. 39.82 26.59 10.70 59.65 39.96 90 - -16 Maine. 42.74 28.72 17.50 38.72 60.93 42.31 14.01 38.99 86 - -22 47.0 61.0 Maine. 49.08 36.89 27.16 43.07 59.26 48.24 22.98 43.39 82 - -10 38.6 53.4 Maine. 47.25 35.90 26.25 41.76 62.17 47.05 20.81 42.95 84 - -13 41.0 56.0 Maine. 48.68 38.26 29.46 44.32 63.42 48.89 34.21 47.71 88 - - 6 40.3 53.7 New Hampshire. 48.40 36.30 46.99 66.45 48.13 ...... ...... 92 - - 8 Massachusetts. 53.63 42.73 34.20 46.92 69.64 53.28 29.00 49.71 88 3 38.3 46.7 Rhode Island. 50.18 39.59 29.20 47.03 66.93 50.41 25.78 47.54 90 - 3 42.5 50.5 Connecticut. 53.52 43.33 33.97 51.88 72.23 54.21 29.82 52.03 92 3 40.0 49.0 New York. 53.10 43.42 34.00 50.35 70.03 54.20 30.04 51.15 86 0 34.8 51.2 New York. 49.81 39.27 30.06 50.24 £9.26 50.49 25.06 48.76 88 — 4 39.2 52.8 New York. 46.71 35.31 30.52 49.82 68.39 47.95 22.90 47.26 89 -22 41.7 69.3 New York. 42.89 29.19 18.95 44.36 64.07 43.55 16.32 42.07 87 —18 44.9 60.1 New York. • 44.69 33.79 25.00 45.18 65.06 46.37 19.91 44.13 86 — 6 41.9 50.1 New York. 45.00 35.85 27.60 46.86 65.37 47.31 23.32 45.71 88 — 7 42.3 52.7 New York. 45.84 38.40 31.74 46.43 64.72 48.53 27.54 46.80 82 2 35.2 44.8 New York. 45.46 36.78 30.09 46.85 67.12 47.86 26.62 47.11 87 1 39.9 46.1 New York. 47.15 38.59 31.88 54.26 70.09 49.31 29.57 50.81 92 0 41.2 50.8 Pennsylvania. 54.36 41.61 32.93 55.31 73.40 54.21 29.75 53.17 90 0 36.8 53.2 Pennsylvania. 52.41 42.59 33.55 54.28 72.35 53.51 31.29 52.86 92 6 39.1 46.9 Pennsylvania. 52.88 41.08 33.25 54.76 73.60 53.53 31.52 53.35 94 5 40.6 48.4 Maryland. 55.91 46.34 37.46 56.08 75.16 57.11 33.55 55.47 93 8 37.5 47.5 Maryland. 60.56 52.46 41.84 60.10 75.90 61.55 38.28 58.96 95 13 36.0 46.0 Virginia. 61.97 ...... • •>••• 61.84 76.83 84 19 -- North Carolina. 63.61 59.77 48.50 65.29 79.80 66.24 45.92 64.31 93 20 28.7 44.3 North Carolina. 63.94 57.14 48.42 67.56 79.32 65.17 48.13 65.04 96 16 31.0 49.0 Geiifrgia. 66.60 61.92 52.76 67.02 81.56 67.89 51.42 67.00 94 24 27.0 43.0 South Carolina. 64.07 60.00 49.18 68.25 80.48 66.16 50.37 66.31 98 22 31.7 44.3 Georgia. 70.92 67.33 56.03 68.49 79.34 71.73 56.75 69.08 88 25 18.9 44.1 Florida. 78.80 77.29 69.23 74.96 82.97 79.86 ...... ...... 94 51 -- Florida. 72.24 69.64 58.10 74.03 78.65 73.08 59.77 71.38 90 32 18.6 29.4 Florida. 68.76 63.11 52.43 69.65 81.61 69.94 55.37 69.14 92 28 22.9 4.11 Florida. 62.65 57.07 47.40 79.25 64.56 ...... ...... 98 24 -- -- Alabama. 68.45 97 -- -- Mississippi. 67.07 59.60 52.66 71.60 82.94 68.33 55.47 69.58 98 28 24.4 4.16 Louisiana. 68.20 61.81 65.02 53.42 57.18 71.22 71.51 82.63 69.69 56.46 58.33 70.00 98 30 33 28.0 40.0 Louisiana. Louisiana. 66.28 63.43 50.94 70.26 80.28 68.37 55.93 68.71 93 27 24.3 41.7 Louisiana. 60.93 56.54 48.43 68.25 81.11 63.72 51.71 66.20 100 19 33.8 47.2 Louisiana. 65.25 57.75 49.75 ...... ...... 66.17 ...... ...... 99 24 -- .... Near Nachitoches, Louisiana. 59.64 53.16 42.33 64.21 80.49 61.59 45.32 62.90 101 16 38.1 46.9 Indian Territory. 60.64 54.99 45.91 65.04 80.69 62.28 47.36 63.84 102 21 38.2 42.8 Indian Territory. 56.20 48.65 37.94 61.95 78.22 57.64 40.65 59.61 98 12 38.4 47.6 ;ftfc\rkansas. 57.91 50.41 41.73 62.21 77.72 59.00 43.24 60.54 94 11 33.5 49.5 Indian Territory. 51.84 42.00 35.25 57.66 75.53 52.23 .34.17 54.90 96 8 41.1 46.9 Missouri. 52.78 44.05 36.52 57.38 77.78 53.94 35.19 56.07 86 10 29.9 46.1 Missouri. 51.04 44.45 36.43 57.74 77.25 54.08 34.81 55.97 98 8 42.0 48.0 Missouri. 47.27 38.11 30.03 49.32 67.13 49.21 27.61 48.32 86 12 37.7 36.3 Michigan. *Se ; summar y for 184: ! for prec se localit y of other t lan nev ir posts. 110 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. POSITION OF STATIONS, MEAN TEMPERATURES STATIONS. Lat. Long. Altitude above sea. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. O ' 42 55 45 51 46 30 47 30 43 31 43 05 43 00 44 53 41 32 39 18 O ' 82 23 84 38 84 43 88 00 89 28 91 00 9] 00 93 10 93 38 94 55 Feet. 598 728 600 620 770? 642 700? 820 780? 896 22.57 16.23 10.51 16.57 17.25 14.32 9.41 21.08 25.88 28.82 23.61 20.42 24.47 24.70 23.61 22.33 33 97 33.66 33.62 26.29 23.77 35.02 37.68 35.01 32.94 38.88 40.19 53.40 42.42 42.67 55.17 57.24 55.39 51.45 59.24 63.46 58.18 48.80 47.95 60.68 57.32 55.08 59.33 62.04 60.97 54.10 53.39 56.78 63.21 66.12 64.10 62.64 64.88 68.75 66.82 63.64 61.06 63.30 71.10 74.19 73.39 69.82 76.46 77.47 65.25 62.64 60.17 63.10 66.43 70.00 67.40 65.61 71.61 73.91 60.43 55.52 53.35 55.82 59.10 60.43 58.36 55.57 59.36 63.44 Fort Leavenworth..., * • P3 H Eh Ul i—i O w Ph «! O HH o o Ph O Eh fa 3 Ph O fa w pi H w fa s w Eh fa O t/j w § c-i w Q (*" J -C H rH O rj ffi "I id rf . ho bj) M g & .S St .2 §j§ScS££r3Sh2£ * CS © CO 1— . to CO eb ■^1 to o 3 If M • CO 1— o eo CM «a IO LO I— • • IO LO to iO LO 03 ■ > 0 it l- CO • It fr- ^1 to -* X CM • CO ee If eo X < s it CO it • It -T If -* CO XCOittOXCDCMXiT© "I + I I to CM ^f I— LO CM OS M ,_, ,_- © CO LO ,—i rH fr- © It to © © © to 1— •cm If fr- if rH ee rH ■^ •^f It it If it it -t to __, © © CM X X CO CM © © CO © © X to © CO © It r— rH CO l-H ■ ■ fr— • X #3 X CO CM X It TO CO X CO . rH . iO TO CO -t it M LO LO LO H 1— fr- ee LO o X I— if © to ■X) it i— o CM © O X l- eo CM CM CM CM Oi CM CM ^ If ,_, cn CO © © © CM X X LO rH fr- Oi CD LO CO It LO X -t to © to ■^1 fr- LO M LO It to X to iT LO it CO It © CO It CO -t ee CO It rH it LO It LO 112 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1844. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. • July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer, j Autumn, iVinter. Year. Fort Kent...................... 0.79 1.65 0.75 1.43 1.64 1.24 1.81 1.03 0.93 3.10 0.54 0.85 0.19 0.53 0.64 0.93 2.00 1.45 0.94 1.50 3.50 1.50 1.69 1.10 1.00 1.23 3.30 0.91 0.80 0.41 0.73 1.66 2.75 3.59 3.60 4.7S 3.17 6.01 4.50 4.33 4.20 2.44 1.91 1.54 1.52 3.06 8.04* 6.00 4.15 3.00 3.55 4.50 3.25 4.00 4.07 8.77 4.71 0.13 i.eo 7.7S 3.50 3.4S 3.90 3.10 5.30 4.56 4.35 2.41 1.91 3.73 2.50 1.57 0.70 0.34 0.35 0.38 1.49 1.19 0.55 0.52 0.50 2.61 1.79 1.40 0.84 1.55 1.79 4.23 2.15 1.60 1.08 1.41 1.30 0.70 1.20 3.07 1.26 0.05 0.10 1.98 0.86 0.39 0.53 0.50 6.60 10.38 5.05 14.28 9.62 6.91 3.13 2.87 3.65 3.74 2.75 8.67 5.21 3.47 3.41 2.80 5.10 5.40 3.37 3.74 2.74 5.05 4.89 6.40 3.82 4.00 4.69 2.92 2.43 1.57 0.57 1.87 2.47 2.97 1.36 5.50 5.52 5.92 9.52 5.31 3.16 3.30 3.05 3.25 4.59 3.12 8.46 2.73 0.82 3.34 1.45 1.69 1.77 1.94 2.37 2.32 3.45 4.41 3.74 8.20 2.59 3.50 4.02 8.49 4.90 1.70 3.91 4.85 3.05 3.28 1.41 1.51 8.19 2.18 7.13 4.70 5.11 9.38 1.18 1.89 2.75 3.50 5.11 2.66 4.43 1.10 3.15 3.55 5.34 1.76 1.36 2.79 5.78 3.81 6.00 4.87 7.90 4.78 3.78 1.42 2.28 4.77 2.44 7.41 4.20 3.90 2.96 3.58 4.10 8.43 1.24 4.85 13.92 3.27 1.26 7.70 7.67 5.03 5.76 4.28 7.99 3.70 1.77 5.35 2.76 1.37 0.61 10.50 5.23 8.10 1.80 4.48 2.27 2.23 3.30 4.72 2.72 2.73 1.72 5.28 6.46 3.80 6.50 2.26 5.34 4.47 5.11 2.80 0.31 1.67 5.00 3.55 7.90 0.53 4.32 4.10 2.68 2.63 15.77 6.59 8.29 3.31 8.11 4.61 5.60 2.24 7.96 1.67 0.52 1.98 2.51 0.71 1.47 1.36 1.85 2.35 1.76 2.57 4.72 5.25 2.40 4.50 4.30 3.50 3.35 0.41 0.54 0.26 0.22 2.57 4.35 4.30 4.47 6 47 4.76 11.25 9.86 *2.34 6.05 6.08 7.13 8.50 3.50 2.61 0.98 1.61 1.50 0.22 1.10 2.83 1.30 2.25 2.08 0.76 3.33 1.80 0.03 4.41 4.62 2.54 4.66 4.54 5.86 8.30 5.39 4.08 3.78 4.92 4.53 3.52 4.89 1.47 3.90 2.85 6.03 6.00 3.03 4.28 2.25 2.55 2.42 0.27 0.91 0.57 0.49 14.07 2.20 1.99 2.90 3.30 4.06 1.S4 3.60 2.81 2.77 3.80 2.01 3.28 2.49 1.06 2.08 3.86 3.13 4.25 2.92 2.99 3.05 3.31 3.40 1.73 2.05 1.05 2.40 1.62 1.02 0.94 2.16 1.85 3.99 4.00 1.85 3.62 3.74 4.04 1.88 3.40 2.78 0.73 0.44 3.10 11.57 10.57 7.14 10.68 7.78 7.06 3.87 1.73 2.29 0.91 0.87 1.52 0.41 0.50 3.86 3.43 7.06 4.10 5.55 2.98-2.23 2.82 2.05 4.12 1.52 1.70 3.71 1.63 2.20 1.50 2.50 2.90 3.50 3.37 3.77 2.95 1.76 1.45 2.90 1.55 1.28 2.90 2.09 2.54 3.25 1.88 1.85 2.20 2.54 1.05 0.17 0.30 0.08 0.78 1.19 2.33 6.10 7.10 7.67 6.70 8.83 . 9.87 10.67 8.46 7.65 9.80 10.45 7.07 6.6S 5.10 9.66 9.72 16.68 10.12 8.60 9.32 8.83 6.98 6.27 7.14 14.31 8.94 1.54 7.40 15.28 13.88 9.18 7.59 6.90 14.95 18.19 13.99 19.81 19.99 25.48 12.90 19.62 8.08 10.64 7.37 5.04 7.78 12.27 8.47 11.10 8.91 16.63 15.65 11.32 16.12 7.13 13.61 10.93 20.91 11.90 5.91 8.54 13.43 10.70 19.61 3.18 10.68 26.21 8.13 11.02 28.17 19.37 22.70 10.25 14.28 *15.35 12.80 9.12 15.97 8.86 2.99 5.77 25.65 11.84 17.11 9.64 9 60 9.14 9.84 9.00 18.63 16.86 11.19 10.31 10.13 9.47 10.28 5.55 6.45 2.67 6.28 7.27 14.37 14.80 9.35 14.37 10.75 16.32 4.49 10.36 9.43 8.35 23.01 8.80 16.17 14.45 12.05 16.24 *9.54 11.76 9 51 5.80 8.34 5.00 4.91 7.34 3.32 ' 3.21 7.02 10.66 8.28 9.81 *5.15 10.07 9.96 6.51 5.95 12.47 2.90 5.29 5.33 3.26 5.24 4.63 10.50 8.60 8.58 8.67 7.85 5.80 7.61 4.49 *2.51 7.30 8.76 8.08 7.14 6.49 *7.60 7.84 6.58 4.81 5.13 6.91 4.13 5.71 10.97 2.80 1.95 3.43 2.83 3.51 5.85 5.92 2.66 2.97 5.25 0.84 2.74 i 1.43 1.80 2.40 2.20 80.80 87.54 32.66 Fort Constitution................ 30.55 *35.39 49.07 40.29 36 38 32.64 West Point...................... 48.37 39.28 29.23 34.58 18.86 34.79 32.55 5.60 3.65 4.22 3.40 6.90 3.40 46.82 32.46 40.76 41.68 50.05 2.66 3.61 1.94 33.98 57.56 29.91 *38.08 1.10 5.76 4.03 4.85 51.67 59.58 44.26 46.84 4.41 *38.97 5.40 i .... *39.06 4.10 8.45 1.77 1.80 0.76 2.C5 2.19 1 4.SS 1.20 2.08 2.87 3.53 6.07 1.30 2.33 3.76 41.42 46.54 36.00 32.98 37.58 14.79 12.04 7.27 ' 5.40 11.03 7.54 62.60 33.27 St. Luiii:- Arsenal.............. 3.22 5.57 51.11 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 113 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1844. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Bummer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 2.25 2.73 0.61 1.75 0.43 0.5S 0.84 0.72 1.60 2.60 2.77 1.60 1.33 1.42 0.97 8.40 3.35 0.99 8.07 3.52 3.56 5.16 3.20 5.68 5.05 2.S7 4.71 5.55 4.50 8.53 5.18 8.95 4.26 4.07 7.01 5.88 1.C4 7.66 12,00 4.49 8.63 2.24 5.40 8.81 10.14 4.80 3.52 8.08 3.27 4.99 4.98 5.16 6.06 5.09 4.37 4,80 1.03 1.38 4.81 2.73 2.46 2.85 4.26 4.18 1.60 1.85 2.68 2.18 0.73 0.76 1.81 0.97 1.00 0,40 1.84 2.43 1.45 3 50 1.56 1.42 0.86 0.77 0.32 8,62 0.95 1.39 1.19 2.49 1.75 2.38 1.11 0.58 2.25 0.39 11.68 8.81 7.60 *4.85 9.69 10.63 15,13 12.94 12.57 11.48 14.63 IS. 88 21.11 10.81 24.88 4.72 6.49 10.49 5.02 4.64 5.02 5.90 4.45 5.62 3.81 5.87 4.88 8.84 5.85 2.80 2.40 33.10 33.74 1.96 1.51 2.60 84.45 *28.34 89.06 1.50 80.14 0.50 48.12 Notes .—Entries marked thus ( * ) are incomplete amounts. At Fort Mams, West Point, and Carlisle Barracks the quantities appear over measured. Profuse rains occurred at the west in May, June, and July, Fort Scott, Fort Leavenworth, and St. Louis, correspond in results. 15 114 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER STATIONS. WINDS. DAYS. Cloudy, i Rain. Snow. Hancock Barracks ... Fort Sullivan...... Fort Preble........ Fort Constitution .. Fort Adams....... Fort Trumbull..... Fort Columbus .... Fort Hamilton .... West Point....... Watervliet Arsenal Plattsburg Barracks .. Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario....... Fort Niagara....... Buffalo Barracks.... Alleghany Arsenal.. Carlisle Barracks ... Fort Mifflin........ Fort McHenry..... Fort Severn........ Fort Monroe....... Fort Johnston...... Augusta Arsenal.... Fort Moultrie...... Oglethorpe Barracks Fort Marion........ Key West*......... Fort Brooke........ Camp Barrancas.... Fort Pike.......... Fort Wood......., New Orleansj...... Baton Rouge......, 141 197 174 179 164 181 199 205 180 193 171 130 124 135 134 152 202 218 214 216 180 256 238 234 214 249 277 285 174 272 219 203 213 Fort Jesup..........\ 222 Fort Towson...... Fort Washita...... Fort Smith........ Fort Gibson...... Fort Scott........ Jefferson Barracks ., St. Louis Arsenal.., Detroit Barracks Fort Gratiot....... Fort Mackinac Fort Brady......... 223 229 214 203 202 212 283 142 112 141 111 225 169 192 185 202 185 167 161 186 172 195 236 240 228 232 214 164 148 152 150 186 110 128 132 152 117 58 81 192 94 147 163 153 144 143 137 152 163 164 154 83 224 255 225 255 78 74 68 67 104 119 108 65 98 102 68 118 112 121 75 98 79 99 103 86 70 88 97 83 79 76 114 101 90 86 74 76 84 66 88 64 109 90 75 107 113 66 93 35 19 19 26 10 17 13 14 17 23 19 34 14 27 48 13 16 11 9 15 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 3 2 7 11 10 23 38 48 57 N. E. 62 21 50 32 44 51 26 33 26 38 42 6 12 33 33 51 17 11 53 39 12 19 15 29 64 41 41 7 54 23 84 30 39 24 42 33 5 20 47 28 37 51 14 52 29 I 24 19 30 47 63 39 75 90 12 2 91 78 76 45 33 49 13 73 41 25 43 76 37 51 31 65 38 99 39 52 2 26 58 64 59 23 30 37 35 37 49 43 76 33 24 32 15 7 19 22 14 25 21 5 1 11 7 14 25 15 26 74 12 29 8 66 47 35 60 69 67 135 45 41 64 96 67 122 10 70 21 55 36 32 21 50 22 16 28 65 * January not observed. 26 39 31- 14 15 32 45 24 51 9 53 81 68 35 17 15 21 42 35 46 52 16 39 21 17 45 39 26 49 59 1 39 40 50 75 29 20 213 26 60 60 18 83 54 82 At Pass S. w. 62 37 71 75 30 29 10 22 49 137 38 30 44 64 18 17 21 15 36 76 12 47 28 46 69 33 38 64 17 14 99 33 24 138 13 163 26 24 76 54 40 62 43 25 13 Christian W. 46 99 107 35 83 69 57 70 29 34 82 83 61 62 149 65 14 94 38 43 62 103 102 57 26 46 11 85 79 66 6 28 30 48 17 35 37 17 72 54 40 70 73 46 27 from July 65 67 30 66 60 55 45 49 33 87 20 10 30 52 57 73 140 29 85 42 53 32 51 64 70 36 16 44 32 75 24 35 6 16 31 41 6 47 56 53 60 19 69 60 to October. S © CM r22S?SgSSgSS-8?2?SS.SSS D< it CC © CM CM rH cm co -t X © IO LO M rH LO rH ifl) I— tO X CD rH rH Ol rH rH CM t- CO X CO CO © CO (TO LO LO CO rH LO rHtOCOCOXTOOOrH-Hlt LO©©©rHLO"Hifr— ©IO ©CMCMiOCM©CMncciflteiQincohcoi- COCOXCOXCOtOI— t— XrHCDCDlOlOitCOCMCOLOLOCO ocorH COiOtOlOCO^rH©4c-nfr- LOC_5c©LOLOCOCOCOitittOCD©XCMi-HCO©XLO©©©©©©LOTOfr— © it © © © fr— © C?^CO^©Sx©©Xt^CO©©^COX©©rHticM dc^CMCOCOCOCOCOtOCOCOCMCMrHCMCMCMitititititlO -H©x©Mt-coi*^-HCO©Xfr-toeocoxtoi— eoeoi-Ht-eo(M^cMgorHto©©CM©©©CT LO©COCMLOXXXt-tO©t-COfr-©TO©COrHrHOrHrHO COCMCMCOCOCMC^CMCOeOitCMCMrHCMi-HCMlOititLOitX i-^^Hi-.r-if-11-.J— i-HCO00©(M©i-H!-tt-X©rHMCD©COl--t-ti-HCMCO©XtO-tXCM©rH©COrHt-©©« rHrHCOCMCerHCOCOCMCDCM COrHi-HCMCMtCOCOCOCOrHCM rH CMLOCM CMCM r-H -H CO rH rH r- , rn.nrv3LOCMt-t-CMO >-, —I 1-- CO CM COt— C0 CO-^"*t CMrHrHLOl— 1-HrHCOX CO CO CM LO l^a3CT3-tCMtO©crarMiHl— ©CMl-lOCOl— Xitt- LOCD©XitI— LO©©CO©t-(M©rHrH©COitCO(M©©©CDCO©LOi-HXlO ^^StMCMrHrHO©CMrHLOCMr- © CO COCOrHCOCMCOi-HrHCOrHrHLOCM rHCOCO©LOrHtO-HiCM TOX^it©t-LO©rHCD©Xfr-©^©^lOeOLO^eOfr^LOLOCMCOX©rH-4.tO©©fr^ », n.-HinicinHflimcoot- oox©ioeocotot-cMcoxeo-*eeioa)t-.xcorHeo©©JOCDcoLOiorHx©eoitto 2^CM^SrHrHrHrHrHCTtOe0l-Hi*< COCM rH rH CM1-H1-HCOCMCO rHit ©it rHCOt rH ©CD ~©~a> i-coLOiocoititii»co©io©©CMLOeecocococMcoCTLOrH©©^ 120 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1845. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATION. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 14.90 19.96 19.61 21.11 17.93 14.77 30.26 22.58 16.10 21.70 22.31 23.28 21.67 17.22 33.29 27.67 22.80 23.61 29.06 30.13 28.00 26.51 46.19 36.84 17.70 20.32 23.13 23.20 22.32 19.45 36.87 28.77 17.90 21.40 23.53 24.43 22.48 19.49 36.65 28.96 36 42 42 45 47 42 69 56 —10 0 — 5 1 — 2 —12 15 8 18.1 20.6 18.5 20.6 24.5 22.5 32.3 27.0 27.9 21.4 28.5 23.4 24.5 31.5 21.6 21.0 14 26 14 46 29 0 16 9 25 88 47 74 84 0 21 24 13 3 3 1 16 17 9 1 15 12 7 3 53 2G 12 1 18 5 3 7 9 20 2 39 43 19 8 10 27 25 3 40 cq Ph H Ul hH C5 PS < O hH e o o Ph o Eh Ph M « <* S a « o to . fr- © ee © © © •saqam ai^my " ee ■*f It to o '~' • © ^ © © © i-H y •JiOUg CM © X t- CO CO CM > 03 A •JIB.J CO CM CM © r- CM X '""' l-H, l-H CM rH a LO © if fr- CO TO CM CM c* CM CM LO CD M x to BS (A S CM -1 CO CO it LO CO LO Iri o TO TO LO © TO tO l-H W M en eo CM CO rH. IX) Oi © CO o CM rH It LO LO -t x fr- < rH '-J CT OJ OCOX-trHrH-trH©fr^©XCDrHrH©lOt^© It CM rH it CO rH rH rH rH 2SS?i2°SinoS!:Sonffl?!2,sS0?2SL135g«n:i ©©rH^«X©CMi-Hl— it©XCO©it©l— fr- COCMrHLOrHCMCMl-HCMi-HlOCMCMrHCM «^S^OTOW^0r2Se?OCT^aiSU,2°Sl0C^'rtSc^r^^C^S0 ©1-Hiot— lo©i— ©eeitcoi— ©loco COCM -* LOrHCM CMrH rH -h eo x io -f3co4_l.Ol4j00COhn hH IO hH H tO tO • l-H Cloudy Snow. Am't in inches. ►3 O W O tr1 O Q l-H o F hH Ul i-3 to Or 126 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1845. ] I THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. i No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. ,-----------, 11.38 18.45 26.22 27.20 29.87 34.45 32.51 37.31 37.52 34.26 33.81 25.16 30.74 31.48 34.64 31.96 32.90 38.25 38.52 38.11 40.77 46.38 50.90 48.83 55.45 51.90 58.87 70.09 62.66 54.96 49.70 58.51 56.21 56.45 51.11 51.30 53.00 42.93 46.16 40.96 43.66 38.42 1 38.03 i 35.87 ! 31.30 .! 33.09 25.20 19.25 24.68 32.03 30.10 33.83 37.87 37.87 39.41 40.60 38.51 42.58 30.00 34.25 36.35 39.87 38.38 38.90 41.70 46.00 43.16 46.48 50.41 56.15 55.61 58.83 58.71 64.97 76.54 65.80 61.61 50.22 61.61 61.58 I 63.13 61.11 54.10 62.00 51.38 | 52.58 51.06 48.00 44.13 44.12 44.68 40.20 38.12 32.61 32.57 34.87 36.93 35.00 39.06 41.93 45.03 47.90 49.03 46.32 46.48 36.77 38.77 41.74 42.96 43.29 48.12 50.00 51.58 51.15 53.74 56.96 63.90 64.67 62.77 68.77 68.06 77.80 72.29 65.87 67.29 66.61 67.23 67.26 70.10 67.20 68.00 63.19 61.07 59.67 59.01 56.80 58.19 52.64 49.20 46.09 33.45 20.58 29.29 30.64 31.60 32.70 36.77 36.29 41.83 41.32 39.38 39.74 31.38 34.67 36.29 37.87 35.29 38.06 44.29 43.77 44.10 45.38 50.29 55.25 59.64 59.75 • 58.61 62.84 71.80 68.25 60.51 55.70 59.87 60.30 61.61 57.14 57.10 59.00 51.32 52.87 48.53 51.51 44.06 44.96 44.16 38.10 36.67 528.71 20.94 26.82 ! 31.45 30.97 33.86 37.75 37.94 41.61 42.12 39.62 40.65 30.83 34.61 36.46 38.83 37.23 39.49 43.56 44.97 44.13 46.59 51.01 56.55 57.19 59.20 59.50 63.68 74.06 67.25 60.74 55.73 61.65 61.33 62.11 59.86 57.42 60.50 52.20 53.17 50.05 50.54 45.85 46.32 44.34 39.70 38.49 30.01 50 -48 51 45 54 57 -69 76 70 74 72 56 70 76 71 74 75 76 72 75 73 74 76 79 73 84 85 82 80 74 84 80 84 80 84 84 80 80 80 82 77 80 85 80 76 75 48 -24 2 16 10 18 23 18 25 26 25 18 0 10 11 20 15 19 26 26 24 26 30 32 37 42 34 42 64 50 38 34 40 42 42 38 36 38 29 32 20 26 13 17 16 15 18 1 29.1 21.2 19.5 14.0 20.1 19.2 31.1 34.4 27.9 34.4 31.3 25.2 25.4 39.5 32.2 36.8 35.5 32.4 27.0 30.9 26.4 23.0 19.4 21.8 13.8 24.5 21.3 7.9 12.7 13.3 28.3 18.3 22.7 17.9 24.1 26.6 19.5 27.8 26.8 31.9 26.5 34.1 38.7 35.7 36.3 36.5 18.0 44.9 24.8 15.5 21.0 15.9 14.8 19.9 16.6 16.1 14.6 22.7 30.8 24.6 25.5 18.8 22.2 20.5 17.6 19.0 20.1 20.6 21.0 24.6 20.2 17.2 25.5 21.7 10.1 17.3 22.7 21.7 21.7 19.3 20.1 21.9 21.4 22.5 23.2 21.2 30.1 24.5 32.9 29.3 28.3 24.7 20.5 29.0 20 15 3 15 9 25 12 11 1 3 0 35 1 4 9 3 1 0 9 8 4 5 16 1 9 22 32 28 6 24 0 10 31 37 16 43 7 26 11 2 9 34 12 19 13 8 !l4 54 45 10 41 11 110 25 36 1 4 0 121 2 13 27 9 3 0 15 12 15 8 50 3 26 35 112 81 12 45 0 21 33 40 42 50 14 46 21 3 9 76 30 30 29 14 38 11 4 15 7 12 14 12 27 31 4 0 4 20 10 7 12 21 0 14 11 10 6 10 2 24 7 21 10 21 9 31 13 0 11 27 0 10 10 10 13 43 2 7 9 2 18 12 15 12 58 27 38 26 36 73 47 4 0 18 56 17 22 34 19 0 35 20 29 14 39 6 68 18 58 20 39 14 91 31 0 11 63 0 20 16 20 25 44 3 16 13 7 62 39 8 14 7 7 10 13 4 10 1 0 0 4 2 1 4 0 4 18 3 6 0 18 15 15 12 21 6 26 16 7 0 36 45 21 50 0 15 21 28 25 4 9 1 16 13 2 12 14 41 21 20 24 36 11 21 1 0 0 19 7 1 8 0 4 20 6 7 0 44 42 26 26 35 13 70 16 21 0 72 48 25 111 0 32 40 57 35 5 17 4 17 22 6 38 Watervliet Arsenal---- Plattsburg Barracks---- Madison Barracks....... Oglethorpe Barracks ... Mount Vernon Arsenal. CM P- H Ul hH C5 W Pi hi < o hH C5 o h-! O Pi o Eh w fi y < y < A •saijou! ui ?,my •jvoug .Cpnoio hOLni-oisoHwowfflLflLi^HvnooiflCftccLnHifli-ooNifljjBoifl !2'3!?SSnlrSS2 t-t^CMCOCMit^MCOitCe©lOX©©©©itt^XCMTOl-©C>J©COit©^ ; I- -t © © © CM ©_ CCCOrH !-HrHCMCMCOCMCOCMCOCOeeCMCM©rH(MCe^OIOrHMrHCM©r^ .LOLOLOCM©CO-HlrHCMrH ©O-t-H-lOCMCOrHCMeO CO IO CMCMt©ifrHrHrH-H©O©©©©©©©©©©©©©©O©©©©CMrHL0CQC0 M©co-tLot-xioxi-toeoM-tLOto©t-(-©toeot-tot-t-xeocox©©©©rH©©©©©iocoeotocoLOLO io©xxeo©tocoLot--t©LOrHeoeot-iteeeocoit©CM©rHco©t-eoeo©co^co2 1-HCMrHrHrHi-Hi-Hi-Hi-HrHi-Hl-HCMCMCMCMrHrHrHrHi-HrH rH 1-H l-H rH i-H rHi-Hl-Hl-HCMrHrHl-HrHl-HrHrHI-HrH l-H CN CM S^2222S2S25HSwSfflffl2H22S^S2««S3M22«2^23222« -HLOXLOI-^t-TOC^©XX©XC>ltO©Xit--'-*--HCMrHXCMitXCMrHCOeO©^XCMeO LO^^XrHi?©rHW-LOt^-f©CM©©1frHlO©l--*COe^COrHCDl-LO ^-J-J-J-^-J^^-J-J^-jCTnK-J-jLfiinfrfJLcjt-iototetc ifi-in uj^-icofMnin-'OOiowtoifjceiinnn eO"tio©it©t— co©xcmxi- ©l-CMl-£-CMCO©©LOitlOLOXX©OCMl— 1— CMLO "Hli~-C_3eOCMt— ©CMXCOrHCOt— lOrHi— ©LOrH©CO©©OXtOt— ©CO©i-H©fr— it ^BiOTii^ioiOLi^^ioMmnwniocoiOBiflfr^iiJODB -*™-Hr^cOirCir~eOCOeeX-HtO(-5rHtOrHlOCMLO©COitLO©rHitXeOX©eOrHl— -ni©CO©LOTO©lOl— ©LOitOLOlO©-*© x2©LoSxfr5oSt^cMeowr^coS©Lo^rH---eo c^co-^coeoco'ititio-teocoMcocMrHcoitLOitiOLO-tLOLoe^ —,iHr\irMi-\)mLOio<-J)t— COX-nito-nLOitCM©eOrH^<-'#rHtOCO<— toeOit-t©©a3©it©©COCM(-l— itCOitX© g^^^^^SS^SScMXXCOCOLoiot^l-CMt-rHiO^rHCM rH CM CM IO XXrHLOrHU.©CMt-OCO -r.L^/H-r-.i-.JrArHCOIOOOt-eOI— fr— rH-tl—ITOXXl— IOLOCOfr-©ltX©XLO©X©1tltltCO©lO-HtOi-HrHlOLO HnHnH3«"o^"SHrl?nHHMC( CMrH rH COCM COCO COrHCMCOCMCMCMrH -.l-r.r.-vm^l^mTOCOTOI^Xi— COTOCMrHlOifrHCMCMTOTOt— t-XlOCOl— CMXeOX^OrHi— 1— ©CMOifLOCMrHCO i*XLO^Xfr-CM©2OTU©r^CMOeOr1x©t0^^tOCOCOtOCOrHr^ CM CMCO LOrHCMXCOX t- t-x©iocMoxtocexi— CMCMifiOLOt-ce©©i— coco©tocM©xeoit©CMitLOt- LOCO i-H PS i-H tDCMCMi-HrHCMrHrHCOi-H rH rH rHrH CM rH fr~coxcoiocM'©io-fitiot-xifXfr-eoxxxxcococM©©©©©x-t©cM 3 3 cTi "> Ss 2 -* S SS^SSS^S^^S^^^SS^^^S^S ° % g ~ g g lOr^rHrHi-HCOXlOXtOl— XXI-COIOO©1— -ttOCMlt©l-Hl-HX©1-HeOt-LO©LOlOi-HC^X l-H CMCMrH 1-H I—I 1-H l-H rH I—I CM C0 rH 1-HCMrHCMCM rH I-HrH CM © to -t © CO X iO CM CM 128 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Brady....... Fort Wilkins..... Fort Winnebago.. Fort Crawford Fort Atkinson Fort Snelling..... Fort Leavenworth Fort Des Moines.. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperatui-e. 20.40 22.45 27.84 31.50 28.16 27.80 35.58 31.16 28.20 26.87 34.29 38.22 36.06 34.38 42.96 39.26 3 P. M. 33.60 30.41 43.68 46.18 42.45 42.48 54.67 51.70 9 P. M. 27.00 24.25 32.94 37.19 32.93 33.64 44.54 38.58 27.30 25.99 34.96 38.27 34.90 34.57 44.44 40.20 Range. 54 50 76 80 77 79 82 4 3 23 Above mean. 26.7 24.0 41.0 41.7 42.1 44.4 37.6 45.8 Below mean. 29.3 24.0 27.0 30.3 30.9 31.6 21.4 32.2 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 7 16 8 9 28 58 16 55 12 30 12 27 10 25 0 0 5 14 28 66 0 0 5 5 37 94 3 7 2 7 8 10 7 10 16 17 14 27 7 7 0 0 16 33 7 10 10 12 & h-1 1—1 0. 0 B CO © © X Oi 44 -J 44 CO to cn hH Oi ,_, to Oi 0 h-1 Oi © Oi -~l CO 0 to hH |_l to to to © hH CO -4 -J —1 l-H 0 OS © h-1 CO to to © t—1 eo © © hH 44 OS OS 3 ,_, ^_ to ,_, h_, -1 -j X h-i hH CO -J * S3 Ol 44 to on CO 44 to OS 44 44 © -j Ol 44 uo CO 44 OS to CO OS OS -4 1-1 to CO 1-1 4-1 1-1 3 Ol © OS --1 to © CO CO -J CO 0 Ol © to 4_, 44 to to 10 >_, OS to to CO 4j h-" OS to 44 X -1 eo © -.1 (IT) © OS 1-1 -j 1-1 X © © --J © © © © Ol © Ol to to cn Oi 0 OS © cn 0 © CD to X © to 44 © © OS © !> © -4 Ol Ol Ol Oi hH OS CO > 44 hH eo OS to _ to X gj X to © to to to © © 0 © -1 © Cn Oi 44 hH to CO CO to on to ,_, 44 to Ol hj 0 3 r- to © -J eo 44 to © 0 gj Ul -1 -J Cn 4j -J © £. 44 CD © © to 0 to Cn OS p OS CO --1 to to 4- © © to to to hH to h-H ,_, Fair. Cn 44 44 CO h-1 to © © h—i to to Cloudy © -J to © to Ol 1-1 Cn CO CO CO to 44 CO OS Rain. 93 > rH 25 OS © to Ol 44 CO © on Snow. > 0 Ul hH 0 to hH to CO to 44 -J cm to 4-1 to Am't in inches. O 3 to OS 0 © OS 0 eo 93 H r- 93 w r/j e fed K3 H O 2 W O -zi O H F X O O O *d hH r> r» V F O M W i_i M X 44 cn Q hH Ul r3 H w to Pi w Eh Ul hH r^ ■o It w X Pi -J hH hj ci CO(M©tOCOI— XCMt-CTOi-H eet-©eetoiteorHco©©to LOCMit-tCOitCOrHrHOi-Hl- © to O CO (MCMCMtotOl— © fr— © © CO CO fr- it It LO -* IT) rr, -H, CO -t © CM CM l— t- t- 1- 1- ifllO!051tOHCOOONH*fl)0 i-t— i-t—cor-tot- i-eococoiOLO CO CO CO o to CO © (MtoxtoeoititcM LOco©eoco©totoee©xi— o©o rH 03 X rH X -t CM i-H © IO C3 © rH © -HltOt—TOXlfLOCMrH cococeitco-H,^,-^^, xiti-x-tce©iocoLO •h^-hi^'-hiiOCOCDCOCOCO ot f- i- io i-h i-h ee to CD to to CD to eo eo to 1-to to CM ee eo CO LO CO o © © to eo X CD i— LO CO t-IO to eo LO iO IO o LO © eo © CO M CO = e \4 g Ul Ph O < Eh *£ % -. hi Ui h. h. o J; o o o o o rH X h fa fa fa fa F 3 fl 0) S3 o O 0 Ph > hi 03 hi hi o l-H 0 f-. £ fc M 5 bfl P-l S T3 -hj fc s fe fc -S O 3 fa rH ^>73hi«Ht.t.hi°Dhi r-dOOOOOPo , p fan o 0 O fa tt fa O ui U ri hi -T iH-2 fafafcmfaOfafafafafc^oQQ^fc CO Ph fa Eh Ul hH CJ IO It fa X Pi „ h-1 hJ C-H < Ph < fa ti o o X ^ rH o O P5 Ph O fa H fa soipu; ui^my "AiOUg Cpnoio ■.ITBJ XiO©©©CO©CM©©CM©©CM ^OH(M(OOM^t-03i'ffl00H -tLOt-©OCM©lOCMitXt-©-HX©©lOX_ iti-HtO©©CMXCM©©it©t-LOCOLO-*(M-tit©rH^-fSr^ COiOCMCMCOCTt^CMScOCMrHeOitrHeoCMt-OOrt CO t- rH ,-H CJ3 fMC0C0X©C0LOCO(M © © © © rH ©CO^©t-C02LOrHt-COCOCOt-CM^LOCOXCDCOX©CO -«-Hrv>LOLOrH©x©rHrHOixtOLO«cefr-ce©ce©i-HceoLOLOCMeo©t-coi-Hioite^^itCMt-©cMi— rn «rlncSHHi°«inn"H (cwnn^H i-ce cm co t- rH-*--.©© io eo eo -h -h o cm SLocot-fr-©co©©cococoeoitrHCMCo©eot-oo©-Hco 132 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF APRIL, 1845. THERMOMETER WINDS. STATIONS. Mea n Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 28.50 31.90 41.13 44.23 39.73 40.06 49.83 43.06 37.50 36.30 49.26 52.25 50.06 48.16 59.06 50.06 42.30 43.46 57.90 60.19 58.63 54.93 70.23 64.74 34.00 35.86 45.30 53.60 47.60 47.33 59.10 51.33 35.57 36.88 48.40 52.57 49.00 47.62 59.55 52.30 54 61 77 81 80 82 76 84 3 10 14 18 12 15 24 18 18.4 24.1 28.6 28.4 31.0 34.4 16.4 31.7 32.6 26.9 34.4 34.6 37.0 32.4 25.6 34.3 3 6 8 31 11 7 10 7 13 28 21 46 28 14 20 22 2 > 9 * 3 0 2 7 21 1 6 15 10 0 6 13 33 3 41 16 10 2 7 18 8 6 113 51 29 2 16 40 11 9 Fort Wilkins.......... Fort Crawford......... • a & c B to 1-H 44 hH |_l 44 -J to -J Cn OS CO 44 CO 44 Ol hH OS cn 44 to CO Ol to on "J to Oi O* to to Ol I-h Ol CO -4 0 © © Ol HH H ? h-l Ol © cn 44 TO © uo on -1 to © to hH -t to hH hH hH hJ eo --I Ol © hH CO Ol CO 3 55 0 OS 44 44 OS CO hH !VQ o hH © © © CO CO 00 44 to hH h-1 to to to 00 © Oi © -J 44 to eo 4 © hH © 44 Oi to CD eo -j -J © to © -4 to Cn to ,_, to OS ,_, CO to © to OS to -J eo © Oi 58 k OS Ol 0 to © CO -4 0 uo 1-1 to OS I-h I-h © Oi © 01 44 Oi CO OS OS CD CO CO Ol Cn OS eo l_l OS 93 © © OS © © 0 OS © S Oi © Ol 44 44 Oi to OS tO > 44 CD eo to hH © 44 OS © CO © to © © 0 r* 0 © © Cn 44 44 44 CO © eo © to to on to 44 3 w X 0 © CO © cn CO © © 1-C\ 09 © 44 44 © Ol Ol Ol 44 to O -J 0 0 !_. to 0 -4 s K H © © © 0 © © © © 93 © © 01 4- 44 44 CO OS r% A hH to to co © -4 -4 44 -4 CO uo OS to -4 44 © ■D hH to ,_, ,_, ,_, hH hH to to 44 44 Oi Ol uo © hH hH to to Cloudy hH 00 © © Ol to OS © hH © to CO -J -4 CD Ol CD Rain. 0 i- 93 > hH > © © © 0 © h-1 © Oi Snow. Z/l 0 OS 10 OS to CO to to 00 44 h-i on CO © to Am't in inches. OS © Ol CO © -4 • © 33 93 w a > 93 w co « fed h3 fed 0 O -4 IT, O F O O > Pi h—1 F h-1 O r* F hH 00 44 Ol fed O hH Ul 1-3 fed W CO 00 S o t- to 00 fr- -^ © rH CO © © O CM CO i-H © t- on to i-H to © CO IO CO to CO © it o CO CM X © IO CO X © CM rH X LO iO 1— eo CM CM 03 8-h h" LO 1-1 . CO 1-1 •O CO -t CM (M CO it it CO © It IO it l-H X CM 1-1 CM rH CM t- ■ -t it CM CM © rH CM © © © it _H rH © CM i— LO X 1— © CO it CM © -^ X © LO LO CO © It © X It CM CM t- CO X CO CM LO O it t- 42 o '-' CM 1-1 1-1 i-h eo rH it ~* rH CO CM iO CM iO CO CO i-H 1-1 ^ LO X it X CO CO LO X CO © o O CM XI—© _H © fr- t- CO © t- CO it CM LO © fr- (M CM © CM X CO eo CM CO fr— -t a y o y CM LO CM rH CO rH CO CM CO CM LO © ee l— It CO CM CM CO CM rH it CM i-H © l-H it CO CO CM © -Tt CO X 1- LO If 10 u- LO IO iO IO LO CM ir LT CO to to CO fr- t— fr- t- t- l- fr- t— (- • l— I— fr- CO fr- CO CD CO CO CC CD CO LT IO it LO er c 1— CN _ cc it It LO X CO -* r- eo © to CO X X CO ee X t- -H, © CM LO ■ X CO o. rA r~ c t- CO (X, LT CO © eo x © © CO 1* CM CD in Ol CD l-H it x to © ■>* t- • LO CM CM LO © to © IO I- a- X It C "fl" CO a IO fr- r X © X If er LT -* © LO ir r- © © m ri- tc X © X rH -* -H LO rH © X ,_l rH ir, c 05 ir o LO LT IT LO 10 ec ee tc LO LT cc LO 1— eo ce cc CO to t- X t- X t- X X fr— X X X fr- X X CC fr- t- X fr- l~ «— fr- ec to iO to cr c X o if a- -* C © CO CO LT cr X X CM tc © eo c it to © 1— © © _ CM to CM « rH c IO © © © © LO LO It rH © CO i-H r- rH it rH cn CO Ol to rH © rH rH © © l-H © ee it lo cc a- •'/.• ■^< r-H tO LO it If i* LT LO LO LO iO cc LT LO LO LO It L0 IO LO CO tc cc to ee fr- fr- I— l— t- X fr- fr- fr— t— t- t- 1- fr- I— to I— I- cc cc CO CO LO LT t rH rH © © It © c -* LO cr X __, CO cc it CO © __, © c Cn c x to IO rH X X it ee © © CO o © ee © ^ CO o « i* rH fr- tc co ec -t It © LO rH X -* X LO Cn c Oi ee CO i- It It rH rH fr- CM rH cn CM © © © io i-h er It CJ t— cc C © OX iO to © CC o It c © ee LO i< or m fr- to CO 11 1- ^- li- IO o to X LO © CC ee © rH tO CO ,_i © It CO CM CM it -t -t cr ■*f it 1* t it •^ in LO LO LO it It ■^ -t -t it LO LO LO -"■ cc CC CO I— to to t- fr- CO to t— I- • to CO to CO LO co io co ir ■o M "d 3 93 • s _o 3 "J Ul a o o h Ul cn y o H Hj H CO a r% O d hi h d PQ o o e r JL -C i P- E r T, < 2 £ s j r 5 u I s 03 Ul u < d h hi d pq bo i-3 4-Ul r* O d u. u d PQ c O Ul _c 'h K c C K h ct 6 .5 r- Ul r% O g 0 3 PQ a 03 Ul h < r-. 3 d ^= bD 03 < M C3 d h h d pq — c i > 1 C4 c h e e c 1 -: "d a % rH < rf 1 'u c h hl d pq 03 & O e 'h « CC r-c C h PC Ul d o a d u. h d pq a, < 3 o 03 > H 3 Pike...... Wood..... Orleans... 03 bo 3 0 P£5 3 Oh 3 10 03 h-3 'i-43 3 "d Ul e o Ul cs o H Washita... Gibson.... ■son Barrack d 3 03 Ul 4, < m "5 0 Ul !Z3 M V d ti C d -J PQ £ •1 « O d .3 M % h c El J HH c h e u. o HH h C h c b h C h c b a rS d T3 d h c b h c r*- d c c e ', 1 -c h c 03 (3d - O h c ft ST h c E cc 3 0 o o « HM bi rH- o d PQ o rH = d O o ti >- hi "h O O O c rM HH Uh U- 03 (-Q hi o HH hi o Uh • METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 135 MONTH OF MAY, 1845. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. .5 0 < REMARKS. S. E. E. s. w. W. N. 5V. S.R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 rH •a 0 o O Ss o 0 Ul 6 6 19 28 9 11 30 55 7 14 4.19 5.00 4.29 4.90 4.60 17 14 12 3 2.63 6 23 25 77 19 61 20 44 18 62 3.84 3.68 3.16 4.03 3.68 14 17 12 2 2.51 3 10 18 59 35 111 11 33 23 64 4.00 4.45 3.12 5.09 4.17 14 17 8 1 5.17 3 6 29 81 33 75 14 39 10 21 3.80 4.00 4.50 4.60 4.22 13 18 8 1 3.14 7 12 30 74 15 40 15 31 18 49 4.33 5.12 5.32 5.48 5.19 20 11 9 1 3.15 3 10 7 13 45 152 25 ; 78 11 29 3.87 3.80 3.80 4.73 4.05 14 17 11 0 3.22 4 12 16 41 42 127 10 27 24 73 4.80 4.90 4.41 5.00 4.77 17 14 14 0 2.89 3 7 13 35 30 98 15 66 12 50 5.32 5.76 5.89 6.79 5.69 20 11 6 0 1.47 16 34 5 20 26 47 10 25 42 96 4.58 5.22 5.29 4.39 4.87 17 14 7 0 1.75 22 31 11 14 25 31 | 6 16 38 70 4.84 5.03 5.06 6.42 5.33 17 14 10 0 4.10 4 8 32 135 14 28 | 34 103 20 84 .... .... .... 18 13 9 0 5.02 2 5 61 204 2 9 25 78 1 5 5.09 5.48 5.16 3.38 4.77 i 17 14 11 0 1.83 19 : 64 4 13 56 114 | 3 16 34 146 5.51 4.29 4.74 3.90 4.36 14 17 14 1 4.16 3 5 5 10 44 86 26 58 23 55 4.51 5.22 4.90 5.09 4.93 16 15 8 0 2.39 8 17 19 61 25 82 19 63 31 118 5.54 5.93 6.32 5.32 5.77 18 13 5 0 2.57 4 11 10 52 65 231 3 9 20 71 4.38 5.25 5.41 5.06 5.07 18 13 9 1 1.78 0 0 5 19 16 43 32 56 22 62 5.48 5.83 5.80 6.70 5.70 21 10 10 0 1.18 7 8 3 3 3 3 64 77 15 28 5.45 6.58 5.87 6.83 7.43 21 10 8 0 4.03 3 6 22 41 34 74 17 22 17 41 3.96 4.74 5.06 5.29 4.76 13 18 8 0 4.30 19 30 5 14 32 75 13 24 21 59 3.70 4.10 4.20 5.30 4.32 13 18 9 0 2.36 8 26 27 97 22 51 13 27 27 104 4.32 5.06 5.22 5.48 5.02 18 13 12 0 3.24 20 32 8 17 36 69 15 34 20 65 3.35 4.48 5.64 6.00 4.86 18 13 11 0 7.70 18 52 11 31 42 147 15 ! 40 5 14 5.12 5.20 6.21 5.17 5.42 21 10 12 0 3.94 24 47 5 7 44 71 12 25 14 32 5.60 7.03 5.08 7.30 6.25 20 11 3 0 1.07 10 30 28 96 19 63 12 31 9 23 5.06 5.00 5.87 7.12 5.76 20 11 9 0 6.53 2 5 34 75 0 0 21 37 2 4 7.90 5.83 5.90 7.64 6.81 24 7 8 0 5.30 27 69 10 22 16 26 3 6 5 10 5.77 6.35 5.39 6.61 6.03 21 10 9 0 2.63 9 23 17 29 3 5 3 9 6 16 5.67 5.61 6.58 7.00 6.21 23 8 9 0 4.33 5 9 29 29 13 20 6 7 14 21 5.74 6.19 5.74 5.87 5.88 18 13 8 0 4.03 8 22 37 92 14 41 22 41 1 2 4.61 5.38 4.83 3.54 4.59 20 11 10 0 3.69 37 98 8 25 17 46 0 0 37 112 5.70 5.22 4.61 6.42 5.48 17 14 7 0 2.54 26 52 1 1 25 58 7 12 13 39 8.45 6.90 7.19 8.29 7.71 26 5 9 0 ; 2.69 0 0 50 54 1 1 13 18 1 2 5.30 5.50 4.80 6.00 5.40 19 12 13 0 7.31 10 12 12 17 3 4 2 4 6 8 4.39 5.58 4.00 5.87 4.96 17 14 13 0 8.06 21 30 5 7 6 12 13 19 2 2 2.21 8.25 8.30 3.22 5.49 24 7 10 0 3.10 18 23 18 28 16 29 5 7 9 17 4.25 4.40 4.19 6.12 4.74 17 | 14 7 0 4.43 4 4 1 2 2 2 5 8 6 8 5.20 4.80 6.00 7.00 5.75 22 9 8 0 .... 35 ( 76 3 11 9 22 1 2 9 20 6.12 6.19 6.29 7.64 6.56 24 7 7 0 5.17 1 2 60 121 1 2 42 75 4 8 4.45 4.45 4.22 5.58 4.67 14 17 9 0 4.50 0 0 20 22 5 6 14 14 10 12 5.48 6.54 6.29 6.51 6.20 22 9 7 0 3.67 65 j 71 16 17 2 2 1 1 4 5 4.32 4.90 4.39 6.48 5.02 18 13 3 0 2.01 15 j 35 35 69 3 6 16 29 0 0 2.91 3.06 3.61 5.90 3.87 16 15 7 0 8.16 14 30 38 109 14 34 4 8 18 48 4.45 4.51 4.25 7.45 5.16 19 12 4 0 2.35 Therm, protected. 17 j 19 17 18 17 20 8 13 12 13 7.32 8.64 8.90 7.41 8.07 25 6 4 0 3.05 3 '■• 9 21 51 16 48 ■ 28 78 0 0 4.80 6.10 5.70 7.50 6.02 21 10 4 0 1.03 39 118 13 49 12 42 1 j 2 9 34 4.48 4.25 4.64 6.32 4.92 15 16 9 1 1.83 1 0 9 23 25 81 44 .153 17 44 | 6.68 6.10 6.30 C.48 6.39 18 13 6 0 0.92 136 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MAY, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Brady........ Fort Wilkine...... Fort Winnebago... Fort Crawford..... Fort Atkinson..... Fort Snelling...... Fort Leavenworth.. Fort Des Moines... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 26.30 43.67 46.26 51.12 47.51 51.64 54.22 48.00 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M 49.40 50.22 58.90 02.00 61.16 62.06 64.25 59.11 57.80 59.00 68.68 70.87 69.00 69.12 72.38 72.20 44.60 46.32 55.80 60.06 57.00 60.51 62.32 57.14 Mean. 44.52 44.80 57.41 61.01 58.67 60.83 63.29 59.11 84 88 85 86 84 86 84 80 Range. Min. Above mean. 25 39.5 31 43.2 32 27.6 35 25.0 32 25.3 38 25.2 41 20.7 28 20.9 Below mean. 19.5 13.8 25.4 26.0 26.7 22.8 22.3 31.1 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 7 22 6 10 18 30 17 65 12 46 3 6 21 57 3 10 0 0 40 60 7 9 5 8 13 26 13 32 3 9 9 20 4 4 13 19 6 8 20 23 14 24 13 13 0 0 29 44 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 137 MONTH OF MAY, 1845. WINDS. and sum of force. S. E. S. s. w. 13 21 5 14 12 45 9 36 25 101 16 71 5 17 29 93 10 36 8 8 43 54 7 8 4 15 8 35 34 92 31 61 15 28 16 25 39 66 15 22 18 40 6 11 30 89 11 35 RAIN AND SNOW Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. S. R. IP. M. Mean. '8 rV 5 20 11 18 13 23 8 22 9 22 9 22 9 25 6 22 9 37 104 26 31 '118 11 15 48 15 3 4 11 20 53 29 20 31 16 3 6 9 30 42 5 6.10 5.87 7.13 7.45 6.83 5.87 6.77 6.20 5.90 5.32 6.97 6.77 6.87 6.93 7.22 6.11 5.40 5.38 5.94 6.00 6,25 7.74 6.77 5.11 6.90 5.64 7.29 5.93 7.58 4.35 7.41 7.40 6.00 5.55 6.83 6.54 6.88 6.22 7.04 6.20 2.19 1.46 2.40 3.23 1.51 2.30 1.61 18 Ph H H M C5 LO w X « 1-1 W 1-3 £ E3 1-3 u Ph hH O o _ o H •-3 r*; O c « fn o E- w CO cc teococMCDXoo©coLO(Mi-HxeoLO©x©(M ©©i— ©lOrHLOitOOOXi-Hi-HitOCOLOOCOCMt-WtOLOCOX LO © LO CO CO It CM fr- CO rH eo X © X © X rH © X X It CO ee LO l— CO © fr- ee CO rn CO X LO X it © ee it ee CO CM CO LO CM CM cc -H< rH CM X to -t LO o © © i— fr- to LO LO rH en X eo eo fr- CM i— _ t— fr- © CO IO CO © X C) CO CO CM CO © © Ph S CM CM rH 1—1 1—1 ~ CM CM ^ I-H 1—1 1—1 1—1 r—* CM CM CM CM CM 1—1 CM CM CM I-H CM l-H rH l-H CM CM l-H CM CM CM o * 45 X LO o LO fr— t- CO X CO l— © t- CM © CM © CM © © CM CM CO fr— fr- LO eo eo rH CO -HI fr- © It CM LO CM CO © fr- CO it l— X It LO X X It to a C3 Ph to © I— r- © LO It LO CM CO rH It It 1— l-H © CO It it CM X LO it CO _ © CM © X X lO cn LO _ eo CM LO it o t- rn 3a CM CM CM 1-1 CM rH CM CM CM CM CM CM 1-1 M CM 1—1 CM rH CM CM 1-1 rH 1—1 1—1 1—1 CM l-H 1—1 CM CM CM CM a° CO lO -t LO © CM X CM © CM CO to to © CO © CO X LO CO it CM CM CO it o It It © CM CM CM fr- eo it CC It IO X 1— CM on X K. — *£ O C 3 4- d .3 -g -S s t* = t- iJ " "E 3 d O < V Ph Jr ,-h ffl < 13 Oh "rt h. d O Q \% £ m E-i HH HH © 3 o fe < bi fan O O Ph S > pq ^ tx a S 3 S ' o O r-l ^ 6 g P.3 Ph « ™ ** 03 Ul hi HJ ^5 o « .— Ul *J M E^^ l A ° « IrH o O J" W Ph O S fe bi r^ EH V] 3 O o Ul 3 O 5 -q '5 h Lh h h Its 0) U, fe O fc fc Ph Ph Ph CO Q oSgJSSoDSKBSS^Sg'oo £3co©toto'£coMo'4-Jg£ cc0c-,i.§H.Hm^H^BSo^oooSS ^^^^.^^So^o^.s^s^^ gggggssssssssissgagaga -------------"-----------' : _. *»* ,_ _. x«i *r> i_i h-1 OSOShHfcOhntO totoco --------------------~ i_i cj-jtOfrOIO-JCOtOCOtO h-■ Cn Cn OS 00 Cn SStS00SoOt3ot=HOO«io5S^W03«.5o ^^g^gMQOOO = O^COM OTCOtO©lOhHOSW^CnX0144W©00©444444^cX©Ol©©Ol444444C044^0l44© ssgfeisfegsbsssyfcssbisbssgfcBKS gcoejggsacjcjjg 010101440s4444444-.cn Oi©©hH©eei^©-_i-_J Bowwoiwoooo C3,C044-40St0C04444O,^44te440l^C3,^0S44440l-JOT-J©C^440l0l4444CnOlCn© 0l0i©0l44©0i0i4444 booiOi©tocnto©toco CO©©©©OS©l©CO© ~ tO OS -3 tO WOl©CA©©44(»C^44^0SOlt044©©©Oia)OlOlC0444>4>44CnOl44Cn gSSgSSSBSS8SSS3igSS838§.3§588 "^SoSogcJS Ol44-J©©©Cnrf44444 4.lt044hH©eOeO-3hH44 ©©©osooocos© ^WC^©OiOS01XCnO=^©rW©©CX©Oi©©©©^©©a3©44CnCn44Cnp4-4444 0,COC>S©OStO^©Ol©©Cn©C^Ol^O,4-Cn44©©©©r.OlOl44440l4444444444Cn Ol4400OlOl©©©4-.Ol frO-J©^f440lOl03©tO ©O30SCO©O3©0SOS© 0l0l©0l44©0l0l440l Cn©00*-tOtOOlO344iO XtOeOhHtDtO©44t0 44 S^^g^^S^S^Sg^Sg^ghtSSSSS jgSBSS^S^SSSS^^S^S^S-, (OMOitJlOoSSKoi-lir-JOOHOCCrUOOM-lB-J © OS OS -4 tO © © co co cn —i cn 4444-JOOOCOOO©WCOC»44CD©C^COOOOlOlhH©COOSCOOi44-JO CO -J 44 h-■ © IO CO Ol CO © OS = ©©©©©©©o©©o©o©©©©o©© ©©©©©©©oooo©ooooooo°°°°°°° h- tOtOOSCD4-lOtOtO© w-lU-l-lOihCDOlM awottiocoioocjitsti HH434C0©Ot0h-44©©t0WhHh-©©t0t0©44hHhH44hHWt0hH030S0St0hHhH tO tO hH §H OS © © Fair. Cloudy Snow. Am't in inches 140 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JUNE, 1845. THERMOMETER WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P.M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 45.60 50.76 55.63 60.50 57.06 60.60 64.60 59.20 61.10 56.76 68.70 69.20 69.56 68.60 70.13 68.60 66.60 62.37 74.83 75.28 75.80 75.06 76.36 78.16 51.80 53.53 67.13 67.30 62.96 66.30 70.00 66.00 56.27 55.85 66.57 68.07 66.34 67.64 70.27 67.99 82 76 87 86 88 87 80 90 34 42 41 50 46 51 52 40 25.7 20.1 20.4 17.9 21.7 19.4 9.7 22.0 22.3 13.9 25.6 18.1 20.3 16.6 18.3 28.0 7 8 5 0 4 3 4 3 10 15 8 0 13 6 5 7 5 7 3 1 9 3 20 2 5 15 6 1 28 3 22 3 24 0 3 1 8 7 7 26 50 0 9 1 25 8 14 28 r-i -J tO -4 CO to X CO 44 OS © OS © X 00 to to to -J CO to Ol to h-1 hH © to © CO Cn 44 OS 44 Ol JO © hH CO toostoeohHtOhHOi X © o OS -J to l-H l-H *. 4403 0i44C044Oi0l © (© © © 44 0S44©OSCO4444Ol Cn OS 44 44 to Oi oo to I—■ OS © © 44 © © Cn Cn Oi hH tO hH hH 44 © OS © © © © © OS 44. © to hH 44 -j 44 oo Ol Oi -J eo©os©tocnoios 44©440S©X©O ©©oo©©©© OiCn©--aOi44. i-h Cloudy Snow. Am't in inches. W h3 W o w o f o I—I Q > Q hH Ul h-l w w fr^ 142 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JULY, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Kent............ Hancock Barracks .... Fort Sullivan......... Fort Preble........... Fort Constitution..... Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus........ WestPoint........... Watervliet Arsenal ... Platttburg Barracks... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara....... Buffalo Barracks...... Alleghany Arsenal .... Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... Fort McHenry....... Fort Severn.......... Fort Monroe.......... Fort Johnston........ Fort Moultrie........ Augusta Arsenal...... Oglethorpe Barracks... Fort Marion.......... Key West............ Fort Brooke.......... Barrancas Barracks ... Mount Vernon Arsenal. Fort Pike............ Fort Wood........... Camp Pass Christian .. Baton Rouge......... Fort Jesup........... Fort Towson......... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks .... St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot.......... Fort Mackinac......., FortBradv........... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. 3 P. M. 9 P. M 53.4S 55.87 55.38 60.10 61.00 66.22 62.29 67.80 69.13 67.29 68.16 59.74 60.25 62.29 64.90 61.25 62.80 75.06 68.29 67.19 72.35 73.70 77.50 79.41 81.48 77.77 78.50 79.35 75.62 76.96 74.26 79.25 76.48 77.29 71.70 74.10 71.96 73.16 68.25 75.14 68.19 72.93 69.28 59.50 57.20 59.30 52.20 64.48 64.42 61.35 67.30 69.74 75.71 72.45 74.06 77.51 75.19 76.55 68.00 68.22 68.80 70.87 72.70 71.93 79.80 80.77 76.11 78.45 78.96 84.60 83.88 85.96 83.74 84.84 85.67 80.93 83.87 83.93 86.48 85.54 83.97 83.00 78.20 81.25 84.77 85.80 83.31 79.54 79.51 78.19 73.70 71.61 65.06 64.80 69.64 70.42 66.48 70.90 74.58 77.13 78.83 81.42 85.48 81.68 84.19 75.93 72.87 73.09 76.83 79.22 81.48 86.38 84.90 85.30 82.83 85.06 88.26 85.67 94.93 88.51 86.87 87.87 83.83 85.16 88.64 88.38 88.23 88.93 90.83 91.10 91.80 97.74 95.00 92.41 89.45 89.03 89.83 79.80 84.12 69.52 70.50 59.32 60.97 57.74 63.80 66.12 68.26 67.35 74.64 74.29 73.29 69.13 66.00 66.19 65.58 69.74 69.27 68.19 80.16 72.35 75.70 77.25 78.35 80.70 82.40 87.54 82.55 81.09 81.19 79.32 79.61 78.61 81.77 80.17 80.61 78.14 81.00 81.35 81.58 80.83 82.34 76.19 77.93 80.00 70.70 65.16 62.71 57.30 Mean. Max. Min. 61.73 62.92 60.24 65.52 67.86 71.83 70.23 74.48 76.60 74.36 74.51 67.42 66.88 67.44 70.58 70.61 70.60 80.35 76.58 76.07 77.72 79.02 82.76 82.84 87.48 83.14 82.82 83.52 79.42 81.40 81.36 83.97 82.60 82.70 80.92 81.10 81.59 84.31 82.47 83.30 78.34 79.85 79.32 70.92 69.52 64.15 61.20 90 89 86 83 91 90 90 99 99 96 98 92 85 87 92 92 96 98 97 97 95 96 95 92 103 97 92 91 88 98 98 96 98 95 99 97 102 106 100 99 98 100 99 90 96 80 36 43 48 54 52 54 49 51 54 53 52 50 50 48 52 47 48 66 54 55 63 65 71 76 72 76 74 77 73 70 68 70 72 68 66 64 58 62 58 56 53 62 60 41 43 43 40 Above mean. 28.3 26.1 25.8 17.5 23.1 18.2 19.8 24.5 22.4 21.6 23.5 24.6 18.1 19.6 21.4 21.4 25.4 17.6 20.4 20.9 17.3 19.0 12.2 9.2 15.5 13.9 9.2 7.5 8.6 16.6 16.6 12.0 15.4 12.3 18.1 15.9 20.4 21.7 17.5 15.7 19.7 20.1 19.7 17.1 26.5 15.8 30.8 Below mean. 25.7 19.9 12.2 11.5 15.9 17.8 21.2 23.5 22.6 21.4 22.5 17.4 16.9 19.4 18.6 23.6 22.6 14.4 22.6 21.1 14.7 14.0 11.8 6.8 15.5 7.1 8.8 6.5 6.4 11.4 13.4 14.0 10.6 14.7 14.9 17.1 23.6 22.3 24.5 27.3 25.3 17.9 19.3 29.9 26.5 21.2 21.2 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 7 15 10 12 9 10 7 15 5 15 13 20 7 11 2 6 5 16 5 10 1 4 4 11 3 8 9 21 . 3 5 10 28 8 27 ] 5 14 30 1 6 0 0 21 76 15 40 3 8 1 3 6 .11 0 0 3 4 8 9 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 0 15 43 0 0 16 26 0 0 10 24 1 1 3 8 7 15 3 4 12 31 12 28 3 3 3 10 8 11 1 1 10 15 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 11 14 6 9 7 10 5 12 23 43 8 16 3 4 12 45 4 14 1 2 4 8 9 16 17 38 2 6 1 2 24 64 4 15 9 28 15 52 9 11 18 20 0 0 18 18 0 0 20 33 3 5 8 16 24 59 5 13 7 15 24 60 3 3 9 21 11 11 14 14 0 0 6 9 0 0 2 6 0 0 8 10 6 12 2 3 37 48 3 3 8 8 3 3 2 3 1 1 0 0 2 9 59 96 1 1 11 14 11 18 12 24 7 10 32 55 5 10 0 0 10 15 2 2 2 2 43 51 5 5 13 14 2 2 2 7 9 12 15 30 14 34 14 20 6 8 7 13 11 10 10 12 25 56 3 6 13 24 4 13 42 140 2 4 10 27 4 11 12 32 8 8 12 20 22 14 co Ph P^ H Ui hH cis LO bi X PS 1-1 >H hi h-l < 1-3 o Ph o o O X H hi £ o O Ph S o h EH bi 3 saqoui m ^ray 'AiOUS •UTTIJI jtpnoio MIHJ CMCOrHtOeOX©LOLOXrH©LOX-*-t-*X©COXCOC£"OLO©rH©©0 t-XlOXCOl—eO©t— COCO©-*LOi—ILOt— I—ICtCMrHCM©©COXrH©COitt— it© I— ^^h^coltjitujixji-j^jwna^i.j t^XCOLOt^CMeerHrHCM*eOCMLOr^i-H-HirOcieO-H ©©©©©©©©©O00©0©©0©©0©0©©©0©©0©00©00©©©0000©©©© ©CMCOCM©©©lO^©t-©CQitLOX©XXt-COX©i-HCOO©LOO©©XLO©rHCM©0^fr-X rHLoeocMceitcoitx-tcooScerH©-H.©o©^^eeo-H©co©©o^© 144 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JULY, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Wilkins..... Fort Winnebago.. Fort Crawford Fort Atkinson Fort Snelling..... Fort Leavenworth Fort Des Moines . THERMOMETEI WINDS. Mea n Tempera 8 P.M. ture. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 \. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. i [ Min. Above Mean. Below M6an. N. N. E. E. 58.00 64.87 71.00 61.32 63.80 94 1 42 30.2 21.8 6 12 5 16 I 14 26 63.10 73.80 81.48 70.51 72.22 94 49 21.8 23.2 6 8 0 0 1 1 70.00 75.06 82.00 74.03 75.25 93 56 17.7 19.3 2 4 4 7 6 10 64.90 76.12 83.12 70.00 73.53 95 49 21.5 24.5 17 40 9 16 5 13 66.83 73.29 83.03 73.61 74.19 94 54 19.8 20.2 5 7 5 7 7 15 70.71 81.71 8G.00 7G.38 78.70 94 58 15.3 20.3 8 8 4 4 2 2 65.30 79.30 88.00 73.50 76.52 98 48 21.5 28.5 8 J 14 0 , 0 23 24 to © to -j os tO ir Ul 4- -t iO Cn © X to © —J hH O Ol Ol 01 -a io bo 44 44 © -J 44 44 44 o 44 © © 00 03 Ol © 44 Ol © CO to CO Ol 44 X 44 Oi 44 X eo © X -J Oi Ol 44 44 X X CO -J -a Ol Ol © X Cn Oi © 44 cn 44 44 to OS 44 oo © CO 0 0 Cn X © eo h-- © © --1 OS hH CD © cn 44 © h-i © © 00 hH CO O © © © O © © © © iO -Jl 01 0 cn io Cloudy Am't in inches, h^ OX o rJ o PS O bi Eh W COrHCO©COCOCOM-H-t©CO X X © o t- co to to fr- © © LO © X l-H © c>t t- © © © © ,COl—rHCM©©lOX©CO -H< co co lo t— cm eo cm eo co co i* to x ©©XXCOCOLOrH©.^ r g -3 pq -£ 4* 8l -S fi g ti 3 bn o o©Loeoit©cocMfr-© rH 1-l-HCOrHCOCMCMrHrHrHCM 1-HrHrH rH rHXl-COitt-CNj©©t-XrH©t-t--tlOrHXitO©eOitXX©CDrHrHCM2^^52^^Z|WWS rH Oi in r-i COrH 1-HrH 1-HrHrH rHIt C} COLO rH rH rH it COrH 1-H Ol t-t-tDCOitittOt-©-*CO©©MittOCO©©CMOOXCOXeO©COrHrHtD^©CMrHlOLOt-Ot-00 <-N|rH 1-H rH i-H l-H-* 1—I CM CM rH rH r-H rH i—I eoxeooioxcot-©iot-i-HLOt-rH©cj©rHXtoeocMtoeo-t-HeotoCTit©t^ rncornQOl— tOLOrHC)OtO©COXC^itt-LOMt-t-XCOt-©©i-Hit©rH©COC^ SSSrHrHrHStMrHrHfrMtMrHCMtMrHrtC^FH CMrHCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCMCOCMCMrHrHrHCOrHCMeO CM it © iO CM LO LO It © X rH rH rH Ol r-H corHLoee©Loco© © cn © t— i-h t— r- M rH Oi © t- © ©Mltt-XitittO©it^XCO©COCMCMi-H(M'itCMlO© -r)" IO © CO i-H © CO CO © -t X X LO © O © CO CI © o © -t rH CO to -HI CM CM It to IO LO LO LO LO IO © © CM © CJ O it it CM -it it CO xxxcotootoiteoxx^OTX i-t—t— xxxt— fr—t-t-l— XXX ©©©©©xxr— t- t— it* ee fr— © © lo x io © it t- © CO © © t- io t- rH LO CO © ©CMrHCor-CMeoit © © ee © rH © t- x i— itxeotoiotoMLO©OLO©xco © © co t— eo © eo eo co to eo x © IMOMHCOflOt-OCt'* tO©©tOCO©©©COitlO XMrHt-rHitrHLO©CM© © 1— CD © © © X CO © CM rH rH LO CO to to CO CO IO CO to LC^ LO t— © © i-H CM tO LO LO LO I— CO CO fr- t- t- fr- eo-Hieoiococo©coto©© i— t- t-t- t- i— t— t- eo cc i— © to X LO CO LO CO © © CO X© — w w w w v-; tj PHPqpMPHpHpHPHpHr,COQfePnPHpHrHrH IS c 'a t> in Q o o Ph Ph C5 PS bi Eh ui hH e PS ■J < o hH ci o hJ o PS o pa Eh w PS PH H CO Ph O E Eh 55 O •saqom ui ^ray ^pnoio •jihj SSfrtSSSSSSeSg^SSSSSKSSS^ ! rH © CO "* IO CM CM(M(McoeococecococeiOi-HitcM©MitcMLOLoeorHCMCMi-H ee cm co co ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©0©0©0©0©©©©0©©©©©0©©0©0©©©© rH©x©©©©-tiocN!rHCMeot-©toi*M©t-rHtocMeot-ceiteeLotoitcM©^eo-txt-xt-t- COlOCO©MrHitrH^rHO^©tOtO©itCOLO©tO©CMrH©eO©tOt-tOCOLOLOCOXCOLO -Hl-Hi-HrHrHi-HrHrHCMCMCMrH 1-HrHrH rHrH 1-HrHrH r-H rH i-H l-H 1-H CM l-H 1-H rH it -* LO CO LO IO IO IO LO i— CO LO coxcoeoLoxtoto©CNt©t-eox (Ml— t— LOCMLOit©t-©fr— ©OCO r-t=-4,C»rHXCOeO©i-HCOeO©CN>e010X-tLOrHtOaOCOt0^l^^^»C^^I— w yu eecMCM©©xo©t^©xco©cMitco-tt-cMto to©cococDit©rHco©©©©tDco©cooeoeo©©©04co©coco©©cococeo ScM©CMXMeOMiOitCO©©©rHitC»©eOCMtOeOtOtOCOr^ tOTfNtNiiincDt-oJoi-KCC'N'int- coeoioxt-©©t- t-xeoioitceiteoeei— r- ©©©©©© • ©*© to©M©tOi-Htooeo©©©©©co©coi-H©©oco©©eo©©co©tocoit ° § 2 n ° ffl .§SSLoS^^rHCMXl-XX©lOIOlOMLOCMCOitrHrH©itrHCMC}(MCM-^ LO-*iocoLo'it !Lo'eoit-*iOLOitioiocoLo"eoiteoLo-tt^cot^t -* LO to to LO IO eo©tococococofr-©©co©©eo©o©©eoeo©©coeoco©©o©co©cocorH itX^CO©©COCMt-rHX©OrHrH©CMLO©t^CMC»t-;CeCMIOIO©0 LOCJcMCOitLOititLOt^tOt^lOCOtOi^t^COtOtO-tCOC^ ,—. .-.—. — 4. -4 .-A444.{4C^4.t-1_44jD^ooc-,i=5(--iCICT)C3i—'tontotoiBocooowucoMoi ScMloSSo© .cMSLOLOt^©©rHCoS^LoSx©COceCM©M© it it LO CO -t LO tOCMCMC^COLO-^itlo'tOtDt^itLOl— LOCOitlOLOCDCMLOitt-ititCOrHitLO-*LOCO t-t-rHLOCOeetOM©CM©rH©^cOLO©lOCO©Xt-CM©itLO©©COLO it CO © X fr— CO I— COLOlOCMCMrHLOtD -t i-H i-h T l,^ w i. vih i i-i i i.h tOtO(MOM©tO©CM©CMCOt-XceiOt-XCOCOt-©goaOX©CM CM CM i-H 1-Hl-HrHCMCMrHCMCOCMrH -t.-HXLOCOitLOXCOtO©©CO^LOCMCOXCe^COt-COLgCOt-©©©itO it CO CO © CMOOOCMCOrHt-t-rHCMrHrH itrH rHCM CMrHrH i*CMt-CM©tC©©COrHLO S22S'n2g5t'Se?S?S2,flSl^2^ff,2r;l,M2Q0Sn23^SSc!§S2 xxitxtoto-t^cocMfr-Lot-LOi*CMittot-©itLOt--Hco^^e^^?2f5SrS!ic^S2^i2aj ©t-t-^'HScO^iLOeO't COlOlOtCM -HlteOCMrHrH^rHrH LOrHrHCMLOCOCOCMltCMCO l-t-CMCOLOCttOCOt-OXt-COrHCDrH©CMitt-LO©©©rHtOCMCO©t-XrH©-trH CM CM CM i-H CM rH rH CT, Cn rH rH CMCOCMrHCM CMCMrH rH rHrH CO rHl-HCMrHrHrHrHCMCM SSS^'ScoS^S^^SSS^S'-SSSSSSS SScI li^^^^^rH00^ »iSS««»S5HSS^S^ffl^fflSS,'23St-5S3«S§§ai5SSs,S,D ^2S",0r2c?eSt'c10,r2 SS ^ 2 3 g S ^ r- S " g 5 g ^ SS i rH©LOrHitX©©©S^Ce©©©©CMrHCMLOX©CMee©it©©©2 w CO 1-H X CM © LO © X © © rH ee CO CM X CM o t-rH to It © t- CO CO CO fr- ~ X © LO © © ee -t CM t- l-H CO CM X -t rH (M © : o CM CO CM 00 CM to rH s ee eo cc CO LO © It O -t © t- eo CM CM fr-Ct X CO CM CMC^CN!CMCM000 COCMCOCOCM(M(MCMCMCMCMCOCMCMit-*ititLOLOitLO^itmcOCOCeCO(MCOrH(MC r-H e s -s 3 £ ~ ,° ~ < EH X O ^ h, 4) 4j 4- 4J W3*-W*^ b t. b h, 03 K)*j^ O O O Ob-ta-jotj fc,J-,faP-;»>rScHS pq h o d bfl PQ Hi bl -1 f! XI Ul O Ul O 55 r-, a 4= Pi 0) SB X O bu ^ »j .j d 0 o < O rV Ph 2 ^ §§il§n^ I 3 < % ui CQ ■10g T3 -s -2 P9 !> < rZ > *j 03 W 4/ 4- ^4 4. 4/ ^j W VJ —' W W^4.4,4/g. 4^ — 4/ 4. y^ W W W *H ^rlOSOrlrlSrlrlrlhrirlrlrthaiQrlrlrlrlrlEllrl METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 151 MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1845. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. * Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 B 3 REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. N.W. S. R. 9A.M.' 3 P.M. 9 P.M.' Mean. £ ■a s o a '3 is o ! 1 ! £ 5 « Ul < 11 33 10 29 12 35 25 73 14 33 3.90 4.35 j 4.87 5.51 4.65 13 18 9 0 4.74 5 16 4 12 10 26 13 27 31 76 4.16 5.52 5.70 5.22 5.15 17 14 7 0 3.65 12 23 13 30 33 67 5 13 10 36 5.89 6.06 7.16 6.75 6.46 21 10 4 0 1.76 • 12 17 '9 ! 29 23 25 30 39 16 24 4.67 6.19 •6.45 6.22 5.88 21 10 7 0 2.50 34 64 12 17 12 14 7 8 41 87 4.45 5.84 5.39 6.22 5.47 19 12 7 0 2.93 0 0 60 156 1 1 15 45 3 6 .... .... .... .... .... 22 9 6 1 2.04 5 16 44 107 16 43 26 54 5 14 5.10 5.40 5.70 5.30 5.37 16 15 8 2 2.26 54 158 0 0 23 70 1 4 26 89 3.51 4.58 4.03 4.07 4.04 12 19 11 0 2.64 17 27 32 54 26 48 8 18 16 35 3.87 5.00 4.45 4.61 4.48 14 17 9 0 5.60 9 21 45 101 19 64 16 60 14 52 2.61 3.00 3.51 3.67 3.19 6 25 7 0 1.42 13 14 1 3 25 39 23 40 16 26 2.96 6.09 5.54 6.35 5.23 20 11 7 0 3.37 3 5 0 0 0 0 82 82 10 10 6.54 6.83 7.29 7.41 7.01 24 7 6 0 9.70 Temp, inaccurate. 12 12 11 27 18 28 25 29 10 14 5.38 5.00 5.74 6.03 5.53 18 13 5 0 4.60 36 38 2 7 12 12 19 38 9 13 5.10 5.80 5.26 7.12 5.82 19 12 4 0 3.73 15 30 2 6 15 32 12 26 24 64 3.38 4.58 4.80 6.41 4.79 16 15 2 0 2.00 8 29 1 4 4 16 12 39 9 33 4.03 5.58 5.02 6.07 5.17 19 12 8 0 7.55 6 6 5 5 14 14 1 1 16 17 3.93 5.46 4.80 6.27 5.11 15 16 8 0 3.51 4 8 12 17 1 1 12 20 4 4 7.90 5.25 6.61 7.58 6.86 22 9 8 0 5.94 26 73 9 21 3 10 3 8 3 12 3.40 4.00 3.30 5.00 3.45 14 17 12 0 6.06 25 26 1 3 4 6 0 0 35 92 6.38 6.83 5.16 4.19 5.64 19 12 5 0 2.14 11 34 0 0 11 34 1 2 30 119 4.74 5.06 5.30 6.10 5.30 17 14 7 0 11.87 1 1 5 8 2 3 3 4 1 2 4.60 4.40 4.70 5.20 4.72 14 17 8 0 10.49 15 30 5 11 8 13 19 35 2 5 3.28 7.29 8.35 3.41 5.57 22 9 8 0 3.10 7 7 11 12 2 2 1 1 12 20 2.14 4.19 3.30 3.31 3.50 10 21 5 0 0.60 Amount of rain in- 16 33 6 12 0 0 2 3 6 13 5.16 5.71 6.35 8.67 6.47 23 8 6 0 4.90 complete. 27 48 39 42 31 52 8 15 2 7 4.30 6.10 7.60 6.20 6.05 20 11 5 0 3.65 8 10 2 3 8 9 11 11 16 23 5.96 6.22 6.22 9.16 6.89 23 8 6 0 2.90 61 71 23 25 2 2 2 2 6 7 2.58 5.87 5.55 7.00 5.25 17 14 6 0 3.49 17 21 14 26 22 35 13 • 14 15 17 5.35 5.41 4.93 6.87 5.64 18 13 10 0 3.05 26 62 4 9 36 58 4 7 48 77 5.00 4.87 6.19 6.93 5.74 20 11 3 0 0.63 24 14 .. 14 11 ,, 10 7.54 8.19 8.22 7.83 7.94 22 9 3 0 1.91 5 9 15 26 15 37 27 69 3 6 4.10 4.20 4.60 5.20 4.52 14 17 To 0 1.60 4] 76 23 59 15 33 6 15 19 52 3.87 4.12 4.29 5.19 4.36 14 17 1 2.44 10 25 27 76 16 53 30 118 17 55 3.45 3.35 3.22 5.06 3.77 12 19 7 4 1.56 32 40 16 20 26 53 31 56 5 18 3.00 3.00 3.90 4.80 3.60 12 19 6 3 3.95 11 26 19 56 36 101 17 62 25 68 2.25 3.19 3.29 2.67 2.85 9 22 4 4 .... 15 33 32 80 19 30 7 16 38 104 4.80 5.09 4.48 6.25 5.15 16 15 4 1 1.22 50 94 12 16 13 28 26 53 19 52 3.25 3.83 4.32 2.93 3.55 9 22 8 0 0.66 34 52 5 8 21 46 0 0 11 20 4.48 6.45 5.19 6.06 5.54 20 11 5 0 1.30 152 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1845. Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull....... Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal .. Plattsburg Barracks.. Madison Barracks.... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara........ Alleghany Arsenal Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... FortMcHenry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Augusta Arsenal..... Oglethorpe Barracks.. Fort Marion......... Fort Brooke........., Barrancas Barracks... Mount Vernon Arsenal Baton Rouge........, Fort Jesup........... Corpus Christi....... Fort Towson......... Fort Washita........, Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot........., Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Wilkins........ Fort Atkinson....... Fort Snelling........ Fort Leavenworth ... TIIERMOMKTKIl. Mean Temperature. 44.40 43.06 44.23 41.46 40.06 33.73 35.50 36.53 38.06 38.23 34.40 44.63 39.93 39.20 48.10 52.05 44.30 49.16 55.10 55.00 50.87 45.56 49.13 52.60 57.00 41.36 38.17 36.50 40.78 32.90 34.53 32.63 31.00 32.93 30.23 29.60 29.33 26.30 23.76 31.27 9 A. M. 46.43 46.73 46.26 46.00 42.70 41.40 36.40 37.93 39.43 39.80 36.56 46.33 45.46 42.12 50.03 58 05 47.86 54.16 64.60 62.40 56.57 53.16 57.76 57.10 62.60 47.20 50.28 45.06 45.19 38.56 41.40 S46 00 35.13 31.83 32.30 31.13 30.60 26.90 44.13 49.40 51.03 52.86 50.30 48.36 46.83 40.50 39.56 42.00 41.26 45.23 49.50 51.10 50.80 57.50 63.04 58.76 65.30 68.00 71.00 64.97 63.00 67.63 64.70 67.90 59.90 61.50 56.87 56.60 48.30 50.33 50.20 42.00 41.67 34.23 34.20 33.46 37.70 37.93 50.36 46.44 44.73 45.36 44.97 42.16 37.23 36.20 37.03 38.70 38.53 36.10 46.76 41.80 42.15 51.16 57.06 51.93 57.43 60.00 62.10 55.23 50.40 56.20 57.30 62.00 49.56 48.12 41.50 45.93 38.70 40.06 39.90 34.00 34.47 30.83 29.90 29.33 29.50 29.40 38.80 46.67 46.39 47.18 45.68 43.32 39.80 37.15 37.76 39.55 39.45 38.07 46.80 44.57 43.57 51.70 57.55 50.71 56.51 61.92 62.62 56.91 53.03 57.68 57.92 62.22 49.50 49.52 44.98 47.12 39.61 41.58 40.55* 35.50 36.05 31.78 31.50 30.81 31.02 29.50 41.14 Above Mean. Below Mean. 59 64 69 62 60 59 58 60 61 70 76 63 72 75 76 78 83 78 75 78 82 78 89 80 83 80 78 71 71 75 63 65 52 67 60 60 68 76 22 18 25 23 18 20 6 11 14 14 14 24 19 19 30 36 22 31 34 36 36 24 28 28 30 20 17 13 12 —10 — 2 — 2 2 1 1 — 9 5 —12 —12 —14 12.3 17.6 20.8 22.3 25.7 22.2 22.8 21.2 18.4 20.5 22.9 23.2 31.4 19.4 20.3 17.4 25.3 21.5 31.1 15.4 18.1 25.0 24.3 20.1 26.8 30.5 33.5 35.0 30.9 31.4 29.4 34.4 27.5 28.9 20.2 35.5 29.2 29.0 38.5 34.9 24.7 28.4 22.2 22.7 25.3 19.8 31.2 26.8 25.6 25.5 24.1 22.8 25.6 24.6 21.7 21.6 28.7 25.5 27.9 26.6 20.9 29.0 29.7 29.9 32.2 29.5 32.5 32.0 35.1 49.6 43.6 42.6 33.5 35.1 30.8 40.5 25.8 19.0 41.5 55.1 No. of Observations 14 25 3 2 2 15 14 1 28 5 4 8 10 5 8 7 14 28 31 39 31 6 7 53 29 31 7 6 4 18 0 28 19 2 29 14 21 44 3 36 10 28 11 25 23 65 14 15 6 9 15 18 27 0 14 8 47 3 80 27 76 28 60 31 13 27 21 20 76 14 83 28 68 9 11 10 12 22 5 29 31 11 0 2 13 6 60 0 8 8 81 13 26 8 68 5 94 0 11 3 64 10 20 43 18 53 14 21 6 2 11 18 34 0 14 3 100 39 77 55 57 15 86 20 36 26 30 13 4 6 0 27 38 17 14 0 6 14 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, 153 MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1845. WINDS. 1 WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 4= C3 ,g 0 1 < REMARKS. S. E. ! S. 1 S. w. w. 1 N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. « 5 P. M. i >» 1 :.-3 i P. M. Mean. .5s j § Rain. Snow. 12 30 ; 7 23 18 62 32 128 24 1 97 3.50 3.80 4.20 4.90 4.10 12 | 18 11 0 9.49 7 25 8 22 12 38 25 | 76 29 79 3.86 4.23 4.80 5.50 4.59 12 18 10 0 7.96 6 11 2 4 41 1 15 16 70 27 1 27 6.00 : 5.76 j 5.33 5.60 5.67 ] 19 | 11 5 1 2.95 12 17 j 2 3 i 24 43 34 45 32 55 3.10 4.93 5.00 4.20 4.30 14 16 8 1 3.40 7 9 14 26 39 64 18 42 36 i L01 4.36 3.86 4.23 4.43 4.22 10 20 11 1 5.36 4 8 34 86 34 87 24 59 12 23 .... .... .... .... 19 11 9 2 3.41 1 1 171 30 15 25 30 50 22 46 1.50 1.50 1.80 2.30 1.77 2 28 10 2 3.49 33 87 0 0 27 107 1 4 40 136 1.36 1.93 1.40 2.26 1.73 2 28 12 4 2.24 6 7 24 31 19 30 19 44 11 22 2.63 2.96 2.70 3.66 2.98 6 24 7 2 2.65 9 26 24 66 26 96 24 92 24 14 1.30 1.20 2.26 2.73 1.87 2 28 9 0 1.21 3 3 6 8 12 22 49 93 26 87 2.70 3.76 3.73 4.06 3.81 10 20 10 2 2.02 0 0 0 0 9 12 60 66 41 46 4.56 4.53 4.96 5.36 4.85 15 15 3 2 2.90 Therm, protected. 3 3 12 20 36 63 26 45 21 44 3.96 4.13 4.13 5.46 4.42 14 16 6 2 4.70 16 18 0 0 26 38 28 65 32 74 3.28 4.28 4.00 6.40 4.49 15 15 6 0 1.22 4 8 4 14 32 82 23 67 28 71 4.83 4.98 4.30 6.23 5.08 14 16 6 0 2.10 1 4 2 8 17 57 72 251 21 82 6.53 6.90 6.36 6.86 6.66 23 7 2 0 0.20 1 1 1 1 51 55 23 34 22 30 5.90 6.40 6.40 7.40 6.52 21 9 3 0 0.50 1 1 25 33 2 5 45 74 7 10 9.33 8.83 9.00 9.50 9.16 29 1 2 0 0.22 2 5 7 9 7 23 10 29 U 32 5.40 5.50 4.10 8.70 5.92 20 io- 3 0 0.43 2 3 10 11 7 10 13 22 12 22 6.50 8.30 7.60 7.20 7.40 23 7 7 0 1.00 8 21 10 13 3 6 9 17 6 24 5.13 5.63 6.06 6.60 5.85 20 10 4 0 2.93 7 11 0 0 11 17 1 3 61 148 5.10 6.66 5.83 7.50 6.29 22 8 4 0 4.99 12 22 0 0 6 10 17 31 1 2 3.36 7.36 7.83 3.43 5.49 23 7 10 0 5.00 10 14 4 4 2 2 2 4 8 15 2.10 3.20 4.10 2.90 3.07 8 22 6 1 2.50 12 24 19 38 0 0 3 5 10 43 3.56 3.20 4.73 6.10 4.40 14 16 11 0 3.56 17 23 5 7 7 12 9 15 24 53 4.80 5.96 6.30 7.10 6.04 20 10 3 2 1.19 14 26 25 36 28 43 22 27 5 16 5.70 6.40 6.20 6.22 6.13 20 10 5 1 2.40 1 1 0 0 23 25 16 19 32 53 5.83 6.63 7.06 8.73 7.06 21 9 3 1 1.13 29 30 39 39 4 4 4 4 9 11 1.83 5.14 5.30 5.83 4.52 13 17 3 1 0.85 3 8 16 34 29 54 10 15 32 43 5.40 6.03 5.80 6.43 5.91 20 10 2 3 0.97 29 58 0 0 21 41 0 0 68 149 4.13 5.06 5.50 5.66 5.08 18 12 3 1 1.35 9 9 9 10 20 20 24 24 18 18 6.66 7.40 7.70 6.90 7.16 23 7 4 2 1.73 1 1 6 14 7 36 82 110 8 21 2.70 3.70 3.40 4.60 3.60 13 17 7 5 1.50 14 31 25 64 35 86 11 24 24 87 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.10 2.90 8 22 3 6 1.83 4 7 7 18 6 15 35 124 19 59 2.66 2.66 3.00 4.93 3.31 7 23 6 8 1.73 32 31 9 9 6 9 11 17 30 90 1.80 2.10 2.60 5.30 2.90 5 25 4 7 1.87 2 6 5 14 14 45 26 93 46 154 1.76 1.86 2.30 . 2.73 2.13 5 25 2 14 2.91 5 12 17 24 10 15 7 12 37 85 6.53 6.76 6.33 7.83 6.86 21 9 1 4 0.15 8 9 6 6 25 43 29 55 41 89 4.80 5.66 5.83 3.40 4.92 17 13 2 4 0.40 15 16 15 23 3 3 2 6 25 36 6.46 7.41 6.90 7.16 6.98 24 6 0 1 0.82 20 154 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull....... Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal ... Plattsburg Barracks... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... Fort McHenry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Augusta Arsenal...... Oglethorpe Barracks .. Fort Marion.......... Fort Brooke.......... Barrancas Barracks ... Mount Vernon Arsenal Fort Pike............ Baton Rouge......... Fort Jesup........... Corpus Christi........ Fort Towson......... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks .... St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady........... Fort Wilkins......... Fort Atkinson........, Fort Snelling........., Fort Leavenworth..... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 27.93 25.33 26.71 26.42 22.29 12.68 13.20 14.58 19.97 22.77 20.60 26.58 25.96 24.19 33.16 40.16 34.35 39.55 45.00 50.51 41.64 36.90 41.20 39.35 38.32 47.22 29.03 31.60 23.84 29.39 19.90 20.35 18.00 19.70 17.42 18.32 15.00 16.38 14.64 9.41 17.77 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 28.93 27.15 38.13 27.84 23.42 17.52 15.10 15.90 21.22 23.77 21.51 27.87 28.32 26.14 34.35 45.96 35.90 43.16 52.00 55.19 44.22 42.40 44.45 48.06 44.00 50.06 33.80 37.29 30.03 32.72 24.12 23.58 24.80 21.10 19.16 19.06 18.00 19.06 16.29 11.09 28.68 31.84 32.41 33.32 30.90 26.93 22.81 20.30 21.80 25.22 26.77 28.38 30.77 32.32 31.13 39.35 48.41 44.33 50.45 55.00 62.77 51.48 49.51 50.41 55.22 49.93 57.61 44.00 49.28 40.87 41.53 31.93 31.12 31.60 26.10 25.74 22.16 24.00 20.12 20.06 20.41 34.80 28.41 26.83 27.74 27.94 23.84 15.71 15.50 18.03 21.74 24.03 21.93 28.20 27.75 26.80 32.22 43.93 40.45 46.90 49.00 54.49 46.13 41.30 45.48 46.29 43.39 52.80 36.32 38.15 30.80 33.97 25.55 25.06 22.14 20.90 20.23 19.92 16.60 18.16 15.87 15.51 25.41 29.28 27.93 28.97 28.27 24.12 17.18 16.02 17.58 22.04 24.33 23.10 28.35 28.59 27.07 34.77 44.61 38.76 45.01 50.25 55.74 45.37 42.53 45.38 47.23 43.91 51.92 35.79 39.08 31.38 34.40 25.37 25.03 24.13 21.95 20.64 19.86 18.25 18.43 16.71 14.10 26.66 Range. Max. 46 55 46 42 41 33 34 38 40 39 40 39 44 42 51 62 64 73 76 76 70 70 69 68 68 72 60 66 55 59 56 54 54 40 38 34 38 38 40 46 56 12 10 14 12 3 - 8 —15 -17 1 10 0 12 12 9 14 19 10 20 23 34 21 16 22 21 17 23 0 11 0 8 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 8 —17 - 4 -17 -12 - 4 Above mean. 16.7 27.1 17.0 13.7 16.9 15.8 18.0 20.4 18.0 14.7 16.9 10.6 15.4 14.9 16.2 17.4 25.2 28.0 25.7 20.3 24.6 27.5 23.6 20.8 24.1 20.1 24.2 26.9 23.6 24.6 30.6 29.0 29.9 18.0 17.4 14.1 19.7 19.6 23.3 21.9 29.3 Below mean. WINDS. No. of Observations 17.3 17.9 15.0 16.3 21.1 25.2 31.0 34.6 21.0 14.3 23.1 16.4 16.6 18.1 20.8 25.6 28.8 25.0 27.3 21.7 24.4 26.5 23.4 26.2 26.9 28.9 35.8 28.1 31.4 26.4 34.4 31.0 30.1 26.0 23.6 27.9 35.3 22.4 33.7 26.1 30.7 36 43 18 4 10 9 23 5 36 7 13 5 12 11 10 20 35 36 7 26 33 3 10 11 25 22 15 25 7 8 6 4 37 13 3 16 4 17 41 0 23 99 50 109 29 5 0 31 90 25 17 1 22 36 23 67 49 11 6 86 90 96 78 67 60 5 102 52 41 41 28 22 2 14 3 33 39 3 0 1 5 0 0 1 4 6 5 27 6 0 1 7 6 6 10 5 7 16 9 10 64 12 14 34 12 30 2 7 1 8 5 1 2 12 0 4 7 29 5 0 2 5 0 0 1 9 7 8 27 6 0 2 13 21 6 13 17 9 40 24 27 114 12 20 79 19 37 2 13 1 8 14 1 9 12 0 5 10 38 Ph Eh Ul Pr Ph h-l < O hH O o o PS o bi Eh bi Ph W PQ W a w Q Ph o X H 55 O •saqoui nn(tay eo ■* co Cn! ^ ^ ^ oi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 11 ^ s ^ ^ ^ r% ^ ^ n s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^22^611212 2 2 eocMrHr^ceeirHLo'cx-ce^^tocoeo-eoco^coeeLocM it-HrHrH©oooooo^^°°° ■Along itLOfr-COXCOLOCMfr-ee.- fr-fr-COrH©©©©OOOOOOOrHfr-rH©CMrHrH©t-2XCOCOCe© •nrey t-L0o 33SS383333 8SS-23380S-a3gB 3 S %g "^ ^ § S ^ ^ g ^ ^ •lo lo © fr- cTcm it © fr- it to co© ocexco©cerHfr-©-tt-rHrHi*cMitcoitSreS©S©S^g? cocoeOLOfr-tocMco i-HCMitcoeoitrHCM g^i-h "' "**___________----------------------- "ss'asVsT" "S858 8~s's s^r7^ x lo co it © a~^T~ rH©eOLOt-rHCOCOCe CM i-H CM r-l >fl£;8>?flissgs" S3 > it to t— CT> © rH X LO © 1*1 1-H IO CO © X fr- CM X it CM fr- © X CM. 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It CO CO to fr— fr— fr- fr- I— t- © r- Lfl I— 1— it 03 CM X LO © eo ee © CM 3 to to Lfl CO X eo fr- fr- © hj lfl Lfl lfl eo eo to ee ee t- X CM © _, ^ fr- ,_, >» t- LO X -t o CO IX) rH CM S3 t- -t If i— ,H X cn CO 1t -* ^" LO CO LO CO m to eo 1— X © 1— o CM cn Lfl 3 eo ifl X It lfl © CO ee lfl C to LO eo X CM © fr- CO < eo CO ee ■"* LO It it LO lfl rH © © eo 1— © 1— © CD ee © © CM © Lfl CM -* o i— LO it X It It eo CM CM CO ee CO ee -t It eo Lfl © If to © o CO CM LO fr— fr- lfl o LO to © LO 33 Uh CM © ee fr- CO CO Lfl CM fr- CM 1—1 CM CM CM CM CM CO ee fr- © © ee "co X © to lo ee © -t LO lfl It it © to hi CM I— rH ee It CM cn CO CO CM 1-1 CM M CM CM rH CM CO 00 ci „. n.. O 3 H ■< (H CO V cd r-, -a ed hi pq 3 3 ed o 3 '£ < s C 03 > ed h3 h. h hi o O 0 0 0 O o O Ph fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 159 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1845. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 44.10 45.42 44.18 45.20 45.64 52.96 31.78 31.50 30.81 31.02 29.50 41.14 19.86 18.25 18.43 16.71 14.10 26.66 38.04 35.80 35.89 46.92 50.62 47.52 47.67 50.54 55.76 61.73 60.41 60.30 69.48 71.88 69.74 70.43 72.12 74.86 43.21 43.98 43.58 45.27 44.98 54.54 21.69 18.63 21.18 21.93 19.73 33.61 41.17 39.70 40.24 46.11 45.70 54.69 80 92 94 94 93 95 94 98 99 — 8 —16 — 4 —17 —12 —14 38.8 52.3 53.8 48.9 48.3 34.3 49.2 55.7 44.2 63.1 57.7 68.7 Michigan. Michigan. [rior, Mich. Copper Harbor, Lake Supe-Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Iowa. Minnesota. Iowa., Missouri, (Kansas.) • 160 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1845. STATIONS. Fort Kent............. Hancock Barracks..... Fort Sullivan.......... Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution....... Fort Adams............ Fort Trumbull......... Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............. Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks___ Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario........... Fort Niagara.......... Buffalo Barracks....... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks...... Fort Mifflin............ Fort McHenry........, Fort Severn............ Fort Monroe........... Fort Johnston......... Augusta Arsenal...... Fort Moultrie ......... Oglethorpe Barracks .. Fort Marion.......... Key West............. Fort Brooke........... Barrancas Barracks___ Mount Vernon Arsenal Fort Pike............. Fort Wood............. Pass Christian........, New Orleans........... Baton Rouge.......... Fort Jesup............. Corpus Christi......... Fort Towson........... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith............. Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal....... Jan. 2.60 1.73 2.62 2.07 2.88 3.15 3.57 5.70 3.22 2.88 2.95 2.67 2.92 2.68 1.17 2.29 1.50 6.12 8.20 3.59 5.10 2.42 2.00 0.62 0.95 0.05 0.50 0.14 0.15 1.16 8.37 2.23 1.28 Mar. 1.77 1.70 2.25 2.37 3.20 2.49 3.40 2.21 3.38 3.40 3.36 2.09 2.55 0.85 1.94 2.91 3.04 5.93 5.40 1.70 2.85 1.20 2.99 0.78 1.95 2.21 2.05 3.67 0.40 5.00 4.52 3.65 5.35 April 1.19 5.16 1.80 5.90 1.80 3.55 0.70 5.73 0.66 5.48 1.20 5.05 0.80 2.95 2.33 0.94 0.84 3.24 1.74 4.04 1.06 1.43 2.53 1.44 1.15 1.67 3.00 1.00 1.22 1.80 3.25 2.02 2.04 2.48 2.07 2.70 2.51 2.68 4.50 1.49 2.25 2.48 0.48 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.60 2.06 0.20 0.42 1.79 0.99 1.42 1.99 4.80 4.12 3.49 5.04 1.96 8.08 5.39 1.71 3.67 May. , June. 2.63 2.51 5.17 3.14 3.15 3.22 2.89 1.47 1.75 4.10 5.02 1.83 4.16 2.39 2.57 1.78 1.18 4.03 4.30 2.36 3.24 7.70 3.94 1.07 6.58 5.30 2.63 4.33 4.03 3.69 2.54 2.69 7.31 8.06 3.10 4.43 5.17 4.50 3.67 2.01 1.86 2.10 2.00 1.56 1.89 2.31 3.05 3.60 3.70 1.82 2.09 2.15 1.85 4.73 1.16 1.96 4.04 10.45 9.00 2.93 6.94 6.06 1.61 1.20 2.19 2.87 0.59 6.07 4.51 1.87 2.19 0.73 0.95 3.20 4.40 1.43 6.35 2.62 2.85 2.18 July. 8.16 '24.56 2.35 | 9.78 3.05 10.15 7.72 8.86 6.51 5.86 7.38 2.78 3.69 1.95 1.75 2.38 3.31 2.09 5.45 1.58 1.14 1.54 3.74 2.18 6.20 1.26 3.18 3.26 1.93 0.35 6.05 2.80 4.11 5.00 12.30 3.46 2.73 1.40? 4.01 2.70 6.40 0.50? 0.00 0.38 0.51 1.43 4.57 3.89 0.03 Aug. 2.57 2.15 3.85 2.98 2.72 3.54 1.60 4.48 3.21 7.72 1.19 1.31 0.57 3.06 5.94 15.20 2.77 2.62 5.90 9.94 8.23 6.48 3.78 3.26 4.12 9.14 1.63 7.18 4.53 7.45 Sept. Oct 2.96 1.74 2.28 2.62 2.60 3.12 3.66 8.18 3.63 3.06 3.39 8.25 5.10 1.51 4.65 0.53 2.60 2.21 4.81 5.40 3.60 1.90? 2.48 2.65 1.60 1.44 3.35 1.71 0.59 4.74 3.65 1.76 2.50 2.93 2.04 2.26 2.64 5.60 1.42 8.87 9.70 4.60 3 73 2.00 3.51 7.55 5.94 6.06 11.87 10.49 3.10 0.60? 4.90 8.65 2.90 3.49 3.05 0.63 1.91 Nov. 9.49 7.96 2.95 3.40 5.36 3.41 8.49 2.24 2.65 1.21 2.02 2.90 4.70 1.22 2.10 0.50 0.20 0.22 0.43 1.00 2.93 4.49 5.00 2.50 3.56 1.19 2.40 1.13 0.85 0.97 1.35 1.73 Dec. 3.44 4.72 8.45 2.51 3.24 2.55 1.20 1.27 3.62 0.31 1.19 5.83 8.40 3.43 4.04 6.00 6.07 3.61 4.14 6.34 8.30 5.80 2.80 4.70 1.81 1.90 1.06 0.08 0.39 0.80 0.41 5.46 5.69 9.95 6.95 7.50 7.38 10.29 4.68 6.30 9.30 11.63 5.94 8.75 5.62 6.58 7.39 6.73 12.64 14.20 5.55 8.84 11.38 7.41 1.90 8.58 7.71 5.28 10.10 4.63 9.11 8.85 7.33 14.08 15.21 13.80 12.10 14.39 15.02 10.68 13.04 14.49 7.30 10.76 11.65 13.11 12.86 10.35 11.94 8.63 8.34 10.13 8.66 11.92 6.59 5.55 7.87 5.11 10.84 18.57 30.40 6.96 19.30 4.17 14.14 15.11 25.04 11.40 8.74 13.10 9.61 7.07 11.25 5.26 86.31 18.20 21.23 17.19 13.35 6.99 8.52 10.89 8.57 9.41 8.06 11.88 5.69 8.78 15.85 14.40 6.46 8.75 4.54 10.35 8.87 11.31 15.83 22.26 11.70 5.00? 7.57 8.70 5.63 5.78 7.37 3.69 4.23 9.49 11.83 13.41 10.60 11.27 9.75 6.73 7.69 9.31 3.23 5.54 16.69 24.50 9.42 8.34 8.52 10.44 6.86 5.56 7.56 9.47 26.01 12.00 12.92 5.51 3.91 4.55 2.19 3.42 2.32 3.27 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 161 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1845. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1.71 2.95 2.05 1.66 0.67 1.10 0.43 0.49 1.00 0.60 0.63 1.16 1.05 1.8S 2.49 2.79 1.63 1.40 1.32 2.20 1.83 2.62 1.18 2.29 3.10 2.73 1.96 2.80 1.42 0.73 3.29 2.31 0.71 2.26 2,67 3.36 2.83 3.15 3,83 2.40 1.03 1.83 0.92 2.19 1.46 2.40 3.23 1.51 1.81 2.80 2.30 2.73 1.26 1.43 4.09 5.50 7.4S 6.80 5,50 15.80 1.92 1.67 2.83 4.36 4.37 3.90 7.21 2.56 0,51 0,01 1.32 2.16 1.08 3.94 1,53 1.35 5.07 3.28 2.34 1.70 3.82 4.30 5.15 2.64 3.27 2.21 3.04 6.70 1.60 2.44 1.56 3.95 1.24 0,66 1.30 1.50 1.83 1.73 1.87 0.15 0.40 0.82 0.50 0.72 0,30 1.28 0.35 0,08 0.00 6 21 6.76 2.81 6.74 7.23 8.49 8.02 7.46 6,86 5.43 5.54 6.56 5.17 9.73 9.99 10.75 19.76 12.64 8.95 17.51 6.92 8.57 8.46 8.47 4.64 3.27 8.82 2.84 4.83 3.40 4.82 2.41 1.97 2.80 21.51 26.72 19.84 29.70 34.83 Fort Snelling.................... 25.34 34.50 21 toooLOOc?torH© CO rH I— m i-h © © -i rH CJ CM Ul XI <—i E £ 'E < H X o Ci. £h En, hh •9 Oh te- ^ ~ -h ^ till rf h, "- -2 -2 S 2 .S 03 r3 ^ o ca q ra Ph 4-i E>H fc fc, &H rH bjO -S t 3 be O < O bi On "C to h£ pq < M rt T3 Tfi .rHt ^ 0 S M rt !3 < to Q j "OiSOOOOO^S^jO^OOOOoOOO WfcSfcfcrVPHfH^OjQrHrVfcrVhfcrHfc < "-5 CO tO CO X © rH © rH to -t co to ee cn a © © © © lfl rH rH — o-HlOC!COCOCOrHeO-HC!©rHCOo © "fl LO -H< crj if; © eo it eo cn eo rH rH © rH 00 ee o io co cn eo C! © CO © CO It CO eo rH CO CO It to CN 00 -t CN © CN CO © IN -* © C) CO LO rH fr- '0 fr-it 00 © C3 C! CO ee 00 CO CO CO i—icoCTOtoeotoooi—ioo -f-t©C0l— CNCO©rHit CN CO CN CN It rH . rH rHrH©-H<©©t— itlfl Lfl0O-HiCNCOit0O©O0 r-HCNrHCNCNrHrHCNCNl—IrHCNrH I- O O 00 CO © CO io eo oo eo 'O oo © iti©COrH-HiiJ 00 -^ i-H © CN CO rn io co eo cn to i-h go cn © t— eocNco aOrHrH©!—ICJCNCO-H © cn eo co io © I- tO rH © l-H rH CN LO to 00 it to © rn © ee l-H l-H CN CN rH O i-i © it Lfl 00 © fr- to LO I— lfl i-H CN rH rH H^co^nooHHgococi^H^oomrteorcLTifluiHfflHtnM-ieHBj) rH —I r-H rH r-H COCO Cf CNLOrHCOrH©COCOCNeOit CN CJ l-H l-H © Lfl rH 00 C) rH CN 1-H I—I CO CO iteoooitrH©tocoiflco©oorH-Hiooa3©oocNoaoio r^ rH rH (?l LOLOl— JlHfflnClriOWCOfflO lfl I-H CO CM rH CO rH r-H 2nS°°^l5^%SS!:^c5 = S^Sc1g^^rr2Sr^^?! ^ *JV-X OT CM i-H C0 i-H 1-HCNCOCNl-H rH(N-HrHrH- <1 hi D < r? o < —1 hH o Ph o o hi o rn P3 o o *-; w H « <3 CNC Oi CJ Oi OH rr, Of. -rH ir, -rH ll-* ,r\ l/H iA 4* I- 44. .r, ,~ .r. _4, _« «- __S 44 .44 „. ISC iCt i. t 41 _r 3i: ^~ <-•:* ^ C0 rH © C0 © © l-H nnBnwHHMnfflMnnB^^^KflSio^fl^'Ifii/i^^Tii COCOCeCMCNClCNCMCNCNCeco © t- © ao co go rH rH © -HI 03 GO fr— LO CO rH 1 COrHOOOtOOOCOeOfr-rHLO © © © CO Lfl Tf Lfl Lfl 1- © Lfl eoeecocNCNCNcNdcN SSIS^?92oolflo = cst-cBcoi«on(J!i|to^ot-ooOH«C)ai-oi3inoHjcDHiQn o^^e»LOiOLfl©Lfl©©c»©rHLOoiocN©©CNteo3eooocr)©c}iot-co 00 Lfl Lfl ci 10 © LO © OOOOO © -t 00 00 CO CJ © CI © to O LO 00 © 00CNCN©tO©rHa0LO©C!CO© © © © lfl ©1—ItOiOl-i—iCNrHCOGOLOO© © CO © oo © o NCNCNCOCOeoCOifl-*itLOiOLOitLOit itQ0©tOtOi—00lOCl -tco-tcoeoeocNCNci SJ Lfl © CO © © cj co cj eo ^t © GO CI © CJ CO CN I— I- ifl 'NOCO©CO©LOtO©tOr-CN © co 00 © eo i-h CO CO l- rH 00 lfl 0 it e to it LO © © © -t 00 00 © CO © CJ CO fr-CI © © -t LO It 0 eo © — .p P 3 -ti o •— H X O ~ o 3 ° ° t> _> -5 Eh fe $ £ Oh -O o Ul ,% £ -a S o 3j IS rt 03 hH £ -P. S ^ «=5 - <; S .2 2 ^ ' r r 0 r1 O ia t- I s » .2 0 c 5 S ! eM ! 5 ^r--_-1*-(t-, -r-^^O OOOOOOO Xr-J-i.r^fefeCt.^fcfcH to (-H Eh 02 hH o w Ph hi < hH ci o o O W H 3 01 03 71 CJ X 03 Oh 03 0 a B a a o cd a '3 Pi •saqoui ui ;,tny •Along £pno[0 ©©cocNfr— ooeot- CJ-t©©CjeO(N©_ © CN © © O LO © t CNcoLOcococNrHCNCNrH(Nt-©cNeoiteoeeitcoaoeotoGOitco COitrHrHrHCOCNitCI l-H © i-H © © O LOio-HiLoeoiteoi-eoeoiocececN oooooooooooHffiocMonocBot-Hinin'Hti LOOLOLOLflitCOCOCNCD©GO©C»©t-itt-C0 1-©t-rHrH©COt-OCO'0ii5(HO5Il0^ r-H rH Oi rH rH Oi I—IrHCJrr «^3§^^nffi2mwwSHclcl^^SScf1r5fr40S2^^aLi5c??r5CT^H^ C0CICNQ0eeCNCI00rHCICNrHaDrH©-t©eOLO©rHtOrH©-t©CO-t 168 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1846. T1IKRM0MKTKR. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus........ West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal ... Plattsburg Barracks ... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks...... Fort Mifflin........... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie......... Augusta Arsenal...... Oglethorpe Barracks .., Fort Marion.......... Fort Brooke.......... Barrancas Barracks.... Mount Vernon Arsenal Fort Wood........... Fort Pike............. New Orleans......... Baton Rouge......... Corpus Christi........, San Antonio.......... Fort Towson......... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot.......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady........... Fort Wilkins........., Fort Atkinson......... Fort Snelling.........• Fort Leavenworth...... 32.90 33.48 35.25 34.35 32.68 25.06 25.70 26.41 28.30 31.03 32.93 35.27 35.25 35.40 44.61 53.70 51.45 56.00 60.00 59.64 56.77 57.22 57.12 57.32 58.13 54.35 57.32 50.74 45.20 46.93 42.68 45.60 37.58 39.51 36.90 30.60 29.16 27.19 25.60 27.64 30.29 31.58 37. HI 36.00 39.38 38.35 38.87 36.16 29.97 30.00 30.90 32.90 36.28 39.64 39.75 42.38 40.00 49.64 61.00 55.32 59.74 64.48 66.74 61.93 61.40 64.70 64.00 61.48 61.64 62.36 57.26 51.70 53.23 52.29 50.84 46.58 45.67 43.28 36.00 34.77 29.74 32.30 32.03 39.00 36.90 49.61 8 P. M. 9 P. M. ! Mean. Max. ' Min. 40.90 44.32 47.12 45.74 43.74 36.00 37.90 37.38 38.40 38.96 48.61 44.57 49.64 50.20 53.00 63.81 65.74 67.35 68.00 75.41 67.77 70.30 69.74 70.96 66.58 70.55 70.00 69.16 64.70 67.51 65.26 61.90 53.87 54.83 55.67 44.00 41.55 33.39 39.00 36.38 46.83 40.83 55.09 Range V"" Above mean. 35.60 38.06 39.41 38.29 36.74 28.39 30.60 31.80 33.10 34.54 39.19 40.00 39.71 42.50 48.38 56.00 58.06 61.87 64.00 64.54 61.60 57.35 62.06 63.03 59.80 G2.67 63. Id 57.00 53.80 56.09 49.61 52.12 46.16 47.41 47.00 36.80 33.06 30.26 29.90 30.29 35.90 38.35 44.09 36.35 38.81 40.03 39.31 37.33 29.85 31.05 31.62 31.17 35.20 40.09 39.90 41.75 42.02 48.91 58.63 57.64 61.24 64.12 66.58 62.02 61.57 64.40 63.83 61.50 62.30 63.21 58.54 53.85 55.94 52.46 52.61 46.05 46.85 45.71 36.85 34.63 30.14 31.70 31.58 38.00 38.41 46.65 50 63 70 62 57 56 52 53 57 47 66 56 64 73 70 76 79 78 79 85 72 78 76 78 73 81 80 78 80 89 78 79 72 71 76 62 57 43 46 47 66 64 78 15 16 16 15 8 —13 —14 — 9 11 14 10 20 16 16 27 33 36 40 45 47 38 34 43 40 50 41 38 32 26 30 24 28 21 19 18 2 — 1 9 — 3 10 19 20 22 13.6 24.2 30.0 22.7 19.7 26.1 20.9 21.4 25". 8 11.8 25.9 16.1 22.2 31.0 21.1 17.4 21.4 16.8 14.9 18.4 10.0 16.4 11.6 14.2 11.5 18.7 16.8 19.5 26.1 33.1 25.5 26.4 25.9 24.1 30.3 25.1 22.4 12.9 14.3 15.4 28.0 25.6 31.3 Below mean. No. of Observations 21.4 22.8 24.0 24.3 29.3 42.9 45.1 40.6 20.2 21.2 30.1 19.9 25.8 26.0 21.9 25.6 21.6 21.2 19.1 19.6 24.0 27.6 21.4 23.8 11.5 21.3 25.2 26.5 27.9 25.9 28.5 24.6 25.1 27.9 27.7 34.9 35.6 21.1 34.7 21.6 19.0 18.4 24.7 19 65 I 31 31 66 11 41 1 3 12 48 29 90 9 15 3 4 20 31 1 2 15 31 0 0 0 0 21 30 13 15 4 6 0 0 20 45 3 6 4 10 10 37 21 51 10 10 12 31 21 18 11 17 15 38 6 6 7 8 27 65 6 8 9 20 26 90 14 28 2 6 15 50 19 55 7 13 22 32 0 0 18 30 9 22 19 27 2 6 3 7 8 19 8 14 30 58 19 29 21 42 13 24 34 78 2 7 12 32 5 16 14 19 27 54 21 38 8 15 12 32 34 69 4 6 58 83 12 15 48 82 10 15 39 54 4 6 5 22 12 40 19 54 0 0 17 29 29 80 14 26 34 64 7 16 14 42 30 64 1 1 14 33 36 66 1 2 28 34 7 9 17 20 15 21 9 15 0 0 16 30 4 11 8 3 24 14 24 12 29 21 43 4 11 32 90 7 15 13 26 21 30 24 68 3 5 2 2 21 30 19 47 5 11 9 19 16 35 5 13 7 .11 11 26 1 3 6 6 20 43 3 11 10 22 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 169 MONTH OF MARCH, 1846. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 0 0 a < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 rH o 0 0 o a Ul 2 4 8 28 29 76 11 31 9 26 4.00 4.20 4.80 5.00 4.50 17 14 6 2 2.88 4 14 13 30 14 29 16 44 28 87 4.96 5.03 5.32 5.70 5.25 19 12 7 2 3.35 11 27 10 19 13 47 12 43 28 132 5.67 6.29 5.48 7.06 6.12 20 11 4 0 2.82 12 20 11 19 9 13 20 26 48 88 4.61 6.00 5.84 5.45 5.47 17 14 7 2 3.82 13 24 21 35 6 12 8 10 61 137 5.06 5.67 5.58 6.41 5.68 21 10 7 5 1 2 3.90 2.85 1 1 25 33 9 12 30 56 14 48 3.10 3.60 4.50 4.10 3.82 11 20 7 1 1.36 24 53 1 2 52 165 7 19 13 35 2.93 3.29 4.06 4.51 3.70 13 18 6 4 2.28 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.30 4.48 12 12 2 3 1.55 First 24 days. 3 7 23 56 20 72 12 36 10 44 2.41 3.51 3.77 3.51 3.40 11 20 7 3 1.20 Therm, protected. 12 4 13 11 7 18 7 44 15 15 20 29 21 14 65 27 26 32 58 74 3.93 5.64 4.13 4.12 6.35 4.74 4.00 5.58 4.71 5.83 6.35 4.74 4.47 5.98 4.61 14 19 13 17 12 18 10 6 9 0 1 1 2.02 7.68 8.10 ( Therm, protected. \ Rain in excess. Rain in excess. 10 18 6 28 21 37 17 32 30 59 4.19 4.22 4.70 5.12 4.55 13 18 6 2 3.54 18 37 2 6 16 33 20 41 19 60 4.87 4.77 4.35 5.67 4.91 15 16 9 0 3.33 » 9 22 17 43 26 60 19 42 8 20 5.00 4.90 4.93 6.32 5.29 17 14 6 0 5.50 25 32 8 9 11 22 2 4 14 18 5.54 5.74 4.70 6.45 5.61 18 13 8 0 8.60 2 5 23 32 5 11 44 58 2 7 7.26 7.20 7.36 6.29 7.03 21 10 7 0 5.06 18 34 14 25 19 35 9 18 21 48 2.40 3.50 3.80 5.60 3.82 12 19 4 0 1.67 7 13 18 31 20 28 21 44 4 11 5.46 5.25 5.48 5.45 5.41 16 15 8 0 7.73 12 26 17 33 2 7 14 45 7 18 4.09 4.42 5.06 5.06 4.61 18 13 9 0 5.80 32 76 13 40 11 28 7 29 42 147 4.67 4.93 5.00 6.30 5.22 17 14 8 0 5.63 19 30 8 12 8 16 9 20 17 30 3.13 3.80 3.83 1.83 3.15 9 22 11 0 10.61 11 27 3 7 19 63 10 31 17 56 1.64 3.00 2.87 4.03 2.88 9 22 10 0 14.25 13 17 2 3 11 16 9 14 9 13 0.67 1.58 2.06 2.80 1.80 5 26 8 0 7.88 2 4 9 10 4 8 9 17 3 6 3.96 3.19 2.80 3.12 3.26 11 20 10 0 12.30 34 135 8 6 17 24 2 4 10 33 2.27 3.09 4.09 4.90 3.59 6 16 4 0 1.25 First 22 days. 12 29 32 54 18 36 18 36 2 7 3.83 4.16 5.77 5.19 4.74 16 15 9 0 .... 10 16 10 19 3 10 6 14 13 33 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 5.15 16 15 7 0 2.00 13 36 14 23 6 13 33 75 7 27 4.67 5.60 5.74 6.32 5.58 20 11 9 0 2.50 19 33 11 17 5 13 29 87 9 27 4.87 5.32 4.80 6.03 5.25 16 15 7 0 1.52 35 39 25 26 9 10 7 9 12 13 4.30 5.26 4.44 6.49 5.12 14 17 7 0 1.79 15 36 5 10 18 38 11 16 34 74 5.48 5.29 5.16 5.09 5.25 16 15 8 1 1.61 26 57 12 26 16 43 14 41 36 90 2.16 4.48 4.93 5.77 4.33 16 15 9 0 1.73 16 12 13 16 30 40 18 28 6.22 7.20 7.23 6.19 6.71 24 7 7 0 3.06 6 8 11 20 20 64 16 37 13 31 3.80 3.30 3.80 6.70 4.40 13 18 6 4 3.15 29 76 15 38 21 68 9 17 7 20 2.84 3.13 3.51 4.42 3.50 11 20 7 8 2.17 10 17 5 7 9 16 24 74 18 37 3.25 3.22 3.90 4.12 3.62 13 18 4 6 1.77 34 49 9 12 2 3 22 45 21 50 2.60 3.00 3.30 3.20 3.03 10 21 7 7 2.51 20 47 23 59 4 8 24 63 13 27 2.77 2.96 3.54 3.58 3.21 10 21 5 13 3.84 11 19 34 70 11 27 15 38 21 64 4.80 4.80 5.25 6.48 5.33 17 14 6 4 3.12 30 55 9 19 8 24 23 42 36 82 3.61 4.35 3.77 2.12 3.46 11 20 3 3 1.71 11 21 36 89 11 26 9 16 24 54 6.32 5.74 5.70 6.25 6.00 21 10 4 0 1.10 o 1- Ph Eh Ui hH C5 eo it w 00 « - kJ ci rt < o k. n <3 O H h-! ^ O O Pi ^5 o w H w Lfl 00 Lfl I-H © CO CO CO i-H © © it 00 lfl to l— r-H © CO LO eocoit©io©cNtocN©eococorHinicDi-Heo©LO-H,ee©eoeo It i—I it LO©CO©LOLOCUiti—ILOCOi— COCO rHCJCJLfll-H t- iti— eorH©eoeo-^ rHLOCOltititCTi-HLOtOCO(NCOCOeO'5102™':'S2!u,2?02aiol)u)nwtoo©fr— co-titcoco©©cieocoLOitLOceeoct>GOiflitto©co©itGO©io©t-c» ititititLoiHi-4i©cotocDco CJioc^eo©cooococoLOCi©rHC Pi S O 55 &H HH 1! 3 £ £ 2 | I s s s 1-5 ri &h ft, ft, 'C W pq s < S3 o a Cn o ri o rt rt 3 ~s rt bu o 0 bn o r*< < 0 t-H » pq £ t. o ho .g P-t r- 5 rt pq -. w ^ > O j£ - ■S l> Ph O 3 tL tt a 03 C3 o r; c rt GO 4-j -= o 4. pq H £ cc O tn .St Pq 0 rt Q3 l> <5 cc rJ rw .. «? 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(Tj \ m 3 S i % ri a 03 X h < W3 o h-l CO Ul r* o rt h h. ei cq '5 Gratiot.... Mackinac. Wilkins... Atkinson .. Snelling... Leavenwort h c c h c h c p. c -a d c b i C . fc>B • r-i ; < c p . ! 5 C , P - r i c i p h 3 1) "fan O i P 3 C - P » 3 5 ° as & b t -e -e -s jg a>rtOrtOOOOa3 r^PqOOirHrHrHpHI-? 03 Q U h fr* h. hi hi hi o o o o o o o Ph bi Ph Ph tn. Ph Ph CO Ph h EH Ul hH C5 CO H it 00 Ph ^ rH hH frH 03 Ifl 03 H-> rt fr. 3 O v. o o w Pi Ph ■"J r-J ei T3 hi 03 fi r-l rt T3 4, 03 a Ul a > 03 LO Oh CM ri fa 03 Ul 03 42 > O H f-H rt o O y < y ifl © it © cm er eo c\ r-H © (N or 00 o ct to I— 1— to CO o © CO lfl CO ee t-t— HH Hi © 00 if CO © C! HH it ! o fr— 00 CO © CO CO t- o LO t-© CJ it Lfl LO fr-et CO o eo © eo CO © o © et •saiput n; ^uiy ei It © © CO Cr Oi ee CN Hi Lfl it ~ CM ~ -H Hi Lfl lfl CO eo -t LO Hi i-H CO Lfl LO Hi eo CJ -1 to et eo » ft •.auras © o O o © © i-H - c © © © © © © © © O © © © © © © o O © © © O © © © © © © © LO HH CO eo rH rH Ct CO tc © rH CJ CM Lfl © HH CO CO I— 00 © t— Lfl CD ct 3 fr— © © CJ © fr- to CO rH 00 i- < rH r-H ^ 1-H rH rH 1-1 1-1 Ri ft ipnoio it CM CO CN O CJ CM CJ et CD CJ It CJ IT © CJ t- eo CJ CI © X eo o H< © fr- © t— rH H Lfl © fr- © CJ to ^ © 00 et CO © ^ © CJ 00 ••"itf fr- 00 x © © r-H fr- ec rH It rH cc © CJ CJ CO et Lfl CI rH et fr-et CJ o (N i-h et rH -t CO l-H to CO l-H rH I-H CO CI r-H i-H io Hi CN r_t CO '—l rH t- eo CO CO CN © o CO © et 00 to © rH -* it © lfl Lfl CO CO © CN to CO to -* fr- ifl OO it et UU HH rH CO CO CJ i"H I~~i a 3 H rH CN eo © eo HH 1-H it CO © CO _ t- fr- © © -t CD © CO CO eo ee I— CO CO © it Lfl 00 HH TJ to l-H CJ CJ CO i-H ee HH et CO eo I-H i-H eo rH CJ ■"I r-l 1—1 CM 1—1 cr) P3 bi E- Ul hH o bi PS & O c « o pi Eh bi C o © CJ r-H __ © © ,_. CM CC ,_. X ,_, © fr- CO eo © o rH © CM X X tO CN CD CN rH CI O eo et iS >• W CJ M CM CO et ee rH et to fr- lfl i— Ci- CO Hi CO CO Lfl Oi rH CO CO on rn Hi © o I-H ei CO CO CJ l-H © © to X on ct ee to CO CC X cr r-H X ee if et x h © CO 43 o "^ CJ et l-H Lfl et CI lfl CN "" CN ^ CJ r- C4 rH CO CJ CO t— rn CO © CJ m it lfl Lfl If lfl it CO eo © © CJ ^ ec CT. CC CT c CO r- l-H C cr X © p LO to CO rH CO LO '.I CI 1- CJ If Lfl ■ HH 00 eo -t H o Lf r-H CN e CN rH eo 2; o y y C! ,_, Cl in fr- If CD fr- CO (T) ei -> ,_, ,_, eo CO CN fr— CO ,_ er Hi CO H to CN CI ct 1-1 '"H et rH it rH et eo 1-1 C cr e 1-1 CN H et rH it CO rH CO 00 on © Hi CN ei © CN 1- et CO fr- on Lfl © H X fr— et C lfl IT CD eo Hi y CO rr 1-1 CJ ^ et CI it ee 1-1 e if H HH CN CJ X LO ^ fr- lfl eo CJ _ ^ © CM © ,_, 1* ,_, CJ © LO eo ei t- H CO © tc LT i— c H CC rH LO 1-1 1-1 1-1 ct rH CJ "" i— CJ 1-1 1° s. * It fr— if ee lo LA eo e • oc © © CO it it OC ee to „ © rn © X ir Cr CO CO rH ci- CJ X l- ■H X to rH m lfl to on © i- c CN 00 ec i- CN Lfl or CJ -* CN •it X tc © c LT x to rH CT er rr Ci- X CN to « a ■"* '~t rH CN *""" e i— rH ""H rH I-H CI CJ i-h rH CJ Oi Oi CN rt " 2 CO eo CO tr- lfl LO Hi oc CJ © © fr- CO eo CJ t- it © rH © © ei LT t- l— fr- © t- X Oi cr tc CN HI a 03 Ul < B o £ ei h hi ei pq 03 e. h< o e c h ce 1 r-i P- < a o B h > r a c a b = c ti c c 'E £ e 1 X H-"i a C c/ 4 c c a o ei fr. fr. ei cq B 0 22 ei C 03 CO fr. < 3 O h-l oit Barracks Gratiot.... Mackinac.. Wilkins.... Snelling.. . 4, o a s> > d 03 h-l *r HJ -g s -a *■ H- fr. a 03 h 3 o & c fc u h h h ti *H fr. fr, fr. t- fr. fr. C b c ph 0 Ph rt r^ fr § fr > c ' fr r-H c fr c c fr xs O cm o fr c fr r- PC c a ^ C fr c fr c b 03 <-> CO Q t-, fc, f^ fr fr o fr METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 175 MONTH OF JUNE, 1846. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 _c 0 a < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. 'a >> 0 0 0 'is PS o c Ul 5 9 10 17 34 79 16 38 7 20 2.30 3.10 3.60 3.20 3.06 8 22 12 0 0.79 15 29 8 18 28 72 26 109 8 22 4.86 4.16 3.83 3.96 4.20 12 18 10 0 2.14 26 35 0 0 36 37 4 5 27 35 3.76 6.20 7.50 5.20 5.66 22 8 12 0 1.39 38 55 17 28 11 22 8 14 28 71 4.56 4.56 4.43 4.50 4.51 15 15 11 5 0 0 2.30 2.96 19 19 16 25 3 4 32 42 3 3 4.30 4.60 4.10 3.40 4.10 14 16 8 0 3.11 12 28 1 3 61 161 5 11 11 41 3.60 6.80 4.50 6.40 4.33 6.40 4.00 5.60 4.12 6.30 10 21 20 9 10 5 0 0 1.98 1.38 0 0 30 92 5 15 17 47 12 50 2.66 3.10 4.63 4.30 3.90 12 18 10 0 1.62 12 21 6 9 12 21 32 47 19 47 3.00 4.40 4.23 5.46 4.27 11 19 4 0 4.05 Temp, in error. 22 20 0 0 15 22 4 5 27 52 2.07 3.90 2.24 4.00 3.05 9 21 10 0 1.78 19 36 8 17 17 36 14 41 20 57 3.46 3.53 4.70 4.63 4.08 12 18 10 0 4.67 19 63 28 89 30 87 15 45 3 8 5.60 6.96 6.10 6.96 6.41 22 8 6 0 3.25 36 64 5 12 41 88 6 11 1 1 5.23 5.57 4.87 5.20 5.22 16 14 13 0 5.24 8 14 34 43 8 10 28 32 2 3 6.33 5.07 4.86 6.33 5.65 20 10 13 0 5.81 32 111 20 55 0 0 7 20 3 12 3.50 5.20 3.50 3.60 3.95 12 18 12 0 6.28 11 15 23 49 44 83 13 21 0 0 6.36 6.03 4.86 6.10 5.83 19 11 12 0 8.17 20 44 3 8 15 39 8 26 34 86 5.00 5.16 4.30 5.50 4.99 15 15 7 0 5.57 14 23 28 48 10 24 4 9 5 10 5.00 5.25 5.60 8.60 6.11 ]7 3 4 0 1.85 Last 20 days. 5 11 4 7 4 10 6 7 3 4 4.10 3.50 4.73 1.93 3.56 8 22 13 0 16.00 30 69 34 79 9 16 2 2 2 3 4.93 5.06 4.20 5.70 4.98 16 14 12 0 6.65 2 4 74 128 2 4 7 12 0 0 3.03 3.43 3.36 3.90 3.43 11 19 15 0 .... Amount of rain great. 10 28 26 62 9 25 12 34 2 8 5.53 7.06 7.30 7.50 6.84 21 9 12 0 10.23 9 15 5 5 17 17 15 17 16 26 4.96 5.20 5.03 6.76 5.48 18 12 10 0 7.00 49 49 18 18 6 7 0 0 3 5 3.86 5.73 4.46 6.43 5.32 16 14 4 0 6.92 15 31 8 17 15 30 12 14 10 13 3.80 4.26 4.27 5.90 4.55 13 17 8 0 7.03 10 17 11 19 7 12 26 41 28 46 4.84 4.86 5.53 4.50 5.68 17 13 6 0 2.86 13 20 15 16 12 18 13 22 7 9 6.24 7.24 7.25 7.10 6.95 20 10 9 0 4.94 Weather observations 15 7 9 15 5 5.40 5.70 4.90 7.20 5.80 18 12 13 0 3.55 [inaccurate. 20 40 12 28 9 23 0 0 6 19 4.03 4.46 5.03 5.63 4.79 14 16 13 0 2.35 9 10 11 13 9 10 23 47 12 16 6.63 3.70 6.66 6.20 5.79 21 9 4 0 0.89 22 34 3 10 2 8 24 43 28 49 6.50 5.80 6.20 6.20 6.17 20 10 2 0 0.95 12 38 16 55 18 50 25 80 25 64 7.03 7.13 8.36 7.60 7.53 23 7 7 0 1.12 45 58 2 4 8 20 2 6 6 11 3.86 4.93 5.30 2.96 4.26 16 14 6 0 3.10 11 16 25 35 3 3 0 0 11 27 7.40 7.00 7.40 7.00 7.22 20 10 6 0 4.16 Observations omitted. Ph EH Ul hH & bi Ph 4. 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Si cS fl Sh> -4 O a 3 03 0 d 03 itpnoio • Lfl © - rH CO CN CM l-H © t- © HH t- X CO rH CD ee © i-H CM CD • CO cm rH © CJ eo et Lfl If fr-ee © et X © © © et CM HH CJ fr-et HH CM CO CM lfl LO et Lfl CM CM CM © l-H lfl CJ 0 rt CM fr-ee © It lfl ee Lfl • 1— • © • lfl CO Hi Hi o et to © Lfl Lfl X fr-it et -H HH eo © ifl ifl Lfl Hi it LO If it HI © I— et fr-CO HH © eo X CO it eo © eo X CO I— CO l— Lfl fr-ee CO © CO fr— Ph 93 © X Hi CJ et to lfl LO © X LO • fr— • fr-- CO CO LO o © CD O 1-H CO CO © lfl rH HI X Lfl CO X lfl LO CN et CO O fr-CO © X X CO X HH X X it fr— ifl HH fr— © fr— X lfl fr- to © I-H © X I— 3 Ph' CO 1*5 oi \i y O o HH © Lfl CO o eo CJ et rH lfl Lfl to eo ifl © © Hi CM l— X Hi © © Lfl • CJ • CJ • lfl © -t if rH lfl It CO © CO X fr-it CJ CO CO CO © eo HI lfl lfl © © CO io CO lfl © Pi x: o 44 pq -- 10 HH >"H 'i - 8 g m O «2 S PQ cc h-1 *H HJ ,03 s; e frOfrOfrrqgMCJfrfrfrfrr^tCfrfrfrfr cn CO 44 44 44 hH 44 hH 44 OS © X CO h-i hH h-1 CO CO © © CO OS CO Ol Oi to Ol to —t hH Ol OS CD Ol < CO to hH OS OS CO CO OS © *4 hH Oi CO eo : © IS CO © to CO OS © to hH eo to X © to OS CO hH Oi 44 X OS © CO X Oi • OS -I CO © © Ol H eo eo eo X CO eo OS © 44 to o 44 to h-1 X to Ol Oi © 44 OS © h-i to CO X • OS © h- X © to to to X to eo CO to X 44 eo to © 44 44 X CO hH 44 h-i to CO © 4.| © © hH © to • -1 Oi hH to to -4 ©©OSOXOiOlH-.tOCOtO—toxcoto 0lt044C0©©t044©©0l44-J0l©X©©0l0lhH 44 Ol © 44 OlCOCnCO--t4j(h-4-4,0-o0Ol03©©44eft©Cn©©© Ol © © Oi ©4>0044-J[-JOl©©X©M-.*4©OSOi©Ol©Ol© Oi © © --1 4jtO44Ol©--3Ol-10000--alO-J©4400X-j4j4.i-- © © --1 -1 © hH -J CO CO 44 Oi Ol © OS to X © © X 4j © © 44 44 X Ol to OS -J © CO X 44 © © © CO Ol X © 44 Oi © 44 Ol 44 Ol CO to eo OS 44 © 44 X © to © © © eo Ol • OS . 4- • -J © hH Ol © 4.J to Oi X c ee X hH --1 X to to to © 44 to © to to 44 to O CO to h-1 l—i X Ol to hH to to to to to eo to • © • to © to to 1— X E to to CO to to X o © o eo © © to hH to hH to © eo X eo X hH r-> o • h-1 O H h-1 CO to CO.©-4©-JCOlO©-lX©©OlCDX©©©-4COXCOOS44hnCO ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© OSi4)44hH©COC^M-.44eooOltOtOhH-4COOSOiashHhH©©©hH Ul 93 eo > 0 CO hj p 0 h- w eo O h" SH f P 0 Fair. t) --- r% Cloudy O "-I Snow. Ain't ii inches. a « o w o t-1 o Q hH o > f Q hH Ul t-3 M W 00 182 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1846. STATIONS. Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus....... West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal... Alleghany Arsenal.... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe......... Fort Brooke.......... Barrancas Barracks.... Mount Vernon Arsenal New Orleans......... Baton Rouge......... Corpus Christi........ Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal..... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady........... Fort Snelling........, Fort Leavenworth...., THERMOMETER. 48.61 48.77 46.00 42.16 44.25 46.10 57.48 66.80 63.77 54.16 61.11 57.45 65.56 56.54 50.96 54.68 44.70 49.64 45.17 39.51 38.30 39.12 46.29 Mean Temperature. 9 A. JI. 8 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean 52.25 52.51 49.90 47.65 53.60 52.40 61.30 73.45 65.74 65.30 72.17 67.29 73.16 63.29 62.28 60.84 57.32 54.51 53.23 43.19 45.00 43.61 55.09 62.61 61.26 57.96 54.87 59.54 64.20 66.48 80.35 75.38 77.00 76.11 77.96 80.64 76.00 75.16 72.68 66.96 63.64 63.50 45.83 53.20 43.54 64.48 53.80 54.48 51.19 46.90 48.54 54.60 60.90 71.48 66.74 64.20 65.90 65.83 73.42 64.54 57.80 61.56 54.35 53.77 54.30 42.03 43.00 45.22 55.57 54.32 54.00 51.26 47.89 51.50 54.32 61.56 73.02 67.91 65.17 68.82 67.13 73.69 65.09 61.55 62.44 54.83 55.39 54.05 42.64 44.87 42.87 54.36 Range. Max. Min 84 79 80 78 77 85 80 85 85 86 84 86 86 91 88 86 83 82 88 64 72 76 84 33 32 30 24 30 30 39 55 43 38 46 42 52 32 30 31 21 28 28 22 28 23 26 Above mean. 29.7 25.0 28.7 30.1 25.5 30.7 18.4 12.0 17.1 20.8 15.2 18.9 12.3 25.9 26.4 23.6 28.2 26.6 33.9 21.4 27.1 33.1 29.6 Below mean. 21.3 22.0 21.3 23.9 21.5 24.3 22.6 18.0 24.9 27.2 22.8 25.1 21.7 33.1 31.6 31.4 33.8 27.4 26.1 20.6 16.9 19.9 28.4 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 10 31 19 49 8 26 3 4 27 60 4 11 21 67 4 11 6 20 27 50 9 16 7 13 3 9 20 45 0 0 9 19 9 24 31 79 14 20 55 98 31 41 36 50 25 40 15 24 4 14 40 132 7 20 7 8 50 112 1 3 26 34 6 8 81 90 26 74 12 24 8 16 26 57 9 20 20 53 0 0 18 20 31 34 0 0 23 25 8 9 15 32 18 31 8 11 3 4 26 49 16 25 14 20 17 17 9 11 12 25 19 67 9 31 28 66 12 31 10 28 12 24 41 60 28 38 0 0 11 15 0 0 CO CXI Pi H Eh Ul hH Cs fr Ph l-H < o hH C3 o h-1 o Ph o fr Eh fr s ui 14 OS Bh r", -Jj rt -a w Lfl (-. CM Ul hi fr rt o y Ul p cc -r co ec X © X rH X © © LO CD fr- CO CN CN CO o lfl CO ■ssuoin at ?,hiy Lfl CO it i— I— CO to 1-1 it it " X • CO CO CO Lfl X CO l-H © Hi o 1-1 '"' et cj Hi ^ et CO © © © CM CJ o CM o HI '"' eo CM 1—1 S5 © s © e © © © © © © © o O © o o a © © CO ifl O o < y < n ■arey X LO CO LO X Hi Lfl eo CM rH rH CM rH HH Hi CO CO Hi CD ec fr- fr— Hi Xpnoig ,_, CM CO CO ,_, fr- to LO CO it fr- © © 1- X X to X CO et CM X >> rt ■"■* 1-1 1-1 ^ et 1-1 ei rH CM o © Lfl lfl © it! ifl to Lfl fr- Hi CO CN -t CO CO Lfl CO X © © CO "JJCJ CM CM CM et et CM et r-i CM et et 1-H CJ CM r-H CM X CO CN © m Hi X X CO Oi ifl in Hi CO 1— -t LO Ci X X rt Lfl CO CO CO O to H- it to © eo X) CM CO © X Lfl rH I-* I-1 CO X Cm r\ S CO LO Hi HI to to eo X t- X l-H to fr- fr- CD CO I— CO CO eo CO l— s © rn CM ee CJ HH CO © © X CN ee CO CO o to CO © © eo © 1 o I— HH CI et fr- o lfl 1-H CO l-H © et rn © © rH © CO CD rt 1 O Ph en fr- Lfl -t CD fr- t- fr- © X © ~ © X t- fr— eo t— CO CO ifl CM X j C c hH r< o fr o o h-1 ffi o H P3 o H-i w Eh W S CC b a S§ CO lfl Hi X CM rH ©Ofr-HilflLflOrH©t-XrHiHHlOH.(r}Cet-OtO CO Lfl i—I CM rH f- lfl rH tO rH rHLflCClt eO©tOrHLOi-H©rHn0eirHC0HHXetrH00XC0C0 CM 1-HrHCOrH iteOrHlO ^Hr_,C^c^WJ 1t©H«0(>«'*H|-'!,*'!i«H rHrHl-HCNCNtOl-HrHr-Hl-Hi-HrHCM CMetCMCOetCMrHCNCNCM fl fr- CC eo © eo ©tot-©ceoo©©ce 03HltOlOrHLO©eOet© CO X Hi CO CM eo o cn ei to «- l— tOCOCOLfllfllocOHH co co to cn cd cd eo o i-H CM CO CO tO CO X -t rH Hi CO © to l— © CM CO X © LAtotDeoiotoeor-iOHHiOH*HH Lfl Lfl CM 1- © fr— ee © CO t- © it CO Lfl CO et CO Lfl rH © Lfl Lfl Lfl t-Lfl fr-Lfl CN ifl t-LO CO lfl Lfl fr- co © © co to ee to Lfl x et x S £ B hlH = X O 7; ^ o t- f - S S S pq a E !> Ul O CG d _,_, fr fr OOOeiJ-:j"eiJiOOO frfrfrpqSr5«Sfrfrfr o -- ^ ft Ph ft ^pnojo •jit;,] SSSt-^eoxcoioHH© ©©COi-HCOCOrHt-fr-COCN ©10CNt-©OOHG0U'"' HH I- © © © CO It Lfl lfl eo © o t- LO o CD 1-H rH © t— to c^r^SS^^-SSrS^^ooeorHLoi-tomcocN Oi Oi rH r-i rH r-H Ol rHCM CMrHCMrH rHCMCMCMrHCM i-HCJCMl-H rHCM rH i-H £J£;_2L^0'i,5XLnHi©i©©i— io©hi©i— ©en ^^^^i-C>tCOCMXXHC^C»,^OO.XXeMrHH- ,—' i-H i-HCMrH rH i-H CM i-H r-i rH ©io i- rHco© io hixxi— corHiocMcoeooce fr- ee cOi-HrH CMl-CMCMit i-HCMCO COHlHHCMrHHHCOCet-Hit-CMOHHrHLflOOHHCMlO CM rH ,—< rHCMCMCMrH i-H rH Ci COXCDCMHi(Nlfl©eOXrH l-H rH rH CM 1-H CM o CO a o c4 > rH rt a CM Lfl © X © HH CO © © CI CO it CM 3 it CO CO Hi CM CM CO ee © CO CM CM © l- CM CO CO CM CM o eo eo io CM it CJ © to X © o © © o CJ fr- CD © CM © CO CM CM fr-et CO it LO I-H X LO X © CM LO fr-CJ fr-et CM CM o et © CM X CM © t— CJ CM CM CM X I— CM CM X Lfl ifl Lfl © CO HH CO X © rH CM CO X © CM Lfl 0 to rH CM © © © X fr- X o Hi CM CO eo HH CM fr— CD © 3 LO X io fr- - © et©t-HHt-xetiocoxcMrHeocexHHLO©cecoLOXt-corH eoceeoi—i©hhi— xtooo©CMcoiflet©to©eotoi— t- ©Xi-h -H1-HrHC$i-H!-Hl-HrHe!C*CNC*COCNi—ICNrHi—ICOCM.rHrHrHrHe! ooi-HeocococMXiflt-CMX©Hii— eteomrHi— hh lfl CM CO Hi © © it CM CO CM © Hi Hi CM CM rH t— fr— t- CO CO CO Hi © © Hi CO O © t-CMXCDlfli— XI— LfliOi—ICO itl— itHHHHCOCeCOCMCNCMeO r-H fr- lfl CO © X O hh i-i Hi © HH © fr— lfl CO © X © © © © O fr— Lfl CO O lfl © © it CO © © CO © l-H © rH CO © rH i— tot- CMO©HHto rHi-HOOCMt-lACD© S E £ £ J < < a -3 a < s £ a w MO to c„ o a a S° .2 •= 03 >> x 4, .— r- r- a o ti hi 03 g hi w 2 > rt ft O a ei "o a rt aj rH o a 3 TJ e rt \4ioug •area .Cpno[o CO it X CM © it CO Lfl l-H o © © © o © o © o fr- o © HH ifl 1-H © CO eo et X © I— © Hi X CO Hi © Hi eo LO © CO - ~ X O Hh -t CI r-H ee Hi rH © CM © CI ifl fr-et fr- © CM eo •.frIUJ a pi OJ CO si aj [3-y ai W ui Lfl rH —I CO i- et HH HI rH CO I- © Lfl Lfl eo eo o o io ifl © • X CI • CM I- • -t eo • eo CO CO O rn CM CM CM CM CM CM fr-rH l— © CM X fr- CM o X CO HH it CM Lfl O © Hi t— I— hh CM Lfl 1— I— O CO fr-ee eo © CO H- © © CO HH It © © CM LO CO CO CM Lfl ee © Lfl X CO CO o © et HI © CO I— © eo fr-ee CM I— © Lfl © CO CO fr-it CM • © CO • © HH • CO © lfl Lfl CM © CM © CD CO o © X X Hi fr- o CO © eo HI Lfl t-l— CO CM CM CO CM CO t- © r-H CO o © lfl l-H lfl lfl CM it HI fr-it i— CM CO © fr-CJ o o lfl o X I— C— Hi © • © i-H • CO eo -co eo • et © • ee CO • CO Hi r-H it © CO it X eo to Lfl tc © © lfl et CO lfl HH © X © © lfl Hi eo ifl eo © HH © © HH CM CO CO X lfl eo l— Hi CO © CM © lfl Hi © CD LO eo CN et Lfl CO -t © io CO CO CM CM rH CO Hi CO eo co X CM —i CM et co CO l-H Lfl © o CM eo ifl et to CM fr-ee I— fr- fr-CO HH fr— fr— l-H CM CO lfl Lfl Hi HI Lfl Hi r-H Lfl CM X Lfl CM CO © Hi CO CM Hi © © CM X Lfl © CM H1 CM • © Hi " l-H CO • CO © eo i-i X t— CO Hi CO © et eo eo rH CO o ee it CD fr— X lfl eo © CM I— X LO it to it © X Hi it Lfl CJ rH eo Hi CO CO 1-H it CO X l-H © r-H it fr— X © 1— X it X © I— i-h eo fr- CM CO et eo l- -H It I— rH io Lfl CO lfl fr- CD o it CD © CM CO it CO l— X © t- t— fr- et © fr- CM CO Hi X co co eo eo et et © eo © © l— Lfl CM i-H CO fr- CO CO l— CO © CO CM I— X © X CO LO CD CO CM Lfl rH et X CM lfl eo © © eo o eo fr-et eo et LO CM Lfl CO © © X © © CO © I— CM Lfl lfl Lfl CO CO rH CM CN I— X CN CO X CM © CO © CM CO © it CO Hi CO r-H CM rH © CJ X CO H-et hh co hh ei rn co ee ifl CM ifl CO CM rH 1-H © © O CO CM CO fr-CJ LO l-H © CO X CM Hi CO t-X CO CM X CM CM CO eo fr- Lfl it © to CM CO Lfl CM t- CO © l-H CM ifl r-H X © et X o eo cm CM l-H ee CM © X CM CM lfl CN CM fr-it eo H" CM to © © CM Lfl rH rH CM x CO fr-et i— © CM © LO CO © CO CM et CO CM Lfl ifl X CM cc eo CI © X © l— CM © I— X to CM LO et CO to X X X CO to Hi CO CM © o LO H1 CO it © eo © CM CM it © CM rH © CO X CO © © © eo Lfl ee eo X CM CM CM CM fr- CO HI rH CI CO H1 Lfl CO X fr- Lfl CO X Lfl © It © rH CM CM Lfl © CM i-H © Lfl CM CO eo CO to fr— CM it CO ifl i-h CM HI I- CO r-i—i CO © CO © t- © CM CO ~ fr-it it Lfl CO et I- CO Hi CO X 188 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. POSITION OF STATIONS, MEAN TEMPERATURES Long. Fort Adams......... Fort Trumbull....... Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal .. Plattsburg Barracks.. Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario........ Fort Niagara........ Alleghany Arsenal... Carlisle Barracks Fort Mifflin......... Fort McHenry....... Fort Monroe........ Fort Moultrie........ Charleston Arsenal... Augusta Arsenal..... Oglethorpe Barracks . Fort Marion......... Fort Brooke......... Bnrrancas Barracks .. Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. Fort Wood.......... Fort Pike............ New Orleans........ Baton Rouge........ Corpus Christi........ San Antonio......... Matamoros*........, Fort Towson........ Fort Washita......., Fort Smith........., Fort Gibson......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks... . St. Louis Arsenal. ... Detroit Barracks..... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Wilkins........ l-'urt Atkinson....... Fort Snelling........ Fort Des Moines...... Fort Leavenworth ... O ' 41 30 •11 2. 40 37 40 42 41 23 42 50 44 41 43 57 43 20 43 18 40 32 40 12 39 51 39 18 37 00 32 42 32 46 33 28 32 05 2D 80 28 00 30 18 31 12 30 08 30 10 29 57 30 2C 27 47 29 25 25 53 34 00 34 09 35 23 35 47 37 45 38 28 38 40 42 20 42 55 45'51 46 30 47 30 43 00 44-53 41 32 39 21 Altitude above sea, Jan. Feb. March. O ' 71 19 72 05 74 02 74 01 7 4 00 73 55 73 30 76 15 76 40 79-08 80 12 77 14 75 15 76 33 76 15 79 56 79 57 81 53 81 07 8J 30 82 28 87 27 88 20 89 51 89 38 90 00 91 18 97 27 98 25 97 36 95 33 96 27 94 29 95 10 94 35 90 15 90 05 82 58 82 23 84 38 84 43 88 00 92 00 93 10 93 38 94 41 Feet. 40 50 25 23 167 50 186 262 250 250 704 > 40 36 20 20 40? 600? 40 12 20 20 75 20 20 20 41 20 50? 150? 200? 460 842 1000? 382 450 5S0 598 728 600 620 700 820 780? 890 30.67 30.19 31.94 31.37 27.48 16.98 18.70 21.53 24.70 28.75 29.27 34.58 32.23 32.29 40.90 50.65 25.70 25.62 27.04 27.41 23.65 17.39 12.82 16.16 21.36 24.57 27.74 32.48 28.75 29.64 38.87 51.66 45.83 52.39 57.50 59.71 52.11 48.93 53.93. 49.98 52.00 56.30 49.87 46.52 53.71 56.75 62.08 53.53 50.63 54.83 54.51 54.10 56.98 51.99 36.35 38.81 40.03 39.31 37.33 29.85 31.05 31.62 31.17 35.20 40.09 39.90 41.75 42.02 48.91 58.63 April. July. Aug. 57.64 61.24 64.12 66.58 62.02 61.57 62.40 63.83 61.50 62.30 63.21 58.84 45.83 48.10 49.26 50.33 50.00 47.07 44.02 45.44 45.02 44.41 54.28 51.42 52.46 52.98 57.29 65.95 43.60 47.80 39.82 42.73 37.33 37.78 37.20 29.32 26.53 23.92 23.80 25.40 29.70 28.81 32.25 3S.22 42.10 44.90 38.70 38.44 29.93 30.02 27.93 24.62 22.96 18.00 17.12 19.09 22.35 19.53 23.90 31.01 53.85 55.94 52,46 52.61 46.05 46.85 45.71 36.85 34.63 30.14 31.70 31.58 38.00 38.41 65.56 64.07 69.05 72.15 66.90 64.18 69.29 67.03 67.16 68.07 68.50 67.83 61.27 63.46 62.56 61.87 57.34 59.35 54.91 50.03 45.36 38.32 42.17 39.26 45.58 46.:st 54.52 55.62 59.27 60.41 60.25 60.15 54.72 56.83 56.52 55.07 65.42 63.37 70.55 64.81 70.00 74.36 73.28 75.44 75.07 76.47 72.72 75.28 75.60 77.29 74.42 72.58 71.24 70.00 68.97 69.65 68.97 62.92 56.54 50.41 52.95 52.03 64.21 63.65 65.67 67.36 67.32 67.50 61.52 63.64 64.15 G2.83 68.92 68.09 73.95 79.33 77.35 78.41 77.82 79.31 76.52 80.14 78.86 80.10 78.04 74.79 73.50 71.32 69.26 69.32 71.11 66.27 62.15 58.7 7 61.72 57.41 n.96 72.21 72.25 71.87 73. 74.30 78.86 80.65 76.76 79.71 79.88 60.27 77.43 82.73 81.37 82.22 81.76 80.65 79.74 78.40 78.42 79.95 66.00 66.82 74.21 69.94 73.04 73.35 72.55 71.98 74.12 74.16 79.74 82.77 78.58 81.05 80.01 79.92 78.19 80.21 82.04 81.09 78.80 78.95 75.85 77.68 77.87 68.07 46.65 73.86 I 62.80 51.92 66.80 68.87 77.85 77.06 j 69.04 ' The observations at this station may be identified with those subsequently continued at Fort Brown, which is on the opposite side of the Rio Grincie. Ther are important in determining the climatology of the district of the lower Rio Grande. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 189 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1846. Oct. Nov. Dec. ! Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. ! Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 54.32 54.00 51.26 47.89 ...... 51.50 54.32 61.56 73.02 67.91 65.17 68.82 67.13 73.69 65.09 61.55 62.44 54.83 55.39 54.05 42.64 44.87 42.87 54.36 49.15 48.15 45.26 42.45 45.30 47.31 54.46 61.46 66.10 61.93 58.87 63.94 62.64 75.36 55.09 51.21 52.59 44.91 45.08 42.78 37.97 39.72 39.85 45.00 35.19 33.90 30.74 25.43 35.70 34.79 46.24 53.44 63.35 57.82 57.23 62.14 59.60 47.32 72.81 48.37 46.47 45.93 37.31 38.59 37.46 25.82 25.75 21.57 33.08 45.57 47.51 49.52 50.02 49.19 45.69 43.26 44.63 44.24 44.89 53.26 53.27 58.73 66.31 66.92 69.41 71.73 66.16 67.98 68.66 69.66 66.93 63.99 62.09 61.49 57.45 58.62 56.53 49.95 45.51 39.62 42.27 40.96 49.26 49.48 56.12 67.95 70.22 70.94 70.71 70.45 72.10 71.85 77.52 80.92 77.56 79.72 79.73 80.00 77.38 80.14 81.45 79.88 77.65 76.67 74.50 75.14 76.31 64.28 71.62 74.59 57.81 57.29 55.19 52.37 55.10 57.20 63.41 72.79 69.48 67.21 69.93 65.44 62.83 63.18 56.61 57.80 56.40 46.95 48.74 48.51 56.13 1 31.39 30.89 27.29 19.93 30.80 32.24 42.00 51.92 61.71 54.49 52.26 55.23 47.02 41.66 42.40 34.86 35.46 34.20 22.58 22.12 23.30 34.10 52.23 52.28 50.59 47.11 52.81 53.64 60.41 71.49 65.75 68.49 64.08 61.06 60.93 55.85 56.76 55.86 43.36 48.23 55.86 89 92 95 92 96 96 95 95 91 89 92 90 90 91 94 88 97 89 92 100 100 95 95 97 100 92 88 82 93 95 94 2 0 5 5 4 —18 —10 —13 — 5 4 — 6 6 5 8 19 31 25 32 39 33 30 26 30 28 26 30 22 19 22 16 16 — 3 2 0 — 7 —11 —10 __22 — 9 —12 —16 — 6 — 6 39.8 42.7 41.4 48.9 43.2 41.4 34.6 18.5 28.3 28.5 35.9 38.9 34.1 39.2 40.2 44.2 38.7 46.8 38.2 47.2. 47.3 46.6 65.1 58.8 45.6 41.4 38.5 38.7 42.5 42.1 45.1 44.9 58.8 54.8 55.8 -- 53.3 64.2 61.8 Rhode Island. Connecticut. New York Harbor. New York Harbor. New York. New York. New York. New York. New York. New York. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Maryland. Virginia. Sullivan's Island, S. Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia. Georgia. St. Augustine, Florida-Florida. Pcnsacola, Florida. Alabama. Louisiana. Louisiana. Louisiana.' Louisiana. Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. Bexar county, Texas, Lower Rio Grande, Mexico. Indian Territory. Indian Territory. Arkansas. Indian Territory. Kansas. Missouri. Missouri. Michigan. Michigan. Michigan. Michigan. [rior. Copper Harbor, Lake Supe-Iowa. Minnesota. Iowa. Kansas. 190 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1846. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. | June. July. Aug. ! Sept. Oct. I Nov. i Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. 'Winter. Year. Fort Adams..................... 2.49 Fort Trumbull..................| 3.04 Fort Hamilton.................. 5.15 Fort Columbus.................. 3.92 West Point......................] 3.42 Watervliet Arsenal............. 2.86 Plattsburg Barracks. Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario........ 1.18 2.61 2.30 Fort Niagara...................1 1.90 Alleghany Arsenal.............. 2.92 Fort McHer.ry.................. 2.S3 Fort Monroe.................... 3.55 Fort Moultrie................... 4.97 Augusta Arsenal................ 3.59 Oglethorpe Barracks............ 6.54 Fort Marion.................... 4.18 Fort Brooke................... 3.01 Barrancas Barracks............. 8.28 i Mount Vernon Arsenal.......... 6.82 Fort Wood......................! 6.45 Fort Pike......................j 8.40 New Orleans.................... ___ 1.9S 2.24 5.55 3.01 2.78 2.20 0.74 2.24 2.93 i 1.18 2.73 1.82 2.97 3.51 4.25 4.70 4.32 4.97 10.46 5.31 3.94 4.19 2.82 3.82 3.90 2.85 1.36 2.28 1.55 1.20 2.02 3.54 3.33 5.50 8.60 5.C6 1.67 7.73 1.95 | 2.75 0.79 2.12 4.69 I .... 2.84 3.70 i 1.18 2.40 i 9.84 4.01 I 9.70 2.14 1.39 3.04 6.62 I 2.30 0.86 | 3.29 0.62 ■ 2.91 1.96 3.49 1.29 | 1.82 2.96 3.11 1.98 1.38 7.09 6.01 6.14 2.50 1.08 ! 2.08 , 1.62 4.34 3.88 2.93 2.90 3.76 2.38 3.28 3.35 2.89 3.72 1.70 2.93 5.80 6.34 5.63 11.51 5 10.61 18.17 14.25 13.75 ; .... I .... 7.8S 'lO.TO I 5.38 1.85 4.62 5.77 4.36 1.90 l.CC 1.77 4.44 4.05 1.78 4.67 3.25 5.81 6.28 8.17 7.15 6.05 6.89 5.27 7.20 2.48 4.60 ! 9.05 6.44 0.20 0.48 0.17 1.10 1.95 5.81 3.25 7.17 Baton Rouge... Corpu* Christi. Fort Towson... Fort Washita . Fort Smith..... 4.80 3.96 3.20 4.40 1.93 Fort Gibscn.................... 1.02 Fort Scott...................... 1.27 Jefferson Barracks.............. 3.60 St. Louis Arsenal................ 2 20 Detroit Barracks................ 4.06 FortGratiot .................. 2.97 Fort Mackina'c.................. 1.29 Fort Brady..................... 1.01 Fort Wilkins....................j 0.S3 Fort Atkinson...................' 1.00 Fort Snelling.................... 0.52 Fort Des Moines.................■ 0.90 Fort Leavenworth.............. 0.40 5.70 12.30 17.20 13.20 16.00 2.37 1.25 3.71 3.44 6.65 2.75 2.00 5.99 2.73 2.52 8.24 4.70 |10.23 2.27 1.52 5.4S 5.OS 7.00 1.54 1.79 3.04 4.60 ; 6.92 0.92 1.61 2.64 1.76 7.03 1.02 1.73 4.S3 3.50 2.86 2.19 3.06 7.59 5.97 ' 4.94 2.13 3.15 l.CS 5.42 3.55 1.61 2.17 2.19 4.55 2.35 0.26 1.77 2.01 3.27 0.89 0.94 2.51 2.65 2.03 0.95 1.72 3.84 2.95 1.63 1.12 0.03 3.12 6.53 6.83 j .... 0.03 ' 1.71 2.90 2.00 ! 3.10 0.02 i .... ! .... .... 1 .... 0.20 1.10 3.90 3.20 4.16 8.80 ; 9.03 1.33 14.48 10.62 | 2.65 9.42 4.74 2.12 14.40 3.02 __ 1.14 1.71 0.70 1.17 0.45 15.90 : 5.20 5.48 10.49 2.30 9.( 1.58 8.90 2.68 1.34 8.36 2.99 2.46 10.02 2.80 2.16 5.00 2.81 4.78 1.30 2.68 8.11 0.48 0.40 2.35 5.58 ; 4.75 | 2.30 0.67 2.56 0.82 4.32 4.95 2.61 1.40 4.76 3.09 5.53 2.09 3.47 0.68 6.28 0.28 1.43 4.13 3.80 2.23 2.60 7.17 9.35 0.33 0.18 4.73 3.75 5.16 2.10 3.14 1.35 0.54 2.36 4.60 1.64 0.80 6.20 4.70 3.55 2.14 2.53 2.97 1.42 4.19 1.13 2.14 3.90 I 2.65 3.01 5.40 4.88 3.49 10.22 13.55 1.20 2.00 7.58 10.16 15.06 17.53 13.56 7.00 4.87 7.73 4.66 4.36 10.40 11.69 10.97 10.75 10.84 5.14 15.10 22.63 23.96 42.70 8.40 10.46 12.65 9.43 6.01 7.58 16.61 10.25 8.91 7.05 7.19 8.42 15.98 6.61 13.57 11.28 11.37 17.25 15.87 12.42 16.90 26.00 46.50 15.15 10.88 10.18 12.65 8.26 9.33 12.35 17.84 4.62 7.86 6.27 12.20 13.67 15.50 14.29 9.19 9.02 7.96 11.29 11.06 5.40 5.71 6.83 14.79 4.70 10.68 0.08 3.8S 1.03 i 1.14 | 2.05 .20 11.85 6 6.85 6.05 2.65 ! 23.75 192 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER STATIONS. Fort Adams (a)...... Fort Hamilton...... Fort Columbus...... West Point......... Plattsburg Bar'cks (b) Madison Barracks (c) Alleghany Arsenal... Fort Mifflin ( HI HI rn © fr- X fr- Lfl CM X o Lfl ■"' CO it fr- ■ Hi et Lfl CM HI © i-l CO © © it) et et CO r-l K EH O Ph CO Lfl lfl • CO HI Lfl CD fr- Lfl HI Lfl HI r— fr- I— i— HI eo H! CO CO Lfl ,_• O CM CO CO CO X m m et © o © CO CO Lfl CM X £ c ^ CO fr- Lfl • to X CO o X l-H l-H CM Lfl et t- o CM o CO CO CS (4, eo lfl it Hi • CO CO HI Lfl CO HI HI Lfl it fr- CO Lfl CO Lfl CM Lfl CO Lfl HI „• r^ CM X to fr- CO et fr- Lfl © © rn © X © 1— © l-H rt * HI Lfl © • lfl © CO to © CO to eo CO CM o © Lfl © CO © IX) © H< rt lfl H< eo • CO Hi Lfl Hi Lfl It eo it Lfl to Lfl to HI Lfl et fr- et Lfl CO . r. 1— CM X © CM fr- to _, eo © r-H eo ee i— et CM « © rH ■ lfl CO rH X It eo Lfl fr- CO © CO © X © © Lfl X CO et Ul CO Hi Hi • CO CO Lfl eo Lfl H< CO it Lfl m Hi Lfl CM Hi CM Lfl CM CO H< ^ • HI X CM CM CO CO © fr— CO © © Hi HI „ CD fr- HI 1— _, y CM ■ r-H CO if HI et 1— Hi CM it it ee • CM X to CM 1— © t— It HI HI CO It Lfl HI © o CO -H © Hi to it • CO et rH * CM CI 1-1 1-1 1-1 CO 1-1 ■ © CO ,_. X © t— CD CO eo rH CO HI et Lfl rH it CM © X e= Hi it • © X X CM 1-1 CM CO CO ifl 1-1 © X l-H • et fr- et X © l-H rH CO fr- r-H ee If © © © © © Lfl Lfl CM • CO ee CM Oi ^ CM ee CM l-H CM X on © lfl CO It rH ee Lfl __, 1— CM fr- fr- __, o HI H< £ CO Lfl CM rH uo CO et HI eo rH '~l rH rH Lfl et y ui CC CD i— eo ©' CM Lfl HI Lfl rn t- et X CO Lfl © CO © it CM CO CM it 1-1 rH CM r-H 1-1 rH CM 1-1 ""* rn X CD Lfl © CO HI CO m CO 1— CO eo eo CO Lfl Ifl CO ^ ui CM CM CM CM "H '"H 1-1 IX) rH HI CO CM 1—1 r—l © H" X © HI eo Hi Hi CM CO HI CM O X eo © Lfl HI CM rH CM 1-1 rH CO 1-1 CO 1-1 to CM CO CD eo rn et r-i o X fr- X Lfl rH t- m r-H a CM eo CM it CO CM CM CM r-H rH et W • aj CM fr- et CO 1— © Lfl o 1— Lfl CO Lfl CD CO t- H< a " l-H l-H et 1-1 et rH ""* I-H rH rH 2. -i a, u pa 8 rH I-H CO eo co © Lfl lfl Lfl 2I2l7?_2J^_2c,lfS05-^'ie«3lo©©© I-l rH Ifl rH CM rH CM rHrHCOCOHI 2'*St"5!?ninu''*>ni-K3fr-ooo rn CM rHrH CM ^h rt j-j ^ S 2 S ° S ©fr-coceH-©etxiflXr- et-HiCM CM l-H rH l-H rH CM rH © CO I— ©©iflce-txcrHetHiLflox CM CO i-H rH rHrH rH l-H i—I to hi en eo to eo i-h ce i-h i-h XeOH«©©rHO©>flrH-HrHH'00c^c<'©©i— ceeti-H eocMt-eDLfleooo©oocoeo-Hi-coHi it Lfl O o H" to O HI rH O lfl i-h et i-h ci eo 1-lflrHXt— I— fr— COl-HCSCOfretLflitrHCSOnr-iCI^L-^L^r-^ COCOeOCMCOCOHilflt-tOCOCOLflLflLfl^c^Scl^^g t-coxcMifl©iflioiflce©eitoifli—icet—i— eoejfi)(-3 -h la i- oo i- ifl x i- i- t- ©, t- © co © o el £ x h5 h= Se COeiCMrHCOCOHILflCDlflLfllfl^CO^COCOrlJrHrHelcD £12lH9£.9,f';oi"Ho^Hf- x©cocoiflifl©o ffini-oiniBHi-ni-fflnfr-o^HooiiinoH SS^^2SyOTe^cetoiflctfr-ifltox©CMtocot^o eietcMrHe-> o s c «£ .44 4* ■ih. ai hj h i. i. C jj ^ . O ° fc» J> —i O rM b* r* r* < bn .5 > i: g « pq ^ ci o "^ 3 >» ^= g o o§ W Whl S fcfef-.C-.Sr-iPHrV.fc.r-.tyjC-.-MC-.C-.rS 03 M W E-i 02 i- Hi ci X W „ Ph hH < 1-3 & «4 oi o y hH b e fc o o i-q X o Pi O o r-i w E- w a on . W « «S W « £ Lfl Hi CM X CO CM m © Lfl X © 1— © CO CM HI m ^ © r^ © . 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M no cn in et © Lfl hi to ei © en rH I— lfl CO fr- CO o rt HI HI H4 Hi Lfl lfl lfl to l— co to t- co co eo uo in CO CO Hi lfl i— CO CO r-H 1— © CM CO CO © to O i— to co © © et H 3 it cn i— © t— cm eo ifl hi ce rn © i— © © m © fr~ • l— lfl © © Phi -t i-H H © © Hi Hi lfl © f— 1— © i— ce ifl m fr- 3 rt 03 Hi lfl H it -* Lfl Lfl to t- to CO co to to to lfl lfl CO CO Hi lfl fr- s CO CO CO © © eo eo co o eo o et co © © co © X CO © to CO a rH CO CO it CM i-H rH 1— 00 rH X X X CM © ifl © CO lfl t- l- c- 5 h c a X -i J a 4-c « r C £ h O g £ u t n a •f C ,j_ c K > -c b c o S a r in EE C i J c c c r- J h h c £ £ £ u. 2 r>. 3 r> - £ h3 O E rt V 2 r-l r h c b e b fc rS < c b c b c b c b c r- c b c b c b c b .J 72 c b c b c b o In- r- METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 201 MONTH OF APRIL, 1847. WINDS. WEATHER. ! RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Day.--. Dp 5rs. ii o c Ul a a < REMARKS. S. E. s. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 0 P. M. 1 Mean. '5 tH 3 o 5 13 11 29 26 76 17 80 33 112 7.50 6.33 5.23 ; 7.10 6.54 21 9 4 0 t).71 14 30 5 8 41 99 o 6 36 78 5.48 5.45 6.48 6.22 5.40 20 10 10 0 1.53 13 36 16 31 13 30 26 42 34 109 4.86 4.73 4.90 4.93 4.85 17 13 4 0 0.79 24 6 4 2 2.23 5 8 6 7 22 53 33 77 21 53 4.86 5.93 5.83 6.73 5.83 18 12 9 0 2.55 31 54 8 13 36 83 7 30 25 68 5.28 5.15 5.10 6.17 5.42 20 10 5 0 0.41 Temp.,in error. 22 40 6 7 37 72 7 30 14 38 6.10 6.13 5.53 6.73 6.12 22 8 6 0 1.86 9 18 14 24 21 46 31 52 24 48 9.00 9.00 8.66 9.00 8.90 27 4 3 0 1.52 0 0 24 46 20 37 25 69 5 13 5.30 4.70 5.13 6.56 5.42 21 9 2 0 1.61 8 9 22 38 33 72 21 31 4 6 7.50 7.43 6.96 7.46 7.34 26 4 4 0 5.85 17 17 13 19 30 45 6 6 23 32 3.66 4.33 4.86 7.00 4.98 14 16 5 0 3.77 9 9 34 34 10 10 18 19 13 13 2.93 4.62 3.26 7.40 4.55 13 17 7 0 4.63 2 5 58 105 6 6 4 6 3 5 5.46 6.26 7.10 8.30 6.81 21 9 4 0 1.60 0 0 22 23 7 7 19 19 0 0 4.53 5.73 6.73 6.73 5.43 17 13 6 0 3.22 21 21 47 62 12 17 2 2 8 9 6.06 6.23 6.80 6.63 6.43 19 11 6 0 3.10 5 9 38 114 9 29 9 13 1 2 3.30 5.16 5.40 5.23 4.77 14 16 7 0 4.22 11 11 11 11 15 17 13 16 12 15 5.17 6.17 6.18 5.19 5.68 20 10 9 0 8.25 2 3 5 5 15 47 ■18 56 31 87 3.09 3.13 3.50 5.76 3.87 12 18 6 2 1.48 10 28 4 11 10 27 25 77 32 123 4.90 6.46 7.10 6.16 6.15 20 10 7 1 2.00 17 27 11 27 3 8 5 10 10 29 2.56 3.03 2.54 2.56 2.67 10 20 2 1 0.45 12 22 6 18 60 109 8 11 29 45 6.30 5.56 6.13 6.16 6.03 20 10 8 0 2.79 11 31 15 48 1 5 0 0 0 0 4.33 4.66 7.06 4.73 5.19 19 11 6 0 26 rt bi Eh Ui hH o bi rt O1! 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WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. r0 0 a 1 REMARKS. S. E. £ S. W. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. 19 0 '3 M o 0 ul 6 13 12 24 28 68 11 34 31 104 5.46 5.43 5.96 6.46 5.82 11 11 0 8.37 36 56 1 2 23 42 1 1 34 50 5.46 5.26 ! 5.86 6.10 5.67 16 14 9 0 6.78 8 13 29 73 16 21 29 32 19 49 4.80 : 4.33 4.46 6.00 4.89 14 16 10 0 2.27 21 9 9 0 3.82 0 0 5 13 20 42 26 57 33 62 2.83 4.23 ' 4.80 6.33 4.50 14 16 10 0 5.32 31 37 6 19 29 64 16 34 24 40 4.12 ! 4.17 3.18 6.50 4.49 17 13 9 0 3.36 17 j 42 6 17 37 90 8 18 6 17 4.73 5.23 4.83 5.43 5.05 17 13 12 0 4.07 21 48 21 55 4 10 4 12 4 12 8.33 9.00 9.33 9.33 8.99 22 8 4 0 5.50 21 41 13 22 3 8 36 36 19 30 5.16 4.00 3.03 4.06 4.06 11 19 10 0 4.68 18 18 12 12 28 31 8 8 15 15 5.60 4.10 5.53 5.66 5.22 18 12 10 0 4.05 12 i 12 30 30 24 24 18 18 19 19 6.47 5.29 3.75 6.32 5.45 16 14 7 0 3.43 7 14 10 15 5 H 17 31 6 12 7.57 5.93 5.83 6.63 6.44 20 10 5 0 2.30 5 5 58 107 7 7 7 7 0 0 4.10 5.30 5.96 7.50 5.71 19 11 10 0 3.09 0 0 34 35 5 5 21 21 0 0 4.60 5.13 5.43 6.10 5.31 14 16 8 0 5.95 16 21 56 62 14 14 4 4 3 3 5.00 6.07 5.29 i 7.21 5.89 19 11 4 0 3.88 23 29 22 50 13 23 13 18 9 17 3.60 4.40 5.00 5.46 4.61 12 18 9 0 4.63 12 27 9 14 12 21 27 37 26 58 4.13 4.93 4.50 6.01 4.89 15 15 14 0 4.10 25 28 13 20 18 32 23 58 11 23 5.25 7.03 6.23 5.17 5.92 20 10 11 0 11.47 16 44 5 5 6 17 24 48 40 123 4.01 4.43 4.66 4.56 4.41 12 18 13 0 2.97 12 36 8 15 8 19 34 84 29 101 6.86 7.80 8.43 6.63 7.43 20 10 9 0 3.35 47 69 4 6 6 12 1 3 5 14 3.56 3.36 3.53 2.43 3.22 15 15 7 0 2.66 14 14 53 72 8 12 4 4 12 13 5.60 5.46 5.50 6.14 5.67 19 11 5 0 5.15 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.96 7.40 6.96 7.96 7.57 25 5 9 0 31 73 12 22 2 4 5 7 1 1 5.13 5.70 7.50 6.10 6.11 24 6 12 0 4.15 9 10 2 0 15 27 2 5 70 118 4.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 18 12 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.01 1 First 4 days omitted. © © © © © © i-h i- et Hi i— © ©CO©©©CMrH©XX©©iflX © CM ifl I— © © CM S, °i 11 £ t— OHi©lflCOCMi-Ht- X©lrt©©©HiCDCOHi©©XHiLfleO© rt pq H Ul r-H CJ fa rt t-3 hH CJ o h3 o rt o w H o eOHiCDrHlrtHiX©CO©CM©Lfli-HrH©tOHiHiCOOrHCMtOLflHi© [-toHiet©©t-t-CMXXitxtoeoi-co©et©to CM CM CM rn rH CM et CM CM © © Hi © CO HI cn HI it O HI O ce rH © fr- CO CO Lfl It lfl Lfl CO HI it Lfl lfl X c- Lfl HlrHLflLflXCMtOl— XXCMlfll— COCQtOl^©©rH©OCOCO©HlrH i— eoco©^toi-H©eo©x©Hix©©Hitoeoit©©XHiiflco© idiLfllflCOett-tOrH©!— 1-H©©t-t-tOfr-XLfl^tOrHlfl^©Xlfl i^ [- c- t- tc. i— t- ooxt-xxi-t- i-t-t-t-i— totoi-t-xi— iflt- rO©i©tOHI©CDXCM©HIl— i-HtOCOe!HllflCO©rH©CerH©TOO x©oe1toeeSiflrH©it©H;©©CMifl©©©tce^©H<©i-ifl iHetifrH©Lflifl©xeixtoxi-xcocoxLflHieirHiflm 1-.1-1— l— tOl— fr— t-t-l— t— l— l—t-t— t— t-l—t- tOCOt— I- XX ifl f- __i,r.r-44-n-ni-irHi-41aDCOX©cOLALACMLA©©tDrHLACM©©© LflLfl^rHCM2lfl^°^^©©©eOC^CMrHi^it©HiHIC^ ^4^r-^rs)rx3L-^r^eoifltoootoc©Hieoiflto©i4e©to©HirHCMeD© ooxxxxxxxxxxxxxaoxxxxi-t-t-x©xcot- CM CO X X © CO CM © lfl © © lfl © tO rH t- t- I— fr- X X I- X t- t- t- t— to©t-co©©x©©©;t eoo©©xi— t-Lfleo©i-© co i— t- to, to i- © © © © CD r-H CD rH CD r-H CD rH lfl lfl CI I— Lfl 1- 1 ~ "3 =3 £ o p., > X O Z 03 .J .J Ul 14 hi hi 03 cd ° ° t> t> fa fa r» P* -5 b *> PQ S S M -s S > 3 tf £ 02 C hD tS . O "2 03 "K -2 £ s a, - .- O^rA^hi £ U .2 d a -IH 4. f_ 5 S 3 £ » ^ o S o o ^ ^ » o c. o o -= £ £ w fafafaSr^mfafafafa^tBr-ifafarMfaS^r-i-H METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 207 MONTH OF JULY, 1847. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 S. E. s. s. w. w. N. W. S.R. 9 A. M. 3 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 0 5 0 '3 M fe-es a Ul 0 % < 6 12 1 16 29 59 67 7 25 9 29 6.25 6.67 5.77 7.45 6.53 20 11 8 0 4.32 11 17 13 22 55 72 1 1 18 21 5.68 6.61 3.09 5.64 5.25 19 12 7 0 1.62 24 32 1 1 40 45 11 11 25 39 6.03 5.74 5.16 6.29 5.80 19 19 12 12 9 10 0 0 2.52 6.01 8 10 17 21 20 43 8 9 11 13 3.96 5.19 5.12 5.00 4.81 15 16 10 0 4.18 24 24 12 12 34 76 2 4 11 18 3.23 4.30 4.70 4.26 4.12 14 17 9 0 2.51 16 35 4 8 33 72 22 46 2 6 5.35 4.87 4.38 7.03 5.40 18 13 8 0 3.47 22 55 30 73 13 34 11 23 10 20 7.61 6.90 5.32 4.38 6.05 20 11 11 0 13.25 28 52 22 44 2 4 30 50 13 28 5.54 4.39 2.74 3.97 4.16 12 19 16 0 7.22 21 51 19 60 28 30 4 4 26 26 2.80 1.74 3.00 3.35 2.72 6 25 21 0 11.92 10 12 43 43 31 31 30 31 4 4 3.30 3.84 1.57 5.41 3.53 8 23 15 0 5.06 0 0 45 91 10 18 22 39 14 27 6.30 7.10 5.23 7.70 6.58 12 19 11 0 3.30 11 13 45 57 4 6 2 2 3 3 5.09 5.93 5.70 6.35 5.76 19 12 7 0 6.55 0 0 32 32 4 4 16 16 2 2 4.61 4.93 4.32 6.61 5.11 16 15 13 0 11.18 47 47 54 64 12 14 1 1 0 0 6.09 7.12 7.30 8.10 7.15 23 8 10 0 1.89 21 39 31 50 18 32 4 7 1 1 3.38 3.67 4.25 5.67 4.24 12 19 8 0 5.84 29 50 10 16 13 20 9 15 17 40 5.96 6.83 5.90 8.35 6.76 21 10 5 0 4.47 24 24 17 17 13 17 0 0 16 28 6.27 7.06 7.13 6.20 6.66 23 20 8 11 4 11 0 0 5.30 10 15 10 25 9 24 23 62 16 46 5.10 6.11 5.21 5.20 5.40 19 12 7 0 2.18 17 29 9 12 13 23 19 31 27 55 1.09 7.16 7.32 7.03 5.65 20 11 9 0 3.79 64 78 5 9 4 5 1 2 6 17 4.41 5.29 5.70 3.00 4.60 17 14 10 0 3.66 12 12 76 87 9 9 0 0 5 6 8.41 8.77 9.00 9.03 8.80 27 4 2 0 1.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.48 9.06 8.67 9.09 9.07 30 1 0 0 0.00 30 62 4 5 0 0 5 9 0 0 4.45 4.93 7.48 6.16 5.76 17 14 16 0 16.70 0 0 0 0 12 23 0 0 106 237 2.93 5.54 7.66 4.50 6.88 16 15 0 0 0.00 3.30 7.30 7.90 7.00 6.37 25 6 1 0 0.03 REMARKS. Weather observa- tions inaccurate. t— it ifl ce hi x © -H et cm Lfl © HI ifl fr— CM ifl © CO CM Lfl © it HI 1— 1-H HI © I- 1-H rt W Eh Ui hH CJ rt hH O o h3 O Pi o bi CO o CM Ul X o X < fa o H r5 o 2 =3 t-eo©iflt-coHi©CMcofr— ©ifl©ifleti-Hco©HicoeiLfli-Hce C0CMlflLflCT3X©©XCOrHrH©COl— HiHIHitOrHO3©lfle0© I—I i-H rH i-H l-H 1-H r-HrHrHr-HrHCnOiOlT-irHOlrHr-H cot-©iflcot— to©xt-ce©LflrHifloo©t-©tocoxifl©t- e0rHOH X J £ ? > n Ul r> 1- a bfi ri o 0 as ri ■s 0 r-H fa fa : ; zi et .z • a g "^h^^PHS-ai-oofcr^hiaoS^h; SSpq-gO a & ui O ui o °^ a Pi ui hi E O » fafafaSr^PqfafarHrHCCi^fafarHfa^r** o CM rt Eh Ui hH CS fa rt h3 < O hH CJ o h3 O Pi c fa EH fa T3 -a CJ 0 M 03 ci O 0 h e. p. 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METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 227 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1848. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. j Days. Days. a 0 % < REMARKS. S. E. s. S. W. W. N. W. S. R. ID A.M. 3 P. M. ' 9 P. M. Mean. .§ i % ■ ri l CJ | S3 Ul 4 9 6 12 11 26 14 53 59 135 6.68 6.13 5.13 ! 7.10 6.26 ! 20 9 3 2 | 1.17 4 7 4 ; 11 3 8 18 41 47 169 6.27 ! 5.79 5.48 ! 5.93 5.88 | 18 | 11 4 j 3 i 1.68 3 8 7 14 8 ! 16 10 33 41 [146 4.71 5.46 5.25 j 6.75 5.54 i 17 12 4 4 i 3.98 i ....115 14 3 7 2.27 5 5 1 ! 4 0 0 18 39 31 j 95 3.41 ! 3.96 4.20 , 4.12 3.92 13 16 3 3 0.50 4 4 9 17 2 2 50 138 10 34 5.24 ! 5.65 5.86 6.93 5.92 19 10 2 1 .... 16 18 0 0 8 15 50 77 20 j 65 4.72 3.72 3.48 6.65 4.64 | 13 16 3 1 0.94 1 1 2 2 7 8 25 59 21 | 60 3.41 3.42 3.44 5.62 3.97 ; 11 18 1 2 3.20 7 ' 14 20 49 2 4 16 31 17 51 5.86 5.58 5.37 5.86 5.66 18 11 3 0 5.85 11 14 15 33 20 ; 42 13 28 15 36 3.80 4.30 5.50 5.70 4.83 11 18 2 0 0.21 10 15 33 43 13 j 20 8 7 23 47 2.96 3.17 4.86 4.75 3.93 9 20 7 0 5.17 9 12 31 43 7 10 23 27 6 ' 7 1.93 3.35 4.45 5.18 3.73 13 16 6 0 1.28 10 18 29 50 2 2 10 12 3 3 4.00 5.55 6.29 7.24 5.77 16 13 4 0 1.54 0 0 10 11 2 5 26 34 5 8 4.65 5.00 5.10 5.93 5.17 16 13 2 0 1.00 11 24 22 30 51 106 9 12 6 15 4.10 6.10 6.07 7.10 5.84 19 10 3 0 0.20 8 22 10 17 13 31 19 35 21 30 3.37 3.17 3.37 3.27 3.29 11 18 2 1 0.25 16 30 23 61 36 97 6 19 17 43 4.16 4.53 4.41 6.73 4.98 15 14 7 0 0.92 12 14 12 15 12 20 25 63 13 15 4.68 6.17 6.82 5.96 5.90 18 11 5 0 2.96 8 0 79 0 12 4 3 Weather obs. inac. 9 31 9 26 12 37 13 47 30 122 I 4.21 5.00 5.00 4.26 4.66 13 16 0 5 0.82 Therm, protected 10 12 6 7 13 19 19 30 19 37 4.12 5.30 4.17 4.15 4.43 11 18 1 8 1.83 30 45 3 3 21 27 10 17 39 62 3.44 3.51 4.13 2.65 3.43 9 20 2 4 1.13 12 19 20 40 23 36 23 37 21 49 5.58 6.75 7.24 7.51 6.77 i 20 9 3 2 1.40 26 75 11 19 12 30 5 8 7 16 4.24 4.00 4.03 4.34 4.15 12 17 5 0 2 3 5 9 7 14 38 50 5 9 5.60 5.50 6.30 6.50 5.98 20 9 5 0 17 51 0 0 12 18 14 33 59 105 6.00 6.20 4.60 5.00 5.45 14 15 8 0 2.20 ! •• '• • 12 17 9 1 .... Observ'ns at 2 p. m. oc CM :M rt • pq Eh r^ e / pq 1-1 rt •-r U •j rt < Q r*. 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H- o I— CO to Lfl i- . c. © H H1 CO rH Lfl CO CO © CM fr- CO lfl CO eo t- © fr- IX) © fr- © eo CO I-H Lfl CO X lfl © 1— C CO Hi © HI eo X CO it en CO ee Lfl • CO CO CO lfl Lfl lfl to CO t- CC fr- t— fr- fr— t— CC tc to CO CO . © ■Hi CO © ,_, rn H 1— CO Lfl lCS X X Lfl X X (— fr- © to It cr l-H Lfl Lfl X © X CO X l— l- X X CO © H cc © © CO © l- CD 3 Hi CO CO rH 1-H © X CO ifl CO c i— ,_, CO ,_i tc to ee it ifl fr- © CO fr— l— t— fr- t— CO fr- I— X X fr— fr— X X X t- t— fr- c- I— t— ee CO X X ies X 1— fr- ee X lfl tc CM eo H ,_ Lfl Hi rn Lfl o © Hi © o CO rH 00 © CO CO Hi I— -a CM H CO fr— C er © Lfl to Lfl c CO rn HI l-H r-H © rH Lfl Lfl rH cc X © rH i— H co to lfl c- CM it hj fr- t— t— fr- t— fr- I— t— X X t- X X fr- t- fr- fr— i— 1— I— ee _. CO CJ fr- ee ,_, X rH LT © CO © 1— ee X en X Lfl lfl CO Lfl 03 CO rH HI © ee •HI © hi ies e X X H ee c X fr- ■HI r-H X fr- X © X CO H Lfl © X Hi CO 1— Lfl IT Lf CO l-H CO CO l- © © X hi ee cc CO to eo I— fr- i— i— t- fr- X l- fr- t- t- fr- t— fr- 1— ,_, X X o cn Lfl ee © lfl CO rH Oi ee X Hi X H rH I-H © CM CO Lfl © ee I- o co fr- i*) t— lfl © H uo to t- ies Lfl © rH ei ,_i © CO H Hi fr- fr- > to eo CO HI co c X X CC cn X © c eo 1-H lfl rn lfl to CO to to CO ee ee . i- t- fr- fr- t— t- to cc CD eo H lfl CO rH Lfl _, ,_, to ies eo © rH C rn X it __, rn © © CO o CO 70 Lfl Lfl Lfl fr— It © © © CO lfl CO ies CO CC X CO o Lfl ee l-H X eo ies eo i-h h X X eo _ lfl fr- © H CO e to CO < H Lfl Hi Hi H Lfl Lfl Lfl eo r- to CO Lfl Lfl ie- Lfl Lfl lfl Lfl ee CO H lfl co fr- ^ ce eo Lfl © eo i-h CM CO lfl __, H CM fr- CO CO Lfl Xi eo l-H ee fr- CO X t— Hi lfl Hi H eo © co r- CO HI rH CO CO r-H CJ eo ' '5 Lfl CO Hi rH eo lfl o t— © i— © H Lfl C0 CO lfl CM CO CO ee Lfl X © © H X c Lfl I * CO eo CO CO eo CO H hi ies eo ec cc Lfl lfl LT HI H HI HI CO CM CO Hi ^ H 00 © © I— CO rH fr- CO l— l-H 00 rn o o © O CO lfl i— • CO CM © HI a CO t- - H HI 1*1 rH t— rH it eo ee 1— re i-h to en © © eo X rH rH o rH rH © fr- fr- o ,-H © lfl CO Lfl tc © CO CO CO CO CO ce CO eo us eo ifl to Lfl H Hi CO H ee ee CO CO fr- rn Lfl CO i-H X X HI t— CO i-h rn i— cc eo eo it to CO © CO X eo ri rt CO fr- Hi © eo ies Lfl hi © eo © H X X H HI Lfl fr- X CO o i-h © eo co X H lfl fr- X Lfl ee © Lfl CO CO Lfl H CI I- © CO ee eo co CO CO CO H lfl to lfl Lfl H HI H CO eo CO ee CO X ^ o.. n.. „. ... -J O lfl o © rH © re cm © CJ © © X o O CO O CO fr- ie* © Lfl £ H CO CO CO lfl en cm co co fr- ■HI CM H re to H o i Lfl re o 55 rt Ph l-H t— CO Hi if © eo HI Lfl L- eo CO CJ rn ies to x re m o X fr- CD Ct Lfl ifl Lfl CM X eo © H CO X CJ e bo © © © Lfl rH eo i-h ifl CM CJ H © i-H CO CO i-H CO l-H o CO ce rr a O £ X © _ eo Hi ifl Hi © © HI H H eo h t— CO X CJ a fr- I - 1— X l— fr- t— t— X X X © © • © © © © © © X X -1 rH l-H © CO re co © co © fr- CO © CO fr— ifl X © Lfl rr © CO rH CO CJ ce co fr-ee HI - CO eo Hi CO Lfl eo rH O H © rH CO ies CO o CO it Hi CO H © Lfl "3 o 5 H CO © en © H Lfl LT fr— X CO m Lfl CO H OS Lfl © t to fr-eo ce H H H H H H ee CO CO CO CO CO CO eo CO ee co eo eo ee ee H Id CO M '. ] a CJ CJ 1 ri r- ri a 03 CO h CO to CO hi ri d h * CO Ul xi CO a o ri CO 1 co hi < 'Xi £ 13 ei h < a a ri rt ri rt rH CJ ri h h ri rt a 0 a 03 CJ ei In CJ ri b o « o o H Ul vW B ri < -a S 3 "3 U c c- < ri a ri o < h d rt £ 0 CO X c r-\ a c r c c r- c r- r* rt s 03 > rS d X a ri to 4. 0 01 bD 3 o a a ri "i u. c c x ci HH O CJ Ul h < Ul 'a o nq 02 ri rt h o Oh a '£ CJ d T3 ei M "a c U a 03 u e h c t r\ a 4, Q ei \ £ 1 K* 03 "flj bfl a < • m • 'o ri a CO ri hi hi 2 Et. r. o Ph h. o Ph nn r. o bi u a r> l- nn ri .6 7h d o h o Ph r C Ct h c ph "h c Ct o B ri Cr 03 rH 0 d rt hi o Ph h c Ct c Ct 3 Ph 03 r-i 5= 01 r-i 0 Ph hi O Ph r t b < ^ 1 o < Ph Ul 0 o § S Ul 1 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 249 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 184$. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. SULLlLLiei-. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 53.01 41.00 39.06 Rhode Island. 55.00 41.19 39.98 48.28 70.61 53.38 35.60 51.97 92 5 40.0 47.0 New York. 54.15 39.74 39.29 49.87 72.31 52.44 34.76 52.34 91 3 38.7 49.3 New York. 51.17 37.41 36.20 47.89 . 70.38 50.02 32.78 50.27 90 0 39.7 50.3 New York. 48.97 39.43 33.66 47.09 71.23 47.92 29.07 48.83 90 —17 41.2 65.8 New York. 50.16 36.60 40.18 49.80 70.08 48.30 35.10 50.82 93 8 42.2 42.8 Pennsylvania. 52.10 35.34 38.25 50.66 70.85 48.68 33.52 50.93 99 3 48.1 47.9 Pennsylvania. 57.61 42.23 43.91 55.17 75.47 55.02 39.20 56.21 99 12 42.8 44.2 Maryland. 59.11 46.22 51.79 56.77 75.62 58.20 44.34 58*. 73 93 18 34.3 40.7 Virginia. 64.28 50.20 61.75 81.34 63.84 53.95 90 30 South Carolina. 63.17 71.59 71.42 80.81 65.77 96 32 .... Florida. 65.59 51.19 57.98 66.30 76.98 63.18 55.86 65.58 92 26 26.4 39.6 Alabama. 70.11 73.67 55.88 59.58 59.43 69.73 81.51 66.77 70.92 59.76 70.48 94 31 23.5 39.5 East Pascagoula, Mississippi Louisiana. 69.69 54.13 58.04 i...... 80.27 66.16 ...... ...... 94 .... Louisiana. 63.55 44.87 32.03 63.12 78.73 60.68 43.73 61.56 103 10 41.4 51.6 Indian Territory. 60.93 42.93 34.01 61.64 77.84 57.53 42.32 59.83 94 14 34.2 45.8 Arkansas. 62.39 43.81 30.48 60.38 76.82 56.07 41.81 58.77 93 10 34.2 48.8 Indian Territory. 56.42 35.28 21.95 55.85 77.91 52.16 33.01 54.73 97 — 7 42.3 61.7 Kansas, (Western Missouri ) 54.46 37.98 31.68 54.87 75.99 52.09 37.05 55.00 92 — 5 36.0 60.0 Missouri. 54.23 37.25 30.20 53.13 74.81 51.48 34.56 53.49 98 — 4 44.5 57.5 Missouri. 54.81 39.98 41.27 20.73 56.29 36.22 38.12 74.79 52.85 38.34 20.76 55.57 96 — 9 —15 —21 40.4 64.6 Kentucky. Michigan. Michigan. 50.19 25.68 8.62 44.37 53.29 74.29 52.74 67.20 70.38 57.51 43.28 15.01 42.46 90 88 86 —24 8 43 69 38 34 47.5 66.5 Minnesota. Kansas. Mexico. Mexico. Southern California. California. California. Note.—The temperature observations for this year were defective or inaccurate at several stations. At Carlisle Barracks, for certain months, and at Fort Moultrie, for the entire year, the morning observations were incorrect. At JVho Orleans and Fort Brooke they were irregular and often inaccurate. At Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis Jlrsenal, and Newport Barracks some months are in error at certain hours. 32 1-50 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1848. STATIONS. Jan. i Feb. Mar. April. May. | June. July. ' 1 Aug. Sept. ! Oct. Nov. : Dec. Spring. Summer Autumn Winter. 8.87 7.45 10. S9 8.61 6.09 5.62 6.18 8.30 14.81 8.56 5.42 8.33 5.90 3.36 6.76 9.19 2.15 6.35 Year. 36.13 36.80 50.79 39.13 34.14 34.42 29.44 56.87 49.15 56.66 35.28 44.36 37.73 29.25 35.10 62.86 23.18 37.99 i 2.20 1.75 1.S7 2.02 1.31 1.5S 0.77 0 75 0.36 3.90 5.42 1.3S 2.88 1.05 0.94 1.83 0.96 1.30 1.92 0.62 1.45 0.20 1.70 1.17 1.63 3.9S 2.27 0.50 0.94 3.20 5.85 0.21 5.17 1.28 1.54 1.00 0.20 0.25 0.92 2.96 0.S2 1.83 1.13 1.40 2.20 1.S4 2.23 2.71 3.22 3.20 2 70 3.18 1.75 0.05 3.50 1.97 1.70 3.74 3,12 2.53 1.94 5.56 0.83 0.97 1.71 1.50 0.47 2.40 1.75 1.16 2.90 1.40 2.45 0.95 0.81 1.39 3.80 1.23 2.78 3.92 7.91 5.64 5.21 1.96 1.50 2.93 1.36 1.30 0.18 0.91 9.25 0.70 9.32 7.2S 7.15 6.61 5.51 2.25 2.96 3.68 7.10 2.E0 2.15 4.75 1.97 5.92 4.52 7.33 2. 5S 9.94? 5.19 4.56 7.37 3.62 3.03 2.50 4.24 1.07 7.S5 10.59 6.35 9.36 8.60 4.30 4.90 4.50 1.85 1.S0 2.64 4.42 5.57 3.69 8.79? 4.24 0.94 1.41 0.49 2.9S 2.27 1.95 3.24 1.05 1.87 3.67 2.25 2.08 2.10 1.64 0.85 9.40 *0.80 2.95 6.61 4.43 3.44 2.11 3.28 7.35 4.13 5.25 3.55 5.43 1.82 i 3.50 1.59 . 4.02 12.91 10.07 12.76 11.23 11.16 6.47 8.25 12.65 3.58 8.43 10.64 11.58 15.30 12.85 11.82 6.02 18.43 4.35 6.41 7.17 5.91 9.72 7.93 8.61. 12.28 11.37 8.99 13.24 11.90 S.73 20.02 46.70 13.84 23.52 32.50 8.38 12.48 11.48 10. S9 15.59 27.83 10.62 13.06 6.42 10.07 14. S6 7.92 7.30 8.11 10.43 6.28 15.90 12.47 11.94 8.68 9.90 8.25 7.50 3.18 6.73 7.41 3.24 12.67 West Point...................... 6.76 2.23 3.11 2.73 1.44 1.30 5.04 4.32 4.88 4.76 3.10 2.21 Cai-lisle Barracks................ 4.19 ! 8.47 5.85 ! 6.32 21.21 14.80 1 25 *1.70 7.94 S.83 6.80 4.90 3.55 1.90 0.27_ 2.28 1.91 0.10 4.33 5.74 *1.86 7.60 2.50 4.45 4.65 2.17 4.01 5.27 ' 0.40 3.50 3.10 7.79 11.80 3.73 5.23 6.98 4.84 4.39 S.37 12.10 0.35 2.35 *0.00 4.20 4.25 3.31 3.19 3.05 0.00 2.99 1.54 0.80 0.50 2.45 0.90 *0.35 1.19 2.90 1.18 2.46 7.60 2.31 1.38 2.55 3.80 5.25 1.72 1.55 4.82 0.03 0.74 Fort Smith...................... 7.33 | 4.01 lS.Ofi*! 5.56 2.16 .... ... 4.14 ' ........ FortSnelling.................... 1 5.2S 2.83 4.60 3.25 3.50 0.00 6 76 Incomplete, though embracing more than half the month. • / • 252 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. STATIONS. Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Alleghany Arsenal... Carlisle Barracks Fort McHenry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Fort Brooke (a)...... Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. New Orleans B'ks. (b) Baton Rouge B'ks. (c) Fort Washita........ Fort Smith.......... Fort Gibson......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks ... St. Louis Arsenal.... Fort Mackinac (d) ... Fort Brady (e)....... Fort Snelling........ Fort Leavenworth.... Matamoros (/)...... Monterey (g)........ DAYS. 222 209 143 162 218 16c 212 259 175 177 161 117 232 227 203 178 212 245 83 77 139 67 142 Cloudy. Rain. 144 44 157 85 223 106 204 90 148 71 198 68 154 65 107 53 154 77 189 98 199 92 97 82 134 45 139 58 133 51 188 46 154 57 121 78 69 12 75 21 227 59 85 38 104 47 Snow. 10 8 22 13 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 11 13 12 15 30 33 0 0 27 29 18 78 22 35 23 79 12 42 45 22 105 58 19 56 36 33 11 10 9 34 21 5 N. E. E 47 54 18 35 22 40 65 33 37 48 26 70 17 14 27 55 32 47 21 13 36 19 14 5 19 1 38 73 12 54 54 69 20 57 11 54 145 8 31 13 34 8 33 10 14 20 1 E. S. 20 42 •39 23 30 56 42 31 48 48 38 33 18 5 23 28. 58 42 22 13 99 30 27 9 33 19 72 28 29 24 16 66 40 67 67 4 110 56 53 71 71 36 12 7 23 51 47 13 81 48 38 42 23 67 59 24 25 34 12 24 16 14 115 49 54 45 13 17 67 57 7 48 34 52 16 62 123 50 59 42 25 29 39 6 23 63 24 35 52 81 19 29 19 50 6 37 N. w. 97 100 102 61 .43 72 53 28 27 67 16 41 11 6 68 40 46 44 36 21 104 94 4 102 (a) October and six days of September wanting. (6) Six days in December wanting. (c) Last seven months. ((7) First five months. (e) First five months. (/) First five months. (g) First eight months. 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WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. ' i Days, j ~ S. E. S S. w. w . N. v. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. ; ._• 73 0 O 0 o 15 in s r3 0 Ul i < 14 27 18 i 25 4 7 21 38 5 13 4.97 4.39 4.29 ! 5.06 4.67 15 16 10 1 1 6.25 11 25 13 43 5 19 5 18 40 159 1 4.96 4.12 5.19 5.90 5.04 17 14 7 3 5.11 13 38 0 0 9 33 9 14 36 110 5.00 ' 5.51 5.74 4.77 5.25 18 13 10 3 4.87 18 50 10 37 6 17 4 12 38 151 3.03 3.03 3.93 4.03 3.50 ! 9 22 13 3 4.55 3 .. 26 18 " 17 50 14 17 7 2 1.19? 8 12 19 37 6 10 4 ' 7 11 15 3.22 3.74 4.90 5.35 4.30 12 19 7 2 17 2 13 3 48 69 5.48 5.84 6.48 5.03 5.70 20 11 3 2 2.62 2 2 6 11 23 37 17 50 9 21 2.74 2.96 3.70 5.16 3.64 10 21 13 2 3.85 7 15 16 40 2 4 19 42 32 104 5.45 5.87 6.45 5.90 5.91 18 13 7 3 3.84 7 34 11 30 12 29 25 54 26 83 3.80 3.80 3.80 4.06 3.86 10 21 9 2 6.05 21 32 13 49 2 4 16 31 24 110 2.38 2.80 3.12 4.38 3.17 7 24 9 5 3.63 21 36 4 7 4 12 0 0 17 34 3.19 3.29 2.32 3.13 2.98 8 23 8 2 4.06 5 17 49 45 7 14 12 30 14 39 3.40 4.40 4.90 3.80 4.12 11 20 9 0 0.89 4 12 13 44 13 27 22 59 10 46 6.90 7.35 8.32 8.90 7.89 20 11 3 0 1.50 19 16 13 33 22 51 31 47 4 8 6.32 6.09 6.45 9.00 6.96 24 7 2 0 18 32 21 43 23 36 4 7 1 2 3.90 5.50 6.00 6.30 5.42 17 14 5 0 0.51 36 143 8 15 24 69 0 0 17 53 3.87 4.20 4.90 4.06 4.25 12 19 4 0 1.36 18 24 33 48 10 16 11 18 3 7 1.35 3.61 4.09 6.26 3.83 11 20 4 0 2.83 13 35 30 72 26 62 5 12 7 22 4.80 3.72 3.80 2.75 3.52 11 20 3 0 1.63 54 80 2 2 30 49 12 18 30 44 6.03 6.30 7.18 7.06 6.64 23 8 4 0 1.30 32 131 7 21 9 23 12 37 8 14 2.00 2.32 3.48 3.16 2.74 9 22 12 0 2.69 1 1 2 4 2 4 32 43 4 5 3.04 4.51 4.87 5.87 4.57 15 16 9 0 4.65 11 35 15 59 25 62 4 11 21 50 4.02 4.04 4.02 6.03 4.52 14 17 10 0 4.90 7 12 42 146 8 21 8 22 11 22 1.90 2.22 4.32 5.06 3.37 9 22 10 0 3.30 15 41 5 16 7 28 7 20 13 36 4.60 4.54 4.80 3.48 4.35 13 18 11 0 2.77 19 21 11 11 13 17 29 39 16 23 4.23 5.12 6.03 ,' 5.13 5.13 21 10 8 0 3.60 13 .. 21 21 6 21 15 16 8 0 .... 12 20 5 11 9 16 3 9 13 23 3.45 3.26 4.45 4.79 3.98 12 19 6 6 2.57 22 50 10 12 9 25 23 67 13 16 3.12 4.03 5.25 5.41 4.45 | 14 , 17 0 2 0.40 32 38 15 28 28 54 4 10 13 13 1.70 1.23 2.27 1.00 1.55 8 23 4 • 2 4.11 18 54 4 10 16 68 10 22 36 84 5.10 6.40 6.20 | 5.19 5.72 19 12 5 0 3.40 13 18 •• 21 •■ 15 10 16 19 15 12 2 6 1 7 6.12 o 0 o GO fr- UO CO it GO © fr— © Hi o >e CD c co ec © HI © CO c ei > XI O m Ol •H CO ei cr HI CO rH HI r-H CO Hi r-H TO CO CO CO l-H © © ue © ec © ue -Hf ue cn H1 CO © eo CO H Hi X GO hi © © en CO rH l-H CO fr- X CO © to ue CO lfl HI eo GO fr- © CO © CO ue HI CO C X i— t- cc CO It u" HI C a y 6 y ri y rH ee H- ""■* Hi X co hi eo CO • CO CO i-H to ce © HI ue o -H X CO X © •Hi t- •H c t- H IT CO rn u- X ec ' ' rH 1-1 CO CO rH rH rH CO CO tc eo o rH CO CO eo © t-- Cr u- H CM Li- © CO H © ec y «M t- © H CO rH ue co co ei CO H to ce CJ X ue u- CO eo t- © e UO UO rH t- © CO X © Hi ,_, CO ^ CO CO CO CO CO —I rH CO rH rH rH |a © ec Oi t © © X © © © CO CO t- Hi © fr- o © CO x ue ue co co Hi ue to CO fr- © © © h a ec c e e CO © to ue CO ir ue ce © to co co i-h CO co co co co co ej ce CO CO CO CO rH CO CO CO CO CO l-H l-H CO CO CO CO S fl r- © H- X to rH c CO rH c t- t— co eo © co © © HI co ue ue x fr- to ue It fr— CO © rH © $1 Cr cr tc fr- X X C\ H- fr- ec to i-h cn i-h co ej © CO fr- 3 CO CN CN e ej co co co co CO CO CO i-H CO CO CO CO a J, H it © CO to GO CO ■Hifr-i—looxcncoco CO CO S3 CO CO CO CJ ei CO CO CO CO Hi Hi co HI Hi HI eo hi co co co CO GO CO CO CN CO r< X CO Hi H © hi ei CO eoxeextoto©it ue CO CO CO 1— to 3 S3 t- t- X X X X x x X x x t- • cc X X CO x to X X X CD CD if CN eo ^1 X Hi r-H ouec2©eorHGOue © © CO d r~\ en © o co ei i- Hi © fr— CD o tc X H- Di r-H CO eo ue CO co eo © © © hi to fr- CC GO l-H rH fr- X ©GOHiXitCOXit rH © fr- rn itueueuetot-coco t— t- to co ue co ue ue ue ue it eo co ue •HI lfl ti ee co er l~ fr- eo CC © 1— c to eo to co o hi to ue to CO ~ *5 i"H eo i-h co eo eo i-i 1— CO © © © © © CO © i—fr © X X fr- ue fr- ue CO X r- t- m ii- ec •H CO rH fr- fr- er c eo eo co ej eo co fr- x to a "3 Cl H- HI H HI Hi H ue ue to i- ■ CO to ee eo eo eo to ue ue ue ue ue HI eo CO ue Hi lfl co ec CD © CO © ec to CO C c er eo co © h ce _ c © (- to eo eo © eo p. rn er © CO eo X e. 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COt- rH CMeoitcoeoeo©Lflt-i-xcorHGOrH©rH©,©ueeox CO rH CO it CO i-H i-H i-H icfirHi-lCO " " rH!.. 00 H- CO t— Lfl rH CO CO • rH Hi©r-ifltoxoeoco l-rHCOrHrHl-COeOCO go i-h ue © rHueH-HiiflHit— eDcoxcococotot-co©ue©i— ue rH rHrH!—1U0 rHCO COi-lCOrH i-H iH CO CO CO 264 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JUNE, 1849. THERMOMETER. Fort Preble............ Fort Trumbull......... Fort Adams........... Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus........ West Point............ "Watervliet Arsenal Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort Mifflin............ Fort McHenry......... Fort Monroe.......... Fort Macon........... Fort Moultrie.......... Fort Marion........... Fort Brooke........... Fort Barrancas......... Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks.. Fort Pike............. Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks...... St. Louis Arsenal. Newport Barracks...... Detroit Barracks....... Fort Mackinac......... Fort Snelling.......... Fort Leavenworth...... Fort Kearney.. >....... Fort Croghan.......... Santa Fe.............. Monterey.............. Mean Temperature. S. R. 66.00 58.03 6:2.47 62.93 63.70 60.80 65.17 59.70 61.03 62.16 62.23 64.46 65.86 70.13 71.46 73.36 74.96 75.86 76.53 69.30 74.90 76.80 70.23 68.80 65.53 68.86 65.33 66.86 64.28 69.26 62.56 54.96 62.13 65.96 57.97 74.27 54.73 50.87 68.45 67.07 68.23 68.20 68.23 67.83 69.00 68.63 69.60 73.43 76.37 71.50 75.87 78.40 77.93 80.40 81.83 80.50 82.03 80.10 85.28 84.70 77.73 77.46 75.36 78.20 75.66 72.43 77.23 75.83 71.50 59.53 70.80 76.56 71.90 76.83 56.93 3 P. M. | 9 P. M. 72.10 73.07 72.20 76.40 76.16 74.43 73.53 74.03 70.66 79.86 81.02 82.93 85.77 80.86 84.23 83.16 82.10 86.00 83.20 85.60 86.16 87.20 82.03 83.63 87.86 83.03 81.93 81.86 88.22 83.83 76.66 64.50 73.90 79.26 77.97 85.90 85.27 64.63 68.15 66.03 65.27 68.50 69.93 66.83 68.73 66.13 62.76 68.26 68.00 71.36 73.20 72.86 73.26 78.33 77.66 80.46 78.10 72.60 78.00 80.40 74.46 74.23 78.43 73.00 71.50 72.96 77.04 76.43 68.66 56.63 66.07 71.50 63.97 78.00 74.00 54.33 Mean. 68.92 66.04 67.04 69.01 69.50 67.47 68.12 67.12 66.01 70.95 71.92 72.56 75.17 75.56 76.72 81.31 79.14 80.71 79.96 76.90 81.08 82.27 76.11 76.04 76.80 75.77 73.60 73.53 76.69 76.34 69.85 58.90 68.22 73.32 67.95 78.75 71.33 56.69 Range. Max. Min 89 91 89 93 90 90 90 87 86 91 95 99 100 96 93 92 88 91 87 95 92 94 88 90 93 90 90 84 90 93 89 81 86 86 87 96 91 92 50 50 52 51 52 49 49 49 51 52 53 53 55 62 60 72 71 70 67 60 70 71 63 62 47 59 56 57 54 56 53 40 46 58 50 62 48 46 Above Mean. 20.1 25.0 22.0 24.0 30.5 22.5 21.9 19.9 20.0 20.1 23.1 26.4 24.8 20.4 16.3 10.7 8.9 10.3 7.0 18.1 10.9 11.7 11.9 14.0 16.2 14.2 16.4 15.5 13.3 16.7 19.2 22.1 17.8 12.7 19.1 17.2 19.7 35.3 Below Mean. 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MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1849. THERMOMETER WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 74.70 70.23 71.36 60.97 52.23 67.23 51.17 50.30 37.77 79.50 81.13 69.96 71.33 70.20 56.90 67.40 69.53 89.00 87.22 86.13 75.40 72.93 72.43 63.50 80.80 78.20 79.83 75.22 76.60 70.03 60.93 69.87 57.30 60.17 53.03 80.76 78.45 78.03 69.09 64.37 69.93 57.22 64.42 59.62 99 96 92 81 91 79 74 94 86 67 62 68 50 42 60 46 45 26 18.2 17.5 14.0 11.9 26.6 9.0 16.8 29.6 26.4 13.8 16.5 10.0 19.1 22.4 10.0 11.2 19.4 33.6 0 0 7 54 0 22 0 0 15 67 0 32 18 22 9 0 3 83 45 37 11 0 2 5 6 5 0 9 6 16 12 5 0 Cantonment Loring METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 273 MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1849. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. JS ti 0 0 % < REMARKS. S. E. s. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 Cm 73 0 O 5 o '3 ft 6s , § ' Ul 84 8 16 6 4 1 204 16 28 7 10 4 0 6 4 67 41 11 0 8 7 126 0 9 10 4 29 6 0 10 20 8 85 0 0 23 10 31 0 0 34 13 16 7 1 20 14 5 0 13 2 41 32 9 4.83 3.7G 4.10 5.60 6.90 9.10 4.16 4.09 7.37 7.20 9.60 5.36 6.13 6.20 6.60 6.50 9.80 5.73 6.31 5.37 4.30 6.40 10.0 5.02 5.07 5.22 6.22 6.75 9.62 18 17 17 20 22 18 29 25 12 13 13 10 8 12 1 5 11 6 10 5 9 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.74 5.00? 0.00 0.00 Incomplete. Observ'ns at 2 p. m. Inaccurate, 35 271 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1849. STATIONS. Fort Sullivan........ Fort Preble........., Fort Constitution .... Fort Trumbull...... Fort Adams......,. Fort Hamilton...... Fort Columbus..... West Point......... Watervliet Arsenal.. Plattsburg Barracks. Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario....... Fort Niagara....... Alleghany Arsenal .. Carlisle Barracks ... Fort Mifflin........ •Fort McHenry..... Fort Monroe....... Fort Moultrie...... Key West.......... Fort Brooke........ Mount Vernon Arsenal. Camp Twiggs....... Baton Rouge Barracks Fort Towson......... Fort Washita........, Fort Smith.......... Fort Gibson........., Fort Scott..........., Jefferson Barracks .... St. Louis Arsenal. Newport Barracks..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot.......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Howard......... Fort Ripley.......... Fort Snelling......... Fort Leavenworth .... Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie........ Fort Croghan......... Fort Gates........... San Antonio.......... Fort Martin Scott..... Fort Polk............ Fort Brown........... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 44.81 50.06 44.77 47.67 50.32 49.10 '49.22 45.55 43.42 40.83 44.58 41.58 46.48 44.67 44.80 48.58 52.54 56.64 63.96 77.19 72.06 56.84 62.65 57.03 49.55 49.25 48.12 43.54 41.90 46.19 42.52 49.58 43.71 38.70 40.74 38.25 35.09 40.19 43.94 34.84 32.60 58.77 56.03 69.68 53.03 71.29 66.78 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M 48.90 53.54 49.03 50.90 53.22 51.65 52.48 50.68 47.49 45.03 48.96 47.77 50.23 49.80 52.17 56.87 58.87 .59.45 68.41 79.45 75.00 68.32 71.64 68.93 58.90 63.51 55.80 61.67 54.16 52.94 51.80 53.62 51.70 49.03 43.51 45.14 42.77 46.23 53.83 47.87 42.10 66.16 69.16 71.20 58.16 74.41 71.63 50.39 57.83 53.51 57.51 55.77 59.50 57.03 55.29 52.16 52.38 54.09 48.93 53.35 58.60 58.50 63.09 62.70 65.48 71.45 80.51 79.81 71.06 76.74 80.83 71.00 72.22 75.41 67.64 63.74 62.97 62.29 61.74 56.22 58.54 48.00 51.50 53.74 56.74 61.29 59.09 56.40 74.25 78.64 75.13 68.00 77.09 76.51 47.10 52.58 48.35 52.00 52.45 52.00 51.84 50.32 47.23 45.90 48.09 44.80 50.06 47.83 49.30 52.58 54.19 59.16 67.96 78.77 76.45 60.64 68.11 67.25 57.00 58.00 63.96 52.96 50.77 50.87 44.58 56.06 47.22 48.03 44.16 44.20 40.61 45.77 52.32 45.16 42.90 63.09 65.16 71.58 61.00 74.G7 69.12 Mean. 47.80 53.50 48.91 52.02 52.94 53.06 52.64 50.46 47.56 46.03 48.93 45.77 50.03 50.22 51.19 55.28 57.07 60.18 67.94 78.98 75.83 64.21 69.78 68.51 59.11 60.74 60.82 56.45 52.64 53.24 50.30 55.25 49.71 48.58 44.10 44.77 43.05 47.23 52.84 46.74 43.50 65.57 67.25 71.90 60.05 74.36 71.01 Range. Max. Min. Above mean. 68 33 20.2 66 42 12.5 64 34 15.1 65 38 13.0 66 41 13.1 70 38 16.9 65 40 12.4 66 35 15.5 62 30 14.4 61 29 15.0 69 31 20.1 65 30 19.2 68 33 18.0 71 34 20.8 71 31 19.8 74 40 18.7 74 42 16.9 83 44 22.8 83 50 15.1 88 69 9.0 90 58 14.2 84 44 19.8 92 49 22.2 90 48 21.5 80 39 20.9 86 40 25.3 85 38 24.2 81 35 24.5 79 32 26.4 76 34 22.8 72 36 21.7 70 38 14.7 70 30 20.3 69 24 20.4 62 32 17.9 60 26 15.2 70 18 26.9 74 28 26.8 78 30 25.2 77 18 30.3 74 24 30.5 86 40 20.4 88 44 20.7 82 60 10.1 80 43 19.9 86 52 11.6 87 51 16.0 Below mean. 14.8 11.5 14.9 14.0 11.9 15.1 12.6 15.5 17.6 17.0 17.9 15.8 17.0 16.2 20.2 13.3 15.1 16.2 17.9 10.0 17.8 20.2 20.8 20.5 20.1 20.7 22.8 21.5 20.6 19.2 14.3 17.3 19.7 24.6 12.1 18.8 25.1 19.2 22.8 28.7 19.5 25.6 23.3 11.9 17.1 22.4 20.0 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 19 60 9 25 16 50 42 88 6 20 4 14 40 71 1 2 27 65 3 10 49 145 6 25 20 57 33 107 19 33 9 30 29 74 11 26 24 49 26 48 17 31 28 90 10 32 0 0 14 4 0 9 15 13 30 2 3 24 56 9 24 5 8 0 0 18 56 0 0 24 94 19 78 19 61 8 17 19 28 7 9 8 17 10 13 19 32 23 45 12 19 13 25 8 22 16 22 0 0 10 16 18 36 9 15 27 42 19 37 7 10 21 105 24 107 26 100 8 14 37 77 34 59 0 0 29 67 2 8 32 60 25 54 5 12 0 0 31 40 41 75- 23 47 0 0 17 36 1 4 15 54 30 102 6 7 2 3 29 36 43 97 20 49 5 18 21 37 8 13 10 19 8 17 5 11 3 7 23 56 3 4 17 20 17 34 16 24 6 9 26 55 15 32 14 34 18 30 26 53 10 15 14 19 9 15 9 28 1 2 2 3 8 11 6 14 12 31 1 2 12 28 16 25 9 25 5 5 12 20 12 21 59 116 1 2 0 0 1 1 9 12 11 15 4 16 3 12 3 6 11 38 10 13 21 48 4 7 22 38 36 51 5 8 11 34 6 7 4 7 23 46 4 7 21 50 19 37 12 21 Ir- CM fl cfl -o ri ft is ft -d d 3 cd 3 H u a O ej ce! 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Fort Brown......., Ringgold Barracks., Fort Mcintosh..... Fort Duncan....... Fort Inge.......... Socorro............ Albuquerque ....... Las Vegas........., Santa Ft;........... San Diego.......... Monterey.......... Benicia............ Camp Far "West.... Fort Steilacoom Cantonment Loring 65.22 57.66 54.33 52.46 47.20 32.82 34.90 32.20 51.30 48.10 44.10 46.50 46.05 27.27 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 3 P. M 71.00 70.20 68.03 61.73 62.39 41.20 51.40 42.67 58.20 55.10 46.10 51.73 48.06 35.33 73.00 82.20 78.20 75.75 74.41 50.44 56.30 47.97 62.80 64.23 48.20 58.00 48.11 41.60 P. M. Mean. 66.66 79.33 63.90 60.91 56.90 40.70 50.70 35.53 53.30 53.37 46.20 50.25 45.04 34.50 68.97 69.85 66.11 62.71 60.22 41.29 48.32 39.59 56.40 55.20 46.15 52.25 46.81 34.67 Range. Max. Min. 82 90 90 70 67 61 63 73 64 69 60 62 52 38 36 34 29 21 18 7 38 37 32 34 27 -10 13.0 20.1 21.9 23.3 29.8 28.7 18.7 21.4 11.6 17.8 17.8 16.8 13.2 27.3 Below mean. 17.0 31.9 30.1 28.7 31.2 20.3 30.3 32.6 18.4 18.2 14.2 18.2 19.8 44.7 No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 12 17 1 1 7 12 12 16 6 21 24 47 1 1 3 6 0 0 29 58 3 5 21 42 17 32 5 6 0 0 14 19 4 7 6 8 6 11 7 28 3 9 7 7 7 8 4 6 54 104 9 19 4 8 8 33 33 110 17 47 30 72 3 8 0 0 6 6 9 13 2 2 14 •• 4 7 •• METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 281 MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1849. WINDS. WEATHER. RADs AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. .a _fl REMARKS. S. E. S S. iV. W. N. W. S. R. 9A.M.! 3P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. C TJ 3 .5 o rH O ft Ul nT, 51 137 6 19 5 16 5 18 9 18 2.90 2.66 3.33 4.57 3.37 16 14 5 0 3.05 23 42 12 35 9 17 6 11 0 0 5.40 7.20 i 7.80 7.90 7.07 22 8 2 0 0.32 44 106 3 5 0 0 0 0 28 71 4.50 5.33 6.40 7.10 6.83 20 10 3 0 0.83 19 39 14 22 3 6 7 18 12 31 4.83 4.56 5.50 5.51 7.30 6.82 8.10 7.13 6.43 6.00 21 20 9 10 3 5 0 0 1.20 2.05 0 0 6 14 3 4 1 3 13 18 5.50 5.60 5.40 6.50 5.75 11 6 4 1 1.76 Last 17 days. 6 14 9 10 1 1 7 10 9 17 5.33 6.60 6.47 6.67 6.27 21 9 2 1 .... Inaccurate. 4 14 43 108 11 32 0 0 3 8 7.90 7.00 7.00 7.87 7.44 21 9 1 3 11 15 5 8 25 28 29 32 23 38 7.63 7.78 8.13 8.33 7.97 17 19 13 11 2 7 6 0 3.00? inaccurate. 4 12 22 47 11 27 0 0 9 15 .... .... .... 12 18 7 0 0.61 22 61 4 17 13 44 9 42 12 31 4.00 4.70 4.50 4.10 4.33 12 18 20 0 4.46 16 41 59 169 5 17 3 12 1 2 3.90 3.93 4.10 3.46 3.85 12 18 17 0 6.41 4 6 12 30 9 15 59 113 10 22 1.04 2.10 2.25 2.05 1.86 4 26 24 0 9.42 8 74 3 7 3 .... .... .... .... .... 10 20 4 6 .... 36 ft ©COH-COOHiCO© ft y .—> ■i ■. »'. n~n k.X t»*t IjI ^.X i—l IjX • i '• '• • ■ 'i ■• ' ' - • te©ooc5©e5i-Hi—i •uet--Hi©©cocoi— i— ©tocoHiooHi©co©©©coiflt-Hit-toiflueue©i-Hont— oocorH©co rH Hi CeiflC0*r-HCOCOC0 CTetHiitCOHirHrH ©rHCO HlrHi-H CO UO -H CT Hi it CT, r-H rH oo©coHieoue©t-ocot— CTifl(XHi©LfliflHiCTrt©coCTifloo©eoH,co©«flcocoLflCTH,©iflCDitCTioet'>et©i—i rHCOrt rH r-H r-H CTCTrtrtCOrtrtCTCOrt COCO rtrtrtCO rt .2 rt co eg n a COirtCOCTtOOTrHlfluerHrHOTiHlCTOOOOr-litCOCOl-ICOHiOue©*— HlHl©rH©tOC0lfl©a0t-©©C0eOtOt-C0CTrt t— l— Hi CO © © t- ft B. B tH 0 II co C-©t-OOHirH©lfllfl©©i-HOOOCTCT©COOOHi©OOCO©uerHCOCOCO©©©Hi(DlflrHCTCOi-Hi-HO^ COOOCOCOOOt-COCOOO CTrtrtrtrtrt rti-i HiCTHi©©0OCOCDC0C-COCOt-QOt- ©corHiflcoocooco I I I I I I I I I I I © it CO CO CO fr- Hi Hi 1*1 Hi ue Hi © hi CT © 00 aoaoco©t-iflrt©rt©rtCcrtto©LA-te}iACTrt©©©©aoaocoitLAaoi-coi^coco©CT-*c^ C0rtOrtlfla0OHiLArtrt©H!O001— i—lCOC0CO©C0Hi©itC5CO gfi CO©rt©lflrtHi©i>-tOC»C5C0LfliflCOC0C0© eototoco-t'cocortiflCT>flto©©©cot- coHiCT©HirtCTrt©to©©ooCTeoue©iflHiooeoi^co^Hi2coCTCTrt CTCTCTeoeocococOCTCTCTCTCTCOCTCOCOitueeot-uetOHi--t-HicoCTCTCTeoCTCTCOi-H COrtCOirHiHiifltotoec it©©cortoort©co©torttooo©©©coCT©cocoue©©©i-ueoo©©Hicot- o ci o o to to n ih j- i- t4 h e CO©©0000Hifr-rt©©i—llflrtCOOi—'C0©Hi©rtHiCOa0l— OOOOCOHiCOCOt- ri to CT C( O OV O) H CI IO to ./j to * Ol CTtoiflirouecortrtue'rtueteo5©e©rtuecoco©©CT©rt© CTCTCTCOeocococOCTCTCTCOCTCTGOeocOHiueiiet— ueiflHiHiHiCOCTCOCOCOCTCTrHrH CTrHCOHiCOitifleoiflCO i-HC_5rHlfl<©OOCOOuerH©OOCOOO CO' CO (TO CD Hi rH 00 t- fr— t— iH©CTCOID©Hi©©COOOrHCn©tOHI©rH(Dr/JLfl©Hi fr-©iflcoSco^©cofr-Sitco©eort©©coi-ue[Deeeoifl©rtOO IflOnCTitOI- fr— LflHIIDHII— CT5rHCOCOe15lHCOOncecr^CTC-50n©iHCOitHIHIHi©©i-H©i-HCOCOHIi-HeiCO©i-Hitt— fr— CTCOCTCOCOCOCOCOCOCTCTCTCOCOCOCOH-^lflt^fr-tOtO^ cooo©ue©i^©CT(DueooHiiflCT©rtiDHicoiflco©rti-ueueCTrteortOO©©eouecortHifr— ©rt©©ocoi--© nOCO©CTCTOGOCOtOCOHb.r-!fc3o r.t,UfHU,i>l>rHg-i M t--_ O r5 r", c h, td M cd rft bn o r- ei < (J E X 2 *, C rS S S £ M C M P > ° O 4_j r» 0 ui nn PQ f= *3 .2 h be r-l G 33 Xi ti hH nZ r~i G 33 « rt O « S ^ It J Ir H1 G CO rH O/ 2 Hf} Oh CO. nnXXXXXr^PiXXXXXh^uirHXXXXXbiXXXXXbnUibiXrA METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 283 MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1849. WINDS. Mean c WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. learness of sky. Days. Days. fl 1 < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. ti rn 73 0 5 g '8 ft Ss 0 c Ul 2 7 7 17 17 36 40 126 22 79 1.30 1.58 2.77 2.19 1.96 7 24 5 10 2.47 ? 