A TEXT-BOOK . medical physics FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY' AND PHYSICS IN THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY' OF NEW YORK, JOHN C. DRAPER, M.D., LL.D., AND OF NATURAL HISTORY' AND PHY'SIOLOGY' IN THE COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW Y'ORK AUTHOR OF “A TEXT-BOOK ON ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND HYGIENE J ” AND “ PRACTICAL LABORATORY COURSE ON MEDICAL CHEMISTRY.” WITH THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA: LEA BEOTHEES & CO. 1885. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1885, by LEA BROTHERS & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. DOENAN, PRINTER. PREFACE. The fact that a knowledge of Physics is indispensable to a thorough understanding of Medicine has not yet been as fully realized in this country as in Europe, where the admirable works of Desplats and Gariel, of Robertson, and of numerous German writers, constitute a branch of educational literature to which we can show no parallel. A full appreciation of this, the author trusts, will be sufficient justification for placing 111 book form the substance of his lectures on this depart- ment of science, delivered during many years at the Univer- ®ity of the City of Yew York. Broadly speaking, this work aims to impart a knowledge of the relations existing between Physics and Medicine in their latest state of development, and to embody in the pursuit of this object whatever experience the author has gained during a long period of teaching this special branch °f applied science. In certain cases topics not strictly em- braced in the title have been included in the text—for ex ample, the directions for section-cutting and staining; and m other instances exceptionally full descriptions of apparatus VI PREFACE. have been given, notably of the microscope; but in view of the importance of these subjects, the course pursued will doubtless be approved. Attention may be called to the para- graph headings and italicized words, which suggest a system of questions facilitating a review of the text. In conclusion, the author will feel that his labor has not been in vain if the work should serve to call deserved attention to a subject hitherto slighted in the curriculum of medical education. JOHN C. DRAPER. Medical Department oe the University oe the City oe New York. June 1; 1885. CONTE N T S. PART I. MATTER. SBC TlO N I. PROPERTIES OF MATTER. INTRODUCTION. PAGE derivation of physics—Eolation to metaphysics—Eolation to mathematics— Eelation to chemistry—Eelation to mechanics—Medical physics—-Per- ception of ph3’sical phenomena—Divisions of physics—Matter defined 35-39 CHAPTER I. Subdivisions of matter—Mechanical subdivision—-Particles—Minute living organisms—Subdivision by solution-—-Chemical subdivision—Atom and molecule defined—Origin of the idea of atoms—Cohesion—Effects of heat and pressure on matter—The molecules do not touch—Motion among molecules—Theory of the structure of matter—Delative sizes of molecules and interstices—Estimation of actual sizes of molecules and interstices—lmperfection of so-called vacua—Omnipresence of matter 39-45 STRUCTURE OH CONSTITUTION OP MATTER. CHAPTER 11. CHAPTER 11. ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. Elements and compounds defined—Theory of the oneness of matter—Hy- drogen the original element—Nature of atoms . . . 46-53 CONTENTS. CHAPTER 111. GENERAL PROPERTIES OE MATTER. ; PAGE Indestructibility and transmigration of matter—Extensibility and impene- trability—Gravity and weight—Centre of gravity—Stability of position in animals—The balance—Weights and weighing—Essentials in a good balance—Method of double weighing—Density or specific gravity—Mo- bility—lnertia—Porosity—Compressibility—Elasticity—Divisibility 54-63 SECTION 11. SOLID MATTER. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER IV. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF SOLIDS. The physical forms of matter—Chemical divisions of matter—Eorm is fixed —Resist compression—Extent of volume variation—Density—Hydro- static balance—Specific gravity by volumetric method—Nicholson’s hy- drometer—Specific gravity of powders—Specific gravity of bodies soluble in water—Bodies lighter than waters—Table of specific gravities—A divided solid does not reunite ...... 64-70 CHAPTER V. CHAPTER V. Crystallized and amorphous—Hardness—Fragility—Malleability—Ductility —Tenacity—Elasticity—Contractility—Elasticity of compression—Elas- ticity of flexure—Elasticity of torsion—Pliancy—Opacity, transparency, color—Building materials—Hypothetical constitution of solids . 70-80 SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS. SECTION 111. SECTION 111. LIQUID MATTER. . CHAPTER VI. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS. Form not fixed—Resist compression—Compressibility—Elasticity—Porosity —Volume variations—Density or specific gravity—Table of specific gravities—Reunite behind a dividing solid—Hypothetical constitution— Liquidity and viscosity—Assume spheroidal state . . . 81-86 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER VII. HYDROSTATICS. PAGE Hydrostatics defined., Pascal’s law—Hydrostatic bed—Hydrostatic test for steam boilers—Action of Pascal’s law in the body—Vertical downward pressure—Vertical upward pressure—Lateral pressure—Equilibrium of floating bodies—Stability of floating bodies—Hydrostatic test in infanti- cide—Evidence of death by drowning—Equilibrium of a liquid in com- municating vessels—Natural springs—Wells and sewage—Artesian wells —Equilibrium of two liquids of different densities—Pressure on bottom of a vessel—Heterogeneous liquids—Spirit level . . . 87-99 CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER VIII. Baume’s hydrometer—Urinometer—Lactometers, vinometers, salimeters— Densimeter—Alcoholometer of Guy Lussac—Alcohol in wine and beer— Post-mortem detection of alcohol ..... 100-104 HYDROMETERS. CHAPTER IX. HYDRODYNAMICS. Definition—Theorem of Torricelli—Course of stream from lateral opening— Height of stream from vertical opening—Form and quantity of efflux— Influence of tubes on efflux—Action of elastic ajutages—Movement of liquids in tubes—Form of falling stream—Movement in inclined tubes— Hydraulic tourniquet—Velocity in open channels—Transporting power of flowing water—Shoals and sewage—Sewage and malaria—Formation of waves—Sea waves—Measurement of waves—Resistance of fluids to moving objects—Mechanics of circulation of the blood . . 105-115 CHAPTER X. HYDRAULICS. Definition—Earliest devices for raising water—Pulley wells—Archimedes’s screw—The Persian wheel—The siphon—The flexible siphon—The in- termittent siphon—Pumps and valves—Lift pump—Force pump—Hy- draulic ram—Water wheels—The turbine—Centrifugal pump—Mate- rials for hydraulic engineering—Sewage in houses—Utilization of sewage —Marsh draining and malaria ...... 115-184 X CONTENTS, S E C TlO N IV. GASEOUS MATTER. CHAPTER XT. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROPERTIES OE GASES. PAGE General observations regarding gases—Form not fixed—Gases have weight— Reunite behind dividing solid—Hypothetical constitution of gases— Yapors—Determination of density—Relation of density to combining equivalent in gases—Compressibility—Expansibility—Elastic force— Elasticity ........ 185-142 CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER XII. PNEUMATIC APPARATUS. Generation of gases—Collection at pneumatic trough—Pouring—Faraday’s tube receiver—Gases arrange themselves according to density—Col- lecting gases by displacement—Washing and drying gases—The aspi- rator—Compression air-pump—Life and condensed air—Exhaustion air-pump—Life and rarefied air—Mercury pump—-Bunsen’s filter pump —Limit of vacuum—Vacua by chemical agents . . , 143-156 CHAPTER XIII. General properties—Composition of air—Height of the atmosphere— Atmosphere presses downwards—Air presses in all directions—Action of THE ATMOSPHERE. lift-pumps explained—The pipette—The cupping-glass—lntroduction of air into the lungs—Gases and principle of Archimedes—Balloons—Re- cent balloon ascents—Balloon traffic—Resistance of air to moving body —Parachute—Rate of movement into a vacuum—Cannon reports and thunder ......... 156-172 CHAPTER XIV. BAROMETRY. Galileo’s explanation—Torricelli’s experiment—Pascal’s experiment—Pres- sure of the atmosphere—Cistern barometer—Fortin’s barometer—Siphon barometer—Wheel barometer—Glycerine barometer—Errors in barome- tric reading—Barometric variations—Mean barometric heights—Cause of barometric variations—Barometric variations and the weather—Ba- rometer and the winds—Barometer and the death rate . 172-183 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XV. MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURES AND ALTITUDES. B , , _ paof, °J e s or Mariotte’s law—Open compression manometer—Closed compres- sion manometer—Exhaustion manometer—Equality manometer—Ex- haustion water-valve—Aneroids—Determination of altitude by aneroid or barometer—Error in barometric determination of altitude—The ba- rometer in mines—Pressure and solubility of gases—The windmill— Conveyance of germs by air ...... 183-193 CHAPTER XVI. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND THERAPEUTICAL EFFECTS OF VARIATIONS IN DENSITY OF AIR. Composition of blood—Hemoglobin —Divisions of physiological effects of pressure—Tension of oxygen or other gas respired—Diminution of pres- sure below one atmosphere—Mai des Montagues—Symptoms of Mai des Montagues—Theoretical explanations of Mai des Montagnes—Theory of M. Jourdanet—Balloon sickness—Bert’s rarefaction cylinders—Air m caves—Death from diminished air pressures—lncrease of pressure above one atmosphere—Respiration of pure oxygen—Physiological ac- tion of moderately condensed air—Action of oxygen under high tension Cxygen poisoning—Relation of animal tissues to oxygen—Death from increased pressure—Therapeutical effects of respiring oxygen—Thera- peutical uses of compressed air—Hygienic management of compressed air Impurities in compressed air—Effects of decompression—Nature and treatment of decompression accidents—Relation of barometric varia- tions to natural history—Bert’s resume of his results . . 193-215 SECTION V. SECTION V. ULTRA-GASEOUS OR RADIANT MATTER. CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTER XVII. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF RADIANT MATTER. Idea of radiant matter descended from Faraday—Crooke’s argument for radiant matter—Crooke’s explanation of the kinetic theory of gases— Action of radiometer explained—Extent of mean free path of the mole- cules in radiant matter—Radiant matter exerts phosgenic action where it strikes—Proceeds in straight lines—lntercepted by solid matter casts a shadow—Radiant matter striking a solid produces change therein—It exerts mechanical action where it strikes—ls deflected by the magnet— Radiant matter produces heat when its motion is arrested—The molecule the true matter—The absolute vacuum tube .... 216-227 CONTENTS. PART 11. ENERGY. SE CTIO N I. POTENTIAL ENERGY ATTRACTION, CHAPTER I. PAGE Ideas regarding energy—Potential and kinetic energy—Transformation of energy—Conservation of energy—Degradation of energy—Dissipation of energy—Subdivisions of energy—ldeas regarding force . . 281-239 ENERGY AND FORCE. CHAPTER 11. ATTRACTION. Molar attraction. Gravity—Molecular attraction—Adhesion of solid and solid—Cements—Soldering—Adhesion of solid and liquid—Drops and minims—Solution—Adhesion of solid and gas . . . 239-246 SECTION 11. KINETIC ENERGY—MOTION. CHAPTER 111. GENERAL PHENOMENA OF MOTION. Motion and repose—Velocity—Trajectory" and law of movement—Kinds of movement—Newton’s three laws of motion .... 247-251 CHAPTER IV. MEASUREMENT AND REPRESENTATION OF ENERGY. The unit of time—The unit of space—Units of weight and mass—Represen- tation of forces by lines—The parallelogram of forces—Momentum and measure of force—Work and unit of work—Measurement of energy 251-256 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. PAGE ectilinear motion—Falling bodies—Sand-glass—Path of projectiles—Colli- sion—Impact and transmission of impulse—Reflection of rectilinear motion—Oscillating or reciprocating motion—The pendulum—The me- tronome—The balance wheel—Rotation—Molar motions typical of intra- molecular movements—Centrifugal and centripetal forces or motions— Applications of centrifugal force ..... 256-268 VARIETIES OF MOLAR MOTION. SEC TION 111. MACHINES AND INSTRUMENTS. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VI. Relations of machines to force—The three orders of levers—Estimation of power in the action of levers—The wheel and axle—The inclined plane The wedge—Scalpels and their management—The screw—The pulley —Friction ........ 269-277 SECTION I V. TRANSLATORY MOLECULAR MOTION, CHAPTER VII. MOLECULES OF TWO MEDIA, ONE SET MOVING. Varieties of molecular motion—Divisions of translatory molecular motion— Phenomena of capillarity—Circumstances influencing capillarity—Sur- face tension of liquids—Causes of capillarity—Laws of capillarity— Inclined surfaces and capillarity—Capillarity and floating bodies—Im- bibition and absorption—Filtration—-Draper’s steam exhaust for filtra- tion—Special filtration—Absorption of gases by solids—Disinfection by charcoal explained—Occlusion—Transpiration of liquids and gases . 278-290 CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER VIII. MOLECULES OF TWO MEDIA, BOTH SETS MOVING. Solution and mixture contrasted—Diffusion between liquids or solutions— Crystalloids and colloids—Amoeboid movements imitated—Diffusion be- tween gases—Absorption of gases by liquids .... 290-295 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE Establishment of continuous flow in capillary tubes—The endosmometer— Osmosis—Dialysis—Applications of dialysis—Osmosis of gases through porous media—Hygienic importance of osmosis of gases—Osmosis of MOLECULES OF MANY MEDIA, A PORTION MOVING. gases through metals—Vitiation of air by stoves Capillarity and chemi5m......... 295-303 CHAPTER X. PHYSIOLOGICAL APPLICATION OP TRANSLATORY MOLECULAR MOTION. Ascent of sap in trees—Absorption in animals—Harvey’s mechanical theory of circulation-—lnsufficiency of simple mechanical theory of circulation —Draper’s physico-chemical theory of circulation—The physics of respi- ration ......... 