0 0 2 9 2 5 31 62 33 61 5.09 4.74 4.41 5.29 4.86 14 17 2 11 3.95 5 8 10 22 11 20 14 29 36 83 1.16 2.32 2.41 2.09 1.99 e 23 3 9 3.36 Weather inaccurate. 1 3 2 4 17 35 17 58 44 171 4.16 4.54 3.87 4.90 4.37 13 18 7 6 9.50 2 12 7 18 11 20 58 58 37 56 4.84 5.22 5.48 5.32 5.21 18 13 9 3 3.85 0 0 4 9 17 42 18 61 48 94 4.30 4.40 2.60 5.20 4.12 12 19 . 6 3 2.43 2 8 5 8 4 10 23 63 54 161 3.51 4.26 3.48 4.00 3.81 12 19 7 4 4.01 6 10 23 31 18 36 7 19 38 100 2.71 2.84 2.45 3.39 2.84 8 23 5 11 4.11 0 .. 34 10 55 19 13 18 4 4 2.98 4 6 9 18 16 28 21 27 24 38 2.18 2.30 1.50 3.90 2.47 10 21 2 * 5 1.20 7 10 14 37 4 12 39 120 12 45 1.90 1.70 1.83 2.51 2.00 4 27 3 12 4.85 34 79 0 0 25 89 0 0 53 219 5.00 5.93 5.41 4.61 5.23 15 16 3 5 2.09 5 11 6 11 13 33 37 121 20 80 1.17 2.90 2.60 1.29 2.00 8 23 7 10 2.91 9 9 6 8 27 55 28 82 14 35 1.64 1.61 1.38 1.77 1.60 10 21 4 13 4.11 7 13 2 5 5 8 39 94 31 98 5.10 4.25 5.80 5.28 5.10 15 16 3 8 3.83 3 6 5 9 25 43 47 123 14 34 3.54 3.80 3.45 4.00 3.69 11 20 5 4 6.18 0 0 8 10 12 21 32 57 38 88 2.64 2.38 2.90 4.25 3.04 9 22 5 7 4.44 6 20 3 5 16 36 18 36 29 60 2.74 2.78 4.29 3.08 3.22 9 22 13 1 4.12 4 15 12 35 25 52 25 53 17 43 3.83 3.77 5.58 5.74 4.73 15 16 10 0 1.08 5 10 1 1 21 54 5 6 3 11 4.16 4.06 4.67 4.22 4.28 15 16 9 0 5.70 10 15 15 22 15 21 17 33 7 14 4.29 4.87 5.96 6.96 5.52 17 14 7 0 1.13 9 23 3 3 33 79 3 5 58 164 4.48 4.22 4.77 5.00 4.61 13 18 7 0 4.22 18 30 15 26 6 10 7 8 14 15 3.70 3.58 3.74 3.35 3.59 12 19 5 0 2.50 3 8 10 14 2 4 4 9 11 41 1.61 2.16 3.09 3.58 2.56 10 21 11 2 6.17 8 22 5 15 12 37 17 58 13 50 3.16 3.61 4.38 4.56 3.92 12 19 9 2 2.67 4 5 0 0 9 10 46 49 6 10 3.29 4.24 5.19 5.38 4.52 15 16 10 3 5.94 4 13 5 13 10 21 2 2 31 85 2.93 3.77 3.58 5.25 3.88 14 17 5 2 2.90 8 12 23 58 16 29 7 8 11 19 3.12 4.35 3.67 3.96 3.77 13 18 4 2 1.03 2 4 48 94 8 19 1 4 4 9 3.23 3.65 3.45 4.25 3.64 11 20 4 2 1.52 5 11 23 29 3 5 23 47 16 44 6.00 7.00 6.50 4.00 5.87 14 17 2 5 1.90 Weather inaccurate. 4 8 7 13 12 17 34 76 8 19 6.16 6.90 7.32 6.77 6.78 17 14 8 5 9.07 8 17 10 26 6 14 43 122 21 46 .... .... .... .... .... 10 21 4 10 0.90 4 5 12 13 17 29 15 19 17 22 3.29 4.45 4.67 4.16 4.14 13 18 3 9 1.66 19 41 10 14 15 19 23 56 32 60 2.06 2.80 2.70 2.29 2.46 7 24 0 7 0.51 12 14 0 0 1 1 19 20 5 8 4.67 4.77 4.90 4.19 4.63 15 16 3 9 .... 23 79 6 12 8 24 32 98 26 85 6.61 6.29 5.80 6.29 6.25 14 17 0 10 0.67 28 43 12 18 22 30 16 43 19 32 1.32 2.29 2.48 3.29 2.34 7 24 0 11 1.95 17 35 25 45 4 7 19 46 10 29 2.48 3.70 4.80 4.70 3.92 12 19 0 6 0.56 16 37 9 19 16 30 20 2S 16 42 4.84 4.45 5.03 5.71 5.00 18 13 0 1 0.10 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 61 150 12 23 4.70 5.20 5.00 6.50 5.35 16 15 0 6 0.38 8 24 2 12 30 91 13 31 28 124 2.19 2.90 4.29 4.96 3.58 14 17 5 3 1.90? 18 39 13 33 29 55 3 3 25 71 5.00 5.38 5.48 6.20 5.42 18 13 4 2 0.90 2 3 19 28 27 57 5 8 19 58 3.12 3.16 5.19 5.83 4.35 13 18 6 1 .... 15 35 11 17 24 43 4 7 17 39 7.90 7.48 7.45 6.78 7.40 17 14 6 1 1.22 57 196 2 4 1 2 0 0 51 247 5.03 4.71 4.51 4.58 4.71 16 15 8 1 1.34 39 100 9 19 1 2 0 0 10 20 1.33 1.72 2.60 3.60 2.31 13 18 7 0 0.74 29 40 13 17 0 0 > 0 0 9 3 2.67 3.67 5.65 6.00 4.50 17 14 4 0 0.91 H Ul i-h X X PA X < o HH X o X o « o X H X rt oo c o Cr © Hi rt CT © CO © © to CT CT c to lfl r-i CO CC CO CO > ft rH 01 O CO CO r-H rH lfl CT C © ti Ul c to HI M er i-H m rH rH ue CO o o CO fr- er eo © eo © © © CT Hi CO HI C£ © CT ft er eo Hi CO CO Hi HI CO Ci Z o y ft y ee cc ue oo -t co © © © HI CO lfl HI © CO CJ CT r-H CT CT eo co _ u- O © hi CT © fr— H- © CO © H CO Lfl CT eo eo ue CD rt lfl CT CJ to y t- CO t— t- r-H © 1 CO r-H 00 it CO CT Hi r-H CO CJ Lfl * 0 t- © 00 t- © CT • Hi lfl © © O 00 to H CO Lfl n a H CT © eo © co ue © t— oo co fr- H e (M co co co eo CO > ° er r-H C0 CO r-H 00 ee ue © r-H © CM HI CO t- ue c .-C r 1* r fa 0- rt > c c b W e. l r: h X c h. 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K H H F g O O W -3 c H X F 0 O *1 Q 1—i O a F O i> F F 3 td W fo H O 00 i-h © Ul H F W 00 PA X Eh Ui X X Ph X o rt X o X o Ph O X Eh W 3 O OO CM ej©uo©CTeji-Hifl©fr-CT©iflLfleoitcoo toeicoifloo©coonHiueit©itrHueue©t- t- CO rt CO CT Lfl CO CD to to hi oo cn fr- co © 00 rt r-H CD CO CO ■ on © hi © fr- ee co t- hi hi © HI © eo © ct co © t— i— i— t- ce fr-CO © t— CT CO eo 00 fr-it rH © rH tr- ue CO HI 00 to © ec CT I— CO t— fr— CO t- CC rH 00 CO 00 -t on © ue 00 ue CO t- Lfl Hi CO lfl © 00 © CT CO CO CO ifl 00 00 © I- t- I- t- t- t— 00 Hi HI l-H © I— CO © © © UO it rt © e? co © rt CO rt © in in in in in in CO 00 CO rH CO CO CO CO CT CT CT rt fr- © 00 © © l-H l-H Hi HI ©©lArtlflt-COrt ©rtcoueuecort© l— fr—t-t-t— t-O0t- r-H eo ue eo oo © © CD co co t- t- 00 05 CO Hi 00 Hi hi hi hi ue ue ue eo © tc CO rH a oi CD CD cn CT © CO 00 ue CT Hi 00 HI © rH fr- 1—I © CT CO CT CO CO it it t—• r-H CD UO 00 Hi CO i— t— t— t- fr- ee © © © t- 00 fr— t- 00 t- rt © CO t— t- fr- Hi © fr- CO CD rt CT) © CO i—I o © CC CT O i-H CO © 00 I— © fr- 00 00 t— t- t— l— t- © HI © © r-H i—I © r-H CO ue ue ue ue co I—I HI O © 00 t- to tocoeoiflcocecoco© t-t— t— t-t-t— t-t— CO © © CD t-. © rt rH HI 00 O © fr- CO CO CO HI fr-00 fr-HI UO ec © o CT x © eo It CO 00 CO CO ec ue eo eo CO ue CO to ue ue 00 to It ec HI t— rH on CO to eo © ue © to COlOHiCOtO©OCO COCOOOOHiHiOrt oot— m cn cn co cn cn ueiflueHiHiHiHico ©rHue©ooHiaoco ©©COrti—IH!©© HI © © © i—I CO rH CD HiHiCOcecOCOCOCT rt CO CO 00 © © ue co co oo ue CO CO CO CO CO CT fr— i-H Hi © ec © © © ue ue © © © eo ue co ue © «.. it rH rt CO CT CT t- © © ao © © it rH -H CO © ©lfl©C0©CT©©© rt CD it 00 © ue © 00 ao©©©uecOrt©co©ue©oocoH!iflco lflCOlti-HO©©©HieOi—IHI©rHrHrHCO 001— ©CT©0O0OCOt- CTCTC0H!©COrtCOCT on m © © © CD © © © CI CT CO CO rn eo ue i- CC ^ uu JO CO oT 1- Lfl Hi eo D ue rn © -HI 1- ifl CO CO o rH rH 1t Lfl -t ei CO l— fr— l- 70 Hi -t it CO CO CO - t— I- l- I- I— l- U0GO0O0000©©©©©© © tc © © CO - ue co © -. it eo co rn © © CO Hi Hi Oi ue on © ue co ei rtrtOOrtCTHiC0C0C0©©©©i^^e0©©Hi00©rt©©©©HiH.lfluet-0000©CTCTueHi 55§^5^^^y^^i-ieococococoCTCTCTCTeococoCTcocococococoeococoeoHiHiH ►> 8 B Ct,fa,fa,falfafafal>r'PHr5 O r5 < h r. G G eg G M 53 X ei Xi o rt m bl) ■Xi '£ e g S S S Ui fc4 cd -J* n n o n 4. B P3 > Cm O pq fa - C* Ul nn m * ei ■= _e e2 t£ I 3 bo SB >. Ce pq 3 -s '■* t £ i-- 6 <2 Cr h, *j -n nn nn nn nj rr*Hhi>-ih.hihih ei > rZx<6xXXXXbiX,r 12 ■ 6: . 0 t0.64; Clearness inaccurate*. 65 213 0 . 0 5 10 0 0 33 | 125 4.22 3.70 5.54 4.74 4.55 15 16 9 0 0.53 296 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1850. STATIONS. Fort Brown....... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh..... Fort Duncan...... Fort Inge......... Fort Lincoln...... Socorro........... Albuquerque ...... Cebolletta......... Las Vegas......... Santa Fe.......... San Diego........ Monterey......... Benicia........... Camp Far West.... Vancouver......... Oregon City....... Fort Steilacoom. .. Cantonment Loring S. R. 56.42 56.45 52.38 48.58 45.83 49.00 27.50 26.70 27.30 29.50 20.60 46.09 40.00 43.30 39.50 35.13 35.68 33.06 20.67 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 62.51 63.41 60.16 56.48 52.48 54.00 38.00 37.10 35.10 46.19 31.16 52.09 50.00 49.00 44.70 37.78 38.48 35.93 23.81 8 P. M. 67.70 75.67 72.00 71.75 68.20 67.00 57.00 42.00 43.50 47.71 44.67 57.16 61.00 50.10 49.30 42.29 40.61 38.41 28.58 9 P. M. 63.35 66.41 58.58 57.72 53.15 58.00 S6.50 35.00 33.50 29.22 24.56 49.67 46.00 47.10 42.70 37.34 37.29 36.10 24.19 Range. Mean. , Max. 62.49 65.48 60.78 58.63 54.91 57.00 39.75 35.20 34.80 38.15 30.25 51.25 49.25 47.37 44.05 38.14 38.01 35.87 24.31 79 78 62 49? 60 62 65 63 68 64 62 51 49 47 48 44 40 36 37 29 40 12 12 12 10 — 2 34 32 32 26 19 20 23 — 6 Above mean, 16.5 22.5 17.2 29.4 23.1 21.0 22.3 13.8 25.2 23.8 34.7 11.7 18.7 16.6 18.0 12.9 11.0 11.1 23.7 Below mean. 18.5 25.5 24.8 21.6 25.9 17.0 27.7 23.2 22.8 28.2 32.3 12.3 17.3 15.4 18.0 19.1 18.0 12.9 30.3 WINDS. No. of Observations 124 0 65 5 11 10 27 N. E. 31 Co 00 hH h-l to to to ,_, Ui p 0 to 00 on On 1-1 to © 44 © © to 4- © 00 00 4- 1-1 TJl 0 B to 00 to to -4 © 00 00 CO 4- ~4 to to On h~ 4- © 0 Oi 4- '"■* rt © © S* 00 4l 00 • ,_, to to nn to ui , © © o 00 00 to *• 00 00 © h-1 © h-i Ol 00 O TJl ? 00 on o 00 h-i on 4- to to to 1—1 &• CO O uo h-l CD On © Ul to Oi 00 1-1 GO © to H% to to 00 00 tO rt -J 0\ \-n -J -J 00 IO © to hH © 4- to 00 TJl 3 2! 4j h-i CD 4- © to Ul to © --I © IX) 44 to © *. © © 1-1 00 4- to h-i to ,_, ,_, h-1 h-i to 00 00 h- h-i 44 -4 rt. © --1 © O to © 00 © Ul A 00 00 h-' 4- 00 4] 00 to h-i to >(»■ hn 1-1 1-1 to to Ol '-* to 0 © © to h"i 4- 00 nn nn h-i ,_, h-l h-i 10 tO Cn On to © 00 © CO 4- 4* 00 On Ol 4- © 00 Ui ,_, to © 00 00 4- *• h-' to oi 00 to © 00 © 00 -J to uu Ol ~J Ol 00 to to hH hn rt rt © to . On © © © 0 — h-i to h-' cn an to to © on -4 . © to to © . Hi 0n l_i © UO 00 © 00 On 4-. 4-. • • © 0 -4 © • Jl UO to © © r> to to to to -4 00 . . 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LO 00 « X hH Ul El METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 299 -- --- MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1850. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 fl 0 1 REMARKS. " S. E. s. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 8 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. 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Ed W CO F ^ F O W O F O hH Ci > F W F O i—i Ul hi F to o 00 304 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1850. STATIONS. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. Fort Brown............ 65 Ringgold Barracks...... 61 Fort Mcintosh......... 57 Fort Duncan Fort Inge. .. Fort Lincoln Socorro..... Albuquerque Cebolletta... Las Vegas... Santa Ft?.... San Diego .. Monterey ... San Francisco....., Benicia........... Camp Far West.... Fort Vancouver. Fort Steilacoom. .., Cantonment Loring 69.77 69.58 69.09 64.82 59.32 63.15 45.83 45.40 45.80 49.35 43.75 58.09 51.70 51.41 52.17 50.50 35.80 41.10 22.61 P. M. 9 P. M. 77.87 84.06 80.87 80.12 74.26 74.12 63.41 54.90 56.60 49.51 57.50 60.38 62.60 53.31 58.25 57.50 44.70 45.20 33.09 69.77 68.93 67.25 64.88 61.22 62.00 50.50 52.90 43.20 35.12 33.72 52.64 46.00 49.33 50.09 47.60 36.13 38.70 26.29 Mean. 70.61 70.95 68.62 66.19 61.86 62.32 48.74 46.20 45.25 41.28 40.94 54.87 50.67 49.79 51.20 49.20 37.12 40.51 25.23 Range. Max. 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MONTH OF JUNE, 1850. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Fort Martin Scott......! 66.16 San Antonio....,......! 74.54 Fort Brown............ 75.50 Ringgold Barracks..... 74.86 Fort Mcintosh........' 73.80 Fort Duncan.......... 71.95 Fort Inge............. 69.50 Fort Lincoln.......... 70.90 Socorro............... 58.50 Albuquerque........... 54.01 Cebolleta...... Las Vegas...... Taos.......... San Diego..... Monterey...... San Francisco.. Benicia........ Fort Vancouver ■ Fort Steilacoom 53.00 52.60 49.00 59.66 51.43 53.90 57.08 52.85 53.30 9 A. M. 72.96 81.87 83.73 87.73 86.70 80.48 78.90 77.80 74.50 72.00 77.60 78.50 63.33 67.60 59.93 59.10 72.37 6fc53 62.00 85.13 87.72 85.66 98.26 91.86 90.61 86.33 87.40 89.88 81.00 81.40 75.80 78.28 68.96 62.26 62.20 84.37 71.45 71.23 9 P. M. 69.53 79.30 76.83 79.83 80.50 80.11 78.96 71.00 71.50 76.04 63.40 49.80 62.20 59.80 53.26 54.90 65.25 57.45 57.90 73.45 80.61 80.43 85.17 82.23 80.78 78.42 76.77 73.59 70.76 68.85 64.18 63.20 64.00 56.72 57.20 69.77 61.32 61.11 96 96 92 105 100 98 96 95 104 91 95 95 84 74 68 70 103 88 84 Range. 58 70 70 70 69 65 60 60 45 45 44 38 50 56 47 49 51 44 46 Above Mean. 22.5 15.4 11.6 19.8 17.8 17.2 17.6 18.2 30.4 20.2 26.2 30.8 20.8 10.0 11.3 12.8 33.2 26.7 22.9 Below Mean. 15.5 ' 10.6 10.4 15.2 13.2 15.8 18.4 16.8 28.6 25.8 24.8 26.2 13.2 8.0 9.7 8.2 18.8 17.3 15.1 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 2 2 5 9 4 9 0 0 23 64 10 32 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 32 0 0 6 8 22 37 4 8 14 41 28 55 1 1 2 2 8 10 12 35 11 17 3 9 20 42 12 33 18 49 1 1 0 0 8 12 8 12 3 7 7 13 7 10 1 3 8 17 8 19 1 2 6 17 4 4 0 0 0 0 6 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 12 13 22 11 20 35 53 18 36 2 5 • CD4-.0©©00©©tO On 00 © © © 00 WWOOM<1HCiJOi CO 00 © O CO On CO -J © On -^t © CO On 00 4-. On 4-. 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WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. r_ .5 .5 a < REMARKS. S. E. S. S. w. 40 w. N. w. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 ■o 0 o O a * o o to 41 108 21 63 17 2 5 2 4 6.51 6.83 7.22 8.45 7.25 23 8 6 0 1.71 35 80 30 50 13 28 o 0 3 7 , 7.90 8.35 9.06 7.80 8.28 31 0 5 0 3.10 116 174 0 0 8 16 0 o 0 0 7.93 7.90 8.22 8.90 8.24 27 4 6 0 1.16 104 322 2 2 4 10 0 j 0 ° 0 5.77 5.96 5.74 7.77 6.31 24 7 4 0 0.17 91 214 2 6 0 0 0 0 ° 0 6.12 7.16 6.93 4.96 6.29 26 5 3 0 1.19 26 51 28 59 2 4 0 0 0 0 6.09 6.96 8.35 8.38 7.45 26 5 6 0 2.85 53 102 29 50 2 2 0 0 0 0 4.00 5.87 7.00 8.00 6.22 23 8 6 0 2.70 27 48 82 12G 11 16 0 0 0 0 3.20 4.40 4.90 5.90 4.60 18 13 4 0 16 30 37 62 39 75 11 17 10 21 7.50 7.00 7.50 6.80 7.12 28 3 5 0 1.29 11 26 28 37 42 13 114 16 8 6 21 8 8 32 23 49 5 16 17 25 5.60 6.61 5.70 7.16 3.50 5.93 4.60 5.90 4.85 6.40 14 19 17 12 7 7 0 0 1.26 0.85 ( Temp, in error, at 9 \ a. m. ? Temp, inaccurate. 5 11 20 36 11 20 14 23 2 3 8.20 8.90 8.70 6.70 8.12 20 11 6 0 25 30 10 11 24 36 7 8 15 18 9.00 8.20 7.30 7.80 8.07 23 8 6 0 0.98 17 35 9 16 11 27 27 72 21 51 0.87 6.03 7.41 6.77 5.27 23 8 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 134 0.53 6.80 9.30 7.70 6.08 14 3 0 0 0.00 Last 17 days. 1 1 1 1 36 51 39 53 35 63 I 1.97 4.06 6.51 5.13 4.42 14 17 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 124 480 0 0 0 0 | 7.28 9.40 9.23 9.14 8.76 28 3 0 0 0.00 2 4 6 10 2 3 60 101 9 14 | 8.80 9.48 9.58 5.90 8.44 27 4 7 0 8.35? 1 2 0 0 15 48 72 163 24 57 7.61 7.52 7.32 7.26 7.43 26 5 2 0 0.01 3 3 3 7 12 24 10 24 23 46 3.80 3.70 6.00 8.40 5.98 17 14 4 0 0.20 322 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. .MONTH OF AUGUST, 1850. TIMORMOMKTKII. Mean Temperature. S. R. i 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. I Mean. Fort Sullivan.......... Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution...... Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............ Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks. ... Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario.......... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort Mifflin........... Fort McHenry......... Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie.......... Oglethorpe Barracks ... Fort Dallas............ Key West............ Fort Hamer........... Fort Brooke........... Mount Vernon Arsenal. East Pascagoula........ Baton Rouge Barracks.. Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks ... St. Louis Arsenal.... Newport Barracks.... Detroit Barracks..... Fort Gratiot........ Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Howard........ Fort Ripley.......... Fort Snelling........ Fort Leavenworth ... Fort Kearney........ Fort Worth......... Fort Graham........ Fort Gates.........., Fort Croghan......... 54.34 59.45 58.48 65.58 63.40 66.90 65.87 62.23 62.77 57.30 58.77 62.19 63.20 63.70 63.00 65.29 66.61 72.38 79.00 77.26 80.77 82.03 79.20 78.74 75.80 80.25 73.30 74.19 74.22 73.22 70.17 74.03 71.55 70.29 62.64 60.22 62.70 57.77 59.16 57.06 68.83 69.74 63.03 j 72.22 i 74.06 70.22 74.32 i 64.30 65.61 68.06 71.03 70.40 71.10 71.03 69.19 68.90 65.12 73.06 71.16 71.45 73.32 73.70 74.12 74.67 76.45 85.00 84.42 85.45 85.29 85.96 82.96 83.48 89.79 88.46 83.87 86.87 86.45 82.19 80.48 77.09 76.09 75.41 69.77 70.64 67.30 71.51 70.51 75.80 78.70 74.29 91.80 85.09 86.06 83.45 ! 66.45 69.90 74.06 74.26 74.90 78.30 79.16 75.71 73.67 73.23 77.48 76.09 71.80 82.93 80.20 84.54 78.79 83.00 87.29 87.62 89.41 87.36 89.45 84.93 86.41 90.69 92.39 91.35 91.58 94.64 93.18 88.85 85.55 83.29 79.38 76.77 72.03 72.10 75.41 78.41 79.74 86.83 84.74 99.16 97.80 95.77 94.03 , 60.42 64.48 61.06 69.26 68.40 72.20 70.09 67.55 65.22 64.18 66.22 68.87 67.73 69.19 69.13 69.45 75.77 75.58 81.93 82.61 82.16 84.45 79.96 80.32 80.74 83.69 80.04 80.54 80.58 80.80 79.40 77.38 77.39 76.35 69.32 67.93 63.64 60.80 66.06 65.38 71.22 76.43 69.93 79.64 83.35 78.00 82.03 61.51 64.66 65.41 70.03 69.27 72.12 71.04 68.69 67.64 64.96 68.88 69.58 69.29 72.28 71.58 73.35 73.96 76.85 83.31 83.15 84.45 84.78 83.64 81.74 81.61 86.08 83.67 82.49 83.31 83.78 81.24 80.18 77.89 76.50 71.69 68.67 67.25 64.49 68.03 67.84 73.90 77.93 73.00 85.70 85.07 82.51 83.46 Range. Max. i Min. 81 86 82 83 87 90 85 84 83 89 84 90 95 89 96 94 95 95 90 95 90 95 98 100 99 104 105 104 96 104 90 91 92 83 89 89 90 90 100 100 107 104 103 102 49 52 50 55 54 57 55 50 50 47 47 48 50 52 48 54 62 66 73 72 77 80 73 75 72 74 69 63 63 59 56 62 58 56 47 40 54 48 45 42 52 53 47 62 64 62 67 Above mean. 13.5 16.1 20.6 12.0 13.7 14.9 19.0 16.3 16.4 18.0 20.1 14.4 14.7 15.7 18.4 21.7 15.0 19.2 10.7 11.9 10.5 5.2 11.4 8.3 13.4 11.9 16.3 16.5 20.7 21.2 22.8 15.8 26.1 14.5 19.3 23.3 15.8 24.5 21.0 22.2 16.1 22.1 27.0 21.3 18.9 20.5 18.5 Below mean. 12.5 12.9 15.4 15.0 15.3 15.1 16.0 18.7 17.6 18.0 21.9 21.6 19.3 20.3 23.6 19.3 12.0 10.8 10.3 11.1 7.5 4.8 10.6 6.7 9.6 12.1 14.7 19.5 20.3 24.8 25.2 18.2 19.9 20.5 24.7 28.7 13.2 16.5 23.0 25.8 21.9 24.9 26.0 24.7 21.1 20.5 16.5 No. of Observations N. E. 11 16 30 62 20 50 12 46 13 39 27 62 11 24 35 91 32 113 10 14 0 8 14 6 12 10 5 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 9 3 9 1 11 17 0 18 10 5 7 36 3 10 23 22 8 5 7 0 5 2 12 25 0 21 29 14 27 19 12 5 1 2 3 2 5 9 17 6 17 2 29 34 0 22 20 9 8 68 9 45 56 48 9 13 22 0 20 6 11 6 1 i 10 23 11 27 1 0 9 15 15 19 9 6 4 32 11 21 15 44 17 9 6 10 16 11 2 12 13 8 0 5 9 16 11 17 4 14 3 6 14 32 0 0 0 15 11 1 33 57 31 48 3 0 9 19 43 44 21 11 9 85 22 123 30 147 58 16 8 27 25 14 2 30 34 11 0 9 24 27 33 44 26 37 6 13 18 76 0 0 0 14 6 27 7 24 11 41 42 150 39 51 18 35 10 26 2 4 25 33 16 22 2 9 2 5 11 20 30 77 24 29 11 20 12 26 30 52 13 42 11 25 6 14 8 9 18 26 2 2 11 22 6 10 6 9 0 0 12 1 19 00 h-i •—' >—i tO On © to h- cs-4)suuioci)4iaiootBe)tsci>tDM ©OncocooooncD4-.ooOoOn On to i—' hi to i—■ Cn©tO4--©0nCD© 4- hn rt rt rt Cn rt rt rt hn OrtrtcoM->ao©4-.©ooto 00 On h-i On h-l to -1 © 00 TO On to 4-4-. 00 00 x © 00 M tO h-' h-' iO o 4-. —j © or © to tO hH hH to h-' h-i —l*.BCn*.4.oOOW»-l h-l to tO fr-' iO h-1 tO iO CncO©©(OCnCO4-.004-.tO00CnO0 © On OO 00 —I 4- 4- CO 4- © © to © *. © rt©tO©0n-J©l—i IO U c» h'CO4-.4-.00© *• to to to r^ rn to tO rt CO —I to -■1 00 rt rt to rt co to o CO © oo to OS to eo to -4 -1 *- to © to tO © 4- tO Oi h-1 hn JO h-" h-i —»C0tOC0eDtO4-.Cn00—lrt-4 ti^i-i-JCn-JW-lWUl rt rt iO rt 4- to to O 00 -J Oi to 4*- OS on -a h-i 00 4-. 00 to to *• 4- til © to h-' oo on © -4 -J 4- 4* 00 On h-• 00 © to 00 00 to x to eo to to 00 to - rt to © to ec On 4- © 4- On © to -J 00 OS on On © © 00 h-l to 00 -J OS © CO to o hH 4- hH 00 4- 4-. co eo to © eo 00 © to -4 On h-i 4- © hH to to 00 © to eo 00 © 4- 4- © 00 © 00 © © to 00 © to 00 HH OS to to © 4- 00 00 On © to —1 to to to to 00 to On 00 — hH IO rt 05 © CO © Ol CO -1 On CO On O0 © 4-- © 4- © © -4 Oi I—'00© On—IOncD4-.4-.4-.0nO0 00 © 4- rt OS © CO 4- 4- 4-.On©Cn4-.©©©—14-.©-4jo-^.QD-4,>rt0nOn4H.—Jl—'00004-.4-.©4-.M-.©>£*Cn4-. tO © tO On 00 00 © CO 00 © © -1 CO on -J 00 4-> 4-. 4-. 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Cn . © 00 to to 4j CD o to CO r-1 to © to On © © CJO 00 On r-1 00 -4 uo r-1 © On On to On © tn © 00 4- 1-1 © On 0O IX tn O r^ a- g 3 O H CB p P p "i 3 3 CB BT 3 CB y T) cm ri CO "d g ■-1 ~i > O 3 3 3 pa CB O P O in P a o P O o CB O CO G G CB 0- P r% P P Co -. ? CB fed r3 fed O w o o i-h o > w td M Ul 1-4 H CO to 328 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1850. THERMOMETER. Fort Martin Scott... San Antonio........ Fort Brown........ Ringgold Barracks.. Fort Mcintosh...... Fort Duncan....... Fort Inge.......... Fort Lincoln........ El Paso.......... Socorro........... Albuquerque ....... Cebolletta.......... Las Vegas ......... San Diego......... San Luis Rey...... Monterey.......... Benicia............ Astoria............ Columbia Barracks.. Dalles of Columbia . Fort Steilacoom Mean Temperature. S. R. 63.43 73.40 75.06 74.60 71.93 70.43 69.50 72.10 78.03 60.29 53.90 52.10 54.70 62.20 64.43 53.30 56.48 52.50 50.64 43.43 45.90 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M 71.26 82.10 90.80 87.33 91.33 82.93 85.20 81.20 89.00 72.20 68.96 78.76 76.76 75.70 80.00 62.08 65.97 60.36 61.23 55.00 56.40 84.06 96.40 90.53 91.73 99.46 97.65 95.60 93.20 93.03 91.80 82.03 83.70 78.00 81.33 80.83 65.86 77.57 68.80 72.62 70.71 69.40 73.46 80.33 82.56 78.66 83.83 86.50 77.36 81.12 80.80 70.16 67.40 66.66 56.40 66.53 68.76 57.00 60.00 55.88 62.00 60.57 54.40 73.55 83.06 84.74 83.08 86.64 84.38 81.91 81.65 85.22 73.61 68.07 70.31 66.47 71.44 73.50 59.56 65.00 59.38 61.62 57.43 56.52 Range. Max. Min. 90 100 96 101 106 104 101 98 98 99 87 90 89 101 104 94 97 84 90 82 84 56 66 71 68 62 61 58 58 74 53 48 50 49 51 52 43 52 44 40 40 40 Above mean. 16.5 16.9 11.3 17.9 19.4 19.6 19.1 16.3 12.8 25.4 18.9 19.7 22.5 29.6 30.5 34.4 32.0 24.6 28.4 24.6 27.5 Below mean. 17.5 17.1 13.7 15.1 24.6 23.4 23.9 23.7 11.2 20.6 20.1 20.3 17.5 20.4 21.5 16.5 13.0 15.4 21.6 17.4 16.5 WINDS. No. of Observations N. 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CD d PS -a Ul rt Ul rj a rii o Ur O X 3 X "So CO < H S ^ g tt r-X Ul CD G hu rt 0 ^ rt •t- G xi o X rt * 3 cq '72 S_w -Z\ *~* -D 4i n d o ^J £ 2 5 .S hD o U *»* i-j rt_j ■_-_ lJ w w w w fe^hSrlWrlrlrlrl rtMKrtc72hJW<^ t rt £ o a o br r*\ r r° r° ,° r° .° ° ° ° ° O O ° rnQXXXXXXXXXXXXX METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 331 MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1850. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Day3. Days. 0 < REMARKS. S. E. S. s. w. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P.M. Mean. '5 >> TO 0 o 5 '3 o 0 Ul 1 13 24 25 61 17 32 32 73 19 46 4.87 5.55 5.48 2.16 4.51 17 14 12 0 3.24 7 17 11 28 23 46 42 63 22 47 5.16 4.90 5.64 5.77 5.37 16 15 7 0 3.45 11 20 24 44 11 22 22 55 32 97 4.58 5.45 5.70 4.87 5.15 18 13 9 0 2.76 7 21 27 59 14 34 25 79 30 118 5.32 5.03 5.16 5.77 5.32 18 13 6 0 3.58 6 13 4 5 40 92 10 26 47 107 4.70 5.10 5.10 6.10 5.25 18 13 7 0 5.89 13 23 15 41 20 60 8 22 48 139 7.10 6.80 6.80 7.60 7.08 20 11 5 0 1.83 9 23 16 32 15 31 34 68 28 81 6.35 6.32 5.64 6.41 6.18 21 10 7 0 3.16 6 16 24 27 15 28 7 22 33 89 4.23 4.77 4.35 5.64 4.75 17 14 10 0 2.34 0 0 33 93 16 41 66 220 4 8 5.09 6.67 7.06 4.64 5.87 16 15 11 0 3.37 - 2 5 33 45 8 8 28 33 28 45 3.90 3.11 3.16 4.20 3.59 13 18 9 0 7.64 2 2 26 52 17 33 24 66 21 48 3.48 3.58 4.12 4.06 3.81 13 18 17 0 12.39 32 53 0 0 35 69 0 0 39 108 7.58 6.67 7.03 6.29 6.89 16 15 9 0 5.59 7 10 14 30 23 57 27 75 15 43 2.38 3.90 4.03 4.93 3.81 15 16 10 0 3.10 2 4 10 19 38 104 15 55 6 18 2.22 4.90 ■5.23 4.74 4.27 15 16 11 0 4.29 7 16 5 10 4 5 57 133 20 57 7.27 7.21 7.29 7.19 7.24 16 15 7 0 4.08 9 19 17 36 31 54 39 86 12 32 .... .... .... .... .... 20 11 5 0 1.54 12 26 8 19 4 9 16 34 26 74 5.64 7.00 7.93 6.70 6.82 21 10 7 0 3.10 7 12 17 38 29 74 12 35 22 58 7.18 7.25 7.19 8.26 7.47 26 5. 4 0 0.76 6 20 9 33 14 48 11 38 20 66 6.29 7.38 7.16 8.08 7.22 26 5 4 0 0.88 7 13 1 2 4 8 14 25 9 15 6.50 7.61 7.61 7.70 7.36 25 6 3 0 0.70 15 49 4 12 7 20 18 43 7 20 7.96 7.83 7.67 7.25 7.68 7 9 3 3 10 26 1 2 7 19 3.19 3.80 3.00 3.87 3.47 14 17 8 0 4.18 11 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 7.29 7.25 6.83 7.96 7.33 18 13 7 0 2.89 31 66 5 10 2 5 5 13 19 60 6.74 7.29 6.12 8.12 7.07 24 7 2 0 0.85 5 7 10 11 3 7 2 3 4 6 3.74 7.31 6.84 8.94 6.71 14 5 1 0 0.96 Last 19 days. 7 10 2 4 11 15 25 45 18 32 5.13 7.20 9.15 8.12 7.40 25 6 4 0 1.03 5 13 27 65 3 5 2 4 2 6 4.19 5.06 5.80 6.48 5.38 18 13 8 0 5.19 11 30 24 50 19 42 10 15 9 18 5.32 5.80 6.25 6.87 6.06 19 12 7 0 2.56 4 13 4 16 14 42 33 83 20 40 3.90 5.61 5.90 6.41 5.46 21 10 6 0 3.75 9 15 37 99 25 82 11 19 4 10 4.16 5.40 5.14 5.19 4.97 20 11 5 0 1.56 9 21 46 94 14 40 25 60 11 31 3.58 4.19 5.09 5.00 4.47 16 15 5 0 1.75 3 3 34 62 11 24 15 25 5 11 7.26 7.39 7.80 2.07 6.13 17 14 9 0 2.45 Clearness inaccurate 1 1 17 37 22 49 11 22 12 35 4.40 7.20 7.80 7.20 6.65 18 13 5 0 1.80 ct it 0 0 2 4 23 45 51 90 25 45 5.87 5.71 6.29 6.35 6.06 17 14 8 0 1.11 << (C 6 12 12 33 11 34 30 75 10 32 5.12 5.96 6.51. 5.41 5.75 16 15 7 0 1.01 cc «< 15 35 5 11 27 77 34 99 10 28 6.67 8.80 8.80 3.19 6.87 15 16 14 2 5.05 cc " 28 57 6 7 6 10 18 62 19 82 5.40 4.19 4.10 6.11 4.95 19 12 12 2 4.00 4 14 19 ■ 61 28 60 34 82 6 19 4.64 4.90 5.00 6.38 5.23 17 14 6 1 1.10 27 71 26 57 6 15 29 86 10 30 7.39 6.63 6.35 6.51 6.72 19 12 5 1 1.45 16 23 31 48 18 27 16 30 10 12 7.30 7.20 7.80 6.80 7.27 23 8 4 0 0.32 10 16 35 67 10 22 1 1 27 44 j 4.87 6 06 5.61 6.12 5.67 19 12 3 0 0.85 4 9 9 24 18 39 21 25 27 72 6.25 6.06 6.32 7.74 6.59 22 9 4 1 0.26 9 16 24 54 17 41 28 68 16 29 7.77 8.51 8.48 8.54 8.57 27 4 4 0 1.70 0 0 44 115 2 3 13 29 5 5 8.00 8.96 8.61 8.93 8.62 28 3 5 0 2.24 52 70 4 6 19 31 5 5 14 32 1.58 6.00 6.67 8.00 5.56 24 7 G 0 3.77 5 12 47 -128 6 17 8 14 13 37 7 4)6 7.19 6.93 7.54 7.18 25 6 5 0 .... 21 54 29 [ 87 11 35 2 3 5 14 6.42 7.23 7.13 8.71 7.37 25 6 3 0 0.28 ■=. a 9 > O ■n <- 73 75 'Jl -1 ~> J> M ■*1 r- ■*1 r- *1 W r- 73 "1 p p 3 p p ■» T. 0 0 r" 0 3- fr 5" 3 3 3 3 3 cr O" "1 0 ■o -J 3 3 2. o rt, a; p' 5' "3 p •H CB 2. c? ■H r. 1 trq B < rt CB Hi p - -2 ■B G H- ^ " rO f- -1 -t 3 5 1 *% 3 _■ 3 3 1 a. 33 H 3 -1 > 3 V H p O W 53 D 0 0 p 3 a 3 -■ r-|-3 O CO o o 3 5" 3 p ■H P CB ■B 3 3 J) -i p 0 cTj o o © rT r/) ST" CO 4- 4- 4- 4- tnCnCnCntn4-.OS4-. 4-. 4- © -T> © to ©4-©cou04-©0n © jO JO o O In tn 44 On 00 OS © © 4-. ©ooooo©eooson TO ro —, -4 o n w OO-lOrOOO* -4 © -1 © 4- © OS © © On On tn on © © -n © Ol On © © -n -n 41 CO 1—1 C3)W0044OCJ)OU .0 D tO —I © 4- 00 CO 00 00 to r" On © OS © 4- rt 4=- Cn Ol —4h-itOCO t> n* 1—1 rtCOOSOOrtOCTiOO -J O O © rt IO 4- 4- © O 00 P 0 h3 © © © © 00 ■ 44 © -4 -4 © Ol -) 31 44 -4 OO -4 00 CO ©©4-©OOCCOOiOCD©-4©4-.0601 -4 rt tO to T3 s -1 UO © — OOOHUMhiOO-4 ■nJ •o ©©tOOOtOOOO©OS-4o©rt-^CO © CO © CD p C -1 On tn tn tn ©©Cn©oitn4-.tntn©©—4© CO 1—1 1—1 ©4-.Cn4-.COO0rtH-.0nhH 4! © 00 j0 Hi 4-- O rt to "J to i-h CO to -4©rtC0©tOhHCi >nt B -4h-' *. 00 -4 h-1 CO oi CO 3 © © © 44 X -J to O 00 M O 3 On On On On ©©0n©©0n4-0ntn©—4 O l—' ©4-—4Cn©Cn00CDCno© -4 00 (n Jl -) © 00 to r? 00 © CO 4-- ©00©CniO-400©Cn00©rt©—1 O©hHC0000nCD©lO00©0nl0 © HO 00 © -1 tn -4 00 -4 00 CO CO -4 - t> -44->00CO©COO0©CO—4 CO 00 © © 51 00 D O M OS CO 0O 4- *».4>.H-.0ntnO0hHCO00000n©4i. f 1----- rt4-.t0tO©H-.*-00OCD00©tO jO to © *-- © 00 3 W 3 00 to to to to OOtOtOrtrtrtOOtO O IO rt rt 8* HCOMUW-lr-O^fliCO © o o -n D cc HJ 4-> CO On O—4 © On —400rtCOCn©©CD© jO -0 CO -4 -1 © 3 ° to to hH )—l r°r2HJ|T'rHtO00tOtOtOrtrt to tO BH l—' 1—1 OiOtnuc:Hr.MOihit04)a -n no O OS 4-. eo © 00 On O00©0noo—4tOhHtn4i.OhH© -i -1 hH JO OS o OS rt rt rt l to rt©OOOS©COOO-4CO-41-Hjoo to ji OS 4-- -4 © 5! On hH hH to to to tn©©tn4-.C0hH00cO-4O)-^o^5^. 00 © OS © o -Z to to -4 I— to oo to hn 00 ©OhH00rt-4©t0*.05-joc3-4c0 to to OS OS rt to hH hH a tn OS to to h-i Oi hn r-» CO .fc- 4-. On ©©l-n©tOprttO©lOCO©tO00C0 © On © © OS CO to to o o cr ce < P © hH o 4-4- 4- — hH ©©hHOShHtn©O00n00 o © to 00 o to tn to JO © to S rt CO hH rt 0)CHO)WO)0)WB o to © to 44 f- CO -n O to o □ CO oo w W O W O f O o hH W hH Ul i-3 M W METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 333 MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1850. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 fl .5 a REMARKS. S. E. S S.W. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. Mean. 6 >> 10 0 O 0 'ei | rH 5 rt 02 -J! 24 71 10 24 12 47 1 2 14 48 6.61 7.90 8.25 9.03 7.95 27 4 4 0 0.99 20 30 23 41 2 4 2 2 2 2 7.40 7.70 8.00 7.60 7.67 25 6 5 0 0.81 Clearness inaccurate. 71 163 0 0 2 5 2 3 8 16 6.54 5.93 6.58 7.54 6.68 24 7 6 0 5.79 51 176 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.80 5.09 5.45 7.09 5.61 21 10 5 0 0.58 64 130 1 2 1 I 1 2 10 14 4.67 5.77 5.96 4.00 5.10 22 9 4 0 2.21 18 40 30 67 3 6 10 19 5 9 5.35 6.64 6.48 8.54 6.75 24 7 5 0 1.30 54 79 9 16 6 11 0 0 0 0 7.51 7.74 7.81 7.60 7.67 25 6 3 0 1.70 24 62 43 94 4 8 0 0 3 4 5.12 7.50 7.20 6.10 6.48 24 7 4 0 .... Temp, for first 12 4 6 2 2 5 14 11 25 22 53 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.25 26 5 3 0 0.60 [days. 22 37 23 42 9 16 13 17 9 11 7.11 8.40 7.18 7.80 7.62 27 4 5 0 1.81 11 35 31 57 2 2 8 16 2 4 6.71 7.45 7.30 7.42 7.22 25 6 3 0 0.28 13 16 11 15 7 8 23 31 43 56 7.03 7.41 6.86 7.61 7.48 24 7 5 0 1.58 8 17 20 47 7 13 9 16 6 11 5.51 8.58 8.38 5.25 6.93 29 2 1 0 0.00 Temp, in excess at 9 19 24 3 4 22 31 16 24 11 14 8.06 7.80 7.87 8.45 8.04 27 4 6 0 0.38 [a. m. 10 13 10 16 22 36 32 49 12 22 4.45 6.42 6.83 5.32 5.76 21 10 3 0 0.19 0 0 0 0 17 45 56 143 32 104 4.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 18 13 3 0 0.20 0 0 6 7 30 43 45 79 16 24 4.09 5.03 6.87 5.61 5.40 17 14 0 0 0.00 0 0 1 1 108 221 0 0 0 0 6.22 7.20 8.01 7.28 7.18 26 5 0 0 0.00 4 7 66 95 13 24 1 1 8 13 9.38 9.48 9.35 9.77 9.50 31 0 2 0 0.01 5 9 0 0 27 56 39 91 3 4 4.35 4.51 4.48 4.09 4.36 17 14 9 0 6.70? 1 3 8 25 3 10 89 167 7 12 4.71 7.42 8.22 4.20 6.14 23 8 10 0 2.69 0 "o 2 3 13 15 53 92 1 1 5.87 6."77 7.10 7.80 6.86 24 7 6 0 0.91 6 23 4 6 25 64 13 24 28 60 1.58 3.16 4.45 5.00 3.55 9 22 15 0 2.40 334 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1850. STATIONS. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. Fort Sullivan.......... Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution...... Fort Adams............ Fort Trumbull........ Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus......... West Point............ Watervliet Arsenal Plattsburg Barracks.... Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario.......... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks...... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie......... Oglethorpe Barracks.... Fort Dallas........... Key West............ Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks.. Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Gibson........... Fort Scott............. Jefferson Barracks...... St. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks..... Detroit Barracks....... Fort Gratiot.......... Fort Mackinac........ Fort Brady............ Fort Howard.......... Fort Ripley........ Fort Snelling......, Fort Leavenworth ... Fort Kearney...... Fort Atkinson....... Fort Arbuckle....... Fort Worth......... Fort Graham........ Fort Gates.......... Fort Croghan........ Fort Martin Scott.... San Antonio........ 35.46 36.16 36.06 42.87 41.20 43.30 42.06 38.50 34.20 34.28 37.00 37.06 39.83 36.56 33.17 47.60 49.80 53.66 50.53 69.73 71.10 48.60 53.12 45.10 45.90 46.09 37.29 41.11 39.40 42.53 38.30 35.43 31.23 34.93 30.26 25.96 30.20 36.23 25.50 30.63 43.80 45.86 47.33 45.70 50.01 47.00 57.73 9 A. M. 40.06 39.83 41.50 45.30 44.80 45.00 44.53 42.47 39.66 38.23 40.60 41.70 41.76 41.60 42.40 50.90 51.70 59.73 59.26 76.50 73.53 52.63 61.25 49.46 54.20 50.90 45.90 45.90 44.40 45.70 45.76 42.40 37.74 37.23 33.10 29.53 33.50 39.06 36.33 39.47 53.50 54.16 55.73 52.96 56.17 51.13 64.03 43.83 43.96 45.93 49.69 49.00 53.20 49.80 47.30 44.66 44.18 45.73 46.83 49.13 49.40 51.18 55.30 56.60 66.63 66.33 79.46 75.70 64.93 69.97 60.80 62.43 56.09 54.27 54.60 52.50 53.03 51.73 49.06 39.73 41.13 41.86 37.96 37.16 50.43 47.56 50.33 62.30 63.13 65.73 66.73 66.40 58.33 70.16 9 P.M. 39.50 40.13 39.26 46.10 44.30 46.70 44.36 43.23 37.60 39.13 37.96 39.53 42.33 40.76 39.16 51.66 52.60 59.33 57.10 71.76 73.83 56.13 58.00 51.50 51.76 49.01 46.90 47.53 42.60 47.47 41.06 42.13 35.86 36.24 33.53 28.56 36.16 43.06 31.86 36.13 52.10 51.53 54.98 53.50 55.20 49.43 62.60 39.71 40.02 40.69 45.98 44.62 47.05 45.19 42.87 39.03 38.95 40.32 41.28 43.26 42.08 41.48 51.36 52.67 59.84 58.30 74.36 73.54 55.57 60.58 51.71 53.57 50.52 46.09 47.28 44.72 47.18 44.21 42.25 36.14 37.38 34.69 30.50 33.73 42.19 35.31 39.14 52.92 53.67 55.94 54.72 56.94 51.47 63.63 59 60 60 64 65 67 61 60 60 59 70 69 72 70 66 61 68 76 76 88 81 82 85 80 82 77 76 74 76 74 76 74 60 56 64 54 57 72 66 68 80 83 b'2 82 80 75 83 27 28 24 28 25 31 29 24 20 24 17 20 25 20 22 36 36 38 32 50 60 29 40 26 31 20 20 24 24 25 20 18 24 21 8 9 15 18 6 12 30 28 28 26 30 26 39 Above mean. Below mean. 19.3 12.7 20.0 12.0 19.3 16.7 18.0 18.0 20.2 19.8 20.0 16.0 15.8 16.2 17.1 18.9 21.0 19.0 20.1 14.9 29.7 23.3 27.7 21.3 28.7 18.3 27.9 22.1 24.5 19.5 9.6 15.4 15.3 16.7 16.2 21.8 17.7 26.3 13.6 24.4 7.5 13.5 26.4 26.6 24.4 20.6 28.3 25.7 28.4 22.6 26.5 30.5 29.9 26.1 26.7 23.3 31.3 20.7 26.8 22.2 31.8 24.2 31.8 24.2 23.9 12.1 18.6 16.4 29.3 26.7 23.5 21.5 23.3 18.7 29.8 24.2 30.7 29.3 28.9 27.1 27.1 22.9 29.3 25.7 26.1 27.9 27.3 28.7 23.1 26.9 23.5 25.5 19.4 24.6 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 335 MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1850. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 43 o fl a REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. C pi ■o 3 o 0 o rH O a Ul < 9 13 4 4 22 45 16 19 38 71 3.63 4.02 4.01 1.15 3.20 10 20 5 4 3.00 • 4 5 3 5 8 20 26 56 23 48 4.60 5.10 5.03 5.26 5.00 13 17 3 2 2.80 7 15 13 25 9 18 27 68 .21 50. 3.43 4.90 5.36 4.70 4.57 17 13 4 3 2.48 3 8 12 27 9 23 21 64 18 62 3.73 4.33 4.93 5.47 4.61 15 15 6 0 2.39 10 16 1 1 22 42 9 38 34 59 2.80 3.80 4.30 4.30 3.80 14 16 9 0 4.45? 3 7 12 25 7 20 4 18 32 93 4.00 4.10 4.60 4.90 4.40 14 16 4 1 1.98 4 6 8 9 15 28 12 31 28 65 3.86 4.60 4.06 4.23 4.19 14 16 6 0 2.33 6 10 24 52 9 17 4 8 28 66 2.53 2.90 3.43 3.27 3.04 11 19 9 1 2.17 0 0 11 37 25 63 48 145 13 32 4.23 4.86 5.06 5.10 4.81 14 16 6 2 1.69 2 0 26 30 8 9 36 44 20 26 2.29 2.26 3.70 3.29 2.86 11 19 4 2 3.10 11 16 24 45 10 15 32 105 6 19 3.60 3.96 4.20 3.90 3.91 14 16 8 2 3.93 46 77 0 0 18 28 0 0 37 110 6.76 6.90 6.53 5.53 6.43 15 15 8 1 4.81 Weather observa'ns 15 17 22 35 19 46 32 80 8 15 2.23 3.43 3.86 4.33 3.46 11 19 9 2 3.06 [inaccurate. 4 6 7 15 23 45 5 9 6 9 .... .... .... .... 10 20 8 4 2.19 0 0 10 22 11 17 55 103 8 23 5.60 7.30 7.24 7.03 6.79 11 19 6 1 0.87 14 34 9 24 11 28 7 16 21 69 2.03 3.75 6.50 4.73 4.25 15 15 10 0 4.30 8 15 3 8 18 19 19 50 21 58 5.10 4.23 5.07 5.14 4.88 15 15 11 0 1.92 3 9 12 44 26 88 4 16 29 118 5.10 5.80 5.13 6.43 5.61 19 11 8 0 1.99 5 7 1 2 7 12 13 28 12 19 9.20 9.10 9.20 9.80 9.32 22 8 3 0 0.80 19 43 0 0 0 0 14 37 1 2 9 34 7 8 2 5 0 0 1 5 6.06 6.46 6.56 7.70 6.69 22 8 2 0 0.01 30 79 8 24 2 5 3 13 30 91 5.13 5.26 5.10 6.96 6.61 21 9 6 0 2.32 3 5 19 38 9 24 10 11 6 8 2.33 4.33 4.66 6.54 4.46 16 14 5 0 1.58 6 15 23 59 3 8 8 18 2 4 3.20 3.36 3.63 5.39 3.92 13 17 7 0 6.21 10 26 27 87 14 32 15 37 9 23 3.06 4.30 3.50 5.43 4.07 14 16 12 0 5.14 5 14 18 61 10 33 8 29 38 75 3.73 4.00 4.40 6.03 4.54 16 14 6 0 4.75 4 8 40 119 9 25 16 33 13 18 3.15 3.18 4.20 4.70 3.81 14 16 6 0 4.39 1 1 56 147 7 32 10 39 7 26 3.33 4.36 4.66 5.56 4.48 16 14 9 0 4.11 2 2 37 61 5 6 29 50 4 10 6.80 7.56 7.43 1.63 5.86 15 15 7 0 4.65 2 7 24 39 11 20 25 68 15 41 6.30 7.40 7.70 7.10 "7.12 16 14 6 2 6.45 3 3 3 6 10 24 71 104 5 6 4.73 4.56 4.63 5.40 4.83 15 15 5 2 2.36 8 15 30 67 12 31 25 48 11 24 3.83 4.70 4.60 4.76 4.47 16 14 17 2 2.19 5 11 9 21 15 43 26 84 10 34 6.00 8.96 8.70 2.86 6.63 13 17 4 7 3.15 26 64 2 7 25 56 8 31 19 62 2.70 2.30 3.50 3.10 2.90 9 21 3 7 1.35 0 0 37 109 15 27 24 60 2 3 2.73 3.30 3.73 4.40 3.54 12 18 7 6 2.59 20 42 18 28 3 12 29 76 11 36 5.31 5.30 5.16 4.80 5.14 16 14 5 5 3.65 13 25 6 14 17 31 19 43 14 22 6.80 5.50 5.70 4.80 5.70 16 14 6 4 1.68 Therm, protected. 5 5 28 51 13 38 2 4 31 47 4.30 4.16 4.36 5.30 4.53 15 15 8 1 3.84 16 29 13 27 4 5 11 12 9 26 4.86 4.63 5.53 6.70 5.43 18 12 2 2 1.57 11 .. 7 ., 10 ,. 5 42 .... .... .... .... 19 11 3 3 -- 4 4 27 50 28 72 37 119 8 28 6.43 6.86 6.43 6.70 6.60 21 9 8 1 5.40 23 73 17 56 8 10 9 17 9 13 3.93 5.70 5.26 5.50 5.10 17 13 8 0 4.90 12 26 5 9 54 84 19 28 9 18 2.13 4.73 5.63 6.33 4.70 18 12 7 0 1.09 5 17 38 124 7 22 8 17 23 53 3.50 3.66 4.20 5.74 4.27 11 19 11 0 .... 14 52 38 108 3 7 13 36 7 13 3.90 3.37 4.70 5.50 4.37 12 18 7 0 1.02 17 61 27 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.60 5.23 5.80 7.10 5.95 16 14 13 0 3.87 12 16 21 30 2 2 5 7 6 14 .... .... .... .... 17 13 7 0 2.34 336 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1850. STATIONS. Fort Brown....... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh____ Fort Duncan...... Fort Inge......... Fort Lincoln...... El Paso........... Socorro.......... Albuquerque ...... Cebolletta......... Las Vegas......... San Diego........ San Luis Rey..... Monterey......... Benicia........... Sonoma.......... Camp Far West... Astoria........... Columbia Barracks Dalles of Columbia Fort Steilacoom ... THERMOMETER. S. R. 62.80 59.50 55.60 55.41 54.60 33.70 29.90 30.33 14.66 47.73 51.40 44.60 47.40 41.86 40.36 41.08 37.15 29.27 37.10 Mean Tempei-ature. 9 A. M. 68.73 67.76 62.90 62.46 62.20 43.30 39.47 44.10 46.33 58.00 58.86 56.05 54.90 55.70 51.03 44.30 43.52 38.20 40.83 70.50 74.33 71.36 73.75 69.43 56.40 54.13 54.10 51.30 66.66 65.60 61.03 64.24 66.56 61.63 57.03 50.32 47.15 46.66 9 P. M. 66.80 64.83 61.53 62.36 58.33 42.25 39.73 35.60 35.30 53.70 56.53 52.28 51.20 51.13 48.00 43.36 41.43 37.10 40.26 67.26 66.60 62.85 63.49 61.14 43.91 40.81 41.03 32.98 56.52 58.50 53.49 54.44 53.81 50.26 46.44 43.11 37.93 41.21 Range. 84 93 91 94 93 69 68 66 68 61 77 74 74 75 83 77 74 58 60 56 46 42 38 34 41 45 21 17 11 6 37 40 38 40 31 30 33 25 19 27 Above mean. 16.7 26.4 28.1. 30.5 31.8 24.1 25.2 27.0 28.0 20.5 15.5 20.5 20.5 29.2 26.8 27.6 14.9 22.1 14.8 Below mean. 21.3 24.6 24.9 29.5 20.2 22.9 23.8 30.0 27.0 19.5 18.5 15.5 14.5 22.8 20.2 13.4 18.1 18.9 14.2 No. of Obsei-vations N. N. E. E. 0 0 29 68 0 0 9 21 9 18 19 40 6 14 23 35 7 9 16 40 19 32 24 50 3 3 15 23 0 0 10 26 16 31 1 1 6 20 27 71 15 37 58 115 3 3 3 10 31 34 5 6 6 10 0 0 0 0 3 4 14 37 3 5 9 19 0 0 4 4 21 24 2 7 38 76 10 25 15 26 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 13 18 24 4 16 1 2 3 4 13 25 14 26 4 4 1 3 6 14 68 135 10 27 3 10 4 8 3 4 0 0 5 5 26 65 6 16 30 82 Krt Co to to to -4 to 4- to t)l p 0 o © 4- r- o hn -4 o -4 >—> -i CD tn -1 © CD © CD tn TO 0 B hH to OS to h-1 I-h 4> © to -4 © © © CO eo h-1 -4 © CO to o tn r- 4- CD O to IX! 00 CD 44 o" hH 00 On Ci CD 4- © -4 hH -4 4- © tn to tn tn CO © hH CD 00 to 4> 00 1-1 co 4- 4- 4- 00 rt © 00 to eo O -4 -4 00 tn 4> © -J rt to o —I 4- 4- to *0 UO On ^ 00 iO ,_, h-1 00 hH rt hH to h- rt tn hn On CO rt © CO to r"1 -4 to rt © r- o o o OS ti) Ul k y, o to 4- © to On to to to to -4 OS © -i OS © CD 4H- CO h-1 to 4- 4- to On o © tn --- OS hn hH to rt h-1 os rt nn to CO 00 © ~ 4-. -1 © © OS h-1 4- to 00 © © © 4- OS © * en to hH OS J> OS CO 4- h-1 4> hH tn © CO CD to to © o OS © Jr. to OS On to o © © OS h~1 tn tO ,_, CO rt to to OS to hH OS O hH to 4- CD eo © OS OS to 1-1 00 4- 4> CO Cn to to •3 to tO OS CD rt 00 On to tn rt to 4> -4 eo eo to CD O (—i Cn On © © p © On • © • © to © © OS © © © © r- On 00 © © OS f* ei ee OS tn to © -4 On On 4- . On © -4 © cn On on 4- 00 to CO on . rn h-1 CO © On . © to -1 HH CO 4- to eo On CO 0 Jl © o © . CO —J O © © . 00 © © © © © © © OS © hH H > OS tn CO . © © 4-> on On -4 © © 4-. 4- 4- tn 00 On OS «o TJ H3 to eo 00 i_i 4- 4- ._ to _ -1 CO en OS -4 *> Pf H © CO © • 00 —4 © © 00 O os co © -4 o © © © © iO 4-. to . On © tn On 4H. © © © On 4- tn 4- OS CO 00 *n* CO —4 to i_i H-- 00 to to 4-- On CO is © rt © On rt *H ; CO -J -4 On CO 4- 4-- © -J 00 Cloudy I-h rt hH nn rt P3 > CD -J 4- © -4 CO II) tn tn -4 © OS © © 4. tn © 00 -4 t) 3 © o © o © © © O © O to 4- r- to C O © © © © © Snow. > On 1—i 4- CO to IO © OS to © © hn © 4-> CO 00 to to © y, o hn co to co © © to tn On © © © © 4- 4- © o O CO 00 00 to to On to to © © © CD I-h CO fn H H CB CD ,—i * 1—1 n p -a 3 -a w 3 5' CB y. o cs 50 m P tH-CO o-Ul OS On P> "hS m o © m a © i-i CO rt w rS ► w TO M r-3 nf* H o o 2 w — o O o -T) o \>n hH O a < > s F w Ed O0 OO 338 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1850. Fort Sullivan......... Fort Preble........... Fort Constitution..... Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull........ Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal... Plattsburg Barracks... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Mifflin.......... Fort McHenry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Oglethorpe Barracks .. Fort Dallas........... Key West............ Fort Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal New Orleans Barracks. Baton Rouge Barracks. Fort Towson......... Fort Washita........ Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady........... Fort Howard......... Fort Ripley.......... Fort Snelling......... Fort Leavenworth...... Fort Kearney........., Fort Atkinson........ Fort Arbuckle......... Fort Worth.......... Fort Graham........., Fort Gates..........., Fort Croghan........., THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. . 20.67 18.83 19.51 30.03 28.04 32.70 31.13 26.03 16.35 16.70 16.41 21.00 25.90 29.83 29.16 32.60 33.22 42.40 50.32 49.16 66.90 70.71 48.18 47.90 50.32 45.45 34.29 32.64 30.93 23.00 27.96 26.26 22.61 18.74 15.90 14.18 14.41 0.67 8.01 21.22 13.37 19.35 27.00 33.12 34.25 33.93 37.20 24.74 20.96 23.29 31.61 31.03 33.80 32.71 29.16 22.26 18.26 19.00 23.19 26.80 32.00 31.23 36.70 41.00 44.30 55.90 54.67 74.09 74.08 54.94 49.48 55.32 50,67 37.51 36.79 34.03 27.12 29.80 29.00 26.48 24.76 20.32 17.12 16.09 4.19 11.58 22.96 19.45 23.45 33.90 38.58 39.64 38.83 42.32 8 P. M. 26.80 26.38 28.67 35.32 35.02 38.30 35.87 32.19 25.58 25.20 24.00 27.37 31.22 37.60 36.70 41.19 45.51 49.80 61.87 62.29 80.00 76.74 60.23 58.35 62.77 60.12 46.58 42.45 43.19 33.26 36.03 35.16 31.16 30.48 23.09 25.23 23.25 13.64 16.99 31.12 26.19 31.76 43.00 46.06 47.74 49.77 52.13 9 P. M. 23.64 23.45 24.19 33.93 32.00 33.90 33.19 30.09 21.42 17.12 19.51 23.16 26.42 31.29 31.10 34.70 41.77 46.60 54.22 54.01 69.27 75.19 54.94 52.45 53.56 48.45 38.77 36.77 35.87 26.28 30.38 29.00 23.67 23.70 19.00 18.10 17.61 5.64 13.12 25.51 17.61 23.42 32.70 37.74 39.77 38.16 42.00 Mean. 23.96 22.40 23.91 32.72 31.52 34.67 33.22 29.37 21.40 19.32 19.73 23.68 27.59 32.68 32.05 36.30 40.37 45.75 55.58 55.04 72.57 74.17 56.20 52.04 55.49 51.17 39.29 37.16 36.01 27.41 31.04 29.85 25.98 24.42 19.58 18.66 17.84 6.03 12.42 25.20 19.15 24.50 34.15 38.87 40.35 40.17 43.41 45 46 46 48 51 53 50 54 46 46 48 48 60 64 54 56 56 68 77 78 87 83 74 78 80 80 73 76 67 58 54 50 44 52 36 42 38 32 30 53 44 47 66 75 78 80 81 2 - 4 0 13 9 17 14 6 -18 - 8 -22 2 5 17 17 18 26 28 31 28 52 59 40 26 24 21 7 1 - 1 - 2 5 4 -13 -16 - 2 -22 -14 - 3 -12 -12 0 7 5 4 9 Above mean. 21.0 23.6 22.1 15.3 19.5 18.3 16.8 24.6 24.6 26.7 28.3 24.3 32.4 31.3 22.0 19.7 15.6 22.3 21.4 23.0 14.4 8.8 17.8 27.0 24.5 28.8 33.7 38.8 31.0 30.6 23.0 20.1 18.0 27.6 16.4 23.3 10.2 26.0 17.6 27.8 24.8 22.5 21.9 36.1 37.7 39.8 37.6 Below mean. 22.0 26.4 23.9 19.7 22.5 17.3 19.2 23.4 39.4 27.3 41.7 21.7 22.6 15.7 15.0 18.3 14.4 17.7 24.6 27.0 20.6 15.2 16.2 26.0 31.5 30.2 32.3 36.2 37.0 29.4 26.0 25.9 38.0 40.4 21.6 26.7 25.8 28.0 26.4 28.2 31.2 36.5 34.1 31.9 35.3 36.4 34.4 No. of Obsei'vationa N. N. E. E. 14 28 7 28 5 21 44 115 12 46 0 0 19 38 20 86 14 45 15 49 6 24 6 16 6 22 29 57 3 6 22 54 19 52 3 7 6 13 22 50 11 23 19 58 3 10 0 0 19 69 0 0 0 0 51 54 15 26 0 0 12 33 39 91 14 38 0 0 24 74 0 0 4 11 16 74 11 42 9 18 14 19 6 8 4 11 4 10 31 76 23 83 7 31 15 50 11 32 36 88 5 11 5 12 30 78 14 29 17 52 16 51 4 9 6 18 14 34 2 4 0 0 26 55 8 17 64 252 11 25 15 41 8 11 13 26 7 9 13 39 30 90 6 17 26 48 22 42 20 28 34 61 14 23 20 37 52 129 1 1 13 28 32 106 3 8 10 20 57 175 10 33 5 19 37 81 11 23 3 3 41 159 3 10 0 0 38 83 5 13 9 10 14 23 22 44 2 5 29 63 22 53 17 30 38 103 24 73 15 52 5 14 4 20 42 95 18 71 3 8 4 6 13 23 5 6 8 14 2 5 16 37 9 17 50 60 9 14 2 3 39 104 13 33 4 11 36 4 2 9 39 4 8 1 1 37 130 8 13 6 6 14 30 3 9 0 0 27 ' 96 1 2 2 7 41 | 123 4 11 0 0 OS to rt to h-1 hH Ni hH to p 0 a. 0 B © oo hn CO 4-. 4- -4 On 4- IX to rt OS eo O -4 © to eo -4 4- 00 © 00 o 4-. to © © 4-> to to 4-. © -4 © eo to © CJO 4-- rt 00 to 1-1 00 ^ TO hH 4-. to . hH 00 OS tn rt to hH rt rt to hH hH hH tn oo NI OS hn to ,_, tn to to © CO 4-- © oo • On 00 4-. 00 00 to On O to © On 00 OS hn © O CD o 00 On o to h— 00 to -4 CO to 4-> © to © 00 CD to © tn OS © 1-1 c? to oo •^ .„ hH OS to rn hH to 00 rt rt hH h-1 rt hH ,_, NI to 00 rt tn -4 © IO OS to © © On 00 hH hH to 4- CO 4- to tn 4- ^ 4- © to -4 00 hH On OS © OS 1-1 © to O '— rt © to © o to hn h-' to U) to OS • OS 4-. rt ■r- to 00 to to —4 to 4> to hn to *- rt to On 4- rt 4- CD 4-. to © © tn h- 00 > hH h-' h-1 © 00 o 4-> © © 4- tn I-h © On to © 4- to o to "J © © 00 to to tn © 4-. 4- © 00 Oi © -4 to to 4- rt to rt rt rn hH hH hH h-■ hH NO rt to hH I-h to l-H to to OS to hH to © rt -4 4-. to to 00 4-. © tn 4-> -4 O © -4 to -4 00 © 00 hH o © On © on 00 to CO 00 © 0)i —1 CD — © o hn 4- CD CD to © CO to -J * 55 h-1 4-> • ,_. rt 00 rt rt 00 to rt 4- hH to to OS to to to IT) 4> to eo to CD on —4 to to 0n 4-. © oo 4- to hH 00 4-- UO (X) to On to — © o 1-1 00 CO to tn -4 rt On to tn © 4> © CD on h-1 -4 CO -j CO tn OS On hn M eo On CD CO to -4 to 4- © h-' hn rt 4-. to rt 00 hH rt rt 4- rt hH ,_, h-' to h-l ,_, 4- to ,_, nn KM to OS 4-- 4-- to mh- o to © on (—• to to 00 CO to CO 00 —1 r- eo to to © 00 -4 to 4- OS © *- CO to CO © to o hH to © —1 00 h-1 © -4 OS CO 00 CO On ■ 3 |-H rt rt os to On • OS hH CO 4- On CD hH to hH 4- hH to r-1 4-. to —1 4- 4- e~i © OS —1 hH rt 4> hH 4- -1 © -1 *4 -4 1-4 OS CO . 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Snow. > > 00 00 to O © 1-1 o o to o 00 4- to 00 © to 00 o eo tn to OO 4-> © ' rt h- 00 CO 00 -4 1-1 to rt to rt 4-. —1 © CO 1—1 -4 4- to hH p i< rt . hH rt hH ,_, rt tO m H to © © 00 © -4 to to © -4 00 eo 4-- -4 On 4- to to 1-1 o © © © " © © © to to 4-- © rt On tn OS CO hn © 4-. 4- tn © co to o 4- On 4-. •y, u TO y x © © © o to © I-h rt to OS to 00 OS tn CO OS tn to OS 4- -4 4- 4- OS 4-> nn to © -4 to On On On o Cn • © • eo CD it- hn OS to © -1 © to 4-. to © hH 4- © 00 -4 ID CO to —1 © OS -J OS On to Ol 00 Am't in inches. o 00 © On ■ o © 4-. tn h-H o 00 eo —1 to '-' © Oi —l CD © to " © © © hH © to o © © -J CD CD to o © ^ *1 *4 H hH 3 o I-l rt Ul cr re cr JO B o G W I-h -i H _ On h3 re r- r* l 2 tr" w SB W i—i Ul H CO oo CO 340 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1850. STATIONS. Fort Martin Scott.. San Antonio...... Fort Brown....... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh..... Fort Duncan...... Fort Inge.......... Fort Lincoln....... El Paso........... Socorro........... Albuquerque....... Cebolletta........ Las Vegas......... Santa Fe.......... Fort Yuma........ San Diego......... San Luis Rey...... Monterey.......... Benicia........... Sonoma........... Camp Far West... Astoria............ Columbia Barracks. Dalles of Columbia. Fort Steilacoom ... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. 36.09 41.45 51.92 46.90 42.45 39.58 39.22 29.48 21.24 18.45 19.58 9.00 14.03 37.08 40.83 43.51 43.72 40.21 41.77 36.25 37.16 31.80 29.27 33.96 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 39.32 46.61 61.03 55.61 50.48 49.80 45.19 41.00 28.15 24.70 26.22 27.96 24.45 51.76 50.09 51.80 50.14 46.24 49.32 42.41 38.93 35.60 31.74 35.58 41.58 56.45 64.12 65.74 60.48 62.45 53.16 48.00 39.30 36.32 33.19 34.67 35.77 65.26 58.48 59.41 54.58 55.19 57.52 52.83 47.51 40.37 35.60 41.96 39.74 46.19 55.80 54.35 49.80 49.06 45.67 35.00 30.14 24.39 23.16 15.29 18.77 36.33 45.38 47.70 47.91 44.14 48.03 40.87 39.05 35.37 33.57 37.09 39.18 47.67 58.22 55.65 50.80 50.22 45.81 38.37 29.71 25.96 25.54 21.73 23.25 51.70 48.69 50.60 49.09 46.45 49.16 43.09 40.66 35.78 32.55 37.15 64 79 86 90 86 81 67 10 18 22 18 17 12 20 66 62 52 47 51 54 75 67 70 65 63 72 61 59 49 46 50 4 — 1 — 5 3 —29 —11 15 29 33 30 28 28 24 22 15 5 20 Above mean. 24.8 31.3 27.8 34.3 35.2 30.8 21.2 27.6 32.3 26.0 21.5 29.3 30.8 23.3 18.3 29.4 15.9 16.5 22.8 17.9 18.3 13.2 13.4 12.8 Below mean. 29.2 29.7 36.2 37.7 33.8 38.2 25.8 34.4 30.7 31.0 23.5 50.7 34.2 36.7 19.7 17.6 19.1 18.5 21.2 19.1 18.7 20.8 27.6 17.2 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. 69 42 51 26 69 20 117 13 15 26 103 17 27 14 124 14 14 37 156 69 17 41 118 ! 2 41 ! 18 39 30 34 33 23 37 100 28 30 2 14 4 20 1 | 1 13 ] 32 7 ' 10 22 | 47 62 21 28 0 26 3 8 185 52 27 "5H CO PA X H Ui M © LO O 00 X „ PA PA X pa X £ < o w l-H X rJ5 X O o X o rH PA o © +4 u 1X1 o u Un « «! s « Or G CD On o rt © LO © ■rt -et CT © CT CO CT on CD on © © © © CT rH CO ■saqou an, ray t— © o rt rt rt to It) rH CO © © CM © fr- © CT r5 Ul a y, CT CT © © © ri CT • r-1 © © 1-1 CO r-H © I-H CT CT CT eo CT CO rH •Along CT rn ,_, o r-H rn rn rn © LO o 00 i— O © © © O O O © rt rt rt < y, C4 < P •uibh 00 CC 1-1 CT Ui LO rt rt r-i I-H CT o © © 1-1 I— rt 00 l— © r-H CO CT l-H 00 CO 00 /Cpnoio CT LO m to LO CO CT rn © • CO LO ID on © LO CT fr— eo I- CO ei Q . r-H 7-1 " 1-1 1-1 CO CT LO to ID rt en r-i . LO CO CO CO CT CO © rt co rt 00 -.trej rH 1-1 • CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT 1-1 1-1 1—1 r" © CT © to CD CO CO © © © . , LO ID LO CO rt © © i— • CT C3 CT © uu rt • © fr- © to © ' CO fr- © CO CO • eo LO rH S fr- • CO rt eo LO • rt ee to LO LO * ■ 00 CO ee CO 00 CO eo rt * -1 s OO . CT to LO © t— © O © CO © eo o rH on CO to CT • CT 40 LO CT L- CO to • rH © CT CO © • fr- o © LO rH rt ■ © CT • r-H W EH -0 O OJ fr— • rt ■>* CO LO • rt t- I— CO LO ' * OO fr- t— fr- 00 CO rt CT • Oi H 3 — ih td L S* 3. (-H CB rt £• 2 2 co P O w r td > ST F rT cr 2. f < r? W rf P> aWg^h-l^r-jhOQh.HrlHhHrrl -CB.rji-Il^rfpirii-ii-J-, " ti S ^ 5 " or g: s td to r^^ffl- tro. ►5^ -Tj g H^ .-j* --H rTJ r^ r^j r"^ r^j r-^ **j ootrsr-s^ooooooo 3 O a. rt a 0 CIS O c 3 o 5 ! " a* "T3 P 3 X . B > T> -i • w p 2. CD cc • s : p CD p p o pr Ul w >5 o 5£ 5 i o: s- s O CC 1-3 > Q ? cp td oo S W ■h 3 3 2. S BI OO 00 4-. OS 4a- -4 © CO 4^4-C45WOSO3OSOSO00000tOO000tOtOtOtOtO0O0OO300O04^4^4^4^4a.4^4^4H.4^4-. isistpoact)-ii4Cii*.irOtooHai-ir.oicoiota44eoco©©ooooos4-.tOhn©o Cnt004-.l04---.4-.lO©© 0nO0n©00tn-400CD© © 4-. © rt On Cn © -4 4-, to 4- CO OS OS tO -4 rt rt OS OO 4-. tO 00 © OS On to rrt to eo©eoeoeococcooa 4-o r tn -1 4- hH o CO © On 4-> OS © © to OS 00 to 00 © 00 eo 00 to hn OS © to © © eOCOeOCOeDOOOOOOOOOOOOODOO-4-4-4-4-400 4-.©OnhH©OOOOtOtOrt©h-rtCO©©Ol-4© tO4-.©OlhH0Sh-hH -4 -4 4j 4-, M-. tO h- © © CI ©4-.rtOO*-©©©0 O00-4hH000n004-tO00©0n©00©hHt0©eC(O ~4 On Ol On _ 00 © On -4 o 4- © OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOWO © 00 4- © H-. rt On © rt © O © © rt rtrttOtOtOlOtOOOOSOSOS4-.On4-.4-. -4O0O0I—iOO©COOlOOOlOllOh-©-4 OS -4 © 00 © Ol 00 © 00 Ol to © 00 4-. rtOtOtOhHtOhHH-- ©OO©©©©© Q04-.COCOOnH--©a5COeDhHCDCOrttO -4 tO 00 © 00 -4 CO ©-4-4©©©©©© -4 -4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 a0tO©0S©tOhn©CO4-.Cn©C0©©4-.©00© On -4 -4 On © © 00 © -4 tO tO tO rt hn Cnon©ocon©tOtOt04-.4i. 0©tOi©0-4000nOSO© OlOlJ-,OSOSO000tOtOtOtOtOO0C00SO0C0tOtOt0 Cn©WtO4j(Ort0D-44->4-.Cr,tOC0OIOS4:.00-4-4 -4 M-. 00 On © 4- 00 CO © On ©00©C00nto-4© 00 On 4- Oi4-.4i.j4.C04-H-.0S4-.4- ©-4©©CD©©-4©4-> ■4-4-t-4-<|4je)0)C) 00©004-.h-hHOO—4tn Ol 00 © © CO 4-. CO -4 4> © -4 tO On 00 to © © O © CO -4 © tO 00 © On 4-. On to i-h © 00 © OD H-. 00 w O W O f o o hH a r» f td « hH Ul r3 -4 -4 -4 © -4 4*. © On © © -4 -4 -4 00 -4 00 H-. CO 00 rt CO I—i © Oi 00 Oi Oi © to © O CO CO 00 CO *» O OS o 4-. to eo oo a-, c. -4-4-4 -4 On 00 CO O 4-. 00 On -4 00 i-h CTS rt 4-. 00 © © METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 343 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1850. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 50.45 39.71 23.96 38.24 59.72 49.32 25.00 43.07 87 — 6 43.9 49.1 Maine. 50.27 40.02 22.40 40.50 64.59 49.56 24.83 44.87 92 — 8 47.1 52.9 Maine. 50.02 40.69 23.91 40.74 65.65 49.73 25.96 45.52 96 - 6 50.5 51.5 New Hampshire. 55.49 45.98 32.72 43.39 69.23 55.37 33.38 50.34 84 6 33.7 44.3 Rhode Island. 54.78 44.82 31.52 44.37 69.71 54.12 32.91 50.28 87 6 36.7 44.3 Connecticut. 55.72 47.05 34.67 45.51 71.35 56.44 34.76 52.01 94 12 42.0 40.0 New York harbor. 53.78 45.19 33.22 44.90 71.24 54.43 33.14 50.93 94 9 43.1 41.9 New York harbor. 51.91 42.87 29.37 44.52 68.40 52.15 30.96 49.01 92 6 43.0 43.0 New York. 48.05 39.03 21.40 41.56 70.66 48.76 23.08 46.01 88 —18 42.0 64.0 New York. 46.86 38.95 19.32 38.46 66.44 48.23 21.74 43.72 90 —14 46.3 57.7 New York. 48.02 40.32 19.73 40.65 69.64 49.47 23.07 45.71 91 —22 45.3 67.7 New York. 48.40 41.28 23.68 39.78 68.61 50.18 26.00 46.14 90 — 1 43.8 47.2 New York. 49.43 43.26 27.59 41.61 69.71 50.67 28.62 47.65 88 5 40.4 42.6 New York. 49.33 42.08 32.68 45.18 72.29 51.31 32.73 50.38 95 2 44.6 48.4 Pennsylvania. 50.20 41.48 32.05 46.60 72.84 51.27 31.53 50.56 92 — 4 41.4 54.6 Pennsylvania. 56.06 36.30 48.46 74.00 36.42 98 10 .... Pennsylvania. 58.23 51.36 40.37 51.51 75.73 59.16 39.44 56.46 92 12 35.5 44.5 Maryland. 60.65 52.67 45.75 53.54 76.13 61.59 44.04 58.82 94 18 35.2 40.8 Virginia. 66.28 59.84 55.58 63.50 81.30 67.98 53.72 66.37 95 24 28.6 22.4 South Carolina. 65.58 58.30 55.04 66.61 81.52 67.04 ...... ...... 96 31 32 -- Georgia. East Florida. 77.17 74.36 72.57 82.90 78.06 ...... ...... 95 52 .... East coast of Peninsula, near 77.41 73.54 74.17 ...... ...... 78.03 ...... ...... 91 59 .... .... Florida. [Cape Florida. 81.65 95 .... N 'r Charlotte harbor, W. coast 72.02 ...... ...... 73.65 80.40 ...... ...... 91 44 .... Tampa Bay, Fla. [Peninsula. 66.96 55.57 52.04 67.11 79.47 66.95 53.33 66.72 95 26 28.3 40.7 Alabama. Mississippi. 66.41 60.58 55.49 68.09 ...... ...... 56.71 98 24 .... .... Louisiana. 65.47 51.17 71.07 82.36 57.90 100 21 .... .... Louisiana. 63.12 51.71 39.29 60.17 76.37 63.37 44.14 61.01 95 7 34.0 54.0 Indian Territory. 65.53 53.57 37.16 59.59 62.22 79.64 65.38 43.50 62.03 97 92 1 4 35.0 61.0 Indian Territory. Arkansas. 62.48 50.52 36.01 57.13 80.44 62.85 40.51 60.23 100 — 1 38.0 61.2 Indian Territory. 58.20 46.09 27.41 50.89 78.02 58.64 32.55 55.02 98 — 3 43.0 58.0 Kansas. 57.44 47.28 31.04 51.14 79.24 58.09 33.44 55.48 95 — 2 39.6 57.5 Missouri. 54.15 44.72 29.85 50.45 77.79 55.39 31.24 53.72 102 — 5 48.3 58.7 Missouri. 54.40 47.18 51.30 76.91 56.15 98 0 .... .... Kentucky. 49.58 44.21 25.98 44.97 71.97 51.46 28.80 49.30 93 —13 53.7 62.3 Michigan. 48.08 42.25 24.42 40.08 68.93 49.23 26.91 46.29 94 —16 47.7 62.3 Michigan. 45.22 36.14 19.58 35.90 65.52 46.76 22.11 42.57 86 —10 43.4 52.6 Michigan 45.29 37.38 18.66 37.04 64.34 45.71 20.73 41.96 94 —11 52.0 53.0 Michigan. 47.33 34.69 17.84 38.97 68-22 46.11 21.00 43.57 91 -14 47.4 57.6 Green Bay, Wisconsin. 42.85 30.50 6.03 34.60 65.94 42.65 8.99 38.05 90 —28 52.0 60.0 Upper Mississippi river, Min 49.22 33.73 12.42 37.76 73.42 48.00 14.69 43.47 98 —24 54.5 67.5 Minnesota. 55.84 42.19 25.20 48.10 75.74 55.27 28.67 51.94 100 —11 48.1 62.9 Kansas. 41.98 35.31 39.14 19.15 24.50 43.52 72.05 47.04 23.11 46.43 100 —12 53.6 53.4 Platte river, Nebraska. Arkansas river, Kansas. 60.68 52.92 0 • • ■ « Canadian river, Indian Ter. O Tl 0 EL I *1 > o 73 td 73 r- 71 73 *1 H 73 ^ -1 > ' ■Jl W *3 1 r- TI W 1 'Jl *1 ■n r- ■-H ->n p n P> 3 p P CD "3 3 3 3 o 3 3 3. •D 4 3 3 < -t 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 CO © c o 0 TJ p Ul 0 3- 1-1 i-l uq 3 I-l -1 Z 3 g? 3 2. 1 §* O o g 1-1 . CD CC o <-n o . 0^ g" < P 3 cs 0 G < CD 1 -t a' rt ti P-t CD Ul 3 2 p' "-J 1 P 3 o, Ul cs 0 » lG "t G » »• : SB CD U cd' trq o c 3 p P TJ n\ < CD B •fl 5* In XI c CD -I r-l e CD -t -t -H 3 ■s 3* s1 Oh CD "p 3 n -> 3 0 cn. o S W p ~f p o 33 HJ I > 3 3 3 3' 5 -? P o 3- crq _.. -r 3 p Ul ? o . o ; r-» 3 l I 0 -t ? -i H O y, Un 3 : o- • w -i- ocj : p * : • A. OS OS OO OS OS OS OS to OS OS 00 to OS 00 OS to to to to to to to OS JO OS jO IO w OS -4 On on tn © to 00 X -4 © 00 to to © tn On On tn — hn to UO -4 © Oi CO o © P 4a. IO H © to © 4- CO rt — 4a. to — OS i_i © _ 4a. to © OS OS to Ol to nn (a. to •Jl 4- — O © © © hH -4 © 00 00 © OS to OS Cn l~' On Ol © © 4- to to uo © CO 4-- Oi © © © © © rt tO to to K) to to to IO to tO hH © CT © © © cn © CO eo © CO CO CO CO CO CO £> CO S o t" to to © to to OS © to to to hn -4 -4 4a. tn OT On —1 © © © CO © 00 -4 00 CO 00 -4 -4 to to 4-. IO OS 4- rt to © to On to l_i OS 4a. CT i_i to OS On OS 00 4a. to to 4a. tO iO © O *- NO to - 1* j -4 On On 4a. © 00 00 00 Jt. © CO On 4a. © 0n to © © uo © (JO 00 uo IO © On tn tn © Jl © On 4a. oo hH - 1? P to to hH h-1 hH It) K) o On 00 to © m 4a. to 00 OS O o ti £ © © © o 4- tn © © rj tn 4- tO Oi to 4a. © OS OS © © © © © tn © © © © © CD n, © © o © © O o o - © O O © o o © 00 © to O © © O © O © o o © © © © ~t> r* S 0. •-. "" ■ ■" ■■" ■" "" "" ■■" "" £ « to OS ' 00 CO . 4- . 4- 4a. . On OS to OS to 00 On On On © © © Oi tn On Ji 4a. Ch 4-. On 00 UO 4-. . -4 • to . o uo 4- On to -4 4a. UO © Ol IO -4 4a. 4^ y> Ci3 OS 00 © nn © • OS to • to to rn m to —4 © CO © -4 4- 4a. tO r-1 -I •o CO hH -J • h-1 4- tn . -4 tn • Oi On tn o O On © K" CO CJO 00 CD 00 On 4- © to OS 44 4- . *- On . cn 00 00 4a. n- 44 Oi On On © OS i© Ol tn tn tn Jl rt CO • © • tn . co © . to I-1 4a. © © © © On 00 hn On © © to 00 4a. S © rt CO 00 • rt rn • 4a. eo OS © tn — Ol CT) -4 CD On © -4 00 OS Hi © © to CO 00 ■ © On ■ to rt © 00 O to CO —1 rt On -4 00 C X ss eo © Jl r- IO 4- OS • 4- • On 4a. tn . On 4a. 4a. 4a. 4a. — © © © © -4 -4 C Oi Jl Jl s tn © • -4 ■ to • hH CO © . 4a. O m C*i © uo to rt © UO o o to -4 IO O -4 Jl to On . to . to . to -4 © • 00 to to to to -4 00 on 4- © eo ess tn rt CO 43 00 © 00 rt ' ' to © . © to -4 • — CD tn © *-. to © CO to Ol hn CO © 00 -1 (a. Hi 4- 4- • On • Ol • Oi On '. On on 4- *. On On © © © -4 -4 -4 © > tO -4 • © -4 . 4- 4- . © © to © On -- OS to 4a. © OS CO to OS e- to rt •o -4 OS . © Ol • 4- On • 4a. -4 to 00 to to 00 i_i CO © CD tO OS X) s rt OS hH Ol • Cn CO ■ 1—1 to © to © On to '"' -4 4a. IO 4a. On -4 00 o 00 © • tn • © • -4 " tn On '. © tn • tn tn © © © -4 -J -4 • On • • O • hH . On On . 1—1 hH hn to m 00 00 © On © © 4a. tO on OO 00 00 -4 . Or ■ rt . 00 . to CO • cx On -4 © O CO on CO to 4a. CO 0O Ol -4 " * 00 ■ "" 4- ' © Ol to CJO On UO 4- to -4 i-h cn tO Ol 00 Ol 00 • © : : © : : ; c n On tn '. © © : © © -4 —1 -4 -4 m on • hH • 1—1 ■ • 4a. • 4a. 00 O CO © 00 © to On © © 00 4a. © 00 -4 c a oi * hH . OS . - ■i to -4 • O to , rt on -4 On -4 4a. -4 tO * ■ to ■ • ■ " to • © 00 tn © to -4 to 00 CO -4 00 r Oi Ol 00 i*- 00 © : : © : : ; c n tn -4 © -4 © -4 -4 -4 m IT) ID CD • " ■ ■ -4 © © -J © Ol eo 00 © 00 4a. 4a. Ol to © OS rt c . to rt • e n On © OO to to OS CO to 4a. m © «<,■• 00 o Ol -4 —i 4a. CO 4- —4 cn -4 tO © o © © ; ; © © 1 I c IS tn -4 -4 -4 -4 —4 -4 m m on nn CT) CO > • ' ' Oi 00 © 4a. to -4 to 00 © © tO 4- Ol 00 OS to On Oi • -- © to . - 4 -4 -4 4a. to © CO 4-. tn — On © 4a. nn ci- • • © rt on 1-1 o — o 4a. to © CO to © © 00 OS © - -4 © tn tn " © tn : : c IS : On -4 -4 • © -4 © -4 on ID on on m CO 00 00 ra 1—1 • • h-' ■ © © UO 00 On 4a. © OS 4a. 00 00 © 00 00 CO Ol 4- . © CO . c 3 On on 4a. 4a. OS © © to © to OS © -4 © 1 to ' © © 4a. -4 1—1 -4 h- to On 00 4a. X — - On © © OS CO CO i METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 345 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1850. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. • Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 66.82 53.67 38.87 61.82 81.69 66.06 46.48 64.01 107 7 43.0 56.0 Northern Texas. 66.62 55.94 40.35 62.84 82.60 66.99 ...... ...... 104 5 .... .... Colorado river, Texas. 68.51 54.72 40.17 64.03 79.86 67.16 50.24 65.32 103 4 37.7 61.1 Texas. 70.58 56.94 43.41 63.20 79.14 69.34 50.40 65.52 102 9 36.5 54.5 Texas. 62.05 51.47 39.18 61.96 75.99 62.35 48.57 62.21 96 10 4.38 51.2 Texas. 73.27 63.63 47.67 74.67 83.74 73.32 53.91 71.41 101 18 2.96 53.4 Texas. 76.26 67.26 58.22 73.32 83.32 76.08 62.24 73.49 98 22 24.5 51.5 Rio Grande, Texas. 77.08 66.60 55.65 74.64 87.72 75.58 62.23 75.54 107 18 31.5 67.5 Rio Grande, Texas. 75.73 62.85 50.80 73.02 86.15 75.07 57.47 72.92 107 17 34.1 55.9 Rio Grande, Texas. 74.70 63.49 50.22 70.46 83.57 74.19 55.86 71.02 105 12 34.0 59.0 Rio Grande, Texas. 68.02 61.14 45.81 64.98 81.26 70.39 52.19 67.20 101 20 33.8 47.2 Southwestern Texas. 77.15 • ••••• »••••• 65.19 80.25 101 30 .... .... Southwestern Texas. 70.00 38.37 101 4 .... .... Rio Grande, Southern N.Mex. 60.38 43.91 29.71 55.79 78.45 59.30 33.19 56.68 104 — 1 47.3 57.7 Rio Grande, New Mexico. 55.52 40.81 25.96 52.47 73.70 54.80 33.89 53.57 94 — 3 40.4 58.6 Rio Grande, New Mexico. 59.06 41.03 25.54 51.37 74.03 56.80 33.47 53.92 100 3 46.1 50.9 New Mexico. 48.88 32.98 21.73 46.42 68.37 49.44 31.39 48.90 97 —29 46.1 77.9 Border of the Plains, Eastern 55.75 23.25 51.70 28.47 100 84 —11 15 .... • • • • New Mexico. [N. Mexico. Upper New Mexico. Colorado river, California. 66.28 56.52 48.69 58.71 68.63 64.75 50.79 60.72 97 29 36.3 31.7 Southern California. 65.53 58.50 50.60 ...... ...... 65.84 ...... ...... 96 33 .... .... Coast of Southern California. 57.01 53.49 49.09 53.70 53.15 57.33 56.69 49.39 54.78 74 70? 30 19.2 24.8 California. California. 64.30 54.44 53.81 46.45 49.16 68.00 61.25 47.66 103 28 28 .... .... California. San Pablo Bay, California. 66.00 50.25 43.09 59.54 ...... ...... 44.34 107 24 .... .... Marysville, California. 55.45 46.44 40.66 ...... ...... 53.76 ...... ...... 75 22 .... .... Astoria, Oregon. 53.83 43.11 35.78 51.36 65.12 52.85 38.30 51.91 91 19 20 39.1 32.9 Oregon. [Oregon. Mouth of Willamette river, 52.64 37.93 32.55 ...... ...... 49.33 ...... ...... 5 .... .... Columbia river, Oregon. 51.87 41.21 37.15 47.81 62.93 49.86 37.38 49.49 86 20 — 8 36.5 29.5 Puget's Sound, Wash'n Ter. Near Fort Hall, Oregon. 44 346 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1850. Fort Sullivan.......... Foi-t Preble............ Fort Constitution....... Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull......... Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............. Watervliet Ai-senal..... Plattsbui-g Barracks___ Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario........... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort Mifflin............ Fort McIIenry......... Fort Monroe........... Fort Moultrie.......... Oglethorpe Barracks ... Key West.............. Fort Brooke........... Mount Vernon Arsenal East Pascagoula....... New Orleans Barracks . Baton Rouge Barracks. Fort Towson.........., Fort Washita........ Fort Smith............. Fort Gibson.........., Fort Scott............. rJifferson Barracks .... it. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks....., Detroit Barracks....... Fort Gratiot ........, Fort Mackinac......... Fort Brady............ Fort Howard.........., Fort Ripley............ FortSnelling........... Fort Leavenworth..... Fort Kearney.......... Fort Laramie.......... Fort Arbuckle.......... 87 0 83 0 .36 0 ,67 j 0 I 10 2 2.80 2.70 3.45 6.62 10.CS 5.C5 4.64 4.84 0.84 0.28 2.13 0.37 0.49 2.74 8.711 5.39 5.90 3.04 G 01 7.00 3.50 2.09 2.27 3.13 2.85 2.49 1.55 4.90 2.40 4.66 4.89 12.74 3.84 3.19 0.32 1.83 1.05 2.23 3.64 1.06 1.31 April. 1.50 4.60 4.70 4 97 7.43 1.44 2.72 4.30 2.92 3.78 2.87 3.39 0.46? 2.59 2.83 2.9S 3.85 2.47 2.59 6.72 1.65 4.22 4.10 9.40? 4.79 3.33 5.28 4.73 3.13 5.02 5.85 9.34 2.00 2.61 0.73 2.15 2.67 2.60 1.74 1.07 May. 5.10 15.50? 8.31 5.75 8.52 6.74 9.20 8.26 4.70 7.13 6.15 3.04 *0.70 3.30 4.83 7.65 3.C8 3.24 4.10 6.00 3.98 6.72 6.20 4.19 2.04 4.22 3.12 0.375 2.19 3.46 3.41 3.58 0.29 1.02 0.50 0.70 1.52 0.57 2.82 2.SS 1.03 1.41 6.10 4.80 2.73 2.42 5.C9 2 11 3.07 3.83 1.91 2.58 1.64 2.03 6.64 2.62 3.38 1.65 1.66 1.12 0.78 1.20 2.05 2.01 8.92 9.01 5.C6 5.67 3.27 4 58 4.80 1.52 0.17 5.82 2.65 4.79 1.68 2.92 4.92 6.00 4.62 5.99 9.93 1.40 July. 7.10 2.90 2.04 4.01 9.39 3.68 3.92 5.89 5.27 4.12 7.57 6.09 6.37 2.82 8.90 5.23 3.10 18.01 2.32 14.80 2.02 11.98 6.44 6.31 4.28 3.29 3.30 1.00 0.27 2.95 3.08 10.66 2.85 3.06 5.05 8.15 6.34 11.92 6.15 1.63 5.38 1.80 Aug. | Sept. 2.58 3.85 6.50 3.65 8.94 6.16 7.21 5.13 3.34 1.38 3.12 1.25 5.17 1.27 2.72 6.84 4.70 3.27 4.03 12.67 3.38 5.43 5.13 1.76 3.75 4.39 4.80 3.00 5.45 5.20 1.17 12.70 3.56 1.80 4.10 4.09 6.94 2.51 2.97 2.27 1.66 0.51 4.80 5.95 6.68 5.23 12.95 4.20 4.71 8.14 4.23 4.56 4.75 2.40 7.25 3.62 5.65 S.45 4.70 2.31 2.68 3.37 3.93 2.71 0.15 1.03 3.58 2.63 2.30 0.35 0.52 2.75 2.20 3.62 2.11 1.73 5.52 4.90 2.69 1.77 1.82 0.72 0.43 0.22 Oct. Nov. 3.24 3.00 3.45 2.80 2.76 2.48 3.58 2.39 5.89 4.45 1.83 1.98 3.16 2.33 2.34 2.17 3.37 1.69 7.64 3.10 12.39 3.93 5.59 4.81 3.10 3.06 4.29 2.19 4.08 0.87 1.54 3.10 4.30 0.76 1.92 o.ss 1.99 0.70 0.80 4.18 0.01 2.89 0.85 2.32 0.96 1.58 1.03 5.19 6.21 2.56 5.14 3.75 4.75 1.56 4.39 1.75 4.11 2.45 4.65 1.80 6.45 1.11 2.36 1.01 2.19 5.05 8.15 4.00 1.35 1.10 2.59 1.45 3.65 0.82 1.68 0.85 3.84 0.26 1.57 0.28 0.22 1.70 5.40 Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. 4.80 9.40 15.78 11.04 4.50 22.80 11.05 12.20 2.22 16.46 11.27 11.92 6.58 17.54 10.08 11.20 10.38 26.63 27.02 23.29 5.77 13.73 11.95 8.01 5.36 17.56 14.20 10.20 5.65 17.40 14. ?5 12.65 2.75 8.46 10.52 9.29 7.25 11.19 8.08 15.80 6.26 11.15 12.33 21.07 2.90 6.80 7.37 12.80 1.S2 1.05 18.18 13.41 4.76 8.63 6.71 10.10 3.81 10.91 15.00 10.60 4.66 16.02 13.72 4.40 12.83 9.46 12.10 7.10 8.75 22.40 4.99 4.64 12.70 7.13 5.55 3.27 19.72 28.67 4.87 2.10 7.32 9.13 19.46 5.22 18.03 12.58 3.32 3.46 12.57 9.28? 16.72 17.04 5.07 9.68 12.73 14.06 3.75 11.04 9.95 13.77 10.00 3.00 10.00 8.58 8.85 2.21 7.72 10.52 6.45 3.32 13.14 9.67 8.61 2.17 14.15 4.42 9.30 25.66? 29.38? 11.87 1.49 6.13 9.06 5.58 1.98 6.82 9.65 4.93 0.40 1.53 10.83 13.72 2.91 4.68 15.16 10.25 0.95 18.20 6.38 0.51 5.24 20.43 6.87 0.04 5.40 18.74 8.82 0.76 7.70 9.89 5.41 0.30 5.01 16.97 2.26 1.25 3.75 3.71 0.72? 10.95 12.55 11.08 15.33 26.04 12.20 13.57 15.04 4.96 9.33 12.97 5.66 6.50 11.97 10.85 11.47 10.41 13.62 10.42 19.62 15.39 33.87 18.17 7.53 7.57 5.32 8.19 7.26 4.63 4.85 0.83 5.57 2.78 2.54 4.07 0.83 Year. 47.17 59.00 50.73 54.15 102.98? 45.89 54.53 57.94 83.23 43.90 57.51 32.63 39.74 37.41 47.36 43.80 49.76 35.80 48.55 49.64 42.34 35.00 30.01 89.61 85.13 25.40 25.75 26.91 35.66 35.32 25.50 27.07 25.07 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 347 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1850. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Fort Worth.................... 0.60 0.30 0.90 0.69 2.07 3.80 0.61 0.72 0.12 0.71 0.52 0.05 lr10 1.26 1.13 2.00 1.68 0.60 2.60 4.83 1.20 1.35 3.10 1.57 1.37 2.30 1.93 0.46 0.02 1.42 0.60 0r01 0.63 1.00 1.00 1.30 8.38 2.45 5.60 6.71 6.70 3.87 4.70 4.25 3.40 4.60 8.34 0.05 0.79 0.51 0.98 1.11 0.50 0.42 0.02 0.55 0.02 0.65 0.09 0.33 1.40 0.60 1.00 8.27 6.90 2.57 5.00 3.45 3.22 2.20 4.55 3.70 1.00 1.07 2.50 0.12 0.21 0.23 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.40 0.80 7.30 4.83 5.60 10.28 9.63 0.06 2.76 4.93 5.51 7.00 0.17 0.18 0.28 0.80 0.68 0.00 0.01 0.00 3.22 0.40 0.50 1.50 1.60 1.71 3.10 1.16 0.17 1.19 2.85 2.70 1.29 1.26 0.85 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.35 0.01 0.20 3.70 3.95 0.69 0.37 0.17 0.01 0.11 0.07 0.60 3.19 0.70 0.54 0.45 0.26 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.60 0.45 1.18 0.39 0.25 0.08 0.00 0.10 1.50 2.80 0.05 0.24 0.51 1.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 1.80 0.98 0.09 1.20 2.24 3.77 0.28 0.99 0.81 5.79 0.58 2.21 1.30 1.70 0.60 1.81 0.28 1.58 0.00 0.88 0.19 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.01 6.70 2.69 0.91 2.40 4.90 1.09 1.02 3.87 2.34 0.69 2.91 2.68 3.70 8.60 4.60 0.92 1.02 0.55 0.12 2.82 3.28 0.61 2.33 1.03 2.10 13.20? 4.90 1.14 5.14 5.10 11.03 2.56 2.74 2.90 0.15 0.01 0.49 1.40 2.10 1.10 0.44 0.61 1.84 3.12 1.60 1.93 2.22 2.98 3.7S 2.18 2.00 6.20 1.29 0.19? 2.62 12.80 8.17 11.50 9.62 7.93 4.55 7.27 4.67 2.00 2.60 1.14 0.24 1.41 1.09 1.68 7.01 7.71 8.00 11.50 10.2S 7.89 12.36 12.90 1 23 3.04 6.19 8.96 12.89 2.00 1.89 1.39 0.68 0.00 0.00 11.57 0.60 7.65 5.46 1.75 6.04 3.54 6.73 3.57 4.89 5.10 6.80 5.25 2.97 1.81 8.50 0.12 3.01 8.48 0.63 1.04 21.70? 8.57 2.14 8.74 6 00 4.46 P. 50 5.61 8.25 3.76 1.60 1.92 3.19 1.01 3.39 3.06 7.93 8.30 8.91 10.55 15.97 37.95 25.60 33.52 29.98 20.76 17.64 17.35 17.98 25.48 7.12 9.69 7.84 10.29 38.40 83.31 1.00 1.07 0.64 4.30 3.14 0.39 0.40 0.38 El Paso........................ 0.05 0.45 Taos.......................... 0.00 2.95 4.44 6.31 6.66 8.52 Dalles of Columbia.............. Cantonment Loring.............. * For the last 12 days. f Name changed to Columbia Barracks in September. At Fort Trumbull and Newport Barracks the quantity of rain is largely in excess. 348 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER STATIONS. Fort Sullivan...... Fort Preble........ Fort Constitution.. Fort Adams........ Fort Trumbull..... Fort Hamilton..... Fort Columbus..... West Point........ Plattsburg Barracks Madison Barracks.. Fort Ontario...... Fort Niagara...... Alleghany Arsenal. Carlisle Barracks... Fort Mifflin (a)___ Fort Mc Henry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Oglethorpe Bar'ks (6). Key West (c)........ Fort Brooke (d)...... Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. N.Orleans Bar'ks (e). Baton Rouge Bar. (/). Fort Towson........ Fort Washita........ Fort Gibson......... Fort Scott........... Jefferson Barracks. .. St. Louis Arsenal.... Newport Barracks (g-) Detroit Barracks..... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Howard........ Fort Ripley......... Fort Snelling........ Fort Leavenworth.... Fort Kearney....... Fort Worth......... Fort Graham (ft)..... Fort Gates.......... Fort Croghan........ Fort Martin Scott.... DAYS. 147 188 159 191 186 212 200 158 153 170 176 142 161 191 170 212 206 200 188 112 216 197 143 191 178 201 213 188 190 208 194 189 198 149 161 164 217 189 177 211 247 207 214 240 234 Cloudy. 218 177 206 174 179 153 165 207 212 195 158 204 204 174 165 153 159 165 139 72 88 168 149 141 187 164 152 177 175 157 140 176 167 216 204 201 148 176 188 154 118 99 151 125 131 69 64 83 88 105 80 92 108 70 102 58 86 114 89 94 94 109 112 88 46 91 97 79 93 93 92 58 68 85 74 71 76 80 71 83 72 68 66 63 58 52 61 84 69 90 46 37 33 9 22 21 19 40 25 36 34 39 27 20 12 10 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 7 15 20 16 14 37 40 52 60 60 46 34 19 28 8 2 3 4 4 DAYS. 41 78 64 28 16 37 28 84 51 23 0 25 38 13 33 34 27 39 10 37 13 29 49 38 61 26 66 53 53 64 73 23 45 68 16 26 45 32 44 43 31 18 46 27 19 N. E. 37 19 20 35 72 35 46 9 26 43 52 28 34 18 24 66 55 71 52 40 60 61 24 33 7 40 46 41 13 21 23 48 47 44 11 32 13 27 39 50 24 17 9 21 30 13 13 32 26 4 30 23 2 15 35 0 33 16 71 21 22 62 9 18 32 45 18 33 41 57 55 22 33 47 37 23 50 55 43 60 30 29 36 18 20 16 27 8 16 8 S. E. 29 25 18 30 28 28 25 24 18 15 79 22 13 28 29 23 29 43 32 26 30 70 9 46 17 38 20 31 20 23 9 9 31 29 75 13 72 52 46 30 31 58 23 61 85 44 16 67 28 14 37 36 90 96 59 0 43 23 23 48 26 21 42 12 13 16 31 38 48 64 58 33 90 135 69 63 19 46 29 22 44 40 47 94 34 100 50 133 59 68 S. W. 58 36 24 65 96 50 42 28 42 65 120 62 65 24 65 39 49 74 41 10 53 35 53 44 9 73 43 40 31 27 25 37 38 38 31 46 20 52 18 50 29 34 21 82 32 W. 51 101 65 86 31 20 56 15 62 85 0 69 40 122 65 52 66 25 42 6 35 14 36 34 18 38 24 31 42 57 70 127 55 53 46 81 66 38 13 32 27 14 25 18 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 349 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1850. WINDS. No. of observat'ons and sum of force. N. | N. E. 1 E. S. E. 163 386 149 323 50 108 116 251 156 303 232 445 214 396 303 640 310 745 75 180 52 124 101 227 64 134 146 342 402 694 271 486 258 585 81 228 129 305 71 156 266 485 96 211 260 532 274 644 113 405 139 493 105 286 119 312 111 242 260 592 344 856 239 877 63 171 290 892 17 54 112 307 55 155 383 1009 123 371 398 1170 147 360 142 348 121 275 110 235 148 353 200 598 80 244 486 1606 111 264 185 367 92 194 100 224 144 322 170 352 222 488 357 972 338 856 35 67 9 21 95 236 359 765 114 243 61 145 384 1036 205 280 104 151 59 67 74 89 382 553 171 215 248 352 171 264 92 180 171 304 140 222 59 100 235 476 260 514 339 902 83 203 0 0 210 516 0 0 315 588 0 0 481 889 0 0 435 1259 102 299 111 322 132 329 90 171 170 339 250 683 275 848 172 522 152 253 136 239 65 93 53 94 94 211 260 672 161 473 86 222 54 139 72 161 285 554 111 291 91 233 98 191 489 1090 209 631 133 326 94 245 84 194 117 286 194 382 259 606 261 643 149 393 137 377 262 672 87 174 94 222 103 265 157 437 209 495 199 636 110 231 218 464 249 590 118 249 83 184 196 447 265 558 189 431 158 552 285 1184 37 100 172 626 167 665 296 1118 99 344 172 619 41 72 209 422 73 159 127 242 48 86 164 330 170 336 115 253 148 556 159 525 128 429 106 372 52 137 41 125 24 71 27 88 52 84 239 456 180 310 121 202 65 100 214 412 139 236 126 136 116 327 244 548 74 163 282 628 123 227 141 274 76 170 330 764 196 328 94 160 133 179 38 57 151 299 211 351 144 210 93 168 152 316 131 117 164 289 185 290 194 274 175 265 135 236 123 220 245 545 28 54 230 427 67 143 254 485 35 75 72 146 37 105 106 291 159 454 221 601 152 403 233 578 294 757 151 441 89 264 265 721 185 453 89 247 79 222 133 343 174 458 96 239 275 594 214 392 165 278 134 186 126 222 361 902 161 396 125 225 123 220 213 626 51 112 188 462 79 185 539 1368 125 351 169 450 64 196 257 414 84 187 148 193 91 129 277 441 108 201 227 487 116 302 290 705 92 216 91 164 35 69 254 ' 441 101 249 281 736 103 330 92 183 193 371 200 401 36 60 76 , 148 148 331 508 905 150 266 179 410 188 469 219 427 125 144 185 406 153 433 222 536 123 346 273 458 175 381 174 450 117 279 117 223 152 438 213 577 149 335 62 159 45 143 241 672 301 826 89 210 124 369 183 533 246 966 105 319 127 328 119 230 53 133 176 419 186 426 326 768 79 192 179 367 54 116 116 225 289 699 160 357 79 222 265 608 180 456 127 267 108 232 146 277 207 414 187 390 210 409 152 379 149 476 177 219 157 190 •70 83 184 274 378 613 73 141 54 94 261 399 172 444 199 426 82 159 122 271 137 308 200 423 130 170 216 523 126 393 95 289 64 164 125 364 400 1204 118 348 108 225 71 199 71 , 190 69 155 110 148 233 395 201 275 137 238 58 97 104 225 186 551 34 104 33 61 93 224 531 1404 86 203 100 200 156 415 108 318 86 257 63 128 246 621 238 568 326 699 72 146 158 387 77 241 119 317 30 60 342 837 274 579 127 315 20 34 174 713 350 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. STATIONS. San Antonio....... Fort Brown....... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh..... Fort Duncan...... Fort Inge (i)...... Fort Lincoln (&)... Socorro.......... Albuquerque ...... Cebolletta......... Las Vegas (.)....... Santa Fe (m)...... San Diego (n)..... San Luis Rey (o) .. Monterey......... Benicia. (p)....... Camp Far West (17) Fort Vancouver ... Astoria (r)........ Fort Steilacoom (s). Fair. 256 247 228 231 255 231 201 290 239 263 216 184 226 129 199 205 162 219 69 137 Cloudy. 109 118 137 134 110 134 164 75 126 102 88 49 139 41 166 120 77 146 84 228 Rain. 58 49 59 64 60 68 47 55 48 46 25 22 35 12 45 46 57 98 44 106 Snow. 4 1 0 2 1 1 1 13 12 35 22 17 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 20 WINDS. 28 18 25 16 39 6 45 64 101 21 32 9 21 3 73 4 46 26 1 80 N. E. E. S. E. s. 62 46 73 59 39 12 223 8 23 40 154 26 48 41 174 8 31 99 68 60 14 17 87 21 14 17 87 127 24 39 39 72 24 31 28 78 11 16 27 17 19 16 19 44 24 15 38 16 10 22 49 19 24 8 11 1 6 2 5 38 17 25 11 11 12 6 9 120 21 66 21 32 8 57 4 8 49 16 23 6 W. W. N.W 47 15 7 8 10 11 56 36 22 18 40 37 41 13 64 144 11 22 29 56 10 7 6 6 12 1 10 27 26 51 69 25 58 21 76 18 12 152 36 26 24 41 24 44 15 4 17 36 20 67 24 37 43 86 64 8 11 25 4 75 (a) November omitted. (6) Except January. (c) Last six months. (d) First ten months. (e) August and September omitted. (/) Except November. (g) Except December. (h) Last ten months. ({) Winds for the last six months. (fc) Rain not noted for the first three months. (I) Imperfect. (m) Seven months, Jan. to April, July, Aug , and Oct. (n) Winds not observed in January. (o) Last six months. (p) Except April and May. (q) First five and last three months. (r) Last five months. (s) Except December. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 351 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1850. WINDS. No. of observations and sum of force. N. N. E. E s. E. s. s.w. w. N. W. 110 249 247 652 185 334 293 708 235 475 188 495 42 83 97 321 72 180 156 365 48 104 891 2034 33 79 59 126 30 69 166 319 101 287 93 204 160 363 617 1846 106 258 29 86 22 24 96 224 64 128 194 319 162 263 697 1609 31 61 33 45 23 36 178 375 156 391 126 301 398 883 272 640 239 516 40 87 48 105 59 168 23 31 56 109 68 130 347 614 83 140 44 88 3 7 16 32 179 412 58 98 69 81 348 571 507 795 226 188 42 54 67 117 256 500 97 171 156 233 157 278 290 513 145 285 108 158 144 306 405 749 97 202 124 349 112 310 314 693 89 286 106 311 81 237 82 135 46 71 64 94 109 169 69 105 112 175 204 349 270 439 129 315 75 180 62 163 75 172 174 452 162 510 275 581 97 298 37 43 97 121 58 83 151 212 63 74 150 211 98 140 150 189 84 149 39 73 88 126 195 418 77 135 164 411 232 519 174 493 13 24 96 235 31 76 44 96 3 9 52 128 84 207 344 1053 291 494 23 37 10 16 19 34 151 220 255 425 302 495 258 444 17 38 69 123 98 213 44 138 43 121 677 1885 74 178 33 75 184 337 50 93 26 30 35 69 461 1103 43 95 50 91 45 83 104 200 82 141 265 378 83 156 127 211 89 144 608 1054 99 182 5 9 30 73 227 462 18 32 30 57 118 221 143 307 15 27 321 434 195 325 63 141 92 163 23 48 226 627 106 232 300 407 352 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1851. Fort Sullivan......... Fort Preble........... Fort Constitution..... Fort Adams.......... Fort Trumbull....... Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus........ West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal.... Plattsburg Barracks... Madison Barracks..... Fort Ontario......... Fort Niagara......... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks...... Fort Mifflin.......... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie......... Key West Barracks... Fort Myers........... Barrancas Barracks ... Mount Vernon Arsenal New Orleans Barracks Baton Rouge Barracks. Fort Towson......... Fort Washita......... Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks .... St. Louis Arsenal..... Newport Barracks..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot......... Fort Mackinac........ Fort Brady........... Fort Howard......... Fort Ripley........... Fort Snelling......... Fort Leavenworth Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Atkinson........ Fort Arbuckle......... Fort AV'orth.......... Fort Graham......... Fort Gates..........., THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 17.35 16.74 18.80 30.32 28.09 31.80 28.93 25.06 19.25 14.48 19.22 25.16 26.64 27.87 26.80, 27.80 32.29 39.45 47.16 71.06 59.90 49.68 46.48 48.29 44.74 35.87 35.03 31.35 26.80 31.19 27.00 32.00 24.64 19.83 17.07 13.68 17.06 5.29 9.32 26.09 19.12 28.77 24.93 29.03 35.48 37.67 37.16 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M 21.16 18.80 21.90 31.80 31.61 33.80 31.38 28.19 22.83 18.00 21.00 24.36 27.58 32.30 30.74 34.00 37.45 40.00 50.96 74.16 66.09 52.26 48.87 54.11 53.74 40.29 40.70 41.58 33.45 33.03 31.35 34.84 29.09 25.09 20.70 17.32 18.74 9.51 13.09 28.83 27.16 32.29 31.30 37.38 42.93 46.90 47.06 26.38 24.29 27.80 35.93 36.04 40.00 36.90 34.58 25.67 23.70 26.48 28.07 31.64 38.58 38.16 40.77 42.32 47.10 56.45 76.67 71.61 60.13 58.67 62.98 62.56 56.48 56.00 54.32 43.09 42.67 40.35 41.48 33.25 32.16 20.87 22.32 25.09 16.12 21.25 40.22 37.32 49.00 48.42 52.48 59.25 61.22 63.64 21.19 20.22 22.77 34.03 30.80 34.00 31.39 29.97 20.35 18.29 22.54 24.58 28.90 31.12 29.83 30.12 37.16 43.20 49.80 73.43 64.19 53.81 51.03 52.34 50.70 44.61 44.00 40.48 32.48 35.03 31.55 37.36 26.90 25.61 19.22 17.45 19.70 6.09 16.12 32.83 24.35 32.22 33.77 38.22 45.48 47.29 ! 43.51 i 21.52 20.01 22.82 33.03 32.22 34.90 32.15 29.45 22.03 18.62 22.31 25.69 28.69 32.47 31.38 33.17 37.30 42.44 51.09 73.85 65.45 54.00 51.26 54.43 52.94 44.31 43.93 41.91 33.71 35.48 32.56 36.42 28.47 25.67 19.47 17.69 20.15 9.20 14.95 32.00 27.00 35.57 34.61 39.28 45.78 48.27 47.84 Range. Max. Min. 45 38 44 50 51 60 51 57 40 47 46 49 49 62 62 55 50 64 68 82 79 72 72 81 78 70 73 71 63 65 62 60 52 50 38 37 41 35 44 50 62 60 68 69 76 76 80 —10 —12 —12 5 7 9 —16 —17 — 6 1 3 6 8 15 14 20 59 40 30 27 30 27 18 15 13 4 0 1 — 2 — 2 —11 27 30 —19 —39 —28 0 - 3 5 4 14 18 19 19 23.5 18.0 21.2 17.0 18.8 24.1 18.9 27.6 18.0 28.4 23.7 23.4 20.4 29.6 32.7 21.9 12.7 21.6 17.0 8.2 13.6 18.0 21.8 26.6 25.1 25.7 29.1 29.1 29.3 29.6 29.5 23.6 23.6 24.4 18.6 19.4 20.9 25.8 29.1 18.0 35.0 24.5 33.4 29.2 30.3 27.8 32.2 Below mean. No. of Observations 31.5 32.0 34.8 28.0 25.2 25.9 24.1 23.4 30.0 34.6 39.3 31.6 27.6 35.4 25.3 24.1 22.3 28.4 31.0 14.8 25.4 24.0 24.2 24.4 25.9 26.3 28.9 28.9 29.7 35.4 31.5 38.4 30.4 36.6 46.4 47.6 39.1 48.2 42.9 32.0 30.0 40.5 30.6 25.8 27.7 29.2 29.8 N. N. E. E. 14 18 10 17 3 5 33 72 8 23 2 3 16 38 10 17 4 8 9 29 8 31 8 22 1 1 25 44 0 0 16 46 10 24 8 23 18 37 15 24 7 8 13 43 6 15 1 2 31 110 0 0 0 0 54 71 7 11 1 1 5 15 26 54 8 16 0 0 20 44 0 0 2 3 6 11 10 12 6 6 4 4 8 11 2 6 1 1 20 40 15 33 3 6 17 35 7 28 21 42 4 7 8 26 28 69 8 17 28 126 14 43 3 6 30 110 16 57 27 73 6 25 48 125 17 33 17 31 14 19 27 34 7 20 42 143 1 3 38 79 9 17 24 39 32 63 19 32 17 21 31 62 2 4 23 50 19 61 9 15 13 36 28 92 8 31 3 12 18 44 9 11 2 2 14 28 0 0 0 0 9 12 5 11 11 12 48 140 3 4 5 8 6 8 13 25 9 12 23 47 7 11 7 10 27 68 11 31 14 44 5 20 1 1 24 66 14 25 11 35 5 10 32 73 6 8 0 0 7 11 12 17 10 19 34 47 10 11 0 0 38 85 11 29 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 18 14 1 .. 11 24 2 5 5 12 50 53 9 5 28 48 7 19 25 37 1 1 26 75 4 10 6 12 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 353 MONTH OF JANUARY, 1851. WINDS. WEATHER. ] IAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 0 5 1 REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. w. N. W. S. R. .A.M. 3 P. M. .P.M. Mean. &H >> ■o 3 O 5 0 "3 0 0 Ul 4 17 9 26 n 20 30 54 43 62 4.03 4.70 5.54 0.64 3.74 12 19 4 9 2.81 2 5 4 9 2 7 38 66 35 53 4.70 5.22 5.03 5.87 5.20 14 17 1 9 3.55 3 9 7 29 11 18 40 81 33 71 2.09 3.58 3.74 4.32 3.43 12 19 2 6 2.13 12 36 12 28 22 81 26 69 27 99 4.77 4.74 4.35 5.97 4.95 14 17 5 0 3.12 5 12 5 14 32 69 11 16 45 L04 3.19 4.22 5.00 5.29 4.42 13 18 6 2 4.60 2 6 13 41 15 44 15 45 45 186 5.25 5.03 5.40 5.30 5.24 15 16 4 2 2.39 3 6 7 11 24 45 23 64 27 78 3.80 3.77 4.77 5.42 4.19 12 19 4 3 1.46 9 0 16 0 21 26 47 75 20 12 38 39 15 36 41 131 39 19 120 55 3.19 6.19 3.22 6.90 3.51 7.38 5.03 7.00 3.73 6.87 9 13 22 18 4 1 4 6 0.82 1.32 Clearness inaccurate. 0 0 17 35 19 31 9 9 17 35 2.06 2.90 8.70 3.06 4.18 10 21 3 3 2.19 14 22 32 55 25 0 64 0 17 62 60 144 13 0 32 0 16 20 65 79 2.61 6.19 2.64 5.87 4.19 6.29 4.06 4.25 3.37 5.65 10 14 21 17 3 1 10 7 2.39 2.61 Clearness inaccurate. 13 22 12 21 45 108 11 32 25 105 1.87 2.74 2.84 2.87 2.58 11 20 3 7 1.20 9 9 17 26 43 93 25 75 10 35 3.87 3.51 3.54 5.19 4.02 14 17 5 2 0.35 3 7 13 28 4 4 75 203 6 22 6.58 6.96 7.38 7.25 7.04 16 15 3 2 0.51 2 4 *23 61 24 65 31 101 9 41 4.38 5.67 5.90 5.29 5.31 17 14 5 1 1.25 5 12 4 9 24 46 9 20 50 138 3.93 6.35 6.22 3.87 5.09 19 12 5 0 1.70 4 10 4 11 34 72 26 67 12 33 4.06 4.25 4.77 6-09 4.79 16 15 7 0 3.21 5 11 14 38 20 58 8 31 32 97 3.06 3.70 4.25 5.06 4.01 17 14 11 0 3.67 26 73 16 44 0 0 4 24 5 23 5.32 5.45 6.13 7.00 5.97 21 10 5 0 2.40 10 25 1 1 9 24 12 34 21 80 2.67 4.35 5.95 5.00 4.48 16 15 11 0 7.61 6 12 7 7 6 12 5 7 12 40 1.25 1.65 2.36 3.23 2.13 13 18 6 0 3.50 18 57 10 29 13 42 3 9 30 103 3.06 3.19 3.41 5.25 3.72 14 17 8 1 3.89 2 6 12 20 6 11 18 29 15 26 3.06 3.45 3.74 4.90 3.78 12 19 6 0 3.82 9 14 33 50 1 1 6 6 7 11 3.29 3.70 4.58 5.87 4.36 14 17 5 0 0.97 3 7 25 49 5 7 15 29 3 6 4.58 5.80 5.87 7.77 6.00 11 20 4 0 1.70 7 18 15 42 27 46 18 34 15 39 5.29 5.87 6.32 7.25 6.18 19 12 3 I 0.20 9 34 3 8 20 54 14 38 39 77 6.06 6.48 6.55 7.55 6.66 21 10 2 0 0.50 17 36 20 47 24 55 19 35 15 32 3.61 4.25 4.64 4.60 4.28 15 16 1 0 0.14 5 15 57 129 19 55 5 24 24 99 4.38 4.96 5.25 7.25 5.46 18 13 3 I 0.40 13 1 14 2 27 17 33 35 7 11 8 31 37 23 67 69 15 16 45 39 -- -- -- -- -- 17 16 14 15 2 2 1 0 0.28 0.40 Therm, protected? 4 10 4 7 15 35 57 132 16 38 2.61 4.19 4.06 3.90 3.69 14 17 4 2 1.24 2 4 22 41 17 42 33 72 13 28 4.29 4.45 5.09 5.22 4.76 16 15 3 6 1.11 4 11 16 52 8 30 32 112 12 39 .... .... .... .... .... 10 21 3 16 0.80 17 48 12 30 28 80 29 103 8 18 3.64 3.16 2.64 1.64 2.77 6 25 2 11 2.74 0 0 19 50 40 92 29 68 6 13 3.32 3.22 3.38 3.12 3.35 11 20 1 7 1.12 38 80 2 4 10 31 15 47 21 71 5.25 4.80 4.58 5.29 4.98 16 15 0 8 1.41 24 40 8 23 30 79 14 31 19 47 6.06 6.19 5.22 6.00 5.87 18 13 0 9 0.20 1 1 30 34 22 40 5 10 22 48 3.51 4.16 4.64 4.93 4.31 13 18 2 2 0.54 11 27 23 53 3 6 19 31 12 46 5.22 5.12 5.45 6.77 5.64 20 11 1 2 1.15 0 0 1 6 14 34 88 226 18 41 7.93 8.67 6.96 9.32 8.22 25 6 • • .. -- 10 12 10 2 46 29 2 1 1 -- 15 42 30 54 18 40 25 39 12 25 6.80 7.38 7.70 7.00 7.22 24 8 1 0 | 0.01 17 33 10 28 0 0 2 2 7 13 7.64 8.90 8.90 8.45 8.47 26 5 0 0 j 2.70 9 13 0 0 58 100 5 5 19 31 2.96 5.38 5.93 6.38 5.14 20 11 3 0 1.80 1 1 40 i 76 15 7 1 17 27 46 13 26 6.70 7.35 6.03 7.48 I 6.89 23 8 I 5 0 1---- ' 354 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1851. STATIONS. Fort Croghan...... Fort Martin Scott.. San Antonio....... Fort Brown........ Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh..... Fort Duncan...... Fort Lincoln...... El Paso........... Socorro........... Albuquerque....... Cebolletta......... Las Vegas......... Santa Fe.......... Fort Yuma........ San Diego......... San Luis Rey...... Sonoma........... Benicia........... Camp Far West... Astoria............ Columbia Barracks. Dalles of Columbia. Fort Steilacoom ... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 31 26 20 23 19 21 39 42 44 40, 41 36, 41. 39. 34. 38. A. M 3 P. M. Mean. WINDS. Range. 42.61 50.74 36.93 42.90 42.45 53.29 53.45 63.67 48.12 59.30 47.19 56.84 42.09 53.20 51.00 31.21 29.32 31.80 30.51 34.80 56.22 50.93 53.51 52.51 48.93 45.19 42.38 41.09 36.83 39.35 64.71 50.83 70.70 66.61 72.06 70.81 74.09 60.00 48.29 43.96 41.50 43.03 47.51 74.26 64.25 59.25 62.48 57.74 56.77 46.74 46.20 42.25 43.80 48.73 41.12 51.61 58.45 59.22 55.84 52.96 41.00 36.20 28.84 27.00 20.96 31.87 47.51 47.74 50.80 48.09 44.80 42.51 41.67 41.42 38.38 40.87 51.20 42.95 54.51 60.54 59.68 57.67 55.58 45.75 35.45 50.70 31.00 28.57 34.01 54.40 51.28 52.01 50.96 49.54 45.34 43.00 42.01 37.95 40.60 Max. Min. 82 23 74 22 78 27 83 34 90 * 26 87 29 86 28 Above mean. 74 64 57 54 50 59 82 80 73 80 64 64 56 61 55 58 30.8 31.1 23.5 22.5 30.4 29.4 30.5 22 28.3 10 28.6 8 26.3 9 23.0 — 7 21.5 5 25.0 30 27.6 32 31.8 38 21.0 31 29.0 33 14.5 29 18.8 28 13.0 19 19.0 19 17.1 23 17.4 Below mean. 28.2 22.9 27.5 26.5 33.6 28.6 27.5 23.7 25.4 22.7 22.0 35.5 29.0 24.4 19.2 14.0 19.9 16.5 16.5 15.0 23.0 18.9 17.6 No. of Observations 59 36 32 44 32 13 77 5 10 27 15 9 29 37 103 0 1 0 5 19 0 31 19 20 N. E. hH hH 4a CO to hH H 0 a. o O to to o rt hH Oi -4 o o Oi o CO Ol I-h CO 4- O O 0 0 00 0 Ul H 0 B hH to CO co Oi ID 4a. ,_, to to o o to 4a. CO hH to 00 -4 o o to o CO to -4 to 0 CO CJO CO to 4a. 0 3" hH hH hH nn _ to to 00 rt o CO Ol to l-H hH o to Oi o to to Ol Oi 00 to oc Ol CO -4 Oi Ul ? CO x CO hH to hH 4- Oi -4 rt CO o co Oi CO rt to o 4> 4- o CO cc CO 4) CD to --I -4 CD "* -4 135 to CO nn IO rt hH hH hH h_, O o o o to o hH CO o o Ol ^ CO to to -J to Ol -J Oi -J 0 rt 00 Ul k to h-1 to CO to CO to CO CO hH CO O o o CJO CO Ol I-h Oi CO c 00 Ol Ol CO Oi CJO CD CO uo to 00 4a to 0 — CO *- hH to 4a. to ,_, rt hH 00 (—1 CO 4- l-H -1 to o o 4- 4- Oi rt 4a- rt -4 Oi -4 CO 1-1 ^ hn 0 0 3 to 4- It) l-H hH CO h-1 Ol hn rt hH hH hH >—• to 4a Oi o CO CO 00 00 CO 4- co Oi h"' O o 4- to (JO to CO CO Oi Oi 0 to 4- IO ,_, CO Oi 4a to CO rt hn h-1 to 4a. o CO O c o CO -4 co Oi CO 4a- 00 -4 00 4-. 4- CO to Oi CO CO 0 -4 tz! k to o to hH to 4a. to hH cn Ol to Oi 4a. 4>. Oi CO o Oi Ol -J o 4a. CO to 4- Ol c CO 4- -4 1-1 cc Ol CO to Ol CO c 0 hH o 4- o -4 00 4a. Oi Ol -4 -J Oi -4 Oi -4 00 Oi -4 CO 4a. CO . ~4) Oi Ul HH CD CD nn OS -J CO o 4- CO -4 4a. Ol CD l_i 0 cn to -4 ID Oi . Ol 00 \~3 Oi O o Ol 4a. -4 to o CJ0 to -4 Oi o —1 -4 0 4-. CO 4a- CO 4a. • I-h rt g hH rt Oi o -4 0D Ol Oi Oi Oi -J CO -4 -4 00 0D -J 00 4a- Ol CO 00 —J 0 > l_l Oi 4a. CO to m nn ,_J 4- —1 4- to ID 4a. o i_ cn to 4a. CO to O CO s- to 4- o CO CO CO o 4a. CO CO -J CJO o O 0 to IX) CD Ol CO CO P 0 « ee 1 > rt hH Ol hn -J CO Oi -4 Oi Oi -4 CO -4 -1 Oi -4 Oi CT) Ol Oi CO CD 0: CO rt 4-. to cn 4a. CO Ol o to CO 4a. to -4 Oi to co CD CO Oi Oi 4a. g Ot Oi CO CD (JO Ol 00 CD CO Ol O o O CJO CO CO CO Oi 4- CO -4 CD CO O to to rt rt 00 00 Oi -4 Oi Oi 00 4a- CO -J -4 --4 Oi -4 -- Oi CO 00 -4 10 -J k o o CO 01 Oi —1 -4 o rr, -J cn o -1 to to 4a. CT) 4a. _ 0 CD IT) to TC CO Ol to CO — o CO o — 4- CO c o CO Ol O -J Ol co CO O " CO CO fl rn mn 4- hH -4 CJO Ol Oi Oi Oi •4 -4 Oi -4 44 -4 Ci -4 4-. 01 CO 00 -4 g tO O co 4a Ol -) 44 Oi to Oi CO hH on _. 44 Ol h-1 Ol to O r> rt to Ol 4a Oi (—1 -4 to l-H Oi Ol CO CO o UO Oi 4-| Oi CO to CO 4a. O to to nn ,_, ,_, to to to to to to IO to to ,_, rt ,_, to to to Fair. 4a. Oi *" Ol Ol Ol 00 CO CO o Oi Oi Oi 4a. Oi co *~ Oi Oi CO CO 4a Oi Cn fcf P << to to to to hH l-H ,_, hH hH nn ,_, nn Cloudy -4 05 o a. Ol Oi cc ti to ♦—• Oi Oi Oi -4 Oi to O Oi Ol to 00 -4 Ol Oi P to CO Oi ~a to o Oi Ol -4 h-1 to o hH hn hH hH 0 - CO CO Oi CO CO CO CO Rain. 4a. CO to CO JO -4 o o o o o o CO ; CO CO rt 0 O 0 0 0 0 O c O Snow. Ol CO CO to o to o o o o . o o O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 hH Ol o o cn Ol o o o ID t^ o O C3 O -4 !_l CT) CO -1 Am't in inches. O hn Ol o Oi 00 4a- CO CO o O ■ Oi -J to O O 0 hH 4- Ol Ol CO CO W w r- Ed w TO g O -2! h-3 i-h O ". C-H > H '4 r» rt a > M SB SO *< rt r3 o W O O hH o > H O hH Ul i-3 o< 356 • METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1851. STATIONS. Fort Sullivan....... Fort Preble......... Fort Constitution ... Fort Adams........ Fort Trumbull...... Fort Hamilton...... Fort Columbus..... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal., Plattsburg Barracks . Madison Barracks... Fort Ontario....... Fort Niagara....... Alleghany Arsenal.. Carlisle Barracks ... Fort Mifflin......... Fort McHenry...... Fort Monroe....... Fort Moultrie...... Fort Marion......., Key West Barracks. Fort Myers........ Barrancas Barracks., Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks Baton Rouge Barracks.. Fort Towson....... Fort Washita....... Fort Gibson........ Fort Scott.......... Jefferson Barracks..., St. Louis Arsenal... Newport Barracks... Detroit Barracks Fort Gratiot........ Fort Mackinac...... Fort Brady.......... Fort Howard........ Fort Ripley......... Fort Snelling......., Fort Leavenworth.... Fort Kearney....... Fort Laramie....... Fort Atkinson....... Fort Arbuckle....... Fort Worth......... Fort Graham........ THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. S. R. 21.96 21.39 22.92 31.50 30.10 32.61 29.75 28.03 24.28 20.85 25.46 27.14 28.10 34.70 30.96 32.96 35.21 43.08 51.53 59.50 71.43 62.67 54.50 51.39 54.61 50.21 39.39 38.42 36.75 30.64 32.17 30.39 39.10 29.78 25.17 20.03 16.92 21.00 6.39 15.92 28.17 18.96 22.35 25.54 37.75 40.60 43.60 A. M. 8 P. M. 9 P. M 26.75 24.14 26.57 33.50 33.06 34.50 33.21 31.14 28.11 23.14 28.00 28.60 30.24 36.71 35.32 34.78 40.36 45.05 57.14 65.57 74.85 69.92 58.36 55.60 60.14 58.03 43.71 43.07 41.32 36.46 35.78 34.39 41.21 33.17 30.00 26.70 23.14 23.50 14.50 20.25 .31.92 28.64 27.14 32.96 42.30 46.75 4M.4G 29.96 29.39 32.46 27.50 38.67 41.70 38.75 37.00 31.57 28.35 32.00 33.75 33.53 43.75 41.85 45.17 43.85 50.26 62.10 67.50 77.93 75.82 64.77 64.82 67.48 64.46 53.03 51.57 50.14 44.42 45.35 45.00 47.28 35.85 33.53 29.41 27.82 30.28 23.17 29.42 41.28 39.96 45.28 47.62 51.82 55.25 58.71 27.25 26.21 27.32 35.71 34.01 36.50 33.00 32.86 27.39 24.46 27.75 29.46 29.57 35.53 38.64 35.07 38.75 47.04 56.50 62.28 73.85 68.00 58.36 56.35 56.93 55.92 43.39 43.64 40.85 33.87 .9.85 35.46 43.89 31.85 29.50 25.28 19.96 24.78 13.78 22.01 35.25 24.89 30.07 32.87 40.57 44.25 48.89 26.48 25.28 27.33 34.55 33.15 36.40 33.68 32.26 27.84 24.20 27.80 29.74 30.36 37.67 36.85 37.00 39.54 46.36 56.82 63.70 74.52 69.02 58.98 57.04 59.7* 57.16 44.88 44.18 42.27 36.32 38.29 36.31 42.87 32.66 29.55 25.36 21.96 24.89 14.46 22.10 35.16 28.11 31.21 34.75 43.11 46.71 49.92 Range. Max. Min 44 44 44 51 50 55 54 55 47 48 56 58 48 60 56 57 52 68 70 81 81 81 78 78 82 88 73 74 75 66 69 66 62 52 49 43 46 47 40 50 62 59 61 69 70 77 76 11 — 6 3 3 5 12 12 3 — 4 —18 — 9 — 3 10 2 4 8 17 18 28 47 64 51 34 32 34 27 20 20 19 10 12 9 20 14 10 1 - 8 — 7 —34 —12 3 2 — 1 9 19 21 28 Above mean. 17.6 18.8 16.7 16.5 16.9 18.6 21.4 22.8 19.2 23.8 28.2 18.3 17.7 22.4 19.2 20.0 12.5 21.7 13.2 17.3 6.5 12.0 19.1 21.0 22.3 30.9 28.2 29.9 32.8 29.7 30.8 29.7 19.2 19.4 19.5 17.7 26.1 22.2 25.6 27.9 26.9 30.9 29.8 34.3 26.9 30.3 26.1 Below mean. 37.4 31.2 30.3 31.5 28.1 24.4 21.6 29.2 31.8 42.2 36.8 32.7 20.3 35.6 32.8 29.0 22.5 28.3 28.8 16.7 10.5 18.0 24.9 25.0 25.7 30.1 24.8 24.1 23.2 26.3 26.2 27.3 22.8 18.6 19.5 24.3 29.9 31.8 48.4 34.1 32.1 26.1 32.2 26.7 34.1 25.7 21.9 WINDS. No. of Observations N. E. 29 25 10 6 30 35 40 4 0 10 25 29 26 31 2 13 30 70 141 36 57 164 31 60 39 27 8 10 35 10 5 6 3 31 23 9 5 27 28 22 3 46 0 4 32 56 W00-300O0l4a.^£rtC0W00rt0l"-34-.CDrtoKcD rtCOCoSoJoOtOOOlCOCOOiSoicOOi |_H|_lOirthH rth-rttO ^ ,__. Ja. Ci- hH hH hH Ja. 4.1 CjOCOrtCOhH—40l*»4j(_i4a.t00l 1-HhHhHOihHhH __ h-' hn rt 4W r— Ol CO £ • oS04-5c0C0-^014t00OHto01o"ScD^^C0OTC05 OiCOCOrtrthHrt SSSrt^SGS^oSgrtS^rSSS^ S ot 01 5 rT 4- 5 CfifTiMlhSfDKQC-SJl. C-5hHa-CDCOCOCO*.*aCOhH rt tO CO IO —1 CO hH l-H iO-JtOOOCOOlJSCO -J-* hSSSSSo-tCSer^SSSvlOffiOHSMrilrScOffi -^ 00 00 rt -I -4 CO 0- rt rt rt to ^OCOolcOwSGo^OO^COO-^gwot^COrtOcoSoiS^oG^ 5go7oi5!g£-!So1oirto1^^4COCOrtCO -4 Oi to CO Ol Oi tO 00 Ol tO 4a. WCOWtOrtrtrtCOJOCDOiWtOOl COcOC0^1-~IC001-4CD-4h-COCOOOOCOrt ■ . r^ , . nn nn Oi hH iO hH CO tO COwlSr.^WMSSSoOC.wSffir.Ur.wS^^Ht. tOrtCOOOOlOl^CD^OltO «&^rfrt"«wfcEB!_.8£EEloWSwco!r-5.r»fe t*J U9 4—. ■ « --1 --j ,nn us VHH N— r— *w i -. 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Oi Ol CO CO 4-W4a.^C»SCOCOCOtOCIl010iOlOl4-COOip^OipOlOlC04a.4a.C04a.COCnCO '. * - *- - 1 !4- *— * . .* , !^ ^-- V 1.^ 4-1 rt -1 fil f T. hH gft CO Oi hH CO CO CO -^ -^ 4.^ Q CO rtS^COCOr2ooSoiSio«w8oo"rtoSo^tOrtOOc001COCOOO S^rttS^cx^olScooortG^CrtSG^olScoS^ol^^SS SS^c5Sco^5^55K£S SMrar-oESSSS^I-SESS^SSfflS^MCrffi -j^gSScgMSS-ISSSSES iOOCOCOOI-'4a.tO 4a.^OOCOCOCDCOOOOl^rtt3wOCOCD010lOlCDrtCDOOOOCOOi Oi00Ol0QCOCD00rtCDCD4a.Ol OOt04a.t3^tO4a.Ol0l00--lC0-4e0W4a.0l0lc0 OOOOOOOOOOrthHtOOlCOOitOCOCOWtOCOC04a.OlOl OOOOhHhHOhHC0C0-40lWO0l OlCO-lCDCOOrttOCOCOH-.COCOCOt04^rtCOOl4a.4a.--10lOlOl4a. ...........• " V '.^^Ijk^rtto^IjOliOCOOOOOOICOOlCOOOClOlH-.OOOlhHgOrt SSw^SgS-JSSSgSfeoSSSgSSSHH^gg grttOrttOCOOlCQO^OlOOtOOO Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches r3 fj O W o F O Q i—i Q > F W fel hH Ul t-3 fe- W OT ■*1 n ~1 > -5 Ti X X X 1 •n -1 ~> > X r, * *i -1 *. W *J 'Jl *1 1 *1 0 rt n p 3 p a T> 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 -J G o 3 a 13 0 3 P 3 3 3 VI 3" Tr i ■d -1 H 4| 1 3 -1 -1 H rt Ul 0 3 c p' 13 a p' c 0 5' 3 P *1 < o D C "r (0 t 3 3 F 3' 0 o_ 3" 2 fi 0 td p ■-I P 1 > 3 rS P n 0 2 p P o O O 3 5" tc o o^ 3 p bd p -) HI P Ci P i-l CB Ul td p -i -fr P Ci or m SB a 'hh UC| 0 3 t\ 2 » -3 c * 3 1 u 3 3 O 00 3" 3 3_ 5" tes...... jghan ... rtin Scott ha r-H O as CM ■ . Ul cr p ; : CO CO CO 4-. CO 4a 4- 4a. 4a CO to rt to O O CO : 4a. 4a. Oi Ol Ol 4a 4> 4a. 4a. 00 Ol Oi o -1 CO co CO to -4 to Oi Oi Oi 44 O • CO -D 4a CO 0 01 hH Oi hH Ol t_ to o to hH Oi 0i to CO CO en D to Oi « 00 -j to --4 CD hH W o -J 00 --I 00 4a- CO -4 IX) Ol c Oi --4 *a -3 o • Ol -J c 00 hn CD Ol CO O CO *a 4a. 4a 4a. Ol Oi Oi Ol Oi CO CO CO CO CO -n : Ol Oi Ol Ol Oi Oi 4a. Oi 4- to CO 00 hn 4a. rt o -4 CO CO CO Oi CO *a • 00 31 0 CO 44 4a. -4 hH Ol > Oi CO o Ol Oi l_4 C-! o nn hH 4> to Oi CD -J Ol hH CD g O CO o 4a. Co to C CO Oi 4- O to to CO o -3 • o Ol -4 CO 00 O CO X 4a 4a. 4- Ol Oi Oi Ol Oi Ol —1 4- : 31 4-1 -4 Oi Ol Oi W h^ o rt 4- CO o CO 00 rt hn CD Ol 4a. • Ol 43 O CO CO CO 4-. hH -4 hi B -J 00 -4 00 to o 44 o m o 4a. Oi - -J co to 0 hn 31 4a. O CO CD Ol O n* IS ee -1 P to Oi Oi CO hn CO CO CO o 44 00 Oi to 0 • 44 *a. Oi O Ol Oi 44 4a. CO 4a. 4a. 4a. CO 4a. 4- 4- 4a. 4a. 4a. CO tO IO CO CO 4a Oi Oi Oi 4a. 4-. to m Ol CO —4 Ol m tO Ol 4a. 00 -4 Oi Jl CD to CO 4-J O Oi *H CO Oi Ol CD o O rt to hH o CD rt 00 to CO O 00 00 to Ol 01 "J Oi g 4a. o hn -4 -4 O -4 CO Ol O O to to Oi 0 4- Ol CO CO 43 4a. 4a. 4- 4a. 4a. Ol Ol Ol Oi Oi CO tO CO CO CO 4a. • Oi Oi Ol Cn -H to o o CO 4- 00 h-1 Ol Oi CO --I -J CO Oi CO 44 O -4 m --1 CO CO Oi o o CD -J CO l-H hH m -4 O CO CO . ,_, 0 to CJO 4a. o Ol Oi O --4 --4 00 Ol • hn 00 --I 4-. Ol Ol 4- 0i Oi a. Ol Ol ~4 -J -4 Ol Ol on Ol 4a- Ol Ol Ol -4 • 00 00 CD g; 44 CO to U0 Ol CO CO 4a. : CO 4a- 4a. CD *a 01 4-. O Ol K to to (-H CO to CO CO CO CO 1 1 rt (O • Crt g to to Ol 4- co to 4a. tO -4 CO CI 0 0 Ol 4a- 01 to Oi Oi 0 D W p a in a hn ,_, hH to to to to nn hH to to rt to to to to t\1 g!> 1-4 00 --1 CD CO CO CO 4a rt Oi to Ol D 0 Oi 43 -4 p 2 CO -j hH 4a. o o to CO -4 CO CO CO CO O hn 00 CO to CO O D -Pa CO -4 Ol Ol hH to to CO CO JO to 1—" 00 to o 4- to o CO 4a. CO Ol 4s- tO CO CO IO CO CO CO CO CO \ to to 44 -4 to Ol hn tO CD CO 0 to CO to 44 IO 44 CO Ol o o 00 -4 CO 1-1 1-1 rt -4 O CO CO : hn CD hH 0 to 31 -J Hi r- £ 0 P ^ CO ~ Oi o Ol CO to Ol " 4a. -4 00 *- O Ol to O to CO 44 O Ol hH 0 >— tO *- -4 O Jl rt rt to O 00 *a JS to hH CO h-1 hH CO to to tO rt x l_' 1-1 Oi 4a. O O CO -4 O 4a CD 00 --4 Oi CO Oi -4 tO CO CO _. ,_, ,_ ,_, Ol o Ol o Ol Ol Ol -4 CO O Ol Ol 0 CO -4 CO 01 to *a O I -- S3 y p ,_ »_, ,_ Ol to to h-1 hH CO rt 4a. ** 1-1 Oi -4 00 Oi to 0 0 00 to 00 -4 00 -4 4a. tO 4- CO CO Ol to CO -4 CO o o 4a. CO CO Ol r-t to hH *- tO 1—1 CO 4a. 0 hH CO Ol Ol to to CO O CO CO O tO 4> cr H to Oi CO ,_, 4a. to M o Oi CO hH o CO 1-1 hn CO Ol CO CO 0 CO hn 00 00-4 4> 4a. rt O a 00 i-3 a o O F O Q hH CJ F W Q hH OQ H3 W W hH to l-H ,_, CO CO Ol hH CO rt to to to 0 0. 0 B O o CO CO CO rt rt Ol 4a to Oi Ol Ol CO CD -4 to CO CO CO Ol -4 0 hn Ol TO to h~I 4a rt hH hn CO hH -l -4 nn to Oi 4a CO 4- Ol hH M o o h"' 00 I-h CO hH Ol -4 4a. -4 CO --I to Cn to Ol 01 CO 4a. 4a CD h-1 co Ol O 0 hH ,_, hH hH hn 4- to IO ,_, I-h rt to CO O Ol o to 00 o Oi o Oi o hH o CD CO -4 o hH rt CO to -4 4a Ol 0 -4 CO TJl Cv hH ,_, rt to ^. nn rt CO CO CO to to -4 Ol o UO o to hH 4> 00 o CD Ol I-h Ol o -4 Oi o to hH CO CO 4- Ol O Ol -4 CO * CO to 4- 4a- hH hH Ol 4a. 00 CO to o hH O Oi uo to CO CO o o -4 Oi -4 0 hH CO CO 4-> Ol Oi Ol CO Ol TO -t a h-' hn Ol CO on to --I rt to Ol to hn O hH l-H 4a. Ol -4 Ol hH Ol -4 o -4 o CO Ol CO to CO CO 0 I-h CD CO CO 01 Ol no 4a _•*. ___ 4a. CO ,_, to ,_, to to hH to o hH Ol o CO © Ol 00 Ol CO hH CO 4> Oi -4 o 0 0 CO CO O Ol Oi 0 Ol -4 =t Oi -4 hH to to on hH rt 4a- CO 4a. o Oi Oi CO CO CO 4- to CO -4 rt Ol 1—i hn o CO 0 0 -4 4- O ^ 00 0 Oi O to to 4a. ,_ to rt 4- hH 10 CO o to o Ol to Oi Ol -4 to CO CO 4- Ol -4 4- 0 0 CO 00 -4 Oi 4a- -4 CO CO 2 k CO CO CD M nn rt to CO to Oi 4- to ,_, oo o -4 CO CO -4 hH -4 o Ol -4 4- -4 CO CO co 0 0 Ol 00 -4 0 Ol Oi CO to to hH rt -4 00 4a. Ol Ol CD Ol . -4 Ol -4 -4 Oi CO 4- to rt hH . Oi CO CO TO hn to -4 hH Oi CO CO o Ol CO --1 to o o Ol to on CO 4a. nn S3 CD 1-1 o o Ol to o o to o ' o o o 4> Oi to Ol CO to Ol 0 31 Oi S rt CO 4a. rt 44 uo Ol Ol Ol 00 Ol . 4-J Ol -4 44 Ol CO Ol to CO to . Ol CO CO eo > 00 to to CO Ol CO o o CO 44 on to 4a h-i to 0 Ol 4-1 to 00 CO CO 4a. CO o o to -4 o " Oi Ol Ol Ol CO 0 hn -4 CO 0 • CO -4 -4 k 0 Ct ee to CO Ol to -4 CO -4 -4 Ol -4 Ol -4 -4 Ol -4 Ol 4a. -4 CO CO CO -4 4a 4a- CO -3 CO -4 Ol Oi to Ol o o Ol -4 4- hH hH to O 44 0 O Hn H > h3 n to 00 CO o CD -4 o o o CO o • 4- 4- 4H. O hH -4 O Oi CO hn • Ol CO -4 S 0 CO Ol o to 00 CO CD -4 Oi CO -4 . CO Ol Ol -4 4a. 4a -4 CO CO CO 01 4a. CO eo 00 Cn hH -4 o 44 Ol |_H CO CO _ to 4a _ 4a. CO CO O rr o CO — Ol CO hH 4a. O Ol CO Oi ■ CD Ol Ol CO Ol co CO CO 0 Cn • hn to to k f w to CO CO rt -4 00 Ol Ol Ol 00 Oi . Ol Ol Ol -4 Ol 4a Oi CO CO to . Ol 4a. CO £a Ol -4 rt CO Ol CO CO Oi o CO Oi to Oi Oi CO CO hH to hH hH CO to -4 4a. 4a. rt to o CD K- • to hn 4- CO 4- 1-1 0 -4 Ol Ol to hH 4a. a hH to to _ h-1 nn to ,_, hH hH ,_, to to h-1 rt ,_, - Fair. Ol 00 CO -4 -J CO -4 CO Ol CO Ol Ol Oi uu 4> to -4 CO CD ^ -4 CD 01 -4 to '- to to ,_, to nn hH hH rt ,_, h-1 hH tO tsl t\1 Cloudy CO o Ol h-1 4a Ol rt CO CO Oi to to CO o 4- Ol h-1 Oi O hH O to hn Oi -4 hH 4a. Ol to CO o Ol CO *a -4 uo hH o o to Oi Ol CO CO -4 Ol -4 4a Oi Ol 4a- to CO Rain. >-y, o I-h to rt o o o o o o hH o CD Ol CO CO - O O O O O 0 l-H rt 0 O Snow. > y Ul y 0 _ hH to o rt o o o hn o o 4a. to o o 0 Ol CO to hH O hH Oi Oi Ol H-> -4 o CO to (X) CO Oi o to to Oi 4a CD O Oi CO Oi to Am't in inches. --4 o 4-> Oi Ol Oi to 1-1 4a. CO hH Ol Ol O Ol 4- to CO CO 0 Ol 4- hn • ft 3 h-| 3 P o H 3 1___, R On n ti CD p W rt ^ « 3 1-1 g a ? > G •H P 31 TO ? O K H H a % 0 O to H 0 X F O O ^ Q ^ h-1 W O SB > CJ F > SB >< hH Q 1—1 ui rn OS so oooooooooooo ^4,4,^,4,4^4^4,4,4,4,^ a —4 S !? G ^ 2 » n> _t rt »J r-v S. "O Q ?v o td tXrt»rjh-r-J--|W^g^hgrth-1h^hijh^h^O>^^2l--^^^^^?^ g) 3. f E?S " > r? ^ ^ ^ o & p 2 rt- q p- ui rt rt "-< ^ tc W nL •>* S ^ 3 g 3 2 2 L<1 ZH P o O rn — -•no C g a r £. pt a "■ ©■ ri tj rC td td B 3^ pr o rl B- 3 td c5 3- p 3 > p «i ° a ?? rn 2 O C Ztn CI S. f td ^ 5 td p aj H > O ? M CT rn I £: I 3 %£Z&%rt%cJlcS0H%%r-%Sc%i£ t^mComCOOlWC001tOOlC001014artC>j4jCft-^cDOiO iOOoSoOrtJOW-4tOrt01r-.rtCDOit04^^00COOiCOOlOl0104a.04aCO O^JCOOrtOOOlOOCO ~ *-COOC04a.4a4j{j, Ol Oi Cn Ol 4- 4a. 4- O Ol CO O O -4 Ol O 0-40hHCDOOOCOC0004a oo*aeooiciocooto-4>— 4-OlOlOlOiOiCiOi O CO O ~4 h- 4a4a.4a.4a.4a*-C0C0 4a.Oi010ltOrH-40i hn CD tO O O O Oi Ol O Ol 4a. -4 " £ Ol *a CO 4a CO CO 4a CD 00 CO tO CO CO 4a. 4a. OlOlOlOlOlOlCiOl Ol Oi Ol 4a. CO CO CO CO CDCOOlCO-4tOCOOlOlOOOOCOCOtOOOOl CO 00 CD COrtOCOcOOOODO-400001-4 OCOCOOOOCOC0014a-C0010iCDrfa -4 i-h Ol CO O O O 00 CO O OlOlOOrtCOOrt rt*-COOCOOCOCO OlOlOl010lOl0101-40lOi rt -4 CO hn O0iC0000l0000>ta0101hHhHC0OCD4a. O CO -4 ,_- rn tO Ol O CD 4a CO CO CO CO CO CO CO O -4 00 CO O -J CO CO CO Ol CO CO Oi Oi tO -4 Ol *a rtuntOhntOtOtOtOtOWWWWOiOl4-.>^WWl0^tOtOh-'hH OiC»Ot001tOrtOCO-4tOO--4rtOlCOC0010 0lWOlCOt0001lO ._..,.,..». -.. f.-i_iK-lCJtJ|i3C4)l4iCO>b.t4)tOCOtOh-hH|-H tOhHCOtOCOCOCOCOCOCOtOCOCOiOtOtOhHCOtOhH S^-4-4-4COto"oi"lOrt"tO^O-40oScOC» ^-4k-4a.bbw--4^«4-CDb-lOl^Cl3CobbcDb gr •^coboicDOrtwwi-bbbwcnWrtrtbbobrtbrtbb^ rtrttOrthH I—'COCO ^St.goiSooS^Sgcno^ ^^^rJSSS^HSg^Mo^SgSE^^o KMtrrh-OiOli-HOlOl CDCOM->COOitOOi>feCOOihH4a.014^10 COWC0042coSoiCXOOl01tOrt01C04-.WtO^COCOOCOW rt i-h 4a. Ol CO tO rtC000hHOlt0O0i4a.Ol-4C0Q0-4Ol rt rt rt hnrttOhnrttOhnrttOCO hHhHOlCOC04-.OlOlhHCiCOC001hHOCO COW tOCOCOiOrt rttOhHrtrt OC04--tOtOhHtOhHt000101-4C04aCOOCO rttuCO rt hHOil— rttOCOh-tOtOtOtOOiOCOC04-.COfO, ^.^."."tlifeSrJ^S j>W-30l«O\--%* OMnr:St;sWBUt.l.^^!.Scj!2SSS^So(aS %^05% ^S aMr: ^^SSM^SSSai^S^gSl-gSSS-i^^g a^S^o^gSg^^g^ £ I IS 5 & : Mgfc5_825.SS.5 gslgfeS£gg^S^5^^^go£gS aggc^SrtcoSS .-SogoKSSooSS^SE^SSGM^a)^ ^S^Sgcgofe^^HHir-lgig^SS ,» g o & : S£feSSS»58^8^g,r^gU ^ g !3 S 0 g ^S jg !g w S § g £& 5 ^ S M o 8 » 8 m *. S S S S S3 S 5 S * S 5 K oo 5 *. o »V K « 8 S S % 5 o S c. £ S 5 c oo g S 8^ Ol Ol o o ow^S^SS^fe^g^ga)oS9,SSS^^ gSgagSSSSSSi ^.oo^^KSS^SKS^SS^c-KSS^SS 8SB88U»5fe8SSS588 4a. I—1 Ol 4-> Or 4> -4 Ci O Ul CO CI Ol Oi 00 Oi Ol 4a- —4 Oi -4-^£cDJtr)c.o1gr-:£g.gS.2S&£^ ^SSggg^ -4 Ol Oi Ol Ol 4a. 4n.4a.4a.. Cr.4a.4a.4a.COrtC7lOlrtOl4a.OlOlOl4-.4a.^tOrtOiCOCOOlCOOl4a.COWpOlCO k-Hk: sb^5Sfe^^o2g2g2Sr2JS^SkcDSc2&4lrt sssss _j J> -4 -4 4a. 4a. tn4a.Cn4a.4a.OlrtCnrt-40l-40lOlOlrt-4COtO-4COOlOlCOOirtCOrtC04-.4a. koiksitoi'rrizbejibsgcZk -4 Ol -4 -4 4a. 4a. -4 Ol Ci iO 00 -4 4^. hH hH Ol CO 4a. Ol4-.©14-.4a.CTtrtOlrt-4CnCT>OlCnC14a.4jj>H->ClC04a.Ci rt^Li^clnbbbb4^bbbco-4CocDbb--4CDpooio-4Co 5w£oiCDoSolS5oOWC04-.UOO-404-OWOlGOrtOOlCOrtrtO no oi ~4 no ci co 4> Ol Ol • 01C10l010i-40i014a.-4JCT-401014-0l-401rt01C0C0^4a.CnW4^0l4-.0lO -4 Ol -4 -4 Ol 4a. 4a. Oi O CO hH hH -4 4-, 4a. CO tO CO Ol 4a. Ol • 0-lCnOlCr.4-.OlOlOitOr4O4mOlOlOl4a.-44a.C0OlW4a.OlC0Ol4a.C04^ *^Vr^r-,^MrtOrtLnCD^biW00C0OOn0Cit0010i01COCOrt01tOtOOl4a.4aCOCOOl01-4014a.01C10lOl CDrtOiOlClCO00-4OlCD5c0tOOl00tOOlC14a.O14a.tOtO^ OOOOOCOOOl COOn014a.CiOlrHOOrtOOtOOOOOOOOO^^COC04a.OlOlCOOlOa,C04a.O,Q,-4-4-4 ------------------T DOOOhHrtOrth-OrtrttOrt rt^O OWHOHBttWBMOWJaBOMHWJajHOt. *- to 4-- o • pFF........^v:-r.r^rr.K^Limboibbtobbcoi^cobwocooi--icDirt4a.ioi4-.oi 1 bbbj |^Ot0t0-4CD^t0C0O-4CDfegC001Sg^0iOgC0C0 g p g „ tf ^, B M w ^ m p „, M h. W C O Fair. Cloudy Am't in inches, O W o F o M o r* F W fcrj CP hH CG i-3 H W CO C5 ^00>OWcXcXo-^FO>K^^^^rd'*JOcX,--i>-j O^OOlPttOPPOPCDrti— 0000--OOPOO pa o ui •7 td r| ^ < p rt p^ 3 F 0 "» Oh < s t> tJq 3 Ow g o ih et, G hh tO CO CO 4a. O 00 O hH CO -4 -4 O CO O 4a. 4a. Ol tO CO hn CO to o O O CO O 4a Oi 00 Ol rt tO O Oi hn -4 00 -4 c£> ,£_ 4.1 —, CD rt CO O *- *- 4a. J> it- Ol 4- Oi tO Ol tO CO CD CD CO tc 4a.-4a00l010t0-4 4a. OO-lUlrHHWOOlr CO Ol Ol Ol CO tO 4a. CO CO -4 -4 00 CD 00 CO CO O tOiotococococoeococohHtOrtco OiOl-4tOC000tOCO4a.cO4a.©t0tO tOhHtOtOtOtOCOtOCOtOCOtO COtOtOCOCOOiOiCDCOCOCOOl BWr-cDo-tcoirisuai-j tOh-iOrthHtOh-tOCOhHtOCOtO rtcortco-^rtoih-iococooiao hnCltO-4014a.OCOhHClhn-4tOtO. rt O td 5 > r* a "| 3 i~* -j 0 O rt « 0 CO to 00 Ci Oi -4 -4 Ol -4 CO Ci oi to Ol CO Ol -4 Ci CI Ol -J rt -4 O tO O CO -1 CO O O -4 O Ci Ci Oi Ol -4 CI CI Ol Ol Ol to Ci CO o ^. o rt O CO Ol CI no h- to o co to to CO CO Ol 4a- CO -4 COOhHOl4a.hHtOCOO CO Ol Ol CO 00 rt O g> CO c. LO ft K h3 M o w o F o Q I—I o > F Q hH Ul i-3 CO rt to tO 010014n.tOOOtO-4ai0100-4CO-4rtOCOtO-4COCOrt4a. OWrtCOOOtoSrt^OCO^S.£SS-4o1-4 O 00 CO Ci CO 0 Ol 4- 4- 4a. Ol 0 O Ol Ci -t 'A to --1 CO 4-| CO ©1 to 4- -4 CO 00 CO CO CD -4 -4 CO to 4a. to CO 4- 0 O CD to 4a. hH tO 4- CO rt O -4 00 CD -4 Oi CO CD O 4- Ol 0 CD 1-1 O 4a to 1-1 ft hH Ol Oi CT) O CO o Ci CO -4 Oi Oi 0 O O -4 0 O i-h O no CO CO rt h- to to rt CO hH CO Oi CO O hH 4a. CO O CD CI -1 44 0 4a. rt CO Oi 4> hH 1-1 2 -t tO to 4-1 rt rn CO rt • rt Ol -4 Ol o ex Ol CO O CD Ol 0 to 0 CO to CO Ol CD to 1-1 O 00 hH CO to to Oi 00 Ol Oi Oi -4 CI -4 Oi . Ci 4a. Ol 4a 4a CO rt Oi Oi TJl to h_l rt on Oi to CO Oi 44 . ID Ol 0 nn tO 4a. Oi 44 to ta 4- o 00 CO Ol Ol 44 UO CO 4a Oi 4a 0 CD CD 0 rt CO Oi Oi 0 n* hH CO 4a. to Oi 00 Ci Ci Ol -4 CO -4 no . -4 rt -4 Ol 4a. CO rt CI CO cn 4-1 nn 4a. to Nn O rn cn -4 4a. Oi 0D 4] 4.1 44 Ol >> p -4 to o 4a. 00 4a. c CO UO CO CO co 0 CO 44 Ol UO -1 to to p to 4a Ol 4a. Ol -4 Ci 01 Ci 4-1 CO -4 4-1 -4 Oi 4-1 Oi Ol 4a X <" 1 cc CO to CO l_, CD 4a cn to 4- s 4a to Oi CO CO to Ol 0 4a. 0 it Ol CO o to -4 0 o< CD CD Ol hn Ol to 44 CO Ci to 0 Ui M h3 ffl 4a. Ol CO 4a. -4 -4 -4 -4 Ol CD CO to -4 . Oi Oi -4 -4 -4 4a. CO uo Oi , 0 0 CO rt m to 0 to Oi CD 4-1 rt ' t to to CI rH O Ci 0 Oi 44 % B 00 to O o CO en o CO CO CD O 0 -■I to CO Oi 1-1 IX Ol hH 0 UCJ -1 Ol 4- rt CO -4 01 Oi Ol -4 -4 Ci -4 Ci — -4 Ol Ol 4a. to . 44 ~1 rt nn — cn Ci CD CO CT) on Ol to to CD co hH CO rt O Oi . to —1 p 3 h-■ CD -1 hH rt to 4a 1-1 44 CO 0 to 0 h-1 -"- 4-1 to Oi 00 to CD Ol O 0 -'- to nn to to to to to to nn to to Fair. CD CO CO 1-1 CO CO to 0 Oi CD to CO CO Ol to CO -4 to Oi IX! to 00 p 63 IO ,_, hH nn . rt rn hH hH hH ,_. rt Cloudy CO 00 CD O CO 00 CO 0 *-' Ol CO CO CD ■ 00 Ol CD to 4- CO CO CO cc CO h-1 ,_, ,_, rt . Pain S3 r» Ol CO Ol CO '-' 00 0 to 4a. 0 O I-h CO CO Oi CO CO 4a. iO to 4a CD Oi 0 p V! 25 > 2! t) TO 'J, 0 o rt o o o o 0 0 O 0 rt to O ; 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 Snow. to nn 4a Ci CO Oi 4a. 0 C3 0 en 0 O to rt O 0 O O rn nn CO CO O 4a. nn 4a. to CO 0 CO 4a . 4a to CO CD 4> en 4a 4-. Oi Am't in inches. O CD 00 o 4a. CO +- — 0 0 to hn Ol CO Oi CO O CD Ol cx rt TJl H i-3 H O SB o F O Q l-H o ► F SB K O hH Ul H P3 CO Oi CO >FJ?lFa5rdKte)g -5 F CD o ►rj hjj h-J h-j O O O O O P > "i ft g 2 rf2 O ET f- ti rt, < a, a o ui -_ c.3Sh13-Cd » H $j Oq B td o td td B 3 g St 3 3 2. cd " ft! 3" 3 ET !2j O p ^ a o P S- i-j Oq P 3- rt td crq p rt |-i C3 5. c"Si. p PSH>??» « o a c co ;_. 3 tD 4a. O Ol 00 4a. • IO JO rt Oi CO 00 00 h-' O Ol rtCOOlOlOigOOl-4rtcOOl4a.i^OlOCO--lC04aCO rtCO COCO- OiOrttO rt CO CD CO X CX.fc.hHCO C314a.-44O)C0CXC0rttnCltnOOC0C0CXt0004a.Ot0OC0Cl-44a.0l. XCl-4CirtOtOClrtCDcOrttD-400-4CO CO tOtOtOCOhH H H M hn IO H tO M |_1 rttOrt.tO tOtOCOCOrt CO rt Ja. h- h-1 rt CJ CDC0t0COOrttn-4O-40lCj3t0-4n00D004a.C0C0rtC0c0rthHC0C0CX. rt00-4rt00CO-4COrtOlOllolcOCOrtCDtO Ol CO Ol Ol >^ -5 ^ t? tS . F *5 m Ol CO tO CO 4a, 4a. O 4a. . OlMH«iCO-l-lCi)H CXCOOiOtOOiCO 01010lWOtOC14-.COOlCOO-4cnn04-.COOin001hHhH04a.tO- HO)HOWCOBr.HCfi*.a4it5Wr." u\ 4a- CO CO CO 4a. 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A to CO X NO O 01 -4 -4 Ol CO 01 4a. hH 0 to CO tn -4 hn rfa X to 0 to Oi Ol to to Ol rfa 01 x CO CD to 0 Ci CO 01 to rfa 01 44 CO -4 rfa rfa to CO hH CO CO rfa Cn X rfa -4 to Ci hn tc OS CO rf-co to CO Oi X 01 Oi 0 44 to hn to -4 rfa O e Ul 4-1 to -4 CO rt CO co 0 01 4a to CO -4 Ol rfa hH X rfa X to 01 to X CO rfa to Ol to rfa CO -4 to CO Ci CO 01 -4 01 CO hn rfa -4 rt CO rfa 0 • Ol rfa r rt Ol -4 0 rt -4 0 hH rfa Oi Ol P CO -4 Ol CO hH l-H CO h-1 CO Ci CO X rfa CO hn O hH to -4 rfa l-n- Ol CO Oi X 01 0 Ol Ol CO to 01 X hH O 44 01 CO Oi Ol 00 -4 rt X X tn CO -4 to 01 cr 01 0 rt to Ol to to X Ol 0 rfa O 0 CO CO CO X CO Oi CO rt ft H ft O -<> ft 0 O 2 F H O X O 0 M ft O nH> > r> F «! ,_. ft X cn ft hn O h-1 Ul hi ft ft ,— ei 01 tort tococorfarfatotooitoo SC04^Ci4a.COt0CO4>010000OCit0CCCirtC04a. i-.'rttOCO tO 4-.COC04a.Orf--4rtrttOI—' ^-"^C04atOOl-4W0000l-ntOhntOOlOltOtOhH ,■ rr, Oi OS Or CD Or COrfaODOirtrttOtOtOCOtO --SnCOXrtCOr-.-4COOl4-.XtO00-4-4CDrfa.4-.-4-4 4- CO CO r-lr-lr-lr-lhnOStOtOr^-.C-^rrnr0, rtC0U0010it04a.Orfa.4-.-4O-4OOO-4t0C0t0 rtDtOhHCOhntOtOrfaOlCOrfaCOrfa. rt CO hn O CitOCOrtCOhnCOCOrfa.rttOtOI-nX)G04a.OtO-4hnCO -n tOtOCOh—rfa. h—tO hnhH -lOnCDShnrf-hnrfa-OOrfahnCOCOCOOCOOltOI-n rt tLit^CnrtGOtOOrttOO l-H tO rt -4^lotOCDCDO-40CO-4-4COCO-40tOrfaCOrfa Oi rf- CO X nn hH rt CO Oia>OtOOltOiO-4-500hHOtOtOCOrfa tOCO hn OltOhnhH tO *■ CXJtOtOOlrtrfaCOrtrfaOlOI-HOtOOlhnCO 01 to rt to co O Ol OD rt Ol 00 O Oi Oi -4 O rfa rfa. -4 o 00 rfa. CD rt rt rfa O O O CO CO O Oi rfa. tO IO 4a. Ol JO hn IO h-' hn tO r-' ft h- XCOrfaClCOCOOlrHClOCOOlrtrtOlOlOll-n "^ 00 00 ^ oi To 5 ^ ^ S CO 5 C3 I. S£ioJ£coo£gto^££rt-4Jo-3^co' Ci rfa Ol -4 rfa 4a tOrtrtrfarttOtOtOhn hntOrfatOrfahHtOrt 5^rtrtOCDC0OC00l-400Ot0C0C0OC0 4a.OliOCOtO-4CltOCi 4-.-1CO^rtCOOtO CDrtOCDClCOCnOlOX.rfa.rtOCXrf-COOlOl IO hn rfa. COtOtO hn tO CO CO rt COt-5rft-4-400JCOCD010lCOCDtOOltOOlX COrfaCOrtrt COtOCDrtOl*atO-4hHrfa-.i}0 rtC0-4-4OOC0C0C0C0OhnC0C0C0rfat00a hnhHrtrtrfaCO rthntOCOCOCO rt tO hn hn COOrfatOOCOrfa-OCOtnOrthnCDNjOOi-a C04-.tOtOCO-4rttOOOlOCOOliCOrfatntOtO a^rtCD-4t0hnOrf-C000C0C00lrfa4a.0lOC0 4_. 4a. Ol Ol CO CO rt CO CO -4 COCOtOtOhnrfa.OlO- Ci CO CO rfa CO -j-4-4tn0lCn4-.rfarf-0lO0lt0-4C0C0OC04->rfa F ft ft -? hH Ul 1-3 ft ft OO OS CD ft>OWW!r/!ftF o-UftftftftftftftOftM~i>H-hI1hHh-h-jh- 3 •»- O p < 0- 3t TI 3- ft Oq ~ o ffq Ji. rfa rf- 4a. tn Ol CO 00 CO CO 00 CO rfa CO tO O rt Ol Oi o o CD iO hn 4a. O CO to Ol 4a. O O Ol O -4 hn Q0 Ol Oi Ol Ol rt o to o Oi tn o O rf- Oi CO m CO CD rt 00 X O CO CO 00 -1 X X rfa rfa. tO Ol O O -4 O to to to to Ol CO rfa. O -4 O CD to c« P £ '. '. G a 3 ITq 3 o sTst 4--40tOCOC004-, -40CDOXCOCO-4 OlOOCO-40l04a. Ol Ol O rfa O CO O CO rt o to I—i -4 -4 n rt -1 to X to X CO • o • X o X en CO Oi CO o X X jO CO CO to CO tn to o rfa . X . o o CO Ol c to Ol to Ol 4a- Ol X CO Ol O h-iCO OXiOXX-400rt O-4tn-4O^,otl0 Ol Oi O O O Ci O CD hn hn 4-. hn qo CO COtOC04-C04-.44.Ci 4a.-4rf-COOltOCOG O rfa. O X CO CO CO rt OOOtOOOOOOCO g. w 3 > —4—4—4-40000C100001 O CO Ol -4 00 00 -4 OCOCOrf-OOOXrf-O-JCOCO 4a.OCOOlOCOOh-rf--40X N2 O rt rt rt Oi rt X OO -4 -4 tn to o o 41 o to O Oi X CO COtOCOOltOO-4XOCO -4 00 -4 00 4a.tOCOO-4-4 0iCO-4tOC04a.CO XtOOCOCDCOOlCO -1 —1 o o o OtOOXCOrfaOOO CD rf- -4 00 CO 41 -1 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 rtCD—Irf-rtOOlrf- CO CO CO X O X CO O CO to O O o Ci CD r- tD CD tO CD -1 hn tn CD CO O Ol rfa rfa tOrfacO-4tOOOOOiOI— COCOOl CO X o CO CO CO 00 O UO CO OtOCn4-.CO-4rttn BS B a rfartOtOtOICOOCn4a.rttOC04a.OlOtOl-HrtOhnhHOlOni-HCOrtOtOOCO tO-44a.COOOXhnhHrf-COOI—'OXI-ntO OC0H-.01hnt04>hHOCDO Orf-4a.t004^rt-4C004-CJl-4tOt7ltn-4COCnH^COCO-40COC04a.tOOlO COtOtOtOOlhnhnhHhHhn -4rf--4O4a.-4C0Orfa00-4C0rfa.tn4a.hncDhnt0-4Ot0OOCO4a."-ri SoOMSgEciHScj.SS^S^g^HoloiMClM*^ CO -I o K ft hi ft o ft o o F ft C O hH O ft o r> V F r~ -r\ - ft X ft Ol h-» CJ hH Ul H ft ft METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 371 --- MONTH OF MAY, 1851. a WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. ad sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. 4= P 0 0 < REMARKS. S. B. , S. S. W. w N. w. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Fair. Cloudy ■" o 5 c 50 ..20 .. 1 6 ! .. 3 .. i 5 ... .... .... 17 14 7 0 8 23 22 47 44 114 15 47 1 o 3.87 4.22 4.35 5.29 4.43 15 | 16 8 j 0 2.61 42 120 14 46 15 33 1 2 0 0 5.83 : 5.^7 7.70 7.58 6.75 23 8 5 0 9.27? 31 i 62 30 54 53 121 0 0 2 4 1.61 2.96 5.87 4.70 3.79 15 16 10 0 3.05 20 59 64 147 24 81 2 2 3 4 2.93 4.19 5.77 6.16 4.76 15 16 10 0 -- 46 123 65 190 1 2 1 6 2 3 2.29 3.48 4.26 5.45 3.87 12 19 4 i 0 1.06 21 ; 36 74 202 8 24 2 5 5 15 2.35 3.67 5.48 5.74 4.31 14 17 12 j 0 58 ,147 37 82 6 ! 12 0 0 2 5 3.51 5.06 6.25 5.71 5.13 18 13 4 j 0 1.18 39 66 45 i 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.67 7.35 7.67 7.61 7.32 19 12 3 0 2.80 53 89 ] 31 67 1 6 2 7 0 0 3.32 4.03 5.16 6.32 4.71 15 16 7 0 1.41 88 319 8 14 3 10 0 0 2 5 2.83 2.67 4.06 4.38 3.48 12 19 5 i 0 2.53 50 118 27 i 75 9 19 1 2 0* 0 3.51 3.45 4.19 4.48 3.91 10 21 1 i 0 0.90 24 : 86 83 348 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.16 4.09 5.12 5.87 4.56 15 16 1 o 0.20 84 180 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 5 5.26 4.32 6.06 6.35 5.50 20 H 4 | 0 0.37 77 ,180 i 21 , 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 4.87 5.51 7.51 7.96 6.46 22 9 3 j 0 1.15 102 230 4 6 0 0 o 0 0 0 1.06 1.58 3.45 4.80 2.72 11 20 4 | 0 1.08 94 252 16 53 0 o 1 2 1 5 j 2.35 3.48 5.16 4.87 3.97 10 21 3 \ 0 1.90 21 | 61 j 0 0 13 37 41 114 14 35 7.70 8.20 7.30 6.90 7.52 29 2 2 0 0.70 26 ; 81 i 8 36 46 |162 4 19 7 20 7.70 8.10 6.30 7.29 7.35 27 4 1 0 30 65 19 47 33 58 17 29 11 23 7.19 6.52 5.90 6.30 6.48 24 t 1 j 0 0.01 2 8 ! 9 25 19 ' 80 11 32 1 1 7.03 7 90 6.54 6.45 6.9S 24 7 1 0 0.03 3 i 6 12 18 12 I 28 22 60 25 71 8.41 7.77 6.46 1.67 6.08 25 6 1 o 0.01 3 n ; 20 75 14 47 4 9 10 36 7.83 9.12 9.54 4.80 7.82 30 1 5 i l*i 2.82 •Sleot. 16 45 i 2 5 28 ' 82 48 179 5 19 8.70 7.64 6.58 7.29 7.55 29 2 7 0 26 ; 57 | 6 15 33 87 5 7 9 14 7.40 7.30 6.10 7.40 7.05 27 : 4 6 0 .0.07 3 4 22 32 81 198 ' 8 21 7 13- 1.61 3.25 5.61 3.29 3.44 10 21 5 0 0.71 0 0 25 i 55 90 ,288 5 11 0 0 7.29 8.23 9.07 10.00 8.65 30 1 3 0 i 0.59 26 59 44 82 10 ! 22 0 0 16 29 7.41 | 7.77 7.74 7.96 7.72 26 5 4 0 l 0.86 7 10 i 1 ! 2 51 ' 87 10 33 28 63 2.13 3.55 4.09 i 3.55 3.33 11 20 16 0 | 5.95 ! 0 .. 0 , .. 61 .. 9 32 .. 3.35 1 2.93 3.03 4.12 3.36 12 19 11 0 1.95 ... . ... ^r^toffito^Q __ F ffi ~ — "H 35 a ft gft^5Jg2t=|4-j!-r2E_a&'-?!0 s 3 H ■t) 2 5 ^ rT ff. 3' ° ft > g 3 q a. m *-l 5! £ O 1 CD J -l n Pr- ix J— U 3 „• O d!) iq b ft =. rt "*! n > o p r^ -J CB 2 «. P a ft 3 "hh1 3 I-l ri > ft ft Sft^^ftftftft^ftftr? ftrt<<5oOOOOOCO PtiP3(-4|4,4)^4(4)h>4, 3 £j ft w p i-h IH CO -1 03 P r, O IH Pf P Offiftr»ftp4?^ £ 5. 3 -g 3 ft o Oi Oi -1 Oi X o Oi Ol Ol to rfa CO Ol rfa Oi CO o Ci o o o -J -1 -1 O -1 —1 -1 -1 —1 -1 cn Oi Cn Oi o o o Cn Oi Oi Oi rfa. TO CJ to rt —1 o 4- rt CO CO 00 4- rf- X o Ci o X o o Ol Ol CO CJO o hH S3 o Oi o -1 c CO o o X o o CO rfa X rfa CC _ en —1 cn CO Ol 'nn en Ol -4 CD -4 to X co rt Ol O o X c O o CO o -4 co o CO o o o o o c CO o -4 en -4 CO o o o -1 CO o o -1 o X o 4- o 4- Ol Oi o o o CO -4 CD -4 -1 4l -4 X -1 X X X X X X X X -4 o cn o o o o o o Ol Ol CO fr- Ci 4a. h- CO Ol o to CO CO CO CO o to CO hn CO -4 Ol CO CO X en CO -4 o CO ft co o c rfa o o o -1 CO to Ol rt CO NO rt CO rf. Ol :n rfa. CO CO 4a. Oi CO N1 o: NO o 'nn rfa rfa co o NO co co -3 g 5» -1 _, CO Ol CO CD o o -4 o c o CO o CD o o CO o o O o CO o o r> 0 hn X -1 4l o X -1 o o o o o o -4 X -1 X X X X cc m X rr CD -1 -1 —1 o -4 -4 o Ol CO -J r" CO CD X o 0 4 l— o CO CO CO en CO o o o CO -4 J3 o Nil cn CO o CO CD -3 O CD CO CD o CO 0 ti -1 CO o o o CO -1 o -1 c Ol o en o rfa CO Ol o o o -1 CO -4 o -1 to -4 CO -3 O X o -4 o -1 X hn -1 en -4 co -4 Cn -4 -4 -1 X X o -3 -1 -3 -4 -1 to 01 X -4 O -3 o tn o rfa. o tn -3 en o o o O to O rfa Ci o -4 o to o CO O 4a Ol o Ol X Ol to o r- CO CO CO rfa CO to o ID CO o to CO CO CO —1 CO o CO o rfa rfa. rt o Oi -1 nn CO cn CO rfa X to rf. co -1 N") CO 4a hn rfa o o &H S, 1—1 o -1 o o o CO o CO o o -4 JO o Ol o CO o o o -4 o CO CO O c -3 O CO o -] cn o -1 o -4 o o in CO Oi o to -1 to -1 -4 -4 -1 -4 -1 -4 X -1 X —1 -1 -1 X -1 cn rn O O Oi Ol Or r> ^ X CO CO o CD X CO hn co X to o CO -4 o CO hn NO o Ol ID -4 Cn rfa 4a. o uo rf- C. CO to o o en IO cr X o o rfa to 4a o o o rfa 4a. o rfa rt Cn CO X o X —1 CO Oi Cn rfa Cn CO CO -4 CO 0 H Uj 1—1 o o Ol CO CO to o CO CO rfa Oi rfa 3 CO -3 CO X -4 Ol -1 Ol O O o to h"' l—' hn CO to cc o CO 4- X -4 X Ol X Oi -1 -4 rfa X X CO CO X CO CO CO CO CD CO co CO CO X CO X CO CO co CO CO CD CO X CO X CO CO X X X X X -4 -1 4* o X 1—1 CO o CO CO rfa X' Cn hn to o -4 X CO o 4a. X Cn X o o rfa rfa o CJO cn O Ol V, Oi rfa to co CO rfa X rfa CO CO CO rfa o CO CO rfa Ol Oi Ol Cn o Ol o o -4 o o o -4 —1 -4 o Oi Ol Ol rfa 4a rfa rfa rfa rfa gj h- Ol to rfa o o X -J '~ o o -4 o X X CO o to -3 cn CO CO CO X CO CO CO o X -4 O CO CO a X to to to -4 O CO to Ol to to hn nn to rt to hH hH hn rt o NO CO NO N1 N1 N1 to B> S3 r> o c« tr o CO X CO CO CO CD rfa o tn rfa co X X -4 o Ol CO to o CO rfa O X CO CO -4 o X X o rfa to o X o rfa o o o rfa o CO Cn -4 to o to CO -4 rfa Oi CO CO ~ Ol X o O -1 o Cn rfa o rfa rfa to o Ol o Ol -4 ^ CO -4 0t% _ to Oi to X to to to to hH ,_, to hn hn to rfa. nn hH hn ^ to hH K) N1 s B cd 1 ft ,J o rfa en rfa. CO to to -4 CO Ol CO en rfa fa CO CO rfa. co -3 X CO X X o rfa Ol o -4 4a. Ol 1 ° to to o o X o CO rfa. o o rfa. rfa O rfa ^ cn CO X o X -4 CO O Ol -4 h-1 CO Cn o rfa rfa CO rfa Ol o o O o X rfa Ol rfa Ol CO CO -4 CO X CO CO to to to o CO o -4 CO x to CO CO hn X Ol CO o CO o Ol hH to CO CO o O o hn hn CO hn to hn O x o o o rt to CO CO to CO o -4 hn X rfa CO -4 3 CO rfa to — hn |_ to to o to hn hH hn to to CO to o to to to Ol wl o h- CO -4 Oi o -4 CO CO CO to o o CO CO rfa to to CO CO hn h-1 CD o o o hn rfa CO to o -4 ~' CO to _ |_l NO h-1 NO l-n nn CO to hn N*) to CO o rfa rfa. hH o to CO Ol o CD CO o o Oi X co CO 4a. o o X -4 Ol rfa ^ hn o X o X -4 CO X o o CO — 2 n*n O -4 hn Cn NO to rfa hH h-1 CO to to hn rfa CO to to hH to CO to to to o CO o X X CO -4 CO rfa o CO to o o o *"* o CO CO CO o X o X CD X CO X CO o to o -4 CO -4 CO CO rfa X O to hn to CO hH hn hn nn rn to hn CO to hn CO to to o CO CO o o rfa 1-1 Cn oo rfa CO O o CO 1-1 h-■ to 1-1 CO to X X Ol o rt rfa o 4a. CO CO l-n o CO rfa c o CO X o I-* O rfa -3 M < nn CO CO hn to h- M -4 CO to nn rfa hn hn rt hH to hn X CO CO CO to CO X to CO CO W.1 o o Ol CX) o O CO CO CO 4- -4 CO rfa -4 CO CO CO rfa CO CO o o to CO Cn 1-1 o -4 rfa o o rfa Ol o o CO X X o a OO LO ft ft ft o ft o rtl o Q hH d > F ft ft O hH Ul ft ft ft rfa CO O CO o o to NO -4 Ol -4 to h-' o rfa rfa hn o -4 hn -4 rt rfa o CO o - rfa o s CO Cn CO O to CO Ol CO CO o hn o rfa o -4 X to CO 4- x to -4 o CO h-1 hn to X h-1 to o NO CO CD CD 4-. X rfa o rfa rfa o o 4a. to to Oi 1—' O Ol rt -4 CO o CO X to CO rfa CO o CO CO CO rt to to o -4 o o o X o to -4 Ol rf- hn Ol £ to CO Oi 4- hH CO rH -4 o rfa CO to -4 to to CO X CO 4a. Ol Oi hn Ol CD CO CO to X h-1 Cn CO NO O Ol CO CO h-1 CO Oi hn rfa Ol CO -4 o o to to -1 to o hn o hH -3 tn X CO CO to X to Cn to rfa- Ol NO CO to CO CO o to -4 rfa rfa CO o Cn hn O 1-1 to -4 cn rfa X to CO CO N0 Cn o CO X o CO co to to to 4a-O Ul to CO X NO X 4a. o CO o X X CO - o cn X -4 -4 to to to X —1 o o CO 4a. o NO CO rfa o to o -4 NO NO 4a. to o X -4 Ol 4a. X rfa o o tn -4 CO rfa CO to CO o -4 rfa Cn -4 CO Cn o co X CO CO en rfa o to o CO CO - CO to o -4 —1 CO hn Ol to o to rfa CO X o hH to to Oi rfa CO to to hn CO Ol l-H o CO X CO CO -4 CO rf- o X to -4 Oi '4- rfa CO CO hn CD Ol to —3 to to rf. o to TO k rfa X o CO X o CO o to o o to to -3 CO CO o rf. Oi rfa X to rfa CO CO to o to Oi CO rfa 00 -4 -4 -4 -4 Ol CO to CO to CO Oi -3 to Ol CO X o CO rfa cn o rfa -4 O NO CO rfa O Cn o CO Ol rfa o CO X CO cn O CO CO -4 CO to 5 rt. to CO o to to o NO CO CO Oi Cn CO cn CO to Oi rfa- Ol o o rfa to -4 CO rfa X -4 hn hn tn CO CO rfa to X Cn CD rfa to o CO o X rfa X rfa hn X CO X CO CO to to CO -4 o nH hn Ol O X to to Oi CO CO cn o to CO NO -4 to to NO CO rfa to X Ol o o NO CO to c o rfa CO X x rfa to -4 CO 4a. hn CO CO o CO hn O CO -4 CO CO O O CO CO hH -4 o o X to X Oi Ol o to -4 to Cn to NO en o 4a. CO o CO to o -! X o -4 CO co o - O CO X to o o -4 o c o 4a. tn to to co to X hn o CO '-4 to to Cn X to X hH Cn -4 hH CO X to o hn o X to -3 10 10 4a. 4a. to CO to —1 CO o to to NO o ?n rt to o to rt 4a. o NO o NO CO Ol CO NO o CO hn CO X o o o Ol to Oi to tn X Ol CO to -4 CO rfa to rfa rfa X to -3 o rt Oi CO CO X to Ol Ol CO CO rf. o o o o Cn CD rfa o NO o ft C00ltoc0-40l0it0 C04-.tnOl4a.OOlOlOOlO-4COir.Olrfa.rfa.OlOl rtOOrtNOrt-JfoblCOhHtOhnOlOhnrttOtO OCOOCiOOOOOCOOtOOOOCOOOO t0t0a00irfa.-4rfa.0iO4a.4n.tntn0itn OtOWWOOX^rtiboCOOXO CiOOCOOOiOOOCOCOCOOOCO rf4-1COCOOrfa.4a.CO O rfa CO 4a. t04a.OltnOlOl4a.OCOOlOOtOCnrfa.4a.OlOO- COrf-OOtnOlOrfaOOOlrfaOlOl-OlOl -4COOOCOOCOCOOOOCOC1—i co to to o to to OCOCOCOOOCOOCO-4tOOOOClCOOO-4 XNOOOOtnOlrf-rf-iOCOOlCOCO-J ooootootoooocootooo -404a.tO-4COC04a. 4a.rf-OOrfa4a.CnCOhntOrf-rf-4a.rfarfatn4a.tnO rf-OlXOrfa-OCOOOOlrf-OOOlO -4CD4a.CntOXCOCOCOiO00—4hHr-.r- COCOOOCOCOOCIOOOOOCOOCOOCOO NO Ol CO hn " io-4COOXOCDOigOrtCnWCO.-4rt C0OOC0-1O-4C0OO-4C0OOO 4i.Ol4a.rfa00OlOlrfa OlCn-400-40lOiC04a.04a.4-.OlOlOlOlOlOl- cd be cn ooboi-4xo^cocxoboooxtoco. OOCOOOhHOOOOOtOOOCOOOCOO. OiCO-40l4a.OOlO-40lCOOirfa.rf-0 rt^4rfa-4-4C0CON0Coio00N0a0tOCO OOCOO-3COCOOOCO-4COOOO OlOCOCO-44a.rfa.tO- Orfa *a4-.OlOlrfaOlOlOltO4a.OlOlt04a.rfa4a.OlOlOl OO* rt4.}OCOCOCONOCOO-4COXCOOOOXOOlO rfa. Oi • CO— 3 000rf-Ol-40lhn4a.COrfa.O-4CO-4hnoCO tOCOXOlrf-04-.OOrfarfatnOltnrfa COCOOOOXrf.OOiOClCOOlXOl4-.rf- 4-,COCOhnCDXOCOOi4a.OOCO-4rfa SgS^ISrftwSS^o^rftotoooo^rK S-JSSJgo^SS^Scr rtCXOl'oOO-4XOCOrftoi04icX04toCOO C0rfa.OlOOC00lt0C04-.0l OrfaCXCOOot^COrfatoSrtCOrt-a.oCX-4-4COOCnO-4COW 44OOCO—4CO—4 to O rf- O —4OO00N0—4 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00^000000000000000000 OCOOOtOOlCOCOrt OiCOOi—40rfatnt0 OlOXOOOCOODXtOrth-COrfatOrttOtOOlCO O 1-n Oi NO kk^^k^r^'rekkbkkb/E^kbk^hkh^'ri^hbctkkkh s|s|S^|s Fail-. Cloudy Rain. Am't in inches. ra- ft H ft O ft O F O O hH o > F ft ft O rt Ul ft ft ft CO O ft ui vi So (i CD P P fn ' 3 VI FO>t»rJftftft p_L_c°o~Oo 3t hrj ftftOfto-ftftftftftftft Steilacoom tquerque.... a Fe....... cia Barracks ip Far West H 3 - P > g 3 • Mcintosh.. Duncan... Inge...... Lincoln... orq C_ ft p rt P Ci rO g 3 O i s. m H ° -- 5 — o' Arbuckle.. Worth.... Graham... Croghan... Martin Scot Ul H > s TO Pf Ul Ol Ol Cn Cn • Ol Oi Oi en Cn o tn 4l -3 -1 -1 -4 -4 -4 -i -4 o -4 -J -1 -4 43 31 o 4a. rfa. 4a. . -4 4a. 'O. Hi X X 4- Ci o X 4- CO X c 4- to XI X -3 rfa Ol . on -3 O o -1 to -4 Tl 4a. to X X to X rfa to cn X 4- tn o S3 o Ci CO o . -4 CD O o CO CC -4 tn en o CO o -4 o n. o o CO CO CD aO 31 Oi cn -1 o • —3 —1 X -1 --1 -1 X X cr X X X X X CD -1 -3 X X X -4 X -4 to hn rf. Oi • en Oi o co to CO CD " CO X -4 —3 to CO 4| CO CO CO X to -o > rn o Cn rt . -i Oi hn X -1 o NO -4 hn -1 Ol Ol 4a. X CO CO o rfa o -4 tn -1 & {,« o O O - o o O o CO -J O CD O o -3 CO CO O o CO o CO -4 CO o en o -1 Ci X 00 ■ X X X X X CO CO CD CO CO CO co CO X CO X CO X CO X CO X) X CO 0 H CO o X o • o rfa CO -1 CO Ol rt X to CO -4 X O -4 o 4- c CO — IX rfa D o s to 4a. tO -4 . cn rt CO l_l cr, —1 hn -3 to Ol -3 CO cn CO Oi X 4a. —4 CO CO 31 o 1-* •a O CO CO o • -3 o CO o en o " o CO o CO o CO o o CO CO CO CO en o JO en r> . Ol O O " O o o -J —i -1 X X —4 X X X -4 X X -4 -4 -4 -1 CD —4 -4 -4 to 0 ti CO o o o • CO CJO rfa CO CO co rt o CO o CO to -3 l-H ha CO CO o CO CD CO o en h? CO en rfa tO . -4 X Oi -4 X NO CO X CO CO NO Oi X c CO Oi ri Oi -4 o «o Oi -H o o . O CO o o o CO O o o Oi —3 o CO l-J CD CO CO o —4 CO o CD o ri o Ol -1 o • o -4 -4 -1 —1 -1 —3 X X X X X rr, X X —3 -4 X X X X —4 -4 •> o hH rt Ol • CO rt rt o o CO X -3 I— Ol o o CO 10 to X -4 o rt cc X re* 5 to Cn O rt . rfa 4a. 4a. hn CO co CO CO CO Ci CO hn o OS X Ol e—. NO o B 'r4 o CO o o . CO X O CO co CO rf. o X CO to CD 1-1 CO CD 00 CO o co Oi -c CO S3 l-n hn hn nn rn X -4 O CO . CO C! CO n cn _5 D to o rr CD CD CD CT) ■x CO o CO rfa rfa -4 rfa . uo h-1 o X 4a. -H X o Ol Ci CD O CO CD o Oi o CO o rf- V, rfa. Ol rfa Ol . CO rfa Oi rfa rfa Cn o o —I -4 O o Cn \> Oi to . CO Ol -4 CO CO -3 to X rfa o o CO to 4- CO O CO rfa o CJO o CO 0 S3 a era to hH co to • to NO to l-n hn to NO NO hn NO NO hH eo B > 1—1 Oi X ■ X CO co 00 -4 rfa CO o rfa CO o O to X CO CC to Ol rfa hn X rfa CO S 2 P a -4 Ol CO X . o Ol Cn« X X -4 I-1 o o o o -4 CO rfa -4 M Ol o CO rfa o -4 o t-H IO hH . CO to to NO N1 CO to nn B « O CO " o o rfa CO -4 CO CO CO -4 CO o CO rt X CO X 4a. en Oi CO rt CO Oi CO Ol -4 tO • — Ol Oi to CO CO CO rfa 4a. rfa o rfa rr o CO CO Oi CD -4 o rfa CO o ? 1 nn to to — to o o 1—1 o *-* hn rfa to CO o rfa o Ol u-1 hH O o o CO o o o c o o to n>. nn CO • CO to o o l"J rfa CO CO Ol to CO o CO o 1-1 '- rfa O o o Oi o o o o o o CO NO hH o *- O O rt CO CO to CO 1-1 CO CO o to rf. to cn hH to rfa CO CO o o ^ o o rfa o o IX NO hn -H o o O" o Ol o hH rfa rfa CO to CO CO CO rf. X 1—1 CO X Ol to o o o o Ul nn nn NO NO NO o rfa O rfa rfa o to -4 to o rfa 4a. h-1 -3 X o CO rfa CO rfa CO 1-1 X X a 0> < to to NO rfa 4a. tn NO co . ~ rf- CO -4 -J -4 CO o en X 00 to CO -4 CO o 4a. X — CO X CO o o o o hX ft ft ft o ft o o o hH a > F ft ft ui ft ft ft CO to CO X CO X rn 4a. o CO Ol Oi NO Ol nn rfa r-1 a Q. o to to rfa rt to CO rfa rt O tO o to to CO to o -4 CO "to- 1—1 rfa CO ui IS 0 B CO CO co no Oi CO IO cr CO CO -1 Oi to 0 tn tn to Ol Ol X X rfa o CO o o CO CO to en Ol en o rf. en 0 to 1—1 to to Cn CO 4a to CO hn rfa Oi 01 CD NO to CO O O X 4a. o CO to rfa O tO -4 CD o o CO o tO- CO o 44 01 0 to" TJl ? CO NO CO X o rfa :/; to tn 0 CO 0 i 35 . 18 -4 o CO X Oi CO CO CO o o -4 CD 00 rfa to O O CO o '"■' rfa -1 to to 0 1—1 X -4 rf- to 0 TJl ft h5 5 Oi o o to NO rfa tO rfa CO O CO -4 o O O hn o - to rfa. Ol 01 to if, -H tn CO rfa to to hn hn 0 -4 co 4- 0 TJl X o -4 c -1 CO hn hn Ol X o O o h- 1—1 CO o X hn rfa tO to Oi -4 X X Ol CO rt rfa o o rt NO i-n o o to to rfa o o o o o o o hH hn CS - to 0 0 -4 01 ft rfa. co CO CO rf. CO CO Oi to rt 4a. to to o Ol CO CO O O 00 o to o o o o o o o 01 hn O hn to 0 0 CO CO -4 rfa CO oo no tn hn CO to o rfa o O 00 o to co rt o o CO o o to 0 rt 0 hn hH 0 0 0 hn 2 k CO CO CO o -4 -4 NO -1 o O 00 X o CO o o Ol o o 0 to CO NO X X hn CD X -4 CO X -4 00 -4 to CO Ol -1 Ol rfa rfa rfa CO to rfa 0 hn -4 0 TJl NO X o O CO NO Oi to to CO X CO -4 nn -4 -4 -4 S3 CO O CO o CO O CO O o O CO X o o O CO CO CO o o 0 0 0 -4 0 CO 0 g CO to X X Ol CO -4 CO CO CO OO CO -4 CO rfa -4 o o rfa CO Oi Oi Oi 0 0 rfa -4 -4 CO > g CO Ol —1 to o hn Cn NO rfa 0 to hH hH hH 0 0 0 r> O o o o o CO CO CO o en co o Oi CO o o —4 CO o o CO 0 CO CO 0 0 rt CO a Oi Oi X CO -4 X -4 CO X CD O X -4 o rf. X o o Ol rfa Oi 0 Cn 0 CO -4 0 0 CO p CO CO CO co hn NO X rfa rfa CO -4 Ol l_l m CO co rfa CO -4 rf. 0 -1 0 g a rt o o o CO o o O o o O O rt -4 o O CO CO CO o o 0 CO CO 0 0 CO Ci CO Ul 0 > hi rn Ol NO cp CO rfa CO -4 rfa CO XXX -4 en X CD -4 -4 Ol o X 0 -4 X -4 -1 X X CO hi CO -4 CO —1 -1 NO CO rfa o O CO m CD CO o o rfa NO rfa to —4 Ol 0 CO to k f S3 00 CO CO o o O CO X c CD CO -4 o CD O CO CO o o o 0 rfa to 0 0 Cn 0 CO rfa CO X CO rfa CO -4 -4 -4 CD -4 00 -3 rfa Oi -1 o o rfa rfa 0 Ol Ol 0 Ol rfa -3 -4 g O rfa CO NO -1 hH o -1 CO rt tn Oi X CO X en 0 rfa CO 01 X co 0 hH r> rfa. Ol h-1 o o CO o h-1 rfa -4 rt rf. CO -4 O CO o o 1-1 l-n X rfa —1 to Cn 0 0 CO CO NO to to CO CO CO to CO to hn NO NO NO nn ,_, to to to h_ to NO rH to to Fail- Oi to o o o o co o o O CO o o rfa O tn CO CO Ol rfa 4- hn O CO CO IX CO CO a r> -< ,_, nn nn h-1 h_. • nn tn X o o o o hH o o O rt o o o rfa Ol -4 X Ol o 0 CD O h"' ex -4 CO -4 -4 Ol -4 o o rt o o o o O O rt rt o rfa tO Ol o hn rfa Oi Ol rfa hH Oi to Ol - Oi Rain. rl S3 > > t? TO 0 o o o o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Snow. o to o o c o o o o O O O o o o to CO hn NO Oi hn CO 0 hn . 0 0 to cn en o o o o o o o -1 -4 CO CO to CO Oi X -4 O 0 CO NO Am't in inches. Ol Oi o o hn CD o o o O O CO to Ci CO o o hn Ol to CO rfa 00 0 CO CO CO ^ ft CB 3 7 3 p SB > Ci o c ■H rt TJ1 p ffl rt ft ■ n ft 0 rt ft 0 0 ft F X 0 0 0 ft Ci ■—, ft \> 3 F ft hn ft X Oi ft ft n l—i Ul ft ft ft 00 ?22:S222°or4r,ocoopp^PooOffiOOooooP— ooft£rFftFWffift^O ^ r. & n n G a r> HH 2 P h * a SB p td 4-i.n r • : c : • S- ft - < p g w ,M § 2 2 ^ 3. 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CO X -4 co -4 CO CO rfa CO M 4- - x -3 r- o CO -4 CO o CO CO o -4 X CO NO to NO O NO rfa rfa hn rfa rfa Ol NO CO to Ol rfa to to X rfa o o Ol to -4 o o o CO rfa o rt Oi CO hn CO o to to o « -.,, _ to co CO CO rfOi to -4 cn rfa Ol hn o hH to to o CO CO to CO -4 hH O l-n O to -4 rfa O rfa C rf. rfa o rfa CO rfa o CO rfa Ol CO CO o Oi Oi o to CO to CO hn x o to o -4 -4 -I rf- Cn CO -4 o rfa to o rfa co rfa CO to X hn o to to h-1 to X X to CO CO to hn o bi -4 Ol to Oi rfa hn co CO CO to -4 rt hn CO to to to hn hH -4 CO Cn Ol CO CO o CO. Oi CO X o CD Ul a a Or 0 B o S" o 10 -1 Oi hn 4a. 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X CO 00 Ol o CO Ol Ol X hn to to CO X Cn o o to Cn Oi to rfa o CO CO hn Ol Ol o o Oi o to to NO X CO Ol h-1 o X -4 o o CO o -4 CO to rfa hn tn O 00 o Oi Oi 4-o -1 4- 01 o CO NO X to to rt X to to CO rfa CO Oi rfa o to CO X rn to rfa to o to -4 rfa CO CO o X CO CO rfa © o to rfa CO h-1 to CO o CO to rfa x o CO o to CO Oi o Oi OD 4-4a. to -1 Oi IO (O Oi rf. -3 to Oi to to CO to it CO rfa to CO X to CO VH CO CO o -4 CO o o CO rfa CO \—> to -4 CO o to CO to Oi to to CO to CO o CO rfa to X CO o to Ol 4a. CO X -4 o Oi rfa hn rfa X Oi Ol CO o o CO NO CO X to CO X o X o to o Ol Oi CO rfa rt hH rfa to hn hn rfa hH hn rt CO o CO rfa o o o o hn Ol CO rfa CO hn -4 rfa o rt © rt CO to en rfa o Ol to X CO to CO o to co to X CO CO X CO o Cn -4 to o -4 Oi CO to 4- CO to -4 CO 53 k o 00 rt to Oi to CO to rf. to hH -4 to o X hn to Cn o o o o hn o CO -4 o to to CO o to CO rfa to hn Ol CO Oi to CO -4 X 4a. X rfa o CO CO CO X o CO CO CD -4 CO to rfa rfa. X to Ol to CO hH rfa Oi -4 rfa Ol rfa hn to -4 o rfa o co CO -4 -4 | 4-Ol hn CO rfa o Oi .0 to o CO rfa o rfa o X CO o X -4 -4 o CO -4 CO Ol rfa Ol X o CO CO CO o o o rfa o o rfa o -4 o rfa rfa X o o rfa CO Oi rfa Oi X <-> CO Cn Oi to CD rfa to -! o to -4 to CO CO to 4-1 4a rfa en rfa -4 -4 -4 rfa X rfa o -4 CO 4a. Ol o co X CO tn rfa CO X CD o CO o CO CO o rfa o co -3 en CO o rt» Oi CO en CO o TJl S3 p a c-P a o f 3 \ > hn X Oi o >—• Ol X -3 Oi Ol rfa Ol rfa -4 to co rfa. co o rf. O CO Oi Oi Oi o • Ol -4 rf- -1 cn Ol -4 CO o Oi -4 c Oi X o rfa -1 —3 -4 CO to CO o o CO o CO Oi o Cn hn rfa rfa Ol -4 Oi l-n rfa CO o Ol to rfa o rfa Ol X o rfa to Oi -4 -1 4--4 X CO Oi Ol X Ol 4a. Oi to to CO X o rfa Ol rfa rfa o -4 o CO to o c CO Ol rfa rfa -4 O rt co co rfa O C -4 -4 O Oi o rt to X CO o o o -4 o o CO o rfa 00 Oi o CO rfa -4 rfa o CO CO o X CO CO Oi rfa Ol 4-. o CO Cn to CO rf. Oi rfa to to Ol o CO Oi CO to CO co o CO > n* y r> CO " 00 rfa. OO Oi Oi rfa rfa -4 Oi o CO to 4-co CO -4 to to rfa o rfa o ', Ol -1 o o Oi o 1 o -4 rfa Oi Oi hn o CO CO -4 CO Oi rfa Ol X Ol o CO o o en rfa to to 1—' o CO Oi o CO CO Ol rfa co Ol rfa Ol Ol o 4a. Ol o rfa CO CO CO -1 4a. Oi CO CO Oi rfa Oi Ol CO Oi X Ol X -4 rfa Ol X o rfa rt Ol h-' CO Ol to to CO to CO Ol to Ol to -4 o o Oi Ol X o rfa rfa -4 O CO o o • o o Ol o o o to Oi -3 o X rfa Oi X CD O -4 -3 -4 -4 Ol X -3 O X -4 X CO o o o Cn CO to Oi to Ol CO to o o CO -4 to rfa X -3 Oi 4a rfa -3 CO rfa CO Ol CO CO o o o to co o CO o X o CO rfa o rfa Cn o Ol Cn X rfa -3 CO -4 o to rfa rf. o CO -4 o Oi rfa CO Oi Oi : o hn to Oi -4 o -4 4a rfa -4 CO NO en to X o rf. Ol -4 -4 o -4 CO o X Oi rfa o Oi Ol Ol -1 to rfa X CO o CO hn rfa CO rfa rf. h-1 rfa o -3 Ol o: to rfa CO Ol rfa o CO o o -4 CO NO Ol to CO rfa o o CO rfa O hn 03 CD CD o rfa CO rf. CO rfa -1 -1 Oi -1 to Ol CO CO r> p 0 to to —1 X to rt -3 to CO o rfa to c o hn CO CO to to to o IO NO X to rfa to rfa to to NO NO rfa NO CO CO to o X to -4 rfa to o X CO to o Ol CO rfa -4 hn Ol CO X rt to CO rt CO o rfa 4a. Cn CO X Fair. a p << CD rfa CO o 4- X Ol —! hn Cn to o CO x rfa CO -4 -3 X CO h-' -4 X CO rfa -4 hn CO CO rt o X -4 rfa Ol co CO X o hn -4 -4 o X o to CO Cloudy I Ol rfa rfa CO o to to hH h-1 rt CO o CO Ol CO rt -1 -1 X X Ol hH CO X o X X hH -4 to hH o o hn to hH o to CD rfa to CO CO rt CO Cn CO X rfa hn -4 Rain. a p S3 J > > o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o O -4 CO o c o o o Snow. Ol Ol o CO to to X o o -4 X to o o Ol o -4 Ol CO CO CO o o CO CO CO Ol CO to h-1 CO CO rfa o tn to -4 4a 10 Oi o o to o X o rfa X rfa 1-1 Oi -4 CO CO X -4 CO Oi CO to rfa CO to CO X Ol -4 CO o o rfa CO to rfa to o CO o Oi CO X CO rfa CO o CO 00 NO Ol —4 -1 o -4 CO o CO rfa 4a. CO rfa rfa rfa -1 rfa NO CO to CO en o to o o rfa CO o to o Oi CO CO Ol Am't in inches. TO •y. c O cn CT nn rt ft ft ft o tr ft o o sin, F ft X O Q o ft a c— ft > ft F r< ft CD Cn ft ft P hH Ul ft ft ft -J -J > o on P o 3 toSftc/.>TOFO>c720Mftftft CD — riPrr-BDJCDi-HOrri—■ f-i n C CJ- P P CD ft O ft S- ft S. P td M a. °3 rfa X CO tn CO rt to o P < _n ™ ft Oq > O 3 Oq c o^ trq rt ~0 oq ta g ft > ft ■*! ft ft ft s 5' g 12 ° -. ft 5' 3 o o ft 5? 2 3 rt P 3" NO CO tn o Oi CDOrfa00Ol0hHCl-4O00iO OOrfaOrfaOlOll-nOrfa—4CO -3 rfa tO iO o tn oi bo 0 -4-4XCOOOODOOOOOOGOXX-4 COCOtOtOhntOrfaCO to to CO CO OC0C0CO4a.hHtn-4-Jtn-4 OOlOOih-itOO-4hnOOO X X X X X O O Ol Ol O Ol X 00 h-1 r1 ? 5? ^ S5 * ' nOXXXXCOCOCOCOCOCDCDCOXXOOXCDCOCOCOCDCOCO Oi CX CO 00 C^ -4 • t0-40iX-4rfaO-4OlrttO4j^a.00XXOlC_ihH(OC0X4-.C0 °? !S S °i K S ' ^MHffiDJBHUwwcii^^nirffihiuciicobisua -4COtO-40iX. rfaOtOWnOCOOtnOOhHhHOl-4rf.rtOC00004-OOlCOhH °l rr 7i 2 S? °5 * -JOO-4-4-4XXXOOXOOX-4 00XOO-4-4XODXXOO ...ft Ol—3X4a.rfaC0C0C0hnO-4C0hH4jt0h-O0l00lrtC0C0hnO § --! ?S SS !S ft • ^wk^xbtotocobibrto^obrtNo-^-itooi-irfaOi O rfa CO CO CO CO . 4a.OnOtn-3000tOCOrfatnCOrfahnOtOCOOrfaOrfatOtOX SS-r^F^^i" -'-'-4-4-4440oxcxoonoxxxxoo-4-4 0DOoxooxcx CO rt o, O, -4 hn . l^tOrfaOOOlCOCOOOrtl-nOOrfaCOlOrtCOOOhnCOOlrfaCOCO S S K S 2 SS • OCDC00l|-4C0t0C^b-4b4-.C04a.C000rtX4-.4a.bb COOiCOXOCO. OOOOtOOtOCOXO-4hHCOrtOt0 04a.COCO*aOrttO CO -4 O CO —4 CO tO O CO rfa tO hn O CO rt CO CO CO CO cc CD CO CO rfa CO o o -4 -4 X o tO rt tO tO rt rt X rfa -4 00 rfa CO rt Ol Ol CO CO rt OrfahnO4a.C0X-4 COhHrtrfatOOOOOl CO CO CD -4 O CO CO Ol CO CO O X Ol rfa o to no to bi oi Er: hHiOCOrthHhnhHhnhHhn |_- >_, ,_, hn |_H hn |_i h-1 i_j rt -4COOOlX-400hnoC04_,tDOCOOCOCOCOOhntn-40 X Ol rfa. O CO CO to CO Ol Ol -4 l-n CO . hHCOCOO-40tOOlO-4hn4i.tOrfaOXtO COCOOOOOCOOlOOOOlOlOrt-400tOOOOhnOhnOOOOOOO hn hn tO f-4 |_1 COOOOOOlOtO-4tnCOOrtOOOOOOOtOOrtOOOOOOO OCOOtOrtOrttotOrtOOCO-40l4-,tOtOOO-400rfaCOI-HCOOOOCO CnOOCnOH-.tOH4.c3oiScocoS^rt^t-H^^^xgSStncoo-o^ hn KO rtrtrfa tO rtODrfarfa-OO c-5OiC004i.4a.tOtOOirfa.tO OOrfatOCOOOlOO-400nOXtOCOOOCDO-4hHOrf-.COCOrfaOCOCOrfaO . 11 -ni_iK34i.C001t0OOC0 0lrno00XC0OO—lCCClCOtO . o-ltrttnoooSrftoowxoxooocOrtrftcoH-toxo. otococo tO nn nn nn nn nn ^rtCOtOrtrfartOrfatOaSOl OhHrtOOOOiO-401-HCOOCDrfaOOOiO-ltOOrtCOOXOtOOiOO COrt tO rtrtOrthn COrtO NO tOCOrtOCOOCOifetnCO rt-4-4OOOOC»O-4O-4 4a.-4OOOO0lOXrfaCrjXOiOO©C0t0 SS^^coggoS-JcooKSr-oootooto-nototocoo^^S • -tjcxorftooitoitrtcorfa-, tStoooocoooxoeorf-ooj-oxoo XtOOOt0-^C0O-4OOC0t0OC0OOOOOOrtOt0OC0OC0OhHt0 ■ hH CH CD CD Ol hH -fca hH f—4 Ol tO - -jO-^t004-.OhH-4rtCOOOCOOOOOOOrtOtOOtOOOOCOtO rt-40lC0QDOC0Ot000Oc0C0OC0OOOOOOt0OOOOOOOC0O . tO CO hn hn CO hn hn hn rfa CO -jOOt-ntOOOOrfarfatnOlCDCChnOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOCOO totOCDOlOrfaOCn-4-4-40lOlOi-4tOrfa-40Cn04-.Ol-10lrfa-4XCO-4X -4rtiOC04-.CDOC0rtXX00-4l—'OOOOrttOO—4rtN0C04-.rtOOl—'l—l 4aC0t0C04a.C0Ol0Orfa-4'44rf.4-.4a.lrtOC0C0t0OOC0t0XhnC0ClC0OO *arfaCOOOCOOO*aOCO-4XO—4Xrfarfa—4 0ltnO4a.0lC0O0l-4000l-4X b!.ocobrtc©rtbcDrf--4(OOrtC0.440rt-40rt<,^xortXi-nooihniO OCJ100OCXt0C0OO4a.O0lO-4t04a.-4 CO rfa -4 NO CO OtO CO OCOOrtCCtO OlOlCOCOCJlODXCOOlCOOlOlOlrfaXtntn-4Cn4a.O*aOlCiOCnCl-4 4.ilrt,oo rTlCOtOtobl4-.COCn-4bbbbc40tOOl-OXXX4a.COCOO COXCOC^OCOXrf-OlOOOOOOl-4XCO-4rtXtOtOOrtCDOliOOtOO OCOCOC£)hHXtntnOtOlrt4-,4a.tnO-4CXCO-4-4Ci-4 00-400-4XXOOCOCO 'hn Li tn rtOibbtOOOlCOCOtOOlrtXtOOOitOCO tO -3 XO—4CD-40lrf-CD CD4-rtCOOCOOC^OH>COtOOOCOCOlOOtOOlCOC0 4--3 04a.OrfaOOXO rfatOCOXCO—4rfa*a.O—40iOOlOl-40lOl-400lOOlO--3 0 0l—4—401—4 00 Lcmt04a.OrnC0C0t^rfab0C0t0tn-4i00l-4C0 44C0t0 4a.-1Cna>rfa.CCCOOiCO O-40l-5xrtrtOCDX0l4-OW4-rtCXOt0 0i00Ot0X00rtOa0 0li-n-4 rtrtCOtOrttOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOCO no to to tO COrttOtO to CO toto to COCO OWOOOXtOOOOlrfatOrfaCOCOtOOOhHOrt-44-.Oi4-.tOOlO-l-40n _____ hn hn hnhnhHhHhn -^QOrt4a.OlCOC©rtOlO-4CO-400tOCDrtOlOrtOrfa-40-4000lrfa.rfaCO COOOOC00004-.001-4— Irr-COrr-CiUlClCrCi-nieDtJinr-UlOnUltOiOtO 0000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOO- • Oi O O O • rtOtOhnOtOCOCOrfaCOO. to o 0 • o LiOobbbb* • 1-ntOCOrfa. OXXh--4(OOCOhHOx! COrfartl ^_ OOOOrtOO- • OOlOO. 0lC0rfaOXO0l-4C0-4O. CB CO M . o ~^2 ft o ft hSF ft cd* 2 4.P u. p ,--, H CD CO rt n O- rt P "* to 3 P T < CO Ol "> *-3 '< W cn Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches. ft H ft O trr ft 0 O 2! ft ft O HH O O 1—1 ft Ci t-H i> ft r F k! ft X ft Q i-h Ul ft ft ft to ftftftftftftftftftft-35TO^ftft^--i-H2 r ? r « ?» a o 2 o W 9. $ r. g " o i-a ftftftftftftftftft peoo»oogo 4,4,4,-l^-I_4^4^^ IJftS^s^g^ n ST^V! rip oo -T1 M 33 3' ^ ^ rT rt to P" ID 5. g qk) eg ^ fed ft ft n r> O p hf CB lr|- ft !jr tr- £-. Ci X CD 3 CD td p -1 P 3 ft 3 ft o ft 50 £ 3 3 • c ° ; g 3 ti t O- r § j 0 ' CB • OOOOtnOitnOiOi rt -3 rf-hnCOOl to coo o to bco0i4a.0t0t0rt04a. bbcococxcA^^xc^oaort OlCDCOCOCOOlXOlCO'tOtOrfaXrfaX CD rfa CO rt O CD CD rfa X0DXX00XXXO0O0-4-3-4-J rfaOlrt tOCOrtCOrfatOCOrfa--3CO COO1O1COO1COCDOCOO1—1 00 hn Ol rfa CD 0000000-4 SrtSooSxOl-OOOrfaOO -4 O CO -4 4- CO X X tO XCO-4COOrt—40rfaXO 00 X X -4 -4 -4 -4 O O -4 X jl rt CO X X O C XXXXXXCXO0O0X00O0-4XX 4.tXCn0iXC0O-4t0OO4a.-44-.O _J 4j 4.J -4 ~T 4.1 4.1 o to o to hn hH O rt Cn X O rf-COOCOCOCOrtCOOrfa COOtOXOrtOrtO O O -3 CO O rf- CO X -3 tnrtCOCO-4XOCOOCO rt*-4a.tOXCOC004a.rf.OX-3 -3O4j-)54j0iOO0lO-4-4-4-4XXX --4 Ci Ol O O O Oi COOCOCOCiCOOirfatOrnrtOitO—4COCOCD rt Oi CO CO 1— rt -4 CO O CO rt -4 Ci rfa Oi O X CO —4 Oi O Cn hn tO tOCOtOOXOOi-4CDOrtCOOlCOXOl-4CD tOOCOOCOOrtOOOCDOhnCO 00rtC0OOO0iO4a.O hn4a.COOOC04-.OhnO -4 O O O O Oi O -4 xxnoxxxoo-4 O O to CO O —4 OOOOOOOO frOC^SMWCo'SoO^OXOOrf-OGO O X> CO NO ' rfa CO tO -4 CO rt rtboocx^oirtbtocoxtorfaooirtooorfacort rr. en en OS cr>rtrfaCOOllO-4tOtOrt4arfa-3*artrfaCOOOl OCOOiCOOhnrfaCDOlCO-4tOtO SrlZonSSSrS^ %%£££% coocDcxocoxxxxxnoxcxpoxxxcxpox ^-QOtOOCDO-JOlOlOOXOitOtOtOOiOOlOl .q rt rfa- hn CD tO CD -4 O O O CO -4 hnrtNOrtl—iNOrtrtrthnhnrtrtl—11—itOrttO rfa^OCOOOCDXCOCDhHtOtOtOOOCOtO I^L, brt^-4rt-4c»wbrtbwwc»bcjobb hn hn hn f-n NO tO CO hn i-n (O hn —n hn hn hn 1—h hn hn hn hn OC0C00lC0OC0OO-400XOC0C0-40l00—4 CO CO bbx-4Cjik)bcOrtxbrfabontobbboibrnb-4rtrfabbo-4cortOOitooi S^SrtSSgrSScJi'SrftSG^ 44004a.C04a-OOCOrfaCOtO 4a.iOCOrtC»lrtCOCOOCOOOlOrfaOCD-4COXXXOlOOrfaCOCDO ?" 1_1 CO OlhntOtOOhH CO -£ hn hn rt CO rt rt t-nrfa. 4a. hn 43O^t0CTrtC0hHXrfa.C0OXOOCn0lt0Ort0l-4OC0XC0X4a. X O CO Ol CO CO h-1 r. rr, A^n -n e-i OS -4 CO hH 4a- rfa tO hntOtOCOiOrtOlOX WXrtrtOOCOrtCo2^W4^cO©Ort-4X-4rfartOlXOiX4a.Ol un rt NOrfa CO 1—' rttONOhnhn rttO Ol hn CO 44C0rtrtt04a.C0*.O0lhHOrtC0OO0lC00lC0*a-4O-44a.-4OI-n -----------------------------—;_. " to _,,.- vr. e^. hn CT) hn hn tO hn rt COCOCOiOtOrtrfa—4 COrfa tn WOrtrt4a.OCOOOrfatO-4-400COO^XOntOtOrfa-4C004a.OO. rt CO rt rfa t0rfahn4a.-4rfatOrt r-rttOrfatnOCO OOlhnCO-4hnOOOOhH-4rfatOrfa-4COO B& B w £ ° OO on ft H ft O hH ft o o ^ ft L o n 52 ft Ci > ft > 0 ft a Ul ft ft ft X O tn Ul r-j H ft -4 0tOtOOO-4tOO -n hn (O rn rtl—'tOCOCOtO 00-4hHOOCDOOCOOlOtOOl4a.rfahn4-.CO CO O hn to X tO rfa O O rfa tO C0rtC0OC0t0rfa.rfa.rfa.C0-4rti0 tOOlrfaOOlCOrfaOltOrnOOtOO NO tO rfa tO X o o co to rfa -4 tO rfa O CO rt rt CO tO CO NO rtCO-lCOiOtOhnto CO CO O O O N0> X00 tO COOlXCOrfa-4 -4 COCO tO OOCO rt o co to o X rfa Oi O tn NOhnO rt rfa ODrtOlOlrtCOrfal—I XXXOtOOOOOOiXOlCOOONOCOrf. CO O CO tO rfa to to rt O 4a. CO CO hn hn .c rt. 4— 44 4-tOOODtnCOCOCOOOOCOOI—irtrfart -4 O rfa rt to I—'tOrtO_rthnrt CXiOCOnOOrfa.tOOltO-44-.OOltOOOOtOrfaCOhnO-4hntOOO-4 rt hn rfa rt O Ol O O hn Ol O hn(0 COO hH hn CO CO rt __ "-I5 ft ft COCOtOrfa4-.rtOO-4CO-4 0t04-nOCOOO JO hn t0 4a.a-.rfatOrtWrttOrt XOiOOOOlOXtOOirttOOOlrtCOXW H r> H h> U o O tO -4 Cn 4- rt Op 1-n Cn CO tnXCOCOOlOOOOlCOCOhnOirti-i-400 NOCO tOrttOCOtOtOh-tOCOtntONO to COCnCOrfaOXhHtOrfaCOrtOOrtO-lCO COO 4a-tOX-l CO O tO OlXOrfa-4rt05 rt O O CO CO rt to Oi CO to O rf- to O O O Oi to O CO l-n CO rtrt NO u u rtXCOrfaOOhH-4X*arf-hni-HCO-4tOOl j^hHrt hn XtOrt COtO rfa NO CI CI hnOOrfaXO-4CnnorfaO. OlrtOlXCOtO hn hn COCO hnhHtOtOCOtOhn hn hn COCOOOXCOXrtOlOOlOCO-JOOOOCOrfa NO CO hn X4a- tO rfa- rfa. rfa CO tO O tO C.1 10 r-n tO hn CD CO -3 tO Oi O CD Oi O O O -4 X -I Ol to to CO o 00 hn -4 4a. rfa m JO O rt a- O CO b -3 O -4 CO O O CO o -4 hn hn 4-.WCntXrtOntOrfahH4jtntn4a.Olrfa*aCOrfa.CO-4hnrt 43 Ol CO —4 rfa O Ol rfa. Ol Ol Ol Ci rfa £oo^S3cS£coJco-83£o'£3co!S^ OeOtOtOO*a.rfarf-OOOtnO OlrfaOlXeOrfat04a.N50lOl04a.OrfaCn*atnOl-4CO*a-4C^tO-4rfaOOCntnOOO brtW-itni-^bibc^oirtbirtlsrHrtto^w^wb C0OC^-lXrfaXOtn4a.O4-.C0OOOOX4a.hn0lO-4rtOt0-4rtOOCOOCJJrfa Ol CO CO rfa -4 4- CO -4 -j rfa X Ci O O OC^0nX4-.C0l0C0t0ra.rfaO4a.O4a.4a.4H.0lCnX*a0lXOC0-4*aOO0. Ol Ci O Ci OCOit-rfaOOOOltOhnOO rtOOtr,COrtOrfaOlrfaOCn-40-4 0n4a.tnCntn--4 04-CXOltO-4C^OOejltnOi-4^C7. -4 CO o skkl§isSr2ss8g&&lssi3S5Ss[8 rfa. -3 rt to Oi CO Ol rfa CO O O Ol Ol -4 rfa OD O4a.0n00C04-t04a.N0tn0lO4a.O4-4a.4a.0n4--ie04a.X0lt0-44-.OOC«0lOOO s'^khkkhb^kbbrribkzihkh^ks^^^^^^^E^^^s NO hH hH CO CO Oi -.4 rf. CO — I O O Oi ^^.^hH^h-NOrthHrthnrttOrtl-nl-HCOhnrHrttOtOtOrttOtOtO 4§rt-^S4toOo1ortSr2-4WoStoSoOrt*.XrtrtOOlOrtO-4tOCt1rt XCOOOOrfh-4X4-.Cn ^t^rtSKoWOrtODo!oi£c^o1rt0^W000' OrtOrtrfaCOCOO -4 CO O Ol -4 Oi X oi oo -i COCOC04-.OOltOt04-.hn04-.OOOCOOCO.CO -4OO-4 00XOC00001-4-4O o o o o o o o o o o o to Ol rt CO CO to CO o CO -1 X -4 X o to CO Ol to CO Ol en -4 o -4 Ol Ol Ol o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 43 CO rt rt -1 43 0lXOOOC0OC00l4a.t0e0C0rtt0t0rtC0C0t0t0C0t0C0C0 §8ss£8Ssb:blSr-ig&8^ Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches ft ft ft O ft o F O o hH a > F ft ft hH Ul ft ft ft oo OO nr«u/^rt^T-y^ntrDo^^ot^Ofr^r--oOr)POrTOoo ft 3 cr o » 3 - f a g ft P. s. c ~ c-5 cl tfq > O O g "2 to g « > rt rfa X O O -3 X —4 O -4 O -4 -4 CO CO rf- O Ol CD hn tO O On Ol 00 rfa CD rfa CO X X -3 IO tO O O rt CD cn rt co h- o O O -1 -4 O rfa o Oi CO -4 CO -4 tO -4 O X O CO Oi CD rt -4 rfa OO CD X O rt CO -4 Oi Oi Ol CO O X -4 tO -4 CO CO IO to X CO CO 00 -4 O i-n CD X 3- fn O rt, a ■_, *< tr r, ft 5- 3 Q Q ft 4-J r> > _L -^ ,2. CD 3" O rfa rfa rfa O -4 O O O O rfa O -4rfaCDCOCOXCOOCO en oi to o x co to X rfa CO CO O O -3 rt Oi X 44 00XCOO0XX00-4 CO O O rt CO O -4 rt to 4a. rfa Ol X rt CO O CO rfa- Ol X X 00 X _ O CO rfa tO O X X X X 0!4a.-4CO-10lOlOO O CO O XXODOOXXOOX-l -4 CO hn Oi CO CO O X -4 CD O CD CD CO O CD X Ci CO CO CO O rf- O 00 O CO rt rfa -4-4-4-4-4 —4-J-.I--,,~>4^-4,-j,C55tnOl 440COC04a.lOCOiOCDCDlOrfa-4rtOO -4 CO In b rfa rfa O CO CO Ol X "J CDCOCOOlOtOrfarfaCOXCOOlOCO CO Ol rfa Ol O Ol Oi o rfa O rfa hn N0 rt hn hn hn rt rt c to CO rtrtrt to totototo *atOOC0C0000l-40'hn-4C0-3 rtOO-4COOaOOO-4tO-4CnO rn> 0 2 X o o to o Ol o rfa hn h-1 to o X CO -4 O CO CO c o o o m o hn o to ■ CD o rfa O — CD 53 o o to o o o CO to CO CO to rfa CO -4 Ol o CO hn O o o o o hn O rt o Oi CD c CO —1 O rfa to 4- to h-1 - h-1 NO - o to Oi o o Oi to rfa hn -4 -4 rf. X o c CO O o rt CO to rt o o X Ol to -4 2 to hn - to - o CO to Ol to CO -3 CO CO CO 44. CD CO CO 4a. o o CO O o to o rfa o o o to X Cn Ol c -4 o CO - o o X Oi CO Oi CD rfa CO O CO Ol CO —1 o to rfa rfa to Ol CO c o Oi to rt X to X o CO K X o CO to o o hH hn CO CO -3 -4 Oi -4 4a. Ol CO rH- o rf. rfa CO o o 4- Ol CO CO - to CO hn 4a. 4- c x l-n CO t_o 00 to rt ft >-3 ft O ft o ft o Q hH o fc* F ft ft O hH Ul ft ft ft ^ NO NO CO rfa CO X CO Cn rfa -1 rfa. tn Oi rfa rfa CO nn NO rfa p 0 a. o CO tn hn X rfa o -4 *"" -4 o CO o CO CO -4 CD CO to o ^ (0 1—1 X CO Cn *"■* to 0 Ul 0 B t-n CO Ol IT) It) CD o NO CO CO o: Oi to NO -4 X 0 ri rfa O h-1 X O o rfa hn rfa X CO o to Ol CD CO CO O to —1 hn en o to to o to CO NO nn NO NO nn hn rt hH to CO CO rfa ,_, CO rfa hn rfa Ol CO hn o CO O h-1 hn -4 o rfa rfa. rfa CO CO CO X o O CO Oi h-1 cn CO o o CO 1-1 to CO to rfa TO ? 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Oi |-H cn Ol to CO rfa o rt -1 CO CO CO rt S3 CO rfa o -4 X CO CO -4 en CO -4 o X CO -4 CO -4 -4 o CD 1-1 to CO Cn o 4- CO g CO CO CO o -4 o o o Cn X cn o -4 CO CO Oi X -4 -4 Ol J-n o -3 X o X X o -4 CO CO Oi CO an cn CO to —1 Ol o X hn NO o to X l_l O l_i CO co -4 -1 en en o CO rfa o nn 0 X g P a 0 X O CO CD to Ol -3 rfa Ol hn -4 CO to CO CO to ^ CO X Ol rfa rf- CO -4 CO o CJU o Ol X CD X o -4 X CO X CO rfa Oi CO rfa Ol X Ol o Ol rfa o X o Cn o -4 -4 o IX) hi CO -4 CO -1 CO o Ol NO CO o rfa ri X cr. X co —1 -4 o o o rt hn CO bo 3 CO Oi o CD -3 rfa O -4 -1 to o -4 rfa X CD CO o CO CO CO *"' o co -4 rfa 1-1 o i— 0 > rn w -4 rfa CO CD X CO -4 Ol rfa rfa rt rfa Ol -4 Ol X X X X o -4 CO -3 CD -4 CO X -4 CO CD CO 4a. CO ha X CO o hH o Ol X CO hH Ol o -1 X 0.1 Ci rfa NO X NO o o CO -4 -J CD 0 X f S3 rfa X O X CO o -3 to *» h- rfa -4 o X 1-1 o -3 Ol rfa 1-1 CO CO Ol -4 o co o -3 CD r*1 Ol CO CO O -4 rfa o Ol Ol -4 4a. Cn o X rfa o X -I -4 Ol Ol -4 -4 -4 o X X Oi 44 CD CO Oi g X Ol o (-> —4 Ol NO o OS Cn o rfa CO —1 en CO -1 X nn CO CO -4 CO cr 0 nn p a O CO o O hn Oi -4 rfa X O X CO -4 CO CO o CO rfa CO Ol o CO X rfa CO o Ol rfa -3 0 1-1 CD NO l-n NO NO hn h-1 to NO to to to NO NO to to NO NO to NO to CO NO NO NO NO NO nn Fair. Ol CO -4 (X) -4 to O -4 4a. Ol o rfa -4 CO CO CO o CO X Oi rfa o o -3 O Oi en •-1 rt O hn X O o rfa CO rfa X Ol rfa -4 o tn -4 rfa NO to to hn hn X CO rfa o -3 rn to Cn rfa Oi 0 tn Cloudy nn Rain. > rfa O O o 1-1 o O o X CO CO -4 CO CO Ol to 1-1 1-1 rfa CO 4a. to CO CO CO CO rfa CO CO 0 X p 53 > 53 ti Ul o o o o o o O o O o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 Snow. o NO o o o o o o to to to CO o CO o o o hH o hH o rt hn to o 0 hH hn CD co rfa co cn —4 o Ci X NO CO o to o CO NO 0 Ain't in inches. O ft h-1 o o o o o o o *# ** X -3 to CO co CO o CD to o CO o o • o rfa 1-1 0 0 # n n > CD y O G p P oq 3 1 n S3 CD H P ■j Ul > S3 o 3 a P p W p o n TJl 3 G 3 O ft 0 ft > F Ul ft ft hn ft X Ol O . hH Ul H ft ft OS 00 CO ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i> CO ftftftftftftgftftftft F ft F C < ctq -n cd -1 "H h, ri 4, 4, - g> ft a w g o •§ S ft o 3 i J3 *i r> "~< ft td * ^ 55 s, a a CD rf rt- 3 co n O o ft 3 o o- td F o or » a rt • 4. =. O n» ft ft ft ft CB © O O ti! »i >-i i-i ft ft ft o > ft ft it 2 ^ ^ r- o o ft ft ^ <3 CB O *< CD S" £L Ef O 05) Oq t2 rt e ° ' §2^ O O p1 Ci 3 3 g ft rt" -1 — ft 2 I* ^ 3 O rt CB p S -j £6 w .2 £ ? 3 ■H 3 o' P rt P . 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CO CO rt hn rthntOtOrtCnhnCD Orfart ■COOXrtCntOOntOCnCOOcOOOrtOOCOOtO-44a-04a.COOOOOcOXrtrtOCOrtOOOCi O O 00 to x to CO H |S H h-1 M tO h-> h-'hntOhntncOtOrfatOtOrfatOrfatOtOCO rfa CO CO CO C0 0nOOC«OX)Olrtt>ilo-4*at0©Ornt0CCC0t0O0l0nc0-44-.OOIC04a.4a.hnrt*a44 rfa-OlrttOCOCOtOCO -4 hn i-n CO hntOCnCOCO-4XCOOlO—4COCOrttnOrtOlO-40 NOCOtOrt4a.OilLJhOi—i -ltn-4COOnOnOrtrtrf-4a.iO-4tOO-4rtiX>tOnOtOtOCOCOtnrfa4H.COOX04lcO rfa CO CO Ol hn hn rfa-—JtO*-OihHO-4hnOOt004a.COhHOOiOOiOtOO rt rt to O CO CO CO hn rt COCOOlhnhnhn4a-tO hn |_a rfaOOtOOCOtOCOXCOOOlhHCOCOOO—ItOhnootOOOlhH to ft ft ft g O o ft ft O X F o O ft O CO hH ft rn Ci ft > ft F ft ft ft ft ft nn rn tOtOrt rt rtrtrfahn |_4cOhnhn |_n |_l l-n C^rf4a>^-4-44-.0l0lt0Ot0t00000OC0O0lhHrfahHOhnhH0l ,_i l*n i_i un tO rfa tOhntO CO 00tt-4lO^t0^r-.-4lOTW0»rt-41»^r--4l0tC0 tLSrOC»cZr-\%crrri:cDV.&UCDL-rn$ rfa rfa 00 ^00^-4-^O^So^oSS-5^-3o ^rtrtSSrtrttO^So iTcTZ^k Sc,rf-..3oSrf-.S(r-iS-o.So^ X tO h-l hH Or tOrttOrtO rt CO tOCO ^OlrfatOrfaCOCOCOCUCO SocOX04-.tOCCO-40-4COrfatOCOOOlrt-tOCOCOCOCOOO-40XCXOCOrfa-JtOOO tOOOOrfaOl-4tOOOl-4 to hH hH hH rthnrfahn hnhntO hnhntOtO OC005CnrfaH--rfaOltOWrfaCOOOlOlH-.tOOiOrfaOlOlOCOCOCXrtCOCO-4-40COCOCO rt COCO hnhntO hn JO CO hn COhnOOtO rfa hn CO hnJOh-OlrfarfaO OOO-44^-n rt CO l-H m CO hn |_l rt tOOCnOCOlOOOOOCOCOrtCnOOO«)COtn04--rfaH---404a.rtOOrttOrfaCVOX-4tOCOOtOCOOCXOCOtnW rt tO tO X rt . -n rt CjO NO tO m CO l-H tO CO 00 hH COCO CD O *—• WW w r- ■-- .-- nrr -- ._n w- rtt0O0iSo4a.*-OO-4rfa-4OOOOC»00-4OCnXOt0OOt0t0Ot0rf--Xt00it0l-nC0OOX 4-.0T0nC0tnrfat0C0Orfa0l-l-4OrfaOOtntn-4Orfa0lrfaC0tn0l4-.IC0rfatnC»C0^-4tnC0-4W . — brfab -4-4 Nobb4a.4a.bocOrf-boboibtobb -4 bbio "to wccHfflbco^ffiCHUffimiouwwbwbu COCOOOCOOOOOOICOOCOOOOOOXOOCOCOOOCOCOOOOI-HOOOOCOCOCO-JOOOtOOOOO | OitnOlOlOC0004a.COOlOlOD-400-4WOH^OrfatntntncOOlrfaOlrfaOlOl-40l^-40lOl-4^00lOl4^ j^rt^b4a.brttotnbbbbw4jb-4cxbbbbbbxb-4boi^rt^^w tjO-5oCOCOCOCOtOOtOCOCOCOCCOCOOOOCOCOOOOCOCOCOCOO-40COOOOOO-4COOOOtOOOO -itn0l0l-40l4a.4a.C0C^0l-44j-r54j_4t0H--rfa4a.rfa4a.4^C>ie04a.Cn0n4a.OO00 0l0^ rtrtioboibt0rtbbb4-ooto--4rfa.bbwbbtobt04a.44i^^^^ g?§OT§OOW10000-4COOrfaCOOOOI0000000000004-.COOOOOOOCOCOOOlCOOOOCO OiOOOl-40CnWCOOtnWCn-44-.X04j-4,0oo54a.-4-jtOOlOOtnOOXOlOl4^OT ■^:, r-r-,-^L-5coobbbo4a.bbobooiOibbto-4rfaioXrfaoi-4-4totoirt §OOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOOOOCOrfaCOOCOOtOtOCOCOOCOtOOOCOOCOOOOCOOOrtW -^wtnrfaOrfa4a-COOtnOlO-400l-4tOOtn04a.4--OlOlCOCnOlOlrfatnOlCXOl^-4-^tr,_., rf- o Ol rfa rfa. ; J, ft",;oljrt^rt-4^-4Olb-4t0t0c0CXhn.00-44jt0rntntn4-.00Ot0rn4^C0Xrt "o42-400-4WOCOOhnOiCJlOOOOtOC04-.COrfatnc^ rfa. O Ci rfa bo to to b _.»^44K1hnhnhnhnhntOtOCOtOtOtOhntOhntOI-nhHhnhH hnhntOhHtOhnhH OOrtft4OwKt0*aXOC0OOOIC00lOOO0l-4X4a.-4-4n0O-4O-4X -40lOnCO-400rfaXOOOOlOlX-40 !IIrtOCOO^OOXOCOOX4-.4a.O-4tnOCOOtnlCOtOOCOW C0tO-4tOrfa-4OlOiCOC0rfa hn l-n hn l-n rt 1-nhnhnhHhn hnrthn h- hn oOOlOCOCOtOlrtCOOCniOtOtOtOWirttnOlOi-4COrfatnrfarfa-400COOOirt004j-joot^ — oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -lOCXrfaCnOOtOOOhHtOtOhntOCOhHhHhHrtOlCOhntOrfaCO OOtO-4COCnCOCOOCD-4btOOCOtOCOCOrfatOtO OOCOO—tOrfa-OlCOCOrfa-OlOOtOOhnhHCOrfatO OtOrttOtOXCOrfaOCOrtOOOCOOOOOlrfa brnbb-4CO00Oi4a.rfapXrtrt OOCOrfarf-OtOOOCOOOh-Olrfa. ••;„^L3k2^on4a.4a-oxrtrtbbbioo4a.obcobooto-4COC2cocoob-4bbb 4-OhHC^p7l^^^rtrth^^^^^^^^w^^^wi^oo^^^jo^(^t^|fm^ 4 ^ ... Cloudy Rain. Am'tinnches. ft ft ft o ft o ft o Q hH Ci > F ft ft -3 rt Ul ft ft ft oo ft^oftftgW^^ftOftftftftftftftp^iiP^^ OmPOCDftpPcrOWOOOOO-.OgOPOc Ss.S§.3°g3^a?rtrtartrtflw3->3-;3-^ ft ft ft ft 3 ; o S 5s 3 £ « c 2 ft y » £ — W ^ O tn Oi Ol O O O tn X O rt O O CO to CO O CO Oi tn O CO CO rfa rfa CO CO O O X CO -4 O X (J} rfa 01 CO Ol O rfa Ol Ol Ol —4 Ol Oi O 4- Ol —4 CO CO X O O O Ol o O CO o o X CO Ol rf. CD O rt X rfa O O CO -4 O CD CO CO O hn CO 4> hn i-h l-n 3-2-- s. td > S ft 5" 3 O o oq O C B ji > > r p ft 2 2" E £T 3, £ 5' 3 -5 ft o 0l4a.O-4-4O-4-4-4O-4 -lOtOrth-XXCOCOCOrfarttOOl -4 00 -4 CD O —1 rfa CO O Ol CO CO CO o -4000-40-4 0 00 CD -4 rt 00 rt X CO CO O CO O CO O O Ol 00 -4 -3 CO Oi O CO X CD CD -4 O CO rfa- 00 hn X to Ol rfa O O O 4.3 -4 -j .4 _, oo O X CD CO -3 O -4 CO —4 00 CO Oi O O CO O CO O O Oi -4 00 00 X CO CD -H Ci CO CD COCOXCDCDCD00X Ol CO O O CO rf. CD co cd en O -4 -4 —4 X -4 -4 cn no co o - rt O CO to CO X o o o X -3 X X CO CO O O -4 CO -4 CO -4 X X CO X to X O -4 -4 O O o o o rfa o -4 X 4a o Ol X X CO C00C01OXOC0-4OCDCD-4-4OC0 rfabrfatn-4tOrfatOOlifeOrt O O CO CO O- -4 O O CO O O CO 00 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 00 X -4 —4 -4 GOO-4 4-OOOOOOCOX-3 X O Ol rfa- 00 X O CO O CO CO O tO -4 CO COOCOOOOCOCC XOOOOlOOCOrf- *a Ol Ol Ol O rfa CO O tOHnCOO-JOtOCOOrfa rtCOrfarfarfaOtOOlrfalO hnhnrthHrthnhnhHrttOI-HtOtOtOtO Ol rfa —3 CO rt —4rfaOhnrtCO ncotocotoococoi—icoccco rtrtrttOtOrtrttOrtrthHtOhHtOcOtOtOtOtOCOCOiO tO O CO —10COCOOh-OlCOl-ntO-4rfaXOhntOrfaCO*a b-4oborfaXOlOX*a-4X—4 00rfahn|—icD-4hnhH o o h- CO o Oi o Ol o CO to o CO to o hn o CO to to CO rfa CO o o rt Cn rn to to o o CO 53 o hH o rt CO o o o Oi X CO o -4 o CO o Oi Cn Cn hn to CO x o o HH -4 hn Ol -3 o CO CO to o to o h-1 o o o CO rt X hn o rfa hn o o to rfa -4 CO -4 -4 to CO rfa hn o hn o rfa to to -4 - CO o -4 to to 53 CO rfa to o to o o o CO '. rt X rfa to CO o CO Oi CO X Oi hn Ol Ol X Cn X o CO to CO X to CO Oi hn X o to h-1 hn CO CO Ci o o hn to o o to o -4 o rfa to hn to o hn rfa to to o rfa X rfa X Ol CO CO rfa to h-1 rfa o hn Oi Oi to o to CO H o to CO o CO -4 o o hn CO : to CO X Oi o CO o CO CO o o CO o to o X Oi Oi CO co Oi Oi to to rfa X CO Oi CO NO Ol NO X rfa rfa rfa CO o .3 NO NO NO rfa CO CO o rfa CO to hn 4a. a p. ^ -4 to CO to O -4 o CO o hn -4 o CO o 00 -1 CO CO o o -4 TO c ti Cn CO X 4a. Oi rfa CO -1 o Oi CD 4-> Ol rfa o rt hn X CO o to o X CO o to CD Ol to CO CO CO rfa CD Oi rf. CJO CD rfa *~* 1 ' to CO NO rt nn nn CO to rfa 03 to Oi to hn rfa rfa Oi o X o CO CO 1-1 o o hn O CO to rfa -4 X On- hn CO CO rfa TO ? —4 NO hn CD rfa CO 4a. Oi to rfa •-1 X to -4 o o o X 1-1 o o to o X rfa rfa CD 1-1 CD -4 l-n CO o co I— _ hn nn CO hn ^, Cn to O CO o Ol to" o CO Ol to CO Oi 1-1 rt o o 1-1 hn o O CD o O O CO to to ft C Ul CO NO hn \-n CO rfa hn _ CO -4 o o o X to X o hn ^ o c hn CO o 1-1 CD c o O O X -3 NO NO CO rfa CO o CD CO CO CO o o rfa CO o o o o o o O CD rfa o CD O hn o rfa 1—1 to ft CO CO NO NO to Cn nn hn hn o CO -3 On CO CO o CO 4- X CO o o o o o o o CD '""' o Ol O co o Oi 1-1 CO CO nn ,_, h-1 CO —3 CO hn o o o CO hn to CO CJO to hH o rfa o ^ o CD o o -4 Ol CO o hH o rfa o 53 k o CO NO NO an hn hn Ol CO rfa 00 o o rfa o Oi rfa rfa hn o rfa o to Ol O O o Ol Oi CO o CO o X o rt rfa X CO Ol to rfa # o o Ol X rfa rfa o O o Ol rfa rfa -J o NO Ol -4 rt -4 X X -4 Ul co Oi o to NO o CO o o rfa CO o CO o NO CO CO X CO NO Ol CO rfa Oi Ol 4- o o S3 o CO o -4 o o o CO CO CO o CJO CO CO CO o o o o CO o o o o CO o CO CO HJ o g to Oi X CO o rfa Oi Ol Ol X Oi CO Ol rfa o Oi Oi Oi rfa o -4 o o —4 -4 o o X X -4 CO Ol to to X o to Ol co Ol 4a. hn rfa X o X co |_l o Ol hn X X O hn to CO CO o o b P o to o o c o o CO X o o CO CO o CO o o o o o CO CO o CO o o CO o CO o 0 P rfa Ol X CO -4 Ol -4 X rfa X rfa CO o rfa -4 rfa rfa Ol rfa Ol -4 Oi Cn -4 o o cn -4 —1 -i co hn X hn X X o CO Oi CO CO hn CO o to rfa co Ol CO Ol hH X CO co CO CO rfa X hn Oi o 0 ~H o Cn o o o o CO CO rfa o o o o o o -j o o c o o CO o o CO o CO O o CO m ts h= Ol Oi X CO X Oi X -4 o to to -4 Ol X X -3 -4 o -4 X -1 X X CO X —1 X X X -4 eo O -4 Oi co Cn X CO o CO CO rfa o CO CO o CO on o CO CO X rfa NO to 4a. X co o o o o o cn o o o 4a. Ol o o CO o hH -4 CO o o o CO o CO -4 o en CD o o CO •" S3 CO tn X CD -4 rfa o Ol Ol o rfa X Ol Ol -4 O Oi Ol Ol o -1 en Oi -3 -4 Ol -4 X X -4 6» rfa to CO o o rfa. CO -4 o 4a. hn -4 -4 rfa ,_, rn X -4 NO NO -1 CD —1 NO 4a CO hn hn rfa o P to -4 rfa X o co -4 CO -4 rfa O o o o rfa o CO -4 Ol Ol CO rf. Oi Ol 4- Oi -4 *"* -4 CO 3 hn ,_, to CO to h_, to to nn ,_, to to hn NO NO to nn h^ to to NO NO NO to nn NO to NO to Fair. O -J X o CO rfa CO rfa O o -J 1-1 X CO rf- -4 CJO Ol rfa CO iO X Cn CO CD O uo CO '-' •<* to o CO to o -4 o -4 o hH rfa rfa CO CO h-1 to -4 o CD CO to Ol o -4 tn -3 hn rfa to -4 CO Cloudy to o rfa. H CO to o r- o to rt Ol rf. Ol Cn CO O Oi X CO CO Oi CO to CO rfa to m rt NO Rain. P S3 > 'nt a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o O o o o c Snow. to hn o o o o o o rfa Ol hn o o rt to Ol Oi rfa to nn _ _ o o o hn Ul o CO CO o o o c-i Ci o X rfa NO -1 CO -1 to cn CO CO to rfa CO o to rn en Am't in inches. O CD rf. o rt ^ o CO • CO CO o -4 to o CO o o CO o rfa Oi CO o en CD < 3 31 # ft 3 Q CB P rt 3 CD ft CB 3 o p ft O y •w CB 3 CB CD P cr CD y -a CB P Er S3 M i"5 CB n' h| CO 3 I-l 4.. oq -.. 4.. CB 4.. r- 3 Ul 3 3 X 3 S3 P P P P W O O o Ci c 3 CO 3 p P P P ? ? Htn ^ i X o ft I ui ft ft % ft ft ft ft h3 ft O ft o ft o fl I—I Q i> ft ft M fl hH Ul H ft ft 00 -I COOOOCOOOOOmHrtpr,ooom^ftoOoi,OOOOOoPrtOOo;ca ftftftftft'Ijftft ftftftOifftffitd^Q P CB ra n - "- ir «, rt HJ a ^ —- CB 3 ^ o pa td ^ £L s- - 5'P?5P Oci-.-'STroa-' W ft » ft 3 ft Oq P rt -1 ft _L y y g* ° 3 " 3 » r rt . g- . 3 . • . • o . CD O hn CD O O O rfatnOlOiOlOOlCiO—4 O O Oi Oi Oi tn 44.XOXXOCOC04-.I— -4rt04a.O-4 0-404a.cOCO-4-400lOlOlX O -4 O CO O CO -4 O O O Oi O CO O rt rt -4 Ol O -4 CO O -4 rfa X —4 00OO C000-4C0OC0OOI—i OlCrtC^C7lrfa05rfara.4-.OiOnOlOlOlOltnOOO-40-4-4-lX-400tnOnOOlOlOlOlOlOlOi OrtrtrtOOwOtrrtbikrti4.^cnbbN0rfabrfa^rf.tOrfax 0001tOnOOiwOO-44a.-IC^OOOCOOlXXCO-40rttOtnOlOlOitOtOXXOao-44-.OlOOlOOOOCONJOCO-4 OOOOtnOOlOlw*tntnOOO-4-4-4 4j-j-j-jooOOXX-4-4000-400lOlOiOlOlOOOO^OO^yC£ OltOCOCflCOOrtrfart-4-4lHOOlOOCO-10lXnOXrtOCOCOOCOOCOCOrtrtOOlOOlCDOOWCOCOOhnnO-^ rtb-4bbb-jrfa-4X^cobbc^bb-4rtxb-4bbbx--4bbbwbb£jo t0hnt;44.0i4^cCt0C0OOrHOOrfaOC0O-40lC0C>0C0rt-4CnOO4-.H-.Xt0O0lrfarfaOOO4jrtOt0X OnOlh^O«4a.C«H^4a.4a.rf^4a.aitntntnOOOOOO-4-44j^^-^(-5-;1C2^^^4i4^ XiOCi0l-40lO0lO-4C04jWw^OOC0e0rtCl0ihn4a.XC0t0Ort4a.OXOC0C0C000C0C0t0-400rfa^WX tobsXrtb--iwto-4cnbb^icJihH4^1JbpW^TO Oi^a'h-400rtOiOXOOrfarfaOC004-.tnCDOrtCOCOCOCO-4COOXhHOtOOCOXO-4COOOOOOl-400X OiWitnOirfatn4a.4a.*arfaOlOlOlOltnOOOOOO-4-4-4-4-jc^c^tnOiOOnOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOi —lh-OH--Xi0t0C14-.C0OtnCn-400OhnC0tnC0OlC0t0XC0C04jhn00XhHt0lrthnc_5OhHt0C0-4X0i0^ bi0n^Cnbbbrtl44b-44-rt^rt-4-4t04a.OXtnXt0xboC0CiXiOrt 4tOOiCDOtnCihHtOtnC^XtOtOhno^(OOltO-4CO-44j4a.oOlhnOt001CntOOlOCDO—4CiCOcOCO-4COrfaCOOGO O O X X -4 -4 -4 -4 NO NO NO NO NS CO CO rfa o; rfa rf. Ol Oi CT —1 rfa rfa 4a CO rfa CO to to CO to to to CO CO CO rfa CO CO CO CO CO CO fc* o O o Ol X o X o rfa CO X O o rfa to X to -4 -4 hH o Oi CO CO o hn o rfa CO 00 X CO X CO X -4 H™ o X O 0 NO NO NO CO NO CO NO NO hH NO h-1 NO to to NO to NO NO to NO to to rn> X -4 o o -4 CO X Oi Cn o -4 rfa Ol 4a. o CO o CO '—' CO O Ol rt X -4 rt o o CO CO Oi CO CO o rfa Ol CO rn o CO Ol Ol CO rfa o rfa -4 o o CO CO Ol X Ol CO Ol CO CO CO X o CO CO 4a- 1-1 X to -3 rfa o o h-1 © CO CO -4 1-1 rfa rfa CC hn -4 -4 CO to rfa -4 rfa 1-1 0 < NO NO CO to to NO NO to NO NO l-H to NO NO NO to to to hn IO NO NO to NO hn to to to to to to gh- rfa CO o to Oi o o o CO -4 CO rfa X CO rt X CO Ol CO X 4- o -3 en HH 4-. tn CO rfa CO CO X CO rfa rH -4 CO -4 r-i o o 1—1 " H Pi o o rfa o CO o rfa ~ -4 Oi to Oi ^ Ol M -4 -4 to rfa -4 X o CO to X CO en rfa O CC o 1-1 -4 CO CO o o to CO CO CO hn X o CO o CO CO -4 to rfa to to X -4 CO to CO o rfa o o CO o -J rt to Ol X CO to rfa CO o CO CO rfa CO o hn X to NO o o to CO o - o CO o o o o o to CO rfa to ~ to CO o to -4 X 53 o o 4a. Cn hn CO CD Cn to o rf. X CO CO CO CO CO o CO X rfa rfa h-1 to rfa to hn to CO h-1 rfa 4a. o Oi -4 to Ol o X Ol CO -4 Ol to to X hH rt l-n rfa. Ol rfa rfa CO o rfa o o to o X o o o CO to CO -4 to o Ol c to X rf. X to CO Oi X -4 rfa X NO CO Oi CO CO hn hH CO o -4 o oo X o hn CO x rfa to CO -4 rfa rfa CO -4 CO X rfa CO CO -4 CO Oi -4 -4 X o -4 to Oi rt rfa o to CO - CO CO -4 CO rfa o X CO 53 H NO CO o Ol x X CO O Cn Oi CO Oi hn CD CO to o o rt to o NO Oi o CO CO Oi CD X tn Ol X CO o en CO X o X Ol X CO to Cn Oi CO CO hn o X CO o CO CO to rfa Cn o rf. to to NO o -4 rfa CO o o rfa to rfa X -4 CO rt Oi o X Oi Ol m to rfa rfa o rt to o CO -4 to NO to o to to rfa -4 Ol hn to CO to CO Ol rfa CO rfa CO X - o Ol to CO Ol CO o -4 - o to - -4 - Ol CC o to CO K X to Ol o NO CO o -4 to X o CO X to rfa hn CO Ol X CO CO Ol to X rfa tn O o to -4 to -4 rfa X CO to rfa o hn to o to o -4 rfa X CO o CO hH o Cn to hn cn to rfa o ~ Oi CO to CO co CO ft ft ft tf o o ft -rt o ft 1-1 o o ft fl hH o a o ft r> o F w M ft ft ,_, ft X Ol fl hn hH Ul ft ft ft tn hn O CO hn CO CO hH o HH CO X o 00 CO Ol CO CO Oi o Oi hn rfa to o to Oi Ol to o Ol o o rfa rt -3 CO to Oi Oi hn hn CO Ol rfa rfa o Ol Ol rfa hn Oi co H-1 Ul p B rh 0 B o c? Id rfa CO tn rfa hn CO Cn to to rfa to to CO CO Oi to to to o rfa rfa CO 4- X X x CO to o NO CO CO o Oi o o -4 CO rfa CO CO X -4 rt CO h-1 o -4 -1 Oi X CO o hn O CO Cn o CO Cn X to rfa X X 00 to rt O to to rfa o X hn Ol CO o CO CO -4 -4 rfa to NO X to CO to o NO CO CO X rfa -4 o Oi hn cn CO CO CO r-1 to o rfa CO hn rfa X hn rfa to CO o 00 rt rfa o to Oi CO X to co CO to CO - to CO h-1 rfa to CO V 00 o o -1 NO X o NO nn Cn rt 03 to to o X Cn X X o to oo en Cn o -4 CO X CO o -4 O hn to to CO o o Oi -4 o o -4 to o -4 X h-1 o -4 CO X Oi X o >—> o Oi —1 CD o CO —4 o Oi hn 3< nn to CO NO nn CO CO nn eo NO CO to hH hn rfa to rfa X rfa Ol NO CO pa k X o rfa o en -4 1-1 o Cn CO -4 o CO X CO o rf. CO hn o Ol rt Cn o CO H"1 CD 4a. X X CO L"J Ol to Cn ID rfa Ol rfa 53 -n CO NO to -1 NO hn hn 00 rfa NO NO hn nn ,_, 1____! CO Ol to 4.1 X CO o -4 00 -f to 00 NO o eo o CO X CO o Ol CO CO CO CJO 00 Ol CO CO o o o hn o -1 CO -3 o o to CO CO hn H- CD o CO -4 \-n -3 o o CO to nn ,_, nn CO Hn cr to to Ol hn CO NO l-n o CO -4 *a JO to CO -4 CO 4- CO o to X rfa to CO -4 o o X o Oi rfa hn CO CO rfa o -3 CO CO X O o -4 o o h- 4- CO CO * CO rt rfa NO 00 Oi CO CO Ol CO Oi CO hn NO NO to NO CD o to -4 to co o to NO hn X o Cn 00 rt CO CO CD O rfa Ol CO Ol Cn CO -4 CO co -4 -1 CO o to Ol o -4 rfa c Oi rfa to O rfa CO X CO H- o h~ o o CO CO rfa hn NO NO NO NO eo 4- NO hi h_, CO CO NO CO hn CO to -4 rfa O to o CO o Ol o rt to hn tn CO tn o o c H"- o o CO rfa o CO o to to o CO co to co rfa CO to CO X CO o 00 CO 'ft —I 4] Oi NO CO NO NO NO o x Ol CO h-1 hn Oi -4 to to Oi X X -1 CO o eo CO Ol to CO O rfa rfa o CO CO CO CO CO o -4 CO Oi rfa to o 1-1 o Oi Ol CO o o CO o o rfa o X to O o rfa h" ^ o CO o X o Oi Ol rfa o Ol CO rt 4a. rfa to -4 Ol hn -4 o 4- rfa o o -4 to rfa o o o to Ol On -4 rt rt -4 to CO 00 o Oi rfa rfa to rfa o rf. TO CO tn cr CO CO o CO hn NO CO CD rfa CO Ci CO rfa CO o NO o -4 NO Oi o CO NO rfa o X o o rfa CO o rf. CO CO —4 S3 en >-n CO CO o CO o Oi -3 to CO -3 X X CO CO Ol CO rfa to o Ol CO CD rfa Ol -4 rf. CO rfa o on CO X -4 o o est D O Oi o Ol -4 rfa CO CO X rfa CO X -4 o hn -4 to o Oi o -4 -4 o rfa o -4 Oi CO Ol o -4 rfa CO -3 00 CO o CO tn o Ol rfa Oi Ol -4 rfa CO > CO -4 Oi CO CO CO CO On X hn 00 hn CO NO hn Oi rfa X hn X cr X o hn Cn CO O hn rfa -4 X X o hn o CO Ol t-H CO '^n o o hn Cn tn X o Cn o X o rfa CO o rfa ex o o to o o o to rfa Ol o CO -4 CD —3 O O X to rfa CO Oi rfa H- o H" i* tn. p 3 tv X o Ol tn rfa 00 Ol CO to X rfa Ol -4 -4 o CO X to o rfa -4 o en -4 rfa Ol Ol Ol rf- o o -4 rfa CO o CO rfa o rfa Oi Oi rf. rfa Cn Ol en rfa CO HJ to CO to NO hn hn Ci CO rfa _ rf. X hn NO rfa to NO co -1 rfa 00 CO On X CO -4 X CO o o CO CO Oi X o CO o rfa X CC- CD -4 X rfa X -3 Oi X rf- o Oi o CO CO CO CO X CD CO to ID Ol CC CD -1 Ol Cn to O CO o 1-1 o o CD H"1 1-1 1-1 -H*1 o > hi CD -4 o o Ol X o CO to hn rfa rfa CO -4 o hH X rt -3 o -3 -4 X -3 Ol -4 X -3 o o o -4 tn rfa Oi rfa CO o Cn o o Ol Ol o o Cn rfa CS cr Ol co cn O Ol NO On _ en hn Oi hn 4a Ol hH X o rfa rfa Ol en X Ol X —1 o On rf- S3 X o tn o to CO CD CO -4 o CO o o o rfa CO to CO o -4 h-1 o CO CO o CO X hn •"" CJO en eo o ID Cn 1-1 h-1 r* X o Ol Ol rfa -4 Ol CO to Cn rfa rfa o o o h-1 X rt o Oi -4 o -4 Oi 4a. o o o rfa o o -4 rfa CO o 00 00 o 4a. Oi Oi rfa 4- On Ol o rfa g NO -1 <-> -1 CO NO !~ o rfa CD o o CO hH NO ten — rfa 44 i-h X o rf. o hn X CD co -4 o Oi CO -4 p B co to -4 CO o X CO Ol CO co CO Oi rfa CO Ol o o o to CO X CO CO h_' o Ol rfa Ol rfa o 1-1 00 O CO rfa c NO NO to to to 1.0 hH NO NO Fair. 4- CO to o o o Oi CD to rfa Oi 03 X o o Ol o en o -1 4- Cn rfa 1-1 o CO hn CD rfa o X Oi to o eo CO CO rfa CX CJU X 6 p -3 X CO rt Ol rt o to CO -4 o X CO Oi o Oi hn to -3 O -1 o Ol X O to -4 00 o CO l-n X CO co -4 o to rfa -4 o CO CO rfa CO Cloudy nn hn h_, ,_, h_, h_ nn nn hn nn Rain. S3 > to Oi CO — X Oi o X -3 rfa rfa o -4 o -4 Cn CO o o o X CO -4 Oi -4 X CO CD CO -4 o o CO CD O o CO o X rfa M CO o CO CX CO co CD p «H hH 53 > o Ul 53 o O hn o o o o to CO o to o o o o o o to o o o o O o o o o O o O o o hn hn NO o to o - - o o to to o CD hn - h- Snow. cn to ,_, rfa en NO -4 to IO CO \—> NO CO to to h-1 hn CO o hn to hn to CO rt rt CO to o rfa to rfa to CO rfa CO Oi X 4-. CO CO —1 rn cn X o rfa -4 to o CO NO o hn rfa Ol rfa o o o o CO CO Ol rfa CO rfa rfa Ol Ain't in inches. O to X CO X CO o rfa Ol rfa X o Cn o CO NO o -4 rfa. Oi o Ol l—' X CO CD uo 1-1 to Oi -4 CO o g cb' 3 to CO ft ft CD CB p Da CD b 1 3 L--J j3 rt. S3 CB CD -1 CIS •3 a CB g > 3 3 0 X S3 p p p n n Ci Ci n CD eo rt P- TJ p CD ? y tfr o o ft ->, c ft X F o o ft fl o Ci U ft > o F td ft ft ft " ft X fl hH Ul Hn ft ft 03 co o 390 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1851. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. Fort Arbuckle......... 51.48 Fort Worth........... 54.03 Fort Belknap.......... 52.54 Fort Graham.......... 56.22 Fort Gates............ 51.09 Fort Croghan.......... 55.32 Austin................ 60.77 Fort Martin Scott...... 53.12 San Antonio........... 64.41 Fort Merrill........... 62.12 Corpus Christi......... 65.96 Fort Brown............ 63.38 Ringgold Barracks..... 65.35 Fort Mcintosh........ 60.48 Fort Duncan.......... 68.14 Fort Inge............. 56.38 Fort Lincoln.......... 59.19 Fort Fillmore.......... 41.48 Fort Conrad........... 42.24 Cebolletta*............ 53.39 34.09 43.63 Fort Union......... Abiquiu........... San Diego......... Rancho del Chino...... 52 Monterey....... Benicia Barracks. Fort Miller....., Camp Far West . Fort Steilacoom . 63.22 66.03 65.00 65.33 68.19 62.97 67.29 65.19 69.70 70.67 73.51 84.00 76.71 78.06 73.77 68.51 69.00 72.61 59.28 57.67 54.90 49.44 72.25 60.74 66.20 70.06 63.48 53.80 3 P. M. 9 P. M Mean. 75.93 79.00 83.60 84.33 79.70 77.20 80.87 76.96 78.58 83.06 79.41 76.67 84.54 84.10 81.72 82.45 82.83 82.45 83.11 61.64 58.32 63.35 85.29 63.83 77.09 87.03 8-2.16 60.77 60.58 65.87 63.64 67.22 65.03 64.13 72.32 60.80 71.29 72.12 73.61 68.87 73.43 70.32 74.85 64.61 68.64 56.19 59.04 57.03 39.16 56.71 64.35 58.83 62.74 69.22 63.06 49.83 62.80 66.23 66.20 68.37 66.00 64.90 70.31 64.02 71.00 72.00 73.12 73.23 75.01 73.24 74.62 68.00 69.92 63.18 60.92 57.43 46.62 53.28 68.58 59.96 65.86 69.87 64.70 52.90 90 89 96 96 88 92 91 84 85 93 86 89 98 96 88 90 92 94 90 70 74 72 99 75 91 98 91 67 36 42 38 41 42 46 47 40 53 50 54 52 52 49 61 40 44 32 31 45 27 37 47 48 52 46 44 39 27.2 26.8 29.8 27.6 22.0 27.1 20.7 20.0 14.0 21.0 12.9 15.8 23.0 22.8 13.4 22.0 22.1 30.8 29.1 12.6 29.4 18.7 30.4 15.1 15.1 28.1 26.3 14.1 ., ... Above ; Below Max. Mm. , Mean_ i Mean_ 26.8 24.2 28.2 27.4 24.0 18.9 23.3 24.0 18.0 22.0 19.1 21.2 23.0 24.2 13.6 28.0 25.9 31.2 29.9 12.4 19.6 16.3 21.6 19.9 13.9 23.9 20.7 13.9 WINDS. No. of Observations 8 , 11 14 18 23 3 17 9 7 28 10 8 4 21 6 8 14 10 2 11 24 14 57 9 38 29 36 46 19 16 13 40 13 15 34 17 3 16 36 36 15 39 7 13 20 26 6 9 19 j 26 27 i 46 12 19 0 21 30 3 3 4 23 11 25 20 74 31 70 102 0 61 13 38 * Post removed to Laguna, about 11 mile general character of the locality is similar, s southward, on the 15th ; no observations and the altitude somewhat less. being taken on the 12th, 13th, and 14th. The p B P. CO CO CO 4a- hn CO to NO to to to to NO CO On rfa CO CO CO rt CO to X CO to Cn Oi O -1 -3 CO O 0 cr UU UO to rfa 0 1-1 TO H 0 B 0 n> r-ei CD Cn N1 cn nn X Ol rfa rfa rfa -4 0 0 On CO rt X o rfa Cn CO CO o Oi rt 4a. rf- X O Oi CO co ,x to O O -1 1-1 CO nn CO )-n CO to o CO -4 rfa rfa. hn CO -4 )—• rt O to O 0 CO 0 4-. co to CD CO X 00 O to on F° ,_, CO NO rfa CO nn rfa hn CO O no -4 O o Oi rt —4 CO -4 to O 0 O —1 1-1 0 X rfa X 0 CO CO On CO O O 0 on 3 to nn ,_, CO Oi h_. to CO CO o X CO CO X Ol CO to CO O to -3 CO CO X X 0 CO 0 -4 00 rfa CO CO rfa Ul 5? 00 N") N'J to CO rfa —1 to CO to Cn co o CO O o rfa o Oi O rfa O O CO 1-1 Ol CO 0 00 0 to O 0 rfa 0 -4 CO O nn rfa N1 N1 to CO CO to nn hn cn CO CO rt o hn to 0 rfa H- rfa to rfa 0 Ol rfa Ol CO CO Ol 0 CO to ID 0 to 0 O ft CO rfa CO CO CO rfa CO to hn o rfa O CO Cn On X X Ol rfa 0 CO rfa 0 Oi hH 0 CO CO 0 0 0 to CO 0 rfa 0 On to hn CO hn N1 hn nn h-H to to h-1 to to O O CO o o to Oi rfa to hn CO hn CO to co hn rfa CO CO 0 CO rfa -1 to rfa h-1 to 55 k rfa _ CO to Cn nn to to to Oi h_ 0 nn 0 CO rfa rfa On o CO ^ O CO rfa Ol O Cn CD CO h-1 '-' 1-1 -1 CO rfa Ol 0 CO 0 Oi 0 O hn CO o X CO Ol CO Ol Ol -4 0 CO 4) X rfa 01 O rfa 0 O rfa Cn -4 Oi rfa 0 -4 rt X -1 X TO hH CO NO Oi Cn -J o _J 0 O CO -1 CO to CO CO -4 co X 0 hn CO X CO 0 to l_l O *a S3 o CO '— rfa *a o CD 0 -3 0 0 CO CO X 0 rfa 0 CO 0 O to 00 -4 -3 Ol CO rt X •> hn X CO o o o o 44 X CO -4 CO cn rfa -4 0 O -4 Cn 0 -4 0 0 X -4 0 X X X eo > CO to to X o rfa to 0 CO NO NO 0 X X -4 hH _- to CO 0 rfa CO to CO -3 CO CO 0 -3 g P cn CO CO X to X CO Ol X 1-1 O CO O 0 to Oi CO 1-1 X CO CO CD -1 CO to 0 —! 3 CO p rfa X CO -4 -4 -4 X 0 CO X X CO 0 Cn -4 Ol 01 -4 Ol -4 -4 44 0 -4 O -4 X X X CO HJ to o NO o Oi rfa o CO 0 —1 0 0 —1 CO X —1 -1 NO rfa -1 Ol rfa Cn O -3 hn NO to X 0 r-H n Oi o CO CO X hn CO CO 0 Ol Ol CO —4 00 CO hn 4- CO 1-1 0 4- Cn Ol O CO CO CO 0 0 Ol CO CO X X -4 o -4 CO Oi X X Ol -4 X O O -4 0 X -4 -4 X CO -4 -4 X CO CD to HJ k to o to CO CO CO -4 Oi 0 0 10 —3 4a. to —4 _ CD rfa 0 rfa co NO CO Oi Ol fr M o CO Cn X CO o 01 rfa 0 4- -3 Ol Ol rfa CO O -4 X 0 0 CO O O S3 to X CO o o o o -4 0 X -4 CC Ol Cn -4 Oi O -4 Oi 0 -4 0 0 X -4 On X X X g -3 rfa to CO CO X rfa hn X 0 -1 0 -3 X CO N*. Ol co CO 0 Cn CO X p rfa Ol rfa CO CD 1-1 to to 4- — hn 4- CO CO 00 0 rfa 0 hH -4 CO CO Oi X CO B h-1 CO CO to to to hn to to NO NO to to nn to to to NO to to N!3 to CO to NO NO to to F-iir h-1 l""> o 1-1 rfa -3 CO *" CD 0 0 CO Ol CO rfa O rt CO -4 rfa CO -3 rfa X Cloudy p << to o o Cn CO Cn to 0 £ rfa rfa to 0 CO Ol h-1 CO 81 CO -4 Ol hH 0 X rfa -4 cc rfa -4 CO hn to hn \-n h-1 - o \—> hn to to \-n to Ol Ol 4- 0 00 00 0 00 CO to 0 00 Oi 4- CO 4- 4a. Rain. p S3 (r-hH 53 o o CD o o o o O CO 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O Snow. > O TO ■ji 0 CO o O o o o o . 0 hn O 0 4a. to O 0 M 00 NO On to hn CO h-1 O CO o o 0 O O CO Ol 01 CO NO -1 CO rfa hn Am't in inches. o O O o o o hn • 1-1 0 O 0 -3 O O hn -4 O Ol CO to Cn rfa -3 ft to X 3 Da CB P Er CB I-l 5' p 0 0 C -1 p 5" ir" SB TO rt ft ft ft c r£ ft -rt 0 ft F X O 0 fl ft hH 0 O 0 ft > 0 F w m ft ft do CO Tft^ftft^ftftft^^ftftftftftft^Sftftftftft^r^r^r^r^^r? rr,nonOOOnr,raraoo0l-,B-_, rt-joo-jOOOOCOO ftftO^jsaft^Q p p ft ft. --3 fl 3 3 rt r? ft a § w s "» s s S g £ o a tr "h td t-r1 P. .r E- a ^ p ft ft 3 3 ^ > 8 J3. ^ n > ft ft c ft p p P CB ri- ^a. On £* rL 2 o Ul Cfi cr P 3 3 M 3 p P ft -t crq -i > p 0 h( ft ? 3 3 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft oKft^ft?:?? a e p las bull......... 3 li cotOtOtOiOcOcOCOCOOOCOCoeorfa.rfarfaCnrfavnOiOO-1 ^OOrfiO-lh-icOt004-OwOOOrt-JOOCX«XO-JC^ COOHH000104--COO OlOO—4OO00O OCnOOhHOX-4 oooooocoo to 00 O rt O CO O CO tOtOC04-COrfaCO*aH-.rfaOlOOlCnOO--44j^-^c^^jCj4a. XCOOllOCChn-4rt b rt to b O CO © X O CO CO OlOCnCO-4-40iCOCntO CO 00 rfa rfa rf. 4a. o no rfa co o o 4^4a.rt4a.bco-4*atOCOOlCOhnhHtOX OCOCO—JOOO—4OOC0OHHOOC0 COrfa-wOCOCOCOCOCOCO -Jh-OOOiOOiCOOOOO '/ rfa. O -4 O Ol cr. o x co co oo rfa. Cn Ol CO Oi o Oi On o CO o o o CO o Cn -1 Oi -4 to -4 CD —4 CO -4 -4 -4 O o Cn CO Cn Cn On o -4 to rfa CO —1 00 -4 CO o CO CO 4H. rf. to On o 4a. -3 4a. rfa rfa rfa rfa NO CO co CO CO 00 X CO HJ rfa cn O 00 o o -1 o cn o X Oi to o to CO Cn CO o 00 O On O o to —4 CO o o o o Ol o to o CO o to en to o o o o o CO o CO CO Cn 00 rfa CO o o o o rf. o X o NS o rfa o NO -4 ^ OCOrfaCOrfa.COrfa.rf- Jlrfa00-4OC00l0lOh- bbbcoorfao—4toto-4-4rf>ogo-4-j cr. OOOOOCOOOOOOlOOOO rfa —3 CO 4a OlrfaCOOOlCn—4COrfa 00OOO-4C0C0C0C0 to 00 CO 00 O CO CO CO o o tOtOCOrfaCOrfaCOrfarfa Ol O Ol Ol O O -3 rtrtO-40lCOCDrtCOrfaO-40l044.XOlOCOOll—' X Ol to tOCOrtO-JhnOCOOOCO lX rr — W. -4. .i tn fn hi 4. CO O rfa. rt rfa COtOrfaOOOCOCOCOCO X X Ol -4 rfa Ol rt Oi cn rfa. Cn —4 o o CO O X O O rfa, X X X X -4 o Cn Ol o rfa X Ol CO X o X rfa o X o X o -3 to o -4 O O CO CO CD CO -4 cn CO CO CO rfa rfa CO rfa O O X CO CO CO rt to O 00 rt -4 rfa Ol OlOlOOOOOOlOlOlOl rtOOhnrtOtOOOOCOrt h-rtrttOCOtOtOtOrttOtOOOCOCOCOCOrfaOlOrfarfaCOeOCOCOrfa tOOl04HrtOOOO*aOOOCOtOCOCnOOO-4COOOOOhHrfaOrt CO rt rt b bo o tOtOCOtOtOrthnHH rttOHHrtWrtrttOtOhnrtrttOCOtOhnhHCOCOtOtOhn (OOOtOCOCjOhHrfhCOOCnl-HCO-joonOrfaOCnXOnOCOX-^CnCOOiOrfahnOO—300hHhn—3 COtOtOCOrttpCOrt^tOtO^tOtOWtONOtOtONO COrfaCOCOCOOCOO-400rfaCOHHtO -3 rt *aW0l0lC»W0lO4a.4jhH0lC0O--40lO0l00C0hnC0hn00CDX «L-hlWIOMHMMHMHMM^5t5»W^5t^MMHH»»»HHMhl^PBMHBMBHMHHMnMMH rtrt44!^t001OCJ0rfaCnOOC0OC0C^t0Cn44.XC0CDC0CnCn0lO-4C0OC0OC0t^ 4ntOrfawbrtb-4rtrt*artbw--4brtCOCOXCOO--4ICnC/lCO-JO^ ea - - i_i i_n hn CO CO OltOtO tO tOhntOh-hntOC0C0rthH|-n -0__ rthnhnhn tO IO W H 0-JCOCOCncOOCOrt^rtODCOrfae^COOOCOOOOrfartOC04-.rt-4COtOCO-^OOCXOOXCOC^ J^XICJOl -4 CO Ol CO CO Ol OOOCOrttOrfaOCnrfartCO to 4a. hn rt io tO OlrfaOlCO ^Oo"rtCo2oOOCnCOCnOnOCOCO-44-.CO-400-4-3COt00044.0COlOOlOCXtOOrtOrf^ hn O O O 00 »i l •■> i_i H.1 hh hn rt tOtO tOCOHnrt tOtOCOhnOOCOrfatOrtHHHHlO rtrthn tO hn rfa. 0-4^^CnOtOiOrfarfaOOt0004^CntOCOrfaO-^rfa-4tOOrfaCOCnOOC004^4joOW -t. oi. mi en to H-> iO tO hn rfa. rfa rtCnrfaCOCOrtOOi^fOOrtrtOOCOtOtOCOtOCOrfahnrthnOirtCOtOCOrtCOI-i SrfttOCnODOOnCOCOCOCOOrtO--4Cnrt-JOCOCnCOrt-40-4-4rtOlCO-JCOCOH^ hnhnCOCOHHhHcOhn|-n hHhnCOCOhn _ (5 H (5 (5 [} M hn XO--4CnOiOOtOCXCOrtrttOOOOrfaC04-.CXOOrttOCOtOOCOrttOOtOCOrfa.00 rfarfahnrtOOCnOOtO-JtOO ■aM-rtrtrtCOlOCOrttO tOtOOOCOtOtOrfartCOOOlCO CO tO CO rfa. co to rftoSoO^rfa-COOlOOCOCjlOO-JOOX-jnOtOrfaOOOOrfaOrtCOtOCOO CO CO to ft H3 ft o ft o F o fl hH Ci \> F ft ft fl hH Ul H ft ft HH t-n hnhnrttOtOhn hHhn td W M CO OCCt0OOOO-nhn0DO00-4|rt4jhn0lOOHH0lC0Hia00OC0rtCnO|rtC04-.hnoiOlrfarfaCnCDOC^ hn tO CO CO CO rthHhnCJb -4 tO O CO rt hn rt rfa Ml Ml hn NO OOOlCO hnhntO Ol hn rt tO OrtCyOtOOOOOtOOrfaOlrtiOOlrtOCOCOtOrt4-rth^rt4^cOHHOtOCX44.-3rtrt3-4OO00OOt0-3-JhH00X4^ tOCOCnhnhn-4'hnXhn|-Hhn-3l-n rtrtrt MJ rthnrfaX-4hnODhnO-40iONSNSCO Hn CO Cn CO rt -4 NO OCDCOOCO-^-4CnOrtOrf-tOOOtONOOCOCnOrtXhn|-nCOrtOCOOlCOCOOCOrtOOOCOXCOO-400aOO hntOOOCOtOtO COhn CO CO hHhn|-n hn CO CO Ol l-n l-n COtOrfa CONS NO OOhnOl rtOrfaOXlCnt0OOhn4-,C0rfa00C000hnC00lOhn01rfa-401*aX-4Xhn44.O tO OO-4NS-4-4rfaQ0-4OOX0l hnCOCnrfahntOOlhnONSI-n 4a. CO l-H hHrtOO hntOrfaCni-nOlOlOCOrfarfa OOCOOlhnOOODhn-4 —4C0O1 rtnOrtCn-4!COOOODCOOOCOOOOOrttO-4tOXCOOCJO„-.OOrtXOCOrt-Jrf4aoOOOCOOCDCD —J CO tO O tO CO 00 rt CO CO i-hi-h rttO hn rthnCOOl rt rtrtrtNSrfa4a.COCOhHtOOOhHCOtO*arfaOO-4COhHOOhniO C0t0 0lC0rfaOhn^C00lX0DOc0OhnH--0lOO4jM;MjaiCnrfaC0t0rt-lt0Oi0XOC0t0CjlOC0rfaC0rtOX-4 --------------------------------------#_—_--------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COrfaOll-n CO CO CO CO l-n CO O CO tOtOCOOhHhnhHhniOrfarfaOl-4-4-l-4hnOOCOOlOI-HrtOOOt001tOrfaCO -JtOXOOOltOtOOlhHOCOhHOOOOlCOO—3-JCOWOO-3XCC-4-4rt-JOOOOOOrtCOrfaOiaOh-CnCOXCOOl CO CO CO -4 to to rt Ol rt CO -4 CO CO o Ol to rfa rfa 4a- rfa o -4 to rfa rfa. Oi rfa CO N3 CO CO O rt o Oi rt rt o to Ol rf. Ol Cn 00 rfa o rfa Ul -1 -3 O o CO -3 en 4a. o CD o cn Oi —1 Ol Cn rfa Ol rfa o On h_ o NO o CD CO rfa N1 c-> X o -3 NO -3 hH co co rfa Ol o o CD CO Oi O Hj o o o CO o o o en O o CO o o o o o o —4 CO o o o OJ o CO CO O o o CO o o o CO o O O o CO o O CO o CD CO CO CD g CO CO to X CO hn CO CD hn rfa. X rfa CO to Ol to Ol Ol rfa rfa -4 -4 o rf. rfa cn rfa CO CO CO CO o to hn Oi to hH o to Ol CO rfa rf. rfa Ol o rfa eo > rf. m rfa cr —4 nn -1 to cn —1 X cn o o |_l o CC -1 Cn HH CO Cn cn CO CO o o —1 cc -1 4a On —1 hH en -1 co —1 CD o CO o cn -1 O p o o en en CO o CD o O o CO a. o CD o o o CO CO o CO o CO en O o to o CO CO CO o CO o o CO CO o o o O CD 00 o o o ^ 13 P rf. 00 to en 4a. to CO X to 44 o *a CO to o CO rfa CO rfa Cn -4 -4 -4 rfa rfa Oi rfa CO CO 4a rfa -3 to to Cn to rt en to Cn CO rfa CO rfa Ol o CO HJ o to NO 00 o NO co X -1 Oi X CO o -1 rfa -1 X CO nn Cn -1 rfa CO —1 Cn On NO M CO On hn m o CO cr, —4 —1 cn Ci -1 CO rfa -1 en B -H CO CO CO CO O CO o Oi o CO 4a. CO o o o CO CO o -3 00 o o Ol o -4 00 o 00 o CO O CO o CD o ci CO o o -4 co o Cn -3 CO o CO en o K i-3 — CO rfa -4 4-- CO hn rt to to Oi CO o o hn Ol 4a. Ol Oi X X -4 O rfa -4 o Cn 4a. 44. 4a. o CO rt rfa rt to o CO Cn Cn rfa Ol Cn Oi rfa OS to —4 CO Oi rn CO CO X 4- —1 rr hH X X o NO hn Oi O -1 NO to o hn Cn rfa rr, On cn CO rn o co X —1 rfa o to X cr t> fr M en oo CO O o CO O CO o O o o CO o o en o -3 CO o o CO o o CO CO CO en o CO en o o o CO en o CO -3 -4 O 4a. o CO Ol o CO f r 4- 00 to -4 CO CO to Cn NO rf. o rfa CO rt o to rf. rfa- o Ol -4 -1 Ol 4- rfa o Cn CO CO CO CO o to rt Ol hn hH o CO Cn rfa *a rfa 4a. Cn o CO t> hn c; CO o O 44. -4 -1 Oi _ Ol cc rfa o o rfa rfa CO X rfa nn to X o co cr X to rfa. NO cr Oi X __ Oi 00 CO tn N1 ci -4 -3 to CO X -3 CO 44. CD o CO -3 CO o o o 1-1 o o c CO CJO e o en -4 -3 Oi ID -1 4- "-' Cn to c rfa cc o CD X 3 NO to to hn NO to hn hH hn h-1 nn nn hn nn ,_, nn Fair. CO X CO rfa CO -4 hn rf. M rfa -4 Ol CO o CO rfa Oi rfa o Ol CO hn o Ol 1-1 o Ol CD O CO l-n o —3 —1 rfa Ol X rfa CO X rf. Cn o CO o en to tJ nn nn nn nn ,_, nn rt _, h_ nn ,_, h_, -n hn hn hn to to h_. hn NT to NO hn to to H NO h_, nn Cloudy- Xi to O X CO CD o co en CO Ol CJO rfa 1-1 o Ol en rfa Cn X o Ol o CO CO O cn CO o h-1 CO o Ol rf. -4 rfa 4a. X nn nn nn nn ,_, hn h- hn hn h_ Rain. S3 CD 4- CO to hn hH '-' to o o On CO cn O o o 1-1 '""' 7~i CO o rfa 44. o X X 1-1 CO O X o X o o CO CD rfa Oi -3 X o X X O CO O Oi p «H, > M 5(5 > Ul 5? o X O -4 o o CO E o -4 hn to to to - o o o o O o o O o o o o o o hn to h-1 CO -4 - X CD Ol CO CO rt to HH H- CO On O r-n Snow. rt CO to to to to O o CO O to o Oi -4 Cn CO X CO O X hn to o to to CO to CO Ol CO CO CO to rfa Cn CO rfa rfa 4a. rfa rt o rfa o o OO NO NO X 00 rfa on CO o CO CJ to Ol CO CO rfa o o 4- -3 cn rfa CO 00 CO o CO cn CO Oi CD O O Am't in inches. o oo 44. to o CO Co Ol CO en X co o Cn CO 1-1 o CO CD o Cn • o rt -4 o -3 Cn o 1-1 '-' CO CO CO rfa o o 3 g p 3 CB P ft CB 3 IH 3 CB Ul Ul -a or CB 5' S3 3 P o 3 P o o Ci C 1 P > S3 w o o Ul 3 3 rt P P CB ra-CS CB ft o ft o F O fl hH Ci \> F ft ft fl ft CO CO CO ft o ft to 2 O CB ft 3- 3. § ftMftoftftftftft^ftftOfta2'-i>-i3ftftft-Hftftft " h-l ^ y ft cr ih O rr- ft ft ? C p P 3-"I CB ^r CB • ft *-. P ' cb o S r 2 1. n c Ci 0 o P o O . ZL. i s" ', 3 ri- 3 O O -x eo Cr < O r, Q -3 _r 2 s 3 =i — S- • 3 *> Z it ^^bbik-irfabbrfaccbbcobhn4a.o 0-CDtotoeriCDOiOiOi-JOrOcniDOieDCDa-. enencDOiOiOieDOiOiOiCDcn ^^S^^S^^^5^4^y>^tr,0lO0lO0lOO0l4a.O0irfa0lrfa.44.44.C0C0 ^^C04a.wn-4rttOOXOrfarth-XCOXOOXCOOOCOCOCOXrf4-rfaOO MSKiSSr' 0>^!.^Ol fS^^4^r^S£Wft5-'H-rtCOtOCOtOCOCOtOtOOOtOCOCOCOcOiOtOtOh-hn (HOtO-4rtOlO-4C^OrfarfaCDtOtOIConOrtOOtOOCOCOODNO-JN004iOCO ft^S^ft^HnrtrtCOCONStOtOCOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOCOtOtOCOOOOOlOCO p5^HHONSprtOO-4CD-JXCOC004a.OtO-J4iCOCOCOCXrtOlrtC^ 4jc^.4jhnrfaoorto-JOOrfaoobbrtbrfa-jbbbcOrtrfatoH-.bx 3> cococobbrtrfabikbtobbrtbtobtobbrtbtobbbxbrtto ~° r- h-. ^ ft . tOhntOrthntOh-HHrtrthHCOrt4a.hH OOrtOOlO-40hn-40itO-4COOCntOtO tO NO Ol rfa tO CO 1-- l-ar- 1^ ig Q} Ih (.I W Cn cn CO Cn X rfa Ci CO X o O — ,-. xr. *3 . _^01C04a.tOtOC^44-t044.N04a.cOt04j-™MjcCCn*.Oi*.CC OOtO-^OlOOtOOCOO-400COOCOOOrttOCDXOiOXOrtOOCO m HH1-H JOCOl-HhHhHhHhH COhH , . ■ , OOOrtrtO-JXC0004-.COCOO-^CnCjlOOCOCOCOCOC04^-ijtnJI W__^.„rfa.COtO tOCntONStOrfartto rtOOrfatOhnOtOOOCOCOOOrfaOCOrfahntO —i O tO hn hn Cn hn IH M £• O 4aOCOrfartCOX4a.tOCOCOCOO-4-4C044.-4 hH rt tO tO rt -4hHtOOtOOrtOCOOrfa.cn hn hn -4CnOlOOrf-04a.COrfaO hn CO tO Sr.^'^rri'H" JO tO rfa rfart hn hn rttO OO-4-4OOC0-4C0-l-4t0C0rfa-4Ort00O-4X4-.OOOOOC0OC rfa rt rt rt r— h— hnfo hHhnt04a-hn IO t-n hn nn nn hn 0001-40tOCOCOCOCO-4XO-4hnrfhCOOltOCOOCDCOC004a.COtOtO rSft^ft-^^Si'HntOhnhntOtOO-JrfahHOltOhnhHrfaCOrfa O—lrtrfa.OCnODOlOlOCOCDhnoOtO-4—4-3000l-4tO-4000rf-.COCn hH hH hn hn 4-. 44 CO hn CO CO hn )-n WCntOOSCOOOOOOOCnOrfaO-4-40rfa.COCOX-4COtO-40-4tOCOhn —-1 *"H hn t-n CO hn rf. Cn CO CO rfa —.1 Cn (Drfai\OtO OX*aCOXOOrt4-.CrtOrfa©COXCOCDXCOOCOX-4 0nOOrtOOlO CO Cn -4 rt hnrt h> ■_. tO rf. hn hn COOCOOOCOOOOCOOOOCOOtOCO-4H-.XrfanO-400-4COrttOCOOO no-t COtOhHCOtO CO hncOtO hnrtCO-4 -4 tONO OOCno-^tOCOO*aOOOOejiCOtOOrtCncnrfa-jcooc-.rfa.rfa4a:o tO tO rt NO _r*^V-i**Hr-€ F ft ft fl Ul ft ft ft CO CO Ox ftftftftftft^HqHrjrthH *£ z z $ $ * x$zZ ^^^ftftftW-.^Wftftftftft rt rt *-< » r\ O r- o -i rn rn £ A Z. -q B I 3=1 E rt On 9, Or C Ct p V< pr p. ft a ft 5s 2 " < a s- ~ ft ft ft ft ft hrj J> o o O 4* 2 ^ ft p 2 p o' g 0 3^ O 3 3 P Cfi 44* Ci X ft ft 2 ft -s! 5! ft o o ft _r ftOftc72 3 to » S o " 3 > »q CJ ft ,*i 41 !.*> .1^ 4. rn 41 ——. 1 .1 —_ .4. —— WW |W WW WW .w 1W .NH IW CX O CO CO CO Ol Ol CO CO tO rfa 4.1 co -4 O 10 CO to 00 to CO (0 rt rt Cn -3 00 rt CO rt I— rt O o IO Cn O rfa O hn Ol rfaOXCOCDOOOOCO rfa X CO O On Co O O CO CO coco to COlOtOiO CO CO CO co to to to O CO Oi O rf. Ol rt rt 00 rt rt rt 00 NS 4- tO O O rfa CD CO h-OtOCnrfaOOlCOXCOCDOlOl COOOOOOCO-IOOi-nOOCXCOOlh-h-CDOl C00l00Xt0C0rfahHO-4OXO OOlXtOCDOOOOO r^v^ft^^HH rtrthnNOCOCONOCOCO COtOOOrttOO-3 0iOn4itOXXiOCJi rfa Ol Ol Cn Oi Oi O O Ol Cn p—i04-CDrtOOrfaC00 4- — 3 COCOCOCOtO tO NStOrt CDrtCOOOrf-tOCOCO NO rt tO tO CO O O CO 4a. CO O O O Ol -I 01 CO O CO rfa. hn 44. h-0lC0hn4i0COrfa.00C0-3 44.44.NSrtO0iOO OHHC0O-4Orfa.Cn—4^n XOCDOOXH-rt CO CO to to CO CO 4a rfa h- CO CO rt O IO On o o o Oi rfa 1 00 4- CO h- -4 X O o to Ol o to to -! CO CO -4 CO 00 hn OC -1 tO X rfa O ^ tO rt to O X rt OOOCOCOrfaOOOCOO O -4 —I O tO CD -3 rt O CO O tO O rt OTwnrfa4a.OlrfaCOrfarfaCOrfaCiOOOl-4-4-4X OrtCOOXOXXOXOOtOrf-OUCOOCOh- x -4 no x O O Cn -4C0X-4OO0000-4 rf. rfa Ol O —3 O #£ rt O Hn CO On tO NS to I I I 44O00C0OOC0OI—irfaCOrtCnCOrfa-tOO S!SKS£UUMSBW!5WMBUWIO!OBWk5HMHiOHHtO(OMBM10IOla^on^.'lun^|ll•l>•ll'wn OOOOOrfaOOXrtrtCXMJ4-00,4j-4C*rtr^^c-,MJg5xrtS C0C000-4OXOW-44-.rfa.-4bb -4 tOxbbtbbbb44.bbbbrtbbrtbbbbbbbbbbbrtrfa.rfab rt -4 -4 rr.^r3tete03tOOS03&tototOiOtOhHtotOtOtOtOiOHntetOtDtototototO co4-t044.-^cooobbbbbb--4bbrt-jbbbb4a.bbb--4bb4a.4a.brtbbrf. CO NO to to 10 NS to CO O CO 0 4- CO X O -4 4a. CO O O rfa to 01 to CO rfa CO 01 rfa cc -4 cc CO p •f, w 3 S3 1-p 2 3 [? P ti B ta S 5" P* rfa hn CO O CO CO OCOCOCO-4-44-.-4, iOXOiOrttOOtOOlO hn CO rt hH hn hnCOCO rt hn rt hn NO HH CO hn ._ t0t0-3O44.4JQ0oo^Iis;)t0hti>^0DW{0(t>_oti)Ootao rS5fl*;!.KWSMM*'01WHHU(0rj,oila OCDX-4Orfartt0hC.C00lOt0OrfaXXrfaOt0oO00 X O rfa, hn rfa. CO O rfa tO CO 0 ft Tn 0 Ca n nr i CO ft ft ^ X Ul ' ft _i hn l-HHH h-> hn H M CDO0lHHt0C0-4Ot0l—'HHCOOOhH-j CO O CO hh o -4 O tO CO rt -4 rt rfa O 00 O O rt O CO iO CO rfa CO Ol O tO -4 O -4 X rfa- rfa CO CD hn CO X O rfa O O O 00 O CO rt rt 00 rfa o to O 00 O tO CO rfa Ol X tO rf- rt to 01 oo oo O o 00 00 tOOrfatO rtCO tO rttO -1 Ol tO hn hn rt 44. rtOXOrfaOOrfaCOCOCn04-CnOlXCOOt044.OOOCOt04a.-IO tO hn rf. hn Ol rfa h-• CO CO tO rt l-H CO I—" tO OrfaOOOrfa0l0l*a0lC0rfat0 4!C-,c;i-4XhHO-4-40000t0t0t0hnO Or hn rtrtrti04-.OCnrtOlX-4XrtOOtOCOrt4aOl4-.COHn XC0O-lOO00Ol0OOOC0rf4.rtOOO44.t0X CO" Cn -t to O On to CO NO hn tOtOtO tOhnhHhntOCOCOhnNSOOhnjt. OOOCOrt-4Cn4--COOCOCDCO-4XOCOOOCOOCOOOrtOCnOCO Mj hn hHMjhn 44. 4-, —4 rtOrfaCOrfa XtOXtOCDhntOCn O CDCOOrtrtCnOlOrfaO—3 00 4a. X ►— 4a-XCnOOlrfaOO—4 O O CO O GO hn 1-ntOOl hn C0C0t04a.ON0C0hn4a.t0 COOlrfaCOrfaOlhntOCO 4-.OlOCOOOlt04a.COO-40lOnhnoCOOOOlCOOOOlOOOiOO—4CO r- rt rt IO __t Wri uo w cwi uu '__' iw h— —-* CO CO X1 CD uj 4--4OCn0lOt0C0rf-O4a.OOCiC0OO h-1 tO hn hnhn I— — rt — (l_, — ,_ C000-3OOXOC0XON044.44C>0t0XO01hHt0 XI e,r\ r\ .1 . 4l f—i -v. <-r» rh\ >v^l P.") n-~ ("T, .li. —T- ("T, r— tn CH, fT, COHHOn IO CO-40OCOHH0OCO rfarfaCnOltOrfarfaOlrfaCOCOrfaCO rtCnhHtO-4rfaOlCnrfarfaC04a-OCO OXCOtOCOrfa.HnNShn4-.OOOOrfaCOOOXrnCOOlCOOlCOOOOhnCDOltOtO -3^0COCOrtOwSOrtCjJOCXrttOOCOCOOCOXCO X rfa O O On rfa Cn*aWC0rfa4.jc^cct04^M;H4a-4H--C0t04a.44.Hlarfa0l0lOCO0irfa0l4a.4-.rfa4a.rf^ Ol rfa —3 4a. X -4 rtCncOtO-lCOOCn CD CD CD ' CD CD O Ol rf. O 44. O tO OlrfaOOCOrfa-JrfarfatOOOOO -3 4a. rfa rf. O 'en cn to to OOCOOOCnOlOOOlrfa oo b b m x co Cn rfa On CO CO rf. to cn CO CO rf- O rfa O44.l0N0OrfaNSOt0-4t0—4 -4 CO O On On CO On OCOOO1-n44.4-.01 OOOOOOOlrtOD OT-4Ul4>Oi—4Cn4> rt to oi O O tOOOrf-h-iCnC0hnO4a.Hr.0i44.01X—3 bbrtbb b oooocncoocorfaCiOiOhHcnto OCOtOCOCOXhnCOC044.0COCOCDXCO*a O Oi o o on 01 b hh _ CO 00 rfa COtOCOOrfaCnOlOlOiOOirfa-CO CnrfaOlCOrfa-40nCOhnOlt04-.04--COtOOl rfabbcnOOOnOOO-lX OtOOOOtOOiXO-3 4a004a.4a-Ol-4y1o,4a.Olrfarfa.rfarfarfa O -4 rfa tO Oi CO tO -4 rfa Ol Ol X CO rfh rf- Ol rfa Ol rfa -4rttOCOWO*trtGOO-4COrtStOCOO. COrtW _->,-.._. j .m m w l» lj n h-hnhnhnMlrtrtrt hHrthHhnhnhntOCOHnCOtOhHCOtOrthni-nhni-HhnrthHrtiO S-4CDtOXCj1-l40Wrtrf^S-Jo£SocOOX rtOrttO*artrtrtOWrtrfa4-.tOOrfarfaOOlCOXOC^OOCOOO-4rf-rfa.COOOlOrfaCOCOOOOlOlOOn -4 to CO CO 00 30 ^ C5J CO -4 CIlOOOOCOCOrfatOCOOOtOhnOOrt hn r-H OOOOOOHHrfarfarfa-JXO-lOrfa-OlXrfarfaOCOOOOOl OOhHOOOO—tOtOONShH -JtOOitOtOtOtOCOhHtO CO —4 O CO tO Cn bbbb bno-40oooocooicoocno 0lO0lO0l4a.OOOC0rtrfa.-4OO4a. rthHOHH*-Ih-rthHrfarfahHCOtOCOCOOlCOhnOOtOtO bhHb-4bb-4rfarfat0XXrfa-10lOC0C0l-nQ0O OOhnOOOOhntOhnOlrfaOlCniOO—41O00XCOO ^ rt Fair. Cloud. Rain. Snow. Ain't in inches. ft O O ft ft g CB ft ft Ul ft ftOftftftftftft ft ft ~> ft 71 ft > ft ft ft ft ft Tj ft o o P o P S 1 3 B O O O O O D -• O 3 2 1 3 O 3* 3 0 0 -1 3 a 3 3 3 H 3 r, t H 3 •H. h -i ia rt !-« 2-=> o- cr rt O 3" 5' Uh ■+ -3 w 2 p* o o o 3 y cr p' ft p P Ci ft Xi p rt i-t CB *? CB . 2. S p -i CB to M P . IH rt p ! £L • p. ft B CB H 31 5 P 3 r. CB 3' 3 Duncan... Lincoln... Fillmore... Conrad.... llfit.ta...... 2 i 3 ? yi o ft 5! O p p rt 1 hi P * Ci • z tl Ti T .% H ° -- 3 — 5' 2 p rt 5" Ul 0 0 3 rP 0 (ft p Belknap... tom Hill... Graham... Gates..... 3 3 H tr > H o" n 7T ■a CO H t» H 0 ■Ji m pr ir, CQ • ', CO co rfa rfa rfa Cn rfa rfa to Hi NO tO rfa (a fa 4a- Ol Ol 01 Ol rfa 4a. *a CO ta. rfa. CO CO 0! CO TO o rfa o CO o X -n -4 O CD -4 JOl -4 o CO rf. 0 XI O 0 Xi hn tO -4 rf. -4 rfa o to X CO o X CO O X O ■u O *a 4- D Hi -0 CO co hn 44. 0 O CO rt CO 0 CD pa -4 o CO Cn -3 CO O Oi o -4 Jl hn |_ 00 CO O O -4 X O 0 CO to X x> 0 to O X CO 0 4a. CO rfa 144. 4a Cn Cn Ol to CO CO 00 rfa On Ol Ol Jl On Ji 01 01 4- CO CO ft Ol o X CO o CO X CO Xi -4 -4 hn CO CO D X — Ji Ol O 0 JI —4 O O rfa, Ol -4 r- Oi 44. NO -1 to rfa CO o o cn ji >-n eo o no «a JO -4 — -D rfa CO -4 -3 !> rn 44. *a- en rfa Jl O O rt CO hn 43 -4 o O 0 X On -4 £> O rfa iO Ol rfa -4 co p B H rfa rfa Ol Oi Ol Oi o o rfa rfa 4a. *a o O O 31 31 O 0 Oi HH o o O CO O 00 CO O 31 o 3 4- 0 CO 0 44 O O Ol hn 0 0 13 5 o CO X rfa —1 O Oi X rfa CO -O O Ol O rfa D O rfa nS -4 K> X -3 Jl Ol t> •a X Ol r. H- 44. O Jl rt 31 to O en 0 Oi X Ol X CO -4 Ol X p g 44. CO 44 rfa rfa Ol Ol Oi to CO ta CO OO Ol rfa Ol Jl Oi Ji Cn in CO H- CO -' O CO CO CO co to o X Ji 31 -4 rfa CO 44 Ol rfa —4 Ol —3 00 X ►w h- to On cn rfa CO Hi O o Cn o a. tO rfa O CO O 3 Ol n* — 1-1 4a. X O Cn rfa o O CO rfa O 0 rfa tO Ol CO O O O rfa X rfa. M rfa. CO •rfa rfa rfa Ol Oi Jl to CO 44. CO rfa. Ol Oi Ol Ji On n Oi Ol Cn C H H" IO -' O O rfa CO CO 00 Ji co -I O XI -4 -4 -4 -4 O0 O rt rfa co h-1 X O o o o o -4 -4 -n O hn tD O Ol hn CO O Ji Ol hJ 1-1 to -H -1 Ol rfa 00 rfa -4 rfa o 44. O 0 rt tO CO Ol O CO CO to -4 M Ol Ol on o o 51 -4 -4 en 44. -n o -j no no -4 x X X wH Ji to CO 44OlrttO4-.4-.C000 to Oi X Jl X O -4 Oi O O rfa CO 0 hn tt to to to CO CO fc. CO Hi -HCOrthHtOHHtOtO to O g CO -4 IO o 31 4a- OlOll—iOOXCOOCO -4 X 33 Hi 0 to -4 no oi co 0 00 00 -4 s 3 cm 0 -n to to 00 CO rt Ji CO O K) 1- r-1 44. O CO 44 hn Cn 31 CO CO X X -4 -4 O Cn co rfa o O X rfa Hi CO COCOrfaCOrtOrfaCO O hn Jl Oi Jl O O CO CO -4 CO rt CO Ol Pet hn CD to rfa -4 o to -4 en to CO hH o eo to to co co Jl Ol O Ol rfa CO Jj o CO CO to -D 03 to CO O CO to Oi hj eo co to co co O CO tO CD Ol CO 00 CO to 1" H* CO O o o to o -4 -4 -4 -h O rt CO O o -1 rfa 45 •Jl On Oi 0 *a rt -4 CO rt CO '-' Oi P 3 o Ol o On rt Hi o to —» X) -■ OO rt tO rt wiOirfaOtOCOOiOi rt NO |_| rfa X rfa X 4a X rt to rt JO tO rt rfa Cn Oi to 0 0 00 CO 00 On to 0 S! CO to o o en to Ji o to Hi h0 hn 00 tO rt Ci to XOOXOOXrttOHn 00 Ol rfa rt Jl Oi -4 43 Ol eo 0 00 ■ Cn 0 Oi 44 Oi iO O -. 00 rfa. rfa 44. 0 4a. 4a- to hn 44. tO rt ~ CD o -4 X) X 44 HH HH —■ Ji ~* o X> Xi Cn 01 0 X 44 X CO rf- to to c 3 5? 0 C4- Cn _H WH hn rt hn Ci rfa tO 4a CO O -1 •y. O 44. -tCOrfarfarfa-OlCDCO CO to X 0 eo 4l O -h Ol X rfa rfa 0 O cr Ul hn |_l *a CO o -H hH to tO rt rt nn W . rfa o o o J- X o co o CO cn rt cn o CO 31 ni 44. 0 *a rfa HH 00 O CO rfa 0 0 H -5 p to o Or CO o to Oi rfa -n CO 0O rt CO Oi Oi o rfa rt O CO HW OOiOOOlOCOOlCO o X> -4 Cn 0 0 ta 0 -3 O rfa 0 -4 0 3 CO CO 00 ft ft ft wH O ft ft O — F O O ft fl O hH ft Ci O ft > 4>" F ft ft ft f m a cV- ft ft ft METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 399 MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1851. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. aud sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. X 0 0 a REMARKS. 1 S. E. s. S. W. W. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. .is tH _2 1 ei o c TJl 3 6 17 50 11 31 12 21 3 4 5.67 6.25 7.57 7.89 6.84 20 11 4 1 2.35 2 3 37 58 0 0 2 4 12 24 7.09 7.06 7.67 8.00 7.45 24 7 5 0 0.79 8 20 32 124 5 15 4 7 5 14 4.87 4.41 5.61 5.87 5.19 17 14 5 0 -- 8 11 20 40 27 55 23 30 8 9 5.06 5.77 6.20 7.00 6.00 20 11 3 0 18 34 4 11 29 58 1 3 27 62 1.35 4.32 5.25 5.16 4.02 16 15 7 0 4.40 28 78 15 33 0 0 4 8 5 8 3.16 3.90 5.61 6.58 4.81 14 17 11 0 2.84 18 79 4 14 30 62 6 25 42 129 2.61 4.13 6.42 5.87 4.76 19 12 7 0 7.40? 18 47 1 3 11 35 25 38 18 45 2.32 2.54 3.90 4.09 3.21 11 20 11 0 2.63 9 24 25 28 20 25 52 27 10 0 18 4 18 3 33 4 17 7 27 8 3.93 6.45 3.74 7.96 5.67 7.25 5.51 7.96 4.71 7.40 12 14 19 17 5 9 0 0 1.00 2.30 Clearness inaccurate. 18 54 19 52 7 17 9 16 11 19 3.00 3.60 4.26 5.30 4.04 13 18 6 0 0.56 28 37 9 44 9 15 1 4 33 102 2.32 2.38 3.61 4.80 3.28 9 22 13 0 1.19 11 22 i 5 10 11 22 10 18 14 34 2.29 2.38 2.64 2.32 2.41 6 25 6 0 4.70 22 59 14 40 4 8 2 2 29 81 3.06 3.96 5.29 5.45 j 4.44 15 16 7 0 1.15 35 62 3 3 5 5 5 6 18 27 2.52 3.03 4.81 4.29 3.64 9 22 7 0 0.65 18 48 29 79 9 17 2 6 11 32 4.54 5.74 7.12 7.29 6.17 20 11 3 0 0.68 8 21 2 6 3 5 2 6 3 12 0.93 2.22 3.48 4.19 2.71 12 19 9 0 0.29 39 64 2 5 14 19 1 1 20 34 3.45 3.58 5.38 3.45 3.96 11 20 6 0 0.98 13 16 5 9 7 10 27 41 9 13 6.03 7.03 6.35 7.25 6.67 i 25 6 12 0 1.74 3 5 3 25 21 23 63 66 10 11 2] 35 17 42 38 172 ' 18 22 31 88 5.16 4.74 6.01 6.48 5.61 6.42 6.71 5.42 5.87 5.76 22 24 9 7 7 2 1 5 0.39 1.15 Temp, inaccurate. 3 3 11 32 9 18 6 14 22 57 5.74 8.09 9.22 4.74 6.95 0 3 0.33 Clearness inaccurate. 0 0 1 2 10 23 58 99 15 44 4.45 3.74 3.90 2.45 3.64 14 17 1 10 *2.00? *18 inches snow. 16 19 21 40 16 20 20 38 4 8 5.51 5.61 5.22 5.35 5.42 18 13 12 0 3.74 25 7 8 61 26 23 0 8 21 0 28 84 87 18 30 167 34 103 9 15 2 14 19 5 0 2 1 0 3 2 5.48 3.66 4.32 5.54 5.33 3.77 5.03 5.00 4.41 5.30 5.00 5.12 5.34 4.75 4.40 21 9 13 10 9 18 13 15 0 0 4.50 4.92 18 days ; 9th to 21st [not observed. Rain 20 35 3 8 10 18 13 15 3 5 7.23 7.42 7.80 7.30 7.46 24 7 13 0 10.41 [in full. 26 70 23 35 4 6 0 0 5 8 4.83 4.96 5.80 5.87 5.36 15 16 14 0 6.63 43 122 10 22 4 5 5 7 9 16 4.00 4.56 4.77 4.68 4.50 10 21 16 4 7.93 50 105 2 4 13 42 0 0 10 18 1.03 f 1.12 0.70 2.12 1.24 2 29 16 2 3.93 Note to the Temperature Summaries for 1851. For the temperature summaries of 1850 and 1851 the latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes of the posts have been revised and cor- rected from the best authorities. The very recent extensive surveys of the interior and of the coast, furnish geographical positions very near to accuracy for each of the new posts of the interior and western coast, and corrections for several eastern stations. Many of these determinations are first available as this work is passing through the press. The altitude, in some cases, varies in successive years from a change of the precise position at which the observations are taken. ft ft ft ft ft 5 6 -? g § r« O ft cn n 3 o 3 > "> 2 ° i-l P c ft p -i i-i C p p p c-, sr 3 ri' ° p 3 CD ft 3 co ft Lit! o 3 e... e .. ncas P P P CB !rT -J Ul CO rt 2 ft I n > ft p 0 _L JS- 2 p td ■-< uq c o rt, o ft Cfi ft > ft o CO > SI ft ft nH> ft ft ft > ft ft ft ft rt ft ft •o ft o ft o HH o r* ft ft ft Sr hH Ul ft ft ft 4-.00t0C0O44.C0O CO O Oi o cococoeocototoco yi to -4 CO O ZT- rt rt rt to -4 —4 Oi 4— o to Ol o cncncnoiooooo OlOl—4Q0OHHC001C0 OOCOl—> CD rfa. O -4 Ol O OCOOOC0^400X -4COCOtO*aOOOCO CO tO tO CO CO 4a. rt CO O rt O CO X O rt 44. CO CO 44. OiCnC/iOiOOOO 4a.. C_)C-Jhn4j_JU3rn-4lh(i.tJ1_j|_iWj%r)_j rt I rtCXt0rtOO-JC044--JO0lC00lC0 o o o oo to CO CO 4- CO OO -4 hn O -4 -4 —4 -4 CO CO 00 CO oi no to oo -4OO0iCnO0i0i0n0iCn0iCnCn0i to-4hHnooortcohHh-ooi— toco-4 CO O -4 -400lrt4-.4^CniCOCOCOCOCOICOCOCOH^44.004^COCOOOW rtOlOOOCOOOOOO On grf- eOOOXtOCOCOrt044.0iOl oiNo^o^toobort^eooto r-OCOOn044.-4000tOtOCOrt 4a. on Oi Cn o O O tO -4 X 4- CO X 44. O 44- 44- CO CO CO x o nn eo 44. O000044.OOOC0O NO -4 -4 CO rt o CO O o o -4 -4 hn CD O Cn o O -4 O CO O I—" -J oo CO Cn44.cn44.4-.rf4.44.44. cocDotooeooico -4004-.OII-HI01CO4-. GOhnai-4tO-4-4Cn 00 . i-n hh eo hh to to hn • O O O 00 O O O CO CO O 44. Ci -4 -4 rt 00 -4 eo -4—4-4 x 00 no oc Ol Oi Ol hn tO rt O • co 44. o 44. eo o» hh . 01 o co co co eo 44. . OlOiOlOlOOOO hnrf-COOrtOOtOCO rt hn 00 o CO O 1—■ CO CO CO 00 44. 44. 01 eo 44. co o 00 X O Ol -4 CO 44. o co eo 00 co 01 On O O CO Ol O CO hn CO X CO rt Cn CO 00 -4 -4 -1 o eo hh 00 44. Ol 44. 44. 44. 4a 4- co o to eo 00 nn o CO CO -4 O 00 10 o X 00 -4 -4 X to o OC00iO44.O00C044.-4 CO CDrtCnOOl-4 -4 to CO co cn hi 4] r- C1 CnOCOCOCDCOCDCO—4 CD *- Ol O CO h-■ Cn 44. 4a. 44. 44. Oi Oi O CO CO --4 -4 O CO ONOOo44.eoeoconocnoicornoo OOtOOX44.-4cD-400lOlOOO On Cn Oi Ol On CO On 00 01 O 44. X 44. X 44. X X O -4 Ol X -4 -4 0 -4 O O O X X CO On coeoeotoeoeotoooooooco eoooo44.ocoxHn44.hnHH COrHCOOlOCDCOOrtOCO 0044.-4COOOOO-40tOCO 00 rt CO O Oi Ol Ol 00 4- Oi Cn Oi Oi co eo eo o o X O rt o oi eo 4a.CDI-n~400lO-40lO-4-4 C0C0C0CDXCDXXCDOC00000OT00C000X C0-400C0O0lXX44.OOO0lO00O0i0l rn (O 00 hn CO CO hn rt tO 44. HH O rt Cn-400H-.COrtO-4XO 44.cOrHcootoeoo Oi O m o no o -4 rt 00 44. CO 44. 44. CO x o 00 o co to O 44. O h-' CO O Cn rt bo no 00 44. 44- 44. 44. 44. rt CO 00 to to CO CO X Ol o to B> 44. Ol -4 X Ol CO —4 • H CO U hn . O CO 44. 00 CO O O O CO rt o co eo 44. 44. bo lo X-4hncOOOlCOCOOlHnCO ftftgftQggggft s O O O O £ >^ *-* -^ Ci a ZT ■—' f5 I P " r\ rr, CO ^ ^ £ s s IT! -J- 3- " nq IIh LICj w p 3 p 3 P ^ Q CX; S > rT ui a k x ft ft w £ h o ft ft ft 5* ft ft ft > ft ft ft ft ft o ft rt ft ft ft o ft o ft o Q 1—1 o i> ft ft ft hH Ul ft ft ft hrt o ftOO>OftWr/,H>^ft£r-,ft>£*ftt-g>^ft^ £. rt rt 3 O hrj hij hrj 4.H, hq nj S o w o « p § B 3 3 3 S St rT 3 St p ft rt o = 3 s 3- 3 5" ft cr O h- Q ™ M S. « 5 3 co c» - oq B 31 n ... * 9 ft 3 cr cr o - . O 3 O - < rt -5 q > ^ o p rt cn l rt _ rt Oq O g o. I 9 3 2. 2 ? -? 0 Q o > > ft ffi 3 ^ 3 3- " ft 3 » "H rfarfarfarfaCOCOCOCOCOCO -4 0iOiOCO-4000DOCO O O NO CO rt o _ rfa rfa HH rfa tO Ol -JOCOOOCOOtOCOrfaOirt—4rfa rt Ol tO rt O O CO CO eo O rfa CO tO Ol 44. CO CO tO hn CO rfa —4 eo co co co co CO O O O h-1 lOhHHHrfatOCnOOOi^OO cn o oo cd en CD CD CD cn rn rn rn CD rfa CO O Oi rfa o o o o o o o O O O O CO CD O - O CD CD O CO CO CO CO CO CD CD CD CO O O rfa X rfaOOlOlrttOCOOlCn on Oi O O O 00 O X rt o o Cn CO oeotootoprfaco eoo-4ocnonoirt 00 rfa tO rfa rfa NS co o on no on o COCO rtrfa " H , O OOOlOlOOOlOrfatOO xooioooocn^.*-»_a hh eo rt hh eo COOlrttOCOCOOrtO SS§§Sg§ig§g8g8168as5SSS5ggg§8 o o o o o eo oooooooooooxotoooo ooooooooo O O CD CD CD O O O O CO o O -4 CO CO Ol O CO O O CO O Ol I—■ O rfa O rt to 00 X -.4 CO CO Ol O CO CO o to 00 CO O Cn Oi CO -4 CD CD CO CO O -4 00 -4 CO O to O O CO hn -4 00 CO Ol 44- Ul rfa. hn QD hH . O Ol O -4 rfa -4 O O Cn rt -4 O CO CO rfa rfa CO CO O CO CO O hn -4 O O O O rt rfa rt X -4-4-4-4 n- O O CO -4-4-4-4 rfa 00 Ol CD CO Ol -4 CO O O CO O rt . o m cn oi o Oi oi o on -4 o o hn o CO Ol Ol CO oo hh eo o co x rt -4 X rt CC X cn ~4 -.j -j —4 Ol O O -4 Ol h-• O Oi CO booirteooiooco-4-4o Ol Ol hn Ol 00 CO O 00 hn to Ol CO -4 -4 -4 QOh-tOCOhnCO-lrfahnOOl cococobooboco-40tooi*aCD ococoooorfaocortcocoeo 00x0000x0000-4-405000000 rtOlOOCOtOtOX-40h-hnhH O -4 cn rfa eo o co oi & : g£2SS2SS2^ 4J O 44. CO rfa O -4 h- CO I—i 00 rfa 4a. O CO rfa CO tO rfa O ODXCOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOO CO X O -4 Ol CO *o Oi Oi Ol CO Cn o o o to -400—4-4—4-4-40000 CDO00-444.0000OO -4 00 -4 -4 CO rt hn O Oi rfa X 00 O Oi rfa rfa CO CO tO O 0O rfa rt X -4 rt -4 O 44. -4 rt O Ol 00 o 44. eo co o O O 00 On 00 -1 hn On hn O -4 co -4 X -4 44. O -4 o -4 to CD o CO r2 to o o X CO X CO 00 X hn -4 -4 -4 o CO hn to CO X CO O CO CO X hn -4 00 X 00 00 -4 —4 44. rfa rfa. tO NO O -4 —1 —4 O O cr> ft o ui ft o as o ft ui ft > ft O ui ft > ft ft ft ft ft > ft ft ft ft tx METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 403 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1851. 50.45 51.56 57.57 62.80 66.23 66.20 68.37 66.00 64.90 70.31 64.02 71.00 72.00 73.12 73.23 75.01 73.24 74.62 68.00 66.92 30.38 33.24 35.08 45.56 48.80 46.64 53.89 50.82 50.22 59.00 50.10 56.28 59.64 60.21 61.89 63.19 60.25 62.15 55.00 55.64 Spring. 63.18 | 48.17 60.92 41.26 57.43 46.62 53.28 68.£8 59.96 65.86 69.87 64.70 46.38 35.91 56.38 60.39 55.56 19.69 24.74 29.15 39.47 44.12 41.93 46.09 48.26 47.66 47.13 47.42 47.01 51.51 59.50 56.50 57.94 59.36 55.14 53.57 53.04 53.92 47.86 55.28 60.23 63.48 Summer. Autumn, 65.33 65.21 66.42 71.33 72.43 79.42 81.47 82.02 44.14 36.65 62.42 67.22 73.69 74.49 77.62 75.22 73.49 69.44 70.86 40.10 31.71 27.72 52.67 53.61 53.16 56.93 55.26 54.35 52.90 46.27 49.03 48.00 46.61 54.02 53.64 47.39 84.51 84.77 83.92 82.04 79.04 80.67 83.02 83.44 83.45 85.93 87.58 86.57 82.07 ■ 87.62 70.88 50.14 51.37 55.57 61.83 64.56 64.26 24.93 30.50 32.84 40.62 45.53 79.24 76.38 36.89 41.15 59.12 58.53 51.16 49.68 67.47 65.64 64.50 69.36 62.95 68.38 70.11 71.23 72.65 78.59 71.98 73.51 67.13 67.39 48.82 47.65 50.22 45.91 53.32 61.23 60.69 57.99 55.68 50.54 55.78 61.04 63.90 Min. 63.98 54.83 46.74 66.53 65.82 66.26 62.58 67.37 72.95 75.71 73.19 72.31 34.29 54.78 66.97 74.49 61.58 63.67 66.34 58.22 62.29 68.84 62.76 52.06 49.55 46.66 40.60 40.78 101 102 96 101 103 106 108.5 100 103 98 100 94 102 93 95 108 106 98 98 99 108 101 59.48 60.61 104 90 96 101 93 93 98 85 104 75 51.55 94 111 104 80 92 — 7 —14 — 4 7 13 8 10 19 15 18 17 23 25 23 26 28 26 23 20 19 28 22 18 11 10 7 2 -14 — 2 4 19 32 36 36 40 31 32 33 26 28 19 19 22 Above mean. 51.5 40.2 40.0 39.1 42.0 34.2 36.7 37.4 26.6 22.1 32.3 32.8 25.7 Below mean. 41.2 64.5 59.8 54.0 50.9 47.5 50.8 48.3 39.6 42.4 44.9 49.7 50.2 52.3 LOCALITY. 52.8 34.5 43.4 40.5 27.5 34.6 29.5 Platte river, Nebraska. N. Fork of Platte riv., Nebras. Arkansas river, Kansas. Canadian river, Indian Ter. Northern Texas. Upper Brazos river, Texas. Clear Fork of Brazos, Texas. Texas. Texas. Texas. Colorado river, Texas. Texas. Texas. Neuces river, Texas. Texas. Rio Grande, Texas. Rio Grande, Texas. Rio Grande, Texas. Rio Grande, Texas. Leona riv., Southwestern Tex. Rio Seco, Southwestern Tex. Rio Grande, Southern N. Mex. Bracito,val.R.G.,n'rElPaso. Rio Grande valley, N. Mex. Valverde, Rio Grande, N. M. Rio Grande, New Mexico. Rio Grande, New Mexico. Laguna, New Mexico. Eastern New Mexico. Moro riv., Eastern New Mex. Cimarron riv., Eastern N. M. New Mexico. Rio de Chama, New Mexico. Canoncito, N. Western N. M. Colorado river, California. Southern California. Rio Santa Ana, California. Coast of Southern California. California. San Pablo Bay, California. California. San Joaquin valley, California. Marysville, California. Oregon. Oregon, (Fort Vancouver.) Columbia river, Oregon. Puget's Sound, Wash'n Ter. 404 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1851. STATIONS. Fort Sullivan '........... Fort Preble............, Fort Constitution....... Fort Independence----- Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull......... Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............. Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks--- Madison Barracks...... Fort Ontario........... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort MiOlin............ Fort McIIenry......... Fort Washington....... Fort Monroe........... Fort Moultrie ......... Fort Marion........... Key West —......... Fort Myers............ Fort Brooke........... Fort Meade........... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal East Pascagoula...... New Orleans Barracks . Baton Rouge Barracks. Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita........ Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks---- St. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks..... Detroit Barracks...... Fort Gratiot ........ Fort Mackinac........ Fort Brady........... Fort lloward.......... Fort Ripley........... FortSnelling.......... 2.81 3.55 2.13 8.12 4.63 2.39 1.46 0.S2 1.32 2.19 2.89 2.61 1.20 0.35 0.51 1.25 1.70 3.21 3.C7 2.40 7.61 3.50 3.89 3.S2 0.97 1.70 0.20 0.50 0.14 0.40 0.2S 0.40 1.24 1.11 0.80 2.74 1.12 1.41 0.20 4.10 5.80 5.12 5.68 7.So 4.41 4.505 5.09 3.86 1.90 4.52 2.31 3.32 3.01 3.00 4.03 2.90 2.24 2.51 1.71 0.8S 3.3S 8.03 7.20 8.IS 5.27 11.09 5.70 10.42 3.60 5.05 7.31 13.91 3.6S 1.77 0.59 1.23 1.50 0.24 0.13 4.00 2.45 0.55 1.41 4.11 3.88 1.70 2.56 0.97 2.03 4.33 3.97 0.37 1.43 2.35 5.60 5.70 2.23 1.93 0.93 April. May. 7.35 7.13 7.96 12.60 5.32 6.94 7.24 3.53 1.61 3.95 1.91 2.01 2. S3 4.76 3.55 4.70 1.33 1.65 2.6S June.' July. | Aug. I Sept. 1.50 1.80 2.09 4.57 0.60 0.77 1.20 1.54 2.66 1.35 1.50 0.4S 1.S6 1.75 10.09 1.37 1.25 0.41 0.S4 0.73 0.26 1.23 4.52 1.14 5.49 2.26 2.52 2.S5 0.50 0.75 2.80 3.SO 3.41 3.70 2.51 0.68 2.23 1.5S 0.97 2.68 2.80 3.00 2.55 4.10 8.26 2.88 4.73 4.34 2.83 3.61 5.08 1.31 2.49 3.57 3.41 4.65 4.60 3.77 2.20 0.63 0.64 5.32 2.71 2.03 3.00 4.20 3.44 2.25 1.42 6.33 4.47 3.20 4.39 3.97 2.26 7.93 5.30 5.36 1.23 3.11 8.50 5.53 3.96 1.40 t 3.35 3.87 | 3.65 3.67 j 4.30 .... ! 1.60 2.10 5.75 1.68 0.90 1.53 3.00 5.35 2.78 2.55 1.69 2.04 4.30 3.00 1.20 1.42 2.51 8.25 S.01 9.24 18.51 6.57 8.67 0.90 5 35 1.44 2.06 5.04 4.20 6.45 7.53 5.64 3.81 5.12 1.50 1.91 2.91 3.15 5.50 2.15 6.62 11.79 3.29 4.72 4.44 4.43 3.09 7.67 2.57 3.IS 4.30 3.S9 3.65 4.20 4.92 3.00 8.57 3.23 3.24 7.35 3.18 5.73 1.11 1.84 6.14 0.10 1.25 2.74 4.65 1.39 5.92 3.33 3.60 5.99 5.07 2.60 0.90 2.22 1.92 1.41 3.65 9.65 2.64 3.47 2.58 2.39 3.22 3.53 1.32 2.26 2.66 1.49 3.03 3.30 3.51 4.00 5.89 3.38 6.80 3.61 6.35 6.47 6.15 8.63 5.32 7.96 7.34 1.40 1.15 3.89 7.06 6.40 6.60 3.56 0.55 3.67 2.67 3.15 3.29 Oct. 3.30 4.41 3.23 1.24 3.49 5.31 1.31 1.26 1.22 1.66 3.36 3.35 1.74 2.99 2.62 1.95 0.94 0.50 2.27 0.76 0.29 5.60 14.00 8.01 6.93 7.67 1.06 4.42 5.83 0.59 0.01 0.60 3.14 0.15 0.81 0.63 1.4-3 3.46 0.50 4.S2 3.26 4.50 8.43 5.47 3.95 4.47 9.52 2.99 2.95 4.02 2.62 4.61 6.09 2.48 2.58 1.45 1.18 3.03 2.20 1.95 2.02 1.23 0.71 9.45 1.66 1.85 2.04 Dec. 3.00 6.5S 6.10 4.40 6.S4 11.03 4.39 4.53 4.31 4.01 3.30 5.S5 4.97 2.40 3.67 3.73 3.41 5.60 3.66 2.45 3.34 2.72 2.30 0.55 2.10 1.2S 8.39 6.99 Spring. 3.70 2.32 1.13 2.60 9.35? 2.01 2.26 1.51 7.48 2.64 0.65 4.04 1.10 8.74 j 1.93 3.64 I 1.13 9.00 8.91 3.69 5.15 7.10 5.49 0.38 2.80 10.53 3.25 0.43 6.12 2.26 2.82 2.31 2.60 2.89 3.18 1.28 3.32 6.07 2.66 3.72 2.45 2.86 1.S4 4.25 4.41 1.42 1.71 1.90 1.50 1.78 0.91 1.10 1.00 2.64 1.50 3.00 2.37 2.54 2.91 2.69 5.36 2.80 7.70? 1.84 1.25 2.96 10. S5 2.06 0.35 7.55 0.23 0.36 0.05 10.70 13.70 10.23 13.47 24.97 12.08 13.37 14.14 7.83 7.25 13.36 7.19 4.S7 7.83 10.52 13.80 15.00 5.76 4.21 4.25 8.62 9.37 9.32 5.35 5.22 11.51 8.77 5.20 5.62 8.63 7.31 21.43 10.37 9.12 2.32 6.13 10.86 6.79 7.S7 Autumn. 5.65 9.74 9.89 12.27 27.19 7.61 9.18 8.55 10.42 11.66 13.98 6.44 7.13 9.00 9.68 9.68 8.79 9.S5 9.51 22.74 14.62 19.28 29.47 16.10 20.Si 8.22 15.88 12.90 12.70 5.70 8.85 14.16 17.35 11.60 17.64 8.39 6.00 12.57 10.89 10.80 19.42 14.80 9.50 14.80 25.86 8.69 8.74 9.55 8.29 11.27 15.29 9.19 7.97 7.74 6.86 7.38 8.30 7.88 5.23 4.91 9.03 25.75 10.22 10.88 10.99 13.48 11.82 4.83 8.35 19.59 7.65 3.45 4.99 19.44 Winter. 9.35 1.58 14.98 6.62 13.49 7.13 23.42 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 405 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1851. * STATIONS. ] Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. , April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. , Spring. Summer.'A utumn.. Winter. Year. Fort Dodge.................... 0.54 1.15 0.96 0.97 5.40 10.80 6.86 5.01 5.14 6.86 1.20 0.69 1.69 2.82 3 54 1.03 j 0.14 0.20 4.66 3.63 3.54 3.48 1.45 0.40 0.03 0.95 0.23 1.45 2.11 0.00 0.42 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.84 0.21 4.44 5.83 3.44 6.10 4.08 1.79 2.20 1.00 0.73 0.16 2.71 6.61 7.88 7.05 8.37 4.37 3.47 4.32 1.15 1.21 1.35 0.88 2.95 4.86 0.00 0.45 0.04 0.94 2.11 0.07 0.27 0.87 2.07 1.37 3.06 4.38 3.09 6.40 9.43 4.21 2.61 9.27 3.05 1.06 1.18 2.80 1.41 2.53 0.90 0.20 0.37 1.15 1.08 1.90 0.70 0.01 0.03 0.01 2.82 0.07 0.71 0.59 0.86 5.95 1.95 8.16 3.50 0.33 2.19 0.22 0.32 1.06 0.08 3.74 1.83 5.52 2.35 1.21 3.36 2.30 0.73 0.76 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 2.85 0.55 6.7S 2.86 0.82 1.55 0.16 0.11 0.49 2.99 0.80 3.07 4.19 3.97 3.65 2.20 0.73 1.10 2.84 0.89 1.05 0.40 0.30 0.25 5.10 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.95 5.02 2.78 0.78 1.16 0.06 0.21 2.34 1.00 1.20 0.63 1.31 0.23 1.80 0.02 0.00 0.70 3.53 0.39 2.49 2.32 2.07 2.IS 0.00 O.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.30 0.81 2.59 1.10 2.60 0.42 1.60 0.06 0.26 0.02 1.35 1.44 1.20 2.93 4.96 5.60 5.21 2.73 1.36 0.73 0.27 1.40? 5.82 4.63 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.36 1.94 2.6S 2.43 1.68 0.52 0.36 1.07 2.24 5.25 2.62 3.52 1.15 0.40 0.37 2.71 4.10 1.20 1.37 1.50 1.50 1.36 0.11 0.03 1.60 0.61 0.01 0.00 0.2G 0.10 0.00 0.10 3.90 2.84 3.18 1.00 0.52* 3.39 4.92 7.40 5.39 9.80 3.47 1.50 3.30 0.85 1.89 3.00 0.12 0.87 1.20 1.43 2.01 2.13 0.09 0.81 l.f'7 0.25 1 0.71 1.96 0.76 0.SS* 2.35 0.79 4.40 2.84 7.40 2.63 1.00 2.30 0.56 1.19 4.70 1.15 0.65 0.68 0.29 0.98 1.74 0.39 1.15 0.33 3.74 8.43 10.30 5.52 20.54 14.56 11.65 13.03 8.62 2.45 1.44 2.67 2.26 5.48 8.87 0.70 0.49 1.05 4.94 1.92 T.79 7.86 16.43 7.24 19.96 9.14 1.43 4.90 0.44 0.64 5.05 2.08 7.41 7.33 9.72 7.80 3.43 4.14 4.10 7.10 2.04 3.56 2.47 2.43 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.15 1.72 7 86 5.96 4.12 1.30 6.06 7.22 12.91 8.03 14.67 4.09 4.90 4.15 9.56 12.70 6.53 4.97 4.06 3.66 3.64 8.64 8.23 7.21 0.28 1.12 1.48 2.32 9.06 3.46 2.88 7.76 14.29 13.06 13.50 6.87 9.91 6.85 2.68 2.45 3.70 0.03 3.41 5.28 6.03 9.S5 19.52 20.70 37.81 26.44 24.24? 42.49 41.17 44.87 20.07 30.84 29. SO 14.08 14.23 14.12 20.58 15.12 7.49 15.30 19.53 89.32 0.01 2.70 1.80 1.09 0.73 0.75 Austin.......................... 0.95 0.S4 0.11 0.70 0.00? 5.05 0.00 0.90 0.45 0.50 2.11 4.23' 0 24 0.01 | 1.51 | 0.95 __ 0.89 0.23 Dona Ana...................... 0.02 0.07 0.15 0.80 0.00 0.03 0.09 Rancho del Chino.............. 0.91 ! 4.50 2.64 0.88 1.84 1.86 3.02 4.92 ,10.41 6.63 7.93 3.93 2.06 1.16 27.00 10.95 ! 9.55 3.81 'l5.30 1 2.04 1.70 1.47 ' 1 * One-tenth the depth of snow. Note.—The measurement of rain at Fort Trumbull, Newport Barracks, and Fort Brady, for the entire year, Fort Gibson for the last three months, and Astoria for the first two months, is largely in excess. At Fort Mackinac the reverse error occurs; and the amounts are obviously too small at Fort Monroe and Fort Jitbuckle. ^^^^tl^^^HHM'H^^^^Hyg^h.j^hJHhjhJhjlTl O -? ^ K W £ C Q i ^ to 2 W (-. Oq jj. -, "< -. O S- i Cd > rT g sr S "3 to ce P5 ° 2 X S^. *i O > "3 *2 £ T) o p Ul' o" a" p 0 2 0 0 3 P O-Ul' o p Cfl cr 3 5 to p -i 3 > p oq P P r* 5' to p -J rrq to ^-^Jh-j^EJhcj^hcj^r-] ^ sr o >-o w O p P? Ch Ul O t-^ nn tO hn Ci M W O) CO O 00 CO h-> h-i tO h-i to to h-iJOhJ cDC0OQr)h-iaa3O-4 ©-JOO-JOiOtOtnCO nn)-nlDtOtOtOhnhnnnnnrHnnnHnnnnnnnnlOhnhnhnhnhnhnhn "-— 4-,h-tO©COCDCO —44-.>r.004-,m004-.l—iCOCS — 1 CO 00 CD tn ~tOtO00COM>COh-itOCOOOh-iCD©-4CD©iCnOh-i-4 nn hn \-l IO tO tO hn nnnnnnnnnny-inni-nnnt-inn COOOtOCSiOtOOCOOO-1050S-4Cn.*.-40500CTS-IO. OiOi tO O. O'Cinrr-OirnOi CD tO CDO^Oi IO CDCDrnO\Ctlhn^t03—i i—i i—' h-i to tn O OS —4 OS Ul CO O) CO *».woojoi->oooo 00 CO to to 4-4- tn -4 to cn 00 44 h-> CO CO CO tn to 4-to to tn 4-O 4-. OS 4-4-> -4 os CO CO CO -4 CO CO 4-C/i tn OS to OS r-o h-i 4- 4-os CO to 4- 4-to os © OS to o CO CO -4 4- to CD 4-4- OS tn tn tn -4 -1 4- CO a 4--4 hn OS tn 4- to CO to h-1 to — 4-O to to h-' 00 h-' -4 CO 4-to CO 4- to to to OS tn 4-co -4 CO CO CO to to to CO 00 CO tn tn tn OS -1 hn -4 00 tn tn to C/I - OS © OS © OS co C/i to to 4- to -4 4-to to CO -4 to CO tn tn to CO to 00 CO to CS 00 to h-1 to 4- 00 4> o tn to to h-i to 4-. CO CO to tn to o l-H OS o OS OS OS CO -4 4- to OS cc to CO tn 4-OS rn to I-h 00 © OS tn 4- 4- CO 4- OS CO to OS CD © to to 00 to to CO to to tn to OD 4- to h-i to tn H *- to o to to tn -4 © -4 4-. o £ to .ft- 4- o to CS 4-. CO to CO CO -4 to CO to 4- 4-co tn 00 CO 4-o to to 00 tn OS OS to to CO 4-co to © to tn to CO hn to OS tn CO OS 00 to to 00 00 to to OS to o to CD to © 4-to h-i OS to o h-i -4 TO O to -4 tn tn CD hn to -4 to CS CO >U CO -4 OS CO -4 OS 00 to CO 4-. -4 -4 CO 4-tn to o 4-to -4 oo hH -4 to -4 to -4 to tn 4-4- 00 h-l 00 tn CO CO to to tn to tn © 00 l-H © 00 co OS CO 4- 4-to to CO CD OS OS 4- to -4 tn to CO tn Oi CO -4 © to -4 0-. 00 00 to hH -4 CS *H CO CO -4 to to to 00 -4 -4 4-O tn CO to CO (O CO to CO 4-co -4 to 00 --44 hH CO to CO OS tn CO OS OS CO CX OS h-i 4-. CO OS OS 4-. h-i l-H -4 — OS 00 4-© to tn cn 4- -4 OS tn o -1 to to CO OS CO 00 fA -4 *- to O *■ tn CO oo tn CO Cn cn — tn l—" O OS 4H. tn -4 to tn to to OS to 00 to OS to OS to tn hH o hH -4 h-" OS to OS © to CO to OS to -4 tn CO tn © tn CO 4-tn to -J o —1 4- tn tn -4 -4 tn to -4 to OS 00 -4 -4 CO oo to CO fi CO to to to tn -4 CO — CS to *- l-H 00 to oo hH CO tOi© to 00 to OS 4-h- to -4 hn Ci 4-- to tn to CO OS CO h-i © tn to Ci to to to CO in -4 4--4 -4 tn tn CO to 00 to 4- CO CO CO to to to 4-. tn tn CO h-i © 4- 00 © © -4 h-i tn OS to -4 tn OS OS OS 25 fi © Oi rt w H W O o t* o o hH Ci > F SB a o hH Ul h3 W W tOtOh-h^h-h-h-itOtOh-ih-H -J OS OO CO h-• CS rf- 00 -4 -1 © -4 tO h-l tO r- h-1 © OS CO OS tn -4 h-i to to IO hn -4 tO © tO tO CO tO Cn to tn © 00 00 CO h-i CS tO h-i 00 Os to On tn CO cs CO i-h 00 00 CO CO CO 4-. CO B Oi *. W » OS CO to 00 h-itocotocsh-ieocoi-Hto ,t-v_ m <■—i e—i <-r\ Ji*. CO Co Cu "-,l H-i r—i Ol -J ^SSSgSSggSSSSSSSoSSGoSHSa.osOrr. h-l 00 00 OS to to 00 tn 00 CX tn £. c CO c to tn to 4--4 4-© to CO h-i tn Cn CS to -4 Cs -4 OS l—i tn —l to i_> IO i— h-itOtOtOtOtOtOh-.iOtOtO Oi-J©OlCDOltntOtO00r->^CO4£rfirf±-^ COOJr-.-4©tnOStOOltnr-i©COOStO©C3 -- CO h-i OS -4 l_i h-i tO h-i tO 00 hn tO CO h- CO © tn © to h-1 © 00 tO 00 h-i hi rf- iO I-1 h-l 4-. © 4-. 4-. h-i tn tO JO 00 00 4-. M h-iCOI-HifcOh-irf-tOC/lCOh-iOOOOCD 4- _ h-wtogoaiostotooo to © to to rr- h-1 © tO 4-. 00 CO X- CO rf- 00 © CO tn 4-. -4 © © CO CO h-■ tn CO CO Ol IO © tn w (5 IO (5 M h-i{O--4-.00 to, Irtr^ri ^S^C04-.-4COO0000^C3l-HtnC00lO l—OSC^CXOlOStOOSOlOSCOOlrf-CSOOCOOl 00 CO 00 00 CO OS UWOOOOOCOOOOCO IO tO rf- CO -4 Oi CO OS -4 Ol CO 00 —1 OS tO hi CO CO CO h- co tn i—i " -J 4-. -4 h-1 Cn h-i CO tn hn h-i h-i O 4-. 00 tO 4-. —4 CO 4- o Oi CO 00 4-. h-i CO I-h tO tO h-i l-H h- l-H SoSSSrSSSSSSH^^SHSaH^sci. to to CO tn Cs h-i —3 -4 CO Oi tO CO 4] CO © rf- 00 h- tO rf- 4-- 4- hi nn 00CnO)-40>CBO!fl*. r-4-.rf-tOO300tOC*5h-i ! ! § § § ! i § i § ! § S § i § 2 ! S £ s § 3 i * s s " - OStOOOCDtOOiCntn COtOCOCOtOtOCOh-ihH CO rf- to to to co co © tn © to 00 Oi -4 tO Ol -4 i-h tO h-S^SS-3^^SSg2tOCS©4-tO-4;1^ _ HSC . . - — —4 rn. —— rr, i—i — tn -J 4— —4 —4 —4 tnH UU 4- r— tn © 00 © 00 © © O © tn tO CO 00 -4 -4 h-i to tO h-i to 00 tO rf- tO h-H CS h_, CO tO CO to -4 CO © -4tOOSCXOSC*OStOtO££-g£g3SSC£tggO0 £Sg«"^H«SS Sa2^^r-r.§SS;SS£°SSa2S32oWoasoos-t ao to os to (O tO h- h-i h- -4 00 >— CO tn 00 © O JO l_n h-i h-i CO h-i to rf- tO h-■ O Ol h-i -4 -J h-i -4 CO tO (. H CI *• U Ol *. KJBHhiKllvfclSISfKlhi S-^Cnrf-i-HOOCs©potoCnco 4-.tOCDtO000OCSI—iCOtOtOrfH- *>»«t?-2>52H, "S5SSSS i— to to OS *- tn CO cn ^. l_i h-i co CO co tn 00 -4 to rf- 00 h-i - Cn cn to tO OS co to CO CO rf- 00 00 tn —4 tO Cs rf- CO -4 CO 00 CO to Ol tO h-i 00 Ol © tO tO h-it—i tO CO CO CO tO h-itOtO tO tO0Tt0OTCo"-4Oi©0itniOC0C0rf- CXrf^©CSC3h-COCSCSCOC50000iOtn nn nnHnnntOtOCnhnhn Pi--T>OsOCOtn©h-itOC_5COOO© ^0042rfScolnci©-4tO-4©-4 OS © rf- 00 © Cn h-1 © 00 CO tO 00 00 CO -J tO h-i 00 OS tO 00 -4 © Ol h-i tO rf- On I-h © 4-.CO-400O1COOIC0 COtOtOrf-Olh-i—(CO 4- X- CO ^^H-'Wh-.l-HI-.tOt-H CD —4 CO —4 OS © -4COCDtOtOtOCO©CSCStnt0 h-i tO h-i to CO tO rf- O OS © 00 rf-- rf- Ol h-i CO 00 tO *- Ol 4-. tn rf- tn tO rfh to to -I CO tn rf- tn -4tOCSr-l>r.>r4|—1-4 CD-4tOrf-CDCO0000CX eoostotorf-tocoosh- m tOh-i h-l |_n h-i h-1 h- h-1 ^(YsKDCOCSC04jC0tntOh-4-.OSi-;CX h-.©tnOlrfth-i4-.tOrf--4iOCC -^tOCSCOtOCOCS0000Ol-400 CO tO h-i h-i CO to © h-l h-1 00 "' h-i h-i 00 Ol 4- CO 4-. 4- r. h- tO CO rf- - 00f-tnrf-h-'©tncscs00 0i .4. — c-t-Hu-irrtit-OsCSOOCOtOOOtOtO—4 »SSS^5SSSSIS8fe^SSaS|SS«^^5tSScr.«p»^Wr-cx^co2 to 4-. 00 CO h-i OOOlrOCtW'Jr- *. h-i rf-. Oi -4 rf- CO -I OlOltnCS©00OS-J 408 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. WINDS. STATIONS. DATS. DAYS. Fair. Cloudy. Rain. Snow. N. N. E. E. S. E. s. S. W. w. N. W. Fort Kearney (in).... 180 154 52 23 77 63 14 42 59 3 14 12 244 121 38 25 24 42 16 15 11 25 101 64 234 131 50 21 56 51 13 76 71 23 14 35 Fort Arbuckle (n).... 251 111 57 3 29 25 19 34 76 59 43 13 Fort Worth......... 281 144 84 40 49 18 1 1 65 42 27 3 56 5 45 36 73 50 15 11 5 4 8 10 227 138 79 1 20 45 19 69 36 115 9 31 237 248 128 117 80 69 0 1 36 28 26 31 15 12 52 91 125 92 43 44 25 17 23 36 165 246 110 119 65 68 1 2 12 44 13 40 13 16 64 90 46 85 24 15 19 5 23 11 Fort Martin Scott ... 249 194 116 91 59 55 1 0 39 25 53 12 68 16 95 66 57 49 14 6 14 7 11 7 Corpus Christi (p) 137 148 62 0 11 32 23 102 35 21 2 31 175 215 190 150 42 55 0 1 30 21 40 21 73 58 106 55 65 132 19 10 26 5 15 29 Ringgold Barracks... Fort Mcintosh....... 219 146 63 0 18 60 54 170 11 7 5 30 275 190 47 0 50 28 90 99 65 8 5 6 181 253 69 0 13 48 76 109 3 2 1 4 219 146 59 0 25 44 18 171 37 15 4 26 El Paso(r).......... 296 166 38 46 51 18 1 6 16 15 39 20 60 5 33 9 11 14 37 18 95 19 51 14 2G7 95 37 20 32 17 15 37 34 61 81 52 223 141 142 40 37 10 0 0 7 0 38 4 35 0 34 9 44 5 109 119 58 42 20 0 Rancho del Chino (o) . 95 70 22 0 5 1 1 5 7 13 36 14 294 136 71 17 51 27 0 0 5 3 4 3 22 23 16 14 31 7 138 10 96 12 13 2 303 62 61 0 12 5 1 63 56 24 12 41 99 108 154 257 110 136 4 6 3 27 11 22 44 45 11 43 2 4 77 92 31 39 74 94 Fort Steilacoom (w).. (a) Last eight months. (6) Eleven months. (c) Last ten months. (d) Last seven months. (e) Eleven months, October omitted. (/) May to September at East Pascagoula. (g) Eleven months, December excepted. (h) Winds inaccurate, and omitted in December. (i) First five months. (k) Eleven months, July not observed. (I) Last five months. (rn) Eleven months, March not observed. (n) Four days of April omitted. (o) Last six months. (p) Last nine months. (g) Eleven months, January not observed. (r) No observations of weather in March. (s) Three days of October omitted, and remainder of the year at Laguna. (t) First nine months. (m) Inaccurate. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 409 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1851. WINDS. No. of observations and sum of force. N. N. E. E. s. E. S. s. w. w. N. W. 309 788 251 604 56 113 167 458 238 690 14 24 54 106 48 153 95 264 168 461 65 125 62 148 44 91 101 216 403 678 256 691 223 205 53 306 .... 284 .... 92 .... 56 .... 140 .... 116 183 99 156 76 141 138 278 305 603 235 477 174 362 53 119 260 184 109 184 223 388 182 395 293 658 61 117 22 36 31 73 168 401 11 20 19 46 144 343 200 565 46 118 17 32 42 88 81 233 180 380 77 142 278 524 144 280 462 1005 35 60 • 123 309 145 442 105 310 60 179 210 714 502 1121 172 489 99 188 94 246 112 337 125 293 49 112 363 907 370 878 176 311 67 134 146 369 48 204 54 182 53 159 265 624 186 417 94 211 75 127 92 349 175 344 162 353 64 97 361 735 339 607 60 97 19 ' 34 44 94 158 227 211 324 273 371 379 603 227 292 58 84 55 87 45 66 100 236 48 112 64 123 265 611 195 381 24 57 28 51 29 56 45 174 129 459 91 238 407 1180 140 294 84 143 8 15 124 413 121 262 161 .299 293 601 425 930 260 466 76 155 103 200 59 134 84 230 86 238 234 637 221 716 530 1797 40 104 19 23 117 315 73 116 240 367 217 307 680 1206 44 54 29 35 22 24 119 257 201 478 113 249 360 795 397 973 260 587 31 67 21 48 26 169 51 81 191 414 303 610 436 844 14 24 8 18 6 10 14 30 102 271 175 401 72 159 686 1533 148 402 60 114 18 38 97 163 66 110 158 345 241 461 134 311 46 87 150 392 380 884 204 517 61 90 81 164 20 65 37 136 54 152 72 222 75 224 56 163 127 232 67 100 59 143 148 165 137 271 243 338 326 742 218 566 30 45 152 179 140 178 137 172 178 261 437 668 232 457 82 133 0 . 0 15 59 1 3 38 89 21 34 475 863 166 323 0 0 20 23 3 4 5 8 19 33 27 58 53 91 144 255 56 106 19 42 16 38 90 178 63 149 123 376 554 1570 384 1130 51 118 13 20 13 24 93 139 57 100 30 44 39 73 50 78 6 8 49 55 18 21 5 6 254 479 222 396 95 164 50 60 166 273 14 24 45 74 177 277 45 61 8 12 310 528 124 223 . 296 731 110 .... 89 .... 179 .... 171 .... 15 .... 370 .... 155 .... 378 .... The post at Cebolletta was removed in October 20 miles southward to Laguna, on the San Jose river, a branch of the Rio Puerco. Fort Union, near the eastern base of the Moro mountains, on a branch of the Canadian river. Rayado, near the Raton mountains, on a branch of the Canadian river. Abiquiu, near the Jemez mountains, on a tributary of the Rio Grande from the west. Fort Defiance, a district of greatly elevated mesas and mountains west of the principal chain of the Sierra Madre, and near tha source of the Rio de Chelly, a tributary of the Colorado of California. 52 410 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1852. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E ------------ - 19.13 14.61 15.48 20.00 24.51 23.20 21.70 20.64 17.87 11.58 10.29 11.51 16.87 20.12 19.41 19.50 32.21 22.29 24.41 31.20 38.03 41.93 47.93 60.84 52.58 44.87 43.80 37.00 35.25 39.13 33.25 30.19 27.40 23.96 22.58 22.19 22.61 17.93 11.12 5.48 11.70 5.06 8.87 14.58 19.80 16.08 25.06 22.32 17.48 19.35 22.61 24.93 25.80 25.90 24.48 21.45 17.38 12.06 13.80 17.67 20.29 22.77 23.10 32.19 26.51 27.41 32.52 41.87 51.06 55.51 63.74 56.06 50.87 53.06 43.22 38.61 45.27 43.00 35.09 33.50 27.35 26.67 26.19 26.45 21.83 15.06 11.18 14.29 8.70 12.25 18.96 22.19 21.95 28.74 25.71 23.25 25.35 28.48 29.22 29.40 29.40 28.87 26.45 22.54 19.58 19.38 22.45 24.25 28.90 28.23 35.17 34.96 37.77 40.83 49.93 56.87 62.45 67.03 65.74 60.22 61.45 52.54 52.57 56.50 53.96 48.06 45.60 34.03 35.90 37.51 32.00 26.80 20.87 19.19 21.80 17.32 16.64 22.93 30.29 33.20 1 37.32 21.48 18.38 18.87 21.67 27.32 25.00 24.70 23.32 20.52 15.16 13.67 15.03 19.29 22.06 23.41 21.19 33.09 28.29 27.64 36.20 42.83 47.19 53.76 63.19 58.35 54.83 50.09 43.87 42.16 45.47 40.80 37.51 32.80 28.45 27.64 25.46 28.00 21.06 15.16 10.89 14.77 9.25 13.51 18.83 25.41 21.06 31.61 22.16 18.43 19.76 23.19 26.49 25.85 25.42 24.33 21.57 16.67 13.90 14.93 19.07 21.68 23.62 23.00 33.16 28.01 29.31 35.19 43.16 49.26 54.91 61.20 58.16 52.70 52.10 44.16 42.15 46.59 42.78 37.71 34.82 28.45 28.20 27.84 27.26 21.90 15.80 11.69 15.64 10.08 12.82 18.82 24.42 23.07 30. GH 39 -41 -42 -44 44 48 46 42 45 38 34 39 41 43 46 49 45 50 54 62 61 75 75 76 78 75 79 66 74 74 72 69 70 60 62 61 58 47 36 38 43 43 44 52 59 59 J 60 - 8 -13 -10 0 2 0 - 1 — 2 - 4 -14 —16 —11 — 4 — 5 —14 —12 17? — 5 — 4 7 14 22 29 49 31 30 24 10 9 17 8 0 — 4 — 8 |-12 -14 -14 —15 —20 —24 __00 —36 —32 —28 —14 >—28 —13 16.8 22.6 22.3 20.8 17.5 12.2 20.6 17.7 23.4 21.2 20.1 14.1 21.9 21.3 22.4 26.0 11.8 22.0 24.7 28.8 17.8 25.7 20.1 14.8 19.9 22.3 26.9 21.8 31.9 27.4 29.2 31.3 35.2 31.5 33.8 33.2 30.7 25.1 20.2 26.3 27.4 32.9 31.2 33.2 24.6 36.4 29.3 30.2 31.4 29.7 23.2 24.5 25.8 26.4 26.3 25.6 30.8 29.9 25.9 23.1 26.7 37.6 35.0 16.2? 33.0 33.3 28.2 29.2 27.3 25.9 12.2 27.1 22.7 28.1 34.2 33.1 29.6 34.8 37.7 38.8 36.5 40.2 41.8 41.3 36.9 35.8 35.7 37.6 46.1 44.8 46.8 38.4 51.1 43.7 1 44 13 47 23 0 26 31 34 19 20 6 0 7 19 8 6 23 8 2 9 11 28 58 18 19 29 23 20 23 26 10 8 30 38 10 62 2 46 5 22 18 12 18 41 75 40 3 L60 26 71 107 0 73 124 92 67 23 15 0 29 32 17 9 41 33 3 23 38 88 250 41 37 33 30 60 62 43 15 20 79 168 21 152 4 112 10 68 47 23 49 68 226 161 22 1 18 0 13 13 11 18 4 0 31 35 42 4 11 11 28 15 14 15 13 16 6 29 11 10 10 3 9 19 17 5 0 4 9 3 8 7 7 4 0 12 19 3 9 3 4 61 4 59 0 70 15 27 61 9 0 62 83 100 L5 16 20 84 25 39 29 27 50 13 81 28 20 11 5 24 45 28 9 0 17 37 7 18 19 19 11 0 38 32 3 21 5 15 6 0 10 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 12 0 9 0 15 3 0 0 2 0 5 8 10 10 •8 4 1 7 24 15 7 0 1 19 1 10 2 25 29 0 0 7 1 1 1 0 18 0 34 0 0 0 0 12 2 0 0 43 0 42 0 43 4 0 0 2 Watervliet Arsenal .... Plattsburg Barracks.... Fort Mifflin........... 0 8 21 Key West Barracks.... 27 31 9 5 Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks.. Baton Rouge Barracks . 1 14 50 22 8 0 1 48 3 21 2 Fort Mackinac........ 78 55 0 0 11 5 1 1 0 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 411 MONTH OF JANUARY, 1852. WINDS. and sum of force. S. E. 2 0 4 14 1 18 0 5 3 0 1 15 31 21 3 7 0 2 6 2 10 3 2 1 7 5 3 2 8 11 5 10 5 4 10 4 3 20 2 21 0 0 10 1 2 6 0 5 0 12 35 1 59 0 12 6 0 2 30 41 47 4 9 0 2 19 3 30 8 5 1 18 8 4 4 19 25 11 15 11 5 14 5 6 30 4 50 0 0 27 1 2 11 0 0 6 2 0 2 0 5 3 17 26 30 15 0 6 11 0 6 1 4 1 6 3 4 1 10 5 1 3 16 5 17 24 13 6 9 11 12 18 8 23 18 32 10 3 17 16 0 S.W. 0 14 9 0 6 0 10 4 24 81 69 51 0 27 33 0 8 1 12 1 27 7 8 2 19 12 1 7 38 10 32 30 27 10 11 11 29 28 18 85 41 70 15 9 24 36 0 13 12 9 23 27 10 15 9 10 6 13 11 35 31 36 15 35 1 25 50 31 4 6 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 9 8 46 12 11 10 31 1 12 17 10 24 26 16 1 0 37 30 16 89 82 34 44 19 14 17 23 29 89 128 187 32 100 3 75 93 113 14 14 6 15 7. 13 12 11 18 125 38 14 28 79 3 28 26 20 56 82 35 1 0 19 58 23 21 0 28 9 25 4 6 40 12 12 0 7 4 37 19 24 10 3 18 37 52 3 16 16 42 16 0 4 17 36 4 10 13 29 8 32 8 20 29 28 8 12 2 9 3 WEATHER. Mean clearness of sky. N. W. S. R. 50 47 0 74 25 94 7 24 150 15 21 0 22 16 118 44 39 27 10 84 110 96 11 30 29 50 36 0 8 40 43 49 36 42 19 28 74 40 38 45 34 15 10 12 33 4 32 24 28 46 43 30 40 16 12 17 43 21 55 39 26 13 15 12 18 11 25 15 20 18 2 7 11 28 61 20 9 59 9 A. M. 141 101 101 94 106 162 124 152 131 127 17 25 39 146 8 80 85 65 171 102 150 126 35 45 60 96 34 131 115 66 37 23 35 44 60 90 38 57 55 9 12 35 53 151 40 21 26U 3.97 5.80 2.29 2.80 2.64 3.00 5.50 5.64 3.26 2.16 1.52 4.03 1.45 2.22 5.26 1.18 5.03 4.00 5.06 6.41 5.64 4.06 3.77 5.20 6.41 2.61 5.45 4.32 4.42 5.58 6.80 4.30 5.03 4.60 SP.M. 3.03 6.00 3.25 4.22 2.48 3.90 4.30 5.45 3.87 2.30 1.74 4.77 2.19 1.87 6.70 3.01 4.83 4.00 5.03 6.25 6.64 4.71 4.22 5.20 6.38 6.19 5.83 6.00 4.45 6.25 7.32 4.30 4.51 4.68 9 P.M. 3.78 1.90 1.18 3.70 4.77 6.45 3.06 3.90 5.51 4.96 2.32 5.50 3.35 4.51 2.84 4.00 4.20 6.09 3.52 2.19 1.96 4.38 2.41 1.32 6.27 3.25 4.48 3.64 4.93 6.61 6.63 4.48 3.74 5.51 6.32 6.67 5.84 6.03 4.80 6.22 7.54 4.60 4.64 5.06 4.16 2.38 2.14 3.09 4.78 6.51 3.70 3.91 4.64 4.67 2.60 4.83 4.70 5.58 4.80 5.00 5.30 5.38 4.58 2.21 1.61 3.51 3.09 2.51 6.19 4.09 5.35 4.61 5.80 6.54 7.58 6.06 6.03 5.61 8.77 7.00 6.16 6.16 6.35 7.51 8.00 5.20 6.35 3.00 Days. RAIN AND SNOW. Days. 2.98 5.53 3.40 4.28 3.19 3.97 4.82 5.64 3.81 2.22 1.71 4.17 2.28 1.98 6.10 2.88 4.92 4.06 5.20 6.45 6.62 4.85 4.44 5.38 6.97 5.62 5.82 5.63 5.00 6.39 7.41 4.60 5.13 4.34 4.39 2.64 1.25 4.22 5.67 8.45 3.00 3.35 5.48 5.38 3.65 4.00 1.11 5.35 5.90 8.22 5.29 3.48 5.93 5.68 9 10 13 12 10 14 15 16 11 14 10 5 12 8 7 13 9 16 14 18 20 23 17 14 18 23 20 17 18 15 21 23 15 18 16 15 4.00 2.73 1.42 4.09 5.28 7.41 3.76 3.66 5.39 5.17 22 21 18 19 21 17 16 15 20 17 21 26 19 23 24 18 22 15 17 13 11 8 14 17 13 8 11 14 13 16 10 8 16 13 4 3 1 3 5 4 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 1 6 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 2 4 4 3 6 2 2 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 REMARKS. 4.30 4.79 3.51 3.50 4.43 4.38 1.94 2.92 1.80 2.88 0.90 2.90 2.76 1.00 1.80 1.18 2.40 2.60 1.54 0.93 0.51 0.32 1.82 1.54 0.95 0.69 0.97 1.92 0.80? 1.56 1.37 1.58 2.22 3.34 1.21? Clearness inaccurate. Therm, protected. 1.28 0.20? 5.96? 1.77 0.13 0.06 1.09 0.96 0.12 0.7-2 Weather inaccurate. Clearness inaccurate. 412 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF JANUARY, 1852. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P.M. Mean. Max. i Min. Above mean. Below mean. 35.6 36.8 37.4 42.3 35.9 32.3 29.0 34.9 32.4 34.0 34.4 33.5 27.8 31.6 36.0 31.6 34.5 29.7 29.3 17.9 38.7 15.1 20.4 20.1 14.2 16.3 16.6 20.7 18.3 N. N. E. E 23.32 29.19 28.70 29.70 32.35 31.80 35.70 29.97 32.00 40.51 31.77 48.68 43.90 39.42 33.25 31.29 35.06 22.35 16.71 33.94 16.54 44.25 43.58 46.32 43.29 41.45 . 40.93 39.25 39.67 27.58 33.77 41.35 42.93 42.03 42.35 41.77 40.58 40.22 45.54 41.12 58.83 51.93 51.84 49.06 45.25 44.29 42.41 36.23 38.03 33.00 53.67 58.45 58.90 47.24 48.31 44.83 40.51 43.54 39.61 47.97 51.61 56.35 51.25 54.32 55.51 56.55 56.09 57.12 50.45 61.38 62.51 62.33 61.87 59.96 60.77 60.06 51.38 43.35 42.67 63.93 66.48 66.74 54.16 58.16 55.64 50.01 48.58 27.87 36.16 35.93 40.35 37.90 40.87 43.06 44.45 41.45 48.77 42.41 53.03 52.74 48.87 47.64 41.86 46.00 32.93 28.74 40.32 26.54 50.41 53.22 52.48 48.10 45.16 45.06 41.19 41.25 29.60 36.77 39.40 42.33 40.88 42.34 44.01 42.89 42.44 47.98 41.44 55.48 52.77 50.59 47.96 44.59 46.53 39.69 33.27 38.91 29.69 53.07 55.43 56.11 48.20 48.27 46.61 42.74 43.26 60 -69 1 76 82 72 76 79 84 78 71 68 78 80 83 80 75 80 71 61 53 60 72 78 76 61 63 64 61 60 - 6 0 2 0 5 10 15 8 10 14 7 *22 25 19 12 13 12 10 4 21 — 9 38 35 36 34 32 30 22 25 30.4 32.2 36.6 39.7 31.1 33.7 35.0 41.1 35.6 23.0 26.6 12.5 27.2 32.4 32.0 30.4 33.5 31.3 27.7 14.1 30.3 18.9 22.6 19.9 12.8 14.7 17.4 18.3 16.7 48 27 40 18 23 30 18 6 6 8 16 13 36 18 3 12 25 11 49 5 18 1 0 1 4 11 3 6 ' 0 196 62 126 49 47 96 51 27 26 17 36 29 123 28 10 34 35 17 140 15 42 1 0 1 10 14 12 0 10 7 4 8 3 4 11 1 7 30 5 14 8 19 6 14 39 17 4 5 8 27 5 0 3 8 5 16 14 21 4 9 0 8 1 7 o 1 3 28 6 13 20 1 20 41 8 30 22 25 25 24 64 22 12 8 17 29 19 0 7 11 51 27 10 4 13 0 0 16 23 6 27 9 10 18 20 4 14 1 18 13 29 0 0 69 25 1 8 12 15 ; 7 24 | 0 0 42 25 7 57 21 14 30 45 4 15 1 20 32 41 0 0 183 28 24 22 Columbia Barracks ... h-rf-rf-Ol00CXOTOS-4-4-lCXOl4^-4r-.t0rf--4-4tnCJCO-4^CSrf--4Ol 58i.ag2SSSSS2S88blsSr88gSfii8SSI_SS Hr.r.mwootrffloo-i-jcooitiicc^irr.-i-jcnfflai-i-ifficiicooi ggcg-3SSo?tS^G^§feo,SSgSoog^S^&-52^SS h-.OlC*CX4-CXCSOS00-JCsGDtnCr00rf~rf-4-.-J-1OSCS-4CXG0CS-jro Sgb§i.^r!SSisk§2S2hoi^§2S§SS^S ^tnOlO0C^CO-JOS4-.-J00004-«-4OlOl4--4-4CSOl-4G0CX:4JG0CX-4 h-i^rf--lH-.CXOSCS-J-1-4CXr-.C^-4rf-rf-rf--4-4tnOSOT^OTCS-4COCS .-^SSG^g^ScSS^SS^SSSScoSglgtSS^tlrSS Cloudy 00-}CStOtOtO©COO h-1 to tn rf- rf- rf- to Corf-CsOOCOtOtOtOtOtOr-. ©©©©©©©©rf^ tO©h-i©©©©©l-',-'t01s:) h-i to to to O 00 hiCOl—1©©©©©© tn00CS4-.CO*4©Oirf£ Oh-i©tOCS©©OOCX ©• ©©OOh-i©©h-i©h-i©h-ih-i ©I iswisirbCrOlOCC-JCJWM 2. OSr.OOOSOOOOOlOir.WSn MJ O »2 3 P rr o 5 3 r\ ? a _ G n> cn Pn 0 ? 3- g- r- ^ | 4- r^ - p= ►a n a. Snow. Am't in inches. 414 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1852. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observationa S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 22.10 17.44 20.65 24.24 27.34 27.31 26.90 27.13 24.07 20.08 17.07 19.00 22.24 23.62 27.37 24.51 30.27 29.72 31.68 39.68 47.79 52.24 55.86 66.48 60.38 55.51 52.27 49.76 50.89 55.20 51.06 42.58 40.00 32.75 32.32 27.45 . 34.20 . 20.03 15.10 . 8.82 . 16.00 . 11.17 16.58 oo 07 29.44 23.77 . 27.50 26.31 22.93 24.65 27.17 28.72 30.17 32.20 30.65 27.83 25.58 20.84 22.62 24.06 26.24 30.82 29.55 34.84 35.79 37.10 41.03 52.34 63.80 66.07 70.07 68.03 61.03 63.79 58.14 59.51 60.82 61.31 47.68 44.65 37.00 37.55 34.86 36.80 27.24 21.68 14.45 19.96 17.06 22.00 32.31 33.59 29.03 30.62 35.51 33.34 34.45 35.60 34.75 34.07 32.24 24.89 27.82 29.51 31.34 36.86 36.80 41.01 42.96 44.89 46.55 59.44 67.44 74.24 73.86 76.62 69.44 75.48 64.14 68.79 70.84 69.89 57.48 57.00 47.24 45.03 44.02 42.20 32.00 26.48 22.59 29.24 26.89 29.62 34.55 25.72 22.75 24.17 26.96 30.72 30.20 27.20 30.44 28.79 25.17 21.41 22.68 24.10 26.68 30.45 29.90 33.93 34.96 34.71 43.21 52.13 57.76 63.72 69.69 67.00 64.27 62.62 56.56 59.00 61.56 56.96 49.90 46.48 39.44 38.41 34.80 38.60 25.41 17.20 10.65 21.96 15.00 24.37 26.27 35.62 28.74 31.93 26.93 23.04 25.02 28.50 30.03 30.53 30.48 30.74 28.69 25.77 21.05 23.03 24.98 26.97 31.37 30.19 35.01 35.86 37.09 42.62 52.92 60.31 64.97 70.02 68.01 62.56 63.54 57.15 59.55 62.10 59.81 49.41 47.03 39.11 38.33 35.28 37.95 26.17 20.14 14.13 21.79 17.53 23.14 28.85 34.82 30.93 33,02 53 -45 -46 50 48 49 56 49 55 50 46 ■ 49 48 43 54 54 52 58 65 68 77 82 87 83 86 78 87 72 81 80 77 75 73 68 68 65 54 50 40 38 49 47 49 55 58 63 61 - 4 - 9 0 7 7 9 8 10 4 3 -11 -12 3 9 5 3 9 15 16 27 33 36 45 57 50 43 34 32 32 39 28 29 26 14 14 13 19 —14 —21 —26 —25 —14 —13 — 6 9 —10 — 4 26.1 12.0 21.0 21.5 18.0 18.5 25.5 18.3 26.3 24.2 25.0 26.0 23.0 16.0 22.6 23.8 17.0 22.1 27.9 15.4 24.1 21.7 22.0 13.0 18.0 15.4 13.5 14.9 21.4 17.9 17.2 25.6 26.0 28.9 29.7 29.7 16.1 23.8 19.9 23.9 27.2 29.5 25.9 26.1 23.2 32.1 28.0 30.9 32.0 25.0 21.5 23.0 21.5 22.5 20.7 24.7 22.8 32.0 35.0 22.0 18.0 26.4 27.2 26.0 20.9 21.2 15.6 19.9 23.3 20.0 13.0 19.0 19.6 29.5 25.1 27.6 23.1 31.8 20.4 21.0 25.1 24.3 22.3 18.9 40.2 41.1 40.1 46.8 31.5 26.1 34.9 25.8 40.9 37.0 9 13 27 0 13 1 10 6 18 2 5 11 0 0 23 3 3 12 7 5 13 14 14 38 10 10 28 8 9 19 12 14 21 12 17 22 23 4 35 6 13 20 9 5 19 | 32 1 21 26 49 40 0 56 1 22 16 40 6 9 22 0 0 33 4 7 19 24 9 54 47 44 156 18 16 34 12 22 42 23 32 46 31 37 47 78 10 88 19 22 47 19 21 32 94 51 6 4 6 23 5 15 13 10 1 0 12 9 3 2 8 1 8 14 13 34 32 8 2 23 8 7 12 7 19 2 6 17 11 31 2 2 18 2 3 0 4 4 7 3 17 16 ' 27 20 17 12 97 15 42 33 33 1 0 14 19 3 7 12 3 25 39 36 64 67 22 6 67 18 12 15 11 30 3 14 34 12 67 2 2 45 9 7 0 12 7 11 3 20 34 85 9 3 6 0 7 1 3 7 2 0 4 4 0 3 2 23 9 3 3 3 1 17 12 18 13 6 4 4 3 13 29 19 9 9 26 18 16 1 19 23 0 0 1 6 1 22 15 29 0 31 6 6 17 3 0 5 17 0 9 2 47 19 4 9 5 1 27 29 58 35 11 5 11 5 29 48 37 13 21 40 26 55 3 Watervliet Arsenal.... Plattsburg Barracks .... Key West Barracks Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks.. Baton Rouge Barracks.. 40 105 0 0 2 18 32.72 41.51 30.34 40.87 31/13 1 41.51 1 15 18 ©-JO«WCO©tOr-.£^WC©05WW050005C©4^EoDrf OlOsto£tOOO|hn'-g>'-'CT» CO h-i rf-- CO ogG^SoS^^S^Sao^S^^o^S Gg^i-SSS.^SSSg^^^h ^^^■5SS5E«H«SMP4, hlMO^lj00r.r.oSOr.t.hl oggt0Koig§500 005^§S^C.SHl,^g%C. OS-gos^cg^^©3g^CDtOrft©cg©tO-4h. ^OoSEgStO^CC.gooSKS^SoS^, ^SS^cogiSS^t.S^S^^I, ^^^^g^gSS^S&S^S-S^^S^S^S ^ffi ^ S ^ ^ ^ tO O CO © rf*. tn ^o^^g^^s^ss^co^s-h-ssst.^ hH^hto^fe-^s^o^- clrO^^Ss^sloo^^S^SSMSSfe aSir£SSgoSS!SBSB5SaaS8S ga52Soco,^gcB5K^=.8SS5^^S£^ ftSSJgcWgSr~sgfcSS.i.SBgSgJg SssS88SKS83iS28BSBfeS8i88.S8g gfe3S8858g.^8g3gS8Sag8g.S rfi.rf-,rf-,rf-.-4Olt0l—■ rf-rf-CCrf-i^t0rf-CO^H-.rf-h-irf-0lCnrf^rf-m03WCOI-H«t0tOCSCO!O g s ss g is s-g g • sgks^si-ssbs^sggs^bbcoSrSbbrSSgb rf-4-,Cs>r>-rf-tncoCnrf- 4->COrf-.4->CSOlrf--iO rf-4-.00OlH>H>rf*rf-COOlrf-t^C^-4CSrfi-OSOlWWrf-WO3WW-Jrf-W 4-.rf-OlC54-.tnrf-.CSrfH. g^ggJo©SGgSg-^©SSfeggg-^^^^SSS5^: 8 SB g g g s b. s Is 4-.C04-.COCSOi4-.tO 00H---4Cn4-.tOCnOlt04-.rf--lC3-^CSC^^OSWtOH-.tO4^-o^c-WCO OSCXC^CO-JC^©k)©C5CXtn-Jr-i44mCSOSOl©CX©4^^© Ol©SrfSoitOCO-JOSC^©00©©COCO00Oltn©COtO4-.©©©l-Hr-' 4-,rf-OiOSr--CstncsOi C54-.rfi.tn-JC5rf-.l—i Cnrf*h-rf-tnrf-tnOSrf-OSOl-4a0-4-4O5-4OSrf-00Olrf*O5rf-t04-.rf-rf- eikkkshkesl Gsssss^s-^ssgbgssb^bs^^ggSriikg rf-.tnCSCT. 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O O O O h-jV4J^hdh-jh^75^>--h^h-j2h-ihJjhq 1 1 -T rH H h TZ n r- _ _ rt Atkinson. rt Arbuckle rt Belknap. antom Hill. rt Worth .. irt Graham. >rt Croghan. n Antonio.. >rt Martin Sc >rt Brown .. nggold Barr >rt Mcintosh art Duncan. ort Inge.... ort Lincoln.. ort Fillmore. ort Webster. ort Conrad.. ort Union... in Diego.... ancho del CI ort Miller... amp Far W olumbia Bar ort Steilacoo TO H > H 8 2! 3 M il o O DO CIS * O ST* Ul to to CX cs 4- 4*- rf-00 Ol rf- Ol CO © tn © to CO 4- CO CO CO to o to tn CO tn tn tn OS Cs rf-CO 4-. CD CO tn CD _nCnrf-rf-rf-rf-rf-4--tO OS©rf-00tOtO©©00 CO © ^-4 CS CO OS 00 h-i CD to CS 00 h-l CO h-i © CD to -4 © © CO oo to CO CD -4 Ol to © to 00 oo to rf- © 00 OS CO 4-. © © (a. Cn —4—4—4CSC3CD -itnOOOsCniOQOCs 4-. CO to CO Oi Oi tn Ol h-i tn Oi OS -4 tn OS CO CO 4-4- *- rf*. 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CO rfa. © CO to h-l © © © to o CD tn CO 4- h-i to 00 fn to tn en -4 to CO rn hi to N1 00 h- hH CO © to tn to CO rfa- -4 © o © © to h-i © © © eo CO CD © © to 00 © M 00 nn nn h-l to ,_, nn nn h-1 CO h-i CO CO CO OS Ol CO 00 4- 4-> CO h-i 1-1 to o h-1 © to © ^ © o © CD to CO — © 4] UO © to © to to -4 3 CO CO Ol CO to nn 00 00 CO © h-i CO -4 h-i to to tn to © CO Ol © © CO hH tO -4 co © © IX to o © CO '-' rf- © CO -4 Ci 4- 4- to CO Or to- © -4 -4 CO to Ol CO 4a. -4 tn eo to _> rfa. Oi to © tn Ul rf- rfa. CO rf- C-! to Ci -4 -1 co to Oi © CD CT) o CO rf- Oi i—i en on Ol CO o CD W i— tn 00 00 to h- ID CO CO rf- h-i tn -J CO © © CX 00 CO o © eo Ol -4 © CO © S h- CO -4 -4 4- © rf- CO 00 rf- © 00 -4 to CO rfa. to tn -4 rfa. to rfa- to CO Ol rfa. © OS CO > co © rfa. Ol tn hH o eo on rfa. h-l rfa. CO © 00 —1 h-i rfa. CO rfa- CT) CD IT) CT) Ol rf- to to tn rfa. 00 -4 -1 tn Ci —1 on -4 to 1—1 l-H © -J Ol © l-H 4- 1-1 en to CO Oi GO 00 © 0 ts. -4 tn rf- CO 4a- Ol -4 -4 rfa. to © Oi Oi © rfa. CO © CO *>- © Ol © cn CO hj CO © CO CO 00 rf> O © 1—1 CO h-1 Ol h-i I_i CD CD m OO Ol © rfa. CO nn 0 CO © CD to *■* 4- CO to -1 Ol Oi UO © CO © to -4 tO uo -4 rfa. CO Oi 4- Oi Oi -4 P CO H . cn cn -4 00 -4 Oi tn *- 4- 4a- © -4 -4 to Oi -4 Ol -4 -4 on Ol © rfa. Oi © Ol -1 © to -i © 00 CD rfa- to Ol Ol to to o © 00 Ol S 93 tO rfa. -4 -4 Ol © rfa. to -4 rf> © -I -4 CO 00 © rfa. Ol -4 Ol 00 Ol to rfa. Ol 4- rf- Ol tn o rf- -J to 00 h-i -4 CO — -J O © -1 CO to CO to ?. 00 o tn CO to CD -4 h-• H* rf- © *- © 1—1 CO CO eo to to —J uo © 4- Oi 4- © 00 4- o Fair. ,_, IO to nn CO nn nn nn to IO CO h-i nn _ h- tO to nn ,_, nn nn „ tn ten 4- tO en © CI © CD CO o to to © hn co CO CO rfa. Ir- tn CO ID Ol CO -4 © cc 00 r> nn _ h-i nn nn nn _ nn h-l nn nn L' oudy rf- to Oi -4 OS CD to CO '"' 00 © -4 © CD ID O © © tn Ol rfa. -i hn rfa. © to to © -1 nn to i-h CO rfa. h-l CO CO 4- to rft- to rfa. tn o © rfa. -4 © © -4 © Oi Ol CO © 4- © Rain. O > 3 "< 00 © © © O o © © to © © rfa. h-1 © © © © © © © © o © © © © © © 4a. Snow. > ni, C Ul n*. o On *- © © © © h- o o © h-* © to h-i CO HH © © to rfa. eo © Ol to rfa. to on Ol 00 © tn CO © 4- 00 O 00 © to —i © CO —1 Am't in inches. 00 -4 CO H O © ■ rfa. CD © 00 1-1 CO © o o Ol 00 c_; © O 00 © Oi Oi h-i f\ H'*- i?*' -J PH" -3 so PI ►o a. r- Si p3 93 ra TO O On rX o o w 2! X o o u o o to \> pa F Q i—i Ul hi ►*> 418 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1852. TIIKRMOMETER. WINDS. SI ATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. . No. of Observations | S. R. i 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. Mean. Max. Min. Above Mean. Below Mean. N. N.E. v.. 25.09 24.16 25.67 29.22 32.06 32.40 35.50 33.12 28.36 26.61 21.93 22.48 26.19 26.90 35.09 31.42 34.58 36.22 38.12 45.93 55.22 63.54 71.03 66.35 63.73 58.84 57.32 61.14 57.96 47.48 46.51 41.22 40.45 . 40.94 . 41.32 . 26.32 18.22 14.13 21.74 14.16 22.35 . 23.51 37.16 25.06 . 25.00 32.32 . 45.80 30.74 30.09 31.41 33.61 34.03 36.20 39.30 36.93 33.90 34.58 27.97 30.67 32.83 31.19 39.64 36.81 40.45 44.35 45.64 48.19 60.64 72.58 75.19 73.83 68.64 70.16 63.03 66.76 68.03 54.70 52.64 "47.12 47.32 45.09 j 46.22 32.61 26.61 20.00 26.54 22.45 35.51 i 30.19 j 30.38 48 49 55 54 52 53 66 55 59 56 46 56 52 53 74 69 73 70 79 73 81 87 83 90 84 88 84 85 84 92 92 87 80 80 74 56 42 38 57 46 57 64 85 79 71 80 91 6 3 4 9 11 15 20 24 7 __o - 7 -15 5 13 14 18 21 22 23 32-35 48 61 45 48 40 34 39 32 l 25 24 19 18 i 18 18 1 — 4 i— 7 — 5 |-16 — 8 0 16 7 — 2 9 23 17.6 19.6 23.8 21.0 16.7 17.1 25.8 18.3 25.6 23.4 18.8 27.2 | 21.3 22.4 33.8 31.9 32.2 27.1 33.7 24.1 20.8 17.2 8.6 16.5 13.7 18.7 19.8 18.0 18.1 36.8 38.0 39.2 31.8 33.2 27.4 25.0 17.8 20.0 28.6 24.8 31.2 33.7 41.1 45.7 41.0 36.7 37.3 24.4 26.4 27.2 24.0 24.3 20.9 20.2 12.7 26.4 34.6 34.2 43.8 25.7 17.6 26.2 19.1 19.8 20.9 22.3 16.9 25.2 21.8 13.4 28.5 22.3 29.3 30.2 28.0 33.9 30.2 30.0 28.8 30.2 28.8 28.6 30.0 28.2 25.0 32.4 37.2 34.8 30.3 27.9 26.3 32.0 34.3 30.7 4 27 19 0 31 ] 2 22 12 19 0 23 6 0 1 13 2 12 14 14 7 21 12 20 15 6 18 5 13 12 17 12 18 10 29 7 11 26 5 27 22 8 17 10 83 40 0 33, 6 38 33 63 0 48 9 0 4 17 7 34 27 62 13 89 33 79 25 15 25 7 39 24 52 34 56 31 79 19 32 53 14 69 37 14 50 13 18 9 21 14 23 9 19 2 2 11 9 20 7 15 3 27 25 29 34 18 6 8 10 9 12 12 3 7 6 1 13 8 10 32 16 3 2 7 16 9 11 17 15 , 38 5 1 10 46 77 43 95 57 80 26 63 7 5 22 11 38 28 26 10 92 57 94 89 79 16 32 20 16 15 20 13 11 20 4 31 29 28 63 33 4 5 21 33 17 25 27 38 128 16 14 11 3 17 0 20 1 27 7 0 0 2 15 0 14 15 46 9 4 4 10 7 12 40 20 21 7 3 18 20 21 1 6 9 12 0 11 29 23 19 7 4 i 12 1 1 12 i 5 10 12 32 12 70 0 82 1 51 20 0 0 3 40 0 58 30 12 19 7 11 18 15 35 150 38 36 8 5 43 32 51 35.29 37.93 42.81 38.77 39.70 46.50 40.58 36.61 37.41 33.16 34.51 34.64 34.42 46.35 42.87 49.16 50.29 53.58 52.06 66.00 74.69 77.90 82.19 71.22 79.77 73.29 74.82 74.61 63.90 64.12 54.64 53.35 57.07 ; 51.19 35.54 28.09 29.83 26.26 36.20 35.30 39.50 36.25 34.58 31.93 25.81 26.80 29.03 29.77 39.74 37.26 38.90 40.93 43.90 49.32 58.96 68.48 73.45 71.83 72.45 68.52 62.93 65.11 62.90 i 54.74 29.41 31.21 32.98 35.26 35.90 40.20 36.72 33.36 32.63 27.22 28.79 30.67 30.57 40.20 37.09 40.77 42.95 45.31 48.87 60.20 69.82 74.39 73.55 70.26 69.32 64.17 66.96 65.87 55.20 Fort Independence..... Watervliet Arsenal..... Plattsburg Barracks.... Fort Mifflin........... Fort Moultrie.......... Key West Barracks.... Mount Vernon Arsenal. New Orleans Barracks . Baton Rouge Barracks.. 52.74 ; 54.00 3 48.29 51.87 44.06 47.74 29*58 47.82 48.25 46.79 46.62 31.01 24.17 18.03 27.40 21.21 26.80 30.35 43.89 33.34 30.00 43.34 53.76 11 16 19 0 27 30.22 21.64 86 27.13 33.16 28.41 10.87 28.16 19.83 28.00 77 44 12 26.25 ' 30.61 9 29.58 43.13 34.40 27.87 46.64 52.21 33.12 30.19 51.70 : 43.58 43.75 30.16 44 6 i 7 41 152 1 24 Fort Laramie......... 38.00 56.22 64.03 29.09 38.19 53.00 18 25 10 67 109 22 19 28 22 hEwolrOoiaoccS^UMHWH^aSSS^fficoS^ gh-coo^^Stncocotooi rfa. tO © tO h- h-J g2SSgl2cflSgc§2ci-4cC^S3^a?^-.SgSSctg |3SgB%gg^S§gffi^^Hq ODOOO^h-iStOCOrf-tSOCOrf^COCXrftcOCXrf^OT §SoSo.-^!.r:^§Sg2S;.^§S5ESSc? &og^^i.c.o^5fe5ooogoSrir. ^KtOh-igw^ScciSh-g^ratSSocOct^^^otoOtOOlg ^£££054,^555^5^00000^ ^. rn i—i cm *3 h-i en rfa. Cn CO CO © OOOOh-irfa. 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THERMOMETER. Phantom Hill.......... Fort Chadbourne....... Fort Worth........... Fort Graham.......... Fort Croghan.......... San Antonio........... Fort Mason........... Fort McKavett........ Fort Terrett........... Fort Ewell............ Fort Brown........... Ringgold Barracks..... Fort Mcintosh......... Fort Duncan.......... Fort Inge............. Fort Clarke............ Fort Fillmore.......... Fort Webster*......... Fort Conrad........... Albuquerque .......... Fort Union............ Santa Fe ............. Fort Massachusetts..... Fort Defiance.......... Fort Yuma............ San Diego............. Rancho de Jurupa ..... San Francisco......... Benicia............... Fort Miller............ Fort Reading......... Fort Orford.........., Columbia Barracks Dalles of the Columbia. Fort Steilacoom........ Mean Temperature. 55.03 51.90 55.20 57.34 59.22 66.64 62.32 56.45 56.77 61.67 68.64 Gi. .61 64.03 60.77 58.09 60.80 44.90 40.26 42.23 37.00 36.26 29.61 30.80 61.35 57.03 54.61 50.90 52.96 51.35 45.80 49.13 46.64 40.51 45.32 9 A. M. 3 P. M 65.06 64.74 67.90 68.61 68.77 72.54 66.84 65.16 69.09 74.09 83.90 75.16 77.29 75.61 71.35 70.03 61.48 55.86 56.23 51.35 50.80 45.03 46.96 71.45 69.25 64.74 57.16 61.48 68.74 59.74 57.63 55.03 53.61 52.48 74.45 76.35 76.19 80.45 78.64 79.58 75.13 74.42 76.67 89.41 82.25 84.25 86.48 84.93 80.19 78.38 73.09 65.86 72.13 60.51 59.64 51.58 61.90 86.45 74.G4 74.54 60.06 69.93 83.36 75.00 61.08 62.93 67.77 58.58 Range. Max. Min. 62.12 59.29 63.16 65.32 65.93 71.41 68.81 61.13 63.51 68.36 73.58 73.87 72.81 69.12 63.67 64.64 56.64 46.46 55.22 64.16 63.07 65.61 67.93 68.14 72.54 68.27 64.29 66.51 73.38 77.09 75.47 75.15 72.61 68.32 68.46 59.03 52.11 56.45 42.80 44.80 34.25 42.87 72.35 59.61 65.35 53.70 57.96 61.87 58.51 50.95 51.38 52.41 50.38 47.91 47.87 40.12 45.63 72.90 65.13 64.81 55.46 60.58 66.33 59.76 54.70 52.90 53.57 51.69 87 89 90 87 89 87 99 92 97 96 99 92 88 82 72 85 71 72 62 92 89 69 81 9G 70 81 68 40 32 38 40 40 49 45 32 32 40 50 47 43 38 36 41 30 24 32 25 27 15 23 50 45 45 46 48 41 35 41 38 30 35 Above mean. 23.8 23.9 23.4 20.1 20.9 17.5 18.7 24'. 7 20.5 25.6 14.9 21.5 20.9 26.4 23.7 19.5 23.0 19.9 28.5 23.1 24.1 21.9 29.4 25.1 26.9 24.2 13.5 20.4 29.7 24.2 17.3 16.1 27.4 16.3 Below mean. 24.2 31.1 27.6 27.9 28.1 23.5 23.3 32.3 34.5 33.4 27.1 28.5 32.1 28.6 32.3 27.5 29.0 28.1 24.5 22.9 20.9 25.1 22.6 22.9 20.1 19.8 9.5 12.6 25.3 24.8 13.7 15.9 23.6 16.7 No. of Observations 15 21 4; 4 11 24 29 0 19 7 9 23 52 33 9 67 2 43 6 56 24 10 3 67 95 30 61 2 0 10 0 0 61 0 4 0 0 N E. E. 0 0 11 13 4 7 4 5 17 32 0 0 6 12 8 19 8 19 7 15 18 30 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 20 19 25 3 5 5 5 14 28 17 25 17 40 41 104 7 11 18- 32 15 20 11 15 8 13 25 73 23 34 30 64 4 5 20 43 5 11 15 32 8 14 9 15 23 59 9 12 15 18 28 42 1 1 6 13 1 1 f 1 6 18 0 0 7 13 0 0 14 35 25 34 16 19 24 26 2 7 1 2 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 10 20 53 1 3 1 1 3 5 0 0 40 96 30 77 0 0 16 21 1 2 12 17 * Post removed from Old Copper Mines, 8 miles E.N.E. to a point on the Rio de los Mimbres, on the 19th of this month. ^1 r^r ,__. -_- rfe __ Si? .__. .__. __. ,_^ ... „ h-ioo mtooooi©totooooorfa.to *. co on i—i h-i|-iCOJO©©Hn©h-iCDH-ltOa0H-COOllr>.rfa.aD©r-n ^-otOH-■—JCDCXH-101-4-4H-1O00 CO JOOO Ol H-i to ©Ol h-irf-COOliOh-iOih-iOiOOOiH-iOi-4HHh-ih- OH-itO©OOOtOOtOtOOOOOrf-tOtO©©OOOitOOOOOOOiH-h-ih-itOtOOOOCOO-ICO tOOODh-i©tOOOOO©©CO©rfa.J0^4j-no1oOOiOhHrf^h-iCOOiOtnCOOi©OtO©00 vS-4.F4.K4.,.. . -». $3 SS -i tO Oi hn On Oi m CD ©JOOO rfa. 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CO to on Oi tn _ © 1—1 -4 rf, tn © t—i © © o Ol © —4 rf, . eo © © CD -4 CO © CD h-i o 00 CO tn • eo to © • -4 © © © © tn © to h-1 CO -4 h-i © On 00 © © 1-1 • -4 ^ CO hn © Ol rf, rf, o h-i • tn • • -4 on rf, Ol in on © -4 -1 —I on CD on on • -4 —4 —4 -4 -4 • -4 —1 -4 © -4 -4 © © Ol On -4 CD to -4 00 • • OS to © uo CO © © m rf, rf, • Ol o to h-i © co OS hn 00 CD • rf, to hn CO IO hH CD rf- QC 00 CO nn CO tn tn Ol © © tn rf, © rf, eo on to -4 44 © 00 Ol 1—I nn i—i JO . © on CO rf, O rf, © rf, -4 -4 © CD to • Oi 00 © • " -4 Oi -4 -j © rf, to CX -4 o o hn © UO © — to co Ol CO . © o -4 rf, rf, 00 Ol 00 —4 -4 1 h»^ a o rt F F F O td O F O Q hH Ci i> F F o W Ul M F Q O hH Szj Ul o F F F CO W F • > F O -z! Ul 2 F r> S! F F 5r F F SB > F F SB F ce METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 461 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1852. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. LOCALITY. 53.35 26.17 15.07 45.57 70.81 46.10 23.02 46.38 94 - -28 47.6 74.4 Platte river, Nebraska. 49.56 25.23 19.92 43.30 71.78 44.52 27.87 46.87 97 - -13 50.1 59.9 N. Fork of Platte riv., Nebras. 56.38 34.51 28.91 53.64 77.81 51.77 31.85 53.77 93 - - 6 39.2 59.8 Arkansas river, Kansas. 63.11 45.10 38.82 61.26 76.67 59.09 40.89 59.48 93 0 33.5 59.5 N'r Canadian river, Ind. Ter. 66.15 49.55 44.11 62.49 78.80 62.39 44.43 62.03 98 2 32.0 60.0 Upper Brazos river, Texas. 64.16 50.28 46.10 64.94 78.71 62.16 44.88 62.67 106 0 43.3 62.7 Clear Fork of Brazos, Texas. 63.07 50.29 47.64 76.87 60.93 ...... ...... 100 12 Concha river, Texas.* 65.61 51.52 46.30 64.59 79.39 62.80 46.20 63.25 101 5 37.7 58.3 Northern Texas. 67.93 56.65 50.84 66.08 81.39 66.13 49.96 65.89 112 15 46.1 50.9 Jose Maria village, Texas. 68.14 56.98 52.44 68.16 80.71 66.59 50.12 66.40 95 8 10 28.6 58.4 Texas. Colorado river, Texas. 72.54 . 73.66 84.07 95 14 -- -- Texas. 68.27 54.32 49.37 78.02 65.25 ...... ...... 96 20 -- .... Llano river, Texas. 64.29 53.09 47.82 78.15 62.86 ...... ...... 95 17 -- -- San Saba river, Texas. 66.51 53.90 48.59 79.51 64.53 ...... ...... 100 19 7 N. Fork of Llano riv., Texas. Near Fredericksburg, Texas. 73.38 65.13 58.71 ...... ...... 72.68 ...... ...... 100 32 .... -- Neuces river, Texas. Neuces river, Texas. 77.09 69.68 65.57 75.78 82.23 75.69 63.61 74.31 96 22 21.7 52.3 Rio Grande, Texas. 75.47 68.97 62.92 78.19 85.43 75.37 61.84 75.21 105 25 29.8 50.2 Rio Grande, Texas. 75.15 66.62 59.58 77.88 87.21 74.64 59.29 74.76 105 19 30.2 55.8 Rio Grande, Texas! 72.61 58.80 54.45 77.80 86.21 70.71 55.81 72.63 107 12 34.4 60.6 Rio Grande, Texas. 68.32 57.57 52.79 69.58 70.38 79.63 67.06 52.57 67.21 95 94 13 12 27.8 54.2 Leona river, Texas Rio Seco, Texas. 68.46 58.38 53.21 ...... 67.18 ...... ...... -- 26 -- Las Moras, Texas. 59.03 46.00 44.11 57.87 78.01 59.77 44.51 60.04 107 10 47.0 50.0 Rio Grande, Southern N.Mex. 52.11 38.11 40.63 50.23 70.07 50.57 ...... ...... 100 12 -- -- Copper Mines, Rio Mimbres, 56.45 42.87 42.93 40.18 38.43 59.67 76.52 61.98 39.52 59.42 101 4 21 21? 41.6 55.4 N 'r Valverde, N. M. [N. M. New,Mexico. San Jose river, New Mexico. 47.91 34.27 35.05 49.42 64.28 46.21 33.56 48.37 87 — 9 38.6 57.4 Moro river, New Mexico. 47.87 34.39 29.62 ...... ...... 47.27 ...... ...... .... 13 -- .... New Mexico. 40.12 24.39 19.15 • ••••■ ...... 37.73 ...... ' .... — 6 -- -- Sangre de Cristo Val.,N.M. 45.63 32.45 28.70 66.62 42.72 ...... 90 2 -- -- Cafioncito, "Western N. Mex. 72.90 61.46 55.47 87.92 72.64 ...... ...... 108 32 -- -- Colorado river, California. 65.13 57.19 51.71 58.03 60.36 70.95 71.17 65.30 53.51 61.95 90 95 34 35 28.1 27.9 Coast of California. Rio Santa Ana, California. 64.81 56.03 51.12 54.32 81 36 36 -- -- Rio Santa Ana, California. Coast of California. 55.46 54.62 50.09 ...... 56.12 ...... ...... -- 37 .... -- California. 60.58 55.86 49.04 55.90 67.87 61.47 49.89 58.78 98 34 39.2 24.8 California. 66.33 52.51 48.54 63.72 66.76 50.85 116 28 30 -- -- San Joaquin valley, California. Marysville, California. 59.76 51.80 43.42 79.37 61.30 ...... ...... 106 31 .... .... Upper Sacramento val., Cal. 54.70 50.59 44.15 61.49 54.82 ...... ...... 77 31 .... -- Ewinghar., n'r C. Orford, Or 'n. 53.90 45.08 33.20 49.52 • > • ...... 39.37 98 22 .... -- Oregon, (Fort Vancouver.) 53.57 41.25 24.95 — 5 -- -- Columbia river, Oregon. 51.69 43.75 33.28 47.92 53.46 50.83 39.71 47.98 93 0 45.0 48.0 Puget's Sound, Wash'n Ter *On Oak Creek, near the Colorado river, after September. 462 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTHLY SUM4MARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1852. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. I Fort Sullivan................... 4.30 Fort Preble..................... 4.79 Fort Constitution................ 3.51 Fort Independence..............J 3.50 Fort Adams.................... 4.43 4.38 1.94 2.92 1.80 2.88 0.90 2.90 2.76 1.00 1.80 1.18 2.40 2.60 1.54 0.93 0.51 0.32 Fort Trumbull............. Fort Hamilton............. Fort Columbus............. West Point................. Watervliet Arsenal........ Plattsburg Barracks........ Madison Barracks.......... Fort Ontario............... Fort Niagara.............. Alleghany Arsenal......... Carlisle Barracks........... Fort Mifflin................ Fort McHenry............. Fort Washington........... Fort Monroe............... Fort Moultrie.............. Fort Marion............... Fort Pierce............... Key West Barracks........ Fort Myers............... Fort Brooke.............. Fort Meade............... Fort Barrancas........... Mount Vernon Arsenal--- East Pascagoula.......... New Orleans Barracks .... Baton Rouge Barracks..... Fort Towson.............. Fort Washita............ Fort Smith................ Fort Gibson.............. Fort Scott......................[ 2.22 Jefferson Barracks..............| 8.34 St. Louis Arsenal................1 1.21? Newport Barracks............... --- Fort Gratiot...................' 1-28 Fort Mackinac!.................j --- Fort Brady.....................! Fort Howard....................' 1-77 Mar. 1.82 1.54 0.95 0.69 0.97 1.92 0.80! 1.56 1.87 1.58 3.60 2.56 2.55 1.32 5.41 6.02? 2.27 3.08 3.80 1.10 1.33 2.79 2.14 1.71 3.34 2.23 2.48 3.60 3.28 1.18 1.21 0.59 3.67 1.00 0.85 0 27 3.40 1.95 1.45 6.73? 4.80 5.67 0.11 1.73 1.48 1.36 April Fort Ripley. . FortSnelling. Fort Dodge .. 0.18 0.06 1.09 0.66 0.42 0.14 0.58 2.90 3.59 2.26 1.26 5.90 6.54 4.11 4.43 2.68 2.06 2.02 5.89 3.66 4.46 2.03 3.96 4.60 3.90 2.88 1.82 4.35 *3.05 8.74 11.77 6.40 2.08 1.52 4.24 2.19 5.40 2.24 0.98 7.19 8.00 4.13 4.57 3.87 6.61 2.04 4.10 8.54? 0.60 4.00 8.67 7.93 6.06 4.74 4.66 4.16 3.42 3.29 0.68? 2.87 9.27 4.69 8.20 7.80 7.05 2.72 2.96 4.80 2.17 5.70 3.05 2.13 6.24 5.25 8.29 2.95 2.17 1.39 2.54 6.04 2.84 2.97 2.37 2.49 May. 0.30 2.82 1.42 1.20 3.92 3.71 3.20 2.24 1.85 1.67 0.86 2.56 3.84 2.96 5.30 1.70 2.29 1.53 4.17 1.30 0.40 3.25 3.06 2.31 6.75 8.85 4.61 6.72 10.74 8.12 4.44 2.11 0.94 June. 1.55 1 2.16 2.20 5.02 2.79 2.71 1.70 4.23 2.80 2.11 2.30 1.28 4.06 2.91 2.76 3.36 4.55 2.70 3.51 1.89 6.85 8.51 18.13 13.20 11.71 1.56 1.85 5.48 4.58 5.85 6.36 11.85 7.82 4.20 July. 4.00 3.19 2.53 1.92 2.10 2.94 2.64 3.25 4.67 2.87 1.18 1.98 2.55 3 51 5.45 5.70 2.89 3.83 5.43 8.00 6.16 Aug. 4. 8.31? 6.20 5.35 6 90 14.55? 4.46 6.20 6.39 2.73 0.53 2.60 2.76 4.38 4.40 4.60 11.54 4.90 4.15 4.30 6.03 12.02 7.60 10.95 14.30 4.72 2.05 2.10 0.08 5.16 11.41 8.02 1.92 6.04 5.64 2.90 4.96 6.12 4.45 2.72 1.08 1.10 3.92 6.35 16.25 9.64 8.54 4.45 3.94 4.99 2.90 3.24 2.12 8.40 Sept. 1.37 2.74 0. 3.40 3.42 2.71 1.60 2.55 5.22 1.99 2.29 2.39 2.67 3.31 5.06 3.09 1.45 1.40 2.20 1.75 1.55 11.70 7.00 6.22 9.54 10.00 6.60 0.65 0.70 0.65 8.30 4.38 2.40 2.97 1.14 1.40 6.40 0.72 Oct. 3.50 5.30 2.92 1.42 2.60 5.79 2.25 2.06 2.99 2.67 1.57 I 0.89 I 2.51 2.24 1.64 3.30 2.60 2.20 1.92 1.20 o.eo 4.18 0.40 0.30 1.32 1.10 2.40 2.83 2.81 4.88 5.95 4.89 5.50 6.23 4.81 4.73 2.65 8.94 4.11 1.27 0.82 4.10 Nov. 4.20 6.38 4.35 2.94 6.62 7.82 4.14 6.07 4.47 4.70 4.47 2.62 2.67 6.27 3.80 7.90 6.90 2.06 2.12 1.82 3.00 0.98 3.20 0.15 7.80 9.74 7.00 9.32 4.84 3.77 4.05 4.91 5.98 3.80 2.75 4.32 0.63 1.42 3.10 0.22 1.92 Dec. 2.50 6.10 4.65 3.00 6.53 10.58? 3.80 4.45 5.31 2.35 4.09 5.97 5.01 3.61 5.45 6.20 4.64 2.94 4.60 2.30 3.41 2.34 3.00 1.32 3.51 7.15 5.80 3.95 0.77 0.29 1.62 0.74 1.98 3.97 2.90 8.53? 3.46 2.99 2.87 0.15 2.27 Spring. 7.80 14.95? 10.28 6.46? 18.49 18.18 13.37 11.41 9.19 7.89 5.20 9.89 15.14 11.61 18.10 13.40 12.22 6.07 11.48 9.15 11.81 20.72 12.51 6.52 14.51 16.56 11.63 11.91 13.89 16.70 14.98 12.28 7.85 8.99 12.94 9.25 5.76 11.00 16.52? 11.52 9.98 10.70 21.72? 9.90 11.56 18.36 6.88 5.77 7.49 8.07 11.25 14.40 13.00 17.94 10.62 18.44 19.15 20.70 37.75 88.45 29.47 13.12 16.43 12.83 13.48 16.96 18.71 17.81 11.02 8.70 7.39 3.71 7.62 11.10 15.10 9.98 5.96 11.77 18.83 8.38 10.42 9.85 10.04 12.58 10.98 8.00 9.36 8.50 12.70 10.85 5.53 15.02 9.42 13.40 10.92 13.50 8.07 9.55 12.84 15.43 16.15 12.84 14.79 14.61 11.58 8.62 10.27 5.97 10.77 1.76 8.53 * Last 15 days. '[The measurement at Forts Maclcinac and Brady were inaccurate for the larger portion of the year. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 463 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1852. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. 4.22 1.61 1.84 2.17 1.46 2.74, 5.10 3.85 4.82 5.04 4.82 2.32 4.01 6.41 5.60 3.76 1.53 3.09 5.96 1.75 3.49 1.54 4.70 0.85 3.42 1.61 5.72 3.90 8.50 1.44 4.24 0.23 2.06 0.32 6.10 0.12 2.83 0.87 3.50 1.00 1.47 4.29 3.47 1 32 1.10 4.06 0.19 5.49 3.04 0.91 1.30 1.82 0.33 1.45 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.78 1.02 Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Fort Leavenworth .... Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Atkinson......... Fort Arbuckle......... Fort Belknap ......... Phantom Hill......... Fort Chadbourne...... Fort Worth........... Fort Graham.......... Fort Croghan ........ San Antonio.......... Fort Mason........... Fort McKavett........ Fort Terrett........... Fort Martin Scott..... Fort Ewell............ Fort Merrill........... Fort Brown........... Ringgold Barracks .... Fort Mcintosh........ Fort Duncan.......... Fort Inge............. Fort Lincoln.......... Fort Clarke.......... Fort Fillmore......... Fort Webster.......... Fort Conrad.......... Albuquerque.......... Fort Union............ Santa Fe.............. Fort Massachusetts.... Fort Defiance......... Fort Yuma............ San Diego............. Rancho del Chino..... Jurupa ............... Monterey............. San Francisco......... Benicia............... Fort Miller............. Camp Far West........ Fort Reading.......... Fort Orford............ Columbia Barracks____ Dalles of the Columbia Fort Steilacoom....... 0.96 0.12 0.72 1.35 0.64 1.70 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.46 0.28 0.34 0.26 0.01 0.58 0.40 0.36 0.42 1.60 9.81 11.50 0.28 0.25 1.10? 3.75 5.25 6.00 4.30 3.10 0.60 0.88 1.05 2.30 1.40 2.96 0.29 1.51 0.03 0.59 1.84 0.30 0.00 0.61 0.13 4.77 1.35 0.28 15.50* 1.21 5.20 8.75 9.18 6.00 12 40 0.35 0.65 1.41 6.27 2.62 4.90 0.04 0.13 0.00 0.00 1.87 6.12 4.78 15.59 10.05 4.26 5.50 0.73 1.25 1.41 1.73 4.00 2.79 0.70 1.90 0.59 1.08 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.23 0.20 4.45 0.07 0.70 0.24 0.85 0.92 0.03 2.59 2.87 6.56 4.71 5.23 7.29 7.30 6.25 4.27 2.65 2.21 2.66 8.94 4 75 5.15 4.05 2.28 1.18 2.13 5.76 4.26 0.40 1.23 0.25 0.07 0.73 0.10 0.00 0.60 8.49 6.53 3.02 4.08 4.60 2.69 1.88 5.00 3.81 3.68 3.78 5.09 3.46 4.84 4.27 1.13 5.05 0.96 1.19 2.81 8.07 3.38 5.98 3.14 4.90 3.75 3.53 6.64 1.84 3.04 8.76 0.70 0.82 1.52 6.70 6.82 1.10 1.74 3.84 4.89 2.15 8.15? 7.05 2.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.00 1.06 0.83 1.77 5.43 5.12 3.84 0.12 0.82 0 4.79 0.65 0.07 2.73 0.90 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 2.64 1 85 1.70 6.81 7.16 5.90 4.81 3.64 5.40 3.69 3.35 2.70 2.54 5.26 3.92 1.41 4.95 4.78 1.13 1.22 3.19 2.09 0.77 1.19 1.63 0.35 3.44 2.55 1.84 1.60 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.69 1.05 0.07 3.53 2.24 6.42 1.39 2.50 3.15 2.45 0.80 2.60 5.70 1.50 1.59 1.23 0.15 0.90 0.01 0.24 0.24 1.52 1.91 2.66 3.48 1.34 0.16 2.83 1.65 6.34 1.22 0.35 1.45 4.92 2.28 8.80 0.4S 8.48 .... 12.03 1.55 0.25 8.72 7.37 2.75 6.17 0.60 0.73 1.23 1.60 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.31 0.57 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.08 0.02 0.02 1.36 1.45 1.30 0.04 4.50 7.50 12.07 9.03 20.60 11.18 16.91 18.37 8.01 11.56 6.24 10.09 9.92 11.10 15.80 14.18 9.36 4.40 3.61 3.59 8.40 8.53 9.39 0.64 4.81 0.32 0.77 0.97 3.04 7.14 4.81 18.78 14.81 15.35 7.55 7.42 15.21 13.30 13.36 12.34 10.62 10.37 11.64 7.53 8.92 9.65 3.22 2.94 9.83 15.01 6.58 13.97 4.12 12.28 15.27 4.55 0.61 0.40 0.16 0.03 0.00 1.06 1.64 1.87 7.78 5.76 10.86 12.05 14.66 12.08 8.45 13.60 10.92 12.64 7.74 10.27 10.87 14.35 9.03 3.43 7.56 7.54 7.50 4.90 8.14 4.07 0.70 9.81 5.11 4.64 1.80 1.51 5.61 2.34 8.94 10.91 *1.55? "Snow 8.60."—An apparent error of entry. nnr^hr-hrirT'hc-hi-hnnnnnnnnj J/J t_ hr) Hq --j oooooo oaaoo'Trr-csar,!-, > e- \*. ctT X cp sb a w a Q f 2 1-5 14, CB1 rf r* h4J|--^hJjh[jh-]H-hrjiT]HJ-rrjhr]h-Jo>^22<^^ o pJTooocdOoo ooo P ^ o ? p -^ r* p - » 2 ? 2 ^3 S S jl s 2 !"> CD rC 44. CD CD O O -SCS-.. t> s, »,"i Q *-e- (D CD z s l B W C5 i o £L p p *-={ oq > p1 tfl tiq S w X nf > ^ O J g c g- o ' I 3 I -i 1-0 Cfl p- 5- JO h-l h- h- h-l JO H- >t- CO CD Go OS Oi OS *» H « GO W i^ OS h-i JOtOJOh-ih-ih-'JOJO.OtOtO.O.OtOtOh-ih-ih-ih-i--ih-i CDtOOSOiOOJCDtDOSOH-iOOtnlOtOOJi—i(OCD-4CDOO-4tn tOCOOOCnOOh- OtOOOOCDtOUl-JCOCDOSOCOCDCOOOCDCS JOh-tOtOH-lh-lh-il-'H- t0i(4.h-iCSh-ih-i0005CDOtD couiaooococo4-4CDOtocs l0-4-44jc-,ot000000S000SC0C0-4—4O lOtnyi0000lO00JOJOOSCDH-i00CnOSr-.4j OS 00 OS OS -4 O tOJOOOOOOCO CS tn 00 JO 00 CD to 00 to to 00 OS CO to tn to to tn 4-. to to -4 4-. to CD rr. Ul to 00 to H-l 4-. OS to CO OS 0 h-l to 4-> 4- Ui to to 4-. 4-4 4- 00 4-. O 4-4 CO -4 00 4-. 4> h-i h-i -4 to 0 to to 00 0 4-H-l OS to to Ui GO to 4- Ul CO OS 00 to ss > CD 10 00 -4 CO OS O 00 to tn tn 00 to 4-, -4 CO os to OS OS CD h-i 4- h-i 00 4-. co 00 4-- to to 00 H- *4 On OS 4- to to -4 00 to OS OS 4-- to OS tn 00 -4 00 -f-OS Ul 00 4-os h-l OS 4-4 to to to to 4-4 h-l -4 0 0 OS 0 to OD 00 CO to CD Ul 00 00 4-. h-1 4-. 00 SS *- JO O r-. to JO to to to OS to JO 00 OS tn 4-4 eo Ul to H-l 4-Ul 4-4 00 to Ul 4-. tn to to 00 CO 00 00 h-i OS -4 4-4 -4 4-4- -4 O 44 Ui to to 4-4 O X to Ul -4 -4 to to to CO CO 4- h-i CO 00 to 4- to to tn OS to to 00 h-i 00 H Ul H-l 00 to -4 JO tn — to -4 Ui 0 to to 00 to OS to Ul h-i 4-4 to h-i to -4 to 00 4-4 to 4-. 4- CD 4-CD to OS 4-4 4-. to -4 Ui -4 to to 00 to to CO tn 00 h-i 00 to 4- to 4-. h-l -4 44 l—i O to OS to OS JO CD CD to to h-i -4 to OTJ OS 0 x TO -4 00 h-i J-4 4-. to -4 H-i O to On -4 CD to to to 00 h-1 OO Ul 0 tn O to 00 OS -4 Ul to CD 00 On 4-. CD 03 O 4-. to 0 to 00 4-O Ul -4 to OS CO JO OS to 4-4 to Ui to 4-. to 4-4 h-i -4 h-J -4 to OS CO 00 CD 00 -4 to 00 to os 4-. 00 Ui Ul to 0 TO tO >— 4-. O -4 OS -r- Oi O -4 CD to tD OS to to h-l to to to 00 to 00 to 4-- Ul to to to OO 00 00 to to to CD CO to to h-l OS to Ui to -4 to h-i CO OS to to OS Ui to O OS tn -4 00 CX CO h-i O JO OS 4-. Ul to -4 0 to 4-. 00 h-1 to 00 Ul JO -4 O TO jsl JO h-i to 00 - -4 JO CD OS 4---4 to 0 J--00 44 CD JO H-1 OS -4 OS 44 00 h-i to Ui tn to to 4-4-. to -4 00 00 Ul -4 os OS 00 h- -4 4- 4-Ul 00 h-i 00 -4 00 to O OS hn OS to to OS h-1 to h-1 to to Ul 4-4 4-> Ui 4=- h-1 .05 -4 to CD 00 to Ui -4 4-4 OS 3 to 0 00 CO to 00 00 *- O OS OS OS to OS h-i tn 4-. CO JO to to 00 to 00 to CO to 0 to O Ui 00 to Ui to 4-. Ul to to OS 4-- to 00 hn CD os 4-4 tn OS to -4 00 tn 00 Ui CO Ui 00 to OS to OS OS On 4-4 h-1 0 0 00 Ul 00 -4 0 OS 4-. -4 tn 4- OS CD CD 00 h-i O CO SS hf-- C5 rt H h3 H o O f o o hH o >• r1 w Q hH Ul h3 H SB to -4 to to o CO to On oo CO h-1 to 4-. x to On o CD O to h-l Ol 4-. CD h-o -4 CO to On -4 00 h-i h-i Ul to h-i to Ol Ol Ol to Ul 4=> h-i Ul 00 to 4-. o Ul to -4 00 to O 00 h-i to 4=> h-i -4 -4 On 00 Ol O h-* CD Ol -4 o -4 4=4 h-i -4 OS 4=4 4=> 00 o -4 CO CO CO 00 to to h-i OS 00 to Ui o 00 to to to CO Ui to 00 00 to -4 Ul 00 SS CO —4 -4 OS -4 o X Ul o to OS OS to O -4 On OS o CO On 00 JO 00 Ul 4-4 -4 Ol h-i h-i 00 00 CD OO 4=4 to o 4-. 4-CO to -4 Ui to -4 to to 4-. 4-JO o 4-. to OS to 4-. -4 00 o CO o 4-. 00 CO to CO 00 4--00 4-. 4=-O o 00 tn 00 4=4 00 -1 00 -4 4=> to Ol o 00 Ui 00 -4 -4 to CO on 4-4 to Ol 00 to 4-Ui 4=> -4 to 00 00 -4 CO Ul» 00 tO OS H- O 00 to Ol to IO 4-to to 00 4-CD CO 00 Ui Ol h-l Ol h-i O CO 00 00 to to 4-o to 00 00 h-i 4-to to to 00 00 —4 to CO to OS OS OS O 4-. to -4 to Ui -4 -4 CO h-i CO Ol to -4 00 o h-l to On 00 to On CO CO CO oo o o 00 to tn Ul 4=4 4=. to 00 to 00 h-4-. h-i on tn to h-i H- 00 oo OS 00 m OS CD 4=. o to 4=-O 00 to Ul Ol h-i to Ul h-i Oi Ul CO to ft! cm -<-, 00 —' o Ui o to 4-> Ul OS Oi to 00 o to Oi 00 to 00 00 to 00 to Ol tn CD to H-OS 4- to Ul o 4-. 00 OS to OS h-i -4 on to oo to -4 00 to CO to o 00 to CD CO 4-. -4 Ol h-1 to -4 4-00 00 to 00 CO CX CO Ul 4=-D Ui OS 4=- -4 00 O cn OS 4=- Ui 4=-O tn to -1 o to — 1 OO 00 00 to o CD 4=> 00 en en CO 4=4 Ul CO o to 4=- CD Oi tO CO Ul Ol CD to OS CO OS 00 Ol o -4 OS to Ul OS CD -4 00 00 00 h-i to -4 OS 4-> 00 -4 to to to OS o CO 4-. 00 OD Ul h-1 CO o CO to o h-i On -4 to o CO h-i Ul 4-- oo -4 H-l h-l to OS to OS CD. 00 -4 -4 -4 to 00 o to o o 00 CO tn 00 00 CO iC-tn h-i o h-i 00 o CD CO Ul Ul 00 Ul hn -4 -- hn to Ui to CO 00 h-l o to 4- 00 00 to 00 —4 OO S to CO o OO 00 00 00 Ul 00 to CO o to CO H-4-. 4-- -4 to OS co OS 444 4-4 OS 4-4 to h-i Ul 4-4 to 00 h-1 00 On -4 h-i 00 -4 Ol 00 00 -4 00 tn o tn co Ul to it-CO to Ol to 4-h-4- CO Ul CO Ol 00 h-i 00 on to CD o CD to to to —4 CD o 4=-4=> 4=> Ul OS h-1 o CO to Ol - to 4=4 Ul co CO 4=4 O 00 00 Oi CD o 4=4 00 -4 1—1 o 4=4 00 4=- to 00 00 Ul to 00 -4 to tn h-1 O 00 to o to to CO to H-l o to h-i 4-. Ul OS to -4 4-4 — H-l o CO hn JO h-i Ol to 4-> CO -4 Ul -4 00 CO -4 h-l to to h-i -4 00 o Oi to to -4 00 o 00 to h-1 Ul -J to 00 4- -4 4=> H-l 00 -4 CO 00 OS OS Ol 4=- 4=-O CO to to o to OS -4 -4 to 00 -4 o Ui to OS 00 00 CO 4=4 to TO Cn Ui CD to CO -1 CX Oi to 00 tn to -4 -4 4-o to 00 CO 00 o to Ol 4-. O to h-i h-i O 00 00 00 to h-i 00 to -4 00 Cn Ol CD to 4-4 00 o 00 Ul 00 Ol h-4-. Ol 00 o Ul to o to OS CO 4=> 4-O to 4=4 4=- 00 u! os to 4-. CX CD to to to to H-1 4=> o to 4=4 to CS o 4=> 00 Ol 00 OS -4 to -4 -4 00 o to to to 00 to 4=> cs to -4 Ui h-i to 4=- to -4 to CD 4- 00 h-i -4 Oi -44 CO 4-. H-o o to Ul CD to to -4 to -4 4=- CD CO to o o 4-> to -4 o to h-i -4 -4 00 4-, h-1 co Oi to o h-i Oi 4-- 00 CD h-i to on CD to to co h-1 4=4 OS to 00 h-i O 4=- CD CO CO 00 OS CO Ui OS -4 Ol UO o to 4=4 -4 00 00 Ui cs 4--J 00 O 4=4 Ui to CO -4 -4 to 4=4 Ol Ul Ul to CO Ol o 00 to TO 00 00 OS OS Ui to -4 00 CO 44. 00 00 Ul OS to CO to 00 o to 00 tn h-1 to cs HJ Ul OS 4-. tn h-i to Ul to QC -4 00 4-4 CD to o o OS CD 4-. Ul Ol h-i On 00 CO o 00 Ul to to -4 — h-1 CC Ul 03 Ol to -4 CO 4-Ul 00 4-. CD OS 00 CD o Ul 00 O -4 CD 00 co CD to h-1 to to 00 to to -1 Ui to to cc 4=> 4=> Ul to -4 OS 00 tn Ul Ul 4=> 00 00 OO Ui CO to 44 Ui CD Ol ■r-to to 00 to Ul -4 to to 00 on tn Ol Ol Ol 00 CD h-' OO 4=- H-l h-i CD Ol to o CO 4-, Ol to CO h-i Ul 00 00 -J Ul -4 Ol h-00 O OS to H-o o 00 00 to co 4=-—4 OS to 4--4 4=4 to to o 4=4 -4 CD to Ui CO to CO to -4 to 00 00 to CO o 4- 00 O 4=4 CD 4=. to co H-CO 00 00 to to Ul to o -4 to -4 CO TO fH to Ui 00 4-CD cs tn tn to tn 00 to O Ui 00 4- 00 00 CD H-l 4-> 4=- to to 00 00 to to CO 4=- to OS Ul Ol CO to o o tn -4 00 -4 CD O 00 00 cs h-l CXI CD to co tn CO CO to -4 oo 4=- 10 1-00 4-> Ol CD 4-4 Ol 00 -4 CD tn CO -4 O -- 00 Ol 4-00 CD h-i 4=-Ul 00 -4 CD 00 00 00 to OS o On 00 00 -4 -4 4--o 00 00 -4 O On CO 4=. o to 00 to 4=4 On Ui 00 00 to CS CD o -1 4-. 00 to 00 -4 iO 4- h-1 00 00 CO to CO to h-l CO OS 00 4-. h-i Ul to to OS 00 CO to to h-i 4-> O to o h-i O CO -4 Ol On o to 00 oo 4=-o 00 o to to -1 4- to CD 4=- 00 o to to -4 to to 00 Ul to -4 4=4 to Ul h-l CS Ul to 4=4 CO o CO 4-00 4-co o OS h-i -4 Ui to 4=4 cs 00 it IX OS Ol 00 -4 CS 00 to -J to to 00 OS fA to CO On 00 o to 00 00 to CO to 4-> 4-. Ul o Ol 00 OS to -4 Ui O to 4-CD to 00 4-- tn CO 4-» 00 -4 00 to 00 -4 to tn to 00 Ir- to 00 -4 to 00 H- to -1 4-4 00 O 4-. -4 4- Ol 4-. 4=- h-4-4 Ui CO Ul to cs -4 00 to h-i 00 OS cs Ol to 4=4 CS to CD 4=-CO CD 00 to to Ci to o Ul 00 -4 00 h-i 4=-OS 4=4 4-. Ul -4 Ul 00 to to 4=4 O Ul 00 tn CD Oi Ul 00 h-i O *-00 Oi h-1 00 to tn 4-> to 4- to Oi 4-> h-i to Ul to Cn Ul CO h-1 CD -4 00 00 to o 00 to h-l Ul -4 h-1 h-i CO oo CS to o h-1 co Ol to o h-i O Ol h-1 Ol Ol H-4-. -4 OS OS 00 m 00 o to 4=4 CO 00 h-l 4- to to to to 00 00 to to 00 oo to 4--4 h-1 00 Ul CD h-Ol Ul 4=4 CD 00 4-to 00 4=> 4=> 00 4=4 00 4=4 to Ol h-i OO CD to -4 to -4 CD to CD hn 4=-00 Ui SS to h-i on 4-. OS 00 4=» o -1 to -4 CO Ul o to CO to to Ul tn -4 4- Ul OS OS to to 00 Ui to 00 00 to -4 4-. 00 -4 to -4 00 CO h-i 00 to to OS h-1 h-i Ul to 4-. Ul h-Ul Ul 00 CO to CO 00 tn to 00 OS to Ol 4=4 00 OS Ul to 4- h-00 to 00 OS Ui Ul -4 Ul CO Ul OS 4-. CD 00 CD IO to CO CD h-i to Ui to 4=" h-l O 4=. 4=- CO -4 to CD Ol Ul -4 tn -4 CO CS -4 CD hn 4=4 00 h-l 0 00 -4 O SO o f o Ci > X p- t-J o Ul H OS 466 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. WINDS. STATIONS. DAYS. DAYS. Fair. Cloudy. Rain. Snow. N. N.E. E. S. E. S. S. w. w. N. W. 286 80 66 1 30 *2. 30 64 59 41 30 24 287 79 47 2 57 10 11 37 76 33 23 17 274 92 55 3 56 15 42 13 160 22 61 8 209 224 157 142 64 71 3 2 46 27 43 24 21 11 85 50 46 124 23 73 20 18 43 27 212 154 83 3 21 38 26 103 31 37 26 46 166 79 54 0 15 16 12 31 43 46 9 23 Fort McKavett(&)... 202 93 52 0 19 15 17 67 82 14 8 12 206 69 48 0 3 17 39 160 2 10 32 17 Ft. Ewell (Merrill) (/) 192 52 39 0 21 23 29 69 43 12 8 6 263 244 103 122 41 55 0 0 18 36 43 23 64 39 110 127 69 80 30 4 13 2 16 16 Ringgold Barracks... 224 142 5tj 0 19 47 40 173 14 5 4 36 290 76 58 0 33 28 123 135 8 8 6 67 232 134 62 0 21 67 120 35 4 1 6 17 96 104 48 1 32 21 10 41 51 21 10 8 - 95 58 20 0 32 5 18 49 29 3 5 4 309 57 53 2 27 27 34 43 36 42 45 42 288 47 71 13 48 29 34 24 25 34 97 29 296 248 70 58 42 49 7 3 60 26 20 20 9 29 5 38 62 56 23 20 80 46 11 9 265 103 101 50 62 19 19 21 40 21 14 . 17 15 1 23 11 21 31 23 36 34 8 99 25 Fort Massachusetts (h] 176 69 35 12 14 30 18 12 11 49 67 37 175 40 16 0 35 10 29 17 "38 13 32 13 216 150 52 0 9 34 58 23 46 89 80 15 Rancho del Chino (n). 233 103 33 0 0 4 2 16 28 203 46 8 131 82 28 0 18 6 1 - 2 4 32 50 33 San Francisco (p).... 82 102 39 0 7 2 1 7 11 18 45 91 230 254 136 65 59 61 0 0 1 14 2 18 32 52 5 35 16 18 53 25 220 25 2 11 Fort Reading (m) 171 43 32 3 24 3 1 7 36 5 6 13 Fort Orford (ro)..... 121 93 70 2 11 4 1 65 7 12 0 105 Columbia Barracks (r) 123 122 107 17 12 23 32 64 10 24 15 56 119 247 146 25 8 29 27 91 14 78 41 85 (a) First four months. (6) Last nine months. (c) First five months. (d) Two months, May and June not included (e) June, July, and August, not included (k) Last ten months. (J) Last eight months. (m) Last seven months. (?i) September not observed. (o) First seven months. (/) Eight months; April to July at Fort Merrill, and September to December at Fort Ewell. (g) Six and a half months, to July. (p) Last six months. (A) Last five months. (q) July and part of June not observed. (i) January omitted. (r) Four months, Feb., July, Aug., and Sept., omitted. to to 4=-CO 4=> 00 CO -4 Ui 4- Ul to -4 -4 o to 00 4=> Ui Ul oo to H-OS to o 00 to 4=-to CD to h-i O 00 00 o to CO 00 OS H-l CO to -4 —1 h-l 4=> OS -4 h- CX 00 to -4 CS Ui CO •tx Ol h-l o 00 h-i 00 Ul to to OS IO to cc to o 2! a o o o er n> —. < p o" 0 p 3 P. 0 B o rf o CO 00 -4 CO CO On CD Ui CO to HJ 00 CD 00 h-i to Ol to 4=4 Ol to -4 o h-Ui Ul to *=. 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Fort Croghan......... .Fort McKavett....... Fort Mason.......... Fort Terrett.......... Fort Men ill.......... Fort Ewell........... Fort Brown.......... Ringgold Barracks.... Fort Mcintosh........ Fort Inge............. Fort Duncan......... Fort Clarke.......... Fort Fillmore......... Fort Webster......... Fort Conrad.......... Albuquerque ......... Santa Fe............. Fort Union*......... Fort Massachusetts.... Fort Defiance........ Fort Yuma........... San Diego........... Rancho de Jurupa Fort Miller........... San Francisco........ Benicia Barracks..... Fort Reading......... Columbia Barracks.... Dalles of the Columbia Fort Steilacoom...... 71.70 G5.94 73.58 73.12 67.13 74.00 65.48 73.26 74.67 76.25 76.45 75.13 70.93 72.67 72.70 72.38 58.12 64.93 Mean Temperature. Range. 57.48 50.35 47.51 58.45 81.32 65.74 64.87 64.96 53.35 55.52 62.51 56.71 56.51 50.38 83.90 74.09 88.32 78.64 85.06 78.84 79.00 88.14 89.12 85.25 83.90 88.45 84.58 82.70 79.93 81.00 82.61 77.61 70.16 75.70 68.16 73.12 95.38 75.19 .4.03 83.35 57.48 62.06 80.41 62.48 71.09 62.48 3 P. M. 95.06 85.22 94.58 87.41 90.71 88.42 89.93 93.50 92.48 88.70 93.83 96.06 90.29 91.96 86.93 92.38 83.09 87.00 76.41 75.61 75.00 79.41 102.90 81.58 86.29 100.06 62.80 78.03 94.83 73.93 84.12 76.58 82.48 65.51 81.63 77.62 72.16 81.16 74.00 80.70 81.61 80.83 83.80 83.26 76.93 79.83 75.41 79.80 64.51 74.16 62.77 55.51 55.67 65.00 89.03 69.03 72.87 81.87 53.96 60.32 77.29 63.03 69.09 59.00 83.29 75.08 84.53 79.22 78.76 80.60 77.10 83.90 84.47 82.76 84.50 85.72 80.68 81.79 78.74 81.39 72.08 75.92 100 96 103 98 102 93 98 100 104 94 102 107 95 98 92 100 94 66.71 64.29 61.58 69.00 92.16 72.88 74.51 82.56 56.90 63.98 78.76 64.04 70.21 62.11 87 87 86 91 110 90 96 113 66 90 104 84 97 93 68 62 68 71 63 72 60 71 71 74 73 72 67 67 68 66 50 61 53 46 39 46 76 56 56 54 51 53 55 43 47 43 Above Mean. 16.7 20.9 18.5 13.8 23.2 12.4 20.9 16.1 19.5 11.2 17.5 21.3 14.3 16.2 13.3 28.6 21.9 22.1 20.3 22.7 24.4 22.0 17.8 17.1 21.5 30.3 9.1 26.0 25.2 20.0 26.8 30.9 Below Mean. 15.3 13.1 16.5 13.2 15.8 8.6 17.1 12.9 13.5 8.8 11.5 13.7 13.7 14.8 10.7 15.4 22.1 14.9 13.7 18.3 22.6 23.0 16.2 16.9 18.5 28.7 5.9 11.0 23.8 21.0 23.2 19.1 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 0 0 2 9 17 47 1 3 0 0 2 7 6 14 20 39 12 25 ' 0 0 0 0 3 9 2 4 3 4 4 4 1 4 3 .10 5 11 0 0 2 2 20 22 5 6 8 16 17 38 2 2 2 2 4 5 1 2 5 12 17 41 0 0 1 1 5 16 0 0 13 19 1 1 0 0 8 8 80 113 0 0 0 0 28 79 2 3 0 0 3 7 3 8 1 2 8 15 17 26 3 3 4 6 11 28 11 32 10 14 0 0 1 1 19 19 9 17 10 19 16 31 24 24 15 25 10 12 55 167 1 3 9 25 12 19 11 20 12 32 22 27 6 6 5 5 0 0 5 5 17 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 20 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 13 0 0 0 0 42 103 3 6 25 62 6 15 0 0 1 2 3 10 0 0 0 0 * The lower temperatures at 3 p. m. and 9 p. m. for this month, at Fort Union, are due to the frequency of thunder storms in this part of the day, reducing the temperature much below that of clear weather at the same hours at such altitudes. 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CO X to X CO OS to to CO • rf. . oo © CO • © . rfa . OS • lb OS 4a • 4a . rfa X rfa X rfa 00 rfa • rfa . rfa . oo . P o o rfa to © © . Cn CO . rfa . 4a rfa . 00 rfa to to . rfa . ?* F l-4 F O F O F O X hH o i> F W F Q hH Ul h_ F W Ox I—' Zn F t 3 F * g" <=> 3 F F OFF F W Ul F 3 fl F F F F Ul > F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F o OOO o re P c ■> o 0 O P - - 0 o o o o o c -•OOO 0 0 S-ilf 3 i-v •- •- £ c -* j, rr- rr r* n - -- <-> Ul 2. Si-ce o o 3 CO 0 ■-n a o_ a" 3 cr p' mbia Barracks. F p re p . 3- . 5' " (fq ; F nJ> p F g * —. 1 co rs o ■ ;ho de Jurupa . O re 35 P 3 O CB Massachusetts 3 CO er re i CC 3* 0 cn o-old Barracks. ^ it » 0 Chadbourne .. 1 £ B 5" £• » __ 0 cT 3 Ul > H O TO ; • to 00 c 40 to o o O CO CO to to IO CO 00 00 00 00 =3 0 rfa rf. rfa 4. oo to CO to 00 CO CO 40 CO C to to to 00 00 CO f1 -i Ui tn o © X -4 -4 rfa tO IO Oi -4 tn Ul Ul O0 to to o O X —I OS tn UO X HJ Hi IO 00 0 lb P CO © © rfa rf. b 00 On rfa O 00 rfa HJ HJ O rfa CO CO Ji en to b On rfa Ui 00 to b CO 4- © cs © rfa CS © to X o © to 00 b CO rfa HJ OS rfa to 00 -4 O o •" to — tn -1 IX tn © OS X © X © cs -i _ HJ nn to © © © © © © © © © o CD © © © 0 © 0 © © © © en © © © © % 0 JO © CO 4a tO to to to © -4 -4 rfa © Ul rf. C5 CS —4 X OS © o to © © 44 X ID © © O X -4 CD © X -4 -1 00 JO Ui © © tO rfa IO hi CO HJ CO Ui © to © © 00 o to to to © to Ul © hi © 00 CO rfa 4- 4. 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HJ to © . -4 © © Ul On X hj © tn JO -4 . © o oo -4 rs -4 -4 Ui —1 >b © l_j OS to Ui 0 to Ul 0=1 h" ^ -4 . ■ OS X O OS h- X OS © X © h- . to IX © b X O CO © OS -J © © © OS CO 00 X © © -I • Ui cs CS • : -4 CS Ul -4 -4 -4 CD OS Ul Ul CS -4 -4 CD -4 -4 -4 X X X -4 X -4 -4 -4 * •a 00 to © • • © rfa X Ui 4- © © HJ 00 X tO © hi 41 -4 D -4 © CO © X © © 00 OS • • © OS © • 4- CO Ul to • -4 OO © o © -4 00 to OS tO -4 X 00 CS Ui b Jl D to OS © -4 Ul cs X . • © -4 OS- © -4 ib CO © -4 CD rfa CS OS X to Jl JO -4 © to © rfa to © ■ " • © to © © Cn h—■ On K F H F O F O F • O O hH Ci > F F O W Ul F F O O r" si Ul 0 • J F F Ul F H • r* H O si Ul METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 519 MONTHLY, AND EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE FOR 1851. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Max. Min. Above Below mean. mean. LOCALITY. 53.65 79.22 102 3 Arkansas river, Kansas. 60.77 52.91 42.44 60.58 62.54 79.55 78.62 62.73 41.48 61.08 101 98 10 16. 39.9 1 51.1 Near Canadian river, Ind. Ter. Northern Texas. 65.29 55.45 46.07 63.41 81.48 66.68 44.74 64.08 103 11 38.9 53.1 Upper Brazos river, Texas. 63.02 56.24 46.60 64.56 80.42 65.36 46.32 64.16 100 11 35.8 i 53.2 Clear Fork of Brazos, Texas. 54.71? 54.24 46.61 61.33 65.06 62.32 73.84 81.21 79.20 59.81 46.43 60.35 ...... 96 103 99 9 19 19 35.6 ! 51.4 Near Colorado river, Texas. Jose Maria village, Texas. Texas. 63.78 76.56 102 16 .... .... San Saba river, Texas. 65.57 58.16 65.83 79.03 66.81 ...... ...... 95 20 .... .... Llano river, Texas. 63.66 58.57 50.59 64.72 75.81 65.25 47.00 63.20 98 12 34.8 51.2 N. Fork of Llano riv., Texas. 74.87 67.04 57.15 ...... ...... 73.85 ...... ...... 100 38 1 .... .... Neuces river, Texas. 71.49 64.41 55.08 72.95 84.93 72.23 55.85 71.49 105 26 33.5 : 45.5 Neuces river, Texas. 71.11 69.37 62.26 75.88 83.09 73.13 59.48 72.89 94 30 21.1 42.9 Rio Grande, Texas. 73.28 69.34 61.03 75.86 85.21 74.41 59.65 73.78 ]02 31 28.2 42.8 Rio Grande, Texas. 72.92 67.98 57.71 75.44 85.90 74.43 56.62 73.10 108 28 24.9 j 45.1 Rio Grande, Texas. 69.64 62.98 51.80 72.46 82.55 71.10 51.41 69.38 104 19 34.6 50.4 Eagle Pass of Rio Grande, 66.76 60.75 54.00 68.50 79.93 68.35 51.58 67.09 96 18 28.9 49.1 Leona riv.,Texas. [Texas 66.22 62.23 52.92 66.94 78.63 68.30 50.95 66.20 94 20 27.8 46.2 Las Moras, Texas. 65.00 57.48 50.82 63.53 82.86 66.67 45.84 64.72 106 13 41.3 51.7 Rio Grande, Southern N. Mex. 55.39 49.12 45.02 55.61 73.36 56.40 42.08 56.86 99 13 42.1 43.9 Copper Mines, Rio Mimbres, 57.29 46.66 38.37 60.32 77.01 58.44 38.94 58.68 98 11 39.3 47.7 N'rValverde, N. M. [N. M. 58.80 47.88 41.09 56.92 59.18 41.10 86 13 .... .... New Mexico. 48.27 40.30 31.39 50.71 67.49 50.44 30.18 49.70 88 7 38.3 ! 43.7 j New Mexico. 46.37 42.56 34.12 49.56 41.41 64.55 61.13 49.10 33.01 49.06 93 87 2 — 8 43.9 47.1 ----I ---- Moro river, New Mexico. Sangre de Cristo val., N. M. 44.21 36.43 28.65 45.78 68.13 47.34 28.73 47.50 94 6 46.5 ! 41.5 Canoncito, Western N. M. 79.44 65.74 57.10 72.83 91.92 78.17 58.34 75.31 121 36 45.7 39.3 Colorado river, California. 68.94 58.39 53.52 61.31 71.39 66.02 53.41 63.03 99 35 36.0 28.0 California. 69.00 57.00 53.62 62.42 74.19 66.69 54.87 64.54 96 29 21.5 35.5 Rio Santa Ana, California. 68.77 55.72 46.41 64.33 85.56 66.50 49.75 66.54 118 28 51.5 38.5 San Joaquin valley, California 59.66 55.94 51.28 54.79 57.03 58.19 50.73 55.18 82 39 26.8 16.2 California. 64.50 56.29 46.57 56.55 65.93 61.72 48.35 58.14 93 32 34.9 26.1 California. 65.05 53.12 46.23 59.03 80.68 62.96 47.80 62.62 109 28 46.4 34.6 Upper Sacramento val., Cal. 53.67 42.74 33.42 48.34 52.18 ...... ...... 35.48 101 10 33 .... .... Scott's val. ,near Klamath ri v., N'r C. Orford, Oregon. [Cal. 53.51 45.37 41.78 53.58 66.00 53.05 40.57 53.30 91 19 37.7 34.3 Oregon, (Fort Vancouver.) 55.35 41.80 40.07 53.10 70.57 53.62 36.49 53.44 105 10 51.6 43.4 Columbia river, Oregon. 53.58 45.10 44.62 49.43 63.10 52.41 41.38 51.58 94 20 42.4 31.6 Puget's Sound, Wash'n Ter. i 520 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1853. STATIONS. Fort Sullivan.......... Fort Preble............ Fort Constitution....... Fort Independence... . Fort Adams........... Fort Trumbull......... Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............. Watervliet Arsenal..... Fort Ontario........... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Carlisle Barracks....... Fort Mifflin............ Fort McHenry......... Fort Washington....... Fort Monroe........... Fort Moultrie ......... Now Smyrna........... Fort Pierce............ Key West Barracks-... Fort Myers..........., Fort Bi-ooke........... Fort Meade........... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal East Pascagoula......, New Orleans Barracks . Baton Rouge Barracks., Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita........ Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson.......... Fort Scott............ Jefferson Barracks---- St. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks..... Fort Mackinac........ Fort Brady........... Fort Ripley........... FortSnelling.......... Fort Ridgely.......... Fort Dodge........... Fort Leavenworth___ 1.T0 1.S7 2.35 2.16 6.63 4.50 4.5S 4.14 3.27 1.78 1.17 1.11 1.56 1.26 0.80 1.30 3.19 1.54 1 90 5.00 2.80 4.29 4.55 1.22 4.15 11.18 3.20 4.48 1.72 0.62 0.93 0.82 2.C8 7.20 8.55 4.82 3.48 5.13 11.49? 7.24 4.98 5.45 4.08 4.12 1.64 3.53 2.73 3.54 3.40 4.40 1.90 2.80 0.42 2.20 0.35 1.60 1.60 0.55 6.80 8.10 4.20 4.19 2.90 2.67 1.99 2.27 1.30 Mar. ] Aprill May. June. 0.57 1.51 0.5S i 2.13 1.30 0.51 0.92 0.18 0.00 0.20 0.01 4.70 2.05 1.19 0.34 00.1 0.26 0.30 4.50 2.61 0.29? 1.16 4.65 4.86 5.79 2.03 3.23 2.72 0.89 2.54 1.11 0.75 2.20 2.70 3.47 1.41 3.30 1.73 5.15 12.06 2.53 3.35 0.99 4.82 16.45? 7.38 4.67 3.88 0.75 1.10 1.C6 0.82 0.85 0.90 1.35 2.12 0.48 1.06 0.02 1.31 0.15 1.90 3.76 3.23 2.77 10.48 11.44 4.73 3.32 5.S4 3.36 3.04 3.40 4.16 3.02 3.93 3.10 3.56 2.47 1.06 0.63 2.45 2.20 0.75 0.03 0.51 6.59 1.88 0.57 4.99 1.39 0.99 3.52 3.53 3.68 6.33 0.85 0.73 1.31 0.73 3.92 2.36 3.80 7.08 6.96 6.31 7.56 10.75? 6.02 5.80 7.93 5 84 2.01 3.70 3.27 3.69 5.70 4.30 6.23 2.08 2.53 1.14 4.55 0.94 1.79 0.30 0.15 4.00 5.34 2.80 4.55 9.09 7.30 5.01 6.65 3.52 2.85 2.01 3.55 0.74? 1.45 4.08 0.35 1.47 0.52 2.55 July. 1.70 2.68 0.92 4.04 2.38 ! 4.92 6.69?; 7.S7' 4.42 ! 5.83 4.80 4.40 3.77 10.43 1.62 3.54 Aug. 0.72 1.60 1.32 0.81 2.00 0.60 1.56 0.56 1.55 2.75 29.35 18.11 25.58 9.09 3.54 4.51 2.00 1.86 2.05 0.90 2.29 2.45 1.60 3.19 3.60 1.30 6.23 3.94 8.72 7.59 0.13? 2.71 2.74 2.63 8.71 3.80 3.88 5.79 10.83 7.23 2.50 2.33 6.85 4.12 4.52 3.80 12.64 10.72 11.18 5.38 4.48 2.75 0.76 6.90 4.15 4.40 3.56 3.27 4.85 1.65 0.52 5.95 3.21 4.90 3.58 5.18 4.70 5.34 10.04 5.23 5.50 7.87 3.05 1.56 6.56 2.63 4.42 4.70 5.30 1.93 2.20 4.47 13.50 5.02 10.38 4.67 2.39 2.95 8.95 3.61 4.93 0.49 0.95 2.58 4 72 7.08 4.95 2.20 7.81 3.19 2.64 2.57 4.90 5.01 Sept. 8.21 3.90 3.25 7.48 3.75 5.49 3.95 7.56 3.55 2.34 3.01 1.80 2.40 4.57 1.11 8.10 3.15 17.50 4.39 22.10 4.36 2.12 12.25 11.09 6.83 6.11 4.23 3.20 1.35 4.20 3.60 8.10 5.01 2.61 3.31 2.14 3.23 Oct. 2.73 3.90 3.85 2.47 1.31 2.04 2.84 4.40 0.80 4.05 2.46 10.00 1.69 1.49 1.70 0.81 8.44 1.35 3.40 3.50 0.73 1.13 1.10 1.10 2.50 1.73 2.16 0.95 0.01 0.60 Nov. 1.47 0.52 5.60 5.87 2.IS 2.90 3.50 5.25 4.89 3.41 1.03 0.79 2.90 0.78 2.70 1.97 0.80 1.85 1.30 2.40 0.85 2.80 0.93 1.77 1.18 0.56 1.51 Dec. 1.16 1.04 2.26 1.43 1.17 2.10 2.80 1.90 2.39 0.78 0.89 3.55 7.38 1.67 1.25 13.09 5.00 1.27 1.43 0.76 0.70 1.23 0.35 1.40 2.87 0.74 0.63 1.11 1.84 Spring. Summer. 9.70 6.95 13.45 7.73 10.48 6.62 10.24 11.29 22.69 12.64 2.07 0.76 27.05? 16.59 11.15 17.06 11.92 5.94 9.64 8.54 7.46 11.88 10.10 13.26 5.96 6.£9 3.50 12.15 6.51 4.40 1.17 9.33 28.38? 12.06 9.79 17.96 9.44 7.10 11.23 7.90 7.43 9.69 6.52 1.95 3.82 4.83 10.07 5.90 24.60! 15.48 14.70 22.12 8.21 5.87 10.62 6.07 15.13 8.60 10.74 8.28 14.63 14.45 45.35 25.46 42.31 17.88 10.45 11.26 23.59 18.16 6.77 7.72 7.78 7.08 17.17 12.70 7.90 17.60 10.40 15.71 11.81 14.17 11.16 10.19 16.19 13.40 15.40 7.04 7.28 10.30 7.16 17.04 41.00 7.16 24.47 8.96 8.21 22.23 11.48 S.58 5.78 3.78 7.70 5.55 13.40 7.67 6.54 5.44 2.71 5.34 4.06 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 521 MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1853. Fort Riley............. Foi't Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Atkinson......... Fort Arbuckle......... Fort Worth........... Fort Belknap ......... Phantom Hill......... Fort Chadbou4-ne...... Fort Graham.......... Fo4-t Croghan ........ Fort McKavett........ Fort Mason......... Fort Terrett........... Fort Merrill........... Fort Ewell............ Fort Brown........... Ringgold Barracks .... Fort Mcintosh....... Fort Inge............. Fort Duncan.......... Fort Clarke.......... Fort Fillmore......... Fort Webster.......... Fort Conrad.......... Albuquerque.......... Santa Fe.............. Fort Union............ Fort Massachusetts.. .. Fort Defiance......... Fort Yuma............ San Diego............. Rancho de Jurupa..... Fort Miller............ San Francisco......... Benicia............... Fort Reading......... Fort Jones............ Fort Orford..j......... Columbia Barracks____ Dalles of the Columbia Fort Steilacoom....... 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.49 1.60 0.06 0.52 • 0.70 1.83 1.97 1.75 1.04 0.80 Feb. ! Mar. April. May. June. 1.30 0.00 0.70 0.30 2.16 0.13 0.88 0.04 0.40 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.22 0.40 0.00 0.0- 0.57 0.49 l.SS 3.30 1.33 1.30 1.25 3.61 6.52 2.94 2.01 1.54 6.60 1.60 2.33 1.99 3.58 1.30 1.18 0.10 0.50 0.39 0.00 0.69 0.08 0.76 0.08 0.00 July. Aug. I Sept. 0.50 | 0.20 0.25 0.67 1.20 3.75 2.48 4.66 2.35 1.17 0.44 3.18 3.78 1.38 ,11.31 , 6.65 9.30 ; 4.21 3.02 1.09 I S.14 3.24 0.08 1.73 0.96 0.32 3.33 0.96 0.54 1.61 4.43 3.07 1.52 1.52 1.15 1.05 0.00 0.09 0.06 1.51 0.01 0.65 0.03 0.00 0.33 0.01? 0.50 0.77 0.94 1.29 0.01 1.52 3.15 5.54 3.72 2.66 7.11 3.39 6.45 2.47 0.27 2.62 6.10 8.46 4.53 .12.19 3.38 9.34 1.04 5 31 4.18 5.94 2.03 6.19 0.45 | 2.S5 0.80 6.48 2.00 2.28 2.00 2.89 0.86 2.25 2.20 3.79 4.32 2.42 2.10 2.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.39 0.10 0.00 0.25 0.33 2.25 5.27 3.12 4.57 1.02 3.35 3.73 2 2j 1.21 2.80 3.35 0.10 8.91 1.57 3.23 0.75 1.16 0.05 1.05 0.35 0.04 0.98 0.91 1.49 1.44 0.00 2.10 1.14 4.79 0.42 0.36 0.73 1.17 6.11 1 1.72 1.29 1.57 2.33 0.62 2.08 2.47 4.95 4.35 4.57 3.60 2.74 2.90 5.48 2.00 2.52 5.49 7.58 6.00 9.65 1.70 1.45 2.43 9.00 10.70 10.21 0.28 1.08 0.74 0.00 1.88 0.11 1.11 0.43 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.90 0.00 3.09 8.28 2.21 1.86 0.55 0.50 3.27 1.30 5.72 0.60 2.27 0.12 1.15 0.03 2.80 0.85 2.08 0.32 5.59 0.20 4.03 1.65 6.48 1.69 3.68 1.83 5.75 2.22 1.65 0.00 3.10 0.15 4.34 4.51 2.22 4.97 1.59 5.28 2.15 3.87 2.75 2.80 1.83 2.55 1.21 2.7S 1.20 2.57 3.80 7.45 5.42 4.19 3.42 3.04 1.48 1.43 4.65 0.25 0.69 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.13 0.30 0.39 0.08 0.61 0.33 1.19 0.94 Oct. Nov. I Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. .... 2.71 , 0.55 0.26 : 1.00 ! 0.08 2.SO 0.63 0.03 , 0.71 3.16 3.32 0.23 1.76 1.14 0.10 5.86 5.25 8.00 2.32 4.24 1.20 4.05 0.13 1.21 1.26 2.01 2.87 3.07 4.50 3.12 3.32 7.75 2.40 0.21 6.76 4.10 4.00 0.90 0.40 1.03 0.23 0.97 1.75 1.87 0.19 I 2.67 0.12 0.04 1.40 0.83 1.30 0.19 0.01 0.15 0.05 0.21 1.15 1.53 1.18 1.S7 0.65 0.91 0.92 1.02 2.69 1.60 0.64 0.53 ) 0.00 0.07 j 0.00 2.68 I 0.97 1.59 1.25 2.64 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.02 2.00 1.41 4.99 1.29 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.02 0.43 0.24 6.93 0.26 ! 0.08 0.59 ; 0.67 0.31 j 0.30 0.43 J 0.77 6.38 i 0.18 I 0.22 I 0.25 0.18 | 0.51 1.28 1.77 0.44 2.04 1.26 1.00 2.00 1.86 1.71 0.99 2.52 1.18 4.47 1.19 11.57 3.22 4.90 0.95 18.41 4.42 14.64 18.50 13.63 6.67 13.50 9.18 3.84 8.89 9.83 9.13 5.77 5.62 4.81 6.65 2.30 7.79 5.95 7.21 2.86 4.31 0.09 1.05 0.73 0.05 1.4S 2.00 2.82 2.83 0.01 8.87 4.62 12.58 9.41 6.14 12.41 5.53 14.45 6.52 2.18 6.27 12.96 7.36 9.14 9.92 5.13 4.08 9.13 4.40 8.31 11.17 15.75 11.51 13.52 4.80 5.94 9.16 15.56 18.13 16.83 4.91 4.84 4.72 6.37 14.75 7.72 5.63 6.51 0.94 0.26 0.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.59 0.69 4.61 7.69 2.52 4.82 4.33 4.64 10.38 9.40 17.05 4.91 4.46 8.11 8.20 4.34 3.26 1.92 1.12 0.38 4.08 3.26 3.80 0.31 1.23 0.44 1.26 2.51 1.75 2.56 17.23 6.55 30.33 0.10 29.90 1.36 i 30.73 3.34 3.14 3.69 4.62 3.87 9.77 2.25 3.94 3.21 6.76 4.12 3.66 0.78 0.98 1.29 0.30 1.46 0.45 0.73 0.52 2.47 2.96 4.55 6.73 25.14 14.13 27.46 39.34 26.40 22.58 22.78 37.64 33.81 29.14 9.04 8.79 7.86 7.10 21.77 13.43 13.87 1.7S 7.8S 8.20 18.40 1S.7U 3.91 11.80 9.02 24.23 6.35 16.73 42.07 5.06 14.43 15.80 57.01 66 ^22 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. WINDS. STATIONS. DAYS. DAYS. Fair. Cloudy. Ruin. Snow. N. N.E. E. S. E. " s. s. w. w. N. W. 7d 165 69 14 18 18 21 6 38 34 13 83 Fort Preble («)....... 121 122 71 23 66 15 5 16 25 30 19 59 Fort Constitution (&). 123 150 66 18 29 18 24 14 18 46 53 62 Fort Independence... 197 157 81 21 32 64 13 31 5 62 45 52 Fort Adams (a)...... 153 120 68 10 74 15 20 12 82 16 34 16 Fort Trumbull (a)____ 129 144 86 15 1 67 1 32 3 71 10 91 211 154 105 14 38 46 11 34 28 64 26 108 233 132 83 13 26 56 14 37 23 79 46 66 West Point.......... 215 234 151 131 109 92 28 26 105 28 7 8 4 1 27 17 97 86 20 31 12 112 71 47 Watervliet Arsenal.. 200 165 75 33 31 35 37 14 56 38 96 41 Alleghany Arsenal... 172 193 109 31 43 41 18 12 33 52 40 33 205 160 83 11 77 41 13 26 18' 39 65 46 Fort Washington (6). 142 131 100 3 28 17 8 22 42 50 26 54 203 243 162 122 99 80 5 1 19 59 71 75 18 26 29 46 24 34 103 70 13 29 59 28 225 79 96 0 17 46 69 34 18 24 37 17 267 253 98 112 68 93 0 0 59 96 46 52 34 89 59 45 83 31 8 12 43 9 23 17 Key West Barracks .. 258 241 213 256 107 124 152 109 111 87 119 86 0 0 0 2 43 12 54 52 46 76 56 76 60 70 83 28 28 45 38 61 26 35 32 33 23 32 23 18 49 26 46 18 29 43 16 59 Fort Meade......... Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. 184 121 85 1 50 32 81 25 28 22 39 23 192 173 87 4 79 48 114 25 52 2 8 7 166 199 68 9 54 16 62 41 124 25 29 11 Fort Smith.......... 220 204 237 145 161 128 64 79 55 3 8 0 19 62 20 32 15 17 81 12 42 25 48 21 28 91 127 22 6 27 39 4 80 23 14 16 Fort Gibson......... Jefferson Barracks. .. St. Louis Arsenal.... 229 136 51 8 55 23 39 11 46 40 50 22 Newport Barracks... 200 165 81 9 35 38 21 39 91 70 20 39 Fort Mackinac....... 172 193 67 32 34 23 21 44 43 27 75 78 195 170 74 71 29 16 53 19 46 41 49 17 217 148 58 32 37 51 9 44 68 48 37 41 250 115 59 29 26 41 15 63 43 63 26 49 Fort RidgelyO)..... 83 101 37 14 28 15 28 28 77 19 25 46 Fort Dodge (/)...... 74 77 28 15 22 19 14 12 4 14 9 46 Fort Leavenworth.... 210 155 60 11 5 33 7 45 17 101 26 101 230 135 55 18 32 15 28 28 77 24 25 46 217 148 57 24 48 38 26 8 2 6 29 63 Fort Atkinson (6).... 218 35 21 j 1 29 24 26 55 24 28 10 22 298 67 68 4 66 24 19 49 106 44 8 16 124 119 59 3 46 21 14 68 52 9 8 20 261 104 52 4 53 21 11 58 7.3 20 13 15 266 99 44 6 39 ! 25 33 33 142 41 36 11 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. . 523 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1853. WINDS. No. of observations and sum of force. s.w. w. 71 140 70 190 84 146 25 62 153 370 136 320 52 95 331 695 264 736 59 155 22 58 63 163 99 267 119 316 77 197 239 578 117 242 71 203 96 270 57 152 74 199 182 388 211 512 247 645 129 407 258 910 53 138 124 322 18 33 247 701 181 566 209 701 296 1075 59 251 82 293 47 170 329 976 62 187 135 381 65 254 5 7 267 652 6 9 » 128 223 10 17 285 462 40 59 365 740 154 207 184 255 43 50 134 195 112 138 255 393 104 175 433 906 106 179 226 442 54 87 142 238 93 182 318 699 183 370 266 590 420 1382 26 71 17 35 107 275 389 993 79 157 47 111 283 1001 114 334 31 76 6 13 67 178 346 985 124 330 447 1206 188 563 122 347 142 304 148 259 58 90 224 429 152 289 386 844 163 461 173 276 165 266 72 97 48 74 131 327 208 558 162 482 133 355 307 588 166 375 52 99 103 235 74 158 155 372 262 519 186 514 112 268 70 120 33 53 88 170 168 305 202 413 105 211 217 545 78 234 233 706 73 158 116 243 ■94 198 412 1005 52 132 235 587 235 606 300 801 106 215 182 459 136 400 281 759 116 261 114 264 66 234 183 574 278 677 136 362 73 136 97 203 149 286 68 213 235 413 183 486 136 383 237 588 332 495 31 74 173 217 91 238 335 1484 210 698 357 1216 181 520 123 363 46 137 37 140 67 258 174 249 183 438 242 506 112 233 102 207 91 205 194 471 117 322 47 76 302 586 280 480 179 363 140 273 127 309 102 191 173 358 215 310 225 311 331 445 154 197 127 163 93 131 184 241 62 114 209 418 305 473 113 169 244 388 133 207 73 132 74 133 238 516 200 379 127 213 323 507 99 165 111 191 90 173 156 295 91 180 316 620 191 291 458 804 101 193 210 465 9 21 33 69 28 33 218 676 66 191 250 694 162 487 495 1488 100 303 116 261 45 155 75 132 127 213 323 507 99 165 111 191 90 173 156 295 91 180 247 382 61 87 47 68 193 294 364 636 26 35 15 28 58 101 79 172 68 261 170 293 83 181 510 978 108 312 322 599 58 160 221 472 92 182 158 280 46 66 186 330 160 371 201 453 86 223 141 449 152 397 82 183 157 274 363 586 279 626 81 256 158 495 137 332 71 218 86 265 175 583 172 380 107 364 302 808 311 986 117 412 63 161 214 482 78 180 185 427 165 466 197 617 68 235 149 354 206 557 36 75 177 478 272 547 191 478 150 435 165 460 103 229 164 292 62 126 251 522 172 352 253 564 106 277 195 566 112 317 61 164 114 210 113 288 308 768 76 203 100 180 185 488 87 208 77 154 56 209 47 139 17 56 56 195 37 88 183 526 20 46 133 202 27 50 182 *308 70 149 405 748 103 185 406 j 636 129 368 61 164 114 210 113 288 308 768 96 203 100 180 185 488 193 356 151 366 105 342 32 107 8 28 22 77 118 511 252 850 116 357 96 236 104 244 221 584 98 206 113 256 41 97 87 262 266 328 97 104 76 108 197 279 423 604 175 250 32 39 63 71 186 426 84 191 56 104 273 787 210 798 34 35 32 81 80 190 212 432 82 168 44 65 234 560 292 479 80 163 52 i ^ 61 159 156 1 402 101 227 133 301 133 311 569 1742 163 447 142 I 254 44 65 524 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER STATIONS. Fort Chadbourne.... Fort Graham (a).... Fort Croghan (a).... Fort McKavett (a).. Fort Mason (fr)..... Fort Terrett........ Fort Merrill (A)..... Fort Ewell (i)...... Fort Brown........ Ringgold Barracks.. Fort Mcintosh...... Fort Inge.......... Fort Duncan....... Fort Clarke........ Fort Fillmore....... Fort Webster (fc) ... Fort Conrad........ Albuquerque........ Santa Fe........... Fort Union......... Fort Massachusetts (6) Fort Defiance (»').., Fort Yuma........ San Diego........ Fort Jurupa....... Fort Miller........ San Francisco..... Benicia........... Fort Reading...... Fort Jones (I)...... Fort Orford (/)___ Columbia Barracks. Dalles of Columbia Fort Steilacoom ... WINDS. DAYS. 246 150 126 170 217 262 95 229 230 183 238 251 274 173 332 335 309 307 307 291 210 297 297 266 308 317 184 228 276 181 53 124 237 162 Cloudy. 119 93 117 73 117 103 58 105 135 182 127 114 91 192 33 10 56 58 58 74 62 35 68 99 57 48 176 137 89 123 98 241 128 203 62 42 53 39 59 55 34 69 49 85 68 59 54 52 41 75 23 31 21 28 3 19 26 13 41 12 18 32 43 10 26 5 41 41 6 48 26 4 18 53 14 44 55 18 91 41 17 66 46 13 25 19 0 69 32 0 3 25 0 6 32 0 9 64 0 19 49 0 6 63 0 46 51 14 25 71 1 36 110 3 32 59 11 8 131 3 16 24 26 24 11 17 31 15 23 37 28 54 67 18 9 24 9 60 18 46 51 3 15 29 31 58 17 22 12 3 2 6 10 15 6 7 21 17 10 14 62 8 27 68 28 16 157 155 30 17 4 22 60 26 13 9 7 11 69 15 97 9 28 4 12 1 82 30 19 20 55 74 52 39 ISO 27 107 87 110 209 58 84 165 35 6 12 19 17 20 15 13 31 36 15 61 17 9 5 7 63 43 12 47 s. w. 127 55 45 109 105 1 18 18 39 114 3 1 9 55 35 14 37 65 19 18 52 19 45 47 1 24 18 13 49 34 3 12 22 76 15 21 22 9 40 9 6 10 56 2 5 2 9 4 64 34 49 4 21 37 56 97 32 90 197 22 78 22 7 11 1 8 140 96 13 14 9 10 10 36 11 5 22 5 3 4 4 13 16 92 81 85 51 36 33 73 51 70 19 64 110 236 4 34 1 80 104 47 (a) First eight months. (6) First nine months. (c) First ten months. (d) Except September and November. (e) Last six months. (/) First five months. (g) December excepted. (h) Last five months. (i) January not observed. (fc) Twenty days of December not observed. (I) Winds for first seven months ; weather for ten months, omitting August and September. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 525 OBSERVATIONS FOR 1853. WINDS. \v. --- - No. of observafons and sum of fo rce. S. N N. E. E. S. E. S V r. N. w. 301 393 97 136 30 40 81 112 508 583 61 82 53 87 71 112 90 214 105 214 84 174 222 469 219 501 86 251 54 119 39 86 126 464 95 286 67 170 295 902 180 521 88 250 36 101 42 119 85 180 42 57 39 48 208 373 437 1004 36 57 42 53 67 142 113 360 69 150 55 117 159 350 421 1175 159 443 40 90 104 288 10 28 124 209 247 346 759 1337 4 5 37 47 144 283 69 130 76 131 61 116 32 63 110 210 71 134 25 41 44 50 26 51 106 219 91 209 107 191 430 922 74 202 42 127 20 36 34 70 52 117 147 333 272 609 348 849 157 392 225 513 88 210 124 305 165 411 111 235 111 234 439 1064 454 924 10 10 19 23 77 156 48 102 217 370 64 97 837 1600 13 19 21 28 14 18 168 336 71 125 269 449 630 1347 234 • 493 6 9 8 13 14 51 95 • i-j-J 130 404 71 157 620 1397 334 988 34 85 37 97 18 30 132 337 174 469 38 98 122 260 662 1641 219 496 17 33 53 91 84 195 40 128 98 310 69 153 139 364 141 322 255 733 65 213 98 330 166 260 35 54 18 29 25 42 54 96 135 223 367 567 536 939 192 394 239 717 89 175 49 85 150 351 195 551 326 612 112 186 71 127 72 157 241 392 77 122 262 334 18 36 340 595 28 54 174 313 186 440 103 227 69 179 78 152 84 161 204 397 181 411 365 511 202 325 52 98 79 167 73 133 149 404 146 363 271 694 265 827 13 39 38 110 60 179 209 651 224 553 133 350 140 447 101 174 61 101 29 64 52 86 74 152 390 820 291 613 185 327 278 559 118 175 46 65 122 318 182 532 129 296 204 476 314 874 10 10 124 131 275 305 143 163 190 245 360 707 281 440 48 60 23 79 231 364 59 96 59 94 4 7 788 1566 75 110 187 530 35 53 58 80 387 615 246 444 95 173 90 159 256 411 77 147 74 223 88 238 36 78 68 190 72 257 312 1007 440 1433 303 1112 22 43 48 82 111 274 38 86 52 132 89 263 944 3444 5 11 184 324 10 11 16. 20 20 29 196 337 30 41 18 30 41 59 98 143 7 8 49 73 29 56 134 240 44 74 135 284 85 128 145 232 23 35 4 5 251 823 13 39 6 9 3 5 118 272 127 273 39 73 327 764 172 388 48 96 31 63 319 663 242 473 33 66 60 94 119 194 46 66 89 131 560 909 418 902 102 270 63 213 26 78 76 144 189 400 306 817 384 1153 190 549 145 392 520 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JANUARY, 1854. STATIONS. Fort Independence..... Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus......... West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal Fort Niagara......... Alleghany Arsenal Fort Delaware....... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie......... Fort Pierce........... Key West Barracks... Fort Myers.......... Fort Brooke.......... Fort Meade.......... Fort Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal Baton Rouge Barracks Fort Towson......... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... Fort Gibson.......... Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal..... Newport Barracks..... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Snelling......... Fort Ripley.......... Fort Ridgely......... Fort Leavenworth..... Fort Riley........... Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Arbuckle........ Fort Belknap......... Phantom Hill......... Fort Chadbourne...... Fort McKavett....... Fort Merrill.......... Fort Ewell........... Fort Brown.......... Ringgold Barracks.... Fort Mcintosh........ Fort Inge............ Fort Duncan......... TIIKUMOMETEK Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. 3P.M. 9 P. M. 28.00 26.38 24.70 17.83 23.42 24.00 28.90 28.51 38.39 46.77 63.80 69.16 60.87 56.83 57.65 49.03 46.00 47.48 30.40 29.48 28.77 26.80 23.70 18.68 28.54 9.80 5.27 —4.77 —8.93 0.22 17.06 16.77 9.19 18.61 27.80 31.96 30.09 32.12 35.03 45.50 41.32 52.77 47.38 42.80 36.32 39.22 24.80 31.38 28.45 28.16 21.66 24.52 27.87 32.87 33.09 42.26 50.77 63.64 71.71 66.22 62.19 62.06 54.58 49.51 50.91 32.02 33.70 30.41 32.55 28.06 25.51 30.22 13.00 13.77 —1.74 —6.06 5.87 22.06 23.59 15.45 20.38 34.58 38.61 37.83 35.16 42.71 55.26 51.35 59.74 53.35 52.32 46.03 48.29 29.29 35.83 31.77 31.25 24.96 27.58 34.77 36.65 39.61 44.52 56.58 73.58 74.22 75.16 71.16 71.74 62.48 60.25 62.67 45.05 45.74 41.93 42.13 33.51 32.84 35.80 16.90 15.61 9.22 8.29 11.70 34.09 34.62 33.45 29.09 46.90 52.87 54.35 45.06 52.87 64.25 62.70 65.51 65.12 63.54 62.32 64.26 Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. 25.54 20.74 28.25 27.90 23.00 24.62 29.67 31.10 33.25 40.70 49.19 65.64 71.90 68.00 61.58 63.55 52.77 51.13 52.67 36.02 38.16 34.58 33.42 28.64 24.87 32.45 12.64 9.50 1.48 —1.70 4.93 25.48 23.72 14.93 22.32 35.35 40.61 39.48 42.58 40.97 54.22 46.51 59.35 57.03 52.41 44.29 49.22 Mercury fr 25.52 49 ■ "2 i 31.49 50 12 28.71 50 11 28.00 51 4 21.86 48 -10 25.04 48 6 29.08 64 5 32.38 54 15 33.61 61 14 41.47 60 24 50.83 70 31 67.91 83 40 71.75 80 58 67.56 84 47 62.94 80 40 63.75 81 40 54.71 76 30 51.52 76 25 53.43 81 20 36.32 70 5 36.76 71 4 33.92 68 5 33.72 69 1 28.48 65 — 3 25.47 60 — 3 31.75 54 — 1 13.09 34 —15 11.02 39 —27 1.30 45 —36 —2.10 48 —50* 5.68 45 -24 24.68 67 — 8 24.67 62 —10 18.26 70 —16 22.60 61 —21 36.16 71 — 1 41.00 77 7 40.44 74 — 2 38.73 60 6 42.89 65 11 54.88 96 22 50.47 86 19 59.34 80 30 * 55.72 87 29 53.02 82 24 47.24 78 20 50.25 73 20 ozen in the : therm o meter. 