303-310 SECTION V. ACOUSTICS. CHAPTER XL Definition and province of acoustics—Vibrations described—Relations of vibrations and undulations Transverse vibrations Longitudinal vibrations Circular or elliptical vibration Undulations and their graphic representation—Undulations in space—Undulations in tubes— Reflection of waves—lnterference of waves .... 311-319 VIBRATIONS AND UNDULATIONS. CHAPTER XII. Noise and sound—Origin of sound—Sounds from inanimate nature—Propa- gation of sound—Manner of propagation of sound—Dissipation of sound—Conduction of sound—The stethoscope and auscultation—Velo- city of sound in gases—Velocity of sound in liquids—Velocity of sound GENERAL PROPERTIES OP SOUND. in solids—Reflection of sound from plane surfaces—Reflection of sound from curved surfaces—Refraction of sound—Polarization of sound . 819-335 CHAPTER XIII. CHAPTER XIII. SONOROUS BODIES. Vibrating strings—Laws of transverse vibrations—Nodes and loops—Vibrat- ing rods—Vibrating plates and bells—Vibrating membranes—Vibrating columns of air—Reed instruments—Singing flames—Sympathetic vibra- tions—Sensitive flames—Production of abnormal sounds in the chest 335-345 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XIV SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF SOUND. pecial properties of sounds—lntensity of sounds—Diminution in intensity of sounds—lncrease in intensity of sounds—Reinforcement of sounds— Resonance and percussion—Interference of sound undulations—Pitch or tone Savart’s wheel—The siren—The graphic method—Limits of per- ception of vibrations—The octave—The gamut and chromatic scale— Musical notation—Number of vibrations to each tone—Harmonics, overtones—Quality or timbre—Wave-lengths of sounds in air . 346-360 CHAPTER XV. Helmholtz’s resonators—Konig’s manomctric flames—Konig’s sound ana- lyzer Synthesis of sounds—Results of Helmholtz’s researches—Lis- sajou’s method—lllustration of Lissajou’s curves—Leon Scott’s phonau- tograph—Edison’s phonograph—Acoustic attraction and repulsion . 360-370 ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF SOUNDS. CHAPTEE XVI. CHAPTER XVI. PHYSIOLOGICAL PRODUCTION AND PERCEPTION OP SOUND. oice in the lower creatures—The human voice—The larynx and sons:— The mouth and speech—Ventriloquism—Simple ear of lower creatures The ear in man—The external ear—The middle ear—The internal ear—The audiphone—The photophone .... 370-378 SECTION VI. SECTION VI. OPTICS. CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTEE XVII. THEORIES AND SOURCES OF LIGHT. Optics and light defined—Theories of light—The ether—Vibrations in the ether, their rate—Sources of light—The sun—Energy of solar action, its cause—Stars, planets, and satellites—Comets—Atmospheric sources of light Phosphorescence Fluorescence—Calorescence—lncandescence and oxyhydrogen lights—Electric arc and light—Motion and light— Combustion or chemical action—lllumination by gas flames—Forms of gas burners—lllumination by flames from fluids—lllumination by flames from solids—Constitution of flame—Light and life . . . 379-398 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XYIII. page Transparent and absorbent media—Propagation of light in homogeneous medium—Pay, pencil, and beam—Shadow and penumbra—lmages from small openings—"Velocity of light—Qualities of light—Photometers— The candle and other units—Relative intensities of different sources of light ......... 398-408 TRANSMISSION, ABSORPTION, AND INTENSITY OP LIGHT. CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XIX. REFLECTION AND MIRRORS. Law of reflection from polished surfaces—Reflection from unpolished sur- faces—lntensity of reflected light—Mirrors and process for silvering them—lmages from plane mirrors—Virtual and real images—Multiple images from plane mirrors—Deviation by rotation of mirror—Applica- tions of plane mirrors—Spherical concave mirrors—Formation of images by spherical mirrors Spherical aberration and caustics—Parabolic mirrors Cylindrical mirrors, anamorphosis Application of curved mirrors ......... 408-422 CHAPTER XX. REFRACTION AND PRISMS. Refraction illustrated—Refraction power of different media—Laws of single refraction Index of refraction Critical angle. Total reflection Atmospheric refraction and mirage—Media with parallel surfaces—The prism—Track of ray in prism. Angle of deviation—Minimum devia- tion—Reflecting prisms ...... 422-430 CHAPTER XXI. CHAPTER XXI. COMPOSITION OF LIGHT. The prismatic spectrum—Normal dispersion—Abnormal dispersion—Spec- trum colors are simple, and of different refrangibility—The rainbow— Newton’s theory of composition of white light—Recomposition of white light—The achromatic prism—Heat in prismatic spectrum—Chemical action in prismatic spectrum—Maxima of energies in prismatic spectrum —Light, heat, and chemical action are modes of vibration . . 430-437 CHAPTER XXII. CHROMATICS. Monochromatic light—Color of opaque bodies. Pigments—lridescence Color of transparent bodies—Colors of mixed powders—Mixtures of colored lights—Methods of mixing colored lights—Complementarv colors—The primary color sensations—Accidental color images—Color- blindness—Color and musical pitch . ... 437-445 CONTENTS. XVII CHAPTER XXIII. LENSES. . PAGE * nneties of lenses—Parts of spherical lenses—Forms of spherical lenses— Action of convex lenses explained—Action of concave lenses explained Principal and conjugate foci of convex lens—Action of convex lens on convergent rays—Determination of foci of lenses—Optical centre. Secondary axes—lmages formed hy convex lenses—lmages formed by concave lenses—Spherical aberration—The coma—Chromatic aberration —Achromatic lenses—Aberration by curvature of field—Depth of focus —Stops and diaphragms ...... 445-460 CHAPTEE XXIY. CHAPTER XXIY. FORMATION OF IMAGES BY REFRACTION. The camera lucida—The camera ohscura—The magic lantern—The solar microscope—The oxyhydrogen lantern—Photo-electric lantern—The megascope ........ 460-466 CHAPTER XXY. CHAPTEE XXY. Parts of the eye—The mechanical mechanism—The optical mechanism— The sclerotic and cornea—Crystalline lens—The humors of the eye— The iris—The second tunic or choroid—The third tunic or retina— Terms applied to optical mechanism—Accommodation—Normal action of optical mechanism—Abnormal action of optical mechanism—Specta- cles—Binocular vision—The stereoscope—Size and distance of objects 466-477 THE EYE AND VISION. CHAPTEE XXYI. * THE MICROSCOPE AND THE TELESCOPE. The simple microscope—The compound microscope—Parts of modern micro- scope—Dry objectives—lmmersion objectives—Choosing and testing objectives—Eye-pieces—Tube and accessories—The body—The stage— Focussing apparatus—The stand or foot—lllumination—Simple axial illumination Diaphragms Condensed axial illumination Oblique illumination—Eeflected illumination—Polarized illumination—Sources of illumination—Augmentation of magnifying power—Measurement of magnifying power—Care of microscope—Care of the eyes—Errors in interpretation—Non-vital motion—Binocular and chemical microscopes —Fixation of images—Preparation of slides and covers—Preparation of objects—Hardening and section-cutting—Simple microtome—lnjec- tion—Staining—Chemical testing—Preservative medium—The micro- scope and disease germs—Telescope . . . . . 477-519 B CONTENTS. CHAPTEE XXVII. PAGE Double refraction—-Ordinary and extraordinary ray—lnterference of light— Diffraction Diffraction spectra Plane polarization by reflection— Angle of polarization—Polarization by single refraction—Polarization by double refraction Polarizing instruments—Theory of polarized light—lnterference of polarized light—Depolarization—Action of thin films—Production of colored rings by polarized light—Detection of mole- cular change by polarized light—Elliptical and circular polarization— Theory of elliptical and circular polarization—Production of circularly polarized light—Production of elliptically polarized light—Production and theory of rotatory polarization—Coloration by rotatory polarization —Rotatory power of liquids—Saccharimeter .... 520-586 DOUBLE REFRACTION, INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, AND POLARIZATION. CHAPTEE XXYIII. CHAPTEE XXYIII. SPECTROSCOPE AND SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. The spectroscope—Parts of single prism spectroscope—Slit and collimator— Prism and telescope—Scale of collimator—Sources of light—Multiple prism spectroscope—Direct vision spectroscope—Grating spectroscope— Continuous spectra—Bright-lined spectra—Banded spectra—Nebular spectra—Gaseous absorbent spectra—Solar spectrum—Ultra-violet solar spectra—lnfra-red solar spectra—Wave-lengths of lines of spectra—Use of solar lines as a scale—Atmospheric spectrum lines—Planetary and stellar spectra—Absorbent spectra by colored liquids—Absorbent spectra by colorless liquids—Blood spectra—Spectra of bile and Pettenkoffer’s fluid—Spectra of wine and ale. Abnormal spectra . . . 536-550 SECTION VII. HEAT. CHAPTER XXIX. THEORIES AND EFEECTS OF HEAT. Theories of heat—Sources of heat—Effect of heat on physical properties— Effect on composition—Expansion—Expansion of solids—Expansion of liquids—Maximum density—Expansion of gases—Winds—Effect on measures of time and quantity ...... 551-561 CONTENTS. XIX CHAPTER XXX. MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. _ PAGE anctoiio’s thermometer—Differential thermometer—Liquid thermometers Calibering the tube—Preparing and filling—Graduation of the ther- mometer—The scale—Medical thermometers—Registering thermometer Displacement of zero—Absolute zero—Remarkable temperatures— Pyrometers—Breguet’s thermometer—What thermometers measure 561-567 SPECIFIC HEAT AND HEAT OF FORM. CHAPTER XXXI. CHAPTER XXXI. Heat required to warm a substance—The calorimeter—Determination of specific beat—Calorie and thermal unit—Fusion and solidification— ariation in fusion and solidification—Change of volume in fusing— Annealing—Latent heat—Latent heat and climate—Freezing mixtures —Crystallization ....... 567-573 CHAPTER XXXII. CHAPTER XXXII. VAPORIZATION. Temperature of formation—Properties of vapors—Causes influencing vapor- ization—Evaporation in vacuo—Vaporization a cooling process—lce machines—Effect of vapors on climate—Vapors and furnace heat— Elastic force of vapors—High-pressure engines . . . 573-579 CHAPTER XXXIII. CHAPTER XXXIII. Instantaneous condensability—Low-pressure engines—Pulse glass, cryo- phorus, and water-hammer—Fog. Cloud. Meteorology—Rain—Rain and miasm—Snow and hail—Distillation .... 579-584 LIQUEFACTION. CHAPTER XXXIV. CHAPTER XXXIV. Hygrometry—Mason’s hygrometer—Method of taking dew-point—Dew- point and sensation of temperature—Moisture exhaled from the lungs— Moisture exhaled from the skin—Effect of exercise on insensible perspi- ration ......... 585—589 HYGROMETRY. CHAPTER XXXV. CHAPTER XXXV. EBULLITION. Phenomena of ebullition—Variations in boiling point—lnfluence of reduced pressure—Elevation and boiling point—lnfluence of elevation of pres- sure—Papin’s digester—Spherical state—Effect of presence of salts— Application of heat in cooking . . . . . 590-595 XX CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVI. SJ U JL lUi1! XJ 'JVii T iiv/xivii . PAGE Metals the best conductors—Different metals conduct differently—Action of gauzes on flames—The Davy lamp—Gas furnaces—Structure of flame— Blowpipe flames—Conduction by textile fabrics. Liquids are poor con- ductors—Application in kerosene furnace—Convection of heat—lso- thermal lines—lsland and continental climate—Non-conduction of dew —Gases the worst conductors ...... 595-602 CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION. CHAPTER XXXYII. RADIATION AND TRANSMISSION. Radiant heat passes in straight lines—Reflection of heat—lnfluence of sur- face and color—Emission of heat not superficial—Absorption of heat— Transmission of heat—Theory of exchanges of heat—Formation of dew —Application of radiant heat in cooking .... 602-606 CHAPTER XXXVIII. CHAPTER XXXYIII. ANIMAL HEAT. Source of heat in the body—Cooling process—Hot and cold blooded animals —Effects of exposure to cold—Distribution of plants and animals—Loss of heat by the body ....... 607-613 CHAPTER XXXIX. CHAPTER XXXIX. "VENTILATION AND METHODS OE "WARMING. Action of artificial lights—Action of respiration—Object of ventilation Removal of foul air—Yentilation of sick rooms—Warming of houses— The charcoal brazier Open fireplaces—The stove Steam-pipes in rooms—Hot-air furnaces—Steam furnaces—Supply of vapor—Weather strips—Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat . . . 618-610 SECTION VIII. SECTION VIII. ELECTRICITY. HISTORY. THEORIES. LAWS. CHAPTER XL. CHAPTER XL. First observation in friction electricity—Extended to other bodies—Con- ductors discovered—Du Faye’s theory—Franklin’s theory—Electric laws—Pyroelectricity—Electricity by pressure and cleavage . 620-624 CONTENTS. XXI CHAPTER XLL MACHINE AND EXPERIMENTAL ILLUSTRATIONS. , PAGE arts of electric machines—Cleaning and preparing the plate—The spark in air Ihe broken spark—Electric aura—Discharge in vacuo—Charging the body—Attraction and repulsion illustrated—Electric bells—Electric vane—Conduction illustrated—The electrophorus—Hydroelectric ma- rine ......... 624-631 CHAPTER XLII. CHAPTER XLII. MEASUREMENT AND DISTRIBUTION. Electroscopes—Electrometers—The torsion electrometer—The charge is on the surface—Distribution depends on form—Action of points—Dissipa- tion of charge ........ 631-635 CHAPTER XLIIL CHAPTER XLIII. INDUCTION. Induction described—Bound electricity—Attraction and repulsion explained Pail experiment—lnduction passes through glass—Specific inductive power—The Leyden vial—Dissected Leyden vial—Penetration of the charge. Residuum—Leyden batteries—Discharge through a card— Lichtenherg’s figures—Holtz machine—Condensers—Rate of passage— Duration of spark Mechanical effects—Physical effects—Chemical effects—Physiological effects ...... 