2.35 18.5 21.3 23.0 26.1 23.0 34.9 21.6 27.4 18.5 19.2 15.1 8.3 16.4 17.1 17.3 11.3 24.5 27.6 33.7 34.2 34.1 35.3 36.5 34.5 22.2 10.9 28.0 43.7 50.1 39.3 32.3 37.3 51.7 38.4 34.8 36.0 33.5 21.3 22.1 41.1 35.5 20.7 31.3 29.0 30.7 22.7 2.75 19.5 17.7 24.0 31.9 19.0 24.1 17.4 19.6 17.5 19.8 27.9 13.7 20.6 22.9 23.7 24.7 26.5 33.4 31.3 32.8 28.9 32.7 31.5 28.5 32.8 28.1 38.0 37.3 47.9 29 '.1 32.7 34.7 34.3 43.6 37.2 34.0 42.5 32.7 31.9 32.9 31.5 29.3 26.7 29.0 27.3 30.3 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 527 MONTH OF JANUARY, 1854. SNOW. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. Days. , Days. ~3 .5 s 1 REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. w N. W. S. R. !9A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. •'= >> ■o 3 o 0 ts i 'Z s « TJl «! 3 8 2 4 18 39 20 43 38 95 1 3.74 3.77 4.09 3.74 3.83 15 16 3 8 2.50 0 0 0 0 42 50 1 1 69 114 4.51 4.90 4.45 4.54 4.60 14 17 6 5 3.05 9 15 6 8 34 76 19 47 41 122 4.16 4.12 3.83 4.87 4.24 14 17 5 4 2.60 7 18 38 91 11 32 4 16 25 118 4.32 4.41 4.83 5.64 4.80 15 16 4 7 3.52 7 20 30 104 11 29 7 22 15 59 9.60 6.66 6.81 6.66 7.43 17 14 3 5 3.50 Clearness inaccurate 16 23 16 20 37 78 15 21 12 56 0.42 0.84 0.58 0.10 0.50 5 26 4 10 1.63 tc '< 8 17 j 23 50 24 77 18 81 7 22 4.00 4.25 4.09 3.48 3.96 13 18 7 6 2.23 4 10 2 2 25 48 1 1 38 97 3.00 4.90 5.10 3.60 4.15 15 16 9 2 2.30 3 10 6 16 4 11 31 67 9 16 3.80 3.41 3.90 4.45 3.90 13 18 8 1 4.40 2 8 j 9 22 23 51 17 30 29 91 4.77 i 5.58 5.09 5.61 5.26 14 17 9 2 4.00 3 4 | 11 42 26 75 9 27 16 52 4.06 4.00 4.84 5.58 4.62 16 15 12 0 3.80 30 85 5 10 20 66 2 4 15 45 1.58 2.38 2.64 4.70 2.82 10 21 12 0 3.55 8 23 9 29 1 2 0 0 3 10 4.84 5.03 5.19 7.03 5.52 20 11 5 0 1.77 12 26 8 24 8 18 5 6 7 21 4.87 4.69 5.38 8.00 5.74 17 14 4 0 1.15 17 42 3 6 26 72 0 0 18 49 2.96 3.83 4.51 6.19 4.37 13 18 5 0 3.83 9 19 3 8 3 8 12 35 8 16 1.58 2.55 3.87 5.55 3.39 11 20 10 0 1.30 15 28 8 21 11 24 6 12 22 54 0.93 2.80 3.09 2.61 2.36 8 23 6 0 3.45 27 50 11 30 11 29 3 7 16 46 3.38 4.51 4.83 5.45 4.54 12 19 11 0 11.01 10 23 8 16 10 26 16 44 4 11 2.38 2.38 2.22 3.25 2.56 8 23 5 0 2.85 0 0 10 24 0 0 3 4 2 3 3.00 3.10 3.70 6.00 3.95 13 18 3 3 1.01 14 38 30 109 14 49 13 27 6 28 2.32 2.90 3.54 5.58 3.59 11 20 2 2 0.01* 18 34 1 1 12 31 16 37 15 42 4.93 4.38 4.31 4.38 5.00 15 16 2 5 1.37 13 13 j 26 69 5 8 0 0 3 3 4.16 4.18 4.00 5.71 4.50 16 15 3 3 0.30 4 9 ; 46 94 3 13 16 36 4 16 2.12 ; 3.06 3.80 5.51 3.62 14 17 2 2* 1.90 3 3 12 22 16 32 14 23 25 65 8.80 8.63 8.42 2.92 7.21 18 13 1 o 0.65 Therm, protected. 0 0 48 102 7 16 36 134 0 0 1.58 2.45 2.54 3.70 2.57 10 21 2 3 3.20 15 51 18 21 0 0 1 3 64 244 3.45 3.74 3.41 3.09 3.42 12 19 0 12 2.59 10 22 8 20 17 69 4 17 2 9 3.13 3.50 2.50 2.19 2.83 12 19 0 13 2.49 23 48 9 17 40 82 17 54 16 41 5.80 5.48 6.19 6.16 5.91 19 12 0 10 0.72 9 23 33 59 11 19 18 48 14 40 4.90 4.83 4.83 5.25 4.95 17 14 0 12 0.67 |19 39 6 12 15 46 33 120 25 137 3.48 3.19 3.51 4.80 3.74 13 18 0 11 1.20 19 37 0 0 27 63 11 20 50 139 3.51 4.09 4.58 5.00 4.29 14 17 1 3 0.04 6 12 22 37 13 30 24 51 7 31 6.22 5.93 6.03 6.06 6.06 18 13 0 2 0.00 1 3 6 13 14 32 22 49 14 41 5.12 5.74 5.29 6.61 5.69 22 0 0 4 0.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 300 4 6 7.64 8.87 9.06 3.00 7.14 26 5 0 8 0.18 12 13 18 31 24 45 8 14 10 11 6.77 7.35 8.32 7.70 7.54 23 8 1 1 0.01* 41 120 10 39 18 58 3 6 6 19 3.38 4.64 5.03 6.74 4.94 ; 17 14 0 3 0.11 1 1 59 102 9 14 4 5 8 9 5.58 6.29 7.35 7.61 6.71 23 8 0 0 0.00 8 9 0 0 7 10 0 0 16 26 5.03 6.19 7.25 8.70 6.79 23 8 2* 0 0.00 * " Heavy mist." 6 16 36 93 16 34 15 50 4 11 4.55 5.29 5.74 6.68 5.56 21 10 2f 0 0.01 f Slight rain, not 0 0 36 62 4 4 36 49 4 11 2.42 5.30 5.68 5.26 4.66 17 14 2 0 0.11 [measured 4 6 10 23 0 0 4 5 4 8 4.22 4.90 6.87 6.03 5.51 14 14 2 0 0.22 10 24 8 18 36 89 5 7 38 90 4.51 3.96 4.03 5.96 4.61 16 15 2 0 0.45 30 58 8 14 9 9 9 11 9 19 3.35 3.93 4.54 4.22 4.01 15 16 4 0 0.70 22 38 24 45 1 2 2 2 11 33 5.74 4.67 6.19 5.80 5.10 18 13 2 0 0.05 8 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 4.35 4.74 6.22 6.80 5.53 21 10 1 0 0.20 58 122 0 0 3 1 4 1 1 56 139 2.55 1 3.84 5.74 6.16 4.57 17 14 2 0 0.05 * Rain an d snow v ei'y light ; no me asureme it, 528 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF JANUARY, 1854. STATION'S. Fort Clarke........., Fort Fillmore........ Fort Thome........ Fort Conrad......... Albuquerque ........ Santa Fe............ Fort Union.......... Cantonment Burgoine Fort Defiance........ Fort Yuma.......... San Diego.......... Fort Jurupa......... Fort Miller.......... San Francisco....... Benicia Barracks..... Fort Reading........ Fort Humboldt...... Fort Jones.......... Fort Dalles......... Fort Steilacoom...... 40.83 33.29 24.24 23.93 25.41 15.93 23.19 11.50 14.77 45.01 42.67 39.09 36.77 42.96 37.19 34.39 35.22 23.75 17.16 24.64 THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 9 A. M. 49.09 47.35 42.22 33.51 35.51 28.54 34.19 23.75 21.84 52.29 51.51 52.45 44.74 48.45 40.32 38.30 38.64 28.81 20.67 29.96 60.54 67.64 62.68 52.45 50.90 41.61 42.29 45.50 36.81 64.48 63.96 61.48 51.19 54.22 51.06 48.41 49.54 43.34 29.35 37.80 9 P. M. 43.18 46.19 38.10 37.41 34.00 27.96 29.61 23.20 24.00 54.29 49.48 48.25 41.70 46.09 41.80 38.80 39.93 29.53 20.74 30.03 48.41 48.62 41.81 36.82 36.46 23.51 32.32 26.90 24.35 54.17 51.90 50.32 43.60 47.93 42.59 40.00 40.83 31.36 21.98 30.61 Max. 79 78 75 70 63 52 54 64 49 79 78 79 64 68 66 71 58 49 50 58 17 20 8 5 5 - 6 1 -13 -20 26 31 28 23 27 19 15 16 5 -15 - 1 Above Mean. 30.6 29.4 33.2 33.2 26.5 23.5 21.7 37.1 24.6 24.8 26.1 28.7 20.4 20.1 23.4 31.0 17.2 17.6 28.0 27.4 Below Mean. 31.4 28.6 33.8 31.8 31.5 34.5 31.3 39.9 44.4 28.2 20.9 22.3 20.6 20.9 23.6 25.0 24.8 26.4 37.0 31.6 No. of Observations 16 16 22 36 44 15 37 35 15 23 47 | 12 35 11 43 j 5 109 | 8 71 4 32 I 22 59 13 21 2 11 14 77 10 31 26 0 4 2 28 1 6 lOJ 6 13 43 6 8 23 97 10 31 20 51 10 31 5 8 7 13 16 74 E. In. 26 12 27 25 0 0 6 0 0 27 4 8 6 4 7 61 6 13 23 2 4 70 0 0 2 2 2 18 0 0 17 31 36 204 6 13 13 46 81 96 9 27 74 27 40 0 0 0 4 9 16 4 0 0 39 0 0 6 42 100 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 529 MONTH OF JANUARY, 1854. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. 9 P.M. Days. Dai 19. 'Jl o 0 a nrT REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. 0 N. w. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. Mean. i >. ■' ' 3 o £ j 3 .3 as 49 127 3 8 2 3 0 15 49 3.32 4.41 6.22 6.90 5.21 18 i 13 0 0 0.00 7 19 1 2 23 I 71 11 36 7 15 9.32 9.35 9.06 9.28 9.25 31 0? o 0 0.00 0 0 2 3 2 5 47 118 26 44 9.10 9.06 9.03 9.10 9.07 29 0 i*! 1 0.00 2 3 12 42 6 39 28 73 23 47 7.09 6.90 6.58 6.58 6.79 24 7 0 0 0.00 3 4 42 ! 81 6 10 6 15 4 5 7.67 7.19 j 7.06 7.77 7.42 27 ! 4 1 2 0.13 Therm, protected, 10 26 10 25 13 34 13 30 17 45 5.38 7.00 7.29 6.80 6.62 25 6 o 4 0.36 5 12 3 ] 6 13 48 13 51 37 143 6.38 6.00 5.7!J 6.83 6.23 22 9 0 2 0.07 14 44 23 66 17 40 0 o 15 42 1.54 : 2.52 1.93 1.61 1.90 4 , 27 0 4 3 8 20 44 17 44 36 44 28 43 6.87 6.87 6.67 6.90 6.83 25 6 0 8 2.20 9 20 9 31 1 2 7 24 44 230 5.29 5.09 4.51 1 5.99 5.22 17 i 14 o 0 0.00 14 15 15 21 19 34 20 38 4 4 5.74 5.74 5.67 6.45 5.90 20 11 6 0 1.46 0 0 0 0 18 44 0 0 8 32 6.58 6.16 6.29 7.32 6.59 24 . 7 6 0 1.64 19 28 3 6 4 5 12 13 4 6 7.12 6.96 5.96 7.83 6.97 20 11 8 0 2.26 9 28 6 13 26 91 11 30 9 29 4.96 4.10 5.70 5.64 5.10 18 13 6 0 3.04 13 31 0 0 22 69 0 0 0 0 4.58 5.00 5.61 7.09 5.57 18 13 7 0 2.06 0 0 8 13 0 0 2 o 0 0 4.89 5.13 5.22 5.13 5.09 17 14 5 1 2.90 3 6 0 0 0 i 0 1 1 9 29 5.16 6.25 7.54 7.35 6.57 20 11 10 2 4.83 1 5 4 ; 12 0 | 0 1 2 1 3 1.75 1.93 1.93 5.00 2.65 4 11 2 0 0.54 First 15 days. 6 6 5 7 68 1107 5 8 ^ 3 2.80 3.25 4.80 5.45 4.07 13 18 6 6 2.79 3 7 29 101 27 il00 1 3 0 0 3.32 3.45 4.74 5.03 4.14 14 17 9 4 8.69 * Slight rain and snow, first two days not observed. 67 5 :Hi METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1854. THERMOMETER. WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A.M. i 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. 1 Below mean. N. N. E. E. Fort Independence..... 21.85 26.82 25.32 22.89 15.85 21.03 28.25 30.10 29.60 40.07 48.00 61.96 69.21 60.03 55.64 55.79 48.11 42.42 48.42 40.86 41.19 39.50 38.64 34.21 31.21 35.21 11.07 4.78 6.75 2.14 11.46 28.17 30.41 20.21 30.96 38.07 40.67 38.71 36.54 44.36 50.80 47.67 52.32 54.53 50.32 47.07 46.25 24.07 30.35 26.82 28.14 18.60 22.90 32.28 33.06 36.67 43.75 53.28 68.64 71.96 68.42 61.85 63.14 55.07 53.82 54.10 47.07 46.77 44.17 44.39 38.17 34.75 39.32 15.60 20.14 14.25 9.17 19.75 34.78 37.11 29.14 33.14 45.71 52.92 49.71 47.42 48.93 61.70" 61.85 66.78 61.73 59.46 57.32 54.39 28.57 35.00 31.64 31.21 22.45 27.35 39.67 39.04 44.10 47.50 59.32 73.32 74.53 75.28 70.42 71.68 63.43 64.40 67.25 60.39 60.60 55.71 55.89 46.67 45.00 44.32 22.85 17.46 24.75 22.42 27.92 45.03 47.91 44.39 44.60 59.57 63.78 64.28 57.78 61.46 66.70 70.78 69.57 71.92 71.32 71.61 68.89 i 25.50 31.64 28.92 27.35 21.28 21.63 33.75 36.02 35.50 43.96 51.78 65.39 72.10 65.82 61.43 62.71 51.61 52.10 56.16 48.82 47.21 48.64 46.60 41.10 35.68 39.57 14.03 9.57 15.85 9.78 18.82 34.14 36.51 27.75 36.37 47.64 51.96 49.03 46.00 51.32 59.50 52.17 61.14 61.28 59.00 56.79 51.14 25.00 30.95 28.17 27.40 19.54 23.23 33.49 34.56 36.47 43.82 53.09 67.33 71.95 67.39 62.36 63.33 54.56 53.18 56.48 49.29 48.94 47.01 46.38 40.04 36.66 39.60 15.89 12.98 15.40 10.88 19.49 35.53 38.00 30.37 36.40 47.75 52.33 50.43 46.94 51.52 59.73 58.12 62.45 62.38 60.02 58.20 56.04 44 48 46 47 38 45 58 60 62 61 68 87 81 84 79 78 76 74 77 73 76 70 75 70 64 60 38 34 45 44 53 48 63 66 62 76 80 82 80 76 88 84 84 83 84 65 32 4 15 14 7 — 4 5 8 19 14 28 30 50 64 47 43 40 32 28 31 18 17 19 12 18 15 20 —10 —28 —20 —26 —17 6 8 2 8 11 14 12 12 24 31 27 40 31 31 27 23 19.0 17.1 17.8 19.6 18.5 21.8 24.5 25.4 25.5 17.2 14.9 19.7 9.1 16.6 16.6 14.7 21.4 20.8 20.5 23.7 27.1 23.0 28.6 30.0 27.3 20.4 22.1 21.0 29.6 33.1 33.5 12.5 25.0 35.6 25.6 28.3 27.7 31.6 33.1 24.5 28.3 25.9 21.5 20.0 24.0 26.8 26.0 21.0 15.9 14.2 20.4 23.5 18.2 25.5 15.6 22.5 15.8 23.1 17.3 7.9 20.4 19.4 23.3 22.6 25.2 25.5 31.3 31.9 28.0 34.4 22.0 21.7 19.6 25.9 41.0 35.4 36.9 36.5 29.5 30.0 28.4 28.4 36.7 38.3 38.4 34.9 27.5 28.7 31.1 22.5 31.4 29.0 31.2 23.0 34 6 2 41 15 10 6 6 25 18 11 6 39 26 1 20 26 17 5 38 9 11 19 10 24 15 25 11 12 24 14 0 1 19 13 20 20 17 3 15 27 8 14 36 7 0 21 93 6 3 189 45 26 10 13 57 41 29 24 162 63 2 46 45 34 15 69 36 24 49 24 54 71 42 30 38 57 42 0 4 61 17 33 62 53 11 55 57 23 29 74 14 0 39 12 18 35 0 3 25 18 22 13 10 31 29 16 14 49 18 13 28 8 1 3 4 2 4 7 1 12 12 5 11 7 7 8 6 1 2 1 0 2 6 1 4 19 9 13 2 21 34 29 89 0 11 44 19 36 42 25 114 100 62 26 140 46 27 55 20 3 14 8 2 14 14 1 26 32 9 29 30 15 31 19 3 5 6 0 4 20 1 5 40 11 23 4 0 0 2 2 0 3 5 4 12 9 3 8 22 9 1 20 6 1 55 40 13 8 1 9 16 22 21 15 6 2 8 1 21 3 5 3 0 4 0 14 8 6 12 11 5 1 52 0 0 2 5 0 3 6 6 29 17 9 30 75 16 2 45 11 2 134 76 45 Watervliet Arsenal.... Mount Vernon Arsenal. Fort Smith............ 13 1 Fort Brady............ 24 24 57 87 48 14 2 23 Fort Riley............ 2 38 5 17 3 Fort Belknap.......... 0 8 Fort McKavett........ 0 35 8 12 23 12 7 3 86 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 531 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1854. RAIN • WINDS. WEATHER. i AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. | Days. Days. 0) a REMARKS. S. E. I S. i S. W. | w. N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. r^H >> 0 O 5 '5 ti o 0 Ul a < 9 23 4 8 i 3 5 1 16 42 30 78 3.32 3.78 4.60 4.67 4.09 12 16 7 7 3.36 3 3 | 0 0 32 54 0 0 53 LOO 5.00 5.14 5.57 6.17 5.47 16 12 5 6 4.45 7 14 0 0 24 40 13 21 26 82 4.71 4.78 4.39 6.78 5.16 15 13 4 4 4.00* 8 22 30 66 5 10 0 0 24 84 4.60 4.00 4.92 6.03 4.89 16 12 4 9 5.04 [too high. 1 3 21 55 12 35 15 38 19 65 6.70 6.74 8.07 7.25 7.19 20 8 4 4 2.77 Scale of clearness 11 11 6 12 27 78 13 40 9 28 1.60 1.25 2.14 0.57 1.39 10 18 4 5 2.52 Scale of clearness 1 1 9 20 27 78 11 38 14 39 4.21 4.14 4.14 3.57 4.01 13 15 5 6 2.33 [too low. 12 24 3 4 10 10 5 8 31 69 4.30 ! 6.20 5.80 5.10 5.35 14 14 4 4 5.45 0 0 1 2 5 14 28 53 18 52 4.92 4.92 5.64 5.32 5.20 17 11 3 6 4.90 5 16 15 36 29 61 13 29 13 43 5.36 5.54 5.89 7.50 6.07 16 12 9 1 1.90 7 20 10 47 24 79 2 6 26 79 4.57 4.89 5.07 6.35 5.22 15 13 9 0 2.84 18 79 5 17 17 42 9 17 19 43 2.46 2.85 3.28 4.08 3.17 8 20 8 0 3.40 10 37 10 36 6 13 2 4 3 10 5.89 6.39 5.85 7.60 6.42 21 7 5 0 2.55 11 28 9 32 4 10 1 3 10 17 6.50 6.64 5.42 6.89 6.36 20 8 4 0 4.70 21 77 1 7 19 71 2 5 18 40 4.03 5.39 4.53 6.50 5.11 16 12 7 0 6.89 ! 12 37 12 45 9 21 10 30 7 14 3.00 4.46 4.14 5.84 4.29 15 13 9 0 2.21 7 20 7 22 7 21 11 23 17 29 4.36 5.61 5.39 4.86 5.06 15 13 7 0 5.55 13 40 9 16 13 30 5 13 13 27 5.39 5.03 5.32 6.85 5.65 17 11 8 0 12.83 10 22 6 12 3 8 j 23 60 2 4 3.32 3.21 2.92 4.53 3.49 10 18 8 0 5.50 7 14 21 49 0 0 0 0 1 2 3.70 4.10 5.30 7.10 5.05 14 14 4 0 2.00 13 39 26 95 13 41 7 30 11 27 6.53 6.46 6.50 6.85 6.59 20 8 5 0 3.30 13 25 10 13 11 20 3 4 10 21 5.21 5.75 6.21 6.78 6.00 18 10 5 0 2.05 5 5 36 91 3 3 I 1 8 8 4.25 4.60 5.75 6.00 5.15 17 11 5 0 1.43 4 8 42 81 5 20 13 33 2 6 1.64 2.78 4.39 4.82 3.41 12 16 6 2 3.25 4 5 14 24 10 19 15 23 12 19 .... .... .... .... .... 15 13 6 I 2.40 0 0 37 97 2 5 32 127 0 0 2.60 3.57 2.85 4.82 3.46 12 16 5 0 5.30 Therm, protected. 11 35 8 10 0 0 8 19 | 16 43 2.89 2.71 4.46 4.96 3.76 12 16 2 ' 4 1.23 10 31 9 27 9 36 12 51 3 17 4.70 4.26 4.10 3.80 4.22 12 16 1 7 1.18 Temp, inaccurate at 25 49 11 20 8 17 j 11 31 27 92 6.03 6.07 6.28 7.07 6.36 17 11 0 3 0.03 [at 9 a. m. 8 21 23 46 11 24 1 14 38 | 7 18 5.60 5.60 6.25 6.42 5.97 19 9 0 2 0.03 20 49 3 4 11 32 18 71 i 26 100 4.75 4.67 5.07 6.57 5.26 16 12 0 2 0.01 10 17 0 0 37 91 11 16 42 69 3.71 4.60 4.75 3.85 4.23 16 12 3 3 1.78 8 19 10 20 11 34 19 57 8 31 9.07 8.85 9.00 8.00 8.73 25 3 2 2 0.94 6 18 17 54 4 12 13 27 12 37 5.14 5.28 5.78 5.75 5.49 18 10 1 3 1.33 1 4 0 0 0 0 40 139 2 3 8.25 9.00 5.57 3.50 6.58 24 4 1 5 0.40 15 17 33 85 17 27 9 11 6 6 7.85 8.21 8.78 8.85 8.42 24 4 5 0 2.30 31 111 18 81 19 81 j 0 0 17 49 1.85 2.85 4.89 6.60 4.05 13 15 3 0 1.10 1 1 72 150 14 28 0 0 1 1 5.96 7.21 7.10 7.57 6.96 20 8 3 0 0.30 6 8 0 0 16 25 2 3 12 18 6.07 6.67 6.67 6.14 6.39 19 9 3 0 0.90 10 | 27 32 115 23 73 j 7 23 3 6 5.04 5.57 6.21 7.43 6.06 16 12 1 4 0 0.77 5 7 12 13 8 12 21 27 14 30 1.50 3.86 4.57 4.71 3.66 11 17 6 0 1.99 24 51 8 15 6 8 ' 3 7 8 25 4.35 4.89 5.96 6.71 5.48 15 13 5 0 2.86 30 61 5 13 21 48 ! 5 8 2 ' 6 4.10 4.57 4.32 5.17 4.54 13 15 4 0 1.50 17 28 24 44 2 2 4 5 5 10 3.92 4.85 5.64 6.32 5.18 16 12 7 0 1.69 50 107 5 5 2 4 3 3 20 47 2.85 4.67 6.14 5.57 4.81 15 13 4 0 1.90 63 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 93 3.39 3.96 5.61 6.29 4.31 14 14 4 0 0.69 6 16 0 0 0 0 i 3 11 9 15 3.64 i 4.35 6.00 6.46 5.11 15 13 4 0 2.15 *Snow estimate d at thrt. e inches of watei Ool_ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1854. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. Fort Clarke...........I 44.92 Fort Fillmore..........j 35.82 Fort Thome..........j 19.00 Fort Conrad........... 26.57 Albuquerque..........| 27.92 Santa Fe..............! 24.92 Fort Union........... 22.07 Fort Defiance......... 19.67 Fort Yuma............ 47 .25 San Diego............ 42.57 Fort Jurupa........... 43.21 43.10 47.50 Fort Miller......... San Francisco...... Benicia Barracks...... 44.03 Fort Reading..........; 41.46 Fort Humboldt........ 40.89 Fort Jones...........' 27.65 Fort Vancouver.......j 33.82 Fort Dalles...........! 32.32 Fort Steilacoom....... 34.17 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 55.75 67.28 52.10 53.14 70.96 51.71 42.06 64.10 37.14 39.21 58.50 40.03 38.75 57.77 38.35 33.03 46.32 32.00 38.35 47.35 36.32 30.14 43.11 29.67 59.67 71.03 58.78 54.82 62.32 50.27 55.92 63.82 49.39 49.21 58.39 47.60 52.35 57.35 49.67 47.53 56.28 47.57 46.14 55.03 46.42 44.17 52.85 43.46 31.89 46.82 33.71 39.14 43.75 35.50 37.53 48.21 37.71 39.82 48.17 36.42 Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. 55.01 80 29 25.0 50.41 80 20 29.6 40.57 78 0 37.4 41.08 67 14 25.9 40.70 67 15 26.3 34.07 55 9 20.9 36.02 57 7 21.0 30.65 54 2 23.3 59.18 80 32 20.8 52.50 71 35 18.5 53.08 74 31 20.9 49.57 67 32 17.4 51.72 66 38 14.3 48.85 64 34 15.1 47.26 66 32 18.7 45.34 60 29 14.7 35.02 55 17 20.0 38.05 54 21 16.0 38.94 54 22 15.1 39.64 60 22 20.4 Below mean. 26.0 30.4 40.6 27.1 25.7 25.1 29.0 28.7 27.2 17.5 22.1 17.6 13.7 14.9 15.3 16.3 18.0 17.0 16.9 17.6 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 533 MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1854. WINDS. and sum of force. 94 19 0 4 3 36 7 2 22 15 16 1 48 21 2 11 4 140 9 13 2 21 7 18 60 20 39 20 28 13 22 5 1 9 45 34 0 16 3 6 148 1 3 13 ' 28 3 10 2 5 38 9 1 5 19 68 44 | 74 12 31 12 29 12 28 9 20 24 43 29 74 7 8 17 18 4 2 7 16 32 69 117 18 34 58 54 6 8 35 N. W. 28 62 7 21 12 21 7 23 11 17 16 63 23 40 5 12 26 30 40 124 16 40 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 13 9 13 47 22 70 7 17 8 j 22 19 ! 45 34 iioe 44 70 3.46 9.28 9.09 7.46 7.21 5.96 7.07 7.32 6.25 5.28 5.21 5.32 3.03 3.42 3.78 4.32 2.14 0.53 3.35 0.96 Mean clearness of sky. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. Mean. 4.10 9.50 9.07 7.14 8.17 6.78 7.03 6.75 6.10 5.35 4.75 5.17 3.25 3.67 4.03 3.96 2.07 1.32 3.64 2.17 5.53 9.07 9.03 6.39 7.07 7.50 7.60 6.71 5.50 6.10 5.60 4.96 3.96 4.14 4.53 7.39 2.10 2.57 5.89 4.07 5.57 9.50 9.12 7.35 8.57 6.96 7.21 8.96 5.71 5.71 6.35 7.07 4.07 4.92 5.53 4.50 4.82 3.64 5.28 4.07 4.66 9.34 9.08 7.09 7.76 6.80 7.23 7.44 5.89 5.61 5.48 5.63 3.58 4 04 4.47 5.04 2.78 2.02 4.54 2.82 Dsys. RAIN AND SNOW. Days. .s 0 '& ei o a K Ul < 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.15 0.28 2.56 2.34 2.42 5.87 4.80 2.15 6.80 1.00 2.83 0.73 4 .- I I .ol REMARKS. 534 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MARCH, 1854. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Fort Independence... Fort Hamilton....... Fort Columbus...... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal.... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Fort Delaware......... Fort McHenry......... Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie......... Fort Pierce............ Key West............ Fort Myers........... Fort Brooke........... Fort Meade........... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal. Baton Rouge Barracks.. Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson......... Jefferson Barracks St. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks....., Fort Mackinac........ Fort Brady............ Fort Snelling.......... Fort Ripley.......... Fort Ridgely......... Fort Leavenworth...... Fort Riley........... Fort Kearney........ Fort Laramie......... Fort Arbuckle........ Fort Belknap......... Phantom Hill......... Fort Chadbourne..... Fort McKavett....... Fort Merrill.......... Fort Ewell........... Fort Brown.......... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh........ Fori Duncan......... Fort luge............ 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Range. 28.54 33.70 32.29 31.16 24.25 29.39 33.51 38.13 36.67 45.61 56.77 66.38 73.45 66.06 62.90 62.10 58.64 57.00 59.45 52.22 52.45 50.19 50.64 42.70 40.26 41.83 21.64 18.13 24.38 19.93 27.77 37.38 36.64 27.77 ?3.90 49.87 54.06 53.51 51.93 56.97 63.70 61.19 67.64 66.64 64.58 60.68 53.96 32.00 37.25 35.00 37.70 32.42 32.55 40.25 43.70 43.29 51.77 63.35 74.41 76.87 74.64 71.29 71.00 66.22 05.19 65.40 59.38 57.70 54.87 56.00 48.22 45.74 44.60 27.54 26.77 30.51 28.06 37.77 43.80 46.93 34.16 39.16 58.09 63.41 61.96 63.06 60.55 81.54 73.25 75.32 74.16 74.19 63.35 66.74 38.74 41.64 41.41 40.61 37.45 36.19 47.38 47.70 53.29 55.26 68.80 79.96 79.68 82.35 77.87 79.74 72.80 76.51 74.56 68.54 74.61 65.48 63.67 54.70 54.36 52.45 32.70 27.71 38.45 35.03 48.54 54.74 58.62 48.74 50.16 66.32 73.54 71.51 78.87 69.77 87.29 82.16 73.64 83.22 85.42 80.52 79.58 32.41 38.22 36.00 35.93 32.09 31.36 40.32 44.35 50.65 61.97 71.29 76.26 71.93 G8.22 69.71 62.26 62.26 65.54 58.06 56.90 57.51 55.96 47.74 44.03 48.09 23.73 19.93 29.61 26.03 33.74 44.64 44.43 36.35 41.02 55.29 61.58 61.45 60.45 62.71 77.51 64.77 70.90 72.38 72.74 65.13 64.87 32.92 37.70 36.17 36.35 31.55 32.37 40.36 43.18 44.40 50.82 62.72 73.01 76.56 73.74 70.07 70.64 64.98 65.24 66.24 59.55 60.41 57.01 56.57 48.34 46.10 46.74 26.40 23.14 30.74 27.26 36.96 45.14 46.66 36.76 41.06 57.39 63.15 62.11 63.58 62.50 77.50 70.34 71.87 74.10 74.23 68.67 67.54 64 62 66 63 53 58 66 70 73 74 85 86 84 88 85 88 82 90 83 89 88 84 83 82 72 74 47 47 58 51 63 79 85 72 65 86 93 93 94 87 93 94 86 98 100 93 90 16 22 19 18 10 14 11 24 20 28 37 55 68 58 52 47 42 40 43 37 34 35 38 22 25 27 2 — 5 4 — 4 13 20 —20 16 21 27 34 36 28 37 40 32 47 40 43 39 40 Above Mean. 21.1 24.3 29.8 26.7 23.4 25.6 25.6 26.8 28.6 23.2 22.3 13.0 7.4 14.3 14.9 17.4 17.0 24.8 16.8 29.4 27.6 27.0 26.4 33.7 25.9 27.3 20.6 23.9 27.3 23.7 26.0 33.9 38.3 35.2 23.9 28.6 29.8 30.9 30.4 24.5 15.5 23.7 14.1 23.9 25.8 24.3 Below Mean. 16.9 15.7 17.2 18.3 21.6 18.4 29.4 19.2 24.4 22.8 25.7 18.0 8.6 15.7 18.1 23.6 23.0 25.2 23.2 22.6 26.4 22.0 18.6 26.3 21.1 19.7 24.4 28.1 26.7 31.3 24.0 25.1 26.7 20.8 20.1 30.4 29.2 24.1 35.6 25.5 37.5 38.3 24.9 34.1 31.2 29.7 27.5 WINDS. No. of Observations N.E. 15 38 0 0 4 10 29 135 4 13 12 31 14 27 5 10 15 32 10 26 7 32 8 33 18 52 16 40 4 4 14 33 28 49 9 18 5 13 12 23 5 19 14 33 20 68 0 0 30 81 33 143 1 3 3 13 11 23 15 39 22 120 4 18 23 •45 18 15 9 10 11 12 11 20 12 0 12 11 17 29 32 15 2 0 5 12 3 14 12 25 28 17 11 35 11 5 20 3 19 14 9 5 1 4 1 1 0 9 14 8 29 5 17 3 7 12 5 4 15 10 0 4 0 13 5 27 6 0 9 13 3 21 33 80 93 53 20 72 21 7 37 9 36 64 21 7 6 7 4 3 0 19 30 42 56 23 42 5 7 46 9 7 38 16 0 10 0 30 10 11 0 7 0 2 8 5 2 1 19 4 6 30 3 15 23 5 1 35 25 20 14 12 14 13 19 11 10 5 8 11 0 1 2 14 12 2 11 1 12 8 7 13 16 11 1 23 0 12 0 7 8 7 10 1 41 15 21 100 5 25 56 9 2 81 49 64 26 27 28 22 58 20 37 7 13 26 0 5 4 25 14 4 14 1 33 8 16 15 27 22 3 21 31 70 114 CO H Eh Ui X »-H ° ° = iT.^-Tooo oo' « "«o"^' «"« «V^a,7oTH^o7nT;«rc. ^-.coc-cococooococo-* © © i—l CO o cr ■■* co to m rHlr-CDCD-ttOrCDinOCO-ttinCCCCOi^D^ n ci ^ rr co C- X ^ ^ ° ^ '-o tf oi co oi ci rn in cn en cn cd tr~-^-^co'ci-#CDinCo'-ei<-*-OnOCD-rtinUiCiCOtO-#COCO rrr.mcnCTit^-^-Hr0rHt^inOleOCOCOCOin4CO^>rtC»l-CM£COCOCOCMC»--HJrtC;! 050CTOO--P-^t~COO-HCZ3C5CO<-0'*CMO'! --,--p-*lrtLrt4rt^t-lrtC0C0C0-rtO4rt4_3C0-3 « g 3 !S § § tt? S U S S S 5 §S 2 15 S S S S : S^ £ J)-«o)iflneo-5 0>. ococMot-oo-HOi-irt __ SS S 3 -5 on © i- F- 56 ^ i- irt co co -* oo m -j co uu oi w - _, ^- _- -, .■, .-, _-.—--. -- -..... ^^ci«^«l-^^^«^«^nB • "* " « ^ "- " -.^^rtOO^CQ.rtrO.O.rt.rt-, Lrt^^eJcM^d'Oirt^^-O^coCO-rtlrtrHCOCOCOCMCM -h o o >rt —i c> r-H r- en —i m co en cn >~ m c-o LrtOCOMOrHC_5C_300^irt'rt^i*i''*t-i-H'fl-*ci)HCs^ 00 o CO CO ct^-T'oco-^ooooosoo-t'ot-. -^t-CMSirtt--3'-<^t<'»1 rHCM rHCEO^ocoooo4--4'^aocoLrt«^040^ooci; oiOimoiciOirHinmui co cm cm r-t o. ..o-.",.^ cm -*" V«"« Vco «"-,"» "i" (N«V-H co^^oo^c.oo^co^o^c^cooco^oo.co Lrt'rtCOCO-HCMCMCO-H'-* c.ai 1—1 _________^_______________________________________ "^ « g 2 ^- "^^'^ITaV^ w S " <° " S" 5 "SS ;h3cxScoc?oo^o^-..coococo o « ts •* O "rt 00 r- irt CM O C CO CM © C _ ^ __ __, __ -~ -r* .^ 1-1 rn rn -h cn t^ i-h © "^ "^ © -^ cr^ CO © © CM © Ci g S 3 h S ?2 S S S S B S 82 5 K S S 3 § ^ 2 2 B S S 3 S « t. >->--, -- cm -. » ©_____©_ © o © © cT^rt"^, S » 00 « h « h S h , o » SS2V10 »°°«°°SSS«SSW03S»2S<"0S. CM ~H "rt CM r-l -T___________-------------------------------------------- © © © c Irt -J* © © o co 00"^ ©oorrtcoco^^oooo^rt^ z; 2 S g 2 S 5 S^ 2 2 2 S£0£%°S.2g^£2.^£ t~ CJ Ol CM © c m CD CO CO CO CM -*< CO CO 00 t- r>36 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, MOXTII OF MARCH, 1854. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Fort Clarke...........', 57 Fort Fillmore.......... 45 Fort Thorno..........j 34 Fort Conrad...........; 34 Albuquerque...........i 35 Santa Fe..............; 32 Fort Union............I 29 I Fort Defiance......... 24 Fort Yuma...... San Diego....... Fort Jurupa..... Fort Miller...... San Francisco ... Benicia Barracks Fort Reading.... Fort Humboldt. . Fort Jones...... Fort Vancouver . Fort Dalles..... Fort Steilacoom . Mean Temperature. Range. 63.00 59.38 53.62 48.16 50.35 42.03 44.06 37.87 65.77 54.54 60.25 53.61 53.29 51.06 53.45 47.71 35.37 45.64 45.41 43.58 76.48 75.57 68.89 67.03 64.96 52.90 52.52 50.25 73.61 63.03 64.29 62.06 59.29 59.12 61.80 54.29 56.35 53.77 57.16 56.22 63.09 58.16 45.89 50.35 46.35 38.32 37.58 35.22 68.70 52.25 50.61 51.00 48.96 48.51 52.54 45.29 42.00 42.48 45.16 40.09 66.37 59.71 50.73 50.08 49.35 41.46 40.91 37.04 64.50 54.62 54.49 52.93 52.00 50.27 53.61 47.37 41.16 45.00 46.0U 43.87 Max. Min. Above mean. Below meau. 87 35 20.6 31.4 6 85 28 25.3 31.7 1 >83 5 32.3 45.7 12 80 17 29.9 33.1 24 74 23 24.7 26.3 44 63 19 21.5 22.5 8 62 7 21.1 33.9 38 63 8 26.0 29.0 8 87 37 22 5 27.5 23 69 36 14.4 18.6 2 72 30 17.5 24.5 9 74 33 21.0 20.0 0 68 39 16.0 13.0 12 72 35 21.7 15.3 0 76 33 22.4 20.6 14 62 30 14.6 17.4 13 71 22 29.8 19.2 17 76 34 31.0 11.0 2 76 27 30.0 19.0 8 67 30 23.1 13.9 0 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER 537 MONTH OF MARCH, 1854. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN Da; 0 AND SNOW. aud sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. ' Days. ,s. S c ■ji 10 o 0 a < REMARKS. | S. E. 1 S. i S. w. W. N. W. 1 1 S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. , 9 P. M. eu a Fair. Clou 1. 70 ; 75 1 1 1-3 5 0 0 24 28 2.03 2.38 1 4.61 5.32 3.58 11 20 8 0 1.48 1 1 5 8 20 64 20 59 14 44 8.58 i 8.54 8.22 | 8.51 8.46 28 ; 3 5 0 0.65 0 0 4 7 ' 20 30 55 85 22 29 8.80 8.60 8.50 | 8.90 8.70 28 3 2 0 0.14 4 i 7 33 121 9 41 41 108 4 12 6.90 6.70 6.00 6.96 6.64 24 i 7 2 0 0.05 7 1 17 62 140 1 4 4 19 3 10 6.67 6.67 6.77 7.00 6.78 23 8 4 0 0.43 7 22 7 17 15 31 16 34 21 46 5.77 7.22 7.19 7.06 6.81 26 5 6 1 2.01 3 5 3 6 28 75 11 24 35 93 6.29 ! 6.51 5.87- 6.64 6.33 25 1 6 3 1 0.63 0 0 12 24 42 94 26 47 20 31 7.32 7.58 6.93 8.32 7.54 28 3 5 3 0.45 : 17 33 21 45 14 27 17 67 10 27 5.64 6.12 5.51 6.93 6.05 21 10 2 0 0.80 1 17 19 21 23 | 31 52 21 38 0 0 3.19 1 4.61 6.58 5.22 4.90 15 16 12 0 2.14 11 18 5 10 44 97 13 26 5 11 5.09 5.83 5.48 5.38 5.45 20 11 10 0 3.09 6 6 5 6 6 6 48 62 2 2 5.06 6.03 5.96 6.93 6.00 20 11 7 0 0.85 11 31 9 23 19 53 45 134 17 55 3.00 3.35 5.19 5.35 4.22 14 17 8 o 3.11 7 17 0 0 9 21 76 217 0 0 5.12 5.41 4.58 5.77 5.22 18 i 13 7 0 2.05 1 2 29 54 5 7 3 5 4 6 4.41 4.61 5.48 6.16 5.16 18 13 5 0 0.80? 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 6.32 6.13 7.32 5.80 6.39 21 10 10 0 5.14 0 0 11 20 I 5 16 3 10 3 10 4.19 4.54 4.19 7.41 5.08 16 15 2 3 0.75 27 56 2 4 ' 30 63 0 0 15 35 1.12 2.58 3.25 4.25 2.80 9 22 10 1 1.22 0 0 6 8 j 78 131 23 76 3 8 5.45 5.51 6.80 , 5.87 5.91 20 11 4 4 0.36 7 21 39 106 38 131 17 47 1 3 1.83 2.70 4.54 5.54 3.65 14 17 6 2 2.89 1 m 538 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF APRIL, 1854. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. 9 A. M. Fort Independence..... Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus......... West Point............ Watervliet Arsenal Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal..... Fort Delaware........ Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe.......... Fort Moultrie......... Fort Pierce, (Capron).. Key West............ Fort Myers............ Fort Brooke........... Fort Meade........... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal. Baton Rouge.......... Fort Towson.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Smith............ Fort Gibson........... Jefferson Barracks...... St. Louis Arsenal...... Newport Barracks..... Fort Mackinac......... Fort Brady............ Fort Snelling......... Fort Ripley........... Fort Ridgely.......... Fort Leavenworth..... Fort Riley............ Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Arbuckle......... Fort Belknap.......... Fort Chadbourne...... Fort Mc Kavett........ Fort Merrill........... Fort Ewell............ Fort Brown........... Ringgold Barracks..... Fort Mcintosh......... Fort Inge............. Fort Duncan.......... Fort Clarke........... 37.33 41.53 40.40 39.16 35.60 37.10 41.66 43.92 43.10 55.00 56.06 64.70 71.36 64.30 63.20 60.70 54.40 51.73 57.31 53.60 53.56 52.60 53.46 49.90 47.60 47.50 32.23 26.37 38.46 33.93 43.56 46.76 47.76 | 40.83 j 42.66 51.03 i s 53.03 51.96 56.77 62.96 60.20 j 66.90 j 65.36 I 65.13 I 59.03 | 60.17 , 58.16 '' 41.96 45.23 43.90 47.93 42.60 42.23 49.56 51.01 48.23 58.70 64.96 74.00 74.00 71.50 71.80 68.93 65.10 63.43 64.55 60.70 60.66 58.88 60.33 56.20 55.06 52.13 38.40 40.87 48.66 47.86 55.66 56.16 56.10 52.46 49.06 61.53 67.00 64.33 61.63 78.86 73.53 78.43 79.53 76.40 68.13 71.70 69.83 49.16 49.90 52.83 51.93 47.26 47.53 57.33 58.02 56.53 58.93 69.13 76.66 76.63 79.03 76.43 76.07 71.90 75.40 72.55 71.53 70.26 69.36 67.96 64.43 67.56 59.66 43.60 43.10 58.83 58.20 64.33 65.76 67.51 62.31 59.04 71.76 78.13 75.33 72.77 83.13 87.36 79.46 87.86 91.13 82.66 85.47 80.70 41.20 45.63 43.23 44.63 39.63 38.77 48.66 48.16 56.00 60.90 68.93 73.56 69.46 68.83 67.40 60.33 58.63 64.11 61.76 61.23 61.66 60.20 56.63 51.43 53.50 34.00 29.24 48.26 42.33 52.56 55.56 56.46 49.30 51.73 58.96 64.93 61.06 65.00 76.23 68.90 70.80 73.83 76.10 66.43 71.37 66.20 42.41 45.57 45.09 45.91 41.27 41.41 49.30 50.98 49.00 57.16 62.76 71.10 73.89 71.07 70.07 68.10 62.93 62.30 64.63 61.90 61.43 60.62 60.49 56.79 55.41 53.20 37.06 40.87 48.54 45.58 54.03 56.06 56.96 51.22 50.62 60.82 65.77 63.17 64.04 76.54 72.50 73.90 76.39 77.19 64.06 72.18 68.72 66 70 76 76 66 68 81 80 74 80 82 89 83 88 86 85 83 87 82 83 86 89 85 88 87 82. 63* 63 86? 80 85 85 92? 88 78 85 94 86 86 97 100 90 96 103 92 99 90 26 28 26 25 22 27 23 29 30 36 36 48 60 49 45 44 38 34 43 30 32 33 30 25 25 29 12 7 9 — 7 13 15 23 16 24 25 32 34 41 44 40 52 49 48 44 42 40 23.6 24.4 30.9 30.1 24.7 26.6 31.7 29.0 25.0 22.8 19.2 17.9 9.1 16.9 15.9 16.9 20.1 24.7 17.4 21.1 24.6 28.4 24.5 31.2 31.6 28.8 25.9 22.1 37.5 34.4 31.0 28.9 35.0 36.8 27.4 24.2 28.2 22.8 22.0 20.5 27.5 16.1 19.6 25.8 27.9 26.8 21.3 Below mean. No. of Observations N.E. 16.4 17.6 19.1 20.9 19.3 14.4 26.3 22.0 19.0 21.2 24.8 23.1 13.9 22.1 25.1 24.1 24.9 28.3 21.6 31.9 29.4 27.6 30.5 31.8 30.4 24.2 25.1 33.9 39.5 52.6 41.0 41.1 34.0 35.2 26.6 35.8 33.8 29.2 23.0 32.5 32.5 21.9 27.4 29.2 20.1 30.2 28.7 12- 40 0 40 21 28 200 4 68 0 6 39 30 22 11 15 50 23 9 11 26 12 51 23 163 14 71 11 5 13 52 12 25 11 26 14 21 7 37 9 2 10 41 17 31 2 0 0 55 9 92 4 14 9 9 1 53 17 52 24 40 15 1 10 25 2 86 6 33 4 23 6 72 1 38 1 38 16 8 27 23 4 19 5 17 0 34 15 27 6 2 7 4 16 133 61 115 23 0 90 93 40 72 28 52 83 54 25 20 28 15 23 25 14 28 34 2 0 31 16 25 4 39 52 54 25 7 16 6 10 2 1 50 37 5 10 0 23 10 19 49 E. 17 31 0 0 2 4 1 2 2 5 5 10 1 4 1 2 7 13 23 56 1 3 13 38 19 65 10 18 31 63 23 49 8 11 6 11 27 63 16 24 18 34 10 20 11 17 13 37 14 20 29 114 37 136 43 87 7 18 8 17 13 59 0 0 4 7 5 14 16 24 11 24 2 4 3 3 7 25 9 10 4 8 17 33 3 10 5 5 79 142 0 0 17 60 ' METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 539 MONTH OF APRIL, 1854. 1 i WINDS. WEATHER. IAIN 1 AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean clea4-ness of sky. Days. Days. .1 a < REMARKS. i S. E. | S. 1 s. w. w. N. W. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. '3 '■H — ° | 3 to i ti. o a Ul 11 15 4 8 13 30 8 19 23 54 2.53 2.46 3.43 3.66 3.02 11 19 11 2 5.40 22 26 0 0 25 25 0 0 32 39 3.06 4.16 4.86 4.60 4.17 13 17 12 3 9.58 10 32 11 19 29 52 8 12 18 44 3.53 3.10 3.96 4.43 3.76 12 18 12 3 8.80 9 25 34 70 5 17 7 23 10 29 3.40 4.43 4.06 4.86 4.19 15 15 11 5 L0.53 11 30 14 41 8 26 16 56 19 56 6.10 6.56 5.83 4.66 5.79 18 12 9 3 3.98 10 13 21 43 24 75 7 26 6 18 1.63 2.37 3.12 2.47 2.40 6 24 10 3 2.25 ■' 6 10 7 11 25 58 7 15 18 50 2.50 2.46 3.23 3.66 2.96 10 20 12 4 4.21 2 2 4 7 2 3 0 0 9 13 17 13 11 2 6.40 No observations at 9 4 8 3 7 12 35 22 36 19 36 2.73 3.50 5.13 4.26 3.91 15 16 9 3 7.20 [p.m. 3 4 2 4 15 ! 38 18 45 4 11 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 4.50 18 12 8 0 1.80? Inaccurate. 31 .78 12 59 32 146 1 3 21 75 4.70 5.23 5.50 6.26 5.42 21 9 8 0 2.20 24 77 7 13 20 55 6 17 15 40 2.43 3.03 2.50 4.30 3.06 9 21 8 0 7.00 6 12 11 36 9 23 3 11 12 50 5.12 5.23 5.16 5.76 5.32 19 11 8 0 2.99 0 0 10 25 13 32 9 24 10 30 4.76 5.16 5.30 5.63 5.21 19 11 5 0 2.75 15 37 8 10 10 36 30 91 14 38 4.26 5.93 6.26 6.20 5.66 21 9 8 0 8.82 8 19 9 15 4 12 24 70 8 13 1.90 2.93 3.80 4.80 3.36 13 17 11 0 3.19 11 17 14 30 12 23 12 23 29 52 4.00 6.03 6.70 7.03 5.94 20 10 1 0 0.50 35 71 18 28 • 6 13 4 12 19 59 6.43 7.27 7.03 8.30 7.26 23 7 4 0 1.96 25 64 9 23 12 32 19 48 7 18 4.33 4.23 3.70 5.13 4.35 14 16 5 0 3,58 24 46 33 65 8 12 2 4 9 18 3.80 4.10 5.06 5.36 4.58 14 16 9 0 2.22 14 46 38 144 6 22 6 24 14 38 4.53 4.30 5.00 5.66 4.87 16 14 9 0 4.21 9 21 18 52 13 36 12 34 3 6 4.26 5.13 5.73 5.66 5.19 17 13 7 0 6.55 30 100 31 105 2 2 3 9 9 24 4.80 3.86 4.16 5.66 4.62 13 17 9 0 3.16 10 37 42 81 9 29 20 35 3 21 2.60 4.23 4.56 5.23 4 16 16 14 , 7 0 3.40 3 3 20 34 21 36 17 35 2 3 7.17 7.77 7.93 2.83 6.42 15 15 8 0 4.30 Clearness inaccurate. 1 2 21 55 10 38 28 96 3 12 1.66 3.00 3.33 4.66 3.16 11 19 4 2 2.10 13 26 12 24 4 13 20 61 9 27 4.70 4.83 5.40 5.70 5.16 15 15 6 2 1.04 6 12 18 37 11 29 11 28 2 9 6.20 6.20 6.10 5.17 5.92 17 13 5 6 2.14 Temp, inaccurate at 19 44 20 50 5 9 9 37 7 20 4.76 4.50 4.13 4.73 4.53 17 13 11 2 2.51 [9 a. m. 3 5 23 65 12 23 8 22 2 4 5.73 5.23 5.26 6.13 6.09 18 12 9 1 0.97 28 73 20 65 16 36 2 8 6 21 4.13 4.53 3.06 5.26 4.24 13 17 11 0 2.83 26 61 1 1 41 107 10 17 28 46 5.30 5.70 5.60 4.96 5.39 18 12 10 0 3.35 14 34 42 91 23 68 11 26 3 14 7.23 8.06 8.86 8.20 8.09 22 8 4 0 4.55 Inaccurate. 17 49 14 40 28 89 4 16 17 52 4.46 5.10 4.60 4.00 4.54 18 12 6 3 2.56 3 3 0 0 0 0 22 41 9 12 6.30 8.03 8.13 2.66 6.28 23 7 9 3 3.98 43 92 10 19 19 38 6 7 8 16 ! 8.60 8.56 9.00 7.86 8.50 24 6 6 0 2.98 54 207 14 62 8 17 1 3 12 44 !'5.02 6.36 6.04 7.56 6.25 24 6 4 0 1.75 24 52 17 24 6 10 0 0 3 4 3.83 6.23 6.00 7.03 5.77 21 9 4 0 0.56 35 120 21 81 13 36 2 6 9 27 4.63 6.03 7.57 8.64 6.72 23 7 3 0 0.28 34 44 15 44 9 20 2 2 4 6 4.76 6.86 6.10 6.86 6.14 21 9 2 0 1.16 66 182 7 14 0 0 3 6 11 17 6.06 7.90 7.60 8.66 7.56 27 3 1 0 0.00 34 70 23 54 26 67 2 5 4 8 5.56 4.80 5.60 6.43 5.60 20 10 1 0 0.05 39 102 57 161 0 0 0 0 10 14 6.70 7.30 6.73 7.53 7.07 23 7 0 0 0.00 72 184 6 9 2 2 0 0 5 10 4.40 5.03 6.93 7.76 6.03 19 11 0 0 0.00 9 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 4.40 5.06 7.06 8.20 6.18 21 9 2 0 0.75 83 ,243 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 63 3.97 4.37 6.27 7.77 5.59 22 8 1 0 0.00 63 !l!6 i 2 4 2 4 0 0 19 66 3.50 4.23 6.26 7.36 5.34 16 14 2 0 0.60 P5 Ui hH o « «} O C5 o o o w E-> W o -HH t^ o -* t-- CO CM CO © CM CO CM Ui o t- 00 CM CD © CO rH l-H © CM CO Ui rt CM CM © CM 00 CM o Lrt 00 - © © - © © o -o CD CO o CO t~ 00 CM © CM CD © o l> o CO r-i 00 CO o © © © CM CO CM -f CO oo © Ui -* © Ui © tr- CO - © r. © © CM 00 .-H CM CM t-. CO © ■>* o CM o co -* 00 eo CM o Irt o r-H © 3 © CO t^ -<»> 00 © © t— -* © '- © © CM 00 r-i CO l-H © CO CO HTfOOOCOOiOt-COiOHOI'HO't.OflO 11 a ei © © CM o CM O >rt CO "* Irt © o © © © >o irt CM 0 CO CM Irt rn rt -* on CD O © © ■HH CO rn rH Irt cn ti CM CO CO CM CM CM CM CM CO CM l-H CM CM r-H ** CM CM CM ■^aiflHICB^lflLOHO C<5lM(MiHiIir«rti-*^^ 00 "J* CM CM 00 Ol 00 co CO © CD irt CM O © © >rt © ■<* 00 © ■*f r- CM © CM © © lrt t-Lrt © © >* lrt l-H Lrt CM irt CO uo © Lrt CD in © o Lrt © CD in t- co CD CO CM CO 00 CO © CD CO © © CM © en © X © O © CO o CO © CO © © © CO O © CO © Lrt CO Ci © -o © CO © © t-.^i Q 2 fe PS K f> Q W fefefeccfetapafefefefafer-r ©©©CO©r-l-44©>r4JOCO.OOO©JOOl-0© CO .(-. hH JO JO i-h OOOMOOMUOOfllr co © i-h JO WOO-lrlOOH-Jr. 00 l-n JO ►>■ OO -4 © —4 On Ol JO © On Ol IO r-4 OS J-> to 00 © 03 CO © © © JO to Ol 4- ^1 © © © 4- to CO -4 © r- cn © JO © Oi Oi JO 4- "4| -4 —4 '""' cn © © © © ID -4 Ol h" 00 uo © JO Ol C Ir- -4-4©©CO©Ol-.© tO i-h tO JO *4 O0l4j4_-5)©©-4O0l©WJ0l-H0l-4 Ol -C- CO Ol I—1 tO©©4^Oi*kOl*-©Ol©00©©-4—4©© ©Or-'0^-©©©*4 OCO©OCOOOCOO© CO r> *>- -4 © On © © © JO © © uuiHwoioitn^oioicn-ioim-i-itoto On *_ oi JO © 00 O CO o © © © *- © to CO 00 Oi © to »t_ -4 © CD CD © 4-44_,OlOl©--4Ol-4©00©©©© © © O ©©*4OlOlOl©Oi00-4-40D-4 4.1 -J -J CO CO 4-4©J04r-©0l0l0lCi©©0D©4j-4-.j-oc0 i-h O CO ©-4l-H00r-JO©©00-44©JO©*4jOtOl-H|-H 0©©©©©©©©©©0n©)—'I—' h.■ © O tOrnJOl-nOiOOh-JOJO Oi jo © © © -4 O © © hH © © -4Ci(r400Ol©CO©O0©hH©© Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches K M 1-3 t_ O rt W o O 2 f X O o CJ *n o > rrj > SB X M ■* w 00 t. ■1- CJ 1—1 Ul ►_ w w Ox us- 42 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER - — - -- -— --- MONTH OF MAY, 1851 ---- - ----- 0METER. THERM WINDS. STATIONS. Mean Temperature. "j Max. Ra Min. nge. No. of Observations S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 T. M. Mean. Above mean. Below mean. N. N. E. E. 51.96 55.19 54.22 54.23 50.86 49.58 50.74 57.20 56.19 61.00 67.51 72.32 77.77 71.70 70.77 68.58 68.38 65.00 68.27 62.06 61.35 61.77 59.51 57.87 58.00 4° 22 37.13 49.80 58.12 58.45 59.51 62.74 1 57.12 56.58 62.38 64.60 64.70 73.35 77.13 81.80 81.12 81.16 79.64 78.16 77.51 75.83 75.20 73.16 66.74 68.38 68.96 65.58 63.41 i 50.12 54.64 58.70 67.38 57.58 ! 58.76 66.67 57.16 , 59.37 81 78 80 78 74 80 86 88 80 90 91 92 90 93 90 90 90 90 91 88 84 86 84 88 83 63 73 84 81 90 88 86 82 80 90 88 94 87 97 86 93 90 103 104 95 102 93 31 35 34 34 30 32 31 41 40 56 45 64 73 64 60 56 47 48 49 50 51 51 46 43 42 28 22 32 31 37 40 40 30 38 47 52 48 56 64 61 58 67 63 64 55 60 54 22.2 18.6 20.0 17.4 19.1 25.0 24.8 23.5 15.7 21.3 17.6 13.6 9.2 13.9 12.5 13.7 14.6 15.4 15.9 18.2 16.5 18.4 15.5 21.6 19.0 15.4 26.6 26.2 28.9 27.7 22.5 22.0 22.7 23.1 21.4 16.3 23.9 16.7 16.3 9.4 15.5 9.0 21.3 22.6 20.1 | 23.1 i 18.0 27.8 24.4 26.0 26.6 24.9 23.0 30.2 23.5 24.3 12.7 28.4 14.4 7.8 15.1 17.5 20.3 28.4 26.6 26.1 19.8 16.5 16.6 22.5 23.4 22.0 19.6 24.4 25.8 21.1 25.3 25.5 24.0 29.3 18.9 21.6 19.7 22.1 14.3 16.7 15.6 19.5 14.0 18.7 17.4 19.9 18.9 21.0 7 8 12 32 1 13 7 21 5 24 0 6 1 15 23 1 22 24 3 3 7 8 1 3 5 1 2 6 11 20 18 4 0 16 13 11 9 11 3 4 0 6 3 11 |l2 1 4 16 15 9 29 45 31 40 17 0 42 20 23 13 24 53 153 26 33 14 30 5 18 0 57 34 7 6 4 5 10 16 60 57 29 7 3 26 4 13 42 15 61 1 48 7 8 4 25 8 2 20 1 2 1 1 2 2 67.32 66.09 59.67 62.30 70.41 74.30 73.09 72.61 77.77 ' 83.77 83.67 87.12 85.74 83.87 83.12 SS2.48 82.88 75.96 74.19 74.22 77.51 78.19 70.09 53.03 55.10 65.74 62.00 69.45 74.83 72.80 69.70 63.77 76.80 I 80.00 77.75 77.39 90.26 78.80 88.48 84.77 91.42 91.90 88.48 90.35 84.96 58.77 59.96 59.25 | 60.57 25 31 44 7 38 9 63 0 15 3 48 43 1 45 28 5 6 16 9 1 7 11 1 5 22 35 61 99 4 0 41 14 14 12 15 7 12 0 11 6 33 8 32 2 11 17 4 0 23 16 13 6 6 15 45 8 16 6 16 3 12 0 19 17 4 2 2 5 6 6 12 21 9 4 2 9 4 11 17 13 24 1 17 7 3 2 14 7 2 10 0 0 4 4 6 5 54 1 14 3 20 7 46 27 6 4 23 19 20 15 3 21 18 39 25 12 9 16 0 12 6 20 13 3 8 8 0 9 8 13 31 16 104 0 ' 58 0 0 7 8 8 13 114 50 10 42 14 102 58 10 6 47 42 25 21 5 31 19 138 62 45 21 58 0 17 20 30 22 4 51.90 51.48 61.16 61.80 63.19 68.00 71.00 75.77 80.70 76.54 ; 73.64 74.61 72.61 75.25 74.06 68.00 67.74 66.06 67.77 63.90 64.51 45.12 38.55 57.03 48.29 58.58 64.90 61.29 57.32 56.48 66.06 69.29 i 68.09 70.10 78.30 76.11 74.77 77.83 81.00 80.09 70.00 78.65 54.89 54.98 61.17 64.50 64.29 68.74 73.35 78.41 80.84 79.13 77.49 76.31 75.40 74.64 75.10 69.80 67.51 67.61 68.44 66.36 64.00 47.62 46.36 57.82 52.11 62.32 65.45 64.00 59.31 56.92 68.64 71.66 70.08 70.33 80.73 76.61 77.45 81.00 81.74 | 81.41 74.89 1 78.92 Mount Vernon Arsenal. 43.35 ! 54.80 57.35 63.90 56.58 57.96 . 48.48 65.48 63.93 61.74 , 49.90 ' 57.52 61.06 ! 70.62 63.70 | 73.64 . 61.90 | 72.58 65.03 ■ 68.81 . 71.07 i 83.30 11 23 0 73.07 . 69.55 78.45 77.00 82.58 23 13 . 78.77 28 72.4E , 73.4i. . 66.Ir j 82.06 i 80.16 ! 74.96 , 77.13 i 74.74 75 24 161 . 69.5^ 0 . 66.4J 73.80 ' 75.00 162 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 543 MONTH OF MAY, 1854. and sum of force. S. E. s s. w. M N. W. 14 33 4 6 52 110 9 20 18 57 20 25 0 0 28 32 0 0 40 53 18 j 38 21 47 18 30 18 32 12- 33 6 21 52 174 11 28 4 12 11 39 14 ! 52 36 93 11 29 16 52 21 88 1 1 29 51 37 116 9 17 9 47 10 22 18 49 20 57 9 23 0 0 31 60 9 10 14 19 5 7 32 46 7 13 9 24 18 37 26 57 20 43 0 0 3 5 50 109 5 9 0 0 15 39 42 147 17 56 6 10 5 13 52 179 0 0 17 31 3 3 1 3 45 134 9 16 13 32 3 7 4 14 8 11 10 28 14 38 2 6 4 9 19 35 20 40 9 23 16 40 0 0 8 15 15 26 4 10 7 11 9 11 22 43 24 39 8 17 18 22 17 18 42 88 19 37 12 21 3 8 25 49 27 60 6 13 25 63 28 60 11 26 11 34 35 105 14 33 5 9 5 10 16 34 19 31 20 56 3 10 0 0 22 38 40 77 4 16 2 3 4 11 30 74 10 21 6 9 26 69 6 25 12 36 23 46 12 17 23 71 5 9 0 0 8 12 16 22 22 27 1 1 22 54 14 22 8 25 29 71 6 19 7 17 35 76 13 41 16 49 4 17 19 73 17 50 13 41 15 63 14 51 8 23 13 31 12 37 14 34 8 16 35 103 10 32 5 19 9 38 24 106 9 23 4 11 62 139 13 35 17 30 19 37 32 51 34 78 3 7 1 4 6 18 17 54 20 61 16 34 30 79 3 4 6 6 2 6 26 31 5 11 19 44 19 36 16 23 7 8 12 15 53 157 14 35 13 36 1 4 6 17 22 30 7 11 10 14 1 1 3 4 37 106 18 50 13 33 5 11 11 31 34 39 29 29 18 19 6 7 2 2 59 154 14 33 2 6 0 0 5 8 67 140 3 4 2 3 4 6 5 8 58 142 25 56 19 52 0 0 0 0 38 84 32 63 0 0 4 6 3 10 73 163 6 10 0 0 2 2 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 97 '265 0 0 0 0 1 2 17 34 28 69 0 0 0 0 1 6 20 50 WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days. .G o 0 a REMARKS. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. C 0 O 0 o r-l 5 ti Ul < 3.29 3.35 3.58 3.80 3.51 14 17 10 0 4.28 5.00 5.80 5.25 5.74 5.45 18 13 14 0 6.09 5.22 4.90 4.74 6.16 5.25 18 13 14 0 7.70 4.87 5.35 4.41 6.06 5.17 17 14 12 0 5.03 7.19 7.25 6.61 4.87 6.43 21 10 9 0 1.58 4.96 5.32 4.42 3.64 4.59 15 16 13 0 3.90 4.54 5.74 4.93 5.58 5.20 19 22 12 9 11 9 0 0 2.24 3.95 5.80 6.09 6.09 4.45 5.61 18 13 9 0 5.20 6.63 7.55 8.10 6.30 7.14 24 7 4 0 0.82 Inaccurate. 5.25 4.61 4.51 6.58 5.24 19 12 8 0 3.70 2.96 2.87 3.12 3.58 3.13 15 16 12 0 5.70 6.03 5.80 6.09 7.19 6.28 28 3 7 0 3.14 7.80 5.77 4.77 6.32 6.16 24 7 10 0 5.65 5.09 6.25 5.22 6.16 5.68 25 6 12 0 6.21 1.81 4.39 3.97 4.13 3.57 10 21 16 p 10.57 1.00 4.29 4.19 5.26 3.68 17 14 6 0 3.47 5.25 6.12 5.70 7.22 6.07 20 11 12 0 4.45 2.35 2.48 2.09 3.61 2.63 10 21 9 0 8.05 3.52 4.22 4.65 4.61 4.22 16 15 15 0 11.73 3.37 3.35 4.00 4.41 3.78 12 19 19 0 6.25 2.74 2.80 3.58 5.83 3.73 13 18 19 o 7.67 3.25 4.77 5.25 5.48 4.69 17 14 8 0 6.98 6.90 7.32 7.00 2.42 5.91 18 13 6 0 4.65 5.45 5.22 5.80 6.61 5.77 19 12 12 0 6.47 4.32 4.64 5.77 5.67 5.10 17 14 9 0 2.65 5.52 6.51 6.13 5.13 5.82 18 13 9 0 3.61 4.25 3.74 3.96 4.22 4.04 12 19 10 1 4.30 4.74 4.64 4.19 5.25 | 4.70 16 15 13 o 4.34 3.61 4.16 3.29 5.09 4.04 13 18 16 0 6.84 3.58 4.22 4.22 3.90 4.98 16 15 9 0 5.55 7.87 8.35 7.90 7.35 7.87 23 8 4 0 4.35 3.80 4.22 3.48 3.61 3.53 16 15 10 0 4.15 7.80 8.64 7.35 1.58 6.34 23 8 10 0 4.46 4.64 5.09 5.74 6.03 5.37 14 17 14 0 6.60 1.77 2.19 2.96 4.80 2.93 9 22 13 0 4.97 5.70 4.54 4.25 5.09 4.90 14 17 10 0 5.76 3.26 4.45 4.94 5.97 4.66 15 16 9 0 3.72 [the 10th to 14th. 1.24 4.76 5.57 3.61 3.79 10 16 8 0 7.66 No observations from 2.25 2.11 5.66 4.14 3.54 12 15 8 0 8.07 Last 27 days. 3.54 4.35 6.32 6.13 5.09 18 13 9 0 6.88 3.06 2.83 3.64 4.77 3.72 13 18 8 0 4.10 3.32 3.58 5.16 5.03 4.27 16 15 8 0 2.83 2.12 3.88 6.61 5.09 4.42 16 15 7 0 5.02 2.96 3.67 5.80 6.58 4.75 15 16 8 0 3.88 2.81 3.06 4.87 5.55 4.07 12 19 8 0 2.53 3.70 4.35 4.80 4.83 4.42 13 18 7 0 2.65 544 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF MAY, 1854. STATIONS. THERMOMETER. Fort Fillmore...... Fort Thorne...... Fort Craig......... Albuquerque....... Santa Fe.......... Fort Union........ Fort Massachusetts. Fort Defiance...... Fort Yuma........ San Diego ........ Fort Miller........ San Francisco..... Benicia Barracks .. Fort Reading....., Fort Humboldt--- Fort Jones....... Fort Vancouver ... Fort Dalles....... Fort Steilacoom ... 54.80 49.35 47.77 49.35 44.06 39.61 34.06 35.83 60.25 53.09 58.35 48.83 49.48 57.32 47.54 42.56 51.77 46.93 46.22 Mean Temperature. 70.48 74.06 62.74 64.32 56.48 57.35 57.94 54.93 76.22 64.06 66.32 54.90 55.32 67.61 56.22 52.32 59.45 61.16 55.19 3 P. M. 9 P. M. 81.90 87.54 82.16 78.25 65.96 64.54 61.82 64.83 87.25 69.25 75.61 60.93 67.77 77.45 63.22 69.80 67.19 70.03 66.90 67.16 57.27 61.56 57.96 50.22 48.32 43.82 48.64 72.77 56.38 66.90 49.58 53.00 65.32 48.77 49.51 50.32 57.64 53.96 68.59 67.06 63.56 62.47 54.18 52.46 49.41 51.08 74.12 60.69 66.80 53.56 56.40 66.92 53.94 53.55 57.18 58.94 55.57 92 102 93 91 79 76 73 77 101 65 78 91 71 94? 88 92 84 Range. Max. Min. Above. mean 49 23.4 43 34.9 38 29.4 42 28.5 36 24.8 30 23.5 25 23.6 19 25.9 46 26.9 39 17.3 46 21.2 43 11.4 42 21.6 44 24.1 32 17.1 31 30.4? 44 30.8 39 33.1 40 28.4 Below mean. 50 - hn 03 nn hn 0 0 p. e B 03 to © © © *. © © ID 4». © © CD Oi Ol to r" hn hn TO H to --1 JO to hn CO 4-» CD *- © --4 © 0 © © 4- ID © JO h" JO "-J 00 to -r"- 5" nn to HH to to © nn On to __ rt- 1—', to *- © -J to to © hn 4-4 1-1 © 03 4- © hn On -4 Ul to hn Ol -r4 03 hn 03 Oi Ol 4- © Ol Oi © to ir. on © © 4-v 03 03 01 © © © © © -4 4^ ID Oi *4 © 4*. JO nn -4 nn 1,'j K) __, XO 03 -A h-, © r- © © U 03 © On 03 4-- © 03 0 © w Oi © ■ri Z t-n to hn hn Oi h— *> © CO *-. 03 © to © to JO 4-- on -4 © © -4 if- © W to ID Ol © 1-1 --4 Oi © ^ © hn Oi to © nn © 03 nn to to 4b. 4- to Oi © © 00 © -4 4- -4 ID © © Oi © Ir" © CD © to hn rt Ol Ol l-H cr. to On ~J Oi 03 to on © 03 © to © ^ o -4 © © —I 00 hn to Ol --4 '""' -i 4-. © on JO JO HH 4- hn JO to to NO © *- *>■ -4 Cn © to 4- On JO Ol © 03 00 03 hn to to -4 SS ■-© nn On it-. ,_, hn on hn CO hn -1 4-. 4- © to Oi •"* 00 O On 1-1 Ol 00 to to © O Ol © to to © © to © 00 4a- Ol -4 ~4 © 4r- 4- JO -J 00 © © © 44 -4 00 © TO JO © © HH *- JO © 03 4~ l_l Ol — on 00 © 44 4- © OS 93 Ol © -4 -4 (JO to to ID 00 © Ir" hn 00 to 03 © 00 © JO v r- 00 On On ~4 ^4 Ol *- 4- to "44 -1 © © -1 -4 -4 © © eo 00 03 © 03 on ro © Ol 03 Ol on CD 0 HH O JO 4- © JO p -4 CD CO © © © © Ir to 1-1 03 O © © © IO © © © .S 0 -4 CD On 4=. © © © © Cn © ~4 4- On Oi © © CT) © CS "00 © © JO © 4- Oi hn 4- Ol nn 0 © © to Ol O © g Oi tn © m © hn JO © to 00 *■ 0 © 03 © © hH © 03 Ul M -© 00 © -4 © © 00 Ol *- co 00 00 Ol Oi © -4 00 © CO to 0 H © Ol 4- O Ol © CO Ol Ol 1—1 1__1 HH 1__1 © © on 1—1 O 03 f 93 © 00 i-h 00 4-4 © 00 HH H-i © to © to ^ © -4 © © CD fH on 00 Oi On 44 © © Ol *4 © 4-4 -4 Oi © © -4 ~4 00 © t* On 03 tO 4fe -4 44 m l_l OT Oi 4.4 TI Ol © -4 4_ — © to 0 © 4-4 © © hn 4-4 03 © © © © 00 O H 4-4 >—• Ol © JO to HH |-H to JO to ._, nn rn to to hn to to t.O to NO to Fair. ^ ~4 00 JO -4 Ol Oi -4 On to uo On cn Ol © 4-1 4-. 00 © © 0 r> <<1 hH o *4 0O HH *- © ro 4- © CD 03 © 44 on Oi © to JO Cloudy 03 l-H to © hn On hn © CO CD © On -- en © © Oi 4- © Rain. P 93 > l-H ti © © © © © © © © © © © © - © © © © © © Snow. > ti 0 O © © © O to O © O O © ._ 03 © hn 0 0 TO ti 0 ft © -4 JO 4- © © to Ol 01 en 00 00 o On hn to 0 O © 4- *~ © hn 03 © —1 © to © © Pi H r fa r-- Ul? 0 n jo cr < n. Or a p= -4 p. ta O V) p >■ ei- tn ^ Ed O " ta W tr vi- © 4_ CD © cs Ul O W O F O Q HH C. !> F W H HH CG h_ t- 4- 1*- f>46 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF JUNE, 1854. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Fort Independence... Fort Hamilton...... Fort Columbus....... West Point.......... Watervliet Arsenal .. Fort Niagara........ Alleghany Arsenal... Fort McHenry....... Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie....... Fort Capron........ Key West......... Fort Myers........... Fort Brooke........... Fort Meade........... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal. Baton Rouge.......... Fort Washita.......... Fort Smith...........■ Fort Gibson..........■ Jefferson Barracks..... St. Louis Arsenal..... Newport Barracks..... Fort Mackinac....... Fort Brady.......... Fort Snelling......... Fort Ripley.......... Fort Ridgely......... Fort Leavenworth..... Fort Riley........... Fort Kearney......... Fort Laramie......... Fort Arbuckle........ Fort Belknap......... T^rt Chadbourne...... Fort McKavett....... Fort Merrill.......... Corpus Christi........ Fort Ewell........... Fort Brown.......... Ringgold Barracks.... Fort Mcintosh........ Fort Inge............ Fort Duncan......... Fort Clarke........... Fort Fillmore......... Mean Temperature. Range. S. R. 9 A. M. 60.83 63.20 C2.60 62.20 60.66 61.66 61.40 66.23 70.93 73.76 75.73 80.46 75.93 74.20 72.47 74.26 72.26 74,15 68.56 68.43 68.40 68.26 67.13 66.23 54.50 50.00 61.80 52.86 60.70 64.10 64.50 59.90 60.23 66.00 70.43 65.93 71.67 73.76 81.23 74.50 78.46 76.63 76.36 74.34 74.87 73.53 67.53 3 P. M. . 9 P. M. | Mean. 64.74 68.23 6^.23 69.23 68.96 67.16 73.73 72.26 76.67 81.10 86.26 84.07 85.13 81.83 80.93 83.10 81.13 81.33 75.76 73.16 77.36 78.33 72.37 71.13 61.53 66.17 73.30 69.10 74.03 73.60 71.63 70.53 67.30 77.23 79.53 72.33 75.37 83.06 84.90 82.66 86.10 85.06 83.66 S3.23 81.30 78.56 81.00 73.46 75.66 ; 76.60 74.20 74.90 74.13 80.36 78.46 81.43 82.10 j 87.10 j 85.93 j 88.33 j 87.66 85.13 87.26 ! 87.73 87.40 83.56 83.30 84.20 83.75 87.93 78.60 67.03 72.80 77.33 76.26 79.47 81.56 81.60 78.76 75.46 84.36 89.26 82.06 83.13 93.93 85.13 91.20 89.40 92.16 92.96 90.46 90.38 87.86 94.73 64.63 67.66 66.53 66.63 63.90 62.37 69.13 71.00 79.77 77.23 79.26 82.90 80.00 78.33 77.87 79.33 75.56 79.56 74.03 77.03 73.00 68.80 71.57 72.56 56.80 53.18 67.60 57.83 67.90 72.16 72.93 66.50 67.93 72.26 75.83 64.83 77.03 83.53 81.83 78.10 80.73 83.36 81.76 79.63 80.93 79.30 79.20 Max. Min. Above mean. 65.91 68.69 68.49 68.06 67.10 67.58 71.15 72.00 77.20 78.55 32.09 83.34 82.35 80.51 79.10 81.00 79.17 80.61 75.48 75.48 75.74 74.78 74.75 72.13 59.96 60.54 70.01 64.01 70.52 72.85 72.66 68.92 67.73 74.96 78.79 74.00 76.80 84.82 83.27 81.61 83.67 84.30 83.69 81.91 81.87 79.81 80.61 85 87 88 83 83 92 95 95 96 93 94 90 94 92 91 104 97 95 95 93 95 99 103 91 82 89 93 91 91 93 102 92 93 98 96 94 90 100 89 95 96 100 100 97 98 93 106 53 54 51 51 46 52 40 52 57 53 70 78 73 68 67 65 64 66 56 57 54 51 50 52 46 38 41 34 42 46 47 46 48 55 59 59 65 74 78 68 72 71 70 67 67 63 53 19.1 18.3 19.5 15.0 15.9 24.4 23.9 23.0 18.8 14.4 11.9 6.7 11.7 11.5 11.9 23.0 17.8 14.4 19.5 17.5 19.3 24.2 28.3 18.9 22.0 28.5 23.0 27.0 20.5 20.2. 29.3 23.1 25.3 23.0 17.2 20.0 13.2 15.2 5.7 13.4 12.3 15.7 16.3 15.1 16.1 13.2 25.4 Below mean, 12.9 14.7 17.5 17.0 21.1 15.6 31.1 20.0 20.2 25.6 12.1 5.3 9.3 12.5 12.1 16.0 15.2 14.6 19.5 18.5 21.7 23.8 24.7 20.1 14.0 22.5 29.0 30.0 28.5 26.8 25.7 22.9 19.7 20.0 19.8 15.0 11.8 10.8 5.3 13.6 11.7 13.3 13.7 14.9 14.9 11.8 27.6 CO©©l--©©©r-WOnHH©-.4©JO©S^W4-.©HHCO^©JO-4©-^©ir4-JOO©©CX©©^ -L. QQ -4 Ol -4 Q M O©©r-©00©rH©£^W©O©S©i0"©£0!©©34U©££^ 00^© © tO H- 00 CO hn £©©©r-r-.Wr-.OlJOHHOr-0-©^©Hn^CXGD©"©-3c»4^W^ -t © © O O goQOMr.K^^OC-C.StlS^S^^O^Sr.U ^ ^ ^ CO ^ Q, ^ M ^ 5 ^ C^ ^ ^ O ^ 0©©HHjOWr-.HHjOHHtO©©JOHH i_i JO HHJO tO l-n hn hn 03 OiCX0n©HHOi©©©00"l--W©OltO©JOrHJO00Olr-'HHC0©00©-4OiC0 -n l_l KTi HH l_t Oi JOWH-.HH HH0OJO 4- M'Ol U U *" H W©©©J0©©©J0J0W0lO©0. S^OO©©©JO©OhhhhjOJO©-4JOCOWWhh CO © 00 CO -1 -1 © © JO Oi © -4 BMMMr.«fr*.»B*il-Mn^Mfflc»liOiWI»i^fflcn*WUiWW'^ bSSgoSSSS§go§§SS§S ^gogg04Jgc,og^g4JSgSo^§gg§S a § S © OO JO *- 4^4-.4^4_,OlOlW4-©©CC4-.©©0!Ol4-©4--4--4--40l4-.4-.W4^W 3_w^a«-irW(»tn^tii4ri»cii*i8ffl^tn*o)fre)Mcxw^ -Ol0n-4-4OlOl^©in^C^r-.-4JO4-00Ol©©Ol©4-^rHC^-4©enWOT©0nOl©©©0n^ o^gk^ggssss^^ g^ag5g©sioS^sk©cS^©g^©gg^g8g-g^^5 4.T*- 03 oT © 4- 4-.0nC*4-.Ol^4-.©©4-.CX©OlOl^Ol^©Ol©CnC*©JO4-4^WCn©CnC0On©©CntO© Lssbisssbfesssgssssisg HUO"HOr.COtOClO*"0)tOOI 00©00C»©OlW00©HH©4--.©~-!JOtO©W00OlHHH-00--4©-4HHC_) C0©©0©©©©©©©©©0©©©©©©©0©©©0©©©©©© ©OOO©©©©©©©©©© 0©Ot04^S4JCT^^©4-CX^©OirH^tOWWH-©JOJ04^JOtO©r-©W^©©^©4-HH ■^ 'x k s k '^ '^ '^ '^ k '^ '^ b b '^ h kk k k h '^ '^ '^ '^ hk l^ x s t^ ^ t ^ ^ ^ e ^ 8§^88t?8 Pair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am't in inches. K M H fc_ O tr* w o o SI tr1 O Q o *j Q 5-H i> 3 F fi . w 00 Oi H -u X hH Ul H t. W 548 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. STATIONS. Fort Thorne........ Fort Craig......... Albuquerque........ Santa Fe...........■ Fort Union.......... Fort Massachusetts . Fort Defiance....... Fort Yuma......... San Diego]......... Fort Miller......... San Francisco...... Benicia Barracks.... Fort Reading....... Fort Humboldt..... Fort Jones......... Fort'.Vancouver .... Fort Dalles........ Fort Steilacoom..... MONTH OF JUNE, 1854. TllKUMOMETEIt. Mean Temperature. p. R. i 9 A.M. 3 P.M. i 9 P.M. Mean. Max. 49.53 60.60 59.03 56.60 46.77 41.53 45.46 73.33 57.13 62.03 50.93 54.26 60.80 51.50 49.18 54.60 53.63 51.50 83.63 77.50 74.80 68.13 63.70 64.00 68.33 84.77 69.33 76.70 56.56 61.03 73.16 60.56 59.10 57.30 66.26 59.00 98.71 94.30 91.03 79.13 71.93 71.24 77.23 98.50 73.48 89.46 62.30 73.70 83.80 67.40 68.83 65.60 72.90 71.30 57.59 69.66 70.46 68.86 57.40 53.23 58.60 85.00 60.20 76.50 51.43 60.80 72.13 52.70 57.93 49.90 61.26 54.03 72.37 75.51 73.83 68.18 59.95 57.50 62.40 85.40 65.04 76.17 55.30 62.45 72.47 58.04 58.76 56.85 63.51 58.96 113 102 102 92 86 89 92 113 93 102 66 95 96 78 80 86 88 86 39 45 51 45 39 31 30 59 48 53 49 49 54 40 42 46 41 44 Above Mean. 40.6 26.5 28.2 23.8 26.1 31.5 29.6 28.6 28.0 25.8 10.7 32.6 23.5 20.0 21.2 29.1 24.5 27.0 Below Mean. 33.4 30.5 22.8 23.2 20.9 26.5 32.4 26.4 17.0 23.2 6.3 13.4 18.5 18.0 16.8 10.9 22.5 15.0 WINDS. No. of Observations 3 4 17 24 79 8 5 7 7 34 16 29 9 31 4 6 0 18 1 1 1 6 4 5 5 8 12 14 8 0 2 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 2 2 2 42 0 0 0 65 26 39 9 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 5 5 1 1 8 At Fort Chadbourne the mean is computed from the observations at sunrise and 3 p. m.; those at 9 p. m. being apparently m error. At Fort Thorne the great daily range is mainly due to the local influences prevailing at elevated positions in the mountain reg.ons of New Mexico, but the exposure of the thermometer appears defective also, and some of the readings in error. \ V JO l-n nn to to HH 0 B Oi © © © © On © © 4- 03 © to 00 ^1 4- © -4 -4 TO m hn hH © ,_. to © hn ,_, 4- to ,_. jo 01 o 00 © On © © 00 03 •-j Oi '" 00 Ol © © 4-4 o Ol On On HH 4H. to On © JO JO Oi 1-1 4-4 4- © © © en -4 to 03 03 © © ^4 ^ to © nn 4-4 eo On hn hn hn to 03 to © 4- CO © On Oi 00 UO 03 © an © 4-4 IO CD 00 -4 © TO A 2S to -4 JO © HH NO "r> 4-. © 4-4 03 to © © to 00 *. -4 © 00 -4 -J © 00 ^4 to 03 -4 © UfJ -J 4-> -4 -f-4 • JO © 4- hn to *>. \-n to to © 00 © Ol © © © "bn- © Oi © to 1-1 © © -~4 -4 © -f-4 ■a 00 JO hn m cn to © -.1 to to NO 4-4 On 00 © -4 00 © On Ol to to © © 00 1-1 w 00 1-1 © © hn JO hn nn hn ._, © o 00 OS 4-4 © © © 00 to 03 © © hn •" rfa. -^4 hn JO hn — © nn to hn to __ hn to nn © © to 4- 4- --I o o On to 4- 4- —I © 4--4 O 03 4-4 to Oi 03 -4 © © -4 r" 00 to -4 00 -4 On 00 CD © TO Ol JO hn © NO On -4 00 4- "-I 4-4 en 4- 00 m On 4* © 93 O CO © o © © © © © © 00 On OS © © © O 4-4 er> © © 03 © On © © Oi ~4 © -4 4r4 -4 © 00 00 00 © SO > 4- JO 03 On 4-^ 4- rr, CO cn © m O © HH © en 4-- © p © © 03 © O © © Oi 03 o © M © ^4 03 *~ rfa. to P1 0 03 Oi on © © CD © on -j © 4-4- tn © -4 © CO *. 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Am't in inches, td hi Xi o td O X o X hH Ci i> X td td Q ui hi td td Cn Cn OS 554 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF AUGUST, 1854. STATIONS. Fort Independence.. Fort Hamilton......... Fort Columbus......... West Point............ Watervliet Arsenal..... Fort Niagara.......... Alleghany Arsenal---- Carlisle Barracks..... Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie......... Fort Capron......... Key West........... Fort Myers........... Fort Brooke.......... Fort Meade.......... Fort Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal Baton Rouge......... Fort Washita......... Fort Smith........... THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Range. 9 A. M. 64.67 69.16 67.32 65.64 59.48 63.19 66.22 63.70 70.51 76.51 77.75 75.77 81.06 76.51 75.19 74.30 77.58 75.51 76.00 74.03 73.93 Fort Gibson...........j 74.14 72.35 71.23 71.22 59.64 53.06 60.32 57.12 66.G7 68.19 75.86 65.06 68.35 75.61 77.61 70.00 72.74 74.35 80.96 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Jefferson Barracks .. St. Louis Arsenal... Newport Barracks... Fort Mackinac...... Fort Brady......... FortSnelling....... Fort Ripley......... Fort Ridgely....... Fort Leavenworth .. Fort Riley........ Fort Kearney....... Fort Laramie....... Fort Arbuckle..... Fort Belknap...... Fort Chadbourne-- Fort McKavett--- Fort Merrill....... Corpus Christi..... Fort Ewell............, 73.64 Fort Brown........... 75.77 Ringgold Barracks......! 74.51 Fort Mcintosh.........' 72.22 Fort Inge.............! 73.90 Fort Duncan..........| 74.16 Fort Clarke.......... 73.93 69.38 74.03 72.61 74.32 71.58 70.42 77.16 74.19 74.80 80.00 83.09 87.70 84.19 84.93 80.80 82.71 87.48 79.74 83.06 83.96 80.54 87.38 82.90 79.51 76.70 67.77 65.38 72.87 70.09 77.32 82.90 84.09 78.19 75.12 81.35 89.16 84.19 78.45 88.22 i 83.61 j 65.87 65.22 85.83 66.77 j 85.90 | 85.77 n3.64 77.35 81.90 79.80 79.87 79.16 76.78 88.41 84.03 81.67 84.20 86.80 89.22 83.06 86.48 84.25 84.84 89.93 89.48 87.30 93.90 93.22 96.77 92.00 96. 4-j 86.45 70.64 70.64 80.80 78.87 83.45 91.19 93.19 88.77 85.16 95.54 96.41 96.06 88.26 94.99 88.22 94.32 87.74 90.48 93.70 94.10 95.87 94.67 68.41 73.58 71.77 71.16 68.84 68.10 74.74 72.51 74.83 77.48 81.74 80.77 82.07 79.48 78.12 78.10 81.42 79.96 79.74 81.70 83.12 82.48 81.25 78.03 78.16 60.83 56.00 70.51 64.93 71.74 74.22 85.87 72.40 77.22 83.29 83.63 81.51 60.97 80.00 83.67 76.06 79.25 81.22 82.29 81.90 84.10 63.48 69.70 74.67 72.88 72.75 69.77 69.62 76.38 73.61 75.45 79.55 82.37 83.37 82.59 81.85 79.59 79.99 84.10 81.17 81.52 83.40 82.70 85.20 82.12 81.30 78.13 62.47 61.27 71.12 67.78 74.80 79.10 84.78 76.10 76.46 83.95 80.75 82.94 80.10 84.39 84.61 83.22 82.00 83.01 84.50 83.95 84.98 83.93 86 91 90 94 86 93 96 96 92 96 93 95 89 93 90 92 102 97 92 102 102 105 102 106 96 81 92 95 97 96 103 105 99 94 105 101 102 93 99 90 98 92 96 101 100 101 100 Above mean. 56 62 58 55 54 55 53 47 61 71 70 71 78 73 72 70 74 72 73 69 68 65 58 59 58 48 44 50 34 43 56 60 49 58 68 72 66 68 68 75 70 16.3 16.3 17.1 21.3 16.2 23.4 19.6 22.4 16.5 16.4 10.6 11.6 6.4 11.2 10.4 12.0 17.9 15.8 10.5 18.6 17.3 19.8 19.9 24.7 17.9 18.5 30.7 23.9 29.2 21.2 23.9 20.2 22.9 17.5 21.1 20.3 19.1 12.9 14.6 5.4 14.8 10.0 Below mean. No. of Observations 70 13.0 72 16.5 70 16.1 70 16.0 ' 71 16.1 13.7 12.7 14.9 17.7 15.8 14.6 23.4 26.6 14.5 8.6 12.4 12.4 4.6 8.8 8.6 10.0 10.1 9.2 8.5 14.4 14.7 20.2 24.1 22.3 20.1 14.5 17.3 21.1 33.8 31.8 23.1 24.8 27.1 18.5 15.9 8.7 16.9 12.1 16.4 9.6 13.2 10.0 13.0 12.5 13.9 15.0 12.9 22 22 0 9 2 6 1 15 4 15 3 19 4 0 3 4 24 1 7 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 84 10 12 32 3 30 0 28 2 0 21 1 32 34 2 24 19 10 14 2 9 3 14 9 25 10 32 6 0 3 5 28 3 8 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 26 6 0 4 11 2 27 30 12 3 21 21 6 2 15 21 6 3 3 0 1 9 9 8 2 2 20 7 3 2 6 0 6 48 10 43 14 0 4 17 5 69 99 43 7 64 33 9 7 26 35 11 6 5 0 2 17 14 25 3 3 41 17 6 6 6 0 12 26 8 18 0 3 0 2 1 7 6 12 21 10 27 9 22 35 12 43 41 4 7 65 7 45 7 7 20 15 23 22 5 1 6 27 5 15 71 8 3 19 20 1 0 6 3 13 16 16 43 17 39 30 67 118 19 71 87 8 10 138 12 79 8 9 39 23 61 50 9 3 12 43 7 24 82 12 7 23 49 1 0 3 0 26 4 11 5 10 27 19 5 4 0 40 14 ! 32 7 53 15 17 27 10 86 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 555 MONTH OF AUGUST, 1854. WINDS. ! WEATHER. RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. N. w. Mean clearness of sky. Days. Days . .5 REMARKS. a. e. S. s. w. w. S. R. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. VIean. u 3 >. •a 0 o 0 3 r-o a 2 8 19 ■** 5 rt Ul < f 7 18 33 79 19 37 19 , 50 4.70 5.38 4.83 5.00 4.98 19 12 4 0 0.50 15 22 0 0 38 50 0 0 62 76 5.96 4.03 7.77 5.90 5.91 24 7 4 0 0.26 8 15 8 20 34 98 15 26 24 51 5.51 6.48 5.58 7.09 6.17 21 10 6 0 1.03 17 j 46 40 25 5 12 8 26 11 32 5.83 6.70 5.83 6.51 6.22 20 11 7 0 0.46 8 23 29 87 6 20 8 35 6 21 7.56 8.60 7.20 6.10 7.37 22 9 5 0 0.84 Inaccurate. 10 11 22 32 53 1 36 12 25 4 10 j 2.03 3.74 4.71 3.49 3.49 15 16 6 0 1.52 11 22 18 48 15 40 8 26 6 11 5.64 6.83 5.83 7.12 6.36 24 7 7 0 *.13 5 8 6 8 16 44 21 48 13 40 4.93 4.58 4.93 5.29 4.93 17 14 5 0 1.49 9 18 7 17 22 43 17 33 10 21 5.16 5.54 6.19 5.96 5.74 22 9 5 0 3.00 0 0 1 1 56 67 0 0 0 0 7.00 7.30 7.41 6.88 7.15 25 6 5 0 0.60 Inaccurate; rain in 0 0 19 62 29 111 31 92 9 23 4.67 5.06 5.93 6.41 5.52 19 12 13 0 3.82 [complete. 32 49 2 3 27 30 7 11 4 8 4.16 3.90 4.06 6.12 4.56 16 15 6 0 2.63 54 171 1 1 8 27 0 0 1 2 3.83 4.25 4.25 6.41 4.69 18 13 18 0 5.83 1 1 8 18 11 23 1 2 3 5 7.90 5.50 3.48 7.83 6.18 24 7 15 0 9.90 17 32 13 17 19 41 11 22 \ 2 4 6.45 7.00 4.77 5.25 5.87 20 11 19 0 11.23 4 7 17 36 1 1 17 22 3 4 1.71 3.65 2.74 4.00 3.02 11 20 21 0 10.20 2 3 14 24 14 22 32 65 25 41 1.67 3.58 3.67 6.19 3.78 16 15 15 0 6.81 36 55 3 6 10 15 6 10 29 54 6.19 6.00 4.58 6.87 5.91 22 9 9 0 2.29 2 3 3 5 7 16 14 30 6 12 4.06 3.96 1.51 3.41 3.24 11 20 11 0 7.41 33 68 52 200 5 8 8 9 0 0 5.87 6.48 5.61 8.38 6.59 22 9 5 0 1.39 12 16 23 45 12 25 3 3 0 0 5.51 5.80 4.48 5.93 5.43 18 13 7 0 0.88 31 57 49 88 3 3 0 0 1 2 5.90 6.22 4.12 8.22 6.11 19 12 4 0 0.33 7 10 18 25 4 5 33 31 8 13 4.70 6.32 6.00 6.35 5.84 21 10 5 0 1.47 5 5 i 13 17 6 7 24 58 0 0 6.87 7.55 6.64 2.26 5.83 23 8 4 0 1.48 4 4 0 0 23 25 7 9 2 3 7.51 8.00 6.87 9.61 8.00 25 6 3 0 1.55 6 13 18 42 3 9 18 58 17 41 4.90 4.74 5.87 6.19 5.42 22 9 9 C | 4.26 2 5 | 21 64 9 31 29 106 2 9 6.13 6.00 5.90 6.10 6.03 22 9 10 0 3.86 Inaccurate. 9 15 38 78 12 23 18 30 7 10 4.80 6.64 5.80 5.12 5.59 21 10 6 0 1.75 56 152 6 19 10 25 8 22 16 37 5.25 5.70 5.70 7.35 6.00 22 9 6 0 1.69 11 1 21 ! 29 63 26 64 9 17 13 26 5.12 5.64 5.51 6.87 5.79 21 10 9 0 2.28 28 62 35 76 5 9 3 6 3 6 6.35 7.51 7.48 6.64 6.97 23 8 5 0 1.07 9 16 56 89 20 39 16 25 0 0 8.87 8.96 9.03 8.20 8.89 29 2 1 0 | 1.65 13 26 16 24 17 27 43 69 4 4 3.12 6.41 6.45 7.16 5.79 23 8 6 0 1.18 0 0 2 4 0 0 30 43 0 0 6.16 7.77 7.80 1.54 5.82 21 10 4 0 1.27 6 11 20 42 5 6 10 11 10 10 7.83 8.38 7.35 8.51 8.02 26 5 4 0 2.14 78 241 27 83 3 11 0 0 0 0 3.29 3.93 4.51 7.64 4.84 17 14 2 0 0.75 10 14 4 4 4 7 1 1 4 9 8.22 7.35 6.83 6.47 7.22 25 6 5 0 4.30 59 149 19 48 6 10 1 1 0 0 7.52 7.00 5.71 9.10 7.33 26 5 3 0 0.04 40 56 12 12 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.61 6.51 6.80 8.74 5.66 24 7 8 0 3.13 63 jl47 2 4 2 2 3 3 0 0 6.19 5.09 7.03 8.51 6.71 24 7 7 0 3.68 68 129 13 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.48 7.00 6.19 9.64 7.58 28 3 7 0 3.21 22 | 64 24 33 24 47 13 28 2 5 4.67 4.83 4.87 6.77 5.29 20 11 9 0 5.00 76 175 23 62 3 8 0 0 0 0 7.87 5.87 4.90 8.54 6.79 26 5 7 0 1.85 96 189 5 7 o 0 o 0 0 0 7.97 6.48 4.96 10.00 7.35 26 5 2 0 0.20 61 168 1 8 21 | 0 0 I ° 0 0 0 5.38 4.54 4.61 8.77 5.82 23 8 8 0 1.67 112 265 1 0 1 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 o 6.02 5.85 4.77 8.42 6.26 23 8 6 0 0.90 57 1159 21 1 51 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! o 6.22 6.00 6.03 7.32 6.39 24 7 2 , 0 ' 0.95 556 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF AUGUST, 1854. THERMOMETER. STATIONS. Fort Bliss............. 72.48 Fort Fillmore..........j 72.48 Fort Thorne.......... 55.23 Fort Craig............ 64.61 Albuquerque.......... 65.29 Santa Fe.............. ^58.32 Fort Union............| *52.90 Fort Massachusetts .... 50.83 Fort Defiance......... 54.83 Fort Yuma............i 82.87 San Diego............ 66.55 San Francisco......... 52.61 Benicia Barracks....... 53.74 Mean Temperature. S. R. 9 A. M. ' 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Fort Reading... Fort Humboldt. Fort Jones..... Fort Orford___ Fort Vancouver Fort Dalles--- 64.50 52.35 56.16 53.35 59.16 58.58 Fort Steilacoom....... 52.00 81.05 80.74 77.45 86.45 74.80 68.72 68.35 68.80 67.77 89.54 77.51 56.54 62.80 80.21 60.12 68.64 62.08 62.77 71.32 62.58 8S.90 92.80 92.67 90.74 92.29 78.09 71.87 75.54 75.51 99.77 82.45 64.09 79.36 95.10 65.03 83.69 65.70 85.54 82.77 76.74 76.20 78.93 70.32 73.61 73.19 65.80 62.09 56.19 61.74 90.29 66.42 53.35 61.80 79.24 54.12 66.14 56.90 56.54 72.70 59.90 79.66 81.24 73.92 78.85 76.39 67.73 63.80 62.84 64.96 90.62 73.23 56.65 64.42 79.76 57.90 68.66 59.50 66.00 71.34 62.80 98 100 105 103 99 88 82 85 87 109 94 72 99 107 73 100 78 96 100 94 Range. 68 68 50 59 60 54 48 43 46 77 56 50 50 51 49 41 45 52 50 45 18.3 18.8 31.1 24.2 22.6 20.3 18.2 22.2 22.0 18.4 20.8 15.4 34.6 27.2 15.1 31.3 18.5 30.0 28.7 31.2 Below mean. 11.7 13.2 23.9 19.8 16.4 13.7 15.8 19.8 19.0 13.6 17.2 16.6 14.4 28.8 8.9 27.7 14.5 14.0 21.3 17.8 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. o ; o 14 29 10 11 5|11 0 0 9 23 19 39 17 32 34 45 H 14 20 26 27 34 9 23 4 13 16 18 9 14 20 24 16 18 4 6 2 | 4 3 3 32 46 2 4 7 15 10 12 0 0 0 0 5 8 11 11 32 43 2 5 6 27 10 15 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 29 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 22 27 7 8 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 2 4 5 5 3 4 18 53 0 0 3 6 • IO hH nn JOJOHHHHCOtO UH-itSir-itooooaiuiHcooo-iocoi --- HHJO H-CO H IO IO (5 *. -I W CDH4fl00t1-4r.OO0)0.-ltSCia)CtlOtSOC0 SwOWOOUOOCJiWOOirCOOOWOfflO IO |_i CO OS HH-.J-4I—'4-hhI—i-h __ __ OOi^.co©©©WO©©tSH--4©OiOiOOOO©© to hn tO tO —4.^4 HJHj hH rn hn CO i^ -4Q0-4OW0)OlOajir.0l*"C0(r0JWH'r"-HW hh__no CO OS OS CO hhCO hhhjJO Ci ~4 a5ooOi--44C001r--»WOOCBODOOWCOO-l *h hh J04-JOJO towHHHH _ ^r .. ©*hCOO©©4-4=-W©JOJO©©©©©>*-©w j_- ~ CO HJ "~ hjhjJO HJ 4-.004-CO COWHhhhhhJO H-iJ0JO©WOi^.J0^4©©4-0lW^4-4Olr-.©0n HJ tO hn OS hn hn hn hf HH©w~4j04b4©o©en©r=4HJWoooi©HJ©o 03 to ooi—icnjo hjhjhjjohjns 0>©0lW©©O©©©©00HH-44CO©HH©*4-4 W©OlOl©HH004i-.rHHH^4©OlOi-.l©©©0000 ODubffi-lHlO^C»CJl0113r.004n014IO-^ .-4o1Sr-r-Cl©r-rJOlHnaiOO©©OD4-OOJOO 4-.©©©©H-CX0nJO4-CX©Cnen©©-4©0D0O ^LnNO©CO"44Nsbo©lb.©COHJOO©-40©WQO W^JO©JO-4-4©©OlW©JO©00r-.WHHOl© -4-4-4CD©©C»©Ol©-4C^4-44i.4H0n0n©-40C w-jbo-jioMOouiDbwaoo-fcHiioowci; H-O©Ci*40l©©0l©©4^-44-400©J0©0n0n -4O0-4©-4CO-4©CO©00OlCn4».COOl-400~4-4 LjO^C«4-01t0i4-t0-4©00Ot000©HJ-4Ci00 ^©^©rjS-Jr-iOri-OJOW©©!-- JO -4-4-4 o)-i«ffli»w©ci W©HHjO©©©©©HHjO©JOHH©HHH-CiHJOl _5^LioiJO©©©©COWJO©-4O0HH4-©i0O-4 C000J003r-©O©W0n-4*4HH0l©©J0HH00H- Fair. Cloudy Rain. Snow. Am'tinnches Cn cn ►Tj Tj Hjj hn hq rq 0^^^^?-_1?????^^??S^SJ4?o1^^?-??c?^ ti •-i »-_ a > ^ 3 3 I? s °§ wwg ^gQS?>rff5SrS5Sg1i,S c? 3- o e oq 2- cd g W £3 I 9 W a. S^ s e e- — S o ? S" «" -< 5. W > 3 os r Cd o cr 3* g 6 ro i- -1 £ 2 g OOO EL 2 ffl s* ^ ^ S3 «3 '-i -ij HJ *j o re tr 5 3 « -1 ti -1 -1 IO -4 03 —4 eo -4 © © © to © © 00 © -44 —l —4 -4 Ci Ci © Ci tO ^4 CO CO -4 " itS hj Ci *" © —4 CO 03 CO © -4 © NS 4_. Ol Ol Ci © -4 00 -4 -4 -4 Ul —1 w --. CO © © © -4 00 -4 © © --4 -4 © -4 "^ Ci O J^j H- hh Ci JO CO © © © Ci © © 00 'hn © IO Oi HJ NS © © © 03 © 03 OS © © "~ Ol en © © ~4 44 -4 00 -1 ►r" CD © OS m JO wl en cn CD © © 4=4 HJ ■L. 03 © 03 © 03 en CO © OCD©OlHJ©©©-4H-• 4- OWOWOOOO03WC HJ*4N0CO©COHJHH 00 © Ci ^4 © Ci © © © Ci © 4- 03 03 Oi ~4 )i CO Or 03 Ci hn -4 ©COCi©-4COO©© © 4- 00 4=4 00 © 00 eo 00 ~4 to © 00 CO © © CO © O 00 00 m -1 o u it" co o •Jnoicsfflfficocofflfflootscooccofflscog^ SSlv^SoSCrCaO)CO-40l05"r-l -4 © © 00 COC^Oncyi^WJOJOI-COOiCOCO © on tO -4 CO © © CJ © © CO 03 © Ol OS CD NO © © © 4- r- oo oi hj -4 en In © Oi jo CO 00 hn 4- 00 —4 Ol © 00 -4 00 00 00 -4 © CO © H— hn CO OCJOHn^^GOl-HpOOO--4Ci-4HJ © © HJ © © 03 03 as -1 O OS <=> eooiCoco©oooooo© CO ©> hj © © © »°2222S!5!»m§SwmSS 4-Ol0n'.O-4-4a0©l—'HJ OOCOOO©WJOhhOi4=-Hh^4 414 00 NO Ol 03 OS © 03 tn © © 03 CD 03 Oi -1 en hn © -1 © 03 OiCiOiOi©©©© 00©4-4l—'4=>-Ci4!CO gg§^^^SS^§g-3Sg-5§g CO©©©©©©©0°©00©©©©©00©©0000 oo^waoOico©4-aocn©-4JO©©4-©©©~4^ = r=ss3n^s«^n§^^^s^^^^§^s^^ -4 ao fe - - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^-tE^^^^E^^^^^cotloi^^^^^^fi^^^^P £"bc;"S£b£222-4©-4;-©b©^ - -_^ HJ HHHHHHtOW©JOJOtOHHHJh-| ©©OOOlOOOJOW©H--H-HJr-©©-4 35SSSK5SSSSB8SS8B»?SS88S^5 to CO NS SSSaotSc^^toiSoSo^ 5jo©r:oo©4o1©Sjo^er,©Jooo©©©^ ©©OlJOJO©~44".©00 ^^~5^"g ^aSo-loog^ S3^oSco^^ggg^gotoo.So5SagSo»«o^ ^SotoooSoMWoSooiwcct-to JO JO to -J © © -4 4^ HJ 00 7^8 O,g©5g©002© cnj»»_»j^jj_g_^_°° 5-S©S^00cg^Oj^JO^00© o_^_coj__5 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 559 MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1854. WINDS. WEATHER. RAIN AND . 1 SNOW. 1 aud sum of force. Mean clearness of sky. . Day s. Day § c a ' '5 Oi 3i s. REMARKS. S. E. 8 , 14 ' S. s. w. w. N. W. S. R. ) A. M. 3 P. M. 3 P.M. Mean. Cm Snow. Am't in 2 4 18 43 24 62 19 40 4.70 4.83 5.73 5.53 5.20 18 ! 12 ; 10 i 0 3.34 14 18 0 0 21 34 0 0 51 65 | 4.93 6.16 6.86 6.36 6.08 20 10 6 0 ! 3.50 7 17 10 i 27 33 84 14 18 14 36 5.06 5.20 5.43 7.03 5.68 19 11 5 0 1.90 9 23 42 122 2 4 3 14 8 21 5.03 6.33 6.63 7.30 6.32 20 10 8 0 4.00 6 8 ; 49 168 1 2 6 21 7 22 6.30 7.97 8.30 5.59 7.04 20 10 7 0 2.82 12 23 8 10 41 78 18 32 7 20 4.30 4.87 6.10 4.10 4.84 14 16 11 0 2.61 3 5 20 60 11 28 4 11 11 30 4.50 6.40 5.83 6.40 5.78 20 10 4 0 1.76 17 31 9 19 12 32 6 20 9 25 4.50 5.06 5.16 6.13 5.21 17 13 4 0 0.78 12 20 4 12 24 36 27 36 8 11 5.06 6.80 6.13 6.23 6.06 20 10 4 0 4.10 0 0 3 16 43 86 0 0 2 6 7.33 8.20 7.00 6.00 7.13 24 6 5 0 1.00? 12 44 17 60 5 26 7 16 14 29 3.83 5.06 4.36 4.86 4.53 18 12 9 0 9.24 20 64 8 18 11 36 9 27 10 31 3.10 3.13 3.26 3.00 3.12 9 21? 12 0 3.30? 26 82 1 o 12 30 1 4 7 21 3.63 4.20 4.80 6.20 4.71 15 16 11 0 9.70 2 3 9 27 17 50 0 0 0 0 8.60 8.43 4.63 7.76 6.60 24 6 5 0 1.50 26 53 8 [ 10 14 32 18 67 6 13 6.06 6.70 5.03 6.63 6.11 24 6 11 0 4.68 1 4 13 37 1 6 20 49 3 9 1.10 3.83 3.97 5.20 3.52 10 20 14 0 2.99 Clearness in error. 12 14 9 18 9 11 8 18 28 37 1.80 3.23 3.20 4.86 3.27 15 15 9 0 3.47 Clearness in error. 35 54 2 2 5 9 4 9 14 31 5.66 5.04 3.03 5.01 4.69 17 13 10 0 6.82 7 16 4 9 0 0 3 8 1 2 2.83 2.73 1.90 4.06 2.88 7 23 14 0 9.88 23 47 49 84 4 , 10 0 0 0 0 4.60 4.46 4.06 6.80 4.98 15 15 6 0 1.17 23 41 15 40 8 25 1 5 2 5 5.23 4.80 4.03 5.20 4.81 17 13 9 0 3.53 12 23 46 106 9 11 0 0 0 0 4.80 5.00 4.16 7.20 5.29 16 14 7 0 0.68 9 14 16 28 6 14 25 48 7 12 5.40 5.16 5.61 6.16 5.58 22 8 4 0 3.41 8 10 11 18 14 27 14 33 0 0 7.13 6.33 6.10 2.23 5.45 20 10 5 0 1.35 1 1 0 0 4 5 20 28 2 3 8.30 6.80 7.63 9.16 7.97 24 6 4 0 2.00 10 24 17 54 11 39 28 97 16 47 3.63 4.13 5.41 4.53 4.42 15 15 11 0 3.22 5 12 i 25 67 6 14 13 44 8 27 5.50 5.22 5.80 5.23 5.44 20 10 16 0 3.18 Inaccurate 12 25 | 51 114 6 14 6 10 11 30 4.46 5.36 3.96 5.93 4.93 15 15 j 13 0 6.55 46 108 [ 14 34 16 33 5 13 16 41 4.48 4.36 5.36 6.11 5.08 18 12 13 0 4.40 19 57 j 38 93 25 66 9 21 8 19 4.03 4.53 3.66 4.56 4.19 12 18 8 0 2.58 11 17 37 92 6 10 2 2 2 6 6.17 6.53 6.80 7.03 6.63 23 7 7 0 2.11 9 12 55 82 26 42 8 12 0 0 8.63 8.53 7.56 8.86 8.39 26 4 3 0 1.85 12 17 11 20 19 45 27 59 7 9 2.53 4.90 6.03 7.16 5.13 18 12 8 0 4.60 1 1 17 21 7 10 27 31 1 1 5.06 7.53 7.53 1.83 5.49 21 9 5 0 1.40 14 33 33 40 3 13 9 10 4 4 6.76 6.53 6.36 8.13 6.95 23 7 6 0 2.12 64 :206 i 14 36 7 20 0 0 1 2 2.16 2.03 2.13 4.04 2.59 7 23 8 0 1.53 7 24 2 3 1 1 9 21 4 15 4.96 5.66 4.86 4.80 5.07 16 14 7 0 4.09 51 102 16 50 3 6 1 1 4 6 6.30 4.97 4.87 7.30 2.59 19 11 5 0 3.86 54 66 | 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 18 1.70 4.66 5.00 5.40 4.19 17 13 7 0 5.01 39 125 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 5.06 4.33 4.40 6.06 4.96 18 12 6 0 6.82 51 107 8 26 1 1 1 4 13 39 4.20 5.03 5.46 7.63 5.58 20 10 7 0 4.68 18 30 13 14 17 28 14 20 6 10 4.43 4.16 3.70 5.26 4.39 17 13 8 0 11.31 75 jlOl ! 6 10 4 8 3 6 8 14 5.10 4.90 4.20 5.73 4.98 16 14 4 0 3.02 45 ,148 1 7 12 0 0 0 0 13 29 4.70 4.53 4.16 8.46 ' 7.96 16 14 9 0 5.34 36 106 3 10 0 0 0 0 1 3 2.90 3.86 5.26 7.63 4.91 15 15 6 0 4.80 70 158 0 I o 0 0 1 1 1 3 2.46 5.20 5.70 7.73 5.27 21 9 5 0 4.81 58 173 i 3 ! 12 6 16 o 0 5 15 1 4.53 5.13 4.83 7.63 5.53 20 10 1 5 0 3.49 _J -J -J -J .J -J .J r d r is r-> n n BJ o P 4- o O O 0 » D < O 3 f- 3 O. rf S 2. 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Snow. © -4 © CO CD -4; © hn CO © to UO 1-1 © NS © © 00 On 4- H- 00 uo 4=k 4=4 00 © CD © ti p ««! ti P 00 JO © © -4 Cn © © 44 to © © to © © O hn hn OS CD © O © oo © © © © CO H- to JO on 03 00 -4 hn CD © 00 4=4 © Oi © O o © © © o © © © O © © © © © © © © OS O © © © © © © © © © o so HH © to 4k to to Oi © 00 .b. 00 © m © © © o © HJ hH H- 4- Ol NO © O © HJ en Am't in inches. © 4- © © © o o o 03 to © -4 -1 00 H- CD © -4 03 © On 0 S g © i: -i > 93 m 93 0 TJl IT p- x i-_ X o w o X o Q HH Ci > X w o hH Ul 1-3 X w Oi ^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w^^wg!?!???^^^ 5 2 3 s o o m !-H a^gQw^tH^tfliH^td ■-t rr n O td -3 W a. 5- c p £; — p ST 2 ° 3 a -— <• o p pr o. cb CB C © >-• O VJ -tq or S3 a. 2 ^ P 3 *■* • P . P CB 3 3 * ? S hi O 7 G- 13 . a • < pr p > cn "1 P Ci CB 3 p o > p CB nq 0 td p 3 rt H > 3 3 >5- Hlj >TJ a u3- o a «5 -wo 3. '—■ O rr hC X p K. 3 3 £ hh 4- CO -4 © © Oi On On 4k ■4-.~l-4©Ci©©0-4-4 -0*K©JOHJCO©©HHCO 4K.Ol©OlOi0nOlCiCi©©Ci© tO 4=4 --1 4 00 CO hj ,£. ~4©0l0l4-44-4-Kirn4i4 0l0l0l ©CiCOJO©HJ©4=KjOHJ00HHHJ© 00 © © © -4 to en en cd co ten eo 44 hh © co HH © Ci ^1 -J ~4 -4 © -4 —4 tn 00 © -4 © 44^4~400Ci©OlOlCnOl 4=40000©^4Oi00©tO© tO Ci to 00 00 Oi 00 © to HJ Ol CO©OOOlOO©Oi4K ~4 4- ►— CO gSowSS^OSPSSB^W^SlrBlrCSO 44©©tO©4=-©©00OlOl __rL-CD4O4iKN04=4©©HJ00 © CO Oi ~4 © © 44©OiCiOiOlCiCi© © On © Ci © cd co cn © © HJ JO tO NS©NStO-4©©l—'© Ol © HJ © Ci © o © © —4 4, © hj ci Ci © -1 IO H CI IO Ol © © 4- © © © 00 tO 4- 00 "-4 CO -4 © © JO ©OttOJOOl-l-eO~4JOOiOO~4© HJ00Oi©00l—■COl—'JO O©J000©©©J0 00 © 00 On CO 00 CO © © © © Oi Ol Ol 4-- Oi Oi On Oi NS CD 4=k 4JO-4C0JO©CnCOOiOl © © O hh © © © 4k 00 © © CO CO © © © © On Oi Oi © Oi Ol On Ci © ©Ol^.4©©©OiO!4=4©lO00JO4=K©-©©i-J© '-4 tO H- © Ci -4 ~4 HJ © Ol © © Ci © HJ tO 4=k 00 © © h- tn © © H- 4=4 CO © 00 CO©H-4CO4k00 41J0 --4-4©©OiOlCn4-4 Oi Ol Oi Ol OOOlCOOOOOCOOlCiOl tOC0C0Hn©-4HHjO 4_!NSJOCnl-n©JO-400©H-Cn© ■O CD CO CD Oi tO CD tO CO CO CD CO '^^^^^^-Zr^B^^B^^^^^^eiB^^^^E^^^^^^^^^oip^^^^ft^^EEEE tO © © 00 4=4 en as '-, Oi eo an O o Si H SB O a X o o X Q n hH o a H ► O td f X SB w nn X 00 Oi o 4=- hH Ul i-3 X SB METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 563 MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1854. WINDS. WEATHER. 1 RAIN AND SNOW. and sum of force. Mean cleai-ness of sky. Days. Daj c, 'ei S. ; ~ REMARKS. S. E. S. S. W. W N. W. S. R. 9 A.M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. ft i>> n 0 o TO O 0 Ul 0 1 < 7 11 9 18 19 39 14 37 38 62 1.70 3.23 3.54 2.35 2.71 8 23 10 0 \ 1.47 24 24 0 0 25 31 0 0 49 81 5.54 5.54 5.70 6.83 5.90 17 14 10 0 1.19 15 29 51 10 27 49 10 20 27 66 5.16 5.06 5.61 7.41 5.81 18 13 7 0 1.80 4 10 35 91 9 19 10 28 13 33 5.64 6.19 5.22 6.38 5.86 19 12 8 0 1.98 6 17 37 106 15 49 8 26 11 41 4.06 5.67 6.01 5.56 5.52 17 14 9 0 2.05 Inaccurate. 8 8 13 14 8 10 19 31 20 82 3.29 3.29 2.91 0.90 2.60 10 18 8 0 0.82 First 3 days not ob- 3 3 9 28 18 46 19 62 2 3 2.35 4.54 4.96 5.67 4.38 18 13 13 0 2.89 served. 18 30 26 41 11 27 18 39 7 20 4.29 4.19 5.29 5.77 4.88 13 18 8 0 0.93? 6 23 8 20 20 32 25 40 22 54 4.64 5.45 5.83 6.12 5.51 17 14 10 0 7.10? 0 0 0 0 56 126 0 0 0 0 6.53 7.35 8.00 6.77 7.16 24 7 6 0 1.80 ?j Inaccurate. 3 4 7 13 9 32 12 29 5 12 5.45 6.84 7.16 7.81 6.81 25 6 4 0 1.12 11 44 1 3 9 16 7 13 9 16 4.03 4.19 4.07 4.07 4.09 13 18 18 0 5.47 18 41 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 14 3.41 4.61 4.16 7.12 4.82 17 14 12 0 4.73 4 8 4 10 3 8 1 3 3 4 7.16 6.45 5.03 7.35 4.50 24 7 6 0 0.35 12 20 4 5 8 17 9 22 15 35 5.67 6.00 5.83 7.35 6.21 26 5 5 0 1.77 1 4 11 23 0 0 16 31 10 19 1.74 ! 3.19 3.87 5.80 3.65 5 26 5 0 2.34 7 19 2 4 4 11 8 13 13 20 3.16 4.61 4.78 6.81 4.84 13 18 7 0 7.14? Rain overmeasured. 26 48 5 6 6 12 9 17 12 25 5.77 7.00 6.03 7.74 6.64 20 11 5 0 0.81 17 40 3 7 3 7 9 17 3 7 4.09 4.90 4.48 6.25 4.93 16 15 7 0 4.38 29 66 29 61 8 14 3 4 15 21 5.38 5.22 5.58 6.54 5.68 19 12 8 0 1.19 14 31 11 31 6 17 3 6 6 25 4.16 5.19 5.35 6.29 5.27 17 14 6 0 2.85 16 24 43 94 1 1 1 2 7 8 5.03 4.71 5.03 6.77 5.39 17 14 7 0 1.58 12 21 5 10 6 15 10 27 10 29 4.67 5.67 5.45 7.32 5.78 19 12 9 0 3.87 5 6 18 24 16 26 21 32 6 13 7.39 7.42 7.19 2.52 6.13 19 12 7 0 3.00 8 8 2 2 17 18 17 28 7 13 5.58 5.54 6.22 7.67 6.25 20 11 5 0 2.22 14 42 16 58 6 20 25 67 25 76 2.83 3.22 4.06 4.12 3.56 8 23 11 1 2.28 9 16 36 82 6 17 10 34 2 8 4.80 4.30 4.00 4.12 4.31 15 16 9 0 3.40 8 10 26 51 11 22 3 8 14 40 4.87 4.90 5.00 6.87 5.41 16 15 7 0 1.23 36 93 18 48 4 9 4 6 24 63 2.83 3.03 3.77 4.74 3.59 10 21 9 0 0.91 31 85 9 21 7 18 8 15 ' 25 78 4.09 4.29 4.64 5.41 4.61 12 19 6 0 0.41 10 20 16 43 7 12 15 25 ! 8 21 6.26 6.32 6.84 7.09 6.63 21 10 9 0 3.30 5 10 17 34 68 136 4 23 12 37 5.74 5.74 6.80 7.00 6.32 17 14 1 0 0.02 4 12 19 54 18 56 16 38 13 24 2.32 4.80 5.41 6.58 4.78 17 14 5 0 1.47 1 1 9 9 9 13 36 47 4 5 6.38 6.64 7.38 1.60 5.50 19 12 4 1 1.86 20 45 25 49 7 12 13 18 ! 4 6 6.35 6.83 7.35 8.51 7.26 24 7 4 0 0.58 52 151 28 97 0 0 0 0| 7 36 4.29 4.27 4.21 7.00 4.94 19 12 4 0 0.59 20 29 11 20 2 11 0 0 1 4 4.29 5.16 6.06 6.96 5.62 15 16 5 0 3.30" i * "Approximate." 47 3U 21 64 6 13 8 16 1 3 4.55 4.03 6.39 9.00 5.99 19 12 4 0 0.79 60 72 15 16 7 12 6 7 2 2 4.16 6.38 5.84 8.00 6.10 22 9 4 0 0.64 37 48 5 8 11 12 0 0 6 6 5.74 4.90 4.41 6.43 5.37 19 12 8 0 5.79 62 89 17 23 1 1 o 0 3 6 4.64 5.35 5.61 6.51 5.53 16 15 4 0 0.92 68 132 5 10 1 1 o 0 9 13 6.03 7.25 6.06 9.32 7.17 28 3 3 0 0.35 24 77 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 7 4.77 4.90 6.25 7.80 5.93 21 10 3 0 0.33 72 149 0 0 0 0 I ° 0 7 15 3.74 4.77 7.09 8.37 5.99 21 10 3 0 0.40 70 207 2 8 0 0 2 6 11 33 5.00 5.61 6.48 9.09 6.55 24 7 3 0 0.55 37 44 5 7 30 31 17 23 13 22 8.60 8.71 8.84 8.87 8.76 31 0 2 0 1.54 13 47 2 3 i 48 102 18 55 1 6 9.19 9.16 9.06 9.03 9.11 ' 31 0 4 0 0.39 5G4 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1854. Fort Thorne........ Fort Craig.......... Albuquerque......... Santa Fe............ Fort Union.......... Cantonment Burgwin Fort Massachusetts... Fort Defiance........ Fort Yuma.......... San Diego.......... Fort Miller.......... San Francisco....... Benicia Barracks Fort Reading........ Fort Humboldt...... Fort Jones.......... Fort Orford........., Fort Vancouver Fort Dalles........, Fort Steilacoom ...., S. R. 36.83 48.41 49.22 44.41 41.58 36.54 35.25 38.48 66.90 54.06 55.11 53.80 52.16 54.20 46.64 38.72 49.48 49.83 43.22 44.45 THERMOMETER. WINDS. Mean Temperature. 60.58 65.96 64.43 55.35 60.06 54.48 50.12 45.54 77.61 64.48 63.06 60.45 57.77 61.68 54.51 51.25 56.77 50.32 51.58 52.22 3 P. M. 9 P. M 85.80 84.22 75.64 67.19 68.32 65.74 57.09 68.44 88.58 73.35 77.14 65.74 67.32 70.51 61.10 62.16 61.67 56.12 64.09 62.51 57.31 61.00 61.22 55.29 48.03 44.83 41.32 43.12 75.90 60.06 64.16 55.93 58.38 62.54 49.74 47.87 52.38 51.59 52.64 47.74 Mean. 60.13 64.90 62.64 55.56 54.56 50.40 45.94 48.89 77.25 62.99 65.12 58.98 58.91 62.23 53.00 50.00 55.07 51.96 52.88 51.73 Range. No. of Observations Above. mean 95 96 87 78 77 75 69 76 105 87 97 80 96 98 67 87 77 58? 80 74 25 33 34 30 25 24 18 29 52 44 46 49 47 46 36 25 39 46 26 30 34.9 31.1 24.4 22.4 22.4 24.6 23.1 27.1 27.8 24.0 31.9 21.0 37.1 35.8 14.0 37.0 21.9 6.0 27.1 22.3 Below mean. N. N.E. 35.1 31.9 28.6 25.6 29.6 26.4 27.9 21.9 25.2 19.0 19.1 10.0 11.9 16.2 17.0 25.0 16.1 6.0 26.9 21.7 18 22 6 7 24 31 39 35 30 15 0 2 6 35 0 15 0 0 3 18 40 28 56 2 61 11 11 9 18 33 96 13 15 15 27 19 39 9 11 4 73 8 17 0 58 1 3 1 74 12 24 0 46 19 31 13 28 7 13 7 0 6 8 27 6 6 13 3 12 3 4 8 60 14 19 0 0 0 0 0 18 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 11 2 53 2 4 4 4 0 19 28 4 0 4 0 16 15 36 6 12 0 0 6 0 0 4 03 4- © -4 to © to © ~4 © On NS to Cn © 03 © NS to to JO Ol to Oi Oi © Ul H CO -4 tn JO JO 4-4- hn 03 4-to to 4=- to © hn ~4 © 01 CO 00 © en 01 03 Oi to 00 ~4 © hn *K © -4 00 o 03 © hH © © Ol hn tn hn to 4=4 hn 4-> On 03 NS -4 1—1 HH hn © 03 03 to Cn HH © -4 00 oo © 4k O 03 03 © © 4". NS hn © hn © JO o ~4 4=" 4- CO to 4k © -! -4 to On CD JO 00 JO 00 © to JO © © tn hH ~4 Oi 4-© © 4k -4 © 00 4k 4k tn © © On ~ JO to pa 'ft 03 CD 03 © © to to 00 4k On -4 01 © -4 ^4 H-4i4 03 © hn © © to to H-l -4 hn 03 © 4- 03 © © JO 00 © © 00 © 4ik O NS to JO 4k Ol © © to Oi JO -4 JO 4- HH © ft © -4 © © 4k © © © to © © 4k. to 01 JO 4-. 01 to CO hn 4=" to -4 © On JO © to JO 03 03 to © 03 to © 4k © hn JO hn On © to JO to £ X to l-H JO © 03 03 CO -4 'ft -4 4- o 00 © CD to 00 00 © 4- JO H- to 4- Cn 03 © JO NS JO to © © hn JO 00 HHOlHHjOWOl4KtOW-40n-400 © 00 00 l-n tO JO © -4 -4 00 © C0OlJOC04-KCnOlCnC04j©0D©-400 © -4 -4 00 *" 4 --4OieOCO4--.©4-4K©a0-4-400©00 \o 4=-. CO © -4 -4 JO JO OS © © © 4-4 CO © © -4 — 4- — ©OlWWOl01it4CiCnOO-40000 4.4oo©©^400© LjHJOll—iCOHnJOJO-4©irK©Ol 4_©eneo©JOJO©-4©r-©Cn 4-.0nJOW4-KCn4-Cn4K^l©0000©00©©^400© '.io©©cooioo-^4HH(© cn 4k O 00 JOCO©©©©Ol~4©OiaOtOI—i-44-.Cl~4l(_JO© O-HH004KtO©JO00HHtOHHr--tnWirKCnCn©i^.© ©©©©©©©©©©©©JOJOCOtOJO©©0 Cloudy Snow. ^.HhJOi—'4-COJOhhI—'©©0©0©©JOHh©0 Am' in inches. x h3 H O W O F O S. hH Ci > x Pi x Q hH Ul H_ fe. W cm 566 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1854. THERMOMETER. Fort Independence.... Fort Hamilton........ Fort Columbus....... West Point........... Watervliet Arsenal... Fort Ontario......... Alleghany Arsenal.... Carlisle Barracks..... Fort Delaware........ Fort McHenry........ Fort Monroe......... Fort Moultrie........ Fort Capron.......... Key West........... Fort Myers.......... Fort Brooke.......... Fort Meade.......... Fort Barrancas....... Mount Vernon Arsenal Baton Rouge Barracks.. Fort Washita....... Fort Smith......... Fort Gibson........ Jefferson Barracks .. St. Louis Arsenal... Newport Barracks... Fort Mackinac..... Fort Brady......... Fort Snelling....... Fort Ripley........ Fort Ridgely....... Fort Leavenworth... Fort Riley......... Fort Kearney...... Fort Laramie....... Fort Arbuckle...... Fort Belknap....... Fort Chadbourne ... Fort McKavett..... Fort Merrill........ Fort Brown........ Ringgold Barracks.. Fort Mcintosh...... Fort Inge.......... Fort Duncan....... Fort Clarke........ Fort Davis......... Mean Temperatui'e. Range. 39.73 40.93 40.93 40.00 33.86 35.83 29.60 37.86 40.94 46.66 48.36 51.07 59.86 70.30 59.50 54.60 61.08 48.86 46.36 49.06 42.30 39.20 38.46 38.60 35.26 38.73 30.60 25.96 26.23 24.40 28.53 33.40 33.93 28.30 35.10 39.23 44.53 44.50 46.70 52.43 63.13 55.33 54.86 49.73 51.76 52.06 40.73 43.00 44.93 42.83 42.63- 39.86 40.60 39.13 41.36 45.86 54.56 55.23 54.63 68.90 73.23 66.90 63.30 70.42 57.96 55.06 55.65 49.03 44.40 45.70 43.16 39.53 40.63 33.66 31.60 32.33 29.00 32.56 40.47 39.66 36.96 39.93 48.96 57.07 59.70 54.63 62.23 72.13 65.36 64.13 62.80 59.40 60.63 56.01 3 P. M. 51.00 47.20 47.60 45.93 42.66 41.46 45.00 46.20 50.56 54.83 57.87 62.90 72.10 74.90 75.16 69.46 78.92 66.60 65.53 67.66 62.80 59.30 58.13 50.56 50.63 46.06 38.80 34.00 39.30 36.53 40.16 50.43 56.16 50.86 52.33 63.33 60.03 67.53 62.93 73.20 76.50 76.03 75.36 73.00 72.90 70.70 73.26 43.36 42.93 43.33 41.30 38.30 37.13 36.96 41.00 44.64 46.16 49.93 56.57 62.76 72.66 65.16 61.10 70.67 54.13 52.08 55.93 52.13 49.00 46.93 44.53 40.90 42.16 31.56 27.46 31.66 28.16 32.73 41.20 42.86 33.63 42.40 48.14 52.73 48.80 52.50 59.20 69.63 64.96 62.96 55.63 60.03 51.90 52.30 44.27 43.90 43.67 42.39 38.67 38.78 37.92 41.60 45.55 50.55 52.85 56.29 65.90 72.70 66.70 62.11 70.27 56.89 54.76 57.07 51.56 47.97 47.30 44.21 41.58 41.89 33.66 29.76 32.30 29.52 33.49 41.37 43.15 37.44 42.44 49.91 53.59 55.13 54.19 61.76 70.35 65.42 64.33 60.29 61.02 60.32 55.57 69 66 66 67 68 65 62 64 65 68 75 80 84 83 87 80 85 80 77 79 76 72 73 71 68 60 54 43 60 54 76 69 70 75 78 78 75 87 85 86 89 82 86 81 84 27 29 31 30 18 18 24 25 30 30 37 36 42 58 43 38 50 29 28 31 25 23 20 24 22 28 11 1 11 1 13 15 16 12 18 21 30 27 31 28 44 30 33 27 30 36 27 Above Mean. 24.7 22.1 22.3 24.6 29.3 26.2 24.1 22.4 19.4 17.4 22.2 23.7 18.1 10.3 20.3 17.9 14.7 23.1 22.2 21.9 24,4 24.0 25.7 26.8 26.4 18.1 20.3 13.2 27.7 24.5 24.5 26.6 32.8 31.5 27.6 25.1 24.4 22.9 20.8 25.2 14.6 20.6 24.7 21.7 25.0 20.7 28.4 ■^eTe^TTn^roi^r^ © oo © » o-TV » «» r?r~r?>r?rr £.*?.?. ZZZZZZZZIZ g§g8iSS8S8gg8§S85S88SSSS88 gSSgSgS©© SS88S383a^2i3ftis2S8S!S!ggSSfi85 4*. -j Oi On 4k Ci On -■l©COCn-44K©©-4enOl4=»JOr-.Ol4KOi kk£5SSISbSkSy£SsSS£iSiiiis ^^sg^sgsg^s-jg§sc: ^^i -4 " ©^rT~© -4 -4 ^ oo -4 © 00 oT-T^T-- NOJOC^^O,OlOl©Oi©©^Ol©^^©COOlOl©^-©©^ -------------Z. ; \ i -J CD NO -4-J©4-4_.©CO>-J©tOOl©0, ©©00~4Oi©~4Ol©-4-r, OltntOtOpOlOltn 1 II fe I 1 fe _ S fe fe I fe k I I k « S - S fe S 8 8 S 3 S 8_38J_S^8 JS^S^S 8_S£ -,"^inrr"« „^-.»».?.»??-?????»?r''>«»:'°?;^"?? 4k Oi On CO 3888irSSg8§SSSSSSS{rlSSSB88E^ 3j4_£_o3_5 fO O- -4 In © © CO> © © b JO 00 -U Oi CO -4 © © £ © Oi 00 © © © -4 03 g !5 § 5 S S S g ^ £ !3 ^ S m S S 4 W ^ -1 r, S-4g5vS£5c-r2S5gSIS5S5ce»SKS OlC0©©rJtO4i.© --------------- " HHHHHJ hH nn HHHHHJNOJOl—'HJHJ 4, WCftO>CC«lnS55S885S55"--OW-4 rH-4©©HH©-400©rJOOHHHJrJ©JO Ol©©WW-"14=»©©JOWr-.HHtO4r.t0 HHjO©OiW*KCnOi©HH4^4-.W©4=.en004=4Cn00©©JO©©©00 © © © © ©©©©©©©O4khjhhhh00-4©^Sj0HhJ0©©© ©©©©©©©©©O OO hh © Oi JO JO © Fair. Cloudy Rain. << Snow. cTco ©~V-0 ^"J-«S'oMeppr!-ppw«»r««-«o^oo^oo^ HJ -44 JO JO to Cn © On isi8-l-H^BMMbl"^Ol!.MBaOgJfi*; iO 00 JQ004COOOiO)W _^mcn___0-4 04j4^h_>*Hi—leoeoaOWODOit--©© 2g5£SSgc3S5§83S£e.§.J&8.= 0.©©*. © oo © © On Oi Am't in inch 7^ > 3 © P © S- 3 508 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1854. STATIONS. Fort Bliss........... Fort Fillmore........ Fort Thorne........ Fort Craig.......... Albuquerque......... Santa Fe............ Fort Union.......... Cantonment Burgwin Fort Massachusetts .. Fort Defiance....... Fort Yuma........., San Diego........... Fort Miller.......... San Francisco......, Benicia Barracks Fort Reading........ Fort Humboldt...... Fort Jones.......... Fort Orford......... Fort Vancouver..... Fort Dalles......... Fort Steilacoom..... Great Salt Lake City THERMOMETER. S. R. 38.87 40.00 24.33 34.23 32.93 31.83 30.43 22.16 20.90 26.90 54.60 47.36 48.97 50.53 47.93 42.21 42.37 29.48 47.93 51.83 38.40 42.70 29.56 Mean Temperature. A. M. 3 P. M. 51.57 52.30 43.52 43.43 40.93 40.13 43.70 37.30 30.30 34.43 65.33 54.80 57.63 57.50 55.60 50.90 48.16 34.20 53.06 54.06 42.60 47.90 43.16 P. M. Mean. 64.87 68.86 71.12 67.43 52.63 49.43 50.53 47.10 41.66 56.73 78.06 70.23 70.50 64.43 67.43 68.11 58.23 58.53 61.70 54.30 52.36 54.83 56.30 50.33 51.76 38.25 45.06 36.16 38.63 35.27 33.00 26.23 34.29 66.16 54.20 56.63 53.30 54.66 54.00 45.73 41.35 50.30 49.76 44.00 45.23 37.90 51.41 53.23 44.30 47.52 40.66 40.00 39.98 34.89 29.77 38.09 66.04 56.65 58.41 56.44 55.90 53.80 48.62 40.89 53.25 52.49 44.34 47.67 41.73 Range. Max. Min. Above mean. 74 22 22.6 74 28 20.8 79 11 34.7 84 22 36.5 58 24 17.3 61 24 .21.0 57 10 17.0 58 10 23.1 48 0 18.2 72 17 33.9 84 46 18.0 80 34 23.4 79 44 20.6 73 45 16.5 74 42 18.1 84 33 30.2 64 33 15.4 72 22 31.1 74 40 20.8 56 48 3.5 60 30 15.7 60 32 12.3 64 21 22.3 Below mean. 29.4 25.2 33.3 25.5 16.7 16.0 30.0 24.9 29.8 21.1 20.0 22.6 14.4 11.5 13.9 20.8 15.6 18.9 13.2 4.5 14.3 15.7 20.7 WINDS. No. of Observations N. N. E. E. 0 0 35 48 4 5 5 15 0 0 19 61 25 32 33 60 20 21 35 78 8 14 4 4 41 108 18 50 8 27 4 6 29 70 16 30 35 39 4 4 10 14 58 115 4 5 2 5 47 51 4 9 3 7 36 65 15 29 0 0 46 50 14 14 7 7 19 32 12 20 8 11 0 0 11 22 38 76 4 10 12 31 0 0 1 1 3 5 30 34 43 61 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 38 3 8 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 18 25 3 3 4 10 4 10 6 14 19 27 2 2 9 14 itO to On to © © to JO o © CO 00 to On NO Oi 4=- JO HH hn 01 to © tn hn CO NS © to TO JO JO © © © © 03 © o © to 00 01 CD NO Ol to -4 4- to - to to CO NO to 00 4- 01 H © © JO 00 © © 4k -H- © © © hn to -4 NS 00 4=4 4k o 01 CD rr TO © Oi -4 £ © © © © tn © © 01 CD Cn JO 44 en 4-© 4k -4 © © —I 01 -4 4k hH 4=k © Cn 00 to hn © 4=. -4 4k © an hn -4 © 4-. H- © 44. 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THERMOMETER STATIONS. Mean Temperature. Range. „_. 9 A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M. Mean. Max. Min. Above mean. Below mean. N. 34.54 26.13 26.03 26.26 27.61 25.87 17.51 12.09 21.51 51.87 41.55 41.55 46.96 41.93 34.15 40.00 22.00 43.83 32.67 32.51 39.45 22.93 43.45 41.75 30.83 35.44 33.41 38.42 29.16 21.51 28.10 58.87 50.09 46.42 53.33 46.77 39.70 44.38 25.30 46.09 36.38 35.25 41.54 30.45 64.41 59.87 61.25 52.13 40.29 45.19 40.96 33.19 49.12 69.38 67.61 60.45 60.45 58.67 59.17 55.51 47.82 55.19 41.87 41.58 48.80 43.61 44.51 36.15 37.54 32.29 31.96 29.32 25.29 18.93 28.39 57.77 51.16 48.00 49.58 47.32 46.20 42.87 31.20 47.67 36.32 38.93 42.45 28.42 46.73 41.05 38.90 36.48 33.32 34.70 28.23 21.43 32.03 59.47 52.60 49.10 52.63 48.67 44.80 45.69 31.58 48.19 36.81 37.07 43.06 31.35 76 76 71 58 55 58 55 49 65 73 74 65 70 68 71 63 52 66 54 52 58 50 25 7 14 19 22 10 8 — 1 10 42 31 35 38 31 27 31 17 34 21 21 26 12 29.3 35.0 32.1 21.5 21.7 23.3 26.8 27.6 33.0 13.5 21.4 15.9 17.4 19.3 26.2 17.3 20.4 17.8 17.2 14.9 14.9 18.6 21.7 34.0 24.9 17.5 11.3 24.7 20.2 22.4 22.0 17.5 21.6 14.1 14.6 17.7 17.8 14.7 14.6 14.2 15.8 16.1 17.1 19.4 0 11 29 33 6 50 56 50 49 58 10 0 29 0 35 0 30 0 3 8 5 34 0 Fort Thorne.......... 17 60 89 22 104 Cantonment Burgwin .. 101 60 81 60 13 Fort Miller............ 0 76 0 45 Fort Orford........... 0 45 (I Fort Vancouver....... Fort Dalles........... 5 1q Great Salt Lake City .. 17 46 hn hn __ 3 4J © © to to 03 -4 01 © -4 © 00 © © © © On TO N C B 0 1-1 CO to NS © 01 hn HJ ,_, © 03 to JO © 4- JO 4k 00 4k 4k en O -4 to © © JO © l_l O On TJl © 4- hn © to o © -4 © © ^ NS 01 © -4 4k to -1 © tn © © 4k © 01 to JO x nn ,_, 4k © HH HJ hn On Oi 03 © to Ol 03 l-n © © © © © JO ^ On -4 to 4k to © © © © hn -4 CO © to TJl 0 CO © © rn to © NO 4k 4k hH hn 4=- © , . 1 . 1- 1 HJ NO t-H 4=- to -4 4k © ^ o 4k © © hn 4k -4 ^ 00 ^ 1—1 O to to NO nn nn NO m On HJ NS -4 to 4k © 1-1 On © © 4=- tn JO 4=-. 00 to NS hH 1-1 © ti • hH Ol 4k NS © © © HJ 00 On 4=4 ^ to © to © © 1-1 00 © © 00 to hn 1-1 4=4 © 01 --- NO NS NS CO JO \-n to © to JO On 4=" © to -4 03 © -4 -4 © H- © 4=- IX to CO tn 4- © On to 03 © © CO © Ol -4 Ol © 4- O 4- *- tn hn O © © 1-1 © -4 hn 03 co 4=4- Ol en Oi © © 44 © -1 © © © © © oc ■P nn © cc © © 01 r-i 4- NO —1 © en -4 4=4 4=> 0 © © © 93 JO © 03 © © o -4 to © NS © -4 © 00 © 01 On 03 -4 00 © > •> 00 HJ OS en 4=4 © On © Cn Ol © -4 -4 © 44 00 © © © nn OS 4k 03 © _ NO on 4=. © on 0 hn © m -4 © NS © HJ p Oi 03 00 en 00 4k o © to © © 4- -4 © CO O eo © CB HJ p CD OS 03 © 4- -4 00 © © © © -4 -4 00 -4 -4 -4 © © © 00 00 © Ol HJ r-i -i NO © hn on 44 m © © © 00 -4 © ei CO On 03 to © ■-- 4=4 © 4j 00 © 1-1 © 0 © © © Ol -»- 0 > H w CD eo 03 © 4-4 00 © © 00 © -4 -4 00 -4 © © © -4 -4 00 00 © m to © CD rn m 4k —4 © on OS O © co © It" f w 93 © 4=4 NS On © © CT -4 00 © 01 © 01 On 4=- © © e> 00 JO 03 tn 4- -1 © © © © © -4 -4 00 -4 -4 © © © -4 00 NO NO 4=k tn NS © cr, 4=4 © on eo to 1—1 © 0 P a JO to © © © c to -4 Ol 1-1 © 00 © On to to nn NO NO NO to NS to NO NO NS NO NO NS NS NO 01 CO Fair. © 00 O 4- 00 eo 01 4=4 l~* 4=k -4 00 —1 © NS to ,_, Cloudy Ol 00 © -4 OO 00 CD -4 o © -4 4=> 01 4- On © © 1—1 ■i 93 > JO 03 -4 o © 01 01 01 to © NS to to NS O CD O NS to to to NS p l-H 25 > hn © 1-1 © © ^ o O O © © © © © © 01 01 03 NS 1-1 © O U-f, 0 m hn hn © © hn OS © HJ NS O © hn © © © O NS CO tn to CO -4 O 4- -4 Ol 00 tn Ol © Ol 4=4 -4 0 3 © © 00 to 00 On ft 93 M > 93 7\ Ul • 0 tc si rJ 0 H— X O 0 X Q 0 X O 0 ► X g, X SB X SB Pi X ao 0 Cn Ul H X td Ox 574 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. POSITION OF STATIONS, MEAN TEMPERATURES TATIOXS. Fort Independence.. Fort Hamilton...... Fort Columbus...... West Point........ Watervliet Arsenal . Fort Ontario....... Fort Niagara....... Alleghany Arsenal.. Carlisle Barracks ... Fort Delaware...... Fort McHenry...... Fort Monroe........ Fort Moultrie....... Fort Pierce*........ Key West Barracks. Fort Myers......... Fort Brooke........ Fort Meade........ Fort Barrancas..... Mt. Vernon Arsenal. Baton Rouge Bar'ks. Fort Towson....... Fort Washita....... Fort Smith......... Fort Gibson........ Jefferson Barracks .. St. Louis Arsenal.... Newport Barracks... Fort Mackinac...... Fort Brady......... Fort Snelling....... Fort Ripley........ Fort Ridgely....... Fort Leavenworth.. Fort Riley........• Fort Kearny....... Fort Laramie....... Fort Arbuckle...... Fort Belknap....... Clear Fork of Brazos Fort Chadbourne ... Fort McKavett..... Fort Merrill........ Fort Ewell......... Corpus Christi...... Fort Brown........ Rinjrgold Barracks.. Kurt Mcintosh..... O » 42 20 40 37 40 42 41 23 42 43 43 20 43 18 40 32 40 12 39 35 39 17 37 00 32 45 27 30 24 32 26 38 28 00 28 01 30 18 31 12 30 26 34 00 34 14 35 23 34 47 38 28 38 40 39 05 45 51 46 30 44 53 46 19 44 15 39 21 39 03 40 38 42 12 34 27 33 08 32 30 31 38 30 55 28 17 28 05 27 47 25 54 26 23 27 31 Long. O ' 71 00 74 02 74 01 74 00 73 43 76 40 79 08 80 02 77 14 75 34 76 35 76 18 79 51 80 20 81 48 82 00 82 28 82 00 87 27 88 02 91 18 95 33 96 38 94 29 95 10 90 15 90 05 84 29 84 33 84 43 93 05 94 19 94 45 94 44 96 25 98 57 104 47 97 09 98 48 99 45 100 40 100 05 98 00 98 57 97 27 97 26 99 02 99 21 Altitude above sea. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Feel. 50 25.52 25.00 32.92 42.41 58.76 65.91 74.07 69.70 63.71 45 31.49 30.95 37.70 45.57 59.37 68.69 77.17 74.67 67.06 23 28.71 28.17 36.17 45.09 59.96 68.49 75.89 72.88 66.35 167 28.00 27.40 36.35 45.91 60.57 68.06 75.59 72.75 64.25 50 21.86 19.54 31.55 41.27 54.89 67.10 77.17 69.77 61.44 290 250 25.04 23.23 32.37 41.41 54.98 67.58 72.84 69.62 64.02 704 29.08 33.49 40.36 49.30 61.17 71.15 78.18 76.38 69.92 500 73.61 68.66 10 32.38 34.56 43.18 50.98 64.50 36 33.61 36.47 44.40 49.00 64.29 72.00 78.32 75.45 71.29 8 41.47 43.82 50.82 57.16 68.74 77.20 80.21 79.55 76.60 25 40.83 53.09 62.72 62.76 73.35 78.55 82.06 82.37 78.93 30 67.91 67.33 73.01 71.10 78.41 82.09 84.16 83.37 83.18 10 71.75 71.95 76.56 73.89 80.84 83.34 83.30 82.59 82.56 50 67.56 67.39 73.74 71.07 79.13 82.35 81.91 81.85 82.59 ■ 20 62.94 62.36 70.06 70.07 77.49 80.51 81.08 79.59 80.71 80 63.75 63.33 70.64 68,10 76.31 79.10 80.17 79.99 81.15 20 54.71 54.56 64.98 62.93 75.40 81.00 84.55 84.10 81.44 200 51.52 53.18 65.24 62.30 74.64 79.17 78.90 81.17 79.58 41 53.43 56.48 66.24 64.63 75.10 80.61 80.09 81.52 78.11 300? 36.32 49.29 59.55 61.90 G45 36.76 48.94 60.41 61.43 69.80 75.48 83.13 83.40 77.20 460 33.92 47.01 57.01 60.62 67.51 75.48 83.15 82.70 77.38 560 33.72 46.38 56.57 60.49 67.61 75.74 84.62 85.20 79.61 472 28.48 40.04 48.34 56.79 68.44 74.78 85.80 82.12 75.89 450 25.47 36.66 46.10 55.41 66.36 74.75 82.25 81.30 75.38 500 31.75 39.60 46.74 53.20 64.00 72.13 79.54 78.13 74.34 728 13.09 15.89 26.40 37.06 47.62 59.96 67.12 62.47 59.72 600 11.02 12.98 23.14 40.87 46.36 60.54 65.20 61.27 58.04 820 1.30 15.40 30.74 48.54 57.82 70.01 75.04 71.12 61.66 1130 2.10 10.88 27.26 45.58 52.11 64.01 68.93 61.78 58.59 1100? 5.68 19.49 36.96 54.03 62.32 70.52 77.60 74.80 65.34 896 24.68 35.53 45.14 56.06 65.45 72.85 81.19 79.10 73.71 1300 ? 24.67 38.00 46.66 56.96 64.00 72.66 83.69 8^78 72.28 2360 18.26 30.37 36.76 51.22 59.31 68.92 75.16 76.10 66.10 4519 22.60 36.40 41.06 50.62 56.92 67.73 75.24 76.46 66.95 1000 ? 36.16 47.75 57.39 60.82 68.64 74.96 83.29 83.95 77.28 1600 ? 41.01 52.33 63.15 65.77 71.66 78.79 83.86 80.75 78.71 2300 ? 40.44 50.43 62.11 2120 38.73 46.94 63.58 63.17 70.08 74.00 78.54 82.94 76.01 2060 42.89 51.52 62.50 64.04 70.33 76.80 78.74 80.10 75.57 150 ? 55.14 59.76 75.50 76.54 80.73 84.82 85.91 84.39 81.09 200 r 50.47 58.12 70.34 72.50 77.45 81.61 82.22 83.22 81.38 20 76.61 83.27 83.40 84.61 81.62 50 39.34 62.45 71.87 73.90 81.00 83.67 84.06 82.00 81.06 200? 55.72 62.38 74.10 76.39 81.74 84.30 82.65 83.01 81.31 400? 53.02 60.02 74.23 77.19 81.41 83.69 84.06 84.50 81.16 * Designated as Fori t'npron during the latter part of the year. 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E p* 3 p 3-HJ_ < "a p^ G 3 © o © P o EL 1 2. © CD hj 73 P Ci rt P 3 CD 3 o *3 P_ o O p 3 p' a p ! 3 F CO p 3 <-H o p © p 5' < £L S. ■_si O £L 3 p' 5' CO p 3 P > 3 o §■ -1 3 ?' n £L 1 HJ 3 ?' o o cT -i p o HJ< < CD i-l o £L 3 p' o p 5 3 n^ c CD CM CD HJ 3 si 2 CO p 3 HJ CD 3= CD n HJ cn' 0 -1 P si tr> si TO P HJ H p o Ul X © CD HJ 5 0 HJ P 3 O-CD 2 o HI 0 l-J ri' CD HJ si 2 ■a* HH si cs 2 CD b. o' o Pt\ CD •> 2 CD t\. o' O \i 2 00 3 CD CM CM o c B" 0 Hrj X 0 -J CH-o o 3 P On "■i < EL CD X CD O 3 P -* *^ CD i-J CD P f o o o H a x x H to x 2 M CO 0 X H W 2 T) X X > x X X o lr_ t- O W o tr* O Q hH Ci r> to X Q HH CQ h_ X w 578 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER MONTHLY SUMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1854. Fort Independence............. Fort Hamilton.................. Fort Columbus.................. West Point...................... Watervliet Arsenal............. Fort Ontario.................... Fort Niagara................... Alleghany Arsenal.............. Carlisle Barracks................ Fort Delaware.................. Fort McHenry.................. Fort Monroe.................... Fort Moultrie .................. Fort Pierce..................... Key West Barracks.............. Fort Myers..................... Fort Brooke................— Fort Meade..................... Fort Bai-rancas................. Mount Vernon Arsenal.......... Baton Rouge Barracks........... Fort Towson.................... Fort Washita.................. Fort Smith..................... Fort Gibson.................... Jefferson Barracks .. ........... St. Louis Arsenal................ Newport Barracks............... Frn-t Mackinac.................. Fort Brady...................... FortSnelling.................... Fort Ripley.................... Fort Ridgely................... Fort Leavenworth............. Fort Riley...................... Fort Kearny................... Fort Laramie.................. Kurt Arbuckle.................. J-'nrt Belknap .................. Clear Fork of Brazos........... Fort Chadbourne............... Fort McKavett.................. Fort Merrill..................... Fort Ewell..................... Corpus Christi.................. * This amount and that at Fort t Approximate. Jan. I Fob. Mar. 2.50 3.05 2.60 3.52 3.50 1.63 2.23 2.30 4.40 4.00 3.80 3.55 1.77 1.15 3.83 1.30 3.45 11.01 2.85 1.01 0.01 1.37 0.30 1.90 0.65 3.20 2.59 2.49 0.72 0.67 1.20 0.04 0.00 0.23 0.1S 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.11 0.22 '4.45 4.00 5.04 2.77 2.52 2.33 5.45 4.90 1.90 2.84 3.40 2.55 4.70 6.89 2.21 5.55 12.83 5.50 2.00 3.30 2.05 1.43 3.25 2.40 5.30 1.23 1.18 0.03 0.03 0.01 1.78 0.94 1.33 0.40 2.30 1.10 0.30 0.90 0.77 1.99 2.55 0.65 0.70 2.81 2.73 1.87 2.82 0.88 4.70 2.GO 0.25 1.05 0.51 0.20 2.44 1.85 7.21 6.22 6.15 5.10 5.53 7.05 7.S3 6.90 7.10 8.10 1.56 1.34 1.03 0.79 1.18 1.33 1.86 1.S7 0.80 3.33 1.42 0.4S 2.10 0.05 April. May. June. 5.40 9.58 8.80 10.53 3.98 2.25 4.21 6.40 7.20 1.80 2.20 7.00 2.99 2.75 8.82 4.28 6.09 7.70 5.08 1.58 3.90 2.24 3.95 5.20 0.82 3.70 5.70 3.14 5.65 6.21 3.19 ,10.57 0.50 1.96 3.58 2.22 4.21 6.55 3.47 4.45 8.05 11.73 6.25 3.16 j 7.67 3.40 I 6.98 4..30 ! 4.65 July. Au 2.00 4.25 2.20 1.62 2.31 1.71 2.06 4.80 1.30 4.20 6.63 4.54 6.75 9.44 7.24 3.39 6.72 4.00 9.17 2.26 2.80 4.19 2.20 2.S6 0.8S 2.10 1.04 2.14 2.51 0.97 2.83 3.35 4.55 2.50 3.98 6.47 ,2.68 2.65 3.61 4 30 4.34 6.84 5.55 4.35 4.15 4.46 2.93 6.60 i 1.75 4.97 6.35 1.23 3.31 3.68 2.70 4.50 1.10 5.40 3.67 4.44 2.23 1.90 3.73 1.54 4.03 1.45 2.60 1.60 5.69 4.97 3.45 9.70 15.53 8.55 5.43 6.13 6.55 0.59 1.02 0.21 0.96 1.70 2.05 5.67 3.21 3.92 0.62 2.49 0.18 0.00 3.51 3.26 4.33 j 0.00 8.33 0.00 Sept. Oct. 0.50 0 26 1.03 0.46 0.84 1.52 1.13 1.49 3.00 0.60 3.82 2.63 5.83 9.90 11.23 10.20 6.81 2.29 7.41 1.39 0.S8 0.33 1.47 1.48 1.55 4.26 3.86 1.75 1.69 2.28 1.07 1.65 1.18 1.27 2.14 0.75 0.56 5.76 4.67 1.31 4.30 0.2S : 3.72 0.15 2.91 0.C4 1.16 7.66 4.70 5.44 3.13 0.00 i 6.8S 6.05 3.53 3.21 .... S.07 4.71 7.69 3.68 8.34 3.50 1.90 4.00 2.82 2.61 1.76 0.78 4.10 1.00 9.24 3.30 9.70 1.50 4.68 2.99 3.47 6.82 9.88 1.17 3.53 0.68 3.41 1.35 2.00 3.22 3.18 6.55 4.40 2.58 2.11 1.85 4.60 1.60 2.12 1.53 4.09 3.86 5.01 4.68 . 6.82 1.47 1.19 1.80 1.98 2.05 0.S2 2.89 0.93? 7.10? 1.80 1.12 5.47 4.73 0.35 1.77 2.34 7.14 0.81 4.38 1.19 2.85 1.58 6.57 3.00 2.22 2.28 3.40 1 23 0.91 0.41 3.20 0.02 1.07 1.86 0.55 5.57 5.70 3.95 5.65 2.40 1.09 1.8S 2.30 2.84 7.30 1.30 1.16 1.41 0.25 0.45 1.75 0.02 0.76 2.34 0.45 3.57 1.63 2.06 3.13 1.45 2.98 3.66 3.07 0.60 0.24 1.13 1.20 p.61 0.75 0.73 3.46 0.S9 0.05 fS.SO 0.79 0.64 6.30 1.19 3.20 3.23 3.35 8.60 2.64 0.98 1.69 1.67 1.63 2.60 3.90 1.20 1.74 1.68 8.45 1.65 4.85 3.64 0.73 1.82 1.42 2.54 0.77 1.11 0.90 1.65 0.98 0.45 0.64 0.15 1.65 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.40 0.05 2.60 0.95 2.13 Spring. Summer. 12.23 16.32 17.20 18.42 8.29 8.02 9.27 11.23 17.10 4.62 6.15 13.75 6.64 8.60 17.47 15.61 11.18 12.63 17.78 21.47 19.85 18.66 17.28 16.05 16.67 5.25 7.09 7.84 6.10 10.85 10.23 10.76 8.58 9.24 12.91 8.14 6 10 8.S7 7.26 6.94 6.74 5.13 5.81 4.69 7.26 4.64 10.40 3.50 13.71 14.23 13.82 26.35 36.20 25.99 15.63 15.34 17.96 11.15 4.16 3.34 6.62 5 38 6.28 16.28 8.30 8.98 5.99 7.47 5.75 2.75 10.09 8.20 6.47 10.28 3.10 13.29 12.84 16.08 10.38 10.39 7.65 11.63 7.27 6.53 4.01 18.50 4.10 11.52 10.18 14.68 2.30 8.20 5.35 11.37 9.97 14.71 5.93 8.01 4.32 13.11 5.70 7.20 9.16 9.65 8.38 5.55 4.12 6.51 2.48 6.42 4.19 7.23 2.17 13.69 5.84 8.85 10.85 15.20 11.20 7.25 6.23 10.35 13.20 7.10 12.77 7.50 15.57 12.64 24.57 10.17 4.73 5.96 2.50 6.26 3.95 10.15 4.80 4.12 1.39 0.85 2.86 1.91 0.94 1.56 0.63 2.71 1.26 3.50 1.73 4.23 3.08 Year. 38.64 44.30 45.18 47.06 27.50 26.67 *59.20? 19.32? 89.76 46.79 47.91 44.75 77.44 50.82 62.51 60.62 43.28 37.98 28.82 43.27 31.08 40.30 35.49 29.16 26.59 18.49 25.30 24.40 16.93 26.65 22.26 29.32 20.65 84.27 16.77 35.24 Monroe are clearly in error, one too great and the other too small. Both appear carelessly measured on each month's record. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 579 MONTHLY SUxMMARIES OF AMOUNT OF RAIN, 1854. STATIONS. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 0.45 0.70 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.00 1.50 ' 1.15 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.01 0.39 1.68 0.46 0.93 0.00 0.75 2.08 2.24 1.56 3.07 5.58 1.99 2.78 1.52 12.50 4.10 2.83 5.02 3.88 2.53 2.65 0.86 1.10 0.62 1.19 1.16 0.50 3.93 0.51 0.00 0.21 7.65 10.9S 4.54 2.09 6.83 0.11 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.28 0.32 0.69 .... 0.24 1.24 0.00 0.02 4.25 4.06 3.95 0.97 0.83 0.08 0.10 0.87 2.23 0.41 2.59 4.11 3.98 2.14 3.94 0.01 0.07 5.00 1.58 0.20 1.67 0.90 0.95 5.71 1.38 6.01 1.02 1.19 3.86 1.75 2.61 5.24 2.37 1.35 11.81 ! 5.79 3.02 i 0.92 5.34 j 0.35 7.47 2.10 1.83 3.71 3.23 3.22 0.00 0.67 0.99 1.09 1.85 3.54 1.80 1.03 1.49 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.40 0.22 0.87 0.93 0.48 4.59 3.19 1.41 7.37 1.88 0.68 0.42 0.50 0.18 0.35 0.00 0.50 0.15 0.35 0.08 0.92 1.08 0.60 0.06 2.30 1.20 0.57 3.34 1.25 0.60 0.55 1.45 1.18 1.13 6.37 8.34 2.50 12.87 6.30 3.05 5.32 7.63 4.03 4.73 1.61 1.44 O.CS 3.00 5.85 1.59 3.93 1.49 O.80 3.10 2.97 5.41 3.61 6.27 10.84 2.95 4.75 1.88 15.27 16.90 16.89 8.69 4.73 8.56 1.14 2.30 8.32 1.44 4.06 8.29 6.42 4.99 10.42 2.38 1.44 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.69 1.04 4.13 0.33 9.61 24.57 6.04 7.57 8.34 8.49 7.26 5.24 2.01 4.49 3.56 5.39 10.10 5.67 1.37 1.88 5.58 0.47 0.16 0.80 1.99 1.34 3.13 4.67 4.66 15.88 4.16 15.20 3.83 3.07 2.37 2.85 0.92 1.29 0.15 0.35 0.08 1.05 1.50 0.69 3.35 0.85 7.36 5.93 9.51 7.41 6.50 12.81 8.47 11.17 5.02 29.13 34.27 Ringgold Barracks.............. 1.69 1.90 2.15 0.69 0.22 0.30 8.00 1.50 29.05 23.95 4.80 0.33 24.08 4.81 3.49 3.70 0.95 3.50 2.13 2.67 4.06 2.99 0.21 1.53 3.47 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.55 1.54 0.39 0.00 0.34 1.37 2.50 0.88 0.13 0.35 0.62 0.30 0.01 0.68 1.56 1.12 2.26 3.69 4.18 22.00 Fort Clarke.................... 0.94 1.4S .... .... .... ! .... 0.00 0.65 14.42 Fort Davis...................... Fort Bliss....................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.36 0.07 2.00 0.00 1.46 1.64 2.26 3.04 2.06 2.90 4.83 0.54 23.85 Fort Thorne..................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.15 0.28 2.56 2.34 2.42 5.87 4.80 2.15 6.80 1.00 2.83 0.73 7.57 0.14 0.05 0.43 2.01 0.63 0.45 0.80 2.14 3.09 0.85 3.11 2.05 O.SO 5.14 0.75 1.22 0.36 2.89 14.60 5.76 13.50 25.80 14.37 Cantonment Burgwin............ 20.84 4 50 12.06 Fort Miller...................... 0.04 i 0.01 j 0.06 i 0.05 0.00 0.01 2.40 0.00 0.12 0.69 0.21 0.63 ! 0.01 0.03 17.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 12.37 15.91 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 2.56 1.72 0.18 3.93 29.01 17.12 0.19 ill.10 2.79 8.69 0.75 0.00 0.88 2.41 0.15 5.68 0.00 0.S4 3.46 2.31 1.91 4.37 11.89 69.21 580 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. SUMMARY OF WEATHER WEATHER. wir- IDS. STATIONS. DAYS. DAYS. Fair. Cloudy. Ruin. Snow. N. N.E. E. S. E. S. s. w. w. N. W. Fort Independence... 166 199 92 31 45 39 19 29 14 66 50 83 207 158 94 32 6 66 0 28 0 82 0 160 196 169 74 23 16 67 10 28 35 86 38 81 West Point.......... 200 237 165 128 95 70 35 23 18 34 7 1 2 4 25 20 114 91 18 28 17 36 56 45 Watervliet Arsenal.. 107 166 63 20 23 33 18 19 30 87 3 20 Alleghany Arsenal... 186 179 107 31 50 41 17 20 41 61 37 27 206 159 85 17 57 49 13 17 15 44 78 62 251 230 114 135 81 99 5 0 13 30 54 61 77 36 6 23 14 46 133 63 18 51 24 44 159 230 206 135 121 103 0 0 22 43 73 95 42 64 79 65 16 28 45 28 27 7 38 15 Key West Barracks .. 263 261 120 97 104 196 89 112 132 0 0 0 75 9 66 52 65 24 23 66 53 18 50 15 20 25 31 28 46 9 11 68 49 17 32 15 175 190 90 0 84 36 15 31 25 34 41 77 Mt. Vernon Arsenal.. 224 141 104 0 27 63 20 80 27 35 18 69 Baton R-ouge B'ks (c) . 132 233 96 0 34 29 139 41 25 22 54 13 214 151 84 3 30 24 37 51 101 39 19 26 Fort Smith.......... 207 207 217 158 158 148 91 85 64 5 3 8 25 54 20 25 11 9 73 21 34 37 48 37 54 115 78 35 13 19 16 4 56 14 13 20 Jefferson Barracks. .. 228 137 50 6 58 16 37 13 49 40 59 23 Newport Barracks... Q-JO 143 61 10 32 10 47 3 43 20 82 6 Fort Mackinac....... 159 206 78 44 34 23 60 37 40 16 59 73 183 182 75 67 34 14 67 16 64 34 52 8 201 164 72 32 41 22 13 43 72 41 35 45 199 166 71 32 36 50 11 72 47 38 37 44 Fort Ridgely........ 184 181 77 30 37 24 23 56 49 40 35 89 Fort Leavenworth. .. . 236 129 63 11 29 27 31 44 36 82 27 63 287 241 78 124 32 58 6 15 17 63 12 25 17 22 23 22 105 44 82 41 38 57 19 57 284 81 60 31 28 5 93 3 17 10 123 12 284 81 59 1 65 19 20 31 68 35 34 25 196 169 57 0 42 31 7 151 48 34 6 24 243 122 61 0 24 19 29 47 15 18 6 16 Fort McKavett...... 239 126 54 0 28 51 28 97 63 49 14 17 220 140 54 0 30 15 12 104 63 27 22 12 190 83 43 0 23 11 10 108 16 2 5 13 210 223 155 142 71 53 0 0 26 48 26 17 44 48 94 123 58 80 61 10 17 9 26 16 RinSS GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. Fort King, Florida.—In ihe interior of the peninsula, east of Cedar keys, about forty miles from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and sixty miles from the Atlantic coast. The surrounding country is slightly undulating, alternately sandy pine barrens and marshy hammocks. Position by Assistant Surgeon Forry, compared with recent maps. Cedar Kevs, Florida.—On the western coast of the peninsula. The keys or islands are several miles from he mainland. Position from United States Coast Survey. Fort Barrancas, Florida.—Entrance to Pensacola harbor, near Pensacola. The locality of the barracks is about one and a half miles west of the navy yard, on the west side of the entrance to the bay, and about eight miles southwest of Pensacola. Exposed to the Gulf. Position from United States Coast Survey. Fort Morgan, Alabama.—At Mobile Point, entrance to Mobile bay, near seventy miles south of Mobile. Position from United States Coast Survey. Mount Vernon Arsenal, Alabama.—Near Mobile river, about thirty-two miles north of Mobile. The post has a local elevation of near 200 feet above a small branch of the river, Coon creek. Position from Mitchell's map of Alabama, corrected by Coast Survey position of Mobile. East Pascagoula,' Mississippi.—At the mouth of Pascagoula river, or on islands near it. An open Gulf exposure, surrounded by low beaches and water surface. Position from Coast Survey. Pass Christian, Mississippi.—At St. Louis bay, entrance to Lake Borgne. (A summer station.) Open exposure to the Gulf. Position from Coast Survey charts. Fort Pike, Louisiana.—On the north side of Petite Coquille island, entrance to Lake Pontchartrain, thirty-five miles northeast of New Orleans. The influence of the winds and atmosphere of the Gulf is quite decided, the whole exposure being over water surface or very low shores. Position from Coast Survey charts. Fort Wood, Louisiana.—South of Petite Coquille island, seven miles southwest of Fort Pike, and between Lake Borgne and Lake Pontchartrain. Exposure less open than that of Fort Pike, and with a predominance of fresh water surface and marshes in its vicinity. Position from Coast Survey charts. New Orleans Barracks, Louisiana.—On the north bank of the Mississippi, three miles below the centre of the city. The locality is protected by forests to some extent from the winds of the Gulf. Position that of New Orleans; from Nicollet. Altitude of the river at the Barracks eleven feet above the Gulf; the hospital is placed at ten feet above Lake Pontchartrain, which is at mean sea level, nearly. Baton Rouge Barracks, Louisiana.—At Baton Rouge, on the east bank of the Mississippi, one hundred and forty miles from New Orleans. The locality is on the first bluff met with on ascending the river. Exposure open. Position from Army Meteorological Register, 1831 to 1842, verified by comparison with the most recent maps. Fort Jesup, Louisiana—Southwest of Nachitoches, Louisiana, on a ridge midway between the Red and Sabine rivers, 25 miles distant from each. The country is rolling, but not hilly. Winds from the Gulf are felt through the summer. Position from Graham's and Mitchell's maps. Fort Towson, Indian Territory.—Near Red river, six miles distant from it and from the Kiamichi, a branch entering it from the north. In part surrounded by hilly and rolling country, and on the south by open marshes or prairies. Position measured from the corrected maps of the Pacific Railroad surveys. Altitude for the post, above Red river and Gates' creek, from Assistant Surgeon Madison. Whole altitude approximate. Fort Washita, Indian Territory.—Near the Washita river,f thirty miles from its entrance into Red river. The location is a mile and a half east of the Washita, one hundred and fifty feet above it, and on the border of high open prairies. Position from the map of Captain Whipple, 1854, compared ; approximate. Altitude of surface of water in Red river at Preston, by Captain Pope, Topographical Engineers, 641 feet. Altitude for post taken as reported by Assistant Surgeon Baily.j; Fort Smith, Arkansas.—At the mouth of Poteau river, on the south bank of the Arkansas, and at the western limit of Missouri. Southward the country is broken and hilly, but the locality is not confined. Position and altitude by Captain Whipple, Topographical Engineers, 1854, from astronomical and barometric observations. Fort Gibson, Indian Territory.—On the east bank of the Neosho or Grand river, three miles from its junction with the Arkansas. The locality is low, surrounded by bottom land on one side, and more elevated prairie on others, with hills in the distance. Position from Army Meteorological Register, 1826 to 1830. Altitude determined by Assistant Surgeon Coolidge, in 1847, as the result of the mean of ten months barometric readings, compared with the mean reading for the same period at Fort Columbus, New York.§ *This is a summer station for the forces stationed at New Orleans. It has had various positions at East Pascagoula and on the islands near, called Camp Lawson, Camp Twiggs, Ac. fThe Western, or False Washita. + The altitudes on Red river given by Captain Pope appear too great, and as they are determined by a line of levels from El Paso, the lower altitude of Dr. Baily is taken, who does not give his mode of obtaining it. 2 Assistant Siu-eon Cool'.dge reports, in January, 1844, that "the latitude and longitude of this post have recently been approximately determined by Captain Cadv 6th infantry,"at 35° 4?' 10", and 95" 3' 15". by calculations based on McCoy's survey of the Cherokee boundaries in 1837. The source of the determination used is not known." GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. 589 ort Scott, Kansas.—Near the M.irmiton river, four miles from the western boundary of Missouri, on the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Gibson. The locality is a high table prairie, which, at the south of the Marmiton, divides the tributaries of the Missouri from those of the Arkansas. Exposure particularly open and unconfined. Position from Mitchell's map of Missouri. Altitude estimated. Jefferson Barracks, Missouri—On the west bank of the Mississippi, ten miles below St. Louis. The locality is on a bluff 100 feet above the river, with a somewhat hilly back ground. Exposure not open westward, but affected by the river depres- sion. Position derived from that of St. Louis. Altitude from Nicollet, for the surface of the Mississippi. St. Louis Arsenal, Missouri.—On the west bank of the Mississippi, three miles below the city of St. Louis. The locality is on the immediate bank of the river, much confined in regard to exposure, and affected by local extremes. Position that of Nicollet for St. Louis Cathedral. Altitude from Dr. Engelmann's barometric comparisons with New Orleans. Newport Barracks, Kentucky.—At Newport, on the south bank of the Ohio river, opposite Cincinnati. The exposure is generally open. Position derived from that of Professor Mitchell's observatory, on Mount Adams, an eminence overlooking Cincinnati from the northeast. Altitude approximate, above the river. Detroit Barracks, Michigan.—At Detroit, within the city limits. The locality has been changed at times, always retaining an open inland exposure. Position from Army Meteorological Register, 1831 to 1842.* Dearbornville Arsenal, Michigan.—Near Detroit, on the river Rouge, about ten miles west of the city. Country low and flat. Position derived from that of Detroit. Fort Gratiot, Michigan.—At the southern extremity of Lake Huron, west bank of St. Clair river. Exposure generally open, and over an undulating forest country, without hills. Position from Mitchell's map ; approximate. Fort Mackinac, Michigan.-—Island of Mackinac, in the straits connecting Lakes Huron and Michigan. The fort is on an abrupt elevation, 150 feet above the lake, with a hundred feet or more of greater elevation in a hill north of it. Expo- sure particularly open, except to the north. Position from Captain Macomb's Survey of the Lakes. Fort Brady, Michigan.—At the outlet of Lake Superior, Sault St. Marie, on the south side of that river. It is fifteen miles from the open lake, on a shore but little elevated above the river, and with an open exposure. Latitude and altitude from Army Meteorological Register, 1831 to 1842. Longitude by Major Long, Topographical Engineers, 1823. Fort Wilkins, Michigan.—At Copper Harbor, Keewenaw point, south shore of Lake Superior. The precise location and exposure are not known. Position from the maps of the geological surveys. Fort Howard, Wisconsin.—At Green bay, on the west side of Fox river, at its mouth. Locality but slightly elevated, with a low, marshy inland exposure. Position from Mitchell's map of Wisconsin. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.—On Rock river, about forty miles west of Milwaukie. Position from recent maps of Wisconsin. Fort Dearborn, Illinois.—At Chicago, on the immediate bank of Chicago river, and very near the shore of Lake Michigan. Entirely level and open prairie and lake exposure. Position that of Chicago in American Almanac, 1855. Fort Winnebago, Wisconsin.—On the east bank of Fox river, (tributary to Green bay,) central Wisconsin. District low, level, marshy, and open. Position from Army Meteorological Register, 1826 to 1830, compared with Nicollet's and other recent maps. Altitude derived from those of Fort Crawford and Fort Howard ; approximate. Fort Crawford, Wisconsin.—At Prairie du Chien, on the east bank of the Mississippi, two miles above the mouth of the Wis- consin river. Exposure of the locality open, with bluffs at two or three miles distance. Position from Army Meteorological Register, 1826 to 1830, compared with Nicollet's and Owens' maps.t Altitude that of Prairie du Chien, from Nicollet. Fort Armsrtong, Illinois.—On Rock island, in the Mississippi river, four miles above the mouth of Rock river. Position from Nicollet's map. Fort Atkinson, Iowa.—On Turkey river, northwest of Dubuque, and near fifty miles westward from the Mississippi at the nearest point. Locality not known. Position from Nicollet's map. Altitude estimated. Fort Ripley (Gaines,) Minnesota—On the west bank of the Mississippi, six miles south of the mouth of Crow-wing river. Ex- posure generally level and open, with gradual elevations in the back ground. Position and altitude from those of mouth of Crow-wing river, by Nicollet. Fort Snelling, Minnesota.—At the junction of the St. Peter's with the Mississippi river, on the enclosed angle. The position is locally elevated, but it has a background of bluffs protecting it on the northwest. Position and altitude from Nicollet. Fort Ridgely, Minnesota.—At the head of navigation of the St. Peter's river, near seventy miles southwest of Fort Snelling. Position from Nicollet's map. Altitude estimated from Nicollet's altitudes of points on the St. Peter's river. * St. Paul's Church, Detroit, is given in the American Almanac for 1855 at S3° 2' 30" Vt. long. t Position for Fur Company's house, by Nicollet, lat. 43° 3' 6" N.; 91° 9' 19" W. Ion. 590 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. Fort Dodge, (Clarke,) Iowa.—On the upper portion of the Des Moines river, at the junction of Lizard fork. Exposure generally open, surrounded by extensive prairies. Position from Owen's Geological Report. Altitude by Owen for course of Des Moines river ; by Nicollet at its mouth. Fort Des Moines, Iowa.—On the Des Moines river, central Iowa. Exposure generally open. Position from Owen's Geological Report. Altitude from Owen for Des Moines river ; from Nicollet for its mouth. Fort Croghan, Iowa.—On the east bank of the Mississippi, near twenty miles below Council Bluffs. High bluffs are at some distance from the river, three to six miles, but the exposure is generally open. Position from Nicollett's map. Altitude from Lieutenant Donelson, 1854. Council Bluffs,* Nebraska.—On the west side of the Missouri river, thirty miles above the mouth of the Platte. The bluffs are much exposed toward all points, while the immediate valley of the river is confined and local. Position from Nicollet's map. Altitude from Nicollet and Lieutenant Donelson, 1854 ; (1032 feet for the river, and 1327 feet for the bluffs.) Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.—On the west bank of the Missouri, twenty miles above the mouth of Kansas river. The locality is elevated end the exposure particularly open. Position by Fremont; altitude that of Nicollet for the landing;, 746 feet, 150 feet being given by the officers as the height of the post above the river. Fort Riley, Kansas.—On the angle formed by the junction of Republican fork (or Pawnee river) and Kansas river. Surrounded by open plains. Latitude by Captain Gunnison ; longitude from Fremont.f Altitude derived from [positions on Captain Gunnison's line of railroad survey ; approximate. Fort Kearny,J Nebraska.—On the south bank of Platte river, midway between the Mississippi and the Rocky mountains. The valley of the Platte is broad, and the bluffs are remote and of moderate elevation. Position from Captain Stansbury, Topographical Engineers, 1850. Altitude by Fremont. Fort Laramie, Nebraska.—At the junction of the Laramie river with the north fork of the Platte. Locality elevated, and exposure open, over naked plains and bluffs. Position by Fremont, 1843. Altitude from Captain Stansbury's map. Fort Atkinson, Kansas.—Near the crossing of the Arkansas river, Santa Fe route, twenty-six miles below the point so designated. The bluffs are low, and the country on all sides unbroken prairie, without timber even on the river bottom. Position and altitude from Captain Gunnison's railroad survey, 1854. Fort Arbuckle, Indian Territory.—Near the Washita river, " four miles southward at the nearest point, and seventy-six milts north of west of the junction of this with Red river. "§ The country generally open, though woody at the post. Hills at the southward. Position measured from the general Pacific railroad map, 1855.|| Altitude derived from comparison with points on Captain Whipple's line of survey; approximate. Fort Worth, Texas.—On the west fork of the Trinity river, Upper Texas. The locality is a high, open prairie, fully exposed, and intermediate between the two belts of woodland called the Cross Timbers. Elevation above the stream, 150 feet. Position from Colonel Johnston's map, Topographical Engineers, 1849. Altitude estimated by comparison with that of Red river and other points. Fort Graham, Texas.—On the east bank of the Brazos, Jose Maria village. The valley of the Brazos, though wide, is bounded by bluff banks, which give a somewhat local character to the exposure. Position from Colonel Johnston's map, 1849. Altitude estimated. Fort Belknap, Texas.—" On the north bank of the Red fork of the Brazos, 110 miles northwest of Fort Graham. The locality is on the edge of a rolling prairie extending back many miles."IT South of the river there are hills. Position from Captain Pope's map, 1855. Altitude estimated from altitudes taken near it on the line of Pope's survey. Post Phantom Hill, Texas.—Clear fork of Brazos river. This post is about seventy-five miles southwest of Fort Belknap, in a simi- larly high and open country. Position derived from points of the surveys of Johnston, Pope, and others. Altitude similarly obtained. Fort Chadbourne, Texas.—On Oak creek, a tributary of the Colorado river from the north. The surrounding country is hilly and mountainous, but the particular features of the locality are not known. Position and altitude from a sketch by Assistant Surgeon Swift, based on survey by Colonel Johnston, of Topographical Engineers. Camp J. E. Joh.vston, Texas.—On the Concho river, a branch of the Colorado from the south, near forty miles southwest of Fort Chadbourne. The locality is in a valley, five miles wide, surrounded by hills and mountains in the distance. Position and altitude from a sketch by Assistant Surgeon Swift, based on surveys by Colonel Johnston. * The town of Council Bluffs is on the east side of the river, below the site of the old fort. t Fremont gives the longitude of an encampment half a mile west of the junction of these rivers at 96° 24' 56" ; 1843. + " Old Fort Kearney" was on the Missouri, below the mouth of the Platte. J Assistant Surgeon Glisan, 1852. | The position given previou- to 1854 was from the best Topographical Bureau's maps, but the great discrepancies previously existing in the positions of thia part of our territory are mainly removed by the recent Pacific railroad surveys. The final position is taken from these. r Assistant Surireon Baily, 1S52. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. 591 Fort Gates, Texas.—On the Rio Leon, a tributary of the Brazos river, fifty-five miles southwest of Fort Graham. The locality is in a valley with much wooded country in the vicinity. Position from Colonel Johnston's map. Altitude estimated. Fort Croghan, Texas.—On a small tributary of the Colorado, near ten miles from that river, and in a somewhat sheltered valley. Position from Johnston's map. Altitude approximate. Fort Martin Scott, Texas.—At Fredericksburg, on the Rio Pedernales, a branch of the Colorado river. It is two miles from Fredericksburg and seventy-five from San Antonio. The locality is in a valley, with hills and mountains at the west. Position from Johnston's map. Altitude approximate. Fort McKavett, Texas.—On the San Saba river, a branch of the Colorado. The locality is on the south bank, at an elevation of 100 feet above the river, and with a generally open exposure. Position by Assistant Surgeon Crawford, from Johnston's surveys, corrected by comparison with recent surveys. Altitude by Assistant Surgeon Crawford. Fort Mason, Texas.—On the Llano river, a tributary of the Colorado. A hilly district, though not locally confined in its exposure. Position from combined railroad map, 1855. Fort Terrett, Texas.—At the source of the Rio Llano, a tributary of the Colorado. The locality is on a small plain, with a very hilly and broken country in the direction of the source of the river. Position from the recent combination of survey maps. Altitude (from Assistant Surgeon Anderson) by Colonel Johnston, Topographical Engineers. Austin, Texas.—At the city of Austin, on the Colorado. The locality at which the observations were taken not known. This point is at the head of navigation of the Colorado, and differs much in altitude and climate from the chain of posts at the westward. Position from Johnston's map. San Antonio, Texas.—At the town of San Antonio, on San Antonio river. The precise position of the buildings for military occu- pation is not known. The station compares very well with Austin, and is but little more elevated. Position from Johnston's and other maps. Altitude by Major Graham, Topographical Engineers. Fort Ewell, Texas.—On the Neuces river, at its southern bend. The country a low and generally arid plain. Position from Johnston's and the railroad maps. Fort Merrill, Texas.—On the Neuces river, midway between Fort Ewell and Corpus Christi. The country a low arid plain. Position from the recent survey maps. Corpus Christi, Texas.—At the head of Corpus Christi bay. The exposure to the Gulf of Mexico is somewhat broken by the distance and the islands separating the coast bays from the Gulf. Position by Captain Cram, Topographical Engineers. Fort Brown, Texas.—At Brownsville, opposite Matamoras, and on the north side of the Rio Grande, about twenty miles from the coast of the Gulf. Position from the Boundary Survey. Ringgold Barracks, Texas.—Near the town of Rio Grande, and nearly opposite Camargo, Mexico, on the Rio Grande, sixty miles above Fort Brown. The locality is on the low banks of the river, with a level back ground. Position from the Mexican Boundary Survey, through the medical officer. Fort McIntosh, Texas.—At Laredo, valley of the Rio Grande, on a sandy plain, fifty feet above the river, two miles in width, and with a moderately hilly back ground. Exposure free. Position from Boundary Survey. Altitude approximate. Fort Duncan, Texas.—At Eagle Pass of the Rio Grande, on a dry elevated plateau, much above the river bed. The locality is overlooked by a range of sand hills of moderate elevation. Position from Boundary Survey. Altitude estimated; approximate. Fort Inge, Texas —On the Leona river, forty-five miles northeast of Fort Duncan. The district is moderately hilly and generally wooded. Position from Captain Thom, Topographical Engineers, from data of Boundary Survey. Altitude by Colonel Graham. Fort Lincoln, Texas.__On the Rio Seco, a branch of Neuces river, fifty-five miles west of San Antonio. The district is quite open and arid and the locality elevated, with free exposure south and east, and some protecting hills at the northwest. 0 Position from Johnston's surveys. Altitude approximate. Fort Clark Texas.__On the Las Moras, a small tributary of the Rio Grande, and about thirty miles north of Fort Duncan. At the west bank of the river, on a local elevation of fifty feet above it. Exposure free, and the vicinity wooded. Position from general railroad map, 1855. Altitude estimated; approximate. Fort Davis Texas.—In the mountains between the Pecos river and El Paso, near Wild Rose Pass, at the sources of the Limpia river. The location of the post is in a deep canon of the mountains, selected for the purpose of protection against the severity of the winters. Position and altitude from Assistant Surgeon Guild, by Lieutenant Smith, Topo- graphical Engineers. Note -The observations made at " El Paso" in 1850,1851, &c., were at a locality opposite the town, and slightly above it. Fort Bliss is lower down, a little below El'paso, at Magoffinsville. The observations are combined as at one locality. (See report of Captain Pope, Topographical Engineers, of railroad explorations, pp. 43, 44, &c, 1851.) 592 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. Fort Bliss, Texas.—Nearly opposite El Paso, on the north bank of the Rio Grande. The locality is in the immediate river vallc}', opening southward. Table lands border the river here. Position that of El Paso, by the Boundary Commission. Altitude that, of Molino, near El P; so, by the Boundary Commission. Fort Fillmore, New Mexico.—Near Mesilla, on the east side of the Rio Grande, near forty miles above El Paso. The locality is a wide valley, with high mountains at ten to fifteen miles distance eastward. Position from Boundary Commission, through Captain Thorn, Topographical Engineers. Altitude by Lieutenant Parke, Topographical Engineers. Dona Ana, New Mexico.—In the Rio Grande valley, near fifty miles above El Paso, and seven miles below the terminus of the Jornada del Muerto. The locality is a wide valley, with high protecting mountains at several miles distance. Position and altitude from the Mexican Boundary Survey. Fort Thorn, New Mexico.—"In the valley of the Rio Grande, and opposite the centre of the Jornada, sixty miles below Fort Conrad."* The location is at Santa Barbara, elevated fifty feet above the river border, and with a back ground of high mountains west and north. Position derived from those of Dona Ana and Fort Webster. Altitude approximate. Fort Webster, New Mexico.—At the Copper Mines, near the sources of the Rio Mimbres and of the Gila, Sierra Madrc.f In a caiion among abrupt mountains. Position from the Mexican Boundary Survey. Fort Conrad, New Mexico.—On the west bank of the Rio Grande, near Valverde, and near one hundred and fifty miles above El Paso. The locality is on a gravelly mesa, half a mile west of the river, which rises by successive steps into a rougli and high range of mountains. No immediate protection. Position and altitude from Assistant Surgeon Langworthy, 1853; not instrumentally determined. Fort Craig, New Mexico.—At the northern terminus of the Jornada del Muerto, Rio Grande valley. This post is nine miles below Fort Conrad, southward, and on the river. High mountains approach very near at the west. Socorro, New Mexico.—On the west bank of the Rio Grande, in a recess of hills and abrupt mountains of great elevation, which nearly surround it, and renders its exposure confined and local. Position from Major Emory's survey. Altitude from Major Emory. Albuquerque, New Mexico.—At the town of Albuquerque, east bank of the Rio Grande. The valley is here more open, and the mountains less abrupt, than at Socorro. Position and altitude by Captain Whipple, Topographical Engineers, 1854. Cebolleta, (Laguna,) New Mexico.—At the sources of a branch of the Puerco river, west of the Rio Grande and southwest of Santa Fe. At Cebolleta the post was in a narrow valley or glen, facing eastward, with a very defective and local exposure. Subsequently, in October, 1851, the post was removed twenty miles southward to Laguna, an open valley of the San Jose river, a tributary of the Rio Puerco. Position and altitude of Laguna from the railroad survey of Captain Whipple, Topographical Engineer, 1854. Position of Cebolleta from Simpson's map. Abiqeiu, New Mexico.— On the Rio de Cbama, a tributary of the Rio Grande from the west, northwest of Santa Fe. The locality is a narrow valley in the vicinity of very high mountains. Position from Simpson's map. Altitude approximate. Santa Fe, New Mexico.—On an elevated plateau, near forty miles eastward of the Rio Grande. The local exposure is very free " and open, but lofty mountain ranges enclose the plateaus and the immediate valley of the river. Position and altitude by Major Emory. Las Vegas, New Mexico.—Near fifty miles eastward from Santa Fc, on the sources of Pecos river, and fi.t the border of the Great Plains. The locality is much confined, and influenced by high mountains at the northwest and northeast, but it opens freely southeastward over the high plains of upper Texas. Position and altitude derived from points of Captain Whipple's line of survey, 1854. Fort Union, New Mexico.—Northeastward from Santa Fe about fifty miles, on the Moro river, a branch of the Canadian. Locality in a mountainous region, opening eastward to the Great Plains. Position from Assistant Surgeon J. Byrne, deter- mined. Altitude from the same, approximate. Rayado, New Mexico.—In a mountain valley, near the Cimarron river, a branch of the Canadian from the west. Locality moun- tainous. Position from Simpson's map of New Mexico. " Taos, New Mexico.—At the town of Taos, north of Santa Fe, an elevated plateau, near a tributary of the Rio Grande from the east. Exposure generally open, similar to Santa Fe in the position of adjacent mountains. Position from Lieu- tenant Parke's map, 1851. Altitude approximate. Cantonment Burgwin, New Mexico.—Near the Rio Grande, nine miles northward from Taos. A rough mountainous district. Local features not known. Position and altitude derived from those of Taos. Fort Massachusetts, New Mexico.—In a sheltered valley on Utah creek, opening into the great valley of San Luis. Lofty moun- tains rise abruptly on the east, and surround San Luis valley on all sides. Position and latitude from the railroad survey of Captains Gunnison and Beckwith, 1854. * Report of explorations by Brevet Captain John Pope, Topographical Engineers, Ir'A. •j-Thc post was removed in October, l'.V-', to a point on the Kio Mimbres, eight miles east-northeast of the Copper Mines. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. 593 Fort Defiance, New Mexico.—In a greatly elevated district of mesas and mountains, west of the principal chain of the Sierra Madre, and near the sources of the Rio de Chelly, a tributary of the Colorado of California. The locality is " a narrow cailada," affected by local influences, with high mountains northward. Position from Sitgreave's and Whipple's surveys. Altitude derived from points on Whipple's survey; approximate. Fort Yuma, California.—On the west bank of the Great Colorado, eighty miles from the head of the Gulf of California. The locality is a rocky bluff, seventy-five feet above the river, with sand hills and rocky bluffs bordering the wide valley, and connecting with an immense sand desert on the west. Position by Lieutenant Whipple, Topographical Engineers. Altitude from Lieutenant Parke, 1853. San Diego, California.—Near the town of San Diego, at the head of a valley six miles distant from the Old Presidio, northeast, and eight miles from the sea shore. The valley opens upon the plain extending to the town and shore hills, of 250 feet elevation, bordering the valley and a range of mountains lying about fifteen miles east.* Position from Lieutenant Williamson's survey map, 1855, based on Boundary Commission and Coast Survey positions for San Diego. Alti- tude approximate. San Luis Rey, California.—At a town of that name, near forty miles northwest of San Diego. The locality is in a wide valley opening to the sea, and but four miles from it. Position from Lieutenant Williamson's survey map, 1854. Post Rancho del Chino, California.—In a wide valley near the Rio Santa Ana, thirty-five miles from the coast, and one hundred and twenty miles north of San Diego. The position is inland, but without peculiar local features. Position from Williamson's map, 1854. Altitude approximate. Post Rancho de Jurupa, California.—In the valley of the Rio Santa Ana, eighteen miles northeast of Del Chino. The locality is elevated, in a valley three to four miles wide, with rough hills bordering it. (Assistant Surgeon R. O. Abbott, September, 1852 ) Position from Lieutenant Williamson's Survey of the Passes of the Sierra Nevada. Altitude derived from that given by Lieutenant Williamson for San Bernardino. Fort Tejon, California.—At the head of the San Joaquin valley, in a deep narrow valley opening westward. Position and altitude by Lieutenant Williamson, Topographical Engineers. Fort Miller, California.—On the San Joaquin river, at the foot hills of the Sierra Nevada, and about midway in the entire length of the San Joaquin valley. The locality has the peculiar features of this deep valley, several hundred miles in length and about fifty in width, and shut in by lofty mountain ranges both from the sea and the interior.t Position and altitude by Lieutenant Williamson, Topographical Engineers, 1854. Monterey, California.—On the south shore of the bay of Monterey, near seventy miles (direct) south-southeast from San Francisco. The locality is a low plain, with a gentle slope in the back ground, and a very full exposure to the sea. The mountains are too far distant to influence the position. Position from Lieutenant Wise, United States navy, 1847, and Coast Survey, 1851. Altitude changed in 1850 and again in 1852. San Francisco, California.—At Presidio San Francisco, near the city. The locality is an elevated point, three miles west of the city toward the coast, and much more directly exposed to the sea. The entrance to San Francisco bay bounds the point on the north. Position from United States Coast Survey, 1853. Sonoma, California.—On a small stream entering into San Pablo bay, near forty miles north of San Francisco. The locality is partially protected from the sea exposure by spurs of the coast range of mountains, and its character in this respect is intermediate between the posts of the coast and those of the interior of California. Position derived from Coast Survey and other maps ; approximate. Benicia, California.—At the town of Benicia, entrance to Suisun bay, thirty miles northeast of San Francisco. The locality is one mile eastward from the town, with an exposure over water surface and low plains in all directions except north and northwest, where there are protecting hills. The nearest point on the Pacific coast is southwest thirty-five miles; in a right line west it is distant fifty miles. Position from Com. Ringgold's Chart, United States navy, 1850. Altitude from Assistant Surgeon Griffin. Camp Anderson, California.—At Sutter City, near Sacramento, 120 miles northeast from San Francisco. The exposure is locally over low plains, with much water surface, in the wide interior valley of Sacramento. Position from Com. Ring- gold's Chart, 1850. Altitude approximate. Camp Fvr West California.—On Bear creek, a tributary of Feather river, near fifteen miles from its mouth and from the town of Marysville, and thirty-five miles north-northeast from Sacramento. The locality is a confined valley at the base of the foot hills of the Sierra Nevada, on the east side of the great Sacramento valley. Position from Assistant Surgeon Murray, compared. Altitude approximate. * The local description is by Assistant Surgeon Summers, October, 1852. The locality is said to have been changed to other points of the plain and vicinity. f Assistant Surgeon Sorrel, September, 1S51. 75 59-i GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS OF THE MILITARY POSTS. Fort Reading, California.—On a small tributary of Sacramento river, one and a half miles from that river, and near five miles from the town of Trinidad. The locality is a confined valley, with dry table lands in the immediate vicinity. It is near the upper extremity of Sacramento valley, and the mountain ranges are from twenty to forty miles distant at either side. Position and altitude from Lieutenant Beckwith, United States army, 1S54. (Report of Pacific Railroad Explorations.) Fort Humboldt, California.—Near the town of Bucksport, Humboldt bay, coast of California. The locality is a plateau of sliglit elevation fronting the bay and fully open to the Pacific. From the coast, eastward two miles. Position and altitude from Assistant Surgeon Deyerle, derived from United States Coast Surveys. Fort Jones, California.—At Scott's valley, on a small tributary of Klamath river, near 100 miles from the head of Sacramento valley, and an equal distance in a direct line from the Pacific coast. The locality is not closely confined, though with high mountains—the Siskiou and Salmon ranges—on the south and east. Position and altitude from Assistant Surgeon Crane, December, 1852, Fort Orford, Oregon.—At Port Orford, near ten miles southward from Cape Blanco, or Orford. The locality is at the head of a bay (Tichenor bay or Ewing Harbor) opening southward, and the exposure very direct to the Pacific. Position from Assistant Surgeon Milhau, lb54, compared. a Fort Lane, Oregon.—Near Jacksonville, Rogue river, in a large valley opening westward, with high mountain ranges in the vicinity. Position from surveys of Oregon, through Assistant Surgeon Crane, 1854. Astoria, Oregon.—At the town of Astoria, south bank of the Columbia river, near ten miles from the coast of the Pacific. The locality has a free exposure over water service and low plains to the sea, with rough hills at the south and east. Position from United States Coast Survey, 1853. Fort Vancouver, Columbia Barracks, Oregon.—On the north bank of the Columbia river, eighty miles in a direct line from the Pacific at its mouth. The valley of the river opens northwestward here, and the coast range of mountains pro- tects it from sea exposure. The Barracks and old Fort Vancouver have been occupied alternately ; the difference of position is unimportant. The plain is low and wide, with much water surface in the vicinity. Position by Dr. Evans, survey of Oregon, 1852. Fort Dalles, Oregon.—At the passage of the Columbia river through the eastern portions of the Cascade range of mountains. The locality is on the south bank of the river, half a mile from it, and elevated about one hundred feet. The exposure is over bare plateaux, with the Cascade range protecting the district at the west. Position from Assistant Surgeon Summers. Altitude from Lieutenant Saxton, (of the North Pacific railroad survey,) 1854. Fort Steilacoom, Washington Territory.—At Steilacoom, the southern extremity of Puget's sound. The locality is one mile east from the shore of the sound, with open plains and much water surface in the vicinity. The Cascade and coast ranges of mountains enclose the area of the sound and plains. Position from the survey of Oregon, 1852. Cantonment Loring, Oregon.—Near Fort Hall, upper portion of Lewis' Fork of Columbia. The post is about equidistant from Great Salt Lake and the South Pass, north and west respectively. The locality is on the east bank of the river, five miles above Fort Hall, in a low valley three to five miles wide. The principal mountains are too far distant to affect the position locally. Position and altitude derived from those of Fort Hall, by Fremont, 1843 Great Salt Lake, Utah.—On a plain near ten miles south of the lake. A chain of mountains is quite near at the east, but in other directions the exposure is open and free. Position by Captain Stansbury, Topographical Engineers, 1850. Alti- tude from five months barometic observations by Lieutenant Beckwith, United States army, 1854. Note.—Valuable information respecting the local features of several posts in the least known portions of Texas and New Mexico has been communicated by Assistant Surgeon White. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. TEMPERATURE SERIES In the following tables the mean results of the observations of temperature are given for each month, season and year during the entire period of observation at each post, with a summary for the whole period. A part only of the records from 1822 to 1830 was published in the first preparation of results ; and in the second, incomplete years, and observations not continuous for a series of years, were also omitted. The series as now given embrace all the unpublished as well as published records of the Army Medical Bureau, from the complete organization of the system of meteorological obser- vations in 1822 to the close of 1854, a period of thirty-three years. FORT KENT, MAINE. Latitude 47° 15' N., Longitude 68° 35' //"'". Altitude above sea 575 feet. 1842. 1843. FORT FAIRFIELD, MAINE. Latitude 46° 46', Longitude 67° 49'. Attitude 415 feet. 11.43 i 17.14 19.90 10.17 26.41 23.IS 34.04 33.40 46.66 ' 56.15 49.03 57.96 65.40 60.16 65.07 64.74 40.92 30.05 13.53 35.70 36. S7 HANCOCK BARRACKS, MAINE. Latitude 46° 07', Longitude 67° 49'. Altitude 620 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S42.... 6.64 14.04 25.11 33.59 45.15 57.20 64.63 64.05 49.70 40.34 29.35 12.02 34.62 61.98 39.80 10.90 36.82 1343.... 19.21 8.53 24.54 40.00 50.96 62.10 64.47 63.70 38.50 65.09 1844.... 46. S4 £9.19 59. OS 59.68 53.47 39.82 26.59 10.70 59.65 39.96 1845.... 7.44 12.31 20.94 32.26 44.49 57.49 61.73 61.73 ...... 32.56 60.33 Mean .. 11.10 11.63 23.53 35.2S 46.86 53.99 62.49 63.55 51.59 40.03 27.97 11.36 35.22 61.63 39. S3 11.36 37.04 j 62.21 40.80 14.03 3S.06 60.95 J 61.58 40.30 14.28 38.11 1829.... 11.86 15.15 25 32 41.31 56.44 61.70 60.08 62.46 49.29 42.19 26.94 25.77 41.02 61.41 39.47 17.59 39. S7 1330.... 6.95 13.54 27.92 46.18 52.46 60.80 63.12 64 40 53.97 47.49 38.65 27.19 42.19 64.44 46.70 15.89 42.30 1831.... 12.51 19.19 31.31 33.23 56.71 66.16 63.73 67.70 57.44 46.2S 36.07 8.64 42.03 67.53 46.59 13.44 42.41 1832.... 17.41 12.63 27.57 33.06 49.49 55.60 62.16 63.33 57.44 46.36 31.46 15.41 36.70 61.37 45.09 15.17 39.58 1833.... 14.14 11.69 23.56 39.77 53.72 55.30 65.66 61.24 52.83 45.65 31.26 24.62 39.02 60.73 42.26 16.82 37.46 1S34.... 10.12 23.89 27.20 42.55 47.67 59.62 63.43 63.45 5).41 41.94 3:1.67 11.24 39.14 63.85 44.01 15.08 40.52 1S35.... 16.70 13.72 23.23 37.07 47. IS 59.79 64.99 62.93 53.23 48.03 27.97 9.74 35. S4 62.57 43.03 13.39 38.72 1836.... 16.41 11.51 2S.37 37.66 49.22 62.73 67.35 62.62 55.18 33 10 30.10 17.19 38.42 64.23 41.13 15.04 39.70 &Ql\ CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES HANCOCK BARRACKS, MAINE—Continued. Latitude 46° 07', Longitude 07° 49'. Altitude 620 feel. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. All!?. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1S37.... 16.09 16.37 27.08 39.42 49.93 CO. 79 63.24 63.09 56.85 4120 29.10 17.96 1S38...4 20.60 13.63 34.76 36.93 50.62 67.02 6S.27 63.49 56.44 41.18 27.59 14.28 1S39.... 16.66 19.41 27.43 42.92 43.43 57. S5 67.01 65.89 56.52 45.14 31.16 25.43 1840.... 9.81 23.66 23.77 41.39 52.45 61.64 67.84 63.10 56.16 43.50 31.96 15.97 1841.... 21.52 15.83 26.87 34. S3 48.07 57.09 64.S6 67.70 59.43 39.13 32.77 23.32 1342.... 15.17 20. S4 30.91 33.13 45.93 58.76 65.79 60.24 52. S2 43.93 31.39 14.90 1843.... 22.41 12.72 25.98 41.47 50.75 59.38 62.00 64.75 51.50 41.00 27.66 20.75 1S44.... 6.45 15.07 25.62 41.63 43.90 60.37 60.66 61.75 55.4S 42.74 23.72 17.50 1S45 ... 15.-39 16.89 20.82 37.47 43.77 60.01 62.92 64.82 Mean ) 1 17yVs fl 14.72 16.40 27.57 39.42 50.47 60.23 65.18 64.53 55.25 43.37 30.84 18.12 Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 35.SI 62.37 42.33 16.SI 40.09 40.74 66.26 41.72 16.17 41.22 39.59 63.58 41.27 20.52 41.99 40.87 65.80 ■13.87 16.413 42.02 30.81 63.22 43.79 20.22 41.01 33.67 62.04 42.73 17.04 40.12 39.40 62.04 40.05 18.04 40.03 33.72 60.93 42.81 14.01 38.99 37.69 62.55 39.15 63.83 43.15 16.41 40.51 FORT SULLIVAN, MAINE Latitude 44° 54', Longitude 66° 58'. Altitude 70 feet. 1S22...J 17.86 22.98 1 32.60 37.17 50.49 57.99 G2.34 62.24 55.43 46.63 87.03 24.64 40.09 60.86 47.39 21.S3 42.54 1823.... 