635-646 CHAPTER XLIV. CHAPTER XLIY. Lightning identical with machine electricity—Electric state of atmosphere —Variation in amount and character—Origin of atmospheric elec- tricity—Lightning—Thunder—Return shock—Lightning-rod—Aurora borealis ......... 647-651 ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. SECTION IX. SECTION IX. DYNAMIC ELECTRICITY. CHAPTER XLV. Electrodynamics defined—First observations—Volta’s pile—Origin of voltaic electricity—The simple cell—The electric current—Electromotive force —Quantity and intensity—Enfeeblement and local action . . 652-656 THE YOLTAIC CELL. XXII CONTENTS. CHAPTER XLYI. PAGE BATTERIES AND THEIR PHYSICAL EFFECTS. Single fluid batteries—Double fluid batteries—Care of batteries—Measure- ments of electricity—Methods of coupling—Dry piles—Faure’s accu- mulator—The spark—The arc—lgnition effects—Deflagration . 657-662 CHAPTER XLVII. Decomposition of water—The voltameter—Decomposition of cupric sulphate —Decomposition of sodium chloride—Electrochemical theory—Polari- zation of electrodes—Electrometallurgy—Electroplating . . 662-667 VOLTAIC DECOMPOSITIONS. CHAPTER XLYIII. CHAPTER XLYIII. THERMOELECTRICITY. Heat in obstructed conductors—Thermoelectric batteries—Thermoelectric series—Other batteries ....... 667-669 SECTION X. SECTION X. , MAGNETISM. CHAPTER XLIX. CHAPTER XLIX. HISTORY. LAWS. DISTRIBUTION. Natural magnets—Artificial magnets—Compound magnets—Polarity law of attraction and repulsion—Magnetic distribution—Magnetic metals— Magnetic induction ....... 670-673 CHAPTER L. METHODS OF MAGNETIZING. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Magnetizing by single touch—Magnetizing by separate touch—Magnetizing by double touch—Magnetizing by the earth’s action—The power of magnets—Mayer’s floating magnets—Medical application of magnets— The earth’s action directive—Declination—The compass—Astatic needle —Dipping needle ....... 673-678 CONTENTS. CHAPTER LI. ELECTROMAGNETISM. Oeisted s experiments—Galvanometers—Rheostats—The long compensator— heatstone’s bridge—Electromagnets—Electromagnetic motors Cost of magnetic motors—Electric bells and clocks—The Morse telegraph— dhe needle telegraph—Reactions of currents upon currents and mag- nets Solenoids—Why the compass needle points north Paramag- netism—Diamagnetism—Diamagnetic illustrations—Action of magnet on polarized light ....... 678-689 CHAPTER LIE CHAPTER LIE FARADAIC OR INDUCED CURRENTS. Currents induced by magnets—Currents produced by electromagnets—ln- ductorium—Experiments with inductorium—Geissler’s tubes—The tele- phone—Dynamoelectric machines ..... 689-694 SJECTI ON XI. ELECTROBIOLOGY. CHAPTER LIII. CHAPTER Dili. Electricity in plants—Electric fishes—Apparatus for investigating muscle currents—Muscle currents at rest—The frog galvanoscope—Active muscle currents—Nerve currents ..... 695-697 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, CHAPTER LIY. CHAPTER LIY. General effects of electricity—Static electricity—Constant primary current— Galvanocautery Electrolysis Galvanopuncture—Nerve stimulation by constant current—lntermittent primary current—Alternating second- ary or Faradaic current—Faradization localized—Electrotonus—Appli- cation for resuscitation—Application in diagnosis . . . 698-715 ELECTROTHERAPY. Index ....... . . 717 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Expansion by heat ........ 42 2- Expansion by reduced pressure , . . . . .43 3. Vortex-rings . . , . • . . . .51 4. Vortex-ring, structure . . . . . . .53 6. Chemical balance ........ 58 6. Hydrostatic balance ........ 66 7. Nicholson’s hydrometer . , . . . . .67 8. Specific gravity flask . . . . . . . .68 9- Specific gravity bottle . . . . . . .83 10. Plateau’s experiment . . . . . . .86 11- Equality of pressure in fluids . . . . . .87 12. Hydraulic press ........ 87 13. Cartesian diver ........ 92 14. Equilibrium of a liquid in communicating vessels . . . .95 15. Artesian well . . . . . . . . .97 16. Equilibrium of fluids of different densities . . . . .97 17. Spirit level ......... 99 18. Baumd’s hydrometer ........ 100 19. Forms of urinometers ....... 101 20. The densimeter ........ 103 21. Alcoholometer ........ 104 22. Torricelli’s theorem ........ 105 23. Stream from vertical opening ...... 106 24. Vena contracta ........ 106 25. Efflux in tubes ........ 107 2G. Forms of falling water ....... 108 27. Hydraulic tourniquet ....... 109 28. Measurement of waves . . . . . . .113 29. Resistance of fluids to moving objects ..... 114 30. Raising water in wells, early method . . . . .117 31. Archimedes’s screw ........ 118 32. Persian wheel . . . . . . . 118 33. The siphon . 119 34. Retaining siphon . . * .120 35. Glass siphon . . . . . Y . . . . . 120 36. Intermittent siphon . . . \ . . ‘ . • 121 37. Valves . . . . \ . / . . 121 XXVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 88. The lift-pump ........ 122 39. The force-pump . . . . . ... . 122 40. Decanting acids ........ 123 41. Hydraulic ram ........ 124 42. The turbine ......... 126 43. Trap for sewer gas . . . . . ... . 130 44. Sewage ventilation ........ 131 45. Weighing gases ........ 137 46. Reunite behind dividing agent ...... 138 47. Compressibility of gas ....... 141 48. Elastic force of gas ........ 141 49. Decomposition flask ........ 143 50. Pneumatic trough ........ 144 51. Pouring gas . . . ... . 145 52. Faraday’s tube receiver ....... 146 53. Pouring gas through air ...... 146 54. Weight of carbonic acid gas ...... 147 55. Hydrogen poured upwards . . . . . . . 148 56. Collection by displacement ....... 148 57. Washing bottle ........ 149 58. Aspirator ......... 149 59. Compression air-pump ....... 150 60. Condensing chamber ........ 151 61. Exhaustion air-pump . . . . . . .162 62. Mercury pump ........ 154 68. Bunsen’s filter pump ........ 154 64. Magdeburg hemispheres . . . . . . .160 65. Air presses in all directions ....... 160 66. Fountain in vacuo ........ 16l 67. Pipette ......... 162 68. Hand-glass and cupping-glass ...... 163 69. Inspiration and expiration of air . . . . . 164 70. Baroscope ......... 165 71. Balloon ......... 167 72. Resistance of air to moving body ...... 169 73. The parachute ........ 170 74. Water hammer ........ 17l 75. Burst bladder ......... 17l 76. Barometer ......... 173 77. Action of barometer illustrated . . . . - . . 174 78. Cistern barometer ........ 176 79. Fortin’s barometer ........ 177 80. Siphon barometer . . . . ... . .177 81. Wheel barometer ........ 178 82. Mariotte’s or Boyle’s law . . . . . . . 184 83. Mariotte’s or Boyle’s law ....... 184 84. Expansion with diminished pressure ..... 185 85. Open compression manometer ...... 185 86. Closed compression manometer ...... 186 FIG. PAGK 87. Exhaustion manometer ....... 186 88. Equality manometer . . , . . . .187 89. Exhaustion water-valve .... ... 188 90. Rarefaction cylinder ....... 199 91. Dog poisoned by oxygen ....... 205 9-. Aero-therapeutical establishment at Milan .... 208 Action of radiometer ....... 220 94. Dark space tube . . . . . . . .220 95. Ruby tube ......... 221 96. Course of radiant matter ....... 222 97. Shadow tube ........ 223 98. Railway tube ........ 224 99. Action of magnet on low vacuum tube ..... 224 100. Action of magnet on high vacuum tube ..... 225 101. Radiant matter produces heat where it strikes .... 225 102. Law-of movement . . . . . . . 249 103. Representation of forces by lines . . . . . .253 104. Parallelogram of forces ....... 253 105. Sand-glass ......... 258 106. Trajectory of projectiles ....... 259 107. Impact and transmission of impulse ..... 260 108. Collision balls . . . . . . . .260 109. Impulse through water ....... 261 i 10. Law of reflection of motion ...... 262 Hi. Pendulum ......... 263 112. Metronome ......... 264 113. Rotation ......... 265 114. Whirling table . . . . . . . .267 115. Gyroscope ......... 267 116. The lever ......... 270 117. Lever of first class ........ 270 118. Lever of second class ... . . . . . 270 119. Lever of third class . . . . . . . 270 120. Law of levers ........ 271 121. Wheel and axle ....... 272 122. Inclined plane ........ 272 123. Screw ......... 274 124. Pulley . . . • . . . . . .275 125. Eriction ......... 277 126. Capillary elevation ........ 279 127. Capillary depression ....... 279 128. Capillary action 279 129. Capillarity between inclined plates ..... 283 130. Filtration ......... 285 131. Rapid filtration ........ 286 132. Draper’s steam exhaust ....... 286 133. Absorption of gases by solids ...... 287 134. Dobereiner lamp ........ 289 135. Solution illustrated ........ 291 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 186. Diffusion illustrated ....... 292 187. Diffusion between gases ....... 294 138. Flow in capillary tube ....... 296 189. Endosmometer ........ 296 140. Dialysis ......... 298' 141. Diffusion of gases through barriers ..... 300 142. Motion in a capillary tube ....... 303 148. Wood cells . . • . . . . . . . 304 144. Vibration of straight springs ...... 312 145. Transverse vibration ....... 313 146. Molecular formation of waves ...... 315 147. Graphic representation of velocity of oscillating body . . 340 148. Sound undulations in tubes ...... 317 149. Reflection of sound waves ....... 318 150. Interference of waves ....... 319 151. Vibration and sound ....... 320 152. Intermittent beam of light develops sound .... 322 153. Propagation of sound bell, in vacuo ..... 323 154.1 155. Movement of molecules in propagation of sound . . . 325 156. J 157. Stethoscope. ......... 328 158. Sound in conjugate mirror ....... 333 159. The sonometer ........ 3^6 160. Nodes and loops ........ 337 161. Tuning-fork ......... 333 162. Chladni’s figures ........ 339 163. Sounding tube ........ 341 164. Vibrating column of air . . . . . _ 344 165. Vibrating reed ........ 342 166. Singing flame ....... 342 167. Reinforcement of sound ....... 349 168. Interference of sound waves ...... 354 169. Savart’s wheel ........ 352 170. The siren ......... 353 171. Graphic method ........ 354 172. Resonance box and fork . . . . . . _ 357 173. Characters of waves . . . . . . 340 174. Konig’s resonator ....... goj 175. Gas-flame manometer ...... gg2 176. Konig’s manometric flames ...... 352 177. Fundamental note ....... ggg 178. Octave of preceding . . . . ggg 179. Fundamental note and octave ...... ggg 180. Yowel O on c and c' ...... 304 181. Analysis of sound ....... 334 182. Lissajou’s method ....... 3gg 183. Lissajou’s figures ....... ggg 184. Blackburne’s pendulum ...... 337 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXIX FIG. PAGE 185. Edison’s phonograph ....... 368 186. The ear . . . . . . . .374 187. Student’s lamp ........ 395 188. Gas from candle flame ....... 396 189. Umbra ......... 400 190. Penumbra ......... 401 191. Image through pinhole ....... 401 192. Velocity of light ........ 402 193. Intensity of light ........ 404 194. Bouguer’s photometer ....... 405 195. Photometer ......... 406 196. Illumination photometer ....... 406 197. Bunsen’s photometer ....... 407 198. Reflection ......... 409 199. Image in plane mirror . . . . . . .410 200. Parallel mirrors . . . . . . . .411 201. Lateral inversion of image ....... 411 202. Effect of rotating mirror ....... 412 203. Measurement of small angles . . . . . .413 204. The sextant ......... 414 205. Focus of spherical concave mirror ...... 416 206. Conjugate foci . . . . . . . .417 207. Virtual focus . . . . . . . .417 208. Real image .... . 418 209. Spherical aberration ....... 419 210. Parabolic mirror . 420 211. Anamorphosis ........ 420 212. Refraction ......... 423 213. Refraction in tank ........ 423 214. Law of refraction ........ 424 215. Critical angle ........ 426 216. Twilight ......... 426 217. Refraction through parallel plate ...... 427 218. The prism ......... 428 219. Right angle prism ........ 430 220. The spectrum ........ 431 221. Dispersion and deviation ....... 432 222. Primary how 438 223. Recomposition of light ....... 434 224. Achromatic prism 435 2~5. Maxima and minima of energies in prismatic spectrum . . . 436 226. Rotating disk . . . . .' . . .441 227. Complementary colors .....•• 441 28. Convex lens 446 229. Forms of convex lens .....•• 446 Convex lens dissected 447 31- Structure of convex lens 448 Focus of convex lens .....•• 449 Conjugate foci ....•••• 450 XXX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 284. Virtual focus of convex lens ...... 450 235. Optical centre . . . . . . . .451 236. Formation of image by convex lens ..... 452 237. Virtual image by convex lens ...... 452 238. Virtual image by concave lens ...... 453 239. Spherical aberration ....... 453 240. Crossed lens . . . . . . . . 454 241. The coma . . . . . . . . . . 456 242. Chromatic aberration ....... 456 243. Achromatic lenses ........ 456 244. Convex image . . . . . . . 457 245. Depth of focus ........ 457 246. Stops and diaphragms ....... 458 247. Spherical aberration ........ 459 248. Action of diaphragm ....... 459 249. Camera lucida ........ 460 250. Camera obscura . . . . . . . 461 251. Magic lantern ........ 461 252. Projection lantern ........ 464 253. Diagram of a horizontal section of the eyeball .... 467 254. Visual angle ........ 470 256. Accommodation ........ 471 256. Irradiation ......... 472 257. The stereoscope ........ 476 258. Compound microscope ....... 479 259. Eelation of eye-piece and objective ..... 480 260. Achromatic objective ...... 480 261. Numerical aperture , . . . . _ 433 262. Adjustment for cover ...... 435 263. Test for objectives ........ 491 264. Eye-piece ....... 492 265. Erector .... . . . . . 494. 266. The microscope •••••... 495 267. Varying effects of illumination . qqq 268. Illumination of opaque objects ..... sqq 269. Microtome ........ 521 270. Micrococci 525 271. A. Bacterium termo, 4000 diameters. B, C, D. Bacterium lineola. 3000 diameters ........ 52g 272. A. Bacillus subtilis, 4000 diameters .... 57g 273. Vibrio regula, 2000 diameters ..... 525 274. A. Spirillum undula, 3000 diameters ; B. Spirillum voluntans, 2000 di- ameters ••..... 275. Double refraction ...... 59Q 276. Diffraction ....... 592 277. Polarization ........ 524 278. Nicol’s prism ...... 597 279. Compressed glass and polarized light .... 530 280. Circular polarization ..... 539 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXXI FIG- PAGE 281. Rotatory polarization ....... 534 282. The polariscope ........ 535 288. The spectroscope ........ 538 284. Direct vision spectroscope ....... 540 285. Solar and stellar spectra ....... 545 286. Absorbent spectra of blood ....... 549 28 <• Ice flowers ......... 554 288. Expansion of liquid and gas ...... 555 289. Expansion compound bar ....... 556 290. Difference in expansion of liquids ...... 557 Gridiron pendulum ........ 560 Compensation strips ....... 560 290. Mercurial pendulum . . . . . . . 560 294. Sanctorio’s thermometer ....... 561 295. Differential thermometer ....... 562 296. Medical thermometer ....... 565 297. Breguet’s thermometer ....... 567 298. fce calorimeter ........ 568 299. Properties of vapors ....... 574 3po. Evaporation in vacuo . . . . . . .575 391. Elastic force of vapors . . . . . . . 578 2. Instantaneous condensation of steam ..... 580 303. The pulse-glass ........ 581 B°E Forms of clouds ........ 582 390. Liebig’s condenser ........ 584 96. Mason’s hygrometer ....... 586 97. Taking dew-point ........ 586 3°B- Ebullition . . . . . . . .590 Reduced pressure. Reduced boiling point .... 591 10. Culinary paradox ........ 591 ' Eapin’s digester ........ 593 12. Spheroidal state . . . . . . . 593 10. Metals conduct differently ....... 596 1 Wire gauze and flame ....... 597 Lhe Davy lamp ........ 597 0- Blowpipe flame ........ 598 • Liquids poor conductors ....... 599 • Eissemination of heat by currents ...... 600 'kesHe’s canister ........ 603 32?" Vap°r §enerator ........ 619 32?" ’^6c*;r*c Pendulum ........ 622 • Electric machine ........ 625 324 ®lectric spark . . . . . . . . 626 Jr- Broken spark 627 z Electric aura 627 327 eclric chimes ........ 629 ’ Electric vane ........ 629 3uq ec°ndary conductor ....... 630 Electrophorus ........ 630 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 330. Gold-leaf electroscope . . . . . . .631 381. Torsion electrometer ....... 632 332. Induction ......... 635 333. Pail experiment ........ 637 334. Leyden vial ......... 689 335. Dissected Leyden vial ’ . . . . . . . 640 336. Discharging rod. Perforated card ..... 641 837. Lichtenberg’s figures ....... 642 338. Holtz machine ........ 643 339. Voltaic pile ......... 653 340. Simple cell ......... 654 841. Grenet battery . . . . . . . 657 342. Colland’s gravity battery ....... 658 343. Daniell’s cell ........ 658 344. Grove’s cell ........ 658 345. Arc between carbon points ....... 661 346. Decomposition of water . . . . . . 663 347. Sodium chloride decomposed ...... 664 348. Thermopile ......... 668 849. Straight and horseshoe magnet ...... 671 350. Compound magnet ........ 671 351. Magnetic induction . . . . . . . 673 352. Magnetizing steel bars ....... 674 353. Mayer’s floating magnets ....... 675 354. Compass ......... 677 355. Astatic combination . . . . . . .677 356. Dipping needle ........ 677 357. Oersted’s experiments ....... 678 858. The galvanometer . . . . . . ' . 679 359. Long compensator ........ 681 360. Wheatstone’s bridge . . . . . . 682 361. Electromagnet ........ 683 362. The solenoid ........ 687 363. Medical magnetoelectric machine ...... 690 364. Inductonum ......... 692 365. Galvanocautery ........ 700 366. ' 367. 368. }- Platinum cautery wires 700 369. | 370. J 371. Galvanomoxa ....... 700 372. Galvanocaustic loops ....... 700 373. Galvanocautery snare ....... 701 374. Double battery ........ 702 375. Electrodes ......... 706 376. Knob and brush electrode ....... 705 377. Points for application of electrodes . . . . .711 MEDICAL PHYSICS. PART I. MATTER AND ITS FORMS. SECTION 1. PROPERTIES OF MATTER. INTRODUCTION. Derivation of physics—Relation to metaphysics—Relation to mathematics—Rela- tion to chemistry—Relation to mechanics—Medical physics—Perception of physical phenomena—Divisions of physics—Matter defined. 1. Derivation.—The word physics is derived from img, nature. It is the science of nature, or natural philosophy. 2. Relation to Metaphysics.—lt is that branch of knowledge which has for its subject all things which exist independently of the mind’s conception of them. It thus stands distinct from Metaphysics, or the science which has for its subject the ideas which exist in the mind only. 3. Relation to Mathematics.—While many of the laws of physics may be discussed from a mathematical point of view, Mere is a broad difference between mathematics and physics. 1° illustrate this we quote the words of Herschel in his essay ‘On the Study of Natural Philosophy”—“A clever man, shut up alone, and allowed unlimited time, might reason out for himself all the truths of mathematics by proceeding from those simple notions of space and number, of which he cannot divest himself without ceasing to think. But he could never tell by any effort of reasoning what would become of a lump of sugar if immersed in water, or what impression would be pro- duced on his eye by mixing the colors yellow and blue.” The essential difference between the two sciences, therefore, is that Physics is a science of observation and experiment, while mathe- Matics may be evolved by the reasoning faculty alone. Physics is an inductive science evolving a general principle h°m special facts. 36 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Mathematics is a deductive science drawing a particular truth from a general principle. Mill says, mathematics is the most perfect type of the deductive method. 4. Relation to Chemistry.—Physics deals with all the phenomena and modifications which bodies present, so long as they are not changed in composition. In this respect it is separated from chemistry, which treats, of the composition of bodies and the changes therein. 5. Relation to Mechanics.—Mechanics is that division of physics which treats of the principles involved in the construction and action of machines. In consequence, we find the term animal mechanics frequently applied to the consideration of those functions of the body which resemble the actions of machines. 6. Medical Physics discusses the laws and phenomena of physics, with which the physician should be acquainted, to understand the processes of life, and also those, a knowledge of which is necessary for the improvement of the hygienic condition of the community in which he lives. In evidence of the manifold and varied applications of physics in medicine, the fol- lowing examples are cited: 1. The explanation of the function of respiration on the principles of pneumatics and diffusion of gases. 2, The influence of latent heat in the maintenance of a fixed temperature in all hot-blooded animals. 3. The dependence of the phenomena of circulation of the fluids of the body on the laws of hydrodynamics and hydraulics. 4. The application of the principles of capillarity to the explanation of absorption and secretion. 5. The explanation of the action of the locomotive system on the principles involved in levers, with the numerous forms of surgical apparatus dependent on levers and wedges. 6. The elucidation of the action of the organs of vision and of hearing, by the laws of optics and acoustics. 7. Last though not least, the relations of meteorology to animal heat, and to the appearance, advance, and retrogression of various diseases. Many other examples might be offered to show that physics rivals, if it does not surpass chemistry in the explanation of the phenomena of life. It is no exaggeration to say that there is not a tissue, organ, or function of the body, the proper com- prehension of which does not involve a knowledge of the laws of physics. _ We may wdth equal justice affirm that there is scarcely a principle of physics which is not applied in some form in the human body. The importance of the study of this 37 department of science will, therefore, he self-evident to every true student and practitioner of medicine. The disregard which physicians in the United States have hitherto shown, for even a superficial knowledge of physics, 18 unpardonable. This arises in part from the newness of the country, and the desire to make money quickly. It may he said that, outside of our great cities, very few practitioners of medi- cine have any conception of their true relations to the community ui which they live. They move in a narrow" groove, and their knowledge is founded almost exclusively on personal experience. The title, physician, has honorably escaped the odium, that has fallen on that of doctor. Every quack, or charlatan, calls Himself a doctor, and those who believe in him yield to his assumption. Hot so with the title of physician. The wmrd, by ltß derivation, means, one having a knowdedge of nature, and to 6 physicians in the true sense of the term, we must extend our knowledge and influence beyond the mere empirical practice of tue healing art. The true physician is the man of science in the community in which he lives. He interests himself in the sanitary conditions °f his vicinity. He warns his people regarding the deadly germs that may exist in the water they drink, and in the air they breathe. He insists on the proper ventilation and w-arming of their public and private buildings. He shows them the impor- tance of careful removal of all offal and sewage from their houses, and how it should be done. He teaches them how to distinguish wdiolesome from uimholesome food, and how to Prepare it so as to present the highest nutritive value. As far as m his power lies, he off the approach of disease, and seeks to improve hygienic conditions, so that the power to resist disease may be as perfect as possible. To accomplish this work Properly, he must have knowledge, not only of the principles of physics connected with the functions of the interior of the eeonomy, but also of those which offer the most favorable con- ditions for the maintenance of health. INTRODUCTION. 7- Perception of Physical Phenomena.—The phenomena per- muted by bodies generally affect one or more of our special senses directly, as when they are sonorous, warm, luminous, sometimes the changes can only be perceived indirectly, as, for example, wrhen a mass of soft iron becomes magnetic, the change \best detected by its altered relation to other masses of iron, which it now attracts; whereas it failed to do so before the diagnetism w7as developed. divisions of Physics.—The study of physics arranges itself Naturally under two divisions. The first of these deals with the 38 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. things or objects acted upon. These are grouped together under the general head of matter. The second treats of energy, or the origin of the forces which act upon matter, and produce the varied phenomena which matter presents for our consideration and examination. Professor Tait says : “The fundamental notions which occur to us when we commence the study of physical science, are those of time and space. In relation to these, algebra has been called the science of pure time, and geometry of pure space.” The study of the special mixed science of space and time is called kinematics. Close upon our ideas of time and space follow those of matter, position, motion, force. Of these, position is a space relation or geometrical conception. Motion is change of position, which, since it varies in rate, implies the idea of time as well as space. They are both independent of our conceptions of matter and force, or rather of energy, which may be defined as the power of doing work, or, as Tait puts it, “of doing mischief; ” and which we may regard as the cause of force. “As silver and gold are different forms of matter, so sound, heat, light, etc., are now viewed as different forms of energy. It is this idea which enables us to coordinate the apparently diverse sciences which constitute physics. In its application we are ever obliged to be on our guard, in respect to the manner in which we treat the evidences afforded by our sensations. Take, for ex- ample, sound and light; until they affect certain special senses they are wave-motions. The sensation is as different from the cause, as the pain produced by a cudgel is different from its motion.” So intimate are the relations between matter and energy, that it is impossible to consider matter, without at the same time dealing with certain forms of energy, as attraction and motion, which are inseparable from and inherent in matter. We shall, therefore, as occasion arises, examine the leading features of these two forms of energy, as far as is necessary for the proper comprehension of the constitution and forms of matter, and reserve their more detailed study to the division of energy proper. 9. Matter Defined.— The most concise definition of matter is that it is anything which may he perceived by one or more of our special senses as occupying space. Everything not so perceptible is called immaterial. We may, perhaps, best realize the difference between the terms material and immaterial by an example; so, while the body is material, the mind or the soul is immaterial; while the universe presents the material on its grandest scale, the creator and ruler becomes to us the noblest illustration of the immaterial. The pride which we feel in our accumulated knowl- STRUCTURE OR CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 39 edge is humiliated, when we realize how incompetent our finite painds are to grasp the ideas presented by the universe and fis creator. We may, it is true, fathom the meaning of space, so long as it is confined to measurements which we can execute; but infinite space like that embraced by the universe surpasses °ur comprehension. Time may be realized while limited to small portions of the brief span comprised in a lifetime; but no human mind has ever compassed the idea of eternity, that endless time, before which even the grandest intellect stands humbled and appalled. So energy in its turn may be realized while it remains shackled within the control of our individual Physical powers, but we cannot frame the first conception of an energy? or a force wdiich is almighty, which governs the universe, Regulates the motions of planets and suns, and which many imagine may even have created matter. CHAPTER I. STRUCTURE OR CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. übdivisions of matter—Mechanical subdivision—Particles—Minute living organ- isms—Subdivision by solution—Chemical subdivision—Atom and molecule defined—Origin of the idea of atoms—Cohesion—Effects of heat and pressure °n matter—The molecules do not touch—Motion among molecules—Theory °f the structure of matter—Relative sizes of molecules and interstices—Esti- mated actual sizes of molecules and interstices—Imperfection of so-called vacua—Omnipresence of matter. To understand the changes which matter presents, and the huence of forces thereon, it is necessary to determine the struc- le or constitution of matter. By means of the following Aperiments and investigations, we shall arrive at a satisfactory °mtiou of this problem. 