21.02 17.30 23.91 39.02 17.61 54.73 02.67 62.22 54.97 47.36 31.65 2S.30 3S.51 59.87 44.66 22.21 41.31 1S24.... 20.91 21.11 29.30 40.33 46.07 55.85 03.52 62.27 56.69 45.33 34.28 27.67 38.5S 60.55 45.43 23.23 41.95 1S25.... 21.IS 22.35 32.92 42.29 50.14 60.97 67.33 64. S3 56.57 47.81 37.94 23.33 41.73 64.38 47.44 23.95 44.39 1826.... 23.17 22.72 31.17 39.61 53.96 60.07 66.90 67.53 59.70 48.71 33.24 27.83 41.53 64.83 4S.8S 24.57 44.96 1S27.... 20.48 23.07 32.00 43.54 51.54 59.21 66.17 64.94 60.51 51.12 42.36 63.44 1328.... 22.44 29.61 31.02 37.52 50.08 57.47 61.50 65.00 5S.42 47.19 38.53 26.13 39.74 61.31 43.05 26.08 43.79 1S29.... 19.57 21.29 29.32 40.93 51.79 58.01 61. OS 61.49 53.24 45.89 37.35 31.67 40.6S 60.19 45.49 24.2? 42.66 1S30.... 18.17 19.42 31.05 44. OS 49.69 57.07 63.63 61.76 54.37 43.61 41.92 32.37 41.61 60.82 48.30 23.32 43.51 1831.... 19.S7 24.57 35.45 42.81 55. S3 60.27 67.43 66.53 53.96 43.97 39.93 14.77 44.69 64.78 49.29 19.80 44.64 1832.... 25.73 20.35 28.52 35.88 49.25 54.36 57.53 62.11 55.07 4S.08 36.43 23.37 37.83 58.00 46.86 23.17 41.48 1833.... 23.13 20.19 29.23 41.95 50.27 54.68 62.09 60.50 5S.2S 48.51 36.46 29.90 40.48 59.09 47.75 24.42 42.93 1S34.... 19.4S 29.99 83.21 43.32 47.7,' 53.29 62.71 61.04 5S.64 46.00 30.96 20.42 41.43 60.68 47.20 23.30 43.17 24.34 22.20 29.40 33.11 49.09 55. -38 60.50 59.67 57.02 50.45 36.22 17.23 38.20 53.32 47.90 21.27 41.43 1886.... 21.49 17.99 27.73 37.74 45.47 55.13 36.93 1S41.... 80.13 23.97 81.84 38.30 45.05 56.6S 60.82 62.10 60.36 44.25 36.42 28.85 37.56 59.87 47.01 27.65 43.02 1842 .. 23 95 27.96 32.75 39.77 47.77 53.15 63.63 61.41 54.91 45.45 36.10 22.83 40.09 59.41 45.49 24.93 42.4S 1343.... | 29.07 20.30 27.4) 40.48 49.26 57.03 61.2S 61.IS 56.43 47.72 35.33 27.50 39.05 59.85 46.63 25.64 42.77 1844... 16.17 25.61 33.40 45.45 50.33 5S.01 59.19 60.57 53.75 49.08 36.89 27.16 ] 43.07 59.26 48.24 22.93 43.30 1S45-... 23.63 24.11 31.45 40.73 47.07 57.45 60.21 63.24 39.77 60.31 1S49 .. i ...... 61.33 62.36 57.62 47.80 43.54 23.23 | ...... 49.65 ...... 1850... 23.33 27.17 27.21 40.S7 46.55 55.95 61.69 61.51 57.30 50.45 39.71 23.96 33.24 59.72 49.32 25.00 43.07 15--.1... 21.52 26.43 31.68 41.77 43.13 51.31 59.63 61.55 57.63 51.33 35.21 22.41 1! 40.54 53.51 48.26 23.47 42.69 1852... 22.16 26.93 80.33 40.25 49.51 51.00 01.08 60.76 57.72 47.59 33.23 32.85 ! 40.05 53.61 47. S6 27.31 43.46 W>3 .. 27.51 27.31 30.92 40.65 4^.83 56.12 61.64 61.20 1 40.13 59.62 Mean j 25 y'rs j J oo _37 23.54 30.79 40.44 49.23 56.76 62.33 62.42 1 57.25 47 95 •37.35 25.79 40.15 60.50 47.52 23.90 43.02 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 597 FORT PREBLE, MAINE. Latitude 43° 39', Longitude 70° 20'. Altitude, 20 feet. FORT CONSTITUTION, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Latitude 43° 04', Longitude 70° 49'. Altitude 40 feet. 27.83 27.13 2S.S4 21.31 29.37 24.38 22.92 21.78 25.69 28.66 20.10 26.29 25.41 21.80 81.83 25.89 18. CJ 26.25 28.50 31.79 26.53 35.47 22.79 23.23 25.28 25.65 23.43 31.93 24.22 19.69 24.14 19.20 27.06 31.93 34.84 37.60 36..31 35.52 36.14 31.29 35.45 39.50 34.76 30.69 34.49 31.54 30.17 30.25 34.64 32.72 33.70 46.54 43.05 47.63 42.91 43.86 46.84 45.64 40.12 44.96 44.13 41.83 39.67 41.45 38.71 43.62 45.70 53.59 58.65 53.61 59.25 56.y 53.15 55.03 50.42 55.11 51.07 52.59 50.70 48.24 49.99 50.62 53.13 65.59 71.32 62.71 63.54 61.75 67.64 64.05 69.16 62.64 65.65 62.76 69.12 66.58 63.86 59.65 63.31 59.41 66.77 60.32 63.14 61.35 65.97 55.76 65.73 59.12 62.34 63.13 63.10 57.77 65.33 61.75 66.5S 64.90 67.61 65.16 6S.36 65.00 66.36 68.52 64.62 63.43 64.62 63.32 60.48 61.20 64.51 64.09 65.09 59.23 61.83 60.44 62.24 55.72 57.95 60.06 57.36 5S.81 60.91 56.61 57.11 55.41 58.05 59.06 53.06 51.33 51.73 51.40 53.40 43.54 51 33 51.71 51.30 45.73 47.39 50.77 44.50 47.30 46.67 50.62 39.41 40.50 33. S7 41.85 39.52 46.04 40 74 40.77 37.49 39.21 38.05 36.63 37.94 34.51 37.34 40.00 32.96 45.91 SO.21 46.00 29.42 45.59 35.01 46.10 36.48 43.75 33.40 45.15 17.07 46.72 29.36 41.76 31.13 43.59 27.21 43.23 22.52 41.99 28.47 40.13 29.12 39.93 25.65 41.11 31.66 42.32 44.13 32.51 67.27 66.29 64.85 67.19 64.43 66.08 67.99 62.53 63.20 C4.3G 63.55 CO. 66 60.89 65.25 62.40 64.47 50.00 51.37 48.57 51.50 47.93 51.79 50.84 49.81 48.34 49.17 4S.78 46.08 40. S3 46.41 49.01 29.53 30.28 25.87 33.28 27.88 26.53 21.37 27.34 27.42 26.43 24.34 24.52 25.03 25.56 28.40 ' Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. 1 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1824.... 24.!-2 24.42 33.92 43.96 51.51 62.87 6S.66 66.70 60.72 4S.54 34.93 29.25 43.13 66.10 43.08 26.16 45.87 1S25___ 22.59 24.63 35.62 46.56 53.47 63.00 73.56 6S.05 53.05 49.97 38.05 23.26 45.22 69.87 48.89 25.16 47.2S 1826.... 21.52 24.51 34.76 41.41 59.46 65.32 72.33 68.67 61.34 50.43 37.05 28.14 45.21 OS. 77 49.61 24.72 47.05 1827.... 19.65 24.56 33.92 46.74 54.26 G2.91 70.06 66 74 61.52 50.53 32.54 27.74 44.97 66.57 43.20 23.93 45.93 1823.... 27.02 33.76 34.83 43.02 52.86 67.31 70. S5 70.66 62.18 49.10 39.13 32.43 43.57 69.61 50.14 24.59 46.9S 1S29.... 20.69 20.64 30. S4 44.C6 56.81 64.53 68.06 66.45 55.09 48.21 37.20 32 7-! 43.90 66.35 46.83 24.69 44.94 1S30.... 19.93 20.80 34.04 47.96 54.04 62.42 69.87 66. SS 57.88 50..30 44.52 82.41 45.35 66.39 50.90 24.3S 46.75 1331.... 21.06 24.47 35.45 46.02 56.76 68.85 71.53 70.48 61.44 50.84 39.22 15.14 46.08 70.29 50.50 20.22 46.77 1S32.... 23.41 22.14 32.96 63. SO 66.30 60.00 51.51 39.35 26.97 50.29 21.17 1833.... 26.75 21.64 29.50 44.77 56.20 60.25 69.15 65.15 58.98 48.23 36.50 23.96 43.49 64.85 47.92 25.73 45 51 1834.... 20.36 29.35 33. S3 45.14 51.53 62.81 71.40 67.67 61.47 47.39 36.29 24.33 43.52 67.39 48.38 24. S5 46.01 1835.... 23.96 21.24 30.50 40.93 53. OS 63.26 68.91 66.08 57.64 51.17 37.04 19.79 41.50 66.03 48.62 21.66 44.-:6 1841 27.13 21.89 30.19 SS.39 48.49 60.87 64.39' 64.22 59.94 43.65 36.26 28.84 39.02 63.16 46.62 25.95 43.69 1842.... 25.76 30.04 35.97 41.89 48.39 57.67 67.02 63.01 55.89 47.81 35.26 24.47 42.18 62.57 46.32 26.76 44.46 1843.... 29.06 26.89 40.6S 49.73 58.36 62.89 65.3S 56.40 46.73 34.38 29.09 39.10 62.21 45.84 1S44.... 14.36 21.32 31.03 43.00 51.25 60.75 63.00 62.75 5S.00 47.25 35.90 26.25 41.76 62.17 ■ 47. 05 20.SI 42.95 1845.... 23.67 22.50 30.97 40.70 51.85 62.27 65.52 66.17 56.57 41 17 64.65 1 40.... 63.92 69.69 69.52 63.20 53.50 50.79 26.14 69.33 41.87 1S50.... 24.69 27.41 31.77 40.25 49.47 62.26 66.65 64. S6 53.40 50.27 40.02 22.40 40.50 64.59 49.56 24.83 44.87 1851.... 20.01 25.28 33.30 42.60 51.61 5S.71 66.59 65.19 60.00 51.56 35.09 20.56 42.50 63.50 48.88 21.95 44.21 1352.... 18.43 23.04 29.41 39.10 51.96 63.71 63.33 64.70 59.11 43.16 36.38 32.00 40.16 65.58 47.83 24.49 44.53 1353.... 23.25 25.84 33.41 42.02 53.66 63.24 63.12 65.34 43.03 65.57 Mean ) 22y'rsf 22.78 24.52 32.53 42.90 \ 52.82 63.11 63.20 66.41 56.91 49.76 37.80 26.80 42.77 65.24 48.16 24.70 45.22 43.18 48.43 46.22 49.52 46.00 47.39 46.73 45.36 45.64 J5.80 44.66 42.86 43.19 44.53 45.5.3 598 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT CONSTITUTION, NEW HAMPSHIRE—Continuefl. Latitude 43° 04', Lnugitudc 70° 49'. Altitude 40 feet. FORT INDEPENDENCE, BOSTON HARBOR, MASSACHUSETTS. Latitude 42° 20', Longitude 71° 00'. Altitude, 50 feet. 29.63 28.73 29.40 21.76 31.43 26.53 27.39 25.08 29.12 31.61 24.55 26.23 25.88 21.95 23.19 27.93 25.52 26.83 23.40 30.45 30.53 27.93 36.14 22.89 26.46 26.62 29.17 26.50 33.90 23.33 19.16 25.07 23.50 30.83 25.00 27.67 35.33 40.14 36.3S 37.26 38.00 30.46 33.39 42.40 37.46 33.86 36.59 31.53 30.81 30.76 32.93 37.55 32.92 35.46 46.16 55.98 4S.76 57.31 43.28 62.02 49.01 50.15 43.44 55.62 46.09 57.55 49.71 53.06 49.48 59.17 42.39 52.60 49.90 59.95 45.55 53.23 42.09 51.02 43.93 59.27 56.32 41.23 56.51 45.67 57.15 42.41 5S.76 45.57 57.04 64.57 63.86 65.97 63.67 67.06 66.14 70.55 64.07 64.10 63.26 66.02 61.96 64.32 65.22 67.57 65.91 71.07 75.20 71.01 70.20 70 71 66.56 71.32 63.86 67.75 70.77 73.32 71.11 72.09 71.17 67.73 71..:4 69.27 63.52 71.21 67.53 69.43 71.55 69.24 63.47 63.30 69.02 66.75 69.93 69.70 65.57 71.03 69.10 63.46 62.26 63.80 63.59 64.26 59.20 61.84 64.12 62.17 63.05 62.7S 61.70 47.10 52.89 54.44 51.05 53.70 53.13 52.47 55.6S 55.70 54.66 61.72 62.91 63.93 63.71 53.64 51.81 62.78 53.02 WATERTOWN ARSENAL, MASSACHUSETTS. Latitude 41° 21', Longitude 71° 09'. 1337.... 21.51 25.92 31.52 44.20 53.70 63.6S ls;s.... 32.96 19.01 35.64 41.30 54.57 63.21 1839.... 27.24 25.05 36.41 47.92 55.56 61.-34 1540.... 19.18 33.45 87.09 47.66 56.75 66.16 1341.... 30.82 23.40 35.23 1S43.... 31.69 19.55 26.55 43.51 44.93 55.25 64.30 Mean ) 6 y'r3. f 27.23 25.40 33.75 55.17 64.74 67.69 65.16 74.04 69.93 71.79 69.00 72.56 71.15 69. Os 69.04 03.45 69.80 - ~---- . .--- £9.15 49.09 62.25 47.53 63.25 52.49 60.52 51.33 62.68 44.86 62.13 47.69 61.71 45.S4 40.07 35.72 37.53 33.73 37.60 35.71 87.58 29.36 43.07 26.71 43.83 30.57 46.63 27.18 47.17 31.43 28.83 41.33 29.02 44.63 Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1342... 23.38 30.71 37.19 42.26 50.61 57.46 65.61 64.87 57.33 43.74 37.66 25.09 43.35 62.65 47.91 23.00 45.10 1543... 31.69 19.55 26.53 43.81 55.25 64.30 6S.45 69. SO 62.13 47.69 35.71 28.83 41. S3 67.52 43.51 26.69 46.15 1544.... 17.85 25.32 34.17 45.40 53.39 61.91 64.56 63.79 59.73 4S.63 38.26 29.46 44.82 63.42 43.89 24.21 45.21 1S45.... 1349.... 26.00 24.99 33.86 42.01 52.99 61.28 67.86 63.74 66.80 63.73 61.28 48.91 44.70 26.23 42.95 65.31 51.63 1S50.... 25.39 2S.57 32.05 40.66 49.51 64.33 67.20 65.41 5S.43 50.02 40.69 23.91 40.74 65.65 49.73 25.96 45.52 1n51.... 22.S2 27.33 34.9S 42.09 52.27 60.91 67.70 65.49 58.65 51.33 34.22 20.62 43.11 64.70 43.06 23.59 44.37 1352... 19.76 25.02 31.21 39.00 53.95 64.20 67.37 63.95 53.90 4S.23 35.76 32.13 41.42 C5.14 47.63 25.64 44.96 1S53.... 24.20 25.54 32.92 39.17 52.84 64.56 67.45 60.53 59.46 41.64 64.18 Mean 1 25 y'rs j 24.95 26.21 33.71 42.96 53.00 61.97 67.10 65.07 5S.92 49.47 33.75 28.63 43.22 64.33 49.05 26.60 45. SI 40.02 84.22 :' 45.79 07.81 52.12 30.75 49.12 42.66 32.61 48.74 71.87 53.12 30.60 51.08 41.64 32.92 47.23 63.75 53.16 30.97 50.03 37.22 47.47 67.46 51.50 44.15 36.75 | 45.71 69.66 53.86 34.96 51.05 42.67 39.56 44.70 51.45 29.63 43.80 36.97 43.72 63.98 55.44 30.27 50.85 42.33 20.26 50.35 70.32 54.05 23.9S 49.67 44.75 32.47 44.15 47.90 07.02 67.78 53.86 30.25 43.82 39.18 27.79 45.12 42.55 68.29 50.66 2S.75 48.20 36.84 29.91 44.69 67.13 43.55 24.93 46.34 36.92 23.87 63.15 50.76 39.75 36.58 43.53 63.02 51.49 29.42 48.13 41.93 28.67 46.80 69.58 52.21 29.00 49.40 41.27 26.95 44.70 69.89 54.42 25.82 43.71 41.54 21.39 46.02 63.53 52.45 28.63 48.92 65.51 49.64 25.59 45.91 70.74 48.50 26.22 47.35 67.37 51.10 25.62 45.43 69.95 50.32 26.6i 43.51 48.3-5 29.57 ..... 67.52 43.51 26.69 46.15 68.12 49.33 27.22 47 34 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES, 599 FORT ADAMS, RHODE ISLAND. Latitude 41° 29', Longitude 71° 20'. Altitude 40 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1-42.... 32. £6 35.48 40.25 46.02 55.20 64.60 73.11 71.59 63.13 52.24 38.06 30.92 47.15 69.76 51.14 32.90 50.23 1S43.... 34.40 24.45 29.80 45.16 55.42 65.28 73.22 72. S7 64.69 51.30 37.13 33.31 43.46 70.46 51.01 30.72 4S.66 1844.... 23.79 29.02 35.62 47.69 57.56 66.80 71.00 71.11 63.4S 53.63 42.73 34.20 46.96 69.(4 53.23 29.00 49.72 1845.... 32.49 28.91 37.75 44.92 53.55 64.36 71.83 72.22 62.84 53.87 46.67 29.28 45.41 69.47 48.35 30.23 48.36 1846.... 30.67 25.70 36.35 45.83 54.52 63.37 70.55 69.94 65.27 45.57 67.95 184S.... 53.01 41.00 39.06 1849.... 26.01 24.82 33.15 44.90 53.19 67.04 71.49 71.84 63.50 52.94 50.38 34.56 45.41 70.12 55.61 23.46 49.90 1850.... 33.34 84.07 35.40 42.74 53.04 65.04 72.63 70.03 03.64 55.49 45.98 32.72 43.73 69.25 55.04 33.38 50.35 1851.... 33.03 34.55 38.56 46.33 55.81 64.50 71.71 69.13 63.40 56.79 41.10 28.38 46.90 68.44 53.76 31.99 50.27 1352 ... 26.49 30.03 35.26 42.15 55.15 65.72 72.33 69.35 63.76 54.62 42.72 40.56 44.19 69.13 53.70 32.36 49.84 1853.... 30.55 33.20 38.34 45.34 56.36 67.43 72.87 70.84 64.65 46.68 70.40 Mean ) 10 y'rs f 30.34 30.02 36.55 45.11 54.93 65.43 72.07 70.89 64.07 53.76 42.86 30.30 45.55 69.46 53.56 30.22 49.70 FORT WOLCOTT, NEWPORT HARBOR, RHODE ISLAND. Latitude 41° 30', Longitude 71° 20'. Altitude 20 feet. 1S22... 26.54 31.82 33.44 47.45 59.93 67.27 74.35 70.80 68.58 55.83 47.95 34.47 4S.61 70.81 57.45 30.94 51.95 1323.... 27.23 26.50 36.39 45.80 54.77 64.47 70.85 71.08 62.61 52.49 39. S4 35. SO 45.65 65. SO 51.65 29.84 43.99 1824.... 33.54 32.14 37.61 47.86 55.15 65.69 71.46 63.96 64.19 54.60 42.71 37.16 46. S7 63.70 53.83 34.28 50.92 1825.... 31.51 32.99 40.86 47.96 56.61 69.12 74.63 71.41 63.16 50. OS 44.63 34.97 43.43 71.72 54.62 33.16 51.99 1826.... 33.16 33.63 38.98 44.03 59.53 64.24 72.33 71.26 65.82 55.66 43.43 34.62 47.53 69.23 41.24 37.13 4S.79 1827.... 25.05 81.28 38.30 43.42 55.59 64.52 71.16 69.61 63.70 56.06 37.70 36.35 47.44 68.43 52.49 30. S9 49.81 1S23.... 33.95 38.68 40.10 44.93 56.36 67.45 71.47 72.70 65.93 54.23 45.77 38.40 47.13 70.54 53.31 37.34 52.08 1529.... 28.90 24.97 32.88 44.67 55.83 63.23 66.52 67.57 53.39 50.66 42.72 39.37 44.46 65.77 50.59 31.08 47.98 1830.... 29.47 27.52 37.90 46.53 55.05 63.84 70.35 6S.24 60.74 54.42 46.02 37.59 46.49 67.4S 53.73 31.53 49.SI 1831.... 25.04 26.66 39.68 47.44 56.75 67.43 69.95 71.62 64.23 55. SS 42.75 22.71 47.96 69.67 54.29 24.80 49.18 1832.... 29.27 80.25 36.30 40.89 50.56 59.67 65.78 68.24 61.70 53.69 44.43 34.22 42.58 64.56 53.27 31.58 48.00 1S33.... 33.20 23.29 33.94 46.55 56.57 61.13 67.76 66.36 61.60 52.90 40.36 34.39 45.69 65.08 51.62 31.96 48.59 1834.... 26.79 34.90 37.23 46.26 52.01 61.79 69.85 67.98 64.02 50.66 40.48 31.57 45.17 66.54 51.72 31.09 48.63 1835.... 29.24 27.13 32.69 41.44 53.82 63.43 69.31 6S.40 60.43 57.04 43.64 28.41 42.65 67.05 53.70 28.26 47.91 Mean | 14 y'rs f 29.34 30.56 37.31 45.73 55.61 65.23 70.41 69.59 63.22 54.30 43.03 34.29 46.22 65.41 53.52 34.73 50.72 FORT TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT. Latitude 41° 21', Longitude 72° 06'. Altitude 23 feet. 1833.... 53.49 61.94 65.20 72.38 69.79 65.10 54.82 43.76 33.98 69.12 54.56 1834.... 27.11 36.14 88.37 50.16 57.37 66.85 75.80 71.67 65.42 48.78 38.66 29.90 48.63 71.44 50.95 31.05 50.52 1835.... 27.79 26.68 34.12 44.61 57.93 68.85 73.33 70.93 59.43 56.10 43.36 26.96 45.55 71.04 52.96 27.14 49.17 1843.... 32.59 19.97 25.85 44.68 53.88 63.65 67.67 69.03 63.21 49.01 36.81 31.25 1 41.47 66.73 49.68 27.94 46.47 1344.... 20.92 27.23 35.28 43.80 57.00 63.95 68.44 68.40 61.47 50.18 39.59 29.20 j 47.03 66.93 50.41 25.75 47.54 1845.... 31.44 28.77 37.94 45.06 54.00 65.1G 70.23 71.35 62.56 54.36 46.39 27.93 | 45.07 6S.91 54.44 29.38 49.60 coo CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES, FORT TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT—Continued. Latitude 41° 21', Longitude 72° 06'. Altitude 23 feet. FORT COLUMBUS, NEW YORK HARBOR. Latitude 40° 42', Longitude 74° 01'. Altitude 23 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. M;iy. June. July. Aug. Sept. ; Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. 1 Winter.' Year. 1 1«16.... 1349... 1850.... 1S51... 1S52.... 80.19 33.31 32.22 25.85 29.60 25.62 33.90 83.15 80.53 83.59 33.SI 36.10 39.23 35.90 39.25 43.10 43.32 47.30 43.12 46.63 55.02 52.32 53.69 56.25 57.63 53.01 66.04 67.IS 65.40 66.83 6S.23 71.47 72.69 72.08 72.34 71.74 71.14 69.27 6S.91 69.15 71.32 62.82 j 52.02 62,77 , 54.78 63.67 55.07 63.37 54.63 66.15 48.97 44.82 39.88 41.20 33. IS 31.52 27.09 89.45 47.31 44.87 47.61 45.55 47.93 69.55 69.71 6S.79 69.45 70.43 54.60 54.12 52. S7 53.07 82.91 81.02 31.94 50.23 50.07 50.00 Mean \ 11 y'rs j 29.10 29.56 36.09 46.35 56.30 66.12 71.56 70.12 63.27 ! 52.97 42.34 31.11 46.41 69.27 52.86 29.92 49.62 1S22.... 26.17 29. S2 42.15 52.35 63.35 70.64 78.39 74,65 70.88 59.10 43.33 34.53 32.62 74.56 59.45 30.17 49.20 1S23.... 81.21 25.29 36.38 49.60 5S.86 68.95 74.90 73.43 64.09 51.75 33.23 34.74 48.28 72.11 51.3G 30.41 50.54 1824.... 35.29 31.23 37.57 49.94 5S.02 63.26 73.62 70.37 64.15 55.08 42.71 3S.51 48.51 70.75 53.9S 35.03 52.07 1S25.... 82.74 32.63 43.71 51.35 62.51 74.53 81.29 73.99 67.42 57.11 43.90 31.70 52 52 76.62 56.21 32.36 54.43 1826.... 28.89 31.31 37.67 43.27 64,83 69.77 75.94 75.90 68.85 56.53 43.66 33.14 4S.61 73.87 56.35 81.11 52.48 1827.... 24.02 31.95 39.34 52.06 59.54 C8.60 75.63 74.34 67.05 55.90 39.66 83.21 50.31 72.86 54.20 29.73 51.77 182S.... 83.59 41.32 40.75 45.27 60.07 72.26 74.67 76.50 66.79 53.89 44.94 38.67 4S.70 74.48 55.04 37.86 54.02 1829.... 27.05 25.44 37.8S 52.27 03.85 71.14 73.73 75.00 64.14 54.85 43.87 41.30 51.33 73.29 54.29 81.26 52.54 1S30.... 81.74 31.93 41.05 52.88 60.34 70.45 78.75 77.04 67.11 5S.67 51.08 36.96 51.42 75.41 58.95 33.54 54.88 1831... 25.73 26.28 41.93 49.96 61.17 74.08 76.41 76.3S 66.88 55.44 43.27 22.20 51.04 75.62 55.20 24.74 51.65 1832.... 28.51 32.2 S 33.98 48.30 56.11 67.14 73.32 73.26 65.40 £4.06 44.72 36.45 47.80 71.24 54.78 32.41 51.54 1333.... 35.08 30.91 85.86 51.34 60.73 66.13 74.72 70.57 64.35 52.19 41.48 34.58 49.34 70.47 52. S4 33.52 51.54 1534... 23.28 87.21 39.64 4S.49 56.54 66.75 76.19 71.85 64.22 51.64 40.99 30.76 48.22 71.60 52.28 32.08 51.04 1835.... 29.37 27.22 35.59 15.80 53.44 67.12 72.50 69.73 60.69 56.46 43. SI 2S.36 46.61 69.80 53.65 2S.32 49.59 1S36.... 27.82 21.51 32.21 44.32 5S.01 62.23 73.01 67.92 63.97 45.86 38.66 31.13 44.85 67.74 49.50 28.17 47.56 1837.... 26.86 29.85 34.91 46.03 55.29 64.52 69.51 63.64 62.13 59.22 44.03 35.60 45.22 67.55 55.14 30.60 49.65 1883.... 34.49 23.29 37.81 44.16 56.16 70.39 77.13 74.71 65.33 51.66 40.02 29.09 46.04 74.09 52.35 23.95 50.85 1839.... 30.43 31.93 33.64 49.81 57.76 60.40 72.97 70.85 66.72 56.31 39.93 35.62 4S.74 69.07 54.32 32.68 51.20 1840.... 23. SO 84.85 40.26 51.47 58.02 67.05 72.30 73.32 63.96 55.17 43.58 30.36 49.92 70.89 54.24 29.67 51.IS 1841.... 30.84 28.12 37.40 45.93 56.49 69.11 73.95 73.40 63.58 51.86 44.83 33.82 46.62 72.15 55.11 30.93 51.20 1812.... 33.72 3S.14 44.59 51.53 58.46 67.19 74.33 72.91 67.14 51.73 39.21 32.12 51.53 71.49 56.03 34.66 53.43 1S43.... 86.47 25.66 30.31 47.23 59.08 71.25 74.11 74.27 68.03 53.69 40.50 36.12 45.59 73.21 54.07 32.75 51.40 1344.... 25.76 29.74 38.79 53.55 63.29 69.22 74.54 72.93 65.79 53.52 43.33 33.97 51.8S 72.23 54.21 29.82 52.03 1845.... 85.03 31.95 42.12 50.79 60.54 71.30 70.60 76.04 65.49 62.81 45.68 28.27 51.15 74.65 57.99 31.75 53.88 1S46.... 81.37 27.41 39.31 50.33 60.41 67.36 72.21 73.25 69.71 54.00 48.15 83.90 50.02 70.94 57.29 30. S9 52.28 1847.... 32.41 81.60 36.01 49.50 59.51 70.84 75.61 72.30 64.73 51.40 46.04 87.90 48.34 72.92 54.06 33.97 52.32 1845 ., 33.79 31.21 36.14 50.10 61.33 69.11 74.2S 73.54 63.44 54.15 39.74 39.29 49.87 72.31 52.44 84.76 52.34 1349.... 25.73 24.63 37. S4 47.55 55.00 69.50 72.80 72.33 64.31 52.64 48.19 32.07 46.80 71.54 55.05 27.51 50.22 1550.... 32.78 88.42 36.16 44.18 54.45 6S.63 75.06 U. 04 64.32 53.78 45.19 33.22 j 44.90 71.24 54.43 33.14 50.93 1851.... 82.15 83.6S 39.71 49.13 5S.24 68.45 75.64 74.00 67.86 57.32 42.24 27.39 49.02 72.69 55.80 31.07 52.15 1552.... 24.33 30.74 36.72 43.73 60.30 69.70 76.61 73.27 63.77 55.61 41.64 40.45 46.92 73.19 53.67 31.84 51.40 1553.... 32.03 38.50 39.5S 43.13 60.25 71.20 72.77 73.52 66.41 52.01 44.31 33.13 49.32 72.50 54.24 32.90 52.24 1-54 ... 2S.71 28.17 36.17 45.09 59.96 63.49 75.39 72.83 66.35 65.78 "•" 43.67 27.52 47.07 72.42 55.24 23.13 50.71 Mean ) 38 y'rs t 80. IS 30.44 33.25 43.65 59.30 63.30 74.33 73.16 54.56 43.32 33.52 45.74 72.10 54.55 31.38 51.69 Note—The record for 1^37 and 1-33 was at Fort Wood, Bedlow's Island; so near that it is incorporated in the mean for the series at Fort Columbus CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 001 FORT HAMILTON, NEW YORK HARBOR. Latitude. 40° 37', Longitude 74° 02'. Altitude 25 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1843.... 37.27 26.80 30.80 48.50 56.90 63.40 71.90 74.40 63.45 53.95 42.10 35.15 45.40 71.57 54.83 33.07 51.22 1S44.... 26.29 29.32 38.04 51.51 61.50 66.87 71.39 71.82 66.07 53.10 43.42 34.00 50.35 70.03 54.20 30.04 51.15 1S45.... 34.55 31.91 41.61 49.59 5S.33 63.73 74.48 75.42 65.97 57.24 47.18 28.97 49.84 72.83 56.80 31.81 52.83 1846.... 31.94 27.04 40.03 49.26 59.27 65.67 71.96 73.04 69.96 54.32 49.15 35.19 49.52 70.22 57.81 31.-39 52.23 1547.... 32.80 32.26 36.71 45.50 54.97 64.84 74.74 72.69 65.24 54.44 47.23 37.75 45.73 70.76 55.04 34.27 51.60 1S43.... 35.67 31.14 35.33 48.59 59.91 67.66 71.08 73.10 63.96 55.00 41.19 39.98 43.28 70.61 53.3S 35.60 51.97 1849 ... 26.74 25.85 38.33 46.10 54.13 69.01 71.57 72.57 65.02 53.06 49.72 33.89 46.19 71.05 55.93 26.62 49.95 1850.... 34.25 35.37 37.17 45.00 54.35 63.90 73.32 72.12 66.55 55.72 47.05 34.67 45.51 71.35 56.44 34.76 52.01 1851.... 34.90 36.40 40.72 48.95 53.62 67.50 73.56 70.67 65.35 53.32 43.67 31.00 49.43 70.57 55.75 34.10 52.46 1S52 ... 25.42 30.43 40.20 46.20 58.32 68.70 74.02 71.02 67.60 58.72 44.91 39.01 48.24 71.24 57.08 31.64 52.05 1S53.... 29.72 33.17 39.92 46.73 53.63 69.00 73.52 74.22 67.66 52.86 46.91 33.53 48.43 72.25 55.81 32.14 52.16 1854.... 31.49 30 95 37.70 45.57 59.37 68.69 77.17 74.67 67.06 56.15 43.90 28.31 47.55 73.51 55.70 30.25 51.75 Mean ) 12 y'rs j 31.67 30.93 33.05 44.29 57.86 67.83 73.23 72.93 66.57 55.21 45.55 34.28 46.73 71.35 55.79 32.29 51.54 WEST POINT, NEW YORK. Latitude 41° 23', Longitude 74° 00'. Altitude 167 feet. 32.08 29.71 31.55*, 31.97* 29.61 j 32.25 23.31 83.42 27.10 28.05 24.41 30.19 33.12 26.33 26.83 27.17 21.73 34.68 2S.41 23.12 29.69 35.17 33.40 19.10 28.53 27.43 28.90 32.40 23.93 81.87 39.39 22.83 27.01 23.98 30.63 27.96 35.87 25.40 20.69 27.54 21.98 32.59 36.71 26.01 39.55 21.40 26.03 2S.20 23.65 28.20 23.74 21.85 86.91 51.70 61.06 68.95 44.73* 47.61* 59.34* 39.11 46.41* 68.17 71.90 40.58 54.66 61.94 69.30 41.77 47.72 61.76 73.85 34.80 49.72 64.31 69.66 40.07 54.19 59.62 69.13 42.50 51.84 62.63 74.85 40.33 4S.24 5S.85 66.24 35.32 54.47 63.07 66.92 39.60 51.24 59.05 67.44 36.40 46.73 59.70 67.92 32.23 45.09 60.94 65.56 32.61 45.45 56.61 67.16 38.62 42.55 56.90 71.92 40.76 53.80 60.80 65.43 41.13 50.83 60.43 67.30 36.16 45.84 57.33 71.90 46.65 54.25 59.19 67.10 26.77 47.20 59.00 71.00 36.00 53.04 61.69 67.42 39.62 48.06 57.79 69.06 37.33 50.00 60.25 67.32 82.45 45.19 58.33 64.83 34.36 4S.52 60.73 63.46 37.34 46.22 55.35 67.47 77.34* 75.11 72.93 75.41 72.50 75.69 73.77 71.70 72.50 70.82 74.27 73.41 71.60 77.81 73.68 74.16 73.90 74.76 74.96 71.37 74.36 72.25 75.35 71.15 71.90 75.36* 73.74 72.90 76.5S 71.34 75.35 74.39 70.83 71.40 73.92 71.24 67.55 69.79 74.57 68.09 73.52 72.3S 70.52 71.79 68.99 74.18 72.55 73.03 71.52 69.63 64.11 59.22* 42.29* 39.27* 49.89 58.11 44.34 33.76 50.56 67.00 56.06 43.93 32.02 51.23 65.48 54.45 37.90 34.95 52.39 68.64 55.99 45.03 39.97 j 50.42 60.61 53.16 41.71 40.15 49.61 66.73 48.82 49 91 37.33 j 51.29 65.82 56.87 44.73 26.17 | 52.32 62.81 55.4S 45.45 34.50 i 49.14 66.34 53.45 40.94 33.80 50.95 65.41 51.62 40.82 30.31 49.96 61.00 59.00 43.21 25.91 47.61 64.85 47.35 39.23 29.19 46.29 61.76 51.31 42.13 31.23 44.89 67.07 54.27 40.43 29.05 46.02 64.30 56.37 39.68 32.92 51.79 03.30 53.61 43.53 29.13 50.80 67.25 45.99 39.02 35.24 46.44 63.82 57.04 43.20 31.31 53.36 66.46 48.81 36.41 30.23 44.32 62.40 49.81 39.27 30.06 50.24 61.79 52.60 43.32 24.12 48.49 69.07 51.26 45.26 30.74 49.19 63.36 50.48 44.45 35.77 45.34 61.48 51.17 37.41 36.20 47.89 61.85 , 50.46 47.60 31.45 46.30 73.88 73.58 71.73 75.28 71.17 73.39 74.34 69.59 70.27 72.76 71.14 63.84 69.52 74.77 69.07 71.76 72.73 70.79 72.58 69.26 72.53 70.71 71.07 70.38 69.67 55.21 33.69 32.43 55.66 31.29 52.61 30.04 56.55 37.59 51.83 30.03 55.15 34.13 55.81 24.85 54.58 81.77 53.74 31.63 52.62 30.84 54.40 26.05 50.48 25.68 51.73 26.85 53.92 28.57 53.45 31.31 53.48 29.65 50.75 80.31 54.69 35.34 50.56 28.34 50.49 25.06 52.57 26.95 55.19 27.29 53.10 30.96 50.02 32.78 53.30 25.76 * E position .rcrae hours in excess, or thermometer protected. in the first two years of the record do not sensibly 7(5 " Thermometer removed from affect the mean results. a large to a small building" in June, 1325. The apparent defects of 602 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. WEST POINT, NEW YORK—Continued. Latitude 41° 23', Longitude 74° 00'. Altitude 167 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1550.... 30.75 32.75 35.46 44.62 53.49 63.49 73.03 68.69 61.67 51.91 42.87 29.37 44.52 63.40 52.15 80.96 49.01 1351.... 29.45 32.26 38.64 46.85 57.13 65.51 71.62 68.65 63.74 53.89 3S.4S 25.00 47.54 68.59 52.03 28.90 49.27 1552.... 21.57 28.69 83.86 42.49 58.40 68.30 72.90 67.75 61.78 53.56 39.98 86.46 44.75 69.65 51.77 28.91 48.77 1853.... 26.28 29.70 38.60 43.S3 59.88 69.14 70.80 71.39 64.76 50.59 44.38 30.44 49.10 70.44 53.24 28.SI 50.40 1S54.... 2S.O0 27.40 36.35 45.91 60.57 C8.06 75.59 72.75 64.25 53.69 42.39 25.50 47.61 72.13 53.44 26.97 50.04 Mean ) 81 y'rs \ 28.28 28.80 37.63 43.70 59.82 68.41 73.75 71.83 64.31 53.04 42.23 31.98 48.72 71.33 53.19 29.69 50.73 WATERVLIET ARSENAL, NEW YORK. Latitude 42° 43', Longitude 73° 43'. Altitude 50 f feet. 1824.... 25.87 25.47 32.47 4S.43 59.04 68.02 73.61 71.24 66.00 54.01 40.56 34.34 46.65 70.96 53.52 28.56 49.92 1825.... 26.5S 29.06 39.96 49.91 62.11 70.22 78.67 73.34 60.99 53.01 36.80 30.02 50.66 74.07 50.27 28.55 50.89 1826.... 27.46 27.71 86.87 44.71 67.23 70.83 73.10 73.16 65.03 51.96 41.37 29.33 49.60 72.36 52.79 28.17 50.73 1827.... 17.11 26.64 33.40 50.62 59.78 70 95 74.54 71.04 64.11 50.71 33.14 27.01 47.93 72.18 49.32 23.59 48.26 1828.... 28.43 81.92 3S.55 43.33 62.82 73.16 74.89 75.77 64.63 52.62 41.88 32.18 48.23 74.61 53.04 30.84 51.63 1829.... 21.63 15.56 29.88 44.25 65.38 70.20 72.93 72.48 58.67 51.97 39.70 36.06 46.50 71.87 50.11 27.42 48.97 1830 ... 22.57 21.03 89.20 51.60 57.13 67.58 76.34 72.76 61.40 48.82 45.08 33.50 49.31 72.29 51.77 25.70 49.77 1331.... 20.82 19.25 39.04 49.10 60.01 74.69 73.73 71.36 62.40 53.55 40.93 14.03 49.38 73.26 52.29 18.03 48.24 1832.... 22.10 22.86 84.97 44.61 54.49 68.87 71.06 68.73 61.44 49.94 38.75 29.03 44.69 69.55 50.04 24.66 47.23 1S33.... 44.97 55.97 60.77 73.77 69.32 62.65 48.08 35.75 28.78 67.96 48.83 1834.... 20.59 32.84 34.98 49.95 57.30 63.00 77.66 73.24 64.51 46.15 38.45 24.43 47.41 72.97 49.70 25.95 49.01 1S35.... 19.60 20.25 31.85 43.99 58.84 67.90 72.26 68.83 59.34 52.58 37.85 19.36 44.93 69.66 49.76 19.74 46.02 1S36... 21.94 14.01 26.80 42.29 58.91 66.38 72.46 65.06 61.83 41.95 35.32 24.93 42.67 67.97 46.37 20.29 44.32 1S37.... 15.18 23.03 29.07 42.58 54.99 66.44 70.37 69.03 58.67 49.11 41.36 26.84 42.21 68.61 49.71 21.68 45.55 1838.... 28.71 14.66 ■84.84 87.19 57.49 70.91 75.90 72.15 62.95 48.53 86.67 21.12 48.17 72.99 49.38 21.50 46.78 1839 ... 21.92 25.42 31.92 49.34 58.24 63.49 73.42 70.40 62.44 51.62 86.37 28.81 46.50 69.10 50.14 25.38 47.78 1840.... 15.01 31.20 35.51 49.89 61.26 66.46 73.67 71.10 59.43 50.30 38.15 26.85 48.89 70.41 49.29 24.35 48.23 1S41.... 28.22 22.53 32.39 41.22 56.82 70.18 72.51 71.90 67.34 45.54 3S.40 29.55 43.48 71.53 50.43 26.77 43.05 1S42.... 80.81 36.28 41.99 53.14 57.89 66.43 72.69 69.69 58.10 46.88 34.70 23.22 51.01 69.60 46.89 29.94 49.23 1S43.... 29.00 15.30 25.19 42.70 59.42 66.15 72.90 71.60 66.15 46.43 38.56 31.20 42.44 70.22 50.38 25.17 47.05 1S44.... 14.15 24.03 35.29 53.44 60.72 65.13 68.17 71.87 61.82 46.71 35.31 30.52 49.82 68.39 47.95 22.90 47.26 1S45.... 25.78 26.84 40.65 4S.34 55.86 69.31 74.51 72.47 55.61 48.86 39.80 17.18 48.28 72.10 48.09 23.27 47.93 1S46.... 16.98 17.39 29. S5 47.07 60.15 67.50 71. S7 71.93 66.78 47.89 42.45 25.43 45.69 70.45 52.37 19.93 47.11 1847.... 25.98 21.72 28.52 42.83 59.29 66.90 73.95 71.44 62.36 47.10 44.03 32.30 43.55 70.76 51.16 26.67 43.03 1545.... 30.06 23.48 31.77 47.51 62.00 69.92 71.83 71.89 55.36 48.97 39.43 33.66 47.09 71.23 47.92 29.07 48.83 1849.... 19.81 16.43 36.14 42.36 54.2S 68.12 73.53 69.14 60.49 47.56 43.14 25.54 44.26 70.28 50.40 20.61 46.39 1850.... 22.52 25.83 80.29 40.94 53.44 68.22 76.13 67.64 59.20 43.05 89.03 21.40 41.56 70.66 48.76 23.08 46.01 1S51.... 22.03 27.S4 87.85 45.66 57.94 66.67 72.14 68.60 61.83 52.16 36.00 22.01 ! 46.98 69.13 50.00 23.96 47.52 1852.... 16.67 25.77 32.68 44.42 60.69 68.68 75.44 71.54 70.40 56.60 39.75 37.62 45.91 71.39 55.58 26.69 50.02 80.14 30.86 87.78 42.83 55.29 69.55 70.74 70.39 61.38 45.46 39.02 25.67 45.32 70.23 43.62 23.89 48.26 1554.... 21.50 19.54 31.55 41.27 54.89 07.10 77.17 69.77 61.44 4S.13 38.67 19.33 1 42.90 46.19 71.85 49.43 20.26 45.99 Mean I 81 y 16 f 22.97 23.31 i 34.02 45. S4 58.70 03.22 73.61 •i 70.93 62.09 50.67 3S.90 1 27.14 70.92 50.55 24.64 *48.07 * Mean of 22 years at the Albany Academy, Now York University system. 4<< 30 dt CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 603 PLATTSBURG BARRACKS, NEW YORK. Latitude 44° 41', Longitude 73° 25'. Altitude 186 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1839.... 16.72 22.43 31.25 45.13 57.97 66.28 72.04 68.75 59.93 48.12 32.88 24.94 44.78 69.02 46.98 21.36 45.53 1840.... 12.62 26.37 29.33 44.21 60.67 67.17 72.11 69 39 53.13 46.47 32.45 19.41 44.73 69.56 45.08 19.46 44.85 1841 23.98 67.52 67.45 60.37 42.77 33.10 25.37 45.41 1842.... 20.70 25.31 83.75 42.90 50.92 60.18 67.61 63.92 56.81 45.53 33.86 19.25 42.52 65.55 45.40 21.75 43.80 1843.... 26.45 13.78 25.95 43.75 57.30 65.41 69.16 71.22 64.78 46.53 86.25 28.79 42.33 68.60 49.19 23.01 45.78 1844.... 10.33 19.68 80.29 47.74 55.04 61.01 66.30 64.90 58.57 42.89 29.19 18.95 44.36 64.07 43.55 16.32 42.07 1845.... 18.63 19.50 30.85 89.87 51.41 63.81 67.42 68.15 54.65 48.17 37.15 16.02 40.70 66.46 46.66 18.07 42.97 1846.... 18.70 12.82 81.05 44.02 54.72 61.52 43.26 1849.... 70.00 63.48 57.57 46.03 41.94 22.10 48.51 1850.... 21.45 24.46 .28.80 37.94 49.64 65.39 63.97 64.96 58.88 46.86 38.95 19.32 38.46 66.44 48.23 21.74 43.72 1851.... 18.62 24.20 30.28 42.08 52.91 61.65 66.96 66.37 59.39 51.57 30.49 19.07 41.75 64.99 47.15 20.63 43.63 1852.... 13.90 21.05 27.22 8S.66 Mean ) 11 y'rs f 18.37 20.96 29.83 42.63 54.51 63.60 68.81 67.86 58.91 46.49 34.62 21.32 42.34 66.76 46.67 20.22 44.00 Note, Mean —The first three months of 1839 were observed at House's Point. temperature at Vermont University, Burlington, for eleven years—1842 to 1852—44 MADISON BARRACKS, SACKETT'S Latitude 43° 57', Longitude 76° 74 degrees. Observations by Professor Thompson, Hist. Vermont, HARBOR, NEW YORK. 15'. Altitude 262 feet. 1853. 1824*.. 1825... 1826... 1827 .. 1828... 1829... 1830... 1831... 1832... 1838... 1839... 1840... 1841f.. 1842... 1843... 1844... 1845... 1846... 1849... 1850... 1851... 1852... JMean 16 y'rs Mean last Mean 1 ast 8 y p'rs. ) 28.41 27.56 31.77 45.15 25.51 8-3.46 36.23 27.92 30.90 35.58 41.30 14.29 20.56 30.73 42.96 25.77 29.28 35.05 21.44 20.61 28.07 45.27 20.35 22.40 36.02 54.03 18.23 22.25 41.41 48.99 27.58 25.79 39.11 49.08 15.45 30.73 23.60 33.50 26.01 29.11 37.30 45.06 30.24 14.18 23.30 42.30 12.74 20.99 30.60 48.94 21.73 21.85 34.61 43.06 21.53 16.16 31.62 45.44 32.66 41.91 25.05 24.43 30.49 40.55 22.31 27.80 34.34 41.93 14.93 23.03 28.79 39.05 22.19 24.30 83.22 44.69 21.82 22.70 81.52 43.14 52.13 61.65 53.34 60.54 57.90 58.15 55.74 50.44 51.15 56.00 50.74 56.83 53.46 50.91 54.12 63.26 68.48 65.07 72.88 60.12 59.91 59.23 62.13 62.00 63.64 67.12 67.90 62.01 54.87 52.96 64.43 63.00 69.17 72.69 72.26 69.03 70.29 74.02 72.34 70.87 70.85 67.10 65.89 66.20 66.90 66.88 72.04 72.13 68.52 69.86 69.75 67.42 71.91 73.02 64.25 71.59 69.65 71.88 68.46 71.69 67.20 66.15 68.92 71.09 68.88 65.45 69.02 67.77 62.93 62.57 62.80 59.52 61.09 64.40 59.43 58.76 56.30 59.37 60.63 56.85 61.42 60.06 59.18 60.35 59.12 49.77 55.27 53.58 51.28 53.81 55.56 47.28 51.95 47.51 47.91 44.30 44.69 49.94 48.02 50.60 50.02 47.91 41.42 39.31 37.01 45.46 41.63 34 37 37.65 25 33.07 29.34 25.69 36.11 32.62 19.95 23.94 27.73 23.12 24.76 29.19 25.00 17.88 25.11 19.73 22.49 36.97 23.45 43.02 46.18 42.34 44.63 49.32 49.52 38.50 44.26 38.92 45.18 42.80 44.63 42.68 40.65 43.46 44.26 42.54 66.62 71.63 65.46 70.12 69.78 72.37 66.62 64.15 64.21 65.06 65.93 70.08 69.64 65.32 49.85 53.09 51.90 49.27 53.45 53.86 49.53 47.71 47.11 46.20 45.96 46.37 48.18 52.14 49.47 47.35 29.68 28.44 28.17 26.05 25.12 20.14 23.10 27.35 26.62 24.54 19.91 20.39 23.07 24.53 47.31 49.47 47.52 49.42 48.97 44.89 45.30 43.41 44.13 44.32 45.71 45.17 67.77 49.34 ; 24.16 66.84 48.00 | 22.66 45.01 * Observations taken at 6, 2, and 7, in the second quarter, and apparently near these hours, through 1824,1825 and 1826. They are generally incomplete to 1828, inclusive. ■f The monthly records for 1841 arc lost. XMean at Toronto, latitude 43° 39' 06", for 12 years, from 1841 to 1S52, 44.23 degrees—corrected to absolute mean temperature, as for hourly observations, by Col. Sabine. The mean for the corresponding and carefully observed years of this scries is very nearly accordant with that at Toronto. 004 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT ONTARIO, NEW YORK. Latitude 43° 20', Longitude 76° 40'. Altitude 250 feet. FORT NIAGARA, NEW YORK. Latitude 43° 18', Longitude 7D° 08'. Altitude 250 feet. Jan. Feb. ' March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1543.... 1544.... 1545.... 1540.... 1349.... 1S50.... 1S51.... 1S52 ... 1S53.... 1854. .. 30.84 17.97 17.40 ' 24.95 ! 25.66 25.77 24.70 21.36 20.29 19.45 27.27 ; 27.06 25.69 29.74 19.07 | 24.98 24.87 24.73 24.27 33.35 36.46 31.17 34.04 31.36 34.71 30.67 31.92 42.76 49.65 43.09 45.02 41.98 40.18 42.12 37.49 41.31 51.25 57.57 49.74 56.52 51.20 47.79 52.00 53.26 49.00 59.06 61.72 61.83 64.18 66.01 65.96 61.67 62.46 66.44 66.09 68.57 67.44 73.50 70.29 68.82 69.60 69.12 68.50 65.82 69.06 70.97 69.58 66.69 67 59 61.50 61.07 58.50 61.00 60.85 63.07 59.26 45.10 45.00 49.89 45.77 48.40 50.89 50.24 48.37 34.30 35.85 39.55 44.25 41.28 34.54 35.20 38.78 30.50 27.60 22.04 26.90 23.68 23.37 32.07 23.57 39.43 46.86 43.10 44.24 42.41 39.78 42.96 40.47 40.74 64.55 65.37 66.11 70.16 68.61 65.72 66.55 46.97 47.31 49.81 50.34 50.18 49.50 4S.23 26.44 23.82 24.49 22.21 26.00 26.27 25.37 44.85 45.71 45.73 46.28 46.14 46.11 45.15 Mean 1 9 y'rs J' 23.93 24.00 32.00 42.62 56.49 63.26 69.13 68.31 61.03 46.71 43.43 26.21 43.70 66.92 50.39 24.73 46.44 1829.... 27.73 21.65 82.72 45.46 E9.45 69.27 70.76 71.54 60.78 55.51 38. S9 39.62 45.88 70.52 51.72 29.68 49.42 1830.... 25.94 28.76 36.06 49.59 60.09 68.52 48.58 1831.... 1833.... 25.63 25.55 42.23 45.02 51.17 57.65 62.12 71.92 66.34 73.57 72.72 71.67 73.35 62.50 66.99 55.76 41.72 24.19 48.30 72.88 70.80 53,33 25.12 49.78 1840.... 22.18 31.69 34.84 44.01 56.89 60.44 70.20 70.72 59.08 49.94 39.98 28.26 48.27 67.14 49.66 27.37 4S.11 1842.... 30.53 30.20 38.54 45.10 52.49 59.08 68.34 67.77 60.78 51.51 35.75 28.70 45.87 65.66 49.34 29.81 47.54 1843 ... 31.80 20.08 25.74 41.75 50.64 61.31 68.70 69.38 63.70 45.95 34.48 32.14 39.38 66.46 48.04 28.01 45.47 1844.... 22.17 28.70 33.78 48.28 57.24 61.66 67.20 65.30 61.35 45.84 38.40 31.74 46.43 64.72 48.53 27.54 46.80 1845.... 29.02 29.17 38.83 44.55 55.00 65.01 70.58 70.32 60.73 50.67 39.45 24.33 46.13 03.04 50.28 27.51 48.14 1S40*... 28.75 24.57 85.20 44.41 55.07 62.83 44.89 1849.... 69.84 68.27 61.45 50.03 47.51 29.44 52.99 1850.... 29.77 28.51 32.47 39.98 52.39 67.65 72.19 69.29 59.32 49.43 43.26 27.59 41.61 69.71 50.67 28.62 47.65 1851.... 23.69 30.36 35.52 41.79 53.59 63.58 6S.67 66.93 61.58 51.66 86.55 27.02 50.85 69.25 50.89 32.38 50.84 1852.... 21.68 26.97 30.57 88.53 53.13 63.10 69.37 69.17 60.73 51.91 37.04 34.54 40.76 67.21 49.89 27.73 46.39 27.35 27.64 34.00 42.54 55.88 69.17 69.92 72.90 62.84 47.53 41.80 28.37 44.14 71.00 50.56 27.79 48.37 1S54.... 25.04 23.23 32.37 41.41 54.98 67.53 72.84 69.62 64.02 42'.92 70.01 Mean \ 14 y'rs ) 26.85 26.93 C4.49 44.24 55.77 65.16 70.35 69.73 01.77 50.48 39.53 29.66 44.83 68.41 50.59 27.81 47.91 * The record was evidently from a thermometer in a building or protected position for most of the period. Some of the early years were quite inaccurate, and portions of these have been omitted. BUFFALO BARRACKS, NEW YORK. Latitude 42° 53', Longitude 78° 58'. Altitude 660 feet. 1841.... 25.24 21.26 26.97 35. S5 43.81 65.31 63.23 67.83 64.30 44.21 37.35 30.83 37.21 65.45 43.62 25.77 44.26 1342.... 29.93 29.45 35.55 45.41 55.12 61.90 08.67 68.44 59.24 48.86 35.10 26.46 46.37 66.33 47.73 28.63 47.26 1843.... 80. SO 15.17 19.20 43.30 52.10 63.04 69.20 71.15 63.19 45.12 34.10 32.80 38.20 67.80 47.47 27.26 45.18 1844... 22.40 27.33 33.19 50.88 56.4S 65.30 69.33 66.72 61.34 45.46 36.78 30.09 46.85 67.12 47.86 26.62 47.11 1S45.... 2S.07 25.36 37.23 45.56 52.21 64.75 70.61 ...... 45 00 Mean i 27.30 24.92 31.05 44.20 52.95 64.06 63.21 63.53 62.02 45.91 1 35.83 30.04 42.73 66.93 47.92 27.42 46.25 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 605 ALLEGHANY ARSENAL, PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Latitude 40° 32', Longitude 80° 02'. Altitude 704 feet. CARLISLE BARRACKS, PENNSYLVANIA. Latitude 40° 12', Longitude 77° 14'. Altitude 500 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1825.... 31.15 37.49 45.15 50.40 64.06 71.80 76.04 74.05 63.09 54.50 39.41 30.85 53.20 73.96 52.30 83.16 53.15 1826.... 28.13 83.97 43.69 74.24 72.67 66.43 56.79 43.93 34.70 55.73 32.27 1827.... 26.03 39.54 48.40 57.24 62.33 69.08 74.49 74.16 65.93 54.54 42.69 41.88 55.99 72.91 54.39 35.82 54.78 1836.... 28.75 20.13 31.55 54.09 74.60 73.02 74.72 68.49 62.24 38.15 30.84 22.40 53.08 72.08 43.74 23.76 48.16 1837.... 16.79 25.65 27.74 31.26 59.69 70.33 74.44 72.00 57.43 52.30 42.94 32.31 39.56 72.26 50.89 24.92 46.91 1838.... 33.22 18.49 41.55 44.95 53.96 71.68 77.79 74.57 66.05 55.47 40.23 22.28 46.82 74.68 50.58 24.66 49.18 1S39.... 30.68 82.55 37.09 54.82 60.97 65.28 72.92 69.80 63.48 57.99 35.99 30.32 50.96 69.37 52.49 31.18 51.00 1840.... 21.79 39.12 40.25 53.13 61.73 69.59 71.15 69.50 59.64 52.05 39.45 29.39 51.70 70.08 50.38 30.10 50.56 1841.... 29.95 29.56 38.24 47.50 57.51 70.86 63.26 63.15 66.12 46.50 41.14 30.53 48.08 67.42 51.25 30.01 49.19 1842.... 33.99 36.06 46.76 54.41 56.43 65.41 69.90 68.10 64.36 49.75 35.55 31.01 52.53 67.80 49. S9 33.69 50.98 1S43.... 35.77 23.84 26.05 48.01 57.64 68.10 72.38 71.25 66.84 46.08 37.41 33.59 43.90 70.58 50.11 31.73 49.08 1844.... 25.48 31.35 40.75 59.52 62.52 68.17 73.12 68.97 62.19 47.15 38.59 31.88 54.26 70.09 49.31 29.57 50.81 1845.... 33.53 31.36 39.49 53.59 58.84 69.12 70.60 72.41 62.10 47.38 38.07 23.10 50.47 70.71 49. IS 29.33 49.92 1846.... 29.27 27.74 40.09 54.28 65.42 68.92 73.27 74.12 68.50 51.50 45.33 35.70 53.26 72.10 55.10 30.80 52.81 1847.... 29.92 32.62 37.27 50.31 62.36 66.97 72.48 6S.67 62.03 49.41 42.12 33.10 49.98 69.37 51.18 31.88 50.60 1343.... 33.63 31.49 36.37 48.75 64.28 68.37 70.97 70.91 58.14 50.16 36.60 40.18 49.80 70.08 48.30 35.10 50.82 1849.... 28.28 28.08 41.05 47.84 60.35 70.93 71.50 69.79 60.15 50.22 44.82 30.22 46.21 70.74 51.73 28.86 49.43 1850.... 33.63 31.87 35.50 46.06 53.97 68.48 76.10 72.28 62 51 49.33 42.08 32.68 45.18 72.29 51.31 32.73 50.38 1851.... 32.47 87.67 42.43 43.75 61.32 66.41 72.19 69.15 64.48 51.66 36.55 27.02 50.85 69.25 50.89 32.38 50.84 1S52.... 23.62 31.37 40.20 44.46 59.82 66.23 73.71 69.38 62.08 57.22 39.65 36.62 48.16 69.77 52.98 30.54 50.36 1853.... 29.31 32.08 38.50 50.42 60.90 73.72 72.21 71.88 65.02 48.46 44.3S 29.33 49.94 72.60 52.95 30.26 51.44 1854.... 29.03 33.49 40.36 49.30 61.17 71.15 78.18 76.38 69.92 53.32 37.92 30.53 50.28 75.24 53.72 31.03 52.57 Mean ( 22 y'rs ( 29.25 31.16 1 39.02 49.96 60.92 69.22 72.98 71.21 63.53 50.91 39. SO 31.35 49.97 71.47 51.43 30.59 50.86 1839.... 77.17 72.76 67.08 56.30 34.90 29.33 52.76 1S40.... 20.44 35.64 42.50 52.52 60.36 07.69 72.83 71.64 58.60 50.66 38,99 26.82 51.79 70.74 49.41 27.63 49.89 1841.... 29.15 25.52 33.62 46.31 59.53 71.48 70.64 70.76 64.86 45.51 39.33 30.60 46.49 70.96 49.90 28.42 48.94 1842.... 31.43 33.37 45.24 51.29 54.32 67.23 72.17 68.83 62.60 48.56 34.13 29.09 50.28 69.41 48.43 31.28 49.85 1843.... 33.74 23.90 26.88 50.80 60.15 63.85 72.70 72.05 67.90 49.30 37.50 31.65 45.94 71.20 51.73 29.76 49.66 1844.... 25.07 31.26 41.00 59.06 65.88 70.09 77.01 73.10 66.65 54.36 41.61 32.93 55.31 73.40 54.21 29.75 53.17 1845.... 35.80 32.86 43.56 54.11 62.42 75.95 80.35 78.91 71.50 57.16 46.80 28.35 53.36 78.40 58.49 82.34 55.65 1846.... 34.58 32.48 39.90 51.42 1848.... 31.50 30.80 35.81 51.41 64.75 72.46 71.27 68.81 53.59 52.10 35.34 33.25 50.66 70.85 48.68 33.52 50.93 1849.... 24.93 24.92 40.60 4S.90 5S.01 71.92 73.18 72.32 62.56 51.19 46.37 29.81 49.17 72.47 53.37 26.55 50.39 1S50.... 30.13 32.40 36.85 46.46 56.48 71.15 75.79 71.58 62.14 50.20 41.48 32.05 46.60 72.84 51.27 31.53 50.56 1851... 31.38 36.85 41.47 47.61 60.72 67.-33 71.90 69.30 63.83 52.13 36.95 49 93 69.81 50.97 1852.... 23.00 30.19 37.09 44.25 61.73 6S.31 74.16 63.62 61.31 55.63 38.55 36.30 47.69 70.36 51.83 29.83 49.93 1853.... 28.94 32.21 33.62 48.18 60.54 73.00 73.78 72.61 65.72 49.11 73.13 1854.... 73.61 63.66 55.29 41.60 28.70 55.18 Mean | 13 y'rs f 29.24 30.95 38.73 50.10 60.41 70.45 74.08 71.92 64.43 52.22 39.50 31.16 49.76 72.15 52.05 80.45 51.10 600 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA. Latitude 39° 53', Longitude 75° 13'. Altitude 20 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. Is23.... 31.95 26.61 39.11 55.77 63.84 75.22 82.19 7S.S1 73.27 58.27 42.46 35.11 52.91 78.74 58.00 81.22 55.22 1821.... 35.13 32.73 3S.27 48.55 63.09 75.24 80.96 75.18 73.44 56.12 46.83 39.22 49.97 77.18 58.63 85.69 55.35 1543.... 39.01 27.78 30.45 50.36 59.22 70.43 73.70 74.82 69.16 51.28 40.56 84.42 46.68 72.98 53.67 33.74 51.77 1S44.... 28.2S 32.03 42.54 54.51 65.79 69.98 74.53 72.55 65.82 52.41 42.59 83.55 54.28 72.85 53.51 31.29 52.86 1S45.... 36.43 33.56 44.79 52.9S 60.84 71.76 76.58 75.41 66. a 53.95 44.57 28.59 52.93 74.58 55.06 32.86 58.86 1S46.... 32.22 28.75 41.75 52.46 1849.... 29.67 28.38 42.24 49.90 57.74 72.56 73.35 73.86 66.54 55.28 51.86 33.76 49.95 73.26 57.89 30.60 52.92 1850.... 35.25 37.72 40.06 47.50 57.82 71.46 77.18 73.35 68.05 56.06 86.30 48.46 74.00 36.42 1S51.... 83.17 37.00 41.84 50.66 61.77 69.49 76.25 73.49 69.40 61.05 53.27 34.90 51.42 73.07 61.24? 35.02 55.19 1S52.... 33.16 35.01 40.77 44.00 63.34 69.64 79.97 72.27 67.53 58.80 42.40 39.75 49.37 73.96 56.26 85.97 53.89 1853.... 31.06 34.76 41.23 50.49 62.09 73.70 74.43 74.37 67.06 54.86 51.29 1 74.17 Mean ) 10 y'rs j 33.21 32.21 40.30 50.65 61.55 71.95 76.91 74.41 68.70s 55.81 45.50 35.07 50.83 74.42 56.67 83.50 58.85 FORT DELAWARE, DELAWARE. Latitude 39° 35', Longitude 75° 34'. Altitude 10 feet. 1325.... 36.57 43.09 53.04 65.14 74.31 80.47 75.35 68.05 61.47 46.47 35.42 53.76 76.71 58.66 1826 ... 35.15 37.09 39.50 45.77 69.46 76.56 77.72 76.03 76.59 57.68 50.64 38.35 51.58 76.77 61.64 36.86 56.71 1827 ... 29.92 40.44 47.28 58.70 62.38 70.64 77.05 *71.54 79.26 59.47 43.41 56.12 76.08 ...... 37.92 1S2S.... 42.33 43.40 49. C2 50.89 67.18 79.11 79.29 79.48 68.65 55.37 47.60 42.01 55.70 79.29 57.21 43.60 58.95 1829.... 81.56 26.92 37.07 52.82 65.17 71.80 73.93 74.98 64.36 55.51 42.61 40.10 51.69 73.59 54.16 82.86 53.07 1880.... 31.94 28.90 41.76 54.17 63.33 70.19 79.42 78.51 63.62 58.42 45.62 36.67 53.09 76.04 57.55 32.84 54.88 1S54.... 32.38 34.56 43.18 50.98 64.50 52.89 Mean ) 6* y'rs f 33.67 35.84 42.99 52.34 65.31 73 77 77.99 75.98 70.92 57.99 46.59 39.33 53.55 75.91 58.50 36.28 56.06 ♦August, 1827, observed at Cape May. FORT McHENRY, MARYLAND. Latitude 39° 17', Longitude 71° 35'. Altitude 36 feet. 1S31... 28.66 30.78 47.33 56.49 64.34 74.75 75.51 75.83 67.07 59.78 48.72 25.36 56.05 75.38 56.86 28.27 54.1 1532... 81.81 37.46 44.50 52.66 62.76 71.75 76.52 75.69 71.60 59.84 46.78 38.97 53.31 74.65 59.41 86.08 55.6 37.06 37.40 40.79 56.64 70.12 72.71 77.71 74.12 69.27 54.69 44.26 38.49 55.85 74.85 56.07 37.65 56.1 1834... .i 29.71 44.49 47.15 55.27 61.07 72.00 80.41 77.26 66.78 52.97 44.63 36.52 54.50 76.56 54.80 36.91 55. ( 1835... J 31.32 29.09 41.01 49.03 63.97 71.IS 75.53 72.46 61.81 58.39 4S.43 33.31 51.34 73.06 56.21 31.41 53.( 1336... . 33.77 26.06 32. SO 51.52 63.43 66.77 74.76 69.97 68.52 48.21 41.61 41.61 49.25 70.50 52.78 33.81 51.! 1837... .: 23.77 34.08 40.83 49.03 62.26 69.92 74.72 73.73 64.49 56.33 46.66 36.28 50.72 72.81 55.83 33.04 53.' 1833... 37.34 26.79 42.59 48.35 59.29 74.46 80.55 77.33 67.58 51.32 40.68 81.08 50.08 77.46 53.19 31.74 53. 1S39... .' 82.41 84.66 43.30 56.41 66.25 70.00 77.10 72.94 67.10 60.10 40.22 34.27 55.32 73.35 55.81 83.78 54. 1540... . 24.20 33.63 45.26 54.25 61.51 71.16 73.77 74.47 63.49 55.72 43.69 29.88 53.67 72.80 54.30 30.92 52. 1541... . 80.45 31.81 40.36 47.43 55.72 69.63 76.42 74.07 70.64 49.23 42.07 85.06 47.84 73.37 54.00 32.44 51. 1842... . 86.42 33.14 47.97 54.19 59.63 63.93 75.39 73.42 63.08 54.43 38.93 32.68 53.93 72.60 53.81 85.75 54. 3S.39 2S.13 30.14 50.23 60.97 72.61 75.73 76..JG 71.15 54.36 41.96 85.18 47.13 74.90 55. S2 33.90 52. 1344... . 29.22 32.10 41.93 55.83 66.46 69.34 77.36 74.10 66.62 52.88 41.08 33.25 54.76 73.00 53.53 31.52 53. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 607 FORT McHENRY, MARYLAND—Continued. Latitude 39° 17', Longitude 71° 35'. Altitude 36 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. | May. i June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. f 1845.... 1846.... 1847.... 1848.... 1849.... 1S50.... 1851.... 1852.... 1853.... 1854.... 86.85 82.29 30.71 87.51 31.89 38.18 37.30 28.01 32.27 33.61 34.09 29.64 32.52 36.17 30.94 39.73 39.54 85.86 36.74 36.47 44.13 42.02 33.00 40.73 44.44 42.75 47.05 42.95* 42.75 44.40 54.55 52.9S 55.74 56.91 52.05 50.59 54.73 47.95 53.19 49.00 60.55 64.81 64.19 67.86 61.19 61.20 64.84 63.18 64.33 64.29 71.77 68.09 69.99 74.91 75.17 74.67 71.39 70.12 74.53 72.00 76.07 74.30 77.62 75.26 76.17 78.55 7S.83 74.85 76.01 73.32 74.16 75.27 76.24 75.47 73.96 73.64 76.00 75.15 75.45 69.98 68.33 65.23 67.92 67.88 69.87 65.86 69.83 71.29 54.32 55.79 57.61 57.07 58.23 58.86 58.26 51.14 58.11 47.31 49.21 42.23 53.57 51.36 46.63 42.97 48.66 50.55 34.79 37.94 43.91 37.10 40.37 32.67 40.48 36.62 33.76 53.08 53.27 52.64 55.17 52.56 51.51 55.54 51.36 53.42 52.56 71.85 74.29 75.47 75.60 75.73 74.45 73.66 75.23 75.26 57.20 57.78 55.02 59.52 59.16 53.2S 55.69 57.54 59.98 32.24 83.72 39.20 33.31 39.44 36.50 34.78 35.21 34.61 53.64 54.61 56.21 55.25 56.46 56.19 58.87 55.35 55.60 Mean ) 24 y'rs ) 82.86 34.23 42.29 52.71 63.10 71.58 76.71 74.66 67.82 55.68 45.10 35.63 52.70 74.32 56.20 34.24 54.36 FORT SEVERN, MARYLAND. Latitude 38° 58', Longitude 76° 27'. Altitude 20 feet. 1822.... 1831.... 1832.... 1833.... 1834 ... 1843.... 1844.... 1845.... 29.28 27.86 32.70 36.68 30.00 30.35 39.31 35.13 27.82 37.78 37.36 40.79 32.85 36.51 46.26 45.19 43.35 40.84 45.05 32.46 43.03 46.59 55.05 54.43 51.84 58.14 49.70 51.46 56.20 55.60 67.09 64.32 61.63 66.74 64.14 60.40 69.00 62.50 73.16 74.94 71.97 71.23 72.95 72.13 72.04 73.35 79.68 77.54 77.01 77.95 79.79 75.66 77.99 77.72 77.23 75.66 75.44 75.20 78.10 75.11 75.45 72.36 68.37 68.82 70.95 61.78 70.40 69.09 61.55 59.15 58.38 57.09 58.08 53.16 55.91 53.82 44.64 48.59 45.83 46.70 41.95 46.34 33.51 25.98 43.24 38.08 36.83 36.80 37.46 56.13 54.64 52.27 55.24 52.96 48.11 56.08 54.90 76.69 76.05 74.81 74.79 76.95 74.30 75.16 62.58 57.39 58.60 57.96 52.19 55.17 57.11 34.31 27.22 37.91 37.37 35.87 33.55 57.43 53.82 55.90 56.34 54.49 55.47 Mean ) 8 y'rs. (" 32.31 35.46 42.85 54.05 64.48 72.72 77.17 76.03 68.82 57.62. 46.84 36.70 53.79 75.31 57.76 34.82 55 42 WASHINGTON CITY.* Latitude 38° 53' 39", Longitude 77° 2' 48". {National Observatory.) Altitude 50 to 90 feet. 1823.... 41.37 35.15 47.41 59.69 66.49 73.27 78.21 76.67 68.42 53. C4 37.75 37.23 57.86 76.05 53.27 37.92 56.28 1824.... 38.51 34.66 41.46 55.35 64.69 73.60 79.13 74.98 68.63 57.27 43.88 40.28 53. S3 75.90 56.59 37. S2 56.04 1825.... 35.41 39.14 48.87 56.38 64.98 76.|6 79.27 75.77 67.51 60.16 44.63 36.13 56.74 77.13 57.40 33.56 56.21 1826.... 35.66 41.33 49.00 53.36 73.42 76.51 77.48 76.25 72.34 58.68 45.84 36.31 58.59 76.75 58.95 37.77 53.02 1327.... 30.20 42.63 47.41 59.97 66.22 74.35 79.93 78.42 70.15 58.41 44.87 41.59 57.87 77.57 57.81 38.14 57.85 1823.... 41.13 47.26 47.52 50.44 66.96 79.29 78.11 79.09 67.41 54.79 47.33 41.74 54.97 78.83 56.51 43.38 58.42 1829.... 32.74 28.62 39.63 54.36 65.53 73.61 74.80 73.91 64.29 55.79 42.69 44.28 53.17 74.11 54.22 35.21 54.18 1830.... 33.81 33.70 46.36 56.32 65.16 73.54 81.14 77.95 69.27 58.66 52.47 37.33 55.95 77.54 60.13 34.96 57.14 1831.... 26.83 29.32 46.82 55.06 63.32 73.91 74.96 74.78 67.87 56.03 42.13 25.37 55.07 74.55 55.18 27.17 52.99 1832.... 31.98 37.13 44.91 1883.... 35.59 36.57 41.63 58.20 70.02 71.34 77.59 74.50 63.88 53.87 43.30 37.53 56.62 74.48 55.02 36.56 55.67 1834.... 29.82 43.15 47.35 55.82 62.84 72.37 80.51 77.22 66.45 53.31 43.80 36.54 55.34 76.67 54.52 36.50 55.78 1885.... 80.15 29.01 41.37 53.45 65.46 75.14 78.03 75.97 62.44 59.77 49.32 33.57 50.09 55.77 76.38 57.18 30.91 53.64 Mean ) 12 y'rs f 34.09 86.74 45.36 55.70 66.26 74.44 73.26 76.29 67.76 50.70 44. S3 37.32 76.33 56.43 36.05 56.14 * Observations by Rev. Robert Little to July, 1527, and by Assistant Surgeon J. A. Brereton subsequently. The locality was in the first case near the centre of the city, and in the last near the War Department buildings. 608 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT WASHING TON, MARYLAND. Latitude 38° 43', Longitude 77° 06'. Altitude 60 feet. BELLONA ARSENAL, RICHMOND", VIRGINIA. Latitude 37° 20', Longitude 77° 25'. Altitude 120 feet. FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA. Latitude 37° 00', Longitude 76° 18'. Altitude 8 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1824.... 1*.>5.... 1826.... 1827.... 1S23.... 1S29.... 1S30.... 1S31 1832.... 1833.... 1S34.... 1835.... 1S51.... 1852.... 1853.... 42.67 37.44 38.41 31.19 42.64 33.70 35.21 33.57 31.29 31.81 29.31 34.00 33.40 41.47 43.53 46.12 43.00 28.33 36.05 31.33 3S.71 45.59 23.89 37.09 39.18 45.34 50.12 51.20 51.40 49.00 41.05 49.38 50.65 43.53 44.45 42.98 45.31 44.71 56.53 5S.90 54.70 62.72 52.09 57.86 60.69 59.43 56.68 62.00 55.75 50.14 55.29 65.96 66.87 74.00 66.22 09.37 70.23 09.40 69.25 67.10 73.41 64. SS 66.04 67.80 65.85 75.06 78.23 77.83 74.35 76.22 77.28 79.48 76.54 76.24 79.20 72.20 73.22 76.64 79.63 81.43 7S.61 77.44 83.60 79.45 81.11 82.57 83.03 78.23 78.48 78.63 77.57 76.11 77.79 77.41 79.08 77.72 77.26 73.42 79.77 73.20 74.61 72.43 78.01 63.32 69.79 73.32 67.90 70.75 71.23 69.88 73.59 71.41 62.94 68.08 67.38 69.88 59.25 63.56 61.66 60.19 59.98 58.24 62.14 61.74 59.10 56.47 56.52 59.73 58.02 60.64 47.50 47.34 49.83 46.85 49.65 45.03 53.94 45.97 50.86 47.07 43.17 49.83 43.09 43.76 43.00 39.13 40.24 41.83 33.34 46.26 38.43 26.16 39.89 38.24 37.94 34.56 31.17 42.14 55.94 58.63 59.97 60.11 56.82 56.43 59.82 59.73 59.64 55.02 54.25 55.28 76.93 79.47 78.08 77.02 79.99 " 78.88 78.30 79.07 78.73 75.09 74.76 77.41 58.36 60.23 61.60 57.07 62.2S 62.98 59.61 59.04 57.03 57.17 56.40 57.26 41.86 39.01 40.73 39.55 41.38 36.09 36.56 38.50 33.24 31.75 36.18 58.15 59.83 62.34 56.65 59.66 58.40 57.25 55.61 Mean | 15 y'rs j 35.50 38.59 46.86 57.14 63.28 76.35 79.99 76.96 69.57 59.80 47.42 37.99 57.43 77.77 58.93 37.36 57.87 1S24.... 41.44 34.09 42.10 50.26 57.4S 79.03 76.47 76.76 63.00 48.74 41.64 49.95 77.42 39.06 1525.... 35.54 40.21 56.51 30.23 79.85 72 52 48.34 38.09 37.95 1826.... 40.37 46.97 53.83 61.00 49.74 40.34 42.56 1527 .... 63.45 66.13 73.58 79.89 79.53 70.32 59.04 54.33 49.49 77.67 61.23 1823.... 48.25 52.45 50.79 £5 73 73.23 81.09 79.60 80.29 71.95 59.66 52.83 44.93 59.92 80.33 61.50 46.88 02.16 1529.... 85.66 40.65 45.10 58.83 66.96 74.92 76.92 75.80 67.42 58.75 46.14 46.68 56.96 75.88 57.44 41.00 57.82 1830___ 89.21 39.50 51.55 59.50 67.18 76.16 81.38 78.72 69.10 59.72 53.66 42.44 59.08 78.75 60.83 40.38 59.76 1831.... 81.59 34.97 54.10 1832.... 38.08 45.42 50.27 57.04 70.67 74.57 78.19 77.70 70:14 59.32 50.87 43.82 59.33 76.82 60.11 42.44 59.67 1833.... 43.41 43.47 48.50 63.74 72.83 76.72 80.80 74.58 72.53 61,69 77.77 Mean 1 5 y'rs f 3S.73 41.97 50.30 58.36 63.50 76.53 79.19 77.90 70.57 60.08 %).59 43.43 57.39 77.89 60.41 41.38 59.27 1525.. 46.17 47.96 55.89 59.30 69.85 75.30 75.97 77.88 72.75 67.23 55.52 44.05 61 85 76.38 65.17 46.06 62.3 1326.. 43.55 48.23 54. S7 56.63 71.57 73.02 79.98 79.33 76.51 63.11 50.23 42.89 61.02 79.11 63.28 44.89 62.0 1827.. 36.58 45.84 51.03 61.S5 63.47 71.39 79.18 80.21 71.52 62.79 49.71 50.86 58.80 76.93 61.84 44.43 60.3 1828.. 49.71 53.51 52.77 53.53 70.27 79.09 79.58 80.51 71.31 63.29 56.9S 47.57 60.52 79.73 63.86 50.26 63.5 1529.. 41.47 36.07 43.66 56.85 66.59 74.40 73.03 78.90 71.00 64.59 51.50 50.77 55.70 77.11 62.36 42.77 59.4 1530.. 42.54 40.62 50.95 51.37 07.25 75.97 81.46 7S..-,5 70 23 65.11 59.05 47.00 56.52 78.66 65.30 43.49 61.1 1S31.. 86. OU 37.54 50.26 57.46 64.11 76.54 79.04 73.19 74.06 61.27 48.30 25.97 57.28 77.92 61.21 34.27 57.6 1532.. 83.65 40.32 -12.92 49.65 59.54 66.74 72.36 72.0u 67.66 57.75 48.85 42.13 50.70 70.57 53.09 38.70 54.5 1333. 39.39 35.70 41.06 53.07 66.37 69.50 75.85 76.03 73.23 63.63 50.31 43.28 53.70 73.81 62.39 40.46 57.1 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 609 FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA—Continued. Latitude 37° 00', Longitude 76° 18'. Altitude 8 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Augubt. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1834.... 35.96 46.46 49.95 57.19 64.85 75.27 81.13 79.20 74.26 65.07 53.22 45.98 57.33 78.53 64.18 42.80 58.21 1835.... 42.53 34.28 45.76 56.86 65.32 71.66 77.46 76.35 69.26 64.75 56.87 42.12 55.98 75.16 63.63 39.64 61.10 1836.... 88.58 31.95 41.75 55.43 67.49 71.23 76.36 75.52 74.04 57.82 45.22 37.90 54.89 74.37 58.86 36.14 54 56 1837.... 32.93 42.53 45 93 58.83 64.40 78.60 80.11 77.42 68.50 64.64 54.91 46.07 54.72 77.04 62.68 40.51 58.74 1888. .. 46.01 83.51 48.25 53.92 63.70 74.55 82.83 81.14 72.33 60.45 46.72 38.55 55.29 79.51 59.83 89.36 58.50 1839.... 39.72 48.13 46.94 56.62 69.18 73.14 80.04 76.17 * 69.85 63.84 48.03 40.15 57.58 76.45 60.57 37.67 58.07 1840.... 84.26 47.72 53.15 61.38 67.82 74.83 78.29 79.00 69.49 63.37 50.68 41.48 60.78 77.37 61.18 41.14 60.12 1841.... 41.50 39.11 47.50 54.32 63.45 77.53 78.54 76.94 74.60 56.96 51.04 45.42 55.09 77.67 60.87 42.01 58.66 1842.... 45.09 47.03 57.18 62.73 66.99 74.18 77.42 75.72 74.38 62.39 44.27 38.40 62.32 75.77 60.85 43.51 60.49 1843.... 44.12 37.12 37.09 55.30 61.18 75.29 78.19 77.18 75.28 58.25 48.80 41.24 52.19 76.89 60.78 40.83 57.67 1844.... 88.03 37.92 48.73 59.32 72.24 74.91 78.67 74.13 71.62 60.56 52.46 41.84 60.10 75.90 61.55 38.28 58.96 1345.... 44.79 42.74 51.01 58.58 65.94 76.30 79.02 77.95 72.00 61.07 51.70 34.77 58.51 77.76 61.59 40.77 59.66 1846.... 40.90 38.87 48.91 57.29 70.00 73.95 78.86 79.74 74.20 61.56 54.46 46.24 58.73 77.52 63.41 42.00 60.41 1847.... 42.19 42.65 45.01 54.91 62.24 72.24 76.16 74.35 69.98 60.50 53.02 43.83 54.05 74.25 61.17 43.24 58.18 1848.... 41.45 39.79 47.49 55.06 67.77 75.48 75.48 75.89 69.28 59.11 46.22 51.79 56.77 75.62 58.20 44.84 58.73 1849... 37.50 36.56 46.40 54.30 61.65 75.56 75.45 76.01 70.70 60.18 54.94 43.35 54.12 75.67 61.94 39.14 57.72 1850 ... 48.34 43.01 46.57 51.07 62.99 73.09 78.46 76.85 71.45 60.65 52.67 45.75 53.54 76.13 61.59 44.04 58.82 1851.... 42.44 46.36 49.32 54.38 65.49 72.54 79.00 75.04 69.66 61.36 48.46 40.90 56.39 75.52 59.82 43.23 59.57 1852.... 85.19 42.62 48.87 53.44 65.85 72.74 76.23 74.12 70.20 63.39 49.94 47.87 56.05 74.36 61.18 41.89 58.38 1858.... 38.84 44.00 48.62 56.13 64.94 74.49 77.54 76.96 71.85 59.20 55.46 43.09 56.56 76.33 62.17 41.98 59.26 1854.... 41.47 43.82 50.82 57.16 68.74 77.20 80.21 79.55 76.60 64.55 61.60 52.85 40.75 58.91 78.99 64.67 42.01 61.14 Mean ) 80 y'rs j 36.54 41.67 48.29 56.17 66.14 74.22 78.23 77.25 72.03 51.41 43.13 56.87 76.57 61.68 40.45 58.89 FORT MACON, NORTH CAROLINA. Latitude 34° 41', Longitude 76° 40'. Altitude 20 feet. FORT JOHNSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Latitude 34° 00', Loncjitude 78° 05'. Altitude 20 feet. 50.32 52.14 55.34 51.82 47.47 45.41 58.18 1833.... 65.20 54.29 47.09 ...... 1884.... 41.16 51.99 55.37 63.95 70.94 82.57 81.63 79.72 76.53 66.34 57.42 51.50 63.42 81.31 66.76 48.22 64.9? 1835.... 44.55 41.09 50.78 58.71 66.70 77.66 78.66 78.10 71.06 65.97 61.10 46.03 53.40 78.14 66.04 43.89 61.65 1836.... 46.00 39.33 46.34 57.42 67.69 74.04 57.15 ...... 1848.... 51.07 44.50 43.05 57.87 67.50 75.95 80.05 80.14 79.32 62.60 53.22 47.33 56.14 78.71 65.05 47.63 61. & 1844.... 43.06 43.53 51.91 62.00 71.60 74.12 78.85 77 51 71.66 61.97 61.84 76.83 Mean | 5 y'rs. j 45.17 44.09 49.49 60.00 68.89 76.87 79.80 78.87 74.64 64.42 56.51 43.00 59.46 78.51 65.19 45.75 62.2C 52.97 60.43 66.73 74.68 78.74 81.39 80.59 76.12 70.79 66.69 54.95 67.28 80.24 71.20 52.75 67.8T 46.55 58.71 67.29 74.19 76.92 80.83 79.91 75.89 65.91 55.56 54.80 66.73 79.22 65.79 51.00 65.68 50.69 58.42 63.97 71.90 77.97 82.93 80.50 75.19 68.87 60.40 57.34 64.76 80.47 68.15 54.46 66.96 54.34 61.96 62.11 73.38 79.98 81.07 80.19 75.00 68.85 57.03 48.47 65.82 80.41 66.96 51.54 66.18 56.38 63.08 66.29 74.84 81.28 81.61 80.76 79.39 71.14 60.93 54.07 67.90 81.22 70.50 52.64 68.0T 58.77 59.63 65.70 57.46 59.24 54.47 61.59 62.00 63.64 74.17 80.47 79.66 81.33 74.17 67.26 61.28 59.25 66.60 80.49 67.57 59.66 68.53 77 610 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT JOHNSTON, NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Latitude 34° 00', Longitude 78° 05'. Altitude 20 feet. AUGUSTA ARSENAL, GEORGIA. Latitude 33° 28', Longitude 81° 53'. Altitude 600? feet. * February 8,1885, thermometer—4° at 5 a. m. t First nine months of 1841 computed from observations at sunrise and 2 p. m.; remainder, 7, 2, and 9. Note.—The very low mean eniPerature of December, 1881, will be observed in the series at each post. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1829.... 50.81 46.63 52.40 62.30 70.90 79.19 80.43 80.83 75.22 61.87 80.15 1830.... 50.85 50.89 59.18 64.16 71.88 77.46 66.62 62.40 53.58 65.07 51.44 1881.... 43.03 44.27 55.72 64.15 70.80 79.67 80.65 80.93 78.19 68.05 56.88 41.58 63.56 80.42 67.69 42.96 63.66 1882.... 45.58 55.91 54.47 64.28 72.84 77.30 80.22 80.08 75.88 68.43 62.15 57.70 68.86 79.20 68.80 53.03 66.22 1833.... 50.43 51.09 54.26 63.88 76.12 80.83 82.36 77.29 76.92 64.23 53.73 47.59 64.75 80.16 64.97 49.70 64.87 1834.... 42.98 53.63 57.23 61.94 69.65 80.09 83.14 79.18* 1 75.97 67.07 55.39 49.54 62.94 80.80 66.14 48.72 64.65 1885.... 45.42 39.92 50.68 63.38 72.85 79.26 80.25 79.63 71.34 65.58 61.19 43.36 62.30 79.71 66.04 44.57 68.15 1886.... 46.87 44.69 48.51 1843.... 52.00 47.00 46.50 61.50 70.50 76.50 82.50 82.00 80.00 64.00 58.00 49.12 59.50 80.38 67.83 49.37 64.18 1844.... 48.57 45.69 54.34 64.64 76.90 77.77 82.46 79.18 75.33 63.61 59.77 48.50 65.29 79.80 66.24 45.92 64.31 1845.... 50.94 48.99 56.55 66.44 70.74 79.30 82.76 64.58 Mean 1 18 y'rs) 49.03 50.53 56.34 64.17 72.86 78.92 81.48 80.17 76.04 67.07 59.26 52.24 64.46 80.19 67.46 50.60 65.68 1826.... 48.57 56.21 65.87 68.09 77.46 79.26 83.80 81.22 78.03 68.24 56.25 47.65 70.47 81.26 67.51 50.81 67.51 1827... 44.57 61.26 59.30 67.93 70.92 76.98 82.88 81.44 75.10 66.66 57.68 57.16 66.05 80.43 66.46 54.33 66.82 1828.... 54.41 57.66 59.47 64.28 76.57 83.87 81.66 81.61 72.13 71.40 56.74 54.44 66.77 82.21 66.76 55.50 67.81 1829.... 46.97 40.27 49.92 59.40 69.18 78.86 78.58 78.30 72.21 61.77 50.45 54.18 59.50 78.41 61.48 47.14 61.68 1830.... 48.61 50.39 58.30 69.19 72.41 81.45 84.40 83.14 73.85 61.12 60.71 49.04 66.63 83.00 65.26 49.35 66.06 1881.... 40.98 45.57 58.72 65.69 69.54 77.24 80.41 77.74 74.06 65.12 53.90 37.23 64.65 78.50 €4.36 41.26 62.19 1882.... 45.42 55.81 54.92 64.25 72.94 77.57 81.72 79.63 73.58 64.15 56.28 49.41 64.04 79.64 64.67 50.21 64.64 1838.... 54.07 57.04 57.69 65.21 77.07 84.39 84.27 80.41 76.80 60.61 51.31 44.72 66.66 83.02 62.91 51.94 66.18 1884.... 44.24 62.08 50.82 63.70 72.03 82.86 85.25 83.24 74.65 63.85 52.97 49.23 62.18 83.78 63.82 51.83 65.40 1835.... 45.92 39.60* 50.77 61.91 72.84 79.66 79.82 78.85 68.21 63.38 60.08 47.15 61.84 79.44 63.87 44.22 62.36 1886.... 45.05 44.09 50.34 64.59 72.62 75.98 79.43 78.02 75.70 62.52 77.81 1837.... 89.24 49.21 53.77 58.61 70.84 76.43 86.37? 81.71 72.89 61.07 81.50 1888.... 64.65 66.98 79.22 84.93 83.01 74.60 56.79 47.66 40.85 82.89 59.68 1889.... 44.65 46.16 55.10 65.90 70.58 79.32 79.71 78.90 72.47 66.09 47.91 38.67 63.86 79.31 62.16 43.16 62.05 1840.... 43.43 54.17 58.21 64.80 68.00 75.41 75.99 75.25 66.34 63.94 50.47 43.84 63.67 75.55 60.25 47.15 61 65 1841f... 47.00 46.00 53.94 62.88 70.30 78.40 80.47 76.37 71.55 57.72 52.62 44.85 62.37 78.41 60.63 45.91 61.88 1842.... 48 74 51.31 64.26 66.95 71.58 76.39 77.45 74.93 74.26 60.42 46.98 44.47 67.60 76.26 60.55 48.17 68.14 1843.... 50.90 46.69 43.87 64.76 71.16 78.23 82.96 79.20 80.73 64.75 58.66 52.27 59.93 80.13 68.05 49.95 64.51 1844... 44.78 51.20 56.09 69.15 77.43 77.04 81.49 79.42 74.43 63.94 57.14 48.42 67.56 79.32 65.17 48.13 65.04 1845.... 51.40 52.92 57.19 70.55 72.96 83.47 87.48 80.94 74.85 62.86 50.71 38.76 66.90 83.96 62.81 47.69 £5.84 1846.... 45.88 46.52 57.64 65.56 ...... ...... Mean ) 21 y'rs j 46.78 50.70 55.80 65.15 72.17 79.05 81.92 79.66 72.82 63.49 53.80 46.77 64.37 80.21 63.37 48.07 64.01 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 611 FORT MOULTRIE, SOUTH CAROLINA. Latitude 32° 45', Longitude 79° 51'. Altitude IIS feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Sumr. er. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1823... 48.56 43.06 57.09 65.36 75.12 75.97 81.17 79.83 76.43 66.26 56.80 50.96 65.86 78.99 66.50 47.53 64.72 1824... 52.90 49.43 60.92 64.57 74.72 79.76 82.81 80.10 75.95 68.39 58.33 54.66 66.74 80.89 67.56 52.33 64.88 1825.... 50.29 52.82 61.39 62.62 72.88 79.85 82. C9 83.57 77.38 70.87 65.63 81.67 1826.... 69.32 73.80 81.09 81.99 81.59 81.02 72.04 62.78 54.18 81.56 71.95 1827.... 44.93 59.93 62.45 69.11 73.67 77.25 83.83 80.76 76.73 68.41 80.45 1828*... 61.48 64.73 64.03 65.09 77.29 86.25 82.66 82.72 78.19 68.65 62.92 59.66 68.80 83.88 69.92 61.96 71.14 1829.... 51.37 46.41 53.59 63.73 66.17 82.80 84.09 84.29 77.80 61.16 ™48 83.73 1830.... 55.79 54.48 63.24 67.82 74.87 79.45 83.21 S2.45 81.49 74.25 68.77 56.55 81.70 74.84 55.61 70.16 1831.... 45.64 48.46 59.86 68.64 71.84 79.58 80.87 81.36 78.20 71.70 63.30 41.55 66.78 80.44 71*07 45.22 65.85 1832.... 48.69 57.35 57.96 64.12 72.95 76.93 79.90 79.96 76.05 67.59 59.22 54.87 65.01 78.93 67.62 53.47 66.26 1S33.... 53.24 55.32 57.14 64.36 74.14 77.80 81.36 79.39 77.42 66.16 56.21 50.82 65.21 79.52 66.60 52.96 66.07 1S34.... 49.25 57.86 58.25 63.78 71.28 80.69 82.36 79.74 76.46 68.63 59.38 58.14 64.44 80.93 68.16 53.42 66.74 1835.... 46.84 40.14 51.69 61.88 73.73 79.75 79.87 80.04 72.94 67.49 64.51 51.48 62.43 79.89 68.31 46.15 64.19 1840.... 47.94 57.86 61.36 67.18 78.40 77.44 79.29 79.80 73.03 67.35 57.53 49.80 67.81 78.84 65.97 51.87 66.00 1841.... 52.80 48.92 56.33 63.70 69.51 77.00 82.79 81.00 76.68 63.22 61.32 50.20 63.18 80.26 67.07 50.64 63.16 1842.. . 53.23 53.43 63.35 66.78 71.81 77.03 78.02 71.15 76.18 66.28 53.54 49.33 67.31 75.40 65.34 52.00 65.01 1843.... 53.67 48.73 48.82 64.68 71.61 78.06 81.47 80.48 80.85 67.31 59.62 53.89 61.70 80.00 69.26 51.93 65.72 1844.... 50.08 51.71 58.12 66.95 75.98 79.85 83.29 81.53 75.15 66.60 61.92 52.76 67.02 81.56 67.89 51.52 67.00 1845.... 54.78 53.11 59.20 68.87 72.43 80.67 82.84 80.52 78.17 67.31 57.55 44.61 66.83 81.34 66.01 50.83 66.25 1846.... 50.65 51.64 58.63 65.95 74.36 79.33 80.65 82.77 78.95 61 46 53.44 66.31 80.92 51.92 1847.... 52.71 53.82 54.42 66.62 69.32 80.01 81.07 80.97 76.55 66.66 60.51 53.80 63.45 80.68 67.90 53.44 66.87 1848.... 50.02 50.17 59.52 66.05 79.51 81.75 82.75 77.07 64.28 50.20 61.75 81.34 63.84 53.95 1849.... 49.47 49.00 58.69 64.73 72.65 81.31 78.89 81.25 75.29 67.94 60.87 54.24 65.36 80.48 68. C3 50.90 66.19 1850.... 54.89 50.68 56.21 62.58 71.76 76.84 83.76 83.81 77.81 66.28 59.84 55.53 63.50 81.30 67.98 53.72 66.37 1851.... 51.09 56.82 60.87 66.00 73.45 78.95 82.84 82.17 74.32 67.61 56.68 4S.47 66.77 81.32 66.20 52.13 66.61 1852.... 43.16 52.96 60.20 62.87 73.80 76.61 81.40 79.79 75.76 70.54 58.48 56.27 65.62 79.26 68.26 50.79 65.98 1853.... 45.23 53.20 58.22 66.63 76.40 79.39 82.83 80.85 77.06 65.70 60.52 54.19 66.42 81.02 67.76 50.87 66.52 1854.... 40.83 53.09 62.72 62.76 73.35 78.55 82.06 82.37 78.93 67.92 56.29 47.97 66.28 81.00 67.71 47.30 65.57 Mean ) 28 y'rs j 50.36 52.41 58.68 65.44 78.42 79.01 81.72 80.94 76.89 1 67.88 59.56 52.51 ,, 65.85 80.59 68.11 51.76 66.58 1 Assistant Surgeon Stevenson reports the mildness of the winter of 1828 as very remarkable. The only frost observed was on the 17th of March. OGLETHORPE BARRACKS, GEORGIA. Latitude 32° 05', Longitude 81° 07'. Altitude 40 feet. 1882.... 49.93 57.87 59.18 66.87 74.88 77.11 80.11 79.10 77.02 70.31 78.77 1833.... 77.90 81.68 81.42 80.30 77.51 69.76 56.26 56.99 81.13 67.84 1834.... 53.26 63.87 62.76 68.15 74.81 83.70 83.06 81.85 77.51 70.27 63,06 58 29 68.57 82.87 70.28 58.47 70.05 1835.... 52.68 49.71 59.64 63.77 76.66 78.81 78.98 79.99 72.99 66.10 63.36 50.52 66.69 79.26 67.48 51.07 66.12 1843.... 57.20 53.17 49.90 66.90 73.47 78.96 82.20 81.13 81.83 67.35 59.90 53.48 63.42 80.76 69.69 54.62 67.12 1844.... 49.00 52.93 57.30 68.53 78.92 79.89 81.74 79.83 74.42 64.07 60.00 49.18 68.25 80.43 66.16 50.37 66.31 1845.... 52.52 53.62 59.50 72.02 73.67 81.40 83.14 80.87 77.12 66.70 56.51 45.01 68.40 81.80 66.78 50.88 66.84 1846.... 52.39 53.71 61.24 64.07 75.44 78.41 79.71 81.05 77.50 66.92 79.72 1850.... 54.44 55.55 59.57 66.87 73.33 78.59 82.81 83.15 77.25 65.58 58.30 55.04 66.61 81.52 67.04 Mean \ 9 y'rs. j 55.05 58.64 67.15 75.46 79.54 81.46 80.81 77.02 67.12 59.67 52.69 67.08 80.70 67.94 54.06 67.44 612 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT MARION, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 48', Longitude 81° 35'. Altitude 25 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1824.... 76.01 67.18 62.85 1825.... 61.10 60.79 70.14 67.57 76.71 81.23 83.03 83.94 80.76 76.89 67.82 56.60 71.47 82.78 75.16 59 50 72.21 1826.... 56.69 64.98 70.63 74.19 78.26 82.27 84.17 82.62 81.97 75.50 61.78 74.36 83.02 73.28 1827.... 74.35 76.69 80.20 84.35 82.43 79.62 72.75 63.58 65.59 82.88 71.98 1828.... 67.77 71.61 64.21 68.95 77.32 81.43 81.64 82.00 79.66 72.03 66.33 66.90 70.16 81.69 72.67 68.76 73.82 1829.... 57.28 56.45 58.18 67.19 73.61 80.84 81.32 80.55 79.61 66.33 80.90 1830.... 57.57 62.50 65.24 6^53 75.28 80.70 82.40 82.10 78.27 71.90 68.87 60.63 70.02 81.73 72.85 60.23 71.21 1831.... 52.13 55.-36 64.40 6102 73.37 79.08 80.25 81.23 78.82 72.98 65.76 52.46 68.90 80.19 72.52 53.32 68.78 1882.... 54.77 63.71 68.90 71.23 76.53 77.81 80.76 80.85 78.73 73.58 64.74 61.09 70.55 79.64 72.35 59.86 70.60 1833.... 59.88 62.86 61.92 69.38 76.39 80.69 82.43 80.69 79.80 72.36 63.00 57.96 69.23 81.27 71.72 60.07 70.57 1834.... 55.08 64.43 66.06 68.35 75.42 82.36 81.69 78.67 7S.72 69.94 80.91 18.36.... 80.31 82.88 78.10 68.46 57.47 53.42 68.01 1887.... 51.65 55.33 59.01 65.53 73.19 78.68 79.82 81.45 76.86 70.21 62.44 58.28 65.91 79.98 69.84 55.42 67.79 1838.... 56.86 52.36 58.78 65.06 68.28 74.72 77.56 76.71 74.90 63.38 74.27 56.77 64.01 76.88 70.85 55.83 66.63 1839.... 55.01 61.83 62.62 62.67 69.83 78.97 78.45 79.08 77.96 71.45 58.01 49.57 64.71 78.83 69.14 55.80 66.99 1840.... 73.30 56.03 49.39 Ife41.... 56.86 51.22 59.22 63.89 66.14 75.19 80 37 79.16 78.22 69.16 61.27 58.77 63.08 78.24 69.55 55.62 66.68 1842.... 59.89 60.62 70.07 71.96 64.51 79.73 75.76 76.38 78.11 69.79 62.90 55.36 68.85 77.29 70.27 58.62 68.78 1843.... £8.50 58.09 55.12 67.50 71.56 77.05 80.01 78.58 79.60 70.77 67.06 59.09 64.73 78.55 72.48 58.56 68.77 1844.... 57.02 57.21^ 61.82 69.51 74.15 77.72 80.96 79.83 76.93 70.92 67.33 56.03 68.49 79.84 71.73 56.75 69.10 1845.... 59.32 59.18 63.6S 71.60 72.95 79.89 82.82 77.78 72.87 61.92 50.25 69.41 70.85 56.25 1846.... 57.50 56.75 64.12 69.05 75.07 77.82 69.41 1849.... 79.14 80.20 83.14 80.82 ...... 1851.... 63.70 64.32 69.32 74.86 79.14 80.55 80.54 77.48 73.35 65.18 57.45 69.50 80.07 72.00 1852.... 49.26 60.31 Mean ) 20 y'rs $ 57.03 59.94 63.34 68.73 73.50 79.36 80.90 80.56 78.60 71.88 64.12 57.26 68.54 80.27 71.53 58.08 69.61 888*... 63.58 53.44 839.... 53.31 56.07 S40.... 55.04 64.40 341.... 59.23 56.42 542.... 57.89 62.36 S43.... 58.97 57.04 850___ 52.87 Mean I FORT SHANNON, PILATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 34', Longitude 81° 48'. Altitude 25 feet. 62.66 60.11 65.83 70.53 75.80 68.32 71.13 69.84 72.00 58.80 70.86 75.07 78.02 78.20 75.00 75.90 81.41 81.90 78.93 80.00 79.08 82.54 80.25 81.97 83 45 78.65 80.30 82.55 79.71 82.25 81.90 75.26 79.45 78.74 77.07 78.91 79.13 79.30 Mean ( 67 26 58 29 uu 71.13 76.60 80.26 81.20 80.23 78.63 70.47 61.50 56.00 70.62 , 80.56 70.20 57.18 69.64 6 y'rs. ) 66.98 72.23 75.63 68.00 69.50 60.60 60.74 60.75 62.14 62.13 62.56 52.91 48.08 57.31 59.83 55.14 62.62 67.00 74.80 70.88 72.11 68.52 80.46 82.04 81.43 77.97 79.61 68.77 70.01 71.76 69.76 70.31 * At Fort Heileman, thirty miles northward, and at the same distance a3 Fort Shannon from the sea, from October, 1333, to December, 1889, and for the rst three months of 1841. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 613 PICOLATA AND FORT HEILEMAN, FLORIDA ; AND FORT HENDERSON, GEORGIA. Latitude 29° 48', Longitude 80° 45'* Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Sprmg. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. V. 1S40. 76.95 74.61 61.00 57.61 1 70.85 1\ 1841. 61.21 56. SO 64.30 72.60 73.46 78.60 81.70 30.50 79.10 70.12 80.27 71.57 53.54 70.12 H. 1333. 61.40 53.40 62.60 66.98 60.60 52.91 55.90 H. 1S39. 53.31 56.07 60.11 65. S3 75.07 81.41 80.25 79.71 77.07 72.23 60.74 48.08 | 67.00 80.46 70.01 52.49 67.49 II. 1840. 51.35 59.90 67.10 74.26 76.5S 82.84 70.91 57.33 54. S2 72.65 55.36 11. 1S41. 59.23 56.42 63.82 71.65 74.43 69.82 H'u 1838 ...... C7.33 59.33 54.50 H'nl339 55.64 5S.27 64.46 70.52 76.26 82.03 80.16 79.76 77.54 .... 70\41 j 70.08 80.65 80.61 6^.07 56.14 63. S2 II. mean 56.32 56.45 64.28 70.58 75.33 81.83 80.25 79.71 77.07 70.04 69.57 51.94 72.23 54.90 69.46 * The latitude of Fort Heileman is the same, the longitude S2° 05'; Fort Henderson, latitude 30° 51', longitude 82° 09'. NEW SMYRNA, EAST FLORIDA. Latitude 28° 54', Longitude 81° 02'. Altitude 20 feet. 134=) >.... 64.35 66.33 65.55 75.05 72.76 73.64 73.56 78.32 i 7S.06 72.77 69.33 64.53 71.12 7S.51 73.39 65.07 72.02 1341*... 64.81 63.15 65.60 74.21 78.81 81.70 79.50 77. S3 70.50 65.00 62.50 80.00 71.11 63.49 1312.... 63.00 65.00 72.50 ...... 1853.... 57.44 60.4S 66.64 72.15 76.76 79.07 79.05 78.60 78.59 1 72.62 1 71.85 78.91 Mean... 62.40 63.74 67.57 73.60 74.24 78. S4 79.77 78.81 78.16 1 71.96 67.17 63.51 71.80 79.14 02.43 63.22 69.17 * At Fort Mellon, a few miles inland, from May, 1841, to March, 1842. FORT PIERCE, (CAPRON,) EAST FLORIDA. Latitude 27° 307, Longitude 80° 207. Altitude 30 feet. FORT DALLAS,* EAST FLORIDA. Latitude 25° 55', Longitude 80° 20'. Altitude 20 feet. 1-539.... 1840.... 1841.... 1S50.... 1855.... 65.07 68.71 65.35 63.44 69.12 63.24 Mean...1 66.38 66.56 71.77 72.82 72.53 77.91 70.81 75-25 79.15 78.92 75 ..67 ...... j 79.06 j 79.22 66.73 ' 72.82 , 76.90 70.40 75.57 .97 82.41 81.63 78.62 80.50 I 83.74 i 79.71 ; ...... 81.11 82.61 82.24 I 81.63 81.40 : 78.42 84.45 80.57 82.12 81. ! i 78.75 79.50 77.45 82.64 79.59 78.51 71.37 78.20 ' 67.59 77.17 74. 77.96 71.27 63.07 64.75 72.57 66.80 74.58 82.04 76.38 76.45 81.83 75.10 66.31 , 73.74 79.48 82.90 78.06 72.15 74.66 81.50 76 27 66.53 1S40.... G4.27 66.77 69.33 74.08 70.44 78.62 79.61 78.95 7S.65 75.89 64.41 61.51 73.28 79.06 72.65 G4.1S 72.29 1341... 65.46 62 51 67.76 71.92 75.^3 71.00 64.67 62.71 73.56 1842.... 72.50 74.25 76.50 ...... 1S51.... ...... 71.53 61.83 1852.... 54.91 64 97 69.52 71.23 78.03 80.06 80.02 81.96 79.94 75.81 70..78 70.24 73.24 80.68 75.51 63.37 73.20 1853.... 60.03 C2.S3 73.77 79.27 81.82 81.03 80.21 85.23 81.61 74.54 74.07 59.21 78.29 84.16 76.74 60.69 74.97 1354.... 67.91 67.33 73.01 71.10 78.41 82.09 84.16 83.37 83.18 77.72 65.90 60.30 74.17 83.21 75.60 65.18 74.54 1S55.... 63.90 62.24 64.91 Moan... 62.75 04.42 69.77 73.63 76.92 79.02 82.50 82.3S S0.S5 75 .DO 68.56 62.63 73.44 81.33 74.80 63.27 73.20 74.92 74.75 * At Fori. Lauderdale from January to Septen.ber, 1S39, and from July to September, 1840. This post is a few miles north of F.rt Dallas, and at the same distance from the sea. 78 614 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. KEY WEST, Latitude 24° 32', Longitude FLORIDA. 81° 48'. Altitude 10 feet. FORT MYERS, SOUTH FLORIDA. Latitude 26° 38', Longitude 82° 00'. Altitude 50 feet. FORT BROOKE, TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA. Latitude 28° 00', Longitude 82° 28'. Altitude 20 feet. 1825 ...1 60.41 64.61 07.39 72.70 78.70 80.71 1826 ...' 57.31 (9.54 72.90 74.77 79.74 79.11 1S27 ...' 56.86 69.68 70.47 75.3S 7S.C4 SI. 35 182S ... 69.77 71.51 64.51 69.84 76.07 80.47 1329 ... 59.82 G2.21 60.12 1330 ... 61.OS 63.55 67.53 71.27 77.40 SI.51 1S81 ...' 56.C5 60.09 68.19 72.27 74.67 79.64 1832 1 ... 60.73 70.01 66.45 70.55 77.38 80.71 1837 1S38 ... 64.99 59.61 64.71 70. OS 72.20 78.07 1339 ... 61.91 61.86 65.32 71.59 77.88 81.23 1S40 ...' 57.-9 65.51 63.87 75.37 76.00 78.11 80.72 7S.99 7S.46 76.90 70.50 58.70 72.60 80.14 75.29 61 24 81.55 80. CO 81.57 76.27 66.75 60.21 75.80 80.24 74.86 62.39 82.85 82.73 81.16 74.79 69.42 67.62 74.63 82.31 75.12 64.72 81.17 81.70 79.33 73.94 68.28 69.98 70.14 81.11 78.85 70.42 80.08 SI.49 79. S7 75. SO 62.90 67.40 72.86 63.14 82.40 81.67 79.25 74.29 70.36 C5.59 72.07 S1.S6 74.63 63.41 81.06 ...... 81.09 81.15 75.55 67.69 59.60 71.71 71.46 80.60 74.80 58.58 84.11 81.09 78.93 75.00 66.95 68.96 73.63 7S.29 73.35 77.50 72.32 67.04 61.93 69.00 78.40 72.82 62.18 81.46 82.43 80.56 77.19 68.39 54.75 71.60 81.71 75.88 59.51 77.71 73.56 76.86 73.04 63.31 59.15 73.41 78.17 71.07 00.85 Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1831.... 07.49 69.33 75.08 75.96 77.26 80.39 81.SS 61.57 81.44 77.97 75.32 69.58 76.10 SI. 28 78.24 68.82 76.11 1S32.... 68.40 74.28 72.35 75.42 80.17 80.02 S3.28 80.54 80.38 75.55 71.14 70.56 75.08 81.48 75.00 71. OS 76.00 1S33.... 08.25 71.67 72.03 68.47 69.46 1S34.... 71.94 72.20 74.32 74.03 78.07 S2.98 82.53 S2.96 80.91 76.76 70.78 70.52 75.47 S2.S2 76.15 71.55 70.50 1835.... 67.57 64.45 71.16 74. SS 78.60 SO. S3 81.96 81.30 79.56 73.95 75.74 68.39 74.68 81.36 76.42 66.80 74.87 1S36.... ...... 79.3S 82.16 81.67 1837.... 66.22 68.80 70.77 73.12 77.90 81 35 82.35 82.01 61.00 77.85 76.13 70.29 73.93 81.90 78.33 63.44 75.65 1S3S.... 71.14 52.25 70.62 73.37 77.02 79.55 62.15 82.53 81.72 78.54 73.44 70.22 73.67 81.51 77.90 64.54 7-1.40 1343.... 78.14 81.22 84.02 65.24 S4.17 82.12 79.89 77.06 72.88 84.4S 79.09 1844.... 68.70 70.90 75.00 78.93 81.34 83.64 83.94 83.50 78.80 77.29 69.23 74.90 82.97 79.80 1S45.... 69.9S 68.90 74. C6 77.05 78.63 80.68 83.52 76.58 1849.... 84.17 82.96 7S.98 1S50.... 55.34 84.78 S3.15 77.41 73.54 74.17 78.03 1851.... 73.85 74.52 74. C2 77.18 79.57 81.79 S3.4S 63.64 81.31 79.80 75.46 69.96 76.92 82.97 78.85 72.77 77. Sy 1852.... 61.20 70.C2 74.37 76.C6 80.23 82.81 83.42 S3.S6 S2.07 79.38 76.19 74.93 76.90 S3.86 79.21 68.72 77.05 1S53.... 68.01 71.30 74.08 76.14 79.57 80.48 83.47 83.93 S2.56 80.41 75.76 68.44 70.60 S2.61 79.68 69.25 77.01 1354.... 71.75 71.95 76.56 73.39 80.84 83.34 63.80 62.59 62.56 7S.24 72.70 66.39 77.10 83.08 77.83 70. C3 77.01 1855.... 07.18 65.94 70.28 75.09 79.13 82.74 74.83 Mean ) 14 y'rs j 66.63 68.88 72.88 75.38 79.10 81.03 83.00 62.90 81.92 78.11 74.66 71.03 75.79 82.51 78.23 69.53 76.51 1S51.... 65.45 69.02 69.69 1 73.88 78.6S 79.59 SI. 71 83.41 80.40 78.29 72.74 64.59 74.15 SI. 57 77.14 66.85 74. SO 1852.... 5S.16 68.01 73.55 74.28 81.95 82.41 S3.50 82.93 82.59 78.40 74.07 72.42 76.59 S2.94 78.45 66.19 70.04 1S53.. 63.59 67.51 71.57 76.23 SO. 76 80.06 S4.38 S4.43 81.12 77.05 72.50 61.70 76.19 83.16 77.09 64.27 75.13 1654.... 67.56 67.-39 73.74 71.07 79.18 82.85 81.91 81.85 82.59 76.72 66.70 60.18 74.65 82.04 75.84 65.04 74.27 Mean | 4y'rs. f 68.39 67.98 72.19 1 73.86 SO.13 SI. 25 S2.87 83.15 81.75 77.76 71.50 64.72 75.39 82.41 77. CO 65.36 75.04 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 615 FORT BROOKE, TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA—Continued. Latitude 28° 00', Longitude 82° 28'. Altitude 20 feet. Jan. Feb. 1 March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1841.... 65.10 60.06 66.72 61.46 74.21 78.59 80.64 79.05 52.85 09.56 64.70 63.08 67.46 79.43 62.37 62.75 68.CO 1842.... 62.87 64.54 77.02 71.08 76.39 79.57 78.47 79.01 78.91 71.80 64.47 61.42 74.83 79. C2 71.73 62.94 72.13 1843.... 62.30 59.92 62.67 72.56 74.90 76.55 77.35 76.90 77.75 70.05 68.85 63.00 70.01 76.98 72.22 61.74 70.22 1844.... 61.02 60.20 63.53 70.70 77.87 76.66 80.63 78.67 77.85 72.24 69.64 55.10 70.70 78.05 73.08 58.77 70.3.3 1845.... 62.00 60.82 67.25 73.91 75.24 79.56 79.42 79.18 77.59 72.74 62.62 55.74 72.13 79.39 70.98 59.51 70.5,, 1846.... 59.71 62.08 66.58 72.15 76.47 79.31 79.88 80.01 79.24 73.02 66.10 63.35 71.73 79.73 72.79 61.71 71.49 1347.... 65.05 60.98 65.29 72.83 74.37 81.09 80.68 81.16 79.00 74.70 67.83 55.70 70.83 SO.93 73. S4 60.58 71.56 1S48.... «3.31 62.42 67.45 71.32 76.50 78.25 83.46 80.71 80.22 63.17 71.59 71.74 80. SO €5.77 1S49.... 63.61 61.39 71.60 72.41 79.22 80.71 81.70 83.22 81.96 75. S3 69.37 70.05 74.41 81.88 75.72 65.02 74 26 1S50.... 70.45' 64.64 70.92 73.62 76.41 78.61 80.86 81.74 81.56 72.02 73.65 60.40 1851.... 72.27 76.46 78.66 80.16 80.22 76.33 73.87 66.61 58.81 79.68 72.27 1S52.... 52.70 62.56 70.26 70.96 77.66 79.43 79.61 80.08 79.04 76.07 C7.82 C6.34 72.96 79.37 74.01 60.53 71.72 1S53.... 5S.93 64.79 69. S3 73.81 78.13 78.79 82.52 82.47 79.78 75.55 71.90 58.13 63.92 81.26 75.74 60.62 70.3S 1S54.... 62.94 62.36 70.06 70.07 77.49 80.51 81.08 79.59 80.71 73.83 62.11 56.52 72.54 80.39 72.22 60.61 71.44 Mean ) 25 y'rs f 61.53 1 63.54 67.72 71.32 76.64 79.46 80.72 80.43 78.28 74.02 66.94 61.99 72.06 80.20 73.03 62.35 71.92 FORT MEADE, FLORIDA. Latitude 28° 01', Longitude 82° 00/ Altitude 80 feet. 1851.... 76.35 79.32 80.24 80.82 76.49 72.57 65. c 9 57.68 80.13 71.64 1S52.... 52.10 63-54 69.32 70 38 77.96 78.88 79.62 80.54 78.80 73.82 68.16 68.59 72.55 79.68 73.59 61.41 71.81 59.36 62.82 67.09 71.19 76.16 75.65 79.01 78.76 80.29 74.44 69.60 56.98 71.48 77. S4 74.73 59.72 70.90 1S54.... 63.75 63.33 70.54 68.10 73.31 73.10 80.17 80.00 81.15 74.40 70.27 71.68 79.75 75.27 Mean... 58.40 63.23 69.02 69.89 76.69 78.24 79.76 80.03 79.18 73.81 68.4S 61.08 71.87 79.34 73.82 60.90 71.4S FORT MICANOPY, FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 30', Longitude 82° 28'. Altitude 60 ? feet 133S.... 80.99 81.63 77.13 ...... 1839.... 68.20 60.00 63.07 70.27 77.42 83.91 81.23 80.47 7S.51 72.81 1S40..4. 55.59 64.78 69.90 77.46 73.21 78.64 76.83 77.64 75.35 73.35 1S41.... 62.10 56.15 64.30 67.83 73.96 77.63 81.68 73.45 78.10 66.50 1312.... 56.10 60.32 72.33 72.56 76.90 76.93 79.40 78.51 79.87 69.30 Mean ) 4i y'rs ( 60.50 60.44 07.40 72.03 76.62 79.28 80.02 79.34 77.89 70.49 61.92 58.71 63.14 52.48 60.00 55.89 57.77 62. CO 61.01 55.81 57.10 56.00 70.25 81.87 71.49 75.19 77.69 69.73 -68.70 79.25 67.46 73.60 78.28 70.46 72.02 79.55 69.80 60.23 70.96 5S.75 70. -34 58.02 68.36 58.01 70.09 53.98 70.09 616 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT KING, FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 10', Longitude 82° 10'. Altitude oOfeet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1832.... 75.14 L6.44 63.05 1333.... 60.23 63.40 65.00 74.01 79.56 S5.26 34.70 84.75 81.42 72.55 61.15 56.S3 72. SO 64.90 71.71 60.17 72.41 1S34.... 61.39 67.11? 00.11 72.02 78.10 84.61 83.34 S2.51 81.62 72.96 02. SI 61.68 72.27 83.49 72.46 03.19 72.90 1S35.... 56.78 52. S6 61.20 70.47 7S.17 *78.41 77.93 73.71 74.23 68.76 63.53 56.67 69.95 73.35 70.52 55.44 03.56 1S36.... 56.92 54.50 CI.71 1837 ... SI. 26 79.-35 74.93 1S40.... 61.53 55. S3 1S41.... 60.14 55.98 62.52 08.07 71.72 74.95 80.94 78.74 77.33 66.20 59.56 57.21 67.44 78.21 07.70 57.73 67.73 1S42.... 57.39 58.50 69.65 71.90 74.38 75.78 75.85 76.50 79.56 07.75 62.28 58.56 71.98 76.04 69. S6 5S.15 69.01 1843.... 56.49 55.04 Mean ) 6y'rs. j 58.4S 58.21 64.36 71.41 76.89 79.78 SO. 80 80.09 78.18 70.56 63.19 53.55 70.72 80.22 70.64 53.41 70.00 * " Position of thermometer changed in May, (1835,) to a more favorable one. In June, received a new thermometer, which ranged 2° lower than the old one."—Assistant Surgeon Robert Archer. FORTS HARLEE, RUSSELL, WHEELOCK, HOLMES, AND WACAHOOTEE, INTERIOR OF FLORIDA. H. 1838 R. 1S40 R. 1S41 63.00 58.00 66.00 72.00 R. 1842 00.60 56.00 74.00 71.17 Wh.lSll 02.40 56.40 64.60 H's 1841 62.75 57. C4 64.48 71.50 Wa.1841 61.00 56.00 64.00 09.67 Wa.1342 57.25 55.07 70.12 77.09 79.00 ' 84.CO 74.00 | 79.21 i ...... ...... ...... ! 81.90 I I 73.58 78.40 ...... I I 72.00 ' 75.00 80.00 S5.92 77.95 81.50 78.00 07.49 59.78 81.09 79.40 09.70 62.6S 78.tO 77.00 05.07 59.33 57.11 59.69 59.33 56.33 71.67 81.50 6S.42 60.23 73.06 70.59 59.3S 69.85 68.56 77.67 64.00 57.78 70.46 67.00 NriE.—These posts are in the vicinity of Forts Kirg and Micanopy. Their local topography is similar to that of these and other posts in the interior of Florida. CEDAR KEYS, FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 07', Lonejitude 83° 03'. Altitude 35 feet. 1840.... 1 ...... 1 ...... 31.29 80.45 78.03 76.03 60.76 ' 57.00 ■ 59.33 57.08 63.90 70.12 76.36 78.43 S2.70 81.00 78.73 6S.38 63.21 57.80 1342.... Hi . 1 l 59.79 67.42 69.06 73.14 76.66 76.90 76.66 80.16 71.07 62.91 5S.23 Mean.. ! 5S.55 59.46 65.66 69.36 74.72 77.55 60.80 79.37 78.99 71.88 62.29 57.08 71.61 1 70.11 60.71 70.12 58.07 69.75 70.05 76.74 71.33 58.60 69.19 70. OS 79.07 71.04 1 58.22 69.63 FORT WACASSASSA,* FLORIDA. 1S40.... 1 ...... 73.39 57.83 54.84 1 1341.... 61.5S 57.53 65.65 71.90 73.84 76.80 81.42 80.73 73.16 66.90 59.80 57.13 ' 70.46 79.67 63.29 53.75 69.29 1S42.... 55.97 53.25 6S.10 69.00 73.22 77.43 1 76.90 77.93 78.77 68.35 61.46 53.06 70.11 77.42 69.69 57.43 63.66 Mean.. 53.78 57.89 66.37 70.45 73.53 77.11 79.66 79.85 73.40 69.71 59.70 55.08 70.23 7S.S7 69.'.9 57.45 68.97 * About thirty miles northeast from Cedar Keys. Fort Fxnniny U at the same distance north-northeast, on the Suwanee river. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 617 FORT FANNING, FLORIDA. Latitude 29° 35', Longitude 83° 00.' Altitude 50 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. f Winter. Year. 1840.... 1841.... 1S42.... 62.20 57.16 56. S2 59.71 63.64 70.35 70.90 70.44 75.68 75.64 78.50 79.75 79.12 83.35 79.75 84.01 80.3S 79.45 81.45 71.38 74.52 70.50 58.03 63.33 60.50 50.20 60.03 54.81 70.07 72.14 81.95 79.96 72.43 70.81 59.68 57.23 71.03 70.03 Mean.. 59.63 58.26 67.00 70.67 75.66 81.55 82.20 80.45 72.13 60.62 55.03 71.11 80.96 71.07 57.66 70.20 FORTS PLEASANT AND GAMBLE, MIDDLE FLORIDA.* P. 1341. 81.74 80.71 73 30 67.80 61.67 58.97 69.26 P. 1S42. 59.13 01.71 73.90 72.10 76.71 82.33 79.88 79.93 81.13 74.24 80.71 G. 1S40. 2.95 61.25 65.82 71.29 73.85 78.37 78.70 79.02 70.32 78.70 G. 1841. 79.44 81.20 80.85 78.00 66.90 61.62 54.71 SO. 50 68.84 G. 1842. 5S.11 59.85 70.90 70.77 76.50 81.80 76.93 78.83 7S.41 67.93 57.35 53.58 72.72 78.85 67.90 57.18 69.16 Mean... 55.53 60.55 63.36 71.03 75.17 79.70 78.94 79.40 78.20 67.41 59.48 54.64 71.52 79.35 68.36 56.91 69.04 : These posts are from ten to thirty miles southeast from Talahassee, and ten to twenty miles from the Gulf coast at Apalachee bay, I^at. 30° 20', long. 81°. FORT BARRANCAS, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA.* Latitude 30° 18', Longitude 87° 27'. Altitude 20 feet. 1822.... 51.85 51.34 61.47 68.82 77.78 84.16 81.87 82.22 77.92 69.87 05,80 54,49 69,36 82.75 71.22 52.56 68.97 1823.... 53.16 50.49 63.41 70.62 79.36 79.72 61.92 81.42 77,90 68.96 55.62 56,51 71.13 81.02 67.49 53.39 68.26 1824.... 55.62 53.80 65.88 67.35 75.79 81.30 83.55 82.86 77.00 63.73 61,44 55.98 69.34 82.57 69.06 55.13 69.02 1S26.... 51.45 5S.71 67.46 70.72 78.08 79.90 82,88 81.90 7S 57 72.03 62.73 54.50 72.09 81.53 71.11 54.89 69.92 1827.... 51.36 64.10 63.23 72.13 72.12 81.39 84.02 82.15 78. >7 68.99 62.37 62.06 69.16 82.72 70.08 59.17 70.28 1323.... 62.30 61.13 62.94 65.55 76.13 81.04 82.20 82,20 76,22 69.53 62.00 62.00 68.21 SI.85 69.25 61.81 70.28 1829.... 54.76 52.27 56.07 65.12 73.93 82,94 83.68 83.14 81.94 73.75 59.29 60.94 65.04 83.25 71.66 55.99 68.73 1842.... 81.10 80 66 76.86 71.42 61.46 55.27 69.91 1843.... 56.25 51.96 52.14 70.03 75.58 79.86 80.82 80,12 82.53 68.56 64.90 56.09 65.92 80.10 71.99 55.77 68.44 1844.... 56.27 57.41 60.90 69.62 78.44 80.43 83.64 80.75 77.95 68.76 63.11 52.43 69.65 81.61 69.94 55.37 69.14 1845.... 54.96 56.17 60.74 70.86 73.54 79.26 81.40 56.91 45.37 68.3S 52.17 1846.... 52.11 53.53 62.02 66.90 80.27 79.92 78.60 67.91 61.93 57.82 69.48 54.49 1347... 50.80 54.02 57.69 69.28 71.82 66.26 1349.... 53.20 53.09 66.62 63.02 74.56 79.96 79.86 69.73 1851.... 54.00 58.98 60.94 67.96 74.66 80.73 83.04 81.87 76.68 58.83 52.40 67.85 81.71 55.12 1852.... 44.16 57.15 81.48 80.28 77.85 71.35 60.00 61.64 69.78 54.32 1853.... 49.37 54.69 62.30 69.27 74.45 79.42 81.83 81.49 76.83 51.71 68.67 80.76 1854... 54.71 54.56 64.98 62.93 75.40 81.00 84.55 84.10 81.44 71.84 53.89 49.60 67.77 63.59 83.22 70.56 52.96 68.63 Mean ) 17 y'rs j 53.61 55.58 61.80 68.51 75.45 80.80 82.26 81.64 78.47 70.08 61,02 55,57 81.57 69.86 54.92 63.74 * The first seven years of this series were of the harbor. 79 observed at Cantonment Clinch, three miles from Pensacola, and fourteen from Barrancas, which is at the entrance 618 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT MORGAN, ALABAMA. Latitude 30° 14', Longitude 88° 00'. Altitude 20 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1835... 1S41.... 1642... 1843.... 55.52 54.86 46.20 54.17 55.41 51.16 64.04 64.16 68.43 75.65 74.4S 76.70 77.56 79.91 80.08 80.06 82.00 82.34 8190 80.31 80.80 75.46 79.06 71.26 59.00 52.00 65.08 65.43 79.31 80.85 09.77 Mean. .. 55.19 50.18 53 23 65.54 75.61 79.19 81.50 80.30 77.26 71.26 59.00 52.00 64.35 80.33 69.17 53.68 66.S3 MOUNT VERNON ARSENAL, ALABAMA. Latitude 31° 12', Longitude 88° 02'. Altitude 200 ? feet. 1S40.... 1841.... 50.50 53.00 58.00 67.00 72.25 77.00 7S.83 74.12 67.65 55.92 50.53 65.75 65.93 1812.... 66.50 67.12 73.00 78.50 76.70 75.50 74.60 65. S2 55.03 49.05 68.87 76.90 65.15 1S48.... 52.50 53.70 47.70 69.50 75.30 76.66 82.85 78.21 78.86 63.61 59.56 49.61 64.17 79.07 67.84 50.94 65.33 1844.... 77.51 73.42 81.17 78.16 73.97 62.65 57.07 47.40 79.25 64.56 1S45.... 51.30 53.14 55.73 70.49 73.59 80 08 SI.36 81.04 74.30 62.62 53.03 42.53 66.60 80.83 63.32 48.99 C4.93 1846.... 48.93 50.63 61.57 64 18 72.72 76.52 77.43 78.19 77 60 65.17 58.87 57. £3 66.16 77.38 67.21 52.26 65.75 1647.... 47.40 55.02 57.09 69.99 70.58 77.90 77.08 77.33 71.45 66.30 57. S4 47.11 65.87 77.44 65.20 49.84 64.57 1848.... 52.98 56.61 60.44 64.50 73.95 74.89 7S.22 77.82 72.76 65.59 51.19 57.98 66.30 76.9S 63.18 55.86 65.5S 1849.... 53.00 49.86 65.14 64.75 72.50 76.90 76.27 79.05 74.50 64.21 58.90 54.22 67.46 77.41 65.87 52.36 65.77 1850.... 56.30 51.66 61.55 66.61 73.18 76.90 79.89 81.61 78.33 66.96 55.57 52.01 67.11 79.47 66.95 58.33 66.72 1851.... 51.26 57.04 59.12 67.52 74.89 79.83 81.82 84.05 75.53 65.83 54.79 49.82 67.17 80.29 65.71 52.71 66.47 1S52.... 42.15 59.55 64.17 64.42 76.43 79.60 82.29 82.14 79.01 70.58 56.87 59.51 68.34 81.84 68.82 53.74 68,06 1858.... 47.48 53.84 61.22 70.95 74.31 79.86 78.55 80.44 75.70 65.83 61.10 47.31 68.33 79.62 67.56 49.54 66.89 1854.... 51.52 53.18 65.24 62.30 74.64 79.17 78.90 81.17 79.58 69.17 54.76 49.22 67.39 79.75 67.84 51.31 66.57 Mean ) 14 y'rs) 50.44 53.69 60.26 66.87 78.92 78.03 78.62 79.80 75.03 65.93 56.47 51.04 1 67.02 78.82 65.81 51.72 65. S4 BAY OF ST. LOUIS, PASS CHRISTIAN, AND EAST PASCAGOULA, MISSISSIPPI. StL.1833 84.54 81.40 79.19 ...... StL.lS34 63.08 82.80 78.91 ...... StL.lS35 68.80 73.76 78.92 79.07 60.23 75.30 79.41 ...... C. 1813 81.76 80.00 80.00 67.95 C. 1344 S2.92 81.80 78.68 68.45 ...... : ...... C. 1S45 82.70 ...... ...... P. 1S4S 79.85 74.31 70.11 55.83 ...... (6.77 P. 1S49 85.10 81.01 69.78 66.00 ...... i 72.26 P. 1850 66.08 83.44 P. 1S51 75.80 83.05 85.17 84.05 80.46 84.09 ...... P. 1S52 ...... i 78.11 80.84 83 98 83.25 80.89 82.69 ...... P. 1S53 82.63 S4.31 80.10 Mean .. 63.80 77.56 80.94 82.87 82.03 79.11 69.07 60.94 ..... 82.14 69.71 ...... ...... Thes permit C( e are su >mbinati( mmer st n of the ations fo observat r troops ons in oi stationed ie result. at New ( Pass C) Means a iristian i ad other 3 latitude posts of 30° 20', the vicin ongitude ity, and 59° 25'; th eir pos ast Pas ition and cagoula, 1 exposur atitude 3 8 are so y° 20', lor nearly a gitude 8S like as to °42'. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT PIKE, LOUISIANA. Latitude 30° 10', Longitude 89° 38'. Altitude, 10 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. I Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1824.... 69.88 ...... ...... 1 ...... | 1S25.... 52.42 57.94 68.45 68.79 78.60 81.93 83.62 85.48 78.11 71.95 63.63 j 1826.... 85.09 84.26 79.87 73.55 63.64 55.11 ...... 72.02 1827.... 50.81 65.08 62.66 72.15 73.19 63.61 84.50 32.41 80.63 69.19 62.53 62.74 69.33 83.51 70.73 59.54 70.79 1828.... 60.00 64 67 64.83 70.47 79.08 83.43 63.26 83.82 78.02 74.04 67.03 64.28 71.29 83.34 73.23 62.98 ! 72.71 1829.... 55.63 51.17 53.55 65.78 75.52 62.72 82.96 63.83 81.51 72.28 60.84 61.15 66.62 63.00 71.54 55.93 63.2S 1830.... 57.51 59.56 63.17 71.60 77.63 82.05 85.10 84.83 61.56 72.99 67.99 59.52 72.47 88.99 74.18 58.20 72.21 1831.... 49.31 51.54 65.77 69.45 74.46 80.97 81.24 80.48 78.17 70.91 63.49 47.27 69.89 61.56 70.66 49.37 67.92 13G2 ... 54.57 65.27 63.52 71.21 77.90 80.58 82.26 83.83 78.21 72.10 60.11 59.42 70. S3 82.22 70.14 59.75 70.75 5S.76 60.21 62.10 72.99 78.79 82.70 82.63 81.11 81.32 67. S7 61.02 56.37 71.29 82.17 70.07 58.45 70.49 1S34.... 51.41 58.88 64.57 71.26 76.44 82.93 83.13 84.28 78.22 72.11 62 69 56.67 70.70 83.45 71.01 55.65 70 22 18-35.... 54.37 47.21 58.15 67.49 80.21 82.42 69.90 64.S9 55.54 68.62 52.37 1836.... 55.11 55.17 60.77 1838.... 62.33 51.09 63.79 72.93 71.89 83.16 85.46 85.19 78.05 1842.... 79.20 79.00 75.75 67.84 57.76 51.06 67.12 1843.... 52.47 52.30 49.65 71.40 77.60 80.10 81.45 81.45 79.80 67.75 64.65 54.70 66.22 81.00 70.73 53.16 07.78 1844.... 56.20 57.55 61.58 72.11 81.10 81.47 85.06 82.29 78.33 67.07 59.60 52.66 71.60 62.94 68.33 55.47 69.58 1845.... 55.29 57.70 61.65 73.64 75.96 82.59 83.97 45.38 70.42 52.79 1846.... 49.98 54.51 63.83 67.03 ...... " ...... Mean ) 14 y'rs J 54.76 1 56.86 62.34 70.55 77.03 82.19 83.39 82.94 79.16 70.53 62.80 i 55.77 i 69.97 82.84 70.83 55.80 69. S6 FORT WOOD, LOUISIANA. Latitude 30° 08', Longitude 89° 51'. Altitude 20 feet. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Latitude 29° 51', Longitude 90° 00'. Altitude 10 feet. 1825.... 1826.... 1S27 1S2S.... 1332.... 1S33... 1834... 53.26 53.33 67.80 53.20 63.27 70.71 56.74 66.85 64.31 64.58 66.01 65.84 55.37 60.35 60.71 1832.... 83.00 82.27 77.62 72.00 62.28 57.65 70.63 1S33.... 58.55 60.52 60.38 70.8S 78.02 82.51 83.56 83.18 81.26 06.20 53.05 54.23 69.76 83.08 65.17 58.10 69.03 1834.... 50.48 61.26 63.79 71.29 75.93 S2.93 70.00 1835.... 51.65 49.64 60.43 68.00 79.54 81.80 81.07 83.01 76.58 69.95 63.71 53.87 69.33 81.96 70.08 51.54 68.28 1843.... 54.58 52.33 51.41 71.12 78.30 78.24 81.45 80.21 80.58 68.20 65.15 55.90 66.94 79.97 71.31 54.29 68.13 1844.... 57.60 58.36 61.62 72.12 79.92 81.59 84.26 82.03 79.07 68.20 61.81 53.42 71.22 82.63 69.69 56.46 70.00 1845.... 55.59 58.05 61.33 73.49 75.76 80.76 82.60 82.15 78.21 67.03 70.19 81.84 1846.... 53.93 54.77 54.83 62.40 69 29 Mean ) 6; y'rs j 56.44 60.19 70.88 77.91 81.30 82.66 82.14 78.90 6S.60 62.20 55.01 69.66 82.03 69.90 55.41 09.25 66 90 1 81.82 88.54 82.95 84.33 80.17 62.60 I 44.04 72.17 85.27 50.21 72.54 77.61 83.24 84.16 85.15 80.64 72.97 65.55 58.28 73.62 84.18 73.05 58.25 72.27 73.03 74.00 82.65 67.57 62.04 62.00 ! 70.11 C1.S6 66.50 74.25 78.64 82.75 82.52 77.65 70.74 63.08 59.10 81.30 620 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA—Continued. Latitude 29° 57', Longitude 90° 00'. Altitude 10 feet. FORTS ST. PHILIP AND JACKSON, LOUISIANA.* Latitude 29° 25', Longitude 89° 30'. At sea level. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1335.... 41.02 50.70 61.29 ...... 69.73 65.81 53.11 49.94 1S3S.... 56.61 52.38 64.10 67.19 68.65 S2.07 82.47 82.11 77.85 68.39 57.07 52. S5 66.65 82.22 67.60 53.95 67.61 1839... 56.22 54.48 60.96 70.9S 77.33 83.03 82.48 82.25 79.22 75.39 57.40 48.09 69.76 82.59 70.67 5*2.93 68.99 1840.... 55.09 61.77 69.15 74.38 77.30 79.97 85.56 84.96 78.91 74.32 65.66 56.13 73.61 83.50 72.96 57.66 71.93 1341 ... 55.46 55.61 64.81 71.62 76.17 84.35 87.02 83.86 79.4S 69.17 61.83 55.40 70.87 85.08 70.16 55.49 70.40 1S42.... 56.96 58.50 71.35 69.80 74.96 80.56 80.25 79.58 78.63 69.03 59.06 53.29 72.03 80.18 63.91 56.25 69.33 1843.... 55.48 54.16 62.03 70.85 75.79 78.50 68.13 55.77 62.22 80.08 69.03 55.12 67.61 1844.... 53.54 59.2S 03.55 72.52 78.46 79.80 ...... 65.02 57.18 71.51 81.51 70.75 58.88 70.52 1845.... 57.25 59.91 62.11 72.75 73.20 79.46 69.35 1S46.... 61.50 67.16 75.28 80.14 82.73 68.82 63.94 62.14 67.98 1S47.... 54.85 57.30 61.90 71.48 76.56 78.75 81.82 82.68 77.85 71.16 64.37 53.25 69.98 81.08 71.13 55.18 69.33 1S48___ 58.18 61.67 64. S3 68.89 76.47 82.86 80.42 81.25 79.51 73.67 59.58 59.43 69.73 81.51 70.92 59.76 70.48 1S49___ 60.89 56.08 70.17 71.00 76.82 81.08 81.10 72.63 1850___ 59.31 55.32 63.89 68.13 72.26 76.12 82.54 66.41 60.58 55.49 68.09 56.71 1851.... 54.43 59.79 61.64 68.24 69.67 60.89 55.21 56.48 1852.... 46.59 62.10 63.96 67 27 74.25 61.37 61.98 ...... 56.89 1S58.... 50.65 56.51 62.70 70.42 74.33 80.23 69.15 Mean ( 20 y'rs J 55.27 58.85 64.15 70.06 75.62 81.11 82.94 82.77 78.94 70.75 62.44 55.98 69.94 82.27 70.71 56.53 69.66 St P1326 StPlS2S 62.81 64.22 60.85 83.86 80 34 80.83 74.27 64.59 59.50 73.23 StPlSSl 4S.32 48.24 57.20 J...1831 82.35 80 07 80.89 71.80 68.05 47.59 73.58 J...1882 61.14 67.17 66.82 73.55 73 13 81.52 84.21 83 95 79.96 76.81 65.87 65.39 72.83 82.89 73.21 64.57 73.62 J...1S33 J...1S34 J...1835 64.44 60.58 59.53 63.17 64.32 53.30 62 59 61.96 58.75 62.12 65.78 60.51 72 16 75 37 82.46 68.95 54.45 63.64 62.85 Mean.. 59.47 60.14 62.87 72.86 77.00 81.99 82.97 81.45 80.56 72.96 62.98 58.97 70.78 82.14 72.17 59.53 71.15 * The posts are on opposite sides of the Mississippi river, fifty miles southeast of New Orleans, and twenty miles from the Delta proper. The coast of the Gulf is much nearer at the southwest. BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. Latitude 30° 26', Longitude 91° 18'. Altitude 41 feet. 1822.... 52.37 49.71 62.05 67.99 78.16 84.80 81.20 81.07 76.15 66.67 63.94 1 51.77 69.40 82.36 68.92 51.28 67.99 1324.. . 57.18 51.41 64.90 ...... 1825.... 49.80 57.58 64.79 ...... 1828___ 71.39 62.81 60.76 , 1829... 56.87 49.90 65.67 63.80 74.85 81.87 80.70 80.43 77.17 70.14 57.51 57.31 : i 64.57 81.00 63.27 54.53 67.09 1880.... 54.61 57.07 64.81 65.87 73.04 79.47 82.43 82.63 73.81 70.27 63.59 54.62 67.91 81.51 70.72 55.43 63.89 5881--- 46.16 48.61 61.41 66.46 78.00 79.84 80.39 76.58 75.79 66.25 57.67 48.57 66.96 79.10 66.57 46.11 64.69 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 621 BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA—Continued. Latitude 30° 26', Longitude 91° 18'. Altitude 41 feet. 1832.... 1833.... 1S34.... 1S35___ 1330... 1S37... 1S33... 1839... 1S40... 1343... 1841... 1S45... 1S46... 1847... 1S48... 1849... 1S50... 1851... 1852... 1853... 1854... Jan. Feb. 49.80 61.77 57.85 53.11 50.08 60.56 55.19 45.52 55.11 54. S2 54.14 45.94 54.52 51.19 55.82 63.59 55.08 54.50 57.35 59.49 54.79 56.77 52.00 54.10 49 84 58.10 64.01 52.94 42.78 47.33 53.43 61.00 53.62 63.23 56.38 56.92 54.30 58.51 57.16 59.81 53.62 56.43 63.71 61.95 71.56 51.47 61.77 59. S6 62.30 67.SI 63.47 61.17 65.87 59.60 66.24 Mean | 24 y'rs f 55.02 61.93 April. May. June. July. 6S.41 70.49 70.01 64.89 66.41 73.05 74.03 77.95 72.76 77.91 70.99 68.07 67.63 72. S4 67.32 64.53 6S.61 64.63 75.27 77.87 75.69 77.83 76.71 72.31 78.96 77.59 T6.98 77.10 73.90 75.60 76.90 75.21 74.42 71.65 75.10 69.30 75.60 7S.55 82.16 82.63 83.86 81.09 81.61 83.86 84.65 82.02 79.74 78.75 79.83 78.86 30.08 77.40 78.59 78.80 77.74 78.35 80.61 81.5-3 83.02 78.43 85.56 84.05 82.05 81.52 82.09 81.84 SO. 92 81.37 80.05 81.23 79.77 84.81 81.43 79.69 78.59 80.09 80.56 81.81 August. 81.48 82.31 82.29 80.01 85.14 83.05 80.23 82.44 80.80 80.24 80.65 80.21 81.04 82.18 83.42 83.67 80.19 79.17 79.79 81.52 81.26 Sept. Oct. 76.19 63.51 I 79.18 63.56 74.32 ' 68.61 73.31 ! 66.39 79.25 76.82 79.86 73.37 80.10 75.41 76.63 80.01 74.65 78.45 73.57 75.14 75.11 71.39 65.80 65.02 66.28 66.23 67.13 69.69 63.51 65.47 65.43 63.32 65.82 69.95 77.14 I 67.58 Nov. Dec. 'Spring. Summer. Autumn. 58.75 57.56 60 00 59.70 65.74 54.18 66.46 63.43 57.63 62.64 54.13 64.18 55.06 56.00 57.07 57.98 ! 63.23 !l 54.59 68.99 55.35 !! 69.64 54.16 53.79 55.75 50.91 47.23 58.04 61.41 51.17 51.72 58.06 51.10 52.17 71.07 07.93 63.27 66.62 68.66 80.73 62.83 83.06 1 66.38 79.84 84.10 69.69 83.65 71.66 S2.81 75.70 81.99 67.07 80.7S 70.20 80.28 68.25 80.46 68.66 80.14 80.36 82.36 60.14 78.86 78.91 80.74 67.82 66.77 67.64 66.47 72.13 66.61 70.53 63.37 66.85 69.93 66.13 70.3S 65.21 66.4S 68.38 Winter. Year. 59.90 08.94 ! 81.21 ! 68.21 56.54 56.35 55.33 51.62 51.99 55.11 55.93 52.93 55.23 57.96 57.90 53.94 53.55 50.70 54.03 63.44 6S.61 63.92 66.08 63.37 63.71 67.12 63.49 66.60 66.79 67.95 6S 14 FORT JESUP, LOUISIANA. Latitude 31° 33', Longitude 93° 32'. Altitude SO? feet. 1323.... 51.00 43.33 6o.eo 71.57 77.10 77.67 83.04 83.21 75.95 69.81 58.45 57.40 69.78 SI. 37 68.07 50.53 67.45 1824.... 58.98 54.25 63.92 64.44 76.55 84.81 85.93 83.87 77.98 66.03 57.94 56.61 68.33 84.90 67.32 56.61 69.28 1S25.... 52.69 59. S3 64.67 66.97 77.75 80.98 82.79 85.11 77.56 63.77 57.10 45.11 69.80 82.96 66.14 52.54 67.80 1826.... 46.82 57.76 63.49 70.23 77.91 79.82 85.45 83.98 76.07 63.75 60.28 52.83 72.21 83.08 68.37 51. SO 6S.S6 1S27.... 51.C5 62.85 60.33 69.54 72.22 81.45 83.62 82.96 81.55 67.17 63.29 57.65 67.36 S2.63 69.67 57. IS 69.22 1328.... 55.64 53.86 61.19 64.97 74.94 82.79 83.33 82.11 73.45 67.75 59.43 54.57 67.03 82.74 66. SS 56.36 63.25 1S29.... 51.79 45.27 53.08 62.34 74.31 80.55 81.20 79.35 77.28 63.56 55.63 53.09 63.24 80.37 67.16 50.05 65.20 1:30.... 50.44 50.5S 62.01 64.42 70. S2 79.30 82.93 83.08 77.27 70.10 59.29 48.12 65.75 81.77 68.39 49.71 66.53 1831.... 41.43 45.37 59.43 66.07 72.75 SO. 93 81.09 76.53 73.53 62.74 53.76 38.07 66. OS 79.53 63.34 41.82 62.69 1832.... 46.54 55.26 53.29 67.74 73.94 73.76 82.29 80.09 75.73 64.76 53.33 55.34 66.66 80.6S 64.61 52.71 66.16 1333.... 55.79 53.85 55.87 67.44 75.07 61.15 83.95 83.82 78.63 61.85 56.70 53.10 66.13 82.97 65.73 54 25 67.27 1S34.... 44.95 60.61 62.15 69.83 73.61 82.8S 82.06 82.12 72.95 69.07 61.55 50.15 63.53 82.35 67. S6 51.90 07.66 1835.... 50.21 43.64 55.34 63.44 70.76 80.53 79.58 80.63 73.66 64.77 53 92 52.37 63.18 80.26 64.12 4S.74 64.07 1S36.... 50.74 54.14 55.OS 67.85 70.57 76.67 80.35 78.58 75.69 59.84 49.61 46.58 64.50 78.53 62.05 50.49 63.89 1S37.... 45.21 50.36 55.73 62.57 71.50 79.66 80.44 80.41 74.27 67.56 63.65 51.50 63.27 80.18 68.49 49.02 05.24 1S3S..-- 51.12 42.79 61.27 69.12 63.54 80.94 81.00 80.07 74.27 64.44 52.17 45.83 66.31 SO. 67 63.63 46.53 64.30 1S39...- 52.63 50.36 59.71 60.59 73.30 SI. 85 81.25 83.51 73.53 73.03 55.46 48.85 64.53 82.20 69.01 50.61 66.58 1340.... 50.49 57.33 80 64.52 71.80 73.37 SO. 08 82.06 83.30 76.39 70.07 55.03 50.59 69.90 SI. 81 67.16 52.82 67.92 622 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT JESUP, LOUISIANA—Continued. Latitude 31° 33', Longitude 93° 32'. Altitude 80 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1341.... 45.09 51.89 53.13 69.69 70.75 73.22 84.21 80.19 73.50 62.62 56.34 48.73 66.19 80.87 64.15 48.57 64.94 1842.... 53.14 56.18 64.12 70.43 76.92 82.68 7S.16 78.65 76.93 64.79 50.74 47.02 70.59 80.14 64.15 52.1U 66.74 1843.... 54.25 47.90 41.60 69.65 75.34 77.30 81.75 76.25 73.60 61.82 57.99 48.30 62.20 78.43 66.14 50.15 64.23 1844... 52.82 53.88 57.51 70.66 76.57 79.18 83.20 80.94 73.68 60.93 56.54 43.48 68.25 81.11 63.72 51.71 66.20 1845.... 51.72 55.65 57.42 68.64 70.49 77.41 81.10 76.56 65.57 57.92 43.91 65.52 66.63 50 43 Mean ) 23 y'rs j 50.63 52.69 59.45 67.37 73.72 80.25 82.22 81.35 76.09 65.90 56.66 49.68 66.85 81.27 66.22 51.00 66.34 FORT SABINE, LOUISIANA. Latitude 29° 45', Longitude 93° 50'. At sea level* * The post was on the low shore of Sabine lake, eight miles from the Gulf of Mexico, southward, and surrounded by water and marsh lands. 1S37___ 1S3S___ 51 60 43.82 59.12 70.26 (63.54) 79.05 79.53 73.35 72 39 71.87 64.62 58.84 65.97 79.00 69.46 49.75 66 05 FORT TOWSON, INDIAN TERRITORY. Latitude 34° 00', Longitude 95° 33'. Altitude 300 ? feet. 1332.... 89.59 79.39 75.20 69.93 61.16 47.80 47.00 59.65 1833.... 51.29 45.34 46.99 63.56 72.24 72. S4 85.70 80.55 74.44 57.81 49.33 43.83 60.93 79.70 60.53 46.83 62.00 1384.... 32.32 50.49 55.14 65.93 68.95 79.52 80.93 81.94 67.57 62.54 56.69 42.19 63.34 80.80 62.27 41.63 62.01 1835 ... 44.80 84.94 51.12 60.14 72.06 76.87 76.51 76.03 63.14 59.75 43.04 45.09 61.11 76.47 56.98 41.44 59.00 1836.... 41.17 44.77 47.94 61.59 69.66 75.63 78.76 79.39 74.16 58.51 48.22 41.36 59.78 77.93 60.30 42.43 61.00 1837.... 40.51 46.91 52.94 58.68 66.75 77.44 81.85 80.20 72.21 . 64.31 57.98 45.80 59.12 79.83 64.83 44.41 62.05 1838.... 43.69 84.18 56.90 66.42 62.93 78. SO 82.02 81.06 70.54 59.06 43.95 37.12 62.10 80.63 57.85 38.33 59.74 1839.... 46.76 46.31 56.19 63.66 72.53 79.17 82.88 80.05 72.57 66.34 47.44 89.99 65.79 80.70 62.12 44.39 63.25 1340.... 42.20 49.91 57.93 65.99 70.94 76.81 80.08 83.21 71.77 60.30 50.96 44.72 64.95 80.03 61.01 45.61 62.90 1841.... 42.14 49.73 52.97 62.93 68.95 73.76 81.76 76.06 66.69 56.23 46.97 35.42 61.62 77.19 56.65 42.43 59.47 1842.... 43.03 53.70 65.12 67.86 73.5S 78.76 80.96 78.61 76.60 63.06 46.26 43.22 68.85 79.44 61.97 46.65 64.24 1843.... 49.40 48.60 39.00 66.51 70.30 75.10 78.80 75.95 76.15 59.10 53.50 45.65 58.60 76.62 62.92 46.18 61.08 1344.... 44.40 49.22 51.73 6S.36 72.53 77.91 82.80 80.75 71.97 59.64 53.16 42.33 64.21 80.49' 61.59 45.32 62.90 1845.... 46.57 50.71 52.20 67.70 68.49 77.31 81.59 79.73 75.44 60.10 49.50 35.79 62.80 79.54 61.68 44.36 62.09 1846.... 43.60 42.60 53.85 61.27 1849.... 76.11 7S.18 79.16 74.26 59.11 56.53 42.00 77.82 63.30 1S50.... 46.10 47.13 53.48 59.81 67.22 76.06 80.57 82.49 75.28 63.12 51.71 39.29 60.17 76.37 63.37 44.14 61.01 1351.... 44.81 44.88 56.25 60.38 71.91 78.30 82.23 82.54 78.75 63.25 47.60 02.51 81.02 63.20 1852.... 68.17 66.05 48.80 43.68 58.34 1353.... 41.73 43.75 51.84 64.24 67.25 73.02 79.69 81.40 73.40 60.27 54.95 42.48 61.11 79.70 62.87 42.67 61.59 1S54... 36.82 49.29 59.55 61.90 Mean ) 20 y'rs j 43.14 45.97 53.40 64.00 60.77 76.97 80. S2 79.69 72.53 61.04 50.24 42.65 62.39 79.16 1 61.27 43.92 61.69 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 623 FORT WASHITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. Latitude 34° 14', Longitude 96° 38'. Altitude 645 feet. ' Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1S43.... 47.50 41.70 36.50 65.30 69.70 76.70 80.30 77.00 75.40 58.90 52.40 47.20 57.17 78.00 62.23 45.47 60.72 1844.... 45.02 51.16 53.44 68.27 73.41 77.13 82.39 82.54 71.20 60.64 54.99 45.91 65.04 80.69 62.28 47.36 63.84 1845.... 47.29 53.64 53.17 69.18 69.25 73.38 84.31 79.18 76.06 60.71 49.52 39.08 63.87 83.62 62.10 46.67 63.31 1846.... 47.80 44.90 55.94 63.46 72.5S 74.79 81.76 81.09 76.13 65.09 55.09 48.37 63.99 79.88 65.44 47.02 64.08 1S47.... 35.83 45.60 49.16 67.72 66.90 76.34 79.47 78.48 73.46 65.52 51.16 44.00 60.96 78.10 63.38 41.81 61.06 1848 ... 47.44 51.72 55.95 58.59 74.82 75.37 79.74 81.08 73.62 63.55 44.87 32.03 63.12 78.73 60.68 43.73 61.56 1S49.... 36.96 44.90 58.66 61.85 69.33 76.04 77.83 79.88 73. S5 60.74 57.65 41.49 63.23 77.92 C4.08 41.12 61.60 1S50.... 47.06 46.29 52.96 59.50 66.31 74.62 81.01 83.31 77.04 65.53 53.57 37.16 59.59 79.64 65.38 43.50 62.03 1S51.... 43.93 44.18 56.88 60.84 72.39 79.56 82.41 84.71 80.25 61.72 46.70 42.24 63.37 82.23 62.89 43.45 62.98 1852.... 37.71 49.41 55.20 58.05 69.50 73.51 78.62 78.17 69.77 64.90 47.68 41.37 60.91 76.76 60.78 42.83 60.82 42.05 42.37 51.44 63.94 65.46 76.90 78.41 81.50 74.08 60.78 54.18 42.63 60.28 78.94 63.01 42.35 61.14 1845.... 36.76 48.94 60.41 61.43 69.80 75.48 83.13 83.40 77.20 66.38 51.56 43.70 63.83 80.67 05.05 43.13 63.18 Mean ) 12 y'rs f 42.91 47.07 53.31 63.18 69.93 76.23 80.78 80.86 74. S4 63.29 51.61 42.43 62.16 79.29 63.25 44.14 62.21 FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS. Latitude 35° 23', Longitude 94° 29'. Altitude 460 feet. 1842.... 42.99 44.77 61.50 63.54 69.64 74.78 77.19 74.56 72.49 57.75 • 41.36 38.34 64.89 75.51 57.20 42.03 59.91 1843.... 41.70 36.83 31.53 60.23 67.72 74.38 78.79 74.83 73.71 54.14 47.88 40.25 53.16 76.00 58.58 39.59 56.83 1844.... 33.24 45.77 43.12 66.58 71.15 76.71 81.13 76.82 68.06 56.20 48.65 37.94 61.95 78.22 57.69 40.65 59.61 1845.... 43.49 47.39 50.05 68.82 68.50 78.61 82.47 73.27 72.55 55.34 44.98 31.38 62.46 79.78 57.62 40.75 60.15 1846.... 39.32 33.70 52.46 62.56 71.24 73.50 80.65 78.80 75.73 61.55 51.21 46.47 62.09 77.65 62.83 41.66 61.06 1347.... 34.43 40.17 47.96 65.71 65.76 75.71 77.86 75.88 71.01 62.34 47.75 42.40 59.80 76.48 60.37 38.87 58.87 184S.... 44.87 43.07 52.69 59.61 72.61 75.07 79.01 79.45 68.74 60.93 42.93 34.01 61.64 77.84 57.53 42.32 59.83 1849.... 35.78 40.91 57.65 59.46 64.43 76.80 79. S6 80.36 74.32 60.82 59.60 40.90 60.51 79.01 64.71 39.20 60.86 1850.... 46.50 51.51 57.78 58.51 67.27 76.62 62.22 1852.... 53.92 67.91 72.74 73.07 76.51 69.06 63.58 46.53 39.60 74.10 59.72 1853.... 40.20 41.67 50.66 63.97 64.93 76.21 77.93 80.57 71.53 58.79 53.14 39.80 59.85 78.24 61.15 40.56 59.95 1854.... 33.92 47.01 57.01 60.62 67.51 75.48 83.15 82.70 77.38 64.70 47.97 40.83 61.71 80.44 63.35 40.59 61.52 Mean ) 12 y'rs f 40.18 43.89 51.53 62.38 69.91 75.55 79.19 78.07 72.23 59.65 4S.36 39.27 61.29 77.60 60.08 41.11 60.02 FORT GIBSON, INDIAN TERRITORY. Latitude 34° 47', Longitude 95° 10'. Altitude 560 feet. 1827.... 81.93 82.98 73.53 66.66 57.00 46.68 67.41 1828.... 44.26 47.63 54.74 59.06 71.36 81.16 81.75 82.04 69.72 66.02 55.39 47.86 61.72 81.65 63.71 46.53 63.34 1829.... 44.52 28.65 48.32 59.51 74.16 78.09 SO. 76 82.92 75.08 62.67 50.14 50.29 60.66 80.59 62.63 41.15 61.26 1830.... 47.64 47.4S 57.46 65.26 69.95 80.62 81.95 84.83 79.04 69.15 56.84 40.46 64.22 82.48 68.34 45.19 65.06 1881.... 30.14 34.54 53.70 63.13 6S.09 75.34 82.71 76.66 70.69 60.23 50.34 31.89 61.64 78.24 60.42 32.19 58.12 1832.... 41.81 41.92 55.21 64.25 69.67 77.31 80.25 77.3S 72.20 62.94 50.43 47.43 63.04 78.31 61.86 43.72 61.76 1833.... 47.52 44.42 50.47 63.93 70.93 76.36 81.65 80.70 75.43 57.50 52.23 43.82 61.73 79.57 61.74 45.25 62.08 1834.... 28.17 50.30 52.54 67.88 72.31 79.81 33.06 8S.22 73.87 65.81 54.97 41.06 64.24 B3.70 64.88 89.84 63.16 1835.... 42.33 32.74 51.19 60.17 71.43 78.55 77.93 77.89 70.19 61.06 43.19 43.64 60.95 78.12 58.15 89.57 59.19 1836.... 40.48 43.06 46.14 65.44 71.26 74.78 79.45 80.12 74.54 56.09 47.83 39.56 60.95 78.12 59.49 41.03 59.90 624 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT GIBSON, INDIAN TERRITORY—Continued. Latitude 34° 47', Longitude 95° 10'. Altitude 500 feet. 1 Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Augii4.t. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1887.... 86.92 44.54 50.20 55.74 66.86 76.63 83.91 82.91 72.24 65.44 59.19 48.52 57.43 81.17 65.02 41.66 61.47 1S38.... 40.99 23.81 53.70 65.70 62.23 79.21 83.07 S3. IS 74.42 56.43 40.37 33.65 00.56 81.32 57.06 84.32 53.44 43.69 43.30 53.63 63.96 71.55 75.83 S2.79 82.53 74.64 67.21 47.24 89.73 64.73 SO. 38 63.03 42.24 62.59 1S40.... 86.82 46.41 54.51 63 49 69.10 77.15 77.74 78.36 69.33 59.78 45.92 42.22 62.37 77.75 58.34 41.82 60.07 1841.... 85.27 41.27 52.14 61.85 63.14 75.53 81.95 80.04 69.72 56.70 51.35 42.09 60.71 79.17 59.26 89.54 59.67 1842.... 45.90 46.57 62.22 64.13 70.12 73.86 77.12 75.06 74.36 60.67 43.86 41.12 65.49 75.35 59.63 44.53 61.25 1843.... 43.30 83.17 39.50 62.40 66.93 74.50 76. S3 74.17 73.20 56.65 50.25 45.20 56.28 75.15 61.70 42.22 53. S4 1S44.... 40.67 47.31 50.45 66.30 69.89 75.77 80.00 77.40 68.67 57.91 53.41 41.73 62.21 77.72 59.00 43.24 60.54 1845.... 46.24 50. C5 50.54 03.41 67.02 77.25 83.30 78.94 75.5S 58.25 47.12 34.40 62.01 79.83 60.82 43.76 61.48 1S46.... 42.73 83.44 52.61 61.37 70.00 71.32 79.74 78.95 74.50 62.44 52.59 45.93 61.49 76.67 63.18 42.37 60.93 1347.... 33.55 42.73 47.16 66.01 65.52 72.75 77.92 74.52 70.29 61.56 52.57 41.16 59.56 75.06 61.47 39.15 5S.S1 1S4S.... 45.83 49.11 53.13 57.30 70.72 75. S3 77.95 76.63 63.00 62.39 43.SI 30.43 60.38 76.82 53.07 41.81 59.27 1849.... 33.19 39.65 55.84 60.46 68.87 75.77 77.79 77.33 72.59 56.45 54.61 30.09 61.72 76.95 61.22 33.51 59.10 1850.... 42 15 42.89 49.42 55.35 66.63 76.54 81.00 S3.7S 75.45 62.48 50.52 36.01 51.13 80.44 62.85 40.51 63.23 1851.... 41.91 42.27 54.09 58.23 72.26 77.16 82.50 84.80 73.32 60.76 44.34 36.81 61.53 81.49 61.14 40.33 61.12 1852.... 34. 82 47.03 54.00 58.80 70.13 74.31 81.60 76.97 69.36 63.96 44.95 37.39 60.97 77.62 59.43 39.74 59.44 1853.... 89.63 39.90 49.40 63.31 64.79 78.11 80.23 62.36 73.31 59.80 53.11 41.22 59.17 80.23 62.07 40.25 60.43 1S54.... 83.72 46.38 56.57 60.49 67.61 75.74 84.62 85.20 79.61 66.67 47.30 41.50 61.56 81.85 64.53 40.53 62.12 Mean 27i y'rs [40.15 42.41 52.19 61.04 69.15 76. S2 80.76 80.24 73.50 61.56 49.92 40.84 61.04 79.41 61.66 41.13 60.SI FORT SCOTT, MISSOURI. Latitude 37° 45', Longitude 94° 35'. Altitude 1000? feet. 1S43.... 87.11 23.05 24.55 53.95 63.50 71.95 75.45 73.40 70.70 50.90 42.35 37.90 47.33 73.60 54.65 34.35 52.43 1844... 80.55 86.70 45.34 63.27 64.33 72.07 80.27 74.24 62.85 51.84 42.00 35.25 57.66 75.53 52.28 31.17 54.90 1845.... 89.94 42.71 45.85 62.50 65.01 72.23 7S.34 76.02 69.20 52.23 39.61 25.37 57.79 75.53 53.63 36.01 55.75 1S46.... 37.33 29.93 46.05 57.84 68.97 69.26 7S.40 75. S5 70.09 54. S3 44.91 37.31 57.45 74.50 56.61 34.86 55.85 1847.... 22.70 33.32 37.17 57.88 61.57 70.93 76.06 72.23 67.38 56.27 41.85 33.89 52.21 73.07 55.00 29.97 52.56 1848.... 37.41 89.6S 45.21 53.SI 68.53 72.71 74.94 76.08 61.77 56.42 35.28 21.95 55.85 74.58 52.16 33. CI 53.90 1849,... 22.91 30.10 49. C3 53.17 63.47 73.60 75.12 74.58 68.79 52.64 50.14 29.38 55.22 74.43 57.19 27.46 53.07 1850.... 34.66 35.59 42.27 48.53 61.87 73.47 79.34 81.24 71.63 5S.20 46.09 27.41 50.89 73.02 53.64 32.55 55.02 1851.... 83.71 86.82 43.14 53.46 69.50 73.40 78.23 76.63 73.59 58.11 39.02 31.30 57.03 76.09 56.90 33.78 55.9.3 1852 ... 28.45 89.11 47. S2 53.28 67.62 71.46 76.03 75.07 67.17 61.40 33.40 31.18 56.24 74.18 55.65 82.91 54.74 85.24 33.80 43.00 .. Mean ) 10 y'rs j 82.91 84.9S 43.13 55.72 63.48 72.11 77.22 75.53 6S.62 5: .2"! 41.91 31.09 54.78 74.95 55.27 32.99 54.50 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 625 JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MISSOURI. Latitude 38° 28', Longitude 90° 15'. Altitude 472 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1827.... 32.09 44.55 50.98 61.22 65.52 73.62 80.15 31.67 72.95 58.9S 50.40 39.C9 ; 59.24 78.48 00.78 38.58 59.27 1S2S..4. 37.17 42. S2 49.43 55.85 70.03 80.69 79.41 81.56 67.89 50.75 50.55 44.85 58.44 80.55 56.40 41.61 59.25 1629 ... 36.31 20.52 42.60 60.17 73.73 77.21 76.82 76.97 65. SO 56.87 37.11 42.31 58. S3 77.00 53.26 33.05 55.53 1S30.... 32.79 37.55 43.00 61.53 66.36 75.68 79.78 73.74 67.63 60.74 51.43 42.05 53.63 7S.07 59.93 37.80 58.61 1S31--- 21.53 27.22 43.87 75.46 71,96 63.05 53.73 40.35 18.54 52.38 22.43 1S-32--- 31.13 31.17 50.35 5S.SS 63. S5 80.55 70.53 73.94 GO. 04 53.00 44.99 36.8S , 57.09 77.01 56.54 33.05 56.07 1S33___ 38.13 35. S9 42.76 61.31 70.68 73.3S 81.24 79.28 71.21 52.13 44.83 3S.30 5S.25 77.97 56.06 37.44 57.43 1SS4___ 21.54 44.04 45.29 59.SI 67.56 75.91 81. CO 81.27 64.98 54.93 45.21 32.45 57.55 79.59 55.06 32.6S 56.22 1835___ 33.64 21.75 42.02 54.05 69.73 74.47 74.41 73.10 61.42 59.26 40.79 35.00 55.27 73.99 53.82 30.13 53.30 1S36--- 46.79 39.25 29.17 1887.... 28.52 37.37 40.73 49.15 61.70 70.52 77.05 75.03 65.03 1 74.40 1S3S.... 52.56 57.57 73.53 79.77 77.83 67.22 51.82 32.43 25.61 ; 77.04 50.52 1S39.... 37.06 36.95 43.80 62.11 62.82 69.10 73.81 72.40 65.76 63.95 38.03 28.02 56.24 71.77 55.91 30.08 53.65 1840.... 24.96 39.4S 44.23 52.73 76.44 76.16 76.39 56.02 55.00 41.66 34.82 76.33 53.89 33.09 1S41.... 27.53 30.22 44.57 53.16 65.61 74.61 79.80 75.05 07.75 53.70 44.33 34.59 54.45 76.51 55.26 30.7S 54.25 1842.... 3S.70 37.02 58.72 64. SI 65.12 71.09 75.09 71.79 71.24 59.64 37.67 34.38 62.88 72.CC 56.18 36.70 57.10 1843.... 36.16 23.78 25.50 52.66 65.34 72.86 76.58 74.56 70.00 49.56 42.61 37.12 47.83 74.67 54.06 32.35 52.23 1S44.... 31.32 37.72 44.03 62.91 65.20 70.87 77.58 73.78 64.99 52.7S 44.05 36.52 57.3S 77.73 53.94 35.19 56.07 1345.... 39.13 43.05 46.32 65.63 66.86 77.62 79.85 76.50 70.40 54.45 41.58 25.03 59.60 77.99 55.48 35.74 57.20 1846.... 37.78 30.02 46.85 59.35 69.65 69.32 73.42 77.63 72.93 53.39 45.08 38.59 '58.62 75.14 57.80 35.46 56.76 1847.... 37.57 69.60 77.41 67.86 31.64 1848.... 38.49 40.99 42.42 56.61 68.53 71.43 72.51 73.97 63.83 54.46 37.93 31.63 54. S7 75.99 52.09 37.05 55.00 1849.... 28.06 31.18 49.46 55.28 65.15 73.53 75.19 74.87 67.41 52.24 49.71 29.38 56.63 74.53 56.79 29.54 54.37 1850.... 34.04 35.36 42.51 43.54 62.27 76.11 81.44 80.18 69.57 57.46 47.28 31.04 51.14 79.24 58.09 33.48 55.48 1351.... 35.4S 33.29 48.13 50.83 63.27 73.62 79.53 70.05 73.53 57.52 41.09 29.78 55.74 76.40 57.3S 34.52 56.01 1852.... 23.20 38.33 48.25 53.31 67.27 71.76 77.60 73.60 67.31 63.90 39.41 35.50 50.27 74.32 57.04 34.01 55.41 1853.... 36.30 33.73 44.37 57.42 64.46 78.48 76.66 77.07 70.84 53.81 49.98 34.51 55.42 77.40 5S.21 34.85 56.47 1354.... 2S.43 40.04 43.34 56.79 6S.44 74.78 85.80 82.12 75. S9 61.19 44.21 86.02 57.86 80.90 60.43 34.85 58.51 Mean 1 26 y'rs f 32.53 35.16 45.08 57.(,0 66.32 74.11 78.00 76.46 68.07 55.68 43.15 33.81 56.15 76.19 55.63 33.85 55.46 ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, MISSOURI. Latitude 38° 40', Longitude 1)0° 05'. Altitude 450 feet. 1843.... 22.54 25.28 56.03 66.79 74.80 79.83 70.82 72.59 53.39 41.74 35.93 49.37 77.15 55.91 31.54 53.4 1344.... 31.44 36.57 42.11 64.83 66.23 75.29 81.63 74.84 66.75 51.04 44.45 36.43 55.74 77.25 54.08 34.81 55.9 1845.... 38.69 40.51 44.34 60.99 61.71 73.50 79.32 75.85 75.03 53.95 40.55 24.13 55.68 70.22 56.51 34.44 55.7 1S46.... 37.20 27.93 45.71 54.91 68.97 71.11 79.95 77.87 72.38 54.05 42.78 37.46 56.53 76.31 56.40 84.20 55.8 1347.... 24.64 33.41 38.06 56.65 62.19 72.64 78.60 74.10 67.85 52.88 43.63 31.30 52.30 75.11 54.61 29.78 52.9 1S48.... 35.57 37.90 42.16 51.08 66.14 73.10 76.65 74.67 62.96 54.23 37.25 30.20 53.13 74.81 51.48 34.56 53.4 1849 ... 25.12 28.44 46.40 53.36 63.96 76.69 75.04 73.71 66.62 50.30 49.02 28.96 54.57 75.14 65.31 27.51 55.6 1850.... 34.03 33.76 81 41.33 48.55 61.47 75.61 73.83 77.89 07.31 54.14 44.72 29.85 50.45 77.79 55.89 81.24 53.7 626 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, MISSOURI—Continued. Latitude 38° 40', Longitude 90° 05'. Altitude 450 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. [ Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1651.... 32.50 36 31 46.32 50.61 66.49 72.41 78.35 77.09 71.71 55.13 39.39 29.21 54.47 75.95 55.41 82.69 54.63 1852.... 27.84 85.23 46.79 52.00 65.93 72.40 78.12 73.55 67.40 59.91 3S.48 33.37 54.90 74.69 55.26 32.16 54.25 33.25 31.88 42.95 56.53 04.58 73.13 76.00 76.27 69.01 51.70 46.96 32.14 54.69 76.80 55.89 32.42 54.95 1354.... 25.47 86.66 46.10 55.41 66.36 74.75 82 25 81.30 75.3S 59.70 41.58 34.84 55.96 79.43 53.89 82.16 56.61 Mean I 12yVsf 81.44 83.43 42.30 55.08 65.07 74.20 78.22 76.16 69.5S 54.20 42.55 31 93 54.15 70.19 55.44 82.27 54.51 Mean for sixteen years at St. Louis, 1833 to 184S, by Dr. Engelmann, 55.27 degrees. NEWPORT BARRACKS, KENTUCKY. Latitude 39° 05', Longitude 84° 29'. Altitude 500 feet. 1S47.... 75.60 75.28 70.51 55.04 46.52 83.67 57.36 1848.... 36.76 37.00 43.25 55.54 09.08 73.88 75.50 75.00 63.75 54.81 39.98 41.27 56.29 74.79 52.85 38.84 55.57 1849.... 83.08 31.08 49.00 54.50 65.20 76.34 75.19 73.50 66.77 55.25 51.15 32.14 56.23 75.01 67.72 32.10 57.76 1850.... 37.47 35.54 42.44 51.16 59.32 74.64 79.59 76.50 66.87 54.40 47.18 51.30 76.91 56.15 1S51.... 36.42 42.87 48.55 53.32 67.13 72.46 76.30 75.16 69.77 55.48 43.07 31.28 56.33 74.64 56.11 86.86 55.98 1852.... 27.26 87.95 46.62 51.01 64.37 68.97 76.74 72.20 65.79 00.44 41.92 40.15 54.00 72.64 56.05 35.12 54.45 35.52 84.55 41.60 55.00 63.93 76.00 73.41 74.43 67.86 51.35 45.98 34.88 53.51 74.61 55.06 34.98 54.54 1854.... 31.75 89.60 46.74 53.20 64.00 72.13 79.54 78.13 74.34 59.75 41.89 85.37 54.05 76.60 5S.60 35.57 56.37 Mean ) 7-4 y'rs j 34.04 36.94 45.46 53.39 64.72 73.49 76.48 75.02 68.21 55.81 44.71 34. S4 54.52 75.00 56.24 35.27 55.26 Mean ) 18 y'rs \ 33.50 34.10 43.40 54.50 63.50 71.10 76.30 73.70 65.50 53.00 42.30 33.80 53.80 73.70 53.60 38.80 53.70 The last summary is of observations at Cincinnati by Professor Ray. DETROIT, MICHIGAN.* Latitude 42° 20', Longitude 82° 58'. Altitude 580 feet. Is36.... 44.97 56.76 63.39 67.15 60.52 58.13 39.96 33.12 24.79 63.69 43.74 1S37.... 21.57 24.29 29.84 38.31 51.68 62.74 66.22 65.41 58.74 46.95 39.59 26.63 39.94 64.79 48.43 24.16 44.33 1S3S.... 27.72 12.11 38.77 39.68 50.62 63.12 73.78 68.67 59.51 62.66 29.31 17.60 43.02 70.19 43.83 19.14 44.05 1339.... 25.69 27.38 32.77 50.74 59.85 65.02 72.67 66.67 55.63 57.46 33.04 23.03 47.79 63.12 50.38 27.03 48.33 1840.... 20.37 33.28 35.19 48 14 60.78 66.75 67.86 66.57 56.89 48.43 37.80 23.39 43.04 67.06 47.71 27.35 47.54 1S41.... 25.96 25.76 81.47 42.04 51.89 67.16 68.06 63.16 61.81 45.64 36.83 31.81 41.80 63.13 48.76 27.03 46.57 1342.... 82.67 31.74 44.89 49.17 54.13 60.30 66.39 67.21 61.00 51.14 34.93 29.57 49.40 64.65 49.02 31.30 43.59 1S43.... 30.4S 19.25 22.45 46.83 54.35 64.33 66.00 66.08 65.48 44.62 34.95 31.35 41.21 65.47 43.35 27.03 45.51 1844.... 23.43 29.37 34.90 54.57 58.49 63.9S 70.73 66.67 62.25 47.27 33.11 30.03 49.32 67.13 49.21 27.61 48. Si 1S45.... 30.07 29.92 39.70 48.60 55.40 66.17 70.92 71.92 59.70 43.85 35.50 21.95 47.90 69.67 4S.01 27.31 48.22 1346.... 29.32 24.62 36.85 80.03 62.92 66.27 49.95 ...... 1-49.... 24.69 26.03 39.16 45.69 56.11 69.85 72.60 69.84 63.81 49.71 46.77 26.95 46.96 70.76 53.43 25.89 49.26 1S50.... 30.77 29.65 35.37 44.31 55.04 69.63 74.59 71.69 60.64 49.53 44.21 25.98 44.97 71.97 51.46 23.80 49.30 1851.... 23.47 32.66 89.66 44.69 56.32 46.79 ...... Mean ) 13 y'rs ( 27.01 26.62 35.40 46.26 56.02 65.62 69.71 67.47 60.05 47.69 38.26 26.88 45.89 67.60 48.67 26.34 47.25 * At Detroit Arsenal, Dearbornville, ten miles west of the city, to the close of 1S39 ; subsequently at Detroit Barracks. CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 627 FORT GRATIOT, MICHIGAN. Latitude 42° 55', Longitude 82° 23'. Altitude 598 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. a ■ 1 Spring. Bummer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S30.... 52.00 54.40 61.93 73.59 71.23 62.26 55.30 45.56 23.03 68.92 54.37 1331... 21.26 20.17 3S.65 44 22 56.07 70.15 72.03 70.61. 59.38 52.23 38.40 15.82 46.31 70.93 50.00 19.03 40.58 1S32.... 25.16 21.09 35.28 43.84 53.57 67. S5 70.99 61.98 62.73 53.96 39.10 31.97 44.23 69.37 51.95 26.17 47.93 1S33.... 29.65 24.80 31.67 43.19 57.70 62.08 70.40 68.90 61.95 47.04 39.93 34.92 45.85 67.13 49.66 29.79 ■48.11 1834.... 21.39 34.30 34.96 47.30 5S.44 64.10 75.16 70.79 60.77 47.94 40.27 80.36 46.90 70.02 49.66 28.63 43.SI IS35... 28.49 23.06 32.95 44.60 53.07 65.80 68.55 66.87 55.94 52.96 38.66 26.46 45.21 67.07 49.19 26.00 46.37 1S30.... 26.63 17.53 24.57 38.61 52.29 58.98 68.08 61.15 53.63 41.00 36.5S 27.14 38.82 62.74 45.42 23.78 42.(9 1837.... 23.21 25.03 23.98 36.74 47.70 37.81 1889.... 69.64 65.15 55.32 55.43 34.24 26.09 48.33 1840.... 16.71 31.42 34.75 46.26 58-09 65.87 68.15 69.32 63.95 40.87 3 .59 24.61 46.57 67.78 46.80 24.25 46.35 1311.... 23.70 20.31 30.87 40.32 50.18 64.20 71.60 69.65 63.27 44.61 37.48 31.13 40.46 63.48 48.45 25.05 45.61 1842.... 30.26 29.46 39.2S 48.05 51.36 5S.41 64.84 66.52 58.23 50.10 34.71 27.93 46.23 63.26 47.63 29.22 46.60 1843.... 29.18 18.46 19.96 39.94 53.00 60.46 63.32 67. SI 63.50 44.90 34.80 31.90 36 63 63.86 47.73 2G.51 43.63 1844.... 22.57 2S.82 33.62 53.40 58.18 60.97 66.82 65.25 60.43 45.56 36.24 29.79 48.40 64.35 47.41 26.39 46.64 1S45.... 28.46 29.43 38.49 44.49 52.18 63.18 69.52 69.69 5S.81 47.94 36.05 20.64 45.05 67.46 47.60 26.18 43.57 1846.... 26.53 22.96 34.63 45.36 56.54 62.15 45.51 1849.... 70.33 65.87 60.00 43.58 45.25 25.53 51.24 1850.... 29.43 26.89 29.62 41.71 48.91 66.87 71.25 68.67 57.48 43. OS 42.25 24.-12 40.08 63.93 39.23 26.91 43.7'J 1851.... 25.67 29.55 35.09 40.83 53.16 62.00 67.56 64.34 62.46 50.76 35.14 24.63 43.02 64.63 49.45 26.62 45.93 1852.... 21.90 36.17 31.01 36.61 50.89 89.51 Mean Hi y'rs. j-25.30 25.26 33.16 44.08 53.80 63.44 69.55 67.10 60.31 43.66 38.24 26.55 43.68 66.70 49.07 25.70 46.29 FORT MACKINAC, MICHIGAN. Latitude 45° 51', Longitude 84° 33'. Altitude 728 feet. 1325.... ___ 55.26 47.92 38.60 20.70 47.26 1826.... 1B.93 17.66 26.32 32.85 50.59 61.14 66.74 63.29 54.84 48.63 35.60 23.41 36.59 63.72 46.36 20.00 41.S7 1323.... 21.14 20.06 28.17 85.96 47.60 57.81 61.53 63.85 55.18 46.4S 36.12 26.25 37.24 61.06 45.92 22.43 41.67 1S29.... 19.87 11.44 22.78 87.09 55.52 60.95 63.89 65.95 53.20 47.56 29.63 29.79 38.46 63.60 43.45 20.10 41.40 1S30.... 16.2S 21.45 2S.51 48.62 46.31 56.44 70.. 12 64.88 53.16 49.76 43.40 24.76 39.48 63.81 48.77 20.83 43.2.; 1831.... 16.43 14.97 30.88 37.58 48.27 61.54 64.75 65.56 53.02 45.62 34.14 13.94 38..S1 63.95 44.20 15.13 40.55 1832.... 18.89 8.00 27.94 38.22 44 38 59.08 61.69 63.54 54.38 46.73 31.35 27.01 36.85 61.44 44.32 17.30 39.93 1S83.... 21.54 16.29 23.16 38.97 48.97 53.60 62.05 64.14 55.66 41.73 35.36 32.36 87.03 59.93 44.25 23.40 41.15 1834.... 16.42 24.64 26.92 39.58 44.69 53.19 65.57 65.39 54.67 41.08 34.95 21.75 37.05 61.38 43.63 20.94 40. :■>; 1835.... 22.87 10.08 24.80 36-0! 47.73 59.45 62.83 62.27 50.25 43.55 29.53 19. SS 86.18 61.52 41.11 17.61 39.10 1836.... 18.22 12.33 15.54 32.42 46.44 53.77 63.82 57.72 50.79 37.73 34.11 22.55 31.47 59.10 40.83 17.70 37.29 1837.... 17.44 17.39 20.07 1S42.... 26.49 24.01 33.42 40.93 45.30 51.61 61.62 65.90 55.90 47.88 32.50 24.59 39. SS 59.71 45.26 25.03 42.47 1843.... 25.40 8.25 16.87 36.-56 44.38 56.56 59.82 64.98 57.70 42.29 80.60 27.75 32.60 60.45 43.53 20.80 39.34 1S44.... 16.23 23.61 26.29 42.48 48.80 54.10 63.64 ■62.64 55.52 48.46 34.81 24.44 89.17 60.13 44.60 21.43 41.33 1345.... 22.67 22.53 30.01 86.83 47.78 56.60 64.15 64.45 53.76 44.10 81.78 19.86 3S.04 61.73 43.21 21.69 41.17 1346.... 23.92 18.00 30.14 38.32 50.41 53.77 66.00 68.07 61.25 42.04 37.97 25. S2 39.62 64.28 46.95 22.5S 48.86 1847.... 13.14 15.56 19.60 88.82 45.70 53.12 65.41 60.97 52.19 48.69 32.60 22.57 32.87 59.83 42. S3 17.09 33.16 1843.... 20.86 20.69 23.21 37.31 43.14 20.73 36.22 20.76 G2S CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT MACKINAC, MICHIGAN—Continued. Latitude 45° 51', Longitude 84° 33'. Altitude 728 feet. Jan. Feb. March. 1 April. May. June, July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 134!> 1350___ 1351.... 1552... 1S53.... 1S54 .. 13.98 12.36 23.66 23.09 19.47 25.36 15.80 20.14 22.35 17.63 13.09 15.89 1 28.10 25.67 30.21 24.17 27.12 26.40 33.30 33.92 36.26 35.73 38.13 37.06 46.06 43.10 44.79 46.76 47.62 5S.90 61.30 57.61 56.00 59.96 66.93 68.00 66.75 64.47 63.81 67.12 61.64 67.25 63.37 65.65 65.06 62.47 50.15 58.91 58.86 55.13 57.23 59.72 44.10 45.22 49.55 45.97 44.24 49.61 41.53 36.14 27.71 32.37 33.75 33.66 20.17 19.53 16.57 25.46 23.66 21.41 85.82 35.90 37.08 37.34 37.03 62.49 65.52 62.38 61.62 63.18 45.26 46.76 45.37 44.49 45.07 47.06 15.50 22.11 20.47 20.47 21.40 16.30 89.77 42.57 41.33 41.86 41.17 Mean \ 24 y'rs J l 19.37 17.60 | 25.68 1 37.03 47.47 57.31 64.55 64..05 55.08 45.17 34.30 23.12 36.73 61.97 43.85 20.03 40.65 FORT DEARBORN, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Latitude 41° 52',, Longitude 87° 35'. Altitude 591 feet. 1532 ... 1S33.... 1S34.... 1335.... 1836.... 29.92 13.51 23.82 22.63 27.81 35.06 14.15 21.94 33.59 30.94 32.27 26.41 50.88 47.75 42.92 42.77 60.71 55.25 55.22 54.12 64.25 63.54 63.71 59.18 71.25 73.00 74.87 67.66 67.09 71.95 70.83 71.66 65.92 62.41 63.40 64.55 60.5S 54.76 57.20 54.43 45.91 46.69 48.33 47.24 40.10 40.00 40.54 34.35 34.51 33.83 34.29 29.79 25.03 24.37 48.39 46 93 43.80 41.10 69.35 70.02 65.76 62.89 52.64 50.15 49.27 45.81 46.32 30.67 26.12 22.50 22.93 49.6-43.1( 44.4 43.35 Mean | 23.60 24.74' 32.30 46.08 56.32 62.67 70.77 68.55 60.10 48.54 37.90 29.37 44.90 67.33 48.85 25.90 46.7 £ FORT BRADY, MICHIGAN. Latitude 46° 30', Longitude 84° 43'. Altitude 600 feet. 1523.... 22.10 9.47 20.48 39.69 46.96 1324.... 19.95 12.65 25.19 39.34 48.54 1825.... IS. 73 25.62 30.97 41.54 52.55 1826.... 17.62 16.53 25.37 32.86 54.03 1827.... 17.36 22.73 25. So 39.39 49.92 1323.... 13.43 20.33 2S.73 39.35 52.80 1S29.... 16.40 9.83 23.16 33.21 55.20 1830.. . 13.19 1^.67 27.92 46.18 48.48 1S31..'.. 15.43 16.S6 33.72 30.19 51.56 1332.... 13.21 9.55 28.8S 40.96 48.55 1833.... 17.74 14.01 23.35 40.63 54.15 1834.... 14.SO 21.24 27.70 40-63 51.59 1S35 ... 21.50 10.06 25.14 3S.34 52.37 1S36.... 17.72 11.38 16.12 33.68 4S.73 1837.... 13.40 13.61 16.07 £0.44 42.96 1833.... 16.77 8.23 81.17 30.71 44.90 1S39.... 16.20 20.73 23.02 45.44 45.85 134).... 15. OS 21.59 23.82 38.35 58.37 1341... 16.S3 15.46 22.34 33.50 46.23 1342.... 13.17 19.49 80.85 39.21 42.14 1343... 21. SI 8.69 12.70 35.96 44.60 1344... 10.51 20.42 23.77 42.67 47.95 1845.... 17.90 19.75 27.80 35.57 44.52 59.71 68.44 64.17 53.20 60.07 64.56 62.87 57.80 61.90 67.39 67.99 54.84 62.16 ...... 59.68 63.60 63.57 5S.87 61.23 67.20 64.86 54.85 59.76 59.35 71.00 62.33 55.22 62.49 65.11 65.75 53.76 62.69 69.55 63.13 55.41 57.56 62.93 64.36 54.55 56 .32 67.98 66.38 53.10 61.65 64.29 62.49 51.69 58.57 62.43 55.69 49.39 55.87 57.63 5S.55 53.10 59.00 67.85 63.20 55.54 57.46 66.16 64.83 52.66 62.19 64.07 60.03 52.45 63.59 61.41 63.43 54.99 50.52 58.45 62.93 51.12 55.60 67.90 62.93 53.30 53.89 61.06 60.17 53.35 56.27 61.20 63.77 54.92 42.49 42.61 45.70 45.37 45.12 45.53 47.64 49.50 46.19 49.60 39.84 40.37 43.88 37.56 40.23 41.13 43.44 40.77 41.02 43.17 33.04 89.85 45.42 29.72 31.35 36.77 33.44 31.15 34.50 28.81 44.08 34.97 32.50 33.05 34.5.4 30.55 33.19 34.53 24.05 31.38 31.44 31.78 29.07 28.25 29.32 31 50 19.69 35.71 64.13 20.45 37.69 62.50 17.48 41.69 65.78 21.93. 37.42 20.33 38.39 62.28 23.74 40.29 64.43 23.56 38.86 24.66 40.86 64.23 12.39 41.49 64.45 24.16 39.46 65.12 33.96 39.38 61.62 18.76 39.99 63.73 19.00 33.62 62.81 19.91 32.84 53.91 20.95 29.82 57.37 12.21 35.59 63.35 27.90 33.10 62.98 19.37 41.85 62.10 22.82 84.02 62.74 20 78 37.40 57.30 25.80 81.09 62.14 20.91 83.13 53.21 18.25 35.80 60.41 41.80 43.94 45.77 45.05 44.96 49.60 44.97 45.34 42.48 42.67 42.04 40.05 42.62 40.26 44.16 41.55 42.58 41.12 89.86 41.01 43.98 17.09 19.G3 20.01 13.69 20.14 20. S3 IS. 2s 1S.S4 14.89 17.31 21.90 18.27 16.35 16.34 15.99 12.40 21.61 13.65 18.37 19.48 17.10 17.23 18.63 39.63 40.95 43.46 41.46 42.63 43.43 41.45, 41.93 41.34 41.16 40.08 37.03 36.45 37.90 41.71 41.09 39.43 38.82 87.55 38.66 39.70 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 629 FORT BRADY, MICHIGAN—Continued. Latitude 46° 30', Longitude 84° 43'. Altitude 600 feet. FORT WILKINS, MICHIGAN. Latitude 47° 30', Longitude 88° 00'. Altitude 620 feet. FORT HOWARD, WISCONSIN. Latitude 44° 30', Longitude 88° 05'. Altitude 620 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1346.... 23.50 17.12 31.70 42.17 52.95 61.72 61.62 44.87 39.72 25.75 42.27 48.74 22.12 1847.... 12.40 13.26 19.87 35.03 51.37 55.64 66. E9 62.43 54.71 44.25 32.85 22.10 35.42 61.69 43.94 15.92 39.24 1848.... 18.53 21.80 25.14 39.11 50.11 38.12 1850.... 21.80 21.74 26.92 36.88 47.31 62.64 65.88 64.49 54.46 45.29 37.38 18.66 37.04 64.34 45.71 20.73 41.96 1851.... 17.69 21.96 28.64 38.20 44.47 53.46 62.46 61.28 56.32 44.73 26.64 17.29 37.10 59.07 42.57 18.93 39.43 1852.... 11.69 14.13 18.03 34.52 48.91 35.65 25.06 33.82 16.96 21.38 18.20 27.70 38.96 48.97 59.8S 62.04 63.14 54.08 40.59 82.51 20.47 38.54 61.69 42.39 20.02 40.66 1854.... 11.02 12.98 23.14 40.87 46.36 60.54 65.20 61.27 58.04 44.00 29.76 15.26 36.79 62.34 43.93 13.09 39.04 Mean ) 81 y'rs J 17.22 16.20 25.15 38.31 49.34 58.40 64.73 62.90 54.57 43.56 32.50 21.50 37.60 62.01 43.54 18.31 40.37 1344.... 56.78 63.30 63.10 55.82 41.64 29.54 22.67 61.06 42.00 1S45.... 21.40 23.70 25.99 36.83 44.80 55.85 63.80 61.24 55.75 44.18 30.81 18.43 35.89 60.30 43.58 21.18 40.24 1S46.... 25.40 19.09 31.88 39.26 52.03 57.41 40.96 Mean .. 23.40 21.40 28.94 38.07 48.41 56.63 63.55 62.17 55.79 42.91 30.17 20.55 38 47 00.80 42.96 21.7S 41.00 1822.... 13.20 21.40 34.87 41.18 61.15 66.48 72.45 69.59 59.18 43.47 36.32 9.37 45.73 69.51 46.32 14.66 44.05 1323.... 19.74 15.17 25.98 42.60 52.23 66.01 71.73 69.09 53.45 42.56 23.91 20.06 40.27 68.94 41.97 18.32 42.38 1324.... 24.45 17.95 28.48 42.19 53.53 65.12 73.07 67.92 59.54 42.52 30.50 27.25 41.40 63.70 44.15 23.22 44.37 1825.... 18.51 28.15 34.05 47.29 56.93 69.26 79.13 68.56 56 55 48.95 37.25 16.19 46.09 72.82 47.58 20.95 46.73 1326.... 19.19 18.85 29.39 39.51 62.35 67.89 70.74 68.24 57.26 50.92 36.29 20.92 43.75 6S.96 48.16 19.65 45.13 1827.... 16.21 25.10 31.00 43.20 55.61 68.15 72.14 70.17 64.12 46.95 34.19 20.42 43.27 70.15 48.42 20.53 45.60 1823.... 18.97 23.48 36.60 41.84 56.79 69.73 69.75 69.69 55.30 48.43 34.60 24.58 45.08 69.72 46 11 22.34 45.81 1S29___ 13.95 6.83 27.10 40.16 61.21 68.76 68.51 67.45 56.00 49.73 26.51 29.39 42.82 63.24 44.08 18.41 43.89 1330___ 14.04 24.47 33.21 51.55 54.53 64.00 75.72 6S.77 57.05 54.07 43.04 20.81 46.43 69.50 51.89 19.77 46.77 1831___ 9.93 12.71 33.69 40.90 56.51 63.83 72.03 70.04 53.63 46.18 31.21 3.86 43.70 70.32 43.69 8.83 41.63 1832.... 16.67 9.27 34.49 47.23 53.95 68.44 71.65 66.51 58.54 45.22 68.87 1333.... 21.43 20.12 30.62 47.69 58.74 64.04 72.55 70.40 60.97 42.74 37.27 33.47 45.75 69.00 47.00 25.02 46.69 1834.... 11.55 31.30 33.05 46.77 53.4S 63.53 75.23 71.19 58.53 46.66 39.93 26.47 46.10 69.93 48.37 23.11 46.89 1835.... 25.84 11.78 31.95 43.06 59.93 67.84 69.83 67.82 53.56 47.34 29.18 19.79 45.00 68.00 43.36 19.14 43.88 1S36___ 20.97 20.60 23.89 41.84 56.86 63.78 69.15 62.67 55.00 40.33 34.68 23.69 40.86 65.20 43.34 71.75 42.79 1837 ... 24.16 23.44 25.65 38.03 47.95 62.34 67.70 64.72 56.94 45.56 39.66 26.42 87.21 64.92 47.39 24.67 43.55 1833.... 21.62 12.54 37.67 39.69 51.03 66.79 71.51 69.82 56.30 42.57 25.84 15.54 42.63 69.37 41.57 16.57 42.53 1839.... 24.11 25.12 30.15 52.91 53.93 61.25 71.31 65.28 55.46 54.29 32.07 27.18 45.66 65.95 47.21 25.47 46.07 1840.... 16.08 22.67 33.59 46.36 59.54 63.89 68.91 65.53 56.97 45.94 33.00 21.01 46.50 67.61 45.24 19.92 44.82 1349.... 44.77 42.17 15.46 1850.... 21.79 23.38 28.98 37.83 50.11 66.75 70.87 68.03 56.31 47.33 84.69 17.84 38.97 68.22 46.11 21.00 43.87 lc51...- 20.15 I 24.89 33.47 39.96 50.19 62.26 67.32 64.56 61.16 46.11 81.10 17.69 41.20 64.71 46.12 20.91 43.23 Mean ) 21 y'rs J 18.93 19.96 81.33 43.43 55 79 66.17 71.49 67.83 57.23 46.54 84.26 20. S3 43.52 68.51 46.01 19.91 44.49 630 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT WINNEBAGO, WISCONSIN. Latitude 43° 31', Longitude 89° 28'. Altitude 770? feet. * The summer months of this year are reported as unprecedentedly hot and dry in Wisconsin. FORT CRAWFORD, WISCONSIN. Latitude 43° 05', Longitude 91° 00'. Altitude 642 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1329.... 25.49 9.64 33.77 46.83 64.01 6S.40 70.08 70.86 61.11 55.45 81.00 83.75 48.20 69.61 49.19 22 96 47.49 1830*... 17.43 28.20 88.40 57.35 61.97 71.38 83.65 76.20 63.83 60.21 47.62 23.24 52.57 77.08 57.22 22.96 52.46 1S31.... 13.77 18.94 40.12 49.18 61.44 73.55 74.49 72.46 61.37 51.97 83.85 9.88 50.25 73.50 49.06 14.16 46.74 1832.... 24.40 16.52 41.53 53.52 57.40 72.75 76.04 71.33 64.95 55.69 37.02 32.63 50.83 73.39 52.55 24.52 50.82 1833.... 29.82 28.31 42.20 54.06 1834.... 59.73 47.35 39.00 22.51 1835.... 21.13 7.33 30.83 43.08 5S.94 64.10 67.99 64.85 51. IS 45.75 27.14 18.62 44.23 65.48 41.36 15.71 41.71 1836.... 15.95 17.66 20.49 40.34 56.65 62.06 67.56 61.67 54.33 36.75 31.25 16.98 89.16 63.76 40.78 13.53 39.31 1837.... 16.67 19.63 23.30 36.44 50.34 61.73 6S.29 64.12 55.77 46.81 85.05 20.77 86.69 64.71 45.71 19.04 41.54 1833.... 17.95 6.04 87.89 37.50 49.35 66.57 73.01 68.22 56.49 39.21 21.63 12.93 41.58 69.27 39.11 12.31 40.57 1839.... 22.36 22.79 30.47 53.97 54.78 60.57 63.56 64.02 51.22 52.42 28.16 22.33 46.41 64.38 43.93 22.49 44.30 1840.... 12.78 22.97 31.52 44.76 58.95 65.33 66.52 64.49 54.45 43.82 30.00 16.45 45.08 65.46 42.76 17.40 42.67 1841.... 12.03 15.08 28.98 39.69 55.99 66.27 67.97 63.96 54.50 42.50 81.67 23.49 41.52 66.07 42.89 16.87 41.84 1842.... 20.52 21.95 89.70 50.58 52.88 57.76 66.16 65.39 57.63 47.89 26.76 18.31 47.72 63.10 44.09 20.26 43.79 1843.... 22.08 8.75 12.38 44.31 53.22 64.26 70.59 67.04 61.83 39.29 29.88 27.24 36.64 67.80 48.67 19.84 41.74 1844.... 16.57 24.47 35.02 55.17 63.21 71.10 66.43 59.10 43.69 32.11 20.87 66.91 44.93 20.64 1845... 23.53 27.54 34.96 48.40 57.41 66.57 72.22 69.66 46.92 69.43 Mean ) 16 y'rs J 19.52 18.50 32.60 47.20 56.66 65.63 70.95 67.31 57.83 47.90 82.14 21.33 45.49 67.96 45.96 19.78 44.80 1S22.... 14.86 23.73 3S.01 43.99 60.45 69.25 73.66 72.70 61.16 44.37 34.26 9.53 47.48 71.87 46.60 16.04 45.50 1824.... 24.59 20.14 26.96 43.86 58.46 67.90 71.84 70.12 61.84 46.53 41.86 26.56 43.09 69.79 46.74 23.76 45.34 1S25.... 1829.... 18.55 80.45 40.96 71.00 73.76 63.05 54.81 30.26 31.93 49.37 1330.... 20.21 27.84 38.42 56.76 64.10 73.53 81.46 77.07 61.45 55.97 45.90 19.28 53.09 77.35 54.44 22.44 51.83 1S31..-.. 9.92 18.90 86.80 47.26 61.90 72.69 76.56 71.93 60.17 52.00 29.54 5.97 48.65 73.78 47.24 11.60 45.30 1832.... 18.42 9.96 37.43 54.84 35.92 72.75 74.40 70.06 62.08 52.01 35.18 28.90 49.40 72.40 49.76 19.09 47.60 27.57 23.94 84.85 58.86 64.92 70.49 7S.72 76.57 70.27 43.79 39.47 32.68 52.88 75.26 51.18 28.06 51.84 1834.... 7.96 34.16 34.74 57.44 51.07 68.88 80.49 77.55 59.56 48.58 41.99 27.93 47.75 75.64 50.04 23.35 49.19 1835.... 26.27 9.47 35.74 46.45 64.57 68.77 73.83 70.25 56.45 49.57 29.74 21.69 48.92 70.95 45.25 19.14 46.06 1S36.... 17.72 20.08 24.22 45.73 63.91 67.45 72.95 67.26 60.49 41.71 34.83 20.51 44.62 69.22 45.63 19.42 45.53 1837.... 18.48 25. S4 26.86 42.56 56.71 64.08 73.74 70.97 61.14 50.06 39.66 21.57 42.02 69.60 50.29 21.95 45.96 1833.... 22.03 6.92 43.43 45.16 56.63 72.40 73.22 73.95 63.99 45.87 27.45 17.86 48.41 74.86 45.77 15.60 46.16 1839.. . 27.38 23. S3 35.65 61.56 63.44 69.51 78.71 72.05 58.81 59.53 33.55 25.49 53.55 73.42 50. C3 27.25 51.46 1840.... 16.21 26.46 87.15 51.34 65.97 73.89 73.31 70.50 59.45 47.94 35.63 23.42 51.49 72.57 47.67 22.03 43.44 1841.... 16.79 21.73 36.92 44.99 64.78 71.43 74.25 69.16 59.49 47.61 36.87 25.82 48.90 71.61 48.99 21.46 47.74 1S42.... 20.81 22.71 43.95 59.68 59.64 67.63 73.78 71.13 62.74 53.39 29.14 19.47 54.42 70.85 43.46 20.83 43.64 1343.... 20.17 7.70 8.29 45.60 56.22 67.16 74.00 71.10 65.18 40.22 31.27 28.61 86.70 70.75 45.56 18.83 42.96 1344... 17.25 24.70 37.6S 57.24 60.68 66.12 74.19 70.00 60.43 46.74 85.79 20.47 51.87 70.10 47.65 20.81 47.61 1S45.... 24.43 23.06 3S.27 52.57 61.01 68.07 75.25 72.33 50.62 71.88 Mean ) 19 y'rs ) 19.43 21.67 34.53 50.88 60.5S 69.55 75.26 72.03 61.54 48.92 34.56 22.65 48.66 72.28 43.84 21.25 47.63 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 631 FORT ARMSTRONG, ILLINOIS. Latitude 41° 30', Longitude 90° 40'. Altitude 528 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1824.... 1S25.... 1826.... 1827.... 1828.... 1829.... 1830.... 1831.... 1832.... 1333.... 1884.... 1S35.... £9.58 21.59 19.26 21.75 24.28 25.75 23.45 13.10 23.35 31.30 12.82 27.38- 24.57 33.04 22.74 31.37 31.08 12.41 30.29 17.72 17.43 28.12 36.17 11.28 32.92 42.04 37.16 40.43 35.69 32.56 41.18 3S.89 41.06 37.68 39.07 35.22 49.17 54.35 44.95 51.18 48.25 49.73 55.90 48.56 54.92 55.68 54.44 45.66 61.64 C5.12 6S.89 63.83 62.03 67.08 62.38 59.64 58.42 63.30 59.70 60.10 70.05 74.64 74.28 72.31 75.54 74.12 72.26 70.45 73.24 65.88 67.64 66.26 76.47 79.91 76.41 78.38 76.85 75.10 81.36 74.34 74.62 76.87 71.03 74.06 77.51 72.20 76.66 76.73 74.88 76.53 72.13 78.24 75.38 69.84 64.21 65.92 63.59 67.43 60.84 62.94 62.87 59.56 64.90 59.64 60.82 50.47 52.04 57-52 52.26 54.29 54.78 57.00 50.90 43.43 48.81 53.38 84.23 41.95 43.54 38.64 40 89 29.80 49.99 35.57 39.97 40.89 33.75 29.55 22.98 26.63 27.74 33.47 34.60 26.39 9.56 32.90 30.00 24.91 47.91 53.84 50.33 51.81 48.66 49.79 53.15 49.03 51.47 52.22 51.07 46.99 73.53 77.35 74.30 75.78 76.37 74.70 76.73 72.31 71.25 73.30 69.04 49.64 53.80 54.88 52.78 52.01 49.17 56.62 48.68 49.43 49.78 49.32 27.90 25.67 22 88 26.95 29.61 24.25 26.69 13.46 80.77 26.33 21.19 49.74 52.59 50.60 51.8-3 51.66 49.48 53 30 45.S7 50.92 50.12 46.63 Mean ) my's. 22.80 24.68 37.82 51.06 62.70 71.89 76.49 74.47 63.90 52.26 39.02 27.16 50.53 74.12 51.73 24.3S 50.31 FORT ATKINSON, IOWA. Latitude 43° 00', Longitude 92° 00'. Altitude 700? feet. 1S42.... 1343.... 1844.... 1845.... 1846.... 18.07 21.17 14.32 22.48 29.70 20.76 8.39 23.61 26.59 22 35 32.51 7.53 35.01 84.90 38.00 54.90 44.40 55.39 49.00 45.58 56.94 55.08 57.32 53.67 64.21 62.31 66.31 64.10 66.34 70.13 72.72 73.39 73.53 70.76 67.17 67.40 69.35 65.96 62.10 58.36 59.59 55.91 33.24 43.25 45.20 31.80 29.90 32.28 31.02 19.17 26.90 18.76 16.71 51.45 35.67 49.24 47.52 49.26 67.73 C8.73 68.30 69.74 51.22 43.44 44.61 45.27 19.33 18.82 18.89 21.93 47.4£ 41.6C 45.2< 46.11 Mean... 21.15 20.34 31.59 49.85 58.44 64.76 72.44 68.67 61.50 45.65 31.25 20.38 46.63 68.62 46.13 20.62 45.5( FORT DES MOINES, IOWA. Latitude 41° 32', Longitude 93° 38'. Altitude 780 feet. 1843.... 1844.... 1S45.... 1846.... 21.08 28.96 32.25 33.97 32.08 23.90 38.88 40.20 59.24 52.30 59.33 59.11 64.88 67.99 76.46 76.52 71.61 71.86 59.36 62.98 43.50 45.86 34.93 35.70 31.50 26.90 52.48 50.54 70.98 72.12 46.97 27.32 49.44 Mean .. 27.43 29.98 39.54 55.77 59.22 66.43 76.49 71.73 61.17 44.68 35.31 29.20 51.51 71.55 47. C5 28.87 49.74 FORT GAINES, (RIPLEY,) MINNESOTA. Latitude 46° 19', Longitude 94° 19'. Altitude 1130 feet. 1849.... 1850.... 1851.... 1852.... 1853.... 1854.... 1855...- 7.94 9.25 10.08 13.61 — 2.10* 8.42 13.03 14.46 17.53 7.11 10.88 8.22 20.27 81.82 21.21 22.46 27.26 23.69 32.54 89.82 36.55 43.85 45.58 46.16 50.99 48.44 55.96 52.02 52.11 57.69 63.76 60.04 63.05 62.92 64.01 62.90 67.68 66.21 68.00 65.70 68.93 64.28 67.84 61.61 66.58 66.34 61.78 56.83 54.60 60.03 53.43 56.53 58.59 43.05 42.85 43.86 45.01 41.45 48.27 87.26 30.50 24.33 22.56 24.20 23.52 4.94 6.03 7.41 9.87 15.74 18.19 34.60 39.86 37.90 39.44 41.65 42.51 65.94 65.87 64.98 64.91 45.71 42.65 42.57 40.33 40.73 45.46 8.99 10.37 12.83 12.15 S.99 88.05 39.11 39.32 40.25 Mean ) 6 y'rs J 7.87 11.87 24.37 40.75 52.87 62.78 67.80 64.74 56.67 44.00 28.06 10.28 39.83 64.94 42.91 10.01 39.80 ♦2.10 degrees below zero. 632 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT SNELLING, MINNESOTA. Latitude 44° 53', Longitude 93° 10'. Altitude 820 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 819.... , 44.13 33.04 20.00 820.... 0.92 21.29 26.43 52.72 60.64 70.86 68.86 68.32 62.01 30.71 10.83 46.60 69.35 11.01 1821.... 7.88 14.51 29.04 40.63 57.08 74.27 72.26 75.06 59.00 48.72 30.74 10.58 42.25 73.86 46.15 10.82 48.27 1822.... 11.68 19.92 87.89 43.75 61.28 70.19 75.47 72.77 60.53 42.56 80.53 3.26 47.47 72.81 44.57 11.62 44.12 1823.... 18.16 5.95 29.87 49.26 56.94 73.96 75.85 72.00 56.03 47.12 81.75 13.56 45.36 78.94 44.97 10.89 43.79 1824.... 17.17 14.20 23.86 41.78 56.29 66.03 73.03 70.50 61.03 41.92 29.96 22.23 40.31 69.85 44.30 17.87 48.08 1825.... 14.84 26.25 36.29 55.19 60.90 70.67 75.54 73.01 62.87 45.98 33.94 14.36 50.79 73.07 47.60 18.48 47.48 L826.... 13.09 16.15 29.60 87.68 66.76 72.05 73.85 70.24 55.32 49.13 85.29 19.15 44.68 72.05 46.58 16.13 44.86 1827.... 17.26 24.86 31.74 44.76 62.93 71.95 74.06 70.85 61.02 49.26 31.99 13.01 46.48 72.12 47.42 18.88 46.10 1823.... 10.42 16.80 32.24 45.04 60.28 71.82 76.40 74.46 53.83 50.12 35.18 24.87 45.85 74.23 48.04 17.36 46.87 1829.... 15.97 7.51 29.87 43.03 68.17 73.63 73.57 71.34 57.77 50.46 27.14 25.08 43.69 72.33 45.12 16.19 45.71 1830.... 14.18 23.60 34.00 51.77 59.70 70.31 81.66 73.21 53.70 54.74 42.79 15.64 48.49 75.06 52.08 17.81 48.86 1831.... 8.84 14.04 32.28 45.18 61.11 70.06 73.81 71.51 54.78 48.28 81.16 3.28 46.17 71.79 44.74 8.72 42.85 1832.... 17.16 6.46 38.05 53.97 55.89 66.94 78.72 67.61 60.50 50.67 33.54 25.77 49.80 69.42 48.24 16.46 45.85 1833.... 21.19 20.93 34.09 51.76 61.09 67.97 75.17 70.75 62.61 41.43 37.11 31.37 48.98 71.26 47.05 24.50 47.95 1834.... 5.63 31.16 32.32 51.67 61.76 67.18 77.75 73.32 56.69 45.82 40.02 21.84 48.58 72.75 47.51 19.54 47.09 1835.... 23.49 9.2S 32.72 43.99 62.56 68.30 70.65 63.00 54.63 45.69 24.88 17.29 46.42 68.98 41.57 16.69 43.41 1836.... 12.42 17.04 20.25 43.67 64.29 67.38 72.12 66.12 56.80 41.94 34.37 19.00 42.74 63.54 44.87 16.15 42.95 1337.... 19.47 25.08 24.54 41.83 54.06 64.50 71.32 67.92 58.89 46.53 87.79 17.81 39.98 67.53 47.50 20.79 43.96 1S38.... 9.74 4.45 37.44 41.78 53.07 70.43 75.64 72.67 61.12 42.72 20.53 11.36 44.10 72.91 41.46 8.52 41.75 1839.... 22.49 24.80 29.63 57.28 57.18 67.13 73.89 71.14 56.84 54.40 80.14 22.05 48.03 70.72 46.96 23.11 47.20 1840.... 12.43 21.85 34.81 47.50 63.83 69.60 70.47 65.93 56.88 40.92 29.47 24.14 4S.71 68.67 42.42 19.47 44.82 1841.... 13.82 20.48 33.19 38.15 59.72 69.88 72.82 63.33 54.38 44.80 30.41 19.78 43.69 70.16 43.20 14.69 42.93 1342.... 17.80 19.54 39.15 49.83 51.87 56.03 68.40 67.69 53.17 49.29 24.60 18.03 46.95 64.04 44.02 18.46 43.89 1843.... 20.70 2.01 4.67 43.55 52.25 62.98 69.90 66.56 57.95 47.72 26.61 23.14 33.49 66.48 44.09 15.28 39.83 1844.... 9.41 22.33 32.94 51.45 55.08 62.64 69.82 65.61 55.57 41.45 23.10 17.05 46.49 66.02 41.71 16.26 42.62 1845.... 19.49 25.60 34.57 47.62 60.83 67.64 74.19 69.47 59.79 45.64 29.50 14.10 47.67 70.43 44.98 19.73 45.70 1846.... 28.81 19.53 33.41 46.37 68.65 66.82 74.21 73.86 62.80 42.87 39.85 21.57 49.48 71.62 48.51 23.30 48.23 1847.... 4.24 19.70 23.88 46.18 52.64 65.24 71.90 66.73 57.99 46.66 30.45 16.36 40.90 67.96 45.03 13.43 41.83 1848.... 16.94 19.46 28.22 44.79 60.11 67.45 67.00 67.16 53.97 50.19 25.68 8.62 44.37 67.20 43.28 15.01 42.46 1849.... 5.42 12.93 80.26 39.69 54.77 63.22 71.63 63.85 61.54 47.23 41.60 8.76 41.91 67.90 50.12 9.04 42.27 1850.... 13.84 17.83 24.05 35.43 55.81 70.51 78.85 73.90 61.06 49.22 33.73 12.42 37.76 76.75 48.00 14.69 44.30 1851.... 14.95 22.10 39.37 50.14 57.99 67.80 76.34 63.41 69.08 52.05 30.27 11.16 49.17 70.85 50.46 16.07 46.54 1352.... 12.82 23.14 26.80 43.07 58.4S 70.06 73.68 71.57 54.20 53.13 25.73 11.67 42.78 71.77 44.35 15.88 43.69 1353.... 14.03 6.69 23.00 44.97 54.97 67.83 70.60 71.27 60.04 45.60 29.60 18.23 40.93 69.90 45.08 12.98 46.74 1554.... 1.80 15.40 80.74 48.54 57.82 70.01 75.04 71.12 61.66 52.10 32.80 20.65 45.70 72.00 48.69 12.45 44.72 1555.... 17.09 12.62 25.30 49.86 61.29 66.15 45.43 Mean 85, y'rs 113.76 17.57 31.41 46.34 5S.97 68.46 73.40 70.05 53.83 47.15 81.67 16.89 45.57 70.64 45.89 16.07 44.54 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 633 FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. Latitude 39° 21', Longitude 94° 44'. Altitude 896 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Yoar. 1830.... 34.18 40.58 48.52 58.87 64.18 74.34 80.71 73.97 67.21 62.51 46.84 26.71 57.19 7S.01 53.85 33.82 50.97 1S31.... 19.51 24.40 46.41 55.14 64.14 70.24 76.60 71.06 62.18 53.51 40.94 18.21 55.23 72.63 52.21 20.71 50.19 1332.... 36.85 18.56 46.34 59.43 61.31 72.44 76.53 73.03 68.02 56.49 41.30 35.25 55.71 74.00 55.17 30.22 54.77 1833.... 35.66 35.72 40.92 59.12 67.11 71.73 79.08 77.16 6S.33 53.02 45.95 37.51 42.33 76.01 55.77 36.30 £2.61 1S34.... 13.51 35.79 40.92 53.89 65.10 72.04 78.04 78.06 61.53 54.23 44.95 30.67 41.23 76.05 53.57 26.66 49.38 1S35.... 29.50 19.37 40.98 51.46 67.01 78.35 52.65 32.93 31.94 53.15 26.94 1836.... 25.62 29.73 33.07 53.93 66.31 6S.68 73.94 70.85 64.08 46.63 39.29 27.54 51.12 71.16 50.00 24.30 49.14 1837.... 26.34 34.42 36.57 47.21 59.27 71.23 81.46 75.71 64.90 55.76 49.79 36.94 47.68 76.13 56.82 32.57 53.30 1S38.... 27.73 17.38 46.90 58.04 61.10 74.88 82.34 77.91 68.69 51.00 28.59 24.05 55.35 78.33 49.43 23.05 . 51.55 1S39.... 33.84 36.36 43.22 64. C6 64.15 70.34 75.57 72.57 61.35 59.78 37.57 27.84 fl.U 72.83 52.90 33.35 54.05 1840.... 22.80 34.61 42.92 55.79 63.11 70.91 72.35 72.22 60.68 53.72 38.93 33.15 53.94 71.83 51.11 30.19 51.77 1841.... 27.73 27.80 42.00 51.47 63.55 72.21 77.60 70.51 59.15 50.54 39.37 31.08 52.34 73.44 49.69 28.87 51.08 1842.... 34.93 35.59 53.42 60.56 62.97 67.48 72.89 71.15 66.64 58.02 32.52 25.67 58.98 70.51 52.06 32.03 53.41 1S43.... 28.96 20.50 17.45 49.76 60.40 70.50 74.46 72.25 67.24 49.04 40.20 36.12 42.54 72.40 52.16 28.53 4S.91 1844.... 25. S3 33.66 40.19 63.46 62.04 68.75 77.47 73.91 63.44 51.46 33.39 32.18 55.23 73.88 51.10 30.57 52.57 1315.... 36. C5 37.52 44.44 59.55 63.29 70.27 78.70 75.62 69.53 52.96 41.14 26.66 55.76 74.86 54.54 33.61 54.69 1346.... 3S.22 31.01 46.65 .54.92 66.80 68.87 77.85 77.06 69.04 54.36 45.00 33.08 56.12 74.59 56.13 34.10 55.86 1847.... IS.16 31.26 34.95 57.90 59.45 69.91 75.83 69.24 65.63 55.70 38.24 30.00 47.43 71.66 53.19 26.47 49.69 1848.... 32.96 35.35 40.67 52.70 66.49 69.05 72.34 69.74 53.29 70.38 1849.... 18.25 24.78 45.65 53.00 63.45 73.32 74.57 73.32 69.27 52.84 50.31 26.6S 54.03 73.74 57.47 23.24 52.12 1850.... 29.49 31.34 37.22 45.53 61.51 72.44 76.86 77.93 67.80 55.84 42.19 25.20 48.10 75.74 55.27 28.67 51.94 1851.... 32.00 35.16 47.11 50.20 65.25 70.62 75.77 73.37 71.60 54.49 35.25 26.28 54.19 73.25 53.73 31.15 53.09 1852.... 24.42 34.82 43.89 50.26 64.6S 69.96 74.79 73.42 63.42 58.38 33.51 25.77 52.94 72.72 51.77 2S.34 51.44 1853.... 32.03 30.53 39.87 54.98 59.97 72.82 72.72 75.71 68.24 53.39 44.18 31.76 51.61 73.75 55.27 31.44 53.' 2 1854.... 24.68 35.53 45.14 56.06 65.45 72.85 81.19 79.10 73.71 60 .-64 41.37 34.38 55.55 77.71 5S.57 31.53 55.34 1855.... 28.13 33.23 52.26 60.24 64.61 69.78 77.12 ...... 59.04 Mean 24j y'rs. [28.00 31.15 42.22 55.47 63.64 71.31 76.67 74.16 66.16 54.46 40.36 29.77 53.78 74.05 53.66 29.64 52.78 COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA. Latitude 41° 30', Longitude 95° 48'. Altitude 1250 feet 1820.... 8.83 29.33 34.12 58.01 62.72 74.12 75.44 75.08 68.01 46.21 32.87 18.41 51.62 74.83 49.03 IS.87 43.60 1821.... 10.78 24.14 37.00 45.06 58.59 75.00 72.14 77.76 64.16 54.89 35.94 14.92 46.88 74.97 51.66 16.61 47.53 1822.... 21.02 32.87 44.81 49.31 63.92 74.01 79.62 77.27 67.81 49.13 35.34 12-80 52.68 76.97 50.76 22.23 50.66 1823.... 22.37 16.07 38.87 55.04 61.82 78.99 79.00 76.70 66.83 55.69 41.44 27.43 51.91 78.23 54.65 21.97 51.69 1824.... 27.19 27.46 23.42 47.37 63.34 67.45 75.92 75.15 64.45 51.30 30.07 25.81 46.38 72. S4 46.61 26.82 4S.66 1S25.... 20.42 32.91 40.34 59.45 66.9S 73.05 75.30 76.66 64.84 54.74 43.05 24.17 55.59 75.00 54.04 25.83 52.61 1843*... 24.90 13.78 12.86 43.63 53.22 63.25 73.77 69.46 63.80 39.90 70.49 Mean ) 7 y'rs. J 19.36 25.23 33.77 51.84 62.23 72.93 75.83 75.44 65.63 52.00 86.45 20.60 49.23 74.76 51.36 21.73 49.28 * The observations in 1843 were at Fort Croghan, Iowa, twenty miles south of Council Bluffs. 83 634 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT KEARNY, NEBRASKA. Latitude 40° 38', Longitude 98° 57'. Altitude 2360 feet. FORT LARAMIE, NEBRASKA. Latitude 42° 12', Longitude 104° 47'. Altitude 4519 feet. FORT ARBUCKLE, INDIAN TERRITORY. Latitude 34° 27', Longitude 97° 09'. Altitude 1000? /ee*. FORT BELKNAP, TEXAS. Latitude 33° 08', Longitude 98° 48'. Altitude 1600? /erf. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Augut>t. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 17.89 19.15 19.69 15.07 29.26 30.15 Spring. 47.00 43.52 45.57 46.22 49.10 49.38 Summer. 69.27 72.05 71.33 70.SI 71.64 73.39 Autumn. Winter. Year. 1849.... 1850.... 1S51.... 1852.... 1854.... 1855.... 7.10 22.92 27.00 28 07 26.08 18.26 23.55 15.77 27.28 28.11 30.93 24.61 80.37 25.69 85.80 31.74 33.84 36.50 36.76 32.86 46.92 39.94 45.53 43.80 48.56 51.22 54.39 53.24 58.90 60.63 60.09 53.59 59.31 60.89 67.95 68.20 67.00 67.80 70.26 68.92 69.44 70.95 74.95 76.17 72.62 71.52 75.16 68.92 73.00 70.82 72.01 73.15 76.10 65.23 63.85 69.58 58.77 63.00 66.10 46.74 41.98 50.45 53.35 48.94 55.91 40.94 35.31 30.38 26.17 34.16 37.44 50.97 47.04 50.14 46.10 4S.70 53.15 13.59 23.11 24.93 28.02 26.65 26.26 45.20 46.43 46.88 48.30 50.47 Mean ) 6i y'rs | 21.14 26.11 84.50 47.13 58.81 68.51 73.56 72.83 64.42 49.56 34.07 21.87 46.81 71.47 49.35 23.04 47 67 1849.... 61.98 43.50 37.28 23.92 47.59 1350.... 27.35 30.27 85.50 43.25 56.04 66.91 72.87 73.51 67.13 54.58 85.05 26.62 44.93 71.10 52.25 30.08 49.59 1351.... 35.57 31.21 41.00 47.45 55.15 67.21 77.38 72.69 69.32 51.56 33.24 24.74 47.86 72.43 51.37 30.50 50.54 1852.... 80.68 33.02 80.00 42.80 57.lt 67.18 75.05 73.10 58.77 49.56 25.23 19.92 43.80 71.78 44.52 27.37 46.87 1853.... 84.11 29.71 36.92 43.57 51.62 65.59 72.97 73.14 61.11 49.67 41.73 33.72 45.70 70.57 50.84 82.51 49.90 1854.... 22.60 36.40 41.06 50.62 56.92 67.73 75.24 76.46 66.95 56.59 42.44 88.94 49.53 73.14 55.83 32.65 52.66 1855.... 85.85 29.01 86.41 52.94 59.82 69.44 49.72 Mean 1 6 y'rs. f 81.08 82.60 36.81 47.60 56.11 67.34 74.70 73.78 64.21 50.91 35.83 27.98 46.84 71.94 50.82 81.14 50.06 1850.... ...... ...... 60.68 52.92 34.15 1851.... 39.28 43.11 54.62 56.96 69.11 78.03 81.83 84.55 77.13 62.80 45.56 39.47 60.23 81.47 61.83 40.62 61.04 1852.... 86.77 47.07 53.76 59.77 70.25 73.71 73.26 78.04 69.05 63.11 45.10 38.82 61.26 76.67 59.09 40.89 59.48 1853.... 41.33 40.68 51.24 64.26 66.25 77.35 79.50 81.81 74.51 60.77 52.91 42.44 60.58 79.55 62.78 41.48 61.08 1854.... 36.16 47.75 57.39 60.82 68.64 74.96 83.29 83.95 77.28 66.35 49.91 42.90 62.28 80.73 64.51 41.94 62.37 1355.... 41.94 39.86 49.09 67.43 75.39 77.61 S5.67 67.30 Mean .. 39.10 43.69 53.22 61.85 69.93 72.33 81.71 82.09 74.49 62.74 49.28 39.56 61.67 78.71 62.17 40.78 60.83 ' 1351.... 88.31 84.70 79.93 66.20 46.64 41.93 64.26 1352.... 89.40 49.77 56.26 60.08 71.15 75.83 80.58 79.95 71.48 66.15 49.55 44.11 62.49 78.80 12.39 44.43 62.08 1353.... 44.S6 43.2S 51.51 67.31 63.41 73.12 81.72 84.59 79.29 65.29 55.45 46.07 63.41 81.48 66.66 44.74 64.08 1354.... 41.01 52.38 63 15 65 77 71.66 78.79 83.86 80.75 78.71 69.62 53.59 46.58 66.16 81.13 67.81 46.62 65.48 1355.... 45.92 44.49 53.C9 70.00 76.80 79.12 66.83 M.aii .. 12.80 «.«7 56.90 65.79 72.00 77.98 82.87 82.50 77.33 66.81 51.81 44.66 i 64.90 80.95 65.15 1 44.9i 63.99 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 635 FORT WORTH, TEXAS. Latitude 32° 40', Longitude 97° 25'. Altitude 1100? feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1849.... 59.46 44.24 1850.... 49.96 50.61 55.63 61.96 67.98 77.63 81.76 85.70 79.69 66.82 53.67 38.87 61.82 81.69 66.06 46.48 64.01 1851.... 45.78 46.71 56.64 61.10 72.70 79.29 82.23 S4.55 78.66 66.23 48.80 44.12 63.48 82.02 64.56 45.33 63.90 1852.... 40.83 51.42 58.49 61.49 73.79 76.83 81.73 79.62 71.27 65.61 51.52 46.30 64.59 79.39 62.80 46.20 63.23 1853.... 45.70 46.39 54.44 65.71 67.47 76.02 73.24 81.61 62.54 78.62 Mean .. 43.58 48.78 56.30 62.56 70.48 77.44 30.99 82.87 76.54 66.22 53.36 43.88 63.11 80.43 65.87 45.25 63.54 PHANTOM HILL, CLEAR FORK OF BRAZOS, TEXAS. Latitude 32° 30', Longitude 99° 45'. Altitude 2300 ? feet. FORT CHADBOURNE, TEXAS. Latitude 31° 38', Longitude 100° 40'. Altitude 2120 feet. FORT GRAHAM, TEXAS. Latitude 31° 56', Longitude 97° 26'. Altitude 900? feet. FORT GATES, TEXAS. Latitude 31° 26', Longitude 97° 49'. Altitude 1000 ? feet. 1851.... 46.09 1852.... 42.33 51.10 56.50 63.68 74.74 75.96 80.47 79.70 72.04 64.16 50.28 46.10 64.97 78.71 62.16 44.88 62.67 1853.... 45.98 46.39 55.46 69.11 69.12 76.97 81.00 83.29 76.82 63.02 56.24 46.60 64.56 80.42 65.36 46.32 64.16 1854.... 40.44 50.43 62.11 Mean... 42.92 49.31 58.02 66.39 71.93 76.46 60.73 81.49 74.43 63.59 53.26 46.26 65.45 79.56 63.76 46.16 63.7 2 1852.... 67.81 73.57 79.15 77.91 69.44 63.07 50.29 47.64 76.87 60.93 1853.... 45.25 47.44 53.7S 64.88 65.32 70.52 75.92 75.08 70.49 54.71? 54.24 46.61 61.33 73.84 59.81 46.43 60.35 1854.... 38.73 46.94 63.58 63.17 70.08 74.00 78.54 82.94 76.01 69.57 55.13 45.72 65.61 78.49 66.90 43. SO 63.7( 1855.... 48.89 45.87 56.68 53.01 68.51 74.84 77.06 71.93 Mean .. 44.29 46.75 65.52 69.51 73.79 77.87 78.64 62.45 53.22 46.62 64.85 76.77 62.55 45.87 62.3! 1S50.... 57.84 62.23 68.45 78.84 83.90 85.07 78.43 66.62 55.94 40.35 62.84 82.60 66.99 1851.... 43.27 49.92 58.38 62.69 74.92 81.45 84.90 87.20 80.15 68.37 53.89 4S.26 65.33 84.51 67.47 4S.82 66.53 1852.... 44.01 55.02 58.93 64.29 74.97 77.76 84.39 82.01 73.80 67.93 56.65 50. S4 66.08 81.39 66.13 49.96 65.89 51.53 51.49 57.16 67.00 72.02 79.75 79.35 84.53 65.06 81.21 Mean... 47.95 51. SI 58.09 64.31 72.59 79.45 83.13 84.70 77.46 67.64 55.49 46.48 64.99 82.43 66.86 48.75 65.76 1849.... ! 67.25 65.37 49.59 1850.... 56.21 54.85 59.97 64.59 68.58 76.28 80.80 82.51 78.26 68.51 54.72 40.17 64.03 79.86 67.16 50.24 65.32 1351.... 47.84 52.02 47.45 50.90 58.89 62.75 • 74.49 81.59 85.04 87.68 80.10 66.00 50.82 47.66 65.21 84.77 65.64 47.65 65.82 Mean.... 59.IS 63.67 71.53 78.93 82.92 85.09 79.18 67.25 56.97 45.81 64.79 82.31 67.80 49.58 66.12 636 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT CROGHAN, TEXAS. Latitude 30° 40', Longitude 98° 31'. Altitude 1000? feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1849....' ...... 1850.... 54.14 1651.... 51 20 1352___ 42.89 1853....' 48.95 1 53.66 52.34 55.03 47.82 62.33 60.01 62.13 57.06 63.73 63.72 66.67 68.50 63.55 75.52 75.70 71.40 73.75 74.35 81.70 78.56 78.35 80.90 79.62 83.42 81.31 80.03 81.19 83.46 86.65 S2.27 79.22 76.57 30.50 78.38 74.66 65.57 70.58 64.90 6S.14 60.27 56.94 50.22 56.98 44.56 43.41 47.18 52.44 63.20 66.42 68.16 62.32 65.86 80.28 79.14 83.92 80.71 79.20 67.47 69.34 64.50 66.59 50.40 50.22 50.12 65.52 66.s; 66.40 Mean .. 49.29 1 52.21 60.38 65.65 71.54 78.34 81.06 82.56 77.53 67.30 56.10 46.88 80.65 66.98 49.46 65.74 FORTS MARTIN SCOTT, MASON, TERRETT, AND McKAVETT, TEXAS. 1849.... 1S50.... '^51 ... 1352.... 54.15 42.95 41.44 52.39 47.76 57.20 57.10 54.10 61.63 62.87 62.08 65.92 71.09 73.45 77.51 75.67 78.84 74.79 78.86 80.76 70.57 73.55 74.74 60.05 62.05 64.02 55.66 51.47 50.10 39.18 47.01 61.96 62.42 i 75.99 79.04 62.09 62.35 62.95 48.57 45.91 62.2 62.56 Mean Ft. M. S M. 1852 M. 1853 T. 1S52 T. 1853 Mc. 1S52 Mc. 1S53 Mc. 1S54 Mc. 1855 \ 46.18 46.57 44.43 44.62 42.89 46.74 52.45 47.45 45.98 44.58 51.52 44.51 57.61 56.84 56.91 56.02 62.50 53.66 62.47 72.42 69.35 65.25 67.45 67.16 66.75 64.04 67.05 63.50 77.68 71.30 75.85 69.80 76.13 63.5S 70.33 73.61 75.48 75.74 76.96 77.96 73.97 75.72 73.36 76.80 73.84 77.20 77.62 79.53 80.04 76.37 79.07 77.56 78.74 73.14 80.70 80.60 80.53 77.10 79.66 7S.76 80.10 72.95 73.15 70.69 73.19 73.52 71.19 75.57 63.04 68.27 65.57 66.51 63.66 64.29 67.50 52.41 54.32 58.16 53.90 58.57 53.09 54.19 43.09 49.37 48.59 50.59 47.82 43.66 62.86 65.83 64.72 63.78 65.62 64.77 76.94 73.02 79.03 79.51 75.81 78.15 76.56 78.55 62.80 65.25 66.81 64.53 65.25 62.86 65.75 47.24 47.00 46.02 62.4f 63.20 63.08 Mean Ft.McK. j-44.75 46. S7 57.39 66.25 72.16 74.93 78.46 79.51 73.33 65.89 53.64 45.74 65.27 77.63 64.30 45.79 63.25 Fort Martin Scott—Latitude 80° 10', longitude 99° 05'; altitude 1300 feet. Furt Ma son—Latitude 30° 48', longitude 99° 15'; altitude 1200? feet. Fort Terrett— Latitude 30° 23', longitude 100° 16'; altitude 1320 feet. Fort McKavett—Latitude 30° 55', longitude 100° 05'; altitude 2060 feet. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Latitude 29° 25', Longitude 98° 25'. Altitude 600 feet. 1S49....! ...... 1850.... 57.23 1 1851___| 54.51 1852.... 47.98 56.73 53.66 62.19 62.53 60.83 66.22 69.35 66.06 72.90 72.55 74.76 81.88 80.61 73.88 82.07 80.48 84.75 79.16 83.74 79.34 85.88 83.96 86.41 78.94 83.06 77.85 79.29 71.90 73.27 71 00 72.54 65.59 63.63 56.28 53.66 47.67 51.51 ...... ...... 1 72.14 74.67 83.74 73.32 67.22 '. 80.67 68.38 1 73.66 84.07 ! ..... 53.91 53.32 71.41 67.37 Mean... 58.26 57.54 63.19 69.44 76.40 80.52 82.03 83.92 79.78 72.18 61.83 50.95 : 69.68 82.16 71.26 58.92 69.25 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 637 FORT MERRILL, TEXAS. Latitude 28° 17', Longitude 98° 00'. Altitude 150? feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1851.... 1852.... 1S53.... 1854.... 1855.... 55.14 54.51 59.56 54.65 75.50 61.82 69.57 72 46 76.54 74.50 77.34 79.67 80.78 81.13 82.80 80.80 34.82 80.11 81.82 81.85 85.91 84.95 83.96 84.39 78.70 79.96 81.09 72.00 75.18 75.00 59.64 66.26 61.76 59.50 58.66 52.17 77.59 72.48 83 85 02 04 70.11 73.80 72.62 55.66 72.73 Mean... 54.82 57.20 68.66 73.27 79.72 81.88 83.19 84.43 79.92 74.06 62.55 56.78 73. S8 83.17 72.18 56.27 71-37 FORT EWELL, TEXAS. Latitude 28° 05', Longitude 98° 57'. Altitude 200 ? feet. 1352.... 79.54 73.38 65.13 58.71 72.68 1853.... 55.37 57.10 63.87 75.61 79.38 83.80 86.52 84.47 80.79 71.49 64.41 55.08 72.95 84.93 72.23 55.85 71.49 1854.... 50.47 58.12 70.84 72.50 77.45 81.61 82.22 83.22 81.88 73.43 82.35 Mean .. 52.92 57.61 67.00 74.05 78.41 82.70 84.87 83.84 80.57 72.43 64.77 56. S9 73.15 83.64 72.59 55.81 71.80 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. Latitude 27° 47', Longitude 97° 27'. Altitude 20 feet. 1845.... 1846.... 1849.... 1851.... 1354.... 53.30 56.93 63.21 69.9S 63.50 71.23 77.29 79.86 76.61 80.10 82.62 83.27 82.22 81.25 82.96 83.40 82.04 81.11 84.74 84.61 81.15 81.01 80.38 81.62 73.69 74.36 72.12 62.22 72.24 60.21 51.92 62.21 56.50 69.66 73.69 81.45 83.44 83.43 75.87 71.23 .....< Mean .. 56.30 56.93 66.59 69.86 77.89 82.00 82.46 83.12 81.04 73.39 64.89 56.88 71.45 S2.53 78.11 56.72 70.95 The observations in 1849 were at Point Isabel, south of Corpus Christi. FORT BROWN, TEXAS, (MATAMOROS.) Latitude 25° 54', Longitude 97° 26'. Altitude 50 feet. 1346.... 1847.... 1843.... 1849.... 1850.... 1351.... 1352.... 1S53.... 1854.... 1S55.... Mean ) 7y'rs. j 58.51 64.14 67.66 65.43 66.17 69.61 62.49 66.03 70.61 60.54 65.21 66.69 56.35 59.34 69.94 59.34 62.45 71.87 60.23 61.60 66.24 60.41 63.63 63.95 77.29 | 82.38 72.03 \ 81.22 73.24 74.31 75.18 81.60 78.73 78.97 73.90 81.00 74.93 81.77 75.05 , 80.18 84.79 80.43 83.11 82.06 83.67 81.05 82.52 84.87 82.41 84.45 84.06 84.24 78.97 84.74 79.83 78.91 81.06 76.32 71.01 76.26 73.23 71.11 76.44 74. 75.36 70.25 68.97 67.26 61 89 69.37 70. C5 69.06 72.81 61.37 62.22 58.22 57.94 62.26 60.73 62.22 75.78 74.29 73.32 74.49 75.88 75.59 73.25 74.73 84.93 83.32 83.45 83.09 83.24 83.58 75.S2 72.93 76.08 72.05 73.13 75.95 74.62 61.34 62.24 61.23 59.48 60.91 74.47 73.49 72.95 72.89 73.92 62.09 73.75- NOTE the river. —The observations are reported as from Matamoros for most of the period previous to 1S49, though generally taken at positions on (he north; side off 84 638 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. RINGGOLD BARRACKS, TEXAS. Latitude 26° 23', Longitude 99° 02'. Altitude 200? feet. FORT McINTOSH, LAREDO, TEXAS. Latitude 27° 31', Longitude 99° 21'. Altitude 400 ? feet. FORT DUNCAN, EAGLE PASS, TEXAS. Latitude 28° 42', Longitude 100° 30'. Altitude 800 ? feet. FORT INGE, TEXAS. Latitude 29° 09', Longitude 99° 07'. Altitude 845 /ee£. 54.91 44.59 48.87 47.24 52.21 Mean J. 49.46 •6y 55. S7 61.86 63.11 70.98 78.42 81.87 57.11 62.18 67.25 7S.90 81.3S 81.70 60.82 62.96 68.84 76.95 77.45 79.77 52.38 60.00 70.3S 75.12 77.84 81.27 56.04 67.54 64.06 74.89 81.91 83.03 50.63 61.22 74.43 55.39 62.63 6S.02 75.37 79.40 81.53 83.60 83.13 81.69 80.68 83.95 82.61 78.45 66.20 81.91 68.02 78.40 63.00 75.30 68.82 77.53 66.76 80.71 73.95 73.72 68.54 60.22 61.14 55.00 57.57 60.75 60.29 52.81 45.81 53.04 52.79 54.00 50.34 59.16 51.46 64.98 69.44 69.58 68.50 68.83 61.26 82.07 79.63 79.93 82.96 61.13 70.39 67.13 67.06 68.35 71.65 63.81 Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1849.... 72.97 69.85 61.09 1850 65.43 65.57 70.95 76.92 76 97 S5.17 8S.94 89.06 83. OS 77.08 66.60 55.65 74.64 87.72 75.58 62.23 75.54 1S51.... 59.68 63.04 72.50 77.55 83.80 80.39 84.33 87.07 80.5S 75.01 63.19 59.86 77.62 S5.93 78.59 60.69 75.71 1352.... 52.77 69.34 73.50 77.67 83.41 83.60 35.69 S7.00 S1.6S 75.47 68.97 62.92 78.19 85.43 75.37 61.84 75.21 57.32 60.59 67.43 77.59 82. 7 83.80 87.32 84.50 80.02 73.28 69.34 61.03 75.86 85.21 74.41 59.65 73.73 1854.... 55.72 62.38 74.10 76.39 81.74 84.30 82.65 83.01 81.31 75.93 65.42 56.44 77.41 83.32 74.24 58.18 73.29 1655.... 59.-38 59.03 65.54 76.21 83.51 82.15 59.41 75.09 Mean \ 6 y'rs. ) 58.39 63.41 70.67 77.05 82.00 84.65 85.18 86.13 81.45 74.96 67.23 76.57 85.32 74.54 60.40 74.21 1849.... 66.38 84.60 80.76 71.19 66.11 56.65 72.68 1850 60.78 61.65 68.62 74.04 76.42 62.23 66.09 90.12 86.64 75.73 62.85 50.80 73.02 66.63 75.07 57.47 73.06 1851.... 67.67 61.17 67.92 74. SI 82.92 86.02 86.41 90.32 62.46 73.24 60.25 55.14 75.22 87.58 71.98 57.99 73.19 1852.... 50.59 17.72 71.54 77.58 84.52 84.07 87.36 89.61 82.16 75.15 66.62 59.58 77.88 87.21 74.64 59.29 74.76 1853.... 55.18 56.97 66.36 73.24 81.73 84.26 87.71 65.72 82.39 72.92 67.98 57.71 75.44 85.90 .74.43 56.62 73.10 1S54.... 53.02 60.02 74.23 77.19 81.41 63.69 84.06 84.50 81.16 77.19 64.83 53.80 77.61 84.08 74.23 55.61 72.8S 1855.... 56.63 57.30 65.29 78.08 84.20 82.78 75.86 Mean ^ 6y'rs. ) 55.64 60.84 68.99 76.66 81.87 S3.93 86.33 87.48 82.59 74.24 64.69 55.61 75.84 85.91 73.84 57.36 73.24 1849.... % 68.55 62.71 53.39 1650.... 58.63 58.74 66.19 69.97 75.44 S0.7S 83.44 S6.49 84.3S 74.70 63.49 50.22 70.46 83.57 74.19 55.86 71.02 1851.... 55.58 57. S8 65.01 74.15 61.88 85.39 86.07 88.23 83.76 74.62 62.15 53.57 78.49 86.57 73.51 55.63 72.31 1S52.... 47.96 68.08 66.62 74.42 S2.76 84.80 85.67 88.17 80.71 72.61 58.80 54.45 77.80 86.21 70.71 55.81 72.63 1853.... 49.47 52.95 62.65 74.67 79.86 81.20 84.65 81.79 80.67 69.64 02.98 51.80 72.46 82.55 71.10 51.41 69.38 1854.... 50.25 58.20 68.67 72.18 7S.92 81.87 83.52 84.9S 81.74 75.75 61.02 50.14 73.26 83.46 72.84 52.86 70.60 1S55.... 50.51 53.25 61.24 75.26 80.00 72.17 Mean j 6 y'rs. f 52.07 57.34 65.10 73.44 79.72 82.81 84.67 85.96 82.25 72.64 61.86 52.34 72.75 84.48 72.25 53.92 70.85 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 639 FORT LINCOLN, TEXAS. Latitude 29° 22', Longitude 99° 33'. Altitude 900? feet. i Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter.! Year. 1 1848.... ...... 1850.... 57.00 1851.... ...... 1S52....1 46.53 ! 56.53 61.52 62.32 64.32 64.39 69.23 68.85 77.60 76.77 79.88 81.47 81.98 83.37 80.61 82.52 84.43 78.03 81.65 79.61 65.93 77.15 66.92 55.64 53.67 53.92 65.19 90.33 80.25 67.39 Mean ..' 51.74 i ■ 59.02 63.32 66.31 73.22 7S.32 82.27 82.52 79.76 70.00 55.64 53.79 ; 67.78 1 81.04 68.47 54.85 63.03 FORT CLARK, TEXAS. Latitude 29° 17', Longitude 100° 25'. Altitude 1000 ? feet. 1S52.... 1853.... 1S51-... 1356.... 43.16 4S.41 44.06 • 50.77 -55.01 42.36 56.89 66.37 61.11 70.09 63.72 71.72 73.85 75.00 78.13 77.18 79.81 80.45 79.96 81.97 80.51 78.74 83.93 74.80 76.45 80.45 68.46 66.22 73.32 58.38 62.23 60.32 £3.21 52.92 51.70 66.94 70.03 70.35 78.63 81.90 67.IS 68.30 71.36 50.95 51.71 . 66.20 63.71 Mean 1 3 j'rs. ( 47.21 49.38 61.46 70.18 75.66 79.15 80.96 81.06 77.23 69.33 60.31 52.61 1 69.10 80.39 68.96 49.73 6T..4 FORT FILLMORE, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 32° 13', Longitude 106° 42'. Altitude 3937 feet. 1851....| ...... 1852..... 39.69 1S53.... 41.71 1854....' 43.62 1855....' 47.83 49.73 44.98 50.41 50.62 48.43 52.66 59.71 61.03 56.53 65.54 66.10 69.39 68.67 72.50 63.59 75.51 78.05 81.84 80.61 83.19 79.59 85.36 85.12 76.42 81.39 81.24 79.60 74.27 77.53 77.43 63.18 59.03 65.00 70.37 48.17 46.00 57.43 53.23 44.14 44.11 50.82 46.73 57.87 63.53 64.80 63.64 78.01 82.86 82.32 63.98 59.77 66.67 67.00 44.51 45.84 48.59 60.04 64.72 65.C3 Mean... 44.47 48.93 55.46 64.39 71.32 80.92 83.36 79.68 77.21 64.39 51.22 46.45 63.72 81. S2 64.27 46.62 63.08 FORT WEBSTER, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 32° 47' 53", Longitude 108° 04' 39". Altitude 6350 feet. 1S52.... ...... 1853.... I 40.59 T. 1854^ 41.81 T. 1855.; 39.44 40.31 40.64 40.57 47.65 44.54 47.87 50.73 54.86 49.02 57.18 60.42 65.01 57.12 61.75 67.06 71.81 68.97 71.25 72.37 73.53 76.76 73.27 67.70 72.08 73.92 61.48 64.68 69.95 52.11 55.59 60.13 38.11 49.12 44.30 40.63* 45.02 41.05 50.23 55.61 59.40 63.89 52.90 70.07 73.36 74.85 50.57 56.40 58.13 42.08 41.14 56. «i 5S.38 Mean ..! 40.59 40.47 46.21 53.08 59.43 70.11 75.14 69.89 63.08 53.75 43.61 42.82 71.71 53.4S 41.29 54.84 The observations in continuation of this record for 1854 and 1855 were at Fort Thorn, latitude 32° 38', longitude 107° 10'; altitude 4500 feet. They are not included in the mean. 640 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT CONRAD, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 33° 34', Longitude 107° 09'. Altitude 4576/ee.. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S51.... 60.92 41.26 86.65 1852.... 32.27 45.11 53.31 58.05 66.65 73.06 78.86 78.15 86.62 56.45 42.87 40.18 59.67 76.52 61.93 89.52 59.42 1853.... 33.08 39.7S 50.58 63.68 66.76 75.35 79.76 75.92 71.36 57.29 46.66 38.37 60.82 77.01 5S.44 88.94 53.68 1854.... 36. S2 41.03 50.08 60.73 63.56 75.51 82.14 7S.85 72.80 64.90 47.52 38.90 53.14 73.83 61.74 83.93 59.41 1855.... 40.54 46.04 55.19 63.67 ...... Mean .. 37.13 43.00 52.23 61.54 65.66 74.64 80.09 77.64 76.93 59.89 45.58 83.52 59.83 77.46 60.80 89.53 59.40 From April, 1854, the observations were at Fort Craig, eight miles south of Fort Conrad. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 35° 06', Longitude 106° 38'. Altitude 5032 feet. 1349.... 1S50.... 1S51.... 185.'.... 1853.... 1S54.... 1855.... 85.20 40.50 80.70 36.07 41.97 40.25 36.46 40.70 84.57 40.61 46.20 47.26 46.42 49.85 50.45 50.20 53.01 59.24 59.02 59.69 61.02 61.80 65.10 62.47 67.30 70.76 70.19 73.43 73.83 75.90 75,72 78.58 78.87 74.44 76.89 69.09 68.07 70.86 69.42 56.95 55.52 58.80 62.64 48.82 40.81 42.92 47.88 40.66 38.22 25.96 38.43 41.09 86.48 52.47 54.02 56.92 56.95 59.15 73.70 76.86 53.12 54.80 59.18 57.57 33.89 41.00 47.88 53.57 59.69 Mean .. 35.78 39.63 47.94 56.23 63.54 72.05 77.27 75.41 69.38 53.48 44.12 36.04 55.90 74.91 57.83 37.15 56.32 CEBOLLETA AND LAGUNA, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 35° 03', Longitude 107° 14'. Altitude 6000 feet. 1849.... ...... 35.43 1850.... 34.80 40.08 45.25 49.82 59.05 68.65 76.33 76.90 70.31 59.06 41.03 25.54 51.37 74.03 56.80 33.47 53.92 1651.... 81.00 31.77 43.76 52.90 64.25 76.19 78.56 74.41 C6.60 57.43 46.88 40.10 58.64 76.83 54.83 84.29 54.78 S52.... 83 91 46.24 ...... Mean .. 34.90 39.36 44.50 51.36 61.65 72.52 77.44 75.65 68.45 58.24 43.70 33.69 52.50 75.20. 56.80 35.98 55.12 The position here given is that of Laguna. t;\,„ih ta is twenty miles northward, and a little more elevated. The record was at this last place until October, 1851. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. Lcditude 35° 41', Longitude 106° 02'. Altitude 6846 feet. 1S49... . 32.87 35.14 43.IS 52.96 54.70 71.83 70.22 64.37 48.90 39.59 33.46 50.23 50.95 83.82 1350... . 30.25 31.91 40.94 50.72 76.20 75.25 55.75 23.25 1851... . 34.01 34.15 49.40 59.02 69.43 72.90 1-52.. 59.56 47.87 34.39 29.62 47.27 1S53... . 31.16 28.00 87.86 53.92 60.34 66.40 69.37 66.71 62.74 48.il 40.30 81.39 50.71 67.49 50.44 30.18 49.70 1S54... . 28.51 34.07 41.46 49.80 54.13 68.18 71.80 67.73 61.04 £5.56 40.00 83.32 45.43 69.24 52.20 31.97 50.47 1855... . 31.33 36.26 40.09 50.59 Mean. . 31.45 33.25 40.71 51.25 57.06 68.84 72.57 69.98 61.93 51.27 38.57 80.21 49.68 70.46 50.59 81.64 50.59 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES, 641 LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 35° 35', Longitude 105° 16'. Altitude 6418 feet. FORT UNION, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 35° 54', Longitude 104° 57'. Altitude 6670 feet. Jan. M-irch. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1 Dec. j Spring. 46.42 Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1850___ 33.15 34.30 41.28 46.20 51.77 64. :S 67.93 73.01 66.47 43.83 32.98 21.73 68.37 49.44 31.39 48.90 1851.... 23.57 2S.10 33.19 47.98 61.06 71.40 74.90 ...... 47.39 :s5i — 61.49 51.70 46.62 35.91 31.71 46.74 1352.... 29.69 35.94 40.88 50.34 57.05 60.79 07.46 64.60 56.44 47.91 34.27 35,05 49.42 64.28 46.21 -33.50 4S.37 1853.... 33.80 31.11 39.78 52.21 56.69 64.52 64.84 64.29 58.38 46.37 42.56 34.12 49.56 64.55 49.10 33.01 49.06 1S54.... 32.32 86.02 40.91 48.01 54.18 57.3 * 68.18 71. SO 67.73 61.04 55.56 40.00 33.32 48.48 69.24 52.20 31.97 50.47 1355.... 35.93 34.95 39.84 50.73 65.83 j 49.80 Mean... 33.08 S3.40 39.31 49.24 56.35 69.39 66.83 5S.S0 49.07 37.14 31.19 43.30 67.35 43.34 82.50 49.14 The position and exposure of these posts is such as to permit combination of the records in one mean result. The change to Fort Union was made in August, 1351. FORT MASSACHUSETTS, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 37° 32', Longitude 105° 23'. Altitude 83G5 feet. 1352.... 48.67 40.12 24.39 19.15 37.73 .... 1853.... 20.30 18.34 31.23 45.23 47.73 58.91 62.89 61.58 53.67 ...... 41.41 61.13 1854.... ...... 49.41 57.50 64 07 62.84 52.74 45.94 29.77 21.43 . 61.47 42.82 19.09 25. C4 44.41 51.19 Mean... 19.69 1 22.24 31.2S 44.32 49.44 53.20 63.48 62.21 51.62 43.03 27.08 20.29 41.84 61.29 40.53 20.74 4" .11 FORT DEFIANCE, NEW MEXICO. Latitude 35° 44', Longitude 109° 15'. Altitude 7200 ? feet. 1851. -,852. J553. 1354. 1855. .! 29.47 J 24.35 . 24.72 26.18 28.06 30 65 33.62 30.78 27.72 52.72 64.75 08.16 66.96 50.07 45.63 32.45 2S.70 66.62 42.72 37.57 48.15 51.63 64.SG 70.52 69.00 61.39 44.21 36.43 23.65 45.78 63.13 47.34 28.73 47.50 37.04 46.54 51.08 62.40 70.95 64.94 57.11 4^.89 33.09 32.03 44.89 66.10 4S.03 29.01 47.01 40.28 45.06 49.16 44.83 33.30 46.58 50.99 64.00 69.88 66.98 56.19 46.24 35.66 29.27 45.29 67.61 46.03 28.74 40.92 FORT YUMA, CALIFORNIA, Latitude 32° 43', Longitude 114° 36'. Altitude 120 feet. 1350.... 1S51.... 1852.... 1353.... 1854.... 1S55.... 54.40 59.32 54.17 57.92 53.16 53.60 59.18 61.20 02.64 67.61 64.50 09.73 12.95 73.22 74.71 72.96 77.66 74.12 73.41 70.73 87.00 89.49 £5.40 87.29 83.65 94.12 94.05 88.10 92.10 90.62 83.55 ;.'.33 85.43 72.90 79.44 77.25 61.46 65.74 66.04 51.70 55.47 57.10 59.47 72. S3 71.11 73.70 37.02 91.92 90.02 72.64 78.17 76.26 53.34 57.61 ____ 56. SO 73.75 92.27 90.29 86.12 76.58 64.41 55.93 72.10 39 95 75.09 Mean .. 56.45 5S.03 66.12 73.46 73.02 85 U12 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 32° 42', Longitude 117° 14'. Altitude 150 feet. Jan. 52.42 50.30 55.70 52.92 52.5i» 55.72 March. 1 April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1849.... 1S50.... 1851.... 1552.... 155:!.... 1S54.... 1355.... 51.25 51.28 53.07 53.78 51.90 50.11 54.87 55.19 55.07 57. S3 51.62 53.42 59.41 57.74 62.66 62.60 63.72 61.86 61.29 63.44 60.69 66.06 64.00 67.09 6S.43 65.04 72.40 74.27 67.39 73.25 72.85 7:3.14 75.33 74.49 72.50 72.8S 73.23 69.93 71.44 73.57 70.74 67.64 64.15 66.23 65.13 6S.94 62.99 C6.40 56.52 56.33 57.19 53.39 56.65 51.04 48.09 52.67 51.71 53.52 52.61 55.71 5S.03 61.31 59.30 62.73 6S.63 70.95 71.39 70.47 63.49 ...... 64.75 ! 50.79 65.30 53.31 1 06.02 | 53.41 02.43 52.33 i 60.72 61.95 63.03 61.13 Mean. .. 51.90 53.27 56.00 61.23 62.67 67.39 72.72 73.6S 70.87 65.50 56.92 51.70 • 59.97 71.26 64.43 52.29 62.00 POSTS DEL CHINO AND JURUPA, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 34° 00', Longitude 117° 25'. Altitude 1000? feet. 1S51 1852 1-52 1353 IS54 Mean 55.43 50.S2 , 56.57 56.29 54.70 59.29 50.32 53.US l 54.41] 71.89 73.68 70.06 68.58 60.39 53.61 66.34 63.75 68.76 73.19 71.57 64.81 50.03 51.12 60.36 71.17 63.56 71.83 76.22 74.51 74.07 69.00 57.00 53.62 62.42 71.19 66.69 54. S7 C4.54 63.66 70.29 73.77 73.25 72.06 67.46 57.81 52.78 61.01 72.44 65.78 53.89 63.28 The longitude is that of Jurupa, the other position being twenty miles westward in the same valley. The change of positions was made in September, 1852 These posts are designated Rant:',:, del Chino and Rancho de Jurupa, in the registers. MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 36° 36', Longitude 121° 52'. Altitude 140 feet. 1347.... j 55.39 57.90 58.64 59.26 61.16 57.91 52.40 50.00 58.60 56.82 51.3S 46.62 50.15 52.82 55.25 58.05 54.40 60.08 52.74 57.51 ..... ......! 61.77 56.09 61.70 58.03 57.22 58.91 55.20 50.87 53.81 57.11 1850.... 49.25 50.15 50.67 54.59 55.84 56.72 57.53 57.70 59.56 57.01 53.49 49.09 53.70 57.83 50.69 49.39 54.73 1351.... 57.06 02. S4 59.14 59.96 55.56 53.16 53.22 1552.... 56.11 54.03 53.53 53. S7 55.56 59.90 61.55 54.32 Mean .. 52.25 50.47 51.45 53.76 56.76 57.85 53.49 59.53 59.27 53.45 54.16 50.93 53.99 58.64 57.29 51.22 55.29 FORT MILLER, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 37° 00', Longitude 119° 40'. Altitude 402 feet. 1551. 1552. 1553. 1354.. 1-55 . ■i 4-"7 .' 49.75 .' 43.60 .' 40.54 M-a-.i...' 47.04 55.74 53.09 49.57 50.66 50.01 55.37 ! 63.45 , 72.33 ' 88.55 53.61 64.23 70.16 i 84.57 52.98 62.54 66.80 j 76.17 59.75 i 61.22 ' 65.96 ! 83.37 56.68 62.SO ' 63.SI 83.16 82.71 75.41 69.87 55.26 48.00 83.82 81.45 66.33 52.51 48.54 89.56 82.56 75.00 68.77 55.72 46.41 90.92 74.48 65.12 53.41 49.10 90.24 83.03 76.09 67.52 55.48 1 48.01 j 63.72 64.33 85.56 60.77 : ...... 68.84 66.76 66.50 66.00 50.65 49.75 47.72 62.7S 85.48 , 66.36 49.35 66.51 C6.00 CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 643 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 37° 48', Longitude 122° 26'. Altitude 150 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. ] Oct. • Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S47 ... 57.55 50.23 50.79 - 1343.... 49.33 50.49 ...... 1S50.... 49.79 54.45 55.21 57.20 53.15 1S52.... 59.86 58.10 5S.50 55.46 54.62 50.09 56.12 1553.... 51.00 49.91 53.06 54.93 56.38 57.60 56.58 56.90 58.96 59.66 55.94 51.23 54.79 57.03 53.19 50.73 55.13 1854.... 47.93 51.72 52.00 56.11 53.56 55.80 57.25 56.65 57.31 53.98 56.45 52.(3 53.89 50.40 57.58 50.70 54.66 1355.... 50.14 54.99 56.61 55.9S 56.01 57.35 £6.20 ..... Mean... 49.60 51.73 52.37 55.37 55.29 56.86 57.90 57.22 58.26 57.91 54.31 51.20 54.51 57.33 56.83 50.86 54.38 BENICIA BARRACKS, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 38° 03', Longitude 122° 08'. Altitude 64 feet. 1S49.... ...... ...... 46.15 47.95 1850.... 47.37 49.16 51.20 69.77 67.50 66.74 65.00 64.30 54.44 46.45 68.00 61.25 47.66 1851.... 49.54 50.08 55.42 60.12 61.83 65.16 65.68 70.07 64.08 65.86 50.93 49 03 59.12 66.97 62.29 49.55 59.48 is:2___ 48.20 52.43 52.16 50.89 5S.05 05.71 70.09 67.82 67.9S 60.58 55.86 49.04 55.90 67. S7 61.47 49.89 58.78 1853.... 48.03 49.85 52.90 56 13 60.62 68.68 65.14 63.9S 64.37 64 50 56.29 46.57 56.55 C5.93 €1.72 43.35 58.14 1854.... 42.59 58. S5 50.27 57.00 56.40 62.45 68.37 64.42 61.68 58.91 55.90 48.67 54.56 65. OS 53.33 46.70 56.29 1S55.... 45 73 52.17 56.38 56.91 58.29 70.66 57.19 Mean... 47.02 52.09 53.05 57.41 59.16 67.07 67.36 66.61 61.62 62.83 54.26 47.95 56.54 67.01 60.57 49.02 58.29 SACRAMENTO, AND CAMP FAR WEST, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 38° 33', Longitude 121° 20'. Altitude 50 feet* 1849.... 72.25 69.60 64.42 63.96 51.52 45.58 60.00 1 1850.... 44.05 45.38 49.20 57.55 71. SS 66.00 50.25 43.C9 59.54 44.34 1851.... 45.34 48.03 52.62 60.84 62.13 71.66 75.53 76.29 69.34 64.70 54.35 46.61 58.53 74.49 62.76 46.66 60.61 1S52 ... 46.61 51.44 52.06 ...... Mean .. 45.33 48.45 51.29 59.20 67.00 71 66 73.89 73.00 66.88 64.89 52.04 45.09 59.16 72.85 61.27 46.29 ! 59.89 * Camp Far West is in lat. 39° 07', long. 121° 18', and 150 or 200 feet above the sea. The observations were taken at this post after October, 1S50. FORT READING, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 40° 30', Longitude 122° 05'. Altitude 674 feet. 1852.. 1553.. 1854.. 1S55.. Mean --■ - ■ - ---- 53.66 79.00 80.37 78.75 72.33 59.76 51.80 43.42 79.37 61.30 48.04 49.12 52.37 58.77 65.96 78.51 84.76 78.76 70.70 65.05 53.12 46.23 59.03 80.68 62.96 47.80 62.62- 40.00 47.26 53.61 60.36 66.92 72.47 83.75 79.76 72.42 62.23 53.80 44.80 60.30 78.66 62.82- 44.02 61.45 44.64 51.56 57.31 59.92 59.45 64.44 81.65 60.56 44.23 49.31 54.43 65.77 77.91 82.96 79.09 71.73 62.35 52.91 44. S2 59.88 80.00 62.35 46.12 62.09 C-i-t CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. FORT HUMBOLDT, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 40° 46', Longitude 124° 09'. Altitude 50 feet. 1854....J 40.83 1555...., 45.50 Ft.Ross* 47.20 Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 43.51 47.37 54.06 53.94 5S.04 56.71 57.00 57.02 53.00 48.62 45.69 49.i'7 52.69 50.50 59.19 ...... 4S.00 49.90 51.30 55.30 56.90 57.90 5S.40 56.00 53.40 50.90 43.90 Spring. Summer. Autumn. 52.88 Winter. Year 51.79 57.55 -13.35 51.89 52.20 57.70 53.10 48.00 52.80 * A mean of lour years of observation by Russian authorities. Fori, Ross is in latitude 3S° 35', and on the coast between Humboldt Bay and San Francisco. FORT JONES, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 41° 36', Longitude 122° 52'. Attitude 2570 feet. 1S53.... 35.07 3i.96 42.01 47 14 55.37 14.36 72.04 53.67 42.74 33.42 4S.34 I 35.43 1S54.... 31.36 35.02 41.10 51 02 53.55 53.76 71.07 68.66 62.72 50.00 40.89 31.5S 43.58 66.16 51.20 32.65 49.05 1355 27.63 39.41 37.40 40.17 49.70 54.65 50.17 Mean .. 81.37 43.11 49.29 54.69 61.56 71.56 03.66 62.72 51.84 41.SI 32.50 49.03 67.26 52.12 i 33.78 51.40 FORT ORFORD, CALIFORNIA. Latitude 42° 44', Longitude 124° 2,*'. Altitude 50 feet. 1S52.... 60.47 61.33 62.69 59.18 54.70 50.59 44.15 61.49 54.82 .... 48.72 40.47 47.92 51.55 57.06 52.18 ...... ..... 1851... ...... 53.14 59.50 53.65 55.07 53.25 48.19 55.66 1855.... 4S.04 49.30 51.23 50.63 52.54 57.58 51.47 ...... | ...... Mean.., 4S.8S 47.83 -19.57 51.09 54.80 59.03 59.73 61.19 53.91 54.88 51.87 46.17 51.82 59.95 1 55.22 47.48 53.0 FORT VANCOUVER, (COLUMBIA BARRACKS,) OREGON. Latitude 45° 40', Longitude 122° 30'. Altitude 50 feet. 1849.... 34.60 1 1S50.... 3S.14 40.99 37.29 56.61 60.19 61.32 67.40 66.65 61.62 53.83 43.11 85.78 51.36 65.12 52.85 38.30 51.91 1851.... 42.01 42.90 45.29 36.89 40.60 1.852.... 42.74 42.19 40.66 4S.0S 59.81 67.11 53.90 15.08 33.20 49.52 39.37 1S53.... 37.31 42.13 46.58 54.16 00.00 63.09 70.83 64.04 60.28 53.51 45.37 41.78 53.58 66.00 53.05 40.57 53.30 1854.... 3S.05 45.00 52.43 57.18 56.85 67.90 66.00 6J.C4 51.96 52.49 36.81 51.54 63.53 55.00 1855.... 42.12 40.56 40.71 50.04 51.46 57.57 64.97 46.51 36.51 53.02 1 Mean... 41.60 44.14 52.55 58.95 62.67 68.71 65.56 61.81 53.30 51.83 65.65 53.54 39.54 52 65 FORT DALLES, OREGON. Latitude 45° 36', Longitude 120° 55'. Altitude 350 feet. 1850... !......| ...... I 57.43 52.64 87.98 32.55 49.33 1351... i 37.95 1 41.39 46.69 ...... ...... 1552 . .. ...... 1 50.57 41.25 24.95 1353... | 32.27 37.14 43.76 53.41 02.14 66.55 74.92 70.21 G3.71 55.35 41.80 40.07 53.10 70.57 53.62 • 49 50.41 1354... ■ 21 98 38.94 46.00 53 51 5S.94 63.51 71.51 H.34 64.00 52.38 44.34 37.07 52.82 6S.79 53.74 ' 0,2. Liu 52.00 1355... 40.16 1 1 33.09 42.57 40.01 49.83 52.02 57.60 71.19 53.00 Mean.. 46.45 52.93 59.53 67.09 73.22 70.77 61.71 53.61 41.33 33.66 53.00 70.36 52.22 35 59 .,,., CONSOLIDATED TABLES AND SUMMARIES. 645 FORT STEILACOOM, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Latitude 47° 10', Longitude 122° 25'. Altitude 300? feet. ASTORIA, OREGON. Latitude 40° 11', Longitude 123° 48'. Altitude 50 feet. CANTONMENT LORING, (FORT HALL,) OREGON. Latitude 43° 04', Longitude 112° 27'. Altitude 4800 feet. GREAT SALT LAKE, UTAH. Latitude 40° 46', Longitude 112° 06'. Altitude 4351 feet. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Augiibt. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 36.29 Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1840... 46.81 i860.... 85.37 89.12 40.51 47.33 55.00 61.11 64.25 63.40 56.52 51.87 41.21 37.15 47.81 62.93 49.86 37.38 49.49 1851.... 40.60 40.79 43.17 51.49 54.3S 61.26 62.93 66.82 57.01 52.90 46.27 41.15 49.68 63.67 52.06 40.78 51.55 1,52.... 43.26 42.60 40.18 46.49 57.10 63.00 63.51 63. SS 57.06 51.69 43.75 33.28 47.92 63.46 50.83 39.71 50.48 1358___ 89.73 39.78 41.92 48.74 57.62 60.47 66.73 62.11 5S.56 53.58 45.10 44.62 49.43 63.10 52.41 41.38 51.58 1554.... 30.61 39.64 43.87 50.83 55.57 58.96 63 71 62.80 59.61 51.73 46.67 43.06 50.09 61.82 52.67 37.77 50.59 1S55___ 41.95 43.15 47.75 48.39 54.79 59.11 50.31 Mean... 35.67 40.58 42.90 48.88 55.84 60.65 64.23 63.80 57.75 52.35 44.97 39.26 49.21 62.89 51.69 39.50 50.82 1350.... 62.22 59.38 55.45 46.44 40.66 53.76 1351.... 43.00 43.62 1 45.73 52.76 55.00 59.53 61.55 63.76 58.13 51.16 61.58 42.43 52.22 1S49.... ...... ...... 63.39 59.62 47.97 34.67 22.50 1 i ...... 47.42 1350.... 24.31 24.06 25.23 42.71 ...... 1 ...... ...... ...... 23.62 I860.... 20.40 82.20 35.58 48.00 65.25 71.29 80.55 49.61 1553.... 36.57 1354.... 24.20 35.46 40.50 52.40 41.73 31.65 35.44 30.75 37.38 43.17 Mean .. 27.12 35.01 39.75 50.20 65.25 71.29 80.55 41.73 34.11 51.73 75.92 82.08 53.24 To obtain a nearer approximation to the temperature of this district the observations of Captain Stansbury, in 1850, and those of Lieutenant Beckwith, from December, 1853, to April, 1854, are incorporated. 80 SERIES OE MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OE RAIN. The entire amount of water falling in rain and snow is in all cases intended to Le included in the summaries given in the original record, and of which the results for separate years are here consolidated to determine the mean for a series of years. In some cases the amount falling in snow- is not fully given as water, and some such omissions have been supplied by taking one-tenth of the reported depth of snow as its equivalent in water. HANCOCK BARRACKS, MAINE. FORT KENT, MAINE. FORT SULLIVAN, MAINE. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. • Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1836.... .... 1S37....; 2.00 1S38.... 1.55 1S39.... 2.55 1840.... 1.34 1841.... 5.99 1542.... 2.S2 1343.... 2.02 1344.... 2.80 1845...J 4.37 4.40 0.62 0.94 1.35 0.81 3.41 3.15 0.79 1.73 1.82 0.12 1.96 2.67 2.13 1.63 2.79 1.66 1.70 2.99 1.40 4.24 5.32 3.31 1.19 3.92 1.57 1.43 2.21 3.S7 3.35 1.52 4.74 2.64 2.81 2.87 2.51 0.46 2.95 6.69 5.17 5.93 5.80 3.94 2.37 2.73 2.10 3.89 4.80 2.81 7.20 3.09 1.98 9.40 2.70 3.55 6.86 3.28 3.90 3.54 4.50 2.97 0.12 1.56 8.92 1.80 2.15 2.33 8.54 3.78 1.74 3.09 4.52 2.74 1.10 1.85 3.01 2.40 5.42 0.53 5.58 1.84 4.00 7.84 4.62 1.74 2.87 6.72 3.89 4.11 2.53 2.47 2.14 3.13 4.79 1.80 1.55 2.70 8.62 3.20 1.75 1.58 3.43 7.02 5.40 9.55 9.51 10.18 5.51 9.51 6.10 5.69 7.63 11.65 13.04 17.40 11.99 7.90 14.90 13.99 8.08 13.11 7.07 8.51 15.92 6.16 14.78 S.89 9.61 11.08 9.60 8.20 4.02 5.35 6.31 10.00 7.98 6.75 7.02 35.63 38.37 33.77 41.91 36.97 37.60 41.33 30.50 l\ea,n I 2.80 9£y'is j 1.91 1.34 2.S3 2.95 3.82 4.83 2.27 2.94 3.92 3.29 2.71 7.62 11.92 9.95 7.43 36.97 1844.... 1.86 4.41 8.86 3.36 l 9.64 1845.... 3.75 2.60 1.77 1.06 2.63 1.36 7.72 2.57 .... 5.46 11.65 9.71 36.46 1841.... 5.15 0.79 2.55 6.54 1.51 2.94 5.10 1.15 2.43 1.73 2.99 5.18 10.60 9.19 7.20 11.12 33.11 1812 ... 3.54 3.61 2.75 1.60 2.15 2.00 1.75 6.15 2.S5 5.45 4.00 4.80 6.50 9.90 12.30 11.95 40.65 1S43.... 2.15 2.80 3.38 3.05 2.35 1.55 3.83 3.75 0.95 3.55 3.40 4.70 S.78 9.13 7.90 9.65 38.46 1844... 1.95 1.65 2.75 0.70 8.65 0.82 5.34 4.43 2.35 2.54 4.25 7.06 7.10 10.64 9.14 10.66 37.54 1845.... 3.12 2.62 2.25 2.53 5.17 2.00 6.51 3.85 9.95 12.36 1S49.... 5.24 1.86 2.25 2.47? 9.65 1S50.... 3.83 2.32 2.80 1.50 5.10 6.10 7.10 2.53 4.83 3.24 3.00 4.80 9.40 15.78 11.04 10.95 47.17 1851.... 2.81 4.10 4.60 3.30 2.SO 1.40 3.35 0.90 3.80 4.50 3.00 2.60 10.70 5.65 10. SO 8.91 36.06 1852.... 4.30 3.60 2.90 4.10 0.30 2.20 4.00 4.80 3.40 3.50 4.20 2.50 7 30 11.00 11.10 10.40 39.3) 1S53.... 1.70 ■ 7 20 4.50 1.90 3.3) 0.35 1.70 4.90 ' 9.70 6.95 Mean | Siy'rsf 3.17 3.13 8.16 2.80 2.92 2.15 4.28 3.62 3.17 3.29 3.39 4.26 S.83 10.05 9.85 10.61 89.09 G48 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT PREBLE, MAINE. Jan. Feb. March. April. Mav. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1S40.... 4.52 2.20 18-1! ... 4.2S 0.79 1.89 5.05 2.S7 1.3S 0.74 4.43 4.03 1.43 3.67 6.38 9.81 6.55 9.IS 11.45 87.00 1S42.... 1.91 3.40 ; 1.86 1.80 2.40 4.26 2.95 3.59 4.58 0.98 3.53 5.38 6.06 10.SO 9.09 8.69 36.64 1S4;:.... 1.57 5.20 4.42 4.05 4.79 1.31 6.30 0.39 5.21 3.64 1.04 13.67 12.40 9.24 1844.... 3.48 0.75 3.59 0.34 3.74 3.34 1.76 2.27 1.76 4.66 2.92 4.10 7.67 7.37 9.34 8.28 32.66 1S45.... 3.75 2.07 2.37 1.44 3.14 1.56 5.86 2.93 2.57 6.95 10.35 1349.... 2.70 4.50 5.30 3.95 ...... 12.50 1 Sr.c.... 4.85 3.20 2.70 4.60 15.50 4.80 2.90 3.35 5.95 3.45 2.80 4.50 22.80 11.05 12.20 12 55 59.00 1851... 3.55 5.80 j 2.45 7.35 3.90 3.87 3.65 2.22 4.41 8.43 6.58 2.89 13.70 9.74 19.42 12.24 46.10 1S52.... 4.79 2.56 3.59 8.54 2.82 5.02 3.19 8.31 8.42 5.30 6.38 6.10 14.95 16.52 15.10 13.45 60.02 1353.... 1.87 8.55 2.01 3.76 7.08 1.47 2.68 3.58 13.45 7.73 Mean ) 84yW 3.07 3.39 i 2.92 1 4.14 5.05 3.39 2.78 4.11 3.31 4.25 4.37 4.17 12.11 10.28 11.93 10.93 45.25 FORT CONSTITUTION, NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1S30.... 1337.... 1.91 1.53 1838 ... 2.62 0.97 1839.... 0.97 2.06 1640.... 0.90 1.37 1542... 1.34 2 6S 1.28 3.57 1844.... 2.83 1.43 IS 15..... S.01 2.68 1849.... 1850.... 6.14 2.72 1851.... 2.13 5.12 1352.... 3.51 2.55 1653.... 2.85 4.82 Mean ) loY.M 2.42 2.04 1630. 1537. 1S3S. 1S89. 1840. 1S41. 1S48. 1S44. Mean ) .-, Tj'r-. 1 2 WATERTOWN ARSENAL, MASSACHUSETTS. 2.40 2.95 2.56 8.16 2.18 2.18 1.03 2.89 1.24 2.91 2.76 3.76 5.06 1.46 8.17 1.96 6.74 5.41 3.51 1.64 4.73 2.55 3.80 3.43 2.75 6.86 5.18 3.60 0.38 3.70 5.92 8.85 4.73 2.48 1.86 3.67 3.75 4.26 4.34 4.90 2.74 2.82 4.50 1.69 3.61 2.45 1.84 2.07 4.50 2.84 2.01 2.58 2.79 2.64 1.11 2.13 4.94 4.63 5.10 6.05 8.00 0.99 0.51 7.74 1.96 2.62 4.29 1.12 4.72 8.00 2.87 1.71 4.90 2.26 4.19 8.21 5.60 5.86 3.85 4.45 1.74 4.30 2.07 8.96 8.95 3.38 4.69 2.47 1.02 8.43 4.46 4.19 3.45 4.11 11.91 8.78 12.83 11.42 10.87 8.S3 10.75 7.82 8.31 11.91 11.87 10.76 15.08 7.78 10.66 8.31 3.96 16.94 6.29 15.77 11.45 10.31 13.63 10.83 11.90 10.13 10.71 12.15 3.27 1.29 2.97 1.78 2.05 0.61 3.91 3.57 4.26 ...... 6.80 8.09 2.29 4.-37 5.21 4.09 1.05 1.65 0.85 1.48 2.01 1.72 11.87 6.79 4.34 5.16 28.16 1.14 2.21 3.08 3.31 2.00 3.73 3.98 4.24 3.35 0.85 6.73 9.10 11.57 4.44 31.84 0.80 3.28 3.85 2.71 2.70 2.55 1.5S 0.S3 2.05 3.55 7.93 7.96 4.46 6.58 26.93 3.87 4.05 1.93 2.02 1.31 2.99 1.26 9.85 5.32 3.08 1.59 8.13 4.43 3.18 4.23 2.61 0.66 2.41 4.45 7.80 11. S4 5.68 8.47 33.79 1.40 2.77 0.60 6.52 1.70 7.16 0.43 3.33 2.67 2.72 4.77 15.38 6.43 7.57 34.15 8.60 0...5 2.75 1.45 1.36 2.23 2.57 4.54 2.99 5.55 6.70 5.04 9.00 9.81 30.55 3.20 1.15 3.15 1.89 7.33 1.35 2.72 4.07 1.89 6.01 3.50 3.86 7.50 11.94 11.40 3.45 4.70 8.31 2.73 2.04 6.50 6.68 2.76 2.48 2.22 16.46 11.27 11.92 11.08 50.78 0.55 7.13 2.55 3.67 4.30 1.92 3.23 5.47 6.10 3.18 10.23 9.89 14.80 10.43 45.85 2.26 6.60 1.42 2.79 2.53 6.20 2.71 2.92 4.35 4.65 10.23 11.52 9.98 10.71 42.49 0.29 2.16 3.23 3.44 6.96 0.52 0.92 5.18 3.21 10.48 6.62 8.48 3.01 2.40 3.80 2.43 3.29 3.23 3.32 9.03 9.21 8.95 8.88 35.57 82.06 43.99 42.89 48.08 48.41 42.07 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 649 FORT INDEPENDENCE, MASSACHUSETTS. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S51.... 1.60 1.44 1.24 3.95 4.40 1.28 9.50 1852.... 3.50 1.32 1.2G 4.00 1.20 2.71 1.92 5.35 1.60 1.42 2.94 3.00 6.46 9.98 5.96 7.82 30.22 1853.... 2.16 3.43 1.16 2.77 6.31 2.55 4.04 4.70 3.90 2.74 4.52 2.71 10.24 11.29 11.16 8.35 41.04 1854.... 2.50 8.86 2.55 5.40 4.28 2.00 4.44 0.50 3.34 1.47 5.57 3.23 12.23 6.94 10.83 9.09 33.04 6.34 3.30 1.16 2.72 1.62 5.50 Mean ) 4 y'rs j 3.62 2.84 1.53 * 3.72 8.85 2.42 3.00 3.00 2.52 2.39 4.36 2.55 8.60 S.42 9.27 9.01 85.3u Note.—The measurement of rain at Fort Independence appears deficient for most of this period. The record of Cambridge Observatory gives 40.5 inches for 1852, and 53.8 inches for 1S53, the differences from these measures being quite equally distributed through the monthly results. FORT ADAMS, RHODE ISLAND. 1S41.... .... 4.81 6.69 7.22 ...... 1342. .. 4.4S 5.95 4.54 3.13 4.65 10.92 3.83 4.38 2.97 0.80 3.66 5.43 12.37 19.13 7.43 15. SG 54.79 1843.... 4.22 6.43 5.68 7.56 3.69 2.05 2.S3 9.12 1.96 10.02 6.84 7.16 16.93 14.05 1S.S2 17.SI 67.61? 1844 ... 5.85 1.24 3.17 1.49 5.21 1.77 5.78 4.72 5.25 8.30 3.31 2.98 9.87 12.27 16.88 10.07 49.07 1845 ... 2.90 3.15 2.49 1.67 3.22 2.31 2.78 3.54 2.96 4.74 9.49 3.44 7.3S 8 63 17.19 9.49 42.69 1346.... 2.49 1.98 2.8S 1.95 2.75 0.79 2.84 3.70 1.18 7.5S 7.33 1848.... 3.55 5.48 1849.... 1.65 3.27 6.25 2.10 4.26 2.30 1.67 3.33 2.36 7.07 4.52 3.85 12.61 7.30 13.95 8.77 42.03 I860.... 5.24 3.51 6.82 4.97 5.75 2.42 4.01 3.65 5.23 3.58 2.39 6.58 17.54 10.03 11.20 15.33 51.15 1851.... 3.12 5.6S 1.41 7.96 4.10 2.10 6.62 3.65 3.49 4.47 6.84 3.32 13.47 12.27 14.30 12.12 52.70 1S52.... 4.43 5.41 5.90 8.67 3.92 1.70 2.10 6.90 2.55 2.60 6.62 6.53 18.49 10.70 11.77 16.39 57.33 6.68 5.13 4.65 10.48 7.56 2.38 4.92 5.34 3.25 22.69 12.64 Mean ) 10 y'rs f 4.10 4.17 4.38 5.00 4.51 2.87 3.74 4.83 3.12 5.15 5.39 5.20 13.89 11.44 13.66 13.47 52.40 Note—The measurements at Fort Adams, particularly for 1843, appear somewhat in excess. A record at New Bedford, for forty years, by Samuel It .;lnan, esq., gives 42 inches as the mean annual fall, and that at Brown University for twenty years is very nearly the same measure. FORT TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT. 2.05 3.42 5.92 4.20 3.35 2.47 2.51 10.14 1.68 7.45 5.79 3.80 13.47 15.12 14.9:? 9.27 52.78 1844.... 5.92 1.81 6.01 1.19 3.47 1.94 3.81 2.72 2.40 5.S9 3.40 2.23 10.67 8.47 11.19. 9.96 40.29 1845.... 3.54 3.57 3.40 3.00 2.89 3.05 3.69 1.60 1.74 3.65 7.96 4.72 10.29 8.34 13.35 11.33 43.31 1846.... 3.04 2.24 3.35 2.12 4.69 10.16 Mean ) 3i y'rs ] 3.64 3.70 4.67 2.63 3.60 2.49 3.34 4.82 1.94 5.50 5.72 3.58 10.90 10.65 13.16 10.93 45.69 FORT HAMILTON, NEW YORK. 1839. ..' 1-80 2.72 1840. .. 2.50 2.80 1843. ... 0.70 1.90 1844. ..! 2.97 0.93 1345. ..' 4.26 5.70 1510. 5.15 5.55 1347. ..! 5.04 7.05 .! 2.20 1.17 1.90 8.34 4.S5 4.20 5.70 4.33 0.52 2.21 1.00 2.82 2.40 5.04 0.71 1.34 1.75 ■ 6.22 6.41 2.80 5.33 4.74 2.35 4.80 8.70 11.46 14.54 11.89 13.22 51.11 8.38 5.11 4.55 6.20 1.72 15.86 1.32 1.67 1.88 14.05 3.75 4.10 1.70 3.21 11.22 17.60 9.55 5.SI '44.15 2.80 2.32 4.87 1.72 4.30 3.73 2.05 2.05 7.65 8.91 10.13 5.95 32.64 1.47 8.60 1.95 4.48 2.28 1.76 2.95 3.45 4.68 10.13 6.99 13.41 35.21 9.84 2.14 7.09 4.34 0.20 1.5S 8.90 2.68 15.06 13.57 10.G5 13.33 52.69 1.63 3.37 4.32 3.30 10.60 4.25 5.20 7.IS 7.3S 15.99 20.05 19.27 62.69 9.32 5.19 1.30 0.94 1.65 2.95 1.82 2.50 12.91 7.1(3 6.42 8.87 86.13 87 050 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT HAMILTON, NEW YORK—Continued. Jan. isr.t.... 0.44 1S50___ 4.09 1851.... 2.39 1852.... 1.94 155:;.... 4.55 1554.... 3.05 Me in. .. 2.93 2.12 5.11 1.74 : 5.55 4.44 J 8.38 2.27 ! 4.11 7.24 4.45 5.79 0.05 3.57 3.65 April. 0.52 1.44 5.32 6.06 4.73 9.5S 3.42 May. June. July. August. Sept. 3.75 0.82 2.70 3.01 2.84 6.74 2.11 3.63 6.16 4.20 2.83 1.68 3.29 2.64 1.31 3.20 2.8J 2.64 4.46 1.99 6.02 4.42 5.83 5.23 3.75 6.09 4.25 2.23 0.26 3.50 4.62 3.65 3.55 4.44 3.33 Oct. Nov. Dec. 4.50 1.45 2.43 1.83 1.9S 5.77 2.99 4.39 2.66 2.25 4.14 3.80 2.73 3.71 1.16 1.19 5.70 3.35 2.80 3.75 3.84 Spring. 9.33 13.73 12.08 13.37 16.59 16 32 11.69 Summer. Autumn. 6.59 8.79 11.95 8.01 7.61 8.69 9.90 8.33 15.48 10.19 0.74 10.39 11.64 9.93 Winter. Year. 4.99 12.21) 9.49 8.01 12.98 10.85 10.39 29.75 45.89 37. S7 39.06 55.24 44.30 43.65 FORT COLUMBUS, NEW YORK. 1S36.. 1S."7*. 133S.. 1S39.. 1S4U-. 1641.. 1842.. 1543.. 154 4.. 1145.. 1S46.. 1S47.. 1S4S.. 154!).. 165(1.. 1851.. 1S52. 155;;.. 1354.. 1.09 ] 2.7(1 | 3.93 U.69 j 1.84 5.30 1.07 1.00 2.66 4.57 3.92 4.02 1.75 0.01 5.5T 1.46 2.92 4.14 2.60 2.78 2.01 1.81 2.66 0.63 6.46 1.44 2.37 3.40 2.00 1.90 2.30 4.60 10.27 7.30 5.40 27.57 3.70 8.20 7.50 9.50 8.50 5.90 6.30 2.10 2.11 2.90 6.10 25.20 20.70 7.11 12.50 65.51 8.70 4.10 2.50 3.99 3.12 1.83 4.79 4.96 3.64 3.10 2.24 10.59 9.74 11.70 9.87 41.90 2.05 2.46 3.35 8.37 4.94 1.35 4.92 3.59 1.45 2.19 7.61 14.18 11.21 7.23 10.35 42.97 1.S4 2.92 2.03 2.39 2.40 1.80 4.25 1.84 4.59 2.90 1.00 T.34 8.45 9.33 4.68 29.80 0.80 2.35 3.93 3.95 4.05 4.90 2.50 2.90 4.40 3.70 2.70 10.23 12.05 11.00 8.80 42.03 2.55 1.25 3.60 3.60 3.30 3.80 2.81 2.10 4.30 1.80 3.50 8.45 8.91 8.20 7.42 32.98 2.31 2.13 2.14 1.00 0.76 1.64 15.26 3.06 5.91 2.82 3.34 5.27 17.66 11.79 6.65 41.37 1.03 4.50 0.55 3.41 2.37 6.00 2.73 4.50 4.C8 1.73 2.82 8.46 11.10 10.31 6.51 36.38 3.22 3.33 1.22 1.75 3.70 1.75 3.21 2.62 2.50 3.40 2.51 6.30 S.66 8.52 10.60 34.08 3.01 3.S2 4.01 9.70 1.39 6.01 3.SS 0.48 1.34 8.36 2.99 17.53 11.28 10.18 9.92 48.91 5.74 8.43 1.53 2.18 6.78 1.62 6.93 12.20 2.13 6.29 6.35 12.19 15.33 20.62 16.71 64.85 1.0S 2.23 1.16 7.28 4.56 2.64 1.41 1.S7 6.61 1.59 4.02 10.67 8.61 10.07 7.45 36.80 2.C6 4.87 0.62 3.47 0.78 1.43 4.63 1.55 5.63 1.83 4.01 8.96 6.84 9.06 6.88 31.74 2.64 4.04 2.72 9.20 3.07 3.92 7.21 4.71 3.16 2.33 5.36 16.56 14.20 10.20 13.57 54.53 4.50 1.70 6.94 4.73 0.90 4.72 3.47 1.26 2.95 4.53 8.72 13.37 9.18 8.74 8.6S 39.97 8.C8 4.43 4.74 2.24 2.11 3.25 6.20 2.29 2.06 6.07 4.45 11.41 11.56 10.42 10.45 43.84 4.9S 2.03 3.32 5.80 4.80 4.40 5.50 5.49 3.90 6.80 1.04 11.15 14.70 16.19 10.16 52.20 4.00 0.70 8.80 7.70 2.20 1.90 1.03 1.90 1.80 3.95 8.60 17.20 5.13 7.65 15.20 4").18 2.92 3.44 8.33 4.78 3.46 3.17 4.70 3.31 3.40 3.59 3.93 11.55 11.83 10.30 9.63 42.23 * At Fort Wood, Bedloe's Island, from January, 1837, to September, 1839. WEST POINT, NEW YORK. 1836.... .... 1837....! 4.15 15,>>.... 2.25 1S39.... 6.75 154u.... 2.50 1541.... 9.95 1542.... 2.00 1543...., 2.70 1S.4..J 5.25 1M5....! 5.15 l54C,....| 8.42 1547.... 4.01 5.10 2.45 3.S5 2.50 2.00 2.60 3.02 3.10 6.22 11.00 5.30 1.40 3.41 5.25 0.75 5.05 4.20 3.40 3.90 3.49 1.80 7.75 5.15 9.75 4.59 6.60 4.95 3.40 0.50 1.50 3.04 0.79 5.95 13.35 12.90 11.25 8.85 4.37 4.SO 2.28 5.10 4.10 6.62 2.70 13.90 10.60 3.85 4.30 7.07 9.15 13.10 8.75 7.40 3.55 4.20 2.60 12.27 5.90 5.85 12.50 8.05 6.10 6.50 9.38 5.72 4.59 2.13 1.44 2.80 2.73 5.18 3.08 8.33 3.10 5.97 3.40 2.80 3.05 2.10 8.85 3.23 5.19 9.92 5.60 4.20 2.98 1.95 8.00 11.33 3.62 6.95 4.60 3.45 7.90 5.2S 3.50 4.92 1.05 1.82 2.3S 7.72 2.60 2.93 5.86 2.80 6.14 2.93 0.17 2.46 10.02 2.27 2.52 2.20 8.58 1.97 1.80 16.65 2.05 4.65 6.66 6.25 5.10 4.40 2.70 4.12 3.24 2.80 8.50 32.10 23.85 22.40 16.35 16.22 10.50 10.73 9.80 9.80 18.56 6.98 28.35 29.25 24.02 21.55 10.71 12.17 18.84 16.28 16.68 11.92 11.87 6.{ 20.52 50.14 10.35 11.80 83.03? 26.65 9.35 88.37? 8.16 17.86 69.47? 14.51 11.25 47.62 18.50 17.05 58.94? 12.78 9.60 50.62 15.17 8.42 50.60 9.47 12.47 48.87 10.89 11.27 43.83 12.63 9.00 46.56 7.85 13.73 85.05 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 651 WEST POINT, NEW YORK—Continued. Winter. lU.S'J Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct., Nov. "Dec. j Spring. 'Summer. 12.;„ 12.2s VuMuJ 11. su Year. 1843.... 1.S7 3.93 2.71 2.90 7.15 7.37 4.42 0.49 3.67 4.43 6.76 5.04 5L'.79 1S49.. . 1.03 2.07 4.55 0.90 6.10 1.08 3.15 4.84 0.4S 7.63 2.31 4.11 11.55 9.07 10.42 7.21 38.25 1550.... 6.06 3.33 4.34 4.30 8.26 3.83 5.89 5.13 8.14 2.34 2.17 5.05 17.40 14.85 12.65 15.04 57.94 1851.... 0.82 5.09 2.56 7.24 4.34 1.53 4.44 2.58 1.22 4.02 4.31 2.45 l 14.14 8.55 9.55 8.86 40.60 1552 ... 1.80 3.80 2.68 4.66 1.85 2.30 4.67 6.39 2.39 2.99 4.47 5.31 9.19 13.36 9.85 10.91 43.31 3.27 5.45 3.28 5.84 7.99 3.77 10.43 7.S7 3.95 3.85 5.60 2.26 17.06 22.12 13.40 10.98 63.56 1354.... 3.52 5.04 2.81 10.53 5.08 1.62 3.73 0.46 4.00 1.98 5.65 4.39 2.64 4.71 18.42 5 81 11.63 11.20 47.06 Mean ) 19 y'rs j 3.50 3.44 3.71 4.55 6.18 4.79 5.50 5.15 3.89 4.34 14.44 15.44 12.62 11.65 54.15 M'n last 12 years ,3.24 3.90 3.62 3.82 5.13 2.77 4.89 4.77 3.11 3.87 3.76 3.65 ! 12.57 12.43 10.74 10.79 46.53 WATERVLIET ARSENAL, NEW YORK. 1836___ 2.21 2.42 7.08 2.39 2.00 0.99 4.15 2.58 4.53 11.47 7.72 1537.... 2.49 2.82 2.17 1.34 6.14 4.73 2.92 3.91 1.15 2.12 0.80 1.45 9.65 11.56 4.07 6.76 32.04 1333.... 0.S3 1.02 1.25 0.63 4.69 4.37 2.67 5.95 2.96 2.56 3.32 0.55 6.57 12.99 8.84 2.40 80.80 1839.... 2.20 0.65 1.30 3 63 2.91 4.60 3.61 1.03 3.67 1.22 2.31 2.10 7.84 9.24 7.70 4.95 29.73 1840.... 0.27 0.20 2.79 4.60 1.95 3.45 2.54 2.96 4.72 4.24 2.95 1.61 9.34 8.95 11.91 2.08 32.28 1841.... 3.69 2.20 2.50 4.34 1.75 3.09 1.08 4.25 5.44 1.41 2.89 3.15 8.59 8.42 9.74 9.04 35.79 1S42.... 0.95 3.23 3.47 4.93 1.37 4.98 5.03 4.36 7.69 4.18 2.36 9.77 14.37 14.23 1843.... 1.90 1.30 4.26 3.25 6.05 4.39 7.02 2.61 4.83 2.75 1.60 8.SI 17.46 10.39 1345.... 4.25 2.95 3.36 3.25 5.02 2.09 3.31 1.19 3.12 2.04 3.41 2.55 11.63 6.59 8.57 9.75 30.54 1846___ 2.86 2.20 2.85 0.86* 3.29 2.96 2.50* 2.90 1.10 2.16 5.00 2.81 7.00 8.36 8.26 7.S7 31.49 1847.... 1.34 1.33 2.50 2.23 2.45 3.82 6.01 1.74 3.06 3.16 1.97 1.64 7.18 i 11.57 8.19 4.86 31.80 1848.... 2.02 2.27 3.22 1.40 6.61 3.62 5.57 2.98 2.25 3.44 2.23 4.32 11.23 11.37 7.92 8.61 39.13 1S49___ 0.65 1.19? 1.01 5.53 5.52 0.07 5.34 1.61 2.98 1 7.73 7.62 1S50 . 1.80 0.40 0.84 2.92 4.70 1.91 5.27 3.34 4.23 3.37 1.69 2.75 8.46 10.52 9.29 4.96 33.23? 1851___ 1.32 3.86 0.97 3.53 2.83 3.60 4.43 2.39 1.66 2.62 4.01 2.86 7.33 10.42 8.29 8.04 34.08 1852___ 2. S3 1.10 2.06 4.16 1.67 1.28 2.87 2.73 2.67 2.67 4.70 2.35 7.89 6.88 10.04 6.33 31.14 1S53 . 1.78 4.08 2.72 3.36 5.84 1.62 8.54 3.05 7.56 2.47 5.37 1.43 11.92 8.21 15.40 7.29 42.82 1854.... 3.50 2.77 2.73 3.98 1.58 2.31 1.54 0.84 2.82 2.05 2.40 2.93 0.98 2.33 8.29 4.69 7.27 7.25 27.50 Mean . 2.07 2.OS 2.19 2.92 3.55 3.73 3.51 8.10 3.24 3.00 8.66 10.34 9.17 6.38 34.55 ation at 1 Llbany ei ves 40 in ches as the mean annual fall of water. PLATTSBURG BARRACKS, NEW YORK. 1540.... 1841..., 1842.... 1343... 1844... 1845... 1346... 1.10 2.00 0.47 1.26 0.84 2.84 1.13 0.20 0.81 1.32 1.46 0.54 2.67 0.74 5.05 1.25 2.40 2.83 2.44 2.09 1.36 5.25 2.26 1.48 2.61 2.02 0.62 2.50 0.80 4.88 5.40 1.83 2.91 2.75 2.28 5.43 4.41 2.15 3.11 3.00 4.50 6.25 1.10 2.00 2.00 12.80 10.25 9.35 3.30 35.70 1.75 1.50 8.46 0.50 1.47 2.44 5.43 5.28 4.09 2.41 3.69 8.34 2.84 3.12 5.46 8.73 9.87 4.91 29.02 5.09 5.22 4.47 4.83 3.08 0.74 11.84 15.79 12.43 3.66 43.72 4.78 6.46 3.35 4.53 2.40 1.52 10.45 15.65 10.28 2.90 39.28 2.09 1.81 3.66 2.26 3.49- 1.20 5.94 4.89 5.55 9.41 6.73 27.63 G52 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. PLATTSBURG BARRACKS, NEW YORK—Continued. Mean of eighteen years' observation at Burlington, Vermont, 33 9 inches. Professor Thompson. MADISON BARRACKS, NEW YORK. Jan. • Feb. March. April. May.' June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1849.... 0.95 3.60 0.70 4.20 2.30 1.20 7.20 1S50.... 1.10 0.98 0.23 3.73 7.13 2.58 4.12 1.33 4.C6 7.04 3.10 7.25 11 19 8.08 15.80 9.83 43.90 1351.... 2.19 1.99 2.03 1.61 3.61 5.85 3.09 3.22 3.36 4.61 3.30 1.S4 7.25 11.66 11.27 0.02 86.20 1S52.... 0.90 1.83 2.02 3.42 Mean... 1.88 1.20 2.18 2.55 3.63 3.51 3.22 3.30 3.72 3.67 2.66 2.87 8.36 10.03 10.05 4.95 83.89 1840.... 1.15 3.53 2.58 4.80 3.62 8.78 3.16 2.85 10.56 7.53 1841.... 3.13 0.51 3.00 2.73 1.74 1.58 4.14 1.59 5.36 1.58 3.85 3.11 7.47 7.31 10.79 6.80 32.37 1S42.... 0.94 1.93 3.24 3.16 1.76 4.43 3.81 3.38 4.21 4.11 4.38 1.96 8.16 11.62 12.70 4.63 37.31 1S43.... 2.35 1.85 2.57 2.15 1.44 4.70 2.79 1.85 2.66 6.91 2.44 2.06 6.16 9.34 12.01 6.26 83.77 1344.... 2.74 0.55 1.91 1.79 3.37 3.74 3.7S 3.80 0.41 3.52 1.62 1.70 7.07 11.82 5.55 5.29 29.23 1845.... 3.50 2.92 2.55 2.04 4.16 1.S5 5.45 0.57 8.18 2.64 2.24 1.27 8.75 7.87 8.06 7.69 32.37 1846.... 2.61 2.24 2.28 1.96 3.49 1.93 7.73 1840.... 1.69 2.07 0.91 4.06 6.51 5.21 4.99 4.85 7.04 16.71 1S50.... 3.16 3.55 2.13 2.87 6.15 1.64 7.57 3.12 4.75 12.39 3.93 6.26 11.15 12.33 21.07 12.97 57.51? 1351.... 2.39 4.52 4.33 3.95 5.OS 2.78 7.67 3.53 3.35 6.09 5.85 4.25 13.36 13.98 15.29 11.16 53.79? 1352.... 2.90 2.79 5.39 3.29 .... 3.78 Mean .. 2.49 2.47 3.05 2.66 3.23 2.75 4.51 2.97 5.13 3.60 3.14 8.94 10.23 12.51 8.10 39.78 The last years of this record appear over-measured, by comparison with other stations and with previous summaries here. FORT ONTARIO, NEW YORK. 1544.... 1.43 0.19 1.54 1.40 3.74 8.20 1.42 6.50 0.54 4.69 1.02 3.71 6.68 16.12 6.45 5.33 34.58 1845.... 8.01 2.6S 0.85 2.43 2.89 4.73 1.53 3.63 5.60 2.65 3.62 5.02 11.88 9.31 1846.... 2.80 2.93 1.55* 1.29 1.82 1.38 4.66 1849.... 1.16 1.15 2.62 1.65 3.00 1.66 0.69 1.61 2.26 6.30 2.77 2.09 7.27 3.96 11.83 5.40 27.96 1850 ... 1.63 1.0S 0.37 3.39 3.04 2.03 6.09 1.25 2.40 5.59 4.81 2.90 6.80 7.37 12.80 5.66 32.63 1851.... 2.61 2.31 3.97 1.91 1.31 2.55 2.37 1.32 1.74 2.48 4.97 4.41 7.19 6.44 9.19 9.33 32.15 1352.... 2.76 2.14 3.66 0.03 0.86 4.06 1.18 0.53 3.31 4.80 4.47 4.09 5.20 5.77 12.58 8.99 82.54 1853 ... 1.17 4.12 0.89 3.04 2.01 0.72 5.94 1854.... 0.82 1.09 1.69 Mean... 2.02 2.07 1.93 1.93 2.27 3.17 2.22 2.24 2.31 4.85 8.11 3.21 6.18 7.63 9.77 7.80 30.88 FORT NIAGARA, NEW YORK. ---- --- ---- 1S41.... 1842 ... 2.50 3.90 1343.... 5.61 2.27 1(344.... 1.80 0.53 1545... 1.75 1.17 1346... 1.90 1.15 4.10 2.74 1.52 1.94 1.20 4.20 2. SI 0.34 2.07 1.0S 2.40 7.25 6.32 2.39 5.07 4.23 2.74 2.59 2.23 2.57 1.16 1.14 i. 03 1.62 3.50 1.49 2.SI 0.77 1.20 3.40 5.05 3.70 4.82 2.75 4.72 2.24 1.54 1.86 0.26 1.47 0.94 1.63 3.06 1.42 1.21 0.81 10.70 17.07 7.94 11.39 5.10 7.13 6.58 5.11 4.36 13.57 2.67 5.69 9.15 50.49 9.24 37.07 3.96 18.86? 8.23 ..... 20.61.' SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 653 FORT NIAGARA, NEW YORK—Continued. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Spring. ! Summer Autumn Winter. Year. 1849... 1850.... 1851.... 1852.... 1853.... 1854.... 4.01 1.20 1.-00 1.11 1.63 0.67 3.32 1.71 1.64 2.52 0.49 0.37 4.46 2.54 1.87 (J. 46 2.01 2.87 3.40 2.25 *0.70 2.49 2.56 8.70 3.90 6.64 1.69 2.91 1.60 1.71 2.63 6.37 3.18 1.98 2.71 4.08 7.21 5.17 2.26 2.60 1.56 1.52 5.00 7.25 2.99 5.06 3.55 2.61 4.14 3.10 2.58 3.80 1.31 3.65 8.06 2 .,40 2.62 2.18 2.91 1.82 1.42 5.97 1.17 1.65 4.87 9.89 9.64 8.02 18.18 7.13 7.49 5.87 7.26 12.79 13.41 7.97 10.98 7,04 6.50 5.94 8.68 3.92 39.74 25.91 87.04 26.47 Mean... 2.25 1.89 2.12 2.20 2.55 3.28 8.49 3.04 3.95 2.87 2.36 2.27 6.87 9.81 8.68 6.41 31.77 * Twelve days. BUFFALO BARRACKS, NEW YORK. 1842.... 1843.... 1844.... 1845.... 8.52 2.40 4.08 1.70 . 0.64 2.29 3.28 3.06 2.91 3.51 1.55 2.70 1.65 5.05 1.78. 2 S6 3.50 1.96 2.10 3.77 4.77 1.54 2.00 2.90 5.34 7.50 7.10 0.22 2.50 7.76 3.90 6.20 3.27 2.16 2.40 3.38 2.20 8.44 9.66 7.39 9.53 13.61 16.20 18.13 6.28 8.60 5.24 44.70 34.79 Mean... 8.33 1.54 3.08 2.59 2.83 2.77 3.05 3.41 4.94 4.72 3.88 2.66 8.50 9.23 13.54 7.53 38.80 ALLEGHENY ARSENAL, PENNSYLVANIA. 1836___ 3.28 1.55 2.04 1.59 2.18 5.18 1837.... 2.66 2.27 1.27 1.00 4.64 7.50 1.70 2.52 1.77 3.93 3.71 2.69 6.91 11.72 9.41 7.62 35.66 1838.... 1.29 1.94 1.59 1839.... 1.40 1.80 1.76 1.80 2.08 2.55 2.40 1.50 3.75 0.60 2.70 3.28 5.64 6.45 7.05 6.08 25.62 1840.... 1.33 1.83 3.47 2.18 2.93 3.70 1.57 3.89 2.12 2.68 1.71 1.73 8.58 9.16 6.51 4.39 29.64 1841.... 2.74 0.07 4.77 3.82 2.40 4.96 1.73 4.01 1.85 2 31 2.77 3.41 10.99 10.70 6.93 6.22 34.84 1842.... 2.75 2.88 3.75 4.64 2.86 3.96 4.99 5.91 2.20 2.09 1.72 3.79 11.25 14. S6 6.01 9.42 41.54 1843.... 2.70 3.81 3.27 2.33 4.05 3.83 1.87 2.32 6.44 3.46 2.87 2.26 30.65 8.02 12.77 8.27 89.71 1844.... 2.20 0.93 3.04 1.79 4.89 4.02 2.44 4.47 2.57 2.85 1.85 1.50 9.72 10.93 7.27 4.63 82.55 1845.... 2.85 1.50 3.04 2.51 1.18 4.04 3.74 3.06 3.39 3.87 2.02 1.19 6.73 10.84 8.73 5.54 31.89 1846.... 2.92 2.73 2.02 3.76 4.62 4.05 7.15 6.05, 1.95 4.78 2.60 5.16 10.40 17.25 9.33 10.81 47.79 1847.... 3.01 2.86 3 47 2.55 3.64 5.32 4.18 8.26 3.92 4.76 4.27 4.98 9.66 12.76 12.95 10.8c 46.22 1848.... 1.31 0.50 3.20 2.45 5.51 3.03 3.69 2.27 2.08 2.11 3.11 4.83 11.16 8.99 7.30 6.69 34.14 1849.... 2.43 1.31 3.85 0.83 5.83 2.84 1.26 3.26 1.26 3 86 3.97 4.11 10.51 7.86 9.09 7.85 34.81 1850.... 3.76 3.45 2.74 2.59 8.30 2.62 2.82 1.27 3.62 4.29 2.19 4.76 8.63 6.71 10.10 11.97 87.41 1851___ 0.35 3.01 1.48 2.83 8.57 2.04 4.30 2.«66 2.62 1.45 3.67 1.71 7.83 9.00 7.74 5.17 29.74 1852___ 1.80 3.34 2.03 9.27 3.84 2.76 2.55 2.76 3.09 2.24 2.67 5.01 15.14 8.07 8.00 10.15 41.36 1853___ 1.56 3.53 1.11 4.16 3.27 1.32 2.74 6.56 2.34 2.04 2.90 2.10 8.54 10.62 7.28 7.19 33.63 1854.... 2.23 2.33 2.82 4.3! 2.24 2.06 1.45 1.13 1.76 2.89 1.88 1.67 9.27 4.64 6.58 6.23 26.67 Mean... 2.18 2.17 2.70 • 3.10 3.58 3.56 2.97 3.34 2.68 i 2.87 2.68 8.13 !• 9.38 9.87 8.23 7.48 34.96 65-4 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. CARLISLE BARRACKS, PENNSYLVANIA. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1548.... 1849.... I860.... 1851.... 1852.... 1853.... 1854.... 1.09 4.23 0.51 1.18 1.26 1.31 2.76 8.00 2.23 2.78 8.84 8.70 2.35 S.96 0.75 0.95 0.68 2.38 4.76 4.69 8.02 2.25 8.16 4.88 8.41 2.96 3.C9 2.50 1.72 8.88 4.80 8.36 0.81 8.79 0.45 8.90 8.89 8.51 2.63 1.95 1.43 2.72 1.49 4.38 2.63 1.49 2.10 0.96 5.65 1.95 1.45 3.01 0.78 3.28 4.63 4.08 1.18 1.64 0.93? 2.78 0.84 0.87 8.78 6.27 2.30 4.76 8.88 8.81 3.61 1.63 7.68 10.91 10.52 11.61 7.46 13.24 3.60 15.00 9.68 11.25 6.07 8.11 6.48 10.60 6.86 9.86 4.01 6.23 10.85 7.62 28.94 47.86 89.24 Mean .. 1.67 2.41 2.92 2.75 8.88 2.68 4.69 2.30 2.27 2.62 2.79 3.53 9.05 9.67 7.68 7.61 84.01 FORT MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA. 1848.... 1.93 1.92 4.45 1.58 3.16 1.74 4.01 6.03 4.95 2.84 4.08 4.80 9.19 11.78 11.87 8.20 41.04 1844.... 5.60 2.00 4.15 2.15 ' 8.82 4.90 4.20 2.80 4.80 6.00 4.00 2.90 10.12 11.90 14.80 10.50 46.82 1849.... 0.71 2.69 6.05 1.64 4.04 2.26 2.16 7.86 0.48 6.52 2.25 6.18 11.78 11.78 9.25 9.58 42.84 1850.... 4.29 2.52 5.39 2.98 7.65 1.65 5.23 6.84 3.45 1.54 4.66 16.02 13.72 11.47 1851.... 1.25 4.03 5.60 8.55 4.65 8.00 8.65 8.08 0.94 3.08 8.41 1.90 18.80 9.68 7.88 7.18 88.04 1852.... 2.40 2.48 4.60 8.20 5.80 4.55 5.45 4.40 1.40 8.80 3.80 5.45 18.10 14.40 8.50 10.88 51.88 1853.... 0.80 8.54 2.20 3.98 5.70 2.00 8.71 4.42 1.80 2.84 11.88 15.18 ...... Mean .. 2.43 2.60 4.68 8.44 4.90 2.87 4.77 4.98 8.19 8.72 8.51 4.23 12.97 12.62 10.42 9.26 45.27 Mean of 28 years at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, by Drs. Swift and Conrad, 42.8 inches. FORT McHENRY, MARYLAND. 1886.... .... 4.10 9.20 2.85 6.70 8.15 4.00 4.80 7.10 18.25 11.95 1837.... 2.10 8.10 6.30 2.10 4.20 4.90 4.30 5.10 3.80 3.10 8 40 2.60 12.60 14.80 10.30 7.80 45.00 1888.... 2.10 2.90 4.50 2.80 4.30 4.70 1.90 9.10 4.50 3.10 2.70 4.50 11.60 15.70 10.80 9.50 47.10 1889.... 3.50 8.60 4.00 9.10 4.50 4.10 5.60 2.20 1.90 1.60 2.80 8.80 17.60 11.90 6.30 15.90 51.70 1340.... 2.80 2.80 2.70 4.80 8.90 5.10 1.85 2.85 2.80 4.50 2.15 8.25 10.90 9.80 9.45 7.85 87.90 1841.... 6.10 1.40 5.95 4.50 2.75 4.85 1.85 4.00 2.80 2.80 3.30 5.10 15.10 9.70 8.40 12.60 43.90 1842.... 1.80 3.35 2.40 4.80 4.00 2.65 3.70 4.40 1^30 1.40 2.75 3.85 10.70 10.75 5.15 8.50 85.18 1843.... 1.60 2.20 3.80 2.90 3.55 0.90 5.40 7.82 10.50 1.97 4.25 8.90 10.25 14.12 16.72 7.70 48.79 1844.... 8.65 1.45 8.00 1.60 4.00 1.70 8.90 0.31 4.47 3.08 1.85 3.50 8.60 5.91 9.85 8.60 82.46 1845.... 2.40 8.59 1.70 1.49 2.36 2.98 1.26 2.77 1.51 8.73 1.22 8.43 5.55 6.96 6.46 9.42 28.89 1846.... 2.83 1.82 8.54 2.88 5.77 1.78 6.89 7.20 3.88 1.80 7.17 2.10 11.69 15.8T 12.85 6.75 46.66 1847.... 2.92 8.42 2.88 0.41 1.19 3.86 2.51 2.97 5.56 8.88 2.54 2.88 8.98 8.84 11.47 9.72 84.01 1848.... 1.58 0.94 2.T0 0.81 2.96 4.24 4.42 8.24 1.64 7.35 1.44 8.10 6.47 11.90 10.48 5.62 84.42 1S49.... 1.02 1.15 3.63 0.87 4.18 1.50 2.06 2.55 1.90 6.27 1.06 4.44 8.68 6.11 9.28 6.61 80.68 1850.... 8.58 2.48 6.90 8.85 3.08 1.66 8.10 4.70 4.70 8.10 4.80 4.40 12.88 9.46 12.10 10.41 43.80 1851.... 1.70 2.90 5.70 4.70 4.60 1.20 4.20 3.30 0.50 2.20 5.60 1.50 15.00 8.79 8.80 6.10 88.10 1852.... 2.60 8.60 3.90 7.80 1.70 2.70 5.70 4.60 2.20 2.60 7.90 6.20 18.40 1,3.00 12.70 12.40 51.50 1358.... 1.80 3.40 2.70 3.10 4.80 0.60 3.80 4.70 2.40 4.40 8.50 2.30 10.10 8.60 10.80 7.00 86.00 1854*... 4.40 4.90 4.70 7.20 5.20 4.80 2.60 3.00 4.10 7.10 7.80 8.90 17.10 11.18 10.40 18.50 18.20 59.20? Mean .. 2.64 2.70 8.86 8.56 8.71 8.28 8.50 4.26 8.81 8.53 8.68 3.97 ; 11.04 10.52 9.81 42.00 • 1854 and 1845 appear inaccurately measured, one in excess and the other in deficiency. Their errors are compensating. SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 655 FORT SEVERN, MARYLAND. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1843.... 1S44.... 1845.... 4.22 8.69 0.94 5.10 8.00 8.55 2.85 2.59 1.08 2.25 5.71 4.69 8.24 1.24 8.91 6.94 6.28 2.96 3.18 5.99 1.67 10.37 6.47 2.64 4.28 4.96 8.62 4.26 8.87 11.30 9.82 8.34 13.51 8.54 17.97 14.87 8.53 40.76 Mean .. 3.96 3.02 3.13 1.97 4.55 4.03 4.14 3.83 8.42 3.46 4.29 8.81 9.65 12.00 16.17 10.79 48.61 WASHINGTON CITY. 1824.... 1825.... 1826.... 1827.... 1.50 1.62 0.60 0.48 2.65 2.27 2.01 2.85 1.98 3.83 1.68 1.18 4.80 8.35 0.45 1.97 1.58 2.87 0.80 2.25 4.26 2.66 1.87 1.37 2.45 1.87 2.66 2.43 1.85 2.37 2.62 0.45 1.60 1.23 1.68 1.08 1.02 1.24 0.24 2.05 2.57 2.76 2.76 1.62 2.21 7.86 9.55 2.93 5.40 9.14 5.88 6.90 5.09 2.87 4.73 6.91 6.65 4.23 5.54 29.00 24.45 18.79 Mean .. 1836.... 1837.... 1838.... 1839.... 1838 ) to'42. j 1.05 4.46 2.45 2.74 2.17 2.56 2.52 4.03 1.75 3.86 2.54 2.92 2.25 8.92 2.05 3.69 1.56 8.52 1.25 8.55 1.52 3.08 2.34 2.87 6.44 10.45 6.86 10.53 4.33 10.15 5.84 10.07 23.47 47.27 31.80 35.10 86.97 41.20 These observations are reported in the first pubUcations of results from the medical department. The first were taken by Rev. Robert Little, and those from 1886 to 1839 by Judge Cranch. Later observations show the quantity of rain falling here to differ little from that at Baltimore, and the evidences are strong that the first series was much under-measured. The last amount is from the observations of Lieutenant Gilliss, and is a mean of measurements from July, 1838, to June, 1842, giving a close approximation to the absolute mean. FORT WASHINGTON, MARYLAND. 1851.... 1852.... 1853.... 1.54 8.19 8.23 4.40 2.88 8.47 7.05 3.56 3.77 2.29 6.23 1.42 8.51 1.56 4.92 2.89 3.88 8.51 11.54 5.30 2.27 1.75 4.57 1.95 2.20 3.66 6.90 1.78 4.64 12.22 18.26 9.85 17.94 10.74 7.88 10.85 9.41 50.42 Mean .. 2.37 8.81 8.17 5.30 4.10 2.16 8.90 6.78 2.86 2.08 5.28 3.21 12.57 12.84 10.22 9.39 45.02 FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA. 1836.... 1837.... 1838.... 1889.... 1840.... 1841.... 1842.... 1843.... 1844.... 1845.... 1846.... 1347.... 1848.... 1.60 2.74 8.10 1.60 11.00 5.10 0.51 8.40 1.88 3.55 2.75 0.77 2.50 1.85 4.70 8.20 3.20 5.60 4.00 1.50 2.42 2.97 2.65 8.20 2.40 2.10 5.30 4.00 8.50 2.46 3.80 4.50 1.20 3.83 5.05 8.18 0.90 2.80 3.70 5.90 6.30 5.50 8.10 1.41 2.48 8.28 1.86 1.89 2.20 1.10 5.50 5.91 4.20 4.70 6.20 2.92 7.70 4.36 8.62 3.68 3.50 4.50 4.80 11.10 8.60 9.50 2.20 4.85 6.06 4.67 4.07 1.07 6.80 2.00 2.40 4.50 18.50 8.61 18.50 3.70 8.58 8.26 5.27 3.47 4.19 5.20 7.50 1.15 14.20 5.50 8.90 8.80 8.60 8.00 9.98 2.48 • 8.93 8.47 0.81 5.70 16.40 1.20 7.60 6.40 1.20 8.20 4.76 4.65 5.31 7.67 0.85 2.70 0.50 4.60 6.80 6.40 1.50 8.50 4.50 2 25 2.00 2.68 1.92 4.18 4 70 2.90 8.70 8.60 2.80 2.50 4.10 2.20 8.74 2.10 9.85 4.10 1.80 8.40 9.00 1.60 9.60 6.60 5.60 8.60 5.80 3.77 4.04 3.14 2.64 2.21 5.50 6.00 14.50 15.81 19.00 12.66 12.60 8.83 11.38 10.97 10.53 8.25 18.00 8.05 28.50 80.10 16.11 81.80 14.50 13.48 19.80 12.42 16.47 8.78 8.21 9.10 24.70 11.60 16.80 10.40 8.80 9.90 10.75 8.75 17.84 18.89 6.28 13.10 6.19 22.40 11.40 19.80 14.80 10.81 8.67 8.34 9.66 8.04 6.18 40.70 44.94 72.00 74.10 65.80 67.06 47.31 41.68 47.77 50.39 48.93 29.44 656 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA—Continued. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. 'Winter. Year. 1649.... 1.70 2.10 4.06 0.98 3.11 0.70 4.18 1.98 1.99 2.91 4.86 4.12 8.15 6.81 9.76 7.92 82.04 1850.... 4.82 2.20 8.04 2.47 8.24 1.12 18.01 8.27 2.81 0.76 1.92 7.10 8.75 22.40 4.99 18.02 49.76 1851.... 8.21 2.24 2.23 1.33 2.20 2.51 3.00 4.00 0.76 2.02 2.45 0.91 5.76 9.51 5.23 6.36 26.86 1852.... 0.90 1.18 1.82 2.72 1.58 1.89 3.83 4.90 1.55 1.92 2.06 2.94 6.07 10.62 5.53 5.05 27.27 1853.... 1.54 , 1.90 1.41 . 2.47 2.08 0.56 5.79 1.93 1.11 0.80 5.25 1.90 5.96 8.28 7.16 5.34 26.74 1854.... 4.00 1.90 2.00 1.80 0.82 1.30 1.60 0.60 1.00 1.80 1.30 1.20 4.62 3.50 4.10 7.10 19.82 Mean. 1 3.48 8.26 3.01 2.74 8.74 3.33 3.01 2.80 4.17 3.64 4.41 3.78 6.10 5.56 6.29 5.70 4.68 3.93 3.61 2.82 8.58 8.41 4.81 4.17 10.92 9.77 16.80 15.08 11.87 10.16 11.80 10.17 50.89 45.18 The measurements of rain at Fort Monroe for the last four years differ so widely from those of previous years as to lead to the inference that the gauge is de- fective or that the observations were inaccurate. The first summary is of observations previous to 1851. FORT JOHNSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 1844.... 1845.... 8.40 1.85 1.50 2.00 4.00 2.99 0.70 0.48 1.57 3.94 3.28 1.61 8.48 1.93 7.90 9.86 2.42 4.04 2.95 6.27 7.41 19.61 16.32 7.85 50.05 2.64 1.75 3.49 0.59 2.75 2.44 5.18 7.90 9.86 2.42 4.04 2.95 6.83 15.52 16.82 7.34 46.01 FORT MOULTRIE, SOUTH CAROLINA. 1842.... 2.86 3.45 1843.... 2.07 2.09 10.52 0.02 2.38 3.24 5.54 7.76 5.89 0.65 0.55 2.61 12.92 16.52 6.59 6.77 42.80 1844.... 2.66 1.69 4.07 1.20 1.87 1.51 4.85 4.82 6.05 0.91 3.40 1.45 7.14 10.68 10.36 5.80 33.98 1845.... 8.42 0.95 1.95 0.10 6.53 2.19 6.05 5.90 2.60 7.55 0.20 6.07 8.58 14.14 10.35 10.44 43.51 1846.... 4.97 8.51 5.50 3.85 1.90 3.25 4.60 9.05 3.20 0.33 1.35 10.75 16.90 9.83 1847.... 1.69 0.20 7.66 1.52 9.45 5.50 13.25 14.70 6.64 0.00 0.45 4.25 18.63 83.45 7.09 6.14 65.81 1848.... 0.75 5.85 1.75 8.80 7.10 7.85 5.85 6.82 9.40 5.25 1.25 1.70 12.65 20.02 15.90 8.80 56.87 1849.... 0.25 1.45 1.50 0.50? 4.60 2.60 7.60 10.80 4.70 3.99 0.71 1.08 6.60 21.00 9.40 2.78 39.78 1850.... 2.95 2.88 6.01 2.59 4.10 0.78 2.32 4.08 2.68 0.88 1.99 4.64 12.70 7.18 5.55 10.42 35.80 1851.... 8.67 2.51 1.93 1.65 0.63 8.25 8.57 5.89 0.29 1.28 8.84 1.10 4.21 22.74 4.91 7.28 39.11 1852.... 0.51 1.21 4.35 2.96 4.17 8.86 5.43 4.15 11.70 1.20 2.12 4.60 11.48 18.44 15.02 6.82 51.26 1853.... 1.90 2.80 3.80 1.06 2.58 1.55 10.88 2.20 8.10 4.05 4.89 2.39 6.89 14.63 17.04 7.09 45.65 1354.... 8.80 2.84 0.25 2.20 3.70 4.20 5.69 3.82 9.24 1.12 1.16 1.74 6.15 18.71 11.52 8.38 39.76 Mean .. 2.89 2.83 4.06 1.75 4.08 4.15 6.72 6.58 5.83 2.44 1.79 2.80 9.89 17.45 10.06 7.52 44.92 AUGUSTA ARSENAL, GEORGIA. 1844.... 0.57 1.41 1.24 0.53 2.34 0.27 1.88 1.76 8.18 4.49 1845.... 1.90 0.62 0.78 0.05 1.07 1.20 0.35 2.62 0.53 3.51 0.50 6.00 1.90 4.17 4.54 8.52 19.13? 1846.... 3.59 4.25 8.60 2.89 Mean... 2.74 2.43 4.69 1.47 0.82 1.30 0.79 1.57 1.43 1.39 1.19 8.88 6.78 8.66 4.51 8.05 23.00 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 657 OGLETHORPE BARRACKS, GEORGIA. Jan. Feb. 2.03 1.10 0.05 4.70 3.03 March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. .Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. is:3.... 1S44 .. 1845..-.. 1846.... 1850.... 1.27 3.61 2.85 6.54 12.51 S.77 2.21 5.06 7.00 0.84 3.07 0.20 3.72 6.72 2.01 2.47 5.30 1.36 6.00 5.69 8.19 2.37 5.81 1.20 5.33 13.92 2.80 7.08 14.80 7.16 4.10 9.94 6.44 12.67 1.54 6.08 2.21 7.17 3.37 0.60 0.57 5.94 0.70 0.96 2.7S 0.22 0.80 3.57 2.90 8.96 3.27 15.36 14.31 7.71 10.14 19.72 IS.18 26.21 15.11 19.33 28.67 3.10 9.43 8.37 4.87 4.26 7.61 6.06 40.90 57.56 38.05 Mean .. 3.57 2.18 7.11 2.91 3.43 4.65 8.79 8.06 4.07 1.95 1.19 3.42 13.45 23.50 7.21 9.17 53.33 FORT MARION, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. 1844.... 1S45.... 1S46.... 1861.... 1852.... 1.94 1.98 4.13 0.32 1.00 0.50 4.32 1.71 0.59 4.71 2.05 1.67 0.93 1.26 0.60 1.70 2.63 2.97 2.63 1.77 0.64 2.18 0.59 6.28 8.01 2.37 4.11 3.23 2.6S 3-38 7.13 4.81 5.60 0.49 6.06 0.71 0.73 0.43 2.72 1.55 3.08 1.60 8.94 5.28 5.14 4.25 8.13 14.62 8.35 11.31 9.03 4.49 5.56 29.91 Mean .. 2.09 1.63 2.34 1.56 2.00 4.27 3.24 3.03 5.85 2.42 1.29 2.08 5.90 10.54 9.56 5.80 31.80 FORT SHANNON, FLORIDA. 1841*... 0.49 1842....' 0.43 1843.... 1.87 1.30 2.84 3.79 6.17 1.02 14.28 3.60 1.70 2.12 2.00 4.49 2.09 8.45 5.87 5.31 5.80 10.55 5.70 11.82 6.30 5.18 6.50 4.99 1.50 4.29 4.67 2.39 2.56 1.97 0.23 1.65 0.84 1.76 11.77 7.21 15.39 25.57 22.72 16.19 13.25 11.63 4.17 3.44 4.11 7.42 54.13 45.67 43.17 Mean .. 0.93 2.64 7.16 2 47 2.86 6.54 7.35 7.60 4.38 3.78 1.60 1.42 12.49 21.49 9.71 4.99 48.63 * January and February at Fort Hied, a few miles distant. FORT PIERCE, (CAPRON,) FLORIDA. : S53 . 0.42 1.73 0.63 1.14 2.75 7.23 4.47 3.15 2.46 3.50 14.45 3.05 4.80 1.30 6.85 8.00 4.30 7.00 0.60 1.82 2.30 9.15 19.15 9.42 5 00 2.20 5.15 2.45 4.55 29.35 2.50 13.50 17.50 10.00 3.41 0.75 12.15 45.35 41.00 7.98 106.48 1S54.... 1S55.... 3 55 4.81 8.40 2.56 1.05 2.80 7.00 1.14 5.70 5.54 6.63 4.97 2.63 3.80 5.47 1.41 1.63 13.75 9.49 14.23 10.18 8.63 46.79 Mean .. 4.45 2.72 3.01 3.85 4.27 14.23 5.16 6.81 9.27 5.36 2.21 1.59 11.13 26.25 16.84 8.76 62.98 The first quantities given for 1853 are at Xeu.- Smyrna, and are not included in the summary. KEY WEST, FLORIDA. 837.... 183S___ 1.83 0.05 0.92 0.05 0.75 0.00 2.42 0.02 5.35 0.82 1.68 4.86 1.65 1.15 7.50 3.05 5.80 3.47 6.05 0.40 8.05 5.75 1.65 0.87 1844.... 1.23 0.13 0.05 1.86 7.13 1.26 2.63 8.50 14.07 0.44 1.28 4.42 0.14 3.67 2.06 4.83 6.07 5.00 2.02 8.88 8.93 4.18 0.01 2.10 1850--- 1351.... 2.40 0.88 1.50 1.80 5.82 9.24 3.24 6.80 14.00 9.45 2.30 2.64 8.52 0.84 1.54 10.10 8.62 10.83 9.06 11.02 19.28 14.90 9.62 23.01 7.32 25.75 4.40 0.97 2.51 5.92 38.65 20.49 38.08 59.57 89 C58 nEUIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. KEY WEST, FLORIDA—Continued. Jan. Feb. March. April. Mav. June. July. August. Sopt. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer, Autumn. Winter. Year. 1552 ... 1.52 8.07 8.71 2.17 0.4', 8.51 6.16 6.03 6.22 4.13 8.00 3.41 11.81 20.70 13.40 S.90 54.1-1 353.... 2.SO 0.33 12.C6 0.94 13.11 2.33 5.02 4.39 1.69 1.0S 0.89 25.46 7.16 4.01 1554.... 1.77 2.55 0.51 2.99 3.14 4.54 3.45 5.83 9.70 4.73 0.23 8.45 6.64 13.32 14.6S 12.77 47.91 1S55.... 8.94 0.83 1.33 2.57 4.21 0.24 1.55 8.55 4.47 6.66 Mean... 2.SO 2.53 S.29 3.35 4.95 7.79 6.3S 1.13 3.13 8.34 16.59 15.35 7.37 47.65 A register of the fall of rain at Key West wa3 kepi by W. A. White.ieal, esq., and A. Oor.loa, esq., collectors of customs, for 1834, 1835, 1837, and 183S, giving for those years 36.1, 30.1, 3S.7, and 20.5 inches respectively. Two of these years are given in the table to show the characteristic deficiency in the winter months— they are not included in the summary. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA. 1351.... 7.61 3.33 2.09 4.57 2.71 13.51 7.35 3.61 8.01 1.66 0.53 1.50 9.37 29.47 10.22 12 49 61.55 1352.... 1.54 1.00 11.77 5.70 3.25 18.13 12.02 7.60 9.51 0.40 0.93 2.34 20.72 87.75 10.92 4.53 74.27 1S53.... 4.29 1.60 2.52 2.20 1.79 25.53 6.35 10.33 22.10 1.49 0.79 3.55 5.51 42.31 24.47 9.44 S2.73 1854.... 1.15 4.73 0.20 2.75 5.65 6.75 9.7(1 9.93 1.51 0.35 0.45 1.05 8.60 26.85 2.80 7.50 44.75 1355.... 3.20 0.55 6.40 0.50 3.00 10.2:) 6. SO 9.90 1S.'>5.... 5.60 1.72 3.53 8.33 Mem... 3.90 2.10 4.6 J 3.14 3.33 14.59 S.-15 7.S7 10.29 0.93 0.69 2.26 11.07 80.91 11.96 8 32 62.26 FORT BROOKE, FLORIDA. 1840.... 2.60 1.C0 3.20 1.90 S.S5 6.72 24.52 23.40 7.75 4.80 4.56 0.56 13.95 54.64 17.11 4.1G 89. S6 1841.... 0.83 2.54 2.80 0.30 0.30 8.95 10.60 8.10 5.61 3.31 3.10 2.40 3.40 27.65 12.02 5.82 48.69 1842.... 0.30 2.S3 0.10 2.70 2. SO 2.90 11.00 12.50 4.00 3.20 2.00 1.63 5.60 26.40 9.20 4.70 45.96 1S43.... 3.37 5.70 7.20 1.30 2.00 6.90 8.61 6.60 9.90 2.60 0.80 1.30 10.50 22.11 13.30 10.37 56.28 1844.... 1.10 3.30 1.80 0.10 5.50 4.70 7.70 15.77 3.50 2.20 3.10 2.90 7.40 23.17 8.80 7.30 51.67 1345.... 3.SO 0.15 0.40 0 20 4.03 4.51 12.30 8.23 12.69 2.14 1.00 3.61 4.63 25.04 15.83 7.56 53.06 1S4G.... 3.01 4.97 7.73 2.93 4.44 8.17 8.80 9.03 1.33 3.11 0.18 0.50 15.10 26.00 4.62 8.43 54.20 1S47.... 2.24 3.25 4.38 1.61 1.00 4.03 7.22 4.80 10.23 2.01 0.28 4.50 6.99 16.60 12.52 9.99 46.10 1S4S.... 0.86 0.21 0.05 1.23 2.80 10.59 21,31 14.80 3.58 46.70 1S49.... S.74 6.32 3.55 1.74 0.77 1.13 6.06 1S50.... 1.44 5.92 8.50 1.65 3.98 2.05 11.98 5.43 2.71 2.S9 9.13 19.46 1351.... 2.C3 6.57 3.18 6.35 G.93 1.S5 2.10 3.00 16.10 10.88 1552.... 0.95 0.85 6.40 3.05 3.06 13.20 10.95 14.30 10.00 0.80 3.20 3.00 12.51 33.45 13.50 4.SO 69.26 4.55 1.00 3.85 0.75 0.30 9.09 4.12 4.67 4.30 1.70 2.90 7.38 4.40 17.83 8.96 13.53 44.77 1S54.... 8.S3 6.89 2.44 8.82 6.21 9.44 15.53 11.23 4.68 1.77 1.75 4.85 17.47 30.20 8.20 15.57 77.44 1S55.... 2.84 2.S3 3.89 0.75 1.77 7.07 6.41 Mean .. 2.20 3.01 8.37 1.95 3.24 7.04 11.10 10.10 6.23 2.49 2.00 2.83 8.56 28.24 10.63 S.ti4 55.47 FORT MEADE, FLORIDA. 1S51.... 1S52.... 0.69 0.27 2.08 o 1853.... 1.22 0.155 0.99 0 1S54.... 1.80 2.21 1.85 1.64 3 Mean .. 1.07 1.01 1 2.13 0.08 3.19 3.00 2.31 0.15 10 57 5.34 5.67 11.71 3.54 7.24 7.79 5.73 6.47 7.67 2.04 1.28 2.37 20.87 10.99 11.41 6.35 6.60 1.32 0.15 1.32 6.52 29.47 8.07 2.2S 4.52 2.-:9 2.12 0.31 0.73 1.67 1.17 10.45 8.21 3.44 8.55 10.20 2.99 2.34 0.02 15.61 25.99 5.25 7.56 6.35 4.85 1.50 0.56 1.79 8.76 20.63 6.91 3.S7 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 659 CEDAR KEYS, FLORIDA. FORT BARRANCAS, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA. FORT MITCHELL* ALABAMA. 1836....! ........ ! .... 1837....' 2.29 5.52 4.61 6.70 6.30 7.08 2.10 1.40 2.40 6.17 0.64 1.81 0.11 3.86 14.65 4.61 * On the Coosa river, near Montgomery, latitude 32° 25'. MOUNT VERNON ARSENAL, ALABAMA. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn, Winter. Year. 1840... | .... 1.10 15.05 6.30 1.70 3.'X> 1.02 11.30 1841... 4.70 1.80 3.40 1.40 1.00 11.50 3.10 10.50 4.00 5.60 5.10 2.10 5.SO 25.10 14.70 8.00 54.20 1842 .. 0.90 8.80 0.20 1.40 0.80 1.80 8.00 10.10 4.60 4.10 1.10 2.90 2.40 19.40 9.SO 12.60 44.2H Mean . I 2.80 5.30 1.80 1.40 O.90 6.40 4.07 11.83 4.97 3.80 3.17 2.01 4.10 22.35 11.94 10.11 43.50 1S42... 1S43.... 1844.... 1S45.... 184G.... 1547.... 1351.... 1S52.... 1853.... 1854.... 1S55.... 2.54 5.76 4.17 3.23 4.78 3.50 0.97 4.15 3.45 1.09 2.77 0.91 1.16 10.46 8.93 8.03 3.40 6.SO 5.55 1.44 7.85 7.78 5.00 5.SO 10.95 0.60 4.S2 7.21 2.86 5.86 1.98 0.42 6.34 5.85 4.52 0.51 0.50 1.00 0.70 5.52 3.69 8.90 4.20 4.00 3.47 1.92 13. C4 5.11 1.37 0.96 4.51 3.39 4.21 12.29 4.95 7.67 3.46 14.48 1.11 8.02 3.SO 5.43 1.43 7.04 6.59 10.62 6.15 16.25 2.95 6.81 13.04 5.S7 2.61 2.65 1.66 0.05 12.25 3.47 2.30 1.46 1.99 0.43 1.10 7.14 6.46 5.78 11.57 2.93 4.73 8.39 7.80 0.76 2.18 6.30 2.09 4.14 2.36 2.54 3.51 1.25 3.74 14.41 15.28 9.11 25.70 9.32 9.33 11.18 5.78 25.03 19.37 S.22 11.26 15.63 21. SO 13.11 10.17 7.S6 9.55 11.37 9.61 S.76 9.47 21.10 24.07 7.S3 12.20 12.64 62.16 59.5S 50.82 Mean... 3.S7 4.95 1 5.37 2.94 4.05 4.66 6.80 7.23 5.25 2.41 6.05 2.90 12.S6 15.69 13.71 11.72 50.93 1340.... __ __ 5.73 1.70 2.69 ...... 1S41.... 12.84 4.S6 9.28 4.65 7.23 4.60 21.16 1843... 3.31 5.90 9.22 5.17 0.72 16.67 6.11 2.18 3.49 5.04 6.27 11.80 15.11 24.96 14.80 21.51 76.38 1S41 ... 5.92 9.3S 5.03 8.29 0.93 2.90 10.57 2.54 22.70 14.15 1S45.... 11.30 8.37 4.52 1.79 2.54 2.19 2.73 6.48 5.40 11.87 4.99 6.34 8.85 11.40 22.26 26.01 68.52 1346.... 6.82 5.31 5.63 11.51 5.49 5 57 9.42 4.74 2.12 0.40 3.75 4.63 22.63 19.73 6.27 16.73 65.80 1517.... 6.83 7.70 6.45 3.77 3.94 4.05 11.92 7.39 5.85 0.42 4.10 9.01 14.16 23.86 10.37 23.54 71.43 1543.... 8.90 5.17 3.50 2.78 2.15 6.35 3.10 4.39 2.99 1.54 7.94 5.74 8.43 13.84 12.47 14.81 49.15 1849... 2.89 2.44 1.36 3.03 6.11 9.25 14.56 11.15 0.65 13.00 10.54? 4.22 10.53 34.96 24.19 9.55 79.23 1S50 9.49 4.81 2.C9 4.22 6.72 2.01 6.44 5.13 0.15 0.85 2.32 5.22 13.03 12.5S 3.32 19.62 48 ..55 1S51.... 3.89 7.26 0.77 1.14 3.44 5.35 1.84 8.63 4 42 2.07 6.99 2.91 5.35 15.8S 13.4S 14.06 4S.77 1352.... 1.92 1.95 1.52 0.24 6.75 1.50 1.92 9.64 0.70 2.40 9.74 7.15 14.51 13.12 12.84 11.02 51.49 1S53*... 11.18 8.10 16.45 6.59 5.34 2.00 12.64 8.95 11.09 8.44 2.70 13.09 23.38 23.59 22.23 32.37 106.57? 1554.... 11.01 12.83 6.22 1.98 4.45 6.72 6.13 2.29 6.S2 0.81 2.34 0.73 12.63 15.84 9.97 24.57 62.51 Mean .. 6.80 6.04 4.59 4.21 4.62 ected fro 6.14 6.30 6.40 3.0) 3.92 6.18 5.25 13.42 IS. 84 13.15 18.09 63.50 *Th e measur ements fc r this ye ir are rcj m the sui nmary fo r interna 1 evidenc e of erro r, as well as by the amount in -eomps rison wit h other y ears. 660 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. PASS CHRISTIAN AND EAST PASCAGOULA, MISSISSIPPI. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1843... 1S44.... 1345.... 1849... 1S50.... 1551.... 1552.... 1853.... ... 2.25 8.85 1.44 1.85 8.70 7.99 2.70 6.14 6.04 10.72 2.39 4.61 5.94 1.76 5.-32 8.54 3.61 11.19 0.22 2.12 1.08 5.83 0.65 6.83 2.39 1.54 4.82 1.88 ... 12.90 16.43 8.77 ..... Mean .. 5.55 1.65 7.05 4.60 8.98 2.92 13.25 FORT WOOD, LOUISIANA. 1843 ... 1844.... 1845.... 1346.... 4.85 5.42 6.45 0.41 1.2S 3.94 3.48 5.85 10.61 1.50 0.39 1.42 18.17 0.22 5.31 7.31 18.24 1.S9 0.95 8.61 4.28 4.01 2.04 8.11 3.78 5.66 1.50 5.24 2.39 4.06 10.49 6.77 10.68 6.42 1.83 9.18 14.08 28.89 14.28 8.74 14.82 16.24 7.14 46.34 Mean .. 5.57 1.S8 6.48 5.37 4.28 7.03 5.63 4.64 4.13 5.65 5.82 4.15 16.13 17.30 15.60 11.60 60.63 NEW ORLEANS BARRACKS, LOUISIANA. FORT PIKE, LOUI SIANA 1348.... .... 4.26 1.55 29.56 18.22 6.01 15.26 4.14 6.49 7.81 53.79 25.89 1S44.... 4.03 0.83 3.50 0.86 9.52 1.18 5.76 3.31 1.61 3.30 7.14 3.25 13.88 10.25 12.05 8.08 44.26 1845.... 4.42 2.23 3.65 0.99 2.69 0.73 1.40 8.30 7.33 1846.... 8.40 4.19 14.25 13.75 .... Mean .. 5.62 2.41 7.13 4.98 4.59 10.49 3.46 4.66 8.43 3.72 6.81 4.62 16.70 23.61 18.96 12.65 71.92 1839.... 8.10 3.40 2.19 2.10 2.02 3.11 9.86 4.80 0.12 2.40 3.92 4.40 6.31 17.77 6 44 15.90 46.42 1840.... 0.11 2.01 1.09 SAO 4.80 7.10 5.60 3.10 1 80 7.80 5.55 2.22 8.99 15.80 15.15 4.34 44.28 1S41.... 19.50 5.10 6.90 5.10 1.70 3.10 0.89 3.41 2.87 2.41 0.11 9.44 13.70 7.40 5.39 34.04 60.53 1842.... 4.21 3.51 2.71 5.20 1.12 1.13 4.52 7.40 4.80 1.50 3.25 1.70 9.03 13.05 9.55 9.42 41.05 1848.... 4.00 8.80 5.81 2.67 0.45 14.57 1.93 6.02 8.43 13.82 1844.... 4.41 0.78 3.90 0.53 3.16 2.75 7.78 1.35 7.59 15.35 9.54 6.49 38.97 1S45.... 6.24 1.19 5.16 1.99 8.06 3.20 .... .... .... 15.21 1846 ... 7.88 10.70 5.38* 1.85* 8.86 .... 24.96 1847.... 7.71 8.77 8.40 4.63 4.80 3.43 5.06 6.81 2.83 0.75 2.59 7.73 12.83 15.30 6.17 19.21 53.51 1S4S ... 5.42 1.28 1.97 8.92 4.75 9.36 7.79 8.37 0.80 2.31 8.83 1.86 10.64 25.52 11.94 8.56 56.66 1349.... 8.55 2.45 2.83 2.43 8.01 3.79 11.09 .... 13.27 1850.... 7.40 4.53 2.27 4.10 6.20 8.92 6.31 .... 0.96 1.58 3.46 12.57 15.39 1851.... 3.82 8.18 1.20 3.49 8.70 9.00 2.69 9.69 1852 ... 0.80 1.45 4.24 5.25 2.83 7.00 5.30 7.55 1S53.... 3.20 4.20 7.38 1.88 2.80 1.86 .... 12.06 Mean .. 5.61 2.90 3.90 3.29 4.10 4.97 6.66 5.65 2.20 2.74 4.68 4.20 11.29 17.28 9.62 12.71 50.90 * Incomplete measurements. SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 661 BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1843.... 2.00 2.39 0.54 3.08 2.78 7.62 8.20 2.57 9.16 2.5? 4.28 9.81 12.40 18 39 16.02 14.26 61.07 1S44.... 5.40 3.10 0.50 3.30 3.50 3.70 5.60 1.10 8.60 7.06 2.20 6.90 12.80 11.76 1845.... 4.90 1.80 5.90 4.80 3.10 4.40 6.40 2.30 3.60 3.10 5.00 5.80 13.80 13.10 11.70 12.00 50.00 1846.... 4.80 5.70 12.30 17.20 13.20 16.00 14.40 15.90 5.20 0.80 6.20 4.70 42.70 46.50 12.20 15.20 116.60 1847.... 11.60 2.30 3.30 4.20 1848.... 8.00 11.80 12.10 0.50 1.38 6.60 7.60 32.50 8.68 1S49.... 3.20 6.20 1.30 2.50 10.92 5.38 2.24 6.00 5.08 2.50 13.27 11.90 1850.... 16.02 7.45 3.13 9.40 4.19 9.01 4.2S 3.75 3.53 1.03 9.28 16.72 17.04 33.37 1851.... 0.97 5.27 1.54 2.26 1.42 2.06 2.63 7.96 0.59 2.32 8.91 5.30 5.22 12.70 11.82 11.60 41.34 1862.... 1.56 6.73 2.19 S.29 6.08 1.33 5.64 2.26 3.30 2.81 9.32 3.95 16.56 9.23 15.43 12.24 53.46 1353.... 4.48 4.19 4.67 0.57 4.55 2.05 11.18 4.93 1.35 5.00 9.79 18.16 1854.... 2.85 5.50 6.15 3.58 8.05 4.00 6.55 7.41 9.88 4.38 0.45 1.S2 17.78 17.96 14.71 10.17 60.62 Mean... 5.26 4.91 4.68 5.22 5.13 5.52 7.42 6.20 3.91 2.67 5.90 5.23 15.08 19.14 12.48 15.40 62.10 FORT JESUP , LOUISIANA. i 1836.... 7.05 3.82 5.73 5.53 3.93 5.10 3.09 4.29 4.43 2.53 1.40 3.43 15.24 12.43 8.33 13.80 49.85 1837.... 1.75 2.08 8.69 1.62 2.55 2.81 4.20 4.27 9.11 7.32 0.30 4.84 12.86 11.28 16.73 8.67 49.54 1838.... 5.S2 2.60 4.60 10.80 5.32 1.50 0.67 3.55 0.51 3.85 2.40 5.60 20.72 5.72 6.76 14.02 47.22 1839.... 3.72 7.40 3.71 2.50 4.10 2.60 6.23 1.40 0.20 5.10 4.20 4.20 10.31 10.23 9.50 15.32 45.86 1840.... 3.40 1.96 2.41 3.25 2.90 6.95 5.18 0.85 1.67 1.44 3.18 3 93 8.56 12.98 6.29 9.29 37.12 1841.... 7.83 0.06 5.89 2.98 5.93 15.70 0.45 5.60 2.54 6.11 0.67 2.19 14.80 21.75 9.32 10.08 55.95 1842.... 2.86 5.79 4.03 5.59 1.40 1.64 3.90 3.17 4.41 2.52 2.86 3.71 11.02 8.71 9.79 12.36 42.27 1843.... 2.20 1.41 3.25 5.60 4.42 3.30 7.66 1.34 2.64 5.79 8.30 7.08 13.27 12.30 16.73 10.69 52.99 1844.... 4.10 1.20 5.30 6.60 3.05 5.11 1.77 2.24 2.83 2.81 3.87 2.54 14.95 9.12 9.51 7.84 41.42 1845.... 8.32 1.80 3.55 4.12 4.43 1.43 0.50? 1.90? 0.60? 2.50 2.80 12.10 13.63 12.92 Mean .. 4.70 2.76 5.02 4.86 3.80 4.61 3.36 2.97 3.02 3.80 2.92 4.03 10.94 9.74 11.49 45.85 FORT TOWSON, INDIAN TERRITORY. 5.90 1.30 2.33 3.70 6.20 2.80 1.40 9.50 12.70 1.00 1.60 6.00 2.50 6.30 6.10 7.00 1.10 5.40 3.10 2.10 1.60 14.80 14.20 10.60 4.20 43.60 4.20 2.10 1.60 1.90 6.70 0.70 2.10 3.70 0.30 2.80 5.40 2.90 10.20 6.50 8.50 9.20 34.40 7.10 1.35 5.20 1.60 7.50 17.50 6.40 5.10 2.10 3.90 7.00 1.80 14.30 29.90 12.00 9.75 66.00 4.40 3.00 3.70 13.60 2.30 1.60 4.80 3.00 6.20 8.60 3.00 1.50 19.60 9.40 17.80 8.90 55.70 3.60 0.20 7.30 3.20 3.30 7.00 3.50 6.50 9.90 9.20 8.30 18.80 25.60 12.10 2.70 7.50 7.40 10.30 8.80 14.20 4.70 4.00 4.00 1.85 2.06 5.85 2\50 22.90 7.91 10.05 73.36 2.78 0.25 3.35 7.10 9.26 1.91 4.40 5.72 4.40 6.56 9.37 0.80 19.71 12.03 20.33 3.83 55.90 3.45 2.08 4.56 10.38 3.25 2.66 5.35 7.96 1.30 2.77 1.73 1.05 18.19 15.97 5.SO 6.53 46.54 3.00 0.70 5.73 3.49 5.17 6.35 0.00 3.C6 2.48 4.90 1.19 1.81 14.39 9.61 7.57 5.51 37.08 3.20 2.75 2.CO 5.99 6.21 10.76 3.57 2.54 3.66 2.91 6.17 20.54 9.11 4.03 4.07 2.85 4.79 2.04 5.06 3.29 4.39 2.66 5.19 6.21 5.07 9.68 12.73 14.06 13.17 49.64 1.70 11.09 2.G6 2.52 6.33 5.04 7.34 0.01 1.13 4.88 3.69 4.84 0.77 11.51 4.88 1.72 2.90 3.S3 4.99 9.09 0.90 5.38 0.49 6.11 3.40 1.97 1.27 17.96 6.77 11.48 5.S9 42.10 1.C1 2.00 5.10 2.22 8.13 2.97 4.38 5.33 5.84 5.78 4.62 8.9G 3.41 4.59 4.23 2.84 15.55 14.36 12.28 8.94 51.08 662 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT WASHITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS. 1887... 1888... 1839... 1840... 1841... 1842... 1843... 1844... 1345... 1846... 1847.. 1848... 1840.. 1850... 1852.. 1853.. 1854.. 0.60 0.20 1.45 0.77 1.70 2.65 1.36 3.82 9.99 1.51 0.26 1.80 8.53 2.29 1.20 1.93 2.27 0.98 1.73 2.83 1.00 4.35 2.87 0.93 1.37 1.76 0.E5 1.99 2.05 0.80 4.75 0.80 1.44 1.13 2.29 2.41 5.05 1.52 5.56 8.74 4.65 1.55 1.10 7.05 2.17 2.40 2.05 8.50 1.49 4.76 5.49 14.28 1.96 5.48 3.22 5.64 8.45 5.28 0.99 6.55 8.85 4.50 1.75 4.43 3.28 4.83 4.85 3.12 8.67 5.65 3.80 5.92 8.40 3.12 5.01 6.25 8.91 5.00 1.50 8.95 8.50 2.42 1.90 7.41 6.58 0.80 4.39 2.08 6.80 3.26 1.10 1.37 2.85 0.51 7.00 1.71 5.95 11.18 4.90 5.23 6.79 7.90 3.27 4.58 4.96 2.45 2.75 2.26 1.02 4.74 3.S2 0.20 1.95 5.55 0.67 7.17 2.63 2.37 0.52 9.14 5.58 6.40 2.35 1.95 6.90 1.10 4.45 6.54 8.82 1.62 3.42 2.08 1.60 4.75 0.76 0.90 1.65 1.40 4.00 7.17 7.91 8.72 0.78 2.14 2.01 2.90 2.30 1.26 3.80 2.00 3.94 3.90 4. 2.58 j 3.20 | 0.73 0.88 ! 3.53 2.S5 3.50 4.80 2.18 2.96 12.57 0.90 3.51 0.91 1.13 2.14 7.05 3.55 3.70 4.05 1.85 1.63 3.01 3.43 3.49 2.80 1.50 1.55 2.76 4.70 2.36 2.07 0.80 1.06 5.40 1.15 4.45 5.94 1.62 0.76 2.54 2.53 14.11 7.70 8.55 13.73 6.21 10.22 12.63 19.81 10.68 12.65 12.58 15.30 21.50 9.95 7.10 19.85 11.80 7.40 16.47 9.98 14.05 9.10 12.43 2.99 11.25 14.29 23.53 12.48 16.64 13.48 7.73 4.16 12.48 i 13.03 9.90 13.80 15.41 25.11 3.30 9.07 5.00 5.63 9.19 9.07 8.25 7.35 12.84 5.78 8.01 9.93 2.30 3.77 7.11 16.17 3.84 5.13 4.55 9.60 3.86 8.33 12.05 6.66 I Jan. Feb. 1 March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1843.... .... 1 .... ! .... 1 0.60 8.61 3.80 7.56 1.85 19.97 1844... 1.77 2.87 4.35 5.05 4.59 4.43 2.76 1.07 2.25 3.SO 2.29 0.17 13.99 8.86 8.84 4.81 86.00 1845.... 1.35 0.66 5.48 5.04 4.50 2.62 0.33 4.12 2.65 3.65 2.40 1.90 15.02 7.07 8.70 S.91 34.70 1846.... 4.40 2.73 2.50 3.24 4.70 10.23 1.14 2.30 9 60 2.35 3.55 3.01 10.44 13.07 15.50 10.14 49.75 1847.... 1.23 4.10 3.61 1.60 3.05 3.09 6.55 5.85 2.40 0.41 4.05 0.86 8.26 15.49 7.4!> 6.24 37.45 1848.... 1.38 1.54 1.70 7.91 1.97 4.30 3.73 0.35 2.45 2.55 4.90 2.50 11.58 8.3S 9.90 5.42 35.28 1349.... 2.65 2.65 2.69 6.96 14.61 4.00 13.40 4.00 3.74 4.42 2.50 2.67 24.66 21.40 10.66 7.97 64. ..9? 1850.... 3.10 0.68 2.49 3.33 4.22 5.67 3.30 4.80 2.30 2.56 5.14 3.75 11.04 18.77 10.00 7.53 42.34 1851.... 0.20 5.70 1.35 2.95 4.47 4.20 0.10 1.40 0.60 2.60 5.15 2.80 8.77 5.70 8.35 8.70 31.52 1852.... 1.37 4.80 5.40 1.62 4.61 5.48 2.90 4.45 6.43 5.95 3.77 0.29 11.63 12.83 16.15 6.46 47.07 1853.... 0.62 2.67 0.75 1.39 [ 7.30 2.29 4.48 0.95 4.28 3.50 0.80 1.43 9.44 7.72 8.58 4.72 30.46 1854.... 0.01 3.80 5.53 4.21 11.73 1 9.17 0.59 1.E9 1.17 1.19 3.57 1.42 21.47 11.15 5.93 4.73 43.28 Mean .. 1.65 2.88 3.27 3.94 5.98 5.04 3.57 2.66 3.S7 3.06 8.S5 1.89 13.19 11.27 10.78 6.42 41.66 27.80 42.59 46.23 38.79 37.97 32.93 32.11 45.73 49.04 44.36 57.54 24.34 87.93 42.10 FORT GIBSON, INDIAN TERRITORY. 1886. 1887. 183S. 1889. 1S40. 1841. 1842. 1S43. 1844. :-:45. 3.01 0.80 2.36 4.C3 8.23 1.10 7.40 0.7G 1.36 1.00 0.20 1.45 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.70 6.07 0.80 1.90 1.01 1.85 1.40 4.90 0.80 1.81 1.91 2.95 4.45 6.10 4.11 2.04 1.10 4.65 10.13 8.30 2.83 2.09 5.40 4.75 2.59 3.32 8.46 3.15 2.01 2.IS 3.10 2.46 0.80 7.10 1.41 2.60 2.30 0.64 1.45 5.90 0.50 1.06 0.84 2.56 3.65 8.18 1.93 1.63 8.04 G.72 0.52 0.81 2.43 0.60 2.11 0.76 1.44 3.05 0.52 2.36 9.10 8.50 4.50 1.81 2.15 3,28 3.49 2.08 3.30 2.82 1.40 3.91 8.15 1.20 1.94 0.87 0.85 1.20 0.40 1.92 2.50 2.00 1.20 2.60 0.90 0.C8 0.03 10.05 6.81 4.55 24.08 10.08 9.80 6.61 19.99 13.04 9.06 8.90 11.24 6.06 11.CO 13. SO 5.77 5.26 13.17 10.54 5.70 13.22 15.08 3.61 6.20 4.91 5.78 4.41 2.92 6.31 7.28 5.03 4.70 9.00 6.91 2.19 34.00 18.84 55.52 36.25 29.11 35.61 37.58 26.67 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 663 FORT GIBSON, INDIAN TERRITORY—Continued. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. .\utunin Winter. Year. 1846.... 1.02 * 1 1.54 1.79 8.04 4.60 6.92 0.70 1.40 4.76 0.67 2.53 4.88 9.43 9.02 7.96 7.44 33.85 1347.... 0.10 2.12 1.42 3.10 1.35 3.88 1.89 1.78 0.95 3.10 8.85 1.06 5.87 7.55 7.40 3.28 24.10 1543.... 1.05 0.20 3.12 5.21 4.52 4.50 6.98 0.00 0.35 5.25 1.90 4.65 12.85 11.48 7.50 5.90 37.73 1849.... 2.19 0.8S 4.90 2.17 7.52 9.17 8.72 3.70 2.05 4.05 4.40 2.90 14.59 21.59 10.50 5.97 52.65 1S50.... 1.40 3.17 4.91 4.73 0.37 4.58 1.00 3.00 0.35 3.75 4.75 8.00 10.00 8.58 8.85 7.57 35.00 1851.... 0.50 10.42 1.50 0.50 3.20 6.45 1.25 1.15 3.14 9.35 7.10 7.70 5.20 5.85 19.59 18 82 52.46 1852.... 1.53 5.67 2.24 2.95 6.72 5.85 6.12 4.99 4.38 5.50 4.91 0.74 11.91 16.96 14.79 7.99 51.65 1853.... 0.32 2.27 1.06 3.52 6.65 1.60 0.76 4.72 1.35 1.13 1.30 0.70 11.23 7.08 3.78 3.79 25.68 1S54 .. .0.30 1.43 7.33 3.16 7.67 2.80 0.21 0.33 0.68 1.58 2.. 06 0.77 18.63 3.34 4.32 2.50 23.52 Mean .. 1.S3 2.26 2.54 4.19 4.65 4.30 2.75 2.63 2.30 3.85 8.10 2. CO 11.38 9.68 9.25 6.15 86.46 FORT SCOTT, MISSOURI, (KANSAS.) 1843.... 4.98 0.20 1.75 4.46 6.10 8.46 5.34 3.30 4.42 0.09 3.38 1.45 12.31 17.10 8.49 6.63 44.53 1844.... 2.05 1.30 3.78 6.91 14.79 12.64 10.50 2.51 3.33 2.49 1.52 0.78 25.48 25.65 7.34 4.13 62.60 1845.... 0.70 2.33 0.94 5.39 8.16 24.'6 4.57 7.18 3.35 3.05 0.97 0.39 14.49 36.31 7.37 3.42 61.59 1846.... 1.27 0.92 1.61 2.64 1.76 7.03 1.17 3.09 5.53 2.56 2.97 3.49 6.01 11.C9 11.06 5.68 34.04 1847.... 1.25 1.24 1.10 4.22 3.12 4.63 5.84 1.79 1.50 2.48 5.56 1.61 8.44 12.26 11.15 4.10 35.95 1848.... 0.94 0.25 2.53 1.96 7.33 1.85 4.84 4.20 1.19 1.72 0.27 2.17 11.82 10.89 3.18 3.36 29.25 1849.... 3.26 0.18 3.30 5.38 12.20 3.49 5.77 2.62 0.56 3.86 3.78 1.03 20.88 11.88 8.20 4.27 33.23 1850.... 1.59 1.52 2.40 3.13 2.19 4.80 0.27 5.45 0.52 1.56 4.39 2.21 7.72 10.52 6.45 5.32 30.01 1851.... 0.14 3.60 0.48 0.75 4.39 7.53 2.74 3.89 0.15 2.01 5.49 1.84 5.62 14.16 7.65 4.98 32.41 1852.... 2.22 0.11 0.98 2.17 10.74 6.36 4.45 2.90 2.40 6.23 5.98 1.98 13.39 13.71 14.61 4.31 46.52 1853.... 2.63 1.30 0.82 Mean... 1.92 1.18 1.79 3.70 7.08 8.13 4.55 3.69 2.30 2.66 3.43 1.69 12 57 16.37 8.39 4.79 42.12 JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MISSOURI. 1840.... 1341 2.08 1.03 4.58 4.39 1842.... 0.44 3.46 2 93 2.02 1343.... 2.27 1.75 2.30 4.52 1S44.... 2.19 2.83 2.50 3.13 1345.... 1.18 0.84 3.24 1.71 1S46.... 3.60 1.02 1.73 4.83 1847.... 8.12 1848.... 1.83 0.92 1.94 1.50 1S49.... 3.41 0.87 2.77 1.53 1850.... 1.65 3.22 4.66 5.02 1851.... 0.40 5.05 1.86 2.80 1852.... 8.34 1.73 7.19 1.39 1853.... 0.57 1.51 0.85 3.53 1354.... 1.90 8.25 6.90 3.40 Mean .. 1.91 2.04 3.32 3.06 1.95 4.31 3.01 7.27 3.25 3.50 2.58 2.00 3.46 3.97 8.12 3.52 6.93 4.18 1.34 5.81 2.12 5.40 9.7S 2.86 4.10 7.33 5.85 1.52 5.64 11.85 3.19 4.19 5.07 4.97 1.8S 1.77 2.60 5.23 3.89 0.45 4.47 4.01 7.70 2.95 4.65 2.72 6.90 0.96 3.67 12.25 2.51 1.90 0.97 0.71 4.53 2.09 4.25 4.72 5.20 7.06 3.24 5.16 1.99 0.66 5.76 1.80 1.71 3.47 0.85 2.90 4.84 2.75 0.81 2.97 4.20 3.41 5.79 1.28 0.55 6.76 4.08 3.68 2.03 1.58 1.77 1.65 4.16 1.47 1.06 1.46 1.19 0.63 1.35 0.80 0.82 1.42 10.22 0.23 1.55 2.28 4.01 1.85 2.02 1.52 1.75 4.11 3.32 2.26 0.38 1.25 4.81 3.80 3.97 1.10 2.40 1.23 6.57 3.13 1.11 2.76 2.38 2.42 10.92 9.76 9.83 12.90 7.30 7.5S 6.02 6.30 13.14 8.63 16.70 7.90 17.28 10.56 5.63 9.43 5.69 11.33 18.20 5.40 15.59 18.27 9.67 j 17.35 17.81 17.17 6.62 12.88 12.23 12.83 4.27 11.57 3.32 3.69 5.71 6.73 8.71 3.61 3.45 11.5S 7.70 13.11 8.02 6.37 37. S? 664 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, MISSOURI. DETROIT BARRACKS, MICHIGAN. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 1836 . . 3.66 6.51 5.90 2.59 4.20 5.02 12.69 ...... 1S37.... 0.70 1.08 3.43 1.40 3.00 2.77 4.07 3.10 2.88 1.15 1.60 1.70 7.80 9.94 5.63 2.48 25. S5 1S3>.... 3.70 2.65 1.19 2.00 1.58 3.68 2.00 3.80 1.00 0.40 1.7S 0.80 4.77 9.48 3.18 6.74 24.17 1539.... 1.43 2.40 2.30 8.14 7.40 7.21 5.19 1.50 2.40 12.84 13.90 1840.... 0.52 1.21 8.53 2.68 2.81 0.35 1.08 1541.... 1.14 0.11 5.70 3.57 1.20 3.93 3.63 1.95 2.50 7.43 5.45 3.03 10.47 9.51 15.88 4.28 39.64 1843.... 1.94 1.30 2.29 4.64 4. £5 3.53 4.18 0.76 2.02 1.50 2.50 1.50 11.88 8.42 6.02 4.74 81.06 1S44.... 4.83 3.76 3.22 5.57 11.03 7.54 8.10 1.47 0.03 2.68 0.50 2.33 19.82 17.11 3.21 10.97 51.11 1S45.... 1.12 1.74 4.04 8.67 3.05 13.75 0 03 7.45 0.59 1.91 1.73 0.41 10.76 21.23 4.23 3.27 89.49 1846.... 2.20 2.19 3.06 7.59 5.97 4.94 1.21 0.63 6.28 4.32 4 19 13.55 16.61 6.83 14.79 17.94 56.17 1S47.... 1.79 3.09 4.34 8.25 5.95 11.47 5.30 0.74 2.S7 10.07 10.05 1.14 18.54 17.51 23.02 6.02 65.09 1S4S.... 0.96 2.96 5.56 2.93 9.94 18.96 5.56 3.31 1.18 4.32 1.91 5.27 18.43 27.83 7.41 9.19 62.86 1349.... 7.59 0.55 3.60 4.08 6.39 15.70 13.67 7.95 3.96 2.80 3.35 1.90 14.07 37.32 10.11 10.04 71.54 1850.... 2.09 3.00 4.89 5.85 3.41 0.17 3.08 1.17 2.20 2.45 4.65 2.17 14.15 4.42 9.30 7.26 35.13 1S51.... 0.28 7.31 1.75 3.30 2.26 3.81 1.39 6.40 0.68 1.51 2.80 2.96 7.31 11.60 4.99 10.55 84.45 1852.... 1.21 1.48 8.00 2.54 4.44 7.82 1.08 2.12 1.14 4.73 2.75 2.90 14.98 11.02 8.62 5.59 40.21 1853.... 0.58 2.13 0.90 3.68 2.85 3.60 4 15 4.95 3.60 1.10 0.85 0.85 7.43 12.70 5.55 3.06 2S.74 1854.... 0.65 2.40 7.10 4.30 4 65 2.20 1.70 1.48 1.35 3.00 1.45 0.90 16.05 5.38 5.70 3.95 81.08 Mean .. 1.93 3.37 3.82 4.16 4.SS 6.94 4.00 3.15 2.33 3.23 3.10 1.99 12.86 14.09 8.71 6.29 41.95 1836.... 4.05 4.61 5.10 5.12 1.47 8.78 2.08 1.24 1.55 11.69 12.10 1S37.... 1.65 0.30 8.30 1.55 1.42 3.10 2.40 3.25 2.30 2.65 4.35 0.95 6.27 8.75 9.30 2.90 27.22 1838.... 4.20 1.00 0.55 4 25 2.00 6.56 1.95 0.15 4.80 5.35 29.84 1S39 ... 2.00 1.40 5.15 2.20 0.70 6.10 1.20 1 00 1.90 0.93 1.20 0.50 8.05 8.30 4.03 3.90 24.18 1340.... 1.74 1.75 4.62 3.34 2.25 1.88 3.80 1.25 2.69 1.93 2.75 1.63 10.21 6.93 7.37 5 12 29.92 1341.... 2.59 0.18 2.69 3.00 3 78 1.09 1.67 1.80 4.37 0.36 2.39 3.24 9 47 4.56 7.12 6.01 27.16 1342.... 0.61 1.68 3.58 3.49 0.49 4.01 7.02 1.22 3.96 2.08 2 01 1 69 7.56 12.25 8.05 3.93 31.81 1S43.... 1.91 1.99 1.85 2.05 3.16 5.36 2.35 1.46 2.20 1.90 1.30 2.07 7.06 9.20 5.40 5.98 27.64 1S44.... 2.25 0.61 2.60 3.35 5.68 5.18 4.49 3.27 1.03 1.85 1.84 0.95 11.63 12.94 4.72 3.81 33.10 1545.... 1.71 0.63 1.89 8.29 1.03 2.30 1.92 1.32 3.82 1.60 1 50 0.50 6.21 5.54 6.92 2.34 21.51 1846.... 4.06 2.18 3.15 1.63 5.42 3.55 .... 10.25 1549 ... 2.81 1.01 2.57 2.90 2.10 3.96 2.85 4.35 3.25 6.00 1.82 0.90 7.57 10.66 11.07 4.19 33.49 1S50.... 1.53 1.50 8.84 2 00 0.29 2.65 2.85 3.56 2.11 1.11 2.36 1.49 6.13 9.06 5.58 4.63 25.40 1551.... 1.24 8.68 1.37 3.70 5.30 10.40 Mean .. 2.IS 1.3S 2.86 2 92 2.73 3.91 3.'20 2.18 3.31 2.04 2.06 1.30 8.51 9.29 7.41 4.86 30.07 FORT GRATIOT, MICHIGAN. 1536___ 1537.... 1 24 1S39.... 154".... 2.59 1341 ... 2.86 1543.... 2.23 2.66 | 4.18 2.60 1.01 0.63 2.S7 2.11 4.13 5.19 3.47 4.15 3.76 2.68 3.02 1.70 2.56 3.93 1.09 3.73 1.44 1.43 1.26 4.22 2.36 4.45 6.27 4.66 6.46 4.33 2.20 1.59 2.41 1.49 4.65 2.64 2.20 7.91 1.14 1.42 2.73 4.14 2.80 5.07 3.45 1.25 7.26 2.84 2.53 1.66 7.59 6.77 11.12 15.33 9.49 9.77 10.59 6.60 12.99 10.47 12.63 6.78 ( 42.98 6.22 32.95 6.05 , 39.62 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 665 FORT GRATIOT, MICHIGAN—Continued Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1513.... 2.72 2.64 2.23 2.15 1.63 4.06 2.08 1.32 3.55 2.73 2.12 1.G3 COG 7.96 8.40 7.04 29.46 1544.... 2.73 1.75 2.77 0.99 5.05 3.95 3.63 4 99 1.33 2.6S 2.43 1.39 8.81 12.57 6.49 5.S7 33.74 1345.... 2.93 1.16 2.62 2 31 1.83 2.73 1.67 2.16 4.33 2.44 1.83 0.72 6.76 6.56 8.57 4.83 26.72 1546.... 2.97 1.61 2.17 2.19 4.55 2.35 8.91 1549.... 1.80 4.70 1.12 4.20 0.96 1.66 ...... 6.23 1550.... 1.35 1.02 8.19 2.61 1.02 4.79 3.06 1.S0 1.73 1.01 2.19 1.93 6.42 9.65 4.93 4.35 25.75 1>5l.... 1.11 1.77 1.25 2.51 5.36 1.50 3.33 3.56 3 46 2.64 3.23 2.06 9.12 8.39 9.35 4.91 31.77 1352.... 1.2S 1.36 4.57 2 34 0.94 7.85 Mean .. 2.19 1.76 2 82 2.51 2.69 3.74 3.37 2 88 4.10 2.66 2.10 1 SO 8 02 9.99 8.86 5.75 32.62 FORT MACKINAC, MICHIGAN. 1800.... 2.81 1.92 2.48 2.81 2.47 1.34 7.76 1^37___ 1.75 1.09 1.70 1:344___ 1.45 1.19 1345___ 2.05 1.05 1.13 0.71 0.92 1.26 2.83 1.08 5.15 1.56 1 73 0.30 2.81 5.17 8.46 3.43 19.84 1316.... 1.29 0.26 1.77 2.01 3.27 0.89 0.94 1.2S 1.43 1.13 2,14 1.20 7.05 3.11 4.70 2.75 17.61 1547.... 1.23 0.31 1.16 1.43 4.03 2.97 2.18 1.52 3.40 0.34 3.10 0.5S G.G7 6.97 6.84 2.67 23.15 1515.... 1.30 0.82 0.83 1.33 2.16 .... .... 4.35 1319.... 0.64 0.27 0.43 1.99 2.60 1.20 2.39 5.11 1.60 1.70 1.43 0.51 4.99 9.20 4.73 1.42 20.34 1850.... 0.37 0.06 0.32 0.73 0.53 1.63 5.05 4.10 5.52 5.05 3.15 0.40 1.53 10.83 13.72 0.83 26.91 1351.... 0.80 0.59 0.41 0.63 1.2-3 1.91 3.60 0.55 0.50 0.65 0.43 0.35 2.32 6.06 1.5S 1.74 11.70 1852.... 2.52 0.70 1.40 3.94 0.63 3.46 5.97 1553... 0.51 2.05 2.12 0.85 3.55 6.23 3.56 7.81 5.01 1.73 0.93 2.87 6 52 17.60 7.67 5.43 7.22 1534.. . 2.50 1.23 1.56 1.04 2.65 6.35 5.67 4.26 3.22 2.2S 3.66 0.9S 5.25 16.2S 9.16 4.80 35.49 Mean .. 1.25 0.82 1.14 1.21 2.32 2.SI 3.20 2.87 2.97 2.12 1.92 1.24 4.67 S.88 7.01 3.31 23.87 FORT BRADY, MICHIGAN. 130'!. 1537. 1508. 1539. 1340. 1541.. 1542. 1843. 1344.. 1345.. 1346.. 1517.. 1348. 1550. 1851. 1.05 1.15 2^.9 ! ..J 2.64 0.32 1.13 ...' 1.73 0.54 1.59 ... 1.73 2.19 0.32 ... 1.60 0.93 2.51 1.47 1.43 2.07 1.06 0.03 1.96 0.43 1.66 ... 1.66 1.83 2.20 1.01 0.94 2.51 1.53 0.80 1.00 1.92 1.83 0.97 1.83 0.83 1.83 2.74 1.23 0.S4 1.32 3.03 2.55 2.48 0.43 0.47 2.73 1.15 1.04 1.99 1.33 1.42 1.45 2.42 3.07 2.87 2.26 2.19 2.65 2.08 2.00 3.00 1.30 4.14 2.15 0.70 2.23 8.11 5.51 2.36 6.30 2.93 3.06 4.62 5.15 4.97 4.13 2.52 2.84 6.37 4.49 3.70 4.07 1.53 2.33 4.29 4.25 2.16 2.93 4.63 5.46 3.57 2.13 2.41 1.05 4.40 1.10 3.77 2.81 1.06 3.50 2.56 8.14 2.53 0.41 3.00 5.72 4.26 2.24 4.93 4.81 2.13 1.43 4.36 3.94 2.64 3.95 0.95 4.13 3.90 3.35 3.79 8.83 5.71 1.20 2.92 8.15 4.09 4.90 4.00 2.91 5.99 8.67 4.S2 4.04 4.67 3.11 4.40 1.78 3.67 3.79 3.33 8.19 3.50 1.87 2.65 2.62 1.35 6.12 3.24 ! 13.95 1.89 7.19 18.43 12.21 4.09 86.92 0.88 6.21 11.73 12.59 3.84 34.37 0.70 2.79 7.93 10.32 2.97 24.01 2.53 4.20 9.74 12.70 6.45 33.09. 2.30 5.59 9.29 4.83 22.74 1.16 4.18 7.64 9.44 5.14 26.40 1.58 4.55 6.08 11.91 4.71 27.25 2.49 7.60 11.48 10.49 4.38 34.45 1.28 6.74 9.73 6.47 4.82 29.76- 2.00 7.19 10.68 8.95 2.83 6.00 6.41 10.97 9.53 4.11 30.61) 2.91 4.63 15.16 10.25 5.57 35.56- 7.55 6.13 12.57 14.98 11.57 45.30> 91 006 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT BRADY, MICHIGAN—Continued. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn, Winter. Year. 1352.... .... 4.11 1.42 2.99 1533.... 0.92 1.19 0.43 0.71 0.74 3.94 8.27 3.19 2.61 2.16 1.77 0.74 1.95 10.40 6.54 2.85 21.74 1554.... 2.49 1.13 1.84 1 2. .4 3.61 1.23 3.21 3.SG 3.IS 0,0 3.07 0.45 2.21 7.09 S.30 9.65 4". 12 29.1'i Mean... 1.S4 1.13 1.37 1.53 2.24 <> so 3.75 3.39 4.33 3.35 8.OS !' 5.4-1 II 9.97 10.76 5.18 01.03 FORT HOWARD, WISCONSIN. 1S36 . 1S37.. 1S3S.. 1S39.. 1840.. 1841.. 1S50.. 1 51.. 1852.. 0.50 1.23 1.97 2.03 0.30 0.53 1.12 1.77 1.19 1.64 0.68 0.53 l.'S 0.30 0.39 1.50 0.00 3.20 6.37 5.20 3.50 5.06 2.C7 4.78 1.59 2.01 1.72 1.S1 3.53 G.43 4.31 5.67 4.25 5.C4 1.17 2.S9 2.69 0.14 3.41 1.54 6.77 7.08 5.66 3.36 3.29 2.5S 1.28 1.55 2.43 3.79 4.C5 3.35 2.69 0.77 5.26 2.25 1.63 0.26 4.17 1.09 7.29 5.86 3.79 1.25 3.02 2.05 0.50 1.69 2.11 2.46 5.43 4.92 6.34 6.94 2.69 1.10 2.59 0.95 0.78 1.5S 8.50 3.15 5.07 2.67 3.26 1.10 2.26 0.2S 3..57 2.97 3.33 2.15 1.70 3.97 4.93 5.51 4.01 3.11 2.36 2.37 1.80 14.77 11.82 5.09 S.12 G.12 10.83 8.99 10.03 8.33 3.86 37.04 14.23 9.70 4.80 40.55 19.46 9.23 3.78 07.50 10.G9 8.28 4.79 31.23 16.94 6.32 1.10 33.57 IS.20 6.33 10.89 6.02 ...... 2.90 oi . .1 14.45 7.S4 3.86 34.05 FORT WINNEBAGO, WISCONSIN. 1S36.... 1837.... 0.43 0.91 1833.... 2.03 0.20 1539.... 0.92 0.47 1S40.... o.so 1.17 1841.... 0.1S 0.43 1842.... 0.S4 0.56 1S43.... 0.72 0.02 1544... 1.51 0.5S 1S45.... 0.67 2.49 Mean .. 0.91 1 0.S2 0.25 0.0S 0.79 0.4S 1.54 1.71 0.E9 1.33 3.10 _ 2.11 3.IS 2.93 0.S6 1.54 3.59 1.40 2.C3 1 49 1.51 1.S5 2.14 3.32 2.67 1.17 4.IS 1.46 4.SO 2.40 4.53 3.71 5.45 5.04 4.07 4.07 4.09 0.16 5.66 2.S9 7.07 5.S5 C.83 4.35 5.79 3.47 3.70 3.79 3.24 2.14 1.20 1.22 5.40 5.16 4.37 1.53 4.21 3.01 4.53 5.89 2.04 1.43 1.45 6.58 3.45 4.41 2.73 FORT CRAWFORD, WISCONSIN. 153G... 1507.... 1S38.... 1S39.... 1340.... 1541.... 1542.... 1343.... 1544..., 1515... Mean.. 0.40 1.30 1.72 1.40 0.19 1.29 0.70 2.60 1.10 1.19 2.70 0.00 1.00 0.47 1.13 0.93 0.S7 2.79 1.24 2.90 0.45 1.26 0.23 5.76 2.00 0.53 1.42 2.70 1.92 3.00 2.07 8.62 2.04 4.OS 1.60 3.56 3.60 1.40 1.03 0.54 2.75 1.75 6.20 2.82 4.71 2.40 2.99 | 2.72 i 1.10 4.40 2.17 5.10 2.57 2.36 7.03 3.10 4.01 5.50 3.20 1.83 1.58 1.57 2.97 7.75 1.00 2.20 8.SI 3.90 3.74 3.4S 2.30 G.40 1.30 3.G5 7.18 1.16 5.6S 2.76 1.66 6.30 4.95 5.05 6.91 1.90 5.65 3.65 2.45 1.21 6.43 3.58 0.08 4.13 4.90 1.33 G.0G 2.46 0.70 1.35 4.(5 4.06 2.04 0.77 1.2S 1.77 0.79 3.23 1.35 5.62 13.35 1.49 1.77 0.41 3.92 15.42 8.14 1.27 0.76 6.22 9.74 4.C8 2.63 0.05 3.97 12.97 1.25 0.55 1.98 4.54 12.94 0.21 3 12 1.18 4.73 10.42 0.00 2.67 0.58 6.71 6.i0 0 73 1.56 1.75 14.63 i 7.33 9.99 1 2.CO 1 2.01 1.C9 5.5S 11.46 6.1S 9.41 5.90 10.84 8.16 8.88 6.78 7.68 5.02 0.50 1.60 6.60 2.51 2.92 ' 7.30 9.35 1.44 0.32 j 5.05 9.43 1.90 1.00 3.S7 12.97 1.96 0.12 6.57 12.45 0.14 3.28 9.55 13.79 3.47 2.00 12.23 14.51 2.82 0.47 5.00 9.-18 1.42 2.38 9.69 1S.8S 1.57 S.49 10.75 1.80 7.63 11.bi 7.C3 8.20 10.85 5.86 11.90 9.71 3.80 7.13 9.05 4.64 2.74 31.02 2.64 27.83 2.15 2S.95 2.02 23.12 2.59 25.45 2.58 24.51 1.92 22. bO 3.84 2.82 I 27.49 6.02 34.05 1.62 21.9t. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. fpring. Summer. Autumn Winter. Year. 3.41 5.90 6.45 0.67 1.64 0.7S 13.54 S.96 4.20 1.C0 7.SO 3.40 2.70 2.60 7.71 11.40 18.90 5.44 SS.45 2.IS 6.66 0.30 0.40 1.81 0.20 5.SO 14.97 2.51 3.CO 2G.25 5.12 1.95 0.76 6.05 1.29 1.52 9.48 12.36 8.10 3.38 88.32 . 2.65 2.50 4.98 3.48 3.39 1.60 0.22 7.28 14.25 8.97 1.69 32.14 2.83 5.52 3.26 0.(5 6.85 7.75 0.32 3.15 6.06 1.02 0.26 3.22 1.10 5 22 14. S6 4.50 1.71 26.29 0.57 0.13 8.19 1.04 0.C5 1.05 9.17 1.22 4.28 1.27 15.94 8.08 4.SO 1.60 0.40 3.62 0.39 15.13 24.88 5.62 2.49 43.12 0.C1 1.70 6.70 1.30 0.82 0.00 5.43 17.51 8.S2 2.80 34.56 2.61 0.08 3.88 1.03 1.14 2.05 8,20 6.85 6.05 2.65 28.75 1.20 0.50 0.32 0.00 0.27 1.15 10.45 6. S3 0.59 3.14 21.03 3.25 3 05 7.60 0.74 4.33 3.50 5.91 13.C6 12.67 6.35 38.00 6.03 5.80 7.56 3.44 2.80 0.56 10.90 14.C9 13.SO 4.C6 42.85 1.03 2.27 0.72 0J5 3.S4 0.70 7.70 9.89 5.41 4.07 27.07 6.78 5.02 1.10 1.68 3.18 1.96 7.43 19.96 7.96 8.46 38.61 4.60 4.22 1.61 2.64 3.53 0.60 11.56 15.35 7.78 1.84 36.53 3.21 5.01 1.47 0.52 2.07 0.76 5.90 14.17 4.06 1.07 25.20 0.1S 1.07 2 11 3.20 1.20 0.09 10.23 5.75 6.51 1.91 24.40 1.70 2.07 1 3.15 3.29 3.32 1 84 2.17 1.02 7.97 12 24 7.33 2.75 30.29 1351.... __ 1.95 2.59 2.43 2.84 0.71 7.36 1852.... 1.09 0.58 1.55 2.16 2.05 5.16 1.57 0.89 2.51 4.10 1.92 2.27 5.76 7.62 S.53 3.94 25. S5 1553.... 0.20 0.26 1.31 3.92 4.S4 10.07 Mean .. 0.65 0.42 1.43 3.04 8.45 5.16 1.57 1.42 2.55 3.26 2.88 1.99 j 1 7.92 8.15 8.19 3.06 27.32 FORT KEARNY, NEBRASKA. 1S49.... (530.... 0.47 1831.... 1.15 1552... 0.12 18,0.... 0.00 15.-4.... 0.23 1555.... l.oo ! Mean .. 0.5U 6.12 7.86 10.74 4.00 7.70 6.05 0.27 1.80 0.10 0.10 24.72 17.75 2.17 * 0.06 1.06 1.07 2.8S 9.93 5.33 1.66 0.43 0.26 1.57 0.30 5.01 16.97 2.26 0.83 25.07 0 97 0.14 0.73 9.43 3.50 2.86 2.78 2.60 0.52 1.00 0.7G ! 10.30 9.14 4.12 2.88 26.44 0.25 0.23 0.73 5.23 3.02 2.69 1.84 2.17 1.35 2.24 0.73 6.24 1.55 5.76 1.10 20.65 0.02 COS 6.10 8.46 2.41 3.28 2.21 0.94 0.26 1.00 0.03 14.64 12.96 2.20 0.10 29.90 1.83 1.87 2.56 4.15 5.40 3.51 1.18 4.60 1).07 0.75 0.00 8.58 10.09 6.42 1.56 26.65 0.25 1.35 0.68 4.91 2.20 6.94 0.45 1.55 2.63 6.57 4.36 5.07 2.62 1.33 0.88 1.11 0.83 10. SO 1 12.05 3.82 1.81 27.95 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 609 FORT LARAMIE, NEBRASKA. The last observations, for 1852 and 1853, were at Fort Atkinson, on the Plains, crossing of Arkansas river. FORT ARBUCKLE, INDIAN TERRITORY. FORT BELKNAP, TEXAS. 1.33 1.10 0 78 1.07 0.96 1.42 0.10 0.83 1.75 0.30 1.36 6.19 4 97 3.55 .00 3.15 2.27 0.00 0.12 0.75 1.77 1.53 1.65 5.90 4.89 0.59 FORT WORTH, TEXAS. 0.30 10. SO 3.75 4.54 1.20 j 4.70 4.66 ' 6.61 5.20 ; 1.73 3.33 ! 4.18 3.61 I 4.'< Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1540... 0.21 2.72 0.24 0.35 3.17 15.50.... 0.30 0.42 1.81 1.03 1.41 1.40 l.SO 0.51 0.22 0.23 0.23 .... 3.75 3.71 0.72? 1851.... 0.16 4.21 0.33 0.32 0.78 0.42 0.36 0.52 0.SS 1.43 1.30 1532. .. 0.72 1.10 1.55 1.25 7.29 4.08 l.SS 1.46 2.74 1.70 6.42 1.23 10.09 7.42 10.86 3.05 31.42 1550.... 0.08 0.57 1.73 4.53 12.19 4 95 1.S6 0.55 2.80 0.63 0.03 0.71 18.50 7.36 3.56 1.86 30.78 18.34.... 0.18 0.40 0.80 0.98 4.46 3.67 3.26 l.:l 1.60 1.86 0.73 0.05 9.24 8.20 4.19 0.63 22.26 1555.... 0.04 1.06 1.41 0.65 2.79 3.25 1.45 4.85 ...... Mean .. 0.27 0.71 1.37 1.93 5 39 2.95 1.83 0.92 1.33 1.26 1.37 0.65 8.69 5.70 3.96 1.63 19.93 5.10 3.85 6.81 1.39 1.60 12.05 1?53.... 0.04 0.49 0.96 3.33 9.34 4.35 0.50 13.6S 7.15 2.13 35.01 1S50.. .... 1.70 5.40 1.25 1851.. .| 0.01 5.40 0.20 2.71 2.61 2.19 1.55 1.16 1.60 1.07 3.39 2.35 5.52 4.90 4.06 7.76 22.24? 1652.. .; l.SO 4.21 1.21 1.41 7.30 5.30 5.09 4.S2 5.04 7.16 2.50 0.12 9.92 15.21 14.66 6.29 46.08 1850.. .1 0.49 l.SS 0.32 1.04 5.31 4.57 3.27 1.30 3.16 3.82 1.05 0.97 6.67 9.14 7.53 3.34 26.63 1854.. . 0.01 2.30 " 3.33 2.93 6.60 4.33 0.00 2.14 2.12 0.55 3.46 0.40 12.91 6.47 6.13 2.71 28.22 1855.. . 0.20 1.23 0.35 2.28 !8-18 3.3S 3.50 5.76 Mean . 0.51 3.01 1.08 2.08 4.99 1 3.95 2.68 2.35 2.93 2.76 3.16 1.02 8.15 8.98 8.90 4.54 30.57 3.15 0.05 1.03 1.75 9.13 5.13 7.69 3.14 0.05 0.05 8.14 3.95 9.03 2.17 1.26 1.41 0.62 7.09 6.31 6.85 1.75 1.90 6.90 7.30 0.50 3.70 0.51 2.24 4.90 5.10 12.80 11.50 7.65 6.00 37.95 9.27 0.22 0.16 0.06 0.06 2.24 4.92 0.79 20.54 0.44 7.22 14 29 42.49 4.27 3.81 3.14 6.41 5.60 5.40 2.60 0.10 11.10 13.36 13.60 5.20 43.26 5.94 3.60 5.72 0.60 2.06 13.50 9.92 8.80 0.59 8 73 2.38 2.69 8.29 4.14 1.97 14.50 9.49 8.07 40.66 PHANTOM HILL, (CLEAR FORK OF BRAZOS,) TEXAS. 0.52 1.80 0.54 0.00 0.30 0.26 0.80 0.54 0.45 2.S5 2.S5 2.90 2.90 1.15 0.03 4.82 0.2S 4.SI 2.01 2.45 0.23 0.00 1.87 3.84 4.08 12.08 2.52 3.69 14.13 1.15 0.03 2.55 8.41 1.84 0.94 3.84 4.08 7.30 2.00 17.22 G70 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. FORT CHADBOURNE, TEXAS. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. L ■ Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1552.... 6 25 5.00 5.98 2.82 4.01 3.64 0.80 0.00 13.30 8.45 I553.... 0.70 1.25 1.61 O.SO 6.4S 5.48 2.80 0.85 1.76 2.87 0.19 2.67 8.S9 9.13 4.82 4.62 27.46 1554.... 0.00 0.90 0.45 0.56 5.76 4.67 1.31 4.30 4.09 3.30 6.30 2.60 6.80 10.28 13 69 8.50 34.27 1S55.... 1.10 2.50 0.15 0.75 3.35 6.33 3 31 9.83 Mean .. 0.60 1.55 1.57 6.20 4.61 3.36 2,49 3.29 3.27 2.43 1.76 8.52 10.46 8.99 3.91 31.63 FORT GRAHAM, TEXAS. 1850 ... 1.35 4.25 2.57 4.83 1.50 3.95 0.60 3.77 1.09 11.03 8.17 10.28 5.46 1851.... 1.80 6.86 3.63 7.88 3.05 0.32 0.11 0.21 0.26 5.25 7.40 4.40 14.56 0.64 12.91 13.26 41.37 1852.... 0.64 5.25 8.75 4.00 2.65 3.68 4.90 3.76 1.53 3.69 5.70 0.31 15.30 12.34 10.92 6.20 44.76 1353.... 1.83 3.61 4.43 2.00 3.35 2.00 2.08 0.32 9.83 4.40 Mean .. 1.42 5.24 4.55 4.53 2.90 2.71 2.15 2.06 0.83 4.24 4.73 5.25 11.9S 6.02 9.77 11.91 40.53 FORT CROGHAN, TEXAS. 1849.. 3.70 3.00 0.40 1.20 1.30 1.40 0.90 7.10 3.90 1S50.... 1.00 0.90 3.10 3.40 5.00 5.60 1.60 0.69 0.45 0.28 1.02 2.56 11.50 7.89 1.75 4.46 25.63 1351.... 1.09 5.01 3.54 7.05 1.06 1.06 2.99 1.00 1.35 3.52 9.80 7.40 11.65 5.05 14.67 13.50 44.67 1852.... 1.70 6.00 9.18 2.79 2.21 3.73 3.75 3.09 5.96 3.35 3.33 0.57 14.18 10.62 12.64 7.27 44.71 1853.... 1.97 6.52 3.07 2.28 3.78 2.52 5.59 0.20 9.13 8.31 Mean .. 1.44 4.61 4.72 3.SS 3.01 3.33 3.39 1.08 2.24 2.11 3.89 2.86 11.61 7.80 8.24 8.91 36.56 FORTS MARTIN SCOTT, MASON, TERRETT, AND McKAVETT, TEXAS. 1S50.... 1851.... 1852.... 1.07 0.73 0.60 0.69 5.14 3.10 1.57 3.43 12.40 4.60 8.37 3.45 1.18 10.28 0.08 1.71 0.80 0.37 1.20 1.18 1.44 0.99 1.15 3.87 1.50 2.74 1.00 9.62 13.03 12.86 2.08 6.04 4.09 5.50 6.87 33.52 26.07 Mean ..; 0.80 M. 1352. ■■•• 1853. 1-04 T. 1852. •••■ 1853. 0.80 McK.'52 ... 1853. l-~5 1S54. 0.01 1855. 0.09 2.98 2.01 1.54 2.94 0.77 1.00 5.82 1.52 1.15 1.52 2.10 0.08 6.43 1.93 2.89 1.08 0.S6 0.59 2.00 0.23 2.29 2.81 8.94 1.21 5.15 2.30 4.75 2.25 3.72 2.63 5.18 3.46 7.53 4.27 6.00 4.34 5.49 0.15 1.19 1.25 6.64 6.43 3.04 3.63 1.84 4.03 2.91 0.7S 1.54 1.69 1.61 1.83 0.85 1.65 0.04 1.31 4.70 1.14 5.72 0.10 3.42 3.86 1.07 2.54 3.07 3.92 4.50 5.26 0.79 2.63 1.50 0.12 1.23 0.04 1.59 1.19 1.87 0.01 0.00 1.53 0.01 0.95 14.61 5.62 4.81 5.77 6.10 5.00 7.21 11.64 15.75 8.92 11.51 7.53 11.17 8.10 5.06 7.74 4.33 10.87 4.64 10.27 5.84 5.65 3.87 1.73 32.53 24.63 16.77 Mean... 0.62 1.57 1.23 : 1.29 3.34 ' 2.92 j 2.92 8.3.3 j 3.64 8.02 1.39 0.48 5.50 6.69 8.05 2.67 20.-7 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 671 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. 1S49.... 6.12 0.30 5.53 1.22 11.95 1850.... 0.64 2.07 1.37 3.34 3.22 9.63 3.10 0.17 0.33 0.S1 2.34 2.90 7.39 12.90 3.54 5.61 29.93 1851.... 0.75 6.86 1.45 4.37 2.80 3.74 8.07 0.60 1.20 0.40 3.30 2.80 8.62 7.41 4.90 9.91 00.84 1852.... 1.00 4.30 6.00 0.70 2.66 5.09 3.53 1.75 3.49 2.70 9.36 10.37 ...... Mean .. 0.80 4.41 2.94 2.80 2.89 6.15 3.23 0.84 2.80 1.05 8.72 2.14 8.63 10.22 7.57 7.35 33.77 CORPUS CHRISTI, AND FORTS EWELL AND MERRILL. 1346.... 3.96 2.37 1.25 3.71 3.44 6.65 3.02 5.48 10.49 8.30 15.16 1S43.... 2.25 4.65 2.04 0.22 1.34 6.91 1S51.... 4.32 2.53 5.52 3.97 0.23 4.96 2.71 1.89 1.19 9.72 9.56 1854.... .... 8.07 4.71 7.69 3.68 2.91 6.82 9.94 16.08 13.43 10.15 Mean .. 3.96 2 37 1.25 4.01 4.68 5.63 4.89 6.73 2.37 1.05 1.26 7.59 41.11 1852.... 1.41 0.15 0.45 IS53... 1.30 6.60 1.05 2.25 3.35 9.65 2.22 1.65 5.25 3.32 0.S3 1.67 6.65 13.52 9.40 9.77 39.34 1854.... 0.22 2.86 0.38 0.00 6.S3 6.05 3.58 8.21 4.68 7.26 12.84 Mean .. 0.76 4.73 0.71 1.12 5.11 7.85 2.90 2.43 4.96 2.36 0.49 1.16 6.94 13.18 7.81 6.65 34.58 1851.... 3.47 1.41 1.83 4.19 1.31 2.93 0.37 0.S5 0.56 7.33 4 15 1S52.... 1.13 8.76 18:3.... 5.75 5.86 3.12 1.40 1.18 10.38 1854.... 0.11 1.99 0.05 1.16 7.66 4.70 5.44 3.13 5.01 0.64 3.2J 2.13 8.87 13.29 8.S5 4.23 35.24 1855.... 0.35 2.19 0.13 0.23 1.21 8.75 1.57 5.14 ...... ] Mean .. 0.23 2.09 0.09 1.62 3.43 4.10 6.13 3.40 4.60 1.3S 1.82 1.93 13.63 7.80 4.25 30.32 FORT BROWN, TEXAS, (MATAMOROS.) 1850... : 4.30 3.80 2.30 0.05 2.20 0.06 1.16 0.01 0.25 5.79 0.69 0.15 4.55 1.28 1551... 0.95 1.20 0.40 1.15 0.90 2.35 8.65 1.80 5.60 4.10 3.00 4.70 2.45 7.80 1552... 0.50 0.60 0.35 0.00 4.05 5.05 0.70 3.90 8.50 4.95 0.90 0.00 4.40 9.65 1S53... 0.00 1.60 0.00 2.20 0.10 1.70 0.00 3.10 8.00 7.75 1.30 0.65 2.30 4.80 1854... 1855... 0.45 ! 3.47 1.50 4.83 2.25 1.15 8.03 1.20 0.05 0.00 0.56 4.10 1.92 7.65 10.47 4.25 5 00 11.31 5.79 7.47 1.S8 5.30 4.95 16.9) 2.21 4.55 1.95 2.76 6.73 5.68 2.67 1.48 8.97 9.26 Mean . 1.61 6.73 12.10 14. -5 17.05 24.57 8.28 6.35 1.10 2.25 20.76 29.80 29.50 26.40 50.60 1849.. 1350.. 1851.. 1S52.. 1553.. 1554.. 1S55.. Mean 15.08 | 5.84 ! 33.65 RINGGOLD BARRACKS, TEXAS. 3.14 0.01 1.93 0.84 0.69 0.03 1.00 0.88 0.65 0.70 2.33 0.(9 0.70 1.69 0.22 1.06 0.68 1.43 1.24 1.18 0.72 0.79 1.21 0.6S 3.79 0.00 0.00 1.03 4.55 0.20 2.28 3.91 2.83 2.40 2.69 2.76 1.21 0.96 1.45 10.98 3.47 0.17 2.20 0.82 0.15 4.06 5.33 2.13 0.11 0.02 1.44 4.34 1.58 4.48 0.08 5.21 4.24 2.32 3.02 1.50 i 8.22 3.02 0.53 1.20 4.7S 2.40 0.92 0.30 2.91 0.12 0.01 0.19 2.10 0.94 0.94 0.01 1.15 0.08 0.91 0.68 0.63 7.27 1.44 8.61 7.79 8.05 4.49 3.04 8.43 3.22 7.82 3.57 6.53 9.03 3.76 j 17.04 2.68 i 14.08 1.96 j 1T.S2 5.94 j 4.91 j 3.94 ' 22.58 16.89 6.04 | 3.07 ' 29.C5 7.10 0.31 ■05 20.95 CT2 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN, FORT McINTOSH, TEXAS. 1510.. 1S50.. 1S51.. 1352.. 1S33.. 1654.. 1555.. FORT DUNCAN, TEXAS. 0.40 0.70 0.28 0.13 0.05 0.00 0.12 2.32 2.30 1 30 0.69 0.91 0.02 0.23 6.27 0.01 1.50 0.01 0.95 0.83 O.OO 2.10 0.00 0.28 Mean ..; 0.26 j 1.27 , 1.34 0.71 .... 1 0.03 1.20 0.40 1.00 5.51 2.85 0.60 0.10 1.30 8.70 1.40 2.00 8.96 5.10 1.92 17.9S 1.15 2.30 1.10 0.70 1.36 1.50 1.20 0.68 2.20 4.10 4.06 3.70 14 12 2.13 2.81 6.70 0.32 6.10 1.22 0.24 0.00 8.40 9.83 7.56 2.58 2S.S7 0.75 10.70 5.23 2.15 4.05 4.10 0.05 2.69 2.86 18.13 8.20 4.12 33.31 2.53 6.S3 0.83 0.90 4.81 0.40 8.2S 0.18 4.03 8.56 8.49 0.92 22.00 1.44 1.73 1.50 5.63 3.35 0.93 3.23 1.43 1.61 0.89 8.55 9.91 6.32 2.42 22.20 FORT INGE, TEXAS. 1349.... 2.05 2.30 1-50 ... 0.35 0.71 1.42 1.11 1.07 7.00 2.70 3.19 1.50 1.70 3.60 2.10 2.60 12.89 6.80 3.19 25.48 1831.... 3.54 1.45 2.95 1.08 0.78 2.84 3.53 0.73 1.50 1.43 0.29 5.48 7.10 3.66 1352.... 0.34 1.40 2.62 0.15 5.70 S.07 6.S2 0.12 2.S3 3.19 1.52 0.00 8.53 15.01 7.54 1.74 32. S2 1853.... 2.10 3.58 1.51 2.42 3.2S 9.00 4.97 1.59 1.20 6.76 0.15 1.0*2 7.21 15.56 8.11 6.76 87.64 1554.... 0.20 2.15 3.00 0.75 3.SS 2.09 0.97 1.67 4.80 0.33 3.71 0.50 7.63 4.73 8.84 2.85 24.08 1655.... 0.10 1.86 0.75 0.17 ... .... 8.88 Mean .. 0.64 2.21 1.79 1.26 3.01 5.38 3.66 2.02 2.21 2.70 2.08 1.03 6.06 11.06 6.99 27.99 FORT LINCOLN, TEXAS. 1850... .... 0.50 2.50 1551... . 0.00 5.05 2.11 4.86 1.90 0.76 0.89 0.39 1552... .! 0.26 1 2.96 4.90 0.23 4.26 3.33 1.10 2.80 0.27 1.36 2.01 0.98 8.S7 9.39 2.04 6.03 20 53 FORT CLARK, TEXAS. 1852.... __ 0.87 3.50 2.09 1.91 0.00 [ 7.50 1658.... 0.83 1.18 0.65 2.50 1.16 10.21 3.87 2.75 0.13 4.00 0.21 1.60 ! 4.81 16.83 4.34 3.66 29.14 1354.... 0.00 0.94 1.48 0.60 2.65 0.11 0.08 0.P5 3.49 0.55 3.22 0.35 4.70 1.14 7.26 1.29 14.42 1S55... 0.01 1.96 0.45 0.S6 0.81 4.29 4.77 5.05 Mc.i. .. 0.80 1.36 1.14 2.70 5.03 1.9S 1.52 2.87 2.21 1.78 0.65 4.60 8.53 6.36 2.81 21.80 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 67-. EL PASO AND FORT BLISS, NEW MEXICO. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter.! Year. I 1850.... 1851.... 1854.... 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.02 1.05 0.10 0.70 2.49 5.71 0.05 3.70 0.60 4.60 __ __ 1.54 ! 0.00 1.10 0.50 0.70 ...... 4.56 5.25 5.24 1 Mean .. 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.02 0.57 2.97 1.88 1.07 2.30 0.80 j O.70 3.56 5.25 1 70 11.21 The observations nominally at El Paso to August, 1851, were taken at points on the north side of the Rio Grande, opposite the Mexican town of El Paso. FORTS FILLMORE, WEBSTER, AND THORN, NEW MEXICO. 1S31.... __ 1.40 0.11 2.13 1.74 3.64 1S52.... 0.29 0.04 0.20 0.40 1.74 3.84 1.00 1.47 0.77 2.66 0.00 0.64 6.5S 4.90 1853.... 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.28 2.80 1.83 1.21 0.90 1.15 0.64 0.09 4.91 3.26 0.75 9.04 1854.... 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.10 0.S6 0.05 0.87 1.38 0.95 0.39 0.07 0.15 1.61 2.30 2.01 0.15 6.07 1535___ 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.45 0.05 0.07 0.62 F. Mean. 0.01 0.10 0.21 0.20 0.34 0.54 2.50 1.40 1.26 0.54 1.50 0.63 0.75 4.44 3.30 0.74 9.23 W.18 2. 1.51 0.13 4.45 1.23 -4.S9 4.79 4.29 3.47 1.19 3.48 0.30 4.31 13.97 8.14 W.1S53. 0.40 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.05 1.08 2.55 1.21 1.26 0.40 0.26 0.08 1.05 4.84 1.92 0.9S 8.79 T. 1354. O.OO 0.00 0.14 0.20 1.10 0.08 2.23 6.01 3.50 0.00 0.99 0.35 1.44 8.32 4.49 0.35 14.60 T. 1355' 0.09 0.20 0.80 0.25 0.05 .... 1.10 FORT CONRAD AND SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO. 1S51.... __ 0.03 0.09 0.39 ...... 1852.... 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.25 2.15 0.65 1.32 1.10 1.63 1.34 0.08 0.32 4.12 4.07 0.12 8.03 1853.... 0.23 0.39 0.38 0.00 0.35 0.74 2.78 1.20 0.53 0.00 0.59 0.67 0.73 4.72 1.12 1.29 7.80 1354.... 0.00 O.CO 0.05 0.01 0.62 0.01 0.41 1.02 2.13 0.34 1.09 0.08 0.68 1.44 3.56 o.os 5.76 1355___ 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.08 0.10 0.21 0.30 Mean... 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.04 0.33 0.78 1.28 1.18 1.25 0.50 0.78 0.31 0.51 3.24 2.53 0.43 6.76 S.1S49.. 1.76 0.80 1850.. 0.05 0.52 0.60 0.42 0.12 0.17 1.29 0.54 0.24 1.81 0.92 0.44 1.14 2.00 2.97 1.01 7.12 1S51.. 0.02 0.45 0.45 0.01 0.00 0.40 2.07 2.47 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. 1850.... 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.21 1351.... 0.07 0.56 0.42 0.04 0.03 1S52.... .... 0.70 0.07 1S53.... 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 1354.... 0.30 0.00 0.43 0.39 1.19 1 5.35---- 0.20 0.40 1.02 0.74 0.89 ---- Mean. •■ 0.14 0.20 0.83 0.32 0.40 0.18 0.00 8.15 0.00 0.25 1.26 0.30 0.07 2.57 2.59 1.72 i l.S 4.06 3.30 1.19 2.37 0.51 0.19 0.07 2.67 0.80 0.28 0.85 0.00 1.37 0.50 0.10 0.31 1.35 0.61 0.02 0.30 0.92 0.71 0.46 0.24 0.49 0.77 0.05 2.01 2.65 12.2S 6.37 4.06 1.81 0.70 0.3S 5.39 1.10 : 5.45 2 07 0.30 1.05 7.10 12.51 9.42 93 671 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. CEBOLLETA, LAGUNA, NEW MEXICO. Jan. Feb. 1 March. 1 April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. « 1 ~ Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Year. S49.... 350.... 851.... 0.45 1 10 ! 0.63 0.15 2.11 0.10 0.55 0.94 0.23 0.01 0.2S 0.00 0 85 0.25 0.26 2.18 1.37 5.82 1.58 1.60 0.55 0.81 0.40 1.S4 1.15 1.41 1.05 1.39 2.43 8.50 8.23 8.89 8.41 9.69 15.12 Mean .. 0.30 1.61 0.36 0.75 0.12 0.14 0.55 1.22 3.60 1.59 0.63 1.13 1.28 1.91 5.87 8.04 12.05 SANTE FE, NEW MEXICO. 0.00 0.36 0.57 1.26 0.69 0.12 0.20 1.00 0.50 2.01 1.63 0.65 0.00 1.63 0.85 0.98 1.16 0.68 1.88 0.32 1.77 0.98 7.45 4.11 0.92 5.42 3.86 0.91 2.68 4.06 0.38 2.55 0.97 2.50 1.65 0.43 3.54 1.60 1.36 0.77 1.08 1.48 4.85 3.16 14.75 8.29 5.11 4 08 10.10 1.46 1.56 21.77 24.80 0.31 0.57 1.29 0.80 0.74 1.32 4.18 3.40 2.55 1.60 1.87 1.20 2.83 8.90 6.02 2.08 19.83 LAS VEGAS AND FORT UNION, NEW MEXICO. 1S50....' .... ' .... 1S51........ 4.23? 1 1 1852.... 0.48 | 0.59 1 | 1854.... 0.07 0.02 1355... 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.77 0.63 0.43 0.02 2.11 0.24 0.32 0.46 0.01 2.82 ' 0.00 j 0.73 7.05 0.91 0.11 0.50 0.69 2.88 . 2.12 5.10 2.73 4.19 3.93 4.37 5.49 3.42 1.75 0.00 4.63 3.04 1.59 2.99 0.00 0.61 3.44 1.29 0.S8 0.12 1.97 2.83 0.33 1.80 8.12 | 0.33 0.02 0.18 0.60 0.85 4.94 0.97 2.00 1.59 3.32 15.27 7.72 6.42 0.12 7.21 9.31 3.26 5.67 1.09 0.45 0.69 26.64 13.43 14.37 Mean . u.19 0.99 0.37 0.53 1 1.57 2.00 1 4.07 3.55 2.45 1.25 1.42 2.47 9.62 5.12 1 2.03 19.24 CANTONMENT BURGWIN AND FORT MASSACHUSETTS, NEW MEXICO. B. 1854. B. 1.53. 1S52.... 1S53.... 1S54.... 1S55.... .... 1.06 ..* .... 0.25 1.04 0.76 0.67 0.20 0.94 0.08 0.39 0.45 0.20 1.49 3.93 1.00 0.83 1.11 0.24 0.86 2.64 3.04 2.14 1.43 2.61 0.21 1.25 1.53 0.13 1.84 0.35 1.03 6.34 0.06 1.45 2.30 0.48 2.82 5.63 4.99 1.87 Mean .. 0.23 0.72 1 0.94 0.42 2.14 0.74 2.59 2.05 1.39 1.10 6.84 1.88 3.50 5.33 8.83 2.53 20.54 The mean embraces the observations at Fort Massachusetts only. FORT DEFIANCE, NEW MEXICO. 1552.... 1853.... 1354.... 1855.... 0.40 2.00 0.33 0.03 0.15 1.71 1.29 0.45 3.30 .... j 0.89 0.10 1.44 0.93 0.51 0.50 0.06 2.85 0.43 1.24 0.43 0.90 1.43 3.94 1.30 4.65 5.24 1.82 2.64 3.47 1.60 0.94 0.62 1.22 0.22 1.49 1.30 0.25 1.20 2.83 1.49 3.86 4.55 6.51 10.42 4.64 8.80 5.58 0.73 8.35 13 87 20.84 Meal. 1.03 j 0.65 1.68 0.51 0.72 i 1.11 1.57 3.73 2.64 1.05 0.98 0.92 2.91 6.41 4.67 2.65 16.64 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. 675 FORT YUMA, CALIFORNIA. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August.' Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Bummer. -Vutumn. Winter. Year. ------1 1 ~| ---- 1S51.... 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.27 1S52.... 0.00 0.23 0.33 1.45 ' 0.00 0.35 0.04 0.61 1.80 1353.... 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.69 0.13 0.00 0.18 0.52 0.01 0.94 0.31 0.52 1.78 1854.... 0.00 0.23 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 2.37 0.17 O.CO 0.00 0.57 1 0.80 2.83 0.47 0.85 4.50 1855.... 0.12 1.26 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 .... 0.00 Mean .. 0.03 0.89 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.13 0.53 0.10 0.1S 0.38 0.27 1 1.31 0.86 0.80 3.24 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. 1350.... 0.00 1.13 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 2.82 1.93 1.09 0.68 3.01 3.06 7.84 1S51.... 0.03 1.51 0.34 0.87 0.71 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.25 3.74 1.92 0.01 0.23 5.28 7.49 1852.... 0.53 1.84 1.S7 0.85 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.06 1.45 4.50 3.04 0.40 1.51 6.92 11.87 1S53 ... 0.50 0.20 1.52 0.25 2.10 0.05 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 1.28 1.77 8.87 0.26 1.28 2.47 7.83 1854.... 1.46 2.56 2.14 0.75 0.21 0.02 0.07 1.35 0.13 0.01 0.02 3.34 3.10 1.44 0.16 7.86 12.06 1355--- 2.40 4.83 1.53 1.82 0.10 8.42 Mean .. 0.S3 2.01 1.40 0.77 0.57 0.15 0.01 0.39 0.03 0.05 1.16 3.06 2.74 0.55 1.24 5.90 10.43 SAN LUIS REY, RANCHO DEL CHINO, AND R \NCHO DE JURUPA, CAL IFORP HA. S.1S50.. S.1S51.. 1855*... 1S51.... 0.09 0.95 0.21 1.58 3.73 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 3.23 2.89 2.22 7.50 0.21 5.97 0.00 3.48 2.89 3.20 6.95 1852 . 1853.... 0.25 0.67 3.15 0.33 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.44 2.04 4.62 0.18 0.44 2.96 8.20 1854.... 1.04 2.34 3.09 j Mean .. 0.95 1.50 3.12 0.33 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.07 two post 4.97 i near eac 4.59 h other, 0.09 1.67 J 7.42 Del Chino and Jurupa. 13.77 MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA. 1847.... 1848.... 1.70 1849.... 1850.... 2.95 1851..-. 1352.... 0.40 Mean. 1351. 1S52. 1853. 1854. 1855 Mean.. 1.68 0.42 1.20 2.20 1.48 1.34 .... 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 8.10 0.00 2.20 2.40 0.65 2.50 0.03 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 3.43 0.00 0.62 2.00 1.30 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.20 0.61 0.91 2.98 4.50 1.66 0.00 0.63 1.12 7.93 10.22 0.30 1.50 6.12 3.27 0.92 0.63 0.10 0.C3 0.16 0.13 0.00 0.08 0.00 7.14 4.43 0.16 0.00 0.01 0.33 1.31 2.73 0.21 1.65 5.91 12.20 0.61 2.35 2.42 1.37 1.09 15.59 5.54 0.85 3.C4 6.40 2.59 2.25 2.08 0.34 1.81 FORT MILLER , CALIFORNIA. 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 10.41 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 8.80 20 60 18.78 0.00 8.91 21.63 49.85 4.79 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.26 1.00 12.58 0.01 1.26 4.55 18.40 0.04 0.01 0.12 0.68 0.00 1.25 2.97 0.80 5.93 0.00 3.98 1.36 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.19 3.35 8.31 9.57 0.02 8.59 11.34 24.51 670 SERIES OF .MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. 1 Year. 1S3J.... S.33 0.00 0.01 1352.... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 4.92 12.07 5.61 1S53.... 3.75 1.17 3.72 5 27 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.28 2.00 1.86 9.41 0.00 2.51 6.78 18.7;) 1554.... 8.04 5.87 8.11 2.24 0.06 1.05 0.01 0.03 0.08 1.56 0.40 0.60 5.41 0.09 1.99 9.51 17.00 1355.... 2.89 2.S3 8.23 3.65 1.42 0.00 8.30 Mean... 3.23 3.31 4.61 3 72 0.48 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.84 2.44 4.84 8.81 0.03 3.37 11.33 23.59 BENICIA BARR.ACKS, CALIFORNIA. 1349.... 4.46 1850.... 4.44 1.63 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.03 2.13 0.00 1.04 8.30 1351.... 0 88 023 5.S3 1.37 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 1.31 4.92 7.79 0.00 1.48 6.03 15.31 1S52 ... 0.36 0.00 4.78 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.05 2.23 9.03 4.81 0.03 3.34 9.39 17.57 2 48 0.44 2.66 3.12 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.71 0.99 6.14 0.00 1.75 3.91 11.80 1854.... 2.06 4.80 2.05 1.56 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.87 1.45 6.27 0.01 3.13 6.50 15.91 2.86 2.79 1 66 8.13 3.25 2.01 0.00 8.39 Mean... 2.IS 3.43 2.33 0.59 0.01 0.00 0.00 00.1 0.69 1.95 3.72 6.40 0.01 2.65 7.56 16.62 SACRAMENTO AND CAMP FAR WEST, CALIFORNIA. 1S49 ... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 6.41 5.20 0.00 6.61 1850.... 6.31 0.00 5.60 1.40 0.01 0.01 2.10 2.00 7.01 ...... 8.91 1S51.... 2.06 1.16 8 44 3.06 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.10 1.86 6.63 7.36 0.00 2.32 9.85 19.5-3 1552.... 1.60 0.13 10.05 Mean .. 3.32 0.63 6.36 2.23 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.10 3.46 4.61 9.02 0.00 3.74 8.56 21.32 FORT READING, CALIFORNIA. 1S52.... 2.S7 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 8.48 11.18 1.06 8.96 1853.... 4.66 3.18 7.11 4.57 0.73 0.00' 0.00 0.24 0.02 0.02 2.52 1.18 12.41 0.24 2.56 9.02 24. -..3 1354.... 2.90 2.15 0.80 8.07 2.40 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.87 1.45 6.27 0.01 3.13 6.50 15. Ul 1855 ... 3.69 6.95 5.63 5.17 5.43 0.20 16.23 Mean .. 8.75 4.09 4.53 3.92 2.35 0.31 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92 3.96 4.60 11.30 0.39 4.S9 12.44 29.02 FORTS HUMBOLDT AND JONES, CALIFORNIA. 1S54.... 4. S3 0.30 5.14 5 53 0.12 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69 0.98 1.18 10.84 0.09 4.67 12.81 29.01 1855___ 3.30 4.45 6.30 2.30 1.60 .... 1353.... 3.73 1.38 3.39 1.02 1.17 0.41 0.13 0.43 4.47 1.19 5.53 6.35 1554.... 0.54 1.00 0.75 1.99 0.21 0.63 0.20 0.21 0.00 4.IS 0.48 1.13 2.95 1.04 4.66 8.47 17.12 1355___ 1.55 3.S3 5.24 1.50 0.57 .... 1 7.61 5.20 Mem j Ft. J. i 1.97 2.07 8.13 1.50 0.75 0.52 0.16 0.21 0.00 2.33 2.97 5.33 0.89 5.30 16.77 SERIES OF MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS OF RAIN, 677 FORT ORFORD, OREGON. Jan. 18,"2........ 1-.33....1 11.SI 1854... .... 1555 ... 7.SI S.S1 Fob. March. 6.65 j 6.45 6.04 9.84 6.35 8.24 April. ' May. 0.33 6.11 : 1.89 5.17 | S.60 1.80 64 ' 5.24 ' 1.06 July. August. I Sept. 0.31 1.00 2.50 I 0.19 1.73 : 0.19 Oct. Nov. 12.03 11.10 4.59 11.10 S.31 Dec. | .-pring 6.37 23.61 -ummer. Autumn 11.64 19.12 3.00 ' 19.60 23. SO IMP .. 1350*... 6.66 2.00 1-31.... 9.55 2.04 9.31 4.77 9.30 4.21 1834.... 2. S3 1o55.... 13.29 3.84 M-.-a:. .. 9.62 3.33 6.71 4.03 4.20 2.47 1.22 3.99 3.79 0 GO 6.56 1 72 2 73 2.04 2 74 FORT VANCOUVER, OREGON. 0.93 2.00 0.00 0.40 3.22 8.35 0.00 3.49 1.77 2 33 0.90 0.30 0.39 0.75 2.41 0.00 1.72 3.77 2.48 2.75 2.03 2.S5 0.70 — 6.00 2.09 4.90 1.29 7.93 1.55 7.37 13 37 3.G6 11.57 3.22 2.31 3.19 8.34 2.55 I 0.70 6.69 14.31 6.52 9.23 11.57 1.59 4.13 S.57 10.55 19.52 27.45 3S.4J 17.23 16.73 11.17 42.07 10.30 19.69 45.30 * At Columbia Barruchs f;om September, 1S50. DALLES OF COLUMBIA, OREGON. 1850 .. 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.91 1.14 0.19 2.14 1351.... 3.SI 1.70 1.70 1552 .. 0.25 2.75 S.01 ...... 185-::.... 8.02 1.09 0.27 1.29 0.62 0.00 O.OS CGI 1.41 0.24 4.90 0.95 2.IS 0.69 0.55 5.06 14.43 1334.... 2.79 0.73 0.36 1.52 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.1S 0.84 1.91 1.41 2.50 l.SS 0.33 4.16 5.02 11.39 1-55.... 3.03 *0.63 1.S7 0.17 1.0S 0.24 3.12 Mean .. 8.16 1.04 1.07 0.99 0.57 0.13 0.03 0.20 0.73 0.83 2.55 2.91 2.63 0.42 4.16 7.11 14.T.2 FORT STEILACOOM, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 1849.... 1530.... 1551.... 1 8.32___ 1853.... 1554.... 1- 55.... S.52 4.53 15.30 1.47 11.51 5.43 1 8.14 3.21 S.09 7.57 5.10 8.40 9.54 1 5.10 6.73 2.2 J 5.12 2.02 2.89 7.33 4.56 1.0 J 3.09 3.31 1.5T 12.50 7.14 0.30 1.95 0.12 2.03 0.83 5.81 4.77 1.85 0.40 0.20 0.00 ' 1.20 2.4) 0.55 0.33 0.S1 2.03 3.93 0.82 0.93 1.73 1.02 3.72 3.09 0.23 1.19 4.93 6.93 5.63 0.00 3.93 3.46 4.87 1.40 1.97 0.34 1.54 2.67 4.23 9.42 5.14 3.02 6.17 13.41 3. 3 S.S4 4.42 12.87 8.00 0.60 3.74 7.24 1.72 9.66 8.53 3.53 10.91 6.27 4.61 33.33 15.27 9.01 15.2.1 20.SO j 11.19 3. S3 15.20 15.97 20.70 25 77 15.31 20.:3 33. ST 39.3s. 43.7!) 57.01 69.21 21.51 51.7, 94 1 J ^^^™ ^■"i ^™ ™ SOTIIUHMAI. CHAliT TRlBlTtON »►' TKMrKHATITBE KOII TIIK WIXTKH ^"V REPORT ON THE PROMINENT FEATURES OF GENERAL CLIMATE IN THE UNITED STATES, AS EXHIBITED IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND OF RAIN, AND IN EXPLANATION OF THE ILLUSTRATIVE CHARTS, 95 REPORT. It has been thought proper to accompany the present publication of Meteorological Observations by a general review of the prominent features of American Climatology, so far as the basis afforded by the published observations of the Army Medical Bureau would warrant positive deduction. The period embraced by these observations is now sufficient to afford the great desideratum of well- determined mean quantities in the conditions which have positive numerical measures ; and from this basis of mean results the range of extremes may be measured, and the general character of the irregular changes of successive months and years may be quite thoroughly examined and illustrated. Each of the classes of observation may be analyzed in this manner, and, though arbitrary values are assigned to the force of winds and to the clearness of sky, the general results of each notation may be compared, for the various districts, with sufficient definiteness. In any general system of observations, also, whatever errors exist in the use of scales of notation, or in the reading of instru- ments, are usually uniform throughout that system ; and the comparison of its results at separate stations among themselves, will readily disclose the contrasts and measures of difference of each position, and for any month or single date compared. In such a uniform system, successive dates or periods may also be compared with equal effectiveness ; and this joint comparison of various districts, at the same dates and for successive periods, constitutes the most thorough and satisfactory analysis possible, and it will be found to eliminate every considerable error in reduction and to develop their prominent points of value with great distinctness. In the extent of area embraced by these observations there is scarcely a precedent in climatolog- ical investigation. The last five years occupy the opposite coasts of the continent almost equally, and the more important interior districts are also well represented. Of the unoccupied portions of the interior, west of the Rocky mountains, there are some representative stations, and there is a known identity of the general features of climate over every portion of this area. As a whole, the field is an entire continental area in temperate latitudes, with the normal sea-climates of these latitudes on each side. With so great diversity of surface and configuration as the western part of the conti- nent presents, we may anticipate almost every peculiarity of climate known to these latitudes also, and if the observations in the new districts were extended over a greater period of time the whole collection should form the best possible basis for determining what the normal or natural climates of the temperate latitudes are—the normal distribution of heat and moisture particularly. The period of time is sufficient for most purposes of the comparison of successive dates. For the liS'J REPOR T. records at stations in the Mississippi valley, and eastward, it is sufficient to throw great light on the questions of permanence of temperature, and of other conditions, and on the question whether there is any periodicity or regular return of the changes of temperature and of the quantity of rain. The single measures of variability, occurring in the last few years, may be partially compared for the opposite portions of the continent, and may give us some approximation to these measures for the western interior and the Pacific coast, and though the mean results there are for imperfect periods, if there are great progressive changes of temperature, or of any other condition, or decisive periods of return in the measures of disturbance or variation, some outline of them should appear in this connec- tion. If such changes exist they cannot fail to appear, in some degree, in the more extended series at the older military posts, and in the comparison of different parts of the continent for recent years. There are but two positive measurements, those of the hygrometer and barometer, which are not embraced in the present reductions and publication, and these are less necessary than others to the first collection of materials for climatological investigation. The frequency and amount of rain is a rude general measure of humidity, and taking these data with the accompanying temperatures, the deductions based on the quantity of moisture contained in the air are generally outlined. It is easy to distinguish the districts characterized by great proportions of moisture for any part of the year, and also those marked as extremely arid, of which last there are striking examples in the interior and near the Pacific. It is more difficult, however, to obtain any outline of the results of barometric measure- ments without use of such observations directly. The mean differences of atmospheric weight are to some extent derivable from the altitudes of the posts, and most of these altitudes have been determined with great care from barometric and level surveys. The barometric mean of Santa Fe is but about twenty-four inches, or a diminution of one-fifth of the atmosphere at sea-level, and this would be the proportion for a very large area of the interior. A still larger area has an altitude of four thousand feet, with a barometric mean of twenty-five and three-fourths inches nearly—one-seventh less than the atmosphere at sea-level. Some general idea of the relation of the altitude and mean position of the barometer may be gained by converting these altitudes into barometric readings, and bearing them in mind in considering other conditions. The oscillations of the barometer are very important in the climates east of the Rocky mountains, and they may generally be taken as always large in the colder months. What their precise relation to any feature of temperature changes, or to other peculiarities may be, would be difficult of determination in any case. The most important result which these records appear adequate to define is the Distribution of Heat on the continent, and this distribution may be examined as well for periods of time through a series of years, as in regard to space at the same time, or in the comparison of districts. They also embrace vertical distribution, or the comparison of results at all altitudes below eight thousand feet, and in this feature they give new views of the temperature of districts at these altitudes., as distinguished from that of isolated mountains, or of vertical ascents from a plain. A large portion of the interior, extending from the southern boundary of New Mexico at El Paso to the sources of the Missouri, may be regarded as made up of alternations of mountain, plain, and valley, rising and falling from a mean line elevated five thousand feet above the sea. Even the imperfect periods and scattered stations here must give new and valuable results in regard to the temperature distribution for such altitudes. The second principal result is the Distribution of Rain, or of atmospheric precipitation in rain and snow, and this distribution has the same features as that of temperature in regard to the comparisons of the various districts and periods of time. REPO RT. 683 The illustration of these two leading conditions is given mainly for the mean results, though the extremes have in some instances been noted in a similar graphic representation. The recognized value of thermal lines renders their use necessary to show the distribution of heat, yet shaded areas would be more expressive in representing the greater and less measures for the different districts. The use of shaded areas in showing the quantity of rain is too well established to admit of change, and the borders of these areas require to be marked as though they were abrupt limiting lines, as in the case of the isothermals, yet the quantities in both cases pass into each other by insensible transitions—the line on the thermal chart and the edge of the shading in the rain illustration marking the boundaries of areas differing according to the figures given them in each case. The district between two isothermals is, however, at the mean of the temperatures marked on the two lines, while the quantities of rain are placed on the central portions of these areas and not on the bordering lines. The peculiar physical contrasts of altitude and surface required a map for the basis of this illustration rather than a chart, and the more important of these features were therefore brought out upon it as clearly as might readily be done without confusing the illustration. East of the Rocky mountains the vertical topography is not particularly important, and the elevated districts are, therefore, only indicated at their borders, or as plateaux. The Alleghany or Appalachian range declines at both extremities, and no great interruptions of the isothermal lines appear in passing it, the interior valleys rising nearly to the temperatures at each side. Its southern portion causes the greatest curvatures in passing from the Ohio valley to the Atlantic, but these are all regular and intelligible. There is an important plateau in the northwest, at the head of Lake Superior; and elevated districts, less rough and abrupt than those near the lake, denominated coteaux, lie between the Mississippi and Missouri, re-appearing west of the Missouri in the Cote Noir, or Coteau Noir, of Pike and Long—the Black Hills, as they are generally designated. By the most thorough compari- son of authorities it is concluded that this is mainly a coteau, or hill-bordered plateau, for the portion east of the 105th meridian, and that it does not become a range of mountains until reaching this meridian, where it consttutes a portion of the general mass of the Rocky mountains. It is therefore so designated on the map. In Texas there are two or three steps by which the altitude of the Llano Estacado of three to four thousand feet is attained. They are not so regular as is indicated by the map, but this sufficiently defines them for climatological purposes. The first rises from a line six hundred feet above the sea at San Antonio, to twelve hundred at Forts Martin Scott, Mason, &c. The first chain of posts, embracing Forts Graham, Gates, Lincoln, &c., is at the entrances to this plateau. The next uplifts are more irregular, and the posts of the newer or second chain are usually placed in comparatively deep vallies. Beyond these the whole country attains a still higher level, but its mountainous and abrupt features are mainly on the southern portion near the Pecos river. The remainder of the vertical topography is intended to express the principal abrupt mountain ranges and the general plateaux, and also to show the predominaitng chasm-like or canon character of the river borders. The Colorado of California and its branches, and the middle portion of the Rio Grande, are the chief instances, and those chasms are often thousands of feet in quite precipitous descents from the general level of arid and lofty plains and mesas. There are incomplete points in this topography which should be noticed; the mountains north of Fort Owen in Oregon, and the Bitter Root range at the south and west of this point toward Lewis' Fork of the Columbia, should be much more distinct. The ranges of the Rocky mountains, at the joint sources of the Grand river, the Arkansas and the Platte, 6S4 REPORT. are scarcely complete, as also the northern and southern portions of the Great Basin. Both these last districts are little known, further than that they are made up of isolated basins and isolated mountain ranges of great general elevation above the sea. Some general features of the character of the surface are given where this is necessarily associated with the climate, as the distinction of particularly arid districts is indispensable to a proper view of temperature and rain distribution. They are distinguished as arid districts primarily, and they may be either sand-deserts or sage-plains. Those of the upper Missouri are barren tracts rather than either, with a various vegetation and often with profuse rains, but wholly uncultivable from several causes. The arid plains between the Platte and Canadian rivers are in greater part sand-deserts, especially in the vicinity of Long's and Pike's Peaks, and south of the Arkansas. The Llano Esta- cado is a dry plain of clay and alkaline earths, a portion of it covered with coarse vegetation, for part of the year at least, and a portion near the Pecos is again sand-desert. The "sage-plains," or dry districts with little vegetable growth except varieties of artemisia, begin on the western border of the plains of the eastern Rocky mountain slope, and cover much the larger portion of the whole country westward; and this predominating aridity it was quite essential to represent in connection with the distribution of temperature and of rain. In the valley of the lower Rio Grande a portion of the arid district is sandy; and the Jornada del Muerto of the upper Rio Grande, between Fort Craig and Dona Ana, is mainly sand-desert. That of the Colorado of California is the principal sand-desert, however, and it embraces a large area of the southern part of the Great Basin. In the vicinity of Fort Yuma the sands alternate with tracts of clay, and these, with saline lakes and basins, and short abrupt mountain ranges, make up almost the whole of the Great Basin of the interior. In Oregon the desert notation is applied to districts half sands and half sage-plains, as in other cases. But one distinction of a humid district is made, which is that near the Mississippi and along the Gulf coast to Florida, surrounded by an interrupted line. It defines the district of greatest precipi- tation in rain, and of the greatest prevalence of surface waters derived from atmospheric precipitation. Whether these facts react on the climate is a question which has often been asked. In a portion of this district lagoons and bayous characterize the surface, and the rivers are marked by numerous lake-like expansions, and in other portions the heavy rains are immediately borne off by rivers of sufficiently rapid descent. The distinguishing feature is thus the abundance of water falling in rain as a constant result, and either with or without the presence of waters so derived in great quantity on the surface. A district at the sources of the Mississippi is distinguished for the great number of its fresh-water lakes and ponds, and it has profuse rains at some period of the year, but its general temperature is too low to identify it with that of the lower Mississippi, or to render its introduction into a physical chart necessary. On the Pacific coast of Oregon there are also excessive rains at the cold season, and farther up this coast great quantities of water so accumulated characterize the general surface, but these are features of a climate generally cold, and are found in much of British America and in northwestern Europe. The observations here published form a very ample basis for examination of all the general features of climate not observed instrumentally. The icinds have a prominent place, and it is easy to distinguisli the general features of atmospheric circulation in the mean results of even the arbitrary notation necessarily employed in observation. For the purpose of giving the nearest approximation to true results the great labor of combining the sums of the numbers denoting force has been under- taken, and in the summaries for single months and for the year the advantages of this course are very REPOR T. 685 apparent, and the differences from simple numerical results show the direction in which the quantities should be further changed to represent the actual movement in miles per hour. If the "sum of force" is in one case three times as great as the number of winds, and in another but twice as great, the disproportion would be doubled, at least, if the movement were truly represented in miles per hour. A very good resultant movement may be derived from the sums of force in all cases, and the irregularities may thus be reduced to the mean movement with sufficient precision to show what all the important movements of surface atmosphere are. The clouds and forms of precipitation in rain and snow, with the general phenomena defined by the term weather, complete the list of distinctive subjects observed. These may not be compared as positive quantities, like the temperature and rain measurements, but they are of great practical interest, and are readily understood in any scale of notation. These observations are sufficient for a more thorough examination than can now be made, and some of the more prominent points of interest only can receive attention. The statistics of temperature and amount of rain will be regarded as quantities determined with sufficient accuracy for any purpose of scientific comparison, and the number of observations combined in the results that are used is thought sufficient to neutralize every considerable error in their details, and to leave no doubt of the general correctness of the positions they are assumed to establish. Where observations are so greatly multiplied the principal care is required in their arrangement, and in the mode of presenting them, and when this is correctly done they are easily seen to establish some general conclusions, and it only becomes necessary to recognize and illustrate these in an intelli- gible manner. In this mode of treatment there is no necessity for the introduction of theoretical views, and there are few occasions for reference to remote causes or to the solution of anomalies and striking features of the results beyond what is clearly seen to be the necessary relations when the points are explained. It is sometimes necessary to go beyond the limits of the continent to explain some features of the climate, however, but in" the present case such references may be made to very reliable observations, and the resulting illustration is entirely satisfactory. Nearly every feature may also be illustrated and explained by the use of numerical quantities and of positive measurements. Even in the case of wind and weather phenomena, the use of a numerical notation has great advantages over the use of symbols or of descriptive terms for the purposes of general comparison, and the leading results are much more readily disclosed in the summaries. It is not essential that the scales of notation should represent absolute quantities, if the approximation is reasonably near, and there has yet been no instrumental measurement of winds which gives better results than the estimate of the observer carefully made in a scale of one to ten, and the interpreta- tion of these numbers, separately, in miles per hour. The summaries of these observations here given include the "sum of force" obtained by adding the recorded numbers of this scale, and they are, by so much, a nearer approximation to positive results than the sums of the number of observations only. Each of the arbitrary scales of notation was fortunately well adapted to the habit of observers, and they were uniform over so great a period, and embrace so great a number of observations in the sum- maries, that they have unusual value, and may be relied upon as expressing quite positive results. It is proper to state in this connection {he general principles which have controlled the designation of observations as inaccurate in any case, and the rejection of single observations or entire records in the computations. It is, of course, impossible to submit a mass of observations of this character to rigid analytical tests in detail, or even in the degree of detail which may be applied to the summa- i.m; REPORT. lies as single results. The great reliance for eliminating error in all cases has been such comparison as it was possible to make in recognition of the natural symmetry of this class of phenomena. This symmetry appears as decidedly in the relations of general distribution as in those of succession or continuation ; or, in other words, different portions of a general district show a correspondence, in mean results particularly, analogous to the correspondence of successive observations at any one point. Changes of temperature may, indeed, to a certain extent, exchange place for time in the districts where the atmospheric movements are considerable. Marked discrepancies or departures from this general symmetry are, therefore, conspicuous in any class of observations of this character, and they may be readily and safely detached from any connection which they clearly distort. Observations of temperature, particularly, may be so distin- guished, and their measure of error defined, by mere inspection in the proper arrangement, and the application of the most elaborate formulae of elimination would accomplish little more for results of this character. The number of observations is now such in this department of meteorology that no series of them is isolated, or is dependant on itself alone for principles of correction, but all are points in a general frame-work of mutual relations and mutual dependance. It is mainly the power of a field so extensive to perfect its own proportions and symmetry, both in time, and in place or area, which is relied upon in deduction from the temperature records in the present case, and if the criticism and com- parison shall have been made with the proper care, the results are believed to be as reliable as any which may be reached at present in this field, and to be substantially correct as a whole. A rigid mathematical analysis applied to these principal series, and to their combination by districts, is the most desirable work remaining to be done, and to show what light the principal series of meteor- ological observation which have been carefully discussed throw on this point it may be well to refer to them here. The best published series of American observations were made nearly at the same dates by Captain Mordecai, at the Frankford Arsenal, near Philadelphia; by Lieutenant Gilliss, at the Naval Observatory; by Professor Bache, at the observatory of Girard College, Philadelphia; and by Captains Riddle and Lefroy, at Toronto, at the observatory established by the British government. The first series began in 1835, and was continued five years; the next two in 1840, continuing, one four and the other five years; and the last in 1841, continuing twelve years. The constants derived from these series were perfect representatives of the conditions of temperature for these periods, and the conformity of these results with them or their differences may show what approximation to posi- tive results of a constant character are now made. The results of the longest period of observation at Toronto have recently been analyzed, with great care, by Colonel Sabine,* and the leading features of temperature and rain distribution disclosed are taken as sufficiently established by this record alone. Prominent among these is the apparent removal of the winter minimum of temperature to February 14th, or fifty-five days after the winter solstice, while the summer maximum is twenty-eight days only after the summer solstice. This is noticed as an extraordinary anomaly in comparison with the European climate, the mean at several European stations cited in that connection—Konigsberg, Berlin, Prague, Paris, Padua, and Turin— giving July 25th as the date of the maximum, and January 15th as that of the minimum temper- ature for the year. Comparing this with the first result, the difference for the summer is but three days and that for the winter thirty days—showing the existence of a large anomaly in the American Thil. Trans. Roy. Sor-., 1853. REPORT. 