10. Subdivision of Matter may be of three kinds, or degrees, ccording to the methods employed. These are; 1, Mechanical ol.eap8 prions kinds; 2, Solution either of a solid in a fluid, °* a solid or fluid in air; 3, Chemical processes. a Mechanical Subdivision.—lf we place a portion of chalk in P°rcelain mortar and pound it with the pestle, it breaks into 40 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. fragments, which become smaller and smaller as the pounding or blows are continued, until finally the whole mass is reduced to a coarse powder. This process is known as pulverization. To reduce the coarse to a fine powder, the contents of the mortar are submitted to a grinding operation, by rubbing them in the mortar with the pestle. This is called trituration. Many other methods of mechanical subdivision will suggest themselves, but these answer our purpose for the present. 12. Particles.—The fine powder produced by trituration, though it appears to be impalpable, if examined under the microscope with a sufficiently high power is seen to be made up of minute masses, which are called particles. A particle may, therefore, be defined as the minutest subdivision of matter attainable by mechanical means. In the case of mercury this subdivision may be carried on until the globules are less than the 20W0 °f an inch diameter, as in blue mass. The smallest single particle discov- erable by the normal unassisted human eye is generally stated to be about ToVo °f an inch in diameter. In this method of subdivision the particles retain all the physical properties pre- sented by the original mass, viz., the color, hardness, etc., being unaltered. 13. Minute Living Organisms.—Though our senses can with difficulty appreciate the minuteness of the particles attainable by mechanical subdivision, yet these are rivalled and even ex- ceeded in smallness by innumerable living organisms. The red corpuscle or disks which are found in human blood, for ex- ample, are often of an inch in diameter and scarcely of an inch thick. One of the most minute of the animalcules is the monas crepisculum, or twilight monad. This little creature is carnivorous in its habits, its globular body is sometimes only leooQ °f an inch in diameter, yet it has distinct organs, made up of innumerable particles, and thereby shows us that small as are the particles attainable by mechanical subdivision, there are subdivisions which are infinitely more minute. 14. Subdivision by Solution.—lf we take one-tenth of a grain of indigo and dissolve it in a little strong sulphuric acid, it will give a blue tint to five hundred ounces of water. Such a solu- tion contains less than one-millionth of a grain of coloring matter to th 6 drop of fluid. It is even estimated that in this case the particles of indigo are only o*o 000000 P of a cubic inch in size. When a grain of musk is exposed in a room it will give its characteristic odor to the air of the apartment for many months, STRUCTURE OR CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. yet at the close of that time it will have lost only a small frac- tion of its weight. In these examples of subdivision and diffusion of one material throughout another, we have in reality separated the ultimate particles of one substance from each other by introducing be- tween them one or more exceedingly minute particles of another substance. If the dissolving material is vastly greater in mass than that dissolved, we may even approach the smallest degree subdivision of which the dissolved body is capable, and still retain its properties. To this degree of subdivision the term >n°lecule is applied. 15. Chemical Subdivision.—Taking a portion of the chalk pow- uer produced by mechanical subdivision (11), and pouring dilute 1 fdrochloric acid upon it, a violent effervescence is produced, aud at last the chalk disappears. Testing the nature of the leaping gas, we find that it is carbonic acid gas, or carbon di- uxide, while the lime of the chalk remains in the solution ol’tned. In this case we have by chemical action torn the tolecule of chalk asunder and produced therefrom a molecule °t carbon dioxide and a molecule of calcium chloride. In the same manner, we may by suitable methods separate the carbon lQxide into the two bodies, carbon and oxygen. Here our power ceases for the present, but we have learned that the ioieeule of calcium carbonate forming the chalk was not the .ast stage of separation of which that body was capable. From we get free the gaseous carbonic acid, which in its turn was into carbon and oxygen, and since we cannot separate ber of these into simpler bodies we call them dements. With ese facts before us, we are prepared to understand what is eant by an atom and a molecule. all om Molecule Defined.—An atom is the smallest conceiv- e portion into which an elementary body can he divided, or the portion of an element that can enter into combination. , ' bile we may conceive of an atom of oxygen or of any other mentary body, modern chemistry teaches us that a single on m never exists in the free state; it is always combined with sue I?1' more atoms of the same, or of a different kind. The of +p* P free portion of oxygen must, therefore, consist mol lwo afoms of this body, and we speak of this as a c 6011 6 °xygen; we may consequently say that a molecule is posed of atoms, and, is the smallest portion of a substance capable £0 °\ seP°vate existence. The term molecule may he applied both ato e^entary an(l compound substances, while the idea of an 171 is only applicable to elements. 42 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 17. Origin of the Idea of Atoms.—The conception of the atom descends to ns from the ancient Greeks, though it probably originated in India, where doctrines similar to the centres of force of Boscovich have been subjects of discussion from very remote times. Among the early students of atoms was Leu- cippus. He adopted the theory of atoms because all arguments in favor of infinite divisibility necessarily ended in empty words, or in incomprehensible thoughts. 18. Cohesion.—For the subdivision of matter we have seen that force is necessary. It is, therefore, evident that some op- posing force exists in matter by which its molecules are united, or bound together. To this the name of cohesion has been given. Let a small sheet of glass, three or four inches square, be sus- pended by threads and so adjusted that its surfaces are in a horizontal plane. Then let the lower surface of the glass be brought in contact with water. The glass and water immedi- ately attract each other, and a certain amount of force is re- quired to separate them. In this case we have apparently shown the attraction between glass and water; but if we examine the experiment more care- fully, we find that the lower surface of the glass is covered with a layer of the liquid. It is, therefore, evident that we have not separated the glass from the water, but we have torn the mole- cules of water asunder, and the force required to do this was the measure of their cohesion for each other. 19. Effects of Heat and Pressure on Matter.—Seeing that all matter is composed of molecules, the inquiry naturally arises, What is the relation of these to each other as regards position ? Fig- l- Are they in contact, or are they at a dis- tance from each other ? An answer to this question is offered by the following experi- ment, delineated in Fig. 1. Let Abe a sphere of brass, two or three inches in diameter, made as true as possible, and sus- pended by a chain. To the sphere, A, a metallic ring, B, is adapted, which at ordi- nary temperatures permits the sphere to pass through it easily. On raising the tem- perature of the sphere by means of a spirit or a gas flame, and then attempting to pass it through the ring, we find that it will no Expansion by heat. longer do so. From this we conclude that the metallic sphere has increased in size under the influence of the rise in temperature. Allowing the mass to cool, it again passes through the ring without STRUCTURE OR CONSTITUTION OF M'ATTER. difficulty. It has therefore diminished in volume by the diminu- tion in temperature. In like manner, variations in pressure cause ynriation in volume. In illustration of this, take a tube one inch in diameter with a bulb, A, expanded 0n one end. The tube and bulb are almost entirely filled with water, which confines a bubble of air in the upper part of the bulb or sphere. The lower part of the tube dips under the surface of the water in a vessel, B, and thus the fluid is suspended in the tube and oulb. Placing this instrument under a tall ft! O ‘nr-pnmp hell, C, and proceeding to exhaust, the onbble of air dilates, and the fluid retreats into the tube, and vessel, B. Restoring the press- hi’e of the atmosphere, the bubble of air at A c°ntracts, and the fluid returns to its original position. Fig. 2. 20. The Molecules do not Touch.—The only explanation of the phenomena presented in the Preceding article is that the air in the bulb has expanded and contracted, under the influence 0 the variations in pressure. This it could Expansion by reduced pressure. do if the molecules were in contact with each other. We, orefore, arrive at a correct answer to the question propounded n the last article, and conclude that the molecules both in the °od and in the gas, cannot be in contact, hut are separated by Paces or intervals, called interstices. oht^: on among Molecules.—The expansion and contraction rained in the preceding experiments, show that the molecules ■ e uiobile in the solid as well as in the- gas. Numerous stances of mobility among the molecules of solids suggest 0e but none is of greater interest than those which 4-nuhe case of periodide of mercury which has been recently To • b httle of this substance be placed in a test-tube and ated, its color changes to a bright yellow. After a few ***** it vaporizes, and, recondensing higher up in the tube, ture >a e^ow sublimate. Under these conditions of ternpera- an t*lere i®s °f course, no moisture present on which to base tou Ration of what follows. If the yellow sublimate be fo a G(* any hard substance, it instantly turns red, owing selv learrangeuaent of the molecules of periodide among them- iii t,eß' ®ven without the act of touching, the sublimate will t0 a complete change of tint, passing from yellow rilliant red. Arsenious oxide also offers an example of 44 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. the same fact, changing slowly from a glassy amorphous into an opaque crystalline form. Phenomena like these demonstrate that in solids, molecular movements are not only possible by virtue of external inter- ference, but they may also arise without any apparent initiating act. The most rational explanation of the changes in the per- iodide of mercury is, that even in the yellow state, molecular oscillations or vibrations are occurring, and the change to the red state is merely dependent on some slight change in the manner or character of these movements. If the idea of movement in connection with molecules be granted in the most solid bodies, we have an explanation of the manner in which the interstices (20) are maintained. For motion to exist, the molecule must have space in which to vibrate, hence the interstice. Increase the temperature, and the motion or vibration increasing, the interstitial spaces also increase, and the body expands. Diminish the temperature, the amplitude of motion of the molecule diminishes, the cohe- sive force draws the molecules together, the interstices diminish, and the body contracts. Collecting the experiments and arguments embraced from article 11, and condensing them, we have the following: 22. Theory of the Structure of Matter.—l. All matter is com- posed of molecules made up of atoms. 2. These molecules do not touch each other, hut are separated by spaces, called intermolecular interstices. 3 The molecules forming a substance are never at rest, hut are oscil- lating or moving in various ways, with inconceivable rapidity. 4. The molecules are drawn toward each other by a force called attraction or cohesion (18), which tends to diminish the size of the interstices. 5. The molecular movements resist the attractive or cohesive force. These motions are increased by the action of heat, and the size of the interstices is consequently increased. According as the cohesive force or the motion predominates, so does the size of the body vary. 23. Relative Sizes of Molecules and Interstices.—By the action of heat, one cubic inch of water may be made to yield a cubic foot of steam. In its vaporous state the water molecules have the same chemical composition as in the fluid condition; the difference is the result of the expansion which the interstices between the molecules have undergone. This, and innumera- ble other examples, show how great the size of the interstices must be, compared with that of the molecules. In the case of dilated hydrogen gas this excess in size of the interstices is STRUCTURE OR CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 45 enormous; some have even compared their relations to that existing between the planets of our solar system and the dis- tances separating them. 24. Estimated Actual Sizes of Molecules and Interstices.—Sir '' illiam Thomson estimates that in ordinary solids and liquids the average distance between contiguous molecules is less than the millionth of a millimetre. In an article by Mr. G. J. Stoney (‘Phil. Mag.,” series 4, vol. 36), on the “Internal Motions °t Gases Compared with Motions of Waves of Light,” the author estimates that there are not fewer than a unit—eighteen, (unit) 18, or 1,000000000000000060 molecules in each cubic of a gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Considering that a cubic millimetre is about one-twentieth of an inch square on each face, we gain a faint conception of the Marvellous minuteness of molecules. 25. Imperfection of So-called Vacua.—Admitting that a cubic Millimetre of air or gas contains a (unit) 18 molecules, it is that the so-called barometric vacuum is sadly misnamed, he admirable exhaustion obtained by Crookes in the prepara- un of his radiometer tubes is equivalent to the almost incon- ueivable pressure of 10 000 o o °f an atmosphere, yet even at fus reduction of pressure a cubic millimetre still contains >6OOOOOOOOOOO molecules of gas. 26. Omnipresence of Matter.—The imperfections of our best apua (25) show that is hardly possible to conceive of space as istuig without matter. In other words, matter is omnipresent. i ere anJ doubt of the truth of this, a glance at the stars OMd reassure us. Distant though they be from us and from w'ir °^er> there is no part of the heavens that is not studded 1 h them. Increase in the power of telescopes only serves to \vb‘0 i our ast°mshed gaze innumerable stars and nebulae, u 10 1 before were invisible. The wave theory of light, too, f mandB the existence of the ether, or an exceedingly attenuated 11 of matter existing throughout space, and in which light is Tira^ated by oscillations or vibrations of its molecules. T , , 1 more truth than he kenned, did Milton in his “ Paradise cause the Almighty to exclaim: “ I am who fill Infinitude, nor vacuous the space Though I myself retire ” 46 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. CHAPTER 11. ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. Elements and compounds defined-—Theory of the oneness of matter—Hydrogen the original element—Nature of atoms. 27. Elements and Compounds Defined.—ln examining chemical subdivision (15), we have seen that there is a limit to the subdivision of a body as regards its constituents. In the case of calcium carbonate, for example, we arrive finally at cal- cium, carbon, oxygen. These we cannot separate into other and simpler bodies; though it is possible that such a result may some day be accomplished. Many substances once thought to be undecomposable have since been separated; the same may happen in other cases; we may, therefore, say that: An element is a body which has not yet been decomposed, while : A compound is made up of two or more elements. 28. Theory of the Oneness of Matter.—While the discussion of the composition of bodies and the changes therein belongs properly to chemistry, there is one view regarding the origin of elements which places this question within the domain of physics. The chemist claims the existence of some sixty-tive distinct elements, out of which all the objects on the globe are con- structed. These he believes “no kind of alchemy will trans- mute the one into the other.” In discussing this, Dr. Arnott says: “How sixty-tive kinds of matter should, by variously com- bining, form the endless diversity of things and appearances winch our globe presents is not without analogy. All the words, all the literature of the English tongue is formed out of twenty- four letters, and all the letters of the multitude of tongues on the face of the earth are not more in number than the chemical elements. Even more wonderful is the fact that all the words of the English, or any other language, may now be signalled along a telegraph wire by combinations of only two different signals, a long and a short one.” He might have added that the long signal, or dash, is itself a combination of short signals or dots. The human invention of written language indicating not only ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. 47 ah the objects on the globe, but also expressing the thoughts, and passions with which man is endowed, is, as we have seen, reducible to a system of dots variously arranged, there is, therefore, nothing unwarrantable in the conception that the various kinds of matter, the presence of which we ex- press by the proper arrangement of the same kind of dots in telegraphy, may be composed of one kind of elementary atom, aud our so-called elements are mere modifications of this. The ftonis we may say have their analogues in dots, molecules in etters, and substances in words. Ihe astrologers of the East not only evolved the idea of the toln, but their long-continued observations of the ceaseless thovements of the heavenly bodies led them to believe that in f9r\Same waT at°ms or molecules of matter were never at rest They even carried the similitude further, and taught that cne stars of the firmament were alike in appearance, so matter fir ma(^e up of 0116 kind of atom, and the differences in itterent kinds were merely the results of difference in the kind Motion to which the elemental atom was subjected. The Jfmental atom, moreover, constituted the original or universal ether. 1 the Greek philosophers, Leucippus, of whom we have ‘ leady spoken (17), held that the idea of the atom as the ele- ontary substance gave a foundation on which, by the aid of ernal motion, combination, and separation, all material phe- mena might be built, and their relations explained. The e°t of motion in all its variety upon matter is finally summed i§} h Heraclitus in the saying that “Life is motion.” “Nothing att mas movement-” It is to thoughts like these that we must St ri ,te the search by the alchemists for the “Philosopher’s tu^ne~, y the base metals into gold; by the latter, to renew their h and prolong life to a thousand years or more, m * Modern thinkers the eminent physicist and chemist the *lara’ was a leading upholder of the “Oneness of matter and jje P°Wer of motion and combination to produce diversity.” oreover, conceived the idea that the diversity in motion that basis of diversity in matter, or, in other words, an atoni constituted an element of a special kind, according rp,e rate or the peculiarity of its movements, the riL of the oneness of matter is of especial interest to in ti ySlciail, Billce it bears a close analogy to what he finds a*iimm Btructure of all living organisms. Tracing the higher devel veSetable structures back through their course of Posed^f fbeir first genesis, we find that they are com- the ,°b an(J that they originate from, cells. In their structure 1 Semblance of these cells to each other is very close. 48 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Whether it be a nerve-cell in the brain, a muscle-cell, a cell of tendinous or cartilaginous tissue, or even of bone itself, in its first inception it consists of the same parts, viz., cell-wall, con- tents, nucleus, and nucleolus. From mere cells, the multiplicity of forms composing the organic world is evolved, Omnia ex ova being the motto on which nature seems to work out her plans. To the analogy here drawn exception might be taken, to the effect that these cells are, after all, essentially different. Though they resemble each other in that they are composed of the same parts, they are different in size and form. We never, it might be said, find muscle-cells producing a serous membrane, nor nerve-cells forming muscle. They therefore differ essentially from each other, just as iron differs from copper; indeed, they might be regarded as the analogues of the atoms of elements, each building up its own special form of structure, and none other. Admitting, for the moment, this apparent objection, let us trace the genesis of the tissues of any organism a step further back, and for our example take man himself. The first differ- entiation of a human being consists of the formation of an ovum in the ovary of the female. To all appearances, this is nothing more nor less than a simple cell, and not distinguishable from similar ova of innumerable other animals, we might even say of plants also. Brought in contact under suitable conditions with its proper spermatozoa, which seem to bear to the ovum the same relation that energy bears to matter, and furnished with a form- less material as food, changes begin. What was at first a simple cell, by the act of subdivision becomes an infinite number of cells. In the mass so produced, the embryo is outlined little by little. Tissue after tissue, each with its own peculiar cells, appears. Finally the perfect foetus is formed. The child is born, and we are in the presence of the most wonderful of all creations, mar- vellously complex in its structure, possessing absolute character- istics which separate it from all other creatures; and yet all this complexity of structure has arisen from a single simple cell. Cells of brain, muscle, tendon, cartilage, bone, all have originated from the same source. Ho two elementary bodies differ from each other more than brain differs from cartilage, yet brain and car- tilage have been evolved from the same original cell. Is it any greater wonder to imagine that as such divers tissues as those we have mentioned have all originated from one cell, our so- called elementary bodies may have also originated from one ultimate element? Pushing the analogy still further, we arrive, in the organic world, at that curious body called protoplasm, from which the cell itself is produced, and which forms the completed body of an amoeba and a moner. Whatever opinions we may hold regard- 49 ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. ing differences among cells, none can exist concerning the uni- formity of protoplasm, from whatever source it may be obtained. A mere formless, jelly-like material, without visible organiza- tion, it may be conceived to be the analogue of that something which we conceive to be distributed throughout space. We may further imagine that as cells are differentiated from proto- plasm, so elementary atoms arise from an ultimate element, and as the cell once differentiated retains its special form and prop- erties, which cannot be changed or altered by any agency at our command, so elementary atoms, in like manner, when once differentiated resist all our attempts at modification by the means we at present possess. 29. Hydrogen the Original Element ?—ln the “American Journal of Sciences and Arts,” 3d series, vol. xviii. p. 9(J, there is a report of a paper read by J. Norman Lockyer, before the Royal Society, on December 12,1878. It is entitled “On the Supposed Compound Nature of the So-called Elements.” In this paper he says: “There are many facts and many trains of thought suggested by solar and stellar physics, which point to the hy- pothesis that the elements themselves, or at all events, some of them are compound bodies.” The original element would appear to be hydrogen, for the spectrum analysis of the hottest stars shoves this gas to be present in enormous quantity, wfith very little else, while stars of lowrer temperature show a less proportion of hydrogen, but present other elements the variety or number of which increases as the temperature descends. In the stars of the highest temperature other elements have not been formed, or they have been dissociated into hydrogen. Observations by Prof. Piazzi Smyth, in another direction, tend to the same conclusion. In the “Observatory,” for October, 1880, he states that in experiments with low temperature vacuum- tubes, after a prolonged passage of the electric spark, “Chlorine has been changed into hydrogen, and nitrogen though more slowly, seems to be going the same wTay. Is nitrogen after all not an element, but a compound? Is nitrogen merely a par- ticular form or state of hydrogen ?” These opinions show that the tendency of modern thought is toward the acceptance of a modification of the ancient doctrine °f the oneness of matter, and though it may not be a proven fact, we cannot deny that there are many phenomena which support the idea of the origin of other elements from hydrogen. 30. Nature of Atoms.—On this subject, says Professor Tait, various opinions have been held. “Among these, the first is that of the perfectly hard atom. You meet with it not only loug before the time of Lucretius, but also in all subsequent 50 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. time, even in the works of Newton himself. We find Newton speculating on this subject in his unsuccessful attempt to account for the extraordinary fact that the velocity of sound, as calcu- lated by him by strictly accurate mathematical processes, was found to he something like one-ninth too little. We find New- ton suggesting that possibly the particles of air maybe little, hard, spherical bodies, which, at the ordinary pressure of the atmos- phere, are at a distance from one another of somewhere about nine times the diameter of each; and he says sound then may be propagated instantaneously through these hard atoms or par- ticles of air, while it is propagated with the mathematically cal- culated velocity through the space between each pair. But, unfortunately for this explanation, it implies that sound should move faster in dense than in rare air at the same temperature. This is inconsistent with the results of direct measurement.” “It is obvious, that if there are such small infinitely hard particles as atoms, they must be in all bodies at a distance from one another, because, so far as experiment has guided us, there is no portion of matter whatever that is not capable of further compression by the application of sufficient pressure; and, of course, compression of a group of infinitely hard particles must presuppose that they have certain interstices between them, so that they are capable of being brought still nearer” (23 and 24). “Another school of philosophers and experimenters, recoiling from the notion of the hard atom, took up the following idea. All that we know of atoms will be perfectly well accounted for if we dispense altogether with the notion of an atom—dispense with anything material in the ordinary sense of the word matter —but suppose merely a centre cf force, such as we are accustomed to in those mathematical fictions which we meet with in our text-books. Suppose, in place of an atom, a mere geometrical point, which can exert repulsive or attractive forces, or rather suppose such forces tending toward or from a certain point, but nothing at the point, except, in some unexplained way, mass. So far as external bodies are concerned, this will behave just as an atom would do. That explanation was taken up and developed to a great extent by Boscovich, and was, to a certain extent, adopted in later times even by Faraday. It is, as I have stated at the outset, a mathematical fiction, but it is often an ex- tremely convenient one for the purpose of enabling us to make certain matheraatico-physical investigations of what takes place in the interior of bodies in their various states of solids, liquids, and gases.” A third hypothesis is that of the vortex atom, recently sug- gested by Sir William Thomson. Of this, Professor Tait says: “The peculiar properties of vortex-motion were mathematically ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. 