687 climate. By a rough comparison of this Toronto series with others here, however, we find that it embraces the greatest non-periodic depression of temperature known to our records, and that a series which does not include the year in which this occurs, 1843, or one covering a period so great as to reduce its prominence, gives a very different position for the coldest month and the coldest day, and, in trutrr removes the apparent anomaly in the constant distribution, altogether. Of the series at the military posts that at Fort Snelling, for thirty-five years, gives 4.°2 as the increase of heat in February over January, instead of 1°.5*1 diminution, as at Toronto ; that at Watervliet, near Albany, for thirty-one years, 0°,9 ; and that at West Point, for the same period, 0°.52 excess in February over January. Forts Brady, Mackinac, and Winnebago are the only extended series conforming to that at Toronto ; and at each, removing this extreme year, the proportions are restored to those found elsewhere. The district of the great lakes has some effect in throwing the cold minimum forward, and probably the mean of the most extended period would show some anomaly for a district central at Toronto ; but it is readily seen that it does not belong to the eastern United States generally. If we had observations in a similar district of the eastern continent, a similar prolongation of the period of the greatest cold would probably appear, and there would be found no anomalous temperature distribution belonging to the United States in regard to the extremes of the annual curve. There are other references to this series in connection with examinations of the annual curve of temperature and the general distribution for the year. The other series here referred to do not cover a period sufficient to fix any similar point in general climatology, or to determine any other constants than those of daily variation of tempera- ture. As the use of precise formulas for correction of the various hours of observation deduced from such series has not been made in these temperature statistics, they may be referred to as evidence that the mean of extensive periods of observation, in a uniform system, is adequate to show the striking features of general climatology without this detailed correction, and that short periods, of the most precise observations, may mislead in regard to these more general features. An extended district, and extended periods at several points, become indispensable to such a purpose, and the use of such a mass of observations, as a whole, does not absolutely require precise analysis of its separate series. 96 688 REPORT DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE, AND EXPLANATION OF THE ISOTHERMAL CHARTS. MEAN DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE FOR THE THREE MONTHS OF SPRING. The distinguishing feature of the distribution of heat for the spring over the area covered by these observations is its variability, first through the separate months, next in the differences which these give among themselves at any point, and again in the comparison of districts. The mean of the whole period has, for this reason, less of the character of a positive quantity for comparison than the means for summer and for winter, and the relation of the single months is not so direct in comparing districts as in other seasons. In some parts of the territory occupied by the military posts March has all the characteristics of a winter month, and in others May advances fully into the summer. In some general districts, as on the Pacific coast below the 40th parallel, the temperature is very uniform through these months, and in others, as on the central and northern portion of the Great Plains, the differences are quite extreme between March and May. The greater area of the United States, however, exhibits a considerable advance in March on the mean temperature of February, and April and May show nearly uniform differences throughout, April dividing the extremes quite equally, and representing the mean of the three. When this is the case the season may be regarded as an identified period, capable of sufficiently clear definition as a constant, and of a distinct illustration. As a whole the western half of the continent is much the warmest for these months, and if the mountain plateaux did not intervene the isothermals would be quite uniform, without correction for the lower altitudes, in their direction across the continent from west-north-west to east-south-east. There is a partial exception in the lake district to the uniformity of this direction, and a great accession of heat occurs in the interior plains west of the Rocky mountains as compared with adjacent districts, though this does not constitute a decided anomaly in the general course of the lines and distribution just alluded to. All the measures observed in the interior at considerable altitudes are o-reater than would be found at the same altitudes of southern Europe. The relation of the continental or interior temperatures for these months to those of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans show less of contrast than in summer. On the Atlantic coast the mean of the three months would continue the lines without curvature to the Gulf stream, where they would curve considerably northward, and follow its general course for some distance. On the Isothermal Chart the position of the Gulf stream is given roughly or generally, as its influence on the temperature of the REPORT. 689 sea, in contrast with that of the land, should be recognised at all times when the illustrations of land temperatures is considered. For the northern part of the stream the designation is brought nearer the coast than the axis of the warm current, and it there represents rather the portion which is so near the coast as to make reference to it necessary than the principal volume of warm water. In May the sea within the Gulf stream is much colder than the continent generally, as the movement of drift ice and cold currents from the Arctic seas is then more decided than in the preceding months, while in March the northern portion, at least, is relatively much warmer. The mean of 32° for this last month has its position in the southern part of New England and New York, and it extends along most of the coast of Maine and at sea in the direction of the southern extremity of New- foundland, passing this point at a short distance from the land, in the narrow belt which lies between the land and the warm atmosphere of the Gulf stream. The observations which have been made at Halifax and at St. Johns, Newfoundland, indicate the existence of influences greatly depressing the temperature of April and May and rendering the mean for the whole season below that of the same latitudes inland. The mean of five years observation at St. Johns gives 32°.3 as the spring tempera- ture, while at Albion Mines, Nova Scotia, the mean for ten years is 37°.6*, and at the more northern military posts", Forts Kent and Fairfield, it is above 35°. The course of the isothermals of the higher latitudes of the chart is nearly due west from the Atlantic coast, except where local divergence from this line is caused by the lakes, to the meridian of Fort Snelling, where the lines from 45° to 30°, inclusive, make remarkable curvatures northward over the northwestern plains. The statistics of the military posts at present only indicate this result generally, and the observations of the military surveys, and at the posts of the Hudson's Bay Company have been relied upon for definite positions here. The valley and plains of the Saskatchewan river are shown by Richardson to have a much higher temperature than the districts east in the same or even in lower latitudes ; the south branch of this river, in latitude 51°, being distinguished by an early and rapid advance of temperature, giving a mean for May even greater than that observed in the vicinity of the great lakes generally. The observations at Fort Benton, Fort Pierre, and Fort Laramie confirm these positions sufficiently to render this apparent anomaly clearly an established fact of distribution. The higher temperatures in these districts belong to each of the spring months in nearly the same degree, and they will appear less extraordinary if we could suppose the great altitudes of the Rocky mountains removed and a configuration there similar to that of western Europe. On the Pacific coast, as on the Atlantic, a considerable falling off from the land temperatures occurs, especially in the last month. For the mean of the three months, the sea temperatures observed off this coast are strikingly uniform, and they show but little if any advance on those of winter. For some hundreds of miles, on the 40th parallel, there is very little difference in the sea temperatures for the entire year ; and in spring such observations as we possess show them to be quite the same between the 35th and 40th parallels for thirty degrees of longitude westward from San Francisco. The observations given in Maury's Charts furnish about twenty measurements * From the observations of Henry Poole, Esq., Superintendent of Mines. Dove gives observations at Halifax, N. S., with a mean of but 32© for the spring, but they appear inaccurate, and embrace but two years. In his essay on isothermal lines he remarks particularly the effect of drift ice in depressing the temperatures of this coast in April and May, and the crowding of the thermal lines between the Gulf stream and the coast. The general refrigeration of the air, and the intrusion of warmer volumes at times is strikingly shown in the frequency of ice formation on the trees, and in the dense and almost constant fogs. For these months the isothermals are drawn by him with sharp depressions about Newfoundland and its vicinity. 090 REPORT. for eacli area of i\ve degrees extent, in both latitude and longitude, and the means are 56° to the 125th meridian, 55°.4 to the 130th, 55°.5 to the 135th, 56°.4 to the 140th, 57°.2 to the 145th, and 56° for the last observed area, bounded on the west by the meridian of 150° west longitude. These successive results are substantiallv identical, and they confirm the records at the military posts of the coast, explaining the cause of the singular contrast of their temperatures with«those of the interior, in showing very little increase of heat as the summer approaches. It will be seen by reference to the analysis of the summer distribution, that the sea then remains nearly at the same temperature for seven or eight degrees of longitude off the coast, while beyond that point it shows some increase of heat for May, and a rapid change for the months of summer. From this evidence the isothermals would, apparently, extend in right lines westward, on leaving the coast in spring, while in summer they curve abruptly northward, after passing the cold mass of water. The Pacific climates appear to be distinguished for the identity of the air and water temperatures, so far as observed, at least the differences are so small that it is not necessary to separate them in the purpose of this comparison. By reference to the Isothermal Chart for spring the advance in temperature from April, or the mean of the three months, to May, is seen to be very little for the immediate coast, the line of 55° leaving it near Monterey in both cases. The same line for March differs most from any other, as this is but little north of San Diego at its point of departure from the coast. The measure of difference of these extreme positions is, however, less than three degrees of latitude, while in the Mississippi valley the mean of 55° for March falls southward of Fort Towson, to 33° of latitude,[and rises in May above Fort Snelling, to latitude 46°, a range of thirteen degrees, divided quite equally by its mean position at St. Louis. The cause of this peculiar uniformity of temperature on the Pacific coast will again be referred to in connexion with the summer distribution, as it then attains its maximum influence, and its charac- teristics may be more readily recognized. The relation of the spring temperatures of the interior of northern Mexico to those of the adjacent districts of the United States cannot be noticed for want of observations there. A large area of dry basins south of the Rio Grande, and extending from El Paso, with some interruptions, to the Gulf of Mexico, is warm at all seasons, and the isothermals of the Rio Grande above Fort Mcintosh may usually be continued northwestward at least across the Bolson de Mapimi. The mountainous districts south and westward of these basins are relatively warmer in spring than in summer, though none of this interior probably attains the temperatures, either in spring or summer, of the Lower Rio Grande and Colorado valleys. The temperature at Vera Cruz for the spring is 77°, and there is probably no part of the coasts of Mexico northward which exceed this, and few which attain the mean of 75°, observed at Fort Yuma and the military posts of the Lower Rio Grande. In the West India islands the spring temperature is above that at Key West, though the southern portion of Florida is tropical, the mean at Havana and other points being 78° to 79°.5. There is probably no point, therefore, where the land temperature exceeds that of the sea southward, or of the Gulf of Mexico, though they differ very little for the warmer positions named. The principal lines of the Isothermal Chart differ five degrees in temperature, and east of the meridian of 100° they divide distance on the meridians with great uniformity. On the Atlantic side the range is thirty-five degrees of temperature for twenty-two degrees of latitude, or, excluding the lower part of the peninsula of Florida, thirty degrees of temperature for seventeen of latitude, which is very nearly a decrease of temperature of one degree for forty miles of distance northward. The same REPORT. 691 decrease is found in the Mississippi valley, and on both these lines the altitude does not attain suffi- cient importance to sensibly affect this result. The Pacific side is too irregular to give comparable measures, but from the parallel of 30° to Astoria, the same distance which was taken in the first case, there is but one-third the difference in temperature, or one degree for one hundred and twenty miles northing. If the comparison were carried to Sitka, latitude 57°, but five degrees of temperature more are lost, and the same proportion or rate of diminution is still maintained. The relation of the differences separating the isothermals of the principal portion of the continent east of the Rocky Mountains is such that the successive months of spring would remove one to very near the position of another, and the mean of 65° for May, of 55° for April, and of 45° for March, would occupy nearly the same position. The lines as drawn are quite correct representatives of the temperature of April. To place on these the temperatures of May the line of 60° becomes 70°, that of 55° becomes 65°, &c. ; and the reverse if March is illustrated. This feature of the temperature distribution for these months will be better understood by reference to the following measures of increase of heat through the spring months at several stations. The quantities given are the differences from March to April, April to May, and May to June, all taken from the mean results of the series. In the south these measures of difference are less, and in the northwest they are greater than ten degrees, but for much the largest portion of the area east of the plains this number would indicate the march of temperature in these months quite correctly. The differences at the posts of the Pacific coast and at some European stations will illustrate the contrast presented in this season there: Mean of March. March to April. April to May. May to Jur 30.8 9.6 8.8 7.6 32.5 10.4 9.9 10.3 38.3 10.4 10.7 9.0 34.5 9.7 11.5 9.4 39.0 10.9 11.0 8.3 42.3 10.4 10.4 8.6 46.8 10.3 11.1 8.1 55.8 9.3 7.0 7.0 52.2 8.8 8.1 7.7 43.1 12.6 9.7 7.4 42.3 12.7 10.0 9.2 43.4 10.0 11.4 8.8 35.4 10.8 9.8 9.6 31.3 12.1 12.3 10.3 31.4 14.9 12.6 9.5 42.2 13.3 8.2 7.7 33.8 18.0 10.4 10.7 34.5 12.6 11.7 10.0 36.8 10.8 8.5 11.2 56.0 5.2 1.5 4.6 51.4 2.3 3.0 1.1 52.8 2.5 0.0 3.5 49.6 1.5 3.7 4.2 44.1 8.4 6.4 3.7 56.7 6.2 6.0 4.9 66.1 7.3 4.3 10.5 40.7 10.5 1 5.8 11.8 Stations. Fort Sullivan............... Fort Preble................. Fort Columbus............. Fort Niagara............... Alleghany Arsenal........ Fort McHenry............. Fort Washington........... Augusta Arsenal........... Fort Gibson............... Fort Scott................. St. Louis.................. Newport Barracks.......... Detroit.................... Fort Howard............... Fort Snelling............... Fort Leavenworth.......... Council Bluffs.............. Fort Kearney.............. Fort Laramie............... San Diego, California......•. Monterey, California........ San Francisco, California.... Fort Orford, Oregon........ Fort Vancouver, Oregon.... Fort Miller, California....... Fort Yuma, California....... Santa Fe., New Mexico,.... 692 REPORT. STATIONS—Continued. Stations. Mean of March. March to April Fort Union, New Mexico.... Fort Massachusetts, N. M... Fort Defiance, New Mexico.. London, England........... Dublin..................... Paris...................... Amsterdam................. Vienna .................... Berlin..................... St. Petersburg............. Moscow................... Sebastopol................. Barnaoul, Russia in Asia .... Pekin, China............... Fort Ripley, Minnesota..... Fort Churchill, Brit. Amer... Boothia Felix, Brit. Amer... 39.3 31.3 38.3 42.5 43.2 44.0 40.7 40.8 38.1 25.5 26.7 42.3 9.2 43.1 24.3 12.0 —28.7 9.9 13.6 8.3 4.4 4.8 5.7 7.4 11.0 9.3 11.6 15.0 8.6 24.1 13.1 16.4 8.0 26.2 April to May. 7.1 4.6 4.4 6.6 6.3 9.6 7.6 10.3 9.1 11.4 12.7 10.6 17.4 11.1 12.2 18.0 18.2 May to June. 9.5 8.8 13.0 7.0 5.9 4.6 6.8 5.4 6.8 11.4 8.0 10.5 11.0 7.3 10.0 12.0 18.5 These comparisons show that the advance of temperature in spring is quite uniform through the three months, and that the central areas of the United States correspond with Germany and Central Europe in this respect. From March to April and from April to May the advance is more regular than in the approach to the mean for March and to that for June. In short, the uniformity of the advance in temperature belongs to a less period than three months in the continental climates. The least advance belongs to the coast of California, and it has been alluded to already to some extent. Even the interior posts of Yuma and Miller, where excessive heats prevail in summer, show a less rapid march of temperature in spring than the Atlantic posts. The more elevated district of New Mexico alone exhibits the characteristics of a continental climate in this respect. The modified climates of Western Europe appear in the measures for London, Paris, &c, and at Moscow and Bar- naoul, European and Asiatic Russia, the great measures of difference belonging to the most extreme continental climates appear. Fort Ripley gives the most extreme measures observed at any point in the United States, and the Arctic regions of British America alone exhibit the differences which are found in the interior of Asia, but which are there connected with much higher absolute temperatures. The district of most rapid advance of temperature in spring in the United States has also a comparatively high temperature for the month of March, so that the transition to summer is completed before June. At Council Bluffs March is warmer than at Fort Sullivan, and the difference between this month and April is twice as great at the former post. The average of twenty degrees advance in the two months at eastern stations generally corresponds to an average of twenty-eight for a large area central at Fort Snelling, and an average of twenty-five degrees for a still larger area surrounding this, and reaching to the lakes on the east, to St. Louis and Fort Kearney, and to near the sources of the Missouri northwestward. The greatest mean advance is of eighteen degrees for thirty days, or six-tenths of a degree daily. The irregular or non-periodic distribution of heat for the spring is a feature of great practical as well as scientific importance, and it presents more noticeable points, which do not appear in the determined mean temperatures, than any other part of the year. Some of the more prominent of these REPORT. 693 appear in the comparison of the means for the same month and of the same season for successive years; and some measures of the last named variation are illustrated in the isothermal charts by the lines representing the maximum and minimum positions of an isothermal of any degree. The areas east Rocky mountains only could be intelligibly illustrated in this manner, as the periods at the newer of the posts are insufficient to show whether the entire measure of range is embraced. This period is ample for the older posts, however, as a series of fifty years since 1800, and detached series previous to that date from 1743, exhibit no extremes greater than the low temperature of 1843 and the high temperature of 1842 for the spring. Extremes scarcely less than these fall between the years 1830 and 1840 in some limited districts. As illustrated by the lines of the chart, the minimum of any degree is designed to represent the extreme point to which the temperature of any locality on the line may fall in any year, and not the lowest position of the line in any single year for the whole area. The lowest point observed in the Mississippi valley rarely occurs at the same time that the greatest extreme falls on the Atlantic coast; the lines are, therefore, the measures of maximum variability at each point. Comparing these measures on the Atlantic coast, the range of the mean of 45° is from Fort Mifflin to Hancock Barracks, about seven degrees of latitude, and somewhat more above or north of its mean position than south of it. In the west its greatest range is from near Fort Ripley to a point midway between Fort Leavenworth and Fort Scott, one of these last giving 42°.5, and the other 47°.5 as the minimum in 1843, and the short period at Fort Ripley giving 42°.5 as the maximum in 1855. The measure of range at Fort Snelling is 5°.2 above the mean in 1825, and 12°.1 below it in 1843. The same measure of range would give a maximum of 45° at Fort Ripley, and the range of this isothermal, as thus defined, is over nearly nine degrees of latitude, or more than six hundred miles. The range in distance is no greater than this on the western border of the Plains, apparently, though the isothermals are much more widely separated there, as the variation of temperatures in successive years is certainly much less. As a possible transfer of the mean temperature of an entire season, the measure for all parts of the eastern and central areas is certainly very great, and it has no parallel at the European stations where the same period has been observed and the comparison may be fairly made. The maximum and minimum position of other lines between 40° and 65° has nearly the same measure of range, diminishing, however, towards both extremes. There is some conformity to a rule placing a minimum of any degree in the position of a mean of five degrees greater, and a maximum on a mean of five degrees less ;—thus the maximum of 45° is nearly identical with the mean of 40°, and the minimum of 55° with the mean of 60°. One decided exception to this is found in the greater depression of the minima of 40° and 45° in the Mississippi valley, or the greater separation of these from the mean lines which they elsewhere so nearly follow. The greater depressions of temperature, as well as the greater heats here, attain their most extreme measures, as may be seen in the record for 1843 particularly. On the Pacific coast the measures of variation would, from analogy, be much less, and the limited period of observation gives insufficient data for illustrating this feature of variability. At Fort Steilacoom, for six years, the greatest range is 2°.5, at Fort Vancouver 2°.5, at San Francisco 3°, at Benicia 4°.5, and at San Diego 4°.5—the same six years, 1850 to 1855, giving 8° variation at Fort Snelling, 11° at Fort Leavenworth, 5° at Alleghany Arsenal, and 4°.6 at Fort Columbus. In New Mexico the range for the few years observed appears to be large, yet the observations are not 694 REPORT. entirely reliable at Fort Fillmore and Albuquerque, where the greatest differences of 10° and 6°.7 occur, the extreme years being 1852 and 1855. In the lower portions of Texas and Florida—districts approaching tropical temperatures—the former gives a range of 4°. 5 at two or three posts—Fort Mcintosh and Ringgold Barracks—for the last six years, and the latter a much less range, or but 1°.5 in the latitude of Fort Brooke, and but 2° at Key West. At two or three posts in Florida a sufficiently extended series of years has been observed to give the probable extremes of the spring temperature there, and from these 1838 and 1843 appear to have given the lowest temperatures, which were 4°.5 below the mean at Fort Marion, 3°.5 at Fort Brooke, and 2°.l at Key West. The highest were in 1826 at the first two localities, and in 1854 at Key West, the differences being 5°.8, 3°.6, and 1°.8 respectively. The range in Northern Florida and Texas shows a measure of variability in the spring temperatures which identifies these districts with those having continental climates, notwithstanding their high temperature. The range of the mean temperatures of single months is much greater than might be anticipated from the measures just given, and two or three representative stations may be cited which will sufficiently show what it is. At West Point the range for March is 20° between 1842 and 1843, at Watervliet 17° for the same dates, at Alleghany Arsenal 20°.7, at Detroit 22°.5, at Fort Brady 18°.1, at Fort Crawford 25°.7, and at Fort Snelling 34°.5—in each series here cited these years presenting both extremes in much greater degree than any others observed. In lower latitudes Fort Monroe gives 20°. 1 as the variation for the same dates, Fort Marion 14°.6, Mount Vernon Arsenal 18°.9, New Orleans 19°.3, Fort Towson 26°.1, Fort Gibson 23°, and St. Louis 33°.2. In lower Florida, Fort Brooke gives 10°.3, but Key West unfortunately was not observed. In nearly all the tables of the longer periods the years 1842 and 1843 give the extreme measures of the series, and the highest measure is generally at the mean temperature of the next month, April, while the lowest, in 1843, is several degrees below the mean of January in every case. This is an instance of the oscillations characteristic of American temperature range, where the extreme depressions go much farther below the averages than the extreme heats rise above them—the fall of temperature in the present case at Fort Snelling being 26°.8, while the excess of the warm extreme was but 7°.7. For several posts near Fort Snelling the absolute mean for 1843 was but two or three degrees above the lowest temperatures of any winter month. The range of mean temperature in April and May is much less, that for April at Fort Snelling being 22°, or eleven degrees below in 1850, and eleven above in 1839. At Fort Leavenworth the same dates give 18°.5 of range, at Fort Howard 15°, Alleghany Arsenal 15°, West Point 12°, and Fort Sullivan 10°. The variability remains large, however, at southern posts; at Fort Monroe 12°, St. Augustine 10°, Fort Brooke 6°, and New Orleans 7°.5. There are no conspicuous years giving extremes which extend over the whole area. The following table will give a sufficient number of these citations in tabular form to enable any one to recognize the principal features of this division of temperature distribution. REPO RT. General Range of Mean Temperatures in the Spring Months. 695 Fort Snelling...... Fort Leavenworth . Jefferson Barracks . Fort Gibson....... Fort Jesup........ New Orleans...... Fort Brooke....... Key West......... Foct Moultrie..... Fort Monroe....... Fort McHenry..... Fort Columbus Alleghany Arsenal. Watervliet Arsenal West Point........ Fort Constantine... Fort Sullivan...... Ringgold Barracks. Fort Mcintosh..... San Diego......... Benicia........... Fort Steilacoom... Fort Vancouver.... MARCH. 39.1 53.4 58.7 62.2 68.5 71.3 72.9 76.5 64.0 57.2 47.9 44.6 46.7 42.0 46.7 39.5 35.4 74.1 74.2 58.4 56.4 50.0 47.7 4.7 17.4 25.5 39.5 41.6 52.0 62.6, 70.2, 48.8 37.1 30.1 30.3 26.0 25.2 26.7 26.5 27.2 65.5 65.3 54.6 50.3 37.3 40.2 7.7' 11.2 13.7 10.0 9.1J 7.2 26.7 24.8 19.5 12.6 17.8 12.1 APRIL. 5.2 5.1 2.7 2.6 5.4 9.8 8.9 11.2 5.6 12.2 6.3 8.0 7.7 13.0 8.0 8.8 9.1 10.9 5.8 7.2 4.6 3.6 3.5 5.1 5.2 3.7 2.4 1.4 3.4 2.7 5.9 6.8 4.8 2.7 34.5 36.0 33.2 22.7 26.9 19.3 10.3 6.3 15.2 20.1 17.8 14.3 20.7 16.8 20.0 13.0 8.2 8.6 8.9 3.8 6.1 12.7 7.5 1842 1842 1842 1842 1826 1842 1826 1854 1828 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1831 1831 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1842 1843 1855 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1850 1855 1855 1854 1854 1850 1852 57.3 64.0 65.6 68.7 71.6 74.4 75.9 78.1 69.3 62.8 56.9 53.5 59.5 53.4 54.6 47.6 45.5 77.7 78.2 63.7 60.1 56.6 51.5 35.4 45.5 48.5 55.3 62.3 67.1 69.8 73.1 61.9 51.0 47.4 44.1 44.4 37.2 42.5 38.7 35.9 76.2 74.0 57.7 56.1 48.1 46.5 21.9 18.9 17.1 13.6 9.3 7.3 6.1 5.0 7.4 11.8 9.5 9.4 15.1 16.2 12.1 8.9 9.6 1.5 4.2 6.0 4.0 8.5 5.0 1839 1839 1845 1839 1823 1840 1840 1843 1826 1842 1848 1844 1844 1844 1827 1827 1844 1852 1853 1855 1851 1850 1851 1850 1850 1850 1850 1829! 1846 1828 1837 1835 1850 1841 1838 1852 1838 1838 1838 1832 1855 1850 1852 1843 1852 1852 57 68.2 67.1 73.7 74.2 62 77.9,68 78.4'68 79.772 81.2 77 77.3 72.2 70.1 64.9 65.4 67.2 68.1 59.2 55.8 83.8 84.5 66.0 61.8 60.2 57 57.654 16.3 7.8 16.2 11.9 9.4 9.8 7.5 4.2 11.2 10.6 14.4 10.5 11.5 13.8 14.6 11.0 10.8 6.9 8.1 5.3 5.4 3.0 3.2 1829 1833 1829 1829 1826 1844 1826 1843 1828 1844 1833 1826 1842 1826 1826 1828 1831 1851 1852 1855 1851 1850 1853 1842 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1829 1849 1841 1850 1850 1850 1850 4837 1841 1850 1850 1854 1854 1854 1851 From this table it will be seen that the range of variability is somewhat greater than the differ- ences of successive months on the whole, though if the single extreme of March, 1843, were removed there would be great uniformity in these two measures of variation. The measures of variability at any point of a large area in a series of years, may be derived from the mean of several stations, and we find fifteen posts on the Atlantic coast to give seven and a half degrees as the greatest change to which this district, as a whole, has been subjected. The same process gives for the interior, including the Lake district and the southwest, twenty-four stations, a mean of nine and two-tenths degrees of range. The area of greatest variability near the Upper Mississippi gives, from seven stations, fourteen and eight-tenths degrees. In all forms of this comparison these measures are very large, applied as they are to the mean of a period of ninety days, and they indicate the great importance which the law of non-periodic variations of temperature has in this climate. The average variability, derived from the mean of the departures in both directions, is also an important phase, particularly at these months. It is the change which may be expected in every year; and the following selection of three principal series will give, in the same connection, the 97 696 REPORT departures for each month, as derived by comparison with the mean for the whole period, and the means and extremes of these departures: Series and JLeau of Variations of Temperature for the Spring Months, at three principal Posts, front 1820 to 1854. FORT COLUMBUS. March. ; April. . May. Spring. 38.3 Average departure from the mean... Greatest departure. Greatest range .... +3. —1. —0. +5. —0. +]■ 4-2. —0, +2, +3, +0 —2 +1, ->2. —6 —3 —0 +0 +2 —0 4-6 —8 +0 +3 +i —2 —2 —0 —2 +1 —1 4-1 —2 48.6 +3.7 +1.0 +1.3 +2.7 —5.4 +3.4 —3.4 +3.6 +4.2 +1.3 —0.4 +2.7 —0.2 —2.8 —4.3 —2.6 —4.5 +1.2 +2.8 —2.7 +2.9 —1.3 +4.9 +2.2 +1.7 +0.9 +1.5 —1.1 —4.6 +0.5 —4.9 —0.5 —3.6 59.3 +4.0 —0.5 —1.3 +3.2 +5.6 +0.2 +0.7 +4.5 +1.0 +1.8 —3.2 +1.4 —2.8 —0.9 —1.3 —4.0 —3.2 —1.6 —1.3 —2.8 —0.9 —0.2 +4.0 +1.2 +1.1 +0.2 +2.1 —4.3 —4.9 —1.1 +1.0 +1.0 +0.6 FORT GIBSON.* March. April 2.30 8.0 14.3 2.59 5.4 10.3 2.06 5.6 10.5 +3.9 +0.4 —0.2 +3.8 —0.1 +1.6 —0.0 +2.6 +2.7 +2.4 —0.9 +0.6 —0.5 —2.1 —3.9 —3.5 —2.7 0.0 +1.2 —2.1 +2.8 —3.1 +3.1 +2.4 +1.3 —0.4 +1.1 —1.9 —3.8 +0.3 —1.8 +0.6 —1.7 52.2 1.80 3.9 7.8 + 1.2 + 4.5 + 5.2 + 9.1 + 0.9 + 2.5 — 3.9 + 5.2 + 1.5 + 3.0 — 1.8 + 0.3 — 1.0 — 6.1 — 2.0 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 2.3 — 0.1 +10.0 —13.7 — 1.8 — 1.7 + 0.5 — 5.2 + 0.9 + 3.6 — 2.8 + 1.9 + 1.8 — 2.8 + 4.4 62.1 May. Spring. 68.8 3.27 13.7 23.7 +4.1 —3.0 —0.5 +2.8 +2.1 —3.0 —2.6 +3.1 +2.0 +2.1 +1.8 +5.8 —1.9 +3.3 —6.4 +3.6 +6.8 +1.4 —0.3 +2.0 +0.3 +4.2 +6.3 —0.3 +3.9 —4.8 —1.6 —6.8 —3.9 —3.3 +1.2 —1.6 3.02 6.8 13.6 +3.4 +2.8 +4.0 +4.2 —1.5 +2.5 +5.3 +1.1 —0.7 +0.9 +2.1 +3.5 +2.8 +2.4 —2.5 —6.5 +2.5 +0.3 —0.6 +1.3 —1.9 +1.1 —1.8 +1.2 —3.3 +1.9 +0.1 —2.2 +3.4 +1.3 —4.0 —1.2 2.32 6.5 11.8 61.0 +3.0 +1.5 +3.0 +5.4 +0.5 +0.7 —0.4 +3.1 +0.6 +2.0 +0.7 +3.2 —0.0 —0.1 —3.6 —0.5 +3.7 +1.3 —0.3 +4.5 —4.8 +1.2 +1.0 + 0.5 —1.5 —0.6 +0.7 —3.9 +0.5 —0.1 —1.8 +0.5 FORT SNELLING. March. April 1.72 5.4 10.2 31.4 — 5.0 — 2.4 + 6.0 — 1.6 — 7.6 + 4.£) — 1.8 + 0.3 + 0.8 — 1.6 + 2.6 + 0.8 + 6.6 + 2.7 + 0.9 + 1.3 —11.2 — 6.9 + 6.0 — 1.8 + 3.4 + 1.8 + 7.7 —26.8 + 1.5 + 3.1 + 7.0 + 7.6 — 3.2 — 1.2 — 7.4 + 7.9 — 4.6 — 8.4 — 0.7 4.72 26.8 34.9 46.3 + 6.4 — 5.7 — 2.6 + 2.9 — 4.6 + 8.9 — 8.6 — 1.6 — 1.3 + 1.7 + 5.4 — 1.2 + 7.6 + 5.4 + 5.3 — 2.3 — 2.7 — 5.0 — 4.6 +10.9 + 1.2 — 8.2 + 3.5 — 2.8 + 5.1 + 1.3 + 0.0 — 0.1 — 1.6 — 6.6 —10.9 + 3.8 — 3.3 — 1.4 + 2.2 May. 4.20 10.9 21.8 Spring. 59.0 +1.7 —1.9 +2.3 —2.0 —2.7 +2.0 47.8 44.0 +1.3 +9.2 +0.8 +2.2 —3.1 +2.1 +2.8 +3.6 +5.3 —4.9 —5.9 —1.8 +4.9 +0.8 —7.1 —6.7 —3.9 +1.9 +4.7 —6.3 +1.2 —4.2 —3.1 —1.0 —0.5 —4.0 —1.1 3.40 9.2 16.3 * At Fort Jesup to 1827. REPORT. 697 From this table it will be seen that the oscillations are almost constant, and that very few instances of small departure occur. The constant oscillation at Fort Snelling, for March, is 4°.7; at Fort Gibson, 3°.27; and at Fort Columbus, 2°.3. It diminishes through the other months, and for the whole period is scarcely two-thirds of the average of the single months. This indicates that the quantities extinguished in obtaining the mean of the three months, or the compensating quantities, constitute but a third of those considered, and that the variations, either in time or in degree, cover two-thirds of the period, or influence two-thirds of its measure of heat. This fact also demonstrates the truth of the suggestion elsewhere made, that the period we designate as Spring is, on the whole, too long for identification as a single quantity in the continental temperate regions of this hemisphere. The natural seasons are unequally divided in time, in truth, the winter and summer being longer, and the spring and autumn being shorter than ninety days.* The remaining feature of this variability is the range of single observations through these months, and particularly through April and May. An analysis which would give the mean position of these single extremes for every year, and the absolute position of each, as selected from the whole series, would best express the more desirable form of the result. Thus it is important to know to what degree we may expect the temperature to fall, at any single observation, in each of the spring months, in the several districts, or the mean of the minima and maxima, and, also, to know what is the very highest and very lowest point possible to be attained in a series of years. The line of 32°, as a minimum for each month, is also quite necessary in a practical climatology. The last point, or the districts in which the thermometer generally falls to near the freezing point once or more in the course of the month, may be readily defined without a tabular statement. On the coast of California an examination of the minima for five years affords but two instances of the observation of 32° in March; while in the interior, and in Oregon, it may be anticipated several times in this month, though the lowest observed point at stations not much elevated is 19°. In April it is never reached in California at the sea level, or near it, and rarely in Oregon—at Puget's Sound three times in six years. In May there are no instances of its occurrence on the Pacific coast, except at stations elevated two thousand feet, or more. At Fort Yuma, in the valley of the Colorado, the freezing point never is reached in spring. At all the stations of New Mexico the temperature constantly falls below 32° in every month of spring, and at Fort Massachusetts and Fort Defiance it usually does so in June. In Texas there is no frost or ice in the lower Kio Grande valley in these months, though it twice occurs at Fort Duncan, and the posts of that vicinity, in March. Perhaps a more extended series of years would give instances of severe frost in the principal portion of this valley in March, though there could be none in the following months. All the remaining portion of Texas has the occurrence of frosts in March regularly ; in April, for the lower districts, very rarely, though they occur in half the years, or more, at the posts on the plateaux elevated one thousand to two thousand feet; but never in May at any point not mountainous. In the principal area of the United States eastward, the lower portion of the peninsula of Florida below Fort Brooke is the only portion not liable to frosts in March in extreme years. From the year * An admirable analysis of ten years' observations at Albion Mines, Nova Scotia, has been made by their author, Henry Poole, esq., by which it appears that the seasons there are naturally resolved into periods of 66 and 63 days for spring and autumn, and 120 and 116 days for winter and summer. The winter minimum temperature is January 20th, or thirty days after the solstice, and the summer maximum, July 22d, or thirty-one days after the solstice. The mean annual temperature is passed on May 1st and November 4th forty-one and forty-four days after the equinoxes, respectively. 698 REPORT. 1822, when observations were either at that district or so near it as to decide the point, twelve years occur in which the thermometer fell to 32° or lower as far south as Fort King, and in two of these years at least, 1835 and 1843, it fell to the freezing point as far southward as Fort Brooke. In something more than half the years of the period now observed, the coast of the Gulf and of the Atlantic to Charleston experiences one or more instances of a temperature of 32° in this month. In April the line of ice and frosts, or a temperatures at or near 32°,* recedes to Fort Monroe and Fort Gibson, and they are much more rare at either of these posts than at Florida stations in March. The depressions of temperature in which they occur are, however, frequently connected with falls of snow in the Atlantic States, and they usually affect the more elevated portions of all the States east of Alabama. In 1854 a heavy fall of snow occarred at the middle of the month in Virginia, and ice was formed in the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina. Though frosts are quite frequent in this month at St. Louis, there are few instances of the formation of ice in the latitude of Fort Gibson ; light hoar frosts occur in almost every year, however, and sometimes as far southward as Baton Rouge. These may occur at an air temperature of 43° in the ordinary positions of the thermometer. In May the line of ice formation rises to St. Louis, Newport barracks, (Cincinnati,) Fort Mifflin, (Philadelphia,) and the posts of New York harbor, and at these points the temperature of 32° is not found in every year. Ice is formed during the first half of the month to this latitude in the interior districts, however, quite regularly, and hoar frosts occur in the remainder where the altitude is noticeable and at some distance from the coast. At the close of this month frosts disappear from all portions of the United States territory, except at the highest altitudes cultivated. In connection with the general range of temperature extremes the mean and absolute minimum temperatures for these months will be given. The features of temperature distribution for these months are more important in every sense than those of other months, and a corresponding effort has been made to indicate clearly what they are. The comparison of the areas affected similarly or otherwise by the extremes of temperature occurring in the daily changes belongs more appropriately to the dynamics of the climate. * The temperatures used in this comparison for the spring months are lower than those taken in autumn, as will be seen by reference to the comparison for that season. One reason for this difference is, that air temperatures of 36° to 40° more rarely form ice or hoar frost in spring, and consequently have less effect on vegetation, and are less marked phenomena. REPORT. 699 DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE FOR THE THREE MONTHS OF SUMMER. The chief points of difference between the temperature distribution of the two continents of the northern hemisphere appear in the summer more decidedly than at any other season, and distinguish the isothermal illustration for this season by some extreme and apparently inexplicable curvatures. The difficulty of illustrating this distribution is increased by taking the actual superficial distribution of heat as the principle on which the chart is constructed, because of the great altitude of the plains and mountainous districts of the interior and western portions of the continent. These plains and plateaux are generally characterized by very high summer temperatures also, and in the detailed examination and comparison of these districts, these altitudes, and the particular problem of vertical distribution of heat will require some notice. Generally the summer temperatures show a great change from those of the winter months, and the interior areas which are but little elevated above the sea exhibit almost or quite unparalleled measures of heat. These warmer portions exceed even the tropical districts of the continent in mean tempe- ratures for these months, and they still more exceed those of the adjacent seas on the south. The mean surface temperature of the Gulf of Mexico, and of the coasts of all parts where the trade wind and sea breeze and the tropical rains prevent any accession from the radiation of land surfaces, appears to be very nearly at the mean of eighty degrees for the summer; and the West India islands generally, at positions with the usual land surface exposures, at a mean of eighty-one and a half and eighty-two degrees for the same months.* On the tropical coasts, where the rainy season is most perfectly developed in summer, and continues most uniformly, as on the coasts and islands of Granada and the isthmus of Panama, the mean is still lower, and often as low as 78° for July. The districts distinguished by these extra-tropical temperatures in the United States embrace the dry interior of Florida, which has a mean of eighty-two degrees or more for the summer, and a large *■ The results of several series of observations in the West India islands correspond strikingly in the measures of mean temperature for the summer where the conditions of exposure are alike, as the following citations show : Degrees. Havana.........series of 8 years, from Kaemtz........... 81.3 Matanzas............do.. 3 years.....do................. 81.7 Jamaica.............do. .5 years.....do................. 81.3 St. Bartholomew.....do. .2 years.....do................. 81.3 Havana.............do. .3 years, from Ferrer............ 83.3 Kingston.............do. .5 years, from Lindsay........... 81.1 The average temperature of the surface waters of the Gulf, as recorded in Maury's charts, is one authority for deduction of the air temperature. The following records confirm the assumed distribution : At Tortola, W. I., 2 years, 80.6 degrees; at Barbadoes, 1 year, 78.5 degrees, from Dove; at Caracas, one year, 74.4 degrees, from Kaemtz ; at Vera Cruz, one year, 80.2 degrees, United States Army Meteorological Register, 1847. And generally the results at coast stations of the Gulf, as Cedar Keys, Fort Morgan, Camp Sabine, fitc. By many comparisons, Humboldt determines the mean temperature of the sea to be greater than that of the air above it, between the equator and 48° of north and south latitude, (Pers. Nar., vol. vii, p. 424.) This is doubtless more uniformly the case in the Atlantic than in the enclosed seas of the West Indies; and it is remarked by Humboldt, indeed, who gives as the mean annual tem- perature of the West Indian sea 79.6 degrees, with 82.3 degrees for the hottest season, (in February and March,) and 77 degrees for the coldest, which is in November and December. The summer of the north temperate zone would give little more than 80° for the water temperature, and it could not be placed above 80° for the air.— (Ibid, p. 410.) 700 REPORT. area beginning near Savannah on the east, and extending through the whole low country of the Gulf States westward to the Rio Grande. In Texas this belt is much enlarged, and it borders on and embraces a large district in the valley of the lower Rio Grande, where the summer mean temperature exceeds eighty-five degrees. In the upper valley of the Rio Grande they again appear, notwithstand- ing the increased altitude of three thousand five hundred feet, on the Mexican side at the Bolson de Mapimi, and in the valley at Presidio del Norte, as at several points in the more narrow valley on the north side of the Rio Grande below and at El Paso. The valley of the Colorado river of California is the district of greatest excess, however, the summer mean here reaching ninety degrees. A consider- able portion of the desert bordering this river on the west doubtless is quite the same as the military position at Fort Yuma, though no other part has been observed. West of the Sierra Nevada another district of extra-tropical temperatures exists, in the San Joaquin valley, represented by Fort Miller, at which pest the mean summer temperature for three years is eighty-five and a half degrees. The lower valley of the Colorado has few parallels in temperate latitudes in its measure of mean temperature, if, indeed, a parallel in the same latitudes may anywhere be found.* But this and the other last-mentioned extreme districts are still more remarkable for the single extremes observed in these months, and in the mean temperature at the extreme hour of 3 p. m. At Ringgold barracks, in the Rio Grande valley, the mean of the observations at 3 P. m. for the entire three summer months of 1850 is one hundred and one and two-tenths degrees, (101°.2,) and the single extremes reach one hundred and seven degrees for each month. Other stations in the same district give results so near to these that no considerable error of the instrument may be supposed to exist. In 1851 the measures for the same dates are but two or three degrees less in the means, and quite as great in the single readings at these posts, and in 1852 and 1853 they are very little different from, and on the whole as great as those of 1851. Still higher single readings are recorded in the Colorado and San Joaquin valleys of California, at Forts Yuma and Miller, the highest being 121° at Fort Miller, in July, 1853, and 116° at Fort Yuma, in June of the same year. The highest monthly mean for any hour is that at Fort Miller, for June, 1852, of 108°.4, at 3 p. m., with a single maximum reading of 116°. There are frequent instances of a mean temperature for a summer month exceeding one hundred degrees at 3 p. m., one of which occurred at Fort Gibson in August, 1834, and many within the five years of observation in Texas, New Mexico, and California. The concurrence of so many records establishes the position that the summer temperatures of several districts in the temperate latitudes of this continent largely exceed those measures in its humid tropical climates, at least, if they are not quite unparalleled at any point.f As these appear * In the collection of temperature tables by Dove some stations in India and Persia are given with very high temperatures, yet the periods are short, and some doubt rests on the adaptation of the hours to give the true mean. At Bagdad, Bassora, and Abusherehr, Persia, observations are recorded giving 92° and 93° for the mean of summer, but no mention is made of the hours of observation. At many points in India the months of May and June exhibit excessive heats, but the summer is usually a rainy season, and of a very large number of stations given by Dove but one, Pondicherry, exceeds 90° for the summer mean. This is at 11° 56' north latitude, its summer mean for one year 93°.7. Ambala, near Delhi, latitude 30° 25', has a mean of 100° for May and 96° for June; Cawnpore, latitude 26° 30', 95°.5 for May, &c. These are British observations, and their great number for India probably represents all districts where extreme temperatures exist. t In a table of maximum temperatures for the globe, Kaemtz and Martins give 117°.3 at Esne, Egypt, as observed by Burckhardt, 1130.5 at Bassora, 112°.5 at Pondicherry, and 109°.6 at Philce, Egypt. The highest at European cities are 101° at Catania, 103° at Palermo, 102° at Naples, and 101° at Rome and Paris. Humboldt gives as the maximum observed at Cumana, South America, " on days considered excessively hot," 90O.5, and as the highest in Havana in 1801, 90°. An instance of desert temperatures in the Oasis of Mourzouk, Sahara, is referred to by Humboldt, where Captain Lyon experienced " for whole months the thermometer of Reaumur between 3sO and 43°" (117°.5 to 12-P.7 Fahrenheit.) At Vera Cruz the greatest heats do not exceed 95°. In the Red Sea the thermometer at noon is at 111°.2, at night 94°. At Benares, India, the heat in summer attains 111°.—(Humboldt's Pers. Nar., vol. vii.) In Dove's Isothermal Chart for July, a portion REPORT. 701 at several points of districts generally similar, and in successive years at the same points, no considerable errors of the instruments may be apprehended, and none can exist which vitiate comparison with the records of other climates generally. The instruments were, indeed, all carefully constructed and carefully compared. In this general view of the temperature distribution, there are one or two anomalous instances of refrigeration of the summer temperature which render the explanation of the facts of great interior heat more difficult than they would be otherwise. The greatest diminution of the summer heat is on the coast of the Pacific, and the contrast of that district with those in which the great extremes of heat have been recorded is most extraordinary. Fort Miller in the San Joaquin valley of California is less than one hundred and fifty miles due eastward from the coast of the Pacific at Monterey, where the mean summer temperature falls off to 57°. For the month of June, 1852, the mean of 108°.4 at 3 P. m., at Fort Miller, had a corresponding mean at Monterey of 63°.2, and a single maximum there of 70°—a difference in the means of forty-five, and in the extremes of forty- six degrees. The difference in the complete monthly means was thirty degrees. The measures of difference and contrast here given, are also in a great degree characteristic of large districts; as the cold of the coast of the Pacific in summer extends over twenty degrees of latitude, or from the fiftieth to the thirtieth parallel, while the extremes of summer heat are common to all the valleys and basins of the western portion of the continent, where a single range of moun- tains intervenes between them and the Pacific coast. The summer isothermal of 57° will be seen to extend along the coast from Sitka, in Russian America, to Monterey, giving an almost absolutely equal temperature for this extensive line of fifteen hundred miles of latitude, and near two thousand miles of coast. A portion of the coast of Oregon has temperatures noticably higher, for the brief period of the record there, which may, perhaps, prove the position of the cold line to be a little distance off that coast at sea. The Atlantic coast furnishes another instance of depression of temperature, from causes not common to all changes of seasons on the ocean coasts. The sea winds and mists are here noticably colder than the average temperature of the sea itself, at any considerable distance, and exposures open to these have a temperature perceptibly reduced as far southward as Florida. As the positions of the isothermals of five degrees of difference are widely separated in summer, and as each, therefore, approximately represents a large district, in which it may change position considerably for slight positive differences, the curvature for the lines, as drawn, gives a somewhat undue impression of these changes, and of the cooling effects of the coast positions. The lines, also, double on themselves abruptly to follow the warm atmosphere of the Gulf stream. The cause of this refrigeration is found in the cold masses of water present on the northern parts of the coast, or returning in currents next the Gulf stream, and beneath it. The existence of this current beneath is fully shown by the Coast Survey observations, and the fact, first noticed by Humboldt,* that deep lying masses of cold water may be pressed against shelving coasts by great ocean currents, and thus be brought to the surface, cooling the immediate coast more than any other point in its vicinity, appears to go far towards solving the problem of the presence of these cold waters, where no surface current is percepti- ble. For most parts of the Atlantic coast these causes are sufficient only to affect the winds from the of the African Desert—Nubia and Arabia—is embraced by an isothermal of 90°.5. The mean of this month for three years at Fort Yuma is 920.27, and for two successive years it exceeds 94°. It cannot be of less mean temperature, therefore, though but a point in comparison to the great Nubian and Arabian Desert, for the single month of July, or the mean of the three months of summer. * Personal Narrative, vol. vii, p. 389. 702 REPORT. northeast, which is the direction covering the largest water surface of this character, and the summer temperatures are reduced by the effect of these alternations, without the production of a decided single extreme, and without the uniformity which characterizes the refrigerating winds of the Pacific. The phenomenon is sufficiently well known, yet it is not so decidedly associated as it should be' with these cold, deep sea currents, and the masses of cool water of the coasts.* It is difficult to illustrate this feature by citation of measures of temperature, as the depressions appear in the form of two or three days of generally low temperature, without reaching a single minimum so low as might be attained at an interior station from the effect of radiation alone. The Gulf Stream is somewhat above the mean temperatures of the east coast of the continent in the same latitudes, even-in summer, and the isothermals would curve northward rather than south- ward in their extension at sea, if no influences other than that stream or the undisturbed sea were encountered. There is, however, no point of the coast at which the temperatures of summer are greater for the existence of the Gulf stream, as the continental influences everywhere predominate under the prevalence and controling character of the westerly winds. The same atmospheric circula- tion carries the heated waters and their accompanying local atmosphere to the European coasts; yet there the temperature becomes reduced by diffusion over the sea, and the high proportion of moisture cools the summer climates rather than otherwise. This is shown by comparing the high temperatures of our dry western interior with those of western Europe. The cold climates of the Pacific coast in summer constitute a general phenomenon of temperature distribution more difficult of explanation than any other, as the degree of refrigeration is so very great, and the contrast with interior districts so extreme over many degrees of latitude. The striking uniformity in the measures of mean temperature here, which has been alluded to as characterizing nearly all the observed points, is conclusive evidence of the existence of some general and powerful agency other than the immediate one of cold day winds. The analogies of the coasts of South America, Africa, and the north Atlantic would indicate at once a reference to great polar currents, and to the transfer of large masses of cold waters from the northern parts of the Pacific, but the ordinary sea observations have hitherto failed to discover any regular or marked currents here. Northward and westward from San Francisco the surface currents appear as frequently from one point as another on Maury's charts, though the existence of a general movement from the northwest is recognized. There is apparently a deep-sea current from that direction of great magnitude and volume, which appears only by the lifting of its waters on approaching the coast, and in the general refrigeration of the waters of the whole area, with the consequent effect on the sea-winds and on the climate of the land. The water temperatures noted in the summer months are less than those of winter, and their mean is nearly 57°, or that of the sea winds and of the summer on the coast. The body of water so affected is shown by Maury's charts to extend north-westwardly toward the peninsula of Alaska, and to be strikingly uniform in its characteristics of low temperature, absence of surface- currents, and continuous northwest winds, so far as observed.f This great mass of cold waters, and * Humboldt remarks (ibid. p. 388,) that in July, 1804, the thermometer, off the Bank of Newfoundland, recorded but forty-seven to fifty-four degrees, while in the Gulf stream it was at seventy degrees, and in the open sea beyond sixty-six and a half degrees ; the air temperature on the banks, at noon, being fifty-eight to sixty degrees. He also notices the refrigeration of land climates near these masses, necesarily resulting from their presence. fThe temperatures of the cold currents of the Pacific coast of South America are very nearly the same as those observed here, even when intruded into the tropical seas of Peru. At Truxillo and Callao they were observed at 59°.5 and 60° by Humboldt, when the sea temperature beyond the current was 81°. Holmfeldt again observed the temperature of 60°.5, but there appears to be less parallel in regard to the differences of the seasons, and in the extreme effect on the climate of the land. It is remarked by Dove, also, in his REPORT. 703 Its attendant cold surface atmosphere, develops a strong sea wind towards the greatly heated and rarified interior valleys and plains; and where these contrasts of temperature are greatest, the maxi- mum effect is produced, as at San Francisco and Monterey. It is not strange, therefore, that the immediate coast is cooled to the temperature of the air and water of so large a portion of the ocean. As the solution of this great depression of coast temperatures is evidently found in the tempera- ture of the Paoific ocean, it may serve to confirm the accuracy of the observations there to give the mean of such observations as have been recorded at sea. Taking the observations in Maury's Wind and Current charts for these portions of the Pacific, in means for areas of five degrees of latitude and longitude, we find the areas westward of San Francisco to give 56°.5, 62°.3, 64°.4, and 68°, successively. The areas next southward, or between 30° and 35° of latitude, decrease in temperature westward from longitude 120°, by the successive numbers of 60°.5, 63°.3, 65°.7, and 66°.7, to the meridian of 140°. South of the parallel of 30° there are no summer observations on the coast. In the latitude of the Sandwich Islands (20° to 25°) the temperatures increase from 72°, at the meridian of 120°, to 77° at 150° in the vicinity of those islands. The contrasts which induce these violent sea winds exist only in the summer months, including May and September, as at other seasons the ocean is quite as warm and the land colder, and, what- ever the degree of aridity, the sudden and extreme rarefactions do not occur in the interior. As this unusual circulation ceases the temperature rises, and the spring and autumn are both warmer than the summer, on the immediate coast, over a space embracing several degrees of latitude. It may appear inexplicable that the northern districts of this coast, to fifty-seven degrees north latitude, should be equal, if not higher in temperature than that at San Francisco ; but the refriger- ating current appears to originate westward of Alaska, and to pass nearly due southeast from that point toward the continent in the latitude of Monterey ; not entering the indentations of the Russian and British American coasts, probably, in any degree.* There may, also, be warm waters flowing over these from the central areas of the Pacific, from a division of the great warm currents of the Asiatic coast, and producing the general effect on the Pacific climates which the Gulf stream produces on those of Europe. Such is clearly the case in winter, when those movements outrank those from the Polar seas and give high temperatures for the whole mass of the Pacific, even where the cold waters are most marked in summer. These comparisons are indispensable to show the reliability of the temperature measures given at Pacific stations, and that this anomalous arrangement of the isothermals is a correct represen- tation. This arrangement is also independent of all considerations of altitude, as the construction of sea level isothermals for the interior would but increase the contrasts, and the coast stations are all at sea level. In a more detailed explanation of the interior temperature distribution for the summer a com- parison of the successive districts may be made, commencing with those of the east. In the New England States there are several points where the climates are principally marine. essay on the isothermal lines, that the South American current is a deep mass, the soundings of the French exploration ship Venus giving a depth for it of 5480 feet. 'It is a considerable section of the Polar sea marching majestically from the south to the north.' The analogy is very clear in the north Pacific. * Richardson, (Arctic Expedition, Climatology,) in referring to the causes of high temperatures on the western coast of British America, says : "The course of the ocean currents, and the interposition of the peninsula of Alaska, and its prolongation in the Aleutian chain of islands, protect the west coast of America from the masses of drift ice which, in the same latitudes, encumber and chill the Labrador coast for most of the year." 98 704 REPORT. Forts Sullivan, Independence, and Adams are particularly so, and we find at these a perceptible falling off from the high temperatures of other posts, especially in the maxima and in the range of summer temperature. Fort Sullivan has the same temperatures as the posts on the upper part of the St. John's river, at the extreme northern point of Maine, and two hundred miles from the coast. The altitude of this interior district is not very great, and the proximity of the St. Lawrence valley favors the development of the comparatively warm summer which is found along the line from the mouth of the St. John's river to Quebec. The interior rises so much southward that no line of warmer temperatures appears until the plains near Montreal are reached, the vicinity of Lake Cham- plain in Vermont, the valley of the Connecticut river, and the southwest point of Maine, at Portland and Fort Preble. The line of 65° which passes here is sometimes found for several successive years in the valley of the St. John's, which has a general mean of 63°. The isothermal of 65° may also be extended in the low country of Maine as far as Bangor, returning along the coast nearly to Fort Constitution, (Portsmouth,) New Hampshire. Next a portion of southern Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, the valley of Lake Champlain, and the vicinity of Montreal may be correctly repre- sented by the mean of 67°.5; and the general features, apart from the mean, are quite alike for these districts—all being interior climates, with a large range of single extremes and of extremes in consecu- tive years. This measure is common to still more extensive districts, as it embraces nearly all of Massachusetts and of New York, with northern Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The greater elevations of southern New England, New York, and northern Pennsylvania make up for the difference of latitude, and as the general average of surface temperatures is necessarily considered here the districts enumerated may be quite identified. In all this area the deep river valleys and particu- larly arid or sandy localities are excepted, and these may be assigned a mean temperature of 70° for the summer. Westward of Wisconsin this very favorable measure of temperature only appears in moun- tainous districts, and under very different circumstances. It -there, however, distinguishes the best portions of Oregon and California. Between the mean of 70°, which appears in many localities of the last general district, and that of 75°, there is a very large area embraced, the extreme range east of the plains being from latitude thirty-four degrees in northern Georgia to Fort Snelling, latitude forty-five degrees. In the general phenomena of temperature distribution this district of the central States is quite uniform. Its single extremes of temperature are less than in the next cooler district, yet the range of the mean tempera- ture is quite as great, or even greater. Thus the line of 75° varies its position very greatly in extreme years, sometimes reaching nearly to Fort Howard, in Wisconsin, and again falling off to the northern line of Louisiana. On the Atlantic coast it ranges from New York city to central North Carolina, less than in the Mississippi valley, but still greater than the range of the mean of 65°. This last has its greatest range on a line of contrasted altitudes from central Pennsylvania to Quebec, but in other positions and at like altitudes its range is but about half that of the line of 75°. There is great identity of the temperatures of this large area embraced by the isothermals of 70° and 75° east of the plains, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Upper Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Lower Pennsylvania, and New Jersey;—excepting from these some points of coast exposure and of the mountainous districts, the summer temperatures are more nearly uniform than almost any continental area of like magnitude. The southern border of this district has not the exceptions of greater temperature which belong to the next northern class, as the differences of local position cause much less difference in the mean temperatures. The lines curve only about the REPORT. 705 altitudes of the Alleghanies, and but for these would have a very uniform direction a little north of west from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi valley. The line of 75° is, however, as far north on the plains of New Jersey as at the Mississippi river. The continuation of these lines over the plains and the Pacific districts is under peculiar circum- stances, quite different from those prevailing at the east. Most of the area of the great plains is em- braced by them, from the Llano Estacado of Texas to the most northern position on the Missouri river. West of 100° longitude the plains slope northward rather than otherwise, or the successive areas are more dry and desert-like on any right line east of the Rocky mountains, as the south fork of the Platte is more arid than points further south on the same line. So from the sources of the Canadian and the Raton mountains northward; and though at Fort Laramie and north of it there are elevations which interrupt the general slope, yet north of these again the plain of the Missouri river falls off more than two thousand feet on a line due north from Fort Laramie. Fort Benton, at five degrees of longitude further west and five and a half degrees of latitude further north, is also 1856 feet lower. It is not surprising, therefore, that as the plains are in every part particularly liable to the accumulation of heat in summer the mean temperature of the northern areas should be compara- tively high, and should somewhat exceed that of the lake district and the Atlantic coast. The lines of 70° and 75° are, however, very remarkably separated from that of 80°, and thrown quite beyond what might have been anticipated from the altitude of the plains and from the climates of other parts of the continent. It is well established that the line of 75° reaches to Fort Pierre, on the Missouri, returning, over twelve and a half degrees of latitude, to the upper plains of Texas. Between the lines of 75° and 80° of mean summer temperature is another large area in the eastern part of the United States, and also on the plains. It most resembles the district between the isother- mals of 70° and 75°, and on the plains it is distinguished by the very small differences of its measures from 80° over most of the district—the isothermal of 79° embracing the plains of the Arkansas for a large area. The line of 80° is more uniform, and it embraces the whole lower States in a concentric curvature with higher temperatures within, and a diminution in all directions toward the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mexican interior. Most of the area embraced is tropical in many of its features, and but for the winter extremes of low temperature it would rank fully as such. Except some portions near the southern extension of the Alleghanies and in western Texas, it defines the cane district in its possible limits, and those in which it is now occasionally cultivated. As previously alluded to in the general notices of temperature distribution for the summer, the Atlantic coast is colder, notwith- standing the near position of the Gulf stream, and the line therefore curves down the coast directly from Fort Johnston, N. C, to New Smyrna, Florida, returning up the western coast to Cedar Keys. At Key West there are evidently local circumstances which augment the temperature beyond that of the channel between this point and Cuba—the sand surface of the island, small as it is, being probably sufficient to increase the temperatures one or two degrees. The record by officers of the customs for several years is slightly above the military record—the summer mean of those by W. A. Whitehead, esq., for six years previous to 1836 being 82°.3. West of Cedar Keys the line of 80° touches only at particularly exposed points, but the evidences are clear that it is continued in the direction of Vera Cruz. On the north it comes in at the foot of the principal plateau of western Texas, and embracing some portion of the dry plains near the Red river, it returns nearly to the recognized cane districts of Louisiana. 706 REPORT. Within this is a district of 82L mean temperature, embracing a large share of Texas, much of Louisiana, and a small portion of the plains from Mobile to Savannah. Only the southern and tropical portion of the peninsula of Florida attains this temperature, and it does not appear at the interior posts of the neck of the peninsula between Fort Marion and Cedar Keys. The difference between this temperature and that of 80° does not appear to be significant of anything beyond a surface facilitating local accumulation of heat, except in the vicinity of New Orleans and in South Florida, where tropical features are more fully developed in summer than elseAvhere. In southwestern Texas the extreme measure of 85° appears, which belongs to the exceptional climates of the western interior, and in this case is an accumulation from local radiation in a somewhat confined and sandy valley. But for the constant winds of the Rio Grande valley, this accumulation would be even more extreme. When these winds change from their almost constant point of southeast to true south, they bring a heated atmosphere like the desert winds of the eastern continent, and the conditions of exposure and locality are desert-like rather than tropical in this lower valley. In explanation of the peculiarities appearing in the illustration of the great areas beyond the plains and to the Pacific, we may begin with the supposed extension of the isothermal line of 85° from the lower valley of the Rio Grande. Though the illustration of the continent generally does not enter into the present purpose, it is necessary to consider the areas next to our own territory to arrive at a satisfactory explanation of the facts recorded in the registers. The valleys entering the Rio Grande from the south are unimportant except that in Chihuahua, and this only, with the Bolson de Mapimi, a dry and heated basin 3800 feet above the sea, probably reproduces the high temperatures of the lower valley. At El Paso which is more elevated and further north, the summer mean is at 82°. Beyond the mountains on the Gila and Colorado rivers there are also no mean temperatures observed, and the positions can only be defined approximately by reference to Fort Yuma and the Great Salt Lake. The mean of 85° must necessarily reach to thirty-seven and a half degrees north latitude there-, and it reappears in the valley of San Joaquin at about the same point as is shown by the record at Fort Miller. The line is bifurcated in that direction, and from the point of separation it extends down the coast within the first range of mountains and west of the Gulf of California. There are no records below San Diego, yet the known characteristics of the coast climate render it certain that neither this nor the isothermal of 80° reaches the Pacific shore at any point of the peninsula of California. Within this line of 85°, at Fort Yuma, the maximum mean temperature of 90° for the summer is attained. The exposure here favors the most extreme accumulation of heat, as sands and arid plains surround the post for great distances, and the principal winds bring only sand storms at this season. Little rain falls in summer, and the air is distinguished by the intense aridity belonging to districts between the oscillations of tropical and temperate rains—the summer rains of Mexico approaching near this point on the south without reaching it, and the winter rainy season of the coast also near it, but never present. Its position is not wholly unlike that of the northern extremity of the Red Sea. The-isothermal of 80° is continued up the valley of the Rio Grande to Dona Ana, New Mexico, and it doubtless belongs to the desert portion called the Jornada del Muerto, below Fort Craig. Bevond this no records define it except at Salt Lake, where the summer mean is but little below 80°. Returning from the western part of the Great Basin, it is reproduced in the valleys of California at Sacramento, and from the southern point of the San Joaquin valley crosses within the coast mountains and remains east of these at least to the lower half of the peninsula of California. The temperature of most parts of the Great Basin can only be taken approximately, but from the two positions of Salt REPORT. 707 Lake and Fort Yuma, and from the journals of survey parties the summer temperatures are shown to be at least as great as those assigned in the position of these lines. The line of 75° returns, as before remarked, a great distance from its most northern point on the plains to the Llano Estacado, and then recurves to Albuquerque, to return again two and a half degrees of latitude for the lofty plateaux of the Sierra Madre. It then surrounds the eastern and northern rim of the Great Basin, traverses the California valleys on a right line south, and is the highest isothermal appearing west of the coast range, near Los Angelos and San Luis Rey. It may be doubted whether a number of points sufficient to define the line here could be found, as none but valleys of the warmest exposure go beyond 72°, on this western side of the mountains. The plateau of the Rocky mountains increases in altitude southward so much as to cause the isothermals from 60° to 70° to run parallel to it from Fort Benton, on the Missouri, to Santa Fe, being as near each other at 47° 30' of latitude as at 35°. The upper valleys of the Missouri and Columbia rivers are scarcely two thousand five hundred feet above the sea, and much of the great plain of the Columbia is elevated less than one thousand feet. Both plains are not only arid in their surface, but nearly destitute of summer rains, and their mean temperatures for this season are comparatively high. The isothermals of 70° and 65° are but little separated at these points, the first going to the 47th, and the last nearly to the 49th parallel. From the plains of the Columbia they run nearly south to San Diego; the isothermal of 65° following the Willamette valley from Fort Van- couver, and that of 70° the valley of Fall river, east of the Cascade range, from Fort Dalles; both remaining within the coast range of California as far south as Monterey, from which point, though they are then inland at the western foot of this range, they go southward near to Los Angeles and San Diego. The isothermals of 60° and 62° run nearly north and south on the Rocky mountain plateau to Fort Massachusetts, and on the Pacific coast below the 35th parallel. The valley of Frazer's river, north of Puget's Sound, at least extends the line of 62° some distance beyond the island of Vancouver, and the temperature of that island is known to be above that of Sitka, which has a summer mean of 57° and defines the position of the lowest isothermal of the chart to that remote point of the coast. On the Rocky mountain plateau the observed mean at Fort Massachusetts is 61°, and that at Fort Defiance, much further south, 67°. The altitude of the first is 8400 feet nearly, and that of the upper valley of San Luis quite the same. The general altitude of the vicinity is much greater, and it may be assigned, at the Parks, at near 10,000 feet. At the South Pass the average of large areas would be about 8000 feet, which is diminished, in an average, farther north to the 49th parallel. It is, perhaps, inaccurate to regard this as a plateau north of the 44th parallel, but it may well be regarded as such south of that line for all purposes of thermal illustration, notwithstanding the great altitudes and irregularities of its surface. In New Mexico, cultivated districts crown the prin- cipal ranges, as at Zufii, on the west, at 6500 feet; Las Vegas, Anton-Chico, and other districts on the east, at 6000 to 6800 feet; the Sangre cle Christo and San Luis valleys at 8000 feet; Taos and Santa Fe at 8000 feet; and the Parks, which afford abundant pasturage, at 9000 to 10000. For this purpose these districts must necessarily be regarded as plateaux, above which the sharp mountain ranges are lifted, and where the summer temperatures, particularly, may be considered generally, except for these particular peaks or ranges. A brief comparison with the summer isothermals of the temperate latitudes of the eastern conti- nent may here be given. The best illustration of that distribution is in Dove's isothermals for the 70S REPORT. month of July, and this single month does not differ so largely from the mean of the three there as it would here. The highest isothermal for July which touches Europe is the line of 77°, which crosses the south- east coast of Spain, the islands of Sardinia, Sicily, and Candia. A very large area east of the Plains, and most of the country south of thirty-seven and a half degrees of latitude, is warmer here, therefore, than any part of the continent of Europe. The isothermal of 72°.5 embraces Spain, southern France, Italy, part of Austria, and Turkey. The difference of July from the summer mean would place the corresponding line of division nearly on the American isothermal of 70°, and a glance will show that all the area east of the Rocky mountains and south of Fort Snelling, the points of the Great Lakes and New York city, attains to this temperature. The line of 68°, for July, runs a little north of east from Rochelle, France, nearly in a straight line through Germany and southern Russia; that of 63°.5 skirts the southern coast of England, and runs in the same direction from London through northern Germany and central Russia. Central Europe corresponds nearly to the American lake district, and the wheat climates of England and the Baltic to the northern portion of Maine, Quebec, and Lake Superior, in summer temperature. The lines of 59° and 54.5° are more irregular in Europe, curving northward from the west of England to the White sea, and the lowest mean touching the north of Europe is 45°.5. Through Asia, most of these lines run due eastward, those north of 63°.5 only diverging, that of 59° quite largely, and spreading fan-like over the great areas of northern Asia. On the east coast, however, they all recurve southward quite abruptly. The temperate latitudes of northern Africa and the south of Asia present one or two points of comparison worthy of notice. The Gulf States and Lower California are in the latitude of the northern States of Africa, Egypt, Syria, and Persia, and the isothermal of 81°.5 for July, which corresponds very nearly to that of 80° for the summer, very accurately defines this district of the eastern continent, except at the western coast of Africa. The line of 86° for July is traced at 25° north latitude in Africa, and 26° in Asia. These would be quite the same as the temperatures of the lower Rio Grande, and higher than those of Florida. REPORT. 709 DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE FOR THE AUTUMN. It has been mentioned, in connection with the temperature distribution for the spring, that both that season and the autumn were scarcely capable of identification, as distinct periods, in regard to temperature, which might be separated as such and compared for the various districts as definitely as the extreme seasons of winter and summer. In the most northern districts the autumn proper is shorter than elsewhere, and if defined by the period from the commencement of the decline of vegetation to its complete extinction it would be scarcely so much as sixty days. All the area north of 40° of latitude and east of the Rocky mountains shares these abrupt transitions, and north of the forty- second parallel November belongs more correctly to the winter months. At the 45th parallel the average mean temperature of this month is about 32°, and its contrast with the temperature of Sep- tember is very great. As the position of each month separately, and of the single limiting tempera- tures in regard to vegetation, is more important than that of the period of autumn as a whole, these features of the temperature distribution will be particularly referred to. The chart embraces an isothermal of 32° for November, which is the only month in which that line cuts any district represented, and a thermal line is drawn to define the mean position of single minimum temperatures of 36° to 40°, or of the first destructive frosts of each month, in addition to those representing the mean temperatures of the entire period of three months. The first of these lines, the mean of 32°, occurs only in November, and it cuts off a less area as belonging to the winter proper than the same line in spring for the month of March. The difference is greatest in the lake district and on the Atlantic coast, where the mass of surrounding waters retains its heat and modifies the temperature through a long period of continued low temperature inland, and where also the spring presents masses of ice retarding the summer advance of heat. Fort Brady and Fort Snelling illustrate these opposite results. At Fort Snelling each of the months named is near 31°.5, while March at Fort Brady is 6°.4 colder, and November 1° warmer than at the first post. The whole district influenced by the lakes, and all the Atlantic coast above Fort Monroe, exhibit the same results, the difference between the two months being five to seven degrees, while at all the interior posts they are nearly equal, and south and west of St. Louis March has the highest temperature by from one to three degrees. It is a noticeable feature of the entire temperature distribution that the decline in autumn occurs sooner at the southwest than elsewhere, and that the minimum is often in December, the spring returning as much earlier, and belonging to March more decidedly than to any other month. The thermal line of 32° for November also shows that the temperature conditions for any entire line of latitude across the continent are more nearly equalized at that time than in any other case, as in the lake district and on the Atlantic coast this line bends northward to 47° or more of latitude, and its position in its extension westward is but little north of this parallel. BetAveen the Mississippi 710 REPORT. and Missouri rivers it curves furthest south, shoAving that the plains grow cold more abruptly than the districts eastward. In October no post gives a mean temperature approaching this point; the loAvest, at Forts Ripley, Wilkins, and Massachusetts, (New Mexico,) being forty-four and forty-three degrees. The degree of heat for this month falls off as much generally from that of September as that of November does from this, but the universally high temperature of September leaves a measure still quite high. The following measures of the decline of temperature in the successive months of autumn may be advantageously compared with the monthly advance in spring, as given in previous tables. December is included, in order to embrace the entire period of declining temperature to the winter, and nearly to the yearly minimum at all points. Stations. Mean of Ausr. Hancock Barracks..... Fort Constitution....., West Point........... Fort Niagara........., Alleghany Arsenal Fort Monroe......... Fort Brooke.......... New Orleans (Ft. Pike) Fort Jesup........... Fort "Washita........ Fort Gibson.......... St. Louis............ Detroit.............. Fort Mackinac....... Fort Snelling......... Council Bluffs........ Fort Kearney........ Fort Graham......... San Antonio......... Fort Brown.......... Fort Fillmore........ Albuquerque ......... Santa Fe............ Fort Defiance........ San Diego........... San Francisco........ Fort Miller........... Fort Vancouver...... Aug. to Sept. 64.5 65.1 71.8 69.7 71.2 77.2 80.4 82.9 81.3 80.8 80.2 76.1 67.4 64.0 70.0 75.4 72.3 84.7 83.9 83.8 79.6 75.4 70.0 66.9 73.6 57.2 83.0 65.5 9.3 6.1 7.5 8.0 7.7 5.2 1.1 3.8 5.2 6.0 6.7 6.6 7.4 9.0 11.2 10.2 7.9 7.3 4.2 3.2 2.4 6.0 8.1 10.8 2.8 +1.0 7.0 4.7 Sept. to Oct, 11.9 9.5 11.3 11.3 12.6 10.4 5.3 8.6 10.2 11.6 12.0 15.3 12.4 9.9 11.7 13.6 14.9 10.0 7.6 6.2 12.4 10.9 10.7 9.9 5.3 0.3 8.5 7.5 Oct. to Nov 12.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1 10.2 7.1 7.7 9.3 11.6 12.4 11.7 9.4 12.8 15.5 15.6 15.5 12.2 10.3 5.3 13.2 14.3 12.7 10.6 8.6 3.6 12.0 6.8 Nov. to Dec. 12.7 10.1 10.3 9.9 8.5 8.3 5.0 7.0 7.0 9.2 9.1 10.6 11.4 11.2 14.7 15.8 12.2 9.0 10.9 6.5 4.8 8.1 8.3 6.4 5.2 3.1 7.4 10.0 These results sIioav that the diminution of heat for these months is generally more uniform than would have appeared probable when the diversity of the positive measures is considered. The falling off to September is always least, that to December next, and those to October and November are much the largest quantities, and nearly equal. September is a summer month, except at the colder posts, and on the coast of California it is often the Avarmest of the year ; at San Francisco one degree Avarmer than August. The area betAveen the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi groAvs cold most abruptly, both relatively and positively. REPORT. 711 The temperatures of the Pacific coast are always anomalous, and never more strikingly so than in these comparisons of points in the curves of successive months. September is seen to be warmer than August, and as this last month is warmer than July, the whole line from July to October is ascending, and November falls but little below the July mean. The same results are found at Monterey, and they appear to belong to the immediate coast line for several degrees of latitude. The mutual relations of the months are similar to those of tropical and equatorial districts, where the rainy season reduces the temperature of the months of summer, and the clear atmosphere of other months permits the highest temperatures of the year. The general characteristics of the curve of temperatures through successive months for the various districts falls more appropriately to the examination of the annual distribution of temperature, and a farther reference to the peculiarities of the curve of declining temperature Avill be made in that connection. The lines marking the limit of mean single occurrence of frosts closing vegetation are most difficult to place, and they can only be regarded as approximations. The greatest distance south- ward to which cold extremes of a certain degree may fall in the most severe season, is a point almost equally desirable, yet the non-periodic extremes are so variable in themselves, and they may become so great in certain cases, that it is hardly possible to present a valuable result in regard to them. A temperature of 36° to 40° at sunrise is usually attended with frost destructive to vegetation, as the position of the thermometer is always such as to represent less than the actual refrigeration at the open surface. Taking the point of 40° as that which would give a frost in districts slightly more elevated and exposed than the posts themselves, as the adjacent country usually is, and the com- parisons for the month of September through the last tAvelve years give the following results. In 1843, 1844, and 1845, the posts of the south coast of New England, New York harbor, one or two in the valley of Lake Ontario, and all south of Pennsylvania, gave no temperatures so low as 40°, while those north of this line were at 32 to 39 degrees in the minimum for each year. Westward, St. Louis and Fort Leavenworth were at this limit of 40°, except in 1844, Avhen the temperature of 36° extended as far southward at Forts ToAvson and Jesup. In 1846 there were no points, in the observed districts of the United States. Avhere the thermo- meter fell to 40°, the month being unusually warm. In 1847 only the extreme positions northward, Forts Brady and Snelling, experienced tempera- tures below 40°. In 1848 the extremes were very nearly as in the first years named. In 1849 the lake posts of New York, Carlisle Barracks and Fort Kearney, were at 40°, and those northward beloAv and southward above this point. In 1850 it was quite the same as in the previous year, and three posts of Oregon come in to give the exact measure of 40°, in addition to the posts enumerated for 1849. In 1851 this extreme fell but little farther south—to Forts Scott, Leavenworth, and Inde- pendence, and it did not appear on the Pacific. In 1852 the stations of the Pacific and New Mexico gave temperatures below 40°, as far south as Fort.Reading, in California, and at Forts Defiance and Santa Fe, in New Mexico. On the plains, Fort Atkinson, on the Arkansas river, was the point farthest south ; at St. Louis, West Point, and Boston, and along the line connecting these points, there were none so low as 40°. In 1853 the low extremes for September were quite the same as in 1852. In 1854 thev were 99 712 REPORT. observed only at the extreme northern posts in the eastern part of the United States; but in NeAv Mexico and California there Avas but little change from the preceding year. It will be seen that there is great uniformity in the position of a line representing the point to which, at least, one extreme of 36 to 40 degrees occurs in September, in successive years. If it were possible to divide the month it would give a more precise and valuable definition ; but, as it is, a line separating the coast of NeAv England south of Boston, New York below West Point, the southern line of Pennsylvania and through southern Ohio to St. Louis and Fort Leavenworth, would divide the districts of the eastern United States in which frosts might be expected in September, from those in which they would rarely or never occur in this month. In New Mexico all north of Santa Fe and Fort Defiance, and in Oregon, at all points remote from the coast, temperatures below 36° might be expected in this month for every year. The most southern points at which this measure of single extremes may occur are Fort McHenry and Fort Washington, Jefferson Barracks, and Forts Towson and Jesup, west of the Mississippi. The only instance of frosts at Fort Jesup in this period was in 1844, when two occurred at the close of the month, at recorded air temperatures of 36 and 39 degrees*. At the Pacific stations there is little variation in successive years, and liability to frosts is a marked feature of the climate of every part of the dry interior. In October the extremes are such that in any considerable series of years no portion of the continent north of the latitude of New Orleans escapes severe frost. In 1843 frosts and ice occurred everywhere except on the peninsula of Florida, though they were lighter on the Atlantic coast than westward. In 1844 they were equally general, though lighter near New Orleans, and occurring near the close of the month. In 1845 there were none south of Fort Towson and Fort Monroe, and light at both these posts. In 1846 and the two succeeding years the number of posts was not so great as before, but for the first year the frost was apparently general in this month, and for 1847 and 1848 no considerable frost occurred in the Gulf States. The temperature of this month of 1849 was without any cold extreme for these States also, but in 1850 frost and ice occurred as generally as in 1843. In 1851 many parts of this district escaped frost, and in 1852 there was none below Forts Gibson and Washington. In 1853 frosts and ice were universal, except in the peninsula of Florida, and in a small portion of the lower valley of the Rio Grande, but in 1854 there were none in the principal districts bordering the Gulf. Thus in five years of a period of twelve the formation of ice occurred so generally as to destroy vegetation liable to be so cut off, before the close of October in the States bordering the Gulf, and it may be safe to assume that in the half of any period of years this will occur at all points north of the 30th parallel. The peninsula of Florida below 28° of latitude has no instance of frosts in this month, and the same exemption exists in the lower valley of the Rio Grande for the few years observed there. In November some instances occur of absence of frost and ice along the borders of the Gulf through the entire month ; 1844 affords one of these, but in the succeeding year severe frosts extendi over most of the peninsula of Florida. The years 1846 and 1848 are similar to 1845, and 1847 is still more extremely cold. There are no exceptions to the liability, in alternate years, at least, for anv point except the south of Florida, from Fort Brooke to Key West, and at the mouths of the Rio Grande and the Colorado of California. * As there are no military posts in the interior of the southern States between the Mississippi and the Atlantic, a reference may be made to the observations of Rev. Dr. Allan, of Huntsville, Alabama, where for nine years, 1831 to 1839, the lowest point observed in September was 43°.—American Almanac, 1841. REPORT. 713 In all parts of New Mexico, when September does not bring ice and frost, they occur in October, but in California the coast stations observe no ice until November, when it occurs at all points, and as decidedly at San Diego as at San Francisco. The following tabular arrangement of the date of the "first appearance of frost" at several posts of the Atlantic and Gulf States, New Mexico, and California, will compare this phenomenon advantageously: Stations. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. Nov. 1 Dec. 13* Dec. 6 None. Nov. 9 Nov. 6 Sept. 25 Sept. 25 Nov. Oct, 18 26 Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. 27 7 5 5 25 14 27 5 12 25 21 9 1 Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept, Sept. Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept. Dec. Nov. Nov. 14 15 18 12 28 16 26 23 9 22 26 9 20 3 6 25 Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept. Dec. 25 25 30 12 31 25 30 30 2 18 10 26 14 Oct. 16 Fort Moultrie......... Nov. 14 Dec. 21 Nov. 29 Nov. Oct. Oct. 17 28 5 Nov. 13 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Oct. Dec. Nov. 18 5 28 Oct. 20 Dec. Nov. 10 25 Dec. 6 Fort Fillmore, (near El Paso)........... Nov. 13 Oct. 29 Santa Fe............. Oct. Nov. Nov. 2 24 6 Oct. 4 Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. 6 4 4 <> Dec. 26 Nov. Nov. 28 28 Oct. 14 Nov. Oct. Sept. 4 22 1 Oct. 27 Oct. 20? Oct. 11 Sept. 22 Sept. 19 1 * Frost on other parts of the island and on the main land earlier. For 1850, the date is that observed at Ogle- thorpe Barracks, Savannah, Georgia, and in 1851 there was no " killing frost" at Fort Moultrie until December 8. f For 1849 the observation was at Pilatka, for 1853 at Fort Pierce, and for 1854 at Forts Caproc and Myers- The dates correctly represent the east coast of Florida, below Fort Marion. None of the years embraced here is as cold as would be found in a period of ten years preceding, and the dates are generally later than the average of any series of ten years. The east and south of Florida, Fort Brown, on the Rio Grande, and Fort Yuma, in California, quite uniformly are without ice and frost until December, though only the south of Florida, near Key West, appears exempt for all dates. The limits just defined have been indicated on the thermal chart by lines for each of the autumn months. The curvature of the line for September, northward instead of southward, in ascending the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains, is not less marked than in the lines representing mean tem- peratures, and the actual dates observed at Forts Kearny and Laramie, as here given, may be referred to in proof of the position given the line. West of Santa Fe, in New Mexico, the line would proba- bly fall further south than it is now drawn, and embrace much of the mountain plateaux south of Fort Defiance, but there are no observations except at this post and Fort Webster, and at the last named there are no instances of ice occurring in September. In California the line follows the Sierra Nevada, and in Oregon runs directly northward near the cascade range, the immediate coast being exempt throughout. The line marking this limit in October cuts off a narrow belt of the Atlantic coast below Charleston, the peninsula of Florida, and small portions of the coast of the Gulf Avest- ward. In Texas there is a large area so cut off, from the Colorado river to the Rio Grande, and in 714 REPORT. California a considerable district of the great Colorado, and all the coast below San Francisco. In November there are three small areas exempt from frost, the largest at the southern extremity of Florida, one at the loAver Rio Grande, and another at the mouth of the Colorado of California. There are no sufficient data for comparison with similar latitudes in Europe in this important feature of temperature distribution. It is a distinguishing feature of the climate here, however, that these extremes occur in connection with very high mean temperatures, and that they belong to nearly every district, Avith very little apparent relation to mountains, whether near or distant. In the inte- rior basins Avest of the Rocky mountains frosts are more frequent in comparatively warm months, yet scarcely a year occurs without the formation of ice in or very near to one of the summer months on the plains between the Ohio and Mississippi to the 40th parallel of latitude. These instances are. however, more remarkable as contrasts than important in practical results. In Europe the formation of ice in September is rare, if it occurs at all, at St. Petersburg; and the line of limit Avould probably extend to Moscow, and southeastAvard to Asiatic Russia at 50° of north latitude. The difference of latitude for western Europe from that of the central United States in this respect is more than twenty degrees therefore, and though the western coast here shoAvs no instances of this phenomenon to the northern limit of the posts of observation, the distribution of these extremes is clearly to a much lower latitude here than on the eastern continent. At Pekin, China, in latitude 40° north, and cor- responding in position Avith New York, the thermometer very rarely falls to the freezing point in October, and never in September. The isothermals proper for the autumn chart show less abrupt curvatures generally than those for the spring, and if the deflections due to difference of altitude were removed most of the lines would nearly follow the parallels of latitude. The isothermals of 55 and 50 degrees are but slightly sepa- rated in New England, but in going westward they separate widely, and most on the Pacific coast, Avhere that of 50 degrees does not cut the coast line at all, while that of 55 degrees falls nearly down to San Francisco. The lake district is warm in autumn, and the plains at the west of it retain so large a measure of heat that scarcely any depressions appear in the lines representing the mean, though November would give an extreme depression at this point. To define the position of the lines for this extreme month, that of 32° mean has been drawn on the chart, and its extreme depres- sion Avest of the Mississippi to Council Bluffs and Fort Des Moines, and its abrupt rise to Fort Brady, show in a striking light the contrast of these districts in regard to the rate of temperature diminution as Avinter approaches. The northern part of the area illustrated is warmer in autumn than in spring by about five degrees, the thermal line of 45° in autumn being nearly coincident with that of 40° in spring, but the distance separating the lines is not the same, and the correspondence is restored in going south- Avard, the isothermal of 70° being in the same position in both. On the west coast there is little difference, except that the sea temperatures are higher in autumn, and the thermal lines curve north- Avard instead of southward on reaching the Pacific. The large area between Fort Vancouver and San Francisco which is at 52°.5 generally in spring, is again at the same measure, and this degree would probably correctly represent much of the interior area of half desert basins between Humboldt river and the Columbia. On the great mountain plateaux the lines and curvatures are nearly as in spring, though warmer at the northern extremity. The thermal line of 45° might be carried across the Rocky mountains, at the 47th parallel, with but a small interruption, as these mountains form but a narrow REPORT. 715 range between the sources of the Missouri and of the north branch of the Columbia. The obser- vations of the northern line of survey of the Pacific railroad furnish valuable data for the two points of Fort Benton and Fort Owen. At the Atlantic coast there is less diversity in sea temperatures in autumn than in spring, and less contrast with those of the land. The sea, in the neighborhood of the Gulf stream, is warmer than the land, and the thermal lines generally curve slightly northward. At Bermuda the observed temperature for a single year is 71^°, which is warmer than the continent by nearly four degrees of latitude. A mean for a period of years would give less difference. The Gulf of Mexico is warmer in autumn than in spring, though it varies very much from September to November. In the last month there is a greater refrigeration of the western than of the eastern portions, and .the influence of the cold storms of that part of the Gulf and of the coasts of Texas and Mexico is very decided in depressing the mean temperature. As the air temperatures are deduced from those of the water, however, it is hardly possible to define the isothermals accurately, and they may require more decided northward curvatures over the Gulf than are here given them. South and east of Key West, and in the vicinity of Cuba, the Gulf stream prevents the continental refrigeration from exerting the influence observed in other portions of the Gulf, and the water temperature retains its measure of 80° throughout November.* With the west coast of Europe the contrast is very great for this period, and the isothermal of 50° at Boston goes to 60° north latitude at the northward of Scotland, though it returns, through England and Germany, to 47° of latitude in central Europe. The warm waters of the Atlantic exert so marked an influence on the coasts and islands of northwestern Europe as almost to defy comparison with like latitudes anywhere. Within the immediate coast a contrast of less than five degrees of latitude exists in Europe as compared with the Atlantic coast here, and the immediate coast of the Pacific here is quite similar to the European coast south of the British islands. The oscillations of temperature in successive years for the same months, and for the mean of the three in autumn, is less than that occuring in the spring months having similar temperatures. It is also at a part of the year less important, in every sense, other than in regard to the most abstract questions of temperature distribution, and the illustration of this range, by thermal lines for single months, has not, therefore, been given. The range is large, however, in every month, and that for September is greater, when the small diminution from the summer temperatures which generally belongs to it is considered, than would appear probable, even in a climate so much characterized by large measures of variability. In the following table the posts which were selected to represent the range in the spring months are given with the maximum range for the months of autumn, and the periods are, in most cases, or with the exception of the Pacific stations, sufficient to give the entire range. * See Maury's Wind and Current Charts, Thermal sheet. 716 REPORT Range of temperature in the mean of Autumn months. STATIONS. SEPTEMBER. Highest M. T. FortSnelling.............. 69.1 Fort Leavenworth.......... 73.7 Jefferson Barracks.......... 75.9 79.6 81.5 Fort Gibson........... Fort Jesup............ New Orleans*..............! 81.5 Fort Brooke...............] 81.9 83.5 81.5 76.6 71.6 70.9 69.9 66.8 69.1 62.2 60.8 83.1 86.6 73.5 68.0 61.6 59.6 Key West......... Fort Moultrie...... Fort Monroe......., Fort McHenry....., Fort Columbus....., Alleghany Arsenal., Watervliet Arsenal., West Point........, Fort Constitution .., Fort Sullivan...... Ringgold Barracks.. Fort Mcintosh..... San Diego........., Benicia........... Fort Vancouver.... Fort Steilacoom..... Lowest Range. M. T. 54.2 61.3 61.4 68.0 72.9 75.7 76.3 79.5 72.9 68.5 61.8 60.7 57.4 55.6 60.6 55.4 53.2 80.6 80.7 67.6 61.7 60.2 56.5 14.9 12.4 14.5 11.6 8.6 5.8 5.6 4.0 8.6 8.1 9.8 10.2 12.5 11.2 8.5 6.8 7.6 2.5 5.9 5.9 6.3 1.4f 3.1 NOVEMBER. Highest M. T. 54.7 62.5 63.9 67.2 73.0 75.4 76.1 80.4 74.2 67.2 60.1 59.2 58.0 54.0 59.0 51.7 51.9 77.1 77.2 68.9 65.8 53.9 53.6 Lowest M. T. 40.9 46.6 46.8 56.1 59.8 66.4 69.5 73.9 J 63.2 56.9 48.2 45.8 38.2§ 41.9 46.0 44.5 44.2 72.9 71.2 63.0 58.9 51.9 51.7 Range. 13.8 15.9 17.1 11.1 14.2 9.0 6.6 6.5 11.0 10.3 11.9 13.4 19.8 12.1 13.0 7.2 7.7 4.2 6.0 5.9 6.9 2.0 1.9 Highest M. T. Lowest M. T. 42.8 20.5 50.3 28.6 51.4 32.4 59.2 40.4 63.6 49.6 68.1 57.1 71.9 €2.1 77.3 70.8 64.5 52.0 56.8 44.3 53.5 38.9 51.1 38.2 45.3 30.8 45.1 33.1 49.9 36.4 46.0 33.9 43.5 31.6 69.8 63.2 68.0 60.2 58.4 56.4 56.9 54.4 52.5 43.1 46.8 41.2 22.3 21.7 19.0 18.8 14.0 11.0 9.8 6.5 12.5 12.5 14.6 12.9 14.5 12.0 13.5 12.1 11.9 6.6 7.8 2.0|| 2.5 9.4 5.6 * At Fort Pike, for September. f Three years only. JFor 1885. The mean of this month is given at 76° by AV. A. Whitehead, esq., collector of customs at Key West. gFor 1886. This was clearly the coldest month of this period, yet it is probably an error in some measure. The same month at Marietta, Ohio, was at 45°. | This month does not embrace a period sufficient to show the range at these stations—it cannot be less than in the preceding months. The general features of this variability are the same as in spring in regard to the preponderance of the quantities below the mean over those above it, and in the decrease of range toward the higher mean temperatures. November does not equal March in its measures of variation, however, the maximum variation for the coldest post, Fort Snelling, being less by nearly fourteen degrees. The range at posts near the Gulf of Mexico, and on the southern Atlantic coast, is surprisingly great for these months. At Forts Jesup, Moultrie, and Monroe, particularly, it seems scarcely credible that the same month should differ so largely in temperature in successive years. But the remaining posts, not given here, confirm these measures, and there can be no doubt of the reliability of results which agree at stations in the same vicinity both in their absolute and comparative temperatures. Whatever zero error may exist in any instrument, its comparisons for successive dates are not affected, and if the dates and measures of difference at two stations, not far distant, are found to agree, both records are sufficiently verified. For the purpose of comparison of the measures of variation in a period of years in the interior of REPORT. 717 Europe, the following records may be cited:* Riga, on the Baltic, in latitude 56° 57' ; Cracow, Poland, latitude 50° 4'; and Taganrog, near the Black sea, Southern Russia, latitude 47° 12' north. At Riga, for thirty-five years, from 1795 to 1832, inclusive, the maximum range for the three months of autumn is 12°.1, 13°.1, and 20°.2, successively; at Cracow, for twenty-seven years, from 1826 to 1832, 11°.8, 10°.8, and 12°.4; and at Taganrog, for sixteen years, 1817 to 1832, 7°.2, 9°.4, and 20°.7. Stations. SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. Highest. Lowest. Range. Highest. Lowest. Range. Highest. Lowest. Range. 57.8 63.8 62.6 45.7 52.0 55.4 12.1 11.8 7.2 46.1 53.0 53.1 33.1 42.2 43.7 13.0 10.8 9.4 40.5 41.2 46.8 20.3 28.7 26.1 20.2 12.4 20.7 These results show that the interior of Europe has a large measure of this description of variability, and that, if the corresponding portions of the two continents were compared, there would be less difference between them than is usually supposed to exist, if, indeed, any difference in regard to the variability of mean temperatures remained. It appears inexplicable that a difference greater than the measure of the lowest temperature above zero may occur between like months of the successive years of a series at latitudes so low, and at stations with so high mean annual temperatures, as Forts Leavenworth and Snelling, and this also without any apparent periodicity or gradation of years from the coldest to the warmest. These variations are undoubtedly absolutely non-periodic, since the longest series of observations show no return of any extreme, by whatever steps that extreme was at first approached, and the greatest contrasts are as likely to occur at dates very near each other as at remote points of the series. * Annales de l'Observatoire Physique, Central de Russie, St. Petersburg, 1853. 718 REPORT. DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE FOR THE WINTER. The order of arrangement of temperature statistics has usually been to place the results for the Avinter first, and in many systems to include the last month of each year with the first two of the next. This order makes the winter a continuous period, and its measurements of temperature, and other conditions, have heretofore been considered first in examining results for the year, in most of the European systems. The inconvenience of such a form of presenting the statistics, has, however, usually caused the arrangement of the results of observations in American systems in seasons derived from the single year, and the winter is thus made up of two periods, separated by the remaining months. In this arrangement the winter comes last in the enumeration, and has its more natural place in the thermal year, notwithstanding the defect of its period, since it is the natural close of the temperature curve rather than its beginning. If the consideration of time alone were not controlling, it would be still more appropriate to take the winter period, of the three continuous months, as the last of the temperature divisions of the year. There are many points of convenience, at least, in the order here followed, and the examination of the winter features is facilitated by passing immediately from its features to those of the year. The displacement of time of the first two months has, apparently, no effect on a general summary, though single years are but imperfectly represented, and the comparison of months becomes the best mode of exhibiting the changes of successive years. The annual curve of temperature displaces the thermal year in its relation to the astronomical year by something more than a month, or from December 21st to January 28th for the average of the United States ; and two-thirds of the period designated as winter thus belongs to the descending branch of the curve. As the characteristics of the three months are derived from the descending temperatures mainly, the more natural position of the season is at the last, and preceding the summary for the year. The area embraced by these observations presents an extreme of low temperature, generally, for the winter; and the normal continental refrigeration, or that which would occur if no part of the continent had much elevation above the sea, is, undoubtedly, much exaggerated by the great altitude of the mountains and high plateaux near the Pacific. The western half of the continent is so much affected by this feature of configuration that no low inland areas experience a softened climate, like the climate of such areas in western Europe, and the question whether such sea influences exist here as as are found on the west coasts of the eastern continent, has been, for this reason, and still is, much obscured. It is very clear that the winter depression of temperature here differs more from that of the same latitudes in Europe than the measure of summer heat does from theirs, or, in a word, that if all the Ioav temperatures here Avere less extreme, the parallelism of the two continents would be nearly restored.* The isothermals for the summer are, on the whole, in quite similar positions of latitude for the two * Sir John Richardson remarks this feature of the comparison of the two continents in his Analysis of the Climate of British America. ^Arctic Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin.) "The mean annual heat of Europe is from 8° to 15° Fahrenheit greater than that of America at the same distance from the equator, while the summer heats differ only from 2° to 6° ; the inferior mean heat of America is, therefore, due principally to exrpssive winter colds, and this is decidedly the case in the interior." REPORT. 719 continents, and the borders of the Gulf of Mexico, on the north, equal the temperatures of the south shores of the Mediterranean in the same latitudes. The line of 68° for July, in Germany and central France, is reproduced in Canada, and on the plains of the upper Missouri, on the same parallel; and this equality, at that part of the year, is very striking. It is not intended here to enter upon the consideration of the causes of this most conspicuous feature of winter temperatures on this continent. There are, probably, others more general than that just mentioned, or, at least, others than the vertical configuration, though the great altitude of the mountain districts near the Pacific must very much aid the reduction of the winter temperature by precipitating the moisture of the sea winds and surface atmosphere, and by preventing the circu- lation of the warm sea atmosphere to the interior. There is further proof that this cause largely affects the temperature distribution in the high and uniform temperatures of the immediate coast of the Pacific to the northern limit of these observations. The decrease in the winter mean is but ten degrees for fifteen degrees of latitude from San Diego to Astoria, or two-thirds of a degree of tem- perature to one of latitude. Continuing to Sitka there is a diminution of six degrees of temperature for eleven of latitude, or nearly the same proportion. The influence of the Gulf stream on the coast of Europe is so great that the parallel conditions do not obtain, yet there is not a wide difference between the measures of diminution observed there and those of the Pacific coast.* With this general feature of an equable temperature on the Pacific coast, and a wide separation of the isothermal lines, is next associated the rapid decrease of temperature on the meridians of the inte- rior and the compression of the isothermals there, and at the eastern coast. Of isothermals differing five degrees but three can be made to cut the Pacific coast from San Diego to the 49th parallel, while in New Mexico six such lines are compressed within five degrees of latitude, and on a central meri- dian terminating at the mouth of the Rio Grande, thirteen isothermals of five degrees difference occur, and on the Atlantic coast the same number from Maine to Florida. The interior line crosses tAventy-three degrees of latitude, and that of the Atlantic coast twenty-two, and taking the differ- ences of temperature of the extreme isothermals we find the diminution to be at the rate of two and seven-tenths degrees of the thermometer to one degree of latitude, a ratio, in comparison with that of the Pacific coast, of more than four to one. The compression of lines in New Mexico is exceptional, because the altitude increases very rapidly, yet the area so influenced is so large that it is necessary to represent the superficial distribution without reducing the observations to their equivalents at sea level. The anomalous distribution which would be introduced by this course is elsewhere alluded to, and it is as necessary to adhere to the mode of illustration here chosen in winter as for other periods. * Taking three stations on the western coast of Europe which most equally divide the distance to 60O north latitude, we find measures, both positive and relative, differing little from those of the Pacific coast of this continent, as may be seen by the following tabular arrangement: AMERICAN STATIONS. EUROPE.VN STATIONS. Lat. Mean winter temp. Dec. for each deg. of lat. Lat. Mean winter temp. Dec. for each deg. of lat 320 42' 40O 11' 570 00' 520.3 420.4 36Q.5 380 42' 50O T 60O 24' 520.5 440.2 360.3 00.74 00.55 OO 72 00.77 100 7^0 REPORT. Notwithstanding the great interior altitudes, the general course of the winter isothermals very dearly recognizes the unequal temperatures of the opposite sides of the continent, which are usually considered to belong to the great land areas in these latitudes. The point of natural minimum tem- peratures for the continent is broken up by the presence of the great lakes, and for this reason the greatest depression falls west of them, though at several points further east, and in northern Maine, particularly, the lines fall very nearly as low. With an allowance, even at a very low rate, for decrease of temperature with the altitude, the curve of the isothermals from the Mississippi westward would be quite sharp toward the north, and the analogies of the winter distribution on the eastern continent would be found to hold. But for the local influence of the great lakes this curvature would evidently find its lowest point farther east, and the coldest district would fall, as in Asia, near the eastern border of the continent. The ameliorating influence of the lakes is too decidedly marked to escape attention, and its favorable effect on the general climate cannot be unimportant. The peninsula of Michigan, Ohio, New York, and Vermont, with much of Canada, show decidedly higher temperatures near the lakes, and the abrupt curve of the isothermals from the Mississippi valley to Lake Michigan proves that the altitude is not the cause of the amelioration. The presence of these large bodies of water in the area when the greatest winter cold would naturally fall, is most fortunate for the cultivable districts of this part of the United States, and though they may, from some addition to the humidity, add something to the sensible temperature of the colder months, they prevent the extreme low tempera- tures which would otherwise occur. The east side of the continent agrees strikingly in temperature with similar latitudes of the east of Asia: Pekin at 40° of latitude has a winter mean of 30°, or very nearly that of New York. The general position of the isothermals for January given by Dove for the two coasts is quite similar, and the Asiatic coast has also a warm ocean current similar to the Gulf stream. The greater contrasts of the two continents thus belong to the western areas, or to the comparison of this as a whole with the unusually warm area of western Europe. The position of the thermal lines in the northeast, on leaving the coast towards the interior, should have a sharper curve southward than that given them from the posts of northern Maine, as these, Forts Kent, Fairfield, etc., are much less elevated above the sea than the interior of New England generally. The lake valleys are all low also, and the isothermal of 25° recurves from Fort Ontario to the highlands of southern New York, and falls off southward some distance before finding a passage across the high interior of these States. The line of 32° has less curvature at the mountains it passes, and its general course from the coast to the interior is slightly south of west—at its lowest point on the plains being near three degrees south of its position near New York, on the Atlantic coast. Below this line the isothermals are but little curved, and they all tend southwestwardly, though, with corrections for altitude, they would recurve northward beyond the Mississippi, except at the Lower Rio Grande. At this last point it is clearly colder in winter than at the sea level in any corresponding part of Florida. The peninsula of Florida has two thermal lines which do not appear in Texas, those of 65° and 70°, and the highest temperature of Texas, 62°.5, cuts the Florida peninsula at the middle, and at a point two and a half degrees of latitude further north than its position in Texas. As it is, the central portion of the plains at about the 97th meridian is the line of minimum REPORT. 721 temperatures, and of the most extreme southward curvatures. West of this they divide in both directions, going much further south on the high plains of Texas, and bending still more sharply north on the northern part of the great plains. The line of 32° is the first which curves north instead of south as the altitudes increase—that of 30° changes position still more, and that of 25° passes from a point south of Fort Kearney on a diagonal to the areas of latitude and longitude to the sources of the Missouri river, or across eight degrees of latitude. This is an unexpected result, which is due in part to the decrease of altitude on this line from the Arkansas to the Upper Missouri of more than fifteen hundred feet at 105° west longitude, and of two thousand feet from Fort Laramie. On the plateaux of the Rocky mountains, and in New Mexico, the curvatures are generally similar for all seasons. The great return curves are mainly due to altitude, and they bring the winter climate of Fort Mackinac down to thirty-seven and a half degrees of latitude in New Mexico—a mean of 20° being found there, at Fort Massachusetts, while the mean of 40° occurs at Fort Monroe on the same parallel of the Atlantic coast. The line of 32° lies south of Santa Fe, and west of the Rio Grande the plateaux of the Sierra Madre, at Fort Defiance, are two or three degrees colder still. From this last point the thermal lines of 20°, 25°, and 30°, run on true diagonal lines north- west, and those of 32° and 35° nearly so, making only a single curvature southwestward in the mountains of Oregon ; but neither of these lines reaches the coast at any point south of Sitka, in latitude 57°. The line of 40° is pressed westward by the mountains so much as to run parallel to the coast from the northern line of the chart to California, and here it turns to the Sierra Nevada, which is followed most of its length. The position of this line, and of those of 45° and 50°, is undetermined between the posts of California and those of New Mexico, but they are connected in the view that the deserts which they cross are here elevated and cold in winter, and that the districts east of the Colorado are still more decidedly cold at this season, as they are known to be very greatly elevated in the vicinity of the thirty-fifth parallel. The lower valley of the Colorado, at Fort Yuma, gives a high winter temperature, compared with the districts in its vicinity, yet it is much less extreme in this comparison than at other seasons. On the coast, as has before been noticed, the lines have a sharp curve northward, and they are widely separated, those of 45°, 50°, and 55°, only appearing on its whole extent. At sea, on the Pacific side, the absolute temperatures are at once higher than those of the land, and higher than in summer for two or three degrees of longitude next the coast. The thermal lines bend abruptly to conform to this difference, but it is probable that after changing position four or five degrees of latitude, they follow the parallels for an indefinite distance toward the central regions of the Pacific ocean. The mean of a sufficient number of observations to afford a near approximation to the water temperatures here, gives the numbers 56, 59, 57, 57, and 58,* for successive areas of five degrees extent, both in latitude and longitude, from San Francisco to the meridian of the Sandwich Islands. On the next line of similar areas southAvard, or between 30° and 35° north latitude, the numbers taken successively from the coast are 56.5, 57, 63, 64, and 57. The number of observations in this case is less than before, and the irregularity is due to this fact, in all probability. In the Gulf of Mexico the water temperatures are much above those of either coast. The mean of three sets of observations, equidistant in the area from New Orleans to the 25th parallel, gives 70° for the body of water nearest the coast, 73° for the second, and 76° for the vicinity of the 25th parallel. Yet the temperature at Fort Brown, near the mouth of the Rio Grande, is but 62°.3, and * From Maury's charts. 722 REPORT. Key West, at this parallel, and surrounded by Avarm Avaters, has a winter mean of but 70°. There is. undoubtedly, a difference as great between the tenipeiature of the air of the Gulf in winter and that of the Avaters, as betAveen the measure at Key West and that derived from the mean of Avater temperatures at this parallel. The knoAvn preponderance of land Avinds, and the frequent occurrence of great depressions of temperature during these Avinds, may account for a greater difference betAveen sea and air temperatures, under these circumstances, than would be found elsewhere. Sudden and extreme changes, reducing the temperature of the air many degrees for tAvo or three days, are characteristic of the winter climates all around the Gulf, and as the surface Avaters continually come from Avarmer climates to supply the draught of the Gulf stream, the water participates less in these depressions than the air, or than bodies of water not constantly supplied with new accessions. The Gulf coasts are not modified by its high temperature in winter so much as would seem inevitable under ordinary circumstances, and the only apparent reason is the great relative refrigera- tion of the continent generally, and the consequent prevalence of land winds instead of Avinds toward the continent. These winds are violent, also, in proportion to the contrast of temperatures, and as no general atmospheric circulation aids to drive the sea air inland, as is the case in the Avest Avinds of the European coast, and to some extent in the summer winds of the Gulf, the natural reversion from the land prevails, and little modification of the climate of winter is due to the presence of warm waters in the Gulf. Similar results belong to most of the Atlantic coast, and the thermal lines all curve largely north- ward under the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf stream. Observations of water tempera- ture, very near the coast, give measures but little higher than those observed at posts on the land ; but at short distances at sea the increase of temperature is very great, and if the prevalent winds were reversed, the climate would be greatly softened by the proximity of waters of so high a tempera- ture. Off the coast at Fort Monroe, the first set of observations, from a breadth of one degree of longitude, gives a mean for the water of 46°, the next 61°, and 65°, 69°, 68°, and 67°, successively; shoAving a rapid increase, and a very high temperature for the central bands of the Gulf stream, beyond which they fall off somewhat.* These temperatures must greatly modify the heat of the atmosphere of the vicinity at least; and they require the compression of the isothermals quite closely along the northeastern coast and near Newfoundland. As the sea has a temperature of nearly 50° at the 40th parallel, and within the principal part of the Gulf stream—the mean of sixty-five obser- Arations off the coast between 37^° and 40° of latitude and west of 70° of longitude being 51°, the isothermal of 50° must come near this latitude on the meridian of Newfoundland, and the lines from 25° to 50° are, therefore, compressed into a space of seven degrees of latitude in winter on the NeAvfoundland banks. At high temperatures the measure for the air may differ largely from that for the Avater, especially Avhere strong atmospheric movements from land areas change the temperature rapidly, but at temperatures near 32° the difference is much less, and over unfrozen seas the air is usually retained at or near that temperature, when great comparative depressions occur on the land. In constructing the isothermals of the northern boundary for the winter, the most thorough com- parison of accessible data beyond the limits of the United States has been made to ascertain whether the positions given by the military posts there AA-ould be essentially modified in any case. At this * The observations here used are from Maury's charts. The Coast Survey researches (Coast Survey Reports for 1853 and 1854 ) give decisive measurements of deep-sea temperatures in the Gulf stream, and of the position of the various currents and bands of warm and cold water. REPO RT. 723 season the changes for like distances of latitude are greater than at an;y other, and the minimum of continental temperatures is well defined, falling to zero of Fahrenheit at the 95th meridian. The observations in British America are made up of several series at St. Johns, Newfoundland; at Hali- fax and Frederickton, N. B., Quebec, and Montreal, republished by Dove; the valuable series at Toronto, and a large collection, by Richardson, of temperature observations near Lake Superior and in every part of British America.* In this last collection there are posts on the Ottawa river; at Michipi- coten and Fort William, on Lake Superior; Rupert House, Oxford House, Cumberland House, and others in the immediate vicinity of the positions given to the thermal lines of the charts, or in the direc- tion of their extension beyond the United States boundary. These references have greatly aided in affirming the positions outlined by the observations at the military posts, and there is no instance of any considerable discrepancy, such as might be likely to occur, even with entire accuracy of all the records, from the differences of date and the short periods of observation in the different cases. It is evident that the non-periodic range of winter mean temperatures is less than that of other seasons in the highest observed latitudes, and less than that belonging to the same period in the south of the United States. The following comparisons illustrate this important fact in temperature distribution: Northern posts of the United States— Hancock Barracks, Me., _____ Fort Brady, Mich., ______ Fort Mackinac, Mich., ------ Western posts— Fort Winnebago, Wis., - Fort Snelling, Min., _ _ _ _ _ Southern posts— Fort Gibson, Ark., ____-.. Fort Jesup, La., ------ Fort Moultrie, S. C, ------ St. Augustin, Fla., -__-__ The posts of the western interior are seen to be exceptional, and to have nearly as great a range as those at the south, yet it is clear that low temperature alone, beyond a certain limit, has the effect to diminish the range of non-periodic oscillations, and to render the climate more equable. If this out- lined result shall be found to be sustained, it avouUI point to the conclusion that the great non-periodic variations of temperature are confined to the temperate latitudes mainly, or are only intruded into the arctic regions in the summer and in connection with a certain degree of heat, and certain condi- tions characteristic of temperate climates.f The most striking range is shown at Fort Moultrie, and, in the absence of supporting observations, its accuracy might be doubted, but the extreme dates, which ■Prof. H. W. Dove, in Transactions of Berlin Academy, 1848, and in Rep. of British Association, 1847 and 1848 ; Col. Sabine, on the temperature of Toronto, in Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 1853; Arctic Searching Expedition,a Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert's Land, by Sir John Richardson, 1852; Canadian Journal of Ag. and Science, etc. f The Arctic temperatures hitherto published are scarcely decisive of this point, yet the uniformity of winter temperatures in very cold climates is constantly noticed. Richardson remarks that " in the high latitudes the mean heat of the three winter months does not vary greatly in different years," and that "the intense winter colds are due, in a great measure, to active and undisturbed radiation." He also infers a small range of summer temperatures in high latitudes; but there are frequent references, both in Richardson's work and in others of a like character, to seasons "a month later" or a month earlier than usual, and to great differences in the amount of ice and snow at like dates of the warm seasons in these latitudes. 17 years; maximum winter range ; 7°.l 31 a cc cc 7°.2 24 a cc cc 9°.9 16 cc u cc 9°.4 35 cc cc cc 15°.9 27 a f< cc 14°.4 23 cc a cc 14°.8 28 cc cc cc 16°.7 20 ii cc . c 15°.4 724 REPORT. are 1S2S for the high temperatures, and 1831 for the cold extreme, are also the dates compared at St. Augustine. Florida, with nearly the same range. At Augusta arsenal, Georgia, the same dates give a range of 14.3, and at Fort Johnston, N. C, a range of 16°.7, or precisely the same as that observed at Fort Moultrie, On the Pacific coast the periods are insufficient to show what the range for the winter may be, but the greatest recorded in periods of six years is four degrees. It is undoubtedly less than that for any other districts, as, at Key West, years next succeeding each other frequently give a greater range, and the greatest in fourteen years is 8.2 degrees. The stations in New Mexico are also incomplete in their periods; but the range appears to be very nearly the same as at the same temper- atures in the eastern United States. The range for single months of the winter has less practical importance than that for the seasons previously noticed, except, perhaps, at the extreme south, where a semi-tropical cultivation exists. This range is everywhere very great, and the minimum in any winter very irregular in its position in the period of three months. There is, also, the most absolutely non-periodic character belonging to all these changes, both as regards the same year and in a series of years. As an instance, the mean for January at New York is fifteen times below 30° in a period of thirty-three years, yet there is no similarity in the relations of any single date or succession of dates, and no approach to symmetry of the curves of a line traced through the successive means. In a line so traced for January there are five instances of large departures, with one or two years intervening between the extremes; but there are also many single departures or differences, nearly equal to those, made up of two or three years, and there is no apparent conformity of any portion of the line with a striking feature of any other portion. In February there are three or four high and low points, but they are unequal in degree and in distance. In December the same great and unequal variations occur, with a preponderance of large changes in single years, as in February; and the only noticeable feature of uniformity is that the opposite extreme for any month may be expected in the first year, or within two or three years, following a very warm or very cold month. The period of a month is generally taken as the average duration of the greater number of non- periodic variations, and these comparisons confirm the correctness of this definition of the period of a large class at least, as the number of contrasts is equal -to the number of coincidences in comparing the three months. Taking the coincidences, or the curve for the whole winter, into consideration, we find the same irregularity of position, and the same preponderance of large changes in a single year. If there is a periodicity in either period, no trace of it is apparent in the curves for this period of thirty-three years. The discussion of other series is perhaps unnecessary in this connection, as it is apparent at a glance that their general features are the same. The field opened for tracing the position and degree of these non-periodic variations is, however, an unequalled one in respect to the area they influence, if not sufficient, in regard to time, to decide the question of periodicity beyond question. As the signal monthly extremes belong more decidedly than otherwise to the colder months, some comparison of the districts influenced by these variations may be made here. Taking the cold extremes first, and commencing with the single months of winter, we find five instances, in thirty-five years, of a mean below 6° for January at Fort Snelling. The lowest in 1820, appears to have been general, but it cannot be traced, as there were then few perfect records- the next below 6° was in 1834, and belonged only to January; in the lake district and at the east REPORT. 725 there was but little change, and the depression was not thrown forward into the next month; but all the western interior had a temperature eight to twelve degrees below the average, even as far south as Fort Jesup. At New Orleans the fall was less, and Key West was about five degrees above the mean. This refrigeration was evidently confined to the interior, and had no progressive movement, as the following month was of a higher temperature than usual everywhere. The next of this class was in 1847, and the cold characterized the whole winter, with much the lowest point in January. Going east, as before, from Fort Snelling, the cold of the whole period disappears in New York and the northeast; but the upper lakes show a considerable depression, which extends, as before, only toward the south and west, and disappears before reaching Florida. At these posts, again, the heat is much above the mean, and this is the case as far north as Fort Monroe. The next instance is in 1849, when January is the coldest point of a cold winter at Fort Snelling, as in the previous cases; it is similarly cold at all the northern posts to the Atlantic, and as far south as New York; but there is little change at Detroit and in the interior southward; the south Atlantic posts are at the average temperature, and those of Florida warmer than usual in January, though two or three degrees colder in February. At New Orleans this last feature was still more decided, but the western interior gave, as in the previous cases, the same low temperature that was felt at Fort Snelling. In 1854 the lowest point since 1820 was observed at this post in January, and the relations of this may be widely traced at the west; but at the east it was not felt at all, and in Florida a reverse condition prevailed to some extent,—at Key West 5° of excess above the mean temperature. All the western interior participated in the depression, as before, with the whole of the continent westward from Fort Snelling, including California and some parts of New Mexico. The difference at Fort Laramie was 8°.5 ; at the posts of Oregon, 8 to 10 degrees ; and in California 3 to 5 degrees, except at the two posts of the south, San Diego and Fort Yuma. At stations in the Rocky mountains at 47° north latitude £he same depression occurred.* Of extreme low temperatures less marked at Fort Snelling, the first in January is in 1831, and this was universal in the south and west, but it disappeared at Fort Mackinac and in the lake district, and it was felt but very slightly north of Philadelphia. At Key West it also disappeared, but at other posts in Florida there was a fall of some degrees. In 1838 and 1844, great depressions of temperature occurred at Fort Snelling in January, and in 1823, 1829, 1832, 1835, 1843, and 1853 nearly equal extremes of cold in February. In December, the years 1822, 1831, 1848, and 1849 were so distinguished. The cold of 1838 was in both January and February, but at every other point it occurred only in the latter month, and it was then quite universal, and as severe at the east and south as at Fort Snelling. In 1844 the cold of January was but four degrees below the mean at Fort Snelling, and about the same in the lake district, but north and east of New York it was eight to ten degrees below. South of St. Louis the month was warmer than usual by four to six degrees. Of the February extremes that of 1823 appears to have been universal, at it occurs at Fort Jesup, in Florida and South Carolina, and at Fort Sullivan in nearly the same degree. That of 1829 was almost equally general, disappearing in Maine and the south of Florida, and having its largest measure at St. Louis ; that of 1832 was confined to the northwest, the lake district, and Maine, while the south Avas five to eight degrees above the mean ; that of 1835 was very severe at the southwest and south, causing disastrous frosts in Florida and the semi-tropical districts but * Report of survey of railroad routes to the Pacific. 