51 deduced for the first time by Helmholtz. It is necessary to give a brief sketch of his results in order that you may easily follow my explanation of Sir William Thomson’s suggestion, and I do so the more readily because it is, or, at all events, it appears to myself to he by far the most fruitful in consequences of all the suggestions that have hitherto been made as to the ultimate nature of matter. Especially does it give us a glimpse, at least, of an explanation of the extraordinary fact, that every atom of Rny one substance, wheresoever we find it, whether on the earth or in the sun, or in meteorites coming to us from cosmical spaces, or in the farthest distant stars or nebulae, possesses pre- cisely the same physical properties.” “As a preliminary illustration, I shall show the formation of a simple circular vortex-ring, exhibiting one or two of its more important properties.” Fig. 8. Vortex-rings. “The apparatus consists of a very homely arrangement, merely a wooden box with a large round hole made in one end of it, 'vhile the opposite end has been removed and its place supplied a towel tightly stretched. In order to make the air which is be expelled from this box visible, we charge it first with amnioniacal gas, by sprinkling the bottom of the box with strong solution of ammonia. A certain quantity of amnioniacal gas has now been introduced into it, and we shall develop in addition a quantity of muriatic acid gas. This is done by putting into me box a dish containing common salt, over which I pour sulphuric acid of commerce. These two gases combine, and i°rm solid sal ammoniac, so that anything visible which escapes morn the box is simply particles of sal ammoniac, which are so Very small that they remain suspended by fluid-friction, like Buioke in the air. How notice the effect of a sudden blow aPplied to the end of the box opposite the hole. There you See a circular vortex-ring moving on its own account through the r°oni as if it were an independent solid.” “ I shall now try to show the effect of one vortex-ring upon 52 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. another, just as I showed it here to Thomson, when he at once formed his theory. You notice that when two vortex-rings impinge upon one another, they behave like solid elastic rings. They vibrate vehemently after the shock, just as if they were solid rings of India-rubber. It is easy, as you see, to produce such vibration of a vortex-ring without any impact from another. All we have to do is to substitute an elliptical, or even a square hole, for the circular one we have hitherto employed.” “Now, the first vortex-ring which you saw sailing up through the class-room, contained precisely that particular portion of air, mixed with sal ammoniac powder, which had been sent out of the box by the blow. It was not merely sal ammoniac powder which was going through the air, but a certain definite portion of the smoky air, if we so may call it, from the inside of that box, which, in virtue of the vortex-motion which it had, became, as it were, a different substance from the surrounding air, and moved through it very much like a solid body.” “In fact, according to the result of Helmholtz’s researches, if the air were a perfect fluid, if there were no such thing as fluid- friction in air, that vortex-ring would have gone on moving for- ever. Hot only so, hut the portion of the fluid which contained the smoke; which was, as it were, marked by the smoke, would remain precisely the same set of particles of the fluid as it moved through the rest; so that those which were thus marked by the smoke were, by the fact of their rotation, distinguished or differ- entiated from all the rest of the particles of air in the room, and could not by any process, except an act of creative power, be made to unite with the fluid in the room.” “ That is a point which appears to me to be one of the most striking characteristics in the foundation of this suggestion of vortex-atoms. Granted that you have a perfect fluid, you could not produce a vortex-ring in it; nor, if a vortex-ring were there, could you destroy it? No process at our command could enable us to do either, because, in order to do it, fluid-friction is essen- tially requisite. Now, by the very definition of a perfect fluid, friction does not exist in it.” “Thus, if we adopt Sir William Thomson’s supposition, that the universe is filled with something which we have no right to call ordinary matter (though it must possess inertia), but which we may call a perfect fluid, then, if any portions of it have vortex-motion communicated to them, they will remain forever stamped with that vortex-motion; they cannot part with it; it will remain with them as a characteristic forever, or at least until the creative act which produced it shall take it away again. Thus this property of rotation may he the basis of all that to our senses appeals as matter.” “In such a vortex-ring (as you will easily understand by 53 thinking how it came out of the round hole in the box), the motion of the particles of air is of this kind. Suppose it to be coming forward towards you, then every portion of the air on the inner side of the ring is moving forward, and every portion pn the outer side is moving backward, so that the whole is turn- ing round and round its linear circular core. The air all about it is in motion according to a very simple law, which, however, . could not explain without mathematics—except in the par- ticular case of that within the annulus, which is moving forward taster than the ring itself. I shall afford any of you who desire !t an opportunity of convincing yourselves of the fact. Each of you will find that, if he places his face in the path of one of these large air vortex-rings, there is no sensation whatever until the vortex-ring is almost close to him, and when it reaches him he feels a sudden blast of wind flowing through the centre of it, I bus this vortex-ring not only involves in itself rotating ele merits which are thereby distinguished altogether from the other elements of the fluid, but it also is associated necessarily with ULTIMATE COMPOSITION OF MATTER. ether movements through the non-differen- lated air, and especially a forward rapid current of air passing through its centre in he direction in which it is going. Helm- holtz showed that if vortex-filaments exist in f continuous medium of any kind, they must e ring-shaped—that is to say, endless—after any number of knottings or twistings, the ends must come together. All vortex-rings rrand, therefore, according to Sir William homson, all atoms of matter—must neces- sarily be endless—that is to say, must have Fig. 4. Yortex-ring, structure. ~*r ends finally united together after any number of convolu- lQns or knots.” . ‘ Secondly, though this is really involved in what we have Jest seen, Helmholtz shows that such a ring is indivisible; you cannot cut it. Do what you like; bring the edge of the keenest -I euptoit as rapidly as you please, it cannot be cut; it sim- b .V moves away from or wriggles round the knife ; and, in this ese, it is literally an atom. It is a thing which cannot be cut; . that you cannot cut it; but that you cannot so much as get it so as to try to cut it.” te the extracts we have given above from Professor Tait’s orh °n “ Recent Advances in Physical Science,” we have only W’th 11° present the recent ideas regarding the nature of atoms, 1 bout accepting them. Those who desire a more extensive cquaintance with this subject, and with the doctrine of the e erogeneity of matter, must consult Professor Tait’s work. 54 PROPERTIES OF MATTER CHAPTER 111. GENERAL PROPERTIES OE MATTER. Indestructibility and transmigration of matter—Extensibility and impenetrability —Gravity and weight—Centre of gravity—Stability of position in animals— The balance—Weights and weighing—Essentials in a good balance—Method of double weighing—Density or specific gravity—Mobility—Inertia—Porosity —Compressibility—Elasticity—Divisibility. 31. Indestructibility and Transmigration of Matter.—We cannot create, neither can we destroy matter. The dew which has covered the petals of flowers with glistening drops, disappears when the rays of the rising sun envelop it. The water that formed it seems to have been destroyed, but it still exists. It has only passed from visible water to invisible vapor. Though the eye cannot perceive it, there is no difficulty in proving its existence by other means, and forcing it to reassume its visible liquid state. The candle-flame by which we seek to extend the length of our days, offers even a better example of the indestructibility of matter. The wax or fat of which the candle is formed, is composed chiefly of carbon and hydrogen. In giving forth its light the flame slowly feeds upon the combustible substance, and as this wastes away, it appears to have been destroyed, but it has not. In the flame itself, through which we may rapidly pass the linger without feeling any resisting medium, there is solid matter. This we may easily show by causing a flame to impinge upon a cold surface, when at once it deposits soot or solid carbon. Even when the carbon has disappeared in the upper part of the flame, and only invisible products are present, we may, by passing these over melted potassium, recover the carbon in the same state as we found it in the flame. The carbon of the wax has not been destroyed, it has only changed its state so as no longer to be perceptible to certain senses. Living plants and animals give an admirable illustration of the indestructibility of matter, and also of its unceasing passage through varied forms. The processes of animal life result largely in the production of carbonic acid gas, which is eliminated in the invisible state from the lungs. It is identical with the gas thrown oft* in the combustion in a candle-flame. It has even been said, and not without reason, that we ourselves may be likened 55 to flames. We are mere forms through which matter is passing. We consume food as the flame consumes fat, this in each case 18 oxidized, producing a more or less transient form. The Product of the oxidation in both is the same, carbonic acid gas. io plants this gas, the refuse of the bodies of animals, is of the utmost importance. To them it is food and sustenance. They consume it with avidity. Out of it they construct their tissues, producing forms far more permanent than those of animals, opt to be consumed by animals and again pass through the circuit of nature. Matter, therefore, is not only indestructible, but certain kinds cu it are ceaselessly passing through living creatures. Even Ulan himself cannot claim as individual property the atoms which build up the organs of his body. They are not even the Property of collective humanity, but have passed innumerable times through animal and plant creations. What a humiliating jesson this elementary scientific fact teaches us. The very oodles in which we take so much pride, and which we care for 80.tenderly, are merely passing forms of matter in which the Bpirit is clothed for a brief time. We die, and our corporeal puWcles escape us, never to be regained. ■the ancient doctrine of transmigration we may reject when aPplied to the soul, about which we know nothing, but in the ease of matter it is indubitable. Indeed, we may say that suffi- hlent time being granted, it is as much a property of matter as Uidestructibility itself. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 32. Extensibility and Impenetrability.—The first of these is the property by which matter occupies a certain fixed portion of space. £y impenetrability we understand that two portions of matter cannot occupy the same portion of space at the same time. If we press a ottle mouth downwards under water, the fluid cannot enter ft® vessel, since it is occupied by air. For the water to gain the air must escape, as we see is the case when the ottle. is immersed mouth upwards, when the rate of egress of e air is exactly proportional to the rate of ingress of the uid. So, a]Boj when a nail is driven into wood, the iron forces xi e w°od to the right and left; the two bodies do not occupy le same space at the same time. Strictly speaking, the term should only be applied to molecules and atoms, some, extension and impenetrability are used as synonymous g has here been said applies equally in the case of 'Called penetrating wounds, the term is not correctly used. c tissues of the body are as impenetrable as any other matter, and snt ]'-ord zs onty admissible with the understanding that there is U Jon of continuity of the tissue. 56 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 33. Gravity and Weight.