720 REPORT. moderate and unimportant over the entire north. In 1843 the greatest non-periodic variation occurred, embracing March, and giving a decreasing temperature from the mean of January through both the following months, over all the south and west. It was less extreme in Florida than the cold of 1835, but much greater everywhere else. In the northeast the minimum Avas in February, and the depression not so great as elscAvhere. The February minimum of 1853 Avas confined to the extreme northwest, appearing only at the posts nearest Fort Snelling. Of the December extremes that of 1831 Avas very general and severe, embracing Florida, and having the largest measure of depression at almost every point that appears for this month in any year. That of 1848 appears only at the northwest, and at the southwest above Fort Jesup, while at the east and south the temperature is some degrees above the mean. That of 1849 is confined to the northwest alone, and no compensating extreme appears at any point. This examination of the non-periodic depressions of temperature has been made upon the striking winter extremes because they are more readily traced, and their law should be more easily deducible from such marked cases. The points which may be noticed are, that from this central continental area defined by Fort Snelling there appears no progressive movement of these extremes, that is, they are not first observed here and subsequently transferred to another month at the extreme point of any line of distance. That of 1843 continued much longest at the west and southwest, moving in that direction if any movement could be supposed, but there are no other evidences of movement. Those of January generally influenced the western districts uniformly, were interrupted or modified in the lake district, and had some evidence of the existence of compensating temperatures at the southeast and northeast. But in February there were no important indications of this sort, and in December but one appearance of compensating temperature. In 1854 the refrigeration belonged to nearly the whole continent, and there was certainly no evidence of progressive movement. In examining other series for periods of about thirty years, the number of depressions of tempera- ture amounting to five degrees on the monthly mean is generally five for each month, or nearly as many as at Fort Snelling. The entire area east of the Rocky mountains appears liable to an equal number of these variations, and to measures for each more nearly equal than would be found if these variations were the consequence of continental influences alone, and though they have been examined from the point which may be regarded as the maximum district of refrigeration, the oscillations are certainly no greater at Fort Snelling than at posts much less distant from the coasts. The most important inferences are that the origin of these non-periodic oscillations is exterior to the continent, and that they are central to the belt of temperate climates—that they have no progressive movement and that they are modified by local influences from land or water surfaces, but not essentially controlled by them in any case. REPORT. 727 MEAN ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. The distribution of heat exhibited by the mean temperatures for the year less clearly illustrates any positive condition than that for either of the seasons, and, as the curve for the various parts of the year is greater here than in most observed countries, it is proportionally further from the desired positive value in such comparisons. The mean for the year is passed in the annual march of temperature, during the months of April and October, and in the central districts, at the 80th to the 90th meridians, these two months are very nearly correct representatives of the mean temperature for the year. At the east of this line April is always below the mean and October above it, and this difference is greatest at the farthest points north and east, amounting to about two and a half degrees of deficiency for April, and to four degrees of excess for October. The points representing the annual mean would be at the close of these, or at the first of the following months. The same distribution exists in the lake district, but west of it April at once becomes warmer than the year, and for the interior north of St. Louis both months are two degrees or more above the annual mean; showing that the number of days above the mean is greater than of those below it, and that the cold is more extreme than the heat, or a greater departure from the natural symmetry. In the southwest October is more or less below the mean, and April two or three degrees above it, but this feature belongs to the eastern part of the plains, and not to Texas. At most of the posts in Texas both months are above the mean. On the western side of the plains, at Fort Laramie, April is again below and October above; in New Mexico they appear nearly equal, though the periods are imperfect. In California October is often the warmest of the year, and there is no regular curve, but in Oregon the annual curve appears to be thrown forward as in the Atlantic States. An analysis of the curve for each of these districts by the aid of daily means of temperature would have great value, and without it we can only roughly say that the point where the temperature march for the year cuts the mean may change from the 1st of April to the 1st of May, and from, perhaps, the 10th of October to the 10th of November. The number of days above the mean is generally greater than the number below, and for the interior east of the Rocky mountains greater by nearly half a month. In a very valuable review of a series of temperature observations at Toronto, Canada, for twelve years, Colonel Sabine* gives the mean or nominal temperatures for that latitude, 43° 40', as taken from Dove's " Verbreitung der Warme," and also the thermic anomaly, or differences of the Toronto measures from these theoretical normal quantities. As this series is a type of all the series of these posts north of 35° of latitude, it may be identified in its departures from normal measures with much the larger number of these stations. In the remarks relating to distribution of temperature for the spring the differences of successive months at that season Avere * Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1853, p. 141, et seq. (" On the Periodic and Non-Periodic Variations of the Temperature at Toronto, in Canada, from 1841 to 1852, inclusive. By Colonel Edward Sabine, Royal Artillery, Treas. and V. P. R. S.") 101 728 REPORT. seen to be an average of ten degrees for the eastern United States, and the like differences at Toronto for the mean of twelve years, from 1841 to 1852, are 10°.9 from March to April, 10° from April to May, and 9°.9 from May to June. The following are the normal temperatures assigned to this latitude, 43° 40', and the measures of departure at Fort Preble, Toronto, Fort Winnebago, and Fort Vancouver, four points of the line representing the .more important districts near this latitude: Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. Year, Normal temperatures for latitude 430 40'.. 32.8 34.7 40.1 50.2 58.1 64.6 68.7 68.5 61.5 53.8 43.2 36.0 51.0 Differences or anomaly at Fort Preble..... —10.0 —10.2 — 7.6 — 7.3 — 5.3 — 1.5 -f 0.5— 2.1 — 4.6 — 4.0 — 5.4 — 9.2 — 5.8 Do........do... .at Toronto........ — 7.8 —11.3 — 9.9 — 9.1 — 6.9 — 3.5 — 2.3— 2.3 — 3.5 — 8.9 — 6.7 — 9.2 - 6.8 Do........do... .at Fort Winnebago, —13.3 —16.2 — 7.5 — 3.0 — 1.4 + 1.0 4- 2.2 — 1.2 — 3.7 — 6.9—11.1 —14.7 — 6.2 Do........do... .at Fort Winnebago, reduced to sea level.............. —11.3 —14.0 — 5.5 — 1.0 4- 0.6 4- 3.0 4- 4.4 4- 0.8— 1.7 — 4.9 — 9.1—12.5 — 4.2 Differences or anomaly at Fort Vancouver, ! latitude 450 30'.................. 4- 7.7 4- 7.0 4- 4.0 _|_ 2.3-L n sl 9 n + 0.0 — 2.9, n.7 — 0.5 4_ 3 3_L n ^ 4- 1.6 1 I An approximate reduction of the observations at Fort Winnebago to sea level is made at the rate of a degree for about three hundred and eighty feet of altitude. It is very evident, from these differences, that the contrast of American and European temperatures in the same latitudes belongs mainly to the low temperature side, and that the winter gives the extreme of difference, or anomaly. It is apparent, too, that there are defects in this assumed normal scale, and that it does not curve sufficiently, particularly for the lower months, to represent the natural or average land climates derived from all parts of the hemisphere, in this latitude. There is great reason to suppose that a series of stations on any parallel here would give the measures which might be taken as the normal degree of heat, quite as correctly as a series crossing the entire eastern continent, or as numbers derived from theoretical considerations in regard to the amount of heat distributed by the sun's rays on any parallel of latitude. For the purpose of a rough examination of this point, the following stations are taken nearly on this line, and about equally distant: Fort Preble, Fort Winnebago, Fort Laramie, and Fort Vancouver. The last tAvo series are for defective periods, or those insufficient to remove the large measures of non-periodic variation which are found in every case, and in each of these December is evidently too cold, and January too warm. The temperatures at Fort Winnebago are reduced to sea level by adding one degree for three hundred and eighty feet of altitude nearly, or two degrees for the altitude of the post. At Fort Laramie the rule which obtains in Europe for decrease of temperature with the altitude, evidently will not apply at all, as the summer temperature, particularly, would by this rule of reduction exceed those observed anywhere at sea level near this latitude. An assumed decrease of one degree for about five hundred and seventy feet gives a result apparently satisfactory, or about eight degrees added to the observed mean temperature for every month. The four series combined, after these corrections, give a'curve which differs from that of Dove by nearly like measures of excess in summer and diminution in winter, and in this rude way confirms the view that the natural curve of temperatures for the continent is greater than that given by Dove, and that the temperature anomaly of the extreme months is less here than the amount Avhich has hitherto been assigned to it. It will be seen that in respect to this curve the absolute correction for altitude at Fort Laramie is unimportant, and that if now in excess, it only adds to the yearly mean of temperature. REPORT. 729 Stations. Jan, Fort Preble........................... 22.78 Fort Winnebago....................... 21.52 Fort Laramie.......................... 38.92 Fort Vancouver....................... 38.90 Feb. Mean................................. 30.54 Difference from European normal scale.. .j—1.26 24.52 20.50 40.49 41.66 31.79 —2.91 Mar. April. 32.53! 42.96 34.60, 49.20 48.70| 59.49 44.14 52.55 39.00, 50.05 58.61 —1.1 o|—0.15+0.49 May. 52.82 58.66 68.00 58.95 June, 63.11 67.63 79.23 62.67 67.16 4-2.56 July. 68.20 72.95 86.59 68.71 73.11 4-4.41 Aug. 66.41 69.31 85.67 65.56 Sept. 56.91 59.83 76.10 60.81 70.74 4-2.24 62.41 4-0.91 Oct. Nov. Dec. I Year. 46.76 37, 49.90 34.14 62.80 47.72 53.30 46.51 52.19 40.54 —0.611—2.76 26.80 45.22 23.33 39.87 36.83 30.73 —5.27 46.80 61.95 52.54 50.57 -0.43 These differences are mainly in the curve of monthly means, and they scarcely affect the annual mean for the latitude as determined by Dove's empirical formulas. The normal mean, which is so far departed from at Toronto, is restored by the introduction of the other series, but the curve of monthly differences remains in marked contrast with those assumed for Europe. If the entire eastern continent were embraced, or the highly heated and dry areas similar to those of the western interior here, it is evident that a higher summer curvature and a lower winter depression would be found for the eastern continent as a whole. There are too many imperfect data in this comparison to give it more than negative value, or to show that, with existing records, a positive standard cannot be constructed. These series also show that the range of non-periodic variations is everywhere such that an extended period of time is more important than any other consideration, in determining any one of these principal points in regard to the curve of temperature, and its distribution for the year. The isothermals of the chart for the year are generally widely separated for differences of five degrees. East of the 95th meridian they are parallel with the lines of latitude for districts of moderate altitude, except at Lake Superior and on a portion of the Atlantic coast from Fort Monroe to Florida, and at these points they curve northward. West from the 95th meridian those above the 40th parallel of latitude would go northwest, with proper corrections for altitude, and those below, though curving north in the interior, Avould return in a singular manner along the coast of California to points three or four degrees of latitude south of their position in the Mississippi valley. Between the isothermals of 50° and 55° the same large area occurs on the Pacific coast north of Monterey and San Francisco, which is seen on the thermal charts for spring and autumn, and the isothermal of 50° for the year would go north of the 50th parallel before striking the coast. The mountainous interior is unquestionably more highly heated than any known district of the same altitude, as may be seen by applying rules of reduction to the means for the year. With any number Avhatever (as 570 feet) the mean at Fort Laramie becomes as great as that at Fort Monroe, or 58° ; but Forts Massachusetts and Defiance, in New Mexico, fall below the temperatures of their latitude at the east, and only Santa Fe, with others in the Eio Grande valley, exceed those temperatures. At Salt Lake, Cantonment Loring, and other posts of observation northward, the highest rule of reduction would be required, as at Fort Laramie ; and it appears that two or three stations of the greatest altitude in New Mexico alone permit the use of a rate of reduction at all approximating that found to apply in Europe. At Fort Massachusetts a rate of one degree for 475 feet Avould be required to conform its temperature to that of Fort Monroe in the same latitude on the Atlantic coast; and if the western part of the continent were supposed to be warmer by five degrees of latitude, the reduction would be one degree for 330 feet. But at Fort Laramie and Great Salt 730 REPORT. Lake the recorded temperatures are already higher than those of either coast at the same parallels, though their altitudes are 4500 and 4350 feet. In the southern part of New Mexico, at an altitude of 4000 to 4500 feet, the temperatures are also nearly as high as at either coast, being, in fact, above those of the Pacific, and beloAv those of the Atlantic, by equal differences. It is obvious that the surface peculiarities of the elevated districts of that portion of the continent are favorable to a great accumulation of heat, but this arid character may be itself duo to the altitude, and the heat might not be greater than elsewhere in the absence of the mountains. "W ith the existing aridity the effect of altitude may only be neutralized, one modification of temperature compensating the other; but there is no reason to suppose that these districts Avould have less heat than similar positions in Europe, if the country were generally as near the sea level; and in that case all the isothermals would curve northward from the Mississippi valley. The rate of correction for altitudes would then be something more than twice the number of feet for a degree in every case here, than in the rule applicable in central Europe. These results show that the constitution of the surface and the general configuration, together, perhaps, Avith the degree of humidity as a possibly separate element, control the temperature in a very great degree, and more, Avithin certain limits, than latitude and altitude. Humboldt observes the increased mean annual temperature of the plateaux of the Cordilleras in tropical regions, and gives the measure of excess over the temperature of mountain declivities at the same heights as 2°.7 to 4°.l. We have no vertical altitudes to compare for the interior posts here, but if the recog- nized measures of the Atlantic coast of this continent and of Europe are assumed, the excess* of temperature on the Rocky mountain plateaux is several times greater than these numbers. There is scarcely any district where the mean temperature at considerable altitudes might be taken for that at sea level for a higher latitude. The distribution of heat for latitude is directly associated by Humboldt with that for altitude, though there would seem to be little parallelism here with these relations as they exist in Europe. On the Pacific coast here the decrease of temperature with the latitude is very slow, the isothermals of 65° and 50° for the year being separated by at least twenty degrees of latitude; or, using positive points on the coast, San Diego and Sitka, separated by twenty-four and one-third degrees of latitude, differ 16°. 6 in mean annual temperature—a decrease of 0°.68 for one degree of latitude. In central Europe this decrease is 0°.9 for one degree of latitude,* but there are no similar points here at or near sea level to compare, except in the Mississippi valley, where the decrease is thirty degrees of temperature for eighteen of latitude—nearly 1°.7 for each. This is also the rate betAveen the extreme posts of the Atlantic coast, including the whole peninsula of Florida, as previously assigned for the distance from Boston to Charleston by Humboldt, who gives in addition, the rate of 1°.6 for the coast from Boston to Labrador. The interesting features of the relation of these two conditions of distribution in the interior cannot be followed further here, but they deserve attention more minutely. There is very little decrease of temperature for certain measures of latitude and altitude over a large district. The influence of the cold coast of California appears very decidedly in the position of the isother- mals for the year. The cause of this phenomenon has been sufficiently explained in connection with the summer illustration, and it may be disposed of very briefly here. It is a great and remarkable * Cosmos, article Climatology. REPORT. 731 anomaly even when exhibited in the mean temperatures for the year, and the cause of it, with the like cold current and mass of water off the coast of South America in the Pacific,, shows the existence of most extensive oceanic circulations and interchanges there. But no mass of cold waters could produce so great an effect upon land climates as are found here, if there was not a great interior rarefaction, originating and intensifying the winds from this cold sea inland, and the two causes produce a cumulative result which has no parallel. The range of mean temperatures for the year in any series is very large for every part of the United States, and it proves that the period of a year is far from being the whole time embraced by the greater non-periodic variations, and that, whatever the period of these extremes, any single year may be distinguished by several oscillations having the same direction, either above or below the annual mean. Either as months or seasons we may readily point out conspicuous instances. In the series of thirty-three years at Fort Columbus, New York, the year 1836 is distinguished as that of lowest temperature, being four degrees below the general mean. Every month of the year was below the mean, though in unequal measures, and those most extreme were February and October. The previous year and that next following, 1835 and 1837, were the next lowest, each being more than two degrees below. Two months only, and the same months, October and Novem- ber, of each of these years, were at or above their average temperatures respectively; and with these exceptions the whole period, including the last five months of 1834, or nearly three and a half years, was decidedly below the mean temperature. A similar general result occured at Fort Snelling for the mean of these years and for their warmer months, but the colder months were variable and the difference for the year less; and this was the case in every part of the United States, with some irregularities, and generally with greater measures of variation. There is no other conspicuous group of cold years in this period, though 1823 and 1824 and 1843 and 1844 are together below the mean at some posts—the last two quite generally. Two or three years near 1812 are, however, known historically as cold years, and a reference to records of that date shows them to have been more extreme than those of 1836, &c* The variations of a non-periodic character toward higher temperatures have not been noticed for any part of the year, and they may be briefly referred to here, though excess of heat is a phenome- non naturally preceding a great diminution of heat, and if any appearances of progressive movement or periodicity were apparent they should be associated with extremes of high temperature. In the yearly means there are two groups distinguished by high temperatures, one from 1824 to 1830, inclusive, of which 1825, 1828, and 1830 were the most marked years; and another period from 1844 to 1848, each of the years of which was nearly uniformly above the mean. The first of these periods is the most general, and it is quite conspicuous at the south and west; but the second is irregularly distributed, and the measures of excess belong to shorter periods. The most conspicuous single years at Fort Snelling are 1830 and 1846, and these are also everywhere so distinguished, 1825 and 1828 being next. On the Pacific coast, 1853 is marked as the warmest year of the period there observed; and the summer of that year was everywhere much above the average temperature. The higher temperatures are quite irregularly distributed in respect to the seasons and months, and an analysis of any series would give results analogous to those indicated in the examination of * Dr. Holyoke's Observations at Salem; Cambridge Observation, by Professor Farrar. See also Dove's Series of European Ob- servations, Sabine's Analysis of London Observations, &c, for traces of correspondence in the first case in Europe. The years 1811 to 1816 were embraced in this case. 732 REPORT. the Ioav temperature extremes. Generally, the coincidences of single months with the seasons and the yearly mean are more numerous than the contrasts for any year, as of eight cases in the period of 33 years at Fort Columbus, New York, of a mean temperature for the spring months two degrees or more above the general mean, six were coincident with like differences for the summer, autumn, and year; and the same proportions occur in comparing summer and autumn with other seasons and the year. There might be supposed to be two classes of these non-periodic changes, one less frequent and affecting longer periods, and another causing changes above or below the general line of these long periods, and belonging to periods of a month or less. There are few instances of very high temperatures for any month in a cold year, or of very low monthly means in a warm year; and, though the succession of years is full of extreme contrasts in respect to months, there is some decided conformity in the relations of the successive months of any year of which the mean is particularly cold or warm. This is in part necessary consequence, it is true; but the point of importance is, that if any part of the year is marked by an extreme oscilla- tion it does not find a compensating extreme in that year. It may be of interest to trace some of the greater instances of high temperature occurring at Fort Snelling in their relations to other portions of the continent, as was done with the winter extremes of cold. The spring and summer of 1825 are together largely above the average temperature at this post, the excess belonging to every month from February to September. This high temperature was almost universally of the same degree and duration, the exceptions applying to one or two months only; as, at some posts in the south, April was at or below the mean, and in Maine the two extreme months were but very little warmer than usual. At the west, and in the central districts, the excess was greatest, and at Fort Moultrie least. The very high temperature of the winter of 1827-8, which was from seven to nine degrees above the mean for each month at the south, gradually disappeared at the northeast and Avest, and was not felt at all at several posts nearest Fort Snelling. In 1830 the whole year was warm, and July eight degrees in excess at Fort Snelling; the same month is noticed as "unprecedentedly hot" at Fort Winnebago, where it was near thirteen degrees in excess. This peculiar heat of July occurred at all the central districts to the Atlantic coast; but it was not felt at the northeastern posts, nor in so great a degree at the south as in the interior. In 1834 July had a high temperature at Fort Snelling; in the district above St. Louis the conditions were the same, but at Fort Gibson the greatest excess was in August, the mean of which was 88°.22, giving the highest temperatures anywhere recorded at that latitude in the interior. The heat of July was again extended through the central districts to the Atlantic at Baltimore and Fort Monroe, but was not observed east of New York. In 1839 April was eleven degrees above the mean at Fort Snelling, and as it comes between two months which were below, its progress may be traced with advantage. This extreme was the same in all the northwest—less marked south and southwest—and not appearing at all in Florida and Georgia; but it was partially felt through the central States eastward. It had no change of position towards any other month at any post. There are other cases which may be traced with the same general result, and other points from which the examination may be made with a similar absence of any evidence of progressive movement or periodicity. In June, 1853, a very high temperature occurred in the central States east of St. Louis, Avhich was not felt at all at Fort Snelling. The occurrence of extreme high temperatures appears to be of the same absolutely non-periodic character, and to have the same liability to fall in nearly equal measures on any district, as was apparent in the low temperature extremes. R EPORT. 733 The general range of mean temperatures for the seasons and extreme months may be given in tabular form for the more complete series, with that for the extreme months and the year: Range of mean temperatures in the United States for the extreme months, seasons, and year. STATIONS. January. Hancock Barracks, Maine............................17 years. Fort Sullivan, Maine................................25 do. Fort Constitution, New Hampshire....................25 do. Fort Independence, Massachusetts.................... 17 do. Fort Columbus, New York...........................33 do. Watervliet, New York.........................-,.....31 do. Alleghany Arsenal, Pennsylvania.....................22 do. Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland..................24 do. Fort Monroe, Virginia, (Norfolk,).....................30 do. Fort Moultre, South Carolina, (Charleston,)............28 do. Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida...................20 do. Key West, Florida................................... 14 do. Fort Brooke, Florida.................................25 do. Fort Barrancas, Pensacola, Florida....................17 do. Mount Vernon Arsenal, Mobile, Alabama..............14 do. Fort Pike, Louisiana.................................14 do. New Orleans, Louisiana..............................20 do. Baton Rouge, Louisiana..............................24 do. Fort Jesup, Louisiana................................23 do. Fort Gibson, Indian Territory........................27 do. Jefferson Barracks, Missouri..........................26 do. St. Louis, Missouri..................................12 do. Fort Gratiot, Michigan...............................17 do. Fort Mackinac, Michigan......................,..... 24 do. Fort Brady, Michigan................................31 do. Fort Howard, Wisconsin.............................21 do. Fort Crawford, Wisconsin............................ 19 do. Fort Armstrong, Illinois..............................11 do. Fort Snelling, Minnesota.............................35 do. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas...........................24 do. Fort Kearney, Nebraska............................ 6 do. Fort Laramie, Nebraska.............................. 6 do. Fort Brown, Texas.................................. 7 do. Fort Mcintosh, Texas............................... 6 do. Santa Fe, New Mexico............................... 5 do. San Diego, California................................ do. Benicia, California.................................. 6 do. Fort Vancouver, Oregon............................. 6 do. Fort Steilacoom, Washington Territory................ 6 do. 16.0 14.0 14.0 9.9 12.6 15.3 18.9 14.2 16.9 18.3 16.1 12.6t •17.7 18.2 14.2 10.7 18.0} 15.4 17.5 19.5 17.6 14.0 13.6 12.3 13.0 14.5 19.6 18.5 27.9 24.7 19.9 13.2 10.0 10.2 4.3 3.7 6.9 10.1 12.6 July. 8.7 9.9 9.0 8.6 11.8 10.5 14.5 6.8 7.4 6.1 8.6 5.9 6.8 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.8 7.1 7.8 7.8 12.0 7.2 11.8 10.3 13.3 11.8 10.4 10.3 14.6 10.0 5.2 4.5 2.9 3.7 6.9 6.9 4.9 3.4 3.8 Spring. 6.4 7.7 7.0 7.8 7.8 8.8 12.9 8.9 10.1 7.1 11.3 3.5 6.8 7.1 4.7 6.2 7.4 9.3 9.0 9.2 15.0 7.2 11.8 8.1 13.0 9.2 17.7 6.8 17.3 17.8 5.8 6.4 2.5 4.8 2.3 4.7 4.6 4.0 2.3 Summer, iAutumn. Winter. Year. 6.8 6.8 7.4 4.9 7.1 6.7 7.8 6.0 5.9 7.3 6.7 3.2 5.4 3.2 4.3 3.0 5.2 4.8 4.6 8.6 9.1 4.7 8.2 5.8 8.5 7.6 8.1 8.3 11.0 8.0 4.1 2.6 2.2 3.5 1.8* 2.7 2.9 2.5 1.8 7.2 4.7 5.7 6.9 9.9 9.2 12.0 7.2 7.6 9.5 7.1 4.2 4.8 4.5 5.6 7.0 5.5 6.9 7.6 11.3 10.2 7.4 8.9 7.9 9.8 9.9 9.2 6.2 10.4 9.4 7.0 10.811 3.1 3.1 5.0 3.6 3.4 2.2 2.8 7.1 7.8 11.9 11.0 10.3 12.8 11.2 11.2 16.0 16.7 15.4 8.2 11.9 9.7 6.8 13.3 8.9 11.1 10.6 14.4 19.2§ 7.3 10.7 9.9 9.0 16.6 16.4 17.4 16.0 13.3 13.0 4.8 4.2 3.6 3.7 2.6 3.2 2.3 4.0 * 1828 and 1836 compared. 11851 and 1852 compared. J 1828 and 1852 compared. \ 1828 and 1831 compared. || At Fort Winnebago, 1830 and 1836, differ 18°.1. At Port Snelling the years are 1830 and 1348. II1852 and 1854. **Two years, 1853 and 1854. Annual range also two years, 1858 and 1854. 734 REPORT. The imperfect periods for the Pacific stations and those of the western interior, render them rude approximations to positive results. The large annual range is one of the most striking features of the table; and particularly for the Atlantic coast stations, as at Fort Columbus and Fort Monroe. The range is large, also, along the Gulf coast and in Florida, and it appears to dimininish equally toward each of the extreme stations of the Atlantic coast—Fort Sullivan, Maine, and Key West. In the vicinity of Fort Snelling the range attains its maximum, reaching thirteen degrees on the plains of Wisconsin; and the district stretching from this point through the central part of the United States to Fort Monroe, has probably near ten degrees of range of mean annual temperature in any period of the extent of twenty-five years. The range disclosed in the Toronto series of tAvelve years is but four degrees between the years 1843 and 1846 ; but 1836 is elsewhere often lower than the first, and 1830 higher than the last of these, and the range of a period of twenty or thirty years is probably six degrees there instead of four. This is still lower than in the central United States southward, and lower than on the plains; and it is evident that the range is less, as a rule, in the lake district, and that it diminishes rapidly northeastward. All the features of the range of mean temperatures show larger measures than would be anticipated, and the concurrence of stations in similar positions is required to confirm them. This concurrence is generally shown by the table, and those that appeared most likely to be in error were particularly examined and verified. At the stations of New Mexico and the Pacific coast there is some reason to fear the existence of constant errors of observation, arising from the position of the thermometer, and from the frequent interruptions of the record; but the differences of the extremes of any series are evidently much less there than at the east of the Rocky mountains. Fort Laramie gives a much larger range for the same dates than Fort Steilacoom. By the aid of the serial tables, recently published in Europe, the comparison of the distin- guishing temperature periods of this series, with those of Europe generally, may now be very thoroughly made, and one or two citations may be introduced here. In the range of annual mean temperatures two series of observations of temperature in the interior of Europe, at Cracow and Riga,* bring the record doAvn from 1795 to 1852, and in both these the warm years, from 1824 to 1828, inclusive, are distinctly marked as those of much the highest temperature. The year 1829 is there the coldest of a series of thirty-five years preceding that date, as observed at Riga ; and 1837 and 1838 are the coldest of the series of twenty-seven years at Cracow, beginning in 1826. The years 1830 to 1836 are also there all above the mean temperature, while on this continent 1830 alone was so marked, the remainder, except 1834 in some districts, Avere much below the annual mean. The low temperature of February and March, 1843, which rendered the mean of that year below the average in America, was unknown in central Europe. * Annales Obs. Phys. Central de Russie, 1853. A series of 20 years at Pultowa, in southern Russia, latitude 49|°, has the warmest years in 1836, 1843, and 1848; the coldest in 1828, 1831, and 1840. XZ*^2~^h- IIYI.TA1. mi l!.\! X < II \ ill MKAN DISTIlllirTlUN ".■ !■!.....-IIA'I K)\ f(! ■MK-IIlll IIYKTAI. on ItAlX ClIAItT MKAN DISTIIIHI'TIO.N OF I'll l-tl l'11'ATIOX KOII TIIK sniMKI ;mi.\ iiloiickt fc\ :.:-;.hio'ih tomm II3.I..VI.YV 311.1. VKU Mil I.VJ.MI >:iH.I A,, X, II I mlH.I.Sin NV[W ...IIVII.) XIYll HO IWI.MAII h VI ff s f REPORT. 735 DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN, WATEE FALLING IN E,AIN AND SNOW The mode of presenting the principal facts of this distribution is similar to that employed in the representation of the distribution of heat, the districts being defined in a general manner by the mean of the results at stations in similar positions of altitude and exposure. The quantity of rain is less easily defined in this manner, and the illustration less exact, than in the temperature charts in any case, and for many climates it could not be employed with sufficient precision to answer any require- ment of positive science. In western Europe slight differences of altitude very largely affect the quantity of water falling in rain, and for the British islands and the northern coasts of that conti- nent, as well as for the mountainous districts in the south and bordering the Mediterranean, there could scarcely be any accurate general illustration. A portion of the Pacific coast and western inte- rior here shares in these contrasts and this irregularity without doubt, and for these districts any general illustration is only approximate ; but for much the larger area of the United States, and for all portions east of the Rocky mountains, the distinguishing feature of the distribution of atmospheric precipitation in rain is its symmetry and uniformity in amount over large areas. The quantity has rarely or never any positive relation to the configuration of the surface which would identify it with the distribution of western Europe and the north Pacific coast; and, in contrast with these, it has a diminished quantity at the greater altitudes generally, and the greatest amounts in the districts near the sea level. It also differs from those districts, and from large land areas generally, in having a greater amount in the interior than on the coasts for the same latitudes, at least as far north as the 42d parallel of latitude. These two leading features of the distribution of rain in the United States are of great importance in any attempt at graphic illustration, and in their absence it would scarcely be possible to make any such illustration clear. They are of even greater importance in the discus- sion of a mass of results derived from positions widely distributed, and from observations embracing a succession of years, as they then have a symmetrical and associate character which permits the elimination of errors of every sort by combining results, and by treating them as a whole. The correspondence which belongs to like quantities must appear in some intelligible form in comparing results at any two stations, and this conformity, if found to exist, proves at once the reliability of the observations, and the existence of a general symmetry. It will require but a brief examination of the records and results of observations to show that the graphic illustration undertaken in the charts is a true expression of general symmetry, and that if it is based on accurate records, embracing a sufficient period of time to remove the errors of non-periodic variation, it represents a physical fact as permanent as the lakes and rivers of a continent themselves, 102 736 REPORT. since if any slow progression of changes exists affecting the amount of water falling in rain and snow, an equal effect must be produced on rivers and bodies of water dependent on rains for their per- manence. The principal defect of these results is in regard to the period of time they embrace. The non- periodic A-ariations of quantity are very great, and a series of many years is required to give a true mean, even for the year, and much more for the months and seasons. For most of the area the range, even for a period of three months, may descend to an entire absence of rain, and for single months this entire absence is quite frequent. For the year, the range is from the present means to less than half that quantity, and with such large departures a short period must necessarily fail to give more than an approximate result. The larger quantities of the eastern United States, and the vicinity of the G-ulf particularly, are more affected by imperfect periods than other districts east of the Rocky moun- tains, and at the west a range of perhaps one-fourth of the quantities assigned to the several districts, should be considered as a possible change of any result by the use of a series of years of observation numbering twenty or more. This possible range, however, does not materially affect the relation of those districts to the eastern United States generally; and as the periods are nearly equal in the new districts, it may not sensibly affect the mutual relations there. In a district having an average of three inches of water falling for any period of three months, the variation will be proportioned to that quan- tity, and very far less than in a district of the Mississippi valley having fifteen inches for a like period. The district embraced by the observations is, as said in relation to the distribution of heat, a complete and symmetrical area, occupying nearly all the temperate zone of the continent, and illustrating most of the important facts of rain distribution over such an area. It is far more valuable, even in regard to what it outlines, if the results are not of the rank of positive determinations, for this reason, than if the measures and illustration were for limited areas and isolated districts. The comparison of districts possessing such diverse features of configuration cannot fail to throw light on the remoter questions in regard to the sources of the supply of moisture to the continents generally, as well as to the sources of supply in this particular case. The quantities given in the illustration represent the mean of the areas in which they are placed, and not, as in the isothermals, the measure at the limiting line. If the mean of the numbers markino- two adjacent areas were placed on the line which separates them, the definition would be the same as in the temperature illustration. The quantities in both cases pass into each other by gradual transition, and the abrupt distinctions of shading and of boundary lines are employed only for convenience and clearness of illustration. In Johnston's Hyetographic or Rain Map of Europe, these limiting lines—designated Isohyetoses for the lines of equal annual amount, and Isotherombroses for lines marking the per centage of the quantities for summer on those for the year—are marked with their respective quantities, though their application to the areas enclosed by these lines is always understood.* * The designation of the distribution of rain as a permanent or constant condition has no single term as yet applied. Professor Johnston terms the illustration hyetographic, which is an appropriate expression for the map or chart itself. There is a term wanted, however, to express the condition, apart from any illustration, which, it is sufficiently apparent, may be regarded as one naturally of the most fixed and permanent character. The constant quantity of atmospheric precipitation for any area is one which cannot be expressed without the use of the circumlocutory phrase, the mean of the entire amount of atmospheric precipitation of water in rain and snow &c. There is a class of analogous conditions belonging to the atmosphere, of which the first or general one, aerial, may be taken as a type, with an apparent improvement in this nomenclature. Their order would then be, the thermal, or temperature condition ; the hygrometric, (hygral ?) the condition of humidity, or of suspended moisture, the hyetal, (verog, rain,) or the general coRdition of atmospheric precipitation—the rain condition. Next to these is electrical as a general atmospheric condition. REPORT. 737 There is, no doubt, some general deficiency in the measurements of the water falling in snow at the military posts, and the probabilities are that the results for the winter months fall somewhat below the actual precipitation of these months in every form. In some cases the entry has been made of the depth of snow in inches without converting it into water, and in these cases one-tenth of the recorded depth of snow has been taken as its equivalent in water. This rule is sufficiently near to accuracy for any general purpose, though for the southern latitudes it would give too small, and for extreme northern districts too great a quantity of water. The error of these measurements is, however, believed to be less, on the whole, than the error of records by amateur observers, especially in regard to imperfect measurement of small quantities in winter. The great mass of records of this latter class are obviously deficient in this respect, and with many, and perhaps most of such observers, it is the habit to measure the snows and to interpret this measurement in water by the best rule at their command, while the military records are made under precise regu- lations well adapted to secure correct results. In the annual summary it is believed that the small winter deficiency is compensated for by a natural full measurement of actual rains, and by the fractions being usually thrown in favor of full tenths and hundredths in the entries. Direct error in the reading of the scales of the gauge rarely passes for a period of two or three months without detection, and all known excesses or deficiencies, as well as those on which a reasonable doubt is thrown by any evidence, have been so distinguished in the register. An error of the deduction and illustration derived from any modification of the actual record in this manner may thus be corrected by subsequent examination. To perfect the analogies in regard to language the point has been submitted to Professor Turner, who concurs with Professor Johnston in the use of the root, verog in preference to 6jj.(3pog, which is used, to some extent, by French writers, and from which we have ombrometer (rain-gauge,) ombrometry, &c. The shorter word hyetal is regarded as standing primarily on the same footing as hyetographic, and in its present use the analogy of the atmospheric conditions before alluded to, and the greater facility, perhaps, in introducing a short form of the word, have controlled the choice of hyetal over hyetographic. These terms are, at least, suggested for the consideration of those interested in the nomenclature of this department of physical science. 738 REPORT. DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN FOR THE SPRING. There is the same defect to be remarked in this season in regard to its identity as a single or distinctive period that was observed in the temperature distribution. For the interior districts, or central meridians particularly, it enters both winter and summer, and it then has greatly contrasted quantities of rain for the extreme months of March and May. When the observations on the plains of the Rocky mountains shall have been carried over all distinctive portions, and continued for a sufficient time, some useful divisions of the year into other periods may be made in this respect, and a more precise knowledge of the peculiarities of the several months may be attained. On the Pacific coast also, the division in rainy and dry seasons is generally the most accurate, and the commencement of the rains and the date of their close are necessary facts. The Rocky mountain districts have equally distributed rains, generally, and these, with all east of the 97th meridian, may be said to possess a very nearly uniform distribution of rain over the three months of spring. The feature of uniformity just alluded to is one of the most important in this connexion, and as it affects the division of seasons, and serves to define the districts where those three months are not an appropriate expression of the desired result, it may be well to examine it here. For stations where the succession of numbers is nearly the same for the months from January forward, there is of course no change of an abrupt character to be anticipated in the succession of days. The period required to eliminate irregularities and extremes is so great that a combination of the results at stations of similar position may furnish a clearer mode of exhibiting the general facts than any list or number singly. In the following table the several natural groups are so arranged: Northeastern District. Stations. March. April. May. 1.84 3.16 2.92 2.16 2.83 2.80 4.14 3.44 2.95 2.92 5.05 3.43 2.52 3.30 3.59 REPORT. Atlantic Coast, Central. 739 South Atlantic and Gulf Coast. Stations. Oglethorpe Barracks .. Fort Pierce........... Key West........... Fort Myers........... Fort Brooke.......... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal New Orleans......... Baton Rouge......... Mean............ March. 7.11 3.01 4.21 4.60 3.37 5.87 4.59 3.90 4.68 4.59 April. 2.91 3.85 1.55 3.14 1.95 2.94 4.21 3.29 5.22 3.23 Stations. March. April. May. 3.30 1.53 4.38 4.67 3.65 3.44 3.62 4.63 3.86 3.33 4.06 3.70 3.72 5.00 5.63 3.42 3.33 3.82 3.44 3.56 2.80 1.75 3.75 3 35 4 51 Fort Trumbull................................. 3.60 4.62 4.78 West Point................................... 5.13 Fort Mifflin.................................... 4.90 Fort McHenry................................. 3.71 3.64 Fort Moultrie......................,........... 4.08 3.68 3.38 4 19 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.30 3.70 3.80 3.40 May. 3.43 4.27 2.58 3.33 3.24 4.05 4.62 4.10 5.18 3.87 The results just given embrace the whole coast of the United States on the east and define three districts • one north of Boston, in which the amount increases from March to May; another central, at New York and Philadelphia, in which the quantities are very nearly equal; and that at the south which is quite irregular, but with the greatest quantity in March on the Avhole. The last has also an anomalous deficiency in April at most of the stations, but it appears only in very small measure west of Florida, and it may be caused by irregularities belonging to short periods. Taking the Atlantic coast as a whole, the same amount of rain may be anticipated for every day of these three montjls__sucr1 "being, very accurately, the relation of results from Boston to Charleston, and the extreme districts differing slightly in opposite directions. In the southwestern interior there is a rapid increase in amount from March to May, and this is also the case at all points west of the Mississippi and north of Cincinnati. At Cincinnati, Louisville, and Huntsville, Alabama, records for periods often years and more give nearly like amounts for each month, but the districts north and west, which are very fully represented by the military posts, show 740 REPORT. increasing differences betAveen March and May in going Avestward. The measures at the four stations following will show this fact: Stations. Fort Snelling..... Fort Leavenworth Fort Kearney Fort Laramie..... March. 1.30 1.61 1.55 1.37 April. 2.14 2.74 2.68 1.93 May. 3.17 3.62 6.57 5.39 For all but the stations here given the distribution is essentially the same as on the Atlantic coast, the quantity being controlled by the profusion of the storms or rains, rather than by the absence of rains. There is no period free from rains, and no interruption cf the constant atmospheric precipitation of moisture. On the plains, however, the deficiency of rain, in the first half of the spring, is so great that it has some general analogy to the division in wet and dry seasons; yet no distinct points of such a division appear in the records, and the great increase in the last month is more in profusion than in frequency. The whole of the eastern United States may, therefore, be designated as an area of constant precipi- tation, and where this is not equal throughout in quantity, it differs in proportions only. The increasing profusion in the districts Avest of the Mississippi is important in many respects, and it gives an appearance of periodicity to the floods of the great rivers of the plains. It is, however, very much subject to non-periodic interruption and variation in quantity, and though periodic in a certain general sense, it is not similar to the distribution in tropical districts and on sea coasts, which is usually so designated. The rivers tributary to the Mississippi from the west have generally a flood in May; and the first decidedly summer-like temperatures of this month are accompanied by profuse and deluging thunder-showers. Sometimes these are deferred till June, as at Fort Riley, in 1854, and at the posts of the plains generally, in 1850. In 1853 the profusion in May and April is quite conspicuous. The floods from melting snows do not very largely influence the rivers of the great plains, in the lower portions of their course at least, though they affect their sources more or less, and those originating in the loftier mountains very largely. The evaporation and diffusion of Avater in these long and shoal rivers is very great; and even the Missouri is said to gain little or none in volume for many hundred miles of its course below the mouth of the Yellow Stone. The Platte, Arkansas, and Canadian, are all of the class of shoal rivers; with their channels often bare, in long reaches, for months together, at any season. The floods of these rivers do not occur in any marked degree until the pro- fuse rains of spring and early summer set in; and the snows of the mountains, at their sources, disap- pear too early to add largely to their volume at this time in the lower portions, though Fremont found the South Platte, at the 104th meridian and 4,000 feet above the sea, much swollen by melting snows at the first of July.* The records at the posts situated on and near these rivers of the plains, contain few notices of their condition in regard to volume, yet there are some that may be cited for these months and for June. At Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri, the river is noted as "hio-h" on the first of June, 1851, and as "very high" during each of the spring months of 1853. No other note, for these months, is made there during the last six years. At Fort Kearny, on the Platte, no direct notes appear for this period—it is apparently always low in April, and full in Mav and June. It is the same at Fort Laramie, though the Laramie river is noted as high tAvo * Exploring Expedition, 1843-4. REPORT. 741 or three times in May and June. At Fort Riley there was a great flood of the Kansas river from the 1st to 15th of June, 1855. At Fort Atkinson the Arkansas river is noted as very low in April and May, 1851; on May 26th, "Arkansas river nearly dry, a narrow channel only a few inches deep;" on May 30th "the river below is perfectly dry for many miles." In the first days of June, 1851, there are several notices of a rise of a few inches, "depending, no doubt, on the melting snows of the mountains." At the close of this month it was again very low and dry. These imperfect notices are perhaps sufficient confirmation of the view that the melting snows rarely form floods in these rivers, or preserve their volume uniform, and that the rains of spring and early summer are quite irregular, and at times quite profuse, sending considerable floods to the Mis- sissippi from the drainage of these plains. The plains rise so gradually to the great altitudes of the Rocky mountain plateaux, that the contrasts in the quantities of Avater falling are not so great on the east of these lofty mountains as elsewhere, near these latitudes. The precipitation changes only by becoming more constant and regular, for the high central plateaux, at least, and it is not so much interrupted in spring and summer by long periods without rain. But this high belt of constant rains is very narrow, scarcely reaching to Santa Fe on the south, and breaking off at the Colorado and Salt Lake vallies on the west. North- ward it stretches along the mountains, but it evidently does not embrace the vallies or plains of either branch of the Columbia. There are but two or three posts on this plateau, Fort Massachusetts, Cantonment Loring, and perhaps one or two other temporary posts of northern New Mexico; and the experience of surveys and expeditions must be relied on to indicate what the rain distribution of these districts is. All these accounts concur in remarking a regular succession of rains and snows through the months of spring, as in the eastern United States. This mountain district of equally distributed rains has some detached extensions toward the Pacific coast, one or two of which may be cultivable and valuable. From the north the Cascade range, and its slopes in Washington Territory, are of this character, and perhaps the immediate coast hills and the island of Vancouver. On this northern coast of Oregon generally, the rains are periodical in degree, rather than in absolute cessation in summer, and it thus has an intermediate rank, and may be said to be both periodical and constant in a certain sense. The mountainous portions of southern Oregon have rains in summer, or equally distributed rains, also, but all the plains, valleys, and coasts, are here strictly periodical. The Sierra Nevada of California has little summer rain, and its elevated districts seem rather to prolong the rainy season of the coasts than to break its general character, and to render the distribution uniform. A portion of the interior, or Rocky mountain system, not before referred to, furnishes other districts of this constant character— one of limited extent south of the Great Salt Lake, and another in the Zufii district of the Sierra Madre and on the extension of these mountains toward the Gila and Colorado rivers. Here the districts of constant precipitation border on those Avhich reverse the general features of the area of the United States, in having the dry season and little rain in winter and spring, and the true rainy season in summer, as in many tropical climates. The Gila river separates the districts so distin- guished ; and south of this river and its wide half-desert basin, and west of the Colorado of Califor- nia, the precipitation is wholly in periodical rains. The general features of the periodical rains of the Pacific districts are that they belong to the winter half of the year, and that they occupy a period of variable length, regularly increasing with the latitude, and generally equally extended before and after a middle point in January. For the most of this region there is also a partial, and in some instances a complete, suspension of the rains 742 R i: P O R T . in January and February; constituting, in some degree, a double rainy season for the districts oI California which have the least rain. This feature is not rendered sufficiently clear by our present knowledge of these climates. At the coasts of Oregon the rains set in earlier and continue longer, but they exhibit the same general phenomena as in California, and are attended by Avinds having the same direction in all cases and at all periods. As they embrace at least one month of spring at all points, these general features must necessarily be alluded to in this connexion, and so far as they arc concerned no reference will then be necessary in a subsequent case. The rainy season of California and the Pacific coast is usually marked by profuse as well as continuous rains, especially for the northern districts and Oregon. On the coasts and lower valleys of the south there is no marked profusion, but the mountains here have very profuse rains, and the whole course of the Sierra Nevada is so distinguished. At Fort Yuma the rains occur in November and December mainly, Avith some instances in February and March, and again in July, August, and September. This last period appears to be associated with the summer rain of Mexico, and to be a casual extension of these rains beyond their proper field on the mountains of Sonora. At San Diego the rains commence in November, and are most profuse in December; they are partially interrupted in January, and are then continued till May, and occur early in June. December, February, and a part of March, only, give the average quantities falling in like months in the eastern United States. Such is the case on the whole coast south of San Francisco, and in the San Joaquin valley the only difference is that the months of December and March sometimes have very heavy rains, measuring fifteen inches or more for a month. The same features belong to the Sacramento valley. No rain falls in the three months of summer in any part of California, except in rare instances in the extreme north, and at Fort Yuma, as before noticed. At Fort Orford, and for the whole of the Pacific districts of Oregon, the relation of quantities is similar to that in California, except that there is no partial suspension in January, and that the fall does not cease entirely in the summer months. The winter rains are here very profuse, as well as quite continuous for many days, and they are often continuous for nearly every day of a month. East of the Cascade range of mountains the quantities are much the same as in the great valleys of California, all the measures being small and the summer proper quite destitute of rain. There is but one military post which represents this interior district, Fort Dalles, and at this there are moderate rains in each month of spring, and they do not absolutely cease in summer. On the great plains of the Columbia and its branches the summer rains are wholly shut off. The rains of the great basin of the interior are least known, as positive measurements have but just commenced there. At Great Salt Lake the spring months have frequent rains, and it may be that much of the northern portion of the basin may be similar, and that it may be more nearly identified with the districts of constant precipitation, or of equally distributed rains, than with those of periodical rains for this season. In summer they probably cease entirely, and in the southern part of the basin they must always be very small in quantity. The share of the precipitation of spring which falls in snow is a point of general interest, which, however, it would be somewhat difficult to define with the desirable precision. North of the isothermal of 32° for March, most of the water falling in that month is in the form of snow, though rains occur in about the same number and quantity as in the months of winter. Nearly half of the precipitation for April is also in snow in this district, or north of the 43d parallel, and there are instances of snow, sometimes in considerable quantity, in May. Snow may occur in March over nearly the whole of the United States east of the Rocky mountains, except Florida, though the REPORT. 743 quantity is not large in any case south of the 40th parallel. In April, there are instances in almost every year of much water falling in snow in the elevated districts of the Atlantic States, as far south as the latitude of Washington. The snows of this month afford as large a quantity of AA^ater, usually, as those of the previous month, and they occur in the great general storms peculiar to the eastern United States in the spring months. In May these storms occur at the great lakes, and eastward north of the 42d parallel, but not elsewhere, and even there they do not often afford a heavy fall of snow. On the plains the spring snows are much less abundant than in the Atlantic States, the number of storms not only not being so great, but the volume of water falling in snow being much less in any case than in similar storms east of the Mississippi. The earlier months of spring are conspicuously dry in these Avestern districts, as may be seen by the various forms in AAmich the storms and their quantity are noted in the registers, and though the last month, May, is often marked by heavy rains, the season generally is more free from heavy storms, of either rain or snoAv here, than in other parts of the eastern United States. On the Rocky mountains, and on the greatly elevated plateaux belonging to its general districts, there is a large precipitation in snow during each of the spring months, and at the greater altitudes these storms are continued quite through the summer. There are many summits on which there is perpetual snow in the neighborhood of the Parks, and in the mountain systems south of the South Pass, and on all these the summer storms, which break as showers of short duration on the plains and valleys, fall as equally profuse snows. The abrupt and detached mountains of the great basin receive a large fall of snow in these months also, and the changes of temperature are so sudden at these altitudes that the storm may take the form of snow on mountains but little elevated, and where, as is usual in May in the Great Basin, the temperature of the valleys is approaching summer heat.* Very little is known of the central and southern portions of the Great Basin in this respect, but the whole of its great area, north of the thirty-seventh parallel, is undoubtedly quite uniform in its configuration, and in this feature of the spring climate. The mountains of Oregon and California are similar in the quantity of snow they receive, or in its continuance as the leading form of precipitation in these months. In California and the south of Oregon there is some appearance of a duplication of the rainy season in the greater profusion of rains and snows in March than in January, and on all the mountains Avhich so far arrest the sea winds as to render the plains east of them arid, the fall of both rain and snow is very great in this season. The number of days on which snoAv is noted, at the various posts, for these months, maybe readily taken from the Register, and from their examination it appears that the average number on which snow falls in March is eight to ten in the most northern districts of the Atlantic States and in the lake district, with half this number for April, and perhaps tAvo for May, at the same posts. At the latitude of Baltimore and St. Louis the average is tAvo to three days for March, one for April, and none in May. At Forts Towson and Moultrie, latitude 33° to 34°, the instances in March average but one in two years, with none in other months. In northern New Mexico, and in Oregon, there are, in some years, several days of snow in March, as in 1852 in Oregon, particularly ; but the number is generally small, and it is only at the most elevated posts that they occur in April and M - No reliable average could be given for these districts as the period of years is insufficient, and th diversitv of positions is too great to permit the combination of the results at separate posts. * Fremont's and Stansbury's Reports ; Beckwith's Survey, 1854. 103 744 REPORT. DISTRIBUTION OF RAIX FOR THE SUMMER. The quantity of rain falling in summer in the United States east of the Rocky mountains is perhaps the most decisive distinction of its general climate from that of other similar areas in temperate latitudes, though we can only compare it fully with the western and interior districts of Europe, and some points in Asia. To derive our analogies from Europe alone, we must designate this as a half tropical distribution, and its frequent instances of great profusion, Avith accompanying high temperatures, often approach the tropical forms of precipitation very closely, if they do not quite institute them for short periods. It has been usual in Europe to designate the summer rains in their per centage on the quantity for the year, and as the interior of Russia is attained, this proportion amounts to nearly fifty per cent. It is generally less, by regular gradation, on lines southwestward from this interior, and on reaching the African districts the summer rains wholly cease. The same designation here would be less expressive of this actual distribution, as it would not represent the actual quantities with their relations for the single period so clearly. The departures here are from tropical, or almost tropical, districts, with twenty-five to thirty inches of rain for this season, instead of being from districts like those of northern Africa with none. The quantities of the interior would have nearly the same ratios to those for the year, however, as at Fort Snelling the rain of summer is 43 per cent, of the yearly quantity, and at several posts of this vicinity the proportions are nearly the same. For the whole period of warm months, in Avhich May and September should be included, the quantity of rain distributed over the Mississippi valley is comparatively very great, and there is no great area so far in the interior which presents a similar result. The quantities are absolutely as well as relatively large, and they considerably exceed those of the plains of the Atlantic coast in the same latitudes. The line of fifteen inches for the three months goes only to 38° of latitude on the Atlantic coast, yet it rises nearly to 44° in the Mississippi valley, and occupies a very wide area below the fortieth parallel. The measure of twelve inches is equally more extensive in the interior, though neither of these stretches upon the plains beyond 100° west longitude. A contrast still more striking in comparison with the precipitation in Europe, is shown in the rapid diminution of these quantities at the more elevated posts generally, particularly in the Allegha- nies and in Texas ; though less so north of New York, where, for some part of the elevated interior, the quantity of summer rains is greater than in the plains. But the mountainous districts betAveen the Mississippi valley at St, Louis and Cincinnati, and the Atlantic coast at Fort Monroe and Balti- more, show the most marked deficiency, which is clearly indicated at Pittsburg and Carlisle. Each of these posts gives but about nine and a half inches for the summer, and still loAver proportions exist southward, as is shown by partial records in the interior of Virginia, which give but about eight inches for the summer.* * Reports of the Board of Commissioners of Public Works, &c. REPORT. 745 The lake district also presents a somewhat anomalous result, in comparison with other interior portions at least, as it has less than the valley of the Mississippi in the same latitudes, though nearly the same as the Atlantic coast. The effect of these bodies of water is clearly to diminish the quantity of rain for the whole period of the warm season, though not so strikingly for the three months of summer as for other months. This deficiency appears very clearly in the mean for the spring, and it is conclusive proof that the local evaporation adds little or none to the quantity of rain of these interior districts. The valley of the Mississippi and its extension in the Ohio valley strikingly contrast with the rain fall in the lake districts, though this difference is probably due to greater profusion rather than to frequency of rains. The number of days on which rain falls is indeed con- siderably greater at the northern posts of the lake district. The irregular character of the rains on the plains in summer has been alluded to in connection with the distribution for the spring. They are less in number and more irregular without having any periodical discontinuance, and the whole immense range, from the thirty-first parallel to the northern boundary is nearly uniform in this respect. On the Llano Estacado of Texas there is the least rain probably, and next is a belt along the Canadian river which has more than other districts, as is apparent from the accounts of those who have traversed it, and from the configuration and cultivable character which the districts at each extremity are known to have. The Wichita mountains extend further west than other elevated and well watered points on the plains, of which there are some near Fort Gibson ; and the spurs of the mountains of New Mexico reach eastward at Las Vegas and other points in a district with frequent rains in summer. The whole eastern slope of the Rocky mountains is still generally arid, and the loose soil and rapid evaporation dissipate the rains and diminish the effect of the fall of any certain volume, much below that of a similar rain fall on the retentive surface and soil eastward. On the upper plains of Texas and over all the plains west of 100° of longitude, irrigation is generally necessary to support cultivation which requires the summer for its growth, and in the valleys nearest the mountains at the west it becomes more decidedly so than elsewhere. At the western border of these plains the illustration of the rain distribution becomes much less accurate in its expression of the actual condition than before, and it can only be taken as an approxi- mation toward this condition. The whole area is so much broken up by mountains, that great profusion may alternate with entire absence of rain, for the summer at least, on valleys and mountains in the most immediate proximity. Generally, the valleys of New Mexico have little or no rain in summer and the mountains a large quantity, and this is gathered, as in the mountainous regions of Europe 'by local formation of clouds with profuse and perhaps violent rains when no general clouds are formed and no rain falls elsewhere. Such is, to some extent, the case for the whole of the Rocky mountains and for the higher mountains of the Great Basin, and of California and Oregon. But there is some value in an illustration which expresses a rude average of such results, and the fact that rains are profuse on the high mountains of a district is important to the necessities of occupation and of transit if not to cultivation. The construction of tanks and reservoirs which may receive accumulations' from such sources may be resorted to, and irrigation from temporary mountain streams i ,,-Uo ramose in the existing cultivation of some localities of New Mexico and Sonora. answers a valuable purpu^ a The district south of the Gila, including the northern part of Sonora, and the recently acquired •tor of northern Mexico, exemplifies this feature in a very striking manner. This region partici- tern or^^ ^mmer raing of Mexico to its extreme limit near the Gila, and sometimes to Fort Yuma.- The mountains in view of this post exhibit frequent profuse and local rains, and these furnish supplies 746 REPORT. in otherwise arid districts, of the most abundant character for filling the natural tanks—(tinaja, altos tinajas, high tanks,*) Arhich exist there in singular adaptation to the Avants of the country. These already supply many uses in the Avants of surveys and expeditions, and in the actual occupations of a permanent population. The clear atmosphere preserves the Avaters so accumulated from the changes they Avould undergo in other climates, and they remain fresh until actually exhausted or evaporated.t The district knoAvn to receive the greatest amount of this local precipitation in New Mexico has been designated as receiving an average of fifteen inches for the summer ; and ten, eight, and six inches are assigned to surrounding districts of a similar character. At some of the posts very little rain falls, and they are usually located in valleys much below the general level. Nearly all, how- ever, are in districts having a medium fall of rain, and not in the driest localities. Fort Massachu- setts, Santa Fe, and others, are much above the general level of the Rio Grande valley; Albuquerque is in a valley wider than usual; and only Socorro, Fort Conrad, and El Paso represent the quantity in the more immediate Rio Grande valley with sufficient accuracy. The quantities of the chart are, therefore, a mean intended to represent the general level as nearly as possible, and they are neither so much as falls on the higher mountains nor so little as the average of the table lands. The table lands from the Rio Grande to the Colorado along the Gila river have very little rain in summer, and they form the boundary betAveen the regular summer rains of northern Mexico and the characteristic summer rains of the temperate latitudes. Some portion of the mountains at the north of this river exhibit a frequency of rains nearly approaching .those of Mexico; and at Fort Yuma the occurrence of rains in July and August, after two or three months of absolute suspension, shows that "the summer rains have a partial development at some seasons there. There is a very little, also, at San Diego, and on the southern point of the Sierra Nevada and its prolongations near this point; but in the greater part of California there is no rain in the three months of summer. There is, apparently, none also in the greater area of the Interior Basin. The wide desert-reaches between the Sierra Nevada and the Colorado river, with the upper portion near Humboldt river, and its extension southward east of the Sierra Nevada are known to be nearly if not quite destitute of rain at this season. Very little is known of much of this great region, however, and there may be mountain ranges, like those of the Wahsatch and Humboldt river, which have local rains similar to those of NeAv Mexico. On the Sierra Nevada generally there is very little rain in summer ; though for this conclusion the general impression derived from official reports, including those of surveys, is the reliance, rather than the positive record of observations of this particular point. In some instances personal observation assures us that the atmosphere is remarkably free from clouds and all forms of precipitation at this season. It appears probable that none of the mountains of California and the coast precipitate any considerable quantity of rain in summer; and the whole class evidently differs very greatly from the mountains of New Mexico in this respect. For other portions of the year these proportions are either partially or wholly reversed, as they certainly are in the winter rainy season of California. There are anamalous features in the distribution of the summer rains on this part of the continent * The term is applied by substitution, its literal signification is a wide-mouthed jar for catching rain. t The writer is indebted to A. B. Gray, Esq., who has surveyed much of this district; to Dr. R. O. Abbott, U. S. A., for some time .stationed at Fort Yuma ; Lieut. Parke, Top. Eng'rs, Major Steen, and others, for facts of personal observation in this interesting district, on the points referred to in this connection. REPORT. 747 which cannot yet be properly presented. Its high mountains are generally more dry than those of Europe, and it is only at the highest mountains of New Mexico, at eight to twelve thousand feet above the sea, that we find rains similar to those of the Pyrenees and the northern Alps. The Italian Alps are more abundant in rain than any of this American region, and there is strong evidence that this difference belongs to the general distribution, and not to differences of configuration. The lati- tudes corresponding to the position of the mountains of California and the Great Basin are found in Africa and not in Europe, and generally this belt, which is a belt of calms at sea, is one of desert areas for the continents of the northern hemisphere. Considered in this light, the profusion on the mountains of New Mexico becomes exceptional, though we should find the analogies of Europe in .Oregon and British America. It is quite clear that the profuse precipitation characteristic of the Mississippi valley and Gulf coast in summer, does not belong to the western half of the continent, irrespective of any causes in the altitude or latitude which might diminish it, and that this excess at the east has some local origin. We know little of the quantity of rain falling in British America and other parts of the north, the measurement at Sitka, Russian America, being almost the only one beyond the Canadas. At this point the quantity of rain in the summer and autumn is very great, and from the evidences of the records of northern Oregon we may suppose the whole of this coast to receive a large precipitation in summer.* How far this extends toward the interior is an important point bearing upon the dis- tribution over the great northern plains of the United States, and for which we have no records north of Forts Laramie and Kearny. Whether the northern ranges of the Rocky mountains interrupt the rains almost entirely, as they appear to do in the middle latitudes, is not yet ascertainable, and we know only that at the Red river of the North the summer rains are abundant. The measure of ten inches appearing at the extreme posts in that direction may undoubtedly be extended to Lake Win- nipeg, and perhaps to the Saskatchewan valley. On the upper Missouri, however, there is known to be a great deficiency of rain in the summer months at times, and a large part of the great area par- tially enclosed by its long curve is set down as an arid and uncultivable district by explorers. Its amount of drainage is too small to permit the supposition that it is otherwise, as all the tributaries of the Missouri from the west and south below the Powder Horn river,—or the last of the series near the Yellowstone, and of which that river is the principal,—are small and comparatively unimportant streams, belonging to the class of shoal rivers of the plains, and falling off to a very small volume in summer.f The extreme quantities of rain measured for this season in the various districts have a great range and the greatest quantities found in the tables are approximately placed on the chart. These are still more remarkable as departures from the averages than the like measures on the spring chart, and it is a characteristic of the climate that excessive falls of rain, with phenomena resembling the water spouts at sea, may occur at any point of the interior, and that deluges of rain do frequently fall over large districts as well as at small localities at this season. Near New York twenty inches * " The climate of Sitka is warmer than that of Europe on the same parallel. The cold of winter is neither severe nor of long con- , . tne atmosphere is charged with vapors whose condensation occasions almost constant rains. In the month of July the is seldom visible more than three or four days, and then only for an instant. The humidity gives astonishing vigor to the vegeta- tion," Sac—Richardson's Climatology of British America. t Lewis and Clark notice particularly the color and high temperature of the waters of these rivers, their quantity of clay sediment, d ther evidences that they rise in clay plains, and not in mountains. Later explorers speak of the same characteristics, and notice that they are unexpectedly small. 748 REPORT. (August. 1843) have been measured in a single month of summer, and the maximum of twenty inches assigned to that vicinity on the chart is intended to express a general average rather than the maxi- mum observed at any one point. A comparison of the records at several posts for any month marked by an excessive quantity will, however, usually show that the effect is not confined to a small locality. In June, 1853, Forts Pierce, Key West, and Myers, Florida, have a great quantity of rain—nearly 30 inches for the first, 18 for the second, and 25.5 for the last. At Fort Brooke the great measure of 54.6 inches appears in the summer of 1840, but there is no record to compare with south of Fort Monroe, which has 30 inches. At Fort Pike the maximum is 53.8 inches; but, as this does not appear elsewhere, the highest quantity at Baton Rouge is taken as the representative of the district generally. All the posts of the Mississippi valley show a very high maximum, and this. extreme quantity appears to be directly associated with the tropical temperatures so frequently found there for long periods in summer. At the lower point of the coast of Texas the rainy summer of the east coast of Mexico approaches both the arid summer of New Mexico and upper Texas, and the equally distributed rains of the east- ern United States, which extend over a large share of Texas. At the lower Rio Grande the records of 1850 to 1852 would show a greater identity with New Mexico than with either of the other dis- tricts ; but in the records subsequent to that time, and particularly for so much of 1855 as has been observed, the leading characteristics are those belonging to the coast at Tampico, or to New Orleans in a wet year. This result places the locality in its most natural association, and shows that it may have a considerable range of climate, at times identified with that of each of the three on which the district borders. REPORT. 749 DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION FOR THE AUTUMN. For the area where the graphic illustration of rain distribution is most clearly expressive of the actual condition—that east of the Rocky mountains—there is less contrast in the quantities for the various districts in this than in any other season, or period of three months. The measure of ten inches, which is so general for all the charts on the Atlantic coast, belongs to a much larger proportion of this area than in other cases, and there are but two or three small districts having larger measures. The three warmer points of the Gulf coast which are half tropical, and which so uniformly have a large precipitation for some part of the year, all now go nearly as high as fifteen inches, though the records of southern Florida and of the posts near New Orleans are for imperfect periods. At the mouth of the Rio Grande the quantity is clearly greater than at any other season, and this appears to be caused by an extension of the rainy season of summer into September and October, or rather by its occurrence at that point in these months principally, instead of being confined to the summer months proper, as in some parts of Mexico. On all the eastern coast of Mexico September is one of the rainy months, and at Vera Cruz the quantity falling in it is nearly as great as in any other month.* This development of the rainy season is confined to the coast, however, and it is only at Fort Brown and Corpus Christi that it may be identified as having any features not common to the equally distributed rains of the Mississippi valley. On the coast of Oregon the periodica^ rains occupy a large share of the three months, beginning before the close of September and becoming quite continuous through the latter part of October and in November. At two posts of the immediate coast, Fort Orford and Astoria, the quantity is tAA^enty inches, and at the partially interior post of Steilacoom, fifteen inches. At Sitka the mean for tAvo years is thirty-four inches, and it is evident that the humidity increases rapidly along the AAmole coast from California northward. The periods are not sufficient to give reliable mean quantities, however, and it can only be generally stated that the Pacific coast north of 42° of latitude is characterized by profuse precipitation through at least half of the three months of autumn. The districts deficient in rain at this season are nearly the same as at other seasons. The plains, * The following observations of the fall of rain at Vera Cruz are given in Mayer's History of Mexico ; the quantities for the months are for one year only, 1830, the mean for the year for 9 years. Inches. January..................................... 5,1 February.................................... "^ March....................................... °-° 0.5 April. May Inches. October...................................... 8.0 November.................................... 4.5 December.................................... 0.4 Spring....................................... 31.9 Summer..................................... 116.8 June........................................ 2L2 | Autumn..................................... 51.4 July......................................... 597 Winter...................................... 5.5 August...................................... 35-9 Year......................................... 164.9 September................................... 38,9 ' 'Jyj REPORT. with New Mexico, the (ireat Basin, and California are all comparatively dry. In California generally there is no rain in September, and for all parts south of San Francisco none in October. In this northern half the rains commence in October, though irregularly, and in the south in like manner in November. In California these rains are rarely continuous for these months, however, or reliable in successive years. They sometimes commence in the form of the more perfectly developed periodical rams of the northern coast, or of this district for December and March, yet they may be as extremely irregular as in any other part of the United States. If the distinction of this season were there the same as it substantially is for the eastern United States, or that of declining temperature and the cessation of vegetable growths, there would be an almost entire absence of rain belonging to it over the great interior and California districts. The heat of summer is, in fact, the close of vegetation for most of this region because of its aridity, and the autumn has little in common with that of the Atlantic States. In the Great Basin, or in its best known portion near Salt Lake, and in New Mexico, the rains of these three months are quite equally distributed, and the actual quantities do not differ greatly from those at other seasons. The snows are early, also, occurring quite as soon as in the lake district of the east, though their quantity is unimportant except in the highest mountain ranges. This district has some forms of precipitation, either as cloud formation alone, or as slight storms of rain or snow on the mountains, during most of the period of these months ; and though practically dry, as every season except summer is, it is so only by general deficiency of atmospheric moisture, and not in consequence of any periodical distribution. This portion of the interior is, technically, a district of constant precipitation. On the plains the distribution of rain is somewhat the same as in the first two months of spring in respect to the frequency of long periods of fine Aveather, and in the generally small quantity falling. The autumnal periods of absence of rain are longer, however, and more general, reaching eastward over most of the Atlantic States, and sometimes characterizing nearly the whole area. The softened temperature and peculiar character of these dry autumnal" periods form one of the most striking features of contrast with the same season in Europe, and these peculiarities almost always continue until broken up by a general rain. The steady atmospheric movement from the Avest Avhich belongs to the middle latitudes of the United States, apparently favors the extension of these periods both in time and space. Dry and serene periods on the plains become even more dry and serene as the mass of atmosphere moves eastward at this season, and the changes of temperature are not only less, but there is also less rain to be precipitated by these changes. These dry periods are fewer east of the plains, and the number of days on which rain or snow falls increases toward the Atlantic coast. Their characteristic features, as shown in the calms of several days continuance popularly known as the Indian summer, are, however, still well defined, particularly in central New York and Canada ; but they are shorter, and they alternate with intervals of slow but constant rains, embracing many successive days. In most of the Atlantic States, and particularly in the central districts, or from New York to Norfolk, the precipitation of autumn is mainly in general storms of two or three days' duration. The number of days of rain is less than at the northeast, and the intervals are usually serene. The actual depth of water falling is strikingly regular for the successive days throughout, as before remarked, and the proportion for each of the months quite uniform. There is some appearance of deficiency in September for part of the northern districts, as at the military posts of the New England States ; but the most extended periods of record from other sources, as at New Bedford. Massachusetts; Albany. REPORT. 751 Utica and Rochester, NeAv York ; as well as the very complete periods at Fort Columbus, West Point, &c, show no noticeable diminution for this month. There is also no excess apparent in it for any point north of Fort Monroe in the eastern States. The autumnal distribution of rain in Florida is more difficult of explanation than that for any other district, from its very great irregularity, and from the inadequacy of the periods of time during which observations have been made to reduce the prominence of the differences arising from this irregularity, and to establish any definite rule of the relations of the several months. The distribution at the posts of the south, in the Carolinas and Georgia, is also extremely irregular, and it appears that the non-periodic variations are greater here, in regard to the quantity of rain in these months, than almost anywhere else. The regular distribution of quantities at Fort Monroe becomes much broken up at Fort Moultrie, where each of the autumn months frequently falls off to an almost entire absence of rain. The mean of September is here also much the greatest, and that for November least. At Savannah, Oglethorpe barracks gives the same result, and a series of fourteen years' observation at Savannah, by Dr. Posey,* is quite the same in its distribution. Nearly all the posts of eastern Florida, and of the peninsula, give a like result; and a tendency to periodicity, or to a division of seasons in this respect, is certainly apparent for these short periods. The following numbers illustrate this point: Stations. Fort Moultrie....... Oglethorpe Barracks Fort Marion........ Fort Shannon...... Fort Pierce......... Key West.......... Fort Myers......... Fort Brooke........ Fort Meade......... Cedar Keys......... Fort Barrancas........ Mount Vernon Arsenal. Baton Rouge......... September. October. November. 5.83 2.44 1.79 4.07 5.85 4.33 1.95 2.42 3.78 1.19 1.29 1.60 9.27 5.36 2.21 7.79 6.38 1.18 10.29 0.98 0.69 6.23 2.40 2.00 4.85 1.50 0.56 4.97 3.80 3.17 5.25 2.41 6.05 3.05 3.92 6.18 3.91 2.67 5.90 From these results it is evident that a comparatively dry season succeeds the profuse rains of August and September in Florida, and the portion of the Atlantic States bordering it, and also that this does not extend westward as far as Pensacola. The periods at this point, and at Mobile, (Mount Vernon Arsenal,) are for ten to fifteen years each ; and if the features there were really analogous to those of eastern Florida, the fact could not fail to appear in the comparison of the similar dates embraced by these records. By reference to the general tables it will be seen that there is a marked tendency toward the development of a winter dry season, even in the States next to Florida, and that in southern Florida this is quite decided and almost as fully developed as in the recognized tropical climates. As before * Agricultural Patent Office Report, 1853. 104 752 REPORT. remarked, hoAvever, there are great irregularities, and often quite contradictory results for single years. Thus, at r < >rt Moultrie there is one instance of near eight inches of rain in October; at Oglethorpe barracks and Fort Marion instances of six inches ; at Fort Pierce, ten ; at Key West one of nine and one of fourteen. The quantities in November are also often considerable, and all these alternate with months of none or of very little. In September these instances of profuse rains are more numerous and more extreme, in some cases exceeding twenty inches. The most prominent feature of rain distribution in Florida, in distinction from other parts of the United States, is this great irregularity, Avhich. prevents us from getting clear general views from periods of record embracing but two or three, or a few years. The records at Pensacola (Fort Barrancas) and at Mobile are also characterized by great irregu- larities, and here a winter rainy season is in process of development. The minimum is in August, September, or October, from which point the quantities increase very much in November in every case, remaining large through every winter month. Comparing Baton Rouge, as the central point of this district of profuse winter rains, with the posts of southern Florida, the contrast is at once apparent. Though this belongs more appropriately to the winter distribution, a citation may be made here to illustrate the characteristics of the autumn, in which season these changes first occur. Stations. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 7.79 4.85 3.05 3.91 3.51 6.38 1.50 3.92 2.67 3.37 1.18 0.56 6.18 5.90 3.91 3.13 1.79 5.25 5.23 3.78 2 86 1.07 Mt. Vernon Arsenal, Alabama 6.80 5.26 4.61 * Dr. Barton's Tables and Report from the Sanitary Commission of New Orleans. The first approach to this dry season in Florida is made in October, and from the minimum, which appears to occur in November, there is a partial resumption of the rains apparent in mid- Avinter, to be followed by other months of less rain. But as a whole, the winter, from October forward, is a dry season on the peninsula of Florida, and to some extent on the south Atlantic coast. At the west, along the Gulf coast, however, a reverse condition obtains, and a rainy season of the most marked features belongs to the vicinity of the lower Mississippi, apparently reaching up in the interior to Memphis.* The irregularities in this succession of the months are not sufficient to change the character of this district as one of constant precipitation, however, nor is it rigidly any the less identified with that of equally distributed rains in the general sense in which the term is used. But in Florida a different designation applies, though we are yet unable to say precisely what that designation should be. It appears to be a climate ordinarily of a division into two principal seasons in regard to the rains, the wet summer and the dry winter, yet either may be interrupted by extremes of an opposite character much greater than those occurring in any other known district. The proportion of the autumnal precipitation which falls in snow is quite large for some part of the northern and eastern United States, and for the mountainous regions of the interior and Pacific coast. Siioavs occur in rare instances north of 42° of latitude in September ; in October they are * At Vicksburg, for fifteen years, October is the month of least rain and January of the greatest.—(Pub. Tables of A. L. Hatch.) At Huntsville, Alabama, Rev. Dr. Allan's Observations give the same result; as also others at Natchez and Jackson, Mississippi, and those of Professor Hamilton at Nashville, Tennessee.—Agricultural Patent Office Report, 1853 REPO RT. 753 frequent to this point, and they may reach to the 38th parallel. In November they rarely go much farther south, but they remain upon the ground in the more northern districts, and sometimes as far south as the first named latitude, through much of the winter. The elevated districts near the lakes and toward the Atlantic, as in the highlands of New York and NeAv England, are most abundant in snow ; and the quantity of precipitation is maintained in this form through the winter months here, while it appears to fall off, from deficiency of atmospheric moisture, west of the lakes and on the great plains. At Fort Snelling November has only about one-third as much as Septem- ber, while at Fort Brady there is much less difference, and at Madison Barracks (Sackett's Harbor) and Utica, New York, there is no difference in the quantities. There are too few observations to warrant any examination of the quantity of snow in the great mountainous districts of the interior and Pacific slope, and the illustrations of the chart for those districts are approximations only, derived from such observations as exist, and from the best analo- gies afforded by the configuration. 754 REPORT. DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION IN RAIN AND SNOW FOR THE WINTER. The general influence of temperature on the quantity of water falling in rain and snow becomes most fully developed in the winter precipitation of the interior, where it is evident that below a certain point of temperature very little moisture remains in the atmosphere, and the quantity falling in rain and snow is very small. The measurements for this interior are too few to give the absolute mean quantities here Avith precision, but they cannot vary much from those entered on the chart. At Fort Snelling the period is sufficient to give a very reliable result, however, and those at Forts Leaven- worth, Kearny, and Laramie cannot be far from true mean quantities. North of this line, on the plains, it is only knoAvn that the winter precipitation, in every form, becomes gradually less, and it is thought to be least on the plains of the upper Missouri. In illustration of this general feature of very little interior precipitation in Avinter, comparison Avith the interior districts of Siberia may be made, and on these last the rate of diminution on any line from western Europe is found to be very rapid, and the extreme point of the interior to have very little, if not to be quite destitute of winter precipitation. Such a district of absolute aridity is said to exist there, and in referring to the climatology of the plains of British and Russian America, Rich- ardson cites it, and remarks a possibly parallel case near the Yukon river, at the western limits of British America. It is here, as in Asia, a barren plateau on which no water is found.* The quantity of snow is small on all the northern prairie slope of the Rocky mountains, and the prairies of the Saskatchewan and upper Missouri, in a line with Fort Union, (of the Missouri,) Fort Pierre, and Fort Kearny, appear to afford the minimum of winter precipitation in every form. The snows are more abundant at the Red River of the North than Avest of it on the plains, and as the lake district is traversed from the west they steadily increase, Avith the occasional occurrence of profuse winter rains, to the Atlantic coast. Through all this lake district, with that of the northern Atlantic coast, rains and snows are interspersed through all.the winter months, and the changes of temperature are such as sometimes to render these rains as profuse as those of any other season. Winter rains are more rare on the plains, in the same latitudes, though not wholly wanting, except, perhaps, near Lake Superior, on the west and northwest. Here the winter is quite uniform and rigid, and it is characterized by great aridity, as well as by steady low temperature.f As an associated general feature of the chart the appearance of the greater shadings on the ocean * " Between the Yukon and Lewis rivers there is a barren plateau which the Indians cross in four days, but on which they find no water ;" and in a note its similarity to that in Siberia is remarked, "for it can scarcely be, in so rigorous a climate, that melting snow, if it exists, should not leave pools of water all the summer."—Richardson's Arctic Expedition. f Richardson makes frequent reference to the "dead winter months " at the Hudson's Bay Company's posts of British America, beyond the lake district. At Penetanguishene, Lake Huron, he says: " In December much snow falls. A great fall of snow takes place in FebrtHi?y, and there is usually a temporary thaw about the end of the month, accompanied by heavy rain and occasionally by thunder." Of the winter in Minnesota a recent writer says, (Bond's Minnesota and its Resources:) "The most remarkable charac- teristic of the winter climate of Minnesota is its great dryness—there being an almost total absence of rain and moisture. Not more than one heavy rain a%oTin has occurred within its limits during the last tea years." REPORT. 755 coasts is quite conspicuous in winter, though there is one exception, which has been noticed in comparing the quantities for the autumn, in the diminished quantities in Florida and the south Atlantic States. This winter dry season appears also in lower Texas. The greater quantities on the coasts at this season, afford the only features of identity of the distribution of rain on this part of the continent with that characteristic of Europe, and that which has, hitherto, as in Berg- haus' and Johnston's charts, been assigned to this continent from the analogies afforded by better known land areas. It has been seen how largely the distribution for the seasons already illustrated, differed from that based on principles which assign to coasts, and to the nearest mountain ranges, the leading agency in causing precipitation. In previous cases, the Alleghanies more frequently cause deficiency than excess, and now, although the districts near the coast have more rain than the interior, there still appears to be no increase due to the presence of any of the elevations of the Appalachian chain. Upper Virginia contrasts with the Ohio valley, and with the plain at Baltimore and Norfolk, in the same manner as in summer, though not to the same degree. At the first uplifts of the southern extremity of these hills, in Alabama and Mississippi, there may, however, be some increase in the quantity of rain, though we are yet unable to decide the point satisfactorily. The maximum for the eastern United States falls again in the atmospheric basin of the lower Mississippi, and where a partial development of a winter rainy season occurs. In the remarks relating to the autumn precipitation these winter rains and their partial periodicity were noticed. The contrast with Florida and lower Texas which they exhibit is perhaps the most striking peculiarity disclosed by the chart, or by the illustration of the observations. It is difficult to account for these features satisfactorily upon any received principles of winter distribution of atmospheric humidity, unless we suppose these extreme southern points to be more nearly assimilated to tropical districts in regard to rain than they are in temperature. In truth, they lie in the neutral latitudes, which afford the anomalies of Africa and Asia, and which appear to be controlled by the configuration of the districts, and by accidental or anomalous atmospheric move- ments resulting from peculiar relations of the sea and land areas. The profuse rains and the partial rainy season of winter are extended up the valley of the Mississippi for a considerable distance, and so much as to induce the impression that there is an atmospheric eddy or basin here in which general circulation ceases, and the conditions most favorable to accumulation of moisture and to profuse precipitation are found. The questions presented by this constant concen- tration of the areas of maximum precipitation in the basin of the lower Mississippi are worthy a more thorough analysis than can now be made. Passing to the districts of most profuse winter rain on the Pacific coast, we find the European analogies fully sustained, and results quite similar to those of the west coasts of the British islands and Norway. For the lower latitudes, or in California, the humid atmosphere has considerable elevation, and the rains are not wholly arrested by the lofty chain of the Sierra Nevada, and at the same time they are not extraordinarily profuse at and near the level of the sea. In Oregon they are more low and local, falling very profusely at sea level and on the low coast ranges. No very large quantity remains to be arrested by the range of Rocky mountains, though these are so high as to nearly exhaust the moisture not deposited near the coast, and to receive a large quantity of snow in the whole course of the cold season. At Astoria the quantity of winter rain is much like that of Bergen, in Norway, which at 60° north latitude has a mean of 23.5 inches of rain in winter for a period of ten years. Points of the west coast of Ireland, and of Scotland and parts of England, would not differ largely from these measures. Bergen is considered as the most extremely rainy of European positions 756 REPORT. in its winter climate, and it is probable that the quantity placed on the chart for our immediate western coast—thirty inches—is too great to be sustained by the results of a period of years. At Sitka the mean of tAvo years is but sixteen inches, and at Steilacoom that of five years is 21.5. The mean for the most exposed points of the coast cannot be less than 25 inches, and this quantity probably belongs to the Avhole coast, at least as far as Sitka. In NorAvay the existence of abrupt mountains near the coast renders the comparison of interior districts similar, and a dry, cold, and unproductive region exists there like much of British America, but in other parts of Europe the humid atmosphere of the coasts reaches far inland, adding largely to the Avinter precipitation, and softening the climate in regard to temperature in a corresponding degree. None of the Pacific districts afford these advantages here, and thus at all seasons the interior districts of Oregon, with those of the plains of the Columbia, of the Great Basin, and of California, are found to be characterized by like conditions of aridity, and "by similar extremes and transitions of temperature. All this chain of basins and plateaux is alike in this respect, and its great area and peculiar position requires a considerable extension of posts of observation to define its climate with the requisite precision for all the purposes of occupation and transit. The precipitation of the great Rocky mountain ranges in Avinter can only be stated with a remote approximation. It does not appear that the snows are remarkable for profusion at this season, and the great accumulations found by those who have attempted to traverse the mountains in any part of the cold season do not necessarily imply very deep falls in winter for the general surface. As all the precipitation from October to the close of May is retained on the mountains in the form of snow, the floods of June would be large if the quantity were quite moderate in each month, and the general systems of drainage are not adequate to carry off the measure of rain and snow which falls on the mountains of the New England States. Assuming for the Rocky mountain region a winter precipi- tation equivalent to five inches in depth of rain, the rule of reduction of snow to water applicable in cold climates, of one inch of water to twelve of snow, would give sixty inches of snow for the winter fall. As most of the precipitation of spring and autumn is also in snow, we may suppose an equal quantity in spring and half this depth in autumn—the whole giving twelve and a half feet of loose snow as falling in the whole cold season on the higher ranges. The quantity can scarcely be greater than this anyAvhere, and its average is probably less. The measurement of snows in their depth when first fallen has, unfortunately, received little attention in these military records, while attention to the melting of the quantity and its measurement as water has oeen, on the whole, very accurately and carefully given. The practical value of a com- parison of the mean quantities of loose snow is now very great, since general routes of transit must be controlled by such considerations in forming connections with the Pacific States.* * The valuable tables now published regularly for many years in the American Almanac afford the best existing averages of the quantity of snow, and some of these results may be given for their general interest. Positions. For the winter months only. For the year. 12 years' mean depth. 7 " 34 " 10 " 24 " 8 " 36 inches. __ k ___ << __ a 54 " 90 " 67 43 " 25* " REPORT, 757 MEAN ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION. The summary of the quantities for the several seasons in mean quantities for the year, exhibits a more symmetrical distribution of precipitation than belongs to either of the first charts. The results are believed to be less liable to error from imperfection of periods, and from the great range of non- periodic variations, than in the case of periods embracing but a part of the year. This conclusion is based on the assumption that the non-periodic variations in the quantity of water falling in rain do not cover so much time, and that the compensating extremes are more likely to return within the year than to be deferred to subsequent years. It is, however, scarcely possible to decide this point from the existing records, as in several of the more complete series there are years known to possess constant errors of measurement, either in excess or in deficiency. The general features of symmetry are, first, the great quantities in the lower Mississippi valley and the Gulf States ; next the comparatively large quantities and gradual out-shadings of other parts of the Mississippi valley ; the uniform measures of the Atlantic coast throughout; and the uniform and decreasing quantities from this district to the higher districts of the Avhole Alleghany range, and still more to the lake district—which last is also quite uniform throughout. The falling off on the northern portion of the plains is quite abrupt, and not only the very complete series at Fort Snelling so far establishes this point, but such partial records as are obtainable from positions near that post, and the features universally ascribed to the vicinity of Fort Pierre, confirm it. The plains are quite symmetrical in their quantities beyond this point, so far as may be ascertained, and the valley of the lower Rio Grande appears to correspond very well, and to continue this symmetry of the yearly results. Beyond the plains the characteristic features of the districts of periodical rains are strikingly exhibited, and southern Florida gives strong evidence that it should be identified with the districts of periodical rains, rather than with the area of constant precipitation of the eastern United States. There are fewer irregularities in these annual summaries, however, than in the sums for separate seasons, and the possibility of making an illustration of sufficiently precise and practical value Avould not be doubted in regard to these quantities. In comparing this illustration with the charts of Berghaus and Johnston, the deficiency on the coasts of the Atlantic and Gulf States is quite apparent. The gradations increase toward the interior, instead of diminishing, on any parallel from the Atlantic coast toward the Mississippi valley, at least as far north as 43° of latitude, and above this parallel there is but a slight extension of a district of greater precipitation on the Atlantic coast. From the Gulf coast northward there is also a decided increase at some points, and for a moderate distance; as also from the coast at St. Augustine, (Fort Marion ) Florida, northwestward toward the interior of Georgia. The Pacific coast has the analogies heretofore attributed to all temperate climates, but they are there greatly exaggerated in quantity for the northern, and diminished for the southern portions. The prominent deduction derived from this feature giving the greatest quantities in the interior for the eastern United States, and from the uniformity of the quantities over large districts and their extraordinary symmetry, is, that the supply of moisture for precipitation is from remote sources, and that the immediate inducing 758 REPORT. causes are not found in the configuration of the country. If the altitude of the hills and mountains of this part of the continent has any agency in inducing precipitation, we should find interruptions in the symmetry due to them, and an irregularity conforming to their irregularities of position. This would be more apparent if their effect were supposed to be to increase the amounts, as is generally the case elsewhere, than if they had a negative relation to them, or one tending to diminish the measures. The last is, in truth, to some extent the real relation of the districts having considerable altitude, if not of the sharper elevations and mountains themselves, to the quantity of water falling in the vicinity of the Alleghanies ; though such a relation cannot be considered in the same sense as one of increased quantities, since it is merely an interruption of the uniformity which would appear if the whole were a plain. By comparison of the hyetal with the thermal condition for this area, we may see a similarity Avhich may solve the questions indicated in the contrasts just noted. East of the plains the shadings conform to the curvatures of the thermal lines, and this in a striking manner, if we take the thermal chart for the summer, in which season the excesses principally fall. The higher temperatures then fall inland, even for all the southern coasts; and the great heats of the Mississippi valley, the reces- sion of the lines about the lake district and about the Alleghany mountains, the heat of the interior of southern Florida, and many other points of correspondence, indicate clearly the existence of definite and necessary relations of these two conditions for the district under consideration. The quantity of water precipitated in rain is proportioned to the temperature, and riot to configuration, or to proximity to the sea. To this general principle there are partial exceptions, one of which has been mentioned in the extension of the heavy shading on the northern coast of New England. This district, including the highlands and mountains of most parts of the New England States and New York, has more rain than would fall to it by the general rule; and there is some evidence that the contact of atmospheric volumes with those altitudes induces a share of the precipitation, as in Europe and on the Pacific coast. The next exception is in the lower part of the lake district, the vicinity of Lake Ontario in New York. Here the temperature is highest, and the quantity of rain is least for its latitude, except, perhaps, the vicinity of Lake Michigan, on both sides. As the basin of Lake Ontario is some hundreds of feet below the greater part of the lake district, the exception is more apparent than it otherwise would be; and the absence of the greater quantities which should be found there, if the latitudes were lower, shows only that the northern limit of this distinctive district is nearly attained, and that it would not exclusively belong to latitudes as high as 45 degrees. The profuse rains of the St. Lawrence valley and basin, however, still in a great measure confirm the general principle, and associate a large proportion of precipitation with its seasons of highest temperature. A more critical and thorough examination of the northeastern districts in their mutual relations at the various seasons is very desirable. The district of the great lakes has a general feature of a character perhaps least to be anticipated, in showing a general diminution of the quantity of precipitation in comparison with the districts of its vicinity. That these bodies of water should reduce the annual quantity of rain instead of adding to it may appear improbable, yet, in comparing the results exhibited on the c]j^rt for the year, it is demonstrable that they do so. Under the general principle just mentioned the explanation is more simple than might be expected, since it is dependent on the relative capacities of the local atmo- spheres to sustain moisture, the precipitation being more or less profuse accordingly. If at Cin- REPORT. 759 cinnati the mean temperature may be for some days at 85° and at Fort Gratiot at but 60°, with a degree of humidity near saturation in both cases, a change of temperature which would precipitate like proportions of this moisture would give twice the depth of rain at the former place. Such, for nearly all parts of the year, are the relative thermal conditions for the atmosphere of this immense cool water surface and that of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, and the hyetal conditions are only similarly contrasted. If the quantity of water precipitated at all seasons depended on local sources of supply in the evaporation from ocean or lake surfaces, there should be, notwithstanding the rule just mentioned, a considerable increase on the hills in the vicinity of the lakes in winter or the colder seasons. There is, undoubtedly, a partial or small increase of this sort, which is most conspicuous in New York and in the vicinity of Lake Superior. But the amount so added is due to the greater temperature of the lakes at this season, and to their slower cooling, as their local atmosphere retains a degree of humidity and a capacity for moisture which does not belong to the atmosphere of the land areas in their vicinity. The quantity is also not very great, and it is more conspicuous at the cold season, than important in its addition to the quantity for the year. The number of days of rain and snow is also increased disproportionately to the actual quantity. West of Lake Superior there is, apparently, a heavier fall of snow in winter than elsewhere, or perhaps this profusion belongs to all the hills and low mountains surrounding this great lake, and reaching west to the Red river of the North. The great plains begin at this western limit, and they stretch northwestward to the Saskatchewan and beyond it, the whole country to the Rocky mountains, indeed, being a single low and unbroken plain. Whatever influ- ence moderate elevations would have in this latitude and position in inducing a heavier fall of rain and snow might be anticipated here, and there may be a relatively large quantity so derived. This does not affect the general feature of the lake district which has been examined, as nearly all the country in the vicinity of the other lakes is a plain very little elevated above the lakes themselves. There is an exceptional district, having a great fall of rain, in Iowa, which requires some explanation, especially in its contrast with the small quantities at Lake Michigan. The exception is in part in the fact that it is cut off from the like measure of fifty inches which belongs to so much of the Mississippi valley, and this is due, apparently, to the elevation of central Missouri in compari- son with lower Iowa, and to the near approach of these elevations to St. Louis, in the form of high plains, which are similar to all the elevated semi-plateaux of those States. In Illinois the configura- tion is somewhat similar, or there are extensive open plains ; but in Iowa and northern Missouri there is a district lower than these, which has a high temperature, and which may be designated as a sort of atmospheric eddy, similar to that of the lower Mississippi. In the northwest of Iowa the coteau for- mation appegrs in its most perfect devolopment, and there are decided features of this sort in central Wisconsin. On these, and on the shore of Lake Michigan, the quantity falls off abruptly, in a manner strikingly like the curvatures of the thermal lines. The influence of the plains is thus apparently extended eastward at St. Louis, reducing the quantity elsewhere belonging to the Mississippi valley from fifty to forty-five inches in the mean for the fh s-h the belt so reduced is comparatively narrow, and it does not reach to the southern line of Missouri. A other instance of the intrusion of the influence of the plains appears at Fort Snelling, and rinciples are the same as in the case just examined. The district is more extensive, however, belono-ino- to the whole coteau region of the Mississippi and Missouri. The reduction in quantity is 105 760 REPORT. very great, and farther west the measure soon falls off to fifteen inches, probably. There are no sufficient measurements for this district, hoAvever, and only local descriptions and analogies are relied upon in carrying the illustration beyond the observed points at the military posts. One striking remark is usually made of these prairie reaches, from Fort Pierre to Fort Union, (of the Missouri,) and for much of the remaining distance to Fort Benton, that they are uncultivcd>le from the absence of summer rain. It is observed, in an equally decided manner, that the winter rains and snows are of very small amount, and it is clear that with these large deficiencies in the extreme seasons the sum for the year cannot be large. There are some partial records at Fort Benton and Fort Pierre* which fully support this view, and Avhich give, with estimates for some partially omitted months, the measures used in the illustration. Below this great arid area of the plains there is a belt of more abundant rains, which stretches out on the highlands of Missouri first, and which subsequently comes nearer the Canadian river. Its largest measure is on the Wichita and other mountains of the vicinity of the Canadian river, and at this latitude it appears to approach nearly to the spurs of the Rocky mountains, in their extension eastAvard from Sante Fe. The positive measurements at Fort Riley and Fort Atkinson, with those at Fort Arbuckle, Las Vegas, and Fort Union, are the only data of this sort yet procured. But the choice of this district as a route for transit to New Mexico, and the general evidence afforded by the rains there encountered, proves it to be comparatively well supplied with rains at a time when otlier parts of the plains are quite deficient. This is, however, only a comparative statement, and one in reference to other portions near these meridians. All portions differ extremely from the immediate valley of the Mississippi. In northern Texas another particularly dry plain throws the shadings eastward, but south of this the rougher elevations and low mountains have a larger fall of rain, which belongs in some degree to the mountains farther up the Rio Grande. The lower valley of the Rio Grande is again extremely dry, except just on the coast of the Gulf, and southward from this point it is only known that the rains are much more profuse until the high interior of Mexico is attained. The last dry district named is, therefore, the most southern point to which this deficiency falls for districts having the general elevation of the United States. As the large measures of rain for the eastern United States appear to be so directly associated with the temperature, the explanation of the diminution on the immediate coasts is not difficult. On the summer thermal chart the line of 80° is seen to follow the Gulf coast throughout, while 82° and 85° appear at large areas of the interior. The temperature does not rise so high within reach of the sea breezes, nor is the degree or fraction of saturation so great. By those who are familiar with the climate of the coasts this has long been understood, and the removal of troops to the most exposed coast positions, to avoid the unhealthiness of the high temperature and more excessive saturation of partially interior posts, has been practiced for many years. The rains are less profuse for even slight differences of this sort, and we need look no farther for the explanation of the differences of the records. On the south Atlantic coast this result is perhaps more marked than elsewhere, though the record at Fort Marion is not relied upon as entirely accurate. But the contrast of Fort Moultrie and Oglethorpe Barracks, and that of Sea islands near Savannah with the city itself, affords decisive comparisons.f Farther north the exposed coast positions show a diminution evidently due to this * Report of Survey of Northern Pacific Railroad Route, by Governor Stevens. f At Whitemarsh Island, coast of Georgia, the mean fall of rain for 4£ years is 39 inches, while the mean at Savannah is 50 inches ; at Camden, S. C., 54.4 inches ; at Sparta, Ga., 51.7 inches, &c—(Climatology of Agl. Rep. Patent Office, 1853.) Similar differences are presented on comparison, at points further northward, of coast positions with those without coast exposure. REPORT. 761 local cause, and the farther these are at sea, or the more fully exposed to such influences, the greater is the difference of measurements disclosed. Near the Gulf stream the conditions may be reversed, however, as the temperature is considerably greater there. In Florida the illustration for the year must be taken as in some degree hypothetical. At Key West the quantity is certainly comparatively small, though the records there differ very much from different sources and for different years. An apparently reliable record by W. A. Whitehead, esq., gives nearly thirty-two inches for a mean of fourteen years, though some part of this period was taken from other sources. The record at the military post differs largely from this, and in part this difference is due to greater profusion of rains, yet the result may not be wholly relied upon. A mean of these, or thirty-six inches, is thought to be near the average which an extended period would give, and this is confirmed by partial results on other islands.* But in the interior of the lower part of the peninsula the local rains are most excessive, and the local humidity and high temperature sufficiently extreme to render the measurement of the large quantities there free from doubt. Posts on opposite coasts of the peninsula there usually agree in the cases of greater profusion. The non-periodic range is, however, very great for every portion of Florida, and more complete periods are required to give reliable measures. The annual mean results, in the districts of periodical rains, have less interest and importance as such, than in those where the whole year is similar, or is a period of continued precipitation. The interest belongs to the seasons in the first case, and not so much, perhaps, to the recognized or standard divisions as such, as to the wet and dry seasons of these districts, whatever periods of time they may embrace. There is a great area very deficient in atmospheric precipitation, which stretches from the Rocky mountains to the great coast ranges, and from the point where the two ranges merge in one in British America, south to near the latitude of the city of Mexico. Though both these great mountain systems are broken down in the vicinity of the 32d parallel, they rise again in Mexico, the coast range at the east arresting the tropical rains from one ocean, and that at the west from the other.f Within the limits of the United States this great arid region may be said to embrace ten degrees of longitude and seventeen of latitude, drained only by the Columbia and Great Colorado rivers in any outlet to the sea. Fully half of it is the Great Basin of the interior, which does not receive a sufficient quantity of rain to require any external drainage. Taking this basin at nearly eight degrees of latitude by seven of longitude, we have two hundred thousand square miles so deficient in rain as to send out no rivers, and to accumulate no considerable lakes, and this statement places the contrast with the eastern United States in the clearest light. The two great rivers of the whole arid district receive most of their volume from the mountains themselves, and beyond its jg-oper limits, and their basins might appropriately be added to the calculation, making nearly four hundred thousand square miles of surface, which, of itself, would send no rivers to the sea. In the division of river or hydrographic systems this deserves a distinct place, and its basis is in the per- manent hyetal condition, which may or may not here be wholly dependent on altitude and configuration. The summary for the Pacific coast presents no features not apparent, in some degree, in the summaries for the seasons. It is to be regretted that the period of time is not longer for the upper rt of this coast, and that the facilities for connecting the illustration still further northward are * a" ,man. ' . .. „ nf ihp mountains of Mexico is not attempted to be made with accuracy on the chart, and the illus- t The topographical notation ot me "•"""«' tration of the quantity of rain there is attempted only for one or two seasons. 762 REPORT. not at hand. Beyond Astoria and Steilacoom we have only two years of observation at Sitka, from Russian authorities, with a mean of T'.l.o inches for the year. Without much probability of error avc may suppose the quantity at Astoria continued, with a less rapid increase than before reaching this point, to Sitka, and the whole of this immediate coast to be marked by great profusion. Richardson notices its extreme humidity, and considers its degree greater than that of the most humid coasts of the British islands. The periods of observation at the older military posts are sufficient only to open the question of permanence in regard to the quantity of rain falling in an extended series of years. If this condition is directly and necessarily associated with the temperature, the permanence of that gives strong evi- dence, at least, that there is no change in progress in regard to the quantity of rain. It has been seen that no evidence of periodicity or of progressive movement in any direction is apparent in the temperature records, but as positive observation would be decisive against any form of inference Avhatever, a brief reference to the annual summaries of the longer series may be made. The posts of the New England States show some uniformity previous to 1850; the best series, at Hancock Barracks, does so particularly. In 1850 to 1853 the quantities are greater than before, and comparison with records from other sources, going farther back than any of these,* establish the correctness of this increase for those years ; the excess was principally in southern New England and New York. At Fort Columbus the most complete of the northern series occurs, and the excess here in 1837 and 1847 is generally supported at other posts, and by records from other sources in the vicinity. That of 1837 was observed at Fort Wood, New York harbor, and it has some appearance of being over measured. The complete mean of this post agrees strikingly with that at other points of the vicinity, including extensive periods at academies on Long Island. At West Point the greatest difficulty or anomaly is presented, and comparison of its measurements for the earlier years with those of the Academies at Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, New York, and Albany; with indeed several other points of the Hudson river valley, induces the opinion that local influences in regard to the position of the gauge, or error in use of the scale, render the measurements for the years referred to decidedly in excess. The quantities for 1837-8 and 9 are unprecedented, and all for first six or seven years are nearly twice as great as the measurements at the points above enumerated. There are, evidently, local causes of profuse precipitation here which do not exist in this valley generally, and this is sufficiently clear from the last twelve years of the record, which bear a uniform relation to other like periods. But the great decrease in quantity from the mean of the first six years is not shown in any other case, and it can scarcely be supposed that this single locality is exceptional in this respect in so great a degree. The highlands of southern New York and New England at some points show as much deficiency as the excess here admitted, or the difference of four inches in the annual mean from the measures at other points of the vicinity. At Watervliet there is evidently an under measurement of winter precipitation, and the locality mav have the effect to still further diminish the quantity as compared with Albany. The mean of fortv inches at this latter point is no doubt entirely reliable as a representative of the general district. The uniformity of the results at Watervliet arsenal for successive years belongs to the records at Albany, Troy, and other points of the vicinity, and no evidence of the change occurring at West Point exists in any case. * Observations at the New York academies, in Reports of New York University, Am. Almanac, Hist. Vermont, &c. REPORT. 763 The series at Alleghany arsenal is also strong evidence that all the variations in quantity are non- periodic, and similar to those of temperature. The range appears to be no greater here than at New York, and in both cases it is nearly as much as the least quantity which has fallen in any year. At Fort McHenry, Baltimore, a very good series exists with similar features. Some unimportant correction is supposed to belong to the last two years, but these do not affect this position. At Fort Monroe, Norfolk, a large range occurs, and though the range here is probably greater, as shown by the analogies of the temperature range, the extreme quantities are somewhat doubtful—1839 and 1840 on the one side, and 1852 and 1854 on the other. If their accuracy is confirmed, as it may be by further examination, the range is certainly very extraordinary. As this district of central position north and south is still incomplete in regard to observation, separate summaries at this post are made for the purpose of illustrating the probable determinations, or those resulting in any case, whether the apparently exceptionable quantities are or are not retained. It is clear that the range on this slope of the Alleghanies is very great, and that partial periods are quite inadequate to determine the mean annual fall. It amounts to two and a half times the least observed quantity at Fort Monroe, if the extreme years are not included. Similar features of great range belong to all the central districts of the United States, including the older posts west of the Mississippi. All the districts having a great mean annual quantity are so characterized, and the range is greatest where the thermal variation is greatest. At Fort Leaven- worth the lowest quantity is less than one-third of the greatest, while at the posts of the western lake district the range is very much less. The measurement of the quantity of rain has inherent difficulties not readily understood or apparent, except in the actual trial, arising from accidental interruptions or defects of exposure, alterations in the shape of the gauge by freezing, and in the use of the scale, &c.; but the averages derived from long periods are seen to be reliable for all general conclusions, particularly when the quantities for all the posts of an extensive district are placed together in their natural geographical relations. NOTES AND ERRATA, In some of the signatures of the statistical portions of this volume errors of computation were introduced, which the subsequent reproduction of the results in the summary tables served to detect The successive forms in which the statistics were recombined and discussed each served as a criticism on computations and determinations as well as on typographical accuracy. It will be observed that many errata are secondary ; that is, one primary error of computation or of printing is reproduced in all the results into which the original item enters. The corrections are introduced in the order in which the primary errors occur. Page ix. With this page ends the "Directions for taking Meteorological Observations;" the remainder of the introduction should have been more distinctly separated in the form. Page 12. Mean temperature at Fort Brady, 9 a. m., for 4.30, read 14.30. Page 46. Monthly mean temperature at Fort Towson, for 56.40, read 45.65. Page 46. Monthly range of maximum above mean, for 7.6, read 18.4. Page 46. Monthly range of minimum below mean, for 34.4, read 23.6. Page 50, 108. Longitude of Watertown Arsenal, for 72.17, read 71.09. Page 51. Temperature at Fort Towson for December, for 56.40, read 45.65.* Page 56. Weather summary at New Orleans should be noted as including Pass Christian. Page 60, 108. Mean temperature of January at Fort Macon, for 44.08, read 43.06. Page 110. Longitude of Fort Atkinson, for 91°, read 92°. Page 150. Monthly mean temperature at Fort Columbus, for 62.81, read 55.31.* Page 188, 286, 342, 400, 458, 516. Altitude of Fort Gibson, for 842, read 542. Page 208. Minimum temperature at Fort Gibson, for 37, read 57. Page 219. Minimum temperature at Fort Washita for year, for 56.38, read 58.87. Page 219. Mean temperature at St. Louis Arsenal for the year, for 50.45, read 52.95. Page 240. Minimum temperature at Fort Monroe, for 40, read 50.* Page 240. Minimum temperature at Fort Gibson, for 30, read 44.* Page 244. Mean temperature at Fort Moultrie at sunrise, for 41.13, read 48.53. Page 244. Mean temperature at Fort Moultrie for the month, for 50.20, read 52.05. Page 248. Mean temperature at Fort Brady for January, for 85.53, read 18.53. Page 248. Mean temperature at Fort Gibson for September. Note. For the last 17 days. Page 249. Mean temperature at Fort Scott for summer, for 77.91, read 74.58. Page 249. Mean temperature at Fort Scott for year, for 54.73, read 53.90. Page 286, 292. For Kearney, read Kearny. Page 287. Mean temperature at Fort Washita for summer, for 78.92, read 77.92.* Page 287. Mean temperature at St. Louis Arsenal for summer, for 45.14, read 75.14. Page 287. Mean temperature at St. Louis Arsenal for autumn, for 65.31, read 55.31. Page 287. Mean temperature at St. Louis Arsenal for year, for 55.63, read 53.13.* Page 287. Mean temperature at Newport Barracks for autumn, for 67.72, read 57.72. Page 287. Mean temperature at Newport Barracks for year, for 57.76, read 55.27. Page 289. Mean temperature at Fort Mcintosh for November, for 60.11, read 66.11. Page 289. Mean temperature at Fort Inge for October, for 62.20, read 66.20. Page 289. Mean temperature at Fort Inge for November, for 69.22, read 60.22. Page 309. Quantity of rain at Las Vegas, for 00.2, read 0.02. Page 342. Mean temperature for January at Fort Brooke. Note. Inaccurate. Page 342. Longitude of Mount Vernon Arsenal, for 88.20, read 88.02. Page 344. Longitude of Fort Mcintosh, for 97.27, read 99.27. Page 344. Longitude of El Paso, for 106.38, read 106.28. Page 344. Longitude of Camp Far West, for 120.18, read 121.18. Page 3S0. For Baton Rouge Arsenal, read Baton Rouge Barracks. Page 400. Longitude of Fort Washington, for 77.03, read 77.06. * The measures of range, and the mean temperatures into which these numbers enter, require corresponding correction NOTES AND ERRATA. Page 400. Mean temperature for August at Fort Meade, for 81.57, read 80.82. Page 400. Mean temperature for August at Fort Barrancas, for 79.22, read 81.37. Page 400. Mean temperature for August at Mount Vernon Arsenal, for 84.05, read 79.22. Page 400. Mean temperature for August at East Pascagoula, for 80.19, read 84.05. Page 401. Fort Independence, for Governor's Island, read Castle Island. Page 422. Title of page, for 1851, read 1852. Page 442. Watervliet Arsenal. Note. Temperatures inaccurate. Page 458, 516. Latitude of Fort Mifflin, for 30.53, read 39.53. Page 460, 518. Longitude of Fort Inge, for 99.09, read 99.49. Page 460. Mean temperature of January at San Diego, for 5.307, read 53.07. Page 461. Mean temperature at Fort Duncan for winter, for 77.80, read 74.60.* Page 508. Mean temperature at Fort Merrill, 9 p. m., for 67.18, read 64.26. Page 516. Longitude of Alleghany Arsenal, for 80.12, read 80.02. Page 517. Locality of Fort Smyrna, for Mosquito bay, read Mosquito Bar. Page 517. Mean temperature of Fort Brooke for spring, for 63.92, read 73.92. Page 517. Mean temperature of Fort Brooke for year, for 70.38, read 72.88. Page 519. Head of page, for 1851, read 1853. Page 519. Maximum temperature at Fort Yuma, for 121, read 116. Page 519. Maximum temperature at Fort Miller, for 118, read 121. Page 528. For Burgoine, read Burgwin." Page 548. Temperatures at Fort Vancouver. Note. Temperatures inaccurate? Page 575. Maximum temperature at Ringgold Barracks, for 100, read 103. Page 575. Maximum temperature at Fort Mcintosh, for 102, read 104. Page 577. Temperatures at Columbia Barracks, for October and November. Note. Inaccurate. Page 578. Quantity of rain at St. Louis Arsenal for autumn, for 5.70, read 5.80.* Page 578. Quantity of rain at Fort Arbuckle for autumn, for 7.23, read 6.13.* Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Brown for spring, for 6.30, read 5.30. Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Brown for year, for 34.27, read 50.60. Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Fillmore for year, for 23.85, read 6.07. Page 579. Quantity of rain at Albuquerque for spring, for 3.00, read 2.01.* Page 579. Quantity of rain at Santa Fe for spring, for 5.85, read 4.85.* Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Massachusetts for spring and autumn. Note. Incomplete. Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Jones for January. Note. First 15 days. Page 579. Quantity of rain at Fort Jones for February, for 1.00, read 2.62 •, for winter, read 4.29 ; for year, read 13.00. Page 592. Position of Laguna, for Engineer, read Engineers. Page 598. Latitude of Watertown Arsenal, for 41.21, read 42.21. Page 600. Mean temperature at Fort Columbus in 1822, spring, for 32.62, read 52.62.* Page 600. Mean temperature at Fort Columbus in 1837, October, for 59.22, read 52.92.* Page 600. Mean temperature at Fort Columbus in 1845, October, for 62.81, read 55.31.* Page 601. Summary mean temperatures at Fort Hamilton, April, for 44.29, read 47.62.* Page 602. Mean temperatures at Watervliet Arsenal, September, 1852, for 70.40, read 61.78. Page 604. Summary at Fort Ontario, mean temperature for November, for 43.43, read 37.97.* Page 605. Errors of the original record of temperature are noted in the spring months of 1836 and 1837 at Alleghany Arsenal. Page 608. Fort Monroe, the temperatures of 1832 are evidently in error for most of the year in the original record. Page 609. Fort Monroe, mean temperature of January in the summary, for 36.54, read 40.54.* Page 611. Fort Moultrie, mean temperature of August, 1842, for 71.15, read 75.71.* Page 611. Fort Moultrie, mean temperature of November, 1848, for 50.20, read 52.05. Pao-e 611. Fort Moultrie, mean temperature of January, 1854, for 40.83, read 50.83. Page 611. Fort Moultrie, mean temperature of summary for January, for 50.36, read 50.73.* Pao-e 612. Fort Marion, mean temperature for 1838, transpose the numbers for October and November, Page 612. Fort Marion, mean temperature for June, 1842, for 79.73, read 77.52. Page 612. Fort Marion, mean temperature summary for October, for 71.88, read 72.42. Page 612. Fort Marion, mean temperature summary for November, for 64.12, read 63.58. Page 613. New Smyrna, mean temperature summary for autumn, for 62.43, read 72.43.* Page 614. Key West, mean temperature for February, 1838, for 52.25, read 68.30.* Page 615. Fort Brooke, mean temperature for April, 1841, for 61.46, read 72.12.* Page 615. Fort Brooke, mean temperature for September, 1841, for 52.85, read 78.95.* Page 615. Fort Brooke, mean temperature for March, 1842, for 77.02, read 72.10. Page 615. Fort Brooke, mean temperature for spring, 1853, for 63.92, read 73.92.' Pao-e 618 Fort Morgan, mean temperature summary for spring, for 64.35, read 64.81. Pa* e 619* New Orleans, mean temperatures for months of 1825, and for the first three months of 1835, inaccurate. Paje 620 New Orleans, mean temperature for March, 1843, for 62.03, read 52.03. Page 621 Fort Jesup, mean temperature for April, 1839, for 60.59, read 70.59. *The summaries into which these numbers enter require corresponding correction. NOTES AND ERRATA. Page 624. Fort Gibson, mean temperature for spring, 1850, for 51.13, read 57.13. Page 624. Fort Gibson, mean temperature summary for April, for 61.04, read 62.13. Page 624. Fort Gibson, mean temperature summary for May, for 69.15, read 68.79. Page 625. St. Louis Arsenal, mean temperature for autumn, 1849, for 65.31, read 55.31.* Page 626. Newport Barracks, mean temperature for autumn, 1849, for 67.72, read 57.72.* Page 626. Detroit, mean temperature for April, 1846, for 30.03, read 50.03. Page 627. Fort Gratiot, mean temperature for autumn, 1850, for 39.23, read 49.23.* Page 629. Fort Howard, mean temperature for winter, 1836, for 71.75, read 21.75. Page 632. Fort Snelling, mean temperature for July, 1850, for 73.85, read 75.85. Page 637. Fort Brown, mean temperature for 1852. See note.f Page 638. Fort Duncan, mean temperature for spring, 1852, for 77.80, read 74.60. Page 645. Latitude of Astoria, for 40.11, read 46.11. Page 668. Fort Leavenworth, 1836, quantity of rain entered as for spring and summer should be for summer and autumn. Page 676. Fort Reading, quantity of rain for December, 1853, for 1.18, read 2.18.* Page 676. Fort Jones, quantity of rain for February, 1854, for 1.00, read 2.62.* Page 705. Line 8 from top, for right line, read meridian. Note.—The compiler desires to state to the medical officers that the positions and altitudes of the different stations, as given in this work, are known to differ in some instances from those reported in the original registers ; but in all such cases it is believed that more accurate determinations have been obtained from other sources. Those who institute a comparison of the volume with their retained registers are requested to bear in mind the liability to error in first computations of monthly means, and also the fact that the mean temperature results are here derived from the four daily observations. * The summaries into which these numbers enter require corresponding correction. t The omission to insert 1852 in the table at Fort Brown requires the following changes of the means : January, 59.80; February, 64.40; March, 69.21; April, 75.14; May, 80.21; June, 82.32; July, 83.95; August, 83.83; September, 80.67; October, 74.49; November, 69.14; December, 62.64. Spring, 74.85; Summer, 83.37 ; Autumn, 74.77 ; Winter, 62.28. Year, 73.82. 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