—Matter may be dealt with under three conditions : molar, molecular, and atomic. The two forces of attraction and motion, which are inherent to matter, may also be considered from three similar points of view. Atomic attractions and motions belong properly to the domain of chemist^. Molecular attractions and motions determine the solid, liquid, or other form of a body, and its relations to light, heat, and electricity. Their consideration belongs to physics. Molar attractions and motions are by many dismissed to the province of mechanics, but we have retained them within that of physics, of which mechanics may be regarded as a subdi- vision (5). Molar attraction when applied to the attraction of the earth for objects on its surface, is called gravity. The resistance re- quired to overcome this attraction is called weight, and is accepted as one of the properties of matter in general. For the determi- nation of the weight of bodies, the student is referred to article 36, on the balance. 34. Centre of Gravity may also be called the centre of weight or attraction. It is the point in a body about which all its parts exactly balance one another. If this point be supported, the whole body will remain at rest in any position in which it may be placed. For many purposes the whole weight of a body may be regarded as being concentrated at its centre of gravity. In bodies of regular geometrical forms, the centre of gravity coincides with the centre of form, and may be easily determined, provided they are of uniform density. In a circle or sphere, it is at the geometrical centre. In a cube, at the crossing of the diagonals. In a cylindrical rod or bar, such as may be mused for the beam of a balance, it is at the centre of its axis. The experimental determination of the centre of gravity of any irregular body, may be accomplished as follows : The body is first suspended by a string attached to one point, the line formed by the string is projected through the object. The point of attachment of the string is then changed, and the new line of suspension projected through the substance. The crossing of these two lines is the centre of gravity of the object. The stability of position of a body depends upon the relations of its centre of gravity to its base. The essential condition is that the centre of gravity must lie vertically within the area occupied by the base. A greater extent of base, other things beino- equal, gives greater stability. The more vertical the centre of gravity over the centre of base, the greater the stability. The less the altitude of the body, the greater the stability. The combination of all of these conditions gives the most GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 57 complete stability. A serious deficiency in any one of them may make the body exceedingly unstable, as when we attempt to stand a pyramid upon its apex. Though the centre of gravity may then be vertically over the centre of the supporting base, the latter is so minute that the slightest movement throws the centre of gravity to one side, or the other, of the supporting surface, and the body falls. 35. Stability of Position in Animals.—ln quadrupeds, stability of position in the standing attitude is very great since their base of support is large, being represented by the area enclosed by their four feet, when in contact with the ground, and the centre of gravity is almost vertically over its centre. So little effort is required to maintain the erect position in these creatures, that they may often be seen sleeping in that attitude. JSText in sta- bility to quadrupeds, come the kangaroos. These, though biped in appearance, actually use the tail as a third leg, and so increase their base of support. In bipeds like man, the base of support is so small that numerous trials are required before the power to keep the erect position is acquired. In the act of walking, by bending for- wards, the centre of gravity is thrown first over one foot, and then over the other, as is imitated in the toy called the tumbler. ■According as the width of the pelvis is greater, the adjustment °f the centre of gravity to the position of the feet requires greater extent of motion. Hence, the lateral sway seen in the walk of woman compared with that of man. The same move- ment is for a like reason exaggerated to a still greater extent in waddling walk of the duck and goose. The necessity of a continual adjustment of the centre of gravity to the supporting base, compels us to seek in surround- |jig objects some standard, by which we may ourselves maintain uu vertical position. Vertigo and sickness often result when We are deprived of these standards of comparison. Hence, on rupboard, the continued departure of the objects in our vicinity °m the perpendicular line, destroying the ordinary means of c°mpai'isons, we suffer from sea-sickness. The discomforts of this °udition may often be avoided by lying flat on the back, and poping the eyes tightly closed. Sea-sickness is also in part due irregular pressure upon the internal organs produced by the 10tion, especially is this the case with the brain. Tb ®a^ance-—Of balances there are numerous forms, (pi ? ordinary balance consists of a rod of metal called the beam, as 1S-|S^ be as nearly inflexible as possible. It is mounted pa. Ver of the first class, the fulcrum being a triangular prism i ssing through the beam, and so adjusted that it rests on one of PROPERTIES OF MATTER. its edges. This is commonly called the knife-edge or axis of support. The axis, in the finer kinds of balance, is supported on polished plates of agate to enable it to move with the least fric- tion possible. Immediately beneath the knife-edge a long Pig. 5. Chemical balance. needle is attached to the beam. It projects downwards, and by its oscillations over a graduated arc, enables us to measure with exactness the movements and position of the beam. From the extremities of the beam the pans are suspended. In the finer kinds the method adopted is by knife-edges attached to the beam ; on these agate surfaces rest which sustain the pans by means of slender wires of platinum. When in use, the object which is to be weighed is placed in one pan; by its attraction for the earth, the pan in which it is placed sinks. Weights of known value are then placed in the opposite pan until the attraction of the earth for the object is overcome, and the beam of the balance assumes the horizontal position, or is equipoised, as is shown by the point of the attached needle oscillating to equal extents on the opposite sides of the zero of its scale. 37. Weights and Weighing.—The most convenient weights to be used in all medical or physiological investigations are the French. They possess the great advantage, first, of being decimal, and, second, they give the means of converting weight into volume, since the cubic centimetre of distilled water"at 4°&C. weighs exactly one gramme, which is the unit of weight. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 59 In addition to the usual weights to he placed in the pan pl the balance, there is a sliding weight, called the rider, which placed on the beam of the balance, and which may he moved bJ means of a sliding rod which passes through the right side of Ihe case of the instrument. The beam bears a graduation of ten Pai‘lß; according as the rider is placed on one or the other of these, it measures one or more tenths of its own weight, which is usually one milligramme. It is well always to use the same pan of the balance for the weights. The most convenient for the majority of persons uiU be the right-hand pan as one sits facing the balance. The sliding rod also is on this side. Substances to be weighed should never be placed directly in the pan of the balance, but a tew thin watch-glasses should be procured. These should be uumbered by diamond scratches on the glass, and the weight of each determined and recorded, or a counterpoise may be made or.each. Either of these devices will save loss of time in Weighing the watch-glass each time it is used. vv hen a weighing is to be executed, the balance should be psted by throwing it into action and seeing that the pointer 'ifrat:eß efiually on each side of the zero of the scale. Any mange in the level of the base should be corrected by the screws and spirit-levels. The watch-glass should then be tested ° see it has not lost any of its weight by accident. The sub- stance is then placed in the watch-glass, and if a counterpoise is used the weight is obtained at once. If only the weight of the Watch-glass is known, this is to be subtracted from the total u eight of the substance and the glass, when the weight of the alone is obtained. . lue weights should not be touched with the fingers, but the PUlcers m the weight-box should be used. To avoid error in fading the weights, they should be removed from the pan and Paced in their order of value, either on the base of the balance 1 °u the table, and counted up in that position before they are in the weight-box. To the weight so obtained, the efitht indicated by the rider should be added if it has been used, tb *^rometric bodies, or substances that absorb moisture from U^r’ Bh°uld be placed in a watch-glass, the edges of which c e ground fine and fit closely, air tight, to a fiat ground-glass ver or £0 another watch-glass. The watch-glass and its should be placed in a hot-air box, and dried at 100° C. e] /°U 8 judged that the exposure has been sufficient, the aparn^er Bh°uld be opened, the watch-glass quickly covered and is ?uVe(* over sulphuric acid in the drying apparatus. It p,i uen to be weighed and the weight recorded. The watch- -18 then uncovered and again exposed in the oven, twenty Unites or so; it is then quickly recovered, cooled, and re- 60 PROPERTIES OF MATTER. weighed. If the weight is the same as before, it is correct. If it has diminished, the operation of heating must be repeated until the substance ceases to lose weight. In a few cases where heat is inadmissible, the drying must be done over sulphuric acid, with or without a vacuum. Light test-tubes closed by rubber stoppers are used sometimes in place of watch-glasses with covers. 38. Essentials in a Good Balance.—Ist. The distances from the edge of suspension of the beam, to the edges of support of the pans on each side, should be exactly equal. 2d. When the pans are empty, the needle should point to the zero of its scale. The long axis of the beam is then in the hori- zontal position. 3d. When the beam is horizontal, its centre of gravity (34) should be vertically beneath the knife-edge of the fulcrum. The sensitiveness of the balance, or its power to determine very small weights, or very small differences between two weights, depends upon three conditions: Ist. The longer the beam, the greater the delicacy of the balance, the length being measured between the points of sus- pension of the pans. 2d. The weight of the beam should be as small as is con- sistent with rigidity. 3d. The centre of gravity of the beam should be as near as possible to the edge of support and beneath it. A good physical or chemical balance, when charged with 1000 grammes, or a kilogramme, in each pan, should indicate a dif- ference of less than YUW a gramme, or a milligramme, between the contents of its pans. 39. Method of Double Weighing.—Though a balance is not quite accurate, it may nevertheless be used for the exact deter- mination of the weight of a substance by the above named device. The operation consists in putting the object in one pan, and then counterpoising it with shot and tinfoil in the opposite pan. The object is then removed from its pan and weights placed therein until the exact weight of the counterpoise is de- termined. This weight represents the weight of the object, since both it and the object have balanced the counterpoise, and are, therefore, equal. 40. Density or Specific Gravity.—A cubic inch of lead is almost forty times as heavy as a cubic inch of cork. As a rule, solids are heavier than liquids. To this there are notable exceptions. Organic and organized bodies generally float on the standard liquid, water. The metals potassium, sodium, and lithium, are GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 61 also lighter than water, lithium being hut little more than half as heavy as that fluid. Mercury, on the contrary, presents us |vith a liquid form, on which all rocks and nearly all metals float. Iron drifts on its surface as readily as wood does on the surface °f water. A very good definition of density or specific gravity is that it repre- sents the weight of a given volume of a body compared with that of an eeactive; to resistance to lateral displacement, sheering; to resist- ance to twisting, torsional. Continued application of a force diminishes the tenacity of a wire; elevation of temperature has the same effect. Tenacity also varies with the form of the bar; it is greater in a cylinder man in a prism, and greater in a hollow than in a solid cylinder. the latter case it reaches its maximum, when the external lad ms is to the internal as 11 to 5. The tenacity of many bodies is greater in one direction than in another. Wood, for Sample, offers greater resistance with the grain than across it. Animal and vegetable structures offer numerous examples of me use of hollow cylinders to increase tenacity. The quills of ii oa^iers5 the bones of animals, and the stems of grain, are ah constructed on this plan. The fibre of the silk-worm has a cnacity equal to that of brass wire, and three or four times that °t a hemp fibre of equal diameter. Ligaments and tendons are Very tenacious. Catguts made of intestines of the sheep and £>° fit, also possess great tenacity. Ihe superiority, in this respect, of iron and steel over other substances is shown by the following table, in which the weight ln tons, supported by a rod one inch square in section, is given. Metals. Cast steel. 45-60 tons. Silver . . 5 tons Wrought iron . 25-30 “ Gold . . 4J “ Ca|f iron . 6-13 “ Zinc . 2 “ Copper . 9-26 “ Tin . U “ Platinum 8 “ Lead . \ “ Woods. Teak 7-9 J tons. Deal . 6 tons. Oak. 4-9“ 11 Beech . . 5 “ Ash. 8 “ 67. Elasticity, in general terms, may be defined as the propertg V virtue of which a body that has been changed by the action of force 1 e9